*y LIBRARY OF THE University of California. GIFT OF Received y..JLqsfi!t.s. > l8 9 c l • xsionNo. 7 J 3J/..0. . • Class No. With the Compliments of The University Court. Matriculation Office, University of Glasgow, June, 1899. A ROLL OF THE GRADUATES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW PUBLISHED BY JAMES MACLEHOSE AND SONS, GLASGOW, $ttblishns to the anibersttB. MACMILLAN AND CO., LTD., LONDON. New York, - - The Macmillan Co. London, - - - Simpkin, Hamilton and Co. Cambridge, - • Macmillan and Bowes. Edinburgh, • Douglas and Foulis. MDCCCXCVIII. A Roll of the Graduates of th< University of Glasgow From 31st December, 1727 To 31st December, 1897 JVith Short Biographical Notes Compiled by W. Innes Addison Assistant to the Clerk of Seriate .\BRAft OF TUB UNIVERSITY Glasgow James MacLehose & Sons, 61 St. Vincent Street Publishers and Booksellers to the University 1898 7 93^0 GLASGOW : PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLEHOSE AND CO, PREFACE The present volume is the outcome of two less ambitious schemes. The Munimenta Alme Universitatis Glasguensis, published in 1854 by the Maitland Club under the editorship of Mr. Cosmo Innes, contains, inter alia, chronological Lists of the Laureati or Graduates from the foundation of the University in 1450-51 down to the close of the year 1727, and an alphabetical Index Nominum affords the means of easy reference to any name appearing in these Lists. The subsequent graduations have been recorded, either in special Registers or in the Minute Books, with, on the whole, praiseworthy completeness and accuracy ; but as no index of this portion had ever been made, the con- stantly occurring task of tracing individual graduates was always attended with great labour and much uncertainty. To remedy this state of matters, the compiler commenced a series of Indices to the various Registers, but, after proceeding some considerable way, it occurred to him that the materials which he had collected were worthy ot better utilization, and that a General Alphabetical Roll of all the Graduates — showing at a glance the several degrees (if more than one) held by each person — would be more serviceable and satisfactory. This scheme was duly carried out, when a further development suggested itself, namely, that short biographical notes should, where possible, be appended. When that had been accomplished in regard to the large majority of the names, there still remained some the particulars of whose after life could not be ascertained. In reference to these an attempt was made to discover at least their parentage or birthplace. The Matriculation Entries, as throwing light on such points, have, therefore, in many instances been quoted, and in others the nationalities, as appearing in the Graduation Albums, are subjoined. vi PREFACE The remaining names (pleasingly few in number) represent graduates whose identity has baffled inquiry. Curiously enough, no separate Registers of Honorary Degrees were kept till the foundation of the New University Buildings in 1868. It thus became necessary to examine all the Minutes of Faculty, Senate, etc., from 1727 downwards, and to make up therefrom the requisite Lists. This inspection of the records afforded an opportunity of noting a few quaint cases of discipline, etc., of checking and verifying the contents of the other Graduation Registers, and, in some early years, of adding names — many of them highly important — which had not been recorded in the ordinary books. The process of compilation has necessarily been attended with somewhat formidable difficulties. The three chief obstacles were (1) identification or differentiation in cases where two or more degrees (e.g., M.A. and M.D.) were granted to persons of the same name at different times ; (2) the ascertainment of full Christian and middle names — a point which had been rather overlooked in the records ; and (3) the collection of biographical matter. It was found that the Matriculation Albums from 1728 to 1858 were unindexed, and to render them serviceable an index of the 17,083 names which they contain had to be prepared. It was also thought desirable to index the Old Class Rolls, contained in four large M.S. volumes, and to collect as many as possible of the Prize Lists prior to the printed set which commences with 1833. These have accordingly been copied from the Glasgow newspaper files for a period of 56 years — namely, 1777 to 1832. The great bulk of the biographical information had, however, to be sought for outwith the academic records. Prior to the commencement in 1859-60 of a General Council Register, the University preserved little trace of its graduates, save in the cases where honorary degrees were conferred, or ordinary degrees granted in special circumstances. From that date to the institution of a Parliamentary Register of Council in 1868, the aid afforded by the Registers was but slight. Even then registration was merely optional, and though, in 188 1, it became compulsory, the remissness of graduates themselves in announc- ing changes of address or occupation, and the neglect of representatives to intimate deaths, have tended greatly to lessen the usefulness of these records as sources of information. They, and the Registration Books on which they are founded, have, however, been exhaustively examined, and their contents have been utilized so far as they seemed reliable. Besides many individual biographies and other publications (such as Calendars, Post-Office Directories, newspapers, etc.) occasionally referred to — not to mention Death Registers and Tombstones — the following are the PREFACE vii principal authorities laid under contribution, and most of them have been compared, name-by-name, with the entries in the Roll : The Dictionary of National Biography, volumes I. to LII. The Imperial Dictionary of Universal Biography, 3 volumes. Anderson's Scottish Nation, 3 volumes. Chambers' Lives of Illustrious and Distinguished Scotsmen, 4 volumes. Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography, 6 volumes. The Dictionary of Australasian Biography. Glasgow, Past and Present, 3 volumes. Peter Mackenzie's Old Reminiscences ot Glasgow and the West of Scotland, 2 volumes. Memoirs and Portraits of One Hundred Glasgow Men, 2 volumes. The Old Country Houses of the Old Glasgow Gentry. Strang's Glasgow and its Clubs. Cleland's Annals of Glasgow, 2 volumes. The University of Glasgow, Old and New, 1450-1891. Duncan's Memorials of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. W. J. Duncan's Literary History of Glasgow. History of the High School of Glasgow. Scott's Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae, 3 volumes. Brown's Annals of the Disruption. M'Kelvie's Annals and Statistics of the United Presbyterian Church. Scott's Annals of the Original Secession Church. Reid's History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, 3 volumes. Killen's History of Congregations of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. Grant's Church Almanac, 15 volumes. Catalogue of the Graduates in Arts, Divinity, and Law of the University of Edinburgh, 1858. Foster's Alumni Oxonienses, 17 15-1888, 2 volumes. Munk's Roll of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 3 volumes. Cameron's History of" the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland. History of the Society of Writers to Her Majesty's Signet. Members of Parliament for Scotland, 135 7-1 882. Debrett's Peerage, Baronetage, Knightage, and Companionage. Oliver & Boyd's Edinburgh Almanac (and its predecessors), 83 volumes. The Medical Directory from 1852 onwards. The Medical Register from 1859 onwards. As might be expected, the cases in which no details of career have been ascertained are mostly those of the earlier graduates, and several circumstances serve to account for this. The lack already referred to of any means whereby the University could keep in touch with alumni resulted in the loss of all trace of graduates who died early, and of those who went abroad. The Edin- viii PREFACE burgh Almanacs were not in existence till nearly the end of the eighteenth century. There was no regular Medical Directory till 1845, and no Medical Register till 1859. Church Almanacs, Law Lists, and Post-Office Directories were practically unknown, and any obituary or other notices in newspapers and Annual Registers related only to men of eminence or notoriety. The ordinary rank and file of mankind were simply ignored. Thanks to Scott's Fasti and the United Presbyterian and Secession Annals, clergymen have been fairly well accounted for, but in all other departments of professional life very little information could be gleaned. The want of printed Lists of Members of the Faculty of Advocates in Edinburgh, and the Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow, was specially felt. Where written and printed records failed, whether in regard to ancient or modern names, recourse was had to correspondence with surviving graduates, the representatives or successors of deceased graduates, ministers of all denominations, and the officials of the various Universities, Presbyteries, Assemblies, and other public bodies. The readiness and courtesy with which information has been supplied by such correspondents (over 2000 in number) call for the most grateful recognition. To those who were consulted in more than single cases, special thanks are due — as, for example, the late Professor Cowan, M.D., LL.D. ; William H. Hill, LL.D. ; John Oswald Mitchell, B.A., LL.D. ; James Finlayson, M.D. ; John Glaister, M.D. ; Alexander Duncan, B.A., Secretary and Librarian to the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow; P. J. Anderson, LL.B., University Librarian, Aberdeen ; J. T. Clark, Librarian to the Faculty of Advocates ; John F. Orr, Clerk to the Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow ; and the Rev. Alexander Gordon of Manchester. Cordial acknowledgments are owing to Professor Stewart, D.D., Clerk of Senate, for unlimited access to the manuscript records of the University; to Professor Dickson, D.D., LL.D., Curator of the Library, and Mr. James Lymburn, Librarian, for special arrangements with regard to the consultation of the biographical collections under their charge ; to Mr. James L. Galbraith, Sub-Librarian, for invaluable and almost daily aid in difficult and doubtful cases ; to Professor Young, M.D., for unwearied interest and countless fruitful hints, as also for reading all the proof sheets; to Professor Ferguson, LL.D., for much kindly advice and encouragement ; to Mr. James Coutts, M.A., for the loan of General Council Registers and Registration Books ; to Mr. Alex- ander Sinclair (Manager of the Glasgow Herald), and the Directors of Stirling's Library, for facilities in the copying of the old Prize Lists ; and to the Trustees of Dr. Williams' Library, London, for permitting extracts to be taken PREFACE ix from a manuscript in their possession relative to the careers of Williams' Scholars. A few words may be necessary regarding the phraseology of entries which are not altogether self-explanatory. " Scotus," "Anglus," " Hibernus," etc., bearing to be taken from the Graduation Albums, are therein inscribed by the graduates themselves, and may be held as correctly stating the countries of birth in these particular cases. " F.N.," which often occurs in matriculation entries, is a contraction for "Alius natu," and " V.D.M." represents " Verbi Dei Ministri." The localities (other than nationalities) noted after the names of medical graduates are meant to show the successive places where, according to the Medical Directories, they have resided or practised. Such an entry as " Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow ; Edinburgh ; London," would mean that the graduate commenced his professional life on shipboard, and that he subsequently resided or practised, first in Glasgow, second in Edinburgh, and finally in London. Where a graduate is stated to have been intended for the ministry in " South Britain," it may be taken that he was a Williams' Scholar. The Brunton Memorial Prize is awarded to the most distinguished graduate in Medicine, and the Logan Medal and Prize to the most distinguished graduate in Arts, of each year. The omission, except in a few very special instances, of all reference to the published writings of Graduates was made intentionally. To obtain absolutely complete particulars on such a point was clearly impossible, and, in any case, their inclusion would have swelled the book to undue dimensions. The alter- native of making a selection was equally objectionable, and would have proved an extremely delicate and invidious task. Where such a mass of names, dates, and facts is concerned, it would be vain to expect that no inaccuracies have crept in. It is earnestly REQUESTED THAT ALL SUCH AS ARE DETECTED MAY BE NOTIFIED TO THE COMPILER, WHO WILL ALSO WELCOME ANY DETAILS TENDING TO SUPPLY, SUPPLEMENT, OR AMEND THE BIOGRAPHIES OF GRADUATES. Among the Appendices will be found a Table showing the numbers of persons on whom the various degrees were conferred in each year of the period covered, the grand total of degrees being 15,360. The total number of graduates, as distinguished from degrees, is 10,780. It will be observed that there is one D.C.L. (the Earl of Selkirk, 1745), the only instance in which that high degree has ever been bestowed by this or any of the other Scottish Universities. The Bachelorship of Surgery, instituted in 18 19, was evidently not a success, for only seven persons received it, and none after 1822. It has, however, been revived by Ordinance of the recent Universities Commission. x PREFACE In order to bring the work completely down to the date of publication, all additional biographical information arising or obtained after the main Roll (ending with the Graduates of 1896) had gone to press is noted in the Appendix, and the names of the Graduates of 1897 have also been added. There is likewise inserted a List of the Members of Senate from 1727 to 1897, w i tn biographical notices of those whose names do not appear in the Roll. This is followed by a List of the Subscribers to the volume. Though this work is published with the sanction of the University Court, it must be understood that the compiler is alone responsible for its contents and its shortcomings. W. I. A. Matriculation Office, University of Glasgow, February, 1898. CONTENTS PAGE ROLL OF GRADUATES, 1727 to 1896, 1 APPENDICES : I. Additional Biographical Information regarding Graduates on "Roll," 671 II. Degrees conferred during 1897 on Persons already Graduates, 673 III. Degrees conferred during 1897 on Persons not already Graduates, 675 IV. Table showing number of Degrees granted in each year, - 678 V. Members of Senate, 1727 to 1897, 682 VI. List of Subscribers, 691 ROLL OF GRADUATES ABBE, CLEVELAND, LL.D. 1896. Professor of Meteorology in the Columbian University, Washington, and head of the Meteorological Office there ; born in New York City, 3rd December, 1838. ABBOTT, JOHN, M.D. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ABBOTT, JOHN CARSON, M.B., CM. 1895. Brooklyn, U.S.A. ABBOTT, RICHARD THEOPHILUS, M.D. 1856. Surgeon-Major, H.M. Indian Service; Edinburgh; Bray, Co. Wicklow; died 1881. ABDURAHMAN, ABDULLAH, M.B., CM. 1893. Cape Town, South Africa. ABERCROMBIE, PETER HENDERSON, M.B., CM. 1890, M.D. 1895. Glasgow ; Paisley ; London. ABERCROMBIE, RALPH, B.A. 1859, M.A. i860. Minister of United Methodist Free Church, Norwich. ACWORTH, JAMES, M.A. 1823, LL.D. 1847. Minister of the Baptist Church at Leeds, 1823-35 '> President of the Baptist College at (1) Horton, Bradford, 1835-59, and (2) Rawdon, near Leeds (to which it was removed), 1859-63; born 1st August, 1798; died 13th October, 1883. • ACWORTH, WILLIAM, M.A. 1828. B.A. Oxon. 1833, M.A. 1836; Curate of Cossington, Leicestershire, 1832-36; Vicar of Rothley, same county, 1836-53; Vicar of Plumstead, Kent, 1853-64; Rector of Walton West cum Talbenny, Pembroke, 1870-75 ; Vicar of South Stoke, Somerset, 1875-85, when he resigned (alive 9th Sept., 1897, aged 94). ADAIR, WILLIAM, M.A. 1775. " Filius unicus Alexandri Agricolae quondam in parochia de Kirkmichael et comitatu de Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1771]. 2 ROLL OF GRADUATES ADAIR, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1804. " Rev." (no further designation given in Minutes). ADAIR, WILLIAM, M.A. 1814. "Filius natu Secundus Jacobi Agricolae in parochia de Drumara in comitatu de Down" [Matric. Alb. 181 1]. ADAIR, WILLIAM, CM. 1827. ADAM, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1880. Glasgow ; Beaufort, Victoria, Australia. ADAM, ANDREW, B.A. 1776, M.A. 1777. "Films natu maximus Andreae Mercatoris in Falkirk" [Matric. Alb. 1773J. ADAM, BASIL JOHN, M.B.,CM. 1886. Glasgow; Beaufort, Victoria, Australia. ADAM, CHARLES, M.D. 1850. Coatbridge; died 25th June, 1881. ADAM, DAVID STOW, M.A. 1881, B.D. 1884. Free Church Minister at (1) Banchory-Ternan, (2) Kelso, (3) St. Andrew's Church, Greenock. ADAM, HECTOR MAIBEN, M.A. 1871, B.D. 1894. Free Church Minister at (1) Marykirk, (2) Bon-Accord, Aberdeen. ADAM, JAMES, M.A. 1883, M.B., CM. 1887. Stirling; Glasgow; Hamilton. ADAM, JAMES, M.A. 1889. Teacher, Glasgow, in (1) Garnethill Public School, (2) Pupil Teachers' Institute. ADAM, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1895. Paisley. ADAM, JAMES, M.A. 1896. Student of Law. ADAM, JAMES ALLAN, M.A. 1881. U.P. Minister at Ellon. ADAM, JOHN, D.D. 1868. Minister of Free Church at (1) Aberdeen, (2) Wellpark, Glasgow; and Home Mission Secretary of Free Church; died 19th November, 1890. ADAM, JOHN, • M.B., CM. 1888. Paisley ; East Wemyss, Fife ; Paisley. ADAM, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Nairn; Forres. ADAM, JOHN EWING, M.B., CM. 1893. Rotherham. ADAM, JOHN JOHNSTONE, M.A. 1826. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 3 ADAM, JOHN MITCHELL, M.B., CM. 1875. Ship Surgeon; Glasgow; Port-Bannatyne, Bute; died 18th September, 1883, aged 31. ADAM, JOHN WILSON, M.B., CM. 1890. Stepps Road ; Tarbolton. ADAM, MATTHEW, M.A. 1808. Taught a School of his own in Glasgow, 1808-11; Rector of the Royal Academy of Inverness, 181 1-39, when retired on a pension; taught in his own house in Glasgow, 1840-50; resident in Ayr, 1850-53; born at Bargeny, Parish of Dailly, Ayrshire, 20th February, 1780; died at Ayr, 10th December, 1853 ; while a lad, wrought extra hours as a Blacksmith, sold nails which he made from cast-off horse shoes, and thereby earned money to take him to the University. ADAM, MATTHEW ATKINSON, B.Sc. 1896. Engineer and Electrician: (1) apprentice to A. & P. Steven, Provanside; (2) draughtsman with Turnbull & Co., Bishopbriggs ; (3) Manual Instructor in City Public School, Glasgow ; (4) on Electric Staff in Lord Kelvin's Standardizing Laboratory, Cambridge Street, Glasgow; (5) assistant to H. A. Mavor, Glasgow; (6) assistant to Marks & Clerk, Chancery Lane, London; son of William Adam, M.A. 1879 (q.v.), and grandson of Matthew Adam, M.A. 1808 (q.v.). ADAM, PETER, B.D. 1890. Minister of Alford since 1896; M.A. Edinburgh, 1886. ADAM, ROBERT HILLHOUSE, M.A. 1885, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1893. Paisley. ADAM, THOMAS, M.A. 1879. Free Church Minister at Cumbernauld. ADAM, THOMAS, M.A. 1894. (1) Teacher in (a) Rosevale Street School, Partick, (b) Hamilton Crescent School there ; (2) student of Medicine. ADAM, THOMAS BEAT, M.B., CM. 1879, M.D. 1882. Glasgow; Foo-Chow, China; Brechin. ADAM, WILLIAM, M.A. 1879. Head Master of (1) Newton-on-Ayr F.C. School, 1854-68, (2) Day School, Glasgow Mechanics' Institution, 1869-72, (3) Hampton Court Academy, Glasgow, 1872-79, (4) City Public School, Glasgow, 1880-95, (5) Henderson Street Public: School there, since 1895; son of Matthew Adam, M.A. 1808 (q.v.), and father of Matthew Atkinson Adam, B.Sc. 1896 (q.v.). ADAM, WILLIAM JOHN, M.B., CM. 1876. Glasgow ; Somerset County Ayslum ; Glasgow ; Biggar ; Glasgow ; Rugeley, Staffs. ; London. ADAM, WILLIAM THOM, M.B., CM. 1883. King's Kettle, Fife ; Workington, Cumberland ; Shelf, Yorks. 4 ROLL OF GRADUATES ADAMS, BENJAMIN, - B.A. 1774. " Filius natu Quintus Allani Armigeri in Parochia de Knockbride in comitatu de Cavan in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1772]. ADAMS, FRANCIS, LL.D. 1846. Medical Practitioner at Banchory-Ternan, Aberdeenshire ; translator of Hippocrates, etc., and author of several learned works ; born at Lumphanan, 13th March, 1796; died 26th February, 1861; M.D. Aberdeen, 1856. ADAMS, GILBERT, M.D. 1853. Native of Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A. ; probably settled there. ADAMS, JAMES, M.A. 1817. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Castlederg, 1820-37 ; died 22nd May, 1837. ADAMS, JAMES ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1878, M.D. 1881. Glasgow; assistant to Professor of Anatomy in the University, 1883-90; Lecturer on Surgical Diseases of Children in St. Mungo's College; Degree Examiner on Surgery and Clinical Surgery in the University from 1st January, 1897. ADAMS, JOHN, M.A. 1765. Possibly one of (a) John Adams, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Donaghadee, 1772-79, who died 9th January, 1779, {b) John Adams, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Scriggan, 1774-89, who died 8th June, 1789. ADAMS, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1871. Hamilton; died 1881. ADAMS, JOHN, M.A. 1884, B.Sc. 1888. (1) Headmaster of Jean Street Public School, Port-Glasgow; (2) Rector of Grammar School, Campbeltown ; (3) Rector of Free Church Training College, Aberdeen. ADAMS, JOHN, M.A. 1886, B.D. 1888. Free Church Minister at Inverkeillor. ADAMS, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow. ADAMS, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.A. 1813. Possibly the same person as John Adams, Irish Presbyterian Minister at (1) Monaghan, 1818-20, (2) Strabane, 1820-27, and who died 17th December, 1827. ADAMS, JOHN ESSLEMONT, M.A. 1888, B.D. 1892. Free Church Minister of Dreghorn and Perseton. ADAMS, MATTHEW, M.A. 1812. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Corlea, 1824-33, when "disannexed from the congregation by a Committee of Synod, but, conducting himself improperly afterwards, was eventually degraded " [Hist, of Irish Presb. Congregations, p. 107]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 5 ADAMS, ROBERT, M.A. 1803. Possibly the same person as Robert Adams, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Clare; ordained 1807; died circa 1840. ADAMS, ROBERT, M.D. i860. Surgeon Army; died 10th April, 1874. ADAMS, THOMAS, M.D. 1800. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. ADAMS, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1873. Kirkintilloch; Paisley; died 4th January, 1875. ADAMS, WILLIAM STANLEY, M.D. 1862, CM. 1862. Hamilton; Hong Kong, China; London. ADAMSON, DAVID, CM. 1818. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ADAMSON, JAMES, M.D. 1869. Hetton-le-Hole, Co. Durham. ADAMSON, JAMES, M.A. 1885. Minister, Maree, New South Wales. ADAMSON, JOHN GEORGE, M.A. 1867. M.D. (Queen's Univ., Ireland, 1872); Gilford, Co. Down; Bellaghy, Co. Derry; Lurgan, Co. Armagh; J.P. ; died 12th June, 1890, aged 43. ADAMSON, ROBERT, LL.D. 1883. Professor of Logic in (1) Victoria University, Manchester, 1876-93, (2) University of Aberdeen, 1893-95, (3) University of Glasgow since 1895 ; M.A. Edinburgh, 1871. ADAMSON, WILLIAM FRANCIS, M.A. 1876. (1) E.U. Minister at Ayr; (2) E.U. (Congregational) Minister at Galashiels. ADDIE, CHARLES MORGAN, M.A. 1792. Minister of Pittenweem ; died 22nd February, 1834, aged 6^. ADDIE, JOHN, M.A. 1884. Minister of Wilson U.P. Church, Perth. AFFLECK, JOHN, M.D. 1832. Jedburgh ; died i860. ** AFFLECK, JOHN, M.A. 1865. B.Sc. Edin. 1866; D.Sc. Edin. 1867; Government Inspector of Chemical Works. AGAR, JOHN HENRY, M.D. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. AGNEW, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1750. " Filius natu maximus Patricii Agnew de Dalragle in com. Gallovidiae " [Matric. Alb. 1746]. 6 ROLL OF GRADUATES AGNEW, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1889. Second Master of Hamilton Crescent Public School, Particle; died 30th May, 1894, aged 33. AGNEW, ALEXANDER PERCY, M.B., CM. 1890. Burnley, Lanes. ; Padiham, Lanes. AGNEW, DAVID, M.D., CM. 1861. Glasgow; Paisley; Dunoon; Glasgow; died 1888. AGNEW, EDWARD JONES, CM. 1827. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. AGNEW, JAMES FRANCIS, M.B., CM. 1896. Melbourne. AGNEW, JAMES WILSON, M.D. 1839. Practitioner in Hobart Town, Tasmania; J. P. 1862; M.L.C 1877-81 and 1884-87; Premier and Chief Secretary of the Colony, 1886-87. AGNEW, JOHN, M.A. 18 12. " Filius natu 2 dus Johannis, Mercatoris, Nova Eboraci in America " [Matric. Alb. 18 1 2]. AGNEW, JOHN, M.A. 1816. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. AGNEW, ROBERT, M.D. 1796. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. AGNEW, ROBERT RANKINE, M.A. 1890. (1) Science Master in Secondary Department of Woodside School, Glasgow; (2) English Master in Pupil Teachers' Institute there. AHMED, ZALNOOR ALLEE, M.B. 1872, M.D. 1873. London; Gowhatty, Assam; Surgeon-Lieut-Col. I.M.S. Bengal. AIKEN, JAMES, M.A. 1863. Writer, Glasgow. AIKEN, JAMES, M.A. 1890. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. AIKEN, JOHN BELCH, M.A. 1867. Writer, Glasgow. AIKENHEAD, JOHN, M.D. 1839. Manchester; sometime Lecturer on Forensic Medicine to Chatham Street Medical School. AIKMAN, CHARLES MORTON, M.A. 1883, B.Sc. 1885, D.Sc. 1894. Analyst in Glasgow; Lecturer on Agricultural Chemistry in Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, 1888-93; Professor of Chemistry in Glasgow Veterinary College, 1893-94; thereafter Lecturer on Chemistry and Agricultural Chemistry under University Extension Scheme; Degree Examiner on Chemistry in the University, 1891-95. ROLL OF GRADUATES 7 AIKMAN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1871, M.D. 1874- Glasgow; London; Guernsey; son of John Logan Aikman, D.D. (q.v.). AIKMAN, JOHN LOGAN, D.D. 1885. Minister of (1) St. James's Place Relief Church, Edinburgh, 1845-56, (2) Anderston U.P. Church, Glasgow, 1856-85 ; born at Lanark 10th March, 1820; died 13th September, 1885. AIKMAN, MATTHEW. M.A. 1895. Student of Medicine. AINGER, ALFRED, LL.D. 1885. Curate of Alrewas, Staffs., 1860-64; Second Master in Sheffield Collegiate School, 1864-66; Reader at the Temple Church, London, 1866-92; Master of the Temple, 1894. AINSLIE, JAMES LYON, M.A. 1896. Intends to qualify for ministry of English Presbyterian Church. AINSWORTH, THOMAS, B.A. 1823. "Fil. nat. maximus Thomae Mercatoris in Preston in comit. Lancastriensi " [Matric. Alb. 18 19]. AINSWORTH, WILLIAM THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1893. Sunderland ; Windhill, Yorks. AIRD, ALEXANDER WALLACE, M.B., CM. 1886. Galston ; Newmilns. AIRD, HUGH, M.A. 1851, D.D. 1889. Minister of City Road U.P. Church, Brechin; died 18th July, 1895, aged 70. AIRD, JOHN, M.A., M.D. 1772. "Was a Practitioner in Medicine for several years in Antigua" [Univ. Minute, 5th June, 1772]. AIRD, ROBERT, M.A. 1890. (1) Teacher in Newmilns Public School, Loudoun, Ayrshire ; (2) Mathematical and Science Master in Grammar School, Campbeltown; (3) Headmaster of Tarbert Public School, Lochfyne. AIRLIE, EARL OF, LL.D. 1879. Ninth Earl; K.T.; Lord High Commissioner to General Assembly of Church of Scotland, 1872-73; born 4th May, 1826; died 25th September, 1881. AIRSTON, WILLIAM BAIRD, M.A. 1828, M.D. 1832. Paisley ; Broomrigg, Dumfriesshire ; St Andrews ; graduated as " William Baird"; died 10th January, 1870. AITCHISON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1793. Writer in Glasgow; admitted Member of Faculty of Procurators, nth June 1795; born 1772; died 14th February, 1848. 8 ROLL OF GRADUATES AITKEN, DAVID, M.A. 1881. Teacher in (1) Lasswade School, Midlothian, (2) Merry Street School, Motherwell. AITKEN, GEORGE, M.D. 1864. Rutherglen; Prince Albert, Cape of Good Hope; died 3rd December, 1876. AITKEN, GEORGE JEFFREY, M.A. 1896. Teacher in Copeland Road Public School, Govan. AITKEN, GEORGE RIDDELL, M.A. 1894. Minister of Kirkintilloch United Original Secession Church since 1896. AITKEN, JAMES, M.A. 1772. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. AITKEN, JAMES, M.A. 1782. " Natus in parochia de Carstairs, et comitatu de Lanark, filius natu maximus Gulielmi Agricolae in supradict." [Matric. Alb. 1776]. AITKEN, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow ; Milnathort ; Lancaster. AITKEN, JAMES, M.A. 1890. Probationer of U.P. Church; Assistant at Union Church, Valparaiso, Chili. AITKEN, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow; Ilford, Essex. AITKEN, JAMES ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow. AITKEN, JAMES MACALL, M.D. i860. Kilmarnock; died 10th January, 1872. AITKEN, JAMES RICHMOND, M.A. 1891. Baptist Minister at (1) Pitlochry, 1893-94, (2) Olney, Bucks, since 1894. AITKEN, JOHN, M.A. 181 5, M.D. 1839. Glasgow; sometime Registrar of Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons; died 27th December, 1861, aged 75. AITKEN, JOHN, M.D. 1866. Govan ; died 1 1 th March, 1 880, aged 4 1 . AITKEN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1878, M.D. 1886. Glasgow; Buckhaven, Fife. . AITKEN, JOHN RUSSELL, M.A. 1893. Qualifying for degree of LL.B. AITKEN, PATRICK HENDERSON, M.A. 1881, B.D. 1884, B.Sc. 1889. Minister of the Scottish Church at Dulwich, London. AITKEN, ROBERT, B.L. 1881. Writer, Edinburgh. ROLL OF GRADUATES g AITKEN, ROBERT YOUNG, M.B., CM. 1893. Birkenhead. AITKEN, THOMAS, M.A. 1818. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. AITKEN, THOMAS MARTIN, B.Sc. 1894. Engineer in Glasgow. AITKEN, SIR WILLIAM, LL.D. 1888. M.D. Edin. 1848; LL.D. Edin. 1888; F.R.S. ; Professor of Pathology, Army Medical School, Netley ; died 25th June, 1892, aged 67. AITKEN, WILLIAM BLAIR, M.B., CM. 1883. Dairy, Ayrshire; Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Colac there; James Town there. AITKENHEAD, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1895. High Blantyre. AITKIN, ROBERT, M.A. 1745. "Filius Gulielmi Aitkine Fabri lignarii in urbe de Pasley" [Matric. Alb. 1738]. AITKINE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1747. "Filius Gulielmi Aitken Hortulani Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1742]. AITON, JOHN, D.D. 1836. Minister of Dolphington; born at Strathaven, June, 1797; died 15th May, 1863. AITON, THOMAS, B.A. 1859. Minister of (1) Sauchie, (2) Livingston. AITON, WILLIAM, ' B.L. 1881. Writer, Glasgow. ALCOCK, ABRAHAM, M.D. 1834. Surgeon H.E.I.C. Service; New Ross, Ireland; died 1884. ALCORN, THOMAS COKE, M.D. 1832. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. ALDCORN, ANDREW, M.D. 1829. Oban. ALDRIDGE, JOHN, M.D. 1842. Dublin: (1) Lecturer on Botany there; (2) Lecturer on Chemistry there; (3) Professor of Chemistry, Apothecaries' Hall, Ireland; (4) Professor of Chemistry, Steevens's Hospital ; head of the Chemical Department of Bewley and Evans, Sackville Street; born 10th October, 1810; died 26th December, 1872. ALEXANDER, ANDREW, M.A. 1745. Irish Presbyterian Minister of Urney and Sion, 1749 to 1808; died 30th April, 1808. 10 ROLL OF GRADUATES ALEXANDER, ANDREW, M.A. 1815. Taught Humanity Class in Glasgow University, 1814-15; Regent and Pro- fessor of Moral Philosophy in Aberdeen University, 1819-20; Professor of Greek in St. Andrews University, 1820-59; died 5th June, 1859, aged 72; LL.D. Aberdeen, 1848. ALEXANDER, ANDREW, M.D. 1829. Troon. ALEXANDER, ANDREW, M.A. 1879. L.F.P.S.G. etc. 1885; sometime Teacher, thereafter Surgeon, Spittal; Edinburgh ; London. ALEXANDER, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1874. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Sydenham, Christchurch, N.Z., (2) Pleasant Point, Timaru, N.Z., (3) Spittal, Berwick-on-Tweed. ALEXANDER, ARCHIBALD BROWNING DRYSDALE, M.A. 1879. U.P. Minister at Langbank. ALEXANDER, ARCHIBALD SPEIRS, M.B., CM. 1885, M.D. 1888. Plymouth. ALEXANDER, ARTHUR, CM. 1836. " Hybernus, Lame " [Grad. Alb.]. ALEXANDER, CHARLES ANGUS, M.B., CM. 1890. Kilbarchan; Johnstone; Denny. ALEXANDER, DAVID RITCHIE, M.A. 1888, B.D. 1892. Minister of the U.P. Church at Urr since 1896. ALEXANDER, GEORGE BOYLE, M.A. 1853. U.P. Missionary at Ebenezer, Jamaica; born at Dairy 4th August, 1828; died at Partick, Glasgow, 15 th March, 1895. ALEXANDER, GILCHRIST GIBB, M.A. 1893. Logan Medallist ; Barrister-at-Law, London. ALEXANDER, JAMES, M.A. 18 18. Possibly the same as James Alexander, Presbyterian Minister at Donough- more, Co. Donegal, 1831-68, who died sometime after 12th March, 1868. ALEXANDER, JAMES, M.D. 182 1. Surgeon for ten years in Military Hospitals and to Scots Greys; Newcastle- on-Tyne ; died 20th March, 1877, aged 84. ALEXANDER, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1890, M.D. 1894. Ship Surgeon; Kilmarnock; Galston. ALEXANDER, JOHN, M.A. 1850. U.P. Minister at New Deer, 1856-65, when retired on account of ill health; died at Glasgow nth August, 1871. ALEXANDER, JOHN, M.A. 1886. Minister of U.P. Church, Pitcairn, Perth. ROLL OF GRADUATES II ALEXANDER, JOHN BROWN, M.A. 1876. Minister, Hawaiian Islands. ALEXANDER, JOHN HENRY, M.B., CM. 1881. Dundonald. ALEXANDER, JOHN TURK, M.D. 1855. Native of County Antrim. ALEXANDER, JOSEPH, M.A. 1844. "Filius natu max. Davidis agricolae in parochia de Taughboyne et comitatu de Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1841]. ALEXANDER, JOSIAS, M.A. 1803. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ALEXANDER, MORRICE, M.D. 1816. "Surgeon in the Army" [Univ. Minute, 30th March, 1816]. ALEXANDER, PETER, M.A. 1870. Mathematical Teacher, Glasgow; Lecturer on Mathematics in Queen Mar- garet College, and Professor of Physics in Anderson's College there; died 8th March, 1895. ALEXANDER, ROBERT, M.A. 1880. Head Master of (1) South Woodside School, Glasgow, 1873-79, ( 2 ) Burnbank Public School there, 1879-83, (3) Grove Street Public School there, since 1883. ALEXANDER, SAMUEL, ' M.B., CM. 1883, M.D. 1886. Glasgow ; Larkhall. ALEXANDER, SAMUEL PHILIP, M.B., CM. 1885, M.D. 1888. Glasgow ; Huddersfield ; Southsea. ALEXANDER, THOMAS, M.A. 1791. Possibly the same person as Thomas Alexander, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Cairncastle, from 1793 to 1829, and who seceded in the latter year. ALEXANDER, THOMAS, M.D. 1852. Glasgow ; died 15th December, 1869. ALEXANDER, THOMAS GRAY, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow; died 13th December, 1894, aged 33. ALEXANDER, WALTER, M.A. 1888. Licentiate of the Free Church. ALEXANDER, WILLIAM, CM. 1834, M.D. 1836. Dundonald; J. P. for County of Ayr. ALEXANDER, WILLIAM, M.A. 1874. Journalist in Ayrshire; born at Carmyllie, Forfarshire, 1854; died December, 1875; buried in Carmyllie Churchyard. ALEXANDER, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1895. Kilmarnock. * 12 ROLL OF GRADUATES ALEXANDER, WILLIAM HENRY MASON, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow ; Bargeddie ; Old Deer. ALEXANDER, WILLIAM MENZIES, M.A. 1883, B.Sc 1884, M.B., CM. 1888, B.D. 1889, M.D. 1891. F.C. Missionary College, Bombay. ALISON, SIR ARCHIBALD, BART., LL.D. 1876. Born 21st January, 1826; son of Sir Archibald Alison, the historian of Europe; Captain 72nd Highlanders, 1846; Brevet Major, 1856; Lieutenant Colonel, 1858; Colonel, 1867; Major General, 1877; Lieutenant General, 1882; General, 1889; retired 1893; served (a) in Crimea and Indian Mutiny (Military Secretary to Lord Clyde) and lost an arm at relief of Lucknow, {b) at Gold Coast in Ashantee Expedition of 1873-74, and (c) in military expedition to Egypt in 1882, leading Highland Brigade at battle of Tel-el-Kebir ; G.C.B. ; LL.D. Edin. 1884. ALISON, FRANCIS, D.D. 1756. Went to America 1735; was Pastor of a Presbyterian Church, and at same time a Teacher in New London, Pa., till 1752, when he assumed direction of an Academy in Philadelphia; after 1755, Vice-Provost and Professor of Moral Philosophy in the College of Philadelphia, besides officiating as Pastor of the First Church in that city; born in County Donegal, Ireland, 1705; died in Philadelphia 28th November, 1799; by his will he emancipated his slaves. ALISON, JOHN, M.A. 1854. Minister of (1) Middle Parish, Paisley, (2) Bonhill, (3) Newington, Edinburgh ; D.D. St. Andrews, 1883; son-in-law of Andrew Macgeorge, LL.D. (q.v.). ALLAN, ARTHUR, M.A. 1882. Minister of Fairlie. ALLAN, ARTHUR WILLIAM, B.L. 1893. Writer, Glasgow. ALLAN, CHARLES, M.A. 1890. Minister of East Bank U.P. Church, Hawick. ALLAN, DAVID, CM. 1822. "F. n. 3 tius Dav is Artificis Glasg." [Matric. Alb. 1815]. ALLAN, GEORGE FREDERIC, M.A. 1877, LL.B. 1880. Writer, Glasgow. ALLAN, GEORGE RICHARD, B.A. 1861, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1883. Glasgow; died there 12th June, 1896. ALLAN, HENRY, M.A. 1885. Shipowner, Glasgow. ALLAN, JAMES, B.A. 1853. Minister of Greenhead Parish, Glasgow ; died 1873. ALLAN, JAMES, M.B. 187 1. Harrington; Newmilns ; died 6th July, 1872, aged 21. ROLL OF GRADUATES 1 3 ALLAN, JAMES, M.A. 1892. Teacher in (1) Glasgow E.C. Normal School, (2) Alyth Public School, (3) High School, Dundee. * ALLAN, JAMES ALEXANDER, M.D., CM. 1861. Staff-Surgeon R.N. ; died 9th October, 1876. ALLAN, JAMES PAUL, M.D. 1859. Duntocher ; Dalmuir ; Renfrew. ALLAN, JAMES WATSON, M.B., CM. 1869. Glasgow ; Inverkip ; Ship Surgeon ; Fort-William ; Glasgow ; Superintendent of Belvidere Fever Hospital there, 1875-93. ALLAN, JOHN, M.A. 1756. Minister of Row, 1761 to 1812; died 28th March, 1812, aged 75. ALLAN, JOHN, M.D. 1808. " Scotus " [Grad. Alb.] ; was a Minister previous to graduation in Medicine. ALLAN, JOHN, D.D. 1815. East India Company's Chaplain at Madras, 1814-22; died nth December, 1822. ALLAN, JOHN, M.A. 1872. Surveyor of Taxes. ALLAN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1885, M.D. 1891. Alyth ; Klerksdorp, Transvaal, S. Africa. ALLAN, PETER STEWART, M.A. 1887. Born at Crosshill, Glasgow ; intended for the legal profession ; died at Crieff 5th June, 1889, aged 20. ALLAN, ROBERT, CM. 1837. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ALLAN, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1884. Ardrossan. ALLAN, ROBERT LEISHMAN, M.D., CM. 1862. Glasgow; Greenock; died 21st February, 1868. ALLAN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1838. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ALLAN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1877. U.P. Minister at (1) Holywell, (2) Blackfriars Street, Edinburgh. ALLAN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1879. Cramlington, Northumberland ; Edmondsley, Durham. ALLAN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1886. Uddingston ; Ship Surgeon ; Govan. 14 ROLL OF GRADUATES ALLAN, WILLIAM. B.Sc. 1888. Civil Engineer with (1) Glasgow and South-Western Railway Co., Glasgow, (2) R. M'Alpine & 9bns, Contractors for part of Lanarkshire and Dumbartonshire Railway. ALLAN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1895. Ship Surgeon. ALLAN, WILLIAM CARRICK, M.B., CM. 1885. Montrose; Klerksdorp, Transvaal, S. Africa. ALLAN, WILLIAM CRAWFORD, M.A. 1888. Clergyman at (1) Richmond, (2) Harrogate, (3) Keighley, (4) Bradford. ALLARD, SAMUEL, B.A. 1824. Minister at (1) Hinckley, (2) Stockport (High Street Chapel). ALLARDICE, JOHN, M.A. 1869. Rector of Anderson High School, Lerwick; died 1893. ALLARDICE, WILLIAM CLACHAN, M.B., CM. 1892, M.D. 1896. Montrose ; Macclesfield ; Stoke-on-Trent. ALLARDYCE, JOHN M'CONNACH, M.A. 1891. Missionary (London Mission) Pekin, N. China. ALLBUTT, THOMAS CLIFFORD, LL.D. 1888. M.D. Cantab. 1868; F.R.S. ; Lecturer on Practice of Physic in Leeds School of Medicine; Regius Professor of Physic in Cambridge University; J.P.; D.L. ALLEN, ANDREW, M.A. 1773, LL.D. 1795. Chancellor of the Diocese of Clogher, Vicar General, Official Principal, and Commissary of the Lord Bishop of Clogher, in Ireland. ALLEN, CHARLES, M.A., M.D. 1778. " Practised Physic in the East Indies " [Univ. Minute, 16th November, 1778]. ALLEN, CHARLES, M.A. 1821. Classical Teacher, Convoy, Raphoe, Co. Donegal; died 187 1. ALLEN, JAMES, M.A. 1770. "Joannis Filius natu maximus Agricolae in Parochia de Templemore in Com. de Derry Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1766]. ALLEN, JAMES, CM. 1835. Toronto, Canada. ALLEN, JOHN, M.A. 1801. Dissenting Minister in "South Britain." ALLEN, JOHN, M.A. 1805. Irish Presbyterian Minister at (1) Dunfanaghy and Kilmacrenan, 1812-29, (2) Kilmacrenan from 1829. * ROLL OF GRADUATES 1 5 ALLEN, JOHN, M.A. 1809. "Filius natu minimus Alexandri Agricolae in parochia de Newtonhamilton in Comitatu de Armagh" [Matric. Alb. 1805]. ALLEN, ROBERT, M.A. 1775. "Filius natu secundus Joannis Armigeri in Parochia de Ray & Comitatu de Dunnigal in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1773]. ALLEN, ROBERT, M.A. 1809. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Stewartstown, 1814-49; thereafter Super- intendent of the Connaught Mission; died 1st April, 1865. ALLEN, ROBERT AUSTEN, M.D. 1853. Surgeon-Major Army; died 4th December, 1876, aged 46. ALLEN, ROBERT HUGH, M.B., CM. 1893. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow ; London. ALLEN, SAMUEL, B.A. 1846. "Filius natu secundus viri Reverendi Roberti V.D.M. apud Donaghenery et comitatu de Tyrone" [Matric. Alb. 1843]. ALLEN, THOMAS, CM. 1833. Loughgall, Co. Armagh. ALLEN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1896. London. ALLEN, WILLIAM EDLUND LAWRENCE, M.B., CM. 1888. Barrow-in-Furness ; Manchester ; Hawkshead, Lanes. ALLEN, WILLIAM OWEN, M.D. 1816. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ALLENDER, GEORGE, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.] ALLIN, WILLIAM BRIGGS, M.B. 1872. Glasgow; Ashton-under-Lyne ; Esher, Surrey; Brigade-Surgeon-Lieut.-Col. Army. ALLIOTT, RICHARD, LL.D. 1840. (1) Minister of Castlegate Meeting, Nottingham, 1828-43; (2) Minister of York Road Congregational Chapel, Lambeth, 1843-49; (3) Principal of Western College, Plymouth, 1849-56; (4) Principal of the Countess of Huntingdon's College, Cheshunt, Herts., 1857-60; (5) Principal of Spring Hill College, Birmingham, and Minister of Congregational Church, Acock' s Green there, 1860-63 ; died 20th December, 1863, aged 59. ALLISON, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1862. Coatbridge; Renfrew; Old Kilpatrick; Loanhead, Midlothian. ALLISON, ANDREW, M.A. 1819. "F. n. max. Joannis Agricolae Galston" [Matric. Alb. 1814]. l6 ROLL OF GRADUATES ALLISON, JAMES, CM. 1838, M.D. 1839. " Filius natu maximus Alexandri Agricolae in com. de Lanark " [Matric. Alb. 1833]. ALLISON, JOHN DUNN, M.A. 1890, LL.B. 1893. Writer, Paisley. ALLISON, SAMUEL SMITH, M.A. 1835. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Donegore, 1839-53, (2) Cumber, Co. Derry, 1853-67, (3) Donegore, 1867-84; died 19th November, 1884. ALLISON, THOMAS DUNLOP, M.D. 1858. Surgeon R.N. ; died 23rd November, 1869, aged 32. ALLMAN, WILLIAM H., M.D. 1835. "Hiberna" [Grad. Alb.]. ALLNATT, RICHARD HOPKINS, M.D. 1830. Tunbridge Wells; Frant, Sussex; died 7th January, 1890, aged 86. ALLSWORTH, WALTER, M.B. 1874, CM. 1880. Truro, Cornwall ; Helmsley, Yorks. ; London ; Bromley, Kent. ALMON, WILLIAM JOHNSTON, M.D. 1838. "Ex Nova Scotia" [Grad. Alb. J. ALMOND, HELY HUTCHINSON, LL.D. 1886. Snell Exhibitioner, 1850; B.A. Oxon. 1855; M.A. 1862; Second Master of Merchiston School, 1858-62; Head Master of Loretto School, Musselburgh, since 1862. ALPINE, GEORGE, M.A. 1866, B.D. 1869. Minister of (1) Calderhead, (2) Coats, (3) Dumbarton. ALSTON, ANDREW, M.A. 1889, LL.B. 1892. Writer, Glasgow. ALSTON, HUGH MONTGOMERY, M.D. 1841. Dairy, Ayrshire; died 10th April, 1864, aged 49. ALSTON, JAMES MONTGOMERIE, M.D. 1861. Newarthill; Airdrie. ALSTON, JOHN, M.D. i860. Glasgow; Buenos Ayres. ANDERSON, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1833. Probably Kilsyth. ANDERSON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1881. Minister of the Scottish National Church, Carlisle. ANDERSON, ALEXANDER M'GLASHAN, M.D. 1864. Glasgow; Dundee; died 29th February, 1896, aged 52. ANDERSON, ALEXANDER ROBERT, M.A. 1880. German Master in George Watson's College, Edinburgh, since 1880. ROLL OF GRADUATES 17 ANDERSON, ANDREW, M.D. 1839. Glasgow: sometime Surgeon to Eye Infirmary, and Professor of (1) Phy- siology, (2) Practice of Medicine, in Anderson's College; Examiner for Medical Degrees in the University, 1868-70; born 24th October, 1817; died 28th January, 1870. ANDERSON, ANDREW FERGUSON, M.D. 1854. Glasgow ; Penang ; Singapore ; London. ANDERSON, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in Glasgow University. ANDERSON, ARTHUR ROLAND, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow; son of William Anderson, M.D. 1867 (q.v.). ANDERSON, COLIN ALEXANDER, CM. 1827. Oban. ANDERSON, DAVID, M.D. 1830. Glasgow; died 1831. ANDERSON, DAVID M'LEISH, B.L. 1896. (1) Solicitor, Dundee; (2) H.M. Colonial Service. ANDERSON, FRANCIS, M.A. 1883. Professor of Logic and Mental Philosophy in University of Sydney, N.S.W. ANDERSON, FREDERICK FOTHERINGHAM, M.A. 1832. Free Church Minister at Whithorn; died 21st March, 1891, aged 78. ANDERSON, GEORGE, M.A. 1881, B.D. 1884. Minister of (1) Bothkennar, (2) St. Vincent Parish, Glasgow. ANDERSON, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1881. Halstead, Essex; Middlesbro', Yorks. ; Stockton-on-Tees; died 1892. ANDERSON, HARRY CLEGHORN, M.B., CM. 1892. Greenock ; Birmingham ; Greenock ; Knoydart. ANDERSON, HUGH, CM. 1845. Ballymoney, Co. Antrim; died 1866. ANDERSON, HUGH. M.B., CM. 1873. Glasgow; Billinge, Lanes.; died there 23rd May, 1894, aged 43. ANDERSON, HUGH STEWART, M.A. 1882. Probationer of the Free Church (ordained) ; held charges for some years in Vienna and Tasmania. ANDERSON, JAMES, M.B. 1877. Johnstone ; Paisley ; Poulton-le-Fylde, Lanes. ANDERSON, JAMES, M.A. 1888. Teacher in Church of Scotland Training College, Glasgow, 1887-89; Teacher in Annan Academy, 1889-92; Head Master of Cummertrees Public School since 1892. B 1 8 ROLL OF GRADUATES ANDERSON, JAMES FARIE, M.A. 1879- Writer, Glasgow; LL.B. Edin. 1881. ANDERSON, JAMES RAE, M.D. 1859. Waterbeck, Dumfriesshire; Canonbie, same Co.; died 1896. ANDERSON, JAMES T., M.A. 1833. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ANDERSON, JAMES WALLACE, M.B., CM. 1871, M.D. 1873. Glasgow; Helensburgh; Glasgow, Lecturer on Practice of Medicine in (1) Royal Infirmary Medical School, (2) The University (Women's Department). ANDERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1745. Professor in Glasgow University of (1) Oriental Languages, 1755 to 1757, (2) Natural Philosophy, 1757 to 1796; Founder of the "Andersonian University"; born at Manse of Rosneath 1726; died 13th January, 1796. ANDERSON, JOHN (primus), M.A. 1777. " Filius natu tertius Gulielmi Mercatoris in comitatu de Tyrrone Hiberniae " [Matric. Alb. 17 71]. ANDERSON, JOHN (secundus), M.A. 1777. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ANDERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1790. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ANDERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1809. Minister of the Irish Presbyterian Congregation of Aughnacloy and Ballygawley, 1812-29; died 15th May, 1829. ANDERSON, JOHN, M.D. 1838. London. ANDERSON, JOHN, B.A. 1861. Clerk, 6 Lynedoch Crescent, Glasgow [General Council Register, 1861-62]. ANDERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1865, B.D. 1882. Congregational Minister at (1) Falkirk, 1867-88, (2) Lerwick, 1888-93 (resident in Edinburgh without charge, 1895). ANDERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1871, B.D. 1873. Minister of Kelvinside. ANDERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1892, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. ANDERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1893. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. ANDERSON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow; Cornsay Colliery, Durham. ANDERSON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 1 9 ANDERSON, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1887, M.D. 1890. Glasgow; Stranraer. ANDERSON, JOHN BINNIE M'KENZIE, M.A. 1884, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow. ANDERSON, JOHN GIBSON, M.B., CM. 1893. Silksworth, Co. Durham. ANDERSON, JOHN JAMES STEVENSON, M.B., CM. 1895. Shettleston. ANDERSON, JOHN LINDSAY, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. ANDERSON, JOHN WILLIAM, M.A. 1876. M.B. Edin. 1880, M.D. 1891 ; Edinburgh; Barrow-in-Furness; London. ANDERSON, JOHN WILSON, M.A. 1876, B.L. 1879. Writer, Paisley; died previous to 1889. ANDERSON, JOSEPH, M.A. 1814. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Newtowncrommelin 1826-34, when resigned and emigrated to America. ANDERSON, MATTHEW, M.D. 1832. "Filius natu maximus Joannis, Mercatoris, in com. de Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1826]. ANDERSON, MATTHEW SHARPE, M.A. 1876, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1885. Washington, Durham ; Paisley ; Glengarnock. ANDERSON, ROBERT, M.A. 181 2. " Filius natu Secundus Jacobi Agricolae in parochia de Maghera in comitatu de Londonderry" [Matric. Alb. 1808]. ANDERSON, ROBERT, M.D. 1847. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ANDERSON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1887, M.D. 1893. Glasgow; Dundee; Busby; Shettleston. ANDERSON, ROBERT CAREW, M.D. 1838. Deputy Inspector-General Army; died 1886. ANDERSON, ROBERT CHALMERS, M.A. 1886. Minister of Greengairs, Airdrie. ANDERSON, ROBERT STUART GUTHRIE, M.A. 1884, B.D. 1887. Ordained 13th May, 1889, Minister of St. Helen's U.P. Church, Ontario, Canada. ANDERSON, SAMUEL, B.Sc. 1894, M.B., CM. 1896. Indian Medical Service. 20 ROLL OF GRADUATES ANDERSON, THOMAS, M.A. 1781. Possibly the same person as Thomas Anderson, Irish Presbyterian Minister of Drumquin and Pettigo, Co. Tyrone, 1794 to 181 2, and who died 27th December, 181 2. ANDERSON, THOMAS, LL.D. 1874 M.D. Edin. 1841 ; Professor of Chemistry in Glasgow University, 1852 to 1874; born at Leith 2nd July, 1819; died at Chiswick 2nd November, 1874. ANDERSON, THOMAS ALEXANDER HARVIE, M.A. 1893, B.L. 1896. Writer, Glasgow. ANDERSON, THOMAS M'CALL, M.D. 1858. Professor of (1) Practice of Medicine in Anderson's College, Glasgow, (2) Clinical Medicine in Glasgow University ; born 9th June, 1836. ANDERSON, THOMAS PRIMROSE, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Kiama, N.S. Wales. ANDERSON, THOMAS RANDALL, M.A. 1895. Student of Law. ANDERSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1816. Minister of R.P. Church at Loanhead, near Edinburgh, 1820 to 1866; died 30th June, 1866, aged 71. ANDERSON, WILLIAM, CM. 1820. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ANDERSON, WILLIAM, B.A. 1850, M.A. 1851. Possibly the same person as William Anderson, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Tobermore, 1860-67, when resigned. ANDERSON, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1850. Minister of John Street Relief (U.P.) Church, Glasgow, 1822-72 ; born at Kilsyth 6th January, 1799; died at Uddingston 15th September, 1872. ANDERSON, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1867. Heart's Content, Newfoundland (Medical Officer Anglo-American Telegraph Co.); died 26th January, 1897. ANDERSON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1875. Whithorn; died 1884. ANDERSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1886, LL.B. 1889. Writer, Glasgow. ANDERSON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow; London. ANDERSON, WILLIAM CARRICK, M.A. 1893, B.Sc. 1894. Assistant to Professor of Chemistry in Glasgow University since 1895. ANDERSON, WILLIAM HOWISON, M.B., CM. 1877. Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Fressingfield, Suffolk ; Birkenhead. ROLL OF GRADUATES 21 ANDERSON, WILLIAM STEWART, M.A. 1805, M.D. 1806. "Fil. n. 2 dus Andrese Mercatoris Greenock" [Matric. Alb. 1800]. ANDERSON, WILLIAM STIRLING, M.B., CM. 1871, M.D. 1878. Edinburgh ; Glasgow ; Alnwick ; Middlesbro' ; Chapel-en-le-Frith, Derbyshire. ANDERTON, GEORGE LOW, M.D. 1839. Farnworth, Lanes.; Douglas, Isle of Man; died 27th December, 1890. ANDREW, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1883. Teacher in South School, Paisley. ANDREW, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1890. Barrow-on-Humber ; Auchinleck. ANDREW, GEORGE, M.A. 1883. Native of Coatbridge ; intended to become a Law Agent ; had passed for the Degree of LL.B. at the University of Edinburgh, with Honours, and would have graduated in April, 1887, but died on 28th February that year, aged 23. ANDREW, JAMES, CM. 1823 "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ANDREW, JAMES GRANT, M.B., CM. 1889 Glasgow. ANDREW, ROBERT, M.A. 1877 Minister of Walls, Lerwick. ANDREW, ROBERT BEITH, M.A. 1880, B.D. 1883 U.P. Minister at Glengarnock. ANDREW, WILLIAM SMITH, M.A. 1883 Schoolmaster, Carriden Public School, Bo'ness, since 1882. ANDREWS, EDWARD, LL.D. 1819 Minister of an Independent Congregation in Ireland. ANDREWS, HENRY, M.A. 1812 "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ANDREWS, THOMAS, LL.D. 1877 Vice-President and Professor of Chemistry, Queen's College, Belfast; M.D Edin. 1835; LL.D. Edin. 187 1; F.R.S. ANGUS, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1896 Ship Surgeon. ANNAN, ARCHIBALD JOHNSTON, B.L. 1875 Writer, Glasgow. ANNAN, JOHN, M.A. 1832 "Filius unicus Joannis LL.D. ludimagistri quondam apud Brightelmstone in comitatu de Sussex" [Matric. Alb. 1829]. ANNAN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1791. " Americanus " [Grad. Alb.]. 22 ROLL OF GRADUATES ANTHONY, MICHAEL, M.D. 1844- "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. APJOHN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1835. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. APPLETON, HENRY, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1870. Glasgow ; Darlington ; Elland, Yorks. ; Pateley Bridge, Yorks. ; Staines, Middlesex; London; Bournemouth; Romford, Essex; London; Hull. ARBUCKLE, JOHN HUNTER, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1872. Kilmarnock ; Liverpool ; Greenock ; Wakefield ; Liverpool ; Wakefield ; Kilmarnock. ARCHER, WILLIAM, M.A. 1755. "Filius natu 2 dus Samuelis Archer in Com. de Down" [Matric. Alb. 1753]. ARCHIBALD, JOHN, M.D. 1829. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ARCHIBALD, SAMUEL GEORGE WILLIAM, LL.D. 1822. Member of House of Assembly, and Crown Officer for Province, of Nova Scotia. ARMOR, SAMUEL, M.A. 1807. Possibly the same person as Samuel Armour, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Drumquin, 1812-44, who died 10th March, 1844. ARMOR, SAMUEL, M.A. 1824. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Inch, near Derry, 1833-53; died nth June, i853- ARMOUR, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1871. Crook, Co. Durham; Stockton-on-Tees; died 1880. ARMOUR, JAMES, M.D. 1827. Lecturer on Midwifery and Medical Jurisprudence in College Street Medical School, Glasgow; afterwards Professor of Midwifery in Anderson's College there; died of typhus fever 1831. ARMOUR, JOHN, M.A. 1747- "Filius Gulielmi in parochia de Killcliff in Com. de Down" [Matric. Alb. 1744]; Armagh Bursar; Went to Virginia [Univ. Minute, 4th April, 1750]. ARMOUR, ROBERT, M.D. 1829. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ARMOUR, WILLIAM, M.D. 1863. Southend, Argyleshire. ARMSTRONG, ANDREW, M.A. 1733. "Ang. Fil. Joan. Armstrong ex Comit. de Cumberland" [Matric. Alb. 1730]. ARMSTRONG, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1816. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Clougherney, 1823-49; died September, 1849. ROLL OF GRADUATES 23 ARMSTRONG, ARCHIBALD, M.D., CM. 1837. Sligo ; died 30th March, 1862. ARMSTRONG, CHARLES, M.D. 1838. Cork; died May, 1871. ARMSTRONG, EDWARD, M.A. 1756. Minister at (1) Reading, (2) Bath. ARMSTRONG, GEORGE CHARLES, M.D. 1844- Ware, Herts. ; Louth j Blackrock, Co. Dublin. ARMSTRONG, HUGH, M.A. 1887, B.D. 1890. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. ARMSTRONG, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM ALFRED ALEXANDER, M.A. 1876. English Presbyterian Minister at (1) Silverhill, St. Leonards-on-Sea, (2) Reading. ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM BUCHAN, M.B., CM. 1896. Rutherglen. ARMSTRONG, WILLIAM KINGO, B.A. 1852. Baptist Minister at (1) Huddersfield, (2) Ashton-under-Lyne, (3) Berwick- on-Tweed, (4) Lincoln, (5) Tunbridge Wells, (6) Lewes, Sussex; died there 26th September, 1896, aged 74. ARNETT, JOHN, M.A. 1778. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ARNOLD, HUGH, CM. 1825. Ballynahinch, Co. Down; died 4th January, 1870. ARNOLD, JOHN, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ARNOT, DAVID L., M.A. 1831. " Filius unicus Joannis artificis in parochia de Kilmarnock et comitat. de Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1828]. "Had his leg broken and his health very much injured by the pressure of the crowd on occasion of the admission of the Rector on the 12th of April last," and on that account received a present of ^10 from the Faculty [Univ. Minute, 2nd November, 1827]. ARNOT, WILLIAM, B.A. 1836. Minister of (1) St. Peter's, Glasgow, (2) Free St. Peter's there, (3) Free High Church, Edinburgh; born 6th November, 1808; died 3rd June, 1875. ARNOTT, HUGH YOUNG, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1893. Minister of Newburgh since 1895. ARNOTT, JAMES, M.D., CM. 1866. Brigade Surgeon-Lieu t.-Col. I. M.S. Bombay. 24 ROLL OF GRADUATES ARNOTT, JOHN, • M.A. 1888. Free Church Minister at Dailly, Ayrshire. ARROL, CHARLES, M.B. 1869, M.D. 1885, CM. 1885. Glasgow; Sheerness. ARROL, SIR WILLIAM, LL.D. 1890. Principal partner in firm of William Arrol & Co., Contractors, of Dalmarnock Ironworks, Glasgow; Contractor for Tay (re-construction), Forth, and Tower (London) Bridges; M.P. for South Ayrshire, 1895; born 1839. ARTHUR, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1763. Assistant and successor to Professor of Moral Philosophy in Glasgow University from 1780 to 1796; Professor, 1796 to 1797; Chaplain and (1774-94) Librarian to University; born at Abbot's Inch, Renfrewshire, 6th September, 1744; died 14th June, 1797. ARTHUR, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1883, M.D. 1894. Campbeltown; New Galloway; London. ARTHUR, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1872. Airdrie. ARTHUR, JAMES, M.D. 181 5. "Late Surgeon to the Forces" [Univ. Minute, 17th July, 1815]. ARTHUR, JAMES, M.A. 1873. (1) Assistant to Professor of Mathematics in Glasgow University, 1874-80; (2) Mathematical Master in Lurgan College; (3) Head Master of Boyle Intermediate School; (4) Head Master of Ballina Intermediate School; (5) Second Master in Dunoon Academy; (6) Head Master of Brisbane Academy (now called Largs Public School), Largs. ARTHUR, JAMES, M.A. 1877, B.D. 1880. Native of New Monkland; intended for Ministry of Church of Scotland, but died before license. ARTHUR, JOHN FINDLAY, M.D. 1831, CM. 1836. C.S.I. ; Lochside House, New Cumnock. ARTHUR, JOSEPH, M.D. 1845. London; died 1866. ARTHUR, PATRICK, M.D. 1845. Newport, Co. Tipperary; Lambourne, Berks; died 31st March, 1870. ARTHUR, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1872. Airdrie; died 19th January, 1875, aged 30. ARTHUR, WILLIAM, M.D. 1866, CM. 1878. Slamannan ; Huddersfield ; Mirfield, Yorks. ARTHUR, WILLIAM HENRY, M.D. 1855. Knaresborough, Yorks.; York; Brighton; Keymer, Sussex; died 1892. ROLL OF GRADUATES 2% ASHCROFT, FRANCIS, M.A. 1881. U.P. Missionary to Rajpootana. ASHCROFT, HUGH, M.A. i884. Brother of Francis Ashcroft, M.A. (q.v.); born 4th March, 1863; died 1 8th August, 1887. ASHER, ASHER, M.D. 1856. Bishopbriggs ; Glasgow; London; died 7th January, 1889, aged 52. ASHER, WILLIAM, D.D. 1866. Minister of (1) Knockando, 1826-33, (2) Inveraven, 1833-74; died 27th April, 1874, aged 83; Father of Alexander Asher, Q.C., M.P., etc. ASHURST, FREDERICK, M.B., CM. 1887. Blackpool ; Hayfield, Derbyshire ; Blackpool ; Manchester ; Hayfield, Derby- shire. ASPIN, ANDREW HERBERT, M.A. 1889. Writer, Glasgow. ASPLAND, ROBERT BROOK, M.A. 1822. Unitarian Minister at (1) Chester, (2) Bristol, (3) Dukinfield, (4) Hackney; Editor of Christian Reformer ; one of Secretaries of Manchester College ; born 19th January, 1805; died 21st June, 1869; was a schoolfellow of Lord Beaconsfield (q.v.). ATCHERLEY, ROWLAND, M.D. 1837. "Anglicus" [Grad. Alb.]. ATKINS, WILLIAM C. M.D. 1834. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ATKINSON, EDWARD, CM. 1820. Glenwilliam Castle, Ballingarry, Co. Limerick; J.P. ; died 1877. ATKINSON, HENRY, M.D. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ATKINSON, JOHN, CM. 1830. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ATKINSON, JOHN PARKINSON, M.D. 1863. London ; Bampton, Oxford ; Beckenham, Kent ; Saffron-Walden, Essex. AUCHINCLOSS, WILLIAM, M.D. 1828. Glasgow (Lecturer on Surgery in Portland Street Medical School, 1830-38); died 1 84 1. AULD, ALEXANDER GUNN, M.B., CM. 1884, M.D. 1886. Ship Surgeon ; Wick ; Glasgow ; London. AULD, ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1888. Greenock ; Snaith, Yorks. 26 ROLL OF GRADUATES AULD, CHARLES, M.D. 1835. Greenock ; died 6th July, 1885. AULD, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1872. Shotts ; Wilsontown ; Kilwinning. AULD, JAMES, LL.D. 1861. (1) Teacher in Wick; (2) Rector of Moffat Academy; (3) Classical Master in the Madras Academy, St. Andrews; died circa 1871. AULD, WILLIAM, M.A. 1876, B.D. 1878. Minister of Carnock, Fifeshire. AULD, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow; Wimborne, Dorset. AUSTIN, ADAM, M.D. 1749. AUSTIN, RICHARD, M.D. 1858. Dublin (sometime Professor of Materia Medica Apothecaries' Hall Medical School); Ranelagh, Co. Dublin; born 9th July, 1814. AVERELL, ADAM, M.A. 1753. "Filius Thomae in Com. de Deny" [Matric. Alb. 1752]. AYLEN, WILLIAM HENRY, B.A. 1853. Minister at (1) Salisbury, (2) Carlisle Chapel, Kennington Road, Lambeth. BABES, CHARLES JAMES, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow ; Hull. BABTIE, WILLIAM, M.B. 1880. Dumbarton ; Surgeon-Major Army. BACHOP, JOHN, M.A. 1850. " Fil. nat. max. Thomae fabri lignarii in oppid. de Duntocher " [Matric. Alb. 1845]. BACON, ROBERT, LL.D. 1800. Rev., of Hertingford, Bury, Hertfordshire. BADENACH, JAMES, M.D. 1768. "Brittannus" [Grad. Alb.]. BADHAM, JOHN, M.D. 1828. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. Degree conferred "without personal examination," as "severe illness . . . renders it necessary for him to leave this country for a warmer climate without delay" [Univ. Minute, 24th October, 1828]. BAGOT, CHARLES EMILIUS, M.D. 1840, CM. 1853. Dublin; died 29th November, 1863. BAGOT, WALTER, M.A. 1775. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BAILEY, WILLIAM EDWARD, M.B., CM. 1878. Ship Surgeon; Stockport; B.Sc. Edin. 1883. ROLL OF GRADUATES 27 BAILIE, JOHN, M.A. 18 11. " Filius unicus Jacobi in parochia de St. Andrews in Comitatu Downe " [Matric. Alb. 1809]. BAILLIE, DAVID, M.A. 1891. Minister of the Free Church at Beith since 1897. BAILLIE, GEORGE, M.D. 1845, CM. 1846. Surgeon-Major H.M. Indian Army; Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals of H.M. Madras Medical Service; died 19th September, 1895, aged 71. BAILLIE, JAMES, D.D. 1772. Minister of (1) Shotts, (2) Bothwell, (3) Second Charge, Hamilton; Professor of Divinity in University of Glasgow, 1775 to 1778; Father of Joanna Baillie, the poetess, and Dr. Matthew Baillie, the anatomist ; brother-in-law of William Hunter, M.D. 1750 (q.v.), and John Hunter; died 28th April, 1778. BAILY, WILLIAM, M.D. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BAIN, ALEXANDER, B.Sc. 1895. Civil Engineer in Glasgow. BAIN, ARCHIBALD WATSON, M.A. 1886. Teacher, English School, Smyrna. BAIN, GEORGE, M.A. 1896. Teacher in (1) Ladyland Public School, Maybole, (2) Dalmarnock Public School, Glasgow. BAIN, JAMES, M.D. 1849. Glasgow; Surgeon-Major Bombay Army; died 21st September, 1882. BAIN, JAMES ALEXANDER, M.A. 1881. Free Church Missionary to Nyasaland, Central Africa; born 3rd May, 1858 ; died at Bandawe, Lake Nyasa, of African fever, 16th May, 1889. BAIN, JAMES GORDON, M.B., CM. 1891. Southsea ; Taunton ; Wellington, Somerset. BAIN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1896. Boarhills, Fife. BAIN, RICHARD WILLIAM KIDSTON, M.A. 1880. Advocate, Aberdeen. BAIN, ROBERT, M.A. 1886. Teacher in (1) Kilblain Academy, Greenock, (2) Hutchesons' Grammar School, Glasgow. BAIN, WALTER, M.D. 1846. " Filius nat. max. Andreae artificis in com. de Dunbarton " [Matric. Alb. 1838]. BAIN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1819. Advocate, Edinburgh. 28 ROLL OF GRADUATES BAIN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1866. Surgeon Royal Mail Steam Packet Service ; Selby, Yorks. ; Patterdale, Westmoreland; died January, 1892. BAINBRIGGE, WILLIAM PARKER YATES, M.B., CM. 1881. Droitwich, Wore. ; Victoria West, Cape Colony. BAINE, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1745. "Filius Joannis Baine in parochia de Cardross" [Matric. Alb. 1741]. BAIRD, ANDREW, M.A. 1886, B.D. 1889. Minister (1) at Shotts, (2) of Broughton. BAIRD, DAVID, M.A. 1891. One of the Masters of Spiers' School, Beith. BAIRD, DAVID COLQUHQUN, M.A. 1836. " Filius natu maximus Jacobi vectigalium coactoris apud Greenock in comitatu de Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1832]. BAIRD, JAMES, B.A. 1844. " Filius natu maximus defuncti Alexandri artificis Glasguensis " [Matric. Alb. 1842]. BAIRD, JAMES PATERSON, M.A. 1892. Native of Hamilton ; intended for ministry of U.P. Church, but prevented by ill health ; died in Sydney, New South Wales, 2nd February, 1893. BAIRD, JAMES WATSON, M.D. 1827. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BAIRD, JOHN, M.D. 1799. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BAIRD, JOHN, M.D. 1804. Glasgow; died 1825. BAIRD, JOHN, M.D. 1822. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BAIRD, JOHN, M.A. 1838. "Filius natu secundus Roberti, fabri lignarii apud com. de Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 1834]. BAIRD, JOHN, M.A. 1863, B.D. 1867. Minister of West Parish, Helensburgh. BAIRD, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1877. Glasgow; Middelburg, Cape Colony; Naauw-Poort there. BAIRD, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1889. Taynuilt ; Bonnybridge. BAIRD, ROBERT, M.A. 1828. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BAIRD, SAMUEL JAMES, M.B., CM. 1885. Londonderry ; Eglinton, Co. Derry. ROLL OF GRADUATES 29 BAIRD, WILLIAM, M.A. 1812. " Filius natu Secundus Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Donnagore in comitatu de Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1809]. BAIRD, WILLIAM, M.A. 1828, M.D. 1832. See Airston. BAIRD, WILLIAM JAMES, M.D. 1852. Deputy Inspector-General R.N. BAIRD, WILLIAM STEPHEN, M.B., CM. 1895. Ship Surgeon ; Winton, N.Z. BAKER, FRANKLIN, M.A. 1822. Minister of Bank Street Unitarian Chapel, Bolton, 1823-64; born at Birmingham 27th August, 1800; died 25th May, 1867. BAKER, GEORGE, M.D. 1834. Practitioner in Dublin and Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence in Peter Street School of Medicine there; born circa 1808; died 1854. BAKER, JOHN COPLESTON, M.D. 1861. Littleham, Devon; Campbeltown; Liverpool; died 9th September, 1880, aged 43. BALBIRNIE, JOHN, M.A. 1830, M.D. 1836. Glasgow ; Bridge of Allan ; Torquay ; Great Malvern ; Southport ; Sheffield ; Keyworth, Plumtree, Notts.; died nth March, 1895, aged 85. BALDERSTON, JOHN, M.A. 1729. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. BALDRICK, JAMES, CM. 1834, M.D. 1835. Ramelton, Co. Donegal; died 6th April, 1861. BALDWIN, GEORGE E. CM. 1827. " Americanus " [Grad. Alb.]. BALFOUR, ALEXANDER LUNDIE, M.A. 1867, B.D. 1873. Minister of Tomintoul; ordained 24th September, 1874; died 26th May, 1875- BALFOUR, ARTHUR JAMES, LL.D. 1891. M.P. for (1) Hertford, 1874-85, (2) Manchester (East) since 1886; P.C. 1885; President of Local Government Board, 1885-86; Secretary for Scotland, 1886-87 ; Chief Secretary for Ireland, 1887-91 ; First Lord of the Treasury, 1891-92, and again 1895; F.R.S. 1888; Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow, 1890-93; born 25th July, 1848. BALFOUR, FRANCIS MAITLAND, LL.D. 1881. M.A., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Professor of Animal Morphology there; born 10th November, 1851; killed while mountaineering among the Alps 18th or 19th July, 1882; brother of the Right Hon. Arthur James Balfour (q.v.). 30 ROLL OF GRADUATES BALFOUR, JOHN HUTTON, LL.D. 1879. M.D. Edin. 1831 ; LL.D. Edin. 1880; LL.D. St. Andrews, 1882; Professor of Botany in (1) Glasgow University, 1841 to 1845, (2) Edinburgh University, 1845 to 1879; born at Edinburgh 15th September, 1808; died nth February, 1884. BALFOUR, LEWIS, D.D. 1853. Minister of (1) Sorn, (2) Colinton; died 24th April, i860, aged 83. BALL, BENJAMIN, LL.D. 1888. Clinical Professor of Mental and Cerebral Diseases in the Paris Faculty of Medicine; M.D. BALL, JOSEPH, M.D. 1791. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BALLANTINE, JAMES, M.D. 1838. Catrine. BALLANTINE, ROBERT, M.D. 1843. Girvan; Jedburgh; Girvan; died 1880. BALLANTYNE, JAMES ROBERT, LL.D. 1845. Orientalist; Principal of and Professor of Moral Philosophy in the East India Company's Sanskrit College, Benares, 1845-61 ; Librarian to the India Office, London, 1861-64; died 16th February, 1864. BALLANTYNE, JAMES TODD, M.B., CM. 1878. Glasgow ; Darwen, Lanes. BALLARDIE, SAMUEL WESTWOOD, M.A. 1890. Teacher in (1) Inverness, (2) Dundee, (3) High School for Girls, Garnethill, Glasgow. BALSHAW, JOHN, M.A. 1741. "Willielmi F. in Walton com. Lancaster" [Matric. Alb. 1739]. BAMBER, HARRY, M.B., CM. 1884. Birchington, Isle of Thanet ; London ; Chatham ; Tongshan, Tientsin, N. China ; North Shields. BAMBER, WILLIAM RICHARD, M.A. 1877. (1) Curate of St. Stephen's, Salford ; (2) Curate of Christ Church, South wark ; (3) Curate of St. John's, Hammersmith ; (4) Curate of St. Peter's, Folkestone ; (5) Incumbent of Stranraer Episcopal Church ; (6) Incumbent of St. Columba's Episcopal Church, Portree; (7) Curate at St. Clement's, City Road, London; born 9th August, 1855 ; died 18th March, 1893. BANCKS, JOHN, M.D. 1819. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. BANKHEAD, JAMES, M.A. 1794. Possibly the same person as James Bankhead, who was ordained Presbyterian Minister at Dromore, Co. Down, in 1796, and died 10th January, 1824. ROLL OF GRADUATES 31 BANKHEAD, JOSEPH, M.D. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BANKHEAD, WILLIAM, M.D. 1764. BANKHEAD, WILLIAM THOMSON, M.A. 1879, B.D. 1883. Minister of (1) English Presbyterian Church at North Shields, (2) U.P. Church at Ibrox, Glasgow. BANKIER, ALEXANDER MILNE, M.B., CM. 1885, M.D. 1890. Crewe, Cheshire ; Wolverhampton. BANKIER, GEORGE HENRY SEYMOUR JAMES, M.B. 1875, M.D. 1877. Bothwell; Kendal; Ellesmere, Salop; Surgeon R.N.; Ashton-under-Lyne. BANKIER, JAMES, M.D. 1831. London ; Chatham ; Sheerness ; London ; Falmouth ; Glasgow ; Staff-Surgeon Royal Navy; died 1871. BANKIER, PATRICK MACINDOE, M.A. 1881. Barrister, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. BANKIER, ROBERT AUSTIN, M.D. 1843. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BANKS, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1844. U.P. Minister at Braehead, Carnwath. BANKS, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1886, M.D. 1895. Glasgow ; Eskbank, Dalkeith ; Paisley ; Eskbank ; Bengal. BANKS, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1872. Carnwath ; Dunoon. BANKS, SIR JOHN THOMAS, LL.D. 1888. M.D. Dublin, 1843; K.C.B.; Regius Professor of Physic in University of Dublin; Physician in Ordinary to the Queen in Ireland. BANKS, ROBERT M'LACHLAN, M.B., CM. 1888. Paisley ; Dunoon ; Glasgow ; Belford ; Lanark. BANNATYNE, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1867. Minister of (1) Free West Church, Inverness, (2) Free South Church, Paisley, (3) Longsight Presbyterian Church, Manchester, (4) Free Martyrs' Church, Lochgilphead. BANNATYNE, ANDREW, LL.D. 1868. Writer in Glasgow; Member of University Court (as General Council Assessor), 1859 to 1864; died nth June 1871, aged 73. BANNATYNE, ANDREW STIRLING, M.A. 1895. Curate, St. Ann's Parish Church, Nottingham. BANNATYNE, CHARLES, M.A. 1735. Minister of (1) Kilmory, (2) Irvine; died 27th April, 1773, aged 58. 32 ROLL OF GRADUATES BANNATYNE, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1890. Old Cumnock ; Southend, Campbeltown. BANNATYNE, GILBERT ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1891. Glasgow ; Greenock ; Bath. BANNATYNE, NINIAN, M.A. 1825. Minister of (1) Old Cumnock, (2) Free Church there; died 20th February, 1874. BANNERMAN, CHARLES, M.A. 1883. Corn Factor, Glasgow. BANNERMAN, GEORGE GUNN, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow ; Hawick. BANNERMAN, SIR HENRY CAMPBELL. See Campbell-Bannerman. BARBER, SAMUEL, M.A. 1759. Presbyterian Minister at Rathfriland, Co. Down, 1763 to 181 1; died 5th September, 181 1; imprisoned for concern in Irish Rebellion of 1798. BARBER, WILLIAM, M.A. 1883. of Tererran, Moniaive. BARBOUR, JAMES MORRISON, M.B., CM. 1875. Glasgow; Middle Colaba, Bombay; London. BARBOUR, JOHN BORTHWICK, M.D. 1865. Glasgow ; London ; Physician Soudan Expedition, sent out by Viceroy of Egypt; London; died 12th February, 1877, aged 42. BARBOUR, ROBERT NOTMAN, M.A. 1870. Probationer of the Free Church; died, of consumption, 18th June, 1875. BARBOUR, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1891. Paisley; Partick. BARCLAY, ARTHUR, M.B., CM. 1874. Surgeon-Major Bengal Army; died at Simla 2nd August, 1891, aged 39. BARCLAY, SIR JAMES, BART, M.D. 1734. of Pierston, Ayrshire; Surgeon in the Royal Navy; Degree granted "as a Testimony of this University's regard both to the antient family he represents, and his own knowledge in the Theory, and long successfull practise of Medicine and Surgery" [Univ. Minute, 22nd November, 1734]. BARCLAY, JAMES, M.D. 1854. Glasgow; Killingworth, Northumberland; died at Glasgow, 1861. BARCLAY, JAMES, M.A. 1865, D.D. 1892. Minister of (1) St. Michael's, Dumfries, (2) Canonbie, (3) Linlithgow, (4) St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh, (5) St. Paul's, Montreal. ROLL OF GRADUATES 33 BARCLAY, JAMES, M.A. 1883, LL.B. 1886. (1) Law Apprentice in office of Dixon, Erskine & Grieve, Writers, Glasgow; (2) Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law in New York City. BARCLAY, JOHN, M.A. 1832, D.D. 1855. Minister of St Andrew's Church, Toronto, Canada West. BARCLAY, ROBERT DUNCAN, B.Sc. 1889. (1) Engineer and Millwright in Paisley, Australia; (2) resident at 10 Albyn Place, Edinburgh. BARCLAY, ROBERT FRANCIS, M.A. 1889, LL.B. 1892. Writer, Glasgow. BARCLAY, THOMAS, M.D., CM. 1862. Hangkow, China; son of Principal Thomas Barclay. BARCLAY, THOMAS, M.A. 1870. English Presbyterian Missionary to the Chinese in Formosa. BARCLAY, THOMAS, M.A. 1871. Advocate, Edinburgh. BARDWELL, FOSTER HENRY, M.A. 1894. Minister of Charlotte Baptist Chapel, Rose Street, Edinburgh. BARKER, ALEXANDER EDWARD, M.A. 1885, LL.B. 1887. Barrister-at-Law, London; son of Henry Martyn Barker, LL.D. (q.v.). BARKER, FORDYCE, LL.D. 1888. Professor of Clinical Midwifery in the Bellevue Hospital of the Medical College, New York, U.S.A.; born 2nd May, 1819; LL.D. New York; LL.D. Edin. 1884; M.D. BARKER, FRANCIS JAMES, M.A. 1890, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow; son of Henry Martyn Barker, LL.D. (q.v.). BARKER, GEORGE, M.D. 1825. Army Surgeon ; served through the greater portion of the Peninsular War, and became Inspector of Hospitals at Gibraltar. BARKER, HENRY MARTYN, M.A. 1849, LL.D. 1870. Head Classical Master of Chanonry School (The Gymnasium), Old Aberdeen, 1851-53; in business in Glasgow, 1853-62; Rector of Chanonry School (The Gymnasium), Old Aberdeen, 1862-79 '> Head Master of the English department in the High School of Glasgow, 1879-95, when retired. BARKER, JACOB W., CM. 1827. "Americanus" [Grad. Alb.]; possibly the same person as "Wharton Barker," son of Jacob Barker, financier, one of the original members of the Society of "Tamany Hall." BARKER, ROBERT, M.A. 1774. " Filius natu minimus Reverendi admodum Viri in Parochia de Creggans V.D.M. in Comitatu de Armagh Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1772]. 34 ROLL OF GRADUATES BARKER, WILLIAM, M.A. 1770. "Natus in Hibernia Filius natu minimus Squire Barker V.D.M. Parochiae de Mullaghbrack in Com. de Armagh in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1768]. BARLAS, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1809. "Filius natu minimus Viri Reverendi Jacobi V.D.M. Crieff, Perthsh." [Matric. Alb. 1803]. BARLAS, ALEXANDER RICHARD, M.A. 1881. In service of Local Government Board for Ireland, as (1) Higher Division Clerk, 1883, (2) Private Secretary to Vice-President, 1889, (3) Superintending Clerk, 1895. BARLOW, CUTHBERT FETHERSTON HOUGH, M.D. 1842. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BARLOW, JAMES, M.D. 1833. Dublin; Army Surgeon for 47 years. BARNES, GEORGE W., M.D. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BARNES, CRAWFORD, CM. 1820. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BARNETT, JOHN, M.A. 1819, D.D. 1837. Presbyterian Minister at Moneymore, Co. Deny, Ireland, 1827-80; died 4th January, 1880. BARNHILL, JAMES, B.A. i860, M.A. 1861. Sometime Classical Teacher in The John Neilson Educational Institution, Paisley ; afterwards Assistant in Glasgow University Library ; thereafter Mercantile Clerk; died at Reddish, 26th August, 1885, aged 45. BARNHILL, WILLIAM, B.A. 1852, M.A. 1867, B.D. 1869. (1) Catechist in connection with Avondale Parish Church, 1860-62; (2) Minister of East Strathaven Church, 1862-65 ; (3) connected with a Boys' Home in London ; (4) sent to Toronto, Canada, by Colonial Committee of Church of Scotland, 1874; (5) Chaplain pro tern, at Gosport, 1879; (6) Church of Scotland Minister, St Clement's Parish, Berbice, British Guiana, 1879-83 ; died at Berbice, 22nd October, 1883. BARNSLEY, RICHARD, M.D. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BARR, ARCHIBALD, B.Sc. 1878, D.Sc. 1890. "Young" Assistant in Civil Engineering in Glasgow University, 1876-84; Professor of Civil and Mechanical Engineering in Yorkshire College, Leeds, 1884-89; Professor of Civil Engineering and Mechanics in Glasgow University since 1889. BARR, GEORGE, CM. 1818. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 35 BARR, HENRY, B.L. 1887. Writer, Glasgow. BARR, JAMES, M.A. 1735- "Johan. F. in Par. de Lesmahagoe in com. Lanerk" [Matric. Alb. 1732]. BARR, JAMES, D.D. 1820. Minister of (1) Scots Presbyterian Church, Liverpool, (2) Port-Glasgow, (3) St Enoch's, Glasgow ; died 16th December, 1861. BARR, JAMES, CM. 1822. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BARR, JAMES, M.D. 1828. Hamilton; Surgeon R.N; died 27th January, 1867. BARR, JAMES, M.B. 1873, M.D. 1882. Glasgow ; Strabane, Co. Tyrone ; Liverpool. BARR, JAMES, M.A. 1884, B.D. 1892. Free Church Minister of (1) Johnston and Wamphray, 1889-95, ( 2 ) Dennis- toun, Glasgow, since 1895. BARR, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1890. Johnstone; Gorton, Lanes. BARR, JAMES BUNTON, M.B., CM. 1878. Port-Glasgow. BARR, JAMES KING, M.A. 1889. Teacher in John Street Public School, Glasgow, 1883-91; Head Master of Tulliallan and Kincardine Public School, Fife, since 1891. BARR, JOHN, CM. 1827. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BARR, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1877. Rishton, Lanes.; J. P. BARR, JOHN FULTON, B.Sc. 1889, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow. BARR, PATRICK, B.L. 1880. Writer, Glasgow. BARR, ROBERT, CM. 1822. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BARR, ROBERT, M.A. 1894. Minister of Neilston. BARR, ROBERT BROWNLEE, M.B., CM. 1895. Lugar; Carluke. BARR, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1870. Glasgow : Aural Surgeon Western Infirmary and Lecturer on Aural Surgery in (1) Anderson's College, (2) The University since 1894. 36 ROLL OF GRADUATES BARRAS, THOMAS CRAWFORD, M.B., CM. 1888. Milngavie ; Glasgow. BARRAS, WILLIAM GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1892. Ship Surgeon; Govan. BARRETT, GEORGE, B.A. 1835. " Filius natu 4 tus Edwardi Armigeri prope Sidmouth in Com. de Devonshire " [Matric. Alb. 1834]. BARRIE, ANDREW, M.D. 1864 N ewar thill ; H.M. Indian Medical Service. BARRIE, DAVID REID, M.B., CM. 1893 Birtley, Co. Durham. BARRIE, JOHN, M.D. 1799 "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BARRIE, JOHN, M.D. i860 Glasgow; died 25th April, 1897, aged 63. BARRIE, THOMAS TENNENT, B.L. 1895 Law Clerk, Strathaven. BARRON, LUKE, M.D. 1839 Surgeon-Major Army. BARROWMAN, JAMES STORRY, M.A. 1888 Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. BARROWMAN, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1892 Johnstone; Grimsby. BARRY, JAMES, M.A. 1748 " Filius Viri Reverendi Davidis Barry Vicarii de Drumaul in Com. de Antrim " [Matric. Alb. 1746]. BARRY, JOHN COOPER, M.A. 1879. Free Church Minister of (1) Lochmaben, (2) North Church, Dumbarton. BARRY, PHILIP, M.D. 1836, CM. 1839. Mallow, Co. Cork; died 30th December, 1878. BARRY, RICHARD, M.D. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BARRY, SAMUEL, M.D. 1822. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BARRY, SAMUEL, M.D. 1837. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. BARRY, WILLIAM, M.D. 1818. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. BARTHOLOMEW, HUMPHREY, M.D. 1734. Sometime of "St. Thomas' Hospital, London, under the care of Dr. Waddesworth, chief physician thereof" [Univ. Minute, 30th January, 1734]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 37 BARTHOLOMEW, JOHN, M.A. 1891, LL.B. 1895. Advocate, Edinburgh. BARTLET, NATHANIEL, M.D. 1731. Practitioner at Pool, Dorsetshire. BARTON, ANGUS, D.D. 1856. Minister of Castleton; died 19th April, 1861, aged 76. BARTON, JOHN ARONDEL, M.B., CM. 1879. Glasgow; St. George, Gloucestershire; died 4th January, 1894, aged 38. BATER, CLAUDE HOOPER, M.A. 1891. Chemical Officer, Inland Revenue, Ashwell, near Hitchin, Herts. BATES, ISAAC, M.A. 1770. " Gulielmi filius natu minimus, Agricolae in Parochia de Artrea, in Com. de Londonderry, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1766]. BATES, JOHN, M.A. 1853. "Fil. nat. max. Gulielmi mercatoris in com. Tyrone" [Matric. Alb. 1848]. BATES, STEWART, M.A. 18 15. R.P. Minister at (1) Kelso, (2) West Campbell Street, Glasgow; born at Silver Hill, near Londonderry, May 1794; died at Glasgow, 7th November, 1856. BATHGATE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1873. H.M. Inspector of Schools; Examiner in Classics for Preliminary Examina- tions in Glasgow University, 1892, etc.; Snell Exhibitioner, 187 1; B.A. Oxon. 1875- BATTERSBY, JOHN GEORGE, M.D. 1839. Dungarvan, Co. Waterford; Lismore, same Co.; died 1870. BAUCHOP, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow; Hollinwood, Lanes. BAUCHOP, JEFFREY DRUMMOND, M.A. 1896. Student of Law. BAXTER, COLIN, M.B., CM. 1886. Bannockburn; died there 17th August, 1890, aged 28. BAXTER, MALCOLM M'FARLANE, M.A. 1890. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. BAXTER, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. BAYNE, COLIN, M.A. 1780. "Natus in Muthil Filius natu Maximus Jacobi Agricolae in parochia de Muthil et comitatu de Perth" [Matric. Alb. 1775]. BAYNE, DAVID, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1893. Minister of Muiravonside since 1897. 38 ROLL OF GRADUATES BAYNE, JOHN, M.A. 1892. (1) Professor of Agriculture in Tewfikieh College, Cairo; (2) Director of Agricultural College, Lincoln, Canterbury, N.Z. BAYNE, THOMAS WALTER, M.B., CM. 1896. Hurlford. BAYNES, ARTHUR STUART, B.A. 1848, M.A. 1850. "Fil. nat. 3 tius Eduardi Consulis in urbe Petropoli " [Matric. Alb. 1845]. BAYNES, JOSEPH HANBURY, M.B., CM. 1880. Barrow-in-Furness ; Manchester. BEACONSFIELD, EARL OF, LL.D. 1873. Benjamin Disraeli; M.P. for (1) Maidstone, 1837-41, (2) Shrewsbury, 1841-47, (3) Buckinghamshire, 1847-76; Chancellor of the Exchequer during Lord Derby's three Administrations; First Lord of the Treasury in 1868, and again 1874-80; Lord Rector of Glasgow University 1871-77; D.C.L. Oxon. 1853; created Earl of Beaconsfield, 1876; K.G. 1878; born 21st December, 1804; died 19th April, 1881. BEALE, ARTHUR ARNOLD, M.B., CM. 1890. Ship Surgeon ; Bristol ; London. BEAMISH, CHARLES, M.A. 1782. "Natus in Hybernia Filius natu Tertius Gulielmi Centurionis in Classe Britanica — in comitatu de Corke" [Matric. Alb. 1779]. BEAMISH, SAMUEL STEPHEN (Rev.), M.D. 1839. London; died at High Barnet, 17th April, 1895. BEAN, JOHN, M.A. 1773. " Filius natu maximus Joannis Agricolae in Comitatu Eboracensi, Anglia " [Matric. Alb. 1770]. BEARD, CHARLES BERNARD, M.A. 1893. Assistant Curate of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Dundee. BEASLEY, THOMAS, LL.D. 1824. Head Master of the Grammar School at Uxbridge. BEATSON, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1894. North Shields; Glasgow. BEATSON, GEORGE STEWART, M.A. 1835, M.D. 1836. Surgeon-General Army; C.B. 1869; Honorary Physician to the Queen; died suddenly at Simla, 7th June, 1874. BEATSON, JOHN FULLARTON, B.A. 1839, M.D. 1842. Surgeon-General I.M.S. Bengal; CLE. 1878; retired 1880. BEATTIE, ALEXANDER OGILVIE, M.D. 1832. U.P. Minister at (1) Leslie, (2) Kincardine, (3) St. Vincent Street, Glasgow; died 10th June, 1858, aged 75. ROLL OF GRADUATES 39 BEATTIE, MATTHEW, M.B., CM. 1888. Auldgirth, Dumfries; Ruddington, Notts.; Gotham there; London; Gotham. BEATTIE, ROBERT M'GHIE, M.B., CM. 1886. Inveraray. BECK, ALEXANDER FRASER, M.B., CM. 1881. Glasgow; died 1884. BECK, EDWARD, M.B., CM. 1892. Ravenstonedale, Westmoreland. BECK, JOHN WOODS, CM. 1839, M.D. 1840. Belfast; died 2nd May, 1886, aged 66. BECKETT, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1852. Beech worth, Victoria, Australia; Moneymore, Co. Derry; died 23rd January, 1888. BECKETT, CHARLES EDWARD, M.A. 1879, LL.B. 1883. Writer, Glasgow. BECKETT, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1877. Great Driffield, Yorks. ; Glasgow ; Dunblane ; Bowness, Westmoreland ; Tunbridge Wells ; London ; Derby ; Humansdorp, Cape Colony. BECKETT, WILLIAM, M.A. 1870. Writer, Glasgow. BEERS, JAMES SHAW, M.D., CM. 1832. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BEET, JOSEPH AGAR, D.D. 1891. Professor of Systematic Theology in Wesleyan College, Richmond, Surrey. BEGG, BRUCE BEVERIDGE, B.A. 1858, M.A. 1859, D.D. 1896. Minister of Abbotshall, Kirkcaldy. BEGG, DAVID, CM. 1836. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]; a "Dr. D. Begg" was resident at Calcutta in 1852 [Life of A. N. Somerville, D.D., p. 96]. BEGG, JAMES, D.D. 1815. Minister of (1) Calton, Glasgow, 1794-1801, (2) New Monkland, 1801-45; born 16th March, 1763; died nth June, 1845. BEGG, JAMES, M.A. 1824. Minister of (1) Maxwelltown, May to December, 1830, (2) Lady Glenorchy's, Edin., 1830-31, (3) Paisley Middle, 1831-35, (4) Liberton, 1835-43, (5) Newington Free Church, Edinburgh, 1843-83; born at New Monkland, 31st October, 1808; died at Edinburgh, 29th September, 1883; son of James Begg, D.D. 1815 (q.v.) ; D.D. Lafayette College, Pennsylvania, 1847. BEGG, ROBERT, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1885. U.P. Minister at Crossgates. 40 ROLL OF GRADUATES BEGG, WILLIAM, D.D. 1886. Minister of (1) New Monkland, 1837-40 (Assistant and Successor), (2) Falkirk, 1840-88; born 2nd July, 1815; died 10th April, 1888; son of James Begg, D.D. 1815 (q.v.). BEGG, WILLIAM HUGH, M.A. 1871. Intended for Ministry of Church of Scotland, and completed two years' attendance in Divinity Hall of Glasgow University; born at Falkirk, 31st January, 1852 ; died, of typhoid fever, at Athens (where he was acting for a year as tutor), 5th January, 1874; son of William Begg, D.D. (q.v.). BEGGS, JOHN, CM. 1839, M.D. 1857. Reedsmouth House, Northumberland; Hexham; Tynemouth ; died 25th January, 1870. BEHAN, JAMES, M.D. 1787. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BEITH, ROBERT, M.D. 1845. Surgeon R.N. Hospital, Plymouth ; Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets; died at Plymouth, 22nd January, 1868. BEITH, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1882. (Brunton Prizeman) ; Glasgow ; Suva, Fiji ; Mudgee, N.S. Wales. BELFON, PETER CHARLES, M.D. 1834. "Grenada" [Grad. Alb.]. BELL, ALAN, LL.D. 18 17. Rev., Master of the Diocesan School at Down, in Ireland. BELL, ANDREW LEES, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1895. Glasgow; Coltness; Dunfermline. BELL, CHARLES, M.D. 1836. Dumfries; Edinburgh (Lecturer on Midwifery there); died 9th August, 1 89 1, aged 86. BELL, CHARLES WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow; Larbert. BELL, DAVID, CM. 1830, M.D. 1832. Vicar of Goole, Yorks., 1855-88; died nth September, 1888, aged 80. BELL, HENRY GLASSFORD, LL.D. 1868. Advocate; Sheriff-Substitute of Lanarkshire, 1839-67; Sheriff-Principal, 1867-74; Dean of Faculties in Glasgow University, 1865 to 1868; Author of "Mary, Queen of Scots," etc. ; born at Glasgow, 5th November, 1803; died there, 7th January, 1874. BELL, HENRY PEILE, M.D. 1826. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 4 1 BELL, HENRY WILLIAM, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862. Minister of (1) Free Chalmers Church, Dundee, (2) Free High Church, Aberdeen. BELL, JAMES, D.D. 1789. (1) Preacher to the University of Glasgow; (2) Minister of Coldstream; died 9th August, 1794, aged 53. BELL, JOHN, M.A. 1825. Partner of the firm of J. & M. P. Bell & Co., China and Earthenware Manufacturers, Glasgow Pottery, Stafford Street, Glasgow; born 10th November, 1806; died 28th March, 1880. BELL, JOHN, B.A. 1843. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BELL, JOHN M'LEAN, B.A. 1847. "Fil. nat. sec. Archibaldi redemptoris in oppid. de Gourock" [Matric. Alb. 1843]- BELL, JOHN PEARSON, M.D., CM. 1845. Hull; J.P. ; died 26th September, 1886, aged 77. BELL, LUCAS, M.A. 1771. "Hib s " [Grad. Alb.]. BELL, PETER MACDONALD, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1873. Blair Logie ; Dalmellington ; Pudsey, Yorks. ; Manningham, Yorks. ; Pudsey, Yorks. BELL, ROBERT, M.B. 1868, M.D. 1871. Glasgow. BELL, ROBERT GORDON, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow (Assistant, 1890-91, to Professor of Anatomy in the University); Sunderland. BELL, THOMAS, Ch.B. 1822. "Hybernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BELL, THOMAS, M.D. 1826. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BELL, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1895. Coatbridge. BELL, THOMAS KERR, M.B., CM. 1889. Coatbridge; Glasgow; South Africa. BELL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1736. Minister of Campsie; died 8th May, 1783, aged 77. BELL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1812. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BELL, WILLIAM, M.D. 1837, M.A. 1841. Garstang, Lanes.; died 13th November, 1870, aged 81. 42 ROLL OF GRADUATES BELL, WILLIAM, M.D. 1844. Preston, Lanes. ; died 1889. BELL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1877. Minister, Hall Street, Semaphore, Exeter, near Adelaide, South Australia; brother of Robert Bell, M.B. 1868, M.D. 1871 (q.v.). BELL, WILLIAM GREGORY, M.A. 1895. Student of Christ Church, Oxford. BELL, WILLIAM HAMILTON, M.A. 1888. Teacher in Hillhead Public School, Glasgow, 1888-90; Second Master in West Coats School, Cambuslang, 1890-92 ; Master in Allan Glen's School, Glasgow, 1892-94; Head Master of Public School, Fort-William, 1894-96; Head Master of Blairgowrie Public School since 1896. BELLY, JOHN, M.A. 1730. "Ang. Hib." [Grad. Alb.]. BENEDIKT, MORIZ, LL.D. 1888. Professor of Electrotherapeutics in the University of Vienna. BENNETT, ALEXANDER JOHN MUNRO, M.A. 1887. Writer, Dunoon. BENNETT, GEORGE, M.D. 1859. Wooloomooloo, Sydney, New South Wales; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1828; F.R.S.S. Eng. 1859; F.L.S. ; born at Plymouth, 31st January, 1804; died 29th Sep- tember, 1893. BENNETT, ROBERT, M.A. 1804. " Filius unicus Jacobi Medicinae Doctoris apud Cork in comitatu de Cork in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1801]. BENNETT, SAMUEL, M.D. 1834 Bruff, Co. Limerick; died 12th August, 1870, aged 63. BENNIE, ARCHIBALD, D.D. 1845. Minister of (1) Albion Street Chapel, Glasgow, (2) Stirling, (3) Lady Yester's, Edinburgh; born at Glasgow, 1st November, 1797; died at Dunoon, 2 1 st September, 1846. BENNIE, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1873, M.D. 1876. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Coatbridge; Currie, Midlothian; died 2nd June, 1879, aged 27. BENNIE, JAMES NOBLE, LL.B. 1854, LL.D. 1880. Curate of Acton, Cheshire, 1854-56 ; Curate of South Hackney, London, 1857-59; Curate of Curron Chapel, Mayfair, London, 1859-61; Vicar of St. Mary's, Leicester, 1861-73; Rector of Glenfield, cum Braunstone and Kirby Maxloe, Leicester, 1873; Rural Dean, Guthlaxton I., 1873; Honorary Canon, Peterborough Cathedral, 1893. ROLL OF GRADUATES 43 BENNIE, ROBERT, M.A. 1884. (1) Baptist Minister at Greenock, retired owing to ill health; (2) Cabinet- maker at Windsor, Ontario, Canada. BENSON, JOSEPH, M.A. 1825. " Filius natu Secundus Michaelis Artificis apud Novum Super Tynam " [Matric. Alb. 1822]. BERESFORD, ROBERT DE LA POER, M.D. 1871. Dublin; Oswestry, Salop. BERRY, HENRY LEA, B.A. 1824, M.A. 1825. Minister, Hampstead. BERRY, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1890. Yaxley ; Charlton, Kent. BERTETE, PAUL COGNET, M.D. 1863. Native of Trinidad; probably settled there. BERTRAM, THOMAS DUN, M.B., CM. 1889. Ship Surgeon ; Rutherglen ; Coonamble, N.S. Wales. BETHAM, RICHARD, LL.D. 1774. "Filius natu maximus Joannis Betham de Grose in Parochia de Wensley in Com. Eboracensi" [Matric. Alb. 1746]. "Mr. Richard Betham" was a Member of the Literary Society of Glasgow in 1752. The University Matri- culation Album also contains the following entry, under date 1781 : "Campbell Betham Filius Unicus Ricardi Armigeri de Hague in insula Monensi, natus in Glasgua." BETTY, JOHN, M.D. 1844. Dublin; died 18th July, 1863. BEVERIDGE, ALEXANDER WATT, M.D. 1856. Surgeon-Major Army; Edinburgh. BEVERIDGE, HUGH ROBERTSON, M.A. 1888. " Has ventured upon . . . London journalism " \Glas. Univ. Magazine, 30th October, 1895]. BEVERIDGE, JOHN, M.A. 1879, B.D. 1882. Minister of (1) U.P. Church at Stow, (2) English Presbyterian Church at Wolverhampton. BEVERIDGE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow; Crookedholm, Ayrshire. BEVERIDGE, ROBERT EBENEZER, M.B., CM. 1883. Dunfermline ; Bothwell ; Dunfermline ; Sunderland. BICKERSTAFF, ROGER, M.A. 1803. " Filius natu maximus Rogeri Armigeri de Sheerwood House in parochia de Giggleswick in comitatu Eborasceni" [Matric. Alb. 1798]. 44 ROLL OF GRADUATES BICKET, ROBERT, M.A. 1868. Native of Fenwick; Licentiate of U.P. Church; died 30th August, 1871, aged 26. BIERNACKI, JOHN THOMSON, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow ; Heaton-Chapel, Cheshire ; Bootle, Lanes. ; London. BIGGAR, JOHN WILSON, M.A. 1876. Teacher, Redding School, Polmont Station, since 1876. BIGGAR, MATTHEW, M.A. 1745. Minister of Kirkoswald; died 2nd January, 1806, aged 82. BIGGART, SAMUEL, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1872. Rochdale; West Hartlepool. BIGGER, DAVID, M.B. 1868, M.D., CM. 1870. Portadown, Co. Armagh; died June, 1877. BIGGS, FREDERICK, M.D. 1840. Borrisokane, Co. Tipperary; died 27th July, 1858. BIGGS, SOLOMON RICHARDS, M.D. 1839. Fethard, Co. Wexford; Kelsall, Cheshire; Seacombe; died 1883. BIGSBY, ROBERT, LL.D. 1849. Antiquary; F.R.S. ; resided successively at Repton and Ashby-de-la-Zouche ; born at Nottingham, 1 806 ; died at 4 Beaufort Terrace, Peckham Rye, 27th September, 1873. BILL, GEORGE THOMAS, M.A. 1881. Sometime English Teacher in Auchincraig Boarding School, Kirn ; thereafter Schoolmaster in the Highlands ; believed to be now in London. BINGHAM, JOHN, M.D. 1795. "Practised Medicine in India" [Univ. Minute, 29th May, 1795]. BINNIE, DAVID DREGHORN, M.A. 1885, LL.B. 1888. Writer, Glasgow. BINNIE, GEORGE, M.D., CM. 1833. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BINNIE, JAMES MONTGOMERY, M.A. 1890. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. BINNIE, ROBERT MUIR GILCHRIST, M.B., CM. 1883, M.D. 1887. Brandon, Durham ; Dunmow, Essex ; Woking, Surrey. BINNIE, THOMAS, M.A. 1888. Surveyor, Glasgow. BINNIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1844, D.D. 1866. Reformed Presbyterian Minister at Stirling; thereafter Professor (1) of Divinity to the R.P. Church, (2) of Church History, etc., F.C. College, Aberdeen ; died at Glasgow, 22nd September, 1886, aged 63. ROLL OF GRADUATES 45 BINNIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1885. Free Church Minister at Mauchline since 1887. BINNING, DOUGLAS BLYTH, M.A. 1890. Barrister-at-Law, Bombay; LL.B. Cambridge. BIRCH, JAMES JACKSON, M.A. 1758. Possibly the same person as James Birch, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Dromora, 1764 to 1820, who died 10th November, 1820. BIRCH, THOMAS LEDLIE, M.A. 1772. Presbyterian Minister at Saintfield, Co. Down, 1776-98; concerned in Irish Rebellion of 1798, but permitted to emigrate to America; died at his residence near Washington, Pennsylvania, 12th April, 1828, aged 74. BIRCH, WALTER DE GRAY, LL.D. 1896. .Assistant in the Manuscripts Department of the British Museum, London; F.S.A. BIRCHALL, THOMAS BARROW, M.B., CM. 1879. Preston, Lanes. ; Croydon, Surrey ; Preston, Lanes. ; Croydon ; Melbourne ; Sydney. BIRKETT, GEORGE NOEL MATTHEW, M.A. 1893. Student in Chemistry at Bowness-on-Windermere. BIRKMYRE, JOHN, M.A. 1816, D.D. 1840. Minister of (1) Presbyterian Church, Fredericton, New Brunswick, (2) Dean Parish, Edinburgh; died 6th June, 1864, aged 68. BISHOP, JAMES CRAIK, M.A. 1877, LL.B. 1879. Writer, Glasgow. BISHOP, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow ; Ship Surgeon ; Manchester. BISPHAM, GEDNEY CLARK, M.D. 1796. Barbadoes; born 6th November, 1770; died 10th October, 1816. BISSET, DAVID, M.A. 1887. Teacher in Partick Public Schools, viz., (1) Anderson Street, 1884-87, (2) Church Street, 1887-93. BLACK, ARCHIBALD GRANT, M.B., CM. 1878. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia; Carlton there. BLACK, ARCHIBALD M., B.A. 1838. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BLACK, CHARLES, M.D. 1836. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BLACK, CHRISTOPHER STRONG, M.D. 1840. Belfast ; Holywood, Co. Down ; Belfast. BLACK, DONALD, M.B. 1867. Bunessan, Argyleshire ; Drimore, South Uist. 46 ROLL OF GRADUATES BLACK, DONALD CAMPBELL, M.D. 1862. Oban ; Glasgow ; London ; Glasgow (sometime Lecturer on Diseases of Children in St. Mungo's College and Professor of Physiology in Anderson's College). BLACK, EBENEZER STOTT, M.A. 185 1. Writer, Wigtown; died 16th August, 1887. BLACK, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1878. Airdrie; Luing, Argyleshire. BLACK, HUGH, M.A. 1887. Minister of (1) Sherwood Free Church, Paisley, (2) Free St. George's Church, Edinburgh. BLACK, JAMES, M.D. 1820. Surgeon R.N.; Newton-Stewart; Bolton; Manchester; (Lecturer on Forensic Medicine at Royal School of Medicine there) ; Bolton ; Edinburgh ; died there, 30th April, 1867, aged 79. BLACK, JAMES, CM. 1824. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BLACK, JAMES, M.A. 1855. (1) Church of Scotland Missionary at Point St. Charles, Montreal ; (2) Minister of Chatham, Canada East ; (3, 4, 5) Unitarian Minister in England at Stockport, Todmorden, and Knutsford successively, and for 15 years Professor of the Unitarian Home Missionary College, Manchester ; (6) Missionary and private Teacher at Topeka, Kansas, U.S.A. BLACK, JAMES BIRCH, M.A. 1814. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Dromora 1816-23, when "suspended sine die for drunkenness" [Hist, of Irish Presb. Congs., p. 121]. BLACK, JAMES GRANT, M.B., CM. 1874. Carlton, Victoria, Australia; Warrecknabeal there. BLACK, JAMES MORETON, M.A. 1881. Advocate, Edinburgh ; a well-known pantomime librettist and playwright ; son of George Black, Writer, Glasgow; born 7th February, 1861 ; died at Elgin, of typhoid fever, 5th August, 1892 ; LL.B. Edinburgh, 1885. BLACK, JOHN, LL.D. 1812. Minister of Coylton, 1810-25 '> died at Paris, 26th August, 1825, aged 48. BLACK, JOHN, LL.D. 1881. (1) Schoolmaster at Banchory-Devenick ; (2) H.M. Inspector of Schools; (3) Professor of Humanity in the University of Aberdeen, 1868-81 ; died 17th November, 1881, aged 47; M.A. Aberdeen, 1855. BLACK, JOHN EASTON, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1892. Minister of Beach Mission Church, Dundee. BLACK, MALCOLM, M.B., CM. 1874, M.D. 1887. Glasgow (Ship Surgeon) ; Airdrie ; Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 47 BLACK, ROBERT, M.A. 1772. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Dromore, (2) Londonderry; "On the 4th of December 181 7, in a fit of insanity, he threw himself from the bridge of Derry, and was drowned. He died in the sixty-sixth year of his age" [History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland]. BLACK, ROBERT, CM. 1825. Dundonald. BLACK, ROBERT, B.A. 1847, M.A. 1848. Free Church Minister at Kilsyth; died 17th November, 1888. BLACK, ROBERT, B.A. 1857, M.A. 1858. (1) U.P. Minister at Hamilton, (2) at Liverpool; (3) Cambridge District Secretary for B. and F. Bible Society; (4) Curate of St. Andrew's the Less, Cambridge ; (5) Vicar of Ramsey, Huntingdonshire. BLACK, THOMAS, CM. 1826. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BLACK, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1896. Liverpool. BLACK, WILLIAM, M.D. 1782. "Natus in Hybernia Filius natu Secundus Thomae Artificis in Parochia de Drumaul in comitatu de Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1779]. BLACK, WILLIAM, M.A. 1800. "Teacher of an Academy in America" [Univ. Minute, 4th November, 1800]. BLACK, WILLIAM, CM. 1830. Ballymena, Co. Antrim. BLACK, WILLIAM, D.D. 1834. Minister of (1) Shettleston Chapel, 1826-28, (2) Barony Parish, Glasgow, 1828-51 ; died at Florence, 15th January, 185 1, aged 50. His widow, Mrs. Janet Young or Black, bequeathed funds to Glasgow University for founding the Black Theological Fellowship, the Black Theological Bursaries, the Black Bursaries in Arts, and the Young Assistantship in Engineering, and for augmenting the Endowment of the Chair of Biblical Criticism. BLACK, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1876. Medical Missionary to Livingstonia, Africa; died 7th May, 1877. BLACK, WILLIAM HENRY, M.A. 1883. Native of Greenock ; intended for Medical Profession ; died at San Remo, 3rd April, 1886, aged 22. BLACK, WILLIAM PATRICK MACBEAN, B.L. 1885. Writer, Glasgow. BLACKADDER, ROBERT, M.A. 1789. " Filius natu max. Alexandri Agricolae in parochia de Kincardine et Comit. de Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 1784]. 48 ROLL OF GRADUATES BLACKBURN, HUGH, LL.D. 1885. Professor of Mathematics in Glasgow University, 1849 to 1879, when retired. BLACKBURN, JOHN, M.A. 1832. " Filius natu 2 ndus Thomae Chirurgae in com. de Lancaster " [Matric. Alb. 1826]. BLACKBURN, THOMAS LOW, M.B., CM. 1888. Hamilton ; Bothwell. BLACKER, ST. JOHN, M.A. 1763. BLACKIE, WALTER GRAHAM, LL.D. 1886. Publisher; Clerk of General Council of Glasgow University, 1860-71; Lord Dean of Guild, Glasgow, 1885-87; Principal of St. Mungo's College, Glasgow, since its foundation in 1889; Ph.D. Jena, 1840. BLACKIE, WALTER WILFRID, B.Sc. 1879. Publisher, Glasgow; son of Walter Graham Blackie, LL.D. (q.v.). BLACKLOCK, ALEXANDER DUNCAN, M.A., LL.B. 1889. Law Clerk in (1) Glasgow, (2) Edinburgh; died at the Occidental Hotel, San Francisco, California, 1st September, 1892. BLACKLOCK, DUNCAN COLQUHOUN STEWART, M.A. 1887, B.L. 1891. Law Clerk (1) Glasgow, (2) Edinburgh. BLACKLOCK, ISABELLA, M.A. 1895. Teacher in Roslyn Terrace School, Glasgow; the first woman graduate in Arts of the University. BLACKWELL, HENRY MONRO, M.D. 1802. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BLACKWOOD, JOHN, M.A. 1741. "F. Roberti Blackwood de Ballyleedy in Com. Dunens Armigeri" [Matric. Alb. 1739]. BLACKWOOD, JOHN ROSS, M.A. 1890. Indian Civil Service. BLACKWOOD, SAMUEL, CM. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BLACKWOOD, THOMAS, M.A. 1778. "Natus in Hybernia, Filius natu quartus Johannis Agricolae in Parochia de Auchanuncion & Comitatu de Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1775]. BLACKWOOD, THOMAS, M.A. 1884. Free Church Minister at Stow. BLAIN, THOMAS, LL.D. 1856. Head Master of the English Department of Royal Belfast Academical Institution, 1845-61; died 16th November, 1879, aged 87. ROLL OF GRADUATES 49 BLAINE, BENJAMIN, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow ; King William's Town, S. Africa ; Kimberley there ; King William's Town. BLAIR, ADAM, M.A. 1737. Presbyterian Minister at Horse Leap, near Birr, King's County; died at Lisburn, 1790. BLAIR, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1825. "Fil. nat. 2 dus Gulielmi Mercatoris Glasg." [Matric. Alb. 1819]. BLAIR, ALEXANDER, LL.D. 1827. "of London" [Univ. Minute, 25th October, 1827]. "An alumnus of this University, and who about 27 years ago completed here the usual curriculum in Languages and Philosophy with the highest credit to himself" [Univ. Minute, 24th October, 1827]. BLAIR, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1888. Langley Moor, Durham ; Ashington, Northumberland. BLAIR, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1895. Caistor, Lines.; Tarbert, Harris; Helmsley, Yorks. BLAIR, ARCHIBALD WARDEN, M.A. 1885, LL.B. 1888. Barrister-at-Law, London. BLAIR, BRICE, M.D. 1837. Moneymore, Co. Derry; died 18th March, 1873. BLAIR, CHARLES, M.A. 1730. BLAIR, CHARLES PATRICK, M.A. 1882. Minister of Wanlockhead. BLAIR, DANIEL, CM. 1833. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BLAIR, DAVID, M.D. 1861. Islay; Glencoe; Fort-William; Dumbarton; Beith; Dunedin, New Zealand; Invercargill there. BLAIR, DAVID, M.A. 1890, M.B., CM. 1894. Ship Surgeon ; Paisley ; Lancaster. BLAIR, DUGALD, M.D. 1839. "Antigua" [Grad. Alb.]. BLAIR, DUNCAN, M.A. 1800. Possibly the same person as Duncan Blair, M.F.P. & S.G. 1808, sometime Medical Practitioner in Glasgow, who about 1840 retired to Balfron, and died there, 1852. BLAIR, GEORGE, M.A. 1850. Minister of Monzie, 1843-44; resident at 76 Abbotsford Place, Glasgow, and engaged in literary pursuits, 1857-61 ; held at one period an important educational appointment in Canada; author of "The Holocaust," 1845, "Lays of Palestine," 1851, "Sketches of Glasgow Necropolis," 1857 ; bornat Perth, 1818. 50 ROLL OF GRADUATES BLAIR, GEORGE, B.Sc. 1895. Mechanical Engineer, Glasgow. BLAIR, HUGH, M.A. 1848. Presbyterian Minister, Killygorden, Co. Donegal; died 26th November, 1889. BLAIR, JAMES, M.A. 1888. Music Teacher and Church Organist, Saltcoats. BLAIR, JAMES OGDEN, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1868. Surgeon "Anchor" Line; Windsor. BLAIR, JOHN. M.A., M.D. 1775. " Filius natu maximus Reverendi Viri Adami Blair" (q.v.) "A.M. et V.D.M. in Comitatu Regio, in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1771]. BLAIR, JOHN, M.A. 1837. " Filius natu secundus Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Donoughmore et comitatu de Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1834]. BLAIR, JOHN, B.A. 1839. Minister of Straiton. BLAIR, JOHN FULTON, M.A. 1881, B.D. 1886. Licentiate of the Free Church. BLAIR, MATTHEW CAMERON, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1895. Ship Surgeon ; Paisley ; Leavesden, Herts. BLAIR, ROBERT, M.A. 1863, D.D. 1891. Minister of (1) Tarbert, (2) St. Columba's, Glasgow, (3) Cambuslang, (4) St. John's, Edinburgh. BLAIR, ROBERT, M.D. 1864, CM. 1867. Glasgow (Gartnavel Asylum); Lenzie (Physician Superintendent Woodilee Asylum). BLAIR, SARAH LOGAN, M.A. 1895. Teacher in Kilwinning Public School. BLAIR, WILLIAM, M.A. 1825. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BLAIR, WILLIAM, CM. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BLAIR, WILLIAM, M.D. 1863. Glasgow ; Denholme, Roxburghshire ; Jedburgh. BLAKE, ANDREW, M.D. 1824. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BLAKE, BUCHANAN, M.A. 1873, B.D. 1876. Missionary Professor in the Wilson College, Bombay, 1876-84; Fellow of the Bombay University, 1880 ; Free Church Minister at Clydebank since 1885. ROLL OF GRADUATES 5 1 BLAKE, ROBERT, M.D. 1813. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. BLAKELY, WILLIAM THOMSON, M.B., CM. 1884. Sowerby, Yorks. ; Kirkintilloch j Grangetown, Yorks. 3 Kirkintilloch. BLAND, MATTHEW HENRY, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1891. Kirkleatham, Yorks. ; Pickering there j Guisborough there. BLAND, NATHANIEL, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BLANE, SIR GILBERT, BART, M.A., M.D. 1778. Physician to the Fleet in the West Indies, and North America, during the American War ; one of the Commissioners of sick and wounded seamen ; Physician to Kings George IV. and William IV.; one of Physicians to St. Thomas's Hospital, London ; Founder of Blane Medal for best Journals by Navy Medical Officers ; born at Blanefield, Ayrshire, 29th August, 1749; died at London, 26th June, 1834. BLANE, JOHN, CM. 1826. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BLANEY, ROLAND, . M.B., CM. 1881. Hastings; St. Leonards-on-Sea ; M.A. Edin. 1874. BLEAKLEY, ELIJAH, M.D. 1839. Norwich; died 22nd November, 1857, aged 39. BLECKLEY, JOHN, M.A. 1817. Presbyterian Minister at Monaghan, 1821-73, an d Teacher of an Academy there; died 1st December, 1873. BLELOCH, ARCHIBALD, B.A. 1856, M.A. 1857. Medical Practitioner, Edinburgh; M.B., C.M. Edin. 1870; B.Sc. Edin. 1868; D.Sc. Edin. 1869. BLOUNT, WILLIAM, M.D. 1787. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]; M.A. Paris [Univ. Minutes, 24th May and 20th June, 1787]. BLUNDELL, THOMAS LEIGH, M.D. 1827. London (sometime Lecturer on Midwifery at Aldersgate Medical School) ; St. Leonards-on-Sea; died 22nd February, 1872, aged 84. BLYTH, DAVID, M.B., C.M. 1880. Balfron; Fiji; Glasgow; Melbourne; Johnstone Bridge, Dumfriesshire; London; Suava, Fiji; died there, 18th November, 1894, aged 39. BLYTH, JOHN, B.L. 1884. Solicitor, Edinburgh. BLYTH, JOHN GEORGE, M.A. 1877, LL.B. 1881. Barrister, Auckland, New Zealand. 52 ROLL OF GRADUATES BLYTHE, JAMES, B.A. 1826, M.A. 1827. Presbyterian Minister at Branton, near Alnwick ; born in South Sunderland, 1809; died 27th February, 1894; son of Newton Blythe, M.A. (q.v.). Archibald M'Kerrell, Student of Medicine, was admonished by order of the Faculty, 17th April, 1827, "for giving a challenge to Mr James Blythe, a Student in the Natural Philosophy Class, to fight a duel, and, upon the very proper non-acceptance of this challenge by Mr Blythe, posting him up in the College as a coward." BLYTHE, JOHN, M.A. 1787, D.D. 1822. Presbyterian Minister at Woolwich; ordained 1797; died 1839; brother of Newton Blythe, M.A. (q.v.). BLYTHE, JOHN DAVID, M.A. 1825. Sometime Surgeon R.N. ; thereafter Medical Practitioner in Hexham ; son of John Blythe, D.D. (q.v.). BLYTHE, NEWTON, M.A. 1792. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Maling's Rigg, South Sunderland, (2) Branton, near Alnwick; died 1853; brother of John Blythe, D.D. (q.v.) BLYTHSWOOD, BARON, LL.D. 1888. Archibald Campbell Campbell ; of Blythswood ; sometime Lieut.-Col. in the Scots Fusileer Guards; served in Crimean campaign, 1855 (wounded, medal with clasps, Turkish medal); M.P. for (1) Renfrewshire, 1873-74, (2) West Renfrew- shire, 1885-92; created Baronet, 1880, and Baron, 1892; Member of Glasgow University Court (as Rector's Assessor), 1890-93 ; born 22nd February, 1835. BOA, JOHN FINLAY, M.B., CM. 1888. Dippen, Arran ; Ship Surgeon ; Bishop's Castle, Shropshire. BOAG, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Cobbinshaw, Lanarkshire. BOAG, JOHN SINCLAIR, M.A. 1885, B.Sc. 1890. Master in Model School and Lecturer in Normal College, Cape Town, 1880- 83 ; First Assistant in Inverbrothock Public School, Arbroath, 1885-93 ; Master of Secondary Department of Jean Street Public School, Port-Glasgow, since 1893. BOAK, ROBERT, M.A. 1848. " Filius natu secundus Wron agricolae in Comitatu de Tyrone " [Matric. Alb. 1844]. BOEDEKER, HENRY ALBERT, M.B., CM. 1895. Verden a. Aller, Germany. BOGLE, KINGSMILL, M.A. 1744. " Filius Josephi Bogle in parochia de Donaghmore in Com. de Donnegal " [Matric. Alb. 1742]. BOGUE, DAVID, M.A. 1817. " Filius natu Tertius Viri Reverendi Davidis Pastoris de Alverstoke in comitatu de Hants." [Matric. Alb. 1814]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 53 BOGUE, JOHN, M.A. 1869. Minister of St. Andrew's English Presbyterian Church, Stockton-on-Tees. BOLLAND, EDWARD HOWARD, M.D. 1849. Dublin; Kill-of-the-Grange, Co. Dublin; Monkstown, same Co.; Donny- brook, same Co. ; Monkstown ; Dublin. BOLTON, ROBERT, B.A. 1848. " Filius natu sextus Gulielmi Agricolae in Parochia Tamlaghobrilly, Com. de Derry, Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1846]. BOLTON, THOMAS, M.D. 1800. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. BONAR, JAMES, M.A. 1874, LL.D. 1887. Lecturer for the " London Society for the Extension of University Teaching," in Tower Hamlets, London, E., 1877-80; Junior Permanent Examiner, H.M. Civil Service Commission, Westminster, 1881-95; Senior Permanent Examiner since 1895; Snell Exhibitioner, 1873; B.A. Oxon. 1877; M.A. 1881. BONAR, THOMAS MITCHELL, M.B., CM. 1888. Probus, Cornwall. BONAR, THOMAS YOUNG, M.A. 1880. Intended for the Ministry; died 10th March, 1883, aged 26. BOND, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1880. Blythswood, South Africa (F.C. Medical Missionary), 1880-81 ; Liverpool. BOND, WILLIAM JAMES, M.B. 1875. Brill, Bucks. BONE, HUGH, M.D. 1815. Sometime Surgeon to the Forces ; Inspector-General of Army Hospitals ; died at Edinburgh, 13th February, 1858, aged 81. BONELL, JAMES, M.D. 1838. "Indus Occidentalis " [Grad. Alb.]. BONNAR, JOHN, M.A. 1880. Vinegrower, California, U.S.A. BOOG, ROBERT, D.D. 1812. Minister of the Abbey Parish of Paisley; died 23rd July, 1823, aged 78. BOOTH, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1872. Oswaldtwistle, Lanes. ; died 3rd October, 1880, aged 34. BOOTHROYD, BENJAMIN, D.D. 1824. Congregational Minister at (1) Pontefract, (2) Huddersfield ; born 10th October, 1768; died 8th September, 1836. BOOTY, WILLIAM HENRY, M.D. 1820. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. BORAH, SHIBRAM, M.B., CM. 1875. Surgeon-Lieut.-Col. Indian Medical Service, Bengal. 54 ROLL OF GRADUATES BORLAND, DAVID, M.A. 1863. (1) U.P. Minister at Cairneyhill ; (2) Probationer of the Church of Scotland. BORLAND, HENRY M'DONALD, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow. BORLAND, HUGH HOWIE, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. BORLAND, JOHN, M.D. 1831. Kilmarnock; died at Kyle Akin, Uddingston, 29th July, 1896, aged 86. BORLAND, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1877. Glasgow; London. BORMAN, DANIEL, M.A. 1735. "Ang. Dan. F. in Maidstone in Com. Kent" [Matric. Alb. 1732]. BORTHWICK, CHARLES JAMES, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1871. Black Torrington, N. Devon; died 16th February, 1872. BORTHWICK, JAMES, M.A. 1892. Teacher in John Street Public School, Bridgeton, Glasgow. BOSANQUET, BERNARD, LL.D. 1892. B arris ter-at-Law ; Q.C.; Author of "Logic," and other Metaphysical works; M.A. Oxon. BOSSEY, FRANCIS, M.D. 1832. Woolwich ; Worthing, Sussex ; Redhill, Surrey. BOTSFORD, LE BARON, M.D. 1835. " New Brunswick, America " [Grad. Alb.]. BOULTER, BENJAMIN, CM. 1828. Hull; died 1868. BOURKE, JAMES, M.D. 1863. Greenock; died 1867. BOURNE, WALTER, M.D. 185 1. Honorary Physician, Pauper Hospital, Calcutta, and Medical Officer on Staff of Lieutenant Governor of Bengal ; Manningham, Yorks. ; Arcachon, France ; Clifton, Bristol; Parame, France. BOW, JAMES EBENEZER, M.B., CM. 1892. Larbert. BOWDEN, GEORGE, M.D. 1848. Monaghan. BOWEN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1821. Unitarian Minister at Coventry, Cradley, and Kingswood, 1823-57. BOWIE, FRANCIS PROCTOR, B.A. i860, M.A. 1861. Son of Matthew Bowie, M.A., D.D. (q.v.); studied for Ministry of Church of Scotland, but, on eve of license, died at Kinghorn Manse, 1865 ; B.D. Edin. 1865. ROLL OF GRADUATES 55 BOWIE, JOHN CUNNINGHAM, M.B., CM. 1889. Kilbarchan ; Cardiff. BOWIE, JOHN TAIT, M.B., CM. 1896. Mossbank, Shetland. BOWIE, MATTHEW, M.A. 1818, D.D. 1858. (1) Chaplain in India; (2) Minister of Kinghorn; died November, 1869. BOWIE, ROBERT, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in U.P. College, Edinburgh. BOWIE, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1877. Coatbridge; Pont-y-Pridd, Glam. ; Otepopo, Otago, N.Z. BOWLES, HENRY M., B.A. 1826. Intended for Dissenting Ministry in " South Britain " ; died early. BOWMAN, EDDOWES, B.A. 1843, M.A. 1844. Professor of Classics in Manchester New College, 1846-53 ; born at Nantwich, 12th November, 1810; died at Manchester, 10th July, 1869. BOWMAN, QUINTIN, M.A. 1795. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BOWMONT, THOMAS, M.D. 1857. Deputy Surgeon-General Madras Army ; Dublin ; Blackrock, Co. Dublin ; Dublin. BOXWELL, FRANCIS, M.D. 1835. Borris, Co. Carlow; Butlerstown Castle, Co. Wexford; J. P.; died 15th April, 1887, aged 76. BOXWELL, HENRY HARVEY, M.D. 1835. Wexford; died 1st September, 1889, aged 79. BOYD, ADAM, M.A. 1809. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BOYD, ANDREW KENNEDY HUTCHISON, B.A. 1846. Minister of (1) Newtown-upon-Ayr, (2) Kirkpatrick-Irongray, (3) St. Bernard's, Edinburgh, (4) St. Andrews; son of James Boyd, D.D. 1845 (q.v.); born 3rd November, 1825; D.D. Edinburgh, 1864; LL.D. St. Andrews, 1889. BOYD, DAVID RUNCIMAN, B.Sc. 1892. (1) Demonstrator of Chemistry in Mason College, Birmingham; (2) Lecturer on Chemistry in the Hartley Institution, Southampton ; Degree Examiner on Chemistry in Glasgow University since 1895; Ph.D. BOYD, FRANCIS, M.A. 1891. Of the Civil Service, London. BOYD, HENRY, M.D. 1846. Glasgow; died 18th February, 1866, aged 54. 56 ROLL OF GRADUATES BOYD, HERBERT CAMERON, LL.B. 1892. Writer, Glasgow; M.A. Aberdeen, 1888. BOYD, JAMES, M.A. 1770. "Filius natu sextus Gulielmi de Bally Castle Armigeri in Ramoan in Comitatu de Antrim Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1769]. BOYD, JAMES, M.A. 1796. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BOYD, JAMES, M.A. 1817, LL.D. 1827. (1) Private Tutor in Edinburgh; (2) House Governor of Heriot's Hospital there, 1825-29; (3) Classical Master in High School there, 1829-56; born at Paisley, 24th December, 1795; died at Edinburgh, 18th August, 1856. BOYD, JAMES, M.A. 1826, D.D. 1855. U.P. Minister at (1) Dumbarton, (2) Campbeltown; born 1806; died 1878. BOYD, JAMES, M.A. 1829. Minister of (1) City Road U.P. Church, Brechin, (2) Free Church, Polmont; died 14th April, 1885. BOYD, JAMES, D.D. 1845. Sometime Chaplain to Caledonian Asylum, London ; afterwards Minister of (1) Auchinleck (officiated at funeral, on 10th April, 1822, of Sir Alexander Boswell, Bart., of Auchinleck, M.P., who was killed in a duel with James Stuart of Dunearn, W.S.), (2) Ochiltree, (3) St. Mary's or Tron Church, Glasgow; died 27th March, 1865, aged 79. BOYD, JAMES, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862. (1) Rector of Verulam and Mount Moreland, Natal, South Africa; (2) Assistant Classical Master, Glasgow Academy; (3) Head Master of Alnwick Grammar School; (4) Principal of Broughton High School, Manchester; (5) Curate of Serayingham, York; (6) Curate-in-Charge of Gilling, York. BOYD, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1895. Scarborough. BOYD, JAMES CAMPBELL, M.A. 1885. U.P. Minister at Kennoway. BOYD, JAMES DUNLOP, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1884. Ship Surgeon; Sandhurst, Victoria, Australia; Bendigo there. BOYD. JAMES PATON, M.B., CM. 1888. London ; Glasgow. BOYD, JAMES WOOD, M.B., CM. 1890. Govan ; Macclesfield ; Liverpool. BOYD, JOHN, M.A. 1866. U.P. Minister at Wemyss Bay. BOYD, JOHN ADAM, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 57 BOYD, JOHN JAMES, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow. BOYD, JOHN M'DERMID, M.D. 1856. Native of Paisley; died at Nice, 31st December, 1856. BOYD, JOHN SLOAN, M.A. 1892. F.C. Minister at Aberlour. BOYD, ROBERT, M.A. 1814. " Filius natu 3 tius Roberti, agricolae in Craigs, in Parochia de Ahoghill, comitatu de Antrim, in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1813]. BOYD, ROBERT, B.L. 1877. Solicitor, Irvine. BOYD, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1893. Liverpool ; Huddersfield. BOYD, ROBERT LOHOAR, M.A. 1890. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. BOYD, ROBERT MASSON, M.A. 1870. F.C. Minister at Glenbervie. BOYD, ROBERT SPEIR, M.D. 1828. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BOYD, WALTER LITTLE GILMOUR, B.A. 1853. Minister of Skelmorlie, 1856-72; born 26th June, 1832; died 4th January, 1872; son of James Boyd, D.D. 1845 (q.v.). BOYD, WILLIAM, M.A. 1747. Minister of Carsphairn; "died 5th Feb. 1772, in 16th min., during which period the Lord's Supper was not dispensed" [Scott's Fasti\ BOYD, WILLIAM, M.A. 1768. " Filius natu maximus Adami Fabri Lignarii in Lochwinnock " [Matric. Alb. 1764J. BOYD, WILLIAM, M.A. 1804. "Filius natu maximus Reverendi Viri Gulielmi V.D.M. in parochia de Fenwick" [Matric. Alb. 1799]. BOYD, WILLIAM, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in F.C. College, Glasgow. BOYD, WILLIAM MACCALL, M.B., CM. 1890. Largs. BOYLE, GEORGE FREDERICK. See Glasgow, Earl of. BOYLE, JOHN, M.A. 1817. " Filius natu tertius Viri Reverendi Adami in parochia de Tamleghtoculley in comitatu de Londonderry" [Matric. Alb. 1809]. BOYLE, JOHN, M.A. 1889, B.D. 1892. Minister of Kirkden, Forfarshire. 5 8 ROLL OF GRADUATES BOYLE, MICHAEL ALOYSIUS, M.B., CM. 1888. Binghamstown, Co. Mayo ; Curry, Co. Sligo ; Pullatomas, Co. Mayo ; Curry, Co. Sligo. BOYLE, PATRICK, M.A. 1736. Of Shewalton ; son of second Earl of Glasgow, and father of David Boyle, Lord Justice-General of Scotland; died 26th February, 1798. BOYLE, ROBERT, M.A. 1801. "Fil. n. max. Roberti Artificis — natus in par. de Campsie (Stirling)" [Matric. Alb. 1793]. BOYLE, WILLIAM ST. JOHN, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BRACKEN, EDWARD, LL.D. 1791. "Clark Vicar of Snaith, in Yorkshire, and Head Master of the Grammar School in Snaith" [Univ. Minute, 14th March, 1791]. BRACKENRIDGE, CHARLES, CM. 1843. "Anglu Indus" [Grad. Alb.]. BRADFORD, WILLIAM ARTHUR, M.B., CM. 1870. London; Melbourne; Wellington, N.Z. ; London; Nelson, Australia. BRADFUTE, JAMES, M.A. 1781. "(Natus in comitatu de Lanark) Filius natu maximus Viri Reverendi Joannis" (q.v.) " Pastoris in Ecclesia de Dunsyre et comitatu de Lanark" [Matric. Alb. 1778]. BRADFUTE, JOHN, M.A. 1748. Minister of Dunsyre, 1751-93; died 21st March, 1793, aged 68. BRADLEY, FRANCIS HERBERT, LL.D. 1883. Fellow of Merton College, Oxford; B.A. of Merton, 1870; M.A. 1877; brother of Andrew Cecil Bradley, M.A., Professor of English Literature in the University of Glasgow. BRADLEY, HUGH, CM. 1825. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BRADLEY, JOHN, M.D. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BRADLEY, MICHAEL M'WILLIAMS, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1876- Jarrow-on-Tyne. BRADSHAW, BENJAMIN WELLINGTON, M.D. 1841. Bansha, Co. Tipperary; Cape of Good Hope. BRADY, JAMES, M.D. 1 40. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BRAIDWOOD, GAVIN, M.A. 1887, LL.B. 1890. Writer in Glasgow, and Lecturer on International Private Law in St. Mungo's College there. ROLL OF GRADUATES 59 BRAIDWOOD, JOHN, M.A. 1840. F.C. Missionary at Madras; ordained 6th August, 18403 returned to Scotland, 9th July, i860; died at Edinburgh, 30th April, 1875. BRAILSFORD, HENRY NOEL, M.A. 1894. (Logan Medallist) ; sometime Assistant to Professor of Logic in Glasgow University. BRANAGAN, PATRICK, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BRAND, MARK, B.Sc. 1887. Mining Engineer at Twechar, near Kilsyth. BRANDER, JAMES PATERSON, M.A. 1896. Student of Christ Church, Oxford. BRANKS, WILLIAM, M.A. 1835. Minister of Torphichen; died 16th February, 1879, aged 67. BRASH, JAMES, M.D. 1850. Glasgow; Inveraray; Glasgow; Licentiate of the Church of Scotland, 1844. BRASH, JOHN, M.A. 1844. Minister of (1) U.P. Church, Wamphray, (2) Cameronian Church, New York. BREAKEY, ANDREW, M.A. 1816. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Keady, 1819-31, (2) Killyleagh, 1831-82; died 17th November, 1882. BREDON, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1837. Portadown, Co. Armagh; died 14th May, 1866. BREE, THOMAS, M.D. 1792. Stafford; Hastings; died circa 1828. BREMNER, HENRY, M.A. 1866, B.D. 1873, D-D- 1889. Minister of Free High Church, Partick ; ordained 1872; Examiner for B.D. Degree in Glasgow University since 1896. BREMNER, ROBERT LOCKE, M.A. 1886, B.L. 1891. Writer, Glasgow. BREWSTER, GEORGE, M.A. 1882. (1) Chaplain, Wolfendhal, Ceylon; (2) Minister of Church of Scotland at Albany, Western Australia. BREWSTER, JAMES, D.D. 1837. Minister of (1) Craig, Forfarshire, (2) Free Church there; born 5th August, 1777 ; died 5th February, 1847 ; brother of Sir David Brewster. BRIDGE, JAMES, M.A. 1806. "Hybernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BRIDGE, JOHN, M.A. 1795. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. 60 ROLL OF GRADUATES BRIDGWATER, THOMAS, LL.D. 1888. (M.B. Lond. 1852); London; Harrow; J.P. BRIGGS, REUBEN, M.A. 1884. Congregational Minister at Honley, Huddersfield. BRIGHT, JOHN, LL.D. 1883. M.P. for (1) Durham, (2) Manchester, (3) Birmingham; President of Board of Trade, 1868 ; Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster, 1873 and 1881 ; Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow, 1880-1883; born at Rochdale, 16th November, 181 1; died there, 27th March, 1889. BRISBANE, JAMES, M.D. 1859. Galashiels ; London. BRISBANE, THOMAS, M.A. 1808, M.D. 1812. Largs ; son of Thomas Brisbane, Minister of Dunlop. BRISCOE, HENRY, M.D. 1839. Surgeon-Major Royal Artillery; H.M. Inspector of Prisons; Dover; died 9th May, 1893, aged 74. BRITTON, JOHN, M.D. 1857. Wheatley, Oxfordshire ; Strabane, Co. Tyrone. BROADBENT, THOMAS BIGGIN, M.A. 1813. Classical Tutor in the Unitarian Academy at Hackney ; born at Warrington, 17th March, 1793; died of apoplexy, 9th November, 1817. BROADFOOT, DAVID, CM. 1832. Wigton. BROADFOOT, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1878, M.D. 1884. Greenock. BROATCH, ROBERT, M.A. 1887. Teacher in (1) Larchfield Academy, Helensburgh, (2) Moffat Academy, (3) Trailtrow Public School, Ecclefechan. BROCK, WALTER PATERSON, M.A. 1879, B.D. 1883. Minister of Forth, Lanarkshire. BROCK, WILLIAM WALLEN, M.D. 1801. Clifton. BROCKLEHURST, GEORGE HENRY, B.Sc. 1884. (1) Assistant Master in Royal Masonic School, London, 1875-80; (2) Head Master of Grange Collegiate School, Edinburgh, 1885-91 ; (3) Principal of St. Cuthbert's School, Eastbourne, Sussex, 1891-93; (4) Tutor for Universities' and Professional Examinations, Lyminge, Kent. BRODIE, DUNCAN HUNTER, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1891. Minister of John Knox Parish, Aberdeen, since 1897. BRODIE, HUGH JOHNSTONE, M.D. 1837. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 6 1 BRODIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1870. Coatbridge; Ship Surgeon; New Cumnock; Surgeon Army; died 15th March, 1887, aged 38. BRODIE, JOHN EWAN, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1872. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow. BRODIE, ROBERT CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow; died at Grange, Market Stainton, Lines., 17th October, 1893. BRODIE, THOMAS SCOTT, M.B., CM. 1893. Houston. BRODIE, WILLIAM, B.L. 1888. Writer, Glasgow. BRODIE, WILLIAM BRODIE, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow ; Lenzie ; Worcester ; Glasgow (Assistant to Professor of Physiology in the University since 1896). BROMFIELD, WILLIAM ARNOLD, M.D. 1826. Botanist; did not practise as a Physician; resided at (1) Hastings, (2) Southampton, (3) Ryde, Isle of Wight; Travelled in West Indies, Canada, United States, Egypt, and Syria; F.L.S.; born at Boldre, Hants., 1801 ; died at Damascus, of typhus fever, 9th October, 1851. BROOKS, HUGH, M.A. 1776. Possibly the same person as Hugh Brooke, Presbyterian Minister at Burt, Co. Donegal, from 1783 to 1839, and who died 13th June, 1839. BROOM, HENRY, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. BROOM, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow ; Manchester ; Ship Surgeon ; Kirriemuir. BROOM, ROBERT, B.Sc. 1887, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1895. Glasgow; Edinburgh; Cudal, N.S. Wales. BROOMFIELD, JOHN, M.A. 1772. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWN, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1813. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWN, ALEXANDER, CM. 1825. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWN, ALEXANDER BAIRD, M.A. 1869. F.C. Minister at (1) Lerwick, (2) Kilbirnie; died at Nethy Bridge, 1 8th August, 1894. BROWN, ANDREW, M.A 1804. " Filius natu maximus Andreae Scribae in vico de Stewarton " [Matric. Alb. 1799]- 62 ROLL OF GRADUATES BROWN, ANDREW, B.A. 1837. Minister of (1) Irvine, 1845-52, (2) Beith, 1852-88; died 28th September, 1888, aged 71. BROWN, ANDREW, M.A. 1887. Assistant Master in Falkirk High School, 1887-90; Head Master of Nether- craigs Public School, near Paisley, since 1891. BROWN, ANDREW MORRISON, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862, B.D. 1866. Minister of St. Andrew's Free Church, Kirkintilloch. BROWN, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1831, M.D. 1834. Glasgow. BROWN, ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1879. Glasgow. BROWN, CHARLES HERBERT, M.A. 1889, LL.B. 1893. Advocate, Edinburgh. BROWN, CHARLES WILLIAM, B.L. 1895. Solicitor, Maybole. BROWN, COLIN, M.D. 1828. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWN, DANIEL, CM. 1826. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWN, DAVID, B.A. 1848, M.A. 1849. Presbyterian Minister at Falcarragh, County Donegal. BROWN, DUGALD, CM. 1823. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWN, DUNCAN, M.A. 1881. F.C. Minister at Lochgelly. BROWN, DUNCAN FRANCIS, M.B., CM. 1893. Greenock. BROWN, EZEKIEL, M.A. 1761. "Filius natu maximus Danielis in Comitatu de Tyronne in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1758]. BROWN, FORBES, M.B., CM. 1893. Govan. BROWN, FRANCIS, M.A. 1728. " Anglus " [Grad. Alb.} BROWN, GEORGE, M.A. 1818. "F. n. min. Joannis Artifis. Galston" [Matric. Alb. 1814]. BROWN, GEORGE, B.A. 1850. Free Church Minister, Pau, France. BROWN, GEORGE, M.D. i860. Newton-Mearns ; Glasgow ; Colchester. ROLL OF GRADUATES 63 BROWN, GEORGE ARBUCKLE, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. BROWN, GEORGE DOUGLAS, M.A. 1890. Journalist and Barrister-at-Law, London; Snell Exhibitioner, 1891. BROWN, GEORGE GILBERT, CM. 1824. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWN, GEORGE STEVENSON, B.Sc. 1885. Head Master in F.C. Normal School, Glasgow; Lecturer on Physiography in the Technical College ; and Lecturer on History and Geography of Commerce in the Athenaeum. BROWN, HENRY, M.A. 1886. U.P. Minister at Earlston. BROWN, HUGH, M.D. 1785. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWN, HUGH, M.A. 1830. Of Broadstone, Beith; died 15th September, 1892, aged 83. BROWN, HUGH, M.D. 1857. Glasgow; Strathaven ; died 13th April, 1877. BROWN, JAMES, M.A. 1789. Possibly the same person as James Brown, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Garvagh, Co. Derry, 1795 to 1850, and who died 20th May, 1850, aged 88. BROWN, JAMES, • CM. 1822. Probably Campbeltown. BROWN, JAMES, M.D. 1835. Glasgow (Professor ot Midwifery in Anderson's College); died 1846, aged 54. BROWN, JAMES, M.A. 1845. Inspector of Schools, Tanaghmore, Co. Armagh. BROWN, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1871. Glasgow; Castleton of Braemar; Ship Surgeon; died at sea, 27th Sep- tember, 1875. BROWN, JAMES, M.A. 1872. F.C. Minister at (1) Tillicoultry, (2) St. Peter's, Glasgow. BROWN, JAMES, D.D. 1878. Minister of St. James' Street U.P. Church, Paisley; died there, 9th November, 1890, aged 50. BROWN, JAMES, M.A. 1882. Writer (Clerk to Hotson & Brown, Writers), Glasgow; died 1st December, 1886, aged 22. BROWN, JAMES, M.A. 1886. Minister of Madderty. 64 ROLL OF GRADUATES BROWN, JAMES, M.A. 1888. Writer, Hamilton. BROWN, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow; Sutherland, Cape Colony. BROWN, JAMES ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1886. New Cumnock ; Liverpool ; Birmingham ; New Cumnock ; London. BROWN, JAMES LOCKHART, LL.D. 1837. Parish Schoolmaster and Session Clerk of Falkland, 1806-11; Rector of the Grammar School and Academy of Irvine, 1812-23; Rector of the Grammar School of Greenock, 1823-47; born 27th March, 1785; died 29th July, 1847. BROWN, JAMES PEARSON, M.A. 1889, M.B., CM. 1893. Ship Surgeon; Paisley; Glasgow; Campbeltown. BROWN, JAMES REID, D.D. 1834. Minister of (1) "High Meeting," Berwick-on-Tweed, 1822-30, (2) Swallow Street Scots Church, London, 1830-43, (3) Middle Parish, Greenock, 1843-60; while Moderator of London Presbytery, had to pronounce sentence of deposition on Rev. Edward Irving; born 1796; died 3rd October, i860. BROWN, JOHN, M.A. 1757. "Filius natu max. Jacobi, Mercatoris in Coagh, comit. de Tyrone" [Matric. Alb. 1756]. BROWN, JOHN, M.A. 1776. "Seotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWN, JOHN, M.A. 1777. "Seotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWN, JOHN, M.D. 1808. Possibly Paisley. BROWN, JOHN, M.A. 181 1. Presbyterian Minister at Aghadowey, Ireland, 1813-72; D.D. of Edin. Univ. 1839 ; died 27th March, 1873. BROWN, JOHN, D.D. 1815. Minister of (1) Gartmore, (2) Langton, Berwickshire, (3) Free Church there; died 25 th June, 1848, aged 71. BROWN, JOHN, CM. 1818. "Seotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWN, JOHN, CM. 1830. "Seotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWN, JOHN, M.A. 1839. Student of Secession Church, 1839 ; afterwards joined Church of Scotland. BROWN, JOHN, M.D. 1841. "Seotus" [Grad. Alb.]. . ROLL OF GRADUATES 65 BROWN, JOHN, M.D. 1845. Paisley; Dunedin, New Zealand. BROWN, JOHN, B.A. 1848, M.A. 1849. " Filius natu maximus defuncti Davidis mercatoris apud Ramelton in comitat. de Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1846]. BROWN, JOHN, B.Sc. 1882. Shipowner, Glasgow. BROWN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1887. Glasgow. BROWN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1896. Galston; Bearpark, Co. Durham. BROWN, JOHN BLAIR, M.A. 1876, LL.B. 1880. Writer in Glasgow (Procurator Fiscal for Burgh of Hillhead from 1884 till incorporation with Glasgow in 1891). BROWN, JOHN FLEMING CULLEN, M.B., CM. 1867. Glasgow; Banff; Bonhill; Alexandria, N.B.; J. P. BROWN, JOHN MACMILLAN, M.A. 1872. Snell Exhibitioner, 1869 ; Professor in Canterbury College, Christchurch, N.Z., of (1) Classics and English, 1874-79, (2) English Language, Literature, and History, 1879-95, when resigned. BROWN, JOHN RITCHIE, M.D. 1853. Glasgow (sometime Assistant to University Lecturer on the Eye); Saltcoats ; died 13th July, 1896, aged 65. BROWN, JOHN TAYLOR, M.B., CM. 1880. Dumfries; Portpatrick; Dumfries; Tintern, Mon. ; Jeppestown, Johannes- burg, South Africa. BROWN, JOHNSTONE, M.B., CM. 1893. Ship Surgeon ; Ficksburg, Orange Free State. BROWN, JOSEPH, M.D. 1848. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWN, JOSEPH, M.A. 1884, B.Sc. 1885. Teacher under the Edinburgh School Board. BROWN, LAURENCE ROBERTSON, M.A. 1894. Student of Law. BROWN, MATTHEW, M.A. 18 16. Minister of (1) Presbyterian Church, Morpeth, 1829-43, (2) Parish of Kincardine O'Neil, 1843-53; died 18th November, 1853, aged 57. BROWN, MATTHEW TAYLOR, B.Sc. 1878. Engineer, Glasgow. BROWN, PETER, B.Sc. 1874. F.C. Minister at Portknockie. E 66 ROLL OF GRADUATES BROWN, PRICE CARFRAE, M.D. 1832. "Fil. n. 4 tus Caroli Merc, in insula de Jamaica" [Matric. Alb. 1828]. BROWN, ROBERT, M.A. 1747. BROWN, ROBERT, M.A. 1776. "Filius natu unicus quondam Hugonis Mercatoris Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1 771]. BROWN, ROBERT, M.A. 18 14. "F. n. 5 tus Gul. Agric. in P. de Campsie com. de Stir." [Matric. Alb. 1809]. BROWN, ROBERT, M.D. 1832. Dunfermline; died 14th February, 1878, aged 67. BROWN, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1872. Stanhope, Durham; Tranent; Pollokshields. BROWN, ROBERT, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1885. U.P. Minister at Auchtergaven. BROWN, ROBERT, M.A. 1882, M.B., CM. 1886. London ; Bourne, Lines. ; Kenley, Surrey. BROWN, ROBERT, B.Sc. 1886. Merchant, Glasgow s BROWN, ROBERT CAMPBELL, M.A. 1834. Sometime Teacher of English and Mathematics in a Private School at Fermoy, Co. Cork ; thereafter Writing Master in Belfast Royal Academy ; born 13th April, 1809; died 18th November, 1884. BROWN, ROBERT SCOTT, M.A. 1891, LL.B. 1895. Advocate, Edinburgh; son of James Brown, D.D. 1878 (q.v.). BROWN, THOMAS, M.A. 1774. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWN, THOMAS, M.A. 1792. " Filius natu tertius Thomae quondam de Langside Armigeri, in Anglia natus" [Matric. Alb. 1786]. BROWN, THOMAS, D.D. 1830. Minister of (1) Tongland, 1807-26, (2) St. John's, Glasgow, 1826-43, (3) Free St. John's, Glasgow, 1843-47; born at Closeburn, 9th August, 1776; died at Glasgow, 23rd January, 1847. BROWN, THOMAS, M.A. 1885. Assistant to Ministers of (1) St. John's Parish Church, Glasgow, (2) Scots' Presbyterian Church, Melbourne. BROWN, THOMAS DOUGLAS, M.B., CM. 1894. Kilmarnock; Cumnock; Partick. BROWN, WALTER FALCONER, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Coatbridge; Baillieston. ROLL OF GRADUATES 67 BROWN, WALTER ROUNSFELL, B.L. 1882. Writer, Glasgow. BROWN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1808. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Tobermore, 1810-603 died 19th April, i860. BROWN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1816. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1827, M.D. 1830. Glasgow (sometime Lecturer on the Eye in Mechanics' Institute, and Assistant to University Lecturer on the Eye) ; Kilmalcolm ; died 1 2th August, 1873. BROWN, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1832. Probably Greenock. BROWN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1884, M.D. 1896. Newarthill ; Rumgamutee, India. BROWN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1884, M.D. 1889. Dodington, Salop; Fishponds, Glouc. BROWN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1886. Head Assistant Teacher in High School, Falkirk ; drowned in Carron Dams, 1 2th February, 1890, while attempting to save the life of a pupil [Glasgow Herald, 13th February, 1890, and Memorial Tablet in School]. BROWN, WILLIAM, B.Sc. 1895. Assistant Physicist in Royal College of Science, Dublin. BROWN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1896. Coatbridge. BROWN, WILLIAM ARMOUR, B.Sc. 1895. Apprentice Engineer in Glasgow. BROWN, WILLIAM HENRY JONAS, M.B. 1880, M.D. 1887. Ship Surgeon ; Prestwick ; Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Alnwick ; Howwood, Renfrewshire; Surgeon Imperial Chinese Navy. BROWN, WILLIAM LIMONT, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow; Shildon, Co. Durham. BROWN, WILLIAM MACKENZIE, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow ; Saltcoats ; son of John Ritchie Brown, M.D. (q.v.). BROWN, WILLIAM MOORE, M.B., CM. 1884. Kilmarnock; Kelso; Nottingham; Kilmarnock; St. Leonards-on-Sea ; Caterham, Surrey. BROWN, WILLIAM ROSSIE, M.A. 1883. Minister of (1) Broxburn, (2) Ardrossan. 68 ROLL OF GRADUATES BROWN, WILLIAM TOURNAY, B.L. 1882. Sometime Private Secretary to Colonel Olcott, President of the Blavatsky and Theosophical Society, Adyar, Madras, India; thereafter Professor of Jurisprudence and Political Economy in University College, Dublin; now Professor of Classics and Literature in St. Mary's College (Patrician Order of Catholics), Madras. BROWNE, ALBERT WILLIAM, M.D. 1846. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWNE, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1810. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWNE, ARTHUR HERBERT, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Rock Ferry, Cheshire; Blackburn; Liverpool; Medical Mission, Peshawar, Punjab. BROWNE, DANIEL, M.D. 185 1. Dublin; died nth February, 1868. BROWNE, HARRY DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1885. Rhyl, Flintshire; Holywell; died 21st December, 1886, aged 23. BROWNE, HENRY, B.A. 1839, M.A. 1840. M.D. Lond. 1848; Manchester; sometime Lecturer in Royal Medical School there. BROWNE, JAMES, M.D. 1829. Fleet Surgeon, R.N. ; Dungannon, Co. Tyrone; died 1880. BROWNE, JOHN, M.A. 1825. " Filius 2 US Samuelis Mercatoris, apud Stranorlar comitatu de Donnegal " [Matric. Alb. 1822]. BROWNE, JOHN, M.D. 1835. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWNE, JOHN, M.A. 1848. Presbyterian Minister at Duncannon, Waterford. BROWNE, JOSEPH, CM. 1825. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWNE, PETER OTHO WATKIN, M.B., CM. 1891. Rhyl, N. Wales; Alderley Edge, Cheshire. BROWNE, ROBERT, M.D. 1832. Lancaster; Manchester; died 1862. BROWNE, STEPHEN HENRY, M.D. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BROWNE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1816. "Filius natu Tertius Gulielmi Agricolae in parochia de Artrea in comitatu Londonderry in Hyb." [Matric. Alb. 1813]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 69 BROWNING, BENJAMIN, M.D. 1832. Staff Surgeon, R.N. ; Newport, Isle of Wight; Portsmouth; Winchester; London; Devonport; Stoke; London; died 27th March, 1876. BROWNING, DONALD MACRAE, M.A. 1883. Barrister-at-Law, St. John's, Newfoundland. BROWNING, ROBERT LETHAM, M.A. 1881. U.P. Minister at Mid-Calder. BROWNING, THOMAS BLAIR, M.A. 1870. Barrister, Dundas, Ontario, Canada. BROWNLEE, ALEXANDER JOHN, M.B., CM. 1893, M.D. 1895. Newmains. BROWNLEE, HUGH RODGER, B.Sc. 1894. Assistant to the Harbour Engineer, East London, Cape Colony. BROWNLEE, JAMES, M.A. 1822. "F. n. max. Jacobi, Viri Reverendi Falkirk" [Matric. Alb. 18 17]. BROWNLEE, JOHN, M.A. 1889, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow. BROWNLEE, JOHN INNES, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow. BROWNLEE, WILLIAM CRAIG, M.A. 1803, D.D. 1824. (1) Pastor of two Associate Churches in Washington County, Pa.; (2) Pastor of Associate Church, Philadelphia, 1813; (3) Rector of the Grammar School in New Brunswick, N.J., 181 7 ; (4) Pastor of Presbyterian Church in Baskingridge, N.J., 1817; (5) Professor of Latin and Greek at Rutgers, 1825; (6) one of the Ministers of the Collegiate Reformed Dutch Church in New York, 1826; Editor of The Protestant Vindicator; born in Lanarkshire, 1784; died in New York, 10th February, i860. BROWNLEE, WILLIAM STEVENSON, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1893. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. BROWNLIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1876. Minister of (1) Kelvinhaugh, (2) Lenzie. BROWNLOW, NATHANIEL, M.D., CM. 1842. Banbridge, Co. Down; died 22nd May, 1861. BROWNRIDGE, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1890. Paisley. BRUCE, ADAM CHAILLIE, M.A. 1889. Teacher, Grammar School, Bolton, Lanes. BRUCE, ALEXANDER BALMAIN, D.D. 1876. F.C. Minister at (e) Cardross, 1859-68, (2) Broughty Ferry, 1868-74; Professor of Apologetics and N.T. Exegesis in the Free Church College, Glasgow, since 1874; appointed Gifford Lecturer on Natural Theology in Glasgow University for two years from 1st October, 1896. ;o ROLL OF GRADUATES BRUCE, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1762. Minister of (1) Fintry, (2) Shotts; died suddenly on Sunday, 17th February, 1799. BRUCE, DAVID, M.A. 1886, LL.B. 1889. Writer, Glasgow; son of Alexander Balmain Bruce, D.D. (q.v.). BRUCE, GEORGE DONALDSON, M.B., CM. 1870. (1) At Corbridge-on-Tyne ; (2) elected, 30th March, 1871, Joint House Surgeon of Dundee Royal Infirmary, entered on duty in middle of April, accidentally poisoned 8th May, 187 1. BRUCE, JAMES, M.A. 1737. "Hib. Alius Patricii Bruce quondam V.D.M. in parochia de Killyleagh in Gom. de Down" [Matric Alb. 1735]. BRUCE, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow; Paisley. BRUCE, JAMES HAMILTON, M.D. 1837. Liverpool; Edinburgh; Barrhead; Glasgow; Dumfries. BRUCE, JOHN, M.A. 181 1. U.P. Minister at Newmilns; died 15th April, 1872, aged 81. BRUCE, JOHN COLLINGWOOD, B.A. 1825, M.A. 1826, LL.D. 1853. Withdrew from list of probationers of Secession Church, and became Superintendent and Proprietor of an Academy in Percy Street, Newcastle; born there, 1805 ; died 5th April, 1892. BRUCE, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1893. Paisley. BRUCE, ROBERT RANDOLPH, B.Sc. 1886. Civil Engineer, Montreal. BRUCE, SAMUEL, M.A. 1740. Presbyterian Minister in Dublin. BRUCE, WILLIAM, D.D. 1786. Presbyterian Minister in (1) Lisburn, (2) Dublin, (3) Belfast; also Principal of Belfast Academy; born 30th July, 1757; died 27th February, 1841 ; son of Samuel Bruce, M.A. 1740 (q.v.). BRUCE, WILLIAM, D.D. 1868. Minister of Infirmary Street U.P. Church, Edinburgh; died at Bridge of Allan, 15th November, 1882, aged 70. BRUHN, JOHANNES, B.Sc. 1893. Naval Architect (1) in Glasgow, as Draughtsman, (2) in London, as Surveyor to Lloyd's Register of British and Foreign Shipping. BRUNTON, DUNCAN M'NAUGHTON, M.A. 1872, M.B., CM. 1876. Paisley; died 16th November, 1876; Brunton Prize founded in his memory; son of William Brunton, LL.D. (q.v.). ROLL OF GRADUATES 7 1 BRUNTON, JAMES, M.A. 1866, B.D. 1870. Minister of (1) Thornton, (2) Perth Middle, (3) Monimail. BRUNTON, JOHN, B.A. 1855, M.A. 1856, M.D. i860. Glasgow; London; Examiner for Medical Degrees in Glasgow University, 1876-88; son of William Brunton, LL.D. (q.v.). BRUNTON, THOMAS MACKEAN, M.A. 1869. Sometime U.P. Minister at Leeds; thereafter Teacher, Salen, Mull; died at Salen, 13th June, 1892. BRUNTON, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1847. Was Tutor at "Tibbie Sheils'" in 1816, and friend of Sir Walter Scott, "Christopher North," and "The Ettrick Shepherd"; Schoolmaster at Coatbridge in 1 818, and educated four of the Bairds of Gartsherrie; Schoolmaster at Falkirk, 1824; Rector of the Grammar School of Campbeltown, 183 1; Rector of the Grammar School of Paisley, 1842-76; died 8th November, 1883, aged 83. BRUNTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1883, LL.B. 1889. Writer, Glasgow. BRYAN, GEORGE, M.A. 1743. "Filius Jacobi Bryan textoris Dublinensis" [Matric. Alb. 1742]. BRYAN, THOMAS ALBERT, M.A. 1892. Sub-Warden of the Robert Browning Social Settlement, York Street, Wal- worth, London. BRYCE, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1886, M.D. 1893. (Brunton Prizeman) ; Glasgow ; Ship Surgeon ; Paisley ; Newmilns ; Glasgow ; Killin ; Bourne, Lines. ; Birmingham. BRYCE, CHARLES, M.D. 1824. Ludlow; Brighton; attached to Army Medical Staff on Special Service (1855-6) at Scutari Hospitals; died 8th April, 1874, aged 70. BRYCE, JAMES, B.A. 1828, M.A. 1832, LL.D. 1858. Mathematical Master in (1) Belfast Academy, (2) High School, Glasgow; born at Killaig, near Coleraine, 22nd October, 1806; accidentally killed while on a geological excursion at Inverfarigaig, Loch Ness, nth July, 1877; father of James Bryce, LL.D. 1886 (q.v.), and of John Annan Bryce, M.A. 1866 (q.v-)- BRYCE, JAMES, LL.D 1858. Minister ot (1) Stamfordham, (2) Wooler, (3) Gilcomston, Aberdeen, (4) Free Church there; "obliged by the failure of his voice to betake himself to literary labour" [Univ. Minute, 5th August, 1857]; died 23rd March, 1881. BRYCE, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1878, M.D. 1880. Glasgow ; Galston ; London. 72 ROL.L OF GRADUATES BRYCE, JAMES, LL.D. 1886. Barrister; Regius Professor of Civil Law, University of Oxford, 1870-93; Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1886; Chancellor of Duchy of Lancaster, 1892-94; President of Board of Trade, 1894-95; M.P. for (1) Tower Hamlets (2) South Aberdeen; D.C.L., F.R.S. ; P.C. 1892; born at Belfast, 10th May, 1838; son of James Bryce, B.A., M.A., LL.D. (q.v.). BRYCE, JAMES HENDERSON, M.A. 1881. Native of Stirling; Classical Tutor in Ballarat College, Australia, for three years; thereafter Tutor to the son of the Due de Richelieu at Mentone; died in the house of the Prince of Monaco at Neuilly, near Paris, 29th January, 1891. BRYCE, JOHN, M.A. 1890. (1) Teacher in Girvan Burgh Public School; (2) Head Master of Bowmore Public School, Islay. BRYCE, JOHN ANNAN, M.A. 1866. East India Merchant, London; B.A. Oxon. 1872; son of James Bryce, B.A., M.A., LL.D. (q.v.), and brother of James Bryce, LL.D. 1886 (q.v.). BRYCE, JOHN RICHMOND, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1896. London^ BRYCE, PETER COWIE, M.A. 1888. U.P. Minister at Inverkeithing. BRYCE, REUBEN JOHN, M.A. 1817, LL.D. 1831. Presbyterian Minister in Belfast, and Principal of the Belfast Academy; died 30th May, 1888, aged 91. BRYCE, ROBERT, M.D., CM. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BRYCE, THOMAS ANNAN, M.A. 1833. (1) Proprietor of Private Schools ; (2) Mathematical Master in Belfast Royal Academy; (3) Master in several High Schools in Canada; died at Toronto, 15th April, 1875; brother of James Bryce, B.A., M.A., LL.D. (q.v.). BRYCE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1878. Manufacturer, Victoria City, Vancouver. BRYCE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1891. Ship Surgeon; Rochdale; Glasgow. BRYDEN, DAVID, M.A. 18 19. "F. n. 4 tus Davidis Agricolae Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 181 5]; Student of Theology in Glasgow University, but never finished trials for license by Presbytery of Ayr; died July or August, 1827; an intimate College friend of Robert Craig, M.A. 1819 (q.v.). BRYDEN, ROBERT LOCKHART, B.L. 1890. Writer, Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 73 BRYSON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1813. " Filius natu Secundus Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Donnegore in comitatu de Antrim in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1809]. BRYSON, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1837. Director-General Navy Medical Department; Honorary Physician to H.M. the Queen; C.B. ; F.R.S. ; died 12th December, 1869, aged 67. BRYSON, ALLEN, M.D. 1854. Surgeon, Army. BRYSON, ANDREW, M.A. 1782. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Dundalk, 1786-96; died March, 1797. BRYSON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1875. Ship Surgeon; Almond Bank, Perthshire; Glasgow; Dumbarton. BRYSON, JOHN WATSON, M.A. 1887. (1) Assistant in Elgin Academy; (2) Mathematical Master in Royal Academy, Irvine, since 1892. BRYSON, MUNGO, M.B., CM. 1890. Ship Surgeon; Kilmarnock; Thornhill. BUBIER, ROBERT ARCHIBALD, B.A. 1852. Intended for Dissenting Ministry in "South Britain," but engaged in Scholastic work ; was for some years associated with Professor Meiklejohn at Cambridge. BUCHAN, ALEXANDER, LL.D. 1887. Public Teacher, 1848-60; Secretary to the Scottish Meteorological Society since i860; M.A. Edin. ; born nth April, 1829. BUCHAN, EARL OF, LL.D. 1763, LL.D. 1766. Then Lord Cardross (David Steuart Erskine) ; studied at Glasgow University; originator of the Scottish Society of Antiquaries; described by Sir Walter Scott as "a person whose immense vanity, bordering on insanity, obscured, or rather eclipsed, very considerable talents " ; brother of Henry Erskine, Advocate, and Thomas Erskine, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain; born 1st June (O.S.), 1742; died at Dryburgh Abbey, 20th April, 1829. From some unexplained cause this LL.D. degree was twice granted. BUCHAN, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1887. Kilmaurs; Glasgow (Town's Hospital); Cleland, Lanarkshire. BUCHANAN, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1878. (1) Classical Master at Albany Academy, Glasgow, 1877-86; (2) Assistant to Professor of Humanity in Glasgow University, 1881-86; (3) Rector of Lenzie Academy since 1886. BUCHANAN, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1882. Teacher (1) in High School, Inverness, (2) in Knox Institute, Haddington, (3) of Boys' School at Alexandria, Egypt, in connection with Church of Scotland Mission to the Jews. 74 ROLL OF GRADUATES BUCHANAN, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1888. Cathcart; Hursley, Hants.; Cathcart; Perth; died 24th March, 1893, aged 27. BUCHANAN, ALEXANDER JAMES, M.D. 1810. Glasgow; died 1837. BUCHANAN, ALEXANDER MACGREGOR, M.A. 1867, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1871. Glasgow; Assistant to Professor of Anatomy in the University, 1868-73; Professor of Anatomy in Anderson's College since 1873; University Examiner in Anatomy for Degrees in Medicine, 1890-96. BUCHANAN, ANDREW, C.M. 1819. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BUCHANAN, ANDREW, M.D. 1822, LL.D. 1881. Professor of (1) Materia Medica in Anderson's College, Glasgow, 1828-39, (2) Physiology in Glasgow University, 1839 t0 l8 7 6 J born 10th December, 1798; died 9th July, 1882. BUCHANAN, ANDREW, M.D. 1856. Glasgow; born 20th June, 1834; died of typhus fever, 4th April, 1865; son of Professor Andrew Buchanan (q.v.). BUCHANAN, CHARLES, M.D. 1832. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BUCHANAN, CLAUDIUS, D.D. 1804. Tutor (1780-82) to sons of Campbell of Dunstaffnage ; at Glasgow College, 1782-84; Tutor (1784-86) in Islay and Kintyre; 1787, travelled to Newcastle (en route for London) as an itinerant musician; 1787-91, Law Clerk in London; 1791-95, at Queen's College, Cambridge; 1795, Curate of St. Mary's Woolnoth, London; 1796, appointed Chaplain at Bengal to H.E.I. Co.; 1797, Chaplain at Barrackpore; 1799, third Chaplain to the Presidency at Calcutta; 1800, Professor of Greek, Latin, and English Classics in, and Vice-Provost of, the College of Fort- William, Calcutta; 1807, returned to England; born at Cambuslang, 12th March, 1766; died at Broxbourne, Herefordshire, 9th February, 181 5. BUCHANAN, COLIN, M.D. 1833. Sydney, N.S. Wales. BUCHANAN, FRANCIS, M.A. 1779. Of Bardowie, Spittal, and Leny; M.D. Edin. 1783; Surgeon H.E.I.C.S., and author of several works relative to India ; chief of the Clan Buchanan ; D.L. for Perthshire; F.R.S. ; born 15th February, 1762; died 15th June, 1829. BUCHANAN, GEORGE, M.D. 1830. Died 9th July, 1846, aged 38 [Tombstone in Sighthill Cemetery, Glasgow]. BUCHANAN, GEORGE, M.A. 1846. (a) Civil Surgeon in Army in Crimea; (b) Professor of (1) Anatomy in Anderson's College, Glasgow, 1860-74, (2) Clinical Surgery in Glasgow University since 1874; M.D. St. Andrews, 1849, LL.D. St. Andrews, 1889; born 29th March, 1827. ROLL OF GRADUATES 75 BUCHANAN, GEORGE, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1868. Studied for U.P. Ministry ; Assistant to Professor of Anatomy in Glasgow University, 1867 to 1869 ; born 1st January, 1841 ; died of diphtheria at Edinburgh, 23rd December, 1869. BUCHANAN, GEORGE BURNSIDE, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow; Paris; Glasgow; B.A. Cantab. 1890; son of, and (since 1895) Assistant to, Professor George Buchanan (q.v.). BUCHANAN, GILBERT, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1894. Licentiate of the Free Church. BUCHANAN, HUGH DRYDEN, M.B., CM. 1885. Sowerby, Thirsk, Yorks. ; died there, 14th April, 1893, aged 30. BUCHANAN, JAMES, M.A. 1744. Professor of Oriental Languages in Glasgow University, 1757 to 1761; died 21st June, 1761. BUCHANAN, JAMES, M.D., CM. 1836. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BUCHANAN, JAMES, LL.D. 1852. Minister of (1) Roslin, (2) North Leith, (3) High Church, Edinburgh, (4) Free High Church there, (5) Free St. Stephen's there; afterwards Professor of Divinity in New College; born at Paisley, 1804; died 19th April, 1870. BUCHANAN, JAMES, M.A. 1866, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1868. Murthly; Glasgow; died 9th February, 1883. BUCHANAN, JAMES, B.Sc. 1874. Minister of (1) Catrine, (2) Eaglesham. BUCHANAN, JAMES, M.A. 1884. Engaged in business (at Hydepark Locomotive Works) in Glasgow. BUCHANAN, JAMES, M.A. 1885. Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge; Examiner on Mathematics for M.A. Degree in Glasgow University, 1889-92; Examiner on Physics for M.B., 1892. BUCHANAN, JAMES, M.A. 1885. (a) Teacher, Glasgow, in (1) St George's Road Public School, (2) English Department of High School; {b) Minister of Mount Pleasant U.P. Church, Greenock. BUCHANAN, JAMES SPITTAL, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Leeds; Melbourne. BUCHANAN, JOHN, CM. 1836. Campbeltown. BUCHANAN, JOHN, M.A. 1840. Minister of the Free Church of Bothwell, 1844-58 ; Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Durban, Natal, 1861-74; Acting Principal of Lovedale Missionary Institution, South Africa, during the absence of the Rev. James Stewart, M.D., D.D. (q.v.), on a mission to Livingstonia, 1876-77 ; Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Funchal, Madeira, 1878-80, when retired on account of ill-health ; resident (1896) at Seaforth, Largs; born 25th June, 1821. 76 ROLL OF GRADUATES BUCHANAN, JOHN, LL.D. 1872. Sometime Writer in Glasgow and Secretary of Western Bank; afterwards Agent for B.L. Co. Bank at Bridgeton Cross Branch, Glasgow; Antiquary and writer on antiquarian subjects, particularly Roman Walls and Remains in Scotland; born 3rd November, 1802; died 28th June, 1878. BUCHANAN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1886. Glasgow; Paisley; Wigan; Liverpool; Brighton; London. BUCHANAN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1885. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow. BUCHANAN, JOHN MORTON, M.B., CM. 1874. Glasgow; Rutherglen. BUCHANAN, JOHN YOUNG, M.A. 1863. Merchant in (1) Glasgow, (2) Edinburgh. BUCHANAN, LESLIE, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow. BUCHANAN, PETER, M.B., CM. 1879. Ardchattan, Argyleshire; Glasgow; Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Coleford, Glouc. BUCHANAN, PETER STEDMAN, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow. BUCHANAN, ROBERT, M.A. 1759. " Filius natu minor Joannis in parochia atque Comitatu de Clackmannan " [Matric. Alb. 1757]. BUCHANAN, ROBERT, M.A. 1828, LL.D. 1869. Minister of Peebles, 1813-24; Professor of Logic in Glasgow University, 1824-64; Member of University Court (as Senate's Assessor), 1863 to 1867; born at Callander, 1785; died at Ardfillayne, Dunoon, 2nd March, 1873; Founder of Buchanan Bursaries. BUCHANAN, ROBERT, D.D. 1840. Minister of (1) Gargunnock, (2) Salton, (3) Tron, Glasgow, (4) Free Tron there, (5) Free College Church there ; Historian of " Ten Years' Conflict "; died at Rome, 30th March, 1875, aged 73. BUCHANAN, ROBERT, LL.D. 1855. Teacher in Edinburgh up to 1830; Master of the Greenock Mathematical School, 1830-55; Rector of Greenock Academy, 1855-58; Rector of Kilblain Academy, Greenock, 1858-71; died 18th July, 1871, aged 70. BUCHANAN, ROBERT, M.D. 1862. Dumbarton; died 10th September, 187 1, aged 77. BUCHANAN, ROBERT, M.A. 1883, B.D. 1886. Minister of St. James's Parish Church, Clydebank, 1889-95 ; resigned on account of his wife's health, and went to Middelburg, Cape Colony. BUCHANAN, ROBERT, M.A. 1893, B.Sc. 1893, M.B., CM. 1895. Dundee; Baxter Demonstrator of Geology in Glasgow University, 1892-95. ROLL OF GRADUATES 77 BUCHANAN, ROBERT MACNEIL, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow (Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in Anderson's College). BUCHANAN, ROBERT MATTHEW, M.A. 1893. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. BUCHANAN, SIMSON, M.D. 1857, CM. 1870. Glasgow; died 25th December, 1876. BUCHANAN, THOMAS, CM. 1822. Hull. BUCHANAN, THOMAS, D.D. 1857. Minister of (1) Logierait, (2) Methven; died suddenly, 24th August, 1859, aged 58. BUCHANAN, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1873. Ship Surgeon; Glasgow; New York. BUCHANAN, THOMAS DRYSDALE, M.D. 1858. Glasgow; died there, 15th March, 1893, aged 74. BUCHANAN, WALTER, M.A. 1733. BUCHANAN, WALTER, M.A. 1774. Minister of(i) Stirling, (2) Canongate, Edinburgh; died 6th December, 1832, aged 77; D.D. Edin. 1805. BUCHANAN, WALTER ISAAC, M.B., CM. 1893. Thirsk, Yorks. BUCHANAN, WALTER WASHINGTON, M.D. 1798. Greenock. BUCHANAN, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1832. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BUCHANAN, WILLIAM, B.A. 1840. "Filius natu minimus defuncti Joannis Buchanan, mercatoris Pasletensis in comitatu de Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1838]. BUCHANAN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1885. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow. BUCHANAN, WILLIAM, B.Sc. 1892. (1) Electrician with the London Electric Supply Co. at Deptford ; (2) Engineer with the Fowler-Waring Cables Co. at North Woolwich ; (3) Electrical Engineer with the Electric Construction Co. at Bushbury Works, Wolverhampton. BUCHANAN, WILLIAM MILLAR, M.D. 1826. Edinburgh; sometime in Ff.E.I.C.S. ; Antiquarian Student and Collector; brother of John Buchanan, LL.D. (q.v.). BUCKNER, HORATIUS, M.A., M.D. 1778. "Americanus" [Grad. Alb.]. BUICK, JAMES WILLIAM MOON, M.B., CM. 1892. Ravenswood, Victoria, Australia. 78 ROLL OF GRADUATES BULLEN, GEORGE, LL.D. 1889. Keeper of Printed Books, British Museum, London. BULLOCK, JAMES, M.A. 1853. Minister of (1) Baptist Church, East Regent Place, Glasgow, (2) Baptist Church, Wallingford, Berks., (3) Baptist Church, Abergavenny, (4) Baptist Church, Hull, (5) Congregational Church, Wilsden, near Bradford, Yorks. ; retired 1892. BULWER-LYTTON, EDWARD ROBERT. See Lytton, Earl of. BUNTEN, JAMES MUIR, M.A. 1888. Licentiate of the Free Church; (1) Minister at Huelva, Spain, (2) Teacher at Scranton, Kansas, U.S.A. BUNTON, TIMOTHY, M.D. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BURDEN, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1830. Professor of Midwifery, Queen's College, Belfast; died 1880. BURDER, HENRY FORSTER, M.A. 1807, D.D. 1830. Congregational Minister and Professor at Hackney, near London; born 27th November, 1783 ; died 29th December, 1864. BURDER, JOHN, M.A. 1810. Congregational Minister, Clifton; died 1867, aged 82. BURDON, ANDREW MURRAY, M.A. 1890. Teacher in (1) Hillhead Public School, Glasgow, (2) English School, Valparaiso, Chile, (3) Public School, Uddingston. BURGES, JOHN, M.A. 1747. Minister of Kirkmichael, Dumfriesshire; died 2nd September, 1795, a S e< ^ 71 ; D.D. Edin. 1769. BURGES, JOHN, M.D. 1842. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BURGESS, HENRY, LL.D. 1854. Sometime Nonconformist Minister ; thereafter Curate of St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Blackburn ; afterwards Vicar of St. Andrew's, Whittlesea, near Peter- borough; born 1808; died 10th February, 1886; Ph.D. Gottingen. BURGESS, WILLIAM, M.A. 1835. U.P. Minister at (1) Urr, (2) Eglinton Street, Glasgow; died 6th August, 1862, aged 53. BURGESS, WILLIAM, M.D. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BURKE, GEORGE, M.D. 1839. Kilfinane, Co. Limerick; Riverstown, Co. Cork; Tivoli, same Co. BURKE, JOHN, M.D. 1795. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 79 BURKE, JOHN MILO, M.D. 1833. Hemel Hempstead, Herts.; Hatfield, Herts.; died 1887. BURKE, JOSEPH, M.D. 1820. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BURKE, MARTIN, M.D. i860. Kilfinane, Co. Limerick; Bradford. BURKE, THOMAS TRAVERS, M.D. 1834. " Hibernus " [Grad. Alb.]. BURKE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1787. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BURN, ROBERT, LL.D. 1883. Rev. ; M.A. ; Fellow and Praelector in Roman Literature and Archaeology, Trinity College, Cambridge. BURN, WILLIAM, D.D. 1786. Minister of (1) a Presbyterian Congregation at Alnwick, (2) the Parish of Minto; died 9th December, 1826, aged 82; Degree conferred at request of Edmund Burke. BURNESS, JAMES, LL.D. 1836. Physician-General of Bombay ; a relative of the poet Burns ; born at Montrose, 12th February, 1801 ; died at London, 19th September, 1862. BURNET, GEORGE WARDLAW, M.A. 1873, B.L. 1876. Advocate, Edinburgh, and Lecturer on Private International Law in Edinburgh University. BURNETT, EDWARD NAPIER, M.B., CM. 1894. Fraserburgh ; Milnathort. BURNETT, JAMES COMPTON, M.B. 1872, M.D. 1876. Glasgow ; Chester ; Birkenhead ; London. BURNEY, CHARLES, LL.D. 1792. Classical Critic; Teacher at (1) Highgate, (2) Chiswick, (3) Hammersmith, (4) Greenwich; Rector of (1) Cliff, Kent, (2) St. Paul's, Deptford; Prebendary of Lincoln Cathedral; Chaplain to the King; born at Lynn, Norfolk, 4th December, 1757 ; died at Deptford, of apoplexy, 28th December, 1817 ; brother of Frances Burney (Madame D'Arblay), the novelist, and son of Charles Burney, author of "History of Music." BURNS, ISLAY FERRIER, M.A. 1876. Minister of English Presbyterian Church, Darenth, Kent, since 1893; Snell Exhibitioner, 1876; B.A. Oxon. 1880. BURNS, JAMES, M.A. 1793. Minister of Brechin; died 2nd January, 1837, aged 63. BURNS, JAMES, M.D. 1842. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. 80 ROLL OF GRADUATES BURNS, JAMES M'TEAR, M.D. 1852. Native of Newtownards, Co. Down ; no trace of his career. BURNS, JAMES STEVEN, M.A. 1888. Minister of Toward Mission Church; died 13th September, 1894, aged 25. BURNS, JOHN, CM. 1817, M.D. 1828. (1) Private Teacher of Anatomy, Surgery, and Midwifery in Glasgow, 1797- 99; (2) Professor of Anatomy and Surgery to Anderson's College, 1799-1815; (3) First Professor of Surgery in Glasgow University, 1815-1850; born at Glasgow, 1774; lost in wreck of steamer "Orion," near Portpatrick, 18th June, 1850; F.R.S. 1830; son of John Burns, D.D., Minister of the Barony Parish. BURNS, JOHN, CM. 1834. Tanderagee, Co. Armagh. BURNS, JOHN WILLIAM, B.A. 1856, M.A. 1857. Of Kilmahew and Cumbernauld, Advocate. BURNS, ROBERT, M.D. 1824, CM. 1827. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BURNS, ROBERT, D.D. 1828. Minister of (1) St. George's, Paisley, 181 1-43, (2) St. George's Free Church there, 1843-45, (3) Knox Church, Toronto, 1845-56; Professor of Church History and Apologetics in Knox College there, 1856-64; born at Bo'ness, 13th February, 1789; died in Toronto, 19th August, 1869. BURNS, ROBERT, CM. 1830. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BURNS, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1890, M.D. 1893. Glasgow; Sheffield; Glasgow; Garelochhead. BURNS, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. BURNSIDE, MALCOLM, M.A. 1797. "Fil. n. min. Gualteri Agricolae in Par. de E. Kilpatrick et Com. de Dumbarton" [Matric. Alb. 1791]. BURNSIDE, ROBERT, M.A. 1874. S.S.C. in (1) Edinburgh, (2) Glasgow, (3) New York. BURNSIDE, THOMAS, M.A. 1824. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. BURNSIDE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1769, D.D. 1792. Minister of (1) St. John's, Leith, (2) Dumfries; died 5th January, 1806, aged 55. BURRELL, ADAM GUTHRIE, M.B., CM. 1892. Port-Elizabeth, South Africa. BURRELL, WILLIAM GEORGE, M.D. 1813. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 8 1 BURROUGHS, NEWBURGH, M.A. 1771. "Hib s " [Grad. Alb.]. BURROWES, ARNOLD, M.A. 1769. "Filius natu tertius Thomae quondam Armigeri de Stradone in Comitatu de Caven, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1766]; complained against for refusing to pay accounts due by him to John Bryce, Janitor, and James Marshall [Univ. Minute, 31st March, 1768]. BURTON, JOHN TUDHOPE, M.A. 1875. U.P. Minister at (1) Newmilns, (2) Nicolson Street, Edinburgh, (3) Newton Place, Partick. BURTON, THOMAS, M.A. 1792. " Filius natu Secundus Thomae de New Houses in parochia de Horton in comitatu de York" [Matric. Alb. 1789]. BURTON, THOMAS CROWE, M.D. 1840. Superintendent of Asylum at (1) Maryborough, Queen's Co., (2) Waterford, (3) Castlebar; Physician to the Embassy to St. Petersburg and Persia in 1850; Rossbeg, Co. Mayo; Westport there; died 17th April, 1889. BUTCHART, WILLIAM, M.A. 1881, M.B., CM. 1885. Manchester ; Clydebank. BUTCHER, SAMUEL HENRY, LL.D. 1885. Professor of Greek in the University of Edinburgh since 1882 ; B.A. Cantab. 1873 ; M.A. 1876. BUTE, MARQUESS OF, LL.D. 1879. Third Marquess; Donor of the "Bute Hall," Glasgow University; born 12th September, 1847; LL.D. Edin. 1882. BUTLER, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow; Kilmalcolm; Port-Glasgow. BUTLER, DUGALD, M.A. 1883. Minister of Abernethy; son-in-law of Sir James David Marwick (q.v.). BUTLER, GEORGE SACKVILLE COTTER, M.D. 1842. Castletown, Isle of Man; Ballarat, Australia; J. P. BUTLER, HENRY MONTAGU, LL.D. 1893. Head Master of Harrow School, 1859-85; Dean of Gloucester, 1885-86; Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, since 1886; B.A. Cantab. 1855; Fellow of Trinity, 1855; born 1833. BUTLER, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1896. Kilmalcolm. BUTLER, JOHN, M.D. 1783. "Hybernus" [Grad. Alb.]. BUTLER, SAMUEL, M.A. 1807. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Magilligan, 1814-62; died 9th January, 1862. 82 ROLL OF GRADUATES BUTLER, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1890. Hoyland, Yorks. ; London. BUTSON, JAMES STRANGE, M.A. 1802. " Filius natu Maximus Viri Reverendi Christoph. D.D. Dec. de Waterford in comitatu de Waterford in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1800]. BUTTERCASE, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1873. Cramlington, Northumberland; Dudley there; Longbenton there; Newcastle- on-Tyne. BYERS, JOHN, B.A. 1846, M.A. 1847. " Filius natu secundus Samuelis mercatoris in comitatu de Armagh " [Matric. Alb. 1844]. BYGRAVE, THOMAS, M.D. 1826. " Jamaicensis " [Grad. Alb.]. BYRON, HENRY STUART, LL.D. 1828. Head Master of the Grammar School at Brighton. BYRON, JOHN, M.D. 1803. "Filius natu maximus Benjamin. Med. Doctoris in urbe de Lincoln" [Matric. Alb. 1802]; M.R.C.S. London [Univ. Minute, 27th May, 1803]. CADDELL, WALTER, M.D. 1800. " Barbadensis " [Grad. Alb.]. CAESAR, JAMES, M.A. 1893. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. CAHILL, THOMAS, M.D. 1837. London; died 6th February, 1881, aged 73. CAHILL, THOMAS STAUNTON, M.D. 1833. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAIRD, EDWARD, LL.D. 1894. Professor of Moral Philosophy in Glasgow University, 1866-94; Master of Balliol College, Oxford, since 1893; Snell Exhibitioner, i860; B.A. Oxon. 1863, M.A. 1873; D.C.L. ; LL.D. St. Andrews, 1878; born 22nd March, 1835; brother of Principal John Caird (q.v.). CAIRD, JOHN, M.A. 1845, D.D. i860. Minister of (1) Newton-upon-Ayr, (2) Lady Yester's, Edinburgh, (3) Errol, (4) Park, Glasgow; Professor of Divinity in Glasgow University, 1862 to 1873; Principal and Vice-Chancellor since 1873; Gifford Lecturer, 1893 and 1896; LL.D. St. Andrews, 1883; D.D. Edin. 1884; born 15th December, 1820. CAIRNCROSS, THOMAS SCOTT, M.A. 1894, B.D. 1896. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. CAIRNIE, CHARLES, . M.A. 1892. M.B., CM. 1897. ROLL OF GRADUATES 83 CAIRNS, CHARLES HODGE, M.B., CM. 1896 Glasgow. CAIRNS, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1878, M.D. 1881 Greenock; died 21st February, 1892, aged 40. CAIRNS, JAMES, M.A. 1887 B.D. Edin. 1891 ; Curate of St. Gabriel's, Warwick Square, London, S.W CAIRNS, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.A. 1885, B.L. 1888, LL.B. 18 S.S.C., Edinburgh. CAIRNS, WILLIAM, M.A. 1802, LL.D. 1838, Sometime U.P. Minister at Johnshaven; afterwards Professor of Logic and Belles Lettres in the Royal Academical Institution, Belfast; died 21st April, 1848 CAIRNS, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 18 Gatehouse-of-Fleet ; Glasgow ; Greenock. CAITHNESS, JAMES, M.D., CM. 1872 Craignish ; Ship Surgeon ; Denbigh. t CALBRIS, BERNARD, M.D. 1801 "Gallus" [Grad. Alb.]. CALDER, BENJAMIN GEORGE, M.D. 1830. "Anglicus" [Grad. Alb.]. CALDER, ROBERT, B.Sc. 1874, M.A. 1875 H.M. Inspector of Schools. CALDERWOOD, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1872, M.D. 1874. Egremont, Cumberland. CALDERWOOD, HENRY, LL.D. 1865. Minister of Greyfriars U.P. Church, Glasgow, 1856-68; Interim Lecturer on Moral Philosophy in University of Glasgow, 1865-66; Examiner in Mental Philosophy there, 1863-65 ; Professor of Moral Philosophy in University of Edinburgh since 1868. CALDERWOOD, HUGH, B.Sc. 1895, M.B., CM. 1896. Assistant to Professor of Anatomy in Glasgow University since 1896. CALDERWOOD, JAMES, M.A. 1760. CALDERWOOD, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1890. Longriggend, Lanarkshire; Avonbridge, Stirlingshire. CALDERWOOD, JOHN, M.A. 1891, B.L. 1896. Law Clerk, Glasgow. CALDERWOOD, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1889. Paisley ; Manchester. CALDWELL, DAVID, M.A. 1809. "Filius natu 3 US Isaaci Agricolae in parochia de Balteaugh in Comitatu de Deny" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. 84 ROLL OF GRADUATES CALDWELL, HENRY SWAN, M.D. 1846. London. CALDWELL, HUGH, M.A. 1760. "Filius natu Septimus Samuelis quondam Mercatoris in Comitatu de Derry" [Matric. Alb. 1759]. CALDWELL, JAMES, M.A. 1768. Possibly the same person as James Caldwell, Presbyterian Minister at Dundonald, Belfast, 1772 to 1814, who died 2nd October, 1814. CALDWELL, JOHN, CM. 1834. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CALDWELL, JOHN, M.D. 1845. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CALDWELL, PATRICK, M.A. 1764. Minister of Norriestown; died 25th March, 1796. CALDWELL, RALSTON, M.D. 1802. " Fil. n. 2 dus Gulielmi Agricolae in par. de Lochwinnoch Com. de Renfrew " [Matric. Alb. 1789]. CALDWELL, ROBERT, M.A. 1769. Possibly the same person as Robert Caldwell, Presbyterian Minister at (1) Macosquin, 1772-81, (2) Moville, Co. Donegal, 1784-1823; died January, 1823. CALDWELL, ROBERT, B.A. 1837, LL.D. 1857. Missionary of (a) the London Missionary Society, 1838-41, (b) the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, at (1) Edeyengoody, India, 1841-83, (2) Tuticorn there, 1883-91; ''Assistant Bishop" to the Bishop of Madras, for Tinnevelly, 1877-91; D.D. Durham, 1874; born 7th May, 1814; died at Pulney Hills, S. India, 28th August, 1891. CALDWELL, SAMUEL, M.A. 1798, M.D. 1808. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CALDWELL, WILLIAM SMITH. See Smith, William Caldwell. CALHOUN, GEORGE VILLIERS, M.D. 1862. Liverpool. CALLAN, HUGH FREEBAIRN, M.A. 1886. Minister of Catrine. CALLAN, JOHN MANN, M.A. 1882. Minister of (1) Annbank, Tarbolton, 1886-95, (2) Presbyterian Church, Balwearie, Pictou, Nova Scotia. CALLAN, JOSEPH MARK, M.D. 1851. Dundalk, Co. Louth; Coroner for County; died 7th May, 1894, aged 65. CALLENDER, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1876. Dunscore, Dumfriesshire ; Armley, Yorks. ; Inverness. ROLL OF GRADUATES 85 CAMAC, PETER GAMBLE, M.D. .1845, C.M. 1877. Ballymoney, Co. Antrim ; Dervock, same Co. CAMERON, ALEXANDER, CM. 1863. Glasgow; Huntington, Quebec. CAMERON, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1864, CM. 1867. Fort-William ; Kirton-in-Lindsey, Lines. ; London ; Assistant Surgeon, Bengal Medical Service ; Epworth, Lines. ; Caistor there. CAMERON, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow. CAMERON, ALLAN, M.D. 1853. Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada. CAMERON, ALLAN, M.B., CM. 1893. Invergordon ; South Uist. CAMERON, ARCHIBALD, M.D., CM. 1867. Glasgow; India; Brigade Surgeon- Lieut-Col. I.M.S., Bengal; died at London, 1st August, 1896. CAMERON, ARCHIBALD BORLAND, M.A. 1868, B.D. 1872, D.D. 1893. U.P. Minister at (1) Arbroath, (2) College Street, Edinburgh. CAMERON, AULAY, M.A. 1728. CAMERON, DAVID BARRIE, B.A. 1859, M.A. i860. Minister of Rosebank, Dundee. CAMERON, DONALD, M.D. 1845. Birkenhead. CAMERON, DONALD, M.A. 1883. F.C. Minister at (1) Rothes, (2) St. Paul's, Glasgow. CAMERON, DONALD, M.A. 1889. (1) Assistant Master in F.C. Normal School, Glasgow; (2) Head Master of F.C. Seminary, Peterhead; (3) Head Master of Public School, Ellon. . CAMERON, DUNCAN, CM. 1826. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMERON, DUNCAN, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in Glasgow University. CAMERON, EVAN, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1871. Denholm, Roxburghshire; died 30th September, 187 1, aged 25. CAMERON, EWAN, CM. 1827. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMERON, EWEN J. M.D. 1838. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. 86 ROLL OF GRADUATES CAMERON, HECTOR CLARE, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1868 Glasgow : Member of University Court (as General Council Assessor) since 1889; Surgeon and Lecturer on Clinical Surgery in Western Infirmary Degree Examiner on Surgery and Clinical Surgery in the University, 1881-82. CAMERON, HENRY PATERSON, M.A. 1874 Minister of Milton, Glasgow, 1879-90. CAMERON, HUGH, M.A. 1893 Teacher in Glasgow. CAMERON, JAMES, CM. 1818 "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMERON, JAMES, M.A. 1840 "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMERON, JAMES, LL.D. 1871 B.A. Lond. ; (1) Congregational Minister at Green Point, Cape Town; (2) Professor of Classical Literature in the South African College, Cape Town. CAMERON, JAMES, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1890. Minister of Craigmore U.P. Church, Rothesay. CAMERON, JAMES ROBERTSON, M.A. 1890. U.P. Minister of Craigs and Duntocher. CAMERON, JAMES WHITE, B.L. 1881. Writer, (1) in Glasgow, (2) at Wangaratta, Australia, (3) at Pollokshaws. CAMERON, JAMES WILSON, M.B., CM. 1885. Swansea; Glasgow (Lecturer on Bacteriology in Veterinary College). CAMERON, JOHN, M.A. 1739. " Filius Donaldi Cameron fratris Angusi Campbell de Kinlochlevin in Com. de Inverness" [Matric. Alb. 1736]. CAMERON, JOHN, CM. 1820. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMERON, JOHN, M.D. 1843. Liverpool ; sometime Lecturer in Royal Infirmary School of Medicine there. CAMERON, JOHN, M.D. 1855. Lochcarron; Arisaig; Falkland, Fife; Epworth, Lines. CAMERON, JOHN, B.A. 1857, M.A. 1858, D.D. 1885. Minister of (1) Dundee (Canada East), (2) Campbeltown, (3) Dunoon. CAMERON, JOHN, M.D. 1859. Glasgow; Chatham; Assistant Surgeon, H.M. Indian Service. CAMERON, JOHN, M.D. 1870. Govan; Port-Ellen, Islay; died 12th September, 1879, aged 42. CAMERON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1883. Strathbungo ; Abergavenny ; Bristol. ROLL OF GRADUATES 87 CAMERON, JOHN, M.A. 1887, B.D. 1888. Assistant Chaplain (Church of Scotland), Bengal; son of John Cameron, D.D. 1885 (q.v.) CAMERON, JOHN ANGUS, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow ; Inverkip ; Lagganbuie, Dalmally. CAMERON, JOHN CHARLES, M.D. 1835. Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals; for 20 years Army Medical Officer in Ceylon and India; died 1870. CAMERON, JOHN LAWSON, M.A. 1884. Son of U.P. Minister, Mearns ; intended to follow out legal profession, but relinquished it on account of ill-health, and went to South Africa. CAMERON, JOHN MACALLUM, M.B., CM. 1879. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow ; Old Kilpatrick ; F.S. A. CAMERON, MATTHEW, M.B., CM. 1890. Gilston, Fife ; Dreghorn ; Dumfries. CAMERON, MATTHEW BROWN, M.A. 1890. (1) First Assistant, Kelso High School ; (2) Science and Mathematical Master, West Coats School, Cambuslang; (3) Rector's Assistant, Greenock Academy; (4) Professor of English Literature and Logic in Canning College, Lucknow. CAMERON, MURDOCH, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1872. Helensburgh ; Glasgow ; Assistant to Professor of Midwifery in Glasgow University, 1885-94; Professor of Midwifery therein since 1894. CAMERON, ROBERT, M.D. 1838. Huddersfield; died 2nd June, 1874, aged 59. CAMERON, SAMUEL, M.A. 1835. Minister of Logierait; died circa 1874. CAMERON, THOMAS, M.D. 1764. Practitioner in Worcester for 34 years ; matriculated at Balliol College, Oxford, 27th June, 1717, aged 13; B.A. Oxon. 1721, M.A. 9th March, 1723-24; in 1729 and 1730 performed his exercises for the Degrees of Bachelor and Doctor of Medicine of Oxford. CAMERON, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1887. Ship Surgeon ; Portsonachan, Argyllshire ; Hull. CAMPBEL, JAMES, M.A. 1826. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1755. CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1776. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1781. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. 88 ROLL OF GRADUATES CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1798. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER, B.L. 1882. Writer, Glasgow. CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1891. Govan. CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER ELLIOT, M.D. 1833. Surgeon, First Life Guards; son of Duncan Campbell of Otter, and son- in-law of Principal Duncan Macfarlan (q.v.); born 25th May, 1809, died 23rd August, 1848. CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER FRASER, M.A. 1892. (1) Assistant Teacher in Glasgow; (2) Mathematical Master in North Public School, Alexandria, N.B. ; (3) Head Master of Main Street Public School there. CAMPBELL, ALEXANDER SCOTT, M.A. 1893. Minister of the Congregational Church at Morecambe, Lancashire, since 1895. CAMPBELL, ANDREW, M.A. 1803. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, ANGUS, M.B., CM. 1878, M.D. 1883. Lamlash, Arran; Glasgow; Lugar; London. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1755. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD, LL.D. 1815. Of Blythswood; M.P. for Glasgow Burghs, etc.; Rector of Glasgow University, 1809-1811 ; Dean of Faculties, 1815-17, 1819-21, 1823-5, I ^27-9, 1831-3, and 1835-7; died 13th June, 1838, aged 75. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD, M.D. 1832. Oban; died 10th February, 1863, aged 54. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1861. Free Church Minister at Errol. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1875. Tarbert, Lochfyne; Glasgow; Ratcliffe-on-Trent. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1881, M.B., CM. 1886. Ship Surgeon; Campbeltown; Biggar. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1887. Newcastle-on-Tyne. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1894. Furnace, Loch Fyne. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER, D.D. 1895. Minister of (1) Lonmay, 1871-74, (2) Crathie, 1874-96, when resigned. CAMPBELL, SIR ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, BART. See Blythswood, Baron. ROLL OF GRADUATES^<^ 89 CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD DUNCAN, B.L. 1895. Writer, Glasgow. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD PRENTICE, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Haywood, Lanarkshire. CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD THOMSON, M.B., CM. 1886. Tighnabruaich ; Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow. CAMPBELL, CHARLES, M.A. 1884, B.D. 1889. Minister of Graham Street Free Church, Airdrie. CAMPBELL, CHARLES ARCHIBALD, M.D. 1836. Montreal ; London ; Slough, Bucks. CAMPBELL, CHARLES DRELINCOURT, M.D. 1853. Oldcastle, Co. Meath ; Staff- Assistant-Surgeon, Gambia ; died of yellow fever, 25th August, i860, at M'Carthy Island, Africa. CAMPBELL, COLIN, M.A. 1750. CAMPBELL, COLIN, M.A. 1766. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, COLIN, B.A. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, COLIN, M.A. 1874, B.D. 1877, D.D. 1892. Minister of (1) St. Mary's, Partick, 1878-82, (2) Dundee Parish since 1882 ; born 29th July, 1848. CAMPBELL, DANIEL, M.A. 1883. Intended for Free Church Ministry, but fell into ill-health (consumption) and acted for some time as a Teacher in Adelaide and Dunedin ; born at Muthill, 1854; died in Edinburgh, 17th January, 1893. CAMPBELL, DAVID, LL.D. 1747. Chaplain to the Royal Hospital at Greenwich. CAMPBELL, DAVID, M.A. 1875, B.L. 1877. Solicitor, Melbourne. CAMPBELL, DAVID BIRRELL, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow ; Ship Surgeon ; Saltcoats. CAMPBELL, DAVID JAMES MACGOUN, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow. CAMPBELL, DAVID L. CM. 1833. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, DONALD, M.D. 1864, CM. 1867. Tarbert, Loch Fyne; Calne, Wilts. CAMPBELL, DONALD, M.B. 1867, M.D. 1874. Bunawe ; Munlochy, Ross-shire ; Acharra, Argyleshire ; Ballachulish. go ROLL OF GRADUATES CAMPBELL, DONALD, M.A. 1882. Teacher in (1) Dunfermline High School, 1882-84, ( 2 ) Dean Public School, Edinburgh, since 1884. CAMPBELL, DONALD, M.A. 1889. Teacher in (1) Stonelaw Public School, Rutherglen, 1888, (2) Eastpark Public School, Maryhill, 1888-92, (3) Hillhead Public School, Glasgow, 1892-94, (4) High School, Glasgow (Modern Languages), since 1895. CAMPBELL, DONALD COCHRANE, M.D. 1844. Assistant Medical Officer, Glasgow Lunatic Asylum; Resident Physician, Aberdeen Lunatic Asylum; Resident Physician and Superintendent, Lunatic Asylum, Brentwood, Essex ; died 8th August, 1884. CAMPBELL, DUGALD, M.A. 1775. " Filius maximus Patricii agricolae in Comit. Argathelie Parochia Kilmorden " [Matric. Alb. 1771]. CAMPBELL, DUGALD, M.D., CM. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, DUGALD, M.D. 1862. Alva ; Government Emigration Service, New Zealand ; Machynlleth, Wales ; Waterbeach, Cambs. ; Alfreton, Derbyshire; Lochgilphead; J. P. CAMPBELL, DUGALD, M.B., CM. 1882. Lugar; Waimea, Kauai, Hawaiian Islands. CAMPBELL, DUNCAN, M.D. 1830. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, DUNCAN, M.A. 1887. Licentiate of the Free Church. CAMPBELL, EDWARD ELLIS, M.B., CM. 1872. Murton, Co. Durham; Knock, Isle Ornsay; died 26th December, 1878, aged 28. CAMPBELL, FINLAY STEWART, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1895. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow. CAMPBELL, FRANCIS, M.D. 1748. Hereford. CAMPBELL, FRANCIS, M.D. 1829. Gladesville, N.S. Wales. CAMPBELL, FRANCIS JOSEPH, LL.D. 1882. Royal Normal College and Academy of Music for the Blind, Upper Norwood, London. CAMPBELL, GEORGE WILLIAM, M.A. 1828, M.D. 1832. Of Peaton, Dumbartonshire; Practitioner in Montreal, and Professor of Surgery in M'Gill University there; born 19th October, 1810; died (at 24 George Square, Edinburgh, while on a visit to his son-in-law, David Scott MoncrierT, W.S.) 30th May, 18S2. ROLL OF GRADUATES 9 1 CAMPBELL, GILBERT, M.B. 1878. Glasgow; Partick. CAMPBELL, HENRY, CM. 1826. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, HENRY. See Campbell-Bannerman. CAMPBELL, HENRY JAMES, M.A. 1896. Teacher in Stewartville Public School, Partick. CAMPBELL, SIR ILAY, BART, LL.D. 1804. Of Succoth; Advocate; Lord President of the Court of Session, under (for a time) judicial title of Lord Succoth, 1789-1808; Rector of Glasgow University, 1799-1801 j M.P. for Glasgow District of Burghs; born at Edinburgh, 23rd August, 1734; died 28th March, 1823. CAMPBELL, JAMES (primus), M.A. 1730. CAMPBELL, JAMES (secundus), M.A. 1730. CAMPBELL, JAMES, M.A. 1737. CAMPBELL, JAMES, M.D. 1741. CAMPBELL, JAMES, M.D. 1817. "Late Surgeon in the Navy" [Univ. Minute, 3rd June, 1817]. CAMPBELL, JAMES, M.B. 1874, M.D. 1879. Ship Surgeon; Rockhampton, Queensland; Brisbane there. CAMPBELL, JAMES, M.A. 1887. Tea Merchant at (1) Brighton, (2) Crowborough, Sussex. CAMPBELL, JAMES, M.A. 1890. Teacher in Glasgow Public Schools, viz., (1) Springfield, (2) Grove Street, (3) Woodside. CAMPBELL, JAMES ALEXANDER, LL.D. 1874. Of Stracathro; Merchant in Glasgow till 1876; Member of Glasgow Uni- versity Court, 1 869- 1 887 ; M.P. for Universities of Glasgow and Aberdeen since 1880; LL.D. St. Andrews, 1885; brother of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman (q.v.); born 20th April, 1825. CAMPBELL, JAMES BLACK, M.A. 1891. Sometime Teacher; thereafter Probationer of U.P. Church; died at 31 Scotia Street, Glasgow, 20th November, 1895, aged 28. CAMPBELL, JAMES DICK, M.B., CM. 1890. Barr, Ayrshire; Navenby, Lines. CAMPBELL, JAMES EDWARD, M.A. 1875, B.L. 1876. Writer, Paisley. CAMPBELL, JAMES HAMILTON, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Partick; son of Gilbert Campbell, M.B. (q.v.). 92 ROLL OF GRADUATES CAMPBELL, JAMES JENKINS, M.B., CM. 1883, M.D. 1888. Balmaghie, Kirkcudbright ; Castle-Douglas ; Broughton-in-Furness, Lanes. ; Newcastle-on-Tyne. CAMPBELL, JAMES M'KINNELL, M.A. 1888. F.C. Minister at Lochgoilhead. CAMPBELL, SIR JAMES MACNABB, M.A. 1866, LL.D. 1885. Superintendent of Stamps and Stationery, and Income Tax Commissioner, Bombay; compiler of Gazetteer of Bombay Presidency; CLE. 1885; K.C.I. E. 1897; born 1846; son of John M'Leod Campbell, D.D. (q.v.). CAMPBELL, JAMES ROBERTSON, M.A. 1835, D.D. 1862. Congregational Minister at (1) Montrose, (2) Albany Street, Edinburgh, (3) Bradford ; died there, 1st December, 1884, aged 70. CAMPBELL, JOHN, LL.D. 1754. Author of Lives of the English Admirals, etc., etc. ; " The richest author that ever grazed the common of literature" [Dr. Johnson]; His Majesty's Agent (1765) for the province of Georgia; born at Edinburgh, 8th March, 1708; died at London, 28th December, 1775. CAMPBELL, JOHN, M.D. 1796. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, JOHN, M.A. 1804. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, JOHN, M.D. 1818. Surgeon, Military Prison, Greenlaw, Penicuik. CAMPBELL, JOHN, CM. 1820. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, JOHN, CM. 1821. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, JOHN, CM. 1824. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, JOHN, D.D. 1830. Minister of Dunoon; died 28th April, 1831, aged 55. CAMPBELL, JOHN, M.D. 1830. Largs; died 14th May, 1873, aged 81. CAMPBELL, JOHN, M.D. 1841. Possibly Inveraray. CAMPBELL, JOHN, M.D. 1847. Inveraray; Staff-Surgeon, Army. CAMPBELL, JOHN, M.D. 1848. R.N. CAMPBELL, JOHN, M.D. 1862 Glasgow; Johnstone. ROLL OF GRADUATES 93 CAMPBELL, JOHN, M.A. 1867, B.D. 1870. Minister of (1) Newhall, Glasgow, (2) Airdrie, (3) Kirkcaldy. CAMPBELL, JOHN, M.B. 1868, M.D. 1873. Leith; Surgeon, R.N. ; Glasgow; died 25th April, 1875. CAMPBELL, JOHN, M.D. 1869. Dunmow, Essex; Gloucester. CAMPBELL, JOHN, M.A. 1888, B.D. 1891. Minister of Monquhitter, Aberdeenshire, since September, 1897. CAMPBELL, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.A. 1890. F.C. Minister at Tobermory. CAMPBELL, JOHN ARCHIBALD, M.D., CM. 1865. North Knapdale ; Sedgefield, Durham ; Carlisle. CAMPBELL, JOHN M'LEOD, D.D. 1868. Minister of Row, Dumbartonshire, 1825-31; deposed for "heresy," 24th (6 a.m. 25th) May, 1831 ; Evangelist in Highlands, 1831-32; preached, without remuneration, to a congregation in Glasgow, 1833-59; retired 1859; born at Kilninver, 4th May, 1800; died at Rosneath, 27th February, 1872. CAMPBELL, JOHN MECULLA, B.A. 1853, M.A. 1854. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, JOHN MORROW, B.Sc. 1887. (1) Lecturer on Organic Chemistry in Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College; (2) Analyst, Teheran, Persia; (3) Mining Engineer, Half Assini, Gold Coast, West Africa. CAMPBELL, JOHN MUNRO, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow ; Caersws, Montg. ; Pollokshaws. CAMPBELL, LEWIS, LL.D. 1871. Vicar of Milford, Hants., 1858-63 ; Professor of Greek in the University of St. Andrews, 1863-92, when retired; Snell Exhibitioner, 1850; B.A. Oxon. 1853; Fellow of Queen's College, 1855; M.A. 1856. CAMPBELL, MALCOLM, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. CAMPBELL, MARCUS DILL, B.A. 1845, M.A. 1846, M.D. 1850. Belonged to Ramelton, Co. Donegal ; no trace of his career. CAMPBELL, MATTHEW GARDINER, M.A. 1871. English Presbyterian Minister at Falstone. CAMPBELL, NEIL (primus), CM. 1831. Greenock. CAMPBELL, NEIL (secundus), CM. 1831. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. 94 ROLL OF GRADUATES CAMPBELL, NEIL M'NAB, M.D., CM. 1865. Greenock; Oban; died 5th January, 1897. CAMPBELL, NIEL, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow. CAMPBELL, PATRICK, M.A. 1752. CAMPBELL, PATRICK, M.A. 1849. "Filius natu minimus defuncti Gulielmi agricolae in comitatu de Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1844]. CAMPBELL, PETER, M.D. 1857. Crieff; Bridge of Allan; London; Crieff; died 3rd December, 1880. CAMPBELL, RICHARD, M.A. 1737. "Sc: Hib:" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, RICHARD VARY, B.A. i860, M.A. 1861. Advocate, Edinburgh ; Examiner for Law Degrees in Glasgow University, 1874-78; Sheriff of (1) Dumfries and Galloway, 1890-96, (2) Berwick, Roxburgh, and Selkirk, since 1896; LL.B. Edin. 1865. CAMPBELL, ROBERT, M.A. 1756. Minister of Erskine Secession Church, Stirling ; died 30th June, 1803, aged 65. CAMPBELL, ROBERT ALLAN, M.B., CM. 1873. Lesmahagow; Ship Surgeon; Newcastle-on-Tyne. CAMPBELL, SAMUEL, M.D. 1856. Fleet Surgeon, R.N. CAMPBELL, SAMUEL HENRY, M.D. 1844, CM. 1862. Portrush, Co. Antrim ; Stoke-upon-Trent ; Liverpool ; Portrush. CAMPBELL, THOMAS, M.A. 1752. " Filius natu maximus quondam Thomae Campbell de Holehead in Parochia de Logie in Com. Perth" [Matric. Alb. 1749]. CAMPBELL, THOMAS, D.D. 1810 Minister of Ancrum ; died 12th February, 1832. CAMPBELL, THOMAS, M.A. 181 1. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAMPBELL, THOMAS, LL.D. 1827. The Poet; Author of " The Pleasures of Hope," " The Battle of Hohenlinden " (which he witnessed), "Ye Mariners of England," "The Battle of the Baltic," etc., etc.; Studied at Glasgow University; Lord Rector thereof, 1826-29; born in High Street, Glasgow, 27th July, 1777; died at Boulogne, 15th June, 1844; buried in Poets' Corner, Westminster Abbey, 3rd July, 1844. CAMPBELL, THOMPSON, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 95 CAMPBELL, WALTER ALLISON, M.A. 1891. Real Estate Agent, 191 5 Jefferson Street, Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A. CAMPBELL, WALTER SCOTT, M.B., CM. 1880. Balmaghie, Kirkcudbright; Newton-Stewart; Crediton, Devon. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1763. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM, D.D. 1799. Rector of Killenshale, in the Diocese of Armagh, and Vicar of Newry. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1810. Possibly one of (a) William Campbell, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Clough, Co. Down, 1813-29, who died 2nd April, 1829, (b) William Campbell, Irish Presby- terian Minister at Ballymena, 1819-72, who died 26th January, 1872. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM, CM. 1831. Port-Ellen, Islay ; died 28th June, 1880. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1836, M.D. 1840. London. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM, M.D. 1848. Dundee. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1873. Minister of (1) Foulden, (2) Craigie; B.D. Edin. 1876. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM, * M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow; died 1884. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1888, B.D. 1891. Minister of Kilbride since 1896. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1893. Sunderland; Glasgow. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM ALBERT, M.A. 1872. Minister of Cargill. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM ANGUS, M.B., CM. 1880. Oban ; Blaenavon, Mon. ; Sheffield. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM DAVID, M.B., CM. 1885. Shawlands; died 28th February, 1897, aged 42. CAMPBELL, WILLIAM M'KEAN, M.A. 1888, B.D. 1892. Minister of Fintry since 1896. CAMPBELL-BANNERMAN, SIR HENRY, LL.D. 1883. M.P. for Stirling Burghs since 1868; Financial Secretary of the War Office, 1871-74 and 1880-82; Secretary to the Admiralty, 1882-84; Chief Secretary for Ireland, 1884-85; Secretary of State for War, 1886 and 1892-95; P.C. 1884; brother of James Alexander Campbell, LL.D., M.P. (q.v.) ; born 7th September, 1836. 96 ROLL OF GRADUATES CAMPSIE, JAMES, M.A. 1889. Teacher in Calder Street Public School, Govanhill, Glasgow. CANDLISH, HENRY, M.D. 1858. Dalmellington ; Alnwick; Ayr; died 18th March, 1893, aged 57. CANDLISH, JAMES, M.A. 1781. Teacher of Medicine, Edinburgh; father of James Smith Candlish, M.A. 1819 (q.v.), and of Robert Smith Candlish, M.A. 1823 (q.v.); died 29th April, 1806; married Jane Smith, one of "The Mauchline Belles." CANDLISH, JAMES SMITH, M.A. 1819. Medical Practitioner in Glasgow; appointed Professor of Surgery in Anderson's College, 1829, but died that year, of typhus fever, before he could enter on duty; brother of Robert Smith Candlish, M.A. 1823, (q.v.), and son of James Candlish, M.A. 1781 (q.v.). CANDLISH, JAMES SMITH, D.D. 1874. F.C. Minister at (1) Logiealmond, 1863-68, (2) Aberdeen East, 1868-72; Professor of Theology in Free Church College, Glasgow, 1872-97; born at Edinburgh, 1835; died at Tarbolton, 7th March, 1897; M.A. Edin. 1858; son of Robert Smith Candlish, M.A. 1823 (q.v.). CANDLISH, ROBERT SMITH, M.A. 1823. Minister of (1) St. George's, Edinburgh, (2) Free St. George's there; Principal of New College there; D.D. Edin. 1865; born 1806; died 19th October, 1873; son of James Candlish, M.A. 1781 (q.v.). CANE, HERBERT DU, M.B., CM. 1891. London ; Darwen, Lanes. CANE, ROBERT, M.D. 1842. Kilkenny; Mayor thereof, 1844; died 17th August, 1858, aged 52. CANNAN, DAVID, M.A. 1884. Studied Medicine; born at Pernambuco, Brazil, 21st May, 1863; last known address, 25 Mornington Road, Bow, London, E. ; understood to have gone abroad. CANNING, JOHN, M.A. 1825. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Malin, 1832-77 ; died 26th November, 1877. CANNON, WILLIAM ROBERT, M.A. 1892. Teacher in (1) Glasgow, (2) Cambuslang. CANT, WILLIAM, B.A. i860, M.A. 1861. Born in Perthshire, 1837; son of Andrew Cant, Merchant or Tradesman; no further information. ROLL OF GRADUATES 97 CANTERBURY, ARCHBISHOP OF, LL.D. 1868. Archibald Campbell Tait; Curate of Baldon, 1836-41; Head Master of Rugby School, 1842-50; Dean of Carlisle, 1850-56; Bishop of London, 1856-69; Archbishop of Canterbury, 1868-82; born at Edinburgh, 22nd December, 181 1; died at Croydon, 3rd December, 1882; Snell Exhibitioner, 1829; B.A. Oxon. 1833; Fellow, 1834; Tutor, 1835; M.A. 1836; D.C.L. 1842; grandson of Sir Hay Campbell, LL.D. (q.v.). CANTLIE, JOHN, M.A. 1734. "Filius Johannis Cantley in Newport Glasgow" [Matric. Alb. 1730]; matriculated at Balliol College, Oxford, 10th October, 1737, aged 20; brother of William Cantlie, M.A. (q.v.). CANTLIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1737. "Filius Joannis Cantlie Scribae publici in oppid. Portus novi Glasguencis ad Glotae Aestuarium" [Matric. Alb. 1730]; matriculated at Balliol College, Oxford, 10th October, 1737, aged 20; brother of John Cantlie, M.A. (q.v.). CAPE, JOHN, M.A. 1731. "Ang:" [Grad. Alb.]. CAPIE, SAMUEL, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. CAPPON, JAMES, M.A. 1882. Professor of English Language and Literature in Queen's University, Kingston, Canada. CAPPS, WASHINGTON LEE, B.Sc. 1888. Ensign, U.S. Navy. CARDIFF, JOSEPH RADFORD, M.D. 1858. Bridgetown, Co. Wexford ; Ballinabola, same Co. ; Carrigbyrne, same Co. CARDROSS, LORD. See Buchan, Earl of. CAREY, FRANCIS VIZE, M.D., CM. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAREY, RICHARD, M.D. 1839. Newtownbarry, Co. Wexford; died 1869. CAREY, THOMAS, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CARLEY, JAMES, M.A. 1807. " Filius natu maximus Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Templecorran in comitatu de Antrim in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1804]. CARLILE, FRANCIS, M.A. 1788. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CARLILE, JAMES, D.D. 1845. Minister of Mary's Abbey Presbyterian Congregation, Dublin ; born at Paisley, 1784; ordained 1813; died 31st March, 1854. G 98 ROLL OF GRADUATES CARLILE, NEWTON, CM. 1826. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CARLISLE, ANDREW, M.A. 1757. " Filius natu 3 ius Davidis Mercatoris in parochia de Derrynoose in Com. Armagh in Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1752]. CARLYLE, DAVID, M.D. 1851. Lochmaben; Carlisle; died 4th January, 1892, aged 64. CARLYLE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1876, M.D. 1880. Greenock; Auchmull; Aberdeen; Greenock. CARLYLE, ROBERT, M.A. 1781. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Ballinderry, 1784-94, when disannexed from charge on account of indisposition. CARMALT, THOMAS BARRY, M.D. 1835. Greenock. CARMICHAEL, ALEXANDER ROSS, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow ; Cathcart. CARMICHAEL, DANIEL, M.B., CM. 1871. Tarbert, Loch Fyne; Portree; Pollokshields ; Lochgilphead; Tarbert. CARMICHAEL, DANIEL GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. CARMICHAEL, GERSCHOM, M.A. 1733. Library Keeper to the University, 1737-39; Minister of (1) Monimail, (2) Second Charge, Dundee; died 6th November, 1761, aged 61; son of Professor Gerschom Carmichael. CARMICHAEL, HENRY, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow. CARMICHAEL, HUGH, M.A. 1890. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. CARMICHAEL, JAMES, M.D. 1799. "Scoto-Britt 5 " [Grad. Alb.]. CARMICHAEL, JAMES, M.D. 1843. Fleet-Surgeon, R.N. ; died at n Walmer Crescent, Glasgow, 21st February. 1891, aged 89. CARMICHAEL, JOHN, M.A. 1825. "F. n. 2 dus Joannis Artificis Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1816]. CARMICHAEL, JOHN, M.A. 1861. Born at Killin, Perthshire, 1830; son of Joseph Carmichael, Land Steward. CARMICHAEL, NEIL, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1872. Glasgow : Lecturer on (1) Materia Medica, Western Medical School there, (2) Bacteriology, St. Mungo's College. ROLL OF GRADUATES 99 CARMICHAEL, PATRICK, M.A., M.D. 1749. At time of graduation, Chief Surgeon of one of the Dutch Regiments; thereafter Physician in Glasgow; son of Professor Gerschom Carmichael, and son-in-law of Professor Thomas Reid. CARMICHAEL, PETER, B.A. 1857, M.A. 1858. "Fil. nat. max. Joannis, Coloni in insula de Islay" [Matric. Alb. 1852]. CARMICHAEL, PETER, M.A. 1870, B.D. 1878. Minister of (1) R.P. Church, Airdrie, (2) English Presbyterian Church, Highbury, London. CARMICHAEL, WILLIAM GEORGE HEYWOOD, M.A. 1866. Minister of East Church, Perth. CARMICHAELL, DAVID, M.A. 1731. CARNEY, PHILIP, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CARPENTER, LANT, LL.D. 1806. Librarian at Liverpool Athenaeum, 1802-5; Unitarian Minister at Bristol; previously at Birmingham and Exeter ; born at Kidderminster, 2nd September, 1780; accidentally drowned, on passage from Naples to Leghorn, 5th April, 1840. CARPENTER, THOMAS COULSON, M.D. 1813. Went out, October, 1794, as Surgeon's mate on board H.M. Sloop " Providence," on voyage of discovery to North Pacific, vessel wrecked in Chinese waters, May, 1797 ; thereafter practised for some time as an Apothecary; latterly settled at Lyme Regis, and became Recorder of that town; died at Birmingham, while on way to Buxton for benefit of his health, 10th October, 1833, aged 55. CARR, JOHN, M.D. 1836. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. CARR, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1876. Glasgow; London; Southampton; died 1889. CARR, JONAS KING, M.D. 1842. Deputy Surgeon-General, Army; Cheltenham. CARR, WILLIAM, M.A. 18 14. "Filius natu maximus Thomae, mercatoris in oppido de Newry, comitatu de Down, in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1813]. CARR, WILLIAM, M.B. 1873. Glasgow ; Dundee ; Glasgow (Medical Officer of Barlinnie Prison) ; Cambus- lang. CARRICK, ANDREW, M.A. 1803. Surgeon, R.N. ; son of James Carrick, Minister of New Kilpatrick. CARRICK, JOHN, B.A. 1847, M.A. 1848. U.P. Minister at Maybole; resigned 13th October, 1891. 100 ROLL OF GRADUATES CARRICK, JOHN CHARLES, M.A. 1880. Minister of Newbattle (B.D. Edin. 1883). CARRICK, WALTER, M.A. 1844. Minister of St. Clement's Parish, Aberdeen ; ordained 27th December, 1849 ; died June, 1850. CARRILLO, FRANCIS, M.D. 1842. "Mexicanus" [Grad. Alb.]. CARROLL, JOHN SMYTH, M.A. 1877. F.C. Minister of (1) Rathen, Aberdeenshire, (2) St. John's, Glasgow. CARROLL, JOSEPH, M.B., CM. 1882. Rathen, Aberdeenshire; Glasgow; Ilkeston, Derbyshire. CARROLL, ROBERT JAMES, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. CARRUTHERS, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1891. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. CARRUTHERS, JAMES, M.A. 1893. Student of Medicine. CARRUTHERS, JAMES WILLIAM DALZIEL, M.A. 1885. U.P. Minister at (1) Stewarton, 1891-97, (2) Perth North, 1897. CARRUTHERS, JOHN, M.D. 1834. Bolton-le-Moors ; Lockerbie; died 1888. CARRUTHERS, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1886. Kilwinning; Rock Ferry, Cheshire. CARRUTHERS, JOHN JOSEPH, M.B., CM. 1893. Kirkpatrick-Fleming ; Sunderland; Norton, Co. Durham. CARRUTHERS, THOMAS, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862. F.C. Minister at Bridge of Weir. CARRUTHERS, THOMAS, M.A. 1894. Student of Medicine; son of Thomas Carruthers, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862 (q.v.). CARSLAW, HORATIO SCOTT, M.A. 1891. Assistant to Professor William Jack (q.v.), 1896; son of William Henderson Carslaw, M.A. 1857 (q.v.). CARSLAW, JAMES, M.A. 1888, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow ; Paisley ; Glasgow (Assistant to Professor of Medicine and Clinical Medicine in the University since 1895); son of William Henderson Carslaw, M.A. 1857 (q.v.). CARSLAW, JOHN, M.A. 1823. R.P. Minister at Airdrie; born circa 1800; died March, 1847. ROLL OF GRADUATES IOI CARSLAW, JOHN HOWIE, M.A. 1882, M.B., CM. 1886, M.D. 1893. Glasgow; Assistant to Professor of Medicine and Clinical Medicine in the University, 1893-95; died 9th August, 1895, a g e d 3 2 > son of William Henderson Carslaw, M.A. 1857 (q.v.). CARSLAW, WILLIAM, M.D. 1863. Sometime of Free Church College in Madras ; now ordained Medical Missionary at Syria in connection with Free Church, and Superintendent of the Syrian (undenominational) Schools; cousin of William Henderson Carslaw, M.A. 1857 (q.v.). CARSLAW, WILLIAM HENDERSON, B.A. 1856, M.A. 1857. Minister of Park Free Church, Helensburgh; graduated as "Henderson Carslaw"; son of John Carslaw, M.A. 1823 (q.v.). CARSLAW, WILLIAM HENDERSON, M.A. 1886. Engineer, Dumbarton; son of William Henderson Carslaw, M.A. 1857 (q.v.). CARSON, ALEXANDER, B.Sc. 1882. Engineer (London Missionary Society), British Central Africa; died at Fwambo there, 28th February, 1896 ; native of Stirling. CARSON, HENRY, M.A. 1809. Presbyterian Minister at Glendermot, Londonderry, 1815-70; died 3rd January, 1870, aged 75. CARSON, HUGH HENDERSON, B.A. 1847, M.A. 1848. Incumbent of Gweedore and Dunlewey, Diocese of Raphoe, Letterkenny, Ireland; died November, 1891. CARSON, JAMES CRAWFORD LEDLIE, M.D., CM. 1837. Coleraine, Co. Derry; J. P. ; died 2nd June, 1886, aged 70. CARSON, JOHN, M.A. 1816. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Templepatrick, 1831-59; died 5th August, 1859. CARSON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1842. Waterford; Cash el ; died 1881. CARSTAIRS, JOHN LINDLEY, M.A. 1893, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. CARSWELL, FERGUS, M.B., CM. 1882. Glasgow. CARSWELL, JAMES, M.D. 1840. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CARSWELL, JAMES, M.A. 1875- English Presbyterian Minister at Newcastle-on-Tyne ; resigned 1890 on account of ill-health (residing at Craigmore, Rothesay, 1895). CARSWELL, JAMES STEELE, M.B., CM. 1868. Durham ; Assistant Surgeon, Bombay Medical Service; died 14th March, 1873. 102 ROLL OF GRADUATES CARSWELL, JAMES STIRRAT, M.A. 1886, B.D. 1889. Minister of Temple, New Kilpatrick, since 1893. CARSWELL, ROBERT, M.A. 1891. Student of Medicine. CARTAN, THOMAS, M.D. 1818. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CARTER, CHARLES, M.D. 1835. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. CARTER, WILFRED, D.D. 1792. Episcopal Minister at Ayr. CARTER, WILLIAM BARWELL, M.D. 1822. " Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. CARVER, THOMAS ALBERT BRIGGS, B.Sc. 1889. Civil Engineer: (1) in Glasgow as Private Assistant and Secretary to Lord Kelvin; (2) in London as Assistant Secretary to the Institution of Civil Engineers. CASKIE, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1890. Innellan ; Ship Surgeon ; Methil, Fife. CASKIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1872. Glasgow; Stourbridge; died February, 1874. CASKIE, JOHN BOYD, M.D. 1857. Glasgow; London; died 28th October, 1889, aged 52. CASKIE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, M.A. 187 1, B.Sc. 1874, M.B., CM. 1876, M.D. 1883. Largs; J. P. CASSELLS, ROBERT DUNLOP, B.Sc. 1894. Electrical Engineer and Electrician in (1) Glasgow, (2) London, (3) Glasgow (Corporation Electric Lighting Department). CASSELS, THOMAS, M.D., CM. 1861. London. CASSELS, THOMAS, M.A. 1890. F.C. Minister at Stewarton. CASSELS, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1892. Sunderland; Bonhill. CASTLEY, THOMAS, M.A. 1728. "Angl." [Matric. Alb. 1726.] CATHCART, CHARLES STEWART, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CATHCART, JAMES, CM. 1835. Ballibay, Co. Monaghan ; died 8th August, 1876, aged 63. ROLL OF GRADUATES 103 CATHCART, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1872. Abertillery, Mon. ; Barrow-in-Furness; Wednesbury, Staffs.; died 1877. CATHCART, THOMAS, M.A. 1800. " Filius natu secundus Gulielmi Agricolae in parochia de Ahoghill in comitatu de Antrim in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1796]. CATHCART, WILLIAM, M.A. 1770. " Filius natu tertius Samuelis Agricolae in Parochia Dessartmarting in Com. de Londonderry Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1768]. CATHERWOOD, ALFRED, CM. 1830, M.D. 1831. London; died 19th February, 1865, aged 62. CAUGHIE, JOHN, M.D. 1858. Dunmore, Stirlingshire; Glasgow. CAUGHTON, ROBERT, M.A. 181 5. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAULFIELD, HANS, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAUNCE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1792. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAUSLEY, HENRY BLAIR, M.B., CM. 1893. Aberdare; Stapleton, Cumberland. CAVANAGH, FRANCIS, M.D. 1809. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CAVIN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1813. M.D. (Edin. 1830), Coleraine. CHADWICK, RICHARD, M.A. 1772. " Filius natu quartus Ricardi Armigeri in comitatu de Tipperary " [Matric. Alb. 1 771]. CHALMERS, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1824. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CHALMERS, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1881. Glasgow; London; Glasgow; London; Langdon, Dakota, U.S.A. CHALMERS, ANDREW, M.D. 1842. An "Andrew Chalmers, M.D.," died at Port-Adelaide, S. Australia, 5th October, 1862, aged 42. CHALMERS, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1886, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow; Lochrutton; Crocketford. CHALMERS, ARCHIBALD KERR, M.B., CM. 1879, M.D. 1887. Glasgow ; Mossend ; Glasgow (Joint Medical Officer of Health for the City). CHALMERS, DAVID, M.D. 1855. Liverpool; died 21st August, 1885, aged 74. 104 ROLL OF GRADUATES CHALMERS, JAMES, M.A. 1777. "Filius natu maximus Alexandri Textoris in Urbe Glasgua" [Matric. Alb. 1772]. CHALMERS, JAMES, M.D. 1865. Glasgow. CHALMERS, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Sunderland. CHALMERS, JAMES EASTON, M.B., CM. 1892. Greenock ; Farnworth, Lanes. CHALMERS, JOHN, M.B. 1867, M.D. 1871, CM. 1886. Barnard Castle, Durham; London; died 9th November, 1888, aged 49. CHALMERS, JOHN CUTHILL, M.A. 1893, B.D. 1896. Minister of the U.P. Church at Kilmaurs since 1897. CHALMERS, JOHN MILLER, M.A. 1893. Teacher in (1) Glasgow, (2) Bearsden Public School. CHALMERS, JOSEPH, M.A. 1846. Teacher at (1) Lochgilphead, 1846-48, (2) Rothesay, 1848-54, (3) Newington, Edinburgh, 1854-95, when retired; died at 12 Glenorchy Terrace, Edinburgh, 16th April, 1897. CHALMERS, PETER, M.A. 1808, D.D. 1855. Minister of (1) Second Charge, Dunfermline, 1817-36, (2) First Charge there, 1836-70; born 19th September, 1790; died nth April, 1870. CHALMERS, QUINTIN, M.B., CM. 1885, M.D. 1887. Glasgow. CHALMERS, THOMAS, D.D. 1816. Minister of (1) Kilmany, (2) Tron, Glasgow, (3) St. John's, Glasgow; Professor of Moral Philosophy in St. Andrews University, 1823 to 1828; Professor of Divinity in Edinburgh University, 1828 to 1843; First Moderator of the Free Church General Assembly ; Principal and Primarius Professor in Free Church College, 1843 to 1847; DOrn a t Anstruther, 17th March, 1780; died at Edin- burgh, 31st May, 1847; LL.D. Oxon. ; F.R.S. CHALMERS, THOMAS, M.A. 1887. Writer, Greenock. CHALMERS, WILLIAM, M.D. i860. Caistor, Lines. ; died 15th December, 1877, aged 42. CHALMERS, WILLIAM HAMILTON, M.A. 1849. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CHAMBERS, JAMES, M.A. 1783. " Natus in Hybernia Filius natu Secundus Gulielmi Agricolae in parochia de Dumford comitatu de Down" [Matric. Alb. 1779]. ROLL OF GRADUATES I05 CHAMBERS, MOSES, M.A. 1834. " Filius natu secundus Solomonis agricolae in parochia Tighboyne et comitatu de Donegall" [Matric. Alb. 1831]. CHAMBERS, ROBERT, CM. 1845. Castlewellan, Co. Down; died July, 1866. CHANDLER, BENTHAM CASAUBON, M.D., CM. 1837. London. CHANG, VIVIAN ERNEST, M.B., CM. 1895. London ; Hong-Kew, Shanghai, China. CHAPMAN, EDWARD, M.A. 1745. " Filius Edwardi Chapman quondam in Westham in Com. de Essex " [Matric. Alb. 1744]. CHAPMAN, FREDERICK RICHARD, M.B., CM. 1874. Hull; London; died December, 1888. CHAPMAN, GAVIN, M.A. 1856. Manufacturer, Glasgow. CHAPMAN, JAMES, M.D. 1839. "Barbadoes" [Grad. Alb.]. CHAPMAN, JOHN, M.D. 1838. Proprietor of Hawkfield Lunatic Asylum, Leith; died 3rd June, 1871. CHAPMAN, THOMAS ALGERNON, M.D. 1863. Glasgow ; Abergavenny Lunatic Asylum ; Medical Superintendent, Hereford Lunatic Asylum ; Liscard. CHARLES, DAVID HUGHES, M.D. 1843. Cookstown, Co. Tyrone; J. P. CHARLES, HENRY RICHARD, M.D. 1836, CM. 1836. Cookstown, Co. Tyrone; died 1875. CHARLES, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1895. Sunderland; Allendale, Co. Durham; Medomsley there; Stanley there. CHARLES, RICHARD, CM. 1820. "Fil. nat. maxim. Johannis Seneschalis Omagh Co. Tyrone" [Matric. Alb. 1819]. CHARLTON, ALFRED, M.B., CM. 1896. Brentford. CHARLTON, JOHN FITZGERALD, M.D. 1835. Sydenham, Kent; sometime Staff-Surgeon in R.N. and Royal Marine Artillery; died nth June, 1874. CHARTERIS, ARCHIBALD HAMILTON, M.A. 1894. Student of Law; son of Matthew Charteris, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica in Glasgow University, 1880-97. IQ 6 ROLL OF GRADUATES CHARTERS, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow. CHARTERS, SAMUEL, D.D. 1789. Minister of (1) Kincardine, (2) Wilton; died 18th June, 1825, aged 84. CHARTRES, JOSEPH, M.D. 1835. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CHATTERJIE, FAKIR CHUNDRA, M.B., CM. 1877- Calcutta; Surgeon-Major, I.M.S., Bengal. CHAYTOR, RICHARD, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CHERMSIDE, THOMAS, M.D. 1841. Portaferry, Co. Down. CHEVERS, NORMAN, M.D. 1839. "Anglius" [Grad. Alb.]. CHEVREUL, MICHEL-EUGENE, LL.D. 1886. The eminent French Chemist; Member of the French Institute, Paris; born at Angers, 31st August, 1786; died at Paris, 9th April, 1889; LL.D. Edin. 1884. CHEYNE, HUGH JAMES, M.D. 1836. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CHICHESTER, JOHN, M.A. 1735. "Hibernus Alius Reverendi Gulielmi natus Comitatu Antrimiensi" [Matric. Alb. 1734]. CHISOLM, WILLIAM, M.D. 1793. "Charleston" [Grad. Alb.]. CHRISTALL, HENRY, M.A. 1728. CHRISTIANSEN, CHRISTIAN, LL.D. 1896. Professor of Physics in the University of Copenhagen. CHRISTIE, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow. CHRISTIE, DOUGALD, CM. 1830. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CHRISTIE, JAMES, B.A. 1856, M.A. 1857, M.D. i860. Glasgow; Zanzibar (Physician to the Sultan there); Glasgow (Lecturer on Public Health in Anderson's College; afterwards Professor of Physiology, etc., there); died 2nd January, 1892, aged 63. CHRISTIE, JAMES ROBERTON, M.A. 1888, LL.B. 1890. Advocate, Edinburgh. CHRISTIE, JOHN, M.D. 1817. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 107 CHRISTIE, JOHN, CM. 1830. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CHRISTIE, JOSEPH MACNAUGHTAN, M.B., CM. 1893. Ship Surgeon ; Dublin ; Glasgow j New Plymouth, N.Z. CHRISTIE, WILLIAM WALLS, M.B., CM. 1885, M.D. 1889. Glasgow; Woodville, New Zealand; New Plymouth there. CHRYSTAL, JAMES, M.A. 1825, D.D. 1861. Minister of Auchinleck since 1833; LL.D. St. Andrews, 1893; son of William Chrystal, LL.D. (q.v.). CHRYSTAL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1795, LL.D. 1816. Rector of (1) the Grammar School of Stirling, (2) the Grammar School of Glasgow; born 8th June, 1776; drowned near Rosneath, 7th June, 1830, while on a pleasure sail. CHRYSTIE, ROBERT, . M.A. 1773. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Cullybackey, 1773 to 1818; died 1st August, 1818. CHURCH, WILLIAM, M.A. 1779. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CHUTE, RICHARD, M.D. 1834. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CLAP, THOMAS, D.D. 1748. Pastor of a Presbyterian Church at Windham, 1726-40; President of Yale College, in the Colony of Connecticut, 1740-65; born at Scituate, Mass., 26th June, 1703; died at New Haven, Conn., 7th January, 1767; Degree granted at request of Duke of Hamilton, and, inter alia, because of "the great obligations of this University to the family of Hamilton" [Univ. Minute, 13th December, 1748]. CLAPPERTON, ALAN ERNEST, B.L. 1884. Writer in Glasgow and (since 1888) Secretary of the University Court. CLAPPERTON, LEWIS, M.A. 1886. Chartered Accountant in Glasgow. CLARK, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1856. (1) Missionary in India of the Church of Scotland; (2) Minister of Wick. CLARK, ALEXANDER THOMSON, M.A. 1885. Generally resident abroad; father's address, Kirkland Park, Strathaven. CLARK, ALLAN AIKEN, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow ; Castleford, Yorks. ; Newton, Lanarkshire ; Cathcart. CLARK, ANDREW, M.A. 1770. "Samuelis Filius natu maximus Agricolae in Parochia de Taughboyn in Com. de Dunnegal Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1769]. 108 ROLL OF GRADUATES CLARK, DAVID ROBERT, M.A. 1872. Merchant, Glasgow. CLARK, DUGALD, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in Glasgow University. CLARK, DUGALD MACINNES, B.L. 1887. Writer, Glasgow. CLARK, FRANCIS WILLIAM, LL.D. 1877. Of Ulva; Advocate; Sheriff of Lanarkshire; died at Glasgow, 16th November, 1886, aged 59. CLARK, FRANCIS WILLIAM, M.A. 1879. Of Ulva ; Barrister-at-Law ; Snell Exhibitioner, 1879; B.A. Oxon. 1883; M.A. 1886; son of Francis William Clark, LL.D. (q.v.). CLARK, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1884. Motherwell ; Kirriemuir ; London. CLARK, GILBERT, M.A. 1877. Minister of Haywood, by Lanark. CLARK, HUGH, M.D. 1841. Ferryhill, Durham. CLARK, ISRAEL, M.A. 1782. "Natus in Hybernia Filius natu Maximus Joannis Mercatoris in oppido de Belfast in comitatu de Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1779]. CLARK, JAMES, M.A. 1878. Minister of Milton of Balgonie. CLARK, JAMES, M.A. 1881. Advocate, Edinburgh ; LL.B. Edin. 1884. CLARK, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1893. Manchester; Coalburn, Lanarkshire; Manchester; Beith; nephew of James Thomson, M.A. 1874 (q.v.). CLARK, JAMES AFFLECK, M.A. 1892. Minister of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Stockton-on-Tees; son of William Clark, M.A. 1846 (q.v.). CLARK, JOHN, M.A. 1814. Minister in Edinburgh of (1) New Street Chapel, (2) Canongate, (3) Old Church; died 1st September, 1859, aged 70. CLARK, JOHN, M.A. 1872, B.D. 1875. Minister of Saltcoats from 10th July, 1877, till his death on 23rd February, 1878. CLARK, JOHN, B.Sc. 1893. Student of Medicine ; died at Rockbank, Partickhill, Glasgow, 7th February, 1894, aged 19; son of John Clark, Ph.D., City Analyst. ROLL OF GRADUATES 109 CLARK, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.A. 1880, B.D. 1883. Minister of (1) Coltness, (2) Brechin. CLARK, ROBERT, M.A. 1815. "Filius natu Tertius Roberti junioris Agricolae in parochia de Killeronaghan in comitatu de Londonderry in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 181 2]. CLARK, SAMUEL, D.D. 1745. Minister of a Dissenting Congregation at St. Albans; born 1684; died 1750. CLARK, SAMUEL, M.D., CM. 1840. Glasgow ; York ; Great Yarmouth ; Staines, Middlesex ; Folkestone ; died 14th September, 1884, aged 69. CLARK, THOMAS, M.A. 1757. Library Keeper to the University of Glasgow, 1759-64. CLARK, THOMAS, M.D. 1832. Lecturer on Chemistry to Glasgow Mechanics' Institution, 1826; Apothecary to Glasgow Infirmary, 1829; Professor of Chemistry in Marischal College, Aber- deen, 1833-60 ; born at Ayr, 30th March, 1801 ; died at Partick, 27th November, 1867. CLARK, WILLIAM, M.D. 1801. Of Wester Moffat; founder and endower of the Free Church College, Glasgow; died 22nd June, 1859. CLARK, WILLIAM, CM. 1825. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CLARK, WILLIAM, M.A. 1846. U.P. Minister at Barrhead. CLARK, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1872. Medical Missionary (U.P. Church) to Rajpootana, India. CLARK, WILLIAM, M.A. 1884, B.Sc. 1884, M.B., CM. 1890. (1) Teacher in Dollar Academy ; (2) Medical Practitioner at (a) Dalmellington, (&) Dundonald; nephew of James Thomson, M.A. 1874 (q.v.). CLARKE, DAVID, B.A. 1846, M.A. 1850. " Filius natu tertius Davidis agricolae in comitatu de Armagh " [Matric. Alb. 1844]. CLARKE, FREDERICK HUGH, M.B., CM. 1881. Glasgow; Ayr; Dumfries. CLARKE, JACKSON NEWPORT, M.D. 1838. Dunmore East, Co. Waterford ; Maghera, Co. Derry ; Liverpool ; Castle- dawson, Co. Derry; Portglenone, Co. Antrim; Maghera; died 20th April, 1878, aged 63. CLARKE, JOHN, M.A. 1764. Possibly the same person as "John Clarke, A.M., Minister at Boston, New England," who was created D.D, of Edinburgh University on 12th September, 1795. HO ROLL OF GRADUATES CLARKE, JOHN, M.A. 1882. Unitarian Minister up to 1887 at (1) Portsmouth, (2) Darwen j since then Political Lecturer in London. CLARKE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 18 Egremont, Cumberland; Plumstead, Kent. CLARKE, JOSEPH, M.A. 1769 "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CLARKE, JOSEPH, M.D. 1841 Mountmelick, Queen's Co. CLARKE, MATTHEW, M.A. 1812 Irish Presbyterian Minister at Ardstraw, 1820-75 1 died 28th December, 1875. CLARKE, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1887 Rutherglen. CLARKE, THOMAS, M.A., M.D. 1775 "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CLARKE, THOMAS ELLIOT SIMPSON, M.A. 1884, B.D. 1885 Minister of Salton. CLARKE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1846, Dundrum, Co. Tipperary ; Dunfanaghy, Co. Donegal ; formerly Lecturer on Materia Medica, Peter Street, Dublin; died 1858. CLASON, ANDREW, M.A. 1804. W.S., Edinburgh; born 26th April, 1787 ; died, unmarried, 23rd September, 1850. CLASON, JAMES, M.A. 1825. Minister of Ratho; died 17th April, 1842, aged 35. CLASON, PATRICK, M.A. 1758. " Filius natu quartus Jacobi in parochia de Logie, comitatu de Stirling " [Matric. Alb. 1755]; possibly the same person as Patrick Clason, sometime Tutor in Geneva, a friend and correspondent of Adam Smith, LL.D. (q.v.). CLASON, PATRICK, D.D. 1836. Minister of (1) Carmunnock, (2) Buccleuch, Edinburgh, (3) Free Buccleuch, Edinburgh; died 30th July, 1867; Degree conferred in consequence of an application "from a number of Mr Clayson's elders and hearers" [Univ. Minute, 15th February, 1836]. CLAYTON, DOWELL O'REILLY, M.D. 1846. Castlebar, Co. Mayo; Assistant-Surgeon, 3rd Regiment, "The Buffs"; formerly Assistant-Surgeon, Forces, General Military Hospital, Dublin; died 1857. CLAYTON, WILLIAM BEAUCHAMP, M.D. 1842. Athy, Co. Kildare; died 25th March, 1873. CLAZY, ROBERT SMITH, M.A. 1892. Minister of the Free Church at Dunning since 1896. ROLL OF GRADUATES III CLAZY, WILLIAM OLIVER, M.A. 1892. Writer, Glasgow. CLELAND, ALEXANDER BROWN, M.D. 1838. "Filius natu sextus Jacobi mercatoris apud Port Glasgow in comitatu de Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1831]. CLELAND, GEORGE, CM. 1832, M.D. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CLELAND, HENRY WILSON, M.D. 1840. Glasgow (Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in Portland Street School of Medicine, 1840-42); died 1844; son of James Cleland, LL.D. (q.v.). CLELAND, JAMES, LL.D. 1826. Cabinet Maker in Glasgow, 1790-1814; Superintendent of Public Works in Glasgow, 1814-34; Author of Annals of Glasgow, etc., etc.; Founder of Cleland Gold Medal in Glasgow University; born at Glasgow, 28th January, 1770; died 14th October, 1840. CLELAND, JOHN, M.A. 1777. "Filius natu Secundus Mosis Armigeri comitatu de Down" [Matric. Alb. 1777]- CLELAND, JOHN, M.A. 181 5. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]; according to Oliver & Boyd's Almanac, a person of the same name was at one time Church of Scotland Minister at Portland Head and Pitt Town, Sydney, N.S. Wales. CLELAND, JOHN, B.Sc. 1882. Engineer at (1) Airdrie, (2) Glasgow, (3) Kilmarnock. CLELAND, ROBERT, M.A. 1808. " Fil. n. Max. Roberti in Parochia de Cambusnethan Lanarksh." [Matric. Alb. T803]. CLELAND, SAMUEL, M.A. 1820. " Filius natu maximus Davidis Agricolae in parochia de Sainfield in comitatu de Down in Hyb." [Matric. Alb. 181 5]. CLELAND, WILLIAM, B.Sc. 1887. (1) Demonstrator in Engineering Laboratory of Yorkshire College, Leeds; (2) Superintendent of the Sheffield Testing Works. CLEMENTS, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1743. CLEMENTS, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1872. Darlington ; Burton-on-Trent. CLERK, ARCHIBALD, LL.D. 1872. Minister of Kilmalie; died there, 7th February, 1887, aged 74. CLERK, ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1877. Glasgow; died 31st January, 1896. 112 ROLL OF GRADUATES CLERK, IAIN, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow (Physician Superintendent, Knightswood Fever Hospital). CLERK, NORMAN M'LEOD, M.B., CM. 1882. Glasgow ; Greenock ; Glasgow ; Hexham, Northumberland ; Rothesay ; died there, 26th July, 1895. CLERKE, ST. JOHN, M.D. 1799. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CLEVE, PER THEODOR, LL.D. 1896. Professor of Chemistry in the University of Upsala. CLEWLOW, JAMES, M.A. 1779. " (Natus in Hybernia) Filius natu maximus Viri Reverendi Jacobi Rectoris Ecclesiae de Bangor in Comitatu de Down" [Matric. Alb. 1778J. CLIFFORD, RICHARD TRENCH, M.D. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CLIFTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1733. "F. Will. Clifton in Civit. Edinburgh Armigeri" [Matric. Alb. 1732]; B.A. Oxon. 1733. CLIMIE, JAMES, M.A. 1880. Minister (1) of English Presbyterian Church, Scarborough, 1884-85, (2) in Australia; died there previous to November, 1895. CLINE, GEORGE WILLIAM, LL.D. 1866. Of Gray's Inn ; Assistant-Commissioner, Baitool, India. CLOW, JAMES, M.A. 1731. Professor of Logic in Glasgow University, 1752-87; Dean of Faculties, 1762 to 1764, and from February to 9th July, 1788 (date of his death). Was offered, on 10th June, 1785, the degree of LL.D., "which he, in terms of great affection and respect to the University, declined on account of his advanced time of life and other circumstances." CLOW, JAMES, M.A. 1823. Chaplain of Town's Hospital, Glasgow. CLOW, WILLIAM, M.A. 1893, B.Sc. 1893, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow ; Motherwell. CLOW, WILLIAM MACCALLUM, M.A. 1878, B.D. 1881. F.C. Minister of (1) Cambusnethan, 1881-86, (2) Uddingston, 1886-89, (3) South Church, Aberdeen, 1889-97, (4) Barclay Church, Edinburgh, since 1897. CLUBB, CHARLES, M.A. 1883. Teacher in (1) Glasgow, (2) Maybole, (3) Paisley, (4) Galashiels, (5) Carbost, Inverness-shire, (6) Fort-William. CLUBB, JOHN, B.D. 1889. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland, and Teacher, Dunvegan, Skye ; M.A. Aberdeen, 1878. ROLL OF GRADUATES 113 CLUCKIE, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1892. Stranraer. CLUCKIE, NEVEN GORDON, M.B. 1880. Glasgow ; Greenock. CLUFF, THOMAS, CM. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CLUGSTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1812. Minister of (1) Forfar, (2) Free Church there; died 3rd March, 1857, aged 64. CLUNIE, JOHN, M.A. 1809, LL.D. 1820. Congregational Minister at Guildford, 1809-10; thereafter Master of the Leafsquare and Seedly Grove Academies, Manchester; died 23rd June, 1858, aged 74. CLUTTERBUCK, HENRY, M.D. 1804. Practitioner, London ; Physician to General Dispensary, Aldersgate Street ; Lecturer on Materia Medica and Practice of Physic; Projector and Editor of The Medical and Chirurgical Review; born 28th January, 1767; died 24th April, 1856. CLYDE, JAMES, B.A. 1837, M.A. 1838, LL.D. 1857. Licentiate of the Secession Church ; Teacher in London, Ipswich, Brussels, and Tain, 1841-54; Greek Tutor in Edinburgh University, 1855; Teacher of Modern Languages in Dollar Institution, 1856-61 ; one of the Classical Masters in Edinburgh Academy, 1861-78. COATES, DAVID, M.D. 1836. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. COATES, JOHN, M.D. 1848. Surgeon-Major, Army; died 18th March, 1895, aged 68. COATES, SAMUEL, M.D. 1845. Eyrecourt, Co. Galway ; Portumna, same Co.; died 24th November, 1879. COATES, THOMAS THOMPSON, M.D. 1849. Galston ; Strathblane. COATS, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1869. Glasgow; Surgeon-Lieut.-Col., Army; son of John Coats, M.D. 1836 (q.v.). COATS, JAMES, M.A. 1885, B.L. 1890. Writer, Glasgow. COATS, JERVIS, M.A. 1872. Baptist Minister at Govan, and Lecturer on Biblical Criticism and New Testament Exegesis in Baptist Theological College of Scotland. COATS, JOHN, M.A. 1821. Portioner in (1) Glasgow, (2) Helensburgh. 114 ROLL OF GRADUATES COATS, JOHN, M.D. 1836. Glasgow: Examiner for Medical Degrees in the University, 1863-76; died 8th June, 1879. COATS, JOHN, M.D. 1858. Glasgow. COATS, JOHN JACKSON, M.A. 1871. Writer, Glasgow. COATS, JOSEPH, M.B. 1867, M.D. 1870. Glasgow: Pathologist in (1) Royal Infirmary, (2) Western Infirmary; Degree Examiner on Pathology in the University, 1879-92; Lecturer on Pathology in the University, 1890-94; Professor of Pathology therein since 1894. COATS, ROBERT HAY, M.A. 1893, B.D. 1895. Student of Mansfield College, Oxford, with a view to Honours Degree in Semitic Languages. COATS, WALTER WILLIAM, M.A. 1875, B.D. 1878. Minister of Girthon. COCHRAN, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1894. Ship Surgeon ; Paisley. COCHRAN, ANDREW, M.D. 1865. Hong-Kong, China; died 7th March, 1870. COCHRAN, BERNARD, M.A. 1730. "Sc. Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1729]. COCHRAN, JAMES, M.A. 1764. " Filius natu maximus Jacobi in Comitatu de Londonderry, Hibernia " [Matric. Alb. 1763]. COCHRAN, JOHN, M.A. 1895. Teacher in Ludovic Square Public School, Johnstone. COCHRAN, MATTHEW, B.A. 1843, M.A. 1844. Minister of St. Peter's, Glasgow; died 7th January, 1888, aged 75. COCHRAN, MICHAEL, M.A. 1872. Professor of Chemistry in the Ceylon Medical College, and City Analyst to the Municipality of Colombo. COCHRAN, ROBERT, M.A. 1763. " Filius natu secundus Jacobi, Agricolae in comitatu de Derry in Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1761]. COCHRAN-PATRICK, ROBERT WILLIAM. See Patrick. COCHRANE, CHARLES EDWARD. M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Porth, Glam. ROLL OF GRADUATES 1 15 COCHRANE, JAMES, M.A. 1813. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Larne; ordained 181 5 ; suspended sine die and disannexed from the congregation, 22nd June, 1824. COCHRANE, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1892. Wishaw. COCHRANE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1892. Kirkintilloch. COCHRANE, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1893. Kirkintilloch ; Birmingham. COCHRANE, THOMAS, M.A., M.D. 1784. " Scoto-Britannus " [Grad. Alb.]. COCHRANE, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1896. Greenock. COCHRANE, WILLIAM, B.A. 1844, M.A. 1845- " Filius natu maximus Edvardi mercatoris in parochia de Glendermot et comitatu de Deny" [Matric. Alb. 1842]. COCKBURN, SAMUEL, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow. COCKBURN, THOMAS, M.D. 1747. "Of Jamaica" [Univ. Minute, 26th June, 1747]. COCKER, JOHN MACINTOSH, M.A. 1891. (1) Assistant Teacher in Public School, Johnstone; (2) Teacher in Hutchesons' Grammar School, Glasgow. COCKS, ROBERT, M.D. 1835, CM. 1837. Dundee; died 19th August, 1875, aged 64. COFFEY, ROBERT, M.D. 1833. Professor of Surgery in the Medical School of the Royal Belfast Academical Institution. COGHLAN, JOHN, M.D. 1840. Wexford; sometime Mayor of that town; J.P. ; died 5th June, 1866. COHOON, JAMES, M.A. 1819. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. COLE, JOSIAH, M.D. 1742. " Who has long practised with good success in London " [Univ. Minute, 17th December, 1742]. COLEBROOKE, SIR THOMAS EDWARD, BART, LL.D. 1873. Of Crawford; M.P. for (1) Taunton, (2) Lanarkshire, (3) North Lanarkshire; Dean of Faculties in Glasgow University, 1869 to 1872; born 19th August, 1813; died at London, nth January, 1890; son-in-law of John Richardson of Kirklands, LL.B. (q.v.). H6 ROLL OF GRADUATES COLEMAN, BENJAMIN, D.D. 1731. Nonconformist Pastor in Boston, Mass., U.S.A., 1699-1747 ; born in Boston, 19th October, 1673; died there, 29th August, 1747. COLEMAN, SAMUEL, M.D. 1841. Kells, Co. Antrim; died 1867. COLHOUN, GEORGE, M.D. 1740. "Being to go abroad in the Expedition to be commanded by the Right Hon ble the Lord Cathcart" [Univ. Minute, 1740]. COLLIGAN, HUGH, M.D. 1865. Paisley. COLLINGS, ADOLPHUS, M.D. 1839. " Sarniensis " [Grad. Alb.]. COLLINS, CLERICUS, M.D. 1833. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. COLLINS, HUGH BROWN, B.Sc. 1891. Mining and Civil Engineer in (1) Australia, (2) Canada, (3) Glasgow. COLLINS, JAMES, M.A. 1812. Possibly one of (a) James Collins, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Dromore, 1816-63, who died 19th December, 1863, (b) James Collins, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Minterburn, 1829-49, who died 23rd December, 1849. COLLINS, ROBERT, M.D. 1822. Dublin ; Navan, Co. Meath. COLLINS, ROBERT, M.D. 1833. Belfast. COLLUM, ROBERT, M.D. 1837. H.E.I.C.S. ; London; Surbiton, Surrey. COLQUHOUN, ALEXANDER, " M.A. 1744- "Now at London" [Univ. Minute, 10th January, 1744]. COLQUHOUN, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1896. Student of Law. COLQUHOUN, ALEXANDER ELLERSON, M.D., CM. 1862. Lancaster; died 2nd November, 1867, aged 27. COLQUHOUN, ARCHIBALD, M.B. 1874. Glasgow; Hamilton, Victoria, Australia; Melbourne there; Bendigo there. COLQUHOUN, HUGH, M.D. 1826. Never practised Medicine ; was partner for many years of firm of Colquhoun & Balloch, Merchants, Glasgow. COLQUHOUN, JAMES, LL.D. 1835. Diplomatic Agent and Consul-General in Great Britain for the free Hanseatic Republics of Lubeck, Bremen, and Hamburg; Consul-General for Saxony, and for the West Indian Colonies of St. Vincent, St. Christopher, Dominica, Nevis, Anguilla, and the Virgin Islands ; etc. etc. etc. ; born 7th June, 1780; died 1855; only son of Patrick Colquhoun, LL.D. (q.v.). ROLL OF GRADUATES \\y COLQUHOUN, JAMES, LL.D. 1893. Writer in Glasgow and (since 1889) Member of the University Court, as Assessor nominated by the Lord Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council of the city. COLQUHOUN, JOHN, M.A. 1733. Minister of Baldernock j died 21st July, 1772. COLQUHOUN, JOHN, M.A. 1792, M.D. 1796. Greenock. COLQUHOUN, PATRICK, LL.D. 1797. Of Kelvingrove; Merchant in (1) Virginia, 1761-66, (2) Glasgow, 1766-89; originator of Chamber of Commerce; Lord Provost of Glasgow, 1782, 1783, and 1784; afterwards Stipendiary Magistrate at the Thames Police Court; Justice of Peace for Westminster ; Deputy- Lieutenant of Middlesex ; the real originator of the Thames Police System; born at Dumbarton, 14th March, 1745; died 25th April, 1820. COLQUHOUN, WALTER, M.A. 1886. (1) Mathematical Master, Garnethill School, Glasgow; (2) Second Master, Kent Road School, Glasgow; (3) M.B., CM. 1897. COLSTON, JOHN, CM. 1844. Dorchester; Bishop's Stortford, Herts.; died 2nd August, 1859, aged 52, "one of the many victims to the slavery of Poor Law Medical Service" [Med. Direct.]. COLT, SIR THOMAS ARCHER, BART., M.D. 1840, CM. 1841. Gloucester; Maidencomb, Torquay; died 26th February, 1893, aged 77. COLTART, GEORGE LETHEM, M.A. 1875. Native of Dumfriesshire; intended for Ministry of Church of Scotland, but died November, 1881, aged 26, before license. COLVIL, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1728. Presbyterian Minister of Dromore, Ireland, 1725-77; died 23rd April, 1777, aged 77. COLVIL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1816. "F. n. 6 tus Caroli Agric. Ochiltree" [Matric. Alb. 1812]. COLVILL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1796. "Hybernus" [Grad. Alb.]. COLVILLE, GEORGE, M.A. 181 5. Minister of (1) Kilwinning, (2) Beith; died 13th May, 1852; D.D. Edin. 1843- COLVILLE, JOHN, M.A. 1850. U.P. Evangelist at (1) Campbeltown, (2) Scotstounhill, Glasgow; died at Ardrossan, 27th July, 1886. COLVILLE, JOHN, M.A. 1888, B.D. 1891. Minister of St. Thomas', Dundee, 1893-97, when resigned. H8 ROLL OF GRADUATES COLVIN, FRANCIS HENRY, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow; Kirkcowan; Colmonell; died there, 17th June, 1895; M - A - Edm - 1878; son of Walter L. Colvin (q.v.). COLVIN, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1893. Hanley, Staffs. ; London ; Glasgow. COLVIN, WALTER LAIDLAW, M.A. 1830, D.D. 1859. Minister of (1) Shotts, 1836-43, (2) Cramond, 1843-77; born 4th June, 1812; died 19th November, 1877. COMB, CHARLES, M.D. 1784. Practitioner in London, and Numismatist; F.R.S. ; F.S.A. ; one of Dr. William Hunter's English Trustees; born in London, 23rd September, 1743 J died there, 18th March, 18 17. COMERFORD, JOHN THOMSON, M.D. 1867. Deputy-Inspector-General, R.N. ; London. COMRIE, ANDREW, M.A. 1886. (1) Assistant Teacher in West Public School, Paisley; (2) Head Master of Carbrook Street Public School there ; (3) Head Master of West Burgh School, Forfar. CONACHER, DAVID EDMOND, M.A. 1886. Probationer of the Free Church ; died at 6 Lindsay Terrace, Dowanhill, Glasgow, 4th April, 1892, aged 25. CONCANON, ANTHONY, M.D. 1844 "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CONN, JOSEPH, M.A. 1876, B.D. 1879. Minister of Tillicoultry. CONNAL, JAMES GALBRAITH, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow. CONNAL, PATRICK, M.A. 1783. Secession Minister at Bathgate, 1787-1820; died 23rd January, 1820, aged 56. CONNEL, SAMUEL, B.A. 1840. (1) F.C. Minister at Coatbridge; (2) Proprietor of a Private Academy in St. George's Road, Glasgow; died suddenly at Rothesay, 13th July, 1879, aged 62. CONNELL, CHARLES ROBERT, M.A. 1885. Barrister-at-Law, London. CONNELL, DONALD, M.A. 1877. Minister of West Free Church, Inverness. CONNELL, JAMES, M.A. 1740. Minister of Sorn; died 14th July, 1789, aged 68. ROLL OF GRADUATES 1 19 CONNELL, JAMES, LL.D. 1845. Teacher of Mathematics in the High School of Glasgow; born 7th September, 1804; died 26th March, 1846. CONNOLLY, COLUMBA, B.A. 1846, M.A. 1861. "Filius natu minimus Jacobi Architecti in parochia de Kilcommin et comitatu de Galway" [Matric. Alb. 1843]; possibly the same person as the Rev. Coleman Connolly (fourth son of James Connolly of Lettermullen, Co. Galway, gent.), who matriculated at Worcester College, Oxford, 25th April, 1874, aged 47; Fellow Commoner, 1874; B.A. 1877; M.A. 1880; address in 1889, 15 Abercorn Place, St. John's Wood, London, N.W. CONNOLLY, DANIEL, M.D. 1788. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CONNOR, DAVID, M.A. 1891. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. CONNOR, GEORGE MUIR, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow. CONNOR, JAMES, M.A. 1773. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CONNOR, JOHN, M.A. 1738. " Fil. Patricii Connor in Paroch. Ardtrea in Comitat. Derry, Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1737]. CONNOR, JOHN, M.A. 1777. "Hybemus" [Grad. Alb.]. CONNOR, JOHN MORGAN, M.A. 1893. (1) Assistant to Professor of English Literature in Glasgow University, 1894-96 ; (2) Student of Divinity in U.P. College. CONNOR, PATRICK, CM. 1817. Newry. CONOCHIE, THOMAS GILLIES, M.A. 1891. Minister of Victoria Street U.P. Church, Dundee, since 1897. CONSTABLE, JOHN, m M.D., CM. 1862. Glasgow; Leuchars; J. P. CONSTABLE, WILLIAM JOHN RAWSON, B.A. 1835, LL.D. 1869. Rector of the Grammar School, Donington, Spalding; died 29th April, 1882. CONWAY, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1881, M.D. 1884. Glasgow; died 24th January, 1894. CONWAY, JOSEPH, M.D. i860. Greenock; died 26th January, 1865. CONYNGHAM, WILLIAM LENOX, M.A. 1812. " Filius natu maximus Georgii Lenox, Armigeri de Springhill in Com. de Londonderry" [Matric. Alb. 1812]. 120 ROLL OF GRADUATES COOK, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1890, M.D. 1893. Cardiff. COOK, DAVID, B.L. 1887. Writer, Glasgow. COOK, DONALD, B.Sc. 1873. Minister of Wellgate Free Church, Dundee. COOK, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1888. Wakefield ; Catrine, Ayrshire ; London ; Stewarton. COOK, JOHN, D.D. 1838. Minister of St. Andrew's Church, Quebec, 1838-88; Temporary President of Queen's College, Kingston, 1857, and for two Sessions Professor of Divinity; Principal of, and Lecturer on Divinity in, Morin College, Quebec, which owed its foundation mainly to his influence; born at Sanquhar circa 1810; died circa 1890. COOK, THOMAS DIXON, M.B., CM. 1879 Hexham, Northumberland; Torquay. COOK, JOHN ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1895 Linton, by Kelso. COOK, JOHN MILLER, M.A. 1891 Teacher in (1) Bathgate Academy, (2) Crosshill School, Strathaven. COOK, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1892 Glasgow; Millport. COOK, ROBERT, M.D. 1892 Leiston, Suffolk; L.A.H. Dub. 1868; L.R.C.S. Edin. 1872. COOK, THOMAS, M.A. 1891 Minister of Levern. COOK, WILLIAM, M.A. 1874 Writer, Glasgow. COOK, WILLIAM STEWART, B.Sc. 1892, M.B., CM. 1894 Glasgow; Greenock. COOKE, ALEXANDER D., CM. 1826 "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. COOKE, DANIEL, M.A. 1758 "Filius natu minor Richardi, Armigeri in urbe Dublin" [Matric. Alb. 1756] COOKE, JOSEPH MAYNE, M.D. 1837 "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. COOKE, SAMUEL HAMILTON, M.D. 1839 "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. COOKE, WILLIAM BROOKS, M.D. 1842 " Occidentalis " [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 121 COOKMAN, ALFRED, M.A. 1824. " Filius natu Maximus Georgii Mercatoris apud Hull in comitatu de York " [Matric. Alb. 1820]. COOPER, CHRISTOPHER, M.D. 1799. Practitioner at Dorchester; died there, 30th July, 1842, aged 69. COOPER, JOHN, M.A. 1739. "Filius Gulielmi Cooper in New Monkland" [Matric. Alb. 1736]. COOPER, WILLIAM, M.A. 1827. Of Failford ; W.S., Edinburgh ; born 28th March, 1808 ; died 31st December, 1880. COOPER, WILLIAM, M.D. 1837. London; died 4th February, 1882, aged 74. COOTE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1833. Ballyjamesduff, Co. Cavan. COPELAND, JAMES WILSON, M.A. 1896. Intends to qualify for Ministry of U.P. Church. COPEMAN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1848. Bury St. Edmunds; Norwich. COPLAND, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1888. Johnstone ; Jarrow-on-Tyne. COPLAND, GEORGE, B.A. 1859, M.A. 1861. U.P. Minister at Ayr. COPLAND, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow; Highbridge, Somerset. COPPIN, HENRY TUDOR, M.D. 1836, CM. 1841. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CORBETT, JAMES, CM. 1826. Rathfriland, Co. Down. CORBETT, JOHN AUGUSTIN, M.D. 1853. Surgeon, R.N. ; died of spasmodic cholera at Beicos Bay, Constantinople, 1st December, 1855, aged 38. CORBETT, JOSEPH, D.D. 1884. U.P. Minister at (1) Kilcreggan, (2) Manchester, (3) Camphill, Glasgow. CORBETT, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1886. Barrhead. CORBETT, ROBERT, M.A. 1890. Teacher in Glasgow. CORBETT, ROBERT TELFER, M.D. 1841. Glasgow; Waikato, New Zealand; Tuakau there; died 14th October, 1876. 122 . ROLL OF GRADUATES CORCORAN, GEORGE, M.D., CM. 1840. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. CORDINER, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1892. Qualifying for Degree of LL.B. CORDINER, JAMES, M.A. 1884, M.B., CM. 1890. Aberdare ; Ship Surgeon ; Coatbridge. CORDINER, ROBERT, M.A. 1886. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. CORE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1873, M.D. 1876. Cramlington, Northumberland; Muthill; Cadder, Lanarkshire; Glasgow (Medical Superintendent, Barony Parish Hospital). CORKINDALE, JAMES, LL.B. 1826. M.D. Edin. 1801 ; Practitioner in Glasgow and Surgeon of Glasgow Prison ; known as "Dr. Corkey"; died 1842; mentioned in Lockhart's "Lament for Captain Paton." CORMACK, BENJAMIN GEORGE, B.Sc, M.A. 1889. Baxter Demonstrator in Geology in University of Glasgow, 188992; Junior Assistant to Professor of Botany there, 1889-90 ; Senior Assistant, 1890-94; Lecturer on Botany in Queen Margaret College, Glasgow, 1890-91 ; Science Teacher in Alloa Academy, and Science Lecturer in School of Science and Art, Alloa, 1894-96; Professor of Botany in Anderson's College, Glasgow, 1897. CORMACK, JOHN DEWAR, B.Sc. 1892. (1) Assistant Lecturer on Technical Electricity, Yorkshire College, Leeds; (2) Assistant to Professor of Civil Engineering in Glasgow University. CORMACK, WILLIAM, B.Sc. 1874. English Master in Ayr Academy; died nth January, 1895, aged 52. CORMICK, FREDERICK BURDETT, M.B., CM. 1895. Yoker. CORMICK, MICHAEL, M.A, M.D. 1772. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CORNWAL, GABRIEL, M.A. 1734. "Hib." [Grad. Alb.]. CORNWALL, ROBERT ROE, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CORRIE, JAMES, M.D. 1791. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CORRY, JOHN, M.A. 1755. " Filius natu maximus Rev di Viri Joannis Currie de Newton Curry in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1753]. CORSE, JOHN, D.D. 1776. Minister of the Tron Church, Glasgow, 1743-82; Dean of Faculties in the University, 1768-70, 1771-72, and 1774-76; died 5th February, 1782, aged 68. ROLL OF GRADUATES 123 COSGRAVE, JOHN, M.D. 1843. Stalybridge; Sheffield; Douglas, Isle of Man; Standish, Lanes.; died 23rd December, 1881. COSH, JAMES, M.A. 1861, D.D. 1892. (1) R.P. Missionary to New Hebrides ; (2) Locum tenens for Rev. David Bruce, St. Andrew's Church, Auckland, N.Z., during his visit to Scotland; (3) Minister of the Presbyterian Church, Balmain, Sydney, and Tutor in Exegetical Theology for the Presbyterian Church of New South Wales. COSTELLO, JAMES, M.D. 1834. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. COSTELLOE, BENJAMIN FRANCIS CONN, B.Sc. 1874, M.A. 1875. Barrister-at-Law, London ; Degree Examiner on Mental Philosophy in University of Glasgow, 1879-82. COTTON, WILLIAM ROWLAND WADO, M.A. 1737. "Ang." [Grad. Alb.]. COULSON, GEORGE FRANCIS, B.Sc. 1892. Civil Engineer (with P. & W. MacLellan, Limited, Clutha Works), Glasgow. COULTER, DANIEL, CM. 1838, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. COULTER, HENRY, M.A. 181 1. "Filius natu 2 US Joannis, Artificis, apud St. Andrews in Comitatu Downe" [Matric. Alb. 1809]. COULTER, HUGH, M.A. 1774. " Filius natu Maximus Hugonis in Parochia de Killwinning " [Matric. Alb. 1769]- COULTER, JOHN, M.A. 1750, D.D. 1798. Minister of (1) Kirkmaiden, (2) Stranraer; died 16th February, 1814, aged 84. COULTER, JOHN, M.A. 181 5. Presbyterian Minister, Dundonald, Belfast; died 1877. COULTER, JOHN, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. COULTER, JOSEPH, M.D. 1842. " Hybernus " [Grad. Alb.]. COULTHARD, THOMAS, M.A. 1731. "Ang." [Grad. Alb.]. COUPER, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1881, M.D. 1883. Blantyre; Glasgow. COUPER, JAMES, M.A. 1775, D.D. 1800. Minister of Baldernock, 1783 to 1803; Dean of Faculties in Glasgow University, 1800 to 1802; Professor of Astronomy there, 1803 to 1836; son of John Couper, Minister of Lochwinnoch (q.v.) ; died 7th January, 1836, aged 84. 124 ROLL OF GRADUATES COUPER, JAMES, M.A. 1811. COUPER, JAMES, CM. 1832, M.D. 1836. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. COUPER, JOHN, M.A. 1729. Possibly the same person as John Couper, who was Minister of Lochwinnoch from 1750-87, and died 1787, aged 81. COUPER, JOHN, M.D. 1858. London : sometime Professor of Physiology and Anatomy, London Hospital Medical College ; afterwards Lecturer on Surgery there. COUPER, PETER, M.A. 1895. Assistant Teacher in Springburn Public School, Glasgow, 1888; Second Master in Crofthead Public School, Fauldhouse, 1888-91 ; Classical Master in Albany Academy, Glasgow, since 1891. COUPER, ROBERT, M.D. 1782. Tutor in Virginia for some years, up to 1776; Practitioner at (1) Newton- Stewart, (2) Fochabers, as Physician to Duke of Gordon, 1788 to 1806 ; born in Wigtownshire, 22nd September, 1750; died at Wigtown, 18th January, 1818; a minor poet of some reputation. COUPER, ROBERT, M.D. 1805. Glasgow; died circa 181 1. COUPER, WILLIAM, M.A. 1776. M. F. P. & S. G. 1783; one of the "Mediciner" Trustees nominated by Professor John Anderson, M.A. 1745 (q.v.), and also designated by him as Professor of Chemistry in his Institution ; one of the first Surgeons of the Glasgow Royal Infirmary j became a partner of Charles Tennant & Co. of St. Rollox Chemical Works, and was also an original partner of the Glasgow Apothecaries' Co. ; born 1757 j died 1843 ; son of John Couper, Minister of Lochwinnoch (q.v.). COUPER, WILLIAM, M.A. 181 1, M.D. 1816. Professor of Natural History in Glasgow University, 1829 to 1857; died at East Kilpatrick, 4th August, 1857, aged 65. COUPER, WILLIAM JAMES, M.B., CM. 1894. Died at Southsea, 25th February, 1895 (3 J months after graduation), aged 27. COURT, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1885. Alfreton, Derbyshire ; Kirkham, Lanes. COURTENAY, THOMAS, M.D. 1846. Galgorm, Co. Antrim; died 19th November, 1893, aged 83. COURTNEY, JOHN, M.A. 1768. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. COUSINS, ISAAC, M.A. 1809. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 125 COUSINS, JAMES, M.A. 1787. "Hybernus" [Grad. Alb.]. COUTTS, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1891. Stevenston ; Glasgow. COUTTS, JAMES, M.A. 1885. Assistant to Clerk of Senate of Glasgow University since 1884; Registrar of General Council since 1886; Secretary of Local Examination Board from 1889 to discontinuance of Examinations in 1893. COVERDALE, JOHN, M.D., CM. 1834. New Town, Tasmania. COWAN, ANDREW, M.D. 1802. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. COWAN, CHARLES JAMES, M.A. 1869. Minister of Morebattle ; B.D. Edin. 1873. COWAN, DUGALD M'COIG, M.A. 1890. (1) Teacher in Broomloan Public School, Govan; (2) Teacher in Maryhill Public School ; (3) Teacher in Eastpark Public School, Maryhill ; (4) Head Master of North Kelvinside Public School there. COWAN, HUGH, M.A. 1891, LL.B. 1895. Intends to qualify as a Law Agent; son of M'Taggart Cowan, C.E., Glasgow. COWAN, JAMES, LL.D. 1834. Of Dildawn, Castle-Douglas ; Master of the Grange Academy, Sunderland ; Founder of Cowan Gold Medals ; died at Dildawn, 1st July, 1868. COWAN, JOHN, M.A. 1772. " Natus in Hibernia Josephi Filius natu maximus in Urbe Newrry in Comitatu de Down in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1768]. COWAN, JOHN, M.A. 1797. Possibly the same person as John Cowan, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Coagh, 1801-41 ; died 26th July, 1841. COWAN, JOHN, M.A. 1824. Brother of, and sometime Assistant to, Dr. James Cowan of Grange Academy, Sunderland (q.v.); died at Dildawn, Castle-Douglas, 4th August, 1888. COWAN, JOHN, M.A. 1891. Advocate, Edinburgh ; LL.B. Ed. COWAN, JOHN BLACK, M.D. 1851, LL.D. 1880. Civil Surgeon in Army in Crimea; Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence in Anderson's College, Glasgow, 1856 to 1862; Lecturer on Practice of Medicine there, 1862 to 1865 ; Professor of Materia Medica in Glasgow University, 1865 to 1880; Member of University Court (as Senate's Assessor), 1876 to 1880; son of Robert Cowan, M.D. (q.v.). ; born 14th September, 1829; died at Brooksby, Largs, 27th July, 1896. 126 ROLL OF GRADUATES COWAN, ROBERT, M.D. 1834. Surgeon to Glasgow Royal Infirmary, 1824-30; Physician to same, 1837; Professor of Medical Jurisprudence and Forensic Medicine in Glasgow University, 1839-41; born 24th March, 1796; died 9th October, 1841. COWAN, ROBERT CAMERON, M.A. 1856. Accountant, Edinburgh. COWAN, SAMUEL DONALDSON, M.A. 1891, M.B., CM. 1895. U.P. Medical Missionary to Old Calabar. COWAN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1808, LL.D. 1829. (1) Parish Schoolmaster at Slamannan; (2) Parish Schoolmaster at East Kilbride; (3) Rector of the Academy in Darlington; (4) one of the Masters of the Grammar School of Glasgow; (5) Head Master of Toxteth Lodge School, Liverpool; (6) after retiral on a competency, for some years assisted his brother James Cowan, LL.D. (q.v.), in Grange Academy, Sunderland; born 7th October, 1791 ; died at his estate of Linburn, Kirknewton, 1st February, 1875. COWAN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1843. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. COWELL, WILLIAM JOHN JAMES, M.D. 1832. Lynton, North Devon; Dover. COWEN, BARUCH STEWART, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow; Douglas, Isle of Man; Aden, Arabia (F.C. Missionary); Moffat; Alphington, Australia; Charlton there. COWEN, HERBERT OSBORNE, M.B., CM. 1888. Douglas, Isle of Man ; Bendigo, Victoria, Australia ; Eaglehawk there. COWIE, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1874. Glasgow. COWIE, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1884. Coatbridge; Ryhill, Yorks. ; died there, 14th June, 1890. COWPER, GEORGE ALEXANDER, M.D. 1839. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. COWPER, STEWART, M.D. 1867. Assistant-Surgeon, U.S. Army ; Leith ; Thornliebank ; Assistant-Surgeon, Civil Service, Ceylon; Melbourne; died 24th January, 1876. COX, FRANCIS AUGUSTUS, LL.D. 1825. Baptist Minister at (1) Clipstone, Northamptonshire, (2) Cambridge, (3) Hackney, Middlesex, 1811-53; born at Leighton Buzzard, 7th March, 1783; died at Hackney, 5th September., 1853; M.A. Edin. 1802. COX, JOHN, M.A. 1764. "Filius natu minor Joannis quondam Agricolae in Comitatu de Dunnegal in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1761]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 1 27 COX, JOHN ANDERSON, M.D. 1849. "Cochin" [Grad. Alb.]. COX, SAMUEL, M.D. 1802. " Anglo-Britannus " [Grad. Alb.]. COX, WILLIAM TRAVERS, M.D. 1830. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. COYLE, PATRICK, CM. 1819. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. COYLE, ROBINSON RUDDOCK, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow. CRAIG, ALEXANDER BAILLIE, M.B., CM. 1892. Walker- on-Tyne ; Blackburn. CRAIG, ALEXANDER GRATITUDE, B.Sc. 1894. Civil Engineer, Great Southern Railway, Buenos Aires, South America. CRAIG, ALEXANDER M'RAE, B.A. 1859, M.A. i860. F.C. Minister at (1) Dundonald, (2) Sprouston, (3) Kelso. CRAIG, ANDREW FORRESTER, M.D., CM. 1863. Glasgow ; Sanquhar ; Glasgow ; Hamilton ; Glasgow ; Lenzie ; London ; Lenzie. CRAIG, ANDREW M'LEAN, M.A. 1886. Head Master of Northern School, Falkirk. CRAIG, ARCHIBALD, M.B. 1870, M.D. 1877. Bishopbriggs ; Pathhead-Ford. CRAIG, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1877, LL.B. 1881. Writer in Glasgow, and (since 1888) Clerk of the General Council of the University; Consul for the Greater Republic of Central America. CRAIG, DANIEL, M.B., CM. 1887. Ship Surgeon ; Barrhead ; Tarbert, Loch Fyne. CRAIG, HENRY JAMIESON, M.D. 1844. Newbiggen, Northumberland. CRAIG, HUGH BROWNLIE, M.D. i860. Denny; Act. Asst. Surg., Navy. CRAIG, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1876. Ashton-under-Lyne ; Partick; died 1885. CRAIG, JAMES, M.A. 1884, B.Sc. 1889. Teacher, Glasgow, in (1) Henderson Street School, 1883-89, (2) Napiershall School since 1889. CRAIG, JAMES, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1888. Minister of Whitburn since 1892. 128 ROLL OF GRADUATES CRAIG, JAMES HUNTER, M.A. 1895. Assistant Master in Gorbals Public School, Glasgow, 1890-92; Assistant Master in Public School, Cathcart, 189293; Head Master of Public School, West Linton, since 1893. CRAIG, JAMES MARCH, M.D. 1850. Birkenhead; died 5th November, 1869. CRAIG, JOHN, M.A. 1804. "Filius natu maximus Joannis Mercatoris in parochia de Tullycorbit in comitatu de Monaghan in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1801]. CRAIG, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1872. Grenada, West Indies. CRAIG, JOHN, M.A. 1885. Teacher in High School for Girls, Garnethill, Glasgow. CRAIG, JOHN BAILLIE, M.A. 1894, B.D. 1895. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. CRAIG, JOHN WRIGHT, M.D. 1859. Darlington ; Ayr ; London ; Bradford ; Bingley, Yorks. CRAIG, JOSEPH LEITCH, M.A. 1887. Minister of Free St. George's Church, Montrose. CRAIG, PETER LATIMER LEITCH, M.A. 1891, B.Sc. 1896, M.B., CM. 1896. Wishaw. CRAIG, ROBERT, M.A. 18 19. Minister of (1) New Cumnock, 1829-35, ( 2 ) Rothesay, 1835-43, (3) Free Church, Rothesay, 1843-60; born at Eaglesham, 7th June, 1792; died at Rothesay, 26th May, i860. CRAIG, ROBERT, M.A. 1866. (1) E.U. Minister at Blackfriars Street, Glasgow, (2) E.U. (Congregational) Minister at Brighton Street, Edinburgh. CRAIG, THOMAS CONNELL, M.B., CM. 1889. Colne, Lanes. ; Heaton, Northumberland ; Cramlington there ; Heaton. CRAIG, WILLIAM, M.A. 1736, D.D. 1764. Library Keeper to the University, 1736-37 ; Minister of (1) Cambusnethan, (2) Wynd Church, Glasgow, (3) St. Andrew's Church, Glasgow; Dean of Faculties in the University, 1748 to 1751; born at Glasgow, February, 1709; died 13th January, 1784; father of Lord Craig {infra). CRAIG, WILLIAM, M.A. 1763, LL.D. 1804. Library Keeper to the University, 1764-67; Sheriff of Ayrshire, 1787-92; one of the Judges of the Court of Session (under title of Lord Craig), 1792-1813; Rector of Glasgow University, 1801 to 1803; born 1745; died 8th July, 181 3; cousin of Mrs. M'Lehose, the "Clarinda" of Burns. ROLL OF GRADUATES 129 CRAIG, WILLIAM, M.A. 181 1. Possibly the same person as William Craig, Irish Presbyterian Minister at (1) Carnmoney, 1819-23, (2) Dromora, 1823-71, and who died 22nd December, 1871. CRAIG, WILLIAM, M.D. 1828. Glasgow (Lecturer on the Theory of Medicine in Portland Street Medical School, 1833-36); died 1836. CRAIGHILL, LORD. See Millar, John, LL.D. 1876. CRAIK, SIR HENRY, LL.D. 1884. Examiner in Education Department, London, 1870-85 ; Secretary to Scotch Education Board since 1885; born 18th October, 1846; Snell Exhibitioner, 1865; B.A. Oxon. 1870; M.A. 1882; C.B. (Civil) 1887; K.C.B. 1897. CRAIK, JAMES, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862. W.S., Edinburgh; born 13th March, 1841 ; brother of Sir Henry Craik (q.v.). CRAIK, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1886, M.D. 1893. Montgomery; Pelton Fell, Durham; Conisbrough, Yorks. CRAIK, WILLIAM, B.A. 1858, M.A. 1859. Merchant, Manchester; brother of Sir Henry Craik (q.v.). CRAIK, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1892. Swinton, Yorks. CRAMB, JOHN ADAM, M.A. 1886. Assistant, as Luke Fellow, to Professor of English Literature in Glasgow University, 1886-89; Lecturer on Modern History in Queen Margaret College, Glasgow, 1889-91 ; Professor of Modern History in Queen's College, London, since 1893. CRAMER, SAMUEL JOHNSTON, M.D. 1800. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CRAMPTON, SIR PHILIP, BART, M.D. 1799. Lecturer on Clinical Surgery, Dublin ; Surgeon-General to the Forces ; and Surgeon-in-Ordinary to George IV. and Queen Victoria in Ireland ; born at Dublin, 7th June, 1777; died 10th June, 1858; F.R.S. ; at Sir Philip's villa in Wicklow, Sir Walter Scott halted for a night during his Irish tour in 1825. CRAN, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1873. Nantwich, Cheshire. CRANE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1792. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. CRANFIELD, THOMAS GEORGE, M.D. 1835. Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford; J.P. for County; died 9th January, 1872, aged 60. CRANMER, JOHN GRAHAM, M.A. 1894, B.D. 1896. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. I 130 ROLL OF GRADUATES CRANSTOUN, JAMES, B.A. 1855, LL.D. 1873. Classical Master in Hamilton Place Academy, Edinburgh, 1856-60; Rector of (1) Kirkcudbright Grammar School, 1860-72, (2) Dumfries Academy, 1872-78; Senior Classical Master of Royal High School, Edinburgh, 1878-86, when retired. CRAUFORD, CHARLES, M.A. 1746. " Filius Joannis Crauford Olitoris in Ferm prope Glasguam " [Matric. Alb. 1740]. CRAUFUIRD, WALTER KENNEDY, M.D. 1791. "Brittanus" [Grad. Alb.]. CRAUFURD, ROBERT, M.A. 1758. " Filius natu maximus Gulielmi Crawfurd de Possile Mercatoris Glasguensis " [Matric. Alb. 1753]. CRAWFORD, ADAIR, M.A. 1770, M.D. 1780. One of the Physicians to St.. Thomas's Hospital, London, and Professor of Chemistry to the Military Academy at Woolwich; died 29th July, 1795, aged 47 ; brother of William Crawford, D.D. (q.v.). CRAWFORD, ALEXANDER, M.A., M.D. 1774. Possibly the same person as Alexander Crawford, Physician at Lisburn, who died 29th August, 1823, aged 68; brother of William Crawford, D.D. (q.v.), and of Adair Crawford, M.D. (q.v.). CRAWFORD, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1893. London. CRAWFORD, ALEXANDER DAVID, M.B., CM. 1886. Millport; Coleshill, Warwickshire. CRAWFORD, ALEXANDER WILKIE, M.B., CM. 1879. Paisley ; South Africa. CRAWFORD, ANDREW, M.A. 1769. " Natus in Hibernia Filius natu quartus Jacobi Agricolae in Parochia de Killimard in Com. de Donigal in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1768]. CRAWFORD, ANDREW, M.A. 1787, M.D. 1789. " Scoto-Britannus " [Grad. Alb.]. CRAWFORD, ANDREW, M.D. 1842. "Filius nat. secundus Gulielmi Medicinse Doctoris ap. Port Glasgow in com. de Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1836]. CRAWFORD, CHARLES, CM. 1827, M.D. 1845. Gourock; died 1855. CRAWFORD, DAVID HODGE, MA. 1896. Assistant to Professor of English Literature in Glasgow University. CRAWFORD, FREDERICK, M.A. 1788. " Hibernus " [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 131 CRAWFORD, GAVIN, M.A. 1879. Intended for Ministry, but died (before completion of Divinity course), 1 6th December, 1882, aged 30. CRAWFORD, GEORGE, M.D., CM. 1863. Port-Glasgow; died 4th January, 1890, aged 55. CRAWFORD, HUGH, M.D. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CRAWFORD, JAMES, M.A. 1756. "Filius natu major Jacobi Mercatoris in Urbe Donnegal" [Matric. Alb. 1755]. CRAWFORD, JAMES, CM. 1823. Possibly Gourock. CRAWFORD, JAMES, CM. 1840, M.D. 1858. Manchester; died 17th January, 1880. CRAWFORD, JAMES, M.D. i860, CM. 1869. Longridge, by Whitburn ; Huddersfield ; Bradford, Yorks. CRAWFORD, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1876. Bradford, Yorks. CRAWFORD, JAMES, M.A. 1884. Science Master in Thomson Street Public School, Glasgow, 1885-86; Rector of Annan Academy, 1886-89; Teacher in High School of Glasgow since 1889. CRAWFORD, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1884. Newmains; Rutherglen; Patricroft, Manchester; Glasgow; died 1894. CRAWFORD, JOHN, M.D. 1829. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CRAWFORD, JOHN, M.D. 1838. Glasgow (Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in Anderson's College, 1842-56); Carstairs; died 1881. CRAWFORD, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1879. Biggar. CRAWFORD, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1889. Rutherglen; Glasgow; Dundee. CRAWFORD, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1893. Ship Surgeon. CRAWFORD, JOHN CRICHTON, M.B., CM. 1883. Barrow-in-Furness ; Ardrossan ; Ingrow, Yorks. CRAWFORD, JOHN IRWIN, M.D. 1838. Fleet Surgeon, R.N. CRAWFORD, LAURENCE, B.Sc. 1886. Fellow of King's College, Cambridge, and Lecturer in Mathematics, Mason College, Birmingham; Degree Examiner on Mathematics, etc., in University of Glasgow since 1896. 132 ROLL OF GRADUATES CRAWFORD, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1889. Glasgow. CRAWFORD, ROBERT BROWN, M.A. 1884. Minister of Kilmallie. CRAWFORD, STEWART NICHOLSON, CM. 1836. Oldham, Lanes. ; Glasgow ; Auchencairn, by Castle-Douglas ; Glasgow. CRAWFORD, THOMAS, M.A. 1883, B.D. 1886. Minister of East U.P. Church, Perth. CRAWFORD, WILLIAM, M.A. 1763, D.D. 1784. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Strabane, 1766-98, (2) Holywood, 1798-1800; died there, 4th January, 1800; brother of Adair Crawford, M.D. (q.v.). CRAWFORD, WILLIAM, M.D. 1830. Port-Glasgow. CRAWFORD, WILLIAM, M.A. 1866, M.B., CM. 1874. Carlisle; Blackburn; died there, 24th May, 1896, aged 50. CRAWFORD, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1872. Dunfermline ; Uddingston. CRAWFURD, ROBERT KING BARBOUR, M.B., CM. 1885. Morland, Westmoreland; Keswick. CREAGHE, MARTIN CONNELL, M.D. 1799. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CREIGHTON, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1891. Caistor, Lines. ; Ayr ; Wakefield. CREIGHTON, MANDELL. See London, Bishop of. CREIGHTON, WILLIAM DAVIDSON, M.A. 1890. Assistant Priest, St. Salvador's Episcopal Church, Dundee. CRERAR, PETER DUNCAN, M.A. 1879. Barrister, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; born at Crieff, 2nd February, 1859. CRICHTON, CHARLES, CM. 1820. Fort-William ; Kilchrenan, Argyllshire ; Sonachan, same Co. ; died 3rd March, 1878, aged 78. CRICHTON, DUNCAN, M.B. 1867. Kilchrenan, Argyllshire; Ship Surgeon; Liverpool; died 1885. CRICHTON, HUGH, D.D. 1842. Minister of the United Secession Church at (1) Duntocher, (2) Liverpool; died 14th January, 187 1, aged 75 ; Degree conferred "at the request of a number of respectable citizens of Glasgow" [Univ. Minute, April, 1842]. CRICHTON, JAMES, M.D. 1835. "Fil. nat. 4 tus Caroli Merc, in Comit. de Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1830]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 133 CRICHTON, WILLIAM, B.A. 1781, M.A. 1782. Intended for Dissenting Ministry in "South Britain"; died circa 1784. CRICHTON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1891. Pollokshaws j Birmingham ; Kirkcaldy. CRICHTON, WILLIAM CATTO, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Willington, Durham; died at sea, 1894, aged 28. CRICHTON-STUART, JOHN PATRICK. See Bute, Marquess of. CRIGHTON, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1874, M.D. 1876. Rishton, Lanes. ; Brymbo, Denbighshire. CROAL, PETER ROSS, M.D. 1837. "Demerara" [Grad. Alb.]. CROKER, GEORGE, M.D. 1840. Hillsborough, Co. Down; Belfast. CROKER, PATRICK ALFRED, M.B., CM. 1877. Williamstown, Victoria, Australia; Geelong there. CROMEY, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CROMIE, ROBERT, CM. 1834. Clough, Co. Down. CROMPTON, JOSEPH, M.A. 1834. Sometime Unitarian Minister ; afterwards Minister and Founder of the " Free Christian Church"; thereafter Rector of St. Lawrence, Norwich. CRONYN, GEORGE, M.D. 1847. Callan, Co. Kilkenny; died 27th December, 1863. CROOKE, WARREN, M.D. 1838. Macroom, Co. Cork; died September, 1896. CROPPER, JOHN, M.A. 1826. Dissenting Minister at (1) Bolton, (2) Exeter, (3) Aberdeen, (4) Wareham, (5) Stand, near Manchester, (6) Wareham; retired 1867, and died at Eccles, near Manchester, August, 1889, aged 83. CRORY, SAMUEL, M.A. 1813. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Drumlough; ordained 1819; died 19th May, 1861. CROSBIE, WARREN, B.L. 1884. Writer, Glasgow. CROSS, DAVID KERR, M.B., CM. 1885. F.C. Medical Missionary at Lake Nyassa. CROSS, JOHN, M.D. 181 1. Glasgow. 134 ROLL OF GRADUATES CROSS, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1893. Medical Missionary of the English Presbyterian Church to (1) Swatow, (2) Amoy. CROSS, JOHN ASHTON, M.A 1870. Barrister-at-Law, London; Snell Exhibitioner, 1868; B.A. Oxon. 1872. CROSS, ROBERT, MA. 1782. " Filius natu secundus Roberti Consuli in Universitate Glasguensi " [Matric. Alb. 1777]. CROSS, THOMAS, M.A. 1878, LL.B. 1881. Writer, Glasgow. CROSS, WILLIAM, M.A. 1895. Student of Theology in F.C. College, Glasgow. CROSSFIELD, HEDLEY ROBERT VICARS, M.B., CM. 1888. Douglas, Isle of Man; Manchester. CROSSKEY, HENRY WILLIAM, LL.D. 1882. Unitarian Minister at (1) Derby, (2) Glasgow, (3) Birmingham (while in Glasgow, Lecturer on Geology in Mechanics' Institution) ; born at Lewes, Sussex, 1826 ; died 1st October, 1893. CROSSKEY, WALTER FRANCIS, M.D., CM. 1865. Glasgow ; Caistor, Lines. ; Birmingham ; Lewes, Sussex. CROTHERS, ROBERT, CM. 1839, M.D. 1848. Moy, Co. Tyrone ; Charlemont Fort, Co. Armagh ; Nice, France ; St. Leonards-on-Sea ; Southborough, Kent. CROW, JAMES NATHANIEL HARVEY, M.B., CM. 1876. Army Surgeon in Transvaal; Ardrishaig; J. P. CROWE, JOHN, B.A 1844, M.A. 1845. Presbyterian Minister at Hanley, Staffs. CROZIER, JOHN, M.D. 1809. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CROZIER, MATTHEW, M.D. 1791. "Down: Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CROZIER, WILLIAM, M.A. 1816. Minister of (1) the Presbyterian Congregation of Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, 1824-32, (2) the Presbyterian Congregation of (Rademor) Kilmore, Co. Down, 1832-72; born 1st February, 1797; died 22nd May, 1873. CRUICKSHANK, JOHN, M.A. 1885. Teacher in Lothian Road Public School, Edinburgh. CRUIKSHANK, WILLIAM CUMBERLAND, M.A. 1767, M.D. 1783. ' Surgeon and Teacher of Anatomy in London ; previously Librarian and Assistant to Dr. William Hunter (q.v.) ; attended Dr. Samuel Johnson in his last illness; F.R.S. ; named Cumberland, after Duke of C. (q.v.); born at Edinburgh, 1745; died at London, 27th July, 1800. 135 M.A. 1894. M.D. 1787. M.D. 1823. M.A. 1821. ;i- M.A. 1820. M.D. 1842. M.D. 1863. 9, aged 61 M.B., CM. 1886. M.D. 1839. ROLL OF GRADUATES CRUM, JOHN GEORGE, Qualifying for the profession of Stockbroker in Glasgow. CRUMPE, CHRISTOPHER, "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CUBITT, WOOLMER RICHARD, "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. CULLEN, GAVIN, Minister of Balmaclellan ; died 18th January, 1844, aged 51 CULLEN, GEORGE DOWNIE, Congregational Minister in Leith ; died 1891, aged 92. CULLEN, JAMES, Airdrie; died 1886. CULLEN, JOHN FLEMING, Glasgow; Alexandria, Dumbartonshire; died 4th July, 1889, aged 61. CULLEN, JOHN ROBERT FLEMING, Glasgow; Alexandria, Dumbartonshire. CULLEN, ROBERT FLEMING, Surgeon, R.N. ; died 17th March, 1862. CULLEN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1740. Practised at Shotts and (in partnership with Dr. William Hunter) at Hamilton ; Provost of Hamilton in 1739 and 1740; Lecturer on Chemistry in Glasgow University, 1747 to 1755 ; Professor of Practice of Medicine there, 1751 to 1755 ; Professor of (1) Chemistry and Medicine, (2) Institutes of Medicine, (3) Practice of Physic, in Edinburgh University, 1755 to 1789 ; born at Hamilton, 15th April, 1 7 10 ; died 5 th February, 1790. The following were the Case and Aphorism given to him as part of the examination for M.D. — Casus — Laborat aegrotus tussi, catarrho,flegmatis viscosi excreatione, gravitate, lassitudine, inappetentia, siti; quibus superveniunt sputum sanguinis, febris hectica, pressio po?iderosa pectoris dypspnoia, horror, calor, albi profluvium, somnus difficilis et turbulentus. Quis Morbus, Quae cura ? Aphorismus 2Q nu * Lib. 2 Hippocr. — Cum morbi inchoant si quid movendum videtur move ; cum autem consistunt aut vigent, melius est quiescere. CULLEN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1823. "F. n. 2 dus Gulielmi Artificis in par. de Houston Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1818]. CULLEN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1829. Carluke; died 4th September, 1876, aged 86. CULLEN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1884. Barbeggs, Croy ; East Kilbride ; Glasgow. CULROSS, JAMES, M.A. 1885, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow; Newton Abbot, Devon. 136 ROLL OF GRADUATES CUMBERLAND, H.R.H. THE DUKE OF, LL.D. 1746. " Who, by the blessing of God, has put an end to the unnatural and wicked Rebellion that threatened destruction to all our Religious and Civil Rights and Liberties" [Univ, Minute, 27th June, 1746]. By the same minute "the Rector Principal Professor of Divinity and Professor of Law are appointed to wait upon his Royal Highness when he comes South, and present the Diploma with the Universities compliments to him"; born 15th April, 1721 ; died 31st October, 1765; third son of King George II. ; LL.D. conferred same year (1746) on the Duke's Secretary. See Fawkner. CUMIN, PATRICK, LL.D. 1803. Professor of Oriental Languages in Glasgow University, 1761 to 18 14; died 27th October, 1820; M.A. Edin. 1760. CUMIN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1805, M.D. 1813. Sometime Surgeon in the 88th Regiment of Foot; afterwards Professor of (1) Botany in Anderson's College, Glasgow, (2) Midwifery in Glasgow University, 1834-40; son of Dr. Patrick Cumin (q.v.) ; born 7th November, 1784; died 1840. CUMING, JOHN, M.A. 1776. "Natus in Hibernia films natu secundus Roberti viri Reverendi Rectoris parochiae Magheraclony in Comitatu Monhaan" [Matic. Alb. 1774]. CUMMING, ALEXANDER NEILSON, M.A. 1880. Barrister-at-Law, London ; Snell Exhibitioner, 1878; B.A. Oxon. 1882 ; son of James Elder Cumming, D.D. (q.v.). CUMMING, ALICE LILIAN LOUISA, M.B., CM. 1894. Greenock; Glasgow; daughter of James Simpson Cumming, M.D. (q.v.). CUMMING, JAMES, LL.D. 1850. (1) One of the Classical Masters in Edinburgh Academy; (2) Rector of Glasgow Academy; (3) Inspector of Schools; died 15th December, 1875, aged 76. CUMMING, JAMES BANKS, M.B., CM. 1896. Whiting Bay, Arran. CUMMING, JAMES BROWNLEE, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow. CUMMING, JAMES ELDER, D.D. 1872. Minister of (1) East-Kirk, Perth, (2) Newington, Edinburgh, (3) Sandyford, Glasgow. CUMMING, JAMES SIMPSON, M.D. 1866, CM. 1868 Glasgow ; Port-Glasgow ; Houston ; Glasgow. CUMMING, JOHN, M.A. 1734. CUMMING, JOHN, M.D. 1793. " Americanus " [Grad. Alb.]. CUMMING, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1895. Dalmuir. ROLL OF GRADUATES 1 37 CUMMING, JOHN, M.A. 1895. Resident at 23 Sydney Street, Glasgow; intends to follow Teaching profession. CUMMING, JOHN BARR, M.A. 1880, B.D. 1884. Minister of (1) Wardlawhill, Rutherglen, (2) Mortlach ; son of James Elder Cumming, D.D. (q.v.). CUMMING, JOHN GHEST, M.A. 1888. Bengal Civil Service, India. CUMMING, ROBERT, B.D. 1886. (1) Licentiate of the Church of Scotland; (2) Student of Medicine; M.A. Aber. 1882. CUMMING, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1862. Strathaven; Kirkcudbright; Wigtown; died 19th November, 1874, aged 33. CUMMING, WILLIAM, M.A. 1895. Resident at 39 Mill Street, Paisley; will probably follow the Teaching profession. CUNINGHAM, GEORGE, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb. J. CUNINGHAME, JOHN, M.A. 1746. Minister of (1) Dalmellington, (2) Monkton; died 28th May, 1774, aged 45. CUNINGHAME, THOMAS, B.A. 1782. "Filius natu maximus Gulielmi Mercatoris in urbe Glasguensi" [Matric. Alb. 1777]- CUNINGHAME, WILLIAM, M.D. 1790. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CUNLIFF, RICHARD JOHN, M.A. 1884, LL.B. 1887. Writer, Glasgow. CUNNINGHAM, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1875. Glasgow; Oldbury, Worcestershire. CUNNINGHAM, DAVID, M.A. 1880. (1) Teacher in Glasgow (a) for six years, as English Master in West End Academy of Rev. Samuel Connel (q.v.), (b) as visiting English Master in West End Ladies' Schools; (2) Schoolmaster of Rosemarkie, Ross-shire, since 1882. CUNNINGHAM, GEORGE, M.A. 1895. Student of Medicine in Edinburgh University. CUNNINGHAM, HUGH, CM. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CUNNINGHAM, JAMES, M.A. 1864. Minister of (1) Free Church, Girvan, (2) English Presbyterian Church, Longsight, Manchester, (3) English Presbyterian Church, Wandsworth, London. CUNNINGHAM, JEREMIAH, M.D. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. 138 ROLL OF GRADUATES CUNNINGHAM, JOHN, CM. 1834. Lame, Co. Antrim; Ballyclare, same Co.; Larne; died February, 1874. CUNNINGHAM, JOHN, M.A. 1836, LL.D. 1847. Sometime Assistant to Professor of Natural Philosophy in Glasgow University ; afterwards an ordained Missionary of the Reformed Presbyterian Church to the Jews in London; died there, 1872. CUNNINGHAM, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1871. Glasgow; Campbeltown. CUNNINGHAM, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow ; Eastry, Kent ; London. CUNNINGHAM, JOHN, LL.D. 1886. Minister of Crieff, 1845-1887 ; Principal of, and Primarius Professor of Divinity in, St. Mary's College, St. Andrews, 1886-93; died 1st September, 1893, aged 74; D.D. Edin. i860. CUNNINGHAM, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1889. Stewarton. CUNNINGHAM, JOHN FREELAND, M.A. 1896. Teacher in Dalbeattie Public School. CUNNINGHAM, PETER HANNAH, M.B., CM. 1879. Talbot, Victoria, Australia. CUNNINGHAM, ROBERT, M.A. 1809. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Minterburn, 1812-28; died 29th June, 1828. CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM, M.A. 1820. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Dundalk, 1825-29; died 15th May, 1829. CUNNINGHAM, WILLIAM LOVE, M.B. 1872. Paisley ; Alva. CUNNINGHAME, JOHN, M.A. 1730. CUPPAGE, THOMAS, M.D., CM. 1864. Lurgan, Co. Armagh; Birkenhead; Holy wood, Co. Down; died 14th May, 1893. CUPPLES, GEORGE, M.A. 1746. Minister of Swinton; died 14th September, 1798, aged 72. CUPPLES, SNOWDEN, M.A. 1773, D-D. 1793. Minister, Carrick Fergus, Ireland. CURDIE, DANIEL, M.A. 1832. "Filius natu minimus Danielis, Agricolae, in com. de Bute" [Matric. Alb. 1827]. CURDIE, JAMES, M.A. 1813. Minister of Gigha ; died 16th May, 1877. ROLL OF GRADUATES 1 39 CURLE, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1887, M.D. 1896. Glasgow. CURLING, BUNCE, M.D. 1793. 11 In extensive private Medical practice in the County of Kent for several years past" [Univ. Minute, 26th January, 1793]. CURR, THOMAS, M.A. 18 18. "F. n. max. Jacobi Agricolae Shotts" [Matric. Alb. 1813]. CURRIE, AUGUSTUS OCTAVIUS, CM. 1840, M.D. 1842. "India" [Grad. Alb.]. CURRIE, CHARLES DAVID, M.D., CM. 1839. Surgeon-Major, H.M. Indian Service; died at Bath, 29th November, 1861, aged 44. CURRIE, DONALD, M.B., CM. 1885. Bowmore, Islay; died at Salen, Mull, 29th August, 1888, aged 24. CURRIE, DUNCAN WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1876, M.D. 1890. Glasgow ; Tillicoultry. CURRIE, HUGH BROWN, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow ; Dumfries ; Johannesburg, Transvaal, S. Africa. CURRIE, HUGH HART, M.A. 1874, B.D. 1877. F.C. Minister of Keig and Tough, Aberdeenshire. CURRIE, JAMES, M.A. 1738. Minister of (1) Kirkpatrick-Fleming, (2) Middlebie ; died 24th October, 1773. a ged 5 8 - CURRIE, JAMES, M.A. 1769, M.D. 1769. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. CURRIE, JAMES, M.A., M.D. 1780. Physician in Liverpool; Biographer of Robert Burns; born 31st May, 1756; died at Sidmouth, 31st August, 1805; F.R.S. ; son of James Currie, M.A. 1738 (q.v.). CURRIE, JAMES, M.A. 1803. Minister of Catrine; "deposed 15th June, 1836, for several acts of intoxication" Scott's \Fasti\ CURRIE, JOHN, M.D. 1864. Bristol; Glasgow; Lydney, Gloucestershire; Totnes, Devonshire; Taunton; died 25th August, 1893. CURRIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1886, M.D. 1896. (1) Ship Surgeon; (2) Rayapuram, Madras, India. CURRIE, JOHN ROGERSON, B.A. 1841. Minister of Hutton, by Lockerbie; died 2nd May, 1875, aged 54. CURRIE, ROBERT KIRKWOOD, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow. I40 ROLL OF GRADUATES CURRIE, RONALD, M.D., CM. 1862. London; Birmingham; Brodick; Tarbolton; Rothesay; Wemyss Bay; J.P. CURRIE, THOMAS, M.A. 1883. Minister of Warrender Park Free Church, Edinburgh. CURRIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1885. M.B. Edin. 1890; Hurlford, Ayrshire; Todmorden, Yorks. CURRIE, WILLIAM F., M.D. 1838. Died at Quilon, 17th February, 1858. CURRIEHILL, LORD. See Marshall, John, LL.D. 1876. CURRY, JOSEPH, M.A. 1817. " Filius natu Maximus Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Glendermott in comitatu de Deny" [Matric. Alb. 1814]. CURSON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1796. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. CUTHBERT, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1830. (1) Congregational Minister at Airdrie; (2) U.P. Minister at Bathgate; retired 1855; died, at 14 Newton Terrace, Glasgow, 13th August, 1887, aged 85. CUTHBERT, CHARLES CAMPBELL, M.A. 1896. Student of Medicine. CUTHBERT, EPHRAIM, M.A. 1734. "Sc. Hib. Fil. Johan. Cuthbert de Ballygall Armigeri in Com. Dublin" [Matric. Alb. .1732]; Fined for "drinking at unseasonable hours" [Univ. Minutes, nth and 16th February, 1734]. CUTHBERT, JAMES, M.A. 1844. Minister of Ballingry, 1851-57, when resigned; thereafter resident in Edinburgh without any regular employment ; died, unmarried, nth March, 1874. CUTHBERT, JAMES AITKEN, B.L. 1887. Law Book-keeper, Glasgow. CUTHBERTSON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 181 1. Minister of Edrom; died 4th June, 1849, aged 57. CUTHBERTSON, DONALD, LL.B. 1841. Accountant in Glasgow; born 6th November, 1784; died 8th December, 1864; half cousin of Sir John Neilson Cuthbertson, LL.D. (q.v.). CUTHBERTSON, JAMES, M.D. 1841. Dublin. CUTHBERTSON, JOHN, M.A. 1889. Teacher in John Street Public School, Bridgeton, Glasgow. CUTHBERTSON, SIR JOHN NEILSON, LL.D. 1895. Merchant in Glasgow ; Chairman of the School Board, and of the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College ; Member of the University Court (as General Council Assessor) since 1889. ROLL OF GRADUATES 141 CUTHBERTSON, THOMAS WILLIAM, M.A. 1887. Merchant in Glasgow; son of Sir John Neilson Cuthbertson, LL.D. (q.v.). CUTHBERTSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1809. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Cullybackey, 1818-32; died 27th March, 1836. CUTHELL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1837. "Filius natu maximus Gulielmi Mercatoris apud Denny com. de Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 1831]. CUTHILL, JAMES SPENCE, M.A. 1893. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. DAKERS, COLIN, M.D. 1822. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. DAKIN, WILLIAM, CM. 1825. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. DAKINS, WILLIAM WHITFIELD, LL.D. 1808. " Rev." (no further designation in Minutes). DALE, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1892. Student of Theology in Free Church College. DALE, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1874. Hayfield, Cheshire ; Patterdale, Westmoreland ; Grosmont, Mon. ; Manor Park, Essex; Bristol; Cheddar, Somerset. DALE, LANGHAM, LL.D. 1859. Professor of Classics and English Literature at Cape Town; B.A. Oxon. 1848; M.A. 1874. DALE, ROBERT WILLIAM, LL.D. 1883. Minister of Carr's Lane Congregational Church, Birmingham, 1854-95 ; born at London, 1st December, 1829; died 13th March, 1895. DALE, SAXON STAVELEY, M.B., CM. 1886. Manor Park, Essex; Meriden, Warw. ; perished in S.S. "Trinicria," 8th February, 1893, aged 27. DALRYMPLE, JAMES RITCHIE, M.B., CM. 1892. Bradford, Yorks. ; Birmingham. DALRYMPLE, JOHN HAMILTON. See Stair, Earl of. DALRYMPLE, QUINTIN, M.A. 1871. Rector of Stranraer Academy; died at Tarbolton, 27th January, 1882, aged 32. DALRYMPLE, ROBERT, M.D. 1740. DALRYMPLE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1740. Minister of Ayr, 1746 to 18 14; baptized the Poet Burns; the "Dalrymple mild" of "The Kirk's Alarm"; born 29th August, 1723; died 28th January, 1814. 142 ROLL OF GRADUATES D'ALTON, EDWARD, M.D. 1844. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DALY, JOHN, M.D. 1831. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DALY, JOHN FAIRLEY, M.A. 1876, B.D. 1882. F.C Minister of (1) Inch, Wigtownshire, (2) Renwick Church, Glasgow. DALY, WILLIAM JOHN, M.B., CM. 1888. Hayes, Middlesex; Eastbourne. DALZELL, JAMES, M.A. 1867, B.D. 1869, M.B., CM. 1870. F.C. Medical Missionary, Natal, South Africa (Senior Medical Officer, Irregular Troops, Zulu War). DALZIEL, GEORGE CALDWELL, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1886. F.C. Minister at Kinglassie. DANGERFIELD, GEORGE NICHOLAS, M.D. 1843. Cheltenham; died 7th April, 1890, aged 76. DANIEL, JOHN MONCCEUR, M.D. 1791. " Virginiensis " [Grad. Alb.]; probably Surgeon in the U.S. Army, and grandfather of John Moncure Daniel, Editor of the Richmond Examiner, Richmond, Virginia. DANIEL, SAMUEL, M.D. 1740. Of Yeovil, Somersetshire. DAPHTARY, GIRDHARLAL RATANLAL, M.D. 1871. Kurrachee; Greenwich; London; Surgeon-Major, I.M.S., Bengal; London. DARBEY, PATRICK, M.D. 1842. "Hybernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DARBEY, ROBERT, M.D. 1790. " Had the care of the Manchester Infirmary for several years " [Univ. Minute, 22nd March, 1790]. D'ARCY, O'CONNOR, M.D. 1846. Army Surgeon. DARWIN, GEORGE HOWARD, LL.D. 1885. M.A.,F.R.S., Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy, Cambridge; son of Charles Robert Darwin, the naturalist. DAVENPORT, WILLIAM, M.A. 1751- Dissenting Minister at (1) Chowbent, Lancashire, (2) Hindley; died 1791. DAVID, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1891. Clydach, Glam. DAVIDGE, JOHN BEALE, M.D. 1793. "Americanus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 143 DAVIDS, SARKES C, M.D. 1841. "Persia" [Grad. Alb.]. DAVIDSON, ALEXANDER, M.D., CM. 1864. Great Coggeshall, Essex; Nottingham; died April, 1880. DAVIDSON, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1879. Brighton ; Lenzie ; London. DAVIDSON, ANDREW, M.A. 1884, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1891. Cambuslang ; Glasgow ; Cathcart. DAVIDSON, ANSTRUTHER, M.B., CM. 1881, M.D. 1887. Glasgow; Thornhill, Dumfriesshire; Sanquhar; Los Angelos, California, U.S.A. DAVIDSON, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1752, D.D. 1786. Minister of (1) Second Charge, Paisley, 1758-61, (2) Inchinnan, 1761-86; Principal of the University of Glasgow, 1786 to 1803; died 7th July, 1803. DAVIDSON, BENJAMIN JAMIESON, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1885. F.C. Minister at South Kingarth. DAVIDSON, DONALD M'GILLIVRAY, M.D. 1859. Glasgow; Kilmalie; Aberdeen; Surgeon-Major, Army; died 13th January, 1876. DAVIDSON, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1866. Glasgow ; Honley, Yorks. ; West Pelton, Durham ; Sunderland ; Edinburgh ; Yaxley, Northamptonshire ; Spennymoor, Durham ; Grimesthorpe, Yorks. DAVIDSON, GEORGE, B.Sc. 1874. F.C. Minister of (1) Barony, Glasgow, (2) Great Hamilton Street there, (3) St. Mary's, Edinburgh. DAVIDSON, JAMES, M.D. 181 1. Understood to have practised for a time at Callander, where his father, Samuel Davidson, was a Surgeon. DAVIDSON, JAMES, M.A. 1891. Chartered Accountant, Glasgow. DAVIDSON, JAMES, M.A. 1895. Student of Medicine. DAVIDSON, JAMES FRASER, M.B., CM. 1887. Provanside; Tomintoul, Banffshire. DAVIDSON, JOHN, M.A. 1739. Minister of Old Kilpatrick; died 19th May, 1793; brother of Principal Archibald Davidson (q.v.). DAVIDSON, JOHN, M.A. 1832. Minister of Symington; died 17th April, 1883, aged 85. DAVIDSON, JOHN, CM. 1835. Newry, Co. Down. 144 ROLL OF GRADUATES DAVIDSON, JOHN, M.D. 1849. Belfast; died 1864. DAVIDSON, JOHN MAXWELL, M.B., CM. 1876, M.D. 1890. Overtown, Lanarkshire ; Johnstone, Dumfriesshire ; Brisbane, Queensland ; Toewoomba there; died at Toewoomba, 15th February, 1891, aged 36. DAVIDSON, LEWIS, M.A. 1871 F.C. Minister at (1) Rutherglen, (2) St. Andrews, (3) Mayfield, Edinburgh DAVIDSON, MARK GEORGE, M.A. 1880 Advocate; Sheriff-Substitute of Lanarkshire at Hamilton; LL.B. Edin. 1883 DAVIDSON, ROBERT, LL.B. 1828 Advocate; Professor of Law in Glasgow University, 1801 to 1842; son of Principal Archibald Davidson (q.v.) ; born 29th March, 1768; died 24th July, 1842. DAVIDSON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1883. Chapelhall, Airdrie ; Bellshill ; Shettleston. DAVIDSON, THOMAS, M.D. 1831. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. DAVIDSON, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1887. Thornhill, Dumfriesshire; Los Angelos, California, U.S.A. DAVIDSON, WILLIAM, LL.B. 1821. Writer, Glasgow; born 18th October, 1798; son of Professor Robert Davidson (q.v.). DAVIDSON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1829. Glasgow (Lecturer on Materia Medica in Portland Street Medical School, 1830-40); Largs; Greenock; died 1859. DAVIDSON, WILLIAM, CM. 1831. "Filius natu maximus Jacobi Mercatoris in com. de Lanark" [Matric. Alb. 1828]. DAVIDSON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1833. Probably Largs. DAVIDSON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow ; Airdrie ; Glasgow ; drowned at Sierra Leone circa 23rd April, 1892. DAVIDSON, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, M.A. 1878. Teacher in (1) Glasgow, 1873-79, ( 2 ) Haddington, 1879-81, (3) Glasgow, 1881-90; Head Master of (1) Kay Public School, Glasgow, 1890-94, (2) Calton Public School there since 1894. DAVIE, WILLIAM, LL.D. 185 1. Town Clerk of Glasgow; born at Greenock, 1791; died at Glasgow, 1857. DAVIES, DAVID LLEWELLYN, M.B. 1874. Neath, Glam. ROLL OF GRADUATES 145 DA VIES, DAVID POWELL, M.A. 1870. Rector of Lampford, Bratt, Williton R.S.O., Somerset. DAVIES, EVAN, M.A. 1845, LL.D. i860. Principal of the Normal College, Swansea. DAVIES, HENRY, M.B., CM. 1895. Waunmeirch, Llangeler, Carmarthen. 9 DAVIES, JAMES, M.A. 1730. DAVIES, JOHN, M.A. 1782. "Natus in Hybernia filius natu maximus Roberti Agricolae in Comitatu Tyronne & Parochia Donachedy" [Matric. Alb. 1776]. DAVIES, JOHN, M.A. 1842. Protestant Dissenting Minister at (1) Newport, Isle of Wight, (2) Birkenhead, (3) Tavistock, (4) Bridport. DAVIES, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1870. Denbigh ; Maesteg, Glam. ; J. P. DAVIES, JOHN DAVID, M.B., CM. 1892. Swansea. DAVIES, JOHN EVAN, M.A. 1881. Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Minister at (1) Siloh Chapel, Llanelly, (2) Jewin Crescent, London. DAVIES, JOHN HAMILTON, B.A. 1843. (1) Congregational Minister at Sherbourne, 1848-54; (2) Congregational Minister at Leamington, 1854-56; (3) Curate at Leamington 1856-74; (4) Rector of St. Nicholas, Worcester, 1874-92; died 2nd January, 1892. DAVIES, JOHN MORRIS, M.A. 1884. Professor of Church History, Logic, and Philosophy, Bala-Bangor In- dependent College, Bangor, North Wales. DAVIES, JOHN STANLEY, M.A. 1888, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow ; Dublin ; Glasgow ; London. DAVIES, NORMAN DE GARIS, M.A. 1889, B.D. 1891. Congregational Minister, Ashton-under-Lyne. DAVIS, ANDREW, M.A. 1769. " Nat. in Hibernia Filius natu minimus Joannis in urbe Lisnavaghray in Com. de Down in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1768]. DAVIS, DAVID DANIEL, M.D. 1801. Accoucheur in London ; Professor of Midwifery in University College there, 1827-41 ; Physician Accoucheur to Duchess of Kent at birth of Queen Victoria; born near Caermarthen, 1777; died at London, 6th December, 1841. DAVIS, GEORGE WASHINGTON, M.B., CM. 1887. Maryhill; Accrington, Lanes. K 146 ROLL OF GRADUATES DAVIS, JAMES, M.A. 1808. Possibly the same person as James Davis, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Banbridge; ordained 18 14. DAVIS, JOHN, M.A. 1802. " Filius natu Maximus Jacobi Artificis in parochia de Kilmore in comitatu de Down in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1799]. DAVIS, JOHN, M.A. 18 13. Possibly the same person as John Davis, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Killeter, 1828-32, who died 25th February, 1832. DAVIS, JOHN, M.D. 1837. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. DAVIS, JOSEPH, CM. 1829. Poyntzpass, Co. Armagh. DAVIS, RICHARD JEREMY, B.A. 1858, M.A. 1859. Born 1835 (son of David Davis, Professor in Presbyterian College, Carmarthen); died 1 8th May, 1859. DAVIS, THOMAS, M.D. 1843. Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim ; Londonderry; J.P. DAVIS, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, M.D. 1841. Sugar Island, Newry, Co. Down; died 7th November, 1877, aged 80. DAVISON, DAVID, M.A. 1813. Minister of (1) Presbyterian Church, Dundalk, Ireland, 1819-25, (2) Jewin Street Dissenting Chapel, London. DAVISON, JAMES, M.A. 1780. Possibly the same person as James Davison, Presbyterian Minister of Augh- nacloy and Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone; ordained 1787 ; suspended for two months in June and July, 181 1; resigned 19th August that year; died 3rd February, 1813. DAVISON, ROBERT, M.A. 1731. "Sco. Hib." [Grad. Alb.]. DAVISON, SAMUEL, M.D. 1838. Dromara, Co. Down ; died 1884. DAVISON, THOMAS, M.A. 1848. Minister of Dungiven Presbyterian Church, County Derry, since 1854. DAVISON, WILLIAM HOPE, M.A. 1879. (1) Congregational Minister at Portobello; (2) Secretary of the Congrega- tional Union of Scotland. DAVY, WILLIAM GODFREY, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DAVYS, JOHN, M.A. 1766 "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 1 47 DAWBARN, GILBERT JOSEPH, B.Sc. 1884. Engineer, Learmonth, Australia. DAWSON, ABRAHAM, M.A. 1733. Sometime a Presbyterian Minister; thereafter (1754-89) Rector of Ringsfield, near Beccles, Suffolk; died 3rd October, 1789, aged 76; brother of Benjamin Dawson, LL.D. (q.v.), Samuel Dawson, M.A. (q.v.), and Thomas Dawson, M.D. (q.v.). DAWSON, BENJAMIN, M.A. 1750, LL.D. 1758. Divine and Philologist ; Presbyterian Minister at Leek, Staffs. ; Teacher at Congleton, Cheshire; Assistant Minister at St. Thomas's, Southwark, London; Rector of Burgh, near Woodbridge, Suffolk, 1760 to 1814; born at Halifax, 1729; died at Burgh, 15th June, 1814; brother of Abraham Dawson, M.A. (q.v.), Samuel Dawson, M.A. (q.v.), and Thomas Dawson, M.D. (q.v.). DAWSON, GEORGE, M.A. 1841. Minister of (1) Rickmansworth Baptist Chapel, (2) Mount Zion, Birmingham, (3) the "Church of the Saviour" there; born at London, 24th February, 1821 ; died at King's Norton, near Birmingham, 30th November, 1876. DAWSON, JAMES, M.A. 1879. Inspector of Schools, New South Wales. DAWSON, SAMUEL, M.A. 1733. Schoolmaster; brother of Abraham Dawson, M.A. (q.v.), Benjamin Dawson, LL.D. (q.v.), and Thomas Dawson, M.D. (q.v.). DAWSON, THOMAS, M.A. 1750, M.D. 1753. Minister of Congregation at Gravel Pit Meeting House, Hackney, London, previous to graduation in Medicine; thereafter Medical Practitioner in London; Physician to Middlesex Hospital, 1759-61 ; Physician to London Hospital, 1764-70; born circa 1725; died 29th April, 1782; brother of Abraham Dawson, M.A. (q.v.), Benjamin Dawson, LL.D. (q.v.), and Samuel Dawson, M.A. (q.v.). DAY, ALFRED, B.A. 1827, M.A. 1828, LL.D. 1833. "Filius natu maximus Joannis Armigeri appud Bristol" [Matric. Alb. 1824]. DAY, FRANCIS, M.D. 1824. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. DAY, HENRY, M.D. 1842. Acton, Middlesex; Surgeon, R.N., 1808; died December, 1858, aged 71. DAY, MAKHAN LAL, M.B., CM. 1883. Practitioner in Calcutta, and Lecturer on Physiology in the Calcutta School of Medicine. DEAN, JOHN, M.A. 1758. Dissenting Minister at (1) Kirk Oswald, near Penrith, (2) North Shields, (3) Bradford; died circa 1812. B.L. 1886. aged 27. M.A. 1776. M.D. 1808. LL.D. 1752. 148 ROLL OF GRADUATES DEANE, JAMES, M.D. 1854, M.A. 1855. Chatteris, Cambridge; St. Ives, Hunts.; died 10th February, 1876, aged 63. DEANE, WILLIAM CHARLES, M.D., CM. 1837. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. DEAS, ANDREW ORR, M.A. 1882, LL.B. 1885. Advocate, Edinburgh. DEASE, RICHARD, M.D. 1796. Professor of Anatomy and Surgery to Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland; born in Dublin circa 1774; died there, 21st February, 1819. DEASY, MORGAN, M.D. 1785. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DECHMANN, WILLIAM, Died at 9 Bellgrove Street, Glasgow, 24th February, 18 DELAP, ALEXANDER, "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DE LYS, GABRIEL JEAN MARIE, Practitioner in Birmingham; died circa 1831. DEMAR, JOHN, Of the Temple, London ; Degree granted on the ground that " Mr. Demar his Uncle had shewn great benevolence to this country in remitting a sum of money for the use of the Societie for propagating Religion in the Highlands and Islands, and that he and his Nephew may be considerable Benefactors to this University" [Univ. Minute, 1752]. DE MERIC, VICTOR, M.D. 1847. London : sometime Lecturer on Surgery, Royal Free Hospital Medical College; died 29th August, 1876, aged 65. DEMPSTER, JAMES CARROLL, M.D. 1840. Deputy Inspector-General, Army; died 27th February, 1881. DENHAM, JACOB SANDERSON, M.D. 1866. South Shields; died November, 1881, aged 61. DENHAM, JOSEPH, M.A. 1778. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Enniskillen, 1781-99, (2) Killeshandra, 1799 to 1834; died 21st October, 1834. DENHOLM, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1767. " Filius natu secundus Jacobi procuratoris Comitis de Hyndford, Comitatu de Clydesdale" [Matric. Alb. 1763]. DENHOLM, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1874, M.D. 1883. Glasgow; Manchester; Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Lanes. DENNEY, JAMES, M.A. 1879, B.D. 1882, D.D. 1895. F.C. Minister at Broughty-Ferry, 1886-97 ; Professor of Systematic Theology in F.C. College, Glasgow, since 1897. ROLL OF GRADUATES 149 DENNIS, CHARLES, M.D. 1822. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. DENNISON, JEROME, B.L. 1896. Law Clerk, Glasgow. DENNISTON, JAMES, B.A. 1836, M.A. 1838. Possibly the same person as James Denniston, who was (1) F.C. Minister at Montego Bay, (2) F.C. Missionary at Constantinople, 1847-48, (3) F.C. Minister at Malta, 1849-51. DENNISTON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1880. Army Surgeon in Turkey during War; Greenock; Dunoon; Bowdon, Cheshire; died at sea, from pneumonia, on board R.M.S. " Tongariro," 10th April, 1895, aged 41. DENNISTOUN, JAMES, M.A. 1820. Of Dennistoun, Advocate ; an accomplished writer on Art and Archaeology ; born 1803; died at Edinburgh, 13th February, 1855. DENNY, PETER, LL.D. 1890. Shipbuilder and Marine Engineer, Dumbarton; died 22nd August, 1895, aged 74. DENNYSON, THOMAS, M.A. 1729. An "English Student" [Univ. Minute]. DENOON, BENJAMIN, M.A. 1881. Minister of Kirkcowan; died 20th April, 1886. DENOVAN, ROBERT, M.A. 1768. "Filius jam unicus Roberti Ludimagistri in parochia de Stonehouse in comitatu de Clydsdale" [Matric. Alb. 1761]. DENTON, TANAT WYNNE, M.D. 1839. Newbold, Cheshire; died October, 1896, aged 87. DESNIZKOY, SEMEN, M.A. 1765, LL.D. 1767. " Filius natu secundus Ethimii, Civis Urbis Nizyn, in comitatu Kioviensi, in Ukrania, Russia" [Matric. Alb. 1761]; acknowledged in presence of the Comitia, 6th January, 1767, that he "was guilty of a most gross Violation of the Laws of Order and Decency in attacking Mr. John Anderson, a Professor, in the public Area of the College on the 8th of December last, in a very Violent and Affronting Manner," and publicly begged pardon therefor. D'ESTERRE, ARTHUR HENRY, M.D. 1856. Limerick; died 1873. DEVERELL, WILLIAM PONSONBY, M.D. 1846. Dromore, Co. Down ; Ravensdale, Co. Louth ; Dublin ; Ardglass, Co. Down; died 1892. DEVLIN, CHARLES, M.D. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. 150 ROLL OF GRADUATES DEWAR, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1886. Practitioner in Glasgow, and Registrar of Births, etc., for Milton District. DEWAR, ARCHIBALD EDMISTON, M.A. 1876. Minister of Sanquhar, 1881-83; died in Australia, 6th June, 1883; son of James Dewar, M.A. 1847 (q.v.). DEWAR, DANIEL, LL.D. 181 5, D.D. 1832. Minister of Greyfriars, Aberdeen, and Professor of Moral Philosophy in King's College ; afterwards Minister of Tron Church, Glasgow ; latterly Principal of Marischal College and University, Aberdeen, and Professor of Church History therein; attended to the scaffold James Wilson, who was executed at Glasgow for High Treason (in connection with Reform movement), 30th August, 1820; died 28th May, 1867, aged 80. DEWAR, DANIEL M'KELLAR, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow. DEWAR, DAVID ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1893. Grangemouth; Low Fell, Northumberland; Stanley, Co. Durham. DEWAR, DONALD, M.D. 1853. Glasgow; Civil Surgeon in East during Crimean War; graduated as "Daniel Dewar"; died 18th March, 1876, aged 50. DEWAR, DONALD STEWART, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Newcastle-on-Tyne. DEWAR, HUGH, M.A. 1810. Minister of Stonehouse, 1822-61; died 21st May, 1861, aged 67. DEWAR, JAMES, M.A. 1847- Minister of (1) Kilmodan, (2) Arrochar. DEWAR, JAMES, LL.D. 1892. Jacksonian Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy in the University of Cambridge, and Fullerian Professor of Chemistry in the Royal Institution of Great Britain; M.A. Cantab.; F.R.S. DEWAR, JAMES, M.A. 1894. Teacher in Petershill Public School, Glasgow. DEWAR, JOHN, M.A. 1865. U.P. Missionary to South Africa, 1872-78; UP. Minister at Tarkastad, Cape Colony, since 1878. DEWAR, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1887. Easdale; Dunvegan, Skye; Portree there. DEWAR, MARGARET COCHRAN, M.B., CM. 1894. Dumfries ; Glasgow. DEWAR, PETER FORREST, M.B., CM. 1893. Strathaven. ROLL OF GRADUATES 151 DEWAR, ROBERT SHAND, M.A. 1879. Teacher in (1) Auchtergaven Parish School, 1867-69, (2) Ruthvenfield School, Perthshire, 1869-72, (3) Langside Academy, 1873-79, (4) Underbank Public School, Crossford, by Carluke, since 1879. DEWES, EDWARD, M.D. 1844. Coventry; J.P.; Bournemouth; died nth April, 1889. DE WYTT, WILLIAM HENRY. See Wytt. DIAMOND, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1872, M.D. 1877. Glasgow; Muthill; Huddersfield ; Mudgee, N.S. Wales. DIAMOND, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow ; Kerrsland, Omeo, Victoria, Australia ; Sydenham, Christchurch, N.Z. DICEY, ALBERT VENN, LL.D. 1883. Barrister-at-Law ; Vinerian Professor of Common Law in the University of Oxford since 1882; B.A. Oxon. 1858; M.A. 1861; B.C.L. 1877; LL.D. Edin 1886. DICK, ANDREW, M.D. 1816. "Late Surgeon in the Navy" [Univ. Minute, 31st May, 1816]. DICK, ARCHIBALD SMITH, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow. DICK, CRAUFURD, CM. 1823. " Scotus " [Grad. Alb.]. DICK, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1873. Wishaw. DICK, JAMES, M.A. 1744. Ordained Minister of the Second Charge, Ayr, 6th January, 1757; demitted on getting an allowance, "having no prospect of living usefully to them, or comfortably to himself," which was accepted, 20th October, same year; sub- sequently left the country [Scott's Fasti], DICK, JAMES, M.A. 1818. R.P. Minister at Kellswater, Ireland, and Professor of Systematic Theology to R.P. Church, Ireland; born at Strabane, 7th November, 1799; died 24th May, 1880. DICK, JAMES, M.D. 1853, CM. 1869. Glasgow; died there 13th December, 1892, aged 62. DICK, JAMES, M.D. 1862. Dairy, Ayrshire ; Harrington, Cumberland. DICK, JAMES, M.A. 1896. Student of Medicine. 152 ROLL OF GRADUATES DICK, JOHN, M.A. 1755. Second son of Robert Dick, Professor of Natural Philosophy in Glasgow University, 1727-51, and brother of Professor Robert Dick, M.D. (q.v.). DICK, JOHN, M.A. 1889. Teacher in (1) St. John's Grammar School, Hamilton, (2) Rutland Crescent Public School, Govan, (3) Allan Glen's School, Glasgow. DICK, MATHEW, LL.B. 1886. Writer, Campbeltown; M.A. Edin. 1881. DICK, RICHARD GREGOR, M.B., CM. 1892. Bonar Bridge; Elgin; Burghead, Elgin DICK, ROBERT, M.A. 1744. Minister of (1) Lanark, (2) New Greyfriars' Church, Edinburgh, (3) Trinity College Church, Edinburgh; died 24th August, 1782, aged 61; his settlement at Lanark was violently disputed, and much rioting .and litigation ensued. DICK, ROBERT, M.A. 1744, M.D. 1751. Professor of Natural Philosophy in Glasgow University, 1751-57; died 22nd February, 1757; son of Robert Dick, who held the same Professorship from 1727-51. DICK, ROBERT, M.D. 1834. London; Edinburgh; died 24th March, 1878. DICK, WALTER, M.D. 1836. "Fil. n. 5 tus Gualteri Merc. Glasg." [Matric Alb. 1827]. DICKIE, ANDREW BORLAND, M.A. 1878. U.P. Minister at Huntly. DICKIE, DAVID URQUHART, M.A. 1882, B.L. 1888. Writer, Glasgow. DICKIE, HUGH, M.A. 1883, M.B., CM. 1887, M.D. 1896. Glasgow; Burnley, Lanes.; Morpeth; son of Hugh Dickie, LL.D. (q.v.). DICKIE, HUGH, LL.D. 1891. Rector of (1) Airdrie Academy, 1858-62, (2) Girvan Grammar School, 1862-67, (3) Dumbarton Burgh Academy, 1867-76, (4) Kilmarnock Academy since 1876. DICKIE, JOHN, M.A. 1728. Minister of (1) Dunscore, 1737-47, (2) Langholm, 1748-90; demitted 1 2th October, 1790; died 9th February, 1800, aged 91. DICKIE, JOHN, M.D. 1857. Braco, Perthshire ; Alloa ; Government Emigration Service ; London ; Moonta, S. Australia; Westbury, Tasmania; Stirling; Strone. DICKIE, JOHN M'AUSLAND, M.A. 1893, B.D. 1896. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland; son of Hugh Dickie, LL.D. (q.v.). ROLL OF GRADUATES 1 53 DICKIE, MATTHEW, M.A. 1876. Minister of South U.P. Church, Sanquhar. DICKIE, MATTHEW MURE, M.A. 1870, B.D. 1874. Sometime U.P. Minister at Haddington; resigned in 1886 owing to ill-health; resident in Bristol, 1896. DICKIE, ROBERT, # M.D. 1842. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DICKIE, ROBERT, M.A. 1887. Schoolmaster in (1) South Public School, Paisley, (2) Central Public School, Gourock, (3) Kibble Reformatory Institution, Paisley, (4) Hutchesons' Grammar School, Glasgow, (5) Public School, Skelmorlie. DICKIE, ROBERT PITTENDRIGH, M.A. 1885. F.C. Minister at Longriggend. DICKIE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1844, CM. 1863. Belize, Honduras. DICKIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1875. U.P. Minister at (1) Rosehearty, (2) Perth, (3) Dowanhill, Glasgow. DICKINSON, JOHN, M.A. 1883, B.Sc. 1886, M.B., CM. 1887. Campbeltown ; Kirkdale, Liverpool ; died at Kintillo, Bridge of Earn, 13th September, 1890. DICKSON, ALEXANDER, LL.D. 1879. M.D. Edin. i860; Professor of Botany in (1) The School of Physic in Ireland, 1866 to 1868, (2) Glasgow University, 1868 to 1879, (3) Edinburgh University, 1879 to 1887; born in Edinburgh, 21st February, 1836; died suddenly, of heart disease, on 30th December, 1887, during the interval of a curling match at Thriepland Pond, near Hartree, his residence in Peeblesshire. DICKSON, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1883. Ship Surgeon ; Baillieston ; Yeovil, Somerset. DICKSON, CHARLES SCOTT, M.A. 1871. (1) Writer, Glasgow; (2) Advocate, Edinburgh; Lecturer on Constitutional Law and History in Glasgow University during Summer 1878 ; Solicitor-General for Scotland, 1896; Q.C. 1896; brother of James Douglas Hamilton Dickson, M.A. (q.v.). DICKSON, DAVID, D.D. 1824. Minister of (1) High Church, Kilmarnock, (2) St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh; died 28th July, 1842, aged 63 ; officiated at funeral of Sir Walter Scott. DICKSON, GEORGE, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DICKSON, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1881, M.D. 1885. Glasgow; son of Professor William Purdie Dickson (q.v.). 154 ROLL OF GRADUATES DICKSON, HUGH, M.A. 1781, M.D. 1784. "Filius natu Quintus Joannis Agricolse in parochia de Cormmeney comitatu de Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1778]. DICKSON, JAMES DOUGLAS HAMILTON, M.A. 1870. Fellow, Tutor and Praelector of St. Peter's College, Cambridge ; Degree Examiner in Mathematics in University of Glasgow, 1874-77; brother of Charles Scott Dickson, M.A. (q.v.). DICKSON, JAMES GIBBONS, M.D. 1863. Wigtown ; Newton-Stewart. DICKSON, JOHN, M.A. 1772. " Natus in Com. de Lothian, Filius natu Secundis Davidis V.D.M. Parochiae de Newlands in Com. de Peebles" [Matric. Alb. 1768]. DICKSON, JOHN, M.A. 1812. " Filius natu maximus Joannis, Agricolae in parochia de Dromore in comitatu de Downe" [Matric. Alb. 1810]. DICKSON, JOHN, M.A. 1862. Licensed by Presbytery of Kintyre, November, 1865; acted for 9 months as Assistant to Rev. Dr. Menzies, Maybole; sailed on 28th October, 1867, to San Francisco, thence to Los Angelos; born 20th April, 1843; died on voyage from Los Angelos to San Francisco, 21st March, 1868; buried three days later in the Masonic Cemetery, San Francisco. DICKSON, JOHN, M.B. 1874- Ship Surgeon ; Beeford, Hull ; Falkirk ; Huddersfield. DICKSON, JOSEPH, M.D. 1853. Whitehaven, Cumberland; died 30th December, 1889, aged 59. DICKSON, JOSEPH HENRY, M.B., CM. 1889. Whitehaven, Cumberland; son of Joseph Dickson, M.D. 1853 (q.v.). DICKSON, MATTHEW SCOTT, M.A. 1890. Minister of Old Monkland. DICKSON, ROBINSON SIMPSON, M.B., CM. 1894. Ship Surgeon ; Whitehaven, Cumberland ; son of Joseph Dickson, M.D. 1853 (q.v.). DICKSON, SAMUEL, M.D. 1833. Sometime Medical Officer in the Army; thereafter Practitioner in (1) Chelten- ham, (2) London; died 12th October, 1869, aged 67. DICKSON, SMYTH, M.D. 1843. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DICKSON, THOMAS STOREY, M.A. 1872. U.P. Minister at (1) Auchterarder, (2) Bell Street, Dundee, (3) Argyle Place, Edinburgh. ROLL OF GRADUATES 1 55 DICKSON, WILLIAM, CM. 1821, M.D. 1822. "F. n. 3 tius Joannis Agric. Kirkint." [Matric. Alb. 1815]. DICKSON, WILLIAM PURDIE, D.D. 1896. Minister of Cameron, Fife, 1851-63 ; Professor in the University of Glasgow of (1) Biblical Criticism, 1863-73, ( 2 ) Divinity, 1873-95, when retired; D.D. St Andrews, 1865; LL.D. Edin. 1885; born 22nd October, 1823. DICKSON, WILLIAM STEEL, D.D. 1784. Presbyterian Minister of (1) Glastry, 1771-80, (2) Port-a-Ferry, 1780-99, (3) Second Keady, 1803-15 ; deeply involved in the Irish Rebellion of 1798, and for three years kept as a state prisoner at Fort-George, Scotland ; resided in Belfast, 1815-24, and supported by charity; born 25th December, 1744; died 27th December, 1824, and "buried in a pauper's grave." DIGBY, WILLIAM BENJAMIN, B.A. 1845. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. "Fil. nat. max. Benjamini Armigeri Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1841]. DIGGES, JOSEPH, M.D. 1767. DILL, EDWARD MARCUS, M.A. 1831, M.D. 1834. (1) Presbyterian Minister at Coagh, Co. Tyrone, 1835-38; (2) Presbyterian Minister at Cork, 1838-46; (3) Agent in Edinburgh for the Scottish Reformation Society; (4) Presbyterian Minister at Clonakilty, Co. Cork. DILL, JAMES REID, M.A. 1832. Minister of Presbyterian Church at Dromore, Co. Tyrone, 1835-96 ; died 1st September, 1896, aged 83. DILL, JOHN, M.A. 1821. Presbyterian Minister at Carnmoney, Co. Antrim, 1825-41 ; died 19th February, 1841. DILL, JOHN, M.A. 1821, CM. 1824. House Surgeon in one of the London Hospitals; died, of typhus fever, at an early age. DILL, JOHN, M.A. 1832. Presbyterian Minister at Clonmel, Presbytery of Cork, 1836-68; born 18 13 ; died 5th August, 1868. DILL, MARCUS, M.D. 1817, CM. 1852. Ballykelly, Co. Derry; sometime Surgeon in the Navy; died 1867. DILL, MARCUS JOHN, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DILL, RICHARD, M.A. 1824. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Tandragee, 1829-35, (2) Ormond Quay, Dublin, 1835-58; died 8th December, 1858. DILL, ROBERT FOSTER, M.D. 1834. Practitioner in Belfast ; Professor of Midwifery in Queen's College there ; and Coroner for Belfast City; died 20th July, 1893, aged 81. 156 ROLL OF GRADUATES DILL, SAMUEL MARCUS, M.A. 1831. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Magherally, Co. Down, 1835-37, (2) Hillsborough, 1837-53, (3) Ballymena, 1853-65 ; Professor of Theology in Magee College, Londonderry, 1865-70; born 1811; died at Londonderry, nth May, 1870. DILL, WILLIAM, CM. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DILLON, ANDREW, M.D. 1835. Ballaghaderrin, Co. Mayo. DILLON, EDWARD CUPPLES, CM. 1831. " Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DILLON, MICHAEL, M.D. 1809. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DINGWALL, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1889, M.B., CM. 1893. Aultbea, Ross-shire ; Renton. DINSMORE, GEORGE HASTINGS JOHN, M.B., CM. 1880. Coundon, Durham ; Coldstream. DINSMORE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1887. Poyntzpass, Co. Down ; Backworth, Northumberland. DINSMURE, JAMES, M.A. 1745. " Filius Joannis Dinsmure in parochia de Nielstoun in Comitatu de Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1740]. DINWIDDIE, JOSEPH, M.D. 1859. Kirkmahoe, Dumfriesshire; Orton, Westmoreland; Kirkmahoe; died 1891. DINWIDDIE, ROBERT, LL.D. 1754. Collector of Customs in Bermuda; afterwards Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia ; mentioned frequently in Thackeray's novel, The Virginians ; Granter of Dinwiddie Mortification for Library of Glasgow University, of which he was an alumnus (matriculated 1707) ; born in Glasgow, 1692 ; died at Clifton, England, 1st August, 1770; University Minute of 20th December, 1754, bears that "it would be very proper to confer the Degree... both as he was an Alumnus of this Universitie, and a Native of this City, and who by the high office he bears does Honour to both, and may have occasion to promote their Interest." DINWOODIE, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. DINWOODIE, FREDERICK, M.D., CM. 1864. Appleby; Silverdale, Lanes.; died 1895. DINWOODIE, ROBERT, M.A. 1728. "Sc. Ang." [Matric. Alb. 1725]. DINWOODIE, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1861. Kirkpatrick-Juxta ; New Zealand ; Leadhills, Lanarkshire ; Gifford, East Lothian ; Houston ; Otterburn, Northumberland. ROLL OF GRADUATES 1 57 DISRAELI, BENJAMIN. See Beaconsfield, Earl of. DITCHFIELD, JAMES, M.D. 1837. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. DITTMAR, AUGUST, B.Sc. 1896. Engineer, Glasgow. DITTMAR, FREDERICK, M.A. 1889, M.B., CM. 1893, M.D. 1896. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow. DIVINE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1895. Rotherham. DIVINE, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1892. Anston, Yorks. ; Rotherham. DIXON, FLETCHER, M.A. 1765, LL.D. 1817. Vicar of Duffield, in Derbyshire; died 181 9. DIXON, WILLIAM GRAY, M.A. 1876. (1) Professor of English Literature in the College of Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, 1876-79; (2) Free Church Student, New College, Edinburgh, 1880-84; (3) Minister of Fitzroy Presbyterian Church, Melbourne, Australia ; (4) Minister of the Presbyterian Church, Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia. DIXON, WILLIAM MAJOR, M.D. 1784. "Civis Virginien 5 " [Grad. Alb.]. DOAK, ANDREW, M.A. 1868. F.C. Minister of (1) Bothwell, (2) Trinity, Aberdeen. DOAK, ROBERT ALEXANDER, M.A. 1889, B.L. 1895. Writer, Glasgow. DOAK, WILLIAM FRASER, M.A. 1888. H.M. Civil Service; Assistant in the Nautical Almanac Office, Admiralty, London; F.R.A.S. 1897. DOBBIE, ALEXANDER BROWN, B.Sc. 1888. Apprentice to Walker, Henderson & Co., Millwrights and Engineers, Glasgow, 1872-77; with Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Govan, 1879-83; with Robert Napier & Sons, Engineers, Glasgow, 1883-84; "Young" Assistant in Civil Engineering at Glasgow University, 1884-96; Consulting Engineer (Civil and Mechanical) in Glasgow, and Lecturer on Science and Technology to Glasgow School Board, since 1896. DOBBIE, CHARLES, M.D. 1828. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. DOBBIE, EDWARD, M.A. 1792. Minister of Relief Church at (1) Mainsriddell, (2) Burnhead, Penpont; died 22nd February, 1857, aged 85. DOBBIE, JAMES, M.A. 1818. Minister of Secession Church, Annan; accidentally poisoned, 22nd May, j 846, aged 51, 158 ROLL OF GRADUATES DOBBIE, JAMES, M.D. i860. Hillhead, Glasgow; died 26th February, 1878. DOBBIE, JAMES, B.L. 1888. Solicitor, Stirling. DOBBIE, JAMES JOHNSTON, M.A. 1875. (1) Assistant to Professor of Chemistry in Glasgow University, 1880-84; (2) Professor of Chemistry in University College of North Wales, Bangor; Degree Examiner on Chemistry in Glasgow University, 1887-91; B.Sc. Edin. 1878; D.Sc. Edin. 1879. DOBBIN, JOHN, M.D. 1852. Keady, Co. Armagh ; died December, 1880. DOBBIN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow. DOBIE, HENRY EDWIN NEWMAN, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow; Wyndham, West Australia. DOBSON, MATTHEW, M.A. 1753. M.D. Edin. 1756; Physician in Liverpool. DOCK, WILLIAM, M.A. 1882. (1) Teacher in West Public School, Paisley; (2) Teacher in Grammar School and Academy there; (3) Teacher in Camphill Public School there; (4) Rector of Grammar School, Dunoon. DOCKERAY, THOMAS, M.A. 1776. "Filius natu maximus Viri Reverendi Gulielmi S.T.D. Rectoris de Wattlass in Comitatu de York, Anglia" [Matric. Alb. 1773]. DODD, BENJAMIN HERBERT, M.A. 1892. Head Master, Wesleyan Grammar School, Queenstown, South Africa. DODD, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1886. Burnley, Lanes.; Prestwick ; Chinde, E. Africa; Tarbolton. DODD, WILLIAM GEORGE, M.A. 1894. (1) Teacher in Fairfield Public School, Govan; (2) Tutor in Skerry's Civil Service College, 213 Buchanan Street, Glasgow. DODDS, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1893. Littleport, Cambs. DODDS, JAMES, D.D. 1879. Minister of (1) Melville, Montrose, (2) St. Clement's, Dundee, (3) St. Stephen's, Glasgow, (4) Second Charge, Paisley, (5) St. George's, Glasgow, (6) Corstorphine. DODDS, JAMES MILLER, M.A. 1882. H.M. Civil Service: in (1) General Post Office (Secretary's Office), 1885-86; (2) Board of Trade, 1886-88; (3) Treasury, 1888; (4) Office of Secretary for Scotland (Senior Clerk) since 1889. ROLL OF GRADUATES 159 DODDS, JOHN MACALISTER, M.A. 1878. Fellow, Bursar, and Assistant Tutor of St. Peter's College, Cambridge; Assistant to Professor of Mathematics in Glasgow University, 1882-85 ; Degree Examiner on Mathematics therein, 1886-89. DODS, GEORGE, M.A. 1880, B.D. 1882. For two years in sole charge of Scots Church, Melbourne; Assistant in (1) High Church, Kilmarnock, 1887, (2) Loudoun Parish Church, 1888; Minister of Barr since 1889. DOHERTY, BLAYNEY ADAIR, CM. 1826. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DOIG, DAVID, LL.D. 1790. Teacher of Parish Schools at (1) Monifieth, (2) Kennoway and Falkland; Rector of the Grammar School of Stirling; M.A. of St. Andrews; born 1719; died 1 6th March, 1800. DON, JOHN, M.A. 1887, M.B., CM. 1892. Cornsay Colliery, Co. Durham. DON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1762. "Filius natu minor Jacobi in parochia de Madderty, Comitatu de Perth" [Matric. Alb. 1757]. DON, WILLIAM WALTON, M.B., CM. 1893. Ship Surgeon; London. DONALD, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1893. Port-Glasgow; Blackburn; Draycott, Derbyshire. DONALD, ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1889. Paisley (Medical Officer of Health for the Burgh). DONALD, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1884. Glasgow ; Consett, Durham ; London. DONALD, DUNCAN MACALISTER, M.A. 1876. Minister of Pitlochry and Moulin. DONALD, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1889. Strathaven ; Leith. DONALD, GEORGE, M.A. 1891. Teacher in various schools under the Glasgow School Board. DONALD, HUGH COLLIGAN, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow ; Paisley ; Leeds. DONALD, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1881. Glasgow; Altrincham, Cheshire. DONALD, JOHN, M.A. 1885, M.B., CM. 1888. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow. DONALD, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1893, M.D. 1896. Ship Surgeon; Hirwain, S. Wales; Glasgow. 160 ROLL OF GRADUATES DONALD, PATRICK DUNLOP, B.Sc. 1887. Civil Engineer : (a) in office of Mr. John Strain, Glasgow ; (b) under him as Resident Engineer at Ardrossan Harbour Works; (c) under him as Resident Engineer at Branch Railway, near Davidson's Mains, Edinburgh; (d) under Leslie & Reid, C.E., Edinburgh, as Water Engineer; (e) in the Railway Department of the Government Service at Taiping, Parak, Straits Settlements. DONALD, ROBERT, M.A. 1831. Possibly the same person as Robert Donald, who was Minister of (1) Sheuchan, (2) Free Church there, and who died 19th August, 1877. DONALD, WILLIAM, M.A. 1893. Student of Law. DONALD, WILLIAM STRANG, M.B., CM. 1879. Glasgow; died 1885. DONALDSON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1891. (1) Teacher in Public School, Hurlford; (2) Teacher in Public School, Uddingston, 1891-97; (3) Head Master of Bellshill Academy since September, 1897. DONALDSON, ARCHIBALD, M.D., CM. 1836. Glencairn; Lauriston, by Dunscore. DONALDSON, EBENEZER, M.D. 1838. Newmarket, Co. Cork; died 23rd February, 1878, aged 68. DONALDSON, JOHN, M.A. 1801. Of Auchairne; admitted W.S., 10th March, 1808; died 17th October, 1849, aged 69; son of Minister of Ballantrae. DONALDSON, JOSEPH, M.A. 1845. Presbyterian Minister at Fermoy, County Cork. DONALDSON, PETER, M.A. 1879, B.D. 1882. (a) Missionary to the Jews at (1) Alexandria, (2) Beyrout, (3) Smyrna; {b) Proprietor of a Boarding School at Salonica. DONALDSON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1838. Rome. DONALDSON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1895. Kilbirnie; New Hartley, Northumberland. DONELAN, CHARLES, CM. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DONNE, JOHN THOMAS, M.D. 1839. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. DONNELL, JAMES, CM. 1820. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES l6l DONNELL, ROBERT CONN, M.A. 1839. Minister of 1st Presbyterian Church at Newtownstewart, Ireland, 1849-81 ; died 22nd July, 1881. DONNELLY, SAMUEL, CM. 1835. Staff-Surgeon, R.N. DONNOGHUE, JEFFERY, M.A. 1771. "Nat. in Hibernia Filius natu Secundus Joannis Mercatoris in Urbe de Cork in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1768]. DOONAN, JOHN ARTHUR CLARKE, M.B., CM. 1896. Liverpool. DORMER, JOHN, CM. 1826. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DORSEY, WILLIAM M'TAGGERT, M.D. 1857. Ipswich, Queensland; died 16th May, 1878, aged 64. DOUGAL, DANIEL, M.D. 1859. Strathaven. DOUGAL, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1876, M.D. 1885. Strathaven. DOUGAL, WILLIAM TENNENT, M.B., CM. 1882. Swansea ; Strathaven. DOUGALL, CHARLES SHIRRA, M.A. 1894. Teacher of Mathematics in (1) Garnethill Public School, Glasgow, (2) Whitehill Public School, Dennistoun, Glasgow. DOUGALL, GEORGE, M.A. 1779. Believed to be the same person as George Dugall, or Dugald, Presbyterian Minister at Magherafelt, Co. Tyrone, 1786 to 1810; died 9th December, 1810. DOUGALL, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1871. Catrine; Glasgow (Lecturer on Clinical Medicine in Royal Infirmary; Professor of Materia Medica in St. Mungo's College). DOUGALL, JOHN, M.A. 1886. Teacher of Mathematics in Whitehill School, Glasgow, 1891-92; Assistant to Professor of Mathematics in Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College since 1892; Preliminary Examiner on Mathematics in the University from 1st February, 1897. DOUGALL, JOHN M'PHAIL, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1886. Glasgow ; York ; Glasgow ; Dunoon ; Welburn, Yorks. DOUGAN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1872. Lochgilphead ; Glasgow (Medical Officer, General Post Office). DOUGHERTY, GEORGE ALEXANDER, M.D. 1865, CM. 1866. Native of Londonderry; no trace of his career. 1 62 ROLL OF GRADUATES DOUGHTY, SAMUEL, M.A., M.D. 175 1. DOUGLAS, CARSTAIRS, M.A. 185 1, LL.D. 1872. Missionary of the Presbyterian Church of England in China, 1855-77; died at Amoy, of cholera, 26th July, 1877; brother of Principal G. C. M. Douglas (q.v.). DOUGLAS, CHARLES, M.A. 1893. Teacher in Overnewton Public School, Glasgow, and Mathematical Assistant in Technical College to Professor Bennett of Anderson's College Medical School. DOUGLAS, COLIN, M.D. 1802. "Filius natu Nonus Joannis Mercatoris in Urbe Glasg. " [Matric. Alb. 1793]. DOUGLAS, DONALD, M.A. 1896. Student of Medicine and Science. DOUGLAS, GEORGE CUNNINGHAME MONTEATH, B.A. 1842, D.D. 1867. Minister of Free Church at Bridge of Weir; Professor in Free Church College, Glasgow; Principal of that College; Degree Examiner on Mental Philosophy in Glasgow University, 1864-67. DOUGLAS, JAMES, M.A. 1833. L.R.C.S.E., M.F.P. &S.G. ; Lecturer on Anatomy in Glasgow at (1) North Albion Street, (2) College Street, (3) Portland Street Medical School; died of fever, 22nd February, 1844; eldest brother of Principal G. C. M. Douglas and Rev. Carstairs Douglas (q.v.). DOUGLAS, JAMES, M.D. 1863. Port- William, Wigtownshire ; Mochrum ; Whithorn. DOUGLAS, JAMES, M.A. 1871. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]; but, according to Matriculation Albums, born in 1845 at Bolton, Lanes., son of James Douglas, Clothier. DOUGLAS, JAMES CHARLES WHYTE, B.A. 1839. "Filius natu maximus Thomse Whyte de Glenesslen armigeri in parochia de Dunscore et Comitatu de Dumfries" [Matric. Alb. 1836]. DOUGLAS, JOHN, CM. 1838. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. DOUGLAS, JOHN BROWN, M.A. 1875. Writer, Glasgow, and Professor of Roman Law in St. Mungo's College. DOUGLAS, JOHN CAMPBELL, M.B. 1871. Glasgow ; Greenock. DOUGLAS, JOHN CHARLES, M.D. 1866. Port-William, Wigtownshire; Whithorn. DOUGLAS, JOHN HANNAY, M.B., CM. 1896. Whithorn; son of John Charles Douglas, M.D. 1866 (q.v.). DOUGLAS, ROBERT, CM. 1820. Kilmarnock. ROLL OF GRADUATES ^3 DOUGLAS, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1868. Glasgow ; Shipley, Yorks. ; Innellan ; Sanchez, St. Domingo, W. Indies. DOUGLAS, ROBERT BAILLIE, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1894. F.C. Missionary to Jalna, India. DOUGLAS, ROBERT BULLOCH, M.A. 1890. F.C. Missionary to Johannesburg, South Africa. DOUGLAS, WILLIAM, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862. Presbyterian Minister at Hokitika, Westland, New Zealand. DOUGLASS, CHARLES, M.A. 1764. "Filius natu major Jacobi in Parochia Clough Com. Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1762]. DOUGLASS, HUGH, M.A. 1742. "Filius Hugonis Douglass de Garallan in Com. de Air" [Matric. Alb. 1737]. DOUGLASS, JOHN, B.A. 1844, M.A. 1845. " Filius natu maximus Roberti agricolae in parochia de Kilmore et comitatu de Armagh" [Matric. Alb. 1840]. DOUIE, DAVID BUCHAN, M.A. 1823. Minister of (1) Maxwelltown, (2) Dryfesdale, (3) Largs Free Church; "disappeared, 19th October, 1863" [Scott's Fasti\ DOVE, HECTOR, B.Sc. 1889. Teacher in Glasgow Public Schools, viz., (1) St. Rollox, (2) Centre Street, (3) Abbotsford. DOVE, THOMAS, M.A. 1824. Minister at Great Swan Port, Flinders Island, Tasmania; died 27th August, 1882, aged 80. DOVER, BARON, LL.D. 1752. Hon. Joseph Yorke; Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the States General; K.B. 1761; Baron, 1788; did "very considerable good offices upon account of this University to Mr. Robert Foulis, the University Printer" [Univ. Minute, 18th October, 1752]. DOW, DAVID, M.A. 1776. Minister of Cathcart; died 17th July, 1827, aged 69. DOW, DONALD NICOL, M.A. 1893. Licentiate of the Free Church. DOW, HUGH, M.D. 1857. Dairy, Ayrshire; Muthill, Perthshire; Tarbert, Argyleshire; died 5th . February, 1877. DOW, JAMES, M.D. 1802. " Scoto-Britannus " [Grad. Alb.]. DOW, JAMES CRAWFORD, M.B., CM. 1870. Glasgow; Dunfermline; Great Wigston, Leicestershire; Staff-Surgeon, R.N. 164 ROLL OF GRADUATES DOW, JOHN GEORGE ALEXANDER, M.A. 1880. (1) Assistant for three years to Professor of English Literature in Glasgow University; (2) Professor of English Literature in one of the Italian Universities; (3) employed as a Private Secretary in Mentone; (4) returned home, and engaged in literary work ; (5) Professor of English Literature in State University, Vermillion, South Dakota, U.S.A., for three years; (6) Professor in State College, Madison, U.S.A., for two years; died there, 21st January, 1897, aged 39. DOW, ROBERT, M.A. 181 5. Writer, Glasgow; son of David Dow, M.A. 1776 (q.v.). DOW, WILLIAM, CM. 1834. Greenock. DOWE, JOSHUA, M.D. 1836. Tarn worth, N.S. Wales. DOWIE, EBENEZER TELFORD, M.D. 1856. Greenock; died 13th January, 1885. DOWIE, JAMES, M.D. 1864. Greenock; died 2nd February, 1865, aged 22. DOWIE, JOHN DUNBAR, M.A. 1893. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. DOWLING, JOSEPH, M.D. 1790. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DOWLING, MICHAEL, M.D. 1788. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DOWNES, JOSEPH LOCKHART, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow ; Scalloway, Shetland ; London. DOWNIE, JAMES WALKER, M.B., CM. 1881. Glasgow ; London ; Glasgow : Lecturer on Diseases of Throat and Nose in (1) Western Medical School, (2) The University since 1895. DOWNIE, JOHN, M.A. 1881, B.D. 1881. (a) Missionary at Lochgair; {b) Minister of (1) Kilcalmonell and Kilberry, (2) Scots Church, Maida Hill, Brisbane, Queensland, (3) Hunter Street Presbyterian Church, Newcastle, N.S. Wales. DOWNIE, JOHN STEVENSON, M.A. 1883. Teacher in (1) Pollok Academy, Pollokshaws, (2) Oatlands Public School, Glasgow, (3) Garnethill School, Glasgow, (4) Mearns Public School, Newton- Mearns. DOWNIE, NEIL, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow. DOWNIE, THOMAS TAYLOR, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow; Melbourne. ROLL OF GRADUATES 165 DOWNIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1873, M.B., CM. 1885. (1) Teacher, (2) Medical Practitioner, Glasgow. DOWNING, THOMAS P., M.D. 1828. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DOWNS, JOHN ERNEST, M.B., CM. 1893. Gateshead, Co. Durham j Medomsley there. DOWNS, WILLIAM CAMPBELL, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow; Uddingston; Motherwell; sometime Lecturer on Hygiene in Anderson's College, Glasgow. DOWSON, JOHN, M.D. 1829. Whitby, Yorks. DOYLE, EDWARD ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1877. Padiham, Lanes. ; Leigh, Lanes. DOYLE, DENNIS JOHN, M.D. 1834. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DOYLE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1891. Leigh, Lanes. ; Atherton there. DRENNAN, JAMES WILSON, M.A. 1871. Sometime Teacher in Glasgow; since 1882, U.P. Minister at Innerleven. DRENNAN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1772. Practitioner (M.D. Edin. 1778) at Belfast, Newry, and Dublin; originator of idea of political Society of United Irishmen; first to call Ireland the "Emerald Isle"; Co-Editor of Belfast Magazine; born at Belfast, 23rd May, 1754; died there, 5th February, 1820. DRENNAN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1818. "F. n. min. Joannis Agricolae Tarbolton" [Matric. Alb. 1814]. DREVER, JAMES RICHAN, M.A. 1893. Teacher in (1) Wallace Hall Academy, Dumfriesshire, (2) Kirkwall Burgh School. DREW, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1882. Menstrie; Stirling. DREW, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1818. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. DROUGHT, THOMAS, M.A. 1771. "(Natus in Hibernia) Filius natu quartus Roberti Agricolae in Parochia de Ballyboy in Comitatu de Kings County in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1770]. DRUMMOND, ALEXANDER SINCLAIR, M.A. 1874. Writer, Glasgow. 1 66 ROLL OF GRADUATES DRUMMOND, GEORGE, B.A. 1859. Son of James Drummond, Merchant, Cumnock; born 1839; died 31st December, 1859. DRUMMOND, HENRY, M.D. 1834. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. DRUMMOND, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1878, M.D. 1881. Ship Surgeon ; Mauchline ; South Shields. DRUMMOND, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1894. Port-Glasgow; Crook, Co. Durham. DRUMMOND, PETER, M.A. 1886, M.B., CM. 1890. Thornhill, Dumfriesshire; Moffat; Clayton-le-Moors, Lanes. DRUMMOND, ROBERT JAMES, M.A. 1879, B.D. 1882. U.P. Minister at (1) Kilmarnock, (2) Lothian Road, Edinburgh; son of Robert Skiell Drummond, D.D. (q.v.). DRUMMOND, ROBERT SKIELL, M.A. 1848, D.D. 1869. U.P. Minister at (1) Carlisle, (2) St. James' Place Church, Edinburgh, (3) Erskine Church, Glasgow, (4) St. John's Wood, London, (5) Belhaven Church, Glasgow. DRURY, THOMAS JONES, M.D. 1835, C.M. 1835. Shrewsbury; died 19th December, 1858. DRURY, WILLIAM, M.D. 1840. Glasgow; Shrewsbury; died 1855. DRYBURGH, WILLIAM, M.A. 1878, B.D. 1879. English Presbyterian Minister at (1) Sunderland, (2) Swalwell, by Newcastle- on-Tyne. DRYSDALE, JAMES, C.M. 1826. Possibly the same person as James Drysdale, M.F.P. &S.G. 1819, who died 1829. DRYSDALE, JAMES, M.D. 1833. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. DRYSDALE, JOHN, M.D. 1861. Rutherglen; Menstrie; Port-Chalmers, N.Z. ; J.P. DRYSDALE, JOHN MONTEITH, M.A. 1884. Chartered Accountant in (1) Glasgow, (2) Buenos Ayres. DUBS, FREDERICK ERNST, M.A. 1882. Barrister-at-Law, London; B.A. Oxon. 1886. DUCHAL, JAMES, D.D. 1753. Minister of Presbyterian Congregations in (1) Cambridge, (2) Antrim, (3) Dublin; died 4th May, 1761, aged 64. ROLL OF GRADUATES 1 67 DUCK, JOHN, M.D. 1786. " Anglo-Britannus . . . being a Quaker gave an affirmation instead of the Oath" [Grad. Alb.]. DUCKETT, RICHARD JAMES, M.D. 1786. " Americanus " [Grad. Alb.]. DUCKETT, WILLIAM SHAW, M.D. 1846. Dublin; died 17th February, 1892. DUDGEON, JOHN, M.D., CM., 1862. Physician (afterwards Consulting Surgeon), H.B.M. Legation, Pekin; Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology, Imperial College there; Medical Missionary to China. DUFF, ALEXANDER, B.A. 1849, M.A. 1850. " Filius natu maximus Thomae artificis in parochia de Tamlaght et comitatu de Tyrone" [Matric. Alb. 1847]. DUFF, DAVID, M.A. 1843, LL.D. 1872. Teacher of the Greenock Grammar School, 1848-55; Minister of the U.P. Church at Helensburgh, 1856-76; Professor of Church History in U.P. College, Edinburgh, 1876-90; born at Greenock, 29th January, 1824; died at Craigmore, Rothesay, 1st September, 1890. DUFF, JAMES, M.A. 1876. S.S.C., Edinburgh; LL.B. Edin. 1887; son of Professor David Duff (q.v.). DUFF, JAMES KIPPEN, M.A. 1879, M.B., CM. 1885. Edinburgh ; London ; Debenham, Suffolk ; London. DUFF, JOHN, M.A. 1790. "Filius natu maximus Davidis Mercatoris in parochia de Ballielogg in comitatu de Tyrone in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1787]. DUFF, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1879, M.D. 1886. Littlemore, Oxford; London; Windsor; London; Chester; Degree Examiner on Practice of Medicine in Glasgow University, 1893-96. DUFF, ROBERT ALEXANDER, M.A. 1886. Licentiate of the Free Church ; Assistant to Professor of Moral Philosophy in Glasgow University; conducted Logic Class during 1894-95, the Session after Professor Veitch's death; Lecturer on Moral Philosophy in Queen Margaret College. DUFF, ROBERT SMITH, M.A. 1872, D.D. 1894. Resident Tutor in the families of (1) Sir Robert Napier of Milliken, Bart, 1867-68, (2) Thomas Corbett, Esq., London, 1869-72; Minister of (1) Presbyterian Church, Evandale, Tasmania, 1874-80, (2) Free St. George's Church, Glasgow, since 1883. DUFFY, EDWARD, M.D. 1839. Longford; died 21st February, 1868, aged 52. 1 68 ROLL OF GRADUATES DUFFY, JOSEPH T. M.D. 1834. Proprietor of Eagle House Lunatic Asylum, Finglas, Co. Dublin; sometime Medical Attache, Military Hospital, Calais ; died 1863. DUKE, JOHN, M.D. 1845. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DUKE, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.A. 1895. Student of Theology in Free Church College, Glasgow. DUKE, VALENTINE, M.A. 1773. "Filius natu Secundus Roberti Agricolse in Parochia de Killturrow in Comitatu de Sligoe in Hibernia " [Matric. Alb. 1772]. DUKES, CLEMENT, B.A. 1831, M.A. 1832. Congregational Minister, Hackney, London; died 1876, aged 67. DUKES, ENOCH, M.A. 1831. Schoolmaster, Holloway, London. DUN, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1742. Minister of Cadder; died 27th June, 1790, aged 72. DUN, JOHN, M.A. 1788. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. DUN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1770. Minister of Kirkintilloch; died 3rd November, 1798, aged 54; was im- prisoned for three months in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, by sentence of the Court of Justiciary, nth March, 1793, "for having torn three leaves out of a book which contained minutes of a Society for Reform in the village of Kirkintilloch, at the time when the Sheriffs of Lanark and Dumbartonshires were making investigation to obtain that book." DUN, WILLIAM, D.D. 1780. Presbyterian Minister of (1) Killyleagh, 1745-65, (2) Cook Street Congregation, Dublin. DUN, WILLIAM GIBB, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1880. Rutherglen; Glasgow; Assistant to Professor Thomas M'Call Anderson (q.v.), 1883-95. DUNBAR, HENRY HAMILTON, M.B., CM. 1872. (1) Demonstrator of Anatomy in Glasgow University; (2) went to Hong Kong as Ship's Surgeon; (3) Assistant to Dr. Hay, Maryhill; (4) Assistant to Dr. M'Kenzie, Kilcreggan; (5) left for New Zealand, and died during voyage, nth July, 1872; buried at sea. DUNBAR, JOHN, M.A. 1761. "Filius natu tertius Johannis Dunbar, in comitatu de Downe in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1758]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 169 DUNBAR, MICHAEL SMITH, M.A. 1867. Unitarian Minister at (1) Horsham, 1873-77, (2) Hunslet, 1878-83, (3) Evesham, 1883-93, (4) Downpatrick since 1894. DUNBAR, ROBERT PEARSON, M.D. 1863. Blackburn. DUNCAN, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow; Alnwick; Kalighat, India. DUNCAN, ALEXANDER ADAMS, M.A. 1893. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland; B.D. Aberdeen, 1896. DUNCAN, DAVID, M.D. 1854. Surgeon, R.N. DUNCAN, EBENEZER, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1870. Glasgow : sometime Lecturer on Forensic Medicine in Western Medical School; afterwards Professor of that subject in Anderson's College; Examiner on Clinical Medicine in the University, 1891-95. DUNCAN, EDWARD HENRY, M.A. 1764. "Filius natu minor Henrici de Kilmore Armigeri in Comitatu de Meath, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1763]. DUNCAN, FREDERICK LOWRIE, M.B., CM. 1888. Stromness, Orkney. DUNCAN, «GEORGE, M.D. 1843. Fleet Surgeon, R.N. DUNCAN, GEORGE GORDON, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1895. Minister of Glendevon since 1897; son of Thomas Duncan, D.D. (q.v.). DUNCAN, HANDASYDE, M.D. 183 1. Glasgow; Port-Adelaide, S. Australia; died there, 24th February, 1878, aged 66. DUNCAN, HUGH, M.A. 1880, LL.B. 1885. Writer, Glasgow. DUNCAN, HUGH, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1885. Assistant Missionary at Alexandria, Egypt, 1886-89; Minister of Garturk since 1890. DUNCAN, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1892. Cleland, Lanarkshire; Paisley. DUNCAN, JAMES CAMPBELL, M.B. 1872. Melbourne; Albury, N.S. Wales. DUNCAN, JAMES JOHNSTON, LL.D. 1836. Actuary in Glasgow, and Manager of Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society. 170 ROLL OF GRADUATES DUNCAN, JAMES KEITH, B.A. 1861. Minister of South Church, Aberdeen; died 17th January, 1894. DUNCAN, JOHN, M.A. 1799. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. DUNCAN, JOHN ERSKINE, M.B., CM. 1888. Alnwick; Glasgow; Zastron, Orange Free State, South Africa; died there, 22nd November, 1895, aged 28. DUNCAN, JOHN MORISON, B.A. 1816. Printer in Glasgow. DUNCAN, JOHN MORTON, M.A. 1876. Teacher in (1) Paisley Grammar School, 1873, (2) Hutchesons' Grammar School, Glasgow, 1873-78; Head Master of (1) Undercraig Public School, Langbank, 1878-96, (2) Erskine Public School since 1896. DUNCAN, MOIR, M.A. 1886. Missionary, English Baptist Society, Fu Yin Tsion, San Yuen, Hsien, Shensi, China. DUNCAN, ROBERT, M.A. 1770. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. "Filius natu major quondam Roberti in Boston in America" [Matric. Alb. 1764]. DUNCAN, ROBERT, D.D. 1806. Minister of Dundonald ; the " Duncan Deep " of " The Twa Herds " ; died 14th April, 181 5. # DUNCAN, ROBERT, M.D. 1835. Tunbridge Wells; died 30th July, 1876, aged 65. DUNCAN, ROBERT M'KINNELL, M.D. 1863. Glasgow; Bradford; died at Dumfries, 8th July, 1865, aged 29. DUNCAN, THOMAS, D.D. 1896. Minister of (1) St. James's, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, (2) Bridge of Weir. DUNCAN, WALTER, M.A. 1869. Minister of (1) U.P. Church, Dumbarton, (2) U.P. Church, Leith, (3) English Presbyterian Church, Manchester, (4) English Presbyterian Church, Doncaster. DUNCAN, WILLIAM, M.B. 1868, CM. 1872, M.D. 1879. Tyldesley, Lanes. DUNCAN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow; Blantyre; died there, 29th December, 1894, aged 24. DUNCAN, WILLIAM GRANT, M.A. 1880, B.D. 1883. Minister of Biggar. DUNCANSON, JAMES GRAY, M.B., CM. 1892. South Shields ; Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow ; Hamilton ; Woolwich. ROLL OF GRADUATES 171 DUNCANSON, JOHN CUNNINGHAM, M.B., CM. 1888. Ship Surgeon; Glasgow; Hamilton; Alnwick; Woolwich. DUNCKLEY, HENRY, B.A. 1847, M.A. 1848, LL.D. 1883. Sometime Minister of the Great George Street Baptist Chapel, Salford; thereafter Editor and part Proprietor of The Manchester Examiner and Times ; born 24th December, 1823; died 29th June, 1896. DUNDAS, ROBERT, " LL.D. 1804. Of Arniston ; Advocate ; Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland; Rector of Glasgow University, 1803 to 1805; born 6th June, 1758; died at Arniston, 17th June, 18 19. DUNDASS, JOHN, M.A. 1769. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DUNDEE, JOHN, M.D. 1843, CM. 1852. Carnmoney, Co. Antrim. DUNLAP, DANIEL, M.A. 1769. Native of Ireland ; studied Theology at Glasgow University. DUNLOP, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1734. Library Keeper to the University of Glasgow, 1739-42; Professor of Oriental Languages in the University of Glasgow, 1745-50; died 4th September, 1750; son of Alexander Dunlop, Professor of Greek, and grandson of Principal William Dunlop. DUNLOP, ALEXANDER WATSON, M.A. 1883, M.B., CM. 1887, M.D. 1893. Glasgow; Tarbet, Loch Lomond; Glasgow. DUNLOP, DAVID, M.A. 1806. " Filius natu max. Roberti agricolae in par. de Fenwick, Ayr " [Matric. Alb. 1801]. DUNLOP, DOUGLAS, M.A. 1883. Second Master, Dunfermline High School, 1885-86; Head Master, St. Andrew's Schools, Alexandria, Egypt, 1886-88; Inspector of Egyptian Ministry of Public Instruction, Cairo, etc., etc., etc., since 1888. DUNLOP, EDWARD, B.L. 1894. Writer in (1) Glasgow, (2) Lockerbie. DUNLOP, GEORGE, B.L. 1894. Writer in Greenock. DUNLOP, JAMES, M.A. 1806. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Ballyrashane, 1809-30; died 16th November, 1830. DUNLOP, JAMES, M.A. 1842. U.P. Minister at (1) Biggar, 1847-66, (2) Motherwell, 1866-83; died 25th January, 1883, aged 60. 172 ROLL OF GRADUATES DUNLOP, JAMES, M.D. 1857 Glasgow (sometime Professor of Surgery in Anderson's College). DUNLOP, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1878 Glasgow; Melrose; Lenzie; Glasgow. DUNLOP, JAMES, M.A. 1882, M.B., CM. 1885 Glasgow; Biggar; Aveley, Essex. DUNLOP, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1886 Glasgow. DUNLOP, JAMES, M.A. 1893 Law Apprentice, Edinburgh ; LL.B. of Edin. Univ. 1896. DUNLOP, JAMES SLATER, M.A. 1896 Student of Trinity College, Cambridge. DUNLOP, JOHN, M.D. 1838 Deputy Inspector-General, R.N.; Ardrossan; Edinburgh; died 6th December, 1879. DUNLOP, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1874. Glasgow. DUNLOP, JOHN, M.A. 1885. First Assistant Master in Kilwinning Public School, 1886-91 ; Head Master in Annick Lodge Public School, Irvine, since 1891. DUNLOP, JOHN, D.D. 1887. Professor of Theology, Dunedin, Otago. DUNLOP, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1894. Clackmannan. DUNLOP, JOHN GORDON, M.B., CM. 1882. Glasgow ; Ship Surgeon ; Kirkcowan ; Long Sutton, Lines. DUNLOP, JOHN INNES, M.B., CM. 1883. (Brunton Prizeman); Abergavenny; Suva, Fiji; died 16th May, 1888, aged 26. DUNLOP, JOHN TEMPLETON, M.B., CM. 1894. Ship Surgeon ; Linton, Camb. ; Kirkcudbright. DUNLOP, MALCOM, M.A. 1893. Student of Law. DUNLOP, ROBERT, M.D. 1863. Glasgow; Irvine; died circa 1876. DUNLOP, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1882. Mossend; Surgeon, R.N. ; Thornhill, Dumfriesshire. DUNLOP, THOMAS CAMERON, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1886. Glasgow ; Newmilns ; Glasgow ; Stepps Road ; South Africa. DUNLOP, WALTER M'INDOE, M.B., CM. 1874. Glasgow ; Alderton, Suffolk ; London. ROLL OF GRADUATES 1 73 DUNLOP, WILLIAM, M.A. 1795. M.F.P. & S.G. 1799; Surgeon in Glasgow, and Lecturer on Clinical Surgery in the Royal Infirmary; about 1805 became associated with Samuel Hunter (q.v.), under the firm of Samuel Hunter & Co., in the conducting and publication of the Glasgoiv Herald '; died 1809. DUNLOP, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow ; Maryborough, Queensland ; Gympie there. DUNLOP, WILLIAM, M.A. 1887. U.P. Minister at Buckhaven. DUNN, GAVIN GIBB, M.A. 1812. Minister of Slains; died 20th July, 1840, aged 51. DUNN, HUGH, M.A. 1824. "F. n. 3 tius Hugonis Agric, Maybole, Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1820]. DUNN, JAMES, M.D. 1835. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. DUNN, JOHN, M.A. 1773, LL.D. 1785. Barrister-at-Law, and Member of Irish House of Commons. DUNN, JOHN PANTON, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Stockton-on-Tees; West Calder. DUNN, ROBERT, M.A. 1814. " Filius natu Secundus Roberti Agricolae in parochia de St. Andrews in comitatu de Down" [Matric. Alb. 1811]. DUNN, THOMAS BUCHANAN, M.B., CM. 1876. Glasgow; Cambuslang; London. DUNN, THOMAS RUSSELL, M.D. 1828, CM. i860. Bridge of Allan; Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets; Honorary Surgeon to the Queen; died 18th September, 1866. DUNN, THOMAS SPENCE, M.B., CM. 1882. Glasgow; Lenzie; London; Stonewall, Manitoba, Canada ; New Amsterdam, Transvaal; Piet Retief there. DUNN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1802. " Filius natu Maximus Andreae Agricolae in parochia de Denny in comitatu de Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 1799]. DUNNE, GEORGE VICKERS, M.D. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. DUNNE, JOHN, M.D. 1835. " Hibernus " [Grad. Alb.]. DUNNING, MATTHEW, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. DUNSMUIR, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1894. Patna, Ayrshire; Renfrew. 174 ROLL OF GRADUATES DURHAM, ANDREW, M.D. 1836. Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals, Bombay Medical Service ; Rathmines, Co. Dublin; died 4th August, 1874, aged 6r. DURHAM, LORD BISHOP OF, LL.D. 1879. Joseph Barber Lightfoot; Canon residentiary of St. Paul's, 1861-79; Lord Bishop of Durham, 1879-89; died at Bournemouth, 21st December, 1889, aged 61; D.C.L. Oxon. 1879; LL.D. Edin. 1884. DURRAN, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1881. Port-Glasgow ; Ship Surgeon ; London ; Castletown, Thurso ; Thurso. DURRAN, JAMES, M.A. 1878. Minister of (1) Free Church, Kilmalcolm, (2) English Presbyterian Church, Willesden, London, (3) Queen Street Free Church, Edinburgh. DUTT, BEHARY LALL, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1877 Glasgow; Wells, Somerset; Surgeon, Bombay Army; died 1881. DYDYNSKI, LORETAN, M.D. 1843 " Polonus " [Grad. Alb.]. " Received as a Gratuitous Student in the Moral Philosophy and Mathematical Classes . . . being in poor circumstances, a Polish refugee, and well recommended" [Univ. Minute, 17th November, 1837]. DYER, HENRY, M.A. 1873, B.Sc. 1873, D.Sc. 1890 From 1873 to 1883, Principal of, and Professor of Civil and Mechanical Engineering in, the Imperial College of Engineering, Tokyo, Japan ; also Director of Engineering works, Tokyo ; since 1883, Honorary Principal of said College, and Consulting Engineer in Glasgow. DYER, WILLIAM TURNER THISTLETON, LL.D. 1896. Professor of (1) Natural History at the Agricultural College, Cirencester, (2) Botany at the Royal College of Science for Ireland, (3) Botany to the Royal Horticultural Society; 1875 Assistant Director, 1885 Director, of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew; M.A. Oxon.; B.Sc. London; F.R.S. ; C.M.G ; CLE. DYKES, ALEXANDER BAIRD, M.A. 1880. U.P. Minister at (1) Gatehouse, (2) Gorebridge, (3) Leith. DYKES, DOUGLAS, B.A. 1858. Designed as Student of Divinity in General Council Register for 1860-61, but followed no profession; resided at Hamilton; died 6th March, 1886. DYKES, JAMES, M.A. 1889. Teacher, Coatbridge; died at 21 Gladstone Street, Glasgow, 31st January, 1891. DYKES, THOMAS, D.D. 1871. Minister of Ayr. DYKES, THOMAS, M.A. 1884, B.L. 1884, LL.B. 1885. Writer, Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 175 DYMOCK, JOHN, LL.D. 1829. (1) Rector of the Grammar School in Kelso; (2) one of the Masters of the Grammar School of Glasgow, 1808-34; died 9th November, 1838, aged 71. DYMOCK, JOHN, M.A. i860. F.C. Minister at Kemnay. DYMOCK, JOHN G., M.A. 1819. "F. n. 2 dus Joannis ludi mag. in Glasgua, apud Kelso natus" [Matric. Alb. 1 8 14]. See John Dymock, LL.D. DYMOCK, THOMAS, M.A. 1833. Sometime Sub-Librarian to Glasgow University; thereafter Minister of (1) Carnoustie, (2) Free Church there, (3) Middle Free Church, Perth ; died 4th February, 1888. DYSART, JOHN, M.D. 1843. Portglenone, Co. Antrim. EADIE, GEORGE ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1894. Nathalia, Victoria, Australia. EADIE, JAMES, M.A. 1894. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. EADIE, JOHN, M.A. 1820. Possibly the same person as John Eadie, who was licensed by the Glasgow Original Secession Presbytery in 1824, and who, after a time, betook himself to a mercantile profession. EADIE, JOHN, LL.D. 1844. U.P. Minister at (1) Cambridge Street, Glasgow, (2) Lansdowne, Glasgow; Professor of (1) Biblical Literature to United Associate Synod, (2) Hermeneutics and Christian Evidences to U.P. Church; born at Alva, 9th May, 18 10; died at Glasgow, 3rd June, 1876. EADIE, JOHN M'INTYRE, M.B., CM. 1887. Erskine, Sandhurst, Australia; Bendigo there. EAGLESHAM, DAVID, M.A. 1885. F.C. Minister of Halfmorton and Gretna. EAGLESHAM, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1884. Mauchline; Hurlford; died 18th January, 1889, aged 26. EARL, JOHN, M.D. 1828. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. EASON, JAMES, M.A. 1885. U.P. Minister at (1) Cumberland Street, Glasgow, (2) Duns. EASTMAN, THEOPHILUS, B.A. 181 5. Congregational Minister, London; died 1863, aged 74. Ij6 ROLL OF GRADUATES EASTON, DAVID, B.A. 1851, M.D. 1857. Stranraer ; died April, 1885. EASTON, DAVID, M.D. 1854. Partick; died at Barbadoes, 22nd January, 1874, aged 42. EASTON, JAMES, M.D. 1818. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. EASTON, JOHN, CM. 1831, M.D. 1832. Possibly the same person as John Easton, sometime in the Indian Medical Service, thereafter Practitioner in Glasgow ; father of John Alexander Easton, M.D. 1836 (q.v.). EASTON, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.D. 1836. Professor of Materia Medica in (1) Anderson's College, Glasgow, 1840-55, (2) Glasgow University, 1855-65; died 12th November, 1865, aged 58. EASTON, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.D. 1862. Glasgow ; Romsey, Hants. ; Ticehurst, Sussex ; Petworth, Sussex. EASTON, MATTHEW GEORGE, M.A. 1843, D.D. 1874. Minister of (1) R.P. Church, Girvan, (2) R.P. Church, Darvel, (3) Free Church, Darvel; died 27th February, 1894, aged 71. EASTON, THOMAS, M.A. 1798, D.D. 1826. Minister of Kirriemuir; died 5th April, 1856, aged 79. EASTON, WILLIAM CECIL, B.Sc. 1891. Civil Engineer (Glasgow Corporation Water Engineer's Office), Glasgow. EATON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1870. Airdrie; Cleator, Cumberland. EATON, SAMUEL, D.D. 1738 Minister of a Presbyterian Congregation in Nottingham; M.A. of 1726. EATWELL, WILLIAM COVERDALE BEATY, M.D., CM. 1840. Principal of Calcutta Medical College and Professor of Materia Medica, etc., Medical College Hospital; Surgeon-Major, Bengal Army; St. Leonards-on-Sea. EBELING, JOHN THEODORE PHILIP. CHRIST. M.A., M.D. 1779. " Zuneburgo-Germanus " [Grad. Alb.] ; possibly a connection of Christoph Daniel Ebeling (1741-1817), Professor of History and Greek in the Hamburg Gymnasium, author of a Geography and History of North America. ECCLES, SAMUEL, M.A. 1813. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Armagh, 1817-23; died 21st February, 1823. ECHLIN, ARTHUR, M.A. 1732. "Hib. Juris Studiosus F. Joan. Echlin V.D.M. in Com. Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1 731]. ECKERSLEY, EDWARD ARTHUR, M.B., CM. 1893. London ; Southsea. ROLL OF GRADUATES 177 ECKLIN, JOHN FRANCIS, M.A. 1878. Intended for Ministry of Free Church; died 19th October, 1879, aged 25. ECKLIN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow ; Ship Surgeon ; London. EDDOWES, JOHN HENRY, M.D. 1850. Loughborough. EDGAR, ANDREW, D.D. 1886. Minister of (1) Tongland, (2) Mauchline; died 23rd March, 1890, aged 59. EDGAR, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1893. Greenock. EDGAR, HANDASIDE, M.A., M.D. 1776. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]; "Born & bred in the Parish of Hamilton" [Univ. Minute, 15th P'ebruary, 1776]. EDGAR, JAMES, M.A. 1816. "F. n. 2 dus Maxwelis Artificis Erskine, Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1808]. EDGAR, JOHN, M.A. 1878. Snell Exhibitioner, 1878-82; B.A. Oxon. 1883; Classical Master in the Royal High School, Edinburgh, since 1882; Preliminary Examiner on Classics in Glasgow University from 1st February, 1897. EDGAR, JOHN, M.A. 1882, B.Sc. 1886, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow (Professor of Midwifery in Anderson's College). EDGAR, ROBERT, M.A. 1855, D.D. 1884. Minister of Newburgh-on-Tay ; died 15th September, 1894. EDGAR, ROBERT, M.A. 1890. Schoolmaster in Woodside School, Glasgow. EDGAR, SAMUEL, M.A. 1792. Secession Minister at Ballynahinch ; Proprietor of an Academy there, in which Professor James Thomson, LL.D. 1829 (q.v.), was an Assistant; and Professor of Divinity to Secession Synod; died 17th October, 1826, aged 60; D.D. of Union College, U.S.A., 1820. EDGE, SAMUEL, M.D. 1837. Crittyard, Queen's Co. EDINGTON, GEORGE HENRY, M.B., CM. 1891, M.D. 1895. Glasgow (Demonstrator of Anatomy in Anderson's College). EDINGTON, PATRICK FULLARTON WATT, B.L. 1893. Writer, Glasgow. EDMISTON, ROBERT, CM. 1827. "Hybernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M 178 ROLL OF GRADUATES EDMOND, JOHN, D.D. 1861. Minister of (1) U.P. Church at Dennyloanhead, (2) U.P. Church, Regent Place, Glasgow, (3) English Presbyterian Church, Highbury, London; died 7th October, 1893, aged 78. EDMOND, ROBERT, M.A. 1782. " Filius natu quartus Davidis Mercatoris in urbe Glasguensi " [Matric. Alb. 1777]- EDWARD, ALEXANDER KERR, M.A. 1896. Teacher in (1) Dunoon Grammar School, 1892-94, (2) Cambuslang Public School, 1895-96, (3) Bonhill Public School, Alexandria, N.B., May to June, 1896, (4) North Public School, Alexandria, N.B., since August, 1896. EDWARD, JAMES MITCHELL, M.A. 1894. Teacher in (1) John Street Public School, Glasgow, (2) High School there, as Mathematical Assistant, (3) Holmscroft School, Greenock, as Mathematical Master. EDWARDES, DAVID EDWARD, M.A. 1865. Curate of (1) Langharne, (2) Llanhowell, (3) Begelly, (4) Rudbaxton, etc. ; Rector of Hodgeston, Pembroke, since 1888. EDWARDS, EDWARD, M.A. 1773. " Natus in Hybernia filius natu Secundus Mathaei Armigeri in Parochia de Orney in Comitatu de Tyrrone" [Matric. Alb. 1770]. EDWARDS, EDWARD DUNMOR, M.A. 1874. Principal of the Academy, Pontypridd. EDWARDS, JOHN, M.D. 1764. EDWARDS, JOHN, D.D. 1888. Minister of Greenhead U.P. Church, Glasgow; died 20th August, 1888. EDWARDS, JOHN, M.A. 1893. Teacher in (1) Motherwell, as Assistant, (2) Fochabers, as Science Master, (3) Carluke, as Head Master in Secondary Department. EDWARDS, MATTHEW, M.A. 1839. Presbyterian Minister at Widdrington, Morpeth; born 15th January, 1815; died 20th February, 1892. EDWARDS, RICHARD JOHN, M.B., CM. 1895. Nantlle Vale, Carnarvonshire. EDWARDS, WILLIAM, M.D. 1842, CM. 1844. Burnley; died 18th June, 1876, aged 58. EDWARDS, WILLIAM BICKERTON, M.B., CM. 1894. Porth, Glamorganshire. EGAN, JOHN CRUISE, M.D. 1842. Kingstown, Co. Dublin ; Maidstone, Kent ; London, Vicar of Christ Church, South Hackney; died 14th January, 1890, aged 68, ROLL OF GRADUATES 179 EKIN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1832, M.D. 1833. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ELDER, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1880. Glasgow; Nottingham. ELDER, JOHN LOCKHART, M.A. 1876. U.P. Minister at Coldstream, East. ELDER, MATTHEW, M.A. 1809. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Dunean; ordained 181 1 ; resigned his charge, 7th January, 181 7; and on 18th May following was suspended sine die. ELDER, ROBERT, M.A. 1825, D.D. 1871. Minister of (x) Kilbrandon, (2) Killin, (3) St. Paul's, Edinburgh, (4) Free St. Paul's there, (5) Free Church, Rothesay; died 30th March, 1892. ELDER, SAMUEL, M.A. 1808. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Ballyeaston; ordained 18 13; died 21st February, 182 1. ELGAR, FRANCIS, LL.D. 1885. (1) Consulting Naval Architect and Engineer in London ; (2) First Professor of Naval Architecture in Glasgow University, 1883 to 1886; (3) Director of Dockyards to the Admiralty, 1886-92 ; (4) Consulting Naval Architect and Engineer in London since 1892; F.R.S. 1896. ELLIES, GEORGE, M.A. 1735. ELLIOT, ROBERT, M.A. 1782. "Natus in Hibernia filius natu maximus Joannis Mercatoris in urbe de Monaghan" [Matric. Alb. 1780]. ELLIOT, ROBERT, M.A. 1792. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ELLIOT, WILLIAM HENRY, M.D. 1839. Exeter; died 10th January, 1874, aged 68. ELLIOTT, ARCHIBALD, M.D. 1838. Torquay; Surgeon, R.N. ; died at Exeter, 17th April, 1866. ELLIOTT, FRANK, M.B., CM. 1896. Burnopfield, Co. Durham. ELLIOTT, JOHN, M.A. 1814. " Filius natu maximus Francisci Agricolae in parochia de Monaghan in comi- tatu ejusdem" [Matric. Alb. 1809]. ELLIOTT, JOHN, M.D. 1836. Tobago, West Indies. ELLIOTT, LEONARD DOBBIN, M.A. 1839. Presbyterian Minister at Portadown, Ireland, 1841-81 ; died 2nd April, 1881. ELLIOTT, ROBERT, M.D. 1852. Native of Clogher, County Tyrone; died two months after graduation. 180 ROLL OF GRADUATES ELLIOTT, ROBERT, B.Sc. 1884. (1) Marine Engineer, Coasts of India, Burmah, Straits Settlements, and Persian Gulf; (2) Surveyor to Lloyd's Register of Shipping in (a) Glasgow and district, 1889-93, (b) London and district since 1893. ELLIOTT, THOMAS, M.D. 1838. Kilrush, Co. Clare; died 1867. ELLIS, DANIEL, M.D. 1804. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. ELLIS, EDWARD, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ELLIS, HUGH, M.D. 1849. Kilrea, Co. Derry. ELLISON, JOHN WILLIAM, M.A. 1854. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Castlebellingham, Ireland, (2) Whitehaven, (3) Sunderland; born 8th May, 1835; died 6th December, 1891. ELLISON, THOMAS, M.A. 1815. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Banagher, 1822-47; died 6th January, 1847. ENGLISH, CHRISTOPHER NINIAN, M.D. 1840. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ENGLISH, SAMUEL, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon. ENGLISH, THOMAS, M.D. 1797. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. ENGLISH, WILLIAM WATSON, B.A. i860, M.A. 1861. (a) Curate successively of Langharne, S. Wales; Abbots Langley, Herts.; South Tawton, Devon ; (b) Vicar of Great Wollaston, Salop ; (c) Rector of Kirkley- in-Lowestoft ; (d) Sunday Lecturer at All Souls, South Hampstead, London. ERSKINE, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1894. Great Yarmouth. ERSKINE, DAVID STEUART. See Buchan, Earl of. ERSKINE, GEORGE, M.A. 1775. Minister of (1) Ardoch, (2) Monzie; died 26th April, 1794. ERSKINE, JAMES, M.A. 1877, M.B., CM. 1882. Glasgow (Lecturer on Aural Surgery in Anderson's College). ERSKINE, JOHN, D.D. 1766. Minister of (1) Kirkintilloch, (2) Culross, (3) New Greyfriars, Edinburgh, (4) Old Greyfriars, Edinburgh; mentioned in Guy Mannering; born 2nd June, 1 72 1 ; died 19th January, 1803; eldest son of John Erskine of Carnock, Professor of Scots Law in Edinburgh University. ROLL OF GRADUATES 181 ERSKINE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1786. One of the Judges of the Court of Session, under title of Lord Kinnedder j friend and literary confidant of Sir Walter Scott ; son of Episcopalian Minister of Muthill; born 1769; died 14th August, 1822; brother-in-law of Archibald Colqu- houn Campbell of Killermont, the death of whose child gave rise to Baroness Nairne's song, "The Land o' the Leal." ERSKINE, WILLIAM, CM. 1830. Probably Newton-Stewart. ERSKINE, WILLIAM DOUGLAS, M.B., CM. 1887. Kirn ; Glasgow ; Dundee ; Surgeon-Captain, Army. ERSKINE-MURRAY, JAMES ROBERT. See Murray. ERVING, GEORGE, M.A. 1762. Of Boston, New England ; during Revolutionary War went to Halifax, and thence to London ; father of George W. Erving, American diplomatist. ESDAILE, JAMES KENNEDY, M.A. 1827. "Filius natu maximus Jacobi Mercatoris apud Londinum in comitatu de Middlesex" [Matric. Alb. 1824]. ESPIE, GEORGE, CM. 1819, M.D. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. EVANS, ALFRED ERNEST, M.B., CM. 1891. London. EVANS, DAVID, B.A. 1830. Unitarian Minister at various places in Cardiganshire; born 1806; died 23rd April, 1885. EVANS, DAVID, M.D. 1847. Llanfyllin, Wales; died 1869. EVANS, DAVID WILLIAM, B.A. 1857. Schoolmaster at Carmarthen; born 1834 or 1835; died 16th January, i860. EVANS, EBENEZER, M.B., CM. 1878. Glasgow ; Beaumaris, Anglesey. EVANS, EVAN KERI, M.A. 1888. Professor of Logic, etc., in University College of North Wales, Bangor, 1891 to 1895; Degree Examiner on Logic and Moral Philosophy in Glasgow University since 1895. EVANS, GEORGE, M.A. 1876. Unitarian Minister at (1) Plymouth, (2) Chesterfield, (3) Gorton, near Manchester (Brookfield Church). EVANS, GEORGE SAMUEL, M.A. 1827, LL.D. 1830. Head Master of North-End House Academy at Hampstead ; possibly the same person as George Samuel Evans, LL.D., who was one of the earliest English settlers in New Zealand, and for some time a Minister of the Crown in Victoria, and Editor of the Melbourne Herald; died 23rd September, 1868. 1 82 ROLL OF GRADUATES EVANS, GUSTAVUS, M.D. 1848. Carlisle; died 9th May, 1863. EVANS, HERBERT NORMAN, M.D. 1824. London; Brecon; Tunbridge; St. Leonards-on-Sea ; died 10th December, 1877, aged 75. EVANS, HUGH, M.D. 1761. EVANS, JOHN, B.A. 181 5. "Filius unicus Viri Reverendi Joannis V.D.M. Haverford West in comitatu de Pembroke in Anglia" [Matric. Alb. 1813]. EVANS, JOHN, M.A. 1870. Calvinistic Methodist Minister at Aberdare ; afterwards Presbyterian Minister in Melbourne, where he died. EVANS, JOHN TYNDE, M.D. 1838. Dublin. EVANS, SAMUEL, M.A., M.D. 1773. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. EVANS, THOMAS BOWEN, M.A. 1885. Unitarian Minister of (1) College Chapel, Stepney Green, London, E., 1888-92, (2) Britain Hill Church, Heywood, Lanes., since 1892. EVANS, USHER WILLIAMSON, M.D. 1844. Deputy Inspector-General, Army. EVANS, WILLIAM, M.D. 1838. Surgeon, H.M. Indian Army; Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals. EVANS, WILLIAM, B.A. i860, M.A. 1861. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Runcorn, (2) Pembroke Dock, (3) Aberystwyth, (4) Pembroke Dock. EVANS, WILLIAM JULIAN, M.D. 1837. Pinner, Middlesex; died 16th June, 1878, aged 73. EVANS, WILLIAM LEMUEL, M.A. 1884. Head Master of a Private School in Hunt's Point Road, New York City, U.S.A. EVANSON, MORGAN, B.Sc. 1883. (1) Curate of St. John's, Canton, Cardiff, 1883-86; (2) Curate of St. German's, Roath, Cardiff, 1886; (3) Curate of St. Andrew's, Cardiff, 1887; (4) Curate of Merthyr Mawr, Bridgend, Glam., 1887-89; (5) Vicar thereof since 1889. EVANSON, RICHARD TONSON, M.D. 1832. Dublin : (1) Lecturer on Materia Medica in Park Street Medical School, 1830-36; (2) Professor of Practice of Physic, R.C.S.I., 1836-43; Torquay; died there, 26th October, 1871, aged 72. EVERARD, RICHARD H., M.D. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 183 EVERETT, JOSEPH DAVID, B.A. 1856, M.A. 1857. Mathematical Master in Mr. Thorowgood's School, Totteridge, Herts., 1850- 54; Student at Glasgow University, 1854-58; Secretary to Meteorological Society of Scotland, 1859; Professor of Mathematics, etc., in King's College, Windsor, Nova Scotia, 1859-64; Assistant to Professor of Mathematics in Glasgow University, 1864-67; Professor of Natural Philosophy in Queen's College, Belfast, since 1867 ; D.CL. EWART, JOSEPH, M.D. 1780. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. EWEN, DAVID, CM. 1833, M.D. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. EWING, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1817. Congregational Minister at (1) Thurso, (2) Bradford, (3) Gosport; died 1864, aged 70. EWING, ALEXANDER, LL.D. 1848. Incumbent at Forres, 1841-47; Bishop of Argyll and the Isles, 1847-73; born at Aberdeen, 25th March, 1814; died at his brother's Rectory, Westmill, Buntingford, 22nd May, 1873; D.CL. Oxon. 1851. EWING, JAMES, LL.D. 1826. Of Strathleven, Merchant in Glasgow; sometime Lord Provost of, and M.P. for, that City; Founder of Ewing Gold Medal; born 5th December, 1775; died 29th November, 1853. EWING, JOHN, M.A. 1782. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. EWING, WILLIAM, M.D. 1846. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. EYRE, CHARLES, LL.D. 1892. Roman Catholic Archbishop of Glasgow; Vice-President of the Glasgow Archaeological Society; born in Yorkshire, 7th November, 181 7. FAIRBAIRN, PATRICK, D.D. 1854. Minister of (1) North Ronaldshay, (2) Bridgeton, Glasgow, (3) Salton, (4) Free Church, Salton, (5) Free Church, Aberdeen; thereafter Professor of Theology in F.C. College, Aberdeen ; afterwards Principal of Free Church College, Glasgow; died there, 6th August, 1874, aged 69. FAIRBAIRN, WILLIAM DAVID, M.A. 1877. Minister (1) of English Presbyterian Church at Eccles, Manchester, (2) in New Zealand. FAIRLEY, JOHN DONALDSON, M.A. 1869. Solicitor, Motherwell; died 21st December, 1893, a g e d 48; LL.B. Edin. 1874. FAIRLIE, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1885, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow; Dunfermline; Killearn; Bebside, Northumberland. 1 84 ROLL OF GRADUATES FAIRLIE, JAMES, M.A. 1824. Minister of Mauchline ; died 1874. FAIRLIE, JAMES, M.D. 1862. Lennoxtown; died 1864. FAIRLY, DAVID, M.D. 1847. Glasgow ; Liverpool. FALCON, THOMAS, M.A. 1741. "Filius Joannis Falcon Arm. in Com. de Cumberland" [Matric. Alb. 1738]. FALCONER, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1894. Native of Lochalsh, Ross-shire; died in Glasgow Royal Infirmary, 23rd December, 1894 (six weeks after graduation), aged 32. FALDING, FREDERICK JOHN, M.A. 1845, D.D. 1858. Sometime Principal and Professor of Divinity in the Theological College, Rotherham, Yorkshire ; afterwards Principal of Yorkshire United College, Bradford; died at Folkestone, 29th December, 1892, aged 74. FALKINER, JOHN, M.A. 1769. 11 Natus in Hibernia Frederici Armigeri in Urbe Dublin Filius natu minimus " [Matric. Alb. 1768]. FARLEY, GEORGE CALDWELL, M.D., CM. 1861. London ; Maidenhead, Berks. ; Kingston-on-Thames ; London ; died circa 1884. FARLEY, JAMES HENRY, M.D. 1839. "In a de Antigua" [Grad. Alb.]. FARQUHAR, JOSEPH, M.A. 1887. Minister of (1) George Street Baptist Church, Paisley, (2) Montague Street Baptist Church, Blackburn. FARQUHAR, THOMAS MURRAY, M.D. 1842. "Ireland" [Grad. Alb.]. FARQUHARSON, ALEXANDER CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1891, B.Sc. 1894. County Asylum, Burntwood, Lichfield. FARQUHARSON, JAMES DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1884. Newcastle-on-Tyne. FARRAR, THOMAS, M.A. 1734. "Angl. F. Thomae Farrar Mercatoris in Halifax in Com. Eboracensi" [Matric. Alb. 1731]. FARRE, JOHN RICHARD, M.D. 1802. Practitioner in (1) Barbadoes, (2) London; Joint Founder and Physician of Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital; born in Barbadoes, 31st January, 1775; died 7th May, 1862; also M.D. (1806) of King's College, Aberdeen. FARREN, NEIL, CM. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES ^5 FASSON, STANHOPE HUNTER, M.D. 1846. Surgeon-General, Army; died nth March, 1882, aged 58. FAULDS, ARCHIBALD GALBRAITH, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow. FAULDS, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1874, M.D. 1886. Glasgow. FAULDS, WILLIAM CAMERON, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow. FAWCETT, STEPHEN, LL.D. 1809. Rector of the Academy at Chester. FAWKNER, SIR EVERARD, LL.D. 1746. In business till 50 years of age; knighted 1735, and sent as Ambassador to Constantinople; thereafter Secretary to H.R.H. the Duke of Cumberland (q.v.), whom he accompanied in his Continental and Scottish campaigns ; was a witness against Lord Lovat at trial in 1747; Joint Postmaster-General, T 745-58; born 1684; died at Bath, 16th November, 1758. FAWNS, THOMAS WILLOCKS, M.A. 1891. (1) Teacher in Glasgow; (2) Mechanic or Engineer in (a) London, {b) Africa, (c) Laurencekirk, Kincardineshire, his native place, (d) Montrose. FAWSYDE, JAMES, M.A. 1730. FEDARB, FREDERICK, M.B., CM. 1887 Newport, Mon. ; Southsea; Surgeon, R.N. FELL, JOSEPH, CM. 1827 "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. FENNELL, CHARLES, M.A. 1773 "Filius unicus Gulielmi Arm' in urbe Limerick in Hiberna" [Matric. Alb 1772]. FENTON, HENRY ARTHUR, M.B., CM. 1875 Pemberton, Lanes. ; Hatfield and Doncaster. FENWICK, JAMES, B.Sc. 1891 Civil Engineer, Belmore, Sydney, N.S.W. FENWICK, WILLIAM, M.D. 1864 Glasgow ; London. FERGUS, ANDREW, M.D. 1866 Glasgow; Examiner for Medical Degrees in the University, 1875-76; died 29th July, 1887, aged 65. FERGUS, ANDREW FREELAND, M.B., CM. 1881, M.D. 1891. Glasgow (sometime Lecturer on Physics in Anderson's College); son of Andrew Fergus, M.D. 1866 (q.v.). FERGUS, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1878. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Workington; Tarkastad, Cape Colony. 1 86 ROLL OF GRADUATES FERGUS, JOHN FREELAND, M.A. 1883, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow; Edinburgh; Glasgow; Assistant to Professor Thomas M'Call Anderson (q.v.), 1890-93; son of Andrew Fergus, M.D. 1866 (q.v.). FERGUS, JOHN MARSHALL, M.A. 1883. Curate of St. Margaret's Church, Aberdeen, 1885-87 ; Priest in charge of Holy Trinity Mission Church, Motherwell, 1887-88; Diocesan Chaplain (Diocese of Moray, Ross, and Caithness), 1888-89; Assistant Priest in Inverness Cathedral, 1889-91; Priest in charge of the Mission Church of St. Peter and the Holy Rood, Thurso, 1891-96; Priest in charge at Nairn since 1896. FERGUS, ROBERT MORRISON, M.A. 1883. Minister of Congregations in (1) Mentone, near Melbourne, (2) Kirklands, Campbell Town, Tasmania. FERGUS, THOMAS, M.A. 1749. Minister of Denny; died 25th January, 1801. FERGUS, WILLIAM HENRY, M.B., CM. 1886. Rothbury, Northumberland ; Tarkastad, Cape Colony. FERGUSON, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1836. Stewarton. FERGUSON, ALEXANDER MUNGALL, M.A. 1896. (1) Assistant Master in Martyrs' Public School, Glasgow; (2) Classical Master in City Public School, Glasgow. FERGUSON, ALEXANDER ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow; Lenzie; Glasgow; Assistant to Professor Joseph Coats (q.v.) since 1895. FERGUSON, ANDREW, M.D. 1836. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. FERGUSON, ARCHIBALD DUNCAN, M.A. 1883. Solicitor, Greenock. FERGUSON, DANIEL, M.A. 1886. Teacher; resided successively at 20 Summerfield Place, Whiteinch, 6 Rosevale Street, Partick, and 22 Argyle Street, Paisley; thereafter emigrated to Australia. FERGUSON, DANIEL, M.B., CM. 1894. Partick. FERGUSON, DANIEL, M.A. 1895. Teacher in Williamsburgh Public School, Paisley. FERGUSON, DANIEL JOHN, M.A. 1866, B.D. 1870. Minister of (1) Bonhill, (2) Strathblane; died 8th April, 1886, aged 40. FERGUSON, DAVID, CM. 1823. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 1 87 FERGUSON, DAVID, CM. 1835, M.D. 1836. Enfield, Co. Meath; Dublin; died 5th December, 1873. FERGUSON, DONALD, M.A. 1885, M.B., CM. 1888. Lochaline, Argyllshire; Warrington. FERGUSON, DUGALD, CM. 1824. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. FERGUSON, DUNCAN, M.A. 1885. English Presbyterian Missionary to Formosa, China. FERGUSON, EDWARD JOHN, M.D. 1839. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. FERGUSON, FERGUS, B.A. 1845, M.A. 1858. Minister of Montrose Street E.U. (now Congregational) Church, Glasgow, 1845-97; born 1821; died 3rd November, 1897. FERGUSON, FERGUS, D.D. 1885. U.P. Minister at (1) Dalkeith, (2) Queen's Park, Glasgow. FERGUSON, FRANCIS PETER ROXBURGH, B.L. 1882. Writer, Glasgow. FERGUSON, GEORGE, B.L. 1883. Writer, Glasgow. FERGUSON, GEORGE GUNNIS, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow; Tottenham, Middlesex; Glasgow; London. FERGUSON, HENRY SHAW, M.D. 1837. Belfast; died 16th June, 1890, aged 75. FERGUSON, HOMER LENOIR, B.Sc. 1894. Naval Architect, Construction Corps, U.S. Navy. FERGUSON, HUGH, M.A. 1826. Last known address (as per General Council Registers), Beulah House, Upper Norwood; no information as to profession. FERGUSON, JAMES, M.A. 1809. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FERGUSON, JAMES, M.A. 1819. "F. n. 7 mus Georgii Artif. Greenock" [Matric. Alb. 181 5]. FERGUSON, JAMES, D.D. 1848. Minister of Beath, Fifeshire; died 19th March, 1866, aged 85. FERGUSON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1881. Perth. FERGUSON, JAMES, M.A. 1894. Licentiate of the U.P. Church; son of Fergus Ferguson, D.D. 1885 (q.v.). FERGUSON, JAMES THOMPSON, M.A. 1877. F.C. Minister at Cupar-Fife. 1 88 ROLL OF GRADUATES FERGUSON, JOHN, M.D. 1854. Glasgow; drowned 20th February, i860. FERGUSON, JOHN, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862. Assistant to Professor of Chemistry in Glasgow University, 1867-74; Professor of Chemistry therein since 1874; LL.D. of St. Andrews, 1887; born 23rd January, 1837- FERGUSON, JOHN, M.A. 1873, B.D. 1884. Minister of Aberdalgic. FERGUSON, JOHN HALL, M.A. 1880. Minister of Walton Congregational Church, Liverpool. FERGUSON, JOHN LOTHIAN, B.L. 1888. Writer, Glasgow. FERGUSON, JOHN WILLISON, M.A. 1835. "Fil. 2 dus nat. Jacobi Mercat. Glasg." [Matric. Alb. 1820]; Sub-Librarian to the University, 1828-32. FERGUSON, JOSHUA, M.A. 1890, M.B., CM. 1895. (Brunton Prizeman); Glasgow; Paisley; son of Fergus Ferguson, D.D. 1885, (q.v.). FERGUSON, MARTIN PATERSON, B.A. 1849, M.A. 1850. (1) Missionary in Springbank, Glasgow, and Assistant to Minister of St. George's Parish, Glasgow, 1853-54; (2) Minister at Innellan, 1854-62 ; (3) Minister of the Church of Scotland at Chascomus, Buenos Ayres, since 1862. FERGUSON, MATTHEW TAYLOR, M.A. 1884. Journalist in (1) Glasgow, (2) Bradford, (3) York, on editorial staff of the Yorkshire Herald. FERGUSON, MONTGOMERY, M.D. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FERGUSON, O'NEILL, M.D. 1844. Queenstown, Co. Cork ; Rathmines, Dublin ; Surgeon, R.N. ; Knight of the Order of Isabella of Spain; died 4th September, 1861. FERGUSON, PETER, M.A. 1886. (1) Teacher in High School, Falkirk; (2) Teacher in Blackstock Road Board School, London; (3) Teacher in South Hornsey Board School, London; (4) Lecturer at St. Thomas Charterhouse Pupil Teacher Centre, London. FERGUSON, PETER, M.B., CM. 1888. Pollokshields ; Ilkeston, Derbyshire; Pollokshields ; Govan. FERGUSON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1879. Glasgow; Glamorgan; Glengarnock; Kilbirnie; Melbourne; Newcastle, N.S. Wales. FERGUSON, ROBERT THOMSON, M.B., CM. 1886, M.D. 1896. Tarbert, Argyllshire ; Anstruther, Fife. ROLL OF GRADUATES 1 89 FERGUSON, THOMAS, CM. 1817. FERGUSON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1815. " Filius natu tertius Petri opificis in urbe Glasguensi" [Matric. Alb. 1804]. FERGUSON, WILLIAM BERTRAM OCHILTREE, M.B., CM. 1891. Lenzie ; Newcastle-on-Tyne. FERGUSSON. ALEXANDER, M.D. 1876. Peebles; died 15th February, 1887. FERGUSSON, ANDREW, M.D. 1819. Supposed to be the same person as Andrew Fergusson, M.D., Inspector- General of Military Hospitals, and Honorary Physician to the Queen, who died at 15 Hamilton Park Terrace, Glasgow, 8th April, 1870, aged 83. FERGUSSON, DAVID, B.L. 1876. Solicitor, Ayr. FERGUSSON, DAVID, M.A. 1893. Student of Law. FERGUSSON, JAMES, M.A. 1821. Minister of Inch, Galloway, 1822-62 (son of previous Minister thereof); born 3rd November, 1800; died 1st January, 1862. FERGUSSON, JAMES, M.D. 1862. Girvan ; Alexandra, Victoria, Australia. FERGUSSON, SIR JAMES, BARONET, LL.D. 1879. Of Kilkerran ; sometime Lieutenant and Captain in Grenadier Guards and Honorary Colonel, 3rd Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers; wounded at Battle of Inkermann; M.P. for (1) Ayrshire, (2) North-East Manchester; Governor of (1) South Australia, (2) New Zealand, (3) Bombay; has held several state offices, including Postmaster-Generalship, 1891-2 ; P.C. ; G.CS.I. ; K.C.M.G. ; CLE.; born at Edinburgh, 14th March, 1832; Dean of Faculties in Glasgow University, 1868 to 1869. FERGUSSON, JOHN, LL.D. 1855. Rector of (1) Arbroath Academy for 9 years, (2) Kelso Grammar School for 28 years ; born at Glenalmond, 22nd April, 1793 ; died at Kelso, 20th September, 1859; Professor John Nichol was boarded with him at Kelso, 1847-48. FERGUSSON, JOHN, M.A. 1866, B.D. 1869. Native of Pitlochry; Probationer of the Church of Scotland; died 22nd October, 1870, aged 38. FERGUSSON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1870. Native of Maybole; died, of phthisis, in Glasgow, 8th November, 1870. FERGUSSON, WILLIAM, B.L. 1877. Writer, Glasgow. FERGUSSON, WILLIAM EDWARD LAING, M.D. 1854. Macclesfield; London; died 25th April, 1880, 190 ROLL OF GRADUATES FERNANDEZ, THOMAS FRANCIS, M.D. 1837. London ; Isleham, Cambs. ; Ross, Herefordshire ; Ashfield, Suffolk ; Ross. FERRERO, ANNIBALE, LL.D. 1896. An eminent proficient in Mathematical and Geodetical Science ; Ambassador to this country from His Majesty the King of Italy. FERRERS, NORMAN MACLEOD, . LL.D. 1883. Master of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. FERRIE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1836. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. FERRIER, ROBERT MUIR, B.Sc. 1891. Lecturer in Durham College of Science, Newcastle-on-Tyne. FERRIES, JOHN, B.A. 1855. Minister of Edinkillie, Forres, till May, 1881, when he went to Manitoba; last known address, St. Ignace, Michigan, U.S.A. FETHERSTON, ROBERT, M.D. 1786. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FFORDE, ROBERT, M.D. 1834. " Hibernicus " [Grad. Alb.]. FIDDES, JAMES, M.A. 1775. " Filius natu Tertius Hugonis quondam Agricolae in Parochia de Devenish in Comitatu de Fermanagh, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1772]. FIELD, HENRY CARY, M.D. 1830. Blackrock, Co. Dublin; died 20th January, 1858. FIELD, JOHN, M.A. 1764. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FIELDING, THOMAS, M.D. 1863. Castle-Donington, Leicestershire; died 16th July, 1864. FIELDING, THOMAS, M.D. 1867, CM. 1868. Milton-Abbas, Dorsetshire. FIFE, ANDREW, M.A. 1804. "Filius natu 2 dus Gulielmi Mercatoris in Vico Kilmarnock et Comitatu de Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1798]. FILKIN, RICHARD, M.D. 1828. London; Richmond, Surrey; sometime Army Staff- Surgeon ; Travelling Medical Attendant to Dukes of Orleans and Montpensier, and Count Beaujolais, 1807; died 15th September, 1871, aged 95. FILSON, ALEXANDER BELL, M.D. 1852. Portaferry, Co. Down; died 1866. FINDLAY, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1892. Darvel; Nelson, Lanes. ROLL OF GRADUATES 191 FINDLAY, ARTHUR, M.A. 1880. Commercial Agent, Glasgow. FINDLAY, HARRY, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow ; Rangoon. FINDLAY, JAMES, M.A. 1831. Minister of (1) Broomknoll Secession Church, Airdrie, (2) Broomknoll Established Church, Airdrie, (3) Camlachie (afterwards Whitevale) Free Church, Glasgow; died 24th July, 1881. FINDLAY, JAMES, M.D. 1840. Castle- Douglas. FINDLAY, JAMES, M.A. 1872. Writer, Glasgow. FINDLAY, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1884. Penpont, Dumfriesshire; Workington, Cumberland; Newmarket, Suffolk. FINDLAY, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1889. Lossiemouth. FINDLAY, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow ; London. FINDLAY, JAMES CRAWFORD, M.A. 1891, LL.B. 1894. Writer, Glasgow. FINDLAY, JOHN, M.A. 1775. Minister of High Church, Paisley; died 25th March, 1821, aged 70; D.D. Edin. 1 8 10. FINDLAY, JOHN, B.A. 1840. Minister of Kirkoswald. FINDLAY, JOHN, M.D. 1841. Glasgow; died 1849. FINDLAY, JOHN AGNEW, M.A. 1885. Minister of Sprouston. FINDLAY, JOHN WAINMAN, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow; Melbourne; son of William Findlay, M.D. 1878 (q.v.). FINDLAY, ROBERT, M.A. 1737, D.D. 1776. Minister of (1) Stevenston, (2) Galston, (3) Paisley, (4) St. David's, Glasgow; Professor of Divinity in Glasgow University, 1782 to 1814; Dean of Faculties, 1772-74 and 1776-78; born 1721; died 15th June, 1814. FINDLAY, ROBERT, M.A. 1802. Of Easterhill, Merchant in Glasgow; grandson of Professor Robert Findlay (q.v.); died 27th June, 1862, aged 78; a life-long friend of "Christopher North." FINDLAY, WALTER SCOBIE, M,A. 1893. M.B., Ch.B. 1897. 192 ROLL OF GRADUATES FINDLAY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1775. "Filius natu tertius Gulielmi Agricolae in Parochia de Galston" [Matric. Alb. 1768]. FINDLAY, WILLIAM, B.A. 1840, M.A. 1841, M.D. 1843. Wavertree, Lanes.; died 1869. FINDLAY, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1878. Kilmarnock ; Glasgow. FINDLAY, WILLIAM, B.L. 1889. Writer, Glasgow. FINDLAY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1892. Advocate, Edinburgh. FINDLAY, WILLIAM DAVID, M.B., CM. 1895. Lenzie. FINKELSTEIN, ALBERT ALFRED, M.B., CM. 1895. Ship Surgeon; Glasgow. F INLAY, DAVID, M.D. 1830. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. FINLAY, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1884, M.D. 1888. Glasgow ; Bridgend, Glam. FINLAY, DAVID WHITE, B.A. i860, M.D., CM. 1864. Helensburgh; London (Lecturer on Medicine, etc., Middlesex Hospital Medical School) ; Degree Examiner on Medical Jurisprudence in Glasgow University, 1891 ; Professor of Practice of Medicine in University of Aberdeen since 1891. FINLAY, HUNTER, M.D. i860. Bothwell; Glasgow; London; Tilney-St. -Lawrence, Norfolk; London (Curate of St. Mary's, Spital Square); Emerald, Queensland; Townsville there; Winton there; Townsville. FINLAY, JAMES, M.D., CM. 1861. Stranraer ; Helensburgh. FINLAY, JAMES, M.D. 1865. Tarbert, Argyllshire; Campbeltown; died 26th August, 1870, aged 26. FINLAY, JAMES DONALD, M.B., CM. 1893. Ayr. FINLAY, JOHN, M.A. 1816. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. FINLAY, QUINTIN, M.A. 1767. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FINLAY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1807. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Dundonald, 1810-34; died 14th June, 1834, aged 47. ROLL OF GRADUATES 1 93 FINLAYSON, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1877- Demerara; died 21st November, 1889. FINLAYSON, HENRY WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1887. Ship Surgeon; Surgeon, R.N. FINLAYSON, JAMES, M.D. 1838. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. FINLAYSON, JAMES, M.B. 1867, M.D. 1869. Glasgow j Manchester ; Glasgow : Physician and Lecturer on Clinical Medicine, Western Infirmary. FINLAYSON, JAMES, M.A. 1887. Teacher in (1) Bonnington Park High School, Peebles, (2) Technical College, Glasgow, (3) High School, Falkirk, (4) Shawlands School, Glasgow, (5) Preparatory College, 213 Buchanan Street, Glasgow. FINLAYSON, JOSEPH, M.A. 1798. Minister of Airdrie; died 7th October, 1838. FINLAYSON, THOMAS CAMPBELL, D.D. 1891. Minister of the Congregational Church at (1) Downing Place, Cambridge, (2) Rusholme, Manchester; born 5th February, 1836; died at 2 Woodside Place, Glasgow, 7th February, 1893; brother of James Finlayson, M.D. 1869 (q.v.). FINLEY, SAMUEL, D.D. 1763. Pastor of a Church at Nottingham, Md., and Head of an Academy there, 1744-60; President of the College at Princeton, New Jersey, 1761-66; born in County Armagh, 17 15; died in Philadelphia, 17th July, 1766. FINNIE, JOHN, M.A. 1749. Licentiate of Church of Scotland ; Librarian in University of Glasgow, 1767-72, and Tutor in Family of Proprietor of Stobcross, who named Finnieston after him; was presented to Parish of Blantyre in 1770, but settlement successfully opposed on account of his bodily weakness and infirmity ; died 2nd November, 1772. FINUCANE, DANIEL, M.D. 1850. Deputy Inspector-General, R.N. FIRTH, THOMAS, M.A. 1737. " Ang. filius natu maximus Joannis Firth de Kirkburton Eboracensis " [Matric. Alb. 1733]; fined for having "engaged in a night ramble" [Univ. Minutes, 9th and 12th April and 6th May, 1734]. FIRTH, WILLIAM, M.A. 1737. "Ang. filius natu secundus Joannis Firth in Shipley in Com. Eboracensi" [Matric. Alb. 1734]. FISHBORNE, THOMAS MOORE, M.D. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. N 194 ROLL OF GRADUATES FISHER, ALEXANDER BROWN, M.A. 1890. Assistant Teacher in Crookston Street Public School, Glasgow, 1881-90; Head Master of Kelso Public School since 1890. FISHER, CHARLES HOLDRICH, M.D. 1857. Sittingbourne, Kent. FISHER, FREDERICK BRIGGS, M.B., CM. 1865, M.D. 1872. London. FISHER, HENRY, M.D. 1863. Limerick; Dorking, Surrey; London; died June, 1891. FISHER, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1892. Lochgilphead ; Dalmally ; Balfron. FISHER, JAMES STEEL, M.A. 1883. Manager of British Legal Assurance Co., Glasgow. FISHER, MADDISON WALL, M.D. 1840. Monasterevan, Co. Kildare; Portarlington, Queen's Co.; died 7th January, 1892, aged 77. FISHER, MICHAEL WILLIAM, M.D. i860. King's Lynn; died 18th November, 1863, aged 27. FISHER, RICHARD, M.A. 1739. "Filius Jacobi Fisher in Com. de Lancaster" [Matric. Alb. 1736]. FISHER, ROBERT, M.A. 1739. "F. Fran. Fisher in Paroch. Cochram in Com. Cumbriae" [Matric. Alb. 1737]. FITT, SAMUEL, M.D. 1786. " Bermudensis " [Grad. Alb.]. FITZGERALD, JAMES MAURICE, M.D. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FITZGERALD, JOHN PATRICK, M.D. 1839. King William's Town, Cape Colony. FITZGERALD, WILLIAM, M.D. 1842. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FITZ-HENRY, EDWARD HENRY, M.D. 1851. Liverpool ; Foulksmill, Co. Wexford ; Adamstown, same Co. ; Liverpool ; Mentone, France. FITZMAURICE, THOMAS, LL.D. 1761. Of Llewenny Hall, Co. Denbigh; High Sheriff, 1781 ; Barrister-at Law of the Middle Temple, 1768; M.P. for (1) Co. Kerry, 1763-68, (2) Calne, 1768-74, (3) Wycombe, 1774-80; M.A. Oxon. 1764; D.C.L. 1773; second son of John, first Earl of Shelburne ; died 28th October, 1793, aged 51. FIXOTT, HENRY CLINE, M.D. 1849. Arichat, Cape Breton ; J. P. and Coroner. ROLL OF GRADUATES 195 FIXOTT, JAMES, M.D. 1846. Jersey. FLAVELL, THOMAS, B.A. 1848. "Filius natu max. Georgii mercatoris apud Ballymore in comitatu de Armagh" [Matric. Alb. 1843]. FLECK, WILLIAM SHEDDEN, M.A. 1871. F.C. Minister at Fairlie. FLEMING, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1771, D.D. 1800. Minister of Second Charge, Hamilton; born 30th July, 1747; died 28th May, 1830. FLEMING, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1797. Minister of Neilston, 1804-44; died 10th June, 1844, aged 75; D.D. St. Andrews, 1834. FLEMING, ALFRED JAMES, M.A. 1893, B.L. 1896. Writer, Glasgow. FLEMING, ARCHIBALD, B.A. 1853. Minister of St. Paul's, Perth. FLEMING, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1884. Teacher in Mearns Street Public School, Greenock, 1884-86; Head Master of the Public School, Lossiemouth, since 1886. FLEMING, CHARLES FRISKIN, M.A. 1886, B.D. 1889. English Presbyterian Minister at Middlesborough. FLEMING, DAVID, M.D. 1787. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FLEMING, DAVID, M.A. 1808. Minister of Carriden; died 19th January, i860, aged 70. FLEMING, DAVID, B.A. 1856. Curate of (1) St. Saviour, Leeds, 1858-59, (2) Grosmont, Yorks., 1859-63, (3) West Hartlepool, 1863-67 ; Vicar of Coxhoe, Co. Durham, since 1867. FLEMING, DAVID PINKERTON, M.A. 1895, LL.B. 1896. Qualifying for the Scottish Bar. FLEMING, EBENEZER, M.D. 1858. Stranraer; died 10th March, 1868. FLEMING, GEORGE, LL.D. 1883. M.R.C.V.S. 1855; F.R.C.V.S. 1877; entered Army Veterinary Department, 1855; Veterinary Surgeon, 1st class, 1867; Inspecting V.S., 1879; Principal V.S., 1883; retired 1890; served in Crimea, 1855-56, in China War, i860, and as V.S. to Royal Engineers, 3rd Hussars, and Life Guards; C.B. (Civil), 1887; born 1833. ig6 ROLL OF GRADUATES FLEMING, JAMES, M.A. 1810. " Filius natu Secundus Gulielmi Agricolae in parochia de Derryloran in comitatu de Tyronne" [Matric. Alb. 1807, p. 363]. FLEMING, JAMES, B.A. i860, M.A. 1861. Minister of Kettins. FLEMING, JAMES, M.A. 1880, LL.B. 1885. Writer, Glasgow. FLEMING, JOHN, M.A. 1730, D.D. 1786. Minister of Kilmalcolm, 1737-87; died 30th June, 1787, aged 76. FLEMING, JOHN, M.A. 1819. "F. n. 5 tus Thomae Mercatoris New Mills (Air)" [Matric. Alb. 1813]. FLEMING, JOHN, M.A. 1847- Sometime Minister of Martyrs', Paisley; afterwards Chaplain to Paisley Prison; died at Morningside, Edinburgh, 10th June, 1887; relative and biographer of Alexander Fleming, M.A. 1797 (q.v.). FLEMING, JOHN, M.A. 1876. Civil Engineer, Minas de Rio Tinto, Spain. FLEMING, JOHN GIBSON, M.D. 1830. Glasgow (sometime Lecturer on Clinical Surgery in the Royal Infirmary; Examiner for Medical Degrees in the University, 1863-75); born in Glasgow, 2nd December, 1809; died there, 2nd October, 1879. FLEMING, JOHN TURPIE, M.A. 1889. Assistant Master in the English Department of the High School of Glasgow. FLEMING, JOSEPH, M.D. 1863. Inch, Co. Donegal; Brigade-Surgeon-Lieut.-Col., Army. FLEMING, JOSEPH MACNAUGHTAN, M.D. 1857. Glasgow; Brigade-Surgeon-Lieut.-Col., I.M.S., Bengal; "his Diploma . . . accidentally destroyed by a fire which occurred at his Station in the East Indies " [Univ. Minute, 9th January, 1866]. FLEMING, ROBERT STEWART, M.A. 1887. Baptist Minister at (1) Pitlochry, (2) Elm Road, Beckenham, Kent. FLEMING, SAMUEL, M.A. 1743, M.D. 1750. "Filius Viri Reverendi Jacobi Fleming V.D.M. in parochia de Shankhill in Comitatu de Armagh" [Matric. Alb. 1740], FLEMING, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1895. Pegswood, Northumberland; Wigton, Cumberland; London. FLEMING, THOMAS M'CLELLAND, M.A. 1873. U.P. Minister at Cupar-Fife. FLEMING, WILLIAM, M.A. 1728. Minister of (1) Kirkintilloch, (2) Second Charge, Paisley; died 2nd January, 1747- ROLL OF GRADUATES 197 FLEMING, WILLIAM, M.A. 1806. 11 Filius Unicus Thomae Agricolae in parochia de Desertlin in comitatu de Deny in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1803]. FLEMING, WILLIAM, M.A. 1810. "Filius Natu Secundus Josiae Agricolae in parochia de Derryleran in comitatu de Tyronne" [Matric. Alb. 1807, p. 362]. FLEMING, WILLIAM, D.D. 1829. Sometime Librarian and College Chaplain to University of Glasgow ; there- after Minister of (1) Westruther, (2) Old Kilpatrick; afterwards Professor in the University of Glasgow of (1) Oriental Languages, 1831 to 1839, (2) Moral Philo- sophy, 1839 to 1866; died 3rd March, 1866. FLEMING, WILLIAM JAMES, M.B. 1872, M.D. 1879. Edinburgh ; Glasgow : sometime Assistant to Professor of Physiology in the University ; Lecturer on Physiology in Royal Infirmary Medical School ; Surgeon, Royal Infirmary; and Lecturer on Surgery in the University (Women's De- partment) ; Degree Examiner in Surgery and Clinical Surgery in the University, 1889-93; son of John Gibson Fleming, M.D. (q.v.). FLEMINGTON, JAMES WOODROW, M.D. 1862. Glasgow. FLETCHER, ^NEAS, M.A. 1763. "Filius natu secundus Joannis de Bernice in Argathelia" [Matric. Alb. 1757]. FLETCHER, ALEXANDER, CM. 1824. "F. n. 4 tus Donaldi Armigeri de Bernis in par. de Kilmun Argath" [Matric. Alb. 18 1 8]. FLETCHER, ISAAC, M.B., CM. 1890. Workington, Cumberland. FLETCHER, JOHN BURT, M.D. 1843. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FLETCHER, JOHN CORBET, M.B., CM. 1870. Glasgow; Tottenham, Middlesex; London. FLETCHER, JOSEPH, M.A. 1807, D.D. 1830. Minister of (1) Congregational Church at Blackburn, Lanes., (2) Stepney Meeting, London ; also for sometime Theological Tutor in Blackburn College ; born at Chester, 3rd December, 1784; died 8th June, 1843. FLETCHER, PHILIP, M.A. 1776. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FLETCHER, PHILIP, CM. 1818. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FLETCHER, THOMAS M'GIBBIN, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. 198 ROLL OF GRADUATES FLETT, OLIVER, D.D. 1881. Baptist Minister, Paisley, and Theological Tutor to Baptist Union of Scotland; died at Sannox, Arran, 20th August, 1894, aged 64. FLINT, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1892. Teacher in Queen's Park Public School, Langside, Glasgow. FLINT, GEORGE ROSS, M.D. 1859. Tain. FLINT, JAMES, M.A., M.D. 1768. Surgeon in Dumbarton ; Professor of Medicine in University of St. Andrews, 1770 to 1811. FLINT, ROBERT, LL.D. 1876. Minister of (1) Aberdeen, East, 1859-61, (2) Kilconquhar, 1861-64; Professor of Moral Philosophy in University of St. Andrews, 1864 to 1876; Professor of Divinity in University of Edinburgh since 1876; D.D. Edin. 1876; born 1837- FLOWER, JAMES EDWARD, M.A. 1870. Congregational Minister in (1) Basingstoke, Hants., 1872-78, (2) Nottingham, 1878-86, (3) London since 1886; Secretary of Recreative Evening Schools Association, London, 1886-96; Secretary of the Congregational Church-Aid and Home Missionary Society since 1896. FOGARTY, THOMAS TIMOTHY, M.D. 1834. Drogheda; died 21st March, 1863. FOGO, GEORGE LAURIE, M.A. 1867. Chaplain of the Church of Scotland in Dresden, 1871-82; Minister of Torthorwald since 1883. FOLDS, WILLIAM, M.A. 1772. "Natus in Hybernia filius natu maximus Joannis Verbi Dei Ministri in Parochia de Killanny in Comitatu de Monaghan" [Matric. Alb. 1770]. FOLEY, MICHAEL PETER, M.D. 1845. Kilrush, Co. Clare; died 1867. FOLEY, WILLIAM, M.D. 1836. Kilrush, Co. Clare; died 1886. FORBES, ALEXANDER, M.D., CM. 1833. Glasgow; Auchterarder ; died 1877. FORBES, CHARLES, M.D. 1841. Bovey-Tracey, Devon; Fleet Surgeon, R.N. ; Deal, Kent; died 21st May, 1886, aged 66. FORBES, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1876, M.D. 1887. Glasgow ; Amgoorie, Assam, East Indies ; Nazira there ; Suffry there. ROLL OF GRADUATES 199 FORBES, CHARLES, B.Sc. 1894. (1) Science Teacher in Petershill School, Glasgow, and Coatbridge Technical School, 1892-94; (2) Engineer, residing at Kinkell, Muir of Ord; died there, 29th December, 1896, aged 30. FORBES, JAMES, M.A. 1794. "Filius natu quartus Jacobi Coloni in Comit. de Argyle" [Matric. Alb. 1788]. FORBES, JOHN, LL.D. 1840. Minister of (1) Newington, Edinburgh, (2) St. Paul's, Glasgow, (3) Free St. Paul's there; died 25th December, 1874. FORBES, JOHN THOMAS, M.A. 1886. Minister of Baptist Church at (1) Cupar-Fife, (2) Westgate Road, Newcastle- on-Tyne, (3) Dublin Street, Edinburgh. FORBES, PATRICK, M.A. 1786. " Filius natu secundus Jacobi de Ardchasling natus in Comitatu Argatheliae " [Matric. Alb. 1781J. FORBES, ROBERT THOMSON, M.B., CM. 1871. Moffat; Buckhurst Hill, Essex; Breaston, Derbyshire. FORBES, THOMAS JOHN LAWSON, M.B., CM. 1894. Paisley; Glasgow. FORCADE, JOHN VERNON, M.D. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FORD, GEORGE JOHN, M.A. 1892. Teacher in (1) Rutland Crescent Public School, Govan, (2) Lome Street Public School, Glasgow, (3) Hamilton Crescent Public School, Partick. FORDYCE, JAMES, D.D. 1760. Minister of (1) Brechin, (2) Alloa, (3) Monkwell Street Presbyterian Church, London; born at Aberdeen, 1720; died at Bath, 1st October, 1796. FORFAR, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1894. Teacher in (1) Glasgow, (2) Bannockburn. FORMAN, ADAM, M.A. 181 5. Minister of (1) Innerwick, (2) Free Church, Leven; died 29th March, 1865, aged 71. FORMAN, ROBERT HALL, M.B., CM. 1878. Ratho, Midlothian; Glasgow; Surgeon, Imperial Ottoman Army; Surgeon- Major, British Army. FORREST, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1893. Widdrington, Northumberland; Cramlington there; Backworth there. FORREST, ALFRED, M.A. 1888, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow; Scarborough; Bridlington, Yorks. 200 ROLL OF GRADUATES FORREST, DAVID WILLIAM, M.A. 1878. U.P. Minister at (1) Hamilton, (2) Moffat, (3) Wellington Church, Glasgow. FORREST, JAMES, M.A. 1833. Native of Renfrewshire ; resident in one of the suburbs of New York City and owner of Real Estate there; died 1858. FORREST, JAMES LIDDELL, M.B., CM. 1895 Glasgow. FORREST, JOHN, M.D. 1799 Possibly Stirling \British Almanack, 1808]. FORREST, JOHN, M.D. 1857 Motherwell; J.P. FORREST, ROBERT WARDROP, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1869 Glasgow. FORREST, ROBERT WARDROP, M.B., CM. 1894 Glasgow; son of Robert Wardrop Forrest, M.D. 1869 (q.v.). FORREST, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1890 Glasgow; son of Robert Wardrop Forrest, M.D. 1869 (q.v.). FORRESTER, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1895 Glasgow. FORRESTER, WILLIAM ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1887 Lenzie; Balfron. FORSTER, JAMES, M.A. 1748 "Filius Jacobi in Parochia de Donaughmore in Com. de Donnegal" [Matric Alb. 1746]. FORSTER, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1895 Chester-le-Street, Co. Durham. FORSTER, ROBERT, M.A. 1777 "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FORSTER, THOMAS, M.A. 1776 " Natus in Hibernia, Filius Secundus Arthuri, Agricolae in Parochia de Ard- straw in Comit. de Tyrone" [Matric. Alb. 1775]. FORSYTH, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1868. Glasgow; London. FORSYTH, DAVID, M.A. 1870, B.Sc. 1884, D.Sc. 1890. (1) Head Master of Green Street School, Glasgow; (2) Master of Practising Schools, Church of Scotland Training College, Glasgow ; (3) Lecturer and Art Master in that College ; (4) Principal of the Higher Grade School, Leeds. FORSYTH, GEORGE, M.D. 1813. Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim; died 1857. 20 1 M.D. 1841. D.D. 1844. M.A. 1890. M.A. 1894. ROLL OF GRADUATES FORSYTH, JAMES, Londonderry; Culmore, Co. Deny; died 7th July, 1883. FORSYTH, JAMES, Minister of West Church, Aberdeen; died 1880. FORSYTH, JOHN, Private Tutor in Glasgow; B.Sc. Lond. FORSYTH, JOHN MACFARLANE, Teacher in Free Church Normal School, Glasgow, up to 1896. FORSYTH, ROBERT, M.D. i860. Sanquhar. \ FORSYTH, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1872. Birstal, Yorks. FORSYTH, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1894. Carstairs Junction; Cramlington, Northumberland. FORSYTH, WILLIAM, M.D. 1828. "Americanus" [Grad. Alb.]. FORSYTH, WILLIAM ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Newton-Stewart; died 20th July, 1891, aged 31. FORSYTHE, GEORGE, M.D. 1848. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FOSTER, ABRAHAM, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862. Minister of Park Road Congregational Church, Blackburn, since 1867. FOSTER, HENRY STUART HAMILTON, M.B., CM. 1885. Ballinacross, Co. Derry; died May, 1889. FOSTER, JOHN, M.A. 1757. "Filius natu major Jacobi in Comitatu de Cumberland" [Matric. Alb. 1754]. FOSTER, JOHN, M.D. 1826. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. FOSTER, MICHAEL, LL.D. 1880. M.D., F.R.S., Prelector on Physiology, Trinity College, Cambridge. FOTHERGILL, SAMUEL, M.D. 1802. Native of Yorkshire ; gave an affirmation instead of the Oath ; admitted a Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 30th September, 1805. FOTHERINGHAM, DAVID HUTTON, M.A. 1885, M.B., CM. 1890. Lake Nyasa (F.C. Medical Missionary); Skelmorlie, Ayrshire. FOTHERINGHAM, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1882. Motherwell. 202 ROLL OF GRADUATES FOUCART, LOUIS, M.D., CM. 1848. Glasgow; London (in 1850 witnessed accident to Sir Robert Peel on 29th June, and attended that statesman till his death on 2nd July) ; Sydney, New South Wales, where held many Government and other appointments; retired 1889, and took up residence in London. FOULDS, JAMES REID, M.B., CM. 1895. Duntocher; Clydebank. FOULIS, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1873, M.D. 1875. Pathologist and Lecturer on Pathology, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow; died 31st October, 1881, aged 35; Foulis Scholarship founded in his memory. FOX, GEORGE IRWIN, M.D. 1837. Plymouth. FOX, JOHN, M.D. 1836. Greenock; died 4th February, 1894. FOX, JOHN, M.D. 1839, M.A. 1844. " Filius natu maximus Joannis agricolae in parochia de Market Bosworth et comitatu de Leicester" [Matric. Alb. 1841]. FOX, WALTER, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow; London; New Zealand; Narrandera, N.S. Wales; Christchurch, N.Z. FOX, WILLIAM EDWARD, M.D. 1839. "Anglia" [Grad. Alb.]. FRAME, ARTHUR JAMES, M.D. 1851. An "Arthur J. Frame, M.D.," died at Grenada, West Indies, in 1863. FRAME, DAVID, M.A. 1887, M.B., CM. 1891, M.D. 1893. Carstairs Junction ; London. FRAME, JAMES, M.A. 1746. Minister of (1) Dalziel, (2) Alloa ; died 7 th March, 1803, aged 78. FRAME, JAMES WILLIAM, M.D. 1853. Native of Bothwell; practised in Australia and died there. FRAME, JOHN, CM. 1829. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FRAME, JOHN, M.A. 1868, B.D. 1871. Native of Hamilton; Licentiate of the U.P. Church; died 10th May, 1873. FRAME, JOSEPH, M.A. 1815. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. FRAME, ROBERT, M.D. 1838. Glasgow; Lesmahagow; died 22nd October, 1877. FRAME, THOMAS, CM. 1823. Galston. FRANCE, JOHN, CM. 1829. Dumbarton. ROLL OF GRADUATES 203 FRANCE, WILLIAM, CM. 1841. Liverpool. FRANCES, DAVID LAWRENCE, M.A. 1882. Minister of Raith. FRANCIS, JAMES, M.A. 1896. Teacher in Calton Public School, Glasgow. FRANKLIN, FRANCIS, M.D. 1828. Leamington; Emscote, Warwickshire; died at Leamington, 25th May, 1864, aged 85. FRANKLIN, RICHARD, M.D. 1840. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FRASER, ALEXANDER, B.A. 1833, M.A. 1834. Congregational Minister at (1) Alloa, (2) Blackburn, Lanes.; died 1869, aged 62. FRASER, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1878. Manchester; Dublin: Professor of Anatomy, R.C.S., Ireland. FRASER, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1896. Student of Medicine. FRASER, ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, LL.D. 1871. F.C. Minister at Cramond, 1844-46; Professor of Logic in (1) New College, Edinburgh, 1846-56, (2) University of Edinburgh, 1856-91, when he resigned; Editor of N.B. Review, 1850-57; M.A. Edin. ; F.R.S.E. ; born at Manse of Ardchattan, 3rd September, 18 19. FRASER, ALEXANDER FALCONER, M.A. 1874, B.D. 1877. Minister of Middle Parish, Paisley, 1878-81; afterwards litterateur; born at Aberdeen, 5th June, 1855; died at Stirling, 9th March, 1893. FRASER, ALEXANDER RODGER, M.A. 1885, M.B., CM. 1889. Ship Surgeon ; died in Gulf of Suez, on board S.S. " Manora," 4th September, 1894. FRASER, CHARLES FREDERICK POLLOCK, M.A. 1888, LL.B. 1892. Writer, Glasgow; son of William Fraser, LL.D. (q.v.). FRASER, DANIEL, M.A. 1839, LL.D. 1858. (1) Classical Tutor in Airedale College, Bradford; (2) President thereof. FRASER, DONALD, M.B. 1867, CM. 1868, M.D. 1870. Glasgow; Paisley; Degree Examiner on Medicine and Clinical Medicine in Glasgow University, 1881-85. FRASER, FRANCIS, M.D. 1782. "Served in the East India Company and on board his Majesty's Navy as Surgeon" [Univ. Minute, 3rd August, 1782]. FRASER, GEORGE ROBERT, M.D. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. 204 ROLL OF GRADUATES FRASER, JAMES WILLIAM, M.A. 1863. Ordained Missionary of Church of Scotland to Cape Breton, 1866-70; Minister of Church of Scotland Congregation at Rogers Hill and Cape John, Nova Scotia, since 1870. FRASER, JOHN, M.A. 1843, M.D. 1852. Glasgow ; Wolverhampton. FRASER, JOHN BAXTER, M.D., CM. 1862. Native of Nova Scotia; probably settled there. FRASER, JOHN GARDNER, B.A. 1857, M.A. 1858, D.D. 1894. Warden of Camden Theological College, Sydney, Australia, since 1864. FRASER, JOHN JAMES, M.B., CM. 1894. Collingham, Notts. ; Strathpeffer. FRASER, MATTHEW POLLOCK, M.A. 1878, LL.B. 1882. (1) Writer in Glasgow; (2) Advocate in Edinburgh; Member of University Court (as Rector's Assessor), 1893-96; son of William Fraser, LL.D. (q.v.). FRASER, NORMAN, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1887. Minister of Saffronhall U.P. Church, Hamilton. FRASER, PETER, M.B. 1876, M.D. 1892. Leyland, Lanes. FRASER, ROBERT MACKECHNIE, M.A. 1891, M.B., CM. 1895. Kilbarchan; Ilford, Essex. FRASER, SIMON, M.A. 1890. Head Master of (1) Church Street Public School, Partick, 1885-86, (2) Polmadie Public School, Glasgow, 1886-91, (3) Rosevale Street School, Partick, 1891-96, (4) Dowanhill Public School, Partick, since 1896. FRASER, THOMAS, M.D. 1749. "Practitioner of Physick in the Island of Antigua" [Univ. Minute, 8th December, 1749]. FRASER, THOMAS, D.D. 1887. Minister of Newport, Fife. FRASER, WILLIAM, M.D. 1863. Liverpool. FRASER, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1872. Sometime Head Master in the Normal Seminaries, Glasgow; thereafter (1849-79) Minister of Free Middle Church, Paisley; born at Cullen, 181 7; died 2 1 st September, 1879. FRASER, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1880. Salford, Lanes. FRAZER, HENRY, M.D. 1881. Ship Surgeon; Armagh; died 10th May, 1891, aged 43. ROLL OF GRADUATES 205 FRAZER, JAMES GEORGE, M.A. 1874, LL.D. 1895. Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge; and of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law. FRAZER, JOSEPH M'NEILL, M.A. 1886, B.D. 1890. Minister of Langside, Glasgow, since 1897. FRAZER, ROBERT, M.A. 1777. Official in the establishment of the Prince of Wales (George IV.); Government Statistician and Surveyor in Isle of Man, Devon, Cornwall, and Ireland ; originator of the Harbour of Kingstown ; statistical writer ; born at Manse of Redgorton circa 1760; died 1831; cousin of Thomas Thomson, M.A. 1789 (q.v.). FRAZER, THOMAS, M.D. 1849. Deputy Inspector of Hospitals and Fleets; died 26th May, 1878, aged 72. FRAZER, WYNNE B., M.D. 1822. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FREE, RICHARD WILLIAM, M.A. 1884. Minister of Orange Street Chapel, London, 1887-89; Senior Curate of Emmanuel, West Dulwich, London, 1889-91 ; Priest-in- Charge of St. Michael's Mission, North Kensington, London, 1891-93; Senior Curate of All Saints', Finchley Road, London, 1893-96 ; Priest-in-Charge of Christ Church Mission, Poplar, London, since 1896; B.D. St. Andrews, 1890. FREEBAIRN, CHARLES, M.D. 1821. Hamilton. FREEBAIRN, JOHN BUCHANAN, M.A. 1883. Head Master of (1) St. Paul's Parish School, Glasgow, 1874-83, (2) Shuttle Street Public School there, 1883-86, (3) Alexander's Public School there, 1886-90, (4) Napiershall Public School there since 1890. FREEBAIRN, ROBERT JARDINE, M.B., CM. 1887. Tilt Cove, Newfoundland ; Manuels there. FREEBAIRN, THOMAS, M.A. 1789. Minister of New Monkland; died nth April, 1800. FREELAND, ANDREW, M.D., CM. 1864. Port-Glasgow ; Buckhurst, Essex ; Barrhead ; Liverpool ; Uddingston. FREELAND, GEORGE, M.A. 1854 "Fil. nat. quint, defuncti Roberti Mercatoris in oppid. de Kirkintilloch" [Matric. Alb. 1847]. FREELAND, JOHN, M.A. 1838. F.C. Minister at Innerwick. FREELAND, JOHN ELLIS, M.D. 1859, CM. 1859, Port-Glasgow; Hong Kong. 206 ROLL OF GRADUATES FREELAND, RICHARD, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1885. Overtown, Lanarkshire ; Broxburn. FREELAND, WILLIAM, M.A. 1799. Minister of Buchanan; died 5th November, 1847, aged 72. FREELAND, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1835. Minister of (1) Presbyterian Church, Kingstown, Dublin, (2) Presbyterian Church, Ballygawley, Co. Tyrone, (3) East Chapel, Airdrie, (4) St. Mary's, Dumfries, (5) Balmaghie, (6) a charge in Canada; died there circa i860. FRENCH, ALEXANDER, B.A. 1850, M.A. 1851. E.U. Minister at (1) Musselburgh, (2) Dalkeith; latterly teacher in New Zealand. FRENCH, JOHN, D.D. 1846. Minister of the Relief Church at (1) Strathaven, (2) College Street, Edinburgh; died nth January, 1858, aged 65. FRENCH, ROBERT, M.A. 1869. U.P. Minister at (1) Dunfermline, (2) Liverpool; died 25th October, 1872, aged 30. FREW, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow; Kilmun; Helensburgh; Landscape Painter. FREW, DAVID, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1887. Minister of Urr. FREW, JAMES FISHER, M.B., CM. 1892. Clayton West, Yorks. ; Bury, Lanes. ; Hollinwood there. FREW, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1891. Kirkmuirhill, Lanarkshire ; Partick ; Bradford, Yorks. FREW, ROBERT SCOTT, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. FRIMBLE, GEORGE, M.D. 1802. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FRISSILLE, JOHN, M.A. 1789. " Filius natu maximus Joannis Armigeri de Ramsay in Insula Mona, ibique natus" [Matric. Alb. 1787]. FROHLICH, IZIDOR, LL.D. 1896. Professor of Physics in the University of Buda-Pest. FROUDE, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1876. Engineer and Naval Architect; born at Dartington parsonage, Devonshire, 28th November, 1810; died at Admiralty House, Simon's Town, when on cruise to Cape of Good Hope, 4th May, 1879; B.A. Oxon. 1832; M.A. 1837; brother of J. A. Froude, the historian. ROLL OF GRADUATES 207 FRY, GEORGE BARLOW, M.D. 1837. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. FRYAR, THOMAS DOBBIN, M.A. 1768. " Leonardi Filius natu maximus Mercatoris in urbe Cappy in Com. de Down Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1766]. FRYER, WILLIAM FRANCIS, M.D. 1850. Belfast; Fenagh, Co. Carlow; Clonburrin, same Co. FULLARTON, GEORGE, CM. 1831. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FULLARTON, JAMES, M.A. 1892, M.B., CM. 1893. Ship Surgeon ; Swinton, Yorks. FULLARTON, JOHN, M.A. 1794, M.D. 1800. Assistant Surgeon, Bengal Presidency (H.E.I.C.S.), 1802-13; thereafter Banker in Calcutta; settled in London, with fortune, 1820; returned to India, 1833; entrusted with an important Mission to China, 1834; in London again, 1838; died 24th October, 1849. FULLARTON, JOHN HAMILTON, B.Sc. 1880, M.A. 1882, D.Sc. 1890. Assistant to Professor of Natural History in Glasgow University, 1885-89; Secretary to Local Examination Board, 1884-89 ; Zoologist to Fishery Board for Scotland, 1889-97 > Sub-Lessee under that Board of Clyde mussel-beds, 1897; Degree Examiner on Natural History in Glasgow University since 1893. FULLARTON, NEIL, M.B., CM. 1877. Lamlash, Arran. FULLARTON, NEIL, M.B., CM. 1879. Newton, Lanarkshire; Brodick, Arran; died 30th April, 1885. FULLARTON, ROBERT, M.A. 1887. (1) Mercantile Clerk; (2) Student of Medicine. FULLARTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1870. F.C. Minister at Dalton, Dumfriesshire. FULLARTON, WILLIAM WALLACE, M.B. 1878. Ship Surgeon ; Long Sutton, Lines. ; Ballantrae. FULLERTON, DAVID, M.A. 1754. Possibly the same person as David Fullarton, Presbyterian Minister of Carrickfergus ; ordained 1756; resigned 1767, and conformed to the Established Church. FULLERTON, ROBERT, M.D. 1842. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. FULLERTON, WILLIAM PITT, M.A. 1877, LL.B. 1879. Writer in Glasgow; died 17th April, 1897, aged 41. FULTON, ANDREW BOYD, M.B., CM. 1884. Manchester; Muirkirk, 208 ROLL OF GRADUATES FULTON, GEORGE CLARK HUTTON, M.B., CM. 1883. Wishaw ; Grange Town, Yorks. ; Eston there. FULTON, JOHN, B.A. 1840, M.A. 1841. F.C Minister at Garvald, by Haddington, 1846-60; born 1821 ; died 9th August, 1865. FULTON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1869. Prahran, Australia; Melbourne. FULTON, JOHN, M.A. 1894. Student of Theology in Free Church College, Glasgow. FULTON, ROBERT, M.D. 1839. Temple Farm, Maryhill; sometime Surgeon, R.N; died nth January, 1864. FULTON, ROBERT, M.A. 1889, B.D. 1894. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. FULTON, THOMAS, M.D. 1859. Glasgow; Assistant Surgeon, R.N. ; died May, 1870. FULTON, THOMAS, M.D. 1863. Ballynahinch, Co. Down; Saintfield, same Co.; died 6th October, 1896. FULTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1836. Parochial Schoolmaster, Govan; died July, 1872 ; acted as Private Tutor to Professor John Nichol while the latter was a student of Glasgow University. FULTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1877. F.C. Minister at Whifflet. FULTON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1892. Kilbirnie; Stevenston. FULTON, WILLIAM WEST, M.B. 1868, M.D. 1872. Loughbrickland, Co. Down ; Philadelphia, U.S.A. FYFE, CHARLES JAMES, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow; London; Surgeon, R.N. ; killed at capture of Benin City, 18th February, 1897.. FYFE, HENRY BOWIE, B.L. 1875. Writer, Glasgow. FYFE, WILLIAM WESTWOOD, M.B., CM. 1893. Perth ; Cardross. FYFFE, EDWARD HENRY, M.B., CM. 1888. Fitzroy, Melbourne. GABBOTT, ROBERT MANSELL, M.D. 1845. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GAFF, JAMES DOBBIE, M.D., CM. i860. Chelmsford; Strathblane; Stevenston; Ardrossan; London, ROLL OF GRADUATES 209 GAHNE, FREDERICK, M.D. 1864. Corosal, British Honduras; Belize there. GAIRDNER, CHARLES, LL.D. 1889. General Manager of the Union Bank of Scotland, Glasgow (now retired). GAIRDNER, JOHN FRANCIS ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow; son of William Tennant Gairdner, M.D., Professor of Practice of Medicine in the University. GALAGHER, JOSEPH, B.A. 1841, M.A. 1842. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Dunfanaghy, 1849-69, when retired from active ministerial duty, and went to reside in Belfast; died 23rd January, 1878. GALBRAITH, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1882. Surgeon-General of Egyptian Army; died at Cairo, 31st July, 1889. GALBRAITH, HUMPHREY, M.A. 1782. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GALBRAITH, JAMES, M.A. 1856. Writer; Sheriff-Substitute of Lanarkshire; born at Stranraer, 7th January, 1 831; died at Glasgow, 4th April, 1880. GALBRAITH, JOHN, M.D. 1845. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GALBRAITH, JOHN SANDS, B.L. 1881. Writer, Glasgow. GALBRAITH, MATHEW, M.A. 1754. "Hugonis filius natu tertius in Comitatu de Tyrole in Hib." [Matric. Alb. !753]- GALBRAITH, ROBERT SHARPE, B.Sc. 1877. Solicitor in, and Mayor of, Tauranga, New Zealand; died at Tauranga, 21st February, 1890, aged 32. GALBRAITH, WILLIAM GUNN, M.A. 1885, B.L. 1888. Writer in Glasgow; son of James Galbraith, M.A. 1856 (q.v.). GALLAWAY, JAMES, M.A. 1833. (1) Minister of Independent Congregation at West Bromwich; (2) Missionary to Nova Scotia ; (3) Minister of Bishopgate Street Chapel, London ; (4) Secretary to English Congregational Chapel Building Society; born 14th May, 1809; died at West Bromwich, 16th September, 1886. GALLIE, CHARLES PINEL, M.B., CM. 1882. London, GALLOWAY, ALLAN, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1868. Dairy, Ayrshire ; Kilmaurs ; Greenock. GALLOWAY, ANDREW FLEMING, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. o 2IO ROLL OF GRADUATES GALLOWAY, HENRY, M.A. 1818. "F. n. max. Jacobi Ludimag. Logie (Perth)" [Matric. Alb. 1813]. GALLOWAY, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1872. Edenfield, Lanes. ; died 1885. GALLOWAY, JOHN, B.A. 1859, M.A. 1861. F.C. Minister at Kintore. GALLOWAY, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1890. Cambuslang ; Rhayader, Radnorshire. GALLOWAY, THOMAS LINDSAY, M.A. 1873. Civil and Mining Engineer in (1) Newcastle-on-Tyne, (2) Glasgow, (3) Campbeltown. GALLOWAY, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1867. Staff-Surgeon, R.N. GALLOWAY, WILLIAM BROWN, M.A. 1831. Conducted Moral Philosophy Class in Glasgow University during portion of Session 1836-37; Curate of (1) Barnard Castle, Co. Durham, 1841-45, (2) Brompton, London, 1845-47, (3) St. Pancras, London, 1847-48, (4) St. Mark's, St. Pancras, London, 1848-49; Incumbent and Vicar of St. Mark's, Regent's Park, London, 1849-88, when resigned. GALLWEY, JOHN HOPPNER MALCOLM, M.B., CM. 1873. Glasgow ; Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Coniston, Lanes. ; Ponteland, Northumber- land; Surgeon, Ottoman Army, during Russo-Turkish War; Newcastle-on-Tyne; died November, 1881, aged 28. GALT, ALEXANDER, B.Sc. 1887. Science Master in Allan Glen's School, Glasgow, 1878-83; Science Demon- strator to the Govan Parish School Board, 1883-89; University Assistant in Physical Laboratory of Glasgow University since 1892. GALT, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1891. (Brunton Prizeman); Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Glasgow: Assistant to Professor of Forensic Medicine in the University since 1896. GALT, MATTHEW, M.A. 1791. "Filius unicus Jacobi Ludimagistri in urbe Glasgua" [Matric. Alb. 1785]. GALT, WALTER ALEXANDER, M.A. 1880, B.D. 1883. English Presbyterian Minister at Walsall. GAMBLE, EDWARD PARKS, M.D. 1852. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GAMBLE, HUGH, M.D. 1840. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GAMBLE, JAMES, M.A. 1814. "Filius natu Secundus Jacobi Agricolae in parochia de Loughgilly in comitatu de Armagh" [Matric. Alb. 1810]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 211 GAMBLE, JOSIAS, M.D. 1787, M.A. 1797. Possibly the same person as Josias Gamble, Presbyterian Minister at Enniskillen, 1799 to 1804; thereafter Manufacturing Chemist in (1) County Monaghan, (2) Dublin, (3) St, Helen's, Lanes. ; died 27th January, 1848. GAMBLE, SAMUEL, D.D. 1817. Presbyterian Minister at Ramelton, County Donegal. GAMBLE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1731. Practitioner near Belfast. GARDE, HENRY CHARLES, M.D. 1836, CM. 1858. Youghal, Co. Cork; died 1893. GARDEN, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1779, M.D. 1785. Joined Revolutionary Army of South Carolina, 1780; at one time Aide- de-Camp to General Greene, and (in February, 1782) Lieutenant in Lee's Legion; published Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War, 1822; born in Charlestown, S.C., 4th December, 1757; died there, 29th February, 1829; son of Dr. Alexander Garden, the botanist. GARDEN, FRANCIS, LL.D. 1883. M.A. of Trinity College, Cambridge; Curate and Incumbent of various charges, 1836-52; Sub-Dean of H.M. Chapel Royal, 1859-84; born 1810; died 1884. GARDINER, ANDREW, B.A. 1836, M.A. 1839. U.P. Minister at (1) Kincardine, (2) Dean Street, Edinburgh; died 17th February, 1892, aged 78; D.D. St. Andrews, 1878. GARDINER, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1777. "Films natu unicus Thomae Agricolae in Parochia de Lanerk" [Matric. Alb. 1773]. GARDINER, GEORGE, CM. 1821. Guisely, Yorks. ; died 2nd November, 1864, aged 66. GARDINER, HENRY NIVEN, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow ; Workington ; Glasgow ; Lanchester, Co. Durham. GARDINER, JAMES, CM. 1827. 11 Hibernus " [Grad. Alb.]. GARDINER, JOHN, M.A. 1755. "Sylvestri filius natu secundus, M.D. in Urbe Boston, in Anglia-nova" [Matric. Alb. 1752]. GARDINER, JOHN, M.A. 1818. Parish Schoolmaster of Neilston, 1820-66; died 1866, aged 79. GARDINER, JOHN, M.D. 1845. Huddersfield; Brighton; died 1896. GARDINER, MATTHEW, M.A. 1793, D.D. 1831. Minister of Bothwell, 1802-65 5 died (Father of the Church), 4th June, 1865, aged 90. 212 ROLL OF GRADUATES GARDINER, MATTHEW HENRY, M.A. 1878. M.B., CM. Edin. 1883 j Richmond, Surrey. GARDINER, PETER, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1895. Shepton-Mallet, Somerset ; Antigua, W. Indies ; London ; Camborne, Cornwall. GARDINER, WILLIAM, M.D. 1852, CM. 1872. Ashton-under-Lyne. GARDNER, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1834. Minister of (1) Lethnot, 1842 to 1843, (2) Brechin, 1843 to 1893; died 1 2th April, 1893, aged 83. GARDNER, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1882. Ship Surgeon; Paisley. GARDNER, GILBERT OGILVIE, M.D. 1806. Lost his Diploma "all but the seal in the late Burmese War by the sinking of a Boat, which was afterwards got up again" [Univ. Minute, 10th October, 1826]. GARDNER, JAMES, M.A. 1814. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Clare, 1817-24, when "set aside from the ministry for immorality" \Hist. of Irish Presb. Congs., p. 89]. GARDNER, JAMES, M.A. 1840. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. GARDNER, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1882. Coatbridge ; Royton, Lanes. ; Manchester. . GARDNER, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. GARDNER, JAMES WILSON, M.A. 1894. Student of Theology in F.C. College, Glasgow. GARDNER, JOHN, M.D. 1836. Glasgow; died 1857. GARDNER, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1872. Glasgow; died 12th May, 1893. GARDNER, JOHN ANDERSON, B.A. 1861. Minister of (1) Grosvenor Square Presbyterian Church, Manchester, (2) Free Church, Langside, Glasgow (resigned 1890), (3) Presbyterian Church, Bluff, South Island, New Zealand. GARDNER, JOSEPH, B.A. 1859, M.A. i860. F.C. Minister at Macduff. GARDNER, RICHARD, M.D. 1863. Johnstone; died 14th December, 1874, aged 33. GARDNER, ROBERT, M.A. 1887, B.D. 1890. Minister of Bo'ness since 1896. ROLL OF GRADUATES 213 GARDNER, ROBERT IRVINE, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow; Enfield, Middlesex. GARDNER, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1874, M.D. 1876. Adelaide, South Australia; died at Naples, 1st April, 1897, aged 48. GARNER, JAMES, M.A. 1751, M.D. 1755. Intended for Dissenting Ministry in " South Britain " ; no trace of his career. GARRETT, GEORGE, M.D. 1821. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GARRETT, RICHARD, M.D. 1836. "Americanus" [Grad. Alb.]. GARRETT, THOMAS CLEATOR, M.B., CM. 1895. Ballaghennie, Bride, Isle of Man ; Worksop, Notts. ; Ballaghennie. GARTSHORE, JOHN FERGUSON, M.A. 1884. U.P. Missionary to (1) Old Calabar, (2) Jamaica. GARVEN, JOHN HILL, M.A. 1819. Minister (1) of Secession Church, Lanark, (2) at Maitland, New South Wales, (3) Shoalhaven, N.S.W. GARVIE, ALFRED ERNEST, M.A. 1889, B.D. 1894. (Logan Medallist); Congregational Minister at (1) Macduff, (2) Montrose; M.A. Oxon. GASKELL, JOHN, M.A. 1815. Dissenting Minister at (1) Thorne, (2) Stainforth, Yorks., (3) Duckinfield, Cheshire; died 22nd May, 1836, aged 41. GASKELL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1750. " Filius natu maximus Petri Gaskell in parochia de Wigan in Com. Lancastriae" [Matric. Alb. 1747]. GASKELL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1825. Minister of Cross Street Unitarian Chapel, Manchester, 1828-84, and (1846- 53) Professor of English History and Literature in Manchester New College; born near Warrington, 24th July, 1805; died at Manchester, nth June, 1884; husband of Mrs. Elizabeth Gaskell, the novelist. GASON, JOSEPH WALLER, M.D. 1833. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GASS, ROBERT, M.A. 1808. " Filius Natu Maximus Joannis Mercatoris in Monaghan in comitatu ejusdem " [Matric. Alb. 1805]. GAUDIE, JOHN, M.A. 1734. GAWLEY, ECCLES, M.D. 1838. Foxford, Co. Mayo; died 26th September, 1873, a 8 e d 65. GAY, HERBERT MOULTRIE, M.B., CM. 1883. Burley, Rutland; Rochdale; Dubbo, N.S. Wales. 214 ROLL OF GRADUATES GEDDES, FRANCIS GILBERT, B.D. 1895. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland; M.A. Edin. 1887. GEDDES, ROBERT JAMES, M.A. 1881, M.B., CM. 1882. Dumfries; Surgeon-Major, Army. GELL, JOHN M'HUTCHIN, M.B., CM. 1882. Holt, Norfolk ; Douglas, Isle of Man ; Macclesfield ; Ramsey, Isle of Man. GELLAND, CHARLES, M.A. 1830. "Filius natu maximus Joannis agricolae in parochia de Magilligan et comitatu de Derry" [Matric. Alb. 1827]. GELSTON, ROBERT RINGROSE, M.D. 1837. Limerick. GEMMEL, HENRY STUART, M.A. 1883. Stockbroker, Glasgow. GEMMEL, JAMES, M.D. 1854, CM. 1858. Glasgow; Greenock; Dunoon (Honorary Sheriff-Substitute there, 1896-97); died 30th July, 1897. GEMMEL, JAMES FRANCIS, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow ; Greenock ; Lancaster. GEMMEL, JOHN, M.A. 1808. "F. n. Max. Gulielmi Agricolae, Fenwick, Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1804]. GEMMEL, JOHN, M.A. 1824, D.D. 1881. Minister of (1) Newton-Cromelin, Ireland, (2) Fairlie, (3) Free Church, Fairlie; died 25th March, 1884. GEMMEL, ROBERT, M.D. 1805. " Filius natu tertius Gavini Agricolae in Parochia de Muirkirk com. de Ayr " [Matric. Alb. 1802]. GEMMEL, WILLIAM BROWN, M.A. 1883. Writer, Glasgow. GEMMELL, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1887. Senior Assistant Master in Kilblain Academy, Greenock, 1885-86; Assistant Classical Master in Ayr Academy, 1886-89; Head Classical Master in Montrose Academy, 1889-93; Rector of Greenock Academy since 1893. GEMMELL, ANDREW, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1885. U.P. Minister at Ford, Midlothian. GEMMELL, ANDREW, M.A. 1892. Teacher (1) Govan, (2) Valparaiso. GEMMELL, JOHN, M.A. 1887. Teacher, Glasgow, in (a) Board Schools, (b) Allan Glen's School. GEMMELL, JOHN, M.A. 1891. (1) Assistant Master in North Public School, Paisley; (2) Head Master of the Public School, Luing. ROLL OF GRADUATES 21 5 GEMMELL, JOHN WOODBURN, M.A. 1886. Teacher in Kelvinside Academy, Glasgow. GEMMELL, ROBERT HOWIESON, M.B., CM. 1895. Ship Surgeon ; Rothesay. GEMMELL, SAMSON, M.B., CM. 1872, M.D. 1880. Glasgow : (1) Assistant to Professor of Practice of Medicine in the University, 1874-80; (2) Professor of that subject in Anderson's College. GEMMELL, THOMAS PEDAN, M.B., CM. 1880. Airdrie. GEMMELL, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1888. Crookston ; Glasgow ; Crookston ; London. GEMMELL, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1890, M.D. 1893. Galston ; Walsall, Staffs. ; Hanley there ; Portsea. GEMMILL, HUGH, M.A. 1870, B.D. 1873. U.P. Minister of Johnstone, East. GEMMILL, JAMES FAIRLIE, M.A. 1890, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow: Assistant to Professor of Anatomy in the University, 1895-97; Lecturer on Embryology therein since 1897. GEMMILL, JOHN, M.D. 1818. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. GEMMILL, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1874. Kirkmaiden; Drumore, Stranraer; Beith ; Dairy; died 1894. GENTLE, JAMES ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1889. Edinburgh ; Armathwaite, Cumberland ; Edinburgh ; Goole, Yorks. GENTLE, JOHN STEWART, M.D. 1859. Glasgow ; Kippen ; Algiers (winter). GENTLES, ANDREW MARTIN, M.A. 1890. U.P. Minister at Stow. GENTLES, HENRY WERNICKE, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow; Paisley; Selkirk; Chicago, U.S.A. GENTLES, NORMAN, B.L. 1896. Writer, Glasgow. GENTLES, THOMAS ADAM, M.A. 1886, LL.B. 1889. Writer, Glasgow. GEOGHEGAN, THOMAS GRACE, M.D. 1832. Dublin: (1) Lecturer on Forensic Medicine in Park Street School; (2) Professor of Forensic Medicine to Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland ; born 20th January, 1807 ; died 25th December, 1869. GEOGHEGAN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1838. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. 2l6 ROLL OF GRADUATES GEOGHEGAN, WILLIAM PACE, M.D. 1833. Kildare ; Liverpool ; London. GEORGE, JAMES, D.D. 1855. Minister of a congregation in connection with the Church of Scotland in Scarborough, Canada West; Professor in, and Vice- Principal of, Queen's College, Kingston, Canada. GEORGE, JAMES ALEXANDER, M.A. 1866. F.C. Minister at (1) Airdrie, (2) Montrose. GERNON, PETER, M.D. 1785. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GIB, JOHN, M.A. 1764. " Filius natu maximus Gulielmi A.M. Ludimagistri in parochia de Camnethan " [Matric. Alb. 1762]. GIBB, DAVID HUTCHISON, M.A. 1831. "F. n. 2 dus Joannis Mercat. Glasg." [Matric. Alb. 1826]. GIBB, GABRIEL, M.D. 1862. Glasgow; Helensburgh; died 15th September, 1875. GIBB, GAVIN, M.A. 1783, D.D. 1804. Minister of (1) Fintry, (2) Strathblane, (3) St. Andrew's Glasgow; Dean ot Faculties in Glasgow University, 1804-6, 1808-10, 1812-14; Professor of Oriental Languages therein, 1814-31 ; died 9th June, 1831. GIBB, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1871. Glasgow. GIBB, JAMES LAW, M.A. 1837. "Filius natu secundus Jacobi, Mercatoris apud Glasguam" [Matric. Alb. 1833]. GIBB, JAMES It, M.D. 1822. "F. n. 2 dus Andreae Villici Auchenleck" [Matric. Alb. 18 16]. GIBB, SPENCER BOYD, M.D. 1855. Army Surgeon; died 21st June, 186 1, aged 29. GIBB, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow ; Lenzie ; Glasgow ; Millport ; died suddenly, at Kokstad, East Griqualand, South Africa, 12th September, 1896. GIBB, WILLIAM FLETCHER, M.B., CM. 1883, M.D. 1885. Glasgow ; Glamorgan County Asylum ; Paisley. GIBB, WILLIAM P., M.D. 1834. "Fil. 2 dus n. Joannis Cauponis Sterlenensis " [Matric. Alb. 1824]. GIBB, WILLIAM RICHARDSON, M.A. 1806, M.D. 181 1. Served in the Peninsular War as a Surgeon under Wellington ; subsequently stationed in Canada, and quartered at Paris during the occupation of the City by the Allies after Waterloo ; afterwards Practitioner in Glasgow and Surgeon to the Royal Infirmary; died 1855; son of Professor Gavin Gibb (q.v.). ROLL OF GRADUATES 2 17 GIBBONS, DANIEL, M.D. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GIBBS, EDWARD JOHN, M.A. 1853. (1) Classical Tutor in University Hall, Gordon Square, London; (2) Iron Master in Wolverhampton ; (3) Litterateur in London. GIBBS, JOSEPH, M.D. 1744. "In Brandon-ferry in Comitatu Suffolciensi " [Matric. Alb. 1743]. GIBLIN, WILLIAM JAMES, ' M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow. GIBSON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1817. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Mullingar, 1823-58, when suspended from the ministry; died 12th June, 1862. GIBSON, EDWARD, M.D. 1838. London ; Hillsboro', Forest, Ontario, Canada. GIBSON, EDWIN ARTHUR, M.B., CM. 1891. London; Glasgow; son of Henry Gibson, M.A. 185 1 (q.v.). GIBSON, GEORGE ALEXANDER, M.A. 1881. Assistant to Professor of Mathematics in Glasgow University, 1883-95, an d Additional Examiner in Arts during great part of that time ; Lecturer on Mathe- matics in the University during summers 1893, 1894, and 1895; Professor of Mathematics in Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College since November, 1895 ; Preliminary Examiner on Mathematics in the University from 1st February, 1897. GIBSON, HENRY, B.A. 1849, M.A. 185 1. Minister of Glenapp. GIBSON, JAMES, M.A. 1782. "Filius natu quartus Gulielmi in Urbe Glasguae" [Matric. Alb. 1770]; possibly the same person as James Gibson, Licentiate of the Church of Scotland, sometime Rector of the Grammar School in Inveraray, thereafter one of the Masters in the Grammar School of Glasgow. GIBSON, JAMES, M.A. 1797. Possibly the same person as James Gibson, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Lislooney, 1801-34, when resigned through infirmity; died December, 1866. GIBSON, JAMES, M.A. 1817, D.D. 1862. Minister of (1) Kingston, Glasgow, (2) Kingston Free Church there; Pro- fessor of Divinity and Church History in Free Church College, Glasgow ; born at Crieff, 31st January, 1799; died 2nd November, 1871. GIBSON, JAMES, M.D. 1842, CM. 1857. Rich-hill, Co. Armagh; Belfast; Melbourne. GIBSON, JAMES, D.D. 1852. Minister of Avoch; died 16th April, 1866, aged 67. 21 8 ROLL OF GRADUATES GIBSON, JAMES, M.A. 1877 Teacher in (1) West of Scotland Institution, Glasgow, (2) Garnethill Public School there, (3) Whitehill (Girls') Public School there; Head Master of (1) Henderson Street Public School there, (2) Dennistoun Public School there. GIBSON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1883. Doune ; West Vale, Yorks. ; Doune. GIBSON, JAMES ALEXANDER, B.L. 1888. Writer, Glasgow. GIBSON, JAMES DUNCAN WALKER, M.A. 1879, B.D. 1882. Minister of Carmichael. GIBSON, JOHN, M.A. 1799. "Filius natu maximus Matthei Ludimagistri in urbeGlasg." [Matric. Alb. 1793]. GIBSON, JOHN, M.A. 1813. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Bally waiter, 18 19-61 5 died 13th May, 1861. GIBSON, JOHN, M.A. 1881. U.P. Minister at Whitburn. GIBSON, JOHN, M.A. 1888. (1) Assistant Master in Rothesay Public School; (2) Head Master of Balder- nock Public School since 1891. GIBSON, JOHN BURNS, M.A. 1864, M.D. 1865. Saltcoats ; Workington ; Farnham, Surrey ; Bideford, Devon (Depute Coroner there); Irvine; London. GIBSON, JOHN CAMPBELL, M.A. 1870. English Presbyterian Missionary to the Chinese at Swatow. GIBSON, JOHN MACDOUGALL, M.A. 1869. Sometime Advocate, Edinburgh; appointed December, 1881, Substitute Procureur and Advocate General, Mauritius; died 1st November, 1886. GIBSON, JOHN ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1885, M.D. 1888. Colmonell, Ayrshire ; Stranraer ; Lennoxtown ; Paisley ; son of Henry Gibson, M.A. 185 1 (q.v.). GIBSON, LAURENCE MILLER, M.A. 1894. Assistant Minister of E.P. Church, Croydon. GIBSON, THOMAS, M.D. 1827. Rothesay; died 17th November, 1862. GIBSON, THOMAS, M.A. 1838. M Filius natu quartus defuncti Johannis agricolae in parochia de Kilmore et comitatu de Armagh" [Matric. Alb. 1835]. GIBSON, WILLIAM JOHN, M.A. 1888. Assistant Master in (1) Douglas Academy, Newton-Stewart, 1888-89, (2) Boys' Latin School, Boston, Mass., U.S.A., 1889-90, (3) Public School, Rothesay, 1891-94; Head Master of Nicolson Institution, Stornoway, since 1894. ROLL OF GRADUATES 219 GIFFEN, ANDREW BROWNLIE, M.A. 1884. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. GIFFEN, JOHN STEWART, B.A. 1839. U.P. Minister at Earlston (West Church); died 19th July, 1847, aged 29. GIFFEN, SIR ROBERT, LL.D. 1883. Law Apprentice and Clerk in Strathaven and Glasgow, 1850-57 ; Journalist, 1860-76; Chief of Statistical Department of Board of Trade, 1876-82; Assistant Secretary to that Board, 1882-93; Controller of Commercial, Labour, and Statistical Departments thereof, 1893-97, when retired; F.R.S. 1892; C.B. (Civil), 1891; K.C.B. (Civil), 1895; born 1837. GIFFORD, JAMES, M.A. 1887. Teacher (1) at Thomanean House, Milnathort, as Tutor in a private family, 1887-88, (2) at Mossgiel, N.S. Wales, in a like capacity, 1889, (3) under Wellington Education Board, New Zealand, 1890-95, (4) in High School of Glasgow, as one of the English Masters, 1895-96. GILBERT, JOHN, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1886. Minister of Howwood. GILBERT, JONATHAN, - M.D. 1843. Lurgan, Co. Armagh; died 1867. GILBERT, SIR JOSEPH HENRY, LL.D. 1883. Director, since 1843, of the Rothamsted Laboratory and Agricultural Experiments of Sir John Bennet Lawes, Bart.; Sibthorpian Professor of Rural Economy in Oxford University, 1884-90; F.R.S., etc., etc.; born 181 7; M.A. Oxon. 1884; K.B. 1893. GILBERT, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1880. Yeovil, Somerset; London; Sandhurst, Australia; Taranagulla there; died 5th March, 1889, aged 34. GILCHRIST, ALEXANDER, CM. 1830. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. GILCHRIST, ANDREW SCOULAR GALBRAITH, M.A. 1894, B.D. 1896. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. GILCHRIST, ARCHIBALD, M.D. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. GILCHRIST, EDWARD JAMES, M.A. 1884, B.D. 1891. English Presbyterian Minister at Ipswich. GILCHRIST, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow. GILCHRIST, JOHN, D.D. 1812. Minister of (1) East Church, Greenock, (2) Canongate, Edinburgh; died 23rd May, 1849, aged 79. 220 ROLL OF GRADUATES GILCHRIST, MARION, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow; the first woman graduate of the University; LL.A. St. Andrews. GILCHRIST, ROBERT MUIR, M.D. 1857. Dumbarton; Cawnpore, India; Staff-Assistant-Surgeon, Army; died 1866. GILCHRIST, ROBERT MUNN, M.B., CM. 1880. Paisley ; Bolton-le-Moors. GILCHRIST, THOMAS BLACKADDER, M.B., CM. 1893, M.D. 1896. Conisborough, Yorks. GILCHRIST, WILLIAM, M.A. 1821. Probably the same person as the Rev. William Gilchrist, M.A., who was Chaplain of Glasgow Prison in 1840, and Governor of Glasgow House of Refuge in 1 84 1 and subsequent years. GILCHRIST, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1850. Surgeon, H.E.I.C.S., and Professor of Medicine in Medical College, Madras; Rothesay; died at Rochester, 28th February, 1895, aged 88. GILFILLAN, JAMES, D.D. 1866. Secession and U.P. Minister at Stirling, 1822-69; DOrn at Comrie, nth May, 1797; died at Portobello, 28th January, 1874; brother of Rev. George Gilfillan. GILFILLAN, JAMES, M.A. 1887. Presbyterian Minister at Longtown, Cumberland. GILFILLAN, JOHN, M.A. 1814. " Filius natu Secundus Roberti Agricolae in parochia de Comber in comitatu de Derry in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 181 1]. GILFILLAN, ROBERT ZUILL, M.A. 1867, B.D. 1871. Minister of (1) North Kirk, Paisley, (2) Lochwinnoch; died 23rd December, 1892, aged 50. GILFILLAN, SAMUEL, M.A. 1813. "Filius natu Minimus Josephi Agricolae in parochia de Glendermett in comitatu de Derry" [Matric. Alb. 1810]. GILLAN, DAVID HEDLEY, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1892. Chaplain of the Church of Scotland in India ; son of George Green Gillan, M.A. (q.v.). GILLAN, GEORGE GREEN, B.A. 1851, M.A. 1854. Minister of Inverteil, 1858-59; Minister of Dalmellington, 1859-66; Church of Scotland Chaplain, Bengal, India, 1866-88; Minister of Carmunnock since 1888; son of Robert Gillan, D.D. (q.v.). GILLAN, JOHN, M.A. 1890, M.B., CM. 1895. Eston, Yorks. GILLAN, ROBERT, D.D. 1853. Minister of (1) Stamfordham, (2) South Shields, (3) Holytown, (4) Wishaw, (5) Abbotshall, (6) St. John's, Glasgow, (7) Inchinnan ; died 1st November, 1879, aged 80. ROLL OF GRADUATES 221 GILLAND, ROBERT BRYCE, M.D. i860. Glasgow; Brentwood, Essex; Moulsford, Berks.; died 8th March, 1887, aged 49. GILLESPIE, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1892. Johannesburg, Transvaal, S. Africa. GILLESPIE, JAMES, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in F.C. College, Glasgow. GILLESPIE, JAMES HOGG, M.A. 1892, B.D. 1895. licentiate of the Church of Scotland. GILLESPIE, JOHN, M.A. 1857. Minister of Mouswald. GILLESPIE, JOHN MORRIS, M.D. 1850. Rochdale; Accrington; died 7th September, 1875, aged 49. GILLESPIE, JOHN PATERSON, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow. GILLIES, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1760. Minister of Kilmaurs ; died 26th November, 1786. GILLIES, HUGH CAMERON, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1893. London. GILLIES, JOHN, M.A. 1764. Taught Greek Class in Glasgow University during illness and decline of Professor Moor; Travelling Tutor to sons of Lord Hopetoun; Historiographer to the King for Scotland; author of History of Ancient Greece, etc., etc.; LL.D. ; F.R.S. ; F.A.S. ; born at Brechin (elder brother of Lord Gillies), 18th January, 1747; died at Clapham, 5th February, 1836. GILLIES, JOHN, M.A. 1891. Minister at (1) Bendigo, Australia, (2) Rutherglen there. GILLIES, MALCOLM, M.B., CM. 1890. Easdale. GILLIES, WILLIAM, M.A. 1768. "Filius natu Secundus Roberti Agricolae in Beath " [Matric. Alb. 1764]. GILLIES, WILLIAM, M.A. 1877. (1) Rector of StielPs Hospital School, Tranent, 1877-79; (2) Market Gardener on a large scale in Melbourne; address (1896), Rothmines Grove, Auburn, Melbourne. GILLIES, WILLIAM KING, M.A. 1895. (Logan Medallist) ; Snell Exhibitioner, 1895. GILLISON, HENRY TOD, M.A. 1887, B.D. 1891. Licentiate of the Free Church. GILLKREST, JAMES, M.D. 1820. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. 222 ROLL OF GRADUATES GILLMER, ALEXANDER BIRCH, CM. 1822. "Hibernia" [Grad. Alb.]. GILLON, GEORGE GORE, M.B., CM. 1878, M.D. 1894. Carmarthen ; Dunedin, New Zealand ; Wellington there ; Sydney. GILLON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1810. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GILMER, GEORGE, M.D. 1764. GILMOR, WILLIAM ARTHUR R. CM. 1830. " Canadiensis " [Grad. Alb.]. GILMORE, SAMUEL, B.A. 1850. Medical Practitioner (L.R.C.S. Edin. 1858), Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan; applied [Univ. Minute, 3rd March, 1852] "for a renewal of his Diploma, he having lost his former one by Shipwreck." GILMOUR, ADAM, M.D. i860. Stewarton ; Duntocher; died there, 23rd July, 1895, aged 59. GILMOUR, JAMES, M.A. 1867. Missionary (London Missionary Society) to China; died at Tientsin there, 21st May, 1891, aged 48. GILMOUR, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1891 Glasgow; Brecon; Duntocher; son of Adam Gilmour, M.D. i860 (q.v.) GILMOUR, WILLIAM M'INTOSH, M.D. 1864 Govan ; Ibrox. GILPIN, RICHARD, CM. 1826 Copney, Co. Tyrone; died 26th January, 1865. GILPIN, THOMAS, B.A, 1792 11 Filius Natu Minimus Sawrey Gilpin Artificis in Urbe Londinensi " [Matric Alb. 1790]. GILROY, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1889 Waterbeck, Ecclefechan. GILROY, ROBERT CAMPBELL, * M.B., CM. 1885 Neilston ; Paisley ; Birmingham. GIMLETT, HART, M.D. 1844 Fleet-Surgeon, R.N. ; died 1st August, 1877, aged 54. GINSBURG, CHRISTIAN DAVID, LL.D. 1863 An eminent Rabbinical Scholar; one of the original members appointed by Convocation for the revision of the English Version of the Old Testament Scriptures ; born in Warsaw, 1 830. GIRVAN, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1894. Ship Surgeon. GIRVAN, DAVID WYLLIE, M.B., CM. 1891. Maybole ; Hamilton ; Cardiff. ROLL OF GRADUATES 223 GIRVAN, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1891. Maybole. GIRVAN, JOHN, M.A. 1896. Student of Law. GIRVAN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1830. Maybole. GITLEN, JOHN PRIOR, LL.D. 1808. Minister, Bristol. GLADMAN, HENRY RICHARD ADAM, M.D. 1861, CM. 1861. Glasgow; died 1864. GLADSTONE, JAMES MORISON ROLLO, M.A. 1892. Curate of the Episcopal Church at (1) St. Andrew's, Edinburgh, (2) Oban. GLADSTONE, WILLIAM EWART, LL.D. 1879. P.C.; M.P. for (1) Newark, (2) University of Oxford, (3) South Lancashire, (4) Greenwich, (5) Mid Lothian; has held many state offices, including those of Chancellor of the Exchequer (four times) and First Lord of the Treasury (four times); Professor of Ancient History to Royal Academy, 1876; Lord Rector of (1) Edinburgh University, 1859-65, (2) Glasgow University, 1877-80; born at Liverpool (fourth son of Sir John Gladstone, Baronet, of Fasque, Kincardineshire), 29th December, 1809. GLAISTER, JOHN, M.B. 1879, M.D. 1885. Glasgow : Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in St. Mungo's College. GLAISTER, JOSEPH NEWBIGGING, M.B., CM. 1889. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow. GLAISTER, RICHARD, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1888. U.P. Minister at Kirkcudbright. GLASGOW, BENJAMIN, CM. 1825. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GLASGOW, EARL OF, LL.D. 1879. Sixth Earl; M.P. for Bute, 1865; Lord Clerk Register of Scotland, 1879; born 9th October, 1825; died at Edinburgh, 23rd April, 1890; LL.D. Edin. 1884. GLASGOW, EDWARD, CM. 1826. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GLASGOW, JOHN, M.A. 1739. "F. Johannis Glasgow A.M.V.D.M. Pastoris Eclesiae de Kil Burny" [Matric. Alb. 1730]; held Dundonald Bursary; died April, 1740 [Univ. Minute, 26th June, 1740]. GLEDHILL, JAMES GRIERSON, M.B., CM. 1883. Medical Practitioner and Barrister-at-Law, Manchester. GLEN, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1792. Minister of Parton, 1800-8; died 15th March, 1808, aged 34. 224 ROLL OF GRADUATES GLEN, DANIEL M'INTYRE, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. GLEN, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1894. Dumbarton. GLEN, JAMES, M.A. 1814. Minister of (1) Benholme, 1826-43, ( 2 ) Free Church there, 1843-66 ; died nth December, 1866, aged 75. GLEN, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1872. Middlesbro'; South Bank, Yorks. ; J.P. GLEN, JAMES, M.A. 1877, B.L. 1879. Writer, Glasgow. GLEN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1873. Glasgow ; South Bank, Yorks. ; Grange Town there. GLEN, NINIAN, B.Sc. 1874, M.A. 1875. Chartered Accountant, Glasgow. GLENALMOND, LORD. See Patton, George. GLENDINNING, JAMES, M.B. 1871, M.D. 1873. Abergavenny (Medical Superintendent, Joint Counties Asylum). GLENDY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1806. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Ballycarry, 1812-29, when, avowing himself an Arian, he seceded from the Synod of Ulster, with a portion of the congregation. GLENHOLME, HUGH, CM. 1832. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GLOVER, JOSEPH TUTHILL, M.D. 1844. Surgeon, Indian Army ; Fairview, Co. Dublin ; Rathmines, same Co. ; died 29th November, 1873, aged 55. GLOVER, MATTHEW, M.A. 1879. Schoolmaster, Senior Public School, Lesmahagow. GLUCKSBURG, HIS HIGHNESS PRINCE JOHN OF, LL.D. 1868. Uncle to H.R.H. the Princess of Wales; this Degree conferred at laying of Foundation Stone of new University Buildings, on 8th October, 1868, when H.R.H. the Prince of Wales (q.v.) was also created LL.D. GOADBY, THOMAS, B.A. 1856. "Fil. nat. secund. Josephi Verbi Dei Ministri in Comitatu de Leicester" [Matric. Alb. 1853]. GODFREY, LUKE, M.A. 1763, D.D. 1795. Rector of Middletoun, County Cork. GODFREY, MITCHELL, M.D. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb. J. ROLL OF GRADUATES 225 GODWIN, CHARLES, M.D. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GOFF, BRUCE, M.D. 1853. Glasgow; Bothvvell (Pres. Fac. Phys. and Surg. Glas. 1896). GOFF, BRUCE EDWARD, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow ; Wellington, New Zealand ; Brighton ; son of Bruce Goff, M. D. 1853 (q.v.). GOFF, JOHN, MB., CM. 1882, M.D. 1884. Glasgow; Dublin; Bothwell ; son of Bruce Goff, M.D. 1853 (q.v.). GOGARTY, ANDREW, M.D. 1838. Dublin. GOLDIE, ANDREW, M.A. 1884. F.C Minister at Glenisla. GOLDIE, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1891. Darvel; Ayr; died there, 6th March, 1895. GOLDIE, THOMAS, M.A. 1886. U.P. Minister at Newlands. GOOCH, CAESAR THOMAS, M.A. 1773. "Natus in Anglia filius natu secundus Caesaris Thomae Gooch defuncti quondam Scribae in Dyss in Comitatu de Norfolk" [Matric. Alb. 1770]. GOODALL, HENRY, M.D. i860. Native of India ; probably settled there. GOODFELLOW, JAMES ANDERSON, M.B., CM. 1887. Caistor, Lines. ; New Brampton, Derbyshire. GOODMAN, HYAM, M.A. 1894. Student of Medicine. GOODRICH, ALBERT, D.D. 1889. Minister of Congregational Church at (1) Braintree, Essex, 1865-77, (2) Elgin Place, Glasgow, 1877-90, (3) Chorlton Road, Manchester, since 1890. GOODRICH, EDITH ELLEN, M.B., CM. 1896. Manchester; daughter of Albert Goodrich, D.D. (q.v.). GORDON, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1858. Spalding, Lines. ; Steeple Langford, Wilts. ; Broad Chalk, Wilts. ; Glendaruel, Argyleshire; died 18th December, 1868, aged 31. GORDON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1887. Baptist Minister at Egremont, Liverpool, since 1888. GORDON, ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, M.D., CM. 1826. "F. n. 2 dus Georgii" (q.v.) "Pastoris de Sorn Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1818]. 22 6 ROLL OF GRADUATES GORDON, CHARLES JAMES MACKAY, M.A. 1887. (1) Assistant to Professor of Greek in St. Andrews University; (2) Master in Kelvinside Academy, Glasgow; (3) Tutor, at Castle Howard, Yorkshire, to sons of Earl of Carlisle; Snell Exhibitioner, 1887; B.A. Oxon. 1892. GORDON, DANIEL MINER, M.A. 1863, B.D. 1866, D.D. 1895. Minister of (1) St. Andrew's Church, Ottawa, Canada, (2) Knox Church, Winnipeg, Canada, (3) St. Andrew's Church, Halifax, Canada; now (since 1894) Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics in the Presbyterian College, Halifax. GORDON, DAVID, M.A. 1773. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GORDON, EDWARD STRATHEARN (BARON GORDON), LL.D. 1873- Advocate, 1835; Q.C. 1868; P.C. 1874; Sheriff of Perthshire, 1858-66; Solicitor-General for Scotland, 1866-67 ; Lord Advocate therefor, 1867-68 and 1874-76; M.P. for (1) Thetford, Norfolk, 1867 to 1868, (2) Universities of Glasgow and Aberdeen, 1869 to 1876; created in 1876 one of Lords of Appeal in Ordinary, with title of Baron; born at Inverness, 10th April, 1814; died at Brussels, 21st August, 1879; LL.D. Edin. 1869. GORDON, GARDINER, M.A. 1775, M.D. 1775. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GORDON, GEORGE, D.D. 1804. Minister of Sorn; died 24th December, 1805. GORDON, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1889. Ship Surgeon; Helmsdale, Sutherland; Milngavie; Glasgow. GORDON, GEORGE HENRY, M.D. 1833. " Filius natu maximus Joannis Armigeri de Cairnbuly in com. de Aberdeen " [Matric. Alb. 1829]. GORDON, HANS, CM. 1827. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GORDON, HUGH ALEXANDER, M.D. 1859 Professor of Anatomy and Medicine, Dalhonsie College, Halifax ; London. GORDON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1878. Coatbridge ; Bridge of Allan ; Coatbridge. GORDON, JAMES HENRY, M.D. 1863, CM. 1865. Carstairs Junction ; Sawbridgeworth, Herts. ; Pontypridd, Glam. ; East Grimstead, Wilts.; Salisbury; died there, 19th December, 1892, aged 52. GORDON, JOHN, M.D. 1750. Described in University Minute of 24th October, 1750, as "one of the expertest Surgeons in Glasgow, and who was the first person who taught anatomy in this University, long ago, with great applause and success " ; caricatured by Tobias Smollett (who served apprenticeship with him) as " Potion " in Roderick Random; died 1772. ROLL OF GRADUATES 227 GORDON, JOHN, M.A., M.D. 1775. "Filius natu maximus Georgii M.D. in Insula de St. Christophers" [Matric. Alb. 1770]. GORDON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1896. High Blantyre. GORDON, JOHN DYCE, M.B., CM. 1887. Easdale ; Selby, Yorks. ; died 1894. GORDON, LOCKHART, LL.D. 1752. Third son of John, third Earl of Aboyne; studied at Glasgow University; Lieutenant-Colonel in Army; Judge-Advocate-General of Bengal, 1787; died at Calcutta, 24th March, 1788. GORDON, ROBERT, CM. 1827. GORDON, ROBERT, M.D. 1831. " Hibernus " [Grad. Alb.]. GORDON, ROBERT POPE ROSS, M.A. 1882. M.B., CM. Edin. 1886; Dingwall; Montana, U.S.A. GORDON, THOMAS, M.A. 1864, B.D. 1879. Assistant to Ministers of (1) Bothwell, (2) Scone, (3) Twynholm, (4) Balmaghie, (5) Fenwick, 1866-77; Minister of Mission Church at Saughtree, Castleton, 1877-86; Assistant to Minister of Edgerston, 1887-88; locum tenens for Ministers of (1) Kirkcolm, (2) Middle Parish, Paisley, 1888-90; Minister of Edgerston since 1892. GORDON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1766. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. GORDON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1883. Govan; Ship Surgeon; Helmsdale; Glasgow; died 4th October, 1892. GORDON, WILLIAM IRELAND, M.A. 1869. Minister of (1) Walkerburn, (2) Tongland; B.D. Edin. 1872. GORDON, WILLIAM LESLIE, M.D. 1862. Glasgow; Melbourne, Australia; Ararat there; died 15th November, 1876. GORST, SIR JOHN ELDON, LL.D. 1894. Civil Commissioner of Waikato, N.Z., 1861-63; Barrister-at-Law, 1865; Q.C. 1875; M.P. for (1) Cambridge, 1866-68, (2) Chatham, 1875-92, (3) University of Cambridge since 1892; Solicitor-General, 1885; Parliamentary Secretary to the India Office, 1886; P.C. 1890; Financial Secretary to the Treasury, 1891 ; Vice-President of the Committee of Council, 1895 ; Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow, 1893-96; born 24th May, 1835. GOTTO, ARTHUR CHARLES, B.Sc. 1873. Civil Engineer: (1) Contractor's Resident Engineer of Rio de Janeiro City Improvements Company; (2) Managing Director of James P. Corry & Co., • Limited, Belfast. 22 8 ROLL OF GRADUATES GOUDIE, WILLIAM JOHN, B.Sc. 1895. Teacher of Engineering Science under the School Board of Glasgow. GOUDY, JAMES, M.A. 1821. "Filius natu Secundus viri Reverendi Jacobi Pastoris in comitatu de Monaghan in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 18 18]. GOULD, GEORGE PEARCE, M.A. 1872. Baptist Minister at (1) Bournemouth, (2) Cofham Grove, Bristol; thereafter Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament Exegesis in Baptist College, London, 1885-96; Principal of that College since 1896. GOULDSBURY, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1772. " Filius natu tertius Roberti Agricolae in Comitatu de Longford in Hibernia " [Matric. Alb. 1771]. GOURLAY, HUGH, M.A. 1755. Minister of Balfron ; died nth January, 1787, aged 55. GOURLAY, JAMES, M.A. 1754. Ordained Minister of Tillicoultry, 1765; demitted on account of ill-health, 1772; deposed for immorality, 22nd December, same year; sentence removed, 2nd February, 1773; afterwards went to America. GOURLAY, JAMES, B.Sc. 1889. Engineer in Glasgow. GOURLAY, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1883. Manchester; Oldham. GOURLAY, WILLIAM ROBERT, M.A. 1893. India Civil Service. GOURLEY, SAMUEL, M.D. 1864. West Hartlepool; J.P. GOURLEY, WALTER, M.A. 18 13. "Filius natu maximus Joannis Mercatoris apud Cookstoun in comitatu de Tyronne" [Matric. Alb. 1810]. GOVAN, HORACE EDWARD, M.A. 1887. Magazine Editor and Publisher, Glasgow. GOW, JOHN, M.A. 1826. "F. n. 4 tus Benjamini Mercatoris Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 18 17]. GOW, WILLIAM, M.A. 1876. Underwriter in (1) Liverpool, (2) New York. GOW, WILLIAM, M.A. 1895. Snell Exhibitioner, 1894. GOWAN, ANTHONY THOMSON, M.A. 1834, D.D. 1861. Congregational Minister at (1) Blackhills, Aberdeenshire, (2) Dalkeith; Professor of Biblical Literature in Congregational College, Edinburgh ; born at Whitehaven, 2nd March, 181 1; died at Dalkeith, 16th December, 1884. ROLL OF GRADUATES 229 GOWANS, ADAM LUKE, M.A. 1895. Publisher, Glasgow. GOWANS, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1876. Glasgow; Neweastle-on-Tyne ; Broughty-Ferry. GOWDIE, JOHN, M.D. 1846. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. GOYDER, CHARLES STONES, M.D. 1850. York; Spofforth, Yorks. ; died 1857, aged 28. GRACIE, FARQUHAR, M.B., CM. 1892. Yoker; Glasgow. GRAHAM, ANDREW, D.D. 1738. Rector of Blankney, Lincolnshire; M.D. 1720. GRAHAM, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1892. Sunderland; Sheffield; Ashton-in-Makerfield, Lanes. GRAHAM, ERNEST WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1896. Old Kilpatrick. GRAHAM, GEORGE WILLIAM BEST, CM. 1823. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. GRAHAM, HENRY, M.A. 1809. " Filius natu 3 US Henrici Agricolae in parochia de Maghera in Comitatu de Derry" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. GRAHAM, JACKSON, M.A. 1810. Presbyterian Minister of Armoy, Co. Antrim, 1814-80; died 9th January, 1880. GRAHAM, JAMES, M.D. 1736. "Son to the Laird of Glendoick" [University Minute, 14th November, 1736]. GRAHAM, JAMES, M.A. 1739. Minister of Bonhill; died 27th January, 1767. GRAHAM, JAMES, LL.D. 1804. See Montrose, Duke of. GRAHAM, JAMES, M.D. 1847. Cashel, Co. Tipperary; died May, 1870. GRAHAM, JAMES, B.L. 1877. Writer, Glasgow. GRAHAM, JAMES, LL.D. 1891. Writer in Glasgow, and sometime Dean of the Faculty of Procurators there. GRAHAM, JAMES COULTER, B.A. 1826, M.D. 1831. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]; died 28th October, 1841, aged 35 [Tombstone in Glasgow Necropolis]. 230 ROLL OF GRADUATES GRAHAM, JAMES DRUMMOND, M.A. 1873. Teacher in (1) Woodside School, Glasgow, till 1873, (2) Newton Academy, Ayr, 1873-77, (3) Grammar School, Ayr, 1877-97, when retired. GRAHAM, JAMES DRUMMOND, M.B., CM. 1896. Ayr; son of James Drummond Graham, M.A. (q.v.). GRAHAM, JAMES GIBSON, M.A. 1883. M.B. Edin. 1887; Partickhill, Glasgow. GRAHAM, JOHN, M.A. 1753. "Filius quondam Roberti Graham in Parochia de Minnigaff in Galovidia Ludi Magistri" [Matric. Alb. 1749]. GRAHAM, JOHN, M.A. 1763. " Filius natu unicus Alexandri Fabri Ferrari in Parochia de Southknapdale in Comitatu Argatheliae" [Matric. Alb. 1762]. GRAHAM, JOHN, M.A. 1795. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. GRAHAM, JOHN, M.A. 1796, D.D. 1825. Minister of (1) Fintry, (2) Killeam ; died 12th January, 1865, aged 87. GRAHAM, JOHN, M.A. 1799. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. GRAHAM, JOHN, B.A. 1849. " Fil. nat. max. Jacobi Verbi Dei Ministri in parochia de Fenwick " [Matric. Alb. 1843} GRAHAM, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1885. Pollokshields ; Fairlie. GRAHAM, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1896. Paisley; son of Thomas Graham, M.D. (q.v.). GRAHAM, JOHN THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1874, M.D. 1878. Tottenham, Middlesex ; Perth. GRAHAM, LANCELOT, M.A. 1766. " Filius natu minimus Lanceloti x\gricolae in Comitatu de Cumberland " [Matric. Alb. 1763]. GRAHAM, MATTHEW, M.A. 1796. Minister of (1) Johnstone, (2) Calton, Glasgow ; died 4th March, 1845, aged 71 ; "tried his hand in one of the lotteries so prevalent in London in the reign of George the Third, and pulled up a prize of ^1500, with which he erected what was called Gra/iam's Buildings in George Street " [P. Mackenzie's Reminiscences}. GRAHAM, PATRICK, M.A. 1776, D.D. 1795. Minister of Aberfoyle; "whose urbanity in communicating information on the subject of national antiquities is scarce exceeded by the stores of legendary lore which he has accumulated " [Note to Novel of Rob Roy] ; died 3rd August, 1835, aged 81. ROLL OF GRADUATES 231 GRAHAM, ROBERT, M.A. 1846, D.D. 1869. Minister of Kilbarchan, 1847-95; died nth November, 1895, aged 76. GRAHAM, ROBERT BALFOUR, D.D. 1852. Minister of (1) Stenton, (2) North Berwick; died 20th November, 1855. GRAHAM, THOMAS, M.A. 1824. Lecturer on Chemistry in (1) Portland Street Medical School, Glasgow, 1828, (2) Mechanics' Institution, Glasgow, 1829; Professor of Chemistry in (1) Ander- son's College, Glasgow, 1830-37, (2) University College, London, 1837-54; Assayer and Master of the Mint, 1854-69; F.R.S. 1836; born at Glasgow, 20th December, 1805; died 16th September, 1869; Member of Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, 1830; D.C.L. Oxon. 1855. GRAHAM, THOMAS, M.A. 1854. Minister of Martyrs', Glasgow, 1859-76; died 5th May, 1876, aged 43. GRAHAM, THOMAS, M.D. i860. Paisley. GRAHAM, THOMAS, B.L. 1883. Solicitor, Edinburgh. GRAHAM, THOMAS JOHN, M.D. 1828. Epsom, Surrey; died 28th October, 1876, aged 81. GRAHAM, WALTER, M.B., CM. 1895. Renton. GRAHAM, WILLIAM, M.A. 1732. GRAHAM, WILLIAM, D.D. 1879. Minister of Mount Pleasant Presbyterian Church, Liverpool, 1846-80; Pro- fessor of Church History in Theological College of Presbyterian Church of England, 1880-87; born 5th May, 1823; died 26th November, 1887. GRAHAM, WILLIAM, M.A. 1883. Writer, Glasgow. GRAHAM, WILLIAM, B.L. 1894. Writer, Glasgow; son of James Graham, LL.D. 1891 (q.v.). GRAHAME, ARCHIBALD, LL.B. 1826. Sometime Writer in Glasgow; thereafter Solicitor in Westminster; died at Brighton, 17th August, 1854. GRAHAME, JAMES, M.A. 1750. GRAHAME, JAMES, M.D. 1759. GRAHAME, JAMES, M.A. 1809. (1) W.S. ; (2) Advocate; (3) Curate of Shefton Mayne, Gloucestershire; (4) Sub-Curate of St. Margaret's, Durham ; (5) Curate of Sedgefield, Durham ; Author of "The Sabbath"; " Mary Stuart, an Historical Drama"; "Birds of Scotland," etc., etc. ; born at Glasgow (son of Thomas Grahame, Writer), 22nd April, 1765 ; died 14th September, 181 1; the "Sepulchral Grahame" of English Bards and Scotch Reviewers. 232 ROLL OF GRADUATES GRAHAME, JOHN, M.D. 1812. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. GRANGE, JAMES WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1881, M.D. 1888. Glasgow ; Old Cumnock ; Kersal, Lanes. GRANGER, JOHN ROSS, M.B. 1876. Glasgow; died there, 2nd November, 1894, aged 43. GRANGER, WILLIAM, M.A. 1881. Minister of St. Leonard's, Ayr. GRANT, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1842. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GRANT, SIR ALEXANDER, BART, LL.D. 1879. Of Dalvey; Examiner for Indian Civil Service, 1855 ; Inspector of Schools in Madras Presidency, 1858 ; Professor of History and Political Economy in Elphin- stone College, Madras, i860; Principal of the University of Edinburgh, 1868-84; born in New York, 13th September, 1826; died 30th November, 1884; B.A. Oxon. 1849; M.A. 1852; D.C.L. 1880; LL.D. Edin. 1865. GRANT, ALEXANDER BROWN, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in Glasgow University. GRANT, ALEXANDER LYALL, M.D., CM. 1868. Aberdeen; died nth September, 1872. GRANT, ALFRED ALEXANDER CUMMING, M.B., CM. 1894. Partick. GRANT, BREWIN, B.A. 1845. Originally a Tailor; afterwards Minister at (r) Prescot, Lanes., (2) Birming- ham, (3) Sheffield, (4) St. Paul's, Bethnal Green, London; died 25th January, 1892, aged 71. GRANT, CHARLES CHRISTIE, M.B., CM. 1887. Edinburgh ; Cymmer, Glam. GRANT, CHARLES MARTIN, M.A. 1865. Minister of St. Andrew's Church, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1866-68; Missionary Professor in the General Assembly's College, Calcutta, 1868-71; Minister of St. Mary's Parish, Partick, 1872-77; Minister of St. Mark's Parish, Dundee, since 1877. GRANT, CHARLES STUART, M.D. 1822, CM. 1825. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. GRANT, COLQUHOUN, M.D. 1833. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. GRANT, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1880. Medical Missionary of English Presbyterian Church to Amoy, China; Inverness. OF TM UNIVERSITY ROLL OF GRADUATES^ = Y ?** GRANT, FRANK LAURIE, M.A. 1891. Master in the Mathematical and Science Department of Glasgow High School. GRANT, GEORGE MONRO, M.A. 1857, D.D. 1878. Minister of Georgetown and St. Peter's Road, Prince Edward Island, 1861-63; Minister of St. Matthew's, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1863-77 ; Principal and Primarius Professor of Divinity in University of Queen's College, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, since 1877; born at Stellarton, Pictou, Nova Scotia, 22nd December, 1835. GRANT, JAMES, D.D. 1842. Minister of (1) South Leith, 1824-43, ( 2 ) St. Mary's, Edinburgh, 1843-71; resigned 1871; died 28th July, 1890, aged 90; D.C.L. Oxon. 1854. GRANT, JAMES BELL, M.A. 1883, B.D. 1887. Minister of St. Stephen's Parish, Glasgow. GRANT, JAMES HOME, M.A. 1889. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland, and Stockbroker in Glasgow. GRANT, JAMES ROBB, M.A. 1826. Minister of Buittle ; died there, 8th May, 1889, aged 82. GRANT, JOHN, B.L. 1892. Writer, Glasgow. GRANT, JOHN HOWITT, M.A. 1896. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. GRANT, JOHN M. C., M.D. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GRANT, PETER NAPIER, M.B., CM. 1892. Queensbury, Yorks. ; Lenzie. GRANT, STEPHEN, M.D. 1783. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GRANT, WALTER GORDON, M.D. 1835. " Hibernicus " [Grad. Alb.]. GRANT, WILLIAM, M.A. 1766. "Natu minimus Lucae Armig. in Urbe de Cork in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1764]; matriculated at Christ Church, Oxford, 10th September, 1763, aged 17; afterwards Student of Theology in Glasgow University; complained against "for breaking a Sedan Chair," but Libel found not proved [Univ. Minutes, 31st March, 2nd April, 3rd April, and 7th April, t 767] ; charged with fighting a duel, and fined Three Guineas by the University [Univ. Minutes, 4th May, 7th May, and 12th June, 1767]. GRANT, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1871, M.D. 1890. Glasgow ; Blantyre. 234 ROLL OF GRADUATES GRAY, ADAM, M.A. 1871. U.P. Minister at (1) Sutton, (2) Kirn. GRAY, ALBERT ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1890, M.D. 1896. Glasgow ; Blackburn ; Glasgow. GRAY, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1782. " Natus in parochia et comitatu de Lanark Alius Natu secundus Jacobi V.D.M. in parochia supradict." [Matric. Alb. 1776]. GRAY, ALEXANDER, D.D. 1828. Minister of Kincardine, Blair Drummond, 1813-63; died 30th September, 1863, aged 90. GRAY, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1832. Lanark; died 10th October, 1896. GRAY, ALEXANDER, B.A. 1846, M.A. 1848. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Minterburn, 1850-65, (2) Belfast, 1865-88; died 6th February, 1888. GRAY, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1878. Nelson, Lanes.; New Church there; Dalton-in-Furness there; Bradford, Yorks. GRAY, ALEXANDER CUTHILL, M.D. i860, CM. 1868. Glasgow; London; New Zealand; Selby, Yorks.; died May, 1880. GRAY, ALEXANDER DALRYMPLE, M.A. 1871. Missionary of U.P. Church to Rajpootana, India, 1875-88; U.P. Minister at Holywell, Cumberland, 1891-92; English Presbyterian Minister at Penrith since 1892. GRAY, ALEXANDER MITCHELL, B.L. 1891. Writer, Glasgow. GRAY, ANDREW, M.A. 1876, LL.D. 1896. Private Assistant and Secretary to Sir William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), Professor of Natural Philosophy in Glasgow University, 1874-80; Official Assistant to same, 1880-84; Professor of Physics in University College of North Wales, Bangor, since 1884; F.R.S. 1896; Examiner for Degrees in Arts (1892-95), Medicine (since 1893), and Science (since 1894) in Glasgow University. GRAY, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1886. Ship Surgeon ; Attercliffe, Yorks. ; Old Cumnock ; Hull. GRAY, ANDREW, M.A. 1888. Teacher in (1) Milton Public School, Glasgow, 1882-94, (2) Napiershall School there since 1894. GRAY, CHARLES, M.D. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GRAY, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1886. Salford, Lanes. ROLL OF GRADUATES 235 GRAY, DAVID, M.A. 1835. Son of Alexander Gray, D.D. (q.v.); followed no profession; emigrated to New Zealand; address (1896), Marine Parade, Ponsonby, Auckland. GRAY, DAVID CRAIGIE, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow; U.P. Missionary to China. GRAY, DONALD, M.A. 1884. F.C. Minister of Logie and Gauldry, Cupar-Fife. GRAY, DUNDAS M'QUEEN, M.D., CM. 1824. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. GRAY, EDWARD, CM. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GRAY, EDWARD WILLIAM, M.D. 1845. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. GRAY, GEORGE, D.D. 1840. Minister of (1) Eckford, 1822-28, (2) Maybole, 1828-40; Professor of Oriental Languages in Glasgow University, 1839-50; died at Moffat, 23rd June, 1850, aged 53. GRAY, HARRY ST. CLAIR, M.B., CM. 1886, M.D. 1888. Ship Surgeon ; Dublin ; Glasgow : sometime Lecturer on Midwifery in Western Medical School and (1894-96) Assistant to Professor Murdoch Cameron (q.v.). GRAY, JAMES. M.A. 1793. Minister (1) in Washington, N.Y., (2) of an Associate Reformed Church in Philadelphia; also conductor of a Classical Academy; afterwards resident in Baltimore, where he devoted himself to the study of special subjects in Theology ; born in Ireland, 25th December, 1770; died at Gettysburg, Pa., 20th September, 1824. GRAY, JAMES, M.A. 1812. "F. n. 2 dus Jacobi Agricolae, Blackford, Perth" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. GRAY, JAMES, M.A. 1884, B.D. 1887. Minister of (1) U.P. Church, Cathcart, (2) Union Church, Valparaiso. GRAY, JAMES HUNTER, M.A. 1892. Barrister-at-Law, London ; B.Sc. Lond. GRAY, JAMES NEILSON, M.A. 1895. Student of Law. GRAY, JAMES RODERICK, M.D. 1841. Glasgow; Liverpool; died 1895; son of Alexander Gray, D.D. (q.v.). GRAY, JAMES ST. CLAIR, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1871. Glasgow: Assistant to (1) Professor Harry Rainy (q.v.), 1869-72, and (2) Professor Andrew Buchanan (q.v.), 1872-74; died nth December, 1874, aged 27. 236 ROLL OF GRADUATES GRAY, JOHN, M.A. 1745. "Filius Niniani Gray in Urbe Perth" [Matric. Alb. 1742]. GRAY, SIR JOHN, M.D., CM. 1839. Obtained Hospital appointment in Dublin, 1839; Joint Proprietor of the Dublin Freeman's yournal, 1841 ; Sole Proprietor, 1850; Knighted, 1863; M.P. for Kilkenny City, 1865-75; born at Claremorris, Co. Mayo, 1816; died at Bath, gth April, 1875. GRAY, JOHN, M.D. i860. Glasgow; Armadale; Wishaw; Coatbridge; died 13th October, 1864. GRAY, JOHN, M.A. 1882. U.P. Minister at Baillieston. GRAY, JOHN, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1885. U.P. Minister of (1) Relief Church, Irvine, (2) St. George's Road Church, Glasgow. GRAY, JOHN, M.A. 1884. U.P. Minister at Rothesay, 1886 to 1888; resigned then on account of ill-health, and went to reside at Hillhead, Carluke; died there, 2nd March, 1895, aged 38. GRAY, JOHN, B.Sc. 1894. Private Secretary to Lord Kelvin (q.v.). GRAY, JOHN, M.A. 1896. Student of Law. GRAY, JOHN GILCHRIST, M.B., CM. 1889. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow. GRAY, ROBERT, M.A. 1770. " Scotus " [Grad. Alb.]. GRAY, ROBERT, M.A. 18 15. Possibly the same person as Robert Gray, Irish Presbyterian Minister at (1) Scriggan, 1819-33, (2) Burt, 1833-57; died 19th October, 1857. GRAY, SAMUEL, M.A. 1783. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GRAY, THOMAS, B.Sc. 1878. Instructor in Telegraphy in the Imperial College of Engineering, Tokio, Japan, 1878-81; Representative of the Engineers throughout the manufacture and laying of the Commercial Co.'s Atlantic Cables, 1882-84; Private Assistant to Sir William Thomson (Lord Kelvin), Professor of Natural Philosophy in Glasgow University, 1884-87; Professor of Dynamical Engineering in the Rose Polytechnic Institute, Terre Haute, Indiana, U.S.A., since 1887. GRAY, WILLIAM, M.A. 188 1. Minister of (1) Maisondieu U.P. Church, Brechin, 1885-96, (2) U.P. Church, Cambuslang, since 1896. ROLL OF GRADUATES 237 GRAY, WILLIAM LEWIS, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow; Surgeon-Captain, Army. GRAYDON, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GREEN, EDWARD FREDERICK SEAGER, M.B., CM. 1874, M.D. 1885. Overtown, Lanarkshire ; Bentham, Yorks. ; Claphara, Yorks. ; Woodbridge, Suffolk ; London. GREEN, GEORGE KILGOUR, M.A. 1890. Minister of English Presbyterian Church at Kendal. GREEN, HENRY, M.A. 1825. Minister of the Old Presbyterian Chapel, Knutsford, Cheshire, 1827-72; born near Penshurst, Kent, 23rd June, 1801 ; died at Knutsford, 9th August, 1873. GREEN, JOHN, M.D., CM. 1826. Newton-in-Mackerfield, Lanes.; died 22nd December, 1858, aged 56. GREEN, JOHN ANGUS, M.B., CM. 1891. Cornsay, Co. Durham ; Galston ; Glenluce ; Glasgow. GREEN, JOSEPH, M.B., CM. 1896. Partick. GREEN, MARLBOROUGH, M.A. 1734. "Ang. Hib. F. Roberti Green de Longford" [Matric. Alb. 1731]. GREEN, THOMAS HILL, LL.D. 1875. Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford. 1860-82; Whyte Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1878-82; born at Birkin, Yorkshire, 7th April, 1836; died 26th March, 1882; B.A. Oxon. 1859; M.A. 1862. GREEN, THOMAS WIMPENNEY, M.D. 1864. Rawtenstall, Lanes. GREENER, MICHAEL HINDMARSH, M.B., CM. 1884. Cardiff. GREENHEAD, CHARLES, M.D. 1825. Hurstbourne Park, Hants. GREENHILL, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow. GREENHORNE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1887. Assistant Teacher in Whiteinch Public School, 1878-87; Classical and Mathematical Master in Bellahouston Academy, 1887-94; Head Master of Whiteinch Public School since 1894. GREENLEES, WILLIAM, M.D. 1854. French Transport Service; Glasgow; died at 12 Cumin Place, Edinburgh, 8th May, 1891, aged 58. GREENSHIELDS, JAMES, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1889. F.C. Minister at Muirkirk. 238 ROLL OF GRADUATES GREENSHIELDS, ROBERT, M.A. 1888. English Presbyterian Minister at (1) Hanley, (2) St. George's, Liverpool. GREER, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1838. " Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GREER, DAVID, M.A. 1794. " Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GREER, SAMUEL MACURDY, M.A. 1828. Barrister-at-La\v in Dublin and on the North-West Circuit ; held office successively as Crown Prosecutor for Co. Tyrone, Recorder of Londonderry, and County Court Judge of Counties Cavan and Leitrim ; at one time M.P. for Co. Deny; died 23rd November, i88r, aged 71. GREER, WILLIAM, M.A. 1782. " Filius natu Tertius Jacobi Artificis in Parochia de Saul in Comitatu de Down in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1781]. GREG, FAVOUR JAMES, M.A. 1869. Snell Exhibitioner, 1866; Studied for U.P. Ministry; born at Glasgow, 1st March, r846; died suddenly at Oxford, 22nd May, 1870. GREGG, ALEXANDER BAIRD, CM. 1825. Auchinleck; died 7th January, 1848, aged 53. " Hear lies the dust of A. B. Gregg, Wha was a skilly doctor ; His labours he did freely gie, It wasna gowd he wrought for. "A fee he seldom ever sought And ne'er frae a puir body ; Was weel content gif he gat food, And whiles a glass o' toddy. "As lang's he dwalt among us here, Baith rich and puir did bless him ; And noo that he's been ta'en awa' At-weel-a-wat we miss him." [Epitaph in Auchinleck Churchyard.] GREGG, JOHN HUNTER, B.A. 1848. Sometime Assistant to the Presbyterian Minister of Trenta, Letterkenny, Co. Donegal, Ireland; thereafter Minister in America; resident (July, 1896) at 22i North Ashland Avenue, Chicago, U.S.A. ; born at Moneylaggin, Letterkenny, 1827. GREGG, THOMAS, M.D. 1838. Cork; died 12th March, 1877. GREGG, WILLIAM, B.A. 1843. (1) Minister of the Second or Cooke's Church in Toronto; (2) Professor of Apologetics in the Knox College there; born near Ramelton, Co. Donegal, Ireland, 1824. ROLL OF GRADUATES 239 GREGOR, ROBERT, M.A. 1809. "F. n. 5 tus Jacobi Agricolae Methven Perth" [Matric. Alb. 1805]. GREGORY, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1880. English Presbyterian Minister at (1) Wooler, (2) Amoy, China, (3) Wooler again. GREGORY, THOMAS, M.A. 1880. F.C. Minister at Kilmalcolm; Snell Exhibitioner, 1875; B.A. Oxon. 1879; M.A. 1883. GREGSON, THOMAS WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1880. Blackburn. GREIG, CHRISTOPHER, M.A. 1794. Minister of (1) Dunfermline Chapel, (2) Dysart, (3) Leslie, (4) St. Ninians, (5) Free St. Ninians ; died nth April, 1844, aged 70. GREIG, JOHN, M.A. 1824. Congregational Minister, Birmingham; died 1828. GREIG, JOHN, M.A. 1886. Teacher in (1) Church Street Public School, Partick, till 1890, (2) Blackness Public School, Dundee, since then. GREIVE, GEORGE, M.A. 1766. Native of Alnwick ; engaged in revolutionary movements, and became the persecutor of Madame Du Barry; emigrated to America, 1780; took up abode in Paris, 1783; returned to America, and resided at Alexandria, Virginia; eventually settled at Brussels and died there, 22nd February, 1809. GREVILLE, ROBERT KAYE, LL.D. 1824. Of Edinburgh ; Botanist ; Author of Scottish Cryptogamic Flora, Flora Edinensis, etc., etc.; born at Bishop Auckland, 13th December, 1794; died at Edinburgh, 4th June, 1866. GRIBBEN, HENRY, M.D. 1844. Glasgow. GRIER, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1847. "Septus" [Grad. Alb.]. GRIER, JAMES, M.D. 1787. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. GRIER, JOHN, M.A. 1811. " Filius Natu Maximus Archibaldi Agricolae in parochia de Rashaikin in comitatu de Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1808]. GRIER, JOHN, M.A. 1814. " Filius Natu Maximus Roberti Agricolae in parochia de Rashaikin in comitatu de Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1811]. GRIER, WILLIAM FISHER, M.B., CM. 1890. Aberdare; New York, U.S.A. 240 ROLL OF GRADUATES GRIERSON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1842. F.C. Minister at Kirkpatrick-Irongray ; died 5th May, 1880. GRIERSON, JOHN, U.D. 1835. Minister of (1) Dunning, (2) Dunblane; died 21st August, 1840, aged 48. GRIEVE, JAMES MUIR, M.A. 1888. U.P. Medical Missionary to Manchuria; M.B. Edin. 1895. GRIEVE, JOHN, M.A., M.D. 1777. Native of Peeblesshire; Licentiate (1786) of the Royal College of Physicians, London; settled in Russia; died circa 1807. GRIEVE, JOHN, M.A. 1846, M.D. 1850. Glasgow; died there, 16th April, 1896, aged 68. GRIEVE, ROBERT, M.D. 1861. Assistant Surgeon, R.N., 1861-63 (served against Taiping Rebels, 1862); Assistant Surgeon, ist Adm. Bat. E. York Rifle Volunteers, 1864-75; § ave surgical assistance in Orangeries Hospital for wounded at Darmstadt, 1870; Medical Superintendent of Metropolitan Asylums' Hospital at Hampstead, 1870, and of Berbice Public Lunatic Asylum, 1875 ; Surgeon-General, British Guiana, 1885, retired 1894; sometime Surgeon-General of Georgetown, Mil.; a M.C.P. for the Colony, and Chairman of Health, etc., Boards; C.M.G. 1894; born 1839. GRIEVE, ROBERT, M.A. 1889, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. GRIEVE, WALLACE, M.B., CM. 1870. Port-Glasgow; Hindpool, Lanes.; Barrow-in-Furness; died 1882. GRIFFIN, DANIEL, M.D. 1838. Limerick; died 31st July, 1863. GRIFFITH, GRIFFITH RICHARD, M.B., CM. 1876. Cumamman, South Wales ; Carnarvon ; J. P. GRIFFITH, WILLIAM MATTHIAS, M.A. 1886. Minister at (1) Llanrhaiaor, Oswestry, (2) Clynnog, Carnarvon, (3) Dyffryn, Merioneth. GRIFFITHS, GRIFFITH (Rev.), M.B., CM. 1878. Wignedd, Anglesey ; Mawphlung, Assam, E. Indies ; Cherrapoonjee there. GRIFFITHS, JOHN HUGHES, M.A. 1869. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Berriew and Montgomery, (2) Colwyn Bay, (3) Rhondda Valley, (4) Pembroke Dock, (5) Walnut Hills, Cincinnati, U.S.A. GRIGSBY, WILLIAM EBENEZER, M.A. 1867. Barrister-at-Law ; Professor of International Law in Jeddo University, 1874- 80; now Judge in Cyprus; B.A. Oxon. 1873; B.C.L. 1879; LL.B. Lond. 1879; LL.D. 1880. GRIME, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1868. Blackburn; died March, 1892, aged 48. ROLL OF GRADUATES 241 GRIME, THOMAS JACKSON, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1888. Stalmine, Lanes. ; Ingleton, Yorks. ; Hawes, Yorks. GRIMSHAW, JOHN, M.A. 1734. "Ang. Gull. F. in Par. de Brindle in Com. Lancaster" [Matric. Alb. 1732]. GROOME, WALTER, M.B., CM. 1889. London. GROSS, REUBEN, M.D. 1862. Liverpool. GROSSART, WILLIAM, CM. 1837. Whitburn; Carluke; Holytown; died 3rd May, 1883. GROSVENOR, WILLIAM CLAYTON, M.A. 1887. M.B. Edin. 1891 ; M.D. 1895; Glasgow; Manchester. GROVE, SIR GEORGE, LL.D. 1886. Educated as a Civil Engineer, and was for some time on staff of late Robert Stephenson; Secretary to Society of Arts, 1848-52; Secretary of Crystal Palace Co., 1852-73, and a Director thereof, 1873-78; Editor of Macmillaris Magazine for several years, and also of the Dictionary of Music and Musicians ; Founder and Honorary Secretary of Palestine Exploration Fund, 1865; Director of the Royal College of Music, London, 1882-94; K.B. 1883; C.B. (Civil), 1894; born 1820. GROVE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1895. Broughton Cross, Cumberland. GUINNESS, ARTHUR GRATTAN, M.D. 1836. Exeter; Reading; Cheltenham; London; Oxford; Cheltenham. GUN, WILLIAM GORDON, M.D. 1835. Greenock; Surgeon, Civil Service; died 26th March, 1866. GUNN, ANDREW FRANCIS WILSON, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. GUNN, ARCHIBALD REID, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow; Tarporley, Cheshire; Kitta, Gold Coast, W. Africa; Glasgow (sometime Lecturer on Mental Diseases, etc., in Western Medical School). GUNN, DANIEL, M.A. 1870. Minister of (1) Free Church, Dumbarton, (2) English Presbyterian Church, Lewes, Sussex; born 1843; died 27th June, 1893. GUNN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1876. Dundee; Kaikoura, Marlborough, N. Zealand. GUNN, JOHN, B.L. 1893. Writer, Glasgow. GUNN, RONALD J. W., M.D. 1848. Brisbane, Australia. Q 242 ROLL OF GRADUATES GUNN, WILLIAM, CM. 1824, M.D. 1835. Deputy Inspector-General, R.N. ; Rochester; died 2nd December, 1890, aged 86. GUNSON, ERNEST SHERWOOD, M.A. 1891. Minister of Clydebank since 1895. GUPTA, PYARI MOHAN, M.B., CM. 1880. Address in University General Council Register, 70 Gloucester Road, London, N.W. ; but probably returned to Dacca, Bengal, his native place. GUTHRIE, GEORGE, M.A. 1880, LL.B. 1883 Writer, Glasgow. GUTHRIE, HUGH MILLER, M.A. 1882 Barrister-at-Law, London. GUTHRIE, JAMES, M.D. 1840 "India Occident." [Grad. Alb.]. GUTHRIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1874, M.D. 1876, Christchurch, Canterbury, N.Z. ; Akaroa there; Christchurch. GUTHRIE, THOMAS ORR, M.B., CM. 1876, M.D. 1882 Lincoln, Canterbury, N.Z. ; Lyttleton there. GUY, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1894 New Cumnock; Maybole. GUY, JOHN CRAWFORD, M.A. 1880, LLB. 1884 Advocate, Edinburgh. GUY, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1892 Ship Surgeon; died at Lagos, Africa, on board S.S. " Loanda," 1st June, 1894, aged 23. GWYNN, GEORGE, M.A. 1744. "Ex Parochia de Urney in Com. de Tyron in Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1741]. GYLES, JOHN, M.D. 1731. Of Newbury, Berkshire. HADDEN, DAVID, M.D. 1846. - Castletownsend, Co. Cork; Skibbereen, same Co.; died 1878. HADDEN, DAVID, \ M.D. 1854. Glasgow ; Falkirk. HADDON, ADAM, M.D. 1839. Bridlington, Yorks. HADDOW, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1882. Kilmarnock ; Glasgow ; Ship Surgeon ; Devizes ; London ; Torquay ; Bir- mingham. HADDOW, ROBERT WILSON TAYLOR, M.B., CM. 1886. London ; Birmingham. ROLL OF GRADUATES 243 HADFIELD, ROBERT, B.A. 1833. "Filius natu maximus Georgii, Scribae, in com. de Lancaster" [Matric. Alb. 1830]. HAIG, MAHAM, M.D. 1807. " Filius natu secundus Georgii, Medici in Charlestown in Carolina Meridionali in America" [Matric. Alb. 1803]. HAIG, THOMAS ARTHUR, M.B., CM. 1889. Wibsey, Yorks. ; Kilmalcolm ; Volksrust, Wakkerstroom, S. Africa ; Troye- ville, Johannesburg there. HAIGH, BENJAMIN BENTLEY, LL.D. 1863. Congregational Minister at Tadcaster, 1828-45 '> thereafter Teacher in Bram- ham College, Yorkshire; died 12th July, 1869, a E Q & 6 5- HAINING, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1876. Hexham; Earlston, Berwickshire; died 29th October, 1884. HAIR, JAMES, M.D. i860. Dunblane; Bures-St.-Mary, Suffolk; Peterborough; London; Brinklow, Warwickshire. HAIRBY, WILLIAM, M.A., M.D. 1776. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. HAKE, THOMAS GORDON, M.D. 1831. Bury St. Edmunds; Putney Heath, Surrey; London; poet and litterateur; awarded Civil List pension, 1893; died nth January, 1895, aged 85. HALAHAN, GEORGE AUGUSTUS FREDERICK, M.D. 1835. Dublin; died 3rd August, 1866. HALAHAN, JOHN HENRY, M.D. 1849. " Hibernus " [Grad. Alb.]. HALDANE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1872, M.D. 1876. Glasgow; Braemar; Bridge of Allan. HALIDAY, ALEXANDER, M.A., M.D. 1751. Physician in Belfast ; a prominent Irish politician ; born circa 1728; died 28th April, 1802. HALIDAY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1782. " Natus in Hybernia, Filius Natu Quartus Roberti nuper in Oppido de Belfast et in comitatu de Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1779]. HALKET, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1873, M.D. 1882. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow. HALL, ANDREW HALLIDAY, CM. 1826. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. HALL, ANDREW JOHNSTON, M.A. 1871, M.B., CM. 1875, M - D - l8 7& Glasgow ; Rothesay. 244 ROLL OF GRADUATES HALL, CHARLES HERBERT, M.B., CM. 1890. Manchester; Watford, Herts. HALL, HECTOR, M.A. 1884. Minister of (1) Free Church, Beith, (2) St. James' Free Church, Glasgow (resigned 20th September, 1887), (3) Second Presbyterian Church, Troy, N.Y., U.S.A. HALL, HUGH, M.D. 1791. "Ex India Occidentals [Grad. Alb.]. HALL, JAMES, M.D. 1840. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]; "A Government Officer" [Univ. Minute, 23rd March, 1840]. HALL, JOHN, M.D. 1859. Glasgow ; London. HALL, JOHN, M.D., CM. 1863. Nottingham; Ruddington, Notts.; died 2nd June, 1884, aged 41. HALL, JOHN, M.A. 1894. Teacher in (1) Kilmarnock, (2) Irvine. HALL, PATRICK, M.A. 1766. " Filius natu maximus Gulielmi quondam Agricolae in Comitatu de Donnegal Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1763]. HALL, RICHARD, M.D., CM. 1862. London ; Staff-Assistant-Surgeon, Army. HALL, ROBERT, M.A. 1780. Secession Minister at Kelso; died 5th July, 1831, aged 73. HALL, ROBERT, CM. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HALL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1775. " Filius natu maximus Alexandri in Parochia de Billy, Com. de Antrim, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1772]. HALL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1817, M.D. 1822. Glasgow; Exeter; died 3rd December, 1869, aged 69. HALL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1885. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. HALL, WILLIAM HENRY, M.D. 1842. Wareham, Dorset; London; Bath; St. Leonard's-on-Sea ; died 24th March, 1891, aged 72. HALLETT, CHARLES HENRY, M.B., CM. 1889. Axminster; Earlsland, Devonshire; Harrogate. ROLL OF GRADUATES 24$ HALLEY, JAMES, B.A. 1831. " The man who beat Tait " (see Canterbury, Archbishop of) ; Student of Divinity till 1836; born at Glasgow (son of Thomas Halley, guard of Glasgow and Perth stage-coach), 17th January, 1814; died there of consumption (after a three years' residence in Madeira in search of health), 16th March, 1841. HALLIDAY, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1888. Dumfries; Brandon Colliery, Durham; Lower Steniacke, Colchester, Nova Scotia. HALLIDAY, JOHN HATCHELL, M.D. 1847. Belfast; died nth September, 1866. HALLIDAY, ROBERT TAYLOR, M.B., CM. 1889. Ship Surgeon; Paisley; Glasgow; Lochgoilhead. HALLINAN, DANIEL, M.D., CM. 1864. Longton, Staffs. HALLY, GEORGE, M.A. 1887. Head Master of Harmony Row Public School, Govan ; died at Uddingston, 19th June, 1894, aged 37. HALLY, SIMON, M.A. 1871. Minister of (1) Kinlochbervie, (2) Kinlochluichart ; born 1837; died 30th October, 1880. HALLYDAY WILLIAM, M.A. 1729. "Ang." [Matric. Alb. 1726]. HAMILL, HUGH, M.A. 1816. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Bushmills, 1820-64; died 31st March, 1864. HAMILL, JAMES CLARKE, M.D., CM. 1843. Ballycastle, Co. Antrim. HAMILL, SAMUEL, M.A. 1813. " Filius Natu Minimus Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Billy in comitatu de Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1810]. HAMILTON, ADAM, M.B., CM. 1885. Armley, Yorks. ; Wortley there ; Worcester. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER, LL.B. 1835. W.S., Edinburgh; born 1797; died 1st January, 1884. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 185 1, D.D. 1872. Minister of (1) U.P. Church, Kilmarnock, (2) Trinity Presbyterian Church, Brighton ; retired 1 896. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER MITCHELL, M.A. 1891, LL.B. 1895. Advocate, Edinburgh. HAMILTON, ANDREW, M.A. 1770. "Filius natu secundus Francisci de Mullivourny Armig. in Parochia de Dromore in Com. de Tyrone Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1769]. 24.6 ROLL OF GRADUATES HAMILTON, ANDREW, M.A. 1776. " Natus in Hibernia Alius natu maximus defuncti Johannis viri Reverendi Rectoris de New Castle Comitatu de Limerick" [Matric. Alb. 1774]. HAMILTON, ANDREW, M.A. 1798. Minister of High Church, Kilmarnock; died nth June, 1839, aged 67. HAMILTON, ANDREW SMITH, M.D. 1842, CM. 1847. Fahan, Co. Donegal; died 1872. HAMILTON, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1756. "Filius natu maximus Viri Reverendi Gulielmi Hamilton V.D.M. in Parochia de Douglass" [Matric. Alb. 1750]. HAMILTON, BENJAMIN USHER, M.D. 1837. "Hibernicus" [Grad Alb.]. HAMILTON, DUNBAR. See Selkirk, Earl of. HAMILTON, GAVIN, CM. 1832. Probably Kirkcudbright. HAMILTON, GEORGE, M.A. 1775, D.D. 1804. Minister of Gladsmuir, 1790-1832; died 4th September, 1832, aged 76; referred to in Burns' " Reply to a Reproof." HAMILTON, GEORGE, M.D., CM. 1833. Probably Falkirk. HAMILTON, HENRY, M.A. 1888. Minister of South U.P. Church, Auchterarder. HAMILTON, HENRY MONTEITH, D.D. 1889. Minister of Hamilton. HAMILTON, HUGH ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1892. Law Clerk, Edinburgh; LL.B. Edin. (with distinction) 1896. HAMILTON, HUGH COLQUHOUN, M.A. 1888, LL.B. 1889. Writer, Glasgow. HAMILTON, JAMES, M.A. 1773. "Filius unicus Roberti Agricolae in Parochia de Ardboe in Comitatu de Tyrone in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1772]. HAMILTON, JAMES, M.A. 1783, D.D. 1814. Minister of (1) Shotts, (2) Lesmahagow; died 8th June, 1838, aged 76. HAMILTON, JAMES, M.D. 1801. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HAMILTON, JAMES, B.A. 1856, M.A. 1857. Sometime Assistant to Minister of Galston ; thereafter Missionary to the Miners of West Plean, Bannockburn ; left in 1870 owing to ill-health, and resided with a brother at Rench Farm, Strath aven ; died circa 1885. ROLL OF GRADUATES 247 HAMILTON, JAMES, M.A. 1872. Minister of (1) Langside, Glasgow, (2) St. Leonards, Lanark. HAMILTON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1880. Glasgow. HAMILTON, JAMES, M.A. 1881. (1) Senior Mathematical Master in Kensington Grammar School; (2) Senior Mathematical Master in Islington Grammar School; (3) Army Class Master in Portsmouth Grammar School ; (4) Army Tutor, Capt. James's, London ; (5) Chief Master of the Army Class in Shrewsbury Schools. HAMILTON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1883. Haltwhistle, Cumberland; Patna, Ayrshire; Beith; died there, 17th May, 1888. HAMILTON, JAMES MUIR, B.D. 1883. (M.A. Edin. 1878); Church of Scotland Missionary at Calcutta, 1884-90; Barrister-at-Law, London, since 1894. HAMILTON, JOHN, M.A. 1733. HAMILTON, JOHN (primus), M.A. 1737. "Sco. Hib." [Grad. Alb.]. HAMILTON, JOHN (secundus), M.A. 1737. HAMILTON, JOHN, M.A. 1750. HAMILTON, JOHN, D.D. 1776. Minister of (1) Barony, (2) Cathedral Church, Glasgow; Dean of Faculties in the University, 1766-8, and 1770-1 ; died 3rd February, 1780, aged 67. HAMILTON, JOHN, M.A. 1812. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Crossroads (Mountjoy), 1821-74; died 18th June, 1874. HAMILTON, JOHN, M.A. 181 5. Possibly the same person as John Hamilton, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Turlough, 1824-54, who died May, 1854. HAMILTON, JOHN, M.D. 1835. Omagh, Co. Tyrone; died 1857. HAMILTON, JOHN BROWN, M.A. 1883, B.D. 1886. (1) Assistant Master in Craigmount School, Edinburgh; (2) Senior English Master in Merchiston Castle School there ; (3) Head Master of St. Mary's School, Melrose. HAMILTON, JOHN TRAVIS, M.D. 1854. Dublin. HAMILTON, MATHIE, M.D. 1842. Glasgow; previously (1826-48) Physician, Military Hospitals, Peru; died 1869. 248 ROLL OF GRADUATES HAMILTON, PATRICK, B.Sc. 1894. Electrical Engineer, (1) as Assistant in Lord Kelvin's Standardizing Laboratory, Cambridge Street, Glasgow, (2) as Chief of Testing Department of Malan and Hilton, Engineers and Electricians, Bow Common Lane, London. HAMILTON, RICHARD, M.B., CM. 1891. Coatbridge. HAMILTON, RICHARD WINTER, LL.D. 1844. Minister of the Independent Church meeting in (1) Albion Chapel, (2) Belgrave Chapel, Leeds; born at Pentonville, London, 6th July, 1794; died at Leeds, 18th July, 1848. HAMILTON, ROBERT, M.D. 1742. Possibly the same person as Robert Hamilton, M.D., Physician at King's Lynn, who was born at Edinburgh, 6th December, 172 1, and died 9th November, 1793. HAMILTON, ROBERT, M.A. 1774. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb. J. HAMILTON, ROBERT, M.A. 1841. "Filius natu quartus defuncti Caroli Mercatoris Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1838]. HAMILTON, ROBERT, M.A. 1851. Only known designation (as per General Council Register, 1859-60), Licentiate of Free Church, East Kilbride. HAMILTON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1872. Ulverstone ; Bradford. HAMILTON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1879. Cawood, Yorks. HAMILTON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1886. Bradford. HAMILTON, ROBERT, M.A. 1887. Teacher in Ayr Academy. HAMILTON, SAMUEL, M.A. 1767. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Aghadowey, 1773-88; died 18th July, 1788. HAMILTON, SAMUEL, B.A. 1843, M.A. 1844. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Buckna, 1849-90; died 26th February, 1890, aged 64. HAMILTON, THOMAS, M.A. 1814. " Filius natu Tertius Henrici Agricolae in parochia de Balnascreen in comitatu de Derry in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 181 1]. HAMILTON, THOMAS, ' M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow ; South Shields ; Ingham, Lines. ; Dairy, Ayrshire. ROLL OF GRADUATES 249 HAMILTON, THOMAS WILLIAM, M.D. 1848. Newtownbreda, Co. Down; Belfast; Mitcham, Surrey; died 7th March, 1875, aged 57. HAMILTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1774. Medical Practitioner (M.D. Edin. 1779, L.R.C.P. Lond. 1786) in London, and Physician to the London Hospital; died 5th May, 1807. HAMILTON, WILLIAM, B.A. 1775, M.A. 1776. Professor of Anatomy in Glasgow University, 1780 to 1790; father of Sir William Hamilton, the metaphysician, and son of Thomas Hamilton, Professor of Anatomy; born 31st July, 1758; died 13th March, 1790. HAMILTON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1790. "Hibernia" [Grad. Alb.]. HAMILTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1827. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. HAMILTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1830. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. HAMILTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1872 Minister of Trinity E.U. (Congregational) Church, Dundee, since 1872. HAMILTON, WILLIAM, B.Sc. 1895. Electrical Engineer in (1) Southampton, (2) Glasgow, (3) London. HAMILTON, WILLIAM COWAN, M.B., CM. 1888. Ardrossan ; Lancaster. HAMILTON, WILLIAM GIBSON, M.D. 1862. House Surgeon in Dundee Infirmary, 1862; died there, of typhus fever, soon after entering. HAMILTON, WILLIAM JAMES, M.D. 1846. Deputy Inspector-General, R.N. ; died 30th September, 1881. HAMILTON, WILLIAM THOMSON, M.B., CM. 1883. Graham's Town, Cape Colony. HAMIS, YOUSUF, M.B., CM. 1891. Garelochhead ; died there, 6th November, 1891, aged 28; native of Syria. HAMPTON, GEORGE, M.A. 1737 Presbyterian Minister at Barnbury; born 17 16; died 1796. HANCOX, HENRY, M.D. 1853. Wolverhampton; died 1868. HANKS, WILLIAM PARKER, M.A. 1894. (1) Actor; (2) Curate at Waterbeach, near Cambridge. HANLEY, DUDLEY, M.D. 1846. Surgeon, Army. 250 ROLL OF GRADUATES HANNA, JOHN, M.A. 1810. Possibly one of (a) John Hanna, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Millisle, 1815-50, who died 4th January, 1850, (b) John Hanna, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Clogher, 1829-57, who died 7th December, 1857. HANNA, SAMUEL, M.A. 1789, D.D. 1818. Presbyterian Minister in (1) Drumbo, 1795-99, (2) Belfast, 1799-1852; Professor of Divinity to the Synod of Ulster; died 23rd April, 1852, aged 81. HANNA, SAMUEL, M.D. 1832. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HANNA, WILLIAM, M.A. 1830, LL.D. 1847. Minister of (1) East Kilbride, (2) Skirling, (3) Free Church, Skirling, (4) Free St. John's, Edinburgh; Editor of North British Review; D.D. Edin. 1864; born at Belfast, 26th November, 1808; died at London, 24th May, 1882; son of Samuel Hanna, D.D. (q.v.), and son-in-law of Thomas Chalmers, D.D. (q.v). HANNAH, JOHN BARLOW, M.D. 1861. Glasgow; Surgeon-Major, Army; died 18th September, 1880, aged 42. HANNAH, WILLIAM TWEED, M.B., CM. 1886. Ship Surgeon; Buxton. HANNAN, JOHN, M.D. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HANNAN, THOMAS, M.A. 1886. Curate, St. Paul's Church, York Place, Edinburgh, 1887-90; Senior Curate there, 1 890-1 ; Rector of St. Peter's Church, Musselburgh, since 1891. HANNAY, MARY BAIRD, M.B., CM. 1896. Bridge of Allan ; Flotta, Orkney. HANNAY, ROBERT KERR, M.A. 1895. Lecturer on Classics and English in University College, Dundee. HANNINGTON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1881. F.C. Missionary (1) to Livingstonia, Central Africa, (2) to Jews at Constantinople. HANSEN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. HANSON, CHARLES SYDNEY, M.D. 1843. Leicester ; London. HANSON, GEORGE, M.A. 1867. F.C. Minister at Sighthill, Glasgow. HANSON, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow; son of George Hanson, M.A. 1867 (q.v.). HANSON, GEORGE HENRY, M.D. 1852. Tunbridge Wells; Brighton; died 22nd May, 1883. ROLL OF GRADUATES 25 1 HANSON, JOHN, M.A. 1872. F.C. Minister at Whitevale, Glasgow. HARBISON, DAVID, B.A. 1843. "Filius natu maximus Davidis agricolae in parochia de Mullabrack et comitatu de Armagh" [Matric. Alb. 1840]. HARDIE, JAMES, M.A. 1876. (1) English Master in Glasgow Ladies' College; (2) Head Master of Aldenham Street School, London ; (3) Principal of Linton House School, Notting Hill, London. HARDIE, JOHN, M.D. 1866. Glasgow. HARDIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1889. Ship Surgeon j Glasgow ; London ; Erith, Kent. HARDIE, ROBERT MONTGOMERY, M.A. 1893. Minister of Ladyburn Parish, Greenock, since 1897. HARDIE, WILLIAM WYSE, M.A. 1883. Minister at Plantagenet, Ontario, Canada. HARDING, EDWARD, M.D. 1837. "Wicklow" [Grad. Alb.] HARDING, GEORGE I., M.D. 1830. " Americanus " [Grad. Alb.]. HARDWICK, ALFRED, M.D. 1832. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. HARDY* CHARLES HENRY, M.D. 185 1. Dunedin, New Zealand; Carlton, Victoria,. Australia; Melbourne; died 24th August, 1883, aged 54. HARDY, ROBERT, LL.D. 1837. Rev., of Berbice. HARDY, SAMUEL LITTLE, M.D. 1840. Dublin : Lecturer on Midwifery in (1) Cecilia Street School of Medicine, (2) Medical College, (3) R.C.S.I. ; born 3rd October, 1815; died 29th October, 1868. HARDY, WILLIAM, M.D. 1812. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HARE, DAVID THOMAS, M.D. 1835. Cork; died 1864. HARE, FREDERICK, M.B., CM. 1889. Crook, Durham; Waterhouses there. HARGREAVES, EDMUND, M.B., CM. 1874, M.D. 1885. Sheffield. 252 ROLL OF GRADUATES HARGREAVES, MARK KIPPAX, M.B., CM. 1879, M.D. 1884 London ; Leeds ; London. HARKIN, MARTIN, M.D. 1842 Castlerea, Co. Roscommon; died 1870. HARKIN, MICHAEL, M.D. 1820 "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HARKNESS, JAMES, D.D. 1821 Minister of the Presbyterian Church of St. Andrews in Quebec, Canada. HARKNESS, JOHN, M.A. 1809 " Filius Natu Maximus Gulielmi Agricolae in parochia de Lissan in comitatu de Londonderry in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1806]. HARKNESS, JOHN, M.A. 1810. "Filius natu secundus Thomae Agricolae in parochia de Lissan in comitatu de Deny" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. HARKNESS, WILLIAM, M.A. 1814. " Filius unicus Gulielmi Agricolae in parochia de Aughbog in comitatu de Monaghan" [Matric. Alb. 1809]. HARLEY, JOHN HUNTER, M.A. 1889. Minister of the Congregational Church at St. Neots, Hunts., since 1894. HARMAN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1730. "Anglo. Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1728]. HARMER, ROBERT, M.D. 1853. Ecclesfield, Yorks. ; Norwich ; Richmond, Surrey ; London ; died at Rich- mond, 10th June, 1892, aged 63. HARPER, ANDREW ROBERTSON, B.L. 1887. Writer, Paisley. HARPER, HANS, M.D. 1819. Killyleagh, Co. Down; died 20th February, 1880, aged 87. HARPER, JAMES, ' M.A. 1798. Possibly the same person as James Harpur, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Castleblayney, 1810-38, who died nth December, 1838. HARPER, JAMES, D.D. 1877. Minister of Secession and U.P. Church at North Leith, 1819-79; Professor of Theology to Secession and U.P. Churches from 1843; Principal of U.P. Divinity Hall from 1876; born at Lanark, 23rd June, 1795; died 13th April, 1879. HARRIES, HENRY, M.A. 1877. Congregational Minister of (1) Hope Chapel, Clifton, Bristol, 1877-80, (2) Hanover Chapel, Stockport, 1880-93, (3) Clapton Park Church, London, N.E., since 1893. HARRIS, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1892. Carmarthen. ROLL OF GRADUATES 253 HARRIS, DAVID FRASER, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow : Muirhead Demonstrator of Physiology in the University; B.Sc. Lond. HARRIS, GEORGE WASHINGTON, B.A. 1844. Superintendent of an Estate in St. Kitts ; afterwards settled at Granada, West Indies, and became Stipendiary Magistrate ; thereafter Secretary of Reform Club, Pall Mall, London, 1857-59. HARRIS, HARRY, M.A. 1871. Born at Swansea, 1841 ; son of Daniel Harris, Farmer. HARRIS, ROBERT, M.A. 1750. " Filius natu maximus Gulielmi Harris in Comitatu de Donnegal" [Matric. Alb. 1748]. HARRIS, SAMUEL CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow. HARRIS, WILLIAM, D.D. 1765. Nonconformist Minister at (1) Looe, Cornwall, (2) Wells, Somerset, (3) Luppit, Devonshire; biographer of the Stuart family and of Cromwell; born at Salisbury, Wiltshire, 1720; died 4th February, 1770. HARRIS, WILLIAM, M.A. 1830. " Filius natu maximus Gulielmi, Mercatoris, in com. de Lanark " [Matric. Alb. 1826]. HARRISON, CLARENCE BARRYMORE, M.B., CM. 1894. Richmond, Surrey; Surg.-Lieut., I.M.S., Madras. HARRISON, JOHN, M.A. 1730. "Angl." [Matric. Alb. 1728]. HARRISON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1878. Glasgow ; Lesmahagow. HARRISON, JOHN ATKINSON, M.B., CM. 1891. Haslingden, Lanes. ; son of Jonathan Atkinson Harrison, M.D. (q.v.). HARRISON, JOHN HENRY, M.A. 1887. Second Master of City Public School, Glasgow, since 1887. HARRISON, JONATHAN ATKINSON, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1870. Hawes, Yorks. ; Haslingden, Lanes. ; J. P. HARRISON, JOSEPH, M.A. 1814. Brother of William Harrison, M.A. 181 2 (q.v.). HARRISON, THOMAS, M.D. 1799. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. HARRISON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1812. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Holywood, 1816-24; died 15th September, 1824. 254 ROLL 0F GRADUATES HARRISON, WILLIAM SANDILANDS, M.B., CM. 1893. Haslingden, Lanes. ; Surgeon-Lieut., Army ; son of Jonathan Atkinson Harrison, M.D. (q.v.). HARROWER, DAVID, M.D. 1832. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. HARROWER, ROBERT, M.D. 1828. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. HART, JAMES, M.A. 1885. Teacher in (1) Paisley, (2) Sciennes School, Edinburgh, (3) West Fountain- bridge School there. HART, JOHN, M.D. 1833. Dublin : (1) Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology in Park Street Medical School, (2) Professor of Anatomy to Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland; died 30th June, 1872. HART, JOHN, \ M.A. 1866. Studied for U.P. Ministry; died at sea, 18th March, 1867, on way to New Zealand. HARTHILL, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1862. Glasgow; Edinburgh; died 24th March, 1872. HARTLEY, JAMES BLAIR, M.B., CM. 1892. Shildon, Co. Durham; Ayr; Auckland, Co. Durham; Darlington. HARTNELL, EDMUND, B.A. 1834, CM. 1836. Medical Practitioner in Nuneaton; died 24th June, 1851, aged 43. HARTT, HENRY ALLINE, M.D. 1836. "Americanus" [Grad. Alb.]. HARVEY, FRANCIS WILLIAM, B.L. 1894. Writer, Glasgow. HARVEY, JAMES, M.A. 1808. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HARVEY, JAMES, M.A. 1881. (1) Teacher in Highland Society (afterwards Public) School, Glasgow; (2) Head Master of Dennistoun Public School, Glasgow; (3) Master of Method in Training School, Wellington, Cape Colony. HARVEY, JOHN, M.D. 1836. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. HARVEY, JOHN, LL.B. 1892. Advocate, Edinburgh; B.A. Oxon. 1888. HARVEY, JOHN MITCHELL, B.A. 1854, M.A. 1856, D.D. 1875. U.P. Minister at (1) Alloa, (2) South College Street, Edinburgh, (3) Rose Street there, (4) Palmerston Place there; born 19th April, 1835; died 23rd August, 1876. ROLL OF GRADUATES 255 HARVEY, ROBERT, M.A. 1868, LL.D. 1880. (t) Teacher in Free St. Peter's School, Glasgow; (2) Professor of Philosophy and English in the Maharajah's College, Trivandrum, Travancore, India; (3) Principal of, and Professor of English in, that College till 1890, when retired on pension; (4) resident in Edinburgh. HARVEY, ROBERT, M.A. 1873 H.M. Inspector of Schools. HARVEY, THOMAS, M.D. 1755 HARVIE, JAMES, CM. 1821 "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. HARVIE, JOHN, M.A. 1764 "Filius natu tertius Jacobi agricolae in parochia de Dalserf" [Matric. Alb 1759]- HARVIE, WILLIAM DAVIDSON, M.A. 18 Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. HARWOOD, JOHN, M.D. 1823 "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. HARWOOD, WILLIAM, M.D. 1826 " Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. HASELER, ROWLAND, M.A. 18 Curate of (1) Tipton, Staffs., 1886-87, (2) Stoke-upon-Trent, 1887-90, (3) King's Norton since 1890. HASLAM, JAMES, M.A. 1865. " Filius natu secundus Joannis Molarii apud Stretton in comitatu de Derby " [Matric. Alb. 1858]; Williams' Bursar, 1862. HASLET, JOHN, M.A. 1749. Possibly the same person as John Ffaslett, Presbyterian Minister at (1) Ballykelly, 1752-57, (2) Bandon from 1757. HASLETT, HENRY, M.A. 1812. Presbyterian Minister at Castlereagh, Belfast, 1816-68; died 5th December, 1868, aged 75. HASLETT, MATTHEW, M.A. 1736. "Sco. Hib." [Grad. Alb.]. HASTIE, JOHN STEWART, M.A. 1892. (1) Teacher in (a) Free Church Training College, Glasgow, (b) Tureen Street Public School there ; (2) Licentiate of the Free Church. HASTIE, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1877. Buningong, Victoria, Australia; Sydney, N.S. Wales; Lithgow there. HASTINGS, ROBERT, M.D. 1840. Staff Surgeon, R.N. ; died 24th January, 1868, aged 48. 256 ROLL OF GRADUATES HASTINGS, WALTER BUCHANAN, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow; Lamlash, Arran. HATCHELL, GEORGE WILLIAM, M.D. 1834. Dublin; died 19th February, 1890, aged 81. HATHORN, FERGUS, M.D. 1847. Maybole. HATRICK, WILLIAM ROBB, M.D. 1850. Greenock; Glasgow; died 30th December, 1865. HAWKES, EDWARD, M.A. 1824. Dissenting Minister and Schoolmaster at (1) Manchester, (2) Kendal; died circa 1866. HAWKES, HENRY, B.A. 1827. Dissenting Minister at (1) Norwich, (2) Portsmouth. HAWKES, STEPHEN, M.D. 1800. " Anglus " [Grad. Alb.]. HAWKEY, WILLIAM HENRY, M.D. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HAWKINS, JAMES FENDEL, D.D. 1820. "Of the Church of England" [Univ. Minute, 18th April, 1820]. HAWORTH, EDWIN, M.B., CM. 1879. Oswaldtwistle, Lanes. ; Sabden there ; Blackpool there ; Oswaldtwistle. HAWORTH, FREDERIC GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1882. Southport; Darwen, Lanes. HAWTHORN, ARCHIBALD CHARLES, M.D. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HAWTHORN, JOHN, Ch.B. 1822. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HAWTHORNE, CHARLES OLIVER, M.B., CM. 1884. (Brunton Prizeman) ; Stafford ; Glasgow : Lecturer on Materia Medica in the University (Women's Department) and Assistant to Professor of Clinical Medicine (Dr. Gairdner); London. HAWTHORNE, JOHN, M.A. 1816. " Filius natu maximus Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Garvaghy in comitatu de Down" [Matric. Alb. 18 10]. HAWTHORNE, WILLIAM, CM. 1825. Banbridge, Co. Down; died 1859. HAY, ALEXANDER, CM. 1840, M.D. 1852. Connor, Co. Antrim; died 1883. HAY, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1864. Maryhill, Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 257 HAY, ARCHIBALD GILCHRIST, M.A. 1890, M.B., CM. 1893, M.D. 1895. Glasgow; Bradford; son of Alexander Hay, M.D. 1864 (q.v.). HAY, JOHN, M.D., CM. 1864. Glasgow. HAY, JOHN, M.A. 1868. Minister of Port-Dundas, Glasgow. HAY, JOSEPH, M.A. 1818. U.P. Minister at Arbroath; died nth July, 1859, aged 63. HAY, PATRICK RAMSAY, M.D. 1850, CM. 1852. Ballymena, Co. Antrim; died 10th October, 1891. HAY, ROBERT, M.A. 1878. Squatter in Queensland. HAY, ROBERT BLAIR, B.L. 1894. Writer, Paisley. HAY, THOMAS HENRY, M.B., CM. 1894. Letterkenny, Co. Donegal. HAY, THOMAS WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1887. Scarborough ; Bebside Colliery, Northumberland ; Newcastle-on-Tyne. HAY, WALTER, M.B., CM. 1886. Port-Ellen, Islay ; London ; Port-Ellen ; Newton-Stewart ; Plymouth. HAY, WILLIAM, M.D. 1857. Glasgow; High Hesket, Cumberland; Carlisle; died 5th November, 1879. HAY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1881, B.D. 1884, M.B., CM. 1895. Sunderland. HAY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1890. Teacher in (1) South-Western Academy, Pollokshields, (2) Devon Bank School there, (3) Rosemount School, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow, (4) Devon Bank School, Pollokshields, again. HAYCROFT, NATHANIEL, B.A. 1842, M.A. 1843, D.D. 1869. Baptist Minister, Leicester; died there, 16th February, 1873. HAYDON, EDGAR, M.B., CM. 1881. Glasgow; Minchinhampton, Glouc; Tiverton, Devon; Newton Abbot there. HAYDON, ERNEST WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1887. Leicester. HAYDON, FRANCIS EDWARD, M.B. 1880. Tiverton, Devon ; Kursiong, Bengal ; Plymouth ; Witheridge, N. Devon ; Plymouth ; Littlehampton, Sussex. HAYDON, WILLIAM RUDALL, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1870. Bovey-Tracey, Devon; Tiverton there; J. P. R 258 ROLL OF GRADUATES HAYGARTH, GEORGE BURTON, M.D. 1841. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]; "his diploma . . . lost irrecoverably by shipwreck " [Univ. Minute, 26th October, 1852]. HAYNES, NEWTON, LL.D. 1735. Possibly some relation of Hopton Haynes, of the Mint, who was an intimate friend of Sir Isaac Newton. HAYS, ROBERT, M.D. 1815. Ballymacready, Killinchy, Co. Down; died 1879. HAZELWOOD, PHILIP BARRY, M.D. 1834. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HAZLET, ROBERT, M.A. 1766. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HAZLETT, CHARLES, M.A. 1772. "Nat. in Hib. Filius natu minimus Gulielmi Agricolae in Parochia de Ballyroney in Com. de Down Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1768]. HAZLETT, JAMES, M.A. 1761. HAZLITT, JAMES, M.A. 1767. "Filius natu Secundus Joannis Mercatoris in Par. de Shronhill in Com. Tipperary" [Matric. Alb. 1762]. HAZLITT, WILLIAM, M.A. 1760. Unitarian Minister at (1) Wisbeach, 1764, (2) Marshfield, Glouc, 1766, (3) Maidstone, 1770, (4) Bandon, Co. Cork, 1780, (5) Philadelphia, 1783, (6) Wem, Shropshire, 1786; afterwards resident at (1) Addlestone, Surrey, (2) Bath, (3) Crediton; died there, 16th July, 1820, aged 83; father of William Hazlitt, the essayist. HEADRICK, JAMES MILLER, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow; died there, 18th June, 1893. HEALY, CHRISTOPHER JOHN, B.L. 1896. Writer, Glasgow. HEALY, JOSEPH, M.D. 1789. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HEDDERWICK, ALEXANDER WILLIAM, M.A. 1880. Stockbroker, Glasgow. HEDDERWICK, JAMES, LL.D. 1878. Of the Citizen Newspaper, Glasgow. HEDDERWICK, THOMAS CHARLES HUNTER. M.A. 1873. Barrister-at-Law, London; M.P. for Wick Burghs, 1896. HEDLEY, ANTHONY, M.A. 1781. Dissenting Minister at Long Framlington, Northumberland, ROLL OF GRADUATES 259 HEDLEY, JOHN, M.A. 1787. Minister in South Carolina. HEENAN, JOHN, M.D. 1806. "Filius natu minimus Joannis M.D. in comitatu Regis in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1802]. HEENEY, FRANCIS XAVERIUS, M.D. 1839. Belfast; Ipswich, Queensland. HEENEY, JAMES PATRICK, M.D., CM. 1872. Ipswich, Queensland; Belfast; died 1880. HEFFERNAN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1843. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HEGGIE, DAVID, B.A. 1850. "Fil. nat. max. Georgii fabri lignarii Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1845]. HEIGHINGTON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1845. Newbridge, Co. Wicklow; Athy, same Co.; died 8th March, 1867. HEILY, JOSEPH, M.D. 1837. Roscommon. HELY, JOHN, CM. 1840. Ashby-de-la-Zouch . HEMPHILL, WILLIAM, M.D. 1851. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HENDERSON, iENEAS, M.B., CM. 1892. Perth. HENDERSON, ALEXANDER COLIN, M.A. 1878, B.D. 1882. Minister of U.P. Church at Newburgh, Fife, 1884-92; Assistant Minister of Gilfillan Memorial Church, Dundee, 1892-94; Minister of Melbourne Unitarian Church, Melbourne, 1894; Minister of Strangeways Unitarian Church, Manchester, 1897. HENDERSON, ANDREW, M.D. 1864. Johnstone; Brighton; died 28th November, 1879, aged 40. , HENDERSON, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1856, D.D. 1890. Free Church Minister at Crieff. HENDERSON, CHARLES ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1889. South Shields; Leeds. HENDERSON, DUNCAN, M.D. 1817. " F. n. 2 dus Petri Agricolae, Glenurchy, Argyle" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. HENDERSON, FRANCIS, M.D. i860. Helensburgh; Glasgow. HENDERSON, GEORGE, LL.D. 1862. Minister of Cullen ; died 16th December, 1885, aged 86. 2<5o ROLL OF GRADUATES HENDERSON GEORGE, M.A. 1873. Ship and Insurance Broker, London. HENDERSON, GEORGE GERALD, B.Sc. 1881, M.A. 1884, D.Sc. 1890. (1) Lecturer on Chemistry in Queen Margaret College, and (1885-92) Assistant to Professor of Chemistry in Glasgow University; (2) Professor of Chemistry in Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. HENDERSON, HENRY FOTHERINGHAM, M.A. 1875. F.C. Minister at (1) Beith, (2) Dundee. HENDERSON, JAMES, M.A. 1780. Either this graduate or James Henderson, M.A. 1782 (q.v.), was possibly the same person as James Henderson, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Castlederg, 1791 to 1818, who was drowned 20th December, 1818. HENDERSON, JAMES, M.A. 1781. "Natus in parochia de Methven et Comitatu de Perth, Alius natu max. Andreae, Ludimagistri in supradictt." [Matric. Alb. 1776]. HENDERSON, JAMES, M.A. 1782. See note under James Henderson, M.A. 1780. HENDERSON, JAMES, M.D. 1822. Assistant Surgeon in the Army, 1809; present at the capture of Guadaloupe, 1810; served in Lower Canada, 1813-15, in the first Burmese War, through the Afghan War, in the Punjaub, 1848-49, and in Corfu; retired 1859 with rank of Inspector-General of Hospitals; born in Glasgow, 1789; died in Jersey, 187 1. HENDERSON, JAMES, D.D. 1837. Minister of (1) Stockbridge, Edinburgh, (2) Ratho, (3) St. Enoch's, Glasgow, (4) Free St. Enoch's there; died 12th September, 1874. HENDERSON, JAMES, M.A. 1872. Head Master of (1) Hurlet and Nitshill School, 1861-66, (2) St. John's Sessional Schools, Glasgow, 1866-83, (3) Thomson Street Public School, Glasgow, 1883-91, (4) Whitehill Public School, Glasgow, since 1891. HENDERSON, JAMES, M.A. 1887. F.C. Minister at Ballantrae. HENDERSON, JAMES BLACKLOCK, B.Sc. 1892. Assistant Lecturer on Physics, Yorkshire College, Leeds; son of James Henderson, M.A. 1872 (q.v.). HENDERSON, JAMES ORR, M.D. 1862. London; Hong Kong, China; Rangoon. HENDERSON, JOHN, D.D. 1774. "Of Liverpool . . . many years a minister" [Univ. Minute, 3rd June, 1774]- HENDERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1793. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 261 HENDERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1807. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. HENDERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1820. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Aughnacloy, 1830-42, when demitted. HENDERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1879. Minister of (1) Kingairloch Mission, (2) North Newton, Ayr. HENDERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1880. Artist, Glasgow. HENDERSON, JOHN C, M.B., CM. 1882. Chesterfield ; Londonderry j Ashton-under-Lyne. HENDERSON, JOHN HENDERSON, M.B., CM. 1882. Adelaide. HENDERSON, JOHN WILLIAM, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1885. Minister of Kinnoul since 1897. HENDERSON, JOSEPH, M.A. 1846. Minister of (1) Abbey, Arbroath, (2) Greyfriars, Aberdeen; died 1st April, 1882. HENDERSON, JOSEPH MORRIS, M.A. 1885. Artist, Glasgow. HENDERSON, ROBERT, M.A. 1746. "Filius viri Rev ndi Richardi Henderson V.D.M. in parochia de Blantyre in Com. Clydesdaliae " [Matric. Alb. 1740]; elected one of the Exchequer Bursars; died before 14th October, 1747 [Univ. Minutes, 26th June and 14th October, 1747]- HENDERSON, ROBERT, M.A. 1825. W.S. 1831; Advocate, 1836; born 17th April, 1807; died unmarried, 27th October, 1852. HENDERSON, ROBERT HOME, M.B., CM. 1891. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow. HENDERSON, THOMAS BEATH, M.B., CM. 1871, M.D. 1878. Melrose ; Barnard Castle, Durham ; Glasgow. HENDERSON, THOMAS MOWBRAY, M.D. 1865. Crook, Durham; London. HENDERSON, THOMAS W., B.A. 1822. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. HENDERSON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1743- HENDERSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1782. " Filius maximus natu Jacobi Agricolae in parochia de Bellarony in com. de Down" [Matric. Alb. 1780]. 262 ROLL OP GRADUATES HENDERSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1829. " Filius natu tertius Davidis artificis in parochia de Greenock " [Matric. Alb. 1826]. HENDERSON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1867. Glasgow; London; died 19th April, 1896, aged 51. HENDERSON, WILLIAM CRAIG, M.A. 1894, B.Sc. 1895. Student of Trinity College, Cambridge ; entered Middle Temple, October, 1897 ; son of James Henderson, M.A. 1872 (q.v.). HENDREN, SAMUEL, M.A. 1820. " Filius natu quintus Joannis, quondam Agricolae in parochia de Mullabrack in comitatu de Armagh" [Matric. Alb. 1818]. HENDRIE, GEORGE SMITH, M.A. 1875. Minister of Dalmellington. HENDRY, NISBET THOMSON, M.A. 1885. Teacher in Partick Schools, namely, (1) Hamilton Crescent, 1885-96, (2) Dowanhill since 1896. HENERY, ROBERT, M.A. 1729. "Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1728]. HENNING, GEORGE OAKLEY, M.D. 1835. HENRY, ALEXANDER, M.A. 18 10. 11 Filius natu Secundus Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Derryloran in comi- tatu de Tyronne, Hyb." [Matric. Alb. 1807]. HENRY, ALEXANDER, M.D., CM. 1840. London; Croydon, Surrey. HENRY, BARCLAY, CM. 1833, M.D. 1852. Greenock; Luss; Arrochar ; died 6th December, 1876. HENRY, HUGH, M.A. 1742. "Samuelis F.V.D.M. in Dunkit in Comit. Kilkenny" [Matric. Alb. 1739]. HENRY, JAMES, M.D. 1848. Liverpool; Seacombe ; Southport; Liverpool; Bury-St.-Edmunds ; died 24th April, 187 1, aged 60. HENRY, JAMES, M.D. 1862. Surgeon, R.N. ; London. HENRY, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1896. Motherwell. HENRY, JAMES FALLS, M.D. 1839. Surgeon, R.N. ; Dublin; Maghera, Co. Derry; died 1877. HENRY, JOSEPH, M.A. 1774. " Filius Unicus Josephi Agricolae in Parochia de Killevy, Com. de Armagh, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1772]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 263 HENRY, JOSEPH, B.A. 1847, M.A. 1848. Minister of (r) a Presbyterian charge in Ireland, (2) Graemsay, Stromness. HENRY, POOLEY SHULDHAM, D.D. 1841. Minister of First Presbyterian Church, Armagh, 1826-46; thereafter President of Queen's College, Belfast, and Senator of Queen's University in Ireland ; died 8th November, 1881, aged 80. HENRY, RICHARD, M.D. 1848. Newbliss, Co. Monaghan ; Clones, same Co. HENRY, ROBERT, M.A. 1765. "Filius natu quintus Roberti quondam Agricolae in Comitatu de Downe Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1762]. HENRY, ROBERT, M.A. 1781. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HENRY, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1886. Port-Gordon, Banffshire ; Great Lever, Lanes. ; Middleton there ; Oldham. HENRY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1781. Irish Presbyterian Minister at (1) Stewartstown, 1790-91, (2) Armagh, 1791-95, when suspended sine die. HENRY, WILLIAM, M.A. 181 1. Possibly the same person as William Henry, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Loughgall, 1830-80, who died 20th January, 1880. HEPBURN, DAVID, M.A. 1885. (a) Teacher in various Glasgow Schools ; {b) Head Master of Stromness Public School, Orkney. HERBERT, DAVID, M.A. 1857. (1) Congregational Minister at Darwen, Lanes.; (2) Teacher (Private Tutor), Edinburgh. HERBERT, HENRY CARDEN, M.D. 1864. Deputy Surgeon-General, Army ; Bristol HERBERTSON, JAMES COWE, M.A. 1880, M.B., CM. 1883, M.D. 1885. Overtown ; Johnstone. HERBISON, JAMES, M.A. 1815. Possibly a connection of David Herbison, the Irish poet. HERD, JOHN WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1872. London; Bolton; Appleby; died 3rd August, 1885. HERIOT, JOHN, M.D. 1820. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. HERKLESS, WILLIAM ROBERTSON, M.A. 1876, LL.B. 1889. Professor of Scots Law (Civil and Criminal) in St. Mungo's College, Glasgow, since its foundation in 1889; Examiner for Law Degrees in the University since 1895. 264 ROLL OF GRADUATES HERON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1814. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Portadown, Co. Armagh, 1822-26, (2) Bally- roney, Co. Down, 1826-65 ; died at latter, 17th November, 1865. HERON, GEORGE ALLAN, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1869. Glasgow ; Margate ; King's Cliffe, Northamptonshire ; London. HERON, GEORGE ROBERT, M.D. 1843. " Jamaciensis " [Grad. Alb.]. HERON, JAMES, M.A. 1814. Presbyterian Minister at Sligo, 1824-60; died there, 28th July, i860. HERON, JAMES, M.A. 1827. Schoolmaster of the Parish of Kingarth, Bute, 1830-44; thereafter Private Teacher in Rothesay and Glasgow, Land Surveyor, etc. ; born 7th October, 1807 ; died 27th October, 1877. HERON, MATTHEW, M.A. 1795. Presbyterian Minister at Monreagh, 1801-46; died there, 27th March, 1846. HERON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1809. Presbyterian Minister (Unitarian) at Ballyclare, Co. Antrim. HERON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1830. Professor of Natural Philosophy in Anderson's College, Glasgow, 1830-33. HERRIES, WILLIAM FERDINAND, CM. 1824. "West Indies" [Grad. Alb.]. HERRON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1878. Stirling ; Greenock ; Burnley, Lanes. ; London. HERRON, SAMUEL, M.A. 1806. "Filius natu Secundus Jacobi Agricolae in parochia de Drumboe in comitatu de Down in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1803]. HERSCHEL, SIR WILLIAM, LL.D. 1792. The Asuonomer; born at Hanover, 15th November, 1738; died at Slough, near Windsor, 25th August, 1822. HETT, ROBERT HOBART, M.D. 1821. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. HEUGH, HUGH, M.A. 1736. "Filius defuncti Rev di Joannis Heugh A.M. pastoris in parochia de Kingoldrum" [Matric. Alb. 1733]. HEWES, CHARLES HINMAN, B.Sc. 1888. Assistant Naval Constructor, U.S. Navy; died at Norfolk, Va., 1890. HEWETSON, HENRY HUBBERT, CM. 1827. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HEWITT, DAVID RIDDELL, M.A. 1873. Minister of (1) English Presbyterian Church, Sutton, (2) Free Church, Cockburnspath. 265 M.A. 1889. M.B. , CM. 1877. M.D. 1844. M.B. ,CM. 1892. B.A. 1815. ROLL OF GRADUATES HEWITT, EDWARD, F.C, Missionary to Greyville, Durban, Natal. HEWITT, WILLIAM, Prestwick. HEWSON, GEORGE FRANCIS, Cheltenham ; Kilmington, Devon. HEYLIGER, ERNST DENNY SCOTT, Glasgow ; Wigan. HEYWOOD, THOMAS, Sometime Banker in Manchester; retired 1828, and purchased Hope End, Herefordshire, where he afterwards resided, devoting himself to antiquarian pursuits; born 3rd September, 1797; died 20th November, 1866. HICKEY, THOMAS CANNING, M.B. 1867. Fleet Surgeon, R.N. HICKIE, DANIEL BANFIELD, LL.D. 1828. Head Master of Hawkshead Free Grammar School, Ambleside. HICKIN, HERBERT, M.B., CM. 1885. Gnosall, Staffs. ; Bryndulas, Denbighshire ; Shanghai, China. HICKSON, ROBERT, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HIGGINS, JAMES CRAIG, M.A. 1880, B.D. 1883. Minister of Tarbolton. HIGHET, CAMPBELL, M.B., CM. 1892. Ayr ; Dalmellington ; Paisley. HIGHET, HUGH, M.D. 1841. Troon; died 1868. HIGHET, HUGH CAMPBELL, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1892. Glasgow ; Paris ; Singapore. HIGHET, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1873, M.D. 1883. Dalmellington; Ayr; Workington, Cumberland. HIGHET, JOHN, M.B. 1876, M.D., CM. 1884. Troon. HIGHET, ROBERT CAMPBELL, M.B., CM. 1886. Bridlington, Yorks. ; Ayr ; Stirling. HIGINBOTHOM, ROD. M.A. 1732. "Angl. Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HILL, ALEXANDER MACKAY, M.A. 1896. Teacher in Napiershall Public School, Glasgow. HILL, ANDREW, , M.D. 1802. "Surgeon in Greenock" [Univ. Minute, 30th October, 1802]. 266 ROLL OF GRADUATES HILL, FRANCIS ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1895. Ayr. HILL, HENRY DAVID, B.A. 1855, M.A. 1856. Minister of Eaglesham, 1859-78 (son of Alexander Hill, D.D., Professor of Divinity in Glasgow University); born at Ayr, 14th June, 1837; died at Clifton, 8th July, 1878. HILL, JAMES, M.A. 1747. Of Cartside, Writer in Glasgow; held, inter alia, the Factorship of the University, the Clerkship of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, and the Collectorship of the Merchants' House; born 25th June, 1731 ; died 27th December, 179 1. HILL, JAMES, M.D. 1864. Galway ; North Curry, Somerset ; Belfast ; Reigate, Surrey ; London ; Brisbane, Queensland. HILL, JAMES, M.A. 1871. Congregational Minister at (1) Fraserburgh, (2) Bourke Street, Sydney, N.S.W. HILL, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1890, M.D. 1895. Glasgow ; Renfrew. HILL, JAMES WRIGHT, M.B., CM. 1886. Kilbarchan ; London. HILL, JOHN, M.A. 1729. "Anglus" [Matric. Alb. 1727]. HILL, JOHN, M.A. 1814. Congregational Minister at (1) Alloa, (2) Kilmarnock, (3) Gornal, Staffs., (4) Stafford; retired 1850 on account of ill-health; born at Lochee, Dundee, 2nd February, 1792; died at Stratford, Essex, 8th May, 1865. HILL, JOHN, M.A. 1883. U.P. Minister at Coatdyke. HILL, JOHN WILLIAMS, M.A. 1826. "Filius max 5 Josiae, V.D.M ri apud Haverford West, Comitatu de Pembroke" [Matric. Alb. 1823]. HILL, LAURENCE, LL.B. 1822, LL.D. 1863. Of Barlanark, Writer in Glasgow; held, inter alia, the Factorship of the University, the Clerkship of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, and the Collectorship of the Merchants' House; born in Edinburgh, 25th July, 1791; died at Barlanark, 21st February, 1872; grandson of James Hill, M.A. 1747 (q.v.). HILL, NINIAN, M.D. 1830. Glasgow; London; Guernsey; died there, 1852. HILL, SAMUEL, M.A. 1810. "Filius natu Secundus Thomae Agricolae in parochia de Drumachose in comitatu de Deny" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 267 HILL, SAMUEL HAY, M.D. 1849. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HILL, THOMAS, M.A. 1779. Obtained a Cadetship in the East India Company's Service ; on going out was wrecked in the "Kingston" 178 — ; held a Commission as a " Lieutenant Fireworker" in the Company's Service at Madras; was complimented by Lord Cornwallis in Brigade Orders of 20th May, 1787, "for his successful endeavours to fire the powder contained in shells the instant they touch the ground"; wounded at the Capture of Nundydoorg (First Siege of Seringapatam) ; recom- mended in Despatch of 19th November, 1793, by Lord Abercrombie to Sir Robert Abercrombie as " an Officer of genius and merit " ; sent on Embassy to Siam prior to 1801 ; held rank at his death as Lieutenant-Colonel of Artillery in H.E.I.C.S.; born 3rd December, 1761; died 14th January, 1821 ; son of James Hill, M.A. 1747 (q.v.). HILL, WILLIAM HENRY, LL.D. 1887. Of Barlanark, Writer in Glasgow ; Factor for the University, Clerk to the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, Collector of the Merchants' House, etc. etc. ; son of Laurence Hill, LL.D. (q.v.). HILLHOUSE, PERCY ARCHIBALD, B.Sc. 1888. Naval Architect at (1) Pointhouse Shipyard, Glasgow, (2) Clydebank Shipyard, Clydebank. HILLIARD, ROBERT HARVEY, M.D. i860. Dundee; Glasgow; London; Aylesbury, Bucks.; died at St. Leonards, 18th July, 1 89 1, aged 52. HILSTON, DAVID, M.A. 1784. " Filius natu maximus Gulielmi Ludimagistri in Parochia de Lesmahago et Comitatu de Lanark" [Matric. Alb. 1777]. HINCKS, THOMAS DIX, LL.D. 1834. Irish Presbyterian Minister at (1) Cork, (2) Fermoy ; Schoolmaster at Cork, 1791 to 1803; Lecturer on Chemistry and Natural Philosophy in Royal Cork Institution, 1810-13; Tutor of Fermoy Academy, 1815; Classical Head Master in Belfast Academical Institution, 1821-36; Professor of Oriental Languages therein, 1822-49; born in Dublin, 24th June, 1767; died in Belfast, 24th February, 1857. HIND, JOHN RUSSELL, LL.D. 1882. Astronomer; Superintendent of the Nautical Almanac, F.R.S. ; born at Nottingham, 12th May, 1823; died at Twickenham, 23rd December, 1895. HINSHELWOOD, JAMES, M.A. 1880, M.B., CM. 1884, M.D. 1889. Glasgow; Middlesbro'; Glasgow: Assistant to Professor Thomas M'Call Anderson (q.v.) since 1893. HISLOP, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1872, D.D. 1894. U.P. Minister at (1) Greenhead, Glasgow, (2) Helensburgh; Professor of Practical Training in U.P. Theological Hall since 1892. 268 ROLL OF GRADUATES HISLOP, DAVID, B.A. 1858. (1) E.U. Minister at Montrose; (2) E.U. Minister at Leith; (3) E.U. (Congregational) Minister at Hawick. HISLOP, JOHN, M.A. 1880. Writer, Glasgow. HISLOP, THOMAS, M.A. 1885. (1) Teacher in Church of Scotland Training College; (2) Head Master of Knockando Public School ; (3) Head Master of Benhar Works School ; (4) Head Master of Ratho Public School. HISLOP, WILLIAM, M.A. 1879, LL.B. 1882. Writer, Glasgow. HITCHEN, CHARLES HENRY, M.D. 1848. Frodsham, Cheshire. HOBART, NATHANIEL JOSEPH, M.D. 1847. Cork. HOBART, RICHARD, M.D. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HOBART, ROBERT REID, M.A. 1894. Minister of United Original Secession Church at Shottsburn since 1896. HOBSON, ABRAHAM, M.D. 1843. Timahoe, Queen's Co.; Ballylinan, Queen's Co.; died 19th October, 1887. HOBSON, BENJAMIN, M.D. 1768. HODGE, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. HODGE, JOHN, M.A. 1773. " Filius quintus Jacobi quondam Agricolae in Comitatu de Antrim Parochia Derrykirchen " [Matric. Alb. 1771]. HODGE, PETER, M.B., CM. 1883. Ship Surgeon; Glasgow HODGE, WILLIAM BENJAMIN, M.A. 1888, B.L. 1893. Writer, Glasgow. HODGERT, ROBERT, CM. 1833. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. HODGSON, ISAAC CLARK, MB., CM. 1882. Workington, Cumberland. HODGSON, JAMES MUSCUTT, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862, B.D. 1872, D.D. 1888. Congregational Minister, Uttoxeter, Staffs., 1865-75 ; Professor of Apologetics, etc., in Lancashire Independent College, Manchester, 1875-94; Principal of, and Professor of Theology in, the Congregational Theological Hall, Edinburgh, since 1894; D.Sc. Edin. 1882. ROLL OF GRADUATES 269 HODGSON, WILLIAM BALLANTYNE, LL.D. 1846. Secretary to the Mechanics' Institute of Liverpool, 1839-44; Principal thereof, 1844-47; Principal of Chorlton High School, Manchester, 1847-51; afterwards (1871-80) Professor of Commercial and Political Economy and Mercantile Law in Edinburgh University; born at Edinburgh, 6th October, 1815 ; died at Brussels, 24th August, 1880. HODNET, JAMES, M.D. 1786. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HOFFMANN, JOHN, M.D. 1847. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HOFFMEISTER, SIR WILLIAM CARTER, M.D. 1840. Cowes : Surgeon to the Queen, Prince of Wales, and Royal Family in Isle of Wight; died 29th July, 1890, aged 73. HOGARTH, ANDREW ALLISON, M.A. 1875, M.B., CM. 1880. Glasgow; Ardrossan; Thirsk, Yorks. ; Cheltenham. HOGARTH, JOHN PEDEN, M.A. 1883. U.P. Minister at Renfrew. HOGG, ADAM, M.A. 1807. "Filius natu 3 tlus Joannis Artificis in Parochia et Comitatu de Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1802]. HOGG, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1878. Glasgow; Workington, Cumberland. HOGG, CHARLES, M.A. 1870. Town Missionary, Belfast. HOGG, EDWARD, M.D. 1824. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. HOGG, GEORGE MITCHELL, M.B., CM. 1883. Hexham, Northumberland ; Middlesbro', Yorks. ; Stockton-on-Tees. HOGG, JAMES, M.A. 1773. "Filius natu secundus Jacobi in Parochia de Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1767]. HOGG, JAMES ALLAN, M.A. 1884, B.D. 1886. Minister of (1) West Church, Dairy, Ayrshire, (2) Galston. HOGG, JOHN, M.A. 1813. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Carlan, 1815-46; died 5th December, 1846. HOGG, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1885. London ; Dumfries. HOGG, ROBERT, B.A. 1851, M.A. 1852. Minister, Clones, Ireland; died 4th April, 1891. HOGG, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1887. Forth, Lanarkshire ; Penistone, Yorks. ; Forth ; Murton Colliery, Sunderland, 270 ROLL OF GRADUATES HOGG, THOMAS, M.A. 1793. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HOGG, WILLIAM, M.A. 1806. " Filius natu maximus Davidis Opificis in parochia de St. Quivox in comitatu de Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1803]. HOGG, WILLIAM, M.A. 1807. "Filius natu tertius Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Pomeroy in comitatu de Tyrone in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1803]. HOGGAN, ANDREW DAVID REID, M.D. 1841. Denny; Assistant Surgeon, H.M. Sloop "Hazard"; died at Rio-de- Janeiro soon after graduation. HOGGAN, JOHN, B.L. 1883. Stockbroker, Glasgow. HOLBROOK, JAMES, M.D. 1829. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. HOLBURN, ANDREW COWAN, B.Sc. 1888. Teacher in (1) Coltness Iron Works' School, Newmains, (2) High School for Girls, Aberdeen, (3) Kent Road Public School, Glasgow. HOLDEN, GEORGE, . LL.D. 1788. Head Master of the Free Grammar School at Horton-in-Ribblesdale, Yorkshire, and Vicar of Horton; died circa 182 1. HOLDEN, GEORGE, M.A. 1805. Held (181 1-65) the perpetual curacy of Maghull, near Liverpool, and (1821-25) the vicarage of Horton; born 1783; died 19th March, 1865; son of George Holden, LL.D. (q.v.). HOLLAND, THOMAS ERSKINE, LL.D. 1884. Barrister-at-Law ; Chichele Professor of International Law and Diplomacy in Oxford University, and Fellow of All-Souls; B.A. Oxon. 1858; M.A. i860; B.C.L. 1871; D.GL. 1876. HOLLIDAY, SIMON, M.D. 1787. Lost his class certificates " by the shipwreck of his Majesty's ship the 'Superb' in the East Indies, in which ship Mr. Holliday had served as a Surgeon during the late War" [Univ. Minute, 12th January, 1787]. HOLM, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1890. Assistant Mathematical Master in Boys' High School, Glasgow, 1891-92; Assistant Mathematical and Science Master in Perth Academy, 1892-93 ; Mathe- matical Master in Girls' High School, Glasgow, since 1893. HOLM, JAMES, M.A. 1891. (Logan Medallist); Lecturer on Physics in University College, Nottingham, 1894-95 ; Professor of Physics in South African University, Cape Town, 1895-97 ; died at Lemoenfontein, 15th November, 1897, aged 27. ROLL OF GRADUATES 27 1 HOLME, WILLIAM JAMES, M.B., CM 1885. Bacup, Lanes. HOLMES, ADAM, CM. 1819. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HOLMES, ANDREW THOMAS, M.A. 1837. " Filius natu minimus Benjamini agricolae in parochia de Donoughmore et comitatu de Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1832]. HOLMES, CHARLES, M.D. 1839. Dublin; died 16th March, 1891. HOLMES, GEORGE SMYTH, M.D. 1846. Glenarm, Co. Antrim; died 1857. HOLMES, HENRY, M.B., CM. 1870. Dunamanagh, Co. Tyrone. HOLMES, JAMES, M.A. 1778. "Natus in Hybernia Filius natu tertius Caroli Agricolae in Parochia de Donaughmore & Comitatu de Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1775]. HOLMES, JOHN, M.A. 1771. Possibly the same person as John Holmes, Presbyterian Minister at Donagheady, Co. Tyrone, 1779 to 1830, and who died 5th November, 1831. HOLMES, JOHN, M.A. 1829. "Filius natu tertius Benjamini agricolae in comitatu de Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1826]. HOLMES, STEPHEN, M.D. 1851. Dunmanway, Co. Cork; died February, 1892. HOLMES, THOMAS, M.D. 1838. Rathkeale, Co. Limerick; died 2nd June, 1883. HOLMES, TRAFFORD, M.D. 1836. Hipperholme, Yorks. ; Brighouse, Yorks. ; died 1859. HOLMES, WILLIAM MOFFAT, M.B., CM. 1892. Greenock; Glasgow; Greenock; Gourock. HOLMS, JAMES, CM. 1827. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HOLMS, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1871, M.D. 1873. Ship Surgeon ; Paisley. HOLT, ARTHUR, M.B., CM. 1895. Heywood, Lanes. HOLT, RICHARD, M.A. 1741. Intended for Dissenting Ministry in " South Britain " ; no trace of his career, 272 ROLL OF GRADUATES HOLT, THOMAS GEORGE, B.A. 1861. Merchant in Glasgow and Liverpool. HONE, ROBERT, LL.D. 1829. "Of Southgate House, Winchester" [Univ. Minute, 13th March, 1829]. HOOD, ALEXANDER JARVIE, M.B., CM. 1882. Glasgow; Maclean, Clarence River, N.S. Wales; Sydney there. HOOD, ARCHIBALD JAMES, M.A. 1890. Teacher in Glasgow F.C. Training College, 1890-95 ; Lecturer on School Management therein since 1895. HOOD, JAMES JARVIE, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Wollongong, New South Wales; Grafton, N.S.W. ; died there, 26th December, 1894. HOOD, JOSEPH, CM. 1826. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. HOOD, JOSEPH, M.A. 1894. Teacher in (1) Douglas (Lanarkshire), Public School, (2) Mearns Public School. HOOD, WILLIAM, M.A. 1793. Minister of Neilston, 1798 to 1804; died 26th February, 1804, aged 34. HOOKER, SIR JOSEPH DALTON, M.D. 1839, LL.D. 1873. Entered R.N. 1839; accompanied Admiral Sir J. C. Ross to Antarctic Regions as Assistant Surgeon and Naturalist, 1839-43; travelled for scientific purposes in India, Morocco, etc. ; Assistant Director of Royal Gardens, Kew, 1855-65, and Director thereof, 1865-85; K.C.S.I.; C.B.; F.R.S. (Pres. 1873-78); D.C.L. Oxon. 1866; LL.D. Edin. 1884; born 30th June, 1817; son of Sir William Jackson Hooker (q.v.). HOOKER, WILLIAM DAWSON, M.D. 1838. Glasgow, Professor of Materia Medica in Anderson's College ; Jamaica ; born 4th April, 1816; died at Kingston, Jamaica, January, 1840; son of Sir William Jackson Hooker (q.v.). HOOKER, SIR WILLIAM JACKSON, LL.D. 1820. Professor of Botany in Glasgow University, 1820 to 1841; Director of Kew Gardens, 1841-65; born at Norwich, 6th July, 1785; died at Kew, 12th August, 1865; F.L.S.; F.R.S. 1810; D.C.L. Oxon. 1845. HOOPER, JOHN, M.A. 1809. Originally a Carpenter; afterwards (1) for 17 years Classical Tutor at Hoxton, (2) Dissenting Minister at Old Gravel Lane, Wapping; died 1825, aged 45. HOOPER, THOMAS, M.D. 1764. HOPE, CORNELIUS, M.B., CM. 1889. Kirkintilloch ; Govan, ROLL OF GRADUATES 273 HOPE, JOHN, M.D. 1750. Professor of Medicine and Botany in Edinburgh University, 1761 to 1786; born 10th May, 1725; died 10th November, 1786. HOPE, JOHN AFFLECK, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. HOPE, THOMAS CULBERTSON, M.B., CM. 1873. Batesford, Victoria, Australia; Geelong there. HOPKINS, JOHN, M.A. 1889. (1) First Assistant in Bathgate Academy; (2) Head Master of Fordoun Higher Grade School, Kincardineshire. HOPKIRK, JAMES, LL.B. 1826. Advocate, Edinburgh. HOPKIRK, JOHN GLASSFORD, LL.B. 1825. W.S., Edinburgh; Law Agent for the University of Glasgow; born 1789; died 2nd August, 1859. HOPKIRK, THOMAS, LL.D. 1835. Of Dalbeth. HOPPUS, JOHN, B.A. 1821, M.A. 1822, LL.D. 1839. Sometime Minister of Carter Street Congregational Chapel, London ; after- wards Professor of Logic and Philosophy in University College, London; died 29th January, 1875, a g e ^ 86; F.R.S. HORLOCK, THOMAS, M.D. 1837. "Filius natu 2 ndus Thomae, Mercatoris apud insul. de Jamaica" [Matric. Alb. 1831]. HORN, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1888. Maryhill ; Blackburn ; Padiham, Lanes. HORNE, CHARLES SILVESTER, M.A. 1886. Minister of Congregational Church, Kensington, London, since 1889. HORNE, JOSEPH, M.B., CM. 1885. Newarthill; Glasgow. HORNE, ROBERT STEVENSON, M.A. 1893, LL.B. 1896. Advocate, Edinburgh. HORNIBROOK, WILLIAM BARTER, M.D. 1841. Kinsale, Co. Cork; died 1888. HORSFIELD, JAMES WILLIAM, M.B. 1865. South Shields; South Hylton, Co. Durham; Middleton-in-Teesdale ; died 25 th April, 1 89 1, aged 47. HOTCHKIS, ROBERT DUNMORE, M.A. 1886. M.B. Durham, 1891 ; London; Gartnavel Asylum. HOUSTON, ARCHIBALD N'NEILL, M.A. 1881, B.D. 1884. Minister of Auchterderran. s 274 ROLL OF GRADUATES HOUSTON, DAVID, M.A. 1885. F.C. Minister at Lerwick. HOUSTON, HUGH, CM. 1838. " Hibernus " [Grad. Alb.]. HOUSTON, JAMES EDWARD, M.A. 1879, B.D. 1882. Minister of (1) St. Clements, Dundee, (2) Cambuslang. HOUSTON, JOHN, CM. 1830. Beith. HOUSTON, JOHN, M.D. 1854. Brigade-Surgeon, Madras Army. HOUSTON, ROBERT, M.A. 1824. Minister of (1) Dalmellington, (2) Gorbals; deposed 27th May, 1853, for intoxication; died 31st January, 1854, aged 51. HOUSTON, WILLIAM, CM. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HOUSTOUN, ANDREW BIGGAM, M.B., CM. 1889. Busby. HOWARD, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow; Bishop's Castle, Shropshire; died there, 16th May, 1891. HOWAT, ADAM, M.A. 1892. (1) Assistant Teacher in Kirkhill School, Cambuslang; (2) Second Master in Moffat Academy; (3) Head Master of Pittenweem School. HOWAT, ROBERT KING, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow ; Wolverhampton ; Edinburgh ; Glasgow. HOWAT, WILLIAM BROWN, M.B., CM. 1876. Overtown, Lanarkshire; Ecclefechan; Waterbeck, Dumfriesshire; died 21st June, 1878, aged 28. HOWATSON, ANDREW, M.D. 1823. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. HOWATSON, JOHN, M.A. 1876. Minister of (1) U.P. Church at Horndean, (2) English Presbyterian Church at Walker-on-Tyne. HOWE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1753. Minister of Skirling, 1765-96; died 10th December, 1796; father of James Howe, the celebrated animal painter. HOWE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1882. Teacher in (1) Blair Atholl School to 1883, (2) Langholm Academy, 18S3-85 ; Head Master of (1) Greenknowe Public School, Annan, 1886-95, (2) Public School, Annan, since 1895. HOWELL, ALEXANDER RUTHERFORD, M.A. 1893. Assistant Minister, Church of Scotland, Buenos Ayres. ROLL OF GRADUATES 275 HOWELLS, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1882. Glasgow ; Scarborough ; Talgarth, Breconshire. HOWIE, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow ; London ; Westbury, Salop. HOWIE, JAMES, M.D. 1839. Sometime Probationer of Secession Church; thereafter Practitioner at Strontian and in Cuba, West Indies; latterly a Farmer. HOWIE, JAMES HOLMES, M.D. 1850. Helensburgh; died of fever, 6th December, 1859, aged 29. HOWIE, JOHN, M.A. 1797. "Filius natu secundus Joannis, apud Dian, in Comitatu de Tyrone, in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1796]. HOWIE, JOHN COULSON, M.A. 1884, M.B., CM. 1889. Ship Surgeon; Glasgow; son of Robert Howie, M.A. 1856 (q.v.). HOWIE, JOHN LINDSAY, M.B., CM. 1893. Pollokshaws ; Annan. HOWIE, ROBERT, M.A. 1856. F.C. Minister of (1) Wynd Church, Glasgow, (2) Trinity Church there, (3) St. Mary's, Govan. HOWIE, ROBERT, M.A. 1894. Student of Theology in F.C. College ; native of Dreghorn. HOWIE, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1895. Crewe. HOWIE, ROBERT, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in F.C. College, Glasgow; son of Robert Howie, M.A. 1856 (q.v.). HOWIE, THOMAS BALLANTYNE, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1883. Cross Hills, Yorks. ; Alyth ; Methven; Macduff;, died nth January, 1884, aged 30. HOWIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1889, B.D. 1892. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. HOWISON, JOHN, M.D. 1864. Glasgow. HOYLE, JAMES, M.D. 1850. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. HUDSON, CYRUS, B.A. 1835, M.A. 1836. Congregational Minister, Dalston ; died 1871, aged 61. HUDSON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1894. Dumbarton ; Newmains ; Overtown ; Newcastle-on-Tyne, 276 ROLL OF GRADUATES HUDSON, JOSEPH, M.A. 1742. " Filius Joannis Hudson in parochia de Coldbeck in Com. de Cumberland " [Matric. Alb. 1740]. HUDSON, THOMAS, M.A. 1768. " Letturnell Filius tertius Mercatoris in Urbe de Inniskillen Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1767]. HUDSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1777. " (Natus in Hibernia) Filius natu Secundus Jacobi Agricolae in Parochia de Grange in Com. de Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1776]. HUESTON, MOSES, M.A. 1833. Irish Presbyterian Minister at (1) Fannet, 1837-41, (2) Letterkenny, 1841-47, when " set aside on a charge of immorality " [Hist, of Irish Presb. Congs., p. 176]. HUEY, JAMES, M.A. 1808. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Ballywillan, 1812-62; died 20th January, 1862. HUEY, JOSEPH, M.D. 1837. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. HUEY, WALTER, M.D. 1833. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HUGGINS, JAMES P., M.B., CM. 1869. Native of Trinidad, West Indies ; probably settled there. HUGH, THOMAS ARCHIBALD, M.A 1884. U.P. Minister at Blantyre. HUGHES, ALBERT BARNES, M.B., CM. 1895. Kenchester, Hereford. HUGHES, ARTHUR DAVIES, M.B., CM. 1886, M.D. 1895. Milford Haven ; Cowbridge, Glam. ; Jorrai, Assam, India ; Littleport, Cam- bridgeshire; Dunstable, Beds. HUGHES, HENRY MARSHALL, M.D. 1832. London : sometime Lecturer on Clinical Medicine in Guy's Hospital ; died at Brighton, 12th October, 1858, aged 52. HUGHES, HUGH, CM. 1824. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. HUGHES, JAMES STANNUS, M.D. 1840. Dublin: Professor of Surgery, R. C.S.I. ; born 20th July, 1812; died 1st June, 1884. HUGHES, JOHN, M.A. 1876. Minister of the Presbyterian Church 01 Wales at (1) Dowlais, (2) Machynlleth, (3) Liverpool. HUGHES, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1885. Oswestry, Salop; died 1889. ROLL OF GRADUATES 277 HUGHES, JOHN EVAN, M.B., CM. 1876. Lledrod, Cardiganshire ; Cwrtycadnaw there. HUGHES, JOSEPH FOORD, M.B., CM. 1887. Alexandria, Sydney. HUGHES, LEWIS, M.A. 1883. Stipendiary Curate of (1) Rhymney, Mon., 1884-90, (2) Llantrisant, Glam., 1890-94, (3) Aberdare, 1894, (4) St. Mary, Barry, Glam., since 1895. HULL, EDWARD, LL.D. 1879. M.A., F.R.S., Director of the Geological Survey of Ireland. HULLEY, ROBERT CHURCHMAN, CM. 1834, M.D. 1835. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. HUME, ABRAHAM, LL.D. 1843. Sometime Teacher in (1) the Belfast Institution and Academy, (2) the Liverpool Institute and Collegiate Institution; afterwards Vicar of Vauxhall, Liverpool; F.R.S. ; born 9th February, 18 14; died 21st November, 1884. HUME, DAVID, LL.D. 1804. Advocate; Professor of Scots Law in Edinburgh University, 1786 to 1822; Baron of Scots Exchequer, 1822 to 1831; born 27th February, 1757; died 30th August, 1838. HUME, DAVID ROSE, M.A. 1886. U.P. Minister at Muiredge, Buckhaven. HUME, GEORGE ALEXANDER, M.D. 1845. Crumlin, Co. Antrim; Coroner for County; died 9th January, 1880, aged 60. HUME, JOHN JAMES, M.D. 1835. "Fil. unicus Joannis Medici Hamilton" [Matric. Alb. 1826]. HUME, PATRICK, M.A. 1774. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. HUME, WILLIAM HENRY, M.D. 1819. "Filius natu 2 ) Chemistry, 1769-87; born 1743; died of fever, 9th July, 1787. IRVINE, WILLIAM STEWART, M.D. 1833. Pitlochry; J. P.; died 14th October, 1893, aged 81. IRVING, ANDREW, B.A. 1853. Doubtless the same person as Andrew Heron Irving, described in General Council Register for 1860-61 as "Private Tutor, No. 3 High Street, Sutton, Surrey, S.," and in the Register for 1861-2 as "at Mrs. Parker's, Wimbledon Common, Surrey." IRVING, GEORGE, M.A. 1891. Teacher in (1) Barrowfield Public School, Glasgow, 1890, (2) Gorbals Public School there, 1891-93, (3) Blythswood Testimonial and Grammar School, Renfrew, since 1893. IRVING, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1873. Huddersfield. IRVING, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1881, M.D. 1884. Glasgow ; Prince Albert, Cape of Good Hope ; London ; Heanor, Derby- shire ; London. IRWIN, MONTGOMERY, M.D. 1844. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. IRWIN, ROBERT, M.D. 1857. Belonged to Australia ; probably settled there. ROLL OF GRADUATES 287 IRWIN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1893. Newcastle, N.S. Wales. ISDALE, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1878, B.D. 1881. F.C. Minister at Kirkwall. ISDELL, JAMES, M.D. 1839. Gorey, Co. Wexford ; Dublin : Lecturer on Midwifery in Park Street School of Medicine there; afterwards Professor of Midwifery in Steevens's Hospital Medical School; born 10th October, 1800; died 30th November, 1882. JAAP, JOHN, M.D. 1858. Paisley ; Sheerness ; Brisbane, Queensland ; Woogaroo there. JACK, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow ; Mount Albion, Queensland ; Townsville there. JACK, CHARLES, M.D., CM. 1864. Seatonburn, Northumberland ; Dunkeld ; Horsforth, Yorks. ; Headingley, Yorks.; Leeds; died 1889. JACK, JAMES, M.A. 1762. "Filius natu maximus Roberti Mercatoris Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1756]; appointed University Librarian, 4th November, 1773; resigned 3rd June, 1774. JACK, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow ; Carluke. JACK, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1871. Glasgow; died 24th February, 1878, aged 31. JACK, JOHN SEMPLE, M.B., CM. 1878. Cramlington, Northumberland ; Rothbury there. JACK, ROBERT, D.D. 1813. Secession Minister at (1) Linlithgow, (2) Greenock, (3) Manchester; died nth November, 1837, aged 78. JACK, ROBERT, M.A. 1886, B.D. 1889. Minister of Chalmers Parish Church, Glasgow, since 1897. JACK, ROBERT THOM, M.A. 1890. Free Church Minister at Penicuik, in succession to S. R. Crockett, the novelist. JACK, WILLIAM, M.A. 1853, LL.D. 1875. Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge; (1) H.M. Inspector of Schools, 1860-66; (2) Professor of Natural Philosophy in Owens College, Manchester, 1866-70; (3) Editor of the Glasgow Herald; (4) Member of Publishing House of Macmillan & Co. ; (5) Professor of Mathematics in Glasgow University since 1879; Degree Examiner in Mathematics, 1861-65, I 87i-74, and 1877-79; Member of University Court (as Senate Assessor) since 1894; born 29th May, 1834; son-in-law of John Pringle Nichol, LL.D. (q.v.). 288 ROLL OF GRADUATES JACK, WILLIAM ROBERT, B.Sc. 1886, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1894. (Brunton Prizeman); Glasgow: Assistant to Professor Thomas M'Call Anderson (q.v.) since 1894; son of Professor William Jack (q.v.). JACKSON, BASIL, M.A. 1885. Clerk and Cashier, Glasgow. JACKSON, CHARLES, M.D. 1767. Practitioner, sometime in West Indies ; afterwards near Kelso. JACKSON, DANIEL, M.D. 1862. Hexham, Northumberland. JACKSON, FORBES, M.A. 1884. Baptist Minister, Barbourne, Worcester. JACKSON, GEORGE SCOTT, M.B., CM. 1890, M.D. 1894. Alnwick; son of Daniel Jackson, M.D. (q.v.). JACKSON, JAMES, M.A. 1740. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Ballybay, 1750-81, when demitted through bodily indisposition; died September, 1792. JACKSON, JOHN, M.A. 1733. "Ang. Fil. Guilelmi Jackson ex Ulverstone in Comit. Lancaster" [Matric. Alb. 1730]. JACKSON, JOHN, M.D. 1838. Glasgow (Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence in Portland Street Medical School, 1842-43); died 1844. JACKSON, JOHN ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1887, M.D. 1890. Hexham, Northumberland; son of Daniel Jackson, M.D. (q.v.). JACKSON, JOHN HUGHLINGS, LL.D. 1887. M.D. St. Andrews, i860; F.R.S., etc.; London. JACKSON, JOHN WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. JACKSON, ROBERT, M.D. 1829. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. JACKSON, ROBERT, M.A. 1886. Teacher in (1) Dundee High School, 1880-83, (2) Dumfries Academy, 1885-88, (3) Waid Academy, Anstruther, since 1888. JACKSON, THOMAS, M.A. 1776. " Filius natu maximus Jacobi Verbi Dei Ministri in Parochia de Aghnamulin & Comitatu de Monaghan in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1773]. JACKSON, THOMAS, M.A. 1794, LL.D. 1810. Professor of Natural Philosophy in University of St. Andrews, 1809-37. JACKSON, THOMAS, M.D. 1835. Leeds; Hull; died 10th April, 187 1. ROLL OF GRADUATES 289 JACKSON, THOMAS HOUSTON, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow ; Newton-Abbot, S. Devon ; Glasgow ; Sanquhar. JACKSON, THOMAS WILSON, M.B. 1867. Glassford ; Newbiggen-by-the-Sea, Northumberland ; Surgeon-Lieut.-Col., Army; Ashton-under-Lyne ; Glasgow; Stirling; died 21st January, 1896, aged 50. JACKSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1728. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. JACKSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1825. Minister of (1) Airdrie, (2) Free Church there; died 8th August, 1869. JACKSON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1892. Stirling; Surgeon, R.N.; son of Thomas Wilson Jackson, M.B. 1867 (q.v.). JACOB, EBENEZER, M.D. 1766. Wexford Infirmary; died 1813. JACOB, JOHN, LL.D. 1823. Rev., Head Master of the Grammar School at Plymouth. JACOB, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, M.D. 1849. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. JACOBS, J. ALFRED, M.D. 1838. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. JAGO, ARTHUR HERBERT, M.B., CM. 1887. Ship Surgeon; Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A. JAGO, EDWIN BROOKE, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. JAGO, JOSIAS, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow ; Ship Surgeon ; Armadale ; Falkirk ; Gosport, Hants. ; Sunderland. JAMES, DAVID, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1885. U.P. Minister at (1) Galston, (2) Kirkcaldy. JAMES, JOHN ANGELL, D.D. 1846. Minister of Carr's Lane Congregational Church, Birmingham; born at Blandford, Dorset, 6th June, 1785; died 1st October, 1859. JAMES, ROBERT, M.A. 1885. U.P. Minister at (1) Westray, Orkney, (2) Gorebridge, Midlothian. JAMES, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow; Stamford Bridge, Yorks. JAMES, THOMAS, B.A. i860, M.A. 1861. Presbyterian Minister at Llanelly, Wales, and Head Master of a Private School there. JAMES, THOMAS, M.A. 1866. Calvinistic Methodist Minister at Llandyssel, Wales, since 1867, and (1868-94) Master of a Grammar School there. T 290 ROLL OF GRADUATES JAMES, WILLIAM, M.A. 1866. Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Wales at (1) Neath, (2) Swansea, (3) Cardiff (where also Head Master of a Private Academy), (4) Nantymoel, Glam. JAMES, SIR WILLIAM MILBOURNE, M.A. 1825, LL.D. 1873. Q.C. ; one of the Lords Justices of Appeal in the Court of Chancery ; born 1807; died 7th June, 1881. JAMESON, BENJAMIN, M.A. 1810. " Filius natu Tertius Andreae in parochia Beterashane in comitatu de Derry " [Matric. Alb. 1807]. JAMESON, JAMES, M.D. 1857. Surgeon-Major-General, Army; Director-General of the Army Medical Department; C.B. (Civil), 1897. JAMESON, ROBERT, M.D. 1865. Kilbirnie; Brigade-Surgeon-Lieut.-Col., I.M.S., Bengal. JAMESON, WILLIAM, D.D. 1768. Minister of Rerick, 1731-90; M.A. of 1722; died (Father of the Church) 4th March, 1790, aged 86. JAMESON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1836. Dublin : sometime Lecturer on Midwifery, etc., etc., Dublin School of Medicine and Surgery; died 1st February, 1875, aged 72. JAMIESON, ALEXANDER, M.B. 1878. Glasgow. JAMIESON, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1884. Minister of Auchterarder. JAMIESON, ARCHIBALD MOODIE, CM. 1859. Thornhill, Stirlingshire; Surgeon in Public Service. JAMIESON, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1881. Canisbay, Caithness-shire; Tomintoul, Banffshire; Finchingfieid, Essex; Scourie, Lairg, Sutherlandshire. JAMIESON, JAMES, M.D. 1862, CM. 1863. Beith ; Anstruther ; Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia ; Melbourne : Lecturer on Obstetrics in University there. JAMIESON, JOHN, M.A. 1876. F.C. Minister at (1) Firth, Orkney, (2) Canonbie. JAMIESON, JOHN ANDERSON, M.D. 1840. Helensburgh; Brodick, Arran. JAMIESON, ROBERT, D.D. 1848. Minister of (1) Westruther, (2) Currie, (3) St. Paul's, Glasgow; Member of University Court (as Chancellor's Assessor), 1874-78; born 3rd January, 1802; died 26th October, 1880. ROLL OF GRADUATES 29 1 JAMIESON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1889. Brodick, Arran ; son of John Anderson Jamieson, M.D. (q.v.). JAMIESON, WILLIAM, CM. 1822. Bellshill; died 25th June, 1858. JAMIESON, WILLIAM STEVENS, B.Sc. 1874. Head Master of Kay Public School, Glasgow. JAMISON, ARTHUR ANDREW, M.D. 1865, CM. 1865. Glasgow ; St. Helen's, Lanes. ; London. JAMISON, WALTER, M.A. 1744. "Filius Gulielmi Jamison in Urbe Glasgua" [Matric. Alb. 1738]. JAPP, ALEXANDER HAY, LL.D. 1879. (a) Editor of the Montrose Review; (b) Litterateur (" H. A. Page") and Publisher in London ; native of Dun, Forfarshire. JARDINE, DAVID, M.A. 1813. A historical and legal writer; Barrister; Police Magistrate at Bow Street, London; Recorder of Bath; born 1794; died at Heath, Weybridge, Surrey, 13th September, i860. JARDINE, FERGUS, M.A. 1821. Minister of (1) Scots Church, London Wall, (2) Kinghorn; died 20th July, 1848. JARDINE, GEORGE, M.A. 1765. Of Hallside; Licentiate of Church of Scotland; Travelling Tutor to sons of Baron Mure of Caldwell; Professor of Logic in Glasgow University, 1774 to 1827; born at Wandal, Lanarkshire, 1742; died on Sunday, 28th January, 1827. JARDINE, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1882. St. Helen's, Lanes. ; Heywood there ; Castleton there ; Rochdale. JARDINE, JOHN, M.A. 1877. Minister of High Street U.P. Church, Dumbarton, 1881 to 1886; born at Castle-Douglas, 10th June, 1854; died 8th January, 1886. JARDINE, THOMAS, M.A. 1804. "Hybernus" [Grad. Alb.]. JARDINE, WALTER, M.A. 1890. Teacher in (1) Public School, Newburgh-on-Tay, (2) Sharp's Educational Institution, Perth, (3) The Academy, Perth. JARROLD, THOMAS, M.D. 1802. Physician in (1) Stockport, (2) Manchester; born at Manningtree, Essex, 1st December, 1770; died at Manchester, 24th June, 1853. JARVIE, ROBERT, M.A. 1885. Teacher in Busby Public School, 1880-82; Teacher in Hutchesons' Grammar School, Glasgow, 1884-86; Head Master of Lady Central Public School, Sanday, Orkney, since 1886, 292 ROLL OF GRADUATES JARVIS, THOMAS, M.A. 1741. "Ang. " [Grad. Alb.]; "Filius Thomae Jarvis Mercatoris in Insula de Antegoa" [Matric. Alb. 1736]. JAYNE, FREDERICK JAMES, M.B., CM. 1895. Aberaman, Aberdare. JEBB, HENRY, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. JEBB, RICHARD CLAVERHOUSE, LL.D. 1891. Fellow and Classical Lecturer of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1863-75; Public Orator of Cambridge University, 1869-76; Professor of Greek in Glasgow University, 1875-89; Regius Professor of Greek in Cambridge University since 1889; M.P. for that University since 1891 ; D.C.L. Oxon. ; LL.D. Edin. (1879), Dublin, and Harvard; D.Litt. Cantab.; Ph.D. Bologna; F.S.A. ; born at Dundee, 27th August, 1841. JEFFERSON, JOHN, M.D. 1856. Surgeon, R.N. ; died prior to 27th March, 1896. JEFFERSON, THOMAS, B.A. 1782. " Filius natu Secundus Thomae Armigeri de Greenrigg in Comitatu Cumbriae, natus in Anglia" [Matric. Alb. 1779]. JEFFRAY, JAMES, M.A. 1778. M.D. Edin. 1786; Professor of Anatomy in the University of Glasgow, 1790 to T848; born at Kilsyth, 1759; died 28th January, 1848. JEFFRAY, JAMES, M.A. 1831, M.D. 1834. Son of, and sometime Assistant to, Professor James Jeffray (q.v.); resided in Glasgow, but did not practise; born 2nd August, 181 1 ; died 24th May, 1886. JEFFREY, GEORGE, M.A. 1858. Master in Brisbane Academy, Largs, 1858-88; Preacher of the Gospel (North Woodside Mission Church, Glasgow), 1888-95 ; died 30th December, 1895, aged 57. JEFFREY, JAMES, M.A. 1868. Head Master of (1) Bothwell Academy, (2) Anderson's Academy, 12 Carlton Place, Glasgow, (3) City Girls' School, 74 John Street, Glasgow; died 5th March, 1889. JEFFREY, JAMES RITCHIE, M.B., CM. 1893. Muirkirk. JEFFREY, NORMAN STUART, M.B., CM. 1893. Blackpool, Lanes. ; Heywood there. JENINGS, JOHN R., M.D. 1834. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. JENKIN, HENRY CHARLES FLEEMING, LL.D. 1883. Professor of Engineering in (1) University College, London, 1865-68, (2) Edinburgh University, 1868-85; bora 25th March, 1833; died 12th June, 1885. ROLL OF GRADUATES 293 JENKINS, EDGAR MILWYN, M.B., CM. 1896. Builth, Breconshire. JENKINS, EVANS, M.A. 1780. " Natus in Hibernia, Filius natu minimus Evani nuper Agricolae in Parochia de Donaghmore in Comitatu de Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1779]. JENKINS, HUGH, M.A. 1895. Minister of Comely Bank Congregational Church, Edinburgh, since 1896. JENKINS, SIR JAMES, M.D. 1839. Assistant Surgeon, R.N., 1841 ; Surgeon, 1854; Staff Surgeon, 1863; Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals, 1872; Inspector-General (retired), 1878; served in charge of Naval Brigade before Sebastopol, 1854-55; etc., etc., etc. ; Honorary Surgeon to the Queen; K.C.B. ; Knight of Legion of Honour; born 1818. JENKINS, JOHN, M.A. 1831. Unitarian Minister and Schoolmaster at Yeovil (Somerset) and Boston (Lines.), 1832-39; Schoolmaster at Swansea for some years; Proprietor and Editor of Swansea and Glamorgan Herald, 1847-57; Assistant Commissioner, Welsh Education Enquiry, 1858-59; Barrister-at-Law, London, 1865-84; born 21st August, 1808; died October, 1884. JENKINS, JOSEPH, M.A. 1812. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Keady, 1816-62; died 30th August, 1862. JENKINS, THOMAS, M.A. i860. Congregational Minister at (1) Berea, Pembrokeshire, (2) Ipswich, Queens- land. JENKINS, THOMAS WILSON, M.A. 1883, M.B., CM. 1887, M.D. 1889. Glasgow. JENKINS, WILLIAM, M.A. 1872. Minister, St. David's, South Wales. JENNINGS, PHILIP, LL.D. 1815. Archdeacon of Norfolk and Rector of Corston, 1847 ; many years Assistant Minister, St. James's Chapel, Marylebone, and Perpetual Curate shortly before his death on 20th December, 1849, a g e ^ 66; B.A. Oxon. 1806; M.A. 1809; B. and D.D. 1824. JENNINGS, ROWAN, M.A. 1776. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. JEPHSON, HENRY, M.D. 1828. Leamington; J.P. ; died 14th May, 1878, aged 79; described by Thomas Guthrie, D.D., who was a patient of his at Leamington in 1848, as "a man of very versatile and extraordinary talents." JEPHSON, JAMES, M.D. 1833. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. 294 ROLL OF GRADUATES JEPHSON, JOHN HOLMES, M.D. 1850. Sometime Army Surgeon (present at Alma, Inkermann, and Sebastopol) ; Birkenhead ; London ; died at his sister's house, 13 St. James's Terrace, Hillhead, Glasgow, 8th July, 1896, aged 71. JEPHSON, WILLIAM HOLMES, M.D. 1843. Army Surgeon; Deputy Inspector-General; died 7th April, 1870, aged 49. JERDAN, DAVID SMILES, M.A. 1892. University Fellow in Chemistry of the Victoria University, Manchester; B.Sc. Vict. JEREMY, DANIEL DAVIES, M.A. 1851. Unitarian Minister at Frenchay, Warwick, and Dublin; born 1828. JEREMY, WALTER DAVID, M.A. 1848. Barrister-at-Law, London; J. P. for County of Cardigan; born 1825; died 1 8th September, 1893. JEWEL, FREDERICK WILLIAM, M.D. 1848. Largs; a "Frederick Jewel, M.D.," died at Yachandanah, Australia, in May, 1859, aged 35. JOACHIM, JOSEPH, LL.D. 1889. Concert Director in Weimar, 1850-54 ; Concert Director in Hanover, 1854-69 ; Member of the Senate of the Berlin Academy, and Director and Professor in the Conservatory of Music since 1869; Mus. Doc. (Oxford and Cambridge); born at Kittsee, near Presburg, 28th June, 1831. JOHN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1893. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. JOHNSON, ALLAN MOORE, M.A. 1777. "Hybernus" [Grad. Alb.]. JOHNSON, DAVID, Ch.B. 1819. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. JOHNSON, GILBERT PETGRAVE, M.B., CM. 1890, M.D. 1894. Glasgow; Liverpool; Stoke-on-Trent. JOHNSON, JAMES STEWART, D.D. 1874. Minister of Cambuslang, 1843-81; born at Cumnock, 3rd November, 18 10; died 9th November, 1881. JOHNSON, JOHN, M.D. 1843. Weston-super-Mare. JOHNSON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1892. Dundee; Port-Glasgow. JOHNSON, PHILIP, M.A. 1771. " Natus in Hibern. Filius natu tertius Thomae quondam V.D.M. Parochiae de Maghregall in Comitatu de Antrim in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1768]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 295 JOHNSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1812. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. JOHNSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1816. "Filius natu Secundus Francisci Agricolae in parochia de Drumboe in comi- tatu de Down" [Matric. Alb. 181 1]. JOHNSTON, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1894. Glasgow; Methven, Perthshire. JOHNSTON, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1883, M.D. 1889. Dumbarton; Wrexham; Burnley, Lanes.; Cheadle, Cheshire; Newton Heath, Lanes.; Glasgow (Physician Superintendent of Belvidere Fever Hospital). JOHNSTON, ALEXANDER ORROCK, D.D. 1892. Minister of (1) Cambuslang Free Church, 1868-76, (2) Westbourne Free Church, Glasgow, since 1876; M.A. Edin. 1861. JOHNSTON, ALFRED, M.A. 1889. Analytical Chemist in Glasgow. JOHNSTON, ALFRED WILLIAM, M.A. 1885. Minister (1) at Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada, 1888, (2) of Belhaven Mission, Glasgow, 1889, (3) of Mearns U.P. Church since 1891. JOHNSTON, ANDREW, M.A. 1771. "Filius natu tertius Jacobi in Parochia de Little Dunkeld" [Matric. Alb. 1765]- JOHNSTON, ARCHIBALD, CM. 1834. Glasgow. JOHNSTON, ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1870. Glasgow. JOHNSTON, ARCHIBALD M'ARTHUR, M.A. 1893. Teacher and Assayer, Johannesburg, Transvaal. JOHNSTON, DAVID, M.A. 1784. " Natus in Hibernia Filius Davidis Agricolae in parochia de Clogher in Comi- tatu de Tyrone natu secundus" [Matric. Alb. 1780]. JOHNSTON, DAVID, B.A. 1856, B.D. 1881. (1) Minister of Unst ; (2) Minister of Harray; (3) Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism in University of Aberdeen. JOHNSTON, DAVID, M.A. 1884. Sub- Inspector of Schools. JOHNSTON, DAVID GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1876. Glasgow; Plaltwhistle, Northumberland; London; Hillingdon, Middlesex; London ; Bristol ; London. JOHNSTON, DAVID GIBB, M.B., CM. 1885. Cambusnethan : Carterton, Wairarapa, N.Z. 296 ROLL OF GRADUATES JOHNSTON, DUNCAN, M.D. 1858. Fleet Surgeon, R.N. JOHNSTON, ERNEST ROBERT, B.Sc. 1889. Civil Engineer in (1) Glasgow, (2) London. JOHNSTON, FRANCIS, M.A. 1795. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. JOHNSTON, FRANCIS, M.B., CM. 1883. Liverpool; Birkenhead. JOHNSTON, GILBERT, M.A. 1894. Teacher in (1) Glasgow, (2) Newcastle-on-Tyne. JOHNSTON, HENRY, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. JOHNSTON, HENRY WHYTE, M.A. 1881. Minister of St. John's Presbyterian Church, Warpau, New Zealand. JOHNSTON, JAMES, M.A. 1764. "Filius Jacobi in vico Inver, in parochia minori de Dunkeld" [Matric. Alb. 1759]. JOHNSTON, JAMES, CM. 1820. Limekilns, Dunfermline; died 14th February, 1862. JOHNSTON, JAMES FINLAY WEIR, M.A. 1826. Professor of Agricultural Chemistry in Durham University ; born at Paisley, 13th September, 1796; died 18th September, 1855; F.R.S. JOHNSTON, JAMES HERBERT ORROCK, M.A. 1895. Law Apprentice, Glasgow; son of Alexander Orrock Johnston, D.D. (q.v.). JOHNSTON, JAMES WINGATE, M.D. 1828. Penge, Surrey; Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets; Honorary Surgeon to the Queen; died 17th October, 1882. JOHNSTON, JAMES WYLIE, M.A. 1852. Licentiate of the Free Church ; Teacher and Tutor, Edinburgh. JOHNSTON, JOHN, M.A. 1747. JOHNSTON, JOHN, M.A. 1805. Possibly the same person as John Johnston, Irish Presbyterian Minister of (1) Cootehill, 1808-n, (2) Tullylish, 1811-62; died 16th October, 1862. JOHNSTON, JOHN, M.D. 1816. "Late Surgeon in the Navy" [Univ. Minute, 30th March, 1816]. JOHNSTON, JOHN, B.A. 1835, M.A. 1836. "Fil. n. 2 dus Jacobi naupegi in com. de Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1829]. JOHNSTON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1896. Nathalia, Victoria, Australia; Williamstown there. ROLL OF GRADUATES 297 JOHNSTON, JOHN, M.A. 1883, LL.B. 1885. Writer, Glasgow. JOHNSTON, JOHN, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1888. Minister of Eccles. JOHNSTON, JOHN DUNN, CM. 1832. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. JOHNSTON, JOHN M'CUBBIN, M.A. 1884, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1894. Tillicoultry; Glasgow (Medical Officer, City Poorhouse). JOHNSTON, JOHN WILLIAM, M.D. 1846. Surgeon-Major, Army; Medical Officer, Military Prison, Cork; died November, 1887. JOHNSTON, JOSEPH, M.D. 1739- Possibly Surgeon in Dumfries, and father-in-law of Dr. Thomas Blacklock, the blind poet. JOHNSTON, JOSEPH KEAY, M.A. 1889, B.D. 1892. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. JOHNSTON, RICHARD, M.A. 1762. "Films natu major Richardi Armigeri de Gillford in Comitatu de Downe, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1761]. JOHNSTON, ROBERT, M.D. 1770, M.A. 1771. "Natus in Urbe Annan, Filius natu minimus Roberti Mercatoris in Annan in Com. de Dumfries" [Matric. Alb. 1768]. JOHNSTON, ROBERT, M.D. 1849, CM. 1854. Newry; died 3rd January, 1873, aged 56. JOHNSTON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1874. Glasgow ; Lugar ; Dundee. JOHNSTON, ROBERT, M.A. 1876, B.D. 1881. U.P. Missionary at New Broughton, Jamaica. JOHNSTON, ROBERT JOHN, M.A. 1820. Minister of (1) Stanley, 1829-32, (2) Auchtermuchty, 1832-44, (3) Logie (Presbytery of Dunblane), 1844-71; died 17th August, 1871, aged 68. JOHNSTON, SAMUEL, M.D. 1841. Carrigart, Co. Donegal; Londonderry; died 1877. JOHNSTON, THOMAS, M.D. 1841. Surgeon, R.N. ; Omagh, Co. Tyrone; died 1866. JOHNSTON, THOMAS, M.A. 1888. Medical Student, Edin. University. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1774. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. 298 ROLL OF GRADUATES JOHNSTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1778. "(Natus in Hibernia) Filius natu secundus Gulielmi Mercatoris in Parochia de Clogher in Com. de Tyrone in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1777]. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1786. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM. M.A. 1819. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM, CM. 1835. Coleraine, Victoria, Australia. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1839. Surgeon-General, I. M.S., Madras. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1886, B.D. 1889. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. JOHNSTON, WILLIAM THOMSON, B.A. 1857. English Presbyterian Minister at (1) Bowdon, Manchester, (2) Worcester. JOHNSTONE, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1857, CM. 1869. Warwick Bridge, Cumberland; Wetheral there. JOHNSTONE, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1889. (1) Teacher in Henderson Street School, Glasgow; (2) Head Master of Burgh School, Lanark. JOHNSTONE, ANDREW COCHRANE, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. JOHNSTONE, JAMES FERGUSON, M.A. 1884, LL.B. 1887. Writer, Paisley. JOHNSTONE, JOHN CARLYLE, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1891. Glasgow; Cupar; Edinburgh; Melrose (Medical Superintendent of District Asylum). JOHNSTONE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1817, D.D. 1849. Minister of Secession and U.P. Church, Limekilns, Dunfermline, 1823-74; born at Biggar, 18th February, 1800; died at Edinburgh, May, 1874. JOHNSTONE, WILLIAM, B.L. 1882. Writer, Glasgow. JOHNSTOUN, JAMES, M.A. 1732. JOLLY, ISAAC, M.A. 1881. Presbyterian Minister in New Zealand, at (1) Invercargill, (2) Lawrence, (3) Dunedin. JONES, DAVID, M.A. 1865. Calvinistic Methodist Minister at Blaenavon, Mon. JONES, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1887. Motherwell. kOLL OF GRADUATES 2gQ JONES, DAVID ELEAZER, M.A. 1870. Congregational Minister at Sirhowy, Mon., 1870-74; Professor in Carmarthen Presbyterian College of (1) Mathematics, 1874-84, (2) Theology since 1884. JONES, EDWIN WHITE, M.B., CM. 1880. Dresden, Staffs. ; Longton there. JONES, EVAN, M.A. 1885. Head Master of (1) Old College School, Carmarthen, 1886-94, (2) Whitland Intermediate School, S. Wales, since 1894. JONES, EVAN CEREDIG, M.A. 1880. Unitarian Minister at (1) Maidstone, Kent, 1880-84, ( 2 ) Bradford, Yorks., since 1885. JONES, EVAN PENLLYN, M.A. 1872, B.D. 1879. Tutor, Registrar, and Librarian at University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1872-92 ; Librarian there since 1892 ; is also an ordained Minister, and preaches regularly amongst the Calvinistic Methodists of Wales. JONES, FRANCIS, M.D. 1817. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. JONES, GEORGE WOWEN, M.D. 1836. Alvington, Glos. JONES, HENRY, M.A. 1874. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Garston, Liverpool, (2) Carnarvon, (3) Melbourne (Chalmers Memorial Church). JONES, HENRY, M.A. 1879. Degree Examiner on Mental Philosophy in Glasgow University, 1882-85 ; Professor of (1) Mental and Moral Philosophy in University College, Bangor, 1884-91, (2) Logic and Metaphysics in St. Andrews University, 1891-94, (3) Moral Philosophy in Glasgow University since 1894; LL.D. St. Andrews, 1896. JONES, HENRY EDWARD, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow. JONES, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Caerffynnon, Dolgelly, N. Wales. JONES, JAMES, M.A. 1872. Calvinistic Methodist Minister at Tanygroes, Cardigan ; died 26th May, 1895, aged 55. JONES, JAMES ARTHUR, M.B., CM. 1876, M.D. 1879. Aberayron, South Wales ; Llanelly there. JONES, JENKIN, M.D. 1818. Brighton ; sometime Surgeon in the Navy. JONES, JOHN, M.D. 1851. Castle Bellingham, Co. Louth ; Drumconrath, Co. Meath. 300 ROLL OF GRADUATES JONES, JOHN CHATWIN, B.A. 1847, M.A. 1848. Baptist Minister at Spalding since 1848. JONES, JOHN EDMUND, M.B., CM. 1881. Glasgow; Pwllheli, North Wales. JONES, JOHN EMLYN, LL.D. 1863. Baptist Minister, Ebbw Vale, Monmouth ; poet, historian, and litterateur ; born 1818; died January, 1873. JONES, JOHN HARRIS, M.A. 1853. Calvinistic Methodist Minister, and Professor in Trevecca Theological College, South Wales; born at Llangeler, Carmarthenshire, 28th August, 1827; died 21st July, 1885. JONES, JOHN HARRIS, M.B., CM. 1891. Llangeler, Carmarthenshire ; Llandyssil there. JONES, JOHN JOSIAH, M.B., CM. 1872. Llandyssil, South Wales ; Aberavon, Glam. ; Resolven there ; Llandyssil. JONES, LLEWELYN, M.D. 1814. Chester. JONES, OWEN GETHIN, M.B., CM. 1891. Penmachno, N. Wales; Burry Port, S. Wales. JONES, REES JENKINS, M.A. 1863. Head Master of Treeynon Seminary, Aberdare, South Wales, and pastor (Unitarian) of the Old Meeting House there. JONES, RICHARD, M.D. 1808. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. JONES, RICHARD PARRY, M.D. 1856. Surgeon, New York and Philadelphia Steam Ship Company's Service. JONES, RICHARD PHILLIPS, M.D. 1821. Chester; J.P. ; died June, 1867. JONES, RICHARD WILLIAMS, M.B., CM. 1881. Mountain Ash, Glam. ; J.P. JONES, SIMON, M.A. 1765. "Anglo Britannus" [Grad. Alb.]. JONES, THOMAS WEDROS, M.A. 1895. Teacher in Old College School, Carmarthen. JONES, WILLIAM, M.D. 1818. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb]. JONES, WILLIAM, M.D. 1819. " Anglus " [Grad. Alb.]. JONES, WILLIAM ARTHUR, M.A. 1841. Unitarian Minister at (1) Northampton, (2) Bridgewater, and (3) Taunton ; born 1st May, 1818; died 23rd April, 1873. 301 M.D. 1826. M.B. , CM. 1893. M.B., CM. 1880, f. M.D. 1887. CM. 1837. CM. 1826. M.A. 1895. M.D., CM. 1852, LL.D. 1866. ROLL OF GRADUATES JONES, WILLIAM HUTCHINSON BULKELEY, Princes Town, Devon; Staff-Surgeon, R.N. JONES, WILLIAM LLEWELYN, Cefn-Coed, Merthyr Tydfil. JONES, WILLIAM REES, Brecon : Coroner for South Division of County JORDAN, JAMES, " Hibernus " [Grad. Alb.]. JORDAN, JOHN, "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. JORDAN, WILLIAM, Teacher in Kay Public School, Glasgow. JOSEPH, JOSEPH MARCUS, Deputy-Surgeon-General, Madras Army. JOSEPH, LAURENCE ALFRED, M.D. 1831. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]; "Surgeon in the 4th regiment of dragoon guards" [Univ. Minute, 10th March, 1831]. JUBB, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1895. Ship Surgeon. JUBB, JAMES HERBERT, B.L. 1884. Writer, Glasgow. JUBB, JOHN, B.L. 1883. Writer, Glasgow. JUBB, THOMAS EDWARD, M.A. 1878. F.C. Minister at Luss. KALLEY, ROBERT REID, M.D. 1838. Island of Madeira (had to leave owing to the part he took in Protestant movement of 1845 and 1846); Rio-de-Janeiro; Edinburgh; died there, 17th January, 1888. KANE, THOMAS, M.D. 1841. Limerick; died March, 1890. KATER, DAVID, M.A. 1887. F.C. Minister at Bathgate. KAVANAGH, BERNARD, M.D. 1849. Limerick; died 19th October, 1879, aged 56. KAY, ADAM, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow ; Treherbert, Glam. KAY, JAMES, M.D. 1833. Eaglesham. 302 ROLL OF GRADUATES KAY, ROBERT, M.A. 1794. Minister of (1) Kinclaven, (2) Canongate Chapel, Edinburgh, (3) Perth West; died 15th October, 18 19, aged 48. KAY, ROBERT, B.A. 1833. "Fill n. max. Davidis Scribae Kilmarnock" [Matric. Alb. 1827]. KAY, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow ; Helensburgh. KAY, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1865, M.D. 1867. Maybole; Gatehouse-of-Fleet ; Bombay. KAYE, JAMES ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1880. Huntingdon ; Bromsgrove, Wore. ; Birmingham ; Huddersneld. KEAN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1880, B.D. 1881. (1) Consular Chaplain, Minister of St. Andrew's Church, and Missionary to Jews at Alexandria, Egypt; (2) Minister of Ruthrieston, Aberdeen; (3) Missionary (London Missionary Society) to St. Petersburg. KEARNEY, JOHN, M.D. 1787. KEARNS, JOHN STEELE, CM. 1834. "Hibernia" [Grad. Alb.]. KEAY, EBENEZER, M.A. 1736. "F. Ebenezer Key Mercatoris in New Market in Comit. dicto Flintshire" [Matric. Alb. 1733]. KEAY, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1881, M.D. 1888. Glasgow; Lenzie; Dumfries; Polton, Midlothian; Inverness (Medical Superintendent of District Asylum). KEDDIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1886. Uddingston ; Fauldhouse. KEELE, HENRY WILLIAM, M.D. 1832. Ventnor; London; Woolstone, Hants.; Southampton; died 23rd January, 1875, aged 84. KEELING, WILLIAM BROWN, M.D. 1839. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. KEENAN, CAMPBELL BROWN, M.D. 1839. "Hybernus" [Grad. Alb.]. KEITH, NEIL, M.B., CM. 1892. Campbeltown ; Manchester ; Kintyre. KEITH, PETER HAY, D.D. 1844. Minister of Hamilton; died 1874, aged 74. KELL, EDMUND, M.A. 1819. Unitarian Minister at (1) Newport, Isle of Wight, (2) Southampton; died 17th January, 1874. ROLL OF GRADUATES 303 KELL, JAMES, CM. 1820. "Hibernia" [Grad. Alb.]. KELL, JOHN, M -A. 1806. " Filius natu Tertius Joannis de Rockeycreek in parochia de Chester in South Carolina in America" [Matric. Alb. 1802]. KELLO, GEORGE, CM. 1819. Biggar; died 24th August, 1864, aged 70. KELLY, ADAM BROWN, B.Sc. 1887, M.B., CM. 1888. London; Glasgow; son of Adam Lawson Kelly, M.D. (q.v.). KELLY, ADAM LAWSON, M.D. 1859. Glasgow. KELLY, ARTHUR HILL, M.D. 1864. Assistant Surgeon, R.N. ; died September, 1864. KELLY, DANIEL, M.A. 181 1. Minister of (1) Southend, (2) Campbeltown; died 29th January, 1843, aged 53. KELLY, DANIEL, CM. 1833. Carndonagh, Co. Donegal; America; Carndonagh. KELLY, HUBERT, M.D. 1789. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. KELLY, HUGH, M.D. 1820. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. KELLY, HUGH, M.B, CM. 1884, M.D. 1896. Glasgow. KELLY, JAMES KELLOCK, M.B., CM. 1873, M.D. 1889. Glasgow (Lecturer on Gynaecology in St. Mungo's College). KELLY, JEREMIAH HUBERT, M.D. 1839. Parsonstown, King's Co. ; Philipstown, King's Co. ; Medical Superintendent, Spike Island Convict Prison, Queenstown ; London ; Parsonstown ; Blackrock, Co. Dublin. KELLY, JOHN, M.D. 1791. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. KELLY, PATRICK, M.D. 1796. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. KELLY, PATRICK, LL.D. 1809. Master of the " Mercantile School," Finsbury Square, London; Mathematician and Astronomer; born 1756; died at Brighton, 5th April, 1842. KELLY, SAMUEL, B.A. 1851, M.A. 1852. Possibly the same person as Samuel Kelly, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Tullamore, 1856-58, when resigned for an appointment to Australia on the Colonial Mission, 304 ROLL OF GRADUATES KELLY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1894. Teacher in (1) Govanhill, Glasgow, (2) Hillhead there, (3) Bermondsey, London, S.E. KELSALL, HENRY, M.D. 1842. Surgeon, Royal Navy ; London ; Leicester ; Guildford ; Exeter ; Reigate ; died 3rd December, 1874, aged 72. KELSO, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1892. Brodick, Arran. KELSO, HAMILTON, M.D. 1762. " Filius unicus Henrici Mercatoris in Urbe Belfast in Hibernia " [Matric. Alb. 1758]. KELSO, JAMES, CM. 1840. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. KELSO, JOHN JOHNSTON, M.D. 1839, CM. 1852. Lisburn, Co. Antrim. KELVIN, BARON, LL.D. 1896. William Thomson ; Professor of Natural Philosophy in the University of Glasgow since 1846; Member of University Court (as Senate's Assessor), 1872-76; B.A. Cantab. 1845; M.A. 1848; D.C.L. Oxon. 1865; F.R.S.; P.R.S. 1891 and subsequent years ; G.C.V.O. ; Knighted 1866 for services in furthering the laying of the Atlantic Cable; created Baron Kelvin of Largs 1892 ; born 26th June, 1824; son of Professor James Thomson, M.A. 1812, LL.D. 1829 (q.v.). KEMLO, WILLIAM, B.Sc. 1886. Engineer at (1) Dumbarton, (2) Colombo, Ceylon. KEMP, ANDREW, M.D. 1840. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. KEMP, ARNOLD LOW, M.A. 1894. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland; son of William S. Kemp, LL.D. (q.v.). KEMP, ROBERT, M.A. 1878. Minister of Blairgowrie; son of William S. Kemp, LL.D. (q.v.). KEMP, WILLIAM STRATHENRY, LL.D. 1872. (1) Classical Master in Leith High School; (2) Rector of Falkirk Grammar School; (3) Classical Master in Greenock Academy; (4) Head Classical Master in the High School of Glasgow; died 1873; B.A. Edin. KEMPT, GEORGE DAVIDSON, M.A. 1889. Barrister-at-Law, London. KENDALL, FRANCIS EDWARD, M.B., CM. 1884. Ship Surgeon; St.-Mary-Bourne, Hants.; died 17th July, 1890, aged 27. KENNEDY, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1841, M.D., CM. 1846. Coleraine, Co. Derry ; Honolulu, Sandwich Islands ; Portrush, Co. Antrim ; died 1886. ROLL OF GRADUATES 305 KENNEDY, ALEXANDER BLACKIE WILLIAM, LL.D. 1894. Sometime Professor of Engineering in University College, London; F.R.S. KENNEDY, ANDREW, M.D. 1803. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. KENNEDY, ARCHIBALD ROBERT STIRLING, B.D. 1883, D.D. 1893. Professor of Oriental Languages in (1) University of Aberdeen, 1887-95, (2) University of Edinburgh since 1895; M.A. Aberdeen. KENNEDY, DANIEL, M.D. 1835. " Filius natu maximus Joannis, Mercatoris, apud Dumbarton " [Matric. Alb. 1831]. KENNEDY, DAVID GIVEN, M.B. 1872, M.D. 1875. Ship Surgeon ; London. KENNEDY, DUNCAN SINCLAIR, M.B., CM. 1873. Tarbolton; Fort- William ; Perth. KENNEDY, HUGH, M.D. 1836. Glasgow; Auckland, New Zealand; died 1891. KENNEDY, JAMES, M.D. 1813. Practitioner at (1) Ashby-de-la-Zouch, (2) Woodhouse, Loughborough; Medical Bibliographer; born circa 1785; died in London, 9th May, 1851. KENNEDY, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1872, M.D. 1888. Tyboe, Co. Tyrone ; Brotton, Yorks. ; Guisborough, Yorks. ; West Auckland, Durham; died 17th January, 1891. KENNEDY, JOHN, M - A - l 7 66 - " Filius natu maximus Hugonis de Cultra Armigeri in Comitatu de Downe, Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1763]. KENNEDY, JOHN, M.A. 1810, M.D. 1814. " Filius Unicus Jacobi Agricolae in parochia de Aghadery in comitatu de Down" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. KENNEDY, JOHN, M - D - l8 33- Inspector-General of Hospitals, Madras Army; died at Ayr, 6th April, 1893, aged 83. KENNEDY, JOHN, M - A - l88 9- B.D. Edin. 1892; Minister of Wemyss, Fife. KENNEDY, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.A. 1882, M.B., CM. 1886, M.D. 1892. Glasgow; Bearsden ; son of William Kennedy, LL.D. 1888 (q.v.). KENNEDY, RICHARD, MD - l8ro - "Orientalis India" [Grad. Alb.]. KENNEDY, ROBERT, CM - l8 3°- KENNEDY, ROBERT, B.A. 1847, M.A. 1848. Presbyterian Minister at Myroe, Londonderry. 306 ROLL OF GRADUATES KENNEDY, ROBERT, B.Sc. 1887, M.A. 1888, M.B., CM. 1890, M.D. 1896. Glasgow (Assistant to Professor of Natural History in the University, 1889 and 1890, and sometime Lecturer on Biology in Technical College). KENNEDY, ROBERT, B.Sc. 1893. Engineer (Kennedy's Patent Water Meter Co., Ld., and Glenfield Co., Ld.), Kilmarnock. KENNEDY, SAMUEL GEORGE, M.A. 1814. Minister of (1) Leith Wynd Chapel, Edinburgh, (2) West Parish, Perth; died 30th December, 1835, aged 40; son of Thomas Kennedy, M.A. 1781 (q.v.). KENNEDY, THOMAS, M.A. 1767. Possibly the same person as Thomas Kennedy, Minister, sometime in America, thereafter of Irish Presbyterian Congregation at Holywood, 1778-88, and who died 7th February, 1788. KENNEDY, THOMAS, M.A. 1781. Minister (1) at Carlisle, (2) at Manchester, (3) of St. Madoes; died 16th March, 1828, aged 73. KENNEDY, THOMAS, D.D. 1784. Minister of Down Patrick. KENNEDY, THOMAS, M.A. 1815. Minister of the Irish Presbyterian Congregation of Corboy and Tully, J 8i7-39, when suspended by Synod, and joined the "Remonstrants." KENNEDY, WILLIAM, CM. 1823. Tarbert, Co. Kerry; died 1857. KENNEDY, WILLIAM, CM. 1826. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. KENNEDY, WILLIAM, CM. 1832, M.D. 1833. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. KENNEDY, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1888. (1) Head Master of Ladyloan F.C. School, Arbroath; (2) Lecturer in F.C. Training College, Edinburgh; (3) Secretary to the Educational Institute of Scotland; (4) Clerk to School Board of Glasgow; M.A. Edin. 1867; died 10th December, 1891, aged 59. KENNEDY, WILLIAM WILLOUGHBY, M.A. 1883. M.B. Lond. 1891 ; London; Beaconsfield, Bucks. KENNER, RODAMUS, M.A. 1728. "Anglo. Virg. " [Matric. Alb. 1726]. KENNEY, ANDREW, M.D. 1790. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. KENNEY, PETER, M.D. 1834. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 307 KENNY, GEORGE GEILS, M.B., CM. 1883. Portobello; Devonport, Auckland, N.Z. KENRICK, JOHN, M.A. 1736. Spent his life at Bronyclydwr, Llanegryn, Merionethshire, as a Country Gentleman; cousin of Samuel Kenrick (q.v.). KENRICK, JOHN, M.A. 1810. Professor in the Unitarian College at (1) York, (2) Manchester; (Author of a History of Phoenicia, and one of Ancient Egypt); born at Exeter, 4th February, 1788; died at York, 7th May, 1877. KENRICK, SAMUEL, M.A. 1747. One of the founders of the Bewdley Bank, Worcestershire; born 17th June, 1728; died 1812. KEOGH, ARTHUR GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1884. St. Kilda, Victoria, Australia. KEON, JOHN, M.D. 1795. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. KER, CHARLES, M.A. 1880. Chartered Accountant, Glasgow. KER, JAMES, M.A. 1850. U.P. Minister at (1) Chirnside, (2) Leicester. KER, MOSES, M.A. 1748. "Hib. filius Samuelis Ker in parochia de Tullylish in Com. de Down" [Matric. Alb. 1735]. KER, WILLIAM TURNBULL, M.A. 1844. F.C. Minister at Deskford, Cullen; resigned 28th August, 1883; died August, 1885. KERR, ALEXANDER, CM. 1826. Liverpool. KERR, BRYCE, M.A. 1838. Minister of Relief Church, Largo, 1843; died some weeks after ordination. KERR, DANIEL, M.B., CM. 1890. Hamilton ; Baillieston. KERR, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1895. Crewe. KERR, EDWARD PLEYDELL BOUVERIE, M.A. 1887. Clerk-at-Law, Glasgow. KERR, GEORGE LAWSON, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. KERR, GEORGE SCOTT, M.A. 1883, B.D. 1886. Minister of Tinwald. 308 ROLL OF GRADUATES KERR, HUGH, M.A. 1804. "Fil. n. max. Hugonis Artificis in par. de Dairy et com. de Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1792]. KERR, HUGH, M.A. 1887, M.B., CM. 1892. Abergavenny; Stone, Bucks. KERR, JAMES, M.A. 1776. Either this graduate or James Kerr, M.A. 1778 (q.v.), was possibly the same person as James Ker, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Clougherney, 1781 to 1823, who died 5th June, 1823. KERR, JAMES, M.A. 1778. See note under James Kerr, M.A. 1776. KERR, JAMES ALEXANDER, B.A. 1847, M.A. 1848. " Filius nat. max. Edvardi agricolae in com. de Wigton " [Matric. Alb. 1844]. KERR, JAMES DICKSON, B.L. 1895. Writer, Glasgow. KERR, JOHN, M.A. 1849, LL.D. 1868. Mathematical Lecturer in Free Church Training College, Glasgow, since 1857. KERR, JOHN, M.A. 1854, LL.D. 1877. H.M. Inspector of Schools, 1860-96, when retired; Degree Examiner on Classics in Glasgow University, 1872-75. KERR, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow; Beith; Cathcart; Beith; Newcastle, N.S. Wales; Darfield, Canterbury, N.Z. KERR, JOHN, B.L. 1883. Solicitor, Kilmarnock. KERR, JOHN ALOYSIUS, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow; Snowtown, S. Australia; died at Dumbarton, 23rd March, 1896. KERR, JOHN GEORGE DOUGLAS, M.B., CM. 1880. Glasgow; Bath. KERR, JOHN GILMOUR, M.B., CM. 1889. Old Cumnock. KERR, JOHN GUTHRIE, M.A. 1876. Mathematical Master in Kilmarnock Academy, 1876-77 ; Lecturer on Mathematics and Physics in Church of Scotland Training College, Glasgow, 1877-90; Head Master of Allan Glen's School, Glasgow, since 1890; Snell Exhibitioner, 1874. KERR, JOHN MARTIN MUNRO, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow: Assistant to Professor Murdoch Cameron (q.v.). ROLL OF GRADUATES 309 KERR, NORMAN SHANKS, M.D., CM. 1861. Glasgow; Liverpool; Surgeon, Montreal Ocean S.S. Co.; London; Dunstable, Beds. ; London. KERR, ROBERT, M.A. 1794. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. KERR, ROBERT, M.A. 1882. U.P. Minister at Kirkmuirhill. KERR, ROBERT MALCOLM, LL.D. 1857. Barrister-at-Law ; Judge of the Sheriffs Court of the City of London. KERR, WILLIAM CAIRD, M.A. 1886, B.L. 1892, LL.B. 1892. Writer, Glasgow. KERR, WILLIAM JAMES, M.B., CM. 1895. London. KERR, WILLIAM ROBERT, M.A. 1891. Minister of the Free Church at Kirkoswald since 1897. KERR, WILLIAM SMITH, M.D. 1858. Carluke; Lesmahagow ; Dumfries; died 1890, aged 55. KERRIGAN, HUGH, CM. 1841. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. KESSEN, ANDREW, B.A. 1840, LL.D. 1848. Principal of the Government Normal Seminary, Ceylon. KESSON, HENRY, M.A. 1896. Teacher in Stewartville School, Partick. KEWLEY, JOHN, M.D. 1785. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. KEY, DAVID RITCHIE, M.A. 1881. Minister of (1) Baptist Church, Galashiels, (2) London Road U.P. Church, Edinburgh. KEYWORTH, HENRY MARTYN, M.A. 1841. Sometime resident in Manchester; afterwards Curate at West Teignmouth, Devon, 1880-82 ; Curate at Upper Weston, Bath, 1882-85 ; took temporary or occasional duty in sundry Churches at Bath and Leamington, 1885-92; born 3rd August, 1821; died 21st November, 1892. KIDD, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1773. Intended for Dissenting Ministry in " South Britain " ; no trace of his career. KIDD, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1776. Rector of Jonesboro' ; died 1833, aged 79. KIDD, CHARLES, M.D. 1845. London; died 18th February, 1874. 310 ROLL OF GRADUATES KIDD, JAMES, M.A. 1877, B.D. 1880, D.D. 1895. U.P. Minister at (1) St. Andrews, (2) Erskine Church, Glasgow. KIDD, JOSEPH, M.A. 1775. Intended for Dissenting Ministry in " South Britain " ; no trace of his career. KIDD, ROBERT, M.D. 1787. "Served as a Surgeon in the Royal Navy for ten years" [Univ. Minute, 7th August, 1787]. KIDD, THOMAS, M.A. 1870. U.P. Minister at Moniaive. KIDD, THOMAS, M.A. 1892. Teacher in Larkhall Academy, Larkhall. KIDLEY, ROBERT ALLEN, CM. 1845. Hereford; died 30th May, 1882. KIDSTON, JAMES BURNS, M.A. 1883. Writer, Glasgow. KIDSTON, WILLIAM, D.D. 1831. Minister of the United Secession Church at (1) Kennoway, (2) East Campbell Street, Glasgow; died 23rd October, 1852, aged 85. KIDSTON, WILLIAM, B.L. 1880. Writer, Glasgow. KIERNAN, FRANCIS, M.A. 177 1. "Filius natu maximus Fergusii quondam Agricolae in parochia Killishandra Comitatu de Cavan Hiberniae" [Matric. Alb. 1769]. KIERNAN, JAMES, M.D. 1835. Enniskillen; died 1879. KILBURN, EBENEZER, M.A. 1743. "Dublinensis filius Adami Kelburn ex Insula Bota in Scotia" [Matric. Alb. 1741]. KILGOUR, ROBERT, M.A. 1886, B.D. 1889. Church of Scotland Missionary to Darjeeling, India. KILLEN, JAMES MILLAR, M.A. 1838. Presbyterian Minister, Comber, County Down, 1843-79; died 3rd September, 1879. KILLEN, JOHN, M.A. 1735. "Filius Jacobi Killen in Com. de Tyron in Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1734]. KILLEN, WILLIAM DOOL, D.D. 1843. Minister of Presbyterian Church, Raphoe, Co. Donegal, 1829 to 1841 ; Pro- fessor of Church History and Pastoral Theology in Belfast Presbyterian College since 1841 (alive in 1897); President of Faculty since the year 1868. ROLL OF GRADUATES 3II KILLOCH, MATTHEW, M.B., CM. 1884. Wigan ; New Cornsay, Durham ; Johnstone ; died suddenly (in a railway carriage while travelling to London), 1st February, 1897. KILPATRICK, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1880. Go van. KILPATRICK, HUGH WALLACE, M.B., CM. 1887. Ship Surgeon; Paisley; Bolton-le-Moors ; died there, 10th November, 1893. KILPATRICK, ROBERT ROBERTSON, M.B., CM. 1891. Paisley; Bolton. KILPATRICK, THOMAS BUCHANAN, M.A. 1877, B.D. 1880. F.C. Minister at (1) Burntisland, (2) Ferryhill, Aberdeen. KILPATRICK, WILLIAM, M.A. 1883. F.C. Minister at Gorgie, Edinburgh. KING, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1843. Glasgow; died 3rd September, 1859. KING, ALLAN, M.A. 1826. "Fil. 2 dus nat. Joannis ludimagistri Govan" [Matric. Alb. 1820]. KING, ANDREW, M.A. 18 12. Possibly the same person as Andrew King, M.A., D.D., Minister of (1) Torphichen, (2) St. Stephen's, Glasgow, (3) Free St. Stephen's there ; afterwards Professor of Theology in Presbyterian College, Halifax, Nova Scotia; born at Glasgow, 1793; died 1874. KING, BENJAMIN WATTS, M.D. 1799. Sometime Practitioner in the West Indies, afterwards in Glasgow ; died there, 1841. KING, CHARLES CROKER, M.D. 1840. Professor of Anatomy, etc., in Queen's College, Galway; died 28th February, 1888. KING, CHARLES GILROY, M.B., CM. 1884. Ship Surgeon ; Pollokshaws. KING, DANIEL, CM. 1820, M.D. 1831. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. KING, DAVID, LL.D. 1840. U.P. Minister at (1) Dalkeith, (2) Greyfriars, Glasgow, (3) Westbourne Grove, London, (4) Morningside, Edinburgh; born in Montrose, 20th May, 1806 ; died in London, 20th December, 1883; brother-in-law of Lord Kelvin (q.v.). KING, DAVID MILLAR, M.B., CM. 1893. Boxmoor, Herts. ; Great Berkhamsted there. KING, GILBERT, M.D. 1827. London; Surgeon, R.N. ; Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets; died at London, 18th March, 1864, aged 73. 312 ROLL OF GRADUATES KING, HARDING GIFFARD, M.D. 1834. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. KING, HENRY, M.A. 1767. "Filius Caroli Armigeri in Urbe Dublin, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1766]; apprehended 1st November, 1766, on a charge of "maltreating and abusing" a Burgh Officer [Univ. Minute, 27th November, 1766]; and complained against for having, on Sunday, 8th February, 1767, along with another student, "beat and bruised" three Shoemakers [Univ. Minute, 12th February, 1767]. KING, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1882. Leigh, Lanes. KING, SIR JAMES, BART., LL.D. 1885. Of Campsie, Merchant in Glasgow; Dean of Faculties in the University, 1879 to 1882; sometime Lord Provost of Glasgow; Member of University Court (as Chancellor's Assessor) since 1887; born 13th July, 1830. KING, JAMES WATERS, B.A. 1857, M.A. i860, D.D. 1894. Minister of (1) Elders' Church, Havannah, Glasgow, (2) Killearn, (3) New Kilpatrick; Member of University Court (as General Council Assessor) since 1891. KING, JOHN, M.A. 1764. " Filius natu maximus Alexandri, Agricolae, in Parochia de Blackfoord, in comitatu de Perth" [Matric. Alb. 1760]. KING, JOHN, M.A. 1820. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Ballyjamesduft, (2) Bellasis, Virginia, Co Cavan. KING, JOHN, M.A. 1863. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland: (1) supplied the pulpit at Wick during a vacancy ; (2) Assistant to Minister of Bower; (3) Missionary at Shurrery, Thurso ; (4) Assistant to Minister of Balmaghie ; thereafter Private Teacher in (1) Edinburgh, (2) Inverness, (3) Edinburgh; cousin of Peter M'Whirter, B.A. 1861 (q.v.). KING, JOHN LIDDLE, M.A. 1888. E.U. (Congregational) Minister at Rutherglen. KING, JOSEPH LIDDLE, M.A. 1887. (1) E.U. Minister at Ardrossan; (2) E.U. Minister at Fraserburgh; (3) F.C. Missionary at Torrance of Campsie. KING, ROBERT, M.D. 1824. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. KING, WALTER, M.A. 1893. Student of Law. KING, WILLIAM, M.A. 1781. " Filius natu Quartus Gulielmi Agricolae in parochia de Baldernock in comi- tatu de Sterling" [Matric. Alb. 1778]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 313 KING, WILLIAM, M.A. 1793, M.D. 1798. A "Dr. W. King" was a Practitioner in Glasgow in 1820 [M'Kenzie's Reminiscences]. KING, WILLIAM STEVENSON, M.D. 1833. Helensburgh. KING, WILLIAM YUILL, M.A. 1875. Assistant to Professor of Humanity in the University of Glasgow, 1879-80; H.M. Inspector of Schools; Degree Examiner on Classics in the University, 1887-90; Snell Exhibitioner, 1873; B.A. Oxon. 1877; M.A. 1881. KINGHORN, ALEXANDER MATHIESON, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow; Cambuslang; Glasgow; Manchester. KINGLAKE, ROBERT, M.D. 1794. Probably the same person as Robert Kinglake, M.D., Practitioner at (1) Chipping Norton, (2) Chilton-upon-Polden, (3) Taunton; died 26th September, 1842, aged 77. KINNEAR, ALEXANDER SMITH (BARON KINNEAR OF SPURNESS), LL.D. 1894. ■Advocate (called 1856); Q.C. ; LL.D. Edin. 1878; Senator of the College of Justice, Edinburgh, since 1882 ; Chairman of the Scottish Universities' Commission of 1889; born in Edinburgh, 3rd November, 1833; created Baron, 1897. KINNEDDER, LORD. See Erskine, William, M.A. 1786. KINNIER, JAMES, M.D. 1814. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. KINROSS, JOHN, M.A. 1833. Minister of (1) St. Thomas's, Leith, 1842-43, (2) Largs, 184383; born 13th July, 1812; died 5th December, 1883. KIRK, ALEXANDER CARNEGIE, LL.D. 1888. Engineer and Shipbuilder in Glasgow; died 5th October, 1892, aged 62. KIRK, JAMES, CM. 1837, M.D. 1852. Glasgow; died 1858, aged 47. KIRK, JAMES BALDERSTONE, M.D. 1810. Greenock. KIRK, JOHN, . CM. 1820. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. KIRK, JOHN, M.D. 1828. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. KIRK, WILLIAM, M.A. 1890. E.U. (Congregational) Minister at Bathgate. KIRKE, ROBERT, D.D. 1872. Minister of (1) Newark Church, Port-Glasgow, (2) Middle Church, Paisley, (3) Hutton, Berwickshire; born at New Kilpatrick, 1820. 3M ROLL OF GRADUATES KIRKHOPE, DAVID CONNOR, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. KIRKHOPE, JOHN, M.A. 1886, LL.B. 1890. Catholic Apostolic Clergyman in (1) Glasgow, (2) Sydney, (3) Melbourne. KIRKLAND, ANDREW, M.D. 1864, CM. 1866. Chalfont-St.-Peter, Bucks. KIRKLAND, ANDREW, M.D., CM. 1865. Blackburn ; Motherwell. KIRKLAND, ARCHIBALD, B.A. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. KIRKLAND, GEORGE ANDREW DOW, M.A. 1883. Writer, Glasgow. KIRKLAND, HUGH, M.A. 181 5. "Filius natu 4 tus Hugonis, Nautae, apud Market Hill in Comitatu de Armagh" [Matric. Alb. 181 2]. KIRKLAND, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1888. Bathurst, N.S. Wales. KIRKLAND, JAMES, M.A. 1867, M.B., CM. 1873. Dalserf; Esh, Durham. KIRKLAND, JAMES, M.A. 1879. (1) Teacher in Ayr Academy; (2) employed in London and Lancashire Fire Insurance Office, Chicago, U.S.A. KIRKLAND, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1895. St. Leonards-on-Sea. KIRKLAND, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1880. Newmains ; Abington ; Cheltenham. KIRKLAND, THOMAS SPEIRS, M.B., CM. 1887, M.D. 1896. Bo'ness; Blayney, N.S. Wales; Croydon there. KIRKLAND, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1885. Chalfont-St.-Peter, Bucks. ; Motherwell ; Wakefield j Motherwell. KIRKMARTIN, WILLIAM. See Martin, William Kirk. KIRKPATRICK, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1884. Deanside, Dumfries ; Guisborough, Yorks. ; Attercliffe there. KIRKPATRICK, JAMES, M.D., D.D. 1732. Presbyterian Minister in (1) Templepatrick, (2) Belfast; died 1743. KIRKPATRICK, JOHN, LL.D. 1890. Advocate ; Professor of Constitutional Law and History in Edinburgh University since 1881 ; LL.B. Edin. 1870. KIRKWOOD, , CM. 1817. ROLL OF GRADUATES 315 KIRKWOOD, ANDERSON, LL.D. 1867. Writer in Glasgow; Professor of Conveyancing in the University, 1862-67; Member of University Court (as General Council Assessor), 1867-87; Secretary of Court, 1874-87; died 16th February, 1889, aged 77. KIRKWOOD, ANDREW STARK, M.A. 1844. Died same year, while a student of Secession Church, aged 23. KIRKWOOD, DANIEL, M.A. 1887, B.D. 1890. Minister of Houston since 1890. KIRKWOOD, JAMES, MA - l8 ° 6 - Relief and U.P. Minister at (1) Kilmarnock, (2) St. James' Place, Edinburgh; born at Strathaven, 12th November, 1788; died at Edinburgh, 27th July, 1877. KIRKWOOD, JAMES, M - D - l8 36- "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. KIRKWOOD, JAMES, MB > CM. 1890. Greenock ; Partick. KIRKWOOD, JAMES HOWIE, B.Sc. 1887. Civil Engineer in (1) Glasgow, (2) Durban, (3) Pietermaritzburg, (4) Chorley, (5) Glasgow, (6) Edinburgh, (7) H.M. Naval Dockyard, Portsmouth, (8) H.M. Naval Dockyard, Gibraltar. KIRKWOOD, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1895. Ship Surgeon ; Grimsby. KIRKWOOD, ROBERT, M.A. 1818. Minister of Holy wood; died 10th October, 1844. KIRKWOOD, ROBERT, M.D. 1854. Glasgow ; Largs ; J. P. KIRKWOOD, THOMAS, M.A. 1814. "F. n. 3 tius Thomae Artificis Denny, Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 1809]. KIRKWOOD, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1878. Fauldhouse; Tamworth; Rutherglen; Newcastle-on-Tyne. KIRKWOOD, THOMAS, M.A. 1888, M.B., CM. 1892. Greenock ; Hereford. KIRKWOOD, WILLIAM ANDERSON, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow. KITTERMASTER, JAMES, M.D. 1826. Meriden, Warwickshire; died 18th June, 1876, aged 87. KITTSON, JOHN, M.D., CM. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. KNIGHT, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1848. Clones, Co. Monaghan; died 23rd March, 1894, aged 71. KNIGHT, GEORGE ALEXANDER FRANCIS, M.A. 1890. Licentiate of Free Church; grandson of Alex. Neil Somerville, D.D. (q.v.). 3I 6 ROLL OF GRADUATES KNIGHT, JAMES, M.A. 1882, B.Sc. 1884. Teacher, Glasgow, in (1) Greenside Street Public School, (2) Hozier Street Public School, (3) Dennistoun Public School, (4) High School, (5) John Street Public School ; also Lecturer on Physiology and Hygiene in High School since 1891, and Lecturer on Dietetics in School of Cookery since 1892. KNIGHT, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1896. (Brunton Prizeman); Tollcross. KNIGHT, WILLIAM ANGUS, LL.D. 1879. Minister of (1) St. Enoch's Free Church, Dundee, 1866-73, (2) St. Enoch's Parish Church there, 1874-76; Professor of Moral Philosophy in St. Andrews University since 1876. KNOBEL, JOHAN BALTHAZAR, M.B. 1877. Glasgow ; Colesberg, Cape of Good Hope ; Philippolis, Orange Free State ; Colesberg; Pretoria, Transvaal. KNOWLES, THOMAS, M.A. 1732, M.D. 1739. Possibly the same person as Thomas Knowles, M.D., a native of Yorkshire, and Practitioner in London, who was admitted L.R.C.P. Lond. 1784, and died 1 6th November, 1786. KNOX, ANDREW, M.A. 1740. "F. Viri Rev. Fran. Knox V.D.M. in Castle Blany in Comit. Monaghan, Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1737]. KNOX, DAVID, M.A. 18 12. "Filius natu maximus Gulielmi textoris Glasg. natus" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. KNOX, DAVID, M.D. 1853. Backworth, Newcastle; Bakewell, Derbyshire; Bawtry, Yorks. ; Acting Staff-Assistant-Surgeon in Crimean War; died 18th February, 1872, aged 40. KNOX, DAVID NEILSON, M.A. 1868, M.B., CM. 1872. Glasgow: Assistant to Professor Allen Thomson (q.v.), 1872-77; Lecturer on (1) Anatomy, etc., Veterinary College, (2) Artistic Anatomy, Haldane Academy of Art, (3) Surgery, Western Medical School; Professor of Clinical Surgery in St. Mungo's College. KNOX, HENRY, M.A. 1749. "Joannis filius Mercatoris in Urbe Sligo in Com. ejusdem nominis in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1746]. KNOX, JAMES, M.A. 1784. Irish Presbyterian Minister at (1) Drumbanagher, 1789-94, (2) Donaghadee, 1794-98, when resigned on account of mental infirmity; died 22nd March, 1801. KNOX, JAMES, M.A. 1840, D.D. 1870. U.P. Minister at (1) Ayr, (2) Pollok Street, Glasgow; died at Edinburgh, 17 th January, 1886. ROLL OF GRADUATES 317 KNOX, JAMES, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in United College, Bradford. KNOX, JAMES HUNTER, M.B. 1873- Newsham, Northumberland ; Liverpool ; Birkenhead ; Clapham, Yorks. KNOX, JAMES JOHN, M.A. 1822. Admitted Member of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, 1829 ; died 1837. KNOX, JOHN, M.A. 1752. KNOX, JOSEPH, M.D. 1848. "Hybernus" [Grad. Alb.]. KNOX, ROBERT, M.A. 1837. Minister of (1) Presbyterian Church, Coleraine, (2) Linenhall Street Presby- terian Church, Belfast; born at Clady, Co. Tyrone, 181 5; died 16th August, 1883. KNOX, SAMUEL, M.A. 1792. Minister of a Presbyterian Church at Bladensburg, Maryland; afterwards Principal of Frederick (Maryland) Academy, and of Baltimore College. KNOX, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1863. Parochial Schoolmaster of St. Ninians, Stirling; died 24th March, 1874, aged 75. KOLLIKER, RUDOLF ALBRECHT, LL.D. 1892. Professor of (1) Physiology and Comparative Anatomy at Zurich, 1845-47, (2) Anatomy in the University of Wiirzburg since 1847; born at Zurich, 6th July, 181 7. KYD, HENRY, M.A. 1809. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Boveva, 1818-39; died 4th June, 1839. KYD, JOHN, M.A. 1809. Brother of Henry Kyd, M.A. 1809 (q.v.). KYLE, DAVID HAMILTON, M.B., CM. 1880. St. Andrews. KYLE, THOMAS, B.A. 1854, M.A. 1855. Minister of (1) Kirn Chapel, Dunoon, (2) Banton, by Bonnybridge ; died 1875; brother of William Kyle, B.A. i860 (q.v.). KYLE, WILLIAM, B.A. i860. Private Scholar, 7 Lauferthorgraben, Nuremberg, Bavaria; brother of Thomas Kyle, M.A. 1855 (q.v.). KYNSEY, THOMAS BRETT, M.D. 1832. Athy, Co. Kildare; J.P. ; died 28th October, 1874, aged 74. LABATT, CHRISTOPHER JAMES, M.D. 1833. "Hib." [Grad. Alb.]. 318 ROLL OF GRADUATES LABATT, JONATHAN, M.D. 1828. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. LADD, THEODORE EDWARD, M.D. 1849. London ; died 9th September, 1867, aged 40. LADE, GEORGE, M.D. 1850. Glasgow ; Cambridge ; King's Lynn ; Glasgow ; London ; Kilmalcolm ; Bushey, Herts.; Glasgow; died 24th February, 1893, aged 63. LADE, JAMES, M.A. 1889. Barrister-at-Law, London. LAEN, THOMAS LENNARD, M.B., CM. 1878. Cardiff. LAIDLAW, ARCHIBALD SCOTT, M.A. 1884, B.D. 1886. Professor of History and Philosophy in Madras Christian College, 1886-93; Minister of Huntly Free Church since 1893. LAIDLAW, JOHN, M.A. 1884, B.D. 1889. F.C. Minister at Muthill. LAIDLAW, WILLIAM GOODFELLOW, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1872. Aintree, Lanes.; Tranmere, Cheshire; died 8th September, 1883. LAING, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1794. Minister of Relief Church, Southend, Kintyre; died 1st March, 1851, aged 78. LAING, ALEXANDER, LL.D. 1865. Sometime hand-loom weaver in Brechin (his native place) ; afterwards Teacher there and in Glasgow ; subsequently Professor of Mathematics in Andersonian Institution, Glasgow, 1846-82 ; died 1st December, 1882. LAING, CHARLES FREDERICK, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow ; Greenock ; Glasgow ; Macclesfield. LAING, JAMES, M.A. 1887. Free Church Minister at Dysart. LAING, JAMES BEGBIE, M.B., CM. 1885. Bridge of Earn. LAING, JOHN, B.A. i860. Minister of (1) English Presbyterian Church at Belford, (2) Presbyterian Church at Upper Wymgeni, Natal, (3) Presbyterian Church at Addington, Durban, Natal. LAING, WILLIAM ALEXANDER GORDON, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1887. Truro, Cornwall ; Mevagissey there ; Barnstaple, Devon ; Truro. LAIRD, ANDREW JOHN, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 319 LAIRD, ANDREW LAWRENCE, M.A. 1880. Minister of (1) Pleasance U.P. Church, Edinburgh, (2) English Presbyterian Church at Swalwell, (3) English Presbyterian Church at Newcastle-on-Tyne ; on leaving Newcastle, joined one of the Sects of the Plymouthist order. LAIRD, DANIEL, . M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow. LAIRD, DAVID CLARK, M.B., CM. 1892. Ship Surgeon ; Milngavie ; Glasgow ; Milngavie. LAIRD, HUGH, M.A. 1791. Minister of (1) Norriestown, (2) Portmoak, (3) Free Church there; died 28th May, 1849, aged 86; D.D. Aberdeen, 1813. LAIRD, JAMES MUNGO, B.L. 1893. Writer, Glasgow. LAIRD, PETER ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow ; Kilmalcolm. LAIRD, SAMUEL, M.A. 1751. " Filius Jacobi in Parochia de Desartmartin in Com. de Londonderry " [Matric. Alb. 1749]. LAIRD, SAMUEL, M.D. 1849. Medical Officer of Troop Ships, etc.; Douglas, Isle of Man; died nth October, 1892. LAIRD, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1887. Abertillery, Mon. ; Batley, Yorks. ; Heywood, Lanes. LAIRD, THOMAS DONALD, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow ; Burnley, Lanes. ; Cambuslang. LAIRD, WILLIAM, B.A. 1818, M.A. 1819. "F. n. max. Joan. Merc. Washington" [Matric. Alb. 1815]. LAKE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1824. "Fil. natu maximus Gulielmi Merc, in Liverpool" [Matric. Alb. 182 1]. LALOR, JOSEPH, M.D. 1839. (1) Resident Physician in Kilkenny Lunatic Asylum, (2) Medical Superinten- dent, Richmond Lunatic Asylum, Dublin; died 17th August, 1886, aged 75. LAMB, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1891. Ship Surgeon; Glasgow. LAMB, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1890. (Brunton Prizeman); Glasgow: Assistant to Professor of Anatomy in the University, 1891-92; Surgeon-Lieut., I.M.S., Bengal. LAMB, GEORGE, M.A. 1895. Student of Theology in U.P. College, Edinburgh. 320 ROLL OF GRADUATES LAMB, WILLIAM, D.D. 1853. Minister of (1) Pettinain, (2) Carmichael; Founder of the Lamb Bursary in Glasgow University; died 14th April, 1863, aged 87. LAMBERT, JAMES, M.D. 1855. Surgeon, French Transport Service in Crimea; Birkenhead. LAMBERTON, WILLIAM BROWN, M.A. 1882. Fruit Grower, Victoria, British Columbia; died there, 9th June, 1894. LAMBIE, ANDREW, M.A. 1827. (1) Secession Minister at Pitcairngreen ; (2) Teacher in Glasgow; (3) Minister of an offshoot from Laurieston Street Church, Edinburgh. LAMBIE, GAVIN, M.A. 1884. Minister of Yoker since 1895. LAMBIE, JAMES, M.A. 1822. "F. N. max. Jacobus Agricolae in par. de Tarbolton, Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1818]; according to Oliver & Boyd's Almanac, a person of the same name was at one time Church of Scotland Minister at Pickering and Whitby, Presbytery of Toronto, Canada. LAMBIE, JAMES, M.B. 1871. Glasgow ; Lowick, Northumberland. LAMBIE, JAMES, M.A. 1876. Journalist, Sydney, N.S. Wales. LAMBIE, ROBERT, M.D. 1854. Went to Melbourne as Ship Surgeon; died on return voyage, 1854; described by Professor John Nichol, in an early autobiography, as "foremost medical student of his time." LAMOND, ROBERT, M.A. 1891, LL.B. 1894. Writer in Glasgow. LAMONT, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1888, B.D. 1896. English Presbyterian Missionary to Singapore. LAMONT, DANIEL, M.A. 1892. (Logan Medallist); (1) Assistant to Professor of Mathematics in Glasgow University, 1892-96; (2) Student of Theology in F.C. College, Glasgow. LAMONT, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow; Bradford, Yorks.; Armley there. LANAUZE, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1768. "Georgii Filius natu secundus Mercatoris in urbe Dublin" [Matric. Alb. 1767]. LANCASTER, BRYAN, M.A. 1731. "Angl." [Matric. Alb. 1728]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 321 LANCASTER, THOMAS, M.A. 1742. "Johannis F. in Par. Barton Comit. Westmorland" [Matric. Alb. 1739]. LANCEY, THOMAS, B.A. 1842, M.D. 1845. Enfield, Middlesex. LANCIANI, RODOLFO, LL.D. 1889. Professor of Ancient Topography in the University of Rome ; D.C.L. Oxon. LANDER, JAMES, M.D. 1848. Ballinabay, Co. Cork ; Ballinhassig, Co. Cork ; Chetwynd, Cork ; Limerick ; Staff-Assistant-Surgeon, Army; died 1862. LANDSBOROUGH, DAVID, M.A. 1890. Medical Missionary of the Presbyterian Church of England to Formosa; M.B. Edin. 1895. LANE, ALEXANDER, CM. 1835, M.D. 1836. Aghadowey, Co. Antrim; died 1888. LANE, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1836. Surgeon, R.N. ; Bishop's Castle, Salop; Worthen, Salop; Chin, Salop; Douglas, Isle of Man; died 5th May, 1877, aged 75. LANE, WILLIAM, CM. 1825, M.D. 1833. Newtownlimavady, Co. Derry; died 1876. LANG, ALEXANDER MORRISON, M.B. 1870. St. Andrew, Grenada, West Indies; London. LANG, ANDREW, M.A. 1890. Minister of Holm, Orkney. LANG, ANDREW MONTGOMERIE, B.Sc. 1874. Minister of High Church, Paisley. LANG, ARCHIBALD, M.D. 1816. "Late Surgeon in the Navy" [Univ. Minute, 30th March, 1816]. LANG, COSMO GORDON, M.A. 1884. Fellow and Dean of Divinity of Magdalen College, Oxford, and Vicar of St. Mary, the Virgin's, Oxford; late Fellow of All Souls College, and formerly Scholar of Balliol College; Vicar of Portsea, 1896; son of John Marshall Lang, D.D. (q.v.). LANG, EBENEZER, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow. LANG, GEORGE, M.A. 1882. F.C. Minister at Houston. LANG, GEORGE WASHINGTON, M.D. 1843. Killane, Co. Wexford; died 1872. LANG, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1890, M.D. 1893. Dundee ; London. x 322 ROLL OF GRADUATES LANG, HUGH MORRIS, M.D. 1838. Practised in Largs, but for many years has lived retired on his estate of Broadmeadows, Selkirk. LANG, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. LANG, JOHN, M.A. 1769. Possibly the same person as John Lang, who was admitted a Member of the Glasgow Faculty of Procurators in 1777, and died 25th May, 1846. LANG, JOHN DUNMORE, M.A. 1820, D.D. 1825. Minister of the Presbyterian Church at Sydney, New South Wales, 1823-78; M.L.A. ; born at Greenock, 25th August, 1799; died at Sydney, 8th August, 1878. LANG, JOHN MARSHALL, D.D. 1873. Minister of (1) East Aberdeen, (2) Fyvie, (3) Anderston, Glasgow, (4) Morningside, Edinburgh, (5) Barony, Glasgow. LANG, JOHN MUIR, M.A. 1882, LL.B. 1885. Writer, Paisley. LANG, JOSEPH, M.A. 1892. Teacher: (1) Interim Master, Craigton Public School, Milngavie, (2) Assistant, Cambusnethan Public School, Wishaw, (3) Assistant, Classics and Modern Languages, Hamilton Academy. LANG, MARSHALL BUCHANAN, M.A. 1887, B.D. 1890. Minister of Meldrum ; son of John Marshall Lang, D.D. (q.v.). LANG, PETER, M.A. 1820. "Filius natu minimus Joannis mercatoris in Liverpool" [Matric. Alb. 181 6]. LANG, ROBERT, B.A. 1816. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. LANG, ROBERT, B.A. 1835, M.A. 1836. Congregational Minister at (1) Ayr, (2) Chorley, Lanes., (3) Portobello, (4) Ward Chapel, Dundee, (5) Panmure Street Chapel, Dundee; retired 1872. LANG, SAMUEL, M.A. 1795. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. LANG, THOMAS, M.D. 1863. Glasgow; Tunbridge Wells; died 10th August, 1876, aged 34. LANG, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1863. Grenada, West Indies. LANG, WILLIAM HENRY, B.Sc. 1894, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow (Assistant to Professor of Botany in the University since 1894). LANG, WILLIAM ROBERT, B.Sc. 1891. Assistant to Professor of Chemistry in Glasgow University since 1890. ROLL OF GRADUATES 323 LANGHORNE, JOHN, M.D. 1775. "Brittannus" [Grad. Alb.]. LANGHORNE, THOMAS, LL.D. 1856. Episcopal Minister at Musselburgh; died 21st December, 1881, aged 81. LANGLEY, JOHN NEWTON. M.A. 1849, LL.D. 1868. Sometime Teacher, Mowbray House School, Wolverhampton ; afterwards Secretary and Registrar of University College, Bristol; died at West Bromwich, 10th March, 1890. LANGLEY, WILLIAM LESLIE, M.D. 1836. Staff-Surgeon-Major, Army; Inspector-General. LANGMORE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1809. London; died 5th May, 1858, aged 74. LANGMUIR, ROBERT, M.A. 1889, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow. LANGSLOW, RICHARD, M.D. 1791. " Has practised Medicin in England for Eighteen years " [Univ. Minute, 2nd May, 1 791]. LANGWILL, JAMES, D.D. 1888. Minister of (1) Legerwood, (2) Currie. LAPRAIK, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow ; Foochow, China ; Glasgow ; Sydney, N.S. Wales ; Glasgow ; New Zealand; son of Thomas Lapraik, M.D. (q.v.). LAPRAIK, THOMAS, M.D. 1859. Glasgow. LAPSLEY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1772. " Filius natu minimus Gulielmi Agricolae in Comitatu de Tyronne in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 177 1]. LARGAN, JOSEPH, M.D. 1845. Fontstown, Co. Kildare. LAUDERDALE, EARL OF, LL.D. 1804. Advocate; M.P. for (1) Newport, Cornwall, (2) Malmesbury; Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland ; Ambassador (1806) to France to conclude peace; born at Hatton, Mid Lothian, 26th January, 1759; died at Thirlstane Castle, 13th Sep- tember, 1839; Eighth Earl. LAUGHTON, JAMES BROTHERSTON, B.A. 1831. " Filius natu maximus Jacobi Mercatoris in Com. de Cumberland " [Matric. Alb. 1828]; believed to be the same person as the Rev. Mr. Laughton, who, according to Oliver & Boyd's Almanacs, was Church of Scotland Minister at (1) Paterson, Maitland Presbytery, Australia, (2) Bathurst 'St Stephen's, Bathurst Presbytery, Australia. 324 ROLL OF GRADUATES LAUGHTON, WILLIAM, D.D. 1881. Minister of (1) St Thomas's, Greenock, 1839-43, (2) St Thomas's Free Church, Greenock, 1843-97; died at 28 Greenhill Gardens, Edinburgh, 7th November, 1897, aged 86. LAURIE, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1886. Ship Surgeon; Greenock. LAURIE, JOSEPH, D.D. 1840. (1) Scots Chaplain at Bombay; (2) Minister of Culross ; demitted in con- sequence of ill-health, 9th March, 1845. LAURIE, WILLIAM LARGE, M.D. 1838. Greenock. LAVERICK, JOHN THOMAS BROWN, M.B., CM. 1889. Hinderwell, Yorks. LAVERTY, GEORGE, M.A. 1868. Minister of the Secession Church atTyrones Ditches, Poyntzpass, Co. Armagh, and at Clare, Tandragee. LAVERY, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1891. Dumbarton; Swindon, Wilts. LAW, JAMES, B.A. 1842, M.A. 1843. " Filius natu secundus Roberti agricolae in comitatu de Londonderry Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1838]. LAW, JAMES, M.A. 1894. Student of Theology in F.C. College, Glasgow. LAW, MICHAEL, M.A. 1773. " Filius unicus Josephi Agricolae in Parochia de Kilcare in Comitatu de Donegall in Hibernia" [Matric Alb. 1772]. LAW, THOMAS BROUGH, M.B., CM. 1889. Ship Surgeon; Glasgow; Dundee; Barrow-in-Furness; died at Alexandria, Egypt, 28th July, 1895. LAW, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1876. Brandon, Durham; Whickham there. LAWES, GEORGE WILLIAM, D.D. 1895. Missionary in British New Guinea. LAWLOR, WILLIAM HILLIARD, M.D. 1838. Tralee, Co. Kerry; died 28th August, 1883. LAWRENCE, MARTIN BRYDON, B.L. 1881. Writer and Town Clerk, Oban; died there, 21st July, 1895, aged 38. LAWRENCE, PETER LETWITCH, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; London (native of Bombay). LAWRENCE, ROLAND, M.D. 18 12. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 325 LAWRIE, ARCHIBALD, D.D. 1816. Minister of Newmilns (Loudoun), 1793 to 1837; son (the "darling youth in manhood's dawning blush" of Burns's Prayer, infra) of George Lawrie, D.D. (q.v.), and father of George James Lawrie, D.D. (q.v.), and of James Adair Lawrie, M.A., M.D. (q.v.); died 5th May, 1837, aged 69. LAWRIE, ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, B.A. 1856. Advocate; District Judge, Ceylon. LAWRIE, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1881. Kilmarnock. LAWRIE, GEORGE, D.D. 1791. Minister of Newmilns (Loudoun), 1763 to 1799, in whose Manse Burns wrote (overnight) and left the Prayer beginning, "O Thou dread Power that reign'st above"; father of Archibald Lawrie, D.D. (q.v.); died 17th October, 1799, aged 71. LAWRIE, GEORGE JAMES, D.D. 1828. Snell Exhibitioner, 1816; sometime Chaplain in St. Andrews Church, in the Presidency of Madras ; afterwards (1843 to 1877) Minister of Monkton; son of Archibald Lawrie, D.D. (q.v.); author of song, "Hae ye mind o' lang, lang syne"; died at Hythe, Kent, 1878, aged 82. LAWRIE, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1892. West Auckland, Co. Durham; Ramsbottom, Lanes. LAWRIE, JAMES, M.D. i860. Glasgow ; London ; Glasgow. LAWRIE, JAMES ADAIR, M.A. 1820, M.D. 1822. Assistant-Surgeon, H.E.I.C. Service ; afterwards Professor of Surgery in (1) Anderson's College, (2) Glasgow University, 1850 to 1859; died at Bridge of Allan, 23rd November, 1859, aged 58; son of Archibald Lawrie, D.D. (q.v.). LAWRIE, JAMES MACPHERSON, M.B., CM. 1881, M.D. 1884. Glasgow; Weymouth ; J. P. LAWRIE, JAMES THOMAS BRUDENELL, M.D. 1863, CM. 1863. Cuckfield, Sussex; Act. Assistant-Surgeon, Army; Ballarat, Australia; died 17th April, 1870, aged 28. LAWRIE, WILLIAM JOHN, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1886. Glasgow; Ayr. LAWSON, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1739. Minister of Kirkmahoe; died 14th December, 1796, aged 77; brother of Robert Lawson, M.A. 1739 ( I75i*3> and 1755-7; born in Dolphington Parish, 1706; died 3rd December, 1785. LEEPER, THOMAS, M.A. 1777. "Filius natu secundus Roberti, Agricolae in Parochia de Stranorlaue in Com. de Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1776]. LEES, HENRY, M.D., CM. 1835. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. LEES, JAMES CAMERON, D.D. 1871. Minister of (1) Carnoch, (2) Abbey Parish, Paisley, (3) St. Giles, Edinburgh. LEES, JAMES FERGUSON, M.B., CM. 1893. Ship Surgeon ; Hartlepool. 328 ROLL OF GRADUATES LEES, ROBERT COWAN, M.B., CM. 1879. Glasgow (sometime Lecturer on Practice of Medicine in Western Medical School). LEES, THOMAS M'CLELLAND, M.B., CM. 1872, M.D. 1876. Ship Surgeon; New York, U.S.A. LEET, CHARLES HENRY, M.D., CM. 1834. Dublin (Professor of (1) Medical Jurisprudence, (2) Materia Medica, in Apothecaries' Hall Medical School); Rathmines, Co. Dublin; died 2nd May, 1890, aged 89. LEGG, WILLIAM, B.A. 1828. Congregational Minister, Reading; died 1871, aged 70. LEIGH, ALEXANDER, CM. 1841. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. LEIPER, ANDREW, B.D. 1871. Minister of (1) Greenhead, (2) Gorbals. LEISHMAN, JOHN STUART, M.A. 1894. Student of Theology in F.C. College, Glasgow, and Student of Law in the University. LEISHMAN, MATTHEW, D.D. 1840. Minister of Govan, 1821-74; died 8th August, 1874, aged 80. LEISHMAN, THOMAS, M.A. 1843, D.D. 187 1. Minister of (1) Collace, (2) Linton; son of Matthew Leishman, D.D. (q.v.). LEISHMAN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1855. Acting Assistant-Surgeon, Medical Staff; Professor of (1) Medical Juris- prudence in Anderson's College, (2) Midwifery in Glasgow University, 1868 to 1893; Member of University Court (as Senate's Assessor), 1889 to 1893; born 8th June, 1834; died 18th February, 1894; son of Matthew Leishman, D.D. (q.v.). LEISHMAN, WILLIAM BOOG, M.B., CM. 1886. Surgeon-Captain, Army; son of Professor William Leishman (q.v.). LEITCH, ALEXANDER, M.A. 18 19. Minister of (1) Gartmore, (2) Third Charge, Stirling, (3) Free Church, Stirling; died 17th April, 1868, aged 66. LEITCH, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1877. Gourock. LEITCH, GEORGE, M.A. 1769. "Gulielmi Filius natu maximus Agricolae in Parochia de Ardstraw in Com. Tyrone, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1766]. LEITCH, JAMES DUNCAN, M.A. 1823. " F. n. max. Duncani Greenock" [Matric. Alb. 1819]. 329 M.D. 1866. B.Sc. 1889. M.A. 1893. M.A. 1849. ROLL OF GRADUATES LEITCH, JOHN GIBSON, Glasgow; Thornhill, Perthshire. LEITCH, JOHN WALKER, Chemical Manufacturer, Huddersfield. LEITCH, JOHN WILSON, Student of Medicine. LEITCH, JOSEPH, Minister, Leckpatrick, Strabane. LEITCH, ROBERT, B.A. 1851, M.A. 1852. Minister of the Parish of Abernyte, 1858-72; Curate of Silloth, 1872-73; Curate of Crosby-on-Eden, 1873-74; Curate of Ashby-de-la-Zouche, 1874-75; Curate in charge of Saham Toney, 1875-76; Vicar of the Parishes of Blackfordby and Smisby, near Burton-on-Trent, since 1876 [was chaplain at Carlsbad, 1885-86, and Chaplain at Pau, 1886-87]. LEITCH, THOMAS, M.A. 1769. Possibly the same person as Thomas Leitch, Presbyterian Minister of Douglas and Clady, Co. Tyrone. LEITCH, WILLIAM, B.A. 1837, M.A. 1838, D.D. i860. Sometime Observatory Assistant to Professor John Pringle Nichol (q.v.) ; Minister of Monimail, 1843-59; Principal of Queen's College, Canada, 1859-64; born at Rothesay, 1814; died at Kingston, Canada, 9th May, 1864. LEITH, GEORGE, M.A. 1738. "Filius Alexandri Leith Chirurgi Londinensis" [Matric. Alb. 1734]. LEITH, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1872. Ullapool. LELAND, JOHN, M.A. 1734. Presbyterian Minister in Dublin, 1716-66; born at Wigan, Lanes., 18th October, 1691 ; died 16th January, 1766; D.D. Aberdeen. LEMERCIER, FRANCOIS GERMAIN, M.D. 185 1. Native of France ; probably settled there. LENY, ROBERT, M.A. 1754. " Filius Joannis Leny in parochia de Drimmen in Com. de Stirling " [Matric. Alb. 1747]. LESLIE, DAVID, M.D. 1861. Carrickmacross, Ireland ; Tunbridge, Kent ; London. LESLIE, JAMES, M.A. 1741. Minister of Kilmarnock; died 19th May, 1764, aged 41. LESLIE, JAMES, D.D. 1812. Minister of Fordoun, 1788 to 1843, when demitted; died 20th March, 1858, aged 95. OF THB UNIVERSITY 330 ROLL OF GRADUATES LESLIE, JOHN, M.D. 1840. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. LESLIE, JOHN DEAN, M.A. 1879, LL.B. 1886. Advocate, Edinburgh. LESLIE, ROBERT, M.D. 1839. "Fil. n. 6 tus Hectoris Artificis Glasg. " [Matric. Alb. 1828]. LESTER, WILLIAM RICHARD, M.A. 1879. Engineer, Glasgow. LETT, RICHARD, M.D. 1838. Silverstone, Northamptonshire. LEVENSTON, SAMUEL, M.D. 1859. Glasgow. LEVINE, ABRAHAM, M.A. 1889. Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, and Actuarial Clerk, London. LEVIS, JOHN SAMUEL, M.D. 1849. Skibereen, Co. Cork. LEWARS, JOHN, M.A. 1890. Minister of U.P. Church, Lesmahagow. LEWERS, BENJAMIN, CM. 1823. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. LEWIS, CHARLES ALFRED, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow ; Manchester ; Glasgow. LEWIS, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1895. Trelech, Cardiganshire. LEWIS, GEORGE, BA. 1823. Minister of (1) Perth (Middle), (2) St. David's, Dundee, (3) Free St. David's, Dundee, (4) Free Church, Ormiston ; died 27th January, 1879. LEWIS, JOHN PATERSON, M.D. 1855. Glasgow ; Dalbeattie. LEWIS, JOHN RIGGS MILLER, M.D. 1847. Deputy Surgeon-General, Army; London; Norbiton, Surrey; Kingston Hill there. LEWIS, JOHN ROBERTSON, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1884. Wishaw; Glasgow; Bishopstone, Gloucester; died 14th January, 1886. LEWIS, PERCIVAL, B.A. 1776. "Natus Londini Filius Unicus Edwardi, Armigeri, de Downton in Comitatu de Radnor" [Matric. Alb. 1775]. LEWIS, RICHARD, M.D. 1845. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 33 1 LEWIS, ROBERT, M.A. 1869. Teacher in (1) South Queensferry Burgh School, 1861-63, (2) St. Paul's Balfour School, Glasgow, 1863-83, (3) Wellpark Public School there, 1883-90, (4) Milton Public School there, 1890-94, (5) Parkhead Public School there since 1894. LEWIS, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1871, M.D. 1874. Glasgow; Paisley; Houston; Paisley; Houston; died there, 17th July, 1891, aged 41. LEWIS, WILLIAM JAMES, M.D. 1855. Native of New Brunswick ; probably settled there. LEYS, GEORGE MESTON, M.A. 1879. Solicitor, Edinburgh. LEYS, JOHN KIRKWOOD, M.A. 1869. Barrister-at-Law and Litterateur. LICHTENBERGER, FREDERIC AUGUSTE, D.D. 1896. Dean of the Faculty of Protestant Theology in the University of Paris; born at Strasbourg, 1832. LIDDELL, JOHN, M.A. 1813. "F. n. max. Joannis Artificis Falkirk Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 1809]. LIDDELL, JOHN, M.A. 1892. Qualifying for degree of LL.B. LIDDLE, DAVID FRASER, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in Glasgow University. LIDDLE, WILLIAM TRAIN, M.B., CM. 1880. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow. LIGAT, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1894. Newton Heath, Lanes. LIGHTBODY, THOMAS DEHANE, M.D. 1841. " Gibraltar " [Grad. Alb.]. LIGHTBURNE, JOSEPH, M.D. 1839. Brookboro', Co. Fermanagh ; Newry ; Geashill, King's Co. ; Portarlington, same Co.; Mullaghlass, Newry; Newry; died 5th April, 1890, aged 74. LIGHTFOOT, JOSEPH BARBER. See Durham, Bishop of. LIGHTFOOT, THOMAS, M.D. 1836. London, LIGHTFOOT, WILLIAM MATHEW, M.D. 1837. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. LILLIE, JOHN, D.D. 1848. Presbyterian Minister, Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land. 332 ROLL OF GRADUATES LILLIE, THOMAS HOLTUM, M.A. 1888, LL.B. 1891. Writer, Glasgow. LINDESAY, HERCULES, LL.D. 1746. Professor of Law in University of Glasgow, 1750-61; Dean of Faculties, 1758 to 1760; died 2nd June, 1761. LINDSAY, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1845. Glasgow (Assistant to Professor of Physiology in the University, 1871-74; Private Teacher of Medical Science; Lecturer on General Natural History in Anderson's College ; Professor of Medical Jurisprudence there) ; Bucklyvie. LINDSAY, ALEXANDER, M.B. 1871. Brough, Westmoreland ; Shap, same Co. ; Tranent. LINDSAY, ARCHIBALD MACLAREN, MA. 1865. Writer in Glasgow, and sometime Professor of Land Rights and Con- veyancing in St. Mungo's College. LINDSAY, BENJAMIN, M.A. 1781. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. LINDSAY, CHARLES DALRYMPLE, D.D. 1804. Vicar of Sutterton, Lines., 1793; Dean of Christ Church, Dublin, Bishop of Killaloe and Kilfenora, 1803-4; Bishop of Kildare, 1804-46; died 8th August, 1846, aged 86; Snell Exhibitioner, 1779; B.A. Oxon. 1783; M.A. 1786; son of James, Earl of Balcarres. LINDSAY, JAMES, M.A. 1878, B.Sc. 1879, B.D. 1882. Minister of St. Andrews, Kilmarnock. LINDSAY, JOHN, M.D. 1859. Glasgow ; Crossford ; Lesmahagow. LINDSAY, JOHN, M.A. 1889, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow. LINDSAY, JOHN FINDLAY, M.B., CM. 1877. Liverpool; died 1888. LINDSAY, OWEN, M.D. 1827. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. LINDSAY, ROBERT COWAN, B.Sc. 1874. (1) Classical Master in Western Academy, Glasgow; (2) Rector of Grammar School, Ayr; (3) Head Master of School of Science and Art, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and of the Bath Lane Schools there; (4) Head Master of Crosshill Public School, Strathaven; (5) Principal of Venice Street Board Schools, Liverpool, and Lecturer on History in Pupil Teachers' College. LINDSAY, THOMAS MARTIN, D.D. 1874. Professor of Church History in Free Church College, Glasgow; M.A. Edin. 1866. ROLL OF GRADUATES 333 LINDSAY, WALLACE MARTIN, M.A. 1877. Fellow, Tutor, and Librarian, Jesus College, Oxford ; Degree Examiner on . Classics in Glasgow University, 1893-96; Snell Exhibitioner, 1877; B.A. Oxon. 1881; M.A. 1885. LINDSAY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1742. "Josephi F. in Paroch. Douglass in Comit. Clydesdale" [Matric. Alb. 1738]. LINDSAY, WILLIAM, M.D. 1829. Medical Inspector of Haslar Hospital; died 1857, aged 57. LINDSAY, WILLIAM, D.D. 1844. Minister of Relief Church at (1) Johnstone, (2) Cathedral Street, Glasgow; Professor (1) of Theology and Biblical Criticism to Relief Synod, (2) of Sacred Languages and Biblical Criticism to U.P. Synod ; died on Sabbath afternoon, 3rd June, 1866, after preaching twice, aged 64. LINDSAY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1880. Minister of East Free Church, Rutherglen. LINDSAY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1887. F.C. Minister at (1) Bishopbriggs, (2) Cathcart (Mount Florida). LINDSAY, WILLIAM ANDERSON, M.A. 1895. Assistant to Professor William Jack (q.v.). LINDSAY, WILLIAM CAIRD, M.A. 1894. Teacher in Irvine, and in various schools under Govan School Board ; Head Master of (1) Polmadie Public School, Glasgow, (2) Rosevale Street Public School, Partick. LINDSAY, WILLIAM YOUNG, M.A. 1886. Minister of Dreghorn. LINDSEY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1768. "Filius natu maximus Joannis Agricolae in Parochia de Killileagh in Com. de Downe in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1765]. LINING, THOMAS, M.A. 1751. Minister of (1) Shettleston Chapel, 1759-61, (2) Lesmahagow, 1761-91; died 3rd January, 1791, aged 65; "was one of the two who seized the ill-fated Donald MacDonald of Kinloch-Moidart in 1745 on his way south to join the Pretender" [Scott's Fasti}. LINN, ALLAN, CM. 1820. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. LINN, JOHN FLEMING, M.A. 1865. Free Church Minister at Airlie. LINTON, PETER, CM. 1837. Carlisle. 334 ROLL OF GRADUATES LINTON, SIR WILLIAM, M.D. 1834. Inspector-General, Army; K.C.B. ; Honorary Physician to the Queen; died 9th October, 1880, aged 79. LIPPMAN, GABRIEL, LL.D. 1896. Professor of Physics in the University of Paris. LISTER, JOHN, M.A. 1754. " Filius Georgii Litster in Parochia de Newry in Com. de Down in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1751]. LISTER, JOHN, B.A. 1836. Minister of (1) Laygate English Presbyterian Church, South Shields, (2) Free Church, Kennoway, (3) St. George's Free Church, Montrose. LISTER, SIR JOSEPH, BART. (BARON LISTER), LL.D. 1879. M.B. Lond. 1852; Professor of (1) Surgery in Glasgow University, i860 to 1869, (2) Clinical Surgery in Edin. Univ., 1869 to 1877, (3) Clinical Surgery in King's College, London, since 1877; Surgeon Extraordinary to the Queen; born 1827; D.C.L. Oxon. 1880; LL.D. Cantab. 1880; LL.D. Edin. 1878; Baronet 1883; Baron 1897; F.R.S. i860; P.R.S. 1896. LISTER, WILLIAM, M.A. 1806. " Filius natu secundus Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Killmore in comitatu de Monaghan in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1802]. LITHGOW, ARTHUR MINES SPERRIN, M.D. 1863. Edmonton, Middlesex ; Staff-Assistant-Surgeon, Army. LITHGOW, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1890. Cleland, Lanarkshire. LITTLE, JAMES ALFRED STOKES, M.A. 1885. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. LITTLE, JOSEPH, M.A. 1765. Presbyterian Minister of Killyleagh, 1768-1813; died July, 1813; acted also as a Medical Practitioner. LITTLE, LYNDON EVELYN, M.D. 1845. Hollymount, Co. Mayo; died 1870. LITTLE, ROBERT, M.D. 1826. Wolverhampton; Holywood, Co. Down; Manchester; Belfast; Scone, N.S. Wales ; Belfast ; Donaghadee ; formerly Lecturer on Medicine and Midwifery in Belfast College. LITTLE, WILLIAM, B.A. 1837. "Filius natu maximus Roberti, Mercatoris Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1831]; matriculated at Pembroke College, Oxford, 2nd November, 1838, aged 25. LITTLE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1856. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Longtown, Carlisle, (2) Taymouth, Michigan, U.S.A. ROLL OF GRADUATES 335 LITTLE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1883, M.D. 1887. Newmains ; Particle ; Upwell, Camb. ; London ; Cape Colony ; Dumbarton. LITTLEJOHN, JAMES BUCHAN, M.B., CM. 1892. Garvagh, Co. Derry ; Munslow, Craven Arms, Salop ; College Springs, Iowa, U.S.A. (Vice-President of Amity College there). LITTLEJOHN, JOHN MARTIN, M.A. 1889, B.D. 1890, LL.B. 1892. (1) Minister, Munslow, Salop; (2) President of Amity College, College Springs, Iowa, U.S.A. LITTLER, JOHN HENRY, M.D. 1837. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. LIVERA, EDWIN SIMON ERNEST DE, M.B., CM. 1877- Native of Ceylon ; probably settled there. LIVERSIDGE, ARCHIBALD, LL.D. 1896. Professor of Chemistry and Mineralogy in the University of Sydney, N.S. Wales, since 1872; M.A. ; F.R.S. 1882; F.G.S., F.L.S., etc., etc. LIVINGSTON, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1794. Minister of Cambusnethan ; deposed 27th May, 1842, for theft, and spent seven years in the Law Courts in an attempt to reduce the decision; died 19th January, 1852, aged 76. LIVINGSTON, JOHN, M.D., CM. 1861. Glasgow; Barnet, Herts.; died 10th June, 1885, aged 45. LIVINGSTON, JOHN, M.A. 1884. (1) Teacher in Public School, Old Cumnock; (2) Teacher in Public School, Cullen; (3) Head Master of Public School, Ballachulish (South). LIVINGSTON, NEIL, D.D. 1882. Minister of Free Church, Stair. LIVINGSTON, SAMUEL, M.A. 1806. " Filius Natu Maximus quondam Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Drumagh in comitatu de Down in Hybernia " [Matric. Alb. 1800]. LIVINGSTONE, ALEXANDER CRAWFORD, M.A. 1884. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. LIVINGSTONE, DAVID, LL.D. 1854. The celebrated African Missionary and Explorer; Licentiate 1840, Honorary Fellow 1857, of Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow; D.C.L. Oxon. 1857; born at Blantyre, 19th May, 1813; died at llala, Central Africa, 1st May, 1873; buried in Westminster Abbey, 18th April, 1874. LIVINGSTONE, JAMES, M.D. 1855. Wishaw. LIVINGSTONE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1890. Dykehead, Shotts; Barry Dock, Glam. 336 ROLL OF GRADUATES LIVINGSTONE, PETER, M.B., CM. 1874. Earsdon, Northumberland ; London ; Ashton-under-Lyne ; Rochdale. LIVINGSTONE, ROBERT, M.D. 1847. Wishaw. LIVINGSTONE, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1884. Died, of acute phthisis, at Dykehead, Shotts, 2nd December, 1884, aged 24. LIVINGSTONE, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1872. Leek, Staffs. ; Stanhope, Co. Durham ; J. P. LIVINGSTONE, WILLIAM, CM. 1827. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. LIVINGSTONE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1888. Wishaw; Paisley. LIVINGSTONE, WILLIAM HAMILTON, M.D. 1839. "Fil. n. max. Gulielmi Chirurgi in com. de Lanerk" [Matric. Alb. 1829]. LIVINGSTONE, WILLIAM OSWELL, M.B., CM. 1874. Glasgow ; Trinidad, W. Indies ; Surgeon, P. and O. Co.'s Service ; Guernsey ; London; St. Albans; died there, 30th December, 1889, aged 39; son of David Livingstone, LL.D. (q.v.). LLOYD, CHARLES, LL.D. 1809. Dissenting Minister at (1) Evesham, (2) Ditchling, Sussex, (3) Capel-y-groes and Pant-y-defaid, (4) Palgrave, Suffolk; Schoolmaster at (1) Exeter, (2) Palgrave, (3) Keppel Street, London ; also for sometime a Farmer ; born in Cardiganshire, 18th December, 1766; died on visit to Lampeter, 23rd May, 1829. LLOYD, DAVID, M.A. 1833, LL.D. 185 1. Classical Tutor in, afterwards Principal of, Presbyterian College, Carmarthen, and Unitarian Minister there ; born at Llandyssal, Cardiganshire, 1805; died 13th September, 1863. LLOYD, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1891. Denbigh; J. P. LLOYD, EVAN, M.B., CM. 1876. Tregaron, Cardiganshire. LLOYD, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1889. Penygraig, Glam. ; Tonypandy there. LLOYD, JAMES HUGHES, M.A. 1880. Clergyman at (1) Aberdare, (2) Talley, near Llandilo, South Wales. LLOYD, JENKIN, M.B., CM. 1881. Bethesda, N. Wales. LLOYD, SANDFORD M'VITTIE, M.D. 1847. Staff-Surgeon-Major, Army ; Deputy Inspector-General of Hospitals ; Deputy Surgeon-General; died 8th May, 1876. ROLL OF GRADUATES 337 LLOYD, THOMAS, ' M.A. 1779- "(Natus in Hibernia) Filius natu Secundus Owen Lloyd Armigeri de Rockville in Parochia de Augrim in Com. de Roscommon" [Matric. Alb. 1778]. LOCH, RICHARD JOHN, M.D. 1846. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. LOCHHEAD, ANDREW, M.D., CM. 1863. Paisley; died 1864. LOCHHEAD, ANDREW FISHER, B.L. 1887. Writer, Paisley. LOCHHEAD, JAMES, B.L. 1880. Writer, Blairgowrie. LOCHHEAD, JAMES LAMONT, M.D. 1855. Greenock; died 15th March, 1865. LOCHHEAD, KERR, B.Sc. 1888. Civil Engineer with (1) William Shield, M.Inst.CE., at Harbour of Refuge Works, Peterhead, (2) Robert M'Alpine & Sons, Railway Contractors, Glasgow. LOCHHEAD, MATTHEW, B.Sc. 1891, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow ; Paisley. LOCHHEAD, WILLIAM, M.D. 1848. Glasgow. LOCHORE, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1814, D.D. 1874. Minister of Drymen, 1824-77; died 17th August, 1877, aged 84. LOCKER, JOHN, M.A. 1749. "Filius natu maximus Johannis Locker Armigeri in Civitate London" [Matric. Alb. 1747]. LOCKHART, GEORGE, M.A. 1808. " Filius natu Tertius Georgii Agricolae in parochia de Killivy in comitatu de Armagh in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1805]. LOCKHART, HUGH, M.A. 1817. "F. 2 dus Rob. Merc, in Par. de Fenwick" [Matric. Alb. 1812]. LOCKHART, JOHN, M.A. 1814, D.D. 1838. Minister of the Presbyterian Church, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. LOCKHART, JOHN, LL.D. 1869. (1) Teacher in Balfour's School, Glasgow; (2) Rector of the Burgh School, Kirkcaldy, 1840-73, when retired; born at Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, 26th May, 1798; died at Kirkcaldy, 9th June, 1882. LOCKHART, LAURENCE, D.D. 1849. Of Milton-Lockhart and Germistown; Minister of Inchinnan, 1822-60, when resigned ; half-brother of John Gibson Lockhart, Sir Walter Scott's biographer and son-in-law; married the niece of Thomas Muir, the Reformer (q.v.); died 16th April, 1876, aged 80. 338 ROLL OF GRADUATES LOCKHART, ROBERT, M.A. 1851. "Filius nato maximus defuncti Roberti mercatoris in parochia de Denny et comitatu de Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 1847]. LOCKHART, WILLIAM, D.D. 1791. Minister of (1) Culter, 1772-84, (2) St. Andrew's, Glasgow, 1784 to 1802; Dean of Faculties in Glasgow University, 1796-98; died 8th February, 1802, aged 58. LOCKHART, WILLIAM, M.A. 1853. Minister of (1) Queensferry, (2) Colinton; D.D. St. Andrews, 1893. LOCKHART, WILLIAM, M.D. 1858. Stevenston; Assistant-Surgeon, R.N. ; died at Queenstown, 17th January, 1867. LOGAN, ADAM, M.D. 1801. "Filius natu 2 dus Adami Agricolae in Parochia de Kirkmichael et Comitatu de Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1793]. LOGAN, ALEXANDER, M.A., M.D. 1777. " Has . . . been practising Medicine about two years in Air-Shire " [Univ. Minute, 28th December, 1776]. LOGAN, ARCHIBALD, B.A. 1861, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1871. Glengarnock; Glasgow; died 28th June, 1894. LOGAN, GEORGE, M.A. 1776. Minister (1) at High Bridge, Newcastle, (2) of Ardoch, (3) of Eastwood ; joined Free Church party in 1843; died on 2nd July of that year. LOGAN, GEORGE, M.A. 1863, B.D. 1867. Minister of (1) Newmains, 1868-76, (2) Inverbrothock, 1876-97; died 24th July, 1897, aged 57. LOGAN, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1885. Dairy, Ayrshire ; Farnworth, Lanes. ; Beith ; Dairy ; died 5th November, 1895, aged 30. LOGAN, JAMES, M.A. 1793. Minister of Relief Church at (1) Balfron, (2) St. Ninians ; died 4th October, 1841, aged 75. LOGAN, JAMES ROWATT, M.B., CM. 1890. Ship Surgeon; Glasgow; Wishaw. LOGAN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1883. Dairy, Ayrshire; Waterhouses, Durham; Knoydart, Isle Ornsay; died 24th August, 1888. LOGAN, JOHN MURDOCH, M.A. 1779. "Natus in Urbe de Boston filius natu Maximus Gualteri Quaestoris in urbe de Boston" [Matric. Alb. 1774]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 339 LOGAN, JOHN RIDDELL, M.A. 1893. Teacher, Glasgow, in (1) Rumford Street Public School, (2) Whitehill Public School. LOGAN, JOHN T., M.D. 1838. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. LOGAN, ROBERT HANNAY, M.A. 1883. Minister of Chalmers Free Church, Dundee. LOGAN, THOMAS, M.A. 1852. Minister of Haggs, Stirlingshire; died 30th August, 1864, aged 32. LOGAN, THOMAS G., M.D. 1823. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. LOGAN, SIR THOMAS GALBRAITH, M.D. 1828. Inspector-General of Army Hospitals; Director-General, 1867-74; Honorary Physician to the Queen ; served in Sutlej Campaign, 1 845-46, and as Principal Medical Officer of Highland Division of Crimean Army; K.C.B. ; born 1808; died nth June, 1896. LOGAN, WILLIAM, B.A. 1842, M.A. 1843. F.C. Minister, Langton, by Dunse; died 23rd June, 1880. LOGAN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1876. U.P. Minister at Lanark. LOGAN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1889. F.C. Minister at (1) Rogart, (2) Turriff. LOGGIE, WILLIAM WRIGHT, M.A. 1896. Teacher in Ayr Academy, Ayr. LOGIE, JOHN WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow ; Partick. LOGIE, JOSEPH BROWN, M.A. 1891. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. LOGIE, WILLIAM, D.D. 1863. Minister of (1) Buchanan, (2) Firth and Stenness, (3) Fintry, (4) Dirleton; born in Orkney, 19th March, 1824; died at Dirleton, 5th January, 1878. LONDON, LORD BISHOP OF. See Canterbury, Archbishop of. LONDON, LORD BISHOP OF, LL.D. 1884. Mandell Creighton ; Fellow and Tutor of Merton College, Oxford, 1867-74; Vicar of Embleton, 1875-84; Rural Dean of Alnwick, 1882-84; Hon. Canon of Newcastle, 1882-85; Canon of Worcester, 1885-91; Canon of Windsor, 1891 ; Dixie Professor of Ecclesiastical History in Cambridge University, 1884-91 ; Bishop of Peterborough, 1891-96 ; Bishop of London since 1896 ; born at Carlisle, 5th July, 1843; D.D. Oxon. and Cantab. 1891 ; D.C.L. Oxon. 1894, etc. etc. LONERGAN, WILLIAM FRANCIS, M.D. 1856. Glasgow; died 13th September, 1865. 340 ROLL OF GRADUATES LONG, ANDREW, M.A. 1839. Presbyterian Minister, Monreagh, from 1845 till his death shortly after 2 1 st October, 1869. LONG, JAMES, B.A. 1844, M.A. 1847. "Filius natu tertius Jacobi agricolae in comitatu de Deny" [Matric. Alb. 1842]. LONG, JOSEPH, M.A. 1762. LONGMUIR, JAMES, M.D. 1858. Bathgate; died 1886. LONGWILL, DAVID, M.A. 1855. Congregational Minister at (1) Elie, Fife, (2) Bromley, Kent; born at Greenock, 7th June, 1833; died at Bromley, 30th September, 187 1. LONGWILL, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1879. Rutherglen. LONGWILL, JOHN, M.A. 1896. Teacher in (1) E.G. Normal Practising School, 1893, (2) Clydebank Public School, 1893-95, (3) Main Street Public School, Alexandria, N.B., 1896-97, (4) South African College School, Cape Town, since August, 1897. LONIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1872. Preston, Lanes. ; J. P. LOOSMORE, WILLIAM CHARLES, M.A. 1891. Minister of New Road Congregational Church, Bury, Lanes. LORD, JOHN, . M.D. 1790. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. LORD, ROBERT, M.A. 1737. "Angl. filius Roberti Lord Mercat. in parochia Dean in Com. Lancastriae" [Matric. Alb. 1735]. LORIMER, JAMES, LL.D. 1882- Admitted Advocate, 1845 ; Professor of Public Law in Edinburgh University, 1862-90; (Lectured for several summers in Glasgow University prior to institution of Public Law Lectureship there) ; born at Aberdalgie, Perthshire, 4th November, 1 81 8; died 13th February, 1890. LORIMER, JOHN CAMPBELL, B.A. i860, M.A. 1861. Advocate, Edinburgh ; Examiner for Law Degrees in Glasgow University, 1874-78; LL.B. Edin. 1870. LORIMER, ROBERT, LL.D. 1794. Sometime Chaplain to the Southern Fencible Regiment ; afterwards Minister of (1) Haddington, (2) Free Church there; died 9th November, 1848, aged 84. LORIMER, ROBERT, B.A. 1859, M.A. i860. F.C. Minister of Mains and Strathmartin. ROLL OF GRADUATES 341 LORNSWORTH, AUGUSTUS LEWIS, M.D. 1830. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]; "Recruiting Staff" [Degree List, Glasg. Herald, 7 th May, 1830]. LORRAIN, WILLIAM BUCKHAM, M.D. 1829. Glasgow. LORRAINE, JOSEPH CURRIE, M.A. 1835. Minister of (1) Tinwald, (2) Caerlaverock ; died 3rd February, 1894. LOTHIAN, ALEXANDER VEITCH, M.A. 1882. Interim Head Master of Burgh School, Girvan, 1879; Interim Mathematical Lecturer in E.C. Training College, 1881 ; Science and Mathematical Master in Aberdeen Grammar School, 1881-90; Lecturer on Mathematics and Physics in E.C. Training College, Glasgow, since 1891 ; Baxter Demonstrator in Geology in Glasgow University since 1897. LOTHIAN, ROBERT BAIN, M.B., CM. 1888. London ; Glasgow. LOUDON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1880, B.D. 1883. Minister of West Parish, Galashiels. LOUDON, CHARLES, M.D. 1825. Physician at Leamington; retired to Paris circa 1841, and died there, 2nd February, 1844, aged 43. LOUDON, JAMES LIVINGSTONE, M.B., CM. 1889. Hamilton. LOUDON, JOHN, M.A. 1757- " Filius natu maximus Roberti Loudin in parochia de Kilmadock in Com. de Perth" [Matric. Alb. 1751]. LOUDON, JOSEPH, M.A. 1869. Minister of Roslin. LOUDON, ROBERT HENDERSON, M.A. 1891. Teacher in (1) Crookston Street Public School, Glasgow, (2) Martyrs' Public School, Glasgow. LOUDON, ROBERT THOMSON, M.A. 1881, B.D. 1883. F.C. Minister at Cockpen. LOUGHEED, JOSEPH, M.D. 1834. Ballymote, Co. Sligo; died 1869. LOUGHNAN, CONNELL FRANCIS, M.D. 1853. Dublin ; Silverdale, Staffs. ; Great Grimsby ; Liverpool ; Paris ; died 24th November, 1895. LOUGHNAN, JEREMIAH, M.D. 1841. Listowell, Co. Kerry; died 2nd January, 1865, aged 52. 342 ROLL OF GRADUATES LOUTTIT, JOHN DUNLOP, M.B., CM. 1895. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow. LOVE, DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1882. Brecon ; Glasgow ; Cumbernauld. LOVE, JAMES DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1894. Ayr ; Newcastle-on-Tyne. LOVE, JAMES KERR, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1888. Glasgow (Lecturer on Aural Surgery in St. Mungo's College). LOVE, JOHN, M.B. 1881, M.D. 1887. Glasgow ; Paisley ; Glasgow. LOVE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1887. Beith ; Stirling ; Glasgow ; Beith. LOVE, ROBERT, M.A. 1888. Law Student, Inner Temple, London. LOVE, WILLIAM, M.A. 181 5. "Filius Natu Tertius Caroli Agricolae in parochia de Ardstraw in comitatu de Tyrone" [Matric. Alb. 181 2]. LOVELL, THOMAS MILLER, M.A. 1889. (1) Teacher in Maybole Public School; (2) Classical Assistant in Hamilton Academy; (3) Classical Master in Coatbridge High School. LOW, ANDREW ROBB, M.A. 1892. U.P. Missionary, Rajputana, India. LOW, FLETCHER READ, LL.D. 1845. Sometime Teacher in the Grammar School, Linlithgow; thereafter (1839-66) Senior Classical Master in the High School of Glasgow; died 13th February, 1881. LOW, JAMES PAUL, M.B., CM. 1890. Alva; Alloa. LOW, JOHN HOUSTON, M.B., CM. 1881. Kilbirnie; Appleby; died 1892. LOW, ROBERT FURLONG NEWMAN, M.D. 1837. Ballybeg, Co. Cork; Lismore, Co. Waterford; died 18th February, 1882. LOW, WILLIAM HENRY, M.A. 1894. Law Clerk, Cape Town. LOWE, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1882. Brynmawr, Breconshire. LOWE, HAMILTON CLIFFE, M.D. 1848. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. LOWNDES, HENRY FRANCIS, B.L. 188a Writer, Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 343 LOWRIE, ADAM, M.A. 1884. Teacher in Wishaw Public School, 1884-89; Head Master of Waterloo Public School, 1889-96; Head Master of Cambusnethan Public School since 1896. LOWRY, ANDREW, M.A. 1838. Presbyterian Minister at Ballyshannon since 1842. LOWRY, GAVIN, M.A. 1774. "Filius natu unicus Thomae Agricolae in Parochia de Taughtoyn in Comitatu de Donegal in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1771]. LOWRY, JAMES, M.A. 1765. "Filius natu Quartus Jacobi Agricolae in Parochia de Dungien in Com. de Londonderry" [Matric. Alb. 1762]. LOWRY, JOSEPH, M.A. 1806. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Lissara, 1809-58; died 21st July, 1858, aged 82. LOWSON, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. LOWSON, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1890. Dundee. LOWTHER, DANIEL, M.A. 1742. "Filius Josephi Lowther in parochia de Bromfield in Comitatu de Cumberland" [Matric. Alb. 1740]. LUCAS, ARTHUR HENRY, M.B., CM. 1890. Carmyle; Mansfield, Notts.; Auckland, New Zealand; died there, nth July, 1896, aged 27. LUCAS, DANIEL, M.A. 1777. "Natus in Hybernia Filius natu quartus defuncti Francisci Armigeri in Parochia de Dromore & Comitatu de Monaghan" [Matric. Alb. 1775]. LUCAS, EDWARD, M.A. 1768. "Filius Gulielmi Reverendi admodum Viri Rectoris Ecclesiae in urbe Newry in Com. de Doune, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1766]. LUCAS, HENRY, M.D. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. LUCAS, JAMES, M.A. 1888. Teacher in (1) Ayr Grammar School, (2) St. Mungo's R.C. Academy, Glasgow, (3) Lenzie Academy, (4) Hamilton Academy, (5) Girls' High School, Garnethill, Glasgow. LUCAS, WILLIAM LEANDER M'LAGAN, B.L. 1889. Writer, Glasgow. LUMSDEN, CHARLES HENDRY, M.B., CM. 1895. Greenock. 344 ROLL OF GRADUATES LUMSDEN, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1876. Glasgow; London; Pateley-Bridge, Yorks. LUMSDEN, HARRY, M.A. 1891, B.L. 1894. Writer in, and Clerk to the Trades' House of, Glasgow. LUMSDEN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1836 "Fil. nat. II dus Jacobi Mercatoris, in com. de Lanark" [Matric. Alb. 1825] LUSHINGTON, EDMUND LAW, LL.D. 1875 Professor of Greek in University of Glasgow, 1838 to 1875, when retired Rector, 1884 to 1887; born 10th January, 1811; died 13th July, 1893 brother-in-law of Alfred Lord Tennyson, Poet Laureate; B A. Cantab. 1832; M.A. 1835; D.CL. Oxon. 1876; LL.D. Edin. 1873. LUSK, WILLIAM, M.A. 1894. Student of Law. LYALL, DAVID GILMOUR, B.L. 1886. Writer, Glasgow. LYALL, ROBERT HENRY, M.A. 1883. (1) English Presbyterian Minister at Longsight, Manchester, 1887-93; (2) Curate of Farnworth Parish Church, Lancashire. LYALL, WILLIAM LORIMER, M.D., CM. 1874. Kirkintilloch; Lennoxtown ; died 13th January, 1878. LYELL, JOHN HEPBURN, M.B., CM. 1896. Perth. LYLE, DAVID, M.A. 1755. Stenographer; author of a treatise (1762), "The Art of Shorthand improved." LYLE, JAMES, M.A. 1893. Teacher in (1) The Academy, Rothesay, (2) The Academy, Lenzie. LYLE, JOHN, M.A. 1870. Presbyterian Minister (1) at Broughshane, Co. Antrim, (2) in Tasmania; died there, 1895. LYLE, ROBERT, M.A. 1812. "Fil. Secundus Roberti Agricolae in parochia de Killeronaghan in Comitatu de Deny" [Matric. Alb. 18 10]. LYLE, ROBERT, M.D. 1862. Gateshead; Newcastle-on-Tyne; died 24th May, 1881. LYLE, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1872. Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Macclesfield ; Birmingham ; Bromsgrove, Worcester ; N e wcas tle-on-Tyn e. LYLE, WILLIAM, M.A. 181 1. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Dunboe, 1814-67; died 3rd April, 1867. 345 CM. 1822. M.D. 1836. M.D. 1841. M.D. 1785. B.A. 1777. M.B., CM. 1894. ROLL OF GRADUATES LYMBURN, ROBERT, "Scotia" [Grad. Alb.]. LYMBURN, WILLIAM, "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. LYNCH, PATRICK A, Belfast; died 19th May, 1864. LYNCH, SAMUEL, " Antiguensis " [Grad. Alb.]. LYNDON, CHARLES COBBE, "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. LYNESS, ELIZABETH DOROTHEA, Glasgow. LYNN, JAMES, M.A. 1813. "Filius natu Secundus Gulielmi Agricolae in parochia de Colerain in comitatu de Deny" [Matric. Alb. 18 10]. LYNN, JOSEPH MARSHALL, M.D. 1834. Markethill, Co. Armagh; Armagh. LYNN, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1871, M.D. 1875. Glasgow ; Sheffield ; Liverpool. LYON, JAMES, M.A. 1777. Minister of Glamis, 1780 to 1838; died (Father of the Synod), 3rd April, 1838, aged 80; D.D. Aberdeen, 1823. LYON, JAMES GEORGE, M.A. 1861, M.D. 1864. Glasgow; died 6th January, 1883, aged 43. LYON, JOHN, M.A. 1813. Possibly Classical Master in High School, Leith. LYON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1876. Lochgoilhead ; Fenwick; Southend, Argyleshire; Menstrie; Fleet Surgeon, R.N. LYON, ROBERT, M.A. 18 13. "F. n. 2 dus Roberti Ludimagistri Lanark" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. LYON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1879. Darvel ; Newmilns ; London. LYON, WALTER, M.A. 1866, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1875. Ecclefechan ; Resident Physician on the Queen's estate at Balmoral ; Vienna; Houghton-le-Spring ; Sydney, N.S.W. ; died 7th July, 1894, aged 49. LYON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1859. Glasgow : sometime Lecturer on (a) Surgery in Portland Street Medical School, (b) Clinical Surgery in Royal Infirmary; died May, 1874. 346 ROLL OF GRADUATES LYON, WILLIAM PENMAN, B.A. 1837. Sometime Missionary (L.M. Society) at Benares; thereafter Congregational Minister at (1) Albany Chapel, London, (2) Stowmarket, (3) Tunbridge Wells; died 9th December, 1877, aged 65. LYONS, HARRY SYDENHAM, M.B., CM. 1879, M.D. 1885. London ; Creswick, Victoria, Australia ; Cradock, S. Australia. LYTTON, EARL OF, LL.D. 1888. Second Baron, first Earl; Minister at Lisbon, 1874-76; Viceroy and Governor-General of India, 1876-80; Ambassador at Paris, 1887-91; Lord Rector of Glasgow University, 1887-90; P.C., G.C.B., G.C.S.I., CLE.; born at London, 8th November, 1831; died at Paris, 24th November, 1891. M'ADAM, JAMES, M.D. 1790. Possibly the same person as James M'Adam, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Lislooney; ordained 1787; deposed 1788. MACADAM, JOHN, M.D. 1854. Lecturer on Chemistry in (1) Mechanics' Institution, Glasgow, (2) Scotch College, Melbourne, (3) University of Melbourne ; Member of the Legislative Assembly of Victoria, 1859-64; born at Northbank, Glasgow, May, 1827; died of sea-sickness on board the "Alhambra," 2nd September, 1865. MACAFFER, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1873. Mataura, New Zealand. M'ALAY, ALLAN, M.A. 1770. "Filius natu secundus Joannis in Parochia de Barony" [Matric. Alb. 1762]. M'ALESTER, JOHN, M.A. 1729. MACALISTER, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1851. Native of Demerara; probably settled there. MACALISTER, ALEXANDER, LL.D. 1893. Professor of Anatomy in (1) University of Dublin, (2) University of Cambridge; Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge; F.R.S. ; M.D. Dublin, 1876; M.D. Camb. 1884; etc., etc., etc. M'ALISTER, JAMES, CM. 1841. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'ALISTER, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1865. Glasgow; Galway; Surgeon, Bombay Army. M'ALISTER, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1879. Glasgow ; Greenock ; Kilmarnock. M'ALLUM, DANIEL, M.D. 1816. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'ALMON, JAMES ROBERT JOSEPH WOODBERRY, M.D. 1863. Liverpool. ROLL OF GRADUATES 347 MACALPINE, CHARLES SCOTT, M.A. 1877, B.D. 1880. Minister of Old St. Enoch's Baptist Church, Dundee, 1880-83 ; resigned owing to ill-health; resident in Manchester, 1895. M'ALPINE, JOHN, M.A. 1738. "F. Davidis M'Alpin Magistri quondam Ludi Literarii Dunobritanensis " [Matric. Alb. 1732]. M'ALPINE, WALTER, M.A. 1763. Minister of Culross, 1770 to 1823; died 1st June, 1823, aged 82. M'ANLIS, THOMAS, B.A. 1847, M.A. 1848. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACARA, JAMES FINDLAY DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow ; Crieff; Glasgow. MACARA, JOHN, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1892. Church of Scotland Missionary to Sikkim, India. MACARA, JOHN ANDREW, B.Sc. 1887, M.A. 1891. A. R.I. B. A., 2 Rochester Place, Glasgow; died 8th November, 1893. MACARTHUR, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1830. "Filius nat. max. Joannis, Merc. Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1823]. M'ARTHUR, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1847. Staff-Surgeon-Major, Army; died 26th January, 187 1. MACARTHUR, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1878. Minister of Strone. M'ARTHUR, ALEXANDER CHRISTIE, M.B., CM. 1892. Gourock; Narairgunge, E. Bengal, India. MACARTHUR, BENJAMIN WAITE, M.B., CM. 1884, M.D. 1895. Glasgow; Langwith, Derbyshire; Gorton, Lanes. M'ARTHUR, CHARLES, M.D. 1829. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACARTHUR, DUNCAN, M.A. 1732. "Scoto. Hib. Fil. Johan. M'Arthur Presbyteri Eclesiae in Comit. de Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1730]. M'ARTHUR, DUNCAN, M.A. 1877. Minister of (1) Toward, (2) Kinnell. M'ARTHUR, JAMES, M.D. 1828. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACARTHUR, JAMES, M.A. 1868. Advocate, Edinburgh, 1871-76; Curate of St. Mary, Redcliffe, Bristol, 1878-80; Rector of Lampleigh, Cumberland, 1880-87; Vicar of St. Mary's, Westminster, 1887-92 ; Vicar of South Acton, Middlesex, since 1892, and along therewith, since 1894, Rural Dean of Ealing. 348 ROLL OF GRADUATES MACARTHUR, JAMES INGHAM, M.B., CM. 1885, M.D. 1890. Glasgow; West Kilbride. MACARTHUR, JOHN, M.A. 181 1. " At present Master of the Grammar School at Penzance " [Univ. Minute, 4th November, 181 1]. MACARTHUR, JOHN HARDIE, M.B., CM. 1893. Ship Surgeon ; Kingussie ; Sheffield. MACARTHUR, JOHN NEILL, M.B., CM. 1888. Bridge of Weir; Paisley. MACARTHUR, LORNE CAMPBELL, M.A. 1879. Sometime Law Agent in Glasgow, after which went to Australia, where he has been engaged in various occupations, including, inter alia, those of (a) Vineyard Manager, (b) Teacher; address (October, 1896), Nixon Street, Shepparton, Victoria, Australia. M'ARTHUR, NEIL GALBRAITH, M.A. 1886. Free Church Minister of Bowden, St. Boswells. M'ARTHUR, PETER, M.B., CM. 1865. Dervock, Co. Antrim ; Finvoy, same Co. ; Grey Abbey, Co. Down. MACARTHUR, ROBERT FERGUSSON, M.A. 1884, M.B., CM. 1889. Oban ; London. MACARTNEY, DUNCAN. See Maccartney. MACARTNEY, JOHN BROWNE, M.D. 1834. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACAU LAY, -ffiNEAS, M.D. 1803. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACAULAY, ANGUS, M.B., CM. 1879. Port-Ellen, Islay; Tomintoul, Banffshire; Lochs, Lewis; Stornoway. MACAULAY, AULAY, M.A. 1778. Miscellaneous writer; 1781-89, Curate of Claybrook, Leicestershire; 1789-90, Rector of Frolesworth; 1790-96, travelled on Continent as Tutor, etc., and, while at Brunswick, taught English to the future Queen Caroline; 1796-18 19, Vicar of Rothley; uncle of Lord Macaulay; born at Manse of Cardross circa 1758; died 24th February, 181 9. MACAULAY, COLIN M'CULLOCH, M.A. 1887, M.B., CM. 1889. Perth ; Worksop, Notts. ; Perth. MACAULAY, DANIEL, M.D. 1854. Glenarm, Co. Antrim. MACAULAY, DONALD, M.B., CM. 1875. Lochs, Lewis; Barras there; Partick. , ROLL OF GRADUATES 349 MACAU LAY, GEORGE, M.A. 1881. F.C. Minister at Kilmaurs. M'AULAY, JAMES, M.A. 1788. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'AULAY, JOHN, M.A. 1738. "F. Rober. M'Aulay Civis Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1732]. M'AULAY, JOHN, M.A. 1788. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'AULAY, JOHN, M.A. 1816. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Donaghadee, 1822-79; died 27th February, 1879. MACAULAY, JOHN, M.D. 1858. Barrhead ; Newcastle-on-Tyne. MACAULAY, JOHN, M.A. 1881. Presbyterian Minister of (1) Woodside and Nairn, South Australia, 1885-88, (2) Mount Pleasant there, 1888-91, (3) Waverley, New South Wales, since 1891. MACAULAY, JOHN TODD, M.B., CM. 1880. Newcastle-on-Tyne; died 21st December, 1884. M'AUSLAND, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1888. Belonged to Greenock; died, while a Law Student, 3rd December, 1891. MACAUSLAND, ROBERT, M.A. 1884. Law Clerk, Paisley. MACAW, KENNEDY, M.D. 1861. Glasgow; Surgeon-Major, Army; died 9th April, 1878, aged 39. MACAY, JOHN, M.A. 1775. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACBETH, JAMES, M.A. 1863, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1870. Ballinluig ; Liverpool ; Rock Ferry, Cheshire ; Liverpool. M'BETH, LAWRENCE, D.D. 1864. Minister of the National Scottish Church, Halkin Street, London. MACBIRNIE, JOHN, M.A. 1865. Last heard of "in the bush" in New South Wales; born 1838; second son of James Macbirnie, Merchant, Glasgow. MACBIRNIE, STUART, M.B., CM. 1890. Callander; Melbourne. M'BRIDE, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1855. Fleet Surgeon, R.N. M'BRIDE, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1872, M.D. 1874. Glasgow ; Lancaster ; Birmingham ; Wigtown, 350 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'BRIDE, DANIEL, B.L. 1887. Writer, Dumbarton. MACBRIDE, DAVID, M.D. 1764. Sometime Surgeon, R.N. ; thereafter Practitioner in (1) Ballymoney, (2) Dublin; born at Ballymoney, 26th April, 1726; died at Dublin, 28th December, 1778. M'BRIDE, HENRY, CM. 1840. Gilford, Co. Down; died 31st July, 1885, aged 66. M'BRIDE, JOHN, CM. 1855. Newtownhamilton, Co. Armagh ; Ilminister, Somerset ; Forkhill, Co. Armagh. M'BRYDE, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1886. Port-Glasgow. MACBRYDE, JAMES, CM. 1832. Ogley Hay, Staffs. M'BRYDE, PETER, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. M'BURNEY, ISAIAH, B.A. 1838. Sometime Classical Master in the Glasgow Academy ; thereafter resident at Geelong, Australia; died at Bothwell, Blessington Street, St. Kilda, Melbourne, 5th July, 1896, aged 82. M'BURNEY, SAMUEL, CM. 1821, M.D. 1844. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'CAIG, JOHN, M.A. 1775 " Filius natu maximus Jacobi Textoris in Vico de Calton " [Matric. Alb. 1768] M'CALL, ANTHONY, M.B., CM. 1889 Conisborough, Yorks. M'CALL, COLIN CAMPBELL, M.B., CM. 1893 Cardiff. M'CALL, DUNCAN, CM. 1829 "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'CALL, JAMES M'INTOSH, M.B., CM. 1888 Glasgow (Professor of Materia Medica, etc., in Veterinary College). M'CALL, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1881 Native of Tasmania ; probably settled there. M'CALL, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1892 Ship Surgeon ; Irvine. MACCALL, WILLIAM NEIL, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1870 Glasgow; Manchester. M'CALLEN, WILLIAM, Ch.B. 1820 "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. # ROLL OF GRADUATES 35 1 M'CALLISTER, GEORGE, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'CALLUM, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1894. Student of Theology in F.C. College, Glasgow. M'CALLUM, ARCHIBALD KELLY, M.A. 1849, LL.D. 1867. Sometime Governor of Duke Street Reformatory Institution, Glasgow; after- wards Minister at Millport; born 3rd June, 1816; died 18th July, 1893; be- queathed to the University an annual sum for the endowment of a Lectureship on Celtic Literature, together with his Library, etc. M'CALLUM, DUNCAN, M.A. 1827. Minister of Duirnish ; died nth June, 1888, aged 80. M'CALLUM, DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1888. Salen, Mull; Tarbolton. M'CALLUM, GAVIN, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow (Assistant to Professor of Forensic Medicine in the University, 1894-95); Australia. M'CALLUM, GAVIN STRUTHERS, M.A. 1881. Schoolmaster at (1) Fraserburgh, (2) Dairy, Ayrshire, (3) Uddingston. M'CALLUM, HUGH, M.A. 1888. Teacher, Glasgow, in (1) Rockvilla School, 1883-88, (2) Crookston Street School, 1888-91, (3) Pupil Teachers' Institute since 1891. M'CALLUM, JAMES ALEXANDER, M.A. 1882, LL.B. 1887. Writer in Glasgow; Examiner for Law Degrees in the University since 1895. M'CALLUM, JOHN, M.A. 1882. Soapmaker, Paisley. M'CALLUM, JOHN DONALDSON, M.A. 1881, B.D. 1884. Minister of Larkhall. M'CALLUM, JULIUS, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1894. Baptist Missionary, Rayrgama, Bandaragama, Ceylon. M'CALLUM, JULIUS FISHER, M.A. 1891, LL.B. 1894. Writer, Paisley. M'CALLUM, MUNGO WILLIAM, M.A. 1877. Professor of English Literature in (1) University College, Aberystwyth, (2) University of Sydney, N.S.W. M'CALMAN, DOVE, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1881. Glasgow; Ballachulish ; Oban. M'CANCE, JOHN, M.A. 1783. Presbyterian Minister at Comber, Co. Down, 1790 to 1843; died 4U1 • November, 1843. 352 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'CANCE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1815. Presbyterian Minister at Waterford ; retired 1864; died 22nd June, 1882; son of John M'Cance, M.A. 1783 (q.v.). M'CARTER, JAMES, M.A. 1777. "Hybernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'CARTER, JOHN, M.A. 1833. Presbyterian Minister at Newtownstewart, Co. Tyrone, 1843-50; thereafter resident at Mitchelburn House, Waterside, Londonderry; died 1874. M'CARTHY, CHARLES, M.D. 1843. Glasgow; Bantry, Co. Cork; Bandon, same Co.; died 8th October, 1877, aged 61. M'CARTHY, JAMES, M.D. i860. Dublin; Ballinasloe, Co. Galway; Dublin. M'CARTHY, JOHN, M.D. 1834. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'CARTHY, JOSEPH MULLARKY, M.D. 1855. Tubbercurry, Co. Sligo; died January, 1866, aged 40. M'CARTHY, WILLIAM, M.D. 1842. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACCARTNEY, DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1884, M.D. 1894. (1) Mathematical and Science Master in Kilmarnock Academy, 1877-80; (2) Lecturer on Physics in College of Science and Art, Glasgow; (3) Medical Prac- titioner in Glasgow; M.A. Edin. 1877. M'CARTNEY, ROBERT THOMSON, B.Sc. 1894. Farmer, Gatehead, New Cumnock. M'CARTY, FREDERICK C, . M.D. 1838. " Hibernus " [Grad. Alb.]. M'CASH, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. M'CASLAND, PETER BLACKIE, B.A. 1857, M.A. 1858, M.B., CM. 1869. Sometime Resident Assistant in Royal Infirmary, Glasgow ; died early. M'CAUL, JOHN, . D.D. 1791. Minister of (1) Symington, Biggar, (2) Tron Church, Glasgow; died 9th January, 1797, aged 73. M'CAW, ARTHUR, Ch.B. 1820. Bushmills, Co. Antrim. M'CAW, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1877. Girvan ; East Taieri, Otago, N.Z. M'CAW, WILLIAM, M.D. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 353 M'CAY, WILLIAM, M.A. 18 10. " Filius Natu Quartus Gulielmi Agricolae in parochia de Bovevesh in comitatu de Londonderry in Hyb." [Matric. Alb. 1807]. M'CLAY, JAMES, CM. 1834, M.D. 1836. Smarden, Kent ; Wrotham, Kent ; Claydon, Suffolk ; East Peckham, Kent. M'CLEAN, FRANK, LL.D. 1894. Civil Engineer at Barrow-in-Furness, and in Westminster, 1862-71; engaged in Observatory and Laboratory Work connected with Astrophysics and Spectro- scopy at Tunbridge Wells, Kent, since 1875; M.A. ; F.R.A.S. M'CLEAN, JOHN, CM. 1833. Donacloney, Co. Down. M'CLEAN, JOHN, M.D. 1841. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'CLEAN, ROBERT, M.A. 1821. Minister (1) of Second Drumbanagher Presbyterian Church, Ireland, for 29 years, (2) in Hobart Town, Tasmania, for 31 years; died circa 1886, aged 92. M'CLELLAND, ARTHUR WELLESLEY, M.B., CM. 1893. Banbridge, Co. Down; son of Robert Brown M'Clelland, M.D. (q.v). M'CLELLAND, GEORGE, M.A. 1805. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Agoghill, 1810-50; died 15th February, 1850. M'CLELLAND, HUGH, CM. 1827. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'CLELLAND, JAMES, M.A. 1809. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Ballynahinch, 1812-29, when resigned through ill-health. M'CLELLAND, ROBERT BROWN, M.D. 1849. Banbridge, Co. Down; J. P. M'CLENAGHAN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1810. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Moville, 1820-24; died January, 1824. M'CLEVERTY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1778. " Natus in Hybernia Filius natu Tertius Gulielmi Navarchae in Classe Bri- tannica de Glynn prope Carrick Fergus" [Matric. Alb. 1775]. M'CLINTOCK, ALFRED HENRY, M.D. 1844. Dublin (sometime Lecturer on Obstetrics in Park Street Medical School there); born 20th October, 1822; died 21st October, 1881; LL.D. Edin. 1875. M'CLOSKEY, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1871. Cramlington, Northumberland ; Stockton-on-Tees. M'CLOSKY, JOHN, M.A. 1767. " Filius natu minimus Richardi quondam Agricolae in parochia de Dungiven, Comitatu de Londonderry, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1764]. z 354 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'CLUMPHA, JOHN, M.A. 1886. Assayer and Mining Agent, Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. M'CLURE, ALEXANDER LOGAN, M.A. 1880. Advocate, Edinburgh; LL.B. Edin. 1885. M'CLURE, ANDREW, M.A. 1847. "Filius unicus defuncti Roberti armigeri apud Raphoe in comitatu de Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1836]; "Surgeon" [Univ. Minute, 25th January, 1847]. M'CLURE, HUGH HANNA CAMPBELL, M.A. 1876. Born at Liverpool (son of John M'Clure, Merchant) ; designed in General Council Register as "Law-Clerk, 12 Kelvinhaugh Street, Sandyford, Glasgow"; enrolled as a Divinity Student in Glasgow University, 1876-77, 1877-78, and 1878-79; died in Glasgow early in 1879. M'CLURE, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1896. Riccarton. M'CLURE, JAMES CAMPBELL, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. M'CLURE, PETER, M.A. 1884, LL.B. 1887. Writer, Glasgow. M'CLURE, ROBERT WILSON, B.L. 1894. Writer, Glasgow. M'CLURE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1877. Writer, Greenock. M'CLURE, WILLIAM GEORGE, M.D. 1847. Invercargill, Otago, New Zealand. MACCLYMONT, COLIN RITCHIE, M.A. 1871. Barrister-at-Law, London; Snell Exhibitioner, 1868; B.A. Oxon. 1873; born at Stranraer, 8th December, 1843; died 4th May, 1889. M'CLYMONT, JOHN, CM. 1822 M'COARD, JAMES, M.D., CM. 1863 Glasgow; Belford, Northumberland; died 8th April, 187 1. M'COLL, ARCHIBALD, M.D. 1836 "Nova Scotia N.A." [Grad. Alb.]. M'COLL, DANIEL, M.B., CM. 1895 Greenock. MACCOLL, DONALD STEWART, M.B., CM. 1886 Sydney, N.S. Wales. M'COLL, JOHN, M.A. 1882 Minister of Lylesland U.P. Church, Paisley. M'COLL, MALCOLM, M.A. 1890 Marine Engineering Draughtsman, Clydebank, ROLL OF GRADUATES 355 M'COLLUM, JAMES, M.D. 1850, CM. 1853. Eglinton, Co. Deny. M'COMB, HUGH, CM. 1818. Lame, Co. Antrim. M'CONAGHEY, JOHN, M.A. 1832. Minister of the Irish Presbyterian Congregation of Urney and Sion, Strabane, 1837-81; died nth December, 1881. M'CONAGHY, JAMES FOSTER, M.A. 1867, M.B., CM. 1871, M.D. 1887. St. Johnstown, Co. Donegal ; Sanday, Orkney ; Turnham Green, Middlesex ; died 1887. M'CONAGHY, JOSEPH, M.A. 1831. Presbyterian Minister at St. Johnstone, Derry, 1834-75 ; died 31st December, 1875. M'CONCHIE, WILLIAM GIBSON, M.A. 1879. Minister (1) of U.P. Church, Mearns, 1883-84, (2) at Mudgee, N.S. Wales, 1885-88, (3) at Bowenfells, N.S. Wales, 1888-90, (4) at Orange, N.S. Wales, 1890-96, (5) at Randwick, Sydney, N.S. Wales, since 1896. M'CONECHY, JAMES, M.D. 1858. Practitioner in Glasgow for a few years ; Lecturer on Chemistry in Portland Street School of Medicine there, 1833-35; afterwards, for 23 years, Editor of The Glasgow Courier; born at Kilblane, 1796; died in Hillhead, 1866. M'CONECHY, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1886. Ship Surgeon ; Shipley, Yorks. ; Bramley there. M'CONKEY, WILLIAM, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'CONNACHIE, ROBERT, M.A. 1890. Teacher in (1) East Park Public School, Maryhill, (2) Comely Park Public School, Falkirk, (3) Grahamston Public School, Barrhead. M'CONNELL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1837. Presbyterian Minister at Gortnessy, Londonderry. M'CONNOCHIE, JAMES, M.D. 1872. Glasgow; Ballarat, Victoria, Australia; died 6th October, 1895, at Alexandria, Victoria. MACONOCHIE, WILLIAM GIBSON. See M'Conchie. M'CONVILLE, JOHN STEWART, M.A. 1884, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1892. Glasgow. M'CORKINDALE, DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1873, M.D. 1875- Glasgow; Holytown ; Mossend; Glasgow (retired from practice). M'CORKINDALE, JOHN, M.A. 1865. Minister of (1) North Church, Saltcoats, (2) Govan Gaelic Church, (3) North Bute, (4) Lochgoilhead and Kilmorich, 356 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'CORKINDALE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1887. Kilsyth; Lugar; died at Saorphin, Mull, 3rd August, 1890, aged 28. M'CORKLE, ROBERT, M.A. 1825. Minister of (1) Irish Presbyterian Church at Limerick, 1837-44, (2) Free Church at St. Ninians, 1844-83; died 18th April, 1883. M'CORMICK, FREDERICK, CM. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'CORMICK, GEORGE MARK, M.D. 1836. Usher's Island, Dublin; died 13th July, 1877. M'CORMICK, JAMES, CM. 1820. Port- William, Wigtownshire; died 1870. M'CORMICK, JAMES, M.D. 1838. Goleen, Co. Cork; died 1885. M'CORMICK, JOHN, M.A. 1814. "Hybernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACCORMICK, JOHN ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in Glasgow University. M'CORMICK, SAMUEL, M.D. 1736. M'CORMICK, WILLIAM, M.A. 1765. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'CORMICK, WILLIAM MILLIGAN, M.B., CM. 1895. Newton-Stewart ; Creetown. M'CORMICK, WILLIAM SYMINGTON, M.A. 1880. (1) Bookseller and Publisher, Glasgow; (2) Assistant to Professor of English Literature in University of Glasgow; (3) Lecturer on English in Queen Margaret College there; (4) Professor of English Language and Literature in University College (Dundee), University of St. Andrews, since 1890. M'COSH, DAVID, CM. 1841. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'COSH, ROBERT NEAVES, M.A. 1864, M.B. 187 1, M.D. 1874, CM. 1883. Glasgow; London; South America; Dundee (Medical Superintendent, Royal Infirmary there); Glasgow. M'COURT, JAMES, CM. 1839. Philadelphia, U.S.A. MACCOWAN, JOHN, B.Sc. 1883, M.A. 1886, D.Sc. 1892. (1) Teacher, Royal College of Science, Dublin; (2) Demonstrator of Physics and Assistant in Mathematics, University College, Dundee. M'COWAN, ROBERT THOMAS, M.D., CM. 1829. Surgeon, Milit. Force in Trinidad, 1830-40; Cumnock; Kirkintilloch; Paisley; Bankfoot, Perthshire; Lochgoilhead ; Paisley; died 7th May, 1878. ROLL OF GRADUATES 357 M'COY, ROBERT, B.A. 1850, M.A. 1851. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'CRABB, JOHN, M.A. 1834. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'CRACKEN, ALEXANDER HUTCHISON, M.B., CM. 1892. Kilcreggan ; Glasgow. M'CRACKEN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1877. Glasgow ; Bridgend, Glara. ; Easingwold, Yorks. M'CRACKEN, THOMAS, M.A. 1858, M.D. 1864. F.C. Minister at Symington, Ayrshire; died 31st May, 1869. M'CRACKEN, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. i860. Liverpool; Huntly; Insch, Aberdeenshire; died 1875. M'CRACKEN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1884. Kilcreggan; Kirkcowan ; Ullapool; died 4th May, 1888. M'CRAITH, JAMES, M.D. 1835. Smyrna, Asia Minor. M'CREA, WILLIAM, M.A. 1774. " Filius natu maximus Gulielmi Mercatoris in Urbe Down Patrick, Comitatu de Downe, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1771]. M'CREADIE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow ; Tarland ; Leith. M'CREIGHT, WILLIAM WALKINSHAW, M.D. 1850. Torquay. M'CRIE, THOMAS, LL.D. 1850. Minister of Original Secession Church at (1) Crieff, (2) Clola, (3) Edinburgh; afterwards Minister of Davie Street Free Church there; Professor of Divinity in (1) the Original Secession Church, (2) English Presbyterian College; retired 1866; born at Edinburgh, 7th November, 1797; died there, 9th May, 1875. M'CRINDLE, JAMES ROBERT RONALD, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow; Ayr; Glasgow; Middlesbro'. M'CRINDLE, THOMAS, M.A. 1833. F.C. Minister at Yarrow; died 17th May, 1885. M'CRONE, ROBERT, M.A. 1880. (1) Pupil Teacher in Kerse School, Dalrymple Parish, Ayrshire; (2) Teacher in Catrine ; (3) Schoolmaster in South Africa. M'CRORIE, ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1880. Shotts; Arrochar; Glasgow (sometime Lecturer on Bacteriology in St Mungo's College). M'CUBBIN, JOHN, M.A. 1787. " Filius unicus Joannis Fabri ferrei in parochia de Glencairn et comitatu de Dumfries" [Matric. Alb. 1780]. 358 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'CUBBIN, ROBERT, M.A. i79°- Of the Army-Accountant Office, Dublin; only son of William M'Cubbin, Minister of Douglas, Lanarkshire. M'CULLAGH, JOHN, M.A. 1821. "Filius 3 US Thomae Mercatoris in Comitatu Monaghan" [Matric. Alb. 181 7]. M'CULLOCH, ALLEN, M.B., CM. 1880. Dalmellington ; Tarporley, Cheshire. M'CULLOCH, GEORGE, M.D. 1843. "George M'Culloch, M.D., Staff-Surgeon, late of the 5th Dragoon Guards," died on 31st October, 1859, at 44 Connaught Terrace, London, after a long illness. M'CULLOCH, HENRY DANIEL, M.B., CM. 1883. Murree, Punjaub, India. M'CULLOCH, JOHN, M.A. 1812. "F. n. max. Joannis Agricolae, Comrie, Perth" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. M'CULLOCH, JOHN, M.D. 1853. Paisley; Stevenston; died 1867. M'CULLOCH, JOHN, M.D. i860. Ship Surgeon; Greenock; died 1883. M'CULLOCH, MICHAEL, M.A. 1758, D.D. 1798. Minister of Bothwell, 1767 to 1801 ; died 26th May, 1801 ; at his own request, the following epitaph was written as a jeu (Fesprit by his friend, the Rev. Thomas Brisbane, Minister of Dunlop : "There lies interred beneath this sod That sycophantish man of God, Who taught an easy way to heaven, Which to the rich was always given. If he get in, he'll look and stare To find some out that he put there." M'CULLOCH, THOMAS, D.D. 1822. Sometime Secession Minister at Stewarton; afterwards Minister in Pictou, Nova Scotia, and President of a College there; latterly Principal of Dalhousie College, Halifax; died 1843, aged 67; degree conferred partly "in consideration of the valuable donation of Insects lately presented by him to this University " [Univ. Minutes, 18th and 26th March and 2nd April, 1822]. M'CULLOCH, THOMAS CAMPBELL, M.B., CM. 1884. London; Surgeon-Captain, Army. M'CULLOCH, WALTER, M.A. 1766. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'CULLOCH, WILLIAM, D.D. 1867. Minister of the Presbyterian Church, Truro, Nova Scotia. ROLL OF* GRADUATES 359 M'CULLOUGH, PATRICK, M.B., CM. 1876. Gortin, Co. Tyrone; Clonmany, Co. Donegal. M'CULLOUGH, WILLIAM D. M.A. 1810. " Filius Natu Maximus Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Cumber in comitatu de Doun in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. M'CUNE, THOMAS, B.A. 1836, M.A. 1837, M.D. 1840. Stranraer. MACCUNN, JOHN, M.A. 1873. Professor of Philosophy in, and Vice-Principal of, University College, Liverpool (one of the Colleges of Victoria University); Snell Exhibitioner, 1872; B.A. Oxon. 1876; M.A. 1881; Preliminary Examiner on English in Glasgow University, 1892. M'CUNN, ROBERT, B.A. 1856, M.A. 1857. Minister of St. George's Church (in connection with Church of Scotland), River John, Nova Scotia, 1863-95 > died 28th February, 1895. M'CURDY, CHARLES, M.D. 1849. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'CURDY, JOHN, M.A. 1768. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Glennan, 1783 to 1823 ; died 19th February, 1823. M'CURDY, SAMUEL, CM. 1830. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'CURLEY, ROBERT, CM. 1825. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'CURTAIN, DAVID HUME, M.A. 1894 Teacher, Glasgow, in (1) F.C. Normal School, (2) Hutchesons' Boys' Grammar School, (3) North Kelvinside Public School. M'DERMEIT, JOHN, M.A. 1746. Minister of Straiton ; died 13th September, 1793, aged 69; assumed the name of Fergushill. MACDERMOT, HUGH, M.D. 1784. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'DERMOTT, JOHN, M.D. 1847. Blackburn ; sometime Surgeon, R.N. M'DERMOTT, PATRICK, M.D. 1804. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'DERMOTT, WILLIAM, M.D. 1839. Surgeon, R.N. ; died at Dublin, 1861. M'DIARMID, GEORGE, CM. 1828, M.D. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. 360 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'DIARMID, HUGH, M.A. 1840, D.D. 1875. Minister of Callander, 1843-77; born 23rd November, 1810; died 20th April, 1877. MACDIARMID, RODERICK CAMPBELL, M.B., CM. 1889. Whiteinch ; Glasgow ; Linares, Provincia de Jaen, Spain. M'DIVITT, JOHN, M.D. 1834. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACDONALD, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1859, CM. 1861. Glasgow ; South Uist ; Lochbroom ; South Uist ; North Sunderland ; Edinburgh j Blairmore. M'DONALD, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1885. Assistant Inspector of Schools. M'DONALD, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1886. Teacher in Abbotsford Public School, Glasgow. MACDONALD, ANGUS, M.A. 1887. Minister of Ullapool. M'DONALD, ANGUS, B.Sc. 1887. Head Master of (1) Public School, Lochmaben, 1887-90, (2) Merry Street School, Motherwell, since 1890. MACDONALD, ARCHIBALD MACNICOLL GILLIES, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow ; Blairmore ; London. MACDONALD, COLL ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in Glasgow University. M'DONALD, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow; Inverness; Glen Urquhart. MACDONALD, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1890, M.D. 1893. Galston ; Skelmorlie ; Kilmarnock. MACDONALD, DAVID WATERS, M.A. 1888. Engaged in business at New Broad Street House, London, E.C. MACDONALD, DONALD, M.A. 1890. Head Master of Paible School, North Uist. MACDONALD, DONALD, M.A. 1890. Minister of Strontian. MACDONALD, DONALD, M.B., CM. 1894. Greenock. MACDONALD, DONALD DEWAR, M.A. 1889, B.D. 1894. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. MACDONALD, DONALD DOUGLAS, M.B., CM. 1893. Beauly ; Portree. ROLL OF GRADUATES 361 MACDONALD, DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow; Brandon, Co. Durham; Salen, Mull. M'DONALD, DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1895. New Stevenston, Lanarkshire; Furnace, Lochfyne. MACDONALD, DUNCAN BLACK, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1888. Instructor in Semitic Department, Hartford Theological Seminary, Connecti- cut, U.S.A. M'DONALD, EDWARD LAWSON, CM. 1825. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACDONALD, FARQUHAR, M.A. 1879. Assistant Teacher in the High School of Glasgow, 1879-86; Rector of the Miller Institution, Thurso, 1886-94; Rector of the Dingwall Academy since 1894. MACDONALD, GAVIN PARKER, M.A. 1890. Teacher in (1) Commercial Public School, Dunfermline, (2) Grammar School, Dunoon. M'DONALD, GEORGE, M.D. 1863. Norwood Green, Middlesex ; Southall Green, same Co. MACDONALD, GEORGE GODFREY, M.B., CM. 1889. Standish, Lanes. ; Crich, Derbyshire. MACDONALD, HUGH, M.D., CM. 1863. Cromarty ; Emigration Service ; Wellington, N.Z. ; Lyttleton, N.Z. MACDONALD, JAMES, M.A. 1829. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACDONALD, JAMES, B.L. 1884. Writer, Glasgow. M'DONALD, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1886. Motherwell. MACDONALD, JAMES DEWAR, M.B., CM. 1882. Ship Surgeon; Kilmalcolm; died there, 28th February, 1891, aged 31. MACDONALD, JAMES WALLACE, B.D. 1892. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland; M.A. Edin. 1887. M'DONALD, JOHN, D.D. 1855. Minister of (1) Kinlochrannoch, 1830-43, (2) Comrie, 1843-75; born at Aberfeldy, 20th February, 1794; died at Comrie, 17th January, 1875. MACDONALD, JOHN, M.D. 1862. Glasgow ; Surgeon -Major, Argentine Army ; Buenos Ayres ; died 7th December, 1879. M'DONALD, JOHN, M.A. 1867. R.P. Minister at (1) Loanhead, Midlothian, (2) Airdrie; B.D. Edin. 1873. 362 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'DONALD, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1876, M.D. 1878. Carbost, Skye; North Uist; died 20th March, 1884. M'DONALD, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow ; Ardrossan. M'DONALD, JOHN, M.A. 1888, M.B., CM. 1892. Patna; Nottingham; Glasgow. MACDONALD, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1889. Murton Colliery, Co. Durham, 1890-94; Stoke-on-Trent, 1895-96; died at his brother-in-law's house, 122 Darnley Street, Pollokshields, 26th April, 1897, aged 31. MACDONALD, JOHN, M.A. 1894. Teacher (1) in Lewis, Hebrides, (2) under Glasgow School Board. MACDONALD, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow ; Woolsthorpe, Lines. M'DONALD, JOHN CADDELL, M.D. 1828. Edinburgh ; previously Medical Superintendent, Glasgow Royal Infirmary ; died 1 86 1. MACDONALD, JOHN DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1872, M.D. 1880. Lochcarron ; Drymen ; Newburgh, Fife ; Haputalic, Ceylon ; Colombo there ; died 20th July, 1896, aged 56. MACDONALD, LACHLAN, M.A. 1888. (1) Curate of St. Columba's Mission, Islay; (2) Curate, Christ Church, Glasgow; (3) Diocesan Supernumerary, Glasgow; (4) Rector of St. Madoc's, Doune, Perthshire. MACDONALD, MURDOCH, M.A. 1886. Teacher at (1) Halbeath, Fifeshire, (2) Brin, Inverness-shire, (3) Dores there. M'DONALD, NEIL CAMPBELL, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow. MACDONALD, RANALD, M.A. 1894. Student of Theology in F.C. College, Aberdeen. MACDONALD, RODERICK, M.B., CM. 1884. Lochmaddy; Tweed River, N.S. Wales; Perth, Western Australia. MACDONALD, THOMAS FAUSET, M.B., CM. 1882. Maryhill ; Ingham, Queensland ; Maryhill ; Ingham. MACDONALD, THOMAS ROSS, M.B., CM. 1886. Islay ; Newton-Abbot, Devon ; Kingskerswell, Devon. M'DONALD, WILLIAM, CM. 1831. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 363 MACDONALD, WILLIAM BELL, B.A. 1827. Of Rammerscales, Dumfriesshire; Linguist; Surgeon in Sir Pulteney Mal- colm's flagship in the Mediterranean, 1828-31; born 1807; died at 114 West Campbell Street, Glasgow, 5th December, 1862 ; father-in-law of Sir John Neilson Cuthbertson, LL.D. (q.v.). MACDONALD, WILLIAM CRAIG CHRISTIE, M.B., CM. 1878. Maryhill, Glasgow; Sydney, N.S. Wales; Ingham, Queensland. MACDONELL, EVAN, M.D. 1830. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACDONNELL, DONALD, M.D. 1836. Drumnadrochit, by Inverness. M'DONNELL, ENEAS J., M.D. 1841. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'DONNELL, FERGUSIUS M'VEAGH, M.D. 1788. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACDONOGH, BRYEN PATRICK, M.D. 1851. Tullow, Co. Carlow ; Dublin ; Athy, Co. Kildare ; Rathvilly, Co. Carlow ; sometime on Army Medical Staff; died 1864. MACDOUGALL, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACDOUGALL, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1884. Ship Surgeon; Glasgow; Girvan. M'DOUGALL, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1892. Teacher in (1) Bridgend Public School, Kilbirnie, (2) Highlanders' Academy, Greenock, (3) Church Street Public School, Partick, (4) Bellahouston Academy, (5) Copeland Road Public School, Govan, (6) Hamilton Crescent Public School, Partick, (7) Church Street Public School there. M'DOUGALL, ALLAN, M.A. 1867. (1) R.P. Minister at Rothesay; (2) Missionary to New Hebrides; (3) Minister of the Presbyterian Church, Grafton, N.S. Wales, 1876-85; (4) Farmer near Grafton. M'DOUGALL, ANDREW, M.A. 1892. (1) Tutor in the family of John Denison Pender, Esq., North Erines, Tarbert, Lochfyne; (2) First Assistant in Tarbert Public School. M'DOUGALL, DANIEL, M.B., CM. 1889. Stranraer; Scotswood-on-Tyne ; Stranraer; Greenock; died 25th April, 1894, aged 28. MACDOUGALL, DUGALD, M.A. 1777, D.D. 1813. Minister of (1) Gigha, (2) Lochgoilhead ; died 16th December, 1819, aged 63. 364 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'DOUGALL, DUGALD, CM. 1838. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACDOUGALL, DUGALD, M.B., CM. 1891. Newhaven, Sussex; Dover, Kent; Birchington there. M'DOUGALL, DUNCAN, M.A. 1875. Classical Teacher in (1) St. Thomas' School, Leith, 1874-75, (2) Daniel Stewart's College, Edinburgh, since 1875. M'DOUGALL, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1880. Glasgow ; London ; Anioy, China. M'DOUGALL, JOHN, M.A. 1815, D.D. 1870. Missionary at Strathfillan, 1822-26; Minister of Campbeltown, 1826-32; Minister of Lochgoilhead and Kilmorich, 1832-71; died 12th January, 1871, aged 75. M'DOUGALL, JOHN, CM. 1840. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'DOUGALL, JOHN, M.D. 1863, CM. 1881. Greenock. MACDOUGALL, JOHN, M.A. 1872. Intended for the Ministry, but died nth April, 1873 ; son of John M'Dougall, D.D. 1870 (q.v.). M'DOUGALL, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow ; Crediton, Devon ; Glasgow ; Southampton ; Exeter. M'DOUGALL, JOHN RICHARDSON, M.A. 1854. F.C. Minister at (1) Brighton, (2) Florence, Italy. M'DOUGALL, PATRICK, M.D. 1802. Practitioner in Glasgow; nephew of Professor James Jeffray (q.v.). M'DOUGALL, RICHARD, M.B., CM. 1873, M.D. 1882. Hexham ; Murramburrah, Sydney, N.S. Wales ; Glen Innes there ; Gladstone there. M'DOUGALL, WILLIAM, M.D. 1835. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACDOWALL, ALEXANDER ANGUS, M.D. 1853. Glasgow ; Helensburgh ; Staff-Surgeon, Turk. Conting., and Member of Order of Medjidie; died at Helensburgh, 10th June, 1864. MACDOWALL, ALEXANDER BAIRD, M.A. 1866. Journalist, London. M'DOWALL, ALEXANDER KENNEDY, M.A. 1868. Probationer of the Free Church (son of F.C. Minister of Kirkcolm); died 24th July, 1885. ROLL OF GRADUATES 36$ M'DOWALL, JOHN, M.D. 1817. Glasgow; died 4th January, 1857, aged 61. M'DOWALL, PETER, M.A. 1820. U.P. Minister at Alloa; died 10th September, 1878, aged 78. M'DOWALL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1883. F.C. Minister at Kirkmahoe. M'DOWEL, JOHN, M.A. 1731. " Scoto-Hib." [Grad. Alb.]. M'DOWELL, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1833. Randalstown, Co. Antrim; died 1858. M'DOWELL, JOHN, M.D. 1831. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'DOWELL, WILLIAM HENRY, M.A. 1821. "P'ilius natu secundus Hugonis Ludimagistri Donaghadee in Hibern." [Matric. Alb. 1819]. MACDUFF, JOHN ROSS, D.D. 1862. Minister of (1) Kettins, (2) St. Madoes, (3) Sandyford, Glasgow; retired 1870, and devoted himself to literature; died at Ravensbrook, Chislehurst, 30th April, 1895, aged 77. M'ELHENNY, JOHN, M.A. 181 1. "Filius natu Tertius Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Donougheady in comitatu de Tyronne" [Matric. Alb. 1808]. M'ELWEE, GEORGE MUNRO, M.A. 1881, B.Sc. 1883. Baptist Minister at (1) Dumfries, (2) Mansfield Road, Nottingham. M'EVERS, JOHN FRANCIS, M.D. 1837. Cork (sometime Lecturer on Materia Medica in Cork Medical School) ; died 1874. M'EWAN, DAVID, D.D. 1873. Minister of (1) John Street U.P. Church, Glasgow, (2) Clapham Road Presbyterian Church, London. M'EWAN, DUGALD, M.D. 1847. Inspector-General, R.N. M'EWAN, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1873. Glasgow; Helensburgh. M'EWAN, JAMES WARDROP, M.A. 1888, B.Sc. 1892. Congregational Minister at (1) Southport, Lancashire, (2) Berkeley Street, Liverpool; resigned 1896. MACEWAN, JOHN, M.D. 1827. Glasgow; died 1856. MACEWAN, JOHN, M.D. 1852. Glasgow; died 1857, aged 26. 366 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'EWEN, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1813. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Kirkcubbin, 1817-37; died 29th January, 1839. MACEWEN, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1841, D.D. 1864. Secession and U.P. Minister at (1) Helensburgh, (2) Claremont Church, Glasgow; died 4th June, 1875, aged 53. MACEWEN, ALEXANDER ROBERTSON, B.D. 1880, D.D. 1892. (a) Assistant to Professor of Humanity in Glasgow University, 1875-76; (6) U.P. Minister at (1) Moffat, (2) Anderston, Glasgow, (3) Claremont Church, Glasgow; Degree Examiner on Classics in the University, 1881-84; Snell Exhibitioner, 1870; B.A. Oxon. 1874; M.A. 1877; son of Alexander MacEwen, D.D. (q.v.). MACEWEN, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1801. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'EWEN, GEORGE, M.A. 1779. Presbyterian Minister at Killinchy, Co. Down, 1783-95; died 20th March, J795- M'EWEN, HENRY COX, B.Sc. 1881. (M.B., CM. Edin. 1885); Glasgow; died in Belvidere Hospital, 4th May, 1888, aged 27. M'EWEN, JAMES, M.A. 1852. U.P. Minister at (1) Ford, (2) Hawick, (3) Sydney Place, Glasgow. MACEWEN, JOHN ALLAN CRAIGIE, B.Sc. 1895. M.B., CM. (Joint Brunton Prizeman), 1897; son of Professor William Macewen (q.v.). M'EWEN, JOHN BLACKWOOD, M.A. 1888. Teacher of Music, Glasgow. M'EWEN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1820. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Drum, 1826-49, when resigned charge and emigrated to America. MACEWEN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1872, LL.D. 1890. (1) Lecturer on Surgery in Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, and Professor of Clinical Surgery in St. Mungo's College ; (2) Professor of Surgery in the University since 1892; F.R.S. M'EWEN, WILLIAM DALZELL HUEY, M.A. 1806. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Usher's Quay, Dublin, 1808-13, (2) Killileagh, Co. Down, 1813-17, (3) Belfast, 1817-28, and Professor of Elocution in the old Belfast College; died 15th July, 1828, aged 41; son of George M'Ewen, M.A. 1779 (q.v.). M'EWING, SAMUEL HARVEY, M,A. 1896. Student of Theology in U.P. College, Edinburgh, 367 M.D. 1866. M.B., CM. 1871. M.D., CM. 1865. M.D. 1837- ROLL OF GRADUATES M'FADDEN, JOHN, Batley, Yorks. ; Oxford ; London ; Portsmouth. M'FADYEN, CHARLES, Broadford, Skye; died 1873. M'FADYEN, DONALD, Alva ; Stirling. MACFADYEN, JAMES, Lecturer (1822-24) on Natural History in Mechanics' Institution, Glasgow; afterwards Physician in, and " Island Botanist " of, Jamaica ; born at Glasgow, 3rd May, 1799; died in Jamaica, of cholera, 24th November, 1850. MACFADYEN, JOHN ALLISON, B.A. 1856, M.A. 1857, D.D. 1882. Congregational Minister at (1) St. Helen's, Lanes., 1860-63, ( 2 ) Chorlton Road, Manchester, 1863-89; born at Greenock, 22nd January, 1837; died 21st November, 1889. M'FADYEN, JOHN EDGAR, M.A. 1890. (Logan Medallist); Theological Student in F.C. College, Glasgow; Snell Exhibitioner, 1890; B.A. Oxon. 1895. M'FADYEN, JOSEPH FERGUSON, M.A. 1895. Theological Student in F.C. College, Glasgow. MACFADZEAN, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1830. Ardrossan. M'FADZEAN, JAMES, M.A. 1880, B.D. 1883. Minister of Colmonell. M'FAIT, EBENEZER, M.A. 1732. Practitioner in Edinburgh ; eminent in his day as a Greek Scholar and Mathematician ; acted as Mathematical Tutor to Sir Walter Scott ; died at Alva, 25th November, 1786. MACFARLAN, ARCHIBALD SCOTT, M.D. 1829, CM. 1831. Georgetown, Demerara; son of Principal Duncan Macfarlan (q.v.). MACFARLAN, DUNCAN, M.A. 1788, D.D. 1806. Minister of (1) Drymen, 1792, (2) High Church, Glasgow, 1824; Dean of Faculties in University, 1806 to 1808, and 1810 to 1812; Principal and Vice- Chancellor, 1823 to 1857 ; born in Manse of Drymen, of which Parish his father was Minister, 27th September, 1771; died (Father of the Church) 25th November, 1857. MACFARLAN, DUNCAN, M.A. 1820. Advocate, Edinburgh ; son of Principal Duncan Macfarlan (q.v.) ; died of consumption at an early age. MACFARLAN, JAMES, M.A. 1825, D.D. 1848. Minister of (1) Third Charge, Stirling, (2) Stockbridge, Edin., (3) Duddingston; born 27 th April, 1808; died 6th February, 1866, 368 ROLL OF GRADUATES MACFARLAN, JOHN, D.D. 1854. Minister of (1) Saddell and Skipness, 1822-44, ( 2 ) Arrochar, 1844-68; died 26th December, 1868, aged 76. MACFARLAN, PATRICK, D.D. 1830. Minister of (1) Kippen, (2) Polmont, (3) St. John's, Glasgow, (4) St. Enoch's, Glasgow, (5) Greenock, (6) Free Church there; died 13th November, 1849, aged 69. M'FARLAND, ARMAR, M.A. 1828. " Fil. nat. max. Patricii agricolae in parochia de Badony in comitat. de Tyrone" [Matric. Alb. 1825]. M'FARLAND, JOHN, B.A. 1848, M.A. 1849. Presbyterian Minister, Rathmullen, County Donegal. MACFARLANE, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1728. MACFARLANE, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1805. Minister of Kilbrandon, 1809-26; died nth May, 1826, aged 41. MACFARLANE, ALEXANDER WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1872. Glasgow; Polmont; Kilmarnock; J. P.; London; Degree Examiner in Glasgow University on (1) Medicine, 1885-87, (2) Forensic Medicine, 1888-90; died 3rd August, 1892, aged 46. MACFARLANE, BRYCE, M.A. 1891, B.D. 1894. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. MACFARLANE, DANIEL, M.A. 1772. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACFARLANE, DONALD, M.A. 1879. Minister of Morven. MACFARLANE, DONALD NEIL, M.B., CM. 1891. Ship Surgeon; Tiree; died at Brotton, Yorks., 17th June, 1895, aged 27. M'FARLANE, DUNCAN, M.A. 1856. Minister of Walston, Biggar. M'FARLANE, HUGH, M.A. 1797. "Fil. n. Max. Hugonis Agricolae in Par. de St. Ninians, Com. de Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 1793]. MACFARLANE, HUGH, M.A. 1797. " Fil. n. 2 dus Joannis Agricolae in Par. de St. Ninians (Stirling) " [Matric. Alb. 1793]. M'FARLANE, JAMES, M.A. 1816. "F. n. 2 dus Alex. Agric. Cardross" [Matric. Alb. 181 2]. MACFARLANE, JAMES, M.A. i860. Minister of the Scottish Church, Leghorn, Italy. ROLL OF GRADUATES 369 MACFARLANE, JOHN, M.D. 1824. Glasgow : Lecturer on Clinical Surgery in Royal Infirmary ; afterwards Professor of Practice of Medicine in Glasgow University, 1852 to 18623 retired 1862, and spent remainder of life at Helensburgh; born 1796; died 7th December, 1869; Founder of Macfarlane Bursary. MACFARLANE, JOHN, M.D. 1837. Sydney, N.S. Wales; died 6th July, 1873. M'FARLANE, JOHN, LL.D. 1842. U.P. Minister of (1) Kincardine, (2) Nicolson Street Church, Glasgow, (3) Erskine Church there, (4) Clapham, London; died 1874, aged 67. M'FARLANE, JOHN, B.A. 1845. Minister of (1) Albion Secession Church, London, (2) Congregational Church, Maidenhead. M'FARLANE, JOHN, M.A. 1864. Sometime Schoolmaster in various country parishes in Scotland; thereafter, for 30 years, Farmer at Waverley, County Bremer, Iowa, U.S.A.; born at Blairdrummond, Perthshire, 1833; died at Waverley, 4th December, 1895. MACFARLANE, JOHN, B.L. 1888. Writer, Glasgow. MACFARLANE, JOHN MALCOLM, B.L. 1884. Writer, Airdrie. MACFARLANE, MALCOLM, M.A. 1883. (1) Teacher in Church Street School, Partick; (2) Head Master of Newton School, Inveraray ; (3) Head Master of Bridge of Allan Public School. MACFARLANE, PETER, B.A. 1841. U.P. Minister at (1) Lanark, (2) Rothesay; died 16th September, 1890. M'FARLANE, ROBERT, CM. 1839. Byer's Green, Durham. MACFARLANE, ROBERT WALLACE, CM. 1820. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACFARLANE, THOMAS LONGLANDS, M.B., CM. 1887. Ship Surgeon ; Wishaw ; Bannockburn. M'FARLANE, WALTER, LL.D. 1756. "Laird of M'Farlane"; brother of Alexander M'Farlane, Merchant in Jamaica, who bequeathed certain valuable astronomical instruments to the University of Glasgow; died 5th June, 1767. MACFARLANE, WALTER, D.D. 1863. Minister of Troqueer for 33 years; died 29th February, 1876, aged 59. MACFARLANE, WALTER, B.Sc. 1874. Minister of English Presbyterian Church, Shaw Street, Liverpool. 2A 370 ROLL OF GRADUATES MACFARLANE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1876, M.D. 1878. Govan ; Maybole. M'FARLANE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1881. Glasgow. MACFARLANE, WILLIAM DOVE, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow. M'FARLANE, WILLIAM MILROY, M.B., CM. 1896. Motherwell. M'FEAT, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow; Govan; Douglas, Lanarkshire. M'FEAT, JOSEPH, M.B., CM. 1893. Govan ; London ; Govan. MACFEE, JOHN, M.D. 1865. Glasgow ; London. MACFIE, GEORGE PATON, M.A. 1887. U.P. Minister at Montrose. MACFIE, JOHN MANDEVILLE, M.A. 1891. U.P. Missionary to Rajputana, India. MACFIE, NORMAN MACLEOD, M.A. 1874, B.D. 1877. Minister of Tighnabruaich. MACFIE, SAMUEL, M.A. 1892, LL.B. 1895. Writer, Glasgow. MACFIE, WILLIAM GUELPH, B.A. 1845. Minister (1) of Lybster, (2) of Burray, (3) in Edinburgh without special charge. M'GAAN, JOHN, M.A. 1859. See M'Gavin. M'GACHEY, BENJAMIN, M.D. 1790. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'GARVIE, JOHN, M.A. 1813, D.D. 1840. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Portland Head, New South Wales, (2) Sydney there. MACGARVY, MATHEW, CM. 1840. Borrisokane, Co. Tipperary; died nth May, 1874, aged 58. M'GAVIN, JOHN, M.D. 1844. "Scotland" [Grad. Alb.]. M'GAVIN, JOHN, M.A. 1859. Minister of Chapelton, Hamilton; died 31st December, 1890; graduated as "M'Gaan." ROLL OF GRADUATES 37! M'GAVIN, MATTHEW, M.A. 1826. U.P. Minister at (1) Stonehouse, (2) Airdrie; demitted his charge, 10th February, 1863, and proceeded to Queensland. M'GAW, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1882. (1) Mathematical Master in Rothesay Academy; (2) Head Master of Golspie Public School. M'GEAGH, GABRIEL, CM. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'GEARY, THOMAS, M.A. 1783. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'GEE, HENRY, M.A. 1757. "Filius natu tertius Hugonis in Comitatu de Derry" [Matric. Alb. 1756]. M'GEE, MICHAEL, CM. 1845, M.D. 1846. Kirkcubbin, Co. Down; Belfast; J. P. M'GEE, ROBERT, CM. 1821. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'GEOCH, JAMES, M.A. 1876. Minister of High Kirk, Kilmarnock; died at Thornhill, nth August, 1895. M'GEOCH, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1886. Daljarrock, Ayrshire; Girvan. MACGEORGE, ANDREW, LL.D. 1891. Writer in Glasgow ; Antiquary and Historian; born in Glasgow, 13th May, 1810; died at Row, 4th September, 1891. M'GEOUGH, JOSHUA, M.A. 1767. "Filius natu maximus Gulielmi Mercatoris in urbe Armagh in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1765]. k M'GHEE, ROBERT, M.A. 1764. " Hib." [Grad. Alb.]. M'GHIE, JAMES, M.D. 1850. Medical Superintendent, Royal Infirmary, Glasgow; died 15th January, 1862, aged 38. M'GHIE, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1891, M.D. 1895. Rugeley, Staffs. ; Rutherglen ; Troedyrhiw, Glam. ; Coatbridge. M'GHIE, THOMAS, M.A. 1889. Teacher in (1) Rosevale Street School, Partick, (2) Bellahouston Academy, Ibrox, (3) Govanhill Public School, Glasgow. MACGIBBON, DUNCAN, M.D. 1844. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'GIBBON, JOHN, M.D. 1866. Glasgow ; Balfron. 372 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'GILCHRIST, ARCHIBALD CURRIE, M.A. 1894. Student of Medicine in Edinburgh University. M'GILCHRIST, JOHN, M.A. 1891, B.D. 1894. Minister of (1) Glengarry, 1894-96, (2) Fodderty since 1896; Snell Exhibitioner, 1886; B.A. Oxon. 1892. MACGILL, ANDREW, M.D. 1858. Glasgow; London; Roydon, Essex; London; died 17th March, 1887. M'GILL, ANTHONY, M.A. 1821. "F. Gul. Sutoris Paisley" [Matric. Alb. 18 12]. MACGILL, DAVID, M.A. 1812. " Filius natu quartus Gulielmi mercatoris in oppido de Port Glasgow" [Matric. Alb. 1806]. MACGILL, HAMILTON MONTGOMERIE, D.D. 1870. U.P. Minister at (1) Duke Street, Glasgow, (2) Montrose Street there; afterwards (1) Home Mission Secretary, (2) Foreign Mission Secretary, to U.P. Church; born at Catrine, 1807; died in Paris, 3rd June, 1880. M'GILL, JAMES, CM. 1825. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'GILL, JAMES, M.A. 1884. (1) Teacher in Wishaw; (2) Principal Clerk to a Mercantile Firm at Shanghai. M'GILL, JOHN, LL.D. 1869. Professor of Hebrew and Oriental Languages in St. Mary's College, University of St. Andrews, 1868-71; died there, 16th March, 187 1, aged 38. MACGILL, ROBERT, D.D. 1853. Presbyterian Minister, Montreal. MACGILL, STEVENSON, M.A. 1781. Minister of (1) Eastwood, 1791-97, (2) Tron, Glasgow, 1797-1814; Professor of Divinity in Glasgow University, 1814 to 1840; Dean of Faculties, 1814 to 1815; born at Port-Glasgow, 19th January, 1765; died 18th August, 1840; D.D. Aberdeen, 1803. M'GILL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1753, D.D. 1785. Minister of Ayr, 1761-1807; the "Doctor Mac." of "The Kirk's Alarm"; died 30th March, 1807, aged 76. MACGILL, WILLIAM, M.D. 1867. Glasgow. MACGILL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1888, B.D. 1889. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland; died at Glasgow, April, 1895, aged 31. ROLL OF GRADUATES 373 MACGILLIVRAY, DONALD, M.A. 1892, B.D. 1895. Minister of (1) Kinlochspelvie, 1895-97, (2) Kilbrandon and Kilchattan since 1897. M'GILLIVRAY, DUNCAN, M.A. 1885. Second Master in Albert Road Public School, Pollokshields, 1884-94; Head Master of Harmony Row Public School, Govan, 1894-96; Rector of Bellahouston Academy since 1896. M'GILLIVRAY, GEORGE, M.D. 1850. Dalmellington ; Oban; died 25th September, 1875, aged 49. MACGILP, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1886. Minister of Kilmodan and Southhall Free Church, Colintraive. MACGILP, JOHN DUGALD, M.A. 1892. F.C. Minister at Lockerbie. M'GILVRAY, DONALD, CM. 1831. "Filius 2 ndus Malcolumbi Portitoris in com. de Argyle" [Matric. Alb. 1828J. MACGILVRAY, DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow. M'GLASHAN, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1892. Ship Surgeon ; Blairgowrie ; Rattray. M'GLASHAN, THOMAS, M.A. 1881. Teacher in (1) Hill's Trust School, Govan, 1881-89, (2) Aldgirnaig General Assembly School, Killiecrankie, since 1889. M'GONIGLE, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, M.A. 1875, B.D. 1883. Curate of Crook, 1876-78; Curate of Monkwearmouth, 1878-81; Vicar of St. Cuthbert's, Monkwearmouth, since 1881. MACGOUN, JOHN STEWART, M.D. 1838. "Scotia" [Grad. Alb.]. M'GOUN, ROBERT WILLIAM, M.A. 1831. Minister of Morningside, Edinburgh; died 1871. M'GOWAN, FRANCIS, M.A. 1814. " Filius Natu Maximus Samuelis Agricolae in parochia de Derryloran in comitatu de Tyrone in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 18 10]. M'GOWAN, JAMES, M.A. 1828. Minister of (1) Bonhill, 1840-46, (2) Laurencekirk, 1846-72 ; died 27th May, 1872, aged 65. M'GOWAN, JOHN, M.A. 1814. Possibly the same person as John G. Magowan, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Orritor, 1825-67, who died 19th September, 1867. M'GOWAN, JOSEPH, M.B., CM. 1896. Milton of Campsie. 374 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'GOWAN, SAMUEL, M.D., CM. 1832. Mountnorris, Co. Armagh. M'GRATH, THOMAS, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'GREGOR, ALEXANDER, B.A. i860, M.A. 1861. Minister of Inverkeithing ; died circa 1874. M'GREGOR, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1896- Teacher in Kinning Park Public School, Glasgow. M'GREGOR, ANDREW NICHOLSON, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1891. Glasgow ; Paris ; Glasgow. M'GREGOR, CHRISTOPHER STRANG, M.A. 1896. Coffee Planter, Vera Cruz, Mexico. M'GREGOR, DONALD, M.B., CM. 1870. Crieff; Auchterarder ; died 29th October, 1889. MACGREGOR, DONALD, M.A. 1878. M.B. Edin. 1884; M.D. 1886; Chester-le-Street, Durham ; Kettering, North- amptonshire ; Hawick ; Jedburgh. MACGREGOR, DUGALD, M.D. 1863. Scone; Bombay; died 7th August, 1877. M'GREGOR, DUNCAN OTTO, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Inverness; Erith, Kent; Cardiff; London. MACGREGOR, EWEN MACDONELL, M.A. 1888. Minister of Glenapp. MACGREGOR, GEORGE, M.A. 1880. Teacher in Queen's Park Collegiate School, Glasgow. M'GREGOR, JAMES, D.D. 1822. Minister of the Presbyterian Church of Pictou, Nova Scotia. MACGREGOR, JOHN, M.D. 1856. Bunessan, Mull; Ullapool; Liverpool; died 14th April, 1896, aged 62. M'GREGOR, JOHN, M.D. 1865. Glasgow. MACGREGOR, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1873, M.D. 1879. Tarbert, Harris; Lochaline; Surgeon-Lieut-Col., I.M.S., Bombay. M'GREGOR, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1891, M.D. 1895. Paris ; London ; Ayr. MACGREGOR, JOHN FERGUSON, M.B., CM. 1883. Paisley ; Rawtenstall, Lanes. ; Ruyton-Eleven-Towns, Salop ; Ditton, Lanes. ; South Wigston, Leicestershire ; Lochaline, Argyllshire. MACGREGOR, JOHN FRANCIS, M.B., CM. 1883, M.D. 1889. Glasgow. 375 M.A. 1886. CM. 1828. CM. 1832. I88& B.D. 1890. M.B., CM. 1889. ROLL OF GRADUATES M'GREGOR, JOHN LUNAN, English Presbyterian Minister at Berwick. MACGREGOR, J. P., Oban. M'GREGOR, JOHN PETER, "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACGREGOR, JOHN RONALD, M.A. 1 Minister of Milton Parish, Glasgow, since 1897. MACGREGOR, PATRICK FRASER, Sanquhar; London. MACGREGOR, ROBERT, M.D. 1842. Glasgow (Lecturer on Chemistry in (1) Portland Street Medical School, 1836-44, and (2) College Street, 1844-50) ; died 1855. M'GREGOR, ROBERT, M.A. 1866. F.C. Minister at Holytown. MACGREGOR, ROBERT, M.A. 1890. (a) Teacher in (1) Greenock, (2) Carman, Manitoba, U.S.A. ; {b) Medical Practitioner at Saginaw, Michigan, U.S.A. ; M.D., CM. Univ. of Manitoba, 1896. M'GREGOR, SIMON, B.A. 1857, M.A. 1858. Minister (1) at Pictou, Nova Scotia, (2) of St. Andrew's Church, Victoria, Vancouver Island, (3) of Fort Augustus, (4) of Ballachulish, (5) of Appin. M'GREGOR, THOMAS WILLIAM, M.A. 1872. Minister of (1) English Presbyterian Church, Dudley, (2) Presbyterian Church, Carlton, Melbourne. M'GRIGOR, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1848. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]; "Surgeon of the 71st Regiment" [Univ. Minute, 26th April, 1848]. M'GRIGOR, ALEXANDER BENNETT, LL.D. 1877. Of Cairnoch, Writer in Glasgow; Dean of Faculties in University, 1876 to 1879 ; Member of University Court (as Rector's Assessor), 1884 to 1887 ; died at Stirling, 22nd March, 1891, aged 63. M'GUSTY, THOMAS, M.D. 1834. Slane, Co. Meath ; Sandymount, Co. Dublin. MACHAR, JOHN, D.D. 1847. Acting Principal of Queen's College, Kingston, East Canada. M'HARD, ANTHONY, M.A. 1737. MACHARG, WILLIAM EDGAR, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow. M'HENRY, GEORGE, M.D., CM. 1833. St. Helena; Liverpool. 376 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'HOUL, HUGH MILLER, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow. M'HUTCHEON, DAVID JAMIESON, M.D. 1859. Paisley; Penpont ; died 28th June, 1863. M'lLQUHAM, JOHN. See Meikleham, John, M.A. 1823. M'lLQUHAM, WILLIAM, M.A. 1791. " Filius natu secundus Gulielmi Ludimagistri, natus in Parochia de Kilmaro- nock" [Matric. Alb. 1787]. M'lLQUHAM, WILLIAM. See Meikleham, William, M.A. 1792, LL.D. 1799. M'lLRAITH, ALEXANDER HANNAY, M.A. 1885. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. M'lLRAITH, CHARLES HUGH, M.A. 1887, M.B., CM. 1891, M.D. 1895. Erskine ; London. M'lLRAITH, JOHN ROBERT, M.A. 1881, LL.B. 1885. Barrister-at-Law, London. M'lLRATH, JOHN JAMISON, CM. 1841. "Hibernia" [Grad. Alb.]. M'lLROY, JAMES, M.B. 1867. Ballymoney, Co. Antrim; Ballycastle there; J.P. M'lLROY, SOLOMON, M.D. 1838. Garvagh, Co. Derry; died 6th August, 1867. M'lLVEAN, THOMAS DALE, M.A. 1886. Minister of Caerlaverock. M'lLWAIN, WILLIAM, B.A. 1836, M.A. 1837. Presbyterian Minister at Aughnacloy, County Tyrone, since 1843. MACILWAINE, JOHN ELDER, B.Sc. 1894. Naval Architect, Belfast. M'lLWRAITH, SIR THOMAS, LL.D. 1880. Joined Engineering Staff of Victorian Government, Melbourne, 1854; entered service of Cornish & Bruce, Railway Contractors, i860; commenced pastoral pursuits in Queensland, 1861; elected M.L.A.; Minister of Works, 1874; Premier, 1879-83 (being at first Colonial Treasurer and afterwards Colonial Secretary); Premier, Ch. Sec, and Colonial Treasurer, 1888; Colonial Treasurer, 1890-93; Premier, Ch. Sec, and Secretary for Railways, 1893; Ch. Sec. and Secretary for Railways, 1893-95 > Minister without portfolio since 1895 > K.C.M.G. 1882 ; born at Ayr, 1835. MACINDOE, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1885. Hunterson, Cheshire; Tuacus, Venezuela; Market-Drayton, Salop; Chelford, Cheshire; Market-Drayton; Congleton; Sidmouth. ROLL OF GRADUATES 377 M'INDOE, PETER, M.A. 18 14. R.P. Minister at (1) Chirnside, (2) Kilmarnock; died at Craigends, near Troon, 2nd September, 1850, aged 57. MACINDOE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1864, CM. 1874. Barrhead; Lockerbie; died 15th May, 1877. MACINDOE, WILLIAM LOWSON, M.A. 1879, LLB. 1882. (1) Writer in Glasgow ; (2) Writer in, and Town Clerk of, Kirkcaldy. M'INLAY, JAMES, M.A. 1780. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'INNES, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1891. Licentiate of the Free Church. MACINNES, JOHN, M.A. 1881. U.P. Missionary to Rajputana. M'INNES, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.A. 1890. (1) Teacher in Hillhead Public School, Glasgow; (2) Teacher in High School, Dundee; (3) Head Master of Public School, Leven, Fife. M'INTOSH, ANGUS M'PHERSON, M.B., CM. 1896. Walsall, Staffs. M'INTOSH, DUNCAN, M.A. 1831. Minister of Kilfinan, 1841-58; afterwards Preacher in Glasgow and in the Gaelic Church, Saltcoats; died circa 1873. M'INTOSH, DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow. MACINTOSH, JAMES, M.A. 1869. Native of Forfar ; Licentiate of the Church of Scotland, but never held a charge; died 28th November, 1888. MACINTOSH, JAMES ANGUS, M.B., CM. 1892. Crook, Durham; Ship Surgeon; died at Salen, Mull, 14th January, 1895, aged 27. MACINTOSH, JOSEPH, M.D. 1838. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACINTYRE, ALEXANDER, M.B. 1880, M.D. 1890. Taynuilt, Argyleshire ; Troon ; Innellan. MACINTYRE, ARCHIBALD, M.D. 1822. Oban; died 24th February, 1862. MACINTYRE, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1891. Licentiate of the Church of. Scotland. MACINTYRE, COLL, CM. 1822. "F. n. 2 dus Joannis Agricolae Muckairne in Argathelia" [Matric. Alb. 1817]. 378 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'INTYRE, DUNCAN, M.A. 1819. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]; " F. n. max. Arch. Lud. Mag. L.C." [Matric. Alb. 1813]. MACINTYRE, DUNCAN, M.A. 1883. Head Master of North Public School, Alexandria, Dumbartonshire. M'INTYRE, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1886. Waterhouses, Durham ; Glasgow. M'INTYRE, HECTOR DUNCAN, M.A. 1891. Electrical Engineer (1) at the Woodside Electric Works, Glasgow, (2) at Woodfield Works, Harrow Road, London, W., (3) with Townsend & M'Intyre, 15 Brook Street, London, W., (4) with C. A. Hemingway, 39 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. MACINTYRE, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1890. Oban ; South Uist ; Coalburn, Lanarkshire ; London. M'INTYRE, JAMES, M.D. 1856. Inveraray; Grenada, West Indies; died there circa 1883. MACINTYRE, JAMES, B.Sc. 1886. Assayer, New Heriot Gold Mines, Johannesburg, Transvaal. M'INTYRE, JOHN, M.D. 1789. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'INTYRE, JOHN, M.A. 1835. U.P. Minister at Greenloaning, Perthshire; died 22nd January, 1888. MACINTYRE, JOHN, M.D. 1837. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'INTYRE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1865, M.D. 1868. Brazil ; Rotherfield, Sussex ; Natal, South Africa ; Little Umhlanga there ; Avoca there. MACINTYRE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1882. Glasgow (Lecturer on Diseases of Throat and Nose in Anderson's College). M'INTYRE, JOHN, LL.D. 1888. M.D. St. Andrews, 1839; Odiham, Hants.; Donor of Funds for Glasgow University Union Buildings. MACINTYRE, JOHN DOUGLAS, B.L. 1890. Writer, Glasgow. M'INTYRE, JOHN PETER, M.D., CM. 1872. Callander ; Doune. M'INTYRE, JOSEPH MANSFIELD BELL, M.A. 1892. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. MACINTYRE, NEIL, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow; died 12th February, 1895. ROLL OF GRADUATES 379 M'INTYRE, PETER, M.A. 1827. "Filius natu tertius Donaldi agricolae in Parochia de Kilchrennan in comitatu Argathelia" [Matric. Alb. 1826]. MACINTYRE, PETER, M.B., CM. 1869. Lochgilphead; Glasgow; Timaru, New Zealand. M'INTYRE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1829. "Fil. n. max. Joannis olitoris Glasg." [Matric. Alb. 1826]. M'ISAAC, COLIN, M.A. 1868. Head Master of the Government Provincial School, Calicut, Madras Presidency, India, 1869-71; died 12th July, 1871 ; son of John M'Isaac, M.A. (q.v.). M'ISAAC, DAVID DUNDAS, B.A. i860, M.A. 1862. (1) F.C. Minister at Kirkmichael, Perthshire, 1864-85 ; (2) Farmer at Brae of Monzie, near Crieff; died at 3 Abbotsford Place, Glasgow, 14th March, 1897. M'ISAAC, JAMES BUCHANAN, M.A. 1867. Probationer of the Church of Scotland, 1868-75 > Assistant Master, Non- conformist Grammar School, Bishop Stortford, Herts., 1875-82; Head Master of High School for Boys (Private School), Bury, Lanes., since 1883; son of John M'Isaac, M.A. (q.v.). M'ISAAC, JOHN, M.A. 1826. Town Missionary in Paisley and Greenock; thereafter (1835-45) Minister in Locheil, Glengarry, Canada West ; Minister of the Established Church, Oban, Argyllshire, during 1846; died January, 1847, aged 42. M'lVOR, JOHN, M.A. 1883, B.D. 1885. (1) Probationer of U.P. Church, 1887-93; ( 2 ) Minister of Presbyterian Church, Fairview, Prince Edward Island, Canada. M'JANNET, FERGUSON MONTGOMERIE, M.B., CM. 1877. Irvine (Ship Surgeon) ; Campsie ; Middlewich, Cheshire. M'JANNETT, JANE ROSS SCOTT, M.A. 1896. Student in Maria Gray Training College for Teachers, London. MACK, JOHN, M.A. 1884, B.D. 1895. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. MACK, WILLIAM, M.D. 1859. Glasgow; Eaglesham ; Airdrie; J. P. MACK, WILLIAM GORDON, LL.B. 1830. Writer, Glasgow. MACKAIL, JOHN, M.A. 1837. Chaplain to the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment (the "Black Watch"), 1843-46; F.C. Minister at Calcutta, 1846-52, when retired owing to bad health; born 4th September, 1810; died at Ayr, 20th May, 1884. 380 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'KAIN, JOHN, CM. 1832. Loughbrickland, Co. Down; died 5th January, 1892, aged 82. M'KAY, ADAM M'COURLIE, M.D. 1841. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACKAY, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1835. "Canadensis" [Grad. Alb.]. MACKAY, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1874. Glasgow ; Sunderland ; Crook, Durham. MACKAY, ALEXANDER DAVIDSON, M.B., CM. 1880. Waterhouses, Durham; Esh there; Chorley, Lanes. MACKAY, ALEXANDER NEIL DUNCAN, M.A. 1884. Reporter, Oban Telegraph, Oban, 1884-86; Reporter, Scotsman, Edinburgh, 1886-95; Sub-Editor of Edinburgh Evening Dispatch since 1895. MACKAY, ANDREW, B.L. 1879. Writer, Glasgow. MACKAY, ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1881. Port-Appin; J. P. MACKAY, CHARLES, LL.D. 1846. Poet and Journalist ; sometime Assistant Sub-Editor of Morning Chronicle ; afterwards Editor of (1) Glasgow Argus, (2) Illustrated London News, (3) London Review, etc. ; Special Correspondent of the Times at New York during Civil War, 1862-65; Author of " Cheer, boys, Cheer !" "The good time coming," "Extraordinary Popular Delusions," etc., etc., etc.; born at Perth, 27th March, 1814; died at London, 24th December, 1889. M'KAY, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1896. Dumbarton. MACKAY, CHARLES GORDON, M.B., CM. 1873. Lochcarron. MACKAY, DAVID, B.A. 1846, M.A. 1847. " Fil. nat. decimus Joannis agricolae quondam in com. de Sutherland " [Matric. Alb. 1843]. M'KAY, DUNCAN, M.A. 1874. Senior Assistant in Classical Department of Ayr Academy, 1877-79; Interim Rector of Wallace Hall Academy, Closeburn, 1879-80; Head Master of Modern Languages in Ayr Academy since 1880. MACKAY, EDWARD, M.B., CM. 1895. Paisley. MACKAY, GEORGE, M.D. 1835. Inspector-General, R.N. ; Honorary Surgeon to the Queen ; Wellington, Somerset; died 26th April, 1879. ROLL OF GRADUATES 38 1 MACKAY, GEORGE, M.D. 1841. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACKAY, HERBERT JAMES HAY, M.A. 1877, LL.B. 1880. Barrister-at-Law, London. MACKAY, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1891. Glasgow ; Baillieston ; Tollcross ; Newton j Cambuslang. MACKAY, JAMES, M.A. 1846. Minister of (1) Ardrossan New Church, 1851-54, (2) Inverkeithing, 1855-65, (3) Blackfriars, Glasgow, 1865-73; born r 4 tn April, 1828; died 31st January, 1873. M'KAY, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1892. Dumbarton ; Longton, Staffs. ; Coatbridge. MACKAY, JAMES HUTTON, M.A. 1874. Junior Chaplain, Bombay Ecclesiastical Establishment, and Junior Chaplain, St. Andrew's Church, Bombay, 1878; Chaplain of Poona, 1878; Chaplain of Karachi, 1886; Chaplain of Poona, 1886; promoted to rank of Senior Chaplain, 1888; Chaplain of the Royal Scots Fusiliers, Punjab, 1889; Chaplain of Poona since 1890. MACKAY, JAMES LINDSAY, M.A. 1882, LL.B. 1885. Writer, Glasgow. MACKAY, JOHN, M.A. 1870. F.C. Minister at (1) Glenlyon, (2) Oban, (3) Cromarty; now F.C. Assembly Evangelist for the Highlands and Islands. MACKAY, JOHN, M.A. 1886. Teacher in Inverness; died at Barbaraville, Delny, Ross-shire, 15th March, 1890, aged 33. M'KAY, JOHN DEWAR, M.A. 1896. Student of Law. MACKAY, JOHN MARTIN, B.L. 1886. Writer, Glasgow. MACKAY, JOHN YULE, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1885. Assistant to Professor of Anatomy in Glasgow University, 1882-94; Professor of Anatomy in University College, Dundee, since 1894; Principal thereof since 1897; Degree Examiner on Anatomy in Glasgow University, 1896-97; son of James Mackay, M.A. 1846 (q.v.). MACKAY, MACINTOSH, LL.D. 1829. An eminent Gaelic Scholar; Minister of (1) Laggan, (2) Dunoon, (3) Free Church there, (4) Melbourne Gaelic Church, (5) Sydney Gaelic Church, (6) Free Church, Tarbert, Harris; died 17th May, 1873, aged 73; friend of Sir Walter Scott and tutor of W. F. Skene, historian. 382 ROLL OF GRADUATES MACKAY, NEIL, MA. 1875, B.D. 1878. Minister of Ochiltree. MACKAY, PETER, M.A. 1852. (a) Mathematical Tutor in Free Church Normal Seminary, Glasgow; (b) Teacher in Valparaiso. MACKAY, RODERICK JOHN, M.B., CM. 1893. Stornoway; Elland, Yorks. M'KAY, THOMAS, M.A. 1781. Possibly the same person as Thomas M'Kay, Presbyterian Minister at Brigh, Co. Tyrone, from 1788 to 1821, and who died 19th December, 1821, aged 66. M'KAY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1822. Possibly one of (a) William M'Kay, M.F.P. & S.G. 1828, who died 1831, (b) William Kennedy M'Kay, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Portglenone, 1826-76, who died 15th February, 1876. MACKAY, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. MACKAY, WILLIAM MACKINTOSH, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1889. F.C. Minister of (1) Troon, 1891-97, (2) South Church, Aberdeen, since 1897. M'KEACHIE, DAVID, CM. 1838. " Filius 4 tus Joannis, Agricolae, Com. de Wigton" [Matric. Alb. 1831]. M'KEAG, DANIEL, CM. 1835, M.D. 1840. Coleraine, Co. Deny; died 1883. M'KEAN, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1885. Urr; London. M'KEAN, THOMAS, B.L. 1888. Law Clerk, Glasgow; died 28th June, 1889. M'KECHNIE, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1829. Southsea; Surgeon, R.N. ; Medical Officer, Haslar Hospital; Inspector- General of Hospitals and Fleets; died 1866. M'KECHNIE, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1890. Inverness; Bunessan, Mull. M'KECHNIE, ALEXANDER JOHN, M.B., CM. 1892. Ship Surgeon; Kajalohara P.O., Sylhet, India. MACKECHNIE, CHARLES ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1885. Bolton ; El Cajou, San Diego, California, U.S.A. ; Sanbernardino there. M'KECHNIE, HENRY DONALD, M.A. 1893, LL.B. 1894. Writer, Glasgow. M'KECHNIE, JAMES, M.D. 1833. Inveraray. ROLL OF GRADUATES 383 MACKECHNIE, JOHN MACLELLAN, B.L. 1880. Writer, Glasgow. M'KECHNIE, ROBERT AITKEN, M.B., CM. 1873. Glasgow; Rutherglen. M'KECHNIE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1835. Glasgow; Paisley; Greenock; Elderslie ; died 2nd September, 1887. M'KECHNIE, WILLIAM SHARP, M.A. 1883, LL.B. 1887. Writer, Glasgow, and (since 1894) Lecturer on Constitutional Law and History in the University; son of William M'Kechnie, M.D. (q.v.). M'KEE, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1729. Irish Presbyterian Minister at (1) Drum, 1733-61, (2) Bailieborough, 4th to 13th May, 1 76 1, when he died. M'KEE, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1763. " Filius natu tertius Alexandri quondam Verbi Dei Ministri in comitatu de Monaghan Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1761]; vide Alexander M'Kee, M.A. 1729. M'KEE, HENRY SHEIL, B.A. 1837, M.A. 1839, LL.D. 1858. Minister of the Scots Church, Killucan, Ireland; afterwards Professor of Classics in Magee College, Derry. M'KEE, JOHN, CM. 1820. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'KEE, JOSEPH, M.A. 1818. Presbyterian Minister at Killead, Ireland, 1826-49; died 1856. M'KEE, WILLIAM, CM. 1822. "Hibernia" [Grad. Alb.]. M'KEEN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1789. " Filius maximus natu Thomae Agricolae in parochia de Ahoghill et in comitatu de Antrim in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1784]. MACKEGGIE, DAVID, M.A. 1886, B.D 1890. Licentiate of the Free Church. MACKEITH, ALEXANDER ARTHUR, M.B., CM. 1887. Ship Surgeon; St Thomas, Devonshire; Ilfracombe. MACKEITH, DONALD, M.D., CM. 1835. Sandhurst, Kent. MACKEITH, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow; Whickham-Market, Suffolk; St. Thomas, Devon; Exeter. MACKEITH, WILLIAM, CM. 1838. Bucklyvie; Salehurst, Sussex; Hurst Green, Sussex; died 8th April, 1872. MACKEITH, WILLIAM DONALD, M.B. 1879. Creetown, Kirkcudbright; died there, 2nd April, 1892, aged 35. 334 ROLL OF GRADUATES MACKELLAR, CHARLES KINNAIRD, M.B., CM. 1871. Practitioner in Sydney, N.S. Wales; M.L.C. 1885; Minister of Mines, 1886-87; born in Sydney, December, 1844. M'KELLAR, EDWARD DUNCAN MONTGOMERIE, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1881. Bombay; Auckland, New Zealand. MACKELLAR, JOHN, M.D. 1868. Coatbridge ; Colinsburgh ; Tarbert, Argyleshire ; Lochmaddy ; Harris ; died 28th December, 1877. MACKELLAR, JOHN ALEXANDER COULL, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in Glasgow University. M'KELLAR, PETER HUGH MONTGOMERIE, M.A. 1866, M.B. 1866, CM. 1871. Glasgow ; Abergavenny, Mon. ; London. M'KELLAR, WILLIAM ANDERSON, M.D. 1863, CM. 1866. Glasgow; Gourock; Sligo; Bonny River, W. Africa; Sligo; died 28th May, 1886. M'KELVEY, WILLIAM, M.D. 1829. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'KELVIE, GEORGE, M.A. 1886. (1) Church of Scotland Chaplain, Bengal ; (2) Minister of Church of Scotland Congregation at Port Louis, Mauritius. M'KELVIE, ROBERT BARBOUR, M.D. 1858. Dairy, Ayrshire ; Appin ; Oban. M'KEN, THOMAS, M.D. 1836. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'KENDRICK, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1888. Kirkintilloch ; Penrith, Cumberland. M'KENDRICK, JOHN SOUTTAR, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow; brother of William James M'Kendrick, B.Sc, M.B. (q.v.). M'KENDRICK, WILLIAM JAMES, B.Sc. 1891, M.B., CM. 1891. Resident Surgeon in Western Infirmary, Glasgow; died at Prince Albert, South Africa, 23rd April, 1892, aged 23; son of John Gray M'Kendrick, M.D., Professor of Physiology in Glasgow University. M'KENNA, FERGUS, M.B., CM. 1895. Ship Surgeon ; Girvan. M'KENNA, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. MACKENNA, PETER FRASER, M.A. 1882. Solicitor in (1) Girvan, (2) Ayr; LL.B. Edin. 1888. M'KENNA, ROBERT, M.A. 1863. Minister of (1) R.P. Church, Port-Glasgow, (2) R.P. Church, Dumfries, (3) Martyrs' Free Church there. ROLL OF GRADUATES 385 MACKENNAL, ALEXANDER, D.D. 1887. Minister of Congregational Church at (1) Burton-on-Trent, 1858-61, (2) Surbiton, Surrey, 1861-70, (3) Gallowtree Gate, Leicester, 1870-77, (4) Bowdon, Cheshire, since 1877. M'KENZIE, ALEXANDER, LL.D. 182 1 Advocate in Demerara. MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1862. English Master in Kilblain Academy, Greenock, 1858-64; Head Master of Larchfield School, Helensburgh, 1864-82, when retired to Edinburgh; B.A. Edin. 1858. MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1892. Licentiate of the Free Church. M'KENZIE, ALEXANDER ROBERTSON, M.D. 185 1. Fortrose. MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER RODERICK, M.A. 1888, LL.B. 1893. Writer, Paisley. M'KENZIE, ANDREW, CM. 1832. "Americanus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACKENZIE, DANIEL, M.A. 1778. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'KENZIE, DANIEL, M.B., CM. 1883. Govan. M'KENZIE, DANIEL, M.B., CM. 1891. Larkhall. MACKENZIE, DONALD, M.A. 1874. Teacher of (1) Mathematics and Arithmetic in Stellenbosch College, South Africa, (2) Mathematics and Modern Languages in Langside Academy, Glasgow; in ill-health and unemployed since 1894; resident (1896) at Tregon- hayne, Grampound Road, Cornwall. MACKENZIE, ERNEST, M.B., CM. 1884, M.D. 1887. Cheadle, Staffs. M'KENZIE, HUGH, M.D. 1823. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'KENZIE, JAMES, M.A. 1749. "Filius quondam Danielis M'Kenzie in parochia de Kincairdine in Com. de Perth" [Matric. Alb. 1746]. M'KENZIE, JAMES ALEXANDER, M.A. 1887. (1) Chief Assistant in Rutland Crescent Public School, Govan; (2) English Master in Hutchesons' Grammar School, Glasgow. MACKENZIE, JAMES BROWN, M.B., CM. 1879, M.D. 1882. Crook, Durham ; Manchester. 2 B 386 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'KENZIE, JAMES FULLARTON, M.D. 1832. "Gibraltar" [Grad. Alb.]. MACKENZIE, JAMES ROBERTSON, M.A. 1835. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'KENZIE, JOHN, D.D. 1800. Minister of Portpatrick, 1773 to 1836; died (Father of the Synod) 21st December, 1836, aged 93. M'KENZIE, JOHN, M.D. 1832. " Gibraltaria " [Grad. Alb.]. MACKENZIE, JOHN, M.D. 1862. Torosay, Mull; Clackmannan; Tighnabruaich ; J P. ; died at 71 West Cumberland Street, Glasgow, the result of an accident, nth March, 1889. M'KENZIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1880. Durham ; Manchester. MACKENZIE, JOHN BUCHANAN, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1893. Minister of Polmont since 1894. MACKENZIE, JOHN GORDON, M.D. 1801. "Britannus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACKENZIE, JOHN MORELL, M.A. 1832. Congregational Minister in (1) Poole, Dorsetshire, (2) Glasgow; lost in the Steamer "Pegasus," on passage from Scotland to England, 1843, aged 39. MACKENZIE, JOHN STEWART, M.A. 1882. (1) Assistant Lecturer on Logic and Philosophy, and Cobden Lecturer on Political Economy, Owens College, Manchester ; (2) Professor of Logic and Philosophy in University College, Cardiff; Degree Examiner on Mental Philosophy in Glasgow University, 1885-88. M'KENZIE, KENNETH, M.A. 1886. Teacher, Shader School, Barras, Stornoway, since 1885. MACKENZIE, KENNETH CHILD, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1895. Cheadle, Staffs. ; Tulla, Co. Clare ; Caerphilly, Glam. MACKENZIE, MUNGO CAMPBELL, D.D. 1865. Minister of Lasswade for 42 years; born 1801 ; died 1875. MACKENZIE, ROBERT DUNCANSON, M.A. 1830. Of Caldarvan, Writer in Glasgow. M'KENZIE, ROBERT SHELTON, LL.D. 1834. Miscellaneous writer; (1) Schoolmaster in Fermoy, Co. Cork; (2) News- paper Editor at Hanley, Staffs.; (3) Journalist in London; (4), Editor of the Liverpool Journal; (5) Litterateur in (a) New York, (b) Philadelphia; born at Drew's Court, Co. Limerick, 22nd June, 1809; died at Philadelphia, 30th November, 1880. ROLL OF GRADUATES 387 M'KENZIE, THOMAS, M.A. 1830. "F. n. 4 tus Jacobi artificis Lochmaben" [Matric. Alb. 1817]. MACKENZIE, THOMAS, M.A. 1882. M.B., CM. Edin. 1886; M.D. 1891; Edinburgh; Douglas, Isle of Man ; Edinburgh j Innellan j Cumnock ; Douglas, Isle of Man. MACKENZIE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1833. Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in Anderson's College, Glasgow ; Lecturer on the Eye and Waltonian Medical Lecturer in Glasgow University, 1828 to 1868; Surgeon Oculist in Scotland in Ordinary to the Queen; born 29th April, 1 79 1 ; died 30th July, 1868. MACKENZIE, WILLIAM JAMES, M.B., CM. 1879, M.D. 1889. Dunmow, Essex ; Wilton, Wilts. ; London. M'KEOGH, PATRICK, M.D. 1839. Abbeville, Roscommon. M'KEOWN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1813. " Filius natu 2 dus Joan. Agricolae in Parochia de Killinchy in com. de Down" [Matric. Alb. 18 10]. M'KERROW, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1878. Workington. M'KERROW, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 187 1. Patna, Ayrshire ; Dalmellington ; Glasgow ; Ayr. M'KERROW, JOHN, B.A. 1861. U.P. Minister at Penicuik. MACKESY, JOHN, M.D., CM. 1836. Waterford; J.P. ; died 25th August, 1872. MACKEY, PETER, M.D. 1844. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'KIBBIN, THOMAS, CM. 1823. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACKICHAN, DUGALD, M.A. 1869, B.D. 1874, D.D. 1884. Free Church Missionary, Bombay ; Vice-Chancellor of University of Bombay, 1888-90. MACKIE, ANDREW, M.D. 1834. Glasgow; died 27th February, 1890, aged 78. M'KIE, ANDREW, M.A. 1857. Farmer, Blaiket, Crocketford, Dumfries. MACKIE, DAVID, M.A. 1836. Presbyterian Minister at Albany, Stewartstown, Ireland. MACKIE, DAVID, M.A. 1889. Minister of Townhead U.P. Church, Dumfries. 388 ROLL OF GRADUATES MACKIE, JAMES, M.A. 1883, B.D. 1886. U.P. Minister at Bothwell. MACKIE, JAMES, M.A. 1888. Teacher in (1) Easdale Public School, Argyllshire, (2) Wallace Hall Academy, Dumfriesshire, (3) Private Schools for Young Ladies, Glasgow, (4) Hillhead Public School, Glasgow, (5) Church Street Public School, Partick. MACKIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1885. Ship Surgeon ; Burnley, Lanes. ; Brisbane, Queensland ; Renton, Dumbarton- shire. M'KIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1890. Harthill, Whitburn; Glasgow. M'KIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Glenluce. MACKIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1729. MACKILLOP, FREDERICK GORDON, M.A. 1887, LL.B. 1889. Writer in Glasgow; Examiner for Law Degrees in the University since 1896. MACKILLOP, GARDINER HENDERSON, B.Sc. 1893. Civil Engineer in Glasgow. M'KIM, JOHN, M.D. 1841. Glasgow. M'KIM, ROBERT STEWART, M.A. 1893. Teacher in (1) East Kilbride Public School, 1893, (2) Rothesay Academy, 1893-94, (3) Nicolson Public School, Stornoway, 1894-96, (4) Stirling High School since 1896. MACKIN, CHARLES, M.D. 1841. London; Geelong, Victoria, Australia. M'KINDLAY, PATRICK, LL.D. 1850. Sometime Teacher in Laurieston Academy, Glasgow; thereafter (1844-66) one of the Classical Masters in the High School of Glasgow ; taught the Humanity Classes in the University during illness of Professor William Ramsay, 1850-51; died 7th March, 1866, aged 55. M'KINLAY, DANIEL, M.D. 1830. Paisley; died 17th June, i860. MACKINLAY, JAMES MURRAY, M.A. 1876. Engaged in Antiquarian Studies; residence, 4 Westbourne Gardens, Glasgow. M'KINLAY, JOHN, M.A. 1813. "F. n. Max. Joannis Agricolae Falkirk, Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 1804]. M'KINLAY, JOHN, CM. 1823, M.D. 1833. Isleworth, Middlesex; sometime in H.E.I.C.S. ; died 8th July, 1866, aged 62. ROLL OF GRADUATES 389 MACKINLAY, JOHN, M.D. 1834. Barrhead; Innellan ; died 1888. M'KINLAY, ROBERT, M.A. 1885. Congregational Minister at New Pitsligo. M'KINLAY, WALTER BOYD, M.D. 1852. Paisley. M'KINLAY, WILLIAM ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1886. Motherwell; Inverkip; Rothesay. M'KINNEY, SAMUEL, M.D. 1859. Castlefin, Co. Donegal; Austintown, America; Trumbull, Ohio. M'KINNON, CAMPBELL, M.D. 1829. Campbeltown. MACKINNON, CHARLES, M.A. 1880, M.B., CM. 1884. Campbeltown ; Lugar ; Cirencester. M'KINNON, DUNCAN, CM. 1841. Old Cumnock; died 1877. MACKINNON, DUNCAN, M.A. 1883. F.C. Minister at Wanlockhead since 1896. MACKINNON, DUNCAN ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1873. F.C. Minister at Mary kirk. MACKINNON, JAMES, M.A. 1887. Minister of (1) Kilbride, (2) Strathfillan, (2) Kildalton. M'KINNON, JOHN, CM. 1826. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACKINNON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1887. Lugar; Drymen. MACKINNON, SIR WILLIAM ALEXANDER, LL.D. 1891. Director-General, Army Medical Department; L.R.C.S. Ed. 1851; F.R.C.S. Ed. 1873; K.C.B. ; Honorary Surgeon to the Queen; died at London, 28th October, 1897, aged 67 ; bequeathed ^2000 to the University of Glasgow to found Scholarships. MACKINNON, WILLIAM JONES, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow ; Biggar. M'KINSTRY, WILLIAM HENRY, M.B., CM. 1887. Walsall, Staffs. ; Liverpool ; Walsall. MACKINTOSH, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1874. London; Ipswich, Queensland. MACKINTOSH, ALEXANDER JAMES, M.D. 1858, CM. i860. Glasgow ; Lochaline ; Downham, Norfolk. 390 ROLL OF GRADUATES MACKINTOSH, ANGUS, M.D. 1861. Glasgow ; Lochaline ; Pitlochry ; Kirton, Boston, Lines. ; Callington, Corn- wall; Chesterfield. MACKINTOSH, DANIEL, M.D., CM. 1863. Littleport, Cambs.; Downham, Norfolk; Southsea; London. MACKINTOSH, DONALD, M.D. 1841. Darlington ; sometime Lecturer on Insanity in Newcastle Medical School ; London ; Founder of Mackintosh Mental Science Bursary in Glasgow University. MACKINTOSH, DONALD JAMES, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow: Medical Superintendent of (1) Victoria Infirmary, (2) Western Infirmary. MACKINTOSH, HUGH MALCOLM, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow ; Queensbury, Yorks. ; died there from the effects of an accident, 6th March, 1892, aged 33. MACKINTOSH, MALCOLM, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1893. Durham ; London. MACKINTOSH, MALCOLM ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1887. Queensbury, Yorks; Halifax there; died 13th February, 1893, aged 29. MACKINTOSH, ROBERT, M.A. 1878. (B.D. Edin. 1882) ; Minister of Irving Street Congregational Church, Dumfries, 1890-94; Professor of Apologetics and Christian Ethics, in Lancashire Independent College since 1894. MACKINTOSH, ROBERT DUNBAR, M.B., CM. 1888. London. M'KINVEN, DONALD, M.A. 1890. (1) Teacher in (a) Kelvinside Academy, Glasgow, 1889-90, {b) West Coats Higher Grade School, Cambuslang, 1890-92, (c) Rothesay Public School, 1892-95, (d) Rothesay Academy, 1895; (2) Head Master of Fettercairn Public School, Kincardineshire, since 1895. M'KIRDY, ROBERT, M.D. 1837. "Filius nat. III US Michael. Mercatoris Glasguensi" [Matric. Alb. 1831]. MACKIRDY, ROBERT LYLE, M.A. 1886. (M.B., CM. Edinburgh, 1896); Rothesay. M'KITTRICK, JOHN, M.D. 1754. "Filius Jacobi M'Kittrick civis Glasguensis" [Matric Alb. 1740]. MACKLIN, THOMAS THORNTON, M.B. 1876, M.D. 1895. Ship Surgeon; Macclesfield; Blantyre Mission, E. Africa; Luskerpore, E. Indies ; Sutna, Central India ; Ghaziabad, E. Indies ; St. Mary's, Scilly Isles. ROLL OF GRADUATES 391 MACKNEIGHT, JAMES, M.A. 1742. Minister of (1) Maybole, (2) Jedburgh, (3) Lady Yester's, Edinburgh, and (4) Old St. Giles, Edinburgh; D.D. Edinburgh, 1759; born at Manse of Irvine, 17th September, 1721 ; died 13th January, 1800. MACKNIGHT, ALEXANDER, D.D. 1877. Teacher of Hebrew at Halifax Free College, Nova Scotia, 1855-68 ; Pastor of St. James's Church, Dartmouth, N.S., 1857-68 ; Professor of Exegetics and Hebrew in Halifax Free College, 1868; Professor of Systematic Theology therein, 1871; Principal of the Presbyterian College of the Maritime Provinces at Halifax, 1878; born at Dalmellington, Ayrshire, circa 1823. M'KNIGHT, JOSEPH, B.A. 1859. Merchant in Calcutta, 1865-82 ; Merchant and Broker in London since 1882. MACKY, JOHN, M.A. 1839. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Fahan, 1842-54, when appointed to New Zealand by Colonial Mission. M'LACHLAN, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1783. "Natus in Glasgua filius natu secundus Joannis Mercatoris in Glasgua" [Matric. Alb. 1774]. MACLACHLAN, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1866. Glasgow; Newcastle-on-Tyne ; died 1882. MACLACHLAN, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1881. London. M'LACHLAN, ANDREW, M.A. 1895. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. MACLACHLAN, ARCHIBALD, CM. 1829. Liverpool; "lost his diploma during shipwreck," and a special certificate granted [Univ. Minute, 1st August, i860]. MACLACHLAN, ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1886. South Uist; J. P.; Ladysmith, Natal; Bremersdorp, Swaziland. MACLACHLAN, CHARLES FELLOWES, M.D. 1855. Glasgow; Rothesay; J.P. for County of Bute; died 28th February, 187 1. MACLACHLAN, DANIEL, M.D. 1830. Ventnor; Deputy Inspector-General; for 23 years Physician and Principal Medical Officer, Royal Hospital, Chelsea. M'LACHLAN, DAVID STEVENSON, M.A. 1883. Minister of (1) E.U. Church, Coupar-Angus, (2) Free Church, Blackford. MACLACHLAN, DONALD, M.A. 1820. Minister of (1) Berriedale, (2) North Knapdale; died 28th May, 1846. 392 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'LACHLAN, DONALD, M.A. 1888. Teacher in (1) Hutchesons' Girls' Grammar School, Glasgow, (2) Port-Ellen Public School, Islay. MACLACHLAN, DUGALD, B.L. 1882. Writer, Glasgow. MACLACHLAN, HUGH DAVID CATHCART, M.A. 1888. (1) Law Clerk, Glasgow; (2) Stockman, Texas, U.S.A. MACLACHLAN, JAMES, M.D. 1863, CM. 1865. Walsall, Staffs.; died 12th December, 1888. MACLACHLAN, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1874. Glasgow ; Bridgend, Glam. ; Lockerbie. MACLACHLAN, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1886. Dumbarton; Jamestown; Dornoch. M'LACHLAN, JAMES COUPER, M.A. 1885. (1) E.U. Minister at Montrose, (2) E.U. (Congregational) Minister at Lanark. MACLACHLAN, JOHN BUTT, B.L. 1880. Writer, Helensburgh. MACLACHLAN, JOHN THOMSON, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1896. Ship Surgeon ; Dornoch. MACLACHLAN, LEWIS, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow; Craighouse, Jura. MACLACHLAN, NEIL DUNCAN, M.A. 1875, B.D. 1878. F.C. Minister at Dalkeith. M'LACHLAN, ROBERT, M.A. 1794. "Filius natu secundus Joannis Beddelli in Academia Glasguensi" [Matric. Alb. 1788]. M'LACHLAN, ROBERT, M.A. 1815. Congregational Minister at Paisley, 1816-46, when retired on account of ill- health; died at Helensburgh, 22nd April, 1866, aged 72. M'LACHLAN, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1876. Glasgow; Carnoustie; Dalmellington ; died 14th February, 1895, aged 43. MACLACHLAN, RONALD, M.D. 1822. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'LACHLAN, SAMUEL FRENCH, M.B., CM. 1873. Pemberton, Lanes. ; Manchester ; Lockerbie ; Longtown, Cumberland. MACLACHLAN, THOMAS, M.D. 1830. Rothesay; J. P. for Bute; died 27th June, 187 1. MACLACHLAN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1872. Dairy, Ayrshire; Glasgow; Patna, Ayrshire; Ayr; J.P. ; died 25th June, 1896, aged 51. ROLL OF GRADUATES M'LACHLAN, WILLIAM ALLISON, M.B., CM. 1874, M.D. 1877. Dumbarton. MACLAGAN, SIR DOUGLAS, LL.D. 1891. Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in the University of Edinburgh, 1862-96, when resigned; M.D. Edin. 1833; born 1812. M'LAGAN, HENRY, M.D. 1784. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACLAGAN, JOHN, M.D. 1786. "Practised as a Surgeon in Perthshire" [Univ. Minute, 2nd June, 1786]. M'LAGAN, ROBERT, M.D. 1768. MACLAINE, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1746, D.D. 1767. Minister of the Scottish Church at the Hague, 1747 to 1796, when left owing to French Invasion; sometime Preceptor to the Prince of Orange; born at Monaghan, 1722; died at Bath, 25th November, 1804; brother of James Maclaine, the "gentleman highwayman." M'LAREN, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1813. Possibly the same person as Archibald M'Laren, Teacher, Charlotte Lane, Glasgow, in 181 6 [Cleland's Annals]. M'LAREN, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1884. Assistant in Glasgow University to (1) Professor of Humanity, 1886-90, (2) Professor of Greek, 1890-91 ; died at Tighnabruaich, 16th January, 1891, aged 30. M'LAREN, COLIN, M.D. 1845. Crieff. M'LAREN, GEORGE, M.D. 1833. "Fil. nat. III tius Jacobi, Mercatoris, in com. de Lanark" [Matric. Alb. 1825]. M'LAREN, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1895. Uddingston. MACLAREN, JAMES ANDERSON, M.A. 1885. Advocate, Edinburgh. MACLAREN, JAMES PATERSON, M.A. 1885, M.B., CM. 1890, B.Sc. 1891. Ship Surgeon ; Cambuslang ; Musselburgh ; London ; Claygate, Surrey. M'LAREN, JAMES WISHART, M.A. 1879. (a) Minister of East Free Church, Arbroath, 1883-85; {b) Teacher in a Public School near Palmerston, New Zealand. M'LAREN, JOHN, M.D. 1871. Glasgow. ] 394 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'LAREN, JOHN, LL.D. 1883. Advocate and Q.C. ; Sheriff of Chancery in Scotland, 1869-80 ; Lord Advocate, 1880-81 ; M.P. for (1) Wigtown Burghs, (2) Edinburgh City; one of the Judges of the Court of Session, under judicial title of Lord M'Laren, since 1881 ; born 17th April, 1 83 1. MACLAREN, JOHN FINLAY, B.Sc. 1888. Ironfounder, Glasgow. M'LAREN, JOHN PATERSON, M.B., CM. 1888. Colne, Lanes. ; Newport, Mon. M'LAREN, ROBERT, M.A. 1834. "Fil. n. max. Roberti Agricolae in Com. Perthensi" [Matric. Alb. 1827]. MACLARTY, DUNCAN, M.D. i860. Dairy, Ayrshire; North Sydney, Nova Scotia; London; died there, 9th October, 1894, aged 57. M'LATCHIE, GEORGE, M.A. 1774, D.D. 1808. Of Humbie; Minister of Mearns, 1788 to 1833; born in Glasgow, 5th April, 1757; died 13th August, 1833; acted as Tutor to "Christopher North," who resided with him for some years. MACLATCHY, ALEXANDER COOPER, M.A. 1832. Presbyterian Minister at Enniskillen, 1837-82 ; died 1st March, 1882. MACLATCHY. JOHN, M.D. 1848. Glasgow; Hurlford; died 21st February, 1873, aged 53. M'LAUCHLAN, DAVID, B.A. 1843, M.A. 1844. "Filius natu minimus Jacobi Sutoris in Com. de Forfar" [Matric. Alb. 1840]. MACLAUCHLAN, FRANCIS JOSEPH, M.A. 1894. Licentiate of the Free Church. M'LAUCHLAN, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow. MACLAUCHLAN, JAMES MORTON, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow; Chester-le-Street, Co. Durham. M'LAUCHLAN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1867. Glasgow ; Waipeoria, N.Z. ; Tapanui there. M'LAUGHLIN, JACKSON, M.D. 1842, CM. 1845. Newtownlimavady, Co. Deny. M'LAUGHLIN, JOHN, M.A. 1817. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Drumachose, 1824-31 ; died suddenly 3rd November, 1831. M'LAURIN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1867. Glasgow ; Paisley ; Greenock ; London. MACLAURIN, WILLIAM COWPER, M.A. 1823. "F. n. max. Lachl. Armigeri Glasguensis, nat. in Anglia" [Matric. Alb. 1819]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 395 M'LAWS, MOSES, M.A. 1771. " Filius natu septimus quondam Gulielmi in Parochia Kippen " [Matric. Alb. 1765]- M'LAY, ALEXANDER, B.Sc. 1878. (1) Draughtsman at Airdrie Engine Works; (2) on Civil Engineering Staff of G. & S. W. Railway; (3) Instructor in Drawing in Glasgow Mechanics' Institution; (4) Professor of Mechanical Engineering in Glasgow and West of Scotland Techni- cal College ; (5) Professor of Machine Design therein. MACLAY, JAMES, M.A. 1881, LL.B. 1886. Writer, Glasgow. M'LAY, JOHN, M.A. 1872, B.D. 1875. U.P. Minister at Belfast. M'LAY, JOHN FINLAYSON, M.D. 1865. Glasgow; died 1867. MACLAY, MOSES NEIL, M.B., CM. 1895. Ship Surgeon. M'LAY, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1895. Tarbolton ; Dumbarton ; Brampton, Cumberland ; Horncastle, Lines. M'LAY, ROBERT ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow; Cramlington, Northumberland; Glasgow; died at Inverkip, 5th July, 1895, aged 31. M'LAY, WALTER, M.A. 1832. U.P. Minister, Strathaven ; demitted his charge, 28th December, 1869; died some years previous to 1894. M'LEA, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1756, D.D. 1801. Minister of (1) Kilarrow and Kilchoman, (2) Rothesay; died 12th April, 1824, aged 87. M'LEA, DUNCAN, M.A. 1762. Minister of Inverchaolain ; died 17th March, 1785. M'LEA, JOHN, M.A. 1743. Minister of Lochgoilhead ; died 22nd December, 1788, aged 66. MACLEAN, ALEXANDER, D.D. 1842. Minister of St. Andrews, New Brunswick; degree conferred "at the request of the Elders and Trustees of the Church of St. Andrews, New Bruns- wick" [Univ. Minute, April, 1842]. M'LEAN, ALEXANDER HENDERSON, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow; Stonehouse. MACLEAN, ANDREW, M.A. 1819. Presbyterian Minister at Ramsbottom, Lanes., 1830-69; born at Glasgow, 1st January, 1799; died at Ramsbottom, 22nd October, 1869. 396 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'LEAN, ANDREW, M.A. 1887. (1) English Assistant in Ayr Academy; (2) Classical and Mathematical Assistant in Kilblain Academy, Greenock. M'LEAN, ANGUS, B.Sc. 1887. Demonstrator in Physics in Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. M'LEAN, ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1883, M.D. 1886. Glasgow j Largs ; Langley Moor, Durham ; Peebles ; Kilmarnock. M'LEAN, DANIEL, M.D. 1864. Glasgow; died there, 9th July, 1889. M'LEAN, DANIEL, M.A. 1873, B.D. 1874. U.P. Minister at Alloa. MACLEAN, DONALD, M.B., CM. 1887. Langley Moor, Durham; Bearpark there; Durham. MACLEAN, DONALD, M.B., CM. 1894. Irvine ; Colmonell. MACLEAN, GEORGE TODD, M.A. 1895. Student of Medicine. M'LEAN, HECTOR, M.A. 1880, B.D. 1883. F.C. Minister at Gorebridge. MACLEAN, JAMES, M.A. 1820. "F. n. max. Arch. Ludim. Houston" [Matric. Alb. 1814]. MACLEAN, JAMES, M.A. 1820. "F. n. max. V.R di Jac. V.D.M. Gorbals" [Matric. Alb. 1815]. M'LEAN, JAMES, M.A. 1889. Teacher, Paisley; died at Millport, 31st May, 1895, a ged 28. MACLEAN, JAMES ANDREW, M.A. 1896. Teacher in (1) Hutton Hall Academy, Dumfries, (2) Hillhead Public School, Glasgow. MACLEAN, JAMES HAIR, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1894. F.C. Missionary to Madras, India. MACLEAN, JAMES NEWLANDS, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow ; Ship Surgeon ; Wrexham ; Cowes, Isle of Wight ; Dumbarton ; London. M'LEAN, JOHN, M.A. 1823. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'LEAN, JOHN, M.A. 1825. "Ex Nova Scotia" [Grad. Alb.]. MACLEAN, JOHN, M.D. 1838. London; died 28th April, 1885, aged 68. ROLL OF GRADUATES 397 MACLEAN, JOHN, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862, B.D. 1866, D.D. 1887. Minister of (1) Kilchoman, Islay, (2) Tarbert, Lochfyne, (3) St. Columba, Glasgow; Examiner on Hebrew, etc., in the University for (a) M.A. Degree since 1895, (b) B.D. since 1896. MACLEAN, JOHN, M.A. 1884. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. M'LEAN, JOSHUA BUCHANAN, M.B., CM. 1889. Pegswood, Northumberland ; Cramlington there ; Lochwinnoch ; Blantyre ; Worcester. M'LEAN, LACHLAN, M.D. 1801. " Filius Natu Quartus Donaldi Agricolae in parochia de Inverchaulan in comitatu Argatheliae" [Matric. Alb. 1792]. MACLEAN, MADGE SPEIRS, M.B., CM. 1896. Langbank. MACLEAN, MAGNUS, M.A. 1886, D.Sc. 1895. Lecturer on Physics in Glasgow University since 1894, and Assistant to Professor of Natural Philosophy (Lord Kelvin) since 1885 ; F.R.S.E. M'LEAN, MALCOLM, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1874. Bracadale, Skye; Carbost, Skye; Stewarton; died there, 14th April, 1892, aged 48. M'LEAN, MALCOLM, M.A. 1871, B.D. 1873. Minister of Brodick. M'LEAN, PETER, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1885. Glasgow; Dervaig, Mull. MACLEAN, ROBERT, M.A. 1855. . Advocate, Edinburgh. M'LEAN, ROBERT, M.A. 1872. Minister of (1) U.P. Church, Millport, (2) U.P. Church, Kilcreggan, (3) English Presbyterian Church, Liverpool. M'LEAN, ROBERT, M.A. 1893. Teacher in (1) Auchenarow Public School, Berwickshire, (2) Lenzie Academy, (3) Devon Bank School, Pollokshields, (4) Belgravia College, Glasgow, (5) St. Mungo's Academy, Glasgow, (6) Queen's Park Collegiate School, Glasgow. MACLEAN, RODERICK, M.D. 1846. South Uist; died 14th June, 1861. M'LEAN, WILLIAM, CM. 1838. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. 398 ROLL OF GRADUATES MACLEAN, WILLIAM CAMPBELL, LL.D. 1888. (M.D. Edin. 1833); entered Medical Service, Madras Army, and became Surgeon-General, Army Medical Department; served in China War, 1840; Member of Senate of Madras University, 1838-61 ; sometime Superintendent of Hyderabad School of Medicine ; Professor of Military Medicine, Army Medical School, Netley, 1861-85; C.B. (Civil), 1871; Honorary Surgeon to the Queen, 1895; born 1812. M'LEAN, WILLIAM CHARLES, M.A. 1886. Merchant in Toronto, Canada. M'LEAN, WILLIAM FINLAYSON, M.B., CM. 1871. Glasgow ; Northcote, Victoria, Australia ; Sandhurst there ; died 4th December, 1882. M'LEANE, JAMES, M.A. 1731. "Filius Domini Johannis M'Leane verbi dei Ministri apud Rasharkan" [Matric. Alb. 1730]; fined and rebuked for "having committed abuses on the street" and "broke down the lamp that stands over against Dr. Brisbane's house" [Univ. Minutes, 27th February and 2nd March, 1731]. MACLEHOSE, JAMES JOHN, M.A. 1878. Bookseller, Printer, and Publisher, Glasgow; partner of the firms of (a) James MacLehose & Sons, Booksellers and Publishers to the University, and (b) Robert MacLehose & Co., Printers thereto. MACLEHOSE, NORMAN MACMILLAN, M.B., CM. 1882. Glasgow ; Shoreham, Kent ; Sevenoaks there ; London ; Assistant Surgeon and Pathologist, Central London Ophthalmic Hospital, from 1894; D.P.H. Camb. 1884; brother of James John MacLehose, M.A. (q.v.) and Robert MacLehose, M.A. (q.v.). MACLEHOSE, ROBERT, M.A. 1876. Bookseller, Printer, and Publisher, Glasgow; partner of the firms of (a) James MacLehose & Sons, Booksellers and Publishers to the University, and (b) Robert MacLehose & Co., Printers thereto. M'LEISH, PETER, D.D. 1872. Minister of Free Church, Dunlop; died 2nd February, 1888. M'LELLAN, ARCHIBALD NEVILLE, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow. M'LELLAN, BASIL SYMPSON, M.A. 1876. Assistant in Mathematical Department of Glasgow Academy, 1876-78; Mathematical Master in Robert Gordon's College, Aberdeen, since 1878. MACLELLAN, DUNCAN, B.Sc. 1891. Chemist in (1) Glasgow, (2) Chili, So. America. M'LELLAN, GEORGE DUNCAN, M.A. 1880, LL.B. 1885. (1) Writer in Glasgow, and (1887-88) Secretary to the University Court; (2) engaged in mercantile business at Philadelphia, U.S.A. ; (3) Writer in Edinburgh ; (4) Writer in Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 399 M'LELLAND, ALEXANDER, M.B. 1871. Dailly, Ayrshire; Greenock; Bonhill; Alexandria, N.B. MACLENNAN, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1894. (Brunton Prizeman); Glasgow. MACLENNAN, KENNETH FAIRBAIRN, M.B. 1867, M.D. 1877. Glasgow; New York. M'LENNAN, QUINTIN, M.B., CM. 1880. Glasgow; Coylton ; Penpont; Glasgow. MACLENNAN, SIMON GEORGE, M.A. 1882. F.C. Minister at (1) Stonehaven, (2) Sherbrooke, Pollokshields. MACLENNAN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1887. (Brunton Prizeman) ; Glasgow : Assistant to Professor of Materia Medica in the University, 1888-97; sometime Public Vaccinator in the Western Infirmary. MACLEOD, ALEXANDER, D.D. 1865. U.P. Minister at (1) Strathaven, 1844-55, (2) John Street, Glasgow, 1855-64, (3) Trinity Church, Birkenhead, 1864-91; born at Nairn, 17th October, 1817 ; died 13th January, 1891. MACLEOD, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1868. Born in Ross-shire, 1837 ; son of Roderick Ross, Farmer. MACLEOD, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1895. Student of Theology in F.C. College. M'LEOD, ALEXANDER LEWIS, M.A. 1887, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow ; Macclesfield ; Leicester. MACLEOD, DAVID THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow; Nairne, S. Australia; Woodside there; London. MACLEOD, DONALD, M.A. 1828. "Filius 3 tius Joannis, Armigeri, de America" [Matric. Alb. 1824]. MACLEOD, DONALD, M.D. 1850. Kilmarnock. MACLEOD, DONALD, B.A. 185 1, D.D. 1876. Minister of (1) Lauder, (2) Linlithgow, (3) Park, Glasgow; Editor of Good Words; one of H.M. Chaplains; brother of Norman Macleod, D.D. 1858 (q.v.). MACLEOD, DONALD, M.A. 1872. Free Church Missionary at Burnshill, in Kaffraria, South Africa ; died there, 21st August, 1878, aged 38. MACLEOD, DONALD, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1885. Broughton-in-Furness, Lanes. ; Ramsbottom there ; Glasgow. MACLEOD, GEORGE, M.D. 1848. Glasgow. 4oo ROLL OF GRADUATES MACLEOD, SIR GEORGE HUSBAND BAIRD, M.D. 1853. Surgeon, Civil Hospital, Smyrna, and General Hospital in Camp before Sebastopol ; Professor of Surgery in Anderson's College ; Professor of Surgery in Glasgow University, 1869 to 1892; Surgeon-in-Ordinary to the Queen in Scotland; LL.D. St. Andrews, 1892; born 21st September, 1828; died 3 rst August, 1892; brother of Norman Macleod, D.D. 1858 (q.v.). MACLEOD, GEORGE SOMERVILLE, M.A. 1886. F.C. Minister at Carradale. MACLEOD, HERBERT ADOLPHUS, M.B., CM. 1882. Allahabad, India; Unai, Oudh, there. MACLEOD, JAMES, M.D. 1829. "F. n. 2 dus Joannis Mercat. Washington (Amer.)" [Matric. Alb. 1819]. MACLEOD, JAMES M'EWAN, M.A. 1880. Writer, Glasgow. MACLEOD, JOHN, D.D. 1845. Minister of Morven, 1824-82; died 30th May, 1882, aged 82. MACLEOD, JOHN, B.A. 1858, D.D. 1883. Minister of (1) Newton-upon-Ayr, (2) Dunse, (3) Govan; son of John Macleod, D.D. 1845 (q.v.). MACLEOD, JOHN, M.A. 1890. Assistant Master in Thomson Street Public School, Glasgow, 1887-90; Classical Master in Ullapool Public School, Ross-shire, 1891-94; Head Master of Lairg Public School, Sutherlandshire, since 1894. MACLEOD, JOHN NORMAN, M.A. 1886, M.B., CM. 1890. Dundee; Surgeon-Lieut., I. M.S., Bengal; son of John Macleod, D.D. 1883 (q.v.). MACLEOD, NINIAN FERRIE, M.D., CM. 1864. Paisley ; died 1883. MACLEOD, NORMAN, D.D. 1858. Minister of (1) Loudoun, (2) Dalkeith, (3) Barony, Glasgow; Editor of Good Words; one of H.M. Chaplains and Dean of the Chapel Royal; born at Campbeltown, 3rd June, 1812; died at Glasgow, 16th June, 1872. MACLEOD, NORMAN, D.D. 1883. Minister of (1) St. Columba, Glasgow, (2) Blair Athole, (3) St. Stephen's, Edinburgh, (4) Inverness; son of John Macleod, D.D. 1845 (q.v.). M'LEOD, PATRICK, M.D. 1864. Grenada, West Indies. MACLEOD, ROBERT LOCKHART ROSS, M.B., CM. 1884. Surgeon-Captain, Army. ROLL OF GRADUATES 40 1 MACLEOD, RODERICK, D.D. 1800. One of the Regents of King's College, Aberdeen, 1749-64; Sub-Principal thereof, 1764-1800; Principal thereof, 1800-15; died nth September, 1815; degree conferred "at the request of the University of Aberdeen" [Glasg. Univ. Minute, 10th April, 1800]. MACLEOD, RODERICK ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1887. Invercargill, N.Z. MACLEOD, WILLIAM HOULDSWORTH, B.D. 1888. Minister of Buchanan; son of Sir G. H. B. Macleod (q.v.); B.A. Cantab. 1885. MACLEOD, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. MACLEROY, CAMPBELL MACQUEEN, M.A. 1894. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. M'LETCHIE, JAMES, D.D. 1857. Minister of (1) Larkhall, (2) Gartsherrie, (3) St. Thomas', Leith, (4) Blackfriars, Glasgow, and (5) High Church, Edinburgh; died 18th September, 1866, aged 64. M'LETCHIE, THOMAS, M.D. 1828. West Calder; died April, 1882. M'LOUGHLIN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1835. Londonderry; died 3rd January, 1861. MACLURE, HUGH HANNA CAMPBELL. See M'Clure. M'LURE, ROBERT, LL.D. 1837. Sometime Private Tutor in Edinburgh ; thereafter Superintendent of a Classical Academy in London; afterwards Professor of Humanity in (1) Marischal College, Aberdeen, 1852-60, and (2) University of Aberdeen, 1860-68 ; died 3rd September, 1868, aged 60; native of Dailly, Ayrshire. M'MAHON, GEORGE, B.A. 1846, M.A. 1848. "Filius natu secundus Jacobi agricolae in parochia de Clare et comitatu de Armagh" [Matric. Alb. 1843]. MACMAHON, STEPHEN, M.D. 1848. Limerick; died 1868. MACMAHON, WILLIAM JOHN, B.A. 1846. "Filius natu maximus Roberti V.D. apud Mossvale in Comitatu de Armagh" [Matric. Alb. 1842]. M'MARTIN, ARCHIBALD, M.A. i860. U.P. Minister at Nigg, Ross-shire. M'MATH, JOHN, M.A. 1772. Minister of Tarbolton, 1782-91, when demitted; addressee of one of Burns' Poetical Epistles; died in Mull, 10th December, 1825. 2C 402 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'MECHAN, ARTHUR, M.A. 1777. "Filius natu secundus Alexandri Agricolae in Comitatu de Downe, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1773]. M'MEIKAN, DAVID KIRKPATRICK, M.A. 1840. F.C. Minister at Cumbernauld, 1844-83; died at Campsie, near Derry, 5th May, 1890, aged 71. M'MICHAEL, NEIL, M.A. 1831. Secession and U.P. Minister at Dunfermline, and Professor in Secession and U.P. Colleges; died at Dunfermline, 3rd April, 1874, aged 66. M'MICHAEL, NEIL DAVID, B.L. 1888. Writer, Kilmarnock. M'MICHAN, JOHN LITTLE, CM. 1839. Bradford ; Wamphray. M'MILLAN, ALEXANDER LEWIS, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow ; Newton-on-Ayr ; Glasgow. MACMILLAN, ANGUS, M.B. 1868, M.D. 1870. Dailly, Ayrshire; died 26th May, 1871, aged 28. MACMILLAN, CAMPBELL, B.Sc. 1895. Engineer in Glasgow. MACMILLAN, DONALD, M.A. 1880. Minister of (1) Wanlockhead, (2) Auchtertool, (3) Kelvinhaugh, Glasgow. M'MILLAN, DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1878. Tarbert, Argyleshire. M'MILLAN, GEORGE ARTHUR, M.A. 1893. (1) Teacher in Ayr; (2) Teacher in Maybole; (3) Schoolmaster of Fisherton, Ayr. MACMILLAN, HUGH PATTISON, LL.B. 1896. Advocate, Edinburgh; M.A. Edin. 1893. M'MILLAN, JAMES, CM. 1826. "Filius natu Maximus Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Athaloe in comitatu de Tyrone in Hyb." [Matric. Alb. 18 13]. M'MILLAN, JAMES, M.D. 1855. Wigtown ; died five or six years after graduation. M'MILLAN, JAMES, M.A. 1883. F.C. Minister at Kenmore. M'MILLAN, JAMES, M.A. 1884. Sometime Assistant to Professor ot Humanity in Glasgow University ; born at Dumfries, 28th October, 1859; died at West Kilbride, 21st June, 1893. MACMILLAN, JAMES, M.A. 1886. U.P. Minister at (1) Nairn, (2) J^ansdowne, Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 403 MACMILLAN, JAMES, M.A. 1886. Mathematical Master in the High School of Glasgow. MACMILLAN, JOHN, CM. 1826, M.D. i860. Hull; previously Assistant-Surgeon in Canadian Army. MACMILLAN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1882. Lockerbie ; Tighnabruaich. MACMILLAN, JOHN IRVINE, M.A. 1890. M.B., CM. 1897. M'MILLAN, NEIL, M.D. 1840. Glasgow; Murchison, Victoria, Australia. M'MILLAN, ROBERT, CM. 1825. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACMILLAN, ROBERT, M.A. 1882. Teacher in Ayr Academy. M'MILLAN, THOMAS, CM. 1822. Newton-Stewart or Wigtown. M'MILLAN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow ; Oldbury, Worcester ; Glasgow. M'MILLAN, WILLIAM FORRESTER, M.D. i860. Friockheim, Forfarshire ; Buckley Mount, N. Wales ; Liverpool ; died 6th June, 1887. MACMILLAN, WILLIAM SEYMOUR, M.A. 1894. Student of Medicine; died at 5 Wilton Gardens, Glasgow, 16th March, 1897, aged 24. M'MONEAGLE. See Monteagle. M'MORRAN, JOHN, M.D. 1784. " Filius natu tertius Joannis de Drumcaw in parochia de Donagh et comitatu de Monaghan in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1781]. MACMORRAN, ROBERT SMITH, M.A. 1895. Student of Theology in F.C. College Edinburgh. M'MORRIS, ROBERT, B.A. 1846, M.A. 1847. Presbyterian Minister at Ray, Manorcunningham, Co. Donegal, since 1855. M'MORRIS, WILLIAM, CM. 1832, M.D. 1834. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. M'MULLAN, JOHN, M.D. 1846. Downpatrick; died 13th July, 1893 M'MULLAN, THOMAS, M.A. 1730. "Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1728]. M'MULLEN, GEORGE READE, M.D. 1838. Cork. 404 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'MUNN, JAMES, M.D., CM. 1846. Easky, Co. Sligo; Dromore West, same Co.; died previous to 1889. M'MUNN, JOHN, M.D. 1838. Superintendent of Lunatic Asylum, Sligo; died 20th April, 1882, aged 66. M'MUNN, ROBERT, M.D., CM. 1853. Skreen, Co. Sligo. M'MURCHY, ARCHIBALD KELLY, M.A. 1866. F.C. Minister at Scone. M'MURCHY, JAMES, M.A. 1879, B.D. 1882. English Presbyterian Minister at Walton, Liverpool. M'MURRAY, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow. M'MURRICH, MALCOLM, M.A. 1873, M.B., CM. 1878. Glasgow; Bedford; Whiteinch; Luss; Paisley; Lenzie; Balfron. M'MURTRIE, JAMES, M.A. 1896. Teacher in Rosevale Street Public School, Partick. M'NAB, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1882. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland; died 6th June, 1886, aged 26; son of Minister of Ardrossan. M'NAB, ALEXANDER ANDERSON, M.B., CM. 1896. Bradford. M'NAB, ANDREW, M.A. 1889. Minister of Whitechurch and Langside, Ontario, Canada. MACNAB, DAVID, M.D. 1819. Oban. M'NAB, DAVID ALEXANDER, M.A. 1884. Teacher (1) in Holt Academy, Denbighshire, (2) in Gainford Academy, Co. Durham, (3) in Lewisham House School, Weston-super-Mare, (4) at Bonn-am- Rhein, near Cologne, Germany, (5) in Clapham Rise Collegiate School, London, S.W., (6) in George Green Schools, Poplar, London, E. MACNAB, DONALD, M.D. 1826. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACNAB, DUNCAN, M.D. 1831, CM. i860. Campbeltown; died 2nd January, 1873, aged 64. MACNAB, JAMES, M.D. 1844. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACNAB, JAMES, M.A. 1885. Teacher in Hutchesons' Grammar School, Glasgow. MACNAB, JAMES CRAWFORD GIBB, M.B., CM. 1887. Stilton; Dysart, Fife. ROLL OF GRADUATES 405 MACNAB, JOHN, M.D. 1817. Probably Campbeltown. M'NAB, JOHN ROLLAND, " M.A. 1885. Minister of (1) Strathkinnes, 1890-97, (2) St. David's, Kirkintilloch, since 1897. M'NAB, PETER, M.D. 1836. Callander; died 29th March, 1872. M'NAB, ROBERT, M.D. 1849. Deputy Surgeon-General, Army; died 1886. M'NAB, ROBERT, M.D. 1861. Glasgow; Bury St. Edmunds; J.P. MACNAB, ROBERT ALLAN, M.D. 1854. Cross Hills, Yorks. ; died 23rd May, 1886, aged 57. M'NAB, STEVENSON, M.A. 1891. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland; son of Minister of Ardrossan. M'NAB, WILLIAM BROWN, M.A. 1891. Curate of St. James' Parish Church, Longton, Staffs. ; son of Minister of Ardrossan. MACNAIR, ALEXANDER HILL, B.A. 1848. Civil Engineer in (1) India, (2) Persia, (3) Ceylon, (4) South America; resi- dent (1897) at 18 Newington Road, Edinburgh; son of Robert Macnair, D.D. (q.v.). M'NAIR, BENJAMIN, M.D. 1815. Glasgow; died at Dunipace, 25th January, 1844, aged 49. MACNAIR, JAMES, M.A. 1839. Minister of (1) Auchtermuchty, (2) Canongate, Edinburgh; died 13th November, 1888, aged 68; son of Robert Macnair, D.D. (q.v.). MACNAIR, NORMAN, B.Sc. 1894. M.B., CM. 1897. MACNAIR, ROBERT, M.A. 1808, D.D. 1842. Minister of (1) Ballantrae, (2) Abbey Parish, Paisley; died 22nd July, 1851, aged 61. MACNAIR, ROBERT, M.A. 1845. (1) Minister in Charlotte Town, Prince Edward Island; (2) Minister of Gourock, 1854-55; (3) Presbyterian Chaplain at Scutari, Crimea; (4) Medical Practitioner in Leith, 1862-83; (5) Minister of Baptist Church, Greenock; born 28th August, 1827; died at 2>2> Kilmaurs Road, Edinburgh, 15th July, 1896; son of Robert Macnair, D.D. (q.v.); M.D. Edin. 1862. M'NAMARA, BERNARD SHEEDY, M.D. 1799. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. 406 ROLL OF GRADUATES MACNAMARA, JOHN, M.D. 1842. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACNAMARA, WILLIAM, M.D. 1866. Deputy Surgeon-General, Army. M'NAUGHT, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1821. "F. n. max. Tho. Artif. Glasgua" [Matric. Alb. 1813]. MACNAUGHT, DANIEL, M.A. 1792. "Filius natu max. Joannis agricolae in parochia de Greenock et comitatu de Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1785]. M'NAUGHT, DUNCAN, M.D., CM. 1834. Helensburgh. M'NAUGHT, JAMES GIBSON, M.A. 1887, M.B., CM. 1890, M.D. 1894. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow ; Surgeon-Captain, Army. M'NAUGHT, JOHN CAMPBELL, M.A. 1893, B.D. 1895. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. M'NAUGHT, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1895. Ship Surgeon; Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; died at Singapore, of typhus fever, 4th July, 1897. M'NAUGHTAN, DANIEL, M.A. 1791. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACNAUGHTAN, JOHN, M.A. 1826. Minister (1) of Scotch Congregation, Crown Court, London, (2) of High Church, Paisley, (3) of Free High Church there, (4) in Belfast; died 27th May, 1884. M'NAUGHTAN, JOHN, M.B. 1875, M.D. 1877. Perth; Ship Surgeon; Perth General Prison. MACNAUGHTAN, JOSEPH, M.A. 1892, LL.B. 1895. Writer, Glasgow. M'NAUGHTAN, THOMAS, M.D. 1856. Glasgow; Wigton, Cumberland; Bolton-le-Moors ; Blackpool; J. P.; died 1 6th July, 1896. MACNAUGHTAN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1895. Student of Medicine. MACNAUGHTON, ALLAN, M.B., CM. 1873, M.D. 1881. Fort- William ; Elgin; Bonawe; Easdale; Taynuilt ; J. P. M'NAUGHTON, FINLAY, M.B. 1868. Assistant to a Practitioner in Coatbridge ; died, of typhoid fever, in Glasgow Royal Infirmary, 17th December, 1868. M'NAUGHTON, GEORGE FERRIER ANDERSON, M.A. 1880. Minister of Carsphairn. M.B., , CM. 1869. M.B., , CM. 1883. ROLL OF GRADUATES MACNAUGHTON, JOHN, Fort-William ; Dalmally ; Lochgilphead ; Fort-William. MACNAUGHTON, JOSEPH BROUGH, Tiverton, Devon ; London. MACNAUGHTON, PETER, M.A. 1821. "F. n. 2 dus Joannis Agricolae Comrie" [Matric. Alb. 1813]; according to Oliver & Boyd's Almanacs, a person of the same name was at one time Church of Scotland Minister at (1) Vaughan, Presbytery of Toronto, Canada, and (2) Pickering there. M'NAUL, HUGH HAMILTON, M.B. 1871. Ballymoney, Co. Antrim ; Dartford, Kent ; Oakengates, Salop. M'NAUL, ROBERT, CM. 1834. Ballymoney, Co. Antrim. M'NAY, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1893. Knightswood ; Ship Surgeon ; Airdrie. M'NAYR, JAMES, LL.D. 1800. Writer in Glasgow, and Editor of (1) The Glasgow Courier, (2) The Glasgow Herald and Advertiser; died 8th September, 1808, aged 50. M'NEARY, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1851, CM. 1852 Articlave, Co. Derry ; Garvagh, same Co. MACNEE, SIR DANIEL, LL.D. 1876. The celebrated Artist; elected in 1875 President of the Royal Scottish Academy of Painting, Sculpture, and Architecture; born at Fintry, 4th June, 1806; died at Edinburgh, 17th January, 1882; LL.D, Edin. 1881. M'NEELY, HUGH, M.D., CM. i860. Killybegs, Co. Donegal; Rockhampton, Queensland. M'NEILL, DANIEL, M.D. 1892. Medical Practitioner and F.C. Minister at Holm, Kirkwall. M'NEILL, DUNCAN, M.A. 1889. Minister of Kilfinnan Free Church, Auchenlochan, Kyles of Bute. M'NEILL, GEORGE ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, M.A. 1893. Manufacturers' Agent, Glasgow. M'NEILL, JOHN HENRY HORTON, M.A. 1891, B.D. 1896. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. M'NEILLIE, JAMES CAMPBELL, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow. M'NEILLY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1745. Believed to be the same person as William M'Neill, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Clogher, 1754-70, when suspended sine die. 408 ROLL OF GRADUATES MACNICOL, ARCHIBALD JOHN, M.A. 1885, B.U. 1889. F.C. Minister of (1) Dundonald, (2) Cromarty. M'NICOL, DANIEL, M.B., CM. 1889. Ship Surgeon. MACNICOL, DUNCAN CLARK, M.A. 1883, B.D. 1884. F.C. Minister of (1) Dunipace, (2) Gorbals, Glasgow. MACNICOL, JOHN, M.A. 1775. " Filius natu tertius Joannis, agricolae in Orchil, in parochia de Muthil, comitatu de Perth" [Matric. Alb. 1770]. M'NICOL, JOHN, CM. 1830, M.D. 1833. Inveraray. MACNICOL, MALCOLM, M.A. 1888, M.B., CM. 1893. F.C. Missionary to Hugli, Bengal. MACNICOL, NICOL, M.A. 1891. F.C. Missionary to Bombay. M'NICOL, PETER, M.A. 1873. Head Master of (1) Anderston Burgh and (after 1873) Public School, Glasgow, 1859-82, (2) Overnewton Public School there since 1882. MACNICOL, RODERICK REID, M.A. 1893. Student of Medicine. M'NICOLL, DAVID HUDSON, M.D. 1842. Liverpool; Southport; died 10th May, 1868, aged 55. MACNIE, ROBERT LAMOND, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1894. Minister of the Parish of St. Mary, Mahaica, British Guiana, since 1896. M'NIEL, ANDREW, M.A. 1813. "F. n. 6 tus Jacobi Artificis, Inchinan, Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1809]. MACNISH, JAMES, M.D. 1849. Sydney, N.S. Wales; Paddington there; Burwood there. M'NISH, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1882. Nottingham ; Burwood, Sydney, N.S. Wales. MACNISH, ROBERT, CM. 1820. Practitioner in Glasgow; a popular writer of merit; author of The A?iatomy of Drunkenness, etc.; born at Glasgow, 15th February, 1802; died, of typhoid fever, 16th January, 1837; LL.D. of Hamilton College, U.S.A. MACNISH, WILLIAM, M.D. 1815. Edinburgh ; formerly Surgeon in the Army. M'NIVEN, JAMES, M.A. 1884. F.C. Minister at Ardnamurchan. MACOMISH, ROBERT, M.A. 1880, B.D. 1883. F.C. Missionary to Bombay. ROLL OF GRADUATES 409 MACONCHY, GEORGE, M.A. 1774- " Filius natu secundus Joannis Armigeri in Comitatu de Derry, Hibernia " [Matric. Alb. 1770]. MACONOCHIE, ALLAN ALEXANDER WELWOOD, LL.D. 1855. Advocate ; Professor of Law in Glasgow University, 1842 to 1855, when resigned; son of Lord Meadowbank; died 29th May, 1885. M'OUAT, JAMES EDMOND, M.A. 1886, B.D. 1889. Minister of the U.P. Church at Logiealmond (the " Drumtochty " of Ian Maclaren) since 1897. MACPHAIL, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1894. Assistant to Professor of Anatomy in Glasgow University since 1894. MACPHAIL, DIGBY MACKENZIE, M.B., CM. 1884. Tulloch, Linstead, Jamaica. MACPHAIL, DONALD, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1881. Glasgow ; Coatbridge. MACPHAIL, GEORGE ROSS, M.A. 1881. Minister of Albert Square Free Church, Dundee. MACPHAIL, JAMES MERRY, M.A. 1885, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1895. Free Church Medical Missionary to Bengal. MACPHAIL, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow; Barnsley, Yorks. MACPHAIL, JOHN, M.A. 1889. Pupil Teacher in Lochnell Public School, Ardchattan, Argyllshire, 1879-82; Senior Master in Lewisham House School, Weston-super-Mare, 1886-87 j Licentiate of the Free Church of Scotland, 1892 ; first Assistant Master in Clyde Quay Public School, Wellington, New Zealand, since 1893. M'PHARLAN, JOHN, CM. 1824. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACPHEE, ALEXANDER M'QUEEN, M.A. 1887. (1) Curate of St. Bartholomew, Colne, Lanes.; (2) Curate of Shieldfield, . Newcastle-on-Tyne ; (3) Curate of St. John's there; (4) Curate of Haltwhistle; (5) Vicar of North Sunderland. MACPHEE, ALEXANDER STEWART, M.A. 1872, B.D. 1877. Minister of (1) English Presbyterian Church at Redcar, Yorkshire, (2) English Presbyterian Church at Singapore, (3) Free Church at Berea, Durban, Natal. MACPHEE, ANGUS, M.B., CM. 1879, M.D. 1884. Glasgow: Assistant to Professor of Anatomy in the University, 188385. M'PHEE, DUGALD, M.B., CM. 1881. Tighnabruaich ; Strachur ; Port-Ellen, Islay ; Sandbank, Argyllshire ; Holme, Yorks.; died 1896. 4 io ROLL OF GRADUATES MACPHEE, DUNCAN, CM. 1829. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MACPHERSON, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1785. " Antiguensis " [Grad. Alb.]. MACPHERSON, ALEXANDER, B.A. 1834. Minister of (1) Dudhope Parish, Dundee, (2) Free Church, Meigle; died 17th June, 1892, aged 86. M'PHERSON, ALEXANDER STEWART, M.B., CM. 1893. Bootle, Lanes. MACPHERSON, CHARLES, M.B. 1871, M.D. 1888. Burghead, Morayshire ; Westray ; Stromness ; Bonar Bridge ; Edinburgh (Deputy Commissioner in Lunacy for Scotland). MACPHERSON, EBENEZER BROWN HILL, M.A. 1890. Minister of Free Church, Panbride. M'PHERSON, GEORGE, M.A. 1894, M.B., CM. 1895. Ship Surgeon. M'PHERSON, GEORGE LAURIE, B.Sc. 1879. Head Master of (1) Mathieson Street Public School, Glasgow, 1879-90, (2) Washington Street Public School there since 1890. MACPHERSON, JAMES, M.D. 1848. Glasgow (Dentist); died 13th March, 1877. MACPHERSON, JAMES ANDREWS, M.B., CM. 1890. Barrhill, Ayrshire ; Glasgow. MACPHERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1873. F.C. Minister at Kinloss, Forres. MACPHERSON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1888. Leeds; Lancaster; Derby; Manchester; died 1893. MACPHERSON, JOHN FORBES, M.A. 1872, B.D. 1875. Minister of (1) New Parish, Rothesay, (2) South Parish, Greenock; son of Lauchlan Macpherson, Bedellus to the University. MACPHERSON, MALCOLM, M.A. 1863. Born in Glasgow, 1839; son of John Macpherson, Officer of Excise. MACPHERSON, MALCOLM DUNCAN, M.A. 1887, B.L. 1893. Writer, Glasgow; son of Neil Macpherson, M.A. (q.v.). MACPHERSON, NEIL, M.A. 1857. Minister of Inveraray, 1864-96; died in Royal Infirmary, Glasgow, 21st September, 1896. MACPHERSON, RICHARD BURNS, M.B., CM. 1876, M.D. 1887. Glasgow; Surgeon, Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78; Cambuslang. ROLL OF GRADUATES 41 1 MACPHERSON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1878, M.D. 1890. Glasgow; died there, 1st March, 1894, aged 39; son of Lauchlan Mac- pherson, Bedellus to the University. MACPHERSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1881, B.D. 1884. F.C. Minister at North Ronaldshay. MPHUN, JOHN FINLAY, M.B., CM. 1882. Garelochhead ; Swatow, China (English Presbyterian Medical Missionary). MACQUARIE, JOHN ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow ; Kilmun ; Peel, Isle of Man. M'QUEEN, ALEXANDER M'NAUGHTAN, B.Sc. 1882. Civil Engineer; born 30th March, 1863; died at Galahek, Persia, of typhoid fever and pneumonia, 31st August, 1891; son of George M'Queen, M.A. (q.v.). M'QUEEN, ANDREW, M.A. 1870, B.D. 1872. Minister of Holburn Free Church, Aberdeen. M'QUEEN, GEORGE, M.A. 1849. U.P. Minister at Milngavie for 39 years: born 8th May, 1831; died 1st September, 1894. M'QUEEN, JAMES, M.A. 1892. M.B., Ch.B. 1897. M'QUEEN, JOHN, M.A. 1864. F.C. Minister at (1) Johnstone and Wamphray, (2) Kilmarnock, (3) Lochend, Campbeltown. M'QUEEN, JOHN, B.Sc. 1883. Marine Engineer (1) with Fairfield Engineering and Shipbuilding Co., Govan, (2) with Yarrow & Co., Torpedo Boat Builders, Poplar, London. M'QUEEN, WILLIAM TEMPLE, B.Sc. 1890. Civil Engineer, (1) as Pupil of the late Daniel Miller, M.I.C.E., 1885-90, (2) as Assistant to Lucas & Aird, of Westminster, since 1890. MACQUHAE, STAIR, M.A. 1813, D.D. 1840. Minister of St. Quivox, 1820-59, when retired on account of ill-health; died 8th March, 1872, aged 77; son of William M'Quhae, M.A. 1756 (q.v.). M'QUHAE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1756. Minister of St. Quivox, 1764 to 1823; described in "The Twa Herds" as "that curs'd rascal ca'd M'Quhae"; died 1st March, 1823, aged 86. MACQUISTAN, ARCHIBALD LEITCH, M.A. 1891. Teacher, Kennedy Street Public School, Glasgow. M'QUISTEN, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1855, D.D. 1894. Minister of (1) St. Matthew's, Glasgow, (2) Innerkip. MACQUISTEN, FREDERICK ALEXANDER, B.L. 1891. Writer in Glasgow; son of Alexander M'Quisten, D.D. (q.v.). 412 ROLL OF GRADUATES MACRAE, ALEXANDER MACLEOD, M.B., CM. 1884. Rankinston, Ayrshire. MACRAE, ANGUS FRASER, M.A. 1892. Writer, Glasgow. M'RAE, DONALD, M.B., CM. 1877. Norham, Northumberland; Macduff; Cluny ; Paris (Medical Missionary); London. MACRAE, DONALD MACKENZIE, M.B., CM. 1896. Stornoway. MACRAE, DUNCAN MACKENZIE, M.A. 1894. Student of Medicine. MACRAE, FARQUHAR, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. MACRAE, JAMES, M.A. 1880, LL.B. 1883. Writer, Glasgow. MACRAE, JOHN, D.D. 1864. Minister of Hawick; died 8th January, 1892, aged 77. MACRAE, JOHN TENNENT, M.B., CM. 1868. Ship Surgeon; died at Newton-on-Ayr (his native place), 22nd May, 1870. MACRAE, RODERICK C, M.A. 1880. Born at Pinnette, Prince Edward Island, in 1857 (son of Donald MacRae, Sea Captain); described in General Council Registers as "Student, 10 Clarendon Street, Partick," but left that address many years ago, and history unknown. M'REDDIE, PERCY GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1891. Wincanton, Somerset; Lagos, W. Africa. MACREIGHT, WILLIAM WALKINSHAW. See M'Creight. M'RITCHIE, PETER, M.B., CM. 1890. Renton ; Gorseinon, Glam. ; Swansea. MACROBERT, ALEXANDER MUNRO, M.A. 1895. Qualifying for the Scottish Bar. MACROBERT, PETER CARMICHAEL, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow; Todmorden, Lanes. M'ROBERT, JAMES, M.A. 1882. Minister of (1) Levenside Free Church, Renton, 1886-97, (2) Presbyterian Church, Port-Elizabeth, Cape Colony, since 1897. MACROBERT, THOMAS, M.A. 1882. E.U. (Congregational) Minister at Dreghorn. M'ROBERTS, JOHN, M.D. 1803. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 413 MACRURY, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1877. Glasgow; Newmilns ; Wellington, New Zealand; Benbecula; Barra. MACSORLEY, PHILIP, CM. 1826. Ayr. M'SPADDEN, JOHN, CM. 1818. M'SWAINE, JOHN FLEMING, D.D. 1896. Minister of (1) U.P. Church, Auchtermuchty. 1860-74, ( 2 ) St. Paul's Pres- byterian Church, Brisbane, Australia, since 1874. M'TAGGART, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1866. Teacher in (1) Church of Scotland Normal School, Glasgow, (2) Martyrs' School, Barony Street there; died 6th January, 1882, aged 47. MACTAGGART, CHARLES, M.A. 1881, M.B., CM. 1885. Campbeltown ; Surgeon-Captain, I. M.S., Bengal. M'TAGGART, CHARLES ROWATT, CM. 1829. Campbeltown. MACTAGGART, JAMES CAMERON, M.A. 1872. F.C. Minister at Isle of Whithorn. MACTAVISH, COLIN, CM. 1821. Islay; sometime in H.E.I.C.S. M'TAVISH, NEIL, M.D. 1848. "Filius natu quartus Archibaldi, V.D. Ministri apud Parochiam Kildalton in insula de Islay" [Matric. Alb. 1837]. M'TEAR, JAMES, M.A. 18 13. Licensed by the Relief Presbytery of Glasgow, 7th October, 1817; kept a school in Kirk Street, Calton, for some time ; not known that he ever obtained a ministerial charge. MACTURK, ANDREW, M.A. 1863, B.D. 1873. F.C. Minister at Inchinnan; died 23rd April, 1891. MACTURK, JAMES WILSON, B.A. 1846. Minister of Langholm, 1854-78; died 26th December, 1878, aged 55. M'TURK, MICHAEL, M.D. 1810. "Filius Natu 2 dus quondam Jacobi M'Turk Agr. in New Cumnock, Airshire" [Matric. Alb. 1807} M'TURK, WILLIAM, M.A. 1797, D.D. 1806. Of Craigmaddie ; Professor of Ecclesiastical History in Glasgow University, 1797 to 1841, and for many years College Chaplain ; Librarian, 1794-95; died 10th March, 1841. M'TURK, WILLIAM, M.D. 1823. Bradford; died 2nd March, 1872, aged 76. 4*4 ROLL OF GRADUATES M'TYER, WILLIAM, M.D. 1826. Maybole; died nth December, 1878. M'VAIL, DAVID CALDWELL, M.B. 1876. Kilmarnock; Alnwick; Glasgow; Professor of Physiology in Anderson's College ; Lecturer on Medicine in Western Medical School ; Professor of Clinical Medicine in St. Mungo's College; Member of University Court (as General Council Assessor) since 1891 ; Crown Member of General Medical Council since 1892. M'VEAN, JOHN DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1880. Glasgow; Alexandria, N.B. ; Buchlyvie; Lees, Lanes. MACVEAN, PETER, M.D. 1852. Wedderburn, Victoria, Australia. MACVEY, DAVID, M.A. 1871. Head Master of Airdrie Academy, Airdrie ; died at Queenstown, Cape Colony (the residence of his brother-in-law), 10th February, 1893, aged 44. M'VEY, THOMAS, M.A. 1728. M'VICAR, COLIN, M.A. 1889. M.B. Edin. 1894; (sometime Teacher, Greenock); Dundee. MACVICAR, PATRICK, M.A. 1792. Minister of (1) St. John's, Dundee, (2) St. Paul's, Dundee; died 30th Sep- tember, 1842, aged 78; D.D. St. Andrews, 1827. M'VICAR, WILLIAM JOSEPH, M.A. 1887. Teacher in (r) Ayr Grammar School, (2) Hutchesons' Girls' School, Elgin Street, Glasgow. M'VIE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1879, M.D. 1885. Skelton, Yorks. ; Maryhill, Glasgow ; Vienna ; Bootle, Lanes. M'WALTER, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1892. Widnes, Lanes. ; Newton-Stewart. M'WHANNELL, LLEWELLYN, M.B., CM. 1887, M.D. 1893. Nottingham ; Birkenhead ; Ramsey, Isle of Man ; Birkenhead ; Ramsey ; died January, 1895. M'WHIRTER, PETER, B.A. 1861. Master of the Free Church School, New Aberdour, Fraserburgh, 1869-70; at one time a teacher in Orkney, but not known whether before or after New Aberdour; cousin of John King, M.A. 1863 (q.v.). M'WILLIAM, WILLIAM ANDREW, M.D. i860. Lame, Co. Antrim; Ballyclare, same Co.; Belfast; died 1872. M'WILLIAMS, JAMES, M.A. 1816. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Maguiresbridge, 1822-60; died 20th April, i860. MADDEN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1835. Dublin; died 6th November, 1868. ROLL OF GRADUATES 415 MADDEN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1841. Dublin; died 10th October, 1866. MADDEVER, JOHN COOMBE, M.D., CM. 1850. Rothesay; died there, March, 1887. MADDEVER, JOHN COOMBE, M.B., CM. 1872, M.D. 1874. Rothesay; Brownhills, Staffs. MADILL, ROBERT, M.A. 1740. "Fil. Alexri. Madill Mercat. in Down in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1737]. MAGEE, JOSEPH, M.D. 1836. Dublin. MAGEE, SAMUEL, CM. 1833. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]; "obliged to leave this Country for America on the 1st of April next" [Univ. Minute, 22nd March, 1833]. MAGILL, JAMES, M.A. 1810. " Filius Natu Quartus quondam Gulielmi Mercatoris in oppido de Cookstovvn in parochia de Derryloran in comitatu de Tyronne in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. MAGILL, ROBERT, M.A. 1816. Presbyterian Minister at Antrim, 1820-39; born 7th September, 1788; died 19th February, 1839. MAGILL, SAMUEL, M.D. 1855. Assistant Surgeon, R.N. ; invalided and died on voyage home (per mail packet "Avon" from Lisbon), 6th May, 1857; buried at sea. MAGRATH, JOSEPH ADOLPHUS, M.D. 1844. Civil Surgeon, Ordn. Department, Kingston, Jamaica; Teignmouth ; Ply- mouth; Wimbledon; died 6th November, 1893, aged 69. MAGUIRE, RICHARD, M.D. 1841. "Hibernia" [Grad. Alb.]. MAHAFFY, EDWARD, M.D. 1841. Surgeon-General, Bombay Army; died 3rd October, 1881. MAHAFFY, ROBERT, M.A. 177 1. " Filius natu secundus Niniani Agricolae in Parochia Donaughmore Comitatu Donygall Hiberniae " [Matric. Alb. 1769]. MAHER, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MAHON, GEORGE, M.D. 1838. " Hibernus " [Grad. Alb.]. MAHOOD, ALLAN EDWARD, M.D. 1837, CM. 1864. Kingstown, Co. Dublin; died 24th June, 1871, aged 66. MAHOOD, GEORGE, M.D. 1839. Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh ; died 1867. 416 ROLL OF GRADUATES MAIN, GEORGE AGNEW, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Newmains; Mossley, Manchester. MAIN, JAMES, M.A. 1877, B.D. 1880. (1) English Presbyterian Missionary to Formosa; (2) Missionary in connection with Free St. Enoch's Church, Glasgow; (3) in charge of Free Church Station, Kirkmichael, Dumfries ; (4) in charge of Free Church Station, Slains, Aberdeen- shire; (5) Minister of the Free Church at Closeburn, Dumfriesshire. MAIN, JAMES TAYLOR, M.A. 1876. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Young, New South Wales, (2) Dubbo there. MAIN, JOHN SWORD, M.B., CM. 1878, M.D. 1881. Barnard Castle, Durham ; Withington, Lanes. ; died at Airdrie some years previous to 1894. MAIN, ROBERT, CM. 1834, M.D. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MAIN, ROBERT, B.Sc. 1891. Manager and Chemist, etc., Nitrate Mine, Iquique, South America. MAIN, THOMAS, CM. 1825. " Filius natu quartus Jacobi agricolae in Par. de Slamannan com. de Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 1819]. MAIN, THOMAS, D.D. 1880. Minister of (1) Kilmarnock, (2) Free Church there, (3) St. Mary's Free Church, Edinburgh; died 28th May, 1881. MAINE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1770. " Filius natu maximus Samuelis quondam Agricolae in Comitatu de Downe, Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1763]. MAINWARING, EDWARD VINCENT, M.D. 1842. Bournemouth; formerly in H.E.I.C. Service. MAIR, ALEXANDER, B.A. 1856, M.A. 1857, D.D. 1877. U.P. Minister at (1) Stow, (2) Morningside, Edinburgh. MAIR, HUGH, M.A. 1818. (1) Pastor of Presbyterian Churches at Fort-Miller and Northumberland, N.Y., 1828; (2) Pastor at Johnstown, 1830-43; (3) supplied pulpits in Brockport and Warsaw; (4) Pastor of a Church in Fergus, Waterloo Co., Canada, 1847-54; born at Newmilns, Ayrshire, 16th July, 1797; died in Fergus, 1st November, 1854; D.D. New York, 1842. MAIR, JAMES, B.Sc. 1886. (1) Assistant Teacher in Mathieson Street Public School, Glasgow; (2) Science Master in Hutchesons' Grammar School for Boys there; (3) Head Teacher in Tollcross Public School. MAIR, JAMES, M.A. 1889. U.P. Missionary to Rajputana, India. 417 M.B., CM. 1894. B.L. 1881. D.D. 1887. M.B., CM. 1886. ROLL OF GRADUATES MAIR, JAMES, Glasgow ; Dundee. MAIR, JOHN, Writer, Glasgow. MAIR, JOHN, Minister of Southdean, Roxburghshire. MAIR, ROBERT, Tarbolton ; Glasgow ; Hawick. MAIRS, JAMES, M.A. 1788. " Filius natu quartus Joannis in Drumleck, in parochia de Muckno, et comi- tatu de Monaghan, in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1787]. MAITLAND, FREDERIC WILLIAM, LL.D. 1896. Barrister-at-Law of Lincoln's Inn; Downing Professor of the Laws of England in the University of Cambridge; M.A. and LL.D. Cantab. MAITLAND, JAMES, LL.D. 1804. See Lauderdale, Earl of. MAITLAND, JAMES, D.D. 1852. Minister of Kells, Kirkcudbright; born 18th November, 1797; died 21st December, 1872; son of John Garlies Maitland, M.A. (q.v.). MAITLAND, JOHN, M.A. 1758. "Filius Joannis Maitland Olitoris in Urbe Glasgua" [Matric. Alb. 1748]. MAITLAND, JOHN, M.D. 1833. Surgeon-Major, Arm)'; died at Anglesea, Gosport, 23rd January, 1865, aged 57. MAITLAND, JOHN GARLIES, M.A. 1783. Minister of Monigaff; died 29th December, 1835, aged 70. MAKELLAR, ANGUS, D.D. 1835. Minister of (1) Carmunnock, (2) Pencaitland; joined Free Church party in 1843, but held no charge in that body; died 10th May, 1859, aged 79. MAKELLAR, ARCHIBALD, M.D. 1832. " Filius natu secundus Donaldi agricolae in parochia de Glenorchy et comitat. de Argyle" [Matric. Alb. 1829]. MAKELLAR, WILLIAM, B.A. 1838. Minister of the Free Church at Pencaitland, 1843-45, when resigned owing to ill-health ; subsequently a Minister of the Church of Scotland, but not settled in any charge; resident in Edinburgh; died at Biarritz, 5th November, 1896, aged 80; son of Angus Makellar, D.D. (q.v.). MALAN, CAESAR HENRI ABRAHAM, D.D. 1826. Protestant Divine ; became a Pastor of the Swiss State Church and a Regent in the College; born at Geneva, 8th July, 1787; died there, 8th May, 1864. 2 D 4I 8 ROLL OF GRADUATES MALCOLM, ROBERT MORTIMER, M.B., CM. 1891. Glamis, Forfarshire; Belle Fourche, Butte, Dakota, U.S.A.; died 25th December, 1895. MALCOLM, WILLIAM, M.A. 1889. One of the Masters in Kelvinside Academy, Glasgow, 1885-90; Head of the Mathematical, etc., Department in Morgan Academy, Dundee, 1890-94; Director of Technical Education to the County Council of Lanark since 1894. MALCOLMSON, JOHN PORTER, CM. 1826. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MALCOM, ANDREW GEORGE, M.A. 1802, D.D. 1819. Presbyterian Minister of (1) Dunmurry, 1807-08, (2) Newry, 1809-23; born 15th September, 1782; died of fever, 12th January, 1823. MALLESON, JOHN PHILIP, B.A. 1819. Minister of Hanover Street Presbyterian Chapel, Long Acre, London, 1820-22 ; Chaplain to Mrs. Milnes of Fryston Hall, Leeds (grandmother of Lord Houghton), 1822-28; Teacher, Brighton, and Unitarian Minister there, 1828-60; retired to Croydon, i860; died 16th March, 1869, aged 73. MALLEY, WILLIAM SMITH, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MALLOCH, ARCHIBALD EDWARD, M.B. 1867, M.D. 1869. Glasgow; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Hamilton there. MALLOCH, JAMES MACGREGOR, , M.A. 1877, B.L. 1879. Writer in Glasgow. MALTMAN, JOHN, M.A. 1881. Native of Maybole ; intended for Ministry, but laid aside by illness since shortly after graduation. MALTMAN, ROBERT, M.A. 1730. Possibly the same person as Robert Maltman, Teacher in the Grammar School of Glasgow, 1734-60, who died in 1760. MANCOR, ALEXANDER FAITHFULL, M.B., CM. 1871. Glasgow; London; died 12th August, 1891, aged 42. MANFORD, JOHN M'EWAN, M.A. 1891. Student of Medicine; died 20th March, 1895, a ged 22. MANGAN, JAMES, M.D. 1840. Lismore, Co. Waterford; died July, 1867. MANN, JOHN, M.A. 1866. Principal of Kushnagar College, Bengal. MANN, JOHN, M.A. 1884. Chartered Accountant, Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 419 MANNERS, HUGH, M.A. 1888, B.Sc. 1892. Classical Master in Garnethill Public School, Glasgow, 1886-93; Rector of Airdrie Academy since 1893. MANNERS, ROBERT RITCHIE, M.B., CM. 1893. Newsham, Northumberland; died there, 16th October, 1893 (81 days after graduation), aged 22. MANNERS, WILLIAM HENRY, M.B., CM. 1886. Edinburgh ; Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Blyth, Northumberland. MANSFIELD, EARL OF, LL.D. 1754. Hon. William Murray; First Earl; called to English Bar, 1730; M.P. for Boroughbridge, 1742; Solicitor-General, 1743; Attorney-General, 1754; Lord Chief-Justice of England, 1756-88, when retired; his house, with books and manuscripts, destroyed in the Gordon Riots of 1780; born at Scone Abbey, Perth (fourth son of fifth Viscount Stormont), 2nd March, 1704-5; died 20th March, 1793- MANSON, SINCLAIR, M.A. 1873. Licentiate of the Free Church; Librarian of F.C. College, Glasgow, 1868-78; died 15th June, 1878. MANSON, THOMAS, D.D. 1867. Minister of the Original Secession Church, Perth; born 8th February, 1794; died 31st March, 1876. MANUEL, DAVID GILMOUR, M.A. 1880, B.D. 1883. Minister of St. Andrews, Perth. MANUEL, WILLIAM, D.D. 1818. Minister of the Scotch Church, London-Wall, London. MARCHBANK, JOHN, M.A. 1888. Teacher in (1) St. Rollox Public School, Glasgow, (2) Bent Public School, Lesmahagow, (3) The Public School, Dairy, Galloway. MARDON, BENJAMIN, M.A. 1821. Unitarian Minister at (1) Glasgow, 1816-25, ( 2 ) Maidstone, 1825-27; Minister of Baptist Chapel at (1) Worship Street, London, 1827-55, (2) Sidmouth, 1855 to 1866, when he died, aged 74. MARKLAND, ROBERT, M.A. 1858. " Fil. nat. max. Jacobi locatoris in opp. Stewarton in Com . Ayr " [Matric. Alb. 1854]. MARQUIS, DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1884. Strone ; Lochs, Lewis ; Glasgow ; London. MARR, DAVID, M.A. 1824. Minister of Lothian Road Secession Church, Edinburgh; died 17th May, 1834, aged 37. 420 ROLL OF GRADUATES MARR, DONALD M'CALLUM, M.A. 1880, LL.B. 1883. Writer, residing at Dunarden, Bearsden. MARR, HAMILTON CLELLAND, M.B., CM. 1892, M.D. 1895. Lenzie ; Dumfries ; Lenzie. MARR, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1891. Coylton ; Bombay. MARR, JAMES, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in U.P. College, Edinburgh. MARR, JOHN, M.A. 1797. " Filius Natu Secundus Gulielmi Agricolae in parochia de Maghera, comitatu de London Derry in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1794]. MARR, JOHNSTON, CM. 1840. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. MARRIOTT, OSBORNE DELANO, M.B., CM. 1865, M.D. 1880. Sevenoaks, Kent. MARRS, JOHN, M.A. 1775. "Filius natu maximus Gulielmi Agricolae in parochia de Kirk Andrews & Comitatu de Cumberland" [Matric. Alb. 1772]. MARSH, ERNEST LOUIS, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow; Bombay. MARSHAL, JOHN, M.A. 1730. Possibly the same person as John Marshal, Presbyterian Minister at Ballyclare. MARSHALL, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1775. Possibly the same person as Alexander Marshall, Presbyterian Minister, Mayo. MARSHALL, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1810. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MARSHALL, ALEXANDER, CM. 1834. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. MARSHALL, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1851. Practitioner in Kilmarnock for 42 years; born 17th February, 1827; died 1 6th April, 1894. MARSHALL, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1872. Minister of (1) Hurlford, (2) Callander, (3) Inveresk, (4) Scots Church, Melbourne; D.D. Edin. 1895. MARSHALL, ANDREW, M.D. 1834. Belfast; Assistant-Surgeon, R.N., 1802. MARSHALL, ANDREW, M.D. 1864, CM. 1865. Preston, Lanes.; J.P. ; died 18th June, 1893, aged 52. ROLL OF GRADUATES 421 MARSHALL, BUCHANAN, M.A. 1821, M.D. 1823, CM. 1830. Liverpool; died 3rd March, 1863. MARSHALL, CAMPBELL SAMSON, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. MARSHALL, FUTT, M.A. 1776. Presbyterian Minister at Ballyclare, Co. Antrim, 1785 to 1813; died 1813. MARSHALL, GEORGE, M.D. 1849. Pettigo, Co. Donegal; Wollongong, N.S. Wales; Sydney. MARSHALL, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow. MARSHALL, GEORGE HENRY, M.D. 1838. Kington, Herefordshire; Birmingham; died 31st July, 1884, aged 70. MARSHALL, HENRY, M.D. 1839. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MARSHALL, HUGH, M.A. 1788. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MARSHALL, HUMPHREY, M.A. 1745. " Humphredi F. in Wellington in Com. Somerset Gen." [Matric. Alb. 1739]- MARSHALL, JAMES, M.A. 1763. MARSHALL, JAMES, CM. 1828. " Fil. max. Jacobi Chirurgae, Com. de Lancaster" [Matric. Alb. 1822]. MARSHALL, JAMES, M.A. 1878, B.D. 1880. F.C. Minister at Grant's House. MARSHALL, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow; Egremont, Cumberland; Glasgow; Halifax, Yorks. MARSHALL, JOHN, M.A. 1767. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MARSHALL, JOHN, LL.D. 1876. Lord Curriehill, one of the Judges of the Court of Session ; died 5th November, 1881, aged 54. MARSHALL, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1885. Bo'ness ; Bridgend, Glam. MARSHALL, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1896. Hamilton; son of John Sommerville Marshall, M.D. (q.v.). MARSHALL, JOHN ALBERT, B.L. 1888. Writer, Glasgow. MARSHALL, JOHN NAIRN, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1885. Glasgow ; London ; Galston ; Rothesay. 422 ROLL OF GRADUATES MARSHALL, JOHN RODERICK, M.B., CM. 1887. Crieff; Silksworth, Durham ; Truro, Cornwall ; Bo'ness. MARSHALL, JOHN SOMMERVILLE, M.D. 1861, CM. 1863. Hamilton. MARSHALL, JOHN WILSON, M.A. 1879. Classical Lecturer in University College, Aberystwyth j Snell Exhibitioner, 1879; B.A. Oxon. 1883; M.A. 1886; Degree Examiner on Classics in Glasgow University, 1890-93; Preliminary Examiner on Classics therein, 1893-97; son of Alexander Marshall, M.D. 1851 (q.v.). MARSHALL, JOSEPH GARIBALDI, M.B., CM. 1885. Dumfries; died at Moffat, 4th July, 1896, aged 35. MARSHALL, PETER, M.D. 1830. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MARSHALL, PETER, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow ; Umsikaba, Flagstaff, via Kokstad, E. Griqualand, S. Africa ; Lusikisiki there. MARSHALL, ROBERT, M.A. 1749, M.D. 1765. Glasgow. MARSHALL, ROBERT JAMES, M.B., CM. 1891, M.D. 1896. Girvan ; London ; Huelva, Spain. MARSHALL, ROBERT M'FARLANE, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow ; Oldham, Lanes. ; Newton Heath there. MARSHALL, THEODORE, M.A. 1864. Minister of Caputh, 1869-93; Home Mission and Endowment Deputy of the Church of Scotland since 1893. MARSHALL, THOMAS, M.D. 1822. Glasgow (sometime Assistant to his uncle, Professor James Jeffray (q.v.) ; Helensburgh; died 2nd August, 1862. MARSHALL, THOMAS, M.A. 1888. F.C. Minister of (1) Loudoun, Ayrshire, (2) Dalziel Church, Motherwell. MARSHALL, THOMAS BURNS, M.B., CM. 1894. Longriggend. MARSHALL, WILLIAM, CM. 1826, M.D. 1833. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MARSHALL, WILLIAM, M.D. 1861. Glasgow ; London. MARSHALL, WILLIAM, M.D. 1864, CM. 1871. Braemar ; Crathie (Resident Medical Officer at Balmoral Castle) ; Windsor Castle (Resident Medical Attendant to Her Majesty and Royal Family) ; Crieff. ROLL OF GRADUATES 423 MARSHALL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1881. (a) Teacher in Glasgow Public Schools, viz., (1) Kennedy Street, (2) Oakbank, (3) Woodside; (b) Head Master of (1) Wellpark Public School there, (2) City Public School there. MARSHALL, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1887. Ebchester, Co. Durham. MARSHALL, WILLIAM GRAY, M.A. 1882, M.B., CM. 1884. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow. MARSTON, JOHN WESTLAND, LL.D. 1863. Dramatic poet and litterateur ; author of The Patrician's Daughter, etc. ; born at Boston, Lines., 30th January, 1819; died at London, 6th January, 1890; father of Philip Bourke Marston, the blind poet. MARTIN, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1872, B.D. 1875. Preacher of the Gospel and private Teacher ; prevented by ill-health from taking any fixed charge ; residence, Holehouse, Neilston. MARTIN, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1880. Kirkintilloch; Go van; Helmsdale; Kirkintilloch; died there, 13th December, 1895. MARTIN, ALLAN, M.A. 1895. Student of Medicine. MARTIN, DAVID, M.A. 1821. " Filius natu minimus Davidis agricolae in parochia de Mullabrack in comitatu de Armagh" [Matric. Alb. 18 18]. MARTIN, GAVIN, M.A. 1858. " Fil. nat. tert. Jacobi Agricolae in com. de Lanark" [Matric. Alb. 1854]. MARTIN, GAVIN HAMILTON, M.A. 1890. Teacher, Coatbridge; died 25th June, 1894. MARTIN, GEORGE, M.A. 1841. "Filius natu 2 US Gulielmi Lictoris apud Glasgow" [Matric. Alb. 1834]. MARTIN, JAMES, M.A. 1770. "Gulielmi Filius natu maximus Agricolae in Parochia de Billey in Com. de Antrim, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1766]. MARTIN, JAMES, CM. 1840. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. MARTIN, JAMES, M.A. 1886. (1) Teacher in Hutchesons' Grammar School, Glasgow, 1886-91; (2) Teacher in Whitehill School, Dennistoun, Glasgow, 1892-96; (3) Cashier in Kinning Park Iron Works, Glasgow, since 1896. MARTIN, JAMES ALEXANDER, M.D. 1857. Glasgow; Caulfield, Victoria, Australia; Melbourne; Cambuslang; died 16th November, 1878, aged 43. 424 ROLL OF GRADUATES MARTIN, JOHN, M.A. 1781. "Natus in Hibernia filius natu maximus Danielis Agricolae in parochia de Billy Comitatu de Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1779]. MARTIN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1885. Kirkintilloch ; Dalbeattie ; Thorne, Yorks. ; Haywood, Lanarkshire ; Kirk- intilloch. MARTIN, JOHN GIBSON, Ch.B. 1822. "Hibernia" [Grad. Alb.]. MARTIN, JOHN HOWIE, M.A. 1889, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. MARTIN, JOSEPH, M.A. 1810. "Filius Natu Maximus Gulielmi in parochia de Anaghlone in comitatu de Down in Hyb." [Matric. Alb. 1807]. MARTIN, LAURENCE, M.D. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MARTIN, MATTHEW, M.B., CM. 1882. Glasgow. MARTIN, ROBERT, M.A. 1760. " Filius natu maximus Jacobi quondam Quaestoris Apparatuum Bellicorum in Castello Dublinensi" [Matric. Alb. 1759]. MARTIN, ROBERT, CM. 1818. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MARTIN, SAMUEL MACDONALD, - M.D. 1835. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MARTIN, THOMAS, M.D. 1837. Black watertown, Co. Armagh; died previous to 1889. MARTIN, THOMAS, M.A. 1868. Minister of (1) New Parish, Rothesay, (2) St. Paul's, Dundee, (3) Lauder. MARTIN, THOMAS, M.A. 1894. Teacher in (1) Napiershall School, Glasgow, (2) Pupil Teachers' Institute there; also qualifying for LL.B. Degree. MARTIN, THOMAS MILBOURNE, M.B., CM. 1891. Ship Surgeon; Sunderland; South Shields. MARTIN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1776. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MARTIN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1883. Kirkintilloch; Thorne, Yorks. MARTIN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1892, B.Sc. 1895. M.B., CM. 1897. MARTIN, WILLIAM FERRIER, M.A. 1882, U.P. Missionary to (1) Rajputana, India, (2) Jamaica. ROLL OF GRADUATES 425 MARTIN, WILLIAM KIRK, CM. 1819. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MARTYN, HARRY SOMERVILLE, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in Regent's Park (Baptist) College, London, and Student of Medicine in Glasgow University. MARUCHEAU, JULES MARCUS, M.D. 1844. " Filius natu quintus Petri Agricolae in insula de Sanct. Lucia " [Matric. Alb. 1837]. MARWICK, DAVID WILLIAM, M.A. 1881, LL.B. 1884. W.S., Edinburgh; son of Sir James David Marwick, LL.D. (q.v.). MARWICK, SIR JAMES DAVID, LL.D. 1878. S.S.C. ; Town Clerk of (1) Edinburgh, 1860-73, ( 2 ) Glasgow since 1873; K.B. 1888; born 1826. MASCART, ELEUTHERE, LL.D. 1896. Professor of Physics in the College of France, Paris; Official Head of Meteorology in France. MASON, ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1896. Strathaven. MASON, GEORGE, B.A. 1837. "Filius natu maximus Joannis jurisconsulti in Killarney et comitatu de Kerry" [Matric. Alb. 1831]. MASON, HENRY, M.B., CM. 1884, M.D. 1888. Glasgow ; Leicester. MASON, JAMES, M.D. 1864. Barrowden, Rutlandshire ; Sheffield : sometime Lecturer on Botany and Physiology in School of Medicine there. MASON, MATTHEW, M.D., CM. 1863. Cambuslang; Old Kilpatrick; died 1st October, 187 1. MASON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1891. Strathaven. MASSY, RICHARD TUTHILL, M.D. 1844. Worcester; Sydenham; Surbiton ; Wimbledon; Brighton; Redhill, Surrey; Brighton; died 17th February, 1886. MASTERTON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow; Hartwood, Lanarkshire. MASUDA, REISAKU, B.Sc. 1878. Engineer, Government Railway Department, Tokio, Japan. MATHER, BENJAMIN, M.A. 1731. Son of Rev. Cotton Mather, D.D., Boston, New England. 426 ROLL OF GRADUATES MATHER, GEORGE RITCHIE, M.D. 1861. Glasgow; died (while present at the Annual Dinner of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons) 29th November, 1895. MATHER, HORATIO, CM. 1826. Newton-in-Mackerfield, Lanes. ; died 20th April, 1864. MATHER, MATTHEW, M.D. 1829. Glasgow: sometime Medical Superintendent, Barnhill Poorhouse; died 25th December, 1863. MATHER, ROBERT COTTON, M.A. 1831, LL.D. 1862. Congregational Missionary at (1) Calcutta, (2) Benares, (3) Mirzapore, and Editor of the Hindustanee Reference Bible; born at New Windsor, Manchester, 8th November, 1808; died at Finchley, London, 21st April, 1877. MATHER, WILLIAM, M.A. 1821. Minister of (1) Stanley, (2) Free Church there; died 25th September, 1877. MATHESON, GEORGE, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862, B.D. 1866. Minister of (1) Innellan, (2) St. Bernard's, Edinburgh; D.D. Edin. 1879. MATHESON, HUGH, M.A. 1878, B.D. 1886. (1) Teacher in Glasgow; (2) F.C. Minister at Lybster since 1887. MATHESON, JOHN COLIN, M.B., CM. 1894. Salen, Argyllshire; London. MATHEWS, JOHN, M.D. 1850. Manchester. MATHEWS, SAMUEL, M.A. 1812. "Fil. n. Tertius Samuelis Agricolae in par. de Irdstraw in comitatu de Tyronne" [Matric. Alb. 1809]. MATHEWS, THOMAS LOWTHER, M.D. 1854. Glasgow; Manchester. MATHIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1888. Bilston, Staffs. MATHIE, JOHN WILSON, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow. MATHIESON, ALEXANDER LEWIS, M.B., CM. 1886. Clachan, Kintyre; Glasgow; Sheffield. MATHIESON, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1889. Clachan, Kintyre ; Tarbert, Argyllshire ; Clachan ; Stafford. MATHISON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1814, D.D. 1837. Minister of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Montreal, Canada; born at Renton, Dumbartonshire, 1st October, 1795; died at Montreal, 14th February, 1870. ROLL OF GRADUATES 427 MATTHEWS, DAVID, B.Sc. 1879. M.B., CM. Edin. 1880; Ship Surgeon; Glenluce. MATTHEWS, JAMES NELSON, M.B., CM. 1890. Ship Surgeon ; Cape Colony ; Caistor ; London ; Dromore, Co. Down ; London. MATTHEWS, NICHOLAS BLAYNEY, CM. 1838, M.D. 1842. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MATTHEWSON, GILBERT, M.A. 1769. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MAUNSELL, HENRY, M.D. 1831. Dublin ; sometime Professor of Midwifery in Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland; First Registrar of Branch Medical Council for Ireland; died 27th September, 1879, aged 73. MAVOR, JAMES, M.A. 1871. Licentiate of the Free Church ; Principal of private Academy at Pollok- shields, Glasgow, 1871-79; born 1828; died 1879. MAWHINNY, JOHN, CM. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MAXTON, JAMES, CM. 1838. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb,]. MAXTON, JOHN, CM. 1830. Surgeon to Calcutta Police and Hospital; Coroner; Surgeon to Customs, etc.; Edinburgh; London; Lochwinnoch; Edinburgh; died 6th December, 1882. MAXWELL, ANDREW, M.A. 18 10. "Filius natu Maximus Viri Reverendi Andreae Pastoris apud Ardstraw in comitatu de Tyrone" [Matric. Alb. 1805]. MAXWELL, DAVID, M.A. 1767. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MAXWELL, DAVID, M.A. 1805. Irish Presbyterian Minister at (1) Drumkeen previous to 181 2, (2) New- townards, 1812-59; died nth October, 1859. MAXWELL, HENRY, M.A. 1754. "Filius natu 2 dus quondam Roberti Maxwell de Fellowshall in Parochia de Tynan in Com. de Armagh" [Matric. Alb. 1749]. MAXWELL, JAMES, M.D. 1845. Derrylin, Co. Fermanagh; died 1880. MAXWELL, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1888. Shotts; Tobermory, Mull. MAXWELL, JOHN, M.D. 1823. Glasgow; gave an affirmation instead of the oath; died 1843. 428 ROLL OF GRADUATES MAXWELL, JOSEPH, M.D. 1832. Omagh, Co. Tyrone; died 20th July, 1888, aged 81. MAXWELL, PATRICK, M.A. 175 1. Minister of (1) Gorbals, (2) New Monkland ; died 4th May, 1793. MAXWELL, PATRICK, M.A. 1767. " Filius natu alter Joannis, Agricolae, in parochia de Ochterairder, in comit. de Perth" [Matric. Alb. 1760]. MAXWELL, PATRICK, B.A. 1844. East India Company's Service; retired as a Major-General. MAXWELL, SAMUEL, M.D. 1780. "Has practised Physic and Surgery extensively in a Country place" [Uni- versity Minute, 9th August, 1780]. MAXWELL, THOMAS, M.A. 1750. Minister of Stewarton ; died 13th March, 1796. MAXWELL, THOMAS, M.D. 1844. Guildford, Surrey. MAXWELL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1875. Minister of Cardross. MAXWELL, SIR WILLIAM STIRLING, BART., LL.D. 1873. Of Keir; ninth Baronet; Dean of Faculties in Glasgow University, 1857 to i860; Chancellor, 1875 to 1878; M.P. for Perthshire; born at Kenmure, near Glasgow, 8th March, 1818; died at Venice, 15th January, 1878; K.T. ; D.C.L. Oxon. 1876; LL.D. Edin. 1861. MAYBERRY, GEORGE MAHONY, M.D. 1838. Kenmare, Co. Kerry; died 1880. MAYBURY, THOMAS DUCKETT, M.D. 1838. Killarney, Co. Kerry; Tralee, same Co. MAYNE, EDWARD, M.A. 1798. " Filius natu maximus Jacobi Armigeri de Powis Logie Clackmannan " [Matric. Alb. 1794 and 1795]. MAYNE, HUGH, M.A. 1815. "Filius Natu Minimus Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Saintfield in comitatu de Down" [Matric. Alb. 181 1]. MAYNE, JOHN, M.D. 1837. Alloa; Holmes Chapel, Cheshire; Dalton, Lanes.; died 1885. MAYNE, JOSEPH, M.A. 1768. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MAYNE, ROBERT GRAY, LL.D. 1867. M.D. Leyden; Leeds. MAYWOOD, ROBERT, M.D. 1786. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 429 MAYZS, GEORGE, B.A. 1850, M.A. 185 1. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MEADE, PATRICK JOSIAS, CM. 1825. "Hybernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MEAGHER, JOHN, M.D. 1787. " Tipperariensis in Hibernia" [Grad. Alb.]. MECHAN, ARTHUR, M.B., CM. 1879. Haltwhistle, Northumberland ; Glasgow. MECHAN, JOSEPH, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow; Erith, Kent; London. MECREDY, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1766. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MECREDY, ROBERT DEAN WILLS, M.B., CM. 1879. Gosforth, Northumberland ; Nettlesworth, Co. Durham. MEEK, GEORGE, M.A. 1797. "Fil. n. max. Joannis Chirurgi in Vico de Falkirk et Com. de Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 1792]. MEEK, JAMES, D.D. 1781. Preacher in College Chapel, Glasgow, 1763-65 ; Minister of (1) Lesmahagow, 1766-74, (2) Cambuslang, 1774 to 1810: Dean of Faculties in Glasgow University, 1780-2, 1784-6, 1788-90, 1792-4, and 1798-1800; died 21st June, 1810, aged 71. MEEK, WILLIAM, D.D. 1802. Minister of (1) Torphichen, (2) Hamilton; died 5th February, 1837, aged 64. MEEKINGS, JOHN FREDERICK, M.D. 1834. Dublin. MEESON, HENRY ASHTON, M.D. 1838. " Anglus " [Grad. Alb.]. MEHARG, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1800. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Stonebridge ; ordained 1804; suspended 1819 for irregularities ; subsequently deposed from the Ministry of the Congregation. MEIGHAN, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1884. Glasgow; died 1888. MEIGHAN, THOMAS SPENCE, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1874. London ; Glasgow (Lecturer on Ophthalmic Surgery in Anderson's College). MEIKLE, ANDREW WINGATE, M.A. 1888. Electrical Engineer, Glasgow. MEIKLE, JAMES, M.A. 1883, B.D. 1886. Minister of Alyth since 1897. MEIKLE, MATTHEW, M.A. 1855. Minister of Fintry; died 28th November, 1895. 43 o ROLL OF GRADUATES MEIKLE, WILLIAM, CM. 1825. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MEIKLEHAM, DAVID SCOTT, M.D. 1833. Son of Professor William Meikleham (q.v.); Snell Exhibitioner, 1822; B.A. Oxon. 1826; M.A. 1829; Medical Practitioner in America; born 6th January, 1804; died in America at an early age. MEIKLEHAM, GEORGE CUNINGHAME, M.D. 1841. Inspector-General, Army; born 9th January, 1820; died at Southsea, 30th December, 1895; son of Professor William Meikleham (q.v.). MEIKLEHAM, JOHN, M.A. 1823. Graduated as "M'llquham"; U.P. Minister at Grange, Keith; died 1 2th April, 1879, aged 75. MEIKLEHAM, WILLIAM, M.A. 1792, LL.D. 1799. Sometime Rector of Ayr Academy; thereafter Professor in the University of Glasgow, of (1) Astronomy, 1799 to 1803, (2) Natural Philosophy, 1803 to 1846; died 7th May, 1846, aged 75; graduated M.A. as "M'llquham." MEIKLEHAM, WILLIAM, M.A. 1820, LL.B. 1839. Writer in Glasgow; Clerk of College, 1831-44; Clerk of Senate, 1831-45; also Factor for Hamilton Bursaries; born 7th February, 1802; went to Canada, and died there circa 185 1; son of Professor William Meikleham (q.v.). MEIKLEJOHN, JOHN, M.A. 1873. Minister of (1) U.P. Church, Kirkmuirhill, Lanarkshire, 1874-88, (2) Pres- byterian Church, Dorcas Street, South Melbourne. MEIKLEM, JAMES, M.A. 1840. Minister of Brownfield Mission Church, Glasgow, 1844-69; died July, 1869. MEIKLEM, ROBERT, B.A. 1856, M.A. 1857, B.D. 1867. Minister of Drumelzier ; born 12th October, 1833; died 28th December, 1873. MELVEN, ANDREW, M.A. 1731. Probably the same person as Andrew Melvin, A.M., Library Keeper to the University of Glasgow, 1756-57, who died 26th January, 1757 [Univ. Minutes, 22nd January, 1756, and 1st February, 1757]. MELVILL, ROBERT, M.A. 1791. " Filius natu Maximus Davidis Mercatoris in Urbe Dublinensi" [Matric. Alb. 1788]. MELVILL, THOMAS, M.A. 1744. Probably the same person as Thomas Melvill, experimental philosopher, who died at Geneva, December, 1753. MELVILLE, ALEXANDER PATRICK, M.A. 1890. W.S., Edinburgh ; son of Andrew Melville, D.D. (q.v.). MELVILLE, ANDREW, M.A. 1822. Unitarian Minister at Ipswich; died about the age of 30. ROLL OF GRADUATES 43 1 MELVILLE, ANDREW, D.D. 1888. Minister of (1) Free Church, Alva, 1865-69, (2) St. Enoch's Free Church, Glasgow, 1869-89; Principal Clerk of Free Church General Assembly since 1884; Secretary of Sustentation Fund since 1889. MELVILLE, PETER, M.A. 1865, B.D. 1869. Parish Missionary, Rothesay, 1869; Parish Assistant, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 1870-71; Parish Minister, Georgetown, Prince Edward Island, 1872- 75; Colony Minister, New Kincardine, New Brunswick, 1876-79; Parish Minister, Stanley and Nashwaak, New Brunswick, 1879-81 ; Parish Minister, St. Columba, Hopewell, Nova Scotia, 1881-91 ; Parish Minister of Rendall, Orkney, since 1892. MENISH, HENRY, M.D. 1763. " Filius natu secundus Gulielmi Chyrurgi in Urbe Wellington Comitatu de Somerset" [Matric. Alb. 1757]. MENZIES, ALEXANDER M., M.D., CM. 1835. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MENZIES, ALLAN, D.D. 1889. Minister of Abernyte, 1873-90; Professor of Divinity in St. Mary's College, St. Andrews, since 1889; B.D. Edin. 1869. MENZIES, DAVID MACKINLAY, M.A. 1886. Of the Middle Temple, London. MENZIES, JOHN, CM. 1838. Pollokshaws; died 1872. MENZIES, JOSEPH HOME, M.B. 1865, M.D. 1867. Glasgow; died 1885. MENZIES, JOSEPH HUME, M.A. 1895. Student of Law. MENZIES, PETER SINCLAIR, B.A. 1858, M.A. 1861. Minister of (1) High Church, Paisley, (2) St. George's-in-the-Fields, Glasgow, (3) Scots Church, Melbourne; born 1st November, 1839; died 23rd February, 1874; son of William Menzies, D.D. 1851 (q.v.). MENZIES, THOMAS, CM. 1822. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MENZIES, THOMAS JAMES, M.A. 1881, B.Sc. 1885. (1) Science Master in Hutchesons' Grammar School, Glasgow; (2) Head Master of Stonelaw Public School, Rutherglen ; (3) Rector of Stranraer Academy, Stranraer; (4) Lecturer on Science in St. James's Public School, Glasgow. MENZIES, WILLIAM, D.D. 1851. Minister of (1) East Church, Greenock, (2) Maybole; died 15th April, 1870, aged 74. MENZIES, WILLIAM, D.D. 1855. Minister of Keir, 1827-69; born 9th September, 1797; died 6th November, 1869. 432 ROLL OF GRADUATES MERCER, ALEXANDER, D.D. 1786. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Dungannon, 1772-76; thereafter "Rector of a distinguished Academy in the neighbourhood of Dublin " [University Minute]. MERCER, ROBERT, M.D. 1824. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MERROW, DAVID SCRIBNER, M.A. 1891, B.D. 1894. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. MERRY, GEORGE ROSS, LL.D. 1887. Classical Master in Edinburgh Academy, 1870-83 ; Rector of the High School of Dundee since 1883; Preliminary Examiner on English in Glasgow University, 1892-95; B.A. Oxon. 1870; M.A. 1882. MERRY, ROBERT, M.A. 1790. Described in University Minute of 10th June, 1790, as "a Gentleman of distinguished Literature"; doubtless the same person as Robert Merry, dilettante (versifier, playwright, and epigrammatist), who in 1791 married Elizabeth Brunton, the actress; born in London, April, 1755; died in Baltimore, 14th December, 1798. MERRYLEES, CHARLES JAMES TENNANT, M.A. 1887. F.C. Minister at Bainsford, Falkirk. MESHAM, WILLIAM ROBERT, M.D. 1826. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. METCALFE, FRANCIS RALPH, M.D. 1839. "Ex Ind. Ori." [Grad. Alb.]. METCALFE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1891, B.D. 1892. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. MICHELL, HUMPHREY, M.D. 1834. Dublin; died 26th September, 1877. MICHELL, WILLIAM C, M.D. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MIDDLETON, ARTHUR STANLEY, M.A. 1895. Student of Theology in Glasgow University. MIDDLETON, GEORGE, M.A. 1885, B.L. 1891, LL.B. 1892. Writer, Glasgow. MIDDLETON, GEORGE STEVENSON, M.B., CM. 1876, M.D. 1884. M.A. Aberdeen; Glasgow (Assistant to Professor of Practice of Medicine in the University, 1881-92). MIDDLETON, JOHN, M.A. 1896. Student of Law. MIDDLETON, ROBERT WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1878. Thornhill, Dumfriesshire; London; Southsea, ROLL OF GRADUATES 433 MIDDLETON, THOMAS HUDSON, B.Sc. 1883. Professor of Agriculture in Baroda College, Baroda, India, 1889-96; Lecturer on Agriculture in University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, since 1896. MIDDLETON, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1862. Mullingar, Co. Westmeath ; Killucan, same Co. MIKLES, SAMUEL, M.D. 1742. Practitioner in London. MILES, CHARLES POPHAM, M.D. 1854. Curate of (1) St. Ann, Limehouse, London, 1837-39, ( 2 ) St. Luke, Chelsea, 1839-41, (3) Bishopwearmouth, 1841-43, (4) St. Jude's, Glasgow, 1843-58; Princi- pal of Protestant College, Malta, 1858-67; Vicar of Monkwearmouth, 1867-83; Honorary Canon of Durham, 1882-91; F.L.S. ; died 10th July, 1891, aged 81. MILES, JOHN, M.A. 1781. "(Natus in Hybernia) Filius natu Secundus Joannis Armigeri de Rochestoun in parochia de Ardfinnin et comitatu de Tiperary" [Matric. Alb. 1778]. MILES, JOHN, M.A. 1796. "Hybernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MILLAR, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1879. Farmer, Huntly Farm, Longforgan. MILLAR, ANDREW, M.A. 1883. F.C. Minister at Kincardine O'Neil. MILLAR, ARTHUR DAVID, M.A. 1888. (1) Assistant Classical Master, Ayr Academy; (2) Classical Master, Campbel- town Grammar School; (3) Classical Master, Spier's School, Beith. MILLAR, DUNCAN M'FADYEN, M.B., CM. 1893. Greenock. MILLAR, GAVIN, M.A. 1777. " Filius natu quartus Hugonis Agricolae in Parochia de Lesmahago in Comitatu de Lanark" [Matric. Alb, 1773]. MILLAR, HENRY, M.A. 1731. Minister of Neilston, 1737-71; died 13th November, 1771; the originator of the inkle manufacture in the parish ; brother of Andrew Millar, the well-known London bookseller. MILLAR, JAMES, M.A. 1788. One of the Physicians of the Dispensary at Edinburgh, and a litterateur ot some reputation ; Original Projector and Editor of Encyclopedia Edhiensis, etc.; M.D. Edin. 1795; born at Ayr, 1762; died of fever at Edinburgh, July, 1827. MILLAR, JAMES, M.D. 1842. Glasgow ; Gourock ; Edinburgh. 2 E 434 ROLL OF GRADUATES MILLAR, JAMES, M.B. 1870, M.D. 1874. Paisley; Glasgow; Belford, Northumberland; Warkworth there; died 1886. MILLAR, JAMES, M.A. 1879, B.D. 1884. Minister of New Cumnock. MILLAR, JAMES, M.A. 1896. Student of Medicine. MILLAR, JAMES BINNIE, M.B., CM. 1893. Newmains ; Overtown. MILLAR, JAMES GARDNER, M.A. 1876. LL.B. Edin. 1880; Advocate, Edinburgh. MILLAR, JOHN, B.A. 1844. "Filius natu maximus Gul. Millar, Agricolae in com. de Londonderry, Hibernus" [Matric. Alb. 1838]. MILLAR, JOHN, LL.D. 1876. Advocate; one of the Judges of the Court of Session, under title of Lord Craighill; died at Edinburgh, 22nd September, 1888, aged 71. MILLAR, JOHN NELSON, M.B., CM. 1871. Glasgow; Wombwell, Yorks. MILLAR, PETER KERR, M.A. 1886. Belonged to Paisley; intended for the Ministry; died 15th January, 1887, aged 23. MILLAR, RICHARD, M.D. 1789. Of Wellhouse; Teacher of Materia Medica in the University of Glasgow, (1) as Lecturer, 1791 to 1831, (2) as Professor, 1831 to 1833; died 1833. MILLAR, THOMAS, M.A. 1800. "Filius natu quartus Alexandri, agricolae apud Kiltinny, in parochia de Macosquin, in comitatu de Derry in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1799]. MILLAR, WILLIAM, M.A. 1741. "F, Gul. Millar in paroch. de Kilmaurs in Comit. Air" [Matric. Alb. 1737]. MILLAR, WILLIAM, M.A. 1760. "Filius natu max. Gulielmi, Glasgua Civis" [Matric. Alb. 1754]. MILLAR, WILLIAM, M.D. 1767. " Of Antigua, who is at present in Glasgow " [Univ. Minute, 17th November, 1767]. MILLAR, WILLIAM, CM. 1827. Ahoghill, Co. Antrim; died 7th August, 1863. MILLAR, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Tottenham, Middlesex. MILLEN, EBENEZER, B.A. 1854, M.A. 1855. Teacher, Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 435 MILLER, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1880. Minister of St. Andrew's Scots Presbyterian Church, Sydney, New South Wales. MILLER, ALFRED EDWARD, M.B., CM. 1885. Helensburgh ; Douglas, Isle of Man ; Laxey there. MILLER, ARTHUR WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Glasgow; London. MILLER, DAVID, M.A. 1878. F.C. Minister at Stranraer. MILLER, DAVID, M.A. 1885, B.L. 1888, LL.B. 1889. Writer, Glasgow. MILLER, DAVID RAMSAY, M.B., CM. 1893. Ship Surgeon; Glasgow. MILLER, DONALD, M.A. 1866. F.C. Minister at Genoa. MILLER, EBENEZER, M.A. 1823. (1) Tutor for four years in the Independent Seminary at Blackburn; (2) Minister of the Independent Congregation, Old Gravel Lane, London, 1827-31 ; (3) Head of London Missionary Society Institution for training of Missionaries, 1831-39; (4) Minister of the English Congregation at Rotterdam, 1839-46; (5) F.C. Missionary at Cape Town, 1846-50; (6) F.C. Missionary at Chinsurah, India, 1850-57; died on voyage to Australia for his health, 26th March, 1857, aged 78. MILLER, EDWARD, M.A. 1896. F.C. Minister at Newtyle since 1896. MILLER, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1887. Motherwell ; Willington, Durham ; Salford, Lanes. MILLER, HARRY COLIN, M.A. 1883. Organist of Skelmorlie U.P. Church, and Teacher and Lecturer on Acoustics and History of Music in the Glasgow Athenaeum School of Music ; Euing Lecturer on Music in Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College; Mus. Bac. Lond. 1888. MILLER, HENRY, M.A., M.D. 1752. Surgeon in Kirkcaldy. MILLER, HENRY, M.A. 1769. Possibly the same person as Henry Miller, Presbyterian Minister at Glendermot, Co. Derry, 1776 to 1820, and who died 1st January, 182 1. MILLER, HUGH, M.D. 1861. Bombay. MILLER, HUGH, M.D. 1864. Glasgow; died 5th January, 1888, aged 53. 436 ROLL OF GRADUATES MILLER, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1871, M.D. 1875. Birkenhead; died at Rowallan, Saltcoats, 28th October, 1892, aged 47. MILLER, HUGH, M.A. 1878. F.C. Minister at Shandon. MILLER, HUGH, M.A. 1887. Teacher in (1) Kinning Park Public School, Glasgow, (2) Harmony Row Public School, Govan, (3) Bellahouston Academy. MILLER, JAMES, M.D. 1803. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MILLER, JAMES, B.A. 1853. "Fil. nat. max. Jacobi vinarii in Middlesex" [Matric. Alb. 1850]. MILLER, JAMES, M.D., CM. 1862. Beith; London; died 7th August, 1882, aged 43. MILLER, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1894. Dundee. MILLER, JAMES CARLILE, B.Sc. 1890. Manufacturing Chemist, Glasgow. MILLER, JAMES HENDERSON, M.A. 1881. (a) Teacher in F.C. Normal School, Glasgow; (b) Head Master of (1) School in Irvine, (2) Partick Academy, (3) Rockvilla Public School, Glasgow, (4) Well- park Public School there. MILLER, JAMES ROBERT M'CHEYNE, M.A. 1887, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. MILLER, JOHN, • M.A. 1824. "F. n. 7 mus Jacobi Artif. Kilmaurs, Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1820]. MILLER, JOHN, M.A. 1834. "Scoticus" [Grad. Alb.]. MILLER, JOHN, M.D. 1844. Rothesay. MILLER, JOHN, M.A. 1861. F.C. Minister at Duns. MILLER, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1872, M.D. 1876. Morpeth ; Glasgow. MILLER, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1891. Lancaster ; Stewarton ; Harthill. MILLER, JOHN, M.A. 1896. Classical and English Master in Ladyland School, Maybole. MILLER, JOHN FRAME, M.A. 1885. F.C. Minister at Millerston. 437 M.A. 1884. M.A. 1893. M.D. 1878. M.B., CM. 1882. M.A. 1824. ROLL OF GRADUATES MILLER, JOHN HAMILTON, English Presbyterian Minister at Belford. MILLER, JOHN HARRY, F.C. Minister at Elie, Fife. MILLER, JOHN LINDSAY, Launceston, Tasmania; J. P.; Melbourne. MILLER, JOHN MOIR, London ; Glasgow ; Largs. MILLER, MATTHEW, "F. n. 2 ndus Jacobi Mercatoris, Glasgow" [Matric. Alb. 1820]. MILLER, OLIVER, M.A. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MILLER, ROBERT, CM. 1832. London; Gait, Canada; London; died 16th January, 1894, aged 87. MILLER, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1884. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow ; Hull ; Blackpool ; London. MILLER, ROBERT, M.A. 1887, M.B., CM. 1889. Dundee. MILLER, ROBERT ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1885. Coatbridge ; Lossiemouth ; Edinburgh. MILLER, ROBERT CRAIG, M.B., CM. 1886. Ship Surgeon ; Bury, Lanes. ; Dervock, Co. Antrim. MILLER, ROBERT GIBSON, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow. MILLER, ROBERT KALLEY, M.A. 1862. Fellow, etc., of St. Peter's, Cambridge, and Professor of Mathematics at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich ; Degree Examiner on Mathematics in Glasgow University, 1868-71; died circa 1890. MILLER, ROBERT KING, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. MILLER, THOMAS, M.A. 1824. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MILLER, THOMAS, CM. 1825. Beith; died 1874. MILLER, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1875. Bridge of Allan; Lennoxtown. MILLER, THOMAS, M.A. 1887. Teacher in (1) Crosshill Public School, Strathaven, 1886-89, (2) Morgan Academy, Dundee, 1889-97; drowned at the Cliffs, near Arbroath, 17th April, 1897, while attempting to rescue a boy who had fallen into the sea. 438 ROLL OF GRADUATES MILLER, THOMAS HUGH, M.A. 1873. (1) Mathematical Master at Wesley College, Sheffield; (2) Lecturer on Mathematics and Physics at the Training College, Isleworth, Middlesex. MILLER, WALTER, M.D. 1794. "Jamaica" [Grad. Alb.]. MILLER, WILLIAM DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1895. F.C. Medical Missionary to Aden. MILLER, WILLIAM GALBRAITH, M.A. 1872, LL.B. 1875. Sometime Writer, Glasgow, now Advocate, Edinburgh ; Lecturer in Glasgow University on (a) Public Law since 1878, (b) Philosophy of Law since 1893, (c) International Private Law since 1894. MILLER, WILLIAM HARTE, M.D. 1850. Epping, Victoria, Australia; Seacombe, Cheshire; Civil Surgeon, India; Newstead, Victoria, Australia; Wangaratta there; Dromana there; died 6th January, 1881, aged 50. MILLER, WILLIAM JAMES SOMMERVILLE, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in Glasgow University. MILLER, WILLIAM MITCHELL, B.Sc. 1881. Civil and Mining Engineer, Edinburgh. MILLIGAN, GEORGE, D.D. 1853. Sometime Assistant to Josiah Walker, Professor of Humanity in Glasgow University; thereafter (1832-58) Minister of Elie; died 15th October, 1858, aged 66. MILLIGAN, JAMES, M.A. 1875. Head Master of (1) Mitchell School, Glasgow, 1866-75, ( 2 ) London Road Public School there, 1875-78, (3) Garnethill School there (now Glasgow High School for Girls) since 1878; Degree Examiner on Education in Glasgow Uni- versity since 1895. MILLIGAN, JOHN, M.A. 1836. Parochial Teacher, Dunscore, 1829-48; Minister of (1) Corsock, 1848-55, (2) Twynholm, 1855-75; born 26th May, 1810; died 16th June, 1875. MILLIGAN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1800. "Filius n. Max. Archibaldi Artificis, Sanquhar, Dumfries" [Matric. Alb. 1796]. MILLING, JOHN THOMAS, M.D. 1843. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MILLS, HUGH, M.A. 1814. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Moville, 1824-32; died 21st November, 1832. MILLS, JOHN, M.A. 1865. Minister of St. Matthews, Dundee. ROLL OF GRADUATES 439 MILNE, THOMAS, CM. 1819. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MILNE, THOMAS, M.D. i860. Glasgow ; Surgeon, R.N. ; Ferryhill, Durham ; Glasgow ; Cumbernauld ; died 28th May, 1880. MILNE, THOMAS, B.D. 1886. Minister of Lethendy and Kinloch; M.A. Aberdeen, 1883. MILNE, WILLIAM, D.D. 1820. Missionary to China, and President of the Chinese College ; born in Aber- deenshire, 1785 ; died at Malacca, 27th May, 1822. MILNE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1863. Minister; only known addresses, as per General Council Registers, (1) Netherrop, Alexandria, (2) 3 Kinning Street, Glasgow, (3) 16 Wellington Street there; supposed to have gone to Australia, and died there. MILROY, ADAM, M.A. 1848, D.D. 1879. Minister of (1) Logie- Almond, (2) Moneydie. MILROY, WILLIAM LISTON, M.A. 1882. Minister of Abernyte. MIRRLEES, WILLIAM JULIUS, B.Sc. 1882. Engineer in (1) Glasgow, (2) Tangaat, Natal, South Africa. MITCHEL, DAVID, M.A. 1844. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Buncrana, Co. Donegal, 1850-70; Free Church Minister at Cadiz and Jerez, Spain, 1870-71 ; Irish Presbyterian Minister at (a) Port of Ponta Delgada, St. Michael's, The Azores, 1873-74, (b) Kilkenny, l8 77'79> (*) Tullamore, King's Co., 1879-80, (d) Warrenpoint, Co. Down, since 1880; nephew of John Mitchell, M.A. 1797 (q.v.). MITCHELL, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1842. Glasgow; died at Bath, 8th August, 1891. MITCHELL, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1873, M.D. 1876. Glasgow ; Canisbay, Caithness-shire ; Ramsgate ; Great Yarmouth ; London. MITCHELL, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1879. F.C. Minister at Linlithgow. MITCHELL, ALEXANDER FERRIER, LL.D. 1892. Professor in St. Mary's College, St. Andrews, of (1) Hebrew and Oriental Languages, 1848-68, (2) Divinity and Church History, 1868-94, when retired; D.D. St. Andrews, 1862. MITCHELL, ALEXANDER MONCRIEFF, M.A. 1881, LL.B. 1884. Writer in Glasgow; partner of Firm of Mitchells, Johnston & Co., Law Agents for the University. 440 ROLL OF GRADUATES MITCHELL, ALEXANDER OSWALD, B.A. 1840. Writer in Glasgow; partner of Firms of Mitchell, Henderson & Mitchell, etc., Law Agents for the University; son of Andrew Mitchell, M.A. 1794 (q.v.) ; died 25th March, 1875, aged 55. MITCHELL, ANDREW, M.A. 1794. Of Maulside, Writer in Glasgow; partner of Firms of Grahame & Mitchell, etc., Law Agents for the University ; born 19th October, 1774; died 15th July, 1845 1 son °f Andrew Mitchell, Anti-Burgher Minister of Beith. MITCHELL, ANDREW, M.A. 1818. " Filius natu minimus Obadiae Mitchel in parochia de Maghera in comitatu de Deny" [Matric. Alb. 1814]. MITCHELL, ANDREW, B.A. 1840. Writer in Glasgow ; partner of Firms of Mitchell, Henderson & Mitchell, etc., Law Agents for the University; son of Andrew Mitchell, M.A. 1794 (q.v.). MITCHELL, ANDREW ACWORTH, M.A. 1884, LL.B. 1888. Writer in Glasgow ; sometime partner of Firm of Mitchells, Johnston & Co., Law Agents for the University; son of John Oswald Mitchell, B.A., LL.D. (q.v.). MITCHELL, ANDREW RONALD, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow. MITCHELL, COLIN GILLESPIE, M.A. 1833. Writer in Glasgow ; partner of Firms of Mitchell, Grahame & Mitchell, etc., Law Agents for the University; born 22nd July, 1814; died 7th January, 1847; son of John Mitchell, D.D. 1837 (q.v.). MITCHELL, DUGALD, M.B., CM. 1879, M.D. 1894. Tillicoultry; Renton; Rothesay. MITCHELL, EBENEZER, M.A. 1894. Student of Medicine. MITCHELL, GEORGE ARTHUR, M.A. 1880. Coalmaster, Glasgow. MITCHELL, GRAHAM, LL.D. 1848. Assistant Accountant in the General Excise Office, 1813-24; Minister of Whitburn, 1824-69; died 25th September, 1869. MITCHELL, HUGH, M.A. 1770. For some years Master of the Grammar School, Greenock ; in 1784 presented to the Ministerial charge of Eaglesham, but, "being exceedingly unacceptable," exchanged with Rev. Alex. Dobie for Parish of Glasford, 1785 ; ordained thereto, 1786; resigned in 1794, as he held French Revolution principles and was opposed to Church connection with the State ; became Master of an English and French Academy in Glasgow; at peace of Amiens visited France, and, with wife and daughter, made prisoner by Buonaparte, and carried to Verdun ; died 6th December, 1815. ROLL OF GRADUATES 441 MITCHELL, JAMES, M.A. 1823, LL.D. 1874. Writer in Glasgow ; partner of Firms of Mitchell, Grahame & Mitchell, etc., Law Agents for the University; born 1st December, 1804; died 3rd November, 1882; son of John Mitchell, D.D. 1837 (q.v.). MITCHELL, JAMES BARR, M.D. 1838. London; Paris; died 29th August, 1887, aged 69. MITCHELL, JAMES DENNISTOUN, B.Sc. 1874- Of Carwood, Biggar; B.A., B.C.L. Oxon. ; LL.B. Edin. 1885; J.P., D.L. MITCHELL, JAMES DONALD, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in Glasgow University. MITCHELL, JOHN, M.A. 1787, D.D. 1837. Minister of Relief Church at (1) Anderston, Glasgow, 1793-1828, (2) Welling- ton Street, Glasgow, 1828-44; Professor of Biblical Literature to United Associate Synod, 1825-42; died 25th January, 1844, aged 76; son of Andrew Mitchell, Anti-Burgher Minister of Beith. MITCHELL, JOHN, M.D. 1787. " Caroliniensis " [Grad. Alb.]. MITCHELL, JOHN, M.A. 1797. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Scriggan, 1805-19, (2) Derry, 1819-23, (3) Newry, 1823-29, when he avowed himself a Unitarian, and left the Synod of Ulster; died 28th February, 1840; father of John Mitchell, the "Young Ire- lander." MITCHELL, JOHN, CM. 1828. Probably Mauchline. MITCHELL, JOHN, M.D., CM. 1864. New Mills, Derbyshire; Barnard Castle, Durham; Silloth; J. P. MITCHELL, JOHN COLIN, B.A. i860, M.A. 1861. Writer in Glasgow; partner of Firms of Mitchells, Macnie & Cowan, etc., Law Agents for the University; son of Colin Gillespie Mitchell, M.A. 1833 (q.v.). MITCHELL, JOHN OSWALD, B.A. 1849, LL.D. 1894. Merchant in Glasgow; son of Andrew Mitchell, M.A. 1794 (q.v.). MITCHELL, JOHN PATRICK, B.Sc. 1874, M.A. 1876. U.P. Minister at (1) Cupar-Fife, (2) Davidson Church, Edinburgh. MITCHELL, JOHN PETER, B.L. 1892. Solicitor, Comrie. MITCHELL, ROBERT, B.Sc. 1886. Mathematical and Science Master in (1) Kilmarnock Academy, (2) Lenzie Academy. MITCHELL, THOMAS, M.A. 1812. " Filius Natu Secundus Thomae Mercatoris apud Ballymoney in comitatu de Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1809]. 442 ROLL OF GRADUATES MITCHELL, THOMAS, M.D. 1835. "Jamaica" [Grad. Alb.]. MITCHELL, TRAFFORD, M.B., CM. 1885, M.D. 1889. Ship Surgeon; Tarbert, Lochfyne; Gorseinon, Glam. MITCHELL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1850. Presbyterian Minister at Ballyblack, Newtonards. MITCHELL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1883. Second Master in the Church of Scotland Normal School, Glasgow, since 1883. MITCHELL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1891. Teacher in (1) Glencairn Street School, Kilmarnock, (2) Loudon Street School, Irvine. MITCHELL, WILLIAM CHISHOLM, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in F.C. College, Glasgow. MITCHELL, WILLIAM JAMES, M.A. 1883, B.L. 1887. Writer, Glasgow. MITCHELL, WILLIAM THOMAS, M.A. 1883. Barrister, Queensland. MITTER, JAMES TARINI COOMAR, M.B., CM. 1887. Calcutta; died there, 2nd October, 1888, aged 27. MOFFAT, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1884. Campbeltown ; Paisley ; Glasgow. MOFFAT, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1869. Howdon-on-Tyne ; Gatehouse-of-Fleet ; Kirkcudbright. MOFFAT, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. MOFFAT, THOMAS DRYDEN, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow. MOFFAT, WILLIAM, M.D. 1840. Belfast. MOFFAT, WILLIAM, M.A. 1887, B.D. 1890. Minister of Elgin. MOFFAT, WILLIAM DOUGLAS, M.A. 1888. U.P. Minister at (1) Alva, (2) Rose Street, Edinburgh. MOFFATT, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1884, LL.B. 1888. Advocate, Edinburgh. MOFFATT, JAMES, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1894. Minister of the Free Church at Dundonald since 1896. MOFFATT, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1878. Glasgow; Belfast; Glasgow; died 22nd June, 1879, aged 24. ROLL OF GRADUATES 443 MOFFATT, WILLIAM, M.A. 1883. Teacher in (1) Ayr Academy, 1880-81, (2) Church Street Public School, Partick, 1881-83, (3) Albert Road Public School, Pollokshields, 1883-85, (4) Hillhead Public School, Glasgow, 1885-88; Head Master of Stonelaw Public School, Rutherglen, since 1888. MOFFETT, JAMES, M.A. 1766. "Filius natu Secundus Samuelis Mercatoris in Parochia de Loughanisland in Com. de Downe" [Matric. Alb. 1762]. MOFFITT, JAMES, M.D., CM. 1820. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MOIR, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1875. Glasgow ; Auckland, New Zealand. MOIR, JOHN, M.A. 1870, B.D. 1874 U.P. Minister at Cairneyhill, Fifeshire; died there, 4th July, 1895. MOIR, JOHN, M.B. 1877. Native of Strathblane ; died there about a month after graduating. MOIR, ROBERT WALKER, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow; South Shields; Longcroft, by Bonnybridge; Aberchirder, Banff- shire. MOIR, WILLIAM BROWN, M.B., CM. 1879, M.D. 1881. London; Maybole; Fort-William; Glasgow. MOISSAN, HENRI, LL.D. 1896. Professor of Toxicology in the University of Paris. MOLESWORTH, THOMAS EDWARD, M.D. 1837. Surgeon, R.N. ; Porchester, Hants.; died 17th April, 1873, aged 59. MOLESWORTH, WILLIAM NASSAU, LL.D. 1883. Curate at Rochdale, 1839-41; Incumbent of St. Andrew's, Ancoats, Man- chester, 1841-44; Incumbent of St. Clement, Spotland, near Rochdale, 1844-89; an intimate friend of John Bright (q.v.); born at Millbrook, near Southampton, 8th November, 1816; died at Rochdale, 19th December, 1890. MOLLART, JOHN SUMMERFIELD, CM. 1826. Congleton, Cheshire. MOLLISON, HECTOR ALEXANDER, B.Sc. 1894. Mechanical and Marine Engineer at Clydebank, Glasgow. MOLLOY, JAMES, M.A. 1766. "Filius natu secundus Caroli in parochia quondam de Mucknow, Comitatu de Monaghan, Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1764]. MOLLOY, KEDO JOHN, M.D. 1836. "Hybernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MOLLOY, WILLIAM, M.D. 1836. Milford, Co. Donegal; died 23rd April, 1858. 444 ROLL OF GRADUATES MOLLOY, WILLIAM T., M.D. 1839. MONCRIEFF, BARON, LL.D. 1879. Of Tullibole, Lord Justice-Clerk and President of Second Division of Court of Session ; previously Sol. Gen. and Lord Adv. ; Dean of Faculties in Glasgow Univ., 1860-63; M.P. for (1) Leith Burghs, (2) Edin., (3) Univ. of Glasgow and Aberdeen; P.C. ; born 29th Nov., 1811 ; died 27th April, 1895. MONCRIEFF, HUGH, B.L. 1879. Writer, Glasgow. MONCRIEFF-WELLWOOD, SIR HENRY, BART., D.D. 1785. Of Tullibole, Minister of (1) Blackford, and (2) St. Cuthbert's, Edinburgh; born at Blackford, 6th February, 1750; died at Edinburgh, 9th August, 1827. MONILAWS, GEORGE HOPE, D.D. 1866. Minister of (1) Tulliallan, (2) Peebles; died 27th January, 1870, aged 65. MONRO, DAVID BINNING, LL.D. 1883. Tutor of Oriel College, Oxford, 1861-82; Vice-Provost thereof, 1874-82; Provost thereof since 1882; Snell Exhibitioner, 1854; B.A. Oxon. 1858; M.A. 1862. MONRO, GEORGE, M.A. 1798. "Fil. n. max. Gulielmi Artificis in paroch. suburbana Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1793]. MONRO, JAMES DONALD RAE, M.A. 1889, M.B., CM. 1892. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow ; London ; Birkenhead ; Hounslow, Middlesex. MONRO, THOMAS, D.D. 1867. Minister of (1) Fala and Soutra, 1842-43, (2) Campsie, 1843-79; born 8th January, 1810; died 25th November, 1879. MONRO, THOMAS KIRKPATRICK, M.A. 1884, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1895. Arbroath ; Glasgow ; Degree Examiner on Pathology in the University since 1st January, 1897. MONRO, WILLIAM MUNGALL, CM. 1834. " Filius natu Secundus Alexandri Jurisconsulti in com. de Stirling " [Matric. Alb. 1828]. MONTEAGLE, HENRY WARD BEECHER, M.B., CM. 1886, M.D. 1889. Ashton-under-Lyne ; Manchester. MONTEAGLE, HUGH SPIERS MOORE, B.L. 1877. Solicitor, Edinburgh ; graduated as " M'Moneagle." MONTEATH, GEORGE CUNNINGHAM, M.A. 1805, M.D. 1808. Surgeon to Lord Lovaine's Northumberland Regiment of Militia, 1809-13; thereafter Surgeon, Oculist, and Lecturer on Practical Anatomy in Glasgow; born 4th December, 1788; died 25th January, 1828; son of John Monteath, M.A. and D.D. (q.v.) ; married Miss Cunninghame of Craigends, who afterwards became Duchess of Argyll. ROLL OF GRADUATES 445 MONTEATH, JAMES, M.A. 1808. Writer, Glasgow; died 8th July, 1857, aged 67; son of John Monteath, M.A., D.D. (q.v.). MONTEATH, JOHN, M.A. 1733. Minister of (1) Killallan, 1748-71, (2) Houston, 1771-96; died 6th February, 1796, aged 80. MONTEATH, JOHN, M.A. 1770, D.D. 1820. Minister of (1) Dunfermline Chapel of Ease, 1780-81, (2) Houston, 1781-85, (3) Neilston, 1785-97, (4) Houston again, 1797-1843; died 18th January, 1843, aged 91; son of John Monteath, M.A. (q.v.); Degree of D.D. conferred in consequence of a letter from the Earl of Glasgow, stating that such would "be agreeable to himself and Mr. Muir of Caldwell" [Univ. Minute, 1st August, 1820]. MONTEATH, JOHN, M.A. 1804, M.D. 1808. Surgeon in the H.E.I.C.S. ; son of John Monteath, M.A., D.D. (q.v.). MONTEATH, JOHN, M.D. 1825. Surgeon in Perth, and Physician to the County Prison there; died 20th September, 1847, aged 56. MONTEATH, ROBERT KNOX, B.A. 1846. Minister of Hutchesontown, Glasgow; son of James Monteath, M.A. (q.v.). MONTFORT, HENRY, M.D. 1850. Fenagh, Co. Carlow. MONTGOMERIE, ARCHIBALD, M.D. 1848. Glasgow; died 26th May, 1864, aged 45. MONTGOMERIE, ARCHIBALD, LL.D. 1866. Mathematical Master in Ayr Academy; afterwards (1858-71) Rector of Greenock Academy; thereafter Teacher in Glasgow; subsequently went to Canada. MONTGOMERIE, JAMES, M.D., CM. 1824. Probably Irvine. MONTGOMERIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1736. " F. Gulielmi Montgomery in Beoch de Maybole in Ballivatu de Carrick " [Matric. Alb. 1730]. MONTGOMERY, ARCHIBALD NICOL, M.B., CM. 1884, M.D. 1889. Glasgow. MONTGOMERY, CHARLES, CM. 1823. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MONTGOMERY, GEORGE, M.D. 1732. Glasgow; died 31st July, 1778, aged 73 \Glasgow Mercury, 6th August, 1778]. MONTGOMERY, GEORGE, M.D. 1816. "Apothecary to the Forces" [Univ. Minute, 30th March, 1816]. 446 ROLL OF GRADUATES MONTGOMERY, GEORGE, M.D. 185 1. Dublin; died 4th November, 1869, aged 54. MONTGOMERY, HENRY, M.A. 1807, LL.D. 1833. Minister of the Presbyterian Congregation of Dunmurry, Co. Antrim, 1809-65; Head Master of the English School, Royal Academical Institution, Belfast, l8l 7"39; Professor of Church History and Pastoral Theology to Association of Irish Non-Subscribing Presbyterians, 1838-65; born 16th January, 1788; died 1 8th December, 1865. MONTGOMERY, HUGH, M.D. 1837. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. MONTGOMERY, JAMES BARCLAY, M.D. 1851. Penzance; J. P. MONTGOMERY, JOHN, M.A. 1818. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Glenwherry, 1825-69; died 22nd July, 1869. MONTGOMERY, JOHN, M.D. 1829. Harbury, Warwickshire; Southam, Warwickshire; Bewdley, Wore; died 1866. MONTGOMERY, JOHN, M.A. 1838- Assistant Minister (ordained) of Arbroath Parish, 1838-43; Free Church Minister at Innerleithen, 1844-66; latterly engaged in literary work. MONTGOMERY, ROBERT, M.A. 1875, B.D. 1877. Minister of Muirkirk. MONTGOMERY, ROBERT GILES, M.D. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MONTGOMERY, THOMAS, M.A. 181 1. "Filius natu tertius Roberti Armigeri de Auchentiber in parochia de Kilwinning" [Matric. Alb. 1806]. MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM M'GILCHRIST, M.B., CM. 1896. Saltcoats. MONTROSE, DUKE OF, LL.D. 1804. Third Duke; was successively M.P. for Richmond and Great Bedwin, a Lord of the Treasury, Paymaster of the Forces, Master of the Horse, Lord Justice-General of Scotland, Lord-Lieutenant of Stirling and Dumbartonshires, President of Board of Trade, and Joint Postmaster-General; was Chancellor of Glasgow University, 1781 to 1836; K.G., K.T., P.C. ; born 8th September, 1755; died 30th December, 1836. MOODIE, JAMES, M.A. 1893. Teacher in Barrowfield Public School, Glasgow. MOODIE, JOHN, D.D. 1786. Clergyman in Dublin. MOODIE, JOHN, M.A. i860. Minister of (1) Chryston, (2) Kippen; died 12th January, 1889, aged 53. ROLL OF GRADUATES 447 MOODIE, ROBERT, D.D. 1799. Minister of Clackmannan and Chaplain of Stirling Castle; died 30th April, 1832. MOODY, ALEXANDER. See Moody- Stuart. MOODY, ANDREW, B.A. 1857. F.C. Missionary to the Jews at (1) Pesth, (2) Prague, (3) Pesth again. MOODY, CAMPBELL NAISMITH, M.A. 1884. English Presbyterian Missionary to Formosa. MOODY, JOHN, M.A. 1764. "Filius natu major Jacobi Viri Reverendi V.D. Ministri in urbe Newry, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1761]. MOODY, ROBERT ANDREW, M.A. 1883, LL.B. 1888. Writer, Glasgow. MOODY-STUART, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1830. Minister of (1) St. Luke's, Edinburgh, (2) Free St. Luke's there; D.D. Edin. 1875; father of Alex. Moody-Stuart, LL.D., Advocate, Professor of Law in Glasgow University. MOONEY, DAVID, M.D. 1850. Dungannon, Co. Tyrone. MOONEY, JAMES, M.D. 1848. Glasgow. MOOR, JAMES, M.A. 1732, LL.D. 1763. Sometime Teacher in Glasgow and Tutor to families of Earls of Selkirk, Errol, and Kilmarnock (the latter of whom was executed on Towerhill for his share in the rising of 1745); Librarian of Glasgow University, 1742-46; Professor of Greek there, 1746 to 1774; Dean of Faculties, 1756 to 1758; born in Glasgow, 22nd June, 1712; died 17th September, 1779. MOORE, ABRAHAM COLLIS, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MOORE, ALEXANDER GEORGE, M.A. 1880, B.Sc. 1883. Civil and Mining Engineer, Glasgow. MOORE, ALEXANDER M'lLWAINE, M.A. 1852. "Filius natu tertius Alexandri agricolae in parochia de Grey Abbey et comitat. de Down" [Matric. Alb. 1846]. MOORE, CECIL ELLIOTT, M.A. 1892. Law Clerk, Glasgow. MOORE, CHARLES FREDERICK, M.D. 1844. London; Middletown, Co. Armagh; Dublin. MOORE, DAVID, M.A. 1804. " Filius natu Secundus Jacobi Agricolae in parochia de Aughabog in comitatu de Monaghan in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1800]. 448 ROLL OF GRADUATES MOORE, HUGH, M.A. 1823. Unitarian Minister at Newtownards, where his whole ministerial life (66 years) was spent; died 26th February, 1893, aged 89. MOORE, JAMES, M.A. 1763. "Filius Jacobi natu quartus, in comitatu de Antrim, in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1761]. MOORE, JAMES, M.D. 1816. "Filius natu 2 dus Stephani mercatoris Glasg. natus" [Matric Alb. 181 1]. MOORE, JAMES BURTON, M.D. 1836. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. MOORE, JAMES THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1871. Glasgow. MOORE, JOHN, M.A., M.D. 1772. Assistant Surgeon (1747-8) to Coldstream Guards at Flushing; Practitioner in Glasgow as partner of (1) Dr. Gordon and (2) Professor Hamilton; Travelling Medical Attendant to various noblemen; removed to London, 1778; author of Zehtcco, etc., etc., etc.; father of Sir John Moore, the hero of Corunna; born at Stirling, 10th October, 1730; died at London, 21st February, 1802. MOORE, JOHN, M.A. 1809. See note under John Moore, M.A. 1810. MOORE, JOHN, M.A. 1810. Either this graduate or John Moore, M.A. 1809 (q.v.), was possibly the same person as John Moore, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Pettigo, 1828-36, when re- signed and removed to Glenelly. MOORE, JOHN, M.D. 1851. Alloa; died 7th October, 1864. MOORE, JOHN, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1887. U.P. Minister at Old Meldrum. MOORE, JOHN FOSTER, B.A. 1842, M.A. 1845. " Filius natu secundus Roberti agricolae in parochia de Loughgilly et comi- tatu de Armagh" [Matric. Alb. 1840]. MOORE, JOSEPH, M.D. 1790. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MOORE, JOSEPH, M.D. 1814. London. MOORE, MARSHALL, M.A. 1816. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Faughanvale, 1819-48; died 14th August, 1848. MOORE, QUINTIN, M.D. 1837. Ballymoney, Co. Antrim; died 1867. MOORE, RALPH DAVID, B.Sc. 1886. Steel Manufacturer, Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 449 MOORE, ROBERT, D.D. 1799. Rev., Master of the School of Sunbury, Middlesex. MOORE, ROBERT THOMAS, B.Sc. 1880. Civil and Mining Engineer, Glasgow. MOORE, SAMUEL, M.A. 1823. " Filius natu maximus Gulielmi agricolae in parochia de Kilmore in comitatu de Down" [Matric. Alb. 18 18]. MOORE, SAMUEL JOHNSTON, M.D. 1863. Glasgow; died there, 2nd April, 1894, aged 60. MOORE, THOMAS, M.A. 1770. Intended for Dissenting Ministry in " South Britain " ; no trace of his career. MOORE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1818. "Filius natu secundus Thomae agricolae in Parochia de Newton Ards in comitatu de Down in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1816]. MOORE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1849. Minister of Lochrutton ; died 8th June, 1879, aged 61. MOORE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1876. Glasgow ; Ayr. MOORE, WILLIAM H., CM. 1822. "Hibernia" [Grad. Alb.]. MOORE, WILLIAM KENNEDY, M.A. 1850, D.D. 1875. Minister of (1) St. George's Presbyterian Church, Liverpool, (2) Portsmouth Presbyterian Church; Editor of The Presbyterian; retired from active duty, 1894. MOORHEAD, MICHAEL JOSEPH, M.D. 1837. Tullamore, King's Co.; died 1885. MORE, RICHARD, M.B., CM. 1882. West Kilbride. MOREHEAD, JOHN, M.A. 1761. MORELAND, HUGH, M.D. 1845. Belfast; died 19th February, 1882, aged 63. MORELL, JOHN DANIEL, B.A. 1840, M.A. 1841, LL.D. i860. Congregational Minister at Gosport, 1842-45; one of H.M. Inspectors of Schools, 1848-76; the first person appointed to that office under the Education Department of the Privy Council ; born at Little Baddow, Essex, 18th June, 1816; died at London, 1st April, 1891. MOREWOOD, GEORGE ALEXANDER, M.D. 1802, M.D. 1806. Degree granted twice, for a technical reason connected with his application for License by the Royal College of Physicians of London ; Physician to the Forces; died at Bath, 24th September, 1859. 2 F 450 ROLL OF GRADUATES MORFITT, JOHN, M.A. 1736. "F. Johan. Morfitt in comitat. Eboracensi" [Matric. Alb. 1733]; fined for having "engaged in a night ramble" [Univ. Minutes, 9th and 12th April and 6th May, 1734]; matriculated at Queen's College, Oxford, 10th March, 1736-7, aged 23. MORGAN, JAMES, D.D. 1847. Minister of Presbyterian Church in (1) Carlow, 1820-24, ( 2 ) Lisburn, 1824-28, (3) Belfast, 1828-73; born nth June, 1799; died 5th August, 1873. MORGAN, JOHN, M.A. 1844. (1) Master at Huddersfield College, Yorkshire; (2) Master in, and sometime Vice-Principal of, the Proprietary School at Blackheath ; (3) Vicar of Humberstone, Lincolnshire; LL.D. Dublin. MORGAN, REES, M.A. 1889. (1) Classical Master in Bishop's Stortford Grammar School; (2) Head Master of the Heath School, Pontypridd ; (3) Head Master of the County School there. MORIER, WILLIAM JOHN, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1874. Glasgow; Surgeon, R.N.; Morphett Vale, S. Australia. MORISON, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1883, M.D. 1887. Sowerby, Yorks. ; Kilmarnock; Newark, New Jersey, U.S.A.; died there, of typhoid fever, 1st May, 1892. MORISON, COLIN MURDO, M.A. 1893. Teacher in Holmscroft School, Greenock. MORISON, DONALD, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1884. Medical Missionary, Presbyterian Church of England Mission, Rampore, Boalia, Bengal Presidency. MORISON, DONALD, M.B., CM. 1880. Thirsk, Yorks. ; Beeford there. MORISON, JAMES, D.D. 1882. Minister of (1) Secession Church, Kilmarnock, (2) E.U. Church there, (3) E.U. Church, Dundas Street, Glasgow; Founder of the Evangelical Union and Principal of, and Professor in, its Theological Hall; born at Bathgate, 14th February, 18 16; died at Glasgow, 13th November, 1893. MORISON, JOHN, M.A. 1749. "Filius quondam Joannis Morison Mercatoris in parochia de Kincairdine in Com. de Fife" [Matric. Alb. 1746]. MORISON, JOHN MILLER WOODBURN, M.B., CM. 1896. Edinburgh. MORISON, WALTER, B.A. 1849, D.D. 1873. Minister of (1) UP. Church, Ayr, (2) U.P. Church, Eglinton Street, Glasgow, (3) St. Paul's English Presbyterian Church, Westbourne Grove, London. ROLL OF GRADUATES 45 1 MORLEY, JOHN, LL.D. 1879. Barrister-at-Law, 1875 ; Litterateur; Editor of (x) Fortnightly Review, (2) Pall Mall Gazette, (3) Macmillaris Magazine; Chief Secretary for Ireland, 1886 and 1892 ; M.P. for (1) Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1883-95, ( 2 ) Montrose Burghs since 1896 ; born at Blackburn, 1838; B.A. Oxon. 1859; M.A. 1874; P.C. 1886. MORRIS, EDWARD JAMES, M.B., CM. 1892. Tylorstown, Glam. MORRIS, GEORGE ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1883. Dairy, Ayrshire ; New Abbey, Kirkcudbrightshire ; Fenwick ; Mataura, Otago, N.Z. ; Cromwell there. MORRIS, HUGH, M.A., M.D. 1774. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MORRIS, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1881. Ship Surgeon; Kincardine-on-Forth ; died 1893. MORRIS, JOHN G., B.A. 1822. "F. n. max. Joannis Mercatoris (New York natus)" [Matric. Alb. 1819]. MORRIS, RICHARD, M.A. 1894. Student in the Theological College, Bala. MORRIS, ROBERT, M.A. 1884. Madras Civil Service, India. MORRIS, THOMAS HENRY, M.B., CM. 1878. Menai Bridge, Anglesey ; Ystalyfera, Glam. ; Penrhyndendraeth, Merioneth- shire ; Ystalyfera ; Trecynon, Glam. ; Tylorstown there. MORRISON, ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Larkhall. MORRISON, ALEXANDER FRIDGE, M.A. 1875. Writer, Glasgow. MORRISON, ANDREW BLACK, M.B., CM. 1872. Glasgow; Cumnock; Ayr; died at Ayr, 26th November, 1896. MORRISON, ARCHIBALD, B.A. 1852, M.A. 1853, LL.D. 1861. Head Master of the Collegiate School, Glasgow, 1854-66 ; afterwards Barrister- at-Law in London; died 30th May, 1875, aged 53. MORRISON, ARCHIBALD CAMERON, B.L. 1895, LL.B. 1895. (1) Tutor in St. Salvator School, St. Andrews; (2) Writer in Glasgow; M.A. St. Andrews, 1891. MORRISON, DAVID ALEXANDER, M.A. 1895. (1) Teacher in Govanhill Public School, Glasgow, 1893-96 ; (2) Student of Theology in Glasgow University. 452 ROLL OF GRADUATES MORRISON, DONALD SINCLAIR, M.B., CM. 1870. Mid Calder; Glasgow; Fenwick; Salen, Argyleshire; Creetown, Kirkcud- bright; Pollokshields ; Pirnmill, Arran; died at his mother's house, 10 Keir Street, Pollokshields, 10th January, 1896. MORRISON, DUNCAN, M.A. 1874, B.D. 1877. Probationer of the Church of Scotland ; died 5th June, 1881, aged 35. MORRISON, DUNCAN SHAW, M.A. 1885. M.B. Edin. 1891; Ardrishaig; Invergowrie. MORRISON, FREDERICK LANSDOWNE, M.A. 1883, LL.B. 1887. Writer, Glasgow. MORRISON, GEORGE, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862. U.P. Minister at (1) Gourock, (2) Maisondieu Lane, Brechin; born in Glasgow, 19th October, 1842 ; died at Coupar Angus, 13th November, 1874. MORRISON, HUGH, M.A. 1842. Presbyterian Minister at Killymurris, Glaryford, Co. Antrim. MORRISON, HUGH THOMAS SUTHERLAND, M.A. 1893, B.D. 1896. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. MORRISON, JAMES, M.A. 1749. "Filius Jacobi Civis Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1746]. MORRISON, JAMES, M.A. 1766. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MORRISON, JOHN, D.D. 1831. Minister of Trevor Congregational Chapel, Brompton, London; born in Aberdeenshire, 8th July, 1791; died in London, 13th June, 1859. MORRISON, JOHN, M.A. 1892, B.D. 1894. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. MORRISON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1894. West Boldon, Co. Durham; Carron, Stirlingshire. MORRISON, JOHN DUNCAN, M.A. 1872. (a) Missionary in India; (b) Teacher in (1) India, (2) Hong Kong, (3) Chefoo, (4) Yokohama, (5) England, (6) Transvaal. MORRISON, MATTHEW JAMES, B.Sc. 1886. Manager of Cyanide Works at " United Langlaagte " G.M. Co., Johannesburg, South Africa. MORRISON, ROBERT, D.D. 1817. Missionary to China ; father of Protestant Missionary effort there ; born at Morpeth, 5th January, 1782; died 1st August, 1834. MORRISON, THOMAS, M.D. 1839. Muirkirk; died 7th December, 1863. MORRISON, THOMAS MACKENZIE, M.A. 1883. Lecturer in the F.C. Training College, Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 453 MORRISON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1852. Minister of Crawford, 1863-69; died suddenly in Edinburgh, 28th December, 1869. MORRISON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1877, M.B., CM. 1881, M.D. 1884. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow ; Geelong, Victoria, Australia. MORRISON, WILLIAM, B.Sc. 1893. Civil Engineer in (1) Glasgow, as Assistant with Niven & Haddin, C.E., (2) Edinburgh, as Assistant with Belfrage & Carfrae, C.E. MORRISON, WILLIAM, B.Sc. 1896. Apprentice to Fullerton, Hodgart, Barclay & Co., Limited, Engineers, Paisley. MORRISON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1896. Student of Law. MORRISON, WILLIAM SAMUEL, B.A. 1846. "Filius natu maximus Roberti V.D. apud Markethill in comitatu de Armagh minister" [Matric. A1d. 1840]. MORRISSY, TOBIAS JOSEPH, M.D. 1850. Tipperary; Coroner for County; died 21st September, 1886. MORROW, FRANCIS, M.A. 18 14. "Filius natu maximus Thomae, artificis, in comitatu de Down in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1813]. MORT, FRANK, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. MORTON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1876, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1885. Glasgow (Lecturer on Dermatology in St. Mungo's College). MORTON, ALEXANDER YOUNG, M.B., CM. 1882. Treherbert, Glam. ; Drymen j Tharsis Sulphur and Copper Co., Huelva, Spain. MORTON, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1890. London. MORTON, BRUCE BUCHANAN, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow; Newcastle-on-Tyne; Bradford; son of James Morton, LL.D. 1888 (q.v.). MORTON, DAVID, M.D. 1828. "Filius nat. max. Georgii Agricolae, Com. de Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1822]. MORTON, HARRY, M.D. 1843. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MORTON, HUGH, M.D. 1828. Newark, Notts.; died 1868. 454 ROLL OF GRADUATES MORTON, JAMES, LL.D. 1888. M.D. St. Andrews, 1845 ; Professor of Materia Medica in Anderson's College, Glasgow, 1855-88 ; also Lecturer on Clinical Surgery in Royal Infirmary; born at Ochiltree, 1820; died 1889. MORTON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1878. Darvel ; Glasgow ; London. MORTON, JAMES, B.L. 1892. Writer, Glasgow. MORTON, JOHN, M.A. 1819. " Filius natu Secundus Roberti Agricolae in parochia de Knockbreda in comi- tatu de Down in Hyb." [Matric. Alb. 1816]. MORTON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1892. (Brunton Prizeman) ; Glasgow : Assistant to Professor of Anatomy in the University since 1892. MORTON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1896. Darvel. MORTON, JOHN KERR, M.B., CM. 1887. Ochiltree; Dunscore. MORTON, JOHN MORTON MATHIE, M.B., CM. 1884. Ship Surgeon; Ayr; J.P. MORTON, JOHN NISBET, M.A. 1874. Writer, Glasgow; son of James Morton, LL.D. 1888 (q.v.). MORTON, JOSEPH BATEMAN, M.B., CM. 1889. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow ; Sheffield ; London ; Sunderland. MORTON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1895. Stanley, Co. Durham ; Glasgow. MORTON, ROBERT ALEXANDER, B.Sc. 1889, M.B., CM. 1890, M.D. 1892. Darvel; Ayr. MORTON, THOMAS, M.A. 1874. Lecturer in the Free Church Normal Seminary, Glasgow; died circa 1886. MORTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1844. Vicar of Lynesack, Butterknowle, Co. Durham. MORTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1889. Minister of the U.P. Church at Buckie since 1896. MORTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1888. Teacher in (1) Strathblane Public School, (2) Garnethill Public School, Glasgow, (3) St. George's Road Public School, Glasgow. MORTON, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, M.A. 1893. Student of Theology in F.C. College, Glasgow. MORTON, WILLIAM TENNENT, M.A. 1869. Solicitor, Ayr. ROLL OF GRADUATES 455 MOSS, DANIEL, M.D. 1787. "Has for some time practised Medicine at Warrington" [Univ. Minute, 5th February, 1787]. MOSSMAN, DAVID, CM. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MOSTYN, JOHN WILLIAM, M.D. 1842. Surgeon-Major, Army; died at Madras, 17th June, 1865. MOTHERWELL, JAMES BRIDGEHAM, M.D. 1841. Melbourne. MOTHERWELL, JAMES STUART, M.A. 1893. Teacher in Hutchesons' Grammar School, Glasgow. MOUNTGARRET, JOHN, M.A. 1764. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MOWAT, ALEXANDER GOODSIR, M.A. 1885, M.B., CM. 1890. F.C Medical Missionary to Western India. MOWAT, ALEXANDER GORDON THOMSON, M.A. 1885. Teacher of Applied Science (Engineering) in (1) Leith Science School, (2) Barrow School of Science and Art, Barrow Island; also Science Master to Techni- cal Instruction Committee of Barrow County Council at School of Science and Art, Abbey Road. MOWAT, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1895. Thorntonhall, near Glasgow. MOWAT, JOHN BOWER, D.D. 1884. Professor of Hebrew, Chaldee, and Old Testament Exegesis in Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, since 1857 ; born there, 8th June, 1825 ; brother of Oliver Mowat, Canadian statesman. MOWAT, WILLIAM, M.A. 1885. Teacher of Applied Science (Engineering) in (1) Leith Science School, (2) Barrow School of Science and Art, Barrow Island ; also Science Master to Techni- cal Instruction Committee of Barrow County Council at School of Science and Art, Abbey Road. MOWATT, THOMAS, M.D. 1864. Native of Aberdeen; no trace of his career. MOWBRAY, THOMAS, M.A. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MOYES, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow. MOYES, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1886. Glasgow; Cambuslang; Glasgow; Largs; died there, 9th April, 1895, aged 47. 456 ROLL OF GRADUATES MOYES, WILLIAM BEGBIE, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1885. Minister of Strathblane. MOYLES, THOMAS, M.D. 1853. Dublin; Birmingham; died 22nd May, 1891, aged 74. MUAT, WILLIAM M'NIVEN, M.B., CM. 1893. Ship Surgeon; Glasgow; Bradford, Yorks ; India. MUIR, ADAM CUBIE, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. MUIR, ALAN, M.B., CM. 1893. Kimberley, Notts. ; Ayr. MUIR, ALEXANDER, CM. 1825. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MUIR, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1887. (1) Assistant Teacher in Glasgow; (2) Head Master of Burgh School, Girvan; (3) Assistant Master in Hutchesons' Girls' School, Glasgow; (4) Rector 1 of Linlithgow Academy ; (5) Head Master of Buckie Public School. MUIR, ARCHIBALD, CM. 1818. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MUIR, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1891. Dumbarton ; Swindon, Wilts. ; Stratton-St. -Margaret there. MUIR, DAVID CLARK, M.B., CM. 1885, M.D. 1888. Glasgow ; Cwmtillery, Mon. MUIR, GEORGE, M.A. 1819. "F. n. max. Georgii Artificis Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1814]. MUIR, HENRY SKEY, M.D. 1863. Ipswich; Surgeon-Col., Army. MUIR, JAMES, M.A. 1776. Minister of Scottish Presbyterian Church in Bermuda, and Principal of an Academy there, 1781-88 ; Minister of Presbyterian Church at Alexandria, Virginia, U.S.A., 1789-1820; born in Manse of Cumnock, Ayrshire, 12th April, 1757; died at Alexandria, U.S.A., 8th August, 1820; D.D. Yale, 1819. MUIR, JAMES, M.A. 1890. F.C. Minister at Kilbirnie. MUIR, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1890, M.D. 1892. Coatbridge; Mossend. MUIR, JAMES, B.Sc. 1896. Still a Student oi Science. ROLL OF GRADUATES 457 MUIR, JAMES FULTON, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1892. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Whitehaven. MUIR, JAMES MILLER MACKAY, M.B., CM. 1889. Girvan; Woodend, Victoria, Australia; Wynyard, Tasmania. MUIR, JAMES STANLEY, B.Sc. 1890. Assistant to Professor of Chemistry in Glasgow University, 1890-96 ; Technical Manager to The Gold and Silver Extraction Co. of America (Limited), Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., since 1896. MUIR, JAMES STEEL, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow. MUIR, JOHN, M.D. 1790. " Antiguensis " [Grad. Alb.]. MUIR, JOHN, M.A. 1798, D.D. 1831. Minister of (1) Lecropt, (2) St. James', Glasgow; died 1st February, 1857, aged 79; degree of D.D. conferred at "the request of the Session and Congre- gation of St. James' Parish" [Univ. Minute, 27th April, 1831]. MUIR, JOHN, M.A. 1810. "F. n. Max. Jacobi Artificis, Kilmarnock, Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1804]. MUIR, JOHN, M.A. 1824, "F. n. Max. Jacobi Agricolae, Ardrossan, Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1820]. MUIR, JOHN, M.A. 1888. Minister of St. John's Presbyterian Church, Grimsby, Ontario, Canada. MUIR, JOHN KERR, M.B., CM. 1891. Cwmtillery, Mon. ; Morocco City, Morocco. MUIR, JOHN PICKEN, M.B., CM. 1871 Moniaive; Annan. MUIR, JOSEPH, M.A. 1895 Student of Theology in F.C. College. MUIR, PEARSON M'ADAM, D.D. 1893. Minister of (1) Catrine, 1870-72, (2) Polmont, 1872-80, (3) Morningside, Edin- burgh, 1880-96, (4) Cathedral Church, Glasgow, since 1896. MUIR, ROBERT, M.A. 1779. " Natus in Blantyre, Filius natu Secundus Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Blantyre & comitatu de Clydesdale" [Matric. Alb. 1774]. MUIR, ROBERT, M.D. 1808. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MUIR, ROBERT, M.A. 1810. " Filius unicus Joannis textoris in urbe Glasguensi" [Matric. Alb. 1804]. 458 ROLL OF GRADUATES MUIR, THOMAS, M.A. 1782. Only son of James Muir of Huntershill; born at Glasgow, 24th August, 1765; admitted Advocate, 1787 ; convicted of sedition (Parliamentary Reform movement) by High Court of Justiciary at Edinburgh, 30th August, 1793, and sentenced to transportation for 14 years; arrived at Sydney, 25th September, 1794; rescued, nth February, 1796, by an American ship, "The Otter," which, 4 months afterwards, was wrecked near Nootka Sound, on west coast of South America, only Muir and two sailors surviving ; captured by Indians, from whom he escaped after 3 months' detention ; traversed on foot 4000 miles of American Coast, and reached Panama ; crossed (again on foot) Isthmus of Darien to Vera Cruz, from whence proceeded by a Spanish vessel to the Havannah, where he was imprisoned for a month ; dis- patched to Spain by one of two Spanish frigates, which sailed in company and were captured at Cadiz, 26th April, 1797, by two British ships; Muir, desperately wounded, sent ashore by a British officer, who recognized him as a school companion; detained at Cadiz till 16th September, 1797, when released by desire of French Directory; reached Bourdeaux, December, 1797, and Paris, 4th February, 1798; died at Chantilly, 27th September of that year. MUIR, THOMAS, M.D. 1829. MUIR, THOMAS, M.A. 1870, LL.D. 1884. (1) Assistant to Professor Hugh Blackburn (q.v.), 1871-74; (2) Mathematical Master in the High School of Glasgow; (3) Superintendent-General of Education in Cape Colony; Degree Examiner on Mathematics in Glasgow University, 1879-83. MUIR, THOMAS, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1887. Minister of Methil. MUIR, THOMAS RENNIE, M.B., CM. 1894. Cardiff; Cwmtillery, Mon. ; Abertillery there. MUIR, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1812, D.D. 1820. Minister of (1) St. George's, Glasgow, (2) New Greyfriars, Edinburgh, (3) St. Stephen's, Edinburgh; born at Glasgow, nth October, 1787; died at Edinburgh, 23rd June, 1869. MUIR, SIR WILLIAM, LL.D. 1866. Entered B.C.S. 1837, and became, inter alia, Secretary to Governor of N.W. Provinces; Member of Agra Revenue Board and of Supreme Legislative Council and Foreign Secretary and Member of Council of Governor-General of India; Lieutenant-Governor of N.W. Provinces, 1868-74; Financial Minister to Government of India, 1874-76; Member of Council of Secretary of State for India, 1876-85 ; Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Edinburgh University since 1885; born 1819; K.C.S.I. 1867; D.C.L. Oxon. 1882; LL.D. Edin. 1884. MUIR, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1874. Holytown ; Glasgow ; Mauchline ; Glasgow. MUIR, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1888. Manchester; Davidson's Mains, Midlothian. ROLL OF GRADUATES 459 MUIR, WILLIAM, M.A. 1883, B.D. 1886, B.L. 1888 Free Church Minister at (1) Muthill, (2) St. Enoch's, Glasgow, (3) Blairgowrie. MUIR, WILLIAM CHARLES CRAWFORD, M.B., CM. 1885. London ; Blackburn ; Hyde, Cheshire ; Portarlington, Victoria, Australia ; Surrey Hills, Melbourne. MUIR, WILLIAM ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1889. Kilmarnock ; Liverpool ; Burnley. MUIRHEAD, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1831. Deputy Inspector-General, R.N. ; died in Bute, 18th September, 1863. MUIRHEAD, ANDREW, CM. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MUIRHEAD, GEORGE, D.D. 1816. Minister of (1) Dysart, (2) Cramond, (3) Free Church, Cramond; died 5th April, 1847, aged 84; son of Patrick Muirhead, D.D. (q.v.). MUIRHEAD, HENRY, M.D. 1844, LL.D. 1886. Resident Physician and Proprietor ot Longdales Asylum for Lunatics, Bothwell; Cambuslang; Founder of The Muirhead Demonstratorship of Physiology in Glasgow University; died 31st July, 1890, aged 76. MUIRHEAD, ISLAY BURNS, M.A. 1875, M.B., CM. 1879, M.D. 1887. Glasgow ; East Mailing, Kent ; Aylesford there ; London. MUIRHEAD, JAMES, M.A. 1754. "Filius natu maximus Viri Reverendi Joannis Muirhead V.D.M. in Parochia de Glassford" [Matric. Alb. 1751]; Library Keeper to the University, 1757. MUIRHEAD, JAMES, LL.D. 1885. Advocate and Barrister-at-Law ; Professor of Civil Law in Edinburgh University, 1862-89; Sheriff of Stirling, etc.; died at Edinburgh, 8th November, 1889, aged 58. MUIRHEAD, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1886. Dunfermline ; Walker-on-Tyne. MUIRHEAD, JOHN HENRY, M.A. 1876. (1) Assistant to Professor of Humanity in Glasgow University, 1880-84; (2) Professor of Classics in Royal Holloway College; (3) Lecturer on Mental and Moral Science there, and at same time Professor of Mental and Moral Science in Bedford College, London ; Degree Examiner in Glasgow University on (a) Classics, 1884-87. (b) Philosophy, 1891-94; Snell Exhibitioner, 1875; B.A. Oxon. 1879; MA - l8 87- MUIRHEAD, LEWIS ANDREW, M.A. 1878, B.D. 1881. F.C. Minister at (1) East Wemyss, (2) Broughty Ferry. MUIRHEAD, LOCKHART, M.A. 1797, LL.D. 1820. First Professor of Natural History in Glasgow University, 1808 to 1829; also Principal Librarian; died 23rd July, 1829, aged 63; son of Patrick Muirhead, D.D. (q.v.). 460 ROLL OF GRADUATES MUIRHEAD, PATRICK, D.D. 1775. Minister of Dysart ; one of founders of Muirhead Prizes in Glasgow University; born 20th October, 1718; died 17th February, 1807. MUIRHEAD, ROBERT FRANKLIN, B.Sc. 1879, M.A. 1881. Lecturer on Mathematics in the Mason College, Birmingham, 1891-93; since then Tutor in (1) Edinburgh, (2) Glasgow. MUIRHEAD, WILLIAM, M.A. 1884. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. MUIRHEAD, WILLIAM, M.A. 1895. Student of Theology in Lf.P. College, Edinburgh. MUKERJEA, UMESA CHANDRA, M.B., CM. 1876. Native of Bengal ; probably settled there. MULHALLEN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1766. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MULHOLLAND, JAMES ANDREW DIXON, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow ; lnvercargill, New Zealand. MULHOLLAND, JOSEPH STEVENSON, CM. 1822, M.D. 1845. Belfast. MULLIGAN, EDWARD, M.D. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MULLIGAN, HUGH, M.A. 1737. Irish Presbyterian Minister at (1) Bailieborough, 1742-57, (2) Aughnacloy, 1757-86; died 1st January, 1786. MULLIGAN, JOHN, M.A. 1812. MULVILLE, HENRY JOHN, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MUNDELL, ROBERT, LL.D. 1837. Rector of and Classical Teacher in Wallace Hall Academy, Closeburn, 1790 to 1842; died 5th May, 1842, aged 83. MUNDELL, SAMUEL, M.A. 1793. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MUNGALL, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1889. Glasgow. MUNGALL, DANIEL, M.B., CM. 1879. Glasgow; died suddenly 18th November, 1897. MUNGALL, ROBERT, M.D. 1858. Lochgelly; died 22nd February, 1878. MUNGALL, WALTER HEGGIE, B.Sc. 1888. (1) Assistant to M'Creaths & Stevenson, C. and M.E., Glasgow; (2) Surveyor and Assistant Manager to The Cowdenbeath Coal Co., Ltd. ; (3) Mining and Civil Engineer for The Fife Coal Co., Ltd. ROLL OF GRADUATES 461 MUNN, THOMAS, M.A. 1885. Minister of Forgan. MUNNS, GEORGE, CM. 1819. Hollywell, Co. Leitrim ; Oxford, Ohio. MUNNS, JOHN, M.A. 1749. "Filius natu secundus Viri Reverendi Edwardi Munns Archi-Diaconis Diocesis de Elphin et Ministri Ecclesiae parochialis de Drumclife in Com. de Sligo in Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1747]. MUNRO, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow. MUNRO, ANDREW, M.A. 1885. Schoolmaster, Canisbay Public School, Wick. MUNRO, DANIEL, B.A. i860, M.A. 1861, M.D. 1863. In early life acted for sometime as Tutor to sons of Louis Kossuth in Paris ; never able to follow out his profession ; died at Inverness, of pulmonary phthisis, 2 1 st November, 1896. MUNRO, DONALD, M.D., CM. 1888. Pollokshaws (Assistant in Glasgow University to (1) Professor of Chemistry, (2) Professor of Forensic Medicine, 1872-95). MUNRO, DONALD, M.B., CM. 1895. Auchinleck. MUNRO, FINLAY, M.B., CM. 1868. Stockton-on-Tees ; Haverton Hill, Yorks. ; Middlesbro'. MUNRO, HARRY STEVENSON, M.A. 1891. Teacher, Glasgow, in (1) Gorbals Public School, 1888-89, (2) F.C Normal and Model School, 1890 92, (3) John Street Public School, Bridgeton, since 1893. MUNRO, JOHN LOWE, M.A. 1867, B.D. 1869. (1) Minister of West U.P. Church, Linlithgow, 1870-92; (2) in Canada; (3) in Edinburgh, acting as occasional preacher. MUNRO, JOHN MALCOLM, M.A. 1888. Minister of (1) Insh, Kingussie, 189597, (2) Tarbert, Loch Fyne, since 1897. MUNRO, JOHN PEARSON, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow (sometime Lecturer on (a) Public Health in Anderson's College, (b) Chemistry and Pharmacy in Western Medical School); Ship Surgeon; died at Boston, U.S.A., 6th May, 1897. MUNRO, JOHN WALKER, M.B., CM. 1896. Partick. MUNRO, ROBERT, M.A. 1869, B.D. 1872- U.P. Minister at Kincardine-on-Forth. 462 ROLL OF GRADUATES MUNRO, WILLIAM, M.D. 1844, LL.D. 1888. Entered Army Medical Department, 1844; Surgeon, 1854; Surgeon-Major, 1864; Deputy Surgeon-General, 1867; Surgeon-General, 1876; retired 1881 ; served in Kaffir War 1846-47, Crimea 1854-55, Indian Mutiny 1857-58, and with Euzofzai Field Force 1863; C.B. (Mil.), 1865; born 1823; died 30th October, 1896. MUNRO, WILLIAM DORMOND, M.A. 1885. (1) Apprentice to Mitchells, Cowan & Johnston, Writers, Glasgow; (2) Clerk to Strathern & Blair, W.S., Edinburgh; (3) Clerk to Shepstone, Wylie & Binns, Solicitors, Durban, Natal; LL.B. Edin. 1893. MURCHIE, JOHN, B.A. 1847. Sometime Classical Teacher in Partick Academy; marked "deceased" in General Council Register for 1860-61. MURDOCH, ALLAN, C.M. 1832. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. MURDOCH, ANDREW, M.B., C.M. 1884. Ayr; Bootle, Lanes.; Rainford there; Bexhill, Sussex. MURDOCH, GEORGE, M.B., C.M. 1868. Assistant-Surgeon, R.N. ; died 19th June, 1870, aged 22. MURDOCH, JAMES WILLIAM AITKEN, M.B., C.M. 1884. Paisley ; Wallingford, Berks. MURDOCH, JOHN, LL.D. 1871. Agent in India for the London Christian Vernacular Education Society. MURDOCH, JOHN LOGAN, M.A. 1825. "Ex Nova Scotia" [Grad. Alb.]. MURDOCH, PETER MAXWELL WALLACE, M.A. 1880. Civil Engineer, Buenos Ayres. MURDOCH, ROBERT, M.B., C.M. 1872. Galston; Ratcliffe-on-Trent ; Galston ; Surgeon, R.N. ; died 1878. MURDOCH, ROBERT HENRY MAURICE, B.Sc. 1881. Analytical and Technical Chemist, Nobel's Explosives Co., Ltd., Stevenston. MURIE, JAMES, M.D. 1857. Glasgow; Zoological Gardens, London ; Naturalist, etc., in Consul Petherick's Nile Expedition ; F.L.S ; LL.D. St. And. 1877 ; sometime Lecturer on Comparative Anatomy, Middlesex Hospital; Leigh, Essex. MURPHY, ANDREW DUNLOP, M.A. 1877. (1) Teacher in Dalmellington Subscription School; (2) Teacher in St. Matthew's Parish School, Glasgow; (3) Teacher in Ardrossan Academy; (4) Head Master of Russell Street Public School, Ayr. MURPHY, JAMES, M.D. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 463 MURPHY, JOHN, M.D. 1836, CM. 1852. Milltown, Co. Kerry; died 1879. MURPHY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1821. " Filius Natu Maximus Gulielmi Agricolae in parochia de Drumballyrony in comitatu de Doun" [Matric. Alb. 18 17]. MURPHY, WILLIAM, M.D. 1826. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MURPHY, WILLIAM DANIEL, M.D., CM. 1839. Charleville, Co. Cork ; Castle Connell, Co. Limerick ; Kilmallock, Co. Limerick; Limerick; J. P. MURRAY, ALEXANDER JOHN, M.A. 1850. Presbyterian Minister at (1) St. Helier's, Jersey, (2) Croydon; retired 1879; born 1 83 1 ; died at Marseilles, 1881. MURRAY, ALEXANDER STEWART, LL.D. 1887. Keeper of Roman and Greek Antiquities, British Museum. MURRAY, ALLAN FULLARTON, M.A. 1870. F.C. Minister at Torphichen. MURRAY, ALLAN ROBERTSON, M.A. 1867. Native of Greenock; born 23rd March, 1843; Snell Exhibitioner, 1867; B.A. Oxon, 1870; died of consumption, 1st June, 1878. MURRAY, ANDREW GILMOUR, B.L. 1891. Writer, Glasgow. MURRAY, CHARLES JAMES, M.D. 1837. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. MURRAY, DANIEL, M.D. 1855. Brigade-Surgeon, Army. MURRAY, DANIEL, M.D. 1856. Belfast; died 13th March, 1873. MURRAY, DAVID, M.A. 1863, LL.D. 1888. Writer in Glasgow and present Dean of the Faculty of Procurators there ; Member of the University Court, as Rector's Assessor, since 1896. MURRAY, DAVID, B.Sc. 1884. (1) Assistant Mathematical Master in Greenock Academy; (2) Mathematical Master in Dunfermline High School; (3) Mathematical Master in Kilmarnock Academy ; (4) Head Master of Grammar School, Kilmarnock. MURRAY, DONALD, M.B., CM. 1890. South Shields; Brora, Sutherlandshire. MURRAY, FRANCIS, M.D. 1820. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MURRAY, GEORGE, M.A. 1875. Minister, British Columbia. 464 ROLL OF GRADUATES MURRAY, GEORGE, M.A. 1896. Resident at 15 Crichton Road, Rothesay; will possibly adopt the teaching profession. MURRAY, JAMES, M.D. 1765. MURRAY, JAMES, CM. 1834, M.D. 1835. Belfast; died 2nd February, 1862. MURRAY, JAMES BLAIR, M.A. 1886. Teacher in Glasgow. MURRAY, JAMES CRAIGIE, M.D. 1845. Surgeon, R.N. ; died 1851. MURRAY, JAMES ROBERT ERSKINE, B.Sc. 1892. Assistant Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering in Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh. MURRAY, JOHN, B.A. 1783, M.A. 1787. Surgeon in Newcastle-on-Tyne. MURRAY, JOHN, M.D. 1841. Cookstown, Co. Tyrone. MURRAY, JOHN, M.A. 1856, M.D. 1861, CM. 1862. Glasgow; Newton-Stewart; Wickham, Hants.; died 16th September, 1874. MURRAY, JOHN, M.B. 1871, M.D., CM. 1876. Ferryhill, Durham ; Carluke ; Cleland. MURRAY, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow; Rhayader, Radnorshire. MURRAY, JOHN CLARK, LL.D. 1873. Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy in (1) Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, 1862-72, (2) M'Gill College, Montreal, 1872; born in Paisley, 19th March, 1836. MURRAY, JOHN GILLESPIE, B.A. i860. Officer of the Chinese Civil Service: (1) Accountant to Legation, Pekin ; (2) Private Secretary to Sir Frederick Bruce there; (3) Private Secretary to Sir Rutherford Alcock there; (4) Vice-Consul at Foochou; (5) Judge of Mixed Court at Shanghai; born at Stranraer, 1841 ; died 20th October, 1874. MURRAY, JOHN WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1883. Bowmore, Islay; Bury, Lanes.; Chorley there; died 1892. MURRAY, MATTHEW, D.D. 1868. Minister of Mains Street Secession Church, Glasgow, and Professor of Divinity to Original Secession Synod; died 2nd May, 1876, aged 72. MURRAY, NEIL, M.D. 1864. Bonaw ; Fort-William; died 23rd August, 1872, aged 30. MURRAY, PERCY HOPE, M.B., CM. 1892. Peterborough; Beckenham, Kent, ROLL OF GRADUATES 465 MURRAY, ROBERT, M.A. 1889. Intended for the Ministry; died at Auchterarder, 8th February, 1890, aged 25. MURRAY, SAMUEL JOHN, M.A. 1895. Teacher in Glasgow Public Schools, viz., (1) Kennedy Street, (2) Napiershall. MURRAY, THOMAS, M.A. 1854. Minister of (1) Strathkinnes, (2) Anstruther-Easter. MURRAY, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1754. See Mansfield, Earl of. MURRAY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1795. Intended for Dissenting Ministry in "South Britain"; no trace of his career. MURRAY, WILLIAM, M.D. 1863, CM. 1864. Burley, Yorks. ; died 1887. MURRAY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1886. English Presbyterian Minister at (1) Crook, Darlington, (2) Penang, Straits Settlements. MURRAY, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1891. Newton, Lanarkshire ; Coatbridge. MURRAY, WILLIAM COCHRANE, M.B., CM. 1892. Barrhead; Glasgow. MURRAY, WILLIAM DUNMORE, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow ; Scunthorpe, Lines. ; Glasgow. MURRAY, WILLIAM HENRY, M.B., CM. 1888. Greenock; Ship Surgeon. MURRAY, WILLIAM MEIKLE, M.A. 1895. Student of Law. MURRELL, JAMES, M.A. 1794. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. MUSTARD, CHARLES FOSTER, M.A. 1787. "Filius Natu Secundis Davidis Armigeri in parochia Sanctae Mariae in comitatu de Essex" [Matric. Alb. 1784]. MUSTON, CHRISTOPHER, B.A. 1821, M.A. 1822. "Filius natu Maximus Christophori V.D.M. apud Cantabrigiam " [Matric. Alb. 1820]. MUTER, ROBERT, M.A. 1757, D.D. 1793. Sometime preacher in the College Chapel, Glasgow; thereafter (1770 to 1820) Minister of Kirkcudbright; died 21st January, 1820, aged 86. MUTTER, THOMAS, D.D. 1779. Minister of (1) Leswalt, (2) Auchtermuchty, (3) Dumfries ; died 25th February, 1793, aged 83. 2 G 466 ROLL OF GRADUATES MYERS, LEVI, M.D. 1787. " Caroliniensis " [Grad. Alb.]. MYERS, WILLIAM SHEPHARD, CM. 1827. "Anglais" [Grad. Alb.]. MYERS, WILLIAM WYKEHAM, M.B., CM. 1868. Chefoo, China; Wenchow there; Takow there (Medical Officer, H.B.M. Consulate). MYLNE, ANDREW, D.D. 1821. Minister of Dollar, and Superintendent of Dollar Academy; died 27th October, 1856, aged 81 ; Degree conferred on " a proposal from Sir John Connell Dean of Faculties" [Univ. Minutes, 8th and 15th November, 182 1]. MYLNE, JAMES, M.A. 1828. Deputy Chaplain, 83rd Foot, 1779-83; Minister of Second Charge, Paisley, 1783-97; Professor of Moral Philosophy in Glasgow University, 1797 to 1839; died 2 1 st September, 1839, aged 83. NAGEL, ADOLPHUS C, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. NAIRN, CUTHBERT, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow ; Paris ; Ship Surgeon. NAIRN, JAMES, M.A. 1884. Teacher, Lochwinnoch ; died there, 27th August, 1891, aged 29. NAIRN, ROBERT WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1891. Johnstone ; Ship Surgeon ; Farnsfield, Notts. NAIRN, THOMAS, M.A. 175 1. " Filius quondam Thomae, in parochia de Kilmaronnock " [Matric. Alb. 1744]. NAIRN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1866. U.P. Minister at (1) Keith, (2) Hutchesontown, Glasgow; died 8th July, 1888. NAISMITH, JAMES HENDERSON, M.B., CM. 1891. Hamilton ; Lennoxtown. NAISMITH, JAMES SCOTT, M.A. 1884, B.Sc. 1886. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. NAISMITH, JOHN, M.D. 1838. "Filius natu maximus Gulielmi Armigeri apud Hamilton" [Matric. Alb. 1831]. NAISMITH, JOHN ALFRED, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. NAISMITH, WILLIAM, M.D. 1847. Glasgow; Hamilton; died 18th August, 1875, aged 51. ROLL OF GRADUATES 467 NANDI, SAMBHU CHANDRA, M.B., CM. 1879. Surgeon-Major, I. M.S., Bengal. NAPIER, ALEXANDER, M.B. 1872, M.D. 1877. Port-Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope; Glasgow (Assistant to Professor of Materia Medica in the University, 1880-88, and sometime Professor of that subject in Anderson's College). NAPIER, ANDREW, M.D. 1802. "Filius natu quartus Alex. Armigeri de Blackstown in Com. de Renfrew" [Matric Alb. 1797]. NAPIER, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1879. Glasgow ; Overtown. NAPIER, GEORGE GLEN, M.A. 1879. Merchant in Glasgow. NAPIER, JAMES, M.D. 1828. "Fil. Roberti, Aedificatoris, Com. de Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1822]. NAPIER, JAMES, M.A. 1876. Merchant in Glasgow. NAPIER, JOHN, M.A. 1887. Engineer in Glasgow. NAPIER, LAWRENCE TWENTYMAN, B.L. 1878. Advocate, Edinburgh. NAPIER AND ETTRICK, LORD, LL.D. 1879. Tenth Baron ; Secretary of Embassy at Constantinople etc. ; Plenipotentiary at Washington, etc. ; Governor of Madras ; and sometime Acting Viceroy of India ; born 15th September, 1819; LL.D. Edin. 1884. NAPIER, PETER, M.A. 1810, D.D. 1847. Minister of (1) St. George's-in-the-Fields, Glasgow, (2) Blackfriars, Glasgow; died 1 2th March, 1865, aged 72. NASH, JAMES COMBER, M.B., CM. 1867. Slamannan ; died 24th March, 1891, aged 48. NASMITH, WILLIAM, M.A. 1755. "Jacobi filius natu secundus, mercatoris Norvicensis" [Matric. Alb. 1752]. NASON, HARRISON, M.D. 1838. Newtown Lodge, Co. Cork; died 2nd October, 1861, aged 55. NEESON, ANDREW, CM. 1836, M.D. 1858. Crumlin, Co. Antrim; Aghalee, same Co.; died 1868. NEIL, JOHN CLARK, M.A. 1883, B.D. 1885. Minister of (1) E.U. Church, Rutherglen, 1885-89, (2) E.U. Church, Greenock, 1889-95, (3) Congregational Church, Hoylake, Cheshire, since 1895. NEILL, ANDREW CHARLES BRISBANE, M.D. 1837. Surgeon, Madras Army; London; died 19th July, 1891, aged 77. 468 ROLL OF GRADUATES NEILL, HENRY, M.A. 1885. English Presbyterian Minister at Seaham. NEILL, JAMES, M.A. 1885. Teacher, Hurlford, Ayrshire; died 29th November, 1885, aged 42. NEILL, JOHN, B.A. 1859, M.A. i860. Merchant, Greenock. NEILSON, HENRY JOHN, M.B., CM. 1885, M.D. 1887. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow ; Over Darwen, Lanes. ; Bulwell, Notts. NEILSON, JOHN, M.A. 1827. "Fil. n. 3 tius Gulielmi mere. Paisley" [Matric. Alb. 1822]. NEILSON, JOSEPH ANDREW, M.D. 1801. Believed to be the same person as "J. A. Neilson, a Doctor of Physic in Dublin," mentioned in Dictionary of National Biography, son of Moses Neilson, D.D. (q.v.), and brother of William Neilson, D.D. (q.v.). NEILSON, MOSES, M.A. 1763, D.D. 1792. Presbyterian Minister at Kilmore, Co. Down, 1767 to 1823; died 23rd April, 1823. NEILSON, ROBERT, M.D. 1808. " Filius unicus Gavini mercatoris Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1801]. NEILSON, ROBERT J., M.A. 1830. Probably the same person as Robert J. Neilson, Teacher in Western Academy, New City Road, Glasgow, one of the early preceptors of Professor John Nichol. NEILSON, ROBERT THOMSON, B.L. 1883. Writer, Glasgow. NEILSON, SAMUEL, M.A. 1816. " Filius natu Secundus Jacobi Agricolae in parochia de Cumber in comitatu de Down in Hyb." [Matric. Alb. 18 13]. NEILSON, SAMUEL, M.A. 1819. " Filius natu Maximus Joannis Artificis apud Quebec in ditione Mag. Britt." [Matric. Alb. 18 16]. NEILSON, THOMAS, M.A. 1824. RP. Minister at Rothesay; born 1801 ; died 20th December, 1872. NEILSON, WILLIAM, D.D. 1805. Presbyterian Minister of Dundalk, Ireland, 1796 to 18 18, and Rector of the Academy there ; afterwards Professor of Greek, Latin, and Hebrew in the Belfast Academical Institution; born 12th September, 1774; died 27th April, 1821; son of Moses Neilson, D.D. (q.v.). NEILSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1818. "Filius natu maximus Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Termanneny in comitatu de Derry" [Matric. Alb. 18 14]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 469 NEILSON, WILLIAM BENNETT, B.Sc. 1874. Head Master of the Grammar School, Musselburgh; died 10th November, 1876. NEISH, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow ; Forres ; Cardiff. NELSON, ADAM, M.A. 1891, B.D. 1894. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. NELSON, JAMES, M.A. 1788, D.D. 1817. Minister of the Presbyterian Congregation at Downpatrick, Ireland, 1791 to 1838; born 1st May, 1768; died 28th January, 1838. NELSON, JAMES, M.A. 1839. NELSON, SAMUEL CRAIG, M.A. 1823. Presbyterian Minister, Downpatrick. NELSON, THOMAS, M.D. 1815. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. NELSON, TIMOTHY, M.A. 1758. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Penruddock, Cumberland, (2) Garrigill, near Alston, (3) Alston Moor, (4) Great Salkeld (near Penrith) and Plumpton Street. NELSON, WILLIAM DUN, M.D. 1810. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. NESBITT, FREDERICK, M.D. 1846. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. NESS, JAMES, M.A. 1874, B.L. 1876, LL.B. 1878. Writer, Glasgow. NESS, ROBERT BARCLAY, M.A. 1883, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow (Professor of Materia Medica in Anderson's College, and Assistant to Professor of Medicine and Clinical Medicine in the University). NESS, WILLIAM FINDLAY, M.A. 1882, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow ; Port-Glasgow. NETTERVILLE, JOHN WILLIAM, M -D. 1845- "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. NEVIN, ROBERT JAMES, MB > C - M - l8 9i- West Auckland, Co. Durham. NEVIN, WILLIAM, M - D - *794- Believed to be the same person as William Nevin who, from 1785-89, was Irish Presbyterian Minister at Downpatrick, but resigned and became a Physician. NEWBIGGING, THOMAS DUNCAN, M.B., CM. 1896. West Kilbride. 470 ROLL OF GRADUATES NEWCOMB, SIMON, LL.D. 1896. Teacher in Maryland, 1854-56; Computer on the Nautical Almanac, then published in Cambridge, Mass., 1857; Professor of Mathematics in the U.S. Navy, and assigned to duty at the U.S. Naval Observatory, Washington, 1861 ; Senior Professor of Mathematics in the U.S. Navy, with the relative rank of Captain, 1877, and since then has been in charge of the office of the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, in addition to these duties became, in 1884, Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy in Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore; LL.D. of (1) Columbian University of Washington, 1874, (2) Yale, 1875, (3) Harvard, 1884, (4) Columbia, 1887; Ph.D. Heidelberg, 1886; born at Wallace, N.S., 1 2th March, 1835. NEWELL, ALFRED GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1894. Greenock. NEWLANDS, GEORGE FRANCIS, M.A 1879, LL.B. 1882. Writer, Glasgow. NEWLANDS, THOMAS SCOTT, M.A. 1877, B.D. 1881. U.P. Minister at Craigend, Perth. NEWLANDS, WILLIAM, M.A. 181 5. "F. n. max. Jo. art. Glasg. n." [Matric. Alb. 1809]. NEWMAN, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1878, M.D. 1883. Glasgow : sometime Lecturer on Pathology in Royal Infirmary ; Examiner for Medical Degrees in the University, 1883-93; son of Edward Newman, M.D. (q.v.). NEWMAN, EDWARD, M.D. 1834. Staff-Surgeon, R.N., 1859; Partick; died 24th June, 1876. NEWMAN, JAMES ELDER, M.D. 1836. Glasgow; Cove, Dumbartonshire; died 4th June, 1870, aged 55. NEWSOM, HENRY, M.A. 1763. "Filius natu major Moses Mercatoris in Urbe de Cork in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1762]. NEWTH SAMUEL, D.D. 1875. (1) Minister of Congregational Church, Broseley, Salop; (2) Professor of Classics and Mathematics, Western College, Plymouth ; (3) Professor of Mathe- matics and Ecclesiastical History, New College, London ; (4) Professor of Classics, Mathematics, and Ecclesiastical History, New College; (5) Principal of New College and Professor of New Testament Exegesis and Ecclesiastical History therein. NEWTON, ANDREW, M.D. 1833. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. NEWTON, JAMES GILLDEA, M.D. 1848. Gowran, Co. Kilkenny. NEWTON, ROBERT EARLE, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow; Rock Ferry, Cheshire; Litcham, Norfolk. ROLL OF GRADUATES 471 NICHOL, HARVEY, M.A. 1881. Minister of Parton, Kirkcudbright; B.D. Edin. 1884. NICHOL, JOHN PRINGLE, LL.D. 1836. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland ; Schoolmaster at (1) Dun, (2) Hawick, (3) Cupar- Fife, where he acted as Editor of the Fife Herald ; thereafter Rector of Montrose Academy; Professor of Astronomy in Glasgow University, 1836 to 1859; born at Huntly Hill, near Brechin. 13th January, 1804; died at Rothesay, 19th September, 1859; father of John Nichol, Professor of English Literature in Glasgow University, 1862-89, an< ^ father-in-law of Professor William Jack (q.v.). NICHOL, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Guerrero, Mexico. NICHOLL, WHITLOCK, M.D. 1826. London; Cowbridge, Glam.; Ludlow; London; F.R.S.; died at Wimbledon, 3rd December, 1838, aged 52. NICHOLSON, ADAM, M.D. 1845. Antigua; died 6th June, 1868, aged 49. NICHOLSON, BALFOUR STEWART, M.B., CM. 1893. Paisley. NICHOLSON, JAMES, M.A. 1883. Boilermaker, Glasgow. NICHOLSON, JOHN, M.D. 1812. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. NICHOLSON, JOHN, M.D. 1838. Lincoln; London; died 21st March, 1884, aged 69. NICHOLSON, THOMAS, M.D. 1849. Antigua; Ealing, Middlesex; Antigua; died 8th July, 1877, aged 77. NICHOLSON, WILLIAM THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1886. Newcastle-on-Tyne; Morpeth; Glasgow (Superintendent of Victoria Infirmary). NICOL, JAMES, B.A. 1818, M.A. 1819. Minister of Leslie; died 6th August, 1854, aged 56. NICOL, JAMES, M.D. 1839. Aberdour; Llandudno, N. Wales; J. P. NICOL, JOHN, CM ^819, M.D. 1827. Liverpool. *^ *^l; J s r '~'^!( MA NICOL, JOHN WYLLIE, 2 ' ',., CM. 1890. Glasgow (VacffiTa*~-- Western Infin ^-^and. NICOL, WALTER, / A x > - ,823. Possibly y •y' 472 ROLL OF GRADUATES NICOL, WILLIAM, D.D. 1853. Minister of U.P. Church, Jedburgh; died 28th December, 1858, aged 62. NICOL, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1879. Ayr. NICOLL, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1893. Kirriemuir. NICOLL, JAMES HENDERSON, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow. NICOLLS, GEORGE ARCHIBALD, M.D. 1839. Staff-Surgeon, R.N. NICOLLS, PATRICK JOSEPH, M.D. 1839. Navan, Co. Meath ; died 23rd April, 1887. NICOLLS, SIMON, M.D. 1839. Longford, Ireland; died 27th August, 1876. NICOLSON, DAVID, M.A. 1895. Senior Assistant in Secondary Department of High School, Brechin. NICOLSON, DONALD NORMAN, M.D. 1845. Barra ; Glasgow. NICOLSON, ROBERT ALEXANDER, M.A. 1886, B.Sc. 1887. Teacher in the High School of Glasgow. NIDDRIE, PETER, M.D. 1835. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. NIELL, JOHN, M.D. 1835. London; Croydon, Surrey; died 30th September, 1872, aged 65. NIELSON, ANDREW BONAR, M.A. 1891. English Presbyterian Missionary to Formosa. NIHILL, JOHN, CM. 1825. Killaloe, Co. Clare. NIMMO, FRANK PAUL, M.A. 1886. Teacher in (a) Allan Glen's School, Glasgow, (b) Graaf-Reinet College, Cape Colony. N ",IMPP> WILLIAM, M.D. 1835. Glasgow (Assistant Surgeon to the Eye Infirmary, and Lecturer on Surgery j n ^llege Street); went to Demerara, 1836, and died there, 1841. NIMMO, WILJAM CAMERON, M.A. 1879, LL-B. 1882. ( x \ \riter, Glasgow; (2) Stockbroker there; (3) Wool and Produce Broker, Sydney, Ne" South Wales. NISBET A " IOMSON, M.B., CM. 1886, M.D. 1896. UN = Newton Abbot, Devon; Ashburton there; Newton Abbot. 473 LL.D. 1871. 1 59- M.B., CM. 1894. M.D. 1843. M.A. 1888. M.D. 1820. ROLL OF GRADUATES NISBET, HENRY, Missionary to Samoa, Polynesian Islands; died 1876, aged 59 NISBET, HUGH STIRLING BROWN, Glasgow. NISBET, JAMES ANDERSON, "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. NISBET, JOHN, Barrister-at-Law, London. NISBET, MATTHEW, "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. NISBET, RICHARD, M.A. 1770. " Joannis Filius natu maximus Agricolae in Parochia de Donagheady in Com. de Tyrone Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1769]. NISBET, ROBERT GEORGE, M.A. 1894. Student of Christ Church, Oxford. NISBET, THOMAS, M.A. 1895. Teacher, Glasgow, in (1) Dobbie's Loan Public School, (2) Pupil Teachers' Institute. NISBETT, NEHEMIAH, M.A. 1770. Dissenting Minister, "settled in a Parish in England." NIVEN, CHARLES RITCHIE, M.B., CM. 1888. Kimbolton, Hunts. ; Littleborough, Lanes. ; Liverpool. NIVEN, JAMES, M.D. 1840. Ayr; Surgeon, R.N. ; died at Harwich, 10th June, 1863. NIVEN, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1893. Ashington, Northumberland. NIVEN, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1868. Strathmiglo ; Newburgh. NIVEN, THOMAS BROWN WILLIAM, B.L. 1889. Writer, Glasgow. NIVISON, JAMES, M.A. 1878. Clerk, Sanquhar. NIXON, GEORGE, M.A. 1774. "Filius natu maximus Viri Reverendi Andreae Rectoris parochiae de Anna in Comitatu de Cavan, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1772]. NIXON, GEORGE ALCOCK, M.D. 1834. Enniskillen. NOBLE, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1841, CM. 1854. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. 474 ROLL OF GRADUATES NOEHDEN, GEORG HEINRICH, LL.D. 1812. German philologist ; Tutor to daughters of Grand Duchess of Saxe-Weimar ; Secretary, Department of Antiquities, British Museum, London ; born at Gottingen, 23rd January, 1770; died 14th March, 1826. NOLAN, HENRY PALMER, M.D. 1842. Dublin. NORRIS, FREDERICK LAING, M.B., CM. 1888. Woodford, Essex; Cayon, St. Kitts, West Indies; Woodford, Essex; St. Kitts, West Indies; Montserrat there. NORRIS, HUGH MOFFAT, B.A. 1802. "Filius natu maximus Hugonis armigeri de Edwinstow in Comitatu de Nottingham in Anglia" [Matric. Alb. 1800]. NORRIS, JOHN HUTCHINSON, M.D. 1830. Preston, Lanes.; Durham; died 23rd November, 1863, aged 54. NORRIS, ROBERT RADCLIFFE, M.D. 1835. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. NORVAL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1829. Minister of (1) South Church, Kirriemuir, (2) Trindon Episcopal Church, (3) St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Glasgow, (4) St. James's, Bermondsey. NOVELLI, AUGUSTUS, B.A. 1836. " Filius natu maximus Philippi, Armigeri, in comitat. de Lancaster " [Matric. Alb. 1833]. NUGENT, MORGAN DELVINIS, M.D. 1828. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. NUTTING, DANIEL CHAPLIN, B.Sc. 1895. Officer, U.S. Navy. OASTLER, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1889. Church-Stretton, Salop; Glasgow. OBERY, JOHN MEESOM, B.A. 1837, M.A. 1838. Congregational Minister at (1) Harrison Road Chapel, Halifax, (2) Woodford, Essex; died 13th April, 1858, aged 45. O'BRENAN, JOHN, M.D. 1802. "Hybernus" [Grad. Alb.]. O'BRIEN, BARTHOLOMEW, M.D. 1833. Burwood, N.S. Wales. O'BRIEN, GEORGE WILLIAM, M.D. 1832. Ennis, Co. Clare; died 2nd December, 1864. O'BRIEN, JOHN, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 475 O'BRIEN, JOHN ALOYSIUS, M.B., CM. 1876. Sunderland ; Beechworth, Victoria, Australia ; Melbourne there ; Sunbury there. O'BRIEN, JOSEPH, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. O'BRYEN, JOHN ROCHE, M.D. 1836. Clifton; Liverpool; London; died 26th July, 1870, aged 58. OCHILTREE, EDWARD GRAHAM, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1883. Glasgow ; Carmarthen ; Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. O'CONNELL, DENNIS, M.D. 1825. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. O'CONNELL, MORGAN DAVID, M.D. 1838. Knight of St. Ferdinand; sometime Surgeon on Staff, Brit. Leg. of Spain; Kilmallock, Co. Limerick; died January, 1887. O'CONNOR, EDMUND, M.D. 1791. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. O'CONNOR, JAMES, M.A. 1779. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ODELL, ROBERT, M.D. 1837. Ballingarry, Co. Limerick; died 1865. O'DONNELL, HUGH, CM. 1832. Buncrana, Co. Donegal; Coroner for Ennishowen; died 1857. O'DONNELL, JAMES, M.D. 1832. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. O'DONNELL, JAMES, M.D. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. O'DONOGHUE, HUGH, CM. 1820. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. O'DONOVAN, BARTHOLOMEW, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. O'DONOVAN, DANIEL, M.D. 1852. Shanagolden, Co. Limerick ; Surgeon -Major, Army ; Rathgar, Co. Dublin. O'DWYER, WILLIAM, M.D. 1784. Staff-Physician, Army Medical Department of Ireland. O'FERRALL, HUGH, M.D. 1788. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. O'FLYN, JOHN DENIS, M.D. 1833. Cork; died 1872. OGILVY, DAVID GRAHAM DRUMMOND. See Airlie, Earl of. 476 ROLL OF GRADUATES O'GORMAN, JOHN PETER, CM. 1829. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. O'HAGAN, HUGH, . M.D. 1838. Navan, Co. Meath; Surgeon, R.N. O'HANLON, DAVID, M.D. 1851. Rathkeale, Co. Limerick; J.P. ; died 10th May, 1876, aged 52. O'HANLON, JAMES, CM. 1840. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. O'HEAR, JOSEPH, B.L. 1888. Writer, Glasgow. O'KELLY, EDWARD TALBOT, M.D., CM. 18 19. Maynooth, Co. Kildare; graduated as "Kelly." O'KELLY, EDWARD TALBOT, M.D., CM. 1836. Maynooth, Co. Kildare; died 4th February, 1879, aged 68. O'LEARY, CORNELIUS R., M.D., CM. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. OLIPHANT, JAMES, M.A. 1756. Minister of (1) Gorbals, (2) Kilmarnock, (3) Dumbarton; mentioned in Burns' Poem, "The Ordination"; died 10th April, 1818, aged 84; became blind some time before death, but continued to officiate. OLIPHANT, WILLIAM, M.A. 1787. "Filius natu unicus Jacobi" (q.v.) " V.D.M. in vico et Comitatu de Dumbar- ton" [Matric. Alb. 1783]. OLIVER, ALEXANDER, B.A. 1853. U.P. Minister at (1) Galashiels, 1854-64, (2) Regent Place, Glasgow, since 1865; D.D. Edin. 1888. OLIVER, ANDREW, M.A. 1771. " Filius natu maximus Thomae Automatum Opificis in parochia Enniskillen Comitatu Fermanagh Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1769]. OLIVER, ARCHIBALD RUSSELL, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow; son of Alexander Oliver, B.A. 1853 (q.v.). OLIVER, FRANK, M.D. 1843. London; died 1st October, 1890, aged 77. OLIVER, JOHN, M.A. 1874 Minister of (1) Belhaven, Dunbar, (2) Maryhill. OLIVER, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1874, M.D. 1880. Glasgow ; Preston, Lanes. ; Newcastle-on-Tyne (Professor of Physiology in University of Durham, and Lecturer on that subject in Newcastle-on-Tyne College of Medicine); Degree Examiner on Physiology in Glasgow University, 1891-92. ROLL OF GRADUATES 477 OLIVER, WILLIAM, M.A. 1767. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. OLIVER, WILLIAM, M.A. 1871. Professor of English and Tutor in Classics at the Memorial College, Brecon, South Wales, 1872-83; Minister of the Congregational Church at Wrexham, North Wales, 1886-91; since then without special charge. O'MEAGHER, WILLIAM, M.D. 1791. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. O'MEALLY, PATRICK, CM. 1825. "Jamaica" [Grad. Alb.]. O'MULLANE, ARTHUR, M.D. 1838. An "A. O'Mullane, M.D.," died "at Bourke-st. West, Australia," on 21st October, 1864, aged 51. O'NEIL, CHARLES, M.A. 1780. "Natus in Hibernia, Filius natu secundus Joannis Armigeri in Parochia de Ray in Com. de Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1779]. O'NEIL, DANIEL JOSEPH, M.B., CM. 1877. Liverpool; Farnworth, Lanes.; died there, 13th September, 1897, aged 43. O'NEIL, WILLIAM, M.D. 1791. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. O'NEILL, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1892. Coatbridge. O'NEILL, CLOTWORTHY, M.A. 1736. High Sheriff of the County of Antrim. O'NEILL, CONOLLY, M.A. 1776. " Natus in Hibernia filius natu tertius Jacobi Reverendi viri Vicarii Parochiae de Kilbarren in Comitatu Dunnegal" [Matric. Alb. 1774]. O'NEILL, HUGH, CM. 1821. "Ireland" [Grad. Alb.]. O'NEILL, JOHN, M.D. 1847. Ballymena, Co. Antrim; died January, 1867. O'NEILL, MARKER, M.A. 1735. "Filius Felicis O'Neill arm. in com. Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1733]. O'NEILL, TIMOTHY, M.D. 1848, CM. 1863. Conna, Co. Cork; Ballyduff, Co. Waterford; died 23rd September, 1870. O'REDY, JAMES, M.D. 1785. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. O'REILLY, EDWARD, M.D. 1818. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. 478 ROLL OF GRADUATES O'REILLY, JOHN, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. O'REILLY, JOHN JOSEPH, M.D. 1838. Trim, Co. Meath; died 26th May, 1868. ORMOND, HUGH HAMILTON, B.L. 1885. Writer, Helensburgh. ORMOND, JAMES HAMILTON, M.B., CM. 1893. West Auckland, Co. Durham ; Particle. ORMSTON, HENRY BALDWIN, M.D. 1837. Bandon, Co. Cork; died 1868. O'ROURKE, PATRICK, M.D. 1841. Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford; died 9th February, 1876, aged 80. ORR, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1855. Irvine; died 1858. ORR, ALEXANDER BRODIE SETON, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1882. Glasgow ; Chester ; London. ORR, DAVID, M.A. 1884, B.D. 1886. Minister of Elder Park Parish, Govan. ORR, DAVID WHITEFORD, M.B., CM. 1883. Huddersfield. ORR, JAMES, M.D. 1835. Dunoon. ORR, JAMES, M.A. 1870, B.D. 1872, D.D. 1885. U.P. Minister at Hawick, 1874-91 ; Professor of Church History in U.P. College since 1891; Degree Examiner on Mental Philosophy in Glasgow Uni- versity, 1876-79. ORR, JOHN, M.A. 1808. Surgeon at Cambo, Northumberland. ORR, JOHN, M.A. 1815. Presbyterian Minister at Portaferry, County Down, 1822-78; died 4th November, 1878. ORR, JOHN, M.D. 1864 Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Liverpool; died 1884. ORR, JOHN, M.A. 1873. Minister of Church Street English Presbyterian Church, Berwick-on-Tweed ; died 1883. ORR, JOHN, B.Sc. 1896. Mechanical Engineer: (1) Apprentice with Gibb & Hogg, Ltd., Airdrie; (2) in works of D. & W. Henderson, Finnieston, Glasgow; (3) on Drawing Office Staff of Simpson, Strickland & Co., Ltd., Dartmouth ; (4) on Technical Staff of Wigham, Richardson & Co., Newcastle. ROLL OF GRADUATES 479 ORR, JOHN AITKEN, M.A. 1883. Minister of Broxburn. ORR, JOHN FRASER, M.B., CM. 1885, M.D. 1888. Glasgow. ORR, RICHARD, M.A. 1895. Teacher, Glasgow, in (1) Abbotsford Public School, (2) Wolseley Street School, (3) Queen's Park School. ORR, ROBERT, M.A. 18 16. " Filius natu Secundus quondam Alexandri Mercatoris apud Belford in comitatu de Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1813]. ORR, ROBERT, M.D. 1856. Kilbirnie ; Glasgow. ORR, WILLIAM, CM. 1833. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ORR, WILLIAM, B.L. 1886. Writer, Coatbridge. ORR, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1878. Johnstone. ORR, WILLIAM FREW, M.A. 1883. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. ORR, WILLIAM JOHN, M.B., CM. 1896. Saltcoats. O'RYAN, JOHN, M.D. 1791. Settled at Waterford. OSBORNE, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1880. Minister of (1) Burwood Presbyterian Church, Sydney, N.S.W., (2) Martyrs' Free Church, Dundee. OSBORNE, DAVID, M.A. 1868. Writer, Cupar-Fife. OSBORNE, GEORGE MOORE, M.D. 1838. Dundee; died 6th January, 1864. OSBORNE, HENRY, M.A. 1851. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Granshaw, 1858-9, (2) Rathfriland, 1859-62, (3) Holy wood, Belfast, since 1862. OSBORNE, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1872. Huddersfield ; Mirfield, Yorks.; Huddersfield ; Bournemouth. OSBORNE, JOHN ALLEN, M.D. 1855. Surgeon in French Transport Service; Milford, Co. Donegal; J. P. OSWALD, DAVID ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1881. Kinross. 480 ROLL OF GRADUATES OSWALD, JAMES, D.D. 1765. Minister of (1) Dunnet, (2) Methven; died 2nd August, 1793, aged 90; father of George Oswald of Scotstoun, Alexander Oswald of Shieldhall, etc. OSWALD, LANDEL ROSE, M.B., CM. 1888. (Brunton Prizeman); Glasgow Western Infirmary; Gartnavel Asylum ; Medical Superintendent of Gartloch Asylum. OSWALD, WILLIAM, M.A. 181 3. "F. n. 3 tius quondam Josephi Artificis Larbert Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 1809]. OTTERSON, MICHAEL, M.D., CM. 1846. Moneymore, Co. Deny. OUGHTERSON, JOHN STEELE, M.A. 1793. Minister of (1) West Kilbride, (2) Monkton; died 24th December, 1829, aged 60. OULTON, CHARLES, M.D. 1842. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. OUMOV, NIKOLAI ALEKSEJEVICH, LL.D. 1896. Professor of Physics in the University of Moscow. OVENDEN, WILLIAM CHAMBERS, M.D. 1834. Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh; died 15th October, 1862, aged 57. OVERTOUN, BARON, M.A. 1865. John Campbell White of Overtoun; Merchant in Glasgow; born 21st November, 1843; created Baron, 1893. OWEN, HUGH, LL.D. 1806. Master of the Grammar School at Stowe Market, Suffolk. OWEN, JOHN UNDERHILL, M.D. 1836. Landport, Hants. ; died 2nd December, i860, aged 53. OWEN, SIR RICHARD, LL.D. 1881. Conservator of Hunterian Museum at Royal College of Surgeons, London, 1827-56; Hunterian Professor of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology in that College, 1836-56; Superintendent of Natural History Collections of the British Museum, 1856-84; D.C.L. Oxon. 1852; F.R.S.; C.B. 1873; K.C.B. 1884; born at Lancaster, 20th July, 1804; died 18th December, 1892. OWEN, ROBERT, M.A. 1865. Minister of the Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Churches of (1) Pennal and Maethlon, 1865-83, (2) Maethlon, 1883-90; Secretary of the Presbytery of West Merioneth since 1872. OWEN, WILLIAM GRIFFITH, M.B., CM. 1876. Glasgow ; Carnarvon. OWENS, SIR GEORGE BOLSTER, M.D. 1850. Dublin; Lord Mayor thereof, 1876; High Sheriff, 1881 ; J.P.; K.B. 1876; born 1808. ROLL OF GRADUATES 481 PACKINGHAM, GEORGE EDWARD, LL.D. 1766. "In London"; author of "an Appeal to Magna Charta upon Descent, etc." [Univ. Minute, 8th April, 1766J. PAGAN, GAVIN LANG, M.A. 1895, B.D. 1896. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland; son of John Pagan, D.D. (q.v.). PAGAN, JOHN, B.A. 1853, M.A. 1854, D.D. 1886. Minister of (1) Forgandenny, (2) Bothwell. PAGAN, JOHN HAMILTON, M.A. 1891, B.D. 1894. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland ; son of John Pagan, D.D. (q.v.). PAGAN, ROBERT OSBORNE, M.A. 1885. W.S., Cupar-Fife; son-in-law of John Young, M.D., Professor of Natural History in Glasgow University. PAINE, JOSEPH, M.A. 1734, D.D. 1764. "Ang. Hib. Fil. Laurentii Paine de Navan in Com. Meath Armigeri" [Matric. Alb. 1732]; twice fined "for staying out and drinking late" [Univ. Minutes, nth and 16th February, and 6th May, 1734]. PAIRMAN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1756. Minister of Elie ; died 17th February, 1798, aged 65; nephew of Principal William Leechman (q.v.). PAISLEY, JOHN FINGLASS, M.D. 1840. Edinburgh. PAISLEY, ROBERT, D.D. 1875. Minister of (1) Partick, 1836-43, (2) St. Ninians, Stirling, 1843-79; died 1 st April, 1879. PALEY, ROBERT, M.D. 1802. Ripon, Yorks. ; died 16th October, 1859, aged 79. PALMER, ARCHIBALD LEIGHTON, CM. 1819. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. PALMER, ARTHUR, LL.D. 1890. Professor of Latin in Trinity College, Dublin. PALMER, BENJAMIN ARMSTRONG, M.B. 1880. Glasgow; Crossmaglen, Co. Armagh; Newry there. PALMER, DAVID MORGAN, B.A. 1858. Head Master, Endowed Grammar School, Cardigan; born 7th June, 1833. PALMER, GEORGE HARRY, B.A. 1855, M.A. 1856. Barrister-at-Law, London ; Editor of Law Magazine and Review ; Professor of History in Cavalry College, Cambridge; born in Carmarthenshire, 28th December, 1831 ; drowned nth January, 1866, in Bay of Biscay (on way to Melbourne in search of health) through sinking of S.S. " London." 2 H 482 ROLL OF GRADUATES PALMER, JOHN FYSHE, M.D. 1765. Probably some connection of the Rev. Thomas Fyshe Palmer, who, along with Thomas Muir, M.A. 1782 (q.v.), was transported in 1793 for "sedition." PALMER, JOSEPH, M.D. 1837. Dublin. PALMER, SHIRLEY, M.D. 1814. Practitioner at Tamworth, Staffs, (twice High Bailiff of that town); estab- lished a practice at Birmingham in 1831, but maintained residence and connection at Tamworth; born at Coleshill, Warwickshire, 27th August, 1786; died at Tamworth, nth November, 1852. PALMER, THOMAS, M.D. 1836. Dublin. PANTO N, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1795, M.D. 1805. Glasgow; died there, 1840. PANTON, JOHN, M.D. 1838. Glasgow; sometime Surgeon, R.N. ; died 28th July, 1864, aged 70. PARK, ALEXANDER GLEN, M.B., CM. 1887, M.D. 1892. Bolton. PARK, ANDREW CHRISTIE, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow; Brandon, Co. Durham; Glasgow; Heaton, Northumberland. PARK, CHARLES, M.D. 1862. Campbeltown; died 1870. PARK, GILBERT, M.B., CM. 1891, M.D. 1894. Dumfries ; Kilsyth ; Calcutta. PARK, HUGH HAMILTON, M.B., CM. 1891. Kilsyth; died 24th January, 1896. PARK, JOHN, M.A. 1821, D.D. 1859. Sometime Assistant Librarian in University of Glasgow ; Minister of Cadder, 1837-81; died 19th October, 18S1, aged 81. PARK, MAITLAND HALL, M.A. 1885. Newspaper Editor, Allahabad, India. PARK, ROBERT, M.A. 1812. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Ballymoney, 1817-76; died 10th May, 1876. PARK, ROBERT, M.D. 1881. Glasgow. PARK, WILLIAM, M.D. 1743. "Surgeon to the Castle of Edinburgh" [Univ. Minute, 6th April, 1743]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 483 PARK, WILLIAM, M.A. 1824, D.D. 1877. Appointed Sub-Librarian to the University, 14th April, 1826 ; Chief Librarian, 22nd October, 1827; afterwards Minister of Airth ; died at 42 Leslie Street, Pollokshields, 29th March, 1889, aged 85. PARK, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Johnstone-Bridge, Dumfriesshire. PARK, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1891. Beith; Melsonby, Yorks. PARKER, ANDREW BORLAND, M.A. 1832, D.D. 1862. Minister of (1) Levern, (2) Lesmahagow, (3) Free Church there, (4) Wellpark Free Church, Glasgow; died 4th April, 1867. PARKER, FRANCIS, M.D. 1833. Went to India, 1837, in service of East India Company; died there, 1841. PARKER, JAMES, M.B. 1877, M.D. 1885. Chryston, Lanarkshire ; Glasgow ; London. PARKER, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow ; Paisley ; Glasgow ; Kilmalcolm. PARKER, JAMES ALEXANDER, B.Sc. 1885. Civil Engineer in Glasgow and London, 1885-91 ; Engineer to Contractors for Barnton Railway, near Edinburgh, 1892; Engineer to Contractors for Partick section of Lanarkshire and Dumbartonshire Railway, 1892-96. PARKER, JAMES HENRY, B.L. 1884. Chartered Accountant, Glasgow. PARKER, JOHN, M.A. 1844. " Filius nat. sec. Roberti pistoris Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1838]. PARKER, JOHN, M.D. 1862. Glasgow; Ningpo, China; Chryston, Lanarkshire; Glasgow. PARKER, JOSEPH, M.D. 1840. Limerick; died 1881. PARKER, MATTHEW ARCHIBALD, B.Sc. 1893. Chemist; Assistant to Professor of Chemistry in Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College. PARKER, NOBLE DUNSCOMBE, M.D. 1836. Carrigrohane Lodge, Co. Cork; died 18th November, 1883. PARKER, PATRICK, M.A. 1770. " Natus in Hibernia Filius natu maximus Samuelis Mercatoris in Urb. Tan- dragee in Comitatu de Armagh in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1768]. PARKER, WILLIAM ARNOT, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow ; Ship Surgeon ; Lancaster ; Glasgow. 484 ROLL OF GRADUATES PARKIN, GEORGE, M.A. 1875, B.D. 1879. Primitive Methodist Minister at (1) Leeds, 1879-83, (2) Chesterfield, 1883-87, (3) Northampton, 1887-96; Principal of the Primitive Methodist College, Man- chester, since 1896. PARLANE, JAMES, M.A. 185 1. U.P. Minister at (1) Hawick, (2) Burntisland. PARLANE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1814. U.P. Minister at Tranent; died 7th February, 1884. PARMER, WILLIAM FREDERICK, M.B., CM. 1880. Abergavenny ; Edmonton, Middlesex ; London. PARRY, WILLIAM, M.D. 1847. Caersws, Wales. PARRY, WILLIAM HARROP, M.B., CM. 1890. Llanfyllin, Montgomeryshire ; Holywell, Flintshire ; Llanrwst, Denbighshire. PARSONS, FRANCIS HENRY, M.D., CM. 1861. Long Itchington, Warwickshire ; P. & O. Company's Service ; Nottingham ; Barking, Essex; Hastings; Worthing, Sussex. PARSONS, WILLIAM, M.D. 1865. Kells, Co. Meath; died 1868. PARTINGTON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1878. Tunstall, Staffs. PASS, ARCHIBALD, CM. 1832. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. PATER, WALTER HORATIO, LL.D. 1894. Fellow, Dean, and Lecturer, Brasenose College, Oxford; B.A. Oxon. 1862, M.A. 1865 ; born at London, 4th August, 1839; died at Oxford, 30th July, 1894. PATERSON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1820. Minister of the Presbyterian Chapel at Stourbridge, 1823 to 3rd April, 1852, when he died, aged 53. PATERSON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1869. U.P. Minister at Lilliesleaf ; resigned 1896 ; resident (1897) at 153 Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh. PATERSON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1885. Minister of Westray. PATERSON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1886. (1) Assistant Sub-Editor of Edinburgh Evening News ; (2) Chief Sub-Editor of Dundee Courier; (3) Editor of The Yorkshire Evening Post, Leeds, since 1890. PATERSON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1889. Minister of Baptist Church, Falkirk. PATERSON, ALEXANDER BROWNING, M.B., CM. 1884. Bishop-Auckland; Darlington; Derby. ROLL OF GRADUATES 485 PATERSON, ALEXANDER CRAIG, B.L. 1877, LL.B. 1878. M.A. St. Andrews ; Writer, Glasgow. PATERSON, ALEXANDER JOHN BLAIR, M.A. 1887. Minister of East U.P. Church, Duns, since 1891. PATERSON, ALEXANDER NISBET, M.A. 1882. Architect, Glasgow. PATERSON, ANDREW, M.A. 1731. "Scoto Hib." [Grad. Alb.]. PATERSON, ANDREW BAILLIE, B.Sc. 1885. Teacher in (1) Moffat Academy, 1878-81, (2) Beckford Street Public School, Hamilton, 1884-85, (3) Harris Academy, Dundee, since 1885. PATERSON, CHARLES ALFRED, M.A. 1877, LL.B. 1878. Advocate; Acting-Principal, Church of Scotland Madras Mission. PATERSON, COLIN, M.D. 1828, CM. 1858. " Dr. Colin Paterson, Dep. -Inspect -Gen. of Hosps.," died at Nagpore, India, in 1863. PATERSON, DANIEL, M.A. 185 1. Minister of a charge on the River Conder. PATERSON, DAVID, M.A. 1884, B.D. 1888. Minister of Parson's Green (Restalrig) Free Church, Edinburgh. PATERSON, GEORGE WATSON, M.A. 1857. "Fit nat. sec. Jacobi, Medici apud Glasguam" [Matric. Alb. 1852]. PATERSON, HAMILTON PAUL, M.A. 1892, LL.B. 1896. Writer, Glasgow. PATERSON, HUGH SINCLAIR, M.D. 1863. Minister of (1) Free St. Mark's Church, Glasgow, (2) Belgrave Presbyterian Church,- London, (3) Trinity Presbyterian Church, Notting Hill, London. PATERSON, JAMES, M.A. 1780. Possibly the same person as James Patterson, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Ardglass, 1782-98, who died 7th May, 1798. PATERSON, JAMES, M.D. 18 18. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. PATERSON, JAMES, CM. 1834, M.D. 1836. Glasgow (Professor of Midwifery in Anderson's College there, 1841-63); was a witness in the Pritchard murder trial, 1865; died 21st June, 1881. PATERSON, JAMES, LL.D. 1841. Rector of the Academy at St. John's, New Brunswick. PATERSON, JAMES, M.D. 1849. Partick (Medical Officer of Health for that Burgh). 486 ROLL OF GRADUATES PATERSON, JAMES, M.A. 1855. Only known designation (as per General Council Register, 1859-60), Pro- bationer, Ch. of Scotland, Kirn, by Greenock. PATERSON, JAMES, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1884. Minister of (1) Free Church, Ballater, (2) English Presbyterian Church, Belgrave, London, (3) White Memorial Free Church, Glasgow. PATERSON, JAMES, M.A. 1886. Writer, Glasgow. PATERSON, JAMES, M.A. 1890. Teacher in (1) Alloa Academy, 1889, (2) Wishaw Public School, 1889-90, (3) Lanark Grammar School, 1890-92, (4) Oban High School since 1892. PATERSON, JAMES CHARLES, M.A. 1894. Law Clerk, 175 Hope Street, Glasgow. PATERSON, JAMES CRAWFORD, M.A. 1892. Licentiate of the Free Church. PATERSON, JOHN, B.A. 1836. Free Church Minister of Tranent since 1843. PATERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1868, B.D. 1870. U.P. Minister at Airdrie. PATERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1888, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow (Medical Superintendent of Victoria Infirmary) ; Garthmyl, Mont- gomeryshire ; Cape Town. PATERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1895. Student of Theology in Glasgow University. PATERSON, JOHN DOUGLAS, M.A. 1893. Licentiate of the Free Church. PATERSON, JOHN SOMERVILLE, B.L. 1881. Writer in Glasgow. PATERSON, JOHN THORNVILLE, D.D. 1830. Minister of Robinson's Lane (known since 1825 as St. George's) Presbyterian Church, Sunderland, 1821-66; Moderator of Synod, 1842; born 21st November, 1792; died 13th May, 1868. PATERSON, JOSHUA, M.D., CM. 1836. Glasgow; died there, 15th May, 1892, aged 78. PATERSON, NATHANIEL, D.D. 1837. Minister of (1) Galashiels, (2) St. Andrew's, Glasgow, (3) Free St. Andrew's there; died 25th April, 187 1, aged 84; grandson of "Old Mortality." PATERSON, PETER, B.Sc. 1882. Civil Engineer, Queensland. PATERSON, PETER, B.L. 1887. Solicitor, Maybole. ROLL OF GRADUATES 487 PATERSON, PETER, M.B., CM. 1891. Ayr; Glasgow: Assistant to Professor William Macewen (q.v.) since 1895. PATERSON, ROBERT, M.A. 18 14. U.P. Minister at Kirkwall, 1820-70; died 20th February, 1870, aged 75. PATERSON, ROBERT, M.D. 1853. Glasgow; died 30th August, 1873. PATERSON, ROBERT, B.A. 1859. (1) Missionary of the Church of Scotland to Sialkot, Punjab, India, (2) Minister of Glasford, Lanarkshire. PATERSON, ROBERT, M.A. 1876. U.P. Minister at Savoch of Deer. PATERSON, ROBERT, M.A. 1892. Teacher in (1) Hill's Trust School, Govan, (2) North Public School, Alexandria, N.B. PATERSON, ROBERT HENRY, M.B., CM. 1878. Glasgow: Professor of Botany in Anderson's College ; F.L.S. ; Rockhampton, Queensland. PATERSON, ROBERT M'CHEYNE, M.A. 1883, B.D. 1885. Church of Scotland Missionary at Gujrat, India. PATERSON, ROBERT TAYLOR, M.A. 1886, LL.B. 1889. Writer, Glasgow; son of James Paterson, M.D. 1849 (q.v.). PATERSON, STEWART, M.A. 1886. Teacher in (1) Dalmellington Iron Works' Kerse School, (2) Burgh School, Alloa, (3) Ayr Academy, (4) High School, Falkirk, (5) Renton, (6) Dumbarton Academy. PATERSON, THOMAS, M.D. 1826. Glasgow; Millport; died 1870. PATERSON, THOMAS, M.A. 1893. F.C. Minister at Strathmiglo. PATERSON, THOMAS LEWIS, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow ; Birkenhead. PATERSON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1839. Rothesay; died 24th June, 1875 PATERSON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1862, CM. 1866. Liverpool; Chorley, Lanes.; died 6th October, 1885. PATERSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1869, B.D. 1873. U.P. Minister at Portobello. PATERSON, WILLIAM ADAM, M.B., CM. 1892. Bridge-of-Allan ; Irvine. 488 ROLL OF GRADUATES PATERSON, WILLIAM ROMAINE, M.A. 1894. Litterateur ("Benjamin Swift"); residence, 25 University Gardens, Glasgow; son of Robert Paterson, M.D, 1853 (q.v.), and nephew of James Paterson, LL.D. 1 84 1 (q.v.). PATERSON, WILLIAM SEATON, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow; son of James Paterson, M.D. 1849 (q- v -)- PATERSON, WILLIAM WHITESIDE, M.B., CM. 1885. Ayr; died in India, 19th May, 1887, aged 24. PATISON, WILLIAM, CM. 1822. "F. n. max. Joannis Scribae, Paisley" [Matric. Alb. 181 7]. PATMAN, EDWARD, CM. 1838. Broughshane, Co. Antrim; died 22nd September, 1869, aged 53. PATON, CHARLES DONALD, M.A. 1882. F.C. Minister at St. Monance; died there, 21st April, 1895, aged 34; son of James Muir Paton, B.A. (q.v.). PATON, DAVID, M.A. 1864, B.D. 1868, D.D. 1886. Minister of (1) Free Church at Dalton, Dumfriesshire, 1872-77, (2) Chalmers Church, Adelaide, South Australia, since 1877 ; also Professor of Hebrew, etc., in Union Theological College, Adelaide, from 1879 to 1887, when College dissolved. PATON, EDWARD LEY, M.A. 1886, M.B., CM. 1890. Cambuslang; Wadhurst, Sussex; Perth. PATON, FRANK HUME LYALL, M.A. 1891. Missionary (ordained by Victorian Presbyterian Church, 1896) to the New Hebrides; son of John Gibson Paton, D.D., Missionary there. PATON, GEORGE GRIEVE, M.A. 1882, LL.B. 1885. Writer, Glasgow. PATON, JAMES, B.A. i860. Minister of (1) R.P. Church, Airdrie, (2) Flowerhill Parish there, (3) St. George's Parish, Paisley, (4) St. Paul's Parish, Glasgow; brother of John Gibson Paton, D.D., Missionary to the New Hebrides. PATON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1881. Greenock. PATON, JAMES, M.A. 1871. Only known designation (as per General Council Registers), " Student, Dundyvan Road, Coatbridge." PATON, JAMES FRASER, M.D. 1854. Glasgow; Greenock; died 25th December, 1864. PATON, JAMES MUIR, B.A. 1850. Teacher at Crosshill, Parish of Stair, 1843-45; Teacher at Auchenfiower, Ballantrae, 1845-50; Assistant in Free School, Kilmarnock, 1850-52; F.C. Teacher at Troon, 1852-72; Public Teacher there, 1872-87, when retired. ROLL OF GRADUATES 489 PATON, JOHN BROWN, D.D. 1882. (1) Minister of Wicker Congregational Church, Sheffield, 1854-63; (2) Principal of the Congregational Institute, Nottingham, since 1863; M.A. Lond. 1854. PATON, ROBERT, D.D. 1849. Minister of (1) Straiton, (2) St. David's, Glasgow; died 1878, aged 80. PATON, ROBERT ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1891. Manchester. PATON, ROBERT HENDERSON, M.A. 1892. (1) Head Classical Master in the Hermitage School, Helensburgh; (2) Assistant Classical Master in the High School of Stirling ; (3) Head Master of the Central School, Banchory. PATON, ROBERT TANNAHILL, M.D. 1868. Glasgow. PATON, THOMAS WILSON, M.D. 1870. Glasgow. PATON, WILLIAM FINDLAY, M.A. 1882, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow ; Drybrook, Glouc. ; New Brompton, Kent. PATON, WILLIAM MACALASTER, M.A. 1880, B.D. 1884. U.P. Minister at (1) Abernethy, (2) Sandyford, Glasgow. PATON, WILLIAM RANKINE, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow; Ilkeston, Derbyshire. PATOUN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1746, M.D. 1754. "Filius Natu Secundus Viri Rev. Magistri Rob. Patoun V.D.M. in Urbe de Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1741]; Library Keeper to the University, 1747-50. PATRICK, ANDREW, M.A. 1894. Student of Theology in F.C. College, Edinburgh. PATRICK, CHARLES ADAM, M.B., CM. 1877. Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Kilwinning; Alexandria, N.B.; Tharsis, Spain; Marrick- ville, Sydney, N.S. Wales. PATRICK, DAVID, M.D. 1831. H.M. Navy; Australia; Glasgow (aurist) ; born 1800; died at Carron Park, Larbert, 10th February, 1878. PATRICK, DAVID, B.L. 1881. Writer, Glasgow. PATRICK, HARRY COUPER, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow; son of William Patrick, M.D. (q.v.). PATRICK, JAMES, M.D. 1812. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. 490 ROLL OF GRADUATES PATRICK, JOHN, M.A. 1875. Minister of (1) High Kirk, Kilmarnock, (2) Monkton, (3) Greenside, Edinburgh; B.D. Edin. 1877; D.D. Edin. 1895. PATRICK, JOHN, M.A. 1889, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow; son of William Patrick, M.D. (q.v.). PATRICK, JOHN ARTHUR, M.A. 1892. Minister of Stand Congregational Church, near Manchester, since 1895. PATRICK, JOSEPH, M.A. 1832. Minister of Free Church, Ochiltree, 1844 to 1871; born 1814; died 25th December, 187 1. PATRICK, ROBERT WILLIAM COCHRAN, LL.D. 1879. Of Woodside and Ladyland ; Dean of Faculties in Glasgow University, 1882 to 1885; Member of University Court (as General Council Assessor), 1887 to 1891 ; M.P. for North Ayrshire, 1880 to 1885, and Under Secretary for Scotland, 1887 to 1892; born 4th February, 1842; died 15th March, 1897; B.A. Edin. 1861. PATRICK, WILLIAM, M.D. 1870. Glasgow. PATRICK, WILLIAM, M.A. 1875, B-D. 1878, D.D. 1893. Minister of (1) Free St. David's, Kirkintilloch, (2) Free St. Paul's, Dundee. PATTEN, FRANCIS, M.A. 1766. "Filius natu minimus Viri Reverendi Gulielmi quondam V.D.M. apud Dublinum" [Matric. Alb. 1763]. PATTEN, JAMES, M.A. 1858. Only known designation (as per General Council Register, 1860-61), Student of Divinity, 26 North Portland Street, Glasgow. PATTEN, SAMUEL, M.A. 1764. Possibly one of (a) Samuel Patten, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Cardonagh, (b) Samuel Patten, Irish Presbyterian Minister at (1) Boveva, (2) Moneyrea. PATTERSON, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1854. Glasgow : Surgeon and Lecturer on Clinical Surgery, Western Infirmary. PATTERSON, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow; Douglas, Lanarkshire; son of Alexander Patterson, M.D. 1854 (q.v.). PATTERSON, ALEXANDER SIMPSON, D.D. 1857. Minister of (1) Whitehaven Presbyterian Church, 1837-39, (2) Hutchesontown Parish, Glasgow, 1839-43, (3) Hutchesontown Free Church there, 1843-85; born at Alnwick, 27th December, 1805 ; died 28th January, 1885. PATTERSON, DANIEL, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Smethwick, Birmingham, (2) Silverhill, Hastings; resigned 26th April, 1869; Principal for 14 years of Frogmore College, Rickmans- worth, Herts. ; Minister at Mill Field, Sunderland, till time of last illness ; died 1 2th February, 1889, aged 50. ROLL OF GRADUATES 49 1 PATTERSON, JAMES, M.A. 181 1. "Filius Natu Maximus Samuelis Agricolae in parochia de Desartmartin in comitatu de Londonderry" [Matric. Alb. 1808J. PATTERSON, JAMES PARKER, CM. 1823. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. PATTERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1774. "Filius natu Secundus Gulielmi Agricolae in Parochia de Boho in Comitatu de Fermanagh in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1772]. PATTERSON, JOHN, M.A. 181 1. Possibly the same person as John Patterson, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Macosquin, 1817-22, when suspended. PATTERSON, JOHN, M.A. 1838. " Filius natu secundus Nathanielis agricolae, com. de Donnegall in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1830]. PATTERSON, JOHN HERBERT, M.D. 1862. Deputy Inspector-General, R.N. PATTERSON, ROBERT S., M.A. 1825. "Ex Nova Scotia" [Grad. Alb.]. PATTERSON, SAMUEL, CM. 1827. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. PATTERSON, TRISTRAM, M.A. 1776. " Natus in Hybernia filius natu tertius Gulielmi incolae in oppido Rathmelton Comitatu Dunnigal" [Matric. Alb. 1774]. PATTERSON, WILLIAM, M.A., M.D. 1772. Possibly the same person as William Patterson, M.D., Londonderry, who, in 1794, published a work on Internal Dropsy of the Brain. PATTIE, ROBERT BURNET, M.A. 1877, B.D. 1879. Teacher in (1) West End Academy, Dundee, 1880-81, (2) Irvine Academy, 1881-82, (3) Glasgow University (as holder of Black Theological Fellowship), 1882-83, (4) Forfar Academy, 1883-86, (5) Albany Academy, Glasgow, 1886-89; one of the Ministers of the Catholic Apostolic Church in (1) Glasgow, 1889-95, (2) Edinburgh since 1895. PATTINSON, JOSEPH, M.A. 1760. "Filius natu tertius Gulielmi in Comitatu de Cumberland" [Matric. Alb. 1757]- PATTISON, DAVID BALLINGALL, M.A. 1889, LL.B. 1893. Writer, Glasgow. PATTISON, JAMES, M.A. 1773. "Filius natu tertius Joannis Mercatoris in Oppido de Paisley" [Matric. Alb. 1769]. PATTISON, JOHN RAMSAY, M.D. 185 1. Native of Alabama, U.S.A. ; probably settled there. 492 ROLL OF GRADUATES PATTISON, ROBERT, M.A. 1894. Student of Law. PATTISON, WILLIAM RALPH, B.A. 1857, M.A. 1858. W.S., Edinburgh; born 12th July, 1837; died, unmarried, 26th March, 1872. PATTON, GEORGE, B.A. 1820. Of Glenalmond ; Advocate, 1828; Solicitor-General for Scotland, 1859; Lord Advocate, 1866 ; M.P. for Bridgewater, 1866-67 ; Lord Justice-Clerk, 1867 (Judicial title, Lord Glenalmond); born 1803 ; died at Glenalmond, 20th September, 1869. PATTON, NATHAN, M.A. 1763. " Hibernus, filius natu maximus Nathanielis Patton Agricolae in comitatu de Dunnegall" [Matric. Alb. 1760]. PATTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1781. " Natus in Hibernia filius natu minimus Jacobi Agricolae in parochia de Donaghmore Comitatu de Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1779]. PATTULLO, HENRY ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1895. Kirkcudbright. PATTULLO, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1882. Glasgow; Suva, Fiji; died there, March, 1885. PAUL, BENJAMIN, M.D. 1830. " Anglicus " [Grad. Alb.]. PAUL, JAMES, M.D. 1833. H.E.I.C. Naval Service; Teddington, Middlesex; Barnes, Surrey; Ryde, Isle of Wight ; Barnes. PAUL, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1869. Glasgow; Jersey City, U.S.A. PAUL, ROBERT JOHN, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1893. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. PAUL, WALTER, M.A. 1889, B.L. 1896. Writer, Glasgow. PAUL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1773. "Filius natu maximus Roberti in Urbe Glasguae" [Matric. Alb. 1766]. PAVY, FREDERICK WILLIAM, LL.D. 1888. M.D. Lond. 1853; F.R.S. ; London (sometime Lecturer on Medicine, etc., in Guy's Hospital). PAWLE, ROBERT COOPER, M.D. 1839. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. PAXTON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1893. Standish, Lanes. ; Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 493 PAYNE, GEORGE, M.A. 1807, LL.D. 1828. Congregational Minister at (1) Hull, (2) Edinburgh, (3) Blackburn; thereafter Theological Tutor in the Congregational Academy at (1) Blackburn, (2) Exeter, (3) Devonport; born at Stow, Gloucestershire, 17th September, 1781; died at Devonport, 19th June, 1848. PEACOCK, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow; Greenock; Gourock. PEACOCK, JOHN, M.A. 1887. Teacher in Glasgow since 1885. PEACOCK, SAMUEL, M.B. 1870. Bundoora, Victoria, Australia ; Fitzroy there. PEARCE, JAMES DANIEL MORLING, B.A. 1838, M.A. 1839. Principal of Craufurd College, Maidenhead, till 1872, when retired; J.P. for the Borough and for the County of Berks. PEARCE, THOMAS, M.D. 1731. PEARCEY, ALFRED FREDERICK SEPTIMUS, M.B., CM. 1894. Sunderland. PEARSON, ARCHIBALD, M.D. 1863. South Uist; Glenelg; J.P. for Inverness-shire; Glasgow. PEARSON, JAMES, D.D. 1865. Minister of Strathblane, 1842-73; Member of Glasgow University Court (as Chancellor's Assessor), 1870-73; Secretary of the Court, 1870-73; born 12th August, 1813; died 17th December, 1873. PEARSON, JOHN, CM. 1826. "Fil. nat. max. Roderici Armigeri in com. de Lanark" [Matric. Alb. 1821]. PEARSON, JOHN, M.D. 1858. Errol ; Newton-Stewart ; died at Netherwood Farm, Muirkirk, 5th May, 1862, aged 33. PEARSON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow; son of Archibald Pearson, M.D. (q.v.). PEARSON, RICHARD ARTHUR, M.D. 1828. Rathmines, Co. Dublin; sometime Surgeon, 87th Regiment or Royal Irish Fusiliers. PEARSON, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1815. Astronomer; Rector of Perivale, Middlesex, 1810; Rector of South Kilworth, Leicestershire, 181 7; owner of a large Private School at Temple Grove, East Sheen, Surrey, from 181 1 onwards; F.R.S. ; born at Whitbeck, Cumberland, 23rd April, 1767 ; died at South Kilworth, 6th September, 1847. PEAT, CLEMENT JOHN, M.D. 1838, CM. 1852. Kilgobbin, Co. Kerry; Blackheath, Kent; Tralee; died 26th May, 1878. 494 ROLL OF GRADUATES PEAT, JOSHUA, M.A. 1731. "Ang." [Matric. Alb. 1729] PEAT, ROBERT, D.D. 1799, Of Trinity College, Cambridge ; resident at Burton. PEATT, JOSHUA, M.A. 1744. "Ex parochia de Abby Holme in Com. Cumberland" [Matric. Alb. 1741]; matriculated at Queen's College, Oxford, 15th June, 1744, aged 19. PECK, JAMES WALLACE, M.A. 1895. (1) Assistant to Professor William Jack (q.v.), 1896; (2) Indian Civil Service. PEDEN, JAMES, CM. 1831 Ballyclare, Co. Antrim; died 1895. PEDEN, WILLIAM KERR, M.B., CM. 1879. Glasgow; Surgeon (1880-84), Blantyre Mission, E. Africa; Glasgow. PEEBLES, GUY STEEL, M.A. 1894, B.D. 1895. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. PEEBLES, JAMES, M.A. 1801. Went to Kingston, Jamaica; son of William Peebles ("Peebles frae the Water-fit "), Minister of Newton-on-Ayr. PEEBLES, JOHN RAMSAY, M.D. 1845. Dairy, Ayrshire; Beith ; died 5th January, 1875, aged 53. PEEBLES, ROBERT, M.A. 1784. "Filius natu quartus R. Roberti Peebles Pastoris in Parochia Louhgall & Comitatu de Armagh in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1777]. PEEBLES, ROBERT, M.A. 185 1. "Fil. nat. quart. Joannis agricolae in comit. Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1846]. PEIRCE, GEORGE, . M.D. 1855. Newcastle, Co. Limerick. PENDLEBURY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1735. Librarian of Dr. Williams' Library, London, 1742; settled as Minister at Rotherham, 1744; died 20th February, 1776. PENMAN, ROBERT STEVEN, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow ; Paisley. PENMAN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1813. " Filius natu secundus Gulielmi Chirurgici in urbe Glasguae" [Matric. Alb. 1803]. PENNEY, DAVID JOHNSTONE, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow; Rothesay. PENNEY, JOHN WILLIAM WATKIN, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow; South Shields; Linlithgow; Rothesay. ROLL OF GRADUATES 495 PENNINGTON, CHARLES, M.D. 1795. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. PERCIVAL, WILLIAM, M.D. 1842. Stradbally, Queen's Co. PEREIRA, JOAO VENANCIO, M.D. 1807. "Lusitanus" [Grad. Alb.]. PERFECT, WILLIAM EDWARD, M.A. 1891. Minister of Lombard Street Congregational Church, Newark. PERREY, ABRAHAM, M.A. 1820, M.D. 1829. Wakefield, Yorks. ; Shirley, Hants.; Derby; died 4th May, 1867. PERREY, ROBERT, M.A. 1822, CM. 1826. Marden, Kent; died 29th April, 1873, aged 68. PERRY, ROBERT, M.D. 1808. Glasgow: Surgeon (1820, 1821, 1830, 1831) and Physician (1834 to 1848) to Royal Infirmary; born in Kilmarnock, 1783; died nth February, 1848. PERRY, ROBERT, M.D. 1851. Egremont; Glasgow: Physician to Royal Infirmary, 1864 to 1887; Degree Examiner on Chemistry and Materia Medica in Glasgow University, 1876-83, and again 1884-87; son of Robert Perry, M.D. 1808 (q.v.). PERSSE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1772. "jFilius natu maximus Patricii Armigeri in Comitatu de Gallway in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1771]. PERSTON, DAVID, M.D. 1821. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. PERSTON, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, M.D. 1852. Glasgow; Wangarei, New Zealand; Shortland there; Thames there. PETER, DAVID CHAMNEY, M.D. 1839. Granard, Co. Longford; Ballyduff, Co. Waterford; Longford; died 7th May, '875- PETERBOROUGH, LORD BISHOP OF. See London, Lord Bishop of (Creighton). PETERKIN, ALFRED, M.A. 1875, M.B., CM. 1878. Glasgow; Surgeon-Major, Army. PETERS, THOMAS M., M.D., CM. 1839. "Americanus" [Grad. Alb.]. PETRIE, PETER PATTON, M.A. 1887, M.B., CM. 1893. Perth. PETTIGREW, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1805. Writer, Glasgow; died at Havanna, October, 1825. PETTIGREW, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow; died 28th October, 1896, aged 41. 496 ROLL OF GRADUATES PETTIGREW, JAMES BELL, LL.D. 1886. M.D. Edin. 1861; F.R.S.; Professor of Medicine and Anatomy in St. Andrews University since 1875 ; previously Lecturer on Physiology to R.C.S., Edinburgh; Degree Examiner on Anatomy in Glasgow University, 1883-88. PETTIGREW, WILLIAM VESALIUS, M.D. 1839. London : sometime Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology at Grosvenor Place Medical School; Worthing, Sussex; died 13th February, 1874, aged 58. PEYTON, REYNOLDS, M.D. 1843. Roscommon ; died 1883. PHELAN, JOSEPH, M.D. 1785. "Surgeon . . . in the Navy for several years " [Univ, Minute, 15th July, 1785]. PHILLIPS, GEORGE, M.A. 1809. Schoolmaster and preacher at New Windsor, near Manchester, where he died of consumption. PHILLIPS, PHILIP CHARLES, M.D. 1841. Carr-castle, Co, Mayo; Swineford, same Co. PHILLIPS, WILLIAM, M.A. 1896. Teacher in Campbeltown Grammar School. PHILLIPS, WILLIAM FLEMING, M.B., CM. 1886. Southampton ; Walthamstow, Essex ; Las Palmas, Canary Islands ; St. Austell, Cornwall. PHILLIPS, WILLIAM HENRY, M.D. 1863. Congleton, Cheshire ; Huddersfield ; British Columbia ; Rathdowney, Ireland; Liverpool; Egremont, Cheshire; died 28th December, 1881. PHILPS, GEORGE MITCHELL, M.A. 1877, B.D. 1880. Minister of East Free Church, Forfar. PICARD, EMILE, LL.D. 1896. Professor of the Differential and Integral Calculus in the University of Paris. PICKEN, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1880. Beith ; Wigtown ; Rotherham. PICKEN, JOHN, M.A. 1883. Minister of Libberton and Quothquhan. PICKERING, WILLIAM MURRAY, M.B., CM. 1875. Glasgow ; Ship Surgeon ; Wilmington, South Australia. PIM, THOMAS, M.D. 1834. Dublin; Castledermott, Co. Kildare ; died 14th April, 1866, aged 60. PINCK, CHARLES HARRY, M.B., CM. 1879. Rochdale ; Nelson, Lanes. ; Blackburn. PINCK, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1873. Huddersfield; Rochdale, ROLL OF GRADUATES 497 PINKERTON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1844. Presbyterian Minister at Carndonagh, Derry, 1848-86; born 1818; died 1st November, 1886. PINKERTON, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1879, M.D. 1882. Glasgow; York; Southport. PINKERTON, JOHN, M.D. 1855. Surgeon-Major-General, I. M.S., Bombay; retired 1893; Head of the Bombay Medical Service, 1888-93 ; served in Persian War, 1856-57 ; Fellow of the Univer- sity of Bombay, 1868, and twice Dean of the Medical Faculty; First President of the Bombay Branch of the British Medical Association, 1889; Member of the Legislative Council of Bombay, 1892-93; Honorary Physician to the Queen, 1894. PINKERTON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1876. Glasgow; died at Erzeroum, 7th January, 1878, aged 24; son of John Pinker- ton, M.D. 1855 (q.v.). PINKERTON, PETER, M.A. 1890. Mathematical Master in Allan Glen's School, Glasgow. PINKERTON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1876. Surgeon, Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78; Glasgow; died 1882. PINKERTON, ROBERT HAMILTON, M.A. 1876. Assistant to Professor of Mathematics in University of Glasgow, 1884-86; Assistant Lecturer on Mathematics in University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire, Cardiff, since 1887; Preliminary Examiner on Mathematics in Glasgow University, 1892-97; Snell Exhibitioner, 1876; B.A. Oxon. 1881. PINKERTON, ROBERT LACHLAN, M.A. 1884, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1891. Goole, Yorks. ; London. PINNOCK, ROBERT DENHAM, M.B., CM. 1874, M.D. 1888. Glasgow; Melbourne, Australia; Beaufort there; Ballarat there. PINTER, HORATIO, M.D. 1832. "Ang." [Grad. Alb.]. PIPER, SAMUEL AYRAULT, M.D. 1830. London ; Rochester ; Richmond ; Surgeon in the Army for forty years ; died 19th January, 1867, aged 81. PIRIE, GEORGE, M.A. 1882. Artist, Glasgow. PIRIE, ROBERT HARVEY, M.A. 1875, LL.B. 1879. Writer in Glasgow. PIRRET, JOSEPH BROWN, M.A. 1888. U.P. Minister at Thornhill, Dumfriesshire. 21 498 ROLL OF GRADUATES PITCAIRN, JAMES, M.A. 1738. Probably "F. Davidis Pitcairn de Forthar in Comit. Fifensi" [Matric. Alb. 1733]; matriculated at St. Mary Hall, Oxford, 24th May, 1737, aged 22. PITCAIRN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1834. Cunnoquhie, Ladybank, Fife. PITT, THOMAS COOLING, M.A. 1878. F.C. Minister at Denholm ; died at Allonby, Cumberland, 28th February, 1892. PITTS, JAMES, M.B. 1869. Native of Halifax, Nova Scotia; probably settled there. PLAYFAIR, JAMES, M.A. 1825. " Fil. nat. max. Frederici Mercatoris Glasg." [Matric. Alb. 1820]. PLIMSOLL, JOSEPH, M.D. 1829. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. PLOMER, JAMES, M.D. 1759. "A gentleman from Bristol" [Univ. Minute, 3rd May, 1759]. PLUMPTRE, EDWARD HAYES, D.D. 1875. Chaplain to King's College, London, 1847-68; Professor of Pastoral Theology therein, 1853-63; Professor of Exegesis therein, 1864-81; Prebendary of St. Paul's, 1863 ; Rector of Pluckley, 1869 ; Rector of Bickley, 1873 ; Dean of Wells, 1881 ; born 6th August, 1821 ; died 1st February, 1891 ; B.A. Oxon. 1844; M.A. 1846. POLLARD, THOMAS F., M.D. 1842. "Demerara" [Grad. Alb.]. POLLOCK, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1892. Minister of (1) E.U. Church, Selkirk, (2) Trinity Congregational Church, Falkirk. POLLOCK, ALEXANDER BARR, M.B., CM. 1879. Glasgow. POLLOCK, CHARLES FREDERICK, M.B. 1880, M.D. 1882. Glasgow: Assistant to Professor of Physiology in the University, 1883-84. POLLOCK, DAVID, M.D. 1853. Liverpool; died at Coleraine, 16th December, i860. POLLOCK, JAMES, M.A. 1769. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. POLLOCK, JAMES, M.A. 1895. Student of Theology in F.C. College, Glasgow. POLLOCK, JOHN, M.A. 1781. Minister of Govan; died 7th May, 1820, aged 59; D.D. St. Andrews, 1816. POLLOCK, JOHN, M.A. 1831. Minister of (1) Duntocher, (2) Baldernock, (3) Free Church, Baldernock; died 20th December, 1855. ROLL OF GRADUATES 499 POLLOCK, JOHN, M.A. 1887. Schoolmaster at (1) Beith, (2) Glasgow, (3) Larkhall, (4) Rothesay, (5) Galston, (6) Beauly. POLLOCK, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Eaglesham. POLLOCK, JOHN INNES WRIGHT, M.A. 1875 F.C. Minister at (1) Mauchline, (2) Arbroath; resigned 1896 on account of ill-health. POLLOCK, JOSEPH, M.A. 1769. " Jacobi filius natu maximus, de Ballyedmond, Armig. in Comitatu de Downe, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1767]. POLLOCK, ROBERT CARSON, M.A. 1896. Teacher in (1) Highlanders' Academy, Greenock, (2) F.C. Training College, Glasgow, (3) Hillhead School, Glasgow, (4) Bellahouston Academy, Glasgow, (5) Hutchesons' Boys' Grammar School, Glasgow; also Lecturer on Greek in F.C. Training College, Glasgow. POLLOCK, THOMAS, M.A. 1761. Minister of Kilwinning; died 4th May, 1798. POLLOCK, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1879. Brotton, Yorks. ; Eastbourne, Sussex. POLLOK, DAVID, M.A. 1822. Licensed by Secession Church, but withdrew from list of preachers into private life ; brother and Biographer of Robert Pollok, author of The Course of Time (q.v.). POLLOK, JAMES CULLEN, B.L. 1892. Writer, Hamilton. POLLOK, JAMES HOLMS, B.Sc. 1887. Metallurgical Chemist; (1) Assistant to Professor of Chemistry in Glasgow University; (2) Director of The Pollok Patents Gold Extracting Co., Ltd., Glasgow ; (3) Director of The Australasian Gold Extracting Co., Ltd., Ravenswood, Queensland ; (4) Manager of The Pollok Patents Gold Extracting Co., Ltd., Johannesburg, S. Africa; (5) Demonstrator of Assaying, Royal College of Science, Dublin. POLLOK, ROBERT, M.A. 1822. Author of The Course of Time; born at Muirhouse, Eaglesham, 19th October, 1798; died of consumption at Shirley Common, Southampton, 18th September, 1827. POLLOK, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1876. Glasgow. POLLOK, WILLIAM, M.D. 1803. " Filius Natu Sextus Allani Mercatoris in Urbe Glasguensi " [Matric. Alb. 1795]- 5oo ROLL OF GRADUATES P0LL0NAIS, EUGENE LOUIS, M.B., CM. 1893. Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. POOLE, WALTER CROKER, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. PORTEOUS, DAVID, M.D. 1848. Cambuslang; Medical Officer to Arctic Expedition in search of Franklin, 1850-51; London; Assistant Surgeon, R.N. ; Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Middleton- St.-George, Durham. PORTEOUS, GEORGE, M.A. 1889. Teacher at (1) Stranraer, (2) Logie-Pert, Montrose. PORTER, FRANCIS JAMES, M.A. 1828. Presbyterian Minister, Donagheady, Derry, 1831-72; died 22nd November, 1872. PORTER, GEORGE, B.A. 1859, M.A. i860, D.D. 1883 Minister of (1) Bellahouston, (2) Maybole. PORTER, SIR GEORGE HORNIDGE, BART, LL.D. 1888. M.D. of T.C.D. 1865 ; Regius Professor of Surgery, University of Dublin; Surgeon in Ordinary to the Queen in Ireland ; born in Dublin, 24th November, 1822; died there, 15th June, 1895. PORTER, JAMES, M.A. 1805. 11 Filius natu tertius Hugonis Agricolae in parochia de Monaghan in Comitatu de Monaghan in Hyb." [Matric. Alb. 1801]. PORTER, JAMES, M.A. 1807. " Filius natu maximus Joannis, Agricolae in Tullylune in Comitatu de Monaghan" [Matric. Alb. 1805]. PORTER, JAMES, M.D. 1834. Carlow. PORTER, JAMES, M.A. 1847. Master of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. PORTER, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow ; Kirkintilloch ; Glasgow. PORTER, JOSIAS LESLIE, B.A. 1841, M.A. 1842, LL.D. 1865. (1) Minister of Presbyterian Church at Newcastle; (2) Missionary to Damascus ; (3) Professor of Biblical Criticism in Assembly's College, Belfast, and Secretary thereof; (4) President of Queen's College, Belfast; born 4th October, 1823; died 16th March, 1889; D.D. Edin. 1865. PORTER, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1879. Surgeon-Major, Army. PORTER, THOMAS, M.A. 1738. "Filius Johannis Porter in Com. de Cumberland" [Matric. Alb. 1736]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 501 PORTER, WILLIAM, M.A. 1795. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Newtownlimavady, from 1799 till death. PORTER, WILLIAM PARK, M.B., CM. 1893. (1) Superintendent, St. Pancras Medical Mission ; (2) U.P. Medical Missionary to Old Calabar. POTTER, WILLIAM, M.A. 1736 " F. Thomae Potter in Comitatu Cumbriae" [Matric. Alb. 1733]. POTTERTON, HENRY, M.D. 1838. Borris, Co. Carlow. POTTS, JAMES, M.A. 1890. Teacher in (1) Glasgow Church of Scotland Practising Schools, (2) Woodside Public School, Glasgow. POUNDEN, JEREMIAH LONSDALE, M.D. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. POWELL, DANIEL EVANS, M.B., CM. 1894. Pontypridd, Glam. ; Stockton-on-Tees ; Cardiff. POWELL, HENRY, M.D. 1844. "Hibernia" [Grad. Alb.]. POWELL, JOSEPH, M.D. 1829. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. POWELL, WILLIAM HENRY, M.D. 1829. Fareham, Hants. ; London ; formerly Resident Medical Officer of General Military Hospital, Stoke; died 27th February, 1869. POWER, GERARD, M.D. 1785. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. POWER, JOHN, M.D. 1812. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. POWER, JOHN HATCH, M.D. 1838. Dublin : Professor of Anatomy and Surgery to Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland; born 24th November, 1806; died 14th May, 1863. POWRIE, DAVID JAMES, M.A. 1880. (1) Teacher in Dumfries; (2) residing in Arbroath. PRANGNELL, JOHN THOMSON, M.B., CM. 1883, M.D. 1889. Ardrishaig; Tarbert, Lochfyne; Falkirk. PRATT, ARTHUR ALFRED, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow; West Bromwich; Grimsby. PRENTER, EDWARD, M.A. 1809. "Filius natu maximus Thomae Agricolae in parochia de Dromore in comitatu de Down in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1805]. PRENTICE, ADAM, M.A. 1881. Teacher in Prestonpans Public School since 1881. 502 ROLL OF GRADUATES PRENTICE, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1889. Greenock; Glasgow; Greenock. PRENTICE, ALEXANDER REID, B.L. 1884. Writer, Greenock. PRENTICE, JAMES, M.A. 1886, B.D. 1889. Probationer of U.P. Church; died 3rd May, 1890; belonged to Forth, Lanarkshire. PRESTON, DAVID, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in Glasgow University. PRETSELL, WILLIAM GARDINER, M.B., CM. 1884. Luton, Beds. ; Fauldhouse ; Govan ; Enfield, Middlesex ; London ; Edin- burgh. PRICE, JOHN, M.D. 1844. "Hibemus" [Grad. Alb.]. PRICHARD, RICHARD, M.B., CM. 1881, M.D. 1883. Glasgow; Llandovery, Carmarthenshire; Cardiff. PRICHARD, THOMAS, M.D. 1844. Resident Physician, Abington Abbey Private Lunatic Asylum, Northampton ; formerly Medical Superintendent of Glasgow Royal Lunatic Asylum ; died 14th February, 1878. PRICHARD, WILLIAM, M.D. 1847. Partick ; born 23rd April, 1821; died 23rd March, 1872. PRIDE, DAVID, M.D. 1863. Neilston; J. P. PRIDE, WALLACE AINSWORTH, M.B., CM. 1895. Ship Surgeon; Neilston; son of David Pride, M.D, (q.v.). PRIDIE, GEORGE, B.A, 1840, M.A. 1841. Upper Division Clerk in the Statistical Office of the Custom House, London ; retired in 1883-84, after 36 years' service. PRIMROSE, ARCHIBALD PHILIP. See Rosebery, Earl of. PRIMROSE, EDWARD JAMES, M.A. 1891, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. PRIMROSE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1888. Falkirk ; Bishop Auckland ; Shildon, Co. Durham ; London. PRINGLE, HENRY TURNBULL, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1868. Bridgend, Glam. (Medical Superintendent of County Asylum). PRINGLE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1875. Ship Surgeon; Appin; Irvine; Holme-on-Spalding-Moor, Yorks. PRINGLE, PETER DRUMMOND, M.A. 1894. Student of Theology in the United College, Bradford. ROLL OF GRADUATES 503 PRIOR, SAMUEL, M.B., CM. 1896. Lenzie. PRITCHARD, ERNEST JAMES, M.B., CM. 1877. Glasgow; Shilton, Warwickshire; Hinckley, Leicestershire. PROBYN, JOHN MILLS, M.D. 1825. Newbury, Berks. ; sometime Resident Medical Superintendent, Glasgow Royal Lunatic Asylum, and Resident Surgeon and Superintendent, Lancaster Asylum for Pauper Lunatics; died 27th October, 1867, aged 76. PROCTOR, JOHN, CM. 1830. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. PROCTOR, JOHN ROBERT, M.A. 1886. Lithographer, Portsmouth. PROSSER, FRANCIS, M.B., CM. 1883. Swansea ; Rainford, Lanes. PROUDFOOT, ROBERT FORRESTER, B.A. 1837. Minister of (1) North Esk, (2) Fogo; died 5th March, 1891, aged 74. PROVAN, JAMES, M.D. 1864. Pitlochry ; Glasgow (sometime Lecturer on Dermatology in St. Mungo's College). PROVAN, JOHN, M.D. 1830. "Filius3 tius Joannis Mercatoris, de com. Lanark" [Matric. Alb. 1824]. PROVAN, MATTHEW, CM. 1817. Probably " filius natu maximus Joannis Artificis in Parochia de Kilsyth " [Matric. Alb. 1802]. PROVAN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1822. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. PROVAND, WILLIAM SEATH, M.A. 1880. Minister of St. Ninian's, Glasgow. PRYCE, EDWARD SMITH, B.A. 1839. "Filius unicus V.R. Ricardi V.D. apud Bampton in Comitatu de Oxford M." [Matric. Alb. 1837]. PULSFORD, WILLIAM, D.D. 1868. Congregational Minister of (1) Albany Street Church, Edinburgh, (2) Trinity Church, Glasgow; died at Glasgow, 15th June, 1886, aged 64. PULTNEY, GEORGE BROWN CROOKSTON, M.B., CM. 1868, Glasgow ; Bacup, Lanes. PURCELL, USHER WILLIAMSON, M.D. 1840. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. PURDIE, JOHN, M.A. 1886. Native of Hamilton; intended for the Medical profession ; died 7th October, 1890, aged 23. 504 ROLL OF GRADUATES PURDIE, JOHN HYNDMAN, M.D. 1793. " Americanus" [Grad. Alb.] PURDIE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. PURDON, CHARLES, M.D. 1841. Killeshandra, Co. Cavan; Curristown, Westmeath ; died previous to 15th October, 1894. PURDON, GEORGE, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. PURDON, HENRY SAMUEL, M.D. 1865. Belfast : sometime Lecturer on Clinical Medicine there. PURDON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1838. Belfast ; Stramore, Co. Down ; sometime on Army Medical Staff. PURDON, WILLIAM ROSS, M.A. 1888. Teacher in (1) Alexandria, (2) Johnstone. PURSELL, JOHN WARROCH, MA. 1794. "Fil. n. max. Joannis, in Edinburga natus" [Matric. Alb. 1790]. PURSER, JOHN, LL.D. 1886. Professor of Mathematics in Queen's College, Belfast. PURSS, JAMES, M.A. 1812. Minister of the Irish Presbyterian Congregation of Urney and Sion, 1824-36 ; died 29th August, 1836. PURVES, DAVID, M.A. 1876. F.C. Minister at Gourock. PURVES, WILLIAM STEVENSON, M.A. 1868. Advocate, Edinburgh; died 2nd December, 1883; LL.B. Edin. 1870. PYLE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Portmahomack, Ross-shire; Fearn there. PYTT, LEONARD, M.A. 1733 "Angs. Fil. Rolandi Pytt Armigeri in Comit. de Glouster" [Matric. Alb. 173°]- QUAIFE, FREDERIC HARRISON, M.D., CM. 1867. Glasgow; Woollahra, N.S. Wales. QUAIFE, WILLIAM FRANCIS, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow; Woollahra, N.S. Wales; Sydney there. QUEE, ROBERT, CM. 1835. Dundonald, Belfast. QUIN, FELIX, CM. 1826. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 505 QUINCKE, GEORG, LL.D. 1896. Professor of Physics in the University of Heidelberg. QUIRK, THOMAS ADDENBROOKE, M.D. 1839. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. RADCLIFF, THOMAS, M.A. 1786. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. RAE, GEORGE SCOBIE, M.A. 1889. Teacher in (1) Rutland Crescent Public School, Govan, (2) Bathgate Academy, (3) Henderson Street School, Glasgow, since 1891. RAE, JAMES, M.A. 1882. Minister of (1) St. .Vincent's, Grenada, (2) St. Saviour's, British Guiana. RAE, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1886. London. RAE, JOHN, M.A. 1737. RAE, JOHN, M.A. 1809. " Filius natu 4 tus Jacobi Artificis in par. de. St. Ninians et Com. de Stirling " [Matric. Alb. 1795]. RAE, JOHN BROADFOOT, M.B., CM. 1895. New York. RAE, JOHN ROBERTS, M.A. 1881. Minister, residing at Sanda Island, Southend, Kintyre. RAE, MATTHEW JOHN, M.D. 1849. Carlisle ; Blackburn ; Southport. RAE, ROBERT NEILL, M.A. 1868. Minister of (1) Howwood, (2) Macleod Parish, Glasgow, (3) Lochmaben. RAE, ROBERT REID, M.A. 1841. Minister of Avondale, 1850-74; thereafter resident in London, and engaged in literary work; died at Horsham, Hainthorpe Road, West Norwood, S.E., 10th May, 1896, aged 80. RAE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1833. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. RAFFERTY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1800. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. RAFFLES, THOMAS STAMFORD, B.A. 1836. Stipendiary Magistrate at Liverpool; died 23rd January, 1891, aged 72. RAILTON, THOMAS, M.A. 1774. "Filius natu maximus Thomae quondam Fabri Lignarii in Comitatu de Cumberland, Anglia" [Matric. Alb. 1771]. RAINEY, ROBERT, M.A. 1758. "Filius natu maximus Francisci quondam Med. Doctoris in urbe Newry, comitatu de Down" [Matric. Alb. 1755]. 506 ROLL OF GRADUATES RAINEY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1771. M Filius unicus Roberti Mercatoris in Urbe Newry, Hibernia " [Matric. Alb. 1766]. RAINY, GEORGE, M.A. 1853, M.D. 1856. Glasgow : Assistant to Professors of Materia Medica and Forensic Medicine in the University from at least 1863 to 1869; Lecturer on the Eye in the University, 1868 to 1869; born 31st October, 1832; died 19th June, 1869; son of Professor Harry Rainy (q.v.). RAINY, HARRY, M.D. 1833, U-.D. 1873. Lecturer (by arrangement with Professor Badham) on Institutes of Medicine in Glasgow University, 1835-41 ; Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in Glasgow University, 1841 to 1872; born 21st October, 1792; died 6th August, 1876; Founder of Rainy Bursaries. RAINY, ROBERT, M.A. 1844, D.D. 1863. Free Church Minister of (1) Huntly, (2) High Church, Edinburgh; afterwards Professor in New College, Edinburgh ; latterly Principal thereof; son of Professor Harry Rainy (q.v.); born 1st January, 1826; D.D. Edin. 1884. RALEIGH, ALEXANDER, D.D. 1865. Congregational Minister at (1) Greenock, (2) Rotherham, (3) Elgin Place, Glasgow, (4) Canonbury, London; born 3rd January, 181 7; died 19th April, 1880. RALLEY, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1884. Troon; Ayr; Irvine; died at Troon, 12th September, 1890, aged 29. RALPH, HUGH, M.A. 1819, LL.D. 1827. Minister of (1) the Old Presbyterian Kirk, Liverpool, 1824-41, (2) Aberdour, 1842-44, (3) Dalgety, 1844-54; died 9th September, 1854. RALSTON, GAVIN WILLIAM, M.A. 1882. Advocate, Edinburgh. RALSTON, JOHN, M.A. 1798. "Fil. n. 3 tius Patricii Artificis in Vico de Falkirk et Comit. de Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 1792]. RALSTON, THOMAS, M.A. 1771. "Hib." [Grad. Alb.]. RAMAGE, CRAWFORD TAIT, LL.D. 1852. Tutor of, inter alia, Archbishop Tait (q.v.); afterwards Rector of Wallace Hall Academy, Closeburn, Dumfriesshire; born 10th September, 1803; died 29th November, 1878; M.A. Edinburgh, 1827. RAMAGE, WILLIAM, D.D. 1880 U.P. Minister at (1) Kilmarnock, (2) East Campbell Street, Glasgow, (3) Berkeley Street, Glasgow; died 19th October, 1894, aged 81. ROLL OF GRADUATES 507 RAMSAY, ALEXANDER, M.A. i860. Sometime Assistant Minister at West Kilbride; died 18th December, 1878, aged 41 ; native of Dairy, Ayrshire. RAMSAY, ALLAN, M.B., CM. 1893. Mauchline ; Nelson, Glam. ; Leadhills, Lanarkshire. RAMSAY, SIR ANDREW CROMBIE, LL.D. 1879. Director-General of Geological Survey; Professor of Geology in University College, London ; Lecturer at School of Mines, Jermyn Street there ; born in Glasgow, 31st January, 1814; died at Beaumaris, N. Wales, 9th December, 1891 ; LL.D. Edin. 1866. RAMSAY, ANDREW MAITLAND, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1891. Glasgow : Demonstrator of Anatomy in the University, 1885-92 ; Lecturer on Diseases of the Eye in Women's Department of the University since 1895. RAMSAY, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow; Thrapstone, Northamptonshire. RAMSAY, JOHN, M.A. 1761. "Filius natu secundus Davidis in Urbe Glasguae" [Matric. Alb. 1755]. RAMSAY, JOHN, M.A. 1821. " Filius natu Quartus Viri Reverendi Gulielmi Pastoris in parochia de Raphoe in comitatu de Donnegal" [Matric. Alb. 1818]. RAMSAY, JOHN, M.D. 1830. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. RAMSAY, JOHN, M.A. 1889. Minister of First Presbyterian Church, Quincy, Mass., U.S.A.; died 1892, aged 25. RAMSAY, JOHN MACLEAN, M.A. 1896. Intends to qualify for Ministry of the Free Church. RAMSAY, ROBERT, M.D. 1846. New Zealand Co.'s Service; Lochwinnoch; died 26th September, 1896, aged 76. RAMSAY, ROBERT HAMILTON, M.D., CM. 1862. Edinburgh ; Glasgow ; Torquay ; Purse Bearer to Lord High Commissioner to General Assembly of Church of Scotland, 1853 to 1891 (except 1883). RAMSAY, THOMAS, M.A. 1882. Teacher in (1) Greenock Academy, (2) Clydesdale Academy, Glasgow, (3) Monkton House Boarding School, Cardiff, (4) Kensington House Boarding School for Young Ladies, Cardiff; Principal of (1) Llanelly Academy, (2) Oak House School, Axminster. RAMSAY, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1738. " By reason of his being in Foreign Countries he cannot come hither to receive it [the Degree] in usual form" [Univ. Minute, 16th August, 1738]. 508 ROLL OF GRADUATES RAMSAY, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, LL.B. 1895. Advocate, Edinburgh ; B.A. Oxon. ; son of George Gilbert Ramsay, LL.D., Professor of Humanity in the University of Glasgow. RAMSAY, WILLIAM FREDERICK HUTCHESON, M.D. 1848. London; died 1892. RAMSAY, WILLIAM LIVINGSTONE, M.A. 1893. Qualifying for admission as an Actuary. RAMSEY, JOHN KER, M.D. 1863. Sanquhar ; Galston ; Koroit, Victoria, Australia ; South Yarra there ; Wood's Point there ; Prahran there. RAMSEY, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1892. Prahran, Victoria, Australia; Cue, Murchison, Western Australia; son of John Ker Ramsey, M.D. (q.v.). RANKIN, ALEXANDER, D.D. 1801. Minister of (1) Cambusnethan, (2) St. David's, Glasgow; born 28th February, 1 755 ^ died 23rd February, 1827, RANKIN, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1886. Leadgate, Durham ; Glasgow. RANKIN, DAVID, M.D. 1783. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. RANKIN, EWEN ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1886, B.D. 1888. Minister of Kilmorack. RANKIN, GUTHRIE, M.B. 1880, M.D. 1882. Kilmarnock ; Warwick ; London ; Degree Examiner on Medicine and Clinical Medicine in Glasgow University since 1st January, 1897. RANKIN, HUGH MONTGOMERY, M.A. 1889. F.C. Minister at Tighnabruaich. RANKIN, JAMES, M.A. 1791. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. RANKIN, JAMES, M.A. 1830. " Filius natu minimus Jacobi V.D.M. in parochia de Monaghan et comitatu de Monaghan" [Matric. Alb. 1827]. RANKIN, JAMES, M.A. 1852, D.D. 1878. Minister of (1) Old West Kirk, Greenock, (2) Muthill. RANKIN, JAMES, B.Sc. 1892. M.B., CM. 1897; Assistant to Professor of Zoology in Glasgow University since 1890. RANKIN, JOHN, B.L. 1892. Writer, Glasgow. RANKIN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1895. Churchtown, Londonderry. ROLL OF GRADUATES 509 RANKIN, JOHN SEMPLE, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow. RANKIN, MALCOLM ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1875. Glasgow; Luton, Beds.; died 4th August, 1891. RANKIN, PETER, M.B., CM. 1895. Penrith. RANKIN, SAMUEL, M.D. 1843. Kirkcubbin, Co. Down; died 1881. RANKIN, THOMAS, M.A. 1754. " Filius natu maximus Samuelis Rankin in Parochia de Taughboyn in Com. de Donneghall" [Matric. Alb. 1751]. RANKIN, THOMAS THOMSON, B.Sc. 1891. (1) Civil and Mining Engineer, Summerlee Iron Works, Coatbridge; (2) Mathematical Master, Irvine Royal Academy ; (3) Assistant Mathematical Master, Edinburgh Royal High School; (4) Rector of Gartsherrie Science School, Coat- bridge; (5) Principal of Technical School and Mining College, Coatbridge. RANKIN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1818, M.D. 1825. Auchingray, Airdrie. RANKIN, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1884, M.D. 1887. Londonderry ; Newtown Cunningham, Co. Derry. RANKIN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1889. Minister of Legerwood; B.D. St. Andrews, 1890. RANKIN, WILLIAM MIRRLEES, M.A. 1876, B.D. 1880. F.C. Minister at (1) Drumoak, Aberdeen, (2) Bridgeton, Glasgow. RANKINE, CHARLES, M.A. 1823. "F. N. max. quondam Gulielmi in par. de Hamilton, Lanark" [Matric. Alb. 1818]. RANKINE, CHARLES HENRY, M.A. 1888. (1) Teacher in Bellahouston Academy; (2) Teacher in Polmadie Public School, Glasgow; (3) English Master in High School, Falkirk; (4) H.M. Sub- Inspector of Schools. RANKINE, JAMES, M.A. 1828. "Fil. 4 tus Joannis Bibliopolae, Com. de Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 1823]. RANKINE, JOHN, M.D. 1828. A Dr. John Rankine, of Blackwood, South Australia, died at Beulah Lodge, Helensburgh, 15th March, 1864, aged 61. RANKINE, JOHN, LL.D. 1892. Advocate; Professor of Scots Law in the University of Edinburgh since 1888; M.A. Edin. 1865; Q.C. 1897. RANNEY, MALCOLM, M.D. 1855. Native of New Brunswick ; probably settled there. 510 ROLL OF GRADUATES RANSOME, MILDRED, M.B., CM. 1896. Norwich. RATCLIFF, BENJAMIN, M.A. 1758. Dissenting Minister at Wheelock, Cheshire; died at Leek. RAWSON, THOMAS JAMES, M.D. 1832. Carlow; died 12th October, 1881, aged 72. RAY, HENRY, M.B., CM. 1878, M.D. 1883. Melbourne, Australia ; Clermont there ; Melbourne ; Hamilton-on-Clyde, Tasmania. RAY, JAMES, M.A. 1879. Minister of Cellardyke. RAYLEIGH, BARON, LL.D. 1888. Third Baron; D.C.L. Oxon. 1883; LL.D. Ed. 1884; F.R.S., etc., etc., etc.; Professor of (1) Experimental Physics in University of Cambridge, (2) Natural Philosophy at Royal Institution; born 12th November, 1842. RAYNES, THOMAS, M.D. 1748. RAYNEY, JOHN, B.A. 1849. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. READMAN, GEORGE, M.A. 1867. Of Barbauchlaw ; Advocate in Edinburgh ; Examiner for Law Degrees in Glasgow University, 1878-84; LL.B. Edin. 1872. REAH, JOSEPH, M.A. 1742. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Fahan, 1748-70, when demitted the charge and emigrated to America. REDDIE, JOHN OATTS, M.B., CM. 1884. Thornhill, Dumfriesshire; Culross, Fife. REDDY, JOHN, M.D. 1848. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. REDFERN, WILLIAM, B.A. 1837. " Filius unicus defuncti Gulielmi chirurgi apud Sidney in Colonia de New South Wales" [Matric. Alb. 1835]. REDFORD, GEORGE, M.A. 181 1, LL.D. 1834. Congregational Minister at (1) Uxbridge, 1812-26, (2) Worcester, 1826-52; born in London, 27th September, 1785; died at Edgbaston, Birmingham, 20th May, i860. REDHEAD, THOMAS JOSEPH, M.B., CM. 1887. Hull; died 1895. REDMAN, SAMUEL, M.A. 1738. "Hibernus filius Samuelis Redman V.D.M. in par. Kilmore in Com, de Down" [Matric. Alb. 1735]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 511 REED, HENRY, M.A., M.D. 1772. Possibly the same person as Henry Reed, Staff Hospital Mate, Army Medical Department in Ireland, 1797. REED, JAMES, M.D. 1812. Kilmarnock. REEDER, HENRY, M.D. 1766. REES, DAVID, M.A. 1818, M.D. 1822. Unitarian Minister at Tugn-y-Odyn, Merthyr Tydvil ; born in Cardiganshire, 10th August, 1793; died 4th January, 1832. REES, FERDINAND, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1894. Chippenham, Wilts.; Stoke-on-Trent; Kirton-in-Lindsey, Lines.; Wigan. REES, GEORGE, M.D. 1807. (1) Founder and Manager of Pembroke House Lunatic Asylum, Hackney; (2) Medical Superintendent of the Cornwall Lunatic Asylum, Bodmin ; (3) Practitioner in London; died there, 7th December, 1846, aged 70. REES, GEORGE OWEN, M.D. 1837. Lecturer on Practice of Medicine, Guy's Hospital, London ; F.R.S. ; Physician Extraordinary to the Queen; died 27th May, 1889, aged 76. REES, OSWALD, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1894. Oswestry, Salop; Macclesfield; Surgeon, R.N. REES, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1876. Oswestry, Salop ; West Bromwich, Staffs. REES, WILLIAM GOODMAN EDWARDS, M.A. 1886. (1) Curate of Parkgate; (2) Curate of St. James', Bangor, N. Wales; (3) Curate of Rainhill, Lanes.; (4) Vicar thereof; (5) Vicar of Pendleton, Manchester. REID, ALEXANDER, B.A. 1844. "Filius natu quartus Andreae Medici Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1840]. REID, ALEXANDER WILLIAM, M.A. 1870, M.B., CM. 1874. Glasgow; Arnold, Notts.; died there, 20th September, 1880, aged 31. REID, ALLAN, M.A. 1889. Minister of Slamannan. REID, ANDREW, M.A. 1835. Secession Minister at Lossiemouth; died 25th July, 1846, aged 32. REID, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1767. " Filius natu tertius quondam Joannis, in Parochia de Tyllie-AUan, Com. Perth" [Matric. Alb. 1763]. REID, BASIL, M.A. 1736. "Filius Jacobi Reid Mercatoris Glasguensis " [Matric. Alb. 1731]. REID, DAVID, M.A. 1808. Possibly the same person as David Reid, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Dunfanaghy, 1830-60; died nth July, i860. 512 ROLL OF GRADUATES REID, DAVID, M.A. 1824, CM. 1838. Fenwick ; Tarbolton (Lochlea). REID, DAVID ALLAN, M.A. 1884, B.D. 1887. Minister of Monkton. REID, DUNCAN ALEXANDER CAMERON, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1889. Minister of Inveraray since August, 1897. REID, EDWARD, M.D. 1856. Assistant-Surgeon, R.N.; born at Carrickfergus, 10th April, 1835; died at Belfast, 10th November, 1859; son of Professor James Seaton Reid (q.v.). REID, EDWARD THOMAS SCOTT, M.A. 1895. Qualifying for Ministry of the Church of England. REID, GEORGE, M.A. 1821. "F. n. max. Gulielmi Typographi Glasguensis " [Matric. Alb. 1816]. REID, HAMILTON CHAMBERS, M.B., CM. 1873. Glasgow ; Port-Glasgow ; Harris, Inverness-shire ; Coatbridge. REID, HARRY SEYMOUR, M.A. 1892. Curate of St. John the Evangelist's, Edinburgh. REID, HENRY, M.A. 1867. Minister of Relief U.P. Church, Irvine; resigned 2nd March, 1886, and went to Melbourne immediately afterwards. REID, HERBERT, M.A. 1888. Minister of West Free Church, Thurso. REID, HUGH, CM. 1840. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. REID, JAMES, M.A. 1833. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Ramelton, 1838-60, when resigned. REID, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1868. Surgeon-Lieut-Col., I. M.S., Bengal. REID, JAMES ALEXANDER, M.A. 1894. Teacher in Whitehill Public School, Dennistoun, Glasgow. REID, JAMES SEATON, M.A. 1816, D.D. 1833. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Donegore, 1819-23, (2) Carrickfergus, 1823-38; thereafter Professor of Ecclesiastical History in (1) Royal Academical Institution, Belfast, 1838-41, (2) Glasgow University, 1 841-51 ; born at Lurgan, 19th December, 1798; died at Belmont, the seat of Lord Mackenzie, near Edinburgh, 26th March, 1851; buried in Sighthill Cemetery, Glasgow. REID, JAMES SEATON, B.A. 1850, M.A. 185 1. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland; born at Belfast, 28th January, 1831; died at Glasgow, 9th February, 1856; son of Professor James Seaton Reid (q-v.)- ROLL OF GRADUATES 513 REID, JAMES WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1871. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow ; Evie, Orkney ; Troon j Bankfoot, Perthshire ; Ochiltree ; Dennyloanhead ; Govan. REID, JAMES WILLIAM, M.A. 1891. Teacher under Glasgow School Board. REID, JOHN, M.D. 1808. Paisley; Glasgow; died 1830; brother-in-law of William M'Gavin, author of The Protestant. REID, JOHN, M.A. 1824. Minister of (1) Brownsfield, Glasgow, (2) Old Kilpatrick ; born 1803; died May, 1867. REID, JOHN, M.A. 1828. " Filius natu secundus Gulielmi mercatoris apud Londinum in comitatu de Middlesex" [Matric. Alb. 1824]. REID, JOHN, M.A. 1874. English Presbyterian Minister at (1) Gosforth, (2) Leeds, (3) Birmingham. REID, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1878. Crook, Durham ; London. REID, JOHN, M.A. 1877. U.P. Minister at (1) Milnathort, (2) Tay Square, Dundee. REID, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1880. Muirkirk ; Largs ; Mauchline. REID, JOHN, M.A. 1884. U.P. Minister at Leven, 1887-88, when laid aside by illness. REID, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1887. London ; Dromore, Co. Down. REID, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow ; Milngavie. REID, JOHN, M.A. 1895. Student of Theology in Free Church College, Glasgow. REID, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.A. 1863. Advocate, Edinburgh. REID, JOHN CAMPBELL, M.D. 1847. Amble, Northumberland; Newbiggan-by-the-Sea there; died March, 1882, aged 67. REID, JOHN DAVIDSON, M.A. 1867, M.B., CM. 1874, M.D. 1876. Sometime Preacher, thereafter Medical Practitioner, Glasgow. REID, JOHN WILSON, M.A. 1874. Classical Master in Meigle House Boarding School, Perthshire, 1873-77 > Classical Master in Herbertshire Castle Boarding School, Denny, 1877-88; Head Mathematical and Science Master in Inverness Royal Academy since 1888. 2 K 5H ROLL OF GRADUATES REID, MARCUS DILL, M.A. 1834. "Filius natu secundus Joannis agricolae in parochia de Tully et comitat de Donegall" [Matric. Alb. 1830]. REID, MARCUS HORNE, M.D. 1803. " Filius natu minimus Koberti Chirurgi in Insula de Antigua " [Matric. Alb. 1802]. REID, MATTHEW, M.A. 1867, B.D. 1872. Minister of Wellpark Free Church, Greenock. REID, MUNGO, M.A. 1859. Minister of (1) Lochgelly, (2) Mearns. REID, PETER BARR, M.A. 1882. Minister of Eday and Faray. REID, ROBERT, CM. 1827. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. REID, ROBERT, M.A. 1888. Teacher, Glasgow, in (1) St. James's Sessional School, (2) Townhead Public School, (3) Thomson Street Public School, (4) Whitehill Public School. REID, ROBERT GALBRAITH, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow ; London. REID, THOMAS, M.A. 1817. " Filius Natu Tertius Davidis Agricolae in parochia de Killinchy in comitatu de Down" [Matric. Alb. 1814]. REID, THOMAS, M.D. 1857, LL.D. 1896. Glasgow : Waltonian Lecturer on the Eye in Glasgow University since 1869. REID, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1879. Cramlington, Northumberland ; Lochmaben. REID, THOMAS, M.A. 1892. Teacher in (1) Harmony Row School, Govan, (2) Lambhill Street School there, (3) Fairfield Public School there, (4) The Jahn Neilson Institution, Paisley. REID, THOMAS MAYNE, M.A. 1804. Presbyterian Minister at Drumgooland, Presbytery of Rathfriland, Ireland ; born 1787; died 9th July, 1868; father of Captain (Thomas) Mayne Reid, the novelist. REID, WILLIAM, M.A. 1773. " Natus in parochia de Douglas filius natu unicus Adami quondam Agricolae in dicta parochia & comitatu de Clydesdale" [Matric. Alb. 1768]. REID, WILLIAM, M.D. 1840. Dublin; died 1870. ROLL OF GRADUATES 515 REID, WILLIAM, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862. Teacher in (1) Glasgow Academy, (a) Glasgow High School, (3) Bell- Baxter School, Cupar-Fife, as Mathematical Master. REID, WILLIAM, M.A. 1879, B.D. 1882. Minister of St. David's, Kirkintilloch, 1884-96, when resigned on account of ill-health ; resident (1897) at Maldowney, Malahide, Co. Dublin. REID, WILLIAM LOUDON, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1869. Dairy, Ayrshire; Glasgow (sometime Lecturer on Midwifery in Western Medical School ; afterwards Professor of Midwifery in Anderson's College, resigned 1896). REITH, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1893. Teacher in the High School of Glasgow. RENDALL, GEORGE, M.D. 1847. Glasgow. RENNIE, JAMES, M.A. 1815. Professor of Natural History in King's College, London, 1830-34; emigrated to N.S. Wales, 1840; born at Sorn, Ayrshire, 26th February, 1787; died at Adelaide, 25th August, 1867. RENNIE, JAMES STARK, M.B., CM. 1882. Maryhill ; Coatbridge. RENNIE, ROBERT, M.A. 1781. Minister of Kilsyth; died 10th July, 1820; D.D. Aberdeen, 1808. RENNIE, ROBERT, D.D. 1820. Minister of Bo'ness; died 29th July, 1833. RENNIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1825. "F. n. unic. Thomae Ludimagistri Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1819]. RENNY, PATRICK, M.A., M.D. 1771. " Has been a Practitioner in his Majesty's Navy and at Newport-Pagnell " [Univ. Minute, 29th July, 1771]. RENTON, HENRY, B.A. 1822, M.A. 1823. U.P. Minister at Kelso, 1830-77; born 5th October, 1804; died at Kelso, 4th January, 1877. RENTOUL, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1865. Minister (1) of St. Peter's Presbyterian Church, Liverpool, 1866-74, (2) at Longford, Ireland, (3) of Sandymount Presbyterian Church, Dublin; died 29th August, 1889. RENWICK, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1875. London; Belize, British Plonduras; died 22nd June, 1877. REVIE, ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1893. Campbeltown ; Motherwell ; Galston. 5 16 ROLL OF GRADUATES REVIE, DUGALD, M.B., CM. 1889. F.C. Medical Missionary to Wardha, Central India. REYBURN, HUGH YOUNG, M.A. 1880, B.D. 1883. F.C. Minister at (1) Leven, (2) Kirkintilloch. REYNOLDS, FRANCIS, M.D. 1845. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. REYNOLDS, HEWITSON, M.A. 1777. "Natus in Hibernia Filius natu maximus Joannis Armigeri in parochia Kilbarran comitatu Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1774]. REYNOLDS, OSBORNE, LL.D. 1884. Professor of Engineering in Victoria University, Manchester. REYNOLDS, WILLIAM, M.A. 1883. Schoolmaster of Sandwick, Shetland; died there, 24th August, 1887, aged 25; native of Cloberhill, Duntocher. RHODES, FRANCIS, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1868. Glasgow; Withington, Lanes.; Horton, Yorks. ; Withington; died 1891. RHODES, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1887, M.D. 1891. Dronfield, Derbyshire; Sheffield. RHODES, THOMAS WEMYSS, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1870. Manchester; Northenden, Cheshire. RICE, HENRY, M.D. 1761. RICE, HENRY JAMES, M.D. 1864. Mountmellick, Queen's Co.; died December, 1886. RICE, JOHN ROCHE, M.D. 1843. Tralee; Surgeon, P. & O. Co.'s Service, and for 10 years on board Hospital Ship in Crimea and Mediterranean. RICHARD, DAVID THEOPHILUS, M.B., CM. 1883, M.D. 1890. Ton, Glam. ; Risca, Mon. ; J. P. RICHARD, WILLIAM JOHN, M.A. 1888, M.B., CM. 1892. Ship Surgeon; Rutherglen ; Govan Poorhouse and Asylum. RICHARDSON, ARTHUR, M.A. 1740. "Ang. Hib." [Grad. Alb.]. RICHARDSON, CHARLES, LL.D. 1843. Lexicographer; kept a well-known School on Clapham Common, London; married Elizabeth, widow of Daniel Terry, the actor; born July, 1775; died 6th October, 1865. RICHARDSON, CHARLES, M.A. 1889. Minister of (1) E.U. Church at Bathgate, (2) E.U. (Congregational) Church at Leith. RICHARDSON, FRANK BERTRAM, LL.B. 1889. M.A. Edin. 1885; Writer, Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 517 RICHARDSON, HENRY, M.D. 1842. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. RICHARDSON, JOHN, LL.B. 1830. Of Kirklands, Roxburghshire; W.S. 1827; Parliamentary Solicitor, West- minster; London Law Agent of Glasgow University; the friend of Sir Walter Scott, Thomas Campbell, Joanna Baillie, etc., and himself an occasional writer of verses; born at Gilmerton, near Edinburgh, 9th May, 1780; died at Kirklands, 4th October, 1864. RICHARDSON, THOMAS ELLIOT, B.A. 1836, M.A. 1837. U.P. Missionary at Portland, South Australia; afterwards Principal of an Academy in Tasmania, and Proprietor and Editor of a Newspaper. RICHARDSON WILLIAM, M.A. 1763. Tutor to sons of Lord Cathcart, and Secretary to His Lordship while Ambassador at St. Petersburg ; Professor of Humanity in Glasgow University, 1773 to 1814; born at Manse of Aberfoyle, 1st October, 1743; died 3rd November, 1814; witnessed in December, 1750, the abduction of Jean Key or Wright by Rob Roy's sons, who, with their victim in charge, made a violent and noisy entrance into the house where he was then residing. RICHARDSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1785, D.D. 1816. Minister of Inchinnan, 1793 to 1822, when demitted ; died 10th January, 1845 ; nephew of Professor William Richardson (q.v.). RICHIE, JAMES, M.D. 1740. Minister of a Dissenting Congregation in England. RICHMOND, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1885. Galston; Paisley. RICHMOND, ANDREW HENDERSON, M.B., CM. 1887. Paisley; London. RICHMOND, DANIEL, M.D. 1858. Paisley; died previous to 1889. RICHMOND, DANIEL, M.B., CM. 1894. Kilraughts, Co. Antrim; Rochdale. RICHMOND, JAMES, D.D. 1800. Minister of Irvine; died 16th July, 1804, aged 60. RICHMOND, JOHN, CM. 1820. "Scotia" [Grad. Alb.]. RICHMOND, JOHN MAIR, M.A. 1895. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. RIDDELL, BROWNLOW, M.B., CM. 1891, M.D. 1896. Glasgow ; Doune ; Glasgow. RIDDELL, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow. 5 18 ROLL OF GRADUATES RIDDELL, JOHN, M.A. 1783. Possibly the same person as John Riddell, M.F.P.&S.G. 1783, M.D., Practitioner in Glasgow, who died 181 9. RIDDELL, JOHN, B.A. 1861. Minister of (1) R.P. Church (now Martyrs' Free Church), Dundee, (2) Wynd Free Church, Glasgow, (3) Augustine Free Church there, (4) Paisley Road Free Church there, (5) Wynd Free Church there (a second time). RIDDELL, JOHN, M.A. 1893. Licentiate of the Free Church. RIDDELL, ROBERT, CM. 1825. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. RIDDICK, SAMUEL MURDOCH, M.A. 1881. Free Church Minister at Grangemouth, RIDGE, JOSEPH, M.D. 1838. London; died nth June, 1875. RIDGEWAY, FREDERIC EDWARD, D.D. 1890. Curate (1) of Christ Church, Tunbridge Wells, (2) of Holy Trinity, Malvern, (3) of Holy Trinity, Ryde, (4) in sole charge of Weeting, Norfolk, (5) in sole charge of St. John Baptist, Newport, (6) in sole charge of St. Peter's, Eaton Square, London; afterwards Incumbent of St. Mary's, Glasgow, 1878-90, and Dean of the United Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway, 1888-90; Vicar of St. Peter's, South Kensington, London, since 1890. RIDING, ROGER, M.D. 1827. London; died 19th November, 1864. RIDLEY, JOHN, M.D. 1838. Tullamore, King's Co.; died 3rd May, 1875, a S e d 59- RIMMER, JOHN, M.D., CM. 1826. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. RISK, ANDREW, M.D. 1855 Glasgow; sometime Surgeon in the Army; died 10th February, 1862. RISK, ROBERT KNOX, M.A. 1891. Journalist, on staff of Glasgow Herald. RITCHIE, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1871. Pollokshaws. RITCHIE, CHARLES, M.D. 1839. Neilston, 1815-27; Glasgow (Lecturer on Midwifery in Portland Street Medical School, 1838-40, and Lecturer on Clinical Medicine in Royal Infirmary); London; died there, 27th January, 1878, aged 79. RITCHIE, CHARLES GEORGE, M.D. 1863. Edinburgh; London; died 22nd December, 1865; son of Charles Ritchie, M.D. 1839 (q.v.). ROLL OF GRADUATES 519 RITCHIE, DAVID ALLARDYCE, M.A. 1887. Teacher in (1) Stonelaw Public School, Rutherglen, 1887-88, (2) Newton Public School, Cambuslang, 1888-93, (3) Dunoon Grammar School since 1893. RITCHIE, FRANCIS CALDWELL, M.D. 1834. Of Kirktonhall, West Kilbride; died 23rd November, 1894, aged 86. RITCHIE, GEORGE, M.A. 1817. "Filius natu maximus Reverendi Viri Joannis V.D.P. Glasg. natus" [Matric. Alb. 181 1]. RITCHIE, GEORGE, M.A. 1827. Minister of (1) St. Boswells, (2) Jedburgh; resigned 1876; died 29th May, 1888, aged 80; D.D. Edin. 1870. RITCHIE, GEORGE, M.D. 1843. Bellinghay, Lines.; previously Lecturer on Midwifery at Aberdeen; died 15th January, 1879, aged 72. RITCHIE, GEORGE MURE, B.L. 1882. Writer, Glasgow. RITCHIE, JAMES, M.D. 1804. " Filius natu maximus Alexandri Piscatoris apud Ayr in comitatu ejusdem " [Matric. Alb. 1793]. RITCHIE, JOHN, M.A. 1803. Minister of U.P. Church at (1) Kilmarnock, (2) Hope Park, Edinburgh; resigned 4th September, 1849; died 15th May, 1861, aged 80. RITCHIE, JOHN, . M.B., CM. 1880. Glasgow. RITCHIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow; Surgeon-Captain, Army. RITCHIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow ; Greenock ; Dunoon. RITCHIE, JOHN, M.A. 1891. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland; B.D. Edin. 1894. RITCHIE, WILLIAM, D.D. 1798. Minister of (1) Tarbolton, (2) Kilwinning, (3) St. Andrew's, Glasgow, (4) High Church, Edinburgh; Professor of Divinity in Edinburgh University, 1809 to 1828; died at Tarbolton, 29th January, 1830, aged 83 ; introduced an organ into St. Andrew's Church, Glasgow, which the Presbytery declared to be contrary to the law of the land and the Church. RITCHIE, WILLIAM, CM. 1833. Victoria, Australia. RITCHIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1882. Minister of Carronshore. 520 ROLL OF GRADUATES RITCHIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1887. Teacher, Paisley, in (1) North School, (2) West School; died 13th July, 1893, a ged 31, RITCHIE, WILLIAM BARRY, CM. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROBB, GEORGE HENRY, M.A. 1880. Writer, Glasgow. ROBB, HENRY, B.L. 1888. Writer, Stirling. ROBB, JAMES JENKINS, M.B., CM. 1892, M.D. 1895. Longriggend ; Paisley. ROBB, JOHN, M.A. 1824. "F. n. max. Joannis Artificis Peterhead Bamff" [Matric. Alb. 1816]. ROBB, RICHARD, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1888. Minister of (1) Scottish Church, Longtown, Cumberland, (2) Blairdaff, Aberdeenshire. ROBB, RICHARD ALEXANDER DENOVAN, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow; died there, 18th May, 1891, aged 35. ROBB, THOMAS DUNN, M.A. 1890. Teacher in Paisley Grammar School and Academy. ROBB, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1888. Cornsay, Durham ; Finedon, Northamptonshire ; Irthlingborough there. ROBBIE, FRANK HARPER, M.A. 1893. Teacher in (1) Petershill Public School, Glasgow, (2) The Academy, Beith, (3) The Academy, Leith. ROBERTON, DAVID, M.A. 1877. Curate of St. Cuthbert's Church, Hebburn-on-Tyne, 1879-82 ; Curate of St. Thomas' Church, South Shields, 1882-86; Curate-in-charge of St. Mark's Church, Shire Moor, Newcastle-on-Tyne, since 1886. ROBERTON, SIR JAMES, LL.D. 1868. Writer in Glasgow; Professor of Conveyancing in the University, 1867 to 1889; Knighted 1889; born in Glasgow, 7th January, 1821 ; died at Grantown- on-Spey, 9th August, 1889. ROBERTON, JOHN STEWART, M.A. 1886, LL.B. 1889. Writer in Glasgow; son of Sir James Roberton (q.v.). ROBERTON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1892, M.D. 1896. Glasgow ; Birmingham ; nephew of Sir James Roberton (q.v.). ROBERTON, WILLIAM CRAIG, M.A. 1883, B.L. 1884, LL.B. 1885. Writer in Glasgow; Examiner for Law Degrees in the University, 1890-94; died at Forres, 15th January, 1896, aged 34; son of Sir James Roberton (q.v.). 521 M.U. i860. M.D. 1834. M.A. i860. ROLL OF GRADUATES ROBERTS, DAVID, London. ROBERTS, HENRY, Egham, Surrey. ROBERTS, WALTER, U.P. Minister at (1) Airdrie, (2) Dennistoun, Glasgow. ROBERTS, WILLIAM, M.A., M.D. 1771. "Filius unicus Benjamini Armigeri in urbe Charlestoun South Carolina" [Matric. Alb. 1770]. ROBERTSON, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1855. Glasgow: Medical Officer, Town's Hospital; Lecturer on Mental Diseases, Royal Infirmary Med. Sch. ; Professor of Medicine, St. Mungo's College. ROBERTSON, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1870. Gourock ; Bonhill ; Gourock. ROBERTSON, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1884. F.C Missionary, Nagpore, India. ROBERTSON, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow; son of Alexander Robertson, M.D. 1855 (q.v.). ROBERTSON, ALEXANDER STEWART, M.B., CM. 1894. Old Fletton, Northamptonshire ; Woodstone there. ROBERTSON, ALLAN M'LEAN, M.B., CM. 1893. Cockermouth; Dumbarton; died there, 17th April, 1896, aged 23. ROBERTSON, ANDREW, M.A. 1823. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROBERTSON, ANDREW, M.A. 1881. Minister of (1) Annbank, Tarbolton, (2) Cadzow. ROBERTSON, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1891. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow ; Paisley ; Stewarton. ROBERTSON, ANDREW, M.A. 1894. Teacher in Ayr Academy since 1894. ROBERTSON, ANDREW STIRTON, M.A. 1896. Teacher in (1) West Public School, Thurso, (2) Miller Institution there. ROBERTSON, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1888, M.B., CM. 1892. Ship Surgeon ; Lamlash, Arran ; Carterton, N.Z. ROBERTSON, ARCHIBALD ENEAS, M.A. 1892, B.D. 1896. Licentiate of the Free Church. ROBERTSON, CHARLES EDWARD, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow. ROBERTSON, DANIEL THOMSON, M.A. 1887. U.P. Missionary to Manchuria, North China; son of John Keith Robertson, M.D. (q.v.). 522 ROLL OF GRADUATES ROBERTSON, DAVID, LL.D. 1895. Hardware Merchant in Glasgow, 1837-60, when retired, taking up residence at Millport and devoting himself to the study of Marine Biology; known as "The Naturalist of Cumbrae " ; born in Great Hamilton Street, Glasgow, 28th November (O.S.), 1806; died at Fernbank, Millport, 20th November, 1896. ROBERTSON, DAVID DOIG, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862. R.P. Minister at Whithorn, 1866-72 ; English Presbyterian Minister at Dudley, 1872-75 3 F.C. Minister at Old Kilpatrick and Bowling, 1875-85; F.C. Minister at Oban since 1887. ROBERTSON, DAVID DONALDSON, M.A. 1892. Barrister-at-Law, London ; B.A., LL.B. Cantab. 1893. ROBERTSON, DAVID GEORGE, M.A. 1885. Writer, Glasgow. ROBERTSON, DAVID STEPHEN, M.A. 1895. Officer in the Army. ROBERTSON, FREDERICK WILLIAM, M.A. 1888. Medical Practitioner (M.R.C.S. 1895), London. ROBERTSON, GEORGE, D.D. 1795. Teacher in (1) George Heriot's Hospital, Edinburgh, (2) Grammar School, Campbeltown ; Minister of Campbeltown, 1763 to 1820 ; died 8th September, 1820, aged 86. ROBERTSON, GEORGE, M.D. 1840. Dundee; Glasgow (Specialist in Eye Diseases); died nth July, 1869. ROBERTSON, GEORGE, M.D. 1861. Edinburgh; Fleet Surgeon, R.N. ; London. ROBERTSON, GEORGE, LL.D. 1874. Head Master of the Birmingham and Edgbaston Proprietary School. ROBERTSON, HENRY, M.A. 1890. (1) Teacher in Fairfield Public School, Govan, 1885-89; (2) Teacher in Newton Academy, Ayr, 1889-95; (3) Teacher in Russell Street School, Ayr, 1895-97; (4) Head Master of Grammar School, Ayr, since 1897. ROBERTSON, HECTOR MONTEITH, M.B., CM. 1893. Brechin. ROBERTSON, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1893. Milnathort; Forth, Lanarkshire. ROBERTSON, HUMPHREY, CM. 1834. Portpatrick ; died 16th May, 1864. ROBERTSON, JAMES, M.A. 1773- " Filius natu maximus Joannis Civis Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1769]. ROBERTSON, JAMES, M.A. 1775. "Filius natu secundus Joannis Mercatoris Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 177 1]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 523 ROBERTSON, JAMES, M.A. 1782. "Natus in Glasgua filius Natu quintus Joannis Mercatoris in Glasgua" [Matric. Alb. 1774]. ROBERTSON, JAMES, M.D. 1816. "Joan V.D.M. Kingussie" [Matric. Alb. 181 2]. ROBERTSON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1881. Glasgow ; Ship Surgeon ; New Cumnock ; Girvan ; Patna. ROBERTSON, JAMES, B.L. 1890. Writer, Glasgow. ROBERTSON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow ; Ship Surgeon ; South Harris. ROBERTSON, JAMES ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1885. Melbourne, Australia; Carlton there. ROBERTSON, JAMES ANDERSON, M.B., CM. 1885. M.A. Oxon. ; Glasgow. ROBERTSON, JAMES ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1892. Dumbarton ; Nelson, Lanes. ; Klerksdorp, Transvaal, S. Africa. ROBERTSON, JAMES BRYCE, M.B., CM. 1893. Garliestown, Wigtownshire ; Portland, Oregon, U.S.A. ROBERTSON, JAMES CURRIE, M.A. 1890, B.Sc. 1893, M.B., CM. 1894. Surgeon-Lieut, I. M.S., Bengal. ROBERTSON, JAMES DUNCAN, M.A. 1892, LL.B. 1896. Writer, but not practising as such; intends to qualify as an advocate. ROBERTSON, JAMES JOHN, M.B., CM. 1875. Bannockburn ; Montgomery, N. Wales. ROBERTSON, JAMES ROBERT MILLER, M.D., CM. 1866. Renfrew ; Sydney, Australia. ROBERTSON, JAMES SOMMERVILLE, M.B., CM. 1877. Birtley, Durham; Middlesbro'; Lambley, Northumberland; Durham; died at Newcastle, 12th May, 1890. ROBERTSON, JOHN, M.A. 1738. Minister of Dunblane, 1756-95; died 23rd June, 1795. ROBERTSON, JOHN, M.A. 1746. " Filius Dav. Robertson in parochia de Wuston in Com. de Lanerk " [Matric. Alb. 1743]. ROBERTSON, JOHN, M.A. 1753. " Filius Joannis in Parochia de Dunlop in Com. de Air, N.B." [Matric. Alb. 1746]. ROBERTSON, JOHN, M.A. 1756. See Robison, John. 524 ROLL OF GRADUATES ROBERTSON, JOHN, D.D. 1826 Minister of Cambuslang, 1797 to 1843; died 2nd February, 1843, aged 75 ROBERTSON, JOHN, M.D. 1849 "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROBERTSON, JOHN, M.D. 1863, CM. 1869 Dumbarton; J. P. ROBERTSON, JOHN, M.A. 1885, M.B., CM. 1889 Glasgow ; Old Cumnock ; Kilmarnock. ROBERTSON, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1874, M.D. 1877 Buckhaven, Fife ; Sheffield ; Glasgow ; Stilton, Hunts. ROBERTSON, JOHN ANDERSON, M.A. 1883 Minister of Tenandry. ROBERTSON, JOHN CRAWFORD, M.B., CM. 1893, M.D. 1896 Glasgow; Maryborough, Queensland. ROBERTSON, JOHN GEORGE, M.A., B.Sc. 1889 Ph.D. Leipzig, 1892 ; no special profession. ROBERTSON, JOHN HEY, M.D. 1834 "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROBERTSON, JOHN KEITH, M.D. 1863, CM. 1871 Dunblane; Greenock. ROBERTSON, JOHN MACMILLAN, B.L. 1883 Writer, Glasgow. ROBERTSON, JOHN MAIR, M.B., CM. 1883 Galston ; Penpont. ROBERTSON, JOHN NEIL, M.B., CM. 1895 Paisley. ROBERTSON, JOHN STEWART, M.A. 1892 Teacher in Stockbridge School, Edinburgh. ROBERTSON, JOSEPH M'GREGOR, M.A. 1876, M.B., CM. 1880, Glasgow (Muirhead Demonstrator of Physiology in the University, 1881-87, Assistant to Professor of Physiology, 188 1-9 1, and sometime Lecturer on Physi- ology in Queen Margaret College). ROBERTSON, PETER FRANCE, M.D. 1863. Glasgow ; Milngavie. ROBERTSON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1886. Dundee; Surgeon-Captain, I.M.S., Madras. ROBERTSON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1887. Motherwell. ROBERTSON, ROBERT CURRIE, M.A. 1888, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow ; Kilmarnock. ROLL OF GRADUATES 525 ROBERTSON, ROBERT THIN CRAIG, M.B. 1868. Motherwell ; Doncaster ; Motherwell ; Hamilton. ROBERTSON, SAMUEL, B.A. 1845. Curate of Ulverston, Lancashire, 1854-59; in sole charge of Tilney St. Lawrence, Norfolk, 1859-62; Vicar of Swinstead, Lincolnshire, 1862-78; resigned through indisposition, 1878. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM, D.D. 1758. Minister of (1) Gladsmuir, (2) Lady Yester's, Edin., (3) Old Greyfriars, Edin.; Principal of Edinburgh University, 1762-93; Chaplain of Stirling Castle; Historio- grapher for Scotland; Author of History of Scotland ; born at Manse of Borthwick, 19th September, 1721 ; died at Edinburgh, nth June, 1793. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM, D.D. 1768. M.A. of Glasgow University, 1724; expelled 1725, but restored by order of Royal Commission of Visitation, 1726; Curate of Tullow, Co. Carlow; Rector of Rathvilly, same Co., and of Kilranelagh, Co. Wicklow; Vicar of Rathmore and of Straboe, and perpetual Curate of Rahill, all Co. Carlow ; Curate of St. Luke's, Dublin ; Chaplain to Lord Cathcart, the British Ambassador to the Court of Russia ; Master of Wolverhampton Grammar School ; born at Dublin, 16th October, 1705; died 20th May, 1783. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1806. Minister of (1) Laggan, (2) Kinloss, Forres, (2) Free Church there; died 13th November, i860. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1841. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1853. "Fil. nat. a"*" Joannis opificis in Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 185 1]. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1883. Glasgow ; Buckhaven, Fife ; Colesberg, Cape of Good Hope ; Newcastle- on-Tyne ; Johannesburg, Transvaal. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1881. Glasgow; Longhope, Orkney; Westray there; died 25th August, 1887, aged 30. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM, B.L. 1884. Writer, Glasgow. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1886, M.D. 1896. Glasgow. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1887, M.D. 1891. Glasgow; Perth; Renfrew; Perth; son of James Robertson, D.D., Professor of Oriental Languages in Glasgow University. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM BRUCE, D.D. 1869. Minister of U.P. Church, Irvine, 1843-78; born at Greenhill, 24th May, 1820; died at Bridge of Allan, 27th June, 1886. 526 ROLL OF GRADUATES ROBERTSON, WILLIAM GEORGE, M.A. 1889. Manufacturer, Arbroath. ROBERTSON, WILLIAM JOHN, M.A. 1886, M.B., CM. 1890. Milngavie; died at Paisley, 1st July, 1893, aged 26. ROBIE, SIMON BROADSTREET, LL.D. 1822. Solicitor-General and Speaker of the House of Assembly, Nova Scotia. ROBINSON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1883, B.U. 1886. Minister of Kilmun, 1894-96. ROBINSON, COLLINGS, M.D. 1831. Cheltenham; died 12th June, 1869, aged 61. ROBINSON, CUTHBERT HENRY, M.D. 1864. Manchester; died 21st September, 1874, aged 32. ROBINSON, HENRY WATT, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow. ROBINSON, JAMES TEMPLETON, M.A., M.D. 1784. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROBINSON, JOHN, M.A. 1770. " Na. in Hibernia Filius natu secundus Jacobi Mercatoris in urbe Markethill in Com. de Armagh" [Matric. Alb. 1768]. ROBINSON, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.D. 1841. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROBINSON, JOHN ALEXANDER GRANT, M.A. 1889. Baptist Minister at Perth. ROBINSON, MATTHEW, CM. 1828. Feeney, Co. Deny. ROBINSON, THOMAS, B.A. 1861. Minister of Lion Walk Congregational Church, Colchester. ROBINSON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROBINSON, WILLIAM CHARLES, B.A. 1854, M.A. 1857. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Ramelton, 1861-62, (2) Ballykelly, Co. London- derry, since 1862. ROBINSON, WILLIAM THOMAS GARDNER, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1887. Cleator, Cumberland; Hilgay, Norfolk; Poole, Dorset. ROBISON, JAMES, M.A. 1823. Of Leddriegreen, Strathblane ; Advocate; Sheriff-Substitute at Ayr, 1845-76; born 9th November, 1805; died 26th November, 1876. ROLL OF GRADUATES 527 ROBISON, JOHN, M.A. 1756, LL.D. 1799. Tutor (1758) to son of Admiral Knowles at General Wolfe's Quebec expedi- tion ; midshipman on board " Royal William"; sent (1762) to Jamaica in charge of Harrison's chronometer ; Lecturer on Chemistry in Glasgow University, 1766-69; Private Secretary (1770) to Admiral Knowles, then President of Russian Board of Admiralty; Inspector-General (1772) of Marine Cadet Corps of Nobles at Cron- stadt, with rank of Colonel ; Professor of Natural Philosophy in Edinburgh Uni- versity, 1774-1805 ; born at Boghall, Stirlingshire, 1739; died 30th January, 1805 ; graduated M.A. as " Robertson." ROBSON, CHARLES, M.A. 1885. U.P. Minister at (1) Clune Park, Port-Glasgow, (2) Pollok Street, Glasgow. ROBSON, GEORGE, M.A. 1861, D.D. 1890. U.P. Minister at (1) Inverness, (2) Bridgend, Perth. ROBSON, JOHN, M.A. 1826, D.D. 1844. Minister of United Secession Church at (1) Lasswade, (2) Wellington Street, Glasgow; born 19th June, 1804; died 21st January, 1872. ROBSON, JOHN, M.A. 1858, D.D. 1876. U.P. Missionary to Rajputana, India, 1860-72; Minister of St. Nicholas' U.P. Church, Aberdeen, since 1876. ROCHE, JOHN, M.D. 1837. Liverpool; Ipswich; Norwich; died 5th November, 1889, aged 74. ROCK, GEORGE HENRY, B.Sc. 1892. U.S. Navy. ROCKCLIFFE, RICHARD WILLIAM, M.D. 1799. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. RODGER, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1882. Teacher in Paisley. RODGER, JAMES, M.A. 1879. Teacher in Dumbarton Burgh Academy since 1882, latterly as Classical Master; is also a Licentiate of the U.P. Church. RODGER, JAMES, M.A. 1893. (1) Teacher in Glasgow; (2) of Department of Public Education, Cape Town. RODGER, PHILIP, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862. Minister of Pollokshaws ; died there, nth June, 1889. RODGER, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1875. Manchester. RODGER, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1874. Galston; Strathaven; died 1885. 528 ROLL OF GRADUATES RODGERS, ANDREW, M.A. 1774. " Filius natu sextus Jacobi Mercatoris in Comitatu de Cavan et Parochia Kildalan" [Matric. Alb. 17 71]. RODGERS, JAMES, CM. 1823. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. RODGERS, JAMES MAXWELL, B.A. 1845, M.A. 1848. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Kilrea, 1853-69, (2) Londonderry since 1869. RODGERS, JOHN, M.A. 1821, CM. 1824. Brother of Moses Rodgers, M.A. 1821 (q.v.), and "Filius natu Secundus Joannis agricolae in parochia de Drumragh in comitatu de Tyrone " [Matric. Alb. 1818]. RODGERS, JOHN WALKER, B.A. 1845, M.A. 1847. Inspector of National Schools, (1) Armagh, (2) Belfast. RODGERS, MAXWELL, M.D. 1857. Inspector-General, R.N. RODGERS, MOSES, M.A. 1821. Intended for Ministry of Irish Presbyterian Church, but never admitted as a Licentiate; emigrated to the United States and died there "sometime in the sixties." RODGERSON, WILLIAM PATRICK, B.Sc. 1879, M.A. 1880. U.P. Minister at Lasswade. RODMAN, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 187 1. Glasgow; Chascomus, Buenos Ayres; died there, 10th October, 1895. ROE, EDWARD, M.A. 1774. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROE, EDWARD THOMAS, M.D. 1841. Plymouth; Kingskerswell, Devon; London; died 28th September, 1884, aged 64. ROEBURN, JAMES, M.A. 1779, M.D. 1783. " Natus in Kirkintilloch Filius natu Maximus Mathae Coactoris tributorum in Comitatu de Dumbarton" [Matric. Alb. 1774]. ROGER, FRANCIS, M.D. 1801. "Gallus Emigrans" [Grad. Alb.]. ROGERS, DAVID, M.A. 1814. Possibly the same person as David Rodgers, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Killala, 1820-59, who died June, 1859. ROGERS, JAMES, M.D. 1833. Saltash, Cornwall; previously Physician to British Legation, St. Petersburg. ROGERS, JOHN, M.A. 1764. Ordained Minister at Ballibay {alias Cahans) in 1767, and acted as Professor of Divinity to Irish Burgher Synod from 1796-1814; died 24th August, 1814. ROLL OF GRADUATES 529 ROGERS, JOHN, M.A. 1794- Presbyterian Minister at Glascar, Ireland, 1798 to 1854 ; died 25th December, 1854; son of John Rogers, M.A. 1764 (q.v.). ROGERS, NATHAN, M.A. 1810. " Filius natu Maximus Gulielmi Agricolae in parochia de Taughboyne in comitatu de Donnegal" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. ROGERS, NATHANIEL, M.A. 1762. Of Boston, New England. ROGERS, QUINTIN, M.A. 1750. " Filius quondam Christopheri Rogers Armigeri Jurisconsulti in Montpleasant in Com. de Corke in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1743]. ROGERS, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1869. Horsley, Northumberland ; Surgeon, Steamship Service ; Balfron ; Glasgow ; Nelson, N.Z. ROLESTON, JOHN, B.A. 1853, M.A. 1854. " Filius natu max. Thomae agricolae in comitatu de Tyrone " [Matric. Alb. 1851]. ROLLAND, JOHN, M.A. 1778. Captain, 7th Bengal Native Infantry ; son of Robert Rolland, Minister of Culross. ROME, JAMES, B.A. i860, M.A. 1861. Advocate, Silverton Hill, Hamilton [General Council Register, 1862-63]. RONALD, GEORGE, M.B. 1872, M.D. 1874. Montrose; Strathblane; died 9th May, 1877, aged 27. RONALD, JOHN, CM. 1825. Ayr; J. P.; died 17th July, 1887, aged 83. RONALD, JOHN, CM. 1834. Stenhousemuir ; Larbert; died 29th December, 1892. RONALD, JOHN, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1894. Minister of the U.P. Church at Stewarton since 1897. RONALD, JOHN GILFILLAN, M.B., CM. 1892. Larbert. RONALD, ROBERT WILSON, M.D., CM. 1863. Glasgow; Applecross, Ross-shire; Warrington, Lanes.; died there, 13th June, 1895, aged 56. RONALD, WILLIAM, M.A. 1774. "Filius natu maximus Gulielmi Civis Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1769]. ROONEY, JAMES CLEMENT, CM. 1833. Moira, Co. Down. 2 I / 530 ROLL OF GRADUATES R0RIS0N, GILBERT, LL.D. 1862. Curate of (1) St. John's Episcopal Church, Edinburgh, 1844-45, ( 2 ) St. James', Leith, 1845-46; Incumbent of St. Peter's, Peterhead, 1846-69; born 4th February, 1821; died nth October, 1869. ROSBOROUGH, WILLIAM, B.A. 1855, M.A. 1856. " Filius natu tertius Gulielmi agricolae in parochia de Comber et comitatu de Deny" [Matric. Alb. 1853]; Armagh Bursar; died before 8th December, 1857- ROSE, GEORGE, M.A. 1766. "Filius natu maximus Thomae Arm. in Comitatu de Limerick, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1765]. ROSE, HUGH, M.A., M.D. 1778. "Scoto Britannus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROSE, JOHN, M.A. 1769. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROSE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1789. Minister of Kirkcolm, 1795 to 1845; died 27th February, 1845, aged 77. ROSE, WILLIAM DAVID, M.B., CM. 1892. Hamilton; Bicester, Oxfordshire. ROSEBERY, EARL OF, LL.D. 1879. Fifth Earl; Under Secretary of State for Home Department, 1881-83; Lord Privy Seal and First Commissioner of Works, February to June, 1885 ; Temporary Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland, 1885 ; Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1886 and 1892-94; Premier, First Lord of the Treasury, and Lord President of the Council, 1894-95 ; P.C., K.G., K.T. ; born 7th May, 1847. ROSS, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1828. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROSS, ALEXANDER, B.A. 1834. Rector of (1) Free Church Grammar School, Campbeltown, (2) Lome Street Public School there; died 4th August, 1896, aged 84. ROSS, ALEXANDER GOUDY, B.A. 1839, M.A. 1840. Presbyterian Minister at Markethill, Co. Armagh, 1843-58; died 24th February, 1858. ROSS, ANDREW, M.D., CM. 1852. Muirkirk ; Molong, N.S. Wales. ROSS, BRYCE, D.D. 1890. F.C. Missionary to Kaffraria; son of John Ross, M.A. 1819 (q.v.). ROSS, CHARLES DRUMMOND MORAY, M.A. 1893. Clerk (Land Agency Department) to Dundas & Wilson, C.S., Edinburgh. ROSS, CHARLES MORLAND, M.D. i860. Stoneykirk, Wigtownshire; died nth June, 1883. ROLL OF GRADUATES 53 1 ROSS, DAVID, M.A. 1728. "Sc. Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1727]. ROSS, DAVID, LL.D. 1886. Classical Master in Banff Burgh and Grammar School, 1863-65; Master of Gartsherrie Sessional School, 1865-72; Rector of Gartsherrie Academy, Coat- bridge, 1872-78; Principal of Church of Scotland Training College, Glasgow, since 1878, and Lecturer on Education in the University since 1894. ROSS, DONALD, M.B., CM. 1878. Glasgow. ROSS, DUNCAN, M.A. 1895. Student of Theology in F.C. College, Glasgow. ROSS, EDWARD, M.A. 1881. Minister of Presbyterian Church, Salem, Annotto Bay, Jamaica. ROSS, GEORGE MUNRO, M.A. 1896. Native of Greenock ; Student of Theology in Free Church College, Glasgow ; died 5th January, 1897, aged 22. ROSS, JAMES, M.A. 1890. Teacher in John Street Public School, Bridgeton, Glasgow. ROSS, JOHN, M.D. 181 1. " Fil. natu 2 dus Zacchei Armigeri de Hawk, in insula de St. Thomas " [Matric. Alb. 1804]. ROSS, JOHN, M.A. 1819. Missionary to Kaffraria, South Africa; ordained 5th March, 1823; died 7th June, 1878. ROSS, JOHN, B.A. 1850, M.A. 1851. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROSS, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1877. Glasgow; King William's Town, Cape Colony; died 3rd September, 1891, aged 39. ROSS, JOHN, D.D. 1894. Missionary in Manchuria. ROSS, JOHN HARRIS, M.D., CM. 1871. Brighton; died 24th December, 1889, aged 47. ROSS, JOHN MERRY, LL.D. 1874. Senior English Master in Royal High School, Edinburgh (originally studied for U.P. Ministry) ; Editor of Globe Encyclopaedia, etc. ; born at Kilmarnock, 21st April, 1833; died at Edinburgh, 3rd February, 1883. ROSS, JOHN MURDOCH EBENEZER, M.A. 1890. Fee Church Minister at Alford since 1896. 532 ROLL OF GRADUATES ROSS, RICHARD, M.A. 1806. "Filius natu Quartus Davidis Mercatoris in parochia de Monaghan et in comitatu ejusdem" [Matric. Alb. 1802]. ROSS, ROBERT, M.D. 1788. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROSS, THOMAS, LL.D. 1807. Minister of (1) Scottish Church, Rotterdam, (2) Parish of Lochbroom; joined Free Church party in 1843; died 25th July of that year; an eminent Gaelic scholar and preacher. ROSS, WILLIAM, M.D. 1830, CM. 1864. Dingwall; died 1870. ROSS, WILLIAM, M.D. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROSS, WILLIAM, M.A. 1867. Professor of Mathematics, etc., in the Free Church Christian College, Madras, India, 1871-76; born in Islay, 1845; died in Madras, of cholera, 23rd November, 1876. ROSS, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1877. Glasgow. ROSS, ZACHARY M'ATJLY HAMILTON, M.A. 1872. (1) Teacher in Gartsherrie Science School, Coatbridge ; (2) Rector of Burgh Grammar School, Campbeltown ; (3) Rector of Irvine Academy ; (4) one of the English Masters in Glasgow Academy ; born at Bressay Isle, Shetland, 9th March, 1852. ROSSE, GEORGE, M.A. 1733. Professor of Humanity in Glasgow University, 1735 t0 1 754 j Dean of Faculties, 1753 to 1754; died 26th August, 1754. ROSSE, JOHN, M.A. 1754. Probably " filius natu minimus Magistri Andreae Rosse Exprofessoris H. L. in Academia Glasguensi" [Matric. Alb. 1740]. ROSSER, JOHN SAMUEL, M.B., CM. 1887. Morriston, Glam.; Newport, Mon. ; Morriston, Glam. ROTHERY, RALPH HENRY, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow ; Lambourn, Berks. ; Loddon, Norfolk. ROUNTRY, JOHN, CM. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROUTH, EDWARD JOHN, LL.D. 1880. Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. ROLL OF GRADUATES 533 ROUTLEDGE, JOSEPH, M.A. 1884. Teacher in Grove Street School, Glasgow, 1877-83; Teacher in Oakbank School there, 1883-87 ; Head Master of St. David's School there, 1887-91 ; Head Master of Dobbie's Loan School there, 1891-96; Head Master of Springburn School there since 1896. ROUTLEDGE, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1886. Arlecdon, Cumberland. ROWAN, JAMES, M.A. 1739. " Filius Viri R ndi Joannis Rowan V.D.M. in Comitatu de Down in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1738J. ROWAN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1889. London ; Greenock ; Glasgow. ROWAND, CHARLES, M.D. 1844. Brighton, Victoria, Australia; died 28th May, 1875, aged 86. ROWAND, STEPHEN, M.A. 1776. Minister of Largs; died 4th June, 1801. ROWAT, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1886, M.D. 1892. Glasgow ; Tarbolton ; Kilmarnock ; Darvel ; Highworth, Wilts. ; Troon. ROWATT, GAVIN, M.A. 1821. R.P. Minister at Whithorn; died 2nd November, 1832, aged 30. ROWDEN, LEONARD ALFRED, M.B., CM. 1892. Lenzie ; Thirsk, Yorks. ; Morley, Leeds ; Roundhay there. ROWLAND, WILLIAM, M.A. 1758. "Filius natu maximus Gulielmi Centurionis in comitatu de Cork" [Matric. Alb. 1755]. ROXBURGH, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1886. Pollokshields ; Balfron ; Pollokshields. ROXBURGH, ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1886. Jamestown, Dumbartonshire; Pelsall, Staffs.; died 28th June, 1895, a g ec * $t. ROXBURGH, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1885. Douglas, Isle of Man ; Glasgow ; Dunoon ; London. ROXBURGH, EDWARD, M.A. 1884, B.D. 1888. Minister of Presbyterian Church, Oldham. ROXBURGH, HENRY ADAM, M.A. 1878, LL.B. 1882. Writer, Glasgow. ROXBURGH, JAMES FINDLAY, M.A. 1877, LL.B. 1882. W.S., Edinburgh. ROXBURGH, JOHN, M.A. 1799. Minister of Kilmaurs; died 21st April, 1840, aged 61. 534 k0LL 0F GRADUATES ROXBURGH, JOHN, M.A. 1828, D.D. 1849. Minister of (1) St. John's, Dundee, (2) Free St. John's there, (3) Free St. John's, Glasgow; died 2nd November, 1880. ROXBURGH, WILLIAM, M.A. 1882. Divinity Student; died at Alloa, 7th January, 1889, aged 27. ROXBURGH, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1888. Mount Vernon, Lanarkshire; Maryhill; Lugar; Troon. ROY, ALEXANDER MARSHALL, M.B., CM. 1892. Dundee; died at 49 Milnbank Road there, 15th November, 1896. ROY, GOPAUL CHUNDER, M.D. 1871. Surgeon-Major, Bengal Army; died 1887. ROY, JAMES, M.A. 1747. Minister of (1) Shettleston Chapel of Ease, (2) St. Cuthbert's Chapel of Ease, Edinburgh, (3) Prestonpans; died 3rd September, 1767, aged 37; brother of General William Roy and of Neil Roy, D.D. (q.v.). ROY, JOHN, M.A. 1869. Minister of (1) Baldernock, (2) Drymen. ROY, NEIL, M.A. 1750, D.D. 1790. Minister of Aberlady, 1770 to 1811; died nth January, 181 1, aged 81; brother of General William Roy and of James Roy, M.A. 1747 (q.v.). ROY, PRAMATH NATH, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow; Charlestown, Boston, U.S.A. RUDGE, JAMES, D.D. 1819. Incumbent of, inter alia, St. Anne's, Limehouse, and Domestic Chaplain to, inter alios, H.R.H. the Duke of Kent; B.A. Oxon. 1808; M.A. 1813; F.R.S. RUGGAN, JOHN, M.A. 1894. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. RUHM, THOMAS FRANCIS, B.Sc. 1892. U.S. Navy. RULE, ROBERT, M.A. 1893. Manufacturer, Glasgow. RUNCIE, JAMES, M.A. 1773. " Filius natu Secundus Joannis Agricolae in Parochia de Cregan in Comitatu de Armagh in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1772]. RUNCIMAN, DAVID, D.D. 1849. Minister of (1) Newington, Edinburgh, (2) St Andrew's, Glasgow; born 30th March, 1804; died 12th September, 1872. RUNCIMAN, DAVID WILLIAMSON, M.A. i860. Minister of (1) Leslie, Fife, 1864-77, ( 2 ) St. Stephen's Presbyterian Church, Ponsonby, Auckland, New Zealand, 1878-89; Registrar of University College, Auckland, since 1894; son of David Runciman, D.D. (q.v.). ROLL OF GRADUATES 535 RUSK, ROBERT, M.A. 1817. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Grange, near Ballymena, 1824-41; died 25th July, 1841. RUSSEL, ALEXANDER, M.A., M.D. 1748. Sometime Surgeon to the Turkey Company at Aleppo; afterwards Practitioner in London ; became an authority on epidemic diseases, and was the adviser of the Government and Privy Council in the prevention of the plague in Britain ; died 28th November, 1768; F.R.S. 1756. RUSSEL, JAMES, M.D. 1742. Probably "filius Joannis Russel de Langridge in par. de Newmonkland" [Matric. Alb. 1735]. RUSSEL, JOHN, LL.D. 1817. Minister of Dalserf; died 28th August, 1850, aged 63. RUSSEL, MICHAEL, M.A. 1806, LL.D. 1820. Episcopal Clergyman at (1) Alloa, (2) Leith; Dean of Edinburgh, 1831-37; Bishop of Glasgow and Galloway, 1837-48; D.C.L. Oxon. 1841; born at Edinburgh, 1781; died at Leith, 2nd April, 1848. RUSSEL, THOMAS S., M.A. 1822. "F. N. 2 dus Joannis Artif. in par. de Slamannen Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 1818]. RUSSELL, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1881. (1) Assistant Lecturer, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge; (2) Senior Mathematical Master on the Classical Side, Cheltenham College ; (3) Senior Mathematical Master, Oxford Military College ; (4) Lecturer and Senior Demon- strator, Faraday House, London. RUSSELL, ALEXANDER STEVENSON, B.A. 1850, M.A. 1851, M.D. 1856. Staff-Assistant-Surgeon, Army. RUSSELL, ANDREW, M.A. 1832. Congregational Minister at (1) Haddington, (2) Dundee, (3) Stirling, (4) Bradford, Yorkshire; died 1881, aged 74. RUSSELL, ANDREW, M.A. 1866. Minister of (1) East Parish, Brechin, (2) North Parish, Stirling, (3) Leslie, Fife. RUSSELL, ANDREW GIBB, M.B., CM. 1865, M.D. 1867. Presbyterian Minister at Bradford, 1865-78; afterwards Medical Practitioner at Harrogate; J.P. ; died 19th October, 1892. RUSSELL, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1872. F.C. Minister at (1) Gourock, (2) Kinning Park, Glasgow. RUSSELL, CHRISTOPHER, M.D. 1834. Enniskerry, Co. Wicklow. 536 ROLL OF GRADUATES RUSSELL, DOUGLAS WILLS, M.B., CM. 1890. Paisley ; Glasgow ; Paisley ; Glasgow. RUSSELL, FRANK, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow ; Stewarton ; Newcastle-on-Tyne. RUSSELL, GAVIN, M.B., CM. 1887. Hamilton ; English Presbyterian Missionary to Formosa ; died at Kagi there, of typhoid fever, 3rd July, 1892, aged 26. RUSSELL, GEDDES GRAHAM, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. RUSSELL, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1878. Glasgow ; Hartshill, Staffs. ; Tunstall there ; Oudtshoorn, Cape Colony. RUSSELL, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1873. Earsdon, Northumberland ; Trimdon, Durham ; New Swindon, Durham ; Trimdon. RUSSELL, HUGH SCOTT, M.B., CM. 1890. Newmains ; Galston. RUSSELL, JAMES, M.A. 18 10. Barrister-at-Law, London, and sometime Law Reporter ; became blind several years before his death; born at Stirling, 1790; died near Harrow, 6th January, 1861. RUSSELL, JAMES, D.D. 1822. Minister of Dunning, 1818-60; died 8th October, i860, aged 97; ordained when 55 years of age. RUSSELL, JAMES, M.A. 1892. Teacher in (1) Grove Street School, Glasgow, 1892-93, (2) West Coats School, Cambuslang, since 1893. RUSSELL, JAMES BURN, B.A. 1858, M.D., CM. 1862, LL.D. 1885. Medical Officer of Health for the City of Glasgow. RUSSELL, JAMES CURDIE, D.D. 1881. Minister of Campbeltown. RUSSELL, JAMES STRUTHERS, M.A. 1875. Private Tutor in Mathematics, Glasgow; born at Stornoway, 1856 ; died 16th January, 1893. RUSSELL, JOHN, M.A. 1803. Minister of Muthil, 1809-26 ; "was elected by the Town Council of Glasgow to St. John's Church there, which so affected his mind that he died 17th April, 1826, in his 42nd year" [Scott's Fasti.'] RUSSELL, JOHN, M.A. 1807. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. RUSSELL, JOHN, M.D. 1846. Probably Campbeltown. ROLL OF GRADUATES 537 RUSSELL, JOHN, M.A. 1871. F.C. Minister at Lochwinnoch. RUSSELL, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1883. Coatbridge; Birstal, Yorks. ; Brigg, Lines. RUSSELL, JOHN ARCHIBALD, B.A. 1835, LL.B. 1851. Professor of English Law in University College, London. RUSSELL, JOHN HARVEY SHAND, M.A. 1882. Son of Minister of Yarrow ; intended for Ministry of Church of Scotland ; died (before completion of Theological course) 3rd July, 1884, aged 23. RUSSELL, JOHN JAMES, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. RUSSELL, JOHN NAISMITH, B.A. 1861. Minister of (1) U.P. Church, Banff, (2) Caversham Presbyterian Church, Otago, New Zealand, (3) West Free Church, Port-Glasgow. RUSSELL, JOHN SCOTT, M.A. 1825. (1) Interim Professor of Natural Philosophy in Edinburgh, 1832-33; (2) Manager of Shipbuilding Works in Greenock; (3) Shipbuilder and Consulting Engineer in London; constructor of the "Great Eastern"; F.R.S, ; born at Parkhead, Glasgow, 8th May, 1808; died at Ventnor, 8th June, 1882. RUSSELL, ROBERT, M.A. 1889. U.P. Minister at Kilbarchan. RUSSELL, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1889. Cramond; Glasgow. RUSSELL, WILLIAM, M.D. 1859. Native of Coatbridge; no trace of his career. RUSSELL, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1880. Skipton, Yorks. ; Newmains. RUSSELL, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1887. Paisley. RUSSELL, WILLIAM WYLIE, M.A. 1886. Teacher in Glasgow. RUSSELL, WILLIAM YOUNG, M.A. 1895. Teacher in (1) Falkirk High School, 1895-96, (2) English School, Valparaiso, Chili, South America, since 1896; son of John Naismith Russell, B.A. (q.v.). RUTHERFORD, ANDREW, M.A. 1818. " Filius natu Minimus Gulielmi defuncti Agricolae in parochia de Broughton in comitatu de Tweedale" [Matric. Alb. 18 15]. RUTHERFORD, JOHN, M.A. 1795. "Filius Natu Tertius Samuelis V.D.M. in parochia de Killevan in comitatu de Monaghan in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1792]. \ 15 »* * ff 1 OF THB CTNIVERSITT 538 ROLL OF GRADUATES RUTHERFORD, ROBERT WILLIAM, M.A. 1887, B.D. 1890. Minister of Calderhead. RUTHERFORD, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1885. Lenzie; Shiskine, Arran; B.A. King's Coll., Canada, 1879. RUTHERFORD, WILLIAM, CM. 1824. Annahilt, Co. Down; died June, 1866. RUTHERFORD, WILLIAM, M.D. 1847- Surgeon-General, Army; C.B. ; died 24th March, 1887, aged 71. RUTHERFORD, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1848. Secretary to the Royal Astronomical Society, London. RUTHERFURD, ANDREW, M.A. 1879, B.D. 1882. (a) Minister of St. Thomas', Dundee, 1885-93; {&) locum tenens (1) in Glasgow Cathedral, (2) at Kirkpatrick-Irongray ; (c) Merchant in Glasgow. RUTHERFURD, HENRY, M.A. 1881, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow ; Dundee ; Glasgow. RUTHERFURD, JOHN, M.A. 1873, B.D. 1877. Minister of (1) U.P. Church at Craigmore, Rothesay, (2) English Presbyterian Church at Lewes, Sussex. RUTHVEN, JOHN, B.A. i860, M.A. 1861. U.P. Minister at Kinross. RUTTER, THEODORE WILLIAM, M.D. 1854. Assistant-Surgeon, Army; died at Cairo, 14th August, 1861. RUTTLEDGE, CHRISTOPHER HUDSON, M.D. 1834, CM. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. RUTTLEDGE, JAMES, M.D. 1838. Staff-Assistant-Surgeon to the Forces ; London; Brighton; died 29th January, 1876, aged 66. RYAN, JOHN, M.D. 1845. Killadysart, Co. Clare; Ballincally, Co. Clare. RYLAND, WILLIAM NEWCOME, M.D. 1825. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SADLEIR, CHARLES, M.A. 1767. " Filius natu secundus Caroli Armigeri de Castletoun in Comitatu de Tippe- rary in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1765]. SADLER, HERBERT CHARLES, B.Sc. 1893. Naval Architect, Glasgow ; Assistant to Professor of Naval Architecture in the University since 1896. SALMON, SIR JAMES, M.D. 1865. Inspector-General of Hospitals and Fleets, R.N. ; Honorary Physician to the Queen; died 17th December, 1886, aged 75. ROLL OF GRADUATES 539 SALMOND, WILLIAM, D.D. 1881. Professor of Theology to Church of Otago and Southland, New Zealand. SALMOND, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow. SAMSON, JOHN, M.A. 1805. Minister of the Irish Presbyterian Congregation of Dromore and Fintona, 1808-35, when resigned. SAMUEL, GEORGE, M.A. 1881. English Presbyterian Minister at Towlaw, Durham. SAMUEL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1891. Presbyterian Minister at Stanley, Co. Durham, September to December, 1895. SANDEL, ANUNDO LALL, M.B., CM. 1882. Dublin; Calcutta; died 9th October, 1894, aged 36. SANDEMAN, WALTER, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow ; Tillicoultry ; Stepps ; Bridge of Weir. SANDERS, ARCHIBALD GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1891. Lockerbie ; Lochmaben. SANDERSON, AYMOR RICH, M.D. 1836. "Anglicanus" [Grad. Alb.]. SANDERSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1730. "Anglus" [Matric. Alb. 1727]. SANDFORD, DANIEL FOX, LL.D. 1874. (1) Holder of various curacies in Scotland; (2) Incumbent of St. John's Episcopal Church, Edinburgh, 1873-83; (3) Bishop of Tasmania, 1883-89; (4) Bishop Coadjutor of Durham and Rector of Boldon, Sunderland ; brother of Baron Sandford (q.v.); born 25th July, 1831. SANDFORD, FRANCIS RICHARD JOHN (BARON SANDFORD), LL.D. 1859. Examiner and Secretary to Council of Education, 1848-84; Secretary to Exhibition Commissioners, 1862; Assistant Secretary for Colonies, 1868; Under Secretary for Scotland, 1885-88; Secretary of Science and Art Department, etc.; Knighted 1863; C.B. 187 1; K.CB. 1879; P.C. 1885; raised to Peerage, 1891; son of Sir D. K. Sandford, Professor of Greek; born in the Old College, 14th May, 1824; died in London, 31st December, 1893; Snell Exhibitioner, 1841 ; B.A. Oxon. 1846; M.A. 1858. SANDIFORD, THOMAS, M.D. 1843. Passage West, Co. Cork; Castle Martyr, same Co.; died 1895. SANDILANDS, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1895. Missionary to the New Hebrides. SANDILANDS, JOHN, M.A. 1884, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1894. F.C. Medical Missionary to Central India. 540 ROLL OF GRADUATES SANDILANDS, WILLIAM PETTIT, M.B., CM. 1888. Pentre, Glam. ; Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Maybole. SAPHIR, ADOLPH, B.A. 1854. Missionary to Jews in Hamburg ; afterwards English Presbyterian Minister 01 (1) Laygate, South Shields, (2) St. Mark's, Greenwich, (3) Notting Hill, London, (4) Belgrave, London; born September, 1831 ; died 4th April, 1891 ; D.D. Edin. 1878. SARJANT, SAMUEL CRUSHA, B.A. 1852. Curate of Parish Church, Halesworth, Suffolk, 1859-63; Curate of St. Michael's, Derby, 1863-65; Principal of Hotton House School, Derby, 1865-74; Principal of Beauchamp House School, Kibworth, Leicestershire, 1874-78 ; Curate of Parish Church, Chesterfield, 1878-80; Curate-in-Charge, Holy Trinity, Chesterfield, 1880-82; Curate-in-Charge, Parish Church, Chesterfield, 1882-84; Vicar of Burbage, Buxton, 1884-95; born 16th January, 1825; died 16th July, 1895. SAUNDERS, JAMES CROMBIE, M.A. 1896. Teacher in (1) Kay Public School, Glasgow, (2) Keppochhill Public School there. SAUNDERS, JOHN MAURICE, M.A. 1886. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Colorado, 1883-85 and 1887, (2) California, 1887, (3) Pencoed, South Wales, 1888-89, (4) Llandovery there, 1889-91, (5) Penarth there since 1891. SAUNDERS, THOMAS, M.A. 1894. Teacher, Glasgow, in (1) Rosemount Public School, (2) Garnethill High School for Girls. SAUNDERS, WILLIAM, CM. 1826. Airdrie. SAUNDERSON, EDWARD DYER, LL.B. 1828. "Of the Inner Temple, London" [Univ. Minute, 15th February, 1828]. SAUNDERSON, ROBERT, M.D., CM. 1848. Edenderry, King's Co.; died 3rd April, 1893, aged 77. SCANLAN, CHARLES EDWARD, M.B., CM. 1886. London ; Petone, Wellington, New Zealand. SCANLAN, HENRY, M.B., CM. 1871. Glasgow ; Staff-Surgeon, R.N. SCANLAN, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1877. Glasgow; Surgeon-Lieut-Col., Army. SCANLAN, JOSEPH, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow. SCHMIDL, MARCUS MAXIMILIAN, M.D. 1861. Native of Austria; probably settled there. ROLL OF GRADUATES 54 1 SCHOFIELD, RICHARD L., B.A. 1813. Schoolmaster at Brighton. SCHOOLES, HENRY JAMES, M.D. 1837. Deputy Surgeon-General, Army ; Surgeon, School of Musketry, Hythe ; died 1 2th May, 1878, aged 62. SCHORLEMMER, CARL, LL.D. 1888. Professor of Chemistry in Owens College, Victoria University, Manchester; born at Darmstadt, 30th September, 1834; died at Manchester, 27 th June, 1892. SCLANDERS, ALEXANDER BANKIER, M.A. 1842. U.P. Minister at (1) Bathgate, (2) Musselburgh; demitted on account of ill-health, 5th February, 1861; died 1st December, 1861, aged 39. SCLATER, THOMAS, M.A. 1873. U.P. Minister at Inverkeithing ; died there, 4th December, 1892, aged 53. SCOBIE, ALFRED, M.A. 1888, LL.B. 1894. Writer, Glasgow. SCOBIE, ANDREW, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1885. English Presbyterian Minister at Rochdale. SCOBIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1887. Acklington, Northumberland. SCOBIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1886, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow; previously a Probationer of the Free Church of Scotland. SCOT, WILLIAM, M.D. 1786. Native of Edinburgh ; probably practised in London ; was admitted a Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, London, 2nd April, 1792. SCOTLAND, ROBERT MOFFAT, M.A. 1893. Teacher in (1) Hillhead Public School, Glasgow, (2) Lairdsland Public School, Kirkintilloch. SCOTLAND, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1872. Greenock ; Newcastle-on-Tyne. SCOTLAND, WILSON, M.D. 1836, CM. 1837. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SCOTT, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1887. Cumnock; Tollcross. SCOTT, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1896. Broxburn. 542 ROLL OF GRADUATES SCOTT, ALEXANDER JOHN, M.A. 1824. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland, but deprived of his license, 27th May, 1 83 1, he having "voluntarily declared that he does not believe the whole doctrine contained in the Confession of Faith"; Minister of a small congregation at Woolwich, 1831-46 ; Professor of English in University College, London, 1847-50; Professor of Hebrew in the Owens College, Manchester, 1850-60; Professor of English there, 1850-66; Principal of that College, 1850-57; born at Greenock, 26th March, 1805; died at Veytaux, Switzerland, 12th January, 1866; son of John Scott, D.D. 1803 (q.v.). SCOTT, ANDREW, M.D. 1857. Burgh-by-Sands, Cumberland; died 1870. SCOTT, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1788. Minister of Pettinain; ordained 29th March, 1804; died 21st December, 1805, aged 36; son of James Scott, D.D. 1797 (q.v.). SCOTT, ARCHIBALD, B.A. 1855, D.D. 1876. Minister of (1) East Parish, Perth, (2) Abernethy, (3) Maxwell Parish, Glasgow, (4) Linlithgow, (5) Greenside, Edinburgh, (6) St. George's there. SCOTT, ARCHIBALD BLACK, M.A. 1889, B.D. 1892. Minister of Kildonan, Helmsdale. SCOTT, ARTHUR THOMAS, M.A. 1878, M.B., CM. 1891. (1) Merchant in Glasgow; (2) Journalist there; (3) Medical Practitioner there. SCOTT, CHARLES FRANCIS, M.B., CM. 1891. Cambuslang; Bradford, Yorks.; Gourock. SCOTT, DAVID, D.D. 1887. Minister of the Free Church at Saltcoats, 1867-97; died 12th May, 1897, aged 6^. SCOTT, EBENEZER, M.A. 1893, B.D. 1896. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. SCOTT, ERNEST FINDLAY, M.A. 1888. (Logan Medallist); Minister of Prestwick U.P. Church since 1895; Snell Exhibitioner, 1888; B.A. Oxon. 1894. SCOTT, FREDERICK BEAUFORT, M.D., CM. 1861. C.M.G. ; Surgeon-Col., Army. SCOTT, GAVIN STEELE, M.B., CM. 1884. East Kilbride ; Birmingham. SCOTT, GEDDES MACKENZIE, B.A. 1823, M.A. 1824, M.D. 1836. Glasgow; London; died 1887. SCOTT, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1880. Campbeltown ; Portpatrick ; Stranraer. ROLL OF GRADUATES 543 SCOTT, GEORGE ALEXANDER DUNCAN, B.L. 1887. Writer, Glasgow. SCOTT, JAMES, D.D. 1797. Minister of (1) Libberton and Quothquan, (2) Carluke; died 4th October, 181 2, aged 78. SCOTT, JAMES, B.A. 1848. "Filius natu minimus Alexandri fabri lignarii in comitatu de Armagh" [Matric. Alb. 1844]. SCOTT, JAMES, B.Sc. 1874. Licentiate of the Free Church : born in Kinross-shire, 1845 ; died 23rd June, 1884. SCOTT, JAMES, M.A. 1884. Teacher in (1) Glasgow, (2) Sydney, (3) Brisbane. SCOTT, JAMES, D.D. 1891. Minister of Presbyterian Church, Hobart Town, Tasmania. SCOTT, JAMES, M.A. 1894. Student of Medicine. SCOTT, JAMES ANDREW NEPTUNE, M.B., CM. 1890, M.D. 1893. Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia. SCOTT, JAMES KENNEDY, M.A. 1877, B.D. 1878. U.P. Minister at Fraserburgh. SCOTT, JOHN, M.A. 1772. Minister of Strathaven ; died 18th October, 1820, aged 71; D.D. St. Andrews, 181 1. SCOTT, JOHN, D.D. 1803. Minister of Middle Church, Greenock; died 23rd March, 1836, aged 73. SCOTT, JOHN, M.D. 1840. "Ex insula Tobago" [Grad. Alb.]. SCOTT, JOHN, M.D. 1855. Sandwich, Kent. SCOTT, JOHN CHARLES, M.A. 1894. Schoolmaster in Glasgow Academy. SCOTT, JOSEPH, M.A. 1814. " Filius natu Tertius Samuelis Agricolae in parochia de Balleagh in comitatu de Deny" [Matric. Alb. 181 1]. SCOTT, JOSEPH, M.A. 1872. Barrister-at-Law, London; Snell Exhibitioner, 1871. SCOTT, JOSEPH, M.B., CM. 1894. Campbeltown; Bussorah, Persian Gulf, Asiatic Turkey (Surgeon, H.B.M. Consulate). 544 ROLL OF GRADUATES SCOTT, PETER, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1886. Ship Surgeon ; Greenock ; Carnoustie. SCOTT, ROBERT, M.A. 1791. Surgeon of Artillery; son of James Scott, D.D. 1797 (q.v.). SCOTT, ROBERT, B.A. i860, M.A. 1861. Minister of (1) U.P. Church, Logiealmond, (2) Garscube Road {alias St. George's Road) U.P. Church, Glasgow, (3) Cairns Memorial Church, Melbourne; now Medical Practitioner at Balmain, Sydney, N.S.W. SCOTT, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow ; Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. SCOTT, SAMUEL, M.A. 1893. Minister of Brassey Street English Presbyterian Mission Church, Birkenhead. SCOTT, THOMAS, M.D. 1732. "Of Reddleburn in the shire of Teviotdale . . . practised Surgery and Medicine many years with good success at Porto in Portugall" [Univ. Minute, 5th July, 1732]. SCOTT, THOMAS, M.A. 1889. (1) Teacher in Oswald Public School, Kirkintilloch; (2) Probationer of the U.P. Church. SCOTT, THOMAS, M.A. 1894. (1) Teacher in Arbroath; (2) Teacher in Fort-William; (3) Head Master of Braes School, Portree. SCOTT, UPTON, M.D. 1753. "Filius Francisci Scot in parochia de Temple Patrick in Com. de Antrim in Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1741]. SCOTT, WILLIAM, M.A. 1729. "Scoto-hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SCOTT, WILLIAM, M.A. 1814. "Filius natu Secundus Jacobi Agricolae in parochia de Anaghlone in comitatu de Down" [Matric. Alb. 181 1]. SCOTT, WILLIAM, M.A. 1825. Presbyterian Minister at Newtowncunningham, Londonderry. SCOTT, WILLIAM, B.A. 1848. (1) Missionary Minister at Braemar, Aberdeenshire; (2) Farmer and Land- owner at Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. SCOTT, WILLIAM DAVID, M.A. 1870, B.D. 1873. Minister of South Church, Aberdeen. SCOTT, WILLIAM JOHN, M.B., CM. 1874. Pietermaritzburg, S. Africa, ROLL OF GRADUATES 545 SCOULER, JOHN, M.D. 1827, LL.D. 1850. (1) Surgeon and Naturalist to Hudson Bay Company's ship "William and Ann," destined for entrance to Columbia River, 1824; (2) Surgeon to merchant vessel "The Clyde," bound for Calcutta, etc.; (3) Medical Practitioner in Glasgow; (4) Professor of Geology and Natural History and Mineralogy in Anderson's College, Glasgow, 1829-34; (5) Professor of Mineralogy to Royal Society of Dublin, 1834-53, when retired; travelled for some time on Continent, and spent remainder of life in Glasgow; born there, 31st December, 1804; died there, 13th November, 1871; buried at Kilbarchan. SCOWCROFT, JAMES PARKINSON, M.D. 1861. Southport, Lanes. SCRIMGEOUR, CHARLES MAXWELL, M.A. 1890. Teacher in (1) Kirkcaldy, (2) Cairneyhill, Dunfermline, (3) Possilpark Public School, Glasgow. SCRIVEN, EDWARD HOWELL, M.D. 1852. Dublin; died 1870. SCRYMGEOUR, ROBERT, M.A. 1888. Minister of (1) Free Church, Monikie, 1894-97, (2) St. Heliers Presbyterian Church, Jersey, since 1897. SCUDAMORE, SIR CHARLES, M.D. 1814. General Practitioner at Highgate for ten years ; thereafter Physician in London; appointed 1820 Physician to Prince Leopold of Saxe Gotha; accom- panied Duke of Northumberland, when Lord- Lieutenant of Ireland, as his private Medical Attendant; died in London, 4th August, 1849, aged 70. SCUDAMORE, EDWARD, M.D. 1825. Surgeon in Kent; probably brother of Sir Charles Scudamore (q.v.). SEAGROVE, JOHN, CM. 1822. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SEDGWICK, JOHN, M.D. 1786. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SELKIRK, ANDREW CRUSOE, M.D. 1842. Carluke; died 25th January, 1896. SELKIRK, EARL OF, D.C.L. 1745. Fourth Earl; Rector of Glasgow University, 1766 to 1768; took an active part in suppressing the "Rising" of 1745; died at Edinburgh, 24th May, 1799, aged 77; the only D.C.L. ever created by a Scottish University. SELKIRK, JOHN, M.A. 1889, M.B., CM. 1893. Irvine; Glasgow; Boston Spa, Yorks. SELLAR, CHARLES, B.L. 1896. Law Clerk, Paisley. SELLAR, LENNOX MORRISON, M.A. 1889. Law Clerk, Glasgow. 2 M 546 ROLL OF GRADUATES SEMPILL, JOHN R, M.A. 1817. "F. unic. Joan. Agric. S tae Cruz" [Matric. Alb. 181 2]. SEMPLE, ADAM, M.A. 1869, B.D. 1873, D.D. 1890. Minister of Huntly; Degree Examiner on Mental Philosophy in Glasgow University, 1873-76. SEMPLE, ALEXANDER, CM. 1831. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SEMPLE, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1882. Glasgow; Melbourne; Brush Grove, Clarence River, N.S.W. ; Quirindi there; died 1894. SEMPLE, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1758. " Filius natu maximus Rev di Viri Joannis Semple in Parochia de Annahilt, in Hibernia, V.D.M." [Matric. Alb. 1753]. SEMPLE, JAMES ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1878. Whitby. SEMPLE, JOHN, M.A. 1744. "Filius V. R endi Magist. Jacobi Semple V.D.M. in parochia de Long Dreghorn in Com. de Air" [Matric. Alb. 1741]. SEMPLE, JOHN WILLIAM, M.A. 1822. Advocate, Edinburgh; died 1842. SEMPLE, MILLER, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow; Bothwell; Glasgow; South Queensferry; Glasgow. SEMPLE, WILLIAM MACPHUN, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow; Bothwell; Wilcannia, N.S. Wales; Yeovil, Somersetshire. SENIOR, JOSEPH, LL.D. 1834. Rev., Rector of the High School, Batley, Yorkshire. SERIGHT, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1885. Govan ; Medical Officer, Baptist Mission, Central Africa ; Southend, Campbeltown ; Glasgow ; Greenock. SERVICE, DAVID DUNLOP, M.A. 1840, M.D. 1844. Kilwinning; died November, 1872. SERVICE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1876, M.D. 1878. Glasgow ; Tharsis, Spain ; Sevilla there ; Bilbao there ; Mossend, Lanarkshire. SERVICE, JOHN, D.D. 1877. Minister (1) at Wedderburn, Australia, (2) of St. John's Presbyterian Church, Hobart Town, Tasmania, (3) of Inch, Wigtownshire, (4) of Hyndland, Glasgow ; born at Campsie, 26th February, 1833; died at Glasgow, 15th March, 1884. SERVICE, JOHN, B.L. 1884. Writer, Glasgow; son of John Service, D.D. (q.v.). SERVICE, JOHN BARR, M.A. 1873, B - D - ^77- Minister of (1) Strone, (2) Bolton, Haddington, ROLL OF GRADUATES 547 SERVICE, ROBERT M'COWAN, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow. SERVICE, WILLIAM, B.Sc. 1874, M.A. 1875. (1) Assistant Master in Parish School, Kilwinning; (2) Classical Master in The Park School, Glasgow; (3) Senior Master in George Watson's College, Edinburgh; (4) Head Master of Victoria Public School, Airdrie; (5) Rector of the High School, Coatbridge. SERVICE, WILLIAM JACK NICHOL, M.A. 1894. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland; son of John Service, D.D. (q.v.). SETTLE, ROBERT, M.D. 1849. Hindley, Lanes. ; Leigh, Lanes. ; Bolton, Lanes. SEWALL, JOSEPH, D.D. 1731. Pastor of the Old South Church in Boston, New England, 1713-69; born there, 26th August, 1688; died there, 27th June, 1769. SEWARD, NOBLE, M.D. 1839. Caherconlish, Co. Limerick ; Kilbride, Co. Dublin ; Rathmines, same Co. ; Harold's Cross, same Co.; Templeogue, same Co.; died 3rd November, 1877, aged 65. SEWELL, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1887. Parochial Schoolmaster at (1) Bridekirk, Annan, 1841-43, (2) Gastown, Dumfries, 1843-44, (3) Torthorwald, 1844-49, (4) Annan (Burgh and Parochial School), 1849-54, (5) Eastwood (Pollok Academy), 1854-91, when retired. SEWELL, WILLIAM ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1877. Glasgow; Bothwell; Kincardine-on-Forth ; Helensburgh. SHAEN, RICHARD, B.A. 1836, M.A. 1837. Minister, Royston, Herts.; died 24th January, 1894. SHAIRP, JOHN CAMPBELL, LL.D. 1868. Sometime one of the Masters at Rugby ; thereafter Professor of Humanity in the United Colleges of St. Salvator and St. Leonards, St. Andrews, 1861-71; Principal thereof, 1868-85; Professor of Poetry, University of Oxford, 1877-85; born at Houston, Linlithgowshire, 30th July, 1819; died at Ormsary, Argyllshire, 18th September, 1885; Snell Exhibitioner, 1840; B.A. Oxon. 1844; M.A. 1877; LL.D. Edin. 1884. SHAND, ALEXANDER BURNS (BARON SHAND), LL.D. 1873. Advocate; Advocate Depute, 1861 ; Sheriff of (1) Kincardineshire, 1862, (2) Haddington and Berwick, 1869; one of the Judges of the Court of Session (under title of Lord Shand), 1872 to 1890, when resigned; P.C. 1890; raised to Peerage, 1892; born 1828. SHAND, JOHN CAPPIE, M.B., CM. 1877. Glasgow ; Guisborough, Yorks. ; Sydney, N.S. Wales. SHAND, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1886. Skelton, Yorks. ; Guisborough there. 548 ROLL OF GRADUATES SHANKLIN, ANDREW, M.D. 1847. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SHANKS, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1892. Airdrie; Kirkcaldy; Airdrie; Manchester. SHANKS, DAVID, M.A. 1868. Native of Airdrie ; Licentiate of the Church of Scotland ; went to Australia, where he shortly afterwards died. SHANKS, DAVID, D.D. 1885. Minister of Craigrownie; died 1st March, 1887. SHANKS, ROBERT, M.A. 1829. Minister of (1) Buckie, (2) Free Church there; born 6th November, 1798; died 17th April, 1884. SHANKS, THOMAS, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1889. Minister of Presbyterian Church, Portland, Victoria, Australia. SHANNON, ANDREW, M.A. 1805. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Minterburn, 1 808-11; died 22nd February, 1811. SHANNON, JAMES, M.D. 1836. Ennistymon, Co. Clare; died 1871. SHANNON, JAMES WIGSTON, M.A. 1886. U.P. Minister at (1) Elgin, 1889-92, (2) Wilton, Hawick, since 1892. SHANNON, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.A. 1888. U.P. Minister at Markinch. SHANNON, PETER, M.D. 1840. Dublin; died 1892. SHANNON, RICHARD, CM. 1820. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SHANNON, ROBERT, CM. 1832. " Hibernus " [Grad. Alb.]. SHANNON, THOMAS EDWARD, M.D. 1858. Poyntz-pass, Co. Armagh ; Grantham, Lines. ; Brailsford, Derbyshire ; died 25th May, 1876, aged 42. SHAPTER, WILLIAM RANDLE, M.D. 1792. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. SHARMAN, MARK, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow ; Wellingborough, Northam. ; Leicester ; Rickmansworth, Herts. SHARP, ALEXANDER BARCLAY, M.D. 1847. Cumnock; Glasgow; Surgeon, H.E.I.C, Bengal Marine Service ; Norwood, Surrey; died 19th June, 1883, aged 58. SHARP, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Cape Town, ROLL OF GRADUATES 549 SHARP, WILLIAM, M.A. 1831. " Filius natu maximus Jacobi agricolae in comitat. de Cavan " [Matric. Alb. 1828]. SHARPE, JAMES, M.D. 1840. Cootehill, Co. Cavan ; Huntspill, Bridgwater, Somersetshire \ Rathmines, Co. Dublin. SHARPE, JAMES CARSE, CM. 1838. " Filius nat. secundus Joannis Mercatoris Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1836]. SHARPE, JOHN, B.A. 1836. "Filius nat. 3 US Gulielmi Mercatoris Glasguensi" [Matric. Alb. 1831]. SHARPE, JOHN, M.A. 1884. Assistant Master in the Boys' Public High School, Sydney, New South Wales. SHARPE, ROBERT, B.A. 1846, M.A. 1848. " Filius natu minimus defuncti Jacobi agricolae in parochia de Drumgoon in Comitatu de Cavan" [Matric. Alb. 1843]. SHARPE, WILLIAM, B.Sc. 1892. Engineer in Glasgow. SHAW, ADAM, M.A. 1885. Minister of (1) U.P. Church at Leven, (2) Gillespie U.P. Church, Glasgow. SHAW, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1822. Surgeon in London : Assistant Surgeon, 1836, Surgeon, 1842, Consulting Surgeon, 1872, all to Middlesex Hospital; born at Ayr, 6th February, 1804; died 1 8th January, 1890. SHAW, ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1890. Jura; St. Austell, Cornwall. SHAW, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1884, M.D. 1890. Sheerness ; Glasgow ; Waddesdon, Bucks. SHAW, JAMES BARRON, M.D. 1836. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. SHAW, JOHN, CM. 1823. Killyleagh, Co. Down; died 6th December, 1866. SHAW, JOHN, M.A. 1893. Student of Medicine. SHAW, JOSEPH, M.A. 1817. Irish Presbyterian Minister at (1) Portglenone, 1822-24, ( 2 ) Larne, 1825-30; died 13th August, 1830, aged 29. 550 ROLL OF GRADUATES SHAW, WILLIAM, M.A. 1777. B.D., Emmanuel Coll., Camb., 1800; Minister of Ardclach, Nairn, 1779-80; Rector of Chelvey, Somerset, 1795-1831; an eminent Gaelic scholar and lexicographer; born at Clachaig, Kilmory, Arran, 3rd February, 1749; died at Chelvey, 16th September, 1831. SHAW, WILLIAM, M.D. i860. Glasgow; Sydney, N.S. Wales. SHAW, WILLIAM JOHN, M.B., CM. 1878. Glasgow; Gourock; Glasgow; died at Skelmorlie, 1st January, 1893. SHEARAR, FRANK, M.B., CM. 1876. Glasgow; Wells, Somerset; Larkhall; Carlisle; Paisley. SHEARER, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1894. Armadale ; Ship Surgeon ; Kirkcaldy. SHEARER, DAVID, M.A. 1885. U.P. Minister at (1) Shapinshay, Kirkwall, (2) Wick. SHEARER, GEORGE WILLIAM, B.Sc. 1894. Mechanical Engineer (Draughtsman with Dubs & Co.), Glasgow. SHEARER, JAMES, M.A. 1896. Teacher in E.C. Normal School, Glasgow. SHEARER, ROBERT BOWIE, M.A. 1878. LL.B. Edin. 1881; Writer, Greenock. SHEARER, ROBERT PLENDERLEITH, M.B., CM. 1888. Stonehouse; Bedlington, Northumberland; Ruddington, Notts. SHEDDEN, HUGH, M.A. 1877. Teacher in (1) Dundas Public School, Grangemouth, (2) Dunfermline, (3) Kilblain Academy, Greenock, 1890-94; born at Kilbirnie, 185 1; died suddenly at 174 New City Road, Glasgow, 17th January, 1897. SHEDDEN, WILLIAM, CM. 1825. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SHEDLOCK, JOHN, M.A. 1847. Independent Minister, London; died 1872, aged 57. SHEGOG, FREDERICK YORK, M.D. 1847. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SHELDON, ROBERT ALEXANDER, M.D. 1839. Raphoe, Co. Donegal; died circa 1880. SHEPHERD, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1863. Dunning; died 27th July, 1881. SHEPHERD, WILLIAM, M.A. 1867. Minister of Woodside, Aberdeen ; died 10th January, 1885, aged 43. ROLL OF GRADUATES 551 SHEPPERD, HENRY, B.A. 1850. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SHERIDAN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1803. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SHERMAN, JOHN, M.D. 1730. Minister of a Dissenting Congregation in Wiltshire and Medical Practitioner there. SHIELDS, THOMAS, M.A. 1885. Electrical Engineer: (1) Assistant to Lord Kelvin; (2) Lecturer in Technical Electricity at Yorkshire College, Leeds ; (3) Demonstrator in Physics and Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at Royal Indian Engineering College, Cooper's Hill, Staines. SHIELDS, THOMAS LEADBETTER, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. SHIELDS, WILLIAM HERBERT, B.Sc. 1891. Civil Engineer at (1) The Poles, King's Court, Ireland, (2) Perth, Western Australia. SHIELLS, JOHN, M.D. 1737. SHIELS, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1890, B.Sc. 1891. Glasgow. SHIELS, ROBERT GOUDY, CM. 1840, M.D. 1849. Bangor, Co. Down; Killyleagh, same Co.; died 13th July, 1889. SHILLINGLAW, JOSEPH, M.A. 1895. Student of Theology in F.C. College. SHIRLAW, JAMES, M.D. 1857. Larkhall; New Zealand; died 28th April, 1869, aged 31. SHORT, CHARLES, M.A. 1847, D.D. 1886. Minister of (1) Baptist Church, Earl's Colne, (2) Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Swansea, (3) Townhead Street Baptist Church, Sheffield, (4) Ward Congregational Chapel, Dundee; born 18th December, 1822; died 29th April, 1894. SHORT, JAMES, M.A. 1891. Teacher in Glasgow Public Schools, viz., (1) Kelvinhaugh, (2) Woodside, (3) Kent Road. SHORT, JOHN QUIRCKE, M.D. 1832. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. SHORTING, HENRY, M.D. 1801. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. SHORTRIDGE, WILLIAM J., M.A. 1816. Admitted a Member of the Faculty of Procurators in Glasgow, 18th November, 1819; died November, 1828. 552 ROLL OF GRADUATES SHUTER, DAVID, M.A. 1771. " Filius unicus Jacobi Agricolae in parochia de Donachmore & Comitatu de Tyronne, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1767]. SHUTTER, THOMAS, M.D. 1827. Southampton ; died 1868. SIBTHORPE, HENRY JAMES, M.D. 1832. Dublin; died 6th September, 1876, aged 71. SIDGWICK, HENRY, LL.D. 1881. Praelector of Moral and Political Philosophy, Trinity College, Cambridge; LL.D. Edin. 1884. SIEMENS, SIR CHARLES WILLIAM, LL.D. 1879. Civil Engineer, London; Electrician and Metallurgist; died at London, 1 8th November, 1883, aged 60; F.R.S. 1862; D.C.L. Oxon. 1870; Knighted 1883. SIEVERIGHT, JAMES, D.D. 1846. Minister (1) at Gateshead, (2) of Markinch, (3) of Free Church there; died 29th November, 1852, aged 70. SILLERY, ROBERT, M.D. 1825. Dover; Surgeon to Her Majesty's Forces; J.P. and D.L. for Kent; died at London, 20th May, 1859. SIM, JAMES BROWN, M.B., CM. 1873, M.D. 1876. Glasgow; Nottingham. SIM, NORMAN, M.A. 1888. Teacher, Glasgow; died at Perth, 26th February, 1896, aged 30. SIME, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1879. Edinburgh; Anstruther; Innellan; London. SIME, WILLIAM NORTHCOTE, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow ; Dundonald ; Largs. SIMMIE, JAMES, D.D. 1815. Minister of Rothiemay; died 21st October, 1826, aged 62. SIMMONS, ARTHUR, - M.A. 1884. U.P. Minister at Kettle, Lady bank. SIMMONS, CHARLES, M.D. 1823. "Anglicus" [Grad. Alb.]. SIMMONS, JOHN EDMUND, M.A. 1822. "F. n. 4 tus Joannis V.D.M. Braunston Northampton" [Matric. Alb. 1818]. SIMONS, BENJAMIN BONNEAU, M.D. 1800. "Americanus " [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 553 SIMPSON, ABRAHAM CALOVIUS, B.A. 1813, M.A. 1814, LL.D. 1828. Dissenting Minister at (1) Fulburne, Cambridgeshire, (2) Haverhill, (3) Hereford, (4) Oundle, Northamptonshire, (5) Cardiff, (6) Long Sutton, Lin- colnshire; died 1866, aged 74. SIMPSON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1756. "Filius natu 2 dus Claudii Simson Mercatoris Pasletensis" [Matric. Alb. 1753]. SIMPSON, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1845- "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SIMPSON, ALEXANDER KERR, M.D. 1855. Indian Medical Service; born in Perthshire, June, 1829; died at Suakin, on board H.M.S. "Auckland," 17th August, 1859; M.A. St. Andrews, 1849. SIMPSON, DAVID, M.A. 1775. "Filius natu maximus Joannis Agricolae in Parochia de Cumber & Comitatu de Londonderry in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1773]. SIMPSON, DAVID MERRY, M.A. 1890. Teacher in (1) Victoria Public School, Airdrie, 1890-92, (2) Airdrie Academy since 1892. SIMPSON, DONALD, M.B., CM. 1881. Grantown; Coatbridge; Govan; Oakleigh, Victoria, Australia. SIMPSON, GEORGE, M.A. 1766. " Filius natu maximus Edwardi Agricolae in Parochia de Drumragh in Com. de Tyrone in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1764]. SIMPSON, GEORGE, M.A. 1888. (1) Teacher at Clarkston, Airdrie; (2) Teacher in Rothesay Academy; (3) Classical Master in Harris Academy, Dundee ; (4) Head Master of Dudhope Public School, Dundee. SIMPSON, JAMES, M.A. 1775. Either this graduate or James Simpson, M.A. 1777 (q.v.), was possibly the same person as James Simson, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Newtownards, 1790-99, when removed to America. SIMPSON, JAMES, M.A. 1777. See note under James Simpson, M.A. 1775. SIMPSON, JAMES, M.A. 1834. Free Church Minister at Abernethy, 1844-56; died July, 1856, aged 40. SIMPSON, JAMES, M.A. 1880, B.L., LL.B. 1883. Solicitor, Edinburgh. SIMPSON, JAMES, M.A. 1895. (1) Second Master in Possilpark Public School, Glasgow; (2) Head Master of Eastfield Public School, Maryhill, Glasgow. SIMPSON, JAMES CRAIG, M.D., CM. 1866. Merchant in Glasgow. 554 ROLL OF GRADUATES SIMPSON, JOHN, M.A. 1771. "Hibs." [Grad. Alb.]. SIMPSON, JOHN, M.A. 1781. "Natus in Hybernia filius natu maximus Thomae Mercatoris in parochia de Armagh & comitatu Armagh" [Matric. Alb. 1779]. SIMPSON, JOHN, M.D. 1783. "Britannus" [Grad. Alb.]. SIMPSON, JOHN, M.D. 1826. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SIMPSON, JOHN, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SIMPSON, JOHN, M.A. 1894. Student of Theology in F.C. College, Glasgow. SIMPSON, JOHN ARTHUR, M.A. 1858. " Scotus " [Grad. Alb.] ; holder of Smith Bursary ; died before 14th December, i860 [Univ. Minute of that date]. SIMPSON, JOHN POLLOCK, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1892. Ship Surgeon ; London. SIMPSON, JOSEPH PRINGLE, LL.B. 1845. " Of the Middle Temple, London, and of Springwell House, Bishopwearmouth" [Univ. Minute, 10th January, 1845]. SIMPSON, RICHARD, M.A. 1881, B.D. 1883. Minister of Dunscore. SIMPSON, ROBERT, D.D. 1812. Master of the Congregational Academy of Hoxton; died 1817, aged 72. SIMPSON, ROBERT, B.Sc. 1880. Civil Engineer, Glasgow. SIMPSON, ROBERT, M.A. 1894. Teacher in Airdrie Academy. SIMPSON, ROBERT ARTHUR, M.B., CM. 1874. London ; Bourton-on-the- Water, Gloucestershire ; London ; Surgeon, R.N. ; Sydney, N.S.W. ; Germanton there. SIMPSON, SAMUEL, M.A. 181 1. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Usher's Quay, Dublin, from 181 5 till death circa 1846. SIMPSON, THOMAS, M.D., CM. 1862. A "Simpson, T., M.D., . . . formerly of Kilbirnie, Ayrsh.," died at Old Calabar, Western Africa, 4th January, 1865. ROLL OF GRADUATES 555 SIMPSON, THOMAS, M.A. 1888. (1) Teacher in (a) Maryhill Public School, Glasgow, (b) Victoria Public School, Airdrie, (c) Keptie Public School, Arbroath, (d) Harris Academy, Dundee ; (2) Sub-Inspector of Schools. SIMPSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1888. F.C. Minister at Penpont. SIMS, JOHN, M.D. 1806. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SIMSON, ROBERT, M.A. 1763. SIMSON, THOMAS, M.D. 1740. SINCLAIR, ANDREW, M.D. 1835. " Scotus " [Grad. Alb.] ; possibly the same person as Andrew Sinclair, M.D., sometime Surgeon, R.N., thereafter (1844-56) Colonial Secretary of New Zealand, and who, while on an exploring expedition, met his death, 26th March, 1861, in an attempt to wade across one of the main branches of the Rangitata River. SINCLAIR, ARCHIBALD NEIL, M.B., CM. 1894 Yaxley, Hunts. SINCLAIR, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1868 Cramlington, Northumberland ; Cawood, Yorks. ; Bradford there. SINCLAIR, DUGALD, M.B., CM. 1882 Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow ; Lochs, Stornoway ; Glasgow. SINCLAIR, DUNCAN, CM. 1829 Halstead, Essex; died 17th March, 1880. SINCLAIR, EDWARD PETRIE, M.B., CM. 1893 Newtown, Sydney, N.S. Wales. SINCLAIR, ERIC, M.B., CM. 1881, M.D. 1886 Glasgow; Sydney, N.S. Wales; Gladesville there. SINCLAIR, HENRY WILLIAMSON, M.B., CM. 1886 Glasgow ; Carnwath. SINCLAIR, JAMES AITKEN, M.B., CM. 1868 Port-Ellen, Islay; Blackpool, Lanes.; died 21st October, 1884, aged 37. SINCLAIR, SIR JOHN, LL.D. 1788 Of Ulbster; Advocate; Barrister; P.C. ; M.P. for (1) Caithness, (2) Lostwithiel, (3) Petersfield; Cashier of Excise for Scotland; Compiler of the Statistical Account of Scotland; born at Thurso Castle, 10th May, 1754; died at Edinburgh, 21st December, 1835. SINCLAIR, JOHN, M.D. 1822, CM. 1824. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SINCLAIR, JOHN. M.D. 1838. Liverpool. 556 ROLL OF GRADUATES SINCLAIR, JOHN, M.A. 1870, B.D. 1871. Minister of (1) Second Charge, Ayr, 1871-85, (2) Catholic Apostolic Church, Edinburgh, (3) Catholic Apostolic Church, Dundee ; resigned owing to ill-health. SINCLAIR, JOHN, M.B. 1879. Lochgilphead; Bo'ness. SINCLAIR, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1882. Ship Surgeon; Glasgow; Bramley, Yorks. SINCLAIR, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1884. Bonawe, Argyllshire ; Withnell, Chorley, Lanes. ; Brinscall there. SINCLAIR, JOHN, M.A. 1894. Teacher in (1) Uddingston Public School, 1886-90, (2) Hillhead Public School, Glasgow, 1892-94, (3) The Grammar School, Atherstone, Warwickshire, since 1895. SINCLAIR, JOHN DICKSON, M.A. 1888, B.D. 1891. Minister of the U.P. Church at Midmar since 1896. SINCLAIR, MALCOLM ALEXANDER M'INTYRE, M.B., CM. 1893. Ayr; Glasgow; Blantyre; Ayr. SINCLAIR, ROBERT, M.A. 1766. "Filius natu maximus Gulielmi in Comitatu de Londonderry, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1765]. SINCLAIR, ROBERT, M.A. 1814. "Fil. n. 2 dus Joannis agricolae Londerry in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1811]. SINCLAIR, ROBERT, CM. 1831. Glenorchy; Port-Charlotte, Islay; died 1857. SINCLAIR, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 187 1, M.D. 1879. Glasgow; Perth; Dundee. SINCLAIR, ROBERT ANDERSON, M.A. 1870. Minister of (1) Lenzie, 1873-78, (2) Eastfield, Rutherglen, 1880-84; thereafter Teacher at East Pass, Mary Esther, Florida, U.S.A. ; died at Philadelphia, 25th July, 1897. SINCLAIR, WILLIAM SMITH, M.B., CM. 1893. Ship Surgeon ; Helensburgh. SINGER, JAMES, M.A. 17 S7- SINGLETON, JOHN, M.D. 1838. East Melbourne. SINGLETON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1845. Mountjoy Prison, Dublin ; Cappaduff, Co. Mayo. SKEETE, THOMAS, M.D. 1785. Born in Barbadoes ; practised in London, and was elected Physician to Guy's Hospital in 1788; died 29th May, 1789, aged 32. ROLL OF GRADUATES 557 SKELLY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1810. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Donaghadee; ordained 181 2 ; suspended sine die for alleged immorality, 181 9; died circa 1857. SKENE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1866. Helensburgh ; Troon ; Helensburgh ; Buckhurst, Essex ; Dewsbury, Yorks. ; Southport; West Bromwich, Staffs.; Bristol; Cardiff; Bristol; London; Lincoln ; Buckley, Flintshire. SKEOCH, WILLIAM REID, M.A. 1895. Teacher in (1) Lambhill Street School, Govan, (2) The Academy, Beith. SKILLING, JAMES LATTA, M.A. 1896. Teacher in (1) St. George's Road School, Glasgow, (2) Whitehill School, Dennistoun there. SKINNER, HENRY TAYLOR, M.D. i860. Glasgow; died 13th May, 1864. SKINNER, WILLIAM GOUDIE, M.A. 1893. Qualifying for LL.B. degree. SKOTTOWE, ALEXANDER JOHN FRANCIS, M.B., CM. 1883, M.D. 1886. Glasgow; Helensburgh; Navua, Suva, Fiji; Helensburgh. SLATER, JAMES, B.A. 1861. Teacher in (1) Greenock Academy, 1855-57, (2) Kilblain Academy, Greenock, 1858-71; Joint Head Master of Kilblain Academy, 1871-90; Rector thereof since 1890. SLATER, JOHN THOMAS, M.D., CM. 1861. Glasgow; London; died 3rd August, 1894, aged 53. SLIMON, GEORGE CHARLES, M.D. 1864, CM. 1868. Washington, Durham ; London. SLIMON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1895. London ; West Bromwich, Staffs. ; London. SLOAN, ARCHIBALD, M.B. 1874, CM. 1881. Glasgow. SLOAN, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1871. Lugar; Catrine. SLOAN, DAVID NORMAN, B.L. 1893. Accountant, Glasgow. SLOAN, HUGH RODGER, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1893. Hawick ; Galashiels ; Wellington, New Zealand. SLOAN, JOHN, CM. 1824. Forest Row, Sussex; died 1875. SLOAN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1871. Dairy, Ayrshire ; Ship Surgeon ; Bramley, Yorks. ; Troon. 558 ROLL OF GRADUATES SLOAN, JOHN, M.A. 1873. Minister of Shawlands. SLOAN, JOHN, M.A. 1887, B.D. 1893. Licentiate of the Free Church. SLOAN, JOHN ALEXANDER, B.Sc. 1895. Mechanical Engineer (Draughtsman), Glasgow. SLOAN, SAMUEL, M.B. 1866, M.D., CM. 1870. Glasgow: Degree Examiner on Midwifery in the University, 1888-92, and again since 1894. SLOAN, SAMUEL HANS, M.A. 1808, LL.D. 1826. Second Minister of the Presbyterian Congregation in Cork. SLOAN, THOMAS GEORGE, M.A. 1888. M.B. Edin. 1892; Selkirk; Edinburgh; West Calder; died there, 2nd July, 1895, aged 26. SLOAN, WILLIAM, M.D. i860. Glasgow; Dairy, Ayrshire. SLOANE, HILL, M.D. 1841. Belfast. SLOANE, JOHN, M.A. 1829. Church of Scotland Missionary at Whiteness, Lerwick; died 31st December, 1878. SLOGGETT, HENRY CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1878, M.D. 1882. Scientific Staff of H. M.S. "Challenger"; Sandgate, Kent; Edmonton, Middle- sex; St. Augustine, Florida, U.S.A.; Nanaimo, British Columbia; Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. SLORACH, ROBERT GEORGE, B.L. 1893. Sheriff-Clerk Depute, Hamilton. SLOSS, JOSEPH, M.D. 1846. Staff-Surgeon, R.N. ; Portadown, Co. Armagh; Belfast. SLOWAN, WILLIAM JOHN MORE, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow. SMALES, FRANCIS, M.A. 1743. "Filius viri Reverendi Francisci Smales V.D.M. in urbe Brignall in Comitatu Eboracensi" [Matric. Alb. 1740]. SMALL, FRANCIS WILLIAM DEHANE, M.A. 1879, B.D. 1883. Curate of (1) St. Peter's, Eaton Square, London, (2) St. Peter's, Cranley Gardens, South Kensington there. SMALL, VYNER, M.D. 1739. Son of Joseph Small of Bilbury, Co. Gloucester ; matriculated at Pembroke College, Oxford, 29th March, 1726, aged 17. ROLL OF GRADUATES 559 SMART, JOHN, M.A. 1820. Minister at Leith, of (1) Secession Church, (2) U.P. Church; died 21st June, 1871, aged 70; D.D. Edin. 1849; son of John Smart, D.D. 1843 (q.v.). SMART, JOHN, D.D. 1843. Minister of Erskine Secession Church, Stirling; died 4th November, 1845, aged 82. SMART, ROBERT, M.D. 1864. Glasgow; died 26th December, 1886. SMART, WILLIAM, M.A. 1882, D.Phil. 1896. Lecturer on Political Economy in (1) Queen Margaret College, Glasgow, 1886-92, (2) University College, Dundee, 1886 and 1887, (3) University of Glasgow, as (a) substitute for Professor Edward Caird (q.v.), 1887-92, (b) specially appointed Lecturer, 1892-96; Professor of Political Economy in University of Glasgow since 1896; LL.D. St. Andrews, 1893. SMELLIE, JAMES, M.D. 1861. Dunfermline; Glasgow; died 23rd June, 1889, aged 56. SMELLIE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1745. The celebrated Obstetrician; Practitioner in (1) Lanark, 1720-39, (2) London, 1739-58; Private Teacher of Midwifery in London, 1745-58; born at Lanark, 1697; died there, 5th March, 1763. SMELLIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1817. U.P. Minister at Stranraer; died 24th April, 1863, aged 69. SMILEY, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1843, C.M. 1852. Larne, Co. Antrim; Ballycarry, Co. Antrim; died 13th May, 1887. SMILEY, HUGH H., M.D. 1828. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMITH, ADAM, LL.D. 1762. Lecturer on Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres in Edinburgh, 1748-51 ; Professor in Glasgow University of (1) Logic, 1751-52, (2) Moral Philosophy, 1752-63; Dean of Faculties, 1760 to 1762; Rector, 1787 to 1789; Travelling Tutor (1764-66) to young Duke of Buccleuch; one of Commissioners of Customs in Scotland, 1778-90; born at Kirkcaldy, 5th June, 1723; died 17th July, 1790; F.R.S.; Snell Exhibitioner, 1740; Author of The Wealth of Nations. SMITH, ADAM, M.A. 1841. Rector of (1) Arbroath Academy, (2) Bathgate Academy; afterwards Teacher in Glasgow; died there, 12th June, 1895, aged 80. SMITH, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1762. " Filius natu tertius Jacobi in parochia de Logie, Comitatu de Perth " [Matric. Alb. 1757]. 5<50 ROLL OF GRADUATES SMITH, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1890. Writer, Glasgow. SMITH, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1896. Studying at Edinburgh University, 1896-97, with a view to the teaching profession. SMITH, ALEXANDER MUIR, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1877. Glasgow; Bearsden; Glasgow. SMITH, ALEXANDER ROBB, M.B., CM. 1892. Paisley ; London. SMITH, ALEXANDER TURNBULL, M.B., CM. 1878. Crosshouse, Kilmarnock; Glasgow; died 1885. SMITH, ALGERNON WOOD, M.D. 1863. Glasgow: (1) Assistant to Professor of Medicine in the University, 1873-74; (2) Professor of Medicine in Anderson's College; (3) Lecturer on Medicine in Royal Infirmary. SMITH, ALLAN MACGREGOR, M.A. 1890, LL.B. 1896. Writer, Glasgow. SMITH, ANDREW, CM. 1826. St. Austell, Cornwall; Surgeon, R.N., for 15 years. SMITH, ANDREW FLEMING, M.A. 1885. LL.B. Edin. ; Writer, Whithorn. SMITH, ANDREW MURDOCH, M.A. 1884. Minister of (1) U.P. Church, Hamilton, (2) English Presbyterian Church, Sunderland, (3) U.P. Church, Ayr. SMITH, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1742. Minister (1) of Fintry, (2) at Rotterdam, (3) of Strathblane, (4) of Kinross; died 13th April, 1803, aged 81. SMITH, ARCHIBALD, M.D. 1820. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMITH, ARCHIBALD, LL.D. 1867. Of Jordanhill, Barrister-at-Law ; an eminent Mathematician; the first Scotsman who was ever Senior Wrangler at Cambridge; F.R.S. ; died at London, 26th December, 1872, aged 59; father of James Parker Smith, M.P. SMITH, CAMPBELL SNODGRASS, M.B., CM. 1877. Lenzie. SMITH, CHARLES, CM. 1827. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMITH, CHARLES, CM. 1830. Newton-Stewart; died 28th February, 1865. ROLL OF GRADUATES 561 SMITH, CHARLES ABERCROMBIE, B.A. 1852, M.A. 1853. Fellow of St. Peter's, Cambridge; Controller and Auditor-General, Cape Colony. SMITH, COLIN, D.D. 1849. Minister of Inveraray, 1828-67 \ died 13th July, 1867. SMITH, DAVID, M.A. 1734. " Sco. hib. Filius Sam. Smith in comitat. de Londonderry " [Matric. Alb. 1732]. SMITH, DAVID, M.D. 1834, CM. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMITH, DAVID, M.D., CM. 1835. "Scotia" [Grad. Alb.]. SMITH, DAVID, M.D. 1863. Kilmarnock; Buntingford, Herts.; died 20th April, 1884. SMITH, DAVID, M.A. 1880. Minister (1) of Chalmers Church, Sydney, N.S.W., 1884-90, (2) at Albury, N.S.W., since 1890. SMITH, DAVID, M.A. 1881. U.P. Minister at St. Ninians, Stirling. SMITH, DAVID, M.A. 1887- F.C. Minister at Tulliallan. SMITH, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow; Dairy, Galloway. SMITH, DAVID MACMASTER, M.B., CM. 1883. Eaglesham ; Glasgow. SMITH, DAVID THOMSON, - M.A. 1891, B.Sc. 1893. (1) Assistant Teacher in (a) Mearns Street Public School, Greenock, (b) East Public School, Paisley, (c) Rutherford College, Newcastle-on-Tyne, (d) Wallace Hall Academy, Closeburn ; (2) Head Master of Strath of Appin Public School, Argyllshire. SMITH, DAVID TURNBULL, M.B. 1877. Glasgow; Ayr; Poulton-le-Fylde, Lanes.; Preston there. SMITH, DAVID WRIGHT, M.A. 1890, B.L. 1895. Writer, Glasgow. SMITH, EDWARD, M.B., CM. 1869. Kirkby-Malzeard, Yorks.; Bolton. SMITH, FERGUS, M.A. 1885. (1) Teacher in Glasgow Schools, viz., (a) City Public, (b) Garnethill, (c) Kent Road, (d) Garnethill; (2) Head Master of Pupil Teachers' Institute, Glasgow. 2 N 562 ROLL OF GRADUATES SMITH, FRANK BROWN, B.Sc. 1890. Civil and Mining Engineer: (1) Apprentice in Glasgow; (2) Superintendent of Steel Works, Coatbridge ; (3) Mining Engineer with William Baird & Co. at Lugar ; (4) Manager of Coal Mines at Anthracite, N.W.T., Canada ; (5) Mining Engineer at Crow's Nest Pass, British Columbia; (6) Mining Engineer for R. Dunsmuir & Sons, Union Collieries, Union, Vancouver Island. SMITH, FREDERICK AUGUSTUS ALFRED, M.D., CM. 1882. Surgeon, Zulu Campaign, 1879; Cheltenham; Portsea; Cheltenham; London; died 5th May, 1895, aged 49. SMITH, GEORGE, D.D. 1806. Minister of Galston ; mentioned in " The Holy Fair and " The Kirk's Alarm"; died 28th April, 1823, aged 75. SMITH, GEORGE, M.A. 1812, D.D. 1854. Minister of (1) Second Charge, Kilmarnock, (2) Penpont, (3) Tolbooth, Edinburgh; died 10th June, 1866, aged 74; son of George Smith, D.D. 1806 (q.v.). SMITH, GEORGE, D.D. 1864. Minister of Trinity Congregational Chapel, Poplar, London; died 1870, aged 66. SMITH, GEORGE, M.A. 1888. M.B. Edin. 1893; Ship Surgeon; Manchester; son of James Smith, LL.D. 1894 (q.v.). SMITH, GEORGE MACKIE, M.A. 1890. Clerk to his brother, a Stockbroker in Glasgow. SMITH, HENRY, M.A. 1826. " Filius natu 4 tus Ebenezer Hetcher, Artificis quondam apud Sheffield in comitatu Eboracensi" [Matric. Alb. 1822]. SMITH, HENRY BEVERIDGE, M.B., CM. 1894. Chapeltown, Yorks. SMITH, HUGH, M.A. 1889. Teacher, Glasgow; died, of phthisis, at 37 Kelvinside Avenue there, 10th July, 1890, aged 28. SMITH, JAMES, M.D. 1763. Surgeon in Bo'ness. SMITH, JAMES, M.A. 1788. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMITH, JAMES, M.A. 1807. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMITH, JAMES, M.A. 1818. Minister (1) at Parkhead, (2) at Auchterarder, (3) of Wellpark, (4) of Dumbarton, (5) of Free Church there; died 1st November, 1862, ROLL OF GRADUATES 563 SMITH, JAMES, CM. 1819. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMITH, JAMES, M.D. 1828. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMITH, JAMES, B.A. 1844, M.A. 1845, D.D. 1883. Minister of St. Andrew's Scotch Church, Buenos Ayres. SMITH, JAMES, B.A. 1846, M.A. 1847. (1) Minister of English Reformed Church, Hamburg; (2) Minister of Wicker Congregational Church, Sheffield, and Tutor, etc., in Rotherham Independent College ; (3) Minister of Congregational Church, Elloughton-cum- Brough, Yorkshire. SMITH, JAMES, D.D. 1852. Minister of Cathcart, 1828-97; born at Paisley, 17th November, 1803; died ("Father of the Church") 6th March, 1897. SMITH, JAMES, M.A. 1867. H.M. Inspector of Schools; son of James Smith, LL.D. 1894 (q.v.). SMITH, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1874. Hanslope, Bucks. ; died 4th March, 1880, aged 28. SMITH, JAMES, M.A. 1875. Law Apprentice in office of Macgeorge, Cowan & Galloway, Writers, Glasgow; died circa June, 1877. SMITH, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1895. Airdrie ; Mauchline. SMITH, JAMES, LL.D. 1894. Schoolmaster: (1) Subscription School, Garlieston, Wigtownshire, 1843-44, (2) F.C. School, Whitletts, near Ayr, 1844-46, (3) F.C. School, Symington, t 846-47, (4) F.C. School, Uddingston, 1847-83, (5) Public School, Uddingston, 1883-94; President of the Educational Institute of Scotland, 1866; Secretary, 1873-96; Honorary Secretary since 1896; J.P.; F.E.I.S. ; born at Mauchline, 13th February, 1822. SMITH, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1895. Airdrie. SMITH, JAMES ALEXANDER, • M.A. 1886. Solicitor (belonged to Noblehill, Dumfries); believed to have gone to London. SMITH, JAMES CHARLES ANDERSON, M.B., CM. 1885. Whifflet, Coatbridge; Ship Surgeon; Paisley; Glasgow. SMITH, JAMES FLEMING, M.A. 1882. M.B. Edin. 1890; Whithorn. SMITH, JAMES M'CUNE, B.A. 1835, M.A. 1836, M.D. 1837. " Filius natu maximus Samuelis, Mercatoris apud New York " [Matric. Alb. 1832]. 564 ROLL OF GRADUATES SMITH, JAMES PENDER, M.B., CM. 1884. Ullapool; Dingwall; J. P. SMITH, JAMES SOMMERVILLE, M.A. 1885. Minister of Ivy Place U.P. Church, Stranraer. SMITH, JAMES WIGHT, M.A. 1896. Assistant Teacher in Glasgow, 1892-94; Head Master of Waterside Public School, Dunaskin, by Ayr, since 1894. SMITH, JOHN, M.A. 1750. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Loughbrickland, 1757 to 1804; died 27th May, 1804. SMITH, JOHN, D.D. 1783. Rector of Nantwich, Cheshire; died circa 17th October, 1792, aged 57. SMITH, JOHN, M.A. 1785. Possibly the same person as John Smyth, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Kilrea, 1795 to 1821, who died 7th September, 1821. SMITH, JOHN, M.D. 1805. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMITH, JOHN, M.A. 1819. (1) Teacher of an Adventure School in Glasgow; (2) Teacher of Writing and Arithmetic in Perth Academy; born 1st January, 1800; died at Helensburgh, 1872; brother of Robert Angus Smith, LL.D. (q.v.). SMITH, JOHN, M.A. 1825. "Filius Nat. Max s Joannis Agricolae, apud Braehead, Com" Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1822]. SMITH, JOHN, M.D. 1839. Cappoquin, Co. Waterford; died 28th September, 1861. SMITH, JOHN, LL.D. 1840. Younger of Crutherland ; Secretary to the Maitland Club ; Founder of Smith Bursaries in Glasgow University. SMITH, JOHN, M.D., CM. 1853. Garvagh, Co. Derry; died 19th June, 1867. SMITH, JOHN, M.A. 1877, B.D. 1880. Minister of (1) North Church, Stirling, (2) Partick. SMITH, JOHN, M.A. 1884, M.B., CM. 1888. Motherwell; Abergavenny, Mon. ; died 2nd October, 1892. SMITH, JOHN, M.A. 1888. F.C. Minister at Denholm, Hawick. SMITH, JOHN, M.A. 1896. Teacher in Glasgow Schools, viz., (1) Henderson Street, (2) Townhead, (3) Camden Street, ROLL OF GRADUATES 565 SMITH, JOHN CAMPBELL, M.A. 1889, B.L. 1896. Writer, Glasgow. SMITH, JOHN DAVIDSON, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. SMITH, JOHN HENRY, M.D. 1845. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMITH, JOHN MACDOWAL, M.B., CM. 1879, M.D. 1891. Glasgow ; Patna, Ayrshire ; Alyth ; Davidson's Mains ; West Calder ; Dundonald. SMITH, JOHN STRAUCHON WRIGHT, B.L. 1881. Solicitor in (1) Glasgow, (2) Warrachnabeal, Melbourne. SMITH, JOHN TAYLOR, M.A. 1884. Teacher in Glasgow Schools, viz., (1) F.C. Normal, (2) Martyrs', (3) St. Rollox, (4) Dennistoun, (5) Whitehill. SMITH, JOHN TURNBULL, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow. SMITH, JOHNSON MARION, M.B., CM. 1893. Bairnsdale, Victoria, Australia. SMITH, MALCOLM, M.A. 1886, B.D. 1889. Minister of Wilton U.P. Church, Hawick, from 4th February, 1890, to 21st August, 1 89 1 ; drowned on latter date while bathing at Spittal, Berwick- upon-Tweed. SMITH, MICAIAH, M.A. 1827. Teacher, Dumbarton. SMITH, PATRICK, M.A. 1878, LL.B. 1882. Advocate, Edinburgh. SMITH, PATRICK ALOYSIUS, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1896. Dumbarton ; Glasgow. SMITH, PETER CALDWELL, M.A. 1878, M.B., CM. 1881, M.D. 1884, Motherwell (Lecturer on Hygiene in (1) Western Medical School, Glasgow, (2) Anderson's College); London; son of James Smith, LL.D. 1894 (q.v.). SMITH, ROBERT, M.D. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMITH, ROBERT, M.D. 1836, CM. 1837. " Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMITH, ROBERT ANGUS, LL.D. 1881. Ph.D.; F.R.S. ; LL.D. Edin. 1882; Government Inspector of Alkali Works; died at Colwyn Bay, near Llandudno, 12th May, 1884, aged 67. SMITH, ROBERT AYRE, M.B. 1870, M.D. 1872. Sunderland ; London. 566 ROLL OF GRADUATES SMITH, ROBERT WATSON, B.Sc. 1890. Manager of the Chemical Works of Young's Paraffin Light and Mineral Oil Co., Limited. SMITH, SAMUEL BELL, M.D. 1830. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMITH, THOMAS, M.A. 1749 "Thomae filius Civis Urbis de Lanerk in Com. Clydesdaliae " [Matric. Alb 1746]. SMITH, THOMAS, M.D., CM. 1839 Leeds; Cheltenham; died 27th January, 1887, aged 74. SMITH, THOMAS DAVID, M.B., CM. 1893 Ship Surgeon; Glasgow. SMITH, THOMAS JOHNSON, M.D., CM. 1861 Cheltenham; died 25th July, 1862, aged 24. SMITH, THORNTON GOW, B.L. 1882 Writer, Paisley. SMITH, WALTER, M.A. 1820 "F. n. 5 tus Gualt. Mercat. Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 181 5]. SMITH, WALTER CHALMERS, . D.D. 1869 Minister of (1) Presbyterian Congregation, Pentonville, (2) Free Church, Orwell, (3) Roxburgh Free Church, Edinburgh, (4) Free Tron Church, Glasgow, (5) Free High Church, Edinburgh. SMITH, WILLIAM, M.A. 1816. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMITH, WILLIAM, CM. 1836. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMITH, SIR WILLIAM, LL.D. 1843. Editor of the Quarterly Review and of many popular Greek and Latin Class-Books, Dictionary of the Bible, etc. etc.; born at London, 20th May, 181 3; died there, 7th October, 1893; D.C.L. Oxon. 1870; Ph.D. Leipsic. SMITH, WILLIAM, M.A. 1877. Sometime Minister of Forth, Lanarkshire ; afterwards Principal of Church of Scotland's Missionary Institution, Calcutta; died at Sikhim, 21st October, 1889. SMITH, WILLIAM, B.L. 1880. Writer, Glasgow. SMITH, WILLIAM, M.A. 1896. Teacher in Queen's Park Public School, Langside, Glasgow. SMITH, WILLIAM CALDWELL, M.D. 1854 Indian Medical Service; changed name to William Smith Caldwell. SMITH, WILLIAM CAMPBELL, M.A. 1895. Student of Theology in F.C. College, Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 567 SMITH, WILLIAM CHALMERS, M.A. 1884, B.D. 1886. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. SMITH, WILLIAM GORDON CUMMING, M.B., CM. 1878. Cromarty; Surgeon, R.N. ; Ryde, N.S. Wales. SMITH, WILLIAM KIDD, B.L. 1876. Writer, Glasgow. SMITH, WILLIAM M'GILL, M.B., CM. 1890. Ayr; Glasgow; Ayr. SMITH, WILLIAM MUIR, M.B., CM. 1884. Crewe, Cheshire ; Bourton-on-the-Water, Glouc. ; Eastbourne. SMITH, WILLIAM STEVENS, M.A. 1891. U.P. Missionary, Victoria Town, Jamaica. SMYTH, ADAM, M.A. 1763. SMYTH, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow. SMYTH, ANDREW, M.D. 1846, CM. 1863. Ballymena, Co. Antrim. SMYTH, EDWARD, M.D. 1784. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMYTH, HENRY, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMYTH, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1894. Warsop, Notts. ; London. SMYTH, JAMES JONES, M.A. 1840. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMYTH, JOHN, M.A. 181 1, M.D. 1819. Newcastle, Co. Down. SMYTH, JOHN, D.D. 1830. Minister of (1) St. George's, Glasgow, 1823-43, (2) Free St. George's there, 1843-60; died 21st October, i860, aged 64. SMYTH, JOHN, M.A. 1848. Minister, Teskanore, Co. Tyrone. SMYTH, LEWIS, M.D. 1840. Lewes, Sussex. SMYTH, LUKE DOWEL, M.D. 1836. Bingham, Notts. ; Grantham, Lines.; London; died 25th December, 1885, aged 74. SMYTH, MATTHEW, CM. 1822. "Hibemia" [Grad. Alb.]. 568 ROLL OF GRADUATES SMYTH, PETER MACLEAN, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. SMYTH, RICHARD, B.A. 1846, M.A. 1850, D.D. 1871. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Westport, 1855-57, (2) Derry, 1857-65; Professor of (1) Oriental Literature, 1865-70, (2) Systematic Theology, 1870-78, in Magee College there; born 4th October, 1828; died 4th December, 1878. SMYTH, ROBERT, CM. 1825. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMYTH, ROBERT, B.A. 1861. Presbyterian Minister at Donoughmore, Co. Donegal, since 1865. SMYTH, ROBERT JOHN, M.A. 1872. Presbyterian Minister at Trenta, Letterkenny; died there, 5th December, 1890. SMYTH, ROBERT P., CM. 1826. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SMYTH, SAMUEL, M.D. 1854. Mount Charles, Co. Donegal. SMYTH, THOMAS, M.A. 1821. " Filius Natu Quartus Jacobi Agricolae in parochia de Templemore in comitatu de Donnegal" [Matric. Alb. 181 7]. SMYTH, WILLIAM, M.A. 181 5. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Glennan from 1820 to at least 1846. SMYTH, WILLIAM DICKSON, M.D. 1858. Staff-Surgeon, R.N. ; Pomeroy, Co. Tyrone; London; died October, 1892, aged 57. SMYTH, WILLIAM GRAY, CM. 1826, M.D. 1828. London; died 2nd April, 1857, aged 63; his son, a medical student, expired on the same day, and at the same hour. SMYTH, WILLIAM MOUNTAGUE, M.D. 1835. "Hibernia" [Grad. Alb.]. SNEDDON, WILLIAM, M.B. 1871, M.D. 1873. Beith. SNODGRASS, NEIL SMITH, M.A. 1896. Teacher in (1) Govanhill Public School, Glasgow, February to June, 1895, (2) Strathbungo Public School there since June, 1895. SNODGRASS, WILLIAM, D.D. 1865. Minister of St. James' Church, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, afterwards of St. Paul's Church, Montreal; Principal of Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, and Primarius Professor of Divinity in College there, 1864-77 j Minister of Parish of Canonbie, Dumfriesshire, since 1877. ROLL OF GRADUATES 569 SNODGRASS, WILLIAM, M.A. 1878, M.B., CM. 1886. Sometime Classical and Mathematical Master in the John Neilson Institution, Paisley; now Medical Practitioner in Glasgow and (1887-97) Muirhead Demon- strator of Physiology in the University. SOAME, JOHN, M.D. 1730. Practitioner at Hampstead, near London. SODEN, EDWARD, M.D. 1850, CM. 1852. Mohill, Co. Leitrim. SOGA, WILLIAM ANDERSON, M.B., CM. 1883, M.D. 1894. U.P. Missionary to Kaffraria, South Africa. SOMERS, HENRY, M.D. 1845. A " Henry Somers, M.D., Surgeon, 55th Regiment," died at London, 6th July, 1 86 1. SOMERVILLE, ALEXANDER, B.Sc. 1885. (1) Merchant in Calcutta; (2) resident in Glasgow; son of Alex. Neil Somerville, D.D. (q.v.). SOMERVILLE, ALEXANDER NEIL, D.D. 1877. Minister of (1) Anderston, 1837-43, (2) Free Anderston Church, Glasgow, 1843-77; "Missionary to the World," 1877-89; born at Edinburgh, 30th January, 1813; died at Glasgow, 18th September, 1889; grandson of Neil Campbell, Principal of Glasgow University, 1728-61. SOMERVILLE, GRAHAM LAING, B.L. 1882. Writer, Glasgow. SOMERVILLE, JAMES EDWARD, M.D. 1836. Rosscarbery, Co. Cork ; Skibbereen, same Co. ; Leap, same Co. ; Coroner for County. SOMERVILLE, JAMES EWING, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862, B.D. 1868. F.C. Minister at (1) Langholm, (2) Broughty -Ferry, (3) Mentone; son of Alex. Neil Somerville, D.D. (q.v.). SOMERVILLE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1892. Rutherglen ; Sheffield. SOMERVILLE, JOHN ROBERT, M.D. 1861. Lochgilphead; Foo-Chow-foo, China (Medical Officer, H.B.M. Consulate); Chesterfield, Derbyshire; Ayr; Peel, Isle of Man. SOMERVILLE, MUNRO, M.A. 1895. Student of Theology in Glasgow University; son of Thomas Somerville, M.A. (q.v.). SOMERVILLE, ROBERT, M.A. 1779. " Natus in parochia de Carmichael, filius natu secundus Roberti in parochia sup. dicta, Agricolae" [Matric. Alb. 1775]. 570 ROLL OF GRADUATES SOMERVILLE, THOMAS, M.A. 1861. Minister of (1) St. Andrew's, Victoria, British Columbia, (2) St. David's, Kirkintilloch, (3) Blackfriars, Glasgow. SOMERVILLE, WILLIAM FRANCIS, M.A. 1880, B.Sc. 1883, M.B., CM. 1884, M.D. 1886. Glasgow; son of Alex. Neil Somerville, D.D. (q.v.). SOMMERS, JOHN, B.A., M.A. 1785, D.D. 1818. Minister of Mid Calder, 1795 to 1842; died 25th September, 1842, aged 78. SOMMERVILLE, JAMES, D.D. 1887. Minister of (1) Gourock, (2) Irvine; died 29th January, 1893, aged 65. SOMMERVILLE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1819. " Hibernus " [Grad. Alb.]. SORLEY, HENRY, M.D., CM. 1832. Liverpool; Dunedin, New Zealand; Bacchus Marsh, Victoria; Hay, N.S. Wales. SORLIE, JAMES, M.A. 1885. (1) Teacher in Kirkcaldy Burgh School; (2) Head Master of Plockton Public School, Ross-shire. SOTHERGILL, THOMAS WILLIAM, M.D. 1844. Tullamore, King's Co.; Belturbet, Co. Cavan; Canada. SOUDEN, JAMES, M.A. 1885. Teacher in (1) Public School, Kilwinning, 1886-90, (2) The John Neilson Institution, Paisley, since 1890. SOUTAR, GEORGE SHAND, M.A. 1871. U.P. Minister at Sandwick, Orkney. SPARK, JOHN, M.A. 1874- Minister of (1) St. James's, Kirkcaldy, (2) Clyne. SPARK, ROBERT REITH, M.A. 1878. Minister of Durris. SPEAR, LAWRENCE, B.Sc. 1893. Officer, U.S. Navy. SPEARING, ANDREW, M.D. 1851. Dublin; Antrim. SPEIR, WILLIAM ROBERT, M.B. 1867, CM. 1870. "Anchor" Line S.S. Service; Haltwhistle, Northumberland. SPEIRS, ARCHIBALD, M.D. 1788. " Scoto-Brittanus " [Grad. Alb.]. SPEIRS, DOUGLAS, M.D. 1849. Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 571 SPEIRS, EBENEZER BROWN, M.A. 1876, B.D. 1879- Minister of (1) Glendevon, 1881-97, (2) Morningside, Edinburgh, since 1897. SPEIRS, JOHN, CM. 1821. Greenock. SPEIRS, JOHN, M.D. 1834. Greenock. SPEIRS, JOHN LINDSAY, M.B., CM. 1880. Glasgow; Cramlington, Northumberland; Glasgow; Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Gateshead. SPEIRS, THOMAS ORR, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. SPENCE, GEORGE, M.A. 1805. Barrister-at-Law (of the Inner Temple) and Jurist; M.P. for (1) Reading, 1826-27, (2) Ripon, 1829-32; born 1787; died 12th December, 1851. SPENCE, PATRICK, M.A. 1766. Minister of Orwell, 1786 to 1823; died 28th July, 1823, aged 76. SPENCE, THOMAS, M.D. 1841. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. SPENCE, WALTER WATSON, M.B., CM. 1884. Whitehaven; Workington; Glasgow; died 20th March, 1895, aged 32. SPENCE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1780. Of Virginia; married, 5th June, 1780, Isabella, daughter of the then deceased James Tennent, Merchant, Glasgow. SPENCER, JOHN HENRY FREDERICK, M.D. 1835. " Isle of Man " [Grad. Alb.]. SPENCER, WILLIAM CLOUGH, M.B., CM. 1874. Manchester. SPENS, JOHN GILLESPIE, M.A. 1892, LL.B. 1895. Writer, Glasgow; son of Walter Cook Spens, LL.D. (q.v.). SPENS, WALTER COOK, LL.D. 1889. Advocate; Sheriff-Substitute of Lanarkshire. SPIERS, JOHN, CM. 1820. "F. unicus Hug. Agric. Kilbride" [Matric. Alb. 1815]. SPITTAL, JOHN, M.D. 1826. Glasgow; died 27th March, 1840, aged 34. SPRENT, JAMES, M.A. 1825. Emigrated to Tasmania, 1830, and was for some time Tutor to Governor Sir George Arthur's children; appointed District Surveyor, 1832; employed in surveying the Van Diemen's Land Company's Estates, 1842-46; took leading part in the trigonometrical survey of the Island, 1849-57 ; appointed Surveyor- General of Tasmania, 1857; born in England, of Scottish parents, 1806; died 27th September, 1863. 572 ROLL OF GRADUATES SPRIGG, JAMES, M.A. 1825. " Fil. maxs. Jacobi Typography apud Manchester" [Matric. Alb. 1822]. SPROTT, ANDREW, M.A. 1826. U.P. Minister at (1) West Kilbride, (2) Archieston; died 4th May, 1864, aged 58. SPROTT, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1887. Edentown, Cumberland; Broughton-in-Furness, Lanes.; Patterdale, West- moreland. SPROTT, GEORGE WASHINGTON, B.A. 1849, D-D. 1880. Minister (1) at Halifax, Nova Scotia, (2) in Mid Parish, Greenock, (3) at St. Michael's, Dumfries, (4) at Kandy, Ceylon (Chaplain), (5) at Gosport (Acting Military Chaplain), (6) of Chapel of Garioch, (7) of North Berwick. SPROTT, GREGORY, M.B., CM. 1885, M.D. 1894. Glasgow ; Little Lever, Lanes. ; Manchester ; Ulverstone, Tasmania. SPROTT, HAROLD GEORGE HILL, M.A. 1889. Law Clerk, Edinburgh; son of George Washington Sprott, D.D. (q.v.). SPROUL, ANDREW, M.A. 1775. "Filius natu maximus Roberti Agricolae in Parochia de Urney Comitatu de Tyronne in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1773]. SPROULE, JOHN, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SPROULE, ROBERT, M.D. 1850. "Robert Sproule, M.D., Surgeon, R.N.," perished on 9th May, 1859, in the wreck of H.M.S. "Heron." SPROULE, SAMUEL, M.D. 1834. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SPROULE, SAMUEL, M.D. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SPROULE, THOMAS JOHNSTON, M.D., CM. 1834. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SPROULL, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1895. Johnstone. SPROULL, WILLIAM JOHN, M.D., CM. 1834. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SQUIER, WILLIAM THOMAS, M.D. 1840. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. SQUIRES, WILLIAM WESTBROOK, M.D. 1826. Liverpool; died at London, 8th August, 1861, aged 56. STACK, MAURICE TANCRED, M.B., CM. 1892. Crich, Derbyshire. ROLL OF GRADUATES 573 STACK, THOMAS, M.D. 1843. Surgeon, 86th Regiment; shot dead whilst dressing a wounded man at the storming of Jhansi, on 3rd April, 1858. STAFFORD, JOHN OWEN, M.A. 1890. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. STAFFORD, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1883. Nottingham ; Glasgow ; Nottingham (Lecturer on Physiology in University College). STAINTHORPE, WILLIAM WATERS, M.D., CM. 1876. Wortley, Yorks. ; London ; Wickham- Market, Suffolk ; Hexham ; Wareham, Dorset ; Kirkleatham, Yorks. ; Saltburn there. STAIR, EARL OF, LL.D. 1879. Tenth Earl; sometime Captain, Scots Guards ; M.P. for Wigtownshire, 1841-56; Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, 1869-72; Chancellor of Glasgow University since 1884; born 1st April, 1819; K.T. 1865. STALKER, GEORGE ALEXANDER, M.A. 1892, B.D. 1895. Minister of Inverchaolin since 1896. STALKER, JAMES, D.D. 1890. F.C. Minister at (1) Kirkcaldy, (2) St. Matthew's, Glasgow; M.A. Edin. 1869. STALLYBRASS, THOMAS EDWARD, B.A. 1841. Congregational Minister, West Ham, Essex; died 1883, aged 65. STAMPER, JOHN, M.A. 1758. "Filius natu secundus Viri Reverendi V.D.M. Rectoris in Parochia de Kirk Linton, Comitatu de Cumberland" [Matric. Alb. 1756]. STANDISH, RICHARD, M.A. 1776. "Filius Unicus Joannis Standish, Armigeri in Comitatu de Limerick in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1773]. STANFORD, BEDELL HOWARD, M.A. 1743. " Filius Joannis Stanford Armigeri in Com. de Cavan in Hibernia " [Matric. Alb. 1 741]. STANFORD, CHARLES EDWARD CORTIS, B.Sc. 1895. Student of Medicine. STANFORD, JOSEPH ARTHUR, M.D. 1826. " Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. STANFORD, WILLIAM, M.A. 1766 " Filius natu maximus Roberti Armigeri in Parochia de Anna in Comitatu de Cavan in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1765]. STANISTREET, RICHARD, M.D. 1853. Castlemartyr, Co. Cork ; Youghal, same Co. ; Malahide, Co. Dublin ; died 3rd February, 1890, aged 60. 574 ROLL OF GRADUATES STANLEY, HENRY, M.D. 1843. Portadown, Co. Armagh. STANTON, THOMAS JACK, M.A. 1896. Teacher in (1) Blantyre School, 1893, (2) Woodside School, Glasgow, since 1893. STANYON, JOHN SANDYS, M.A. 1891. Minister of Lanry-gate Congregational Church, Leicester. STARK, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1819. Minister of (1) Original Burgher Congregation, Falkirk, (2) Sandwick Parish, (3) Free Church, Closeburn; died at Tighnabruaich, 12th August, 1881, aged 96. STARK, ANDREW, M.A. 181 1. Pastor of the Associate Church at (1) South Shields, 18 18-19, ( 2 ) Grand Street, New York, 1822-49; Dorn m Stirlingshire, 1790; died at the house of his cousin, Dennyloanhead there, 18th September, 1849. STARK, JOHN, M.D. 1863. Coatbridge; Surgeon, U.S. Army; Kansas, Missouri, U.S.A. STARK, JOSEPH, M.A. 1819. Minister of (1) Kilfinnan, (2) Free Church there; died 24th August, 1877. STARK, MARK YOUNG, M.A. 1821. Minister at Dundas, Ontario, Canada, of (r) Church of Scotland, 1833-43, (2) Free Church, 1843-66; born at Cleish Castle, Kinross, 9th January, 1799; died at Dundas, Canada, 24th January, 1866. STARK, WILLIAM, M.A. 1758. "Filius natu maximus Thomae Stark Mercatoris in Urbe Manchester" [Matric. Alb. 1753]. STEAD, BENJAMIN, M.D. 1754. " Practitioner of Physick at J^ondon, who had long been Apothecary in Guy's Hospital there" [Univ. Minute, 29th February, 1754]. STEAD, FRANCIS HERBERT, M.A. 1881. Minister of Gallowtree Gate Congregational Church, Leicester, 1884-90; Editor of the Independent and Nonconformist^ 1890-92; Warden of the Social Settlement, Robert Browning Hall, Walworth, London, S.E., since 1894. STEEDMAN, JAMES, M.A. 1850. Sometime Preacher in UP. Church; latterly a Bank Clerk; died 1st June, 1858. STEEDMAN, JOHN FRANCIS, M.D. 1840. Wellington, Salop; died 2nd September, 1895, aged 78. STEEDMAN, WILLIAM, M.D. 1785. " Filius natu maximus Thomae vectigalium coactoris in Anderstoun, Natus in parochia de Thurso et comitatu de Caithness" [Matric, Alb. 1771]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 575 STEEL, ANDREW, M.D. 1831. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. STEEL, ARCHIBALD, M.D. 1837. "Fil. n. minim. Joannis architecti in Comit. Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1830]. STEEL, EDWARD HENRY, M.A. 1885. Congregational Minister at (1) Thornton, near Bradford, (2) Wellington Quay, near Newcastle-on-Tyne. STEEL, FRANCIS, M.A. 1800, M.D. 1805. Glasgow; died 1st June, 1857, aged 77. STEEL, JAMES, M.D. 1818. "F. n. unicus Jac. in Paroch. N. Monkland" [Matric. Alb. 1814]. STEEL, JAMES, M.A. 1874. Minister of Bonnybridge. STEEL, JAMES, M.A. 1887. Mechanical Engineer, Glasgow. STEEL, JOHN, M.A. 1814. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. STEEL, JOHN, D.D. 1896. Minister of (1) St. David's Free Church, Kirkintilloch, 1869-78, (2) Greenhead U.P. Church, Glasgow, since 1878. STEEL, ROBERT, M.A. 1884, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow. STEEL, THOMAS, M.D. 1833. "F. n. 2 ndus Roberti Agric, Sorn, Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1820]. STEEL, THOMAS HERON, M.D. i860. Glasgow ; Creswick, Victoria, Australia ; Horsham there ; Toorak there ; died 26th October, 1893, aged 57. STEEL, WILLIAM, M.A. 18 18. U.P. Minister at Falkirk; died 29th June, 1859, aged 60. STEEL, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1892. Stanley, Co. Durham ; Middlesbrough. STEELE, CHARLES, M.A. 1882. F.C. Minister at Cambusnethan. STEELE, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1889. F.C. Missionary, Ngoniland, Livingstonia, Africa; died 24th June, 1895, aged 34. STEELE, HENRY STEWART, M.A. 1847. Brother of William John Steele, M.A. 1847 (q.v), and "filius natu maximus viri reverendi Jacobi V.D.M. apud Stranorlar in comitatu de Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1844]. 576 ROLL OF GRADUATES STEELE, JAMES, M.A. 1818. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Stranorlar, 1821-59; died 17th June, 1859. STEELE, JAMES A., M.A. 1814. " F. n. Max. Gulielmi Ludi Magistri, Vic. et Com. de Dumbarton " [Matric. Alb. 1808]. STEELE, JOHN, M.A. 1805. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. STEELE, JOHN CHARLES, M.D. 1848. Medical Superintendent of (1) Glasgow Royal Infirmary, (2) Guy's Hospital, London; died there 6th November, 1892, aged 71. STEELE, ROSS STEWART, M.B., CM. 1883. Ship Surgeon ; Gnosall, Staffs. STEELE, THOMAS, M.A. 1882. Licentiate of the Free Church ; settled as a Minister in New South Wales. STEELE, WILLIAM CALDWELL, M.B., CM. 1892. Evenwood, Durham ; St. Osyth, Essex. STEELE, WILLIAM CUNINGHAME, M.A. 1879, LL.B. 1881. Advocate, Edinburgh. STEELE, WILLIAM JOHN, M.A. 1847. Brother of Henry Stewart Steele, M.A. 1847 (q.v.), and "filius natu tertius viri reverendi Jacobi V.D.M. apud Stranorlar in comitatu de Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1844]. STEEN, GEORGE, M.A. 1829. Presbyterian Minister at Limavady of (1) Drumachose Congregation, (2) Second Charge; born nth April, 1807; ordained 1833. STEEN, GEORGE, B.A. 1848, M.A. 1849. Presbyterian Minister at Keady, Co. Armagh; ordained 1854. STEEN, MATTHEW, M.A. 1771. " Filius natu minimus Josephi Agricolae in Parochia de Taughboyn in Com. de Donegal Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1769]. STEIL, JAMES WILLIAM HANCOCK, M.B., CM. 1886. London ; Beckenham, Kent ; Oakham, Rutland ; Colsterworth, Lines. STENHOUSE, WILLIAM MACSTRAVICK, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1877. Glasgow; Dunedin, N.Z. (Honorary Physician, Dunedin Hospital, etc., etc., etc.). STEPHEN, FREDERIC JOHN, M.A. 1883. Shipbuilder, Glasgow. STEPHENS, JAMES, M.A. 1868. U.P. Minister at Berwick. STEPHENS, JOSEPH, M.D. 1840. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES ^-j STEPHENS, THOMAS, M.A. 1772. " Natus in Hybernia, Alius secundus natu Samuelis Agricolae in parochia de Drumblane & Comitatu de Cavan" [Matric. Alb. 1770]. STEPHENSON, FRANK LAWRANCE, M.B., CM. 1867. Canterbury ; Surgeon, P. and O. Co.'s Service ; Fawley, Hants. ; Bradninch, Devon; Woolwich. STEPHENSON, GEORGE ALEXANDER, M.A. 1805. Assistant Surgeon, 89th Regiment, and Surgeon, 3rd Dragoon Guards ; died at Buttas, Co. Antrim, 18th November, 1864, aged 76; brother of Robert Stephen- son, M.A. 1813 (q.v.). STEPHENSON, JAMES ARMSTRONG, M.A. 1799. Died at Killally, Co. Antrim, 9th May, 1839, aged 57 ; brother of Robert Stephenson, M.A. 1813 (q.v.). STEPHENSON, ROBERT, M.A. 1813. M.D. Edin. 1817; Physician in Belfast; died at Wellington Place there, 21st September, 1869, aged 75; brother of George Alex. Stephenson, M.A. 1805 (q.v.), James Armstrong Stephenson, M.A. 1799 (q.v.), and Samuel Martin Stephenson, M.A. 1799 (q.v.). STEPHENSON, SAMUEL MARTIN, M.A. 1799. Superintending Surgeon-General of the Presidency of Madras ; died in India, July, 1834, aged 50; brother of Robert Stephenson, M.A. 1813 (q.v.). STEPHENSON, WILLIAM, CM. 1826. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. STERLING, WILLIAM, M.A. 1742. "Alex ri F. in Paroch. Donaghedi & Comit. Tyrone, Gen." [Matric. Alb. 1739]- STEUART, JOHN WILLOX, B.L. 1880. Writer, Glasgow. STEVEN, JAMES, M.A. 1762. "Filiusnatu maximus Joannis in Urbe Glasguae" [Matric. Alb. 1755]. STEVEN, JAMES, M.A. 1776. Minister of (1) Albion Street Chapel, Glasgow, (2) Lochwinnoch; died 21st June, 1801. STEVEN, JAMES, D.D. 1817. Minister of (1) Crown Court Chapel, London, (2) Kilwinning; "The Calf" of Burns; died 15th February, 1824, aged 63. STEVEN, JAMES, M.D. 1848. Volunteered to act, and acted, in the cholera epidemic in Dumfries, 1848; Practitioner in Glasgow, 1849-73; born at Hamilton, 1827; died 1873. 2 o 578 ROLL OF GRADUATES STEVEN, JOHN LINDSAY, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1884. (Brunton Prizeman) j Glasgow : Assistant to Professor of Clinical Medicine in the University, 1883-90; sometime Professor of Pathology in St. Mungo's College and Lecturer on Pathology in Queen Margaret College. STEVEN, SAMUEL, M.A. 1882, LL.B. 1884. Writer, Glasgow. STEVEN, WILLIAM M'CULLOCH, M.A. 1892, B.D. 1895. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. STEVENS, JOHN BARR, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow; Lenzie; Renfrew. STEVENS, ROBERT, B.A. 1854, M.A. 1855. Congregational Minister at Coleford, Gloucestershire; retired 1896. STEVENSON, ALAN, LL.B. 1840. Civil Engineer, Edinburgh; appointed Engineer to the Northern Lighthouse Board, 1843, and designed a number of Lighthouses, including the Skerry vore Tower ; presented with medals by the Emperor of Russia and the Kings of Prussia and Holland; born at Edinburgh, 28th April, 1807; died at Portobello, 23rd December, 1865; M.A. Edin. 1826; F.R.S.E. STEVENSON, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1749. Of Dolgain, Ayrshire ; Professor of Practice of Medicine in the University of Glasgow, 1766-89; died 29th May, 1791. STEVENSON, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1895. South Shields. STEVENSON, ARCHIBALD, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. STEVENSON, DAVID, M.A. 1766. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. STEVENSON, DAVID LYON, M.A. 1892, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. STEVENSON, HENRY, M.A. 1766. Librarian to the University of Glasgow, 1772-73; Minister of Blantyre, 1773- 1808 ; died 27th December, 1808, aged 70. STEVENSON, HUGH, M.A. 1884. Law Clerk, Glasgow. STEVENSON, HUGH, M.A. 1888. F.C. Minister at Dunblane. STEVENSON, HUGH, M.B., CM. 1895. Rothwell, Leeds. STEVENSON, JAMES, M.A. 1832. Minister of (1) Newton-upon-Ayr, (2) Free Church there; died 30th September, 1865, aged 55. ROLL OF GRADUATES 579 STEVENSON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1878. Clydebank. STEVENSON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1891. Glasgow ; Kilmalcolm. STEVENSON, JOHN, M.A. 1734. STEVENSON, JOHN, M.A. 1791. Eldest son of Professor Alexander Stevenson, M.D. 1749 (q.v.). STEVENSON, JOHN, M.A. 1816. Church of Scotland Missionary to Bombay, 1823-34; Assistant Chaplain to East India Company, 1834-41; Chaplain, 1841-54; Minister of Ladykirk, 1855-58; died nth August, 1858, aged 60; D.D. St. Andrews, 1836. STEVENSON, JOHN, M.D. 1824. Probably Rothesay. STEVENSON, JOHN, CM. 1824. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. STEVENSON, JOHN, M.A. 1826. "Fil. n. 2 dus Thomae Mercat. Glasg." [Matric. Alb. 1821]. STEVENSON, JOHN, B.A. 1829, M.A. 1830. Minister, Derby. STEVENSON, JOHN, M.A. 1862, B.D. 1868. Minister of Kilcreggan. STEVENSON, JOHN, M.B. 1874. Sunderland; Forfar; Surgeon-Major, Army. STEVENSON, JOHN, M.A. 1877. Chemist, High Smithston, Kilwinning. STEVENSON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1894. Troon ; Armadale ; Paisley. STEVENSON, JOHN JAMES, B.A. 1850, M.A. 1851. Architect in (1) Glasgow, (2) London. STEVENSON, MATHEW, CM. 1828. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. STEVENSON, NATHANIEL, M.A. 1888, M.B., CM. 1893. Govan ; Galashiels. STEVENSON, RALPH DRUMMOND, M.B., CM. 1879. Glasgow; London; Creswick, Victoria, Australia; Daylesford there; Mount Franklin there; Ballarat there; died 1897. STEVENSON, ROBERT, M.A. 1831. Minister of (1) Airdrie, (2) Forfar; born 7th February, 181 2; died 21st March, 1877. 580 ROLL OF GRADUATES STEVENSON, ROBERT, M.A. 1876. Minister of Dunfermline. STEVENSON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1887. Greenock ; Innellan. STEVENSON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1890. Thornhill, Dumfriesshire; Brandon Colliery, Co. Durham; Prince Albert, Cape Colony. STEVENSON, ROBERT HORNE, M.A. 1884. Chaplain (Church of Scotland) at Madras, India. STEVENSON, ROBERT T., M.A. 1835. Brother of Samuel Stevenson, M.A. 1835 (q.v.), and "filius natu maximus Joannis agricolae in parochia de Glendermot et comitatu de Derry " [Matric. Alb. 1832]. STEVENSON, SAMUEL, M.A. 1835. Younger brother of Robert T. Stevenson, M.A. 1835 (q.v.). STEVENSON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1853. Son of James Stevenson, Saddler, Kilmarnock ; died of pulmonary disease almost immediately after graduation. STEVENSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1878. Minister of (1) Middle Kirk, Perth, (2) Auchtertool. STEVENSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1889. Teacher (1) in Hermitage School, Helensburgh, (2) under Go van School Board. STEVENSON, WILLIAM FERRIE, M.A. 1856. Minister of Rutherglen. STEVENSON, WILLIAM FLEMING, B.A. 1850, M.A. 1851. Presbyterian Minister in Dublin; D.D. Edin. 1881 ; died 16th September, 1886, aged 54. STEVENSON, WRIGHT ALEXANDER, M.A. 1871. Sometime engaged in private teaching, but not now following any profession, being possessed of private means ; resident at 1 7 Albert Drive, Crosshill, Glasgow. STEWART, ADAM BELL, M.A. 1896. Master of Mathematics and Physics in School of Agriculture, Ghizet, Cairo, Egypt. STEWART, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1773- "Filius natu maximus Gulielmi Mercatoris in Urbe Belfast, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1769]. STEWART, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1 820. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 58 1 STEWART, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1832. Minister of (1) Killin, (2) Free Church there; resigned 15th May, 1880; died 30th August, 1883. STEWART, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1843. "Filius nat. max. Joannis Agricolae in com. de Perth" [Matric. Alb. 1839]. STEWART, ALEXANDER, LL.D. 1854. Minister of Douglas, 1820-62; died 14th November, 1862, aged 81. STEWART, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1862. Staff- Assistant-Surgeon, Army ; Tuapeka, New Zealand. STEWART, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1866. Aberfeldy; Glasgow; died 21st February, 1868. STEWART, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1876. Huddersfield; died 7th September, 1891. STEWART, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1878, M.D. 1881. Glasgow ; Attercliffe, Yorks. ; Manchester. STEWART, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1879, B.D. 1881. Minister of E.U. (Congregational) Church, Ayr. STEWART, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1880. Uphall, Linlithgowshire. STEWART, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1881. Minister, Essendean, North Melbourne, Australia. STEWART, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1890. Teacher at (1) Fraserburgh, (2) Kincardine-on-Forth, (3) Tarbert, Lochfyne. STEWART, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1895. Larkhall. STEWART, ALEXANDER HAMILTON, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow; Sunderland. STEWART, ALEXANDER MORRIS, M.A. 1889. Minister of High Street Free Church, Arbroath, since 1897. STEWART, ALEXANDER PATRICK, M.D. 1838. London : sometime Lecturer on Medicine at Middlesex Hospital ; died 17th July, 1883, aged 70. STEWART, ALLAN, M.D. 1844. Paisley. STEWART, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow ; Trentham, Staffs. ; Minas-Geraes, Brazil ; Rio de Janeiro ; New South Wales. STEWART, ARCHIBALD DUNLOP, CM. 1833. Greenock; died 1890. 5 82 ROLL OF GRADUATES STEWART, ARCHIBALD DUNLOP, M.B. 1874- Greenock ; Glasgow. STEWART, ARTHUR, M.D. 1820. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. STEWART, CHARLES, M.A. 1866. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland; sometime Assistant to the Rev. Thomas Monro, D.D., Minister of Campsie; died 30th July, 1870, aged 29; brother of Robert Stewart, D.D. 1891 (q.v.). STEWART, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow ; Ship Surgeon ; Old Cumnock ; Auchinleck ; Glasgow. STEWART, CHARLES M'DANIEL, M.A. 1773. "Filius secundus Irvini Pastoris Derrykighan Parochiae in Comitatu de Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1771]; Armagh Bursar, 1775; "is to be a Clergyman in the established Church in Ireland" [Univ. Minute, 4th March, 1775]. STEWART, CHARLES WILLIAM, M.A. 1877, M.B., CM. 1881, M.D. 1883. Leith ; Glasgow. STEWART, CHARLES WILLIAM, M.A. 1894. Student of Law; son of Professor William Stewart (q.v.). STEWART, DAVID, M.A. 18 19. Minister of (1) Kinlochspelvie, (2) Ardnamurchan ; found dead in bed, 8th May, i860. STEWART, DONALD, M.D. 1821, CM. 1823. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. STEWART, DONALD, M.B. 1874, M.D. 1876. Blackburn ; Nottingham. STEWART, FREDERIC RICHARDSON, M.A. 1895. Student of Medicine; son of Professor William Stewart (q.v.). STEWART, GEORGE, B.A. 1848, M.A. 1849. "Filius natu minimus defuncti Gabrielis agricolae in parochia de Conwall et comitat de Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1846]. STEWART, GEORGE CLARK, M.B., CM. 1891. Ship Surgeon ; Castor, near Peterborough ; Glasgow. STEWART, GEORGE SHAW, M.A. 1891. Minister of the U.P. Church at Inverness. STEWART, HENRY, M.A. 1881. Native of Arbroath; became a Journalist; no further particulars ascertained. STEWART, HORATIO AGNEW, M.D. 1841. Professor of Materia Medica in Queen's College, Belfast; died 1857, aged 36. STEWART, HUGH GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1889. Dunbar ; London ; Chapeltown, Yorks. ; Normanton there. ROLL OF GRADUATES 583 STEWART, JACOB, M.A. 1769. "Jacobi Filius natu unicus Agricolae in Parochia de Rathfryland in Com. de Doune Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1766]. STEWART, JAMES, M.A. 1734. STEWART, JAMES, M.A. 181 5. " Filius Natu Max. Joannis Mercatoris apud Ballybay in comitatu de Monaghan" [Matric. Alb. 1809, page 382]. STEWART, JAMES, M.D. 1852. Glasgow; died nth August, 1873, aged 67. STEWART, JAMES, M.D. 1864, CM. 1868. Whitby; died at Dunoon, 27th July, 1895. STEWART, JAMES, M.D., CM. 1866, D.D. 1893. F.C. Missionary to Lovedale, South Africa; ordained 1st February, 1865; "one of Dr. Livingstone's (q.v.) companions in his African journeys" [Univ. Minute, 25th May, 1865]. STEWART, JAMES, M.A. 1873. See Stuart, James Maitland. STEWART, JAMES, B.L. 1882. Deputy-Clerk of Glasgow School Board. STEWART, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1895. Newton, Lanarkshire. STEWART, JAMES ALLAN, M.B., CM. 1888. Falkirk; Australia; Glasgow; Normanton, Yorks. STEWART, JAMES EDMUND FERGUSSON, M.B., CM. 1895. Guildford, Western Australia. STEWART, JAMES PICKERING, M.B., CM. 1870. Carlisle; Manchester; London; Gosberton, Lines.; died 1888. STEWART, JOHN, M.A. 1731. STEWART, JOHN, M.A. 1772. " Filius natu maximus Joannis Agricolae in Parochia de Lifford in Comitatu de Donegal in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1771]. STEWART, JOHN, M.A. 1818. Minister of (1) Oldham Street Church, Liverpool, (2) Sorn, (3) Liberton; born at Greenock, 26th June, 1793; died 27th December, 1879. STEWART, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1886. Kirkintilloch; Batley, Yorks. STEWART, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1886, M.D. 1891. Glasgow. STEWART, JOHN, M.A. 1892. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. 584 ROLL OF GRADUATES STEWART, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1893. Ferryhill, Durham ; Beith. STEWART, JOHN, M.A. 1894. Merchant, Rothesay. STEWART, JOHN, M.A. 1895. Student of Law. STEWART, JOHN, M.A. 1896. Student of Medicine. STEWART, JOHN BARCLAY, M.A. 1883, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow ; Haslingden, Lanes. ; Glasgow ; Derby ; Glasgow. STEWART, JOHN GRAHAM, B.Sc. 1886. Engineer and Ironmaster in Glasgow; Director of A. & J. Stewart & Clydesdale, Limited; son of Andrew Stewart, founder (1896) of the Political Economy Chair in the University. STEWART, JOHN LINDSAY, M.D. 1853. H.M. Indian Medical Service, Bengal; died at Dalhousie, Punjaub, India, 5th July, 1873, aged 42. STEWART, JOHN MITCHELL YOUNG, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow; Albany, Western Australia; Guildford there. STEWART, JOHN ROBERT WATSON, M.A. 1883. Teacher in Wellpark Public School, Glasgow. STEWART, JOHN WILLIAM, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1886. English Presbyterian Minister at Cleator Moor. STEWART, MATTHEW, D.D. 1756. Minister of Rosneath, 1745-47; Professor of Mathematics in University of Edinburgh, 1747 to 1785; father of Professor Dugald Stewart; born at Manse of Rothesay, 17 17 ; died 23rd January, 1785. STEWART, PAUL, M.B., CM. 1889. Ship Surgeon; Glasgow. STEWART, PETER, M.D. 1845. Glasgow; died 10th May, 1883, aged 70. STEWART, PETER, M.A. 1863. Probationer of the U.P. Church; born at Campbeltown, 1839; died at Beith, 2nd April, 1868. STEWART, PETER, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1872. Glasgow ; Tain ; London ; Tokomairio, N.Z. STEWART, PETER, M.B., CM. 1872. Langley, Durham. STEWART, ROBERT, M.A. 1765. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 585 STEWART, ROBERT, M.A. 1806. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Broughshane, 1809-52; died 26th September, 1852, aged 70. STEWART, ROBERT, M.A. 1826, M.D. 1833. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. STEWART, ROBERT, CM. 1828. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. STEWART, ROBERT, M.D. 1837. Superintendent of Belfast Hospital for the Insane; died 6th April, 1875, aged 71. STEWART, ROBERT, M.D. 1839. Glasgow; Coatbridge; J.P.; died 31st December, 1883. STEWART, ROBERT, M.A. 1868, B.D. 1871, D.D. 1891. Minister of (1) Skelmorlie, (2) Duns, (3) North Leith, (4) Jedburgh, (5) New Greyfriars', Edinburgh. STEWART, ROBERT, M.B. 1873, M.D. 1875. Carluke; died 21st December, 1897. STEWART, ROBERT MITCHELL, M.A. 1884. F.C. Minister at Erskine. STEWART, ROBERT SLOSS, M.B., CM. 1883, M.D. 1886. Glasgow; Bridgend, Glam. STEWART, ROBERT WALTER, M.A. 1832. Minister (1) of Erskine, (2) of Free Church, Erskine, (3) at Leghorn; died 23rd November, 1887. STEWART, ROBERTA HENRIETTA MARGUERETTA, M.B., CM. 1896. Guildford, Western Australia. STEWART, THOMAS, M.A. 1760. Possibly the same person as Thomas Stewart, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Cootehill, 1766 to 1816, who died 10th December, 1816. STEWART, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1880. Glasgow ; Riversdale, Cape of Good Hope ; Pearstown there ; Pietretief there; Salisbury, Mashonaland. STEWART, THOMAS MACLACHLAN, M.A. 1880, LL.B. 1881. Writer, Glasgow. STEWART, THOMAS W., CM. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. STEWART, WALTER, M.A. 1765. " Filius natu tertius Gualteri quondam Rectoris Parochiae de Inskill in Com. de Donigal Hibernia " [Matric. Alb. 1764]. 586 ROLL OF GRADUATES STEWART, WALTER, M.A. 1892, B.Sc. 1895. Science Student at Berlin University. STEWART, WILLIAM, M.A. 1764. " Filius unicus Samuelis quondam Mercatoris in insula New Providence " [Matric. Alb. 1761]. STEWART, WILLIAM, M.A. 1781. " Filius natu sextus Joannis Agricolae in Parochia de Clogher Comitatu Tyronne in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1777]. STEWART, WILLIAM, M.A. 1810. " Hibernia " [Grad. Alb.]. STEWART, WILLIAM, CM. 1818. Carrickfergus, Co. Antrim; died 18th May, 1861, aged 63. STEWART, WILLIAM, M.D. 1835. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. STEWART, WILLIAM, M.D. 1837, CM. 1851. Bacup, Lanes.; died 4th August, 1894, aged 79. STEWART, WILLIAM, B.A. 1853, M.A. 1854. "Filius natu max. Joannis V.D.M. apud Port Stewart et comitatu de Londonderry" [Grad. Alb. 185 1]. STEWART, WILLIAM, M.D. 1854. Whitehaven; Cockermouth; Diss, Norfolk; London; Oamaru, Otago, N.Z. ; Rothesay. STEWART, WILLIAM, M.D. 1855. Portadown, Co. Armagh. STEWART, WILLIAM, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1862, B.D. 1867, D.D. 1874. Degree Examiner on Mental Philosophy in Glasgow University, 1867-70 ; Minister of St. George's-in-the-Fields, Glasgow, 1868-75; Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism in Glasgow University since 1873; Clerk of Senate since 1876; Member of University Court (as Senate's Assessor) since 1889; born 15th August, 1835. STEWART, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1889. Ship Surgeon ; Rutherglen ; Gourock. STEWART, WILLIAM, M.A. 1891. Barrister-at-Law, London. STEWART, WILLIAM, M.A. 1895. Student of Law. STEWART, WILLIAM ALEXANDER, M.A. 1885. Minister, Brantford, Ontario, Canada. STEWART, WILLIAM KIPPEN, M.D. 1858. Surgeon-Major, Army. ROLL OF GRADUATES 587 STIELL, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1886, M.D. 1896. Surgeon-Captain, Army. STIRLING, ALEXANDER, LL.D. 1802. Minister of Tillicoultry, 1795 to 1807; died 13th March, 1807, aged 46. STIRLING, ALEXANDER, CM. 1824. "Stirlingshire" [Grad. Alb.]. STIRLING, CAMPBELL A. G., M.A. 1824, M.D. 1827. "F. n. unic. Samuelis de Glorat Baronetti" [Matric. Alb. 181 9]; went to West Indies almost immediately after graduating in Medicine. STIRLING, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1876. London. STIRLING, JAMES, M.D. 1830. " Scotus " [Grad. Alb.]. STIRLING, JAMES, M.A. 1889, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow ; Leeds. STIRLING, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. STIRLING, JOHN, D.D. 1812. Minister of Craigie, 1806-46 ; died 13th January, 1846. STIRLING, PATRICK, M.D. 1852. Johnstone; died 17th May, 1864, aged 44. STIRLING, PETER, M.D. 1832. Glasgow; died 1846. STIRLING, ROBERT, M.A. 1785. Minister of Dunblane, 1791 to 1817; died 17th October, 1817, aged 52. STIRLING, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow ; New Cumnock. STIRLING, ROBERT MACGREGOR, M.A. 1820. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. STIRLING, SAMUEL, M.A. 1769. " Caroli filius natu tertius Agricolae in Parochia de Bovevah in Comitatu de Londonderry, Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1767]. STIRLING, WILLIAM, M.A. 1892. U P. Minister at Inveraray. STIRLING-MAXWELL, SIR WILLIAM. See Maxwell. STIRTON, JOHN, M.A. 1894. Qualifying for Ministry of Church of Scotland. STIT, WILLIAM, M.A. 1767. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Moira, 1775-77, (2) Dungannon, 1777-1803; died 1 st September, 1803. 588 ROLL OF GRADUATES STITT, HUGH, M.D. 1848. Moniaive. STOBBS, JOHN GARROW, M.A. 1864. Minister (1) in Scots Church, Collins Street, Melbourne, (2) of West Presbyterian Church there; born at Stromness, Orkney, 1st July, 1840; died 10th August, 1882. STOBO, GEORGE, M.D. 1844. Renfrew. STOBO, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1891. Sunderland. STODDART, JAMES, M.A. 1753. " Filius Thomae Stodart in Parochia de Yarrow in Comit. de Selkirk " [Matric. Alb. 1748]. STODDART, JAMES HASTIE, LL.D. 1886. Engaged in business pursuits in Edinburgh, Leith, and Glasgow up to 1862; Sub-Editor of the Glasgow Herald, 1862-70; Assistant-Editor, 1870-75; Editor, 1875-88; born at Sanquhar, 6th February, 1832; died at Lennoxtown, nth April, 1888. STODDART, JOHN, M.A. 1788. " Filius natu Tertius Thomae Agricolae in parochia de Tynran in comitatu de Dumfries" [Matric. Alb. 1782]. STODDART, ROBERT, M.A. 1820. A younger brother of Thomas Stoddart, M.D. 181 3 (q.v.). STODDART, THOMAS, M.D. 1813. Brother of Robert Stoddart, M.A. 1820 (q.v.), and "filius natu maximus Joannis Medici, in insula de Arren natus " [Matric Alb. 1805]. STOKES, GABRIEL, M.D. 1834. Sometime Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence in Park Street Medical School, Dublin; thereafter Practitioner at Mullingar, Westmeath; born 8th April, 1806; died 8th April, 1881. STONE, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1887. Coatbridge ; Northampton. STONE, GEORGE, M.A. 1809. " Filius natu secundus Roberti, Agricolae in parochia de Maghera in comitatu de Deny" [Matric. Alb. 1806]. STONE, SAMUEL, M.A. 1782. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. STONE, SAMUEL WADE, B.A. 1841. " Filius unicus Samuelis Stone Armigeri in comitatu de Gloucester " [Matric. Alb. 1840.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 589 STONEBRIDGE, WILLIAM HENRY, M.A. 1885. U.P. Minister at Cullen. STORER, DAVID HONEYMAN, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow; died 1889. STORER, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1879. Glasgow; Coatbridge; died at Tighnabruaich, 28th July, 1889, aged 30. STORER, JOHN, M.A., M.D. 1771. Grantham. STORIE, EBENEZER, CM. 1817. Probably Kilsyth. STORIE, GEORGE HENRY, M.D. 1786. " Filius Natu Maximus Thomae Mercatoris Londini Natus " [Matric. Alb. 1781]. STORMONT, DAVID DUNCAN, M.A. 1887. F.C. Missionary to Lovedale, South Africa. STORRY, JOHN, M.A. 1786. " Filius natu Maximus Andreae Agricolae in Parochia de Shotts, comitatu de Lanark" [Matric. Alb. 1780]. STOTHERT, SAMUEL KELSON, LL.D. 1859. Head Master of Woodstock Grammar School, 1851-53; Chaplain in Her Majesty's Navy, 1853-70, serving at the Bombardment of Sebastopol and the Battle of Alma; Founder and first Incumbent of St. Andrew's, Constantinople, 1856-58; Cromarty Mission, N.B., 1858-60; Curate of Holy Trinity, Portsea, 1860-67; Incumbent of Holy Trinity, Malta, 1870-71; Curate of St. Giles, Camberwell, 1871-72; Vicar of Northam, Hants., 1872-73; Vicar of Ordsall since 1873; B.A. Oxon. 185 1; M.A. 1856. STOUPPE, JAMES, M.A. 1767. Irish Presbyterian Minister at (1) Enniskillen, 1769-72, (2) Dunmurry, 1772-80, when resigned. STOUT, THOMAS, M.A. 1871, B.L. 1875. Writer, Glasgow. STOWELL, HERBERT, M.A. 1893. Minister of the Congregational Church at Olton, Birmingham, since 1895. STOWELL, JOHN HILTON, M.A. 1887. Congregational Minister at (1) Barry, Cardiff, (2) Lightcliffe, Halifax. STOWELL, WILLIAM HENDRY, D.D. 1849. Congregational Minister at (1) North Shields, (2) Masborough; thereafter President of (1) Rotherham College, (2) Cheshunt College; died 2nd January, 1858, aged 58. STRACHAN, BENJAMIN, M.B., CM. 1877. M.A. Aberdeen, i860; Sunderland, 590 ROLL OF GRADUATES STRACHAN, JAMES, M.A. 1850. Minister of Barvas; died 22nd September, 1892. STRACHAN, JAMES, M.A. 1884. (1) Teacher in Abbotsford Public School, Glasgow; (2) Teacher in Garnethill Public School there; (3) Head Master of Central Higher Grade School, Salford. STRACHAN, PETER DONALD, M.A. 1893. Student of Medicine; son of James Strachan, M.A. 1850 (q.v.). STRACHAN, RODERICK REID, M.A. 1888. (1) Teacher at Dunoon; (2) Teacher at Poolewe, Ross-shire; (3) Teacher at Lionel, Lewis; (4) Sub-Inspector of Schools; son of James Strachan, M.A. 1850 (q.v.). STRAIN, ANDREW, M.A. 1771. Brother of Thomas Strain, M.A. 1771 (q.v.), and "filius natu maximus Thomae Mercatoris in urbe Middletoun in Comitatu de Armagh in Hibernia " [Matric. Alb. 1770]. STRAIN, THOMAS, M.A. 1771. Younger brother of Andrew Strain, M.A. 177 1 (q.v.). STRAIN, WILLIAM LOUDON, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow ; Minas Geraes, Brazil ; Sao Paulo there. STRANAGHAN, DAVID, M.D. 185 1. Gateshead ; Staff-Assistant-Surgeon, Army. STRANG, CHRISTOPHER, M.B. 1872. Harrington ; Workington ; Cradock, Cape of Good Hope. STRANG, GEORGE, M.A. 1874. Minister of Newport Road English Presbyterian Church, Middlesborough ; died 26th December, 1889, aged 41, at Myrtle Park House, Crosshill, Glasgow. STRANG, GEORGE WALTER, M.A. 1868. Minister of (1) Martyrs', Paisley, (2) Campbeltown. STRANG, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1888. Ship Surgeon ; Thornliebank. STRANG, JOHN, M.D. 1833. Westbourne; Brighton; sometime Surgeon, R.N.; died at Brighton, 21st July, 1865, aged 86. STRANG, JOHN, LL.D. 1847. City Chamberlain of Glasgow, 1834-63; died there, 8th December, 1863, aged 68 ; author of Glasgow and its Clubs. STRANG, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1872. Airdrie ; Arlecdon, Cumberland ; Airdrie ; Tighnabruaich ; Kames, Kyles of Bute; died 24th February, 1895. ROLL OF GRADUATES 591 STRANG, PETER, M.D. 1828. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. STRANG, WALTER, M.A. 1894. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. STRANGE, ROBERT, M.D. 1820. London. STREAN, WILLIAM, CM. 1824. " Hibernus " [Grad. Alb.]. STRONG, CHARLES, D.D. 1887. Minister of (1) Old West Kirk, Greenock, (2) Anderston, Glasgow, (3) Scots Church, Melbourne, (4) Australian Church there. STRONG, DAVID, B.A. 1859, M.A. i860, D.D. 1882. Minister of (1) Barr, (2) Hillhead, Glasgow. STRONG, DAVID ROBERT THOMSON, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow; Hawick; son of David Strong, D.D. (q.v.). STRONG, HERBERT AUGUSTUS, LL.D. 1882. (1) Assistant to Professor of Humanity in Glasgow University, 1865-71 ; (2) Professor of Classics in University of Melbourne, 1871-84; (3) Professor of Latin in University College, Liverpool ; Preliminary Examiner on French in Glasgow University since 1894; B.A. Oxon. 1863; M.A. 1870. STRUTHERS, ANDREW, M.A. 1890. Teacher in (1) Crosshill Public School, Strathaven, 1889-92, (2) Sciennes Public School, Edinburgh, 1892-94, (3) Public School, Galston, since 1894. STRUTHERS, GAVIN, D.D. 1843. Minister of the Relief and U.P. Church, Anderston, Glasgow; died nth July, 1858, aged 68. STRUTHERS, JOHN, M.A. 1884. H.M. Inspector of Schools; B.A. Oxon. 1885. STRUTHERS, SIR JOHN, LL.D. 1885. M.D. Edin. 1845; (0 Lecturer on Anatomy in Extra-Mural School, Edinburgh; (2) Professor of Anatomy in University of Aberdeen, 1863-89, when retired; Knighted 1898. STRUTHERS, JOHN, M.A. 1894. Senior Tutor in The Glasgow Civil Service and Preparatory College, 213 Buchanan Street, Glasgow. STRUTHERS, JOHN PATERSON, M.A. 1873. Reformed Presbyterian Minister at (1) Whithorn, (2) Greenock. STRUTHERS, ROBERT THOMSON, M.A. 1878. No occupation; died at 221 High Holborn, London, W.C., 15th July, 1890, aged 35 ; latterly known as Robert Thomson Struthers-D'Algar. 592 ROLL OF GRADUATES STRUTHERS, WILLIAM, M.A. 1825. Minister of (1) St. Leonard's, Perth, (2) Carstairs ; died 14th December, 1887. STRUTHERS, WILLIAM, M.A. 1884. (a) Probationer of the Church of Scotland, and Assistant to Ministers of (1) St. James's, Glasgow, (2) Lenzie, (3) Brechin, (4) Arbroath; (b) engaged in business at Cape Town, South Africa. STRUTT, JOHN WILLIAM. See Rayleigh, Baron. STUART, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1885, LL.B. 1888. Litterateur; resident at Stanley Villa, Langside, Glasgow. STUART, ALEXANDER MOODY. See Moody-Stuart. STUART, CHARLES, "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. STUART, EMMELINE MARIE, Edinburgh ; London. STUART, HAMISH HAY, Advocate, Edinburgh; LL.B. Edin. STUART, JAMES, "Sc. Hib." [Grad. Alb.]. STUART, JAMES, STUART, JAMES, Engineer : of Eastwood Engine Works, Pollokshaws, and 24 George Square, Glasgow ; Secretary and Manager of The Haythorn Tubulous Boiler Syndicate, Limited. STUART, JAMES HAMILTON, CM. 1836. Ballycastle, Co. Antrim. STUART, JAMES MAITLAND, M.A. 1873. (1) Minister of English Presbyterian Church at Wallington, Surrey; (2) resident there, and engaged in literary work ; graduated as " James Stewart." STUART, JOHN, D.D. 1795. Minister of (1) Arrochar, (a) Weem, (3) Luss; died 24th May, 1821, aged 78; an eminent Gaelic scholar and translator; married 24th July, 1792, a lady whom he had baptized in infancy. STUART, JOHN, CM. 1828. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. STUART, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1871. Pollokshaws; died 1886, M.A. 1785. M.B. , CM. 1895. M.A. 1882. M.A. 1738. M.A. 1739- B.Sc. 1888. ROLL OF GRADUATES 593 STUART, JOHN, M.A. 1881. Snell Exhibitioner, 1877; B.A. Oxon. 1881 ; Mathematical Tutor, Pembroke Lodge, Richmond, 1887-88; Science Master, Cathedral Grammar School, Ely, 1888-89; Tutor in Natural Science, University College, Jamaica, 1889-92 ; Senior Mathematical Instructor, St. Paul's School, Garden City, U.S.A., 1892-93; Senior Mathematical Master, Condon School, New York, U.S.A., 1893-97. STUART, JOHN PATRICK CRICHTON. See Bute, Marquess of. STUART, WILLIAM, CM. 1828. Cootehill, Co. Cavan. STUART, WILLIAM, M.A. 1875, B.D. 1878. English Presbyterian Minister at Wallsend-on-Tyne. STUART, WILLIAM LOCH, M.D. 1863. Bothwell ; Forres. STUART, WILLIAM MILLER, CM. 1822, M.D. 1823. "F. n. max. Joannis mercatoris Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1814]. STUART, WILLIAM SWAN, CM. 1825. Dumbarton; died 1st July, 1858, aged 58. STURGEON, JOHN, M.A. 1804. Minister of 1st Boardmills Presbyterian Church, Co. Down, Ireland, 1810-40; born 1782; died 22nd December, 1840. STURGEON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1732. " Scoto. Hib. F. Alex" Sturgeon de Newry in Comitat. Dunensi " [Matric. Alb. 173 1]. STURROCK, WILLIAM, M.A. 1753. " Filius natu maximus quondam Joannis Sturrock Mercatoris Londinensis " [Matric. Alb. 1749]. STYLES, OLIVER, B.Sc. 1896. Engineer, Santiago, Chili. SUCCOTH, LORD. See Campbell, Sir Ilay, Bart. SUDDARD, FRANCIS EDWARD, M.A. 1877. Williams' Bursar, 1872; sometime Teacher, 19 Tavistock Place, London, W.C. ; last known address, Postlargande, Metz, Germany. SUFFIELD, WILLIAM HENRY, M.D. 1839. Clifden, Co. Galway; died 23rd June, 1872, aged 56. SUGDEN, EBENEZER, M.B., CM. 1893. London ; Rochdale. SUGDEN, WILLIAM, B.A. 1851. " Scotus " [Grad. Alb.]. " Fil. nat. sec. Jacobi Verbi Dei Ministri " [Matric. Alb. 1849]. 2 P 594 ROLL OF GRADUATES SUGRUE, CHARLES, M.D. 1796. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SULIOT, EUGENE, M.A. 1820. "Gallus" [Grad. Alb.]. SULLIVAN, HENRY, M.D. 1832. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SULLIVAN, JAMES JOHN, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SULLIVAN, PERCIVAL, M.D. 1838. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. SUTCLIFFE, TOBIT, M.A. 1740. "Fil. Johan. Sutcliffe in Arundell in Comit. Eborac. Ang." [Matric. Alb. 1737]- SUTHERLAND, ANDREW, M.A. 1831. Minister (1) of St. Andrew's, Dunfermline, 1839-43, (2) of Free Church there, 1843-55, (3) at Gibraltar, 1855-67 ; died 18th October, 1867, aged 56. SUTHERLAND, ANDREW NIEL, M.A. 1878. Free Church Minister at (1) Muthill, (2) Rothesay; son of Andrew Sutherland, M.A. 1831 (q.v.). SUTHERLAND, ARTHUR, M.B., CM. 1869. Glasgow; Invergordon ; died 27th December, 1894, aged 51. SUTHERLAND, HUGH, M.A. 1887. Minister of Cumbernauld. SUTHERLAND, JAMES, CM. 1839, M.D. 1845. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. SUTHERLAND, JOHN, M.A. 1874. U.P. Minister at Dunbar. SUTHERLAND, LEWIS ROBERTSON, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow: Assistant to Professor Joseph Coats (q.v.) since 1891 ; son of Andrew Sutherland, M.A. 1831 (q.v.). SUTHERLAND, RODERICK TATE, M.B., CM. 1890. Melbourne. SUTHERLAND, WALTER, M.B. 1867, M.D., CM. 1870. Jura; West Hartlepool. SWAIL, GEORGE THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1878, M.D. 1885. Macclesfield. SWAN, ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER, B.Sc. 1877. Civil Engineer and Architect in Singapore and Native States of Malaya. SWAN, CECIL JOHN, M.A. 1881, LL.B. 1883. Sometime Writer in Greenock ; last ascertained address, Post Office, Sansalito, California, ROLL OF GRADUATES 595 SWAN, DAVID, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in Glasgow University. SWAN, MOSES, M.A. 1778. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. SWAN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1889, B.D. 1890. Minister of (1) Toward, (2) Old Kilpatrick. SWANSON, JAMES, M.A. i88r, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow : Lecturer on Botany in St. Mungo's College. SWANSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1887. Sometime Teacher, Church of Scotland Normal School, Glasgow, now in Cairo, Egypt. SWANSTON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1877, LL.B. 1880. Writer, Glasgow. SWEENEY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1837. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Killeshandra from 1841 till his death shortly after 31st December, 1867. SWEENIE, WILLIAM FREDERICK, M.B. 1870. Desertone, Co. Derry ; Carrigans, same Co. ; Newtowncunninghame, Co. Donegal j Jagersfontein, Orange Free State, S. Africa. SWEENY, JAMES, M.A. 182 1. " Filius natu minimus Gulielmi agricolae in parochia de Glendermott in Comitatu de Derry in Hyb." [Matric. Alb. 181 5]. SWEET, HENRY, LL.D. 1890. Philologist; of Balliol College, Oxford; B.A. thereof, 1873; M.A. 1876. SWETTENHAM, WILLIAM KILNER, M.D. 1840. Deputy Inspector-General, Army. SWIFT, BENJAMIN, M.D. 1840. Deputy Inspector-General, Army; died 6th February, 1896, aged 79. SWIFT, JACOB MEADE, M.D. 1836. Dublin. SWIM, DUNCAN ELIJAH, M.D. 1845. Hamilton; Newton-le-Willows, Lanes.; died 8th March, 1867. SWINTON, ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL, LLB. 1843. Of Kimmerghame, Advocate; Professor of Civil Law in University of Edinburgh, 1842 to 1862 ; died 27th November, 1890, aged 78; LL.D. Edin. i860. SYDENHAM, GEORGE MERVYN, M.B., CM. 1891. Exmouth, Devon; East Grinstead, Sussex; Exmouth; Sheffield; Exmouth. 596 ROLL OF GRADUATES SYM, ANDREW, M.A. 1815, D.D. 1838. Minister of East or New Kilpatrick, 1821-70 ; Member of Glasgow University Court (as Chancellor's Assessor), 1865 to 1870 j Secretary of Court for same period ; born in the Manse of East or New Kilpatrick (of which his father was Minister for 48 years), 27th December, 1795; died in the Manse, 22nd July, 1870. SYM, GEORGE OSWALD, M.A. 181 1. Intended for Ministry, but never licensed ; died of consumption, at Leghorn, 14th January, 1821, aged 29; brother of Andrew Sym, D.D. (q.v.). SYM, JAMES, M.D. 1827. Kilmarnock; Ayr; died 28th May, 1844, aged 50; brother of Andrew Sym, D.D. (q.v.). SYME, JAMES GREENSILL SKOTTOWE, M.A. 1886. Sometime Curate of Episcopal Church, Hamilton j Chaplain in India since 1893. SYME, JOHN, M.D. 1846. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. SYMES, GLASCOTT, M.D. 1833. Kingstown, Co. Dublin; died 17th February, 1895, aged 85. SYMINGTON, ALEXANDER BALFOUR, M.A. 1884. Editor of the Victorian Magazine and Atalanta. SYMINGTON, ALEXANDER MACLEOD, B.A. 1852. Minister of (1) R.P. Church, Dumfries, (2) St. Andrew's English Presbyterian Church, Birkenhead; died 14th April, 1891, aged 58. SYMINGTON, ANDREW, M.A. 1803, D.D. 1840. Minister of Reformed Presbyterian Church, Paisley, and Professor of Divinity to that body; born at Paisley, 26th June, 1785; died 22nd September, 1853. SYMINGTON, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow ; Forth, Lanarkshire ; Grange Town, Glam. ; Warwick. SYMINGTON, MICHAEL WILSON, M.B., CM. 1896. Lesmahagow. SYMONDS, WILLIAM, M.D. 1786. "Anglo-Brittannus" [Grad. Alb. J. SYSON, JOHN COCKBURN, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1892. Ship Surgeon ; Beith ; Glasgow. TAGERT, ROBERT MANSFIELD, M.D. 1837. Killygordon, Co. Tyrone ; Omagh, same Co. ; Carrickmacross, Co. Mona- ghan; Monkstown, Co. Dublin; Clones, Co. Monaghan. TAGGART, WILLIAM, M.A. 1778. Presbyterian Minister at Dunmurry, Co. Down, 1790 to 1805. ROLL OF GRADUATES 597 TAILOUR, GEORGE, M.D. 1768. "Who had practiced Medicine fifteen years in St. Christopher's with great approbation and success" [Univ. Minute, 23rd January, 1768]. TAIT, ANDREW, LL.B. 1854. Minister, Bangor Eris, Ireland. TAIT, ARCHIBALD CAMPBELL. See Canterbury, Archbishop of. TAIT, DAVID, M.A. 1834. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. TAIT, JAMES, M.D. 185 1. Crieff; died 1872. TAIT, JOHN HUNTER, M.A. 1885, LL.B. 1889. Advocate, Edinburgh. TAIT, THOMAS, M.A. 1887. Minister of Albert Park Presbyterian Church, Melbourne; B.D. St. Andrews. TAIT, WALTER, M.A. 1786. Minister of (1) Lundie and Foulis, (2) Tealing, (3) Trinity College Church, Edinburgh; deposed 1833 for "heresy"; his adherents erected another place of worship, and received him as their "Angel" or pastor till his death on 22nd February, 1841, aged 71; nephew of Admiral Viscount Duncan. TANIGUCHI, NAOSADA, B.Sc. 1878. Engineer, Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Tokio, Japan. TANNAHILL, JOHN, M.A. 1851. U.P. Minister at Penrith, 1858-85; born 26th July, 1828; died 23rd January, 1885. TANNAHILL, THOMAS FINDLAY, M.B., CM. 1880. Paisley ; Hatton, Warwickshire ; Wakefield ; Borstal, Kent ; London ; Glasgow; Queenstown, South Africa. TANNER, WILLIAM KEARNS, M.D. 1835. Professor of Surgery in Queen's College, Cork. TANNOCK, JOHN PORTER, M.B., CM. 1888. Greenock ; Koffyfontein, Orange Free State. TANT, EDWARD BOYLE, M.B., CM. 1887. Uddingston ; East Kilbride. TAPLIN, HORATIO LINDSAY, M.A. 1850. Unitarian Minister at (1) Todmorden, Yorkshire, (2) Kingswood, Birmingham; died 6th November, 1887, aged 58. TAPLIN, JAMES FRANCIS, M.D. 1863, CM. 1865. Calcutta ; Birmingham. TARBET, ROBERT TENNYSON, M.A. 1884. Minister of Buittle; B.D. Edin. 1887. 598 ROLL OF GRADUATES TARRELL, JOHN ALEXANDER, M.A. 1886. Schoolmaster, Cairo, Egypt. TATE, THOMAS, M.A. 1799. " Filius natu Maximus Jacobi Textoris in parochia de Knockbride in comitatu de Cavan in Hybernia " [Matric. Alb. 1795]. TAYLER, JOHN JAMES, B.A. 1818. Minister of (1) Brook Street Chapel, Manchester, 1820-53, (2) Little Portland Street Chapel, London, 1859-60; Professor at Manchester New College (which was removed to London in 1852), 1840-69; Principal thereof, 1853-69; died 28th May, 1869. TAYLER, THOMAS, M.A. 1813. "F. n. max. Viri Rev di Thomae V.D.M. London" [Matric. Alb. 181 2]. TAYLOR, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1785. " Has ... for several years past followed the profession of Surgery at Paisley" [Univ. Minute, 27th May, 1785]. TAYLOR, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1873. Glasgow. TAYLOR, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1892, LL.B. 1895. Advocate, Edinburgh. TAYLOR, ALEXANDER DOUGLAS, M.D. 1835. Fermoy, Co. Cork ; Surgeon-Major, Army ; Deputy Inspector-General ; died 19th November, 1873, aged 62. TAYLOR, ALEXANDER LUCAS, M.A. 1887. Classical Teacher in (1) Garnethill School, Glasgow, (2) Kelvinside Academy there, (3) Ayr Academy, (4) High School of Glasgow. TAYLOR, ALEXANDER OSWALD, M.A. 1894. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. TAYLOR, ANDREW, B.A. 1858. Merchant, Strath aven. TAYLOR, ARTHUR WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1889. Bradford, Yorks. TAYLOR, CLEMENT, M.D. 1841. "Hibernia" [Grad. Alb.]. TAYLOR, DANIEL MACPHERSON, M.A. 1886, M.B., CM. 1891. London. TAYLOR, DAVID, M.D. 1847. Paisley; died 13th September, 1888, aged 63. TAYLOR, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1882. Glasgow : sometime Lecturer on Dental Anatomy and Physiology in Anderson's College. ROLL OF GRADUATES 599 TAYLOR, DAVID GUILLAND, B.Sc. 1893. Apprentice to Warren & Stuart, Civil Engineers, Glasgow. TAYLOR, DAVID KISSOCK, M.D. 1850. Glasgow; died 10th January, 1862, aged 39. TAYLOR, FRANCIS, M.B., CM. 1884. Campbeltown; son of Alex. Taylor, sometime Master of Works to the University. TAYLOR, GEORGE, M.D. 1830. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. TAYLOR, GEORGE, M.D. 1852. M.A. Marisc. Coll., Aberdeen, 1826; M.R.C.S. Eng. 1828; Deputy Inspector-General of Army Hospitals; died at sea, 8th May, 1867. TAYLOR, GEORGE WALKER, M.A. 1891. F.C. Minister at Carlops. TAYLOR, JAMES, M.A. 1743. " Filius Laurentii Taylor in parochia de Standish in Com. Lancastriensi " [Matric. Alb. 1740]. TAYLOR, JAMES, M.A. 1762. Possibly the same person as James Taylor, Presbyterian Minister at Convoy, Co. Donegal, from 1766 to 1831, and who died 15th February, 1831. TAYLOR, JAMES, M.A. 1818. Independent Minister at (1) Blackburn, near Bathgate, (2) Airdrie; Baptist Minister (1) at Airdrie, (2) at Glasgow, (3) in England, (4) in Australia. TAYLOR, JAMES, M.A. 1834. Minister of Monzie; died there, 23rd January, 1893, aged 79. TAYLOR, JAMES, M.D. 1865. Glasgow; died 16th February, 1866, aged 22. TAYLOR, JAMES CRAIK, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. TAYLOR, JAMES JOHN BLACKBURN, M.B., CM. 1869. Ulverston, Lanes.; died 28th July, 1891. TAYLOR, JAMES REYNOLDS, M.D. 1835. Newtown-Mount-Kennedy, Co. Wicklow; Glenarney, same Co.; Wicklow; Staff-Surgeon, Liberating Army in Portugal, 1833-35; Honorary Physician to H.R.H. the Prince Consort; died 22nd July, 1874, aged 62. TAYLOR, JAMES THOMSON, M.A. 1896. Student of Law. TAYLOR, JAMES WILSON, M.A. 1870. Solicitor in (1) Glasgow, (2) Sydney, New South Wales, (3) Forbes, N.S.W.; Crown Lands Agent at latter. 6oo ROLL OF GRADUATES TAYLOR, JOHN, D.D. 1756. Minister of the Old Presbyterian Congregation, Octagon Chapel, Norwich. TAYLOR, JOHN, CM. 1829. Probably Ayr; "Diploma . . . lost in America" [Univ. Minute, 1st November, 1847]. TAYLOR, JOHN, M.D. 1848. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. TAYLOR, JOHN, M.D. 1849. Drum, Co. Monaghan; died 22nd December, 187 1. TAYLOR, JOHN, M.A. 1859. " Filius natu maximus Gulielmi mercatoris apud Kilmarnock in vice-comitatu de Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1853]. TAYLOR, JOHN, M.A. 1869. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. TAYLOR, JOHN, M.A. 1871. Teacher in Paisley Schools, viz., (1) George Street Central, 1871-76, (2) West, 1876-82, (3) Ferguslie, 1882-88, (4) Camphill since 1888. TAYLOR, JOHN, M.A. 1876, B.D. 1879. Assistant Chaplain, H.M. Bengal Establishment, 1880-90; Chaplain, same Establishment, since 1890. TAYLOR, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1893. Nantwich, Cheshire. TAYLOR, JOSEPH VAN SOMEREN, B.A. 1845. Missionary of (1) London Missionary Society, 1846-60, (2) Irish Presbyterian Church to India; born 1820; died 2nd June, 1881. TAYLOR, MALCOLM CAMPBELL, D.D. 1868. Minister of (1) New Kirk (Greyfriars), Dumfries, (2) First Charge, Montrose, (3) Crathie and Braemar, (4) Morningside, Edinburgh; Professor of Ecclesiastical History in Edinburgh University since 1876; Extra Chaplain to the Queen. TAYLOR, MALCOLM THOMAS SHIELL, M.A. 1886. Church of Scotland Missionary to the Jews, Alexandria, Egypt; B.D. Edin. 1888. TAYLOR, MATTHEW HAMILTON, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1878. Hampstead ; Johnstone. TAYLOR, MUNGO, M.A. 1791. " Filius natu maximus Jacobi Agricolae in parochia de Muthil et Comitat. de Perth" [Matric. Alb. 1784]. TAYLOR, PETER, M.A. 1884. F.C. Minister at Cluny. ROLL OF GRADUATES 601 TAYLOR, ROBERT, B.A. 1843. Medical Practitioner (L.F.P.S.G. 1852), Hesket, Cumberland; Caldbeck, same County. TAYLOR, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1892. Ayr. TAYLOR, ROBERT BRUCE, M.A. 1890. Minister of Loudoun Free Church, Newmilns, since 1896; son-in-law of John Gray M'Kendrick, M.D., Professor of Physiology in Glasgow University. TAYLOR, ROBERT DAVIE, M.D. 1872. Glasgow. TAYLOR, ROBERT GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1880. Graham's Town, Cape of Good Hope; Wepener, Orange Free State. TAYLOR, THOMAS, M.A. 1789, D.D. 1822. Minister of Tibbermuir, 1800-31; died 7 th December, 1831. TAYLOR, THOMAS GOURLAY, M.A. 1893. E.U. (Congregational) Minister at Eyemouth. TAYLOR, WALTER ROSS, D.D. 1891. Free Church Minister of (1) East Kilbride, 1862-68, (2) Kelvinside, Glas- gow, since 1868. TAYLOR, WILLIAM, D.D. 1783. Minister of (1) High Church, Paisley, (2) Cathedral, Glasgow; Principal of Glasgow University, 1803 to 1823; died 29th March, 1823. TAYLOR, WILLIAM, D.D. 1800. Sometime Preacher in the College Chapel, Glasgow; thereafter Minister of (t) Baldernock, (2) St. Enoch's, Glasgow; died 15th March, 1825, aged 78. TAYLOR, WILLIAM, CM. 1826. Ballymoney, Co. Antrim. TAYLOR, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1864. Surgeon-Major-General, Army. TAYLOR, WILLIAM, M.A. 1874. Teacher in (1) Kilblain Academy, Greenock, (2) Burgh School, Kirkcaldy, (3) Grammar School, Paisley, (4) South School, Paisley. TAYLOR, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1879, M.D. 1885. Chapelton, Jamaica; Kingston there ; Chapelton ; Kingston; Elmina, Gold Coast; died there, nth January, 1895, a S e d 4°- TAYLOR, WILLIAM, M.A. 1884. Minister of Melville Parish, Montrose. TAYLOR, WILLIAM CALLENDER, M.B., CM. 1884, M.D. 1892. Rutherglen ; Sheffield. 602 ROLL OF GRADUATES TAYLOR, WILLIAM COOK, M.A. 1876. (i) Minister of St. Columba, Oban, 1880-95, when resigned; (2) resident in Edinburgh, and acting as occasional preacher. TAYLOR, WILLIAM MACKERGO, M.A. 1849. Minister of (1) U.P. Church, Kilmaurs, 1853-55, (2) Presbyterian Church, Liverpool, 1855-72, (3) Broadway Tabernacle, New York, 1872-95 ; D.D. Yale, 1872; D.D. Amherst, 1872; LL.D. Princeton, 1883; born in Kilmarnock, 23rd October, 1829; died February, 1895. TEACHER, JOHN HAMMOND, M.A. 1888, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow : Underkeeper in Pathological Department of Hunterian Museum, Glasgow University, since 1894. TEARE, JOHN, M.D. 1842. " Isle of Man " [Grad. Alb.]. TEDLIE, ADAM, M.A. 1776. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. TELFER, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1800. Minister of Johnstone, 1807-40; died 2nd July, 1840. TELFER, ALEXANDER BELL, M.D. 1833. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. TELFORD, ARCHIBALD BARR, M.D. 1864. Bedlington, Northumberland ; Bury, Lanes. ; Whitefield, Lanes. ; Bury ; died 20th March, 1890, aged 47. TELFORD, JAMES CAMPBELL, M.D. 1850. Airdrie; Mount Elgin, Victoria, Australia; Elsternwick there; Cobran there. TEMPLE, CHARLES DUNBAR, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow ; Girvan ; Comrie. TEMPLE, LEWIS DUNBAR, M.B., CM. 1891. Dartford, Kent ; Carradale, Kintyre ; Barrow-in-Furness ; Rockferry. TEMPLEMAN, JAMES MITCHELL, M.A. 1896. Teacher in (1) St. Mungo's Academy, Glasgow, (2) Ayr Academy. TEMPLETON, ANDREW, M.A. 1885. Licentiate of the U.P. Church, but laid aside by illness; resident at his father's farm, Hillhead, Kilmaurs. TEMPLETON, ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1871. F.C. Missionary to Pachamba, 1871-76; Glasgow (Superintendent of Oxford Street Dispensary, Glasgow Medical Mission). TEMPLETON, ROBERT, M.A. 1852. Free Church Missionary to South Africa at (1) Lovedale, (2) Uitenhaye, (3) Bedford, (4) Grahamstown; ordained April, 1857; died 1886; brother of Thomas Templeton, M.A. 1863 (q.v.). ROLL OF GRADUATES 603 TEMPLETON, SAMUEL, M.A. 1813. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Balteagh, 1824-66; died nth September, 1866. TEMPLETON, THOMAS, M.A. 1863. Civil Engineer at (1) Lisbon, (2) Kinnoull, by Perth; brother of Robert Templeton, M.A. 1852 (q.v.). TEMPLETON, WILLIAM SANDILANDS, M.A. 1893, B.Sc. 1896. Science Master in Allan Glen's Institution, Glasgow. TENNANT, DANIEL, B.A. 1857. Teacher in Kilblain Academy, Greenock, 1858-63; afterwards Probationer of U.P. Church; died 4th August, 1868, aged 35. TENNANT, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1870. Glasgow ; Newcastle-on-Tyne ; Ambleside ; Melrose ; London ; Matlock- Bath, Derbyshire ; Ben Rhydding, Yorks. ; Harrogate. TENNANT, WILLIAM, M.A. 1778. " Filius natu secundus Joannis Agricolae in Parochia de Ochiltree & Comitatu de Air" [Matric. Alb. 1777} TENNANT, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1795. Chaplain to Colonel Fullarton's Regiment. TENNENT, GAVIN PATERSON, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1870. Glasgow: Assistant to Professor John Black Cowan (q.v.), 1868-80; Physician and Lecturer on Clinical Medicine in Western Infirmary; resigned 1897. TENNENT, JAMES, M.D. 1813. Coatbridge. TENNENT, JAMES HILL, B.L. 1896. Writer, Glasgow; died at Woodside, Inverkip, 4th May, 1897, aged 24. TENNENT, JOHN, M.D. 1832. "Fil. n. max. Joannis Merc. Glasg." [Matric. Alb. 1823]. TENNENT, JOHN, B.L. 1890. Writer, Glasgow. TENNENT, JOSEPH THOM, M.B., CM. 1882. Balfron ; Bathgate. TENNENT, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1894. Bothwell ; Johannesburg, Transvaal ; accidentally killed at Fort- Martin, Rho- desia, 27th July, 1897. TENNENT. ROBERT, M.A. 1896. Student of Law. TERNAN, JOHN, M.D. 1850. Fleet Surgeon, R.N. ; Dublin ; Halifax, Nova Scotia. TERRY, WILLIAM, M.D. 1829. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. 604 ROLL OF GRADUATES THEOBALD, ROBERT MASTERS, M.A. 1850. Surgeon (M.R.GS.E. 1856), Cambridge; London. THEOPHILUS, DAVID, M.A. 1879. Native of Aberystwyth; (1) Methodist Minister; (2) Fruit Farmer, West Palmdale, Los Angelos County, California, U.S.A. THIERENS, MATTHIAS, M.D. 1816. "Esequibo" [Grad. Alb.]. THOM, ALEXANDER, CM. 1826. Probably Cumnock or Airdrie. THOM, ANDREW, M.D. 1849. Stranraer ; Government Emigration Service ; Port-Elizabeth, Cape of Good Hope; Kimberley there. THOM, GEORGE, D.D. 1821. Minister of the Dutch Church at Cape of Good Hope. THOM, JOHN, M.A. 1756. " Filius Roberti in Parochia de Learn in Com. de Antrim in Hibernia " [Matric. Alb. 1750]. THOM, PATRICK BAEDA, M.A. 1885. Minister of Fossoway. THOM, WILLIAM, M.A. 1732. Minister of Govan, 1748-90; died 8th August, 1790, aged 80; a Parish Library was founded by his second wife, who died 25th February, 181 7. THOMAS, CHARLES WILLARD, M.D. 1826. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. THOMAS, DAVID, M.A. 1795. " Filius Unicus Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Killearn in comitatu de Stirling" [Matric. Alb. 1791]. THOMAS, DAVID, B.A. 1835. Congregational Minister at Bristol; died 1875, aged 64. THOMAS, DAVID, B.A. 1861, M.A. 1863. U.P. Minister at Howgate. THOMAS, JAMES, M.D., CM. 1865. Selkirk. THOMAS, JAMES MARSHALL, CM. 1835. St. Andrews; Newport, Fife; Dundee; Otago, N.Z. THOMAS, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1893. Pwllheli, N. Wales. THOMAS, JOHN OWEN, M.A. 1885. Minister of the Presbyterian Church at (1) Everton Brow, Liverpool, (2) Aberdovey, North Wales; B.A. Oxon. 1887. ROLL OF GRADUATES 605 THOMAS, MAURICE, M.B., CM. 1877. Llanfair, Montgomeryshire. THOMAS, SAMUEL, M.D. 1801. "Americanus" [Grad. Alb.]. THOMAS, WALTER, M.A. 1871. Writer, Glasgow. THOMAS, WALTER, M.B., CM. 1873. Carlton, Victoria, Australia; Clunes there; Mount Egerton there; Christ- church, N.Z. THOMAS, WILLIAM, B.A. 1859, M.A. i860. Unitarian Minister at Llwynrhydowen and Bwlchyvadva, Cardiganshire, and Master of Grammar School at Llandyssal, South Wales; attained eminence as a Welsh poet; born at Brechva, near Carmarthen, 1834; died 1879. THOMPSON, ADAM, M.D. 1820. Ballymoney, Co. Antrim ; died 1864. THOMPSON, ANDREW, CM. 1836. Londonderry; died 9th March, 1871. THOMPSON, EDWARD LITTON, D.D. 1890. Minister of (1) Newton-upon-Ayr, (2) Second Charge, Hamilton. THOMPSON, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1876. Glasgow; Frizinghall, Yorks.; died 12th November, 1888, aged 44. THOMPSON, HENRY, M.D. 1834. Omagh, Co. Tyrone; died 8th March, 1875. THOMPSON, JAMES, M.D. 1841. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. THOMPSON, JAMES ANDREW BAIRD, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1879. Glasgow ; Ship Surgeon ; Matfen, Northumberland ; Londonderry ; Corfe, Somersetshire ; Blisworth, Northamptonshire ; Middleton-Cheney there ; Brailes, Warwickshire ; Totnes, S. Devon ; Pelsall, Staffs. ; Abridge, Essex. THOMPSON, JAMES ARCHER, CM. 1827. "Fil. 4 tus n. Jacobi Textoris Hibernensis " [Matric. Alb. 1824]. THOMPSON, JAMES BOWEN, M.D., CM. 1836. Surgeon in the Army; present at the Battle of the Alma; died, aged 41, at the Hospital, Kululee, Constantinople, 5th August, 1855, of malignant typhoid fever, caught at Balaklava. THOMPSON, JAMES CARGILL, B.L. 1891. Writer, Glasgow. THOMPSON, JOHN, M.A. 1848. U.P. Minister at (1) West Calder, (2) Birkenhead, (3) Newcastle-on-Tyne ; died 1894. 606 ROLL OF GRADUATES THOMPSON, JOSEPH, M.A. 1810. " Filius Natu Minimus Davidis quondam Agricolae in parochia de Monaghan et in comitatu de Monaghan" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. THOMPSON, ROBERT, M.A. 181 5. " Fil. natu 2 dus Roberti Agricolae in parochia de Comber in Com" Derry " [Matric. Alb. 1813]. THOMPSON, ROBERT, M.D. 1838. Johnstown, Co. Kilkenny. THOMPSON, SAMUEL, M.A. 1818. Presbyterian Minister at Donegal, 1824-71; died 29th March, 1871, aged 83. THOMPSON, THOMAS, M.D. 1830. Belfast; sometime Surgeon, R.N.; died 1867. THOMPSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1729. "Ang." [Matric. Alb. 1726]. THOMPSON, WILLIAM GEORGE WASHINGTON, M.D. 1876. Dervock, Co. Antrim ; Enfield, Middlesex ; London. THOMPSON, WILLIAM JOHN, M.D. 1836. Belfast; Inistioge, Co. Kilkenny; Dublin; died 3rd October, 1881, aged 75. THOMS, JAMES AIMER, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow; London; Olneyville, Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A.; Alloa. THOMSON, ALAN M., M.D. 1826. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. THOMSON, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1824. Minister of Relief and U.P. Church, Peebles; died 1881. THOMSON, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1859. Glasgow ; Dumfries. THOMSON, ALEXANDER TINLING, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1873. Glasgow; Clyde, Otago, N.Z.; Dunedin there; Glasgow. THOMSON, ALFRED MITCHELL, M.B., CM. 1869. Plymouth; died 2nd November, 1872. THOMSON, ALLEN, LL.D. 1877. Professor of (1) Anatomy in Marischal College and University, Aberdeen, 1839 to 1841, (2) Physiology in Edinburgh University, 1842 to 1848, (3) Anatomy in Glasgow University, 1848 to 1877; Member of University Court (as Senate's Assessor), 1867 to 1872; born at Edinburgh, 2nd April, 1809; died at London, 21st March, 1884; M.D. Edin. 1830; LL.D. Edin. 1871; D.C.L. Oxon. 1882; F.R.S. THOMSON, ANDREW, M.A. 1770. " Scotus " [Grad. Alb.]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 607 THOMSON, ANDREW, B.A. 1836, D.D. 1851. U.P. Minister at (1) Lothian Road, Edinburgh; (2) Broughton Place there; retired 1897. THOMSON, ANDREW, M.D. 1843. Glasgow; died 1862. THOMSON, ARTHUR WATSON, B.Sc. 1874, D.Sc. 1891. Assistant Engineer, Glasgow and South-Western Railway, Glasgow, 1875-78; Assistant Professor of Engineering in Engineering College, Tokio, Japan, 1878-81; Professor of Engineering in Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, England, 1882-87; Lecturer on Civil Engineering in Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, and engaged in private practice as a C.E., 1887-90; Professor of Engineering in College of Science, Poona, India, since 1891. THOMSON, CHARLES, M.A. 1795. " Filius natu maximus Elphinstone Thomson Agricolae in Parochia de Calder et Comit. de Lanark" [Matric. Alb. 1782]. THOMSON, CHARLES AIKMAN, MA. 1882, B.D. 1885. U.P. Minister at Girvan. THOMSON, CHARLES WILLIAM, M.A. 1894. Teacher in (1) Hutchesons' Grammar School, Glasgow, 1892, (2) F.C. Normal School and Training College there, 1894-95, (3) Rothesay Academy, as Classical and French Master, since 1895. THOMSON, DAVID, M.A. 1732. THOMSON, DAVID, M.D. 1865, CM. 1868. Higham-Ferrers, Northamptonshire ; Luton, Beds. ; London. THOMSON, EUSTACE BOASE, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1872. Ulverstone; Chelmsford; Colchester; Plymouth. THOMSON, GEORGE, M.D. 1742. THOMSON, GEORGE, M.D. 1828. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. THOMSON, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow; Motherwell; Coatbridge; Motherwell; London. THOMSON, GEORGE D., M.A. 1832. " Scotus " [Grad. Alb.] ; according to Oliver & Boyd's Almanacs, a person of similar name was at one time Church of Scotland Minister at M'Nab and Horton, Presbytery of Bathurst, Canada. THOMSON, GEORGE WASHINGTON, M.B., CM. 1871, M.D. 1876. Haywood, Lanarkshire; Glasgow. THOMSON, HENRY HYSLOP, M.B., CM. 1896. Edinburgh ; Glasgow. THOMSON, HUGH WRIGHT, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. 6o8 ROLL OF GRADUATES THOMSON, JAMES, M.A. 1776. Minister of (1) Girvan, (2) Prestonkirk; died 12th January, 1841, aged 82; cousin and brother-in-law of Thomas Thomson, M.A. 1789 (q.v.), and of " Thomson of Duddingston." THOMSON, JAMES, M.A. 1799. "Filius natu Secundus Jacobi Agricolae in parochia de Currin in comitatu de Monaghan in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1795]. THOMSON, JAMES, M.A. 1812, LL.D. 1829. Professor of Mathematics in (1) Royal Belfast Academical Institution, 1815-32, (2) Glasgow University, 1832-49; born near Ballynahinch, Co. Down, 13th November, 1786; died 12th January, 1849; father of James Thomson, B.A., M.A., LL.D. (q.v.), Lord Kelvin (q.v.), and John Thomson, B.A. 1843, M.A. 1844 (q.v.). THOMSON, JAMES, M.A. 181 5. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. THOMSON, JAMES, D.D. 1827. Minister of the Relief Church at (1) Campsie, (2) Paisley, and first Professor of Theology to Relief Synod; died 1841, aged 66. THOMSON, JAMES, B.A. 1839, M.A. 1840, LL.D. 1870. Civil Engineer in Belfast, 1851-57; Professor of Civil Engineering in (1) Queen's College, Belfast, 1857-73, (2) Glasgow University, 1873-1889 born at Belfast, 16th February, 1822; died at Glasgow, 8th May, 1892 F.R.S.E. 1875; F - R -S. 1877; D.Sc, Q.U.I., 1875; LL.D., T.C.D., 1878 eldest son of James Thomson, M.A., LL.D. (q.v.), and brother of Lord Kelvin (q.v.) and John Thomson, B.A., M.A. (q.v.). THOMSON, JAMES, D.D. 1851. U.P. Minister at (1) Bo'ness, (2) Holm of Balfron; died 13th November, 1864, aged 87. THOMSON, JAMES, M.A. 1874. Native of Cumnock; studied Divinity in Glasgow University; died at Badenweiller, Germany, of consumption, 3rd August, 1876, aged 32; James Thomson Philosophical Bursary founded in his memory. THOMSON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1878, M.D. 1884. Glasgow ; Houston ; Irvine. THOMSON, JAMES, M.A. 1879. Civil Engineer and Naval Architect : (1) in Glasgow, as Assistant to Mortimer Evans, Esq., 1879-80, (2) in Dumbarton, as Assistant to William Denny & Brothers, 1880-89, (3) in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, as Manager to Sir W. G. Armstrong & Co. since 1889; also Lecturer on Naval Architecture in (1) Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, 1888-89, (2) Durham College of Science, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1891-93; M.I.N.A. 1891 ; son of James Thomson, B.A., M.A., LL.D. (q.v.), and nephew of Lord Kelvin (q.v.). ROLL OF GRADUATES 609 THOMSON, JAMES, M.A. 1885, LL.B. 1889 Advocate, Edinburgh. THOMSON, JAMES, M.A. 1886, M.B., CM. 1893, M.D. 1895 Kilsyth ; Newmilns. THOMSON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1892 Newton ; Southwick, Durham ; Cowdenbeath, Fife. THOMSON, JAMES, M.A. 1895 Qualifying for the profession of Stockbroker. THOMSON, JAMES, M.A. 1896 Teacher in Grove Street Public School, Glasgow. THOMSON, JAMES HEAD, M.A. 1878, B.D. 1879 Minister of (1) Free Church, Innerkip, (2) English Presbyterian Church, Blackheath, London. THOMSON, JAMES ROSS, CM. 1843. Ballymoney, Co. Antrim. THOMSON, JOHN, M.D. 1828. Hamilton ; Glasgow. THOMSON, JOHN, CM. 1830. Probably Kilmarnock. THOMSON, JOHN, B.A. 1843, M.A. 1844. Born in Belfast, 16th February, 1826; Resident Assistant in the Royal Infirmary of Glasgow ; died there of fever (caught in the discharge of his duty), 7th February, 1847; third son of James Thomson, M.A., LL.D. (q.v.), and brother of Lord Kelvin (q.v.) and James Thomson, B.A., M.A., LL.D. (q.v.). THOMSON, JOHN, M.D. 1850, CM. 1852. Finvoy, Co. Antrim; died 1870. THOMSON, JOHN, M.A. 1868. Minister of Knox Presbyterian Church, Ayr, Ontario, Canada. THOMSON, JOHN, D.D. 1872. Minister of (1) Yester, (2) Free St. George's, Paisley; died 6th August, 1883. THOMSON, JOHN, M.D. 1873. Dunoon; Ayr; died 4th May, 1884. THOMSON, JOHN, M.A. 1887. Mathematical Teacher, Irvine Academy; died at Paisley, 14th December, 1891, aged 27. THOMSON, JOHN, M.A. 1893. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. THOMSON, JOHN COLQUHOUN, M.A. 1875. Minister of Greenknowe, Annan. 2Q 6lO ROLL OF GRADUATES THOMSON, JOHN EBENEZER HONEYMAN, M.A. 1871, B.D. 1872. Free Church Missionary (ordained) to Safed, Palestine; D.D. St. Andrews, 1897. THOMSON, JOHN JAMES, M.A. 1889, B.D. 1895. Curate of (1) St. Nathaniel's Church, Windsor, West Derly, Liverpool, 1893-95, ( 2 ) Christ Church, Blackpool, since 1895. THOMSON, JOHN MACALISTER, M.A. 1849. Minister (1) of Third Charge, Stirling, (2) at Meerut, India, (3) at Calcutta. THOMSON, JOHN PROVAND, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. THOMSON, JOHN SCOTT, M.A. 1885. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. THOMSON, JOSEPH, CM. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. THOMSON, PETER, B.Sc. 1890, M.A. 1893, M.B., CM. 1893. Sunderland; Glasgow. THOMSON, PETER DONALD, M.A. 1891. Minister of the Free Church at Peterculter since 1897. THOMSON, PETER TAYLOR, M.A. 1890. Minister of (1) Baptist Church, Lochee, Dundee, (2) Blenheim Chapel, Leeds. THOMSON, ROBERT, M.A. 1735. Believed to be the same person as Robert Thomson, M.A. [vide Matric. Alb. 1764, p. 35], sometime Schoolmaster of the Parish of Avondale, thereafter (1745-86) Rector of the Lanark Grammar School, and whose wife was a sister of James Thomson, the poet of "The Seasons " ; died 10th June, 1786, aged 76. THOMSON, ROBERT, Ch.B. 1822. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. THOMSON, ROBERT, B.A. i860, M.A. 1861. Minister of (1) North Church, Stirling, (2) Rothesay, (3) Rubislaw, Aberdeen. THOMSON, ROBERT DUNDAS, M.D., CM. 1831. Sometime Lecturer on Chemistry in (1) Glasgow University (as locum tenens for his uncle, Professor T. Thomson), 1841-52, (2) St. Thomas's Hospital, London; previously Assistant Surgeon, H.E.I. C. Service; died at Richmond, 17th August, 1864, a g e d 53. THOMSON, ROBERT STEVENSON, B.Sc. 1880, M.B., CM. 1882. Glasgow. THOMSON, ROBERT THOMAS WALKER, M.B., CM. 1876. Ship Surgeon ; Cramlington, Northumberland ; Harbottle there ; died at Hughenden, Queensland, 1st January, 1889. THOMSON, SAMUEL, M.D. 1834. Edinburgh; Radcliffe, Lanes.; died 1866, ROLL OF GRADUATES 6ll THOMSON, SAMUEL, M.D. 1849. Newarthill; Motherwell; died 1887. THOMSON, SAMUEL MARSHALL, M.A. 1883. Coalmaster, Glasgow. THOMSON, SHOLTO DOUGLAS, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow. THOMSON, SKEFFINGTON, B.A. 1810, LL.D. 1818. Minister, Clough, Ireland. THOMSON, THOMAS, M.A. 1789. Advocate ; Deputy Clerk-Register ; Principal Clerk of Session ; President of Bannatyne Club in succession to Sir Walter Scott ; born at Manse of Dailly, 10th November, 1768; died at Edinburgh, 2nd October, 1852; brother of "Thomson of Duddingston." THOMSON, THOMAS, M.D. 1825. Probably Glasgow. THOMSON, THOMAS, M.D. 1839. Physician in the Indian Army, and one of the celebrated captives at Cabul; after release, became Professor of Botany at Calcutta; returned to England in 1861, and acted as Examiner in Natural Science for the Army and Navy Medical Service and Examiner in Botany at the University of London; visited India again, in 187 1, as Secretary to the Eclipse Expedition; born 4th December, 181 7; died in London, 18th April, 1878; eldest son of Thomas Thomson, M.D., Professor of Chemistry in Glasgow University. THOMSON, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1875. Penrith; died October, 1884. THOMSON, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1783. Litterateur, of Great Ormond Street, London ; previously Minister of Monzievaird, 1776 to 1778; born in Forteviot Parish, 1746; died at London, 16th March, 1817. THOMSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1818. Minister of (1) North Albion Street Church, Glasgow, (2) Old Monkland; died 16th August, 1841, aged 57. THOMSON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1827. London; Chudleigh, Devon; Exeter; died 25th November, i860, aged 61. THOMSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1839. " Filius natu quintus Gulielmi, Armigeri apud comitatum de Argyle " [Matric. Alb. 1835]. THOMSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1881. U.P. Minister at Maybole. THOMSON, WILLIAM, B.L. 1881. Writer, Airdrie. 6i 2 ROLL OF GRADUATES THOMSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1889. Minister of the Church of Scotland; licensed 1893; ordained 1896; Assistant to Professor of English Literature in Glasgow University, 1893-94; Assistant Minister, Park Church, Glasgow, 1894-97 ; Indian Chaplain since 1897. THOMSON, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1896. See Kelvin, Lord. THOMSON, WILLIAM AIRD, D.D. 1833- Minister of (1) Dalziel, (2) Middle Kirk, Perth, (3) Free Church there; died 17th March, 1863, aged 91; degree conferred "at the request of Lord MoncrierT" [Univ. Minute, 19th October, 1833]. THOMSON, WILLIAM BURNET, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1885. U.P. Minister at Galashiels. THOMSON, WILLIAM COOPER, M.A. 1824. " Scotus " [Grad. Alb.]. THOMSON, WILLIAM DUNCAN, M.A. 1871. Free Church Minister of Lochend and New Abbey, Dumfries. THOMSON, WILLIAM ERNEST FRANCIS, M.A. 1885. M.B. Edin. 1889; M.D. 1893; Ship Surgeon; Glasgow (Professor of Physiology in Anderson's College). THOMSON, WILLIAM GEORGE, M.D. 1862. Carluke. THOMSON, WILLIAM RANKIN, M.A. 1884, B.D. 1887. U.P. Minister at (1) Earlston, (2) Caledonia Road, Glasgow. THOMSON, WILLIAM RISK, M.A. 1887. Student of Medicine; born 2nd December, 1867; died at Howick, Natal, South Africa, 6th May, 1890. THOMSON, WILLIAM SINCLAIR, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1869. Wantage, Berks. ; Hallstead, Essex ; Peterborough ; London ; Johannesburg, S. Africa; died there, 23rd September, 1895, aged 50. THORBURN, JAMES, M.D. 1786. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. THORBURN, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1886. Hamilton; Muchikandy, Sylhet, India; died 10th June, 1893, aged 30. THORBURN, WILLIAM REID, M.A. 1826. Minister of (1) Secession Church, Halfold, Lancashire, (2) Independent Church, Bury; died 2nd March, 1875, aged 69. THORNELL, WILLIAM, M.D. 1837. Mountmellick, Queen's Co.; died 1858. THORNLEY, JOSEPH, M.B., CM. 1884, M.D. 1886. Bolton; J.P. ROLL OF GRADUATES 613 THORNLEY, JOSEPH MILTON, M.B., CM. 1896. Bolton; son of Joseph Thornley, M.D. 1886 (q-v.). THORNTON, CHRISTOPHER, M.A. 1813, M.D. 1816. " Filius Natu Tertius quondam Roberti Mercatoris in parochia de Ballrudery in comitatu de Dublin" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. THORP, GEORGE MARIUS EDWIN, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow; Stourport, Wore; Georgetown, Demerara. THORPE, THOMAS EDWARD, LL.D. 1895. Somerset House, London; formerly Professor of Chemistry in Anderson's College, Glasgow, Yorkshire College, Leeds, and Royal School of Mines, London; F.R.S. THORPE, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. THRELFAL, EDWARD, M.A. 1748. "Filius natu Septimus Gulielmi Threlfall in Parochia de Kirkham in Comitatu Lancastriensi " [Matric. Alb. 1745]. THRESHIE, ALEXANDER COPLAND HUTCHISON, M.D. 1832. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. THRESHIE, DAVID MACKIE, M.A. 1891. Writer, Glasgow. TIDMARSH, RICHARD, M.D. 1839. Adelaide; Greenwich; died 16th August, 1869, aged 64. TIERNEY, DANIEL JOSEPH, M.D. 1838. A "D. J. Tierney, M.D.," died at Melbourne, 22nd May, 1863. TIERNY, SIR MATTHEW JOHN, BART, M.D. 1802, M.D. 1806. Practitioner at Brighton, and Physician in Ordinary to Kings George IV. and William IV. (signed the bulletin announcing the death of George IV. on 26th June, 1830); born 24th November, 1776; died at Brighton, 28th October, 1845 ; degree granted twice for a technical reason. TIGHE, JOHN, M.D. 1786. " Roscommoniensis Hibernus " [Grad. Alb.]. TINDAL, ANDREW STEWART, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1892. Ship Surgeon; Glasgow. TINDAL, DAVID, M.B. 1877, M.D. 1883. Glasgow. TINDAL, JOHN, M.A. 1810. Minister of Associate (Burgher) Church at Rathillet, Fifeshire ; died 15th September, 1836, aged 55. TINGCOMBE, JOHN, B.A. 1823. " Fil. natu maximus Joannis Argent, in Plymouth" [Matric. Alb. 182 1]. 614 ROLL OF GRADUATES TINNION, JOHN, M.D. 1838. Troon; died nth December, 187 1, aged 56. TINNISWOOD, GEORGE, M.D. 1835. Longtown; York; Norton, Co. Durham; died 14th October, 1877. TISDALE, MARK, M.A. 1763. " Filius natu major Gulielmi Viri Reverendi Rectoris Parochiae de St. James Dublini" [Matric. Alb. 1762]. TOD, JOHN HUME, M.A. 1868. Minister of (1) Dmmelzier, (2) Langside, (3) Athelstaneford ; resigned 1891 ; since then engaged in literary work (address, 1 Malcolm Road, Wimbledon, Surrey). TODD, ANDREW, M.A. 1870. Native of Northumberland (town or parish unknown) ; son of George Todd, Parish Overseer; born 1844; no information as to career; never joined General Council. TODD, GEORGE BELL, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow ; Kennoway ; Glasgow : Professor of Zoology in Anderson's College. TODD, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1891, M.D. 1896. Glasgow. TODD, JAMES CAMERON, B.Sc. 1884. Curate of (1) Vryburg, Bechuanaland, 1887, (2) Kimberley, Griqualand, W., 1887-88, (3) St. John, Hammersmith, 1891 ; Chaplain to Bishop of Maritzburg, Natal, 1893; Diocesan Theological Tutor and Honorary Canon of Maritzburg, 1894. TODD, JOHN AITON, B.L. 1896. Writer, Glasgow, and Lecturer on Political Economy in the Athenaeum. TODD, WILLIAM, M.A. 1889. F.C. Minister at Auchterarder. TOLAND, CHARLES KIRK, M.B., CM. 1895. Strabane, Co. Tyrone ; London. TOLDEROY, JAMES BAILLI, M.D. 1830. Frederickton, New Brunswick; died 4th September, i860, aged 52. TOM, DAVID, M.A. 18 14. " Filius Natu Maximus Hugonis Agricolae in parochia de Newtonairds in comitatu de Down" [Matric. Alb. 181 1]. TOMLENSON, JAMES, LL.D. 1786. Minister in Staffordshire. TOMLINSON, RICHARD, M.A. 1844. Intended for Dissenting Ministry in M South Britain," but died shortly after entering Springhill Theological College, Birmingham. ROLL OF GRADUATES 615 TONGE, EDWARD, M.D. 1787. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. TOPPING, JAMES STIRRAT, M.A. 1888. Teacher in Glasgow Public Schools, viz., (1) Rose Street, (2) Woodside, (3) David Street, (4) Newlands. TOPPING, JOHN PHILLIP, M.B., CM. 1880. Ship Surgeon ; London ; Teddington, Middlesex. TORBET, HUGH, M.A. 1750. "Filius Roberti Torbet in Comitatu de Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1744]. TORRANCE, DAVID, M.D., CM. 1866. Hamilton; Dunchurch, Warwickshire; died 25th November, 1875. TORRANCE, DAVID WATT, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow; Free Church Medical Missionary at Lake Tiberias, Palestine. TORRANCE, JAMES HALDEN, M.D., CM. 1864. Hamilton; Wolston, Warwickshire; Mangere, Auckland, N.Z.; Onehungo there; died circa 1885. TORRANCE, JOHN, M.A. 1887, B.D. 1891. F.C. Missionary, Poona, India. TORRANCE, JOHN TORRANCE BRYSON, M.D. 1854. Hamilton; Surgeon, R.N.; Cowbridge, Glam.; died at Teviot, Otago, N.Z., 1868. TORRENS, HENRY, M.A. 1777. " Natus in Hybernia filius natu minimus Henrici Armigeri in Comitatu Derry & Parochia Banacher " [Matric. Alb. 1776]. TORREY, JOHN, CM. 1837. " Hibernus " [Grad. Alb.]. TORRIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1882, B.D. 1885. Minister of (1) Connel Ferry Mission Church, (2) Lismore. TOWERS, JAMES, CM. 18 17. First Professor of Midwifery in the University of Glasgow, 1815 to 1820; died 1820. TOWERS, JOHN, CM. 1821, M.A. 1828. Professor of Midwifery in the University of Glasgow, 1820 to 1833; born 7th October, 1791 ; died 1833; son of Professor James Towers (q.v.). TOWGOOD, MR., M.D. 1731. " A dissenting Minister in England " ; recommended by Lord Barrington "as a person distinguished for his known learning & much esteemed for his skill in the theory and success in the practice of Physick " [University Minute, 1734 TOWNLEY, JOSEPH, M.A. 1841. "Filius nat. quartus Josephi agricolae in com. de Derry" [Matric. Alb. 1838]. 616 ROLL OF GRADUATES TRACY, RICHARD THOMAS, M.D. 1849. Reading, Berks. ; Melbourne : Lecturer on Obstetrics in Melbourne Uni- versity; died 7th November, 1874, aged 48. TRAFFORD, JOHN, M.A. 1843. Baptist Minister at Weymouth, 1845-52; Tutor, afterwards Principal, of Serampore College, India, 1852-79; Baptist Minister at Weymouth again, 1879-84; Secretary of the Bible Translation Society, 1884-90; born at Bourton- on-the-Water, 19th February, 1819; died at London, 22nd September, 1890, and buried in Finchley Cemetery. TRAIL, ANTHONY, D.D. 1801. Archdeacon of Connor, Ireland. TRAIL, HAMILTON, M.A. 1744. " Fil. Jacobi Trail de Marybrook in Com. Down, Generosi " [Matric. Alb. 1737]- TRAIL, JAMES, LL.B. 1771. TRAIL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1766. (1) Professor of Mathematics in Marischal College, Aberdeen, 1766-79; (2) Chancellor of Down and Connor, Ireland; LL.D. Mar. Coll. 1774; died at Bath, 3rd February, 1831, aged 85. TRAYNER, JOHN, LL.D. 1886. Advocate ; one of the Judges of the Court of Session, under judicial title of Lord Trayner. TRETJAKOFF, JOHN, M.A. 1764, LL.D. 1767. 11 Filius Unicus Andreae Centurionis in urbe Tweriae, Provincia Novogrodiensi, Russia" [Matric. Alb. 1761]. TRIMBLE, JAMES, M.D. 1787. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. TRIMBLE, JAMES, CM. 1841. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. TRIMBLE, ROBERT, M.D. 1865. Castlebellingham, Co. Louth ; Preston, Lanes. TRIPNEY, DAVID, M.A. 1894. Student of Theology in Free Church College. TRONCHIN, FRANCIS LEWIS, M.A. 1763. " Filius natu Secundus Doctissimi Viri, Theodori Tronchin, apud Genevenses Medicinae Doctor Celeberrimus " [Matric. Alb. 1761]; Theodore Tronchin, the friend of Voltaire and the enemy of Rousseau, sent his son to Glasgow purposely to study under Adam Smith, LL.D. (q.v.). TROUSDELL, JOHN LEDGER, M.D. 1846. Queenstown; Surgeon, R.N. ; Nice, France. ROLL OF GRADUATES X^ 617 TROUSDELL, WILLIAM G., M.D. 1841. Surgeon-General, Army; died 23rd July, 1886, aged 70. TRUMBLE, MATTHEW, M.A. 1807. " Filius unicus viri reverendi Matthaei, pastoris de Monaghan comitatu ejusdem" [Matric. Alb. 1805]. TUCKER, FRANCIS, B.A. 1838. " Filius natu secundus Gulielmi mercatoris in parochia de Charles et comitatu de Devon" [Matric. Alb. 1836]. TUCKER, JAMES, M.D. 1839. Sligo; died 1st October, 1875. TUDHOPE, ADAM PRENTICE, M.B., CM. 1881. Coatbridge. TUDSBERY, JOHN HENRY TUDSBERY, B.Sc. 1889, D.Sc. 1895. Civil Engineer: (1) Assistant Engineer upon the "Vyrnwy" Waterworks for the Liverpool Corporation, 1881-85; ( 2 ) Chief Assistant Engineer of the Yokohama Waterworks for the Imperial Japanese Government, 1885-88; (3) in practice in Liverpool, 1888-92 ; (4) Assistant Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Westminster; (5) Secretary thereof; graduated as "John Henry Tudsbery Turner." TUITE, JEREMIAH, M.D. 1832. Kilkee, Co. Clare; died 1859. TUKE, DANIEL HACK, LL.D. 1883. M.D. Heidelberg; Lecturer on Psychological Medicine, Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, London; died 5th March, 1895, aged 68. TULLOCH, JOHN, LL.D. 1879. Minister of (1) St. Paul's, Dundee, (2) Kettins; Principal of, and Primarius Professor of Divinity in, St. Mary's College, St. Andrews, and Vice-Chancellor of St. Andrews University, 1854-86; died at Torquay, 13th February, 1886, aged 63; D.D. St. Andrews, 1854; D.D. Edin. 1884. TULLOCH, JOHN LANCELOT, M.A. 1894. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland; grandson of Principal John Tulloch (q.v.). TURNBULL, CHARLES SCRIMGEOUR, M.A. 1882. Minister of Blantyre. TURNBULL, GEORGE, M.A. 1854. Minister of (1) Pollokshaws, (2) Dailly. TURNBULL, JOHN AITKEN, M.A. 1885, LL.B. 1889. Writer, Glasgow. TURNBULL, JOSEPH, B.A. 181 1. Classical and Hebrew Tutor at Wymondley ; Schoolmaster at Brighton and in France; Dissenting Minister at Ottley-St.-Mary, Devonshire. 6i8 ROLL OF GRADUATES TURNBULL, MATTHEW, M.A. 1820. Presbyterian Minister at Ringsend, Ireland. TURNBULL, MUNGO BROWN, M.D. 1864. Cambuslang; Glasgow; Cambuslang. TURNBULL, PETER STEPHENSON, M.D. 1859. Edinburgh; Surgeon-Major-General, I.M.S., Bombay. TURNBULL, RIDLEY, M.B. 1880. Alnwick; Duffield, Derbyshire; Manitoba, Canada; died there, 8th March, 1884. TURNBULL, ROGER, M.A. 1734. "Scot. Hib. F. Joh. Trumble Centurionis (Ang. Capt. Trumble) in Com. Sligo" [Matric. Alb. 1731]. TURNBULL, WILLIAM, M.A. 1833. "Filius unicus Gulielmi nuper Agricolae in com. de Lanark" [Matric. Alb. 1828]. TURNER, ALEXANDER, D.D. i860. Minister of (1) Gartmore, 1833, (2) Gorbals, 1833-43, (3) Port of Menteith, 1843-72; died 24th March, 1872, aged 64. TURNER, ANDREW DUNN, M.B., CM. 1882. Owston Ferry, Yorks. ; London ; Felixstowe, Suffolk. TURNER, DANIEL, M.A. 1764. "Filius natu secundus Gavini Glasgua" [Matric. Alb. 1759]. TURNER, DUNCAN, M.A. 1844. F.C. Missionary to the Jews at Constantinople, 1851-56; afterwards F.C. Minister at Tealing, Dundee. TURNER, EBENEZER, M.B., CM. 1891. Kirkcaldy; Glasgow. TURNER, GEORGE, LL.D. 1861. U.P. Missionary to Samoa, Polynesian Islands; died at London, 19th May, 1891, aged 72. TURNER, GEORGE ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1870. Medical Missionary, Samoa; Glasgow; son of George Turner, LL.D. (q.v.). TURNER, GEORGE NELSON, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow; son of George Alex. Turner, M.D. (q.v.), and grandson of George Turner, LL.D. (q.v.). TURNER, JOHN, M.A. 1820. The General Council Register for 1859-60 contains an entry, "Turner, John, Literary, 10 Exeter Hall, . . . London, M.A."; not known whether it refers to this graduate or to John Turner, M.A 1835 (q.v.). TURNER, JOHN, M.A. 1835. See Note under John Turner, M.A. 1820. ROLL OF GRADUATES 619 TURNER, JOHN CUSAN, M.D. 1838. Brighton; Bexley Heath; died 4th August, i860, aged 47. TURNER, JOHN HENRY TUDSBERY. See Tudsbery. TURNER, JOHN RITCHIE, M.B., CM. 1894. Ship Surgeon ; Barrhead. TURNER, RICHARD, LL.D. 1785. Rector of Combarton and Chaplain to the Countess Dowager of Wigtoun ; died 1 2th April, 179 1. TURNER, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1872, M.D. 1874. Bacup, Lanes. ; Blaenavon, Mon. ; Newport, Mori. ; Larkhall ; Hamilton. TURNER, WILLIAM, M.A. 1806. (1) Mathematical Tutor in Manchester College, York; (2) Minister of the Northgate End Chapel, Halifax; born at Newcastle, 1788; died 30th December, 1853- TURNER, SIR WILLIAM, LL.D. 1884. M.B. Lond. 1857 ; Professor of Anatomy in the University of Edinburgh since 1867; born 1832. TURNER, WILLIAM YOUNG, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1877. (1) Practitioner in New Guinea; (2) Chaplain on Crum Ewing Estates in Demerara; (3) U.P. Missionary in Jamaica; son of George Turner, LL.D. (q.v.). TURRETTIN, JAMES, M.A. 1808, M.D. 1814. " Filius unicus nuper Georgii Med. Doctoris apud Loughgilly in comitatu de Armagh in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1805]. TUTHILL, CHRISTOPHER JEREMIAH, M.D. 1839. Wilford, Co. Tipperary; died i860. TWEEDDALE, JAMES, M.D. 1827. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. TWEEDIE, JAMES, M.A. 1754. "Filius Jacobi Tweedie civis Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1743]. TWEEDY, HENRY, M.D. 1838. Dublin; sometime Resident Medical Attendant to Duke of Manchester in Italy. TYRRELL, GEORGE, CM. 1825. Banbridge, Co. Down. TYTLER, JAMES STUART FRASER, LL.D. 1874. Of Woodhouselee, W.S. ; Professor of Conveyancing in the University of Edinburgh, 1866-91 ; born 5th August, 1820 ; died 26th November, 1891. UDDIN, TAMIZ, M.B., CM. 1884. Native of Darjeeling, India; probably settled there. UMOV, NIKOLAI ALEKSEJEVICH. See Oumov. 620 ROLL OF GRADUATES UNDERWOOD, ALFRED, M.A. 1875. Baptist Minister at Burton-on -Trent, 1875-83; Schoolmaster at Croydon, 1883-87; Schoolmaster at Derby since 1888. UNDERWOOD, FRANCIS HENRY, LL.D. 1887. (1) Clerk of Massachusetts Senate, 1852; (2) Literary Adviser of the publishing house of Phillips, Sampson & Co. ; (3) assisted for two years in management of the Atlantic Monthly; (4) Clerk of the Superior Court in Boston, 1859-70; (5) in private business; (6) U.S. Consul at Glasgow, 1885; (7) U.S. Consul at Edinburgh; born at Enfield, Mass., 12th January, 1825; died at Edinburgh, 7th August, 1894. UNDERWOOD, THOMAS, M.D. 1831. Castletown, Isle of Man ; Douglas there ; sometime Surgeon to Household and Medical Officer to Troops; died 10th November, 1863. UNWIN, WILLIAM JORDAN, B.A. 1834, M.A. 1835, LL.D. 1864. Principal of Homerton Congregational College, London; died 1877, aged 65. UPTON, CLOTWORTHY, M.A. 1741. " Ang." [Grad. Alb.] ; " Filius viri Generosi Johan. Upton de Castle Upton Armig. in Comitat. Antrim in Hiber." [Matric. Alb. 1737]; brother of Francis Upton, M.A. 1739 (q.v.). UPTON, FRANCIS, M.A. 1739. Brother of Clotworthy Upton, M.A. 1741 (q.v.). URE, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1828. Surgeon and Lecturer on Clinical Surgery in St. Mary's Hospital, London ; F.R.C.S. Eng. 1843; died 13th June, 1866; eldest son of Andrew Ure, M.D. (q.v.). URE, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1872, B.L. 1874, LL.B. 1878. Advocate, Edinburgh; Lecturer on Constitutional Law and History in Glasgow University, 1878 to 1889; M.P. for Linlithgowshire since 1895; Q.C. 1897 ; son of John Ure, LL.D. (q.v.). URE, ANDREW, M.D. 1801. Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry in Andersonian Institution, Glasgow, 1804-30; also Lecturer on Materia Medica in Glasgow; Analytical Chemist to Board of Customs, London, 1830-57; born at Glasgow, 18th May, 1778; died at London, 2nd January, 1857; F.R.S. 1822. URE, DAVID, M.A. 1776. Sometime Teacher (1) at Stewarton, (2) near Dumbarton ; thereafter Ministerial Assistant at (1) Kilbride, (2) Newcastle; subsequently employed by Sir John Sinclair in connection with his Statistical Account of Scotland; author of History of Rutherglen; latterly Minister of Uphall; ordained 14th July, 1796; died 28th March, 1798. URE, JAMES ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1887. Stalybridge, Cheshire. ROLL OF GRADUATES 62 1 URE, JOHN, M.A. 1884. U.P. Minister at Woodside, Aberdeen. URE, JOHN, LL.D. 1896. Of Cairndhu, Helensburgh, Merchant in Glasgow; first Chairman of the Committee on Health for the City; Lord Provost, 1880-83. URE, ROBERT, M.A. 1792. Minister of Airth, 1794 to 1803; died 27th December, 1803, aged 32. URE, ROBERT, M.A. 1880, LL.B. 1883. Writer in Glasgow, and Professor of Evidence and Law Procedure, and of Administrative Law, in St. Mungo's College there. URQUHART, ANDREW, M.A. 1824. Minister of (1) Portpatrick, (2) Free Church there; died 10th March, 1890, aged 84; son of Robert Urquhart, M.A. 1782 (q.v.). URQUHART, ROBERT, M.A. 1782. Minister of Kilbirnie, 1795 t0 I &45 > died 22nd September, 1845, aged 83. URWIN, JOHN JOHNSON, M.B., CM. 1893. (Brunton Prizeman); Glasgow (Assistant to Professor of Anatomy in the University, 1893-94); Swansea; Liverpool; Wakefield. USHER, HEMSWORTH, M.A. 1781. " Natus in Hibernia, Filius natu Septimus N. Lucae Medici in Urbe Birr in Comitatu Regis in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1780]. UTTLEY, JOHN, M.A. 1738. " Ang. F. Joannis in Paro. de Hiptonstell in Com. de York " [Matric. Alb. 1735]. VAIL, EDWIN A., CM. 1837. "Americanus" [Grad. Alb.]. VALENTINE, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1873. Girvan. VALENTINE, GEORGE DONALD, M.A. 1896. Student of Trinity College, Cambridge; son of George Valentine, M.B., CM. (q.v.). VALLANCE, DAVID, M.A. 1774. " Filius natu minimus Joannis Agricolae in parochia de Old Cumnock in Comitatu de Ayr" [Matric Alb. 1769]. VALLANCE, HUGH, M.D. 1825. London. VALLANCE, JOHN M'DONALD, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow. VALLANCE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1891. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland, 622 ROLL OF GRADUATES VANCE, THOMAS, D.D. 1768. Presbyterian Minister of (1) Ramelton, 1747-55, (2) Usher's Quay, Dublin, 1755-72; died 1st June, 1772. VANWELL, MARTIN CHARLES, M.D. 1842. " Filius unicus Augusti artificis in Guiana" [Matric. Alb. 1838]. VARDY, CHARLES FOX, B.A. 1837, M.A. 1838. Congregational Minister in London; died 1889, aged 82. VASS, JAMES, M.A. 1879, B.L. 1885. Solicitor, Ayr. VAUGHAN, GEORGE, M.A. 1736. "Ang. Hib." [Grad. Alb.]. VAUGHAN, JOHN, M.A. 1891. Minister of St. James' English Presbyterian Church, Sunderland, since 1895. VAUGHAN, ROBERT, D.D. 1836. Congregational Minister at (1) Worcester, (2) Kensington, (3) Uxbridge, (4) Torquay ; Professor of Modern History in University of London ; Principal of Lancashire Independent College, Manchester; died 15th June, 1868, aged 73. VEITCH, ROBERT, M.A. 1881. Minister of (1) Providence Congregational Church, Rochdale, (2) Crescent Congregational Church, Everton, Liverpool. VENTERS, ROBERT, M.A. 1890. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. VENTERS, WILLIAM BEATTIE, B.Sc. 1892. Assistant Engineer, Assam-Bengal Railway, Badarpur, India. VERNON, JAMES DALEY, M.D. 1839. Tobbercurry, Co. Sligo; died 21st October, 1863. VERNON, RICHARD, M.D. 1846, CM. 1856. Audle)', Staffs.; Audlem, Cheshire. VESEY, JOHN STUART, M.D. 1839. Magherafelt, Co. Derry; died 8th October, 1874, aged 59. VICAR, JOHN, M.A. 1812. "F. n. 2 dus Gulielmi Agricolae, Beith, Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. VIEHOFF, JACOBUS MARINUS, B.Sc. 1878. Marine Engineer on the Technical Staff of the Bureau Veritas International Register of Shipping, at (1) Brussels, (2) Paris, (3) London, (4) Liverpool. VIOLETTE, WILLIAM BRADLEY, M.B., CM. 1881. Sydney, N.S. Wales; Granville there. VOIGT, WOLDEMAR, LL.D. 1896. Professor of Mathematical Physics in the University of Gottingen. VOST, ANTHONY, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow, ROLL OF GRADUATES 623 VOST, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1883. Kelso; Glasgow; Ed nam ; Surgeon-Captain, I. M.S., Bengal. WADDEL, JOHN, M.A. 1793. Secession Minister at Truro, Nova Scotia; died 13th November, 1842, aged 72. WADDELL, ARTHUR ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1879. Surgeon, R.N.; Airdrie; Kidderminster; Airdrie; Kidderminster; Potter's Bar, Middlesex. WADDELL, DAVID, M.A. 1892. Teacher in Allan Glen's School, Glasgow, since 1886. WADDELL, HUGH, CM. 1840. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WADDELL, JOHN CRAIG, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1873. Glasgow ; Airdrie ; Ship Surgeon ; Salisbury ; Norwich ; London ; Airdrie ; Jerusalem; Airdrie; Longton, Staffs.; died 15th April, 1888, aged 39. WADDELL, LAURENCE AUGUSTINE, M.B., CM. 1878, LL.D. 1895. Glasgow; Cumbernauld; Monmouth County Asylum; Surgeon- Major, I.M.S., Bengal. WADDELL, PETER HATELY, M.A. 1877, B.D. 1878. Minister of Whitekirk. WADDELL, ROBERT, M.D. i860. Motherwell; Dalziel ; West Maitland, Sydney, N.S.W.; Tamworth there; died February, 1874. WADDELL, WILLIAM, CM. 1829. Probably Millport. WADDELL, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1882, M.D. 1886. Bridlington, Yorks.; Manchester. WADDELL, WILLIAM WARDLAW, M.A. 1871. H.M. Inspector of Schools; Snell Exhibitioner, 1870; B.A. Oxon. 1874. WADDINGTON, ISAAC, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1870. Bradford, Yorks. WADDINGTON, WILLIAM HENRY, LL.D. 1889. Member of the French Institute, Senator, French Ambassador to England; died at Paris, 13th January, 1894, aged 67. WADDY, FREDERICK HENRY, M.B., CM. 1893, M.D. 1896. Calne, Wilts.; Brighton; Porthleven, Cornwall; Edinburgh; Glossop, Derby- shire. WADDY, PERCY SWAN, M.D. 1845. Broadway, Co. Wexford; Togoat, same Co.; died 24th August, 1866. WADE, WILLIAM MAXWELL, M.D. 1834. Belturbet, Co. Cavan. 624 ROLL OF GRADUATES WAHAB, THOMAS, M.A. 1802. " Filius natu secundus Joannis Wahab Agricolae in Balleborro in Comitatu de Down in Hibernia " [Matric. Alb. 1799]. WAINWRIGHT, CHARLES WILLIAM, B.L. 1886. Secretary to Nobel's Explosive Co., Limited, Glasgow. WAINWRIGHT, JOHN WELLS, M.D. 1843. London; died at St. Leonards, April, 1891, aged 76. WAINWRIGHT, MARK, M.A. 1770. " Filius natu minimus Reverendi Viri Marci Rectoris Parochiae de Ballingary in Comitatu de Tipperary Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1769]; "Rebuked with severity " for being engaged in a " scuffle " with another student [Univ. Minute, 23rd January, 1770]. WAIT, ROBERT, B.A, 1777, M.A. 1778. " Natus in comitatu de Ayr filius natu quartus Reverendi Viri Roberti Pastoris Parochiae de Galston " [Matric. Alb. 1774]. WAKEFIELD, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1864 Thornliebank ; Staff-Surgeon, Army ; London ; Paris ; Nice ; Aix-les-Bains WALES, H.RH. THE PRINCE OF, LL.D. 1868 Albert Edward, heir-apparent to the Throne; born 9th November, 1841 K.G. ; P.C. ; K.T. ; K.P.; G.C.B. ; G.C.S.I.; G.CM.G.; G.C.I.E. ; D.C.L Oxon. 1863; LL.D. Cantab. 1864; LL.D. Trim Coll. Dub. 1868; LL.D Calcutta, 1875; Mus. Doc. R.U.I. 1885; the Glasgow degree was conferred at laying Foundation Stone of New University Buildings, 8th October, 1868. WALKER, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1850. F.C. Minister at Cumbrae. WALKER, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1879. F.C. Minister at (1) Deskford, Cullen, (2) Pollokshaws. WALKER, ALEXANDER ORR, B.L. 1888. Writer, Glasgow. WALKER, ALLAN, M.B., CM. 1871. Kilbirnie ; Seatonburn, Northumberland. WALKER, ANGUS FALCONER, M.B., CM. 1888. Workington ; Newmains. WALKER, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1783. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WALKER, CHARLES JOHN SMITH, B.A. 1846. " Fil. nat. max. Joannis Verbi Dei Ministri in com. de Northumberland " [Matric. Alb. 1842]. WALKER, DAVID, M.A. 1729. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Malin, 1738-66; died 21st July, 1766. ROLL OF GRADUATES 625 WALKER, DAVID, M.A. 1856. Clergyman ; also Principal of Belgravia College, Newton Terrace, Glasgow ; previously in Liverpool, London, and Edinburgh. WALKER, DAVID JOHN, M.A. 1820. " Filius Natu Secundus Jacobi Agricolae in parochia de Templemore in comitatu de Donnegar' [Matric. Alb. 1817]. WALKER, ERNEST ALEXANDER, M.A. 1891, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow; New Plymouth, N.Z. WALKER, ERNEST FREDRICK DOCETTI, M.B., CM. 1896. Dundee. WALKER, GEORGE, M.D. 1835. Birkenhead; died there, 21st October, 1893, aged 78. WALKER, HUGH, M.A. 1878. Professor of English Literature in St. David's College, Lampeter; Degree Examiner on English in Glasgow University since 1895 > Snell Exhibitioner, 1880; B.A. Oxon. 1883; M.A. 1886. WALKER, HUGH, M.A. 1888. M.B. Edin. 1893; Shawlands. WALKER, JAMES, LL.D. 1840. Civil Engineer in London ; Founder of Walker Prizes in Glasgow University ; born at Falkirk, 14th September, 1781 ; died at London, 8th October, 1862. WALKER, JAMES, M.A. 1896. Teacher in Dobbie's Loan Public School, Glasgow. WALKER, JOHN, M.D. 1765. Minister of (1) Glencorse, (2) Moffat, (3) Colinton ; degree granted on account of his knowledge of Botany, etc.; Professor of Natural History in University of Edinburgh, 1779 to 1803; died 31st December, 1803, aged 73; D.D. Edin. 1765. WALKER, JOHN, M.A. 1808. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Millisle, 1810-14, when deposed. WALKER, JOHN, CM. 1820. " Filius natu Maximus Roberti Agricolae in parochia de Drumbo in comitatu de Down in Hybernia" [Matric. Alb. 1805]. WALKER, JOHN, M.D., CM. 1833. Inverness; Birkenhead; died at London, 18th November, 1858, aged 45. WALKER, JOHN CUNNINGHAM, M.A. 1888. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. WALKER, JOHN M'CLURE, M.B., CM. 1880. Glasgow ; Catrine ; Haltwhistle, Northumberland ; Alston, Cumberland. 2 R 626 ROLL OF GRADUATES WALKER, JOSIAH, M.A. 1821. Rector of Wood Ditton, near Cambridge; born 21st March, 1805; son of Josiah Walker, Professor of Humanity in the University of Glasgow. WALKER, MATTHEW BROWN, M.D., CM. 1861. Sometime Medical Officer in Island of St. Helena ; afterwards Practitioner in Jamaica; died at sea on voyage home, 14th November, 1865, aged 29. WALKER, PATRICK HUNTER, M.B., CM. 1883. Glasgow; Prestwick; Govan; Prestwick; Lechlade, Glouc. WALKER, ROBERT, M.D. 1831. Kilmarnock. WALKER, ROBERT, M.D. 1855. Glasgow; died 27th February, 1867, aged 34. WALKER, ROBERT, M.D. 1863. Surveyor of Taxes, Glasgow; died 31st January, 1894, aged 71; described by Professor William Leishman (q.v.) as the only man he ever met who had "taken his degree for fun." WALKER, ROBERT, M.A. 1874, B.D. 1877. Sometime Probationer of the Church of Scotland; thereafter Student of Medicine ; not lately engaged in any profession. WALKER, ROBERT, M.A. 1895. Teacher, Glasgow, in (1) Campbellfield Public School, (2) John Street Public School (Bridgeton). WALKER, ROBERT BRYCE, M.A. 1893, LL.B. 1896. Writer, Glasgow. WALKER, STEPHEN, M.D. 1857. Glasgow; Helensburgh; Silloth ; Hastings; St. Leonards-on-Sea ; died 20th May, 1876, aged 43. WALKER, THOMAS, CM. 1819. Glasgow; Peterborough; born 7th September, 1796; died 16th December, 1886; son of Josiah Walker, Professor of Humanity in the University of Glasgow. WALKER, THOMAS, B.A. 1861. Minister of (1) Dalmellington, (2) Dairy, Galloway. WALKER, WILLIAM, M.D. 1863. Edinburgh ; Pollokshaws. WALKER, WILLIAM, M.D. 1863. Glasgow. WALKER, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1865. Wolsingham, Durham; Grangemouth; Alabama, U.S.A.; Grangemouth. WALKER, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1887. F.C. Missionary to Madras, India. ROLL OF GRADUATES 627 WALKER, WILLIAM AUGUSTUS, M.D. 1833. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. WALKER, WILLIAM RUSSELL, M.A. 1887. Biscuit Manufacturer, Glasgow. WALKER, WILLIAM TAYLOR, M.A. 1876. U.P. Minister at (1) Craigend, Perth, (2) Oban, (3) Bellgrove, Glasgow. WALKINSHAW, WILLIAM, M.D. 1813. "Filius natu maximus Roberti Scribae in urbe Glasguensi" [Matric. Alb. 1798]. WALL, JAMES, M.D. 1787. " Served as Surgeon on board his Majesty's Navy for several years " [Univ. Minute, 16th October, 1787]. WALL, THOMAS, M.D. 1837. Cork; J. P. for County; died 1879. WALLACE, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1876. Innellan ; Glasgow ; Baillieston. WALLACE, ANDREW, M.A. 1826. " Fil. 2 dus Oliveri Agricolae apud Castlefin Comit u Donnegal, par. Donough- more" [Matric. Alb. 1823]. WALLACE, ANDREW EWING, M.A. 1893. Minister of Patna since 1896. WALLACE, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1748. WALLACE, CHARLES, M.A. 1817. Dissenting Minister and Schoolmaster at Altrincham and Hale, in Cheshire ; died 27th July, 1859. WALLACE, DANIEL NOBLE, M.D. 1843. Boyle, Co. Roscommon; died 17th September, 1864. WALLACE, DAVID, M.A. 1884. (1) Teacher in (a) St. Rollox Public School, Glasgow, 1882-83, {&) Erskine Public School, Bishopton, 1884-90, (c) Morgan Academy, Dundee, 1890-95 ; (2) Head Master of Dorothy Public School, West Wemyss, Fife, since 1895. WALLACE, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1892. London; abroad. WALLACE, EBENEZER BRADSHAW, M.A. 1812. Minister of (1) Barr, (2) Free Church there; died 5th June, 1867; son of Gavin Wallace, M.A. 1768 (q.v.). WALLACE, EDWARD HAMILTON, M.A. 1893. Indian Civil Service; Snell Exhibitioner, 1893. WALLACE, EDWARD JAMES, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1878. Glasgow; Cleckheaton, Yorks.; Southsea. 628 ROLL OF GRADUATES WALLACE, GAVIN, M.A. 1768. Minister (1) at Lowick, Northumberland, (2) of Nenthorn j died 19th January, 1834, aged 84. WALLACE, GEORGE PEXALL, M.A. 1892, B.D. 1895. F.C. Missionary to the Jews at Constantinople. WALLACE, HERBERT KIDSON, B.Sc. 1893, M.B., CM. 1896. Lugar. WALLACE, HORACE FENTON, M.A. 1896. Intends to qualify for Ministry of the Free Church. WALLACE, JAMES, M.D. 1837. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. WALLACE, JAMES, M.A. 1845, M.D. 1850. Greenock : Medical Officer of Health ; Degree Examiner on Surgery and Clinical Surgery in Glasgow University, 1876-81 and 1885-89. WALLACE, JAMES, M.A. 1869. Sometime English Presbyterian Minister at Redcar. WALLACE, JAMES, M.A. 1893. Licentiate of the Free Church. WALLACE, JAMES SIM. B.Sc. 1889, M.B., CM. 1890, M.D. 1893. Glasgow ; Kingston-on-Thames. WALLACE, JAMES WILSON, M.B., CM. 1889, M.D. 1894. Glasgow. WALLACE, JARDINE, B.A. 1853. Minister of Traquair; son of Robert Wallace, D.D. 1837 (q.v.). WALLACE, JOHN, M.A 1896. Student of Theology in Edinburgh University. WALLACE, JOHN RITCHIE, M.A. 1816, M.D. 1822. Glasgow; died 1825. WALLACE, JOSEPH BROWNLIE, M.B., CM. 1888. Cathcart; London. WALLACE, PATRICK, M.A. 1736. Minister of Largs; died 18th November, 1755. WALLACE, ROBERT, M.A. 1821. Professor of Mathematics in Anderson's College, Glasgow, 1825-28. WALLACE, ROBERT, D.D. 1837. Minister (1) at Maryport, (2) of Kirkpatrick-Durham, (3) of Dumfries; died 20th November, 1864, aged 76. ROLL OF GRADUATES 629 WALLACE, ROBERT, D.D. 1869. Minister of (1) Trinity College Church, Edinburgh, (2) Old Greyfriars' there; Professor of Church History in Edinburgh University, 1872-76; Editor of Scotsman, 1876-80; Barrister-at-Law since 1883, and M.P. for East Edinburgh since 1886; born at St. Andrews, 1831. WALLACE, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow; Sarasota, U.S.A.; Kentucky. WALLACE, ROBERT WILFRID, M.A. 1882. Probationer of the Church of Scotland. WALLACE, SAMUEL, CM. 1845, M.D. 1853. Cardiff; died 21st January, 1878, aged 51. WALLACE, STEPHEN, M.A. 1848. U.P. Minister at Newcastle-on-Tyne ; died 28th March, 1872, aged 49. WALLACE, THOMAS, B.A. 1783, M.A. 1784. " Filius natu Maximus Gulielmi Agricolae in parochia de Urny et in comitatu de Cavan" [Matric. Alb. 1780]. WALLACE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1886. Glasgow; Menstrie; Portpatrick; Castleford, Yorks.; Langwith, Derbyshire; Staincross, Yorks. ; Castleford ; Crick, Rugby ; Birmingham. WALLACE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1880. Advocate, Edinburgh. WALLACE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1884, M.B., CM. 1887. Surgeon-Dentist, Glasgow. WALLACE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1885, M.D. 1888. Glasgow; London; son of James Wallace, M.D. 1850 (q.v.). WALLACE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1886. Smallbridge, Rochdale ; Lumphanan ; Innellan ; Rostrevor, Co. Down ; died there, 9th December, 1891. WALLACE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1888. Science Master in Garnethill Public School, Glasgow, 1886-90; Teacher of Physics, etc., in Allan Glen's Institution there, 1890-94; Second Master and Physics Master in Central Higher Grade School, Leeds, 1894-96; Principal of Bewerley Street Higher Grade School there since 1896. WALLACE, WILLIAM THOMPSON MERRY, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow; Kirkcaldy. WALLIS, JAMES, M.D. 1843. Youghal, Co. Cork. WALLIS, PATRICK, M.D. 1838. Charleville, Co. Cork. WALLPLATE, JOSEPH, M.A. 1734. " Ang. Hib. F. natu secund. Jacob. Wallplate Mercatoris in Limerick " [Matric. Alb. 1731]. 63O ROLL OF GRADUATES WALSH, ARTHUR DISNEY, M.D. 1839. Kinnitty, King's Co.; Cloughjordan, Co. Tipperary; died 1st March, 1873, aged 60. WALSH, EDWARD, M.D. 1791. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WALSH, JAMES W., M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WALSH, JOHN, M.A. 1749. " Filius natu maximus ^neae Walsh in Comitatu de Derry in Hibernia " [Matric. Alb. 1748]. WALSH, JOHN, CM. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WALSH, JOHN, M.D. 1863. Dublin; Assistant Surgeon, R.N.; Ship Surgeon; Liverpool. WALSH, JOHN HAMILTON, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WALSH, RICHARD NICHOLAUS, M.D. 1787. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WALSHE, HUGH CRAWFORD, M.D. 1842. Staff-Surgeon-Major, Army; died 1868. WALTON, THOMAS UTRICK, B.Sc. 1873. Civil Engineer, Sydney, N.S.W. WALTON, WILLIAM, M.A., M.D. 1763. " Batchelour of Laws and Rector of Upton, in Huntingdonshire " ; Founder of Walton Bursary and Waltonian Medical Lectureship; died 16th October, 1789. WANDS, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1885. Chester-le-Street ; Stanley, Co. Durham ; Lesmahagow. WANOSTROCHT, VINCENT, LL.D. 1821. Principal of the Establishment at Camberwell by license of Bishop of Manchester. WARBURTON, PETER, M.D. 1831. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. WARD, ADOLPHUS WILLIAM, LL.D. 1879. Assistant to Professor of Humanity in Glasgow University, 1864-65 ; Professor of History and English Literature in Owen's College, Manchester, 1866-97; Principal thereof, 1888-97; Dorn at Hampstead, 2nd December, 1837. WARD, NOEL CHARLES ECHLAZ, M.B., CM. 1895. Newhaven, Sussex. WARDEN, ARCHIBALD ADAM, M.A. 1889, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow; Paris. ROLL OF GRADUATES 631 WARDEN, DAVID, M.A. 1797- "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WARDEN, JOHN, M.A. 1733. WARDEN, WILLIAM, M.A. 1835. Congregational Minister, Ventnor; died 187 1, aged 66. WARDLAW, GILBERT, M.A. 1821. (1) Classical Tutor of Blackburn Academy; (2) Minister of Albany Street Congregational Church, Edinburgh ; (3) Theological Tutor at Blackburn ; died 1873, aged 75. WARDLAW, JOHN SMITH, B.A. 1835, M.A. 1837, DD. 1870. Sometime Missionary (London Missionary Society) in India; thereafter President of that Society's College at Highgate; died 1872, aged 59. WARDROP, DAVID, M.A. 1870. (1) Teacher in Kilblain Academy, Greenock; (2) Farmer, Bankend, Cum- nock. WARDROP, THOMAS, M.A. 1894. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. WARK, CHARLES, CM. 1820. Newtownlimavady, Co. Derry; died 1868. WARK, JAMES REID, M.A. 1888. U.P. Minister at Banchory. WARK, JOHN LEAN, M.A. 1895. Student of Law. WARNER, ROBERT, M.A. 1882. Writer, Glasgow. WARNOCK, GAVIN, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1893. Minister of Toward, 1894-96; Assistant to Minister of Sandyford Parish, Glasgow, since 1896. WARNOCK, JOHN, M.A. 1746. Possibly the same person as John Warnock, Presbyterian Minister at Castleblayney, 1756-74; died 23rd June, 1774. WARNOCK, SAMUEL, M.A. 1781. " Filius natu Secundus Thomae Agricolae in parochia de Ballyhalbert comitatu de Down" [Matric. Alb. 1777]. WARREN, SAMUEL, M.A. 1818, LL.D. 1824. Baptist Minister at Woolwich, afterwards at Edinburgh ; father of Samuel Warren, D.C.L., the author of Ten Thousand a Year, etc. WARWICK, THOMAS OLIVERS, M.D. 1798. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. WATANABE, KAICHI, B.Sc. 1886. Civil Engineer, Tokyo, Japan. 632 kOLL OF GRADUATES WATCHMAN, JAMES, M.A. 1894. Student of Theology in U.P. College, Edinburgh. WATERHOUSE, REV. BENJAMIN, LL.D. 1832. Possibly some relation of Benjamin Waterhouse, who was (1) Professor of Medicine in Harvard Medical School, 1783-18 12, (2) Professor of Natural History at Brown College, 1784-91, (3) Medical Supervisor of Military Posts in New England, 1812-25; born at Newport, R.I., 4th March, 1754; died at Cambridge, Mass., 2nd October, 1846. WATERS, JOHN, M.D. 1832. Parsonstown, King's Co.; died 1857, aged 48. WATERS, JOHN HENRY, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1875. London; KtC.StG. WATMOUGH, ISAAC, CM. 1830, M.D. 1832. Inveraray; Pocklington, Yorks. ; died 8th October, 1875, aged 66. WATSON, ALEXANDER CAMERON, M.A. 1880, B.D. 1882. Assistant to Minister of New Kilpatrick, 1882-83 ; Ordained Missionary of Church of Scotland to Madras, 1883-84; Assistant to Minister of St. Mary's, Partick, 1885-87; Minister of Renton, 1887-97; Minister of St. Boswells since 1897. WATSON, ALEXANDER LAURIE, M.A. 1885. (1) Classical Master in the Educational Institute, Dundalk; (2) Student of Medicine. WATSON, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow. WATSON, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1845, D.D. 1862. Minister of (1) St. Matthew's, Glasgow, (2) Dundee Parish; born 9th July, 1821; died 20th July, 1881. WATSON, CHARLES, D.D. 1886. Minister of Free Church at (1) Langholm, (2) Largs. WATSON, DAVID, M.A. 18 14. Presbyterian Minister, Clough, County Down. WATSON, DAVID, M.A. 1886. Qualified as Law Agent, but did not practise; Merchant in Lanark. WATSON, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1891. Lugar ; Upwell, Wisbech ; Leeds. WATSON, EBENEZER, M.A. 1844, M.D. 1846. Professor of Institutes of Medicine in Anderson's College, Glasgow, 1850-76, and Lecturer on Clinical Surgery in the Royal Infirmary; born 1824; died 13th December, 1886; son of James Watson, M.D. 1828 (q.v.). WATSON, HENRY ALLAN, M.A. 1891, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 633 WATSON, HERBERT JOHN, B.Sc. 1888. Shipbroker in (1) Glasgow, (2) Manchester. WATSON, JAMES, M.A. 1769. " Lancelot filius natu tertius Mercatoris in Urbe de Newry, Hibernia " [Matric. Alb. 1767]. WATSON, JAMES, M.D. 1828. Glasgow ; three times President of the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons ; died 30th May, 187 1, aged 84. WATSON, JAMES, B.L 1882. Writer, Glasgow. WATSON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow; Dundee; Glasgow; Nottingham. WATSON, JAMES, M.A. 1888. Teacher in (1) Ferniegair Public School, (2) Thornliebank Public School, (3) St. John's Grammar School, Hamilton, (4) Langholm Academy. WATSON, JAMES LOCH, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow ; Ayr ; Surgeon, S.S. " City of Edinburgh " ; died suddenly at Bremerhaven, 28th April, 1896. WATSON, JAMES ROBERTSON, M.A. 1882. Professor of Chemistry in Anderson's College, Glasgow, since 1889. WATSON, JOHN, M.A. 1763. WATSON, JOHN, M.A. 1794. Possibly the same person as John Watson, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Greyabbey from 1799 to 1829, when he and a part of the congregation seceded from the Synod of Ulster. WATSON, JOHN, CM. 1840. Possibly Newton-Stewart. WATSON, JOHN, B.A. 1847, M.D. 1851. "Fil. nat. max. Gulielmi Mercatoris Glasguensi" [Matric. Alb. 1843]. WATSON, JOHN, M.A. 1871. Minister of South Yell; B.D. Edin. 1874. WATSON, JOHN, M.A. 1872, LL.D. 1880. Professor in Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, of (1) Logic and Metaphysics, (2) Moral Philosophy. WATSON, MALCOLM, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. WATSON, ROBERT, CM. 1820. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. WATSON, ROBERT, M.D. 1865. Glasgow; died 1885. 634 ROLL OF GRADUATES WATSON, SAMUEL, M.A. 1794. Presbyterian Minister at Killinchy, Co. Down, 1797 to 1835, when "sus- pended sine die for Arianism, whereupon he joined the Remonstrants " [History of Irish Presb. Congregations], WATSON, THOMAS, M.D. 1846. Glasgow; Examiner for Medical Degrees in the University, 1863-67; died 17th September, 1867; father of Mr. G. L. Watson, the well-known yacht designer. WATSON, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1882. Airdrie (Ship Surgeon) ; Murton, Durham ; Stockton-on-Tees ; Thornaby- on-Tees. WATSON, THOMAS, M.A. 1887. Missionary to Ukambani, British East Africa. WATSON, WILLIAM (BARON WATSON), LL.D. 1879. Advocate; Solicitor-General for Scotland, 1874-76; Lord-Advocate therefor, 1876-80; M.P. for Universities of Glasgow and Aberdeen, 1876 to 1880; created (1880) one of Lords of Appeal in Ordinary with life Peerage; born 1828; LL.D. Edin. 1875; P.C. 1878. WATSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1879. Minister of (1) U.P. Church, Dumbarton, (2) English Presbyterian Church, Birkenhead. WATSON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1885. Lanark ; Teheran, Persia ; Manchester ; Blandford, Dorset. WATSON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1891, M.D. 1894. Glasgow. WATSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1894. Tutor for Civil Service and University Examinations, Glasgow. WATSON, WILLIAM RIDDELL KEMLO, M.A. 1886, M.B., CM. 1889. Govan ; Birmingham ; Rainhill, Lanes. ; Glasgow ; Paisley ; Exminster. WATT, ALBERT TAYLOR, M.A. 1890, B.L. 1892. Writer, Glasgow. WATT, ALEXANDER, LL.D. 1843. City Statist, Glasgow, and Warden (Manager) of the Corporation Burying Grounds; died 23rd October, 1847, aged 51. WATT, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1889. Stewarton ; Falkirk. WATT, ALLAN, M.B., CM. 1884. Cambuslang ; Strathaven. WATT, ANDREW, M.A. 1892. (1) Teacher in Garnethill School, Glasgow, 1891 ; (2) Teacher in Sciennes School, Edinburgh, 1892-94; (3) Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. ROLL OF GRADUATES 635 WATT, DAVID, M.A. 18 19. "F. n. unicus Hugonis Agricolae Sorn " [Matric. Alb. 1814]. WATT, DAVID GILKISON, B.A. 1838, M.A. 1839. Sometime Missionary (of L.M. Society) in Benares, India; thereafter Congregational Minister at (1) Nantwich, Cheshire, (2) Maidstone, Kent, (3) Rectory Road, London, N., (4) First Church in St. Petersburg, Florida, U.S.A.; resident in London, March, 1896; died 8th May, 1897, aged 79. WATT, DUGALD CAMPBELL, M.B., CM. 1887. Glasgow ; Ferryhill, Durham ; Pietermaritzburg, Natal. WATT, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1873. Aberdeen ; Calcutta ; Hoogly : Professor of Botany in Hoogly College ; CLE.; F.L.S. WATT, HENRY ANDERSON, M.A. 1886. Barrister-at-Law of Gray's Inn, London. WATT, HUGH GEORGE, M.A. 1873, B.D. 1875. Minister of St. Enoch's, Dundee. WATT, JAMES, M.A. 1790, M.D. 1796. Glasgow. WATT, JAMES, LL.D. 1806. The great improver of the Steam Engine; sometime Mathematical Instru- ment Maker to University of Glasgow ; afterwards Engineer in Birmingham ; Founder of Watt Prize; born at Greenock, 19th January, 1736; died at Birmingham, 25th August, 1819; F.R.S. WATT, JAMES, M.D. 1838. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. WATT, JAMES ROSS, M.B. 1871. Glasgow ; Innellan ; Ayr. WATT, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1892. Kew. WATT, JOHN CAMPBELL, M.A. 1875. Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge ; Assistant to Professor William Jack (q.v.), 1881-83; Degree Examiner on Mathematics in Glasgow University, 1883-86. WATT, JOHN PATON, M.D., CM. 1863. Glasgow; Georgetown, Demerara; died 12th August, 1885, aged 47. WATT, RICHARD MORGAN, B.Sc. 1893. Officer, U.S. Navy. WATT, THOMAS, CM. 1821. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. WATT, THOMAS, M.A. 1882, M.B., CM. 1886. Paisley. 636 ROLL OF GRADUATES WATT, WELLSTOOD ALEXANDER, M.A. 1886, LL.B. 1889, D.Phil. 1896. Writer, Glasgow. WATT, WILLIAM CHARLES HUGH, M.B., CM. 1874. Shotts (Ship Surgeon); died nth January, 1875. WATT, WILLIAM COUBOROUGH, M.D. 1827. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. WAUCHOPE, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow. WAUGH, ALEXANDER, M.A. 18 14. Minister of Miles Lane Secession Church, London; died 2nd August, 1824, aged 30. WAUGH, THOMAS, M.D. 1844. Stewartstown, Co. Tyrone. WAUGHOPE, CHARLES, M.A. 1768. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WAUHOPE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1809. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Ballymena, 1812-37; died 20th January, 1837. WEATHERHEAD, JAMES, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1889. F.C. Minister at North Woodside, Glasgow. WEBB, BERNARD, M.A. 1750. " Filius natu maximus quondam Joannis Webb de Cloheen in Comitatu de Cork in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1748]. WEBB, HENRY PELHAM, M.B., CM. 1882. Dublin; London. WEBBER, GEORGE WILLIAM, B.Sc. 1888. Analytical Chemist, Glasgow; died at Denver, U.S.A., 22nd May, 1895, aged 28. WEBBER, WILLIAM, M.D. 1840. " Hibernicus » [Grad. Alb.]. WEBSTER, ALFRED, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. WEBSTER, DAVID GRAHAM, M.A. 1894. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. WEBSTER, GEORGE, M.D. 1798. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. WEIR, ANDREW, CM. 1821. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. WEIR, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1869. Paisley Infirmary; died 24th February, 187 1, aged 23; Weir Medical Bursary founded to his memory. ROLL OF GRADUATES 637 WEIR, DUNCAN HARKNESS, M.A. 1840, D.D. 1864. Minister of (1) Gourock, 1845-49, (2) Scots Church, Manchester, 1849-50; Professor of Oriental Languages in Glasgow University, 1850 to 1876; Clerk of Senate from 1855 to 1876; born at Greenock, 30th November, 1822; died at Southport, 24th November, 1876. WEIR, JAMES, M.A. 1787. "Scoto Britanus" [Grad. Alb.]. WEIR, JAMES, " M.B., CM. 1896. Uddingston. WEIR, JAMES BROWNLEE, M.B. 1871, M.D. 1873. Auchencairn, Kirkcudbrightshire; Silverstone, Northamptonshire. WEIR, JAMES JOHNSTONE, M.B., CM. 1878. Glasgow ; Jarrow-on-Tyne ; West Hartlepool ; Jarrow-on-Tyne. WEIR, JOHN, M.D. 1852. A "John Weir, M.D.," died on 3rd September, 1859, at Maryborough, Australia, aged 30. WEIR, JOHN, M.A. 1858. Minister of St James' Parish, Forfar. WEIR, JOHN, M.A. 1882. (1) Assistant to Professor William Jack (q.v.), 1887-90 ; (2) Principal of The Maharaja's College, Mysore, India. WEIR, JOHN, M.A. 1893. Assistant Master in (1) Napiershall School, Glasgow, 1890-94, (2) the High School there since 1894. WEIR, JOHN WALLACE, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1871. Glasgow ; Engcobo, Tambuland, South Africa. WEIR, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1889. Campbeltown ; Kilsyth ; Campbeltown ; Yoker. WEIR, THOMAS DUNCAN, B.Sc. 1881. Civil Engineer, Caracas, Venezuela, South America. WEIR, THOMAS HUNTER, M.A. 1885, B.D. 1888. Minister of Kingairloch Mission, 1889-91 ; Assistant Master, High School, Perth, West Australia, 1892-93; Assistant to Professor of Oriental Languages in Glasgow University since 1893; son of Professor Duncan H. Weir (q.v.). WEIR, WILLIAM, M.D. 1829. Glasgow : Lecturer (a) on Medicine in" Portland Street Medical School, 1830-42, (b) on Phrenology in Anderson's College, (c) in Royal Infirmary; died 13th December, 1876, aged 82. WEIR, WILLIAM, M.D. 1847. Larkhall. 638 ROLL OF GRADUATES WEIR, WILLIAM, M.D. 1864. Glasgow ; Mayfield, Sussex ; Sahara, Brazil ; London ; Buenos Ayres. WEIR, WILLIAM, B.Sc. 1884. M.B., CM. Edin. 1888; Glasgow. WELDON, ROBERT GASCOIGNE, M.A. 1849. Curate of Girvan and Maybole, 1848-50; Priest in charge of (1) Clonfeach, Co. Armagh, 1851-52, (2) Birling, Kent, 1852-53 ; Incumbent of (1) Anderston, Glasgow, 1853-55, (2) Girvan with Maybole, 1855-70, (3) St. Paul's, Rothesay, 1870-89; died 5th March, 189 1, aged 65. WELLESLEY, MARQUIS OF. LL.D. 1804. M.P. for (1) Trim, 1780-81, (2) Beeralston, 1784-86, (3) Saltasp, 1786-87, (4) Windsor, 1787-96, (5) Sarum, 1796-97; Governor-General of India, 1797- 1805; Ambassador to the Supreme Central Junta of Spain, 1809; Secretary for Foreign Affairs, 1809-12; Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, 1821-28 and 1833-34; Lord-Steward of the Household, 1830-33; Lord Chamberlain, 1835; born 1760; died 26th September, 1842; elder brother of the Duke of Wellington. WELLS, ALEXANDER SIMPSON, M.A. 1895. Student of Medicine. WELLS, GEORGE HENRY, M.A. 1832. Unitarian Minister at (1) Rivington, (2) Gorton, Manchester (Brookfield Church), 1837-81; born at Warrington, 19th April, 181 1; died at Bowdon, 17th July, 1888. WELLS, JOHN, M.A. 1856. Designed in General Council Register, 1860-61, as "Assistant Missionary in Parish Church, Campbeltown"; went to America many years ago; a person of the same name was Church of Scotland Minister at New Richmond, Presbytery of Restigouche, N. Brunswick. WELLS, WILLIAM, M.D., CM. 1864. Native of Dumfries; appointed Medical Missionary (L.M. Society) to Hankow, China; died on outward voyage, 15th October, 1864. WELLWOOD, SIR HENRY MONCRIEFF. See Moncrieff-Wellwood. WELSH, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1864, CM. 1867. Whitworth, Lanes. WELSH, DAVID, D.D. 1831. Minister (1) of Crossmichael, (2) of St. David's, Glasgow; Professor of Ecclesiastical History in (1) Edinburgh University, 1 831-1843, (2) Free Church College, 1843-45; born in Moffat Parish, nth December, 1793; died 24th April, 1845; degree granted in consequence of "a Memorial from a number of the Members of the Session of St. David's Parish in this City" [Univ. Minute, 17th October, 1831]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 639 WELSH, JOHN, M.D. 1839. Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal; died 19th April, 1894. WELSH, JOSEPH RODGER, M.A. 1837. Presbyterian Minister in Liverpool of (1) Oldham Street Church, (2) Canning Street Church; died 21st October, 1878. WELSH, ROBERT ETHOL, M.A. 1877. U.P. Missionary in Japan, 1880-81; English Presbyterian Minister at (1) Harrogate, Yorks., 1882-87, (2) Brondesbury, London, since 1887. WEMYSS, JOHN, M.A. 1882. Solicitor, Neepawa, Manitoba. WENLEY, ROBERT MARK, M.A. 1884, D.Phil. 1895. Lecturer on Logic and Moral Philosophy in Queen Margaret College, Glasgow, 1886 to 1895, and Assistant to Professor of Logic in the University; Senior Professor of Philosophy in the University of Michigan since 1896; Degree Examiner on Mental Philosophy in Glasgow University, 1888-91. WEST, HENRY ROGER, M.D. 1839. Dublin; Harpenden, Herts.; died 4th November, 1880, aged 63. WEST, JAMES, LL.D. 1753. B.A. Oxon. 1723; M.A. 1726; Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, 1728; Bencher, 1761; Recorder of Poole and of St. Albans, 1758; High Steward, 1759; President of the Royal Society; Joint Secretary of the Treasury, I 757 -62 ; M -P- f° r ( x ) St. Albans, 1741-62, (2) Boroughbridge, 1768-72; died 2nd July, 1772; degree conferred on the narrative that "it would be both for the Honour and advantage of the University to give some particular mark of their regard for him" [Univ. Minute, 23rd November, 1753]. WEST, JOHN HENRY, M.D. 1853. Surgeon-Major, Army; died 29th November, 1878, aged 47. WESTON, JAMES, B.A. 1819. " Filius Natu Maximus Jacobi Armigeri apud Londinum " [Matric. Alb. 1817]. WESTROPP, WILLIAM, M.D. 1834. Limerick; died 5th December, 1877, aged 73. WETHERED, THOMAS, M.D. 1837. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WETMORE, THOMAS S., M.D. 1839. "Americanus Brit." [Grad. Alb.]. WHAMOND, JOHN GEORGE HILL, M.A. 1894. Schoolmaster (1) in Dunfermline District, (2) in Saltcoats District, (3) under Paisley School Board. WHAMOND, WILLIAM, M,D. 1862, Coltness ; Morpeth ; Jarrow-on-Tyne. 640 ROLL OF GRADUATES WHARRIE, JAMES BROWN, M.D. 1822. Hamilton; J. P.; died 1st January, 1870. WHARRIE, THOMAS, M.A. 1795. Minister of Symington, Ayrshire, 1809-44; died 27th February, 1844, aged 68. WHARRIE, THOMAS JAMES, M.D. 1822. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. WHERLAND, JAMES RICHARD, M.D. 1838. Cork : sometime Lecturer on Anatomy, etc., in School of Medicine there ; died 1 6th December, 1889. WHISH, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1885. Pollokshaws. WHITE, ADAM CRAWFORD, M.B., CM. 1890. Glasgow ; Oldham. WHITE, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1893. Galston ; Ayr. WHITE, HENRY, M.D. 1837. " Hibernicus " [Grad. Alb.]. WHITE, JAMES, M.A. 1797. "Hibernicus" [Grad. Alb.]. WHITE, JAMES, M.A. 1817. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WHITE, JAMES, CM. 1826, M.D. 1835. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WHITE, JAMES LAURIE, M.B., CM. 1891. Coatbridge; Airdrie. WHITE, JAMES WALLS, M.D. 1877. Glasgow and Uddingston. WHITE, JAMES WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow. WHITE, JOHN, M.A. 1809. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Rathfriland, 1813-36; died 2nd April, 1836. WHITE, JOHN, M.A. 1823. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. WHITE, JOHN, LL.D. 1857. Mathematical Master in Irvine Royal Academy; born near Errol, 15th June, 1807 ; died at Irvine, 23rd March, 1896. WHITE, JOHN, M.D. 1863. Glasgow; died 1888, ROLL OF GRADUATES 641 WHITE, JOHN, M.A. 1873. F.C. Minister at (1) Baillieston, (2) East Park, Glasgow. WHITE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow; Balfron ; Glasgow; died 29th November, 1891. WHITE, JOHN, M.A. 1891. Minister of Shettleston since 1893. WHITE, JOHN CAMPBELL, M.D. 1782. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]; possibly the same person as "Dr. John Camp- bell White," who settled in Baltimore circa 1800, and was the grandfather of William Pinkney Whyte, Attorney-General (1887) of Baltimore. WHITE, JOHN CAMPBELL, M.A. 1865. See Overtoun, Baron. WHITE, MALCOLM, M.A. i860. F.C. Minister at (1) Cathcart, (2) Innellan, (3) Blairgowrie. WHITE, MATTHEW, M.A. 1883, B.D. 1886. F.C. Minister at Skirling, 1889-96, when resigned owing to ill-health. WHITE, PATRICK, M.A. 1807. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Bailieborough, 1810-62; died 17 th January, 1862. WHITE, ROBERT, M.A. 1866. Licentiate of the Free Church; has held various mission and other appointments in Glasgow, Burghead, Orkney, Shetland, Haddington, etc.; also teaching appointments in (1) Brighouse, Yorks., (2) Glasgow, (3) Dumfries. WHITE, ROBERT NICOL, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow. WHITE, SAMUEL, M.A. 1777. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WHITE, SNOWDEN, M.D. 1732. "Of Findern, near Derby" [Univ. Minute, 26th June, 1732]. WHITE, THOMAS, M.A. 1732. Possibly the same person as Thomas White of Manchester, who was admitted an Extra Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of London, 30th July, 1733. WHITE, THOMAS, M.A. 1739. Minister of Gilmerton, 1752-89; suspended for three weeks in 1757 for being in the theatre when the tragedy of " Douglas " was originally acted ; died 13th January, 1789, aged 71. WHITE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1765. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. 2 s 642 ROLL OF GRADUATES WHITE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1816. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Stonebridge, 1820-75; died 2n & November, 1875- WHITE, WILLIAM, M.D. 1837. Borris-in-Ossory, Queen's Co. ; died 1883. WHITE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1887, B.D. 1889. Minister of Crosshouse, near Kilmarnock. WHITE, SIR WILLIAM HENRY, LL.D. 1893. Director of Naval Construction and Assistant-Controller of the Navy, Admiralty, London; K.C.B. 1895. WHITE, WILLIAM NEWPORT, M.D. 1837. Ballynahinch, Co. Down; Downpatrick; died 31st January, 1874. WHITEFORD, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1866. Farmer, Carswell, Neilston. WHITEFORD, JAMES, M.A. 1855. Minister of Banton, by Bonnybridge; died there, 20th December, 1895. WHITEHEAD, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1785, M.D. 1798. Younger brother of James Whitehead, M.A. 1785 (q.v.), and "filius natu secundus Gulielmi in Parochia Sti. Niniani et Comitatu de Stirling, et ibi natus " [Matric. Alb. 1782]. WHITEHEAD, ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1873. Paisley; Tharsis, Spain; Paisley; died 1895. WHITEHEAD, JAMES, M.A. 1785. Elder brother of Alexander Whitehead, M.A. 1785, M.D. 1798 (q.v.). WHITEHEAD, THOMAS, M.A. 1738. " Angl. filius Davidis Whitehead in parochia de Bolton in Com. de Lancaster" [Matric. Alb. 1735]. WHITEHOUSE, HENRY, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. WHITEHOUSE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1892. U.P. Missionary to Rajpootana. WHITELAW, JOHN, CM. 1817. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. WHITELAW, JOHN, M.D. 1825. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. WHITELAW, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1886. Jamestown, Dumbartonshire; Calcutta. WHITELAW, WILLIAM, M.D. 1861, Glasgow; Kirkintilloch; J. P. ROLL OF GRADUATES 643 WHITELEGGE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1842. Minister of Presbyterian Church, Princes Street, Cork, since 1843; born 30th March, 181 9. WHITLAW, HENRY EDWARD, CM. 1846. Newtownards, Co. Down; died February, 1858. WHITSON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1871, M.D. 1876. Glasgow ; St. Andrews ; Glasgow (Lecturer on Operative Surgery in St. Mungo's College). WHITSON, JOHN, M.D. 1822. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. WHITTAKER, JAMES TRAVIS, M.B. 1873, M.D. 1876. Glasgow; Tillicoultry; London; died there, 15th March, 1895. WHITTAM, JOHN, M.D. 1809. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. WHITTELL, CHARLES, M.D. 1808. Practitioner at Chester, and Physician to the Infirmary there; gave an affirmation instead of the oath. WHITWORTH, HENRY, M.D. 1838. St. Agnes, Cornwall. WHITWORTH, WILLIAM, M.A. 1738. " Clerk, Rector of Stilton, in the County of Huntingdon " [Univ. Minute, 1738]. WHYTE, ADAM GOWANS, B.Sc. 1895. Journalist in Glasgow. WHYTE, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1884, B.Sc. 1885, B.D. 1888. Assistant to Professor of Botany in the University, 1888-90; U.P. Minister at (1) Craigs and Duntocher, (2) Kelvinside, Glasgow; resigned 1897 on account of ill-health. WHYTE, ANDREW, M.A. 1848. U.P. Minister at (1) South Ronaldshay, (2) Clackmannan; died 19th November, 1895, a g e< ^ 7°- WHYTE, ARCHIBALD, CM. 1852. Inverness; Nairn. WHYTE, DAVID, M.D. 1786. " Britannus" [Grad. Alb.]. WHYTE, DAVID, M.A. 1808. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Bailee, 181 1 to circa 1850; died many years ago, but date not ascertained. WHYTE, JAMES, M.A. 1888, B.D. 1895. F,C. Minister at Deerness, Orkney, since September, 1897. 644 ROLL OF GRADUATES WHYTE, JOHN, M.A. 1819. "F. n. 2 dus Jacobi Artificis Glasg." [Matric. Alb. 1815]. WHYTE, MARTIN, M.B., CM. 1891. Rutherglen. WHYTE, ROBERT, M.A. 1859, D.D. 1884. U.P. Minister at (1) Kelso, (2) Pollokshaws, (3) Lauriston, Edinburgh; died 2nd September, 1897. WHYTE, ROBERT ORR, M.A. 1896. Student of Medicine. WHYTE, WILLIAM, B.Sc. 1874. H.M. Inspector of Schools; M.A. Edin. 1876. WICKENS, GEORGE FREDERIC, M.B., CM. 1879. Melbourne, Victoria, Australia ; Bright there ; Kyabram there ; Carlton there. WICKSTEED, CHARLES, B.A. 1830. Dissenting Minister at (1) Toxteth Park Chapel, Liverpool, (2) Mill Hill Chapel, Leeds, (3) Hope Street Church, Liverpool; died 19th April, 1885. WICKSTEED, JOSEPH HARTLEY, M.A. 1823. Intended for Dissenting Ministry in England; drowned 1824, while bathing in Loch Katrine; brother of Charles Wicksteed, M.A, (q.v.). WIER, JOHN, CM. 1845, M.D. 1854. Ahoghill, Co. Antrim ; Carrickfergus, same Co. ; Belfast ; Carrickfergus ; died 16th December, 1895. WIER, WILLIAM, M.A. 1816. " Filius Natu Secundus Gulielmi Mercatoris in parochia de Seapatrick in comitatu de Down in Hybernia " [Matric. Alb. 18 12]. WIGHT, GEORGE, B.A. 1846, M.A. 1847. Minister of Wamphray. WIGHT, JOHN RUTHERFURD, B.A. 1846, M.A. 1847. Architect, Edinburgh. WIGHT, WILLIAM THORBURN, B.L. 1885. Writer, Glasgow. WIGHTMAN, JOHN, D.D. 1837. Minister of Kirkmahoe, 1797 to 1847; died 14th July, 1847, aged 86. WIGHTMAN, THOMAS HENDERSON, M.A. 1819. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WILBERFORCE, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1791. M.P. for (1) Hull, (2) Yorkshire, (3) Bramber; the Slavery Abolitionist; born 1759; died 1833; buried in Westminster Abbey. WILDRIDGE, CHARLES MOODY, M.B., CM. 1887. Innellan; Bo'ness; Birmingham, ROLL OF GRADUATES 645 WILKES, FREDERICK T., B.A. 1833. " Fil. nat. 4 tus Joannis Merc, in Comit. Varvicensi" [Matric. Alb. 1830]. WILKES, HENRY, M.A. 1833. Minister of Albany Street Congregational Church, Edinburgh, 1833-36; Minister of Congregational Church, Montreal, Canada, 1836-71; Principal and Professor of Theology in the Congregational College of British North America, 1870-83; Professor of Theology and Church History therein, 1883-86; D.D. Vermont, 1850; LL.D. M'Gill College, 1870; born at Birmingham, 21st June, 1805; died at Montreal, 17th November, 1886. WILKIE, AARON, B.A. 1851, M.A. 1852. " Filius natu minimus defuncti Roberti agricolae in parochia de Lifford et comitatu de Donegal" [Matric. Alb. 1849]. WILKIE, ARTHUR WEST, M.A. 1896. Intends to qualify for Ministry of U.P. Church. WILKIE, DANIEL, M.A. 1803, LL.D. 1837. Classical Teacher at Quebec. WILKIE, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1871. Glasgow; Surgeon-Lieut. -Col., I. M.S., Bengal. WILKINS, THOMAS FORSTER, M.A. 1847. Sometime Teacher in the High School of Glasgow ; intended thereafter to enter Ministry of Church of England. WILKS, STEPHEN GEARY, M.D. 1808. " Anglo-Britannus " [Grad. Alb.]. WILLIAMS, ALFRED, M.B., CM. 1883, M.D. 1890. Glasgow ; Oswestry, Salop ; Huddersfield ; Wolverhampton ; Salford. WILLIAMS, BENJAMIN THOMAS, B.A. 1853, M.A. 1854. Barrister; Q.C. ; Recorder of Carmarthen; M.P. for United Boroughs of Carmarthen and Llanelly, 1878-82; Judge of Glamorgan County Court, 1882-85, when, owing to illness, retired on pension; Editor of Law Magazine; J. P. for counties of Pembroke, Brecon, and Glamorgan; born at Merryvale, Pembroke- shire, 19th November, 1832; died at Carmarthen, 21st March, 1890. WILLIAMS, DAVID, M.D. 1822. Surgeon, R.N.; Curborough, Staffs.; Cheltenham; died 24th May, 187 1, aged 83. WILLIAMS, EDGAR, M.A. 1867. (1) Calvinistic Methodist Minister; (2) Principal and Proprietor of Maindee College, Newport, Mon.; B.D. Edin. 1869. WILLIAMS, EDWARD, M.B., CM. 1887. Llanelly, Wales; Cardiff. WILLIAMS, ENOCH, M.A. 1835. " Filius natu maximus Benjaminis mercatoris apud Merthyr Tydvil in comitatu de Glamorgan" [Matric. Alb. 1832]. 646 ROLL OF GRADUATES WILLIAMS, EVAN, B.A. 1858, M.A. 1859. Schoolmaster at Merthyr Tydvil, Wales. WILLIAMS, GEORGE, M.D. 1837. Dingle, Co. Kerry. WILLIAMS, HENRY FRANCIS, M.D. 1844. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WILLIAMS, HENRY WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1893. Glasgow. WILLIAMS, HUGH JONES, M.D. 1834. "Cambro Brit." [Grad. Alb.]. WILLIAMS, JOHN, M.D. 1825. Army Surgeon. WILLIAMS, LEONARD, M.B., CM. 1886. London; Shortlands, Kent; Sidmouth, Devon. WILLIAMS, LEWIS JAMES, B.A. 1857, M.A. 1858. Intended for Independent Church Ministry ; attended Divinity Hall, Glasgow University, 1858-59; born at Newcastle-Emlyn, Cardiganshire, 4th March, 1833; died there, of consumption, 9th July, 1859. WILLIAMS, LLEWELLYN WYNN, B.Sc. 1895. Chief Engineer to Railway Appliances Works, Cathcart, Glasgow. WILLIAMS, RICHARD, M.D. 1836. Aberystwith; Coroner and J. P. for Cardiganshire. WILLIAMS, WALTER EBNER, M.B., CM. 1890. Chwilog, Carnarvonshire; Portmadoc there. WILLIAMS, WILLIAM MICHAEL, M.B., CM. 1881. Penmachno, Carnarvonshire. WILLIAMSON, ALEXANDER, B.A. 1853, LL.D. 1871. (1) Missionary (Lond. M. Soc.) to China, 1855, but soon afterwards invalided home ; (2) accepted an appointment under the National Bible Society of Scotland, l86 3; (3) acted for that Society, and also as Missionary of the U.P. Church, at Chefoo, China, 1870-87; (4) devoted himself mainly to the production of Christian books for the Chinese; born at Falkirk, 5th December, 1829; died at Chefoo, 2nd September, 1890. WILLIAMSON, ANDREW SYM, CM. 1829. Port-Glasgow. WILLIAMSON, GEORGE, M.A. 1730. "Anglus" [Matric. Alb. 1727]. WILLIAMSON, HENRY ANGUS, M.A. 1894. Student of Theology in U.P. College, Edinburgh. ROLL OF GRADUATES 647 WILLIAMSON, JAMES, M.A. 1854. Church of Scotland Chaplain at Allahabad, N.W.P., India, 1859-78; Minister of Dean Parish, Edinburgh, since 1879. WILLIAMSON, JAMES, LL.D. 1855. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy in Queen's College, Kingston, Canada West; afterwards Vice-Principal, Professor of Astronomy, and for many years Director of the Kingston Observatory ; born at Edinburgh, 19th October, 1816; died 1895; M.A. Edin. WILLIAMSON, JOHN, M.A. 1750. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Clough, Co. Down, from 1752 to probably 1773- WILLIAMSON, JOHN, D.D. 1751. Chaplain to the British Factory at Lisbon. WILLIAMSON, ROBERT, D.D. 1879. Free Church Minister at (1) Dunkeld, (2) Kingarth, Bute; LL.D. St. Andrews, 1893. WILLIAMSON, ROBERT PETER GEORGE, M.A. 1888. (1) Teacher under Glasgow School Board; (2) Second Master in Academy and Burgh Schools, Alloa; (3) Lecturer in Day Training Classes for Teachers, Bradford. WILLIAMSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1739. "Filius Joannis Williamson Medicinae Doctoris in Urbe Antrim in Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1736]. WILLIAMSON, WILLIAM JAMES DALRYMPLE, M.A. 1867. Presbyterian Minister at (1) Stalybridge, Lanes., (2) Buncrana, Co. Derry, (3) Banagher, Co. Derry. WILLIAMSON, WILLIAM MARSHALL, M.A. 1888. Native of Kirkmuirhill, Lesmahagow ; intended for Ministry of U.P. Church; died (at end of first session in Theological Hall) 22nd May, 1889, aged 21. WILLIS, GEORGE, M.D. 1850. Glasgow; Monmouth; sometime Mayor thereof; J. P. WILLIS, MICHAEL, M.A. 1817, D.D. 1839. Minister of Renfield Street Original Burgher Church, Glasgow, and Professor of Theology to Burgher Synod; afterwards Minister of Renfield Free Church, Glasgow; latterly Principal and Professor of Divinity in Knox College, Toronto; born at Greenock, 1799; died at Aberdour, Banffshire, 19th August, 1879. WILLIS, RANDOLPH OWEN, M.B., CM. 1888. Monmouth; Port-Ballintrae, Co. Antrim; died 3rd March, 1890, aged 24. WILLIS, RICHARD, M.D. 1839. Dublin. 648 ROLL OF GRADUATES WILLIS, WILLIAM ROBERTSON, M.B., CM. 1879. Baillieston. WILLISON, JOHN, M.D. 1769. WILLISON, JOHN, M.A. i 7 74- Minister of (1) West Calder, (2) Forgandenny; died 7th February, 1828, aged 74. WILLOCK, BORLASE, M.A. 1781. Probably entered the Ministry of the Church of England; "Alius Natu Maximus Gulielmi Mercatoris in Urbe Liverpool in Anglia" [Matric. Alb. 1778]. WILLOUGHBY, EDWARD, M.D. 1818. "Barbadensi" [Grad. Alb.]. WILLS, DOUGLAS CAMPBELL, M.D. i860. Paisley; Melbourne; Cumnock; died at Paisley, nth January, 1865, aged 25. WILLS, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1875, M.D. 1884. Leadgate, Durham ; New Kilpatrick ; Glasgow ; London. WILSON, ADAM, M.A. 1881, B.D. 1884. U.P. Minister at Bridge of Weir. WILSON, ADAM JAMES, M.A. 1877. (1) Coffee Planter; (2) Tutor, residing in Sydney, N.S.W. WILSON, ALEXANDER, M.D. 1763. WILSON, ALEXANDER DAVID, M.B., CM. 1890. Rotherham, Yorks. ; Glasgow ; Killin. WILSON, ALEXANDER STODDART, B.Sc. 1874, M.A. 1877. F.C. Minister of North Queensferry, and sometime Lecturer on Botany in Anderson's College and Queen Margaret College, Glasgow. WILSON, ALLAN, M.D. 1864. Castle Eden, Durham ; Alnwick. WILSON, ANDREW, CM. 1822, M.D. 1831. Surgeon in the Navy ; Brambridge, Hants. ; Twyford, Hants. ; Aldershot ; Huddersfield; Disley, Cheshire; died 21st December, 1886. WILSON, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1885. (Brunton Prizeman) ; Glasgow ; Ship Surgeon ; Dundee ; Drymen ; Glasgow. WILSON, ANDREW COLVILLE, B.Sc. 1894. M.B., CM. 1897. WILSON, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1792. "Filius natu Maximus Joannis Mercatoris in Sanquhar in comitatu de Dumfries" [Matric. Alb. 1788]. WILSON, CHARLES, M.B. 1876, M.D. 1884. Muirkirk ; Sheepshed, Leic. ; Crewe, Cheshire. ROLL OF GRADUATES 649 WILSON, CHARLES, M.B., CM. 1892. Nottingham; Birkenhead; Burnley; Ship Surgeon. WILSON, DAVID, M.A. 1876. Younger, of Carbeth, Killearn. WILSON, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1876, M.D. 1885. Huddersfield. WILSON, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1877. Irvine ; Washington, Durham ; t Birtley there. WILSON, DAVID, M.A. 1884. Civil Service of India. WILSON, EDMUND MENZIES, M.B. 1868. Huddersfield ; Dominica, West Indies. WILSON, FRANCIS, M.A. 1806. "Filius natu Minimus Thomae Agricolae in parochia de Darynosa in comitatu de Armagh in Hibernia" [Matric. Alb. 1804]. WILSON, FRANK, M.B., CM. 1881. Paisley; died 20th March, 1888. WILSON, GEORGE, M.B. 1868, M.D. 1870. Ashton-under-Lyne ; Huddersfield ; died 6th September, 1881. WILSON, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1884. Glasgow ; Newton ; Shettleston. WILSON, GEORGE SMELLIE, xM.D. 1865. Glasgow. WILSON, HENRY, M.A. 1872. Native of Ramsey, Isle of Man; believed to have died circa 1874. WILSON, HENRY, M.B., CM. 1881. Glasgow ; Strathaven ; Glasgow ; Queensland. WILSON, HENRY BURT, M.B., CM. 1874. Glasgow. WILSON, HENRY CHARLES SIRR, M.D. 1847. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WILSON, HENRY JAMES, M.D. 1781. " Hibernus " [Grad. Alb.] ; M.A. Univ. of Tolouse [Glasg. Univ. Minute, 20th November, 1781]. WILSON, HUGH, M.D. 1863. Newton Mearns; Ochiltree; died October, 1869. WILSON, HUGH CARRUTHERS, B.A. i860, M.A. 1861. English Presbyterian Minister at (1) Gravesend, (2) Eastbourne. WILSON, HUGH M., B.A. 1840, M.A. 1841. "Filius nat. decimus Joannis Verbi Dei Ministri ap. Lesmahago" [Matric. Alb. 1836]. 650 ROLL OF GRADUATES WILSON, JAMES, M.A. 1764. " Filius unicus Jacobi Nautae apud Saltcotes in Comitatu de Ayr " [Matric. Alb. 1763]. WILSON, JAMES, M.A. 1781. Minister (1) at Stafford, (2) at Stockport, (3) of Mid Calder, (4) of Falkirk; died 8th June, 1829, aged 76; D.D. Edin. 1802. WILSON, JAMES, M.A. 1809. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Magherafelt, 1813-54; died 10th June, 1854. WILSON, JAMES, M.D. 1837. Carluke ; Glasgow (Lecturer on Midwifery in Portland Street Medical School, 1830-38); died 30th September, 1857, aged 75. WILSON, JAMES, M.A. i860. Minister of Broughty Ferry. WILSON, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1878. Dairy, Ayrshire; Johnstone; died 4th September, 1891, aged 44. WILSON, JAMES, M.A. 1878, B.Sc. 1880, M.B., CM. 1884. Go van. WILSON, JAMES, M.A. 1883, B.D. 1885. Minister at Lumsden, Aberdeenshire, 1869-73; Head Master of Government Grammar School, Grenada, West Indies, and Inspector of all the Schools of that Colony, 1873-77 ; held various tutorial appointments in and around Glasgow, 1877-85; Minister of Gardenstown, Banffshire, since 1885. WILSON, JAMES, M.A. 1886. Jesuit Priest, Maison St. Louis, St. Heliers, Jersey. WILSON, JAMES ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1889. Cambuslang ; Paisley ; Govan ; Cambuslang ; Glasgow. WILSON, JAMES ALEXANDER, M.B., CM. 1890. Langley Moor, Durham. WILSON, JAMES ALLAN, M.B., CM. 1891, M.D. 1895. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow. WILSON, JAMES BALD, M.A. 1896. Student of Science. WILSON, JAMES DUNLOP OCTAVUS, M.B., CM. 1894. Ship Surgeon ; Glasgow ; Drymen. WILSON, JAMES ERIC, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow; Greenock; son of William Aitchison Wilson, M.D. (q.v.). WILSON, JAMES GEORGE, M.D. 1853. Glasgow (Professor of Midwifery in Anderson's College, 1863-81); died 4th March, 1881 ; son of James Wilson, M.D. 1837 (q.v.). ROLL OF GRADUATES 651 WILSON, JAMES GIBSON, M.A. i860, M.D. 1864. Demonstrator and Assistant in Anatomical Department of Glasgow Uni- versity, 1864-65; born at Manse of Maryhill, 14th April, 1840; died 10th June, 1865. WILSON, JAMES HUTTON, B.A. 1861. Teacher in (1) a Boarding School near Reading, (2) Nairn Academy, (3) Madras Academy, Cupar-Fife, 1870-90, (4) Berriedale, Caithness, 1891-94; resident, 1896, at Westfield, Cupar- Fife. WILSON, JAMES LOCKHART, M.B., CM. 1882. Glasgow; Ship Surgeon; Duns, Berwickshire. WILSON, JAMES MITCHELL, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1883. Huntingdon ; Chatteris, Cambs. ; Rochdale ; Doncaster. WILSON, JAMES PETER, M.A. 1890, B.D. 1893. Minister of Dalbeattie since 1897. WILSON, JAMES POLLOK, M.B., CM. 1888. Dumfries; Maryport, Cumberland; Chapelhall, Lanarkshire. WILSON, JAMES SCOTT, M.B., CM. 1879, M.D. 1884. Glasgow ; Thornhill, Dumfriesshire ; Walsall, Staffs. WILSON, JASPER, CM. 1823. "F. N. 6 th Joannis chirurgi in par. de Kilm ck Ayr" [Matric. Alb. 1818]. WILSON, JOHN, M.A. 1738. "Filius Alexandri Wilson in Kirkcudbright" [Matric. Alb. 1734]. WILSON, JOHN, M.A. 1763. " Filius natu maximus Gulielmi, in Comitatu de Dunnegal, in Hibernia " [Matric. Alb. 1761.]. WILSON, JOHN, M.A. 1769. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WILSON, JOHN, M.A. 1778. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. WILSON, JOHN (primus), M.A. 1782. " Filius natu maximus Nathanielis artificis in Parochia et Comitatu de Lanark" [Matric. Alb. 1777]. WILSON, JOHN (secundus), M.A. 1782. "Filius natu 3 tius Hugonis Agricolae natus in Villa Paisley Comitatu de Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1778]. WILSON, JOHN, M.D. 1827. Carnwath; J.P. for Lanarkshire; died 1880. WILSON, JOHN, D.D. 1843. Minister (1) at Hexham, (2) of Irvine, (3) of Stirling; died 8th Novem- ber, 1852, aged 65; son of James Wilson, M.A. 1781 (q.v.). 652 ROLL OF GRADUATES WILSON, JOHN, M.A. 1845. Minister of (1) Dysart, 1850-59, (2) Methven since 1859. WILSON, JOHN, M.D. 1849. Glasgow ; Garvagh, Ireland ; Fenagh, Co. Leitrim ; Drumshanbo, same Co. ; Brookboro', Co. Fermanagh; died 20th January, 1876, aged 46. WILSON, JOHN, M.D. i860. Darvel, Ayrshire ; Lanchester, Co. Durham ; J. P. WILSON, JOHN, M.D. 1863. Glasgow; died 8th May, 1888. WILSON, JOHN, M.D. 1864. Johnstone ; Bury, Lanes. ; Surgeon, Royal Mail Co. WILSON, JOHN, M.D. 1866. Glasgow ; Larkhall ; Glasgow. WILSON, JOHN, M.A. 1868. (1) F.C. Minister of Abernyte, 1873-86; (2) Litterateur, residing in Switzerland. WILSON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1876. Glasgow. WILSON, JOHN, M.A. 1879. Schoolmaster in (1) Ayr Academy, (2) West- End Academy, Dundee, (3) Tillicoultry Public School. WILSON, JOHN, M.A. 1881. Teacher, Glasgow; died, of phthisis, at 29 Queen Mary Street there, 13th September, 1882, aged 28. WILSON, JOHN, B.L. 1896. Writer, Glasgow. WILSON, JOHN COWAN, M.B., CM. 1883. Greenock ; Oldham ; Blantyre. WILSON, JOHN GILMOUR, M.D. 1857. Paisley ; Ashton-under-Lyne. WILSON, JOHN MACINTOSH, M.A. 1892. (1) Classical Master in Kilmarnock Academy; (2) Classical Master in Harris Academy, Dundee; (3) Head Master of Public School, Portsoy; (4) H.M. Sub-Inspector of Schools. WILSON, JOHN NEIL, M.B., CM. 1879. Glasgow ; Jarrow-on-Tyne ; Klerksdorp, Transvaal, S. Africa ; Maefking, Bechuanaland. WILSON, JOHN RUDGE, M.A. 1876. Minister of (1) Morton, Dumfriesshire, (2) Greenside, Edinburgh, (3) Wilton, Hawick. ROLL OF GRADUATES 653 WILSON, JOHN SCOTT, M.D. 1863, CM. 1875. Glasgow ; Bellshill ; Callington, S. Australia ; Penola there ; Mount Barker there; Kadina there; VVentworth there; died November, 1893. WILSON, JOSEPH, M.A. 1840. Teacher in various places, 1844-63; Joint Principal of The Mansion, Leatherhead, Surrey, 1863-74; Master in Blackheath School for sons of Missionaries, 1875-80, when retired. WILSON, MATTHEW, M.A. 1870. Mathematical Teacher in George Watson's College Schools, Edinburgh, 1870-74; Head Master of Craigneuk Public School, Motherwell, 1875-76; Head Master of Johnstone Public School since 1876. WILSON, MATTHEW, M.A. 1888. Curate of (1) St. Thomas', Hyde, Cheshire, 1891-96, (2) St. Luke's, Dukinfield, Cheshire, since 1896. WILSON, MATTHEW GEMMELL, M.A. 1884. Iron Merchant, Glasgow. WILSON, PATRICK, LL.D. 1800. Professor of Astronomy in Glasgow University, 1782 to 1799; born 16th January, 1743; died 31st December, 181 1; son of Alexander Wilson, the previous Professor of Astronomy. WILSON, PETER, M.A. 1874. U.P. Minister at (1) Whiteinch, (2) St. Andrew's Place, Leith. WILSON, RICHARD, M.A. 1740. "Filius Thomae Wilson in urbe Ambleton in Com. de Cumberland" [Matric. Alb. 1738]. WILSON, ROBERT, M.A. 1796. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. WILSON, ROBERT, M.D. 1823. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WILSON, ROBERT, M.A. 1826. Minister of (1) St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, St. John's, New Brunswick, (2) Free Church at North Ronaldshay. Orkney; retired 1877; born 13th March, 1805; died 5th April, 1894. WILSON, ROBERT, M.D. 1848. Castle Eden, Co. Durham; Alnwick; died 19th November, 1881, aged 52. WILSON, ROBERT, D.D. 1849. Professor of Biblical Literature in the Theological College of the Irish Presbyterian Church, Belfast. WILSON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1890, Glasgow. 654 ROLL OF GRADUATES WILSON, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow; Brislington, Somerset; Nailsworth, Gloucestershire. WILSON, ROBERT, M.A. 1894. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. WILSON, ROBERT, M.A. 1896. Student of Theology in F.C. College, Glasgow, with a view to the Indian Mission Field. WILSON, ROBERT ARCHIBALD, M.B., CM. 1873, M.D. 1876. Coxhoe, Co. Durham; Hornby, Lanes.; Balmain, Sydney, N.S. Wales. WILSON, SAMUEL, M.D. 1786. "Americanus" [Grad. Alb.]. WILSON, SAMUEL, CM. 1832. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WILSON, STEWART, M.D. 1831. Omagh, Co. Tyrone. WILSON, THOMAS, M.D. 1836. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WILSON, THOMAS, M.A. 1861. Minister of (1) Calderbank, (2) Second Charge, Lesmahagow; died there, 17th November, 1894. WILSON, THOMAS HILL, M.A. 1887. Teacher in (1) Hutchesons' Grammar School, Glasgow, as Classical Master, (2) Crosshill School, Strathaven, (3) various Schools under the School Board of Glasgow. WILSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1733. "Ang. Fil. Josephi Wilson de Acton in Comit. de Cumberland" [Matric. Alb. 1730]; matriculated at Queen's College, Oxford, 13th December, 1733, aged 21; B.A. Oxon., 24th March, 1734-35. WILSON, WILLIAM, M.A. 1775. Presbyterian Minister at Wooler, 1778-84; settled as Medical Practitioner at Clermont, Columbia Co., N.Y., 1784; first Judge of Columbia Co., 1804; born in Scotland, 1755; died at Clermont, December, 1828. WILSON, WILLIAM, CM. 1825. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WILSON, WILLIAM, CM. 1831. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. WILSON, WILLIAM, M.D. 1838. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WILSON, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1870, M.D. 1872. Lugar; Irvine, 655 M.A. 1882. M.D., CM. 1863. M.B., CM. 1882. M.B., CM. 1889. LL.D. 1844. ROLL OF GRADUATES WILSON, WILLIAM, Licentiate of the U.P. Church. WILSON, WILLIAM AITCHISON, Glasgow; Greenock. WILSON, WILLIAM MACKNIGHT, Glasgow. WILSON, WILLIAM MILLAR, China Inland Mission, Tientsin, North China. WILSON, WILLIAM RAE, Of Kelvinbank, Glasgow; sometime S.S.C., Edinburgh; travelled for many years in the East; Founder of Rae-Wilson Gold Medal; born at Paisley, 7th June, 1772; died at London, 2nd June, 1849. WILSON, WILLIAM ROWAN, B.Sc. 1892. Assistant Electrical Engineer (1) in Physical Laboratory, Glasgow Uni- versity, (2) in Glasgow Corporation Electric Station, (3) with John Fleming & Co., Bombay, India. WILSON, WILLIAM THOMAS, M.D. 1840. Armagh. WILSON, WILLIAM WALLACE, M.A. 1882. Minister of Savoch. WILSONE, DAVID HENRY, M.D. 1834. Glasgow; Australia; died there, i84i;'son of Charles Wilsone, Surgeon, Glasgow, who, on 20th January, 1787, was knocked down at night in Argyle Street and robbed by two men, who were executed for the crime. WILTON, JOHN, M.D. 1824. London; Sunderland; died nth April, 1876, aged 80. WINDER, HENRY, D.D. 1740. A Dissenting Minister at Liverpool. WINDSHIP, CHARLES, M.D. 1797. "Boston, America" [Grad. Alb.]. WINGATE, DONALD, M.B., CM. 1886. Wingate, Durham ; Haswell there. WINGATE, HAMILTON MORE, B.Sc. 1893. Chemist, Melbourne. WINGATE, WALTER, M.A. 1885. Teacher in St. John's Grammar School, Hamilton. WINN, JAMES MICHELL, M.D. 1833. Truro, Cornwall; London. WINNING, ISAAC, M.A. 1896. Teacher in (1) Stonelaw School, Rutherglen, (2) Mackay & Sutherland's English School, Valparaiso, Chile. 656 ROLL OF GRADUATES WINNING, ROBERT, M.A. 1810. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Ervey, 1812-42, when he "conformed to Prelacy" [Hist, of Irish Pres. Congs., p. 143]. WINNING, ROBERT, M.A 1816. R.P. Minister at Eaglesham, 1826-56; died 15th November, 1856, aged 61. WINNING, WALTER, M.A. 1886. Mercantile Clerk (with Thorn & Cameron, Limited), Glasgow. WINSLOW, GEORGE ERVING, M.D. 1823. Did not practise Medicine; took Holy Orders, and for many years held the living of Jugby-cum-Norton, Leicestershire. WINSLOW, THOMAS FORBES, M.A. 1822. Did not follow any profession, but was of independent means, and devoted himself to Literature. WINSTANLY, EDWARD, D.D. 1825. No designation given in University Minute of 2nd May, 1825. WINTER, JAMES, M.D. 1855. London; sometime on Army Medical Staff; died 13th March, 1866. WINTERBOTTOM, THOMAS MASTERMAN, M.D. 1792. Westoe, Durham; sometime Physician to Colony of Sierra Leone; died 8th July, 1859. WISHART, JAMES, M.A. 1895. Teacher in Chapelside Public School, Airdrie. WISHART, ROBERT SMYTH, M.A. 1879. Teacher of Mathematics and Science in the High School of Glasgow. WISHART, WILLIAM, D.D. 1730. Minister of (1) Tron, Glasgow, (2) Scottish Church, Founders Hall, London, (3) New Greyfriars, Edinburgh, (4) Tron, Edinburgh ; Dean of Faculties in Glasgow University, 1728 to 1730; Principal of Edinburgh Uni- versity, 1736 to 1753; died 12th May, 1753. WITHERING, WILLIAM, LL.D. 1824. " Editor of the late Dr. Withering's Botanical Works, author of his Life, and lately High Sheriff of Warwickshire" [Univ. Minute, 1st November, 1824]. WODROW, GAVIN, M.A. 1781. Died during his Divinity course at Glasgow University; son of James Wodrow, D.D. (q.v.). WODROW, JAMES, M.A. 1750, D.D. 1786. Library Keeper to the University, 1750-55; Minister of (1) Dunlop, (2) Stevenston; died 17th December, 1810, aged 81, ROLL OF GRADUATES 657 WOLFE, JOHN REISSBERG, M.D. 1856. Senior Surgeon, Garibaldi's Staff, and Inspector, Military Hospitals, Italian Army ; Ophthalmic Surgeon and Lecturer in Royal Infirmary of Aberdeen ; Professor of Ophthalmology in (1) Anderson's College, (2) St. Mungo's College, Glasgow ; Practitioner in Melbourne. WOLSELEY, RICHARD, M.D. 1871. Deputy Surgeon-General, Army. WOLSTENHOLME, GEORGE, M.B., CM. 1881. Oswaldtwhistle, Lanes. ; Pemberton there. WOLVERSON, FREDERICK, M.B., CM. 1895. Wolverhampton. WOOD, ANDREW, M.D., CM. 1831. " F. N. 3 tius Math. Agricolae in par. de Eastwood, Renfrew " [Matric. Alb. 1 8 18]. WOOD, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1733. "Scoto. Hib. Filius Jacobi Wood in Comit. de Deny" [Matric. Alb. 1730]. WOOD, HUGH, M.D. 1827. Sheffield; died 27th May, 1866, aged 68. WOOD, JAMES BOATH, B.D. 1890. Minister of (1) Buckie, 1894-97, (2) St. Paul's, Dundee, since 1897; M.A. St. Andrews, 1887. WOOD, JAMES JULIUS, M.A. 1821, D.D. 1856. Minister of (1) Newton-upon-Ayr, (2) Stirling, (3) New Greyfriars, Edin- burgh, (4) Free Church, Dumfries; son of William Wood, M.D. (q.v.); died 23rd March, 1877. WOOD, JOHN, M.A. 1728. "Anglus" [Matric. Alb. 1725]. WOOD, JOHN, M.D. 1817. "Ab Insula Sancti Thomae" [Grad. Alb.]. WOOD, JOHN, LL.D. 1833. Presbyterian Minister at Monkwearmouth, near Sunderland; M.A. Edin. 1823. WOOD, JOHN RALSTON, M.D. 1831. Glasgow (Lecturer on Anatomy, etc., in Mechanics' Institution); London; died early; son of William Wood, M.D. (q.v.). WOOD, PERCIVAL JACKSON, M.A. 1889. Teacher, Southport, in (1) Trinity Wesleyan School, 1889-90, (2) Uni- versity School since 1890. WOOD, RALPH OLIPHANT, B.Sc. 1877. Civil Engineer, Glasgow; died 1877. 2 T 658 ROLL OF GRADUATES WOOD, ROBERT TAIT, M.B., CM. 1896. Glasgow. WOOD, SAMUEL, B.A. 18 15. "Filius Natu Secundus Ottiwell Armigeri apud Liverpool in comitatu de Lancaster" [Matric. Alb. 1813]. WOOD, WILLIAM, M.D. 1796. Jedburgh ; died at his father's manse, Falstone, Northumberland. WOODBURN, ALEXANDER, B.Sc. 1890. Civil Engineer in (1) Glasgow, with Caledonian Railway Co., (2) Calcutta, India, as Executive Engineer to the Assam-Bengal Railway Co. WOODBURN, JAMES COWAN, M.D. 1862. Glasgow (Surgeon-Dentist, and Lecturer in Dental Hospital and Royal Infirmary). WOODGATES, SAMUEL HENRY, M.D. 1863. Scarborough ; Brighton j Exeter ; Reigate, Surrey ; Exeter. WOODROW, THOMAS, M.A. 1819. "F. n. 2 dus Joannis Artif. Paisley" [Matric. Alb. 181 5]. WOODS, HUGH, M.A. 1806. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Bangor, 1808-69; died 4th April, 1869. WOODS, NINIAN, M.D. 1842. Bayfield, Co. Huron, Canada. WOODS, THOMAS, M.D. 1839. Parsonstown, King's Co. WOODS, WILLIAM, M.A. 1735. "Scoto. Hib. filius natu maximus Abrahami Woods in Carrickfergus " [Matric. Alb. 1733]. WOODS, WILLIAM, M.A. 1841. "Filius natu secundus Thomae agricolae in Comitatu de Donegal Hib." [Matric. Alb. 1838]. WOODSIDE, DAVID, M.A. 1878, B.D. 1881. U.P. Minister of (1) Stromness, (2) Woodlands Church, Glasgow. WOODYATT, GEORGE, M.D. 1798. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. WOOLLEY, SAMUEL POOLE, M.B., CM. 1877. London; Bradford, Yorks. ; London; died 31st December, 1880, aged 36. WORKMAN, HAROLD, B.Sc. 1893. Marine Engineer with J. & G. Thomson, Limited, Clydebank, Glasgow. WORSLEY, WILLIAM, B.A. 1816, Dissenting Minister at (1) Thorne, (2) Hull, (3) Gainsborough, \ ROLL OF GRADUATES 659 WORTABET, JAMES RASHID, M.B., CM. 1891. Glasgow; Beyrout. WORTHINGTON, HUGH, M.A. 1735. Minister for 56 years (1741-97) of the Unitarian Congregation assembling at the Great Meeting Chapel, Leicester; died 29th October, 1797, aged 86. WORTHINGTON, MATTHEW, M.A. 1734. " Ang. Roberti F. in Par. de Hool in Com. Lancaster" [Matric. Alb. 1732]. WORTHINGTON, SAMUEL, M.A. 1735. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. WORTON, ALBERT SAMUEL, M.B., CM. 1895. Tollcross. WOTHERSPOON, ANDREW STRUTHERS, M.B., CM. 1888. Ship Surgeon ; Stonehouse ; Klerksdorp, Transvaal ; died there, 29th January, 1896. WOTHERSPOON, JAMES, M.A. 1894. Licentiate of the U.P. Church. WOTHERSPOON, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow ; Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. WRAY, GEORGE, M.D. 1808. "Filius unicus Christopheri Chirurgi apud Stockton upon Tees, in Comitatu Durham" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. WRAY, JOHN, M.A. 181 1. Presbyterian Minister at Convoy, Presbytery of Raphoe, Ireland, 1822-58; died 6th March, 1858, aged 62. WRAY, WILLIAM, M.D. 1748. WRAY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1809. Possibly the same person as William M'Clintock Wray, Irish Presbyterian Minister at Buckna, 1815-48, who died 14th November, 1848. WRAY, WILLIAM, M.A. 1848. Irish Presbyterian Minister at Orritor since 1856. WRIGHT, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1871. F.C. Minister at Musselburgh. WRIGHT, DANIEL, M.A. 1867. Minister of Bellahouston ; died 31st December, 1885. WRIGHT, DANIEL, M.A. 1890. Writer, Paisley. WRIGHT, DAVID H., M.D. 1845. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WRIGHT, GILBERT, M.A. 1803. "Filius n. max. Milcolumbi Agricolae, Lismore, Argyle" [Matric. Alb. 1796]. 660 ROLL OF GRADUATES WRIGHT, JAMES, M.A. 1761. Minister of Maybole, 1770 to 1812; died 20th June, 1812; D.D. St. Andrews, 18 10. WRIGHT, JAMES, M.D. 1813. "At present Surgeon in the 63rd Foot Regiment" [Univ. Minute, 23rd October, 1813]. WRIGHT, JAMES, M.D. 1840. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. WRIGHT, JOHN, M.A. 1772. " Filius natu maximus Jacobi Senioris Mercatoris Glasguensis " [Matric. Alb. 1763]. WRIGHT, JOHN, CM. 1820. Glasgow; died 187 1. WRIGHT, JOHN, M.D. 1829. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. WRIGHT, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow; Eskbank, Dalkeith; Glasgow. WRIGHT, JOHN CRAIG, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow ; Barnsley, Yorks. ; Glasgow. WRIGHT, JOHN SMITH, M.B., CM. 1885. Glasgow; Stonehouse; Glasgow; Salford; Bradford, Yorks. WRIGHT, JOHN WALLACE, M.A. 1832. Minister of (1) St. John's, Haddington, (2) Free Church there; died 23rd July, 1872. WRIGHT, PATRICK, M.A. 1789. " Filius natu secundus Patricii Medicinae Doctoris in urbe Glasguae " [Matric. Alb. 1784]. WRIGHT, ROBERT, D.D. 1861. Minister of (1) Heriot, 1843-46, (2) Luss, 1846-51, (3) Dalkeith, 1851-76, when resigned; died at Woodlands, Spy law Road, Edinburgh, 10th November, 1897, aged 89. WRIGHT, THOMAS, M.D. 1753. WRIGHT, THOMAS, M.A. 1888. U.P. Minister at Stirling. WRIGHT, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1893. Ship Surgeon. WRIGHT, WILLIAM, M.D. 1836. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. WRIGHT, WILLIAM, B.A. 1838, M.A. 1840. Intended for Dissenting Ministry in "South Britain," but understood to have conformed and taken orders in Church of England, ROLL OF GRADUATES 66 1 WRIGHT, WILLIAM, D.D. 1882. (1) Missionary at Damascus of the Irish Presbyterian Church ; (2) Editorial Superintendent in the British and Foreign Bible Society, London; B.A., Q.U.I. WRIGLEY, ALFRED, M.D. 1842. " Anglicanus " [Grad. Alb.]. WYBER, JOHN, M.D. 1864. Glasgow. WYER, OTHO FRANCIS, M.D. 1867. Leamington. WYLIE, ADAM HOWIE, M.B., CM. 1866, M.D. 1874. Oldham. WYLIE, ALEXANDER, M.A. 1867. Baptist Minister at (1) Whitchurch, Salop, (2) Glasgow, (3) Marshall Street, Edinburgh ; Lecturer on Biblical and Systematic Theology in Baptist Theological College in Scotland. WYLIE, ALEXANDER, - M.B., CM. 1886. Lichfield ; Ship Surgeon ; London. WYLIE, ANDREW, CM. 1823. Stewarton. WYLIE, ANDREW, M.B., CM. 1891, M.D. 1896. Ship Surgeon ; Hamilton ; Marsden, Yorks. WYLIE, CHARLES FREDERICK, M.B., CM. 1892. Manchester; Elie, Fife; accidentally drowned there, while bathing, 30th August, 1897. WYLIE, DAVID, M.A. 18 18. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]; "filius Unicus Davidis Stuart Wylie Magistri Scholae Classicae &c. in Urbe de Liverpool" [Matric. Alb. 181 5]. WYLIE, HUGH, M.D. 1829. " Scotus " [Grad. Alb.]. WYLIE, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1886. Glasgow. WYLIE, JAMES ALLAN, M.A. 1883. Ordained 1st November, 1887, U.P. Missionary to Manchuria, North China; murdered there on or about 18th August, 1894. WYLIE, JAMES ROXBURGH, M.B., CM. 1865, M.D. 1867. Glasgow ; Alexandria, Egypt ; Batavia, Java ; Hamilton, Victoria, Australia ; died 20th May, 1876. WYLIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1875. Sunderland ; Stewarton ; Kilmarnock. WYLIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1882. Glasgow; Clydebank. 662 ROLL OF GRADUATES WYLIE, MARTIN, CM. 1829. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WYLIE, MATTHEW, M.D. 1845. Glasgow ; London ; Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, Australia ; Moss Vale, N.S. Wales. WYLIE, RICHARD JOHN, M.B., CM. 1889. Glasgow; Middlesbro', Yorks. ; Hertford; Buluwayo, South Africa; Salisbury there. WYLIE, SAMUEL BROWN, M.A. 1797. Teacher in (1) Ballymena, Ireland, (2) Cheltenham, Pa., 1797-98; Tutor in University of Pennsylvania, 1798 ; subsequently established a Private Academy; Pastor of the First Reformed Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, 1802-52; Professor in the Theological Seminary of the R.P. Church, 1809-51; Professor of Languages in University of Philadelphia, 1828-45 ; Vice-Provost thereof, 1838-45; D.D. (Dickinson) 1816; born at Moylarg, Co. Antrim, 21st May, 1773; died at Philadelphia, 14th October, 1852. WYLIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1805. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. WYLIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1868, B.D. 1871. Principal Assistant in English Department of Ayr Academy, 1870-71 ; Private Tutor, 1871-74; Interim Classical Master in Glasgow Academy, 1874-75; Visiting Master in West End Schools, 1875-76; one of the principal English and Classical Masters in Hutchesons' Grammar School, 1876-89 ; Private Tutor and Com- mercial Master in Young Men's Christian Association, Govan, 1889-94; Head Master of Burray Public School, Orkney, 1894-96; Head Master of Flotta Public School, Orkney, since 1896. WYLIE, WILLIAM SCOTT, B.L. 1889. Writer, Glasgow. WYLLIE, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1881, M.D. 1889. Walsall, Staffs.; Hull. WYLLIE, JOHN HUTCHESON, B.L. 1893. Writer, Glasgow. WYLLIE, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1869, M.D. 1872. Gourock ; Kendal ; Kirkby-Lonsdale, Westmoreland. WYLLIE, WILLIAM, M.A. 1873. (1) E.U. Minister at Eyemouth; (2) E.U. Minister at Blantyre; (3) E.U. Minister at Eyemouth again; (4) E.U. (Congregational) Minister at Kirkcaldy. WYNN, JOHN GLYNN, M.A. 1786. Born October, 1766; eldest son of Lieut.-Col. Glynn Wynn of Glynllivon, Carnarvonshire, M.P. for Carnarvon ; same family as Earl of Newborough. ROLL OF GRADUATES 663 WYNN, WILLIAM, D.D. 1790. Domestic Chaplain to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, and Chaplain to the Bishop of Sodor and Man. WYPER, JOHN NEWTON, B.L. 1891. Law Clerk, Glasgow; died 13th October, 1895, aged 35. WYTT, WILLIAM HENRY DE, M.B., CM. 1895. Lecturer on Materia Medica in the University of St. Andrews since 1896. YAIR, JOHN MACRAE, M.B., CM. 1879, M.D. 1883. Kilcreggan; Dordrecht, Cape Colony; Bournemouth; Warrambeen, Granada, New Mexico; son of Joseph Yair, M.A. (q.v.). YAIR, JOSEPH, M.A. 1820. Minister of Eckford, 1829 to 1892; died 25th April, 1892, aged 94. YAMAMOTO, NAGAKATA, B.Sc. 1895. Naval Architect, Tokyo, Japan. YARROW, HENRY, M.B., CM. 1879. Native of Arbroath ; address in Register of University General Council, 7 Lauriston Place, Glasgow; understood to have died a number of years ago; brother of Robert Kennedy Yarrow, M.A. 1879 (q.v). YARROW, ROBERT KENNEDY, M.A. 1879. Native of Arbroath; attended Law Classes in Glasgow Uuiversity, 1879-80 and 1880-81; understood to have died a number of years ago; brother of Henry Yarrow, M.B., CM., 1879 (q.v.). YATES, JAMES, M.A. 1812 Dissenting Minister in (1) Glasgow, 1811-17, (2) Birmingham, 1817-25 (3) London (Carter Lane), 1832-35; devoted himself to science and literature during remainder of life; born at Liverpool, 30th April, 1789; died 7th May 1871. YATES, JAMES, M.D. 1817 "Late Surgeon in the Navy" [Univ. Minute, 26th April, 181 7]. YATES, WALTER SEWELL DOYLE, M.D. 1853 London. YEAMAN, GEORGE, M.D. 1854 Glasgow. YEARNSHAW, HERBERT, M.B., CM. 18 Salford, Lanes. YEATS, JOHN, LL.D. 1859 Head Master of an Academy at Peckham, Surrey. YELLOWLEES, DAVID, LL.D. 18 M.D. Edin. 1857; Royal Asylum, Edinburgh; Superintendent of (1) Glamorgan County Asylum, (2) Gartnavel Asylum, Glasgow ; Lecturer on Insanity in the University since 1880. 664 ROLL OF GRADUATES YEO, GERALD, M.D. 1851. Fleet Surgeon, R.N. ; died 27th March, 1887. YEOMAN, THOMAS HARRISON, M.D. 1839. London; died 21st January, 1865, aged 51. YORKE, HON. COLONEL JOSEPH. See Dover, Baron. YOUNG, ALEXANDER GOLDIE, M.D. 1831. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. YOUNG, ALEXANDER GRIEVE, M.B., CM. 1894. Kilmarnock ; Rillington, Yorks. YOUNG, ALEXANDER R., M.A. 1813. Minister of Mochrum, 1822-63; died 1st April, 1863, aged 68. YOUNG, ALFRED ALEXANDER, M.A. 1888, M.B., CM. 1892. Glasgow: Assistant to Professor of Anatomy in the University, 1894-96. YOUNG, ANDREW KERR, CM. 1821, M.D. 1829. Paisley; Glasgow; London; Southend, Essex; died 1st October, 187 1, aged 69. YOUNG, ARCHIBALD, M.A. 1870. Minister of U.P. Church, Aberdeen. YOUNG, ARCHIBALD, B.Sc. 1893, M.B., CM. 1895. Glasgow. YOUNG, CHARLES, M.A. 1774. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. YOUNG, COLIN, M.D. 1822. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. YOUNG, COLIN, M.A. 1828. "Fil. unic. Roderici Merc. Glasg." [Matric. Alb. 1823]; held Hastie Bursary; died before 14th January, 1831. YOUNG, DANIEL LUSK, M.A. 1881. Carpet Manufacturer, Glasgow. YOUNG, DAVID, M.A. 1769, D.D. 1794. Minister of the Presbyterian Church at (1) Enniskillen, 1772-75, (2) London- derry, 1775-1803, when suspended sine die; died circa May, 1827. YOUNG, DAVID, M.D. 1849. Deputy Surgeon-General, Bengal Army; London. YOUNG, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1872, M.D. 1875. Glasgow. YOUNG, DAVID, D.D. 1873. Editor of the Clackmannanshire Advertiser, 1844-48; thereafter U.P. Minister at (1) Milnathort, (2) Montrose Street Church, Glasgow, (3) Woodlands Church there; died at Oakwood, Bridge of Allan, 14th July, 1896, aged 74. ROLL OF GRADUATES 665 YOUNG, DAVID, M.B., CM. 1877. Govan ; Partick. YOUNG, DAVID, M.A. 1891. Minister of Partick Free Church since 1897. YOUNG, DAVID, M.A. 1892, B.D. 1894. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. YOUNG, EBENEZER, CM. 1818. Irvine. YOUNG, EBENEZER DENHOLM, M.A. 1879. W.S., Edinburgh. YOUNG, FRANK STANLEY, M.A. 1890. Accountant and Financial Agent, Kansas City, U.S.A. YOUNG, GEORGE, MA. 1754, M.D. 1764. "Practiced Medicine and Surgery several years in the Army" [Univ. Minute, 2nd February, 1764.] YOUNG, GEORGE, M.D. 1839. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. YOUNG, GEORGE, B.A. 1839, M.A. 1841. "Filius natu maximus Thomae, artificis, apud com. de Antrim" [Matric. Alb. 1836]. YOUNG, GEORGE, LL.D. 1879. Advocate and Barrister; Q.C. ; P.C. ; Sheriff of Inverness-shire, 1853-60; Sheriff of Haddington and Berwick, 1860-62; Solicitor-General for Scotland, 1862-66 and 1868-69; Lord-Advocate, 1869-74; M.P. for Wigtown Burghs, 1865-74; one of the Judges of the Court of Session (under judicial title of Lord Young) since 1874; born 1819; LL.D. Edin. 1871. YOUNG, GEORGE BOWIE, B.L. 1884. Writer, Falkirk. YOUNG, GEORGE HENRY, M.D. 1846. Holywood, Co. Down; died at Belfast, 22nd November, 1859. YOUNG, GEORGE M., M.A. 1826. "F. 2 dus Georgii Artificis Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 181 7]. YOUNG, HENRY JOHN GIRDLESTONE, M.D. 1846. "Anglus" [Grad. Alb.]. YOUNG, HOMER, M.A. 1885. F.C. Minister at (1) Bowden, St. Boswells, (2) Lochmaben. YOUNG, HUGH, M.D. 1848. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. YOUNG, HUGH CORBETT TAYLOR, M.B., CM. 1890. Grafton, N.S. Wales; Sydney there. 666 ROLL OF GRADUATES YOUNG, JAMES, M.A. 1813. Minister of Chryston, 1819-52, when resigned; died at Wishaw, 9th June, 1854, aged 68. YOUNG, JAMES, M.D. 1838. Ayr; sometime Surgeon in the Army; died November, 1867. YOUNG, JAMES, M.D. 1854. West Kilbride ; Newmilns ; Fenwick ; Tarbolton ; Stewarton. YOUNG, JAMES, M.D. 1854. Wells, Norfolk; formerly Surgeon in H.E.LCS. YOUNG, JAMES, M.A. 1879, B.D. 1882. Minister of North Church, Paisley. YOUNG, JAMES, M.A. 1888. Assistant Master in Copeland Road School, Govan, 1885-88; Head Master of South School, Biggar, since 1888. YOUNG, JAMES, M.B., CM. 1888, M.D. 1890. St. George, Glouc. ; Stewarton ; Teignmouth ; Stewarton ; Hanham, Bristol ; Redbourn, Herts. ; St. George, Bristol. YOUNG, JAMES JOHN TAYLOR, M.B., CM. 1890. Dalbeattie; Glasgow. YOUNG, JAMES KERR, M.D. 1862. Glasgow ; London ; America. YOUNG, JAMES MURRAY, M.B., CM. 1894. Glasgow ; Newmains ; Hamilton. YOUNG, JOHN, M.A. 1769. Professor of Greek in the University of Glasgow, 1774 to 1820; died 18th November, 1820. YOUNG, JOHN, M.A. 1771, M.D. 1780. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. YOUNG, JOHN, LL.D. 1810. Sometime one of the Chaplains of the East India Company; thereafter Rector of Newdigate, Surrey; born 1st July, 1781 ; died 13th May, 1852; Snell Exhibitioner, 1798; B.A. Oxon. 1802; M.A. 1804; son of Professor John Young, M.A. 1769 (q.v.). YOUNG, JOHN, M.A. 1813. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. YOUNG, JOHN, M.A. 1820. Minister of Secession Church, Buchlyvie; ordained 1827; deposed 1836; afterwards Minister at Gait, Canada West. YOUNG, JOHN, LL.D. 1821. Professor of Moral Philosophy in the Belfast Institution; died March, 1829. ROLL OF GRADUATES 667 YOUNG, JOHN, M.D. 1823. Glasgow, 1814-23; Edinburgh, 1823-25; died 1825. YOUNG, JOHN, CM. 1825. Hawhill, Kinross-shire. YOUNG, JOHN, M.A. 1838. " Filius natu secundus Patricii, Agricolae, apud com. de Linlithgow " [Matric. Alb. 1833]. YOUNG, JOHN, M.D. 1865. Sheffield : sometime Lecturer on Materia Medica in Medical School there. YOUNG, JOHN, B.Sc. 1879, M.A. 1886. (1) Assistant Librarian, Glasgow University; (2) Assistant to Clerk of Senate there; (3) Secretary of Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College; son of John Young, LL.D. 1893 (q.v.). YOUNG, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1883 Glasgow; Scarboro'; Earlston, Berwickshire. YOUNG, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1886 Glasgow. YOUNG, JOHN, M.A. 1891 Minister, Greenfield, Iowa, U.S.A. YOUNG, JOHN, LL.D. 1893 Underkeeper of the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow University. YOUNG, JOHN, M.A. 1896 Student of Theology in U.P. College, Edinburgh. YOUNG, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1896 Glasgow. YOUNG, JOHN CAMERON, M.B., CM. 1892 F.C. Missionary to Aden, Arabia. YOUNG, JOHN ELDON, M.D. 1852 Kells, Co. Meath; Surgeon-Major, Army; died 26th October, 1873, aged 43 YOUNG, JOHN MACGREGOR, M.B., CM. 1887 Glasgow; Hull; Echuea, Victoria; died there, 3rd July, 1893, aged 32. YOUNG, JOHN MORE, M.A. 1877, M.B., CM. 1881 (Brunton Prizeman); Glasgow; Rothwell, Northamptonshire ; Surgeon, Bengal Army; died 28th April, 1885. YOUNG, JOSHUA, M.D. 1746. Practitioner at Cheshunt, Hertfordshire; probably died 1757, as his library was sold that year. YOUNG, ROBERT, M.A. 1819. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. 668 ROLL OF GRADUATES YOUNG, ROBERT, M.A. 1884. (1) Classical and Mathematical Master in the John Neilson Institution, Paisley; (2) Rector of Anderson Institute, Lerwick, Shetland. YOUNG, ROBERT ARTHUR, M.A. 1883, LL.B. 1887. Advocate and Financial Agent, U.S.A. YOUNG, ROBERT BRUCE, M.A. 1878, M.B., CM. 1883. (1) Assistant to Professor of Anatomy in Glasgow University, 1883-91 ; (2) Coalmaster in Glasgow. YOUNG, ROBERT HENRY, M.B., CM. 1883. Tarkastad, Cape Colony; Glasgow; Tsomo, Transkei, Cape Colony. YOUNG, ROBERT ROBERTSON, M.B., CM. 1885, M.D. 1896. Manchester; Leicester; son of John Young, LL.D. 1893 (q- v -)- YOUNG, ROBERT TANNAHILL, M.A. 1887. (1) Licentiate of UP. Church; (2) Student of Medicine in Edinburgh University; son of David Young, D.D. 1873 (q.v.). YOUNG, RONALD, M.A. 1831. "Fil. n. 4 tus Gulielmi Artificis Girvan" [Matric. Alb. 1824]. YOUNG, STEPHEN, M.A. 1770. Minister of Barr, 1780 to 1819; died 21st February, 1819, aged 75; the "Barr Steenie" of The Kirk's Alarm. YOUNG, THOMAS, M.A. 1763. "Filius natu tertius Thomae in parochia de Bruntisland, Comitatu de Fife" [Matric. Alb. 1757]. YOUNG, THOMAS, M.A. 1820. "F. n. min. Archibaldi Chirurgi, Glasguensis" [Matric. Alb. 1814]. YOUNG, THOMAS, M.B., CM. 1877, M.D. 1880. Glasgow; Bothwell; Manchester; son of John Young, LL.D. 1893 (q.v.). YOUNG, THOMAS CHARLES, M.A. 1868, B.L. 1875, LL.B. 1879. Writer in Glasgow; Examiner for Law Degrees in the University, 1884-90. YOUNG, WALTER, D.D. 1796. Minister of Erskine, 1771 to 1814; died 6th August, 1814, aged 69; F.R.S.E. ; "the most splendid private musician of his day . . . and to him the Church is indebted for the arrangement of some of its most beautiful psalm tunes" [quoted in Scott's Fasti], YOUNG, WILLIAM, M.A. 1776. "Hibernus" [Grad. Alb.]. YOUNG, WILLIAM, M.D. 1808. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. YOUNG, WILLIAM, M.A. 181 1. "F. n. max. Gulielmi agricolae, Kilbarchan, Renfrew" [Matric. Alb. 1807]. ROLL OF GRADUATES 669 YOUNG, WILLIAM, M.D. 181 5. Sometime Surgeon in the 91st Regiment of Foot; afterwards Practitioner in Glasgow; died 1837. YOUNG, WILLIAM, B.A. 1824. " Filius natu max. Joannis, Mercatoris, apud Londinum natus Glasguae " [Matric. Alb. 1823]. YOUNG, WILLIAM, M.D. 1834. Glasgow; died 31st October, 1867. YOUNG, WILLIAM, M.D. 1842. "Americanus" [Grad. Alb.]. YOUNG, WILLIAM, M.D. 1855. Maryhill; died 10th February, 1865, aged 30. YOUNG, WILLIAM, M.A. 1882. F.C. Minister at Baldernock. YOUNG, WILLIAM, M.B., CM. 1892. Surgeon-Captain, I. M.S., Bengal. YOUNG, WILLIAM GRAHAM, M.D. i860. Greenock; Glasgow. YOUNG, WILLIAM M'GREGOR, M.A. 1885, M.B., CM. 1889. Galston ; Leeds. YOUNG, WILLIAM ROSS, M.A. 1890. (1) Teacher in Lambhill Street Public School, Glasgow; (2) Teacher in Hillhead Public School there ; (3) Teacher in the High School of Stirling ; (4) Head Master of Village Public School, Larbert. YOUNG, WILLIAM SEMPLE, M.B., CM. 1893. Garliestown, Wigtownshire. YOUNGER, ARCHIBALD SCOTT, B.Sc. 1889. (1) Assistant to Professor of Naval Architecture in Glasgow University, 1891-92; (2) Assistant Chief Engineer Surveyor to the British Corporation Registry of Shipping, Glasgow. YOUNGER, HENRY JAMES, M.A. 1884, M.B., CM. 1888. Glasgow; Greenock; Surgeon-Captain, Indian Medical Service; died on homeward passage from Bombay, 26th November, 1893, aged 28. YOUNGER, ROBERT TANNAHILL, M.A. 1879, LL.B. 1883. Advocate, Edinburgh ; Lecturer on Constitutional Law and History in Glasgow University, 1889-94. YUILL, JOHN, CM. 1837. "Scotus" [Grad. Alb.]. YUILL, JOHN, M.B., CM. 1891. Darlington ; Monkwearmouth ; Nottingham ; Bensham, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 670 ROLL OF GRADUATES YUILLE, GEORGE SIMPSON, M.A. 1893, B.D. 1896. Licentiate of the Church of Scotland. ZAHM, FRANK BAKER, B.Sc. 1894. Naval Architect, Navy Yard, New York, U.S.A. ZINKEISEN, WILLIAM, B.Sc. 1885. Chemist and Geologist; Mine Manager, Cali, Colombia, South America; Ph.D. Berlin. ZUILL, JOHN, M.A. 1886, M.B., CM. 1890. Harthill ; Kincardine-on-Forth. ZUILL, ROBERT, M.B., CM. 1888. Wigan ; Carnock, Fife. APPENDICES. I. Additional Biographical Information regarding Graduates on the "Roll," arising, or obtained, since going to press. Anderson, John, M.A. 1865, B.D. 1882. Died suddenly, in a carriage on the Glasgow Subway, on Sunday, 24th October, 1897, aged 62. Armstrong, Hugh, M.A. 1887, B.D. 1890. Minister of Winchburgh since 1897. Arnott, John, M.A. 1888. Inducted Minister of Free South Church, Stirling, 6th January, 1898. Bain, Archibald Watson, M.A. 1886. Now Teacher in Sharp's Institution, Perth. Barr, James Bunton, M.B., CM. 1878. Died at Port-Glasgow, 10th October, 1897, aged 53. Bater, Claude Hooper, M.A. 1891. Now of Inland Revenue, West Bridgford, Nottingham. Bisset, David, M.A. 1887. Died at Partick, 19th October, 1897, aged 34. Bourne, Walter, M.D. 1851. Died at Cheltenham, 7th February, 1897, aged 68. Bruce, Robert Randolph, B.Sc. 1886. Now in Winnipeg, Canada. Calderwood, Henry, LLD. 1865. Born at Peebles, 10th May, 1830; died at Edinburgh, 19th November, 1897. Calderwood, Hugh, B.Sc. 1895, M.B., CM. 1896. Died in Western Infirmary, Glasgow, 28th December, 1897, aged 24. Campbell, Archibald Alexander, D.D. 1895. Sometime Domestic Chaplain to H.M. the Queen. Craig, Robert, M.A. 1866. Minister of (1) Blackfriars Street E.U. Church, Glasgow, 1866-78, (2) Richmond Congregational Church, Manchester, 1878-85, (3) Brighton Street E.U. (Congregational) Church, Edinburgh, since 1885 ; Professor of N.T. Exegesis and Biblical Criticism in E.U. Theological Hall, Glasgow, 1876-79. Dalrymple, James Ritchie, M.B., CM. 1892. Removed to Yetholm, Roxburgh. Dewar, Peter Forrest, M.B., CM. 1893. Died at Pembroke, 14th January, 1898. Dick, James, M.D., 1862. Died at Harrington, 5th December, 1897. Duncan, Alexander Adams, M.A. 1893. Elected Minister of Auchterless, January, 1898, 672 APPENDICES Dunlop, Douglas, M.A. 1883. Now Secretary- General and Inspector-General of the Egyptian Ministry of Public Instruction. Fernandez, Thomas Francis, M.D. 1837. Died 4th May, 1897, aged 82. Fisher, Charles Holdrich, M.D. 1857. Died 29th May, 1897, aged 62. Gray, Harry St. Clair, M.B., CM. 1886, M.D. 1888. Died at Charters Towers, N. Queens- land, 27th November, 1897. Green, Thomas Wimpenney, M.D. 1864. Died 1897. Gregson, Thomas William, M.B., CM. 1880. Died 17th September, 1897, aged 43. Guinness, Arthur Grattan, M.D. 1836. Died 9th March, 1897, aged 84. Hall, William, M.A. 1885. Elected Minister of St. Thomas' Parish Church, Dundee, 8th December, 1897. Haydon, William Rudall, M.B., CM. 1867, M.D. 1870. Died 26th May, 1897, aged 52. Hedderwick, James, LL.D. 1878. Born at Glasgow, 18th January, 1814; died at Helens- burgh, 1st December, 1897. Heily, Joseph, M.D. 1837. Died 1897. Hillhouse, Percy Archibald, B.Sc. 1888. Appointed Professor of Naval Architecture in the Japanese Imperial University at Tokio, January, 1898. Houston, John, M.D. 1854. Became Deputy-Surgeon-General, I. M.S. ; died at Edinburgh, 25th December, 1897, aged 65. Howell, Alexander Rutherford, M.A. 1893. Now Assistant Minister at North Berwick. Jones, James Arthur, M.B., CM. 1876, M.D. 1879. Died 1st March, 1897, aged 46. Lang, William Robert, B.Sc. 1891. Appointed Lecturer on Organic Chemistry in the University, 13th January, 1898 ; F.C.S. Lees, James Cameron, D.D. 1871. Dean of the Thistle and Chapel Royal, and one of H.M. Chaplains. Mack, William, M.D. 1859. Died 18th December, 1897. M'Kean, Alexander, M.B., CM. 1885. Died 1897. Maclachlan, Archibald, M.B., CM. 1886. Died at Bremersdorp, 23rd December, 1897, aged 42. MacRobert, Alexander Munro, M.A. 1895, LL.B. 1897. Admitted Advocate, 17th December, 1897. Menzies, Thomas James, M.A. 1881, B.Sc. 1885. Died at 211 Crown Street, Glasgow, 2nd January, 1898, aged 39. Middleton, William, M.D., CM. 1862. Died 4th February, 1897. Nevin, Robert James, M.B., CM. 1891. Died 1897. Ochiltree, Edward Graham, M.B., CM. 1880, M.D. 1883. Died 1897. Owens, Sir George Bolster, M.D. 1850. Died 29th December, 1896, aged 88. Phillips, Philip Charles, M.D. 1841. Died 1897. Rhodes, Thomas Wemyss, M.B., CM. 1868, M.D. 1870. Died 1897. Scott, John, M.D. 1855. Died 8th November, 1897, aged 63. ROLL OF GRADUATES 673 II. Degrees Conferred during the Year 1897 on P ersons already Graduates of this University, and whose names consequently appear in the "Roll." Johnston, William Thomson, B.A. 1857. Moody, Andrew, B.A. 1857. D.D. Speirs, Ebenezer Brown, M.A. 1876, B.D. 1879. Watt, Hugh George, M.A. 1873, B.D. 1875. Gillespie, John, M.A. 1857. Jameson, James, M.D. 1857. LL.D. MacCunn, John, M.A. 1873. B.D. Buchanan, Robert Matthew, M.A. 1893. Cuthill, James Spence, M.A. 1893. Eadie, James, M.A. 1894. Ferguson, James, M.A. 1894. Hastie, John Stewart, M.A. 1892. Macleroy, Campbell Macqueen, M.A. 1894. Riddell, John, M.A. 1893. Service, William Jack Nichol, M.A. 1894. Taylor, Alexander Oswald, M.A. 1894. Tulloch, John Lancelot, M.A. 1894. Watt, Andrew, M.A. 1892. Webster, David Graham, M.A. 1894. Williamson, Henry Angus, M.A. 1894. Wilson, Robert, M.A. 1894. Wotherspoon, James, M.A. 1894. LL.B. Calderwood, John, M.A. 1891, B.L. 1896. Clazy, William Oliver, M.A. 1892. Fleming, Alfred James, M.A. 1893, B.L. 1806. Lusk, William, M.A. 1894. MacRobert, Alexander Munro, M.A. 1895. Skinner, William Goudie, M.A. 1893. B.L. Colquhoun, Alexander, M.A. li M.D. Aitken, Robert Young, M.B., CM. 1893. Boyd, Robert, M.B., CM. 1893. Brownlee, John, M.A. 1889, M.B., CM. 1894. Christie, Joseph MacNaughtan, M.B., CM. 1893. Cluckie, Andrew, M.B., CM. 1892. Cochrane, James, M.B., CM. 1892. Don, William Walton, M.B., CM. 1893. Fergus, John Freeland, M.A. 1883, M.B., CM. 1888. Frew, Robert Scott, M.B., CM. 1893. Galloway, Andrew Fleming, M.B., CM. 1895. Harris, David Fraser (B.Sc. Lond.), M.B., CM. 1893. Hunter, Walter King, B.Sc. 1888, M.B., CM. 1890. Jones, Owen Gethin, M.B., CM. 1891. Macdiarmid, Roderick Campbell, M.B. CM. 1889. 2U 674 APPENDICES M.D. Macgregor, Patrick Fraser, M.B., CM. 1889. Ness, William Findlay, M.A. 1882, M.B., CM. 1887. Porter, William Park, M.B., CM. 1893. Seright, William, M.B., CM. 1885. Shaw, Archibald, M.B., CM. 1890. Stevens, John Barr, M.B., CM. 1892. Stevenson, Robert, M.B., CM. 1887. Tannahill, Thomas Findlay, M.B., CM. 1880. Temple, Lewis Dunbar, M.B., CM. 1891. Thomson, James, M.B., CM. 1892. Thomson, Robert Stevenson, B.Sc. 1880, M.B., CM. 1882. Topping, John Phillip, M.B., CM. 1880. Wylie, Richard John, M.B., CM. 1889. Young, Hugh Corbett Taylor, M.B., CM. 1890. M.B., CM. Cairnie, Charles, M.A. 1892. Colquhoun, Walter, M.A. 1886. Macewen, John Allan Craigie, B.Sc. 1895. MacMillan, John Irvine, M.A. 1890. Macnair, Norman, B.Sc. 1894. Martin, William, M.A. 1892, B.Sc. 1895. Rankin, James, B.Sc. 1892. Wilson, Andrew Colville, B.Sc. 1894. Findlay, Walter Scobie, M.A. 1892. Hunter, Thomas, M.A. 1892, B.Sc. 1895. M.B., Ch.B. I M'Queen, James, M.A. 1892. D.Sc. Henderson, James Blacklock, B.Sc. 1892. | Wilson, David, M.A. 1876. B.SC. Lothian, Alexander Veitch, M.A. 1882. D.Phil. M'Kechnie, William Sharp, M.A. 1883, LL.B. 1887. M.A. Murray, David, B.Sc. i{ ROLL OF GRADUATES 675 III. Degrees Conferred during the Year 1897 on P erson not already Graduates of this University. D.D. Aglen, The Venerable Archdeacon Anthony Stoker, M.A., Alyth. LL.D. Barry, Sir John Wolfe, K.C.B., F.R.S., President of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London. Chamberlain, The Right Hon. Joseph, D.C.L., M.P., P.C., Lord Rector of the University. Davidson, James Leigh Strachan, M.A., Senior Dean and Classical Tutor of Balliol College, Oxford. amsay, William, Ph.D., F.R.S., Professor of Chemistry in University College, London. B.L. Anderson, Jonathan Ranken. Nimmo, Andrew Reid. M.B., CM. Adamson, Kilgour. Allan, John. Anderson, Agnes Jane. Anderson, Annie Kirbby. Andrew, James. Bonar, James Mitchell. Brown, John Ritchie. Burns, John Ritchie. Chaplin, Ursula. Christie, James Souter. Crawford, John. Donaldson, James. Duncan, William. Fleming, Charles Elphinstone. Francis, George Willmore. Graham, James. Graham, Mary Philip. Hogg, James. Holmes, James Donald. Jamison, William Humphreys. Kemp, Norah. Kirk, Robert. Le Fevre, George Louis. Livingston, Archibald. M'Caig, James. M'Callum, Neil. M'Laws, John. Macleod, Murdo Norman. Martyn, Samuel. Murdoch, George Bain. Murray, Andrew Brown. Nelson, Robert. Park, William. Pearson, William M'Mullen. Rankin, Henry Joseph. Rankin, James Hood. Ratcliffe, James Rutherfurd. Robertson, James Malloch. Robson, Neil. Russell, William Kerr. Service, David Shedden. Sillars, Joseph. Vakil, Merbai Ardesir (B.A. Bombay). Walker, Ernest Thomas Keay. Watson, Harry Muir. Wells, James. Wilson, Robert. 6?6 APPENDICES M.B., Ch.B. Allan, Alexander Smith. Alston, James. Blair, George MacLellan. Burns, William Cochran. Cairns, David Louis. Charteris, Francis James. Clarke, Joseph Adam. Coats, George. Coats, George William. Cochran, James Duncan. Corbett, Joseph Muir. Fleming, James Finlayson. Forrester, Adrian Andrew. Garvie, Thomas Bonnar. Harrison, Lawrence Whitaker. Lawrie, Alexander. Lindsay, William Mitchell. Liston, William Glen. Little, John Watson. MacDonald, John. Macfarlane, Minna Amelia. M'Haffie, James. M'Kail, David. Ormond, James Service. Reid, John. Scott, Norman Emil Henry. Scott, Robert. Sloan, Alexander Bankier. Sloan, Samuel Macfarlane. Smith, David Steele. Smith, Jessie Hawkesworth. Stewart, John M'Callum. Strang, James Ballantyne. Taylor, Matthew Logan. Thomas, Daniel Rees. Thomson, Walter Lewis. Walker, William James Alexander. Watson, William. Watt, Ernest. Weir, Edward Roberts. Wotherspoon, John. Wyper, William. Young, David John. B.Sc. Black, John Frederick. Crawford, James Buchanan. Grieve, James Henry. Keith, James. Lowe, Peter. Malcolm, John. Paterson, Joseph Barr. Wingate, Thomas Paterson. M.A. Adams, George Stewart. Aitken, Robert. Allan, Alexander. Anderson, Robert Proudfoot Roy. Arroll, Walter. Auchinachie, Peter. Baird, James William. Baird, Thomas. Ballantyne, George. Barclay, David Yates. Beaton, Donald M'Gilvray. Bell, Robert Daniels. Cameron, Donald Cunninghame. Cameron, William Gyles. Campbell, Thomas Murdoch. Cochran, Alexander. Cowan, James Duncan. Crawford, John. Crichton, Marion Macfarlane. Davidson, Robert. Dick, William Carson. Dickson, Robert Marcus. Douglas, William. Dunlop, William Love. Edgar, Campbell Cowan. Fairgrieve, Mungo M'Callum. Falconer, James. Falconer, John. Ferguson, Mungo. Fleming, Norman. Flint, Thomas. Fraser, Ebenezer Hugh, ROLL OF GRADUATES 677 M.A. Fulton, William Wylie. Gibson, Allan. Gilmour, James. Gourlay, Charles Aikman. Gray, John. Griffith, Hugh Evan. Hamilton, Adam. Haran, Thomas Smith. Hay, Grace Foulis. Henderson, Ephraim Macmurtrie. Henderson, John Watson. Hepburn, Percy. Johnston, James Alexander. Johnston, John Baxter. Jones, Thomas Ellis. Kelly, Andrew M'Clanachan. Ker, James Campbell. Kesson, Colin Mackay. Kyle, David. Liddell, James Grant. M'Cance, Thomas Wood. Macfarlane, Andrew. M'Kenzie, Ivy. Macleod, Adam Gordon. Macleod, Donald. M'Michael, Thomas. Macpherson, Charles. M'Pherson, James. M'Phun, Margret Pollock. Macrae, Alexander Craib Middleton. Martin, Alexander James. Monie, Peter William. Monteith, John Cassels. Morrison, Angus John. Munro, Edwin Smith. Murphy, John. Murray, Arthur Erskine. Neilson, Thomas. Ogilvy, John Urquhart. Paterson, William Semple. Paton, James Bowie. Patrick, James William. Philips, William. Primrose, Hugh. Pringle, William Mather Rutherford. Raeburn, William Norman. Reid, William. Reid, William Park. Ross, Neil. Russell, James. Scott, Alexander M'Callum. Scott, Andrew Boyd. Scott, Gavin. Shaughnessy, Alexander. Stephen, Alexander. Stevenson, David. Stewart, Jane Buchanan. Stobo, John. Thomson, Hector M'Ewan. Thomson, John Scoular. Towers, Joseph Watson. Turnbull, Matthew. Watson, Frederick Allan. Whyte, John Wallace. Williams, Richard Robert. Wilson, James. Young, George Glen Blyth. Young, Robert Burns. 6y8 APPENDICES IV. Table showing Number of Degrees granted in each Year. Year. 1728 1729 1730 I73i 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 Arts. B.A. M.A. D.Phil 13 12 16 14 12 *5 18 12 14 16 14 14 9 8 11 7 14 10 10 9 7 13 17 11 9 12 9 14 7 11 25 21 12 25 17 16 24 24 25 25 25 24 Theology. b.d. D.D Law. B.L. LL.B. LL.D. D.C.L Medicine. M.B. M.D. Ch.B. CM Science. B.Sc. D.Sc ROLL OF GRADUATES 679 Arts. Theology. Law. Medicine. Science. Year. Total. B.A. M.A. D.Phil. B.D. D.D. B.L. LL.B. LL.D. D.C.L. M.B. M.D. Ch.B. CM. B.Sc. D.Sc. 1775 I 27 I 5 34 1776 2 33 3 2 40 1777 2 27 2 ... ... 31 1778 20 4 ... 24 1779 ... 14 1 1 16 1780 9 1 6 16 1781 I 27 1 1 ... 3° 1782 2 24 4 30 1783 2 10 2 I 7 22 1784 ... 7 3 ... 10 ... 20 1785 I 7 2 2 13 ... 25 1786 6 8 I 16 ... 31 1787 10 18 ... 28 1788 H 2 6 ... 22 1789 10 2 5 ... 17 1790 5 2 I 10 18 1791 10 3 2 .. 14 ... ... 29 1792 15 3 2 ... 5 ... ... 26 1793 12 2 5 ... 19 1794 17 1 2 ... 3 23 1795 '5 4 2 .. 4 ... ... 25 1796 7 1 9 ... ... 17 1797 16 1 I .. 2 ... 20 1798 10 3 ... 6 ... ... 19 1799 9 4 2 12 ... ... 27 1800 9 6 3 7 ... ... 25 1801 5 3 ... ... 13 ... ... ... 21 1802 7 1 I .. ... 17 ... ... 27 1803 12 2 I ... 8 23 1804 13 5 8 ... 5 ... ... ... ... 31 1805 17 1 5 23 1806 21 4 3 ... 6 ... ... 34 1807 16 1 .. 3 ... 20 1808 22 1 2 .. 15 ... 40 1809 3i ... 3 .. ... 5 ... ... 39 1810 I 32 1 2 .. 6 ... ... 42 1811 I 25 .. ... 4 ... ... ... 30 1812 34 5 3 .. ... 8 ... ... 5o 1813 2 35 3 1 ... 14 ... ... 55 1814 46 1 7 ... ... ... ... 54 1815 4 3i 4 4 8 ... ... ... 5i 1816 3 3i 4 1 .. 12 ... ... ... 5i 1817 23 4 3 .. 11 ... 8 ... ... 49 1818 3 3i 3 1 12 12 62 1819 2 33 2 1 8 I 13 60 1820 1 32 6 4 15 2 28 88 1821 2 34 3 I 3 7 13 63 1822 3 17 5 I 2 26 4 20 ... 78 1823 4 22 1 13 18 58 1824 3 32 3 4 14 19 ... 75 1825 1 3i 3 I 1 14 ... 31 ... 82 1826 3 23 3 3 3 ., 26 ... 40 ... IOI 1827 3 13 1 4 18 ... 25 ... 64 68o APPENDICES ARTS. Theology. Law. Medicine. Science. Year. Total. B.A. M.A. D.Phil. B.D. D.D. B.L. LL.B. LL.D. D.C.L. M.B. M.D. Ch.B. CM. B.Sc. D.Sc. 1828 2 18 4 2 4 43 IO 83 1829 I 9 1 5 ... 33 ... 14 ... 63 1830 2 14 ... 7 2 1 37 ... 22 85 1831 3 21 5 1 29 ... 16 75 1832 25 1 ... ... 1 ... 48 23 ... 98 1833 4 15 ... 2 ... 3 59 18 IOI 1834 6 14 ... 2 5 78 27 ... ... 132 1835 9 18 2 I 3 79 16 128 1836 13 IO 3 3 ... ... IOI 26 ... 156 1837 12 15 8 ... 6 79 22 142 1838 7 14 3 1 ... 104 18 ... 147 1839 9 H 1 ... I 1 120 20 166 1840 12 16 ... 8 ... I 5 ... 58 19 ... ... 119 1841 6 18 1 ... I 1 53 IO ... ... 90 1842 6 8 5 ... 1 57 ... I 78 1843 10 9 ... 4 I 4 ... ... 44 3 75 1844 10 23 4 3 ... ... 42 ... 2 ... 84 1845 10 H 5 I 3 46 8 87 1846 19 8 ... 3 3 ... 38 5 76 1847 12 18 3 5 ... 32 1 ... 7i 1848 12 25 ... 4 ... 4 ... 4i 2 ... ... 88 1849 8 17 ... 8 1 ... 34 ... ... 68 1850 14 19 ... 5 ... 38 ... 2 ... 78 1851 8 22 ... 3 ... I 2 28 1 ... ... 65 1852 7 12 4 2 ... ... 27 13 65 1853 H 11 ... ... 6 1 30 4 ... ... 66 1854 6 15 ... 3 ... 2 3 3i ... 2 ... 62 1855 7 12 ... 6 ... 4 ... 3o ... 1 ... ... 60 1856 IS 17 ... ... 2 2 ... 20 ... 1 ... 57 1857 13 17 ... 3 ... ... 4 ... 28 ... 1 ... 66 1858 11 17 ... ... 3 ... 4 ... ... 29 ... 3 ... ... 67 1859 15 8 ... 2 ... ... 5 ... 27 ... 2 ... ... 59 i860 24 21 ... ... 3 ... ... 2 ... ... 46 ... 6 ... 102 1861 35 29 ... ... 4 ... ... 4 ... 35 ... 15 ... 122 1862 ... 24 ... ... 5 ... 3 ... ... 5o ... 20 ... ... 102 1863 21 ... ... 3 ... ... 6 ... ... 7i ... 20 ... ... 121 1864 ... 9 ... ... 6 ... 1 ... 61 ... 17 ... 94 1865 ... 17 ... ... 5 ... 3 ... IO 29 ... 20 ... 84 1866 29 ... 4 4 ... ... 4 ... 25 20 ... 33 ... ... 119 1867 ... 33 ... 4 4 ... ... 4 40 13 ... 34 ... 132 1868 ... 29 4 6 ... 10 ... 39 13 37 ... ... 138 1869 ... 25 ... 6 6 ... 5 ... 38 9 40 ... ... 129 1870 ... 37 ... 6 4 ... ... 2 45 23 ... 42 ... 159 1871 ... 37 6 5 ... ... 6 ... 46 23 ... 37 ... 160 1872 ... 40 ... 7 5 ... ... 6 40 37 ... 35 ... ... 170 1873 35 ... 10 4 ... ... 10 44 12 39 4 ... 158 1874 32 ... 4 7 1 ... 7 ... 47 18 40 21 ... 177 1875 40 ... 5 6 4 I 3 ... 43 11 ... 4i ... 154 1876 ... 57 ... 2 4 5 ... 6 ... 56 25 5i ... ... 206 1877 ... 56 ... 10 7 6 ... 5 ... 62 17 ... 57 3 ... 223 1878 ... 47 ... 9 3 1 5 2 ... 59 15 ... 57 7 ... 205 1879 ... 63 ... 9 4 6 4 25 ... 56 13 ... 53 7 240 1880 ... 73 ... 10 3 8 4 7 ... 78 13 ... 70 5 ... 271 ROLL OF GRADUATES 68 1 Arts. Theology. Law. Medicine. Science. Total. B.A. M.A. D.Phil. B.D. D.D. B.L. LL.B. LL.D. D.C.L. M.B. M.D. Ch.B. CM. B.Sc. D.Sc. 1881 76 10 5 10 5 6 52 I? 53 5 237 1882 IOO 16 6 11 8 5 79 15 80 6 326 1883 94 19 5 8 8 18 84 18 85 7 346 1884 114 14 5 13 4 6 88 23 89 10 366 i88<5 124 18 5 5 12 11 91 22 92 10 390 1886 106 22 6 5 5 13 .. ios 22 106 15 405 1887 98 9 8 10 8 8 IOO 23 IOO 14 378 1888 109 13 4 16 7 21 113 20 114 14 43i 1889 90 23 5 4 16 6 no 20 no 17 401 1890 107 14 7 6 3 6 118 16 118 8 5 408 1891 88 9 6 8 1 7 104 20 104 14 1 362 1892 76 13 6 7 8 6 12=5 20 I2S 15 1 402 i«93 81 8 6 10 5 6 146 19 I46 19 446 1894 1895 87 7i 18 15 6 5 7 7 5 10 8 6 89 22 89 19 1 2 35i 417 I 12? 29 125 21 1896 9i 2 12 6 13 7 21 ... 88 30 88 8 ... 366 1897 101 I 15 5 3 6 7 IOI 28 46 55 9 2 379 392 4552 4 344 461 174 152 481 I 2446 3047 S3 2983 258 12 15360 682 APPENDICES V. Members of Senate of Glasgow University, 1727 to 1897. For information regarding those marked with an asterisk (*), see " Roll." i. *ADAMSON, ROBERT, Professor of Logic since 1895. 2. *ANDERSON, JOHN, Professor of (1) Oriental Languages, 1755-57, (2) Natural Philo- sophy, 1757-96. 3. *ANDERSON, THOMAS, Professor of Chemistry, 1852-74. 4. *ANDERSON, THOMAS M'CALL, Professor of Clinical Medicine since 1874. 5. ANDERSON, WILLIAM, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, 1721-52. Son of Minister of Drymen ; spent several years of his youth on the Continent; died 1752. 6. ARNOTT, GEORGE ARNOTT WALKER, Professor of Botany, 1845-68. Born at Edinburgh, 6th February, 1799; M.A. Edin. 1818; admitted Advocate, 1821, but soon abandoned that profession ; for 20 years before coming to Glasgow was occupied with elaborate botanical researches and publications ; died 17th June, 1868. 7. *ARTHUR, ARCHIBALD, Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1780-97. 8. BADHAM, CHARLES, Professor of Practice of Medicine, 1827-41, when resigned. Born in London, 17th April, 1780; M.D. Edin. 1802; B.A. Oxon. 1811, M.A. 1812, M.B. and M.D. 1817 ; F.R.S. 1818 ; was a Medical Lecturer in London before coming to Glasgow; died in London, 10th November, 1845. 9. *BAILLIE, JAMES, Professor of Divinity, 1775-78. 10. BALFOUR, ISAAC BAYLEY, Professor of Botany, 1879-84. Born at Edinburgh, 31st March, 1853; son of No. 11 ; B.Sc. Edin. 1873, D.Sc. 1875, M - B -> C.M. 1877, M.D. 1883; M.A. Oxon. 1884; F.G.S. ; F.L.S. ; F.R.S.E. ; F.R.S. 1884; Sherardian Professor of Botany in University of Oxford, 1884-88 ; Queen's Botanist in Scotland and Professor of Botany in University of Edinburgh since 1888. 11. *BALFOUR, JOHN HUTTON, Professor of Botany, 1841-45. 12. BARCLAY, THOMAS, Principal, 1858-73. Born at Manse of Unst, June, 1792; M.A. Aberd. 1812, D.D. 1849; (1) Teacher of Elocution in Aberdeen; (2) Reporter on Times staff, London, 1818-22 ; (3) Minister of Dunrossness, 1822-27 ; (4) Minister of Lerwick, 1827-43; (5) Minister of Peterculter, 1843-44; (6) Minister of Currie, 1844-58; died at Glasgow, 23rd February, 1873. 13. *BARR, ARCHIBALD, Professor of Civil Engineering and Mechanics since 1889. 14. BECKER, LUDWIG, Professor of Astronomy since 1893. Born at Wesel, Rhenish Prussia, Germany, 8th January, i860; Ph.D. Bonn, 1882; F.R.A.S. 1893; F.R.S.E. 1893 ; Assistant at the Royal Observatory, Berlin, 1883-85 ; Assistant Astronomer at Lord Crawford's Observatory, Dunecht, Aberdeenshire, 1885-89; Temporary Second Assistant Astronomer at the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, 1889-93. ROLL OF GRADUATES 683 15. BERRY, ROBERT, Professor of Law, 1867-87. Born 18th November, 1825; Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1850; B.A. Cantab. 1848, M.A. 1851 ; LL.D. Edin. 1883 ; Barrister-at-Law of the Inner Temple, 1853 ; Advocate, 1863 ; Secretary to the two Universities Commissions of 1858 and 1876 ; Member of University Court (as Senate's Assessor), 1880-84, and again since 1889 ; Dean of Faculties in the University, 1888-96; Sheriff of Lanarkshire since 1886. 16. BILES, JOHN HARVARD, Professor of Naval Architecture since 1891. Born 1854; had five years' practical training in H.M. Dockyard at Portsmouth, and three years' course at Royal Naval College, Greenwich; thereafter engaged (1) in H.M. Dockyard at Pembroke, (2) in the Steel Works at Landore, (3) for three years in the Admiralty Office on Warship Design, (4) from 1880-90 with J. & G. Thomson, Clydebank, first as Naval Architect and subsequently as Manager, (5) as General Manager of the Southampton Naval Works. 17. BLACK, JOSEPH, Lecturer on Chemistry, 1756-66; Professor of (1) Anatomy, 1756-57, (2) Practice of Medicine, 1757-66. Born at Bordeaux, 1728; M.D. Edin. 1754; Professor of Chemistry in University of Edinburgh, 1766-99 ; died 6th December, 1799. 18. *BLACKBURN, HUGH, Professor of Mathematics, 1849-79. 19. BOWER, FREDERICK ORPEN, Professor of Botany since 1885. Born at Ripon, 4th November, 1855 ; B.A. Cantab. 1878, M.A. 1881, Sc.D. 1887 ; F.R.S. 1891 ; F.L.S. ; etc. etc. 20. BRADLEY, ANDREW CECIL, Professor of English Language and Literature since 1889. Born at Clapham, Surrey, 26th March, 185 1 ; B.A. Oxon. 1873, M.A. 1876; Fellow of Balliol College, 1874 ; Lecturer on Philosophy there till 1882 ; Professor of Modern Literature in University College, Liverpool, 1882-89. 21. BRISBANE, THOMAS, Professor of Anatomy, 1720-42. M.D. ; died 27th March, 1742 ; Brisbane Medical Bursary founded by his daughter. 22. BROWN, JAMES, Professor of Natural Philosophy, 1796- 1803, when resigned. Minister of Dunino, 1790-96; LL.D. Aberd. 1796; died 3rd November, 1836, aged 74. 23. *BUCHANAN, ANDREW, Professor of Physiology, 1839-76. 24. *BUCHANAN, GEORGE, Professor of Clinical Surgery since 1874. 25. *BUCHANAN, JAMES, Professor of Oriental Languages, 1757-61. 26. *BUCHANAN, ROBERT, Professor of Logic, 1824-64. 27. *BURNS, JOHN, Professor of Surgery, 1815-50. 28. *CAIRD, EDWARD, Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1866-94. 29. *CAIRD, JOHN, Professor of Divinity, 1862-73 ; Principal since 1873. 30. *CAMERON, MURDOCH, Professor of Midwifery since 1894. Born 3rd March, 1846. 31. CAMPBELL, NEIL, Principal, 1728-61. Minister of (1) Kilmalie, 1702-09, (2) Ros- neath, 1709-16, (3) Renfrew, 1716-28; died 22nd June, 1761. 32. CARMICHAEL, GERSCHOM, Regent, 1694-1727 ; Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1727-29. Died 1729. 684 APPENDICES 33. CHARTERIS, MATTHEW, Professor of Materia Medica, 1880-97. Born at Warn- phray, 4th September, 1840; M.D. Edin. 1863; F.R.S.E. 1897; practised in (1) Airdrie, (2) Glasgow ; Professor of Practice of Medicine in Anderson's College, Glasgow, 1876-80; died at Comrie, 7th June, 1897. 34. CLELAND, JOHN, Professor of Anatomy since 1877. Born at Perth, 15th June, 1835; M.D. Edin. 1856; D.Sc, R.U.I., 1881 ; LL.D. St. And. 1883; F.R.S. 1872; sometime Assistant to No. 146 ; thereafter (1863-77) Professor of Anatomy and Physiology and Clinical Lecturer in Queen's College, Galway ; married, 1888, daughter of No. II. 35. *CLOW, JAMES, Professor of Logic, 1752-87. 36. *COATS, JOSEPH, Professor of Pathology since 1894. Born 4th February, 1846. 37. *COUPER, JAMES, Professor of Astronomy, 1803-36. 38. COUPER, JOHN, Professor of Materia Medica, 1834-55. Born at Glasgow, 1794; son of William Couper, M.A. 1776 ("Roll," p. 124); M.D. Edin. 1816; died 1855. 39. *COUPER, WILLIAM, Professor of Natural History, 1829-57. 40. *COWAN, JOHN BLACK, Professor of Materia Medica, 1865-80. 41. *COWAN, ROBERT, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, 1839-41. 42. CRAIGIE, THOMAS, Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1746-51. Died 27th Novem- ber, 175 1. 43. CROSSE, WILLIAM, of Parkhouse, Renfrewshire, Professor of Law, 1746-49, when resigned. Born at Glasgow (son of John Crosse, Merchant and Dean of Guild), 171 1 ; admitted Advocate, 26th July, 1735; appointed Sheriff- Depute of Glasgow, 1748; present with Glasgow Volunteers at Battle of Falkirk; died 22nd April, 1775- 44. *CULLEN, WILLIAM, Professor of Practice of Medicine, 1751-55. 45. *CUMIN, PATRICK, Professor of Oriental Languages, 1761-1814. 46. *CUMIN, WILLIAM, Professor of Midwifery, 1834-40. 47. *DAVIDSON, ARCHIBALD, Principal, 1786-1803. 48. *DAVIDSON, ROBERT, Professor of Law, 1801-42. 49. DICK, ROBERT, Regent, 1714-27 ; Professor of Natural Philosophy, 1727-51, when resigned. Father of No. 50. 50. *DICK, ROBERT, Professor of Natural Philosophy, 1751-57. 51. *DICKSON, ALEXANDER, Professor of Botany, 1868-79. 52. *DICKSON, WILLIAM PURDIE, Professor of (1) Divinity and Biblical Criticism, 1863-73, (2) Divinity, 1873-95. 53. DUNLOP, ALEXANDER, Professor of Greek, 1704-46, when resigned. Born in Carolina, 1684; son of Principal William Dunlop, and father of No. 54; LL.D.; died 24th April, 1747. 54. *DUNLOP, ALEXANDER, Professor of Oriental Languages, 1745-50. 55. *EASTON, JOHN ALEXANDER, Professor of Materia Medica, 1855-65. 56. *ELGAR, FRANCIS, Professor of Naval Architecture, 1883-86. ROLL OF GRADUATES 685 57. *FERGUSON, JOHN, Professor of Chemistry since 1874. 58. *FINDLAY, ROBERT, Professor of Divinity, 1782- 1 814. 59. *FLEMING, WILLIAM, Professor of (1) Oriental Languages, 1831-39, (2) Moral Philosophy, 1839-66. 60. FORBES, WILLIAM, Professor of Law, 1714-45. Son of Thomas Forbes, M.D., Professor in Padua, a descendant of the second son of the second Lord Forbes ; admitted Advocate, 8th February, 1696 ; died 23rd October, 1745. 61. FREER, ROBERT, of Essendy, Professor of Practice of Medicine, 1796-1827. Born 1745 ; M.A. Edin. 1765 ; M.D. Aberd. 1779; served as Ensign and Surgeon in the American War, and was present at the Battle of Bunker's Hill ; died 9th April, 1827. 62. GAIRDNER, SIR WILLIAM TENNANT, Professor of Practice of Medicine since 1862. Born at Edinburgh, 8th November, 1824; M.D. Edin. 1845; LL.D. Edin. 1883; M.D. (honoris causa), T.C.D., 1887; F.R.S. 1893; K.C.B. 1898; Resident Medical Officer in Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, 1846 ; Pathologist therein, 1848 ; Physician therein, 1853 ; Extra-Mural Lecturer in Edinburgh on Medicine and Practice of Medicine, 1853-62 ; Member of Glasgow University Court (as Senate's Assessor) since 1893 ; Representative of that University on General Medical Council since 1893 ; Physician in Ordinary to the Queen for Scotland. 63. *GIBB, GAVIN, Professor of Oriental Languages, 1814-31. 64. GORDON, LEWIS DUNBAR BRODIE, Professor of Civil Engineering and Me- chanics, 1840-55, when resigned. Born at Edinburgh, 1815 ; F.R.S. E. 1845; Civil Engineer in Glasgow and elsewhere before, during, and after Professorship ; died at Poynter's Grove, near London, 28th April, 1876. 65. GRAHAM, ROBERT, Professor of Botany, 1818-20. Born at Stirling, 3rd December, 1786; M.D. Edin. 1808; F.R.S.E. 1820; F.L.S. 1821 ; Professor of Botany in University of Edinburgh, 1820-45 > died at Coldoch, Perthshire, 7th August, 1845. 66. GRANT, ROBERT, Professor of Astronomy, 1859-92. Born at Grantown-on-Spey, 17th June, 1814; M.A. Aberd. 1854; LL.D. Aberd. 1865; F.R.A.S. 1850; F.R.S. 1865 ; died at Grantown-on-Spey, 24th October, 1892. 67. *GRAY, GEORGE, Professor of Oriental Languages, 1839-50. 68. HAMILTON, ROBERT, Professor of (1) Anatomy, 1742-56, (2) Practice of Medicine, 1756; brother of No. 69; died 15th May, 1756. 69. HAMILTON, THOMAS, Professor of Anatomy, 1757-80, when resigned. Born 1728 ; brother of No. 68 and father of No. 70; died 1781. 70. *HAMILTON, WILLIAM, Professor of Anatomy, 1780-90. 71. HASTIE, WILLIAM, Professor of Divinity since 1895. Born 7th July, 1842; M.A. Edin. 1867, B.D. 1869, D.D. 1894; Principal of the General Assembly's Institution and College at Calcutta, 1878-83 ; thereafter Assistant to Professor of Divinity in University of Edinburgh. 72. HILL, ALEXANDER, Professor of Divinity, 1840-62, when resigned. Born at St. Andrews, 19th July, 1785 ; son of Principal George Hill, St. Andrews ; M.A. St. And. 1804, D.D. 1828; Minister of (1) Colmonell, 1815-16, (2) Dailly, 1816-40; died at Ayr, 27th January, 1867. 686 APPENDICES 73. *HOOKER, SIR WILLIAM JACKSON, Professor of Botany, 1820-41. 74. HOPE, THOMAS CHARLES, Lecturer on Materia Medica, 1787-88; Lecturer on Chemistry, 1787-91; Professor of Practice of Medicine, 1789-95. Born 1766; son of John Hope, M.D. 1750 ("Roll," p. 273); M.D. Edin. 1787; F.R.S. ; Professor of Chemistry in University of Edinburgh, 1795- 1843; died at Edinburgh, 13th June, 1844. 75. HUTCHESON, FRANCIS, Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1730-46. Born in North of Ireland, 8th August, 1694; M.A. Glasg. 1712; Licentiate of the Irish Presbyterian Church, 1719; thereafter Superintendent of a Private Academy in Dublin; died 8th August, 1746. 76. *JACK, WILLIAM, Professor of Mathematics since 1879. 77. JACKSON, THOMAS THOMSON, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, 1851-74, when resigned. Born 1797; D.D. St. And. 1851 ; studied for Ministry, but never held a charge ; acted for some time as Amanuensis to Dugald Stewart ; thereafter (1836-51) Professor of Divinity at St. Andrews; died there, 24th December, 1878. 78. *JARDINE, GEORGE, Professor of Logic, 1774-1827. 79. *JEBB, RICHARD CLAVERHOUSE, Professor of Greek, 1875-89. 80. *JEFFRAY, JAMES, Professor of Anatomy, 1790- 1848. 81. JENKINS, PHILIP, Professor of Naval Architecture, 1886-91. Born at Dale, Pem- brokeshire, 1854; served apprenticeship as Shipwright in H.M. Dockyard at Pem- broke ; entered Royal College of Naval Architecture in 1873 ; soon after leaving College, received an appointment on the Advisory Staff of Lloyd's Registry, which he retained till removal to Glasgow ; died at Llawrenny, Kelvinside, 13th June, 1891. 82. JOHNSTOUN, JOHN, Professor of Practice ot Medicine, 1714-50, when resigned. M.D. Utrecht, 1709. 83- *JONES, HENRY, Professor of Moral Philosophy since 1894. Born 30th November 1852. 84. *KELVIN, BARON, Professor of Natural Philosophy since 1846. 85. *KIRKWOOD, ANDERSON, Professor of Conveyancing, 1862-67. 86. *LAWRIE, JAMES ADAIR, Professor of Surgery, 1850-59. 87. LEE, ROBERT, Professor of Midwifery, 1833-34, when resigned. Born at Melrose, 1793; M.D. Edin. 1814; F.R.S. 1830; acted as (1) Obstetric Physician in London, (2) Physician in Odessa to Prince Woronzow, Governor- General of the Crimea and adjacent Provinces, 1824-26, (3) Accoucheur in London and Lecturer on Mid- wifery, (4) Professor in Glasgow University, 1833-34, (5) Practitioner in London, ^35-7 5i and Lecturer on Midwifery in St. George's Hospital there, 1835-66; retired from practice, 1875 ! died at Surbiton Hill, Surrey, 6th February, 1877. 88. LEE, WILLIAM, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, 1874-86. Born at Edinburgh, 6th November, 1817 ; son of Principal Lee of Edinburgh University ; D.D. Edin. 1868 ; Minister of Roxburgh, 1843-74 ; died at Glasgow, 10th October, 1886. 89. *LEECHMAN, WILLIAM, Professor of Divinity, 1744-61 ; Principal, 1761-85. ROLL OF GRADUATES 68/ 90. *LEISHMAN, WILLIAM, Professor of Midwifery, 1868-93. 91. *LINDESAY, HERCULES, Professor of Law, 1750-61. 92. *LISTER, JOSEPH (now BARON LISTER), Professor of Surgery, 1860-69. 93. LODGE, RICHARD, Professor of History since 1894. Born at Penkhull, Staffs., 20th June, 1855 ; B.A. Oxon. 1878, M.A. 1881 ; Fellow of Brasenose College and Historical Lecturer and Tutor at Oxford, 1878-94. 94. LOUDON, JOHN, Regent, 1699-1727 ; Professor of Logic, 1727-50. Died 1st Novem- ber, 1750. 95. *LUSHINGTON, EDMUND LAW, Professor of Greek, 1838-75. 96. *MACEWEN, WILLIAM, Professor of Surgery since 1892. Born 22nd June, 1848. 97. *MACFARLAN, DUNCAN, Principal, 1823-57. 98. *MACFARLANE, JOHN, Professor of Practice of Medicine, 1852-62. 99. *MACGILL, STEVENSON, Professor of Divinity, 1814-40. 100. M'KENDRICK, JOHN GRAY, Professor of Physiology since 1876. Born at Aber- deen, 12th August, 1841 ; M.D., CM. Aberd. 1864; LL.D. Aberd. 1882; F.R.S.E. 1873 5 F.R.S. 1884 ; previously engaged as (1) Visiting Surgeon, Chester General Infirmary, (2) Resident Medical Officer, Eastern Dispensary, London, (3) Surgeon, Belford Hospital, Fort-William, (4) Assistant to Professor of Physiology in Edin- burgh University, (5) Lecturer on Physiology in Extra- Academical School, Edin- burgh. 101. *MACLEOD, SIR GEORGE HUSBAND BAIRD, Professor of Surgery, 1869-92. 102. MACLEOD, HUGH, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, 1778-1807. D.D. ; died 22nd May, 1809. 103. *MACONOCHIE, ALLAN ALEXANDER WELWOOD, Professor ot Law, 1842-55. 104. *M'TURK, WILLIAM, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, 1797-1841. 105. *MEIKLEHAM, WILLIAM, Professor of (1) Astronomy, 1799-1803, (2) Natural Philosophy, 1803-46. 106. MILLAR, JAMES, Professor of Mathematics, 1789- 1832. Son of No. 107. 107. MILLAR, JOHN, Professor of Law, 1761-1801. Born at Manse of Shotts, 22nd June, 1735 ; admitted Advocate, 1760; died at Millheugh, Blantyre, 30th May, 1801 ; father of No. 106 and grandfather of No. 146. 108. *MILLAR, RICHARD, Professor of Materia Medica, 1831-33. 109. MOIR, JAMES, Professor of Conveyancing since 1889. Born at Welton, near Blair- gowrie, Perthshire, 1841 ; Notary Public, 1865 ; Law Agent, 1873 ; Member of the Faculty of Procurators of Glasgow, 1875 ; in practice as a Writer in Glasgow. no. *MOOR, JAMES, Professor of Greek, 1746-74. in. MORTHLAND, CHARLES, Professor of Oriental Languages, 1709-44. Died 4th September, 1744. 688 APPENDICES 112. MUIRHEAD, GEORGE, Professor of (i) Oriental Languages, 1753-54, (2) Humanity, I 754 _ 73' Born 24th June, 1715 ; M.A. Edin. 1742; Minister of (1) Minnigaff, 1746-48, (2) Dysart, 1748-52 ; died 31st August, 1773 ; Muirhead Prizes founded in his memory. 113. *MUIRHEAD, LOCKHART, Professor of Natural History, 1808-29. 114. MURRAY, GEORGE GILBERT AIME, Professor of Greek since 1889. Born at Sydney, N.S. Wales, 2nd January, 1866; B.A. Oxon. 1888, M.A. 1894; Fellow of New College, Oxford, and Lecturer there, 1888-89. 115. *MYLNE, JAMES, Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1797- 1839. 116. NICHOL, JOHN, Professor of English Language and Literature, 1862-89, when retired. Born at Montrose, 8th September, 1833; son of No. 117; Snell Exhibitioner, 1856; B.A. Oxon. 1859, M.A. 1874; LL.D. St. And. 1873; died in London, nth October, 1894. 117. *NICHOL, JOHN PRINGLE, Professor of Astronomy, 1836-59. 118. PAGAN, JOHN MACMICHAN, Professor of Midwifery, 1840-68. Born January, 1802; M.D. Edin. 1823; Practitioner in Preston, Lanes., 1825; settled in Glasgow, 1827 ; Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence in Portland Street Medical School, 1830-40; died at Glasgow, 19th May, 1868. 119. POTTER, MICHAEL, Professor of Divinity, 1740-43. M.A. Edin. 1694; Minister of Kippen, 1700-40; died 23rd November, 1743, aged 73. 120. *RAINY, HARRY, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, 1841-72. 121. RAMSAY, GEORGE GILBERT, Professor of Humanity since 1863. Born 19th July, 1839; nephew of No. 122; B.A. Oxon. 1862, M.A. 1864; LL.D. Edin. 1880; LittD. Dublin, 1892. 122. RAMSAY, WILLIAM, Professor of Humanity, 1831-63. Born at Edinburgh, 6th February, 1806; youngest son of Sir William Ramsay, Bart., of Bamff; Assistant, 1829, to No. 106; B.A. Cantab. 1831, M.A. 1836; died at San Remo, 12th February, 1865. 123. RANKINE, WILLIAM JOHN MACQUORN, Professor of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, 1855-72. Born at Edinburgh, 5th July, 1820; LL.D. Dublin, 1857; F.R.S.E. 1849 ; F.R.S. 1853 ; Civil Engineer ; died at Glasgow, 24th December 1872. 124. *REID, JAMES SEATON, Professor of Ecclesiastical History, 1841-51. 125. REID, THOMAS, Professor of Moral Philosophy, 1764-96. Born at Manse ot Strachan, 26th April, 1710; M.A. Aberd. 1726; D.D. Aberd. 1762; Librarian of Marischal College, Aberdeen, 1733-36; Minister of New Machar, 1737-52; Professor of Philosophy in King's College, Aberdeen, 1752-64 ; died at Glasgow 7th October, 1796. 126. *RICHARDSON, WILLIAM, Professor of Humanity, 1773-1814. 127. *ROBERTON, SIR JAMES, Professor of Conveyancing, 1867-89. 128. ROBERTSON, JAMES, Professor of Oriental Languages since 1877. Born at Alyth, 2nd March, 1840; M.A. Aberd. 1859; D.D. Aberd. 1880; Missionary of the Church of Scotland at (1) Constantinople, 1862-64, (2) Beyrout, Syria, 1864-75 ; Minister of Mayfield Church, Edinburgh, 1875-77. ROLL OF GRADUATES 689 129. ROGERS, HENRY DARWIN, Professor of Natural History, 1857-66. Born at Philadelphia, U.S.A., 1st August, 1808; M.A. Penn. 1834; LL.D. Dublin, 1857; Professor of (1) Chemistry and Natural Philosophy in Dickinson College, Pa., 1830-31, (2) Geology and Mineralogy in University of Pennsylvania, 1835-46; died at Shawlands, near Glasgow, 29th May, 1866. 130. ROSSE, ANDREW, Professor of Humanity, 1706-35. 131. *ROSSE, GEORGE, Professor of Humanity, 1735-54. 132. RUAT, WILLIAM, Professor of (1) Oriental Languages, 1751-52, (2) Ecclesiastical History, 1752-62, when resigned. Son of Minister of Jedburgh. 133. SANDFORD, SIR DANIEL KEYTE, Professor of Greek, 1821-38. Born at Edin- burgh, 3rd February, 1798 ; B.A. Oxon. 1820, M.A. 1825, D.C.L. 1833 ; Knighted 1830; M.P. for Paisley, 1834-35; died at Glasgow, of typhus fever, 4th February, 1838 ; buried at Rothesay. 134. SIMPSON, PIERCE ADOLPHUS, Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, 1872-98, when retired. Born in Ireland, 1st March, 1837 ; M.D. St. And. 1861 ; M.A. Cantab. 1862 ; Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in Anderson's College, Glasgow, 1866-72. 135. SIMSON, JOHN, Professor of Divinity, 1708-40. Born circa 1668; M.A. Edin. 1692; Librarian of Glasgow University in 1696; Minister of Troqueer, 1705-08; died 2nd February, 1740. 136. SIMSON, ROBERT, Professor of Mathematics, 1711-61, when retired. Born 14th October, 1687; nephew of No. 135; M.A. Glasg. 1711 ; M.D. St. And. 1756; Clerk of Faculty, 1728-61 ; died at Glasgow, 1st October, 1768. 137. SKENE, GEORGE, Professor of Law, 1855-67. Admitted Advocate, 1830 ; Professor of Civil History in University of Edinburgh, 1837-42; appointed Sheriff-Substitute at Glasgow, 1842 ; appointed Curator of the Historical Department in the Register House, Edinburgh, 1867; died 2nd January, 1875. 138. *SMART, WILLIAM, Professor of Political Economy since 1896. 139. *SMITH, ADAM, Professor of (1) Logic, 1751-52, (2) Moral Philosophy, 1752-63. 140. *STEVENSON, ALEXANDER, Professor of Practice of Medicine, 1766-89. 141. *STEWART, WILLIAM, Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism since 1873. 142. STOCKMAN, RALPH, Professor of Materia Medica since 1897. Born at Leith, 3rd August, 1861 ; M.B., CM. Edin. 1882, M.D. 1886; F.R.S.E. ; Assistant to Professor of Materia Medica in University of Edinburgh, 1883-89; Lecturer on Materia Medica in the Extra-Mural School of Edinburgh, 1889-97; Degree Examiner on Materia Medica in University of Glasgow, 1891-95. 143. STORY, ROBERT HERBERT, Professor of Ecclesiastical History since 1886. Born at Manse of Rosneath, 28th January, 1835; D.D. Edin. 1874; F.S.A. Scot.; Assistant Minister of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Montreal, 1859-60 ; Minister of Rosneath, 1860-87; one of H.M. Chaplains since 1886. 144. STUART, ALEXANDER MOODY, Professor of Law since 1887. Born at Edin- burgh, 30th May, 1844; admitted Advocate, 1874; LL.D. Edin. 1893. 145. *TAYLOR, WILLIAM, Principal, 1803-23. 146. *THOMSON, ALLEN, Professor of Anatomy, 1848-77. 2X 6go APPENDICES 147. *THOMSON, JAMES, Professor of Mathematics, 1832-49. 148. *THOMSON, JAMES, Professor of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, 1873-89. 149. THOMSON, THOMAS, Lecturer on Chemistry, 1817-18 ; Professor of Chemistry, 1818-52. Born at Crieff, 12th April, 1773; M - D - Edin. 1799; F.L.S. ; F.R.S.E. ; F.R.S. ; Editor of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1796- 1 800 ; Lecturer on Chemistry in Edinburgh, 1800-11; died at Kilmun, 2nd August, 1852. 150. THOMSON, WILLIAM, Professor of Practice of Medicine, 1841-52. Born at Edin- burgh, 3rd July, 1802; brother of No. 146; M.D. Aberd. 1831 ; Lecturer in Edinburgh on Practice of Medicine and Physiology, and (1830-41) Assistant to his father, the Professor of Pathology in Edinburgh University; died 12th May, 1852. 151. *TOWERS, JAMES, Professor of Midwifery, 1815-20. 152. *TOWERS, JOHN, Professor of Midwifery, 1820-33. 153. TRAIL, ROBERT, Professor of (1) Oriental Languages, August to November, 1761, (2) Divinity, 1761-75. D.D. St. And. 1760; Minister of (1) Kettins, 1746-53, (2) Banff, 1753-61 ; died 17th October, 1775. 154. VEITCH, JOHN, Professor of Logic, 1864-94. Born at Peebles, 24th October, 1829; M.A. Edin. 1857; LL.D. Edin. 1872; Assistant to Professors of Logic in Uni- versity of Edinburgh, 1855-60; Professor of Logic in University of St. Andrews, 1860-64; died at Peebles, 3rd September, 1894. 155. WALKER, JOSIAH, Professor of Humanity, 1815-31. Born 1761 ; youngest son of Thomas Walker, Minister of Dundonald, Ayrshire; M.A. Edin. 1787; Tutor in the family of the Duke of Athole, 1787-96; thereafter Customs or Excise Officer at Perth ; died 28th August, 1831. 156. *WEIR, DUNCAN HARKNESS, Professor of Oriental Languages, 1850-76. 157. WIGHT, WILLIAM, Professor of (1) Ecclesiastical History, 1762-78, (2) Divinity, 1778-82. Son of Robert Wight, M.A, Minister of Brampton Presbyterian Church, Cumberland; D.D. Edin. 1763; Minister of Mary's Abbey Presbyterian Church, Dublin, 1753-62; died 29th July, 1782. 158. WILLIAMSON, JAMES, Professor of Mathematics, 1761-95. D.D. Edin. 1763; Minister of (1) Wamphray, 1755-58, (2) Closeburn, 1758-61 ; died 3rd June, 1795. 159. WILSON, ALEXANDER, Professor of Astronomy, 1760-84. Born at St. Andrews, 1714; M.A. St. And. 8th May, 1733; M.D. St. And. 6th August, 1763; before obtaining Professorship was (1) Assistant to a Surgeon in London, (2) Typefounder in St. Andrews, (3) Typefounder at Camlachie, Glasgow; died 16th October, 1786. 160. *WILSON, PATRICK, Professor of Astronomy, 1784-99. Son of No. 159. 161. *YOUNG, JOHN, Professor of Greek, 1774-1820. 162. YOUNG, JOHN, Professor of Natural History and Keeper of the Hunterian Museum since 1866, also Honyman-Gillespie Lecturer on Geology since 1876. Born at Edinburgh, 17th November, 1835 ; M.D. Edin. 1857 ; Resident Physician in (1) Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, 1857-58, (2) Royal Lunatic Asylum there, 1858-60; on H.M. Geological Survey, 1860-66. ROLL OF GRADUATES 691 VI. List of Subscribers. Adamson, Professor Robert, M.A., LL.D., 4 The University, Glasgow. Aikman, John, M.D., Birnam, Guernsey. Aitken, Rev. Patrick H., B.Sc., B.D., The Acacias, E. Dulwich Road, London, S.E. Alpine, Rev. George, B.D., The Manse, Dumbarton. Anderson, P. J., LL.B., University Library, Aber- deen. Anderson, Professor T. M'Call, M.D., 2 Woodside Terrace, Glasgow. Arrol, Charles, M.D., 12 Bankstown, Sheerness. Baillie's Institution Free Library, 48 Miller Street, Glasgow. Bankier, Alexander M., M.D., Kelvin, Waterloo Road, N., Wolverhampton. Bankier, Patrick M., M.A., Barrister, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Bannatyne, Gilbert A., M.D., 21 Circus, Bath. Barker, Henry M., M.A., LL.D., Banchory. Barr, Professor Archibald, D.Sc, Royston, Dowan- hill, Glasgow. Barr, Thomas, M.D., 13 Woodside Place, Glasgow. Beatson, George T., M.D., 7 Woodside Crescent, Glasgow. Becker, Professor Ludwig, Ph. D. , The Observatory, Dowanhill, Glasgow. Bell, Sir James, Bart. , 101 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. Bell, Robert, M.D. , 29 Lynedoch Street, Glasgow. Bell, Robert Gordon, M.B., St. Bede's House, Sunderland. Benedikt, Professor Moriz, LL.D., I. Francishaver- platz 5, Vienna. Berry, Sheriff Robert, M.A., LL.D., 5 University Gardens, Glasgow. Biles, Professor John Harvard, The University, Glasgow. Blackburn, Emeritus- Professor Hugh, M.A., LL.D., Roshven, Kinlochailort, Fort- William. Bonar, James, M.A., LL.D., 1 Redington Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. Boston Athenaeum, U.S.A., c/o Messrs. Kegan, Paul & Co., London, Bower, Professor F. O., M.A., Sc.D., F.R.S., The University, Glasgow. Boyd, William M., M.B., Nelson House, Largs. Bradley, Professor A. C, M.A., 10 Bruce Street, Hillhead, Glasgow. Briscoe, J. Potter, Free Public Library, Nottingham. Brown, John, B.Sc, 11 Somerset Place, Glasgow. Brown, Robert, B.Sc, 21 Belhaven Terrace, Kelvin- side, Glasgow. Brownlee, Rev. John, West Manse, Rutherglen. Bruce, R. Randolph, B.Sc, C.E., The Manitoba Club, Winnipeg, Canada. Bryce, John, M.A.,The Schoolhouse, Bowmore, Islay. Buchanan, A. W. Gray, Parkhill, Polmont. Buchanan, Professor George, M.A., M.D., LL.D., 193 Bath Street, Glasgow. Buchanan, Rev. James, B.Sc. ,The Manse, Eaglesham. Caird, Edward, D.C.L., Master of Balliol College, Oxford. Caird, Very Rev. Principal John, D.D., LL.D., 12 The University, Glasgow. Cameron, Hector C, M.D., 200 Bath Street, Glasgow. Cameron, Professor Murdoch, M.D., 7 Newton Terrace, Glasgow. Campbell, Rev. Colin, D.D., The Manse, Dundee. Campbell, Donald, M.D., Calne, Wiltshire. Campbell, Donald, M.A., 54 Kelbourne Street, Kelvinside, Glasgow. Campbell, James, of Tulliechewan, Balloch, Dum- bartonshire. Campbell, James Alex., LL.D., M.P., of Stracathro, Brechin. Carruthers, Rev. Thomas, M.A., F.C. Manse, Bridge of Weir. Christie, John, of Cowden, Dollar. Clapperton, Alan E., B.L., Writer, 4 Woodside Terrace, Glasgow. Cleland, Professor John, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., 2 The University, Glasgow. Coats, Surgeon-Lieut. -Col. James, M.B., 8 Alloway Place, Ayr. 692 APPENDICES Coats, John J., M.A., Writer, 27 Woodside Place, Glasgow. Coats, Professor Joseph, M.D., 8 University Gardens, Glasgow. Coats, Rev. Walter W., B.D., Girthon Manse, Gate- house. Colquhoun, James, LL.D., Writer, 158 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. Constable, John, M.D., J. P., Leuchars, Fifeshire. Cornish, J. E., Bookseller, 16 St. Ann's Square, Manchester. Coutts, James, M.A., The University, Glasgow. Cowan, John M., B.A., M.B., 5 Lynedoch Crescent, Glasgow. Craig, Archibald, LL.B., Writer, 156 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. Craigie, John A., Govan Parish School Board, 151 Bath Street, Glasgow. Cranstoun, James, B.A., LL.D., Roxburgh House, Stroud, Gloucestershire. Crothers, Robert, M.D., Highfield, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells. Cumming, James Simpson, M.D., 20 Blythswood Square, Glasgow. Currie, John, M.D., Madras Railway, Rayapuram, India. Cuthbertson, Sir John Neilson, LL.D., 29 Bath Street, Glasgow. Daly, Rev. John Fairley, B.D., 17 Park Circus Place, Glasgow. Davidson, Robert, M.B., Woodville, Shettleston. Dawson, James, M.A., Inspector of Schools, Depart- ment of Public Instruction, Sydney, N.S.W. Deas, Andrew Orr, LL.B., Advocate, 39 Great King Street, Edinburgh. Dickie, Hugh, B.A., LL.D., The Academy, Kil- marnock. Donald, James, M.B., Sutton Lea, Peel Causeway, Altrincham, Cheshire. Douglas, Rev. Principal George C. M., D.D., 10 Fitzroy Place, Glasgow. Downie, James Walker, M.B., 4 Woodside Crescent, Glasgow. Dyer, Henry, M.A., D.Sc, 8 Highburgh Terrace, Dowanhill, Glasgow. Elder, Mrs., 6 Claremont Terrace, Glasgow. Elliot, Stuart Douglas, S.S.C., 40 Princes Street, Edinburgh. Evans, Rev. William, M.A., Pembroke Dock, South Wales. Eyre, Archbishop, LL.D., 6 Bowmont Gardens, Kelvinside, Glasgow. Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons, 242 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. Faculty of Procurators, St. George's Place, Glasgow. Ferguson, Professor John, M.A., LL.D., F.S.A., 13 Newton Place, Glasgow. Ferguson, Robert, M.D., Newcastle, N.S.W. Finlay, James, M.D., Millbrae, Helensburgh. Finlayson, James, M.D., 2 Woodside Place, Glasgow. Fleming, George, C.B., LL.D, F.R.C.V.S., Higher Leigh, Combe Martin, North Devon. Fleming, James B., Writer, Beaconsfield, Kelvin- side, Glasgow. Fleming, John, Writer, 241 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. Fleming, William J., M.D., 3 Woodside Terrace, Glasgow. Forrest, Rev. David W., M.A., 14 Sardinia Terrace, Hillhead, Glasgow. Forsyth, David, M.A., D.Sc, Higher Grade School, Leeds. Fraser, Professor Alexander, M.B., 18 Northbrook Road, Dublin. Fraser, John, M.A., M.D., Chapel Ash, Wolver- hampton. Freebairn, John B., M.A., Napiershall School, Glasgow. Fullarton, David, Head Master, Hill's Trust School, Govan. Fullarton, Neil, M.B., Blairbeg House, Lamlash, Arran. Gairdner, Charles, LL.D., Broom, Newton Mearns. Gairdner, Professor Sir William T., K.C.B., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., 9 .The University, Glasgow. Galbraith, James L., University Library, Glasgow. Gemmell, Professor Samson, M.D., 17 Woodside Place, Glasgow. Gibson, Edwin A., M.B., 2 Queen's Crescent, Glasgow. Giffen, Sir Robert, K.C.B., LL.D., F.R.S., 9 Bina Gardens, London, S.W. Glaister, Professor John, M.D., 4 Grafton Place, Glasgow. Glasgow Church of Scotland Training College, Dundas Vale, Glasgow. Gordon, Rev. Alexander, Memorial Hall, Man- chester. Gourlay, Robert, 11 Crown Gardens, Dowanhill, Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 693 Graham & Anderson, Writers, 170 Hope Street, Glasgow. Graham, Thomas, M.D., 3 Garthland Place, Paisley. Gray, Professor Andrew, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., University College, Bangor, North Wales. Gray, George, Writer, Clerk of the Peace, County Buildings, Glasgow. Guildhall Library, London, E. C. Hamilton, Robert, M.A., 6 Bath Place, Ayr. Hannay, David, Writer, 20 Huntly Gardens, Kelvin- side, Glasgow. Harris, David Fraser, B.Sc., M.D., Physiological Laboratory, The University, Glasgow. Hastie, Professor William, D.D., 13 The University, Glasgow. Henderson, John, 23 Kersland Terrace, Hillhead, Glasgow. Herkless, Professor W. R., LL.B.,Torwood, Partick- hill, Glasgow. Hettich, Madame, 65 Upper Berkeley Street, Lon- don, W. Hill, William H., LL.D., of Barlanark, Writer, 194 Ingram Street, Glasgow. Hoggan, George B., Writer, 194 Ingram Street, Glasgow. Holt, Thomas G. , B. A. , Ashville, Partickhill, Glasgow. Hooker, Sir Joseph D., C.B., M.D., D.C.L., F.R.S., etc. , The Camp, Sunningdale, Berks. Hunter, Rev. David, D.D., The Manse, Galashiels. Institution of Civil Engineers, London. Jack, Professor William, M.A., LL.D., 10 The Uni- versity, Glasgow. Jeans, Alexander, Writer, 8 Hamilton Street, Partick. Johnston, David, Writer, 160 West George Street, Glasgow. Johnston, David, M.A., Sub-Inspector of Schools, Tintagal, Dairy, Ayrshire. Johnston, Brigade-Surg.-Lt.-Col. William, M.A., M.D., Newton Dee, Aberdeenshire. Johnston, Rev. William Thomson, D.D., Ivy Bank, Britannia Square, Worcester. Jones, Rev. Evan P., B.D., University College, Aberystwyth. Jones, Professor Henry, M.A., LL.D., 1 The Uni- versity, Glasgow. Kegan, Paul & Co., Ltd., Paternoster House, Charing Cross Road, London. Kelvin, Professor Lord, G.C.V.O., F.R.S., etc., 11 The University, Glasgow. Kerr, John, B.L., Writer, Northbrae House, Hill Street, Kilmarnock. Kerr, John G., M.A., Allan Glen's School, Glasgow. Kerr, William J., M.B., 2A Camden Road, London, N.W. King, Sir James, Bart., of Campsie, LL.D., 115 Wellington Street, Glasgow. King, Rev. James W., D.D., The Manse, New Kil- patrick. King, William Y., M.A., H.M.I.S., St. Bede's, Melrose. Lang, William R., B.Sc, F.C.S., Chemistry Depart- ment, The University, Glasgow. Lees, Robert Cowan, M.B., 1 Woodside Place, Glasgow. Levenston, Samuel, M.D., 39 Hope Street, Glasgow. Linn, Rev. John F., M.A., F. C. Manse, Airlie, Kirriemuir. Lodge, Professor Richard, M.A., 10 University Gardens, Glasgow. Lucas, William L. M., B.L., Writer, 140 Hope Street, Glasgow. Macara, Rev. John, B.D., Chidham, Rungeet P.O., Sikhim, India. M'Calman, Dove, M.D., Esplanade, Oban. Macdonald, George, M.A., 41 Lilybank Gardens, Hillhead, Glasgow. Macewen, Professor William, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., 3 Woodside Crescent, Glasgow. MacGregor, Rev. John R., B.D., 52 Buccleuch Street, Glasgow. Mackay, Principal John Yule, M.D., University College, Dundee. M'Kechnie, William S., LL.B., D.Phil., 157 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. M'Kendrick, Professor John G., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S. , 2 Florentine Gardens, Hillhead, Glasgow. Mackennal, Rev. Alexander, D. D. , Bowdon, Cheshire. Mackenzie, James, Writer, 150 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow. Mackie, A. Kirk, S.S.C. , 40 Princes Street, Edinburgh. Maclagan, Emeritus- Professor Sir Douglas, M.D., LL.D., 28 Heriot Row, Edinburgh. Maclean, James N., M.B., Penrose Lodge, Upper Tooting, Surrey. Maclean, Magnus, M.A., D.Sc, F.R.S.E., Physical Laboratory, The University, Glasgow. 694 APPENDICES MacLehose, James J., M.A., 7 University Gardens, Glasgow. MacLehose, Norman Macmillan, M.B., 13 Queen Anne Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. MacLehose, Robert, M.A., Westdel, Dowanhill, Glasgow. Macleod, Rev. Norman, D.D., Ravenswood, Inver- ness. Macphail, Donald, M.D., Whifflet, Coatbridge. M'Vail, Professor David C, M.B., 3 St. James' Terrace, Hillhead, Glasgow. Mair, George, Head Master, Grant Street and James Street Public Schools, Helensburgh. Marr, Hamilton C. , M. D. , Woodilee Asylum, Lenzie. Marshall, John W., M.A., University College, Aberystwyth. Marwick, Sir James D., LL.D., 19 Woodside Terrace, Glasgow. Mather, Mrs. George R., 14 Annfield Place, Dennis- toun, Glasgow. Medical Directory, Editors of, 7 Great Marlborough Street, London, W. Meikleham, J. Y., 37 Upper Park Road, Hampstead, London, N.W. Melville, Rev. Andrew, D.D., 43 Polwarth Terrace, Edinburgh. Merry, George R., M.A., LL.D., 14 Dudhope Terrace, Dundee. Millar, Rev. Andrew, M.A., F.C. Manse, Kincardine O'Neil, Torphins, by Aberdeen. Millar, Arthur D., M.A., Spiers' School, Beith. Miller, Rev. David, M.A. , F.C. Manse, Stranraer. Miller, William Galbraith, LL.B., Advocate, 13 Albany Street, Edinburgh. Milligan, James, M.A. , High School for Girls, Garnethill, Glasgow. Mitchell, Alexander M., LL.B., Writer, 8 Kew Terrace, Kelvinside, Glasgow. Mitchell, Andrew, B. A. , 20 Woodside Place, Glasgow. Mitchell, John Oswald, B.A., LL.D., 7 Huntly Gardens, Kelvinside, Glasgow. Mitchell Library, 21 Miller Street, Glasgow. Moir, Professor James, 20 Ann Street, Hillhead, Glasgow. Morrison, Hew, Public Library, Edinburgh. Morrison, Thomas, LL.D., F.C. Training College, Glasgow. Murray, David, M.A., LL.D., Writer, 169 West George Street, Glasgow. Murray, Professor George G. A., M.A., 5 The Uni- versity, Glasgow. Napier, George G., M.A., West Kilbride. Napier, James, M.A., The Drums, Old Kilpatrick. Nicholson, W. T., M.B., Victoria Infirmary, Glasgow. Oliver, Professor Thomas, M.D., 7 Ellison Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Orr, Rev. David, B.D., 4 Osborne Terrace, Govan. Owen, Rev. Robert, M.A., Pennal, Machynlleth, North Wales. Pagan, Robert O., M.A., W.S., Cupar-Fife. Park, Maitland H., M.A., The Pioneer, Allahabad, N.W. P., India. Paterson, John S., B.L., Writer, 113 West Regent Street, Glasgow. Paton, Rev. David, D.D., Chalmers Manse, Adelaide, S. Australia. Pinkerton, Surgeon-Major-General John, M.D., Queen's Park House, Langside, Glasgow. Queen's College Library, Belfast, per A. L. Meiss- ner, Librarian. Ramsay, A. Maitland, M.D., 15 Woodside Place, Glasgow. Ramsay, Professor George G. , M.A, LL.D., Litt.D., 6 The University, Glasgow. Reid, Thomas, M.D., LL.D., 11 Elmbank Street, Glasgow. Revie, Dugald, M.B., 11 Shaftesbury Terrace, Glasgow. Robertson, Professor James, D.D., 7 The University, Glasgow. Romanes, Charles S., C. A. , Ardenlea, ClunyGardens, Edinburgh. Ross, David, M.A., B.Sc, LL.D., 7 Queen's Terrace, Glasgow. Ross, John J., B.A., 7 Queen's Terrace, Glasgow. Royal College of Physicians, Pall Mall East, London. Russell, James B., B.A., M.D., LL.D., 3 Foremount Terrace, Glasgow. Russell, Rev. James C, D.D., Dunfillan, Dunoon. St. Andrews University Library. Shaw, John M., M.A., Librarian, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh. Sidgwick, Professor Henry, M.A., LL.D., Newn- ham College, Cambridge. Signet Library, Edinburgh, per Messrs. Douglas & Foulis. Simpson, James C, M.D., Merchant, 9 Marlborough Terrace, Kelvinside, Glasgow. ROLL OF GRADUATES 695 Simpson, Emeritus- Professor P. A., M.A., M.D., 8 Brandon Place, Glasgow. Sloan, Samuel, M. D. , 5 Somerset Place, Glasgow. Smart, Professor William, M.A., LL.D., D.Phil., Nunholm, Dowanhill, Glasgow. Smillie, William F., The Ferns, Bearsden. Smith, Elder & Co. , 15 Waterloo Place, London, S. W. Smith, J. Parker, M.P., Jordanhill, Glasgow. Soga, Rev. William A., M.D., "Miller" Mission, Bonivanaland, via Umtentu, Cape Colony. Speirs, John L., M.B., Ratcliffe House, Gateshead. Stechert, G. E., Export Bookseller, 2 Star Yard, Carey Street, London, W.C. Steel, Rev. John, D.D., Ellangowan, 20 Craigpark, Dennistoun, Glasgow. Stenhouse, William M., M.D., Dunedin, New Zealand. Stewart, Professor William, D.D., 18 Annfield Terrace, West, Partickhill, Glasgow. Stirling, Charles, M.B., 159 Grange Road, Ber- mondsey, London, S.E. Stirling's and Glasgow Public Library, 48 Miller Street, Glasgow. Stockman, Professor Ralph, M.D., 2 Fitzroy Place, Glasgow. Story, Professor R. Herbert, D.D., 8 The University, Glasgow. Stuart, Professor Alexander Moody, LL.D., 3 The University, Glasgow. Taylor, William, 168 West George Street, Glasgow. Teacher, John H., M.A., M.B., 32 Huntly Gardens, Kelvinside, Glasgow. Templeton, Thomas, M.A., Kinnoull, Perth. Tennent, Gavin P., M.D., 159 Bath Street, Glasgow. Thin, James, University Bookseller, 55 South Bridge, Edinburgh. Thomlinson, John, Printer, Stanley Works, Partick. Thomson, James, M.A., C.E., M.I.N.A., 22 Went- worth Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Union Library, The University, Glasgow. Ure, Alexander, Q.C., LL.B., M.P., Advocate, 26 Heriot Row, Edinburgh. Walker, Rev. E. M., Librarian, Queen's College Library, Oxford. Weir, John W., M.D., Engcobo, Tembuland, South Africa. Weir, Thomas H., B.D., Hillcrest, Partickhill, Glasgow. Wenley, Professor R. M., M.A., D.Sc, D.Phil., 35 E. Maddison Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. Whitelegge, Rev. William, M.A., Ballinlough House, Cork. Whitson, James, M.D., 13 Somerset Place, Glasgow. Williams' (Dr.) Library, Gordon Square, London. Wilson, Rev. James P., B.D., The Manse, Dalbeattie. Wilson, Rev. John, M.A., Methven Manse, Perth- shire. Wright, C. T. H., Secretary, London Library, St. James' Square, London, S.W. Wylie, Adam H., M.D., 93 Manchester Street, Oldham. Yellowlees, David, M.D., LL.D., Royal Asylum, Gartnavel, Glasgow. Young, Professor John, M.D., The University, Glasgow. Young, John, M.D., 91 Hanover Street, Sheffield. RETURN TO the circulation desk ot any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg.400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS • 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (510)642-6753 • 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF • Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. DUE AS STAMPED BELOW JUN 1 3 1997 12,000(11/95) (S2700L) ' 4 -*gy«su GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. BERKELEY B00Q78Q2B1 , A UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY