'Smmamti ■MHH «MeM CATALOGUE OF THE YORK GATE GEOGRAPHICAL AND COLONIAL LIBRARY SECOND EDITION ;d8d ^ 'if-Kprnm-- KMW itmm bg THE COMPILER. 803803 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. If a man be ambitioas to improve in knowledge and wisdom he should travel in foreign countries. Philostratus Apoll. He that wil passe over the See, to go to the City of Jerusalem, he may go by many Weyes, both on See and Londe. Maumdetille, lith Cent. It hath bin lately maintained in an Academieall Difpute, That the beft Travailing is in maps and good Authours : beoaufe thereby a man may take a view of the ftate and manners of the whole world, and never mix with the con-uptions of it. A pleafing opinion for folitary prifonors, who may thus travell over the world, though confined to a dungeon. Profitable Inf (ructions for Travellers, 1633. By the ftudy of Geography, a man that hath not opportunity nor means of travelling, may with as much benefit, but far lefs danger and expence, acquaint himfelf with the particular defcriptions of Kingdoms, Provinces, Cities, Towns, and Caftles, with all things confiderable in the fame, together with the ouftomes, manners, and difpofitions of all Forrain Nations : and that too in as full a manner, as if he had furvey'd the one, and obferved the other, by a perfonall vifit of tho places reprefented to him. Peter Hetltn, Cosmograpkie, 1652. The Books which relate to Voyages and Tkavels are among the most precious in our libraries. I speak, of course, of well authenticated Travels ; and not of such stuff as the fictions of Psalmanazar, and the fabrications of Damberger. "Within the precincts of his Library, the Collector of Voyages and Travels makes himself acquainted with all countries, climates, and characters. The sea always carries him to his destined port in safety ; and the land is always secure from banditti. He sits " in his easy chair " and associates with warriors, legislators, philosophers, or savages ; he now scales the perilous height, and now traverses the plain with b equal impunity. To him, the wild beast of the forest, and the reptile of the desert, is equally innocuous. Nor do physical causes present either harm or Impediment. The snows of the Alps or the Andes, and the fires of Vesuvius or Mtna. neither freeze his blood nor scorch his skin. He knows not hunger or thirst : although hundreds of Ids fellow-creatures are perishing from both causes. If it be the season of winter, he draws close his crimson curtain, stirs his wood-coal fire, trims his liimi), sinks upon his couch — and throws himself into sunny regions, where the lime, and tamarind, and pomegranate, yield their refreshing juices. Or, should the summer dart its Iieat upon his head, he seeks the northern arbour of his garden ; and cool, beneath the mixed foliage of the holly, and ivy, and clematis — over the whole of which the woodbine throws its sweet-scented tendrils — he spreads his folio or his quarto upon the rustic table ; now gazes ujjon the highly-wrought plates, and now buckles himself to the uninterrupted perusal of the instructive text. In sucli a recess he is cooled by the fancied breezes of Kamtsohatka or Spitsbergen ; and thus, turning over the pages of Cook or Parry, the hours steal away, and the sun is sinking low iu the horizon. But, whether winter or summer, the volumes of Hakluyt and of Pukchas will never fail to afibrd an inexhaxistible fund of amusement. EiiV. T. F. DiBliiN, Library Companion, J.824. Books taken indiscriminately, are no cure to the diseases and afflictions of the mind. . . . For hypochondria and satiety, what is better than a brisk alternative course of travels — especially early, out-of-the-way, marvellous, legendaiy travels ! How they freshen up the Spirits ! How they take you out of the humdnim, yawning state you are in. See, with Herodotus, young Greece spring up into life ; or note with him how already the wondrous old Orient world is crumbling into giant decay ; or go with Carpini and Rubruquis to Tartary, meet " the carts of Zagathai laden with houses, and think that a great city is travelling towards you." Gaze on tliat vast wild empire of the Tartar, where the descendants of Jenghis " multiply and disperse over the immense waste desert, which is as boundless as the ocean." Sad with the early northern discoverers, and penetrate to the heart of winter, among sea-serpents and bears, and tusked morses, with the faces of men. Then, what think you of Columbus, and the stern soul of Cortes, and the Kingdom of Mexico, and the strange gold city of the Peruvians With that aildacious brute Pizarro ? and the Polynesians, just for all the world like the Ancient Britons? and the American Indians, and the South Sea Islanders ? How petidant, and young, aind adventurous, and frisky your hypochondriac must get upon a regimen like that ! Lord Lttton, The Caxtons, 1849. Of voyages and travels, I would also have good store, especially the earlier when the world was fresh and unhackneyed, and men saw things invisible to the modem eye. They are fast sailing ships to waft away from present trouble to the "Fortunate Isles." JAmes Russell Lowell, Address at Chelsea, Mass., Dee. 22nd, 1885. GREAT BRITAIN AND HER COLONIES. Thou that after the impetuous rage of five bloody Inundations, and the fueoeeding Sword of inteftine Ih'arre, foaking the Land in her owne gore, didft pitty the fad and ceafles revolution of our fwift and thick-comming forrowes when wee were quite breathleffe, of Thy free grace didft motion Peace, and termes of Cov'nant with us, and having firlt welnigh freed us from AiUichriflian thraldome, didft build up this Britannick Empire to a glorious and enviable heighth with all her Daughter Ilaiuis about her, ftay us in this felicite. Milton, Of Reformation in England, 1641. Colonies are the Seeds of Nations, begun and nourifh'd by the Care of wife and populous Countries ; as conceiving them best for the Increafe of humane Stock, and beneficial for Commerce. Some of the wifest Men in History, have juftly taken their Fame from this Defign and Service. . . . Nor did any of these ever dream it was the way of decreafing their People or Wealth. For the Caufe of the Decay of any of those States or Empires was not their Plantations, bi't their Luxury and Corruption of Manners. . . . With Juftice therefore I deny the vulgar Opinion again ft Plantations, that they weaken England; they have manifeftly inrich'd and fo ftrengthen'd her. . , . Thofe that go into a Foreign Plantation, their Induftry there is worth more than if ftay'd at home. Pbnn, The Benefit of Plantations or Colonies, 1680. Colonies are a Strength to their Mother-Kingdom, while they are under good Discipline, while they are ftrictly made to obferve the Fundamental Laws of their Original Counti-y, and while they are kept dependant on it. . . . Not that we think the Greatuefs thefe Colonies may arrive at, in a Natural Courfe, and iu the progrefs of Time, can be dangerous to England. . . . Generally fpeaking, oui- Colonies while they have Englifh Blood in their Veins, and have Relations in England, and while they can get by trading with us, the ftronger and greater they grow, the more this Crown and Kingdom will get by them ; and nothing but fuoh an Arbitrary Power as fhall make them defxierate, can bring 'em to rebel. Davenant, Difcourse on the Plantation Trade, 1698. Colonies and Plantations are both Strength and Riches to their Mother Country, while tliey are ftrictly made to observe the Laws of it ; and while ours have Britifh Blood in their Veins, and Relations in Great Briiain, and can get by Trading with us, the ftronger and greater they grow, the more the Grown and this Kingdom will get by them ; and nothing but our Arbitrary Treatment of them, and our Mifgovemment, can make them otherwise than beneficial and Advantagious to ua ■Wood, A Survey of Trade, 1718. h 2 My hold of the Colonies is in the close affection which grows from common names, from kindred blood, from similar privileges, and equal protection. These are ties, which, though light as air, are strong as links of iron. Let the colonies always keep the idea of their civil rights associated with your government ; — they will cling and grapple to you ; and no force under heaven will be of power to tear them from their allegiance As long as you have the wisdom to keep the sovereign authority of this country as the sanctuary of liberty, the sacred temple consecrated to our common faith, wherever the chosen race and sous of England worship freedom, they will turn their faces towards you. The more they multiply, the more friends you will liave ; the more ardently they love liberty, the more perfect will be their obedience. BuKKE, Speech on Conciliation with the Colonies, 1775. The colony trade is more advantageous to Great Britain than any other ; and the monopoly, by forcing irlto that trade a greater proportion of _ the capital of Great Britain than what would otherwise have gone to it, has turned that capital into an employment more advantageous to the country than any other which it could have found. Adam Smith, Tlie Wealth of Naiions, 1784. A deadly fear of Population ... a giim shadow of hunger . . . too dense in- habitants. . . . Too crowded indeed I Meanwhile, what portion of this incon- siderable terraqueous globe have ye actually tilled and delved, till it will grow no more ? . . . Where now are the Hengists and Alarics of our still-glowing, still- expanding Europe ; who, when their home is grown too narrow, will enlist, and, like Fire-pillars, guide onwards those superfluous masses of indomitable living Valour ; equipped not now with the battle-axe and war-chariot, but with the Bteam-engine and ploughshare ? Where are they ? Carltlb, Sartor Besarlus, 1831. Colonisation is Hot only a manifest expedient for, but an imperative duty on. Great Britain. God seems to hold out His finger to us over the sea i But it must be a National Colonisation, such as was that of the Scotch to America : a Coloui- sation of Hope, and not such as we have alone encouraged and effected for the last fifty years — a Colonisation of Despair. Coleridge, Taile Talk, 1833. Political power, maritime strength, commercial opulence, mental activity, internal security, and general prosperity and happiness — all spring from the possession of colonies wisely chosen, generously fostered, and justly governed. . . . A vast power it has pleased Almighty Providence to bestow on Britain : no nation, of which we have any record in sacred or profane history, ever enjoyed the advantages and blessings of this Empire — in its immense extent — its varied inhabitants — its abundant fertility — its diversified • products, and felicitous position in every part of the globe. . . . In our colonies will be found the richest fields for the increase of our power ; these are the genuine sources of national wealth ; and their cultivation is, ic reality, the trtie policy of England. MONTGOMEEY MaRTIN, 1840. , When 1 ask you to colonize, what do I ask you to do but to cany the super- fluity of one part of our country to repair the deficiency of tlie other : to culti- vate the desert by applying to it the means that lie idle here : to convey the plough to the field, the workman to his work, the hungi-y to his food. Chables Buller, Speech in the House of Commons, 6th April, 1843. Why should there not he an "Emigration Service" and Secretary, with adjuncts, with funds, forces, idle Navy ships, and ever increasing apparatus ; in fine, an effective system of Emigration ; so that, at length, every honest willing Workman who found England too strait, and the "Organization of Labour" not yet sufficiently advanced, might find likewise a bridge built to carry him into new Western Lands, there to "organize " with more elbow-room some labour for himself? There to be a real blessing, raising new com for ns, purchasing new webs and hatchets from us ; leaving us at least in peace ; — instead of staying here to be a Physical-Force Chartist ; unblessed and no blessing. Is it not scandalous to consider that a Prime Minister could raise within the year, as I have seen it done, a Hundred and Twenty Millions Sterling to shoot the French ; and we are stopt short for want of the hundredth part of that to keep the English living ? The bodies of the English living, and the souls of the English living ; these two "Services," an Education Service and an Emigration Service, these with others will actually have to be organized ! A free bridge for Emigrants . . . every willing "Worker that proved super- fluous, finding a bridge ready for him. This verily will have to be done ; the Time is big with this. Our little Isle is grown too narrow for us. . . . Fourteen hundred years ago, it was by a considerable " Emigration Service," never doubt it, by much enlistment, discussion and apparatus, that we ourselves- arrived in this remarkable Island. • Carlyle, Past and Present, 1843. To appreciate the benefits of colonization, it should be considered in its relation, not to a single country, but to the collective economical interests of the human race. The question is in general treated too exclusively as one of distribution ; of relieving one labour-market and supplying another. It is this, but it is also a question of production, and of the most efficient employment of the productive resources of the world. . . . The exportation of labourers and capital from old to new countries, from a place where their productive power is less, to a place where it is greater, increases by so much the aggregate produce of the labour and capital of the world. It adds to the joint wealth of the old and new country, what amounts in a short period to many times the mere cost of efiecting the transport. There needs be no hesitation in affinning that Colonization, in the present state of the world, is the very best affair of business, in which the capital of an old and wealthy countiy can possibly engage. John Stttart Mill, Principles of Political Economy, 1848. Colonies are not to be picked off the streets every day ; not a Colony of them but has been bought dear, well purchased by the toil and blood of those we have the honour to be sons of ; and we cannot afford to cut them away ... wo pro- pose through Heaven's blessing to retain them a while yet ! Shame on us for linworthy sons of brave fathers if we do not. Brave fathers, hy valiant blood and sweat, purchased for us, from the bounty of Heaven, rich possessions in all zones. . . . England looking on her Colonies can say : " Here are lands and seas, spice- " lands, corn-lands, timber-lands, overarched by zodiacs and stars, clasped by " many-sounding seas ; wide spaces of the Maker's building, iit for the cradle " yet of mighty Nations and their Sciences and Heroisms. Fertile continents ' ' still inhabited by wild beasts are mine, into which all the distressed populations " of Europe might pour themselves, and make at once an Old "World and a " New World human. By the eternal fiat of the gods, this must yet one day " be; this, by all the Divine Silences that rule this Universe, silent to fools, " eloquent and awful to the hearts of the wise, is incessantly at this moment, " and at all moments, commanded to begin to be. Unspeakable deliverance, " and new destiny of thousandfold expanded manfulness for all men, dawns " out of the Future here. To me has fallen the god-like task of initiating all " that : of me and my Colonies, the abstruse Future asks, Are you wise enough " for so sublime a destiny ? Are you too foolish ? " Caeltlk, LaUcr-Day Pamphlets, 1850. Since first the dominion of men was asserted over the ocean, three thrones, of mark beyond all others, have been set upon its sands : the thrones of Tyre, Venice, and England. Of the First of these great powers only the memory remains ; of the Second, the ruin ; the Third, which inherits their greatness, if it forget their example, may be led through prouder eminence to less pitied destruction. Rfskin, J7te Stones of Venice, 1851. These islands cannot bear a larger population than they have at present without peril to soul and body. It appeared as if the Genius of England, antici- pating the inevitable increase, had provided beforehand for the distribution of it. English enterprise had occupied the fairest spots upon the globe where there was still soil and sunshine boundless and life-giving ; where the race might for ages renew its mighty youth, bring forth as many millions as it would, and would still have means to breed and rear them strong as the best which she had pro- duced in her early prime. ... I have 'travelled through lands where patriotism is not a sentiment to be laughed at . . . where I never met a hungry man or saw a discontented face ; where in the softest and sweetest air, and in an unexhausted soil, the fable of Midas is reversed ; food does not turn to gold, but the gold with which tho earth is teeming converts itself into farms and vineyards, into flocks and herds, into crops of wild luxuriance, into cities whose recent origin is con- cealed and compensated by trees and flowers — where children grow who seem once more to understand what was meant by "Merry England." Amidst the uncertainties which are gathering around us at home — a future so obscure that the wisest men will least venture a conjecture what that future will be, it is something to have seen with our own eyes that there are other Englands besides the old one, where tho race is thriving with all its ancient characteristics. . . . Let Fate do its worst, the family of Oceana is still growing, and will have a sovereign voice in the coming fortunes of mankind. J. A. Froudb, Oceana, 1885. PREFACE. The present Catalogue embraces the Geographical and Colonial portions of a somewhat extensive miscellaneous library, which I have gradually accumulated during the past thirty years. Although no traveller myself, I have always taken great interest in the work of travellers ; an interest which has been kept up by the friendly personal relations, which it ^ has been my privilege to enjoy, with many of the most illustrious explorers of our generation. To some of them I am indebted for presentation copies of their works and for specimens of Natural History, Economic Botany, and Ethnology, contributed to a private Museum of the products of various countries which I have also been engaged in forming.* It is natural, therefore, that I should have desired to possess a library of geography and travel, and I have endeavoured to make it as complete as the means and opportunities at my disposal permitted. The idea of publishing a Catalogue of this part of my library originated in the want which I have often felt of a book of reference giving something more than brief titles arranged in alphabetical order. The present Catalogue gives, in order of their date and classified according to countries, the full titles of geographical books, including the contents of miscellaneous Collections, such as those of Hakluyt, Purchas, Churchill, Bumey, and others. At first intended to include the Australasian sections only, its scope has been enlarged, and it now embraces Discovery and Travel as well as * A separate Catalogue of this Collection has been printed, under the title of " Catalogue of the Nature and Art Collection,'' Letconibe Regis, 1876. Colonization in all parts of the world. Believing in its utility, as far as the extent of my own library goes, I now offer it to collectors and students. While it in no section pretends to be complete or exhaustive, the titles, being in chronological order, are sufficient in "several of the geographical sections to mark the course of discovery and exploration, and, in the colonial sections, to indicate the progress and history of each dependency. It thus forms a useful index to a know- ledge of the varied circumstances, physical and political, of the countries and peoples of the world, and shows still more clearly the vast extent and ever increasing importance of the numerous possessions of our own unbounded Empire. It may, I hope, possibly draw attention to the prospects and resources of our Colonies, a subject with urgent claims upon the study of the politician and the statesman as well as the merchant and the capitalist. And, not as mere dependencies, but as component parts of the Empire which, at no distant future, must become of greater importance in the world than the mother-country herself. For assistance in collecting and the labour involved in the compilation of the Catalogue I am much indebted to my friend Mr. E. A. Petherick, F.R.G.S., a gentleman who has made the history and bibliography of this branch of literature, particularly as regards the British Colonies, his especial study. He has devoted much care and time to the task, and spared no pains to render it complete, adding to the Catalogue- proper two Alphabetical Indexes, one of countries and the other of authors, which will greatly facilitate reference. The plan of the Catalogue is one I should like to see extended to much larger collections, or, indeed, to the whole literature of geography ; for by it a student, with very little trouble, may learn what books, or what memoirs and articles buried in miscellaneous collections, periodicals, and in Transac- tions of Societies, have been published on any country regarding which he may be in search of information. S. Wm. SILVER. 3, York Gate, Regent's Park, N.W. August, 1882. PEEFACE TO SECOND EDITION. During the last fqur years the accessions to the Library have been very numerous, and advantage was taken of the oppor- tunities afforded by the Beckford, Hamilton, Ellis, and Wodhull sales, to secure some of their typographical treasures and rarities. Among these wdl be noticed the Collections of De Bry (Latin), Ramusio {Italian), and Thevenot {French) ; the Berlinghieri and Serveti Ptolemies, the works of Vadianus, Munster, Ortelius, Mercator, and later cosmographers ; the Floras of Hooker, the magnificent works of Gould on the "Birds" and "Mammals" of Australia — prizes for which acknowledgment is hereby made to the eminent bibliopoles, Messrs. Quaritch and Ellis. Among other and scarcely less important acquisitions are the " Australians," " New Zealanders," and " Kaffirs " of Angas, with some of the Artist's original sketches, and the Reports of the Scientific Results of the Voyage of the " Challenger." Editions of Peter Martyr, Barros and Da Couto, Herrera with John Stevens' translation, Valentyn, Campbell's edition of Harris, Navan-ete, and De Jonge, render the early voyages of the Portuguese, Spaniards, and Dutch more complete. Jomard's Monuments de Giographie, Humboldt's Hxamen Critique, with R. H. Major's Index, kindly presented by that gentleman ; the Atlas du Moyen Age of Lelewel ; the noble volume Cartas de Indias, published by the Spanish Government ; — these, with Smith and Grove's Ancient Atlas, further illustrate the History of Geography, and the works of Fergusson, Duncker, Schliemann, Perrot and Chipiez, that of Antiquity; while the numerous references attest the value and usefulness of the new edition of the Encyclopoedia Britannica upon kindred subjects. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION. The additions, especially those mentioned, have very greatly extended the Catalogue and necessarily enlarged its scope. To increase its usefulness as a work of reference, in this edition the titles of memoirs and papers in the several Collections of Voyages and Travels have been distributed under the countries or subjects to which they refer. The Catalogue proper is re- arranged in three parts, viz. : — (1) General Geografhy, Science, Economics and Politics, (2) Transactions of Societies and Collections, (3) Voyages and Travels m different parts of the World, and subdivided into one hundred sections. At the end (§ 99) is a list of books on Missions and Travels by Christian Missionaries. The Index of Authors is also much enlarged and will be found useful in all libraries possessing copies of Hakluyt, Purchas, Churchill, and the other great Collections, the contents of these works being here comprehended in one alphabet. A few ex- tracts from eminent writers are prefixed and affixed — those relating to " Great Britain and her Colonies " may serve as winged arrows for present-day Politicians. Another feature, adding to the beauty of the present Catalogue, is a series of illustrations of rare titles and facsimiles, slightly reduced by photo-lithography from the originals. ' The Library now contains nearly 5000 volumes and pamphlets, including many early productions of the Colonial press, and I hope that the time and labour bestowed upon the Catalogue will be thought not unworthy of the Collection. It has been to me a labour of love — a labour now crowned by the appear- ance of the work in its present handsome foi-m. I cannot part from it without testifying to the liberality which enhances the work so much. English Bibliography is not often indebted to the rich and wealthy for patronage and encouragement. Though only an amateur bibliographer, I venture on behalf of the craft to make this small acknowledgment to one who has not only founded a truly representative library of Geography, but has spent worthily upon the Catalogue, EDWARD A. PETHERICK. " Yarra Yakea," Brixton Hill, London, S.W. October, 1886. CONTENT.S. PAGE PREFACE • • ■ • • vii PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION ix CONTENTS xi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xv ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF COUNTRIES AND SUBJECTS . . . xvii ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF AUTHORS xxi to cxxxii CATALOGUE. PART I.— GENERAL GEOGRAPHY; POLITICAL, HISTORICAL, MATHE- MATICAL, COMMERCIAL, AND PHYSICAL; INCLUDING NATURAL SCIENCES, ZOOLOGY, BOTANY, &c. (Pp. 1—38). PAGE § 1. Ancient Geography and Antiquities 1 § 2. Medieval Geography 3 § 3. Modern Geography 5 § 4. The Art of Travel, Navigation, &c 8 § 5. History of Discovery, Commerce, and Colonization .... 10 § 6. Economics and Politics ; including International and Colonial Law, Emigration, Trade, Commerce, Industry, and Statistics .... 15 § 7. Physiography and Biology ; including Physical Geography, Astronomy, Zoology, Geology, and Palceontology 28 § 8. Botany and Floras 35 PART II.— TRANSACTIONS AND COLLECTIONS (Pp. 39— P2). § 9. Transactions of Societies, including Royal Geogi-aphical Society and Linnean Society's Publications, Proceedings of the Africau Association and of the Koyal Colonial Institute 39 § 10. Collections of Voyages and Travels ; including Ramusio, De Bry, Hakluyt, Purchas, Thevenot, Churchill, Harley, Harris, Bumey, Navarrete, the Hakluyt Society, Encyclopsedia Britannica, &c. . 40 XJl CONTENTS. PART III.— VOYAGER AND TRAVELS IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE WORLD (Pp. 93—334). PAOI § 11. Voyages and Circumnavigations 93 § 12. The Aectio Rkgioxs ; including Voyages for the Discovery of the North-East and North-West Passages ,. . 106 § 13. The Antarctic Regions 114 § 14. Travels over the Continents and in Several Parts of the World 115 EUROPEAN COUNTRIES AND ISLANDS. § 15. Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Lapland 122 § 16. Iceland, The Faroe Islands, &o 123 § 17. The British Islands 124 § 18. Spain and Portugal 129 § 19. Madeira and the Azores • 131 § 20. Prance 132 § 21. Switzerland 133 § 22. Corsica and Sardinia 134 § 23. Italy, Sicily, Malta, &c 134 § 24. Holland, Belgium, the Rhine, and Germany 136 § 25. Austria, Hungary, Transylvania, Dalmatia, &c 138 § 26. Turkey in Europe ; Roumania, Bulgaria, Servia, Albania, Greece, the Archipelago, and Cyprus 1 39 § 27. Russia in Europe, and Poland 142 ASIATIC COUNTRIES AND ISJ^ANDS. § 28. The Caucasus 144 § 29. Siberia and Manchuria 145 § 30. Bokhara and Russian Turkestan 146 § 31. Tartary, Eastern Turkestan and Mongolia 148 § 32. Tibet 149 § 33. China 150 § 34. CoREA and Loo-CHOO Islands 154 § 35. Formosa 164 § 36. Japan 165 § 37. Indo-China, Tonquin, Siam, Annam, Cambqdia, Malaya and the Straits Settlements 156 § 38. Arracan and Burmah 158 § 39. India 159 § 40. Ceylon 168 § 41. The Maldives, Laccadives, and Minicoy 169 § 42. Andaman and Nicobar Islands 169 g 43. Kafiristan 170 § 44. Afghanistan 170 § 45. Beloochistan 171 § 46. Persia 171 CONTENTS. xiii PaO£ § 47. Asia Minor, Armenia, and Mesopotamia ; including Researches in Assyria and Babylon • . . 174 § 48. Sykia, Palestine, and Sinai Peninsula 178 § 49. Arabia and the Bed Sea 1^3 AFRICAN COUNTRIES AND ISLANDS, § 50. Egypt and Nubia 185 § 51. The Egyptian Soudan and WiIiTe Nil£ BaSin 188 § 52. ABYS.SINIA 189 § 53. Barbauy States ; Tripoli, Fezzan, Tunis, Algeria, ami Storocco . 191 § 54. West Africa, The Sahara, and Nighitia ; including Seuegambia, Sierra Leone, Ashantee, Daliomc, Upper Guinea, Calabar, the Canary and Cape de Verde Islands 194 § 55. St. Helena, Ascension Island, TristaN D'AfcuitiA, and St. Paul's Rocks 200 § 56. Webtebn EcjuatOrial Africa ; Lower Guinea, Loango, Congo, Angola, Benguela 200 § 57. Eastern Equatorial Africa ; Somalilaiid, Zanzitai-, Nyanza aiid Tanganyika Lake Regions 202 § 58. Tropical South AriticA ; Sofala, Mozambique, Nyassa, Zambesi Basin, Matabele, Namaqua, and Damara Land 206 § 59. South African Colonies ; Cape Colony and Kaffraria 209 § 60. Natal and Zulu Land . 21S § 61. Orange Free State and The Transvaal 215 § 62. Madagascar 218 § 63. Mauritius, Reunion, Rodriguez, the Comoros, Seychelles, Chagos, Cooos, Amsterdam and St. Paul's, Marion, Crozet, and Kerguelen Islands 218 AUSTRALASIA AND POLYNESIA. § 64. Eastern Archipelago ; Sumatra, Java, Banda, The Moluccas, 4c. 220 § 65. The Philippine Islands 223 § 66. Borneo 224 § 67. New Guinea 225 § 68. Micronesia, Melanesia, and Poltnesia 227 § 69. The Hawaiian Islands 232 § 70. Australian Discovery, Exploration, and Natural History 234 § 71. The Australian Aborigines 240 § 72. The Australian Colonies : New South Wales, and incidentally of the other Australian Colonies and New Zealand 242 § 73. Victoria 256 § 74. South Australia 261 § 75. North Australian Settlements 264 § 76. Queensland, fonnerly Moreton Bay District 264 § 77. WestebnAustralia, Swan River Settlement, Australind,&c. 266 § 78. Tasmania, formerly Van Diemen's Land 267 § 79. New Zealand ; Historical and Descriptive 271 § 80. The Fiji Islands 282 AMEEICA AND THE WEST INDIES. PAGE § 81. The Dojiinion of Canada 284 § 82. XovA Scotia, New Bkunswick, Cape Bketon, and Prince Edward Island 288 § 83. Manitoba aud North-West Territory 289 § 84. British Columbia and Vancouver Island 291 § 85. Newfoundland and the Labrador Coast . 292 § 86. Bermuda 293 § 87. The United States 294 § 88. Mexico and Lower California 301 § 89. West India Islands ; Cuba, Hayti, Jamaica, the Bahamas, Wind- ward and Leeward Islands, &o 303 § 90. Central America ; Yucatan, Guatemala, Honduras, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, the Isthmus of Panama and Darien . . 307 § 91. Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Galapagos Islands . . . 309 § 92. Guiana, British, French, and Dutch 311 § 93. Brazil and The Amazons 313 § 94. States of the River Plate ; The Argentine Provinces, Paraguay, and Uruguay 315 § 95. Peru and Bolivia 317 § 96. Chili and Juan Fernandez 320 § 97. Patagonia, Strait of Magellan, and Terra del Fuego ... 821 § 98. The Falkland Islands 322 § 99. CHRISTIAN MISSIONS 325 § 100. BIBLIOGRAPHY AND CATALOGUES 332 LIST OF ILLUSTKATIONS. The World, from the Berlinohieki Ptolemy (1480 ?) Engi-aved Title — MnnsTEs's Cosmogeaphie, 1554 Engraved Title— Atlas Geogeaphicus (Moll) Engraved Title — Cunikghasi's Cosmogbaphicall Glasse ... Engraved Title — Seldbm's Dominion of the Sea Frontispiece to the same work — "Britannia" ... Title— Bamusio, Delle Navigationi et Viaogi, Vol. i. ... The World, from Title, De Bbt's 0kand8 Voyages, Part vm. 1599 ... To face page 1 4 ,. 6 8 . 14 . 16 . 40 . 42 Engraved Title — De Bby's Petits Voyages, Part i., Pigafetta's Congo, 1598 44 Title— Hakluyt'b English Voyages, Vol. i. lolO 46 Engraved Title — Pubchas, His Pilgbimes, Vol. i. 1625 52 Illustration of the Dodo, &o., from Bontekoe'a Voyage — Thevenot, Vol. i. 68 Engraved Title — De Bby's Petits Voyages, Part iv., Linschoten'g Voyages, 1601 96 Frontispiece to Yule's Marco Polo, Vol. i. — Return of tlie Polos after 26 Years' Sojourn in the Orient 114 Engraved Title — Coryat's Cruditiks ... .. 116 Frontispiece to Yule'u Mabco Polo, Vol. ii. — Marco Polo telling hia Story of Quinsai and the Great Caan in the Prison at Genoa, 1298 150 Title— Lycett's Australia, with View in Bathurst Plains, 1824 242 North View of Sydney in 1821, from Lycett's Views 244 INDEX OF COUNTRIES AND SUBJECTS. Abeokuta, 197-199. Aborigines and Colonization, 19, 20. Aborigines of Australia, 240-242. Tasmania, 269-271. Abyssinia, 189-191. Acadia (Nova Scotia), 288, 289. Acclimatisation, 34. Aden, 18-3-185. Afghanistan, 170, 171. Africa AND Islands, 115-121,185-219. Africa, Travels in, 185-216. Equatorial Eastern, 202-206. Equatorial Western, 200-202. Geography of, 1-7. South, Colonies of, 209-216. Tropical, 206-209. -West, 194-199. African Association Proc, 39, 192. Alaska, 298-300. Albania, 139-142. Algeria, 191-193. Alps (The), 133. Amazons (River), 313-315. Amboyna, 220-223. Amboyna and Dutch Cruelties, 221. America and West Indies, 284-322. America, Early Voyages, 93-96. Geography of, 5-7. North, 284-309. Indians, 294, 297, 300. ' ■ British Colonies,284-294. Central, 307-309. South, 309-322. Amsterdam and St. Paul's Is., 219. Anatolia, 176, 177. Ancient Geography, 1-3. History, 2, 3. Andaman Islands, 169. Angola, 200-202. Angora, 176. Annam, 156-158. Animal Distribution, 31, 34. Anntals, Year Books, &c., 25. — — Australian, 254, 260. ■ Canadian, 286. South African, 212, 215. Antarctic Regions, Voyages to, 114. Anthropology, 81, 32, 35. Antiquities, 2, 3. Arabia, 183-185. Ararat (Mt.), 177. Archaeology, 2. Archipelago (Indian), 220-225. (Greek), 139-142. Arctic Voyages, 106-114. Argentine Republic, 315-317. Armenia, 174-177. Arracan, 158, 159. Ascension Island, 200. Ashango Land, 200-202. Ashantee, 194-199. Asia and Islands, 144-185. Asia, Early Travels in, 115-116. Geography of, 1-7. Modern Travels in, 144-185. Northern and Central, 145-150. Eastern and Southern, 150-174. Western, 174-185. Assam, 168. Assyrian Researches, 174-177. Astronomy, Physical Geog., &c., 28-35. Atlantic Ocean, 35. Atlases, Gazetteers, &c., 1-7, 12, 13. Atlas Mountains, 193. Australasia and Polynesia, 220-283. Australia, Discovery of, 234-240. . ■ — — Exploration of, 234-240. Aborigines of, 240-242. Natural History, 234-240. Botany and Flora, 35-38. Colonies of, 242-267. North, 264. South, 261-264. Western, 266, 267. t xviii INDEX OP COUNTRIES AND SUBJECTS. Austria-Hungary, 138, 139. Caucasus (The), 144. Azores, 131, 132. Cayenne, French Guiana, 311, 312. Celebes, 220-223. Babylonia, Eesearches in, 174-177. Central America, 307-309. Badakshan, 170. Ceylon, 168, 169. Baden, 137. Chagos Islands, 219. Bagd.ad, 174-177. Chaldea, 174-177. Bahama Islands, 303-306. "Challenger" Voyage, 32, 33, 105. Balearic Islands, 130, 131. Chatham Islands, 273, 281. Baltic Sea and Countries, 33, 35, 122, Chili, 320, 321. 123, 136-138, 142-144. China, 150-154. Banda, 220-223. Chincha Islands, 318, 320. Barbadoes, 303-307. Chinese Empire, 148-154. Barbary States, 191-193. Chinese Immigration, 23, 255, 265. Barometer, Use of, 8-10. Chryse, 156, 157. Bavaria, 136-137. Church in the Colonies, 325. Bengal, 159-169. Circassia, 143, 144. Belgium, 136-138. Circumnavigations, 93-106. Belize, 308-309. Cochin-china, 156-158. Beloochistan, 171. Cocos Islands, 218, 219. Bengal, 160-168. Collections of Voyages, &c. 40-92. Benguela, 200-202. Colombia, 309, 310. Benin, 194-199. Colonial Constitutions, 15-28. Bermuda, 293, 294. Defences, 22, 23. Bible Society (B. & F.), 326, 329. History, 12-15. Bibliography and Catalogues, 332. Institute Proceedings, 40, &o. Biology and Physiography, 28-38. Colonial Law, 23, 24. Bohemia, 138, 139. Colonial Politics, 15-28. Bokhara, 146-148. Colorado, 298-300. Bolivia, 317-320. Columbia, British, 291-292. Borneo, 224, 225. Commerce, History of, 10-15. Botany and Floras, 35-38. Commerce, Trade, &c. 15-28. " Bounty," Mutiny of the, 100. Comoro Islands, 219. Brazil, 313-315. Congo, 200-202. British Colonies in America previous Constantinople, 139-142. to their Independence, 295, 296. Corea, 154. British Columbia, 291-292. Corsica, 134. British Guiana, 311-313. Costa Rica, 307-309. British Islands, 124-129. Crete, 139-142. Brittany, 132. Crime and Criminal Law, 18, 22, 25. Buccaneers, 303. Crimea, 142-144. Buenos Ayres, 315-317. Croatia, Servia, &c., 138, 139. Bukovina, 138. Crozet Islands, 218, 219. Bulgaria, 139-142. Crusades, 116, 178, 179. Bull of Pope Alexander VI., 16. Cuba, 303, 307. Bunnah, 158, 159. Curia Muria Islands, 184. Currency and Exchange, 15-28. Cabul, 170, 171. CuiTents, Tides, &c., 28, 33-35. Calabar, 194-199. Cyclones, &c., 33. California, Oregon, &o. 294, 298-300. Cyprus, 139-142. Cambodia, 156-158. Cameroons, 197-199. Dahome, 194-199. Canada, Dominion of, 284-292. Dalmatia, 138, 139. ■NT — *-l, -wr — 4- oon onn Damara Land, 206-209. Danubian Principalities, 139-142. Canary Islands, 194-199. Canterbury Settlement, 275, 276. Darfur, 188, 189. Cape Breton, 288, 289. Darien, 307-309. Cape of Good Hope Colony, 209-216. Denmark, 122, 123. Cape Verde and Islands, 194-199. Diego Garcia, 219. Carinthia, 138. Discovery, Maritime and Inland, 10-15. Caroline Islands, 227-232. Dolomite Mountains, 138. Carthage, 191. Druses, 180, 182. Cashmere, 162-168. Dut«h in the East, 71, 96, 162, 220-223. INDEX OF COUNTRIES AND SUBJECTS. XIX Early Voyages and Travels, 93, 116. Eastern Archipelago, 220-226. East Indies, 159-169. Economics and Politics, 15-28. Ecuador, 309, 310. Egypt, &c. 185-187. Emigration, 15-28. England and Wales, 124-129. Ephesus, Researches in, 176. Equipment of Expeditions, 9, 10. Eskimo, 107, 111-113. Ethiopia, 189, 190. Ethnography, Ethnology, 35, 230-232, 240-242, 262, 274, 297. Europe AND I8lands,115-121, 122-144. Geography of, 1-7. Travels in, 115-144. Northern, Travels in, 122, 123. Centraland Western, 124-139. Eastern, 139-142. Evolution, 30. Exodus of Israel, 181, 182. Explorers' Hand-Books, 8-10. Falkland Islands, 322. Faroe Islands, 123, 124. Federation of the Empire, 22, 27. Fezzan, 191-193. Fiji, 282, 283. Finance, Currency, Money, 15-28. Finland, 122, 123, 143, 144. Floras and Botany, 35-38. Florida, Early Voyages to, 294. Food and Population, 23, 25. Forestry, 36-38, 126. Formosa, 154. France, &c., 132, 133. Franklin Search Expeditions, 109-113. Free Trade and Politics, 15-28. French in North America, 15, 284, 294. the South Seas, 99, 228-232. Gaboon (River), 200-202. Galapagos Islands, 311. Galiqia, Austrian, 138. Spain, 130. Galla Country, 202-206. Gambia, 194-199. Gazetteers and Atlases, 1-7. Genoa, 136. Geographical Education, 7. Geographical Soc. Publications, 39. Geograpliy, Political, Historical, Ma- thematical, Commercial, and Phy- sical, 1-38. Mediajval, 4. Modern, 5-7. Geology, Natural History, &c., 28-35. Germany, the Rhine, &c., 136-138. Gibraltar, 129-131. Government, 15-28. Greece, 139-142. Greenland, 106-114. Grisons, 133. Guatemala, 307-309. Guiana, 311-313. Guinea Coa.st, 194-199. Lower, 200-202. Gulf Stream, 33-35. Gypsies of Spain, 120. English, 120. in Moldavia, 142. Halicamassus, 2. Hand-Books for Explorers, 8-10. Hanover, 137, 138. Hawaiian Islands, 232, 233. Hayti, or St. Domingo, 303-307. Heligoland, 137, 138. Herat, 170, 171. Herzegovina, 138, 139. Himalayas (The), 162-168. Hints to Travellers, 8-10. History of Discovei^, 10-15. Holland, 136-138. Honduras, 307-309. Hottentots, 209-213. Hudson's Bay Territory, 289, 290. Hungary, 138, 139. Hydrography, 8-10. Iceland, 123, 124. Ichthyology, 29-35. Illyria, 138, 139. Incas (The), of Peru, 317-320. India, 159-169. Indo-China, 156-158. Industry, 15-28. Instruments for Observation, 9, 10. Ionian Islands, 140-142. Irawaddy River, 159. Ireland, 124, 129. Italy, 134-136. Jamaica, 303, 307. Jan Mayen, 123. Japan, 155, 156. Java, 220-223. Jersey, 126. Jesuits in Japan, &c. 81, 155. Juan Fernandez, 320, 321. Kandahar, 170, 171. Kafiristan, 170. Katfraria, 209-216. Kamtschatka, 145. Kashgar, 148, 149. Kashmir, 162-168. Kerguelen Islands, 218, 219. Khartoum, 188, 189. Khiva, Khokand, &c. 146-148. Khorassan, 173. Khotan, 148, 149. Kilima-njaro, 204-206. Kordofan, 188, 189. Kuldja, 148, 149. Kurdistan, 175-177. Koria Mnria Islands, 184. zx INDEX OF COUNTRIES AND SUBJECTS. Labrador, 292, 293. Laccadive Islands, 169. Land and Land Laws, 21-25. Laos, 156-158. Lapland, 122, 123. La Plata, 315-317. Law, Roman, International, &o. 15-28. Lebanon, 179-182. Leeward Islands, 303-307. Liberia, 194-199. Linnean Society's Publications, 40. Loango, 200-202. London, 124-129. Loochoo Islands, 154. Macedonia, 139-142. Madagascar, 216-218. Madeira, 131, 132. Magellan Strait, 321, 322. Magna Charta, &c. 17. Magyars, 138. Malacca, 156-158. Malaya, 156-158. Malayan Archipelago, 220-223. Maldive Islands. lo9. Malta, 134-136.' Mammals, 28-35. Man, Natural History of, 28-35. Manchuria, 145, 146. Manitoba, 289-291. Maories and N. Zealand Wars, 271-282. Map Projection, Spheres, &c. 9, 10. Marion Islands, 218, 219. Maronite-s, 179, 180, 182. Marquesas Islands, 227-232. Martinique, 305, 306. Masai Country, 204-206. Mascarene Islands, 218, 219. Matabele Land, 206-209. Mauritius, 218, 219. Mecca and Medina, 183, 184, Mediaeval Geography, 4. Mediterranean, Early Voyages to, 93. Mediterranean Populatious, Early His- tory of, 3. Mekran, 171. Melanesia, 227-232. Merv, 146-148. Mesopotamia, 174-177. Meteorology, 30, 35. Mexico, 301, 302. Micronesia, 227-232. Midian, 183, 184. Minicoy, 169. Mishmee Hills, 150. Missions in Africa, Asia, America, India, West Indies, S. Seas, 323-331. Moab, 181, 182. Modern Geography, 5-7. Mohammedan Empire, 139-142, 174- 199, 202-206. Moldavia, 139-142. Moluccan Archipelago, 220-223. Money, Finance, Currency, 15-28 Mongolia, 148, 149. Montenegro, 138, 139. Morocco, 191-193. Mozambique, 206-209. Mycene, 176. Namaqualand, 206-209. Katal, 213-215. Natural History, 28-38. Navigation, Art of, 5-10. Navigation Laws, 16-17. Navigators' Islands, 227-232. Nebraska, 299, 300. Nepaul, 163-168. Nestorians, 180. Netherlands, 136-138. New Brunswick, 288, 289. New Caledonia, 227-232. Newfoundland, 292, 293. New Guinea, 225, 226. New Hebrides, 227-232. New South Wales, 242-256. — Resources and Natural History of, 234-240, 251, 252. New Zealand, 271-282. Natural History, 31, 32, 36, 37 ; 273, 277, 280, 281. • Wars, 276-279, 281. Nicaragua, 307-309. Nicobar Islands, 169. Niger and Nigritia, 194-199. Nile Basin, 188-191. Nineveh, 175-177. North Australia, 264. North- East and North- West Passages, 106-114. Nonvay, 122, 123. Nova Scotia, 288, 289. Nova Zembla, 106-114. Nubia, 185-187. Nyam Nyam Country, 200-202. Nyanza Lake, 202-206. Nyassa, 206-209. Obock, Red Sea, 185. Ocean, Physical Goog. of, 28-35. Ontario, 284-288. Ophir, 53, 156. Orange Free State, 215-216. Origin of Species, 29, 30. Oimus, 171-174. Ornithology, 28-35. Ottoman Empire, 139-142, 174-199. Outfits for Explorers, 9-10. Oxus (River), 146-148. Pacific Ocean, Voyages, 16th to 19th century, 81-85 ; 227-233. Palosoutology, &c. 28-35. Palestine, 178-182. Pamir (The) 147, 148. INDEX OF COUNTRIES AND SUBJECTS. xxi Panama, 307-309. Saghalin, 146. Paraguay, 315-317. Sahara, 194-199. Patagonia, 321, 322. Samoa, or Navigators' Is., 227-232. Pauperism, Poor Laws, Charity, &e. San Salvador, 307-309. 18-27. Sandwich Islands, 232, 233. Pegu, 156-158. Pelew Islands, 227-232. Santo Domingo, 303-307. Sardinia, 134. Penang, 156-158. Saskatchewan, 289-290. Pendjeh, 171. Scandinavia, 122, 123. Perim, 185. Scotland, 124-129. Persepolis, 2, 171, 174. Sea, Physical Geog. of, 28-35. Persia, 171-174. Senegambia, 194-199. Peru, 317-320. Servia, 138, 139-142. Philippine Islands, 223. Seychelles, 219. Phoenicia, 3, 174, 176. Shan States, 157, 168. Physical Geography, 28-38. Shipping, History of, 14. Physiography and Biology, 28-38. Siam, 156-158. Pisciculture, 35, 270, 271. Siberia, 145, 146. Pitcairn Island, 100, 227, &c. Sicily, 134-136. Plant Distribution, 36, 38. Sierra Leone, 194-199. Poland, 142-144. Sikkim, 163-168. Polar Seas and Regions, 106-114. Sinai, 178-182. Politics and Economics, 15-28. Singapore, 156-158. Polynesia, 227-233. Sistan, 170. Polynesian Mythology, 228-232, 276, Sledge Travelling, 111-113. 278. Socotra, 183-185. Pompeii, 135, 136. Sofala, 206-209. Porto Rico, 303-307. Solomon Islands, 227-232. Port Phillip, 256-260. Somaliland, 202-206. Portugal, 129-131. Soudan (Egyptian), 188, 189. Portuguese in the East, 159-162, 165. (Western), 194-199. Primogeniture, 25, 26. South African Colonies, 209-16. Prince Edward Island, 288, 289. South Australia, 261-264. Projection, Maps, Globes, &c., 9-10. South Sea Islands, 227-232, 282, 283. Protection, Free Trade, &c., 15-28. Prussia, 136-138. turies, 81-85, 227-233. Ptolemy, 1, 3, 35. Spain, 129-131. Pyramids of Egypt, 185-187. Spanish Discoveries in South Sea, 227. Pyrenees, 130, 131. Spitzbergen, 106-114, 123. State Papers, Colonial, 14. Queen Charlotte Islands, 291. 292. Queensland, 264-266. St. Helena, 200. St. Paul's Rocks (Atlantic), 200. , Strabo, 1, 3. Straits Settlements, 156-158. Red Sea, 183-185. Suez Canal, 186, 187. Reptiles, 28-35. Sumatra, 220-222. Reunion, 218, 219. Surveying and Instniments, 8-10. Rhine (The), Germany, &c., 136-138. Swan River, 266, 267. River Plate Republics, 315-317. Sweden, 122, 123. Rodriguez, 218, 219. Switzerland, 133. Roman Law, 15, 16. Syria, 178-182. Rome, 134-136. Roumania, 139-142. Tahiti, Society Islands, 227-232. Roumelia, 141. Tanganyika (Lake), 202-206. Tarshish, 53. Royal Colonial Institute, 27, 34, 40, 213, 215, 256, 286-87, &c. Tartary (Chinese), 148-149. Royal Geographical Society's Pub- Tasmania, 267-271. lications, 39, and throughout the Tasmanian Natives, 269-271, Catalogue. Tehuantepec, 307-309. Rupert's Land, 289, 290. Teneriffe, 195-198. Russia and Poland, 142-144. Terra del Fuego, 321, 322. in AniT 111 1(1° Texas, 297-300. Tibet, 149, 150. ■■'— lU ixoiil, ±'£'±-±'±0, Russian Empire, 142-148. zxu INDEX OF COUNTRIES AND SUBJECTS. Tides, Currents, &c., 28, 33-35. Timbuctoo, 194-199. Timor, 220-223. Tiryns, 176. Tonga Islands, 227-232. Tonquin, 156-158. Trade and Commerce, 15-28. Transactions of Societies, 39, 40. Transportation, 19, 20. Transvaal, 215, 216. Transylvania, 138, 139. Travels over the Continents, 115-121. Travellers' Guides, Art of Travel, Hints to Emigrants, &c. 8-10. Trinidad, 303-307. TripoU, 191-193. Tristan D'Acunha Islands, 200. Tunis, 191-193. Turkestan (Russian), 146-148. (Chinese) 148, 149. Turkey in Asia, 174-185. Europe, 139-142. Tyrol, 137, 138. United States of America, 294-800. Uruguay, 315-317. Vancouver Island, 291-292. Van Diemen's Land, 267-271. Venezuela, 309, 310. Venice, 134-136. Victoria, Colony of, 256-260. Virginia, Early Voyages to,_ 294-296. Voyages and Circumnavigations, 93-106. • Antarctic, 114. Arctic, 106-114. Wakhan, 170. Wales, 124-129. Waziristan, 171. Wellesley, Province, 178. Western Australia, 266, 267. West India Islands, 303-307. Winds, Tides, &c., 28, 33, 34. Windward Islands, 303-307. Women's Sulirage, 24. Wool and Woollens, 20, 23. Yarkand, 148, 149. Yemen, 184. Yucatan, 307-309. Zambesi Baain, 206-209. Zanzibar, 202-206. Zoology, &c. 28-35. Zululand, 213-215. Zulu War, 212, 214. INDEX OF AUTHOKS. This Index includes all the Voyages and Travels to which authors' names are affixed in the Collections of Kamusio, De Bry, Hakluyt, Puechas, Thevenot, Churchill, Harley, Harris, Burney, Cassell. and the Hakluyt Society ; Papers in the Journals and Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and of the Royal Colonial Institute ; of the principal Geographical and Scientific Articles in the new edition of The Encyclopedia Britannioa ; and of many works published anonymously. ABBREVIATIONS. BUBNEY . . BuRNEY's COLLECTION OF VOYAGES TO THE SoUTH SeAS. Cassell . . Cassell's Illustrated Travels, edit, by H. W. Bates. Churchill . Churchill's Collection of Voyages. De Bey . . De Bry's Grands et Petits Voyages. Ency. Beit. . Encyclopedia Britannioa, ninth edition. Hakluyt . . Hakluyt's Collection op English Voyages. Hakluyt Soc. Publications op the Hakluyt Society. Harley . . The Harleian Collection of Voyages and Travels. Harris . . Harris's Collection of Voyages, edit, by Dr. Campbell. J.R.G.S. . . Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, 1830-80. P.R.C.I. . . Proceedings OP THE Royal Colonial Institute. P.R.G.S. . . Proceedings op Royal Geographical Society, 1855 to 1878. P.R.G.S. (N.S). Ditto, New Monthly Series, from 1879. R.G.S. Supp. P. Royal Geographical Society: Supplementary Papers. purchas . . puechas, his pllgeimes. Ramusio . . Ramusio, Delle Navigationi et Viaggi. No. in Catalogue. A (Capt. T.) The Azores, or Western Islands. 4to. 1813 [3054] Aa (R. van der) On Colonies : Es.says from the Dutch. 12nio. 1864 ... [1517] Reizen naar Nederlandsch Nienw Guinea, 1871-76. 8vo [4517] Abbadie (A. T.) Notes on Names of Places in Red Sea— J.R.G.S. ix. 317... [1869] Sourcesof the White Nile— J.R.GS. xviii. 48 [1878] Abbott (Archbp. Geo. ) Briefe Description of the World. 18mo. 1664.... [1207] (Rev. J.) Philip Musgrave, Church Missionary in Canada. 12mo. ... [5714] (K. E.) Notes of a Tour in Armenia, 1837— J.R.G.S. xii. 207 ... [1872] Journey in Persia, 1849-50— J.R.G.S. XXV. 1 [1885] Shiraz to Fezza and Darrah, 1850— J.R.G.S. xxvii. 149 [1887] Provincoof Ghilan, 1859— P.R.G.S.iii. 390 [1940] Abd-er-Razzak, Voyage to Hindoostan, 1442 — Hakluyt Soc [2134] Aberdare.(Lord) Presidential Addresses, 1881-85— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iii. &c. [1962-66] Abioh (H.) Country between Caspian and Black Sea — J.R.G.S. xxi. 1 ... [1881] About (Edmond) Le Roi des Montagnes. 12mo. 1868 [3223] Abrahall (C. H. ) Arctic Enterprise : a Poem. 12mo. 1856 [2680] Abraham (A. B. ) Settlement of Waste Lands — Westm. Disc [1532] Abramof (Maj.-Gn.) Lake Nor-Zaisan, Central Asia — J.R.G.S. xxxv. 58... [1895] The Principality of Earategin— J.R.G.S. xli. 338 [1901] Abulfeda, Les Climats Al-hend et Al-send— Thevenot, i. No. 16 ... [2077] Acarete (Sieur) Voyages sur la Riviere de la Platte — Thevenot, ii. 20 ... [2078] Aoheson (Fred.) On Storage of Water in Victoria (Prize Essay) 1860 ... [5125] xxiv INDEX OF AUTHORa No. in Catalogue. Ackermann, The Asiatic Islands and New Holland. 18mo. 1825 ... [4437] Aclaud (Rev. Chas.) Account of the Natives of India. 12mo. 1847 ...[3539] Acosta, de Novi Orbis Natura—DE Bry, Grands VoY. ix. [2038] History of the Indies. 2 vols. — Hakltjyt Soc. [2174] Mexican Antiquities — Purchas, iii. 1000 [2074] ; De Bry ... [2041] Acton (R.) Australia (1875)— Ency. Brit. iii. 103-115 [2263] Our Colonial Empire. 12mo. 1881 [1568] Acuua (Christoval) Discovery of the Amazons, 1639 — Hakluyt Soc. xxiv. [2136] Adams (Arthur) Zoology, Vovage of H. M.S. " Samarang." 4to. 1850 .. [1652] (C. W. ) A Spring in the" Canterbury Settlement. 12mo. 1853 ...[5459] (F. 0.) Reportson the SilkDistrictsof Japan— J.R.G.S. xL 339 ... [1900] (F. W. L.) Australian Essays. 12mo. 1886 [5054] (Sailor) Account of Timbuctoo (1810) — Murray, Africa, i. ch. vii. [1344] (Will.) In Japan, 1609-20— Harris, i. 856 [2094] ; Hakluyt Soc... [2120] (W. H. D.) Venice, the Queen of the Adriatic. 12mo. 1872 ...[3142] Adanson (Michel) Voyage to Senegal, Goree, and the Gambia, 1749-53. 8vo. [4014] Adderley (C. B., Lord Norton) Colonial Policy and History. 1869 ... [1524] Relations of England with the Colonies, 1862— Pamp [1636] Aguirre (Lope de) Search for Eldorado, 1560-61 — Hakluyt Soc [2140] Ahmed Khan (Hon. Syud) a Sketch- Pillars of the Empire [1533] Ainsworth (Wm.) Researches in Assyria, Babylonia, and Chaldsa. 8vo. 1838 [3719] Cilician and Syrian Gates— J.R.G.S. viii. 185 [1868] Journey, Constantinople to Angora, 1838— J.R.G.S. ix. 216 [1869] Journey, Angora to Bir— J.R.G.S. X. 275 [1870] — Journey, Kaisariyah to Bir, 1839— J. R.G.S. X. 311 [1870] Journey, Constantinople to Mosul, 1839-40— J.R.G.S. x. 489 ... [1870] Mesopotamia, Excursion to Kalah Skerat, &c. — J.R.G.S. xi. 1 ... [1871] Chaldeans of Central Kurdistan — J.R.G.S. xi. 21 [1871] Aitken (W. C. ) The Birmingham Trades. 12mo [1573] Akerman (J. W.) Native Government in Natal. 1877 — Pamp [4345] Alarchon (Fernando) Voyage to Gulf of California, 1540 — Ramusio, iii. 303 [2029] ; Hakluyt, iii. 425 [2064] ; Burney i. 212 [2101] Albany (William of) Voyage to Holy Land, 1218— Hakluyt, ii. 32 ... (2062] Albert Victor and George (Princes) Cruise of the "Bacchante." 2 v. 8vo. [2551] Albuquerque's Voyages and Conquests in the East Indies — Purchas, i. pt. ii. [2072]; Harrls, 1. [2094]; Hakluyt Society [2165] (Ant. ) Travels, Goa to Madras (1718)— Murray, Asia, i. 293 ... [1344] Voyage, Madras to Malacca, &c. (1718) — Murray, Asia, i. 299 ... [1344] Alcedo (Don Ant. de) Dictionary of America. 5 vols. 4to. 1812-15 ... [1341] Alcazova, Expedition to the South from Peru, 1534-35 — Burney, i. 171... [2101] Alcock (Sir R.) Journey in the Interior of Japan, 1860 — J.R.G.S. xxxL 321 [1891] Ascent of Fuji-Yama—P.R. G.S. V. 132 [1942] Journey from Nagasaki to Yeddo, 1861— P.R.G.S. vi. 196 [1892] The Capital of tiie Tycoon. 2 vols. 8vo. 1863 [3440] Presidential Addresses— J. R. G.S. xlvii.-xl viii [1907-8] ■ Japanese Art, 1881— Ency. Brit. xiii. 588 [2273] (T.) Travels to Persia, 1563— Hakluyt, i. 353 [2061] ; Hakluyt Soc. [2184] Alcuin, Due Viaggi in Tartaria, 1247— Ramusio, ii. 233 [2028] Aldenhourg (J. G.) Dutch Exped. to Brazil — De Bry, Grands Voy. xiii. [2042] Aldersey (L.) Travels to Jerusalem and Tripoli (1581)— Hakluyt, ii. 150 [2062] Voyage to Alexandria and Cairo (1586)— Hakluyt, ii. 282 [2062] Alessandri (Vicentio d') Ambassage to Persia, 1571 — Hakluyt Soc. xlix. ... [2161] Alexander (Sir J. E.) Travels to Seat of War [Turkey]. 2 vols. 8vo. 1830 [3213] Travels in Ava, Persia, and Turkey. 2 vols. 8 vo. 1830 [3461] Intended Visit to Damaras—J.R.G.S. vi. 443 [1866] Expedition through Namaquas, &c. — J.R.G.S. vii. 439; viii. 1... [1867-68] Expedition in South Africa. 2 vols. 8vo. 1838 [4170] Portuguese Settlements E. Africa— Martin's Col. Mag. ii. 338. 1840 [1479] Incidents of the Maori War, 1860-61. 12mo. 1863 [5486] Notes on the Maories. 1865— Pamp [5606] Bush Fighting in New Zealand. 8vo. 1873 [5514] (Sir Wm.) The Plantation of Nova Scotia (1602-9)— Purchas, iv. 1871 [2075] INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. Alexander the Great, Conquests of— Pukohas, i. 81 [2071]; Vincent ... [1108] Alexander VI. , Bull tonohiug New World, 1493— Plthchas, i. ii. 13 [2072] & [1320] Alexanderson (C.) On the River Quanza, 1876— J.R.G.S. xlvi. 428 ... [1906] Alfred the Great's Works. Jubilee edition. 2 vols. 8vo. 1852 ...[1166] " Description of Europe. Royal 8vo. 1855 [1167] Alhacen, Life and Martial Travels of Tamerlane — Pttechas, iii. 160 ... [2074] Allan (John H.) Pictorial Tour in the Mediterranean. 4to. 1843 ... [2845] Allen (Charles H.) Gold Fields of Queensland, 1869— P.R.C.I. i. 94 ... [2001] A Visit to Queensland. 12mo. 1870 [5246] (Capt. Bird) Eastern Coast of Central America— J.R.G.S. xi. 76 ... [1871] (H. J.) Journey through Formosa, 1877— P.R.G.S. xxi. 258 ... [1958] (James) History of Australia, 1787-1882. 12mo [5039] (W.) Colonies at Home. Lindfield, 1832. Pamp [1452] (Capt.Wm.)PicturesqueViewsontheNiger(1832-33). Obi. 4to. 1840 [4032] Old Calabar : Is it a Branch of the Quorra ?— J.R.G.S. vii. 198 ... [1867] The Yea and Chadda, possible Outlet of L. Chad— J.R.G.S. viii. 289 [1868] Nan-ative of the Niger Expedition, 1841. 2 vols. 8vo [4036] River of Cameroons — J.R.G.S. xiii. 1 [1873] Ancient Harbour of Seleucia — J.R.G.S. xxiii. 157 [1883] Island of Ruad, North Syria— J.R.G.S. xxiii. 154 [1883] Drainage of the Basin of the Dead Sea— J.R.G.S. xxiii. 163 ... [1883] On the Watershed of Wadi-el-Araba— J.R.G.S. xxiii. 166 [1883] Allman (G. J.) Ptolemy : Astronomy of — Enoy. Bkit. xx. 87 ]2280] Allwood (Rev. R.) Papal Claim of Jurisdiction [in Australia]. 8vo. 1843 [4885] Alured (Bp. of Worcester) Voyage to Jerusalem,, 1058^HAKLnYT, ii. 8... [2062] Alvarado (Pietro) Discoprimeuto nella Nuova Spagna — Ramusio, iii. 247.. [2029] Alvarez (Franc.) Viaggio fatto nell' Etliiopia, 1520— Ramusio, i. 189 ... [2027] Portuguese Embassy to Abyssinia, •1520-27- — Hakluyt Soc [2178] — — • (Pedro) Navigatione da Lisbona in Calicut — Ramusio, i. 121 ... [2027] Americi — see ' ' Vespucci. " Ames (C. G.) and Lesley (J. P.) Pennsylvania— Ency. Brit, xviii. 498 ... [2278] Amherst (Lord) Embassy to China, by Henry Ellis. 4to. 1817 [3371] Amos (Prof. Sheldon) Colonies and Colonial Government — Westm. Dis. ... [1532] Amyas, and others. Voyages to Virginia — Hakltjyt, iii. 246-294 [2064] Andagoya (Pascual de) Relacion, &c — Navareetb, iiL [2110] Earliest Notice of Peru — Hakluyt Soc. xxxiv. [2146] Anderson (Adam) Historv of Commerce. 6 vols. 8vo. 1790 [1336] (Alex. C.) The Dom'inion at the West : B. Columbia, 1872— Pamp... [5841] (And. A.) Geography of S. Central Africa— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 19... [1965] (Arthur) Observations on Ship Canal at Suez, 1843 — Pamp. [3918] . (David, Bp. of Rupei't's Laud) Moose and Albany. 12mo [5804] Notes on the Red River Flood, 1852. 12mo [5805] ■ (John) Acheen and Sumatran Ports. 8vo. 1840 [4443] • (J. S. M.) History of the Church in Colonies. 3 vols. 8vo [6258] ■ (J. W.) Notes of Travel in Fiji and New Caledonia. 8vo. 1880 ... [5629] ■ (Dr. J.) The Irawaddy and its Sources— J.R.G.S, xl. 286 [1900] ■ (Rufus, D.D.) The Hawaiian Islands. 8vo. 1864 [4660] • • Foreign Missions, their Relations and Claims. 12mo. 1867 [6275] • (Capt. S.) British N. American Boundary— J.R.G.S. xlvi. 228 ... [1906] ■ On the Freezing of Streams in N. America— J.R.G.S. xv. 367 ... [1875] ■ Search for Franklin— J. R.G.S. xxvi. 18; xxvii. 321 [1886-87] Andersson (C. J.) Route from Walflsch Bay to 'Ngami— J.R.G.S. xxv. 79 [1885] Lake 'Ngami. Royal 8vo. 1856 [4176] Ascent of Tioge River, L. 'Ngami— P.R.G.S. iv. 63 [1941] The Oka vango River. 8vo. 1861 [4181] ■ Map of Damara Land : Baines on — J.R.G.S. xxxvi. 247 [1896] Andrada (Ant.) Journey, Agra to Tibet (1624) — Mukkay, Asia, i. 424 ... [1344] (F. Perez, and Simon, and Thome Perez de) Voyages to Canton, 1517-18 — Bareos, Sec. iii. lib. vi. [1323] ; Mueray, Asia, iii. 262 ... [1344] (Pavia de) Journey to Zambesi— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 372 [1963] Mexinga and the Mazoe, 1881— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 417 [1963] Andrew (Sir W. P.) The Indus and its Provinces. 8vo. 1857 [3548] INDEX OF AUTHOKS. Ko. In Catalogue. Andreyeff (A.) Survey of Lake Ladoga— P.R.G.S. xiii. 875 [1951] Angas (6. French) A Ramble in Malta and Sicily, 1841. Imp. 8vo ... [3132] Savage Life and Scenes in Australia and N. Z. 2 vols. 12mo. 1847 [4908] South Australia Illustrated. Folio. 1846-47 [5191] New Zealanders Illustrated. Folio. 1847 [5437] The Kaffirs Illustrated. Folio. 1849 [4239] The Kaffirs : Original Sketches (Ten) [4240] Australia ; its Physical Features, &c. 12mo. 1865 [4980] Polynesia ; its Physical Features, Inhabitants, &c. 12mo. 1866... [4589] Angelos (Chr.) Of the Condition of the Greeks — PnROHAS, i. 154 ... [2071] Angelo (M.) and D. Carli. Voyage to Congo, 1666-67— Churchill, i. 555 [2081] Angiolello (Gio. Maria) Deeds of King Ussum Cassano - Hakluyt Soc. ... [2161] ■ Delia vita e fatti d'U.ssuncassan, 1462-1524— Ramusio, ii. 65 ... [2028] Anley (Miss Charlotte) The Prisoners of Australia: a Narrative. 12mo. 1841 [4881] Anson (Lord George, Commodore) Voyage Round the World, 1740-44j [2339-44] Anspach (R«v. L. A. ) History of Newfoundland. 8vo. 1827 ... ' ...[5853] Ansted (Prof. D. T.) The Gold Seeker's Manual. 12mo. 1849 [1650] The Ionian Islands in 1863. 8vo [3224] A Few Days in the Camargne, 1869 — Cassell, i [2251] From Alsace to the Hartz, 1870— Cassell, ii [2252] Natives of Algeria, the Kabyle, Arab, &c., 1870 — Cassell, ii. ... [2252J River Basin of the Po, 1870— Cassell, ii [2252] Mont Cenis Pass and Tunnel, 1871 — Cassell, iii. • [2253] Mountains and Valleys of Virginia, 1874 — Cassell, vi [2256] Aramayo (A velino) Bolivia, 1863— Pamp [6206] Arber (Edw.) First Three English Books on America. 4to. 1885 ...[1320] Arbousset(Th.) Tahiti etles lies Adjacentes. 12mo. 1867 [4592] Arbousset and Daumas' Tour N.E. of the Cape of Good Hope. 8vo. 1846 [4172] Arbuthnot (Lieut.-Col.) Letters on Imperial Defence, 1877 — Pamp. ... [1636] Archer (Gabriel) Voyage to Virginia, 1609— Purchas, iv. 1733 [2075] (Prof. ) Paper ; Wool — Bkit. M. Industries [1573] (T.) Queensland, History, Resources— P. R.C.I, xii. 261... [2012] and [5275] (W. H.) Statistical Register of Victoria. 8vo. 1854 [5105] The Colony of Victoria : a Statistical Sketch (Exhib. Essay), 1861 ... [5126] The Progi-ess of Victoria : a Statistical Essay. 1867 — Pamp. ... [5171] Arculfus, Pilgrimage to Holy Land (705) — Early Travels in Palestine ... [3766] Ardagh (Col.) The Red Sea Petroleum Deposits— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 502 [1967] Argal (Sir S.) Voyages to Virginia, 1610-24— Purohas, iv. 1758 &c. ... [2075] Argensola (B.) Conquest of the Moluccas and Philippines. Small 4to. ... [4429] Argyll (Duke of) The Afghan Question, 1841-78. 12mo [3678] Arias (J. L.) Memorial to Philip III. on the Southern Land — Hakltjtt Soc. [2137] ArithmsBus (Valentine) Notes on London and Westminster, 1617 [2937] Arlett (W.) Survey of the Canary Islands, 1835— J.R.G.S. vi. 285 ... [1866] Armada, Vanquishing the Spanish Armada, 1588— Hakluyt, i. 591 ... [2062] Armstrong (Sir A.) Discovery of the North-West Passage. 8vo. 1857... [2682] (Prof) Meldola (R.) Butler (F. H.) Chemistry— Enoy. Brit. v. ... [2265] Arngrim (Jonas) Iceland, 1609— Hakluyt, i. 515 [2061 ; Purchas, iii. 654 [2074] Arnold (Arthur) Through Persia by Caravan. 2 vols. 8vo. 1877 ...[3708] Free Trade and Reciprocity, 1879— Pamp [1636] (Edwin) India Revisited. 12mo. 1886 [3599] Amoux (L. ) Pottery — Brit. M. Industries [1573] Arrian's Periplus of the Euxine, &c. — Rennell (see p. 2) [1112] Arrowsmith (Rev. A.) Geographical Dictionary of the Bible. 8vo. 1855 [1115] (John) Atlas to Thompson's Alcedo. Folio. 1816 [1342] Inaccuracies in W. Australian Papers, 1848 — J.R.G.S. xviii. 74 ... [1878] Mapof Central Asia, 1872— J.R.G.S. xlv. 420 [1905] Arthur (King) Voyage to Iceland and N. of Europe, 517 — Hakluyt, i. 1 [2061] (Sii' George) Observations on Secondary Punishments. 8vo. 1833... [1458] (Rev. William) What is Fiji ? 1859— Pamp ;. [5645] The Outbreak in Jamaica, 1865— Pamp [6036] Arundel (Earl of) Voyage to Holy Land, 1218— Haklutt, ii. 32 [2062] Ascelin and others, Mission to the Tartars— Hakluyt, i. (seep. 116) ... [2061] INDEX OF AUTHORS. xxvii No. in Catalogue . Ashbuiton (Lord) Presidential Address — J.R.G.S. xxxii. p. civ. [1892] Ashe (Major) and Capt. Wyatt-Edgell, The Zulu Campaign. 8vo. 1880 [4331] Asher (G. M.) Hem-y Hudson the Navigator — Hakldyt Soo [2139] ' Itinerary of Benjamin of Tndela : text and transl. 2 vols. 1840... [2802] Ashmole's Antiquities of Berkshire. 3 vols. 12mo. 1719 [2941] Aiilimun (Jehudi, Colonial Agent in Liberia) Life of. 8vo. 1835 ... [4030] Asliworth (Caldwell) Canada ; Progress and Development— P. R.C.L x. 71 [2010] Astete (Miguel de) Expedition to Pachacamac — Hakluyt Soo. xlvii. ... [2159] Athelard of Bath, Voyage to ^gypt and Arabia, 1130— Hakluyt, ii. 15 [2062] Atkins (Rev. T.) Wanderings of a Clerical Ulysses (1836-47). 12mo. 1859 [4909] Atkinson (Edward) The Distribution of Products. 12mo. 1885 [1595] (James) Agriculture and Grazing in N. S. Wales. 12mo. 1844 ... [4895] (T. W.)Ala-tu Mountains— P.U.G.S. ill. 127 [1940] Oriental and Western Siberia, Mongolia, &c. 8vo [3294] The Upper and Lower Amoor. Imp. 8vo. 1860 [3295] Auber (Peter) China ; its Laws, Government, &c. 8vo. 1834 ... ...[3372] Aubertin (J. J.) Six Months in Cape Colony and Natal. 12mo. 1886 ... [4277] Aubry (M.) Shoa and the Galla Countiy— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 525 ... [1968] Auckland (Lord) New Holland and Banishment. 8vo. 1787 [4821] Auckland and lUlenborough (Lords), by a Bengal Civilian. 1845 — Pamp. [3626] Aughey (Prof S.) Nebraska— Encv. Brit, xvil [2277] Auld(R. 0.)and Buchan (J. H.) Silver Mines, Fresnillo, Mexico. 8vo. 1834 [5965] Austell (H.) Travels through Turkey, Moldavia, &o. 1586— Hakl. ii. 194 [2062] Austin (J. B. ) The Mines of South Australia. 8vo. 1863 [5200] (R.) E.xplorations in W. Australia. 1854— J.R.G.S. xxvi. 235 ... [1886] (W. P., Bishop of Guiana) Visitation Tour, 1851— Church in Colonies [6257] Avila (Francisco de) Rites of Indians of Huarochi— Hakluyt Soc. xlviii. [2160] Axon (W. E. A.) Manchester and its Manufactures — Ency. Beit. iv. 459 [2275] Ayrton, Paper on Abyssinia : Notes on, by Dr. Beke — J.E.G.S. xx. 289... [1880] Ayton (the Armenian) Of Asia and the Tartars — Purchas, iii. 108 ... [2074] Deir Origine e Successione de Gran Cani — Ramusio, ii. 61 [2028] Aylifif (John) On Kafir Laws and Customs. 8vo. 1858 [4246] Baber (E. C.) Determination of Positions in China— J.R.ir John) Travels to Persia, 1672. Folio ... Charleton (Dr.) Chorea Gigantum : Stonehenge Restored. Charlevoix's History of Par.iguay. 2 vols. Svo. 1769 Charley (W. T.) Flax and Linen — Brit. Lndustries Charnay (D.) A Bird's-Eyo View of Madagascar, 1869— Cassell, i. Chase (Hon. J. C.) N^tal Papers, and History from 1498. Svo ... Cape of Good Hope and Algoa Bay. 12mo. 1843 ... History of Cape Colonv, 1820-68. Svo Chateaubriand (Vicomte) Tour in Greece, Palestine, &c. 2 vols. Svo. 1806-7 [2834] Travels in America, 1791-92, Italy, 1803-4, &c. 2 vols. Svo. 1828 ... [2835] Chaumout (Chev. ) French Embassy to Siam, 1586 — Murray, Asia, iii. 231 [1344] Chauncy (W. Snell) A Guide to South Australia, 1849— Pamp [.5225] (Philip) Notes on the Australian Aborigines — S.MYTH [4804] Chauveau, L'Instruction Publique an Canada. Svo 1876 [5733] Cheadle and Milton, The Rocky Mountains— P. R.G.S. ix. 17 [1946] North West Passage by Land. Svo. 1866 [268S] Cheap (Capt. David) Wreck of the " Wager," 1741-2— Bukney, v. 90 ... [2105] Cheever (Henry T.) The Island World of the Pacific [Hawaii]. 12mo. 1851 [4654] Life in the Sandwich Islands, as It Was and It Is. 12mo. 1851 ... [4655] Cheinie (Rich.) Travels to Persia— Hakluyt Soc [2184] Chenier, Morocco and the Moors. 2 vols. Svo. 1788 ... ... ... [3983] Cherry and Lyndes, A Sea to the S.E. of the R, Obi— Purchas, iii. 806... [2074] Chesney (A.) Mona : A Story of Queensland Life. 12mo. 1879 [.5254] (Gen. Chas.) Euphrates Expedition— J.R.G.S. iv. 374 ; vii. 411 [1864-67] Euphrates and Tigi'is Expedition, 1835-37. 4 vols. Royal Svo. 1850 [3722] Chesson(F. W.) Polynesian Labour Question— P. R.C.I, iii. 34. 1S71 ... [2003] Coloured Labour in British Colonies — Westminster Disc. 1871 ... [1532] On Manitoba— P. R.C.I, iii. 102 [2003] Past and Present of Fiji— P. R.C.I, vi. 89 [2006]— Pamp [5645] Recent Telegraphic Legislation in Canada, 1875 — Pamp [5770] Chester (Eari) Voyage to the Holy Land, &c., 121S— Hakluyt, ii. 32 ... [2062] Child (Sir Josiah) New Discourse of Trade, &c. 12mo. 1693 [1419] Childe (A.) Journal from England to Surat, &c., 1616— Purchas, i. ii. 606 [2072] ChUders (Right Hon. H. C. E.) A Sketch— Pillars of the Empire [1553] Speech : How the Ballot Really Works, 1869— Pamp [1636] Chilton (John) Voyage to New Spain, &c., 1568— Hakluyt, iii. 455 ... [2064] Chimmo (Coram. W.) N.E. Coast of Labrador— J.R.G.S. xxxviii. 258 ... [1S9S] Gulf Stream Soundings— P.R.G.S.xiii 92 [1950] Account of Cayagan Sulu near Borneo — P.R.G.S. xv. 384 [1952] Chinery (David) West African Slaveiy, 1864— Pamp [4077] Chippendale (Lieut.) Journey towards Lake Nyanza — P.R.G.S. xx. 67 ... [1957] xliv INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. Chisholm (G.G.) Pyrenees; Roumania; Sardinia; Servia— Ency. B. xx. xxi. [2280-81] Rudler (F. W.) and Ramsay (Sir A. C.) Europe- Stanford [1250] Cholmley (Sir Hugh) A Discourse of Tanjier, 1«62. 4to. 1787 [3978] Cholmondeley (T.) Ultima Thule: Thoughts on N.Z. 12mo. 1854 ...[5462] Christaller (Rev. J. C.) Basin of the R. Volta— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 246... [1967] Christian (Fletcher, of the " Bounty ") Voyages and Travels. 12mo. 1797 [2397] Christie (W. D.) Reply to Lord Malmesbury on Brazil, 1863— Pamp. ... [6125] Christison (Dr. D.) Journey to Central Uruguay— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) ii. 663 [1961] Christopher (W.) East Coast of Africa— J.R.G.S. xiv. 76 [1874] Chuck (T.) Reply to A. TroUope's Remarks on Victoria, 1874— Pamp. ... [5171] Church (Prof.) Acids and Alkalies — Brit. Industries _ ...[1573] Churchill's Collection of Voyages. 6 vols. Folio, (pp. 72-73) [2081-6] (Col.) Mt. Lebanon ; Ten Years' Residence, 1842-52. 3 vols. 8vo... [3775] The Druses and Maronites. 8vo. 1862 [3779] (Chas.) Missionary Life in Nova Scotia. 12mo. 1845 [5776] Cieza de Leon (Pedro) Travels in Peru, &c., 1532-50— Hakluyt Soc. ... [2145] Clain (P. Paul) Letter from Manila, 1697— BURNBY, v. 5... [2105] Clapin (A. P.) Parliamentary Lists N. S. W.— Official History, 1883 ... [5043] Clapperton (H.) Travels in Northern and Central Africa, 1822-24. 4to ... [4025] Second Expedition, to Soccatoo. 4to. 1829 [4025] . Last Expedition by H. Lander. 2 voR 12mo. 1830 [4027] Clark (D. K. ) Railways and Tramways— Brit. Industries [1573] (G. B.) British Policy towards the Boers, 1881—Pamp [4366] The Transvaal and Bechuanaland, 1883— Pamp [4365] (H. J.) Trinidad ; a Field for Emigration, 1886— Pamp [6036] (J. A.) Glimpses of the Old World [Europe, &c.]. 2 vols. 8vo. 1847 [2847] . (J. Leslie) Emigration to Venezuelan Guayana, 1868 — Pamp... ... [6084] (W. George) Gazpacho ; or Summer Months in Spain. 12mo. Clarke (Sir Andrew) A Sketch — Pillara of the Empire Report on the Suez Canal— P.R.G.S. xiv. 259 (Col. A. R.) Figure of the Earth— Ency. Brit. vii. 597 Geodesy — Ency. Brit. x. 163 Mathematical Geography— Ency. Brit. X. 197 Projection of the Sphere— Ency. Brit. x. 200 • • (Edward) On Emigration — Westminster Discus. 1871 ... (E. D.) Tour through England, Wales, and Ireland, 1791. 8vo. Ti-avelsinEurope, Asia, &c., 1799-1802. 11 vols. 8vo. Life, by Rev. Wm. Otter. 2 vols. 8vo (Major F. C. H.) Kuldja— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) ii. 489 ■ Khiva — Ency. Brit. xiv. 62 The Merv Oasis — Ency. Brit. xvi. 41 (Henry) Concise Treatise on the Usury Laws, 1824 — Pamp. ... (Hyde) Utility of a Reporter on Trade Products— P.R.C. I. ii. 154 Financial Resources of our Colonies — P.R.C. I. iiL 131 ■ Early History of the Mediterranean Populations. 8vo. 1882 (Rev. J.) Mouths of the R. Jaraoor, Cameroons — J. R.G.S. xvi. 255 (J. Stanier) Progress of Maritime Discovery to 1500. 4to. 1803 . (Marcus) For the Term of his Natural Life. 12mo. 1874 ... Old Tales of a Young Country [Australia]. 12mo. 1871 ... (Percy) The " New Ctium " in Australia. 12mo. 1886 (Rev. W. B.) Wreck of the "Favourite," Desolation I. (1825). Search for Remains of Leichhardt's Part v— P.R.G.S. iii. 87 ... • Southern Gold Fields of New South Wales. 12mo. 1860 ... Sedimentary Formations and Gold Discoveries N. S. W. (W. Nelson) Hundred of Wanting, Berkshire. 4to. 1824 ... Clavijo (Gonzalez de) Embassy to Court of Timour— Hakluyt Soc. Cliiyborne (T.) Voyage to the East Indies, 1604-6— Purchas, i. pt. ii. 185 [2072] Clayden (Arthur) The England of the Pacific [N. Z.]. 8vo— Pamp. ... [5606]. NewZealandinl884 P.R.C.I. xvi. 147 [2016] Hand-Book of New Zealand. 12mo. 1885 [."^570] Cleghorn (H.) Arboriculture— Ency. Brit. ii. 317 ; Forests, ix. 397 [2262, 69] (John) On the Water of Wick— J.R.G.S. xxvii. 230 [1887] 1850... [3036] ... [15.53] ... [1951] ... [2267] ... [2270] [2270] [2270] [1532] [2832] [2832] [2832] [1961] [2274] [2276] [1636] [2002] [2003] [1129] [1876] [1340] [5346] [4998] [5056] [4410] . [1940] . [4743] . [4997] [2967] [2138] 8vo. INDEX OF AUTHORS. zlT Ko. in CataloRue. Clemens (S. L. ) The Innocents Abroad ; or, New Pilgrim's Progress. 12mo. [2858] A Tramp AbroaJ, on the Continent. 12rao Clerk (Capt.C.) Persia, Khorassan, and Afghanistan — J.R.G.S. zxxi. 37 ... Clerraont-Oanneaii (Chas.) Researches in Jernsalcin, 1874-75 Clipperton and Shelvocke, Voyage to S. Sea, 1718-20— Buenet, iv. 620 ... Clough (R. S. ) The Amazons : Diary of a Journey. 8vo. 1874 Clutterbuck (J. B.) Port Phillip in 1849. 18mo Cluverius, Introductio in Universam Geographiam. 4to. 1697 [2869] [1891] [3801] [2104] [6130] [5097] [1211] ■ Tabulae Geogi'aphicai . . . vetus . . . universa geographia. Folio. 1699 [1106] Coates (D.) and others. Evidence on Aborigines, H. C. 1837. 12rao ... [6251] Coats (Capt.) Voyages to Hudson's Bay, 1727-51 — Hakluyt Soc. xii. ... [2124] Cobb (B. F.) Silk— Brit. Industries [1573] Cobbett(Wm.) Rural Rides in England, 1821-32. 2 vols. 12mo [2972] A Year's Residence in the United States. 12mo. 1828 [5900] Cochrane (A. Baillie) Young Italy. 12mo. 1850 [3134] Cockburn (A. S.) Physical Geogi-aphy of Belize River— P. R. G. S. xii. 72 ... [1949] Cocks (R.) Occurrences in Japan, 1615-22— PuRCH. i. pt. ii. 395; ii. 1695 [2072-73] Diarv, Edited by Maunde Thompson — Hakluyt Soo. 2 vols. ... [2180] Coggeshali (George) Thirty-Six Voyages, 1799-1841. 8vo [2465] CoUi«rne(Col.) With Hicks Pasha in the Soudan, 1883. 12mo [3936] Colchester (Lord) Presidential Addresses — J.R.G.S. xvi. xvii. ... [1876-77] On the Yang-tsze-Kiang— J.R.G.S. xvii. 130 [1877] Coleman (E. T.) Mount Rainier, Washington Territoi-y — Cassell, v. .. [2255] - — - A Year's 'Tramp in Colorado — Cassell, v. and vi [2255-56] Third Class Journey Across America — Cassell, vi [2256] Puget Sound and North Pacific Railroad — Cassell, vi [2256] ■ (J.N.) Life of Davis, N.Z. Missionary, 1824-63. 12mo [5495] Colenso (Bp.) On Proceedings of Bp. of Cape Town, 1864— Pamp. ... [4349] Letter to the Laity of Diocese of Natal, 1864— Pamp [4349] Lecture on Missions to the Zulus, 1865 — Pamp. [4349] Langalibalele and the Amahluhi Tribe, 1874 — Pamp [4349] Cetehwayo's Dutchman, Cornelius Vijn. 12mo. 1880 ... ... [4329] (Miss) and Lt.-Col. Durnford, Hist, of the Zulu War. 8vo. 1880... [4330] (W.) Visits to the Ruahine Range, Hawke's Bay, 1845-47— Pamp... [5606] Coleridge (Henry N.) Six Months in the West Indies, 1825. 12mo. ... [5997] Coles (John) Summer Travelling in Iceland. 8vo. 1882 [2925] Catalogue of the Map Room, Royal Geog. Soc, March, 1881. 8vo... [6332] Collet (C. F.) The Island of Old Providence— J.R.G.S. vii. 203 [1867] Colley (General) : a Sketch, by Major Griffiths — Pillars of the Empire ... [1553] Collie (A.) Excursion N. of K. George's Sound, 1831-32 [4715] Meteorological Journal, 1831-32 [4715] (and Preston) Country betw. Cockburn Sd. and Geographe Bay, 1829 [4715] Collingwood (Cuthbert) Naturalist's Rambles in China Seas. 8vo. 1868... [3387] Collins (David) Account of New South Wales. 2 vols. 4to. 1798-1802 ... [4830] Order Book, kept at Port Phillip, 1803-4— Hist. Records of P. P.... [5081] (J.) Hides, Leather, Gutta Percha, India-Rubber — Brit. Industries [1573] (S. H.) Emigrant's Guide to U. S. and Swan River. 12mo. 1829... [5281] Collinson (Adm.)On the Yang-Tsze-Kiang— J.R.G.S. xvii. 130 [1876] Voyage of the " Enterprise "—J.R.G.S. xxv. 194 [1885] Hints to Travellers— J. R.G.S.xxxiv [1894] ■ Voyages of Martin Frobisher — Hakluyt Soc. xxxviii. [2150] (Col.) Ruins of Acropolis of Ca.ssope— J. R.G.S. xxxii. 68 [1892] (Francis) A Few Observations on Natal, for Emigrants, 1848 — Pamp... [4349] (J.) Exploration in Central America— P. R.G.S. xii. 25 [1949] Colmer (J. G.) Recent Development of Canada— P. R.C.I, xvii. 105 ... [20)7] Colnett (Capt. James) Voyage in the Pacific, 1793-94. 4to. 1804 ...[2412] Colom (Arnold) Zee-Atlas, oste Water- Wereldt. Folio. 1650 [1284] Colomb (Capt. J. C. R. ) Slave Catching in Indian Ocean. 8vo. 1873 ...[4126] Colonial Defences— P. R. C. I. iv. 217, 1873 [2004]— Pamp [1636] Colonial Defences : Press Notices, 1875— Pamp [1636] • Colonial Defence and Colonial Opinion [on the same]. 8vo. 1877... [1546] Russian Development, and our Position, 1877 — Pamp [1636] xlvi INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. Colomb (Capt. J. C. R.) Defence of Great and Greater Britain. 8vo. 1880 [l.l.fiQ] Imperial and Colonial Responsibilities in War— P. R.C.I, viii. 304 ... [2008] Impi rial Federation, Naval and Military, R. U. S. Inst., 1886— Pamp. [1636] Colonial (Royal) Institute Proceedings, 1869-86. 8vo. ... [2001-17] Colonies (The) and India [Newspaper] [see p. 28] Colonisation Circular— Pamp ... [1636] Colquhoun (A. R.I South China to Burmah—P.R.G.8. (N.S.) ir. 713 Across Chry.se ; Explorations in S. China, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1883 The Truth about Tonquin [French Policy, &c.]. 12mo. 1884 The Opening of China : Letters to the Times, 1884— Pamp... Amongst the Shans, with Hist. Sketch by Hallett, &c. 8vo. 1885 Burma and the Bunnans. 12mo. 1885 Colthurst (Mi.s8) Standards of Vertical Distances — J.R.G.S. xix. 192 Columbus (Chr.) Conjectures of a New World — Purchas, i. ii. 8 ... (Barth.) Offer of Discovery to Henry VII.— Hakluyt, iii. 2 (Chr.) Relaciones, Cartas, y otros Documentos— Navakuetb, i. ii and his Companions, by Washington Irving. 4 vols. 8vo... Life and Discoveries, by his Son — Churchill, ii. 501 Select Letters, &c. Edited by Major Facsimile Letters of Columbus — Cartas de Indias Comber (T. J.) Excursion Cameroons to Makuta— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) i. 225 Journeys in Interior of Congo— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iii. 20 Boat Journey Round Stanley Pool— P.R.G.S. (N.S) vi. 71 ... Combes (Edw.) Material Progress of New South Wales — P.R.C.I Comte (Lewis Le) Ten Years' Travels in China. 8vo. Conder (Capt.) Tent Work in Palestine. 2 vols. 8vo. Galilee— Enct. Brit. x. 27 ; Jerusalem — xiii. 636 Excavations and Researches in Jerusalem. 4to. (and Kitchener) Survey of W. Palestine. 3 vols. Conner (Bernard) Account of the Kingdom of Poland — Harris, ii. 508 ConoUy (Lt. Arthur) Overland Journey to India, 1830. 2 vols. 8vo. Constantine the Great, Voyage to Greece, Egypt &c.— Hakluyt, ii. 2 Contarini (Ambrosio) Viag'gio nella Persia, 1473-77 — Ramusio, ii. 112 Travels to Persia— Hakluyt Soo Conti (Nicol6 di) Viaggio nolle Indie Orientali, 1449— Ramusio, i. 338 Travels to India — Hakluyt Soc. Cook (Capt. James) Three Voyages. 8 vols. 4to. and Atlas, folio Journal of First Voyage by Parkinson. 4to. ... Second Voyage by Forster. 2 vols. 4to Third Voyage by W. Ellis. 2 vols. 8vo . Account of Third Voyage by Ledyard. 8vo Views taken during Third Voyage by Webber. Folio Specimens of Cloth Collected in the Three Voyages. 4to. ... Life of Capt. Cook, by Andrew Kippis, D.D. 4to. 1788... Three Voyages, Library Edition, revised. 7 vols. 8vo. 1821 ■ (H.) Climate and Geology of Abyssinia— P.R.G.S. xiv. 158 ... (John) Buccaneering Voyages, 1683-84— Burney, iv. 141 ... (Thos.) Indian Tours, with three maps, 1881— Pamp. Cooke (Edward) Voyage to the South Seas, &c., 1708-11. 12mo.... 1738 1878 4to. Cooley (W. D.) History of Maritime and Inland Discovery. 3 vols. 12mo. [1346] The Tribes near Delagoa Bay— J.R.G.S. iii. 311 Geography of L. Nyassa— J.R.G.S. xv. 185 ; xvi. 138 Rcgio Cinn.amomifera of the Ancients — J.R.G.S. xix. 166 ... • Inner Africa Laid Open. 8vo. 1852 I hysical Geography. 12mo. 1876 CooIidge(W. A. B.) The Jura Mountains— Enoy. Brit. xiii. 781... Cooper (Sir D.) Sketch of N. S. Wales, 1788-1876— P.R.C.I. ix. 86 (Frederic de Brebant) Wild Adventures in Australia. 12mo. 1857 (H.) Trade Route, Gambia to Timbukto— P.R.G.S. xx. 78 ... (H. Stonehewer) Coral Lands of the Pacific. 2 vols. 8vo. 1880 Our New Colony P'iji, 1882— Pamp (Joseph) The Lost Continent ; or, The African Slave Trade. 1875 [1P63] [3470] [3472] [3405] [3473] [3499] [1879] [2072] [2064] [2110] [2303] [2082] [2156 & 2.302] [1373] [I960] [1962] [1965] xvii. 46 [2017] [3368] [3793] [2270, 73] [3801] [3801] [2095] [3527] [2062] [2028] [2161] [2027] [2134] [2355-58] [2362] [2365] [2371] [2831] [2375] [2373] [2359] [2378] [1951] 2104] 3626] . 2329] [1863] [1875-76] [1879] [4114] [1678] [2273] [2009] [4957] [1957] [4615] [5645] [4132] INDEX OF AUTHORS. xlvii No. in Catalogne. Cooper (Capt. Rhodes) The New Zealand Settler's Guide. 12mo. 1857... [5474; (T. T.) Course of Brahmaputra, or Tsanpu— P.R.G.S. xiii. 392 ... [1950; The Irawadv, and its Sources— P.R.G.S. xiii. 392 [1950 335 8vo. 1873... 1951 1952 3355 "3356 2270" 1890' 2872" 4381" 1961 2543" 3161" 1956 [1957] 2i3r 5023 5121; [2155] [1959] [2027] "Westorn China and Eastern Tibet— P.R.G.S. xiv. On Yunnan— P.R.G.S. XV. 163 _ ... Travels of a Pioneer of Commerce, &c. 8vo. 1871 .. Tlie Mishmee Hills : an Attempted Journey to Thibet. Coote (C. H.) and Newton (A. V.) Globes— Ency. Brit. x. 680 (Sir Eyre) Journey from Bus.sora to Aleppo — J.R.G.S. xxx. 198 ("Walter) Wanderings in the Pacific, Au.stralia, &c. 8vo. 1882 ... Copland (Samuel) Account of Madagascar. 8vo. 1822 Coppinger (R. "W.) Visit to Straits of Magellan— P.R.G.S. (N.S.)ii. 552... Cruise of the "Alert," 1878-82. 8vo Coriat Junior, Journey through the Netherlands, 1766. 2 vols. 12mo. 1767 Comer (Arthur) Trip into Interior of Formosa — P.R.G.S. xix. 515 . — - Tour through Formosa— P. R.G.S. XX. 53 Comey (B.) Middleton's "Voyage to the Maluco Isles — Hakluyt Soc. ... Cornish (Henry) Under the Southern Cross [Australia], 8vo. 1880 Cornwallis (K.) Panorama of the New "World (Victoria). 2 vols. 12mo.. Coronado — see " Vasqucz de Coronado." Correa (G.) Voyages, &c., of "V^asoo da Gama — Hakltjtt Soc. xlii. Corrie (A. T. C.) Visit to Lord Howe Island, 1876— P.R.G.S. xxii. 136 ... Corsali (Andreas) Lettera Scritta in Cochin, 1515-17— Ramu.sio, i. 176 ... Cortereales, Voyages auNouveau-Monde, 1463-1502, par Harrisse. 8vo. 1883 [2301] Voyages to Labrador, &c. — Pakkman's Pioneers [1376] Cortes (Hernan) Discoprimento nella Ntiova Spagna — RAMrsio, iii. 251... [2029] Relationi Seconda, Terza, e Quarta, 1519-24— Ramusio, iii. 187 ... [2029] ■ Fifth Letter : Exped. to Honduras, 1524-25— Hakluyt Soc. xl. ... [2152] Conquest of Mexico & New Spain, 1518-30— Puechas, iii. 1118 ... [2074] Despatches, translated, with Introd. by FoLsom. 8vo. 1843 ... [5960] Memoirs of Bernal Diaz ilel Ca.stillo. 2 vols. 8vo [5961] Corverte(Capt. R.)Rektio— Dr. Bky, P. V. viii [2053] Travels and Account of India, 1608-11— Haei.ey, ii. 239 [2088] Coryat (Thomas) Crudities Hastily Gobbled Up. 3 vols. 8vo. 1776 ...[2814] Letter from Jerusalem, 1615-16— PURCHAS, i. pt. ii. 592 [2072] Coryton (J.) Trade Routes between Burma and China — I.R.G.S. xlv. 229 [1905] Cosmas Indicopleustes, Plantes et Animaux des Indes Orient. — Thev. i. 12 [2077] Cosson (E. A. de) Ride from Gondar to Galabat — Cassell, vi [2256] - — Cradle of the Blue Nile : Visit to Ethiopia. 2 vols. 12mo. 1877... [3965] Costa de Macedo, Langtiage of Canary Islanders — J.R.G.S. xi. 171 ... [1871] Cotterill (H. B.) The Nyassa and Journey to Zanzibar— P.R.G.S. xxii. 233 [1959] Cotton (Sir A.) Commuh. betw. India and China— J.R.G.S. xxxvii. 231... [1897] Coulter (Dr. J.) Notes on Upper California— J.R.G.S. v. 59 [1865] ■ Adventures in the Pacific. 12mo. 1845 ... ... ... ... [2475] South America, California, Polynesia. &c. 2 vols. 12mo. 1847 ... [2476] Coulthurst (C. H.) Expedition to Old Calabar, &c.— J.R.G.S. ii. 305 ... [1862] Courthop (N.) Voyage to the Banda Islands, 1616-20— PuRCHAS, i. 664 ... [2072] Courtney (L. H.) Banking— Ency. Brit. iii. 31,5-341 [2263] Cowan (Frank) Australia: a Charcoal Sketch, 1886— Pamp [5071] (Rev. "W. D.) Excursions in Madaga.scar— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 521 ... [1963] Cowley (Capt.) Voyage Round the "World, 1683-86— Dampier, &c., iv. ... [2326] Cox (Alfred) Recollections: Australia, England, New Zealand, &c. 8vo. 1884 [5565] Men of Mark of New Zealand. 12mo. 1886 (Ross) Adventures on the Columbia River. 2 vols. 8vo. 1831 (G.) Across Southern Andes to the Pacific — J.R.G.S. xxxiv. 205 Coxe (Archd. Wm. ) Russian Discoveries between Asia and America. Craik (G. L.) History of British Commerce. 3 vols. 18mo. 1844 Cranbrook (Lord) : a Sketch — Esoott's Pillars of the Empire Crantz' History of Greenland. 2 vols. 8vo. 1767 Crawford (Earl) Bibliotheoa Lindesiana : De Bry's Collections. 4to. (J. Coutts) Travel in N. Zealand and Australia, 1839 80. 8vo. (R.) Projected Railway over the Andes — J.R.G.8. xKii. 46 ... 8vo. [5571] [5824] [1894] [3291] [13.52] ... [1553] ... [2604] 1884 [634R] ... [5547] ... [1903] xlviii INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in CatnlogTie. Crawfurd (John) History of the Indian Archipelago. 3 vols. 8vo. 1820 [4435] (and Raffles) Description Geographique . . . L'Archipel. Indien. 4to. [4436] Geography of Borneo— J.R.G.S. X!tiii. 69 [1883] Dictionary of the Indian Archipelago, &c. 8vo. 1856 [4450] Creagh (E. K.) Journey from Araoy to Hankow, 1879— J.R.G.S. 1. 275 .. [1910] Creasy (Sir E.) Imp. and Col. Constitutions of the Empire. 8vo. 1872... [1534] Crespigny (Lieut.) Rivers Mukah and Oyah— P.R.G.S. i. 205 ; ii. 342 [1938 39] On Northern Borneo— P.R.G.S.xvi. 171 ; xvii. 133 [1953-54] Cresswell (Lt.) Sketches during Voyage of the " Investigator." Folio [2679] Crocker (W. M.) Sarawak and Northern Borneo— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iii. 193 [1962] Croft (J. A.) Explor. of the River Volta, W. Africa— P.R.G.S. xviii. 183... [1955] Crofton (H. W.) English Mission to Mandalay — Cassell, i. [2251] Crooks (Adam) Characteristics of the Canadians, 1869— P.R.C.I. i. 162 ... [2001] Cropper (James) Another Bonus to the Planters, 1833 — Pamp [6036] Cross (R.) Journey from Chiraborazo to Bogota— P. R.G.S. ix. 277 [1946] (Rev. W.) Mis.sionary to Fiji (Memoir of). 12mo. 1846 [5616] Crowther (Bishop) Notes on the Niger— P. R.G.S. xxi. 481 [1958] Crozet, Nouveau Voyage a la Mer du Sud. 12mo. 1783 [2350] Crudgington (II. E.) Journey to Stanley Pool— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iii. 553 ... [1962] Cruickshank (Brodie) Eighteen Years on the Gold Coast. 2 vols. 12mo. 1853 [4044] Cruise (R. A. ) Ten Months' Residence in New Zealand. 8vo. 1824 ...[5405] Crummell (Rev. Alex.) The Future of Africa : Addies.ses in Liberia. 12mo. [4052] Cruttenden (C. J.) Journey from Mokha to Sun'i, 1836— J.R.G.S. viii. 267 [1868] Tribes of the Somali Coast, &c.— J.R.G.S. xviii. 136 ; xix. 49 [1878-79] Cruz (G. da) China and Adjoining Regions, 1556 — Purchas, iii. 166 ... [2074] Crystal (Prof. G.) Electricity ; Electrometer— EscY. Brit. viii. 3, 117 ... [2268] Ciibero (Pedro) Travels Round the World— Murray, Asia, i. 334 [1344] Cullen (Dr.) Tule Indians on Darien Coast— J.R.G.S. xxi. 241 ... ... [1881] Cumberland (Earl) Voyages to W. Indies, 1586-1600- PnRCHAS, iv. ... [2075] Relation of the Porto Rico Voyage — Purchas, iv. 1155 [2075] Gumming (J. G.) The Isle of Man. 12mo. 1848 [2977] Cummings' Cniise of the "Tuscarora," N. Pacific, 1872-74. 8vo. ... [2517] Cuningham (Wm.) The Cosmographic.al Glasse. Folio. 1559 [1282] Cunningham (Allan) Botany of New South Wales — Field's Memoirs ... [4710] Vegetation of W. Coast Terra Australis — Kino, ii [4711] Progress of Discovery in N. S. Wales— J.R.G.S. ii. 99 [1862] -(Gen. A.) Ancient Geography of India; Buddhist Period. 8vo. 1870 [3508] (James) Obs. on the Island of Chusaii, 1701 — Haeuis, ii. 852 ... [2095] (Joseph D.) A History of the Sikhs. 8vo. 1849 [3540] (Peter) Two Years in New South Wales. 2 vols. 12mo. 1827 ... [4852] (R. 0. ) The Strait of Magellan and Patagonia. 12mo. 1871 ...[6224] (W.)TheGrowthof English Industry and Commerce. 12mo. 1882 [1579] Cunyngham (Sir A. T.) Travels in the E. Caucasus, &c. 8vo. 1872 ...[3278] Curley (Edwin A.) Nebraska. 8vo. 187-5 [5928] Curr (E. ) Account of the Colony of Van Diemen's Land. 12mo. 1824 .. [5314] (Edward M.)RecollectionsofS(iuattinginVictoria,1841-51. 8vo. 1883 [5099] Currie (Capt.) Journey to South of Lake George, N. S. W. ... ... ... [4710] (Sir Donald) Thoughts on S. Africa— P.R.C.I. viii. 380— Pamp. ... [4298] Curtis (Rev. C.G.) Account of the Cape of Good Hope. 8vo. 1819 ...[4219] Constantinople, and its History — Ency. Bhit. vi. 302 [2266] Curzon (Cardinal R. ) Voyage to Damietta, 1218 — 1I.\kluyt, ii. 31 ... [2062] (Hon. Robert, Lord Zouche) Monasteries of the Levant. 8vo. 1849... [3218] Armenia: a Year at Erzeroom, &.c. 12mo. 1854 ... ... ... [3729] Oust (A.) Fortnight among the Dolomites — Cassell, vi [2256] Rambles in Rome — Cassell, vi [2256] (R.N.) Modern Languages of the East Indies. 8vo. 1878 [3573] Language as Illustrated by Bible Translation. Svo. 1886 [6287] Daintree (Richard) Queensland ; its Territory, Climate, &c. Svo. 1872... [5248] D'Albertis (L. M.) New Guinea (English Translation). 2 vols. Svo. ...[4519] Fly River, New Guinea— P.R.G.S. xx. 343 ; P.R.G.S. (N.S.) i. 4 [1957, 60] New Guinea; its Fitness for Colonization— P.R. C.I. X. 43 [2010] INDEX OF AUTHORS. xlix No. in Catalogue, Dalboquerque — see "Albuquerque (Alfonse)." Dale (Eusign Richard) Excursions to Helena Eiver, W. Australia, 1829 ... [4715 Expeilitions E. of Darling Ranges, W. A., 1830-31 [4715 Expeditions to N. of King George's Sound, W. A [4715 Panorama of King George's Sound. 1834 ... ... ... ... [5285 (Sir T.) Letter from Virginia, 1614— PniiCHAS, iv. 1768 [2075 Dall (W. H.) Travels in Alaska. Royal 8 vo. 1870 [5921 D'Almeida (W. B.) Perak and Sakngore Malays— J. R.G.S. xlvi. 357 ... [1906 Dalrymple (Alex.) Collection of Dutch and Spanish Voyages. 4to. ... [2096 Proposal to Convey Animals, Corn, Iron, &c., to N. Zealand, 1771 ... [5401 Letter to Dr. Hawkesworth [on Cook's Voyage]. 4to. 1773 [2363 On Intended Thief Colony at Botany Bay. 8vo. 1786 (MS.) ...[4820 (G. E.) Settlement, Rockingham Bay, N. Aust.— P.R.G.S. x. 33 ... [1947 Syrian Great Eastern Railway to India, 1878 — Pamp... (Sir J.) Plan of Internal Defence, 1794— Pamp Dalton (Rev. .1. N. ) PP. Albert Victor and George, Cruise of " Bacchante." Daly (D. D.) E.vplorations in Malaya, 18/5-82— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 393 ... Dalyell (R. A. 0.) Earthquake of Erzerum, 1859— J.R.G.S. xxxiii. 234 ... Damberger (C. F.) Travels, C. of G. Hope to Morocco (Fictitious). 8vo... Dampier (Capt.) Voyages Round the World, &c., 1687-1705. 4 vols. 8vo. Observations on Coast of N. Holland, 1687-88— Hakluyt Soc. xxv. Dana (James D.) Corals and Coral Islands. 8vo. 1872 ... • (R. H.) Two Years Before the Mast, and 24 Years After. 12mo. ... Dandini (Father Jerom) Voyage to Lebanon, &c., 1596 — Hauley, i. 831.. Daniell's Scenery and Animals of Southern Africa. Folio. 1831 (Wm. F.) Western Africa; Medical Topography of Guinea. 8vo. ... Danson(J. T.)The Wealth of Households : Text-Book on Economics. 12mo D'Anvers (Miss Meugeus) Heroes of S. African Discoveiy. 12mo. Dapper, Description des isles de I'Archipel. Folio. 1703 D'Arvieux's Travels in Arabia the Desart. 12mo. Darwin (C. R.) Rock Seen on an Iceberg, 61° S. lat.- Observations during Voyage in the " Beagle." The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reels. Geological Observations on Volcanic Islands, &e, Works on Animals and Piants^see p. 29) (Francis) Breeds and Breeding — Ency. Bkit. iv. 244 ... Das Pal (Hon. Kristo) : a Sketch — Pillars of the Empire ... Daulphinois (N. ) Peregrinations, &c., into Turkey — Haeley, i. 653 Davenport (S. ) Engraving — British Ikdusteies David,son(G. F.) Trade and Travel in Java, Australia, &c., 1836-39. 12mo, [3626] [1636] [2551] [1963] [1893] [4213] [2326] [2137] [1669] [2468] [2087] [4166] [4040] [1598] 1878 [4192] [3208] 1718 [3838] -J.R.G.S. ix. 528 ... [18691 8vo. 1839 [1645 and 2459] 8vo. 1842 [1645] 8vo [1645] [1645] [2264] [1653] [2087] [1573] [4445] (John) At Wednoon, near Sahara, &c.—J.R.G.S.vi. 429 [1866] ■ResidenceinMorooco— J.R.G.S. vii. 144 [1867] (Thomas) Braehiopoda— Ency. Brit. iv. 188 [2264] Davies (G. P.) Berlin, its Buildings, Population, &c.— Ekcy. Brit. iii. 593 [2263] (JohnM.) Los Angeles; Resources, Climate, &c. Stepney,1884 — Pamp. [5951] (W.) Discovery of the River Amazons — Puhchas, iv. 1287 [2075] (William) The Pilgrimage of the Tiber. 8vo. 1875 [3144] D'Avillier (Baron) Spain. Illustrated by Gustave Dore. 4to. 1876 ... [3044] Davis (Capt.) Exped. to Gold Mines, S. Amer. 1702— Dampiek, &c. iii. 462 [2326] • (Edw.) New Spain, Peru, &c. 1684-88— Burkey, iv. 150 [2104] — — (John) Voyages and Works — Hakluyt Soc. lix [2172] Worlde's Hydrographicall Description, 1595 — Hakluyt Supp. 51 .. [2070] Ruter for the East Indies — Purchas, i. pt. ii. 444 [2072] (John) Tracks of McKinlay & Party across Australia. 8vo. 1863... [4752] (J. E.) Antarctic Discovery and Transit of Venus — J.R.G.S. xxxix. 91 [1899] North Polar Discovery — Cas.sell, i [2251] " Challenger " Expedition — Cassell, v. and vi [2255-56] Journal of the " Fox's " Telegraphic Voyage — Cassell, vi [2256] Boat Cruise in Greenland — Cassell, vi. [2256] Labour and Labour Laws — Ekcy. Brit. xiv. 165 [2274] Police ; Poor Laws, &o.— Ency. Brit. xix. 332, 462 [2279] INDEX OF AUTHORS. iJo. in Catalogue. Davis (Sir John Francis) The Chinese. 2 vols. 12mo. 1836 [3373] Chusan, with map— J.R.Q.S. xxiii. 242 [1883] • Canton, Hong Kong, and E. Coast, China— P.R.G.S. i. 330 [1938] (John Moore) Notes on Aborigines of Australia— Smyth [4804] (N. Darnell) Chiefs, and their Wars, in West Africa, 1876— Pamp... [4077] — (Rev. Richard) Missionary in N. Z. (Memoir of). 12mo. 1865 ...[5495] (W.) Eight Years' Captivity in the Gallies— Hakley, i. 475 ... [2087] Davison (Simpson) Gold Deposits in Australia. 8vo. 1861 [4745] Davy (Sir Humphry) Salmonia ; or, Days of Fly -Fishing. 12mOi ... [2841] Consolations in Travel. 12mo. ... ... ... ... ... ... [2842] (John) Voyage to the East Indies, 1611-15— Puechas, i. 440 ... [2072] Dawkins (W. Boyd) Cave Dwellings— Enct. Brit. v. 265 [2265] Dawson (Sir W.) Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, 1871— P.R. C.I. ii. 113 [2002] (.Tames) Australian Aborigines. 4to. 1881 ... ... ... ... [4807] (Robert) Present State of Australia. 8vo. 1831 [4858] Day (Francis) The Fishes of India. 2 vols. 4to. 1876-78 [1680] (S. P.) Down South at the Seat of War. 2 vols. 12rao. 1862 ...[5918] Dease (P.) Arctic Discoveries, 1837-39— J.R.G.S. viii. 2l3;ix. 325; x. 268 [1868-70] De Brosses, Navigations aitx Terres Australes. 2 vols. 4to. 1756 [2089] Dk Bry (T. and J. T.) Collections of Voyages (Latin), 1590-1634 [2030-53] Dechaux, Relation des Chretiens de S. Jean — Thevenot, ii. 55 [2078] Decken (Baron) Snowy Mountains W. Equatorial Africa — P.R.G.S. viii. 5 [1945] Death of, on the Juba River— P.R. G.S. x. 109 [1947] Deecke (Dr. W.) and A. S. Murray, Etruria— Ency. Brit. viii. 633 ... [2268] Defoe, Tour thron^h Great Britain. By a Gentleman. 3 vols. 8vo. 1724-27 [2945] . Plan of the English Commerce. 8vo. 1730 [1426] De Grey and Ripon (Earl) Presidental Address— J.R.G.S. xxx. c [1890] Delamere, Views in Buenos Ayres : Fourteen Photographs. Obi. 4to. 1880 [6164] Delano (Amasa) Three Voyages Round the World. 8vo. 1817 [2431] Delaporte (Lt.) Exjied. in Cambodia and Indo-China, 1866 — Cassell, v... [2255] Delaware (Ld.) Relation respecting Virginia, 1611— Puechas, iv. 1762 ... [2075] De Lissa (Alfred) Proposed New Bankruptcy Law, 1881 — Pamp [1606] Del Mar (Alex.) History of Money in Various Countries. 8vo. 1885 ... [1593] The Science of Money. 8vo. 1885 [1593] De Morga (A.) Philippine Islands Moluccas, &c., 1609— Hakluyt Soc... [2151] Dempsey (J. M. ) and Hughes, Our Ocean Highways. 8vo. [1295] Dempster Brothers' Journey, Western Australia — P.R.G.S. vi. 11 ... [1943] Denham (Major Dixon) Travels in Africa. 4to. 1826 [4025] Denison (S. C.) Is the Ballot a Mistake? 1838— Pamp [1636] (Sir Wm.) Varieties of Vice-Regal Life (1847-66). 2 vols. 8vo. .. [2860] On Colonization— P.R. C.L ii. 124 [2002] — Two Lectui-es on Colonization, 1870— Pamp [1636] Dcnnys(N.B.) The Folklore of China. 4to. 1876 [3392] Denson (John) A Peasant's Voice to Landowners. 1830 [1452] D'Entreoasteaux (Adm. Bruni) Voyage in Search of La Perouse ... [24C8-10] De Puydt (L.) Exploration of Darieu, 1861, 1865— J.R.G.S. xxxviiL 69 ... [1898] De Ricci (J. H.) How about Fiji? 1874— Pamp [5645] Fiji, Our New Province in the S. Seas. 8vo. 1875 [5628] Dermer (Thomas) Voyage to the South Sea, 1620— Puechas, iv. 1775 ... [2075] D'Escamps (Henri) Histoire et Geographic de Madagascar. 8vo. 1884... [4396] Desideri (F.) Journey to Tibet, 1714— Lbttees Edifiantes [2098] Desliens (Nicolas) Mappemonde, 1566 [1195] De Soto's Discovery and Conquest of Florida, 1611 — Hakluyt Soc. ... [2121] De Vea (A.) Voyage to the Strait of Magellan, 1676— Burney, iv. 76 ... [2104] DeVerteuil(L. A. A.) Trinidad. 8vo. 1858 [6004] Des Vceux (Sir Wm.) Correspondence, Mission Lands in Fiji, 1878 — Pamp. [5645] De Winton (Sir Francis) The Congo Free State— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 609 [1967] De Witt (John) The Interest of Holland. 12mo. 1702 [1422] Diaz (Bartholomew) Discovery of the Cape of Good Hope, 1487 [2099] — — Stanier CiJ^RKE [1340] ; Major [1362] ; Bettencourt [1379] (Bemal Diaz del Castillo) Memoiis of. 2 vols. 8vo. 1844 [5961] Facsimile of Letters by — Cartas de Indias [1373] -A INDEX OF AUTHORS li No. in Catalogue. Dibble (Sheldon) History of the Sandwich Islands. 12mo. 1843 Dibdiu (Rev. T. F.) The Library Companion. 8vo. 1825 Dicken (C. S.) The Mineral Wealtli of Queensland— P.R.C.I. xy. 144 Dickinson (Lieut.) Ancient Intercourse with India — J.R.G.S. vi. 113 Dickson (C. H.) Journey from Tripoli toGhadamas — J.R.6.S. xxii. 131 Account of Ghadamas Tripoli — J.R.G.S. xxx. 255 (J. V.) Ceylon— Enuy. Brit. V. 359 Dieffenbach (Ernest) Travels in New Zealand. 2 vols. Svo. 1843 ■ Account of Chatham Is.— J.R.G.8. xL 195 ; xii, 142 Diegles (Silvester) Synopsis of the Birds of Australia. 4to. 1877 Dilke (Ashton) Valley of the Hi, Kuldja— P.R.G.S. xviii. 246 (Mrs. Ashton) and Woodfall (Wm.) Women's Suffrage. ... [4653] ... [6324] ... [2015] .. [1866] .. [1882] ... [1890] ... [2265] ... [5427] [1871-72] .. [1685] .. [1955] 12mo. 1885 [1590] (Sir C.) Greater Britain: Travel in 1866.67. 2 vols. 8vo [2856] Dillon's (Chev.) Discovery of the Fate of La Perouse. 2 vols. Svo. 1829 [2439] Dingman (Bcnj. S.) Ten Years in Peru and Bolivia— Pamp. [6206] Disney (Rev. H. P.) Labrador Mission, 1850 — Church in the Colonies ... [6257] Dixie (Lady Florence) Defence of the Zulu King, 1882— Pamp [4349] Dixon (Capt. G.) Voyage to N.W. Coast of America, 1785-88. 4to. ... [2391] (Capt. J.) Voyage to N.S.Wales and V.D. Land. 12mo. 1822 ... [4845] ■ Map of New South Wales. 1837 [4871] - — • (John) Condition and Capabilities of V. D. Land, 1889— Pamp. ... [5375] Dobbs (Arthur) Account of Hudson's Bay. 4to. 1744 [2601] Dobson (Sir W. L.) Tasmania as It Is, 1888— P.R. C.I. xvii. 252 [2017] Dodsworth (E.) Voyage to the E. Indies, 1613-15— Purchas, i. pt. ii. 516 [2072] Dolben (Comm.) Expedition up the River Volta— P.R.G.S. vi. 49 ... [1943] Domett (Hon. Alf.)Ranolf & Amohia: a South Sea Day Dream. 12mo. 1872 [4597] Donisthorpe (W.) The Claims of Labour, 1880— Pamp [1636] Donne (M. A.) The Samiwich Islands and their People. 12mo. 1866 ...[4662] Donnelly (Ignatius) Atlantis, the Antediluvian World. 12mo. 1882 ... [1130] Kagnarock, the Age of File and Gravel. 12mo. 1882 [1131] Doolittle (Rev. Justus) Social Life of the Chinese. 2 vols. 12mo. 1867 [3386] D'Orleans (P. J., S. J.) Tartar Conquerors of China— HaklCyt Soc. xvii. [2129] Dorville (P.) Journey from Pekin to Agra, 1661 — Thevenot, ii. 40 ... [2078] Doughty (C. M.) N.W. Arabia and Nejd— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 382 ... [1965] Travels in Northern Arabia, 1876-77. Vol.1. 8vo [3851] Douglas (Gov. J.) East Coast of Vancouver Island — J.R.G.S. xxiv. 245 ... [1884] (Mr.) Letter from Oahu to Capt. Sabine— J.R.G.S. iv. 333 [1874] (Rev. C.) On the Identity of Zayton— J.R.G.S. xliv. 112 [1904] (Keith) Considerations on State of the W. I. Colonics, 1830— Pamp. [6036] (R. K.) China ; Geography, History, &c., 1876— Ency. Brit. v. 626 [2265] The City of Canton ; its Trade, &o.— Ency. Brit. v. 37 [2265] Mongols ; Manchuria ; Nanking ; Peking ; Shanghai — Ency. Brit. [2275-81] Douglass (Arthur) Ostrich Farming in South Africa. 12mo. 1881 ...[4273] Doiitre (Joseph, Q.C.) The Constitution of Canada. 8vo. 1880 [5741] Dow (John L.) The Australian in Amtrica, 1884 — Pamp [5951] • ■ Agriculture in Victoria, 1886 [6154] Dower (J.) New General Atlas. 4to. 1852 [1225] Dowliug (Edw.) Australasian Statistics: Official Hist. N. S. W. 1883 ... [5043] Dowuie (W.) Jarvis Inlet and Desolation Sound— J.R.G.S. xxxi. 249 ... [1891] Downto^ (Capt. N.) Voyage to Red Sea, &c., 1611-12— PuRCH. i. pt. iL 274 [2072] Voyage to the East Indies, 1613-15— Purchas, i. pt. ii. 500 ... [2072] Dowson (Prof John) Indian Inscriptions — Ency. Brit. xiii. 118 [2273] Doyle (J. A.) American Colimies Previous to Independence. Svo. 1869... [5892] Drake (C. F. Tyrwhitt) and Burton, Unexplored Syria. 2 vols. Svo. 1872 [3785] (Sir Francis) Voyages to W. Indies, 1567— HAVi^KiNa' Voyages ... [2170] Voyages to Nombre de Dios, &c., about 1572— Hakl0yt, iii. 525 ... [2064] Voyage to S. Sea and About the Globe, 1577-80— Hakluyt, iii. 730 [2064] Descr. Itinerum F'raneisci Draken — De Bby, G. V. viii [2037] Circumnavigation of the Earth, 1577-80 — Purchas, i. pt. ii. 46 ... [2072] The World Encompassed— Harley, ii. 433 [2088] Voyage Round the World— Harris, i. 14 [2094] ; Burney, i. 805 ... [2101] The World Encompassed, with Introd. by Vaux— -Haklust Soc. xvi. [2128] e 2 lii INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. m Catalogue. Drake (Sir Francis) Expedition to the West Indies, 1585-86— Hakl. iii. 534 [2064] Voyage to Cadiz, and Exploits Perfonned, 1587— Haki. ii. pt. ii. 121 [2063] Last Voyage to AV. Indies, and Death— Haklutt, iii. 583 [2064] Voyage, '1595, Attack on Porto Rico, and Death— Hakluyt Soc. iv... [2116] A Historie of his Voyages, 1567-95— PuiicHAS, iv. 1179 [2075] Life, Voyage.i, and Exploits by John IBarrow. 8vo [2316-17] (Geo.) Voyage to the Isle of Kaniea, 1593— Hakluyt, iii. 193 ... [2004] (John) Voyage up the River Plate, 1582— Hakluyt, iii. 726 [2064] (Samuel G.) The North American Indians. 8vo. 1837 [5902] Dresser (Christopher) Cai-pets — BwT. Industries [1573] Drummond (A. T.) Distribution of Canadian Forest Trees, 1885— Pamp... [5770] Dmry (Robert) Madagascar : Fifteen Years' Captivity on that Island. 8vo. [4379] Du Cane (Sir Charles) Tasmania Past and Present, 1877— PamP [5375] Du Chaillu (Paul B.) Adventures in Equatorial Africa. 8vo. 1861 ...[4094] Western Equatorial Africa— P. R. G. S. v. 108 [1942] Second Journey into W. Africa— P. R.G.S. x. 71 [1947] Journey to Ashango L.and. 8vo. 1867 [409.5] Tlie Land of the Midnight Sun ; Sweden, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1881... [2908] Ducket (Jeffrey) Travels to Persia— Hakluyt, i. [2061] ; Hakluyt Soo... [2184] Ducloz (Guyot) Voyage to Chili and Peru, 1753— Bubney, v. 136 [2105] Duddeley (Sir R.) Voyage to Trinidad, &e., 1594-5— Harluyt, iii. 574 ... [2064] Duff (Robert) British Guiana. 12mo. 1866 [6094] Dufferiu (Earl of) Letters from Higli Latitudes, &c., in 1856. 8vo. ... [2921] Canada for the Emigrant: Speeches by Lord Dufferin, &c. 1874— Pamp. [5770] Speech on the Dominion [Canada], 1874— P.R.C.I. v. 252 [2005] His Administration in Canada, by Wm. Leggo. 8vo. 1878 ... [5735] Canada Under the Administration of, bv G. Stewart. 8vo. 1878... [5736] A Sketch of, by St. Legei Herbert— Pillars of the Empire ... ■ ...[1553] Speeches in Canada, &c. 8vo. 1882 [1577] DufEeld (A. J.) Needless Misery at Home. 12mo. 1880 [5742] Dugmore (Rev. H.H.) Kafir Laws and Customs. 8vo. 1858 [4246] Dumont D'Urville, Voyage of the "Astrolabe," 5 vis. 8vo. Atlases, 2 vis. [2444] Voyage Pittoresque Autour du Monde. 2 vols. Imp. 8vo. 1834-35 [2450] Dumont (G. M. B.) Histoire des Colonies Angloises. 2 vols. 12mo. 1755 [5884] Duncan (David) Voyage to Davis Strait, 1826-27. 8vo. 1827 [2634] Types of Lowest Races, Australians, &c. Folio. 1874 [4604] (John) Journey from Annamboe, Dec. 1844— J.R.G.S. xv. 346 ... [1875] Cape Coast to Whydah—J.R.G.S. xvi. 143 [1876] Journey from Whydah to Adofoodiah—J.R.G.S. xvi. 154 [1876] (P. Martin) Old South American Geographies — Cassell, iii ' [2253] Speculations Concerning former Geographies — Cassell, iii [2253] The Musk-Ox and the Wolverine— Cassell, iii. [2253] Formation of the Main Land— P.R.G.S. xx. 68 [1957] On Mainland Masses— P.R.G.S. xxii. 68 [19.59] (R. G.) On Immigration in B. Guiana— Russell P. Essay [6099] Duncker (Max) History of Antiquity, by Evelyn Abbott. 6 vols. 8vo... [1128] Dunn (J. P.) Massacres of the Mountains ; Indian Wars. 8vo. 1886 ... [5940] Dunning (John) Tobacco— Brit. Industries [1573] Dunton (J.) Journal of the Sallee Fleet, 1636-37— Harley, ii. 491 ... [2088] Duquesne(M.) Voyage to the East Indies, 1690-91. 12mo T, [3514] Durham (Eari) Speeches in Scotland and Newcastle, 1834. 1835— Pamp... [1636] Report and Despatches, British North America. 8vo. 1839 ...[5709] Facts i!ersKS Lord Durham : Prince Edward Island, 1839— Pamp. ... [5795] Dumford (Lieut. -Col. Edw.) History of the Zulu War. 8vo. 1880 ...[4330] (H.) Explorations in Central Patagonia— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) v. 84 ... [1964] Button (Francis) South Australia and its Mines. 8vo. 1846 [5188] Duval (Jules) Histoire de I'Emigration . . . au XIX« Siecle. 8vo. 1862 [1513] Dyer (T. H.) Ruins of Pompeii ; with Photographic Views. 4to. 1866 [3139] — (W. Thistleton) Plant Distribution, &c.— P.R.G.S. xx. 412 [1957] Botanical Enterprise of the Empire— P.R.C.I. xi. 271 [2011] Distribution of Plants— Ency. Brit. vii. 286 [22671 and Baker (J. G.) Ferns- Enoy. Beit, ix.- 100 [2269] INDEX OF AUTHORS. liii 8vo. 1787 462 No. in Catalogue. Eagle (Philip A.) Ride Across the Frontier of Victoria, 1870— Cassell, ii. [2252] Earl (G. Windsor) Voyages in the Eastern Seas, 1832-34. 8vo [4439] Voyages through the Moluccan Archipelago, 1825-26 8vo [2463] — Visit to Kisser, one of the Serawatti Group—J.R.G.S. xi. 108 ... [1871] — — North Australia and Neighbonriug Seas — J.R.G.S. xii. 13 [1872] Physical Structure of Islands Indian Archipelago— J. R.G.S. xv. 358 [1875] Aboriginal Tribes North Australia— J.R.G.S. xvi. 239 [1876] Enterprise in Tropical Australia. 8vo. 1846 [.5235] Papuan Races of the Indian Archipelago. 8vo. 1853 ... ... [4511] — Hand- Book for Colonists in Tropical Australia. 8to. 1863 ...[5237] Earle (Augustus) Residence in New Zealand in 1827. 8vo. [5407] Earp (G. Butler) The Gold Colonies of Australia. 12mo. 1852 [4930] Eastlake (Lady) Letters from the Shores of the Baltic. 12nio. 1846 ...[3253] Livonian Tales. 12mo. 1861 [32591 Eaton(F.A.)OnHauran— P.R.G.S. viii. 29 [1945] Eddy(C.W.)DistributionofCoalThroughouttheEmpire— P.R.C.I. iii. 167 [2003j Interests of the U. K. and the Colonies— P. R.C.I, vi. 3 [2006] Eden (Sir Ashley) : a Sketch, by J. Macdonald — Pillars of the Empire ... [1553] (Chas. H. ) An Australian Search Party — Cassell, v. and vi. [2255-56] My Wife and I in Queensland. 12mo. 1872 [.'i249] Australia's Heroes : Sketches of the Explorers. 12mo. 1876 ... [4766] The Fifth Continent (Australia) and Adjacent Islands. 12mo. 1876 [4767] The West Indies. 12mo. 1881 [6019] (Hon. EmUy) Portraits of the People and Princes of India. Folio... [3538] (Richard) Of the N.E. Frostie Seas, 1655 — Herbee.stein's Jtussia... [2122] Of the Newe Lands, Newe India, &c. — Arber [1320] (Lord Auckland) On Banishment to New Holland. Edgar (King) Voy.ige round England, 973 — Hakluyt, i. i Voyage to Jerusalem, 1102 — Hakluyt, ii. 11... Edge (T.) Northern Discoveries, 1553-1622 — Purchas, iii, Edmburgh (Duke of) Cruise of the "Galatea," 1867-68 Edmund and Edward (Princes) Travels to Hungar)', 1017- Edrisi, Description of Central Africa (12th cent.) — Murray, Africa, ii. 519 [1344] Analyse de — ^Lelewel, iii. [1172]; Murray, Africa, ii. 519 ... [1344] Edward (Prince) Voyage into Syi-ia, 1270— Hakluyt, ii. 36 [2062] Edwardes (Sir Herbert B.) A Year on the Punjab Frontier. 2 vols. 8vo. [3542] Edwards (Arthur) Voyage into Pereia, 1568— Hakluyt, i. 389 ... ... [2061] (Bryan) History of the West Indies. 2 vols. 4to. 1794 [5990] Another Edition. 6 vols. 8vo. Atlas, 4to. 1819 [5991] ■ (Edward) Post Office, Savings Banks, Telegraphs — Enoy. Brit. xix. [2279] (Sutherland) Russians at Home and Abroad. 2 vols. 12mo. 1879 [3268] (W. H.) Voyage up the River Amazon and Visit to Para. 12mo. 1847 [6118] Edwin (King) Conquest of Anglesey and Man, 624 — Hakluyt, i. 3 ... [2061] Egui (Bernard de) Islands discovered in the S. Seas, 1712 — Burney, v. 16 [2205] Eichthal (Gust.) Origines Buddhiqnes Civilisation Amerique [1319] Eisenberg (Peter) Notes on England, 1614 [2937] Eldershaw(F. E.) Australia as It Is. 1854— Pamp [5071] Eldred (John) Journey to Syria, Babylon, &c. 1583— Hakluyt, ii. 268 ... [2062] • -Letters from Bagdad and Bassorah, 1583 — Purchas, ii 1644 ... [2073] Elgin (Earl) Mission to China and Japan. 2 vols. 8vo. 1860 [3384] • Letters and Journals. 8vo. 1872 [2861] Elias (Ney) New Course of Yellow River, 1868— J.R.6.S. xl. 1 [1900] Joui-ney thro' W. Mongolia— J. R. G. S. xliii. 108 [1903] ; Cassell, v. [2255] ■ • Valley of the Shueli, W. Yunnan— J.R.G.S. xlvi. 198 [1906] Elkingtou (T.) Voyage to the E. Indies, 1613-15— Purchas, i. pt. iL 514 [2072] EUes (Major W. K.) Dahomey. 1877— Ency. Brit. vi. 764 [2266] Ellesmere (Earl) Presidential Addresses, 1854-55— J.R.G.S. xxiv. xsv. [1884-85] Elliot (Adm. Sir C.) Proposed Orinoco Expedition— P. R.G.S. i. 251 ... [1938] (Robert H.) Indian Famines and their Causes— P. R.C.I, ix. 2 ... [2009] (T. J.) The Land Question : Experience of Wilton House FaiTti. 8vo. [1586] Elliott (Capt. J. G.) Kwilu-Niadi Valley— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 656 ... [1965] (Comm. Robert) Views in India, China, and Red Sea. 4to. 1835... [3531] [4821] [2061] [2062] [2074] [2507] Hakluyt, i. 9 [2061] liv INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. Elliott (Sir Walter) Account of the Remains at Saluvan Kuppam. 1844... [3551] (Wm.) Horticulture — British Industrie.s [5164] Ellis (Capt. Henry) Voyage to Hudson's Bay, 1746-47. 8vo [2602] (Henry) Lord Amherst's Embassy to China. 4to. 1817 [3371] • (John) Note concerning Peru. 1593 — Pukchas, iv. 1416 [2075] ■ Voyage through Magellan's Strait, 1593— Purchas, iv. 1415 ... [2075] (W.)Narrativeof Cook's Third Voyage, 1776-80. 2 voLs. 8vo. ...[2371] (Rev. Wm. ) Tour through Hawaii, Sandwich Islands. 8vo. 1824... [4650] Polynesian Researches. 2 vols. 8vo. 1829 [4545] Vindication of South Sea Missions. 8vo. 1831 [6248] Evidence on Aborigines, House of Commons, 1837 ... ... ... [6251] ■ History of Madagascar. 2 vols. 8vo. 1838 ...[4382] History of the London Missionary Society. 8vo. 1844 ... ' ... [6254] Three Visits to Madagascar, 1853, 1854, and 1856. 8vo [4385] American Mission to the Sandwich Islands. 8vo. 1866 ... ... [4661] Ankova and the Royal Cities, Madagascar — P.R,G.S. x. 55 [1947] Madagascar Revisited. 8vo. 1867 [4389] The Martyr Church of Madagascar. 12mo. 1870 [4390] Life of William Ellis ; by his Son, John Eimeo Ellis. 8vo. 1873... [6282] . (Mrs.) The Island Queen, and the French at Tahiti. 12mo. 1846... [4567] ■ Madagascar: its Social and Religious Progress. 12mo. 1863 ... [4386] EUiston (W. Gore) Hobart Town Almanac, 1837-38. 12mo [5318] Elphinstone (Lord) Mission to Cabul, 1808— Murray, Asia, ii. 488 ... [1344] Account of the Kingdom of Caubul. 4to. 1815 [3671] Elton (C. I.) Primogeniture— Ency. Bbit. xix. 733 [2279] (John) Journey to Persia, 1743 — Murray, Asia, i. 348 [1344] — -(Capt. J. F.) Exploration of Limpopo— J. R.G.S. xlii. 1 [1902] East African Coast, South of Zanzibar— J. R.G.S. xliv. 227 [1904] Country between Dar Es Salaam and Kilwa — P.R.G.S. xix. 110 ... [190.5] Travels in Eastern and Central Africa. 8vo. 1879 ... ... ... [4138] Emery (Lieut.) Mombas and Neighbouring Coast— J. R.G.S. iii. 280 ... [1863] Empoli (Giovanni da) Viaggio fatto nell' India, 1503— Ramusio, i. 145 ... [2027] Encyclop.4:dia Britannica, Ninth edition. Vols. i. to xx. ... [2261-80] Enderby (Charles) Sabrina Land— P.R.G.S. ii. 171 [1939] Englemann (P. F.) Embassy to Persia, 1785 — Murray, Asia, iii. 400 ... [1344] English (Geo. B.)Ismael Pa.sha'sExped. to Dongola and Sennaar. 8vo. 1822 [3925] Erigen (John) Voyage to Athens, in 885 — Hakluyt ii. 5 [2062] Erman (Prof. A.) Note on Map of Kamtschatka— J.R.G.S. ix. 508 ... [1869] Erskine (Comm. J. E.) Journey over Darling Ranges, Sept. 1830 [4715] Proceedings at the South Sea Islands— J.R.G.S. xxi. 222 [1881] ■ Cruise among the Western Pacific Islands. 8vo. 1853 [2489] (St. V.) Exploration to Mouth of Limpopo— J.R.G.S. xxxix. 233. ... [1899] Umzila's Journey to S. E. Africa, 1871-72— J.R.G.S. xlv. 45. ... [1905] Two Journeys in Gaza Land, Mozambique — J.R.G.S. xlviii. 25 ... [1908] Escobar (P. F. A. de) Province of Vera Paz, Guatemala— J. R. G. S. xi. 89... [1841] Escott (T. H. S.) Pillars of the Empire : Sketches of Statesmen. 1879 ... [1553] Espejo (Ant. de) Voyage to New Mexico, 1582— Hakluyt, iii. 388-90 ... [2064] Esquemeling (Jos.) History of the Buccaneers of America. 18mo. 1810 [5986] See also BuRNEY, iv [2104] Essex (Earl of) Voyage to and taking of Cadiz — Purchas, iv. 1927 ... [2075] • Omissions of Caleg Voyage— Hakluyt Supp. 803 [2070] Voyage to the Azores, 1597— Purchas, iv. 1938 [2075] Estcourt (J. H. ) Slavery, Sovereignty, Secession, &c. 1863— Pamp. ... [5951] Estridge (H. Whatley) Six Years in Seychelles. Small 4to. 1885 ... [4420] Etheridge (Robert, jun. ) Catalogue of Australian Fossils. 8vo. 1878 ... [4770] (and Jack) Catalogue of Geological Works on Australia. 1S81 ... [4771] Ethersey (Lieut. R.) Bore in the Gulf of Cambay— J.R.G.S. viii. 196 ... [1868] Eustace (John Chetwode) Classical Tour through Italy. 1802. 4 vols. 8vo. [3124] Evans (A. J.) Herzegovina : Features, Population, &c.— Ency. Brit. xi. [2271] British Association Address, 1876— P. R.G.S. xxi. 66 [1958] Roumania; History, Statistics — Ency. Brit. xxi. 15 [2281] (Capt. Sir F. J.) Magnetism of the Earth— P.R.G.S. xxii. 188 ... [1957] INDEX OF AUTHORS. Iv Ifo. in Catalogue, Evans (G. W.) Chart of Van Diemen's Land. 1822 ... [5311] History and Description of V. D. Land. 8vo. 1824 [5313] (Rev. G. W. D, ) The Classic and Connoisseur in Italy. 3 vols. 8vo. [3130] (John) Excursion to Windsor. 12mo. 1827 [2971] (John, F.R.S.) Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons, 8vo. 1872 ... [2987] ^ (Morgan) Butter and Cheese — Brit. Industries [1573] Evelyn (John) Of Navigation and Commerce and Traffick. 12rao. 1674... [1417] Everard (R.) Sufferings upon the Coast of Madagascar — Churchill, vi. 257 [2086] Everett (G. H.) Homes and Farms in United States, 1882— Pamp. ... [5951] Evesham (John) Voyage to ^gypt, 1586— Hakluyt, ii. 281 [2062] Ewan (James) Geography of the Australian Colonies, 1854 — Pamp. ... [4971] Ewen (Will.) Labour, Pauperism, Crime, in Jamaica, 1877^Pamp. ... [6036] Eyre (E. J.) Expeditious Overland, Adelaide to Perth— J.R.G.S. xiii. 161 [1873] Expeditions into Central Australia, &c., 1840-41. 2 vols. 8vo. ... [4723] Lower Course of the Darling— J. R.G.S. XV. 327 .... [1875] Considerations against Interior Sea, Australia — J.R.G.S. xvi. 200 ... [1876] History of the Jamaica Case, by W, F. Finlason. 8vo. 1868 ... [6009] (Vincent) Military Operations at Cabul and Imprisonment. 12mo. 1843 [3674] Faber (ITlr.) Descr. Priecip. .par. Indiae Regionum et Ins.^DE Bry, G.V.vii. [2036] Fairfax's Hand-Book to Australasia. 12mo. 1859 [4964] Fairfield (Edward) The Colonial Office List. 12mo [1632] Falconer (T.) Through Texas & New Mexico, 1841-42— J.R.G.S. xiii. 199... [1873] Falkin (W.) Hosiery and Lace — Brit. Industries [1573] Fallon (J. T.) The Wines of Australia— P.R.C.I. vii. 297 [2007] Farewell (Lieut.) Plan for Settlement of Natal, 1824— Bannister ... [1453] Farini(G. A.) Journey through Kalahari Desert to Lake 'Ngami. 8vo. 1886 [4197] Farler (J. P.) The Usambara Countiy, E. Africa— P.R.G.S. (N.S.)i. 81 ... [I960] Native Routes to Masai Country, &c.— P.R,G.S. (N.S.) iv. 730 ... [1963] Farley (J. L.) Modern Turkey: Asia Minor, Syria, kc. 8vo. 1872 ... [3226] Farmer (Sarah) The Tonga and Friendly Islands Mission. 12mo. 1855... [4578] Farr (William) Census— Ency. Brit. v. 334 [2265] - — — Vital Statistics ; Population, Marriages, Births, Deaths, Life Tables. [1596] Farrer(J. A.) Zululandand theZulus; 12mo. 1879 [4326] Faucet (Chr. ) Travels to Per.sia— Hakluyt, i. [2061] ; Hakluyt Soc. ... [2184] Faunthoi-pe (J. P.) Geography of the British Colonies. 12mo. 1881 ... [1238] Fawcett (Right Hon. H.) Free Trade and Protection. 12mo. 1881 ... [1575] (John) Residence at the Cape of Good Hope, 1835-36 [4230] (M. G.) Communism— Ency. Brit. vi. 211 ... ' [2266] Fearon(H. B.) Journey through the E. and W. States of America. 8vo. 1818. [5898] Featherman (A.) Social History of the Nigritians. 8vo. 1885 [4068] Fedchenko (Prof.) The Zarafshan Valley, Bokhara— J. R.G.S. si. 448 ... [1900] Travels in Khokand, Upper Jaxartes, &c. — Cassell, v [2255] RuinsofSamarkand— P.R.G.S. XV. 392 [1952] Feilberg (C. A.) Colony of Queensland (Melb. Exhib. 1880)— Pamp. ... [5275] Feild (Bp. of Newfoundland) Visitations, 18i5- 53— Chiirch in Colonies ... [6257] Feilding (Major-Gen.) Trans-continental Railway [Queensland] — Pamp.... [4791] Felkin (R. W.) Journey to Victoria Nyanza— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) ii. 357 ... [1961] Uganda and the Egyptian Soudan. 2 vols. 12mo. 1881 [3934] Fellows (Charios) Discoveries in Asia Minor, 1838 and 1840. 2 vols. 4to. [3720] Fenner (Geo.) Voyage to Guinea, Cape Verde Is., 1566— Hakl. ii. pt. ii. 57 [2063] Fenton (E.) and L. Ward, Voyage to Brazil, &c., 1582— Burney, ii. 45... [2102] (F. D.) Origin and Migrations of the Maori, 1885— Pamp [5606] (James) History of Tasmania. 8vo. 1884 [5356] Fergusson (Adam) Visit to U. S. and Canada in 1831— Pamp [5770] Agricultural State of Canada, &c., 1832— Pamp [5770] (James) Rock Cut Temples of India. Folio. 1845 [1117] Text and Plans to " Rock Cut Temples." 8vo. 1845 [1117] Ancient Topography of Jerusalem, &c. 4to. 1847 [1117] Illustrations of Ancient Architecture in Hindostan. Folio. 1847... [1117] Essay on Fortification. 4to. 1849 [1117] True Principles of Beauty in Art and Architecture 4to. 1849 ... [1117] Palaces of Nineveh and Persepolis Restored. 8vo. 1851 [1117] vi INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogiie. Fergusson (James) The Peril of Portsmouth, 1853— Pamp [1117] Portsmouth Protected, 1856— Pamp ' ... [1117] The Suez Canal {Edin. JRev. Jan. 1858)— Essays [1117] Indian Chronology ; Our Indian Empire (1858), &c. — Essays ... [1117] Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Restored. 4to. 1862 [1117] Tho Holy Sepulchre, and the Temple at Jerusalem. 8to. 1862 ... [1117] Recent Changes in the Ganges Delta, 1863 — Essays [1117] On the Study of Indian Architecture, 1867— Pamp [1117] Description of the Amravati Tope, 1867— Pamp [1117] Rude Stone Monuments in All Countries. 8vo. 1872 [1117] Brochs and Rude Stone Monuments of the Orkneys. 8vo. 1877 ... [1117] Tree and Serpent Wor.ship in India. Folio. 1873 [1117] Cave Temples of India. 4to. 1880 [1117] History of Architecture. 4 vols. 8vo. 1874-76 [1117] Temples of the Jews and other Buildings at Jerusalem. 4to. 1878... [1117] Essays and Pamphlets. Bound in 3 vols. 8vo. 1849-67 [1117] (Wm., M.D.) Recollections of a Professional Life. 8to [1117] Fernandez de Quiros — see "Quiros." Fernandez (Juan) Voyages in South Sea, 1567-1576 — Dalkymple, i. ... [2096] — — Discovery of " Juan Fernandez " — Bukney, i. 274 [2101] Fernandez de Velasco (Juan) Visit to England, 1604 [2937] Field (Barron) Geographical Memoirs on New South Wales. 8vo. 1825... [4710] Finati (Giovanni) Pilgrimage to Mecca, 1814 — Appendix to Burton ... [3845] Finch (John) On Natural Boundaries of Emj)ires. 12mo. 1844 [1485] (R.) Letter on Voyage to Pechora, 1611— Pprohas, iii. 534 [2074] (W.) Observations on Sierra Leone, &c. — Purchas, i. pt. ii. 414 ... [2072] Finoh-Hatton (Hon. Harold) Advance Australia. 8vo. 1885 ■•• ••■ [5046] Findlay (A. G.) Probable Sources of the Nile— P.R.G.S. xi. 232 [1948] On the Gulf Stream— P. R.G.S. xiii. 102 ... ...[1950] Oceanic Cunents and tho C. American Canal— -J.R.G.S. xxiii. 217 ... [1883] Probable Course of Franklin— J. R.G.S. xxvi. 26 ; P.R.G.S. i. 21 [1886, &c.] Living.stone's Journey to White Nile— J.R.G.S. xxxvii. 193 [1897] Fine (Oronce) Sphsera Mnndi, &c. De Speculo ustorio. 4to. 1551 ... [1281] Finlason (W. F.) Histoiy of the Jamaica Case. 8vo. 1868 [6009] Finn (James) Sephardim ; or, the Jews in Spain and Portugal. 12mo. 1841 [3034] Finsch (Otto) Beitrag zur Fauna Centralpolynesiens. 8vo. 1867 ... [1668] Die Papageien Monographisch Bearbeitet. 3 vols. 8vo. 1867-68... [1668] Fischer (F. A.) Travels in Spain, 1797-98. 8vo [3024] . (Dr.) Journey in Masai Country— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 76 [1965] Fisher (Alex.) Arctic Voyage in the "Alexander." 8vo. 1819 [2618] Arctic Voyage in the " Hecla " and "Griper," 1819-20. 8vo. ... [2626] (R. ) Voyage of " Marigold " to Cape Breton, 1593— Hakluyt, iii. 191 [2064] Fison (Lorimer) Kamilaroi and Kurnai : Australian Tribes. 8vo. 1880... [4806] Fitch (R.) Travels to E. Indies, 1583— Hakl. ii. 250 [2062]; PuKCH. ii. 1730 [2073] Fitton (E. B.) New Zealand ; its Prospects and Resources. i2mo. 1856 [5471] - — (W. H. ) Geology of Australia. — Appendix to Kino's Voyages ... [4711] Fitzgerald (Gov.) Exped. to Murchison River, W. A.— J.R.G.S. xxu. 71 ... [1882] (J. E.) Vancouver I. Hudson Bay Co. and Government, 1848 — Pamp. [5841] (and others) Canterbury [N. Z.] Rhymes. 12rao. 1883 [5562] (J. F. L. Foster) The Colony of Victoria. 12mo. 1851 [5100] Australia. 12mo. 1881 [5030] (Percy) the Great Canal at Suez. 2 vols. 8vo. 1876 [3899] (R.D.) Australian Orchids. Folio [1754] Fitzgibbon (Mary) A Trip to Manitoba, 1880— Pamp [5821] Fitz-Herbert (Capt. H. ) Description of Banda, 1621— Pukchas, i. pt. ii. 697 [2072] Fitzroy (Adm. R.) Abrolhos Bank, Coast of Brazil— J.R.G.S. ii. 315 ... [1862] Voyages of the "Adventure " and " Beagle "—J.R.G.S. v. 311 ... [1866] Attempt to Ascend Santa Cruz River — J.R.G.S. vii. 114 [1867] Mt. Aconcagua, in Chili— J.R.G.S. vii. 143 [1867] Voyage of the "Beagle." 2 vols. 8vo. 1839 [2459] Remarks on New Zealand in February, 1846. 8vo. 1846 [5438] Isthmus of Central America- J.R.G.S. xx. 161 ; xxiii. 171 ... [1880, 83] and Eaper (Heniy) Hints to Travellers— J. R.G.S. xxiv. 328 [1854] INDEX OF AUTHORS. Ivii 1699 ... [6041] ... [2132] ... [3257] ... [6122] ... [1507] 4to.... [2352] .. [2425] 1819... [60731 No. in Catalogue. Flanagan (Roderick) History of New South Wales. 2 vols. 8vo. 1862 [4973] Fleming (G.) Travels in MantolmTartary. Royal 8 vo. 1863 [3334] (P.) Financial Condition of N. Z.— The Bubble Barsted,1879— Pamp. [.5606] (Sir Sandford) Canada, its Undeveloped Interior— P. R.C.I, ix. 225... [2009] Flemyng (Rov. F. P.) Mauritius ; or, the Isle of France. 12mo. 1860 ... [4415] Fletcher (Andrew) Defence of Scots Settlement at Darien. 8vo. (Giles) Of the Russian Commonwealth, 1591 — Hakluyt Soc. (James) History of Poland. 8vo. 1831 (J. C.) Brazil and the Brazilians. 8vo. 1857 ■ (Robert) England and her Colonies. 12mo. 1857 Flenrieu (C. P. C.) French Discoveries in the South Seas, 1768-69. Flinders (Matthew) Voyages. Imp. 4to. (L. P.) and Atlas 3 vols. Flinter (Major George) History of Revolution in Caraccas. 8vo. Floris (P.) Voyages to East Indies, Siam, &e., 1610-15— PuBCHAs, i. ii, 319 [2072] — — Relation de Floris Villiamson — Thevenot, i. 17 .. [2077] Flower (W. H.) Horse ; Kangaroo ; Lemur ; Lion ; Llama ; Mammalia ; Marten ; Otter; Platypus; Rhinoceros — Ency. Beit, xii.-xx ... [2272-80] Floyd, Journal of Phipps' Voy. toward.s N. Pole, 1773 — Nohthward Ho ! [2713] Floyer (E. A.) Mekran Route from Jask to Bampur — J.R.G.S. xlvii. 188... [1907] Unexplored Baluchistan ; Mekran, Bashakird, &c. 8vo. 1882 ... [3685] Foigni (Gabriel) Aventures de Jacques Sadeur. 18mo. 1692,1732... [4813-14] Engl, transl. Terra Incognita Australis. 18mo. 1693 [4815] FoUada, Voyage from the Jloluccas to Europe, 1667 — Bukhey, iii. 269 ... [2103] Fonblanque (John) Revised Oj)inion on Baron de Bode's Case, 1834— Pamp. [1636] Fonseca (J. N. de) The City of Goa. 8vo. 1878 [3575] Fonte (Bartholomew) Voyage to the S. Sea, 1640— BtmNET, iii. 148 ... [2103] Forbes (Chas.) Physical Geogrivphy Vancouver I. — J.R.G.S. xxxiv. 154 ... [1894] Vancouver I. ; its Resources and Capabilities, 1862 — Pamp [5841] (Coram. C. S.) Volcano Bay, Yesso— J. R.G.S.xxxvi. 173 [1896] (C. J. F. S.) British Burma and its People. ]2mo. 1878 [3495] Languages of Further India, &c. 12mo. 1881 [3498] (David) Geology of Bolivia and Southern Peru, 1861- Pamp. ... [6206] (Dr. F.) Sinjar Hills and the Yezidis, &c.— J.R.G.S. ix. 409 [1869] Khorasan : Turbat Haideri to Sistaii — J.R.G.S. xiv. 145 [1874] (Lt. F. E.) The African Blockade, April to Oct., 1848. 12mo. 1849 [4038] Vei Language and Vocabulaiy— J.R.G.S. XX. 89 [1880] Dahomey and the Dahomans. 2 vols. 8vo. 1851 [4041] Iceland ; its Volcanoes, Geysers, and Glaciers. 12mo. 1860 ... [2922] (H. O.) Cocos or Keeling Islands— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) i. 777 [1960] Oporto and its Industries — -Ency. Bkit. xvii. 795 [2277] The Tenimber Islands, 1884— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 113 [1965] Naturalist's Wanderings in the Eastern Archipelago. 8vo. 1885 ... [4457] (James) Oriental Memoirs. 2 vols. 8vo. 1834 [3526] Recent Disturbances in Ceylon, 1850 — Pamp [3652] (Litton) Two Years in Fiji. 12mo. 1875 [5627] Navigators Islands— P. R.G.S. xxi. 140 [1958] Ford (Richard) Gatherings in Spain. 12mo. 1861 [3037] Forester (Thomas) Rambles in Corsica and Sardinia. Roy. 8vo. 1858 ... [3111] Fomander (A.) Account of the Polynesian Race. 3 vols. 8vo. 1878-81... [4622] Forrest (Alex.) Exped. in S. W. Australia, 1871— J.R.G.S. xlii. 388 ... [1902] (John) Search for Leichhardt's Party— P.R.G.S. xv. 190 [1952] Explorations in Australia. 8vo. [4762] ; J.R.G.S. xli. 361; xlv. 249 [1901, 5] (Capt. Thomas) Voyage to New Guinea, Moluccas, &c., 1774-76. 4to. [2386] Forschammer (P. W.) Topography of Troy— J.R.G.S. xii. 28 [1872] Forster (Anthony) South Australia, its Progress and Prosperity. 1866 ... [5201] (Rev. C.) Historical Geography of Arabia. 2 vols. 8vo. 1844 ...[3844] One Primeval Language. 2 vols. 8vo. 1851 [3844] (J. R.) Philosophical Observations on the South Sea Islands. 4to. ... [2366] Characteres Generum Plantarum, Ins. Mar. Aust. 4to. 1776 ... [1721] (George) Voyage Round the World [with Cook], 1772-75. 2 vols. 4to. [2365] Letter to tho Earl of Sandwich. 4to. 1778 [2367] Autograph Letter to Sir Joseph Banks ... [2367] Joiirney, Lahore to Herat, 1793 — Mubeay, Asia, ii. 480 [1344] Iviii INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. Forster (Rev. T. H.) Voyage to Tasmania, 1844, and Itinerary. 1850 [5375 ; 6257] . (William, N.S.W.) Fallacies of Federation— P. B.C. I. viii. 79 ,.. [2008] Political Presentments, 1878. 12mo [1551] Information for Australian Emigrants, 1879 — Pamp. ... ... ... [5071] (W. E.) Imperial Federation (from the Nineteenth Century), 1885... [1636] Forsyth's (Sir D.) Mission to Kashgar — Cas.sell, vi. [2256] Mission to Kashgar— P.Ii.G.S. xviii. 414 [1955] Buried Cities of the Desert of Gobi— J. R. G. S. xl vii. 1 [1907] . Geog. Results of the Mission to Kashgar— J.R.G.S. xlviii. 173 ... [1908] Central Asian Lakes — Prejeyalsky's Kiilja [3340] Yarkand Expedition, 1870, by Henderson and Hume. 8vo. ... [3337] (JoseiA) Italy in 1802 and 1803. 8vo [3123] Fortis (Abbe Alberto) IVavels in Dalmatia, &c. 4to. 1778 [3190] Fortune (Robert) Three Years in Northern Provinces of China. 8vo. 1847 [3377] Two Visits to the Tea Countries of China. 2 vols. 12mo. 1853 ... [3378] Residence among the Chinese (Third Visit, 1853-56). 8vo. 1857 [3379] Yedo and Peking, Visits to Capitals of Japan and China. 8vo. 1863 [3438] Foster (Birket) Pictures of English Landscape. 4to. 1863 [2982] (C. le Neve) Journey up the Orinoco. 1869— Cassell, i [2251] ■ (P. le Neve) Photogiaphy — Brit. Industries [1573] '- (J, 6.) Agi-icultural Prospects of New Zealand, 1880— Pamp. ... [5606] . (Nicholas) Late Horrid Rebellion in Barbados. 1650. Pamp. ... [6036] Fotherbye, Voyages of Discovery to the N. 1614-15 — Puechas, iii. 720 [2074] Fowler (Frank) Southern Lights and Shadows [in Australia]. 12mo. 1859. [4962] Fowles (Joseph) Sydney in 1848. 4to [4912] Fox (Capt. Luke) Voyage towards the N.W. 1631— Hakluyt Soc. ... [2117] (Sir W.) Six Colonies (Provinces) of New Zealand. 18mo. 1851 ... [5455] The War in New Zealand. 12mo. 1866 [5497] NewZealand(1876)— P.R.C.L vii. 247 [2007] . and others, Rotorua and the Thermal Springs. 4to. 1882... ... [5552] (Lady) Illustrations to Wakefield's Adventure in N.Z. 1845 ... [5432] Foxall (E. W.) Financial Statements: Official Hist. N. S. Wales. 1883 [5043] Foxe (J.) Voyages to Gibraltar, 1563, Alexandria, 1577— Hakluyt, ii. 131 [2062] Fracastoro, Risposta sopra U detto crescimento del Nilo — Ramusio, i. 264 [2027] Franc (Maude Jeanne) Tales of South Australian Life. 9 vols. 12mo. ... [5208] France (M. A. de) Prisoners of Abd-el-Kader. 1836 [3989] Francis (Francis) Angling — Ency. Brit. ii. 32 [2262] Francisco de los Santos' Description of the Escurial. 4to. 1760... ... [3021] Francisco (Joao) Journey to Caemdo, 1841 — J.R.G.S. xxx, 161 [1891] Franklin (James) Present State of Hayti (Saint Domingo). 12mo. 1828 [5998] (Sir John) Voyage to Polar Seas, 1819-22. 4to [2620] ■ Second Expedition to Polar Seas, 1825-27. 4to [2620] ■ Search Expeditions. See pp. 109 to 111. Discovery of his Fate, &c. by Sir Leopold MeClintock. 8vo. 1859 [2684] (Lady) Letter on Polar Expedition— P.R.G.S. ix. 148 [1895] Franklyn (H. Mortimer) Glance at Australia in 1880. 8vo [5032] Fraser (Rev. Donald) Canada as I remember It— P.R.C.L viii. 45 [2008] (H. A.) The Slave Trade on the East Coast of Africa, 1872— Pamp. [4156] (J. Baillie) Northern Khorasan— J. R.G.S. viii. 809 [1868] Journey from Constantinople to Tehran, 1833. 2 vols. 8vo. ... [3704] • and Fuilong (Capts.) Across Isthmus of Kraw — P.R.G.S. vii 58 ... [1944] Frederick (Duke of Wirtemberg) Excursion to England, 1592 ... ... [2937] Freeling and Hack, E.xplorations South Australia— P.R.G.S. iL 185 ... [1939] ■ (Sir Sanford) : a Sketch— Pillars of the Empire. 12mo. 1879 ... [1553] Freeman (E. A.) Historical Geography of Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. 1881... [1237] Some Impressions of the United States. 12mo. 1883 ... ... [5935] The Normans and Normandy — Ency. Brit. xvii. 538 [2277] Palermo: History, &c. — Ency. Brit, xviii. 169 [2278] (F.) A Plea for Africa. 12mo. 1838 [4031] (J. J.) Missionary Visits to Ashantee, Dahome, &c. 12mo [4034] The Kaffir War : A Letter to Earl Grey, 1851— Pamp [4298] — — (and D. Johns) the Persecution in Madagascar. 12ino. 1840 ... [4383] Frejus (Sieur) Voyage to Mauritania, 1666. 18mo [3976] \ INDEX OF AUTHORS. lix No. in Catalogue. Fremont (Capt. J. C.) The Rocky Mountain Expeditions, 1842-44. 8vo... [5908] French (Bishop of Lahore) a Sketch— Pillars of the Empire. 12mo. 1879 [1553] (J. O.) Argentine Province of Rioja, 1826-28— J.R.G.S. ix. 381 ... [1869] Frere (Sir Bartle) : a Sketch— Escott's Pillars of the Empire. 12mo. 1879 [1553] Notes on the Ruun of Cutch— J.R.G.S. xl. 181 [1900] Pandurang Had : Memoir of a Hindoo. 2 vols. 12mo. 1873 ... [3555] ZanzibarandEast Coast of Afriea—P.R.G.S. xvii. 343 [1954] Eastern Africa, a Field for Missionary Labour. 12ino. 1874. ... [4130] Bengal Famines and How to Prevent Them. 12mo. 1874 [3556] Indian Missions. 12mo. 1874 [3560] Presidential Address, 1874— J.R.G.S. xliv [1904] Speech at Banquet, Cape Town, June 11, 1879— Pamp [4298] Correspondence Relating to his Recall, 1880— Pamp [4298] ■ Afghani-stan and South Africa, 1881— Pamp [1636] ■ Union of Various Portions of South Africa— P. R.C.L xiL 134 ... [2012] On Temperate South Afriea—P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iii. 1 [1962] (Miss) Old Deccan Days : Legeuds of Southern India. 12mo. 1870 [3552] -,T.R.G.S. xxxix. 50 1869. Freshfield (Douglas W.) Journey in the Caucasus- • IVavels in the Caucasus and Bashan. 8vo, The Caucasus — Cassell, ii Giant Cities of Bashan — Ca.ssell, iii. ... The Engadine — Ency. Brit. viii. 213 ■ The Grisons — Ency. Bkit. xi. 204 • Recent Russian Travels in the Caucasus — P.R.G.S. (K,S.) vii. 597 Further Motes on Mt. Everest— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 176 ... • The Alpine Pass of Hannibal— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 638 :.. The Place of Geography in Education— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 698 Freycinet (Louis) and Peron (F.) Voyage aux Torres Australes, 1800-4 Frezier, Relation du Voyage de La Mer du Sud, 1712-14. 12mo Voyage to the South Sea, Chili, Peru, &c. 4to. Friedrichsthal (C. E.) L. Nicaragua and Chontales — J.R.G.S. xi. 97 Friend (C.) Bay of Atrato to Bay of Cupica, 1827— J.R.G.S. xxiii. 191 Frobisher (Martin) Voyages in Search of N.W. Passage — Hakluyt Soc On the Voyages of, by Comm. Becher — J.R.G.S. xii. 1 Froger, Voyage to the Coasts of Africa, 1695-97 — Harley, ii. 685 [1899] .. [3275] ... [2252] ... [2253] ... [2268] ... [2271] ... [1966] ... [1967] ... [1967] ... [1967] [2423-24] [2330] [2330] [1871] [1853] [2150] [1872] [2088] Frome (C. E.) Country E. of Flinders' Range, S. Aust.— J.R.G.S. xiv. 283 [1874] Frost (John) History of the United States. 12mo. 1838 [5903] Froude (J. A.) Two Lectures on South Africa. 8vo. 1880 [4270] Oceana ; or, England and her Colonies. 8vo. 1885... ... ... [5048] Fry (Rev. H. P.) Apostolic Ministry and Tradition of Church. 8vo. ... [4886] Penal Discipline in Van Diemeu's Land. 8vo. 1850 [5330] Fryer (John) East India and Persia : Nine Years' Travels, 1672-81. Folio [3702] Fuca (Juan de) Voyage to N. W. Coast of America — Burney, ii. 110 ... [2102] Fuente (Don. M. B.) Province of Tarapaoa, Peru— J.R.G.S. xxvi. 229 ... [1886] Fuentes(M. A.) Lima: Sketches of Pern. Imperial 8vo. 1866 [6193] Fulcherius Carnotensis, Acts of Pilgrimes, 1095-1124— Purohas, ii. 1201 [2073] Fuller (Francis) Five Years' Residence in New Zealand. 12mo. 1859 ... [5479] Funnell (W.) Voyage to the E. Indies, 1703-6— Dampiee, &c. iv. ... [2326] Furneaux (Capt.) Voyage Round the World — Cook's Second Voyage ... [2356] Fyfe(L. R.) and Sinclair (A. C.) Hand-Book of Jamaica. 8vo [6023] Fynney (F. B.) Economic Features of the Transvaal— J.R.G.S. xlviii. 16... [1908] Fytche (Lieut.-Gen.) Burma, Past and Present. 2 vols. 8vo. 1878 ... [3496] G (K. E.) Muscinese (Liverworts and Mosses) — Ency. Brit. xvii. 65 [2277] G (R. B.) Bible Societies, 1875- Ency. Bkit. iii. 649 ... [2263] Gaetan (Juan) Disoopr. dell' Isole Molucchq, 1542-45 — Ramusio, i. 375 ... [2027] Gages CThomaa) Relation du Mexique — Thevenot, ii. No. 49 [2078] Gairdner (Dr.) Geography of Columbia River— J.R.G.S. xi. 250 [1871] Gains and Justinian's Institutes — Hunter's Roman Law .. [1407] Galindo (Col. Don Juan) River Usaminta, Guatemala — J.R.G.S. iii. 59 ... [1863] Notice of the Caribs in Central America— J.R.G.S. iii. 290 [1863] Eruption of Cosiguina, Nicaragua— J.R.G.S. V. 387 [1865] On Central America— J.R.G.S. vi. 119 [1866] Ix INDEX OF AUTHOES. No. in Catalogue. Galineo (Abreu de) History of the Canary Islands, 1632. 4to [4015] Gall (James) Who's Who 1 and What's What in Jamaica, 1879-80. 18mo. [6017] Gallenga (A.) South American Roimblics. 8vo. 1880 [6198] Galletly (A.) Coal— Beit. Industkies [1573] Galloway (J. A.) Proposed Ship Canal and Eailroad, Suez, 1844— Pamp.... [3918] Gait (Sir Alex.) Future of the Dominion of Canada— P. R. C.I. xii. 88 ; and [5770] Relations of the Colonies to the Empire— P.R. C.I. xiv. 391 [2014] (John) Information on the Canadas. 12mo. 1836 [5704] Galton (Francis) Exped. to Interior of South Africa— J. R.G.S. xxii. 140... [1882] Tropical South Africa. 12mo. 1853 [4175] Outfit for an Explorer— J.R.G.S. xxiv. 345 ■ ...[1884] OnExploratiouof Arid Countries— P.R. G.S. ii. 60 [1939] Sun Signals— P. R.G.S. iv. 14 [1941] Hints to Travellers (revised)— J.R.G.S. xxxiv [1894] Stereo. Maps from Models of Mountns. Countries — J.B.G.S. xxxv. 99 [1895] Hints to Travellers (third editiou)—P.R.G.S. xvi [1953] The Art of Travel. 12mo. 1876 [1298] Constrctn. of Isochrouic Passage-Charts— P. R. G. S. (N.S.)iii. 657 ... [1962] Galvano's Diiicoveries of the World — Supplement to Hakluyt [2070] PuECHAs, ii. 1671 [2073] ; Haeley, ii. 353 [2088] ; Clarke, App.... [1340] Revised "Translation, with Portuguese Text — Hakluyt Soc [2142] Gama (Vasco di) Navigatione dal C. Buona Speranza — Ramusio, i. 119 ... [2027] Second Voyage ; Calcoen (Dutcli Narrative). Small 4to [2308] Three Voyages, 1498-1515, ti-ansl. from Correa — Hakluyt Soc. xlii. [2155] Lusiads of Camoens, transl. by Burton [1378] Gamitto, Journey to Cazembe, 1831, by Dr. Beke. Svo [4112] Gane (Douglas M.) New South Wales and Victoria in 1885. 12mo. ... [5050] Gannett (Henry) Idaho ; Indians ; Indian Territory — Ency. Beit. xii. ... [2272] Garcilasso de la Vega, Commentaries of the Yncas. 2 v. — Hakluyt Soo. [2153-54] Garden (Mrs. M. G. Hogg) Trip to Livonia and Back — CA8SELL,vi. ... [2256] — (R. J.) Description of Diarbekr— J. R. G.S. xxxvii. 182 [1897] Gardiner (Comm. Allen F.) The Friend of Australia. 8vo. 1830. ...[4712] Journey to the Zoolu Country in 1835. 8vo [4310] A Visit to the Indians on the Frontiers of Chili. 12mo. 1841. ... [6212] • ■ Story of ; with Sketches of Missionary Work, S. America. 12mo. ... [6223] Gardner (C. J.) Journey, Ningpo to Shanghi— P.R.G.S. xiii, 170 [1950] (Samuel) Gipsies in Moldavia -P. R.G.S. i. 37 [1938] (W.J.) History of Jamaica. 8vo. 1873 [6014] Garnett (W.) Energy ; Evaporation, &c.— Ency. Beit. viii. 205, 727 ... [2268] Gainier (Jules) La Nouvelle Caledonio. 12mo. 1871 [4596] English 'Transl. : Some Account of New Caledonia — Cassell, iii. ... [2253] Garran (A.) New South Wales (1884)— Ency. Bnm xvii. 407 [2277] Garraway (D. G.) The Insurrection in Grenada, 1795— Pamp [6036] Gason (S.) Dieyerie Tribe — Wood's South Australian Tribes [4805] Gassiott(H.)NotesonSouth Africa— J.R.G.S. xxii. 136 [1882] Gates (Sir Thos.) Wreck upon the Bermudas, 1610— Puechas, iv. 1734 ... [2075] Gatheral (G.) Angora Goat and its Acclimatisation— P.R. C.I. ix. 326 ... [2009] Gatonbe (J.) Voyage into the N. W. Passage — Chuechill, vi. 241 ... [2086] Gausseron (H.) France ; Geography, Statistics, &c. — Ency. Beit. ix. 505... [2269] Geare (Allen) Preservation of Nine Men, 1707— Haeley, ii. 787 [2088] Geary (Grattan) Through Asiatic Turkey. 2 vols. 12mo. 1878 [3739] Geddes (Patrick) Insectivorous Plants — Ency. Beit. xiii. 134 [2273] Parasitism (Animal) — Ency Beit, xviii. 250 [2278] Protoplasm ; Reproduction (Animal)— Ency. Beit. xix. xx. ... [2279-80] Geekie (A. C.) Christian Missions to Wrong Places, &c. 12mo. 1871 ... [6277] Gehuchte (A. Van de) Latitudes, &c. Guatemala— J. R. G. S. x.xviii. 359 ... [1888] Geikie (Prof. Arch.) Geographical Evolution— P. E.G. S. (N.S.) i. 422 ... [1960] Geology and Palaeontology— Ency. Beit. x. 212, 375 [2270] Gell(SirWm.)Pompeiana: Excavation since 1819. 2 vols. 8vo. 1835... [3129] Topography of Rome and its Vicinity. 8vo. 1846 [3133] Gennes (De) Voyage to Straits of MageUan, Brazil, &c. 1695-97. 12mo. ... [2324] Voyage— Haeley, ii. 585 [2088] ; Bubney, iv. 339 [2104] Geogkaphical (Royal) Society's Journal and Prooeedings ... [1861-1967] INDEX OF AUTHORS. Ixi George (Staff-Corn.) On the Projection of Routes — -T.R.G.S. xxxiv, Note on Height of Victoria Nyanza — P.R.G.S. xx. 159 (Henry) Progress and Poverty. 12mo. 1884 Social Problems. 12mo. 1885 Protection or Free Trade. 12ino. 1886 No. in Catalogue. 296 ... [1894 [1957 [1585 [1585 ... [1585' Georgewitz (Barth.) Directions for the Holy Land — MuEBAY, j4sm!, iii. 117 [1344 Gerbor (H.) Province of Miiias Geraes, Brazil— J. E.G. S. xliv. 262 [1904^ Gerbillon, Journey, Pckin to Chinese Tartary — Mukray, Asia, i. 459 ... [1344 Gerstaecker (Frederick) Jouniey Round the World. 3 vols. 12mo. 1853 [2491' Geseuius (Prof.) Himyaritio Alphabetand luscriptions — J.R.G.S. xL 118... [1871 Gesner (Abr.) New Brunswick. 8vo. 1847 [5777' Gessi, Circumuavign. of Albert Nyanza — P.R.G.S. xx. 470 ; xxi. 50 [1957-58' Ghose (Lalmohun) The Natives and Government of India, 1S79 — Pamp.... [3626 Gibbons (Serg.) Kinnau, Jebal, and Khorasan, 1831-32— J.R.GtS. xi. 136 [1871' Gibson (Alex.) Libel and Slander — Ency. Bbit. xiv. 505 [2274 History of Norway — Ency. Brit. xvii. 583 [2277' — — • (Walter M.) The Prison of Weltevreden and Indian Archipel. 12mo... [4449 (John) Butterflies and Moths ; Camel ; Cattle ; Coleoptera ; Dog ; Elephant ; Frog ; Hippopotamus ; Hyena — Ency. Brit. [2264, &c.] Giffen (R.) E.ssays in Finance, War, Taxation, Depression, &c. 8vo. 1880 [1557] Gifford (Rev. A.) The Labrador Mission, 1850 — Church in t!ie Colonies ... [6257] Gilbert (Sir Humfrey) On a North- West Passage — Hakluyt, iii. 11 ... [2064] Voyage to Newfoundland, 15S3— Hakluyt, iii. 143 [2064] (Thomas) Voyage from New South Wales to Canton, 1788. 4to. ... [2393] (Rev. T.) N. Zealand Settlers and Soldiers in Taranaki. 12mo. 1860 [5481] Gilbery's Travels in Western Africa, 1785-87. 2 vols. 12mo. 1808 ...[4016] Gilder (W. H.)Scbwatka's Search: Sledging in the Arctic. 8vo. 1882... [2724] Giles (Ernest) Discoveries in C. Australia — Cassell, vi [2256] Geographic Travels in C. Australia, 1872-74. 8vo. 1875 [4764] Journal of a Forgotten Expedition (1875), 1880— Pamp [4791] Expeditions W. Aust.-^T. E.G. S.xlvii. 328 [1907] (J. A.) Paper on Central Australia — Harcus's S. Australia [5205] Gill (C. Haughton) Sugar Refining — British Industries [1573] (David) Parallax— Ency. Brit, xviii. 245 [2278] (James) Guide to the S. African Diamond Fields, 1870— Pamp. ... [4365] (Mrs.) Six Months in Ascension. 12mo. 1878 [4083] (Thomas) Bibliography of South Australia. 8vo. 1886 [6344] (Rev. Wm.) Gems from the Coral Islands. 8vo. 1856 [4580] (W. Wyatt) Three Visits to N. Guinea— J.R.G.S. xliv. 15 [1904] ■ Ascent of the Mist Peak, Rarotonga — Cassell, v [2255] Tragedy of Mitiaro, S. Sea Is. — Cassell, vi [2256] Life in the Southem Isles. 12mo. 1876 [4606] ■ Myths and Songs of the South Pacific. 12mo. 1876 [4605] Historical Sketches of Savage Life in Polynesia. 8vo. 1880 ...[4613] (and Chalmers) Mission to New Guinea. 12mo. 1885 [4522] — (Capt. W.) The River of Golden Sand. 2 vols. 8vo. 1880 [3395] Another Edition : Condensed bv Baber and edited by Yule. 12mo. [3396] Western China and Borders of Tibet— J. R. G. S. xlviii. 57 [1908] Gillespie (Alex.) Residence at Buenos Ayres, &c. 8vo. 1818 [6152] Gillmore (Parker) The Great Thirst Land. 8vo. 1878 [4324] Territories adjacent to Kalahari Desert — P. R.C.I, xiv. 125 [2014] Gilmour (Rev. James) Among the Mongols. 12mo. 1885 [3342] Gilpin (Rev. Wm.) Forest Scenery and Views in Hampshire. 2 vols. 8vo. [2961] Giraud (Victor) Lake Region C. Africa— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 332, 603 ... [1966] Gisborne (L.) Survey of the Isthmus of Darien— J.R.G.S. xxvii. 191 ... [1887] (T.) Address to Electors of North Derbyshire, 1834— Pamp [1636] (William) Official Hand-Book of New Zealand. 8vo. 1884 ...[5568] New Zealand in 1884— Ency. Brit. xvii. 466 [2277] Gissing (C. E.) Journey from Mombaza— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 551 [1965] Giustinian,FourYearsattheCourtofHemy VIII., 1515-19. 2vols. 12mo. [2930] Gladstone (George) A Visit to Upper Silesia — Cassell, iv [2254] Cracow and the Salt Mines of Wieliczka — Cassell, V. [2255] (Rt. Hon. W. E.) Financial Statements. 1853-65 8vo [1520] Ixii INDEX OF AUTHORS. Ko. in Catalogi'.c. Glaisher (James) Aeronautics— Enct. Beit. i. 187-207 [2261] Glanville (T. B.) South Africa— P.11.C.I. vi. 155 [2006] Abroad [South Africa] and at Home. 12mo [4263] Glas, History of the Canary Islands. 4to. 1764 [4015] Glazier (Willard) Source of the Mississippi— P.R.G.S. (If.S.) vii. 23 ... [1966] Gleig (Rev. G. R.) Life of Sir Thomas Munro. Abridged. 12ino. 1861 [3529] Sale's Brigade in Afghanistan. 12mo [3675] Gloucester (Duke of) Voyage into Prussia, 1391 — HAKLtrrT, i. 123 ... [2061] Glover (Sir J.) Country between the Volta andXigcr— P.R.G.S. xviii. 286 [1955] Goad (J. W.) Wheeler's Explorations in New Mexico— P. R.G.S. xxii. 272 [1959] — Wheeler's Survey of Oregon, 1878— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) i. 694 [1960] Gobat (Bishop D. ) Three Years' Residence in Abyssinia. 12mo. 1847... [3952] Gobien (P. Charles Le) Isles Marianes et des Missionnaires, 1700. 12mo. [4536] History of the New Philippines (Marian Is.)— Callander, iii. ... [2093] Oodeffroy Mu.seum Album and Catalogue — Polynesia and Australia [4616-17] Goderic, Expedition to the Holy Land, 1102— Hakluyt, ii. 12 [2062] Goderich (Lord) Despatch to Colonial Governors: Remarks on,1832 — Pamp. [1636] 80 Godet(T. L.) Bermuda; its History, Products, &c. 8vo. 1860... Godfrey of Bouillon, Expd. to Jerusalem — Pukchas, ii. 1189 Godhino de Eredia, Malaca, I'Inde Meridionale, &c. 1613. 4to. ... ■ (Manuel) Journej', Goa to Europe, 1663 — Muruay, Asia, i. 384 Godkin (E. L.) City and State of New Vork- Ency. Brit. xvii. 451 Godley (John Robert) Letters from America. 2 vols. 12mo. 1844 Writings and Speeches of John Robert Godley. 8vo. 1863 Letters to C. B. Adderley [Lord Norton] 1839-61. 8vo. 1863 Godron (Dr. A.) Jlission Buddhiste en Amerique a V" Si^cle — Vining Godwin (T.) Emigrant's Guide to Van Diemen's Land. 8vo. 1823, Godwin-Austen (Lt.-Col. H. H.) Valley of Kashmir^J. R.G.S. xxxl Glaciers of the Mustakh Range — J.R.G.S. xxxiv. 19 ... Pangong Lake District of Ladakh— J.R.G.S. xxxvii. 343 ■ On the Garo Hills— J.R.G.S. xliii. 1 Himalaya Mountain Systems — P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 83 Godwyn (Thos.) Romanie Historiae, &c. Roman Antiquities. 12mo. Goering (A.) Guajiro Indians of Maracaibo — Cas.sell, ii Goes (11) Journey, Agra to China, 1594-1607 — Yl'LE [2148]; Purchas, iii. Goklingham (J.) Account of the Sculptures at MahabalipuraTn (1798) Goldsmid (Sir F. J.) Mission into Mekran, 1861— J.R.G.S. xxxiii. 181 ... Eastern and Western Beluchistan — J.R.G.S. xxxvii. 269 Route from Shahrud to Bandar-i-Gez — P.R.G.S. xvii. 86 Journey, Bandar Abbass to Mash-had— J.R.G.S. xliii. 65 — — Notes on Recent Persian Travel— J. R.G.S. xliv. 183 Visit to the Congo— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 177 • Persia ; Modern History and Geogiaphy — Ency. Brit. xviiL 616 ... Golowin, Captivity in Japan, 1811-13. 3 vols. 8vo Golubef (Capt. A.) Results of the Lssyk-kul Exped.— J.R.G.S. xxxi. 366 [5872] [2073] [1329] [1344] [2277] [1488] [5453] [5451] [1319] [5312] [1891] ... [1894] ... [1897] ... [1903] ... [1884] 1638 [3115] [2252] [2074] [3551] [1898] [1897] [1954] [1908] [1904] [1966] [2278] [3437] [1891] Gomara (F. Lopez de) Relations of Mexico— Purchas, iii. 1123 [2074] Account of the Badajoz Conference, 1,524 — Arbrr' [1320] Gonneville (Paulmier) Voyage, 1503— De Bi!OSses[2089] ; CallANDEB... [2091] See also Flinders [2425] ; Major [2137] ; M.\KGEY [1360] Avec Introd. par D'Avezac. 8vo. 1869 [2309] Gonzales (Don M.) Account of England and Scotland, 1730— Haklet, i. 9 [2087] Goode (G. B.) Oyster ; Pisciculture- Ency Brit, xviii. 106 ; xix. 126 [2278-79] Goodenough (Dr. E.) Black Sea Voyage of the " Blonde "—J. B.G.S i. 101 [1861] (Comm. J.) Journal on Australian Station, 1873-75. 8to. 1876 ...[2525] Goodridge (C. M.) Voyage, Shipwreck, Residence in V. D Land. 1832.. [2448] Goodsir(R. A.) Arctic Voyage to Baffin's Bay. 12mo. 1850 [2651] Gordon (Sir Arthur) Native Taxation in Fiji— P.R.C.I. x. 173 [2010] (Gen. C. G.) White Nile Expedition— P.R.G.S. xx. xxi. ... [1957-58] Noteson White Nile Survey— J. R.G.S. xlvi. 431 [1906] in Central Africa, 1874-79, by Birkbeck HilL 8vo [3933] Journals at Kartoum, edited by Hake. 12mo. 1885 [3937] Last Journal (facsimile). 4to. 1885 [3938] Events in his Life, by his Brother. 8vo. 1886 [S941] INDEX OF AUTHORS. Ixiii No. in Catalogue. Gordon (Lady Bufl") The French in Algiers. 12mo. 1861 [3989] (Lieut. R. K.) Coal in the Island Form.wa-JR (i.S. xix. 22 ... [1879] (Robert) The Irawadi River— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 292 [1966] (Col. T. E.) Watershed of Central Asia— J.R.G.S. xlvi. 381 [1906] Gordon and Goteh'a Australian Hand-Book (Annual). 8vo. [5053] Gordon-Cumming (Lieut. -Col.) Wild Men and Wild Beasts.. 4to. 1871... [3553] ■ (C.r.) From the Hebrides to the Himalayas. 2 vols. 8vo. 1876... [3565] At Home in Fiji. 2 vols. 8vo. 1881 [5630] Lady's Cruise in a French ILin-of-War. 2 vols. 8vo. 1882 ... [2538] Fire-Fountains: Hawaii, its Yolonnoes and Missions. 2 vols. 8vo. 1883 [4669] Gorges (Sir A. ) Voyage to the Azores— PuRCHA.s, iv. 1938, HAkluyt, Supp. [2070] Gorloff (V.) Journey in the Algerian Sahara— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 858 ... [1963] Gorrie(SirJohn)FijiAsItIs— P.R.C.L xiv. 160 [2014] Gorringo (Henry H.) Egyptian Obelisks. 50 Hlustrations. 4to. 1885... [-3908] Gorst (Sir John E.) The Maori King. 12mo. 1864 [5491] Gosch (Chaa. A.) Denmark and Germanv since 1815. 8vo. 1862 ...[2903] Gosnol (Capt.) Voyage to Virginia, 1602— PuRCHAS, iv. 1647 [2075] Gossc, Expeditions W. Australia— P. R.G.S. xix. 51 ; J.R.G.S. xlvii. 328... [1907] . (E. W.) Denmark ; History and Statistics, 1877— Enct. Buit. vii.... [2267] Gosselmau (Capt.) Cordova to Meudoza, 1837— J.R.G.S. ix. 407 [1869] Gouger (Robert) A Letter from Sydney. 12mo. 1829 [4854] South Australia in 1837-38. 12mo [5180] Goulburn (F.) Meteorological Obs. N. S. W— Field's Geog. Memoirs ... [4710] Gould (John) The Birds of Australia. 8 vols. Folio. 1848-69 [1660] Index to Plates in Gould's Birds of Australia [MS.]. 4to [1661 Synopsis of the Birds of Australia. 4to. 1837-38 [1662 Hand-Book to the Birds of Australia. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. 1865... [1663' ' The Mammals of Australia. 3 vols. Folio. 1863 [1664 Introduction to the MammaLs of Australia. 8Vo. 1863 [1666' (Nathaniel) Trade of British America, 1833— Pamp [5770. Gould t>. Oliver: Deck Load.s, 1839— Pamp [1636 Gourdon (W.) Voyages to Pechora, &c., 1611-15— Purciias, iii. 530, 553... [2074 Gourgiies (Dominique de) Florida Amer. Provincia, &c. — De Bry, G. V. ii. [2031' Voyage to Florida, 1567— Hakluyt, iii. 856 [2064] ; Pitrchas, iv... [2075; ■ See also Harris, ii. [2095] ; Murray, N.Amer. i. [1344] ; Parkman [1376 Goumcy (Matthew) Voyage against the Moors of Algiers — Hakluyt, ii. 67 [2062' Gowen (J. R.) Emigration to Swan and Canning Rivers, 1829— Pamp. ... [5307' Goydev (G. W.) Exploration in S. Australia— P.R.G.S. ii. 16 [1939 Graaf (Nicholas) Visit to Patna, 1669— Murray, Asia, ii. 168 [1344 Graah (Capt.) Search for the Lost Greenland Colonics, 1828-30. 8vo. ... [2639 Graberg (Count) Names of Places in Morocco— J.R.G.S. vii. 243 [1867 Graham (Cyril) Explorations in Syria, &c., 1857— J.R.G.S. xxviii. 226 ... [1888 (John) Laurence Struilby, Bush Life in Australia. 12mo. 1863 ... [4977 — (C.)OnHauran— P.R.G.S. ii. 173 [1939; (W.) Brass, Tin, and Zinc — Brit. Industries [1573' (AV. W.) Ascents in the Himalaya— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 429 [1965; Gramaye (J. B.) Barbary and Algiers^ 1619— PurcHAS, ii. 1561 [2073; Grandidier (Alfred) Explorations in Madagascar — Cassell, iv. and v. [2254-55; Grandy (Lieut.) Ambriz to San Salvador and Congo — P.R.G.S. xix. 78 ... [1956' Grant (A. C. ) Bush Life in Queensland. 2 vols. 12mo. 1881 [5255; • (A. H.) Glimpses of Madagascar and its People, 1883— Pamp. ... [4395 ■ (Anthony) The Crimea; Historical and Descriptive Sketch. 12mo. 1855 [3262 (C. M.) Journey from Pekin to Petersburg— J. R. G. S. xxxiii. 167 ... [1893' — (Colesworthy) Rural Life in Bengal. Illustrated. Royal 8vo. 1860 [3549 ■ (Colquhoun) Vancouver Island— J.R.G.S. xxvii. 268 ; xx.xi. 208 [1887-91 (Lt.-CoL Hunter) Canada and the North-West— P.R.C.L xiii. 149... [2013 (James) Old and New Edinburgh. 3 vols. 4to. 1881-83 [3000 (Lieut. James) Voyage of the "Lady Nelson." 4to. 1803 [2422' (CoL J. A.) A Walk Across Africa. 8vo. 1864 [4120 Lake Region Equatorial Africa— J. R.G.S. xlii. 243 [1902 Stanley's Exploration of Victoria Nyanza— J.R.G.S. xlvi. 10 ... [1906 Route, Berber to Korosko, 1863— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 326 [1965 Izi7 INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. Grant (Baron) History of the Mauritius and Neighbouring Islands. 4to. 1801 [4409] ■ (Sir Robert) History of the East India Company. 8vo. 1813 ...[3519] ■ (S.) and Foster, Agricultural Prospects of New Zealand, 1880 — Pamp. [5606] Grant-Duff (M. E.) : a Sketch — Escott's Pillars of the Empire [1553] Grantham (Sir Thos.) Voyage to Batavia, 1683-84— MuBEAY, Asia, i. 284 [1344] Grasser (Johann Jacob) Notes on England, circa 1606 [2937] Graves (Capt. T.) Gulfs of Kos and Symi, Anatolia-^. R.G.S. viii. 428 ... [1868] Thelsleof Skyros— J.R.G.S. xix. 162 ■■• [1879] Gray (Rev. J. H.) China and the People. 2 vols. 8vo. 1878 [3393] (Bishop) Journals of Visitations, 1848-50. 18mo. ..* [4242] Life of Robert Gray, Bishop of Cape Town, 1847-75. 2 vols. 8vo... [4256] (Robert Kaye) Telegraph Cable Expeditions, 1881-82. 4 vols. 8vo. [2547-50] [1752] ... [2082] ... [2082] ... [2080] ... [1963] ... [1965] [2727] [1967] [2728] [1939] [3806] [5560] [1965] [4804] [2920] [6257] [1951] ■ (S. 0.) British Sea-Veeds. 12mo.' 1867 Greaves (J.) The Pyramids — Tuevenot, i. ; Ray ; Churchill, ii. 625 Measures and Weiglits of the Ancients — Churohill, ii. 675 Latitude of Con.stantinople and Rhodes — Ray Greely (Major Adolphus) Arctic Expedition— P. R.G.S. (N.S.)iv. 171 Relief Expedition— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 221 The Rescue of Greely by Schley and Soley. 8vo. 1885. Exploration of Grinnell Land— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 156 ... Three Years of Arctic Service, 1881-84. 2 vols. 8vo. Green (F.) Exped. in Search of the R. Cunene— P.R.G.S. ii. 350 (J. Baker) The Hebrew Migration from Egypt. Svo. 1883. - — • (Wm. S.) The High Alps of New Zealand. 12mo. 1883. ... Southern Alps of New Zealand— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 57 ... Greenough (G.iB.) Presidential Addresses — J.R.G.S. x. p. xliiL xi. p. xxxix. [1870] Greenwell (William) British Barrows and Sepulchral Mounds. 8vo. 1877 [2993] Greeves (A. F. A. ) Hunting the Blacks — SMyTn',s Aboriginies of Victoria Greg (Edw.) and Rathbone (S. G.) Cruise among the Faroes, 1854. 4to. Gregor (Rev. John) Mission Tours Moreton Bay Dist. N. S. W. 1843 . Gregory (Capt.) Attempt of Native to reach Tibet— P. R. G. S. xiv. 214 . (Sir Aug. C. and F. T.) Australian Explorations, 1846-61. Svo. 1884 [4748] Expedition in Western Australia, 1846— J.R.G.S. xviii. 26 [1878] Expedition Northward of Perth, 1848— J.R.G.S. xxii. 57 [1882] North Australian Expedition— P.R.G.S. i. ; J.R.G.S. xxviii ... [1888] ■ Search for Remains of Leichhardt's Party, 1858— P.R.G.S.' iii. 18 ... [1940] Western Australian Expedition, 1857-58— P.R.G.S. iii. 34 [1940] North Australian Expedition, 1855-56— P.R.G.S. V. 2 [1942] . Exploration of the R. Burdekin—P.R.G.S. V. 121 [1942] E.xpedition N. W. Coast of Australia, 1861— J.R.G.S. xxxii. 372 ... [1892] ■ (Benj.) The Thorough Business Man ; W. Powell, Melbourne. 12mo. [5139] (Rev. Wm.) Second Voyage and Capture of the " Duft'." Svo. 1800 [2416] Grenfell (Rev. George) The Cameroons District— P. R. G. S. (N.S.) iv. 585 [1963] ■ Explorationson the Congo— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 353 [1966] Tributaries of the Congo— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 627 [1967] GrenviUe (Sir R.) Fight in the " Revenge," 1591— Hakluyt, ii. pt. ii. 169 [2063] Voyage to Virginia, 158.5 — Hakluyt, iii. 251 [2064] Greswell (Wm.) Education of South African Tribes— P. R.C.I, xv. 68 ... [2015] Gretton (Mrs. G.) The Englishwoman in Italy. 12mo. 1862 [3137] Greville (Edward) Official Year Book and Dii-ectory of Australia. Svo. v. d. [5052] Grey (Lord Howick, Earl) Speech, June 18, 1845, Debate on New Zealand [5433] Colonial Policy of Lord Russell's Administration. 2 vols. Svo. 1853 [1501] . — — (C.) Italian Travels in Persia, 15th & 16th Cent.— Hakluyt Soc. ... [2161] . (Sir G.) Expedition N.W.Australia— J.R.G.S. viii. 454 [1868] Expeditions into N. W. and W. Australia. 2 vols. Svo [4720] Vocabulary of the Dialects, S. W. Australia, 1841— Pamp. ... [4812] Maori Mementos and Addi-esses to Sir G. Grey. Svo. 1855 ... [5468] Polynesian Mythology. 12mo. 1855 [5469] Catalogue of Sir George Grey's Library : Philolof^. 8vo. 1858-59 [6328] Gribble (Rev. J. B.) Black but Comely: Aboriginal Life in Australia. 12mo. [4809] Grieve (J.) History and Description of Kamtschatka. 4to. 1764 ...[3290] Griffin, Memoirs of Capt. Wilson, with Voyages of the " Dutf." 12mo. ... [2419] INDEX OF AUTHORS. Ixv No. in Catalogue. Griffin (Sir Lepel) Famous Momiments of Central India. 4to. 1886 ,..[3601] Griffis (W. E.) The Mikado's Empire : a History of Japan. 8vo. 1876 ... [3445] Corea, the Hermit Nation. 8vo. 1882 [3420] Griffith (Charles J. ) State and Prospects of Port Phillip. 12mo. 1845 ... [5093] (T. E.) Sierra Leone, Past, Present, Future— P.R.C.I. xiii. 56 ... [2013] Griffiths (G. L.) Fiji Directory and Hand-Book, 1879— Pamp [5645] (Major A. J.) Sketches of Statesmen — Pillars of the Empire. 12mo. [1553] Grijalva and Alvarado, Voyage to the Moluccas, 1537— Burney, i. 180 [2101] Grimes (Charles) Survey of Port Phillip, 1802-3— Shillinolaw's Records [5081] Grotius, Eights of War and Peace, Notes by Barbcyrac. Folio. 1738 ... [1412] Grove (Sir Geo. ) and Dr. Wm. Smith, Atlas of Ancient Geography. Folio. [1121] Grover (Capt.) Arguin, West Coast of Africa— J. E. G. S. xvi. 162 ... [1846] Grueber et d'Orville (P.P.) Voyage h la Chine— Thevenot, ii [2078] Guaguino (Alesaandro) Sarniatia Europea — Eamu-sio, ii. Surp [2028] Gualle, Pacific Voyages, 1582-84— Burney, ii. 58; v. 164;Hakluyt, iu.442 [2064] Gualteri, Relationi Ainbasciatori Giaponesi Ji Roma. 12mo. 1586 ... [3435] Guarracino (M. F.) Excursion from Batum to Artvin — J.R.G.S. xv. 296... [1875] Gubbins (Charles) Notes on the Ruins at Mahabalipuram [3551] (J. H.) Ascent of Fuji-Yama, Japan— P.E.G.S. xvii. 78 [1954] Gudbrandus Thorlacius, Iceland and Greenland — Haklttyt, i. 590 ... [2061] Gudgeon (Lieut.) Reminiscences of the War in New Zealand. 12mo. 1879 [5536] Guignes (De) Navigations des Chinois du C8te de I'Amerique — ViNING ... [1319] Guilfoyle(W. R.) Australian Botany. 8vo. 1878 [1762J Guillemin (Amedee) The Forces of Nature. Royal 8vo. 1877 [1683] Application of Physical Forces. Royal Svo. 1877 [1683] Gulielmus Peregi'inus, Voyage to Palestine, 1190 — Hakluyt, ii. 30 ... [2062] Gully (J.) Chromolithographs of New Zealand Scenery. Folio. 1877 ...[5530] Gunst (Dr.) Explorations in North of Madagascar— P. R. G. S. ix. 289 ... [1946] Gunther (Albert) Flying Fish ; Ichthyology ; Reptiles, &c.— Ency. B. [2269, &o.] Gurley(R. R.) Life of JeUudiAshmun, Colonial Agent in Liberia. 8vo. 1835 [4030] Gurner(H. F.) Chronicle of Port Phillip, 1770-1840. Svo. 1876— Pamp. [5171] Gurney (Joseph J.) A Winter in the West Indies. 8vo. 1840 [6002] Gusmau (Nunno di) Relation of New Spaine, 1530— PuRCHAS, iv. 1556 ... [2075] • Relatione, ic—RAMUslo, iii. 277 [2029] Giissfeldt (Paul) The Chilian-Argentine Andes— P.l:.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 658... [1965] Gustafson (Axel) The United States and the Panama Canal, 1882— Pamp. [6062] Gutchsmid (von) Persia ; Greek & Parthian Empires — Ency. Bp.it. xviii... [2278] Gutuere, wife of Baldwin, Voyage to Jerusalem, 1097 — Hakluyt, ii. 10 ... [2062] Gutzlatr (Chas.) Siara and the Coast of China— J. R. G. S. iii. 291 [1863] Oil the Country of the Free Lao— J.R.G.S. xi.x. 33 [1879] - — Geography of Cochin-China— J. E.G.S. xix. 85 [1879] ■ ^Tibet andSefan— J.E.G.S. XX. 191 [1880] Gnylforde (Sir Richard) Pylgrymage to the Holy Land, 1506. 4to. 1851... [3764] Guyot (Arnold) Creation, or the Biblical Cosmogony. 12mo. 1884 ... [1692] Guyot Ducloz, Voyage to Chili and Peru, &c. — Burney, v. 136 [2105] Guzman (A. E. de) Adventures in Spain, Peru, &c. — Hakluyt Soc. xxix. [2141] Gy.sbertz (Reys) Relation des Martyrs du Japon — Thevenot, i. 31 ... [2077] H (G.) New Zealand Colonisation, 1840— Martin's Col. Mag. ii. 206 [1479] H (T. F.) Mozambique ; its Resources, &c. 1884— Ency. Brit. xvii. 7.. [2277] H (T. W.) Expedition 100 miles E. of Swan River, 1831- Stirling... [4715] Haast (Sir Julius von) Geological Reports, Canterbury, N. Z. Folio ... [5492] Mountains and Glaciers of Canterbury — J.R.G.S. xxxiv. 87 [1894] ■ ■ Altitudes betw. E. and W. Co.ists, Canterbury— J. R. G. S. xxxvii. 328 [1897] ■ Topography of the Southern Alps, N. Z.— J.R.G.S. xl. 433 [1900] ■ -Descriptions to Gully's N. Z. Scenery. Folio. 1877 [5530] • Geology of Canterbury and Westlaud, N. Z. 8vo. 1879 [5539] Hadfield(Wm.) Brazil, River Plate, and the Falklands. Svo. 1858 ...[6123] Haeuke (T.) Southern Afllueiits of the Amazons — J.R.G.S. v. 90 [1865] Haga (A. ) Nederlandsch NiouwGnineaenPapoescheEilanden. 2 vols. Svo. [4521] Hague (Geo.) Imperial Federation ; Position of Canada, 1886 — Pamp. ... [5770] Hahn (Rev. C. Hugo) Search for Cunene River— P. E.G. S. u. 350 [1939] / Ixvi INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. [1869, 75] ... [1884] [2061-64] ... [2070] ... [2119] [2115-84] ... [2011] ... [1953] 4to. [4568] ... [4804] ... [5775] [5710] [5770] [1636] [2006] [3999] [1966] [3414] [2469] [1944] [2687] 25 Haines (S. B.) S. andE. Coasts of Arabia— J. E.G. S. ix. 125 jxv. 104 Magnetic Variations at Aden — J.R.G.S xxiv. 225 Haklutt (R. ) English Voyages. 3 vols. 1599-1600 (pp. 45-52) VoTAGBS Supplementary TO Hakluyt, &c. 4to. 1812 ... Voyages Touching the Discovery of America — Hakluyt Soo. vii Hakluyt Society's FuBHOATiONS. 1847-86 (pp. 86-92) Halcombe (Arthur F.) New Zealand— P. B.C. I. xi. 317 Hale (Rev. E.) Place of Geography in Education— P. R.G.S. xvi. 450 (Hor.) Ethnology & Philology, U.S. Exploring Exped. 1838-42 Halford (Prof) The Crania of Australian Natives— Smyth Haliburton(T. C.) History of Nova Scotia. 2 vols. 8vo. 1829 The Bubbles of Canada. 8vo. 1839 (R. G.) Diplomacy and its Fruits: Transatlantic Britains, 1872— Pamp, Maritime Decline of U. States— P. R.C.I, iii. 194 ; and Pamp. American Protection & Canadian Reciprocity — P.R.C.I. vi. 205 Mount Atlas, and its Traditions. 1883 — Pamp. Lost Colonies in British N. America— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) vii Hall (Capt. Basil) Voyage to Corea and Loo-Choo. 4to. 1818 Fragments of Voyages and Travels. 8vo. 1846 (Capt. Chas. F.) Arctic Expedition- P.R.G.S. vii 99 Life with the Esquimaux. 2 vols. 8vo. 1864 Second Arctic Expedition to Repulse Bay, 1864-69— P. R.G. 8. xv. 382 [1952] Second Arctic Expedition, 1864-69. 4to. 1879 [2693] Narrative of the Exped. in the " Polaris," 1871-73. 4to. 1881 ... [2697] .(E. H.) Lands of Plenty : British North America. 12mo. 1879... [5738] The Home Colony : Guide Book to Newfoundland. 12mo. 1882 ... [5861] - (James) Voyages to Greenland, 1605-6— Purchas, iii. 814-26 ... [2074] ■ - Voyage to thoN. "West, 1612— Rundall [2117] ; Churohill, vi. 241 [2086] (Bp. ) Muiulus Alter et Idem sive Terra Australis. 12mo. 1607 ... [1411] - — (J. C.) Vi.sit to Corea, 1882— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) v. 274 [1964] (Mr. & Mr.s. S. C.) Ireland : its Scenery, kc. 3 vols. Roy. 8vo. 1841 [2975] (Capt. Vine) Description of the Island of Rapa— P. R. G. S. xiii. 83 ... [1950] Hallett (Holt S. ) Railway, Bun»ah to China— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 1 ... [1967] Halley (E.) Voyage to the S. Atlantic, 1698-1700— Burnby, iv. 386 ... [2104] Hamel, Desor. of Corea, 1666 -Churchill, iv. 573 [2084] ; Burnby iii. 199 [210.3] Hamilton's Mexican Hand- Book. 8vo. 1884 [6972] • (Alex.) Letters from Phocion to Considerate Citizens, 1784 — Pamp... [5951] (Andrew) Sixteen Months in the Dani.sh Isles. 2 vols. 12mo. 1852 [2900] (Arch.) On the Colonies. (Statistical Society.) 1872— Pamp. ...[1636] (F. J.) Nova Scotia and N. Brunswick Industries — Pamp [5795] (Francis) Account of Nepaul — Murray, vina, ii. 471 [1344] (George) Voyage Round the World in the " Pandora." 8vo. 1793... [2396] (Lord George) : a Sketch— Esoott's Pillars of the Empire [1553] (H. G.) Liverpool Plains and Moreton Bay— J.R.G.S. xiii. 245 ... [1873] (J. C.) The Prairie Province : Ontario to L. Winnipeg. 12mo. 1876 [5807] (Capt. R. V.) Coast of Labrador— P.R.G.S. ix. 131 [1946] Open Water in the Polar Basin— P. R. G. S. xiii. 234 [1950] • On Morrell's Antarctic Voyage, 1823— P.R.G.S. xiv. 145 [1951] (W. J.) On the Position of Tavium— J.R.G.S. vii. 74 [1867] Journeys in Asia Minor, 1836-37— J.R.G.S. vii. 34 ; viii. 137... [1867-68] Researches in Asia Minor, Pontus, and Armenia. 2 vols. 8vo. 1842 [3721] Antiquities of Asia Minor, Pontus, &c.— J.R.G.S. xiii. 148 [1873] French MSS., Books, &c., on Madagascar— J. R. G. S. xx. 75... ... [1850] Presidential Addresses— J. R. G. S. xviii. p. xxxi. ; xix. p. xxxiii. [1878-79] (W. R.) Presidential Addresses— J. R.G.S. viii. p. ix. xii. p. xiii [1868-73] Hammer (Baron von) Ruinsof Al Hadhr— J.R.G.S. xii. 261 [1872] Hamond (W. ) Madagascar : Arguments for Planting a Colony there. 1640 [4376] Hamor (Ralph) Provinciiu Virginife, Pocahontas, &c.— De Bry G.V. x. ... [2039] Notes of Virginian Affairs, 1614— Purchas, iv. 1766 [2075] Handt(Rev. J. C. S.) Mission to Australian /-borigines, 1835— McArthuii [4868] Hann (W.) Ex; .edition in N. Queensland— PR. G.S. xviii. 87 [1955] Hanna(ReT. S. W.)NotesofaVisittoHavti. 12mo. 1836 [6000] INDEX OF AUTHORS. Ixvii No. in Catalogue. Hannaford (Samuel) Sea and Eiverside Rambles In Victoria. 12mo. 1860 [5123] Hannay (James) History of Acadia. 8vo. 1880 [5786] Hannibal's Passage of the Alps, by Prof. Paul Chaix— J.R.G.S. xxv. 182... [1885] by Douglas Freshfleld— P. R.G.S. (N.S.)viii. 638 [1967] Hanno, Navigatione nelle parti dell' Africa — Ramusio, iii [2029] — Voyage— PuECHAs, j. 87 [2071] ; Harris, i [2094] See also Vincent, Rennell. Stanier Clarke, Bpnbury [1125] Hanson, Route of Gen. Nightingall from Kosseir to Khennah. 8vo. 1820 [3876] Hanway (Jonas) Journey to Persia, 1743 — MuKeay, Asia, i. 355 [1344] Harcourt (Robert) Voyage to Guiana, 1608-11— Puechas, iv. 1267 ... [2075] Descrijjtion of New England, Virginia, &c. — De BrV, xiii [2042] (Capt. A. F. P.) On the Himalayan Valleys— J. R.G.S. xli. 245 ... [1901] Harcus (Wm.) South Australia; its History, Resources, &c. 8to. 1876 [5205] Hand-book for Emigrants to S. Australia, 1873 — Pamp [5225] Hardiiie, Voyage of 200 Christian ships to Joppa, 1102— Hakmjyt, ii. 12 [2062] Harding(J.)TheDesei-t of Atacama— J.R.G.S. xlvii. 250 [1907] Hardwicke (Capt.) Journey to Serinagur, 1796 — Murray, Asia, ii. 385 ... [1344] Hardy (Lt. R. W. H.) Travels in Mexico, 1825-28. 8vo. 1829 [5964] Hare (S.) Voyage to Brazil, 1580— Hakliiyt, iii. 704 [2064] Hareborne (Ambassador) Voyage to Constantinople, 1582 — Hakl. ii. 165 [2062] Journey, Constantinople to London, 1588 — Haklttyt, ii. 289 ... [2062] Hargraves (E. H.) Australia and its Gold Fields. 12mo. 1855 [4953] Hargreaves, Geology of Western Australia — P.R.G.S. viii. 32 [1945] Hariot (T.) De Commodis et lucolarum Ritibus Virginiie — De BrY ... [2030] Harleian Collection op Voyages. 2 vols. Folio. 1747. (pp. 74, 75) [2087-88] Harrington (Sir J. ) Oceana, Popular Government, &c. L. P. FoUo. 1737... [1414] Harris (Alex. ) Settlers and Convicts : 16 Years in Australia. ISmo. 1847 [4906] Guide to Port Stephens Settlement. 18mo. 1849 [4920] (A. C.) Indiana— Enoy. Brit. xii. 813 [2272] (John, D. D. ) Collection OF Voyages, by CampbelL 2 vis. Folio. [2094-95] (W. J.) Commercial Advantages of Federation— P. R. C. I. xiii. 209 ... [2013] (Capt. W. C.) Expedition into Southern Africa, 1836-37. 8vo. ... [4168] Harrison (Robert) Colonial Sketches in South Australia. 12mo. 1862 ... [5198] Harry (Thomas) Northern Territory of S. Australia— P. R. C.I. Xiii. 303 ... [2013] Hart (Chas. H.) City of Philadelphia, 1885— Ency. Brit, iviii. 736 ... [2278] Hartog(Dirk) Discoveries W. Australia, 1616— Burney, ii. 456 [2102] Hartwig (Dr. Geo.) The Sea and its Living tVondere. 8vo [1690] The Polar World : Man and Nature in Arctic and Antarctic Regions. [1690] The Subterranean World : Volcanoes, Cave Dwellings, &c. 8vo. ... [1690] The Tropical World : Man and Nature in Equatorial Regions. 8vo. [1690] The Aerial World : Phenomena of the Atmosphere. 8to [1690] Harven (Emile) La Nouvelle Zelande. Roy. 8vo. 1883 Harvey (Rev. M.) Labrador — Enoy. Brit. xiv. 175 Newfoundland, 1884— Enoy. Brit, xviii 382 Across Newfoundland with Gov. Lome, 1879 — Pamp. (W. H.) PhycologiaAnstralica. 5 vols. Roy. 8«o. 1858-63 Hassell (Joseph) From Pole to Pole : a Hand-Book of Missions. 12mo. 1866 Hatch (Arthur) Occurrences in Japan, 1623 — Purcha.s, ii. 1696 (John) Voyage to the Ea.st Indies, 1616-21— PtiRCHAS, i. 618 Hathomthwaite (K.) St. Lawrence Canals and N.-W. Trade, 1877 Hatton (Joseph) Printing — Brit. Industries Hauslab (Gen.) Arctic Ocean Currents — J.R.G.S. xlv. 34 ... Hawes, Factorie of Cranganor under the Samorine, 1615 — Purch. Hawkesworth's Voyages of Byron, Wallis, Carteret & Cook. 3 vols. Hawkins (Alfred) Picture of Quebec. 12mo. 1834 (Wm.) Voyage to Brazil, 1530 — Hakluyt, iii. 700 (Sir John) Voyages to West Indies, 1567-95 — Hakluyt, iii. 500 ... (Sir R.) Voyage to South Sea, 1593— Purchas, iv. 1367 - — - (Wm.) Court of the Great Mogul, 1608-13— Purchas, i. pt. ii. 206... (Wm., Sir J., SirR , and Wm.) Voyages, 1530-1613— Hakluyt Soc, Hawkridge (Capt.) Voyages towards the N. W., 1619 — Hakluyt Soc. ... Hawks, Voyage and Travels in New Spain, 1572-7 — Hakluyt, iii. 462 ... /2 -Pamp. 603... 4to. [5559] [2274] [2277] [5858] [1741] [6274] [2073] 12072] [5770] [1573] [1905] [2072] [2355] [5703] [2064] [2064] [2075] [2072] [2170] [2117] [2064] Ixviii INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. Hawkwood (Sir John) Travels and Victories in Italy — Hakluyt, ii. 70 ... [2062] Hawtayne (G. H.) Brit. Guiana : Catalogue, Col. and Ind. Exh., 1886... [6108] Haxthauseu, Transcaucasia. 8vo. 1854 [3274] Hay (Sir J. Drumniond) Morocco and the Moors, 1839. 12nio [3988] Mission to the Court of Morocco, 1880, by Trotter. 8to [3997] (J. S.) District of Akem, W.Africa— J. R.G.S. xlvi. 299 [1906] (K. W.) Documentary Notices of New Zealand— J.R.G.S. ii. 133 ... [1862] (Wm. Delisle) Brighter Britain ! or Settler and Maori in N.Z. 2 vols. [5556] Hayden (F. V.) and Selwyn (A. E. C.) North America — Stanford ... [1254] Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, by Vincent. 8vo. 1885 [1381] Haydon(G. H.) Five Years in Au-stralia Felix. 8vo. 1846 [5094] The Australian Emigrant : a Rambling Story. Svo. 1854 [4947] Hayes (Isaac I.) Arctic Boat Journey in 1854. 12mo [2671] The Open Polar Sea. Svo. 1867 [2689] The Land of Desolation : Adventure in Greenland. Svo. 1871 ...[2692] (Robert) Journal at Banda, 1620-21— Purchas, i, pt. ii. 679 [2072] Haygarth's(H.W.) Bush Life in Australia. 12mo. 1848 [4915] Hayter (H. Heylyn) Notes on the Colony of Victoria. Svo. 1876 [5143] Victorian Year Books 1874-75 to 1885-86 [5156] Haud-Book of the Colony of Victoria, 1885— Pamp [5171] Facts and Figures, 1886 — Thompson's Hand-Book [5154] Hayward (G. W.) Journey to Yarkand and Kashgar, 1869— J.R.G.S. xl. 33 [1900] Explorations in Gilgit and Yassin, 1869-70— J.R.G.S. xli. 1 [1901] Journey in Central Asia — Cas.sell, ii [2252] Hazard (Samuel) Cuba, with Pen and Pencil. Svo. 1873 [6015] Santo Domingo, with a Glance at Hayti. 8vo. 1873 [6015] Hazell's Annual Cyclopfedia of General Topics. Edit, by Price. 12mo. 1886 [1630] Head (Sir F. B.) Across the Pampas and Among the Andes. 12mo. 1826 [6153] Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau. 12mo. 1833 [3164] NaiTative of his Canadian Administration, 1835-8. Svo. ... ... [5708] The Emigrant. 12mo. 1846 [5715] Heaphy (Charles) Narrative of a Residence in N. Zealand. 12mo. 1842... [5421] ■ and others, Illustrations to Wakefield's New Zealand [5432] Hearn(W. E., LL.D.)PlutoIogy. Svo. 1864 [1518] The Government of England. Svo. 1870 [152S] Heame (S.) Journey, Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean, 1769-72. 4to. [2607] Heath (E. R.) Exploration of the Beni, 1880-81— P.R.G.S. (N.S.)v. 327... [1964] Heathcote, Bengal Currents during S.W. Monsoon— J.R.G.S. xxxii. 234... [1892] Heatherington (A.) Gold Fields of Nova Scotia. 12mo. 1868 [5781] Gold Yield of Nova Scotia, 1860-72— Pamp [5795] Mining Industries of Nova Scotia, 1874 — Pamp [5795] Heathman(W.G.) Switzerland in 1854-55. Svo [3087] Heaton (J. Henniker) Australian Dictionary of Dates. Roy. Svo. 1S79 ... [5020] Heber (Reginald, D D.) Journals and Letters. 3 vols. Svo. Plates, 4to. [3523] -New Edition. 2 vols. 12mo. 1861 [3524] Hector (Dr. J.) Expedition to W. Coast Otago— J.R.G.S. xxxiv. 96 ... [1894] Hand-Book of New Zealand. Svo. 1880 [5606] Helena (Empress) Voyage to Jerusalem, 337 — Hakluyt, ii. 1 [2062] Heley (W.) Divers Voyages to Greenland, 1617-23— Pukchas, iii. 732 ... [2074] Hellwald, Die Erde und Ihre Volke, English translation — Stanford [1250-55] Helpman (Lieut.) Coral Discovered R. Irwin, W. A.— J.R.G.S. xviii. 38... [1878] Helps (Sir Arthur) Spanish Conquest in America. 4 vols. Svo. 1855-61 [1354] Henderson (J.) Observations on N.S. Wales and V.D. Land. Svo. 1832 [4859] — — Excursions and Adventures in N.S. Wales. 2 vols. 12mo. 1851... [4925] (T. F.) Ireland : Geography and Statistics — Ency. Brit. xiii. 214 ... [2273] London; its Growth, Commerce, &c. — Ency. Bkit. xiv. 818 ... [2274] (Geo.) and Hume (Allan) Exped. Lahore to Yarkand. Svo. 1873... [3337] (T.) Coal in Straits of Magellan— J.R.G.S. xx. 151 [1880] Hennessey (Sir Pope) ; a Sketch, by Cashel Hoey — Pillars of the Empire [1553] Henry IV., Voyage into Prus.sia and Letto, 1390— Hakluyt, i. 122 ... [2061] Voyage with an Army of Englishmen to Tunis— Hakluyt, ii. 69 ... [2062] Voyage intended against the Saracens, 1413— Hakluyt, ii. 71 ... [2062] INDEX OF AUTHORS. Ixix No. In Catalogue. Henry (Prince) of Portngal, Life and Discoveries, by Major ... [1362-63] See also Eamusio, i. 96 et scq. [2027] ; Pttrohas, i. pt. ii [2072] Henslow (Rev. G.) Uurel— EscT. Brit. .xiv. 348 ; Maize— .xv. 309 [2274-75] Hentzner (Paul) Travels in England ; Naunton's Fragmenta Regalia. 8vo. [2933] • ■ Extracts from his Travels in England, 1598— Rye [2937] Herberstein (Baron Sigismondo)MosCovia et Russia, 1549 — RAMUSl0,ii.l37 [2028] Notes upon Russia in 1517 .^nd 1526. 2 vols.— Hakluyt Soc. [2122-23] Herbert (Alg.) Cyclops Christianus ; Stonehenge, &o. 8vo. 1849 ...[2978] (Sir R. G. W.) : a Sketch— Escott's Pillars of the Empire [1553] (St. Leger) Earls Dufferiu and Kimberley — Pillars of the Empire ... [1553] Herckman, Voyage to Chili, 1642— Churchill, i. [2081] ; Burney, iii... [2103] Hermesdorf (M. G.) Isthmus of Tehuantepec — J.R.G.S. xxxii. 536 Hermite (Jaques le) Voyage of Nassau Fleet, 1623-26 — De Bet, xiiL See also Burnet, iii. 2 [1892] [2042] [2103] Herndon (\V. L.) and Gibbon, The Amazons and Upper Peru. 2 vols. 8vo. [6121] Herodotus, Translated and Edited by Rawlinson. 4 vols. 8vo. 1875... [1120] Geographical System of, by Rennell. 4to. 1800 [IHO] and his History, by Rawlinson — Enct. Brtt. xi. 756 [2271] Herrada, and other Spaniards in China, about 1580 — Purchab, iii. 292 ... [2074] Herran (Victor) Chemin de Fer Inter-Oceanique du Honduras — Pamp. ... [6062] Herrera (Antonia) Descriptio Indiiie Occidentalis — De Brt, G. V. xii. ... [2041] ■ Description of the West Indies, 1601— Purchas, iii. 855 [2074] Historia General de los Indias Occidentales. 4 vols. Fol. 1725-30 [1326] Translated by Capt. John Stevens. 5 vols. 8vo. ... ... ... [1327] Herring (A. S.) Emigration as .seen in Canada — Westminster Discus. ... [1532] (Chas.) Illegal Seizure of the Ship " Fiancis and Eliza," 1839— Pamp. [1636] Herschel (Sir J.) New Projection of the Sphere— J.R.G.S. xxx. 100 ... [1890] Letter on Oceanic Circulation— P.R.G.S. XV. 211 [1952] Hewett (J. F. Napier) European Settlements, West Coast of Africa. 12mo. [4053] Heylyn (Peter) Survey of the Estate of France. Small 4to. 1656 ...[3061] Cosmography: Chorography and History of the World. Folio. 1677 [1209] Heynes (Edw.) Voyage from Surat to Mokha, 1618— PuRCHAS, i. pt. ii. 622 [2072] Heywood (Capt. Peter) Memoir of, by Edward Tagart. 8vo. 1832 ...[2399] Hibberd (Shirley) Ivy— Enct. Brit. xiii. 526 [2273] Hicks-Beach (Sir M.) : a Sketch— Escott's Pillars of the Empire [1553] Hicks (E. L.) Athens, History and Topography— Ency. Brit. iii. 1 ... [2263] Greek Inscriptions — Enct. Brit. xiii. 121 [2273] Hickson, Climate of the North Pole— J.R.G.S. xxxv. 129 [1895] Higgin(E.) Island of Rodriguez— J.R.G.S. xix. 17 [1879] Higgius (M. J.) Is Cheap Sugar the Triumph of Free Trade ? 1848— Pamp. [6036] Hilhouse (Wm.) Voyage up the Massaroony, 1831— J.R.G.S. iv. 25 ... [1864] Warrow-Land of British Guiana— J.R.G.S. iv. 321 [1864] Expedition up Cuyuny River— J.R.G.S. -vii. 446 [1867] Hill (A. Staveley) An Empire's Parliament— P. R.C.I, xi. 133 [2011] From Home to Home : Wanderings in the North-West, 1881-84. 8vo. [5811] (C.) Boat Journey Wami River- P.R.G.S. xvii. 337 [1954] (Luke M. and Wm. J. D.) On Fallowing Land— Russell P. Essay ... [6099] (Richard) A Week at Port Royal, 1855— Pamp [6036] ■ • (Misses R. and F.) What we Saw in Australia. 12mo. 1875 ...[5007] (S. S.) Travels in the Sandwich and Society Islands. 12mo. 1856... [4657] Hiuoliliff (T. W.) Rio Janeiro and the Organ Mountains — Cassell, iv. ... [2254] Hind (H. Y.) Exploration up Moisie R., Labrador— J.R.G.S. xxxiv. 82 ... [1894] (.L R.) Comet— Enct. Brit. vi. 182 [2266] Hinds (R. B.) Regions of Vegetation — Belcher's Voyage, ii. App. ... [2466] Hines (Rev. H. K.) Ascent of Mount Hood, Oregon— P.R.G.S. xi. 80 ... [1948] Kingston (J.) The Australian Abroad: Japan, China, Java, &c. 8vo. 1879 [2870] The Australian Abroad : Ceylon, India, Egypt, Palestine, &c. 1880 [2870] Hippocrate, Ragiona de gli Scithi — Ramu.sio, iii. 198 [2029J Hirth (Fred.) Origin of the Word " Typhoon"— J.R.G.S. i. 260 [1910] HjaltaKn (Jon A.) Notes on Iceland — Cassell, ii [2252] • Hekla — Cassell, iiL [2253] Iceland : Geography, Climate, &c. — Ency. Brit. xii. 616 [2272] bt^ INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. Hoare (Sir Richard Colt) Classical Tour thro' Italy and Sicily. 2 vols. 8vo. [3125] Hobbs (G. ) Travels from Moscow to Ispahan, 1620— Purchas, i. pt. ii. 729 [2072] Hobhouse (John Cam) Journey thro' Albania, 1809-10. 2 vols. 4to. ...[3209] Hochstetter (F.) New Zealand ; its Physical Geography, &c. 4to. 1867... [5498] Hochstrasser (H. de) Facts and Impressions of England, 1880 — Pamp. ... [1636] Hocken (T. M.) Lectures on the Early History of New Zealand [5576] Hockin(J. P.) Account of the Pelew Islands. 4to. 1803 [2388] Hodder (Edwin) Memories of New Zealand Life. 12mo. 1862 [5484] Hodges (Wm.) Illustrations to Cook's Second Voyage [2356] Travels in India, 1780-83— Murray, ^sia, iL 208 [1344] Hodgkin (Thos.) Eavenna : its Art and History— Ency. Brit. xx. 296 ... [2280] Hodgkinson (C.) Australia, Port Macquarie to Moreton Bay, 1841-4. 8vo. [4724] Hodg.son (C. P.) Reminiscences of Australia. 12mo. 1846 [4903] (P.) Island of Yesso— P.R.G.S. v. 113 [1842] IJoey (Cashel) Governor Pope Hennessey — Pillars of the Empire [1553] Hoffman's Reports on Ural Mountains — J.R.G.S. xix. 31 [1879] Hogan (Edm.) Ambassage to Morocco, 1577 — Hakluyt, ii. pt, ii. 64 ... [2063] — — (J. Sheridan) Canada, a, Prize Essay, 1885— Pamp [5770] Hogg (John) Abila District, near Mount Lebanon — J,R.G.S. xx. 38 ... [1880] Holdon (Rev. W. C.) Natal and the Orange Riv. Sovereignty. 8vo, 1855 [4313] History of Natal and its Native Races, 8vo. 1855... ... ... [4314] The Kaffir Races ; their History, Manners, Customs. &c. 8vo. 1866 [4249] The Past and Future of the Kaffir Races. 8vo. 1866 [4248] Methodist Missions in South Africa. 8vo, 1877 [4259] British Rule in South Africa : Story of Kama. 12mo. 1879 ...[4325] Holderness (Maiy) New Russia : Journey to the Crimea. 8vo. 1823 ... [3254] Holdich (Sir E. A.) : a Sketch, by Major Griffiths— Pillars of the Empire [1553] ,65 [2273] [1960] [1962] [1966] ... [1966] ... [2269] ... [1573] ... [5606] ... [6347] [1898-99] ... [2255] ... [2255] 8vo.... [2451] ... [2271] [2272, 77] ... [6243] • (Capt. T. H. ) Kandahar— Ency. Bkit. xiii. 835 Mardian Hills, Bustar Dependency— P.R.G,S. (N.S.) i. 372.. ■ Geogl. Results of the Afghan Campaign — P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iii, Afghan Boundaiy Commission— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 39, 160 Geographical Position of Meshed— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 735 ... Holdsworth (E. W. H.) Fisheries — Ency. Brit. ix. 243 Sea Fisheries — Brit. Industries Holgate (C. W.) Chief Libraries of New Zealand, 1886— Pamp. ... Chief Libraries of Australia and Tasmania, Royal 8vo. 1886 Holland (F. W.) Sinai Peninsula— J. R.G.S. jgcxviii. 237 ; xxxix. 342 — ■ — Recollections of Spanish Travel — Cassell, v Ten Days at Seville, 1867 — Cassell, v, Holman (the Blind Traveller) Voyjige Round the World, i vols, Holmes (E. M.) Herbarium — Ency. Brit, xi, 715 India-Rubber, or Caoutchouc — Ency. Brit. xii. ; Opiupi, xvii. (Rev. John) Missions of the United Brethren. 8vo. 1827... Holm wood (Fred.) The Kingani River, E. Africa— J. R. G. S. xlvii. 253 ... [1907] Holroyd (A- T.) Letter on the Quarantine Laws, 1839— Pamp [1636] • Journey to Kordofan, 1836-37— J.R.G.S. ix. 163 [1869] . Banks for Ne^ Zealand — N, Z. Portfolio [5422] Holub (Dr. Emil) Seven Years in South Africa, 1872-79. 2 vols [4193] Trade of Cape Colonies with Central Africa— P.R.C.I. xi. 55 ... [2011] Journey through Central South Africa— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) ii. 166 ... [1961] HonejTiian (Rev. D.) Geology of Arisaig, Nova Scotia, 1864--PAMP. ... [5795] Hood (John) Australia and the East. 8vo. 1843 ...[4888] (T. H.) Cruise of the "Fawn," W. Pacific, 1862. 8vo [2501] Hooker (Sir Wm. J.) Journal of a Tour in Iceland, 1809. 2 vols. 8vo... [2916] Tussac Grass— J.R.G.S. xii. 265 [1872] • A Century of Ferns. 4to. 1854 [1739] (Sir Joseph D.) Antarctic Botany. Coloured. 2 vols. 4to. 1844 47... [1734] • Flora Novffi-Zelandiae. Cotatrei^ Plates. 2 vols. 4to. 18.'53-55 ... [1735] . Flora Tasmauise. Colmircd Plates. 2 vols. 4to. 1860 [1736] Niger Flora ; Plants Collected by Dr. Vogel, &c. 8vo. 1849 ... [1737] Rhododendrons of Sikkim— Himalaya. Coloured Plates. Fol. 1849 [1738] Fourth Excursion to Passes in Tibpt by Donkii^h Lah— J.R.G,S. xx. 19 [1880] INDEX OF AUTHORS. Ixxi No. in Catalogue. Hooker (Sir Joseph D. ) Himalayan Journals. 2 vols. 8vo. 1854 ... [3546] Essay on the Fbra of Australia — Introil. to Flora Tasmanioe ... [1736] Hand-Book to the New Zealand Flora. 8vo. 1867 [1749] Ascent of the Atlas Mountains— P.R.G.S. XV. 212 [1952] Brit. Association Address, 1881— P.R.G.8. (N.S.) iii. 595 [1962] (and John Ball) Tour in Morocco and the Great Atlas. 8vo. ... [3996] Hooper (W. H.) Ten Mouths among the Tents of the Tuski. 8vo. 1853 [2662] Hope (F. W.) African Entomology— Col. Mag. iii. 13, &c. ; iv. 317 ... [1479] (Percy) Delagoa Bay and the Gold Fields— J. R. G. S. xliv. 203 ... [1904] Hopkins (Manley) Hawaii, Past, tresent, and Future. 12mo. 1866 ...[4663] (Thomas) On Arid Countries— J.R.G.S. xxvi. 158 [1886] Winter Temperature of British Islands— J . R. G. S. xxvii. 206 [1887] Trade Winds— P. R.G.S. ii. 357 [1939] OntheNorthPole— P.R.G.S. iv. 100 [1941] Hopkirk (J. G.) Insurrection in St. Domingo, 1791— Pamp [6036] Hore ( Capt. E. C.) Lake Tanganyika— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 1 [1963] (M.) Voyage to Newfoundland, &c., 1536— Hakluyt, iii. ,29 ... [2064] Hore8(W.) Voyage from Surat to Achen, 1618-19— PuRCHAS,i. pt. iL 656... [2072] Home (Charles) Indian Storms — Cassell, iii. [2253] The Indian Wolf, " Canis Pallipes "— Cassell, iii. [2253] Naturalist's Notes N. W. Provinces, India — Cassell, iv [2254] (John) Resources of Fiji ; Botanical, Agricultural, &o. 8vo. 1881 ... [5631] (R. H.) Aiistralian Facts and Prospects. 12mo. 1859 [5122] Hornemann (Fred.) Travels from Cairo to Fezzan, 1797-98. 4to. [3985] ;& [1986] Homer (the Misses) Florence — Ency. Beit. ix. 330 [2269] Horshurgh (J.) Geography of the Maldive Islands^.E.G.S. ii. 72 ... [1862] Horsey (Cnpt. de) on the Comoro Islands— J. R.G.S. xxxiv. 258 [1894] (Sir J.) Travels and Residence in Russia, 1575-91 — Hakluyt Soo. [2132] Hort (Daniel) Trinidad. 8vo. 1865 [6007] Horton (J. A. B.) The West Coast of Africa. 8vo. 1867 [4060] Hortop (Job) Travels to the N. of Panuco, 1586 — Hakluyt, iii. 487 ... [2064] Hosie, Journey in S. W. China to W. Yunnan— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 371 [1967] Hoskyn (Rich.) South Coast of Asia Minor— J.K.G.S. xii. 143 [1872] Hotten (J. C.) Abyssinia audits People. 12mo. 1868 [3957] Houat(L. T.) Les Marrons, del'Isle Bourbon. 8vo. 1844 [4413] Houghton (Maj.) Expedition to the Niger, 1790-91 — African Assoc. 1. [1986] (Lord) Report on Opening of Suez Canal— P. R.G.S. xiv. 88 ... [1951] Houlding (J. R. ) Stories of Australian Life. 5 vols. 12mo. 1867-81 ... [5034] Houston (Mrs.) Twenty Years in the Wild West (Connaught). 12mo. ... [2996] Houtman (Cornelius) Voyages to Java (1595-98)— Supp. to Hakluyt ... [2070] • Hakley, ii. 393 [2088] ; Davis [2172] ; Db Jonge [1357] Howard (F.) Marine Survey, North Australia— J. R.G.S. xxxvi. 227 ... [1896] Howe (Robert) Australasian Almanac, 1827. 8vo [4851] Howell (George) National Industrial Insurance and Liability, 1880 — Pamp. [1636] (James) Instructions for Fonen Travell. 18mo. 1650 [1283] (Rev. Wm.) Second Voyageof the "Duff." 12mo. 1809 [2417] ■ (Mrs. W. May) The Diggings and the Bush : Australian Tales. 8vo. [5133] Howgate (Capt. H. W.) Cruise of the "Florence," 1877-78. 12mo. ... [2715] Howison (John) European Colonies. 2 vols. 8vo. 1834. [2843] Howitt (A. W.) Notes on Aborigines of Cooper's Creek — Smyth [4804] -— Consanguinity and Kinship of Australian Tribe — Smyth [4804] Kamilaroi and Kurnai : Australian Tribes. 8vo. 1880 [4806] (Richard) Impressions of Australia Felix. 12mo. 1845 [5092] (William) Colonisation and Christianity. 12mo. 1838 [1469] Tallangetta, the Squatter's Home : a Story. 2 vols. 12mo. 1857... [5114] Land, Labour, and Gold : Two Years in Victoria. 2 vols. 12rao. 1858 [5116] History of Discovery in Australia, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1865 [4757] Howland (Edw.) Annals of North America, 1492-1876. 8vo [5930] Howorth (H.) Changes in Polar Regions— J.R.G.S. xliii. 240 ; xliv. 252 [1903-4] Hoyle(F. W.) Fragments of a Journal saved from Shipwreck. 12mo. 1868 [5501] (W.E.) Phosphorescence— Ency. Beit, xviii. 813 [2278] Hubert (Bp. of Salisbury) Voyage to Syria, 1190— Hakluyt, ii. 31 ... [2062] l:xxii INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. Hubner (Baron von) Ramble Bound the World in 1871. 12mo [2866] Through the British Empire. 2 vols. 12mo. 1886 [2876] (Prof. E.) Roman Inscriptions — Ency. Brit. xiii. 124 [2273] Hue (Abbe) Chinese Empire, Tartary, and Thibet. 5 vols. 8vo. 1855-58 [3382] Hudson (H.) Descriptio Novi ad Aquilonem,&c. — De Bry PetitVoyage.s,x. [2052] Voyages and Discoveries, 1607-10 — Purchas, iii. pp. 567-609 ... [2074] Voyages, edited by G. M. Asker — HakluytSoo. xxvii [2139] Hiigel (Barou C.) Himraa-leh Mts. and Cashmir, 1835— J.R.G.S. vi. 343... [1866] Hughes (Rev. T. S.) Travels in Greece and Albania. 2 vols. 1830 ...[3212] (Wm.) and Dempsev (J. M.) Our Ocean Highways. 8vo [1295] (Rev. W.) Tour through France in 1802. 8vo [3064] Hull (Edward) Physical History of the British Isles. 8vo. 1882 ...[3004] Survey of "We.stern Palestine. 4to. 1886 [3807] (E. C. P.) Coffee Planting in India and Ceylon. 12mo. 1877 ...[3567] (Hugh Munro) Forty Years in Tasmania. 12mo. 1839 — Pamp. ... [5375] Tasmania and its Wealth in Timber— P. R.C.I, iv. 169 ; v. 160 [2004-5] ■ (Prof.) Building Stones — Brit. Industries [1573] Hulton (Dr.) Curia Muria Isles, Coast of Arabia — J.R.G.S. xi. 156 ... [1871] Humbert (Aime) A European Sojourn in Japan — Cas.sell, i [2251] Humboldt (l?aron Alex, von) Travels in America, 1799-1804. 8 vols. 8vo. [1350] — — Researches, Ancient Inhabitants of America. 2 vols. 8vo. ... [1350] Kingdom of New Spain. 4 vols. 8vo. [1350] Atlas Pittoresque : Vues de Cordilleras, &c. Folio. 1810 [1350] Geognostical Essay on the Superposition of Rocks. 8vo. 1823 ... [1350] Geographic duNouveau Continent XV«et XVI" Siecles. 5 vols. 12mo. [1350] Level of the Black and Caspian Seas— J. R. G. S. viii. 135 [1868] Aspects of Nature. 2 vols. 12mo. 1849 [1350] Cosmos : Physical Description of the Universe. 5 vols. 12mo. 1849-58 [1350] Life of Humboldt, by J. Lowenbcrg, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1873 ...[1350] Hume (Joseph) Letters on Proceedings of Sir J. Brooke, 1853 — Pamp. ... [4484] Hunt (Carew) Description of St. Mary, Azores — J.R.G.S. xv. 258 ... [1875] Description of St. Michael, Azores— J.R.G.S. XV. 268 [1875] (Commander) Ascent of the Congo— P. R.G.S. ii. 374 [1939] (Fred.) 25 Years in N. Z. and Chatham Islands. 1866— Pamp. ... [5606] (Rev. John) Missionary to Fiji, 1838-48. By G. S. Rowe. 12rao. ... [5618^ Life of Rev. W. Cross, Missionary to Fiji. 12mo [5616 Hunter (Adm. J. ) Journal of Transactions at Port Jackson. 4to. 1793... [4829 (John) Bee and Beekeeping — Ency. Brit. iii. 484 [1875 (John D.) Captivity among the N. American Indians. 8vo. 1823... [5899] (W. A.) Roman Law, embodying Gains and Justinian. 8vo. 1876... [1407] (W.W.) Imperial Gazetteer of India. 9 vols. 8vo. 1881 [3587] The Indian Empire ; its History, People, and Products. 8vo. 1881 [3587] India in 1881 ; its Geography, Population, Commerce, Administration, &e. Also Arts. — As.sam ; Bengal ; Bombay ; Calcutta ; Cawnpur ; Central Pro- vinces ; Dacca ; Dellii ; Sladras ; Mysoi-e ; &c. — Ency. Brit. [2262, &c] Huntington (Earl) Voy. to Jeru.salem and Sinai, 1394 — Hakluyt, ii. 70... [2062] (R.) Of the Porphyry Pillars in Egypt— R.iY [2080] Hurlbert (J. Beaufort) Britain and her Colonies. 8vo. 1865 [1521] ■ Physical Atlas of the Dominion of Canada. 4to. 1880 [5743] Hursthouse (Charles) Settlement at New Plymouth. 12mo. 1849 ... [5445] New Zealand, the Britain of the South. 2 vols. 12mo. 1857 ... [5476] N. Z. Bradshaw : Guide to "Britain of the South," 1858— Pamp. ... [5606] Huskisson (Wm.) Speeches on Colonial Policy. 8vo. 1825 [1450] Hussey(H.) The Australian Colonie.s. 12mo. 1852 [4936] Hutchinson (Edw. ) The Lost Continent [Africa]. 8vo. 1880 [406,5] Victoria Nyanza Church Miss. Exped. — P.R.G.S. xxi. 498 [1958] Ascent of Binue River, 1879— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) ii. 289 [1961] (T.J.) Impressions of Western Africa. 8vo. 1858 [4049] Ten Years^ Wanderings— Senegal to Gaboon. 8vo. 1861 [4051] Buenos Ayres and Argentine Gleanings, 1862-63. 8vo [6157] Journey through Argentine Provinces — J.R.G.S. xxxiv. 226 [1894] Pai-aguay during the War — Cassell, i. [2251] INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. Hutchinson (T. J.) The Parana, Incidents of Paraguayan War, 1861-68. 8vo [6159] Two Years in Peru, with Expl. of Antiquities. 2 vols. 8vo. 1873 [6195] Summer Holidays in Brittany. 12mo. 1876 [3069] Huth (Henry) Description of his De Bry Collection. 4to. 1880 [6334] Huttman, Chinese and Europeau Maps of China — J.R.G.S. xiv. 117 ... [1874] Button (Catherine) The Tour of Africa. 3 vols. 8vo. 1819-21 [1216] (James) Missionary Life in the Southern Seas. 12mo. 1874 ... [4601] Central Asia: from the Aryan to the Cossack. 8vo. 1875 [3324] Huxley (T. H.) Oceanic Hydrozoa. 4to. 1851 [1653] Lessons in Elementary Physiology. 12mo. 1881 ... ... ... [1653] Elementary Instruction in Practical Biology. 12mo. 1883 [1653] Physiography: lutrod. to the Study of Nature. 12mo. 1883 ... [1653] American Addresses : Evolution, Biology, &c. 8vo. 1877 [1653] Lay Sermons, Addi-esses, and Reviews. 8vo. 1883 [1653] Science and Culture, and other Essays. 8vo. 1882 [1653] Critiques and Addresses. 8vo. 1883 .. [1653] Actinozoa ; Amphibia; Biology ; Evolution— Ency. Brit. ... [2261, &c.] Hwen Tlisang, Travels of — Cunningham, Ancient Geography of India ... [3508] Hyams (Abr. ) Jamaica ; its Constitution and Government, 1874 — Pamp... [6036] lambulus, Navigatione di Jambolo — Ramusio, i. 174 , ...[2027] Navigation to Arabia, India, &c. — Purohas, i. 79 ... ... ... [2071] Ibn-al-Vardi, Bakni, Central Africa (14th cent.)— Murray, Africa, ii. 529 [1344] Ibn Batuta, Travels, Tangierto Egypt, India, &c., 1322-55— Yule's Cathay [2149J Ibrahim Khan, Route from Kashmir to Yarkand— P.R.G.S. xv. 387 ... [1952] lies (John Alex. Burke) Nevis : Account of the Island. 4to. 1871 ...[6012] lUingTv-orth (Adm.) The Isthmus of Cupica— P.R.G.S. i. 86 [1938] Im Thurn (E. F.) Journey into British Guiana— P.R.G.S. (N.8.) ii. 465... [1961] Ascentof Mount Roraima—P.R.G.S. (N.S.)vii. 497 [1966] Inglefeld (E. A.) Voyage of the " Isabel "—J.R.G.S. xxiii. 136 [1883] A Summer Search for Eranklin. 8vo. 1863 [2663] Inglis(H.D.) Journey through Ireland, 1834. 2 vols. 12mo [2974] (James) Our Australian Cousins. 8vo. 1880... ... ... ... [5026] (John, Bp. of Nova Scotia) Visitation Journals, 1843-45 [6257] Ingram (Gov.) Expedition up the Gambia — J.R.G.S. xvii. 150 [1877] (J. K.) Political Economy : Historical, Critical — Ency. Brit. xix. 346 [2279] Ingulph (Abbot of Croyland) Voyage to Jerusalem, 1064 — Haki.uyt, ii. 8 [2062] Innes (C. L.) Canterbury Sketches [N".Z.]. By a Pilgi-im. 12mo. 1879 [5542] (John) Letter on Negro Apprenticeship, 1838— Pamp. [6036J (Rev. Wm.) Liberia, American Colony of Free Negroes. 18mo. 1833 [4029] Irby(C. L.)andMangles(James)TravelsinEgypt, Syria, &c., 1817-18. 8vo. [3877] Ireland (A.) Geogi-aphy and History of Oceania and Australasia. 12mo. [4744] Irminger (Adm.) Arctic Current round Greenland — J.R.G.S. xxvL 36 ... [1886] Icelandic Currents— P. R.G.S. V. 225 [1942] Gulf Stream in N. Atlantic— P. R. G. S. xiii. 226 [1950] Surface Temperature, N.Atlantic— J. R.G.S. xl. 441 [1900] "Frislanda" of the Zeni is Iceland— J.R.G.S. xlix. 398 [1909] Irving (Washington) Life and Voyages of Columbus. 4 vols. 8vo. 1828... [2303] TheAlhambra. By Geoffrey Crayon. 2 vols. 8vo. 1832 [3031] Irwin (Eyles) Voyage up the Red Sea, Egypt, Arabia, &c., 1777-81. 8vo... [3840] (Capt. F.C.) State and Position of West Australia. 8vo. 1835 ...[5286] Isbister (A. K.) Account of Peel River (1845)— J.R.G.S. xv. 332 [1875] Proposal for Penal Settlement, Brit. N. America, 1850 — Pamp. ... [5770] Isenberg and Krapf, Journey to Abyssinia — J.R.G.S. x. 455 ... ... [1870] Ivens(R.)andCapello (H.) Benguellato Yacca. 2 vols. 8vo. 1882 ... [4102] Iver Boty, Course from Iceland to Greenland, 1608 — PuROHAS, iii. 518 ... [2074] Izett (F. W.) New Zealand in 1870, and in 1880— Pamp [5606] Jackson (Andrew) Burke's Australian Expedition, 1860. 12mo [4750] (B. Daydon) Guide to the Literature of Botany. 8vo. 1881 ...[6338] — Vegetable Technology : BibUog. of Economic Botany. 8vo. 1882... [6339] Linnaeus— Ency. Brit. xiv. 671 [2274] Ixxiv INDEX OF AUTHORS. No, in Catalogue. Jackson (Charlotte, Lady) Fair Lusitania. Royal 8vo. 1874 [3041] (James) Bibliogi-aphies Geographiques Sp&iiiles. Svo. 1881 ... [6336J (J. G.) Account of Morocco, Timbuctoo, &c. 4to. 1814 [3986] Account of Timbuctoo and Houssa. 8vo. 1820 [4023] (John) Residence in Feejee, 1840-42— Erskinb, W. Pacific [2489] (Col. J. R.) On the Seiches of Lakes— J.R.G.S. iii. 271 [1863] On Geographical Nomenclature— J. R.G.S. iv. 72 [1864] Congelationof theNeva— J.R.G.S. V. 1 [1865] Picturesque Descriptions in Hooka of Travel— J.R.G.S. v. 881 ... [1865] Ground Ice in Siberian Rivers— J.R.G.S. vi. 416 [1866] Indexto J.R.G.S. Vols. i.-x. 8vo. 1844 [1911] What to Observe ; or. The Traveller's Remembrancer. Svo. 1861... [1291] Jacobson (H. C.) Stories of Banks Peninsula. 18mo. 1884 [5563] Jagor (F.) Travels in the Philijjpines. Svo. 1875 [4477] James (A. G. F. Eliot) Indian Industries. 12mo. 1880 [3580J (F. L.) The Wild Tribes of the Soudan. 12mo. 1884 [3935] Through the Somauli Country— P. R. G. S. (N. S ) vii. 625 [1 966] (G. P. R.) History of the U.S. Boundary Question, 1839— Pamp. ... [57701 — ^(SirH.) Projection of Maps— J.R.G.S. XXX. 106 [1890] Levelling, Mediterranean to Dead Sea — J.R.G.S. xxxvi. 201 ... [1896] (J. T.) Tour in Germany, Sweden, Prussia, &o. 1813. 2 vols. Svo. [3163] (Prosser) Visit to Rome — Cassell, iii [2253] (Capt. T.) Voyage towards the North- West, 1631-33— Harris, ii. 406 [2095] ■ Voyage, edited by Rundall — Hakluyt Soc [2117] (T. H.) Six Months in S. Australia, Port PhiUip, &c. 12mo. 1838 [5181] (Lord Justice Sir Wm.) The British in India. Svo. 1882 [3590] Jameson (R. G.) New Zealand, S. Australia, and N. S. W. 12mo. 1842 [6420] — — (Prof.) Polar Seas and Regions. 12mo. 1845 [2647] (Dr. W.) Excureion from Quito to R. Napo— J.R.G.S. xxviii. 337 ... [1888] Journey, Quito to Cayarabe, 1859— J.R.G.S. xxxi. 184 [1891] Jannequin (Claude) Travels in West Africa, 1637— Murray, .4/riai. ... [1344] Jansen (Commodore) The Dutch in Arctic Seas— P.R.G.S. ix. 163 ... [1946] Dutch Arctic Expedition— P.R.G.S. (N.S.)i. 26 [I960] Dutch Arctic Voyages, 1878-81— P.R.GS. (N.S.)iv. 35 [1963] Jansz (W.) Voyage of the "Duyphen," 1606— Flinders [2425] ; Major [2137] Jardine (Messrs.) Expedition to Cape York— J.R.G.S. xxxvi. 19, 76 ... [1896] Jarvas (J. J.) History of the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands. Svo. 1872 [4666] Kiana : a Tradition of Hawaii. 12mo. 1857 [4659] Jeffreys (A. J.) Ascent of Fuji-Yama, Japan— P.R.G.S. xix. 169 [1956] (Lieut. Chas. ) Van Diemen's Land. Svo. 1820 [5310] Jenkins (Edward) The Coolie in British Guiana. Svo [6098] Address on Colonial Questions— Westminster Discus. 1871 ... [1532] The Great Dominion : Address at Manchester. 1875 — Pamp. ... [5770] (H. L.) Trip across Patkoi Range— J. R,G.S. xli. 342 [1901] Jenkinson (Anthony) Journey to Astrakhan, Bokhara, &c. (1558-71) — Hakluyt, i. 310 [2061] ; PuRCHAs, iii. [2074] ; Thevenot, No. 6 [2077] ; Murray, Asia, i. 306 [1344] ; Hakluyt Soo. Ixxii. and Ixxiii [2184] Jeppe (F.) Transvaal Book-Almanac and Directory. 12mo. [4359] Physical Geography of the Transvaal — J.R.G.S. xl vii. 217 [1907] (and Porssman) Manual of the Transvaal, 1878 — Pamp [4365] Jervis (Capt. T. B.) Progress of Survey in India— J.R.G.S. vii. 127 ... [1867] Tidesin theGnlf of Cambay— J.R.G.S. viii. 202 [1868] Jervois (Sir W.) : a Sketch, by Major Griffiths — Pillars of the Empire ... [1553] Jessop (W. R. H. ) Flindersland and Sturtland. 12mo. 1862 [4971] Jewitt (Llewellynn) The Stately Homes of England. 2 vols. Small 4to. [2990] Jo5o dos Sanntos, Observations on Ethiopia, &c. — Purciias, ii. 1535 ... [2073] Jobson (Rev. F. J.) Australia, with Notes by the Way. 12mo. 1862 ... [4972] (R.) Discovery of the R. Gambia, &c.— PuBCHA.s, ii. 921, 1567 ... [2073] Jochmus (Lieut -Gen.) Journey into the Balkans — J.R.G.S. xxiv. 36 ... [1884] Commentaries on the Battle of Marathon, &c. — J.R.G.S. xxviL 1 ... [1S87] Commun. betw. L. Sabanja and G. Nicomedia— P.R.G.S. i. 301 ... [1887] John (King of Portugal) The Art of Navigation — Purchas, i. pt. ii. 7 ... [2072] INDEX OF AUTHORS, ' Ixxv No. In Catalogue. John Ernest, Duke of Saxe-Weimar, Visit to James I., 1613 [2937] Johnson (Capt.) Journey through the Himalaya Mts. — J.R.G.S. iv. 41 ... [1864] (C. P.) Fig ; Fir; Larch ; Oak ; Olive ; Orange— Ency. Brit. [2268, &c.] (Fred. E.) New South Wales and How to Get There, 1886 Pamp. [5071] (J. H.) Commun. between the Ganges and Hoogly— J.R.G.S. ii. 316 [1862] (J. Pitts) Plain Truths about Australia and N.Z., 1840— Pamp. ... [5071] (J. Yate) The Canary Islands, 1876— Ency. Bbit. iv. 795 [2264] The Hawaiian Islands— Ency. Brit. xi. 528 [2271] Lisbon— Ency. Brit. xiv. 690 [2274] -^ — Madeira, Porto Santo, and tlie Desertas — Ency. Bbit. xv. 177 ... [2275] (R.) Landing among the Samoedjs, 1556 — Hakluyt, i. 283 [2061] Voyage into Persia, 1565— Hakluyt, i. 354 [2061] ; Hakluyt Soc. [2184] (W. H.) Journey to Hchi, Khotan— J.R.G.S. xxxvii. 1 [1897] , (Rev. W. P.) Journeys in the Yao Country— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 480 [1963] Seven Years' Travels E. of Nyassa— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 512 ... [1965] Johnston (Alex. Keith) Gazetteer of the World. 8vo. 1877 [1233] Handy Royal Atlas. Royal 4to. 1880 [1234] . (A. R.) Island of Hong Kong— J.R.G.S. xiv. 112 [1874] (H. H.) Visit to Stanley's Congo Stations— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) v. 569... [1964] Journey up the Congo to Bolobo-P.B.G.S. (N.S.) v. 692 [1964] The Kilima-njaro Expedition— P.R.G.S. (N,S.) vii. 137 [1966] ^ The Kilima-njaro Expedition in Eastern Equatorial Africa. 8vo. 1885 [4142] ■ (John) History of the Constancy of Nature. 18mo. 1657 [1641] : (Keith, jun.) Africa ; Geography, &c., 1874— Ency. Brit. i. 245 ... [2261] On Wakefield's Map of East Africa— P.R.G.S. xvi. 125 [1953] Physical Geography of Paraguay— P.R.G.S. XX. 494 [1957] Bolivia ; Geography, Government, &c., 1876 — Ency. Bkit. iv. 10 ... [2264] Cape Colony : Physical Features, Statistics, &c., 1876— Ency. Bbit. v. [2265] . Cuba; Histor}', Government, &c., 1877— Ency. Bkit. vi. 678 ... [2266] Fez and Fezzan ; Geography, Trade, &c., 1879— Ency. B. ix. 127, 128 [2269] . Africa ; A Compendium of Geography and Travel. 8vo. 1879 ... [1253] Geography, Physical, Historical, and Descriptive. 12mo. 1880 ... [1236] . Native Routes Dar-Es-Salaam to Nyassa— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) i. 417 ... [I960] From Zanzibar to Usambara Country— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) i. 545 ... [I960] Biographical Notice of — Thomson's Exped. to C. Africa, 1S81 ... [4139] (W. and A. K.) Historical Atlas. 2 vols. 4to. 1880 [1235] ^Johnstone(Capt. J. C.)Maoria: Sketches of the N. Zealanders. 12mo. 1874 [5518] Jomard (M.) Les Monuments de la Geographic. Folio. 1847 ... ... [1169] Jones (E. Duffield) Index to Jour. Roy. Geog, Soc. Vols, xxi.-xl [1911] (Felix) Steam Voyage, North of Baghdad, 1846— J.R.G.S. xviii. 1... [1878] (Sir Harford) Mission to Persia — Muebay, Asia, iii. 86 [1344] (Mrs. H.) Outlines of Long Years in Australia. 12rao. 1878 ... [5145] (Rev. H. B.) Adventures in Australia in 1852-53. 12mo. 1853 ... [4941] (H. L.) Notes on Maps of Patagonia— J. R.G.S. xxxi. 204 [1891] (Inigo) Stonehenge Restored. Folio, L.P. 1725 [2944] (J. J.) Openings for Emigrants [N. Zealand, U.S., &c.], 1880— Pamp. [1636] (J. Winter) Vartliema's Travels, 1503-8— Hakluyt Soc [2144] lutrod. to Hakluyt's Divers Voyages to America — Hakluyt Soc. ... [2119] (Richard) England's Food Supply and Australia— P. R.C.L iii. 26 ... [2003] (Stephen) Parliamentary Lists N. S. W. — Okfioial History -.• [5043] (Thos.) Fourth Voyage of the E. Indian Co.— PuRCHAs, i. pt. ii. 228 [2072] Jonge (J. K. J, de) Nederlandsch Gezag in Oost-Indie. Vols. i. to xi. ... [1357] Jordanus (Friar) Wonders of the East, 1330, by Yule— Hakluyt Soc. ... [2143] Jorgensen (John) Autobiography— Hobaht Aliuanac, 1835, 1838... [5317-18] Jourdain (H. J.) Account of Mauritius, 1882— P.K.C.I. xiii. 263 [2013] Jourdan (Silv.) Discovery of the ]5ermudas — Hakluyt Supp. 763 ... [2070] Journet (F. ) L'Australie ; Pays, Travaux Publics, Mines, &c. 8vo. 1885 [5047] Jovio (Paolo) Historico delle Cose della Moscovia — Ramusio, ii. 132 ... [2028] Description of Moscovia — Herberstein's Rus.sia, ii. [2123] Jukes (J. Beete) Excursions in Newfoundland, 1839-40. 2 vols. 12mo... [5854] Voyage of the " Fly " to E. Archipelago, 1842-46. 2 vols. Svo. ... [2477] Sketch of the Physical Structure of Australia. Svo. 1850 [4730] (and others) Lectures on Gold Ores, &c. 12mo. 1853 [1655] Ixxvi INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. Jfllg (Prof. B.) Language of the Mongols— Ency. Beit. xvi. 749 [2276] Jung (Dr. E.) and Sime (James) Hanover, 1880— Enoy. Beit. xi. 446 ... [2271] Junker (Dr.) The Nyam Nyam Country— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iii 301 ... [1962] Juniu.s's Letters, Woodfall's Edition. 3 vols. 8vo. 1812 [1431] Just (P.) Australia ; Notes taken during a Residence, 1851-57. 12iao. ... [4963] (T. C. ) Tasmania and its Resources. 8vo. 1879 — Pamp [5375] Official Hand-Book of Tasmania, 1883 — Pamp. [5375] Justinian's Institutes, by T. Collett Sandars. 8vo. 1883 [1406] K (W.) Impressions of the West and South [United States]. 8vo. 1858 [5915] Kalitin (Lt.) Journey Across Turkoman Desert — P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 219.. [1963] Kaltbrunner (D. ) Senegambia — Enoy. Beit. xxi. 661 [2281] Kan (C. M.) Holland ; Geog. and Statistics, 1881— Ency. Beit. xii. 59 ... [2272] Kane (E. K.) Grinnell Expedition in Search of Franklin. 8vo. 1853 ...[2664] . Arctic Explorations : Second Grinnell Exped., 1853-55. 2 vols. 8vo. [2676] Search for Franklin, 1853-55 — J.R.G.S. xxvi. 1 ... .;. ... [1886] Biography of Elisha Kent Kano, by William Elder. 8vo. 1858 ... [2681] Kao (Dionysius) Descr. of Corea, China, Tonquin, &c. — Haeris, ii. 975... [2095] Kashgar (Prince of) Geography of Turkestan— P. R. G. S. xvii.195; xs.482 [1954,57] Kay (David) Abyssinia, 1875— Ency. Beit. i. 61 ; Algeria, 562 [2261] Austria-Hungary, 1875— Ency. Beit. iii. 115 ; Belgium, 514 .. [2263] Kaye (Gen.) Mountain Passes leading to Bamian— P. R. G. S. (N.S.) i. 244 [1960] Kazi S3Tid Ahmad, Yomut Tribe, Khorasan — J.R.G.S. xlvi. 142 ... Keane (A. H.) Ethnology — Stanfoed's Compendium of Geography ■ Georgia, Transcaucasia — Ency. Beit. x. 431 The American Indians^ENCY. Beit. xii. 822 Kirghiz — Enoy. Brit. xiv. 94 [2274] ; Malaya, xv. 320 Mexico ; Republic and City, 1883 — Enoy. Bbit. xvi. 214, 220 The Negro Race ; Nicaragua ; Nubia — Enoy. Beit. xvii. 316, 477,610 [2277] Senaar — Enoy. Brit. xxi. 657 [2281] Keate (Geo.) The Pelew Islands, and Shipwreck of the "Antelope." 4to... [2387] Keating, Exped. to St. Peter's River, L. Winnepeek, &c., 1823. 2 vols. 8vo. [5801] Keeling (W.) Tliird Voyage of E. India Co., 1607-10— PuEOH. i. pt. ii. 188 [2072] [1906] [1250-55] [2270] [2272] [2275] [2276] Keene (Henry J.) ; a Sketch, by J. Macdonald — Pillars of the Empire Keith (Sir G. M.) Voyage to Brazil and the Cape. 4to. 1819 ... Keller (Franz) The Amazon and Madeira Rivers. 4to. 1874 Kelley (F. M.) Valley of the Atrato— J.R.G.S. xxvi. 174 .<. Kelly (Wui.) Life in Victoria in 1853 and 1858. 2 vols. 12mo ... On British Columbia— P.R.G.S. vi. 107 Keltic (J. Scott) Sir John Franklin— Enoy. Beit. ix. 719 Finland — Enoy. Brit. ix. 216 Livingstone's Life and Explorations — Enoy. Beit. xiv. 720... National Debts of the World, 1884 — Enoy. Beit. xvii. ■ Scottish Highlands, Clans, and Regiments. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo, The Statesman's Year- Book. 23rd issue. 12mo. 1886 Report on Geographical Education — R.G.S. Supp. P. i. Exhibition of Geographical Appliances, Catalogue — R.G.S. ... Kemp (J.) The White Nile above Gondokoro— P. R. G. S. xix. 324... Kempe (A. J.) Descriptions to Stothard's Monumental Ejfigies Kempthome (Lt.) Eastern Shores Persian Gulf, 1828— J.R.G.S. T. 263 Kendal (Lieut.) Account of Deception I. (S. Shetland)— .J.R.G.S. i. 62 Kennaway (L. J.) Crusts : a Settler's Fare due South. 12mo. 1874 Kennedy, England and Venice : Argument on Colonial Policy, 1827- (Alex.) New Zealand. 12mo. 1874 (D.) Colonial Travel : Four Years in Australia, &c. 12mo. 1876 . • (E. B.) River Victoria Expedition — &yvkt'& Central Aiist. vol. ii. . Cape York Exped, &c. — Maogilliveay's Voy. of "Rattlesnake.". Exped. to ascertain Course of R. Victoria — J.R.G.S. xix. 193 • Exped. to determine Source of Barcoo — J.R.G.S. xxii. 228 ... (E. B.) Four Years in Queen.sland. 12mo. 1870 • (H. G.) Southern Laos and Cambodia, 1866— J.R.G.S. xxxvii. 298. (Wm.) Voyage of the "Prince Albert "—J.R.G.S. xxiii. 122 [1553] [2434] ... [6128] ... [1886] ... [5120] ... [1943] ... [2269] ... [2269] ... [2274] ... [2277] 1885 [3007] ... [1631] ... [1912] ... [1912] ... [1956] [2963] [1865] [1861] [5521] Pamp. [1636] [5519] [5013] [4728] [2485] [1879] [1882] [5245] [1897] [1883] Second Voyage of the "P. Albert" in Search of Franklin. 8vo. 1856 [2675] INDEX OF AUTHORS. Ixxvii No. in Catalogue. Keiiney (Charles L.) The Gates of the East : the Suez Canal, 1857— Pamp. [3918] KepiJel (Cajit.) Expedition to Borneo. 2 vols. 8vo. 1846 - ... [2472] Kerguelen, Voyages dans le Mers Australes et des Indies, 1771-74. 12mo. [2383] Kerr (Montagu) Jouraey, Cape Town to Nyassa— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 65 [1967] (Wm.) Melbourne Almanac, and Port Phillip Directory, 1842. 8vo. [5090] Kerry-Nicholls (J. H.) The King-Country, New Zealand. 8vo. 1884... [5567] Exploration of the King-Country— P. K.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 201 [1968] Ketenensis (R.) Voyage to Dalmatia," Greece. &o. 1143 — Hakluyt, ii. 16 [2062] Keyser (Arthur) Our Cruise to New Guinea, 1885 — Pamp [4530] Khanikoff (M. J.)Survey of Orenlnirgh— .I.R.G.S. xiii. 278 [1873] Tanghi Daria, Branch of Jaxartes— J.R.G.S. xiv. 333 [1874] Kidder (D. P.) and Fletcher (J. C.) Brazil and the Brazilians. 8vo. ... [6122] Kiechel (Samuel) England and the English, 1585— Rye [2937] Kimberley (Earl) : a Sketch — Pillars of the Empire [1553' Kindersley (Mrs.) Lettera from the Ea.st Indies, 1764-68. 12mo. ... [3515a King (D. 0.) Travels in Siam and Cambodia — J.R.G.S. xxx. 177 [1890" (Edw.) Colonisation on Principles of Pure Christism, 1845 — Pamp. ... [1636 The Southern States of North America. Royal 8 vo. 1875 [5929' • (Col. J. A.) The Argentine Republic. 8vo. 1846 [6155; (Capt. P. P.) Maritime Geograjihy of Australia — Field, &c [4710' Survey N.W. and W. Coasts of Australia, 1818-22. 2 vols. 8vo.... [471l' Tierra del Fuego, and Strait of Magelhaens— J.R.G.S. i. 155 [1860] Surveying Voyage of the "Beagle," 1826-30. 8vo [2459] (R.) Capt. Back's Arctic Expedition, 1833-35. 2 vols. 12mo. ...[2643] The Franklin Expedition, from First to Last. 12mo. 1855 ... [2673] (Capt. W.) Voyage to Bay of Mexico, 1592— Hakltjyt, iii. 570 ... [2064] ("W. R. ) The Sportsman and Naturalist in Canada. Royal 8vo. 1866 [5723] Names of Places in Geogiaphy— P.R.G.S. xix. 134 [1956] (Miss) and others, Illustrations to Wakefield's New Zealand [5432] Kingdom (Wm. ) America and the British Colonies. 8vo. 1820 [1447] Kiuglake (A. W.) Eothen: Travels in the East. Svo. 1846 [3217] Kingsley (Rev. Charles) At Last. 2 vols. 12rao. 1870 [6010] (Dr. H.) and Pembroke (Earl) South Sea Bubbles. Svo. 1872 ...[4598] Kingsmill (Rev. Joseph) Mis.sions and Missionaries. Svo. 1853 [6260] Kingston (W. H. G.) Lusitauian Sketches. 2 vols. 12mo. 1845 ...[3035] Kinloch (Charles W.) Cape of Good Hope and the Kaffirs, 1856— Pamp. ... [4298] A Night among the Lions, Vaal River — Cassell, v [2255] Kinnear (Boyd) Mind of England on the Eastern Question, 1878 — Pamp. ... [1636] Kinneir (Maed.) Asia Minor, Armenia, &c., 1813-14 — Murray, Asia, iii. [1344] Kino and Salvatierra, Junction of California, &c. — Burnby, iv. 357 ... [2104] Kirby (Capt. B.) Journey into Ashanti— P.R.G.S. (N.S.)vi. 447 [1965] (W. F.) Hibernation— Ency. Brit. xi. 787 [2271] Kirk (Dr. R.) Tajnrrah to Ankobar, Aby.ssinia— J.R.G.S. xli. 221 [1872] (Sir John) Zambesi Delta— J.R.G.S.xxxiv. 199 [1894] On Equipment of Livingstone's Expeditions— J.R.G.S. xxxiv. 290 ... [1894] Expeditions up the Ruvuma — J.R G.S. xxxv. 154 []895J Visit to Somauli Land— P.R.G.S. xvii. 340 Deltaofthe Lufiji— P.R.G.S. xviii. 74 Kirke (Henry) Immigration in B. Guiana — Russell P. Essay Kirkpatriok (Col. ) Journey to Nepaul, 1793 — Murray, Asia, ii. 470 Kitchener (Capt.) and others, Survey of W. Palestine. 3 vols. 4to. (Wm., M.D.) The Traveller's Oracle. 2 vols. 12mo. 1827 Kitchin (Alex.) Travels to Persia — Hakluyt Soc (Rev. G. W.) History of France — Ency. Brit. ix. 527 History of Holland— Ency. Brit. xii. 69 Kittlitz (F. H. von) Vegetation of the Pacific Coasts and Islands. 4to. ... Klaproth (Julius von) Travels in the Canca.sus and Georgia, 1807-8. 4to. (M. J.) Researches sur le Pays de Fou Sang, 1831— Vining Kmielniski and the Cossacks — Thevenot, i. No. 2 Knight (Charles) London, Described and Illustrated. 6 vols. Svo. 1841-44 [2976] Cyclopa;dia of the Industry of all Nations. Svo. 1851 [1498] Ixxviii INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. Knight (Francis) Seven Years' Slavery in Algiers, 1631-38— Habley, iL 465 [2088 (J. G.) Northern Territory — Haeotjs, South Australia [5205 (John) Voyage to SeekN.W. Passage, 1606— Hakluyt Soo [2169 ■ (W. H.) Western Australia ; its History and Prospects. 8vo. 1870... [5293; Knivet (A.) Adventures in Brazil, Patagonia, &c. — Pdkohas, iy. 1201 ... [2075 Knopwood (Rev. R.) Journal kept at Port PhUlip, 1803-4 [508i; Koempfer, Extracts from : On Japan — Hakluyt Soc. viii [2120 Kohl(J.G.) Austria, the Bukovina,Galicia,&c. 8vo. 1843 ... ...[3191] Kolben (Peter) Cape of Good Hope, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. 1731 [4209] Koldeway (Capt.) German Arctic Expedition, 1869-70. Royal 8vo. ... [2696] Kolff (Lieut.) Voyages along the S. Moluccan Archipelago. 8vo. 1840... [2463] Discovery of Strait, S. W. New Guinea— J. R.G.S. vi. 439 [1866] Kong Meng, The Chinese Question in Australia, 1878-79— Pamp. [5071] Kopsch(G. H.) Rivers in Northern Formosa— P.R.G.S.xiv. 79 [1951] Koasiakof, Karateghin and Danvaz, 1882— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 32 ... [1967] Kotzebue (von) Voyage to S. Sea and Beering's Str., 1815-18. 3 vols. 8vo. [2435] New Voyage Round the World, 1823-26. 2 vols. 12mo [2441] Krapf (Dr. J. Lewis) Journal kept at Ankober, 1839— J.R.G.S. x. 469 ... [1870] Journey to Mt. Kenia, 1849— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 747 [1963] Travels and Missionary Labours in East Africa. 8vo. 1860 ... [3954] Krause (Dr. R.) Catalogue of the Museum GodetTroy. 8vo. 1881 ... [4616] Krefft(Ger.)AustralianVertebrata— Industrial Progress, N.S. W. 1871 [4997] Krockow (C. von) Exploration in East Africa — J.R.G.S. xxxvi. 198 ... [1896] Kropotkine (P. A.) Lithuania— Ency. Bbit. xiv. 701 [2274] Maritime Province, E. Siberia — Enot. Beit. xv. 547 [2275] Moscow: City and Province — Enoy. Beit. xvi. 855. ... [2276] Nijni Novgorod ; N. Zembla ; Odessa— Enoy. B. xvii. 500, 605, 724 [2277] Perm— Enuy. Beit, xviii. 549 ; Russian Poland, xix. 306. ... [2278-79] ■ Russia; St. Petersburg; Samarkand — Ency. Beit, xxi [2281] Kwast(Capt. Matthys) Voyage East of Japan, 1639 — Bueney, iii. 55 ... [2103] Labillardiere, Voyage in Search of La PeroUse, 1791-94. 2 vols. 8vo. ... [2408] Labilliere (F. P.) Constitutions of Australian Colonies— P. R.C.I, ii. 48 [2002] Permanent Unity of the Empire— P. R.C.I, vi. 36 [2006] Imperial and Colonial Federation — WestMinSt. Discus. I87l ... [1532] Political Organization of the Empire— P.R.C.L xii. 343 [2012] Early History of the Colony of Victoria. 2 vols. 12mo. 1878 ...[5119] Lacerda's Journey to Cazembe in 1798, by Capt. Burton. 8vo. 1873 ... [4112] Lacy (John) Voyage to Jerusalem, 1173 — Hakluyt, ii. 17 [2062] Ladrilleros (J.) Voy. to Strait of Magalhanes, 1557-58— Burney, i. 244 [2101] Laessoe (Capt. F.) Caves and Ruins, Penjdeh— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 583... [1966] Laird (E. K.) Rambles of a Globe Trotter. 2 vols. 8vo. 1875 ... [2864] Lambert (C. and S.) Voyage of the "Wanderer." Royal 8vo. 1883 ...[2644] (John) Travels thro' Canada and U. States, 1806-8. 2 vols. 8vo... [5701] Lamont (E. H.) Wild Life among the Pacific Islanders. 8vo. 1867. ...[4591] Yachting in the Arctic Seas. 8vo. 1876 [2701] Lamping (Clemens) Soldier of the Foreign Legion, 1841-42 [3989] Lamprey (Jones) Journey N. W. of Pekin— J. R. G. S. xxxvii. 239 ... [1897] Lancaster (Sir J.) Voyage to the E. Indies — Hakluyt, ii. pt. ii. 102 ... [2063] ■ • Voyage to Pernambuco, Brazil, 1594 — Hakluyt, iii. 708 ... ... [2064] First Voyage of the E. India Co., 1600— Purchas, i. pt. ii. 147 ... [2072] Voyages, Edited by Markhara — Hakluyt Soo. Ivi [2169] Lancelott (F.) Australia; its Settlements, Farms, &o. 2 vols. 12mo. 1852 [4938] Lander (R. ) Records of Clapperton's Last Expedition. 2 vols. 12mo. 1830 [4027] ■ Expedition to Determine Course of the Niger— J.R.G.S. i. 179 ... [I860] (R. & J.) Expedition to the River Niger. 3 vols. 18mo. 1832 ... [4028 1 Landor (E. W.) Adventures in the North of Europe. 2 Vols. 12mo. 1836 [2898] The Bushman in West Australia. 8vo. 1847 [5290] Case of E. W. Landor, Police Magistrate, W. Australia, 1872— Pamp. [5307] (H.) and Lefroy, Exped. in West. Australia— J.R.G.S. xiu. 189 ... [1873] Landsborough's Exped. in Search of Burke and Wills. 8vo. 1862 ...[4749] , Walker, and McKinlay's Expeditions -J. R.G.S. xxxiii. 5 [1893] INDEX OF AUTHORS. Ixxix [2272] [2276-77] ... [2279] ... [3296] ... [3328] ... [5606] .. [5071] No. in Catalogoe. Landt (Rev. G. ) Description of the Feroe Islands. 8vo. 1810 [2915] Lane (E. W.) The Modern Egyptians. Edit, by E. S. Poole. 8vo. 1860 [3880] (Henrie)on North- East Discoverie.s, 1553-83— Pukchas, iii. 249 .>. [2074] Lang (Gideon Scott) The Aborigines of Victoria, 1865— Pamp [4812] (J. Dunmore, D.D.) History of New S. Wales. 2 vols. 12mo. 1834 ... [4863] Transportation and Colonization. 12mo. 1837 [1459] New Zealand in 1839 : Four Letters to Lord Durham— Pamp. ... [5606] Religion and Education in America. 12mo. 1840 [5904] Cooksland, North Eastern Australia. 12mo. 1847 [5241] Phillipsland ; its Condition and Prospects. 12mo. 1847 [5095] Freedom and Independence for Australia. 12mo. 1852 [4935] Queensland, with Disquisition on the Aborigines. 12mo. 1864 ... [5243] The Coming Event ! Freedom and Indep. for Australia. 8vo. 1870 [4992] Historical and Statistical Account of N. S. Wales. 2 vols. 1875 ... [5006] Origin and Migrations of the Polynesians [1834]. 12mo [4611] Lange (D. A.) The Isthmus of Suez Canal Question, 1859— Pamp. ... [3918] Langhenez (B.) Dutch Voyage toE. Indies, 1595-97— Hakluyt Supt. 213 [2070] Langle (Marquis de) Sentimental Journey Through Spain. 12mo. 1786 [3023] Lankester (E. Ray) Hydrozoa — Ency. Brit. xii. 547 MoUusca; Mussel — Ency. Brit. xvi. 632; xvii. 110 Polyzoa ; Protozoa — Ency. Brit. xix. 429, 830 Lansdell(HenryD. D.) Through Siberia. 2 vols. 8vo. 1881... ■ Russian Central Asia. 2 vols. 8vo. 1885 Larkworthy (Falconer) New Zealand Revisited, 1881 — Pamp. Laniach (J. MoD.) Bibliographical History of Australia, 1885 — Pamp. Las Casas (Barth.) The Spaniards in the W. Indies — PuRCHAS, iv. 1568... [2075] Fac-simile Letters, &c. — Cartas de Indias ... ... ... ... [1373] La Sound, the Isthmus of America, 1675 — Burney, iv. 75 [2104] Last (J. T.) Nguru Country, East Central Africa- P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 148 [1963] ■ Visit to the Ma.sai Country— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) V. 517 [1964] Visit to the Wa-itumba Iron- workers, 1883— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) v. 581 [1964] Latham (R. G.) Language of Central America — J.R.G.S. xx. 189 [1880] (Wilfrid) States of the River Plate. 8vo. 1866 [6158] Latrobe (C. J.) Missionary Journal, South Africa, 1815-16. 4to. ... ... [4218] (SirC. J.) The Alpenstock: Swiss Scenery, &c. 8vo. 1829 ...[3086] • The Pedestrian : a Ramble in the Tyrol. 8vo. 1832 [3086] Laudonniere (Capt. Rene) Voyage to Florida, 1564 — Hakluyt, iii. 319 ... [2064] ■ Florida Americas Provincia, &c. — De Buy, G. V., ii [2031] Voyage to Florida— PuECHAS, iv. 1603 [2075] Laurie (Col. W. F, B.) Our Bunnese Wars, 1824-26, 1852-53. 8vo. 1880 [3497] Lawes (W. G.) New Guinea and its Inhabitants— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) ii. 602... [1961] ExplorationsinNewGninea— P.R.G.S. (N.S,) vi. 216 [1965] Lawrence (A B.) Texas in 1840. 8vo. 1840 [5905] (C. W.) Kioto to Yedo, Japan— J.R.G.S. xliii. 54 [1903] Ijawry (Walter) Friendly and Fiji Islands, 1847. 12mo [5619] • Second Visit to Friendly and Fiji Islands, 1850 [5619] Laws (Capt. ) Remarks on ArracanaCoast — J.R.G.S. i. 175 [1861] (Dr.) Journey along We.st Side of Nyassa— P. R. G. S. (N.S.) i. 305 ... [1960] Lawson (J. A.) Wanderings in New Guinea. 12nio. 1875 [4513] Layard (Sir A. H.) Province of Khuzistan— J.R.G.S. xvi. 1 [1876] — — ^ Nineveh and its Remains. 8vo. 1854 [3723] Discoveries in Nineveh and Babylon. 8vo. 1853 [3724] — — Monuments of Nineveh. 2 parts. Folio. 1853 [3725] Layfield (Dr.) Voyages to Porto Rico, &c., 1596-98— Puechas, iv. 1155... [2075] Leach (Harry) The Pocket Doctor. 12mo. 1878 [1301] Leake (Col. W. M.) Stade as a Linear Measure— J.R.G.S. ix. 1 [1869] R. Quorra : Is it the Niger of the Ancients ?— J.R.G.S. ii. 1 . ... [1862] Remarks on Mr. Hoskyn's Survey— J. R. G. S. xii. 162 [1872] Leakey (Caroline) The Broad Arrow. By Oline Keese. 2 vols. 12mo. 1859 [5337] Leandro (Fra) Residence in Persia — Murray, ^xia, iii. 76... . .. [1344] Lear (Edward) Journals of a Landscape Painter in Albania, &c. Imp. 8vo. [3221] Lebrecht (F.) Khalifat of Bagilad, 12th Century— Asher's Benjamin ... [2802] Ixxx INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. Ledesma (Don Val.) Geography of Peru— J.R.G.S. xxvi. 210 [1886] Ledyard (John) Travels and Adventures. 12mo [2831] ■ Expedition to N. Africa and Death, 1788— African Assoc. Vol. I... [1986] Lee (Lieut. S. P.) Surveying Cruise of the "Dolphin." 8vo. 1854 ...[2494] Leeuwen (Van) Commentaries on Roman Dutch Law. Vol. L 8vo. 1881 [1566] Lefroy (E. T.) Dublin ; County and City— Ency. Brit. vii. 494 [2267] (H. M.) Explorations Western Australia— P. R.G.S. viii. 45 [1945] (Sir J. H.) Magnetic Survey N.-W. Territories of Canada. Svo. 1883 [5810] Barometric and Thermo. Measurements N.America — J.R.G.S. xvi. 263 [1876] The British As-sociation in Canada— P. B. C.I. xvi. 95 [2016] Legaspi (Lopez de) Conquest of the Philippines, 1565 — Purchas, iii. 284 [2074] Leggo (W. ) Canadian Administration of Earl Dufferin. Svo. 1878 ... [5735] Leichhardt (Ludwig) Overiand, Sydney to P. Essington— J.R.G.S. xiii. 339 [1873] Expedition, Moreton Bay to Port Essington, 1844-45. 8vo [4725] Expedition, Moreton Bay to Port Essington— J.R.G.S. xvi. 212 ... [1876] ■ Geologie von Anstralien. 4to. 1855... r.. ... ... ... [4734] Fate of Dr. Leichhardt by Baron Mueller, 1855— Pamp [4791] Search for Remains— P.R.G.S. iii. 18, 87 [1940] ; Gregory [4748] Search Expedition for Leichhardt and Party- P.R.G.S. x. 58 ... [1947] Search for Remains— P.R.G.S. xv. 190 [1952] ; Forrest [4762] Leigh (C.) Voy. to Cape F3reton and Isleof Ramea, 1597— Haklutt, iii. 195 [2064] Voyage to Guiana, and Plantation there, 1604 — Purchas, iv. 1250... [2075] (T. S.) Visit to the River Zambesi— J. R.G.S.xix. 1 [1879] — — Mayolta and the Comoro Islands— J.R.G.S. xix. 7 [1879] (Rev. Samuel) Mis,sionary to Australia and N. Z., 1815-31. 12mo. ... [4856] (W.H.) Reconnoitring Voyages, South Australia, &c. 8vo. 1839... [5185] Leith (John)The Southern Ocean and the Great Pyramid, 1885— Pamp.... [5606] - — The Zone of Water in the S. Hemisphere, 1886— Pamp [6606] Lelowel (Joachim) Geographic du Moyen Age. 2 vols. Svo. 1852-57 ... [1172] Pytheas de Marseille et la Geographie de son Temps, 1886 [1172] Atlas de 50 Planches, avec Maps. Obi. 4to [1172] Le Maire (Sieur) Voyages to Canary Islands, Cape Verde, &c. 12mo. 1696 [4012] Voyages to Canaries, C. Verde, &c.— Harley, ii. 597 [2088] (Jas.) and Schouten, Voyage to S. Sea, &c., 1615-17 — BURNEY, ii. ... [2102] Voyage to South Sea — Dai.rymple, ii [2096] Lemnius (Levinus) Dutch Physician, Travels in England, 1560 [2937] Lempriere (Wm. ) Tour from Gibraltar to Tangier, Morocco. Svo. 1804... [3984] Leonard (Bp. of Sidon) Jacobites and Armenians — Purchas, i. pt. i. 150.. [2071] Leone Africano, Delia Descrittione dell' Africa, 1526— Ramusio, i. 1 ... [2027] • Geographical History of Africa, Transl. by John Pory. Folio. 1600... [1201] Observations in Africa, Egypt, &c. — Purchas, ii. 749 [2073] Lerio (John) Provincia; Brasilite Hist— De Bry, G.V. iii [2032] Historic of Brazil, 1558— Purchas, iv. 1320 [2075] Lescarbot (Mark) Voyage to Canada, kc, 1603-9— Purchas, iv. 1629 ... [2075] Leschenault (M.) Vegetation de la Nouvelle-IIollande— Peron, ii. 358 ... [2423] Leslev (J. P.) and Ames (C. G.) Pennsylvania— Ency. Brit, xviii.498 ... [2278] Leslie (Prof. ) Polar Seas and Regions. 12mo. 1845 [2647] Le Souef (Albert A. C.) Notes on Natives of Australia— Smyth . ... [4804] Lessar (P. M.) Journey, Askabad to Saiakhs— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 486 ... [1963] Second Journey in the Turkoman Country— P. R. G. S. (N.S.) v. 1 ... [1964] Kara-Kum Desert, Turkomania— P. K.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 231 [1966] Lesseps (Ferdinand de) Percement de L'Isthme de Suez. 1856— Pamp.... [3918] ■ The Suez Canal. Svo. 1876 [3S98] Lettres Edifiantes et Curieuses ; Missions ferangeres. 34 vols. 12mo.... [2098] • Travels of the Jesuits ; transl. by Lockman. 2 vols. Svo [2098] Letts's British Imperial Atlas, 84 Maps and Index. Folio. 18S1 ... [1240] Leupe (P. A.) Houtman's Abrolhos in 1727— Hakluyt Soo [2137] Le Vaillant, Travels in South Africa, 1780-85. 2 vols. Svo [4163] Levey (6. C.) Essay on the Colony of Victoria. 1883— Pamp [5171] Levi (Leone) Taxation Falling on the Working Classes, 1873— Pamp. ... [1636] History of British Commerce, 1763-1878. Svo [1558] Geography and Resources of Paraguay— P.R.G.S. xviii. 117 [1955] INDEX OF AUTHORS. Ixxxi No. in Catalogue. Levien (J. M.) Woods of New Zealand, 1861— Pamp [5606] Lewin (Lieut.) Hill Tilp, Borders of Arraoan— P.E.G.S. xi. 52 [1948] Lewis (Sir G. C.) Essay on the Government of Dependencies. 8vo. 1841 [1482] — (Loeke) The Ovahs of Madagascar— J.E.G.S. V. 230 [1865] (M. G.) Journal of a West Indian Proprietor, 1816-17. 8vo. ... [5995] Lewis and Clarke's Travels from the Mississippi to the Pacific, 1804-6 ... [5896] Lewis Frederick (Duke of Wirtemberg) Journey to England, &c. 1610 ... [2937] Leycesler (Lieut.) Volcanic Group of Santorin or Thera — J.R.G.S. xx. 1... [1880] VolcanicGroupof Milo— J.R.G.S. xxii. 201 [1882] Leyden (Dr.) Description of Egypt — Murray, Africa, ii. ch. ii [1344] Account of the W. Coast of Africa — Murray, Africa, ii. ch. iv. ... [1344] Lhotsky (John) Vocabulary of Natives, V.D.L. &c.— J.R.G.S. ix. 157 ... [1869] Lidstone (W.) and Brown, 15,000 Miles on the Amazon.s. 8vo. 1878 ... [6133] Lief Ben Said, Visit to the Great African Lake, 1831^.R.G.S. xv. 371... [1875] Liger (Louis) LeJardinier Fleuriste etHistoriographe. 2 vols. 12mo. 1704 [1719] Lindau (Rodolphe) Un Voyage du Japon. 12mo. 1864 [3441] Lindley (A. F.) The Chincha Islands (1855)— Cassbll, ii [2252] A Cruise to Soo-choo — Cassell, ii [2252] A Ramble in Peru— Cassell, ii. [2252] Lima and the Andes — Cassell, iii. 1871 .. . [2253] Adamantia, Truth about the Diamond Fields. 8vo. 1873 [4357] (J.) Collection of Plants from the Tehama— J.R.G.S. v. 296 [1875] Lindsay (W. S.) History of Merchant Shipping. 4 vols. 8vo. 1874-76 [1370] Lindsay-Bueknall (Hamilton) A Search for Fortune. 8vo. 1878 ..[2867] Lindsey (G.) Pens, Papier-Mache, Ammunition, &c. . [1573] Linnean Society's Transactions and Journal .. .. [1991-99] LinniBus ; his Life and Work, by B. D. Jackson — Ency. Brit. xiv. 671... [2274] Linschoten (John Huighen van) Voy. to E. Indies — Purchas, ii. 1750 ... [2073] Navigatio, &c. — De Bry, Pctits Voycigcs, ii. iii. iv [2044-46] Description of the Azores — Purchas, iv. 1667 [2075] Voyage to the East Indies, by Buniell and Tiele— Hakluyt Soc. [2182-83] Liot (W. B.) PanamA, Nicaragua, and Tehuantepec. 8vo. 1849 ... [6047] Lithgow (W.) Travels in Candia, Greece, &c. 1612— Purchas, ii. 1831 ... [2073] • Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Small 4to. 1632 [2816] Little (J. A.) Northern Territory, S. Australia, 1876— Harcus [5205] ■ (Rev. H. W.)Madaga.scar ; its History and People. 8vo. 1884 ...[4398] Littledale (R. F.) Pilgrimages, &c.— Ency. Bbit. xix. 90 [2279] Liversidge (Prof.) Iron and Coal Deposits in N. S. Wales [5008] Livingstone (Dr.) Letters from Kolobeng, S. Africa— J, R.G,S. xx. 138 ... [1880] Second Visit to Lake 'Ngami—J.R.G.S. xxi. 18 [1881] Explorations in South Africa— J.R.G.S. xxii. 163 [1882] Explorations W. of Lake Nyassa^J.R.G.S. xxiv. 29, 245 [1884] Journey to Loanda— J.R.G.S. xxv. 218 [1885] Astronomical Observations in S. Africa — J.R.G.S. xxvi. 78 [1886] Missionary Travels in South Africa. 8vo. 1857 [4178] Cambridge Lectures, 12mo. 1858 [4179] Livingstone Festival— P.R.G.S. ii. 116 [1939] Explorationof the Zambesi— J. R.G.S. xxvii. 349 [1887] Zambesi and Shire Rivers (1858-61) J.R.G.S. xxxL 256 [1891] On the Ruvuma River— P.R.G.S. vi. 20 [1943] Expedition to Nyassa— J.R.G.S. xxxiii. 250 [1893] The Zambesi and its Tributaries, 1858-64. 8vo [4184] Progress of— P.R.G.S. xii. 175 ; xiv. 8, 16, 334 ; xv. 115—335 [1949-52] Search Exped.— P.R.G.S. xvi. 102, 124, 145, 158, 184, &c [1953] Finding of, by H. M. Stanley. 8vo. 1872 [4125] Aid Expeditions — Cassell, v [2255] Reports on Death of— P.R.G.S. xviii. 221 [1955] Letters from— P.R.G.S. xviii. 255 ... [1955] • Last Journey and Death, by H. W. Bates^CASSELL, vi [2256] Last Journals in Central Africa. 2 vols. 8vo. 1874 [4128] Personal Life of Livingstone, by Dr. Blaikie. 8vo. 1880 [4129] Art. Livingstone, by J. Scott Keltic— Ency. Bkit. xiv. 720 ... [2274] Ixxxii INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. Lloyd (E.) Visit to the Antipodes. By a Squatter. 12mo. 1846 ... [.5189] • (G. T.)Thirty-tliree Years in Tasmania and Victoria. 12mo. 1862... [5338] (J. A.) Notes on the Isthmus of Panama — J.E.G.S. i. 69 [1861] Memoir on Madagascar — J.R.G.S. xx. 53 [1880] Journey across the Andes of Peru — J.R.G.S. xxiv. 259 [1884] — — (L.) Scandinavian Adventures. 2 vols. Royal 8 vo. 1854 [2901] Peasant Life in Sweden. 8vo. 1870 [2905] (Rev. W. V.) Russian Harbours, Manchuria— J.R.G.S. xxivii. 212... [1897] (W. Watkiss) History of Sicily. 8vo. 1872 [1119] Loaysa (Garcia) E.xpedicion al Moluco, 1525 — NavarBetb, v [2110] Voyage en Magellanique et en Polynesie — De Brosses, i. 150 ... [2089] Voyage to Masellanica and Polynesia — Callander, i. 112 [2091] Voyage from Spain to the Moluccas, 1525-27— Burney, i. 129 ... [2101] Lobo (Father Jerome) Ethiopia, the Nile, &c.— Ray [2080] I'Empire des Abyssins, des Sources du Nil, &c. — Thevenot, 45 ... [2078] Travels in Ethiopia — Tellez [3950] Lock (Alfred G.) Gold Mining and Investors, 1881— Pamp [1636] (W. G.) Askja, Volcano of Iceland— P. K.G.S. (N.S.) iii. 471 ... [1962] Locke (John) History of Navigation— Churchill, i. [2081] Clarke, Appx. [1340] (Wm.) Language and Customs of Kotoopna Tribe— S.myth [4804] Lockhart (W.) Yangtsze-Kiang and Hwang-Ho— J.R.G.S. xxviii. 288 ... [1888] Notes on Peking and Neighbourhood — J.R.G.S. xxxvi. 128 [1896] Lockman (John) Travels of the Jesuits. 2 vols. 8vo. 1762 [2098] Lodge (H. Cabot) The English Colonies in America. 8vo. 1881 ...[5893] (R.) The Hanseatic League— Ency. Brit. xi. 449 [2271] Loftie (W. J.) The Orient Line Guide. 8vo. 1885 [1306] Loftus (W. K.) Journey from Bagdad to Busrah, 1850— J.R.G.S. xxvi. 131 [1886] River Eulffius of the Greek Historians— J.R.G.S. xxvii. 120 [1887] Logan (Josias) Voyage to Pechora, 1611— PuRCHAS, iii. 541 [2074] (J. R.) Excur. Singapur to Malacca and Pinang — J.R.G.S. xvi. 304 [1876] Lok (John) Voyage to Jerusalem, 1553 — Hakluyt, ii. 101 [2062] Voyage to Guinea, 1554 — Hakluyt, ii. pt. ii. 14 [2063] (Michael) Observations on Account of Juan de Fuca — Burney, ii. 115 [2102] Long (Major) Exped. beyond Mississippi, 1819— Murray, N. Anier., i. ... [1344] Expedition to Lake Winnipeek, &c. 1823, by Keating. 2 vols. 8vo. [5801] (George) Ancient SiteofSusas, &c. — J.R.G.S. iii. 257[1863]; xii. 102 [1872] (Geo. W. de) Voyage of the "Jeannette," 1879-81. 2 vols. 8vo.... [2725] Longobard (Father) Jesuits in Japan and Chin.a — Purchas, iii. 316 ... [2074] Long-espee (Wm.) Voyage to Egypt with K. Lewis, 1248— Hakluyt, ii. 33 [2062] Lopez (Duarte) Descriptio Regni Congiani,&c. 1578-89— De Bry,P.V. pt.i. [2043] Report of Congo— Purchas, ii. 986 [2073] ; Harley, ii. 519 ... [2088] Kingdom of Congo, Angola, kc. transl. by Mrs. Hutchinson. 8vo. 1881 [4088] — — (Th.) Navigatione ver.so I'lndie Orientali, 1502— Ramusio, i. 133 ... [2027] Lord (Rev. H.) Account of the Banians and Parsees — Purchas, i. p. ii. 206 [2072] The Banians and Parsees— Churchill, vi. 299 [2086] (J. K.) The Naturali-st in Vancouver I. and B. Columbia. 2 vols. 12mo. [5831] (W. B.) Shifts and Expedients of Camp Life, Travel, &c. 8vo. 1876 [1299] Lome (Marquis) A Trip to the Tropics. 8vo. 1867 [6008] Journey Across Newfoundland, by Rev. M. Hai-vey — Pamp [5858] The Canadian Nortli-West : Speech at Winnipeg, 1882— Pamp. ... [5821] Our Relations with Canada and the Colonies— P.R. C.I. xv. 41 ... [2015] ■ Canadian Pictures, Drawn with Pen and Pencil. Imp. 8vo. 1884... [5751] Imperiiil Federation. 12mo. 1885 [1590] Louch (Fitzgibbon) Settlement, Bellevue, Auckland, N.Z. 1880— Pamp. [5606] Louck (Adm.) Dutch Expedition to Brazil— De Bry, G.V. xiii [2042] Loudon (Alex.) the Guevo Upas, or Valley of Poison— J.R.G.S. ii. 60 ... [1862] Loveless (George) Van Diemen's Land, and Transportation. 1837 — Pamp... [5375] Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America. 12mo. 1881 [5749] Lovett (Major Beresford) Perso-Kelat Frontier— P.R.G.S. xvi. 219, 261 ... [1953] Survey, Shiraz to Bam— J.R.G.S. xlii. 202 [1902] Visit to Kuh-i-Khwajah, Sistan-J.R.G.S. xhv. 145 [1904] Route Sui-veys North Persia, 1881-82— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) v. 57 ... [1964] INDEX OF AUTHOKS. Ixxxiii No. iu Catalogue. Low (Col. C. B.) Jonrneyinm in Mesopotamia — Cassbli, i [2251] Kotea on Western Turkestan — Casseel, ii [2252] Bombay and the Malabar Coast — Cassell, iv. ... [2254] Raj pootaiia, lier Princes and People — Cassell, v [2255] The Escorial ; its History and Contents — Cassell, v. [2255] Senegambia and the French in W. Africa— Cassell, vi [2256] (Hugh) Sarawak ; its Inhabitants and Productions. 8Vo. 1848 ...[4487] Lowe (F.) and Smyth, Journey from Lima to Para. 8vo. 1836 [6188] Lowenstein (C. J.) Journey Mexico to Mazatlan — J.R.G.S. xi. 100 ... [1841] Lubbock (Sir John) Representation. 12nio. 1885 [1590] (Neville) Position of the W. Indian Colonies— P. R.C.L viii. 261 ... [2008] Our West Indian Colonies— P. R.C.L xTii [2017] Luca (John de) Relation of the Crini-Tartars — Thevenot, i. 3 [2077] Lucas, Expedition to Fezzan, Bornou, &c. 1788 — African Assoc, i. ... [1986] (S.) Charters of the Old English Colonies in America. 8vo. ... ... [5891] (Dr. T. P.) Cries from Fiji and Sighings from the South Seas. 12mo. [5634] Lucett (M.) Rovings in the Pacific, 1837-49, by a Merchant. 2 vols. 12mo. [2482] Ludlam's Account of the Kroomen — Hutton, Tonr of Africa, ii. ... ... [1216] Ludlow (J. M.) A Quarter Century of Jamaica Legislation, 1866 — Pamp. [6036] Lumsden (Sir- P.) Border Countries Koh-i-Baba Range— P.R.G.S. (N.8.) vii. [1966] Luudie (G. A.) Missionary Life iu Samoa, 1840-41. 12mo [4566] Luptou (Frank) The Bahr-el-Ghazal Region— P.R.G.S. (N.S,) vi. 245 ... [1965] Lyall (Sir A. C.) : a Sketch, by T. H. S. Escott— Pillars of the Empire [1553] Lycett (J.) Views in N. S. Wales and V. D. Land. obi. 4to. 1824-25... [4849] Lyell (Sir Chas. ) Travels in North America. 2 vols. 12mo. 1845 ... [5910] Second Visit to the United States. 2 vols. 12mo. 1849 ...[5911] Lynch (H. B.) Survey of the Tigris— J. R.G.S. ix. 441, 471 [1869] Lyne (Charles) New Guinea. Establishment of Brit. Protectorate. 12rao. [4523] Lynn (W. F.) Far West of Canada and the States, 1872— P.R. C.I. iii. 149 [2003] Lyon (Capt. G. F.) Travels in Northern Africa, 1818-20. 4to [4024] Private Journal of Parry's Voyage in the "Hecla." 8vo. 1824... [2627] Narrative of the Attempt to reach Repulse Bay in 1824. 8vo. ... [2628] Lyons (F. A.) Notes on Albania, 1872 — Cassell, iv .- ... [2254] Adventures in Laze.stan — Cassell, iv. ... ... ... ... ... [2254] Lysaght (T.) Trade and Resources R. Nunez— J. R.G.S. xix. 29 [1879] Lysons (Daniel) Berkshire. 4to. 1806 ... [2957] With 40 additional Engravings and Series of Aquatints, by Tomkins [2958] • Cold, plates and 144 additional illust. 2 vols. L. P. Roy. 4to. ... [2959] Lytton (Lord) : a Sketch, by T. H. S. Escott— Pillars of the Empire ... [1553] M'Adam (D. H.) St. Louis City, 1886— Ency. Brit. xxi. 183 [2281] Macalister (A.,C.M.G.) Queensland & Chinese Immigr.— P.R.C.I. Ix. 42 [2009] M'Arthnr (J.) New South Wales ; its State and Prospects. 8vo. 1837 [4868] — Colonial Policy of 1840 and 1841 (N.S. W.). 1841— Pamp [5071] Macartney (Earl) Embassy to China, by Sir G. Staunton. 8vo. 1797 ... [3369] - — (J. N.) Bendigo Gold Field Registry. 8vo. 1872 [5141] McBean (8.) Ship Canal between India and Ceylon— P.R. C.I. ix. 337 ... [2009] McCarthy (J.) Across China to Bhamo, 1877— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) i. 489... [1960] McClatchie(T. R. H.) Japan, 1881— Enct. Beit. xiii. 569 [2273] McClintock (Sir L.) Search for Franklin— J. R.G.S, xxxii [1892] • Discovery of the Fate of Sir J, Franklin. 8vo [2684] Surveys of H.M.S. "Bulldog" N. Atlantic— P.R.G.S. v. 62 ... [1942] German Arctic Exi)edition— P.R. G.S. XV. 102 [1952] OnSledgeTravelling— P.R.G.S. xix. 464 [1956] McClure(A. K. ) The Lesson of Our Civil War, Philadelphia, 1886— Pamp. [5951] (Sir R.) Discovery of the N.W. Passage— J.R.G.S. xxiv. 240 ... [1884] - — Discoveiy of the North West Passage. 8vo. 1856 [2678] MacColl(Malcolm)The Eastern Question; its Facts and Fallacies. 8vo. 1877 [3230] M'Combie (T.) Arabin ; Adventures of a Colonist in N.S.W. 12mo. 1845 [4901] History of the Colony of Victoria. 8vo. 1858 [5117] McCormick (R.) Voyages, Antarctic and Arctic, 1827-53. 2 vols. Roy.Svo. [2754] McCosh (Dr.) India aud China, 1861— P.R.G.S. v. 47 [1942] 9 2 Ixxxiv INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue^ McCoy (Miss Eliz.) Tlie Englishwoman in Russia. 12mo. 1855 [3261] ^ (Prof.) PaliBontology of Victoria. Royal 8vo. 1879 [1672] Zoology of Victoria. Royal 8 vo. 1881 [1684] Natural History of Victoria, Ancient and Recent [5126] Macdonald (A.) Hong Kong and its Trade, 1881 — Ency. Brit. xii. 141... [2272] (D. G. F.) British Columbiaand Vancouver I. 8vo. 1863 ... [5828] (John) Sketches of Indian Statesmen — Pillars of the Empire ... [1553] (Sir John) Speeches on Home Industries, Ottawa. 1876. Pamp. ... [5770] (J. D.) Exploration of the Rewa River, Fiji— J.R.G.S. xxvii. 282 ... [1887] Macdonnell (Sir R. G.) South Australian Expedition— P. R.G.S. iv. 93 ... [1941] Our Relations with the Ashantees— P. R.C.I, v. 71 [2005] Macdouall (John) Voy. to Patagonia and Terra del Fuego, 1826. 12mo.... [6220] M'Dougall(G. F.) Voy. of " Resolute "in Search of Franklin, 1852-54. 8vo. [2670] Macfarlane (Charles) Turkey and its Destiny. 2 vols. 8vo. 1850 ... [3219] • (R.) Mackenzie River District— P.R.G.S. ix. 125 [1946] • ■ (Rev. S.) Missionary Voyage to New Guinea, 1872. Pamp. ... [4530] Story of the Lifu (Loyalty Is. ) Mission. 12mo. 1873 [4599] Fly River, New Guinea— P. R.G.S. XX. 253 [1957] ■ Voy. of " Eilangowan " to China Str. , N. Guinea— P.R.G.S. xxi. 350 [1958] Macfie (Matthew) Vancouver Island and British Columbia. 8vo. 1865... [5830] (R. A.) Imperial Federation— P. R. C.I. iii. 2 [2003] Colonial Questions pressing for Solution, 1871. 8vo [1529] • Position and Prospects of the Empire, 1872 — Pamp [1636] MacGahan, Under Northern Liglits : Voyage of the " Pandora." 8vo. 1876 [2703] Macgillivray (Johu) Voyage of the "Rattlesnake," 1846-50. 2 vols. 8vo. [2485] ■ Louisiade Islands and New Guinea — J.K.G.S. xxi. 13 [1881] Macgowan (D. J.) Kuweik River and Aqueduct — J.R.G.S. xxxii. 74 ... [1892] Macgregor(J.)The " Rob Roy " on the Jordan, Nile, Red Sea, &c. 8vo. 1870 [3784] Macham, Discovery of Madeira, 1344 — Hakluyt, ii. pt. ii. 1 [2063] Mcintosh (W. C.) Annelida— Enoy. Bbit. ii. 65 [2262] Mackay (Rev. Alex.) Manual of Modern Geography. 12mo. 1885 ... [1258] (Angus) Semi-Tropical Agriculturalist [Queensland]. 8vo. 1875.... [5250] (A- M.) W. Shores of Victoria Nyanza— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 273 ... [1965] McKean (Rev. Thomas) Missionary at Tahiti: Memoir of. 12mo. 1847 [4571] Mackenzie (A.) Voyages to Frozen and Pacific Oceans, 1789 & 1793. 4to. [2610] (Bishop) Zambesi Missionary Expedition — P.R.G.S. v. 131 [1942] - — - (David) Emigi-aut's Guide ; Ten Years in Australia, 1833-43. 18mo. [4900] (Sir George Stewart) Travels in Iceland, 1810. 4to. [2917] (Muir) Sclavonic Provinces of Turkey. 2 vols. 8vo. 1877. ... [3231] M'Kerrow (J.) Lake Districts of Otago, N.Z.— J.R.G.S. xxxiv. 56 ... [1894] McKillop (Lieut. H. F.) Reminiscences of ServiceinN.Z. 12mo. 1849... [5448] McKinlay, Walker, and Laudsborough's Expeditions — J.R.G.S. xxxiii. 5 [1893] Tracks Across Australia, by Davis. 8vo. 1863 [4752] MacKinnon and Shadbolt's South African Campaign, 1879. 4to [4332] McLaohlan (R.) Dragon Fly ; Ephemeridee- Ency. B. vii. 385 ; viii. 457 [2267-8] Insects ; Locust ; Mosquito — Enoy. Beit. xiii. xiv. xvi, ... [2273-76] Maclagan (Gen. R.) Kashmir ; Lahore — Ency. Brit. xiv. 9,211 [2274] Rivers of the Punjab— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 705 [1966] The Punjab, 1886— Ency. Beit. XX. 106 [2280] Maclaren (Charles) America, North and South, 1875 — Ency. Brit. i. 669 [2261] Maclean's Year Book of Canada, 1877— Pamp [5770] —*— (Lieut. Gen.) Kaffir Laws and Customs. 8vo. 1858 [4246] (Bp. of Saskatchewan) N.W. Territories— P. R.C.I, xiv. 59 [2014] Maclear (Rev. G. F.) Christian Missions — Ency. Brit. xvi. 511 [2276] McLelan(A. W.) Finances of the Dominion of Canada, 1886— Pamp. ... [5770] Maclehose, Picture of Sydney and Guide to N. S.Wales. 12mo. 1839... [4876] M'Leod (John) Voyage of "Alceste," to Corea and Lewchew. 8vo. 1818 [3415] Voyage and Aocoimt of the People of Dahome. 12mo. 1820 ... [4022] (Consul Lyons) On the Zambesi— P.R.G.S. ii. 368 [1939] Travels in Eastern Africa. 2 vols. 12mo. 1860 [4180] ■ — — Madagascar and its People. 8vo. 1865 [4388] Maclisc (Rev. D. M.) Canada as a Field for Emigrants, 1882— Pamp. ... [5770] M'Millan (Thomas) Catalogue of the Timbers of Victoria, 1877— Pamp.... [5171] INDEX OF AUTHORS. 346 No. in CatalojTue. McMinn (G. R.) The Settlement, North Australia— Hakcus [5205] MoMuUen (John) The Histoiy of Canada. 8vo. 1868 [5724] M'Murray (Thomas) Mnskoka and Parry Sound, Canada. 8vo. 1871 ... [5732] McNair(W. W.) Visit to Kafiristan— P.R.G.8. (N.S.) vi. 1 [1965] Macoan (John) Manitoba, and the Great North West. 8vo. 1882 ... [5809] Macpherson (David) Annals of Commerce. 4 vols. 4to. 1805 [1337] European Commerce with India. 4to. 1812 [1338] (D.) Sedasheghur and Seaports of India— P.R.G.S. vil. 95 [1944] Macquarie (Lachlan) Refutation of Hon. H. G. Bennet, 1821— Pamp. ... [5071] (J. L.) Voyaged Madagascar. 12mo. 1884 [4397] McQueen (James) The Campaigns of 1812-15. 8 vols. 8vo [2837] Notes on C. African Geography, 1845— J.R.G.S. xv. 371 [1875] Geography of Eastera Equatorial Africa, 1850— J.R.G.S. xx. 235 ... [1880] Discoveries of Livingstone, Monteiro, Graca, &c — J.R.G.S. xxvi. 109 [1886] Journey, Benguela to Mozambique (Ext.) — P.R.G.S. i. 75 [1938] Observ. on Geography of C. Africa, 1858— P.R.G.S. iii. 208 [19*0] Kilimanjaro and the White N ile— J. R. G. S. xxx. 128 [1890] Journeys of Silva Porto Across Africa, 1852 54— J.R.G.S. xxx. 136 [1890] (T. Potter) Australia as She is and May Be, 1840— Pamp [5071] Macrae (David) The Americans at Home. i2mo. 1885 [5938] Madden (Fred. W. ) Coins of the Jews. 4to. 1881 ...[3803] Madoc (Prince) Discovery of the West Indies (1170) — HAKLTJTr, iii. 1 ... [2064] Madox (John) Excursions in the Holy Land, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1834 ... [3769] Mage (Lt.) Journey from the Senegal to the Niger^CASSELL, ii.. Magellan, Navigatione ... attorno il Monde, 1519-22 — Rampsio, i. - — - Viage de Magallanes y de Elcano — Navabrete, iv. ... Compassing of the World — Purchas, i. pt. ii. 33 Voyage Round the World — Harris, i. 6 De Brosses [2089] ; Callander [2091] ; DALRYMrLE[2096] ; Premier Voyage Autour du Monde. 8vo. Paris 1801 ■ First Voyage Round the World, edit, by Lord Stanley of Alderley.. Mahomed Amir, Route from Jelalabad to Yarkand — P.R.G.S. xiii. 122 ... Mahommed Sisei, Gambia and Carsamanza Rivers — J.R.G.S. viii. 448 ... Mahu (J.) and others, South Sea Voyage, 1598-1600 — Bueney, ii. 187 ... Main (Robert) Manual of Scientific Enquiry for Travellers. 12mo. 1871... Maine (Sir H. S.) : a Sketch, by John Sherer — Pillars of the Empire ... Maitland (Julia C.) Letters from Madras, 1836-39, by a Lady. 12mo. . Major (R. H.) Strachey's History of Travels in Virginia — Hakluyt Soc. Herberstein's Account of Russia — Hakluyt Soc. xxxi [2122-23] Introd. to Mendoza's History of China. 2 vols.— HAKLurT Soc. [2126-27] • Tartar Conquerors of China — Hakluyt Soc. xvii [2129] India in the Fifteenth Century — Hakluyt Soc. xxii [2134] Early Voyages to Australia — Hakluyt Soc. xxv [2137] On Pigafetta's Map of Africa, 1591— P.R.G.S. xi. 246 [1948] Life of Prince Henry the Navigator. 8vo. 1868 [1362] Select Letters, &c., of Columbus— Hakluyt Soc. ... [2156] and [2302] On the Landfall of Columbus— J.R.G.S. xli. 193 [1901] Bethencourt's Conquest of the Canaries, 1402 — Hakluyt Soc. [2158 & 4010] Voyages of the Venetian Brothers Zeni — Hakluyt Soc. I [2162] Lost Colonies of Greenland, &C.—J.R.G.S. xliii. 156 [1903] Discoveries of Prince Henry and their Results. 8vo. 1877 [1363] " Frislanda" of the Zeni Brothers, the Faroes— J.R.G.S. xlix. 412... [1909] Malcolm (Sir John) Sketches of the Manners and Customs of Persia. 12mo. [3706] Malcom (Rev. H.) Travels in South Eastern Asia. 2 vols. 12mo. 1839 [3491] Maiden (Prof. H.) Lower Course of the Dnieper— J. R. G. S. xv. 351 ... [1875] Maldonado (L. Ferrar) Voyage to the Strait of Anian — Burney, v. 165 ... [2105] Malet (Sir Alex.) The Canadas, a Kingdom: Remedy for Discontents. 1831 [5770] Malgo (King) Voyage to leoland, Orkney, &o. 580— Hakluyt, i. 3 ... [2061] MaUeson (Col. G. B.) Haidarabad, 1883— P.R.C.I. xiv. 201 [2014] Founders of the Indian Empire ; Lord Clive. 8vo. 1882 [3593] Mallet (Sir Louis) : a Sketch, by T. H. S. Escott— Pillars of the Empire... [1553] Reciprocity, 1879— Pamp. [1636] Malone(R. E. ) Three Years' Cruise in the Australian Colonies. 12mo. 1854 [4949] [2252] [2027] [2110] [2072] [2094] Burney [2101] [2311] [2164] [1950] [1868] [2102] [1294] [1553] [3536] [2118] Ixxxvi INDEX OF AUTHOES. No. in Catalogue. Malte Bran, Universal Geography. 9 vols. 8vo. 1834 [1219] Maltzan (Baron) Geography of Southern Arabia — P.R.G.S. xvi. 115 ... [1953] Man (E. Garnet) Commerce and Prospects of England, 1880— Pamp. ... [1636] (E. H.) Note on Two Maps of the Andaman Is.— J.E.G.S. i. 255 ... [1910] Aborigines of the Andaman Islands. 8vo. 1885 [3661] Manchester (Duke of) Speeches and Addresses — Royal Colonial Inst. [2001 , &c. ] Mandelsloe (J. A. do) Travels to Persia and India, 1638-39— Hakhis, i. 749 [2094] Mandeville (Jehan de) — see " Maundeville," (W., Earl of Essex) Voyage to Jerusalem, 1177— Hakltjyt, ii. 17 ... [2062] Mangles (James) and Irby (C. L.) Travels in Egypt, &c. 1817-18. Svo. ... [3877] (Ross D.) How to Colonise [New Zealand], Lond. 1842— Pamp. .., [5606] Maning(F. E.) Old New Zealand by a Pakeha Maori. Svo. 1863 ...[5485] New Edition, edited by the Earl of Pembroke. Svo. 1876 [5527] Manley (J. J.) Salt, Preserved Provisions, Bread, Biscuits [1573] Mann (D.) Sand-Bars at River Mouths, S. Africa— P.R.G.S. xvi. 138 ... [1953] (D. D.) Picture of New South Wales. 4to. 1811 [4835] Sydney in 1810 I Four large Coloured View.s. Reproduced 1884 ... [4836] (J. A.) Oceanic Currents, N.E. Coast S, America— P.R,G.S. vii. 60... [1944] ■ (R. G., M.D.) The Colony of Natal. Svo. 1860 [4316] General Hints to Emigrants. 12mo. 1866 [1292] Physical Geography and Climate of Natal— J.R.G.S. xxxvii. 48. 1867 [1897] Emigrant's Guide to Natal. 12mo. 1868 [4317] Physical and Economical Aspects of Natal — P.R.C.I. ii. 93 [2002] Gold Region between Limpopo and Zambesi — J.E.G.S. xlL 100 ... [1901] The Zulus and Boers. 1879. 12mo [4327] • (and Brooks) History and Description of Natal, 1876 [4322] (Wm. ) Six Years in the Australian Provinces. 12mo. 1839 ... [4875] Manning (Thomas) Journey to Lhasa, 1811. Svo [3352] Mansel (Sir R.) Fleet sent against Algiers, 1620— PuROHAS, ii. 881 ... [2073] Mansvelt and the Buccaneers, 1664 — Burnf.y, iv. 56 [2104] Maples (Chauncy) Masasi and Ro vuma— P. R. G. S. (N.S.) ii. 337 [1961] Makua Land, E. Africa— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 79 [1963] Marchand (Etienne) Voyage Round the World, 1790-92. 2 vols. 4to. ... [2406] Marco de Ni^a, Voyages to N. Mexico, &c. 1539-90 — Purchas, iv. 1660... [2075] Marco Polo, Viaggi delle cose de Tartari e dell' Indie — Ramusio, ii. ... [2028] • Travels of, translated from Ramusio — -Purchas*, iii. 65 [2074] see also Harri.s, i. 593 [2094] ; Murray, Asia, i. 152 [1344] Transl. with Dissertations by Marsden. 4to. 1818 [2805] Book of, transl. and edit, by Col. Yule. 2 vols. Svo. 1875 ,. [2806] — — On Southern Mangi by Phillips— J. R.G.S. xliv. 97 [1904] Idenrity of Zayton by Dougla.s— J.R.G,S. xliv. 112 [1904] - — Dissertation on by Yule, 1885— Ency. Brit. xix. 404 [2279] Marcoy (Paul) Journey Across South America. 4 vols. 4to. 1874 ... [6129] Marees (Peter) Descriptio Auriferi Regni Guinese — De Bry, P. V, vi. ... [2048] Margary (A. R.) Journey, Hankow to Ta-li-Fu— J.R.G.S. xlvi. 172 ... [1906] Journey from Shanghae to Bhamo, &c. Svo. 1876 [8391] Margry (Pierre) Les Navigations Fran9aises du X I Ve an XVIe Sifeele 12mo. [1360] Marignolli's Recollections of Eastern Travel (1338-53) — Yule, Cathay ... [2149] Mariner's Account of the Tonga Islands. 2 vols. Svo. 1818 [4542] Marion du Fresne, Nouveau Voyage h, la Mer du Sud. 12mo. 1783 ... [2350] Marjoribanks (Alex.) Travels in New Zealand. 12mo. 1846 [5441] Travels in N. S. Wales. 12mo, 1847 [4907] Travels in South and North America. 12mo. 1853 [5914] Markham (Com. A. H.) New Hebrides and Santa Cruz— J. R. G. S. xlii. 213 [1902] Cruise of the " Rosario " in W. Pacific. Svo. 1873 [2511] Whaling Cruise to Baffin's Bay and Gulf of Boothia. Svo. 1874... [2609] The Great Frozen Sea, Voyage of the " Alert," 1875-76. 12mo. 1880 [2712] On Sledge Travelling— P.E.G.S. xxi. 110 '[1958] Northward Ho ! Account of Voyages towards N. Pole. 12mo. 1879 [2713] Campaign of 1879 in Barents' Sea— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) ii. 1 [1961] A Polar Reconnaisance : Voyage to Novaya Zembla, 1879. Svo ... [2721] Visit to the Galapagos Islands, 1880— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) ii. 742 ... [1961] Voyages and Works of Davis the Navigator— Hakluyt Soc. lix. ... [2172] INDEX OF AUTHORS. Ixxxvii No. in Catalogue. Markham (Clements R., C.B.) Visit to Cuzco and Lima. 12mo. 1856 [6191] Supposed Sources of the River Punis — J.R.G.S. xxv. 151 [1885] Expeditions, Valley of Amazons, 1539-40, 1639— Hakldyt Soc.xxiv [2136] Embassy to Samai-kand, 1403, and Life of Timour — Hakluyt Soo. [2138] On Expedition in Search of El Dorado, &c. 1560-61— Hakluyt Soc. [2140] Adventures of Don AlonzoEnri(|uez de Guzman— Hakluyt Sou. xxix. [2141] Sources of the River Purus— P. R.G.S. V. 224 [1942] R. Purus and Pro\'ince of Caravaya— J.R.G.S. xxxL 190 [1891] Travels in Peru and India, Collecting Chinehona Plants, &e. 8vo. [6192] Travels of Pedro de Cieza de Leon, 1530-50 — Hakluyt Soc. 2 vols. [2145] — — Narrative of Pascual de Andagoya, on Peru, &c. — Hakluyt Soc. ... [2146] Best Route for N. Polar Expedition— P. R.G.S. ix. 138 [1946] On the Greenland Esquimau.x— J.R.G.S. XXXV. 87 [1895] Forest Destruction in the Ghats of India— J.R.G.S. xxxvi. 180 ... [1896] Inland Navigation of Travancore— J.R.G.S. xxxvi. 198 [1896] Table of Voyages towards North Pole— J.R.G.S. xxxvi. 295 ... [1896] Portuguese Expeditions to Abyssinia — J.R.G.S. xxxviii. 1 [1898] Geographical Results Abyssinian E.xp. 1868— P.R.G.S. xiii. 113, 298 [1950] History of the Abyssinian Expedition. 8vo. 1869 [3959] ■ Royal Commentaries of the Yncas. 2 vols. — Hakluyt Soo. [2153-54] ■ Geography of the Yncas Tribes— J.R.G.S. xli. 281. xlii. 513 [1901-2] ■ — — Reports on the Discovery of Peru by Pizarro — Hakluyt Soc. xlvii. [2159] Rites and Laws of the Yncas — Hakluyt Soc. xlviii. [2160] Threshold of the Unknown Region (Round the N. Pole). 8vo. 1873 [2695] Memoir ofCountess Chincon, Vice-Queen of Peru,1629-39. 4to. 1874 [6179] ■ On Discoveries East of Spitzbergen— J.R.G.S. xliii. 83 [1903] Rail and Steam Communication in Peru — J.R.G.S. xliv. 127 ... [1904] • Discoveries of the "Polaris'— P. R.G.S. xviii. 12 ... [1955] Selection of Papers on Arctic Geography, &c. 8vo. 1875 [2698] Travellers in Great Thibet— J.R.G.S. xiv. 299 [1905] Narratives of Bogle's and Manning's Journeys to Thibet, 1774, 1811. [3352] Arctic Voyage of the " Valorous"— P. R.G.S. xx. 55 [1957] Afghan Geography— P.R.G.S. XX. 241 [1957] Resultsof Arctic E.xped., 1875-76— P.R.G.S. xxi. 536 [1958] Unexplored Parts of South America— P.R.G.S. xxii. 40 [1958] Voyages of Sir J. Lancaster to the East Indies — Hakluyt Soc. Ivi. [2169] The Hawkins' Voyages, 1530-1608— Hakluyt Soc. Ivii [2170] Memoir on the Indian Survey. 2nd Edit. Imp. 8vo. 1878. ... [3572] Progress of Geographical Discovery — Ency. Brit. x. 175 [2270] Arctic Expeditions of 1878— P.R.G.S. (N.S.)i. 16 [I960] Mountain Passes, Afghan Frontier— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) i. 38 [I960] Upper Basin of the Kabul River— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) i. 110 [I960] BasinoftheHelmund— P.R.G.S. (N.S.)i. 191 [1960] — Valley of the Don— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) i. 675 [1960] ■ ■ Peruvian Bark, its Introduction into India. 12mo. 1880 [6199] Acosta's History of the Indies. 2 vols. — Hakluyt Soc. Ix. Ixi. [2174-75] Map of Peru to illustrate Aoosta, Cieza de Leon. &c. — Hakluyt Soc. [2176] — — ■ Peru : a Popular Account. 12mo. 1881 [6200] Voyages of William Baffin, 1612-22— Hakluyt Soc. Ixiii [2177] The Fifty Years' Work of the Royal Geogr. Society. 8vo. 1881 ... [1981] Search for "Jeannette" Expedition— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 28 ... [1963] OnInstructioninNavigation,Astronomy.&c.— P.R.6.S. (N.S.)iv.296 [1963] Basins of the Amaru-Mayu and Beni— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) v. 313 ... [1964] Peru: Geography, History, &c. (1885)— Ency. Brit, xviii. 669 ... [2278] The Polar Regions— Ency. Brit. xix. 315, 329 [2279] Progress of Discovery, New Guinea — R.G.S. Supp. P. i. Markham (J.) Province of Shan-tung, China— J.R.G.S. xL 207 Marryat (F. S.) Borneo and the Indian Archipelago. Imp. 8vo. (Joseph) Speech on Marine Insurances, 1810 — Pamp. ... More thoughts on the W. I. Colonies, 1818 — Pamp Reply to Arguments on the Sugar Duties, 1823 — Pamp. Letter on Erroneous Statements in Marryat's "Reply," 1823- [1912] [1900] 1848... [4486] [1636] [6036] ... [6036] -Pamp. [6036] Ixxxv INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. Marsden (Joshua) Mission to Nova Scotia, &c. 12mo. 1827 [5774] (Rev. S.) Senior Chaplain, N. S. W., 1794-1834, Memoirs of. 12mo... [4874] (Wm.) On the Language of Siwah — African Assoc, ii [1986] History of Sumatra. 4to. Hates. Folio. 1811 [4430] Miscellaneous Works : Polynesian, Oriental Languages, ?cc. 4to. 1834 [4481] Marsh (Ant.) Discovery of the River Obi, 1584 &c. — PuitonAS, iii. 804 ... [2074] . (H. C.) Journey to India, via Herat, 1872— P.R.G.S. xxi. 582 .. [1958] (M. H.) Overland from Southampton to Queensland. 12mo. 1857 [5244] (Lory) On Forming a Brit, and Amer. Association — P.R.C.L iii. 75.. Marshall (Charles) The Canadian Dominion. Svo. 1871 (Henry) Ceylon and its Inhabitants. 12mo. 1846 ■ (Capt. John) Voyage from Port Jackson to China, 1788 — Phillip .. (John) On Female Emigration to Australia, 1838 — Pamp (Surgeon W. B.) Two Visits to New Zealand. 12mo. 1836 [2003] [5729] [3636] [4824] [5071] [5409] (W. E.) Travels amongst the Todas of South India. Photos. Svo. 1873 [3554] Marshman (J. C.) Memoirs of Carev, Marshman, and Ward. 12mo. 1863 [6270] Mart (R.) The Timber of N.S.W. and V.D.L.— Field's Geng. Memoirs ... [4710] Marten (F.) Voyage to Spitzbergen, 16/1 — Hakluvt Soc. xviii [2130] Observations in Greenland and other Northern Countries [232S] ■ (Nath.) Seventh Voyage of E. India Co. 1610-15— PuRCH As, i. 814.. [2072] Martin (Frederick) The Statesman's Year Book. 12mo. v. d [1631] England ; Geography and Statistics, 1878— Enct. Brit. viii. 215 ... [2268] (G. F.) Survey Operations, Knrram Valley— P. R. G. S. (N.S.) i. 617 [I960] (James) Explorations in N.W. Australia— J. R.G.S. xxxv. 237 ... [1895] (John, M.D.) Mariner's Tonga Islands. 2 vols. 8vo. 1818 ... [4542] ■ — — (Montgomery) History of the British Colonies. 5 vols. Svo. 1834 [1347] • British Colonial Library. 10 vols. 12mo. 1836-48 [1349] Colonial Policy of the British Empire. Svo. 1837 [1464] Statistics of the British Colonies. Royal Svo. 1889 [1848] Colonial Magazine and Commercial-Maritime Journal. 8 vols. Svo... [1479] Hudson Bay Territories and Vancouver I. 1849. Svo. [5803] The Australian Colonies ; their History, &c. 4to. 1853 [4942] (S. M. D.) New Zealand. Svo. 1845 [5434] (Sir Wm.) The Taranaki Question, 1S61— Pamp [5606] (Lady) Our Maories : Notes during 34 Years in N. Z. 12mo. 1884 [5566] Martineau (Harriet) History of American Compromises, 1856 — Pamp. .., [5951] (John) Letters from Australia. 12mo. 1869 [4990] Martini (P.) Description de I'Empire de la Chine — Thevbnot, ii. 36 ... [2078] Martyn (Thomas) Figures of Shells, collected in the South Seas. 4to. 1789 [1842] (Henry; Missionary to India — Ency. Brit. xv. 586 [2275] Martyr (Peter, d'Anghleria) Historia del Nuovo Mondo — Bamusio, iii. ... [2029] Decades of the NeweWorlde — Supplement to Hakluyt [2070] ;Arber[1320] Historic of the West Indies, transl. by M. Lok. Small 4to. 1612 [1821] Mason (G. H.) Life with the Zulus of Natal. 12mo. 1855 [4312] Massary (Isabel) Social Life in Sydney. 12mo. 1866 ,.. [4986] Our Cousins in Australia. 12mo. 1867 [4986] Masters (Maxwell T.) Principles of Horticulture— Enct. BniT. xii. 211-295 [2272] ■ Orchids; Palm ; Potato ; &c.— Enct. Brit, xvii.-xix. ... [2277-79] (Peter) Remarks on the Gulf of Mexico— J. R. G. S. xv. 236 [1875] Masiidy (Abu'1-Ha.san) Travels, 10th Cent.— Ency. Brit. xv. 623 ... [2275] Mathews (Jehu) A Colonist on the Colonial Question. 12mo. 1872 ... [1533] Mathison (G. F.) A Visit to Peru, the Sandwich Islands, &c. 1821-22. Svo. [6182] (Comm.) Visit to Oragawa, Yeddo, 1S49— J.R.G.S. xx. 136 ... [1880] Mattheo di Micheovo, Desor. delle due Sarniatie — Ramiisio, ii. Supp. 73 [2028] Matthew Paris, Relations touching the Tartars — Purchas, iii. 60 ... [2074] ■ Acts ofEng. Pilgrims to Jerusalem, 1118-1292— PuilCHAS, ii. 1215 ... [2078] Matthew (Patrick) Emigration Fields ; N. America, N.Z., &c. 1839 ... [1477] Matthews (Henry) Diary of an Invalid, a Tonr in Italy, &c. 1817-19. Svo. [2840] Mauch (Karl) Journey on the Vaal River, 1870— Cassell, iv [2254] Maude (Col.) Self-Supporting Emigration— P.R.O.I. ii. 41 ... [2002] Maudslay (A. P.) Explorations in Guatemala— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) v. 185 ... [1964] ■ Ruins and Site of Copan, C. America— P.R.O.S. (N.S.) viii. 588 ... [1967] INDEX OF AUTHOES. IxxxLx No. In Cutalogne. Maundeville (Sir John) Travels, 1332-65— Pdrchas, iii. 128 [2074] . Voyage and Travaile, edit, by Halliwell. 8vo. 1878 [2808] ■ Travels in Palestine — Weight [8766] . Disquisition on, by Col. Yule— Ency. Brit. XT. 478 [2275] See also Yule's C'ffC/iay, i. 27 [2148] Maundrell (Henry) Journey to Baalbec and Jerusalem, 1697 ... ... [8765] See also Harms, ii. 841 [2t)95] Wright's Early TraveU [3766] (Rev. H.) N. E. Province of Madagascar— J. R.G.S. xxxvii. 108 ... [1897] Maunior (C.) Cochin-China and its Inhabitants, 1877— Enoy. Brit. vi. 93 [2266] Mauriquc (Friar Seb.) Mission to Bengal, &c., 1612— Murray, Asia, ii.... [1344] Maury (M. F.)PhvsicalGeography of theSea— P.R.G.S. V. 22 [1942] — — Physical Geography of the Sea. 20th edit. 8vo. 1886 [1657] Maxwell (Clerk) Attraction ; Capillary Action ; Diffusion ; &c.— E. B. [2282, &c.] (J. S.) The Czar ; his Court and People. 12mo. 1848 [3260] . (P. M.) On Immigration in B. Guiana— Russell P. Essay [6099] May (C.) Wonderful Preservation of the " Terra Nova " — Churchill, vi. 348 [2086] (D. J.) On the Ruvuma River— P.R.G.S. vi. 36 [1943] . Journey in Yoruba and Nupe Countries, 1858— J.R.G.S. xxx. 213 ... [1890] ■ (H.) Voyage to E. Indies, and Shipwreck, 1591-3— Hakldyt, iii. 573 [2064] ■ Shipwreck on the Bermudas, 1593— Pnr.CH.\s, iv. 1793 [2075] (W. W.) Sketches during a Voyage in Search of Franklin. 4to. 1855 [2668] Mayes (C.) Resources of Victoria. Prize Essay. 8vo. 1861 [5125] Maynard {J. H.) Journey, Antananarivo to Mojunga — P.R.G.S. xx. 110 ... [1957] Mayne (Com. R. C.) Four Years in B. Columbia and V. I. 8vo. 1862 ... [5827] Country between Jarvis Inlet and Fort Pemberton — J. R. G. S. xxxi. 297 [1891] Vancoiiverlsland— J.R.G.S. xxxii. 529 [1892] Mayo (Earl) Sport in Abyssinia, or the Mareb and Tackazzee. 12mo. 1876 [3962] Journey in Portuguese S. W. Africa- P. R. G. S. (N. S. ) v. 458 ... [1 964] Mayson (J. Sohofield) Four Months at the Cape, 1853- Pamp [4298] ■ The Malays of Cape Town, 1861— Pamp [4298] Meade (Hon. H.) Disturbed Districts of New Zealand. 8vo. 1870 ...[5508] Medhurst (Sir Walter H.) Brit. N. Borneo, 1885— P.R. C.I. xvi. 273 ... [2016] Medley (John, Bp. of Frederioton) Visitation Tour, WiS— Church in Cols. [6257] Meinicke(C. E.) DasFestland Australien. 8vo. 1837 [4870] Meissas (Gaston) City of Lyons, 1883— Ency. Beit. xv. 110 [2275] • Marseilles ; History and Commerce, 1883 — Ency. Buit. xv. 571 ... [2275] Paris ; its Situation and Statistics, 1885 — Ency. Brit, xviii. 274 ... [2278] Mellis.s (J. C. ) St. Helena ; Physical, Historical, Topographical. Roy. 8vo. [4081] Melville (G. W.) In the Lena Delta. 8vo. 1884 [2726] (Henry) History of Van Diemen's Land, 1824-35. 12mo [5322] Present State of Australasia. 12mo. 1851 [4926] (HeiTuan) Typee, or the Marquesas Islands. 12mo. ... ,. ... [4570] Omoo ; or the South Sea Islands. 12mo [4570] (Mrs.) Residence at Sierra Leone. 12mo. 1849 - [t039] Mcndana de Neyra (Alvaro) Voyage, 1567— Dalrymple ; Burney, i. 278 [2101] Second Voyage, 1595— Thevenot, 58; Dalrymple [2096]; Bubney [2102] Descubrimentos^ZAEAGozA. Tomo i. 1876 [2314] Mendez Pinto, Observations of China, &c., 1521-45— Purchas, iii. 252 ... [2074] Mendoza (J. Gonzales de) Kingdom of China. 2 vols. — Hakluyt Soc. [2126-27] Discovei-y of the Philippines — Purchas, iii. 282 [2074] (Don L. Torres de) Descubrimentos Espagfiols en America, &c. 15 vols. [1358] Mendozza(Ant.)Discopr. dellaNuovaSpagna,&c.,1539— Ramusio, iii. 296 [2029] Menezes (Duarte) Laws, &c., Portuguese India — Purchas, ii. 1506 ... [2073] ■ (Don George) Visit to Borneo, 1526— Barros [132.3] ; Crawfurd ... [4450] Discovery of " Papua," 1526— Barros [1323] ; Burney, i [2101] Meniies (Justice) Corresp. with Sir A. Stockenstrom, 1840— Pamp. ... [4298] (Sutherland) Turkey, Old and New. 2 vols. 8vo. 1880 [3238] Mercator ; Historia Mundi, or Mercator's Atlas, by Hondy. 4to. 1635... [1203] Meredith (Mrs. L. A.) Notes and Sketches of N.S. Wales, 1839-44. 12mo. [4894] My Home in Tasmania. 2 vols. 12mo. 1852 [5332] Over the Straits ; A Visit to Victoria. 12mo. 1861 [5124] — ^ Tasmanian Friends and Foes, Feathered, Furred, and Finned. 8vo. ... [5352] Our Island Home (Tasmania). Illustrated. Folio. 1879 [5349] xc INDEX OF AUTHOKS, No, in Catalogue. Mereweather (J. D.) Diary of a Clergyman in Australia, 1850-53. 12ino. ... [4961] Merick (A.) Voyage to Strait of Magalhanes, 1589-90— Buiiney, ii. 95 ... [2102] Merin (J. B.) Journey to the Mines in Hungary, 1615 — Chueohill, iv. 762 [2084] Merivale (Heiman) Lectures on Colonisation. 8vo. 1861 [1475] MeroUa da Sorrento (J.) Voyage to Congo, &c., 1682 — Churchill, i. 575 .. [2081] Merrill(Selah)Travel3Eastofthe Jordan, 1875-77. 8vo. 1881 [3797] Merriman (J. X.) Resources and Finances of S. Africa — P.R.C.I. xvi. 1 ... [2016] Metcalfe's (Sir Chas.) Policy in Jamaica— CoL. Mac. i. 360, 484 ; ii. 442... [1479] Meteren (Emanuel van) Residence in England, 1558-1612 [2937] Methuen (Henry H.) Life in the Wilderness [Griqualand,&o.]. 12mo. 1846 [4228] Meyer (Rev. A.) The Encounter Bay Tribe, S. Australia. 8vo [4805] ■ — -(Adolf B.) Expedition to New Guinea, 1873. Folio [4514] Michael of Tripoli, Of Ethiopia— Ray [2080] Michell (Major C. C.) Roads and Kloofs in Cape Colony— J. R.G.S. vi. 168 [1866] — (J.) Trans, of Russian Geog. Papers— J. R.G.S. xxviii.-xxxvi. [1888-96] (Robert) Trans, of Russian Geog. Papers— J.R.G.S. xxxviii., xl. [1898, &c.] The Jaxartes, or Syr Daria — J.R.G.S. xxxviii. 429 Kotes on Fedcheuko's Maji of Maghian — J.R.G.S. xliii. 263... Journey from Kazan to Orcnburgh — Ca.ssell, v. Russian Expedition to the Alai and Pamir — J.R.G.S. xlvii. 17 — Regions of the Upper Oxus— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 489 (W. C.) The Fijian Islands — Cassell, v Michelsen (Dr.) Geography of Bread Plants — ^J. R.G.S. xxxii. 565... (VV.) Voyage to tlie Bay of Mexico, 1589^HAKLirYT, iii. 557 Michie (A.) Journey, Tientsin to Manchuria — J.R.G.S. xxxiii. 153 (Sir Arch.) Readings in Melbourne, Lectures on Victoria. 12mo. Great Britain and New Guinea — P.R.C.L vi. 121 Middendorf (M.) Journey in N. Siberia, 1843— J.R.G.S. xiv. 247 ... Middleton (Capt. C.) Voyage to Hudson's Bay, 1741-42— Hakluyt Soc.xii. [2124] (D.) Voyages E. and W. Indies- Pukchas, i. 226, &c. ; iv. 1246 [2072-75] [1898] [1903] [2255] [1907] [1965] [2255] [1892] [2064] [18&3] [5149] [2006] [1874] (Henry) Rome: Topography, Archasology-ENCY. Brit. xx. 807 ... [2280] (Sir Henry) Voyage to the Moluccas, 1604-5 — Hakluyt Soc. xix. ... [2131] Voyage for the E. India Co., 1610-12— Purohas, i. pt. ii. 247 ... [2072] Voyage to the Moluccas, Banda, &c., 1620— Purchas, i. pt. ii. 701 ... [2072] Miklukho Maclay, Travels in New Guinea— P.R.G.S. xix. 517 [1956] Explorations in New Guinea— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 768, &c [1963] ■ Melanesia, Malay Archipelago, &c.— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) v. 45, &c. ... [1964] Mildenhall (J.) Travels to Persia, 1599-1606— Purchas, i. pt. ii. 114 ... [2072] Miles (Capt. S. B.) Bunder Marayah and Somauli Coast— J.R.G.S. xlii. 61 [1902] Journey, Gwadur to Karachi, Mekran — J.R.G.S. xliv. 163 [1904] (Col. W.) History of the Reign of Tipoo Sultan. 8vo. 1864 .. [3550] Mill (H. R.) The Red Sea— Ency. Brit. XX. 316 [2280] (James) Art. " Colony" from the Encyelo. Britanniai, 1820 — Pamp. [1636] (John) The Ottomans in Europe. Svo. 1876 [3229] (J. S.) Principles of Political Economy. 2 vols. Svo. 1878 ...[1548] Miller (J. L.) Tasmania, Past and Present— P.R.C.I. x. 333 [2010] (S.) Contrib. to Knowledge of N. Guinea— J.R.G.S. xxviii. 264 ... [1888] (Gen. W.) The Chunchos Indians of Peru— J.R.G.S. vi. 174 [1866] • Notes on South America and Oceania — J.R.G.S. xii. 137 [1872] Millett (Mrs. E.) A Parsonage in Western Atistralia. 12mo. 1872 ...[5292] Milligan (Wm., M.D.) Report on Diseases of Perth, 1831 .[4715] Language of the Tasmaniau Aborigines — Smyth ... ... ... [4804] Millingen (Charles) Journey in Yemen— J.R.G.S. xliv. 118 [1904] Millington (T. S. ) Signs and Wonders in the Land of Ham. 12mo. 1873 ... [3896] Mills (Arthur) Colonial Constitutions. Svo. 1856 [1506] Millward (J.) Voyage to the E. Indies, 1614-15— Purchas, i. pt. ii. 524 ... [2072] Milner (Rev. John) Cruise of the "Galatea." 8vo. 1869 [2507] Milton (Viscount) and Dr. Cheadle, N.W. Passage by Land. 8vo. 1866 ... [2688] The San Juan Water Boundary Question. Svo. 1869 [5832] Three Years on the Australian Station. By an Officer. Svo. 1868 [2504] Milum (Rev. J.) Journey up the Niger to Bida— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iii. 26... [1962] Minchin (J. B.) E. Bolivia and the Gran Chaco— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iiL 401 [1962] Andean Table Land of Bolivia, 1882— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 671 ... [1963] INDEX OF AUTHORS. xci No. in Catalogue. Misson (Max.) Voyage to Italy. &c., 1688. 4 vols. 12rao. 1714 [2829] Travels iu England, Scotland, and Ireland. 12mo. 1714 [2829] Mirambo (P. B.) Description of Unyamwezi— P. R.G.S.xxii. 28 [1959] Mitchell (John) JaO Journal. 12mo. 1854 [5333] (Sir T. L.) Explorations in Australia— J.R.G.S. vii. 271 [1867] Expeditions into E. Australia, 1831-36. 2 vols. 8vo [4719] Expedition into Tropical Australia. 8vo. 1848 [4726] Australian Geography, with Pacific and Indian Oceans. 12rao. 1850 [4731] Mitchinson (Alex. W.) The Expiring Continent, &c. 8vo. 1881 [4066] Mitra (R.) Indo-Aryans ! their Auciunt and Mediieval History. 2 vols. 8vo. [3509] Mivart (St. George) Ape; Lizard; Reptiles, &c. — Ency. Brit. ... [2262, Ac] Moens (J. W.) English Travellers and Italian Brigands. 2 vols. 12nio. 1866 [3138] Moerenhout, Voyages aux lies du Grand Ocean. 2 vols. 8vo. 1837 ... [2457] Moesta (C.) Position W. Coast of South America— J.R.G.S. xxviii. 333 ... [1888] Moffat (Robert) Missionary Labours and Scenes S. Africa. 8vo. 1842 ... [4171] Visit to Mo.selekat.se, King of the Matebele— J.R.G.S. xxvi. 84 ... [1886" Journey, Colesberg to Steinkopf, 1854-55— J.R.G.S. xxviii. 153 ... [1888 Joumey from Namaqua-Land Eastward, 1856 — J.R.G.S. xxxviii. 174 [1898 Namaquas or Bushman Land— P.R.G.S. ii. 77-158 [1939' Bechwana, or Betjuana — Ency. Biut. iii. 478 [2263, Moggridgo (J. T.) Harvesting Ants and Trap-Door Spiders. 8vo. 1873 [1673; Mohn (H.) Norway ; its Geography, Fauna, &c.— Ency. Brit. xvii. 575 [2277^ Moister(Rev. W.) Stories, Sketches, Facts, of Missionary Enterprise. 12mo. [6276] Molesworth (Lord) Account of Denmark in 1692. 8vo. 1694 [2892] • (Sir W.) Speeches on the Colonies. 8vo. 1848-51 [1494] Molina (Christoval de) Fables and Rites of the Yncas — Hakluyt Soo.xlviii. [21 60] ^ Chili : Geographical, Natural, and Civil History. 8vo. 1809 ...[6208] Moll's Atlas Geographicus. 5 vols. 4to. 1711-17 [1214] Molloy (Charles) De Jure Maritimo et Navali. 2 vols. 8vo. 1769 ...[1430] Molyneux (Lt.) Exped, to the Jordan and Dead Sea-J.R.G.S. xviii. 104 1878] Monck (Capt. J.) Voyage to Hudson's Straits — Churchill, i. 487 ... [2081] Money (C. L.) Knocking about in New Zealand, 1861-70. 12mo. ... [5509] (J. "W. B.) Java ; or How to Manage a Colony. 2 vols. 12mo. 1861 [4452] Monfart, Observations in China, about 1618 — Purchas, iii. 405 [2074] Monk (C. J.) The Golden Horn, Sketches in Asia Minor, &c. 2 vols. 12mo. [3220] Monoxe (Edw.) Journal of the late Oitouz Business — Purchas, ii. 1793 .. [2073] Monson(SirW.)Naval Tracts. Actions by Sea,&c.—CHURCHlLL,iii. 139-500 [2083] How to Colonize Madagascar, 1640 — Churchill, iii. 406 [2083] Montagu (John) Sei-vices in V. D. Land and C, G. Hope. 8vo [4244] Montague (F. C.) Local Administration. 12mo. 1885 [1590] Monte Corvino, &c.. Mission to Tartary and China — Yule, Oalhay, i. 163 [2148] Marsden's A/n!?-co Poilo, 243-245 [2805] ; Purchas, iii [2074] Monteiro and Gamitto, Journey to Cazembe, 1831 — Lands of Cazembe ... [4112] ■ ^ (J. J.) Angola and the River Congo. 2 vols. 12mo. 1875 ..,[4097] Monteith (Gen. W.) Tour through Azerbijan—J.R.G.S. iii. 1 [1863] Account of the Bagery Hills, Madras— J. R.G.S. v. 404 [1865] Routes from Bushir to Shiraz— J. R.G.S. xxvii. 108 [1887] Montfaucon (Fatlier) Travels through Italy, 1702. 12mo [3118] Montgomerie (Col. T. G.) Position of Yarkand, &c.— J.B.G.S. xxxvi. 157 [1896] Pundit's Journey, Nepal to Lhasa— J.R.G.S. x.xxviii. 129 [1898] Trans-Himalayan Explorations — J.R.G.S. xxxix. 146 [1899] The Miiza's Joumey, Kabul to Kashgai— J.R.G.S. xli. 132 [1901] Exploration of Great Tibet— J. R. G. S. xlv. 315, 350 [1905] Montgomery (James) Visit of Tyerman and Bennet to S. Seas. 2 vols. 8vo. [24l5] Monto, and others. Voyage to Acadia, 1604— Harley, ii. 795 [2088] Moodie (Lt. D.) The RecoM : Native Tribes S. Africa, 1649-1809. 4to. ... [4233] (D. C. F.) Battles in South Africa, 1495-1879. 12mo [4267] (G. P. ) Annexation of Transvaal : Reply to Sir B. Frere. 1881— Pamp. [4365] Moonta, Travels in the Interior of Japan— Cassell, vi [2256] Moorcroft, Joumey over the Himalayas into Tibet — Murray, Asia, ii 404 [1344] (W. ) Productions and Agriculture of Kashmir— J.R.G.S. ii. 253 ... [1862] Moore, Travels in Senegal, Gambia, &c. 1740— Murray, Africa, i. 202 ... [1344] xcii INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. Moore (C.) Woods of N.S. Wales— Indust. Peooeess, N.S.W. 1871 ... [4997] (G. F.) Letters and Journals in W. Australia. 18rao. 1834 [5283-84] An Inland Sea to the N".E. of Swan River, 1837— P amp [4791] Australian Aborigines— CoL. Mag. ii. 323 ; v. 309, 422 ; vi. 38, 423 [1479] Vocabulary: Aborigines of W. Australia. 1842— P amp. [4812] and [5284] Diary of an Early Settler in Western Australia. 1830-40. 8vo. ... [5284] (Joseph) The Queen's Empire ; or, Ind and her Pearl. 8vo. 1886 [3600] (Thomas) Cactus— Ency. Brit. iv. 625 ' [2264] Practical Horticulture — Enoy. Beit. xii. 217-295 [2272] More (Sir Thos.) Utopia; Englished by Robinson. Introd. by Dibdin. 8vo. [1410' Morell (J. R.) Algeria: Topography and History of French Africa. 8vo. 1854 [3991' Moresby (Comm.) Northern Atolls of the Maldive.s— J.R.G.S. v. 398 ... [1865' (Capt. J.) Discoveries Eastern New Guinea— J.R.G.S.xliv.1 ; xlv.l53[1904-5' New Guinea and Polynesia. 8vo. 1876 [2526' Moreton (J. ) Physical Geography of Newfoundland— J.R.G.S. xxxiv. 263 [1894 Morfill (W. R.) Poland and the Poles— Ency. Brit. xix. 285 . ... [2279] Morga (Antonio de) The Philippine Islands, &o.—HAKLtrYT Soc. xxxix. [2151] Morgan (E. Delmar)On Survey of Lake Ladoga — P.R.G.S. xiii. 375 ... [1950] Turkistan ; Russian Exploration— P.R.G.S. xiv. 229 [1951] The Baltic Provinces of Russia — Cassell, iii [2253] - — — Visit to Nuremburg — Cassell, vi [2255] Old Cliannels of the Lower Oxus— J.R.G.S. xlviii. 301 [1908] Journey through Semiretchia to Kuldja— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iii. 150 ... [1962] — Steppe Routes, Karshi to the Amu- Daria— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iii. 723... [1962] Excursion to Askja, Iceland, 1881— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. [1963] and [2925] Notes on the Lower Congo— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 183 [1965] FreeStateoftheCougo- P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 223 [1966] — — Geography of C. Asia, from Russian Sources — P.R.G.S. Supp. P. i... [1912] (Sir Heniy) and the Buccaneers — Bueney, iv, [2104] (H. J.) The Dominion Annual Register and Review. 8vo. 1879, &c. [5737] (John) Life and Adventures of William Buckley. 12mo. 1852 ...[5084] (Rev. John) Mis,sion to the Gambia. 12mo. 1864 [4059] (Sydney, Lady) France in 1829-30. 2 vols. 8vo. 1831 [3068] Morgues (Jacq) Floridse Americae Prov. GaUis Accidemnt — Db Bry, ii. ... [2031] Moi-iarty (H. A.) Log : Ground, Screw, Electric, &c. — Ency. Brit. xiv. [2274] Navigation, History and Practice of — Ency. Brit, xvii [2277] Seamanship— Ency. Brit. xxi. 589 . ... [2281] Morier (Jas.) Iliyats or Wandering Tribes of Persia— J.R.G.S. vii. 230 ... [1867] Morison(Rev. John) Fathers andFounders of the London Miss. Society. 8vo. [6253] Morrell (Capt. Benj. ) Four Voyages to the S. Seas, &c. 1822-31. 8vo. [2447] Antarctic Voyage, 1823, Discredited— P.R.G.S. xiv. 145, 152 ... [1951] Morris (D.) Planting Enterprise in the West Indies— P. R.C.I, xiv. 265 ... [2014] (J. H.) A Sketch by John Maodonald— Pillars of the Empire ... [1553] Morrison (A. F.) Sketches in Russia, bv a Rambling Victorian. 12mo. 1886 [3269] (G. J.) Journeys in Interior of Cliina— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) ii. 145 ... [1961] ■ (Rev. J.) Australia in 1866. By a Clergyman. 12mo [4988] Morse (Jedidiah) The American Gazetteer. 8vo. 1797 ... ... ... [5895] Mortimer (Mrs.) The Night of Toil ; Missions in the South Seas. 12mo... [4548] (T. H.) Epitome of Statistics relating to Reform Bill, 1831— Pamp... [1636] Moryson (Fynes) Itinerary: Ten Years' Travel through Europe. Folio. 1617 [2815] Moseley (H. N. ) Notes by a Naturalist : Voyage of " Challenger. " 8vo... [1687] Myriapoda— Ency. Brit. xvii. 115 [2277] Moss (Dr. E. L. ) Shores of the Polar Seas. 16 Chromo.s. Expd. 1875-6 ... [2711] Mosse (J. R.) Irrigation in Ceylon— P.R. C.I. XV. 223 [2015] Mossman (Samuel) The Gold Regions of Australia. 12mo. 1852 ...[4931] (and Banister) Australia Visited and Revisited. 12mo. 1853 ... [4940] ■ Shipwreckof the "Admella." 12mo. 1859 [4966] ■- Our Australian Colonies. 12mo. 1866 [4984] New Japan ; the. Land of the Rising Sun. 8vo. 1873 [3444] Mosenthal (Julius) Ostriches and Ostrich Farming. 8vo. 1876 [4257] Motley (J. L.) Causes of the Civil War in America, 1861— Pamp [5951] Motta (Alexo da) Rentier dea Indies Orientales- Thevbnot, i No. 25 ... [2077] INDEX OF AUTHORS. xciu No. in Catalogue. Mouat (F. J.) Andaman Islands in 1857— J. E.G. S. xxxii. Ill [1892] The Andaman Islanders : Adventures and Researches. 8vo. 1863 [3660] Mouhot (H.) Notes on the Lao Country, &e.— J.R.G.S. xxxii. 142 ... [1892] Travels in Indo-China, Siam, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1864 [3466; Mouette (Sieur) Captivity ; Fez and Morocco, 1670-81. Small 4to. 1710 [3977; Mounsey (A. H. ) Journey through the Caucasus and Persia. 8vo. 1872... [3277^ The Satsuma Rebellion : an Episode of Japanese History. 12mo. 1879 [3446 Mountain (Bp. of Montreal) Visitations, 1843-46 — Church in Colonies ... [6257 Visit to Rupert Land, Red River, &c. 12mo. 1848 [5802; Account of Rupert's Land Mis,sion, 1820-48. 12mo [5803; (Rev. J. G.) Sowing Time in Newfoundland, 1856— CA. in Colonies [6257; Mowbery (D. of Norfolk) Voyage to Jerusalem, 1399— Hakltiyt, ii. 70... [2062 Moxley (J. H.) Barbadoes : A West Indian Sanatorium. 12mo. 1866... [6025 Mudie (James) The Felomy of New South Wales. 8vo. 1837 [4866; Vindication from Charges of Convict Servants, 1834 — Pamp. ... [5071 (Robert) The Picture of Australia. 12mo. 1829 [4853 Mueller (Sir Fred.) Vegetation of the Chatham Islands. 8vo. 1864 ...[1746; ■ — — Eucalyptographia : Atlas of Australian Eucalypts. 4to. 1882 ... [1766; The Fate of Dr. Leichhardt, 1865— Pamp [479i; Forest Resources of W. Australia. 4to. 1879 [1763 (and Bentham) Flora Australiensis. 7 vols. 8vo. 1863-80 ... [1745 Muirhead (Prof. James) Roman Law— Enoy. Bkit. xx. 669-715 [2280 (J. F.)Mechlenburg— Ency. Brit. XV. 774. 1883 [2275 Oldenburg (Duchy)- Ency. Brit. xvii. 756 ; Prague, xix. 657 [2277, 79 Prussia ; Rhine (The)— Ency. Brit. XX. 1, 18 [2280 Mulhall (M. G. & E. T.) Handbook of Brazil, Buenos Ayres, &o. 12mo... [6127 Handbook of the River Plate Republics. 12mo. 1875 [6161 (M. G.) Between the Amazon and the Andes, &c. 8vo. 1881 ... [6134 Balance-sheet of the World for Ten Years, 1870-80. 12mo [1576; Mullens (Joseph, D. D. ) Twelve Months in Madagascar. Central I'rovinces of Madagascar- — J.R.G.S. xlv. 128 Recent Journeys in Madagascar — J.R.G.S. xlvii. 47 ■ New Route to Central Africa— P.R.G.S. xxi. 233 MUller (J. W. von) Travels in the Soudan— J.R.G.S. xx. 275 12mo, 1875 ... [4392 [1905] [1907] [1958] [1880] Mullooly (Rev. J.) Ancient Paintings, Basilica of S. Clement, Rome. Folio. [3140] Mun (T.) Trade to the Enst Indies— Puechas, i. pt. ii. 732 [2072] England's Treasure by Foreign Trade. 12mo. 1664 [1415] Mundy (C. G.) Our Antipodes ; the Australasian Colonies, 1846-51. 8vo [4934] (D. L.) Rotomahana and the Boiling Springs, N.Z. Folio. 1875... [5525] (Rodney) Rajah Brooke's Journals. 2 vols. 8vo. 1848 [4485] Munful Mir Munshi, On Gilgit and Chitral— P.R.G.S. xiii. 130 [1950] Journey through Chitral to Faizabad— J.R.G.S. xlii. 180 [1902] Munster (Sebastian) Cosmographiie Universalis. Folio. 1554 [1193] Munzinger(W.)TheAfarCountry, 1862— J.R.G.S. xxxix. 188 [1899] — Excursion into SouthemArabia— J.R.G.S. xli. 210 [1901] Murchison ( Sir Roderick) The Ural Mountains— J.R.G.S. xiii, 269 ... [1878] Presidential Addresses— J.R.G.S. xiv. -xli [1874-1901] Geology of Russia and the Ural Mountains. 2 vols. 4to. 1845 ... [1647] Physical Geography of Inner Africa— P.R.G.S. viii. 161 [1946] On Arctic Exploration— P.R.G.S. ix. 87 [1946] • • Silurian System. 2 vols. 8vo. 1872 [1648] ■ Life, Journals and Letters, by Geikie. 2 vols. 8vo. 1876 [1371] Muri)hy (Lieut.) Account of the Cossyahs— J. R.G.S. u. 93 [1862] Murray (Alex.) Geography of Newfoundland— J.R.G.S. xlvu. 267 ... [1907] (And.) Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Scotland. 12mo. 1853 ...[1654] (A. S.)Antioch— Ency. Brit, ii [2262] and Deecke (Dr. W. ) Etruria— Ency. Brit. viii. 633 [2268] (Rev. A. W. ) Missionaiy Voyage to N. Guinea, 1872— P AMP. ... [4530] Missions in Western Polynesia, 1839-63. 8vo. [4585] Wonders of the Western Isles ; Polynesia. 12mo. 1874 [4602] Forty Years' Mission Work in Polynesia. 12mo. 1876 [4607] Martyrs of Polynesia; Williams, Patteson, &c. 12mo. 1885 ...[4627] Muekay's Hand Books fob Tkatellees, various. Xciv INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. Murray (O. R. Milne) Vegetable Parasitism— Enoy. Beit, xviii. 264 ... [2278 ■ (George) Fungns—ENOY. Brit. ix. 827 ._ [2269, ■ (Hugh) Histoiy of Travels in Africa, Asia, and America. 7 vols, 8vo. [1344] ■ Polar Seas and Regions. 12mo. 1845 [2647] (Erskine J.) A Snmmer in the Pyrenees. 2 vols. 8vo. 1837 ...[3083] (J. H. ) Travels in Uruguay. 12mo. 1871 [6160] (John) Observations, &c. [Printed mi N.Z. flax, paper. "[ 1836 — Pamp. [5606] (John, F.R.S.) Scientific Results of the " Challenger " Voyage ... [1694] The Pacific Ocean, 18S5— Ency. Brit. xviii. 114 [2278] North Sea; Norwegian Sea— Ency. Bkit. xvii. 563, 592 ... ... [2277] (Reginald) Physical Geography and Geology of Victoria [5154] (Hon. R. D.) A Summer at Port Phillip, 1841-42. 12mo [5091] (Rev. T. B.) Pitcairn Island and the People. 18mo. 1853 [4569] Murray's Guide to the Australian Gold Diggings, 1852 — Pamp. [5071] Musafir's (Captain) Rambles in Alpine Lands. 4to. 1884 ... ... [3097] Musgrave (Sir A.) Jamaica, Now and Fifteen Years Ago— P.R.C.I. xi. 222 [2011] (Capt. Thos.) Castaway upon the Auckland LslanJs. 12mo. 1866... [4590] Musters (G. C.) A Year in Patagonia— J. R.G.S. xlL 59 [1901] The Patagonians. 12mo. 1873 ... [6225] Notes on Bolivia— J. R.G.S. xlvii. 201 [1907] Nachtigal (Dr.) Journey to Lake Chad and Vicinity— J.R.G.S. xlvi. 396 [1906] Pre.sentation to, of R.G.S. Medal— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 431 [1963] Napier (Sir Charles) Colonisation in South Australia. 8vo. 1835 ... [5176] • (CoL Elers) E-xcursions in Southern Africa. 2 vols. 12mo. 1849... [4174'" (Hon. G. C.) Diary of a Tour in Khorassan— J. R. G. 8. xlvi. 62 ... [1906 Journey to Turcoman Frontier of Persia— P.R.G.S. xx. 166 [1957 Napier of Magdala (Lord) : Sketch, by Griffiths— Pillars of the Empire ... [1553. Napier and Ettrick (Lord) : Sketch, by Escott — Pillars of the Empire ... [1553' Napp (Richard) The Argentine Republic. 8vo. 1876 [6162' Narborough (Sir John) Voyage to Magellan Str. and S. Sea, 1669-71. 8vo. [2323' Voyage to South Sea— BuRNEY, iii. 316 [2103 Nares (Sir G. S.) Suez Canal and its Pilotage— P. R. G. S. xiv. 75 [1951"^ OntheCircumpolarSea— P.R,G.S. xxi. 96 ..[1958' — Arctic Expedition : Official Report. Folio. 1878 [2709] Voyage to the Polar Sea. 2 vols. 8vo. 1878 [2710] Speech on Arctic Enterprise— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) v. 224 [1964] Nash (L.) Table of Distances on Amazons River— P.R.G.S. xxi. 595 ... [1958] Naunton, Fragmenta Regalia, and Hentzner's Travels. 8vo. 1797 ... [2933] Navarette(D. F.) China, India, Madagascar, &c. 1642"73 — Churchill, i. 1 [2081] (M. F.)ViagesyDescubrimentos ... Espafioles. 5 vols. 8vo. 1829-59 [2110] Nearcho, Navigatione di— Ramusio, i. 268 [2027] Voyage of Nearchus — Purchas, i. [2071] ; Harris, i [2094] Voyage, and Perii)Ius of the Erythrean Sea — Vincent [1108] • see also Stanieb Clarke [1340] ; Coolev [1346]; Bunbfhy ... [1125] Neck (Jacob van) Navigation . . . Indiam Orient — De Bry, P. F. viii.... [2050] Needham (J. F.) Excursion in the Abor Hills— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 313... [1967] Neil (Rev. James) Palestine Explored. 12rao. 1881 [3796] Neill(Edw. D.) Footprints of Civilisation Upper Missouri Valley. 8vo. 1878 [5924] Nelson (E. W.) Sledge Journey in N. Alaska— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 660 ... [1963] Ncsfleld (H. W.) A Chequered Career in Australia and N. Z. 8vo. 1881 ... [5038] Neumann (Karl F.) Ost-Asien und Amerika nach Chinesischen Quellen ... [1319] Neumayer (Dr. G.) Scientific Exploration of C. Au.stralia— P.R.G.S. xii. 286 [1949] Neuville (De la) Account of Muscovy in 1689. 12mo [3251] New (Rev. C.)and Bushell (Rev.) Ascent of Kilimanjaro— P.R.G.S. xvi. 167 [1953] Life, "Wanderings and Labours in Eastern Africa. 12too. 1874 .. [4131] Journey from the Pangani to Mombasa — J.R.G.S. xlv. 414 [1905] Newbery (J.) Voyages to the Holy Land, 1578-82— Purchas, ii. 1410 ... [2073] Voyage to Aleppo, Balsara, &e., 1583 — Purchas, ii. 1642 [2073] Newbold (Capt.) On the Site of Ashtaroth— J.R.G.S. xVi. 331 [1876] Newell (CM.) Kam^am^ha, the Conquering King of HawAi. 12mo. 1885 [4671] Newport (Chr.) Voyage to the "West Indies, 1591— Hakluyt, iii. 567 ... [2064] NcWte(ThoF.)Tcur in England and Scotland. 4to. 1791 [2952] INDEX OF AUTHORS. xcv No. in Cataloguo. Newton (Prof. Alfred) Birds (Fossil, Extirpated, and Existing) their Distribution, Migration, Kidification, &c. ; Cuckow ; Dinoniis : Dodo ; Eagle ; Emeu ; Falcon ; Flamingo ; Gannet ; Gare-Fowl ; Goat-8ucker ; Goose ; Grouse ; Heron ; Hornbill ; Humniing-Bird ; Jay ; Kiwi ; Lark ; Lyre-Bird ; Mer- ganser ; Moor-Hen ; Nightingale ; Obsithology ; 0wl ; Ostrich ; Parrot ; Penguin; Pigeon; Quail: Knff ; &c.— EscY. Brit [22G3, &c.] Nicholas of Lynn, Voyage to Northern Regions, 1160 — Hakluyt, i. 121... [2061] (J. L.) Voyage to New Zealand, 1814-15. 2 vols. 8vo [5404] (Thomas) The Pedigree of the English People. 8vo. 1878 [2995] Nicholay (N.) Description of Algiers, Malta, &c.— Purchas, ii. 874 ... [2073] Travels to Turkey, Account of Greece, &c. (1551)— Harley, 1. ... [2087] Nicholls (Henry) Expedition to Old Calabar, &c.— African Assoc, ii. ... [1986] Nicholson (B., M.D.) Kafir Laws and Customs. 8vo. 1858 [4246] (Sir C.) Progress of Australian Discovery— P.R.G.S. xiv. 190 ... [1951] On Political and Municipal Boundaries— P. R. C. I. xii. 309 [20121 (H. A.) Corals ; Cuttlefish— Encv. Brit. vi. 369, 735 [2266] Nicol (Henry) The French Language— Ency. Brit. ix. 629 [2269] (John) Massacre in Santa Lucia, 1605 — Purchab, iv. 1256 [2075] Adventuresof; W. Indies, South Seas, &c. 1776-1801. 12mo. ...[2420] (Prof J.) Diamond— Ency. Brit. vii. 162 [2267] Nicolay (Rev. C. G.)Hand-Book of Western Australia. 8vo. 1880 ...[5296] Nicols (Arthur) Acclimatisation of Salmonidse at the Antipodes. 12mo. 1882 [5355] (W.) Travels from Bramport, &c., 1612— Pdrchas, i. pt. ii. 232 ... [2072] Nicolo di Conti, Voyage to Indies, China, &c. — Purchas, iii. 158 [2074] NiebuhrtCarstein) Travels through Arabia, &c., 1761-63. 2 vols. 8vo. [3839] Niemojowski (Ludwik) Siberian Pictures. 2 vols. 12mo. 1886 ... [3301] Nieuhofr(J.) Travels in Brazil and E. Indies, 1640-71— Churchill, ii. 1 [2082] Ambassade des Hollandois h la Chine, 1656— Thevenot, 7, 34, 35 [2077-78] Nightingale (Thomas) Oceanic Sketches. 12mo. 1835 [2455] Nikitin (Athanasias) Travels to India, from Russia, 1 468-74 — Hakluyt Soc. [2134] Nh-d (Scott) Natives of King George's Sound— J.R.G.S. i. 21 [1861] Nixon (F. R.) Twelve Views in Adelaide and Vicinity. 4to. 1845 ...[5187] (Bishop) Visit to Islands in Bass's Strait. 12mo. 1857 [5336] Reply to Deputation, Hobart Town, April 22, 1852— Pamp [5375] Nizza (Marco da) Viaggio fatto a Cevola, 1539— Ramusio, iii. 297 ... [2029] Journey to Cevola, 1539— BuuNEY, i. 191 [2101] Noble (John) South Africa, Past and Present : a History. 12mo. 1877... [4260] The Cape and South Africa : Official Hand-Book. 12mo. 1878 ... [4261] British South Africa and the Zulu War— P.R.C.I. x. 105 ; and .. [4349] Descriptive Hand-Book of Cape Colony. 12mo. 1875 [4255] The Hottentots— Ency. Brit. xii. 309 [2272] Nodal (Garcia) Expedition to Strait Le Maire, 1618-19— BuRNEt, Ii. 467 [2102] Noldeke (Prof Th. ) Persepolis-ENOY. Brit, xviii. 557 -. [2278] Ancient History of Persia — Ency. Brit, xviii. 607 [2278] Noort (Olevier) Navigation, 1598-1601— De Bry, Grands Voyages, ix. ... [2038] • Voyage Round the World— Purchas, i. pt. ii. 71 ; Buiiney, ii. 206 [2102] Norden, Notes on London and Westminster, 1592 [2937] Nordenskiold (Baron) Arctic Voyages, 1858-79. By Alex. Leslie. 8vo. [2716] • Swedish Polar Expedition, 1868— J.R.G.S. xxxix. 131 [1899] Voyage of the "Vega" round Asia and Europe. 2 vols. 8vo. 1881 [2719] Voyage of the " Vega," by Lieut. A. Hovgaard. 8vo. 1882. ... [2720] ■ Discov. of Ancient Map in Iceland— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) v. 473 ... [1964] Nordhoff (Charles) California, Oregon, and Sandwich Is. 8vo. 1874 ... [5926] Guide to California, the Golden State, 1883— Pamp [5951] Norman (B. M.) Rambles in Yucatan. 8vo. 1843 [6046] (Sir Henry) : a Sketch— Eseott's Pillars of the Empire [1553] (C. B.) Fez ; Climate, Commerce, &c. 1879— Ency. Brit. ix. 127 ... [2269] Norris (E.) Vei Language and Alphabet— J.R.G.S. xx. 101 [1880] Places with Two Names— J.R.G.S. xxiv. 318 [1884] (Wm.) The Canadian Question [Independence] 1875 — Pamp. ... [5770] (Rev. W.) Annals of the Diocese of Adelaide, 1852 [5193] ; and ... [6257] Northbrook (Earl) : a Sketch— Eseott's Pillars of the Empire [1553] Presidential Addresses, 1879-8ar-J.R.G.S. xlix. -I [1909-10] XOVl INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. NortUeigh (John) Travels through Franco (1702) — Churchill, vi. 727 [2086] Norton (George) Indian Land Tenures and Finance — P. E.G. I. iii. 57 ... [2003] Korwood (R.) Somers' Islands (Bermudas) 1622 — Purchas, iv. 1796 ... [2075] • (Col.) Voyage to Virginia, 1649 — Churchill, vi. 143 [2086] Nott (Samuel) Slavery and the Remedy, 1859— Pamp [5951] Nunez (Alvaro, called Capo di Vacca) Relatione — Ramusio, iii. 259 ... [2029] Relation concerning the Fleet in India, 1527-86 — Purcha.s, iv. 1499 [2075] Nunn (John) Wreck of the " Favourite " at Desolation Island (1825) 8vo. [4410] Nunnez (or Nonius) Relations of Ethiopia, 1555-77 — Pukohas, ii. 1174 [2073] Nunno da Silva, Voyage with Drake to Mexico — Hakldyt, iii. 742 ... [2064] Gates (Frank) Matabele Land and the Victoria Falls. 8vo. 1881 ...[4194] O'Brien (Capt. C.) Views in Cej'lon. Fol. 1864 [3642] O'Connor (Gov.) Visit to Bulama Island— P.R.G.S. i. 42 [1938] British Settlements West Africa— P.R.G.S. vi. 15 [1943] Octher, Voyages to Norway and Denmark — Haklutt, i. 4, 5 [2061] Voyages, edited by Dr. Bosworth. Roy. 8vo. 1855 [1187] Odernheimer, Geology and Mineralogy of P. Stephens, &c, 1857 — Pajjp... [4791] O'Donovan (Edmond) The Merv Oasis, 1879-81. 2 vols. 8vo [3327] Merv and its Surroundings— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 345 [1963] Odorico da Udine (Beato) Due Viaggi — Ramusio, ii. 245 [2028] Travels to Persia, India, China, &c. 1318-30— Hakluyt, ii. 39-67 ... [2062] See aLso Murray, ^isia, i. 183-192 [1344] Travels to E. Parts of the World (1316-30)— Yulb's Gcdhay ... [2148] ■ Dis.sertation on, by Yule— Enoy. Brit. xvii. 728 [2277] Oersted (M. A.) Nicaraguan Canal— J. R.G.S.xxi. 96 [1881] Ogilvy (John) Britannia : England and Wales Survey'd. Fol. 1698 ... [2939] • Britannia Depicta, or OgCvy Improv'd. 8vo. 1749 [2946] Ogle (Nathaniel) Colony of Western Australia. 8vo. 1839 [5287] O'Hara (James) History of New South Wales. 8vo. 1817 [4838] O'Hea (W. J.) Proposed New Rural Industries. Victoria, 1871— Pamp. ... [5171] Ohlson (J. L.) Barbados, 1875— Enoy. Brit. iii. 359 [2263] Jamaica— Ency. Bkit. xiii. 549 [2273] ; British Guiana, xi. 249 ... [2271] Olaus Magnus, Goths, Swedes, Vandals, and Northern Nations. Folio. 1658. [2891] Oldfield (R. R.) Ascentof Old Calabar River, 1836— J.R.G.S. vii. 195 ... [1867] O'Leary (Peter) Travels and Experiences in Canada. 12rao. 1877 ... [5734] Oliphant (Laurence) Voyage up the Yang-tze-Kiang— J.R.G.S. xxx. 75 ... [1890] Lord Elgin's Mission to China and Japan, 1857-59. 2 vols. 8vo.... [3384] ' Island of Tsusima near Japan — P.R.G.S. vii. 61 [1944] Bayanos River, Isthmus of Panama — J.R.G.S. xxxV. 142 [189.5] The Land of Gilead and Lebanon. 8vo. 1880 [3795] Oliver (Alex.) Fisheries of N. S. W.— Industrial Progress N. S. W. ... [4997] (Lieut. ) Boat Journey West of Canton— P. R. G. S. vi. 85 [1 943] Madagascar— P.R.G.S. vii. 68 [1944] Madagascar ; History, &c. 2 vols. Svo. 1886 [4401] O'Meara (Rev. Eugene) DiatomaoeiE— Ency. Brit. vii. 169 [2267] Onate (Juan de) Discoveries in Now Mexico, 1605 — Puechas, iV. 1565 ... [2075] Ondegardo (Polo de) Report on tho Yncas— Hakluyt Soc. xlviii [2160] O'Neill (H. E. ) Sketches of African Scenery. 4to. 1878 [4136] Makua and Lomwe Countries— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 193 [1963] Mozambique Coasts, Rivers and Ports— P.R.G.S.(N.S.)iv. 595 ... [1963] Journey W. of C. Delgado Bay— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) V. 393 [1964] Journey, Mozambique to Shirwa, &c.— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 632, 718 [1965] Northern Mozambique Ports— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 373 [1966] ■ E. Africa between Zambesi and Rovuma— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 480... [1966] ■ Journey from QuiUimane to Blantyre— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 646 ... [1966] Oppert (Ernest) A Forbidden Land : the Corea. Svo. 1880 [3418] O'Reilly (Bishop) Voyage to Greenland and Adjacent Seas. 4to. 1818... [2612] (J. B.) Moondyne : a Story of Life in W. Australia. 12mo. 1880... [5295] O'Rell (Max) John Bull and his Island. 12mo. 1883 [3006] Orellana(F.) Voyage down the Amazons, 1540-41 — Hakluyt Soc. xxiv. ... [2136] O'Riley (E.) Tour to the Shan Traders, Karenni— J.R.G.S. xxxii. 164 ... [1892] Orme (Wm.) Defence of Missions in South Seas. 8vo. 1827 [6244] INDEX OF AUTHORS. xcvu Onnsby (J.) Notes on Spain, 1869 — Cassell. i Orpcn(J. M.) Relations with the Imp. Government. CapeT., 1879 — Pamp. Oit's Circle of the Sciences. 9 vols. 8vo. 1854-55 (John) Expedition to Gipp.s' Land, 1841— J.R.G.S. xi. 192 Ortelius (Abraham) Theatrum Orbis Terrarum : 53 Maps. Folio. 1571 . Theatre del'Universe: French Text, with 119 Maps. Folio. 1598... Orton (Prof. Edm.) and Short (J. T.) State of Ohio— Ency. Brit. xvii. 734 Osborn (Sherard) Stray Leaves from an Arctic Journal, 1850-51. 12mo. .. Discovery of the N. W. Pa.s8age : McClure's Journals. 8vo Late Arctic Expeditions — P.R.G.S. i. 104 Sea and Coasts of Azov — J.R.G.S. xxvii. 133 Light in Northern Latitudes- — J.R.G.S. xxviii. 371 PecheliGulfand the Peiho— P.R.G.S. iii. 55 Notes on Chinese Tartarv— P.R.G.S; xi. 162 No. in CataloRiie. 2251] - — - Arctic Exploration— J. R.G.S. xxxvi. 279 ; P.R.G.S. ix. 42 ; xii. 92 [1896,&c.] ■ Geography of the Beds of Oceans — J.R.G.S. xl. 46 - — ^ Geography of the Bed of Indian Ocean— J.R.G.S. xli. 46 Bed of Mediterranean — P.R.G.S. xv. 28 Depths of the Sea— J.R.G.S xli. 46 Unknown Lanas within the Arctic Circle — P.R.G.S. xvi. 227 Osborne (T. ) Geography, Navigation, Commerce, &c. — Hakley, i. Description of Europe — Harley, i. ... Osman (Sultan) Letter to His Maje.sty, James I. — Purchas, ii. 1612 Osten-Sacken (P. R.) Trans-Naryh Country. 1867— J.R.G.S. xl. 250 Oswell (W. 0. ) Letter on Interior Lake S. Africa— J.R.G.S. xx. 143 Otondo (Don I.) Expedition to California, 1683-85 — Burney, iv. 345 Otter (R. H.) Winters Abroad in Melbourne, Tasmania, Egypt, &c. 12nio. Otto, Prince of Hesse, Visit to England, 1611 Ouchterlony (Lt.) Sketch of th3 Island of Chusan, 1841— Pamp Oudney (Dr. ) Travels in Africa. 4to. 1826 Oughton (S.) Jamaica; Social, Moral, Commercial, 1862 — Pamp Ovalle (Alonzo de) History of Chili, 1646 — Churchill, iii. pp. 1-138 Overbury (Sir T.) Observations in the Netherlands, 1609— Harley, i. 251 Overstone (Lord) Tracts on Metallic and Paper Currency, 1837-57. 8vo. Overweg, Mission to Central Africa — J.R.G.S. xxi. 130 Oviedo (Gonz.) Relatione dellaFimne Maraguon — Ramusio, iii. 345 Historia dell' Indie Occidentali— Ramusio, iii. 37, 61 Extracts from his History — Purchas, iii. 970 Oviedo, &c., Mission to Abyssmia, 1559-89 — Murray, Africa, ii Owen (Rear- Adm.) Cocos, or Keeling Islands — J.R.G.S. i. 66 (Capt.) Expedition up the Zambesi — J.R.G.S. ii. 136 On the Maldiva Islands— J.R.G.S. ii. 81 (Rev. John) Hist. British and F'oreign Bible Society. 3 vols. 8vo. 1816 (Prof. Sir Rich.) Extinct Mammals of Australia. 2 vols. 4to. Extinct Wingless Birds of New Zealand. 2 vols. 4to Extinct Animals of the British Colonies— P. R.C.I, x. 267 Oxenham (E.) Inundations of the Yang-tse-Kiang — J.R.G.S. xlv. 170 Oxley (John) Journals of Expeditions in N. S. Wales, 1817-18. 4to. Expedition to P. Curtis, Moreton B., &c. — Field's Oeog. Mem. Oxnam (John) In the South Sea, 1575 — Hakl. iii. 526 ; Burney, i. 292... P (E.) Oceanic Tides and Currents— Martin's Col. Mag. ii. 432 P (S.) The Portugal History: Troubles in 1667-68. 12mo P (W.) Appeal on Behalf of the Inhabitants of Ceylon. 1835. Pacaturunxa, Relation of the Kings of Ormus — Purchas, ii. 1785 Pachacutiyamqui Salcamayhua, Antiquities of Peru — Hakluyt See. Paez (Don Ramon) Wild Scenes in South America [Venezuela]. 8vo. 1863 Page (E. L. ) Journey from Belize to Guatemala, 1834— J.R.G.S. viii. 317... Guatemala — Martin's CoL. Mao. v. 450 ; vi. 17, 168, &c (John) On Enlargement of the Welland Can.al, 1872— Pamp. On Navigation of the St. Lawrence, 1875 — Pamp Palafox(Jeau de) L'Indien ; Portrait an Naturel des Indians — Thevenot,38 h 4298] 1666] 1871] 1197] 1200] 2277] 2659] 2678] 1938] 1887] 1888] 1940] 1948] 1900] 1901] 1952] 1901] 1953] 2087] 2087] 2073] 1900] 1880] 2104] ^875] 2937] 3405] 4025] 6036] 2083] 2087] 1505] 1881] 2029] 2029] 2074] 1344] 1861] 1862] 1862] 6239] 1681] 1686] 2010] 1905] 4709] 4710] 2101] 1479] 3019] 3652] 2073] 2160] 6076] 1868] 1479] 5770] 5770] 2078] XCVUl INDEX OF AUTHORS. Ko. in Catalogue. Palgrave (W. G.) Observations in Arabia, 1862-63— J. RG.S. xxxiv. IH... [1894] Journey tbroueh Central and Eastern Arabia. 2 vols. Svo. 1865 ... [3846] Tourin Anatolia— P. KG.S.xvi. 223 [1963] Arabia; Inhabitants, Historv, &c.— Ency. Brit. ii. 235 [2262] Palladius, Expedition through Manchuria, 1870— J.R.6.S. xlii. 142 ... [1902] Palliser's Rocky Mountain Exped.— P.R.G.S. ii.-iv. ; J.R.G.S. xxx. 267 [1890,&c.] Palmer (Prof. E. H.) and others, Exploration of W. Palestine. 7 vols. 4to. [3801] The Desert of the Exodus (of Israel). 2 vols. Svo. 1871 [3787] (Capt. Geo.) Kidnapping in the South Seas. Svo. 1871 [2510] (H. S.) Sinai, from the Fourth Egyptian Dvnasty. 12mo [1124] British Columbia— J.R.G.S. xxxi. 224 ; xxxiv. 171 [1S94] (J. Linton) Visit to Easter Island, 1868- J. R.G.S. xl. 167 [1900] (T. Fyshe) Sufferings, Voyage to Botany Bay, 1797— Pamp [5071] Paolino da San Bartolomeo, Residence E. Indies, 1776-89. Svo. 1800 ... [3517] Paravey (M. de) L'Amerique sous le Norn de Pays de Fousang — Vinino... [1319] Pare (Wm.) Co-operative Agriculture; and the Land Question. 12mo. 1870 [1526] Parfltt (W. S.) Adventures in the Argentine Republic — Cassell, iii. ... [2253] Parish (Capt. A.) Cyclones and their Tracks— J. R. G. S. xxvi. 154 [1886] (F.) The Argentine Republic, 1S75— EscY. Bkit. ii. 487-496 [2262] (Joirn) A French Voyage to Mauritius, Bourbon, &c. , 1768-73. Svo. [440S] (Sir Woodbine) Account of East Falkland, 1S33— J.R.G.S. iii. 194 ... [1863] Spanish Voyages to the Pacific, 1749-76— J.R.G.S.iv. 182 [1864] • Southern Affluents of the Amazons— J.R.G.S.V. 90 [18B5] Voyage up the River Negro : Patagonia — J.R.6.S. vi. 136 [1866] Park (Mungo) Travels in Africa, 1795-97 and 1805. 2 vols. 4to. ... [4019] Travels and Discoveries (abstract), 1798 — African Assoc, i [1986] Parker, Two Excursions in Berkshire. Wantage, Letcombe, &e. Svo. 1872 [2988] (Capt. II.) Note on Quilimane and Zambesi— P.R.G.S. i. 312 ... [1e Colony to 1819 with Continuation. 8vo. 1869 [4250] History of the Zulus and the Zulu War. 12mo. 1880 [4328] South Africa. Historical Reader. 12mo. 1881 [4274] Wilson (Alex, ) and others, Maoriland. 12mo [5569] (Andrew) The Abode of Snow (the Himalayas). 8vo. 1875 ... [3562] Ant— Ekcy. Bkit. ii. 94 [2262] (Arthur) Mona, an Australian Waif, by A. Chesney. 12mo. 1879... [5254] (Sir Charles) Recovery of Jerusalem. 8vo. 1871 [3786] Surveys in Sinai and Palestine— J. R.G.S. xliii. 206 [1903] Geogi-aphy of AsiaMinor— P.R.6.S. (N.S.) vi. 305 [1965] From Korti to Khartum. 12mo. 1886 [3940] (Rev. C. T.) Victoria and Uganda Lakes— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) ii. 353... [1961] (and R. W. Felkin) Uganda and the Egyptian Soudan. 2 vols. 12mo. [3934] (Col. D.) Pearl Fisheries in the Persian Gulf— J. R. G. S. iii. 283 ... [1863] (Prof Daniel) Indians of B. North America— P. R. C.I. v. 222 ... [2005] Canada ; Columbia (British) ; Edinburgh ; Federal Government ; Montreal ; Ontario — Ency. Brit, iv.-xvii. [2264-77] (Edward) Rambles at the Antipodes. 12mo. 1859 [4966] Acclimatisation— P. R.C.L vii. 36 [2007] (Sir Erasmus) The Egyjjt of the Past. 8vo. 1882 [3905] (F. A. ) and Richards (A. B. ) Britain Redeemed and Canada Preserved. [5718] (George H. ) Ena, or the Ancient Maori. 12mo. 1874 [5517] (Capt. Henry) Voyage and Shipwreck, Pelew Is. 1783. 4to [2387] (Capt. James) Missionary Voyage of the "Duff," 1796-98. 4to. ... [2415] Life and Voyages of. 8vo. 1810 [2418] (John) Relation of Guiana, 1606— PuKCHAS, iv. 1260 [2075] (Dr. John) Lands of the Bible. 2 vols. 8vo. 1847 [3773] (John) and Thornton (W. T.) Agriculture— Ency. Brit. i. 291-416... [2061] (Capt. J. C.) Notes on W. Coast of Madagascar— J. R.G.S. xxxvi. 244 [1896] (J. F.) Water Supply in Orange River Basin— J. R.G.S. xxxv. 106... [1895] (Capt. J. R.) Routes in Nizam's Territory, India— J.R.G.S. xiii. 118 [1873] (J. S. ) Physical Geography of N. W. Australia— J. R.G.S. xxviii. 137 [1888] (Lt. -Col. R.T.) Expedition to Egypt under Abercromby. 2 vols. 8vo. [3874] (Ralph) Voyage to the East Indies, 1611-13— Purohas, i. pt. ii. 486 [2072] (R. W.) Florida ; its Climate, Soil, and Resources, 1880— Pamp. ... [5951] (Sir Samuel) Salmon at the Anti])odes. 12mo. 1879 (T.) Particulars of the Ormus War— Purohas, ii. 1790 (T. B., M.D.) Journey N.W. from Swan River, 1829... Voyage and Wreck in Torres Straits. 8vo. 1835 (W. Rae) Travels in Egypt, the Holy Land, &c. 8vo. 1824 Wilton (Rev. C. P.) Sketch of New South Wales— N. S. W. Calendar, 1833 [4862] Winchester (Bp. Rupibus) Voyage to Jerusalem, 1231— Hakluyt, ii. 33.. (Earl of) Voyage to Jerusalem, 1218— Hakluyt, ii. 32 (Bishop) Voyage to Jerusalem, 1417— Hakluyt, ii. 71 Windam (T.) Voyage to Guineaand Benin, 1553— Hakluyt, ii. pt. ii. 9.. Windus, English Embassy to Morocco, 1721— Murray, Africa, ii. 225.. k [5350] [2073] [4715] [2453] [3878] [2062] [2062] [2062] [2063] [1344] / cxxx INDEX OF AUTHORS. No. in Catalogue. "Wingfield (Col. A.) The Portugall Voyage (1589) under Sir John Norris and Sir Francis Drake— Pueohas, iv. 1914 [2075] ; Hakluyt, ii. pt. ii. 134 [2063] "Winnecke (C.) Korthem Territory, Australia— P. E.G. S. (N.S.) vi. 566 ... [1965] Winslow(E.)Good News from New England, 1621-23— Puechas, iv. 1853 [2075] Winsor (Justin) Massachusetts: History and Statistics — Enct. Brit. xv. 611 [2275] Winstanley (W. ) Visit to Abyssinia. 2 vols. 12mo. 1881 [3964] Winter (J.) Voyage into the South Sea— Hakluvt, iii. 748 [2064] Winton (Sir Francis de) The Congo Free State— P. E.G. S. (N.S.) viii. 609 [1967] "Wise (Lt.) Los Gringos of Mexico, California, &c. 12mo. 1849 [5967] ■ (B. E.) Modern Protection. (Prize Essay.) 12mo. 1879 [1555] Wissmann (Lieut.) From Kasai to Nyangwe— P.E.G.S. (N.S.) v. 163 ... [1964] Withers (Robert) De'Scription of the Seraglio— Purchas, ii. 1580 [2073] ■ (W. Biumwell) History of Ballarat. 8vo. 1870 [5137] Withington (N.) Travels in the Mogul's Country — Pukchas, i pt. ii. 482 [2072] Withrington (Et.) and Lister, Voyage to Brazil, 1586— Btjeney, ii. 63 ... [2102] Witsen (Burgomaster) Extract on New Guinea — Haklutt Soo. xxv. ... [2137] Wogga (Thomas) Journey to New Calabar, 1815— J.R.G.S. xv. 374 ... [1875] Wolfe (Lieut. J.) Observations of the Gulf of Arta, 1830— J.E.6.S. iii. 77 [1863] Wolff (Sir H. Drummond) On the Colonial Office— Westm. Dis. 1871 ... [1532] (Eev. Joseph, D.D.) Mission to Bokhara, 1843-45. 8vo [3316] Travels in Syria, Mesopotamia, Persia, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. 1860 ... [3731] • • (Lieut.) Shores of Africa, Madagascar, &c.— J.E.G.S. iii. 197 ... [1863] Wollaston (T. V.) Testacea Atlantica ; Land and Freshwater Shells. 8vo. [1685] Wolseley (Lord) : a Sketch, hy Maj., Griffiths— Pillars of the Empire ... [1553] Wolsley (W. A.) On the Grasses of British Guiana— Eussell P. Essay ... [6099] Wood (Benj.) Voyage to the E. Indies, 1596-1601— Pueohas, ii. 110 ... [2072] (Capt.) Attempt to Discover a North-East Passage to China [2323] Voyage thro' Straits of Magellan, 1669-70— DAMPiJiR, &c. iv. ... [2326] (C. F. ) A Yachting Cruise of the South Seas. 8vo. 1875 [2522] (Major H.) Notes on the Oxus and L. Aral— J. E. G. S. xlv. 367 ... [1905] (John) Foreign and Home Trade Compared, 1880— Pamp [1636] American Protection v. Canadian Free Trade, 1880 — Pamp [1636] (Lieut. John) The Lakeradeevh Archipelago— J. R. G. S. vi. 29 ... [1866] Sourcesof the Amu-Daria (Oxus)— J.E.G.S. x. 530 [1870] Journey to the Sources of the Oxus, 1840. 8vo [3314] (J. D.) Benefit to Colonies, Members of the Empire— P. R. C. L viii. 3 [2008] System of Land Transfer, Australasian Colonies — P.R.C.L xvii. 343 [2017] (J. G.) Illustrated Natural History ; Mammalia, Birds, &e. 3 vols. [1667] Natural History of Man. Illustrated. 2 vols. Roy. 8vo [1667] (J. T. ) Discoveries at Ephesus : Temple of Diana. Eoy. 8vo. 1877 [3737] (W.) Survey of Trade and Advantages of Colonies. 12mo. 1722 ... [1425] Woods (H. T.) Book Binding — Brit. Industries [1573] -(J. D.) The Native Tribes of South Australia. 8vo. 1879 [4805] (J. E. Tenison) Discovery and Expl. of Australia. 2 vols. Svo. ... [4756] Geological Observations in South Australia. 8vo. 1862 ... ... [4746] (Rev. W. J.) A Visit to Victoria in 1885— Pamp [5191] Woodward (Henry) Crustacea— Ency. Brit. vi. 632 [2266] Woolls (William) The Flora of Australia. Svo. 1867 [1753] Lectures on the Vegetable Kingdom. Svo. 1879 [1764] Wornsop (Thomas) History of the City of Adelaide. Svo. 1878 [5206] Wortabet (Dr. John) Syria and North Palestine— J.R.G.S. xxxii. 100 ... [1892] Wrag (R. ) Voyage to Constantinople and Syria, 1593-95— Hakluyt, ii. 303 [2062] Wrangell (Admiral von) Expedition to the Polar Sea, 1820-23. Svo. ... [2622] On Beaching the Pole— J.R.G.S. xviii. 19-24 ... [1878] (Leonard) The Straits Settlements— P.R.C. I. iii. 1 ; v. 103... [2003, 5] Wrede (Baron Von) Excursion in Hadramaut— J.R.G.S. xiv. 107 [1874] Wright (Dr. Daniel) Nepal and its Inhabitants— Ency. Brit. xvii. 340... [2277] (Thomas) Early Travels in Palestine. 12mo. 1848 [3766] (W.) Nevada State— Ency. Beit. xvii. 367 [2277] (Wm., D.D.) The Empire of the Hittites. 12mo. 1885 [3806] Wrightson (Prof.) Agricultural Machinery — Beit. Industries [1573] INDEX OF AUTHORS. cxxxi No. in C»talogne. Wulfstan Voyages into Sound of Denmark— Haklttyt, i. 6 [2061] an Ochthere's Voyages, by Dr. Bosworth. Roy. 8vo. 1855 ... [1167] Wyatt (Dr. W.) The Adelaide Tribe— Woods' Native Tribes S. Australia... [4805] Wybraut van Warwyck, Navigatione in Indiara Orient — Db Brt, P. V. viii. [2050] Wylie (A.) Journey from Cliing-too to Hankow— P. E.G. S. xiv. 168 .. [1951] (James A.) Wanderings in the Valleys of the Waldenses. 12mo. 1858 [3088] Wyllie (R. C.) Letter on Spanish American Loans, 1840— Pamp [6084] Wyngaerde (Van Den) View of London (circa 1550). Topographical Soc. [2931] Wytfliet (Comille) Histoire UniverseUe des Indes Occidentales. Folio. 1611 [1328] Xavier (St. Francis) Life and Letters, by Coleridge. 2 vols. 12mo. 1872 [6234] Xenophon, The Economist of. With Preface by Ruskin. 8vo. 1876 ... [1403] Xeres (F. de) Conque.st of Peru and Cusco, 1524-33— PrECHAS, iv. 1491... [2075] Account of the Province of Cuzco — Hakluyt Soc. xlvii [2159] Yate (Rev. W.) Account of New Zealand and Mission. 12mo. 1835 ... [5408] Yonge (Miss C. M.) Life of Patteson, Bp. of Melanesia. 2 vols. 8vo. ... [4600] Yorke (Col. P.) Remarks on Aneroid Barometer — J.R.G.S. xxi. 35 ... [1881] Young (A.) Salmon Fisheries — British Industries [1573] (Allen) Surveys of the " Fox" N. Atlantic— P. R. G. S. v. 70 [1942] On the Corea— P.R.G.S. ix. 296 [1946] Voyages of the "Pandora," 1875-76. Royal 8vo [2708] (E. D.) Livingstone Search Expedition — J.R.G.S. xxxviii. 111. ... [1898] Report of Nyassa Expedition— P. R.G.S. xii. 79 [1949] Nyassa Lake Mission— P. R.G.S. XX. 451 [1957] Recent Sojourn at Lake Nyassa — P.R.G.S. xxi. 225 [1958] Livingstonia ; Exploration of Nyas.sa. 12rao. 1878 [4191] (Frederick) Reasons for Cultivating N. Z. Flax, 1842— Pamp. ... [5606] New Zealand, Past, Present, and Future— P. R. C. L v. 18u [2005] ■ Imperial Federation. 8vo. 1876 [1540] England and Colonies at Paris Exhibition— P.R. C.I. x. 6 [2010] and [1636] Relations of Mother Countries and Colonies, 1883 — Pamp [1636] (Capt. G. F.) Shaktii Valley, Waziristan— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 537 [1963] (John, M.D.)Arthropoda—ENCY. Brit. ii. 647 [2262] (Hon. John) Origin of the Victoria Bridge, Montreal, 1876 — Pamp. [5770] Letters on Questions of Public Interest, Montreal, 1872 — Pamp. ... [5770] Ocean Mail Steamer Routes, Montreal, 1877 — Pamp [5770] (J. R.) Navigation and Nautical Astronomy — Orr's Circle, v. ... [1666] (Rev. Robert) Deputation to the Southern World. 12mo. 1854 ... [4950] (Thomas)The Mosquito Shore ; N an-ative of a Residence, 1 839-41 . 1 2mo. [6045] (SirWm.) on Homemann's Description of Siwah — African Assoc, ii. [1986] Ysbrants Ides (E.) Travels Moscow to China, 1692-95. 4to. 1706 ...[2826] Travels thro' Siberia, &c.— Harris, ii. 918 [2095] Yule (Col. Henry, C.B.) Narrative of the Mission to Ava, 1855. 4to. ... [3493] Burma and its Tributary States— J. R.G.S. xxvii. 54 [1887] Friar Jordanus' Wonders of the East (1330)— Hakluyt Soc. ... [2143] Cathay and the Way Thither. 2 vols.— Hakluyt Soc [2148] Index to Journal Roy. Geogr. Soo. Vols, xxi-xxx. 8vo. 1867 ... [1933] Papers connected with the Upper Oxus Regions — J.RG.S. xUi. 438 [1902] Geography of the Oxus Valley— Wood's Oxus. 8vo. 1872 [3314] Book of Ser Marco Polo. 2 vols. 8vo. 1875 [2806] OldestSeaRoutes to China— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iv. 649 [1963] Acliin; Afghanistan; Afghan Turkistan ; Andaman Islands; Cabul; Cambodia ; Gaur; Ghazni; Gilgit; Hindu Kiish ; Ka.'hkdr orChitral; Kafiristan; Lhasa; Maldive Islands ; Mandeville ; Ormus ; Ricei (Matteo) ; Rubruquis — Ency. Brit, i.-xxi [2261-81] Zaragoza (Don J.) Desiiubrimento de las Regiones Austriales, 1567-1606 ... [2314] Zahrtmann (C. C.) Voyages of the Zeni— J. R.G.S. V. 102 [1865] Zeno (Caterino) Viaggio in Persia — Ramusio, iL 219 [2028] Travels in Persia, edited by C. Grey — HakluytSoc. Ii [2161] CXXXII INDEX OF AUTHORS. 473 Zeno (Nicol6 e Antonio) dell' Isola Frislanda, &c.— Ramtjsio, ii. 230 Voyages to Northern Seas — Purchas, iii. 610 Remarks on their Voyages by Zahrtmann — J.R.G.S. v. 102 ... Voyages, edited by Major— Hakluyt Soc. 1 Frieslanda of the Zeni is Iceland — J.R.G.S. xlix. 398.. Frieslanda not Iceland but the Faroes — ibid. 412 Discovery of Ancient Map in Iceland — P.R.G.S. (N.S.) v Zimmerman, Aiistralien. 2 vols. 8vo. 1810 Zincke (Rev. F. Barham) Egypt of the Pharaohs and the Khedive. Zinzerling (Justus) Description of England, 1610 — Rye Zuniga (Fr. Martinez) Historia de las Islas Philipinas. Sm. 4to. 1803 Historical View of the Philippine Islands. 2 vols. 8vo. 1814 Zunz (Dr.) Geog. of Palestine from Jewish Sources — Ashek's Benjmnin Zychi, Vitide, altrimenti Circassi— Ramtjsio, ii, 196 No. in Catalogue. . [2028] . [2074] . [1865] . [2162] . [1909] . [1909] . [1964] . [4834] [3897] . [2937] . [4471] . [4472] . [2802] . [2028] 8vo, THE WORLD FROM THE BERL • •<• • • • . ^ • • •- " * 3HERI PTOLEMY. Catalogue, N? 1102. ,•' .^ .." . ,r- . •>„• .. ^ i.S » • . *,• 4 CATALOGUE. PART I. GENERAL GEOGRAPHY, POLITICAL, HISTORICAL, MATHEMATICAL, COMMERCIAL, AND PHYSICAL; INCLUDING NATURAL SCIENCES, ZOOLOGY, BOTANY, Sec. § l.-ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY AND ANTIQUITIES. Ptolemy. — Geographia di Francesco Berlinghieri Fioren- [1102] tino, in Terza Eima et Lingua Toscana distincta, con le sue tavole in varii siti et provincie secondo la geographia et distinctione dele tavole di Ptolomeo. With 31 Maps engraved on copper. Impresso in Firenze per Nicolo Todescho et emen- dato con somma diligentia dallo auctore. [1480?] Justly considered a monument of typography and the engraver's art. The maps are supposed by some to be the earliest engraved upon metal. Those in the Ptolemy printed at Rome in 1478 are generally considered to be the first, but as these are engraved in a rougher style upon very irregularly shaped plates, and the volume bears no date, the earliest of the two editions must always be a matter of doubt. This copy of the Florence edition has the title on the recto of the first leaf printed in red, and the register and colophon on the recto of the last leaf, which are not found in all copies. A reduced fac-simile of the Map of the World is given as the first illustration. Strabo. — Valentinvs cvrio lectori. En tibi Lector Stvdiose [1103] Strabonis Geographicorum cometarios, olim, ut putatur, k Guarino Veronense, ; '.i' MODERN GEOGRAPHY. Johnston's Historical Atlas [Europe] : Thirty-four Maps. With [1235] descriptive Text and Indices. 2 Vols. 4to. Lond. 1880. Johnston. — ^Geography ; Physical, Historical, Political, and De- [1236] scriptive. By Keith Johnston, jun. 12ino. Lond. 1880. Freeman. — The Historical Geography of Europe. By [1237] Edward A. Freeman, LL.D. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Atlas of Sixty-five Maps. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Faunthorpe. — Geography of the British Colonies and Pos- [1238] sessions. By Rev. J. P. Faunthorpe. 12mo. Lond. 1881. Letts's British Imperial Atlas, containing 84 Maps and Index. [1240] Folio. Lond. 1881. Stanford's London Atlas of Universal Geography. Forty-four [1243] Coloured Maps. Royal 4to. Lond. 1882. Richardson. — A Manual of Modern Geography ; Physical [1245] and Political. By John Richardson, M.A. 12mo. 1882. Richardson's Smaller Manual of Modern Geography. [1246] 12mo. Lond. 1886. Bevan.— Student's Manual of Modern Geography; Mathe- [1248] matical. Physical and Descriptive. 12mo. Lond. 1884. Stanford's Compendium of Geography and Travel, based on Hellwald's " Die Erde und Ihre Volke," with Ethnological Appendices, by A. H. Keene. 6 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1879-85. [1250] Europe. By F. W. Rudler and G. G. Chisholm. Edited by Sir Andrew C. Ramsay. 1885. 1251] Asia. Edited by Sir Richard Temple, Bart. 1882. 1252' Australasia. Edited by Alfred Russel "Wallace. 1879. 1253" Africa. Edited by Keith Johnston, jun. 1879. 1254] North America. Edited by F. V. Hayden, and A. R. 0. Selwyn, C.M.G. 1883. [1255] Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Edited by H. W. Bates, F.R.S. 1879. Bevan.— Royal Relief Atlas of all Parts of the World : Thirty- [1257] one Maps. With Physical, Political, and Statistical Descriptions. By G. Phillips Bevan. 4to. Lond. 1885. Mackay. — Manual of Modern Geography, embracing a Com- [1258] plete Development of the River Systems of the Globe. By Rev. Alex. Mackay, LL.D. 12mo. Lond. 1885. Sutherland. — A New Geography for Australian Pupils. By [1259] Alexander Sutherland. 12mo. Melbourne, 1885. Hale (Eev. E.) Place of Geography in Education— P.B.G.S. xvi. 450. 1872. Jolinston (Keith) Geography, &c., of Africa— Ency. Brit. i. 245. 1875. Maclaren (Charles) America, North and South — Ency. Brit. i. 669. 1875. Strachey (Sir R.) Asia : Geography, Ethnology, &c. — Ency. Brit. ii. 683. 1875. Webster (H. A.) Europe : Geography, Ethnology, &c. — Ency. BRiT.viii. 680. 1878. Rawson (Sir R. W.) Territorial Partition Coast of Africa— P.R.G.S. vi. 615. 1884. Keltie (J. Scott) Report on Geographical Education — R.G.S. Supp. P. i. 1886. Exhibition of AppUances used in Geographical Education: Catalogue — E.G. S. 1886. Exhibition of Geographical Appliances : Lectures, &c. — P.R.6.S.(N.S.) viii. 1886. CATALOGUE. § 4.-THE ART OF TRAVEL, NAVIGATION, &c. Sphaera Mundi, sive Cosmographia . . . Astronomise, Geogra- [1281] phiae, ac Hydi-ographise Rudimenta. Authore Orontio Finaeo Delphinate. With Diagrams. Also, De Speculo ustorio, 1 Vol. 4to. Lutetiae [Paris], 1551. The Cosmographical Glasse, conteinyng the Pleasant Prin- [1282] ciples of Cosmographie, Geographie, Hydrographie or Navigation. By William Cuningham. Folio. Lond. 1559. Davis (John) The Worldes Hydrographioal Description (1595) and The Seamans Secrets, wherein is taught three kinds of Sayling ; with Tyde Table, &c. (1607). — Hakluyt Soc. LIX. [2172] ; Supplement to Hakluyt, p. 51. [2070.] Davis (John) A Ruter for sayling into the East India, upon experience of five voyages.— PuRCHAS, I, pt. 2, 444. [2072.] Motyson (Fynes) Itinerary and Guide for Travel through Europe and the British Islands— § 14. [2815.] Motta (Alexo da) Rontier des Indies Orientales. — Thevenot, I. No. 25. [2077.] Commendations of Navigation, an art worthie of the care of the most Worthie, the Necessitie, Commodite, Dignitie thereof. — Pukchas, I. pt. 1, 17. [2071.] Of the Improvement of Navigation in later times, and of Magnetical and Astro- nomical Instruments first applied to Navigation. — Purchas, I. Pt. 2, p. 1. [2072.] Instructions and Directions for Forren Travel! in the [1283] Kingdomes and States of Christendome, Turkey and the Levant. By James Howell. IBmo. Lond. 1650. Colom. — Zee-Atlas, oste Water-Wereldt Door Arnold [1284] Colom. 1 7 Maps, coloured. Folio. Amsterdam [1650]. The Lighting Colomne or Sea-Mirrour of the Northern [1285] and Western Coasts of Europe setting forth the Ports, Bays, Rivers, Roads, Depths and Sands. Also Instructions in the Art of Navigation, ominio Maris , By JOHH SELDEN, Efqulre. Tranflated into Englijh -, and fct forth with fom Additiond Evidences and Difcourfts, -&y M A'KC H AMO liT N E B H A M. Publifhed by fpecial Command. « * « J LONDON, Printed by WilHtin Du-Gird-, by the appointment of the Council of State : and are to bee fold ac the Sign of the Ship at the Afw-fixc/wnje. Ania T>j)m'im 1652. N° 1413. " ^ t * T* * * 1 ..J •■';^*.'« HISTORy OF MARITIME DISCOVERY, ETC. 15 Cartas de Indias, publicalas por primero vez el Mirdsterio de [1373] Fomento. Letters of Columbus, Vespucci, Las Casas, Bernal Diaz, &c. Plates and Maps. Folio. Madrid, 1877. Payne. — History of European Colonies. By Edward J. [1374] Payne. With Maps. 18mo. Lond. 1877. Markham (C. R.) Progress of Geographical Discovery— Ency. Bkit. x. 175. 1879. Whymper.— The Sea ; its Stirring Story of Adventure, Peril, [1375] and Heroism. By F. Whymper. Illustrated. 4 Vols. 4to. Cassell, London. [1878-81.] Parkman. — France and England in North America. By [1376] Francis Parkman. 10 Vols. 8vo. Boston, 1878-85. Pioneers of France in the New World. The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West. The Old Regime in Canada. Count Frontenao and New France under Louis XIV. Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the Conquest, 2 Vols. The Oregon Trail : Sketches of Prairie and Eocky Mountain Life. Montcalm and Wolfe, 2 Vols. Camoens. — Os Lusiados (The Lusiads) and Rhytbmas, or [1378] Lyrics, of Luis de Camoens j his Sonnets, Odes, &c. Eng- lished by Sir Richard F. Burton, K.C.M.G. With Life, Geo- graphical Commentary, &c. 6 Vols. 12mo. Lond. 1880-4. Bettencourt. — Descobrimentos, Guerras, e Conquistas dos [1379] Portuguezes em Terras do Ultramar, Seculos XV. e XVI. Por E. A. de Bettencourt. Folio. Lisbon, 1881-82. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates. Edited by Benjamin Vincent. [1381] New Edition. 8vo. Lond. 1885. *^* See also the Annual Presidential Addresses on the Progress of Geography in the Journals and Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society. The Publications of the Hakluyt Society mostly contain Historical Introductions. § 6.-EC0N0MICS AND POLITICS; INCLUDING EMIGRATION, TRADE, COMMERCE, INDUSTRY, STATISTICS, INTERNATIONAL AND COLONIAL LAW. *^* Works relating to the several Colonies are inserted under tJieir respective headings. Xenophon, The Economist of. With a Preface by John [1403] Ruskin. 12mo. Orpington, Kent, 1876. Plato's Republic, Translated, with Analysis and Introduction, [1404] by B. Jowett, M.A. 8vo. Oxford, 1881. Butler. — Colonial Policy of the Ancients. By William J. [1405] Butler. Prize Essay. 8vo. Cambridge, 1840. Justinian's Institutes (a.d. 533), with Introduction, Transla- [1406] tion, and "Notes, by T. Collett Sandars. 8vo. Lond. 1883. 16 OATALOaUE. Hunter's Roman Law, embodying the Institutes of Gaius and [1407] of Justinian. 8vo. Lond. 1876. MuiBHEAD (Prof. James) Roman Law ; from the Regal Period to Justinian — Enot. Brit. xx. pp. 669-715. 1886. The Libel of English Policie, exhorting all England to Keepe the Sea, and namely the narrowe sea : shewing what profite commeth thereof, and also what worship and salvation to England and to all Englishmen (in rhyme). Temp. Hen. VI. — Hakluyt's Voyages, Vol. I. pp. 187-208. [2061.] Bull of Pope Alexander the Sixth, dividing the New World between the Spaniards and the Portuguese. 1493. EXAMPLAK BULLAE SER DONATIONIS Autoritat cuius, Episcopus Romanus Alexandeb eius nominis sextus, concessit — §72 [4826]. Hamond's Mineralogy and Nat. History of the Pyrenees, 1813— § 18 [3027]. Field (Barron) Natural History of N. S. Wales (1825)— § 70 [4710]. Henderson (John) Natural History of N. S. Wales (1832)— §72 [4859]. Bennett (George) Wanderijigs in N. S. Wales, &o. (1834)— § 70 [4717]. Humboldt (Baron) Essay on tlie Superposition of Rooks — § 5 [1350]. Humboldt's Cosmos, and Aspects of Nature — [1350]. Beale (Thomas) Natural History of the Sperm Whale— § 11 [2458]. Effects of Climate upon Man — Martin's Col. Mag. iii. 165, 318 [1479]. Varieties of the Human K&ce—ibid. iv. 83, 179, 360 ; v. 37. Hope (F. W.) African Entomology — ibid. iii. 18, &c. ; iv. 317. Darwin.— The Works of Charles Darwin, F.RS. [1645] New Editions. 12mo. Lond. 1873-84. A Naturalist's Voyage Round the World (1832-36). (See also [2459].) Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. Various Contrivances by which Orchids are Fertilized by Insects. Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. 2 Vols. Descent of Man,*and Selection in Relation to Sex. Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. Insectivorous Plants. Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants. Effects of Cross and Self-Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom. Different Forms of Flowers on Plants of same Species. Power of Movement in Plants. Formation of Vegetable Mould through the Action of Worms. The Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs. 8vo. Lond. 1842. Geological Observations on Volcanic Islands, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Temminck. — De Natuurlijke Geschiedenis Nederlandsche over- [1646] zeesche bezittingen, door de Leden der Natuurkundige Commissie in Indie en andere Schrijvers. Door C. J. Temminck. BoTANiE. Folio. Leyden, 1839-42. ZooLOGiE. Folio. Leyden, 1839-44. Land — en Volkeekunde. Folio. Leyden, 1839-44. Murchison. — Geology of Russia and the Ural Mountains. [1647] By Sir Roderick Murchison, Edouard de Vemeuil, and Count Alex, von Keyserling. 2 Vols. 4to. Lond. 1845. Murchison. — Siluria: a History of the Oldest Eocks in the [1648] British Isles and other Countries. 2 Vols. 8vo. 1872. Lyell (Sir Charles) Geological Observations, &c., N. America — §87 [5910-11]. Waterhouse. — Natural History of the Mammalia. By [1649] G. R. Waterhouse. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846-48. I. — Marsupiata, or Pouched Animals, with 22 steel and 18 wood engravings. II. — Rodentia, or Gnawing Mammalia, with 22 steel and wood engravings. Ansted.— The Gold Seeker's Manual. By David T. Ansted. [1650] 12mo. Lond. 1849. Smith. — The Zoology of South Africa. By Andrew Smith. [1651] With 279 Coloured Plates. 4 Vols. 4to. Lond. 1849. Vol. I. — Mammalia, with 52 Plates. II. — Birds, with 114 Plates. III. — Reptiles, with 78 Plates. IV. — Fishes, with 31 Plates ; and Invertebrates, 4 Plates. Adams. — Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. " Samarang," [1652] Capt. Sir E. Belcher, 1843-46. By J. E. Gray, Sir John Richardson, Arthur Adams, Lovell Reeve, and Adam White. With 54 Plates. 4to. Lond. 1850. 30 CATALOGUE. Huxley. — Works of Thomas Henry Huxley, LL.D., [1653] late President of the Eoyal Society. Lend. 1851-83. The Oceanic Hydrozoa. With 12 plates. 4to. (Royal Soc.) 1851. Lessons in Elementary Physiology. New Edition. 12mo. 1881. Elementary Instruction in Practical Biology. 12mo. 1883. Physiography : an Introduction to the Study of Nature. 12mo. 1883. American Addresses : on Evolution, the Study of Biology, &c. 8vo. 1877. Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews. New Edition. 8vo. 1883. Science and Culture, and other Essays. 8vo. 1882. Critiques and Addi-esses. 8vo. 1883. See also Actinozoa ; Amphibia ; Biology ; Evolution — Enct. Beit. 1874-78. Wallace (A. R.) Travels on the Amazons and Rio Negi-o (1853)— § 93 [6120]. Murray. — Catalogue of the Coleoptera of Scotland. By [1654] Andrew Murray. 12mo. Edin. 1853. Jukes, &c. — Lectures on Gold; Gold Ores, Assaying, &c. By [1655] Jukes, Forbes, Percy, and others. 12mo. Lond. 1853. Richardson's Zoology of the Voyage of H.M.S. " Herald." [1656] Vertebrals and Fossil Mammals. 4to. Lond. 1854. Strzelecki's Physical Description of N. S. Wales — § 70 [4722]. Jukes's Physical Structure of Australia — ibid. [4730]. Bennett (George) Gatherings of a Naturalist in Australasia — ibid. [4741]. Maury. — Physical Geography of the Sea, and its Meteoro- [1657] logy. By M. F. Maury. 20th edit. 8vo. Lond. 1886. Wheelwright (H. W.) Bush Wanderings of a Naturalist— § 70 [4742]. Woods (J. E. T. ) Geological Observations in Australia — ibid. [4746]. Sowerby. — Illustrated Index of British Shells. By G. B. Sowerby. [1658] With 24 Plates (700 Figures) colowred. Roy. 8vo. 1859. Pritchard. — History of Infusoria, British and Foreign. By [1659] A. Pritchard. Coloured Plates. 8vo. Lond. 1861. Gould.— The Birds of Australia. By John Gould, F.B.S. 600 [1660] Coloured Plates, with Descriptive Text. With Supplement, containing 81 Plates 8 Vols. Folio. Lond. 1848-69. [1661] Index to Plates in Gould's Birds of Australia [MS.]. 4to. [1869.] [1662] Gould's Synopsis of the Birds of Australia, and the Adjacent Islands. With Coloured Plates, showing heads, &c. of 168 species. 4to. Lond. 1837-38. [1663] Gould's Hand Book to the Birds of Australia. 2 Vols. Roy. 8vo. 1865. Gould. — The Mammals of Australia. By John Gould, F.R.S. [1664] with 182 Coloured Plates. 3 Vols. FoUo. Lond. 1863. _ [1665] Gould's Introduction to the Mammals of Australia. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Bates (H. W.) Naturalist of the Amazons (1863)— § 93 [6124]. Orr's Circle of the Sciences ; Physical, Natural, and Mathe- [1666] matical. 9 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1854-55. 6. Chemistry, Light, &c. 7. Practical Chemistry, &c. 8. Mathematical Sciences, &c. 9. Mechanical Philosophy. 1. Organic Nature ; Physiology, &e. 2. ,, „ Botany, &c. 3. ,, ,, Zoology, &c. 4. Inorganic Nature ; Geology, &c. 5. Navigation, Astronomy, &c. Angas (G. F.) Physical Features, &c., of Australia— § 72 [4980]. Haa,st (Julius von) Geology of Canterbury Proviuce — §79 [5492]. Hochstetter (Ferd. von) Physical Geography, &c. , of New Zealand — ihid. [5498]. Angas (G. F.) Physical Description of Polynesia— §68 [4589]. Brenchley, Natural History Jottings during Cniise of the "Curai;oa" — § 11 [2505]. Wallace (A. R.) Travels in the Malay Archipelago — § 64 [4455]. Smyth (R. Brough) Gold Fields of Victoria— § 73 [5135]. Blandford (W. T.) Geology, &c., of Abyssinia— § 52 [3960]. PHYSIOGEAPHY AND BIOLOGY. SI ^A^ood's Illustrated Natural History. With Designs by [1667] Wolf, Zwecker, Weir, Coleman, Wood, Neale, Tuflen West, &c. New Edition. 3 Vols. Royal 8vo. Lond. 1872-75. I. — Mammalia. II. — Birds. III.^Reptiles, Fishes, Molluscs, &c. Wood's Natural History of Man. Illustrated by Angas, [1667] Danby, Wolf, &c. 2 Vols. Royal 8vo. Lond. 1868-70. Vol. I. Africa. Vol. II. Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, America, Asia, and Ancient Europe. Finsch. — Beitrag zur Fauna Centralpolynesiens. Ornitho- [1668] logie der Viti, — Samoa, — und Tonga. Von Otto Finsch und Georg Hartlaub. 14 Plates. Royal 8vo. Halle, 1867. Finsch. — Die Papageien Monographisch Bearbeitet. Von Otto [1668] Finsch. 2 Vols, in 3. 8vo. Leiden, 1867-68. Dana. — Corals and Coral Islands. By James D. Dana. [1669] Plates. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Smee. — My Garden, its Plan and Culture; its Geology, Botany, [1670] and Natural History. By Alfred Smee, Beddington, Surrey. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History. New Edition. [1671] 4 Vols. 12mo. Lond. 1872-77. Vol. I. — Rats, Serpents, Fishes, Frogs, Monkeys, &c. II. — Fossils, Beai'S, "Wolves, Cats, Eagles, Hedgehogs, Eels, Whales, &c. III. — WUd Ducks, Fishing, Lions, Tigers, Foxes, Porpoises. IV. — Giants, Mummies, Mermaids, Wonderful People, Salmon, &c. McCoy. — Prodromus of the Palaeontology of Victoria: [1672] Plates. By Prof . Fred. McCoy. Roy. 8vo. Melb. 1872. Moggridge.— Harvesting Ants and Trap-Door Spiders : Notes [1673] and Observations by J. T. Moggridge. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Thomson. — The Depths of the Sea: General Results of [1674] Dredging Cruises, 1868-70, under the Scientific Direction of Dr. W. B. Carpenter, Gwyn Jeffreys, and Sir Wyville Thomson. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Reclus. — The Earth and the Ocean : a Descriptive History [1675] of the Phenomena of the Life of the Globe. Translated by B. B. Woodward. 4 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1873. I. — Continents, with 24 Page Maps (coloured) and 230 in the Text. 2 Vols. II. — The Ocean, Atmosphere, and Life, 27 Maps (coloured), and 200 Maps and Figures in the Text. 2 Vols. Marcoy (Paul) Naturalist's Journey in S. America — § 93 [6129]. BuUer. — A History of the Birds of New Zealand. By [1676] Walter Lawry Buller, Sc.D., C.M.G. 36 Plates, from Drawings by Keulemans, Coloured. 4to. Lond. 1873. Btjllee's Manual of the Birds of New Zealand. 38 Lithographic Plates [1677] chiefly reduced from those in the Author's larger work. Royal 8vo. Wellington, 1882. Cooley. — Physical Geography, or Phenomena of the Globe. [1678] By W. D. Cooley. Illustrated. 12mo. Lond. 1876. Wallace. — The Geographical Distribution of Animals and [1679] Past Changes of the Earth's Surface. By Alfred Russel Wallace. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1876. 32 CATALOGUE. Day. — Fishes of India, Burmah, and Ceylon. By Francis Day. [1680] Plates. 2 Vols. 4to. Lond. 1876-78. Owen. — Researches on the Fossil Remains of the Extinct [1681] Mammals of Australia; with a Notice of the Extinct Marsupials of England. By [Sir] Richard Owen, C.B., F.R.S. 2 Vols. 4to. Lond. 1877. Diggles. — Companion to Gould's Hand-Book ; or. Synopsis [1682] of the Birds of Australia, containing about 220 Examples. By Silvester Diggles. Imp. 4to. Brisbane, 1877. Guillemin. — The Forces of Nature : an Introduction t* the [1683] Study of Physical Phenomena. By Amed6e Guillemin. Illustrated. 2 Vols. Royal 8vo. Lond. 1877. Ethcridge (R.) Catalogue of Australian Fossils (1878)— § 70 [4770]. McCoy. — Prodromus of the Zoology of Victoria. By Prof. [1684] McCoy. Royal Svo. Melb. 1878. ■WoUaston. — Testacea Atlantica; Land and Freshwater Shells [1685] of the Azores, Madeiras, Salvages, Canaries, Cape Verdes, and Saint Helena. By T. V. WoUaston. Svo. Lond. 1878. Owen. — The Extinct Wingless Birds of New Zealand; [1686] with Appendix on those of England, Australia, Newfound- land, Mauritius, and Rodriguez. Plates. 2 Vols. 4to. 1879. Moseley. — Notes by a Naturalist during the Voyage of the [1687] "Challenger." By H. N. Moseley. Svo. Lond. 1879. Wallace. — Island Life ; Phenomena and Causes of Insular [1688] Faunas and Floras, including a Revision of the Attempted Solution of Geological Climates. Svo. Lond. 1880. Tristram's Fauna and Flora of Palestine — § 48 [3801]. Tyndall. — The Lectures and Writings of John Tyndall, [1689] LL.D. New Editions. 5 Vols. 12mo. Lond. 1879-83. Heat, a Mode of Motion ; Sound ; Six Lectures on Light ; Fragments of Science — Essays, Addresses, and Reviews, 2 Vols. Hartwig. — The Works of Dr. George Hartwig. [1690] New Editions. 5 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1881-82. The Sea and its Living Wonders. Illustrated. The Polar "World : Man and Nature in the Arctic and Antarctic Regions. The Subterranean World : Volcanoes, Cave Dwellings, Minerals, &c. The Tropical World : Man and Nature in the Equatorial Regions. The Aerial World : Phenomena and Life of the Atmosphere. Fergusson (James) Recent Changes in the Ganges Delta — Essays [1117]. Henderson (Geo.) and Hume (Allan) Natural Histoiy of the Countries between Lahore and Yarkand (1873)— § 31 [3337]. Tylor. — Anthropology : An Introduction to the Study of Man [1691] and Civilisation. By E. B. Tylor. 12mo. Lond. 1881. Lansdell (Dr.) Fauna of Russian Turkestan (1885)— § 30 [3328]. Guyot. — Creation, or the Biblical Cosmogony in the Light of [1692] Modern Science. By Arnold Guyot. 12mo. Edin. 1884. Prestwich. ^Geology ; Chemical, Physical, and Stratigraphical. [1693] By J. Prestwich. Vol. L Svo. Lond. 1885. Lansdell (Dr.) Flora of Russian Turkestan (1885)— § 30 [3328]. PHYSIOGRAPHY AND BIOLOGY. 33 •The Challenger."— Report of the Scientific Results of the [1694] Voyage of H.M.S. " Challenger," 1873-76 . Prepared under the Superintendence of Sir C. "Wyville Thomson and John Murray. In Progress. Lond. 1880-86. Narrative of the Cruise, with. General Account of the Scien- tific Results of the Expedition. Vol. I. in 2 parts 1885. Narrative, Vol. II., Magnetical Observations, &c. 1882. Physics and Chemistry, VoL I. 1884. Zoology, Vols. I. to XIV. 1880-86. Botany, Vol. I. 1885. PAPERS IN THE R.G.S. JOURNAL, ENCYCLO. BRITANNICA, &c. Jackson (Col. J. R.) On the Seiches of Lakes— J.R.G.S. iii. 271. 1833. Jackson (Col.) Congelation of the Neva— J.R.G.S. v. 1. 1835, Jackson (Col.) Ground Ice in Siberian Rivers— J.R.G.S. vi. 416 1836. On the Level of the Baltic— J.R.G.S. vi. 440. 1836. Baer (Prof. K. E. von) On Frozen Ground in Siberia— J.R.G.S. viii. 210. 1838. Magnetic Intensity of the Earth— J.R.G.S. viii. 367. 1838. Richardson (Dr.) Frozen Soil of British N. America— J.R.G.S. ix. 117. 1839. Richardson, On Thermometrical Obs. N. America— J.R.G.S. ix. 121, 331. 1839. Darwin (C. R.) Rock Seen on an Iceberg, 61° S. lat,— J.R.G.S. ix. 528. 1839. Chaix (Prof.) Additions to Orography— J.R.G.S. x. 575. 1840. P (E.) Oceanic Tides and Currents— Maetin's Col. Mag. ii. 432. 1840. Rafinesque (C. S.) Physical Geography of N. America— J. R.G.'S. xi. 165. 1841. Anderson, On the Freezing of Streams in N. America — J.R.G.S. xv. 367. 1845. Lefroy, Barometric and Thermo. Measurements N.America — J.R.G.S. xvi.263. 1846. Carless (T. G.) Course of Hurricane on Malabar Coast, 1847— J.R.G.S. xix. 76. 1849. Leycester (Lieut.) Volcanic Groups of Milo, &c. — J.R.G.S. xx. 1 ; xxii. 201. 1F52. Petermann (Dr.) Animal Life in the Arctic Regions— J.R.G.S. xxii. 118. 1852. Thurburn (Hugh) Notes on Meteorological Journal— J.R.G.S. xxii. 128. 1852. Rink (Dr. H.) Continental Ice, Greenland— J.R.G.S. xxiii. 145. 1853. Findlay (A. G.) Oceanic Currents and theC. American Canal — J.R.G.S. xxiii. 217. Haines (Capt.) Magnetic Variations at Aden — J.R.G.S. xxiv. 225. 1854. Buist (Dr.) Physical Geography of the Red Sea— J.R.G.S. xxiv. 227. 1854. Sutheriand (Dr.) Meteorological Observations, 1853— J.R.G.S. xxv. 226. 1855. Poey (Andres) Table of 400 Cyclonic Hurricanes— J. R. G. S. xxv. 291. 1855. Simmonds (P. L.) Animal Life in the Arctic Regions— P. R.G.S. i. 53. 1856. Irminger, Arctic Currentround Greenland— J.R.G.S. xxvi. 36; P.R.G.S. i. 61. 1856. Parish (Capt. A.) Cyclones and their Tracks— J.R.G.S. xxvi. 154. 1856. Hopkins (Thomas) On Arid Countries— J.R.G.S. xxvi. 158 1856. Hopkins (T.) Winter Temperature of British Islands— J. R. G. S. xxvii. 206. 1857. Hopkins (T.) Trade Winds— P.R.G.S. ii. 357. 1858. Osborn (Capt. S.) Light in Northern Latitudes— J.R.G.S. xxviii. 371. 1858. Tayler (J. W.) Aurora Borealis— P.R.G.S. iii. 117. 1859. Maury's Physical Geography of the Sea— P.R.G.S. v. 22. 1861. Irminger (Adm.) Icelandic Currents— P.R.G.S. v. 225. 1861. Shaffner 1869-85. 8vo. Lond. 1870-85. The titles of the Papers read at the Public Meetings of the Institute are distributed under the countries or subjects to which they refer. » « New Zealand Institute's Transactions— see § 79 [5594]. British Guiana Royal Society's Journal — see § 92 [6104]. British and Foreign Bible Society's Reports— see § 99 Cheistian Missions [6236]. § lO.-COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES AND TRAVELS. Ramusio. — Delle Navigationi et Viaggi. Raccolto gia da M. Grio. Battista Ramusio. 3 Vols, folio. Venice, 1613, 1583, 1606. [2027] CONTENTS OF VOL. I. Leone Africano. Delia Descrittione dell' Africa, 1526 folio 1 Discorso sopra il Libro del S. Alvise da Ca da Mosto; Navigatione, 1455. 96 Navigatione del Capit Pietro di Sintra, 1413 no Hannone, Capitano de' Cartaginesi. Navigatione nelle parti dell' Africa 111 Navigatione da Lisbona all' Isola di San Thome, posta sotto la linea dell' Kquinottiale, scritta per un Pilotto Portoghese 114 Gama, Vasco di. Navigatione dal Capo Buona Speranza, fine in Calicut, 1497. Discorso ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . \\q Alvarez, Pedro. Navigatione da Lisbona in Calicut 121 Vespucci, Amerigo. Lettere due drizzate al Mag. Pietro Soderini Gonfal. deir eccelsa Repub. di Firenze di due sue Navigationi, 1502-4. Sommario delle dette sue Navigationi, 1501 ... 128 Lopez, Thomfe. Navigatione verso I'lndie Orientali, 1502 133 Empoli, Giovanni da. Viaggio fatto nell' India, 1503 145 Barthema, Ludovico. Itinerario dell' Egitto, Soria, Arabia Deserta et Felice, Persia, Indie, Ethiopia, &c 147 Diodoro Sieulo. Navigatione di Jambolo mercante, tradotta per 11 Ramusio. Discorso sopra la detta Navigatione di Jambolo 174 Corsali, Andrea. Lettere scritta in Cochin Citti dell' India, 1515 ; della Navigatione del Mar Kosso, e sino Persico, sino a Cochin, 1517. Discorso ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 173 D E L L E NAVIGATIONI ET VI A G G I RACCOLTE DA M. GIO. BATTISTA RAMVSIO, IN TRE VOLVM r D IVISE: NcUc quali con relatione fedeliffima fi defcriuono tuni quei pacfi,che da .gia 3oo.annifin'horafonoftatircoperti,cosidiverfolleuante,& ' PonentCjCome di verfb Mezzo di,&: Tramontana ; Etflhamtitia del Kfgno del Fret e (jianni, ($" dell' Africa f no a Calicut, ($" all'] file Moluccht^ . Etfitranadeiri(blaGiappan,deIledueSarmarie,dellaTartaria,Scitia,Circafia,& circonflantiProuincie: dcUaTana, & dell'Indic canto Occidcntali, quanto Orientali , & delk Nauigatione d'intorno il Mondo . Cut TUfitrfikJitoi luoghi, ^ impreji diutrfi ttlmperatori di Tdruri , di Tmchi, ^ di Verfiani , df SelatHi di B4iiUaia , dr itltri Prencifi; dr alcuni Ctpitoli , (jr Tduele di Geografinfectndo U 4trttd* mmictre^t lumi d^p»f0U^Mi,Citti,Ldghi,Fiiimi,& dtre cofe noubili . Et hel fine con aggiunta liella prefente quinta imprefsione del viaggio di M. Cefare dc" Federici. nell'India Oriemalcnelquale fi defcriue le Spetierie, Droghe, Gioie, & Perle t che in detti Paefi fi trouanb . ttletrty{aHigatiom rltimamentefatte da gliOlandefi , & Zelandefi verfo il^fgnode Siaij ^UiuiouaZemblat& faefedellaOroettlaniia : VOLVME PRIMO. OndueJbdicijfvnode'nDmidimni gli Aiittori.che hinno fcrino le dette Nauigationi , k»jVwggi: L'aUto delle cole pin notabili.cfae in cflb Volume Ccontient^. CON PRIVILEGIO. IN VENETIA, AP PKESS O I GIVNTI M DC XIII. N?2027. RAMUSIO'S COLLECTION. -41 [2027] coNTENTa OP VOL. I. (continued) — Alvarez, Franc. Viaggio fatto nell' Ethiopia, 1520 folio 189 Obedienza data a Papa Clemente VIL in nome del Prete Janni, per il prefato Don F. Alvarez 255 Fracastoro, Hieronimo. Risposta sopra il detto crescimento del Nilo ... 264 Kearcho, Navigations di, la quale sorisse Arriano Greco. Discourso ... 268 Viaggio scritto per un Comito Venetiano, dal Mar Rosso fino al Diu, nella India, col suo ritorno poi al Cairo, 1537-8 274 Arriano. Navigations del Mar Rosso, fino all' Indie Oriental!. Discorso 280 Barbosa, Odoardo. Libro di dell' Indie Orientali, 1516 288 Sommario di tutti li Regni, Citti, e Popoli dell' Indie Orientali ... 324 Conti, Nicolo di. Viaggio nelle Indie Orientali, 1449 338 Stefano, Hieronimo da San. Viaggio nelle Indie, 1499 345 Ramusio. Discorso sopra la Navigatione fatta da gli Spagnnoli attomo il Hondo, 1522-27 346' Massimiliano Transilvano. Epistola della detta Navigatione fatta per li SpagnuoU lo 1519-22, attomo il Mondo 347 Pigafetta, Ant. Viaggio atomo il Mondo, 1519-22 352 Barbosa, Odo. Navigatione d'un Portoghese, che fu sopra la Nave Vittoria, attorno il Mondo, 1519 370 Ramusio. Discorso sopra varii Viaggi, per i quali sono state condotte fino a tempi nostri le spetiarie, da 1500 anni in quk, e altri luoghi, che si potriano usar per condurle ... ... '"■ ... ... ... 371 Gaetan, Juan. Relatione del discoprimento dell' Isole Molncche per la via dell' Indie Occidentali, 1542-45 375 Ramusio. Informatione deU' Isola Giappan nuovamente scoperta ... 377 Barros, Giovan. Delia Historia, con alcuni Capitoli estratti appartenenti alia Cosmografia 384 [2028] CONTESTS OF VOL. II. Marco Polo. Viaggi delle cose de Tartar! e dell' Indie Orientali, 1250, con Prefatione di Ramusio, ed Espositione sopra le prime Parole di Marco Polo /oZio 9-18, and 1-60 Hayton Armeno. DeU' origine e auccessione de' Gran Cani Imperadori Tartari, 1253-1303 61-64 Angiolello, G. M. Delia vita e fatti d'Ussuncassan Re di Persia, che altrimenti era chiamato Assambei ; e delle guerre da ini fatte con Mahometo Gran Turco, 1462-1524 65-78 Viaggio d'un Mercante, che fn nella Persia, 1507-20... "• ... 78-91 Barbaro, Josafa. Viaggio della Tana, e nella Persia, 1436-87 ... 91-112 Contarini, Ambrosio. Viaggio nella Persia, 1473-77 112-125 Campense, Alberto. Lettera intorno le Cose di Moscovia ... ... 126-132 Jovio, Paolo. Historico delle Cose della Moscovia ... ... ... 132-137 Sigismondo Libero Barone in Haberstan. Commentari della Moscovia et della Russia, 1559 137-192 Arriano. Lettera, della sua Navigatione d' intorno al Mar Maggiore 193-195 Giorgio interiano Genoveae della Vita de Zychi, altrimenti Circassi ... 196 Hippocrate. Parte del Trattato, dell' acre e dell' acqua neUa quale si Eagiona de gli Scithi 198 Quirini, Pietro. Viaggio et Naufragio, 1431. Fiorauante, C. et G. di Michele. Descritto Naufragio del sopra detto P. Quirino ... 199-211 Cabota, Sebastiano. Navigatione nelle Parte Settentriouali, 1556-7 211-219 ZenOr-. Caterino. Viaggio in Persia, e delle Guerre fatte nell' Imperio Peraiano dal tempo di Ussuncassano, 1450 219-229 Nicol6 e Antonio. Dello scoprimento dell' Isola Frislanda, Eslanda, fatto sotto il Polo Artico 230-233 Alcuini. Dne Viaggi in Tartaria, 1247 233-245 Odorico da Udine, Beato. Due Viaggi, di Porto Maggiore del Frinli, 1318 245-256 42 CATALOGUE. 2028] KAMUSio's COLLECTION, VOL. I. (contimoed) — STJPrLEMENT Guagnino, Alessandro. Descrittione della Sarmatia Europea ... folio 1-4 Regno di Polonia 26-72 Lituania, Prussia, Livonia, Moscovia, de tutti Tartari campestri ... 1-72 Valesio, H. Compendio delle Chroniche di Polonia 4-26 Mattheo di Micheovo. Descrittione delle due Sarmatia 73-90 [2029] CONTENTS OF VOL. III. Martire, Pietro. Sommario cavato della sua Historia del Nuovo Mondo, poi detto Indie Occidentali, 1492-1515 folio 1 Oviedo, G. F. Sommario da lui stesso levato della sua Historia Naturale e Generale, dell' Indie Occidentali ... ... ... ... 37 Historia Generale et Naturale dell' Indie Occidentali, in Lib. xx. ... 61 Cortese, Fernando. Relation! Seconda, Terza, e Quarta, delle sue grandi imprese, con 1' acquisto della gi-an Citta del Temistitan Messico, done hora e detto la Nuova Spagna, 1519-24 ... ... ... ... 187 Alvarado, Pietro. Lettere due a F. Cortese, del discoprimento nella Nuova Spagna 247 Godoi, Diego. Lettera i F. Cortese, del discoprimento nella Nuova Spagna 251 D' un gentil' huomo del F. Cortese, Relatione della gran Cittk del Temistitan Messico, e d' altre Cose della Nuova Spagna 254 Nunez, Alvaro. Relatione detto Capo di Vacca, delle Indie, e della Nuova Galitia, 1527-36 259 Gusman, Nunno. Relatione dell' imprese fatte in acquistare molte Provincie e Cittk nella Maggior Spagna, 1530 277 Ulloa, Capit. Francesco. Navigatione per discoprire 1' Isole delle Specierie iino al mare detto Vermeio, 1532-39 283 Vasquez di Coronado, F. Sommario di due sue Lettere, del Viaggio fatto da Fra Marco da Nizza alle sette Cittk di Cevola, 1539 296 Mendozza, Ant. Lettera del discoprimento della Terra Ferma della Nuova Spagna verso Tramontano, 1539 296 Nizza, Marco da. Relatione del Viaggio fatto per Terra a Cevola Regno delle sette Citti, 1539 297 Vasquez, Francesco. Viaggio alle dette sette Cittk, 1540 ... ... 300 Alarchon, Fernando. Navigatione, quale and6 per Mare h, scoprire il Regno delle sette Citti, 1540 303 Relatione d' un Capitano Spagnuolo del discoprimento e conquista del Peri fattadaF. edH. Pizarro, 1531 310 Xerez, Francesco. Relatione della Conquista fatta da F. Pizarro del Peril e Provincia del Cuscho, chiamata la Nuova Castiglia, 1532-3... ... 316 Relatione d' un Secretario di F. Pizarro, della Conquista fatta della Provincia del Perti, con la Descrittione della Cuscho, 1534 328 Oviedo, Gonzalo F. Relatione della Navigatione per il grandissimo Fiume Maragnon, post soprala Terra Ferma dell' Indie Occidentali, 1543... 345 Ramusio. Discorso sopra la Tena Ferma dell' Indie Occidentali, detta del Lavorador de los Baccalaos, et della Nuova Francia 346 Verrazzano, Giov. Relatione deUa terra per lui scoperta al Ri Christianissi- mo, 1524 350 Discorso d' nn gian Capitano [Parmentier] di Mare Francese, sopra le Naviga- tion! fatte alia Nuova Francia, e sopra la terra del Brasil, Guinea, Isola di San Lorenzo, e queUa di Summatra 352 Carthier, Jacques. Prima Relatione della Terra Nuoua detta la Nuova Francia, 1534. Seconda Relatione, della Navigatione per lui fatta all' Isole di Canada, Hochelaga, Saguenai, etc., al presente dette la Nuova Francia, 1535 369 Cesare de' Federici. Viaggio nell' India Orientale, ed oltra 1' India, per via di Soria, 1563-69... 386 Navigationi fatte da gli Olandesi e Zelandesi al Settentrione, nella Noruegia, Moscovia, e Tartaria verso il Catai, e Regno de' Sini, doue scopersero il Mare di Uveygatz, e la Nuova Zembla. Et un paese nell' ottantesimo grado creduto la Groenlandia, 1594-97 398 • • • « • y-. .♦"" DE BRY'S VOYAGES. 43 DE BRY'S COLLECTIONS OF TRAVELS AND VOYAGES TO AMERICA AND THE EAST— in Latin, Collectiones Peregrinationum in Indiam Occidentalem et in Indiam Orientalem a Theodoro, Joa^ Theodoro de Bry, et a Math. Merian publicatso. Francofurti et Oppenheimii, 1590-1634. GRANDS [OR AMERICAN] VOYAGES. PART I. Admiranda Narratio fida Tamen, De Commodis et In- [2030] colarum Ritibus Virginiae. Description of Virginia, Colonised by Raleigh and Grenville. By Thomas Hariot. Map and 28 Plates. Fii-st Edition (in two states). 1590. Brevis Narratio eorum quae in Florida Americae [2031] Provincia Gallis Acciderunt. Account of the French in Florida under E. de Laudonniere, J. de Riband, and Dominique de Gourgues. By Jacques Le Moyne (de Morgues). • First Edition, Map and 42 Plates, with a Second Edition of the Parergon, entitled Historia Luctuosce Expeditionis. 1591. PART III. Stade. — Provinciae Brasiliae Historia. Narratio profec- [2032] tionis J. Lerio. Hans Stade's Voyage and Captivity in Brazil, 1547-55. Also John Lerio's Voyage and Description of Brazil. Map and 45 Plates. First Edition. 1592. Second Copy, with two letters of N. Barr6 on the Expedition of Villegagnon. 1592. PART IV. Benzoni, Historia de reperta primum Occidentali India [2033] a Christophoro Columbo. Benzoni's History and Description of the New World, with Voyages of Columbus, die. Map and 24 Plates. First Edition (in two states). 1594, PART V. Benzoni Historiae Novi Orbis, Liber II. Map and 22 [2034] Plates. First Edition (in two states). 1595, Second Edition, Plates only. 1595. PART VI. Benzoni Historiae Novi Orbis, Liber III. Map, Plan of [2035] Cuzco, and 28Plates. First Edition. 1596. PART vir. Schmidel. Descriptio Praecipuarum quarundam Indiae [2036] Regionum et Insularum. Description of the West Indies. By Ulrich Faber (Ulrich Schmidel). First Edition, with one Plate, printed in the text. 1599. Second Edition. - • 1625. 44 CATALOGUE. Db Bkt's Gbands Voyages (amtinued) — PART VIII. Descriptionem Itinerum Francisci Draken, Thomae [2037] Candisch, Gualtheri Ralegh. Raleigh's Account of Guiana, with the Voyages of Drake and Cavendish. First Edition, one large, two small Maps, and 18 Plates. 1599. Second Edition (double columns), pp. 1-127 ; with Voyage of VanNoort (1600), pp. 129-160. Kempfer, Francofurti, 1625, Acosta de Novi Orbis Natura ;- Navigationes Sibalti [2038] de Weert et Olevier a Noort. 1. Acosta's Natural and Moral History of the West Indies. 2. Voyage of Sebald de "Weert to the Straits of Magellan (1598). 3. Voyage of Oliver van Noort Round the World (1600). Map and 39 Plates. First Edition. 1602. Second Edition (smaller type) with plates in the text. 1633. Americi Vesputii Navigationes ; Hamor, Provinciae [2039] Virginise ; Novae Angliae, J. Schmidt. 1. Two Voyages of Amerigo Vespucci. 2. Account of Virginia and Story of Pocahontas. By Ralph Hamor. 3. Captain John Smith's Description of New England. With 12 Plates, and Map of the Philippines. 1619. PART XI. Schouten, Spilbergen, &c. Voyage of Schouten and Le [2040] Maire round Cape Horn (1615-17). With 9 Plates. 1619. Appendix. Spilbergen's Voyage round the World, 1615-15. With 20 plates. 1620. In two conditions, the Appendix in one copy being printed on fine paper. PART XII. Herrera, Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis. Herrera's Descrip- [2041] tion of the West Indies, Mexico, &c. With 19 Plates depicting Mexican Antiquities, &c. Francofurti, 1624. PART XIII. Descriptio Novae Angliae, Virginiae, Brasiliae, &c. [2042] Francofurti, Merian, 1634. 1. — Description of New England, Virginia, Somer Islands, Brazil, and Guiana. By R. Harcourt. Seven Plates and Map of Brazil. 2. — Terra Australis Incognita, Fernandez de Quiros, &c. 3.— Dutch Expedition to San Salvador, Brazil. By J. G. Aldenbourg. Plate. 4. — New Mexico, Cibola, Yucatan, Guatemala, &c. 5. — Voyage of the Nassau Fleet, under Jaques le Hermite. Nine Plates. 6. — Description of city of Mexico, and New Spain. Three Plates. 7. — The English in Guiana, St. Christopher, &c. 8. —Dutch Expedition to Brazil, under Admiral Louck, 1628-29. Three Plates. nHliniMimnnimniHiniimimiimnnlnmiiimiiniwii^niiiminiiiimiiii«ii*itiiii'u>inii^ N? 2043. DE BRY'S VOYAGES. 45 PETITS [EASTERN] VOYAGES. PAKT I. Lopez. — Descriptio Regni Congiani, &c. Pigafetta's (Philip) [2043] Description of the Kingdom of Congo from Edoardo Lopez. Plates and Engravings in the text. 1598. Second Edition (1624). Map and Plates. 1611. Appendix. Brunois' (Samuel) African Voyage, 1611. With 12 Plates in the text 1625. PARTS II. III. AND IV. Linscotani Navigatio, &c. Linschoten's Voyage and De- [2044-46] scription of the East Indies. With Dutch Voyages to the North, ^c. Maps, and 117 Plates. 1599-1601. PART V. Descriptio Navigationis Octonis Navibus in Terras [2047] Orientales. Voyage of Eight Dutch Ships to the East Indies, 1598. With 20 Plates. 1601. PART VI. Descriptio Auriferi Regni Guineae. Description of the Gold [2048] Coast of Guinea. [By Peter de Marees.] 1604. PART VII. Navigationes duas in Indiam Orientalem, &c. 1. Voyage [2049] of Admiral Joris van Spilbergen to the East Indies, 1601. 2. Casparo Balbi's Journey from Aleppo to Pegu, 1579. With 23 Plates. 1606. PART VIII. Navigationes quinque in Indiam Orientalem, &c. 1. Second [2050] Voyage of Jacob van Neck, with Journal of Cornelius Nicolai [Claez]. 2. Voyage of Wybrandt van Warwyck and Sebald de Weert : Journals of John Herman van Bree and Cornelius van Veen. 3. Second Voyage of Steven van der Hagen in the East Indies. 18 Plates and two Maps. 1607. PART IX. Navigatio in Indiam Orientalem sup imperio Verhuffi [2051] &c. Voyages of the Hollanders and Zealanders to the East Indies, under Admiral Verhouven, 1607-9. With Supplement. Two Maps and 17 Plates, the last five in duplicate, re- engraved. 1612-13. PART X. Hudson, Descriptio Novi ad Aquilonem Transitus, supra [2052] Terras. Americanus in Chinam atque Japonem ducturi ; item Discursus super detecta nuper Quinta Orbis Parte a P. F. de Quir ; addita, Descriptione Regionum Siberiae, &c. Voyages to the North of Hudson and others ; Memorial of Quiros concerning the Terres Australes ; Description of Siberia, &c. Three Maps and three Plates. 1613. PART XI. Americi Vesputii duae Navigationes, Corverte Relatio, [2053] &c. Third and Fourth Voyages of Vespucci. 2. Robert Corvert's Travels in the East Indies and beyond Cambay. 3. Spitzbergen and the Whale Fishery. With 10 Plates. 1619. 46 CATALOGUE. HAKLUYT'S VOYAGES AND DISCOVERIES OF THE ENGLISH NATION. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation, made by Sea or overland, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the Earth, at any time within the compasse of these 1,600 yeres. By EiCHAED Hakluyt, preacher, &c. ^lacfe Uttttt iHl)ittOn. Three Vols, (bound in Two) folio. Lend. 1599-1600. [2061] CONTENTS or VOL. I., 1599. Dedication to the Right Hon. Lord Charles Howard, Earl of E£Bngham. Preface to the Reader, as Touching the Principal Voyages and Discourses. Catalogue of the Voyages ; made to the North and North East Quarters : — Arthur, King. Voyage to Island, and the N.E. Parts of Europe, 517. page 1 Malgo, King. Voyage to Island, Gotland, Orkney, Denmark, &c. 580... 3 Edwin, King of Northumberland. Conquest of Anglesey and Man, 624 3 Bertus. Voyage into Ireland, 684 ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 Octher. Voy.ige to the North Parts beyond Norway, about 890 ... 4 Second Voyage, into the Sound of Denmarke 5 Wolstans. Navigation into the East Sea, or the Sound of Denmarke ... 8 Edgar, King. Voyage with 4,000 shippes round his Monarchic, 973 ... 6 Edmund and Edward, Sonnes of King Edmund Ironside. Voyage into Hungai-y, 1017 9 The Marriage of the daughter of Harald unto Jeruslaus Duke of Russia in his owne Countrey, 1067 16 Voyage of a ccrtaine Englishman into Tartaria, Poland, & Hungary,1243 20 Carpini, Frier John de Piano. Long and WonderfuU Voyage, 1246 ... 21 Rubricis, Frier W. dc. Joumail, 1253 _ .._. 71 Nicolaus de Linna, a Franciscan Frier. Voyage to all the Regions situate under the North Pole, 1360 121 Henry IV., King. Voyage into Prussia and Letto, 1390 ... ... 122 Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Glocester. Voyage into Prassia, 1391... 123 The Libel of English Policie, exhorting all England to Kcepe the Sea, and namely the narrowe sea : .shewing what profite conimeth thereof, and also worship and salvation to England and to all Englishmen (in verse) 187 A Persuasion of Robert Thome, Merchant of Bristol and Seville, to King Henry VIII. to set out further Discoveries towards the North ... 212 Discourse of said Robert Thorne, sent from Seville with Chart of the World, to Dr. Leigh, English Ambassador at Court of Charles V., touching the same matter, 1527 214 Orders and Instructions of Sebastian Cabot for the guidance of Sir Hugh Willoughby in his Voyage intended to Cathay 226 Willoughby, Sir Hugh. Voyage, wherein he unfortunately perished at Arzina Reca, in Lapland, 1553... ... ... ... ... ... 232 Chancellor, Richard, Pilote Major, the first discoverer by sea of the Kingdome of Moscovia, Voyage of, 1553 ... ... ... ... ... ... 237 Burrough, Stephen. Voyage toward the River of Ob, intending the Dis- covery of the North-East Passage, 1556 ... ... ... ... 274 .Tohnson, II. Landing among the Samoeds, 1556... ... ... ... 283 Burrough, S. Voyage from Colmogro in Russia to Wardhouse, in search of certain English Ships not heard of the yeere before, 1557 290 Jenkinson, Anthony. Voyage into Russia, wherein Osep Napea, first Ambassador from the Emperour of Moscovia to Queene Mary, was transported into his Countrey, 1557 ... ... ... ... ... 310 Voyage from Mosco in Russia to Boghar in Bactria, 1558 324 Voyage through Ru.ssia, and over the Caspian into Persia, 1561 ... 343 Alcock, T., G. Wrenne, and R. Cheyney, Voyage into Persia, 1563 ... 353 Johnson, R., A. Kitchin, and A. Edwards. Voyage into Persia, 1565... 354 Southam, T., and J. Sparke. Voyage by Land and River from Colmogro to Novogrod in Russia, 1568 365 PRINCIPAL NAVI- GATIONS, VOYAGES, TRAFFICiyES AND DISCOVE^ ries oith&Englijh J^iion^ made by Sea or oucr- land , to the remote and fai theft diilant quarters of the £atth,3t any time within the compafle of thcfe i doo ycrcs: Diuidcd into three fcuerallVolunies,accordingto the pofitions of ihe Regions , whcreunto ihey were direftcd. The firft Volume containeth the worthy Difcoueries, &c. of the Bn^ifl) toward the North and Northeaft by Sea, as of Lapland^crikfima,Corelia,the'B3ieo{S.NfCo/as,tbel{lesoiCol^oieue,Vaigitta, zi\dNomZemi>la,towaTd the greatRiuer O^.with the mighty Empire oi%i;jfia, the Cai}ia» Scifieergia, Artnenia, Media, PerJUt'Biighar'mBdh-ia, and diucrs kingdoines ofTaruiria: Together with many nofable monuments and teftimonics of the ancient forrcn tradesjand of the warrelikc andothcx /hipping ofthis Realtne o( England in former ages. fyhereunto is annexed ahriefe (ommentary of the truejlate (j/"! fland, and ot the Nonhren Seas and lands fituate chat way : As alfo the memorable defeatofthe S^ani^ huge Armida, ft nno i J 8 8. f The fecond Volume comprehendeth the principall Nauigations, Voyages, Traffiqucs,and difcoueries oirhtEnglijh Nation made by Sea otouer-land, to the South and South-eail paitsof theWor]d,as welhviihinas without the Scrcightof G-s ...1891 The Popes Bull, the King of Spaines preparations, the Duke of Medinas Expedition, the Duke of Parmas Forces, for the Invasion of England, divers Sea-fights twixt the English and Spanish Fleets, the Sea-flight of the Spanish, and miserable disasters in their returne, 1588. ..1871 — 1913 Wingfield, Col. A. Discourse of the Portugall Voyage, 1589, under Sir John Norris and Sir Francis Drake ... ... ... ... ... ...1914 A briefe and true report of the honourable Voyage unto Cadiz, 1596, of the overthrow of the Kings Fleet, and of the winning of the Citie, with other accidents, gathered out of Meteranus, Hakluyt, and others ...1927 Essex, Earle of. Relation of the Voyage to the lies of Azores, 1597 ...1935 Gorges, Sir Arthur. Larger relation of the said Hand Voyage [Azores] 1938 Conclusion of the Worke, with some later Advertisements touching his Majesties care for Virginia 1980 [2076] CONTENTS OF VOL. V. Relations of the World and the Religions observed in all Ages and Places discovered, from the Creation unto this Present : — Of the first beginnings of the World and Religion ; and of the Regions and Religions of Babylonia, Assyria, Syria, Phoenicia, Palestino page- 1 Of the Hebrew Nation and Religion from the beginning thereof to our times 89 Of the Arabians, Saracens, Turkes, and of the Ancient Inhabitants of Asia Minor, -and of their Religions 223 Of the Armenians, Medes, Persians, Parthians, Scythians, Tartarians, Chinois, and of their Religions 343 Of the East Indies, and of the Seas and Hands about Asia, with their Religions 477 Of .3igypt, Barbary, Numidia, Libya, and the Land of Negro's, and of their Religions 619 Of ^Ethiopia, and the African Hands, and of their Religions 725 Of New France, Virginia, Florida, New Spaine, with other Regions of America Mexicana, and of their Religions 791 Of Cumana, Guiana, Brasil, Chica, Chili, Peru, and other Regions of America, Peruviana, and of their Religions 891 * • J • • » • •• « i "•• • f 9 • • 4 • «!«% m • •♦•I COLLECTIONS. 69 Thevenot. — Relations de Divers Voyages Curieux, qui n'ont point este' Publi^es, et qu'on a Traduit ou tir6 des Originaux des Voyageurs Frangois, Espagnols, Allemands, Portugais, An- glois, HoUandois, Persans, Arabes et autres Orientaux, donnees au public par le soins de feu Melchisedec Thevenot. Nouvelle Edition. Maps, diagrams, &c. 2 Vols, folio. Paris, 1696. [2077] TOME PKEMIEB. No. 1. Description des Pyramides, d'Egypte comme elles ^toicnt I'an 1638-39, de Notre Seigneur, par Jean Greaves, traduite de I'Anglois, aveo une Lettre du Sieur Tito Livio Buratini, oontenant line descrip- tion des Momies d'Egypte, traduite de I'ltalien, I'une et I'autre enrichie de figures fort exactes et fort curienses. 2. Relation des Cosaques, avec la Vie de Kmielniski. 3. Relation des Tartares du Crim, des Nogais, des Circasses et des Abassas, par Jean de Luca, traduite d'un Manuscrit Italien, avec quelques Notes d'un Gcntilliomme Polonois qui a ete long-temps esclave dans le pais. 4. Relation de la Colchide ou Mengrellie, par le P. Archange Lambei-ti. 5. Informatione della Georgia di Pietro delfa Valle, 1627, tiree d'un Manu- scrit, avec rOraison funebre de Sitti Maani sa femme. 6. Voyage d'Antoine Jenkinson au Cathay [Bockara]. 7. Extrait de la Relation de I'Ambassade que les HoUandois envoyerent en 1656-57, au Tartare qui est presentement Maitre de la Chine. 8. Relation de la Prise de I'lsle Formosa par les Chinois, 1661. 9. Relation de la Cour du Mogol par le Capitaine Hawkins. 10. Memoires de Thomas Rhoe Ambassadeui du Roy d'Angleterre prSs du Mogol. 11. Voyage d'Edouard Terry aux Etats du Mogol. 12. Description des Plantes et des Animaux des Indes Orientales par Kosmas Monachos, autrement Indouleustes, tir^e d'un Manuscrit de la Bibliotheque de S. Laurent dc Florence, le teste Grec, et la traduction rran9oise. 13. Commencement d'un Livre des Caldeens de Bassora, autrement ap- pelles les Chretiens de S. Jean, ecrit en caracteres tres-anciens, non encore vus en Europe, aveo I'Alphabet de ces m§mes caracteres, et une Carte Arabe du pals. 14. Les Climats Alheud et Alsend de la Geographie d'Abulfeda, traduits d'un Manuscrit Arabe du Vatican. 15. Relation des Antiquites de Persepolis, traduite d'Herbert et de Figueroa. 16. Relation des Royaumes de Golconda, Tannassari, Arecan, par Wilhem Methold President de la Compagnie Angloise. 17. Relation de Floris Villiamson, du Golfe de Bengale, 1611. 18. Relation de Royaume de Siam par Schouten, tradiute de I'HoUandois, 1636. 19. Voyages aux Indes Orientales de Bontekone, traduits de I'HoUandois, 1618. 20. Ddcouverte de la Terre Australe, parle Capt, F. Pelsart, 1628, traduite de I'HoUandois. 21. Carte de cette cinquieme Partie du Monde, 1663. 22. Avis d'un des Facteurs de la Compagnie HoUandoise sur le commerce des Indes. 23. Autre Avis sur le commerce du Japon. 24. Commerce des Indes Orientales, par Franfois Pelsart ; Tres-Humble Remontrance. 25. Routier des Indes Orientales par Aleixo da Motta, traduit d'un Manu- scrit Portugais. 70 (JATALOGUE. [2077] thevenot's collection, contents of tome i. (continued) — 26. Carte Portugaise de la Carrera, ou Navigation des Indes Orientales. Carte de la Chine, du Japon, de la terre de Jezo, et de toutes les Isles de I'Asie, avec la Peninsule au deli du Gauge, des Isles des Larrons ou Mariannes, et de la Nouvelle Guin^e. 27. Vues des principales cotes des Indes Orientales. 28. Memoire ou Voyage de BeauUeu, Fran9ois, fait aux Indes Orientales, et dresse par luy-meme. 29. Relations des Isles Philippines. SO & 31. Relation du Japon par Francois Caron, avec les Remarques d'Hagenar desavouees par M. Caron. Relation des Martyrs du Japon par Reys Gysbertz HoUandois et Calviniste, traduite de rOriginal HoUandois. 32. Relation de la Decouverte de la Terre d'leso, avec line petite Carte. 33. Briefve Relation de la Chine ; Flora Sinensis, ou Description, des Plantes et Fleurs de la Chine, leur maniere de les cultiver, avec les figures des Plantes. Mouuniens antiques de la Religion Chre- tienne, trouves dans la Province de Xensi k la Chine. ParleR. P. Michel Boyra. [207S] TOME SECOND. oi. Ambassade des HoUandois h, la Chine, 1656. 35. Route du Voyage des Ambas-sadenrs HoUandois k Pekin, avec plusieurs gi-andcs figures des habillemens, et do ce qu'il y a de plus considerable dans la Chine. 36. Description Geographique de I'Empire de la Chine, par le P. Martini, pp. 216, avec uue Carte qui convient tres-exactement a sa descrip- tion ; et i la fin une Addition au Royaume du Japon. 87. Rapport que les Directeurs de la Conipagnie HoUandoise des Indes Orientales ont fait de 'etat de leurs aHiiires aux Indes en 1664. 38. L'Indien, ou Portrait au naturel des Indiens, par Dom Jean de Pala- fox Eveque de la Puebla de los Angels. 39. Relation des Voyages du Sieur Acarete sur la Riviere de la Platte, et de la par terre jusques au Perou etau Potosi. 40. Voyage k la Chine des PP. Grueber et d'OrviUe, avec la Relation du Voyage par terre de ces memes Peres depuis Pekin jusqu'en Europe, ou il se trouve aussi des remarques curieuses sur la Langue Chinoise. 41. Le meme en Italien. 42. Sinarum Scientia Politico-Moralis. liber inter Confucii Libros Secnndua, Pans, 1672. 43. Histoire de la Haute Ethiopie, ^crite sur les lieux parle P. Manuel d'Almeida Jesuite, extraite et traduite de la copie Portugaise du P. Balthazar Tellez, avec une grande Carte de I'Ethiopie, de I'Em- pire des Abyssins, autrement du Pretre-Jan, faite sur les lieux par ces memes Peres, et de petites Cartes de quelques Ports de la Mer Rouge. 44. Remarques sur les Relations d'Ethiopie des PP. Jeronimo Lobo et Balthazar TeUez Jesuites. 45. Relation du P. Jeronimo Lobo de I'Empire des Abyssins, des Sources du Nil, de la Licorne. 46. Relation du Voyage du Zaid ou de la Thebaide, fait en 1668, par les Capucins Missiounaires en Egypte, avec un Itineraire de Mont- falout au Caire. 47. Ddcouverte de quelques pais qui font entre I'Empire des Abyssins et la c6te de Melinde. 48. Histoire de I'Empire Mexicain representee par figures, avec leurs ex- plication litterale, Paris, 1696. 49. Relation du Mexique, avec THistoire de la NouveUe Espagne, par Thomas Gages. 50. Route d'Abel Tasman autour de la Terre Australe, avec la decouverte de la NouveUe Zelande et de la Terre de Diemens, 1642-43. [Chart Ulustrating this voyage is in Tome I. See No. 21 ] THEVENOT'S COLLECTION. 71 [2078] CONTENTS OF TOME II. {continued) — 51. Instruction sur la route et sur les venta qui se recontrent ordinaire- ment dans les voyages qui se sent des Pais bas jusqu'h, Rattavic, dans risle de Java, et an retour. 52. L'Asie de Barros, ou I'Histoire des Conquetes des Portugais aux Indes Orientalcs. Partie premiere. 53. L'Ambassade de Schahrok fils de Tamerlam, et d'autres Princes ses voisins, k I'Empereur du Katay. Eelatio Ablegationis quam Czarea Majestas ad Catayensom, 1653. 54. Synopsis Chronologica Monai'chis Sinicse, anno post diluvium 275- 3817 (B.C. 32). Decas Secunda (is imperfect, wanting a few years), B.C. 6 to A.D. 1566. 55. Relation des Chretiens de S. Jean, faite par le P. Ignace de Jesus Carme D^ohaux, Missionnaire k Bassora. 66. Voyage de la Tercere, fait par le Commandeur de Chaste. 57. Elementa Linguse Tartariea;. 58. Fragment in Spanish : De las Islas de Salomon (pp. 5-16). [Relating to MendaSa's Second Voyage, 1595.] 59. Fragment in Latin : Asganii Sassonii, De Imperio Ommiadarum, &o. (pp. 17-48). [Relating to the Arabian Dynasties of the Sassanians, Ommiades, Abassides, &c.] Valentyn. — Oad en Nieiiw Oost-Indien, vervattende een Naau- [2079] keurige en Uitvoerige verhandelinge van Nederlands Mogentheyd in die Gewesten, benevens eene wydluftige Be- schryvinge der Moluccos ; Amboina, Banda, Timor, en Solor, Java, en alle de Eylanden onder dezelve Landbestieringen behoorende ; het Nederlands Comptoir op Suratte, en de Lev^ens der Groote Mogols ; als ook een Keurlyke verhandeling van 't wezentlykste, dat men behoort te wetcn van Choro- mandel, Pegu, Arracan, Bengale, Mocha, Persien, Malacca, Sumatra, Ceylon, Malabar, Celebes of Macassar, China, Japan, Tayouan of Formosa, Tonkin, Cambodia, Siam, Borneo, Bali, Kaap der Goede Hoop en van Mauritius. Te zamen dus behelzende niet alleen eene zeer nette Beschryving van alles, wat Nederlands Oost-Indien betreft, maar ook 't voornaamste dat eenigzins tot eenige andere Europeers, in die Gewesten, betrekking heeft. Door Frangois Valentyn. Maps, Portraits, and Plates. 5 Vols, in 8, folio. Dordrecht and Amsterdam, 1724-26. Deel. I. — Oud en Nieuw Cost Indien, of Nederlands llogentheid aldaar. Beschryving der Moluccos. Molukse Zaakeii. II. — Beschryving van Amboina. Ambonsche Zaaken. III. — Ambonsche Zaaken vaa den Godsdienst. Beschryving der Boomen, Planten Heesters en Gewassen van Amboina. Verhandeling der Dieren, Vogelen, Water-Dieren, Viaschen-van Amboina. III. 2. — Verhandeling der Zee-Horenkens en Schelpen ofte Dubbletten van Amboina. Beschryvinge van Banda, Solor en Timor, Macassar, Borneo, Bali, Tonkin, Cambodia, Siam. IV. — Bfeschryvinge van Groot Java, Bantam, Batavia, benevens de Levens der Opper-land Voogden. IV. 2. — Zaaken van den Gods-dienst op Java. Beschryving van Suratto en de Levens dor Groote Mogols. Beschryvinge van Tsjina, Tayouan, of Fonnssa. Des Schryvers Uyt en T'Huys-Reyze, 1685-1714. V. — Beschryving van Choromandel, Pegu, Arrakan, Bengale, Mocha, &c. Beschryvinge van Mahakka, Sumatra, Ceylon. V. 2. — Beschryvinge van Malabar, Japan, Kaap der Goede Hoope. 72 CATALOGUE. Ray. — Collection of Curious Travels and Voyages, By [2080] John Ray, F.E.S. 2 Vols. 12mo. Lend. 1738. Eay, John. Travels through the Low-Countries, Germany, Italy, and France, with curious observations ; also a Catalogue of Plants. Willughby, Francis. Travels through great part of Spain. Eauwolf, Leonhart. Journey into the Eastei'n Countries, viz. , Syria, Palestine, Armenia, Mesopotamia, Assyria, Chaldea, &c., 1573-76. Belon, Mr. Remarks in the Island of Creta or Candy ; Description of Mount Athos ; Journey from Mount Athos to Constantinople, wherein the Gold and Silver Mines of Macedonia, &c., aro described. Vernon, Francis. Travels from Venice through Istria, Dalmatia, Greece, and the Archipelago to Smyrna. Wheeler, Sir 6. Plants observed in his Voyage to Greece and Asia Minor. Smith, Thomas. Historical Observations relating to Constantinople ; and an Account of the City of Prusa in Bithynia. Greaves, John. Account of the Latitude of Constantinople and Rhodes. Belon, M. Observations made in a Voyage to Egj'pt. Greaves, John. Description of the Pyramids in Egypt, 1638-39. Vansleb, Father. Of the Pyramids, Sphynx, Mummies, &c., of Egypt. Huntingdon, E. Letter concerning the Porphyry Pillars In Egypt. Journey from Grand Cairo to Mecca. Middleton, Sir Henry. Observations in Arabia Felix. Michael of Tripoli. Of Ethiopia. Lobo, Father. Observations of Ethiopia. Churchill's (A. and J.) Collection of Voyages and Travels, [2081-86] some first printed from Original Manuscripts, others translated out of Foreign Languages, with a General Preface, giving an Account of the Progress of Navigation. Maps and Plates, 6 Vols. Folio. Lond. 1707-47. [2081] CONTENTS or VOL. I. Navarette, D. F. Account of the Empire of China, Historical, Political, Moral, and Religious, 1642-73 page \ Baumgarten, M. Travels through Egypt, Arabia, Palestine, and Syria. With the Author's Life, 1507 381 Brawern, H. and E. Herckemann. Voyage to Chili, 1 642-43 455 Candidius, G. Account of the Island of Formosa in the East Indies ... 472 Japan. Curious remarks on the Empire of. From the High-Dutch ... 480 Monck, Capt. J. Account of a most dangerous Voyage to Hudson's Straits, with a description of Old and New Greenland, 1619-20 ... ... 487 Beauplan, Sieur de. Description of Ukraine [Poland] and the People, 1640 517 Angelo, M. and D. Carli. Account of a Voyage to Congo in 1666-67 ... 555 MeroUa da Sorrento, Jerom. Voyage to Congo and other Countries, 1682 591 Roe, Sir Thomas. Voyage to the East Indies, and Residence at the Court of the Great Mogul, 1615-16 696 [2082] CONTENTS OF VOL. II. Nienhoff, J. Voyages and Travels into Brazil, and the East Indies, 1640-71 P•. VOYAGES AND CIKCUMNAVIGATIONS. 97 III. IV. Oareri (.T. F. Oemelli) Voyage Round the World, containing the most remarkable things in Turkey, Persia, India, China, the Philippine Islands, and New Spain, 1693-99— Churchill, IV. [2084]. Buccaneering Voyages of Morgan, Mansvelt, Van Horn, &o. — See Harris, I. [2094] ; BuRNEY, IV. [2104] ; and the Voyages of Uampier [2326]. Gennes' Voyage to Straits of Magellan, Brazil, Cayenne, [2324] &c. 1695-97. By the Sieur Froger. 12nio. Lond. 1698. ■Wafer. — Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America. [2325] By Lionel Wafer. 8vo. Lond. 1699. Dampier, Cowley, Sharp, &c. — A Collection of Voyages, [2326] (1669-1706). Maps,&c. 4 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1729. Vol. I. Dampier's Voyage Round the World, 1679-91. II. Supplement to Dampier's Voyage Round the World, describing Tonquin, Achin, Malacca, &c ; his Two Voyages to Campeachy, Jucatan, New Spain, &o. ; Discourse on the Trade Winds, &c. Dampier's Voyage to New Holland, Timor, New Guinea, &c., 1699. Wafer's Voyages, and Description of the Isthmus of America. Davis's Expedition to the Gold Mines, 1702. Fdnnell's Account of Dampier's Voyage Round the World, 1703-6. Cowley's Voyage Round the World, 1 683-86. Sharp's Expedition over Darien into the South Sea, 1680-81. Wood's Voyage through the Straits of Magellan, 1669-70. Roberts's Adventures among the Corsairs of the Levant, 1692-96. Dampier's Observations on the Coast of New Holland, 1687-88 and 1699 — See Major's Early Voyages to Australia (Hakluyt Soo. Vol. XXV.) [2137]. Vlaming's Voyage to New Holland, &c., 1696-97— iftirf. Perier. — A General History of Voyages [Chiefly to the West [2327] Indies]. By M. Du Perier. 12mo. Lond. 1708 Rogers.— Cruising Voyage Round the World, 1708-11. [2328] By Captain Woodes Rogers. 8vo. Lond. 1712. Cooke. — Voyage to the South Sea, and Round the World, [2329] 1708-11. By Edward Cooke. 12mo. Lond. 1712. Frezier. — Voyage to the South Sea, Chili, Peru, i\heHRYYaLecb. B f CO tib Vol. Q^ition. L H D fir Jo m Mmmx: 1S74 N? 2806. =;j ■> * * j4 , , CHINA. 151 Mendez Pinto (Fernan) Observations of China, Tartary, &c. (1621-45) — Pukchas III. 252 [2074]. Cruz (Caspar) Of China and Adjoining Regions (1556) — ibid. p. 166. Pereira (Galeotta) Relations of China — ibid. p. 199. Bernardine's Account of the Empire of China, &o. (1578) — Harley, II. 25-91. Report of a Mahometan Merchant who had been in Cambahi (1598) — Purchas, III. 310 [2074]. History of the .Jesuits' entrance into Japan and China (1542-99). Letters from Father Lougobard and Taiso (1598)— i*!ci. p. 316-343. Pontoia (Diego) Description of China ; its Provinces, Cities, Towns, Rivers, Shipping, Commodities, Diet, &c. (1602)— iiJA p. 350. Bicci and Trigault, Discourse of China, the Country, people, government, religion, rites, sects, cliaracters, studies, arts, acts, with notes — PnuoHAS, II. 1693 [2073] ; III. 380 [2074] ; Ency. Brit. xx. 536 [2280]. Monfart's Observations in China (1618) — ibid. p. 405. Goes (Benedict) Journey from Agra to China (1594-1607) — Yule's Cathay [2148] ; PURCHA.S, III. 310 [2074]. Mendoza's (Juan Gonzales) Kingdom of China — Hakluyt Soc. XIV. and XV. D'Orl^ans, History of the two Tartar Conquerors of China, including the Journeys into Tartary of Fathers Verbiest and Pereira (1682-83)— jJi(i. Vol. XVl'l. Travels in China, Tartary, Tibet, &c. — Lettres Edifiantes des Missions, Vols. XVII.-XXVI. [2098] ; Lockman [2098]. Nienhoff (J.) Voyages to the East Indies, &c., with Account of the Dutch Embassy to China (1656-57)— Churchill, II. [2082] ; Thevenot, I. No. 7 [2077] ; II. Nos. 34 & 35 [2078] ; Murray, Asia, III. 296 [1344]. Briefve Relation de la Chine ; Flora Si^iensii, ou Description des Plantes et Fleurs de la Chine, leur maniere de les cultiver. Monumens antiques de la Religion Chretienne, trouves dans la Province de Xensi b, la Chine. Par le R. P. Michel Boym— Thevenot, II. No. 33 [2078]. Martini (P) Description Geogiaphique de I'Empire de la Chine (pp. 216), avec une Carte et h la fin une Addition au Royaume du Japon — ibid. No. 36. Groeber et Dorville (P. P.) Voyage k la Chine, avec la Relation du Voyage par terre de ces memes Peres depuis Pekin jusqu'en Europe, ou il se trouve aussi des remarques curieuses sur la Langue Chinoise. Le meme en Italien — ibid. Nos. 40 et 41. Sinarum Scieutia Politico-Moralis, liber inter Confucii Libros Secundus, Paris, i672— ibid. No. 42. Synopsis Chronologica Moaarchije Sinicse, anno post diluvium 275-3817 (b.c. 32) Decas Secunda(B.c. 6) a.d. 1566 — ibid. No. 54. Elementa Lingufe Tartaricse — ibid. No. 57. Baudier (Michael) Court of the King of China, 1610— Harley, IL pp. 1. [2087]. Navarette (D. F.) Account of China, Historical, Political, Moral, and Religious, (1642-73)— Churchill, I. 1-380 [2081]. Backhoff. — Travels into China through Siberia, by Feodor Iskowitz Backhoff, Muscovite Envoy (1654)— Churchill, II. 489 [2082]. Careri (Geraelli) Account of China and the People, 1695-97 — Churchill, IV. 273-456 [2083]. Kao (Dionysius) Description of China and of whatever is most remarkable throughout the whole Empire — Harris, II. 975 [2095]. Cunningham (James) Observations on the Island of Chusan, 1701 — ibid, p.852. Ripa (Father) Memoirs during Thirteen Years at the Court of [3367] Peking (1710-23). From the ItaUan. 12mo. 1861. Le Comte. — Ten Years' Travels through the Empire of [3368] China. By Lewis Le Comte. 8vo. Lond. 1738. 152 CATALOGUE. Staunton. — Account of Earl Macartney's Embassy to [3369] China. By Sir George Staunton. 8vo. Lend. 1797. Ellis. — Lord Amherst's Embassy to China ; with Observa- [3371] tions on the Country and the People. By Henry Ellis. Coloured Plates. 4to. Lond. 1817. Auber. — China : an Outline of its Laws, Government, and Foreign [3372] Intercourse. By Peter Auber. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Davis. — The Chinese ; a General Description of the Empire of [3373] China and its Inhabitants. By [Sir] John Francis Davis. 2 Vols. 12mo. Lond. 1836. Belcher (Sir E.) Naval Operations in China (1841-42)— §11. Voyages [2466]. Fortune. — The Northern Provinces of China : Three Years' [3377] Wanderings. By Robert Fortune. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Fortune. — The Tea Countries of China ; Two Visits to. [3378] By Robert Fortune. 2 Vols. 12mo. Lond. 1853. Fortune.— A Residence among the Chinese : Scenes and [3379] Adventures during a Third Visit to China, 1853-56. By Robert Fortune. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Hue— The Chinese Empire, Tartary, and Thibet. By [3382] the Abbe Hue. 5 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1855-58. Elgin (Envoy to China, 1856-58) Letters and Journals— §14 [2861]. Oliphant. — Lord Elgin's Mission to China and Japan [3384] (1857-59). By L. Oliphant. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1860. FoETUNE (Robert) Yedo and Peking— [3438]. Doolittle. — Social Life of the Chinese ; their Religions, [3386] Customs, and Opinions. By Rev. Justus Doolittle. 2 Vols. 12mo. New York, 1867. CoUingwood. — Rambles of a Naturalist in China Seas. [3387] By Cuthbert CoUingwood. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Thomson — Illustrations of China and its People : Two [3389] Hundred Permanent Photographs with Letterpress. By J. Thomson. 4 Vols. Folio. Lond. 1874. Margary. — ^Journey from Shanghae to Bhamo, &c. By [3391] A. R. Margary. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Dennys.— The Folklore of China, and its Affinities with that [3392] of the Aryan and Semitic Races. By N. B. Dennys. 4to. Hongkong, 1876. Douglas ("W. K.) China; its Geography, Provinces, History, Language, Litera- ture, Government, &c. (1876)— Ency. Brit. v. 626-672 [2265]. Gray. — China ; History, Laws, Idanners, and Customs of the [3393] People. By Rev. J. H. Gray. 2 Vols. 8vo. 1878. HiNGSTON (James) The Australian Abroad in Japan, China, &c. [2870]. Gill. — The River of Golden Sand: Narrative of a Journey [3395] through China and Eastern Tibet to Burma. By Cap*. W. Gill, R.E. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1880. [3396] Anoth er Edition : Condensed by E. Colbome Baber, and edited, with a Memoir, by Col. Yule. 12mo. Lond. 1883. Thomas (Julian) Visit to China (1881)— § 14 [2873]. Hong Kong (1886)— § 6. Her Majesty's Colonies, pp. 483-605 [1599]. CHINA. 153 CoLQTrHOUN (A. R.) Explorations in South China Border Lands [3470, 73]. Balfoue (Surg. -Gen.) China, &c. — Cyclopaedia of India and Eastern Asia [3597]. £eane and Temple, The Chinese Empire ; its Extent, Physical and Natural Features, Climate, Flora and Fauna, Inhabitants, Topography, Highways, Administration and Statistics— § 3. Stanford's Asia [1251]. [3405] Pamphlets :— No Opium 1 or Commerce and Christianity in China. Lond. 1835. Chinese Security Merchants in Canton and their Debts. Lond. 1838. Ouchterlony (Lt.) Sketch of the Island of Chusan. Lond. 1841. Piracy in the Chinese Seas. (From The Friend of China.) 1850. Colquhoun (A. E.) The Opening of China : Letters from The Times. Lond. 1884. Gutzlaff (Rev. Chas. ) Journey, China to Mantchou, Siam, 1832— J.E.G.S.iii. 1833. Swinhoe (R.) Trip to Kalgan— P.R.G.S. xiv. 83. 1844. Johnston (A. R.) Island of Hong Kong— J.R.G.S. xiv. 112. 1844. Huttman (W.) Chinese and European Maps of China — J. R.G.S. xiv. 117. 1844. Collinson (Adm.) On the Yang-Tsze-Kiang— J.R.G S. xvii. 130. 1847. Gutzlaff (Dr.) Frontiers of China, towards Birmah— J.R.G.S. xix. 85. 1849. Davis (Sir John) Chusan, with map — J.R.G.S. xxiii. 242. 1853. Parkes (Sir H.) Russian Caravan trade with China — J.R,.G.S. xxiv. 306. 1854. Davis (Sir John) East Coast of China, Canton, &c.— P.R.G.S. i. 330. 1857. Lockhart (W.) Yangtsze-Kiang and Hwang-Ho— J.R.G.S. xxviii. 288. 1858. Osbom (Sherard) Peoheli Gulf and the Peiho— P.R.G.S. iii. 55. 1859. Oliphant (L, ) The R. Yangtsze-Kiang, with chart— J.R.G.S. xxx. 75. 1850-60. Blackney (W.) Ascent of the Yangtse-Kiang— J.R.G.S. xxx. 93. 1860. Sarel (Col.) Yang-Tsze-Kiang, Hankow to Pingshan— J.R.G.S. xxxii. 1. 1862. Barton (Dr. A.) Notes on the Yang-Tsze-Kiang— J.R.G.S. xxxii. 26. 1862. O'Riley (E.) Journey to the Shan States— J.R.G.S. xxxii. 164. 1862. Oliver (Lieut.) Boat Journey West of Canton— P.R.G.S. vi. 85. 1862. Michie (A.) Journey, Tientsin to Moukden, Manchuria — J.R.G.S. xxxiii. 153. Grant (C. M.) Journey, Pekin to St. Petersburg— J.R.G.S. xxxiiL 167. 1863. Lockhart (W.) Notes on Peking and Neighbourhood — J.R.G.S. xxxvi. 128. Lamprey (Jones) Journey N.-W, of Peking— J.R.G.S. xxxvii. 239. 1867. Bickmore (A. S.) Journey, Canton to Hankow — J.R.G.S. xxxviii. 50. 1868. Gardner (C. J.) Journey, Ningpo to Shanghi— P.R.G.S. xiii. 170. 1869. Elias (Ney) Journey to New Course of Yellow River, 1868— J.R.G.S. xli. 1. 1870. Markham (J.) Journey through Shantung— J.R.G.S. xl. 207. 1870. Swinhoe (R.) Mission up the Yang-Tsze-Kiang— J.R.G.S. xl. 268. 1870. "Whyte (W. A.) Route from Tientsin to Kiachta— P.R.G.S. xiv. 243. 1870. Cooper (T. T.) Western China and Eastern Tibet— P.R.G.S. xiv. 336. 1870. Lindley (A. F.) A Cruise to Soo-choo— Cassell, II. [2252]. 1870. Cooper (T. T.) On Yunnan— P.R.G.S. xv. 163. 1871. Sladen (Major) Exploration to S.-W. China— J.R.G.S. xli. 257. 1871. Thomson (J.) Sketches of Travel, Hong Kong to Peking — Cassell, V. 1873. Bushell (S. W.) Journey outside Great Wall of China— J.R.G.S. xliv. 73. 1874. Oxenham (E. L.) Inundations of the Yang-Tsze-Kiang— J.R.G.S. xiv. 170. 1875, Douglas (R. K.) The City of Canton ; its Trade, &c.— Enct. Brit. v. 37. 1876. EUas (Ney) Visit to VaUey of Shueli, W. Yunnan— P.R.G.S. xx. 234. 1876. Margary (A. R.) Journey, Hankow to Ta-li-Fu— J.R.G.S. xlvi. 172. 1876. Elias (Ney) Yalley of the Shueli, W. Yunnan— J.R.G.S. xlvi. 198. 1876. Smith (F. P.) Chinese Geographical Names— P.R.G.S. xxi. 580. 1877. Sosnoffsky's (Col.) Expedition to China, 1874-75— J.R.G.S. xlvii. 150. 1877. GOl (Capt. ) Western China and Borders of Tibet— J.R.G.S. xlviii. 57. 1878. Baber (E. C.) Determination of Positions in China— J.R.G.S. xlix. 431. 1879. McCarthy (J.) Across China, Chin Kiang to Bhamo— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) i. 489. Morrison (G. J.) Journeys in the Interior of China — P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iL 145. Creagh (E. F.) Journey from Amoy to Hankow, 1879— J.R.G.S. L 275. 1880. Macdonald (A.) Hong Kong and its Trade — Enct. Brit. xii. 141. 1881. Colquhoim, Exploration through S. China Borderlands — P.R.G.S. (N.S.)iv. 713. Bourne (F. S. A.) The Imperial Mansolea, East of Peking— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) v. 2S. Baber (E. Colbome) China, Physical and Social— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) v. 441. 1883. ~^ 154 CATALOGUE. Douglas (R. K.) City of Nanking— Enct. Brit. xvii. 171. 1884. Douglas (E. K.) Peking and its History— Enoy. Brit, xviii. 469. 1885. Baber, Travels and Researches in Western China— R.G.S. Supp. P. i. 1886. Yule (Col.) Matteo Ricci, Missionary to China— Ency. Brit. xx. 536. 1886. Hosie, JourneytoS.W. China to W. Yunnan— P. E.G. S. (N.S.) viii.371. 1886. §34.— COREA AND LOO-CHOO ISLANDS. Mendez Pinto. — Account of Loo-choo Islands — Purchas, III. 252 [2074]. The Jesuit Missionaries in Loochoo— Lettres finiFlANTES [2098]. Kao (Dionysius) Description of Corea, China, &c.— Harris, II. 975 [2095]. Description of the Country and Inhabitants of Corea — ibid. p. 1000. Hamel's Account of the Shipwreck of a Dutch Vessel on the Isle of Quelpaert, with a Description of Corea (1653-66)— Churchill, IV. 573 [2084] ; BURNEY, III. 199 [2103]. Hall. — Voyage of Discovery to Corea and Loo-Choo. By [3414] Capt. Basil Hall. Plates and Charts. 4to. Lond. 1818. M'Leod. — Voyage of the " Alceste," to Corea and Lewchew. [3415] By John M'Leod. 8vo. Lond. 1818. Young (Capt. A.) On the Corea— P.R.G.S. ix. 296. 1865. Webster (H. A.) Corea; its Physical Features, Political Divisions, Towns, Climate, Agriculture, &c. (1877)— Ency. Brit. vi. 390. Oppert. — A Forbidden Land : Voyages to the Corea. By [3418] Ernest Oppert. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Ross. — History of the Corea, with Descriptions of Manners [3419] and Customs. By Rev. J. Ross. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Griffis. — Corea, the Hermit Nation ; a History by William Elliot [3420] Griffis. 8vo. Lond. [New York] 1882. Hall (J. C.) Visit to Corea, 1882— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) v. 274. 1883. Carles {W. R.) Recent Journeys in Corea— P. E.G. S. (N.S.) viii. 289. 1886. § 35.— FORMOSA. Early European Intercourse and Settlements in Formosa — Bprney, III. [2103]. Prise de I'lsle Formosa par les Chinois le 5 Juillet, 1661— Thevenot [2077]. Kao (a Chinese) Description of Formosa— Harris, II. 975 [2095]. Candidus (George) Account of the Lsland Formosa— Churchill, I. 472 [2081]. Description of Formosa (in Dutch)— Valentyn [2080]. Psalmanazar. — Description of Formosa. By G. P.salmnnazar, [3425] a (pretended) Native of the Island. 12mo. Lond. 1705. [3426] Enquiry into the Objections against George Psalmanaazaar of Formosa. To which is added : Psalmauaazaar's Answer to M. D'Anialoy of Sluice. 12mo. Lond. [1708]. [3427] Memoir of George Psalmanazar. 8vo. Lond. 1766. Gordon (Lieut.) Coal in the Island Formosa— J. R. G. S. xix. 22. 1849. Swinhoe (R.) Notes on Formo.sa— J. R. G. S. xxxiv. 6. 1864. Kopsch (G. H.) Rivei-s in Northern Fonnosa- P. E. G. S. xiv. 79. 1870. The Island of Formosa— Cassell, IL [2252]. _ ■ 1870. Thomson (J.) Journey in Southern Formosa— .T. E. G. S. xliii. 97. 1873. Comer (A.) Trip into Interior of Formosa— P. R.G.S. xix. 515. 1875. Allen (H. J.) Journey through Formosa— P. R.G.S. xxi. 258. 1877. Bullock (T. L.) Trip into Interior of Formosa— P. E.G.S. xxi. 266. 1877. The Island of Formosa— Ency. Brit. ix. 415. 1879. Bea2eley (M.) Journey through S. Fonnosa, 1875— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 1. 1885. § 36.— JAPAN. Description of Chipangu (13th Cent. )— Yitle's ^arco Polo, II. 235 [2806]. Discovery of Japan (1542)— Btjeney, I. 225 [2101] ; Hakluyt Soo. VIII. [2120]. Gualteri. — Relation! della venuta degli Ambasciatori Giaponesi [3435] k Roma sino alia partita di Lisbona. Con le Accoglienze fatte loro da tutti i Principi Christiani per dove sono passatL Eaccolte da Gualteri. 12mo. Eome, 1586. Koempfer, &c., Japan in the 16th and 17th Cent— Hakltjtt Soc. VIII. [2120]. Adams (William) Adventures in Japan, 1609-20— iii^. ; Harris, I. 856 [2094]. Saris (John) English Factorv Settled in Japan — Purohas, I. ii. 334 [2072]. Cocks (R.) English Factor'in Japan, 1615-22— Pcechas, I. ii. 395 [2072] ; II. 1695 [2073] ; Haklcyt Soc. [2180]. Hatch (Arthur) Letter from Japan, 1623— PuRCHAS, II. 1696 [2073]. Trigautius, State of Christianity in Japan, 1618— Purchas, II. 1693 [2073]. Commerce de Hollandois du Japon — Thevenot, I. No. 23 [2077]. Caron (Fran9oi.s) Relation du Japon — ibid. No. 30. Gysbertz (Keys) Relation des Martyrs du Japon — ibid. No. 31. Decouverte de la Terre d' Jeso, avec carte — ibid. No. 32. De 1' Royaume du Japon— Thevenot, II. No. 36 [2078]. Remarks on the Empire of Japan, from the Dutch — Churchill, I. 480 [2081]. Kao (Diouysius) Description of Japan, China, &c. — Harris, II. 975 [2095]. 01iphant(L.) Lord Elgin's Mission to Japan, &c. 1859— China [3384]. Account of Japan (in Dutch) — Valentyn, V. [2079]. Thunberg (K. P.) Travels in Japan, 1775— Murray, Asia, IV. 386 [1344]. Golowin's Captivity in Japan (1811-13), with Observations on [3437] the Country and People. 3 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1824. Fortune. — Yedo and Peking ; Journey to the Capitals of Japan [3438] and China. By Robt. Fortune. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Alcock. — The Capital of the Tycoon : a Narrative of Three [3440] Years' Residence in Japan. By Sir Rutherford Alcock. Maps and Illustrations. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Lindau — Un Voyage du Japon. Par Rodolphe Lindau. [3441] 12mo. Paris, 1864. Silver. — Sketches of Japanese Manners and Customs. By [3442] J. M. W. Silver. Illustrated by Native Drawings, repro- duced in Chromolithography. 4to. Lond. 1867. De Beauvoir (Marquis) Visit to Yeddo — § 11. Voyages [2508]. Mossman. — New Japan ; the Land of the Rising Sun during [3444] the last Twenty Years. By Samuel Mossman. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Griffis.— The Mikado's Empire. A History of Japan, with [3445] Personal Experiences, Observations, &c. By W. E. Griffis. 8vo. New York, 1876. HiNGSTON (James) Travels in Japan, 1876 — The Australian Abroad [2870]. Mounsey. — The Satsuma Rebellion : an Episode of Japanese [3446] History. By A. H. Mounsey. 12mo. Lond. 1879. Reed. — ^Japan ; its History, Traditions, and Religion. "With the [3447] Narrative of a Visit in 1879. By Sir E. J. Reed. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1880. Bird. — Unbeaten Tracks in Japan : Travels in the Interior. [3448] By Isabella L. Bird [Mrs. Bishop]. 2 Vols. 12mo. 1880, 156 CATALOGUE. Black. — Young Japan, Yokohama, and Yedo. [3450] By John R. Black. 2 Vols. 8vo. Yokohama, 1881. Keane and Temple, Japan : Physical Geography, Natural History, Topography, Inhabitants, and Statistics— § 3. Stanfoud's Asia [1251]. Mathison (Comm.) Visit of the " Mariner" to Oragawa, Yeddo, 1849— P.E.G.S. XX. 136. 1850. Alcock(SirR.) Joumeyin the Interior of Japan,1860—J.R.G.S.xxxL 321. 1861. Hodgson (P.) Island of Yesso— P. R. G. S. v. 113. 1861. Alcock (Sir R.) Ascent of Fuji-Yama— P.R.G.S. v. 132. 1861. Alcook, Journey from Nagasaki to Yeddo, 1861.— P.R.G.S. vi. 196. 1862. Oliphant (L.) Island of Tsusima near Japan— P.R.G.S. vii. 61. 1863. Forbes (Comm.) Volcano Bay, Tesso— J.R.G.S. xxxvi. 173. 1866. Humbert (Aime) A European Sojourn in Japan — Cassell, I. [2251]. 1869. Adams (F. 0.) Reports on the Silk Districts of Japan— J.R.G.S. xl. 339. 1870. Blakiston (T.) A Journey in Yesso— J.R.G.S. xlii. 77 ; P.R.G.S. xvi. 188.1872. St. John (Comm.) E. N.-E., and W. Coasts of Yesso— J.R.G.S. xlii. 343. 1872. Troup (J.) Tour through Provinces of Echigo, 1871— J.R.G.S. xlii. 425. 1872. Gubbins (J. H.) Ascent of Fuji-Yama— P.R.G.S. xvii. 78. 1873. Summers (Rev. J.) Japan and the Japanese — Cassell, V. [2255]. 1873. Lawrence (C. W.) Journey from Ki8to to Yeddo— J.R.G.S. xliii. 54. 1873. Watson (R. G.) Journey in Yezo, 1873— J.R.G.S. xliv. 132. 1874. Travels in the Interior of Japan, by " Moonta " — Cassell, VI. 1874. Jeffreys (A. J.) Ascent of Fuji-Yama- P.R.G.S. xix. 169. 1875. McClatchie (T. R. H.) Japan— Ency. Beit. xiii. 569. 1881. Alcock (Sir R.) Japanese Art— Ency. Beit. xiii. 588. 1881. §37.— INDOCHINA, TONQUIN,' SIAM, ANNAM, CAMBODIA, MALAYA, AND STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. Ophir and Chryse, India beyond the Ganges, &c., Navy sent to Ophir by Solomon from Eziongeber ; Voyages by the Romans to the Ports whence Spices, &c., were brought— PuKCHAS, I. Pt. 1 [2071]. Marco Polo, Voyage from China, with accounts of Pegu, Siam, &c.- — [2806]. Varthema, Travels to India, Indo-China, &e. (1503-8)- Hakluyt See. [2144]. Voyages to Malacca, by the Portuguese, 16th cent. — Bakros [1323] ; Dalbit- querque's Commentaries [2165]. Mendez Pinto (Fernan) Shipwreck, Coast of Tonquin, &c. — Purchas, III. 252. Cesar Frederick, Voyage to East Indies (1563-81) — Ramusio I. [2027] ; Hakldyt, II. 213 [2062] ; Ptjrchas, II. 1702 [2073]. Balbi (Gasparo) Voyage to Pegu, and observations there (1579-83) — PuHCHAS, II. 1722 [-2073]. Fitch (Ralph) Travels to Ormus, Bengal, Siam, Malacca, and all the Coast of the East Indies (1583-91)— Hakluyt, II. 250 [2062] ; Purchas, II. 1730. Lancaster (Sir J.) Voyage to . . . Malacca, &c.— Hakluyt, II. pt. ii. 102 [2063]. Morga (Antonia de) Siam, Cambodia (1609) — Hakluyt Soc. xxxix [2151]. Cubero (Pedro) Voy.age from Goa to Malacca, &c. — Mureat, Jsia, I. 334 [1344], Floris (P. Williamson) Voyage to Paleacatte, Petapoli, Masulipatan, Bantam, Patania, and Siam ; Occurrences in Pegu, Siam, Joor, Patane, and adjacent Kingdoms (1610-15)— Puechas, I. Pt. 2, 319 [2072] ; Thevenot, I. No. 17. Schouten (W.) Relation de Royaumo de Siam (1636)— Thevenot, I. No. 18. Borri (Chris.) Account of Cochin-China and its People, the Introduction of Christianity, &o. (1620)— Chueohill, II. 721-765 [2082] ; Murray, Asia, III. 241 [1344]. Chaumont (Chev. de) French Embassy to Siam (1586)— Murray, Asia, III. 231-241 [1344]. Navarette (D. F.) Account of Malacca (1670)— Churchill, I. [2081]. INDO-CHINA, TONQUIN, SIA.M, ETC. 157 Nieuhoff (John) Account of Malacca, Coylon, India, &c. — Churchu.l, II. 1. Baron (Samuel) Description of the Kingdom of Tonijueen (1685) : with Plates from Drawings by a Tonquineso— Churchill, VI. 1-40 [2086]. Sa (Pedro de) A Deicription of Siam. From the Portuguese (MS.) of Pedro da Sa — Harleian Coll. II. 92 [2088]. Relation of the Revolution in Siam ; Account of the Expulsion of the Jesuit3> &c., out of that Kingdom (1688-89)— iMd p. 95. Albuquerque (Antonio) Voyage from Madras to Malacca, &c. (1718) — Murbati Asia, I. 299 [13i4]. Kao (Chinese) Description of Tonkin, Laos, &c. — Harris, II. 975 [2095]. Account of Pegu, Malacca, Cambodia, Siam, and Tonquin — Valentyn [2079]. Symes (Major) Embassy to Kingdom of Ava (1795) — Murray, Asia, III. 215-31. White. — A Voyage to Cochin-China, Philippine Islands, &c. [3460] (1819-20). By Lieut. John White. 8vo. Lond. 1824. Alexander. — Travels in Ava, Persia, and Turkey. By [Sir] J. E. [3461] Alexander. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Martin (R. M.) Penang, Malacca, Singapore, &c. — Brit. Col. Lib. x. [1349] ; also [1347] and [1348]. Earl (G. W.)^Account of Singapore — §64. Earl's Eastern Seas [4439]. Crawfurd (John) Singapore and the Straits Settlements — § 64 [4450]. Richardson (G. C.) Sugar Cultivation, Malacca. [3463] (Pamphlet.) 8vo. Lond. 1849. Bowring. — The Kingdom and People of Siam, with Nar- [3465] rative of the Mission in 1855. By Sir John Bowring. With plates, coloured. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1857. Mouhot. — Travels in Indo-China, Siam, Cambodia, and Laos. [3466] By Henri Mouhot. 2 Vols. Svo. Lond. 1864. De Beauvoir (Marquis) Visit to Siam — § 11. Voyages [2508]. Vincent. — The Land of the White Elephant : Travels in [3467] Burma, Siam, Cambodia, and Cochin China, 1871-72. By Frank Vincent, Jun. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Thomson. — The Straits of Malacca, Indo-China, &c. Ten [3468] Years' Travels, Adventures, and Residence Abroad. By J. Thomson. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Bishop. — The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither. By [3469] Isabella L. Bird [Mrs. Bishop]. 8va Lond. 1883. Colquhoun. — Across Chryse ; Explorations in South China [3470] Border Lands, Canton to Mandalay. By Arch. R. Colquhoun. 2 vols. Svo. Lond. 1883. Bock. — Temples and Elephants : Journey through Upper [3471] Siam and Laos. By Carl Bock. Svo. Lond. 1884. Colquhoun. — ^The Truth about Tonquin [French Policy, &c.]. [3472] By A. R. Colquhoun. 12mo. Lond. 1884. Colquhoun. — Amongst the Shans. With Illustrations and [3473] an Historical Sketch by Holt S. Hallett ; and an Essay on the Cradle of the Shan Race by Terrien de Lacouparie. Svo. Lond. 1885. Keane and Temple, Indo-China and JIalacca ; Geography, Natural History, Climate, Inhabitants, Topography, Administration and Statistics — §3. Stan- ford's Asia [1251]. 160 CATALOGUE. Nunez (Alvaro, called Capo di Vacca) Relation concerning that which happened to the Fleet in India, 1527-36— Purchas, IV. 1499. Menezes (Duarte de) Laws, Customs, Revenues of Portuguese India — Pukchas, II. 1506. C«8AR DE Fedeeici, Viaggio nell' India Oriontale, 1563-81. — Ramusio III. [2029] ; Extracts of his eighteen yeeres Indian observations — Hakluyt, II. 213 [2062] ; PuRCHAS, II. 1702 [2073]. Missionary Friars' Visits to the Great Mogul, Delhi,'1568-91 — Muebay, AHa, vol. II. ch. iii. pp. 72-119. Stevens (T.) Voyage Round the Cape of Good Hope to Goa, 1579 — Hakluyt, II. ii. 99 [8068]. FlTcn (Ralph) Travels overland to Ormus, thence to Goa, Carabay, the R. Ganges, Bengal, Pegu, Siam, &c. (1583-91)— Hakluyt, II. 250 [2062] ; Purchas, II. 1730 [2073]. Linsohoten (John Huighen van) Voyage to Goa and observations of the East Indies, 1583— Purchas, II. 1750 [2073] ; Hakluyt Soc. [2182]. Pimenta (Nicholas) Indian Observations, written from divers Indian Regions, principally relating the Countries and accidents of the Coast of Coromandel, and Pegu, 1567-99— Puechas, II. 1744 [2073]. Lancaster (Sir James) Memorable Voyage about the Cape of Buona Esperanza, along the East Coast of Africa, beyond Cape Comori, as far as Malacca, and thence home again, begun 1591 — Hakluyt, II. ii. 102 [2063]. First English Voyages to the East Indies, before the establishment of the East Indian Company— Purchas, I. Pt. 2, 109 [2072]. Wood (Benj.) Voyage into the East Indies, 1596-1601— iJic?. p. 110. Mildenhall (John) Travels in Persia, and the Mogul Countries, 1599-1606 — ibid. p. 114. A Privilege for fifteen years granted by Her Majesty to certain Adventurers, for the Discovery of the Trade for the East Indies, Dec. 30, 1600 — ibid. p. 139. Voyages and Proceedings of the E. I. Company during the 17th Cent. — ibid. Pyrard de Laval, Voyage to E. Indies, and Shipwreck, 1601-11 — Purchas, II. 1646 [2073] ; Harris, I. 701 [2094]. Corverte (Capt. Robt.) Report of an Englishman, that (being cast away in Cambaya, the farthest part of the East Indies) travelled through many unknown Kingdoms and Great Cities ; to which is prefixed an Account of India Proper, 1608-11— Haeleian, II. 239-265 [2088]. Peyton (Capt. "Walter) Ports, Cities, and Towns Traded to by the Portuguese between the Cape of Good Hope and Japan — Purchas, I. ii. 535 [2072]. Roe (Sir Thomas) Journal of his Voyage to the East Indies and Residence at the Court of the Great Mogul (1614-17)— Churchill, I. 687-737 [2081]; Puechas, I. ii. 535 [2072] ; Thevenot, I. No. 10 [2077]. Hawkins (Wm. ) Residence at the Court of the Great Mogul, 1608-11 — Hakluyt Soc. [2170] ; Thevenot, I. No. 9 [2077]. Maurique (Friar Sebastian) Mission to Bengal, Arracan, Lahore, Mooltan, &c. (1612)— Murray, Asia, II. [1344]. Mildenhall, Hawkins, and Roe's Embassies to the Great Mogul, 1596-1612 — Murray, Asia, II. ch. iv. [1344]. Lord (Henry) Account of the Parsocs and Banians and their Religions (1616) — Purchas, I. iL 206 [2072] ; Chuechill, VI. 299-342 [2086]. Withington (N.) Travels and Adventures in the Mogul's Country — Puechas, vol. I. pt. ii. 482 [2072]. Bontekoue — Voyages aux Indes Orientales (1618), traduits de I'Hollandois — Thevenot, I. No. 19 [2077]. Valle (Pietro della) Travels into East India and Arabia [3511] Deserta, 1627. With a Kelation of Sir Thomas Roe's Voyages to the East Indies. By G. Havers. Folio. 1665. See also Thevknot, I. No. 5 [2077]. ESTDIA. 161 Coryat (Thomas) Letter from Jerusalem to the Court of the Great Mogul, 1615-16, with observations — Purchas, I. pt.,2, 592 [2072]. Terry. — A Voyage to East India with Account of the Empire [3512] of the Great Mogul. By Edward Terry, Minister. " In Europe, Africk, Asia, have I gomio ; One jouniey more, and then my travel's donne." 12mo. Lond. 1655. See also Thevenot, I. No. 11 [2077] ; Purchas, ii. 1464 [2073]. Beaulieu (Coram. Augustin de) Expedition to the East Indies (1619-22) ; con- taining Descriptions of the Sea-Coasts and Commerce ; Observations on the People, and the means of establishing Colonies among them — Harris, I. 717 [2094] ; Thevenot, 1. Ko. 28 [2077]. Bruton (W.) News from the East Indies ; Voyage to Bengal (1632-38) ; with the State and Magnificence of the Court of Malcandy, their Religion, Sacrifices, and Customs— Supplement to Hakluyt [2070] ; Harleian, II. 267 [279] [2088] ; Murray, Asia, II. 159 [1344]. Mandelsloe (John Albert de) Travels through India (1638-39) ; with Remarks upon several Nations, and on the Commerce of the Portuguese, English, and Dutch— Harris, I. 749 [2094] ; Murray, Asia, II. 172 [1344]. Baldseus (Philip) Description of the Coasts of Malabar, Coromandel, Ceylon, &c., with the Conquests of the Dutch (1649)— Churchill, III. 501-822 [2083]. Graaf (Nicholas) Visit to Patna (1669)— Murray, Asia, II. 168 [1344]. NieuhofT (John) Voyages and Travels into Brazil and the East Indies (1640-71) ; with Descriptions of the Countries, the People, and Products — Churchill, II. 1. [2082]. Bemier (F. ) Travels from Surat to Delhi, Cashmere. &c., with History of the Revolution of the Empire of the Great Mogul, letter to Colbert, touching the extent of Indostan, &c. (1655— 1665)— Harleian, II. 101—245. [2088]. Bernier's Travels in the Mogul Empire. 1654-66. [3513] Translated by Irving Brock. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1826. Thevenot (John) Travels. Part III. Indostan, the New Mogul, and of other . People and Countries of the East Indies (1665-67)— § 14 [2822]. Tavernier (J. B.) Account of the Commodities, Manufactures, and Produce of the Several Countries of the East Indies ; the great Cities and chief Marts, with Remarks and Observations in his Travels — Harris, I. 810 [2094]. Fryer (John) Travels in the East Indies (1672-81)— [3702]. Duquesne. — Voyage to the East Indies, 1690-91, with [3514] Descriptions of the Maldive, Cocos, Andaman, and Ascension Islands, of the French Forts and Garrisons, and of the Manners and Customs of the Indians. By Monsieur Duquesne. Also, Voyages of the Sieur le Maire to the Canary Islands, ws. By Fred. W. Madden. With [3803] 279 Wood-cuts and Plate. 4to. Lond. 1881. 182 CATALOGUE. Green. — The Hebrew Migration from Egypt : Historical [3805] Account of the Exodus. By J. Baker Green. 8vo. Lend. 1883. H IN'GSTOX (James) Visit to Palestine and Syria— The Australiajt Abroad [2870]. Wright.— The Empire of the Hittites. By William Wright, [3806] B.A., D.D. Crown 8vo. Lond. 1885. Hull. — Survey of Western Palestine : Physical Geology and [3807] Geography of Arabia Petraia, Palestine, and Adjoining Districts ; with Special Reference to the Jordan-Araba Depres- sion and the Dead Sea. By Edward Hull. 4to. Lond. 1886. Photographs of Jerusalem, &c., including Ruins of the Ancient [3808] City, the Church of the Holy ^•^pulchre. Mosque of Omar, &c. Collected by the late James Fergusson. Beiton (Count) On Site of Ancient T3're— J. R. G. S. ix. 286. 1839. Gesenius (Prof.) Himvaritic Alphabet and Inscriptions — J.R.G.S. xi. 118. 1841. Eoute from Mount Sinai to Akabah— J.R.G.S. xii. 75. 1842. Barker (W. B. ) Journey to the Sources of the Orontes— J. R. G. S. vii. 95. 1837. On the Dead Sea and Part of Syria— J.R.G.S. vii. 456. 1837. Berton (Count) Journey, Jerusalem to 'Akabah, 1838.— J.R.G.S. ix. 277. 1839. Robinson (Dr. E.) Travels in Palestine, &c., 1838— J.R.G.S. ix. 295. 1839. Syria ; Commerce and Resources — Martin's Col. Mao. iii. 336, 427. 1840. St Jean d'Acre — Martin's Col Mao. iv. 87. 1841. Newbold (Capt.) On the site of Ashtaroth— J.R.G.S. xvi. 331. 1846. Robinson, Dead Sea and Jordan Valley Depression — J.R.G.S. xviii. 77. 1848. Petei-mann (A.) On the F.ill of the Jordan, &c.— J.R.G.S. xviii. 89. 1848. Molyneux (Lieut. ) Exped. to the Jordan and Dead Sea — J. R.G.S. xviii. 104. 1848. Wildenbruch (Col.) Physical Geography of Palestine— J. R. G. S. xx. 227. 1850. Petormann (A.) Note on Pale.stine— J.R.G.S. xx. 232. 1850. Allen (Capt. W.) Island of Ruad, North Syria— J.R.G.S. xxiii. 154. 1853. Allen, Drainage of the Basin of the Dead Sea— J.R.G.S. xxiii. 163. 1853. Robinson (E.) and Smith (E.) Journey in Palestine, 1852— J.R.G.S. xxiv. 1854. Wallin (Geo. A.) From Caii» to Jerusalem— J. R. G. S. xxv. 260. 1855. Porter's Map of Lebanon, Memoir on, &c. — J.R.G.S. xxvi. 43. 1856. Poole (H.) Journey in Palestine— J.R.G.S. xxvi. 55 ; P. R.G.S. i. 221. 1856. Graham (Cyril) Exploration in the Desert of Bashan — J.R.G.S. xxviii. 226. 1858. "Wortabet (John) Syria and Northern Palestine— J. R. G. S. xxxii. 100. 1862. Eaton (F. A.) On Hauran— P.R.G.S. viii. 29. 1864. James (Sir H.) Levelling, Mediterranean to Dead Sea— J.R.G.S. xxxvi. 201. 1866. Holland (F. W.) Sinai Peninsula— J.R.G.S. xxxviii. 237 ; xxxix. 342. 1866-69. Freshfield (Douglas) Giant Cities of Bashan— Cassell III. [2253]. 1871. Burton (Capt.) Volcanic Region East of Lebanon, &c.— J.R.G.S. xlii. 49. 1872. Burton, Roconnaissance of Anti-Libanus — J.R.G.S. xlii. 408. 1872. Wilson (C. W.) Surveys in Sinai and Palestine— J.R.G.S. xliii. 206. 1873. Wilson, Palestine. Recent Surveys— P. R.G.S. xvii. 326. 1873. Mun-ay (A. S.) Antioch— E.scy. Brit. ii. 1875. Porter (Prof. J. L.) Damascus and its History— Enct. Brit. vi. 790. 1877. Porter, The Dead Sea — Ency. Brit. vii. 1877. Webster (H. A.) The Druses— Ency. Beit. vii. 483. 1877. Conder (Lieut.) Galilee— Ency. Brit. x. 27. 1879. Burton (Capt.) Memoir on Map of Midian — J.R.G.S. xHx. i. 1879. Conder, Jeru.salem ; Topography and Excavations — Ency. Brit. xiii. 636. 1881. Smith (W. Robertson) Modern Jerusalem— Ency. Brit. xiii. 642. 1881. Socin (Prof. A.) Lebanon ; Geology, Vegetation, Political Divisions, and Popula- tion— E. B. xiv. 392. 1882. AVellhnusen (Prof. J.) Moab and the Moabites— Ency. Brit. xvi. 533. 1883. Socin (Prof. Albrecht) Palestine— Ency. Brit, xviii. 170. 1885. Smith (\V. Robertson) Petra— Encv. Brit, xviii. 1885. Post (G. E.) Mountain Chains of Cassius and Amanus — P.R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 94. 1886. CATALOGUE. 183 §49,_ARABIA AND THE RED SEA. Of Ezion Geber, Eloth, and the Red Sea ; that of Edom it received that name, and communicated it to the Indian Ocean, by the Phceniciau Navigations frequent in those times to India— Purchas, I. pt. i. 21 [2071]. lambulus, Navigation to Arabia, India, &c. — ibid. p. 79. Geography of Arabia, &c. 12th Cent.— Purchas, II. 1495 [2072]. Asganii Sassonii, De Imperio Oramiadanim, &c. Fragment Relating to the Dynasties of the Sassanians, Ommiades, Abassides — Thevenot, II. No. 59. Athelard of Bath.— Voyage to Egypt and Arabia (1130)— Hakluyt, II. 15. Ibn Batuta's Travels from Tangier to Mecca, &c. (1322-55)— Yule's Cathay. Vahthema — Travels to Arabia, Medina, Mecca, Ormu.s, &c. (1503) — [2144]. Valle (Pietro de la) Travels into India, Arabia Deserta, &c. — [3511]. Tunis (Prince of) Journey from Grand Cairo to Mecca— Ray, II. 156 [2080]. Of Mecca and Medina — ibid. p. 162. Sharpet and Rowles, Voyage to the Red Sea, 1609 — Purchas, I. ii. 228. Salbanke (Joseph) Travels through India, Persia, Arabia, &c. (1609) — ibid. 235. Middleton's Voyage to the Red Sea, Aden, Mokha, &c. 1610-12 — ibid. 247. DoUNTON (Nich. ) Voyage to Socotra, Aden, and Red Sea — ibid. 274. Saris (John) Voyage to E. Indies, lied Sea, &c. 1613 — ibid. 334. Heynes (Edw.) Voyage from Surat to Mocha, in the Red Sea, for settling an English Trade in those parts (1618)— Purchas, I. pt. ii. 622 [2072]. Pitts (Joseph) Pilgrimage to Mecca, 1680 — Appendix to Burton [3845]. Account of the King of Mocha, and his Country — Churchill, VI. 355 [2086]. D'Arvieux's Travels in Arabia the Desart, and Account of [3838] the Religion, Customs, Diversions, &c., of the Bedouins. With Abulfeda's Description of Arabia. 12mo. Lond. 1718. Niebuhr. — Travels through Arahia and other Countries in [3839] the East (1761-03). By Carstein Niebuhr. 2 Vols. 8vo. Edin. 1792. Irwin. — Voyage up the Red Sea, on Coasts of Arabia and [3840] Egypt; Travels through Desert of Thebes (1777) and of Arabia, &c. (1780-81). By Eyles Irwin. 8vo. Lond. 1789. Rooke. — Travels to the Coast of Arabia Felix, the Red Sea, [3841] and Egypt. By Major H. Rooke. 8vo. Lond. 1783. Seetzen (Dr.) Pilgrimage to Mecca, Medina, Sana, &c. 1806 — Murray, Asialll. 201 [1344]. Badhia (AH Bey) Travels in Morocco, Egypt, Arabia, and Journey to Mecca, &c. (1803-6)— t*!(i. p. 204. Finati (Giovanni) Pilgrimage to Mecca (1814) — Appendix to Burton [3845]. feurckhardt. — Travels in Nubia, Syria and Arabia, &c. By [3842] J. L. Burckhardt. 5 Vols. 4to. Lond. 1822-30. I.— Travels in Nubia. Second Edition. 1822. II.— Travels in Syria and the Holy Land. 1822. III.— Travels in Arabia. 1829. IV. — Notes on the Bedouins and Wahabys. 1830. v.— Arabic Proverbs. 1830. Foster. — Historical Geography of Arabia, with Translations [3844] of Hamyaritic Inscriptions. One Primeval Language traced through Ancient Inscriptions. By Rev. Charles Foster. 4 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1844-51. 184 CATALOGUE. Burton. — Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah. By [3845] Capt. Sir R. F. Burton. 3 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1855-57. Appendices — Pilgi'images of Vartema to Mecca and Medinah in 1503 ; of Pitts of Exeter, 1680 ; and of Finati, 1814. Palerave. — ^Journey through Central and Eastern Arabia, [3846] 1862-63. By W. G. Palgrave. •• 2 Vols. 8vo. 1865. Salil-Ibn-Razik. — History of the Imams and Seyyids of 'Omfm, a.d. 661 — 1856. Translated and Edited, with continuation of the History down to 1870, by Dr. ]5adgcr— Haki.uyt Soc. XLIV. [2157]. Burton. — The Gold Mines of Midian and Ruined Cities in [3847] North Western Arabia. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Burton. — The Land of Midian Revisited. By Capt. Burton. [3848J 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Hartwig (Dr.) The Bedouins of Arabia— § 7, Thopioal Woeld [1690]. Blunt. — The Bedouins of the Euphrates Valley. By Lady [3849] Anne Blunt. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Blunt. — A Pilgrimage to Nejd, the Cradle of the Arab Race. [3850] By Lady Anne Blunt. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Doughty.— Travels in Northern Arabia, 1876-77. By [3851] Charles M. Doughty. Vol. L 8vo. Cambridge, 1886. Badger. — An English-Arabic Lexicon. " By George Percy Badger, D.C.L. 4to. Lond. 1881. [3854] Bird (James) Remarks on Southern Arabia — J.R.G.S. iv. 192. 1834. Weixstkd (J. K.) Memoir on the Islaud of Soootra— J.R.G.S. v. 129. 1835. Wellsted, Notes on Brace's Chart of Coasts of Red Sea— J.R.G.S. v. 286. 1835. Lindley (J.) Collection of Plants from the Tehama— J.R.G.S. v. 296. 183.5. "Wellsted, Observations on the Coast of Arabia— J.R.G.S. vi. 51 ; vii. 20. 1836-37. "Wellsted, Journey into the Interior of Oman, 1835— J.R.G.S. vii. 102. 1837. Crattenden (Cha.s.) Journey from Mokha to Sana, 1836— J.R.G.S. viii. 267. 1838. Abbadie (A. T.) Notes on Names of Places in Red Sea— J.R.G.S. ix. 317. 1839. Haines (Capt) Entrance to the Red Sea— J.R.G.S. ix. 125 ; xr. 104. 1839-45. Hulton (Dr.) Curia Muria Isles, Coast of Arabia — J.R.G.S. xi. 156. 1841. Wrede (Baron Von) Excursion in Hadramaut — J.R.G.S. xiv. 107. 1844. Saunders, Arabian Coast, Ras Morbat to Ras Seger, &c. — J.R.G.S. xvi. 169. 1846. Carter (H. J.) The Ruins of El Balad— J.R.G.S. xvi. 187. 1846. Wallin (Dr. Geo. A.) Journey through Northern Arabia— J. E. G. S. xx. 293. 1850. Allen (W.) On the Watershed of Wad i-el-Araba— J.R.G.S. xxiii. 166. 1853. Wallin (Dr.) Joiiniey to Medina and Mecca, 1845— J.R.G.S. xxiv. 115. 1854. Burton (Capt. ) Journey to Medina and Mecca — J.R.G.S. xxiv. 208 ; xxv. 121. 1854. Buist (Dr.) Phy.'^ieal Geography of the Red Sea— J.R.G.S. xxiv. 227. 1854. Rawlinson (Sir H.) Notes on Chaab Arabs— J.R.G.S. xxvii. 185. 1858. Buist (Dr.) Curia Muria Isles— P.R.G.S. iv. 50. 1860. Palgiave (W. G.) Observations in Arabia (1862-63)— J.R.G.S. xxxiv. 111. 1864. Pelly, Visit to Wahabee Capital— J.R.G.S. xxxv. 169 ; P.R.G.S. ix. 293. 1865. Ward (James) The Red Sea Coast and Ports— Cassell II. [2252]. 1870. Munzinger and Miles (Capt. ) Journey into South Arabia — P.R.G.S. xv. 319. 1871. Maltzan (Baron Von) Geography of Southern Arabia — P.R.G.S. xvi. 115. 1872. Stevens (Capt. G. J.) Country around Aden— J. R. G. S. xliii. 295. 1^73. Millingen (C.) Journey in Yemen— J.KG.S. xliv. 118 ; P.R.G.S. xviii. 194. 1874. Palgrave (W. G.) Arabia ; General Features, Divisions, Geology, Pro4ucts, Climate, Animals, Agriculture, Arts, Trade, Inhabitants, Religion, Customs, Government, History, Antiquities, &c. — Ency. PjKIT. ii. 235-265. 1875. Blunt (W. S.) Visit to Jebel Shammar— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) ii. 81. 1880. Smith (W. Robertson) Mecca : Medina— Ency Brit. xv. 669, 817. 1883. Doughty(C. M.)Tr.avelsin N. W. Arabia and Nejd— P. R.G.S. (N.S.)vi. 382. 1884. Mill (H. R.) The Red Sea— Enoy. Bkit. xx. 316. 1886. ARABIA AND THE RED SEA. 185 Rawson, European Claims to Red Sea Coasts— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 93. 1885. Ardagh (Col.) The Red Sea Petroleum Deposits— iiirf. viii. 502. 1886. Keaiie and Temple, Arabia ; Geogniphy, Natural and Physical Divisions, Climate, Flora and Fauna, Inhabitants, Administration, Religiou, &c. — §3, Stanfoud's Asia [1251]. Aden, Perim, and Socotra — Her Majesty's Colonies, p. 559, §6 [1599]. Bonwick (James) French Port of Obock, Red Sea (1886)— [1601]. §50.— EGYPT AND NUBIA. Ancient Geography and History of Egypt — Herodotus [1120] ; Birch [1124]; BuNBURY [1125] ; Von Ranke [1127] ; Duncker [1128] ; Wilkinsok [3881] ; Bruosch [3903] ; Zincke [3897] ; Ency. Brit. vii. [2237] ; Wilson [3905] ; Perrot [3907] ; &c. Constantine the Great, Voyage to Egypt, &c. (a.d. 339)— Hakltjyt, II. ^2 [2062]. Pelagius Cambrensis, Voyage to Egypt (390) — Hakluyt, II. 4 [2062]. AthelarJ of Bath, Voyage to ^Egypt and Arabia (1130) — ibid. 15. Benjamin of Tudela, Travels to Egypt and the East (1159-73)— [2802]. Curson (Cardinal Robert) Voyage to Damiata (1218)— Hakluyt, II. 31 [2062]. William Long-espee, Voyage to ^^?gypt with King Lewis (1248) — ibid. 33. Ibn Batuta, Travels from Tangier to Egypt, &c. (1322-55)— Yule's Cathay I21i9]. Leo (John) Description of Numidia, Libya, Egypt — § 3 [1201]. Varthema, Travels to Egypt and the East (1503-8)— [2144]. Baumgarten's Travels through Egypt, &c. (1507)— Churchill, I. 381 [2081]. Castro (Don John) Voyage fromGoa to Suez (1540-41)— Purchas, II. 1122 [2073], Kieholay's Account of Egypt, Arabia, &c. (1551) — Harley, I. [2087]. Foxe (John) Voyage and worthy enterprize in delivering 266 Christians from tho Turks at Alexandria (1577)- Hakluyt, II. 131 [2062]. Evesham (John) Voyage to iEgypt {IfiSd)— ibid. 281. Aldersey (L.) Voyage to Alexandria and Cairo (1586) — ibid. 282. Sandys (George) Observations of Egypt and of Nilus, Journey to Cairo and Gaza (1610)— Pukchas, II. 896 [2073]. Of the Religions of Egypt, Barbary, Libya, &o.— Purchas, V. 619 [2076]. Of the Cophli, their Synod at Cairo, &c. — Pukchas, I. pt. 1, 151 [2071]. Blount's Travels to the Levant, Egypt, Cairo, &o. (1634-35)— [2819]. Greaves (John) Description of the Pyramids of Egypt (1638-39) — Thevenot, I. No. 1 [2077] ; Ray [2080] ; Churchill, II. 625 [2082]. Buratiui (Tito Livio) Description des Momies d'Egypte — Thevenot, I. [2077]. Belon (M.) Observations made in a Voyage to Egypt — Ray [2080]. Vansleb (Father) Of the Pyramids, Sphynx, Mummies, ko. — ibid. ^ Huntingdon (R.) Of the Porphyry Pillars in Egypt — ibid. Thevenot (John) Travels into the Levant, Egypt, &o. (1655-67)— [2822]. Voyage du Zaid ou Thebaide (1668), par Capucius Missionnaires, avec Itineraire de Montfalout an Caire— Thevenot, II. No. 46 [2078]. Irwin (Eyles) Travels tlirough the Desert of Thebes (1777)— § 49 [3840]. Browne. — Travels in Africa, Egypt, and Syria, 1792-98. [3872] By W. G. Browne. 4to. Lend. 1799. Clarke (Dr. E. D.) Travels in Egypt, Asia Minor, &c. (1801)— [2832]. Reynier. — State of tgypt after the Battle of Heliopolis. By [3873] General Reynier. 8vo. Lend. 1802. Wilson. — British Expedition to Egypt under Abercromby. [3874] By Lt.-Co]. R. T. Wilson. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lend. 1803. liCyden (Dr.) Description of Egypt — Mureat, Africa, II. oh. ii. [1344]. Belzoni's Researches in Egypt and Nubia — ibid. 207 [1344]. 186 CATALOGUE. Rensha^v. — Voyage to the Red Sea, Travels in Egypt, (fee, [3875] 1796-1801. By K. Reashaw. 12mo. Manchester, 1821. Hanson. — Route of Lt. Gen. Sir Miles Nightingall across [3876] the Desert, Kosseir to Khennah. 8vo. Lond. 1820. Irby. — Travels in Egypt and Nubia, Syria and Asia Minor, [3877] 1817 ana 1818. By Hon. C. L. Irby and James Mangles, R.N. 8vo. Lond. 1823. Egypt, the Fayoum, Thobcs, Assouan, Suez, &c. From Pococke, Sonnini, Denon, Sir R. Wilson, and others — Hutton's Tour of Africa, Vol. I. [1216]. Rae Wilson. — Travels in Egypt, the Holy Land, Turkey, [3878] Greece, Ionian Isles, &c. 8vo. Lond. 1824. Madox. — Excursions in Egypt, Nubia, the Holy Land, &c. [3879] By John Madox. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Chateaubriand's Travels in Egypt, Palestine, &c. (1806)— [2834]. Bramsen (John) Travels to Egj-pt, Syria, &c. (1814)— [2839]. Burckhardt's Travels in Nubia— [3842]. Webster (James) Travels through Egypt, Crimea, &c. (1825-28)— [3255]. Lane. — The Modern Egyptians; their Manners and Customs. [3880] Written during 1825-28 and 1833-35. New Edition by E. S. Poole. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1860. Mehemet Ali and Egypt (1840)— Martin's Col. Mag. iii. 385 [1479]. Wilkinson's Ancient Egyptians; their Manners, Customs, [3881] Government, Laws, Arts, Manufactures. Religion, Agri- culture, and Early History. By Sir Gardner Wilkinson. With 600 plates and woodcuts. 5 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1847. A Popltlar Account of the Ancient Egyptians. By Sir J. Gardner Wilkinson. 2 Vols. 12mo. Lond. 1854. W^ilkinson. — Modern Egypt and Thebes, including luforma- [3882] tion for Travellers. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond 1843. Wathen.— Arts and Antiquities of Ancient Egypt, from [3883] Observations in 1839. Illustrated. 8vo Lond 1843. Allan (J. H.) Mediterranean Tour ; Egypt, Nubia, Greece, &c. (1842)— [2845]. Kinglake (A. W.) Eothen : Travels in the East— [3217]. Warburton — The Crescent and the Cross: Romance and [3884] Realities of Travels in Egypt, Palestine, Turkey, &c. By Eli..t Warburton. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Poole. — The Englishwoman in Egypt: Letters from Cairo, [3885] 1842-44. By Mrs. Poole. 12mo. Lond. 1845. Romer. — Pilgrimage to the Temples and Tombs of Egypt, [3886] Nubia, and Palestine. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1846. St. John. — Adventures in the Libyan Desert. By Bayle [3887] St. John. 12mo. Lond. [1846.] Fergusson (James) The Suoz Canal (from Edin. Rev. Jan. 1856)— Essays [1117]. Bonomi — Egypt, Nubia, and Ethiopia. By Joseph Bonomi. [3891] With Notes by Samuel Sharps and 100 stereo photographs and numerous wood engravings. 4to. Lond. 1862. Chapman.— The Suez Canal : Account of its Opening. [3893] By Capt. Charles Chapman. 8vo. Lond. 1870. EGYPT AND NUBIA. 187 Millington. — Signs and 'Wonders in the Land of Ham : the [3896] Plagues of Egypt with Modern Parables and Illustrations. By T. S. Millington. 12mo. Lond. 1873. Zincke. — Egypt of the Pharaohs and of the Khedive. [3897] By Rev. F. Barham Zincke. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Lesseps. — The Suez Canal. Documents Descriptive of its [3898] Rise and Progress, 1854-76. 8vo. Lond. 1876. Fitzgerald. — The Great Canal at Suez ; its Political, En- [3899] gineeriiig, and Financial History. 2 Vols. 8vo. 1876. Bonwick.— Pyramid Facts and Fancies. Egyptian Belief [3902] and Modern Thought. 2 Vols. 12ino. Lond. 1877-78. Brugsch's History of fcgypt under the Pharaohs derived [3903] from the Monuments. Translated by Danby Seymour and Philip Smith. Plates. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Johnston (Keith) Egypt, the Red Sea Coast, Nubian Desert, &c. ; Physical Geography, Inhabitants, Commerce, &c. — § 3, Stanford's Africa [1253]. Wilson. — The Egypt of the Pa&t. By Sir Erasujus Wilson, [3905] FR.S. Illustrated. l2mo. Lond. 1881. Kingston (James) Egypt, tlie Pyramids, &e.— The Austkalian Abroad [2870]. Perrot. — History of Art in Ancient Egypt. From the [3907] French of Georges Perrot and Charles Chipiez. Plates and 600 engravings. 2 Vols. Imperial 8 vo. Lond. 1883. Gorringe. — Egyptian Obelisks. By Henry H. Gorringe. With [3908] 50 Illustrations. Royal 4to. [N. Y. 1882]. Lond. 1885. Otter (R. H.) Winters Abroad in Egypt, Australia, &c — § U [2875]. [3918] Pamphlets :— Baldwin (Consul) Political Recollections Relative to Egypt from 1773. Lond. 1801. Anderson (Arthur) Observations on Ship Canal at Suez. Lond. 1843. Galloway (J. A.) On Proposed Ship Caurl and Railroad, Suez. Lond. 1844. The Egyptian Railway ; or, the Interest of England in Egypt. Lond. 1852. Lesseps, Percement de L'Isthme de Suez. Saint-Germain-en-Laye, 1856. Kenney (Charles L.) The Gates of the East : the Suez Canal. Lond. 1857. Lange (D. A.) The Isthmus of Suez Canal Question. Lond. 1859. Suckau (Henri de) Grandes Voies du Progres, Suez et Honduras. Paris, 1869. Steele (John) The Suez Canal ; its Present and Future. Lond. 1870. Wellsted (Lieut.) Notice on the Ruins of Berenice— J.R.G.S. vi. 96. 1836. "Wilkinson, Present and Former Levels of Egypt— J.R.G.S. ix. 431. 1839. Wilkinson, Account of Natron Lakes of Egypt — J.R.G.S. xiii. 113. 1843. Wilkinson, Country betw.Wady Halfeh and Gebel- Berkel— J . R G.S. xx. 154. 1850. Wilkinson, Account of the Jimma Country — J.R.G.S. xxv. 206. 1855. Wilkinson (J.) Eastern Desert of Upper Egypt— J.R.G.S. ii. 28. 1858. Prideaux (W. F.) Through the Soudan and W. Abyssinia — Cassell, I. 1869. Nares (Sir G S.) Suez Canal and its Pilotage— P. R. G. S. xiv. 75. 1870. Houghton (Lord) Opening of Suez Canal— P R. G. S. xiv. 88. 1870. Richards (Capt, ), Clarke (Col.) Report of Suez Canal— P. R. G.S. xiv. 259. 1870. Bate (J.) Opening of Suez Canal and its Prospective Results — P.R.C.I. ii. 1871. Alexandria and its History — Ency. BRrr. vol. i. p. 493. 1874. C.iiro, its Situation, Commerce, Population, &c. — Ency. Brit. iv. 645. 1876. Poole (E. S., S. L., and R. S.) Egypt ; its Physical Geography, Productions, and Inhabitants, Ancient and Modern ; its Topography and Monuments, Chron- ology, History, Statistics, &c.— Ency. Brit., vii. pp. 700-788. 1877. Webster (H. A.) The Nile and its Tributaries— iiid. vol xvii. 504. 1884. Keane (A. H.) Nubia— iftirf. p. 610. 1884. Petrie (W. M. F.) Pyramid— E^-cy. Brit. xx. 122. 1886. 188 CATALOGUE. §51— THE EGYPTIAN SOUDAN AND WHITE NILE BASIN. Edrisi, Description of Central Africa (12th cent.) — Murray, Africa, II. 519. Ibn-al-Vardi, Bakui, Central Africa (14th cent.) — ibid. p. 529. Browne (W. G.) Darfur [3872] ; Hutton's Tour of Africa, Vol. I. [1216]. Ismael Pasha's Expedition to Dongola and Sennaar. By an [3925] American. [By George B. English.] 8vo. Lend. 1822. Bourchier. — Narrative of a Passage from Bombay to England: [3926] Describing the Author's Shipwreck in the Red Sea, Journey [from Suakin to Berber and Kroosko] across the Nubian Desert, dans les Collections Zoologiques — Voy. Terres Australes (1801-4),ii. 373 [2423]. Leschenault (M.) Vegetation de la Nouvelle-Hollande — ibid. p. 358. Peron and Freycinet, Natural History of N. S. Wales and V. D. Land — ibid. Flinders' Survey of the Coasts of Australia — [2425]. Brown (Robert) Botany of Australia— §8 [1722, 1728, and 1750]. Grant (James) Discoveries on South [Victorian] Coast (1802) — [2422]. Grimes (James) Survey of Port Phillip (1803) — Shillinolaw's Records [5081]. Blaxland and others, Crossing of the Blue Mountains — Woods [4756]. Oxley. — ^Journals of Two Expeditions into the Interior of [4709] N.S. Wales (1817-18). By John Oxley. 4to. 1820. Field. — Geographical Memoirs on New South W^ales, &c., [4710] with Papers on the Geology and Natural History of the Colony. Edited by Barron Field. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Oxley's Expedition to Port Curtis, Moreton Bay, and Port Bowen (1822). Fights with Natives of Moreton Bay and Narratives of two Shipwrecked men who had lived with the Natives seven months. Cunningham ( Allan) Journal of Exploration from Bathurst to Liverpool Plains. Field (Barron) Aborigines of New Holland and V. D. Land. Berry (Alex.) Geology of part of the Coast of N. S. Wales. Rumker (Dr.) Astronomy of the Southern Hemisphere. King (Capt. P. P.) Maritime Geography of Australia. Field (Barron) On the Rivers of Australia. Mart (R.) Report on the Timber of N. S. Wales and V. D. Land. Cunningham (Allan) Botany of the Blue Mountains. Currie (Capt.) Journey to South of Lake George. Goulbum (Fred.) Meteorological Diary for Twelve Months. Brisbane (Sir T. ) Mean of 'Twelve Months' Meteorological Obs. Field (Barron) Voyages to and from N. S. Wales. Field, Excursions Across the Blue Mountains, &c. Field, First Fruits of Australian Poetry. Field, Glossary of the Natural History of N. S, Wales and V. D. Land. King.— Coast Surveys N. and N.-W. Australia, 1818-22. [4711] By Capt. P. P. King. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1827. Cunningham (Allan) Remarks on the Vegetation of Certain Coasts of Terra Australis — King's Voyages, ii. pp. 497-565 [4711]. Fitton- (W. H. ) Account of Geological Specimens Collected by King, Flinders, and Brown — Appendix to King's Voyages, ii. pp. 566-629 [4711]. King (P. P.) Objects of Natural History Collected during Survey of Australian Coasts — Appendix to King's Voyages [4711]. Sweet (Robert) Flora Australasica— § 8 [1727]. AUSTRALIAN EXPLORATION, ETC. 235 The Friend of Australia : Plan for Exploring the Interior and [4712] Surveying the whole Continent. By a Retired Officer of the East India Company's Service [Commander Allen Francis Gardiner, R.N.]. 8vo. Lond. 1830. Brown (Robert) Botany of Swan River— [1754] ; J.R.G.S. i. 17. 1831. Henderson (John) Natural History of N. S. Wales and V. D. Land (1832)— [4859]. Cunningham (Allan) Discovery in Interior N. S. Wales— J. E.G. S. ii. 99. 1832. Recent Information from Australia (1832)-^.R.G.S. ii. 318. 1832. Sturt.— Two Expeditions into Southern Australia [4714] (1828-31). By Capt. Charles Sturt. 2 Vols. 8vo. 1833. Journals of Expeditions in Western Australia (1829-32). [4715] By Sir James Stirling, and others. 18mo. Lond. 1833. Exploration of Country near Canning River, June, 1829. Preston (Lieut. Wm.) Journey over the Darling Ranges, Sept. 1829. Wilson (Dr. T. B.) Journey N. W. from Swan River, Dec. 1829. Dale (Richard) Excursions to Trace the Helena River, Oct. and Dec. 1829. Collie and Preston, Country between Cockburn Sd. and Geographe Bay, 1829. Dale, Expeditions E. of Darhng Ranges, Oct. and Nov. 1830, and Aug. 1881. Preston (Lt. ) Coast Northward of Swan River, Nov. 1810. Roe (J. S.) Expedition Inland from Port Lesohenault, March, 1830. Government Notices relative to Port Leschenault and Augusta. Erskine (Lt.) Journey over Darling Ranges, Sept. 1830. Bannister (Capt. Thomas) Journey Freemantle to K. George's Sound, 1830-31. Account of Country between Augusta and Swan River. Excursion on the Coast in a Whale Boat. Collie (A.) Excursion N. of K. George's Sound, 1831-32. Dale (Ensign) Expeditions to N. of King George's Sound. Bussell (J. C. ) Excursion to N. from Augusta. Bussell, Expedition to the R. Vasse. H (T. W.) Expedition 100 miles E. of Swan River, 1831. Milligan (Wm., M.D.) Report on Diseases of Perth, 1st Jan. to Dec. 31, 1831. Moore (G. P.) Song : " Western Australia for Me." Variations of the Thermometer and Barometer at Perth, 1831. Collie (A.) MeteorologicalJournal, April, 1831, to April, 1832. Bennett.— "Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia, [4717] Pedir Coast, Singapore, and China ; being the Journal of a Naturalist (1832-34). By George Bennett, M.D. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1834. Darwin's "Voyage of a Naturalist (1832-36)— §7 [1645]. Campbell (Major) Melville Island and Port Essington— J.R.G.S. iv. 129. 1834. Latest Accounts from Australia (1835) — J.R.G.S. vi. 433. 1836. Mitchell (Sh T. L.) Explorations in Australia— J.R.G.S. vii. 271. 1837. Vetch (Capt.) Political Geog. and Nomenclature of Australia— J.R.G.S. viii. 157. Grey and Lushington, Exped. N. W. Coast of Austraha— J.R.G.S. viii. 454. Wickham (Capt.) Survey N. W. Coast of Australia— J.R.G.S. viii. 460. 1838. Bremer (Capt. Sh J. Gordon) Port Essington— J.R.G.S. ix. 499. 1839. Mitchell.— Three Expeditions into N. S. "Wales and Aus- [4719] tralia Felix (1831-36). 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1839. Grey. — Two Expeditions in N.-W. and W. Australia [4720] (1837-39), with Observations on the Aboriginal Inhabi- tants. By [Sir] George Grey. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841. Earl (G. W.) North Australia and Neighbouring Seas— J.R.G.S. xii. 13. 1842. Wickham (Capt.) Notes on Depuch Island— J.R.G.S. xii. 79. 1842. Eyre (E. J.) Expeditions Overiand, Adelaide to Perth— J.R.G.S. xiii. 161. 1843. Researches in Western Australia — J.R.G.S. xiii. 189. 1843. Leichhardt's Overland Journey, Sydney to P. Essington— J. R.G.S. xiii. 339. 1843. Progress of Discovery m South Austraha— J. R.G.S. xiii. 341. 1843. 236 CATALOGUE. Sturt (Capt.) Course of the Hume [Murray] River— J.R.G.S. xiv. 141. 1844. JFrome(Capt.)Country East of Flinders Range, S. Aust.— J.R.G.S. xiv. 283. 1844. Burr (Thos.) Grey's Exploratory Journey S. Australia — J.R.G.S. xv. 160. 1845. Kussell (H. S. ) Exploring Excursions in Australia — J.R.G.S. xv. 305. 1845. Eyre (E. J.) Lower Course of the Darling— P. R.G.S.xv. 327. 1845. Stokes. — Discoveries in Australia : Coasts and Rivers Ex- [4721] plored and Surveyed in H.M.S. " Beagle " (1837-43). By Capt. J. Lort Stokes. Plates and Charts. 2 Vols. Svo. 1845. Strzelecki. — Physical Description of N. S. Wales and V.D. [4722] Land. By Count Paul K de Strzelecki. 8vo. 1845. Supplement : Discovery of Gold by the Author (1839)— Pamphlets [4791]. Eyre. — Expeditions into Central Australia and Overland [4723] from Adelaide to King George's Sound (1840-41). By Edward John Eyre. Plates. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Hodgkinson. — Australia, from Port Macquarie to Moreton Bay [4724] (1841-44). By Clement Hodgkinson. 8vo. Lond. 1845. Eyre, Considerations against Interior Sea, Australia — J.R.G.S. xvi. 200. 1846. Leichhardt's Expedition, Moreton Bay to Port Essington — J.R.G.S. xvi. 212. 1846. Sturt, Explorations in Central Australia (1544-45)— J.EG.S. xvii. 85. 1847. Leichhardt. — Overland Expedition, Moreton Bay to Port [4725] Essington (1844-45). By Dr. Ludwig Leichhardt. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Mitchell. — Expedition into Tropical Australia, Sydney to [4726] Carpentaria. Plates. 8vo. Lond. 1848. Gregory (Messrs.) Expedition inWestern Australia (1846)J.R.G.S. xviii. 26. 1848. Helpman (Lieut. ) Coral Discovered R. Irwin, W. A. — J.R.G.S. xviii. 38. 1848. Arrowsmith (J.) Inaccuracies in W. Australian Papers — J.R.G.S. xviii. 74. 1848. Sturt's Expedition into Central Australia, 1844-46. Ken- [4728] nedy's Survey of the R. Victoria. 2 Vols. 8vo. 1849. Kennedy (E. B.) Exp. to ascertain Course of R. Victoria — J.R.G.S. xix. 193. 1849. Kennedy (E. B. ) Expedition for the Exploration of Cape York Peninsula : Nar- ratives of Mr. Carron, Jackey Jackey, &c. — Voyage of the " EtUtUanake," §11 [2485]. Jukes. — A Sketch of the Physical Structure of Australia. [4730] By J. Beete Jukes. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Jukes and others. Lectures on Gold Ores, &o. — § 7 [1655]. Mitchell. — Australian Geography, with the Shores of the [4731] Pacific and Indian Oceans. 12mo. Sydney, 1850, Roe's Exped. S. East of Perth, W. Australia (1848-49)— J.R.G.S. xxii. 1. 1852. Gregory (A. C.) Expedition North of Perth, W. Australia— J.R.G.S. xxii. 57. 1852. Fitzgerald's (Gvr. J.) Expedition to Murchison River — J.R.G.S. xxii. 71. 1852. Kennedy (E. B.) Exped. to Determine Source of Barcoo — J.R.G.S. xxii. 228. 1852. Scott (Amos) On Western Australia — J.R.G.S. xxv. 176. 1855. CadeU (Capt. T.) Navigation of the R. Murray-J.R.G.S. xxv. 177. 1855. Leichhardt. — Geologie von Australien. Von L. Leichhardt. [4734] 4 to. Halle, 1855. Bleeker. — The Fishes of Van Diemen's Land. By Dr. [4735] P. Bleeker. [In Dutch.] 4to. Amsterdam, 1855. Bunce. — Australasiatic Reminiscences : Twenty-three Years' [4736] Wanderings in Tasmania and Australia ; Travels with Dr. Leichhardt, &c. By Daniel Bunce. 12mo. Melb. 1857. AUSTRALIAN EXPLORATION, ETC. 237 Austin (R.) Expedition to Interior of W. Australia— J.R.G.S. xxvi. 235. 1856. Mueller (Baron) The Australian Alps— P.R.G.S. i. 3. 1857. Gregory (A. C.) North Australian Expedition— P. R.G.S. i. 183, 225, 324, 490 ; J.R.G.S. xxviii. 1857. Baines (Mr.) On N. Australian Exploring Expedition — P.R.G.S. ii. 3. 1858. Wilson (J. S.) Physical Geography of N. W. Australia— J. R.G.S. xxviii. 137. 1858. Freoling and Hack, Explorations South Australia — P.R.G.S. ii. 185. 1858. Gregory, Search for Remains of Leichhardt's Party — P.R.G.S. iii. 18. 1859. Gregory, Western Australian Expedition — P.R.G.S. iii. 34. 1859. Clarke, Search for Remains of Leichhardt's Party— P.R.G.S. iii. 87. 1859. Stuart (McDouall) Expedition in South Australia— P.R.G.S. iv. 77. 1860. Macdonnell (Sir R. G.) South Australian Expeditions— P.R.G.S. iv. 93. 1860. Randell (W. R.) Voyage up the Darting and Barwan— J.R.G.S. xxxi. 145. 1861. Sinclair, New Harbours, N. E. Australia— P. R.G.S. iv. 79, v. 4. 1860-61. Bennett. — Gatherings of a Naturalist in Australasia; [4741] Animal and Vegetable Productions of N. S. Wales, N. Z., and the Austral Islands. Plates. 8vo. Lond. 1860. Bush Wanderings of a Naturalist in Australia. By the [4742] Old Bushman [Horace "W. Wheelwright]. 12mo. 1861. Gould (John) The Birds of Australia— § 7 [1660] to [1663]. Gould (John) The Mammals of Australia — ibid. [1664] and [1665]. Clarke.— The Southern Gold Fields of New South Wales. [4743] By Rev. W. B. Clarke. 12mo. Sydney, 1860. Ireland.— Geography and History of Oceania and Austral- [4744] asia. By A. Ireland. 12mo. Hobart, 1861. Davison. — Gold Deposits in Australia ; their Discovery, De- [4745] velopment, and Geognosy. By S. Davison. 8vo. 1861. Gregory (F.) Exploration of the R. Burdekin— P.R.G.S. v. 121. 1861. Gregory (A. C.) North Australian Exploring Expedition — P.R.G.S. v. 2. 1861. Stuart, Second Journey to LakeTorrens — J.R.G.S. xxxi. 65. 1861. Warburton (Major) Expedition in S. Australia— P.R.G.S. v. 124. 1861. Stuart, Third Journey to Lake Torrens — J.R.G.S. xxxi. 83. 1861. Stuart'sExplorationsN.ofMurchison Range (1860-61)— J.R.G.S. xxxii. 340. 1862. Stuart's Expedition Across Australia (1861-62) — J.R.G.S. xxxi. 100 ; xxxiiL 276 ; P.R.G.S. v. 104 ; vi. 8. ; vii, 82. 1861-63. Dempster Brothers' Journey, Western Australia — P.R.G.S. vi. 11. 1862. Barkly (Sir Henry) Correspondence on Burke's Expedition — P.R.G.S. vi. 53. 1862. Cadell (Capt. T.) On Grey and Stanley Range— P.R.G.S. vi. 55. 1862. Burke's Expedition to Gulf of Carpentaria — J.R.G.S. xxxii. 430. 1862. Gregory (F. T.) Expedition N. W. Coast of Australia— J.R.G.S. xxxiL 372. 1862. Woods. — Geological Observations in South Australia, [4746] By Julian E. Tenison Woods. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Earl (G. W.) Physical Geog. and Natural Hist. N. Australia (1863)— [5237]. Gregory. — Australian Explorations (1846-61). By Augustus [4748] C. Gregory and F. T. Gregory. 8vo. Brisbane, 1884. 1. Expedition to the East and North of Swan River, 1846. 2. The Settlers' Expedition to the Northward from Perth, 1848. 3. Expedition to the Murchison River, 1867. 4. Expedition to the Gascoyne River, 1858. 5. Expedition to the North-West Coast, 1861. 6. North Australian Expedition, 1855-56. 7. Expedition in Search of Leichhardt, 1858. Landsborough's Journal of Expedition in Search of Burke [4749] and WUls. 8vo. Melb. 1862. 238 CATALOGUE. Robert O'Hara Burke and the Australian Exploring Expedition [4750] (1860). By Andrew Jackson. 12mo. Lend. 1862. Burke and Wills. — Exploration through the Interior of Aus- [4751] tralia, Melbourne to Carpentaria (1860-61). 8vo. 1863. McKinlay. — Tracks of McKinlay and Party across Australia. [4752] By John Davis. 8vo. Lond. 1863. Harvey (W. H.) Phycologia Australica— § 8 [1741]. Bentham and Mueller's Flora Australiensis — §8 [1745]. Dabymple (G. E.) Explor. of the R. Burdekin— J.B.G.S. xxxiii. 3 ; P.R.G.S. vi. 13, vii. 2. 1863. Walker, Landsborough, and McKinlay 's Expeditions— J. R.G.S. xxxiii. 5. 1863. Angas(G. V.) Physical Features and Natural History of Australia (1863)— [4980]. McDouall Stuart's Journals of Explorations in Australia, . [4753] 1858-62 ; when he Crossed the Continent. 8vo. 1864. Hargreaves, Geology of Western Australia — P.R.G.S. viii. 32. 1864. Leftoy (H. M.) Explorations Western Australia— P. R. G. S. viii. 45. 1864. Scott (A. J.) Overland, Port Denison to Rockingham Bay— P.R.G.S. viii. 110.1864. Survey within Great Barrier Reef— P.R.G.S. viii. 114. 1864. Woods. — History of the Discovery and Explorations of [4756] Australia. By J. E. Tenison Woods. 2 Vols. 8vo. 1865. Howitt. — History of Discovery in Australia, Tasmania, and [4757] N. Z. By Wm. Howitt. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Stuart, Now Country of North Australia— P.R.G.S. ix. 21. 1865. Dalrymple (G. E.) New Settlement, Rockingham Bay— P.R.G.S. x. 83. 1866. Martin (Jas.) Exploration N.-W. Australia— P.R.G.S. x. 86. 1865-66. Jardine's Exped. Port Denison to C. York— P.R.G.S. x. 32, 85. 1866. Stow (J. P.) Boat Voyage, Coasts North Australia— P.R.G.S. x. 34. 1866. Search Expedition for Leichhardt and Party — P. R. G. S. x. 58. 1866. ShoU (R. J.) Camden Harbour, N.-W. Australia— J. R. G. S. xxxvi. 203. 1866. Howard (F.) Marine Survey Northern Territory— J. R. G. S. xxxvi. 227. 1866. NeumayerJDr.) Scientific Exploration Central Australia— P.R.G.S. xii. 286. 1868. Rattray (A.) Physical Geog., &o., Somerset and C. York— P.R.G.S. xii. 313. 1868. Hamilton (H. G.) Liverpool Plains and Moreton Bay— J.R.G.S. xiii. 245. 1869. Smyth (R. Brough) Gold Fields and Mineral Districts of Victoria— § 72 [5135]. Nicholson (Sir C.) Recent Australian Exploration— P.R.G.S. xiv. 190. 1870. Forrest (John) Search for Remains of Leichhardt's Party— P.R.G.S. xv. 190. 1871. Ross (J.) Exploration N.W. of Cooper's Creek— P.R.G.S. xv. 96. 1871. Clarke (W. B.) On the Sedimentary Formations of N. S. Wales and Progress of Gold Discovery — (Industrial Progress of N. S. Wales) [4997]. Schomburgk (R.) Flora of South Australia (1872)— Hakcus [5205]. Waterhouse (F. G. ) The Fauna of South Australia (1872)— Harcus [5205]. Moore (Charles) Indigenous Woods of N. S. Wales— § 72 [4997]. Krefft (Gerard) Australian Vertebrata— § 72 [4997]. Forrest's Expeditions W. Australia— J. R.G.S. xii. 361, xlii 388, xlv. 249; P.R.G.S. xix. 310-481. 1871-5. Eden (C. H.) An Australian Search Party— Cassell, V. and VI. 1873-74. Giles (Ernest) Discoveries in C. Australia— Cassell, VI. 1874. Ranken (W. H. L.) Australian Exploration— TA« Australian Dominion [5004]. Forrest's Explorations in Australia, 1869-74. With Ap- [4762] pendix on Western Australia. 8vo. Lond. 1875. W^arburton.— Journey Across Western Australia. By [4763] Col. Egerton Warburton. 8vo. Lond. 1875. Giles.— Geographic Travels in Central Australia, 1872-74. [4764] By Ernest Giles. 8vo. Melb. 1875. AUSTRALIAN EXPLORATION, ETC. 239 Warburton, Journey Across Western Australia— P. E.G. S. xix. 41. 1875. Giles, Ross, Forrest, and Gosse's Expeditions W. Australia — P.R.G.S. xix. 51 ; J.R.G.S. xlvii. 328. 1875-76. McCoy (Prof. F.) Paleontology and Zoology of Victoria— § 7 [1672] and [1684]. Owen (Sir R. ) Fossil and Extinct Mammals of Australia— § 7 [1681]. Diggles (Silvester) Synopsis of the Birds of Australia— [1685], "Wallace (A. R.) Island Life and Insular Floras— § 7 [1688]. Thome (E.) Natural History of Queensland {1876)— Queen of the Colonies [5252]. Woolls (Wm.) Flora of Australia— §8 [1753] and [1764]. Fitzgerald's (R. D.) Australian Orchids- § 8 [1754]. Eden. — Australian Heroes ; Sketches of Explorers and others [4766] Devoted to the Cause of Science and Development of the Fifth Continent. By Charles H. Eden. 12mo. Lend. [1876]. Eden. — The Fifth Continent, with the Adjacent Islands; being [4767] an Account of Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea. By Charles H. Eden. 12mo. Lond. [1876]. W^ildey. — Australasia and the Oceanic Region, with [4768] Descriptions of the Several Colonies and New Guinea. By William Brackley Wildey. 12mo. Melb. 1876. Wallace (A. R.) Austialia ; Physical Geography, Climate, Natural History, Geology, and Past History — §3, Stanford's Compendium [1252]. Etheridge. — Catalogue of Australian Fossils; including [4770] Tasmania and Timor. 8vo. Cambridge, 1878. Guilfoyle (W. R.) Australian Botany— § 8 [1762]. Mueller's Forest Resources of W. Australia— §8 [1763]. Brown (J. E.) Tree Culture in S. Australia— § 8 [1765]. Mueller's Eucalypts of Australia — §8 [1766]. Etheridge. — Catalogue of Books, Reports, and Maps on the [4771] Geology, Mineralogy, &c., of Australia and Tasmania. By R. Etheridge, Jun., and R. L. Jack. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Winnecke, Explorations N. Territory, Australia— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 566. 1884. Taylor. — Our Island Continent : a Naturalist's Holiday in [4774] Australia. By J. E. Taylor. 12mo. Lond. 1886. [4791] Pamphlets on Australian Geography, Exploration, •• ••»• * » ' . *'*'. ,.** • * > » • > < ■ • >*•% ••«• 4 «•• • • « > • • ' ..•• • * • * •*• ••• 4 m «i w Of the Method of Forming Colonies in the Terres Australes (1756)— DeBeosses, II. pp. 310-407 [2090]. Advantages that may be expected to result to Great Britain from Colonies formed in the Terra Australis— Callander [2093]. •»* The island of New Britain was suggested as the best position for a colony, as New Holland was believed to be a waste and almost inaccessible. Voyage de Robertson, aux Terres Australes, traduit sur le [4818] ManuscritAnglois. (/^ic^iYtom.) 12mo. Amsterdam, 1767. Dalrymple. — A Serious Admonition to the Public on the [4820] Intended Thief Colony at Botany Bay. By Alexander Dalrymple. M8. Copy. Svo. Sept. 3, 1786. History of New Holland, its Productions, Inhabitants, &c. [4821] With a Discourse on Banishment, by the Right Hon. Wm. Eden [Baron Auckland]. 8vo. Lond. 1787. Tench. — A Narrative of the Expedition to Botany Bay [4823] [Port Jackson]. By Watkin Tench. Svo. Lond. 1789. Phillip. — Voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay, [4824] with Accounts of Port Jackson and Norfolk Island. Also, Journals of Lieuts. Shortland, Watts, Ball, and Capt. Marshall, descriptive of New Discoveries. Fifty-five Views, Maps, Charts, &c. 4to. Lond. 1789. ■White. —Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales. By [4826] John White, M.D. With Sixty-five Plates Illustrative of Natural History, (fee. Coloured. 4to. Lond. 1790. Phillip. — Letters from the Governor of N. S. Wales, with [4827] Records relating to Transport of Convicts. 4to. 1792. Tench. — Account of the Settlement at Port Jackson. By [4828] Capt. Watkin Tench. 4to. Lond. 1793. Hunter. — Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson [4829] and Norfolk Island, with New Discoveries made in N. S. W. and in the Southern Ocean. By Capt. John Hunter. Maps, Views, (fee. 4to. Lond. 1793. Parker (John) Voyage [with Capt. Gidley King, Major Grose, Mr. Grimes, to Sydney and] Round the World (1794)— Voyages [2402]. Tumbull (John) English Settlements at Botany Bay, &o. (1801-4)— [2428]. Peron (F.) Tableau General des Colonies Angloises auz Terres Australes (1802) — Voyages, II. 393 [2423]. Collins. — Account of New South W^ales, with Remarks on [4830] the Natives, Particulars of New Zealand, and the Discovery of Bass Straits. Plates. 2 Vols. 4to. Lond. 1798-1802. CoLLiNs's Account of New South Wales. [4831] Barrington. — Voyage to New South Wales, with Descrip- [4832] tions of the Country and the Natives. Also, The History ofN. S.Wales. 2 Vols. Svo. Lond. 1803-10. "Nearly every paragraph is copied from Collins. ... Of posthumous agency in thus picking pockets George Barrington's name must be acquitted." — West's Tasmania. Bonwick (James) First Twenty Years of Australia (1788-1808)— [5041]. Bonwick's Curious Facts of Old Colonial Days — [4991]. Rusden's Curiosities of Civilization [N. S. W. History]— Pamphlets [5071]. R 2 Second Edition [abridged]. Plates. 4to. Lond. 1804. Wr- 244 CATALOGUE. Zimmermann. — Australien, in hinsicht der Erd-Menschen-und [4834] Produktenkunde. 2 Vols. 8vo. Hamburgh, 1810. Mann. — The Present Picture of New South AA^ales. By [4835] D. D. Mann. With Plan. 4to, Lond. 1811. [4836] Sydney in 1810, being a reproduction of the original four large coloured views and map to accompany the work of Mann. Sydney [Edin.] 1884. Paterson. — History of New South 'Wales, with a Descrip- [4837] tion of the Country, the Natives, &c. By a Gentleman [G. Paterson]. 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1811. "With Appendix : Extracts from the Evidence taken at the Court Martial of Lt.-Col. Johnston (May, 1811) for deposing Governor Bligh. History of New South 'Wales. [Compiled from previous works, [4838] Sydney Gazette, kc. By James O'Hara.j 8vo. Lond. 1817. ■Wentworth. — Description of New South Wales and V. D. [4841] Land. By 'W. C. Wentworth. 8vo. Lond. 1819. Second Edition, 18'20 ; Third Edition, 2 Vols. 1824 [see 4847]. ■Vaux. — Memoirs of J. Hardy 'Vaux [twice transported to N. S. [4842] Wales]. Written by Himself . 2 Vols. 12rao. Lond. 1819. Another Edition. 18mo, Lond. 1830. *,* At the end of the First Edition CVol. 11. pp. 147-227) is printed "A New and CoiTiprchensire Vocabulary of the Flash Langtcage, Compiled and Written by James Hardy Vaux." It is Dedicated to Thomas Skottowe of H.M. 73rd Regi- ment, Commandant of Newcastle, N. S. W., where " the author, having, by an alleged act of impropriety, incurred the Governor's displeasure, was at this period (1812) banished. . . . The sheets were there compiled during his solitary hours of cessation from hard labour." Kingdom (Wm.) Information relative to N. S. "Wales (1820)— §6 [1447]. Bennet, On Governor Macquarie's Administration (1819) — Pamphlets [5071]. Macquarie's Refutation of Hon. H, G. Bennet's Statements (1821) — ibid. "Wallis. — Account of New South 'Wales and its Dependent [4843] Settlements. With Twelve Views engraved by W. Preston from Drawings by Capt. Wallis. Folio. Lond. 1821. Reid. — Voyages with Convicts to N. S. "Wales and V. D. [4844] Land ; with Description of the Colony. 8vo. Lond. 1822. Dixon. — "Voyage to N. S. Wales and V. D. Land. By James [4845] Dixon. 12mo. Edin. 1822. Bigge. — Reports of the Commissioner of Inquiry [John [4846] Thomas Bigge] on (1) the State of N. S. Wales ; (2) the Judicial Establishments ; (3) Agriculture and Trade in the Colony. Folio. Three Parts. Lond. 1822-23. ■Wentworth. — The British Settlements in Australasia; [4847] Statistical Account of, with Advice to Emigrants, Acts of Parliament, &c. 2 Vols. Svo. ' Lond. 1824. Busby. — A Treatise on the Culture of the Vine, and the [4848] Art of Making Wine. By James Busby. 12mo. Printed by R. Howe, Government Printer, Australia, 1825. Ackermann, The Asiatic Islands and New Holland (1825)— § 64 [4437]. Clarke (Marcus) Settlement of Sydney, George Barrington, Gov. Bligh and the Rum Puncheon Revolution, Gov. Darling's Iron Collar, &c.- — Old Tales of a Young Country [4995]. Dumont D'Urville, Voyage to Australia, Tasmania, kc. (1826-29)— §11 [2444]. • OO CO > H H llJ O z o q: <0 >• UJ z o >■ w 5 UJ > X o z THE AUSTRALIAN COLONIES. 245 Lycett. — Views in Australia ; or, N. S. Wales and Y. D. Land [4849] Delineated in Fifty Views (Coloured). By J. Lycett, artist to Governor Macquarie. Preceded by an Account of the Australian Colonies. New South Wales. Map of New South Wales. North View of Sydney. Sydney, from South Head. Woolooinooloo. Burwood (A. Riley's). Capt. Piper's Villa, Eliza Point. Raby (A. Riley's). Kissing Point. The Heads, Port Jackson. Botany Bay. Parramatta. Female Orphan School, Parramatta. Residence of John M 'Arthur, Esq. Liverpool. Windsor, R. Hawkesbury. Wilberforoe, R. Hawkesbury. View on the Nepean River. View on the Wingee Carrabee. Lake George. Newcastle. Sugar Loaf Mt. near Newcastle. Lake Patterson. Port Macquarie. Becket's Fall, R. Apsley. Oblong 4to. Lond. 1824-25. Van Diemen's Land. Map of Van Diemen's Land. Near View of Hobart Town. Distant View of Hobart Town. Roseneath Ferry. Roseneath Ferry, from East Side. Governor's Retreat, New Norfolk. Mount Wellington. Mount Direction. Mount Dromedary. Mount Nelson, near Hobart Tn. View from Top of Mt. Nelson. Scene up the R. Huon. Ram Head Point, P. Davey. Cape Pillar. View from Constitution Hill. South End of Schouten I. Table Mountain, R. Derwent. Beaumont Lake. Salt Pan Plain. Western Boundary Lake. View on the Macquarie River. View on the South Esk. Tasman's Peak. Ben Lomond. View on the Tamar. Bathurst Cataract, R. Apsley. Howe. — Australasian Almanac, 1827, with Calendar, Rules [4851] and Orders of Supreme Court, N. S. W., Chronology of Occurrences in the Colony from 1788, &c. Compiled and Printed by Robert Howe. 8vo. Sydney, 1827. Cunningham. — Two Years in N. S. Wales : Sketches of the [4852] State of Society in the Colony ; its Topography, Natural History, &c. By Peter Cunningham. 2 Vols. 12mo. 1827. Mudie. — The Picture of Australia ; exhibiting all the Settle- [4853] ments. [By Robert Mudie.] 12mo. Lond. 1829. A Letter from Sydney. Edited by Robert Gouger. [4854] 12mo. Lond. 1829. Written by E. G. Wakefield, in London ; in an Appendix the Author first put forward his ideas of a System of Colonisation, which resulted in the foundation of the Colony of South Australia. Leigh (Rev. Samuel), Missionary to Australia and N. Z. [4856] (1815-31), Life of, by Rev. Alex. Strahan. 12mo. [new edition]. Lond. 1870. Blosseville. — ^Histoire de la Colonisation Pfenale et des [4857] Etablissements de I'Angleterre en Australie (1831). Par le Marquis De Blosseville. 8vo. [New Edition.] Paris, 1859. Dawson. — The Present State of Australia, with Account of [4858] the Aborigines. By Robert Dawson. 8vo. Lond. 1831. Henderson. — Observations on New South Wales and [4859] V. D. Land. By John Henderson. 8vo. Calcutta, 1832. 246 CATALOGUE. Busby. — The Vine Dresser's Manual. A Manual of Plain [4860] Directions for Planting and Cultivating Vineyards, and for Making Wine, in New South Wales. 12mo. Sydney, Printed for the Executors of R. Howe, 1830. Breton.— Excursions in New South Wales, W. Australia, [4861] and V. D. Land. By Lieut. [H. W.] Breton. 8vo. 1833. Bennett (Dr. George) Wanderings in N. S. Wales (1832-34)— §70 [4717]. New South Wales Calendar, and Post-Oi£ce Directory, with [4862] Views and Advertisements. 8vo. Sydney, v. d. Issue for 1833 ; with Sketch of the Colony b}' Kev. C. P. Wilton. Issue for 1834 ; with Hints to Emigrants and Observations ou the Advantages of N. S. Wales. By Rev. Henry Carmichael. Issue for 1836 ; with Recent Regulations and Legislative Acts. Lang. — History of New South Wales. By John Dunmore [4863] Lang, D.D. 2 Vols. 12mo. Lond. 1834. *»* Second edit. 1837 ; third edit. 1852 ; fourth edit. 1875 [see 5006]. Martin (Montgomery) History, Geography, and Statistics of the British Colonies in Australasia— [1347-49] ; also [4942]. Pilorgerie. — Histoire de Botany Bay, ^tat present des Colonies [4865] P^nales de I'Angleterre dans I'Australie. Par J. de la Pilorgerie. 8vo. Paris, 1836. Lting (J. D. ) Transportation and Colonization — see Economics and Politics [1459]. Mudie. — The Felony of New South W^ales : a Picture of [4866] the Real Romance of Life in Botany Bay, with Anecdotes. By James Mudie. 8vo. Lond. 1837. New South Wales ; its Present State and Prospects ; with Docu- [4868] mentary Evidence submitted to his Majesty and to Parlia- ment. [By James M'Arthur.] 8vo. Lond. 1837. Bingle — Letter to Lord Glenelg. By John Bingle, of Puen [4869] Buen, N. S. W. (Defence of his Character.) 12mo. 1837. Meinicke. — ^Das Festland Australien, eine Geographische [4870] Monographic. 8vo. Prenzlau, 1837. Dixon's Map of New South Wales, showing appropriated [4871] Lands, Counties, Towns, &c. Folded. 8vo. Lond. 1837. Marsden. — Memoirs of the Life and Labours of the Rev. [4874] Samuel Marsden, Senior Chaplain N. S. W. (1794-1838). Edited by the Rev. J. B. Marsden. 18mo. Lond. [1858]. Davidson (G. F.) Trade and Travel in Java, Australia, &c. (1836-39)— [4445]. Mann. — Six Years in the Australian Provinces, ending [4875] in 1839. By William Mann. 12mo. Lond. 1839. Maclehose. — Picture of Sydney and Stranger's Guide to [4876] N.S.Wales. With 44 engravings. 12mo. Sydney [1839]. Matthew (P.) Emigration Fields : AustraUa, New Zealand, &c. — [1477]. Butler. — Hand-Book for Australian Emigrants. By Samuel [4877] Butler. 18mo. Glasgow, 1839. Russell. — A Tour through the Australian Colonies in 1839. [4879] By Andrew Russell. 12mo. Glasgow, 1840. THE AUSTRALIAN COLONIES. 247 Burton. — Religion and Education in N. S. Wales. By [4880] W. Westbrooke [Judge] Burton. 8vo. Lond. 1840. Burton (Judge) Government of N. S. Wales— Martin's Col. Mag. i. 332. 1840. Burton, Society and Crime inN. S. "W.— Martin's Col. Mao. i. 421 ;li. 34. 1840. Religious Wants of N. S. Wales— Martin's Col. Mao. ii. 195. 1840. Statistics of New South Wales— Martin's Col. Mag. iii. 173. 1840. Australian Banking — Martin's Col. Mao. iii. 270. 1840. British Cajjital and the Australasian Cols. — Martin's Col. Mao. iii. 423. 1840. Bum (D.) Naval Command for Australasia — Martin's Col. Mao. iv. 313. 1841. J (R.) Australasian Products — Martin's Col. Mao. iv. 449. 1841. N (E. P. ) Present State ofSydney.N.S.W.—MARTiN'sCoL. Mag. V. 291. 1841. Reflections on Australia — Martin's Col. Mag. vi. 210. 1841. Progi'essive Prosperity of N. S. Wales — Martin's Col. Mag. vi. 273. 1841. Anley. — The Prisoners of Australia. A Narrative. [By [4881] Miss Charlotte Anley.] 12mo. Lond. 1841. Jameson (R. G.) Account of N. Z., S. A., and New South Wales (1842)- [5420]. Tegg's Pocket Almanac and Remembrancer for 1842. With [4883] N. S. Wales Itinerary, &c. 18mo. Sydney, 1842. New South Wales, Commercial Affairs — Martin's Col. Mag. vii. 135. 1842. W (T. ) Appropriation of the Proceeds of Public Waste Lands in the Austra- lasian Colonies — Martin's Col. Mag. vii. 466. 1842. Allwood. — The Papal Claim of Jurisdiction. By Rev. Robert [4885] Allwood. With Documents. 8vo. Sydney, 1843. Fry. — Scriptural Evidence of the Apostolic Ministry and [4886] Tradition of the Church. By Rev. H. P. Fry. 8vo. [Hobart] V.D.L. 1843. Hood. — Australia and the East : Journal of a Voyage and [4888] Residence in Sydney. By John Hood. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Bartlett. — New Holland; its Colonisation, Productions, and [4889] Resources, the Relations subsisting with Great Britain, &c. By Thomas Bartlett. 12mo. Lond. 1843. Backhouse. — Narrative of a Visit to the Australian Colonies. [4890] By James Backhouse. Illustrated. 8vo. Lond. 1843. Pridden. — Australia ; its History and Present Condition. By [4891] Rev. W. Pridden. 12mo. Lond. 1843. Rowcroft. — Tales of the Colonies ; or. Adventures of an [4892] Emigrant. By Chas. Rowcroft (1843). 12mo. Lond. 1872. Meredith. — Notes and Sketches of N.S.W. during a Residence [4894] (1839-44). By Mrs. Meredith. 12mo. Lond. 1844. Atkinson. — -Agriculture and Grazing in N.S. Wales. By [4895] James Atkinson. New Edit. 12mo. Lond. 1844. Balfour.— A Sketch of New South W^ales. By J. O. Balfour, [4898] Settler in the Bathurst District. 12mo. Lond. 1845. Baker. — Sydney and Melbourne : Remarks on the State and [4899] Prospects of New South Wales, and Practical Advice to Emigrants. By John Baker. 12mo. Lond. 1845. Mackenzie. — Emigrant's Guide ; or Ten Years in Australia. [4900] By Rev. David Mackenzie (1833-43). 18mo. Lond. 1845. Hewitt (Richard) Australia, Historical and Descriptive, with Account of a Foui Years' Residence in Port Phillip — see Victoria [5092]. 248 CATALOGUE. M'Combie. — Arabin, or the Adventures of a Colonist in New [4901] South Wales. With Essay on the Aborigines. By Thomas M'Combie. 12mo. Lond. 1845. _ Hodgson. — Reminiscences of Australia, and of Squatting [4903] Life. By Christopher P. Hodgson. 12mo. Lond. 1846. Braim. — History of New South Wales to the Year 1844. [4904] By Archd. T. H. Braim. 2 Vols. 12mo. Lond. 1846. Harris. — Settlers and Convicts : Eecollections of Sixteen [4906] Years' Labour in the Australian Backwoods. By an Emigrant Mechanic [Alex. Harris]. 18mo. Lond. 1852 [1847]. Marjoribanks. — Travels in New South W^ales. [4907] By Alexander Marjoribanks. 12mo. Lond. 1847. Angas. — Savage Life and Scenes in Australia and New [4908] Zealand. With Illustrations. 2 Vols. 12mo. Lond. 1847, Angas's Illustrations — §74, South Austsalia [5191]. Atkins. — Adventures of a Clerical Ulysses : Reminiscences [4909] of Twelve Years' Residence in Tasmania and New South Wales (1836-47), &c. By Rev. Thomas Atkins. 12mo. 1859. Byrne (J. C.) Wanderings in N. S. Wales, &c. (1835-47)— § 14 [2853]. Westmacott. — Sketches in Australia, by Capt. R. M. West- [4910] macott, drawn on Stone by W. Spreat. Eighteen Views, with Descriptions. 4to. Exeter [1848]. Fowles. — Sydney in 1848 : Copper-plate Engravings of its [4912] Principal Streets and Buildings, from Drawings by Joseph Fowles. 4to. Sydney [1848]. W^ells. — Geographical Dictionary or Gazetteer of Australia. [4914] By W. H. Wells. 8vo. Sydney, 1848. Haygarth's Recollections of Bush Life in Australia [4915] during a Residence of Eight Years. 12mo. Lond. 1848. Townsend. — Rambles in New South Wales, Sketches of the [4916] Aborigines, &c. By J. Phipps Townsend. 12mo. 1849. Bland. — Letters from the Australian Patriotic Associa- [4918] tion [on Waste Lands, &c.]. Edited by William Bland, M.D. Addressed to Charles Buller, M.P. 8vo. Sydney, 1849. Perils, Pastimes, and Pleasures of an Emigrant in Aus- [4919] tralia, California, &c. Edited by J. W. 12mo. 1849. Harris. — Guide to the Port Stephens Settlement of the [4920] Australian Agricultural Co. 18mo. Lond. 1849. Smith. — Whether to Go and Whither ? the Cape or Great [4921] South Land. By Sidney Smith. 12mo. Lond. 1849. Perry (Bishop) and others. Letters from Australia, &c.(1850)— § 6 [1496]. Peck. — Recollections of Sydney, the Capital of N. S. Wales- [4923] By B. C. Peck. 12mo. Lond. 1850. Chambers's Emigrant Manual : Australia [and V. D. Land]. [4924] [By John Hill Burton.] 12mo. Edinburgh [1850]. Henderson. — Excursions and Adventures in N. S. Wales: [4925] Pictures of Bush Life, Descriptions of the Natives, Climate, Productions. By Lt. John Henderson. 2 Vols. 12mo. 1851. THE AUSTRALIAN COLONIES. 249 Melville. — Present State of Australasia ; Hints on Emigra- [4926] tion, Remarks on Transportation, Land Regulations, the Aborigines, Tobago, Gren.ida, the Bahamas, and the Virgin Isles, British Guiana, Barbadoes, St. Vincent's, St. Lucia, Dominica, Montserrat, Antigua, St. Christopher's, &c.— § 5 [1347-49]. Elgin (Gov. of Jamaica, 1842-46) Letters and Journals— § 14 [2861]. Masters (P.) On Gulf of Mexico— J. E.G. S. xv. 236. 1845. Schomburgk, Peninsula and B. of Samana, Dominican Eepublic — J.R.G.S. xxiii. 264. 1853. Parry (Bp. Thomas) Diocese of Barbadoes (1854) — Church in Colonies [6257]. De Verteuil. — Trinidad; its Geography, Natural Resources, [6004] Administration, &c. By L. De Verteuil. 8vo. 1858. TroUope. — The W^est Indies and the Spanish Main. By [6005] Anthony Trollope. 8vo. Lond. 1859. Underbill. — The West Indies ; their Social and Religious [6006] Condition. By E. B. Underbill. 12mo. Lond. 1862. Hort. — Trinidad. Historical and Statistical View of the Island, [6007] with Chronological Table. By Daniel Hort. 8vo. 1865. Lorne. — A Trip to the Tropics and Home Through America. [6008] By the Marquis of Lorne. 8vo. Lond. 1867. Finlason. — History of the Jamaica Case: Rebellion of the [6009] Negroes. By W. F. Finlason. 8vo. Lond. 1869. Kingsley. — At Last : a Christmas in the West Indies. By the [6010] Rev. Charles Kingsley. 2 Vols. 12mo. Lond. 1870. lies. — Nevis : Descriptive Account of the Island. By John Alex. [6012] Burke lies. 4to. Norwich, 1871. Wickham. — Rough Notes on Trinidad, Brazil, &c. By [6013] H. A. Wickham. 8vo. Lond. 1872. Gardner. — A History of Jamaica ; its Trade, Agriculture, [6014] Inhabitants, &c. By W. J. Gardner. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Hazard. — Santo Domingo, Past and Present, with a Glance at [6015] Hayti. By Samuel Hazard. 8vo. Lond. 1873. Hazard. — Cuba, with Pen and Pencil. By Samuel Hazard. [6016] 8vo. Lond, 1873, Walker (W.) Prospects of the W. Indian Possessions— P. B.C. I. Iv. 70. 1873. Bacot (J. T. W.) The Bahama Islands (1875)— Ency. Brit. iii. 236 [2263]. Ohlsou (J. L.) Barbados (1875)— Ency. Brit. iii. 359-362. Johnston (Keith) Cuba ; History, Description, Natural History, Divisions, Popu- lation, Government, &c. (1877)— Ency. Brit. vi. 678 [2266]. Sainsbury ("W. Noel) The Two Providence Is., Bahamas -P. R. G. S. xxi. 148. 1877. Lubbock (Nevile) Position of the West Indian Colonies — P. R.C.I, viii. 261. 1877. Stuart (Major R.) Hispaniola— J.R.G.S. xlviii. 234. 1878. Gall.— Who's Who ? and What's What in Jamaica, 1879-80. [6017] Edited by James Gall. 18mo. Kingston, 1879. Russell (Robert and Logan) Jamaica, for the Invalid or Settler — P.R.C.I. x. 209. 1879. Champlin (J. D. ) Hayti, Santo Domingo, or Hispaniola ; Geography, Fauna, Population, History, Government (1880)— Ency. Brit. xi. 543 [2271]. Mu.sgrave (Sir A.) Jamaica, Now and Fifteen Years Ago— P. R.C.I, xi. 222. 1880. Berkeley (Hon. T. B. H.) The Leeward Islands— P. R.C.I, xii. 9. 1880. Island of Dominica : Recent Volcanic Eruption— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) ii. 363. 1880. Silver's West Indian Pocket Books. [6018] Lond. 1881. I. The Leeward and AVindward Islands. II. Jamaica, Hayti, Cuba, the Bahamas, &c. Eden.— The West Indies. By Charles H. Eden. [6019] 12mo. Lond. 1881. Hand-Book of Jamaica, -with Essays on its Resources, &c. From [6020] Official and other Records. 8vo. Kingston, 1881. Ohlson (J. L.) Jamaica— Ency. Brit. xiii. 549 [2273]. Gray (Robert Kaye) Telegraph Cable Exped. Havana, &c. (1881-82)— § 11, p. 106. Bates (H. W.) West India Islands : General Description ; the Great Antilles ; the Lesser Antilles, their Population, Trade, &c. — Stanfoed'8 C. and S. America [1255]. Morris (D.) Planting Enterprise in the West Indies— P. R.C.I, xiv. 265. 1883. Hand-Book of Jamaica, 1884-85 : containing Historical, Statis- [6023] tical, and General Information. By A. C. Sinclair and Laurence R. Fyfe. 8vo. Kingston, 1884. Moxley. — A West Indian Sanatorium ; Guide to Barbadoes. [6025] By Rev. J. H. Moxley. 12mo. Lond. 1886. The West Indies : Jamaica ; Trinidad ; Barbadoes ; Windward and Leeward Islands ; Bahamas (1886) — Her Majesty's Colonies [1599]. Lubbock (Nevile) Our West Indian Colonies — P. R.C.I. xviL 1886. Bon wick (James) Guadeloupe and Martinique— § 6 [1601]. [6036] Pamphlets Relating to the West Indies :— Foster (Nicholas) Briefe Relation of the Late Horrid Rebellion acted in the Island Barbados ... by the Walronds and their Abettors. London, 1650. Reprint, Lond. 1879. Hopkirk (J. G.) The Insurrection in St. Domingo, 1791. Edinburgh, 1833. Appeal on Behalf of the W. I. Merchants and Planters. Lond. 1792. Garraway (D. G. ) Account of the Insurrection in Grenada, 1795. Grenada, 1877. West Indian Sketches : Legal Condition of the Slave. Lond. 1816. W. I. Sketches : Nature of W. I. Slavery. Lond. 1816. W. I. Sketches: Nature of our Colonial Bondage. Lond. 1816. Marryat, More Thoughts on the W. I. Colonies. Lond. 1818. Marryat, Reply to Arguments on the Sugar Duties. Lond. 1823. Letter on Erroneous Statements in Mairyat's " Reply." Lond. 1823. WEST INDIA ISLANDS. 307 [6036] West Indian Pamphlets {continued} : — Memorials to His Majesty from Jamaica Assembly, 1821-26. Lond. 1828. Douglas (Keith) Considerations on State of the W. I. Colonies. Lond. 1830. History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave. Lond. 1831. Importance of Preserving the [West Indian] Colonies. Lond. 1832. Cropper (James) Another Bonus to the Planters. Lond. 1833. Barrett and Burge (Messrs.) Speeches at Meeting of Planters, &c. Lond. 1833. Memorial from Association of Jamaica Proprietors. Lond. 1838. Permanent Laws of the Emancipated Colonies [West Indies]. Lond. 1838. Innes (John) Letter on Negro Apprenticeship. Lond. 1838. Candler (John) Extracts from his Journal in Jamaica (two parts). Lond. 1840. Remarks on the Present State of our West Indian Colonies. Lond. 1848. Higgins (M. J.) Is Cheap Sugar the Triumph of Free Trade ? Lond. 1848. Stanley (Hon. E.) Claims and Resources of W. Indian Colonies. Lond. 1850. Case of the Free-Labour British Colonies. Lond. 1852. Hill (Richard) A Week at Port Royal. Montego Bay, 1855. Oughton (S.) Social, Moral, Commercial Advancement of Jamaica. 1862. Underbill (E. B., LL.D.) Letter on Condition of Jamaica Lond. 1865. Arthur (Rev. Wm.) The Outbreak in Jamaica Lond. 1865. Jamaica Papera : Facts and Documents relating to Alleged Rebellion. Lond. 1866. Jamaica Papers : The Blue Books. Lond. 1866. Ludlow (J. M.) A Quarter Century of Jamaica Legislation. Lond. 1866. Observations on Royal Commission and Disturbances in Jamaica. Lond. 1866. Jamaica under the New Form of Government. Lond. 1868. Hyams (Abr.) Jamaica ; its Constitution and Government. Kingston, 1874. Ewen (Will.) Labour, Pauperism, Crime, in Jamaica. Kingston, 1877. Berkeley (T. B. H.) The Leeward Islands, Past and Present. Lond. 1881. Warmer Islands : A Tour to Madeira and Jamaica. Lond. 1881. Editorial Comments on Speech of Sir Anthony Musgrave, 8th Feb. Kingston, 1882. Salmon (C. S. ) Depression in W. Indies : Remedy, Fi'ee Trade. Cobden Club, 1884. Clark (H. J.) Trinidad ; a Field for Emigration. Port of Spain, 1886. Crown Centralization v. Local Self-Government [Jamaica] Kingston, 1886. West Indies and Brit. Honduras : Hand- Book and Catalogue, Col. and Ind. Exhib. ]>ond. 1886. §90.-CENTRAL AMERICA; YUCATAN, GUATEMALA, HONDURAS, SAN SALVADOR, NICARAGUA, COSTA RICA, ISTHMUS OF PANAMA, AND DARIEN. Antiquities of Central America — Stephens [6044] ; Norman [6046] ; Sqitier [6051] ; Brine in J.R.G.S. xlii. 354 ; Maudslay in P.R.G.S. (N.S.) v. 185 ; viii. 568 ; Nadaillac [1136]. Spanish Conquests and Colonies in America (16th Cent.) — Peter Martyr [1320-21] ; Herrera [1326-27] ; Acosta [2038] and [2174-75] ; Benzoni [2033-35] and [2133] ; Las Casas [see p. 11] ; Raynal [1333] ; Robertson [1334] ; Helps [1354] ; Mendoza [1358] ; Cartas de Indias [1373]. Pascual de Andagoya, Coasts of Nicaragua, &c.^Haklutt See. xxxiv. [2146]. Cortes (Hernan) Fifth Letter to the Emperor Charles V., containing an Account of his Expedition to Honduras, 1524-25 — ibid. xl. [2152]. Saavedra (Alvaro) Project for C. American Canal (1525) — Burney, I. 157 [2101]. Other Projects by Spaniards, 16th Cent. — AcosTA, I. 135 [2174]. Relation of the Haven of Tehuantepec, a convenient place for building ships, on the South Sea, not far from Nicaragua — Hakluyt, III. 495 [2064]. Drake (Sir Francis) Voyages to Nombre de Dios and Dariene, about 1572 — Hakluyt, III. 525 [2064]. Oxnam (J.) Voyage to West India, and over Dariene into the S. Ssa, 1575 — Hakluyt, III. 526 Barker (And.) Voyage to the Coast of Tierra Fii-ma, and Honduras, 1576 — Hakluyt, III. 528. X 2 308 CATALOGUE. Buccaneering Expeditions on Coast C. America — Buknet, IV. [2104]; §11, Voyages [2325-26]. Cowley, Davis, Dampier, Sharp, Wafer and others, Visits to Darion and Isthmus of Panama, &c. 1680-1706— »icJ. Wafer (Lionel) Description of the American Isthmus — ihid. [2325]. The Mosquito Kingdom and People, 1699— Churchill, VI. 283-298 [2086]. A Defence of the Scots Settlement at Darien, with a [6041] Description of the Country. [By Andrew Fletcher, of Saltoun.] 8vo. Edinburgh, 1699. Thompson. — Guatemala and Mexico : Narrative of an Official [6043] Visit. ByGeorge Alex. Thompson. 12mo. Lond. 1829. Lloyd (J. A.) Notes on Isthmus of Panama— J. E.G. S. i. 69. 1830. Phillips (Capt. ) Commun. between Atlantic and Pacific (L. Nicaragua) — J.R.G.S. iii. 275. 1833. Galindo (CoL Don Juan) R. Usaminta, Guatemala— J. R. G. S. iii. 59. 1833. Galindo, Notice of the Caribs in Central America— J.R.G.S. iii. 290. 1833. Galindo, Eruption of Cosiguina, Nicaragua — J.R.G.S. v. 387. 1835. Galindo, On Central America— J. R.G.S. ri. 119. 1836. Page (E. L.) Journey from Belize to Guatemala, 1834— J.R.G.S. viii. 317. 1838. British Settlement of Belize — Martin's Col. Mag. iv. 477. 1841. Journey to Guatemala — Martin's Col. Mag. v. 43, 305. 1841. Statistics of Honduras — Martin's Col. Mag. v. 95. 1841. Page (E. L.) Guatemala— Martin's Col. Mag. t. 450 ; vi. 17, 168, &c. 1841. Allen (Capt. Bird) Eastern Coast of Central America— J.R.G.S. xi. 76. 1841. Escobar (P. F. A. de) Province of Vera Paz, Guatemala— J. R.G.S. xi. 89. 1841. Friedrichsthal (C. E.) L. Nicaragua, and Province of Chontales — J.R.G.S. xi. 97. 1841. Stephens.— Travels in Central America, and Yucatan. By [6044] J. L. Stephens. 4 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1841-43. Young. — The Mosquito Shore ; Narrative af a Residence, [6045] 1839-41. With Account of Truxillo, Bonacca, and Roatan. By Thomas Young. 12mo. Lond. 1842. Norman. — Rambles in Yucatan ; and a Visit to the Ruined [6046] Cities. By B. M. Norman. 8vo. New York, 1843. Liot. — Panamd, Nicaragua, and Tehuantepec ; or, the [6047] Question of Communication between the Atlantic and Pacific. By Capt. W. B. Liot. 8vo. Lond. 1849. Byam. — W^ild Life in the Interior of Central America. [6048] By George Byam. 12mo. Lond. 1849. Byam. — 'Wanderings in \A^estern Republics, with Remarks [6049] on Ship Canal through Central America. 12mo. 1850. Latham (R. G. ) Language of Central America — J.R.G.S. xx. 189. 1850. Oersted (M. A.) Canal, L. Nicaragua to Port of Salinas— J. R.G.S. xxi. 96. 1851. Cullen (Dr.) Tule Indians on Darien Coast— J. R. G. S. xxi. 241. 1851. Squier.— Travels in Central America, Nicaragua, &c., with [6051] Descriptions of Monuments, Scenery, and People. By E. G. Squier. 2 Vols. Royal 8vo. New York, 1853. Fitzroy (Adm.) Isthmus of C. America— J.R.G.S. xx. 161 ; xxiii. 171. 1850-53. Provo.st (Comm. J. C.) Report of the Isthmusof Darien— J.R.G.S. xxiv. 249. 1854. Smith (J. H.) Territory of Burica, Isthmus of Panama— J. R. G. S. xxiv. 256. 1854. Gisborne (L.) Survey of the Isthmus of Darien— J. R. G. S. xxviL 191. 1857. Caldwell, Exploration of Darien— P. R.G.S. i. 484. 1857. Power (J.) San Salvador State— J.R.G.S. xxviii. 349. 1858. Gehuchte (A. Van de) Latitudes and Longitudes, Republic Guatemala — J.R.G.S. xxviii 359. 1858. CENTRAL AMERICA. 309 58. 1860. 1862. 1862. 1862. 1862. Sqnier (E. G.) Tjake of Yojoa or Tnulebe in Honduras — J.K.G.S. xxx, Perry (G. R.) On Nicaragua— P. R.G.S. vi. 74. Pirn (Capt. K. ) Route across Nicaragua — P.R.G.S. vi. 75-112. Bell (C. N.) Remarks on Mosquito Territory— .T.R.G.S. xxxii. 242. Hermesdorf (M. G.) Isthmus of Tehuantepec — J.R.G.S. xxxii. 536. Pirn. — The Gate of the Pacific. By Captain Bedford Pim. [6053] 8vo. Lond. 1863. 01iphant(L.) Bayanos River, Isthmus of Panama — J.R.G.S. xxxv. 142. 1865. Collinson (J.) Exploration in Central America — P.R.G.S. xii. 25. 1868. Puydit (M. L. de) Explorations iuDarien, 1861 and 1865— P.R.G.S. xii. 63. 1868. Cockburn (A. S.) Physical Geography of Belize River- P.R.G.S. xii. 72. 1868. Pim. — Dottings in Panama, Nicaragua, and Mosquito. [6054] By Capt. Bedford Pim and Dr. Seemann. (Including a Bibliography of Central America.) Svo. Lond. 1869. Suckau (Henri de) Les Grandes Voies du Progress . . . Honduras (1869) — § 50 [3918]. Wickham (G. H.) Journey among the Mosquito Indians — P.R.G.S. xiii. 58. 1869. Brine (Adm. Lindsay) Ruined Cities Central America — J.R.G.S. xlii. 354. 1872. Captured by the Honduras Indians, 1868— Cassell, V. 1873. Maudslay (A. P.) Explorations in Guatemala— P. R. G. S (N.S.) v. 185. 1883. Webster (H. A. ) Republic of Guatemala ; Physical Features, Climate, Population, Government, &c. (1880)— Ency. Brit. xi. 238 [2271]. Squier (E. G.) Republic of Honduras (1881)— Ency. Brit. xii. 129 [2272]. Squier, British Honduras ; Population, &e. (1881) — Ency. Brit. xii. 132 [2272]. Keane (A. H.) Nicaragua ; its Physical Features, Geology, Climate, Flora, History, &c. (1884)— Ency. Beit. xvii. 477 [2277]. Panama Isthmus, State, and Canal (1885) — Ency. Brit, iviii. 208. Maudslay, Ruins and Site of Copan, C. America— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 568. 1886. Bates (H. W.) Yucatan, Honduras, Guatemala, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica ; Physical Features, Inhabitants, Government, Trade, &c. — Stanford's C. dk S. America [1255]. British Honduras (1886) — Her Majesty's Colonies [1599]. Bonwick (James) Resources of Honduras (1886) — § 6 [1600]. British Honduras : Hand- Book and Catalogue, Col. and Ind. Ezhib. (1886)— § 89 [6036]. [6062] Pamphlets Relating to Canal, C. America : — Pim (Bedford) Atlantic and Pacific Railway Across Nicaragua. Lond. 1866. Herran (Victor) Chemin de Fer Inter-Oceanique du Honduras. Paris, 1869. Gustafson (Axel) The United States and the Panama Canal. Lond. 1882. §91.— COLOMBIA, ECUADOR, AND VENEZUELA. *,* For Darien and Panama — see preceding Secliom,. Pascual de Andagoya, Narrative of the Proceedings of Pedrarias Davila in Terra Firma or Castilla del Oro, &c. — Hakluyt Soc. xxxiv. [2146]. Discoveries made by the Spaniards in the Province called Golden Castile ; first knowledge of the South Sea, &c. (1513-26)— Harris, II. 136 [2095]. Ursino (A. ) Relation Concerning Terra Firma,&c. (1581) — Pukchas, iv.l418 [2075]. Sparrey (Francis) Description of Trinidad, and River Orinoco (1602) — Purchas IV. 1247 [2075]. Pointis (M. de) Plunder of Carthagena (1686-97)— Burney, IV. 303, 316 [2104]. Barbot (John) Description of the Orinoco, &c. — Churchill, V. 548 [2085]. 310 CATALOGUE. An Account of the Expedition to Carthagena, with Notes [6071] and Observations. Reprinted. 8vo. Edin. 1742. Ulloa. — Voyage to [Spanish] South America, with Descrip- [6072] tions of Carthagena, Portobello, Panama, Guayaquil, Quito, Truxillo, Lima, &c. By George Juan, and Antonio, Ulloa. Translated by Adams. Plates. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1807. Humboldt's Expedition to the Orinoco (1800) ; Journey from Carthagena to Santa Fe and Quito (1801-2)— § 5, Personal Narrative [1350]. Humboldt on the Cataracts of the Orinoco — Aspects of Nature [1350]. Flinter. — History of the Revolution of Caraccas, with a [6073] Description of the Llaneros. 8vo. Lond. 1819. Blaquiere. — Description of Venezuela, Trinidad, Margarita, [6074] and Tobago. By Edward Blaquiere. Svo. Lond. 1821. Hilhouse (W.) Expedition up Cuyuny River— J. R. G. S. vii. 446. 1837. Baily (J.) Isthmus between Lake Granada and Pacific — J.R.G.S. xiv. 127. 1844. Friend (C.) Bay of Atrato to Bay of Cupica, 1827— J.R.G.S. xxiii. 191. 1853. Kelley (F. M. ) Explorations through the Valley of the Atrato to the Pacific in Searchof aRouteforaShipCanal— J.R.G.S. xxvi. 174 ; P.R.G.S. i. 63. 1856. Illingworth (Adm.) The Isthmus of Cupica— P.R.G.S. i. 86. 1857. Elliot's (Adm. Sir 0.) Proposed Orinoco Expedition— P.R.G.S. i. 251. 1857. Jameson (Dr. W.) Excursion from Quito to R. Napo — J.R.G.S. xxviii. 337. 1858. Pritchett (G. J.) Explorations in Ecuador, 1856-57— J.R.G.S. xxx. 64. 1860. Spruce (R.) Mountains of Llanganati, Quitonian Andes — J.R.G.S. xxxi. 163. 1861. Jameson (Dr. W.) Journey, Quito to Cayambe, 1859 — J.R.G.S. xxxi. 184. 1861. Paez. — Wild Scenes in South America, the Llanos of [6076] Venezuela. By Don Ramon Paez. Svo. Lond. 1863. Cross (R.) Journey from Chimborazo to Bogota — P.R.G.S. ix. 277. 1865. The Emigrants' Vade Mecum to the "Price Grant" in [6077] Venezuelan Guayana. 12mo. Lond. 1868. Foster (C. le Neve) Journey up the Orinoco — Cassell, I. 1869. Goering (A.) Guajiro Indians of Maraeaibo — Ca.ssell, II. 1870. Quito and the Quitonians — Cassell, VI. 1874. Webster (H. A.) United States of Colombia ; Geography, Resources, Government, History and Population (1877) — Enoy. Bkit. vi. [2266]. Webster (H. A.) Republic of Ecuador ; Physical Geography, Natural History, Government, History to 1877— Ency. Brit. vii. 644 [2267]. Spence. — The Land of Bolivar ; Adventure in Venezuela. By [6078] J. M. Spence. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Simons, Sierra Nevada of Santa Maria, Colombia — P.R.G.S. (N.S.) i. 689. 1879. Hartwig (Dr.) The Llanos and their Aspect — § 7, Tropical World [1690]. Whymper (Edw.) The Great Andes of Ecuador— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iii. 449. 1881. Simons (F. A. A.) Sierra Nevada, Santa Marta— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) iii. 705. 1881. White (R. B.) Central Provinces of Colombia— P. R. G. S. (N.S.) v. 249. 1883. Simons (F. A. A.) Explor. of Goajira, Colombia— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 781. 1885. Bates (H. W.) The Venezuelan Llanos and Orinoco Basin; Venezuela, United States of Colombia and Ecuador ; their Features, Population, Government, Resources, Trade, &c. — Stanford's South America [1255]. [6084] Pamphlets Relating to Spanish America : — Wyllie (R. C.) Letter on Spanish American Loans. Lond. 1840. Report of Bondholders on Foreign Debt of New Granada. Lond. 1855. New Granada: Final Diplomatic Controversy, Panama, 1856. Liverpool, 1857. Debt of Venezuela : Report of the Bondholders. Lond. 1865. Clark (J. Leslie) Emigration to Venezuelan Guayana. Lend. 1868. COLOMBIA, ECUADOR, ETC. 311 THE GAUVPAGOS ISLANDS. Under the Oovernmcnl of Ecuador. Discovered about 1520— Burnet, I. 274 [2101]. Narborongh (Sir J.) Account of the Galapagos Is.— § 11, Voyages [2323J. Buccaneers' Visits to Galapagos Is. (1683-87)— Bubney, IV. pp. 141-212 [2104]. Visit of tlie " Beaglo " to the Galapagos Is.— § 11, Voyages [2459]. Seemann (Dr. ) The Galapagos Is. (] 846)— § 11, Voyage of the " Herald " [2488]. Seymour (Sir G.) The Galapagos Islands (1849)— J.E.G.S. xix. 20 [1879]. The Galapagos Islands (1879)— Ency. Brit. x. 17 [2270]. Markham (A. H.) Visit to the Galapagos Islands (1880)— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) ii. 742. Wallace f A. R.) The Galapagos Islands— Geographical Distribution of Animals [1679]; Island Life [1688]. Bates (H. W.) The Galapagos Islands — Stanford's S. America, ch. xir. [1255]. §92.— GUIANA. Ursua (Pedro de) and Lope de Agnirre, Expedition in search of El Dorado and Omagna — Hakluyt Soc. xxviii. [2140]. Ralegh (Sir Walter) Voyages made for the Discovery of the Empire of Guiana (1595-96), with a Relation of the Golden City of Manoa (El Dorado) ; Epistles, Discourses, Intercepted LetterSf Observations and Intelligences, preceding and depending upon the Voyages to Guiana — Hakluyt, III. pp. 631-699 [2064] ; edited with additional documents by Sir Robert H. Schomburgk, Ph.D.— Hakltjyt Soc. [2115]. See also De Bry, VIII. [2037]. Leigh (Capt. C.) Voyage to Guiana, and Plantation there (1604) — Pukchas, IV. 1250 [2075]. Wilson (John) Relation of Guiana {1606)— ibid. p. 1260. Turner (Wm. ) Touching the former Voyage to Guiana (1605) — ibid. p. 1265. Harcourt (Robert) Voyage to Guiana (1608-11) ; names of the Rivers from Ama- zons to Dessequebe ; and Nations inhabiting those Rivers — ibid. p. 1267. Relation of the Habitations and other Observations of the River of Marwin, and the adjoining Regions — ibid. p. 1283 Rivers from Brabisse [Berbice] to the Amazones — ibid. p. 1286. Religions of the Inhabitants of Guiana, &c. — Purchas, V. 891 [2076]. Barbot (John) Description of Guiana, Cayenne, &c. — Chubchill, V. 548 [2085]. Warren (George) Description of Surinam — Habley, II. 919 [2087]. De Gennes' Visit to Cayenne, Brazil, &c. (1695-97)— § 11, Voyages [2324]. Stedman. — Surinam : Expedition against the Eevolted Negroes, [6089] with Description of Guiana; its Natural History, &C. By Capt. J. G. Stedman. Plates. 4to. Lond. 1796. Cayenne: Tableau de Cayenne ou de la Guiane Francaise; [6090] on y a joint des Observations Nautiques. MS. Notes by Peltier. 8vo. Paris, 1799. Bolingbroke. — Voyage to the Demerary, Essequibo, Ber- [6091] bice, &c. By Henry Bolingbroke. 8vo. Lond. 1809, Alexander (Sir J. E.) Essequibo and Massaroony Rivers — J.R.G.S. ii. 65. 1832. Hilhouse (Wm.) Voyage up the Massaroony, 1831— J.R.G.S. iv. 25. 1834. HUhouse, Warrow-Land of British Guiana— J. R.G.S. iv. 321. 1834. 312 CATALOGUE. Schomburgk (Sir E. H.) Expedition into B. Guiana— J. R.G.S. vi. 224. 1836. Schomburgk, AscentoftheCorentyn— J.R.G.S. vii. 285. 1837. Schomburgk, Ascent of the Berbice, 1836-37— J. E.G. S. vii. 302. 1837. Schomburgk, Third Expedition into Guiana— J.R.G.S. x. 159. 1840. Schomburgk, Journey Fort San Joaquim to Roraima — J.R.G.S. x. 191. 1840. Schomburgk, Esmeralda to San Carlos and Moura, 1839— J.R.G.S. x. 248. 1840. Prosperous State of B. Guiana — Martin's Col. Mag. iii. 297, 415. 1840. B. Guiana; Statistics, Aborigines, &c. — Mabtin's Col. Mag. iv. 273, 491. 1841. Schomburgk, Natural History B. Guiana — Maetin's Col. Mag. v. 298, 401 ; vi. 47. 1841. Schomburgk, Exped. toBarima and Guiana Rivers. 1841 — J.R.G.S. xii. 178. 1842. Schomburgk, Visit to Sources of Takutu, 1842— J.R.G.S. xiii. 18. 1843. Schomburgk, Pirara to Upper Corentyn and Demerara — J.R.G.S. xv. 1. 1845. Martin (R. M.) History and Statistics of B. Guiana— [1347-49]. Premium. — Eight Years in British Guiana, 1840-48. By [6093] B. Premium. 8vo. Lond. 1850. Austin (\V. P., Bp. of Guiana) Visitation Tour, 1851 — Church in Colonies [6257]. Duff. — British Guiana : its Productions, Industries, and Social [6094] Institutions. By Rev. K DufE. 12mo. Glasgow, 1866. Brett. — The Indian Tribes of Guiana j their Condition, [6095] Habits, &c. By W. H. Brett. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Wood (J. G.) The Natives of Guiana. Illustrated— § 7 [1667]. Beaumont.^The New Slavery; Indian and Chinese Immi- [6097] grants in B. Guiana. By Jos. Beaumont. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Jenkins. — The Coolie, his Rights and Wrongs : Notes of a [6098] Journey to Guiana. By E. Jenlcins. 8vo. Lond. 1871. Brown (C. B.) Kaieteur Waterfall, B. Guiana— J.R.G.S. xli. 77. 1871. Walker (W.) Forests of British Guiana— P. R. C.I. v. 126. 1874. Russell Prize Essays on Agriculture, and Immigration in [6099] British Guiana. 8vo. Georgetown, 1878. Wolsley (W. A. ) On the Grasses of British Guiana. Hill (Luke M. and Wm. J. D.) On Fallowing Land. Kirke (Henry) On Immigration in British Guiana. Bellairs (Seaforth) Maxwell (P. M.) and Duncan (R. G.) On Same Subject. Boddam-Whetham. — Roraima and British Guiana with [6101] a Glance at Bermuda, the West Indies, and the Spanish Main. By J. W. Boddam-Whetham. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Ohlson (J. L. ) British Guiana ; Geography and Physical Features, Natural History, Population, and Statistics (1880)— Ency. Brit. xi. 249 [2271]. Webster (H. A.) Dutch Guiana, or Surinam (1880)— Ency. Brit. xi. 251 [2271]. French Guiana ; Geography, Climate, &c. (1880)— Ency. Brit. xi. 253 [2271]. im Thurn (E. F.) Journey into British Guiana— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) ii. 465. 1880. Timehri : Journal of the Royal Agricultural and Commercial Soc. [6104] of Brit. Guiana. Vols. L to IV. 8vo. Demerara, 1882-85. Whitely (H.) Explorations in British Guiana— P. R. G. S. (N.S.) vi. 452. 1884. im Thurn (Everard) Ascent of Mount Roraima— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 497. 1885. Perkins (H. I.) Journey to Mount Roraima— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) vii. 522. 1885. Bates (H. W.) Guiana, British, French, Dutch — Stanford's S. America [1255]. Bonwick (James) Resources of British Guiana (1886)— § 6 [1600]. Bonwick (James) French Guiana, or Cayenne — § 6 [1601]. GUIANA. 313 [6108] Pamphlets Relating to British Guiana :— Whitfield (Richard H. ) Position and Prospects of British Guiana. Lend. 1872. British Guiana Post-Office Hand-Book. Lend. 1879. British Guiana Directory and Almanac, 1881. Georgetown, Demerara, 1881. Bronkhurst (H. V. P.) Origin of the Guyanian Indians Ascertained ; or the Abori- gines of America and E. I. Coolie Emigrants Compared. Georgetown, 1881. Hawtayne (G. H.) British Guiana : Catalogue. Col. and Ind. Exhib., Lond. 1886. § 93.— BRAZIL. Pinzon (Vincent Yaiiez) Discovery of Para and Brazil (1489) — Petee Maettr [1320-21] ; Ency. Buit. iv. 227 [2264] &c. Cabral (Pedro Alvarez) Discovery of BrazO (1500)— Harris, II. [2095] ; Major [1362] &o. Vespucci (Amerigo) Voyages and Settlement in Brazil — see p. 94. Hawkins (W.) Voyage to Brazil, 1530— Hakiuyt, III. 700 [2064]; Hakluyt Soo. [2170]. Markham (C. R.) Expeditions into the Valley of the Amazons, 1539, 1540, 1639, with List of Principal Tribes of the Amazons — Hakluyt Soc. xxiv. [2136]. Pizarro (Gonzalo) Expedition to the Land of Cinnamon, 1539-42 — ibid. Orellana (Francisco de) Voyage down the Amazons, 1540-41 — ibid. Reniger (R.)and Borey (T.) Voyage to Brazil, 1540— Hakluyt, III. 701 [2064]. Pudsey, Voyage to Baya in Brazil, 1542 — ibid Stade (Hans) Captivity among the Wild Tribes of E. Brazil— De Bry, Grands Voyages, III. [2032] ; (Translated by Tootal and Annotated by Capt. Burton) Hakluyt Soc. li. [2163]. Villegagnon, Expedition to Brazil (1557)— Bry, Grands Voyages, III. [2032] ; Thevet, France Antarctique [1325] ; Brosses [2089] ; Callander [2091]. Lerio's Description of Brazil (1558)— De Bry [2032] ; Purchas, IV. 1320 [2075]. Hare (S.) Voyage to Brazil, 1580 -Hakluyt, III. 704. Lancaster (James) Voyage to Pernambuco in Brazil, 1594 — ibid. p. 708. Ruttier of the Coast of Brazil, from the Isle of Santa Catalina into the River Plate, and up the said River, as far as navigable — ibid. p. 728. Turner (T.) Two Years in Brazil, &c. (about 1601)— Purchas, IV. 1243 [2075]. Knivet, Account of Brazil, its Savages, &c. (1601)— Purchas, IV. 1201 [2075]. Davies (William) Description of the River Amazons — ibid. p. 1287. Treatise of Brazil, by a Portuguese who had long lived there — ibid. p. 1289. WDkins (Jacob) Description of the Bay Todos los Santos in Brazil, and taking the Town Salvador (1624)— Purchas, II. 1859 [2073]. Acuiia (Chris, de) Discovery of the Amazons (1639)— Hakluyt Soc. xxiv. [2136]. Nieuhofif (John) A Residence in Brazil (1640-49)— Churchill, I. pp. 1-145 [2081]. Wagener, Travels iii Brazil and E. Indies (1643-68)— Churchill, II. 496 [2082]. De Gennes' Voyage to Brazil, Cayenne, &c. (1695-97)— -§ 11, Voyages [2324]. Barbot (John) Description of the Amazons, &o.— Churchill, V. 548 [2085]. History of the Discovery, Settlement, and Cultivation of Brazil by the Portu- guese ; its Conquest by the Dutch and Recovery by the Portuguese ; the advantages that have accrued to them from this Colony, &e. (1500-1709)— Harris, II. [2095]. Discoveries, Conquests, Settlements, and Present State of the Dutch Colonies in America (1642-1714)— iMA p. 364. The Jesuits in Brazil — Lettres IIdifiantes [2098]. Humboldt (Baron) Expedition to the Amazons (1802)— § 5, Travels [1350]. Keith (Sir G. M.) Voyage to Brazil, &c. (1819)— § 11 [2634]. 314 CATALOGUE. Caldcleugh. — Travels in South America, 1819-21, with [6115] Account of Brazil, Buenos Ayres, and Chili. By Alexander Caldcleugh. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lend. 1825. AVaterton.— \Vanderings in South America, the N.W. of [6116] the United States, and the Antilles, 1812-24. By Charles Waterton. 4to. Lond. 1825. FitzToy (Capt.) Abrohlos Bank off Coast of Brazil— J.R.Ci.S. ii. 315. 1832. Haeuke (T.) Southern Affluents of the Amazons— J. E.G. S. v. 90. 1835. Smyth, Account of Amazons and Negro Rivers — J.R.G.S. vi. 11. 1836. Smyth and Lowe, Journey Across the Andes, Lima to Para — § 95, Peru [6188]. Trade and Finances of Brazil — Martin's Col. Mag. v. 167. 1841. Brazilian Statistics — Martin's Col. Mao. t. 469. 1841. Edwards. — Voyage up the River Amazon and a Visit to [6118] Para. By W. H. Edwards. 12mo. Lond. 1847. Marjoribanks (Alex.) Visit to Brazil (1852)— § 87 [5914]. . Wallace (A. R.) On the Rio Negro— J.R.G.S. xxiii. 212. 1853. ^Vallace. — Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro, Account [6120] of the Native Tribes, and Obs. on the Natural History of the Amazon Valley. By A. R. Wallace. 8vo. Lond. 1853. Herndon.— Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon and [6121] Upper Peru. By W. Lewis Herndon and Lardner Gibbon, U.S. Navy. 2 Vols. 8vo, and Maps. Washington, 1854. Fletcher. — Brazil and the Brazilians. By J. C. Fletcher and [6122] D. P. Kidder. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1857. Hadfield. — -Brazil, the River Plate, and the Falkland Islands. [6123] By William Hadfield. Plates. Svo. Lond. 1858. Vereker (H. P. ) Brazilian Province of the Parana— J.R.G.S. xxxii. 137. 1862. Chandless (W.) Rivers Arinos, Juruena, and Tapajos — J.R.G.S. xxxii. 268. 1862. Bates. — The Naturalist on the Amazons, with Sketches of [6124] Brazilian and Indian Life, and Aspects of Nature under the Equator. By H. W. Bates. 2 Vols. 12mo. Lond. 1863. [6125] Christie (W. D.) Reply to Lord Malmesbury on Brazil [Lond.] 1863. Chandless, Ascent of the R. Pnrus— J.R.G.S. xixvi 86 ; P.R.G.S. x. 103. 1866. Chandless, Notes on the R. Aquiry— J. R. G. S xxxvi. 119. 1866. Burton. — The Highlands of Brazil and the Gold and Diamond [6126] Mines. By Capt. Burton. 2 Vols. Svo. Lond. 1869. Chandless, Journey up the Jurena — J.R.G.S. xxxix. 296. 1869. Chandless, Notes on Maue-assii, Abacaxio and Canuma — J.R.G.S. xl. 419. 1870. Chandless, India-rubber Groves of the Amazon. — Cassell, IL [2252]. 1870. Navigation of the Upper Amazons — Cassell, II' [2252]. 1870. Bates (H. W.) The Fresh-water Turtle of the Amazons— Cassell, III. 1871. Wickham (H. A.) Rough Notes on Brazil, &c. (1872)— [6013]. Geographical Positions on the Amazons — P.R.G.S. xvi. 271. 1872- HinehHff (T. W.) Rio Janeiro and the Organ Mountains — Cassell, IV. 1872- A Trip up the Trombetas — Cassell, IV. 1872- Rattray (A.) Visit to Fernando Noronha— J.R.G.S. xlii. 431. 1872. A Day Ashore at Pernambuco — Cassell, V. 1873. Fernando Noronha I. (1873) — " Challenger" Narrative, I. 210 [1694]. Moseley (H. N.) Visit to Caxeira, near Bahia — ibid. p. 227. BRAZIL. 315 Mulhall. — Handbook of Brazil : Buenos Ayres, Rio Grande do [6127J Sul, &c. By M. G. and E. T. Mulhall. 12mo. Lond. 1873. Keller. — The Amazon and Madeira Rivers : Sketches and [6128] Descriptions. By Franz Keller. Royal 4to. Lond. 1874. Marcoy. — Journey Across South America from the Pacific [6129] to the Atlantic. By Paul Marcoy. Illustrated by 600 Engravings. 4 Vols. Imp. 4to. Lond. 1874. Clough. — The Amazons : Diary of a Journey by R. S. Clough, [6130] for the S. American Missionary Soc. 8vo. Lond. [1874.] Gerber (H.) Province of Miiias Geraes, firazil— J. R. G. S. xliv. 262. 1874. Wells CJ. W.) B. St. Francisco to R. Tocantins and Maranhao — J.R.G.S. xlvi. 308. 1876. Johnston (Keith) Brazil ; its Geography, Geology, Climate, History, Races, Government, Finance, Commerce, Education, &c. (1876)— Ency. Beit. iv. 221 [2264]. Bigg-Wither (T. P.) Valley of the Titagy, Brazil— J. R.G.S. xlvi. 263. 1876. Nash (L.) Table of Distances on Amazons River— P.R.G.S. xxi. 595. 1877. Markham (C. R.) Unexplored Parts of South America — P.R.G.S. xxii. 40. 1877. Lindsay-Bucknall (H.) Search for Fortune in Brazil, &c.— § 14 [2867]. Bigg-Wither. — Pioneering in South Brazil: Three Years of [6132] Forest and Prairie Life in the Province of Parana. By Thomas F. Bigg- Wither. 2 Vols. 12mo. Lond. 1878. Brown. — Fifteen Thousand Miles on the Amazons. By [6133] Barrington Brown and Wm. Lidstone. 8vo. Lond. 1878. Gallenga (A.) South America . . . Brazil, &c. (1880)— [6198]. Mulhall. — Between the Amazon and Andes. Ten Years' [6134] Travels. By Mrs. M. G. Mulhall. 8vo. Lond. 1881. Hartwig (Dr.) The Amazons and Forests of Brazil — § 7, Tropical World [1690]. Bates (H. W.) The Empire of Brazil ; its Political Divisions, Natural Resources, Wild Tribes, Half Castes, European Population, Government, Constitution, Religion, &c. — Stanford's South America [1255]. Bates (H. W.) The Region of the Amazons and the Interior of Brazil ; their Physical Features, Fauna and Flora, Creeping Plants, Climbing Animals, Reptiles — Stanford's South America [1255]. Webster (H. A.) Rio Janeiro (1886)— Ency. Bkit. xx. 562 [2280]. Wells (James) Physical Geography of Brazil— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 353. 1886. Wells, Delta of the Tocantins, Brazil— P. R. G. S. (N.S.}viii. 513. 1886. Steinen (Karl) Xingu, Tributary of the Amazon— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) viii. 517. 1886. §94— STATES OF THE RIVER PLATE ; THE ARGENTINE PROVINCES, PARAGUAY, AND URUGUAY. Solis (Juan de) Discovery of the Rio de Plata (1512)— Peter Martyr [1320-21] ; Galvano (Hakluyt Soc.) p. 122 [2142]. Schmidel (Ulrich) Voyage up the River Plate, Foundation of Townes, their Expe- dition up the River of Parana and Parabol ; the people of these parts ; and a Long March from Assumption into Peru (1534-54) — De Bry [2036] ; Phrchas, IV. 1347 [2075]. Voyage of two Englishmen to the River Plate (1527)— Hakluyt, III. 726 [2064]. Drake (John) Voyage up the River Plate {\h&2)—ibid. p. 726. Acarete (Sieur) Voyages sur la Riviere de la Platte, et de Ik par torre jnsques au Perou et an Potosi— Thevenot, II. 20 [2078]. 316 CATALOGUE. Techo (Nich. del) History of the Provinces of Paraguay, Rio de la Plata, Parana, Chile, &c., to 1645— Churchill, IV. 636-749 [2084]. Sepp (Anth.) and Behme (Anth.) Voyage from Spain to Paraguay (1671) — ibid. pp. 596-622. The Jesnits in Paraguay — Lettres I^dipiantes [2098]. Charlevoix's History of Paraguay and Establishments there [6150] of the Jesuits. 2 Vols. 8vo. Dublin, 1769. Whitelocke's (Gen.) Expedition against Buenos Ayres. [6151] By an Irish Officer. 8vo. Dublin, 1808. Gillespie. — A Residence at Buenos Ayres, &c. By Major [6152] Alex. Gillespie. 8vo. Leeds, 1818. Head. — ^Journeys Across the Pampas and Among the Andes. [6153] By Captain [Sir] Francis B. Head. 12mo. Lend. 1826. Caldcleugh (Alex.) Account of Buenos Ayres, &c. (1819-21)— § 93 [6115]. Parish (Sir W.) Voyage up the Negro River— J. E.G. S. vi. 136. 1836. Darwin's Observations on the Geology of South America — § 11, Voyages [2459]. Scarlett. — South America and the Pacific : Journey from [6154] Buenos Ayres to Valparaiso, Lima, and Panama. By Hon. P. C. Scarlett. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1838. Gosselman (Capt.) Cordova to Mendoza, 1837— J.R.G.S. ix. 407. 1839. French (J. 0.) Argentine Province of Rioja, 1826-28— J.R.G.S. ix. 381. 1839. Robinson (M. E.) Town of Carmen and the Rio Negro — J.R.G.S. xiv. 130. 1844. King. — The Argentine Republic ; Twenty-Four Years in. By [6155] Col. J. A. King. 8vo. Lond. 1846. Hadfield (Wm.) Brazil, the River Plate, &c. (1858)— § 93 [6123]. Wheelwright (W.) Railway Route Caldera to Rosario— J.R.G.S. xxxi. 155. 1861. Cox (G.) Across Southern Andes to the Pacific — J.R.G.S. xxxiv. 205. 1864. Hutchinson (T. J.) Journey through Argentine Provinces — J.R.G.S. xxxiv. 226. Hutchinson. — Buenos Ayres and Argentine Gleanings, [6157] with Extracts from a Diary of the Salado Exploration in 1862 and 1863. By T. J. Hutchinson. 8vo. Lond. 1865. Latham. — The States of the River Plate ; their Industries [6158] and Commerce. By Wilfrid Latham. 8vo. Lond. 1866. Hutchinson.— The Parand, Paraguayan War, and South [6159] American Recollections, 1861-68. 8vo. Lond. 1868. Hutchinson (T. J.) Paraguay during the War — Cassell, I. 1869. Bankart (H.) The Gold Fields of Uruguay— J.R.G.S. xxxix. 339. 1869. Murray. — Travels in Uruguay. With Account of American [6160] Sheep-Farming. By J. H. Murray. 12mo. Lond. 1871. Parfitt (W. S.) Adventures in the Argentine Republic — Cassell, III. 1871. Crawford (R.) Projected Railway over Southern Andes— J.R.G.S. xliii. 46. 1873. Levi (L.) Geography and Resources of Paraguay — P.E.G.S. xviii. 117. 1874. Mulhall. — Handbook of the River Plate Republics; Buenos [6161] Ayres, Argentine Provinces, Uruguay, and Paraguay. By M. G. and E. T. Mulhall. 12mo. Lond. 1875. Johnston (K.) Physical Geography of Paraguay— P. R. G. S. xx. 494. 1876. Napp. — The Argentine Republic. From the German of [6162] Richard Napp, and others. 8vo. Buenos Ayres, 1876. Mulhall (M. G.) Buenos Ayres (1877)— § 93, Brazil [6127]. Lindsay- Bucknall (H.) Search for Fortune : Three Years in Buenos Ayres and the Argentine Republic, with Account of the Henley Colony — § 14 [2867]. Views in Buenos Ayres : Fourteen Photographs by Mr. [6164] Delamere. Oblong 4to. [1880.] Gallenga (A.) The Argentine Republic, Paraguay, Brazil, &c. (1880)— §95 [6198]. Christison (Dr. D. ) Journey to Central Uruguay— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) ii. 663. 1880. The Republic of Uruguay ; Geography, History, Industries, [6166] Commerce, and Statistics. 12mo. Lond. 1883. Bates (H. W. ) The Region of the River Plate and the Pampas ; their Physical Features, Vegetation, Ornithology, &c. — Stahvord's South America [1255]. Bates (H. W. ) The Argentine Confederation, Paraguay, and Uruguay ; their Extent, Features, Minerals, Soil, Climate, Rainfall, Inhabitants, Material Progress, &c. — Stanford's S. America [1255]. Parish (F.)The Argentine Republic (1875)— Enct. Brit. ii. 487-496 [2262]. Buenos Ayres, Province and Capital of the Argentine Republic (1876)— Enct. Brit. iv. 439 [2264]. Webster (H. A.) The River Plate— Enct. Brit. xix. 187 [2279]. Webster, Paraguay : Geography and History— Enct. Brit, xviii. 243 [2278]. [6173] Pamphlets:— Pfeil (Adolph R.) Anglo-French Intervention in the River Plate. Lond. 1847. Wheelwright (W. ) The La Plata Provinces and Interoceanic Railway. Lond. 1861. The River Plate as a Field for Emigration. Third Edition. Lond. 1867. Wileman (H. St. John) The Argentine Republic : Facts and Figures. Lond. 1882. §95.— PERU AND BOLIVIA. Pascual de Andagoya, Narrative containing the earliest notice of Peru, edited by C. R. Markham — Haklutt Soc. xxxiv. [2146]. Xeres (Francisco) True Account of the Province of Cuzco — ibid, xlvii. [2159]. Astote (Miguel de) Report on the Expedition to Pachacamac — ibid. Pizarro (Hernando) Letter to the Royal Audience of Santo Domingo (1533) — ibid. Sancho (Pedro) Report on the Partition of the Ransom of Atahuallpa — ibid. Molina (Christoval de) Fables and Rites of the Yncas — Haklutt Soc. xl viii. [2160]. Pachacutiyamqui Salcamayhua (Juan de Santa Cruz) Antiquities of Peru — ibid. Avila (Francisco de) Errors, False Gods, Superstitions and Rites of the Indians of Huarochiri — ibid. Ondegardo (Polo de) Report on the Lineage and Conquests of the Yncas — ibid. Acosta's Account of Pern, &c.— De Bet [2038] ; Haklutt Soc. [2174-75]. Pizarro (Francis) Discovery and Conquest of Peru (1524-34) — PuRCHAS, IV. 1491 [2074] ; Harris, II. 143 [2095]. Garcilasso de la Vega, Royal Commentaries of the Incas ; History of Ynca Civilisation, Conquests, Religion, Institutions, Customs, &o., translated and edited by C. R. Markham— Haklutt Soc. xli. and xlv. [2153-54]. Cieza de Leon, Travels 1532-50, contained in his Chronicle of Peru, edited by C. R. Markham — ibid, xxxiii. and Ixviii. [2145]. Guzman (Don Alonzo Enriquez de) Adventures in Spain .... Peru, &c. (1518-43), edited by C. R. Markham— i6M(. xxix. [2141]. Drake's Visit to Arica, Callas, &c. (1579)— ibid. xvi. [2128]. Hawkins (Sir Richard) Observations in Peru (1593)— ibid. Ivii. [2170]. Ellis (John) Note concerning places on the Coast and Inland of Pern (1593) — PuKCHAs, IV. 1415 [2075]. Relation of an Englishman which had been 13 yeeres Captive to the Spaniards in Peru, &c. (1605)— ibid. p. 1418. Ursino (Alex.) Relation concerning the Secrets of Peru and Chili (1581) — ibid. Peru and the Peruvians, and of their Religions— Purchas, V. 891. 318 CATALOGUE. Map of Peru, to Illustrate the Travels of Cieza de Leon (1532-50), the Royal Commentaries of Garcilasso de la Vega (1609), and Father Acosta's History of the Indies — Hakluyt Soc. [2176]. Markham. — Memoir of the Countess of Chincon, and Vice- [6179] Queen of Peru, 1629-39. With Remarks on Chinchona. By C. R. Markham. Small 4to. Lond. 1874. Woodes Rogers, Edw. Cooke, Frezier, Shelvocke, Voyages to South Sea, Chili, Peru, &c. (18th Cent.)— § H, Voyages, p. 97 ; Burnet, IV. [2104]. View of the Coasts, Countries and Islands Within the South [6180] Sea Co.'s Limits. 12mo. Lond. 1711. The Jesuit Missionaries in Peru — Lettres Sdifiantes [2098]. Anson's Visit to Peru, Acupuleo, &c. (1740)— § 11, Voyages [2339-44]. Ulloa (G. J. and Ant.) Description of Truxillo, Lima, kc.—% 91 [6072]. The Earthquake at Lima and Callao, 1746. With a [6181] Description of Peru. 8vo. Lond. 1748. Humboldt (Alex. Von) The Plateau of Caxamarca, Ancient Inca Capital, and First View of the Pacific — § 14, Aspects of Nature [1350], Alcedo's Geographical Dictionary of America, with Additions from Modem Travels (1812-16)— § 5 [1341-42]. Mathison. — A Visit to Peru, the Sandwich Islands, &e., [6182] 1821-22. By G. F. Mathison. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Proctor.— ^Journey Across the Andes and Residence in Peru, [6183] 1823-24. By R. Proctor. 8vo. Lond. 1825. Brand. — Voyage to Peru, Passage across the Andes on Foot in [6185] the Snow, and Journey across the Pampas. By Lieut. Charles Brand. 8vo. Lond. 1828. Temple. — Travels in Peru, and Residence in Potosi. By [6186] Edmond Temple. 2 Vols. 8vo. Lond. 1830. History of Peru and Chili (Conder's Modern Traveller). [6187] 18mo. Lond. 1830. Pentland(J. B.) The Bolivian Andes, between IS" and 20°S.— J.R.G.S.v. 70. 1835. Miller (Gen. W.) Journeys among the Chunclios Indians — J.R.G.S. vi. 174. 1836. Journey from Lima to Para ; Across the Andes and down the [6188] Amazon. By Lt. W. Smyth and F. Lowe. 8vo. 1836. Pentland, On the Site of Cuzco— J. R. G. S. viii. 427. 1838. Miller, Notes on South America and Oceania — J.R.G.S. xii. 137. 1842. Peruvian and Bolivian Guano ; its Nature, Properties, and [6189] Results. 8vo. Lond. 1844. Tschudi. — Travels in Peru, 1838-42. By Dr. J. J. von Tschudi. [6190] Translated by T. Ross. 8vo. Lond. 1847. Wise (Lt. ) Wanderings in Peru— § 88, Los Oringos [5967]. Walpole (Hon. F.) Cruises on the South American Coast, &o. — § 11 [2480]. Bollaert (W.) Geography of Southern Peru— J.R.G.S. xxi. 99. 1851. Lloyd (J. A.) Journey Across the Andes of Peru — J.R.G.S. xxiv. 259. 1854. Herndon and Gibbon, The Amazons and Upper Peru — § 93, Brazil [6121]. Markham, Sources of the Purus— J.R.G.S. xxv. 151 ; P.R.G.S. v. 224. 1855-61. Lindley (A. F.) The Chincha Islands (1855)— Cassell, II. [2262]. Philippi (Dr. R.) The Desert of Atacama— j'.R.G.S. xxv. 158. 1855. Ledesma (Don V.) Geography of Peru— J.R.G.S. xxvi. 210. 1856. Fuente (Don M. B.) Province of Tarapaca, South Peru— J.R.G.S. xxvi. 229. 1856. PERU AND BOLIVIA. 319 Markham, — Cuzco and Lima : A Visit to the Ancient and [6191] Modern Capitals of Peru, with an Account of the Incas. By Clements K Markham. 12mo. Lond. 1856. MoesU (C.) Position of W. Coast of South America— J. R.G.S. xxviii. 333. ISaS. Markham (C. K.) Province of Caravaya— J.R.G.S. xxxi. 190. 1861. Markham. — Travels in Peru and India (Collection of Chin- [6192] chona Plants and Seeds in South America and their Intro- duction into India). By C. R. Markham. 8vo. Lond. 1862. Raimondi (Prot A.) On Loreto in N. Peru— P.R.G.S. viii. 58. 1864. Fuentes. — Lima : Sketches of the Capital of Peru ; Historical, r6193] Statistical, Administrative, Commercial and Moral. By Manuel A. Fuentes. Forty Plates. Imp. 8vo. Paris, 1866. Raimoniii, Rivers San Gavan and Ayapata— J.R.G.S. xxxvii. 116. 1867. Raimondi, Confluence of Mantaro and Apurimae — J.R.G.S. xxx^'iii. 413. 1868. Bollaert (W ) Additional Notes on Southern Peru— P.R.G.S. xii. 126. 1868. Tucker (J. R.) Peruvian Exploration of the Ucayali— P. R.G. S. liii. 133. 1869. Bolivia and its Outlet by the Amazons — Cassell, II. 1870. Lindley, A Ramble in Peru — Casskll, II. 1870. Lindley, Lima and the Andes — Cassell, III. 1871. Markham (C. R.) Geographical Pcsition of Tribes which formed the Empire of the Yncas of Peru— J.R.G.S. xli. 281 ; P.R.G.S. xv. 367. 1871. Saunders (T.) Note on Map of Empire of Yncas of Peru— J. R. G. S. xlii. 513. 1872. Hutchinson. — Two Years in Peru, with Exploration of its [6195] Antiquities. By T. J. Hutchinson. 2 Vols. 8vo. 1873. 1873. 1874. Johnston (Keith) Bolivia ; its Physical Geography, Climate, Resources, Popula- tion, Government, &c. (1876)— Ency. Burr. iv. 10 [2264]. Squier. — Peru : Travel and Exploration in the Land of the [6196] Incas. By E. G. Squier. 8vo. Lond. 1877. Musters (G. C.) Notes on Bolivia— J.R.G.S. xlvii. 201. 1877. Harding (J.) The Desert of Atacama— J.R.G.S. xlvii. 250. 1877. Boundary of Bolivia and Chili— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) i. 785. 1879. Gallenga.- — South America [Experiences in Peru, Chili, the [6198] Argentine Republic, Paraguay, and Brazil]. By A. Gallenga. Reprinted from the Times. 8vo. Lond. 1 880. Markham. — Peruvian Bark : A Popular Account of its Intro- [6199] duction into India. 12mo. Lond. 1880. Markham. — Peru. By Clements R. Markham. [6200] 12mo. Lond. 1881 Hart wig (Dr.) The Sand Coast and Table Lands of Peru and Bolivia — § 7, Tropical World [1690]. Minchin (J. B. ) Eastern Bolivia and the Gran Chaco— P. R G. S. (N. S.) ilL 401. 1881. Butler (E. D.) Lima (1882)— Ency. Beit. xiv. 644 [2274]. Minchin (J. B.) Andean Table Land of Bolivia(1882)—P.R.G.S.(N.S.)iv.671. 1882. Markham, Basins of the Amarn-Mayu and Beni— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) v. 313. 1883. Heath (E. R.) Exploration of the Beni(1880-81)— P.R.G.S. (N.S.)v. 327. 1883. Markham, Peru ; Geography, History, &c. (1885)— Ency. Bkit. xviii. 669 [2278]. Bates (H. W.) Peru and Bolivia; their Extent, Features, Climate, Scenery, Population, Mineral Wealth, Trade, Government, Public Works, Railways, &c. — Stanford's South America [1255]. Explorations in Peru^CASSELL, V. Markham (C. R.) Communication in Southern Peru — J.R.G.S. xliv. 127. !20 CATALOGUE. [6206] Pamphlets Relating to Peru :— Suggestions as to the S. American and Literary Institution. Forbes (David) Geology of Bolivia and Southern Peru. Aramayo (Aveliuo) Bolivia (1863). Cerniti (Capt. F. E.) Peru, Spain, and the Chincha Islands. Squier (E. G. ) Geography and Archaeology of Peru. Dingman (Benj. S. ) Ten Years in S. America — Peru. Dingman, Ten Years in S. America, pt. ii. — Bolivia. Lond. 1825. Lond. 1861. Lond. 1874. Lond. 1864. Lond. 1870. Montreal, 1876. Montreal, 1876. §96.— CHILI AND JUAN FERNANDEZ. Discovery and Conquest of Chili (1535)— Harris, IL 143 [2095] ; Alcedo [1341], Discovery of Juan Fernandez (1563) — Burnet, L 274 [2101] ; Alcedo [1341]. Drake (Sir Francis) Visit to Valparaiso, &c. (1578)— Hakluyt Soc. xvi. [2128]. Ursine (Alex.) Relation of . . . Chili (1.581)— Purchas, IV. 1418 [2075]. Brawern (Henry) and Herckman (Elias) Voyage to Chili (1642-43) — CHnRClllLL,I. 453 [2081] ; Burney, III. ch. v. [2203]. Ovalle (Alonzode) History of Chili (1646)— Churchill, III. pp. 1-138 [2083]. Dampier, Cowley, Sharp, Wafer, and others. Visit to Darien, West Coast of South America, Juan Fernandez, &o. (1680-1706) — Burnet, III. and IV. [2103-4]; § 11, Voyages, p. 97. Strong (Capt. John) Voyage to Coast of Chili (1689-91)— Burnet, IV. 330 [2104]. Frezier; Voyage to Chili, &c. (1712)— § 11, Voyages [2330]. UUoa, Description of Juan Fernandez (1743)— § 91 [6072]. Brignon (H.) Voyage to Chili and Peru (1747)— Burney, V. 133 [2105J. Ducloz (Guyot) Voyage to Chili and Peru (1753)— ibid. p. 136. Spanish Colony Established Juan Fernandez (1750)— J.R.G.S. iv. 182 [1864]. Molina's Chili : Geographical, Natural, and Civil History. From [6208] the Italian. 8vo. Lond. 1809. Matheson (G. F.) Visit to Chili (1821)— [6182]. Caldcleugh (Alex. ) Account of Chili (1825)— § 93 [6115]. History of Chili (1830)-Conder [6187]. Diary of the Wreck of the " Challenger," and Encampment [6209] of the Officers and Crew on the South Coast of Chili, 1835. 8vo. Lond. 1836. Fitzroy (R.) Mt. Aconcagua, in Chili— J.R.G.S. vii. 143. 1837- Longitude of Valparaiso and Callao — J.R.G.S. ix. 502. 1839- Sutcliffe. — The Earthquake of Juan Fernandez, 1835. By [6210] Thomas Sutcliffe. Plates. 8vo. Manchester, 1839. Sutcliffe.— Sixteen Years in Chili and Peru (1822-39). By [6211] the Eetired Governor of Juan Fernandez. 8vo. [1841.] Gardiner. — A Visit to the Indians on the Frontiers of Chili. [6212] By Allen F. Gardiner. 12mo. Lond. 1841. Pfeiffer (Ida) Visit to Chili— § 11, Voyages [2486]. Bollaert(W.) Observations on Coal Formation inChile— J.R.G.S. xxv. 172. 1855. Webber. — Journal of a Voyage Round Cape Horn to [6214] Coquimbo. By Vivian A. Webber. 8vo. Swansea, 1859. History and Features of Juan Fernandez— "Challenger," 1. pt. ii. [1694]. Black (C. B.)and Walters (Fred.) Chili; its Geography, Population, History, Resources, llevenue, &c.— Ency. Brit. v. 616 [2265]. Thomson (Sir Wyville) Juan Fernandez— Ency. Bkit. xiii. 757 [2273]. Boundary of ChUi and Bolivia— P. R.G.S. (N.S.) i. 785. 1879. Boyd. — Sketches of Chili and the Chilians. [6216] By R. Nelson Boyd. 12mo. Lond. 1881, Giissfeldt (Dr. Paul) Central Chilian-Argentine Andes— P.R.G.S. (N.S.) vi. 658. 1884. [6224] The Republic of ChilL (From the American Cyclopaedia.) Lond. 1883. Bates (H. W. ) Chile ; Geographical Features, Mineral Wealth, Inhabitants, Government, &c. — Stanfokd's South America [1255]. Bates (H. W.) Juan Fernandez— Stanfokd's S. America [1255]. §97 —PATAGONIA, STRAITS OF MAGELLAN, AND TERRA DEL FUEGO. Magellan, Loaysa, Drake, Cavendish's, and other Passages of the Strait, 16th Cent.— see § 11, Voyages, pp. 94 to 96 ; Bukney [2101]. Sarmiento (Pedro) Survey of the Strait and Attempt to Plant a Colony There (1579-84)— BuBNEY, II. pp. 1 to 57 [2102]. Carder (Peter) Voyage by the Straits of Magellan, 1577-86— Pukchas, IV. 1187 [2075]. Knivet (Anthony) Admirable Adventures and Strange Fortunes of, 1591-1601. Description of divers Nations of Savages in Brasill and adjoining Regions, the Giants of Port Desire, and Inhabitants of Port Famine — ibid. pp. 1201-1242. Le Maire and Schouten, Discovery of Cape Horn (1616)— Daluymple, II. [2096]; BURNEY, II. [2102]. Narborough (Sir John) Voyage to the Straits of Magellan and South Sea foi Settling a Commerce in those Parts— § 11, Voyages [2323]. Byron (Commodore) Voyage and Shipwreck on the Coast of Patagonia (1740-46) — § 11, Voyages [2346-47] ; Burney, v. [2105]. Spanish Missionary Voyage to Patagonia (1745-46)— Burney, v. 131 [2105]. Pemety (Dom) Deux Voyages au Detroit de Magellan — § 98 [6228]. Byron's Voyage to Straits of Magellan (1764-65)— § 11, Voyages [2348 and 2355J. Relacion del ultimo Viage al Estrecho de Magallanes de [6219] la fregata de S. M. "Santa Maria de la Cabeza," 1785-86. Extracto de todor los anteriores desde on descubrimiento impresos y mss. y noticia de los habitantes, suelo, clima y producciones del Estrecho. 4to. Madrid, 1788. Apfenbice : Relacion del viage al Magallanes, &c., que contiene el de los paquebotes "Santa Casilda" y " Santa Eulalia " para completar el reconoci- miento del Estrecho, 1788-89. 4to. Madrid, 1793. King (Capt. P. P.) Tierra del Fuego, and Strait of Magelhaens— J.R.G.S. i. 155. 1830. King and Fitzroy, Survey of the Straits of Magellan (1826-30)— § 11, Voyages (2459]. Macdouall. — Voyage to Patagonia and Terra del Fuego, in [6220] H.M.S. "Adventure" and "Beagle," 1826-27. By John MacdouaU. 12mo. Lond. 1833. 322 PATAGONIA AND TERRA DEL FUEGO. Darwin (Cliarles) Patagonia, Tena del Fuego, and Straits of Magellan ; Geologj-, Natural History, and Inhabitants (1832-34) — Voyage of a Naturalist, ch. viii.-ix. [1645] and [2459]. Blankley (Capt.) Island and Province of Chiloe— J.R.G.S. iv. 344. 1834. Fitzroy (Capt. R. ) Attempt to Ascend Santa Cruz River — J. R.G. S. vii. 114. 1837. Henderson (T.) and Paynter (S. ) Coal in Straits of Magellan — J.R.G.S. xx. 151. 1850. W^illiams. — Memoir of Richard Williams, of the Terra del [6221] Fuego Mission. By Jas. Hamilton. 12mo. Lond. 1854. Snow. — Cruise off Terra del Fuego, Falkland Islands, &c. [6222J By W. Parker Snow. 2 Vols. 12mo. Lond. 1857. Jones (H. L.) Notes on Maps of Patagonia — J.R.G.S. xxxi. 204. 1861 ■. "Wood (J. G.) The Natives of Patagonia and Terra del Fuego— § 7 [1667]. Patagonia and the Patagonians — Cassell, II. 1870. Musters (Comm.) A Year in Patagonia — J.R.G.S. xli. 59. 1871. Gardiner,— Story of Commander Allen Gardiner, R.N., [6223] with Sketches of Missionary Work in South America [Patagonia, Terra del Fuego, '&c.]. New Edition. 12mo. 1883. Cunningham. — The Strait of Magellan and Patagonia : [6224] Natural History of. By R. 0. Cunningham. 12mo. Edin. 1871. Musters. — The Patagonians : Wanderings from the Straits of [6225] Magellan to Rio Negro. l2mo. Lond. 1873. Voyage of the "Challenger " through the Straits of Magellan (1875) — Narraiwe, vol. i. pt. ii. [1694]. Markham (C. R.) Unexplored Parts of South America— P. R.G.S. ixii. 40. 1877. Beerbohm. — Wanderings in Patagonia Among the Ostrich [6226] Hunters. By Julius Beerbohm. 8vo. Lond. 1879. Coppinger ( Dr. ) Visit to Straits-of Magellan— [2543] ; P. R. G. S. (N. S. ) ii. 552. 1 880. Durnford (H.) Explorations in Central Patagonia— P. R.G. S. (N.S.) v. 84. 1883. Webster (H. A.) Patagonia ; Geography and History — Ekcy. Beit, zviii. 352 [2278]. Bates (H. W.) Patagonia, Strait of Magellan, and Terra del Fuego ; Physical Features, Inhabitants, &c. — Stanfobd's South America [1255]. §98.— THE FALKLAND ISLANDS. Discovered by the Portuguese and named " Ascension Islands " (1506 ?) — Davis's Voyages, Hakltjyt See. lix. p. 108 [2172]. Discovery by John Davis (1592) — ibid. Introduction, p. xlix. Hawkins (Sir R.) Alleged Discovery — Hawkins's "Maidenland," Feb. 1594— ibid. ; also Hawkins's Voyages, Hakluyt Soo. Ivii. [2170]. Bougainville, Voyage to Malouines or Falkland Islands (1763-66)- Bitbney, V. 143 [2105]. Pernety.— Journal d'un Voyage aux lies Maloines, 1763-64 ; [6228] et Deux Voyages au Detroit de Magellan. Par Dom Pernety. 2 Vols. 12mo. Berlin, 1769. Byron (Commodore) Possession taken of the Falkland Islands (Jan. 1766) — Hawkesworth, I. [2355]. FALKLAND ISLANDS. 323 Falkland Islands. Papers Relative to the Negociation with [6229] Spain and the Taking of Port Egmont and Falkland's Island from the English. 4to. Lond. 1777. Morrell (Capt. Benj.) Account of the Falkland Is. (1822)— § 11, Voyages [2447]. Parish (Sir Woodbine) Account of East Falkland (1833)— J.R.G.S. iii. 194 [1863]. Martin (R. M.) The Falkland Islands (1834)— § 5 [1347-49]. Darwin (Charles) Geology and Natural History of the Falkland Islands (1833-34) — Voyage of a Naturalist, ch. ix. [1645] and [2459]. Whitington. — The Falkland Islands : History, Observations, [6230] &c. By G. T. Whitington. -Svo. Lond. 1840. Colonisation of the Falklands by Convicts (1840) — Martin's Col. Mag. ii. 304. Account of the Falkland Islands (1842)— Martin's Col. Mag. vii. 430 [1479]. Ross (Sir J. C.) Visit to Falkland Is. (1842)— §13, AKtarctio Voyage [2753-54]. Snow (Parker) Cruise among the Falklands (1856)— § 97 [6222]. Hadfield (W.) Account of the Falkland Is. (1858)— §93, Brazil [6123]. Visit to the Falkland Is. (1876) — "Challenger" Voy. vol. i. pt. ii. [1694]. Thomson (Sir WyviUe) The Falkland Islands (1879)— Enct. Brit. ix. 14 [2269]. Bates (H. W. ) The Falkland Islands — Stanford's South America [1255]. The Falkland Islands (1886)— Her Majesty's Colonies, § 6 [1599]. Bonwick (James) Resources of the Falkland Islands (1886)— § 6 [1600]. The Library also contains ANNUALS, ALMANACS, and YEAR BOOKS For most of the Colonies ; and Dieectoeies for a few of the leading Towns in Australia, Canada, and South Africa ; besides numerous Paeliamentary Papees and Reports. Y 2 / / Oft have I wished a trareller to be : Mine eyes did even itcli the sights to see, That I had heard and read of. Oft I have Been greedy of occasion, as the grave, That never says enongh ; yet still was crost, When opportunities had promised most. At last I said, what mean'st thou, wandering elf, To straggle thus ? Go travel first thyself. Thy little world can show thee wonders great : Tlie greater may have more, but not more neat And curious pieces. Search, and thou shalt find Enough to talk of. If thou wilt, thy mind Europe supplies, and Asia thy will. And Afric thine affections. And if still Thou list to travel further, put thy senses For both tlie Indies. Make no more pretences Of new discoveries, whilst yet thine own. And nearest, little world is stiU unknown. Away then with thy quadrants, compasses. Globes, tables, cards, and maps, and minute glasses : Lay by thy journals and thy diaries. Close up thine annals and thine histories. Study thyself, and read what thou hast writ In thine own book, thy conscience. Is it fit To labour after other knowledge so, And thine own nearest, dearest self not know ? Travels abroad both dear and dangerous are. Whilst oft the soul pays for the body's fare: Travels at home are cheap, and safe. Salvation Comes mounted on the wings of meditation. He that doth live at home, and learns to know God and himself, needeth no further go. Geokge Herbkrt. 325 § 99.-CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. Man's Life a Pilgiimage. Peregrinations of Christ, His Apostles, St. Peter, St. Paul, and their Assistants — Fvucbas' His PUgriTnes, vol. i. pp. 49-58 [2071]. Of the Glory of Apostolical Conquests— iJiA p. 61. Relations of divers Travellers, touching the Diversities of Christian Rites and Tenets in divers parts of the World — ibid. p. 147. A Survey of Ecclesiastical Polity, Ancient and Modern : of the several Patriarchs, Archbishops, and Bishops' Sees through the Christian World ; also of Jesuits' Colleges and Numbers, and other Monastical Orders — ibid. p. 166. Of the Religions of the World, in all Ages and Countries, from the Creation unto this present time {1517)— ibid. vol. v. [2076]. Renaudot (Abbe) Early Christianity in China— § 33 [3365]. Maclear (Rev. G. T.) Primitive and Mediaeval Missions — Enct. Beit. xvi. 511. Piano Carpini, Ascelin, and others ; Mission to the Tartars (1246) — Hakltjyt, I. [2061] ; PuKOHAS, III. [2074] ; Harris, II. 576 [2095] ; Murray, Asia, I. 105 [1344] ; Ency. Brit. v. 132 [2265]. William de Rubruquis, Mission to the East (1253) — ibid. Monte Corvino, and other Friars ; Mission to Tartary and China (1288-1338) — Yule, Cathay, I. 163-250 [2148]; Marsden's ifarco Po/o, pp. 243-245 [2805] ; Purchas, III. [2074]. Pilgrimages to the Holy Land — § 48, Syria, Palestine and Sinai, pp. 178-180. Jesuit and other Missions (16th to 18th Cent.). Travels to the Levant ; Turkey, Greece, Egypt, Persia, India, Ceylon, the Moluccas, Philippine and Caroline Islands, China, Tibet, Japan. Canada, Louisiana, West Indies, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, &c. — Lettres fiDiEiANTES ET CuRiEUSES ; and Lockman's Travels of the Jesuits [2098]. St. Francis Xavier's Life and Letters (1506-52). Edited by [6234] Eev. H. J. Coleridge. 2 Vols. 12mo. Lend. 1872. The Jesuits in Japan and China (1542-1618)— Purchas, III. 316-412 [2074]. Mission from Rome to Japan (1586) — Gualteri [3435]. Tellez (Balthazar) Travels of the Jesuits in Ethiopia— § 52 [3950]. Brerewood (Edward) Religions of the World— § 14 [2811]. The Jesuits in North America (17th Cent.)— Parkman [1376]. Carli and Merolla, Missions to Congo, 1666-82 — Chhrchill, I. [2085]. Gobien (Pere Charles Le) Histoire des Isles Marianes et des Premieres Mission- naires, 1700— § 68 [4536]. Catholic Missions to Ladrone and Caroline Islands — De Brosses [2090] ; Callan- der, III. [2093] ; Lettres Sdifiantes [2098] ; Burney, V. [2105]. Moravian Mission in India (1705) — Murray, Asia, II. 220 [1344]. Charlevoix's History of the Jesuits in Paraguay — § 94 [6150]. Spanish Missions from Peru to Tahiti, &c. 1749-76— J.R.G.S. iv. 182. Transactions of the [London] Missionary Society, from its [6235] Institution in 1795 to 1802. 8vo. Lond. 1804. Yol. II.— For the Years 1803 to 1806. 8vo. Lond. 1806. Missionary Voyages of the " Duff" (1797-1800)— § 11 [2415-19]. 326 CATALOGUE. British and Foreign Bible Society's Reports ; from its [6236] Foundation (1804). 8vo. Lond. 1810-86. This Society was instituted in 1804, with the object of circulating the Word of God throughout the world. Nearly ten millions sterling have been spent by it in the work of translating, revising, printing, and circulating the Scriptures, and more than one hundred millionii of Bibles, Testaments and Portions, have issued from its depots in two hundred and sixty-seven langxiages and dialects, many of which have been reduced to writing for the iirst time. In this work the Society has been aided by every section of Christ's Church, by the leaders and friends of Christian enterprise, by Scholars and Philologists, especially among the Missionaries, Foreign as well as British. The average issues from the London dep8t alone are over six thousand volumes a day, and from the various foreign depots, taken together, the issues are still greater. Printing-pressen are employed by the Society, not only in London, Oxford and Cambridge, but also at Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Berlin, Cologne, Vienna, Rome, Ma• i^WW 11^ M'>^>J A/ ^onnnnon^ 9koh '■ 6 1933 PS 30 |9^i$v^^>-/gg^ AN_2_1946 P^(M , •«,"c "«'/-«,( VfT^^^^' £uffisBHigAHai 803808 ^^; ^i«=^Af e:- UNIVERSITY OF CAUFORNIA LIBRARY ,^Ro \^'^'^V, zAi^^m^' .TT-TT_T JaW^'/^"'^"''*'! \r] i\m,i Vtt^i^tl '■^^^mmf^ "^mf:s^^f^, 1-^ mrmn km mmm ■jf=^'n'r<^r^'- ■'i^^-^-i^ 'C"^'^rSArvA-^0$^! ^'^^^^^^' mm/m^ flHI