^■>;,>- = ■r- - LSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES General Catalogue OFFICERS AJS'D GRADUATES PROM ITS OROAXlZATION IN' 1 » » 1^ TO 18 4. g. n n gi r lj r : rUBttSHED BY tHE UNIVERSITY. ^_ , c^ O. S, liiiLLEV, Printer, Deiroit. %n%vtv^itxi 0f pi^hijHtt* General Catalogue OFFICERS AND GRADUATES FROM ITS ORGANIZATION IX l^S'T' TO 1S04 gt II n gi r 6 r : THI 1864 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY. PRESIDENTS OF THE BOARD OF REGENTS. Until the adoption of the Revised Constitution, the Governor of the State was exrofficio President of the Board. That instrument conferred upon the Regents the power, and under it their duty, to elect a President of the University, who should be ex-officio President of their Board. Under this power, the fii'st President was chosen in 1852. GOV. STEVENS T. MASON, . From 1837 to 1840 GOV. WILLIAM WOODBRIDGE, M. A., . . " 1840 to 1841 GOV. JAMES WRIGHT GORDON, M. A., . « 1841 to 1842 GOV. JOHN S. BARRY, " 1842 to 1846 GOV. ALPHEUS FELCH, « 184G to 1847 GOV. WILLIAM L. GREENLY, . . . . • " 1847 to 1848 GOV. EPAPHRODITUS RANSOM, .... " 1848 to 1850 GOV. JOHN S. BARRY, « 1850 to 1852 REV. HENRY PHILIP TAPPAN, D. D. LL. D., " 1852 to 1863 REV. ERASTUS OTIS HAVEN, D. D. LL. D., " 1863 40^?: "'41- GENERAL CATALOGUE. REGENTS EX-OFFICIO. Until the Revised Constitution took etfecl, the Lieutenant Governor, the Chan- cellor and the Justices of the Supreme Court for the lime being, were ex-officio members of the Board of Regents. LtKOTE«AKT a0VEBN0&8. HON. EDWARD MUNDY, From 1837 to 1840 '•■ J. WRIGHT GORDON, " 1840 to 1841 " ORIGEN D. RICHARDSON, .... " 1842 to 1846 '• WILLIAM L. GREENLY, " 1846 to 1847 " WILLIAM M. FENTON " 1848 to 1852 OHAKOELtOKS. HON. ELON FARNSWORTH, Fbom 1837 to 1842 '- RANDOLPH MANNING, " 1842 to 184fi " ELON FARNSWORTH, " 1846 to 1847 [Office then abolisbed.] GENEKAL CATALOGUE. JUSTICES OF THE SUPREME COURT. From 1837 to 1843. HON. "WTLLIAM A. FLETCHER, Chief Justice. Resigned, 1842. '• GEORGE MORRELL, Associate Justice. Promoted, 1842. " EPAPHRODITUS RANSOM, Associate Justice. " CHARLES W. WHIPPLE, " « Appointed, 1837. '' GEORGE MORRELL, Chief Justice. From 1842, vice Fletcher. >' ALPHEUS FELCH, Associate Justice. From 1842, vice Mon-ell. From 1843 to 1850. HON. EPAPHRODITUS RANSOM, Chief Justice. Resigned, 184.S. « CHARLES W. WHIPPLE, Associate Justice. Promoted, 1848. •• ALPHEUS FELCH, " " Resigned, 1845. " DANIEL GOODWIN, " " '• 1846. " CHARLES W. WHIPPLE, Chief Justice. From 1848, vice Ransom. '■ WARNER WING, Associate Justice. From 1845, vice Felch. "■ GEORGE MILES, " " 1846, " Goodwin. " SANFORD M. GREEN, " " J 848, " WTiipple. « EDWARD MUNDY, '' " 1848. New appointment. From 1850 to 1852. HON. CHARLES W. WHIPPLE, Chief Justice. " WARNER WING, . . Associate Justice. " SANFORD M. GREEN, •• " " ABNER PRATT. " « " EDWARD MUNDY, " « « GEORGE MARTIN, Died 1851. From 1851, vice Mundy. GENERAL CATALOGUE. I REGENTS BY APPOINTMENT. From the organization of the University till 1852, the Regents were appointed by the Senate, on the nomination of the Governor, to hold office for four years, three being appointed annually. j APPOINTED. TEEM EXPIRED. 1837 HON. JOHN NORVELL. 1838 HON. ROSS WILKINS, M. A. HON. JOHN J. ADAM. 1837 *HON. LUCnJS LYON. 1832 HON. ISAAC E. CRARY, M. A. HON. THOMAS FITZGERALD, (resigned in 1837.) [1837] HON. JOHN F. PORTER, {vice T. Fitzgerald, resigned in 1838.) [18381 'JONATHAN KEARSLEY, M. A., (vice J. F. Porter.) 1827 *SAMUEL DENTON, M. D. 1840 HON. GIDEON O. WHITTEMORE. HON. MICHAEL HOFFMAN, (resigned in 1838.) . [1838] GURDON C. LEACH, (vice M. Hoflman.) 1837 ZINA PITCHER, M. D. 1841 HENRY R. SCHOOLCRAFT, LL. D. HON. ROBERT McCLELLAND, (resigned in 1837.) [1837] *HON. SEBA MURPHY, (vice R. McClelland, resigned in 1839.) [1839] HON. JOSEPH W. BROWN, (vice S. Murphy, resigned in 1840.) [1840] DANIEL HUDSON, M. D., (vice J. W. Brown.) 1838 HON. JOHN J. ADAM, (resigned in 1840.) 1842 j HON. JOHN NORVELL, (resigned in 1839.) 1 HON. ROSS WILKINS, M. A. *Deceased. OEKERAL CATALOGUE. APPOINTED. TIRU ESPIRBD. [1837] HON. CHARLES C. TROWBRIDGE, {vke J. Norvell.) [1840] HON. MICHAEL A. PATTERSON, M. D., (vice J. J. Adam.) 1839 HON. LUCIUS LYON, (resigned ia 183D.) 1843 -HON. JONATHAN KEARSLEY, M. A. HON. ISAAC E. CRARY, M. A. [1839] REV. GEORGE DUFFIELD, D. D. (vice L. Lyon.) 1840 HON. WILLIAM DRAPER, M. A. 1844 HON. FRANCIS J. HIGGINSON, M. D., (resigned in 184L'> *HON. SAMUEL W. DEXTER, M. A., (resigned in 1841.) [1841] REV. OLIVER C. COMSTOCK, A. M. M. D., (vice S. W. Dexter, resigned in 1843.) [1841] HON. JOHN OWEN, (vice F. J. Higginson.) [1843] HON. LEWIS CASS, LL. D., (vice O. C. Comstock.) 1841 ZINA PITCHER, M. D. 1845 HON. MARTIN KUNDIG, M. A. HON. GEORGE GOODMAN, (resigned in 1843.) [1843] HON. DEWITT C. WALKER, (vice G. Goodman, re- signed in 1844.) [1844] REV. ROBERT R. KELLOGG, M. A., (vice D. C. Walker.) 1842 REV. ANDREW M. FITCH. 184C HON. RANDOLPH MANNING, (resigned in 1842.) REV. ELISHA CRANE. [1842] HON. WILLIAM A. FLETCHER, (vice R. Manning.) 1843 HON. JONATHAN KEARSLEY. 1847 HON. ISAAC E. CRARY, (resigned in 1843.) REV. MARVIN ALLEN. [1844] HON. ALEXANDER H. REDFIELD, M. A. (vice J. E. Crary.) 1844 HON. EDWARD MUNDY. 1848 HON. JOHN OWEN. REV. GEORGE DUFFIELD, D. D. 1845 ZINA PITCHER, M. D. 1849 HON. AUSTIN E. WING, M. A. HON. MINOT T. LANE. GENERAL CATALOGUE, APPOINTED. TBRM EXPIRED. 184G REV. CHARLES C. TAYLOR, M. A. 1850 REV. ELIJAH H. PILCHER, M. A. HON. ELON FARNSWORTH, M. A. 1847 HON. JONATHAN KEARSLEY. 1851 HON. ALEXANDER H. REDFIELD, M. A. REV. MARVIN ALLEN. 1848 REV. JOHN G. ATTERBURY, M. A. 1852 HON. JUSTUS GOODWIN, M. A. HON. BENJAMIN F. H. WITHERELL. 1843 ZINA PITCHER, M. D. 1852 HON. AUSTIN E. WING, M. A., (resigned ia 1850.) HON. EDWIN M. CUST, M A., (resigned in 1849.) [1850] HON. EPAPHRODITUS RANSOM, {vice E.M. Cnst) [1850] REV. GUSTAVUS L. FOSTER, {vice A. E. Wing.) 1850 HON. ROBERT McCLELLAND. 1852 HON. ELON FARNSWORTH, M. A. REV. ELIJAH H. PILCHER. 1851 HON. JONATHAN KEARSLEY. 1852 HON. ALEXANDER H. REDFIELD, M. A. REV. MARVIN ALLEN. The amended Constitution of 1851 provided for the election of a Regent in each Senatorial District, to hold office for the i^eriod of sLx years. -■' - 1 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 9 REGENTS BY ELECTION. January 1, 1852. December 31, 1857. 1st District. HON. MICHAEL A. PATTERSON, M. D. 2(i " HON. EDWARD S. MOORE. 3d « HON. ELON FARNSWORTH. 4th " HON. JAMES KINGSLEY. 5th « HON. ELISHA ELY. 6th " HON. CHARLES H. PALMER, M. A, 7th " HON. ANDREW PARSONS, (deceased 1854.) / " " [1854] HON. HENRY HORATIO NORTHROP, M. A. {vice A. Parsons.) 8th « HON. WILLIAM UPJOHN, M. D. January 1, 1858. December 31, 1863. 1st District. HON. BENJAMIN L. BAXTER." 2d « HON. J. EASTMAN JOHNSON, 3d « HON. LEVI BISHOP. 4th « HON. DONALD McINTYRE. 5th " HON. E. LAKIN BROWN. 6th « HON. GEORGE W. PACK, (resigned in 1858.) " " [1858] HON. HENRY WHITING, (vice G. W. Pack.) 7th " HON, LUKE H. PARSONS. 8th " REV. JOHN VAN VLECK, (resigned in 1858.) '• " [1858] HON. OLIVER L. SPAULDING, (vice J. Van Vleck.) 9th " [1858] HON. WILLIAM M. FERRY, 10th « [1858] HON. GEORGE BRADLEY. By an amendment of the Constitution, adopted in 1862, it was provided that eight Regents should be elected in 1863, to enter upon their office in 18G4 ; two for two years, two for four years, two for six years, and two for eight years; and that 2 ■ 1 10 GENERAL CATALOGUE. at every election of a Justice of the Supreme Court thereafter, there should be elected two Regents for eight years. In accordance with this provision, the follow- ing were elected, and the teiin of their office was determined by lot, according to law. January 1st, 1S64. HON. EDWARD C. WALKER, Term expires 1865. HON. GEORGE WILLARD, « " HON. THOMAS D. GILBERT, « 1867. HON. THOMAS J. JOSLIN, « « HON. HENRY C. KNIGHT, « 1869. HON. J. EASTMAN JOHNSON, « « HON. ALVAH SWEETSER (deceased 1864), " 1871. HON. JAJMES A. SWEEZEY. " " .... . .._. ,_ 1 GENEKAL CATALOGUE. 11 SECEETARIES. FROM TO 1837 HON. CHARLES W. WHIPPLE. 1839 1839 ANTHONY TEN EYCK, Esq. 1845 1845 HON. JAMES VALENTINE CAMPBELL, M. A. 1845 1845 EBEN N. WILCOX, Esq. 1852 1852 *0. W. MOORE, Esq. 1853 1853 EDWARD R. CHASE, Esq. 1854 1854 PROF. ALEXANDER WINCHELL, M. A. 1856 1856 JOHN LIVINGSTON TAPPAN, M. A. 1858 1858 DANIEL LEONARD WOOD, M. A. TEEASURERS. FROM TO 1837 CHARLES C. TROWBRIDGE, Esq. 1838 1838 JOHN NORTON, Jr., Esq. 1839 1839 H. K. SANGER, Esq. 1841 1841 A. H. SIBLEY, Esq. 1844 1844 JOHN J. ADAM, Esq. 1646 1846 DIGBY V. BELL, Esq. 1848 1848 JOHN J. ADAM, Esq. 1851 1851 JOHN M. CHASE, Esq. 1859 1859 HENRY WOLSEY WELLES, Esq. 1860 1860 VOLNEY CHAPIN, Esq. 1864 1864 HON. DONALD McINTYRE. .. -.. '.I 12 GENERAL CATALOGUE. LIBEAKIANS, FROM T" 1837 REV. HENRY COLCLAZER. 1845 1845 PROF. GEORGE PALMER WILLIAMS, LL. D. 1848 1848 PROF. ABRAM SAGER, M. D. 1850 1850 PROF. ANDREW TEN BROOK, M. A. 1851 1851 PROF. DANIEL D. WHEDON, D. D. 1851 1852 PROF. LOUIS FASQUELLE, LL. D. ^ 1854 1856 JOHN LIVINGSTON TAPPAN, M. A. 1863 1863 DATUS CHASE BROOKS, M. A. SUPERINTENDENTS OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. PEOM TO 1838 HON. JOHN D. PIERCE. 1841 1841 *HON. FRANKLIN SAWYER, Jr. 1843 1843 *HON. OLIVER C COMSTOCK, M. D. 1845 1845 HON. IRA MAYHEW, M. A. 1849 1849 HON. FRANCIS W. SHEARMAN, M. A. . 1855 1855 IRA MAYHEW, M. A. 1858 1858 HON. JOHN M. GREGORY, M. A. GENERAL CATALOGUE. 13 VISITORS The Visitors are appointed annixally for the College year, by the Superin- tendent of Public Instruction. ^ 18 4 3-4. REV. GEORGE DUFFIELD, D. D. HON. JAMES WRIGHT GORDON, M. A. ♦ HON. ROBERT McCLELLAND. *HON. EDWIN M. GUST. HON. FRANKLIN SAWYER, 184 4-5. REV. CHAUNCEY W. FITCH, M. A, REV. ANDREW TEN BROOK, M. A. HON. CALEB N. ORMSBY, M. D. HON. FLAVIUS J. LITTLEJOHN, M. A. HON. SAMUEL DENTON, M. D. 18 45-6. HON. HENRY SMITH. HON. ANDREW HARVEY. HON. JOHN. K. FINLEY. HON. GEORGE W. WISNER. HON. FLAVIUS J. LITTLEJOHN, M. A. 1 846-7. REV. JAMES INGLIS. HON. CHARLES NOBLE. HON. WILLIAM T. HOWELL. HON. SAMUEL W. DEXTER, M. A. HON. SAMUEL DENTON, M. D. 14 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1847-8. REV. JOHN D. PIERCE, M. A. HON. JUSTUS GOODWIN, M. A. REV. CHARLES T. HINMAN, D. D. HON. GEORGE E. HAND, M. A. 184 8-9. REV. GEORGE DUFFIELD, D. D. ^REV. CHARLES T. HINMAN, D. D. REV. GUSTAVUS L. FOSTER, M. A. REV. C. L. HICKOK, M. A. REV. J. FARNUM, D. D. # 18 49-5 0. HON. ISAAC E. CRARY, M. A. HON. ROSS WILKINS, M. A. , HON. DAVID A. NOBLE, M. A. REV. JOSEPH PENNY, D. D. REV. SAMUEL GRAVES, M. A. 18 5 0-1. -HON. RUFUS HOSMER, M. A. HON. ELLSWORTH WALKLEY, M. A. REV. L. SMITH HOBART, M. A. HON. WILLIAM FINLEY. HON. GEORGE C. GIBBS, M. A. 1 8 5 1 -a. *HON. RUFUS HOSMER, M. A. REV. JOHN D. PIERCE, M. A. RT. REV. SAMUEL A. McCOSKRY, D. D., D. C. L. Oxon. 18 5 2-3. *HON. RUFUS HOSMER, M. A. REV. JOHN D. PIERCE, M. A. RT. REV. SAMUEL A. McCOSKRY, D. D., D. C. L. OxonA 18 5 3-4. *HON. RUFUS HOSMER, M. A. REV. JOHN D. PIERCE, M. A. RT. REV. SAMUEL A. McCOSKRY, D. D., D. C. L. Oxon. GENERAL CATALOGUE. 15 18 54.5. REV. HENRY M. STRONG, M. A. HON. IRA C. BACKUS, M. D. HON. JABEZ G. SUTHERLAND. 1 S 5 5 -6. REV. HENRY M. STRONG, M. A. HON. IRA C. BACKUS, M. D. HON. JABEZ G. SUTHERLAND. 18 5 6-7. REV. JOHN D. PIERCE, M. A. HON. ISAAC P. CHRISTIANCY. HON. HENRY C. KNIGHT. 18 5 7-8. REV. JOHN D. PIERCE, M. A. HON. ISAAC P. CHRISTIANCY. HON. HENRY C. KNIGHT. 18 5 8-9. REV. JOHN D. PIERCE, M. A. HON. HENRY C. KNIGHT. HON. SAMUEL NILES, M. D. 18 5 9-6 0. HON. JOSEPH R. WILLIAMS. HON. MICHAEL A. PATTERSON, M. D. HON. HENRY MARTIN CHEEVER, M. A. 18 6 0-1. HON. CHARLES E. NOBLE, M. A. HON. MICHAEL A. PATTERSON, M. D. HON. HENRY MARTIN CHEEVER, M. A. 18 6 1-3. HON. EDWIN H. THOMPSON. REV. AZARIAH ELDREDGE, D. D. HON. DANIEL K. UNDERWOOD, M. D. 16 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1 8 6 »- 3. HON. EDWIN H. THOMPSON, REV. AZARIAH ELDREDGE, D. D. HON. DANIEL K. UNDERWOOD, M. D. 1 8 64-5. REV. WILLIAM HOGARTH, D. D. HON. GEORGE WOODRUFF. HON. S. S. CUTTER, M. D. G E N E K A L V A 'r A L O (1 U K . 17 PRESIDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY. PROM TO 1852 REV. HENRY PHILIP TAPPAN, D. D., LL. D. 1863 18C3 REV. ERASTUS OTIS HAVEN, D. D., LL. D. I. S^padttwnt of pt^jfatuv^, oMtwa^ mA tht ^xt$. PEOFESSORS FROM TO 1H38 ASA GRAY, M. D., 1842 BOTANY AND ZOOLOGY. 1838 ^DOUGLASS HOUGHTON, M. A., M. D., 1845 CUEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY. 1841 REV. GEORGE PALMER WILLIAMS, LL. D., 1841 ANCIENT LANGUAGES. 1841 *REV. JOSEPH WHITING, M. A., 1845 ANCIENT LANGUAGES. 1841 REV. GEORGE PALMER WILLIAMS, LL. D., 1852 MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS. 1842 ABRAM SAGER, M. D., • 1850 BOTANY AND ZOOLOGY. 1843 REV. EDWARD THOMSON, D. D., LL. D., 1844 MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY. 1844 REV. ANDREW TEN BROOK, M. A., 1851 MORAL AND INTELLECtUAL PIIILOSOPHY. ■i 18 GENERAL CATALOGUE. PROM TO 1845 REV. JOHN HOLMES AGNEW, D. D., ANCIENT LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE. 18.52 1845 REV. DANIEL D. WHEDON, D. D., HISTOET AND RHETORIC. 1852 1846 SILAS HAMILTON DOUGLASS. M. A., M. D., CHEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY. 1848. 1846 *LOUIS FASQUELLE, LL. D., MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE. 1862 1848 SILAS HAMILTON DOUGLASS, M. A., M. D., CHEMISTRY, GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. 1855 1851 REV. WILLIAM S. CURTIS, D. D., MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY. 1852 1852 REV. HENRY PHILIP TAPPAN, D. D., LL. D., PHILOSOPHY. 1863 1852 REV. GEORGE PALMER WILLIAMS, LL. D., NATURAL PHILOSOPHY AND MATHEMATICS. 1854 1852 JAMES ROBINSON BOISE, M. A., ANCIENT LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE. 1852 1852 JAMES ROBINSON BOISE, M. A., GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 1852 REV. ERASTUS OTIS HAVEN, D. D., LL. D., LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 1854 1852 ALVAH BRADISH, M. A., FINE ARTS. 1863 1854 REV. GEORGE PALMER WILLIAMS, LL. D., MATHEMATICS. 1863 1854 ALEXANDER WINCHELL, M. A., PHYSICS AND CIVIL ENGINEERING. 1855 1854 *REV. CHARLES FOX, M. A., THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL AGRICULTURE. 1854 1854 FRANCIS BRUNNOW, Ph. D., ASTRONOMY AND DIRECTOR OP THE OBSERVATORY. - 1858 1 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 19 FROM TO 1854 , REV. ERASTUS OTIS HAVEN, D. D., LL. D., HISTORY AND ENGLISH LITERATURE. 1856 1854 HENRY SIMMONS FRIEZE, M. A., LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATHKE. 1855 SILAS HAMILTON DOUGLASS, M. A., M. D., CHEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY. 1855 ALEXANDER WINCHELL, M. A., GEOLOGY, ZOOLOGY AND BOTANY- 1855 WILLIAM G. PECK, M. A., PHYSICS AND CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEERING. 1857 1856 WILLIAM P. TROWBRIDGE, M. A., MATHEMATICS. 1857 1857 HON. ANDREW DICKSON WHITE, M. A., HISTORY AND ENGLISH LITERATURE. 1859 FRANCIS BRUNNOW, Ph. D., DIRECTOR OP THE OBSERVATORY. 1860 1859 DEVOLSON WOOD, M. A., PHYSICS AND CIVIL ENGINEERING. 1860 1859 JAMES CRAIG WATSON, M. A., ASTRONOMY. 1860 1860 DEVOLSON WOOD, M. A., CIVIL ENGINEERING. 1860 JAMES CRAIG WATSON, M. A., PHYSICS. 1863 1860 FRANCIS BRUNNOW, Ph. D., ASTRONOMY AND DIRECTOR OF THE OBSERVATORY. 1863 1861 HON. THOMAS McLNTYRE COOLEY, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW. 1863 EDWARD PAYSON EVANS, Ph. D., MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE. 1863 REV. ERASTUS OTIS HAVEN, D. D., LL. D., RHETORIC AND ENGLISH LITERATURE. 1 20 GENERAL CATALOGUE. moM 1863 1863 1863 1863 REV. LUCIUS DELISON GHAPIN, M. A-, MORAL AMD IN'TELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY. JAMES CRAIG WATSON, M. A., ASTRONOMY AND DIRECTOR OF TUB OBSERVATOKY. REV. GEORGE PALMER WILLIAMS, LL. D., PHYSICS. EDWARD OLNBY, M. A., MATHEMATICS. ASSISTANT PEOFESSORS. FROM 1857 1857 1857 1857 DATUS CHASE BROOKS, M. A., RHETORIC AND ENGLISH LITERATURE. JOHN EMERY CLARK, M. A., MATHEMATICS. ALFRED DU BOIS, M. A., CHEMISTRY. DEVOLSON WOOD, M. A., CITIL ENGINEERING. 1863 1859 18G3 1859 INSTRUCTORS FROM 1843 1844 1845 1855 1856 1857 JONATHAN BEACH, SILAS HAMILTON DOUGLASS, M. A., M. D., CHEMISTRY. BURRITT A. SMITH, B. A., ALFRED DU BOIS, M. A., CHEMISTRY. DATUS CHASE BROOKS, M. A., RHETORIC AND ENGLISH LITERATURE. JAMES CRAIG WATSON, M. A., ASSISTANT IN THE OBSERVATOKY. 1845 1846 1847 1857 1857 1859 GENEKAL CATALOGUE. 21 FROM TO 1858 ADAM KNIGHT SPENCE, M. A., GREEK. 1859 1858 FITCH REED WILLIAMS, B. A., LATIN. 1860 1859 JAMES CRAIG WATSON, M. A., MATHEMATICS. 1860 1859 ADAM KNIGHT SPENCE, M. A., GREEK AND FRENCH. 1860 1859 CLEVELAND ABBE, B. A., PHYSICS AND CITIL ENGINEERING. 1860 ISGO ADAM KNIGHT SPENCE, M. A.. GREEK, LATIN AND FRENCH. 1 1863 1861 PRESTON B. ROSE, CHEMrSTRY. 1863 1862 CHARLES KENDALL ADAMS, M. A., HISTORY. 1863 18G2 WILLIAM H. BRUCKNER, CHEMISTRY. 1863 1862 EDWARDiPAYSON EVANS, Ph. D., MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE. 1863 1863 ADAM KNIGHT SPENCE, M. A.,* GREEK AND FRENCH. 1863 CHARLES KENDALL ADAMS, M. A., HISTORY AND LATIN. 1863 ALBERT BENJAJHN PRESCOTT, M. D., CHEMISTRY. 1863 HENRY SYLVESTER CHEEVER, B. A., CHEMISTRY. 1863 DEXTER VALVERD DEAN, CHEMISTRY. 1863 ALLEN JEREMIAH CURTIS, M. A., RHETORIC AND MATHEMATICS. 1864 ELMORE HORTON WELLS, B. S., CIVIL ENGINEERING. ___ f """^ ' ~~" 1 22 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1 FEOM . giepvtttt^ttt Kjf ^Mkim mi\ M^mj. TO PROFESSOES. 1848 SILAS HAMILTON DOUGLASS, M. A., M. D., MATERIA MEDICA, PHARMACY AND MED. JDRISPRUDElfOE. 1850 1848 ABRAil SAGER, M. A., M. D., THEORY AND PRAC'TICB OF MEDICINE. 1850 1848 MOSES GUNN, M. A., M. D., ANATOMY. 1850 1850 ABRAM SAGER, M. A., M. D., 1854 OBSTETRICS AND DISEASES OP WOMEN AND CHILDREN. 1850 MOSES GUNN, M. A., M. D., ANATOMY AND SURGERY. 1852 1850 *SAMUEL DENTON, M. D., THEORY AND PRACTICE OP MEDICIME AND PATHOLOGY. 1860 1850 SILAS HAMILTON DOUGLASS, M. A., M. D., CHEMISTRY, PHARMACY AND MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. 1850 JONATHAN ADAMS ALLEN, M. A., M. D., THERAPEUTICS, MATERIA MEDICA, AND PHYSIOLOGY. 1854 1851 ZINA PITCHER, M. D. (Emeritus), INSTITUTES OF MEDICINE AND OBSTETRICS. 1852 MOSES GUNN, M. A., M. D., SURGEKY, AND LECTURER ON ANATOMY. 1854 1852 ALONZO BENJAMIN PALMER, M. A., M. D., ANATOMY. 1854 1854 ABRAJI SAGER, M. A., M. D., OBSTETRICS AND PHYSIOLOGY. 1860 1854 MOSES GUNN, M. A., M- D., SURGERY. 1 GENEKAL CATALOGUE. 23 FROM TO 1854 ALONZO BENJAMIN PALMER, M. A., M. D., MATERIA MEDICA, THERAPEUTICS, AND DISEASES OP WOMEN AND CHILDREN. 1860 1854 CORYDON LA FORD, M. A., M. D., ANATOMY. 1860 1854 EDMUND ANDREWS, M. A., M. D., COMPARATIVE ASATOMY. 1855 1857 ALFRED DUBOIS, M. A. (Assistant Professor), CHEMISTRY. 1863 1860 ABRAM SAGER, M. A., M. D., OBSTETRICS, AND DISEASES OP WOMEN AND CHILDREN. 1860 ALONZO BENJAMIN PALMER, M. A., M. D., PATHOLOGY, AND PRACTICE OP MEDICINE AND MATERIA MEDICA. 1861 1860 CORYDON LA FORD, M. A., M. D., ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY. 1860 HON. THOMAS McINTYRE COOLEY, MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE. 1861 ALONZO BENJAMIN PALMER, M. A., M. D., PATHOLOGY, AND PRACTICE OP MEDICINE. 1861 SAMUEL GLASGOW ARMOR, M. D., INSTITUTES OP MEDICINE AND MATERIA MEDICA. PROM INSTEUCTORS. TO 1851 EDMUND ANDREWS, M. A., M. D., DEMONSTRATOR, AND ASSISTANT LECTURER ON ANATOMY. 1854 1854 EDMUND ANDREWS, M. A., M. D., DEMONSTRATOR OF ANATOMY. 1855 1855 CHARLES P. TANNER, M. D., DEMONSTRATOR OP ANATOMY. 1857 1855 ALFRED DUBOIS, M. A., ASSISTANT TO THE PROFESSOR OP CHEMISTRY. 1857 1 24: GENERAL CATALOGUE. PROM TO 1857 ALBERT MILLER HELMER, M. D., 1858 DEMONSTRATOR OP ANATOMY. 1858 WILLIAM LEWITT, M. D., DEMONSTRATOR OP ANATOMY. 1861 PRESTON B. ROSE, M. D., ASSISTANT IN CHEMISTRY- 18G2 WILLIAM H. BRUCKNER, ASSISTANT IN CHEMISTRY. 1863 1863 ALBERT BENJAMIN PRESCOTT, M. D., ASSISTANT IN CHEMISTRY. 1863 HENRY SYLVESTER CHEEVER, B. A., ASSISTANT IN CHEMISTRY. 1863 DEXTER VALVERD DEAN, ASSISTANT IN CHEMISTRY. Ml. §t\iMtmtnt mi "§nxc. FROM PROFESSOES. TO 1859 HON. JAMES VALENTINE CAMPBELL, M. A., MARSHALL PROFESSOR OF LAW. 1859 HON. CHARLES IRISH WALKER, KENT PROFESSOR OP LAW. 1859 HON. THOMAS McINTYRE COOLEY, JAY PROFESSOR OP LAW. ! GENERAL CATALOGUE, 25 i^prtm^ttt tut Mtnu, ^§iUmt\m, nU tUt givt^. CLASSICAL COURSE, WITH THE DEGREE B. A. X 84:5. *Charles Alexander Clarke. *Rev. Judson Dwight Collins. Missionary at Fuh Chau, Cliina. *Hon. Thomas B. Cumming. Edmund Fish, M. A. Merchant Huxford Goodrich, M. A. Edwin A. Lawrence. John D. McKay, M. A. Rev. Fletcher Osceola Marsh, M. A., Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil , Denison Univ. George Edgar Parmelee, M. A. George Washington Pray, M. A., M. D. *Paul Wideman Huntington Rawles. 11. 1846. George Pomeroy Androus. Hon. George Loomis Becker, M. A. Philander G. Buchanan, M. A. Edwin S. Dunham, M. A. Charles J. Hunt. *James Shelden Mitchell. Mark Anthony Mosher. Charles AVing Noble, M. A. William Walbridge Perry, M. D. Hon. William Wallace Phelps, M. A., M. C. Col. 3d Minnesota Infantry. Homer French Schoff, M. A. Savillon Story Schoff, M. A. Winfield Smith, M. A. James Monroe Walker, M. A. Adonijah Strong Welch, M. A., Prin. State Normal School. Rev. Nathaniel West, D. D. James Olin Whittemore. 184:T. *Chester D. Y. Alexander, Daniel Bishop Brown. 4 17. Edmund P. Christian, M. A., M. D. "Frank B. Collins, M. A., M. D. Hon. Seneca Ewer. Eno Freeman. Samuel Shaler Hall. John B. Myers. John Stoughton Newberry, M. A., Provost Marshal 1st Dist. Mich. Rev. Theodoi'ic Romeyn Beck Palmer, Prof. Lat. Lanff. and Lit , Kalamazoo Coll. Lieut. Col. 13th Michigan Infantry. Franklin Leonidas Parker, M. A. Philander Chase Saflford, Tutor St. James Coll., Md. 12. 18 4 8. Rev. David Jlack Cooper, M. A. Alfred DuBois. M. A.. Ass't Prof. Chem Univ., Mich. *Jaraes Ariosto Duncan. *William Garwood, M. A., M. D. James Landreth, M. A. *Peter Erskine Latimer. Wells Ransom Marsh, M. A., M. D., Prof Chem Univ . Iowa. Surg. 2d Iowa Inf. Sidney Davy Miller, M. A. John Cross Norton, M. A.. M. D. Assistant Surgeon U. S. Vols. Hon. Benjamin Franklin Parks, M. A., Judge of the Court of Common Pleas. Lieut. Col. 13th Illinois Infantry. Wyllys C. Ransom, M. A., Major 1st Kansas Infantry. Rev. Horatio Watts Shaw, M. A. Joseph R. Smith, M. A., M. D., Surgeon U. S. Army. Rev. Edward Tenney, M. A, William Howard Wait. ^James B. Witherell, M. A., Lieutenant U. S. Army. Died in service, San Antonio, Texas, 16. 26 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 18 49. Edinuud Andrews. ^I. A., M. D.. Prof. Surgery, Chicago Med. Coll. Surgeon, Ist Illinois Artillery. Ephraim Baldwin. Charles Beckwith, M. A. James S. Beekman, M. A.. Thomas Selkirk Blackmar, M. A. *Henry Chase, M. A. Theodore Burrell Chase, M. A. Lyman Cochran, M. A. *Jerome Dexter. Rev. Park Shattuck Donelsou, D. D., Pres. Ohio Wesleyan Female Coll. Rev. Charles Powell Felch, M. A. Douglass Gibson. William Justus Goodwin, M. A. Barzillai Gray. Hiram Hamilton. George A. Hinsdill. Hosmer Allen Johnson. President Cliicago Medical College, Prof. Physiol, and Histology. Rev. Calvin Schloatt Kiugsley, Prin. Portland Fern. Sem., Oregon. D wight May, M. A., Lieut. Col., 12th Mich. Infantry. Stephen Tillson, M. A. Rev. George Phillips Tindall, M. A. Rev. David D. Van Ant\verp, M. A. Rev. Daniel Wilkins, Jr. 23. 1 8 5 O. Edward Bacon, Lieut. Col., 6th Mich. Artillery, Gershom Morse Barber. Capt. 1st Battalion Sharp Shooters. Seth Morse Barber, Lieut. Col., 8th Eeg't Ohio Vols. Hon. Orlando MacBarnes. Rev. William Cathcart, Jr., M. A. Rev. Lewis Ransom Fisk, M. A., Prof. Chem. State Agricul. College. Samuel Harper. Hon. George Langdon Lee. M. A. John W. McMath, M. A. William Austin Moore, M. A. Rev. Charles Rich Pattison, M. A. Henry Harrison Powers. Charles J. Wood. 13. 18 5 1. Joseph Webb Bancroft, M. A. Chauncey Marvin Cady, M. A., Prof. Music, Normal Univ., 111. Charles Russell Gardner, M. A. Thomas Hathaway Hartwell. Hon. Josiah Kellogg, M. A., Speaker of House of Representa- tives, Kansas Leg. *Phiyp McKernan, M. A,, Died in Ser\'ice. Capt. 7th Mich. Inf. George Willis Perry. Frederick Bissell Poi-ter, M. A. Arthur Draper Rich, M. A. Hon. Byron Gray Stout, M. A. Speaker of House of Rep., Mich. 10. 18 52. Rev. Chester Solon Armstrong, M. A. Chaplain ISTth Reg't N. Y. Vols. ^Sidney Alfred Bean, M. A., Prof Math., Carroll Coll. Col. 4th Wis. Inf. Killed at Port Hudson. *Walker Lindsley Bean, M. A.. Lieut. 2Sth Wis. Infantry. Died in Service, Columbus, Ky. Joseph Enos Bigelow, M. A. * Henry DePuy Dunning. Alfred Gideon Otis. Rev. Belville Roberts, M. A. Rev. Edwin Watts Shaw. Rev. Tilm. Conkling Trowbridge, M.A. Prof. Turkish Theolog. Sem., Bebec. 9. 18 53. ''John Fillmore Becker. *Orvell Jackson Chapel, M. A. Henry Martin Cheever, M. A. William Ebenezer Cheever, M. A. Waldo C. Daniels, Assistant Surgeon, U, S. A. Jay Abel Hubl^ell, M. A. George Minot Lane, M. A„ Captain Invalid Corps. ^William B. McLeod. *Rev. Thomas Spencer Ogden, M. A. Mission. Corisco Island, Coast of Africa. Jared Patchin, M. A. Uzziel Putnam, M. A. 11. 18 54. Henry Doming Bartholomew. Harrison Ward Bassett, M. A. GENERAL CATALOGUE 27 Lewis Bowden, Prin. Southampton Acad., L. I. France Chandler, ^I. A. William Chandler, M. A., Lieut. 1st Illinois Artillery. Charles Gridley Clark, M, A. James Robinson Cook, M. A, Rev. Richard Cordley, M. A. Daritis James Davison, M. A. Samuel Pearce Duffield, Ph. D., Prof. Chem. and Nat. Phil., Mich. Female Sem., Detroit. Edward Payson Evans, Ph. D., Prof. 3Iod. Lang, and Lit. Univ. Mich. John Gomer Evans, M. A., Lieut. 4th Ohio Infantry. Robert Cooper Grier. Rev. Roswell Davenport Parker. M. A. Nathaniel Pitcher, M. A. Ashley Pond. Rev. James Quick, M. A., Missionary in Ceylon. Lyman Richardson, Asst. Quartermaster U. S. Army. Richard C. Sabin, Capt. STth Indiana Volvmteeis. Chester Charles Wheeler. Daniel Leonard Wood, M. A., Sec. Board of Regents, Univ. Mich. 18 5 5. Rev. Andrew Jackson Bigelow, M. A. *Edward Payson Clark, M. A., LL. B., 1st Sergeant 0th Mich Infantry. I>ied of wounds at New Orleans. Rev. Charles Dunlap. M. A . Hon. James B. Eldridge. Rev. Marcus A. Gates, M. A. Galucia C. Gibbs, U. A. Charles Hewitt. Rev. Marcus D. Lane, M. A. Rev. Augustus Marsh, M. A. Alexander Martin. M. A.. TJj. 1!. Byron Booth Northrop. Jasper Packard. Rev. Emanuel Schmid, 51. A., Prof. Ancient Lang. Capitol Univ.,0. Charles Toll, LL. B. Hon. Edwin Willits, M. A.. Member State Board of Education. 15. 1 S 5 6. Lemon Barnes, M. A. Datus Chase Brooks, M. A., Asst. Prof Rhet. and Eng. Lit, and Librarian, Univ. Michigan. Van Buren Case, M. A. Oliver Newberry Chaffee, M. A. *Henry C. Champion, M. A. John Emery Clark, M. A., Asst. Prof. Math.. Univ. Mich. Major 5th Jlichigan Cavalry. Duane Doty, M. A., Adjutant 7th llich. Cavalry. Mason Gibbs, M. A., Prof, in Christian Co. Acad., Ky. Hon. Alvin S. Higgins, Judge Circuit Court, Cal. Rev. George Washington Wood, M. A. James P. Jones, M. A., Colonel 7th Maine Infantry. Hon. Marcus A. 0. Packard, M. A. Francis Power, M. A. Milton William Reynolds. ^SL A. Frederick RoAve, M. A. John Quincy Adams Sessions, M. A.. Lieut. 7th Jliehigan Cavalry. ■ Dwight Delavau Stebbins, M.A., 3LD., Volunteer Surg, of Sanitary Com- ■ mission. Died in Service. Ij. Addison Soule. W illiani W. AVheeler, M. A., Major 23d Michigan Infantry. Samuel H. White, M. A.. Prin. Brown School, Chicago. 20. 18 5 7. *John Barnard, j\[. A. Anson Bmnson. Samuel Chapel. Cushman K. Davis, Lieut. 28th Wis. Infantry. Rev. Lorenzo M. Gates. M. .V. Rev. James A. Griffes, },l. A. Levi Thomas Griffin. M. A., Lieut. 4th Michigan Cavalrj-. J. M. Harrison. Tracy Home. Lycurgus H. Irwin. Capt. 17th Indiana Infantry. 28 GENEJRAL CATALOGUE. Lewis Wtitney James. • George McQueen Landon, Lieut. 4th Michigan Cavalry. Gilbert Randolph Lyon. Rev. Theodore Marsh, M. A. Thomas C. McNeill, M. A., Prof. Nat. Sciences, Trenton Coll., Tenn. Hobart Miller, M. A., Adjutant 9th Michigan Cavalry, Ervin Palmer, M. A, John Richards, M. A., Prof! Ancient Lang., Albion ColL, Mich. Samuel T. Scott, M. A. Rev. Thomas Sherard. Rev. David Henry Taylor, M. A. Edward G. Thurber, M. A. Rev. Samuel P. Vandoozer, M. A. George Wickham Waldron, M. A., Lieut 5th Michigan Infantry. James Craig Watson, M. A., Prof of Astronomy, and Director of the Obseiv,, Univ. of Mich. *James H. Wheeler. Edwin Buckminster Wight, M. A., Major 24th Michigan Infantry. 27. 18 5 8. *Henry Allen Buck, M. A., Lieut. 51st IHinoi.s Infantry. Killed at Chickamauga. Rev. Ileman B. Burges, M A. Edward Bruce Chandler. Hamilton James Dennis, M. A., LL. B. John Quincy Adams Fritchy. * Thomas G. Gavin, M. A. John Graves, M. A., LL. B. Wesley A. Green, M. A., Lieut. 4th Mich. Cavalry. Liberty Emery Holden, M. .A, Prof. Rhetoric, Kal. College. John Wesley Horner, M. A., LL. B., Lieut. Col 18th Mich. Infantry. Rev. Henry A. Humphrey, M. A. Rev. Daniel Klosz. Adoniram Judsou Loomis, M. A. Henry Francis Lyster, M. A., M. D., Su'geon 5th Michigan Iniantry. Lewis McLouth, M. A. Otis M. McOmber. *Judd Miller Mott, Captain 16th Michigan Infantry. Died of -woBnds. Robert Starr Moore. Christopher Myki'antz. Abraham Neif. Lyster O'Brien, LL. B., Lieut. 27th Michigan Infantry. Browse T. Prentiss. Oscar F. Price, M. A., LL. B. William Emery Quinby, M. A. Adam Knight Spence, M. A., Instructor in Greek andFrench, University of Michigan. Rev. James Worthington Stark. George Washington Wall, M. A. Fitch Reed Williams. Instructor in Lat., Univ. of Mich. William Schuyler Woodruff, Lieut. 1st Michigan Infantry. 29. 18 5 9. William James Beal, M. A., Prof. Nat. Science, Friends Acad. James Richardson Cary, Prin. Un. School, Des Moines, Iowa. Augustus Alexander Chapin. James Addison Edmunds, M. A., LL. B. Lieut 6th Michigan Artillery. John Gill Everett, U. S. N. George Augustus Flanders, Capt 8th N H. Infantry. Claudius Buchanan Grant, M. A., Major 20th Michigan Infantry. Rodney Jay Hathaway, Lieutenant 66th Ohio Infantry. Rev. Fayette Hurd, M. A., Elisha Jones, M. A., Prof Lang., Detroit High School. Charles Burleigh Lamborn, Lieut. Col. in the Anderson Cav., Penn. Judson Clark Lowell, M. A. Prin. Union School, Saginavi' City. Edward Walker McGraw, M. A. Theo. Andrews McGraw, M. A., M. D. John Dempster Parker, M. A. Orrin Parsons, M. A., Lieut. 3d Michigan Cavalry. ^Augustus H. Pettibone, Major 20th Wis. Infantry GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29 Edward Powell Pitkin, M. A., LL. B., Lieut. 17th Reg't, Invalid Corps. Buslirod Fletcher Rice. Richard Chaiincey Sabine, A sst. Paymaster U. S. Army. Daniel Satterthwaite, M. A. John Cochrane Smith. John Parker Stoddard. Arthur T. Wilcox, LL. B., Captain 7th Ohio Infantry. Alb. Hamilton Wilkinson, M.A., LL.B. Julian Elisha Winder. 26. 18 6 0. Edward Eugene Baldwin. William Jesse Buchanan, Adjutant 3d Michigan Cavalry. Augustus Warreu Chapman, Captain 6th Michigan Artillery. George Morell Chester, Capt. and Asst. Quartermaster. John Henry Conrad, Captain 4th Wisconsin Infantry. Silas Wright Dunning, M. A., Private 124th Illinois Infantrj'. Mark Francis Fasquelle. Edwin Daniel Fiske, M. A. Prin. Union School, Monroe. Rev. Osgood Eaton Fuller. *Simon Cornelius Guild, Captain Sth Michigan Infantry. Killed at James Island. William Newton Ladue, M. A., Adjutant Sth Michigan Infantrj', Charles H. McCreary, Captain Sth Michigan Infantry. Edward Mansfield Mason. Martin Luther Mendenhall. Caleb Parkinson, M. A. James Franklin Spalding, M. A. Rev.' Edwin Alexander Spence. Cynis Backus Thomas, M. A., Prin. Un. School, Tecnmseh, Mich. Charles Albert Thompson, Jr., Captain 19th Michigan Infantry. Charles Frederick Trowbridge, Captain 16th U. S. Infantry. Rev. Jacolj Capp Wortlcy, M. A. *Allen Howard Zacharia-s, Capt. 7th Mich. Infantry. Kill«d at Antietam. 22. 18 6 1. Charles Kendall Adams, M. A., Instructor in History and Latin, University of Michigan. James Taylor Aulls. William Henry Beadle, Lieut. Col. 1st Mich. Sharp Shooters. Goodwin Stoddard Beaver. Samuel Mead Billings. Benjamin Franklin Blair, Lieut. 123d Ohio Infantry. Byron M. Cutcheon, Col. 20th Micliigan Infantry. William WLrt Dedrick, LL. B. Charles Halbert Denison, LL. B., Lieut. Sth Michigan Infantry. Rev. Edward Dickinson. Isaac Hughes Elliott, Major 33d Illinois Infantry. Charles Downing Gregory. Ephraim Gay lord Hall, Captain 11th Michigan Infantry. Edward Seymour Jackson, Sergeant 151st Penn. Infantry. Rev. John Kelland. Henry Bishoj) Laudon, Adj. 7th Michigan Infantry. Asst. Surgeon 7th Mich. Infantry. Rev. Eben Langdon Little. Samuel R. B. Lord, Private Chicago Board of Trade Battery. John Smith Lord, Adj. 103d lUinois Infantry. Walter McCollum, Lieut. 20th Michigan Infantry, Samuel Anderson McWilliams. *Charles Wesley Meserve. Hiram Rollin Mills, Asst. Surg. 20th Michigan Infantry. *Sidney Goodman JMorse, Lieut 1st Mich Cav. Killed in battle. George Washington Neihardt. Rev. Henry Obadiah Newcomb. Prof. Math., Eureka College, 111. Walter Scott Perry, Prin. Union School, Marshall. 30 GENERAL OATALOGTE, Hoyt Post, LL. B. Rev. Calvin Perrin Quick. Asa Carver Sargent. William Henry Saunders. Edward Searing. Charles Henry Stocking, Asst. Surgeon 9tli Kentucky Cav. Robert Hall Tripp, Prin. Union School, Hillsdale, Mich. Heniy Munson Utley. Thomas Bell Weir, Captain 3d Michigan Cavalry. .-^6. 18 6 3. Alden Allen. Samuel Rutherfoi-d Anderson. Rienzi Hiram Baker, Lieut. 18th Michigan Infantry. Charles Beckington, Prin. High School, Kewanee, 111. Hiram Austin Burt. Roswell Parsons Carpenter, Capt. 20th Michigan Infantry. Charles Chandler, Jr. Albert Jay Chapman. John Ephraim Colby, Principal High School, Pontiac. Otis Adams Critchett, LL. B. Nathan Crosby. Martin Luther D'Ooge, Prin. of High School. Ann Arbor- James Edwin Eastman, Cadet U. S. Military Acad., W. Point, Edward Allen Fay, Teacher in Asylum for Deaf Mutes, Wash. Heights, N. Y. Harmon Dewey Follett. ^Marvin Augustine Gaylord, Sergt. Major 3d N. Y. Artillery, 3d Battal- ion. Died at Portsmouth, N C. Joseph Conner Greenawalt, 1st Sergt. 84th Ohio Infantry. Samuel Howard, Aid-de-Camp to Gen. Starkweather, Charles Hurd, Principal Uilion School, Lansing. * Theodore Hammond Hurd, Sergt. Major, 83d Illinois Infantry. *" Aaron Cone Jewett, Adj. 6th Michigan Cavalry. Killed at Gettysburg. Henry Ai-thur Latson, Prin. Union School, Jlich. City. Charles Henry Lewis. David Harmon Lovejoy, M. A. * William Eugene Nelson, Private, 4th Michigan Cavalry. *Albert Nye, Capt. 9th Mich. Inf. Died at Muifrees- boro, Tenn. Samuel Erastus Perry. Lewis Stephen Fisk Pilcher, M. A., Hospital Steward, U. S. A. William Vigors Richards, Lieut, inh Mich. Inf. Aid to Gen.Wilcox. Moses Kelly Rosebmgh. Henry Harrison Sloan, Private, 143d Illinois Infantry. Edwin Fuller Uhl. James Irvin Van Keuren, LL. B. Rev. Aaron Armsti-ong Watkins. Charles Henry Wheeler. Orlando Belina Wheeler, Astronomer U. S. Coast Survey. Cljarles Beers Wood. 18 6 3. James Clement Ambrose. Levi L. Barbour, John Michael Bowers. Levi Jay Brown. William Allen Chandler. Henry Sylvester Cheever, Asst. in Chemistry, Univ. Mich. Byron William Cheever. Noah Wood Cheever. Orville William Coolidge. Charles Stuart Draper, Lieut, .and Aid -de- Camp, U. S. A. Lincoln Tibbals Farr, George Fletcher Fish, 1st Sergeant, 4th Michigan Cavalry. Elisha Alexander Eraser, Prin. Un. School, Jonesville, Mich. William Smith Harroun. Heni-y Mills Hurd, Prin. High School, Galesburg, 111. Ezra Denison Lay. Rev. John Harlan McClure. Conway Whittier Nol)le. GENERAL CATALOGUE. 31 George Pool Peck, Priu. National Mines Union School, Lake Superior. Frank Rice Potter. Stephen Powers. Edward Reed Slawsou. James Landon Tayloi*. 23. SCIENTIPIC COURSE, WITH THE DEGREE B. S. 18 5 5. George Harter. Matthias Harter. 2. 18 5 7. William Henry Beeson. W^illiam F. Gushing, M. S. William V. Snyder. Augustus A. Starr. *N. Wellington Starr. Zelotes Truesdel, M. S., Prin. Union School, Champaign, 111. William Diah Williams. 7. 18 5 8. Frank Askew. Luther Beckwith. George Montg. Daniorth, M.S.,LL. B. Horace Halbert. Myron Emory Nimrod Howell. Ruel Milton Johnson. George A. Mark, M. S. Charles Rollin Miller, M. S., LL. B., Captain ISth Michigan Infantry. Joel Moody. tLyster O'Brien, LL. B., Lieut 27th Michigan Infantry. Charles Stuart Patterson. John Wells Paine. Joseph E. Prutzmau. Alexander Richard. Hon. John T. Snoddy, Major Tth Kansas Cavalry. Ozora Picrson Stearns, LL. B. Lieut. 9th Minnesota Infantry. Samuel E. Smith, Adjutant 12th Indiana Infantry. George Philander Sweet, M. S. Bradley Martin Thompson, M.S.,LL.B. Lieut. Col. Tth Michigan Cavalry. David Buel Webster. 20. 18 5 9. Richard Beardsley. Asst. Paymaster, U. S. N. Aldrich Freeman Butts, Paymaster U. S. Navy. Alfred H. Castle. George Edmund Cuming, M. S. Robert Emmet Frazer, LL. B. William Howard Haight. Charles Bird Hankinson, M. S., Prof. Canadian Literary Institute. David M. Johnson. William ]\Iarshall. Leonard Proudfit. James D. Snoddy, Lieutenant Tth Kansas Cavalr^'. Rev. William Joseph Swift. Stephen H. Webb. 12. 18 6 0. Almon Lyman Aldrich. George Beck, M. S. Lewis Frederick Booth, Major 9th Illinois Cavalry. Henry Harrison Hubbard, Lieut. Michigan Engineer Corps. Godfi'ey Edwin Knight James Lacey Mitchell. *Eber Ward Owen. George Wourmes Pascall. George Hill Seymour, C. E., Lieut. Mich. Eng. and Mechanics. David Hoffman White, Lieut. 74th Indiana Infantry. * George Alexander White, Private 21st Indiana Battery. Died at Nashville. Edgar Norvell Wilcox, Sergeant U. S. Army. 18 6 1. Orville Solomon Abbott, 1.3. 1st Sergt. Michigan Engineer Corps. t Graduates also of the Classical Course. 32 QENEKAL CATALOGUE. 'Frederick Arn, Meij. 31st Indiana Infantry. Killed at Shiloh. Homer Asaph Flint. ■' Peter Silas Gibson, C. E., Canadian Government Land Survey. William Gillette, LL. B. James John Hagerman. John Cyrus Johnson, Capt. 149th Penn. Infantry. Ranford S. Johnston. Charles Edson McAlistter, Captain 23d Michigan Infantry. John Hartzel McGowan, Captain 9th Michigan Cavalry. James Alexis Post, Asst. Surg. 28th Ky. Infantry. George Poindexter Sanford, Capt. 1st Mich. Eng. Dept. Provost Marshal, 3d Dist., Mich. Wniiam Soule, M. S., Prin. High School, Dover Plains, N.Y. Roswell Bayard Taylor, Prin. Union School, Lapeer, Mich. Samuel Snow Walker. Joseph Warren Wood, M. S. 15. 18 63. Wm. Watson Eng. Ambmster, LL. B. Thomas Marshall Baxter. Oliver La Fayette Browne, Lieut. 149th N. Y. Infantry. James Henry Cogshall. George Anson Marr, C. E., U. S. Coast Survey. Jonathan Newman, Private Invalid Corps. George D. Robinson, Colonel 6th U. S. Colored Infantry. *Madison Otis Walker, 1st Sergt. 6th Michigan Infantry. Killed at Port Hudson. Charles Leach Watrous, Capt. 76th N. Y. Infantry. Elmore Horton Wells, C. E., Quartermaster Sergt. 132d Penn. Inf. Inst, in CivU Eng., Univ. Mich. tOrlando Belina Wheeler, U. S. Coast Survey. 10 18 6 3. Miles Harrison Carleton. William Mendenhall, C. E., Prin. High School, Richmond, Ind. Charles Henry Palmer. Theophilus Bruce Smyth. Stanton Brown Thomas. Benjamin Trumbull. 6. GRADUATES WITH THE DEGREE C. E. WHOSE NAMES DO NOT ELSEWHERE APPEAR. 18 6 Frank Krause. William Minto. 18 6 3. Ira Smith Dunning. George Anson Marr, B. S., Coast Survey, Detroit. William Butler Morgan, M. A. Stillman Williams, Robinson, Coast Survey.'Detroit. GRADUATES WITH THE DEGREE M. A. WHOSE NAMES DO NOT ELSEWHERE APPEAR. 18 6 1. Allen Jeremiah Curtis, Instructor in Rhetoric and Eng. Literature, Mich. Univ. 18 6 3. Arthur Brown. GRADUATES WITH THE DEGREE M. I WHOSE NAMES DO NOT ELSEWHERE APPEAR. 18 59. Devolson Wood, Prof, of Civil Engineering, University of Michigan. GENERAL CATALOGUE. 33 §tvMtmmt 0f ^t^Uim awd ^wv^a^. 18 5 1. « *James Davidson Alexander. Alfred Hubbard Bayles. Henry Clay Huntsman. tRobert Clark Kedzie, M. A., Prof. Chem. in Mich. Agric. Coll. John O'Brien. David Ward. 6. 18 53. John Milton Alden. tEdmund Andrews, M. A., Prof. Surgery in Chicago Med. Coll, 111. tWilliam Brownell. Frederic Charles Castlehun. Benjamin Franklin Cessna. Daniel Harrison Cole. James Nelson Cole. ■William Wadkins Collins. George Lucien Cornell. Rosevelt H. Da\as. Nevrton Gilbert Eno. John Barnum Gordon. Joseph Bowdish Hull. tJohn Stearns Jamison. Charles Pitt Marsh. Edward McGee, Dexter F. Mitchell. John Cross Norton. Edward Ross Paine. Eugene Ringler. tLuman Seely Stevens. Joseph Hall Stevenson. Martyn Taylor. tMorse Kent Taylor, [ Prof. Gen. Path, and Pub. Hygiene, Chicago Med. Coll., 111. I John Ambler Wheeler. Samuel Whitehorn. Horace Perkins Woodward. '27. 18 5 3. Orrin Arnold. Austin Alonzo Baker. Franklin Richards Barross. Ira Hawley Bartholomew. Michael Beshoar. George Cory Briggs. Frank Towner Bryson. Sylvester Smith Burrows. George Washington Carpender. Benjamin W. Carpenter. George Williams Carter. Edwin Hobart Draper. Chauncey Earl. John Hamilton Farmer. Samuel Goss. Oscar Sheldin Hall. tDelos LeRoy Heath. Henry Clay Hendrick. Dexter Clark Holley. William Fitch Hovey. Edwin Jennings. Joseph Cook Johnson. James Lamb. Sylvester Laning. Alfi-ed Brunson McChesney. Joel Morse. John Heaton Rerick. Milton Isaac Rhoades. tAbel Commings Roberts. Prof. Practice and Path., Iowa Univ. Daniel D. Slauson. Chancellor Hoyt Smith. * Deceased. 5 t In the Army or Navy as Surgeons or Assistant Surgeons. / 34 GENEKAL CATALOGUE. Sidmou Elisha Smith. 18 5 5. David WilMns. Harvey Scott Baker. William Motier Woodwortli. tZenas Elliott Bliss. 34. Addison Brawn. 18 5 4. James A. Brown. Henry Hopkins Brownell. t John Kead Bailey. William Bullock. Charles Thomas Baker. John Cory Clements. tBoliver Barnum. Gilbert Eli Corbin. Orson Bates. tReuben Crowell. Nathaniel Stover Boyce. Samuel DuBois. Orrin BuiTOUghs. *Charles P. Fanner. Joseph Miller Chapman, B. A. Samuel Parker Cole. tLouis William Fasquelle. ^William Garwood, M. A. tBuel Samuel Derby. tWilliam Warren Greene, Elias Thomas Dorlanll. Prof. Surgery, Berk. Med. Coll. Mass. George Ferguson. Miner Comstock Hazen. Amos Lawrence Flint. Clark K. Hendee. Isaiah Goodno. Charles Willson Leonard. Daniel Hall. Orson Quincy Herrick. Charles Amos Howland. Joseph Miller Loop. tAndrew Taylor McCurdy. Charles Austin Memtt. * George Nelson King. Philip Atwood Knight. Henry Taylor, Jr. Horace Crandall Tiu'ner. Elisha Leach. William Richardson Marsh. t Joseph Thatcher Woods. 23. William Jackson Moody. Orin Peak. 18 5 6. William Allen Peck. John Hemy Baird. John Moody Peebles. Thomas Rowland Brace. WUliam Wbeeler Powell. Robert Charlton. Alonzo Joseph Pratt. William Hemy Dean. Ogden M. Randel. tFrederick C. Denison. Oliver Washington Rice. Thomas Tipton S. Harrison. Ewing Welch Robertson. tBenjamin Jacob Kershev. William Henry Rouse. Edward M. Jenkins. tAddison Ray Stone. William Swallow Johnson. Edward Stork. Beers Devoo Keator. Robert Moncrieff. Strong. tEdgar Richard Knapp. Edward Chandler Taylor. Oliver Laning. George Washington Topping. Hiram G. Mace. Fayette Montrose Weller. tHenry Clay May. James Westfall. Elisha Smith Merriman. Moses Devoe Willson. Charles C. Millar, B. A. Edgar Winchester. 'tAlfred Nash. Isaac Woodard. tFrancis Marion Oakley. Stephen Ballai'd Yeoman. Augustus Owen Potter. 41. Charles H. Sackrider. . _. . _ ' • 1 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 35 tThaddeus Pomeroy Seely, M. A. *Rol)ert Skelton Spilman. tAlmoii Alonzo Thompson, B. A. John T. Turner. tAsa King- Warren, B. A. tAi-vin Fitzhugh Whehiu. Ellwood Thomas White. *N. Starbuck Whiton. Chai'les Winnie. tGeorgc F. AVitter. 18 5 7, Robert E. Barnes. Robert Bnice. Timothy T. Coleman. Thomas Dawes. Jeremiah W. Dearborn. Washington A. Engle. Joel H. Fisb. Charles Augustus Fletcher. James Bradley Ford, B. A. tGeorgc F. Hand. William Wallace Hipolite. Robert Clement Hutton. James R. Kay. Hemy Martyn Lilly, B. A. Solomon Fenton McFarland. Augustus G. Merrett. William Parmenter, B. A. Henry Pearce. Samuel J. Redfleld. t John Richard Rice. Samuel A. Sabin. Dwight Sayles, M. A. tCyrus Smith, t James F. Weeds. t*George B. Willson. George D. Wilson. tMilton Case Woodwortb. ;j(). 27. 18 5 8. Andi-ew L. Anderson, B. A. William P. Baird. William Bovie. tli'a Brown. tSamuel Farnum Chapin. Jonathan Jones Comfort, B. A. William G. Cox. Horace M. Darling. William A. Davis. William Charles Fisher. Charles Hancock, t Albert Miller Helmer. CjTiis Hosack. tMorgan Lewis Leach. James Monroe Lord. Thomas Lothrop, Jr. William M. Lyon. M. Louis Mead.s. William J. McHench. James Hervey Miller. Sidney S. Smith. David Spalding. tDaniel Thomas. tWilliam Enoch Thompson. tEdgar B. Ward. Enoch M. Winslow. tEugene H. Wood, B. A. 18 5 9. tWilliam Fleming Breakey. tByron S. Chase. tEli H. Collar. David S. ElUott. tRobert A. Everett. Cornelius Flower. tCharles S. Frink. tHenry Clay Hill. tAndrew Jackson Hobart. tPhineas A. Jewell. tWilliam Longshaw. Park Holland Loring. John D. North. Rev. Elijah H. Pilcher, M. A. Jonas Bevington Randolph. tMahlon H. Raymond. Charles Rynd. t John M. Shoemaker. tWilliam T. Sherwood. Henry Smith. tSamuel Stevenson. Gregoiy Torgason. Dean Merrill Tyler. tJames C. Willson. 24. 36 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 18 60. tGeorge Washington Bowen. Solomon Clay Brown. Alvin Jaynes Cole. *Nathan F. Comstock. Milton A. Fellows. Johnson E. Foye. Martin R. Gilmore. tEdgar Haun. Bernhard Hesse. Darius Williams Loree. tFrederick Augustus Lord, B. A. tHenry Francis Lyster, M. A. tWilliam T. Plant. tSamuel R. Pratt. Obadiah Rogers. George Sadler. James Matteson Shewmaker. *Ambrose R. Tickner. tEdward Twiss. George Washington Voorhees. M. Calvin West. 186 1. t Albert Langdon Allen, B. A. tA. Marvin Allen. tWilliam Worth BaUey. George Barnes. Joseph E. Barrett. William Herod Beck, tElias L. Bissell. t*Ca8well R. Burton, B. S.. Killed in Service. William A. Burton. tAndrew B. Chapin. tMilton Chase. tAnson T. Clark. tHenry A. Cleland. tSamuel R. Crawford. tEdward S. Crosier. Warren Blair Curtiss. t*William Henry Emerson. William F. Fisher. tWilliam E. Frazer. tFranklin B. Galbraith. Boyd Milo Gilkeson. Charles Howell, t John H. Hutchinson. 21. William L. Hutchinson. James T. Jones. John Kennedy. Dennis Kimberly. Sherman J. Koon. Seth C. Lacey. Austin Lamonte. tRobert LeBaron. t*Robert P. Muenscher. Joseph Morris. tEdwin Philips, tGeorge Rawson Richards. Ebenezer F. Severance. tMillard Burrhus Smith. tEleazer Carey Stangland. tJustin G. Thompson. Edmund R. Traverse. Joseph M. Tweedale. tSamuel Whittemore. Frederick H. Young. 18 62. Andi"ew Jackson Brockett. tJames P. Burchfield. tAlmon Clark. Jerome B. Coiy. Linus DePuy. Ranson Dexter. Titus Duncan. George Washington Greene. tJohn N. Gregg, t James W. Guthrie. Oscar Harrington. Archibald N. Johnson. tThomas S. Johnson. tJohn Warner Mason. Joseph Moffatt, B. A. tPatrick William O'Toole. Samuel Perky. Horatio G. Pope. Robert H. Preston. William Henry Randolph. Charles Augustus Reed. tMartin E. Rider. tWilliam W. Root. tPreston B. Rose, B. S. George Ruthven. Peter L. Schuyler. 43. GENERAL CATALOGUE, 37 James E. Selfe. James F. Smiley. William P. Sweetlancl. tWilliam Henry Thacker. George M. Trowbridge, B. A. tAugustus Coe Van Duyn, B. A. Godfi-ey Vivian. Isaac Ralph Walker. Alfred Greene Ward. William W. WMtney. Joseph R. Wigle. William Wood. Richard Woods. 18 63. Charles Edwin Baker. Clarance Marshall Baker. James Avery Brown. Jonah Morlan Bye. Elijah Bennett Chapin. John Davis. Edward H. Dewey. tJohn Henry Doughty. Willard Eddy. .39. Elias Fobes. George Howell. Hiram Howland. Alexander Montgomery Johnson. George Whitefield Johnson. tSamuel Kitchen. tCharles Steele Merrill. John McLean. Samuel L. Nash. Albert L. Padfield. George Washington Ramage. tGeorge Emory Ranney. Robert Harvey Rice. t*John Francis Robinson. Solomon Carr Salter. Thomas Sanderson. tRobert John Sloan. Orrin B. Thompson. Jacob B. Van Velsor. James Walker. tRobert A. Whedon. tWilliam Henry Young. William Thompson Young. 32. 404fi41 §i^\(Uimni of 5»w. I860. O'Brien J. Atkinson. Enocli Bancker. Stephen D. Bingham. t*E(iwartl P. Clark, M. A., Sergeant, 6th Mich. Inf. Died of wounds at New Orleans. Jay W. Cowdery. George M. Danfbrth, B. S. Peter Eaton. tHenry H. Finley. John Graves. Austin C. Hewitt. tLawrence Horrigan, Capt., 2d Louisiana Col. Infantry. Samuel L. lulbourne. tCharles Rollin Miller, B. S., Capt., 18th Michigan Infantry. Henry M. Newcombe. tFreclerick Pistorious, Lieut., 9th Jlichigan Cavalry. lEdward Powell Pitkin, B. S., Capt., 20th Michigan Infantry. Oscar F. Price, B. A. Charles K. Robinson, B. S. tOzora P. Stearns, B. A., Captain, Minnesota Infantry. tCharles D. Stevens, Captain, 18th Michigan Infantry. tBradley Martin Thompson, Capt., 22d Michigan Infantry. Daniel S. Twitchell. tNorvell E. Welch, Col., 16th Michigan Infantry. t'-M. B. Wells, Lieut. Col., 21st Michigan Infantry. KiUed at Chickamauga. 2i. 18 6 1. Andrew J. Abbey. Thomas Jefferson Anders. Dan J. Ai-nold. Byron D. Ball. Charles E. Barker, tjoseph T. Brown, Captain, 52d Illinois Infantry. James M. Burlingame. George D. Chafee. John R. Champion. Mason D. Chatterton. John B. Dague. Hamilton J. Dennis, B. A. Douglas N. Dilla. tjames S. Fisher, Captain, 1st Michigan Cavahy. George A. Foster. Robert E. Frazer, B. S. John M. French. John L. Gibbs. tG«orge C. Gordon, Captain, 24th Michigan Infantry. William Gordon. t*Newell Grace, Lieut., 24th Michigan Infiintrj-. Killed at Gettysburg. Henry Jay Herrick. Alexander Hood. t*HaiTison H. Jeffords, Colonel 4th Mch. Infentrj-. Killed at Gettysburgh. Isaac Marston. tWilliam A. Martin, Lieut., 4th Michigan Cavalry. Edward L. Maynard. *Ai-chibald McDonell. Charles McKinley. * Deceased. t In the National Army since graduation. GENERAL CATALOGUE. 39 JeliQ D. Parkhurst, Major, 4th Kentuckj' Infantry. Andrew J. Reeves. tC Dustau Roys, Lieutenant, Michigan Battery. tChaj'les Shier, Jr. Alexander Shand. Lester A. Smith. Jacob C. Sawyer. tWilliam W. Spencer, Sergt., 39th Illinois Inijintry. ■ tC. Frederick Trowbridge, B. A., Captain, 18th Regulars. Joseph H. Vance. Dan. H. "WTiittemore. tArthiu- T. Witcos, B. A., Lieutenant, 7th Ohio Infentry. Lewis R. Williams. * Howard W. Wiltse, Judge of Probate, Mecosta Co. tjohn Moore Wirts, Lieut., 3d JMichigan Cavalry. 4 18 63. Hii-am T. Alien. WiUiam R. Andnis. f John Atkinson, Captain, 22d Michigan Infantry. John D. Boylan. Joseph Chubb. Charles A. Clark. tWiUiam H. Compton. t Albert E. Cowles. Thomas R. Dennison. Hiram M. Dickinson, B. A., Judge of Probate, Omaha, N. T. Wallace D. Dilla. James B. Diitton. David E. Earl. John Wesley Emerson, Circuit Judge, Ironton, Mo. Nelson L. Frisbie. William H. GoiTill. William F. Haigler. Nelson B. Hall. James B. Hawes. Peny Hawes. fLewis S. Holden, Lieutenant 20th Michigan Infantry. George Kingsloy. tSamuel M. Kneeland, Lieutenant, 18tli Mich. Infantry. Joseph G. Lodge. iUbert Edward Macomber. Donald McDonell. Andrew McEvoy. John W. Nelson. Hemy A. Nichols. Daniel W. Perkins. James L. Pettibone, Levi R. Pierson. William H. Porter. Levi Riddell. fMorris Roberts, Lieutenant, 26th Mich. Infantry. Daniel R. Shier, fJohn S. Smith, Lieutenant, 8th Mich. Cavalry. Charles H. Taylor. Cyi'us J. Thompson. Bethuel A. Virden. Ezra C. Walker. Henry Clay White. t*Wendell D. Wiltsie, Captain, 20th Michigan Infantry. Killed at KnoxvUle. Levi L. Wixon. 42. 18 63. Chilion Brown Allen. George Washington Ambrose, Marcus L. Anderson. Wesley Clark Barr, B. A. Edwin Ellis Benedict. William Thompson Bennett. William Henry Blenncrhassett. Philip V. M. Botsford. Willard Judd Bowen. Alexander Franklin Campbell. Edward Ransom Campbell. Jefferson Chandler. Edwin Stanton DeLany. • fJames M. Edmunds, Jr., M. A. David Davy Evans. 40 GENERAL CATALOGUE. James H. Fairchikl. John McLouth Fuller. William Gillette, B. S. Judd Hayden. Walter Ingalls Hayes. Ai-thur David Haynes. Levi A. Humphreys, B. S., Captain, Michigan Battery. James Kingsley. Cholwell Knox. Philip Henry Kumler. *Samuel C Lewis. Henry H. Markley. Patrick McKernan. John L. Miller. Seth Crittenden Moffatt Franklin Embury Morgan. John Byi-on Plato. Hoyt Post, B. A. *Mark Rice. Edward Francis Riley. Henry Robertson Robbins. Washington Saunders. Julius Bronson Searls. Wm. H. Sherman, B. A. Bradford Hewlett Skinner. Abram Herre Smith. Sibley George Taylor. Oscar T. Tuthill Thomas Owen Ward. Dunois Wood. Casper Enoch Yost 46. SUMMARY. Graduates in Department of Science, Literature, and the Arts: Living, 428 Deceased, - 44 Total, - - - 472 Gkaduates in the Department of Medicine and Surgery: Living, 363 Deceased, --11 Total, 374 Graduates in the Department of Law: Living, 144 Deceased. --9 Total, 153 Graduates in all Departments: Living, 935 Deceased. 64 Total, ■- 999 Note. — As it is desirable to render this Catalogue as perfect as possi- ble, Graduates are requested to communicate their residence and occupa- tion, or any change which may take place in the same, either to the Pres- ident, or, For the Academical Department, to Prof. E. P. EvaNs; For the Medical Department, to Prof C. L. Ford ; For the Law Departmont, to Prof. T. M. Cooley. Also, any person detecting an error or omission in the Catalogue, will confer a favor by sending the correction as above directed. 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