^UIBRARY0/c g 3 'I S 'f3WM-yx^ ^IOS ANGELA ., ^OKAUFOIfe ^ I t^z^^l I 8 i I 1 5 ^\\EUNIVER% ^lOS-ANCElfj^ ^l-UBRARY^ . i nr iirri r. i o a s < 3 i s ^ ^ <- i i INIVER5-/A ~ - ^ o "- ^ i S ?> CP 'B %OJITV3-JO^ ^ II <*OKAUFO^ O "= I ^ I S ^ g x^ C o? THE SLAYER OF SOULS ROBERT W. CHAMBERS THE SLAYER OF SOULS BY ROBERT W. CHAMBERS AUTHOR OF "IN SECRET," "THE COMMON LAW," "THE RECKONING," "LORRAINE," ETC. NEW XBIr YORK GEORGE H. DORAN COMPANY Copyright, 1920, By Robert W. Chambers Copyright, 1919, 1920, by International Magazine Company Printed in the United States of America 5(2 TO MY FRIEND GEORGE ARMSBY 564430 LISKAEU TO GEORGE I Mirror of Fashion, Admiral of Finance, Don't, in a passion, Denounce this poor Romance; For, while I dare not hope it might Enthuse you, Perhaps it will, some rainy night, Amuse you. II So, your attention, In poetry polite, To my invention I bashfully invite. Don't hurl the book at Eddie's head Deep laden, Or Messmore's; you might hit instead Will Braden. Ill Kahn among Canners, And Grand Vizier of style, Emir of Manners, Accept and place on file This tribute, which I proffer while I grovel, And honor with thy matchless Smile My novel. R. W. C. CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I THE YEZIDEE 13 II THE YELLOW SNAKE 21 III GREY MAGIC 38 IV BODY AND SOUL 54 V THE ASSASSINS 76 VI IN BATTLE 95 VII THE BRIDAL 113 VIII THE MAN IN WHITE 135 IX THE WEST WIND 147 . X AT THE RITZ l6l XI YULUN THE BELOVED 183 XII HIS EXCELLENCY 197 xin SA-N'SA 207 XIV A DEATH-TRAIL 238 XV IN THE FIRELIGHT 249 XVI THE PLACE OF PRAYER 26l XVII THE SLAYER OF SOULS 277 vil THE SLAYER OF SOULS THE SLAYER OF SOULS CHAPTER I THE YEZIDEE ONLY when the Nan-yang Maru sailed from Yuen-San did her terrible sense of forebod- ing begin to subside. For four years, waking or sleeping, the awful sub- consciousness of supreme evil had never left her. But now, as the Korean shore, receding into dark- ness, grew dimmer and dimmer, fear subsided and grew vague as the half-forgotten memory of horror in a dream. She stood near the steamer's stern apart from other passengers, a slender, lonely figure in her silver-fox furs, her ulster and smart little hat, watch- ing the lights of Yuen-San grow paler and smaller along the horizon until they looked like a level row of stars. Under her haunted eyes Asia was slowly dis- solving to a streak of vapour in the misty lustre of the moon. Suddenly the ancient continent disappeared, washed out by a wave against the sky; and with it 13 14 THE SLAYER OF SOULS vanished the last shreds of that accursed nightmare which had possessed her for four endless years. But whether during those unreal years her soul had only been held in bondage, or whether, as she had been taught, it had been irrevocably destroyed, she still remained uncertain, knowing nothing about the death of souls or how it was accomplished. As she stood there, her sad eyes fixed on the misty East, a passenger passing an Englishwoman paused to say something kind to the young American ; and added, "if there is anything my husband and I can do it would give us much pleasure." The girl ha.d turned her head as though not comprehending. The other woman hesitated. "This is Doctor Nome's daughter, is it not?" she inquired in a pleasant voice. "Yes, I am Tressa Nome. ... I ask your par- don. . . . Thank you, madam: I am I seem to be a trifle dazed " "What wonder, you poor child! Come to us if you feel need of companionship." "You are very kind. ... I seem to wish to be alone, somehow." "I understand. . . . Good-night, my dear." Late the next morning Tressa Nome awoke, con- scious for the first time in four years that it was at last her own familiar self stretched out there on the pillows where sunshine streamed through the port- hole. All that day she lay in her bamboo steamer chair on deck. Sun and wind conspired to dry every tear that wet her closed lashes. Her dark, glossy THE YEZIDEE 15 hair blew about her face ; scarlet tinted her full lips again ; the tense hands relaxed. Peace came at sun- down. That evening she took her Yu-kin from her cabin and found a chair on the deserted hurricane deck. And here, in the brilliant moonlight of the China Sea, she curled up cross-legged on the deck, all alone, and sounded the four futile strings of her moon-lute, and hummed to herself, in a still voice, old songs she had sung in Yian before the tragedy. She sang the tent-song called Tchinguiz. She sang Camel Bells and The Blue Bazaar, children's songs of the Yiort. She sang the ancient Khiounnou song called u The Saghalien": In the month of Saffar Among the river-reeds I saw two horsemen Sitting on their steeds. Tulugum ! Heitulum! By the river-reeds II In the month of Saffar A demon guards the ford. Tokhta, my Lover! Draw your shining sword! Tulugum! Heitulum! Slay him with your sword! 16 THE SLAYER OF SOULS In the month of Saffar ] Among the water-weeds I saw two horsemen Fighting on their steeds. Tulugum! Heitulum! l How my lover bleeds/ IV In the month of Saffar, The Year I should have wed The Year of The Panther My lover lay dead, Tulugum ! Heitulum! Dead without a head. And songs like these the one called "Keuke Mongol," and an ancient air of the Tchortchas called "The Thirty Thousand Calamities," and some Chi- nese boatmen's songs which she had heard in Yian before the tragedy; these she hummed to herself there in the moonlight playing on her round-faced, short-necked lute of four strings. Terror indeed seemed ended for her, and in her heart a great overwhelming joy was welling up which seemed to overflow across the entire moonlit world. She had no longer any fear; no premonition of further evil. Among the few Americans and English aboard, something of her story was already known. THE YEZIDEE 17 People were kind; and they were also considerate enough to subdue their sympathetic curiosity when they discovered that this young American girl shrank from any mention of what had happened to her during the last four years of the Great World War. It was evident, also, that she preferred to remain aloof; and this inclination, when finally understood, was respected by her fellow passengers. The clever, efficient and polite Japanese officers and crew of the Nan-yang Maru were invariably considerate and courteous to her, and they remained nicely reticent, although they also knew the main outline of her story and very much desired to know more. And so, sur- rounded now by the friendly security of civilised humanity, Tressa Nome, reborn to light out of hell's own shadows, awoke from four years of nightmare which, after all, perhaps, never had seemed entirely actual. And now God's real sun warmed her by day; His real moon bathed her in creamy coolness by night; sky and wind and wave thrilled her with their blessed assurance that this was once more the real world which stretched illimitably on every side from horizon to horizon; and the fair faces and pleasant voices of her own countrymen made the past seem only a ghastly dream that never again could enmesh her soul with its web of sorcery. And now the days at sea fled very swiftly; and when at last the Golden Gate was not far away she had finally managed to persuade herself that nothing 18 THE SLAYER OF SOULS really can harm the human soul ; that the monstrous devil-years were ended, never again to return; that in this vast, clean Western Continent there could be no occult threat to dread, no gigantic menace to destroy her body, no secret power that could consign her soul to the dreadful abysm of spiritual annihila- tion. Very early that morning she came on deck. The November day was delightfully warm, the air clear save for a belt of mist low on the water to the south- ward. She had been told that land would not be sighted for twenty-four hours, but she went forward and stood beside the starboard rail, searching the hori- zon with the enchanted eyes of hope. As she stood there a Japanese ship's officer cross- ing the deck, forward, halted abruptly and stood staring at something to the southward. At the same moment, above the belt of mist on the water, and perfectly clear against the blue sky above, the girl saw a fountain of gold fire rise from the fog, drift upward in the daylight, slowly assume the incandescent outline of a serpentine creature which leisurely uncoiled and hung there floating, its lizard-tail undulating, its feet with their five stumpy claws closing, relaxing, like those of a living reptile. For a full minute this amazing shape of fire floated there in the sky, brilliant in the morning light, then the reptilian form faded, died out, and the last spark vanished in the sunshine. THE YEZIDEE 19 When the Japanese officer at last turned to re- sume his promenade, he noticed a white-faced girl gripping a stanchion behind him as though she were on the point of swooning. He crossed the deck quickly. Tressa Nome's eyes opened. "Are you ill, Miss Nome?" he asked. "The the Dragon," she whispered. The officer laughed. "Why, that was nothing but Chinese day-fireworks," he explained. "The crew of some fishing boat yonder in the fog is amusing Itself." He looked at her narrowly, then with a nice little bow and smile he offered his arm : "If you are indisposed, perhaps you might wish to go below to your stateroom, Miss Nome?" She thanked him, managed to pull herself together and force a ghost of a smile. He lingered a moment, said something cheerful about being nearly home, then made her a punc- tilious salute and went his way. Tressa Nome leaned back against the stanchion and closed her eyes. Her pallor became deathly. She bent over and laid her white face in her folded arms. After a while she lifted her head, and, turning very slowly, stared at the fog-belt out of frightened eyes. And saw, rising out of the fog, a pearl-tinted sphere which gradually mounted into the clear day- light above like the full moon's phantom in the sky. Higher, higher rose the spectral moon until at last it swam in the very zenith. Then it slowly evap- orated in the blue vault above. 20 THE SLAYER OF SOULS A great wave of despair swept her; she clung to the stanchion, staring with half-blinded eyes at the flat fog-bank in the south. But no more "Chinese day-fireworks" rose out of it. And at length she summoned sufficient strength to go below to her cabin and lie there, half sense- less, huddled on her bed. When land was sighted, the following morning, Tressa Nome had lived a century in twenty-four hours. And in that space of time her agonised soul had touched all depths. But now as the Golden Gate loomed up in the morning light, rage, terror, despair had burned themselves out. From their ashes within her mind arose the cool wrath of desperation armed for any- thing, wary, alert, passionately determined to sur- vive at whatever cost, recklessly ready to fight for bodily existence. That was her sole instinct now, to go on living, to survive, no matter at what price. And if it were indeed true that her soul had been slain, she defied its murderers to slay her body also. That night, at her hotel in San Francisco, she double-locked her door and lay down without un- dressing, leaving all lights burning and an automatic pistol underneath her pillow. Toward morning she fell asleep, slept for an hour, started up in awful fear. And saw the double- THE YEZIDEE 21 locked door opposite the foot of her bed slowly opening of its own accord. Into the brightly illuminated room stepped a graceful young man in full evening dress carrying over his left arm an overcoat, and in his other hand a top hat and silver tipped walking-stick. With one bound the girl swung herself from the bed to the carpet and clutched at the pistol under her pillow. "Sanang!" she cried in a terrible voice. "Keuke Mongol!" he said, smilingly. For a moment they confronted each other in the brightly lighted bedroom, then, partly turning, he cast a calm glance at the open door behind him ; and, as though moved by a wind, the door slowly closed. And she heard the key turn of itself in the lock, and saw the bolt slide smoothly into place again. Her power of speech came back to her presently only a broken whisper at first : "Do you think I am afraid of your accursed magic?" she managed to gasp. "Do you think I am afraid of you, Sanang?" "You are afraid," he said serenely. "You lie!" "No, I do not lie. To one another the Yezidees never lie." "You lie again, assassin! I am no Yezidee!" He smiled gently. His features were pleasing, smooth, and regular; his cheek-bones high, his skin fine and of a pale and delicate ivory colour. Once his black, beautifully shaped eyes wandered to the 22 THE SLAYER OF SOULS levelled pistol which she now held clutched desper- ately close to her right hip, and a slightly ironical expression veiled his gaze for an instant. "Bullets?" he murmured. "But you and I are of the Hassanis." "The third lie, Sanang!" Her voice had regained its strength. Tense, alert, blue eyes ablaze, every faculty concentrated on the terrible business before her, the girl now seemed like some supple leopardess poised on the swift verge of murder. "Tokhta!"* She spat the word. "Any move- ment toward a hidden weapon, any gesture suggest- ing recourse to magic and I kill you, Sanang, ex- actly where you stand!" "With a pistol?" He laughed. Then his smooth features altered subtly. He said: "Keuke Mongol, who call yourself Tressa Nome, Keuke heavenly azure-blue, named so in the temple because of the colour of your eyes listen attentively, for this is the Yarlig which I bring to you by word of mouth from Yian, as from Yezidee to Yezidee : "Here, in this land called the United States of America, the Temple girl, Keuke Mongol, who has witnessed the mysteries of Erlik and who under- stands the magic of the Sheiks-el-Djebel, and who has seen Mount Alamout and the eight castles and the fifty thousand Hassanis in white turbans and in robes of white; you Azure-blue eyes heed the Yarlig! or may thirty thousand calamities over- take you !" *"Look out!" Nomad-Mongol dialect. THE YEZIDEE 23 There was a dead silence; then he went on seri- ously: "It is decreed: You shall cease to remember that you are a Yezidee, that you are of the Has- sanis, that you ever have laid eyes on Yian the Beau- tiful, that you ever set naked foot upon Mount Ala- mout. It is decreed that you remember nothing of what you have seen and heard, of what has been told and taught during the last four years reckoned as the Christians reckon from our Year of the Bull. Otherwise my Master sends you this for your convenience." Leisurely, from under his folded overcoat, the young man produced a roll of white cloth and dropped it at her feet and the girl shrank aside, shuddering, knowing that the roll of white cloth was meant for her winding-sheet. Then the colour came back to lip and cheek; and, glancing up from the soft white shroud, she smiled at the young man: "Have you ended your Oriental mummery?" she asked calmly. "Listen very seri- ously in your turn, Sanang, Sheik-el-Djebel, Prince of the Hassanis who, God knows when and how, have come out into the sunshine of this clean and decent country, out of a filthy darkness where devils and sorcerers make earth a hell. "If you, or yours, threaten me, annoy me, inter- fere with me, I shall go to our civilised police and tell all I know concerning the Yezidees. I mean to live. Do you understand? You know what you have done to me and mine. I come back to my own country alone, without any living kin, poor, home- 24 THE SLAYER OF SOULS less, friendless, and, perhaps, damned. I intend, nevertheless, to survive. I shall not relax my clutch on bodily existence whatever the Yezidees may pre- tend to have done to my soul. I am determined to live in the body, anyway." He nodded gravely. She said: "Out at sea, over the fog, I saw the sign of Yu-lao in fire floating in the day-sky. I saw his spectral moon rise and vanish in mid-heaven. I un- derstood. But " And here she suddenly showed an edge of teeth under the full scarlet upper lip : "Keep your signs and your shrouds to yourself, dog of a Yezidee! toad! tortoise-egg! he-goat with three legs ! Keep your threats and your messages to yourself! Keep your accursed magic to yourself! Do you think to frighten me with your sorcery by showing me the Moons of Yu-lao? by opening a bolted door? I know more of such magic than do you, Sanang Death Adder of Alamout!" Suddenly she laughed aloud at him laughed in- sultingly in his expressionless face : "I saw you and Gutchlug Khan and your cowardly Tchortchas in red-lacquered jackets slink out of the Temple of Erlik where the bronze gong thundered and a cloud settled down raining little yellow snakes all over the marble steps all over you, Prince Sanang ! You were afraid, my Tougtchi ! you and Gutchlug and your red Tchortchas with their hal- berds all dripping with human entrails ! And I saw you mount and gallop off into the woods while in the depths of the magic cloud which rained little THE YEZIDEE 25 yellow snakes all around you, we temple girls laughed and mocked at you at you and your cowardly Tchortcha horsemen." A slight tinge of pink came into the young man's pale face. Tressa Nome stepped nearer, her levelled pistol resting on her hip. "Why did you not complain of us to your Master, the Old Man of the Mountain?" she asked jeeringly. "And where, also, was your Yezidee magic when it rained little snakes ? What frightened you away who had boldly come to seize a temple girl you who had screwed up your courage sufficiently to defy Erlik in his very shrine and snatch from his temple a young thing whose naked body wrapped in gold was worth the chance of death to you?" The young man's top-hat dropped to the floor. He bent over to pick it up. His face was quite ex- pressionless, quite colourless, now. "I went on no such errand," he said with an effort. "I went with a thousand prayers on scarlet paper made in " "A lie, Yezidee ! You came to seize me!" He turned still paler. "By Abu, Omar, Otman, and Ali, it is not true !" "You lie ! by the Lion of God, Hassini !" She stepped closer. "And I'll tell you another thing you fear you Yezidee of Alamout you rob- ber of Yian you sorcerer of Sabbah Khan, and chief of his sect of Assassins ! You fear this native land of mine, America ; and its laws and customs, and its clear, clean sunshine; and its cities and people; and 26 THE SLAYER OF SOULS its police ! Take that message back. We Americans fear nobody save the true God! nobody neither Yezidee nor Hassani nor Russ nor German nor that sexless monster born of hell and called the Bol- shevik!" "Tokhta !" he cried sharply. "Damn you!" retorted the girl; "get out of my room! Get out of my sight! Get out of my path ! Get out of my life ! Take that to your Mas- ter of Mount Alamout ! I do what I please ; I go where I please ; I live as I please. And if I please, / turn against htm!" "In that event," he said hoarsely, "there Ties your winding-sheet on the floor at your feet! Take up your shroud; and make Erlik seize you !" "Sanang," she said very seriously. "I hear you, Keuke-Mongol." "Listen attentively. I wish to live. I have had enough of death in life. I desire to remain a living, breathing thing even if it be true as you Yezidees tell me, that you have caught my soul in a net and that your sorcerers really control its destiny. "But damned or not, I passionately desire to live. And I am coward enough to hold my peace for the sake of living. So I remain silent. I have no stomach to defy the Yezidees; because, if I do, sooner or later I shall be killed. I know it. I have no desire to die for others to perish for the sake of the common good. I am young. I have suffered too much; I am determined to live and let my soul take its chances between God and Erlik." THE YEZIDEE 27 She came close to him, looked curiously into his pale face. "I laughed at you out of the temple cloud," she said. "I know how to open bolted doors as well as you do. And I know other things. And if you ever again come to me in this life I shall first torture you, then slay you. Then I shall tell all ! ... and unroll my shroud." "I keep your word of promise until you break it," he interrupted hastily. "Yarlig! It is decreed!" And then he slowly turned as though to glance over his shoulder at the locked and bolted door. "Permit me to open it for you, Prince Sanang," said the girl scornfully. And she gazed steadily at the door. Presently, all by itself, the key turned in the lock, the bolt slid back, the door gently opened. Toward it, white as a corpse, his overcoat on his left arm, his stick and top-hat in the other hand, crept the young man in his faultless evening garb. Then, as he reached the threshold, he suddenly sprang aside. A small yellow snake lay coiled there on the door sill. For a full throbbing minute the young man stared at the yellow reptile in unfeigned horror. Then, very cautiously, he moved his fas- cinated eyes sideways and gazed in silence at Tressa Nome. The girl laughed. "Sorceress!" he burst out hoarsely. "Take that accurseo! thing from my path!" "What thing, Sanang?" At that his dark, fright- 28 THE SLAYER OF SOULS ened eyes stole toward the threshold again, seeking the little snake. But there was no snake there. And when he was certain of this he went, twitching and trembling all over. Behind him the door closed softly, locking and bolting itself. And behind the bolted door in the brightly lighted bedroom Tressa Nome fell on both knees, her pistol still clutched in her right hand, calling passionately upon Christ to forgive her for the dreadful ability she had dared to use, and begging Him to save her body from death and her soul from the snare of the Yezidee. CHAPTER II THE YELLOW SNAKE WHEN the young man named Sanang left the bed-chamber of Tressa Nome he turned to the right in the carpeted corridor outside and hurried toward the hotel elevator. But he did not ring for the lift; instead he took the spiral iron stairway which circled it, and mounted hastily to the floor above. Here was his own apartment and he entered it with a key bearing the hotel tag. A dusky-skinned powerful old man wearing a grizzled beard and a greasy broadcloth coat of old-fashioned cut known to provincials as a "Prince Albert" looked up from where he was seated cross-legged upon the sofa, sharpening a curved knife on a whetstone. "Gutchlug," stammered Sanang, "I am afraid of her I What happened two years ago at the temple happened again a moment since, there in her very bedroom! She made a yellow death-adder out of nothing and placed it upon the threshold, and mocked me with laughter. May Thirty Thousand Calami- ties overtake her! May Erlik seize her! May her 29 30 THE SLAYER OF SOULS eyes rot out and her limbs fester! May the seven score and three principal devils " "You chatter like a temple ape," said Gutchlug tranquilly. "Does Keuke Mongol die or live? That alone interests me." "Gutchlug," faltered the young man, "thou know- est that m-my heart is inclined to mercy toward this young Yezidee " "I know that it is inclined to lust," said the other bluntly. Sanang's pale face flamed. "Listen," he said. "If I had not loved her better than life had I dared go that day to the temple to take her for my own?" "You loved life better," said Gutchlug. "You fled when it rained snakes on the temple steps you and your Tchortcha horsemen ! Kai ! I also ran. But I gave every soldier thirty blows with a stick before I slept that night. And you should have had your thirty, also, conforming to the Yarlig, my Tougtchi." Sanang, still holding his hat and cane and carrying his overcoat over his left arm, looked down at the heavy, brutal features of Gutchlug Khan at the cruel mouth with its crooked smile under the grizzled beard; at the huge hands the powerful hands of a murderer now deftly honing to a razor-edge the Kalmuck knife held so firmly yet lightly in his great blunt fingers. "Listen attentively, Prince Sanang," growled Gutchlug, pausing in his monotonous task to test the THE YELLOW SNAKE 31 blade's edge on his thumb "Does the Yezidee Keuke Mongol live? Yes or no?" Sanang hesitated, moistened his pallid lips. "She dares not betray us." "By what pledge?" "Fear." "That is no pledge. You also were afraid, yet you went to the temple !" "She has listened to the Yarlig. She has looked upon her shroud. She has admitted that she desires to live. Therein lies her pledge to us." "And she placed a yellow snake at your feet!" sneered Gutchlug. "Prince Sanang, tell me, what man or what devil in all the chronicles of the past has ever tamed a Snow-Leopard?" And he continued to hone his yataghan. "Gutchlug " "No, she dies," said the other tranquilly. "Not yet!" "When, then?" "Gutchlug, thou knowest me. Hear my pledge ! At her first gesture toward treachery her first thought of betrayal I myself will end it all." "You promise to slay this young snow-leop- ardess?" "By the four companions, I swear to kill her with my own hands !" Gutchlug sneered. "Kill her yes with the kiss that has burned thy lips to ashes for all these months. 32 THE SLAYER OF SOULS I know thee, Sanang. Leave her to me. Dead she will no longer trouble thee." "Gutchlug!" "I hear, Prince Sanang." "Strike when I nod. Not until then." "I hear, Tougtchi. I understand thee, my Ban- neret. I whet my knife. Kai!" Sanang looked at him, put on his top-hat and over- coat, pulled on a pair of white evening gloves. "I go forth," he said more pleasantly. "I remain here to talk to my seven ancestors and sharpen my knife," remarked Gutchlug. "When the white world and the yellow world and the brown world and the black world finally fall be- fore the Hassanis," said Sanang with a quick smile, "I shall bring thee to her. Gutchlug once before she is veiled, thou shalt behold what is lovelier than Eve." The other stolidly whetted his knife. Sanang pulled out a gold cigarette case, lighted a cigarette with an air. "I go among Germans," he volunteered amiably. "The huns swam across two oceans, but, like the unclean swine, it is their own throats they cut when they swim ! Well, there is only one God. And not very many angels. Erlik is greater. And there are many million devils to do his bidding. Adieu. There is rice and there is koumiss in the frozen closet. When I return you shall have been asleep for hours." THE YELLOW SNAKE 33 When Sanang left the hotel one of two young men seated in the hotel lobby got up and strolled out after him. A few minutes later the other man went to the elevator, ascended to the fourth floor, and entered an apartment next to the one occupied by Sanang. There was another man there, lying on the lounge and smoking a cigar. Without a word, they both went leisurely about the matter of disrobing for the night. When the shorter man who had been in the apart- ment when the other entered, and who was dark and curly-headed, had attired himself in pyjamas, he sat down on one of the twin beds to enjoy his cigar to the bitter end. "Has Sanang gone out?" he inquired in a low voice. "Yes. Benton went after him." The other man nodded. "Cleves," he said, "I guess it looks as though this Nome girl is in it, too." "What happened?" "As soon as she arrived, Sanang made straight for her apartment. He remained inside for half an hour. Then he came out in a hurry and went to his own rooms, where that surly servant of his. squats all day, shining up his arsenal, and drinking koumiss." "Did you get their conversation?" "I've got a record of the gibberish. It requires, an interpreter, of course." 34 THE SLAYER OF SOULS "I suppose so. I'll take the records east with me to-morrow, and by the same token I'd better notify New York that I'm leaving." He went, half-undressed, to the telephone, got the telegraph office, and sent the following message : "RECKLOW, New York: "Leaving to-morrow for N. Y. with samples. Re- tain expert in Oriental fabrics. "VICTOR CLEVES." "Report for me, too," said the dark young man, who was still enjoying his cigar on his pillows. So Cleves sent another telegram, directed also to "RECKLOW, New York: "Benton and I are watching the market. Chinese importations fluctuate. Recent consignment per Nan- yang Maru will be carefully inspected and details forwarded. "ALEK SELDEN." In the next room Gutchlug could hear the voice of Cleves at the telephone, but he merely shrugged his heavy shoulders in contempt. For he had other things to do beside eavesdropping. Also, for the last hour in fact, ever since Sanang's departure something had been happening to him something that happens to a Hassani only once in a lifetime. And now this unique thing had happened to him to him, Gutchlug Khan to him THE YELLOW SNAKE 35 before whose Khiounnou ancestors eighty-one thou- sand nations had bowed the knee. It had come to him at last, this dread thing, un- heralded, totally unexpected, a few minutes after Sanang had departed. And he suddenly knew he was going to die. And, when, presently, he comprehended it, he bent his grizzled head and listened seriously. And, after a little silence, he heard his soul bidding him fare- well. So the chatter of white men at a telephone in the next apartment had no longer any significance for him. Whether or not they had been spying on him ; whether they were plotting, made no difference to him now. He tested his knife's edge with his thumb and listened gravely to his soul bidding him farewell. But, for a Yezidee, there was still a little detail to attend to before his soul departed; two matters to regulate. One was to select his shroud. The other was to cut the white throat of this young snow- leopardess called Keuke Mongol, the Yezidee temple girl. And he could steal down to her bedroom and finish that matter in five minutes. But first he must choose his shroud, as is the custom of the Yezidee. That office, however, was quickly accomplished in a country where fine white sheets of linen are to be found on every hotel bed. 36 THE SLAYER OF SOULS So, on his way to the door, his naked knife in his right hand, he paused to fumble under the bed- covers and draw out a white linen sheet. Something hurt his hand like a needle. He moved it, felt the thing squirm under his fingers and pierce his palm again and again. With a shriek, he tore the bedclothes from the bed. A little yellow snake lay coiled there. He got as far as the telephone, but could not use it. And there he fell heavily, shaking the room and dragging the instrument down with him. There was some excitement. Cleves and Selden in their bathrobes went in to look at the body. The hotel physician diagnosed it as heart-trouble. Or, possibly, poison. Some gazed significantly at the naked knife still clutched in the dead man's hands. Around the wrist of the other hand was twisted a pliable gold bracelet representing a little snake. It had real emeralds for eyes. It had not been there when Gutchlug died. But nobody except Sanang could know that. And later when Sanang came back and found Gutchlug very dead on the bed and a policeman sitting outside, he offered no information concerning the new brace- let shaped like a snake with real emeralds for eyes, which adorned the dead man's left wrist. Toward evening, however, after an autopsy had confirmed the house physician's diagnosis that heart- disease had finished Gutchlug, Sanang mustered THE YELLOW SNAKE 37 enough courage to go to the desk in the lobby and send up his card to Miss Nome. It appeared, however, that Miss Nome had left for Chicago about noon. CHAPTER III GREY MAGIC ) Victor Cleves came the following telegram in code: "Washington, "April 1 4th. iQig. "Investigation ordered by the State Department as the result of frequent mention in despatches of Chinese troops operating with the Russian Bolshe- viki forces ha\s disclosed that the Bolsheviki are actu- ally raising a Chinese division of 30,000 men re- cruited in Central Asia. This division has been guilty of the greatest cruelties. A strange rumour prevails among the Allied forces at Archangel that this Chinese division is led by Yezidee and Hassani officers belonging to the sect of devil-worshipers and that they employ black arts and magic in battle. "From information so far gathered by the sev- eral branches of the United States Secret Service operating throughout the world, it appears possible that the various revolutionary forces of disorder, in Europe and Asia, which now are violently threaten- ing the peace and security, of all established civilisa- tion on earth, may have had a common origin. This origin, it is now suspected, may date back to a very remote epoch; the wide-spread forces of violence and merciless destruction may have had their begin- 38 GREY MAGIC 39 ning among some ancient and predatory race whose existence was maintained solely by robbery and mur- der. t( Anarchists, terrorists, Bolshevists, Reds of all shades and degrees, are now believed to represent in modern times what perhaps once was a tribe of Assassins a sect whose religion was founded upon a common predilection for crimes of violence. "On this theory then, for the present, the United States Government will proceed with this investiga- tion of Bolshevism; and the Secret Service will con- tinue to pay particular attention to all Orientals in the United States and other countries. You person- ally are formally instructed to keep in touch with XLY-37I (Alek Selden) and ZB-jos (James Ben- ton), and to employ every possible means to become friendly with the girl Tressa Nome, win her confi- dence, mid, if possible, enlist her actively in the Gov- ernment Service as your particular aid and comrade. "It is equally important that the movements of the Oriental, called Sanang, be carefully observed in or- der to discover the identity and whereabouts of his companions. However, until further instructions he is not to be taken into custody. M. H. 2479. "(Signed) "(JOHN RECKLOW.)" The long despatch from John Recklow made Cleves's duty plain enough. For months, now, Selden and Benton had been watching Tressa Nome. And they had learned practically nothing about her. And now the girl had come within Cleves's sphere of operation. She had been in New York for two weeks. Telegrams from Benton in Chicago, and 40 THE SLAYER OF SOULS from Selden in Buffalo, had prepared him for her arrival. He had his men watching her boarding-house on West Twenty-eighth Street, men to follow her, men to keep their eyes on her at the theatre, where every evening, at 10 145, her entr'acte was staged. He knew where to get her. But he, himself, had been on the watch for the man Sanang; and had failed to find the slightest trace of him in New York, although warned that he had arrived. So, for that evening, he left the hunt for Sanang to others, put on his evening clothes, and dined with fashionable friends at the Patroons' Club, who never for an instant suspected that young Victor Cleves was in the Service of the United States Government. About half-past nine he strolled around to the theatre, desiring to miss as much as possible of the popular show without being too late to see the curious little entr'acte in which this girl, Tressa Nome, ap- peared alone. He had secured an aisle seat near the stage at an outrageous price; the main show was still thunder- ing and fizzing and glittering as he entered the theatre; so he stood in the rear behind the orchestra until the descending curtain extinguished the out- rageous glare and din. Then he went down the aisle, and as he seated himself Tressa Nome stepped from the wings and stood before the lowered curtain facing an expectant but oddly undemonstrative audience. GREY MAGIC 41 The girl worked rapidly, seriously, and in silence. She seemed a mere child there behind the footlights, not more than sixteen anyway her winsome eyes and wistful lips unspoiled by the world's wisdom. Yet once or twice the mouth drooped for a second and the winning eyes darkened to a remoter blue the brooding iris hue of far horizons. She wore the characteristic tabard of stiff golden tissue and the gold pagoda-shaped headpiece of a Yezidee temple girl. Her flat, slipper-shaped foot- gear was of stiff gold, too, and curled upward at the toes. All this accentuated her apparent youth. For in face and throat no firmer contours had as yet modi- fied the soft fullness of immaturity; her limbs were boyish and frail, and her bosom more undecided still, so that the embroidered breadth of gold fell flat and straight from her chest to a few inches above the ankles. She seemed to have no stock of paraphernalia with which to aid the performance; no assistant, no or- chestral diversion, nor did she serve herself with any magician's patter. She did her work close to the footlights. Behind her loomed a black curtain; the strip of stage in front was bare even of carpet; the orches- tra remained mute. But when she needed anything a little table, for example well, it was suddenly there where she re- quired it a tripod, for instance, evidently fitted 42 THE SLAYER OF SOULS to hold the big iridescent bubble of glass in which swarmed little tropical fishes and which arrived neatly from nowhere. She merely placed her hands before her as though ready to support something weighty which she expected and sud- denly, the huge crystal bubble was visible, resting between her hands. And when she tired of holding it, she set it upon the empty air and let go of it; and instead of crashing to the stage with its finny rainbow swarm of swimmers, out of thin air ap- peared a tripod to support it. Applause followed, not very enthusiastic, for the sort of audience which sustains the shows of which her performance was merely an entr'acte is an au- dience responsive only to the obvious. Nobody ever before had seen that sort of magic in America. People scarcely knew whether or not they quite liked it. The lightning of innovation stu- pefies the dull; ignorance is always suspicious of in- novation always afraid to put itself on record until its mind is made up by somebody else. So in this typical New York audience approbation was cautious, but every fascinated eye remained focused on this young girl who continued to do in- credible things, which seemed to resemble "putting something over" on them; a thing which no unedu- cated American conglomeration ever quite forgives. The girl's silence, too, perplexed them ; they were accustomed to gabble, to noise, to jazz, vocal and instrumental, to that incessant metropolitan clamour GREY MAGIC 43 which fills every second with sound in a city whose only distinction is its din. Stage, press, art, letters, social existence unless noisy mean nothing in Goth- am; reticence, leisure, repose are the three lost arts. The megaphone is the city's symbol; its chief est crime, silence. The girl having finished with the big glass bubble full of tiny fish, picked it up and tossed it aside. For a moment it apparently floated there in space like a soap-bubble. Changing rainbow tints waxed and waned on the surface, growing deeper and more gor- geous until the floating globe glowed scarlet, then suddenly burst into flame and vanished. And only a strange, sweet perfume lingered in the air. But she gave her perplexed audience no time to wonder; she had seated herself on the stage and was already swiftly busy unfolding a white veil with which she presently covered herself, draping it over her like a tent. The veil seemed to be translucent; she was appar- ently visible seated beneath it. But the veil turned into smoke, rising into the air in a thin white cloud; and there, where she had been seated, was a statue of white stone the image of herself ! in all the frail springtide of early adolescence a white statue, cold, opaque, exquisite in its sculptured immobility. There came, the next moment, a sound of distant thunder; flashes lighted the blank curtain; and sud- denly a vein of lightning and a sharper peal shattered the statue to fragments. 44. THE SLAYER OF SOULS There they lay, broken bits of her own sculptured body, glistening in a heap behind the footlights. Then each fragment began to shimmer with a rosy internal light of its own, until the pile of broken marble glowed like living coals under thickening and reddening vapours. And, presently, dimly percep- tible, there she was in the flesh again, seated in the fiery centre of the conflagration, stretching her arms luxuriously, yawning, seemingly awakening from re- freshing slumber, her eyes unclosing to rest with a sort of confused apology upon her astounded au- dience. As she rose to her feet nothing except herself re- mained on the stage no debris, not a shred of smoke, not a spark. She came down, then, across an inclined plank into the orchestra among the audience. In the aisle seat nearest her sat Victor Cleves. His business was to be there that evening. But she didn't know that, knew nothing about him had never before set eyes on him. At her gesture of invitation he made a cup of both his hands. Into these she poured a double handful of unset diamonds or what appeared to be dia- monds pressed her own hands above his for a second and the diamonds in his palms had become pearls. These were passed around to people in the vicinity, and finally returned to Mr. Cleves, who, at her re- quest, covered the heap of pearls with both his hands, hiding them entirely from view. GREY MAGIC 45 At her nod he uncovered them. The pearls had become emeralds. Again, while he held them, and without even touching him, she changed them into rubies. Then she turned away from him, apparently forgetting that he still held the gems, and he sat very still, one cupped hand over the other, while she poured silver coins into a woman's gloved hands, turned them into gold coins, then flung each coin into the air, where it changed to a living, fragrant rose and fell among the audience. Presently she seemed to remember Cleves, came back down the aisle, and under his close and intent gaze drew from his cupped hands, one by one, a score of brilliant little living birds, which continually flew about her and finally perched, twittering, on her golden headdress a rainbow-crest of living jewels. As she drew the last warm, breathing little feath- ered miracle from Cleves's hands and released it, he said rapidly under his breath: "I want a word with you later. Where?" She let her clear eyes rest on him for a moment, then with a shrug so slight that it was perceptible, perhaps, only to him, she moved on along the in- clined way, stepped daintily over the footlights, caught fire, apparently, nodded to a badly rattled audience, and sauntered off, burning from head to foot. What applause there was became merged in a dissonant instrumental outburst from the orchestra; the great god Jazz resumed direction, the mindless 46 THE SLAYER OF SOULS audience breathed freely again as the curtain rose upon a familiar, yelling turbulence, including all that Gotham really understands and cares for legs and noise. Victor Cleves glanced up at the stage, then con- tinued to study the name of the girl on the pro- gramme. It was featured in rather pathetic solitude under "Entr'acte." And he read further: "During the entr'acte Miss Tressa Nome will entertain you with several phases of Black Magic. This strange knowledge was acquired by Miss Nome from the Yezidees, among which almost unknown people still remain descendants of that notorious and formidable historic personage known in the twelfth century as The Old Man of the Mountain or The Old Man of Mount Alamout. "The pleasant profession of this historic indi- vidual was assassination; and some historians now believe that genuine occult power played a part in his dreadful record a record which terminated only when the infantry of Genghis Khan took Mount Ala- mout by storm and hanged the Old Man of the Mountain and burned his body under a boulder of You-Stone. "For Miss Nome's performance there appears to be no plausible, practical or scientific explanation. "During her performance the curtain will remain lowered for fifteen minutes and will then rise on the last act of 'You Betcha Life.' " The noisy show continued while Cleves, paying it GREY MAGIC 47 scant attention, brooded over the programme. And ever his keen, grey eyes reverted to her name, Tressa Nome. Then, for a little while, he settled back and let his absent gaze wander over the galloping battalions of painted girls and the slapstick principals whose perpetual motion evoked screams of approbation from the audience amid the din of the great god Jazz. He had an aisle seat; he disturbed nobody when he went out and around to the stage door. The aged man on duty took his card, called a boy and sent it off. The boy returned with the card, saying that Miss Nome had already dressed and de- parted. Cleves tipped him and then tipped the doorman heavily. "Where does she live?" he asked. "Say," said the old man, "I dunno, and that's straight. But them ladies mostly goes up to the roof for a look in at the 'Moonlight Masnue' and a dance afterward. Was you ever up there?" "Yes." "Seen the new show?" "No." "Well, g'wan up while you can get a table. And I bet the little girl will be somewheres around." "The little girl" was "somewheres around." He secured a table, turned and looked about at the vast cabaret into which only a few people had yet filtered, 48 THE SLAYER OF SOULS and saw her at a distance in the carpeted corridor buying violets from one of the flower-girls. A waiter placed a reserve card on his table ; he con- tinued on around the outer edge of the auditorium. Miss Nome had already seated herself at a small table in the rear, and a waiter was serving her with iced orange juice and little French cakes. When the waiter returned Cleves went up and took off his hat. "May I talk with you for a moment, Miss Nome?" he said. The girl looked up, the wheat-straw still between her scarlet lips. Then, apparently recognising in him the young man in the audience who had spoken to her, she resumed her business of imbibing orange juice. The girl seemed even frailer and younger in her hat and street gown. A silver-fox stole hung from her shoulders ; a gold bag lay on the table under the bunch of violets. She paid no attention whatever to him. Presently her wheat-straw buckled, and she selected a better one. He said: "There's something rather serious I'd like to speak to you about if you'll let me. I'm not the sort you evidently suppose. I'm not trying to annoy you." At that she looked around and upward once more. Very, very young, but already spoiled, he thought, for the dark-blue eyes were coolly appraising him, GREY MAGIC 49 and the droop of the mouth had become almost sul- len. Besides, traces of paint still remained to incar- nadine lip and cheek and there was a hint of hard- ness in the youthful plumpness of the features. "Are you a professional?" she asked without curi- osity. "A theatrical man? No." "Then if you haven't anything to offer me, what is it you wish?" "I have a job to offer if you care for it and if you are up to it," he said. Her eyes became slightly hostile : "What kind of job do you mean?" "I want to learn something about you first. Will you come over to my table and talk it over?" "No." "What sort do you suppose me to be?" he in- quired, amused. "The usual sort, I suppose." "You mean a Johnny?" "Yes of sorts." She let her insolent eyes sweep him once more v from head to foot. He was a well-built young man and in his evening dress he had that something about him which placed him very definitely where he really belonged. "Would you mind looking at my card?" he asked. He drew it out and laid it beside her, and without stirring she scanned it sideways. "That's my name and address," he continued. "I'm 50 THE SLAYER OF SOULS not contemplating mischief. I've enough excitement in life without seeking adventure. Besides, I'm not the sort who goes about annoying women." She glanced up at him again : "You are annoying me !" "I'm sorry. I was quite honest. Good-night." He took his conge with unhurried amiability; had already turned away when she said: "Please . . . what do you desire to say to me?" He came back to her table : "I couldn't tell you until I know a little more about you." "What do you wish to know?" "Several things. I could scarcely ask you go over such matters with you standing here." There was a pause ; the girl juggled with the straw on the table for a few moments, then, partly turn- ing, she summoned a waiter, paid him, adjusted her stole, picked up her gold bag and her violets and stood up. Then she turned to Cleves and gave him a direct look, which had in it the impersonal and searching gaze of a child. When they were seated at the table reserved for him the place already was filling rapidly backwash from the theatres slopped through every aisle people not yet surfeited with noise, not yet suffi- ciently sodden by their worship of the great god Jazz. "Jazz," said Cleves, glancing across his dinner- card at Tressa Nome "what's the meaning of the word? Do you happen to know?" GREY MAGIC 51 "Doesn't it come from the French ^aser'f" He smiled. "Possibly. I'm rather hungry. Are you?" "Yes." "Will you indicate your preferences?" She studied her card, and presently he gave the order. "I'd like some champagne," she said, "unless you think it's too expensive." He smiled at that, too, and gave the order. "I didn't suggest any wine because you seem so young," he said. "How old do I seem?" "Sixteen perhaps." "I am twenty-one." "Then you've had no troubles. 5 ' "I don't know what you call i ">uble," she re- marked, indifferently, watching the a* 'ving throngs. The orchestra, too, had taken its pla . , "Well," she said, "now that you've picked me up, what do you really want of me?" There was no mitigating smile to soften what she said. She dropped her elbows on the table, rested her chin between her palms and looked at him with the same searching, undisturbed expression that is so discon- certing in children. As he made no reply: "May I have a cocktail?" she inquired. He gave the order. And his mind registered pes- simism. "There is nothing doing with this girl," he thought. "She's already on the toboggan." But 52 THE SLAYER OF SOULS he said aloud: "That was beautiful work you did down in the theatre, Miss Nome." "Did you think so?" "Of course. It was astounding work." "Thank you. But managers and audiences differ with you." "Then they are very stupid," he said. "Possibly. But that does not help me pay my board." "Do you mean you have trouble in securing the- atrical engagements?" "Yes, I am through here to-night, and there's nothing else in view, so far." "That's incredible I" he exclaimed. She lifted her glass, slowly drained it. For a few moments she caressed the stem of the empty glass, her gaze remote. "Yes, it's that way," she said. "From the begin- ning I felt that my audiences were not in sympathy with me. Sometimes it even amounts to hostility. Americans do not like what I do, even if it holds their attention. I don't quite understand why they don't like it, but I'm always conscious they don't. And of course that settles it to-night has settled the whole thing, once and for all." "What are you going to do?" "What others do, I presume." "What do others do?" he inquired, watching the lovely sullen eyes. "Oh, they do what I'm doing now, don't they? ' GREY MAGIC 53 let some man pick them up and feed them." She lifted her indifferent eyes. "I'm not criticising you. I meant to do it some day when I had courage. That's why I just asked you if I might have some champagne finding myself a little scared at my first step. . . . But you did say you might have a job for me. Didn't you?" "Suppose I haven't. What are you going to do?" The curtain was rising. She nodded toward the bespangled chorus. "Probably that sort of thing. They've asked me." Supper was served. They both were hungry and thirsty; the music made conversation difficult, so they supped in silence and watched the imbecile show conceived by vulgarians, produced by vulgarians and served up to mental degenerates of the same species the average metropolitan audience. For ten minutes a pair of comedians fell up and down a flight of steps, and the audience shrieked ap- proval. "Miss Nome?" The girl who had been watching the show turned in her chair and looked back at him. "Your magic is by far the most wonderful I have ever seen or heard of. Even in India such things are not done." "No, not in India," she said, indifferently. "Where then?" "In China." "You learned to do such things there?" 54 THE SLAYER OF SOULS "Yes." "Where, in China, did you learn such amazing magic?" "In Yian." "I never heard of it. Is it a province?" "A city." "And you lived there?" "Fourteen years." "When?" "From 1904 to 1918." "During the great war," he remarked, "you were in China?" "Yes." "Then you arrived here very recently." "In^November, from the Coast." "I see. You played the theatres from the Coast eastward." "And went to pieces in New York," she added calmly, finishing her glass of champagne. "Have you any family?" he asked. "No." "Do you care to say anything further?" he in- quired, pleasantly. "About my family? Yes, if you wish. My father was in the spice trade in Yian. The Yezidees took Yian in 1910, threw him into a well in his own com- pound and filled it up with dead imperial troops. I was thirteen years old. . . . The Hassani did that. They held Yian nearly eight years, and I lived with my mother, in a garden pagoda, until 1914. In GREY MAGIC 55 January of that year Germans got through from Kiaou-Chou. They had been six months on the way. I think they were Hassanis. Anyway, they persuaded the Hassanis to massacre every English-speaking prisoner. And so my mother died in the garden pagoda of Yian. ... I was not told for four years." "Why did they spare you?" he asked, astonished at her story so quietly told, so utterly destitute of emotion. "I was seventeen. A certain person had placed me among the temple girls in the temple of Erlik. It pleased this person to make of me a Mongol temple girl as a mockery at Christ. They gave me the name Keuke Mongol. I asked to serve the shrine of Kwann-an she being like to our Madonna. But this person gave me the choice between the halberds of the Tchortchas and the sorcery of Erlik." She lifted her sombre eyes. "So I learned how to do the things you saw. But what I did there on the stage is not respectable." An odd shiver passed over him. For a second he took her literally, suddenly convinced that her magic was not white but black as the demon at whose shrine she had learned it. Then he smiled and asked her pleasantly, whether indeed she employed hypnosis in her miraculous exhibitions. But her eyes became more sombre still, and, "I don't care to talk about it," she said. "I have al- ready said too much." 56 THE SLAYER OF SOULS "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry into profes- sional secrets " "I can't talk about it," she repeated. ". . . Please my glass is quite empty." When he had refilled it: "How did you get away from Yian?" he asked. "The Japanese." "What luck!" "Yes. One battle was fought at Buldak. The Hassanis and Blue Flags were terribly cut up. Then, outside the walls of Yian, Prince Sanang's Tchortcha infantry made a stand. He was there with his Yezi- dee horsemen, all in leather and silk armour with casques and corselets of black Indian steel. "I could see them from the temple saw the Jap- anese gunners open fire. The Tchortchas were blown to shreds in the blast of the Japanese guns. . . . Sanang got away with some of his Yezidee horsemen." "Where was that battle?" "I told you, outside the walls of Yian." "The newspapers never mentioned any such trou- ble in China," he said, suspiciously. "Nobody knows about it except the Germans and the Japanese." "Who is this Sanang?" he demanded. "A Yezidee-Mongol. He is one of the Sheiks-el- Djebel a servant of The Old Man of Mount Ala- mout." "What is he?" GREY MAGIC 57 "A sorcerer assassin." "What!" exclaimed Cleves incredulously. "Why, yes," she said, calmly. "Have you never heard of The Old Man of Mount Alamout?" "Well, yes " "The succession has been unbroken since 1090 B.C. A Hassan Sabbah is still the present Old Man of the Mountain. His Yezidees worship Erlik. They are sorcerers. But you would not believe that." Cleves said with a smile, "Who is Erlik?" "The Mongols' Satan." "Oh! So these Yezidees are devil-worshipers!" "They are more. They are actually devils." "You don't really believe that even in unexplored China there exists such a creature as a real sorcerer, do you?" he inquired, smilingly. "I don't wish to talk of it." To his surprise her face had flushed, and he thought her sensitive mouth quivered a little. He watched her in silence for a moment; then, leaning a little way across the table: "Where are you going when the show here closes?" "To my boarding-house." "And then?" "To bed," she said, sullenly. "And to-morrow what do you mean to do?" "Go out to the agencies and ask for work." "And if there is none?" "The chorus," she said, indifferently. 58 THE SLAYER OF SOULS "What salary have you been getting?" She told him. "Will you take three times that amount and work with me?" CHAPTER IV BODY AND SOUL THE girl's direct gaze met his with that merci- less searching intentness he already knew. "What do you wish me to do?" "Enter the service of the United States." "Wh-what?" "Work for the Government." She was too taken aback to answer. "Where were you born?" he demanded abruptly. "In Albany, New York," she replied in a dazed way. "You are loyal to your country?" "Ye* certainly." "You would not betray her?" "No." "I don't mean for money; I mean from fear." After a moment, and, avoiding his gaze: "I am afraid of death," she said very simply. He waited. "I I don't know w'hat I might do being afraid," she added in a troubled voice. "I desire to live." He still waited. 59 60 THE SLAYER OF SOULS She lifted her eyes: "I'd try not to betray my country," she murmured. "Try to face death for your country's honour?" "Yes." "And for your own?" "Yes; and for my own." He leaned nearer: "Yet you're taking a chance on your own honour to-night." She blushed brightly: "I didn't think I was taking a very great chance with you." He said: "You have found life too hard. And when you faced failure in New York you began to let go of life real life, I mean. And you came up here to-night wondering whether you had courage to let yourself go. When I spoke to you it scared you. You found you hadn't the courage. But per- haps to-morrow you might find it or next week if sufficiently scared by hunger you might venture to take the first step along the path that you say others usually take sooner or later." The girl flushed scarlet, sat looking at him out of eyes grown dark with anger. He said: "You told me an untruth. You have been tempted to betray your country. You have re- sisted. You have been threatened with death. You have had courage to defy threats and temptations where your country's honour was concerned !" "How do you know?" she demanded. He continued, ignoring the question: "From the time you landed in San Francisco you have been threatened. You tried to earn a living by your ma- BODY AND SOUL 61 gician's tricks, but in city after city, as you came East, your uneasiness grew into fear, and your fear into terror, because every day more terribly con- firmed your belief that people were following you de- termined either to use you to their own purposes or to murder you " The girl turned quite white and half rose in her chair, then sank back, staring at him out of dilated eyes. Then Cleves smiled: "So you've got the nerve to do Government work," he said, "and you've got the intelligence, and the knowledge, and something else I don't know exactly what to call it Skill? Dexterity? Sorcery?" he smiled "I mean your professional ability. That's what I want that be- wildering dexterity of yours, to help your own coun- try in the fight of its life. Will you enlist for ser- vice?" "W-what fight?" she asked faintly. "The fight with the Red Spectre." "Anarchy?" "Yes . . . Are you ready to leave this place? I want to talk to you." "Where?" "In my own rooms." After a moment she rose. "I'll go to yaur rooms with you," she said. She added very calmly that she was glad it was to be his rooms and not some other man's. Out of countenance, he demanded what she meant, and she said quite candidly that she'd made up her 62 THE SLAYER OF SOULS mind to live at any cost, and that if she couldn't make an honest living she'd make a living anyway. He offered no reply to this until they had reached the street and he had called a taxi. On their way to his apartment he re-opened the subject rather bluntly, remarking that life was not worth living at the price she had mentioned. "That is the accepted Christian theory," she re- plied coolly, "but circumstances alter things." "Not such things." "Oh, yes, they do. If one is already damned, what difference does anything else make?" He asked, sarcastically, whether she considered herself already damned. She did not reply for a few moments, then she said, in a quick, breathless way, that souls have been entrapped through ignorance of evil. And asked him if he did not believe it. "No," he said, "I don't." She shook her head. "You couldn't understand," she said. "But I've made up my mind to one thing; even if my soul has perished, my body shall not die for a long, long time. I mean to live," she added. "I shall not let my body be slain ! They shall not steal life from me, whatever they have done to my soul " "What in heaven's name are you talking about?" he exclaimed. "Do you actually believe in .soul- snatchers and life-stealers?" She seemed sullen, her profile turned to him, her eyes on the brilliantly lighted avenue up which they BODY AND SOUL 63 were speeding. After a while : "I'd rather live de- cently and respectably if I can," she said. "That is the natural desire of any girl, I suppose. But if I can't, nevertheless I shall beat off death at any cost. And whatever the price of life is, I shall pay it. Because I am absolutely determined to go on living. And if I can't provide the means I'll have to let some man do it, I suppose." "It's a good thing it was I who found you when you were out of a job," he remarked coldly. "I hope so," she said. "Even in the beginning I didn't really believe you meant to be impertinent" a tragic smile touched her lips "and I was almost sorry " "Are you quite crazy?" he demanded. "No, my mind is untouched. It's my soul that's gone. . . . Do you know I was very hungry when you spoke to me? The management wouldn't ad- vance anything, and my last money went for my room. . . . Last Monday I had three dollars to face the future and no job. I spent the last of it to-night on violets, orange juice and cakes. My furs and my gold bag remain. I can go two months more on them. Then it's a job or " She shrugged and buried her nose in her violets. "Suppose I advance you a month's salary?" he said. "What am I to do for it?" The taxi stopped at a florist's on the corner of Madison Avenue and 58th Street. Overhead were apartments. There was no elevator merely the 64 THE SLAYER OF SOULS street door to unlock and four dim nights of stairs rising steeply to the top. He lived on the top floor. As they paused before his door in the dim corridor: "Are you afraid?" he asked. She came nearer, laid a hand on his arm: "Are you afraid?" He stood silent, the latch-key in his hand. "I'm not afraid of myself if that is what you mean," he said. "That is partly what I mean . . . you'll have to mount guard over your soul." "I'll look out for my soul," he retorted dryly. "Do so. I lost mine. I I would not wish any harm to yours through our companionship." "Don't you worry about my soul," he remarked, fitting the key to the lock. But again her hand fell on his wrist: "Wait. I can't can't help warning you. Neither your soul nor your body are safe if if you ever do make of me a companion. I've got to tell you this!" "What are you talking about?" he demanded bluntly. "Because you have been courteous considerate and you don't know oh, you don't realise what spiritual peril is! What your soul and body have to fear if you if you win me over if you ever manage to make of me a friend!" He said: "People follow and threaten you. We know that. I understand also that association with BODY AND SOUL 65 you involves me, and that I shall no doubt be menaced with bodily harm." He laid his hand on hers where it still rested on his sleeves: "But that's my business, Miss Nome," he added with a smile. "So, otherwise, it being merely a plain business affair between you and me, I think I may also venture my immortal soul alone with you in my room." The girl flushed darkly. "You have misunderstood," she said. He looked at her coolly, intently; and arrived at no conclusion. Young, very lovely, confessedly with- out moral principle, he still could not believe her ac- tually depraved. "What did you mean?" he said bluntly. "In companionship with the lost, one might lose one's way unawares. . . . Do you know that there is an Evil loose in the world which is bent upon con- quest by obtaining control of men's minds?" "No," he replied, amused. "And that, through the capture of men's minds and souls the destruction of civilisation is being planned?" "Is that what you learned in your captivity, Miss Nome?" "You do not believe me." "I believe your terrible experiences in China have shaken you to your tragic little soul Horror and grief and loneliness have left scars on tender, impres- sionable youth. They would have slain maturity 66 THE SLAYER OF 9OLS broken it, crushed it. But youth is flexible, pliable, and bends gives way under pressure. Scars be- come slowly effaced. It shall be so with you. You will learn to understand that nothing really can harm the soul." For a few moments' silence they stood facing each other on the dim landing outside his locked door. "Nothing can slay our souls," he repeated in a grave voice. "I do not believe you really ever have done anything to wound even your self-respect. I do not believe you are capable of it, or ever have been, or ever will be. But somebody has deeply wounded you, spiritually, and has wounded your mind to per- suade you that your soul is no longer in God's keep- ing. For that is a lie!" He saw her features working with poignant emo- tions as though struggling to believe him. "Souls are never lost," he said. "Ungoverned passions of every sort merely cripple them for a space. God always heals them in the end." He laid his hand on the door-knob once more and lifted the latch-key. "Don't!" she whispered, catching his hand again, "if there should be somebody in there waiting for us!" "There is not a soul in my rooms. My servant sleeps out." "There is somebody there !" she said, trembling. "Nobody, Miss Nome. Will you come in with me?" "I don't dare ," BODY AND SOUL 67 "Why?" "You and I alone together no! oh, please please ! I am afraid !" "Of what?" "Of giving you my c-confidence and trust- and and f-friendship." "I want you to." "I must not! It would destroy us both, soul and body!" "I tell you," he said, impatiently, "that there is no destruction of the soul and it's a clean comrade- ship anyway a fighting friendship I ask of you all I ask; all I offer! Wherein, then, lies this peril in being alone together?" "Because I am finding it in my heart "to believe in you, trust you, hold fast to your strength and pro- tection. And if I give way yield and if I make you a promise and if there is anybody in that room to see us and hear us then we shall be destroyed, both of us, soul and body " He took her hands, held them until their trembling ceased. "I'll answer for our bodies. Let God look after the rest. Will you trust Him?" She nodded. "And me?" "Yes." But her face blanched as he turned the latch-key, switched on the electric light, and preceded her into the room beyond. The place was one of those accentless, typical THE SLAYER OF SOULS bachelor apartments made comfortable for anything masculine, but quite unlivable otherwise. Live coals still glowed in the hob grate ; he placed a lump of cannel coal on the embers, used a bellows vigorously and the flame caught with a greasy crackle. The girl stood motionless until he pulled up an easy chair for her, then he found another for him- self. She let slip her furs, folded her hands around the bunch of violets and waited. "Now," he said, "I'll come to the point. In 1916 I was at Plattsburg, expecting a commission. The Department of Justice sent for me. I went to Wash- ington where I was made to understand that I had been selected to serve my country in what is vaguely known as the Secret Service and which includes government agents attached to several departments. "The great war is over; but I am still retained in the service. Because something more sinister than a hun victory over civilisation threatens this Repub- lic. And threatens the civilised world." "Anarchy," she said. "Bolshevism." She did not stir in her chair. She had become very white. She said nothing. He looked at her with his quiet, reassuring smile. "That's what I want of you," he repeated. "I want your help," he went on, "I want your valuable knowledge of the Orient. I want whatever secret information you possess. I want your rather amazing gifts, your unprecedented experience BODY AND SOUL 69 almost unknown people, your familiarity with occult things, your astounding powers whatever they are hypnotic, psychic, material. "Because, to-day, civilisation is engaged in a se- cret battle for existence against gathering powers of violence, the force and limit of which are still un- guessed. "It is a battle between righteousness and evil, be- tween sanity and insanity, light and darkness, God and Satan! And if civilisation does not win, then the world perishes." She raised her still eyes to his, but made no other movement. "Miss Nome," he said, "we in the International Service know enough about you to desire to know more. "We already knew the story you have told to me. Agents in the International Secret Service kept in touch with you from the time that the Japanese es- corted you out of China. "From the day you landed, and all across the Continent to New York, you have been kept in view by agents of this government. "Here, in New York, my men have kept in touch with you. And now, to-night, the moment has come for a personal understanding between you and me." The girl's pale lips moved became stiffly articu- late: "I I wish to live," she stammered, "I fear death." "I know it. I know what I ask when I ask your help." 70 THE SLAYER OF SOULS She said in the ghost of a voice : "If I turn against them they will kill me." "They'll try," he said quietly. "They will not fail, Mr. Cleves." "That is in God's hands." She became deathly white at that. "No," she burst out in an agonised voice, "it is not in God's hands! If it were, I should not be afraid! It is in the hands of those who stole my soul!" She covered her face with both arms, fairly writh- ing on her chair. "If the Yezidees have actually made you believe any such nonsense" he began; but she dropped her arms and stared at him out of terrible blue eyes : "I don't want to die, I tell you! I am afraid! afraid/ If I reveal to you what I know they'll kill me. If I turn against them and aid you, they'll slay my body, and send it after my soul!" She was trembling so violently that he sprang up and went to her. After a moment he passed one arm around her shoulders and held her firmly, close to him. "Come," he said, "do your duty. Those who en- list under the banner of Christ have nothing to dread in this world or the next." "If if I could believe I were safe there." "I tell you that you are. So is every human soul ! What mad nonsense have the Yezidees made you believe? Is there any surer salvation for the soul than to die in Christ's service?" BODY AND SOUL 71 He slipped his arm from her quivering shoulders and grasped both her hands, crushing them as though to steady every fibre in her tortured body. "I want you to live. I want to live, too. But I tell you it's in God's hands, and we soldiers of civili- sation have nothing to fear except failure to do our duty. Now, then, are we comrades under the United States Government?" "OGod I dare not!" "Are we?" Perhaps she felt the physical pain of his crushing grip for she turned and looked him in the eyes. "I don't want to die," she whispered. "Don't make me!" "Will you help your country?" The terrible directness of her child's gaze became almost unendurable to him. "Will you offer your country your soul and body?" he insisted in a low, tense voice. Her stiff lips formed a word. "Yes!" he exclaimed. "Yes." For a moment she rested against his shoulder, deathly white, then in a flash she had straightened, was on her feet in one bound and so swiftly that he scarcely followed her movement was unaware that she had risen until he saw her standing there with a pistol glittering in her hand, her eyes fixed on the portieres that hung across the corridor leading to his bedroom. "What on earth," he began, but she interrupted 72 THE SLAYER OF SOULS him, keeping her gaze focused on the curtains, and the pistol resting level on her hip. "I'll answer you if I die for it!" she cried. "I'll tell you everything I know ! You wish to learn what is this monstrous evil that threatens the world with destruction what you call anarchy and Bolshevism? It is an Evil that was born before Christ came!^ It is an Evil which not only destroys cities and empires and men but which is more terrible still for it obtains control of the human mind, and uses it at will; and it obtains sovereignty over the soul, and makes it prisoner. Its aim is to dominate first, then to de- stroy. It was conceived in the beginning by Erlik and by Sorcerers and devils. . . . Always, from the first, there have been sorcerers and living devils. "And when human history began to be remem- bered and chronicled, devils were living who wor- shiped Erlik and practised sorcery. "They have been called by many names. A thou- sand years before Christ Hassan Sabbah founded his sect called Hassanis or Assassins. The Yezidees are of them. Their Chief is still called Sabbah; their creed is the annihilation of civilisation!" Cleves had risen. The girl spoke in a clear, ac- centless monotone, not looking at him, her eyes and pistol centred on the motionless curtains. "Look out!" she cried sharply. "What is the matter?" he demanded. "Do you suppose anybody is hidden behind that curtain in the passageway?" BODY AND SOUL 73 "If there is," she replied in her excited but dis- tinct voice, "here is a tale to entertain him : "The Hassanis are a sect of assassins which has spread out of Asia all over the world, and they are determined upon the annihilation of everything and everybody in it except themselves! "In Germany is a branch of the sect. The hun is the lineal descendant of the ancient Yezidee; the gods of the hun are the old demons under other names; the desire and object of the hun is the same desire to rule the minds and bodies and souls of men and use them to their own purposes!" She lifted her pistol a little, came a pace forward: "Anarchist, Yezidee, Hassani, Boche, Bolshevik all are the same all are secretly swarming in the hidden places for the same purpose!" The girl's blue eyes were aflame, now, and the pistol was lifting slowly in her hand to a deadly level. "Sanang!" she cried in a terrible voice. "Sanang!" she cried again in her terrifying young voice "Toad! Tortoise egg! Spittle of Erlik! May the Thirty Thousand Calamities overtake you ! Sheik-el-Djebel ! cowardly Khan whom I laughed at from the temple when it rained yellow snakes on the marble steps when all the gongs in Yian sounded in your frightened ears!" She waited. "What! You won't step out? Tokhtaf" she ex- claimed in a ringing tone, and made a swift motion with her left hand. Apparently out of her empty open palm, like a missile hurled, a thin, blinding 74 THE SLAYER OF SOULS beam of light struck the curtains, making them sud- denly transparent. A man stood there. He came out, moving very slowly as though partly stupefied. He wore evening dress under his over- coat, and had a long knife in his right hand. Nobody spoke. "So I really was to die then, if I came here," said the girl in a wondering way. Sanang's stealthy gaze rested on her, stole toward Cleves. He moistened his lips with his tongue. "You deliver me to this government agent?" he asked hoarsely. "I deliver nobody by treachery. You may go, Sanang." He hesitated, a graceful, faultless, metropolitan figure in top-hat and evening attire. Then, as he started to move, Cleves covered him with his weapon. "I can't let that man go free!" cried Cleves angrily. "Very well!" she retorted in a passionate voice "then take him if you are able ! Tokhta! Look out for yourself!" Something swift as lightning struck the pistol from his grasp, blinded him, half stunned him, set him reeling in a drenching blaze of light that blotted out all else, He heard the door slam; he stumbled, caught at the back of a chair while his senses and sight were clearing. "By heavens!" he whispered with ashen lips, "you BODY AND SOUL 75 you are a sorceressr or something. What what are you doing to me ?'* There was no answer. And when his vision cleared a little more he saw her crouched on the floor, her head against the locked door, listening, perhaps or sobbing he scarcely understood which until the quiver of her shoulders made it plainer. When at last Cleves went to her and bent over and touched her she looked up at him out of wet eyes, and her grief-drawn mouth quivered. "I I don't know," she sobbed, "if he truly stole away my soul there there in the temple dusk of Yian. But he he stole my heart for all his wick- edness Sanang, Prince of the Yezidees and I have been fighting him for it all these years all these long years fighting for what he stole in the temple dusk! . . . And now now I have it back my heart all broken to pieces here on the ioor be- hind your your bolted door." CHAPTER V THE ASSASSINS ON the wall hung a map of Mongolia, that indefinite region a million and a half square miles in area, vast sections of which have never been explored. Turkestan and China border it on the south, and Tibet almost touches it, not quite. Even in the twelfth century, when the wild Mon- gols broke loose and nearly overran the world, the Tibet infantry under Genghis, the Tchortcha horse- men drafted out of Black China, and a great cloud of Mongol cavalry under the Prince of the Van- guard commanding half a hundred Hezars, never penetrated that grisly and unknown waste. The "Eight Towers of the Assassins" guarded it still guard it, possibly. The vice-regent of Erlik, Prince of Darkness, dwelt within this unknown land. And dwells there still, perhaps. In front of this wall-map stood Tressa Nome. Behind her, facing the map, four men were seated three of them under thirty. These three were volunteers in the service of the United States Government men of independent 76 THE ASSASSINS 77 means, of position, who had volunteered for military duty at the outbreak of the great war. However, they had been assigned by the Government to a very different sort of duty no less exciting than service on the fighting line, but far less conspicuous, for they had been drafted into the United States De- partment of Justice. The names of these three were Victor Cleves, a professor of ornithology at Harvard University be- fore the war ; Alexander Selden, junior partner in the hanking firm of Milwyn, Selden, and Co., and James Benton, a~NewYork architect. The fourth man's name was John Recklow. He might have been over fifty, or under. He was well- built, in a square, athletic way, clear-skinned and ruddy, grey-eyed, quiet in voice and manner. His hair and moustache had turned silvery. He had been employed by the Government for many years. He seemed to be enormously interested in what Miss Nome was saying. Also he was the only man who interrupted her narrative to ask questions. And his questions re- vealed a knowledge which was making the girl more sensitive and uneasv every moment. Finally, when she spoke of the Scarlet Desert, he asked if the Scarlet Lake were there and if the Xin was still supposed to inhabit its vermilion depths. And at that she turned and looked at him, her fore- finger still resting on the map. "Where have you ever heard of the Scarlet Lake and the Xin?" she asked as though frightened. 78 THE SLAYER OF SOULS Recklow said quietly that as a boy he had served under Gordon and Sir Robert. "If, as a boy, you served under Chinese Gordon, you already know much of what I have told you, Mr. Recklow. Is it not true?" she demanded ner- vously. "That makes no difference," he replied with a smile. "It is all very new to these three young gen- tlemen. And as for myself, I am checking up what you say and comparing it with what I heard many, many years ago when my comrade Barres and I were in Yian." "Did you really know Sir Robert Hart?" "Yes." "Then why do you not explain to these gentle- men?" "Dear child," he interrupted gently, "what did Chinese Gordon or Sir Robert Hart, or even my comrade Barres, or I myself know about occult Asia in comparison to what you know? a girl who has actually served the mysteries of Erlik for four amazing years I" She paled a trifle, came slowly across the room to where Recklow was seated, laid a timid hand on his sleeve. "Do you believe there are sorcerers in Asia?" she asked with that child-like directness which her wonderful blue eyes corroborated. Recklow remained silent. "Because," she went on, "if, in your heart, you do THE ASSASSINS 79 not believe this to be an accursed fact, then what I have to say will mean nothing to any of you." Recklow touched his short, silvery moustache, hesitating. Then : "The worship of Erlik is devil worship," he said. "Also I am entirely prepared to believe that there are, among the Yezidees, adepts who employ scien- tific weapons against civilisation who have proba- bly obtained a rather terrifying knowledge of psychic laws which they use scientifically, and which to or- dinary, God-fearing folk appear to be the black magic of sorcerers." Cleves said: "The employment by the huns of poison gases and long-range cannon is a parallel case. Before the war we could not believe in the possi- bility of a cannon that threw shells a distance of seventy miles." The girl still addressed herself to Recklow: "Then you do not believe there are real sorcerers in Asia, Mr. Recklow?" "Not sorcerers with supernatural powers for evil. Only degenerate human beings who, somehow, have managed to tap invisible psychic currents, and have learned how to use terrific forces about which, so far, we know practically nothing." She spoke again in the same uneasy voice: "Then you do not believe that either God or Satan is in- volved?" "No," he replied smilingly, "and you must not so believe." "Nor the the destruction of human souls," she 80 THE SLAYER OF SOULS persisted; "you do not believe it is being accom- plished to-day?" "Not in the slightest, dear young lady," he said cheerfully. "Do you not believe that to have been instructed in such unlawful knowledge is damning? Do you not believe that ability to employ unknown forces is forbidden of God, and that to disobey His law means death to the soul?" "No!" "That it is the price one pays to Satan for occult power over people's minds?" she insisted. "Hypnotic suggestion is not one of the cardinal sins," explained Recklow, still smiling "unless wick- edly employed. The Yezidee priesthood is a band of so-called sorcerers only because of their wicked employment of whatever hypnotic and psychic knowl- edge they may have obtained. "There was nothing intrinsically wicked in the huns' discovery of phosgene. But the use they made of it made devils out of them. My ability to manufacture phosgene gas is no crime. But if I manufacture it and use it to poison innocent hu- man beings, then, in that sense, I am, perhaps, a sort of modern sorcerer." Tressa Nome turned paler: "I had better tell you that I have used forbidden knowledge which the Yezidees taught me in the temple of Erlik." "Used it how?" demanded Cleves. THE ASSASSINS 81 "To to earn a living. . . . And once or twice to defend myself." There was the slightest scepticism in Recklow's bland smile. "You did quite right, Miss Nome." She had become very white now. She stood be- side Recklow, her back toward the suspended map, and looked in a scared sort of way from one to the other of the men seated before her, turning finally to Cleves, and coming toward him. "I I once killed a man," she said with a catch in her breath. Cleves reddened with astonishment. "Why did you do that?" he asked. "He was already on his way to kill me in bed." "You were perfectly right," remarked Recklow coolly. "I don't know ... I was in bed. . . . And then, on the edge of sleep, I felt his mind groping to get hold of mine feeling about in the darkness to get hold of my brain and seize it and paralyse it." All colour had left her face. Cleves gripped the arm of his chair and watched her intently. "I I had only a moment's mental freedom," she went on in a ghost of a voice. "I was just able to rouse myself, fight off those murderous brain-fingers let loose a clear mental ray. . . . And then, O God! I saw him in his room with his Kalmuck knife saw him already on his way to murder me Gutchlug Khan, the Yezidee looking about in his bedroom for a shroud. . . . And when when he reached for the bed to draw forth a fine, white sheet 82 THE SLAYER OF SOULS for the shroud without which no Yezidee dares jour- ney deathward then then I became frightened. . . . And I killed him I slew him there in his hotel bedroom on the floor above mine!" Selden moistened his lips : "That Oriental, Gutch- lug, died from heart-failure in a San Francisco ho- tel," he said. "I was there at the time." "He died by the fangs of a little yellow snake," whispered the girl. "There was no snake in his room," retorted Cleves. "And no wound on his body," added Selden. "I attended the autopsy." She said, faintly: "There was no snake, and no wound, as you say. . . . Yet Gutchlug died of both there in his bedroom. . . . And before he died he heard his soul bidding him farewell; and he saw the death-adder coiled in the sheet he clutched saw the thing strike him again and again saw and felt the tiny wounds on his left hand; felt the fangs pricking deep, deep into the veins ; died of it there within the minute died of the swiftest poison known. And yet " She turned her dead-white face to Cleves "And yet there was no snake there! . . . And never had been. . . . And so I I ask you, gentlemen, if souls do not die when minds learn to fight death with death and deal it so swiftly, so silently, while one's body lies, unstirring on a bed in a locked room on the floor below " THE ASSASSINS 83 She swayed a little, put out one hand rather blindly. Recklow rose and passed a muscular arm around her; Cleves, beside her, held her left hand, crushing it, without intention, until she opened her eyes with a cry of pain. "Are you all right?" asked Recklow bluntly. "Yes." She turned and looked at Cleves and he caressed her bruised hand as though dazed. "Tell me," she said to Cleves "you who know know more about my mind than anybody living " a painful colour surged into her face but she went on steadily, forcing herself to meet his gaze: "tell me, Mr. Cleves do you still believe that nothing can really destroy my soul? And that it shall yet win through to safety?" He said: "Your soul is in God's keeping, and al- ways shall be. ... And if the Yezidees have made you believe otherwise, they lie." Recklow added in a slow, perplexed way: "I have no personal knowledge of psychic power. I am not psychic, not susceptible. But if you actually possess such ability, Miss Nome, and if you have employed such knowledge to defend your life, then you have done absolutely right." "No guilt touches you," added Selden with an involuntary shiver, "if by hypnosis or psychic ability you really did put an end to that would-be murderer, Gutchlug." Selden said: "If Gutchlug died by the fangs of a yellow death-adder which existed only in his own 84. THE SLAYER OF SOULS mind, and if you actually had anything to do with it you acted purely in self-defence." "You did your full duty," added Benton "but good God! it seems incredible to me, that such power can actually be available in the world!" Recklow spoke again in his pleasant, undisturbed voice: "Go back to the map, Miss Nome, and tell us a little more about this rather terrifying thing which you believe menaces the civilised world with destruction." Tressa Nome laid a slim finger on the map. Her voice had become steady. She said: "The devil-worship, of which one of the modern developments is Bolshevism, and another the terror- ism of the hun, began in Asia long before Christ's advent: At least so it was taught us in the temple of Erlik. "It has always existed, its aim always has been the annihilation of good and the elevation of evil; the subjection of right by might, and the worldwide triumph of wrong. "Perhaps it is as old as the first battle between God and Satan. I have wondered about it, some' times. There in the dusk of the temple when the Eight Assassins came the eight Sheiks-el-Djebel, all in white chanting the Yakase of Sabbah al ways that dirge when they came and spread their eight white shrouds on the temple steps " Her voice caught; she waited to recover her com- posure. Then went on : THE ASSASSINS 85 "The ambition of Genghis was to conquer the world by force of arms. It was merely of physical subjection that he dreamed. But the Slayer of Souls " "Who?" asked Recklow sharply. "The Slayer of Souls Erlik's vice-regent on earth Hassan Sabbah. The Old Man of the Mountain. It is of him I am speaking," exclaimed Tressa Nome with quiet resolution. "Genghis sought only physi- cal conquest of man ; the Yezidee's ambition is more awful, for he is attempting to surprise and seize the very minds of men!" There was a dead silence. Tressa looked palely upon the four. "The Yezidees who you tell me are not sorcerers are using power which you tell me is not magic accursed by God to waylay, capture, enslave, and destroy the minds and souls of mankind. "It may be that what they employ is hypnotic abil- ity and psychic power and can be, some day, ex- plained on a scientific basis when we learn more about the occult laws which govern these phenomena. "But could anything render the threat less awful? For there have existed for centuries perhaps al- ways a sect of Satanists determined upon the de- struction of everything that is pure and holy and good on earth; and they are resolved to substitute for righteousness the dreadful reign of hell. "In the beginning there were comparatively few of these human demons. Gradually, through the 86 THE SLAYER OF SOULS eras, they have increased. In the twelfth century there were fifty thousand of the Sect of Assassins. "Beside the castle of the Slayer of Souls on Mount Alamout " she laid her finger on the map "eight other towers were erected for the Eight Chief Assassins, called Sheiks-el-Djebel. "In the temple we were taught where these eight towers stood." She picked up a pencil, and on eight blank spaces of unexplored and unmapped Mon- golia she made eight crosses. Then she turned to the men behind her. "It was taught to us in the temple that from these eight foci of infection the disease of evil has been spreading throughout the world; from these eight towers have gone forth every year the emissaries of evil perverted missionaries to spread the poison- ous propaganda, to teach it, to tamper stealthily with the minds of men, dominate them, pervert them, in- struct them in the creed of the Assassin of Souls. "All over the world are people, already contami- nated, whose minds are already enslaved and poi- soned, and who are infecting the still healthy brains of others stealthily possessing themselves of the minds of mankind teaching them evil, inviting them to mock the precepts of Christ. "Of such lost minds are the degraded brains of the Germans the pastors and philosophers who teach that might is right. "Of such crippled minds are the Bolsheviki, poi- soned long, long ago by close contact with Asia THE ASSASSINS 87 which, before that, had infected and enslaved the minds of the ruling classes with ferocious philosophy. "Of such minds are all anarchists of every shade and stripe all terrorists, all disciples of violence, the murderously envious, the slothful slinking brotherhood which prowls through the world tak- ing every opportunity to set it afire ; those mentally dulled by reason of excesses; those weak intellects become unsound through futile gabble, parlour so- cialists, amateur revolutionists, theoretical incapa- bles excited by discussion fit only for healthy minds." She left the map and came over to where the four men were seated terribly intent upon her every word. "In the temple of Erlik, where my girlhood was passed after the murder of my parents, I learned what I am repeating to you," she said. "I learned this, also, that the Eight Towers still exist still stand to-day, at least theoretically and that from the Eight Towers pours forth across the world a stream of poison. "I was told that, to every country, eight Yezidees were allotted eight sorcerers or adepts in scien- tific psychology if you prefer it whose mission is to teach the gospel of hell and gradually but surely to win the minds of men to the service of the Slayer of Souls. "That is what was taught us in the temple. We were educated in the development of occult powers for it seems all human beings possess this psychic power latent within them only few, even when in- 88 THE SLAYER OF SOULS structed, acquire any ability to control and use this force. . . . "I I learned rapidly, I even thought, some- times, that the Yezidees were beginning to be a little afraid of me, even the Hassani priests. . . . And the Sheiks-el-Djebel, spreading their shrouds on the temple steps, looked at me with unquiet eyes, where I stood like a corpse amid the incense clouds " She passed, her fingers over her eyelids, then framed her face between both hands for a moment's thought lost in tragic retrospection. "Kai !" she whispered dreamily as though to her- self "what Erlik awoke within my body that was asleep, God knows, but it was as though a twin com- rade arose within me and looked out through my eyes upon a world which never before had been visible." Utter silence reigned in the room : Cleves's breath- ing seemed almost painful to him so intently was he listening and watching this girl; Benton's hands whitened with his grip on the chair-arms; Selden, tense, absorbed, kept his keen gaze of a business man fastened on her face. Recklow slowly caressed the cold bowl of his pipe with both thumbs. Tressa Nome's strange and remote eyes subtly altered, and she lifted her head and looked calmly at the men before her. "I think that there is nothing more for me to add," she said. "The Red Spectre of Anarchy, called Bolshevism at present, threatens our country. Our THE ASSASSINS 89 Government is now awake to this menace and the Secret Service is moving everywhere. "Great damage already has been done to the minds of many people in this Republic; poison has spread; is spreading. The Eight Towers still stand. The Eight Assassins are in America. "But these eight Assassins know me to be their enemy. . . . They will surely attempt to kill me. ... I don't believe I can avoid death very long. . . . But I want to serve my country and and mankind." "They'll have to get me first," said Cleves, blunt- ly. "I shall not permit you out of my sight." Recklow said in a musing voice: "And these eight gentlemen, who are very likely to hurt us, also, are the first people we ought to hunt." "To get them," added Selden, "we ought to choke the stream at its source." "To find out who they are is what is going to worry us," added Benton. Cleves had stood holding a chair for Tressa Nome. Finally she noticed it and seated herself as though tired. "Is Sanang one of these eight?" he asked her. The girl turned and looked up at him, and he saw the flush mounting in her face. "Sometimes," she said steadily, "I have almost believed he was Erlik's own vice-regent on earth the Slayer of Souls himself." Benton and Selden had gone. Recklow left a little later. Cleves accompanied him out to the landing. 90 THE SLAYER OF SOULS "Are you going to keep Miss Nome here with you for the present?" inquired the older man. "Yes. I dare not let her out of my sight, Reck- low. What else can I do?" "I don't know. Is she prepared for the conse- quences?" "Gossip? Slander?" "Of course." "I can get a housekeeper." "That only makes it look worse." Cleves reddened. "Well, do you want to find her in some hotel or apartment with her throat cut?" "No," replied Recklow, gently, "I do not." "Then what else is there to do but keep her here in my own apartment and never let her out of my sight until we can find and lock up the eight gen- tlemen who are undoubtedly bent on murdering her?" "Isn't there some woman in the Service who could help out? I could mention several." "I tell you I can't trust Tressa Nome to any- body except myself," insisted Cleves. "I got her into this; I am responsible if she is murdered; I dare not entrust her safety to anybody else. And, Recklow, it's a ghastly responsibility for a man to induce a young girl to face death, even in the service of her country." "If she remains here alone with you she'll face social destruction," remarked Recklow. THE ASSASSINS 91 Cleves was silent for a moment, then he burst out: "Well, what am I to do? What is there left for me to do except to watch over her and see her through this devilish business? What other way have I to protect her, Recklow?" "You could offer her the protection of your name," suggested the other, carelessly. "What? You mean marry her?" "Well, nobody else would be inclined to, Cleves, if it ever becomes known she has lived here quite alone with you." Cleves stared at the elder man. "This is nonsense," he said in a harsh voice. "That young girl doesn't want to marry anybody. Neither do I. She doesn't wish to have her throat cut, that's all. And I'm determined she shan't." "There are stealthier assassins, Cleves, the slay- ers of reputations. It goes badly with their victim. It does indeed." "Well, hang it, what do you think I ought to do?" "I think you ought to marry her if you're going to keep her here." "Suppose she doesn't mind the unconventionality of it?" "All women mind. No woman, at heart, is un- conventional, Cleves." "She she seems to agree with me that she ought to stay here. . . . Besides, she has no money, no relatives, no friends in America " 92 THE SLAYER OF SOULS "All the more tragic. If you really believe it to be your duty to keep her here where you can look after her bodily safety, then the other obligation is still heavier. And there may come a day when Miss Nome will wish that you had been less conscientious concerning the safety of her pretty throat. . . . For the knife of the Yezidee is swifter and less cruel than the tongue that slays with a smile. . . . And this young girl has many years to live, after this business of Bolshevism is dead and forgotten in our Repub- lic." "Recklow!" "Yes?" "You think I might dare try to find a room some- where else for her and let her take her chances? Do you?" "It's your affair." "I know hang it! I know it's my affair. I've unintentionally made it so. But can't you tell me what I ought to do?" "I can't." "What would you do?" "Don't ask me," returned Recklow, sharply. "If you're not man enough to come to a decision you may turn her over to me." Cleves flushed brightly. "Do you think you are old enough to take my job and avoid scandal?" Recklow's cold eyes rested on him : "If you like," he said, "I'll assume your various kinds of personal responsibility toward Miss Nome." THE ASSASSINS 93 Cleve's visage burned. "I'll shoulder my own burdens," he retorted. "Sure. I knew you would." And Recklow smiled and held out his hand. Cleves took it without cor- diality. Standing so, Recklow, still smiling, said: "What a rotten deal that child has had is hav- ing. Her father and mother were fine people. Did you ever hear of Dr. Nome?" "She mentioned him once." "They were up-State people of most excellent an- tecedents and no money. "Dr. Nome was our Vice-Consul at Yarkand in the province of Sin Kiang. All he had was his sal- ary, and he lost that and his post when the adminis- tration changed. Then he went into the spice trade. "Some Jew syndicate here sent him up the Yar- kand River to see what could be done about jade and gold concessions. He was on that business when the tragedy happened. The Kalmuks and Khirghiz were responsible, under Yezidee instigation. And there you are : and here is his child, Cleves back, by some miracle, from that flowering hell called Yian, believing in her heart that she really lost her soul there in the temple. And now, here in her own native land, she is exposed to actual and hourly dan- ger of assassination. . . . Poor kid ! . . . Did you ever hear of a rottener deal, Cleves?" Their hands had remained clasped while Recklow was speaking. He spoke again, clearly, amiably: "To lay down one's life for a friend is fine. I'm 94 THE SLAYER OF SOULS not sure that it's finer to offer one's honour in behalf of a girl whose honour is at stake." After a moment Cleves's grip tightened "All right," he said. Recklow went downstair CHAPTER VI IN BATTLE CLEVES went back into the apartment; he no- ticed that Miss Nome's door was ajar. To get to his own room he had to pass that way; and he saw her, seated before the mirror, partly undressed, her dark, lustrous hair being combed out and twisted up for the night. Whether this carelessness was born of innocence or of indifference mattered little; he suddenly real- ised that these conditions wouldn't do. And his first feeling was of anger. "If you'll put on your robe and slippers," he said in an unpleasant voice, "I'd like to talk to you for a few moments." She turned her head on its charming neck and looked around and up at him over one naked shoul- der. "Shall I come into your room?" she inquired. "No! . . . when you've got some clothes on, call me." "I'm quite ready now," she said calmly, and drew the Chinese slippers over her bare feet and passed a silken loop over the silver bell buttons on her right shoulder. Then, undisturbed, she continued 95 96 THE SLAYER OF SOULS to twist up her hair, following his movements in the mirror with unconcerned blue eyes. He entered and seated himself, the impatient ex- pression still creasing his forehead and altering his rather agreeable features, "Miss Nome," he said, "you're absolutely con- vinced that these people mean to do you harm. Isn't that true?" "Of course," she said simply. "Then, until we get them, you're running a seri- ous risk. In fact, you live in hourly peril. That is your belief, isn't it?" She put the last peg into her thick, curly hair, lowered her arms, turned, dropped one knee over the other, and let her candid gaze rest on him in silence. "What I mean to explain," he said coldly, "is that as long as I induced you to go into this affair I'm responsible for you. If I let you out of my sight here in New York and if anything happens to you, I'll be as guilty as the dirty beast who takes your life. What is your opinion? It's up to me to stand by you now, isn't it?" "I had rather be near you for a while," she said timidly. "Certainly. But, Miss Nome, our living here to- gether, in my apartment or living together any- where else is never going to be understood by other people. You know that, don't you?" After a silence, still looking at him out of clear, unembarrassed eyes: IN BATTLE 97 "I know. ... But ... I don't want to die." "I told you," he said sharply, "they'll have to kill me first. So that's all right. But how about what I am doing to your reputation?" "I understand." "I suppose you do. You're very young. Once out of this blooming mess, you will have all your life before you. But if I kill your reputation for you while saving your body from death, you'll find no happiness in living. Do you realise that?" "Yes." "Well, then? Have you any solution for this problem that confronts you?" "No." "Haven't you any idea to suggest?" "I don't don't want to die," she repeated in an unsteady voice. He bit his lip; and after a moment's scowling silence under the merciless scrutiny of her eyes: "Then you had better marry me," he said. It was some time before she spoke. For a sec- ond or two he sustained the searching quality of her gaze, but it became unendurable. Presently she said: "I don't ask it of you. I can shoulder my own burdens." And he remembered what he had just said to Recklow. "You've shouldered more than your share," he blurted out. "You are deliberately risking death to serve your country. I enlisted you. The least I can do is to say my affections are not engaged; so '98 THE SLAYER OF SOULS naturally the idea of of marrying anybody never entered my head." "Then you do not care for anybody else?" Her candour amazed and disconcerted him. "No." He looked at her, curiously. "Do you care for anybody in that way?" A light blush tinted her face. She said gravely: "If we really are going to marry each other I had better tell you that I did care for Prince Sanang." "What!" he cried, astounded. "It seems incredible, doesn't it? Yet it is quite true. I fought him; I fought myself; I stood guard over my mind and senses there in the temple ; I knew what he was and I detested him and I mocked him there in the temple. . . . And I loved him." "Sanang!" he repeated, not only amazed but also oddly incensed at the naive confession. "Yes, Sanang. ... If we are to marry, I thought I ought to tell you. Don't you think so?" "Certainly," he replied in an absent-minded way, his mind still grasping at the thing. Then, looking up: "Do you still care for this fellow?" She shook her head. "Are you perfectly sure, Miss Nome?" "As sure as that I am alive when I awake from a nightmare. My hatred for Sanang is very bitter," she added frankly, "and yet somehow it is not my wish to see him harmed." "You still care for him a little?" 1 "Oh, no. But can't you understand that it is not in me to wish him harm? . . . No girlfeels that IN BATTLE 99 way once having cared. To become indifferent to a familiar thing is perhaps natural; but to desire to harm it is not in my character." "You have plenty of character," he said, staring at her. "You don't think so. Do you?" "Why not?" "Because of what I said to you on the roof-garden that night. It was shameful, wasn't it?" "You behaved like many a thoroughbred," he re- turned bluntly; "you were scared, bewildered, ready to bolt to any shelter offered." "It's quite true I didn't know what to do to keep alive. And that was all that interested me to keep on living having lost my soul and being afraid to die and find myself in hell with Erlik." He said: "Isn't that absurd notion out of your head yet?" "I don't know. ... I can't suddenly believe my- self safe after all those years. It is not easy to root out what was planted in childhood and what grew to be part of one during the tender and formative pe- riod. . . . You can't understand, Mr. Cleves you can't ever feel or visualise what became my daily life in a region which was half paradise and half hell " She bent her head and took her face between her fingers, and sat so, brooding. After a little while: "Well," he said, "there's only one way to manage this affair if you are will- ing, Miss Nome." 100 THE SLAYER OF SOULS She merely lifted her eyes. "I think," he said, "there's only that one way out of it. But you understand" he turned pink "it will be quite all right your liberty privacy I shan't bother you annoy " She merely looked at him. "After this Bolshevistic flurry is settled in a year or two or three then you can very easily get your freedom; and you'll have all life before you" . . . he rose: " and a jolly good friend in me a good comrade, Miss Nome. And that means you can count on me when you go into business or whatever you decide to do." She also had risen, standing slim and calm in her exquisite Chinese robe, the sleeves of which covered her finger tips. "Are you going to marry me?" she asked. "If you'll let me." "Yes I will . . . it's so generous and consid- erate of you. I I don't ask it; I really don't " "But / do." " And I never dreamed of such a thing." He forced a smile. "Nor I. It's rather a crazy jthing to do. But I know of no saner alternative. ... So we had better get our license to-morrow. . . . And that settles it." He turned to go; and, on her threshold, his feet caught in something on the floor and he stumbled, trying to free his feet from a roll of soft white cloth lying there on the carpet. And when he picked it up, IN BATTLE 101 it unrolled, and a knife fell out of the folds of cloth and struck his foot. Still perplexed, not comprehending, he stooped to recover the knife. Then, straightening up, he found himself looking into the colourless face of Tressa Nome. "What's all this?" he asked "this sheet and knife here on the floor outside your door?" She answered with difficulty: "They have sent you your shroud, I think." "Are not those things yours? Were they not al- ready here in your baggage?" he demanded incredu- lously. Then, realising that they had not been there on the door-sill when he entered her room a few moments since, a rough chill passed over him the icy caress of fear. "Where did that thing come from?" he said hoarsely. "How could it get here when my door is locked and bolted? Unless there's somebody hidden here!" Hot anger suddenly flooded him ; he drew his pis- tol and sprang into the passageway. "What the devil is all this!" he repeated furi- ously, flinging open his bedroom door and switching on the light. He searched his room in a rage, went on and searched the dining-room, smoking-room, and kitchen, and every clothes-press and closet, always aware of Tressa's presence close behind him. And when there remained no tiniest nook or cranny in 102 THE SLAYER OF SOULS the place unsearched, he stood in the centre of the carpet glaring at the locked and bolted door. He heard her say under her breath: "This is going to be a sleepless night. And a dangerous one." And, turning to stare at her, saw no fear in her face, only excitement. He still held clutched in his left hand the sheet and the knife. Now he thrust these toward her. "What's this damned foolery, anyway?" he de- manded harshly. She took the knife with a slight shudder. "There is something engraved on the silver hilt," she said. He bent over her shoulder. "Eighur," she added calmly, "not Arabic. The Mongols had no written characters of their own." She bent closer, studying the inscription. After a moment, still studying the Eighur characters, she rested her left hand on his shoulder an impulsive, unstudied movement that might have meant either confidence or protection. "Look," she said, "it is not addressed to you after all, but to a symbol a series of numbers, 53-6-26." "That is my designation in the Federal Service," he said, sharply. "Oh!" she nodded slowly. "Then this is what is written in the Mongol-Yezidee dialect, traced out in Eighur characters: 'To 53-6-26! By one of the Eight Assassins the Slayer of Souls sends this shroud and this knife from Mount Alamout. Such a blade shall divide your heart. This sheet is for your corpse.' " IN BATTLE 103 After a grim silence he flung the soft white cloth on the floor. "There's no use my pretending I'm not surprised and worried," he said; "I don't know how that cloth got here. Do you?" "It was sent." "How?" She shook her head and gave him a grave, con- fused look. "There are ways. You could not understand. . . . This is going to be a sleepless night for us." "You can go to bed, Tressa. I'll sit up and read and keep an eye on that door." "I can't let you remain alone here. I'm afraid to do that." He gave a laugh, not quite pleasant, as he sud- denly comprehended that the girl now considered their roles to be reversed. "Are you planning to sit up in order to protect me?" he asked, grimly amused. "Do you mind?" "Why, you blessed little thing, I can take care of myself. How funny of you, when I am trying to plan how best to look out for you!" But her face remained pale and concerned, and she rested her left hand more firmly on his shoul- der. "I wish to remain awake with you," she said. "Because I myself don't fully understand this" she looked at the knife in her palm, then down at 104 THE SLAYER OF SOULS the shroud. "It is going to be a strange night for us," she sighed. "Let us sit together here on the lounge where I can face that bolted door. And if you are willing, I am going to turn out the lights " She suddenly bent forward and switched them off "because I must keep my mind on guard." "Why do you do that?" he asked, "you can't see the door, now." "Let me help you in my own way," she whispered. "I I am very deeply disturbed, and very, very angry. I do not understand this new menace. Yezi- dee that I am, I do not understand what kind of danger threatens you through your loyalty to me." She drew him forward, and he opened his mouth to remonstrate, to laugh; but as he turned, his foot touched the shroud, and an uncontrollable shiver passed over him. They went close together, across the dim room to the lounge, and seated themselves. Enough light from Madison Avenue made objects in the room barely discernible. Sounds from the street below became rarer as the hours wore away. The iron jar of trams, the rattle of vehicles, the harsh warning of taxicabs broke the stillness at longer and longer intervals, until, save only for that immense and ceaseless vibration of the monstrous iron city under the foggy stars, scarcely a sound stirred the silence. IN BATTLE 105 The half-hour had struck long ago on the bell of the little clock. Now the clear bell sotmded three times. Cleves stirred on the lounge beside Tressa. Again and again he had thought that she was asleep for her head had fallen back against the cushions, and she lay very still. But always, when he leaned nearer to peer down at her, he saw her eyes open, and fixed intently upon the bolted door. His pistol, which still rested on his knee, was pointed across the room, toward the door. Once he reminded her in a whisper that she was unarmed and that it might be as well for her to go and get her pistol. But she murmured that she was suffi- ciently equipped; and, in spite of himself, he shiv- ered as he glanced down at her frail and empty hands. It was some time between three and half-past, he judged, when a sudden movement of the girl brought him upright on his seat, quivering with ex- citement. "Mr. Cleves!" "Yes?" "The Sorcerers!" "Where ? Outside the door ?" "Oh, my God," she murmured, "they are after my mind again! Their fingers are groping to seize my brain and get possession of it!" "What!" he stammered, horrified. "Here in the dark," she whispered "and I feel 106 THE SLAYER OF SOULS their fingers caressing me searching moving stealthily to surprise and grasp my thoughts. ... I know what they are doing ... I am resisting . . . I am fighting fighting!" She sat bolt upright with clenched hands at her breast, her face palely aglow in the dimness as though illumined by some vivid inward light or, as he thought from the azure blaze in her wide- open eyes. "Is is this what you call what you believe to be magic?" he asked unsteadily. "Is there some hostile psychic influence threatening you?" "Yes. I'm resisting. I'm fighting fighting. They shall not trap me. They shall not harm you 1 . . . I know how to defend myself and you! . . . And you!" Suddenly she flung her left arm around his neck and the delicate clenched hand brushed his cheek. "They shall not have you," she breathed. "I am fighting. I am holding my own. There are eight of them eight Assassins! My mind is in battle with theirs fiercely in battle. ... I hold my own ! I am armed and waiting!" With a convulsive movement she drew his head closer to her shoulder. "Eight of them !" she whis- pered, "trying to entrap and seize my brain. But my thoughts are free I My mind is defending you you, here in my arms!" After a breathless silence: "Look out!" she whispered with terrible energy; "they are after your IN BATTLE 107 mind at last. Fix your thoughts on me ! Keep your mind clear of their net! Don't let their ghostly fin- gers touch it. Look at me I" She drew him closer. "Look at me! Believe in me! I can resist. I can defend you. Does your head feel confused?" "Yes numb." "Don't sleep! Don't close your eyes! Keep them open and look at me!" "I can scarcely see you " "You must see me!" "My eyes are heavy," he said drowsily. "I can't see you, Tressa " "Wake! Look at me! Keep your mind clear. Oh, I beg you I beg you ! They're after our minds and souls, I tell you ! Oh, believe in me," she be- seeched him in an agonised whisper "Can't you believe in me for a moment, as if you loved me!" His heavy lids lifted and he tried to look at her. "Can you see me? Can you?" He muttered something in a confused voice. "Victor!" At the sound of his own name, he opened his eyes again and tried to straighten up, but his pistol fell to the carpet. "Victor!" she gasped, "clear your mind in the name of God!" "I can not " "I tell you hell is opening beyond that door! out- side your bolted door, there I Can't you believe me ! Can't you hear me ! Oh, what will hold you if the 108 THE SLAYER OF SOULS love of God can not!" she burst out. "I'd crucify myself for you if you'd look at me if you'd only fight hard enough to believe in me as though you loved me I" His eyes unclosed but he sank back against her Moulder. "Victor I" she cried in a terrible voice. There was no answer. "If the love of God could only hold you for a moment more!" she stammered with her mouth against his ear, "just for a moment, Victor! Can't you hear me?" "Yes very far away." "Fight for me ! Try to care for me ! Don't let Sanang have me !" He shuddered in her arms, reached out and rest- ing heavily on her shoulder, staggered to his feet and stood swaying like a drunken man. "No, by God," he said thickly, "Sanang shall not touch you." The girl was on her feet now, holding him upright with an arm around his shoulders. "They can't can't harm us together," she stam- mered. "Hark! Listen! Can you hear? Oh, can you hear?" "Give me my pistol," he tried to say, but his tongue seemed twisted. "No by God Sanang shall not touch you." She stooped lithely and recovered the weapon. "Hush," she said close to his burning face. "Lis- IN BATTLE 109 ten. Our minds are safe ! I can hear somebody's soul bidding its body farewell!" White-lipped she burst out laughing, kicked the shroud out of the way, thrust the pistol into his right hand, went forward, forcing him along beside her, and drew the bolts from the door. Suddenly he spoke distinctly: "Is there anything outside that door on the land- ing?" "Yes ... I don't know what. Are you ready?" She laid her hand on lock and knob. He nodded. At the same instant she jerked open the door; and a hunchback who had been picking at the lock fell headlong into the room, his pistol exploding on the carpet in a streak of fire. It was a horrible struggle to secure the powerful misshapen creature, for he clawed and squealed and bounced about on the floor, striking blindly with ape- like arms. But at last Cleves held him down, throt- tled and twitching, and Tressa ripped strips from the shroud to truss up the writhing thing. Then Cleves switched on the light. "Why why you rat!" he exclaimed in hysteri- cal relief at seeing a living man whom he recognised there at his feet. "What are you doing here?" The hunchback's red eyes blazed up at him from the floor. "Who who is he?" faltered the girl. "He's a German tailor named Albert Feke one of the Chicago Bolsheviki the most dangerous sort we harbour one of their vile leaders who preaches 110 THE SLAYER OF SOULS that might is right and tells his disciples to go ahead and take what they want." He looked down at the malignant cripple. "You're wanted for the I. W. W. bomb murder, Albert. Did you know it?" The hunchback licked his bloody lips. Then he kicked himself to a sitting position, squatted there like a toad and looked steadily at Tressa Nome out of small red-rimmed eyes. Blood dripped on his beard; his huge hairy fists, tied and crossed behind his back, made odd, spasmodic movements. Cleves went to the telephone. Presently Tressa heard his voice, calm and distinct as usual: "We've caught Albert Feke. He's here at my rooms. I'd like to have you come over, Recklow. . . . Oh, yes, he kicked and scuffled and scratched like a cat. . . . What? ... No, I hadn't heard that he'd been in China. . . . Who? . . . Albert Feke? You say he was one of the Germans who escaped from Shantung four years ago? . . . You think he's a Yezidee ! You mean one of the Eight Assassins?" The hunchback, staring at Tressa out of red- rimmed eyes, suddenly snarled and lurched his mis- shapen body at her. "Teufelstuck!" he screamed, "ain't I tell effery- body in Yian already it iss safer if we cut your throat ! Devil-slut of Erlik snow-leopardess ! cat of the Yezidees who has made of Sanang a fool! it iss I who haf said always, always, that you know IN BATTLE 111 too damn much! . . . Kai! ... I hear my soul bidding me farewell. Gif me my shroud!" Cleves came back from the telephone. With the toe of his left foot he lifted the shroud and kicked it across the hunchback's knees. "So you were one of the huns who instigated the massacre in Yian," he said, curiously. At that Tressa turned very white and a cry escaped her. But the hunchback's features were all twisted into ferocious laughter, and he beat on the carpet with the heels of his great splay feet. "Ja! Ja!" he shrieked, "in Yian it vas a goot hunting! English and Yankee men und vimmens ve haff dropped into dose deep wells down. Py Gott in Himmel, how dey schream up out of dose deep wells in Yian!" He began to cackle and shriek in his frenzy. "Ach Gott ja I It iss not you either you there, Keuke Mongol, who shall escape from the Sheiks-el-Djebel! It iss dot Old Man of the Moun- tain who shall tell your soul it iss time to say fare- well! Ja! Ja! Ach Gott! it iss my only regret that I shall not see the world when it is all afire! Ja ! Ja ! all on fire like hell ! But you shall see it, slut-leopard of the snows ! You shall see it und you shall burn ! Kai ! Kai ! My soul it iss bidding my body farewell. Kai ! May Erlik curse you, Keuke Mongol Heavenly Azure Sorceress of the tem- ple ! " He spat at her and rolled over in his shroud. The girl looking down on him closed her eyes for a moment, and Cleves saw her bloodless lips move, 112 THE SLAYER OF SOULS and bent nearer, listening. And he heard her whis- pering to herself: "Preserve us all, O God, from the wrath of Satan who was stoned." CHAPTER VII THE BRIDAL OVER the United States stretched an unseen network of secret intrigue woven tirelessly night and day by the busy enemies of civilisa- tion Reds, parlour-socialists, enemy-aliens, terror- ists, Bolsheviki, pseudo-intellectuals, I. W. W.'s, so- cial faddists, and amateur meddlers of every nuance all the various varieties of the vicious, witless, and mentally unhinged brought together through the "cohesive power of plunder" and the degeneration of cranial tissue. All over the United States the various depart- mental divisions of the Secret Service were busily following up these threads of intrigue leading every- where through the obscurity of this vast and secret maze. To meet the constantly increasing danger of physi- cal violence and to uncover secret plots threatening sabotage and revolution, there were capable agents in * .very branch of the Secret Service, both Federal ar 1 State. But in the first months of 1919 something more terrifying than physical violence suddenly threat- ened civilised America, a wild, grotesque, incred- ible threat of a war on human minds! "3 114 THE SLAYER OF SOULS And, little by little, the United States Govern- ment became convinced that this ghastly menace was no dream of a disordered imagination, but that it was real: that among the enemies of civilisation there actually existed a few powerful but perverted minds capable of wielding psychic forces as terrific weapons: that by the sinister use of psychic knowl- edge controlling these mighty forces the very minds of mankind could be stealthily approached, seized, controlled and turned upon civilisation to aid in the world's destruction. In terrible alarm the Government turned to Eng- land for advice. But Sir William Crookes was dead. However, in England, Sir Conan Doyle immedi- ately took up the matter, and in America Professor Hyslop was called into consultation. And then, when the Government was beginning to realise what this awful menace meant, and that there were actually in the United States possibly half a dozen people who already had begun to carry on a diabolical warfare by means of psychic power, for the purpose of enslaving and controlling the very minds of men, then, in the terrible moment of dis- covery, a young girl landed in America after four- teen years' absence in Asia. And this was the amazing girl that Victor Cleves had just married, at Recklow's suggestion, and in the line of professional duty, and moral duty, per- haps. It had been a brief, matter-of-fact ceremony. John THE BRIDAL 115 Recklow, of the Secret Service, was there; also Ben- ton and Selden of the same service. The bride's lips were unresponsive; cold as the touch of the groom's unsteady hand. She looked down at her new ring in a blank sort of way, gave her hand listlessly to Recklow and to the others in turn, whispered a timidly comprehen- sive "Thank you," and walked away beside Cleves as though dazed. There was a taxicab waiting. Tressa entered. Recklow came out and spoke to Cleves in a low voice. "Don't worry," replied Cleves dryly. "That's why I married her." "Where are you going now?" inquired Recklow. "Back to my apartment." "Why don't you take her away for a month?" Cleves flushed with annoyance: "This is no oc- casion for a wedding trip. You understand that, Recklow." "I understand. But we ought to give her a breath- ing space. She's had nothing but trouble. She's worn out." Cleves hesitated: "I can guard her better in the apartment. Isn't it safer to go back there, where your people are always watching the street and house day and night?" "In a way it might be safer, perhaps. But that girl is nearly exhausted. And her value to us is un- limited. She may be the vital factor in this fight 116 THE SLAYER OF SOULS with anarchy. Her weapon is. her mind. And it's got to have a chance to rest." Cleves, with one hand on the cab door, looked around impatiently. "Do you, also, conclude that the psychic factor is actually part of this damned problem of Bolshe- vism?" Recklow's ccrol eyes measured him: "Do you?" "My God, Recklow, I don't know after what my own eyes have seen." "I don't know either," said the other calmly, "but I am taking no chances. I don't attempt to explain certain things that have occurred. But if it be true that a misuse of psychic ability by foreigners Asi- atics among the anarchists is responsible for some of the devilish things being done in the United States, then your wife's unparalleled knowledge of the oc- cult East is absolutely vital to us. And so I say, bet- ter take her away somewhere and give her mind a chance to recover from the incessant strain of these tragic years." The two men stood silent for a moment, then Recklow went to the window of the taxicab. "I have been suggesting a trip into the country, Mrs. Cleves," he said pleasantly, " into the real country, somewhere, a month's quiet in the woods, perhaps. Wouldn't it appeal to you?" Cleves turned to catch her low-voiced answer. "I should like it very much," she said in that odd, hushed way of speaking, which seemed to have al- THE BRIDAL 117 tered her own voice and manner since the ceremony a little while before. Driving back to his apartment beside her, he strove to realise that this girl was his wife. One of her gloves lay across her lap, and on it rested a slender hand. And on one finger was his ring. But Victor Cleves could not bring himself to be- lieve that this brand-new ring really signified any- thing to him, that it had altered his own life in any way. But always his incredulous eyes returned to that slim finger resting there, unstirring, banded with a narrow circlet of virgin gold. In the apartment they did not seem to know ex- actly what to do or say what attitude to assume what effort to make. Tressa went into her own room, removed her hat and furs, and came slowly back into the living- room, where Cleves still stood gazing absently out of the window. A fine rain was falling. They seated themselves. There seemed nothing better to do. He said, politely: "In regard to going away for a rest, you wouldn't care for the North Woods, I fancy, unless you like winter sports. Do you?" "I like sunlight and green leaves," she said in that odd, still voice. "Then, if it would please you to go South for a few weeks' rest " "Would it inconvenience you?" 118 THE SLAYER OF SOULS Her manner touched him. "My dear Miss Nome," he began, and checked himself, flushing painfully. The girl blushed, too; then, when he began to laugh, her lovely, bashful smile glimmered for the first time. "I really can't bring myself to realise that you and I are married," he explained, still embarrassed, though smiling. Her smile became an endeavour. "I can't believe it either, Mr. Cleves," she said. "I feel rather stunned." "Hadn't you better call me Victor under the cir- cumstances?" he suggested, striving to speak lightly. "Yes. ... It will not be very easy to say it not for some time, I think." "Tressa?" "Yes." "Yes what?" "Yes Victor." "That's the idea," he insisted with forced gaiety. "The thing to do is to face this rather funny situ- ation and take it amiably and with good humour. You'll have your freedom some day, you know." "Yes I know." "And we're already on very good terms. We find each other interesting, don't we?" "Yes." "It even seems to me," he ventured, "it certainly seems to me, at times, as though we are approach- ing a common basis of of mutual er esteem." "Yes. I I do esteem you, Mr. Cleves." THE BRIDAL 119 "In point of fact," he concluded, surprised, "we are friends in a way. Wouldn't you call it friendship?" "I think so, I think I'd call it that," she ad- mitted. "I think so, too. And that is lucky for us. That makes this crazy situation more comfortable less well, perhaps less ponderous." The girl assented with a vague smile, but her eyes remained lowered. "You see," he went on, "when two people are as oddly situated as we are, they're likely to be afraid of being in each other's way. But they ought to get on without being unhappy as long as they are quite confident of each other's friendly considera- tion. Don't you think so, Tressa?" Her lowered eyes rested steadily on her ring-fin-, ger. "Yes," she said. "And I am not unhappy, or afraid." She lifted her blue gaze to his; and, somehow, he thought of her barbaric name, Keuke, and its Yezi- dee significance, "heavenly azure." "Are we really going away together?" she asked timidly. "Certainly, if you wish." "If you, also, wish it, Mr. Cleves." He found himself saying with emphasis that he always wished to do what she desired. And he added, more gently: "You are tired, Tressa tired and lonely and un- happy." 120 THE SLAYER OF SOULS "Tired, but not the others." "Not unhappy?" "No." "Aren't you lonely?" "Not with you." The answer came so naturally, so calmly, that the slight sensation of pleasure it gave him arrived only as an agreeable afterglow. "We'll go South," he said. . . . "I'm so glad that you don't feel lonely with me." "Will it be warmer where we are going, Mr. Cleves?" "Yes you poor child! You need warmth and sunshine, don't you? Was it warm in Yian, where you lived so many years?" "It was always June in Yian," she said under her breath. She seemed to have fallen into a revery; he watched the sensitive face. Almost imperceptibly it changed; became altered, younger, strangely lovely. Presently she looked up and it seemed to him that it was not Tressa Nome at all he saw, but little Keuke Heavenly Azure of the Yezidee temple, as she dropped one slim knee over the other and crossed her hands above it. "It was very beautiful in Yian," she said, " Yian of the thousand bridges and scented gardens so full of lilies. Even after they took me to the temple, and I thought the world was ending, God's skies still remained soft overhead, and His weather fair and golden. . . . And when, in the month of the Snake, THE BRIDAL 121 the Eight Sheiks-el-Djebel came to the temple to spread their shrouds on the rose-marble steps, then, after they had departed, chanting the Prayers for the Dead, each to his Tower of Silence, we temple girls were free for a week. . . . And once I went with Tchagane a girl and with Yulun another girl and we took our keutch, which is our luggage, and we went to the yai'lak, or summer pavilion on the Lake of the Ghost. Oh, wonderful, a silvery world of pale-gilt suns and of moons so frail that the cloud-fleece at high-noon has more substance!" Her voice died out; she sat gazing down at her spread fingers, on one of which gleamed her wed- ding-ring. After a little, she went on dreamily: "On that week, each three months, we were free. . . . If a young man should please us. . . ." "Free?" he repeated. "To love," she explained coolly. "Oh." He nodded, but his face became rather grim. "There came to me at the yai'lak," she went on carelessly, "one Khassar NoTane NoTane means Prince all in a surcoat of gold tissue with green vines embroidered, and wearing a green cap trimmed with dormouse, and green boots inlaid with stiff gold. . . . "He was so young ... a boy. I laughed. I said: 'Is this a Yagaoul? An Urdu-envoy of Prince Erlik?' mocking him as young and thoughtless girls 182 THE SLAYER OF SOULS mock not in unfriendly manner though I would not endure the touch of any man at all. "And when I laughed at him, this Eighur boy flew into such a rage ! Kai ! I was amazed. "'Sou-sou! Squirrel!' he cried angrily at me. 'Learn the Yacaz, little chatterer ! Little mocker of men, it is ten blows with a stick you require, not kisses!' "At that I whistled my two dogs, Bars and Alaga, for I did not think what he said was funny. "I said to him: 'You had better go home, Khas- sar Noi'ane, for if no man has ever pleased me where I am at liberty to please myself, here on the Lake of the Ghost, then be very certain that no boy can please Keuke-Mongol here or anywhere!' "And at that kai ! What did he say that mon- key?" She looked at her husband, her splendid eyes ablaze with wrathful laughter, and made a ges- ture full of angry grace : " 'Squirrel !' he cries 'little malignant sorceress of Yian ! May everything high about you become a sandstorm, and everything long a serpent, and every- thing broad a toad, and everything ' "But I had had enough, Victor," she added ex- citedly, "and I made a wild bee bite him on the lip! What do you think of such a courtship?" she cried, laughing. But Cleves's face was a study in emotions. And then, suddenly, the laughing mask seemed to slip from the bewitching features of Keuke Mon- gol; and there was Tressa Nome Tressa Cleves THE BRIDAL 123 disconcerted, paling a little as the memory of her impulsive confidence in this man beside her began to dawn on her more clearly. "I I'm sorry " she faltered. . . . "You'll think me silly think evil of me, perhaps " She looked into his troubled eyes, then suddenly she took her face into both hands and covered it, sitting very still. "We'll go South together," he said in. an uncer- tain voice. ... "I hope you will try to think of me as a friend. . . . I'm just troubled because I am so anxious to understand you. That is all. . . . I'm I'm troubled, too, because I am anxious that you should think well of me. Will you try, always?" She nodded. "I want to be your friend, always," he said. "Thank you, Mr. Cleves." It was a strange spot he chose for Tressa strange but lovely in its own unreal and rather spec- tral fashion where a pearl-tinted mist veiled the St. Johns, and made exquisite ghosts of the pal- mettos, and softened the sun to a silver-gilt wafer pasted on a nacre sky. It was a still country, where giant water-oaks tow- ered, fantastic under their misty camouflage of moss, and swarming with small birds. Among the trees the wood-ibis stole ; without on the placid glass of the stream the eared grebe floated. There was no wind, no stirring of leaves, no sound save the muffled splash of silver mullet, the breath- 124 THE SLAYER OF SOULS less whirr of a humming-bird, or the hushed rustle of lizards in the woods. For Tressa this was the blessed balm that heals, the balm of silence. And, for the first week, she slept most of the time, or lay in her hammock watch- ing the swarms of small birds creeping and flitting amid the moss-draped labyrinths of the live-oaks at her very door. It had been a little club house before the war, this bungalow on the St. Johns at Orchid Hammock. Its members had been few and wealthy; but some were dead in France and Flanders, and some still re- mained overseas, and others continued busy in the North. And these two young people were quite alone there, save for a negro cook and a maid, and an aged negro kennel-master who wore a scarlet waist- coat and cords too large for his shrunken body, and who pottered, pottered through the fields all day, with his whip clasped behind his bent back and the pointers ranging wide, or plodding in at heel with red tongues lolling. Twice Cleves went a little way for quail, using Benton's dogs ; but even here in this remote spot he dared not move out of view of the little house where Tressa lay asleep. So he picked up only a few brace of birds, and con- fined his sport to impaling too-familiar scorpions on the blade of his knife. And all the while life remained unreal for him; his marriage seemed utterly unbelievable; he could THE BRIDAL 125 not realise it, could not reconcile himself to condi- tions so incomprehensible. Also, ever latent in his mind, was knowledge that made him restless the knowledge that the young girl he had married had been in love with another man: Sanang. And there were other thoughts thoughts which had scarcely even taken the shape of questions. One morning he came from his room and found Tressa on the veranda in her hammock. She had her moon-lute in her lap. "You feel better much better!" he said gaily, saluting her extended hand. "Yes. Isn't this heavenly? I begin to believe it is life to me, this pearl-tinted world, and the scent of orange bloom and the stillness of paradise itself." She gazed out over the ghostly river. Not a wing stirred its glassy surface. "Is this dull for you?" she asked in a low voice. "Not if you are contented, Tressa." "You're so nice about it. Don't you think you might venture a day's real shooting?" "No, I think I won't," he replied. "On my account?" "Well yes." "I'm so sorry." "It's all right as long as you're getting rested. What is that instrument?" "My moon-lute." "Oh, is that what it's called?" 126 THE SLAYER OF SOULS She nodded, touched the strings. He watched her exquisite hands. "Shall I?" she inquired a little shyly. "Go ahead. I'd like to hear it!" "I haven't touched it in months not since I was on the steamer." She sat up in her hammock and began to swing there; and played and sang while swinging in the flecked shadow of the orange bloom: