UC-NRLF llfi mum HH mm TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL OF RAILWAY STATION SERVICE FREIGHT, BAGGAGE AND PASSENGER DEPARTMENTS BY FREDERIC L. MEYER AUTHOR OF TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL OF RAILWAY AND COMMERCIAL TELEGRAPHY PUBLISHERS RAND, McNALLY & COMPANY CHICAGO - NEW YORK ~ Copyright, 1906 By RAND, McNALLY & CO. Copyright, 1911 By RAND, McNALLY & CO. PREFACE "There is room at the top for those who can do things." "The Twentieth Century Manual of Eailway Station Service has been especially prepared as a reference and textbook for those desiring an in- sight to the Freight, Passenger and Baggage departments, and is the most comprehensive work for this purpose that has ever been published. All information embodied in this manual is eminently practical; the blank forms, general laws and special methods herein given are to be found in printed form in railroad publications only; and the multiplicity of details set forth in the work, regarding which the business world is almost wholly ignorant, is absolutely astonishing. The manual, therefore, is not only an admirable text-book for the student but it is a practical reference book as well for the jobber, the shipper, or any man who pays freight, and as such is commended to their attention. The agent best serves his company who most intelligently serves the public, and we are confident that the rules and regulations presented in this manual, if mastered by the student, will enable him to discharge sat- isfactorily all duties eventually met in active work. For instance, the railroad agent, while studying the interests of his own line, should be able to give the shipper the most advantageous connecting lines and the proper classification of his freight, as this information is necessary if the shipper is to secure the most favorable rates. At the same time, if those who have to do with railroads, either through business or travel, will study the in- structions for railroad employes found in this manual, they will at times save themselves much inconvenience and possibly some expense. The writer has a wide knowledge of railroad work and a vast fund of information which he has used unstintedly and to excellent advantage in compiling this manual. He has supplemented his own knowledge by seek- ing assistance and information from men who have had from thirty to 3 4 TWENTIBTK CENTURY MANUAL forty years oi experience in. station- service. The completed work has been submitted to railroad men widely known and everywhere recognized as authorities in their respective lines, who have examined it carefully and given the manual their unqualified endorsement. FREDERIC L. MEYER. Twentieth Century Manual of Railway Station Service Business is being conducted on definite and scientific principles today, and as these principles are extended more generally, the man with technical knowledge will have a correspondingly greater advantage over the man who has only a foundation of meagre dimensions, a technical training picked up by hard knocks during active service. In these days of competition, the railroads are constantly looking for young men with level-headed business judgment and sound "horse sense/' with minds trained to comprehend rapidly and correctly ; to concentrate ; to follow from cause to effect. To the young man about to enter the railroad service, let it be known that the object for which any railroad exists is to secure freight and passenger traffic at remunerative rates and to transport the same with economy and dispatch. To obtain such results it became necessary for the railroad companies to create traffic, operating, and accounting departments, which are mutually dependent. The station agent is the recognized representative in his local- ity of these departments, and is necessarily subject to the instructions of those in charge of securing, handling, and accounting for traffic. Through the agent the business of the railroad company with its patrons is conducted. His position is one of responsibility, since, in a great majority of cases, as much business is done over his counter as over that of any merchant in town. He is engaged in selling a commodity, namely, transportation and, like all merchants, business methods are necessary to his success. Whether his station is large or small, his duties arduous or otherwise, such methods are equally necessary. He can not succeed, nor do the company justice especially in a competitive station unless he is active, industrious, and courteous, any more than a merchant can succeed who lacks these qualities. 5 6 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Even if there be no competition at his station, precisely the same qualities are necessary for the same reasons, and because the railway com- pany employing -him desires to treat those who can not buy transportation of any other company precisely as well as it does those who can. For, as an idle, thriftless, or uncivil merchant invites the establishment of a rival store, so the agent may invite a competing railway unless he proves by his work and methods that the people are as well off with one good railway and one good agent as they would be with more. To obtain the best results, it is of the utmost importance that proper rules for the government of employes and regarding station service should be literally and absolutely enforced. If they can not or ought not to be enforced, they ought not to exist. When you can . explain the rules to . patrons who may complain of them, you should do so; but the rules of your company must be enforced pleasantly and firmly. However, if, in the judgment of anyone whose duty it is to enforce a rule, such rule can not or ought not to be enforced, he should at once bring it to the attention of those in authority. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE GENERAL RULES What is required of agents ? That they make themselves familiar with all the rules of the company, particularly those which in any way relate to their duties; they must not divulge the company's business affairs except to the proper officers; but all proper information must be cheerfully given to the public. Name their responsibilities. They have charge of their company's books, papers, buildings, sidings, and grounds at their stations, and should see that all records, especially tariffs, are properly filed for convenient ref- erence; they must at all times see that good order is maintained; and are held responsible for the safety and care of all property entrusted to the company; for the courteous behavior and proper deportment of all em- ployes in the transaction of its business ; and to see that the station, freight houses, and surroundings under their charge are kept clean, tidy, and in safe conditon for use. Meaning of blank forms. Agents are supplied with printed forms nec- essary for the transaction of their business, to be filled out according to instructions. Reports are not accepted on forms other than those provided for such business, and agents must familiarize themselves with the printed instructions thereon. Where do agents receive their instructions from? Station agents are under the direction of the superintendent. They will comply with the instructions issued by the freight, passenger and accounting departments, and by all general officers in matters connected with their official duties. What business is not intended for the public? Private circulars and special instructions are not intended for public inspection, and must be kept private, except such as relate to interstate traffic, which are subject to inspection as required by the interstate commerce law. What information is given the public? All proper information must be cheerfully given to the public ; but agents must not allow their books to be examined, except by duly authorized employes of the company. Requirements for all communications. All communications must receive prompt attention, or immediate explanation must be made as to cause of delav. 8 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL What is observed in company correspondence? Correspondence and waybilling instructions should be carefully preserved by agents and not handed to shippers (unless expressly intended for them), or the contents made known to any person other than such as may be necessary for the guidance or instruction of the employes at their stations.' What forms the history of any subject? Correspondence connected together forms the history of any subject and must not be separated ; indi- viduals must not consider the letters addressed to them relating to the subject, as personal property, but as being a part of the continuous record which, when filed, will be complete. Copies can be taken of such letters as may be desired, but the original must remain as stated above. Inquiries and department correspondence. Inquiries for rates or other information are not to be lost sight of, but must be answered at the earliest possible moment. Correspondence for the various departments must be properly addressed and forwarded; when provided, the envelopes printed for the purpose must be used. In addressing correspondence to the different departments the number of the file, claim, or reference should always be given if possible. Use of pencil. Do not use a pencil in making notations on tracers, notes of inquiry, freight bills, or other papers. The practice of turning over corners of papers, or letters, and making notations thereon is forbidden. How should neutrality be observed? In routing, agents should give information as to the different routes with which their railroad connects, upon request by shippers or passengers, but should not influence them in favor of any particular route, except that preference should be given to that through route which gives their company the longest haul, and which, at the same time, will serve the interests of its patrons equally well. What is observed in the use of telegraph ? Agents are cautioned against excessive use of the telegraph wires. Whenever, without detriment to the company's interest such communication can be made by train mail, it should be done. What is observed in securing shipments? Agents will make every effort consistent with their duties to secure all freight that may be offered for shipment, for which the company can furnish transportation. In routing, what do agents do? It is expected that agents will give information as to the different routes with which their road connects, when requested to do so by shippers, but will not endeavor to influence shippers in favor of any particular route, RAILWAY STATION SERVICE POSTING OF TARIFFS, CIRCULARS, SPECIAL RATES, ETC. Issuance of tariffs. Agents will be furnished with necessary supply of tariffs, in force from time to time at their respective stations, to keep their files complete. Agents must keep these tariffs properly posted, in accordance with law, so as to be accessible to the public and conveniently inspected. Agents must not allow tariffs to be mutilated or destroyed. Any damage or mutilation of these tariffs by any person or persons is a misdemeanor, and subject to a fine and imprisonment under the law. Agents to be careful regarding conditions of tariffs. Agents will be particular to examine date of issue and the date that all tariffs take effect. If there is any delay in receiving tariffs, or if there are any irregular ites or discrepancies discovered in the tariffs, which will prevent agents from com- plying with the interstate commerce law or local laws of their state, report of same will at once be made to the general freight agent. What is done upon receipt of tariffs, circulars and special rates ? They are carefully and properly filed for easy reference, and in such a manner that they will not be defaced. Receipts for tariffs, circulars, etc., must be signed, stamped with station stamp, showing date received, and returned immediately. Relative to "Through" rates. When through rates are requested to points on foreign lines not covered by current tariffs on file, apply to division freight agent. Give duration of tariffs. All tariffs remain in effect until cancelled by issuance of another tariff, or by regular cancellation notice, or by limitation. What disposition is made of old tariffs and instructions? When tariffs or instructions cease to be in force they should be preserved, unless other- wise specially ordered, and bear a notation across the face referring to the superseding issue, or be stamped CANCELLED. They form a part of the office records and agents will be held to strict observance of the rates and instruction in such issues. Relative to interstate commerce law and local state laws. Copies of the amended interstate commerce law and local laws of their state, will be fur- nished to agents, and agents must make themselves fully acquainted with 10 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL all of their provisions, as they are held personally responsible for such laws being complied with at their station. PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THE FOLLOWING RECENT AMENDMENT TO THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE LAW. Section 6. That every common carrier subject to the provisions of this act shall print and. keep open to public inspection, schedules showing the rates and fares and charges for the transportation of passengers and property which any such common carrier has established, and which are in force at the time upon its route. The schedule printed as aforesaid, by any such common carrier, shall plainly state the places upon its railroad be- tween which property and passengers will be carried, and shall contain the classification of freight in force, and shall also state separately the terminal charges and any part or the aggregate of such aforesaid rates, fares and charges. Such schedules shall be plainly printed in large type, and copies for the use of the public shall be posted in two public and conspicuous places in every depot station or office of such carrier where passengers or freight, respectively, are received for transportation, in such form that they shall be accessible to the public and can be conveniently inspected. No advance shall be made in the rates, fares and charges, which have been established and published as aforesaid, by any common carrier in compliance with the requirements of this section, except after ten days' public notice, which shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the schedule then in force, and the time when the increased rates, fares, or charges will go into effect; and the proposed changes shall be shown by printing new schedules, or shall be plainly indicated upon the schedules in force at the time, and kept open to public inspection. Reductions in such previous public notice, to be given in the same manner that notice of an advance in rates must be given. And when any such common carrier shall have established and pub- lished its rates, fares and charges in compliance with the provisions of this section, it shall be unlawful for such common carrier to charge, demand, collect, or receive from any person or persons a greater or less compensa- tion for the transportation of passengers or property, or for any service in connection therewith, than is specified in such published schedule of rates, fares, and charges as may at the time be in force. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 11 Section 10. Any common carrier subject to the provisions of this act, or whenever such common carrier is a corporation, any officer or agent thereof, or any person acting for or employed by such corporation, who, by less than the billing, false classification, false weighing, or false report of weight, or by any means or device, shall knowingly and willfully assist, or shall willingly suffer or permit, any person or persons to obtain transpor- tation for property at less than the regular rates then established and in force on the line of transportation of such common carrier, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall upon conviction thereof in any court of the United States, of competent jurisdiction within the district in which such offense was committed, be subject to a fine of not exceeding five thou- sand dollars, or imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term of not exceed- ing two years, or both, in the discretion of the court, for each offense. Any person and any officer or agent of any corporation or company, who shall deliver property for transportation to any common carrier, sub- ject to the provisions of this act ; or for whom as consignor or consignee any such carrier shall transport property, who shall knowingly and willfully, by false billing, false classification, false weighing, false representation of the consent or connivance of the carrier, its agent or agents, obtain trans- portation for such property at less than the regular rates then established, and in force on the line of transportation, shall be deemed guilty of fraud, which is hereby declared to be a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof in any court of the United States, of competent jurisdiction within the district in which such offense was committed, be subject for each offense to a fine of not exceeding five thousand dollars, or imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term of not exceeding two years, or both, in the discretion of the court, fo.r each offense. If any such person, or any officer or agent of any such corporation or company, shall by payment of money or any other thing of value, solicita- tion or otherwise, induce any common carrier subject to the provisions of this act, or any of its officers or agents, to discriminate unjustly in his, its or their favor, as against any other consignor or consignee in the transpor- tation of property, or shall aid or abet any common carrier in any such unjust discrimination, such person, or such officer or agent of such corpora- tion or company shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, upon conviction thereof in any court of the United States, of competent juris- diction within the district in which such offense was committed, be subject to a fine of not exceeding five thousand dollars, or imprisonment in the penitentiary for a term of not exceeding two years, or both, in the discre- 12 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL tion of the court, for eacli offense ; and such person, corporation or company shall also, together with said common carrier, be liable, jointly or sever- ally, in an action on the case, to be brought by any consignor or consignee discriminated against, in any court of the United States, of competent jurisdiction, for all damages caused by or resulting therefrom. Notes. It is not practicable, however,, in all cases to supply agents with all tariffs published jointly with connecting lines, etc., and agents at junctions or other points, where instructed to do so, will note on waybills the initials of their traffic manager, general freight agent or assistant gen- eral freight agent, as directed, and these initials may be accepted as au- thority by receiving agents and so used. The auditors of freight accounts cannot accept billing on any interstate business at figures not covered by a tariff regularly issued by the general freight office, and agents must not be instructed to use rates on such (in- terstate) business not covered by published tariffs. On local state busi- ness, figures not covered by G. F. 0. issues can be accepted by the auditors only on direct instructions from above-named officials, who should promptly advise the auditors of all such special arrangements (on local state traffic) when made. In order that this may be properly done, division freight agents, general agents or assistant general agents whose headquarters are not at their general freight office, when giving special instructions to agents or authorizing them to use initials as above, must immediately notify their general freight agent of the action taken, giving reasons, and when similar instructions are given by an official on interline business, advice must be given immediately to the general freight agent of the other line or lines interested. AGENTS AND OFFICERS WILL BE HELD STRICTLY RESPONSI- BLE FOR ANY VIOLATION OF THE LAWS, OR FOR ERROR IN RATES USED. When rates are named by telegram or letter, agents should understand that the rates so given are for immediate use only, unless the instruction given with the quotation specifically provides otherwise. If movement of freight in such cases is continuous, or if similar shipments are offered at later date, and regular issue to cover has not been received, agents must ascertain whether the quotation will apply on such later shipments before using it again. Interested parties should be advised to this effect. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 13 FREIGHT DEPARTMENT. RECEIVING PROPERTY FOR TRANSPORTATION. What is the business of the freight department? To secure freight traf- fic and to prescribe rates, rules, and regulations which shall govern the transportation thereof. Under what conditions is freight received for transportation? Freight will be received for transportation only under the terms -and conditions specified in the classification, tariffs, bills of lading, and the rules of the company. Wlien shipper refuses to comply with your rules. Explain to him that freight can only be accepted for transportation under the terms and condi- tions specified in your company's classifications, tariffs, and general rules. Under such circumstances agents are authorized to decline to receive freight, but they must immediately notify, when practicable, either the division freight agent or the general freight agent. Duty of agent where freight is being diverted. If a shipper or receiver is diverting freight from the company for any cause, or a dispute arises be- tween an employe and a patron of the road over any transaction, a state- ment of the facts should be promptly sent to the division freight agent. Possible loss of prospective shipments. In case of prospective ship- ments that agents may be unable to secure, the division freight agent should be notified. Receiving combustible freight. "When shipments of bisulphide of car- bon are received for transportation over your company's lines, immediate advice must be given the division superintendent, who will arrange for for- warding of same as "Combustible and Inflammable Freight." II ow are oils and liquors packed? Oils and liquors in cans, glass, demijohns, or jugs will not be received unless packed in kegs, boxes, bas- kets, jackets or crates. Receiving freight for interior points. Freight for interior points (not on the line of any railroad) must not be received from connecting line, nor from local shippers, unless the transfer bill, or the shipping order shows clearly the station where the shipment is to leave the railroad. 14 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL When can commercial travelers' or other baggage be carried on freight trains? When impracticable to check as baggage commercial travelers' trunks, sample cases or other baggage belonging to passengers riding on freight trains, such baggage may be billed as freight on regular waybills between points on your own company's lines, unless otherwise ruled; ship- ments to be at "Owner's Risk," and accompanied by owner or shipper. Usual baggage allowance as prescribed by the passenger department will be waybilled free. On shipments weighing in excess of the usual baggage allowance, agents will show the gross weight on waybill, and bill the excess at regular excess baggage rates. How and when shipping order should be given. Agents will require that shipping order be given in writing at time freight is delivered for shipment. Care of loose articles shipped with vehicles. When vehicles not boxed or crated are shipped, agents must see that loose articles, such as cushions, harness, whips, rugs, etc., are specified on shipping order and waybill. Freight received at flag stations. Freight delivered to the company for shipment at a flag station will be at owner's risk until loaded, and will be receipted for only as checked by the conductor. Meaning of shipping order. A shipping bill must show name of con- signee, consignor, destination, marks, and full description of freight. Care should be taken to give county and state and, in case of large cities, the street address. Advanced charges. In no instance, unless otherwise specially in- structed, will agents advance any portion of the invoice value of any prop- erty delivered them for shipment; nor will they put any sum upon their waybills as "Advanced Charges" with the understanding that such ad- vances are to be paid shipper when collected from consignee. Agents will under no circumstances advance more than one-half what in their judg- ment the property would sell for at auction. Care of freight in company's possession. Agents must take care of freight in their possession, even though not receipted for, the same as if receipt had been given. What is done when connecting line offers freight to fie loaded in refrig- erator cars? Shipment may be received, provided refrigerator service can be given, or cold storage is available; otherwise shipment should be re- turned to connecting line, with the information that same cannot be ac- cepted with the understanding that refrigerator service will be given. In RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 15 freight is taken under condition that no refrigerator service is given, L'asure of such notation must be made. What should agent demand in receipt for freight from connecting lines? Regular freight bills, before forwarding freight, and not receipt for freight accompanied by bills bearing such notations as "Memorandum Bill," "Searching Bill," "Regular Bill to Follow," "Weight and Charges to Follow," etc. In accepting freight from connecting lines, agents must see that the transfer bills or interline waybills show the exact condition of the freight. Notations showing damage or shortage must be specific. Pack- ages which have the appearance of having been tampered with, or recoop- ered, should be opened, contents checked, and receipt given accordingly. How are changes in routing made ? For freight delivered to a company for which routing instructions have been given by shipper, such instruc- tions should not be changed, except by written order from shipper accom- panied by original shipper's receipt, or by order from freight claim agent. Guarantees. When guarantee of freight charges is required it must appear on shipping order; or, in case of freight from connecting line, on transfer bill or interline waybill. Forwarding agents will be held responsi- ble for guarantees. How do you treat returns or reshipment of freight? In all respects as a new shipment. A consignee wishing to return or reship freight must pay charges thereon, receipt for same, and furnish a shipping order in the usual form, making the reshipment in all respects a new shipment. Agents should not pay, as advanced charges, the freight collected on the original shipment without proper authority. Same regarding agricultural implements. When new agricultural im- plements, vehicles, farm machinery and binding twine are offered for re- shipment, agents may advance the actual freight collected on the original shipment when approved by the division freight agent, but "Advances" must not be made on other freight without first securing authorization from the general freight office, and authority for paying such "Advance" must be had for each individual shipment. Can consignee or destination of freight be changed before freight has gone forward? When freight is delivered to a company for transportation, it is the property of the consignee (or destination) and must be forwarded as soon as possible. // freight has not been forwarded, change of consignee or destination of shipment may be made by agent upon written order from shipper and surrender of the original bill of lading or receipt, when a new bill of lading or receipt showing correct consignee and destination must 16 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL be issued. The original bill of lading, or receipt, taken up should be filed with written order. Changing consignee or destination after freight has gone forward, and bill of lading or shipper's receipt issued. After freight has gone forward, changes may be made, or delivery withheld by order of the general freight department or freight claim department. Agent should wire freight claim agent the desire of the shipper, advising him that original bill of lading has been surrendered, but must not issue a new bill of lading. On receipt of advice from freight claim agent that the changes requested by shipper have been made, note such changes in red ink on original receipt, or bill of lading, and return to shipper. If destination is changed, or freight is returned to shipper, a guarantee of all charges at ultimate destination must be furnished by shipper, on receipt of which the freight may be rebilled to the new destination with all charges following. If quick action is impera- tive, agent should intercept the freight, order it held for instructions, and advise freight claim agent of action taken. What if shipper cannot furnish original bill of lading or shipper's re- ceipt? While it is necessary to take up original bill of lading in order to make the company absolutely safe, if shipper is unable to produce same, and is known to be responsible by the agent a "Keconsignment Agreement" may be made, and freight claim agent advised accordingly. Same when consigned to order. Consignee or destination must not be changed on a shipment consigned to "Order" unless the original bill of lading is surrendered. What is done in case marks on packages differ from billing? When marks on packages differ from billing as to the name of consignee, destina- tion or route, agent must hold shipment, or at once notify the billing agent of the discrepancy, and obtain correct directions for delivery. If perisha- ble freight, the agent must communicate with billing station by wire when reply cannot be obtained within reasonable time by mail. Freight between two foreign countries passing through United States. Shipments between two foreign countries passing through the United States are required to be bonded through the United States, and a customs manifest showing values, marks, weight and description, certified to by a customs official must accompany each shipment attached to the original waybill. Export freight via Canada or Mexico. Freight from points in the United States to foreign countries should be accompanied by the shipper's manifest, which shall specify the kind, quantity, marks and value of each RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 17 i article; the accuracy of this manifest must be certified to by the shipper or his agent. Notation must be made on waybill that shipper's manifest is attached, and agent at junction must deliver the shipper's manifest to connecting line with freight bill and make similar notations on same. If shippers prefer, they can send their manifest by United States mail to the collector of customs at the frontier port, but to obviate delay to the freight it is recommended that the manifest be intrusted to the railroad to accom- pany the freight. If shippers prefer to mail their manifests to collector of customs, the following notation must be made on waybills : Certified ship- per's manifest forwarded to customs officer at by U. S. mail. Blank manifest forms will be furnished upon application. For an exact copy of the law on export traffic into foreign countries see "Special Rules and Regulations." Receiving distilled spirits and malt liquors. The company does not receive for transportation any cask or package containing five or more gal- lons of distilled spirits, or any quantity of malt liquors, unless the same is properly stamped and branded as required by law. Employes handling such freight must be careful not to deface or remove any stamps or brands. Note. This rule does not apply to wines or imported liquors remaining in original packages. , Extracts from the United States revenue law. The United States revenue law provides that "No person shall remove any distilled spirits at any other time than after sunrise, and before sunset, in any cask or pack- age containing over ten (10) gallons, from any premises or building in which same may have been distilled, redistilled, rectified, compounded, manufactured or stored." This law applies to corporations as well as to individuals, and to carloads as well as smaller quantities. Employes of the company are positively forbidden to remove such casks or packages, or switch cars loaded with same from premises, as above named, within the prohibited hours. FREIGHT REQUIRING PREPAYMENT. A. Freight destined to a station where there is no agent, commonly called' flag stations. 5* Freight on which the classification requires prepayment of charges. C. Freight which would not, at forced sale, sell for enough to cover freight charges at destination. D. Perishable freight of all kinds where not guaranteed. E. Household goods in less than carloads destined to foreign lines. 18 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL y SHIPPING ORDERS, RECEIPTS AND BILLS OF LADING. Shipping bill. All freight received should be accompanied by a ship- ping bill, furnished by either the company or the shipper, giving in detail the following information, viz: A. Station at which the freight is offered for shipment. B. Date upon which delivery to the company is completed^ C. Name of the person, firm or company bywhom^^ the freight is shipped. D. Name of the station jgjwhich the freight is to be transported by your company. E. Name of the transportation company to which the freight is to be delivered at its junction with your company, when the freight is* to be destined to a point beyond your company's lines, and the shipper designates the route, and point of contact with connecting line. , F. Name of consignee, marks and final destination of the shipment in full, giving county, state or territory, also any specific routing instruc- tions given by the shipper; when the freight is destined to a point not reached by any transportation company the station to which it is to be trans- ported ; also, if the freight is consigned "Order of or "Notify" the full name and address of the party to be notified. AbbreviationsjailPt n^t l^-"^ G. Number of packages. H. Description of articles. 7. Weight. J. Initials and the number of the car, when the freight has been loaded prior to the time the shipping bill is made. Note. A shipping bill must be furnished for freight reshipped; also for all freight consigned to the railway company. Agents must see that the freight is properly marked in accordance with the information required in the shipping bill. All old marks must be obliterated. No shipment must bear any address other than that required to carry it to its proper destination as given in the shipping bill. What notations should appear on the face of the shipping bill? When it is desired that the freight be shipped at an agreed valuation the notation, "Valuation, $ per -" must be noted across the face of the shipping RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 19 bill. All other conditions under which the freight is received for shipment must also be noted, such as, "Owner's Risk," "Company's Risk," "Released," "Charges Guaranteed," Etc. Conditions of acceptance to be noted. If shipper refuses to sign the release or other special contract required to be executed in connection with the terms' and conditions under which the freight is received for shipment, notation to that effect must be made across the face of the shipping bill. What if condition of freight becomes a factor? In the event the condi- tion of the freight becomes a factor in determining the weight or rate to be used in computing the charges, the notation, "Said to be Green," "Said to bo Dry," etc., must be made. The notation, "In Wood," "In tin," "In bun- dles," "In bales," "Corded," "Strapped," "Knocked Down," "Set Up," etc., jin^jull or abbreylaied.^. must also be made on the face of the shipping bill, when the classification provides for different rates, in accordance with the preparation or packing of the shipment. Freight subject to climatic conditions. When freight is liable to be in- jured thereby, is received during excessively hot or cold weather, or in storms of rain or snow, the fact must be noted on the shipping bill, and if it is evi- dent that the freight cannot be sent forward without further damage in any way its condition must be noted upon the shipping bill. When freight is received in old packages. When freight is received in old packages which appear to have been recoopered, or when the handling of packages discloses the fact that the contents are in a loose condition, or but partially full, or when it appears to have been damaged in any way, its condition must be noted upon the shipping bill. Other notations. When the rules of the company permit, the shippers so desire, proper notation must be made upon the face of shipping bill when it is desired that freight be delivered "On Track," "Elevator," "Graded," etc.j or when it is to be stopped at any intermediate point to be "Shelled," "Cleaned," "Milled," "Stored," "Fed," "Finish Loading," "Part Unload," or to be otherwise manipulated. What is observed in checking freight ? Freight must, when practicable, be checked with the shipping bill to see that all the articles enumerated thereon are received, and that the condition of the freight corresponds with the notations made thereon. When freight is loaded by the shipper and is not counted or checked by an employe of the company, the notation "Ship- per's Count, Tally and Loading" must be made, in addition to which the notation, "More or Less" must be made when the quantity is specified by 20 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL the shipper. When freight is not checked by an employe of the company the fact must be noted upon the shipping bill. Blank spaces to le filled. All shipping bills should be filled up and signed by the shipper. In the event he is unable to write, necessary assist- ance must be rendered him. The shipping bill must be read over to him, after which he will be required to make his "X" which must be duly attested. Prepayments. In the event the shipper desires to pay the charges on any shipment, the amount received to be applied for this purpose must be noted on the face of the shipping bill. If an amount is paid to the shipper to be waybilled as advanced charges, the ^amount paid also must be noted thereon. As for example: $1.35 paid to be applied in prepayment of charges," or "$2.75 advanced to shipper," specifying for what purpose. Shipping bills to be numbered. All shipping bills must be numbered consecutively, commencing with No. 1 at the beginning, of each day or month. Note. At stations where a large number of shipments are received each day, the custom of consecutively numbering the shipping bills by days will be found more convenient. At small stations, however, the monthly system of numbering will answer every purpose. They must then be filed in nu- merical order so that they may be readily referred to at any future time. They form an important part of the station records, and their preservation is necessary for the protection of the agent and the company. When prac- icable, the number of the waybill should be entered on the face of the ship- ping bill. Changes after freight has gone forward. Endeavor to have the wishes of the shipper complied with according to the ruling found elsewhere on "Changes after freight has gone forward." In no event must the agent guarantee that the change will be made until he is advised to that effect. EAILWAY STATION SERVICE 21 SHIPPING BILLS SUPPLEMENT. Referring to paragraph "H" page 18. All shipments must be fully and accurately described in accordance with the terms used in the classifications governing. Referring to paragraph "I" page 18. When the actual weight cannot be arrived at, and there is no track or other scales upon which the freight can be weighed at or between for- warding and receiving stations, and the classifications or tariffs do not pro- vide for an estimated weight, invoice or weights arrived at by using the tables or estimated weights found elsewhere herein, must be inserted. When other than actual weights are used, the notation, "Invoice" or "Es- timated," must be made. All weights are subject to correction. The foregoing is not intended to abrogate any special instructions authorizing the use of connecting line, mine or other weights. Referring to paragraph head "note" on page 18. All material, supplies, etc., belonging to the railway company must be consigned to it, in care of the officer or employe to whom delivery is to be made at destination. 22 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL a 6 N 1 z "** -O 9 E 0, V V) i *^ B 8 K , ft i i^ 1 QJ ATION: I; 3 g 4-1 Z ^ M Irf r^ c 0) i-i rt rt ^3 C u o HH ^J o 2 g li ii u "3 1 1 . li ?? *S c 5 1 sportation money, gold, silverware, >f extraordinary value unless special NOT NEGOTIABLE. IB BILL FOR 1 Initial V 1 ^ I TELEPHONE ed subject to the terms o be transported over ..,1,1, in J i 1 1 | I f < x H t a K I i y 9 | S 1 2 ft S it the rat< o S o y -S 9 35 * ^3 ^ 11| 1 8 J z y S I u &* 4 ^ ^ J3 e * it z 1, K b o M 5f O *S m I kw ?\ '^ ^ *4 z KM P ^5 ^ 5 S TJ ^d O " .Q 'C ^ (0 ' a er 5 * y " 8 i i .__ _ eg i ^S 5 ~ 2 1 5 * ^3 S <^ c M S TJ Cc ^ 2ft* o s- ( 5? ? CM cS 4 ^ <; wfl Co* ^ STeS ca it to be lorwarc ST BE PREPAI ! amount prepaid, CONSIG] 1- 1 A, c z c c =. => s P S ^ m ^Q ^> C z I 4 ^ r ;j D ""i ^ iS 7? 1 M ^ ? r |l , ,0 - a II 1 c c [ li DESCRI ?3 o 3 : !/5 ? ">K i! O Z O ^ Co li 1 !t o iS,^ r C^ r*\* m ^ S" in if 1 m o 1" a cir ^ M ^D H^ P ? : 1 H ^S o c" c R ^ ^ i? - ; RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 25 Form 281 4-2-07 25 M P SHIPPING BILL To ............................................................................. Station^ Car No. Taken from 190 Left at 190 Train Conductor. Taken from 190 Left at * 190 Train Conductor. Taken from , 190 Left at 190 Train Conductor. Taken from 190 Left at 190 Train Conductor. Taken from 190 Left at 190 Train Conductor. Taken from 190 Left at x 190 . . . . Train Conductor. Conductor must fill in stations and dates of above blanks. 26 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL RELEASES. What freight is subject to a release ? All freight so described under the classification to be released, except when shipper has "Annual Release." What is an annual or special release ? A release obtained from shipper at a point from which frequent shipments of such classified freight is made. ' The agent obtains from the shipper an annual release in duplicate, for- warding the original to the freight auditor and retaining the duplicate for office record. How are annual release shipments usually recorded? By notation to that effect on shipping bill and waybill. Requirement of release and contracts. All releases and contracts re- quired in forwarding freight must be fully and properly made out. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 27 RELEASE SUPPLEMENT. When freight is accepted as an agreed valuation, "Owner's risk/' "Com- pany's risk," "Released," etc., or when charges are "Guaranteed," proper notation must be made upon the receipt for freight. In the event the rules and regulations of the traffic department re- quire a release or other special contract to be executed in connection with any shipment of freight, and the shipper refuses to sign the contract, the matter must be promptly referred to the general freight agent for in- structions, and the freight must not be accepted for shipment until in- structed to^do so by him. Notations on way .bill. The conditions under which the property is accepted for shipment, such as "Released," and so on, whenever separately considered in the classification, or when they are factors in determining the rate, must be noted on the way bill. When shipper refuses, to sign. If shippers refuse to sign the release or other special contract required to be executed in connection with the terjns and conditions under which the freight is received for shipment, notation to that effect must be made across the face of the shipping bill. 28 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL O u CO O d C^ s ^ z ^ PH 1 ^ >> V co ^ rH Q " 5 *- c w i^ s & as CO > I o CJ ^d 03 2 T3 < 22 c/) I 1 C/5 c/5* ^ cu t p^ t | 8 -4 > W 8 H Id i 03 ^ Ho rs 3 In 03 ^ 1 03 C/3 < cu CO O O3 M i ! OH i M-H O g> M-H 'S g) CJ OH 1 | 1 , M i -4-J 2 1 S 8 j * ,J_> ^ J^ 45 rH 03 Q p^ r-< .S 3 CJ CU 1 a l-H 1 (H f the same at the point of A any of the property so ship road Company, without p; P A BILL THEREFOR. I 03 1 1 13 13 governing shipments bet rt up to December 31st, 1 2 j > THROUGH & ^ o f* 03 wH 03 S V) c a > 03 > g 03 o I ? TATION TRACT .2 +- i a C/5 1 CJ C/3 -4 > OH H CU fH & .B o .2 w 8 00 S cu .s ? 1 2 43 D, S 8 J-H 1 O 03 j-T t3 PH 1 1 2 03 2 3 i TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL GENERAL RELEASE Is an agreement entered into whereby, on account of special rates given by the Railway companies, the shipper agrees to release the company from certain liabilities for loss or damages. Freight Department Waterloo, Iowa, Station, _ A P ril 10 > 1QO e - This Agreement, made this day, between the THROUGH AND DAILY RAIL ROAD COMPANY, PARTY OF THE FIRST PART, for itself and connecting lines, an( j John Jones, shipper and PARTY OF THE SECOND PART, witnesseth : For and in consideration of the -price, viz : Released Tariff Rates, subject to the different classifications now in use, or which may come in use, during the existence of this contract, at which said company agrees to transport ^ Car Carriages by its lines from or to any Station on the lines of the Through and Daily Rail Road Company, or to or from any Station on the line of any Railroad Company with which the road of the said first party connects, it is hereby mutually agreed that the said companies shall not be liable for any damage said property may sustain from breakage, or from being damaged by fire, or water, or any other cause whatever Except such as may result from collision of trains ; or cars being thrown from the track, and that no action for any damages shall be prosecuted, except against the company upon whose road the same shall have occurred. This contract is to extend and apply to all_ Carriages or articles coming under that head which are specified at released rates in the classifications governing shipments between the points concerned, shipped by or to party of the second part up to 190 and with this provision, that either party may, at pleasure, annul this contract, by giving ten days' written notice of intention to do so. THROUGH AND DAILY RAIL ROAD COMPANY John Jones, By Shipper. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 31 FURNITURE RELEASE Is the form of agreement entered into relative to shipment of furniture and especially releases the company's liability for loss or damage. F 9 Emmetsburg, Iowa, station Ma y 10 > 190 6 ' In Consideration of the price (Special Rates on Car-Loads and First-Class Rates on less quantities) at which the Through & Daily BAiL . ROAD COMPANY hereby agrees to transport a quantity of Household Goods, Furniture, or Emigrants' Movables (including Live Stock, if any in the Car) from Emmetsburg, Iowa, Statl - OT1 ^Council Bluffs, Iowa, station, the same being consigned tn H - M - Spencer, T John Jones, the Consignor, hereby release the said Company, and all other Railroads and Transportation Companies, over whose lines the above property may pass to destination, from all liability from any loss or damage said property may sustain in excess of $5 per 100 Ibs., and I hereby guar- antee all charges for freight on connecting lines to destination. John Jones, Consignor. N. B. When household goods, etc., are shipped at rate based on valuation of $5 per hun- dred pounds, agents will require the owner or consignor to sign this agreement, and when signed same must be kept on file at forwarding station. Agent must then note on Way Bill "Released to valuation of $5 per hundred pounds." How is the release executed f In duplicate, the original attached to the way-bill to accompany freight to destination and the dupli- cate filed at station. 32 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL GUAEANTEES. Under what conditions is perishable property taken? That all freight charges to destination are prepaid or guaranteed in writing by a respon- sible party. Various forms of guarantees are used, owing to the conditions. Where agents have special blanks they should be used; where these are not in stock they should write "Charges Guaranteed" on the bill of lading or other receipt given shipper. Forwarding agents will be held responsible for guarantees and must not accept same from irresponsible parties. When freight on which charges should be guaranteed is received from another company, agent must require the guarantee of connecting line and should not accept that of original shipper alone; such guarantee should cover all charges to destination, and all guarantees should be in writing. Should guarantees accompany freight returned to manufacturers or dealers? Such shipments should in all cases be released or a guarantee signed, and unless the written order of the shipper is presented with in- structions that same be returned at his expense, the charges should be prepaid. What should be done when freight is liable to damage by weather? If offered for shipment to points to which company has no refrigerator car service, shipper should be referred to express company, and if shipper in- sists upon forwarding it as freight, the agents will transport it only upon conditions that the shipper assume entire risk of such damage, and upon execution of proper release or guarantee of such freight. Note. Property liable to damage by weather must not be shipped on open cars, except at the request of shipper or owners, and so noted on the shipping instructions and entirely at his risk, and receipt must so state ; nor does the company hold itself liable for damage by fire or as a common carrier, for any article after its arrival at its place of destination on its own road ; its liability thereafter being that of warehouse men only. It reserves the right to charge storage, or to send freight to warehouse for storage at the risk of the owner, subject to customary storage and commission charges, as provided by law. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 33 Form 855. FOR PERISHABLE OR OTHER PROPERTY OF DOUBTFUL VALUE, ETC. GUARANTEE Mason City, Iowa, Station, May 10, 190 6. In consideration of the Iowa Central R y . Co. transporting 10 bbl. apples from Mason City, Iowa, Station, to Fremont, Neb., Station, the same being consigned to John Smith. I hereby release said Company, and each and every other Company over whose line said goods may pass to their destination, from any and all damage that may occur to said goods, arising from leakage, decay, loss or damage from the effects of heat or cold, or from any other cause whatever not the result of collision of trains or of cars being thrown from the track while in transit. And I further guarantee to said Com- pany or Companies that, in case the Freight and Charges to destination are not paid by the Consignee within 24 hours after the arrival of said goods at destination, I will pay the amount due for transportation on presentation of the Freight Bill for the same. John Jones In presence of Shipper. Carroll Wright Witnesses S. G. Van Auken Carefully. This CONTRACT is to be executed in duplicate by all shippers of all kinds of Perishable or other Property of doubtful value the Original in every case to be filed at Station and the Duplicate attached to Way-Bill. 34 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL MISCELLANEOUS POINTS. Use of stamps. Agents must not use stamps alone in receipting for freight or signing bill of lading, unless authorized by the general freight department. Agents must make and sign receipts or bills of lading in ink, or with indelible pencil, and also stamp same with station stamp. . What should be done before shipping bills are filed? They should be correctly checked with freight/ and, after receipt has been issued, endorsed with rate, number of waybill, number and initial of car, and then filed. What precaution must agent talce before receipting for freight? He must know by actual count and examination that he received all freight he receipts for and that the marks agree with those called for on shipping bill ; also see that the contents are correctly described. Must the actual contents of car be shown? Yes; such general terms as "Merchandise" or "Grain," must not tye used, but the actual contents of packages or cars must be shown. When packages of the same kind of freight are of different sizes, the number and weight should also be shown. What is the meaning of shipper s load and count ? Freight loaded by shipper and not counted by agent, and is so noted on all bills. Usually it is not accepted where it is possible for agent to tally same. What precaution is taken with shipping bills or bills of lading fur- nished by shipper? That the conditions are the same as the company's, and that the freight described corresponds with the actual freight received. Can estimated weights be accepted? Where no track or other scales can be used the shipper should furnish approximately correct weight on car- load freight in bulk, and the agent should form a close estimate to be used in waybilling. The correct weight should always be obtained where track or other scales can be used at a station and regular weighing point, as per company's list marked otherwise. Under what conditions is freight destined to prepaid stations received? Subject to owner's risk of loss or damage after unloading from car at such station.' What is observed relative to marking freight ? Articles will not be re- ceived for transportation unless properly marked. Under this rule, all less than carload shipments of iron and steel articles, including casting, must RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 35 be marked either with a label, linen or tin tag (securely fastened by wire tie or tarred rope), stencil or point (as may be preferred by shippers) showing the initials or full name of consignee, and the destination in full. Each bundle or piece must carry such marking, it being not sufficient that one bundle or piece of each lot be so marked. Excepting less than carload ship- ment ; the name or brand and number of sacks in the consignment of flour must be plainly shown on shipping bill. In case of carriers or other similar freight, where a number of tags bear different addresses, all but the last should be removed or mutilated to avoid any confusion at transfer points wJiere shipments are liable to become mixed. How and when is receipt given for freight ? Upon presentation of ship- p^ng bill the agent should issue "Shipper's receipt" (unless waived by ship- per) or, upon demand, a "Bill, of Lading" for every lot or carload of freight received. Agents should not sign bill until the freight covered by same is in^possession of the company. When are separate receipts and .bills of lading issued? In accepting carload freight for shipment a separate receipt or bill of lading must be given foy each car. Should agents have possession of property before receipting ? Under no circumstances must agent issue bill of lading or receipt for property which is not actually in possession of the company. Property must be checked before being receipted for, and agent must see that the marks agree with the shipping instructions. If they do not agree, but are in substantial ac- fecordance, forward according to marks; otherwise hold for proper instruc- tions either from the shipper or connecting line, notifying them of the mis- take. Bills of lading or receipts must be dated the day that property is received, and must show in detail all "Advance Charges" which are to ap- pear on the waybill; also amount received to apply in prepayment of charges. This information must also be shown on the waybill. What precaution is taken on property loaded on open cars? Machinery, threshing machines, and all property of all kinds shipped on open cars must be examined before being accepted and the receipt show the actual condition at the time delivery is made to this company. "SHIPPER'S RECEIPT' for Freight. A receipt must be given by the agent or other authorized emplo} r e for all freight received for shipment (including that reshipped, as well as the company property), giving in de- tail the following information. A. Station at which the freight is received. B. Date upon which the shipment is accepted by the company. TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL c3 O^_ g "M a 4'5*&|8* 2--S bJtlcE B5 JifiW* 8 a js rt^-3 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 37 1 1 1 s Cn vt- >^ 38 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL C. Name of the person, firm or company from whom the freight is received. D. Name of the station to which the freight is to be transported by this company. E. Name of the connecting transportation company to which delivery is to be made at its junction with this company when the freight is destined to a point not located upon this company's lines. F. Station to which the rates (if any are inserted) apply. G. Eates (when their insertion is requested by the shipper). H. Quantity upon which rates are understood to apply; as, per cwt., per ton, per car, etc. I. Name of the consignee, marks and final destination of the ship- ment in full, giving county, state or territory and specific routing instruc- tions given by the shipper; when the freight is destined to a point not reached by any transportation company, the name of the station to which it is to be transported; also the name and address of the party to be notified when freight is consigned "Order of" or "Notify." Abbreviations must not be used. J. Number of packages. K. Description of articles in accordance with the terms in the classi- fications governing. L. Weight. M. Initials and number of the car if the freight has been loaded prior to the time receipt is issued. Notation to be made on shipper's receipt. When freight is accepted at an agreed valuation, "Owner's Bisk," "Company's Risk," "Released," etc., or when charges are "Guaranteed," proper notation must be made upon the receipt for freight. Releases and other contracts to be executed. In the event the rules and regulations of the traffic department require a release or other special con- tract to be executed in connection with any shipment of freight, and the shipper refuses to sign the contract, the matter must be promptly referred to the general freight agent for instructions and the freight must not be accepted for shipment until instructed to do so by him. Climatic conditions to be noted. When freight is delivered to the com- pany during excessively hot or cold weather, or in storms of rain or snow, and it is liable to be damaged thereby, the notation "Received in Rain," "Received in Snow," "Very warm weather when received," "Very cold weather when received," as the case may be, must be made upon the face RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 39 of the receipt for freight. Proper notation must also be made upon the face of the receipt whenever freight is received in a damaged condition; when the packages are old and appear to have been recoopered ; or when the handling of them discloses the fact that the contents are in a loose or shaky condition and but partially full. Skipper's load and count to be noted. Receipts issued for freight that is loaded by the shipper, and is not checked by an employe of the company, must bear the notation, "Shipper's Count, Tally and Loading," in addition to which the notation "More or Less," must be made when the quantity is specified by the shipper. Charge for special cars to be noted. When special cars, such as palace horse cars, refrigerator cars, poultry cars, etc., are used, and a charge is made therefor, the amount of the charge must be noted across the face of the receipt; as for example: "$6.00 for use of car. Special service subject to charge. When refrigerator cars are to be re- iced, stock stopped to be fed, or when any special service is to be performed enroute, the receipts issued for such freight must bear the notation, "Sub- ject to Charge for Re-icing," "Subject to Charge for Stopping to Feed," etc., and the amount of the charge must be inserted whenever known. Other notations. When the freight described in the receipts is to be "Graded," delivered "On Track," at any particular dock, elevator, ware- house, siding, etc. ; or if it is to be stopped at any intermediate point to be "Shelled," "Cleaned," "Milled," "Stored," "Fed," "To Finish Loading," "Part Unload;" or to be otherwise manipulated, notation to that effect, as well as any charge in addition to the regular rate for such extra service must be entered upon the face of the sheet. Receipts to flag stations noted. Receipts given for freight to be entered to a station at which there is no agent must bear the notation, "This com- pany is not responsible for the freight enumerated herein after it is un- loaded at destination." Advances noted. Whenever requested by the shipper, any amount re- ceived to apply in prepayment of a shipment must be noted across the face of the receipt. As for example: "$5.10 received to be applied in prepay- ment of charges on this shipment." 56. When advanced charges are upon freight received for shipment, the amount so advanced must be entered on the receipt for freight. 57. A pen must be drawn through all the blank spaces in the receipt not otherwise filled up so that nothing may be added afterward. 40 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Erasures or alterations forbidden. No erasures or alterations must ap- pear on receipt for freight. In the event an error is made a new receipt must be used instead of attempting to make the necessary correction. Un- less special instructions are received to the contrary, agents must not issue receipts for freight guaranteeing that it will reach destination within any specified time; go by any particular train, or that the shipment will not be transferred enroute. Time not guaranteed delays. The company does not agree to trans- port freight by any particular train, or in time for any particular market, but will forward property with as reasonable despatch as the general busi- ness of the company will permit, and will not be responsible for loss or damage arising from unavoidable delays caused by the refusal, failure or inability of a connecting line to take the property forward; or occasioned by providential causes, the public enemy, mobs, or by fire. Special time. If at any time it is deemed advisable that special time be made on any particular shipment, agents will communicate with the general freight department and division superintendent on the subject. ADVICE TO CONSIGNOR AND CONSIGNEE IN CASE OF DETENTION OR DELAY OF FREIGHT IN TRANSIT. * When freight is delayed at a junction by refusal of connecting line to receive same owing to inability to handle, or for other reasons, agent at the point of delay must arrange through agents at originating point and destination to notify both consignor and consignee, stating reasons for de- lay and, if possible, secure orders for disposition. ADVANCE CHARGES ON AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ETC. On shipments for distribution of new agricultural implements, vehicles and machinery originally received from manufacturing points via this line, agents will be permitted to advance legitimate transportation charges to their station, using care that property is worth all charges to destination. Prepayment of charges on returned freight. Agents will in every case require prepayment of all freight charges on agricultural implements, vehicles, machinery, patent medicines, paints, roofing, stoves, store fur- niture, carriers of all kinds and stock foods returned to manufacturers or dealers, unless the written order of the manufacturer or dealer for their return is produced by the shipper. Agents will require from the shipper RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 41 or from connecting road, when from points off this line, the surrender of the written order of the manufacturer or dealer for return of the goods, said order to be attached to original waybill and to accompany same to destination so that the dealer or manufacturer will have no occasion to ques- tion the return when delivery is tendered. For information of the auditing department, etc., agents will note on waybill "Order for Return Attached to Original Waybill." When receiving freight of this kind from connecting lines, notation on transfer bills to the above effect will be required, and in all cases where it is not possible to attach that copy of the order to the waybill, notation should be made thereon that such was presented. Agents must see that these instructions are carried out. Responsibility for collecting other than transportation charges. This company does not assume the collection of anything more than its own freight charges, actual drayage, switching, feeding, cleaning and shelling charges, and the legitimate transportation charges advanced to connecting lines. The company will not be 'accountable for the collection of advanced charges paid to other corporations or individuals in good faith. Alterations of advanced charges. Alterations or additions to amounts entered on waybills under the head of "Advanced Charges" must not be made by the receiving agent except when directed to do so by the agent at the station where the waybill is made, or by the freight auditor. When changes are made in advanced charges by the receiving agent a copy of the authority for so doing must be sent to the freight auditor. It should be attached to the original waybill if it has not already been sent. The re- ceiving agent is requested to increase the amount of advanced charges, or to add such charges to any waybill received. If he is unable to make the collection the forwarding agent and the freight auditor must be imme- diately notified by wire. 42 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL TWO FORMS BILL OF LADING. In order that a company may protect its interests as well as that of its patrons, it issues two forms of receipts and bills of lading for property delivered to it for transportation. A description of two different forms will be found on pages (42-43). The agent and his assistants should famil- iarize themselves with two or more different forms used by their company. Negotiable or not. By the provision of the general rules, unless a negotiable receipt or bill of lading is requested by the shipper at the time the property is delivered for transportation, or bill of lading applied for, a receipt or bill of lading forms (see page 49) respectively, will be issued. These forms will have printed on them the words "Not Negotiable or Transferable." If you have not been furnished with such forms or do not have them on hand, you will write or stamp across the face of the bill of lading issued by you "Not Negotiable or Transferable," and if- receipt for freight is issued on form furnished by the shipper, the words "Not Negotiable or Transferable," must be Written or stamped across - the face of said re- ceipt unless a negotiable receipt of bill of lading or receipt properly en- dorsed is surrendered. Issuing negotiable bill of lading. When shipper desires a negotiable receipt or bill of lading, the same will be issued by agents on forms sim- ilar to those found on pages 45-47. When such negotiable receipt or bill of lading is issued, waybills for property must have stamped or written across their face "Do not deliver without surrender of the original bill of lading or receipt properly endorsed," and property so receipted for and way-billed must not be delivered until the original bill of lading or re- ceipt properly endorsed is surrendered. What is the object of two forms. The object in adopting various forms of bill of lading and receipts and manner of waybilling freight is to pro- tect a company and its patrons from loss; and when shippers desire negotiable receipts or bill of lading the same will be gladly furnished them, but when so furnished it will be with the understanding that before the property called for on the bill of lading or receipt is delivered, the same must be surrendered the same as the shippers and banks do when they issue notes RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 43 or negotiable paper. They would not think of paying the same until it was surrendered to them for cancellation. Agents to guard against receipts. Local agents who are authorized to issue bills of lading in lieu of receipts for freight must see that they con- tain all of the information which is required to be shown on receipts for freight. When a bill of lading is issued no receipts for freight must be issued, and vice versa. Where bill of lading is issued by other agents. When bills of lading are issued by commercial,, general or other agents, the receipts for freight or bills of lading issued at the time the freight was delivered to the com- pany must be taken up. All of the information given in the document which is surrendered must be copied on the bill of lading. The notation "Bill of lading issued, 191 " must be made across the face of the receipt or bill of lading taken up. It must then be filed as a record of the transaction. How bitts of lading are to be issued. Bills of lading must be written in ink and a pen drawn through all the unused blank spaces so that nothing may "be added after it is issued. They must be signed in ink by the au- thorized person to issue them. In the event the signature is affixed by an authorized employe, his name must also be signed in full underneath so that the person actually issuing the document may be indentified beyond question. No erasures or alterations must appear upon the bill of lading. In the event an error is made, another blank must be used instead of at- tempting to make the necessary corrections. Receipts of bills of lading issued to cover shipments to be stopped in transit. Receipts issued to cover shipments to be stopped in transit for cleaning, milling, or other purposes, in all cases to be issued only up to the stopping point, and the agent at that- point must in every case take up and cancel such receipt. When the property is forwarded from that point new receipts will be issued covering the shipment under the same conditions as in the first paragraph. Dating bill of lading, live stock contracts and receipts. Receipts, bills of lading and livestock contracts must not be issued until entire shipment is in possession of the company, and the date shown thereon should be the date upon which the shipment is completed. Especial attention is called to this paragraph which provides that receipt and bill of lading must not be issued until shipments are in possession. of the company, and the date thereon should be the date upon which received. Agents must comply with this rule and, under no consideration, antedate bills of lading. 44 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL UNIFORM BILL OF LADING ADOPTED IN IOWA. Iowa has a uniform bill of lading to be issued by the common carriers. The bill is known as the "Smith uniform bill of lading acts." It provides that all bills of lading shall contain the date, name of con- signee, place where the goods are received, the destination of the goods, the signature of the carrier and a description of the goods. The bill also makes the carrier liable for failure to deliver a part of the goods to one person, even after the said carrier has made a deliver} 7 of the other part to another, who has purchased the second part after the sale of the first part. The bill also outlines the general provisions of bills of lading. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. Give direction in routing of freight destined to points on foreign lines. Freight intended to be forwarded by some other company, after transporta- tion over your own line, should be marked or directed by consignor accord- ingly. Jn issuing bill of lading or shipper's receipt for freight destined to point on foreign lines, the name of the station where the freight leaves your company must be shown, as well as the ultmate destination. How should signatures to official documents be executed? In ink, un- less stamp is authorized by general freight agent. Would you enter both through and advanced charges on bill of lading, or shipper's receipt ? On freight contracted through to a point beyond your local road, enter through rate, and if advanced charges are paid, such amount should be entered on same. What notation should be made on prepaid bills of lading? That amount received is "To Apply in Payment in Charges," particualrly when destined to foreign lines. How should liay, straw, cotton, and flaxtow be loaded? In box cars or other such cars as designated by the proper officials to guard against fire, etc. LIVE STOCK. Transportation under terms of contract. Live stock will be received and transported only in accordance with the terms and conditions of the regular live stock contract. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 45 i a X o . H ^ g ^ ^ M ^ i S J o ^ B K s/^ W o S h sf 1 1-1 (0 3 b 5 CQ & O on s -c ? s? xj O i I s* n i fa * w t> ^ -4S 6 4 o 2 O 1 1 S 1 fa 5 o pj ^^ ^ PH o 1 ^ p 1 | I Q 5 . s 8 H fa d & H o ^ ^ 1 K e i .^ 1 * ^ Q 2 o | Q 55 < il S e 1 1 H W r fa * O ^ "i? w w ^ ^" g ^ " J 8 fe O ID 46 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL 1. No carrier or party in possession of all or any of the said property herein described shall be liable for any loss thereof or damage thereto, by causes beyond its control; or by floods or by fire from any cause wheres9ever occurring; or by riots, strikes, or stoppage of labor; or by leakage, break- age, chafing, loss in weight, changes in weather, heat, frost, wet, or decay; or from any cause, if it be necessary or is< usual to carry such property upon open cars. In the event of loss of, or damage to, any of the property for which the carriers may be responsible under this bill of lading, it is provided' that each carrier over whose route the said property is to be carried shall have the benefit of any insurance effected by or on account of the owners of said property. 2. No carrier is bound to carry said property by any particular train or vessel, or in time for any particular market, or otherwise than with as reasonable despatch as its general business will permit. Every carrier shall have the right, in case of necessity, to forward said property by any railroad or route between the point of shipment and the point to which the rate is given. 3. No carrier shall be liable for loss or damage not occuring on its own road, or its portion of the through route, nor after said property is ready for delivery to the next carrier or to consignee. The amount of any loss or damage for which any carrier becomes liable shall be computed at the value of the property at the place and time of shipment under this bill of lading, unless a lower value has been agreed upon or is determined by the classification upon which the rate is based, in either of which event.s such lower value shall be the maximum price to govern such computation. Claims for loss or damage must be made in writing to the agent at point of delivery promptly after arrival of property, and if delayed for more than thirty days after delivery of the property, or after due time for the delivery thereof, no carrier hereunder shall be liable in any event. 4. All property shall be subject to necessary cooperage and baling at owner's cost. Each carrier over whose route cotton is to be carried hereunder, shall ha\e the privilege, at its own cost, of com- pressing the same for greater convenience in handling and forwarding, and shall not be held respon- sible for unavoidable delays in procuring such compression. Grain in bulk consigned to a point where there is an elevator may (unless otherwise expressly noted herein, and then if it is not promptly unloaded) be there delivered, and placed with other grain of same kind, without respect to ownership, and if so delivered will be subject to a lien for elevator charges in additon to all other charges here- under. Grain or seeds shipped hereunder and ordered by shippers, owners, or agents, stopped, and unloaded in transit into elevators, warehouses, or cleaning houses, are subject to risks of all kinds, for which it is especially agreed this Company will not be liable while the property is out of its possession; and it i further agreed that this bill of lading is null and void until said property is again reloaded upon its tracks for furtherance to place of destination. No carrier shall be liable for differences in weights or for. shrinkage of any grain or seed carried in bulk. 5. Property not removed by the person or party entitled to receive it within twenty-four hours afte^ its arrival at destination, may be kept in the car, depot, or place of delivery of the carrier, at the sole risk of the owner 01 said property, or may be, at the option of the carrier, removed and otherwise stored at the owner's risk and cost and there held subject to lien, for all freight and other charges. The delivering carrier may make a reasonable charge per day for the detention of any car and for the use of track af tef the car has been held forty-eight hours for unloading, and may add such charges to all other charges hereunder, and hold said property subject to a lien therefor. Prop- erty destined to or taken from a station at which there is no regular appointed agent, shall be en- tirely at risk of owner when unloaded from car, or until loaded into car; and when received from or delivered on private or other siding shall be at owner's risk until the cars are attached to, and after they are detached from train. Goods in bond subject to custom house regulations and expenses. 6. No carrier hereunder will cany, or be liable in any way for, any documents, specie, or for any articles of extraordinary values not specifically rated in the published classification, unless a spe- cial agreement to do so, and a stipulated value of the articles, are endorsed hereon. 7. Every party, whether principal or agent, shipping inflammable, explosive, or dangerous goods, without previous full written disclosure to the carrier of their nature, shall be liable for all loss or damage caused thereby, and such goods may be warehoused at owner's risk and expense, or destroyed without compensation. 8. Any alteration, addition, or erasure in this bill of lading which shall be -made without the special notation hereon of the agent or the carrier issuing this bill of lading, shall be void. 9. Owner or consignee shall pay freight at the rate below stated, and all other charges accruing on said property, before delivery, and according to weights ascertained by any carrier hereunder; and if upon inspection it is ascertained that the articles shipped are not those described in this bill of lad- ing, the freight charges must be paid upon the articles actually shipped and at the rate, and under the rules provided for by published classification. 10. If all or any part of said property is carried by water over any part of said route, such water carriage may be performed subject to the conditions, whether printed or written, contained in this bill of lading, including the condition that no carrier or party shall be liable for any loss or dam- age resulting from the perils of the lake, sea, or other waters; or from explosion, bursting of boiler, breakage of shafts, or any latent defects in hull, machinery, or appurtenances; or from collision, stranding, or other accidents of navigation: or from the prolongation of the voyage. And any vessel carrying any or all of the property herein described shall have the liberty to call at intermediate ports; to tow and be towed, and to assist vessels in distress, and to deviate for the purpose of saving life or property. And any carrier by water liable on account of loss of or damage to any of said property, shall have the full benefit of any insurance that may have been effected upon or on account of said property. 11. If the word "Order" is written hereon immediately before or after the name of the party to whose order the property is consigned, without any further condition or limitation other than the name of the party to be notified of the arrival of the property, the said property shall only be deliv- ered upon the surrender of this bill of lading properly endorsed. If any other than the aforesaid form of consignment is used herein, the said property may, at the option of the carrier, be delivered without requiring the production or surrender of this bill of lading. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 47 o 1-.3 "go *3 "I 25 O ^ <> *-* ** o 2 g s o 12 0-S -M M I ~ * II jl 2 8 ill 1 s j ^ | !8 PH S r^ ^ 1 -M 1 p ^ s ^ -^ "o .2 - "*"* ^ CCi h M i ^. II III if ^ 1 \ CO E* ? fe ^^ (f ^ -S ^ PS ,*r O ^ s n ill w 1 i &fa P o g ej Q En^ S"a i *s 135. SP h ^02 C3 ^ *S ^ f ~^ ^H Y CONSIGN ^ c r" 1 O-S-la O S ^ cf- 5 OC "3 w S 'i S i ta 8 J I " 1 O O J ^. 1 and Daily Rail Road ept as noted (contents and condition of contents < jes to carry to the said destination, if on its road TO CONDITIONS ON BACK HEREOF r of all or any of said property over all or any porti tat every service to be performed hereunder shall be by the shipper, and by him accepted for himself an< DELIVERED ONLY ON SURRENDE ~ LADING PROPERLY ENDORSED. )r written, herein contained, it is rr tn Baltimore, Md. M DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AS GIVJ e i & | | o o I Ir FIFTH CLASS IF FOURTH CLASS 6 Q a 8 4O s fiHB C? *^ |^ ^ ^3 || ^^ Sc w P 3HI * * ^ I ^ il ffl E-i ^ J 1 *t| ^j' of ^ iut;li H- | - > CO 3 J ajj, O_ .^ fc .g g^ ^3 -i S ^ ^ ^ rt rv * o ^ o W) 0-3^ L ^ H g JC ^ "i|| oc J -| z o g . o r/ - - * - ^ t p^ O "5 S * Q g ^ IL 2 s. 1 GC w ^ ^ a^ ui 3 " O "5 ^ ^ &- S Si c ^ h , Q *S W ^ 1 ^ *c-^ ^5 1-3 iJ!-- " Ir H.S-2 tfc-3-^ OL co 3 03 P <^r 5 "^ .-f C3c=_ 4 * o Z 5^ ^**^ a >, \"k ii /L -2 g cf ^r^ | A 03 | ^| | I 111 111 % rH % *'3 L- o ni | H- 1 o 05 Q CO w 111 Si! I | i bJO o 1 "o t"w^2 ^ >>' i y ^ ^ ' | ' ||] tjj | 8 S O CQ" w P d 1 s^ P4 H-c 2 a P 44 hi M ^ 4R TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL GOCTiDI'XI'ICXN'JS 1. No carrier or party in possession of all or any of the said property herein described shall be liable for any loss thereof or damage thereto, by causes beyond its control; or by floods or by fire from any cause wheresoever occurring; or by riots, strikes, or stoppage of labor; or by leakage, break- age, chafing, loss in weight, changes in weather, heat, frost, wet, or decay; or from any cause, if it be necessary or if usual to carry such property upon open cars. In the event of loss of, or damage to, any of the property for which the carriers may be responsible under this bill of lading, it is provided that each carrier over whose route the said property is to be carried shall have the benefit of any insurance effected by or on account of the owners of said property. 2. No carrier is bound to carry said property by any particular train or vessel, or in time for any particular market, or otherwise than with as reasonable despatch as its general business will permit. Every carrier shall have the right, in case of necessity, to forward said property by any railroad or route between the point of shipment and the point to which the rate is given. 3. No carrier shall be liable for loss or damage not occuring on its own road, or its portion of the through route, nor after said property is ready for delivery to the next carrier or to consignee. The amount of any loss or damage for which any carrier becomes liable shall be computed at the value of the property at the place and time of shipment under this bill of lading, unless a lower value has been agreed upon or is determined by the classification upon which the rate is based, in either of which events such lower value shall be the maximum price to govern such computation. Claims for loss or damage must be made in writing to the agent at point of delivery promptly after arrival of property, and if delayed for more than thirty days after delivery of the property, or after due time for the delivery thereof, no carrier hereunder shall be liable in any event. 4. All property shall be subject to necessary cooperage and baling at owner's cost. Each carrier over whose route cotton is to be carried hereunder, shall have the privilege, at its own cost, of com- pressing the same for greater convenience in handling and forwarding, and shall not be held respon- sible tor unavoidable delays in procuring such compression. Grain in bulk consigned to a point where there is an elevator may (unless otherwise expressly noted herein, and then if it is not promptly unloaded) be there delivered, and placed with other grain of same kind, without respect to ownership, and if so delivered will be subject to a Han for elevator charges in additon to all other charges here- under. Grain or seeds shipped hereunder and ordered by shippers, owners, or agents, stopped, and unloaded in transit into elevators, warehouses, or cleaning houses, are subject to risks of all kinds, for which it is especially agreed this Company will not be liable while the property is out of its possession; and it is further agreed that this bill of lading is null and void until said property is again reloaded upon its tracks for furtherance to place of destination. No carrier shall be liable for differences in weights or for. shrinkage of any grain or seed carried in bulk. 5. Property not removed by the person or party entitled to receive it within twenty-four hours after its arrival at destination, may be kept in the car, depot, or place of delivery of the carrier, at the sole risk of the owner oi said property, or may be, at the option of the carrier, removed and otherwise stored at the owner's risk and cost and there held subject to lien, for all freight and other charges. The delivering carrier may make a reasonable charge per day for the detention of any car and for the use of track after the car has been held forty-eight hours for unloading, and may add such charges to all other charges hereunder, and hold said property subject to a lien therefor. Prop- erty destined to or taken from a station at which there is no regular appointed agent, shall be en- tirely at risk of owner when unloaded from car, or until loaded into car; and when received from or delivered on private or other siding shall be at owner's risk until the cars are attached to, and after they are detached from train. Goods in bond subject to custom house regulations and expenses. 6. No carrier hereunder will cany, or be liable in any way for, any documents, specie, or for any articles of extraordinary values not specifically rated in the published classification, unless a spe- cial agreement to do so, and a stipulated value of the articles, are endorsed hereon. 7. Every party, whether principal or agent , shipping inflammable, explosive, or dangerous goods, without previous full written disclosure to the carrier or their nature, shall be liable for all loss or damage caused thereby, and such goods may be warehoused at owner's risk and expense, or destroyed without compensation. 8. Any alteration, addition, or erasure in this bill of lading which shall be made without the special notation hereon of the agent or the carrier issuing this bill of lading, shall be void. 9. Owner or consignee shall pay freight at the rate below stated, and all other charges accruing on said property, before delivery, and according to weights ascertained by any carrier hereunder; and if upon inspection it is ascertained that the articles shipped are not those described in this bill of lad- ing, the freight charges must be paid upon the articles actually shipped and at the rate, and under the rules provided for by published classification. 10. If all or any part of said property is carried by water over any part of said route, such water carriage may be performed subject to the conditions, whether printed or written, contained in this bill of lading, including the condition that no carrier or party shall be liable foi any loss or dam- age resulting from the perils of the lake, sea, or other waters; or from explosion, bursting of boiler, breakage of shafts, or any latent defects in hull, machinery or appurtenances; or from collision, stranding, or other accidents of navigation: or from the prolongation of the voyage. And any vessel carrying any or all of the property herein described shall have the liberty to call at intermediate ports; to tow and be towed, and to assist vessels in distress, and to deviate for the purpose of saving fife or property. And any carrier by water liable on account of loss of or damage to any of said property, shall have the full benefit of any insurance that may have been effected upon or on account of said property. 11. If the word "Order" is written hereon immediately before or after the name of the party to whose order the property is consigned, without any further condition or limitation other than the name of the party to be notified of the arrival of the property, the said property shall only be deliv- ered upon the surrender of this bill of lading properly endorsed. If any other than the aforesaid form of consignment is used herein, the said property may, at the option of the carrier, be delivered without requiring the production or surrender of this bill ef lading. KAILWAY STATION SERVICE 49 . O 01 " - 11 JS^ S a> ^ .2 2 S 1 lm -3 2^| lldgl^ lf|o|| 1^1 S fc-ll P.^^ ?=a i^ o ^ t:i^3|||| W a 1 d 8 H ?! I -g 1 I ij < 25 il | & .1 1 cc E3 g S s S .s fe B 5^ t ^ CQ ^ *0 ,0 T 02 ?o M . ^ ^ (Vj LU 5 3 GO ^ J m = 6 X & 3 ^f -~ c tf f^^ ^ jl -^ s w 's O f 1 21- ^ OF PRO 1 Z 5 s % o K O K- .S O ^ -^ 1 h 1 Z ^ PH hi 2 O Q F Q 9 06 "g 5 o g H h & I 1 6 fe 'h & '3 Q % 1 ^ H O H fc ^j^ OQ p h w f d 1 <(> _o ^ 'S Q ^sj S 4f 6C '^i -d c o &, IF FIRST Charges Advancec KS, CONSIGNEE, A Smith- J one Ch I S3 T5 PH J d g 50 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL OOIN'JOITIOIN'S 1. No carrier or party in possession of all or any of the said property herein described shall be liable for any loss thereof or damage thereto, by causes beyond its control; or by floods or by fire from any cause wheresoever occurring; or by riots, strikes, or stoppage of labor; or by leakage, break- age, chafing, loss in weight, changes in weather, heat, frost, wet, or decay; or from any cause, if it be necessary or it? usual to carry such property upon open cars. In the event of loss of, or damage to, any of the property for which the carriers may be responsible under this bill of lading, it is provided that each carrier over whose route the said property is to be carried shall have the benefit of any insurance effected by or on account of the owners of said property. 2. No carrier is bound to carry said property by any particular train or vessel, or in time for any particular market, or otherwise than with as reasonable despatch as its general business will permit. Every carrier shall have the right, in case of necessity, to forward said property by any railroad or route between the point of shipment and the point to which the rate is given. 3. No carrier shall be liable for loss or damage not occuring on its own road, or its portion of the through route, nor after said property is ready for delivery to the next carrier or to consignee. The amount of any loss or damage for which any carrier becomes liable shall be computed at the value of the property at the place and time of shipment under this bill of lading, unless a lower value has been agreed upon or is determined by the classification upon which the rate is based, in either of which events such lower value shall be the maximum price to govern such computation. Claims for loss or damage must be made in writing to the agent at point of delivery promptly after arrival of property, and if delayed for more than thirty days after delivery of the property, or after due time for the delivery thereof, no carrier hereunder shall be liable in any event. 4. All property shall be subject to necessary cooperage and baling at owner's cost. Each carrier over whose route cotton is to be carried hereunder. shall have the privilege, at its own cost, of com- pressing the same for greater convenience in handling and forwarding, and shall not be held respon- sible tor unavoidable delays in procuring such compression. Grain in bulk consigned to a point where there is an elevator may (unless otherwise expressly noted herein, and then if it is not promptly unloaded) be there delivered, and placed with other grain of same kind, without respect to ownership, and if so delivered will be subject to a lien for elevator charges in additon to all other charges here- under. Grain or seeds shipped hereunder and ordered by shippers, owners, or agents, stopped, ad unloaded in transit into elevators, warehouses, or cleaning houses, are subject to risks of all kinds, for which it is especially agreed this Company will not be liable while the property is out of its possession; and it is further agreed that this bill of lading is null and void until said property is again reloaded upon its tracks for furtherance to place of destination. No carrier shall be liable for differences in weights or for. shrinkage of any grain or seed carried in bulk. 5. Property not removed by the person or party entitled to receive it within twenty-four hours after its arrival at destination, may be kept in the car, depot, or place of delivery of the carrier, at the sole risk of the owner 01 said property, or may be, at the option of the carrier, removed and otherwise stored at the owner's risk and cost and there held subject to lien, for all freight and other charges. The delivering carrier may make a reasonable charge per day for the detention of any car and for the use of track after the car has been held forty-eight hours for unloading, and may add such charges to all other charges hereunder, and hold said property subject to a lien therefor. Prop- erty destined to or taken from a station at which there is no regular appointed agent, shall be en- tirely at risk of owner when unloaded from car, or until loaded into car; and when received from or delivered on private or other siding shall be at owner's risk until the cars are attached to, and atter they are detached from train. Goods in bond subject to custom house regulations and expenses. 6. No carrier hereunder will cany, or be liable in any way for, any documents, specie, or for any articles of extraordinary values not specifically rated in the published classification, unless a spe- cial agreement to do so, and a stipulated value of the articles, are endorsed hereon. 7. Every party, whether principal or ag3nt , shipping inflammable, explosive, or dangerous goods, without previous full written disclosure to the carrier or their nature, shall be liable for all loss or damage caused thereby, and such goods may be warehoused at owner's risk and expense, or destroyed without compensation. 8. Any alteration, addition, or erasure in this bill of lading which shall be made without the special notation hereon of the agent or the carrier issuing this bill of lading, shall be void. 9. Owner or consignee shall pay freight at the rate below stated, and all other charges accruing on said property, before delivery, and according to weights ascertained by any carrier hereunder; and if upon msp?ction it is ascertained that the articles shipped are not those described in this bill of lad- ing, the freight charges must be paid upon the articles actually shipped and at the rate, and under the rules provided for by published classification. 10. If all or any part of said property is carried by water over any part of said route, such water carriage may be performed subject to the conditions, whether printed or written, contained in this bill of lading, including the condition that no carrier or party shall be liable foi any loss or dam- age resulting from the perils of the lake, sea, or other waters; or from explosion, bursting of boiler, breakage of shafts, or any latent defects in hull, machinery, or appurtenances; or from collision, stranding, or other accidents of navigation: or from the prolongation of the voyage. And any vessel carrying any or all of the property herein described shall have the liberty to call at intermediate ports; to tow and be towed, and to assist vessels in distress, and to deviate for the purpose of saving life or property. And any carrier by water liable on account of loss of or damage to any of said property, shall have the full benefit of any insurance that may have been effected upon or on account of said property. 11. If the word "Order" is written hereon immediately before or after the name of the party to whose order the property is consigned, without any further condition or limitation other than the name of the party to be notified of the arrival of the property, the said property shall only be deliv- ered upon the surrender of this bill of lading properly endorsed. If any other than the aforesaid form of consignment is used herein, the said property may, at the option of the carrier, be delivered without requiring the production or surrender of this bill of lading. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 51 Time not guaranteed. Agents must not agree to forward live stock by any particular train, within any specified time, nor in time for any par- ticular market. If shipper desires special service, agent should commu- nicate with the division freight agent. Transportation of cars. Before loading live stock, agents must care- fully examine cars for projections such as nails, splinters, bolts, etc., liable to injure the stock; also see that the floors, cross-bars, and doors are in proper order. When car is loaded, doors must be examined and securely fastened before the car leaves the station. If cars are found defective they must not be loaded until necessary repairs are made. Stock to be counted when loading. Agents must count live stock as'it is being loaded, and note on live stock contract and waybill the number of animals loaded into each car and conditions of same. Agents should also see that cars are not crowded or overloaded. Owner to load and unload. The company requires the owner to load and unload his stock, but agents must render all possible assistance. Em- ployes must also see that men in charge of live stock are afforded proper facilities for the care of the stock under their charge in train and at stations. How contracts are issued. Agents must issue live stock contracts in duplicate for all shipments of live stock in carloads or less (or emigrant movables in which live stock is included), and not issue any other form of receipt or bill of lading. The original and duplicate must be signed by the agent and the shipper, the original to be given to the shipper or per- son in charge, and the duplicate sent to the auditor of freight accounts with daily abstracts on which the waybill is reported. To be made out properly. Agents must be very particular to make live stock contracts properly. All blank spaces must be filled in with the information called for. The kind of stock (whether horses, cattle, hogs, or sheep) must be shown on both contracts provided for names. Names of owner or bonafide employe to be inserted. Agents should permit only the owner or bonafide employe who accompanies the stock to sign their name on the back of the contract, and must draw a line through the remaining spaces provided for names. Valuation of stock to be inserted. Special attention is directed to the provision of the live stock contract in regard to the valuation. Inasmuch as the rate to be applied and the settlement of possible claims for damages depend upon the valuation of each animal, as declared by the shipper, agents must request shipper to insert in ink, on contract, the valuation at 52 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL which he wishes to ship his live stock and the shipment should be rated accordingly. The agreed valuation must also be inserted on waybill. High-priced animals. Race horses, stallions and other high-priced animals which shippers decline to forward according to valuation provided for in regular live stock contract, or classification, will be taken only by special agreement under direction of freight department. Time of loading live stock. Particular attention is called to the rules regarding the time of loading live stock which must be noted on the way- bills for same. The rules should be strictly obeyed and every waybill for the shipment of live stock should plainly show the day and hour when stock was loaded. Actual rates in contracts. The actual rate in cents per hundred (cwt.) pounds, or in dollars per car, as provided for in the current tariffs, must be inserted in the proper place on live stock contracts. The word "Tariff" must not be used to indicate the amount of charges. When shipper declines to place valuation on live stock. Agents will insert what they consider a fair valuation and rate the shipment accordingly. Attendants. Each shipment of live stock, whether carload or less, should have an attendant in charge to take care of, feed and water the stock while in transit; load and unload the same at the owner's expense, and notation "Attendant in Charge" should be noted on waybill. Forwarding stock without attendants. In cases where shippers de- sire to forward their stock without attendant in charge, and the com- pany accepts the shipment under these conditions, it must be understood in so doing that the shipper assumes all the risk of loss or damage, and notation to that effect must be made on the live stock contract and way- bill. The agent must write in ink, or stamp in space provided for the signature of the attendant on back of live stock contract or elsewhere, "no attendant in charge." This contract is not good for return transportation. Note. Attention of agents is called to special rules and regulations issued from time to time specifying the conditions under which the com- pany will accept less than carload shipments of live stock without attendant. Live stock from connecting lines. Transfer bills from connecting lines for all shipments should show the valuation to which released at shipping point. If connecting line tenders shipment of live. stock without an at- tendant and such shipments are not covered by a through contract, a con- tract must be filled out showing the valuation of the animals as shown on the transfer bill and attached to the waybill with request to receiving agent to have it properly signed and returned before delivery of freight. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 53 Note. Eastern roads and many western roads will not accept live stock in either carloads or less without an attendant in charge ; consequently when a shipment of live stock is offered without an attendant, destined to a point on a foreign road, agent should not accept same without first ascer- taining from the division freight agent if the shipment can be sent for- ward without a man in charge. Transportation for attendants. Parties accompanying less than car- load shipments of live stock must provide themselves with tickets for trans- portation through to destination on local road, or to junction point with connecting lines. Agents will decline the shipments when the attendants are not provided with necessary transportation. If for any good reason an attendant in charge of less than carload shipments of live stock is un- able to purchase a ticket before train leaves he may be allowed to accompany the stock, and the amount of the fare must be entered in the freight column of the waybill with notation against same showing what it is for; the re- ceiving agent will add such charges to the freight charges and collect the total from consignee. Memorandum of the transaction showing number and date of the waybill, starting point and destination, and amount to be collected, should be entered on the conductor's cash report of the trip and forwarded promptly to auditor of ticket account. When extra men accompany stock. When extra men accompany stock without contracts held by others they must pay fare or leave the train. Con- ductors must not insert such fares on waybills for collection at destination because consignees will invariably claim that the men were not authorized to take charge of the stock and should not have been carried. Crippled or dead stock unloaded in transit. When live stock is un- loaded in transit for feeding or other purposes, and any such animals are left out of the car on account of being crippled or dead, notation must be made in ink on face of waybill showing station at which such animals are taken out. Name of employe making notation and date must also be shown on face of waybill. Stock consigned to order. Agents will decline to receive stock con- signed "To Order" of a firm or individual. All live stock must be consigned direct to some party at destination who is prepared to receive and care for it upon arrival. Initials not to be used. Full names of consignors and consignees must be given on live stock contracts and waybills. The use of initials to indicate names is not permitted. 54 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL 'S O O t ^^ ^; ^3 S tj .1 lib ti I .&.- i!I|- c rK ft-a>oa;ro ^wa>o ^if ii| mil Oil !;!. IS| 1 2'" rj - -^TS fe-gtc ^r>-^^; ^H H U 9 .. S * i< bc^j fills 3!|! 115 i- V H 51 |l|l.. Q^SaSt-SS 111*1 ;is 3-S S S-8 ti 3 OpifilgUgil pi^iiiyiiii kj OQ d"^ E f? S b5 rt e O S wiliMll^ii! CH j-s g s 8- !! g| S:lsl|!3]|fi ^lijillSSlI 2llljjl|tf SBlliliUl4 .c 1 le * o M 6S3 8-5 ll *s T3o g O WTJ-fl O 5 IS*- CT3 O ""rST ii lilldii.l|Jl!fili ~ jT' .- ^coaS-g vj.a^yuiUJ* 8 ^! I|l^|ilill s 2|||f.|-s Itifl'.sSS^filJ 6 ^ iPlJl^^lil.Pli- Umadf^tff-U !? J3 . S w bfl !i C t.'"* ~' ^ '^ [EH^JMirtilwii a $^ .ag^ts'S S M-^^ o o RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 55 s llsllii '3ZIS --LHOI3H C .a , * 0) 3S o 1 "SSiTa 5 .S|-3 -2 o -x > a * 1 Ifcl^ filSl ^^1 1 r^ifi scJS-a *%%a g aj^oaj^ r5 o y -g ^.13-1 -Si*! iS S I ES s^cl^^ol - i5e"iafl a ltf a Il.s|5|l|*l > ^f^*fe5^* < *'^ l I liiliitiit P m i t t! S&J1 ' S3 O S G* 3 S^-S K O 0-3-3 ^ 5P^ ^ rt fe 53^^2-g ti3S o^'S ^^rt 3 5 M C D.S S : 03 OS 53 XJ.fi .| 15 L" sill^li Nl|*il| ^!f!| II!!!! 1 <{Rjj*3 56 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL c o CJ (J O i ^ O P O 3 o ^o i CH O O tf I ^ .1 ^ S +J Q. fH 2 CD -5 ^ O 43 03 +-> f-4 O RAILWAY STATIOX SERVICE 2t*ri > :l!iii^ I M-S fe 2 .s^-sS ^S S S2^ ^|-B ^ x^'pl ^ gJfeHfa !" JS556 58 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Through and Daily Rail Road Company Live Stock Contract with From. To Dated,. 190 _ Agents will request parties in charge of stock to write their names below with ink and will draw lines through all blank spaces. If no one is to accompany stock, write across the space "No attendant, not good for transportation." Good for . within return pass (if used days from date of contract) when presented as specified in agreement. (See other side.) Signed and stamped by Agent CONDUCTORS will not honor this contract for passage unless parties entitled -to ride have signed their names in ink above. EACH CONDUCTOR having stock in charge covered by this contract, must punch and sign his name in space below. Punch Mark CONDUCTOR Train No. Date & 03 IJS S "o o tS ^ G ^ s hfl ^_ 1i 1 3 en D ~~ f C vi | T3 S & as o* . B C/l "o rt 111! 2 "~ a o S=^ "a 5 s<^,^ | Ifl a> *s Sgll -s s. _> ^.S^ o \S T3 ^_> en j_, t> ^J D ^ tt a-o i i: el rt g DC 111 CQ 2 i s QC ** s LU , ONSIGNE i 1 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 63 GOVERNMENT FREIGHT. Original and duplicate bills of lading. Agents are strictly forbidden to forward government freight unless with it are presented original and duplicate United States government bills of lading. Forwarding agents should carefully examine such bill of lading and see that rates, classifica- tion, etc., are correct before signing them. Disposal of bills of lading. The duplicate should be returned to the government official and the original sent by express to agent at station to which freight is billed. Waybills to be same as government bill of lading. Agents should see that freight is billed in accordance with bill of lading, and that number of bill of lading is given on face of waybill, "Government B. L. No. ." Agents at junction points should not advance, charges to other lines on government freight unless they receive a government bill of lading cov- ering freight charges and all advances, and providing for payment of such charges to the last carrier. HOW TO DISPOSE OF THE DEBIT. Weight. Receiving agents should see that correct weights are inserted in that part of all government bills of lading providing for receipts and that they are receipted by the proper government official, railroad official, or consignee as the case may require. Freight bill should be attached to government bill of lading and sent to auditor of freight accounts with daily freight provided therefor. Government bill of lading. Is a form of receipt issued for government shipments. The agent at destination must obtain this bill of lading from consignee before delivery of goods, and in making out monthly reports all government bills of lading taken up together, with list showing total of amount of charges on freight covered by same, are sent to freight auditor and credit is claimed for same on account current. 64 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL I I 8 s - s ' a 111 I ft ^ fa 80 < 35 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 65 o M eo" -2 o A 5 o ** al ^ o 'I I :! l o .& s o O BQ 00 a i il IS I CO e8 66 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Stop at To Via... Through and Daily Rail Road Company. Whose Car Car No. W. B. No FROM To 190 CONDUCTORS AND AGENTS MUST OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING RULES: Freight to be unloaded at Way Stations must be checked on the Way-Blll by the Agent In the presence of the Conductor CARS BE-SEALED, and any discrepancy discovered noted on the Way-Blll and signed by the Conductor. CONDUCTORS are held PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE for all goods or property while In their charge. Where cars are transferred en route, original Car Numbers and Billing Reference must be shown. Agent at the end of each Division or Destination of Way-Blll will see that the names of Conductors and dates of arrivals and departures are endorsed on the Way -Bills. Departed from Seals Arrived at Seals Conductor No. ----- Departed from Seals Arrived at Seals Conductor No Departed from ...Seals--- ....... Arrived at Seals Conductor No. Departed from ---Seals Arrived at - Seals- - Conductor No. Departed from - --Seals- -- Arrived at - - Seals--- Conductor No Departed from.- - Seals Arrived at ...Seals--- Conductor No. Departed from -- ...Seals--- Arrived at -..Seals--- Conductor No. - Received at the Destined Station... -.190 Seals Agent. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 67 N O ^5 !? l s 1 | o . i 1 j ^5 o S O rrt O 02 rt xj 1 O I? f^ 1 II 1 C t ! s 5 S fitf * !} 5? i 1 i; >. fc il 3 v^ ^ . a -i J I -^ o 1 H 'a 1 o 63 TS ! 1 SO O g e a C i ll S ^ e aj s a *d o Ss fc-l T! o ^ s ^J 8 >. 1 i ,* f f ^ 1 s r d &. 40 a5 1 t-s ays be no' it rate pe 5 > a ^; s 11 ^ 35 wT o "S '53 t ( i 8 g s 1 s i I i 1 I I |Ss"^ s -> S 03 *t^" & "^ Description of Art! 00 1 ? 3 S o OQ O i Marked Ca cents as a minimum c -StS*- V^S* M 03 i" ^ ~ >- 1 s a. ^ -4-3 eviation therefrom) an charges based on sue! be corrected on the fac officers notififid at nn s. >) I y Consignee and Destination. 00 i rO PQ 1 "S^ e t |3 f J! 1?&\ ^*ag C Q Sp lf=i 1 ^ 1 _ ^^ PQS S Consignor. OL l! I! \ 70 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Stop at To Via Through & Daily Rail Road Company, Whose Car Car No _W. B. No. F/ To 190 CONDUCTORS AND AGENTS MUST OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING RULES: Freight to be unloaded at Way Stations must be checked on the Way-Bill by the Agent in the pres- ence of the Conductor, CARS RE-SEALED, and any discrepancy discovered noted on the Way-Bill and signed by the Conductor. CONDUCTORS are held PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE for all goods or property while in their charge. Where cars are transferred en route, original Car Numbers and Billing Reference must be shown. Agent at the end of each Division or Destination of Way-Bill will see that the names of Con- ductors and dates of arrivals and departures are endorsed on the Way-Bills. Departed from... Seals Arrived at Seals . _ Conductor No... Departed from .Seals . Arrived at , .Seals _ Conductor No Departed from Seals Arrived at - - Seals _ Conductor No. Departed from Seals Arrived at Seals _ Conductor No Departed from Seals Arrived at Seals Conductor No Departed from Seals Arrived at _ .Seals. .Conductor No.... Departed from - Seals Arrived at Seals _ Conductor No Received at the Destined Station 190 . Seals.. Agent KAIL WAY STATION SEEVICE 71 WAYBILLS DEFINITION OF WAYBILLS. A waybill is a statement describing property to be transported by rail- way, specifying the consignor, consignee, service which has been and is to be performed and the charges incidental thereto; it is intended to accom- pany the property until service is completed, and eventually performed. Purpose. A waybill must be made for all freight transported. Use of Memorandum. The use of memorandum i. e. waybills that are not completed in accordance with the following instructions, or num- bered in a regular waybill series, is prohibited. Sizes of Waybills. Waybills, as to their size are known as a quarter, half, and blanket; (blanket meaning whole sheet). Kinds, interline, etc. Also live stock, either local, or interline and card waybills. A local Waybill. A waybill for freight to be transported between stations both of which are located upon the same railway, when it does not passover any other railway enroute, is a local waybill. Local way- bills are used for local commercial business. They number in the order in which they are made, starting at number one on the first of the month, and on some roads on the first of the year only. They show the office from and to, consignor, consignee, and a description of the goods shipped. In order to determine charges on waybill, freight must first be classified. A classification book is furnished for that purpose dividing freight into 1st, 2nd, 3d and 4th classes, and into A, B, C, D and E classes. A tariff sheet is furnished showing the rates per cwt. on the different classes between the different stations. If tariff to station to which freight is to be shipped is not given, figure rate to first station beyond or consult distance tariff. When freight charges have been entered in proper column and advances or pre- paid, if any, have been put in proper column, waybills must be endorsed 0. R. ("Owner's Risk") or such other notation placed on receipt given shipper should be placed on waybill. Interline Waybills. A waybill for freight to be transported between stations one of which is located upon another railway, also for freight be- tween stations both of which are located upon the same railway, but where the freight passes over some other railway, enroute, is an interline "waybill. 72 TWENTIETH CENTURY, MANUAL Perishable Property Waybills. The perishable property waybill is used for billing perishable property i. e. shipments of butter, fruit and similar articles liable to injury by heat, cold or delay in transit. This waybill is made of colored paper so as to be easily distinguished from other waybills. The reason for providing waybills of this kind is that conductors and others who handle freight at terminal and other stations may be liable to deter- mine what cars contain perishable freight without inspecting all the way- bills sd that they may, when necessary, give such freight preference over other shipment. It is also intended to facilitate the delivery of perishable freight at the receiving stations, as it enables the agent to pick out waybills for such freight at a glance. Live Stock Waybill. The live stock waybill is intended for use in bill- ing stock to live stock centers. It does not differ from the common waybill except that a stub is attached containing substantially the same informa- tion that is given in the waybill. The stub goes with the stock to the yards for the guidance of those who attend to the collection of charges at destina- tion. Reference must be given on the stub as well as on the waybill proper to any special waybills that have been made for feeding or caring for the stock in transit. Designating Agents. The agent at the station from which freight is waybilled is designated as the forwarding agent. The agent at the station to which freight is waybilled is designated as the receiving agent. Instructions to Forwarding Agent. The waybill must show the true condition of the property when received for transportation. INSTRUCTIONS TO FORWARDING AGENTS. The way-bill must show the true condition of the property when received for transportation. A loaded car ticket, or such other device as agents may be directed to use, will be used when it is impossible to forward way-bills with loaded cars. The use of this substitute must be specially authorized by the gen- eral freight department. In way-billing carload freight, unless specially authorized to the con- trary by the freight auditor, agents will make a separate way-bill for each loaded car, except that in the case of freight such as timbers, poles, etc., which by reason of their length cannot be loaded upon one car and two or more are required, one way-bill only need be made for the shipment. Also in case of special circus trains one way-bill only should be made for each train. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 73 No freight will be way-billed free. Shipments of company's material, astray freight way-billed under in- structions from the proper officer, also freight way-billed from milling, cleaning or feeding stations under contract, must not be entered on way- bills with freight upon which there are charges. All freight for company's use must be way-billed to the company for whose use it is intended, in the care of the person under whose direction and authority it is intended to be used. A way-bill must be made for such freight whether there are freight charges thereon or not. The way-bill must be made from the shipping bill and must contain all the information given thereon. The way-bill must agree with the receipt or bill of lading given the shipper. Way-bills must be written plainly and with copying ink or ribbon. 74 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL II fl a 2*3 II 2 is 11 ll Through and Daily Rai Form 3. 1 Road Company. WAY-BILL FOR FREIGHT y. . , , , Dubuque, Iowa. Ler Cai VIA JUNCTION Oelwein. VIA JUNCTION Gross ' WITH C. G. W. WITH R\ 2 O , I % O Tare gth of Ca lacity of ( r I 6 Ft 6 In N , 40,000 iar 5^,000 Lb * When a through rate is used and the shipment l to be re- way-billed en route, the sul.-di visions must be shown in the rate column In road order, notlug opposite each pro- portion the initial of the road to which It accrues. WEIGHT OF CAR AND CONTENTS Tons CONSIGNOR, Connecting Line Reference, original car and way-bill number and point of shipment Marks, Consignee, and Destination No. of Pkgs. ARTICLES AN[ CONDITIONS, (0. R. Lockwood Gr. Co. White & Co. Bulk Final accounting must be made on thi actual weight in up per left-han II! 9K 3:3 3*S a CM CO m II i I B si 8 i .1 ATE RAILWAY STATION SERVICE May 10, 1Qn . SERIS A_ Des Moines, Iowa. ^Q 75 No. 1468. Chicago, TIL VIA JUNCTION VIA JUNCTION VIA JUNCTION VIA JUNCTION WITH By WITH Rv WITH By. WITH By. feigh this Car at D/ ubuque, Iowa. Carlr Int , C.G.W. Car N INTO ^468^6. top this Car at Sycamore, III. TRANSFERRED Nn At To Mill. or Int No. At ASSIFICATION B., BEL., GTD., ETC.) WEIGHT RATE AND AUTHORITY* FREIGHT Advances PBEPAID Vheat. 6 12 ill from orner. # 28 s- 1 i& S* o 1 s-^ S"^ B *o _; C c3 w ^ p 'g "S3 -^ p a 2 P< ^ ^d g ^ g > -85 gl d i |l |^ 1 ig CTIONS. ^1 gl t g !I II I -i 15 a s 1* g a * c d" S* l| (3 II NSTRU t 11 i * !| -I ! s SI Ji ! s STATION ll j! * ^ Z~ 3* 1 o sl ||g>lE 1 3 o o "S ^ *" i to * Is^l s l-s r-4 |g5iJ o ll fil^^JS 1 i s fa tl *o fl A || 76 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Form 3i 12-02-50M THROUGH AND DAILY RAIL ROAD CO WAY-BILL FOR LIVE STOCK F mm Lador Weighed at ROUTE Via Junction Via Junction Gross with with TJ V "R Poro LengthofCar Net Capacity of ^ar L} +When a through rate is used and the shipment is to be re-way-billed en route, the subdivisions must be shown in the rate column in road order, noting opposite each proportion the initial of the road to which it accrues. Weight of Car and Contei To CONSIGNOR Connecting Line Reference, Original Car and Way-Bill No. and Point of Shipment CONSIGNEE AND DESTINATION No. of Descriptior Head Classificati Smith & Co. Sprague Com. Co. 73 Hogs Shippers 1 o> >> ! !l -* 3*1 tftl (N TU i IB i & a i I CO Q d a ai 'i . EH H EAILWAY STATION SEEVICE 77 Date ^prU_Al 190-?: Series -No.- 100. Iowa, .To Union Stock Yards, III. Via Junction Via Junction Via Junction Via Junction with with with with RY. ,RY. .RY. .RY Weigh this Car at - S. Yd,., IlL Stop this Car at Geneseo, III. For To Feed and Water Car Int. C..R.I.&P. Transferred into Int ___ No ___ At Int ____ No __ - At No J6000_ f Stock and Conditions Weight Rate and Auth'ty+ Freight Advances Prepaid 18000 ad. Count 36\00 300 p fl O O II 1 1 | a ^ fefl o r^ C ^ c3 J2 3 73 *3.S 3 o~ ,0 cT m o 's s 3 02 bb tx-^ ^ Q ^fe-Jfa 1 tt *o CO z i|Mt 1 8 ,J2 &- 0) rj ^ & 1 Ul 11 O zZri n> '^ o *^ ^ QC s S> cc Ill^fi g Illlll S a .2 H 11 > ^r ^^ \- E s - lt *- |tM '^S -^ 5 **s co t *-' F 3(^^^>-O O OQ 2-rt 8 gag M-g -S X s c 0) II S^^^.S o'^^ obaT^g^f^ o^ H = S^ g^ J^^qS c S c3 3 S-^TJ prj GO ^j Q ^^ r^ - Z 13 fl ^ gg-B.8.3 -^=^13^ oys o3lc ' 1 Hi tsS. 78 M TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL T. AND D. R. R. CO. 1 t T3 O> 3 ^5 '-2 'ef e s J_i O *H ,0 1 Way-] Date. Consij Consig Destir Conte milled from [Zi state f ;a ' April 4 w w ^00 P ^ r 5^000, c., ^e. /. <& p. ijnor cfcCo. r n ^ Sprague Com. Co. at.inn ^ nt n Stock Yards, III. Hogs Dollars Cents \ Total Charges, inspection. To prevent stealing, in all Western States cattle and horses must be inspected by a Government inspector, and stock contract must not be issued until inspector's receipt, in original and carbon duplicates, is given, showing all brands or other marks of identification on stock. The original inspection certificate, together with original live stock contract, is then issued, and the carbon duplicate of inspection certificate, together with carbon duplicate of live stock contract, are retained and sent in with daily or monthly reports. Sheep must be inspected to see that they are in no wise diseased, and Government inspector's certificate to that effect is handled the same way as that of the brand inspection of company's live stock contract, which is signed by shipper and man in charge. What provision is made for live stock not provided for by classi- fication? Special authority for valuation or other conditions is requested by agent from Division Freight Agent, or General Freight Agent. On what terms are live stock received? In accordance with terms and conditions of contract. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 79 z S TJ 8 C O c/3 /) 3 T3 II "Si txo 3 g -5 S "c - o 5 o o: J* O > w .d S g ^ . o -P life? o ^ *- o f ! * g 80 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL PREPAID ONLY WAYBILLS. Definition of P. P. 0. waybills. A "Prepaid only Waybill" is a way- bill having the amount shown in prepaid column only, and will be shown as a P. P. 0. waybill. It is a debit to the billing agent, a credit to the re- ceiving agent, and will be used for correcting errors in advances and pre- paids of other waybills, as described in these instructions. It should be reported in received abstract on the day it is received. For/transfer of charges. The P. P. 0. waybill may be used to transfer charges between stations, on authority of auditor of freight accounts. When to be used with foreign roads. P. P. 0. waybills may be ac- cepted from all roads, but will only be made to roads outside of your own route on authority of the auditor of freight accounts. Clear Reference Required. P. P. 0. waybills should specify clearly what they are for and give reference to the waybills which they correct. Forwarding agent's record. The forwarding agent should note on his copy of the original waybill reference to the P. P. 0. waybill. Receiving agent's record. The receiving agent should note on his freight received record reference to the P. P. 0. waybill. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 81 FREIGHT CHARGES. Definition of term freight. The "Freight" is the transportation charges on a shipment from the point at which the waybill is made- to the destination of the waybill, and is a debit to the receiving agent if charges are not prepaid. Correct Billing. Receiving agent should examine all waybills care- fully and correct errors and classifications, weights, rates, extentions and footing of both weight and charges before collecting charges and report- ing waybills, except that errors in extensions of less than five cents need not be collected. Receiving agents will be held responsible for all un- collected errors in waybills received. Corrections to le in red ink. Receiving agents should make necessary corrections on waybills in red ink before taking them in to account. Authority for changes. Changes in weight, rate, classification, or de- scriptions of articles should be explained in red ink on face of waybills by .receiving agents. The reason for changes in extension or footing will be apparent and need no explanation. Correction of errors. Errors in freight charges discovered by the re- receiving agent after waybills have been recorded should be adjusted by the waybill corrections. UNDERCHARGE, OVERCHARGE, AND EEFUXD. Undercharge. If an undercharge, agent should immediately collect the amount and charge it to his station. Outstanding freight bilkshould be taken up, attached to the waybill correction and a new freight bill issued marked ("Correction"). If it cannot be taken up a new freight bill should be issued for the additional collection only. If an overcharge is not cor- rected^the agent should make new freight bill for the correct amount and send the erroneous freight bill to auditor of freight accounts attached to waybill correction, both marked "Xot Collected." If the charges have been collected the receiving agent should take up the original freight bill, issue a correct one, marked "Corrected," make waybill correction, and send it, with the original freight bill to the auditor of freight accounts with daily 82 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL report. Refund must not be made unless the original receipted freight bill is surrendered by the consignee. In doubtful cases, do not refund, but refer the matter to the auditor of freight accounts. Responsibilities for Errors. While these instructions make the re- ceiving agent responsible for the collections of the freight charges, never- theless forwarding agents and bill clerks must not interpret them to mean that they are to relax their efforts to have waybills correct before leaving station. ^ s (lLt_L_ ADVANCES. i Definition of term advances. "Advances" are the accrued charges \ against a shipment up to- the time of making a waybill. The credit to the W forwarding agent and a debit to the receiving agent. i Discovery of errors. When the forwarding agent discovers an error in | advances after waybill has left a station the receiving agent should be noti- I fied at once. Advances billed in excess. When advances have been billed in excess of the correct amount of freight, or other figures have been placed in the advance column by mistake, the agent discovering the error should advise the other agent of the facts by wire. The receiving agent should col- Ilect the correct amount and forwarding agent should send P. P. 0. way- bill for the amount billed in excess. The same if not collected. If the charges have not been collected at the time such advances have been received the receiving agent should make freight bill foi: the correct amount and carry the excess as uncollected on freight bill against the billing agent until P. P. 0. bill is received. The P. P. 0. waybill should then be accounted for on freight received report and the excess freight bill marked "Uncollected" and sent with the way- bill to the auditor of freight as voucher for the amount. // collected. If the charges have been collected before notice of the overcharge has been received, the receiving agent on the P. P. 0. waybill, should take up the original receipted freight bill, issue the consignee a corrected waybill, refund the overcharge and take receipt for it sending the receipt and original freight bill to the auditor of the freight accounts as a voucher for the amount. Refunds must not be made unless the orig- inal receipted freight bill is surrendered by the consignee. If the over- charge cannot be refunded immediately the receiving agent should so note on the P. IJ. 0. waybill. Account for it on freight received report and add the amount to the freight charges of the original waybill by way- RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 83 bill correction. This does not prohibit refund by waybill corrections when- ever consignee surrenders the original freight bill. Undercharge, if not collected, if collected. When the advances have been waybilled at less than the correct amount, if the charges have not been collected, when notice of the error is received, the receiving agent should make freight bill for correct amount and send immediately P. P. 0. way- bill for the undercharge. If the charges have been collected the. receiving ^ agent should make every effort to collect the undercharge, and if success- . ful send P. P. 0. waybill to forwarding agent; if not, immediately advise forwarding agent. The latter should send to the auditor of freight ac- counts as voucher for the P. P. 0. waybill, receipt for the correct amount . of advances. s- Advances not to be changed 0n original waybill. Footing advances. It should be understood that in this method of using the P. P. 0. waybills 1 ! to correct errors in advances, the figures in advances column on original I waybills must not be changed, except for error in footing. If the for- warding agent should discover errors in advances on his waybill before it leaves his hands, the figures on waybill should not be changed, but the waybill should be destroyed and a new one made. Separate waybills required to correct errors. ,0ne waybill should not be made to cover shipment of freight and also the correction of advances. The latter should always be on a separate waybill. PREPAID. t Definition of term prepaid. "Prepaid" is an amount paid to the for- I warding agent toward the cost of transporting the consignment to destina- | tion. It is a debit to the forwarding agent and a credit to the receiving } agent. / "Freight" must be shown. On prepaid shipment the freight charges to the destination of waybill must be shown in freight column. Debit to forwarding agent. Forwarding agent should charge the station with the whole amount prepaid and enter it in the prepaid column of the waybill opposite the consignment to which it belongs. Receiving agent's record. The receiving agent should charge the station with the advances and freight and take credit for the whole amount prepaid. . When destined to another road. When freight is destined beyond the station to which it is billed, the agent at the junction point can collect 84 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL from the agent of the connecting line the freight and advances and pay over to him the full amount prepaid. The receipts of connecting lines for amounts paid them should be sent to the auditor of freight accounts with daily received reports. When received from a foreign road. When freight, prepaid" from originating point to destination, is received from a connecting road to be rebilled, agent should pay to the .delivering road its charges and collect from it the amount originally prepaid to destination. The rebilling should show, as advances, all charges up- to that point, thus enabling agent to show on waybill. amount of original prepayment. Under prepaid. When the amount prepaid is not sufficient to meet the sum of the advances on freight the difference should be collected from the consignee. Overpaid- When a shipment is not destined beyond a station to which waybill is made, and the amount prepaid exceeds the total of the advances and legitimate freight charges, the freight charges should be increased to such a figure as will make the total advances on freight charges equal to the full amount prepaid, and in such cases no overcharge is to be refunded without taking out the receipt given to the consignor when prepayment was made. This receipt, with receipt of party to whom refund is made, should be sent to the auditor of freight accounts as voucher. Discovery of error. When forwarding agent discovers an error in pre- paid after waybill has left the station the receiving agent should be at once notified. When prepaid is billed to collect. Same if collected. When forwarding fagent discovers that a shipment has been billed collect when it should have" been billed prepaid, or that prepaid has been billed at less than amount collected, he should immediately notify the receiving agent of the amount prepaid, at the same time issuing P. P. 0. waybill giving full explanation thereon, including reference to the original waybill. This will debit the forwarding agent and credit the receiving agent with the amount collected. If the charges have not been collected before notice of the error has been received, the receiving agent should carry the freight bill as uncol- lected until the P. P. 0. bill is received; in the meantime furnishing the consignee with correct freight bill. He should then send the erroneous" freight bill marked "Not Collected" to the auditor of the freight account with a report in which the P. P. 0. wa}^bill is included. If the charges, have been collected before notice of the error has been received, the re- ceiving agent should take up the original freight bill, refund to consignee> RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 85 take his receipt for amount refunded and send both to the auditor of \ freight accounts with received report in which P. P. 0. bill is included. . | Refund must not be made unless original receipted freight bill is sur- rendered to the consignee. If the money be refunded immediately the re- ceiving agent will so note on the P. P. 0. waybill, account for it on freight received report and add the amount to the freight charges of the original waybill by waybill correction. This, however, prohibits refund by waybill corrections whenever consignee surrenders the original freight bill. : Shipments billed prepaid in error. When the forwarding agent dis- covers that a shipment has been billed prepaid when it should have been billed collect ; or that prepaid has been billed at more than the amount col- lected he should immediately notify the receiving agent of the error and state explicitly the amount to be collected from the consignee. The receiv- ing agent should return amount billed in excess by P. P. 0. waybill. If the freight is undelivered, P. P. 0. waybill should be immediately sent. Erroneous prepaid not collected. If the amount of the excess prepaid \ has not been collected from the consignor when notice of the error was 'sent, the forwarding agent should carry a prepaid freight bill as uncollected .until the P. P. 0. waybill is received. He should then send the erroneous bill marked "Xot Collected" to the auditor of freight accounts with a report in which the P. P. 0. waybill is included. Same if^jtb collected. If the amount billed as prepaid has been col- lected before notice of the error was sent, the forwarding agent should take up the original prepaid freight bill, prepaid bill of lading or prepaid ship- ping receipt which ever has been issued, refund to consignor, take his receipt for the amount refunded and send both to the auditor of freight accounts with report in which P. P. 0. waybill is included. / Conditions of refund. Refund must not be made unless original re- ceipted prepaid freight bill, and bill of lading or shipping receipt, if any were issued, is surrendered by the shipper. Disposition of credit when unable to refund. If the money cannot be refunded immediately the forwarding agent should ask the auditor of freight accounts for instructions. Prepaid must not be charged on original waybill. It will be under- stood that in this method of using P. P. 0. waybills to correct errors in prepaid, the figures in prepaid column on original waybills are not to be changed, except for errors in footing. For the correction of such errors made at stations which are open for forwarded business only, request should be made to the auditor of freight accounts for special instructions if for- 86 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL warding agent should discover errors in prepaid on his waybill before it leaves his hands. The figures should not be changed, but the waybill should be destroyed and a new one made. Responsibility of agents. Forwarding agents will be held responsible for all undercharges in waybilling prepaid freight. It must not, however, be understood that the receiving agent is relieved of the responsibility of using every effort to collect undercharges. Separate waybills required to correct errors. One waybill should not be made to cover shipments of freight and also the correction of prepaid. The latter should always be on separate waybill. A loaded car ticket. Or such other device as agents may be required to use will be used when it is impossible to forward waybills with loaded cars. The use of this substitute to be specially authorized by the general freight department. In waybilling carload freight, unless specially au- thorized to the contrary by the freight auditor, agents will make a separate waybill for each loaded car, except that in case of freight such as timbers, poles, etc., which by reason of their length cannot be loaded upon one car and two or more are required, only one waybill need be made for the ship- ment. Also, in case of special circus trains one waybill only should be made for each train. No freight L will .he-waybilled free except underiJn- structions__from proper official. When such instructions are issued the freight must in alTeases be regularly waybilled and the authority for the free billing shown in the column provided for that purpose. The actual weight tf all freight waybilled free must be entered n the waybill. Company's material or estray freight. Shipments of company's mate- rial, estray freight waybilled free under instruction from the proper official, also freight waybilled from milling, cleaning or feeding stations free must not be entered on waybills with freight upon whiph there are charges. All freight for company's use must be waybilled to the company for whose use it is intended, in the care of the person under whose direction and authority it is intended to be used. A regular waybill must be made for such freight whether there are freight charges thereon or not. The waybill must be made from the shipping bill and must contain all the information given thereon. Dividing a consignment in two or more cars. It will sometimes be nec- essary to divide a consignment of freight received from some other railway and load it into two or more cars, the rate of which is based upon the whole amount rather than upon the amount contained in each car. In such cases that portion of the shipment loaded in each car should be billed as RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 87 "Part lot" and the waybill should show reference to each of the other way- bills in interest. If the actual weight of the whole shipment is known, all of the weight and charges should be entered on the first waybill and nota- tion made "The weight and charges as shown on this waybill cover part lot shipment as shown on . ./.Q&T* waybill No. 3. . car initials ^r P. ff car No/?;". :" and on the other waybills made for the balance of the ship- ment the notation should be made: "For weight and charges see my.C*/6v ; waybill No. .?-. car initials, .Vf: . car No. '. . . ." If for any reason it is impossible to determine the aggregate weight of a shipment which is sent forward loaded in more than one car before the first carload goes forward, each carload must be waybilled as "Part lot" at its actual weight and the freight charges extended in accordance there- with ; full reference being on each waybill of the other wa} T bills in interest. In the event any charges have been advanced or miscellaneous charges of any kind have occurred, or interline charges prepaid have been received to apply 0n the shipment they should, in every instance, be noted on the first waybill made, and notation made on each of the other waybills "For ad- vanced charges, miscellaneous charges, or interline charges prepaid (as the case may be). See my waybill No. . . . of , 19 " Waybill and receipts to agree. The waybill must agree with the re- ceipt or bill of lading given to the shipper. Where waybills are marked. In waybilling freight for which a bill of lading or receipt has been given, the waybill is sometimes marked on its face "Bill of Lading Issued," or "Receipt Issued." Where freight is guaranteed. In waybilling freight upon which the rules of the company require that the charges must be guaranteed, the notation "Guaranteed" is made on the face of the waybill. In case any person or firm executes a monthly or annual guarantee the notation "Monthly Guarantee," or "Annual Guarantee" is made on the face of the waybill, and in some cases the_date of the execution of same may be given. Particular attention is called to the execution of guarantees. The signature of the shipper is not in all cases sufficient. When there is any doubt about the responsibility of the person or firm, the guarantee must also be signed by another responsible party. MISCELLANEOUS NOTES. Waybills must be written plainly and copying ink used. Route. When waybilling to points that can be reached by more than 88 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL one route rand when waybilling to stations on other roads, the junction via which the freight is to go must be entered in the space provided on the way- bill. When waybilling to stations on other roads the name of each road over which the freight is to pass must be given in the space provided there- for on the waybill, in addition to the junction. Car initials and numbers. Car initials and, car numbers must be given in full in the space provided when known. No initial letter must be omitted unless authorized by the proper- official. If freight is loaded into a passing train and the car initial and number are not entered on the waybill by the agent, he must take the number and initial of the car in which the freight is loaded and enter his information on the record of his waybill, as well as upon all the tissue copies made thereof, before they are sent forward to the parties for whom they are intended. In the case of two or more roads having the same initials (as for instance Illinois Central, Iowa Central, Montana Central and Michigan Central) the name must be abbreviated in such manner as to show clearly to which company the car belongs. (Date. All waybills must bear the date upon which they are actually made. In the event the shipment of freight which a waybill covers was delivered and receipted for previous to the date of the waybill, the date upon which it came into the company's possession should be noted on the waybill. The name of the month must be written in the space provided therefor. Numerals should be used for the date of the month and the year. Name of stations. The name of the station and state from and to which freight is waybilled must be written in full in the space provided therefor. Stamps must not be used. Abbreviations liable to lead to un- certainty, such as Cal. for California and Col. for Colorado, N. P. for North- ern Pacific, and U. P. for Union Pacific should not be used. The name of the state should, in every case, follow the name of the town, as there are many towns of the same name. I By reference to the form of waybill it will be seen that various columns I are provided for the convenient insertion of the name of consignor and I consignee, marks, number of packages and articles; also a column for the \ weight, rate to be charged, authority for the rate, and the different kinds of V charges accruing in connection with the transportation of the property. If there is more than one class of freight the weight of each class must be en- Jtered opposite, so that the rate may be entered correspondingly thereto. The weight and charges column must be carefully footed and the totals entered at the bottom immediately following the last entry. Consignor. The name of the consignor must be entered in full. KAILWAY STATION SERVICE 89 Consecutive number. The consecutive numbers of the shipping bill must be entered in the column provided for the consignor. Re-waybilling from connecting lines. In re-waybilling from a con- necting line, or otherwise, the name of the connecting line and the particu- lars of the original waybill must be entered in the consignor column. In every case the original point of shipment must be given, including the name of the state. If it is for freight transferred from one car to another enroute, the initials and the number of the car from which transferred, as well as the particulars of the car to which transferred, must be shown. Consignee and destination. The name and address of the consignee \ must be given in full. When freight is consigned to the care or order of \ any person or company the name of such person or company must be given in full. When freight is destined to a point beyond that to which it is way- billed, the final destination including the county and state must be given in full. The destination of property, or name of consignee, or person to -whose order freight is shipped, cannot be changed except subject to the conditions recited in the instructions of the traffic department. Marks. Any distinguishing marks shown on property must be entered \ in the waybill in the column provided for that purpose. \ Description of articles. The articles of freight and number thereof,! also quantity, must be specified on the waybill ; this must be done in accord- \ ance with the classification. Abbreviations must not be employed, except I such as are in common use and are readily understood. The commodity must be shown; it will not do to say "Grain," the kind of grain must be specified. This is also true of live stock ; the particular kind of live stock must be shown such as horses, cattle, sheep, hogs, and so on. Coal must be specified in kind whether hard, soft, nut, slack, lump, pea, or otherwise. All articles of each separate consignment, to which the same rate is applied, must be grouped together. Conditions to be noted. The condition under which property is ac- cepted for shipment, such as "Owner's Risk," "Carrier's Risk," "Released," "Guaranteed," "Strapped," "Corded," and "Sealed," "Knocked Down," "Flat and Compact," "Set Up," and so on, whenever separately considered in the classification, or when they are factors in determining the rate, must be noted on waybill. Abbreviations are generally used. Notation live stock "contract" on waybills. In waybilling live stock \ forward the notation "Shipped Under Contract" should be made on the face of the waybill in case live stock contract is executed. In case the same is refused by shipper the notation "Contract Refused" should be made in every instance. 90 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Where freight is inspected. When freight is inspected at a forwarding station by an authorized person or inspector of the Western Railway Weigh- ing Association and Inspection Bureau, the notation "Property Inspected" should be made upon the face of the waybill in copying ink before same is copied ; also initials of party making inspection. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 91 WEIGHTS. Freight to be billed at gross weights. Freight must be waybilled at gross weight regardless of the weight given by shippers and inserted in ship- ping orders and bills of lading, subject to the rules of the classification and established minimum as shown in current tariffs and circulars. Freight in less than carloads must be carefully weighed. Forwarding agents are instructed to carefully weigh all freight in less than carload lots and waybill at actual weights except where classification provides for esti- mated weights on certain articles. If receiving agent has reasons to believe that billed weights are not correct he should carefully weigh shipment and collect charges accordingly. Carload freight from stations having track scales. When scales are fur- nished at a station, agents must in every instance weigh all freight offered for shipment and know that the weight billed is correct except as provided for in paragraphs following. Carload freight from station having no track scale. Where station has no track scale carload freight destined to, or will pass a weighing sta- tion, must be waybilled at maximum or at estimated weight as shown in classification or paragraph. K"ote on waybill in space provided for that purpose that car must be weighed at destination, or at such station in transit as may be designated by the superintendent or proper official in current instructions. Carload freight to and from stations without track scales and where no intermediate track scales are passed. When carload freight is forwarded from and destined to stations having no track scales and between which or near which there are no intermediate track scales agents must ascertain from shipper the gross weight and, if satisfied that it is correct, will waybill accordingly. Use the table of estimated weights as a guide. Company freight. It is not necessary to weigh cars loaded with bridge material, ties, wood, coal, rails or other material when for company use. Gross, tare and net to be shown on waybill. Where carload freight is weighed agents should note on waybill or card waybill the gross, tare and net weight of car and contents; also name of weighing station, specifying when tare is estimated. 92 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Weight to be shown on card waybills. Card waybills for carload freight which has been weighed must bear weight stamp to avoid unnecessary re- weighing. Collect charges according to weight stamped on waybills. When cars are weighed in transit receiving agents must collect charges according to weight stamped on waybills regardless of weight originally billed or shown on consignee's invoice subject to existing rules regarding maximum and minimum weights. Errors in stamp weights. In case of obvious errors in stamp weights agents will refer the matter at once to the division freight agent giving full and complete information. This does not give agents authority to hold waybills out of account awaiting reply from division freight agent. Carload freight not to be weighed when waybill bears weighing stamp. When carload freight has been weighed and bears the stamp of the Western Railway Association, or the stamp of some station on your own road, car will not be weighed again except upon special instructions. Grain to be billed at maximum weights. Grain in carloads should be waybilled at maximum weights, but when destined to other points having elevators or facilities for weighing will be weighed at those points and charges corrected to actual weights subject to established minimum. Live stock to be billed at minimum weights. Live stock in carloads should be waybilled at minimum weight for cars of various sizes as provided in various tariffs. Shipments' of cattle, calves, hogs and sheep when destined to markets will be weighed at these points and charges cor- rected to basis of actual weights subject to the established minimum. Horses and mules should not be weighed as rates are based on the length of cars regardless of weight. Western Weighing Association agreements with shippers. Attention is directed to the various agreements made between shippers and the West- ern Railway Association whereby agents are authorized to waybill at weights furnished by shipper subject to established minimum. Waybills should show agreement stamp and such shipments must not be weighed. See cir- culars issued by the Western Railways Association from time to time giving lists of parties with whom arrangements of this kind have been made. Show tonnage on waybills for engine rating. Waybills and card way- bills for loaded cars must show the total weight of the car and load in space provided in even tons omitting fractions of less than one-half, or if equiva- RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 93 lent to one-half or more, counting it as one ton; for example if a car con- tains forty-three thousand pounds, tare weight is 22,500, making a total of 65,500 pounds, it should be considered as 66,000 pounds and shown as 33 tons on the waybill. ESTIMATED WEIGHTS. When agents are compelled to base their waybills on estimated weights or quantities, they must note under the weight "Estimated." The follow- ing table of estimates has been carefully compiled and by its use a very close estimate of the weight of freight shipped, without ascertaining the actual weight, can be obtained. Initial. Car No. F-8-07. 50M. Form 2O I . _190_ WEIGH Contents Gross . Tare_ Net Return this card to. Destination TABLE OF ESTIMATED WEIGHTS. To be used only when actual weights cannot be ascertained. Pounds Acid, per carboy 230 Alcohol, per brl 380 Alcohol, per half brl 200 Ale, beer or porter, per brl 350 Ale, beer or porter, per half brl 180 Ale, beer or porter, per quarter brl 100 94 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Ale, beer or porter, per eighth brl 50 Apples, dry, per brl 200 Apples, dry, per bu 24 Green, per brl 160 Green, per bu 56 Barley, Pearl, per brl 200 Beans, per bu 60 Beans, Castor, per bu '. 46 Beer, (see ale). Bran, per bu 20 Brick, common, each 4 Brick, pressed or fire, each 6 Brooms, per dozen ' 30 Broom Corn Seed, per bu 46 Butter in packages containing 25 Ibs 30 Butter in packages containing 30 Ibs 37 Butter in packages containing 40 Ibs 47 Butter in packages containing 56 Ibs 65 Butter in packages containing 60 Ibs 72 Butter in firkins 125 Cement, common, per brl 300 Cement, Portland, per brl 400 Charcoal, per bushel 22 Cider, per barrel of 30 gals 300 Cider, per barrel of 40 to 45 gals 450 Cider, per barrel of 46 to 52 gals. . . , 485 Cider, per % barrel- 200 Coal, per bushel 80 Coke, per bushel 40 Cornmeal, per bushel 48 Cornmeal, per brl 200 Eggs, per brl 200 Eggs in cases of 30 dozen 53 Eggs in cases of 36 dozen 65 Over 36 doz. two Ibs. per dozen additional. Fish, salt, per brl 300 Fish, salt, i/ 2 brl 160 Fish, salt, % brl 80 Fish, salt, i/ 8 brl. or kit 40 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 95 Flour, per brl 200 Flour, per sack 98 Flour, per l /2 sack 49 Flour, per y sack 24 5/10 Flour, per export sack 140 Gin, per brl 420 Glucose, per brl 675 Grain Barley, per bushel 48 Buckwheat, per bushel 52 Corn, shelled, per bushel 56 Corn in ear, per bushel 70 Oats, per bushel 32 Rye, per bushel 56 Wheat, per bushel 60 High Wines or Spirits, 186 proof or over, per brl 380 High Wines or Spirits, below 186 or over 130 proof, per brl 400 High Wines or Spirits, below 130 proof, per brl 410 Hominy, per bushel 60 Lard, per brl 380 Lard, per tierce 450 Lime, land, per bushel 80 Lime, land, per barrel 200 Liquors N". 0. S., per brl 400 Lumber, Green. Seasoned Ash, per 1,000 ft 5,000 3,500 Basswood, per 1,000 ft 3,500 2,500 Birch, per 1,000 ft 4,250 3,400 Butternut, per 1,000 ft 5,000. 3,000 Cherry, per 1,000 ft. . . 5,000 4,000 Chestnut, per 1,000 ft 5,250 3,250 Cypress, per 1,000 ft 4,000 2,000 Hickory, per 1,000 ft 6,000 4,000 Poplar, per 1,000 ft 4,000 3,000 Rock Elm, per 1,000 ft 5,000 4,000 Soft Elm, per 1,000 ft 5,000 3,500 Sycamore, per 1,000 ft : 5,000 4,000 Walnut, per 1,000 ft 5,500 4,000 96 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Green. Seasoned White pine, per 1,000 ft 3,500 2,500 Yellow pine, long leaf, per 1,000 ft 4,500 3,500 Yellow pine, short leaf, per 1,000 ft 4,000 3,250 Shingles, cypress, per 1,000 450 300 Lath, white pine, per 1,000 700 450 Lath, Yellow pine, % in., per 1,000 1,050 900 Lath, Yellow pine, % in., per 1,000 700 500 Malt, per bushel 38 Meats, Beef or bung guts, per tierce 660 Beef hams with pickle, per tierce 528 Beef hams with pickle drawn, per tierce 418 Beef hams with pickle drawn, per brl 320 Casings, hog or sausage, per brl 480 Casings, hog or sausage, per tierce 660 Pigsfeet, pickled, per brl 352 Pigsfeet, pickled, per y 2 brl 136 Pork, Hams and Shoulders, With pickle, per brl. 418 Pickle drawn, per brl. 320 With pickle, per tierce 528 With pickle drawn, per tierce 418 Tongues with pickle, per tierce 528 Tongues with pickle drawn, per tierce 418 Tongues with pickle, per brl 374 Tongues with pickle drawn, per brl 308 Tripe, per brl 330 Tripe, per % brl 127 Molasses, per brl 675 Molasses, per % brl 300 Nails, per keg 106 Oils, Coal or Carbon, Benzine, Benzole, Petroleum, Natural, Gasoline or Lubricating, In barrels 400 In cases 80 In tank cars, per gallon 6.4 Linseed, per brl 450 EAILWAY STATION SERVICE 97 Neatsfoot, per brl 450 Lard, per brl 484 Tallow, per brl 440 Red, per brl 450 Onions, per brl 150 Onions, per bu 60 Peaches, dried, per bu 33 Peaches, green, per bu 56 Peas, dried, per bu 60 Pickles, per l /2 brl. of 15 gallons 150 Pickles, per brl. of 30 gals 285 Pickles, excess over 30 gals., 10 Ibs. per gal. additional. Plastering hair, per bu 8 Porter, (see ale). Potatoes, common, per bu 60 Potatoes, common, per brl 180 Potatoes, Sweet, per bu 55 Potatoes, Sweet, per brl 160 Rosin, per brl .- . . . 300 Salt, per brl 300 Seed, Bluegrass, per bu 14 Clover, per bu 60 Flax, per bu 56 Hemp, per bu 44 Hungarian, per bu 45 Millet, per bu 45 Orchard, per bu 14 Red top, per bu 14 Timothy, per bu 45 Spirits, (see wine). Sugar Grape, granulated or flake, per brl 230 Stearine, per brl 385 Stearine, per tierce 600 Syrup, per brl 675 Syrup, per i/ 2 brl 350 Tallow, per brl 335 Tallow, per tierce Turnips, per bu 98 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Turnips, per bu 56 Turpentine, per brl 400 Varnish, per brl 400 Vinegar, per brl., same as cider. Water, lime 300 Whiskey, per brl 410 Wood, soft green, per cord 3,500 Wood, soft seasoned, per cord 3,000 Wood, hard green, per cord 4,500 Wood, hard seasoned, per cord 3,500 Wood, tan bark, green, per cord 3,500 Wood, tan bark, seasoned, per cord 2,200 Cord dimensions: One cord is 4 ft. high by 4 ft. wide by 8 ft. long, making 128 cu. ft. Gravel, per cu. ft 120 Ice, per cu. ft. - , 62.5 Marble, per cu. ft 165 Sand, per cu. ft. 120 Slate, per cu. ft '. . 175 Stone, per cu. ft 155 Net ton weight is 2,000 Gross ton weight is 2,240 Long ton weight is 2,268 Note. When any of the estimated weights on articles named conflict with those given in the tariffs and classifications in use by your company the later will govern. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 99 CARD WAYBILL Form 51 M 11-06 100M. CAR TOXS Initial Gross. No Freight.. To. Via< Contents ACCOUNTANT'S ASSOCIATION STANDARD FORM NO. 111. Through & Daily Ry. Co. CARD WAYBILL NO From Consignor Consignee Destination PREPAID. S COLLECT, $ , ESTIMATED WEIGHT ACTUAL WEIGHT ^^^^^^^^^^^"^^^"^^^"^ Gross , WHERE WEIGHED Tare 190 Net Date 190 Agent. Transferred to Car No At Date 190.... The above must be carefully filled up with PEN and INK. *Date Train No Time *To be filled in by first Conductor taking the Car. 100 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL When card waybills have been used, no excuse will be taken for Receiving Agents neglecting to paste them to regular waybills, THIS SIDE OUT. Do not put mucilage below the initials and number of car on face of card waybill. 6 10 Agents at Junction points will stamp in consecutive order as indicated above. Stamp must be kept in good order/ and clear, legible impressions given. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 101 CARD WAYBILLS. Definition. A "Card Waybill" is a paper which is sometimes used as a temporary substitute for the waybill proper in moving carload freight. Less than carload shipments. Card waybills must not be used for less than carload shipments. Card billing loaded cars. If on account of limited time agents cannot furnish regular billing for carload freight which is in train ready to leave station a "Card Waybill" may be used. Card waybills should always show initials and number of car, consignee, destination, route and contents to enable cars to be switched promptly. If after making card waybill an error should be discovered a new one should be made and first one destroyed . Card bills to be used in extreme cases only. Regular waybill should, in all cases where practicable, accompany car to destination to which it is billed. Card waybills must not be used except in cases when it is abso- lutely necessary to prevent serious detention or carload freight. When card waybills are used regular waybills must be made and forwarded to destina- tion by first train mail. Card waybilling beyond local road. When freight is card waybilled to another road regular waybill should be sent by first passenger train to junction point where the freight is delivered to the connecting line in order that the stamp of junction station may be placed thereon and junction record made. Use of card waybill envelopes. When cars containing a number ship- ments of merchandise are moved on card waybill envelopes to a distributing point, junction agent should take waybill out of envelopes, stamp each in space provided, make necessary entry on junction freight report and replace them in the envelopes. Agents at distributing points should file such en j velopes for future reference. A separate envelope should be made for each car. Card waybills to be attached to regular waybills by receiving agent. Receiving agents should attach card waybills to regular waybills before sending them to the auditor of freight accounts. The whole card waybill should not be pasted to the waybill, but only a small strip at the side so that it may be read when necessary. 102 TWENTIES 1 ? CENTURY MANUAL FORM 20. Conductors must carry this Card with Car, and deliver to Agent at destination. FROM TO Train No. Contents, Date SHIPPER, CONSIGNEE, IF DESTINED EAST OF CHICAGO, GIVE Route, Destination,. THIS CAR HAS WAY-FREIGHT FOR EAILWAY STATION SERVICE 103 On Tfr. Track FORM C. T. 38-A C. & E. L 495 Car No. To Chicago, III. TRA|N Via Date WEIGHT OF CAR FOR Engine Rating Tons Through and Daily Rail Road Co. EMPTY CAR CARD WAY-BILL. FORWARDED FROM Station BY ORDER OF J. R. C. Consignee C ' & E - L For Agent. This card way-bill must accompany car to desti- nation, and must be used for all empty cars for- warded by special order. Yardmasters must stamp on back of this card date of arrival of car in yards. 104 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL ARRIVAL AND DELIVERY OF FREIGHT. Agents are responsible for the delivery of freight. Agents are re- sponsible for the delivery of all freight arriving at their stations ^nd must take such precautions as will insure delivery to proper consignee. To send notice of arrival of freight to consignee. Agents should promptly notify consignee of the arrival of freight either by mail, messen- ger 01* telephone, and state the correct amount of charges due the company. Show on receipt part of freight bill date notice is sent. Agents to check waybills against freight received. Receiving agents must exercise care in the examination and checking of waybills received at their station and ascertain whether all articles specified on such waybills have been received and condition of same. All articles on waybills will be considered -as having been received and in good order unless otherwise shown on waybill. Agents to have consignee remove freight promptly. Agents will use all proper means to induce consignees to remove their freight within twenty- four hours after arrival as the company requires all of its warehouse room for the daily movement of freight. Delivering freight to connecting line. In delivering freight to connect- ing lines agents must not accept receipts bearing notations which can be construed to cover any damage or shortage that may exist on arrival of freight at destination. Notations showing damage or shortage must specify the articles and exact condition at time or delivery. Freight consigned to connecting lines to be promptly delivered. Agents must deliver freight to connecting lines when so consigned as soon after arrival as practicable and care must be taken to have same receipted for with proper notations showing time of delivery, condition of freight, etc. Agents to examine all freight before delivery. Agents must not allow freight to be taken from cars or warehouse until it has been carefully exam- ined as to marks and conditions, and then only in the presence of a repre- sentative of the company who will see that consignees receive all their freight, and do not, in error, take packages which do not belong to them. Note. This rule does not apply to carload shipments in bulk which are to be unloaded by consignees. Such freight is considered delivered when RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 105 cars are placed on consignee's track where they are to be unloaded, charges having been paid and receipted for. Delivering freight on consignee's order. When freight is delivered to a drayman or party other than the original consignee the agent must have a written order on file from consignee authorizing the delivery. Original receipt or bill of lading to ~be taken up before delivery of freight. Unless consignees are known to be reliable and trustworthy the original receipt or bill of lading must be surrendered before the delivery of freight. Freight consigned direct to one party care of another party. Shipments consigned direct to one party care of another party must not be delivered to the party in whose care shipped; nor to a third party without surrender of bill of lading endorsed by the consignee. Articles shipped under a false name. When articles are shipped under a false name in order to evade the proper classification, agent at destination will collect the charges according to the proper classification and correct waybills accordingly, notifying the general freight office. Owner's risk after arrival. These companies are not liable for damage by fire or as a common carrier for any article after its arrival at place of destination. Their liability after that being that of warehousemen only. They reserve the right to charge storage or to send freight to a public ware- house for storage at risk of owner, subject to the customary storage and commission charges and saies for charges as provided by law. Writ of attachment, replevin, etc. Should a sheriff or a constable pre- sent writs of attachment, execution or replevin upon which he proposes to seize property in the possession of these companies the agent must ex- amine the writ and take copy of it. If the property sought is at his station he will demand payment of all charges, notifying the officer that if he makes levy either with or without payment of all charges he must do so at his own risk, and property must be removed from premises of company soon as possible. When property is attached, replevied or levied upon, agent should notify consignor and consignee at once, giving name of plaintiff, amount sued for, and time and place of hearing. When property is removed the agent should take the officer's receipt therefor. Agents must, without delay, report all facts by wire to the freight claim agent, notify local attorney by telegraph, send original summons to proper officers, and a copy of the^sum- mons to the general solicitor. Where no attorney, or without regular in- structions, report all facts by wire to the division or general freight agent and send copy of the writ by first mail. 106 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL 1 u . 1 o I 3 ORIGINAL c H o | ft i 8 CO s S I i a ; g 1 * ,_) & g I a 5 F 1 cd (V ft s ^^ s o | 1 55 K i Q 3 I g CO y i YD NUMBER CO M C5 H > 2 i 43 Hg 1 ITIALS Al AND MAR] H B w E ! s B ARTICLES 8 i 1 a S D as 4 i 5 i I i o i s 1 5 B |i r>* ^ 1 * s *^ * 1 H- o 1 i WAYBILL R I CO* O y 1 i 1 1 f T . ? p K RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 107 Mailing cards. After the expiration of a certain time (24 or 36 hours) storage is charged on all freight received. Hence when expense bill is made, postal containing description of freight and charges must be made out, copied and mailed at once to all consignees. (To local merchants, etc., it is not necessary.) F 104 THROUGH AND DAILY RAIL ROAD COMPANY, Victor, la., Station, May 10, 1906. There is at this Depot, consigned to you, the following: FROM ARTICLES. CHARGES Altoona 2 Bbl. Sugar 66 ~6G Total Which is now at your risk. Please call and pay charges and remove property. Same being carload freight, is subject to a minimum charge for trackage and rental of $1 .00 per car for each 24 hours' detention, or QA fractional part thereof, after the expiration of *^ hours from date o r mailing this notice, and such charge will commence on the 11 t May, . n 6, ,.6 a. ...day of... ..x.'.. 190...!. .at... ...m. articles of Freight must be taken away within thirty-six hours after their arrival, or they will be sent to warehouse, and collect from the same the freight and charges due. Extract from Sec. 13 of Charter. J. J. Jones, AGENT. Please deliver above property to bearer. Consignee. FREIGHT RECEIVED FROM AND DELIVERED TO OTHER . TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES. Freight must not be received from nor delivered to connecting lines unless it is accompanied by a freight (expense) bill or a waybill showing the weight and charges, as well as all particulars necessary for the proper handling and forwarding of the freight. In the event the freight is re- ceived for delivery to connecting transportation companies without a regu- 108 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL lar waybill the necessary short freight return must be sent to the proper officer forthwith. A short freight return must also be promptly sent to the proper official when the waybills for freight to be delivered to connecting lines are received unaccompanied by the freight. Receipt for freight received from connecting lines must not be given nor the freight allowed to go forward until all of the necessary information by which it may be intelligently handled is received from the carrier mak- ing the delivery. All loaded cars received from connecting lines must be carefully examined at the junction station with a view of detecting any defects that may result in loss of, or damage to, their contents. Less than carload freight received from connecting lines must be carefully checked with the freight (expense) bill or waybill and any varia- tion in quantity or condition must be noted thereon, as well as upon any receipt which may be issued for the property. In case of carload lots that may be passed without being checked or transferred the notation "Not checked or transferred at station" must be made across the face of the freight (expense) bill or waybill, as well as upon the receipt given for the freight and station record. Shipments of perishable or other freight, upon which the rules of the traffic manager or department requires the charges to be prepaid or guaran- teed, are subject to the same general conditions when received from con- necting lines as in other cases. The notation "Charges Guaranteed" upon connecting lines freight (expense) bill will be understood to be the guaran- tee of all charges to destination, including any charges that may have been advanced by this company. No guarantee will be. accepted unless with this understanding. " When freight upon which charges should be guaranteed is offered by connecting lines the agent must require the guarantee of con- necting line, and must not accept that of the original alone. Reporting interline business. A report of all regular interline waybills, whether regular or card received from and delivered to connecting lines each day, should be sent to the freight auditor by the junction agent on blank provided for that purpose, according to printed instructions thereon. Inspection of interline waybills for miscellaneous charges. Junction agents should carefully inspect all waybills delivered to connecting line and where any show miscellaneous charges to have been entered after the waybill left forwarding station a memorandum giving name of station where such charge accrued, nature of the charge and amount should be made imme- diately under the entry of the waybill on the junction report. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 109 MISCELLANEOUS XOTES. When waybilling to stations on foreign lines, or via more than one route, what is noted? The junction via which freight is to be forwarded. What points in waybills must agents at junction point examine? All interline waybills from or to stations on foreign lines, and if the rate used cannot be verified by advices in his possession from general freight agent, he must at once apply to division freight agent for instructions, and full particulars must accompany application. What is observed in billing freight from foreign lines. Agents under the heading of consignor must show connecting lines, billing point, date of waybill, car number and initials ; also original point of shipment when such shipments have originated beyond connecting line's billing point. In for- warding reconsigned freight, full reference to original billing must be made. If the shipment is a carload and has been transferred from one car to an- other enroute the initials and number of the car from which the shipment was transferred must always be shown. What is done when freight is left short of destination, or transferred from disabled cars? Should a loaded car become disabled, or for any cause be left on a side track or at a station where there is no agent, the conductor will deliver the waybill to the agent at the next regular station and endorse on the waybill when, where, and why the car was left and report the same to his superintendent, train master, or train dispatcher. CORRECTION BLANKS. Waybill correction "blank. When an error is discovered in the freight charges of a waybill after it has been reported in received abstract correction should be made by use of waybill correction form. Errors in abstract. Errors found in footing of charges columns of way- bills after they have been reported in received abstract should be considered as errors in abstracting. 110 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL 1 d * 1 e t '"S ^ a a A c -^ in B % gfe [J -*^ **** \ 1 ^ GQ ^> 1 1 j Q " s i e i 1 % ** o g H ^ M ^^ ^ g^ ( ^ l 6 fc 13 r-4 ^. s O ^i Is * f i 1 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 111 \ Abstract Correction Blanks. All errors in abstracts and daily freight balances affecting the debit or credit of the station should be corrected by "the use of freight balance correction form. When such errors are detected by the agent after reports have left the station correction should not be attempted by bringing forward, in daily freight balance, totals differing from those shown on last report, but request should be made to the auditor of freight accounts for freight balance corrections. In the meantime the difference should be shown as an unsettled item in daily freight balance. Evidence that proper disposition has been made of credits obtained by freight balance correction is required, as follows: A If the original freight bill is incorrect, it should be taken up and attached to the freight balance correction, and a receipt for the amount refunded taken, in space provided on the face of the blank. B If the original bill is incorrect, but has not been collected, make notation to that effect across the face thereof, and attach to the freight balance corrections. C If the outstanding freight bill shows no overcharge, note across face of balance corrections "Freight Bill Correct." D If the credit is disposed of by issuing P. P. 0. way-bill, copy of the P. P. 0. way-bill should be attached to the freight balance correction. E If advances forwarded are added or increased, the usual voucher for advances will be required. If over collection has been made, and for any cause refund cannot be made, ask Auditor of Freight Accounts for instructions. 112 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL u tt o: O O H 1 X o 111 b. 2 O bl H < tt o 1- ^ H H u k Q CO 111 _l ISSUING R RTED ARTIC U m Q D CL U UJ gi X tt o < CO CO CO * bl bl T (0 STATIC! Z o o Z o 2z 5S j 2 00 z ^ < c M ^ Q RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 113 fc "g ili ii *- ? t^-S-o lll U 8 1 i. s s. C at ^ ** i-> "^ vi- !l, s| l = 114 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL 3 X o t ^" o * 1 ij o ex cfl 1 JU d U w ij Z s j% Q-, ui < H Z E2 g z fi U 2 c j_ D O C o 1 Qi c X o w Q D s 3 d" o t) V o 0> 5c [L, s X o 3 U & a __1 2 c c "o [J[ J ^ o ^_ X UH U- < 5 13 3 p o ? 5 rp-Hl U -4* Q Q c o s C/} LU PJ 2 CQ O 2 ^ 8 5 E c c^J o % H K* u-, 2 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 115 FR H Js o *1 J) "5 J2 o **- "g .^ c w 1/1 o c -S s-s -K o o c c *r!O-r->- ^ 116 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL JUNCTION BUSINESS. Junction freight report. This is a statement rendered by an agent at a junction station of all interline waybills passing to or from connecting lines showing stations between which the billing is made, together with such other business as may be required. Waybills witliqut freight. An interline waybill on which entire ship- ment checks short at junction point with road outside of your own local route should be forwarded to the destination of such waybill, via route shown thereon, after the agent of the outside road has made proper notation of the shortage on the face of the waybill over his signature. The agent at destination should take the waybill into account and if the freight has been received via some other route the routing on the waybill should be made to conform to the actual movement of the freight. If the freight has not been received, short report should be made and claim filed for relief of charges as per current instructions. Waybills to foreign roads having freight short. Waybills from your own local route points to points on foreign roads, when not accompanied by the freight, may be held waiting disposition, but not to exceed thirty days. At the expiration of that period the heading should be changed to the junction point and waybill included in freight received. In the mean- time junction should endeavor to locate the freight. The same action should be taken by the conductor when he leaves a disabled car at a regular station, except that waybill should be delivered to agent at station where car is left. Should it become necessary to transfer freight into other cars while enroute, note the fact on the waybills, giving the initials and number of the car into which freight was transferred, and date and station at which such transfer was made. The agent at station at which transfer was made will make copy of waybills of all freight damaged, which copy of waybill with regular report giving cause for the transfer must be sent to the general claim agent by first mail. Goods must be carefully checked from waybills, noting on face of same condition of property at time of transfer; conductor will sign his name in full on waybill, and keep a record of the transaction in his car book. Bonded freight must not be transferred except by government officials. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 117 1 1 k 1 C 5 i >-' < I ,_) "a < V. 6 Q: c > 4J '1 CQ xi ^ t: Q liJ H o 1 to H <3 ^ s 2 1 1 i a s f .me of Raii j Q 2 o c TO b c < "o s c CL M tLO '5 O 1 .0 NSIGNOR production or n\ to ^ d destination in i O Q. 3 ^ c 8 i ^ o *Q UJ i 0. Ou > c Q- ^ < 00 *Q g tt? s Q. W ^ Q. 2 m "M ^ * w w O o I 1 iL. 2 3 "^ O H I 12 [x- C 2 C < 2 2 ! c it . 5 hj k .9 o I f ga i RJ < o M > Q ^2 8 CQ J 3 .52 H tt Ctf P C/3 B < o p j 2 h H &i 22 ^ 1 O D l| 0jj (fl* w w ni t H! b U ^T o. c H > Q g w 1 S c * "> .2 "S (f> "5 B 1 hH (A h 1 ^ JS Q c 1 DOME P s j 8 a} 1 w C u O H ^ *0 O o fe *(q ^ H S 2 U 1 2 W i Q "3 B c G | C ** t p P \ i ? y. tii 6> \ C. P < PACKAG; F fhe W/jds, c &H fc p ~ 1 i 2 i B i ^ ti 118 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Shipper's Manifest. From. . FOR EXPORT TO. Via Last Port in the U. S. Loaded in car No. TRANSFERRED TO Car No. TRANSFERRED TO Car No. TRANSFERRED TO Car No. See Art. 5, U. S. Treas. Dept. Cir. No. 201, 1892./ EAILWAY STATION SERVICE 119 BONDED FREIGHT. When received from customs officials. Freight in bond must not be received from customs officials unless a manifest for each shipment bearing certificate of a customs officer is delivered with shipping order. When received from connecting lines. Freight in bond must not be received from connecting lines unless a manifest for each shipment bearing certificate of custom officer is delivered with the transfer bills; seals and fastenings of car are intact, and a red or yellow card is attached to each side of car. When under supervision of customs officers. Bonded freight, except as provided in paragraphs headed "Corded and Sealed" and " Internal Revenue Bonded Freight" must always be loaded or transferred from car to car under the supervision of a customs officer who will, when car is loaded, secure same with customs seals or locks according to whether the merchandise is "APPRAISED" or "UNAPPRAISED," as outlined in paragraphs headed A. and B. Waybilling. In waybilling bonded freight notation must be made on the waybill against each shipment "In bond, manifest attached" and the manifests must be securely attached to the waybills they cover. Corded and sealed. Bales and, packages of bonded freight "Corded and Sealed" are not required to be transported in cars secured by customs locks or seals, or to be transferred under the supervision of a customs officer, consequently they can be loaded in car with free freight destined to any point. Manifest must accompany such shipments, however, and waybill must bear notation "Corded and Sealed." Customs locks or seals not re- quired against each shipment in addition to notation, "In bond, manifest attached." Internal revenue bonded freight. An act of congress dated August 28, 1894, provides for the establishment of general bonded warehouses for the storage of spirits made from material other than fruit, and the transporta- tion thereof in bond. Manifests are not required in the shipments of such bonded freight and they will be handled under ordinary seal protection, customs locks or seals not being required. Notation must be made on way- bills for such freight, "Internal revenue bonded freight : manifest, customs locks or seals not required." 120 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Customs seals. Appraised merchandise. Cars containing appraised merchandise in bond must be secured by customs seals or customs locks. Customs locks. Unappraised merchandise. Cars containing merchan- dise (unappraised) must be secured by customs locks. Seals and locks can le- removed only by customs officers. Customs seals or locks are placed on cars and removed only by a customs officer. Any other person removing or tampering with these seals is guilty of felony, and is punishable by imprisonment not exceeding five years, or fine not exceeding $1,000, or both, at the discretion of the court. Card for bonded freight "Appraised." Every car containing bonded merchandise (appraised) is required to have on each side, in close proximity to the place where the openings are sealed, a red card 3 l / 2 by 4 1 /2 inches in size, with the following words printed in black letters : U. 8. CUSTOMS. BONDED MERCHANDISE (APPRAISED) From (Departure) Date . To (Arrival) Date NOTICE: Seals attached to this car are to be removed by Customs Officers only. Unauthorized persons who willfully break, cut or remove Customs seals are liable to a fine of $IOOO.OO, or imprisonment not exceeding five years, or both. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 121 Card for merchandise "Unappraised" Cars containing bonded mer- chandise (unappraised) must be carded on both sides at loading station with a yellow card, six inches square, reading as follows : U. S. CUSTOMS. UNAPPRAISED MERCHANDISE. IN BOND From Forwarded I9O To Arrived tgo NOTICE: Seals attached to this car are to be removed by Customs Officers only. Unauthorized persons who willfully break, cut or remove Customs seals are liable to a fine of $1OOO.OO, or imprisonment not exceeding five years, or both. Manifest for bonded freight. Manifest for bonded freight must always be in the possession of the agent or conductor having charge of the cars con- taining bonded freight, and must be attached to waybills as provided in paragraph headed "Waybilling" and transmitted with them to destination. Not to be forwarded on card waybills. Cars containing bonded freight must not be forwarded on card waybills, because if so forwarded conductor will not be able to determine whether or not he has manifest covering all of the bonded shipments in the car. Loss of manifest. If manifest for bonded freight is lost while in pos- session of an employe of this company, the fact must be reported at once by wire to the division freight agent. Loss of red or yellow card. Should the red or yellow cards become detached from car or lost in transit, another must be placed thereon by em- ploye discovering the loss, who will advise division freight agent by wire. Cards may be produced at all division and terminal stations, where supply should be kept on hand at all times. Agents and conductors to examine customs seals and locks. Agents or conductors, upon receipt of cars containing bondejl freight, must examine 122 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL customs locks or seals to determine whether or not all fastenings are intact. If they are found broken or tampered with, particulars must be reported at once by the agent to the freight claim agent, or by the conductor to the superintendent, making notation on waybill to this effect and showing name and date. If customs locks or seals are found broken or tampered with at a station where a customs officer is located, agent will advise him direct and notify freight claim agent of action taken. Customs locks or seals may be broken in case of accident. If a car bearing customs locks or seals is disabled by accident, fire or otherwise, and a customs officer is not available, the locks and seals may be broken by the conductor in charge, or by the agent at the station nearest the scene of tlie accident, first carefully noting the lock or seal number and register the num- ber on the manifest. Conductor or agent must carefully check the transfer of the contents and make an affidavit of the facts, stating circumstances under which the locks or seals were broken and removed from the car. This affidavit must be attached to the manifest which, with the broken locks or seals, must be forwarded with the bonded freight to the first intermediate station where customs officer is located, who will place customs locks or seals on the car. If there is no customs officer located at intermediate station, affidavit, manifest and broken locks or seals must be delivered to customs officer at destination. Customs cards must be removed from damaged car and placed on the car into which bonded freight is transferred. Full infor- mation must be given to freight claim agent by wire. Arrival and delivery of bonded freight. Agents must report imme- diately arrival of all bonded freight except "Internal Revenue Bonded Freight" to customs officer on form furnished to him, attaching manifest received with the freight to the report of the arrival. The report of the arrival of bonded freight to customs officer completes the bonded obligation of the company, and it is only responsible beyond that to the same extent as for free freight while left in its possession. Agents must be governed by instructions received from customs officer as to disposition of bonded freight. "When all government charges on a shipment of bonded freight have been paid and the shipment is released by the government officer, it becomes free freight and is to be treated exactly as any other regular shipment. When, however, on account of a failure to pay the duty, or for any other reason a shipment is not released from bond, but is taken charge of by the government and put in a bonded warehouse, agent must file a lien for same without delay with the customs officer. If all charges are paid after lien has been filed customs officer should be notified to cancel lien. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 123 Arrival and delivery of internal revenue bonded freight. Instructions in above paragraph do not apply to internal revenue bonded freight. Con- signees should be notified of arrival of internal revenue bonded freight and delivery should be made of such freight same as free freight. TRANSIT SEALS. Agents should fully understand the difference between government seals for merchandise in bond and what are technically called "Transit Seals" which latter are only intended to prevent the substitution of other goods while cars are passing from one part of United States to another through Canada. Their purpose is served when they are found intact on the return of the cars to the United States territory and may be removed by the rail- way agent at their destination without reference to customs house officer. Care must be taken not to confound transit seals with customs seals used on bonded cars, as the customs authorities will not overlook infractions of the law which may arise through the ignorance or misinformation of railway employes. The transit seal is marked as follows: "IN ^\*r^ TRANSIT/' PERISHABLE FREIGHT. Careful and prompt handling a necessity.' Vegetables, fruits, dressed poultry, game, fresh meats, fish, oysters, eggs and dairy freight are subject to decay, and are classified as "Perishable Freight." Extraordinary care must be taken to prevent loss or damage. When in charge of messenger. Messengers are authorized to regulate the ventilators, and any instructions given by them should be complied with. Agent should assist them to the fullest extent possible. Ventilation rules. Cars should be) ventilated in accordance with the instructions given by the shipper or connecting lines. Agents as well as conductors must keep a complete record of the position of the ventilators. No change should be made in the ventilation by an employe, except on written order of shipper, consignee, connecting lines or messenger in charge. Such authority should be kept on file and the change noted on waybill. Transfers to be avoided. Transfers should be avoided as this class of freight cannot be transferred without heavy damage. Where cars are dis- abled they should be repaired and forwarded promptly. When absolutely 124 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Q 8 bi UJ O H E O LO O 5 PQ DC en to O W U O ii RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 125 necessary to transfer, a telegraphic report must be sent to the superintendent giving exact extent of damage and asking for instructions. Protection against freezing. During extremely cold weather if no mes- senger is in charge of fruit and vegetables, such shipments should be put in the engine house. As a rule this class of freight in box cars should be housed at thirty-two degrees, and refrigerator cars at zero. Stoves are al- lowed in cars under the special instructions of your company. Protection of bananas. When bananas are placed in an engine house and the temperature is above sixty degrees, the doors and traps should be opened ; below sixty degrees they should be kept closed. When the weather moderates sufficiently for the car to be sent on to destination the ventilators should be placed in the same position as they were when the car was first placed in the engine house. ICI3TG. Cars and ice to be clean. Before putting ice in the boxes the ice should be thoroughly cleaned, waste pipe must be open and in good order, and ice boxes free from any waste. When refrigerator cars not to be iced. When refrigerator cars are loaded with freight that does not require icing notation should be made on regular waybill or cardbill "Do not ice this car/' Shippers should specify icing stations. When refrigerator cars are loaded with perishable freight that requires icing agent will require shippers to note on their shipping order at what point or points the car should be re-iced, dotation to re-ice should be put on space provided on the waybill "Stop this car at for " Specify at what points to examine and re-ice. If shipper or connect- ing lines do not specify at what point car is to be re-iced, but note on ship- ping order, transfer bill or interline waybill "Car to be re-iced" the agent should determine from nature of freight and conditions of weather at what point on their own road the car is to be examined, and make notation on waybill or cardbill "Examine and re-ice if necessary at ," specifying names of stations. Notations for icing on foreign roads. If a car is destined to a point beyond your own road, full notation must be made on waybill under "Con- signee" and "Destination" as to what points on foreign roads the car is to be re-iced, if so stated by shippers. When the names of icing stations are 126 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Form 68 CO W-B's. Are used for company freight and differ from a commercial Way-Bill in thz instead of the freight charges, P. P., and Advance columns, they have a place for the signatui and date of delivery of goods to consignee. They are not copied with the other bills and ai numbered separately therefrom. Way=Bill of Company Freight Forwarded from. Des Moines, Iowa, .to Atlantic, Iowa. Consignor Consignee and Destination No. of Packages C., M. & St. P. Ry. C., M. & St. P. Ry. 1 C. W. Jones, M. J. Sullivan, Supt. Road Master. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 127 Gross,Tare, and Net Weight of Carload, Freight to be entered in this cpace where the Car is weighed. Co. Wav-Bill No. Car Int. C '> R " No. 40- 480. 4, Transferred into Int . C.&G.F. No 4186 Stuart, Iowa. Description of Articles Weight Date Delivered Receipt of Consignee Hand Car 500 in ail cases 01 over, snori , or uamage u Company ireigiit, me receiving agent will make and handle an "O. S. & D." report the same as for commercial freight. Agents will report these way-bills on form 369 and 370, which must be forwarded in time to be in the office of the Freight Auditor not later than the 7th of the month following that for which made. Agents must not receive Company freight from, nor deliver it to, any person except those duly authorized to ship and receive it. CONDUCTOR'S RECORD Conductor *4 \ O e i r o 5 C> ^ QQ Ik ^^ O 1 ^ CQ ^ fi Cb 1 .? n 03 S3 1 I 1 i 0) I Q 1 ft; a ^ i * | <^j wi * O ^* . p * v; f OL M OQ o g, O H QO ^ ^ Q ^ g 9 M tt H Q Oi ^ O *H ^ 5. < 1 5 oT *i ^ta ^ o ^^ -2 -J g CO < o 1 s O* 5 o tf z < E fi 1 i -o X I ^^ ^ 1 to D fe &: O ^ tt o ^ h H s S o i ^ u] f * \ Q < S3 fc 4 . O s s j^ H &2 o^ r H e I e O O o ^ t-N 1 *^ ^ o "K t. *tj S rt ^0 g | 5 e <*> T *5 - Co 3i o Q^' 50 a **"* ?$ ^ ^ H OQ 5a e *- CO Oi ^O c 5S >-l Q 1 | a > a 1? < 1 a M i ! i i 50 1 ^- ^ .c I s o . 8 1 ^co C Consignor Original Poi Pi 134 TWENTIETH CENTUEY MANUAL 08 H o Z & < i O CM o O U4 QC k. 2 S ^ t4 '^ 8? I RAILWAY STATION SERVICE '135 g N P t^ o c^ H C^ ^ c/: J -1 & a i (X. ESTINATIO i . _5 Q ^^3 "~^ h S G JH 3 ff LJJ ^^ ^j ff ^ O 1L PH h Q < r^* 2 D_ i-H O U ff OL Cd Q P 2 PI Ki PC O?j * 43 1 W) 1 3 5 2 s H H p Q o W z 2 c c/: z Z 8 O U c h DC w K i W h 1 rf M -1 Q u g? 1 h U g 6 as Q o O i_ 5; _ w < CO I J3 o" ? ^ i rt o a r\ K 1 c 2 d c 5 r pj ^s ^ 5 3 M i < jj U > O < < MB fl >*- N 5 E- Od i W c M OH g < 2 2 w CW r^ 3 (i i 5 o H S j O Z) > H U < < d 4 2 -3 C 5 03 (I K b 4 > 4 ^ s ^cq 't u ; j PQ K Q i JS &JO iJ J 1 J O Cs WAY BI t I J 1 1 1 X 4 Q D (X a 2 i f i i T3 2 * c 5 PQ u, o : s 2 !S r* ( 3 t i^ S 1 z < t d M I 1 O g % < 3 < C. I 4 i Z Q j ^ -H 2 c/ a (i a 1 i I i Q < 1 1 ^ Id < a ^- 3 I 2 J FREIGHT SHIPPED "TO ORDER," "NOTIFY," ETC. *s Freight consigned to order. When freight is consigned to "Order," it is as a rule for the purpose of securing the payment at destination of a draft for the value of the freight. The draft is usually attached to the bill of lad- ing and sent through a bank for collection from the party at destination who is to be notified of the arrival of the freight. The payment of the draft secures to the payer the possession of the bill of lading which must be en- dorsed by the party to whose order the freight is consigned. If further transfer of the freight is made before delivery, proper endorsement showing such transfer should be made on the bill of lading. Common method of shipper's order. When the shipper desires collec- tion made for his goods before delivery he marks his goods and makes the consignee on bill of lading as follows : FROM John Smith TO John Smith, order A. B. Hall, 613 State Street, Chicago, Ills. Smith then sends the bill of lading to a bank or an express office. Before A. B. Hall can secure the goods he must obtain the original bill of lading by paying the collection thereon to the bank or express company. Under no conditions must the goods be delivered until the agent obtains the original bill of lading from A. B. Hall. Rules regarding the surrender of bills of lading. A shipment billed to "Order, Notify ," "Order, care of ," must RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 137 not be delivered except on surrender of original bill of lading properly en- dorsed as explained above. (Agents are cautioned against accepting a paid draft or a written or printed order as evidence of ownership of an "Order/" consignment.) The surrender of the bill of lading must invariably be required. Full address of party to ~be notified necessary to insure prompt de- livery. When freight is so consigned, the name of the party to be notified, with full address, must be given on card and regular waybill so that notice of arrival may be sent such party by agent at destination and prompt de- livery secured. NOTE. When the address of party to be notified differs from the desti- nation of the freight, waybill must state distinctly the point of delivery for the freight. When freight consigned "Care of," or "Notify." A shipment billed to one party "Care of " or "Notify ," another, or consigned by a shipper to himself, the word "Order" being omitted will not be considered an "Order Shipment." Forms of consignment and delivery. ^Proper forms of consignment of delivery are: a John Smith. Delivery must be made to John Smith or upon his written order (which may be by endorsement on the bill of lading). b James Brown, care of John Smith. Delivery must be made to John Smith (who represents James Brown) or upon John Smith's written order (which may be by endorsement on the bill of lading). c James Brown, notify John Smith. Delivery must be made to James Brown or upon his written order (which- may be by endorsement on the bill of lading) but John Smith must be notified. d Order of James Brown, care of John Smith. Delivery must be made to John Smith on surrender of the original bill of lading bearing the endorsement of James Brown, unless the bill of lading is endorsed to the order of some other party, in which case the delivery must be made to that party upon his endorsement and surrender of the bill of lading. e Order of James Brown, notify John Smith. Delivery must be made to John Smith on surrender of the original bill of lading bearing the endorsement of James Brown, unless the bill of lading is endorsed to the order of som-e other parti/, in which case the delivery must be made to that party upon his endorsement and surrender of the bill of lading. f Should the bill of lading be presented by any other than the party "To be notified" and be without endorsement other than that of the party 138 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL I * 5 : > i > v S 1 1) F [N 1 , I i , J w 3 | Q > So w - bO p 2 1 HI If 1 . i j.| ^ N^ 11 B 1 CO J M * ^ c 1 i ^ | CTION > O 13 "^ O ' C VM s^.l se *^4 fe: D 5-* u gj o S ,0 "g D Itl ^o-S > .a i a INSTR iliili I 1 -. ! ! 5" i, a V) I f 4 7 < ?! oil . 3 1 ' i a M-l - C p 03 gj vj 4i 1 * 1 ( 7 3 S f 2 | o - 7 . Destination Clinton, Iowa Routed via C.&N.-W.Ry. Please advise date and hour of delivery to connecting line Please advise date and hour of delivery to consignee a once Please advise date of delivery to this Company Request connecting line to rush shipment forward and advise delivery to consignee Advise forwarding with train number. Advise as ^ -* 'it DC o s ^ a b c LJ . TH c^i co P5 w W | g I u. |- : O -| O 1 O 02 *s 8 a Q. UJ 1 ARTICLE (Give Full I 1 FULLY d * spunoj tf 89^ o, give date < ; of invoice - a i g H^H ^ -g ,0 d - O t i p^j ^ '5 o _ "bio > ^ 3^ ^^ M * .5 Tn 1 | E 1 <* ^ o T 3 2 H ^ S a> *-i ^ Z 1 ^ ra 2 *^ "Cj 1 Q 3 S S H 00 jj I 3 HH ^ }|||| ^ o PQ f*H 5 iS J .S ^ ^ PH 02 CO H> ^ ^ i S *- Z 1 P4 oj g 1-3 bfi ^ S -3 S 'g -g J ^ o J 5 .13 os e 03 03 ^ 'T 3 "* w5 O I-H fc; d I .- A 00 u X O v & O <^ < M 3 ga 1 c m "& g i^ O 03 1 ^ 5 o S 1 ^1 all marks) 1 1 1 r-CT o ^ . 1 I u a m 8 DQ m D (0 > is 146 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL *J So 8 O x: c o V) >-, o T3 a -3 I/) 5 6 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 147 a I p < I 5 i ! a CJ o d * 1 r 1 *3 Marks Destinal 1 I CO 148 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL SHORTS. Reporting shorts. When the number of packages received in a con- signment is less than the number waybilled, make report on proper form. If necessary notify the freight claim agent by wire in addition to this re- port. A separate report for each consignment checking short should be made. Reporting shortage on waybills received by mail. When waybill is re- ceived by mail and freight covered by same has not been reported over, send short report as soon as car is or should be received. Short freight accounted for. When the freight reported short is received, or the shortage is adjusted by a correction in the billing, send a "Short freight accounted for" report. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 149 FORM 413. Through and Daily Rail Road Go, , FREIGHT CLAIM DEPARTMENT. NUMBER 7 SHORT Marengo, la. STATION, Claims are numbered, beginning with the first of the year. Should agent promise the payment of claims? They are for- bidden to make any promises unless especially authorized. What records should agent keep of claims? A complete record of claims sent to the Freight Claim Agent, who acknowledges receipts and gives the Freight Claim office number, usually, which should be recorded on agent's record. 150 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL - I s CL Ul 2 S 'i PQ e IS! * 11 H3 5 2 52 i-^ S h*j CJ *> _js r.2 S3fc3g g isia S e*-!s S 5 O C INST set out, gi ls BROKE itials as well as bers on FORE If car out, give The in and num sho. en 9 I "s * I ii^ s I -g 2 ^"^ w I sa ^H f \ f^ I and J >> O ^^ h^ "> "^ ^ ^ O s? I s a 1 .s > s e (U 'So I .a o RAILWAY STATION SERVICE fcjQ m I P I o 0) & .22 ^7 o '5 8 H J " B g o 3 H O CQ . "^H ^ OJ ^^ O ^* >5 , t > ryi _, o5 ^"^ FH GO* H 5 s G 3 ^ 1 ^ I ils CQ rt 13 W o QS REIGHT SHORT c SN -1 '5 HH O L Commerce, Iowa x PQ 1 t INSTRUCTION freight is in good order or , and -say by whose order ht Claim Department IMM REMARKS: n good order. ^ Car Number S It ^ 6 C _O i f-i .W) ^H ** ^^ _c5 ^ ^ "O L_ -- c V J PQ o o -= S 3 h u 2 3 CO ^ a PQ t.fi 3 3 '8 22 1 ft$ I 06 (0 F"H * 1 'g 5 D > Si- s 2 c O o -^ ^ s a 'o AH j^ g fH EH o G ^5 O O a 3 ,?e M ^ CO T3 ' o T5 "S Q s ^ O e^ 1 -2 -2 ^ _ _ tf "B e 9 o 1 rsons ^ e 2 W 1 ^~H ^ 1 02 ,4^ d i z CO | I TICLE J g CJ ^5 ^^ cc *^H *^d 5a o s w .SP hH co e H Iso ^ j a DCS fc PQ a 00 <* .2 5S O w M M 49 ^j 2 - ii ^ ^ .t S. DC ! e/> ^' 1 | 5 at flC Q >, ~o PH o* ^^\ < t-H cJ ^ ^ m o* 2 ^ > bJO C^ *^4 Lrf L. g S I -2 1 "2 ?s j2 s S c J | o . Ul a jj CU 4^ "^ _ 1 ^ ^ Jl < a "a O j jj CD CO f 1 ctf O o c. a ^- ^^ PQ 53 PQ <^ Q ^ ^ t^ c^ cd c M C 2^ II =5 " M RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 155 I 0) S C/D a *8 ? .-b ^ ' - 'i fe 2 So fi|J jl ^ ^ t*^ ^ O C (ft S' ** 11 Wi d be fe'S i 111 a Damage. 1 cc s ^ d g | 7^ o3 I 1 g ^ fe CQ | i p g o cu O 1 ^ stination. ^ ^ (S 73 < d | bjO g '55 "* d o CP 156 TWENTIETH CENTUBY MANUAL g ^ u. ^ J " 1 CO k Q < Oi H^ .a S -S c^ |^ a c/^ Q -i ~ ^ c o ^ >o ^ . * K ^"^ co S G % -1 1 O -2 co H tj 1 H '4 a ) 1 S 1 1 1 ^ ^ 1 "So ^ c PM o -s 5 i * ' '1 " 1 a ^ g . < 1 g e -4 5 o * VH ( &D c 5 0. H & .0 c E K B ts P O g g Freight Cla Mamazoo, Mich., t I cd c ec 1 i REMARKS OF AGE 0- 1 " 1 g *c according to specific C 1 1 ^c ^5 E v_ s 1 ^ ^ 1 C S - 5 I T3 4 SKUlXJIiaXbHl ! 5 g w 1 4 * "o C CC - E p*< i - * 1 g *e I 1 2 a 2> c Hv : " C^ [^ 8 c 5 S <^ f TS 1 ' a. g C5 3 > CC i 1 : '1 J^ MH -4- % C ^ ^ c -, c S a * -4-J cd i I S 1 & a g X- 4 c g ^a = 5 ^ 5 j> 5 ^ fe * w c h o H i >^ Q * 4 s g I H 1 <4H .2 3 *. Ill o ) . Sis s Q I 5 it o. 5 O QC 55 ci !I (D O 3 Z S < 0) 00 164 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING CLAIMS. 1. Agents are not authorized to promise payment of any claim by the Company. 2. ALL CLAIMS WITH FULL PARTICULARS MUST BE REFERRED TO AUDITOR FREIGHT ACCOUNTS BEFORE PAYMENT, ACCOMPANIED BY ORIGINAL BILL OF LADING OR SHIPPING RECEIPT AND ORIGINAL FREIGHT BILL. 3. Agents should keep a complete record of all claims sent by them to the Auditor Freight Accounts, and note on the record the claim number when advised OVERCHARGES. 4. Claims for overcharges must state wherein it exists. When special rates are claimed, give reference in full. If shipment is from your station to a point off our line, not covered by through billing, attach copy of your waybill. If through billed the original freight bill will be sufficient. If overcharge is in weight or quantity, original invoice and certificate of agent at destination, as to weight or quantity received, will be required. LOSS OR DAMAGE. 5. Claims for Loss or Damage, or property billed and not received, must be accompanied by original invoice, and all the papers and statements necessary to support the claim. If the claim is for damage which was discovered on receipt of the property, a statement must be attached, showing that a thorough examination was made as to the condition of the packages, and extent and probable cause of the loss or damage. CONCEALED LOSS OR DAMAGE. 6. If the claim is for a concealed loss or damage to property which was de- livered to consignee in apparent good order, it must be accompanied by the AFFI- DAVITS OF BOTH THE SHIPPER AND CONSIGNEE as to condition of contents previous and subsequent to shipment, as well as other necessary papers. LEAKAGE. 7. Claims for loss by leakage must be accompanied by original invoice and a a plain statement of the agent as to his knowledge of the facts connected with the loss. Claims of this kind are entertained only when there is evidence of neglect or bad handling on the part of the carrier. TOTAL DAMAGE. 8. When full value of property is claimed, agent must retain possession of it and promptly report to Auditor of Freight Accounts estimate of its worth with required papers. RAILWAY STATION SEEYICE 165 Marengo, Iowa station. A P ril 4, 190 6 - MR. JAMES BROWN, Station Claim No. ^4 Freight Claim Agent, Chicago. F. C. Dep. Claim No. 46128 DEAR SIR: Herewith I hand you claim in favor of _ John Smith residing at Marengo, Iowa f or * Damage on shipment { gg^J \ Flour amount claimed *!-& C. IF. Jones, Agent . *The character of the claim must be entered here, as " Loss," " Damage," "Drayage," "Switching," "Overcharge," "Demurrage." INSTRUCTIONS REGARDING PRESENTATION OF CLAIMS. Under no circumstances can a claim covering a shipment which moved over this line be handled unless either the freight bill or a copy of the way-bill is attached to the papers. Before Claims are forwarded to this department one of these forms must INVARI- ABLY be filled out by agent and attached to the claim papers; attach it so it will be the TOP document. These papers necessary to constitute a claim must be attached or their absence fully explained. The following papers are necessary for a Loss or Damage Claim: The Original Paid Freight Bill, the invoice showing the cost price of the goods in question, the Bill of Lading, a bill from Claimant, ITEMIZED, and showing in DETAIL how the amount of bill is arrived at, and a copy of the Short or Bad Order report. In cases where the amount of claim represents REPAIRS, the receipted bill of the party who made such repairs, must be attached. Where Claimant POSITIVELY refuses to allow the orig- inal invoice to leave his hands, agent must PERSONALLY examine same and be able to certify positively that claim is made on the correct invoice price of goods, other- wise claim cannot be entertained. When claims outside of the ordinary class arise, agents must write a letter setting forth in a full and comprehensive manner all the facts and details concerning it. Claims for overcharge must consist of the Original Paid Freight Bill, Bills of Lading and a statement showing how amount claimed is arrived at, and in cases of overcharge in weight the original invoice or other indisputable evidence of the incor- rectness of billed weight. If the overcharge is not clearly apparent, claims must be accompanied by a letter setting forth all the facts in the case, and in ALL CASES agents must aquaint us of any information of which they may be possessed which will be of assistance to us hi the investigation and settlement of claims. By having ALL THE NECESSARY papers as explained above, attached before the claim is sent to this department, all unnecessary delay will be avoided and prompt settlement greatly facilitated, and unless such papers ARE attached, the claim will be returned to agent with a request to supply the deficiency, and such neglect on the part of an agent will be considered as cause for reprimand. All agents should number the claims that are presented through them. This form is printed with COPYING INK and an impression copy should be taken and the Freight Claim Department Number entered on the tissue copy as soon as received from that office. 166 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL V STATION RELIEF CLAIMS. When to make claim for relief. If freight 'does not arrive within thirty days after receipt of the waybill agents will make application on the proper form for relief of freight charges. Agents to state reasons for asking relief. In presenting claims for re- lief, agents must state clearly on what grounds they are entitled to relief and give full particulars. Method of making claim for relief. Each application for relief should cover but one shipment or consignment,, except where there is more than one shipment of the same class of freight from the same point and covered by the same reason; under these conditions one application should cover, all the shipments on which relief is desired. Quoting claim number. Always quote the freight claim agent's num- ber when making inquiries, or in any other correspondence pertaining to unadjusted relief claims. When relief claims must not be made. Agents must not make applica- tion for relief of charges for which they have requested disposition until such time as they receive special instructions to do so. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 167 to 'S "S 8 s ^ So GO o s < 2-d 5" 2 73 5-J $ C 03 o . 1 Q Amount fc Belief is ( 6 . I U o 1 Ji CO >H HJ UJ CD U tt 02" ^ < S AS COLLECT G ft d 0) S? 4 desired. _ CJ i .2 ^ 73 ^ fe is d &; o3 ' O w C g) UJ 'g .b/D *S | 1 *r 0^ ^ ^ 1 ^^^^* o r H ^i H UJ Q-t DC c3 jg O < a Mfe 'o j*5^ K^ r^ ^ H QJ ' 1^ JU g ^ 'oj o S 'S 1 Q S & * 73 3 5 Q. Q 1 C CL 02 1 g 5 . . ^ 03 CO g ^ C3 T -*- 1 '"ca O S *te* I 3? CH 02 5 i>^ ^ j S <} too 1 ^ bJO 1 .s * \**j D < 1 1 EOQ 2 02 H PQ >< 'a f-4 O o nj ^ H I .H 73 CO 1 02 a 1 <^ *^ o S | E ^ 2 "" w 1 Q 1 168 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL INSTRUCTIONS TO AGENTS. If freight does not arrive within thirty days after receipt of way-bill, agents will make application on this form to the Freight Auditor for relief of the charges thereon. This form will also be used by agents in making application for relief, as prepaid charges account milling in transit, authorized demurrage claims and miscellaneous amount due to the station. In presenting claims for relief, agents must state clearly upon what grounds they are entitled to relief, and give full particulars as desired. Agents must not make application for relief of charges on shipments for which they request disposition, until such time as they receive special instructions to do so. Always quote the Claim Number when making inquiries or in other correspondence p'ertaining to unadjusted relief claims, and carry the claim on your uncollected report to Auditor until relieved. ' Agent's application for relief of charges must be made covering ship- ments which for any reason have been delivered without full amount of charges, ;as billed, being collected, ^or instance, weight may have been over-estimated when billed and charges reported, but found to be incorrect upon delivery. A blank is then filled out, giving number and date of way- bill, where from, weight and charges as billed and as collected, showing amount foj- which relief is desired. If Freight Auditor finds amount cor- rect, credit letter will be issued. If shipment arrives at your station and has charges which are refused, after being held a reasonable time, if it develops that goods are worthless or not worth total charges, a "Claim for Relief blank" should also be sent in, stating all particulars. Accounting for icing charges. The amount charged for ice furnished refrigerator cars, on carload shipments, must be accounted for on balance sheet, under head of Storage, Switching, etc., by the agent at icing station, and detailed report on proper form rendered to General Auditor, showing card and waybill on which the shipment is moved, quantity of ice furnished, rate, and amount. When shipper wishes to pay charges for icing cars, the agent at shipping station must make notation over his signature on the original waybill* "Re-ice at and expense on me," in which case the agent at icing station must make a waybill on the shipping station for the amount as "advanced charges" or if the ice is to be paid for at desti- RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 169 nation, the agent at icing station must make notation on the original way- bill on which shipment is moved, showing the amount of icing charges to be collected for him from consignee, in addition to other charges against the shipment, and must make waybill on agent at destination of original waybill, for such amount as advanced charges. SEALING AND FASTENING. The object of seal records. The seal record is established for the pur- pose of keeping an exact account of all fastenings on all cars from and to which freight is handled. What record should show. It must show the disposition of every seal with which station has been supplied. Record of seals received; disposition of defective ones. When a new supply of seals is received agents should make a record of the commencing and closing number ; also date received, and satisfy themselves that all the seals with which their station is charged have been received and are in good order. If a defective seal be found send it to the freight claim agenty giving reference to the requisition on which it was received. Train employes' instructions. Train employes are not allowed to break seals, except when freight is to be unloaded at a flag station; then the broken seals must be delivered to the agent at the station at which they next stop, who will reseal the car and make proper record. Discovery of broken or defective seals. If a broken or defective seal or fastening is discovered the car must be properly sealed as soon as pos- sible and the station show exact condition when received and when for- warded. Record of car fastening to be complete. In making a record of the fastening on a car, examine the seals on all doors and take a record of all the marks and records on the seal impressions. If any irregularities are observed make proper record in the station seal record book and report them to freight claim agent. Seals during process of loading. When seals are used to protect the contents of a car during the process of loading or unloading, make proper record in the station seal book and note to the freight claim agent. All seals to be removed from a car made empty. If a car is made empty all seals should at once be removed, and if an empty car is received with seal intact remove the seal and report the fact to the freight Claim Agent. 170 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Station record to be taken by station employes. The station record of seals broken and applied must be taken by a station employe. Agent responsible. The agent will be held personally responsible for the proper handling and safe keeping of all seals, presses, and seal records entrusted to his care. Use of press. The sealing press must not be used for any other pur- pose than sealing cars. Loss of seals. If seals are lost or stolen report the number of the seals and the circumstances to the freight claim agent. How to use sealing press. In applying the sealing press use sufficient force to completely compress the copper rivet, so that any tampering with the seal can be easily detected. Fasten all doors. Before loading an empty car see that the end doors are cleated or securely fastened on the inside. When the loading is com- pleted seal the side doors and make a record of all the fastening. Remove defective seal and reseat car. Should a defective or imper- fectly applied seal be discovered, remove it at once, reseal the car and make a record of the seals. Send the defective seal to the freight claim agent, advising the number of the car from which it was taken and the date. Cars not necessary to seal. All loaded cars having doors must be sealed, except those containing horses, mules, cattle, sand, gravel, clay, soft coal, ties, cinders, bridge timber, rails, riprap, building stone and wood. In loading hogs or sheep see that the end doors are securely fastened. Doors may be cleated open on shipper's request and risk. Freight re- quiring ventilation, or which may be liable to damage by heating in transit may be forwarded with doors cleated open at shipper's request in writing specifying, as a consideration, that contents are wholly at owner's risk of loss by fire or weather. If freight is from connecting line instruc- tion on transfer bill or interline waybill will govern. Seals on cars from connecting lines. Cars received from connecting lines bearing legible seals properly applied must not be resealed unless it is necessary to open the car. In examining seals on cars received from con- necting lines be careful to make a record of all marks and impression on the seals. Seal record is a book kept to show the number and other marks on seals of cars opened at your station, the initials and number of cars, what train and name of conductor, why opened and the number of seals you used to seal up the car. When cars are set out at your station, the seal number RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 171 oc o 0. bl OC OC bl X bl 3 O (/) H bl O J s .2 X. o a o OC ss 5 1 X HI I "- w 0) o oc I h < oc 2 ri PH 9 S -3 o. 8 - i a '" * -g S S c 22 172 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Ld (fl O 0) I- z LJ . lit I- oc 2 LJ v DC e 1^ n) j" 1 bp rt ill I- *3 *o - 1 z 1 g CO o-E e GQ 03 Q si c OS - I SE LU O I I I I RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 173 Requisitions for seals must be made ten days in advance of time when they will be needed, showing number on hand arid number wanted, requisition blank being used. A F 85 Form 1525 3oM 9-02 THROUGH and DAILY RAIL ROAD. REQUISITION FOR SEALS Britt Mar. 31, 6. Station, 190 Chas. Jones. Freight Claim Agent, Chicago. Please send me 100 seals I have seals on hand numbered 499 to -t inclusive. C ' W ' Jones > Agent. NOTE. Requisition for seals must be made ten days in advance of time needed. This requisition filled A P ril 10 > 1906 ' - C. L. Banks. 174 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL on all the doors should be obtained (Refrigerators have doors on top also) and placed in your seal record book with name of conductor and number of train which set car out at your station. On some roads seal record report must be sent in daily on "Seal Report" blank. All spoiled, illegible, and defective seals, and seals used for protection, must accompany this report. REPORT OF WAYBILLS FORWARD. Description of freight forwarded abstract. The "Freight Forwarded Abstract" is a schedule of freight waybills made at a station showing the station to which billing is made, waybill date, number, car and totals of freight, advance and prepaid on each. Abstracting. All forwarded waybills should be reported on daily, or whatever other kind of abstract is used, and care taken to state to what station the waybills are made and in proper order, as per instructions on back of abstract. Where daily reports are used, all waybills for shipments that go forward up to 12 o'clock midnight of the day the abstracts rep- resent should.be shown thereon. Change in destination or route. When routing or destination of freight is changed after it has been reported in freight forwarded abstract, party making the change should indicate on waybill where, when, and by whom change is made and promptly advise auditor of freight accounts, giving correct destination or route, and reason for change. Cancelling charges on erroneous waybills. When erroneous waybills bearing freight charges only are received without the freight, they may, upon written request of billing agent, be reported without weight and charges, provided such request is attached to the waybill. Waybills bear- ing advances or prepaid cannot be cancelled after leaving forwarding station, and can only be corrected in accordance with special rules. Waybills must not be destroyed. A waybill upon which freight has been moved should not be destroyed. REPORT OF WAYBILLS RECEIVED. Description of "Freight Received Abstract." A freight received ab- stract is a schedule of waybills received at a station showing the station at which the billing was made, waybill date and number, and totals of weight, freight, advance and prepaid on each. Prompt reports. Receiving agent should report on daily freight re- ceived abstract all waybills the day they are received when accompanied RAILWAY STATIOX SERVICE 175 \l FREIGHT FORWARDED ing the month for which it is made. The Way-Bills should be abstracted in Station "or freight forwarded the previous day, is made out, showing Date and Number of Way- has been prepaid or bears advances, same is noted on the proper column. This i Way-Bill Forwarded Book. Care must be taken to enter Advances in proper column, . Same precaution should be observed in entering all Prepaid (Ppd.) forwarded in LO C A L 200 M. 12-02. Marengo, Iowa Station. 1 .22 | i 3 c o o *~ "E s a GO CJ S3 g *^ ^3 ^ ^j 2 3 oj I g 1- 1 1*0 Advances i- .H * *3 00 CO 55 .bfl Ol^ 1 1 1 I*Q 1^$ /QO , ^ 1 1 I^I^JQO'O'^I IQ> i 1 """I 1 1^1 l>-< 1*0 i i i^i l^ 1 l p *-< +3 c ' 1 1 3 - 1 REPORT OF LOU This report must include all Local Way-Bills issued at the Station dur order, and in numerical order for each station. Each day this abstract Bills, Cars loaded into, Kind of freight, and Charges thereon. If freight abstract is generally made up from copy of way-bills made previous day ir otherwise you will not get credit for any amount you may have paid out proper column, so that you will not be over in your days business. Form 5 Report of FREIGHT FORWARDED from For the Month of This Report must reach the Freight Accounting Officer not The Summary sheet must b O *' Herndon, - 1 5 i - 1 1 A 5 1 1 1 i 1 5 3 S 3 s 176 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL by freight. When received without freight receiving agents may hold them awaiting the arrival* of the freight, but not to exceed five days. Except where special rules govern, no waybill should be held out of account for any purpose, except on authority of the auditor of freight accounts. Headlines of waybills should not be changed without authority. Agents should not change the heading of waybills and forward freight to some other station without proper authority and advising auditor of freight accounts. When changes are made, station, date, and authority should be shown on face of waybill over signature of party making change. Reshipment of freight received on erroneous billing. Freight billed as marked, or as ordered by shipper, should not be considered as "billed in error" although it may not be wanted at the station to which billed, but agent should, if freight is ordered by forwarding agent to another station, make a waybill with charges, putting on the charges to his station as "Ad- vances" sending original freight bill with forwarded abstract as voucher for advances, to which should be attached the order for reshipment. Destination of waybills. Eeceiving agent should see that the name of his station appears as destination on all waybills in received abstract. Receiving agent to stamp bills. Receiving agent should immediately stamp all waybills in the lower right-hand corner to show the date received. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 177 cd 2 ^ rt -^ c J2 G ,d " 2 fT pt, o o "^+3 &<+* $ 1 Jo H K Q ^ g*" g ^ ,O *^ ^ PH *^ ""^ O ^3 "g F ! , S *-H . ^ *- h ^ D *^ ^ cp] ^ o g-g^.S be +H r) Q2 . y 2 CO 1 ^3 "X3 l> jD ' -2 2 ll 3 ** ^ J S fl ^ | ^ so > P ^ ^ ;lfi||j i <=> 09 r^H K. << I -4.3 r^ l| H H | t 8 U5 j^ fn c3 ^^ O 2j ^ ^ ert H ^. ^> (^^ ^^J ^*~* r " M| ^T-. ^ ^J H y^^ SS^ffl E?o> ? ^'d ST|^ | 2| 1^ 1 8 _| e" J o Q o Iliflt I j g < ^ ^T 8 M O d g ^ * o oo oo ^ ^ llllll 1 O ^ Q ^ f* M H <^ 95 oo OS * so ^ ^ -d i2 ^ >H -^ bC c3 ^ Cu | , o I 11 id -^ v ^ <^ so ^ 1 1 1 .2 ^ gj.g x "^ ^ I? ^g -^ ^ r^'*-* bfi m ^'^> ^8^^o .B >* g . . _ Account Summar .0 2 fc w , i 1 4 O Q - 1 e * e - rO ^ o *+- 1 N^i'_rt ^ o s -a 2 JflJ2l|e rd JH C3 '_' 25 'S ^f i*^ ^ " ^T F**^ ^ IS .1 fe^g- I Jl ^- K <3 O ^ i - t. e O S O Vf- \0rtonvi 5S es Not imply any reduced return tions of certificate plan Joint Ag< ship or otherwise which may be gned and stamped by agent. Clearly when Tickets H c mm m * >. 1 1 c .y c c P rf||s iii I'sil c i Agentselling Orig 10UGH & DAII PT FOR FARE PAID. CERTI Agents will give receipt on thii Purchaser must sign 1 o ON NO MILEAGE C! ertificate of going fare paid to me< and then only upon fulfillment of for any conditions or charge as to ti. It is Void if altered or if not fii o -M CO 3 E 3 i ! S S 2 1- * ^ M E ^il| IS a Q. O o> sS Si 1> o IS 1 1 UJ rf*U o ^9 P .75 6 .75 27 2 85 17 1 .85 7 85 28 2.95 18 ] .95 8 .H5 29 3.05 19 s '.05 9 1.05 30 3.15 20 I U5 iU " 1.15 No. T, AND D, RAIL ROAD CO, PASSENGER'S RECEIPT FOR AMOUNT PAID FOR Storage of Baggage BEARING CHECK ISSUED BY _R. R. .NO. OF BAGGAGE C1U.UK. The time entered on the face of this Receipt shows when storage charges commenced, and the punch mark indi- cates the number of days charged for and amount paid. General Baggage Agent. Fold the Receipt over the check por- tion at the perforated line, and without separating them, attach to the baggage by running the baggage check strap through both slots. ' When baggage is claimed compute the number of days storage from time shown on receipt and check and punch out the * between the number or days and amount collected. Give receipt to party paying storage and the check portion at close of month with report to the Auditor Passenger Traffic. General Baggage Agent. si' 69' tO'S 81 Si' I 'JS' I Wl 81 Q8'l SI fig'18 II SACQ > - 9'H 08 967- 8?? S8S QS'S t'* 061 uiojj enp aBBJOjs idiaoau < 3DVH01S '03 QVOH 1IVH '0 ONV 1 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 237 124 From UNCLAIMED BAGGAGE REPORT Hayfield, Minn. Station Ma V 10 > 190 Number of Local Excess Form G. B. 0. 61 on hand,. " " " needed, 100 Number of Local Form G. B. 0. 60 on hand, - 10 needed.- 100 Total Number of Pieces Forwarded since last Report,, 100 All Baggage remaining on hand 30 days unclaimed, whether checked or not, will be fcrwarded to Chicago, and General Baggage Agent advised by letter. Description. Names and Marks. Kind of Check. No. Checks. Date Received. 1 sc. Local 4664 April 30 Smith Agent or Baggage Master. NOTICE. This Report must be made on the 7th, isth, 226., and last day of each month, and include all Baggage and Registered Matter on hand at your Station, whether Checked or not. For- ward this Report promptly to General Baggage Agent. Abbreviations for the Description of Baggage Sole Leather Trunk. SL T Tool Chest .T C Canvas Covered Valise C C V Canvas Covered Trunk. ..C C T Black Chest . . . .BC Black Bag B B Painted Canvas Trunk . Russet Leather Trunk . .P C T .R L T Blue Chest. Red Chest B Chest R C Russet Bag Oil Cloth Bag .. . R B O C B Canvas Sample Trunk. . . .C ST Green Chest G C Canvas Bag .C Bae Sample Trunk X White Chest . ... W C Carpet Bag C B Canvas Trunk . . C T Keister K Sailor's Bag S B Russet Trunk .RT Box .Bx Basket. . Bkt Saratoga Trunk . .ST Hat Box .H B Canvas Covered Basket C C B Black Trunk .B T Tin Box TB Package Pke Green Trunk ..GT Sample Case SC Bundle . Bdi Hair Trunk .HT Gun Case. GCase Bale .Bale Zinc Trunk X T Black Valise B V Sack Sk Tin Trunk .. .TT Russet Valise RV Whip Case WCase 238 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Nearly all roads have done away with the brass checks and use card checks with numbers on them which are torn apart after being filled out; the duplicate is given to passenger, and the other tied to baggage. Dennlson Mfg. Co., Makers. BIO T. AND D. RAIL ROAD CO. G. B. O. /"N 60 Local STRING Check. From PRAIRIE CITY _ Des Moines To State. I* 4 9350 C BIO T. AND D. RAIL ROAD CO. G. B. O. /~~ """) 60 Local DUPLICATE Check. From PRAIRIE CITY Des Moines State Description ol Baggage- Report any irregularities to General Baggage Agent, CHICAGO. 49350 C TUTLWAY STATTOX SERVICE 129 C ISSUED BY THE T. AND D. RAIL ROAD CO. From Marshalltown, Iowa, rj\ Q Council Bluffs, Iowa, Via Direct Line May 10, 1906. 9 Train No. 14928 C ') T. AND D. RAIL ROAD CO. From Marshalltown, Iowa, rj\ o Council Bluffs, Iowa, Via Direct Line Train ? No. 14928 C T. AND D. RAIL ROAD CO, From Marshalltown, Iowa, To. Council Bluffs, Iowa, Via Direct Line Train. Date_ May 10, 1906 No. 14928 239 127 2630 Excess Check From D S Moines, Iowa, T n Dallas Center, Iowa. State ROUTE JUNCTION POINTS M. & St. L. Charge for excess on this piece bearing checks Nos 14657 14658 EX. WEIGHT NO. TICKET COLLECTED 500 Loc. 9468 125 Coupons, or cash, as case may be. Duplicate 263O From D es Moines, Iowa, T o Dallas Center, Iowa. Route_ EX. WEIGHT NO. TICKET AMOUNT COLLECTED 500 Loc. 9468 125 Coupons Agent's Stub Date Ma y 10, 1906. From D S Moines, Iowa, Dallas Center, Iowa. Route Charges for Excess collected on this piece bearing checks Nos 14656-57-58 EX. WEIGHT NO. TICKET COLLECTED 500 Loc. 9468 125 Coupons, or cash, as case may be. 240 TWENTIETH CENTUBY MANUAL SPECIAL STRAP CHECK, "fOm (STATE- TO San Francisco, Calif. Des Moines /id Omaha-Union Pac., Denver-D. & R. G., to Granger; R. G. & W., to Ogden & So. Pac 54001 T. & D. 3. R. CO. SPECIAL DUPLICATE CHECK, From Des Moines TO San Francisco Via Omaha Denver, Granger Ogden DESCRIPTION OF BAGGAGE. ^- * runk 54001 Special Strap From Check, Form 727. Moines To Los Angeles Calif. ROUTE JUNCTION POINT T. A D. R. R. to Kan. City C., R. I. & P. to El Paso So. Pac. to Dstn. to 155000 T. & D. R. R. CO. Special Duplicate From Form 727 Des Moines T Los Angeles Calif. ROUTE JUNCTION POINT T. & D. R. R. to Kan. City C., R. I. & P. to El Paso So. Pac. to Dstn. to 155000 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 241 Date C. O. D. Check and Stub 10, 1906. From Moines, Iowa, Dallas Center, Iowa. Route 5.00 .50 _Excess weight. -Storage. $ ' 25 Transfer. $ -^. Account total. No. Passengers i Check \ T ns 56-57-58 Remarks 126 Duplicate Date May 10, 1906. $ 5 ' 75 on B. B and this check No ? From Des M tines, Iowa, /P Dallas Center, Iowa. Route (261 ( STRAP Nos .on Bag. bearing check 56-51-58 From Moincs, Iowa, Dallas Center, Iowa. Route 1261 Passenger holds duplicate check. e 3 M S3 O & O O I f Ou O 2 5 242 TWEXTIETH CENTURY MANUAL GENERAL BAGGAGE AGENT Grinnell station, May 10, Jf)n 6. DEAR SIR: I have this day issued C. O, D. Check No 44, and have inclosed the duplicate check to the agent at destination. Prom Grinnell Chicago. Route. $ 2 - 50 for 50 Ibs. Excess Weight. $ - 50 Storage at Grinnell. $_J^_Transfer flf Grinnell. $ Account Number of Passengers L Check Nns 44 and 4o No. and kind of check detached, if any. Remarks. Yours truly, C. W. Jones. Baggage Agent. A 139 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE STATION BAGGAGE RECEIPT. Grinnell , ,. March 31, 1ftA 6 Station, -- 190 243 RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING BAGGAGE IN GOOD ORDER: DESCRIPTION CHECK READS NO. OF CHECK DESTINATION FROM TO 1 S Case. Grinnell. Des Moines 4460 Des Moines 1 Z Trunk. a u 61 it 1 Telescope. n u 62 n Smith Baggageman. Train No. 244 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL BAGGAGE SHORT. DESCRIPTION CHECK READS NO. OF CHECK DESTINATION FROM 1O - BAGGAGE OVER. DESCRIPTION CHECK. READS NO. OF CHECK DESTINATION FROM TO INSTRUCTIONS. This "Way-Bill, properly filled out, must accompany all Baggage delivered by Agents to Train Baggagemen. Train Baggagemen must examine and check this Way-Bill with Baggage Received, and note under head of " Remarks " all mistakes. Under no circum- stances will they be allowed to change figures made by Agents. This "Way-Bill must be signed by Train Baggageman receiving same, and forwarded to General Baggage Dept. with his Train Report. REMARKS. RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 245 o S 1 (/^ 5 1 o PM g3& I II & 00 st- |1 ?^i o| ji i--j C Crs |^ 1 -0 ^f. 25 o Q ^ ^ g ^ [^ ^ "o * S ^ 5 q Tl >> Q ^ e * 1 II! *sf "o" ^ ^ 1 ^ 1 ^ 5 Is C J r i JK . i . i J ^0 SI >> ^ CO 3 2 V td S.-o S 'o Soi "e 15 2 a C cd a < O M (* 1 e" " S^ft ^ J * A > -s- <.22 ? S ;1 -s 1 CO s~. itii . o 22 H m NM S U -a PSES. CERTI /i 06 oq cc gS' ,3 H* " 1 i 00 e 1 gCQ | 1^ 0.3 o . -^-o ^ c2 s: 3, a. G. B.O. 48. SUPERSEDINGG. [Original] TRANSIT PE,RM Through and Daily Rail Roa TRANSPORTATION OF COR PHYSICIAN'S OR CORONER'S John Smith j) ate O f jy ca[ (If a minor give parents' name also.) fl a - m. Aae 3 4 Years o cc ^ e O i -~~o FO CS W '<>> S S | O V o e nunicable or non-communicable.) hat the above is true to the best of my knowledge and beh 1 O 4? "S s <3 e -s e O PERMIT OF LOCAL BOARD t be properly signed, and with Physician'; E,xpress Agent before a body c City O f Omaha ;y or Township) ebraska on the ^^ l to 1 Q ^ d 1 i CO i ^ 1 t _> se 6 1 CO S ^ o/zn *Sm^/i i s ^gfcy authorized to accompa Signed irtation of bodies dead of small-pox, Asiatic cholera, yellow fev s Form ft and preceding Certificate must be detached and d-li\ s ~ *- ^ |S T? o *i?^ 9 >* "S cvi \ 1 e rO' ^ ^ 1 ^^ D ? 0) | * lO i*^ 6 . 5^ * c e | 10 ^ d < i ^(<> 4) S s. "e ^S 10 5f "s* **^. *-* * ^ S v ^ "W "5" | 1 ^ ^ w s oc o 1 III 1 2 t | 1 2 ~ ^ u. 246 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL 1 i j 1 i | *" 1 |U| > 1 / e E i S UJ a> h UJ E z UJ h I (0 t i m D S ! c I j i ! fll QC < CD % c j ? c I 1 o Q. UJ 1 1 | B O 5 j UJ (9 DC 1 fff i G > 1 1 m S B m (C *> 4 < 5 O < 1 I IL 1 < S m \ 1 < 1 1 j i e ^ m i s 1 C 1 5 \ I 1 I 4 | 3 a i m DC ' C a , | I 1 e i 1 E j ! ft m ! J . ^ j D i E J B i I ' j < i ! i 1 : C r l 1 i < : * RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 247 1 1 I f s 1 ^ s 8 I I i S s >k s 248 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL o 1 1 a d o I . 5 *- SQ Is 15 5 0>A TS-*- ^o ts-a p o S J ^*- o o cq GQ . . E - s l!^ igi|l|| 5|iS8 g| HI- **, < DL il 3 o EAILWAY STATION SERVICE 249 RULES OF THE STATE BOARDS OF HEALTH, The American Public Association, and the Ameri- can Association of General Baggage Agents, for the Transportation of the Dead. These Rules apply equally to all Common Carriers, and, having been duly adopted and properly published, have the full force of law. RULE 1. The transportation of bodies dead of Small Pox, Asiatic Cholera, Yellow Fever, Typhus Fever, or Bubonic Plague, is absolutely forbidden. RULE 2. The bodies of those who have died of diphtheria (membraneous croup), scarlet fever (scarlatina, scarlet rash), glanders, anthrax, or leprosy, shall not be accepted for transportation unless prepared for shipment by being thoroughly disinfected by (a) arterial and cavity injection with an approved disinfectant fluid, (6) disinfecting and stopping of all orifices with absorbent cotton, and (c) washing the body with the disinfectant, all of which must be done by an embalmer, holding a certificate as such, approved by the State Board of Health or other State Health Authority. After being dis- infected as above, such body shall be enveloped in a layer of cotton not less than one inch thick, com- pletely wrapped in a sheet and bandaged and encased in an air-tight zinc, tin, copper, or lead lined coffin, or iron casket, all joints and seams hermetically soldered, and all enclosed in a strong, tight , , wooden box. Or, the body being prepared for shipment by disinfecting and wrapping as above, may be placed in a strong coffin or casket, and said coffin or casket encased in an air-tight zinc, copper, tin case, all joints and seams hermetically soldered and all enclosed in a strong outside wooden box. , . RULE 3. The bodies of those dead of typhoid fever, puerperal fever, erysipelas, tuberculosis, and measles, or other dangerous communicable diseases other than those specified in Rules 1 and 2, may be received for transportation when prepared for shipment by filling cavities with an approved disinfectant, washing the exterior of the body with the same, stopping all orifices with absorbent cotton, and enveloping the entire body with a layer of cotton not less than one inch thick, and all wrapped in a sheet and bandaged and encased in an air-tight coffin or casket; provided, that this shall apply only to bodies which can reach their destination within forty-eight hours from time of death. In all other cases such bodies shall be prepared for transportation in conformity with Rule 2. But when the body has been prepared for shipment by being thoroughly disinfected by an embalmer holding a certificate as in Rule 2, the air-tight sealing may be dispensed with. RULE 4. The bodies of those dead of diseases that are not contagious, infectious, or com- municable, may be received for transportation when encased in a sound coffin or casket and enclosed in a strong outside wooden box, provided they reach their destination within thirty hours from time of death. If the body cannot reach its destination within thirty hours from time of death, it must be prepared for shipment by filling cavities with an approved disinfectant, washing the exterior of the body with the same, stopping all orifices with absorbent cotton and enveloping the entire body with a layer of cotton not less than one inch thick, and all wrapped in a sheet and bandaged, and encased in an air-tight coffin or casket. But when the body has been prepared for shipment by being thoroughly disinfected by an embalmer holding a certifiante as in Rule 2, the air-tight sealing may be dispensed with. RULE 5. In cases of contagious, infectious, or communicable diseases, the body must not be accompanied by persons or articles which have been exposed to the infection of the disease, unless certified by the Health Officer as having been properly disinfected ; and before selling passage tickets, agents shall carefully examine the transit permit and note the name of the passenger in charge, and of any others proposing to accompany the body, and see that all necessary precautions have been taken to prevent the spread of the disease. The transit permit in such cases shall specifically state who is authorized by the Health Authorities to accompany the remains. In all cases where bodies are for- warded under Rule No. 2, notice must be sent by telegraph to Health Officer at destination, advising the date and train on which the body may be expected. This notice must be sent by or in the name of the Health Officer at the initial point, and is to enable the Health Officer at destination to take all necessary precautions at that point. RULE 6. Every dead body must be accompanied by a person in charge, who must be provided with a passage ticket and also present a full first-class ticket marked "Corpse" for the transportation of the body, and a transit permit showing physician's or coroner's certificate, Health Officer's permit for removal, undertaker's certificate, name of deceased, date and hour of death, age, place of death, cause of death, and if of a contagious, infectious, or communicable nature, the point to which the body is to be shipped, and when death is caused by any of the diseases specified in Rule No. 2, the names of those authorized by the Health Authorities to accompany the body, The transit permit must be made in duplicate, and the signatures of the physician or coroner, Health Officer and under- taker must be on both the original and duplicate copies. The undertaker's certificate and paster of the original shall be detached from the transit permit and pasted on the end of the coffin box. The physician's certificate and transit permit shall be handed to the passenger in charge of the corpse. The whole duplicate copy shall be sent to the official in charge of the baggage department of the initial line, and by him to the Secretary of State or Provincial Board of Health of the State or Province from which sa ; d shipment was made. RULE 7. When dead bodies are shipped by express, the whole original transit permit shall be pasted upon the outside box, and the duplicate forwarded by the express agent to the Secretary of the State or Provincial Board of Health of the State or Province from which said shipment was made. RULE 8. Fvery disinterred body, dead from any disease or cause, shall be treated as infectious or dangerous to the public health, and shall not be accepted for transportation unless said removal has been approved by the State or Provincial Health Authorities having jurisdiction where such body is disinterred, and the consent of the Health Authorities of the locality to which the corpse is con- signed has first been obtained; and all such disinterred remains shall be enclosed in a hermetically sealed (soldered) zinc, tin, or copper lin. RECEIPT FOR TICKET PRESENTED FOR REDEMPTION. Jig Station, 190 ... 5 " This is to acknowledge receipt of ticket described as: * Issued by ; R Form. < No Reading from T via jE J " (Signature of Agent.) RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 253 INDEX. FREIGHT DEPARTMENT Abbreviations On waybills 88 Use of 141 Abstracting Waybills received 174-176-177 Abstracts Correcting errors in 109 Acetylene gas powder Conditions under which received 131 Acids Carding cars, containing 131 Carloads 130 Conditions under which received 130 Less Carloads 130 Packing 130 Advance charges Agricultural implements 40 Alteration of advance charges i 41 Prepayment of charges on return freight 40 Advances Definition of term 82 Error discovered by forwarding agent 82 Footing of 82 Not to be changed on waybiM . 83 Overcharge in 82 Refund of overcharge 82 Securing authority for 82 Separate waybill for correcting 83 Undercharge in 83 Advances Way bills 82-83 Advertising Agents, duty with 206 Agents Freight, general duty of 7-8 Instructions 5-6 Instructions received from 7 Requirements of 7 Responsibilities of 7 Sending to proper offices 8 Agricultural Implements Reshipped 15 Arrival Of freight 104 Articles Waybill description 71 Articles loose Shipped with vehicles 14 Astray freight 141-160 Authority For special rates 12 254 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL B Bad Order Freight- Describing damage 153 Reporting perishable 153 Reporting bad order shipments 153 Reports, forms of 153-155 Baggage Carried on freight trains 14 Bananas Handling of 125 Bills of Ladings Accomplishment of 42 Agents to guard against receipt 43 Copies of 45-50 Covering shipments in transit 43 Dating 43 Entering through and advanced charges 44 Forms to be used 42 How issued 43 Issued on demand 42 Notation made on prepaid 44 Object of two forms 42 Bonded Freight Appraised and unappraised 119-120 Arrival and delivery of 122-123 Cards for "Appraised" 120 Cards for. "Unappraised" 121 Card waybill not to be used 121 Cars disabled 122 Corded and sealed 119 Customs cards, loss of 121 Customs locks and seals 122 From connecting lines 119 Handling of manifest 121 Internal Revenue 119 Internal Revenue arrival and delivery 122 Loading and transferring 119 Manifest, loss of 121 Manifest, to be received with shipment 121 Removal of seals or locks 120 Waybilling of 119 Transit seals 123 Business of the Freight department 5-13 Not intended for public 7 Calcium Carbide Condition under which received 131 Cancelling waybills 174 Card waybill envelope How to use 101 Card waybills Attached to regular waybills 101 Carloads 101 Cars for distributing point 101 Definition of ' 101 Forms of card waybill 99-100-102-103 Interline shipments 101 Use in extreme cases 101 Carding Cars loaded with acid 130-131 Cars loaded with high explosives 129-130 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 255 Cards- Bonded freight "Appraised" 120 Bonded freight "Unappraised" 121 Bonded freight loss of 121 Bonded freight removal of 122 High explosives 130 Cars- Examine before loading grain , 61 Examine before loading livestock 51 Fasten doors securely 170 For loading high explosives . 130 From connecting lines properly sealed 170 Cars not necessary to seal 170 Sealing and fastening of 169 Changing Consignee or destination 15 Billing 20 Heading of waybills ' 176 Checking Way freight 158 Freight from connecting line 158 Freight received against waybills 158-159 Check reports 158 Circulars See tariffs. Claims Agents not to promise payments 160 Authority for 166 Damage total 161 Freight claim, blank forms 162-163-165 Freight 160-161 Instructions regarding 164 Keep record of 160 Leakage 164 Loss or damage 161 Loss or damage concealed 160-161 Overcharge 161 To be handled promptly 160 To be referred to freight claim agent 160 Claims, relief Agents application for 168 Authority for 166 Blank forms of 167 Instructions to agents 168 Quote claim number 166 Method of making 166 When to make 166 Cleaning grain In transit 61 Collections Freight charges 81 Undercharge 81 Advances 82 Prepaid 83 Other than transportation charges 41 Company freight 126-129 Advances on 128 Bought delivered at store houses 128 Distribution at different points 129 From junction point '. 128 How consigned 128 Responsibility of receiving agent 128 Separate waybill required 128 256 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Collections Continued Waybill without charges 128 Weights 128 Consignee Change of 15 Communications Requirements of 7 Correspondence Observation 8 Preservation 8 History of subjects 8 D Damage Form 165 Freight from connecting line 15 Dating Receipts and bills of lading 43 Delivery Bill of lading or receipt to be surrendered 105 Consignee to be identified 105 Examine freight before making 104 Of freight 104-105 Of freight to connecting line 104 On consignees order 105 Destination Change of . 15 Detention Or delay of freight in transit 40 Disputes With patrons of road 13 Diversion Of freight by shipper or consignee 13 Division sheets See tariffs. E Errors Forwarding and receiving abstracts : 174-176 Exceptions Record of at transfer points 158 Export freight Manifest required 121 F Filing- Tariffs, etc 34 Flag stations 14 Freight for 24-25 Shipping bills 24-25 Freight Actual contents to be shown 34 Agents precaution 34 Attached by sheriff or constable 105 Bonded-passing through United States 16 Bonded-extracts from U. S. Revenue laws 17 Care of before receipting for 14 Change to "Shippers order" 141 Checking of 19 Conditions under which received 13 Connecting lines, freight from 15 Combustible freight 13 Definition of terms for charges 81 Delivered on consignees order 105 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 257 Freight Continued Delivered to connecting lines 104 Distilled spirits arid malt liquors 17 Destination of, how changed 16 Diverted 13 Examined before delivery 104 For export 16 For flag station 34-35 Flag stations 14 For interior points 13 Form of consignment and delivery 137 From connecting lines 15 Improperly described 105 Liable to pilferage 14 Notification of arrival 106 Not taken 13 Notation on bills . . ., 19 Oils, liquors 13 "Over" freight 141-147 Old or second hand packages 19 Perishable 124-124 Perishable, refused or unclaimed 158 Perishable reported over 142 Perishable reported bad order 153 Plainly marked or tagged 19 Prompt delivery to connecting lines 104 Prepaid station, to or from at owner's risk 14 Possible loss of prospective shipments 13 Possession before issuing bill of lading 14 Properly packed 19 Received at flag stations 14 Received checked against way bill 104 Receipting for 35 Refusal of shipper to comply with rules 13 Refused 158 Removal of 104 Requiring prepayment 17 Requiring refrigerator service 14 Requiring ventilation 125 Reshipped : 15 Second hand packages 19 Securely fastened on flat cars 55 Securing of for shipments 8 Ship under false name 105 Shippers load and count 34-39 Shippers order inspection of 141 Shippers manifest 117-118 Short at junction point . 116 To be promptly removed 104 Unclaimed 158 Waybilled "care of" or "Notify" 137 To prepaid stations 14 Freight bills- Description of 131 Information given on freight bill 131 Form of expense bills 132-133 Copy given upon request, form 134 Prepaid freight bill 135 Freight bonded See bonded freight. Freight delivery Agents responsible for delivery of 104 Freight consigned to connecting lines 104 258 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Freight delivery Continued Freight consigned to one party in care of another party 105 Original receipt of bill of lading to be taken up 105 Owner's risk after arrival 105 Freight notice form 106 Mailing cards 107 Mailing cards form 107 Freight from and to other transportation companies Inspection of interline waybills . , 108 Reporting interline business , , 108 Waybilling to stations on foreign lines 109 Waybill points examined at junction 109 What is observed in billing from foreign lines 109 Transferred from disabled cars or left short of destination . . . . 109 Government freight Accounting for bills of lading 63 Bills of lading for 63 Disposal of bills of lading 63 Forms of 64 Weights 63 Grain Bill of lading form 62 Different kinds separated 61 Examine cars before loading 61 Public elevator delivery 61 Specify kinds 61 Stopped in transit 61 Guarantees Of freight charges 32 Of time 15 On perishable property 32 On freight returns to manufacturers or dealers 32 Freight liable to weather 32 Guarantee, form blank 33 -H- History Of subjects 80 High explosives Articles not to be loaded with 129 Carding cars 130 Consignees to be promptly notified 130 Immediate removal required 130 Indications of dangerous packages 129 Nitro-glycerine not to be received 129 Packing and marking 129 Penalty for improper handling ; 130 Safety fuse 129 Cars to be in good condition 129 Absorption in charcoal 129 I Iceing Accounting for iceing charges 168 How to ice cars 125 Cars and ice to be cleaned 125 On foreign lines 125 Shippers to specify iceing station 125 When cars should not be iced '. . . 125 Notation for iceing on foreign roads 125 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 259 Iceing Continued Specifying what points examine and re-ice 125 Delayed shipments 128 Stations 128 Transfer bills to have notations for iceing 128 Information Given to the public 7 Inquiries and department correspondence 7 Instructions For agents 7 Inter State commerce laws 10-12 Agents held responsible for violations or errors 12 Amendment to 10 Liabilities 11 Common carriers 10 Public posting 10 Rates, fares and charge 10 J Junction business Government freight 116 Holding waybills for freight 116 Miscellaneous items on waybills 116 Report of passing waybills 116 Waybills without freight 116 Junction freight Description of report 116 Manifest 117-118 Livestock Attendant should accompany 52 Attendant required by foreign lines 52 Attendant none in charge 52 Attendant without transportation 53 Attendant carried according to contract 53 Cars not to be overloaded 51 Contract forms 54-57 Contracts to be issued 44-51 Count when loading 51 Dead or crippled 53 Examine cars before loading 51 Extension of time form 79 Extra men in charge 53 Feeding in transit U. S. laws 59 List of yards 60 Not consigned to order 53 Owner to load and unload 51 Quarantine regulations 60 Race horses and high priced animals 52 Time limit without unloading 59 Time not to be guaranteed 51 U. S. laws feeding in transit 59 Unloaded in transit 59 Valuation not declared by shipper 52 Waybill stubs 59 Waybill to show time loaded 52 Waybill to show time reloaded 59 Livestock contracts Actual rates to be inserted 52 Show valuation of stocks 51 Should be made out properly 51 When to be dated and issued 52 260 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Livestock waybill Initials not to be used for names 51-53 Loading On open flat cars 55 Hay, straw, cotton or flaxtow 44 Lost, Concealed Reporting same 160 Loss or damage Instructions 164 -M Machinery Reshipped 15 Manifest, customs Bonded freight 120 Bonded freight from connecting line 119 Freight passing through U. S 17-123 Handling of 120-121 Manifest shippers Export freight 117-118 Marking Relative to 34 Marks- Relative to 34 When different from 16 On freight to agree with waybill 89 Memo-waybills 71 -N- Neutrality Observed in routing 8 Nitro-glycerine 129 Not to. be received 129 Notations In pencil forbidden 8 On letters and documents 8 On original freight bill 142 Notice to consignee On arrival of freight 106 Numbering waybills Waybills 89 Oils- Loading, packing 13 How handled 13 Order shipments 136-137 Changing consignee or destination 15 Changing straight consignments 141 Order shipments Waybills for order shipments 141 When bill of lading is accomplished 141 Overcharges Correction on freight bill 81 Over freight Accounted for 142 From connecting line 15 How to be reported 142 Monthly report 160 Plainly marked 158 Reporting perishable 142 Over reports 7 Forms of . 144-147 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 261 P Packing Acids 130 Freight 19 High explosives 129 Oil and liquors 13 Pencil- Use of 8 Perishable freight Bananas 123 Careful and prompt handling 123 Messenger in charge 123 Transfer of 123 Protection against freezing 125 Advise of perishable forward 12 1 Prepaid Bill collect in error 84 Billed prepaid in error 85 Definition of term 83 Error discovered by forwarding agent 84 Forwarding agent's account 83 Freight charges to be shown 83 Interline delivered to 83 Interline received from 84 Over 84 Receiving agent's record 83 Responsibility of agent 86 Separate waybill for correcting 86 Under prepaid 84 Over prepaid 84 Conditions of refund 85 Disposition of credit when unable to refund 85 Prepaid not to be charged on original waybill 85 Prepaid only waybills Clear and explicit 80 Definition of 80 From foreign roads 80 Record of forwarding agents . . 80 Record of receiving agent 80 Transferring charges by '. 80 Prepayment of freight 20 R Rates-- Inserted on livestock contracts 52 Rates special Authority for 12 Receipts Shipping 18-21 Receipts, Shippers Advances 39 Contents of 38 Erasures forbidden 40 Forms of 36-37 Notations to be made 39 Refrigerator or special cars 39 Release 38 Refrigerator service Freight from connecting lines 14 Record Of seals and fastenings 169-173 Of 0. S. & D. Freight 141-165 Xot assessible to public 7 262 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Refused Freight 158 Replevin Writs of 105 Reporting Bad order freight 153-155 Concealed loss 160 Overs 142 Overs in detail 142 Perishable freight in bad order 153 Perishable freight over 142 Shortage on waybills received by mail 148 Shorts 148 Reports Over, short, astray or damaged freight 141 Reshipment Agricultural implements 15 Releases Freight subject to 26 Annual release 26 Recording of contract 26 Requirement of release and notation on waybill 27 When shipper refuses to sign . 27 Annual or special form 28-29 General release 30 Furniture release 31 Routing Information given by agent 8 Changes of 15 Rules- Must be in force 4 Shipper refusing to comply 13 S Sealing Instructions 169-174 Seal Record Information required 169 Object of 169 Seals- Broken, disposition of 169 Cars not necessary to seal 170 Defective disposition of 169 Defective to be removed 170 Defective when discovered 169-170 Fasten all doors 170 How to use press 170 Imperfect record defined 170-171 Imperfect seal defined 170-172 Loss or stolen 170 Misuse of press 170 On cars when unloading or loading 169 Record of car fastenings 169 Record of new supply Record of seals broken or applied 169-170 Record of, when from connecting line 170 Remove when car is empty 169 Responsibility for safe keeping 170 Train employees not to break 169 Seal record book 170 Seals on cars from connecting lines 170 Seal blank form 171-173 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 263 Second hand packages Freight in 19 Securing freight For transportation 18 Shelling Grain in transportation 61 Shippers Manifest 117-118 Shipper's order Address of party to be notified 137 Bill of lading to be surrendered 136 Freight consigned to 136-137 Freight for flag stations 141 Freight inspection of 141 Shipping orders How to be made 18 On shipper's form 18 To agree with receipt 18-19 To be given with shipment 13 To state if at "0. R." "C. R." or agreed valuation 19-20 Shipper's receipt Form of 36-37 Short freight- Adjustment of freight short form 152 Accounted for 148 From connecting lines 15 How to be reported 148 Reported on W. B.'s received by mail 141 Reports for 150-151 Stamps Use of 34 T Tariffs- Cancelled 9 Duration of 9 How to file 9 Inspection by public 9 Issuance of 9 Posting circulars 9 Preservation of 9 Receipting for 9 Relative to interstate commerce laws 9 Telegraph wires Use of 8 Tracers Form of 140 For delayed freight, form , .38-139 Transfer bills Description of shipment 131 Rates and divisions required 131 Show case numbers and marks 131 To connecting lines 131 Time- Not guaranteed 40 U Unclaimed freight , 156-157 Disposition of 158 Uncollected freight bills 166-168 Undelivered freight At the end of month 168 264 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL U. S. Internal Revenue Bonded freight, arrival and delivery 122 U. S. Revenue law Requirements of 17 y Vehicles Loose articles shipped with 14 Ventilation Rules 123 W Way billing Bonded freight 119 Bonded freight corded and sealed 119 Cars to be stopped in transit 61 "Order" shipments 141 ''Over and short" freight 142-160 "Shipper's order" freight 136-137 Way bills- Contents of 71 Definition of 71 Designating the agents 72 Forms of 65-70 74-78 Instructions for forwarding agents 72-73 Interline 71 Kinds of 71 Livestock 72 Purpose of < 71 Use of memorandum 71 Correction forms 110 Correction notices 109 Detailed report of use of abstract correction blanks Ill Correction form of way bill report 112-115 Waybill Compiling- Car initials and numbers 88 Date 88 Consecutive number 89 Consignee and destination 89 Consigner 88 Conditions to be noted Description of articles 89 Marks 89 Notation live stock "contract" on waybills 89 Re-waybilling from connecting lines 89 Route 87 Where freight is inspected 90 Waybill freight charges Authority for changes 81 Correct billing 81 Changes to be made in red ink 81 Correction of errors 81 Definition of term freight 81 Under charge 81 Responsibility for errors 82 Waybill, Miscellaneous Uses Loaded car ticket 86 Company's material or astray freight 86 Dividing a consignment in two or more cars 86 Receipt to agree with 87 Where waybills are marked 87 Where freight is guaranteed 87 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 265 Waybill, report forward Abstracting 174 Cancelling charges on erroneous W. B.'s 174 Change in description or route 174 Description of freight forward abstract 174 Form of local freight report 175 Waybills not to be destroyed 175 Waybill, report received Description of freight received abstract 1 7* Form 177 Destination of waybills 176 Headlines not to be changed 176 Prompt reports 174 Receiving agent to stamp 176 Reshipment of freight received an erroneous billing 17G Weights- Collection of charges on . 92 Errors in stamped weights 92 Estimated table of 93-98 Grain 92 Less carload freight 91 Livestock 92 No intermediate track scales 91 Stations having no track scales 91 To be shown on car waybill 92 To be shown on waybill 91 Tonnage for engine rating 92 Waybill at gross weights 91 Western Railway Weighing Association 92 When cars should not be weighed 92 Weigh card, form of 93 Writs Of attachment 105 BAGGAGE Page Rule Baggage 207 Abbreviations, description of baggage 231 114 Abbreviations, bad order baggage 232 Access to baggage while in transit 223 61 Affixed letters to check numbers 223 64 Agents receiving lost articles 220 50 Agents will call at car door 226 83 Animals, live 210 15-16-17 Articles that may be checked 208 3 Articles which must not be checked 209 11 Articles, perishable 209 11 Articles which may be transported in baggage car subject to limitation 210 15 Automobiles and motor cycles 209 7 Authority for checking 216 34 Attach all checks to baggage personally 228 100 Address on baggage 209 12 Attachments 224 72 Baggage consists of 208 2 Baggage, excess 212 23 Baggage for Mexico and Canada 217 39 to points north of Portland, Oregon 218 40 small hand, avoid checking 218 46 forwarding 221 20 Baggage delivered at stations without way bills 223 67 Baggage cars in charge of T. B. M 225 76 266 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Page Rule Baggage left at wrong station 226 85 Baggage in bond 228 102 Baggage, short 221 55 Baggage forwarded Report 233 Form Baggage carried by destination 226-229 85-105 Baggage claimed short of destination 218 41 Baggagt must not be accepted for checking unless in proper shipping condition 218 45 Baggage damaged in accident 211 19 Baby Carriages 208 4 Bad order baggage 211 19 Bicycles and tricycles 208 5 Care in loading and unloading Baggage 207 F Cash Registers 209 10 Cancellation of checks removed from baggage 227 89 Cancellation of transportation with "B" or '"BC" punch .... 216 37 Certificate of Undertaker 248 Checking on commutation tickets 212 22 Checking for self and members of same family 212 21 Checking baggage through overwagon transfer 217 5 Checking baggage on mileage tickets 217 38 Checking baggage to Mexico 217 39 Checking baggage to points north of Portland, Oregon. .. .218 40 Checking via stage lines 218 42 Checking baggage short of or beyond destination 216 35 Checking baggage to flag stations 225 80 Checking baggage on exchange orders 216 36 Checking baggage on freight trains prohibited 222 57 Checking drovers tickets 218 42 Checking on live stock contracts 218 42 Check, time to 208 1 Checking corpses 230 112 Checks must show junction points, route, etc 217 38 Check single pieces only 218 44 Charges for excess should be prepaid 213 Claims for delay, damage or loss 224 71 C. O. D. Checks and stub form 241 Form C. 0. D. local and foreign 215 29 C. 0. D. checks properly filled out 215 30 C. 0. D. proper issuance when more than one piece belonging to same passenger is to be collected on 215 31 C. O. D. forwarded to another station for collection under C. 0. D 216 33 C. 0. D. when passenger is ahead of baggage 235 32 C. O. D. remittances of collections 216 33 C. 0. D. remittances of collections form 242 Form C. 0. D. exercise care to protect collections 215 29-30-31 Collect 50c for lost duplicate check 224 Corpse, transportation of 230 111-112-113 Collect charges on baggage 228 97 Contents of baggage in bad order 218 44 Complaints 227 90 Courtesy 207 E. Cyclometers, tool bags and lamps to be removed from bicycles 209 6 Damage to baggage 211 19 Delivering baggage when checks are mismatched 227 91-92 Detaching excess baggage coupons 213 Delivering baggage short of destination 218 41 Deceased persons, transportation of 230 111 Delivering baggage at stations 243 Form RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 267 Page Rule Dividing baggage not permitted 229 104 Dogs, transportation of 210 16 Dogs for bench shows 211 17 Double checking prohibited 222 60 Do not issue check until baggage is in your possession 218 45 Do not exchange local checks 229 103 Do not copy from bills 229 103 Entrusted the safe keeping and proper transportation of effects 207 Excess baggage ' 212 23 Excess charges should be prepaid 213 3 Excess baggage checks, proper issuance of 213 24 Excess baggage, local and foreign 214 25-26 Excess money books 215 28 Exchanging local check prohibited 229 103 Fish and small game 211 18 Fill out check with ink 223 66 Flag stations checking baggage to 225 80 Forwarding baggage 221 20 Forwarding sheet 246-247 Forward baggage promptly 227 94 Foreign excess baggage 214 26 Foreign excess baggage check forms 239 Form Free allowance 212 20 Free allowance, salesman's helper, etc 212 20 Freight trains handling baggage 222 57 Game and fish 211 18 General instructions 207 General Rules 208 Goods found in baggage car 220 52 Handling baggage on freight trains 222 57 Identifying baggage 223 63 Impropei articles delivered by other lines on through checks. 225 78 Ink, use it in filling out checks . .223 66 Issuing ot check 218 45 Jewelry 209 11 Joint business mail , 220 54 Judgment 207 208 Keep a sufficient supply of checks on hand 223 65 Lamps, cyclometers and tool bags remove from bicycles and tricycles 209 6 Letters prefixed and affixed to check numbers 223 64 Live animals used in producing theatrical perf ormances . . . . 209 8 Lost articles 220 49 Lost articles found on train 220 52 Lost articles found by car cleaners 220 51 Local excess baggage ., 214 25 Loafing in baggage rooms not allowed 229 110 Lost duplicate checks 224-251 77 Lost duplicate checks, receipt for form 251 Loading and unloading baggage 224 73 Mail, joint business 220 54 Merchandise 209 11 Mexico and Canada, baggage 217 39 Mismatched and mutilated checks 225-227 79-91 Milk shipments 222 58 Money 228 101 Motor cycles and automobiles 209 7 Musical instruments 209 11 Non-coupon stations, special checks for 226 81 Note condition of baggage when received from trains .... 226 86 Odd. mismatched and mutilated checks 225-227 79-91 268 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Page Rule One at a time 209 13 Opening baggage enroute 222 56 Other roads' cheek must not be used 228 95 Outgoing baggage should be on truck 226 84 Personally attach all checks to baggage 228 100 Perishable articles 209 11 Permit of local Board of Health 245 Peddler's packs 209 9 Physician's certificate, transportation of Corpses 245 Prohibited property 210 14 Proper issuance of excess baggage checks 213 24 Prepaid excess permits when issued and their use 214 27 Protect baggage company's property, etc 227-228 91-92-93-96 Prefixed letters to check numbers 223 64 Responsibility of common carriers to traveling public .... 207 ( a Responsibility for loss, delay or damage, agents and T. B. M 207 c Report to general baggage agent all matters requiring special attention 207 h Report unclaimed baggage weekly 237 Form Reports, send in promptly 229 109 Record of baggage, received, delivered and forwarded 224 70 Record and report of baggage in bad order 211 Form Remove lamps, cyclometers and tool bags 209 6 Removing checks from baggage 227 93 Register stamps, proper use of 224 74 Receiving baggage at stations 218 45 Refuse to check baggage on tickets bearing "BC" Punch or endorsed "B. C." 216 37 Rules, State Board of Health 230 113 Rules, State Board of Health Form 249-250 Salesman's Helper, etc., free allowance 212 20 Shortage of baggage 223 68 Signatures on telegrams or letters 221 55 Single pieces only should be checked 218 44 Skid or plank in unloading baggage 224 73 Small hand baggage, avoid checking 218 46 Special cars of checked baggage 225 76 Special checks for non-coupon stations 226 81 Special strap check 240 Form Stage properties 209 Steamship business, Trans-Pacific 212 c Storage charges (except Arkansas) 219 47 Storage charges in Arkansas 219 48 Storage checks 229 107 String and duplicate checks to correspond 223 62 String checks, local 238 Form Stripping checks from baggage 227 Stripped excess checks 228 Station agents will call at car door 226 Station name in full with ink 223 66 State Board of Health Rules 230 113 Supply of checks on hand 223 65 Sufficient time required to weigh and check baggage . . . ... . .213 4 Telegram for stray baggage 229 105 Tags must only be used on baggage once 224 75 Tag, baggage form 241 Form Test and balance scales frequently 213 5 Theft 228 99 Theatrical Baggage 209 Through baggage must not be held over 229 108 Tricycles and bicycles ". 208 5 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 269 Page Rule Trans-Pacific steamship business 212 20 Transit permit for corpse 245 Form Train way bill 243 Form Train Mail 220 53 Train mail form 235 Train baggagemen's way bills must not be changed. 226 87 Train baggagemen's trip sheets 243 Form Train baggagemen will report shortage by wire 244 Form Train Baggagemen C. 0. D : 215 29-33 Transportation of deceased persons 230 111 Unloading and loading baggage ." 224 73 Unclaimed baggage 229 106 Unchecked or unmarked property 226 Unauthorized persons must not remove checks 227 93 Using other roads' checks prohibited 228 95 Use ink in filling out checks 223 66 Use skid or plank 224 73 U. S. Mail 235 Valuable laces 209 11 Violation rules will not be tolerated 207 1 Wagon transfer 217 5 Waybill, train 222 59 Weigh baggage 213 5 Weekly report unclaimed baggage 223 69 Wrong baggage 227 92 What baggage consists of 208 2 TICKETS Action of competitors 180 Advanced to parties at distant stations 193 Advertising agents, duty with . 206 Advertisng, general 206 Advertising tickets 178 Agent, ticket, certificate of : 185 Agent, requisite of a first class : 178 Alterations, not to be made *. 191 Arrangement of 203 Authority for special rates 12-178.-179 Authorized tickets 185 Baggage C. 0. D. checks 198 Baggage, permit, prepaid excess 198 Baggage storage receipts 198 Book tickets 186 Cancelling for baggage checked 216 Card local 186 Cash for delivery with ticket 194 Certificate of Rate blank 203 Certificate of return trip, form 204-205 Certificate, of ticket agent 185 Chart of coupon forms 187 Check tickets received '. 184 Child's ticket 191 Child's ticket exception 192 Chinese, through Canada 197 Civil service, governs 179 Class, meaning of 188 Compliance with Interstate laws 179 Computing rates 202 Commutation 192 Conditions of tickets 188 Corpse tickets, how issued 202 270 TWENTIETH CENTURY MANUAL Correspondence 180 Coupon or interline tickets 187 Dating of stamp and ticket machines 201 Dating machines when out of order 201 Definition of ticket 185 Destination on coupon 187 Discontinuing tickets, how noted 206 Double local round trip 201 Effort to ticket passengers 180 Endorsements on tickets 191 Errors charged to agent 201 Exchange orders 187 Excess Baggage book 197 Exchange orders for connecting lines 193 Exchange orders honoring , 193 Excursion, rates for parties 203 Excursion, rates when made 203 First class 188 Folders 180 General instructions 178-179 Government exchange 196-197 Government transportation requests 196-197 Information to be given passengers 181 Interchangeable mileage 192 Interline tickets 185-187 Interstate law, compliance with 179 Irresponsible persons not to be ticketed 185 Issue perfect ticket 191 Issue tickets numerically 190 Instructions, general 178-179 Joint tariffs 185 Keep well posted 179 Kinds of tickets 185 Limit ticket, how to 190 Limitation of 188 Local tariffs 185 Local tickets v 185 Loss of ticket 181 Machine and card tickets 186 Meaning of local tickets 186 Mileage, interchangeable 192 Neat stations / 179 New agent, what he should study 179 Non-transferrable 189 Office open 180 Orders exchange 187 Orders for Atlantic Steamship lines 195 Orders for government transportation 196-197 Orders prepaid 193 Orders prepaid honoring 195 Party tickets 186 Points beyond your line 193 Prepaid orders 193 Prepaid orders honoring 195 Public notices 179 Railway guide, use of 180 Receipts for fares paid 198 Receipts, conductors duplex 198 Redemptions, general rules on 199 Redemption, receipt form 300 Redemptions, refunds 198 Reduced rate orders 201 Requisitions, how and when made 182 RAILWAY STATION SERVICE 271 Requisitions blank form of 183 Restrictive form of round trip ticket 188 Returning tickets 181 Route 191 School tickets, one hundred ride 192 Second class 188 Second class, how endorsed 191 Short line local rates 201 Signatures, names and descriptions required 189-190 Skeleton tickets 188 Special cars 202 Special rates, authority for 12-178-179 Special rates, tickets at 187-188 Steamship lines 195 Stop-over regulations 190 Success 179 Supplies of, on hand 184 Supplies, upon receipt of 181 Telegraphic deliveries between two local routes 195 Telegraphic deliveries, various kinds 194 Telegraphic deliveries, local systems own agents 194 Telegraphic deliveries requested from points on foreign lines 195 Telegraphic order, collection and remittance 195 Telegraph, ticket agents use of 182-194 Telegraphic ticket deliveries 193 Ticket offce, open 180 Tickets to points trains do not stop 181 Transferrable 189 Twenty ride tickets 192 Valuables, office 181 Valuable packages 184 Writing on tickets 191 FOURTEEN DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. i" 0^55?! i r T n 01 i nn 9 '** General Library (811^1)47!' Univers ig ^ f , California I AM YC 25618 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY I