m IN RELATION TO C5 I COMMISSIONERS AND COLLECTORS OF THE Ipublic revenue, etc. NOW IN FORCE PUBLISHED BY THE AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Hicl)m0n&, \)a. PRINTED AT TTFE ENQUIRER BOOK AND JOB OFFICE. i 1860. * IN RELATION TO COMMISSIONERS AND COLLECTORS^ PUBLIC REVENUE, ETC NOW IN FORCE. PUBLISHED BY THE AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS. Ricljmonb, ba. PRINTED AT THE ENQUIRER BOOK AND JOB OFFICE. 1860, COUNTY AND CORPORATION OFFICERS. CO oo I I I t— ^ o> ;^; o CD Pm c^ E-H CO O 60 — ^ >~, . CO :« "53 "S 2^ o c 2 jC 7i r/2 ^ r> !U o M i cs U-o) OB "c c < r; U a g V o s a: O < a> C3 JW J: cr! la -^ = = .= O oa "^ Zi o t„S' » ^e = "3 (u " a) 2 j" . _: -,.^ O) be = ^- 3 o a . -S; =-2 5-^ •"= s . 33 J s . o q; o-o 5: S -"2 c«*r>i--'S o -5 •— "a s ^ [^ — C S» Q) O «J » to >^ J^ r^ 'x2 = < ^ . O O tn J5 E-i O M < 1-4 60-" ^ ■ «= ^ 03 D c b > n ^ GJ "^ ^ cs cj . ZOO EO ' ^ c s " ?" n C -f ".J cdO 3 S -^ OHi-;:?Q 2 n 3 £ ^ V,'^ 5 0) c3 rt 2 c 5 2 I 2 : T3 OJ S - - = = l*'i _- S V ^ 4) a; J= X o £_ r„-Q ^ x iz — = r o) <<<<<<<__-^ oS ^ tZ C!T" " '" ^ &: cu 5 a ^ d ■2 £ - fcD _- -- ^"a >^ ; ■i. -=;ai-OrC-— — a;a;:^- -j5 = = sc ■* Cu " O 3 _ ■i: =23 ^0._^^o^_ __ ----- = ca = ^ '^ ^ = 2 ^ 1 1 p r^ a: •f' Wii: 5 2 = k^ aj C Oh ei; '-» 3 oT a, . • O 4> , - , S5 !^ '^ t« ? . = " "2 >, - = ° "E . ± 2 "H S" ^ S "EaJb^^rt — Xi' « ^ t3 - f» ? • - " E 'i ffl ^ o-s 6< CO — « ccffia = — c : ' 5 = . J S I J ^ = J = = = 3 — 5 C -= " o = £ >-.-= = — .;^ a == 2 5 60 ' 3 • • • c o • :^ aj o c5 • £ M E- •b s ai d =' d Oca c o ►-5 < h _ c > 2 . — ^^^ -3 5 t3 a) -a = •^ ^ = -c "^ ^ .2 on •a o .-a :3 "C -a 3 - > 5 :-) ^ z 3 «i; « C >-3 j> c > >.o C Li. > S o 5^ 2 s - ^ O -r ~ — aj o ; — :=«) * c .- ,T COUNTY AND CORPOUATION OFFICERS. § a 1 O ■ C. A. Branch. C. B. Harding. Andrew Parks. Geo. W. Lewis. J. M. JetTries. Thos. O. Dabney. Saml Grcsham. John D. Sharp. Geo. J. Arnold. J. S. Samuels. C. B. Tibbs. James L. Gordon. Thomas C. Elder. A. R. Blakey. A. F. Hayniond. James M. Hoge. James H. Couch. John W. Jarvis. Thomas 0. Goode. A. Mahood. R. L. Montague. Arch'd Peery. P. H. Keck. John Echols. John J. Wade. ■ R. C. Gustin. R. II. Riddick, jr. Robert Whitehead. R. T. Lacy. Ro. Dunla|). D. J. Godwin. W. T. Fitchett, T. E. Belts. L. E. Bonldin. 1 a u s 1 s o .5 i John A. Henley, Ro. T. Brown, A. W. (iuarrier, Wm. S. Brown, Ro. Pollard, jr. James O. Pollard, Warner Eubank, R. M. Hamblin, G. J. Butcher, Wm. Straiton, James Sinclair, D. M. Hunter, W. W. Webb, F. H. Hill, Thomas (J. Watson, James Whittingham, C. B. Waggener, S. G. Miller, R. F. Clack, Wm. A. Mahood, P. T. Woodward, Malcolm McNeil, Lewis S. Layton, G. W. Hutchinson, James M. Wade, L. S. Allen. P. B. Prentis, Orville Loving, John y. Christian, Ro. Hamilton, Leroy G. Edwards, L. Harmanson, A. J. Brent, Rich'd Epes, o >, a a o O 1 S) O W. H. E. Morecock, - Thos. A. Moore, A. W. tluarrier, Wm. S. Brown, Ro. Pollard, jr. James O. Pollard, Warner Eubank, H. J. Morgan, John Morrow, Wm. Stration. Geo. K. Fox, jr. D. M. Hunter, W. W. Webb, F. II. Hill, B. F. Hamilton, E. H. Caldwell, J. H. Holloway, S. G. Miller, R. F. Clack, C. W. Calfee, P. T. Woodward, Malcolm McNeil, M. M. Dent, G. W. Ilulchinsoii, James M. Wade, C. T. O'Ferrall, P. B. Preniis, S. H. Loving, .John D. Christian, Ro. Hamilton, Leroy G. Edwards, L. Harmanson, M. B. Cralle, Rich'd Epes, g a o > o e a o S a i Henley L. Taylor, S.imuel .Stone, R. M. Malcolm and J. W. Field, Ro. Coakley, Joseph I'rownley, .Sar.iuel Itobinson. Bidkar George, E. B. Bales and Elisha Cox, - Geo. J. Marsh and E. Flesher, Loyd Ellis and Richard Chambers, T. M. Wrenn, G. K. Fox and J. Tavenner, John R. (inarles and William (Crawford, Joseph I). Barnes, William E. Banks, John T. Prickettand And. Ice, I'.li 'I'albert and Joseph Turner, W. E. Wetzel and B. H. McCallisler, - T. M. Hunley, E. T. Goode and Edwin Benford, L. I). Harvey, Holland Walker, A. D. Beavers, M. R. Chalfant and T. Strosnider, Jacob Osburn and A. L. Harvey, W. H. Ragan and John Haymaker, Lewis Allen, S. Riddick and W. T. Holland. Peter J. Hill, Beverly P. Crump, William Bell. II. Foreman and J. W. Simmons, Luther H. Read, E. J. Tune, Francis L. Moseley, 8" s 9 O O COUNTY AND CORPORATION OFFICERS. s "^ _ to = . ii Q.^ « ,'-""=^ra)r >.. • =:o = =^S . H--^. ^■'^:- ■>=-■: C« u j: -^ .= = >» K*" •- ra = ."r Ji rt ! fc" •"> r/) "^ 72 "^ ■; r/i ci >.E J j= c = c c = s "r j: — — -= — -= ^ C D O •■= "5 C . "T ^ Ui 'Al • a f « " :4Ecicf.:?EH-^ocd c - - o 5 tc ,^ JH: 'c 3 = .-= -a "1< m .:£ w '^ /- I. I? _ c 4.- _ D -a: ?; '- . w - c *" "7 '— r ti -5^ ^^ ^^ 0) . g es >» •3 < bc _® c E _j) — OJ a ,- o Oei soS ~" O -2 "^ .2>j"co^.3 =i ^^. I — 1) !5 i C 0) c m o w 'J:* < ■t* e^ f^^si'^ StJ ^X »2 E-iStSMcnCbSir^l^s^HU . zr o £ .Q S ox • o . ►^ « .-Se to iT vT = " = ^ u - V. 5 j= " ' a a a c8 c o 5 ^ 5 ^ ^ ^ N £ » 5 5 -= ^-•> I -f ;i Ij c .^ E « S 5 Z-ltl hHs^^^^^^^^^^^^;2Q£^|(£:5 l^^^ci REVENUE LAWS, ACTS 1857-8, CHAP. 20. An ACT providing for General Elections, for determining Contested Elections, for the Election of County OJicers, and for their qualification and removal from ofjice. Passed March 30, 1858. Commissioners of the revenue; how elected. 63. The number of commissioners of the revenue for commissioners each county or corporation shall be that prescribed by° law; and there shall be elected as aforesaid, for each revenue district laid off as prescribed by law, one com- missioner, who shall, during his term of office, reside in to be resident the district for which he was elected, and his removal" therefrom shall vacate his office: provided, that the voters residing within any corporation who are hereby authorized to elect a commissioner of the revenue for such corporation, shall not vole for the commissioners of the revenue for the county within the limits of which such corporation may lie. When officers* terms of office commence. 76. The term of the respective officers shall com- when term of mence as follows : Sheriffs, on the first day of January, menco. 2 10 ELECTIONS. commissioners of the revenue, on the first day of Feb- ruary, justices of the peace, on the first day of August, and the other officers, on the first day of July next suc- Term. of office, cceding such election ; and ihe clerks of the circuit and county courts and the surveyor shall continue in office for the term of six years ; attorneys for the common- wealth, justices of the peace and overseers of the poor, for the term of four years ; sheriffs, commissioners of the revenue and constables, for two years each from the day when his term of office respectively commenced, unless sooner removed. Oaths and bonds of ojicers. oathiandbondi, 77. Every such officer, other than a justice of the of offlcerg. peace, shall, either in the proper court, or before a judge of a circuit court for the county, in term, take such oaths and give such bonds within sixty days after his election, except a sheriff or commissioner of the revenue, who shall be allowed one hundred and twenty days in which to qualify and give the bonds of office ; and if any officer shall fail to do so within the time prescribed, his office shall be deemed vacant; but his qualification, unless he be elected to fill a vacancy, shall not be deemed to take effect before the day appointed in the preceding section for his term of office to commence. Of elections to fill vacancies. Term of office §0. Elcciions to supply vacancics shalf be for the to fill a vacancy. . , ^ c \ ai » • I unexpired terra of such ottice, except m such cases as are otherwise provided for in the constitution. ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 11 ACTS 1859-60, CHAP. 1. An ACT for the Assessment of Taxes on Persons and Property. Passed March 30, 1860. Be it enacted by the general assembly, that so niuch of chapter 35 of the Code of Virginia, not heretofore repealed, and the act passed May 24, 1852, entitled an act to amend the provisions of the act passed April 24, 1852, entitled an act concerning commissioners of the revenue, and all acts amendatory thereof, be amended and re-enacted so as to read as follows : Number and jurisdiction of commissioners. *1. There shall be three commissioners of the reve- Numberof com- r \ r \ ■ ,--niTT i t-.- missioners in nue lor each or the counties or b rankhn, Loudoun, ritt- counties named, sylvania and Rockingham ; two for each of the counties of Accomack, Albemarle, Augusta, Bath, Barbour, Bedford, Botetourt, Brunswick, Buckingham, Camp- bell, Caroline, Carroll, Charlotte, Chesterfield, Culpcper, Dinwiddie, Fi-ederick, Fauquier, Giles, Grayson, Green- brier, Halifax, Hampshire, Hanover, Hardy, Harrison, Henrico, Henry, Kanawha, Louisa, Lee, Lewis, Mar- * One of the commissioners heretofore allowed to Norfolk county has been transferred to the city of Portsmouth, so that the county has but two and Portsmouth one, corresponding with the former number. One commissioner is dropped from Braxton, in consequence of one be- ing given to Webster, a new county taken from Braxton, &c. One commissioner is dropped from Tazewell, in consequence of new counties formed from it ; and one dropped from each of the counties of Logan and Wise, because two were considered unnecessary. To Ran- dolph one has been added. 18 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. shall, Marion, Mason, Mecklenburg, Montgomery, Mo- nongalia, Monroe, Nansemond, Norfolk, Ohio, Preston, Prince William, Patrick, Randolph, Rockbridge, Rus- sell, Shenandoah, S«Jiuham[)ton, Spotsylvania, Smyth, Scott, Sussex, Tazewell, Washington, Wayne and Mumbor of com. Wythe; one for every other county now existing, or ^unUM not" which may be hereafter created ; and three for the city Numborof com- of Richmond, and one for each of the corporaiions of mlBsiooorg in tvt r 11 t» corporations. Danville, Frcdericksburg, Lynchburg, Norfolk, Peters- burg, Portsmouth, Staunton, Winchester and Williams- burg; which said commissioners shall be elected, give ' bond and qualify as prescribed by law. countie. diTided 2. In thosc counties in which there may be more than one commissioner, and in the city of Richmond, each shall be for a certain district, the bounds whereof shall Howiaidoff. be laid off and described, by an order of the county court and of the corporation court of the city of Rich- mond, and may at any time be changed by such court. JuriRdlction of commissioners. *3. The jurisdiction, powers and duties of a commis- sioner shall not extend beyond the bounds of his district, except to grant license to exercise a privilege which is not local, and which may be exercised in or out of such district, according to existing laws. Bond of com- misaioner. t4. Every person elected commissioner shall, within sixty days thereafter, and before entering upon the du- ties of his office, before the court of the county or cor- poration wherein he was elected, take the several oaths required by law, and give bond with sufl&cient security, * This section is for the first time introduced so as to define more clearJy the jurisdiction of a commissioner. t Because of the increasing importance of the office of commissioner (too frequently entirely underrated), and wilh a view to make the incuin> bent more certainly responsible to the government, the legislature has in- creased the penalty of the bond from one to five thousand dollars. ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPeWy. 13 in a penalty of five thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office ; which bond shall be made payable to the commonwealth of Virginia; and after being acknowledged in open court, shall be entered of record in such court. If any com- Penalty for fail- ure to give bond, missioner shall fail to take such oaths and give bond within the time herein prescribed, his office shall be deemed vacant ; and it shall be the duly of the court of the county or corporation to declare the vacancy and to direct an election. The qualification, unless to fill a commissioner not to act as such vacancy of part of the term of his predecessor, shall until the com- •^ ' ' mencement of not be construed to invest such commissioner with ^jl^='^'"°f oflice. authority to act as such before the time appointed for him to enter upon the discharge of the duties of his office. 5. Within two months after the bond is given, and cierkaoi county courts to trans- ihe several oaths of office taken, the clerk of the court ^'^copips of bonds of com- wherein said bond is directed to be filed and reconled, ™'^?j™"^*° shall transmit a copy thereof, together with a copy of the order of court showing the qualification of such com- missioner and acknowledgment of said bond, to the auditor of public accounts. If any clerk shall fail toPenaityfor failure. perform this duty, a fine shall be imposed on him of not less than fifty nor more than one hundred dollars. Lists furnished by clerics and register to commissioner. 6. The clerk of the court of every county and cor- cierks of county t 11 11-1 i_ p T I courts to make poration shall annually, m the month of January, make out a list of * . deeds for com- out a list of all deeds for the partition and conveyance "^issioners. of land (except deeds of trust and mortgages made to secure the payment of debts), which may have been lodged in the clerk's office of such court to be recorded (although not full^ proved), within the year ending on the thirty-first day of December preceding; which list 14 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. shall stale the dale of the deed, wlien admitted to re- cord, names of grantors and grantees, the quantity of the land conveyed, and a description of the same. cicrki of cirruit 7. Thc clerk of every circuit, county and corpora- court* to mnko . in i , i- ril'1 . 1 out n list oijmiB-t ion coiirt shall make out a list ot all judgments ana mcnt* nnd dc- r i i i • 1 cn-ea for pnrti. ,]ccrccs for the oarliiion or recovery of lands whicli may tion or rocovi-ry ' •' vuid"by'wiii'!°" li'i^'e hccn rendered, and of all lands absolutely devised by wills which may have been recorded in such court within the same year; which list shall state the dale of the decree, the land which is the subject of the parti- tion, and between whom and in what proportions it is divided, and the dale of the will containing the devise, when admitted to record, names of the devisor and devisee, and a description of the land devised. Lists in (ith nnd 8. Evcry list mentioned in either of the two pre- livered by clerk Ceding spctions sliall be delivered by the clerk lo the to commissioner. . . , , . . ■ r i commissioner lor his county or corporation; or it there be more commissioners ihan one, the clerk shall deliver such list to one of them, and to each of the others a copy, or at least of so much thereof as relates to lands Penalty on clerk within the distfict of cach. If any clerk shall fail, for for failure to per- . r- • • r i ■ i form duties. one month after the expiration of the said year, to per- form any of the duties required of him by this section, or either of the two next preceding, he shall for such failure forfeit fifty dollars. Clerks to certify 9. Whcrc any real estate of a decedent shall under collateral inhc- . . .n ■ i i n ritance to com- his Will or bv uescent pass to any other person, or tor any other use than to or for the use of the father, moiher, husband, wife, brother, sister or lineal descendant of such decedent, the clerk of the court in which such will is recorded, and the clerk of the court of the county or corporation in which any such real estate is situate, upon ascertaining the fact, shall report th» same to the com- missioner for the district in which such real estate may be. miseioners. ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 15 10. An abstract shall be made ont for each county or Register of land office to certify corporation of all grants issued from the land omce to commiseioner t^ '-' _ an abstract of within the year aforesaid, for lands therein. The regis- grants. ler shall direct every such abstract to the commissioner of the revenue for the proper county or corporation ; and where, in any county there are more commissioners than one, the register shall direct a copy of the abstract for such county, to the clerk of the county court, for each commissioner therein. The same shall be directed to the proper court-house, and mailed within one month after the expiration of the said year; and the register shall pay the postage and receive credit therefor in his settlements with the auditor. 11. Any party interested may also procure, at his Judgment, dc- I • "'i 1 cree or devise cost, a statement of any such judgment, decree or de- maybedeUvered _ *^ . ^y ^^y person to vise, as is mentioned in the seventh section, and deliver '^""1™'^^'°°^''- the same to the proper commissioner. Books and papers of predecessor ; assistant commissioner. 12. The commissioner shall apply for the official commissioner to > I 1 1 • I 1 • I II I «PPly for books books and papers which his predecessor had, to the per- and papers of son in possession thereof, who shall deliver the same on such application. Such person failing to do so, shall Penalty for faii- J 1 1 11 uretodeUver. lorieit one hundred dollars. 13. The auditor, upon being informed that any such if the books or „ , I . 1 , papers cannot omcial books or papers cannot be obtained, may autlio-beobtained.au- \ ' _ -^ ditor to autho- rize the commissioner to procure a substitute therefor, "ze a substitute. Any such clerk furnishing the same, may be paid there- cierk-s fees ^1 r r 1 I • I 1 1 therefor, r such tees out ol the treasury as he might o}^ law charge an individual for similar services. *14. A commissioner unable, from sickness or otherin case of sick- ness or other cause, commis* * Heretofore the commissioner could only employ an assistant because sioner may em- ~ ,, ■ , ,, 1 . 1 11 ,-1 , . ,. ploy an assistant. of ''Sickness; but to prevent the numberless excuses filed at the audi- tor's office to obtain pay forfeited by a failure to perform the duties of 16 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. cause, lo perform the duties of his office, mny, at his own expense, wiih iho consent of the county or corpo- ration court, employ a person (approved by the court) Uabiiityofcnrnto ossist him. Such person, after taking the proper iiiiBsiiini^r fur i- i r \ ^ ' r • • faithful |).r- oaths, may discharge any ot the duties ot commissioner, and his principal shall be liable for their faithful per- formance. Communications from auditor to commissioners and the courts. Auditor to fur- 15. It shall bc the duty of the auditor of public ac- nish conimis- , r- i • • r eionei with innd couuls lo prepare, and forward to the commissioners .of and property ' '• books, &c. the revenue, printed forms for the land and property books ; and also for lists of taxable subjects, required to be furnished by the commissioners lo persons charge- Auditor to give able with taxes; and he shall also, by letter or printed written or . . . , .... piioted instruo- circular, oivc such instructions to said commissioners, in tioDS to conimis- '^ •ioners. rcspcct to their duties, as to him shall seem judicious; Penalty on com- and if any commissioner shall refuse lo obey any such miBsioner for , . . j j failure to obey iustructions, he shall forfeit a sum not less than ten nor inatructiona. more than thirt}' dollars. The expense whereof and of transmitting the same shall be defrayed out of the trea- sury on the governor's order. Auditor to com- IG. The auditoT of public accounts shall communi- municato to _ ' _ clerk neglect, catc any iustanccs of the misconduct or neglect of anv misconduct or •' o J Mi^S^^ner. commissioncr, or any evidence of his incapacity fur- nished by any thing in the auditor's office, in a letter to the clerk of the court of the county wherein such com- missioner was elected ; which letter the clerk shall lay before the court at the first term after it is received. It shall be the duly of such court to make an order direct- ing that a certified copy of such letter be immediately the office within certain specified times, this section authorizes such em. ployment for any cause. ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY, 17 posted at the front door of the court-house of such county or corporation; and in counties and corporations having a newspaper published therein, a notice thereof may be published at the d.scretion of the auditor.* Power to remove or reappoint. 17. Upon any complaint being made of a com mis- upon complaint, summons to sioner by such letter or otherwise, or whenever the issue against •^ _ commissioner. court is satisfied that there has been evident neglect of (duty, it may order a summons to issue requiring the commissioner to appear before the court at the next term. And after such summons shall have been served on the commissioner in the manner prescribed by the first section of chapter one hundred and sixty-seven of the Code of Virginia, for at least ten days in either case before the return day thereof, the court shall, at the term to which such summons is returnable, or to which it may be continued, consider whether there has been evident neglect of duty or misconduct in office by such commissioner: and if it shall be of opinion that Power of court I • I 1 1 I ^ r y • i '° remove com- such cause exists, snail make an order tor his removal, missioner. and shall forthwith direct an election to fill the vacancy. Mailing out land hook ; form thereof. 18. Such changes as may happen within the district Note of changes f • • 1111 iii--i'ii inland book to ot any commissioner, shall be noted by hun m his land be made, book, as follows : 19. He shall enter in the said book and assess the to express value , r 11 1 1 ■ I • 1- ■ • I I • of lands in re- value ot all lands in his district, appearing by the regis- gister'a abstract. * The last paragraph in this section was an amendment proposed in the senate to the bill reported by the committee. It was the intention of the senator to autiiorize the publication in a newspaper published in the county wherein the commissioner was elected, but it appears to have failed in the object. 3 18 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. ' tor's nbslr.'icl to have been granted. If he shall fail to enter any grant (mentioned in the register's abstract) on the first land book made out after the abstract shall prn.uyfor have bccn received by him, he shall for such failure forfeit twenty dollars to the comrnonwcalih, and a like sum to the grantee, which shall be recoverable in a separate proceeding. failure Scptrnto lists at end of bonk of *20. Real estate purchased in for the commonwealth, r^dspurAmscd at a salc for taxes, shall not be thereafter entered in the tor common- ,, , ,. ini • i r wealth. paid book, but the auditor shall keep a register thereof, uow re-entered Whcu, howcvcr, any real estate so purchased appears when redeemed. ^y ^j^^ auditor's Certificate to have been redeemed, the same shall be replaced in the body of the book, in the whnt done when name of thc former owner or his grantee. When real dn^s."""^"'" estate is sold for taxes to individuals, the commissioner shall note on his land book the number of acres so sold, and to whom, but shall continue the land upon his said book in the name of the former owner until the pur- chaser obtains a deed therefor. Lands decreed 21. The lauds appearing on the lists or statements be tr"a"n3^crrc'd°o mentioned in the 6lh, 7ih and 10th sections of this act shall be transferred accordingly on the Innd book, and charged to the person to whom the transfer is m ide. How a tract of 22. Whcu a tiact or lot becomes the property of dif- "opcrty'ot dif. fcreut owucfs in several parcels, the value at which the asseucd. wliolc had been assessed shall be divided by the com- missioner amongst the several parcels, having regard to the value of each parcel compared with that of the whole tract or lot, and the tax upon the whol* shall be apportioned accordingly amongst the owners of the dif- * It will l)e observed that real estate piirctiased by the cnnimoinvealth for taxes are to be entirely thereafter omit;ed from the comtnissioner's booi clerks of courts, trict, who acts uudcr the order ot any court, as receiver When and how to list property, or commissioncr, the amount of all moneys and bonds, or other evidences of debt under his control, the right to which ma}' be undecided, and the style of the suit to which such fund belongs ; and from the clerk of each court, the amount deposited, by order of such court, in any bank or savings institution, to the credit of any suit in such court, and the style of such suit. jPees of ojice. Feesof office, 57. He shall ascertain from every person residing in whether paid or . . . -^ f ° his district the amount of all fees derived by him from * This section has been amended so as to release a receiver, &c. from listing moneys and bonds, " the right to which has been decided." Those undecided are to be listed by such receiver, and those decided are to be listed by (he owner thereof. ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 36 anv office, calling or profession for which no license is unpaid, if 8oi- •^ ^ ,. , vent, to be listed. required; but ihe amount of such fees (it not paui) shall, if solvent, be listed as part of the certain and liquidated clainrjs of such person. Interned improvement companies. *58. Every rail road company or canal company Rail road and •^ I ~' ' canal companies shall hereafter report quarterly, on the fifteenth day of^[°rr^to\'h^e"audi- March, June, September and December in each year, t°^i^^^j°d what to to the auditor of public accounts, the number of pas- sengers transported, and the aggregate number of miles traveled by them within the commonwealth, and the gross amount received by such company for the trans- portation of freight over such road or canal, or any part thereof, during the quarter of the year next preceding the first day of the month in which such report is made. Such company, whose road or canal is only in part when rail road I -> •' _ '^ or canal is only within the commonwealth, shall report as aforesaid such partiyinthe ' X state, how and portion only of such amount received for the iransporta-'^^^"°''^P°'"*- lion of freight, as the part of the said road or canal, which is within this commonwealth, bears to the whole of such road or canal, 59. Such statement shall be verified by the oaths of How report verified. the president and the superintendent of transportation or other proper officer. Every company failins; to make Penalty for laii. ^ ^ ^ I J o urg to report. such report shall be fined five hundred dollars. At the miu tax and per '■ centage on re- time of making such report the company shall pay intoceiptstobepaid, o r r J I J and when. the treasury, for every passenger transported, a tax at the rate of one mill for every mile of transportation of each of such passengers, and a tax of one-half of one * The words " not exempted by its charter from taxation," were striclien out of the former law, of which this is an amendment, so as to enforce a tax on all companies. The reports are to be quarterly instead of semi- annually as heretofore, and the tax includes the former " mill tax," and adds one-half of one per cent, on the gross earnings for tlie transporta- tion of freight. 36 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSON'S AND PROPERTY. per cciiliim of such gio>s amount received for the trans- porlatidii of freights. Every sucli company paying such taxes sliall not be assessed with any lax on its lands, buildings, cars, boats, or other property which they are procccdincs to authorized by law to hold or have. But if any such bo had in the evcntof the fail- company fail lo pay such taxes at either or the terms uro of a com- I J i -J panytopaysuchgpp^.j^gj] therefor, then its lands, buildings, cars, boats and other properly shall be immediately assessed under the directions of the auditor of public accounts, by any person appointed by him for the purpose, al its full value, and a tax shall at once be levied thereon as on real estate and other property, to be collected by any sheriff" whom the auditor may direct, and such sheriff shall distrain and sell any personal properly of such company, and pay such taxes into the treasury within three months from the time when such assessment is furnished to him. Where slaves and other property listed. Internal im- *C0. The Commissioner of the district, within which provement com- . . , ^ , „ , . ..... paniea; whoto the principal orace or place ot business witliin this com- liet. I" I t monwealth of any company incorporated for a work of internal improvement may be, shall ascertain, and slate whatproperty in Separate columns, the number of slaves who have to be listed. ' Slaves owned or attained the a2;e of iwelve years, owned or hired by hired. ° 1 r n i such company, and the aggregate value of all personal property belonging lo such company, wherever such Money, bonds, slavcs or propcriv may be; the amount of moneys on * See ell. 104 of Acts of 1S57-8. "The land which a rail road may ac- quire for buildings, or for an abutment along its line generally, shall not exceed three acres in any one parcel; and the land which it may acquire for buildings or other purposes of the company, at the principal termini of its work, or at any place or places within five miles of such termini, ehali not exceed fifteen acres in any one parcel ; but in case of a rail road company, an amount of land not exceeding forty acres in any one parcel, may be acquired for its main depots, machine shops, and other necessary purposes connected with the business of the company." ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 37 hand, and the aggregate amount of all solvent bonds, securitif's and liquidated claims owing to such company, after deducting therefrom the amount due from such company to others, according to the provisions of the 50th section of this act. The real estate of such com- Real estate. pany, with the improvements thereon, shall be assessed as in other cases; but the real estate, cars, engines and what exempted, other property appertaining and essential to the use of its franchise, belonging to a company whose property is exempt by its charier from taxation, shall not be listed and assessed. Nor shall the lands, buildings or equip- ments of a rail road or canal which it may lawfully ac- quire, and which pays a tax on the passengers and freight transported over such road, be assessed under the provisions of this section ; but any excess of lands, Excess of land above the quan- \above the quantity authorized to be held by law, by t'ty authorized ^ •/ •' "^ by law not ex- such last mentioned company, shall be assessed as other ^™p^ property. When commissioners beorin their duties. o 61. Each commissioner shall begin, annuall}', on the MOien commis. f 1 r T~i 1 1 1 • I sioners to begin first day of Februar}', and proceed, without dehiy, lo their duties, ascertain all the persons and property, on that da}', in his district subject to taxes and county levies, and otherwise to discharge the duties prescribed by this act. Hoiv lists of taxable subjects and levies 'procured. 62. The commissioner shall call upon every person iiow lists and . , . ,. . • I , I • • • "^ 1- leYies procured. in his district, required by this act to give in a list ot properly, moneys, credits, or other subjects of taxation, and the value thereof, or of the persons in respect to which he is chargeable with county levies, for a list thereof; and may apply to any officer or agent of a company, or to any person interested therein ; and 447495 38 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. shall adin'miaier an oath lo any person to make true answers lo such questions as he may ask him in rela- tion to an} matter about which the commissioner is ronaityforfi.il- auiliorized to enquire. A commissioner failing lo make lire to cnll on ... , • i i i • ni.y person or mjy e;ill or aciminisler ihe oalh required by tins section, administer the ■' °'«"'- shall forfeit fifty dollars. The value of j^^'operdj to be assessed. Value of proper. G3. Tlic Commissioner shall also ascertain and as- sess ihe value of all property other than slaves, ascer- incaeeofcon. taiucd aiid listed as aforesaid; and if in any case a decided.' person shall consider himself aggrieved by the valua- tion of the commissioner, such person and the commis- sioner respectively shall choose two discreet voters, to whom shall be referred the matter of controversy ; and their tiecision, or that of an umpire chosen by them, shall be final. Each list, with ihe valuations of pro- perty annexed, shall be read over by the commissioner to the person from whom it is obtained, or on whose information it is made out, and shall be corrected in such respects as may be necessary. Lists to have reference lo the first of February. Lisu to have re. G4. The commissiouer shall endeavor, by asking ference to let of . , , . . , . Februarypre- pioper qucstious and obtaining answers thereto, to nave in such lists a correct and full statement of the persons and of personal properly, and the value thereof, in his district subject to taxation or county levy, which were in the possession or care of each person in such district on the first day of February, and of all the other sub- jects before mentioned, on account of which any person Answers to be or cotTipanv in his district was then chargeable. The on oath. i J o answers to the commissioner's questions shall always be Penalty for fail- ou oath. A commissioncr failing to at! minister such ure to administer ""•'• oath, unless the person refuse to take it, shall forfeit fifty dollars. ASSESSMENT OF TAXES OS PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 39 When forms may be furnished to tax jiaycrs. 65. If any person shall desire it, the commissioner when forms to 1 11 r • 1 1 r • 1 1 I • - belurnifihed. shall furnish or cause to be turnished him proper rorms of such lists and valuations, and such persons shall, within ten da3's thereafter, make out and deliver to the ■\vhen made out. commissioner, or deposit with the clerk or the count}' or turned- corporation court, statements of all properly, moneys, contracts and credits which such person is required by this act to list, and of all subjects and persons on ac- count of which he is chargeable with taxes or county levies. He shall annex, in the form prescribed by the commissioner, valuations of the property listed, except slaves; and shall take and subscribe an oath, to be ap- pended to such statement, to the following effect, viz : "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that to the best ofrormof oathto 111 1 I 1- r 1 1 • be taken by the my knowledge and belief, the annexed statements contain taxpayer. accurate, full and complete lists of all f)ropert3', moneys and credits, whether the same are in or out of the state, which I am required to list, and of all subjects and per- sons on account of which I am chargeable wiili taxes or coifnt)' levies, and that in my opinion -the valuations of property listed are not below the fair cash value thereof. So help me God." Which oath may be administered b}' the commissioner By whom admin- or any other officer authorized by law to administer an oalh : and if any person be absent from his residence if any person 1 • I " • • 11/11 absent from at the time the commissioner calls (and there be no rjer- home, how ust ' obtained. son on the premises authorized to act for such person), the commissioner shall leave or cause to be left for such person at his residence, with some white member of his with whom c --I 1 r • -^ I , notice left tamil}'^ over the age of sixteen years; or if there be no such white person on the premises, shall otherwise cause to be delivered lo such person proper forms, to enable 40 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. him to make out llie stalernenls aforesaid, with the form Within wiiBt of ilie oalli aforesaid appended thereto; and it shall be tiinn nnd how r. ■ • i • i i r » list to bo ninde ihc dulv of such personwiihin ten days inereaUcr, to out. -^ ' . . , . make out and deliver to the commissioner, or deposit with the clerk as aforesaid, such lists, with the valua- tions of property annexed, verified by affidavit, as are When released herein before required; but any such person, desiring tonmkovaiua the forms to bfi furnished to him as aforesaid, may be tlon. . . released from the obligation of valuing the property listed as aforesaid, by exhibiting the same to the com- missioner, who shall thereupon assess the value thereof; and any such person who is absent when the commis- sioner calls at his residence, may decline to include a valuation of his properly in the statements required to be delivered or deposited as aforesaid ; antl in such case, the commissioner shall ascertain the value of whcncoramis- such property; and if the commissioner is not satisfied Bioner not satis- . , ■ i • r^ i i i i fied with vRiua- With ihc valuaiion oi the properly made by any such tion, how made. i r • person, he may adopt what he deems a fair and proper valuation thereof; and in case such person shall con- sider himself aggrieved by such valuation, the contro- vers}'- shall be decided in the manner prescribed in the 63d section of this act. Household and kitchen furniture, how listed. Furniture listed 06. This act shall uot be construcd to require an}' in the aggregate. ,, . , , . . , i • ,' person to luri;isn, or the commissioner to lake, a list ot the articles of such person's household and kitchen fur- niture, other than those specified by this act, but only the aggregate value thereof. If not furnished, the commissioner to obtain lists. ifiists not fur. 67. If any person shall fail to furnish a list of the nished, how in- _ . , . . , , , . lonnationob- subieicls ot taxatiouand county levies required by this toined. -^ . , . . act, and a valuation of the property listed, the commis- ASSESSMENT OF TAXES OX PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 4L sioner shall proceed to list the same, and assess the value thereof, on the best information he can obtain ; and to that end may examine any person on oath, and whether such person fail to furnish such list or not, the commissioner may call for any proper information in the possession of any officer of this state, who shall furnish the same to him. Penalties for failing to comiilij with this act. *68. If any person, after being furnished wiih the Penalty for fail- proper forms as aforesaid, shall fail, within the timeiisu. mentioned in this act, to deliver or deposit the lists in the manner prescribed by this act, he shall forfeit ten dollars. If any person shall refuse to exhibit to the For refusing to " . _ _ exhibit property commissioner any property listed, or required by this to commissioner ^ , f ' "^ for valuation. act to be listed, by him, in order that a fair valuation <• thereof may be assessed, he shall pay a fine of not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars. Any person failing to comply with this section shall be noted at the end of the commissioner's properi}^ book, or be otherwise specially reported by the commissioner to the auditor of public accounts. Statements of jjersons and pj'operty. 69. From the lists procured as aforesajd, the com- statement to be . . ^ , , . . , , , , made out in missioner tor each district shall make accurate state- fo™ furnished , . by auditor. ments in the form to be prescribed by the auditor of public accounts, which shall truly and distinctly set forth : * Any person who shall "fail" to deposit with tlie clerk the lists re- quired, forfeits $10. If he fail to exiiibit the property so that a fair valuation can be made, he forfeits not less than $20 nor more than $100. For a faikire in either case, he is to be reported to tlie auditor of public accounts, either by a note at the end of the commissioner's pro- perly book, or specially. 6 CESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. The numlirr of white male inhabilants who have at- tained the ago of iwcnty-ono years, except those ex- empted from taxation on account of bodily infirmity. ivrsons to be ns- The niimberoffree male persons above the age of Bosficd for county . i<:vic8. Sixteen years. Free neffrors. Thc niimbcr of male free negroes above the age of xemption. tvventy-one years, except those exempted from taxation on account of bothly infirmity. siavps Buhjoct to Tlie number of slaves who have attained the age of etate tax. , twelve years. Slaves subject to The numbcr of slavcs who have attained the age of county levies. Sixteen years. Horses, mules The number of horses, mules, asses and jennets, and and asses. i i i r> the value thereof. Cattle. Sheep. Hogs. Household fur- niture. *The number of cattle, and the value thereof. The number of sheep, and the value thereof. The number of hogs, and the value thereof. The aggregate value of all household and kitchen furniture. Carriages, &c. The number 'of pleasure carriages, stage coaches, jersey wagons, carryalls, gigs, buggies, and vehicles of Exemption. like kind, and the value thereof, not including those manufactured in this state for sale. Watches. The number of watches, and the value thereof. * By this section it is also required that the commissioner shall state in his book, in separate columns, "the number of cattle and the value thereof," and a like column for sheep and hogs. ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY 43 The number of clocks, and the value thereof, vvhelher ciocks. in use or not. The number of piano fortes and harps, and the value Pianos and harps thereof. *A11 gold and silver plate, plated ware and jewelry. Jewelry. and the value thereof, not including any watches, clocks, piano fortes, harps, gold or silver plate, plated ware or jewelry kept in any shop or manufactory for sale, and is tlie subject of a license tax. The aggregate amount of all moneys, solvent bonds. Money and , , , . " . . IT- bonds. contracts lor money or other Ihmg, securities and liqui- dated claims. The amount of interest or profit from public bonds PubUc bonds; interest thereon or certificates of debt of this or any other state, or com- taxed, panics incorporated by this or any other stale. The amount of incomes other than that derived from income. the practice of a physician, surgeon, dentist or attorney at law, included in their license. The yearly rent or value of toll bridges and ferries. toU bridges. The capital of all incorporated joint slock com pa- joint stock com- panies. nies (other than banks of circulation and internal im- provement companies), and of all insurance companies and savinsfs insiilulions which declare no dividends of O profits. surance com- The amount of dividends declared by such insurance Dividends of in- ... , , I T • surance companies and savings institutions that declare divi-panies. dends. * As " plated ware" has been held not to be "silver plate," and under such interpretation the tax avoided, botii have been introduced in this section as taxable subjects. 44 Mnmifnctiirlng compunicH. ASSESSMENT OF TAXES OX PERSONS AMD PROPERTY. The cnpilnl invested or used in any mfiniifacturing or niiiiinp; Inisiness, or invested or employed in any trade or business for which no license is required. FecB of office. The annount of all fees of office. Monpy under Thc annount of moneys, bonds, contracts or other control ol' court. i r evidences of debt under the control of any court, re- ceiver or commissioner. rersonaipro- The acro-reGfatc value of the personal property and the perty, viiluo ^o o i i i ./ thereof. amount of moneys, bonds and claims of internal im- Exemption. provement companies, other than the equipments of a rail road company, which pays a tax on the passengers transported over the same. AU personal pro- All Other articles of personal property not described perty to be put . ..... in one column, in the enumerations contained in this section, nor ex- empted by this act, shall be set forth in a separate and distinct column, together with the value thereof. Omitled lists to he j)laced on the next yearns hooTcs. Omitted lists, how charged. *70, If a commissioner shall discover in making up his land or property books, that any taxes or levies have been omitted for any former year, he shall charge therein such omitted taxes or levies, with lawful interest thereon.* Personal property hooJc to he made. Personal proper- 71. Each Commissioner shall make a book conlaiii- ty book ; how made. \^g ij^g uamcs of the owners of property, and other persons taxed or subject to levies, alphabetically ar- ranged, and giving information in such form as the audi- * The section of which this \s an amendment, only authorized the omitted tixes on personal property and levies to be charged with in- terest. This amendment includes lands. ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 45 tor of public accounts may prescribe, as to all persons and subjects on which taxes may be assessed. Oppo-Puwic tax ex- site the name of each person shall be extended the whole amount of public tax due from him. Rules both as to land hook and hooTc of 'personal property. *72. He shall add up the columns of figures on each How columns of figures are to be page, so as to show at the bottom of each the total as;- added up. Total ' ^ ^ amount of taxes greaate of each column, and number of persons and 5°'^^."''^!*^^^°* DO ' r taxation to be articles subject to taxation, with the amount of the pub-boo'kf'^^^^'"^"' lie tax due on every thing contained in such page ; and at the end of each book he shall enter the sums from the bottoms of the respective pages, by reference thereto, so as to present at one view the various species and total number of the subjects of taxation within his dis- trict, and the total amount of the revenue arising there- from. 73, The land of any decedent shall be charged to his Decedent's land . , . , 11-1*°^® charged to estate, until it can be properly charged to the heir, de- ws estate, until u ' ' -^ '-' can be charged visee or orrantce. And the personal properly of die '°^"';°'''*^^'- O I r 1 J see. Assets ha- decedent shall be likewise charged to his estate until the ^'^^°'''^*^®^- same be disposed of. While either continues charged to the estate, the personal property shall be liable for the tax on all so charged, and subject to distress or other lawful process for the recovery of the same. Any assets in the hands of the personal representative of the dece- dent shall be likewise liable therefor. 74. The commissioner shall make a particular report commissioner's , , r ^ • • r 11 """^ Property to on oath to the court or his county or corporation, oi all be reported by , , him to court; his own property subiect to taxes or levies, showing; the charged on book i- i ■J J ' ^ as other pro. whole amount chargeable to him therefor. On his book p^''^- * Unless tlie columns are added up as required by this section tlie clerk is not authorized to examine the books. See sections 83 and 84 of this act. 40 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. liis piopcrly shall be entered and taxes and levies charged to him in like manner as to any other person. ronaityfor fail- For faihiig lo perform any duly required by this section, with Ibid aecUun. he shall (orfcit ouB huiidred dollars. Books for former years ; how made. Where no com- 75. In any case in which, in consequence of there miseioner of a , . .././. f fonnnryear, being uo commissioner tor a tormer year, or from any commissiontT , r \ ^ ^ ehaii make out oihcr causc, HO DooK was made out or ihe land tax, or books (or eucli year. Rato of Qp {\^q (q^ OH oersonal property, or of those subject to tuxutiou lor such • i i ^ j year. ]gyy [,^ j^,^y (Jistrict for that year, the commissioner of such district shall proceed to make out books for such year, according to the rate of tax or levy which then existed, as v^'ell as books for ihe current year. The like proceedings shall be had with and under the books of such former year as with those of the current year, and the sums therein charged shall be collected and ac- counted for in like manner. Oath to be at- tached to pro- perty book. Three copies of 7G. The Commissioner, after completing his land land and proper- _ ' " made°out°''^ book and his book of personal property, shall make three fair copies thereof. At the foot of each copy he shall make and subscribe the following oath : " I, A B, commissioner of the revenue for the county (or corpora- tion) of , do swear, that in making out the fore- going book I have, to the best of my knowledge and ability, pursued the laws prescribing the duties of a commissioner of the revenue." And the justice before whom the oath is taken shall annex thereto the following cerlilicate: "Sworn to before me, C D, a justice for the county (or corporation) of , on the day of ." Which certificate shall be subscribed by the justice. The oath at the foot of the copy of the land book shall contain these additional words : " And that I have faithfully discharged the duties required of me in assessing improvements upon lands, and have made all corrections in said book, as required by law." Oath to be at- tached to land book. ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 47 77. The oriofiiial of each book shall be retained by original books ^ . . y, to be retained by the commissioner so long as he continues in office, andtim; how long. then be delivered to his successor. If he fail herein, or Penalty for fail- ure to deliver if he fail to make the copies required by the next pre- books to hissuc- * * *' *^ cessor, or make cedino; section, he shall forfeit fifty dollars. the copies re- o ' J quired. 7S. The three copies of each book sworn to as afore- Three copies of ' _ each book to be said, together with such lists as the commissioner may '^f^'^^redto ' o -^ clerk. have taken from individuals, shall be delivered by the commissioner to the clerk of the court for the county or corporation wherein he was elected, for examination. When cnid how booh examined. 79. Within twelve days after they shall have been ^ime within •^ -' which clerk shall received by the clerk, he shall examine the same. examine the ■J books. 80. He shall compare each copy of the land book How lana books ' "^ to be compared with the land book of the preceding year, with the re- ^"'^ ^'^^"'"^®^- cords of his office, where necessary, and with such transcripts, abstracts or statements from the records of other offices, as the commissioner shall lay before him. 81. He shall compare the book of personal property iio^ property ' "^ books to be com- wilh the lists taken by the commissioner from indivi- p".*^'^?'^'^^^- •^ ammed. duals, and examine the same in such other way as the records of his office and his information will enable him to do. 82. The commissioner shall attend at the clerk's commiseioner . to assist in the office and assist at the examination, so far as may be ^^*'""'*'»'"'- desired by the clerk; and the clerk shall point out to the commissioner such errors (if any) as in his opinion may exist in any of the books. Every such error sliall au errors to be b, , , . . *^ 1 1 , . corrected, e corrected, when the commissioner and the clerk con- cur as to the propriety of such correction. When they when the clerk differ, the matter in difference shall be submitted to the ^oner°differ[to 48 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. bP flubmittfd to alloriicy for llic coiriiiioiiweallh in lljc county or corpo- thn attorney lor . . i • i i • • i . i i , i thccommon- ralioH 111 wliich iho coin missioiier was elecleu J and they wealth. , . . Tc I r -I i • i i If tho ottorncy sliall coiilorin to his decision. It he fail to decide the fail to (U'citip, to , r- i • i 1 1 i i i • i bo Buhmitteu to malltT uclore the next term, it shall then be submitted the court. to and decided by the court of such county or corpora- lion ; and the books shall be made to conform to such decision. cortincafc of the *S3. WhcH the examination of the clerk is com- nexedtocnch plctcd, and hc find that the additions required b}' the copy of land . i i i 1 1 book. 72d section have been made, he shall annex to each copy of the land book a certificate to the following Formofcierk'8 cflfect : "I, E F, clcrk (or deputy clerk) of the court certificate. . ,' for the county (or corporation) of , do hereby certify that I have carefully examined the foregoing land book; that I have compared it with the land book of the preceding 5'ear, with the records of my office, where necessary, and with such lists, abstracts or state- ments from the records of other offices, as the commis- sioner laid before me, and that I find the same correct (or, and that such errors as were found in the book when it was delivered to me, have been corrected ac- cording to law). Given under my hand this day of Clerk's certifi- S4. When all the columns of the property books cate to be nn- i i j nexedtoeach havc becu added up, as required by the 72d section of copy of the pro- ' ■* •' pertybook. jj^jg g^t, llic clcrk shall make such certificate as the whatto certify, result of his examination will justify. He shall state whether the book appears to him to be correct, or whether it appears to be incorrect or carelessly made Certificate to be out. His Certificate shall be laid before the court at the laid before court and recorded, succeeding term, and recorded among the proceedings of the court. * The clerk is not required to examine either the laud or the property books until all the columns are added up. See this, and j 84 of this act. ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 49 *S5. If the clerk carelessly perform any of the duties ciaim of cierk to , , be suspended herein required of him, his claim for the examination of""t''.the duties T required have the books shall be suspended until the duties herein i"e- pg^formeT''^ quired are properly performed; and if he fail to perform Penalty for fau- ^ r I >/ I ^ ^ I ^ yjg (Q perform any of the duties above required of him, he Shall forfeit duties, one hundred dollars. What to le done with hooh. 86. One copy of the land book, and one of the book one copy of land ' *^ and property of personal property, shall be preserved by the clerk ''°°''i° ''*''«■ I: I r J ' L J served by clerk. amongst his records, free for the inspection of any per- son, and a copy of either or any part thereof may be had at the charge of any person desiring the same. The copy of the book of personal properly preserved by the clerk shall also serve for laying the county levy. 87. One copy of each book shall be delivered by the onecopyofiand , . } } -rr- 1 cc 1-1 and property commissioner to the sheriti or other oincer authorized book to be deii- vered to sheriff. to collect the taxes therein assessed, which shall be his guide in collecting the same. 88. The other cop\'' of each shall be transmitted to copy tranemit- - , 1 . . . •fi'l 'u auditor ; the auditor ot public accounts by the commissioner, hi^suide for *• "^ eettleinent with with his certificate staling that he has dehvered a du-^*^^"*^- plicate thereof to the sheriff or other officer, and the time of the delivery. This copy shall be a guide for the auditor to settle by with such sheriff or other officer. It shall be admitted as evidence in any pro- ceeding for judgment against such sheriff or officer on account of the taxes with which he is chargeable. 89. The commissioner may require from the clerk, Commissioner * As a checli upon clerks who may be disposed to certify the books of a commissioner as "correct," instead of " incorrect or carelessly made out," this section makes provision for enquiring into his conduct, and suspends his claim until the duties are properly performed. 7 50 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. may require receipt shcrin' (or other oflTicer) and aiidilor, a receipt, or ac- knowledgment in writing of the dehvery of the said books to them respectively. Pefiahies on commissioners ; their fees and compensation. penoiiy for false 90. If any cominissioncr shall knowingly make a false ™'^' or erroneous entry on any of his books, he shall, for every such offence, forfeit two hundred dollars. Penalty for fau- 91. If the duty prescribed by the 78lh section shall books. * ^" not be performed before the first day of June, or if the duty prescribed by the eighty-seventh section shall not be performed before the fifteenth day of June, or if the duty prescribed by the eighty-eighth section shall not be performed before the first day of August, the commis- sioner failing to perform any of these duties, shall, for such failure, pay a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars. And moreover, the auditor of public accounts shall suspend the payment of his compensation. Deductions from *92. If a commissioncr shall, either in his land book commissioners compensaUon Of his book of pcrsonal property, charge or extend in for errors. ^ 1 I J ' O any case a less tax than the law requires, the auditor of public accounts shall deduct the amount omitted to be charged or extended, from the compensation of the com- missioner. Fees of commissioners. Fees to commis- 193. Each commissioner shall be entitled to the fol- sioner. , . ^ Formnkingan lowiug fccs : For making an entry and assessment entry of land. * This section, although not amended, should be carefully considered by ihe commissioner. t This section amends ^ 87 of ch. 35 of the Code, and denies a fee for the entry of lands which become the property of different owners, as described in $ 22 of this act, unless made at the request of an owner. It denies a fee also for any correction in a commissioner's book. ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 51 under ihe 2Sth section, of any parcel of land, one dollar for every such parcel, to be paid by the owner; for For making an asseasment of making an assessment, when requested by any owner of land, any part of the land, under the 22d section, one dollar, for which the parlies amongst whom the land is divided shall be jointly and severally liable, except where the commissioner's proceedings are confirmed by the court ; in which case the party complaining shall pay the com- missioner's fee, in addition to the costs incurred in con- sequence of the application to the court ; for making an For transferring r • 1 1 1 r 1 1 ''^'^'1 from one entry transierrmg lands, betore charged to one person, person to . another. unto another, seventy-nve cents, which shall be charged to the person to whom the transfer is made, and be a compensation for all the tracts in the commissioner's district conveyed by the same deed; for an entry ofporentryof a any grant according to the 19th section, a fee of twenty- five cents from the grantee, and fifty cents from him for assessing the value of the land granted. Fees; how made 07U and collected. 94. The commissioners may make out tickets for iheir Feebiiistobe C 11 '111- y • m made out ; how fees, and place them m the hands ot a sheriff or other to be accounted ^ for. ofiScer, to be collected and accounted for in the same manner that clerks' fees are collected and accounted for. The said commissioners shall be subject to the same penalties as clerks of courts for issuing tickets wrong- fully. Commissioner's compensation other than fees. *95. Every commissioner of the revenue shall be en- compensaHon of commissioners. *The commissiona authorized by lliis act having been held by the au- ditor to include the taxes assessed on " lands, persons and personal pro- perty," a proposition was submitted to the general assembly to restrict the commissions to the assessment of taxes on persons and personal pro- perty, upon the idea that the commissioner did not "assess" taxes on real estate ; but the proposition was defeated, thereby approving the de- cision of the auditor. ^3 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY, tilled lo receive, in consideration of liis services, to be paid on or before the first day of September, out of the treasury, upon the warrant of the auditor of public ac- counts, a commission of two and one-half per centum on the amount of taxes lawfully assessed by iiim on persons and properly within the preceding twelve Where tnxPH ns. mouihs. But whcrc the taxcs on persons and property •20,000.' assessed in any district in a county exceed twenty ihou- saiid dollars, the commission allowed on the excess shall Where the taxes be Only one and a half per centum ; and where the said asscsspd in a . ... town exceed laxcs asscsscd HI auv district in a town exceed sixteen •16,000. -^ thousand dollars, the commission allowed on the excess shall be only one per centum. Counties in *96, The preceding section shall not have the effect which the com. , pensHtion shall [q rcducc the compcnsalion to each of the commissioners not be less than *- •20a of the counties of Gilmer, Pocahontas, Pendleton, Put- nam, Raleigh, Ritchie, Tyler, Upshur and Wirt, below Motiessthan the sum of $200 ; to each of the commissioners of the counties of Bath, Carroll and Prince William, and the Notieeathan Corporation of Danville, below ihe sum of $125 ; and to •100. ' each of the commissioners of the counties of Grayson and Giles, and the city of Williamsburg, below the sum RotiesBthan of $100; and the allowance to any commissioner of •150. .... any county not mentioned in this section, now existing, or which may be hereafter created, shall, at the election of the commissioner, be the commissions allowed in the next preceding section, or a specific allowance of $150. Auditor to pay The audiior of public accounts shall also pay to the poatAge nd- _ ' i ./ Tanced by com- scvcral Commissioners all posta2;e advanced by them in miBsioner. i o j the transmission of their books or any correspondence Fee for register- touching the dulies of their office, and a fee of three * This section authorizes the payment to a comtnissioner of all postage advanced by him, and for births and deaths registered by him. All such payments may be made without any previous order of court; but it is apparent the payment cannot be made till the returns are received, and shown to be accurately made out. ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 53 cents for each birth and death registered and returned in? wnhB and " deaths. by him. When compensation suspended. 97. The said compensation hereby allowed to a com- compensation to ' be denied in missioner, shall be denied unless he has punctually per- certain cases. formed his duties in reference to listing of births and deaths, to the assessment of properly and licenses, and made all reports required, within the time prescribed by law, or can show to the satisfaction of the auditor of public accounts, a strong and sufficient reason for his delay. In everv such case the auditor may settle with Auditor may set- '' •' "^ _ tie with commis- such commissioner for his services, upon equitable prin- f>°"eruponequi. ^ * •■ table prmciplea. ciples, and shall report lo the general assembly every such case, his reasons for excusing the same, and his equitable settlement thereof. Comjiensation for services omitted by other commissioner. 98. Where, however, any commissioner makes out compensntion for making out books for a former year, such compensation may be ij^oks of former •^ ' -^ years. allowed him, in addition to what he is entitled to for his services during the current year, as he would have re- ceived in a'former year, had he then been appointed, and performed the duties of commissioner. 99. When one commissioner begins in any year, and where one com- ^ '' •' missioner begins dies or is removed before the services to be rendered by compuTte^ervice the commissioner in that year are fully performed, in ^^Jjj;^°^''y^no?°' he .1 • I ■ 1 L 1 . ther, how service ereot anotlier is elected who completes i^ apportioned. , • 1 r 1 1 1 • r '" ^''i"' case the the same, the sum to be paul lor the whole services ot lattcrcommis- ... eioncr gets all the commissioners in that year, shall be apportioned be- the compensa- iween the commissioner last elected and the former, ac- cording to the services by them respectively performed. If, however, in consequence of any failure to deliver up books or papers which the former had, the latter has to V 54 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTST. proceed to lake ibo list of taxable properly, and do all that lie would have had to do, in case there had been no previous commissioner that year, then he shall re- ceive all the compensation for the said year. Compensation of the clerk. cierk'i compen- 100. The court of the county or corporation shall aation for oxtun- ining books. make an allowance to the clerk for his services under this chapter, which shall be paid out of the treasury. Where thore is Where there is only one commissioner, the allowance one comniis- sinner. shall not cxcecd fifteen dollars a year. Where there Where there are -' ai^nerT""'* arc iwo, it shall not exceed twenty-five dollars a year. Where there are And wlicTe thcrc are three, it shall not exceed thirtv- three commis- •' sionerB. gye dollars a year. Redress against erroneous assessment. No alteration to 101. After the clerk shall have certified the land be made after i i i r books are certi- book, or the book 01 personal property, no alteration fied by clerk. ' i l j - shall be made in either by the commissioner, aflfecting the taxes of that year. Any person ng- 102. But any pcrsott aggrieved by any entry in Bessmentmay either book, or with any assessment of a "license tax, apply to county •' ' cZmo°nJeaUh "^^y* ^^'ihin One year after the dale of the clerk's cer- pucation^""^ ''^' lificale, where the entry is in either book, and wiihin one year from the assessment of said license tax, apply for relief to the court in which the commissioner gave bond and qualified. The attorney for the common- wealth shall defend the application; and no order made in favor of the applicant shall have any validity unless it be stated on the face thereof that such attorney did so defend it. Court may eson- 103. If the couTt bc Satisfied that the applicant is erate Irom pay- ^ ' ment of taxes, erroncously charged on such book or so assessed with ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 55 any taxes on licenses, it shall certify the fads upon which it grants relief, and shall order that he be exone- rated from the payment of so much as is erroneousl}'- charged, if not already paid, and if paid, that it be re- funded to him. 104. Such order delivered to the sheriff or other coart's order officer, shall restrain him from collecling so much as is sheriff iromcoi. lection of taxes thus erroneously charged ; or if the same has already erroneously '' *-' •' charged. If paid been collected, shall compel him to refund the money, '"^V*!^"'^'^^'*' ' » -* ' ana to be a if such officer has not already paid il into the treasury ; ceHn M/senie- and either way it shall be a sufficient voucher to entide Stor."'' the officer to a credit for so much in his settlement with the auditor of public accounts. 105. If what was so erroneously charged has been if taxes errone- ... , , 1 r 1 II ■ I ously charjied paid into the treasury, the order or court shall en u lie were paid into i -^ treasury, order the claimant to a warrant on the treasury, for the °*^,?.'?"''P^^,".„ -J ' entitle the claim- amount thereof, provided application for the same be p°\{,g7rea?u°i^, made to the auditor of public accounts within two '^ifyn two years, years after the date of the clerk's certificate, or such assessment of the license tax. Supersedeas authorized. *106. If from the statement of facts or other evi- The auditor may 1 1 I • r I 1 • I 1 1 I r • • appeal from the dence the auditor or public accounts shall be ot opinion decision of the ^ ^ ^ court granting that the order of court granting the redress is erroneous, »'>«"'"'j<^'" of ex- '-' '-3 oneration. he may advise a supersedeas or appeal to the circuit court of the county or corporation having jurisdiction over the county or corporation in which the order was made. Such appeal or supersedeas shall be granted Method of pro- V' ' *= cedure. as a matter of right, and shall be prosecuted by the at-' torney for the commonwealth for such court. The cir- * The courts, in passing upon the errors of commissioners, must state the "facts" upon which they act when relief is granted, so as to enahle the commonwealth to judge of the propriety of a supersedeas. 5G ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. cuit court, upon llie fuels slated, and upon such other evidence as either parly m;iy offer, shall affirm or re- verse the order of exoneration, and shall make such order liiereupon for the collection of the taxes or other- wise, as such court may consider proper. The appeal or supersedeas shall be tried in a summary way with- (Topffl not to be out plcadings in writing. No costs shall be awarded iHiiil by tlin com- , , • i , i i i i i monweoith. by the courl, or paid by the commonwealth, about such appeal or supersedeas, unless the court in its discretion shall give judgment for costs against the commissioner who made the erroneous assessment. Grand jurors to he furnished with list of offences. Commissioner to *107. It shall bc the duty of every commissioner to lurni^h the nt- ^ . , • ,, i i i r- i torney for the tumish thc allomey ot the commonwealth 01 the county, with list of i.er- City or town, 3 list of evcrv violation of the revenue sons violating the , revenue lawS. ]a,^v Committed by persons other than himself, showing Attorney to tic- the nature and character of each violation. And it shall liver list to the r i i i • it i foreman of the DC the duty Ot each attomcy to deliver such hst to the grand jury. • _ "^ foreman of the grand jury, who shall treat it as having been delivered specially in charge to the grand jury. List to be dc- The said foreman, after the grand jurv is discharged, liveredtothe , ,, . i i , ,- i " i clerk. shall return such list to the clerk ot the court, to be pre- Attorncys for the served and filed by him in his office. It shall also be conimonwcnlth ,,_,.. to chargo crand ihc duty ot tuc ciFcuit courts and the attorneys for the juries to enquire , •' into all violations commonwealth in the county and corporation courts ot the revenue -^ i lJJ]^3ione'r'"^°'"" specially to charge the grand juries to enquire into all violations of the revenue laws by the commissioners. Mode of recovering fines. Proceedings may t J 08. Any action or motion for the recovery of any be iuelilutcd by * This is a new section, intended to prevent the numberless violations of the revenue laws, known to exist, without notice heretofore having been taken of them. The provisions here are comprehensive and can- not fail to secure a faithful execution of the laws. tThe auditor prosecutes all commissioners and clerks in the circuit court of the ciiy of Richmond. All other penalties are recoverable in the county wherein the offeuce waa committed. ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 57 fine or forfeiture prescribed by this act, against any com- the auditor m the ' I ■ • 1 circuit court of missioner of the revenue or clerk, may be insiiluled or P-ichmond city '' _ _ against clerks or made bv tlie auditor of public accounts, in llie circuit ^om^'ssioners J 1 tor recovery oi court of the city of Richmond, according to the 2d gee- ^°^^' '^*=- tion of the 43d chapter of the Code. *109. All properly, not expressly exempted from aii property not expressly ex- taxation, or on which a license tax is not paid, shall empted, and on ' which a license be ascertained in the manner prescribed in this act, and '^^.^^"o*?^'"^' I ' subject to tax- shall be subject to taxation. "'^°°- 110. Be it further enacted, that all parts of chapter Parts of code repealed. 35 of the Code of Virginia, and the act passed May 24th, 1852, and the acts amendatory thereof, herein re- ferred to, and not hereby amended and re-enacted, are hereby repealed. 111. This act shall be in force from its passage. *This section is thrown in to carry out the spirit of the constitution, declaring as a guide to commissioners that all property, whether named or not, shall be taxed, unless expressly exempt by law. 68 heoulations concerning licenses. ACTS 1859-60, CHAP. 2. All ACT maldnor Rcsrulations concerimis: Licenses. Passed March 30, 1860. Rppeniing Be 11 eiiaclecl b}' the general assembly, thai so much of ihe ihirly-eighlh chapter of the Code of Virginia as has not been amended and re-enacted, and so much thereof as has been amended and re-enacted, and such amendments and re-enactmenls as have heretofore been made, be and the same are hereby amended and re- enacted so as to read as follows : And all the provi- sions of the thirty-eighth chapter of the Code of Virginia, and acts amendatory thereof, and not re-enacted by this act, are hereby repealed. Of taxes on licenses. For what licenses issue. ^vhat business !• No pcrson shall, without license, keep either an ehnll nnt be pur- ,. • „ . . , i i- sued without ordn)ary, house ot private entertamment, boarding- licerise. , i • i , house, cook shop, eating-house, or any house not pri- vate, but kept for public resort for any purpose, bowling Billiard tables, saloou or alley, billiard table, bagatelle* table and such Livery etabies, like table?, Hvcrv stable or feed store: And no license Ac. -^ , Licenses not shall be "ranted to a free neo;rot to keep an ordinary granted to tree "^ o i ^ Arruupirits. ^r Otherwise to sell ardent spirits. &c. Merchandise, &c. Nor sliall any pcrson, without license, rectify or distill * Bagntelle tables are here introduced for the first time as the subject of a license tax. tFree negroes cannot be licensed to sell ardent spirits. REGULATIONS CONCERNING LICENSES. 59 ardent spirits, or manufacture for sale, or ventl porter, ale or beer or drinks of any kind. Nor shall any person, without license, sell or contract what included ,, rr ~ II 1 1 IT as merchandise, to sell or orier to sell goods, wares and merchandise : &e- And herein shall be included books, maps, prints, pro- visions, agricultural commodities, fruit trees* and shrub- beries, the growth, production or manufacture of this state, or any of the United States, or any fo re i o; n saies by samples, ... , . cards, &c. country, either by sample, card or otherwise. Nor shall any person, without license, sell, or offer to Patent rights, medicines, car- sell or barter, patent rights, f patent, specific or quack riagcs,&c. medicines, w.ngons, coaches, carriages, barouches, bug- gies, gigs, carr3'alls or other vehicles. Nor shrill any person, without license, buy for sale or saies on com. 11 r 1 • • c c J. 1 mission, of , sell tor others on commission, or lor proni,| slaves, slaves, horses, horses, asses, mules, cattle, sheep or hogs, or either of them. Nor shall any person sell, without license, any horses, Horses, &c. , . , , . , . , 1 , r brought into the asses, mules or ice brought into this state to be sold. "^ state. Nor shall any person, without license, act as agent insurance com- - ,. . . .11 panics. tor any loreign insurance company, or act as wood, coal wood and coai merchants, &c. or lumber merchant, merchant tailor, forwarding mer- * Tlie sale of fruit trees and slirubberies produced in other states are protiibited. See section 2, exemption of productions. tThe sale of patent rights is liere for the first lime introduced, as a subject of license. t Agencies for " profit" in the purchase or sale for others of slaves, horses, asses, ninies, cattle, sheep or hogs, or where sucii purchases and sales are made in a mercantile sense as merchants buy and sell, are pro- hibited vviihout a license. This provision is not intended, however, as a restraint on such purchases and sales by farmers, graziers and others for their own wants or purposes. % The horses and other animals here referred to are such as are brought from other slates, and put upon the market in competition with Virginia bred animals. GO REGULATIONS CONCERNING LICENSES. Attorneys, doc- cliant, sliip brokcr, rillornry at law, physician, surgeon, tors luid dugucr- , . , . , i i • i . • . i i n-otypista. (Icnlist, {luguerreiau and such like artists, broker or auc- tioneer. Nor shall any captain or other person having the con^irnand or control of any vessel without license, sell wood by retail from such vessel. AK'ontB for rent- Nor shuU any person, without license, act as agent ing houses. . . hiring nngrocs, for ronting houses or hirino; negroes, or tor receiving for books, &.C. . . ° ... subscriptions* for, or in any manner furnishing news- papers, books, pamphlets, or other periodicals. Framework. Nor shall any person, without license, receive from without this state, any rough or other frame work of any description, to be put together in this state for the purpose of sale. Shows, circuses Nor shall any person or company, without a license, and menageries. •.. -i r • iti Exhibitions and exhibit anv theatrical performance in a pubhc theatre, theatres. . . . or any menagerie, circus or other public show, exhibi- tion or like performance in a theatre or elsewhere. Refreshments in Nor shall any pcrson, without a license, sell refresh- theatre. . 1 1- 1 ments in a public theatre. Rooms for pub- Nor shall any person, without a license, let any room be shows. or rooms for public shows or other exhibitions or per- formances. Express business Nor shall any person, without a license, carry on any express business for compensation. What deemed a +2. A Sale made at any place other than that desig- * Colporterage — receiving subscriptions for newspapers, or in any manner fnrnijiiing newspapers, books, pamphlets or other periodicals, are prohibited without license. An exception, however, prevails in favor of those printed and published in Virginia. t This section localizes all business for which a license to sell is required, and destroys the occupation of peddlers, to which no license can issue. REGULATIONS CONCERNING LICENSES. 61 nated in the license, shall, unless specially authorized eaie without licenee. by law, in all cases be held to be a sale without a license. 3. A stable or other place wherein horses are kept 'vvhat deemed a *• ^ livery stable. for hire or fed for compensation, shall be construed to be a livery stable within the meaning of this act ; but no horse kept therein shall, on that account, be ex- empted from taxation. Who exempt from licenses. 4. This act shall not be construed to require a licensed Goods ex- ••• changed, not merchant or mercantile firm to take out an additional p''°'»'''^'«^- license to enable him or them to barter or exchange goods, wares or merchandise for country produce, and then to sell the same. Nor to require a license to manufacture cider out of his cider not pro- . . . hibited. own fruit ; nor to require the owner of a distillery to ob- pistiiun^ grain, '1 -^ f I . „ in license. the preceding section, state the fact of such certificate and the situation of the store or place of sale. If the person applying for such license asks that it shall be to him as a commission merchant, the commissioner shall so express on its face. 10 74 REGULATIONS CONCERNING LICENSES. When license altered. Morchnntrcmnv. *34. When a pcrsoii who has obtained a license or ing may have his . - „ , . ^ 1 1 . . i liwnao altered, paid a tax foF a license to sell at one store or place, removes to another store or place and wishes his license altered accordingly, the court of the county or corpora- tion may authorize the commissioner to make such alte- ration. No license to nu. 35. No liccnsc shall authorize any person to sell any thorize sale of , it « i . • i \ i c goods on board goods, warcs, merchandise or other articles on board ot of vessel Penalty for raak. any vcsscl within the tide waters of this slate. If such ingsuc 6 es. ^^j^ ^^ made, the offender shall forfeit one hundred dollars, one-half to be paid to informer. Penalties for selling ardent spirits. Penalty for sell- 30. If any ocrson shall, without paying such tax and ing ardent spirits, . . . . . . &c. without obtuiriino; such certificate as is required by this act, sell license. ^~ i j by retail, wine, ardent spirits, or a mixture thereof, ale, porter, beer or such like drinks, he shall forfeit sixty dollars; and if any person sell by retail, wine, ardent S{)irits, or a mixture thereof, ale, porter or beer, or such like drinks, to be drunk in or at the store or other place of sale, he shall, unless he be licensed to keep an Ordinary license oidiiiary at such pkcc, forfeit sixty dollars. When an includes permis- •' sion to sell ardent ordinary licensc is granted, the person siiall have the spirits, (Sic. by o ' j retail. privilege of selling by retail. Revocation of license. Court may re- 37. Upon the motion of any inhabitant of the county TokeUcensc. • r i or corporation, alter ten days' notice to any merchant *It would not be competent for the court to authorize the comtnis- sioner to transfer a license from one county or corporation to another. If such removal is made a new license must be taken out. REGULATIONS CONCERNING LICENSES. 75 who has obtained such certificate, the court which granted it, if it see cause to do so, may revoke the same. And if, after such revocation, such merchant renaity for seu- , ; , ... , . . . ing after revoca- shall sell by retail, wine, ardent spirits, or any mixture tion of license. thereof, ale, porter, beer, or drinks of like kind, he shall, for every offence, forfeit fifty dollars. *3S. The two preceding sections shall not be construed saie of uquor by .... f. ,,. •! 1- the manufacturer to prohibit any person from selling, by retail, liquors not prohibited, actually made from the products of his estate, or dis- tilled by him, or those in his employment, at the place of manufacture, when such liquors are not drunk in or at the place of sale : provided, however, that the same Exceptions, shall not be sold, contracted to be sold, or ofTered for sale by sample or otherwise, at any other place than that at which it was manufactured, or on the same plan- tation. Auctioneers A 39. No person shall, without being licensed, whose No person to seu . . . 'Til • r- as an auctioneer license is required by law, as an auctioneer for any without license. county or corporation, sell therein, at auction, any real estate, goods, wares, merchandise, or other articles, ex- cept in the following cases, to wit: the estate of a de- Exceptions, cedent may be sold by his representative, according to law or the provisions of the will; property conveyed by deed of trust, or decreed or ordered to be sold by a court, may be sold according to the deed, decree or order; any person may sell agricultural products of this state ; and an officer may sell property distrained *The sales of liquors by the manufuclurer is localized, aud required to be at the place of manufacture or on the same plantation, and cannot be sold or offered for sale elsewhere by sample or otherwise. Any mer- chant selling such liquors for the manufacturer must obtain a license. t Auctioneers are required by this section to take out a license in every county in which they sell. The license is not as heretofore required only in towns of 3,000 inhabitants. 76 REGULATIONS CONCERNING LICENSES. Auctionpor pro. by liim uiulcr execution or other legnl y)roces3. Nor hibitod IromseU- . , ,i , i, i iiift (j<>"fi«, &c. pIkiII any auctioneer be nllovved to sell goods, wares, biought into tho -^ _ _ " _ 8tnt.-, uniees tho mcichandise or other articles brought into this state, owner hiiH oh- i-J ourj'ear tolxi?'^ ' '^ '^^^'^V t^ouHty, town or corporation, without the owner such goods. ibereof has first obtained a license for one year to sell such floods, wares, merchandise or other articles. Penalty. 40. Any pcrson violating the preceding section, shall pay a fine of not less than thirty nor more than one thousand dollars. Auctioneers to 41. Auctionccrs shall give to the commissioners of make statement r i • i of sales on oath, tlic revenuG like Statements of their sales on oath, and answer like interrogatories as merchants may be re- quired by law to give. Insurance agents. Insurance com- 42. No agent or subagcnt of any insurance company panics to obtain ^^ . , i • i i i license. or oiTice, incorporated or authorized by another state, or existing in or claicning to exist in another state or foreign country, shall establish or keep any office, or transact the business of his agency within this state, without a Penalty for liccnsc. Anv pefson violalino; this section shall pay a failure. . J I o I J fine of not less than forty nor more than one thousand dollars. BroJcers. Penalty against 43. No pcrson shall, without obtaining a license as a brokers lor sell- , , , . . ing without broker, buy, exchansfe or sell on commission, or for any hcense. . profit or reward, or as a part of his regular employment or business, certificates of debt of any state, or of the United States, or stock of any state, or in any bank or incorporated company, or the notes of any bank, or any gold or silver coin, or any bill of exchange, draft or note. Any person violating this section shall forfeit two thousand dollars. REGULATIONS CONCERNING LICENSES. 77 Dentists. 44. Anv person who shall, without being licensed Penalty against '' • I • L dentists. as a dentist, in this state, practice therein the art of dentistry, shall forfeit thirty dollars. Stallions. 45. Any person who, without a license, shall permit Penalty against , , II- owners of stal- any stallion or iackass belongino; to him or under hisiionsand jack- •' ^ a o asses. control, to cover mares for compensation, shall forfeit fifty dollars. But the person obtaining such license may let the horse or ass to mares in any part of the state, during the season for which the license has been obtained. Theatres; how taxed. 46. There shall be a tax per week on theatrical per- Tax on theatrical - . , performances. lormances in a pubhc theatre; a lax per year on each place of sale of refreshments in a public theatre, during such performances ; a tax per year on the proprietor or on exhibition occupier of any public room fitted for public exhibitions, who permits the same to be used for such purposes ; a tax on any public show, exhibition or performance else- on shows, exhi- . bitions, &c. where, for each time of performance. A list for the sheriff and auditor. 47. After the commissioner of the revenue shall have Lists of licenses assessed all persons required by law to obtain licenses, commissioner, ' . hovt made and he shall make a fair classified list thereof, as far as he »' ^^«.' '"Nervals; now disposed of. may have progressed with the same, at intervals not ex- ceeding fifteen days, and deliver such lists to the sheriff or other collector of the revenue, for his guide in collect- ing the taxes imposed by law on such licenses. He 78 REGULATIONS CONCERNING LICENSES. At what times shall rclum lo the auditor of public accounts and to the ligf.i for auditor , , ,. , r \ • t r and clerk to bo clerk 01 the court 01 the county or corporation, a list oi returned. . . i- r i all such Hcenses ; that is to say, a list of such as are granted on or after the first day of September and be- fore the first day of May following, shall be returned on or before the tenth day of the said month of May ; and a list of such as are granted on or after the first day of May and before the first clay of September following, shall be returned immediately after the first day of What to specify September. Such lists shall specify the date of each in lists. license, for what it was granted, the name of the per- son to whom granted, the amount of the tax, to whom paid, and the data upon which the tax was assessed. Fees of commis- For cvcry Certificate delivered by a commissioner to a person desiring, or who ought to obtain a license, the commissioner shall be entitled to a fee of fifty cents for each license, unless such license be refused by the By whom paid, court ; which fccs shall be paid to him out of the trea- sury, on the warrant of the auditor of public accounts; and the same shall be included and added to the amount of tax assessed upon such license, and be col- lected and paid into the treasury in the same manner Fee for transfer; and at the Same time such taxes are payable. He shall by whom paid. .,, r r r r r f receive a fee of fifty cents for a transfer of a license, to be paid by the person obtaining such transfer. License returns; evidence. Penalty for fail- 48. If any commissioncr fail to return any such list ur^ore m ^^ liceuses at the times and in the manner before di- rected, without a reasonable excuse therefor, no warrant shall be issued by the auditor of public accounts in his favor, until such lists are returned ; and he shall, more- Penaity for fail- ovcr, pay a fine of one hundred dollars. If no licenses where noli- havc bccn issued or obtained, he shall return the fact at censes have been . • i r ,,._,. , issued. the times required tor a return ot a list ot licenses; and for his failure so to do, he shall incur the same penalties REGULATIONS CONCERNING LICENSES. 79 as are imposed for his failure to return a list of licenses granted. 49. Any such list signed by the commissioner, wherein List of license ,1,, ,1 „ • -I r ^• evidence against shall be stated the amount or tax paid tor any license, delinquent and to whom paid, shall, in any motion or proceeding against any dehnquent sheriff or collector, be evidence to charge him therewith. Sheriff or collectors ; "power to distrain. 50. The sheriff or other collector shall be authorized sheriff autho- . .. ^• ^ r rized to distrain and required to distrain immediately for the amount for license tax. with which any person may have been assessed by the commissioner upon any license under the provisions of this act ; and to sell, upon ten days' notice, so much of such person's propert}^ subject to distress as may be ne- cessarj' to pay the taxes so assessed. 51. No sheriff or collector shall receive from any per- sheriff not to re- 1 . 1 I 1 r- , • 1 1 ceive license tax son a license tax unless he has first received the cer- until the certifi- tiricate of the commissioner showing the amount withmissionerispro- which such person has been assessed, or the list re- quired to be furnished to such sheriff or collector by the commissioner. Taxes; when payable. 52. Every sheriff or collector shall account for and Times at which , , 11- '-I's sheriff shall pay into the treasury the taxes assessed on licenses at pay into the trea- . . sury the license the following times : The taxes assessed on or after theta^'es. first day of September, and before the first day of May following, shall be accounted for and paid on or before the thirtieth* day of the said month of May; and the taxes assessed on or after the first day of May, and be- * The taxes are to be paid on the 30th of May, instead of the 20th of May, as heretofore. duced. 80 REGULATIONS CONCERNING LICENSES. fore the first day of September following, shall be ac- counted for and paid at the same time that other taxes collected by such sheriff or collector are required by law to be accounted for and paid. Jiidg-ment without notice. Proceedings to *53. If the taxcs required to be paid on or before aSduor againsf ihc thirtieth of May be not then paid, the auditor of eherift" for failure i ii • i • i i r i to pay taxes at public accounts shall Within three months alter such the time required ' bylaw. failure, file in the clerk's office of the circuit court in the city of Richmond, with the clerk thereof, an accu- rate account of the amount with which any such sheriff or collector may be chargeable on account of such taxes; Clerk shall enter and thereupon such clerk shall enter up a judgment np judgment for amount and against such sheriff or collector and his securities for the uaniAges. ^ amount wherewith he is so chargeable, with lawful in- terest thereon from the time of such failure until pay- ment thereof, and fifteen per centum damages in addi- tion thereto; which judgment shall have the same validity and be subject in all respects to the like pro- ceedings thereupon as if it had been rendered by the court. Rehearing authorized. Right of appeal 54. But any person aggrieved by such judgment months. may apply to the circuit court of the city of Richmond within six months thereafter, to set aside said judgment and try said cause, which such court may do upon jndgmentnot such tcrms as it may prescribe. Such judgment, if impaired by , . r i i i r i i • ry death of any ob- entered a2;ainst any obligor of the bond or such sheriff ligorofthebond. ° . '' ° or collector who is dead at the time of the entry of such judgment, shall not be impaired thereby ; and as to the parly who may have died, it shall operate to all intents *This section conforms the proceedings to oblaio a judgment to that for taxes on property. REGULATIONS CONCERNING LICENSES. 81 and purposes as a judgment against the personal re- presentalive of such deceased parly. Delinquents; how returned. 55. When a sheriff" or other collecting officer is un- whensherifl 11 1^1 r I • I II ™*y return able to nnd properly out or which to make the taxes license tax in- ' '' solvent. imposed upon persons who may have been assessed with a license, such sheriff" or collector may return such persons as insolvents, subject to all the laws in relation to uncollected taxes. Commissions to sheriffs and collectors. 56. Every sheriff" or person receiving taxes or licenses sheriffs' commis- , I'l 1111 n 1 •• r sions for coUect- under this chapter shall be allowed a commission ot two iog license taxes. per cent, for their collection on the first five thousand dollars, and one per cent, upon any, excess over that sum ; and if he shall punctually pay the same into the treasury within the time prescribed by law, he shall be allowed an additional compensation of two per cen- tum on the first five thousand dollars, and of one per centum on any excess over that sum. Penalties, how recoverable.* 57. The penalties prescribed in this act, except those How penalties r6coT6r&bl6. recoverable in the circuit court of the city of Richmond, by existing laws, shall be recoverable by action of debt, presentment, indictment or information. 58. Such action of debt may be brought in the name where action or 01 the commonwealth, either in the county or corporation brought, wherein the off'ence was committed, or wherein the * The 57th, 58th, 59lh and 60th sections contain new and comprehen- sive provisions for the recovery of fines, penalties and forfeitures for violations of the revenue laws. 11 82 REGULATIONS CONCERNING LICENSES. offender resides, and such action may be either in the county or corporation court or in the circuit court of the county or corporation. Bail to be re- 59. In the actioo oF debt, bail shall be required as a Defendant may matter of right, and the defendant arrested under a be discharged _ . upon giving bond capias hereby authorized, may, at, any lime pendine with approved ' •' -^ ' J i o security. jj^g cage, give bond with sufficient security to the officer making the arrest, who may thereupon be discharged. Conditions of Such bond shall be conditioned for the appearance of bond. , 1 • 1 , , the party to answer the action and to abide by and With whom filed satisfy the judgment of the court; and shall be re- lumed by such officer to the clerk of the court from which the capias issued, to be filed and preserved by the clerk of such court. If deemed necessary, an at- tachment may also be issued as now authorized in other cases, except that an affidavit and a bond shall not be required of the commonwealth or her agents in the proceedings hereby authorized. Deities of commonwealth'' s attorneys. Duty of the at- GO. In addition to the general duties of the attorney torney for the i i • i . , commonwealth tor llie commonwealth in each county or corporation, he to institute pro- -' ' tio'ir8''u"onthe°' s^^^^' upon his owu motion, or upon the application of ^yi-'ifvlnuo"^ any revenue officer or ofany conservator of the peace, officer. institute prosecutions or actions upon all the offences herein prescribed. 61, This act shall be in force from its passage. TAXES. 83 ACTS 1859-GO, CHAP. 3. A71 ACT imposing Taxes for the Support of Government. Passed March 31, 1860. 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, that the taxes on the persons and subjects required by law to be listed or assessed, shall be yearly as follows : Taxes on lands and lots. On tracts of lands and lots, with the improvements Tax on land, thereon, not exempt from taxation, forty cents on every hundred dollars value thereof; and herein shall be in- what included . therein. eluded all tracts of lands and lots, with the in)prove- ments thereon, not exempt from taxation, of incorpo- rated joint stock companies, savings institutions and insurance companies. On personal property. 2. On all the personal property, moneys and credits on personal pro- required by law to be listed, and not exempt from taxa-andcr^lfaf^* tion, except slaves, forty cents on every hundred dollars value thereof; and herein shall be included all the capi- what included , . , , . ^ . , . therein, and what tai invested or used in any raanutacturing business ex- exempted. cept gas companies, where the assessment shall be on the value of such property invested or employed in any trade or business, except agricultural, for which no license is required, and all the personal property and money's of incorporated joint slock companies, except the moneys and personal property that constitute part of the capital of the banks, and except the moneys and per- 84 TAXES. sonnl property of savings institutions and insurance com- panies which have dcclareil dividcncls wiihin one 5'ear pr(.'cc(liiig tlie first day of Februar}' ; and the words " moneys and credits" shall be construed to include all moneys or credits owned by any resident in this slate, whether such moneys or credits are wiihin or without the stale. On slaves. onsiaresovcr 3. On cvcry slavc over twelve years of age, whether years o age. gj^^j^p^gj fp^-jj^^ couiity levy in cousequenco of bodily Whoinciudcd. infirmity or not, One dollar and tvvent}' cciits ; and herein shall be included all slaves, over twelve years of age, owned or hired by any company, institution or person whatsoever. On free negroes,* On free negroes. 4. On cvcry male free negro who has attained the age of Iwenty-one years, eighty cents. White males. On white males. 5. On cvcry white male inhabitant who has attained the age of twenty-one years, eighty cents. On public bonds. On Interest on G. On the interest or profit which may have been re- public bonds. • 1 I 1 • • • 1 ceived by any person, or converted into principal so as lo become an interest-bearing subject, or otherwise ap- propriated, wiihin the year next preceding the first day of February of each year, arising from bonds and cer- tificates of debt of this or any other stale or country, or *See ch. 55 (extracted from Acts 1852-3), published ia this pamphlet. TAXES. 86 of any corporation created by this or any other stale, whether the slock of such company be exempt from taxation or not, six and two-thirds per centum. Dividends. 7. On ihedividends declared within the year prece- on dividends ot ,. t r I f T-. I I • ... savings banks dmg the tirst day ot tebruary, by savings mslilulions and insurance ... companies. and insurance companies, to be paid by such mslilulions and companies iiilo the treasury respectively, six and two-thirds per centum. On income. 8. On the income or fees received during the year on income or ending the first day of February of each year, in con- sideration of the discharge of any office or employment in the service of the slate, or in consideration of the discharge of any office or employment in the service of any corporation, or in the service of any companss firm or person, except where the service is that of a minister Exception. of the gospel, one-half of one per centum if the same be not more than two hundred and fifty dollars ; one per centum if the same be more than two hundred and fifty dollars and not more than five hundrcti dollars; one and a half per centum if ihe same be more than five hundred dollars and not more than a thousand dolkirs; and two per centum if the same be over one thousand dollars. The tax payable under this section by anTaxesofoffi- tr- r • • 1 r 1 '^^'■^ ^'^ govern- omcer or government receivmg a salary out or the trea- ment, how paid, sury, shall be deducted at the lime the salary is audited and paid. 9. On the yearly rent or annual value of toll bridges on toil bridges and ferries other than those toll bridges and ferries ex- empt by their charter from taxation, six per centum. S6 TAXES. On licenses. Ordinaries. 10. The taxes on licenses shall be as follows: Ordinaries and Oil a llccnse to kccp an ordinary or house of public public entertain- . ~ , ■. , i • r i i i r ment. entcriainmctit, lorly dollars; and ir the yearly value ol such house and furniture exceeds one hundred dollars and is less than two hundred dollars, the tax shall be fifty dollars; and if the 3'early value thereof exceeds two iiundred dollars, there shall i)e added lo the last meniioiied sum fifteen per cent, on so much thereof as exceeds two hundred dollars. Private entertainment. Private enter. 11. On 3 iiccnse to keep a house of private cntertaln- tainment and ..... , , boarding-houses, meut Of a pnvalc boardiiig-nousc, or any other house not private, but kept ibr public resort for any purpose, five dollars ; and if the yearly value of such house and furniture exceed fifty dollars and is less than one hun- dred dollars, the tax shall be ten dollars. If the yearly value thereof exceed one hundred dollars, there shall be added lo ,the last mentioned sum ten per cent, on so much thereof as exceeds one hundred dollars. But no house shall be deemed a private boarding-house with less than five boarders. Cook shops and 12. On cvcry license to keep a cook shop or eatmg- eatinghouses. , ' • i , r i i- house, or any house not private, but kept for public re- sort for an}' purpose, fifteen dollars; and in addition thereto, fifteen [)er cent, on so much of the yearly value thereof as exceeds one hundred dollars. TAXES. S7 Bowling alleys. 13. On every license permitting a bowling alley or Bowling alleys saloon to be kept for a year, fifty dollars : provided, that where there is more than one such alley kept in any one room, fifteen dollars each shall be charged for the excess over one. Billiard tables. 14. And on every license permitting a billiard table BUiiardubieB. to be kept for a year, one hundred dollars: provided, that where there is more than one such table kepi in any one room, fifty dollars each shall be charged for the ex- cess over one table : provided, that if such billiard table, whenfomot more than four bowlmg alle}' or saloon, are not kept open more than m°i»tbs. four months in any one year, the taxes thereon shall only be one-half of these rates. Bagatelle tables. 15. On every license permitting a bagatelle or other Bagatelle tables, like table to be kept for one year or any less time, twenty dollars for the first, and if more than one, ten dollars for the second, and five dollars for each additional table kept in the same house. . , Livery stables. 16. On every license to a keeper of a livery stable, Lircry stabies. one dollar for each stall thereof; and herein shall be in- cluded as stalls, such space as may be necessary for a horse to stand, and in which a horse is or may be kept. Di^^tilleries. 17. On every license to the proprietor of a distillery, Distuieriee. SS TAXES. if a brginncr, iho tax sliall he tvvcnly dollars; and if said distillery is to be kept in operation as nnnch as four months in the year, the tax shall be thirty dollars ; if for six months, forty dollars; if for nine nnonths, sixty dol- lars ; if for a longer tinae than nine months, one Imndred dollars; and if such distillery has been kept in opera- tion as n>uch as four months in the year next preceding the time of obtaining such license, the proprietor thereof Additionni tax shall pay, in adtlilion to the tax imposed on beginners, on sales. \ \r c \ c \ r one-halt ot one per centum on the amount ot sales ot such distillery for the twelve months next preceding the time of obtaining such license. Mercliants. Merchants' 18. On cvcry Hceuse to a merchant or mercantile specific tax. . . • , • , ,, nrm, vvliere a specitic taxis to be paid, sixty dollars: provided, that if the capital employed by said merchant or firm be shown by affidavit to be less than five hun- dred dollars, the lax to be paid shall be ten dollars ; but this proviso shall not authorize any such person to sell whenpropor. vvinc, ardent spirits, or a mixture thereof; and when tioned to salea. the tax is in proportion to the sales, if the taxable sales shall be under one thousand and one dollars, the tax shall be twenty dollars; if one thousand and one and under fifteen hundred dollars, twenty-four dollars; if fifteen hundred dollars and under twenty-five hundred dollars, thirty-two dollars ; if twenty-five hundred dol- lars and under five thousand dollars, forty-eight dol- lars ; if five thousand dollars and under ten thousand dollars, seventy-six dollars; if ten thousand and under fifteen thousand dollars, ninety-six dollars; if fifteen thousand dollars and under twenty thousand dollars, one hundred and twelve dollars; if twenty thousand dollars and under thirty thousand dollars, one hundred antl forty dollars ; if thirty thousand dollars and under fifty thousand dollars, two hundred and eight dollars ; TAXES. 89 and if over fifty thousand dollars, ten dollars for every ten thousand dollars excess over the said sum of fifty thousand dollars. Merchant's permission to sell ardent spirits. 19. x\nd in every case in which the license to a mer- Liquor license , -1 r- • I 1 • • 11 on beginners. chant or mercantile rirm includes permission to sell wine, ardent spirits or a mixture thereof, porter, ale or beer, by wholesale and retail, or by retail only, if such merchant or firm (commencing business for the first time) sell by wholesale and retail, an additional tax of one hundred dollars; and if by retail only, forty dol- lars; and if such license be to a merchant or mercan-ToconHnue • 1 r" • I • M r n • • i business. tile firm to continue the privilege ol selling wine, ardent spirits or a mixture thereof, porter, ale or beer, if by wholesale, or by wholesale and retail, or by retail only, the lax shall be one per centum on the amount of such sales for ihe year next preceding the time of obtaining said license, in addition to the specific tax imposed on beginners ; but said sales shall not be estimated in ascertaining the amount of a merchant's license. Merchant tailor. 20. Merchant tailors, lumber merchants, dealers in other tradea and , . 1 I II 1 • 1- 1 callings taxed as coal, ice or wood, shall obtain licenses as merchants, merchants. and be assessed and taxed thereon as other merchants are by the preceding sections of this act, and shall be subject to like penaliies for conducting such business without a merchant's license. Commission merchant. 21. The tax on every license to a commission mer- commission y . c 1 • 1 .1 • 1 • merchants, to- chant, forwarding merchant, tobacco auctioneer or ship bacco auction- broker, shall be forty dollars, if commencing business ; brokers, 12 90 TAXES. and if to continue such business after the sanfie has been carried on for a year, the tax on such Hcense shall be two per ccnlurai on the amount of commissions re- ceived ; and this lax shall be in addition to such tax as may be imposed on a license to such merchant or firm, to sell any goods, wares or merchandise. Auctioneers. Auctioneers' 22. On cvery license to an auctioneer or vendue mas- ecale of license ... „ i • > in towns. ler Commencing business, twenty-five dollars; and it the place of business be in a town containing a popu- lation of three thousand inhabitants, thirty-two dollars ; if the population exceeds three thousand, an additional tax of fifteen dollars for every thousand persons above that number, and at that rate for any fractional excess less than one thousand; but said specific tax shall in no Real estate auc- casc cxcced ihiec hundred and fifty dollars. On every tioneers. _ . . . license to an auctioneer who deals exclusively in real estate, two hundred and fifty dollars, and he shall have the right to sell real estate at auction or otherwise. On When charged a ever \' liccnsc to an auctioneer or vendue master to con- percentage on . . r- , , , • , sales. linue the business alter the same has been carried on for a year, one per centum on the am.ount of taxable sales of such auctioneer or vendue master, but in no case shall the tax on such sales exceed one thousand dollars: provided the tax to be paid by auctioneers for the sales of molasses and sugar, shall in no case ex- ceed five hundred dollars for such sales ; but the tax on sales of other articles shall not be affected by this provision. SamiAe merchants. Selling goods by *23. On cvcry licensc to a person selling goods by * A merchant who has obtained a license to sell goods by sample at his store house or place of trade, has no right, under such license, to permit any other person, not so licensed, under cover of such license, to make TAXES. 91 sample, card or olherwise, except at some store-bouse or place of trade, two hundred dollars; but such sales made at such store-house shall subject the person doing business at such store-house to the tax required to be paid by a merchant. Patent rights. 24. On every license to sell or barter patent rights. Patent rights and r T Ti • I- 1 1 • • quack medicines. Iwenty-rive dollars; patent, specihc or quack medicines, if by wholesale, fifty dollars ; if by retail only, twenty- five dollars, unless he have a merchant's license. BooJc agents. 25. On every license to a person obtaining subsc rip- Book amenta and 11 f 1 11 11- print seUers. tions to books, twenty-iive dollars ; to a person selling maps, prints, pamphlets or periodicals, or obtaining sub- scriptions therefor, or in any manner furnishing the same, twenty-five dollars: provided, if the person oblaininj; if nonresidento. such license has not been a resident of the slate one year, the tax shall in each case be one hundred dollars. Agents for renting houses and hiring negroes. 26. On every license to a person engaged as agent Renting houses, for the renting of houses, twenty-five dollars. 27. On every license, to a person engaged as agent Hiring negroes, for the hiring of negroes, fifty dollars. Stallions. 28. On every license to the owner of a jackass or Jackasses and ^^■ r ■ r i • i i • • stallions. stallion, tor services or whicli the compensation is re- sales by sample at such store-house. If a merchant permit such sales, it is a plain evasion of the revenue laws; and this section was framed with a view of imposing the tax on such mercliaut, in addition to liis former tax. 98 TAXES. celved, twice ih^amniint of such compensation, when the charge is for such service by the season ; and wliere such srrvices are f(;r less ihan a season, then twice what a comnjissiorier m:iy judge to be a reasonable charge therefor. The tax, however, in no case to be less than ten dollars. Theatrical performances. TTieatres. 29. On every license permitting theatrical perform- ances in a public theatre or elsewhere, six dollars each week of such performances, notwithstanding the owner of the place of exhibition shall have paid the license tax above required. Refreshments in 30. On cvery license permitting the sale of refresh- theatres. ■ , 1 • 1 r 1 mcnts in a theatre during such performances, one hun- dred dollars for eacli place of sale ; and no abatement shall be made, if the privilege be exercised for a period of less than one year. Exhibition rooms. 31. On every license permitting the proprietor or oc- cupier of any public room fitted for public exhibitions, to use the same for such purposes for a year, twenty dollars, if such room be in a town of less than five thousand inhabitants ; forty dollars, if in a town of more than five thousand and less than ten thousand inhabi- tants, and sixty dollars in all other towns ; and in addi- tion to these rates, there shall be added to said license tax forty cents on every hundred dollars value of such rooms or buildings: provided such rooms and buildings are not otherwise assessed. Shows. 82. On every license permitting any public show, exhibition or performance, if in a corporate town, or within five miles thereof, fc^r each time of performance, ten. dollars J if elsewhere, five dollars j and for every TAXES. 93 exhibition of a circus, if wiihin a corporate town, orcircnsee. within five miles thereof, forty dollars; if elsewhere, twenty dollars; and for every exhibition of a menagerie, Menagenee. if wiihin a corporate town, or five miles thereof, forty dollars; if elsewhere, twenty dollars. All such shows, exhibitions and performances, whether under the same canvas or not, shall be construed to require separate licenses therefor; and upon any such shows, exhibitions and performances being concluded, so that an additional fee for admission be charged, the same shall be con- strued to require an additional license therefor. Porter, ale and beer. 33. On every license to sell by retail porter, ale or Maituqnors. beer, twenty dollars; and if ihey continue for more than one year, an additional tax of one per centum on the amount of taxable sales. Stock brokers. 34. On every license to a broker who deals exclu- stockbrokers, sively in slocks, two hundred and fifty dollars; and he shall thereupon have the right to sell the said slocks at auclion or otherwise. Bank note brokers. 35. On every license to a broker, five hundred dol- Brokers. lars ; if located in a city witli a population exceeding fifteen thousand of white population, seven hundred and fifty dollars. Insurance companies. 36. On every license to an agent or subagent of any insurance com- I III- P^°'^'- insurance company not chartered by this state, twenty- 94 ' TAXES. five (If)llnrs ; and in addition thereto, a tax of one-half of one per cent, on the whole amount of premiums re- ceived and assessments collected by such 'agent or sub- agent or company within the state, as prescribed by law. Physicians and others. Physicians, den- 37. On cvcry liccnsc to a physician, surgeon or den- tists and lawyers. ... , ,, I ,. list, hve dollars ; and on every license to an attorney at law, five dollars. If the yearly income derived from the practice of any such callings or professions during the year next preceding the time of obtaining such license, shall exceed four hundred dollars, there shall be an additional tax on the excess of one per centum; and this irjcome shall be included in the license tax. Dag-uerreian artists. artists. Daguerreian 38. On everv license to the owner of a daguer- reian or such like gallery, by whatsoever name it may be known or called, if in a city or incorporated town of less than five thousand inhabitants, twenty dollars; if more than five thousand inhabitants, fort}'' dollars ; if elsewhere, ten dollars ; and if the yearly income de- rived from the practice of said art exceed five hundred dollars in any county, city or town, an additional las of two per centum on such excess for the year nest pre- ceding the time of obtaining such license; and such tax shall be imposed whether an artist perform in a gallery or not. Express companies. Express compa- H9. Ou evcry liceusc to a person or company carrv- nies required to ' "^ ' tr j j ^mra^toiuXol '"a °" ^^y express business for compensation, fifty dol- of receipts. ]^^^^ g,-,fj jj^ addition thereto, every such company shall make a return to the auditor of public accounts, on the TAXES. 96 15lh day of January and July in each year of the total receipts of such compan}'', on account of its operations within the state of Virginia within the six months pre- ceding the first day of January and July in each year. Such returns shall be verified by the oaths of the agent Remmsto be on and chief officers of such company, at its principal office or offices in this state, in the manner and accord- ing to the forms prescribed by the said auditor, whether collected within or without the state. Such express Tax on receipts, company shall pay on the total receipts so reported, a tax of one-half of one per centum, except for the trans- Exception, portalion of bank notes, for which the tax shall be one- fourth of one per cent, upon the amount of bank notes transported over one hundred miles at any one time, except notes sent by the banks and sheriffs of the com- monwealth, and for failure to make such report or pay Penalty for such tax, a penalty of six hundred dollars shall be im- report, posed on the company so failing, to be recovered as other penalties are : provided, however, that no license Not to do the , , . 1 1 1 1 • business of a to carry on the express business snail authorize any broker, such company to do the business of a broker. Such license shall give the privilege throughout the state. 40. No express company shall pay any tax on bank when tax on (. 1 1 r -1 • • r 1 • transportation ot notes torwarded tor any resident citizen oi this com- bank notes paid, mon wealth, unless he be a broker dealing in bank notes. Bank dividends. 41. On the dividends declared by any bank i n cor- Bank diTidend*. porated by this state, ihc tax shall be six and two-thirds per centum upon the amount thereof, to be paid into the treasury by the bank. If the dividend be that of a bank incorporated elsewhere, the lax shall be six and two-ihirds per centum upon the amount thereof, to be assessed and collected as other taxes. 96 TAXES. On suits. origin»i guita. 42. Whcn any original suit, attachment or other ac- tion is commenced in a circuit, county or corporation Appeal*, &c. court, there shall be a tax of one dollar; if it be an ap- peal, writ of error or supersedeas in a district court, three dollars and fifty cents; and if in the court of ap- peals, five dollars. On seals. Exemptions, Code, p. 216. Seals of courtB. 43. When the seal of a court, of a notary public, or notAries or state. , i r i • i , the seal ot the stale is annexed to any paper, except in those cases exempted by law, the taxes shall be as follows : For the seal of the state, two dollars ; for any other seal, one dollar and fifty cents, except in cases of protests of bills or notes for one hundred dollars or smaller sums ; in which cases, the tax shall be fifty cents; and herein shall be included a tax on a scroll annexed to a paper in lieu of an official seal. On wills, and administrations. WOla and admi- nistrationg. 44. On the probate of every will or grant of admi- nistration, there shall be a tax of one dollar. Deeds. Deeds and con- tracto. 45. On every deed admitted to record, whether the same has been recorded before or not, and on every contract relating to real estate, whether it be a deed or not, which is admitted to record, there shall be a tax of one dollar. TAXES. 97 Internal imjyrovemeiit companies. 46, Every rail road company or canal company shall Ran road and irr r TiT 1 <^''°*' companies hereafier report quarterly, on the nfteenlh dav of March, to report to the 1 ^ -^ *' auditor quarterly June, September and December in each year, to the auditor of public accounts, the number of passengers what to report. transported, and the aggregate number of miles traveled by them within this commonweallh, and the gross amount received by such company for the transportation of freight over such road or canal, or any part thereof, during the quarter of the year next preceding the first day of the month in which such report is made. Such when only . , . .... partly within the company, whose road or canal is only in part withm the state, commonwealth, shall report as aforesaid such portion only of such amount received for the transportation of freight, as the part of the said road or canal, which is within this commonweallh, bears to the whole of such road or canal. 47. Such statement shall be verified by the oaths Report made on of the president and the superintendent of transporta- tion, or other proper officer. Every compan}'' failing topenaityfor make such report, shall be fined five hundred dollars. At the lime of making such report, the company shall Tax on passen- pay into the treasury, for every passenger transported, a^"*' tax at the rate of one mill for every mile of transporta- tion of each of such passengers, and a tax of one-halfTas on freight of one per centum of such gross amount received for the transportation of freights. Every such company paying to be exempt such taxes, shall not be assessed with any lax on itsian™a.*^^°°' ^"^ lands, buildings, cars, boats or other property which they are authorized by law to hold or have. But ifin case of failure 1 P -1 , . , ^to pay, what is any such company tail to pay such taxes at either ofdone. the terms specified iherefor, then its lands, buildings, cars, boats and other property shall be immediately assessed under the directions of the auditor of public 13 98 TAXES. account?, by nny person appointed by binn for the pur- pose, at its full viilue, and a tax sliall at once bo levied ibcrcon as on real estate and other propcrl}', to be col- lected by any sberiflf wliom lh« auditor may direct, and such sbciifTshall dislrnin and sell any personnl properly of such company, antl pay such taxes into the tieasury within three months from the lime when such assess- ment is furnished lo him. Horses broitght into this state. Howe«. mule*, 48. On cvery license lo sell horses, mules, asses and &c. brought into . , . , . _ , i u • toeeute. jcHnels, broughl into this stale lor sale, len dollars in each county. Sales of horses for projit* Selling on com- 49. Oil cvcry liccnse to buy or sell for others on com- missiun horses, . . r r> i i i * mules, &c. mission or lor pront, horses, mules, asses and jennets, cattle, sheep or hogs, len dollars. Carriages and other vehicles. Curriagcsnnd 50. Ou evcry liccuse to sell carriages, buo;Kies, ba- Other vehicles , , -^ . , , v, u- 1 mBnufacturtd rouclies, coachcs, siGfS, wagons, and such like vehicles, out ot the state. ,' 'oo' o ' ^ » manufactured out of this state, fifty dollars in each county or corporation. Sale of slaves. fiiavesgoidon 61. Oil cvcry liccnsc lo buv or sell for others on com- ComumBion. . . ,, r i " i ii i i mission or lor pront, slaves, len dollars; and on the yearly income derived from such business, an addi- tional lax of one-half of one per centum. 52. The act passed the eighteenth of March, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, entitled "An act imposing taxes for the support of government," is hereby repealed. Commencement 53. This act shall be in force from its passage. TAX ON ESTATE OF DECEDENT. 9^ ACTS OP 1853-4, CHAP. 2. An ACT im'poswg Taxes for the Siipport of Government. Passed March 2, 1834. *15. The tax on the estate of a decedent, prescribed Tax on estate of by the thirty-ninth chapter of the Code of Virginia, shall be two per centum of such estate. 20. This act shall be in force from its passage. commencement * In ihe case of Eyre v. Jacob, slierift", the court of appeals have held that this section of the tax law of 1854 i^ still in force, and is constitu> tional. Section 38 of ch. 1, Acts of 1859-GO, page 24 of this pamphlet, pre- scribing the manner of assessing taxes on persons and property, pre- scribes the rate to be imposed on real estate at two per cent, of such estate, and leaves Ihe 15th section of ch. 2, Acts of 1853-4, in full force. The commissioners can therefore readily understand their duty, and they .should not fail to assess all tuxes on estates transmitted for each cur- rent year; and if any have been omitted, there is ample provision to be found for ha assessment in $70, ch. 1, Acts 1859-CO, p. 44, of this pamphlet. 100 COLLECTION OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. ACTS 1859-GO, CHAP. 4. An ACT for the Collection of Taxes on Persons and Property. Passed March 28, 1860. Be it enacted by the general assennbly, that the thirty-sixth chapter of the Code of Virginia, and the first and second sections of the act entitled an act to anaend the fifth, sixth and sixteenth sections of an act concerning sheriffs, con:imissioners of the revenue, their duties and compensation, passed March 15th, 1S56, at)d repeahng the eleventh section of said act, passed April 2d, 1S58 ; also the thirteenth, fourteenth and seventeenth sections of chapter eight of an act entitled an act con- cerning sheriffs and corhmissioners of the revenue, their duties and connpensation, passed March 15th, 1856, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provi- sions of this act, be repealed and re-enacted so as to read as follows : Who collects taxes; when and how. coiiectorsof "1, The taxcs assessed in any county under the provisions of the thirty-fifth chapter of the Code, shall be collected by the sheriff thereof, with the following exceptions. The sergeants of the cities of Norfolk, Portsmouth, Petersburg, Danville and Williamsburg shall be collectors of the taxes assessed in their respec- tive cities. coiiectfonB, 2. Each sheriff or collector shall commence his col- when to com- mence, lection yearly on the first day of July, or so soon there- taxes. COLLECTION OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 101 after as lie may receive a copy of the commissioner's books; and may, after such time, tnako distress tliercfor. *3. A person not residing; in the couniy in which his whomaypay 11 T 1 r 'i /• 1 " r /-w I • ^'^^^^ '° auditor ; land may lie, may, beiore tlie tirst day ot October in when. any year, pay into the treasury in advance the taxes assessed on such land f)r that year, upon a certificate of the auditor of public accounts, for which a fee of fifty cents shall be paid to that officer. A list of such payments shall be transmitted by said auditor, imme- diately after the first day of October, to the sheriffs or collectors of the counties wherein such lands shall be situated, who shall be governed accordingly. 4. No distress shall be made for taxes or levies, Distress for where the sheriff" or collector has had more than two Time for, limited years to collect the same, unless it be for taxes returned ° '^°^'-^^^- delinquent, and sent out by the auditor for collection, as provided by law. But a sheriff* or collector of a shrnff orcoiiec f. . , !• 1 ••,-!• tor may distrain lormer term mav, notwithstanding tlie ex[)iration ot Ins and si u niter ■^ , . . olfice expires. term of office, by himself or by his deputies, have the same powers of distress and sale as he possessed before said term expired ; and which right of distress and sale shall continue for the term of two years from the time such right first accrued ; but no deputy shall be per- mitted to qualify for such collections after the principal's office has expired. 5. Any goods or chattels in the county or cor[)ora- Any eoodsand . 1 • I t-hattcls liable to lion, belonging to the person or estate assessed with distress. taxes, may be distrained therefor by the sheriff" or col- lector. *A noii-rosident of any county nnder the act to which tliis is an amendment, was antliorized to pay any land tax due from iiim hcAiro tlie 1st day of August; and as the books of the commissioner were only re- quired by law to be delivered to the auditor on that day, no time of Btifticient length was allowed within which to make the payment. Tliis section enlarges the time until the Isl day of October. 102 COLLECTION OF TAXES ON PEUSOXS AND PKOPERTY. KrstrictioD, whkt whrrr proppriy G. Tlio gDdds ami cliiUtcls of ll)C icniuU oi" oilicr 1h IcnBCd, trmml's . . ... , , p.MMifl.iiici.hat- person III r)f)>?ossi()n, chiiiinii" under llio piuiy or estate t.-lB iiiiMe to ' ' ° ...... dibtruBfl. a.^.^cssed wiili taxes on land, niay be disirained i( (ounu on the premises. But when taxes are assessed wholly to one person, on a tract or lot, part of which has be- come the freehold of anodier, by a title recorded before the commencement of the year for which such taxes are assessed, the properly belonging to the owner of ihnt part, shall not be distrained for more than a due proportion of the said taxes. Where innd lies 7. Whcrc taxcs arc assessed on a tract of land lying in two counties, . i i • i i i • CT « collector mny i^aiily 111 oiic couiUy and partly in another, tlie sneritt distrain in cither. ' , of the counly in which the taxes are so assessed, may distrain on that part of the land lying in the o;her county, in the same manner as if such part was in his own county. Goods nnd chnt- S. No dccd of trust Of mortgage upon goods or chat- tels conveyed by ! . . deed of trust or tfds, shall prevent the same from being distrained and mortgage inny be ' ° •old for taxes, gold fjjj- laxcs asscssed against the grantor in such deed, while such goods and chattels remain in the grantor's possession ; nor shall any such deed prevent the goods and chattels conveyed from being distrained and sold for taxes assessed thereon, no matter in whoso posses- sion they may be found. Debts due to the 9. Wlieic the officer Cannot find sufficient goods or person owing ... taxes iiinyDe chaiicls to disiraiu for taxes, any person indebted to, or taken lor pay- ' •' l ' ment.how. having in his hands estate of the parly assessed with such taxes, may be applied to for payment thereof out of such debt or estate, and a payment by such person of the said taxes, either in whole or in pari, shall enti- tle him to a charge or credit for so much on account of such debt or estate, against the party so assessed. If the person applied to do not pay so much as it may seem to the officer ought to be recovered on account of • COLLECTION OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 103 the (Icin f)r estate in his liaiuls, the officer shall, if the sum duo for such taxes exceed not iweiily dollars, pro- cure frotn a justice a summons, directing such person to appear before some justice at such lime and [)lacfi as may seem reasonable; and if the sum due exceed twenty dollars, shall procure from the clerk of the court of the couniy or corporation a summons, directing such person to appear before the court of the county or cor- poration on the first dav of the next term thereof. And Taxes alien on ' " Buch debt from the lime of the service of any such summons, the said taxes shall constitute a lien on the debt so due from such person, or on the said estate in his hands. 10. If such summons be returned executed, and the Judgment by do. inuU may be person so sumnioned do noi appear, judgment shall be ^ivniorsuch entereil against him for the sum due lor such taxes, and for the fees of the cleiU and of the officer who may ex- ecute the summons. 11. If the person so summoned appear, he shall be if dobtor appear ' ' ' he is to be ex- interrogaied on oath, and such evidence may be heard a'^'ned; how. as shall be adduced, and such judgment shall be ren- dered as upon the whole case shall seem proper. Where one ]ioys taxes another should j)ay. 12. A tenant from whom payment shall be obtained a tmnnt who ' •'. pHys inxes shall bv distress or otherwise, of taxes due fiorn a person un- i»''^''C'-iiit<)ut -' ' 1 01 the rents. der v.hom he holds, shall have credit for the same against such person out of the rents he may owe him, except where the tenant is bound to pay such lax by an Exception, express contract with such person. 13. Where a tax is paid by a fiduciary on the inte- Taxes pnidbym 1-1 • 1 riiliicl'iry fhflii bo rest or prohls ot moneys ot an estate laid out or invested, lei.mdeaoutof ' "^ _ such estate. either under an order of court or otherwise, the tax shall be refunded out of such estate. 104 COLLECTION OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. Lists returned of uncollected taxes. perty. TJie shorift- to 14. The .sheriff, OF Other collector, after ascertaining make out tliroo i • i ,> i i • l • ciBasra ot uncoi- which ol iho taxcs assessccl in his county or corporation iccltd tiixeH: i i n • i i • let. Property not cannot 1)6 coUectecl, shall, as soon as practicable, in BsccrtHinahle. 2d. Diiinquont ^3^.}, year, after the first day of October, make out lists reiil estate. J "^ Jcrgomir'ro"' of thrcc classcs, to vvit : First, a list of property on the coinmissii)ner's land book improperly placed thereon, or not ascertainable, with the amount of taxes charged on such property; second 1}', a list of other real estate which is delinquent for the non-payment of the taxes thereon ; and thirdly, a list of such of the taxes so assessed, other than on real estate, as he is unable to collect. Tiie names of 15. In the lists metitioncd in the preceding section, persona charged , ^ , , i • i i i ii with tuxes to be thc namcs ot the persons charged with the taxes shall placed alpha- . i i i i '• i beticaiiy. bc placcd alphabetically. The list mentioned secondly, shall be in the following form: FomiofUetot Luts of rcol cstdte ill the county of — real estate. , /• i /• 7 the non-jyayment of taxes thereon for the year -, delinquent for ffl to . c 13 c-o " a 13 « C . 11 Mm -a I 8 s 01 2 c 3 11 .£•3 E 5 a 3 a u « a a s a 3 fc a H « < Oath of officer making return. And the sheriff or collector returning such list shall, at the foot thereof, subscribe the following oath : "I, A B, sheriff (or deputy sherifi') of the county of , do swear that the foregoing list is, I verily believe, cor- rect and just ; that I have received no part of the taxes COLLECTION OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 105 for which the renl eslale therein meniionod is returned delinquent; and ihiit I have used due diligence to find property within my county liable to distress for the said taxes, but have found none." IG. The lists mentioned first and thirdly in the four- The lUt first and , . I II 1 r I I -r I 1 I thirdly inention- leenln section, sh.ill each ot them be verified by the edinHtheection . to 1)0 verified by oath of the shfriri or collector; and a copy of that "^^'h. ' ' -^ To be posted at thirdly mentioned shall be posted at the front door ors°"'''^'i"^^ •z 1 door, when. the court-house of the county or corporation on a court day, during the term next preceding thai at which the list may be presented to the court under the following section : 17. Each of the said lists shall be presented to the Lists to be exam- r . I . . • I -11 'i"^'l ^3 court court ot the county or corporation, and examined by the court. The court being satisfied of the correctness ir satisfied, co- (~ , • 1 1 • I • II • r P'S' to be sent to ot the said lists, or having corrected them, it erroneous, auditor, shall direct the clerk to certify copies thereof to the autliior of public accounts, and a copy of that first mentioned, to the commissioner of the revenue, who shall correct his bocjUs accortliiigly. The original lists shall be preserved by the clerk in his office. After the saitl copies are so directed to be certified, the sherifT or collector shall not receive any of the taxes mentioned in the s;iid lists, but they may be paid into the treasury, jj^,^ taxes re- or the personal properly tax may be paid lo the clerk ofqup'n'i'^mry^e the county or corporation, who shall be accountable^'^' ' therefor in like manner and at the same lime as lor taxes on law process. IS. Any officer, who shall return in an}' such list real Pmaity for ro- , ,. r \ turuini; real es- estate, persons or properly, as delinquent for ihe no n- ""e persons or ^ ^ property delin- payment of taxes when such t.ixcs, or any p;irl ificreof, i"''"'"'?^'»taxe« I J • J I 1 vvere paid. shall actually have been received by him, shall forfeit, if the return was by design, ten times the amount of taxes so actually received, and if the return was by 14 106 COLLECTION OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. mistake, twice \he amount, one-Jialf of which forfeiture shiill in each case be to the corn moi< wealth, and the other iialf to the person charged with such taxes. And any such officer who shall return in such hst any real whRnthetaxcs cstatc, persons or properly as delinquent, when he had might havo bcun ■ , r ■ I'l- collected. either found, or by usmg due diligence might have found sufficient property vvid)in his bailiwick, liable to distress for the taxes for which such real estate, persons or pro- perly are returned delinquent, shall forfeit to the com- monwealth a sum equal to five times the amount of the said taxes. Copies ofiists of 19. The copies of lists directed to be certified to the delinquents to be f i i- sent to auditor; auilitor of public accounts, shall be placed by the clerk auditor to credit , i ^ eherift; jp n^ sealed enclosure directed to that officer, and deli- vered to the sheriff or collector by whom the lists were returned. The auditor shall credit the sheriff or collec- tor with the amount of taxes mentioned in such lists, if the said lists be presented at his office before the first day of May next after the said taxes were assessed, but not otherwise. When delinquent *20. The lists required by the fourteenth section of lists shall not be . i ^ allowed. this act to be made out by the sheriffs, shall not be al- lowed, unless they have been first submitted to the commissioner of the revenue for the district to which ihey relate, or in the case of his death, to some other Commissioner's commissioncr, and are accompanied by the written certificate on oath . . _ , . to be obtained, opinion of sucli Commissioner touching the propriety of such lists, and each case therein contained verified by Land and proper- his Oath. The sccoud and third lists heretofore re- ty lists heretofore , i i • i i- • i • returned, and tumcd, and whcu the third list mentioned in said sec- property list murned^ tobt ^'°" ^^^^' hercaftcr be allowed, a copy thereof shall be sent out by audi- tor for collection. * The amendment in this section restrains ihe auditor from transmitting to a collector any delinquent lands hereafter to be returned. Deliuquent persons and property hereafter returned are to be annually sent out for cullectiun. COLLECTION OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 107 placet! by the auditor of public accounts in the hanils of any sheriff or collector of any county or corporaiioii for collection, to be returned within one 3'ear thereafter, and accounted lor as other assessed taxes; or if the Delinquent taxes, -111 '^°"' collected said auditor see fit, may place such copy in the hands and accounted of any constable as a collector, who shall have the same power of distress as sheriffs, and shall account for the same in like manner ; and he and his securities shall be subject to all such remedies as are given the common- wealth against sheriffs for a failure to pay; and his compensation shall not exceed twenty per centum of the amount collected and paid into the treasury. *21. The taxes assessed under the 3Dih cliapter ofThree-fourthBof I /-I 1 1 II 1 1 I ■ 1 II 1 • , te'^es to be paid the Code, and collected under this act, shall be paid i5;h December, the residue, the into the treasury as follows: Three-fourths of such i^th March. taxes shall be paid on or before the 15th day of De- cember in the year in which the same may be assessed, and the remaining one-fourth thereof on or before the 15ih day of IMarch next thereafter, save only as fol- lows : a sheriff or collector, the court-house of whose county or corporation is more than thirty miles from the seat of government, shall be allowed, in addition, one day after the said 15th day of December and 15th day of March for every thirty miles distance therefrom. A Additional Hme sheriff or collector who may not have qualified, or who tance, and from time of delivery may not have received the books of the commissioner of '^oo'^- of the revenue before the first da}' of August, shall be allowed five months from his qualification, or the deli- very of said books to such sheriff or collector, to pay the same into the treasury. 22. Every sheriff or collector shall be allowed a com- sheriff's commia. sions. *Tlii3 section enlarges the time from the 1st day of February to the 15th (lay of March, within which the sheriff is to pay the hist instalment of his revenue; and allows one day for every thirty miles from the seat of governmeut beyond said times. 108 COLLECTION OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. mi-5?i')ii of iwo and a li.ilf per rcntum on llie nmf)nnt of Rcwnrdforpunc taxes wiili vvliicli lio is cliargcablc' ; and if he shall piinc- tUBlity, what. , , , . . • • l ■ • i . • lually pay llic sanne inlo the ircasuiy wiihin llie time rcciuircd hy law, he sliall bo allowed an addiiional com- mission of two and a half per cenluin. Upon fRiUirr to *23. In casc of a failure so to pay, the auditor of Si^nccouui'^witif public accounts shall inamcdiaiely publish notice of such default in some newspaper in the city of Richmond, set- ling forth that on a certain day, wiihin three months after such failure, he will file in ihe office of the circuit court of the cily of Richmond, with the clerk thereof, an accurate account of the aincunl wiih which any such sheriff or collector may be chargeable on account of Clerk ehnii enter such taxcs; aiid ihcrcupon such clerk shall enter up a up judgment tor . , . \ t • rt- n r i amount und judgment agauist such sheriri or collector, lor trie amount damages. . wherewiih he is so chargeable, with lawful interest thereon, from ihe time of such failure until [laytnent thereof, and fifteen per centum damages in adtlilion thereto, unle^^s the auditor of public accounts shall re- Vftiidity of judg- commend a reduction thereof; which judgment shall meet. . , . • . have ihc same validity, and be suliject in all respects to ihe like proceedings thereupon, as if it had been ren- Rehearingai- (Icred byihccourl. Bui auv pcrsoH aggrieved by such lowed. . " . judgment, may apply lo the circuit court of ihe city of Richmond wiihin six months after it is so enlereil up lo Goodcausene- sclasidesaid juilgment, and try said cause. The court cessary to eet , . o aside a judgment lor good causc may scl asidc said judgment and proceed lo try llie case ui)on its merits, and atfirin the same, or judgmentmny render such judgment as it may consider proper. In any case of a failure so lo pay, proceedings may be had * Ttie piililicaiion of notice is not required so nmch lo give llie de- rniliiiig officer tKnice, so ns lo enal)le him to defend, as it i^* lo publish his deliiiilt. If a judgment he liil«en and execiiiion i.-.sued, nil ih« debtor's properly is bound under general law. This seciioii makes ihe .lervice of a ii.iiice "perate as such lieu, which cotniiiues for the pa) menl of the judgment to be rendered. be upon notice. COLLECTION OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY. 109 according to ihe 42cl chnpler of ihe Code. And from service of notics I • • I 11 I 111 -11 a lien on aU estate the lime a notice shall be served under ihe said chapter, on any such sheriff or colleclor, the properly of such on personal pro- sheriff or colleclor shall be bound for the payment of any judgment which may be rendered upon such pro- ceeding, in the same manner that property is bound under the 3d section of chapter ISS of ihe Code, upon delivery of a fieri facias to a sheriff or other officer; and shall also operate as a lien on ihe real estate of such Real estate, what sheriff or colleclor from the time of the service of such notice. The right of the commonwealih to proceed, by notice or otherwise, against ihe sureties of such sheriff or collector, shall not be affected thereby. Rate of interest. 24. Every sheriff or other colleclor of the revenue, interest. II 1 • I . . , . , At what rate. wlio does not pay the same into the treasury wiihin such time as to be entitled to the additional compensation allowed for punctual payment, shall be charged wiih interest on the revenue so due and unpaid, from the time when the safne was regularly payable into the treasury. The said interest shall be at the rale of 12 per ccnlum per annum ; but if the revenue is not in a r- Abatement, whe« 1 1 II I- I II I • andliowtobe rear more than three months, the auditor shall abate six made. per cenlum of said interest. If the revenue has been in arrear three months and not more than six months, then the auditor shall abate four per cenlum. If the revenue has been in arrear for six monliis and not exceetling nine months, then the auditor may abate two per centum. Auditor may appoint collector. ap- a collector. 25. The auditor of public accounts may appoint aAuditormny 1 1 ^ • . , , point a coUcc collector in any county or corporaiion, to collect arrears of taxes therein, and may allow him a reasonable com- compensntion , I /I r I • • not to exceed 20 pensalion, to be agreed on (belore the service is com- per cent. 110 COLLECTION OF TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY, menced) and approved by ihe cxcculivc, which compen- salion shall not exceed twenty per centum on what may be collected and paid into the public treasury. liond to be given 2G. Such collector shall have a reasonable lime al- by collector, and . <- i i • to have a reason- lowed liim l)y tlic auditoT 01 Dublic accounts, and shall, nble time to col- '' ' '•"='• belbre he acts, execute a bond, approved by the said auditor, conditioned that he will faithfully collect the said arrears of taxes, and account for and pay the same Where filed. into the treasury within the time so allowed. The said bond shall remain filed in the auditor's ofiBce. Commencement. 27. This act shall be In force from its passage. ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON BANK DIVIDENDS. Ill CODE, CHAP. 39. Of TAXES ON DIVIDENDS ; CERTAIN ESTATES OF DECE- DENTS ; PROCESS IN SUITS ; OFFICIAL SEALS ; AND DEEDS, WILLS AND ADMINISTRATIONS. 1. — Repealed by chapter 9, section 21 of act passed March IS, 1856, imposing taxes for the support of go- vernment. 2. Within one month after such dividend' is declared, Amount of aw. , 1 • (- I 1 1 \ (v r I dend to be certi- Ihe cashier ot such bank, or the oriicer or agent ot such tied to auditor, company having custody of the funds thereof, shall cer- tify on oath to the first auditor the amount of such divi- dend, and the amount of the tax payable on account thereof. If he fail so to do, he shall pay a fine of not penalty for less than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars. 3. Within two months after such dividend is de- when tax on ^ , , , , III I /• diyidends to be clared, the bank or company shall pay the amount ot paid. the tax tTiereon into the treasury, or, if the first auditor so direct, to the sheriff or other collector of the taxes asisessed in the county or corporation in which such dividend is declared. If it fail so to do, it shall be I i a- Damages for ble not only for the amount of the said tax, but also for ten per centum damages thereon, to be recovered by action or motion. 4. If within the year preceding the first day of Feb- if no dividend , , , 1 11 1 1 has been de- ruary, any such bank or company shall not have de- ciared, facttobe certified. clared a dividend, the cashier or other officer or agent having custody of the funds thereof, shall certify on 112 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON DECEDENTS ESTATES. oalh the fact that none has been so declared, and de- liver such ceriificale to ihe first auditor before the first i'«>imityfor day of April following. If he fail so to do, he shall forfeit one hundred dollars. 6. — Repealed. On certain estates of decedents. coiiatemi inheri. C. Where any estate within this commonwealth of to"to1t.'* *" ^^^ any decedent shall pass under his will, or the laws re- gulatitig descents and distributions, to any other person, or for any other use, than to or for the use of the father, mother, husband, wife, brother, sister or lineal descen- dant of such decedent, the estate so passing, if of greater value than two hundred and fifty dollars, shall be subject to a tax of a certain per cent. Who i« to pay 7. The personal representative of such decedent shall pay the whole of such tax, except on real estate, to sell which, or to receive the rents and profits of which, he is not authorized by the will; and the sure- ties in his official bond shall be bound for the payment thereof. tax. Towhomthetax 8. Such payment shall be made to the sheriff or is to be paid. Other collector of the taxes assessed in the county or corporation in which ceriificale was granted such per- sonal representative, for obtaining probat of the will or letters of administration. Rate of tax to be 9. The per ccut. shall be governed by the law in gorernpd bylaw . r \ \ i»\ix •I lime of dece- forcc at the time ot the decedent s death. It shall be deni'B death. on every hundred dollars in value of llie estate subject to such tax, .which the personal representative may have to pay or deliver, and in proportion for a smaller sum. vatDcaacer- Wlicrc hc has pcraonal properly to deliver in kind, and ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON DECEDENTS' ESTATES. 113 the same has been appraised, the value shall be ascer- tained from such appraisement. 10. Such personal representative may, if necessary, property to be 11 so much of the propert}/ enable him to pay the same. 11 1 r I 1 • 1 -11 8°W to pay tax. sell so much ot the property subject to such lax as will 11. The sheriff or collector shall apply for such tax, Duplicate re- d, . . . , . , f, , , . . ceipta to be giren when It is paid, give thereior duplicate receipts, one by sheriff. of which shall be lodged with the clerk of the court in which certificate may have been granted for obtaining probat of the will or letters of administration. The cierk to record receipt and to clerk shall record such receipt in the book wherein he ^''aismitcopyto ■"• auditor. records appraisements and accounts of sales of dece- dents' estates; and he shall forthwith transmit a copy thereof to the first auditor. The other receipt shall be Howotherco- , ,. 1 , . .' r I /• 1 piestobedia- delivered to the commissioner ol the revenue tor the posed of. county or corporation, who, on such delivery, shall make a copy thereof, at the foot of which he shall sign an acknowledgment that it is a copy of a receipt which has been delivered to him, stating the dale of the de- what to state, livery. Such copy shall be delivered to the personal representative, who shall pay therefor to the commis- sioner a fee of fifiy cents. Every clerk or commissioner commiBsioner'e to whom any such receipt is delivered, shall forthwith transmit a copy thereof to the first auditor. Every penalty on per- 1 . (Y^ ^ . , . . sonal represen- personal representative or omcer tailing in any respect tative. to comply with this section shall forfeit one hundred dollars. 12. Any personal representative failing to pay such Damages for I r I I • I • • 1 II- -1 f"'""" to pay tax, betore the estate on which it is chargeable is paid such tax. or delivered over (whether he be applied to for the tax or not), shall be liable to damages thereon at the rate of ten per centum per annum, from the lime such estate is paid or delivered over until the tax is paid ; which dam- ages may be recovered with the tax, on motion against 15 114 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES ON SUITS, DEEDS, &C. him in the said court in the name of the commonweahh. When estate Such estate shall be deemed paid or delivered at the deemed paid. , r- r 111,111 i end or a year from the decedent s death, unless and ex- cept so far as it may appear that the legatee or distri- butee has neither received such estate, nor is entitled then to demand it. On process, seals, deeds, wills and administrations. writtax. 13. There shall be a tax paid when a suit is com- menced in a county or corporation court; when an original suit, or an appeal, writ of error, or superse- deas, is commenced in a circuit court ; when an appeal, writ of error or supersedeas is commenced in the court of appeals ; and when the seal of a court, or of a notary public, or the seal of the state, is annexed to any paper, except in the cases herein after provided for. Taxes on seals, 14. The Said taxcs on process and seals of courts, to whom payable ,1,1 -i 111 r 1 • i shall be paid to the clerks or the courts respectively, from which said process is issued, or whose seal is used. The tax on the seal of a notary shall be paid to said notary, and that on the seal of the state, to the secre- tary of the commonwealth. In what cases no 15. No tax shall be charged when a seal is annexed charged. lo any paper or document, to be used in obtaining the benefit of a pension, revolutionary claim, money due on account of military services or land bounty, under any act of congress, or under a law of this or any other stale, or when a seal is annexed by a notary public to an affidavit or deposition. Deedsnottobe 16. No dccd shall be admitted to record until the tax admitted to re- . cord unui tax is thcreon IS paid to the clerk ; except a deed conveying Exception. j^nd as a site for a school-house or church. COLLECTING OFFICERS. 115 17. No will shall be admitted to probat, until the tax Tax on admitting on such probat is paid to the clerk. 18. There shall be no grant of administration on the Tax on obtaining _ _ letters of admin- estate of any decedent, until the tax on such grant isis^r»tio°tobe paid to the clerk; except where an estate is committed ^^'^®p'*°°- to a sheriff or other officer. How collecting officers account and pay. 19. The clerk of each court, every notary public, cierks of courts, Sec. to make out and the secretary of the commonwealth, shall make out account of taxes, *' _ _ when. an account of all taxes received by him on or after the first day of September in one year, and before the first daj' of September in the next year. 20. Each of the said officers shall swear to the cor- Accounts to be ft 1 • 1 1 11 I 11 I sworn to, and rectness ot the account: which shall be rendered to the transmitted to auditor. first auditor, and the amount appearing due thereby paid into the treasury, on or before the 15ih day of De- cember following, deducting thereout a commission of five per centum for receiving and paying the same. 21. If any of the said officers fail to render such ac- if officer fail to count on or before the said fifieenlh day of December, what penaityhe •^ incurs. there shall be a forfeiture therefor as follows: A clerk so failing shall forfeit six hundred dollars, a notary pub- lic three hundred dollars, and the secretary of the com- monwealth one hundred and fifty dollars; and for How often to be every month that such failure ma}'- continue after the said fifteenth day of December, there shall be an addi- tion to such forfeiture of one-twelfth of the amount thereof. For any such failure motions may be repeated from time to time, so long as it continues. 22. Noneof the said officers shall receive any money no officer shau r 1 -1 1 1 11 1 111 receive any mo- from the treasury, until he shall have rendered such ac- ney from trea- sury until he count and made such payment as is above required. shaii render 116 COLLECTING OFFICERS. Sheriff's com- 23. All siims received by any sheriflT or collector missiuDB lor i i • i r i i • • • r n money collected uiKKT tliis clinptcr, alter dpcluctinff a commission ot nve under this sec- . tion. per centum lliereon, shall be paid into the treasury on or before the fifteenth day of December next after the receipt thereof. In case of failure so to pay, proceed- ings may be had according to ihc forty-second chapter. JOINT OWNERSHIP. 117 ACTS 1859-60, CHAP. — . An ACT authorizing and requiring Commissioners of the Revenue to Apportion the Assessment of Lnnds beliceen the Owners of the Surface and of Minerals under the Surface^ when held in fee by different Persons, Passed February 29, 1860. 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, that in all surface and ,■,1 f. f., 1-I1II mineral owners cases in which the surface or land is held by one per- son, and the minerals under the surface are held by another, the commissioner or commissioners of the re- venue in counties in which any such mineral and sur- face lilies exist, are hereby authorized and required to determine the relative value of each, and to assess the Relative value f, I • 1 I r ^°^^ determined respective owners ot any such minerals and surface rights with the value of their respective interests : pro- vided, that the amounts assessed to both shall be the same as that with which the land is now assessed, 2. Any person feeling himself aggrieved by the as- Person ag- . r 111 I • 1 1 • grieved, what sessment ot any such lands, or the minerals therein redress, contained, under this act, shall have the benefit of the remedy heretofore provided for by the fifth section of an act passed March tenth, eighteen hundred and fifty- six, entitled an act for the reassessment of the lands throughout the commonwealth. But the person asking what notice. such relief shall give to the other party interested in the assessment, ten days' notice of the motion for re- lief; which shall not be construed to dispense with any notice otherwise required by said act. 3. This act shall be in force from its passage. J IS STATE BONDS. ACTS 1857-8. CHAP. 12. Ati ACT to regulate the Taxes by Counties, Corporations or Districts, on State Bonds. Passed April 7, 1858. Tax on state 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, that no bonds by cor- , i ii i i • i i porationeand iQX Whatever shaii be levied by any county or corpo- ' counties. . . . •/ j j i ration, or any district therein, for any purpose what- soever, on any bond, certificate or other evidence of debt issued by this commonwealth, or on any interest on such bond, certificate or other evidence of debt, at a 1 greater rale than the rate at which said county, corpora- tion or district taxes its own certificates of debt, or the interest on such bonds ; and if such county, corporation or district have no debt, then it shall not tax the said certificate or evidence of debt issued by the common- weakh, directly or indirectly, at a greater rate than the rate of its ad valorem taxes on property. Commencement 2. This act shall be in force from its passage. HOUSES OF ENTERTAINMENT, ETC. 119 CODE, CHAP. 96. Of houses of entertainment and bowling saloons. 1. Any person who shall for compensation, furnish who deemed to .... keep an ordinary lodging or diet to a person boarding in his house, or provenfler for a horse feeding in his stable or on his land (except a drove of live stock, and persons attend- ing it), and sell, by retail, wine or ardent spirits, or a mixture thereof, to be drunk in or at the place of sale, shall be deemed to keep any ordinary or house of pub- lic entertainment. 2. Any person who shall, for a time not exceeding \vhod.?emed to ,.„... ,. . . ..keep a house of one month, n wiihin, or not exceedmg one week, it private enter- tainiaeut. without, a city or town, furnish for compensation, lodg- ing or diet to one boarding in his house, or provender for a horse feeding in his stable or on his land, except as aforesaid, shall, if he be not the keeper of an ordi- nary, according to the preceding section, be deemed to keep a house of private enterlainment, unless tiie place of furnishing the same, when without a city or town, be more than eight hundred yards from a public road or highway. Amended by act passed March 12, 1860, as follows: " ^ 8. For a license to keep a house of entertainment. License to he the application shall be, when the house is in a town court, having a corporation court, to such court ; and when it is not in any such town, to the court of the county wherein it is. If the court be of opinion that the nppli- DisLrctionary 1 t r 11 1-11 111 power of court. cant IS sober and ot good character, and will probably keep a house orderly, useful, and such as the law re- 120 HOUSES OF ENTERTAINMENT, ETC quires, it may grant such license. And if ihe house be in a town, the court, when it grants the sanae, may, if the apphcant desire it, dispense with the necessity of Rciusaiofu- his providing for horses. If any such application be cense to be en- ' tercd oi record, refuscd, the fcfusal shall be entered of record, and a license shall not be granted to the applicant befcjre the next|March or April term, unless by a court composed of the same justices to whom the first application was made, or a majority of the acting justices of tlie county or corporation." t What to'bekept 4. Every person licensed to keep an ordinary or for travelers iu . . . ordinaries. housc of pubHc entertainment, shall constantly provide the same wiih lodging and diet for travelers and their servants, and, unless it be dispensed with as aforesaid, with stableage and provender (as the season may re- where drink quire) for their horses. Any such person may, at the may be kept. , i i • " i t • t place ot a muster or public sale, distant a mile or more iVom another ordinary, with the consent of the proprie- tor of such place, vend meat or drink as at his ordinary. License may be 5. Upon the motiou of the commoH Wealth's attorney revoked, how. • r ^ for the county or corporation, or of any other person, after ten days' notice to any person so licensed, the court which granted such license may revoke it. It shall always revoke the same when it is satisfied that theohject of obtaining the license is not to provide lodg- ing or diet for travelers, but to use it merely as a facility for selling wine or ardent spirits, or a mixture thereof, to be drunk in or at the place of sale. Court shall re- voke license, when. License to keep 6. A liccnsc to keep a bowling saloon or alle\', in a bowling eiiloon . . granted by towo having a Corporation court, may be granted by such court, and when it is to be kept not in such town, by the court of the county wherein it is to be kept. May be revoked. Such liccnsc may be revoked, like any other license granted under this chapter. OFFENCES AGAINST PUBLIC POLICY. 121 CODE, CHAP. 198. Of offences against public policy. 6. If a keeper of an ordinary or house of entertain- Gaming at ordi- , « , . 1 • 1 nary prohibited. ment permit unlawiul gaming at his house, or at any out-house, boolb, arbor, or other place appurtenant thereto or held therewith, he shall be fined one hundred Penalty. dollars, and shall forfeit his license, and give security for his good behavior for one year, or, in default of such securily, be imprisoned not more than four months. 7. In a prosecution under the preceding section, if Permission to 1 • 1 1-1111 I • P^*y presumed ; the gaming be proved, it shall be presumed it was per- when not. mitted b}^ the keeper of the house, unless it appear that he did not know of or suspect such gaming, or that he endeavored to prevent it and gave information of it, wiih the names of the players, to the next court of the county or corporation. 8. If a keeper of an ordinary or house of entertain- Penally for gam- ... ing at out-bouse, ment let or hire to another person any out-house or other on keeper of '■ ^ '' ordinary. place, which has been at any lime appurtenant to or held with the house kept by him, with intent that un- lawful gaming be permitted thereat, he shall suffer the same punishment and incur the same forfeiture, as if such unlawful gaming were permitted at his own prin- cipal house; and in a prosecution therefor, if the ga- Presumption of ming be proved, it shall be presumed that such out-house or other place was let or hired with intent aforesaid, unless the presumption be repelled in the manner men- tioned in the preceding section- 16 128 COUNTY LEVIES. CODE, CHAP. 53. Duty of cleric, sheriff and commissioner of revenue in respect to levy. County levy to 6. Within ihrce days after any order for a levy, the be extended in commissioner's clerk shall dclivcr to the sheriff or other collector of the books. State taxes, a copy of the said order for himself, and unless the same be dispensed with by the court, another copy for each commissioner of the revenue in his county ; to whom the same shall be delivered by the sheriff within three days after receiving it. The commissioner, unless the same be dispensed with by the court, shall imme- diately, in the copies of his land book and book of per- sonal property, extend in a separate column what may Compensation to be duo from cach person bv virtue of the levy ; and for commissioner ... for service. this additional labor shall receive such compensation as the county court may deem reasonable, which shall be Penalty for fail- chargeable on the county. If any clerk, sheriff or corn- are to perform . . "^ "^ duty- missioner fail to perform the duty hereby prescribed, without reasonable excuse therefor, he shall forfeit not less than thirty nor more than one hundred dollars. commonwealth's lands, 123 CODE, CHAP. 42. Lists of lands belonging to the commonwealth to be made by commissioners of the revenue, and transmitted to the first auditor. 27. The commissioners of the revenue shall transmit List of landabe- 1 f f T r-itii'i' • longing to com- to the tirst auditor a Jisl or all lands in their respective monweaith , . 1,11 , transmitted to districts belonging to the commonwealth, other than such auditor, as are waste and unappropriated, and including such as are escheated, and set forth in such list all the informa- tion which they can obtain in relation to the lands men- tioned therein. For each tract of land or lot so men- tioned by any commissioner, he shall receive one dollar from the treasury. 124 ESCHEATED LANDS. CODE, CHAP. 113. Proceedings to escheat lands. Commissioner to 4. Each Commissioner of the revenue shall annually, farnish lists of .-,,.. , , , r i • lands whicii may in MaVj lumisn to the escheator or his county or corpo- be escheated. ration a list of all lands within his distiict, of which any person shall have died seized of an estate of inheri- tance, intestate, and without any known heir, or to which no person is known by him to be entitled ; b'ut no land shall be liable to escheat which for twenty years has been in the actual possession of the person claiming the same, or those under whom he holds, and upon which taxes have been paid within that time. NEW COUNTIES. 126 CODE, CHAP. 47. Powers of courts and officers of comities from wJiich new county is formed. 9. The courts which at the lime of the passage o f Court's jurisdio tion before the act crealino[ a new county had a iuiisdiction over organization of o J J jjg^ county. the counties from which it is formed, and the justices, sheriffs and other oflScers of those counties, shall, until a court is held for the new county, continue to have and exercise all the jurisdiction, power and authority wliich they had at the time of the passage of such act. 10. The courts first mentioned in the preceding sec- court's juris- c I • rill- c \ diction after tion, may, atier the time ot liolchno; a court tor the new organization of . ..... new coxrnty. county, continue to exercise jurisdiction over all cases depending in the said courts at that time; or the court wherein any case is so depending, of which a court of the new county woiiltl have had jurisdiction if brought after the said time, may remove such case to the circuit court of the new count}', if the case was depending in a circuit court, or to the county court of the new county, if the case was depending in a county court. 11. All taxes and levies assessed or laid by the com-Taxnndieries assessed before missioners of the revenue or court of any county from the time of how- ■' ^ ing a court, how which the new county is formed, before the lime of<=o^ected. holding a court for such new county, and all militia fines and officers' fees in the hands of any sheriflf or other officer at that time, shall be collected, accounted for and paid, and all process and precepts delivered to such sheriff or other officer, before tiiat lime, shall be exe- cuted, and returned and satisfied in like manner, and Powers of offi- , 1111 11-1 '^•"'^ °^ o''' such sherifi or other orncer shall have the like powers county. in respect thereto, as if such act had not passed. 126 NEW COUNTIES. ACTS 1859-60, CHAP. -. An ACT to require Commissioners to furnish the Auditor with Lists of Lands within New Counties, purchased for the Commonwealth as Delinquent. Passed March 16, 1860. Be it enacted by the general assembly, as follows : commissionera When, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty, or any to furnish the • i • i i i i • p i i • auditor with lists Other year in which, by the second section or the thirty- of lands within '' •' ... new counties, scventh chaptcr of the Code of Virginia, the auditor of purchased for * o ' wlaifli°™°° public accounts is required to cause to be delivered to sheriffs or collectors, lists of real estate returned delin- quent for the non-payment of taxes, any new county has been or shall be formed, the commissioners of the re- venue of the respective counties from which the same is formed, shall, as soon as practicable, furnish to the said auditor lists of the real estate within the parts of such new county taken from the counties respectively for which they are commissioners, previously purchased on behalf of the commonwealth at sales for taxes, and remaining unredeemed, or returned delinquent, for either of the five years next preceding, for the non-payment of taxes, in order that the said auditor may cause such lists as first aforesaid, to be delivered to the sheriff" of such new county. Commencement This act shall be in force from and after the passage thereof. SMALL NOTES. 127 ACTS 1853-54, CHAP. 11. An ACT to prevent tJie Circulation of Small Notes. Passed March 3, 1854. 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, that it oath required of shall be the duty of commissioners of the revenue, and ucenw!"'* °^ courts to whom application shall be made for license, to require, from each and every person who shall apply for license, an oath that he will not pay out, within the limits of the commonwealth, notes of a less denomina- tion than five dollars, issued by banks, corporations or individuals. 7, This act shall be in force from and after the first commencement day of June next : provided, that the first section of prortro. this act shall not go into operation until the first day of June eighteen hundred and fifiy-eight. 128 FREE NEGROES. CODE, CHAP. 107. List of free negroes in his district to be returned by the commissioner to the first auditor. List of free ne- 5. Evcrv commissioner of the revenue, annually, groes to be re- . . • i i r turned to auditor vviih his DOOK of pcrsonal property, shall return also a complete list of all free negroes in his district, who are over twelve years of age, specifying their names, sexes, ages (as nearly as he can) and trades or occupations; of which list the clerk shall fix up a copy at the court- Penaityfor housc door, and preserve the orioinal in his oflBce. For failure. , ' ° . ^ a failure in such duty, the commissioner shall forfeit To give infonna. thirty dollars and the clerk fifteen dollars. The com- tion to grand jury . . i ii i • • r .' . .U 1 • missioner shall also give inlormation to the grand jury of any free negro in such district remaining in this state Penaityfor against law ; and in case of failure to give such infor- mation, he shall be fined three dollars for every such negro so remaining, of whose residence he had know- ledge. VIOLATIONS OF REVENUE LAW. 189 CODE, CHAP. 43. Violations of the Revenue Law to be reported to the First Auditor by the Commissioner of the Revenue. 5. Every commissioner of the revenue shall eive in-vioiadonofreve. •J .... nue law to be re- formation to the first auditor of any violation in his ported to auditor county or corporation, of any law in relation to the pubUc revenue. And every sheriff or collector shall give information to the auditor of any violation of duty by any commissioner of the revenue for his county or corporation. 17 130 DEFAULTING OFFICERS. ACTS 1859-60. RESOLUTION rcquirivg the Auditor of Pullic Ac- counts to publish in Navspapers of Richmond City, de- linquent Collectors of the Public Revenue. Agreed to February 6, 1860. Anditor to pub- Resolvcd by ihe general assembly, tbat the auditor lieh delinquent r i i- i ii i c ■ ii rr* collectors of 01 oublic accounts shall nereatier ascertain all omcers public revenue. i • , i i, • i r r charged with the colleciion and paynfienl of any part ot the revenue, who are delinquent within the six months next preceding the first day of January and July of each year; and when so ascertained, shall publish the names of such delinquents in one or more of the news- papers published in the city of Richmond, not exceed- ing four insertions. FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANIES. 131 ACTS 1857-3, CHAP. 13. An ACT to amend and re-enact an act entitled an act for regulating Foreign Life Insurance Companies within this Commonwealth, passed March G, 1S56. Passed April 6, 1858. 1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, that an Acta isss-sc, act enliiled an act for regulating foreign life insurance companies wiihin this commonweallh, passed March six, eighteen hundred and fifiy-six, be amended and re-enacled so as to read as follows : "1. Be it enacted by the general assembly, that no conditions on . , . . -which they may insurance company, unless incorporated by ine legisla-maiie contracts, lure of this commonweallh, shall make any contracts of insurance wiihin this stale, until such insurance com- pany shall have complied with the provisions of this act. 2. Every such insurance company shall, by a written Agent to be of power of attorne}', appoint some citizen of this common- weallh, resident therein, its agent or attorney, who shall accept service of all lawful processes against such com- pany in this commonweallh, and cause an appearance to be entered in any action, in like manner as if such corporation had existed and been duly served with pro- cess within this stale. 3. A copy of such power of attorney, duly certified how power of and authenlicated, shall be filed wiih ihe auditor of public accounts of this cotnmonwealih ; and copies thereof, duly certified by .said auditor, shall be received in evidence in all courts of this commonwealth. 132 FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANIES. vacftnciesin 4. If any such agent or attorney shall die or resign or be removed, it shall be the duly of such corporation to make a new appointment as aforesaid, and file a copy with the said auditor of public accounts as above prescribed, so that at all limes, and while any liability remains outstanding on such insurance, there shall be wilhin this stale an attorney authorized as aforesaid ; and no such power of attorney shall be revoked until after a like power shall have been given to some com- petent person, and a copy thereof filed as aforesaid. Proceae.how 5. Service of process upon such attorney shall be deemed to be sufl5cient service upon his principals. Penalty for viola- 6. If any such insurancc company shall make insu- tlon of this act. ^ • ■, -.i ^ t • -ui ranee as aforesaid, without complying with the requisi- tions of this act, the contract shall be valid ; but the agent or attorney of such company, acting within this state, respecting the effecting of any policy of insurance, shall forfeit a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars Who deemed an ^OT Icss than three hundred, for such offence ; and every person shall be deemed an agent of such company who shall receive or transmit proposals for insurance, or receive for delivery policies founded on proposals for- warded from this state, or otherwise, to procure insu- rance to be effected by such insurance company for persons residing in this state, or who shall receive pay- ment for such policies, and shall be subject to the re- strictions and liable to the penalties specified in this act. Returna of agent "^ • Every pcrson acting as an agent in this state for to auditor. • • . i i i i • i any insurance company not incorporated by the legisla- ture of this commonwealth, shall, on the first Monday of October or May in ever}' year during the continu- ance of his agency, make a return on oath to the auditor of public accounts of the amount of premiums received and assessments collected during the said period, and FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANIES. 133 shall at ibe same lime pay into the treasury such taxTasonpre- as ma\' be imposed by law on the amount of such pre- miums and assessments; and the whole sum received for policies, whether paid in money or in oiher obliga- tions, shall be deemed to be premiums for the purposes of this section. 8. If any such company, through their attorney, shall Penalty for fau- 1 , , , ure to make neglect to make such returns and payments as are re- remm. quired in the preceding section, or shall make the same fraudulently or falsely, they shall for every such offence forfeit a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars. 9. Every such company, through their agent or at- Bond required of I 11 1 r 1 • • 1 agent. torney, shall, belore making or procuring to be made any contract of insurance as aforesaid, give bond to the auditor of public accounts, with two or more securities, to be approved by him, in the sum of not less than one thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, at the discretion of the auditor of public accounts, with conditions to make the semi-annual returns before re- quired, and to pay the tax. 10. If any person shall act, otherwise than provided penalty for agent 11 1 • i' 1 • r I acting illegally. by the second section or this act, as agent for any such company, to make or renew, directly or indirecily, any contract of insurance within this state, and with any persons resident therein, without having complied with the requisitions of this act, or in any way contrary to the true intent and meaning thereof, he shall forfeit and pay, for every such offence, the sum of five hundred dollars. 11. It shall be the duty of the attorney general and Attorneys to en- commonwealth's attorneys of this commonwealth to cause the provisions of this act to be enforced. 134 FOREIGN INSURA\X'E COMPANIES. / jiowfinrsdiB. 12. All penahies recovered for violations of ihe pro- posed of. . , ^ , . Ill 1 1 r I Visions ol tins act sliali go, one-naU to tlie persons giving infornnalion of such violations, and one-lialf to the Literary fund. T..X herein pro- 13. Tlic lax to bc paid by the agents of foreign in- vided to be in • t ^^i •• r.i* lieu of other tax. sura nee companies, according to the provisions ol this act, shall be in lieu of the tax prescribed by law to be paid by ihem before the passage of this act." Commencement 2. This act shall be in force from its passage. * REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. 135 ACTS 1852-3, CHAP. 4. An ACT to provide for the Registration of Voters. Passed April 9, 1853. 1. Be it enacted by the general assennbly, tl al each commissioner of . . . the revenue to comnilssioner of the revenue shall annually, in addilion list, lo the lifts of persons and subjects of taxation now re- quired by law, list every male white citizen within his who to be listed, district, who will, at the next ensuing general election for members of the general assembly, or for county, town or city officers, have attained the age of twenty- one years, and who will have been, at such next ensuing election, a resident of the state for two years, and of the county, city or town in which such district is, for twelve months, should he continue to reside in such county, city or town until such election. ' 2. The commissioner shnll list the names of such List to show dis- , . . . . , I • 1 • ''''^t in which male white citizens in such manner as to exhibit se pa- voter resides, ratel}*^ those who reside in the respective districts, laid ofl" for the election of justices, or in the wards which t02;ether constitute the district for which he acts ns com- missioner. 3. He shnll return, with the property book, one copy to whom list f, , ... , 1 I • 111 .returnable. ot the entire list, so made out by him, lo the clerk ot his couniy or corporation court, who shall file and pre- serve the same in his office. He shall also make out, How many ii«t« I 111 1 • r' I made out. and return to such cleik, as many separate nsls ot such male while ciiizens as reside widiin such district, or ward consiituting part of the district for which he acts as com- missioner, as there are places of voting wiihin such dis- trict or ward ; and if there be portions only of any such where omyn d. . 11- • 1 • I I ■ • ,• 1 • I I portion or an islricl or ward lying wiihiii the disirici lor which he .loction dinrict • • I 1111- I • 1- I • '■'"^ within his acts as commissioner, he shall list those residin"; ihereiti ti'^trict, howto ° act. 136 REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. separnlely, under the a])piopriate number or name of the ward or district ; and shall in like manner make out and return as many lists thereof as there arc places of voting in such ward or district. Names omitted 4. It sliall bc lawfiil {qv any such male while citizen, in lists, Iiow en- , , - i t tered, and when, vv hose uamc has not bccn entered upon such hst, to ap- ply to the commissioner of the revenue for his district, at any time prior to the tenth day before any such ge- neral election, to have his name entered on such list ; and it shall be the duty of the commissioner, on the tenth day before such election, to return as aforesaid lists of such additional names to the clerk of his county or corporation. Compensation of 5. In discharging the duties required by this act, the commissioner, . . i n i i • i i what, and how commissioncr shall be subject to the same rules as are prescribed by law to govern his conduct in ascertaining the persons and subjects required to be listed for taxa- tion, and shall receive three cents for each voter listed by him, to be paid out of the county levy or corpora- tion fund. Penalty for frau- 6. If 3. commissioncr of the revenue shall knowingly comn^sslon'er/ and willfully cntcr upon such list the name of any per- son who is not a male white citizen, or who, at such next ensuing election, will not have been, if he con- tinues to reside in this state, a resident thereof for two years, or who, at such next ensuing general election will not have been, if he continues to reside therein, a resi- dent of the county, city or town in which such commis- sioner acts, for twelve months, such commissioner shall forfeit a sum not less than twenty nor more than one By the person hundred dollars for every such offence. And if any such person shall knowingly and willfully cause his own name to be entered upon such list, he shall forfeit a sum not less than fifty nor more than two hundred dollars. listed. REGISTRATION OF VOTERS. 137 7. It shall be ihe duly of ihe clerk of such county or Lists given to , „ , , ^ , commissioner of corporation, at least live days beiore any such general election, when. election, to deliver to the commissioners of election for each place of voting in his county, city or town, a copy of such lists for the district or ward in which such place of voting is; and such lists shall be prima facie evi- Prima fade e\-i- dence or the right of the persons, whose names are to vote. entered thereon, to vote at such general election. The Pay of clerk. clerk of each county and corporation shall receive one cent for every name so listed, to be paid out of the county and corporation treasury; but it shall be com- Evidence may lie , . . p , . . . rebutted. petent tor the commissioners ot elections to receive evi- dence to prove that any such name was illegally entered upon such lists, or that any person whose name is not upon such lists is qualified, as required by this act and the constitution, to vote in such election ; or that any person, whose name is on such lists, has, prior to such election, and since the making of such lists, ceased to be a resident of the county, city or town in which he offers to vote ; and in every such case, the commissioner shall- receive satisfactory evidence to show the incorrect- ness of such lists, as well in respect to the disqualifica- tion of those persons whose names are entered thereon, as in respect to the qualifications of those whose names have not been entered upon such lists. 8. And if, at any such general election, any person persons offering , ,, (^ . ... , , , . 1 • 1 to vote in a dis- shall oner to vote in a district other than that in which trict in which . .... . . they do not re- he resides, and in which his name is required to beside. Evidence ■^ of qualification listed as aforesaid, the commissioners of elections shall '"'^i'^^'^- require satisfactory evidence of the qualification of such person to vote at such election. 9. This act shall be in force from its passage, so far commencement as it prescribes the duties of the commissioners of the revenue. In other respects, it shall be in force on and after the first day of January next. 18 138 REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, ETC. f ACTS 1852-3, CHAP. 25. An ACT concerning the Registration of Births, Marriages and Deaths. Passed April 11, 1853. Three registers 1. Be it cnacted bv the general assembly, that from to be kept by i r t • i i i i ' i ••erk. and after the first day or January eiglUecn bundled and fifty-four, the cleik of every county and corporation court .shall keep three books, to be called, respectively, the register of marriages, the register of births, and the register of deaths. Amended by act passed April 7, 185S, as follows : Doty of ministers "2. Hcnccforth it sh.dl be the duty of every minister or other person celebrating a marriage, and of the clerk or keeper of the records of any religious society which solemnizes marriages by the consent of the parties in open congregation, at once to make a record of every marriage between white persons solemnizetl by or before him, and wiihin two months after such marriage, to re- turn a copy thereof, signed by him to the clerk of the count}' or corporation in whicii llie same is soleinnized. The clerk issuing any marriage license, shall at the lime require and ascertain from the party obtaining such license, a certificate setting forth, as near as may be, the dale aiul place of the proposed marriage, the full names of both the parties, their ages and conditions before the marri.ige (whether single or widowed), the phices of liieir birth and residence, the names of their parents, and the occupation of the husband." REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, ETC. 139 3. The clerk to wliom such cerlificates shall be re- Abstract by clerk turned, shall file and preserve the same in his office, and wiihin twenty days after receiving the same, record a full ab.?lract thereof in his register of marriage, set- ling out in convenient tabular form, all the circumstances therein stated, and the name of the person signing the certificate, and make an index of the names of both the parties married. 4. If at the lime of celebrating any marriage out ofif marriage cut I . . . 1 1 I- I • 1 I of tliG State. this Slate, enlier or bo li or the parties thereto be a re- sident or residents of this slate, a certificate or slale- ment thereof, verified by the affidavit of any person present at such celebration, may be returned to the clerk of the court of the county or corporation in which ihe husband resides, if he be such resident, and other- wise, of the county or corporation in which the wife resides, and an abstract thereof shall be recorded by him in the manner prescribed in the third section. 5. If any minister who shall give bond in order to penaityon minia- .... 1-1 11 • • 1 • ter for non-com- nis bemg authorized to celebrate marriage m this stale, pUance. shall fail to comply with the second section, the condi- lion (jf such l)ontl shall be deemed to be thereby broken, and he shall also be subject lo the penally herein after prescribed for such failure. 6. Every such clerk of a court shall, on or before second section , ^ , , , , . r • • to be published, Ihe first day ot the next November term of his court, when. post at the front door of his court-house a copy of ihe second section, with a statement of ihe penalties for violation thereof. 7. Every commissioner of ihe revenue shall make an Refristrationof , . . f. , I • 1 II 1 • 1 • !• births and deaths, annual registration ot the births and deatris m his d is- by whom made. trict. When he ascertains the personal properly suhjecl When. to taxation, he shall ascertain the births and deaths that 140 From what Bource. REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, ETC. have occurred in the year ending on ihc ihirty-fiist day of December preceding, nnd such circumstances as he is herein after required to record. He shall ascertain the births and deaths in each family from the head of such family, if practicable. What contained in his record of births. 8. He shall record in a book to be kept by him for thai purpose, so far as can be ascertained, the date and place of every such birth ; the full name of the child (if it has a name); the sex and color thereof; and if colored, whether free or slave; also whether the child was born alive or stillborn ; the full name of the mother : and if the child be free and born in wedlock, the full name, occupation and residence of the father ; if the child be a slave, the name of the owner: if there be more than one child born at one birth, the fact and num- ber shall be staled ; and any other circumstances of in- terest relating to any birth. Of deaths. 9. Every such commissioner shall in like manner re- cord in a book to be kept by him for that purpose, the place and dale of every death in his district during the year ending on the preceding thirt3'-first day of Decem- ber; the full name, sex, age, condition (whether mar- ried or not) and color of the deceased : and if colored, whether free or slave; also the occupation, if any, of the deceased, and his or her place of birth, the names' of his or her parents, and (if the deceased was married) the name of the husband or wife; and if the deceased was a slave, the name of the owner ; also the disease or cause of the death, so far as such facts can be as- certained. Amended by chapter 28, act passed April 7, 1S58, as follows : Commissioner's 10. The Commissioner shall alphabetically arrange Bmdnvit * JO affidsTit. REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, ETC 141 each of the books so to be kept by him, and shall make and subscribe an affidavit therein, to the effect that lie has pursued the directions in this act, according to the best of his skill; and he shall return his said books to the clerk of the court of his county on or before the first day of June. Amended by chapter 2S, act passed April 7, 1858, as follows : 11. Such clerk shall thereupon record a full abstract Duty of cierk in . . register of births of the contents of the said book, containing a record of births, in his said register of births, setting forth, in con- venient tabular form, all the circumstances herein before required to be recorded, with references to the commis- sioner's books, and making an alphabetical index of the names of the free children born, and (when they have no names) of the names of the parents, and also of the names of the owners of the slaves born. Amended by ch. 28, act passed April 7, 1858, as follows : 12. He shall in like manner record a full abstract ofof deatiu. the contents of the said book, containing a record of deaths, in his said register of deaths, selling forth, in convenient tabular form, all the circumstances herein before required to be recorded, with reference to the commissioner's book, and making an alphabeiical index of the names of the deceased, and the names of the owners of deceased slaves. 13. Every such clerk of a court shall file and pre- commisBioners' . . ... books to be filed. serve in his office the books so deposited with him by the commissioners. 14. He shall transmit to the auditor of public aC- Registers trans- mitted to audi- tor, when. 142 REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, ETC. counts a copy of his register of marriages during the preceding year, on or before the first day of March in each year, and a copy of his register of births and re- gister of deaths during the preceding year, on or before the first day of August in each year. Abstract of audi- 15, Such copies shall be filed and preserved in the said auditor's office, and from them the auditor shall prepare an abstract annually of marriages, births and When to report dcaths in cach county and corporation, and make a re- to legislature. , . " . port upon said registrations once in every period of two years, to be laid before the general assembly. Registers to be 16. The Said books to be kept by the clerks, and co- prima facie evi- . dence. pies (or of any part thereof) certified by ihe clerk lawfully having ihe custody thereof, shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein set forth, in all cases. Pay of clerk for 17. A clcrk shall bc entitled to ten cents for every copies. • • , I , 1 • copy ot an entry in said books relating to a marriage, birth or death, to be paid by the party requiring the copy. Howcomtnis- 18. If a Commissioner in any ca«e cannot obtain the sioner to obtain . . . ^ . . . „ hi3 information, requisite information concerning any birth or death from the head of a family, as before required, he shall obtain the same from such persons as are herein after required* to give it; or if that cannot be done, from any other persons, always recording the name of the person giv- ing the information. • Physicians and 19. Evcry phvsician and surgeon shall, in a book to surgeons. j \ j o Their duties. bc kept by him, make a record at once of the death of every person dying in this state, upon whom he has attended at the time of such deaih, setting out as far as practicable the circumsiances herein required to be recorded by a commissioner respecting deaths. He REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, ETC 143 shall give lo a commissioner of the revenue, whenever to report to ,, , I > • r- I II ~ commusioner. called on by him tor that purpose, annually, a copy of such record, so far as the same relates to deaths in such commissioner's district. 20. Every coroner shall keep a like record of the coroncre; their deaths in relation to which he acts officially, and give a copy thereof to any commissioner of the revenue, when- ever called on by him for that purpose, annually, so far as the same relates lo deaihs in such commissioner's district. For every neglect or failure to perform any Penalty for duty required of him by this section, a coroner shall forfeit twenty dollars. missioner. 21. The commissioner shall make such entries or cor- Entries by com- reclions in his record of deaihs as may be supplied or warranted by the copies so to be furnished to him by physicians, surgeons and coroners, noting ihe source of the information. 22. The head of any family, if he be not at his resi- if head of family , , •■"ill 1 • 1 absent, what hi« deuce when the commissioner calls there to obtain the duty. information required by this act lo be obtained of him, shall give the same information lo the proper co(nmis- sioner of the revenue on or before the first «lay of June in the same year; and for a failure or neglect to do so, Penalty for s"hall forfeit one dollar. If any head of a family, being Penalty for refa- 1 r 11 I • 1 • r- -1 ! , enl to give infor. lawluUy requested to give any such inlormalion, shall maUon. refuse to give ihe same, he shall forfeit ten dollars. 23. If any commissioner of the revenue fail lo obt;iin penalty of com- . ,. . . 1 • 1 1 I I • I I mieeioner for any iiilormation respecting a birth or (ieatji, wfiich he failure oi duty. is by this act authorized or required lo obtain, ami which he can procure, he shall for every such failure, and for every failure lo record ihe information acquired by him respecting a birth or death, according lo this act, forfeit five dollars. 144 REGISTRATION OF BIRTHS, ETC. Tor failure to 24. If anv commissionor of tlie revenue fail to per- perforni duties , . , . . . . in joih eection. foim ihc (lulics required ol hiin by the lenlh section of this act, lie shall forfeit, fifiy dollars. Penalty of clerk ^5. If any clcrli of a court fail lo perform any duty duty. required of him by the third section of this act, he shall forfeit ten dollars for every such offence; and if he fail to perform any duty required of him by the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth or fourteenth sections, he shall, for every such offence, forfeit fifty dollars. Fine for maising 26. If any clcrk of a court, commissioner of the re- false returns. ... . . , , venue, physician, surgeon, coroner or minister celebra- ting a marriage, or clerk or keeper of the records of any religious society, shall, in any book, register or re- cord, which such officer or person is by this act required to keep or make, or in any copy or certificate which by this act he is required to make or give, knowingly make any false, erroneous or fraudulent entry, record, regis- tration or written statement, he shall for every such offence forfeit not less than one hundred nor more than five hundred dollars. Fine for false in- 27. If any person, upon whose information or state- formation. . . ment any record or registration may lawfully be made under this act, shall knowingly give any false informa- tion or make any false statement to be used for the pur- pose of making any such record or registration, he shall forfeit not less than fifty nor more than three hundred dollars for every such offence. Forms and in- 28. The auditor of public accounts shall furnish the Btructions, how i i p furnished. clcrk ot evcry county and corporation court and every commissioner of the revenue with all forms and instruc- tions which he may deem necessary or proper for carr}'- ing this act into effect. Commencement 29. This act shall take effect on the first day of July eighteen hundred and fifty-three. REMOVAL OF FREE NEGROES. 145 ACTS 1852-3, CHAP. 55. An ACT cstahlishing a Colonization Board and making an Appropriation for tltc Removal of Free Negroes from the Commonwealth. Passed April 6, 1853. *5. Be it furiher enacted, that an annual lax of one poU tax on free negroes. dollar shall be am! the same is hereb}' levied upon every male free negro of the age of twenty^one years and under fifty-five years, to be ascertained and assessed on each by the coininissioner of the revenue in everv year, and collected by the sheriff or other collector of the public revenue as other public taxes and levies upon free negroes are collected. All such taxes shall be ac- How accounted . . . for- counleri for with the auditor in the present year and every year hereafter, and paid into the ireasur}' as other public taxes. And an account thereof shall be raised on the books of the auditor and treasurer. The fund now appUed. arising from this source shall be applied to the removal of uec negroes from the commonwealth, in the manner prescribed in the preceding sections of this act, and in addition lo the appropriation ihereiti made. And ii Tax on seal for ,,,,,, ,- , . registration. shall be the duly ot the county or corporation courts lo charge the legal lax for the seal of court and attestation * Sec;ion 4 of chapter 3, Acta 18.j9-60, imposing taxes for the support of government, levies a ta.x of eighty cents on every free negro over the age of twenty-one years. This section imposes a tax of one dollar on every male free negro between twenty-one and fifly-five years of age, to be applied to the removal of free negroes from the commonwealth. The enquiry is naturally suggested, whether both taxes are to be assessed and collected for their specified purposes. Both acts may consisleiiily stand together; and while it is not believed the general assembly did intend to impose both taxes, yet such seems to be the only interpretation that can be sustained. 19 140 REMOVAL OF FREE NEGROES. of every copy of legistralion delivr red hy them to any free negro, and to account vviih the auditor of public ac- counts lor such tax and pay the same inio the treasur}' as other taxes on law [)roces3, except that they shall de- signate the same so as to enable the auditor and trea- surer to enter all such moneys to the account directed now applied, to be raised in the preceding part of this section, and the same shall be applied to the object thereof. Bee Acts i8i9-r)0, G. The act of the eleventh of March eighteen hun- p. 7. . ... Kepenied. drcd and fifty, entitled an act making appropriations for the removal of free persons of color, and for other pur- po?es, is hereby repealed. Commencement 7. Tliis act shall be in forcc from its passage. CIRCTJLA.Il. AUDITOR'S OFFICE, Ricdmond, Va. April 11, 1860. Sir, The general assembly, at the session which adjourned on the 2d instant, with a view to compile the entire revenue laws, passed four acts, which are pub- lished in this pamphlet, as chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4. Chapter 1 embraces the entire duties of commissioners and others in the " assessment of taxes on persons and property;" chapter 2 covers similar duties in respect to, and makes general " regulations concerning licenses;" chapter 3 "imposes taxes for the support of government;" and chapter 4 provides "for the collection of taxes." Each subject has been treated separately, and each has been reduced into a separate act; and I trust the commissioners will find the acts intelligible, and stripped of the uncertainty which surrounded many of them before their compila- tion, and presented in such manner as will in a great measure obviate the ne- cessity of having their various parts interpreted. Nevertheless, the 15th section of chapter 1, page 16, makes it the duty of the auditor of public accounts, by letter or printed circular, to give such instructions to the commissioners, in re- spect to their duties, as to him shall seem judicious. The same section fixes a penalty of not less than $10 nor more than $30 on any commissioner who re- fuses to obey such instructions; which is recoverable from such commissioner by the auditor, in the circuit court of the city of Richmond. See § 2, ch. 43 of the Code. Note. — The pages herein referred to are the pages of this pamphlet. Term of office ; listing property ; when to commence. The term of office of a commissioner of the revenue commences on the first day of February after his election (see ch. 20, Acts 1857-8, § 63, 76, p. 9, 10); and the listing of property is to bo commenced on the 1st day of February, and the property owned on that day is the subject of taxation. See ch. 1, § 61, Acts of 1859-60, p. 37. Each commissioner should be careful to obtain a list of all persons and property and the value thereof, which may be subject to taxation iu their respective districts, and to require each person to make oath to such lists. See ch. 1, § 62, p. 37, 38. 148 CIRCULAR. Time for returning copies of the commissioners^ books. Sections 86, 87 and 88 of the Ist chapter of the Acts of 1859-60, p. 49, re- quires the commissioners to deliver the proper number of copies of the land books and books of personal property to the clerks of their respective county and corporation courts before the 1st day of June. One copy of each is to be de- livered to the sheriff or collector before the 15th day of June. The copy in- tended for this oflice is to be returned before the 1st day of August. For a failure to deliver said books within the times named, the commissioner forfeits for each failure not less than $*100 nor more than $ 500, and by mere operation of law his claim is suspended. And the same act in like manner suspends the commis- sioner's claim for failure to perform any other duty required by law, but the au- ditor of public accounts, if the commissioner show a "strong and sufficient" reason for his failure, may settle his claim upon equitable principles. See § 91, ch. 1, p. 50 ; and § 97, ch. 1, p. 53. Examination of books. It is the duty of the clerks of the county and corporation courts, when all the columns are added up, to examine the books returned to their respective offices by the commissioners of the revenue, within twelve days after their return. A want of promptness on their part postpones the sheriffs or other officers in the collection of the taxes and their payment into the treasury, and not unfrequently embarrasses the commissioner. See § 79, 80, 81, ch. 1, p. 47. For what the clerks' pay may be suspended. See § 85, ch. 1, p. 49. Fees and compensation to commissioners payable first September in each year. Instead of the per diem allowance heretofore given to commissioners, every commissioner of the revenue is entitled to receive a commission of 2i per centum on the amount of the taxes lawfully assessed by him, which is held to include taxes assessed on real estate as well as personal property. Where, however, the taxes assessed in any district in a county exceed $20,000, the commission on the excess is only 1^ per centum, and where the taxes assessed in any district in a town exceed $16,000, the commission allowed on the excess is only 1 per cen- tum ; but the compensation to a commissioner of a county not named in § 96 of chap. 1, p. 59, is not to be reduced below $150. Neither is the pay of any com- missioner in Gilmer, Pocahontas, Pendleton, Putnam, Raleigh, Ritchie, Tyler, Upshur and Wirt, to be less than $200; nor in Bath, Carroll, Prince William and Danville, to be less than $125 ; nor in Giles, Grayson and Williamsburg, to be less than $100. Postage advanced, and a fee of three cents for each birth and death reported, are to be reimbursed and paid. No order of court is necessary to authenticate a claim, but all such as above are paid upon the evidence in the office. CIRCULAR. 149 As the compensation for the services of a commissioner of the revenue is made to depend upon the punctual performance of his duty, in every thing that apper- tains to his office, I may be excused for urging, most earnestly, a punctual and faithful discharge of those duties. When taxes on land, persons and property are payable. By the 21st section of chapter 4, Acts of 1859-60, p. 107, it is provided, that the taxes collected under chapter 35 of the Code, which, as amended, appears in this pamphlet as chapter 1, are to be paid into the treasury as follows: Three- fourths are to be paid on the 15th day of December in the year in which the same are assessed, and the remaining one-fourth on the 15th day of March next there- after, with this exception, that a sheriff or collector who has not received the commissioners' books before the first day of August, is allowed five months after the receipt of the books to collect and pay; and with this additional qualification, that a sheriff is allowed one day for every thirty miles that he resides from the seat of government. By § 52 of ch. 2, Acts 1859-60, p. 79, taxes " assessed" on or after the first day of September and before the first day of May, are to be paid into the treasury on or before the 30th of May, and those issued at any other time, to be paid whea other taxes are paid. In case of failure to pay, judgment is required to be taken, without notice, against the sheriff or collector and his securities. Money transmitted in payment of dties. As the practice of transmitting money to the address of the auditor of public accounts, in payment of public dues, involves an amount of responsibility not contemplated by law, and for which no security, beyond the integrity of the mes- senger, prevails or is authorized, the auditor was induced to call the attention of the joint committee of the senate and house of delegates, appointed at the last session of the legislature to examine the office of the auditor of public accounts, to the peculiar situation in which such transactions are involved, and ask for its aid in discontinuing the usage. The committee, in their report, amongst other things, said, "the messenger of the office, Joseph J. White, receives a salary of $800, as indicated in the last act appropriating the public revenue for the fiscal years 1857-8 and 1858-9. Upon the messenger of the office, besides his more appropriate duties, there is devolved, by usage, a degree of labor and responsi- bility so singular, that your committee deem it worthy of notice. Collectors of the revenue very frequently send, by express and otherwise, large sums of money to the auditor, who, however, has no authority to receive it for the state. The auditor, as an act of accommodation to the sender, delivers the money to the messenger, that he may carry it to the bank to the credit of the sender. In this entire transaction there is no security for the owner of the money; there is uo 150 CIRCULAR. warrant of law for entrusting it cither to the auditor or the messenger. In case of loss, the state is not responsible. No loss has yet occurred ; but the existence and increase of this practice seem to require notice and discouragement. It im- poses considerable burdens on the auditor, and it involves large risks on the part of those who seem to imagine that the risks cease when the money reaches iho possession of the auditor. Your committee recommend that this practice, so far as it confides to state officials money intended for the treasury of the state, be discouraged. This may be done by a circular from the office." I am happy to add, that no loss has occurred in the transactions of the messen- ger, who is not only a man of high integrity, but eminently qualified for the post which usage has assigned him. But it is a post not contemplated by law, and involves labor and responsibility which will not in the future be assumed, unless the remittances be in checks, which may be traced in cases of mistake or accident. It is sincerely hoped that no bank notes will in the future be transmitted directly to this office. Sheriffs^ commissions. Every sheriff or collector is allowed a commission of 2h per centum on the amount of taxes collected and paid into the treasury. And in addition thereto, if he pay each installment, as above indicated, within the time specified, be will be paid, as a reward for his punctuality, an additional sum of 2i per centum com- mission. For a failure to pay as required, thesheriflf or collector will be charged with interest at the rate of 12 per centum per annum. Acts 1859-60, chap. 4, sec. 22, page 107-8. In case of failure so to pay, the auditor is required, within three months after such failure, to publish notice thereof, in some newspaper in the city of Rich- mond, and to file in the office of the circuit court of the city of Richmond, with the clerk thereof, an accurate account of the money with which such sheriff or collector may be chargeable on account of such taxes. Upon such account being filed, the clerk is required to enter up judgment against such sheriflF or collector for the amount of such account, with interest at 12 per centum per annum, and 1.5 per centum damages in addition thereto. Under this provision, the auditor has been deprived of all discretion on the subject. He is required to file the ac- count and demand judgment. Licenses, how granted. The 18th section of chapter 2, Acts 1859-60, p. 66, makes it the duty of the person desiring a license, to apply to the commissioner for a certificate of the license to be obtained and the amount of tax to be paid, and makes it also the duty of the commissioner, whether such application be made or not, to assess all who ought to obtain a license. CIRCULAR. 151 A license to sell must designate the place of sale. A merchant must pay a tax for each store. A sale made at any place other than that designated in the license, is to be held to be a sale without license. See § 2, ch. 2, Acts of 1859-GO, p. GO; and § 28, ch. 2, Acts 1859-60, p. 71. The commissioner's certificate, with the sheriff's or collector's receipt for the tax to be paid, written on the certificate, is a sufficient license, unless it be a cer- tificate to be presented to court for the privilege of selling wine, ardent spirits, or a mixture thereof, or to keep an ordinary; or such other privilege as makes it necessary to apply to court. In which cases, the court's sanction must be ob- tained before the license is complete. Expiration of licenses. All licenses granted under § 19, ch. 2, Acts 1859-60, p. 67, 68, are granted for one year, and may commence at any time during such year. The licenses thus granted are personal privileges, and no one can act under them, except the person to whom they were granted. A license to the owner of a stallion begins at any lime in the year, but must expire on the first day of January. See § 20, ch. 2, Acts 1859-60. Licenses to keep bowling alleys, &c. may commence at any time in the year, and terminate at four months from the time of granting them, or may be for a year. All other licenses may be granted at any time in the year, but shall termiaate on the 30ih day of April. See § 22, ch. 2, Acts 1859-60, p. 69. A person commencing any trade or business for which a license is required by law, before making application for and obtaining such license, shall be assessed with "four" times the amount of tax otherwise imposed. The person here re- ferred to is one who had not, for the license term next preceding, been engaged in the particular business then commencing, for which a license was required. See § 22, ch. 2, Acts 1859-60, p. 70. Ordinanes ; tux to be paid on license. The tax is the same as heretofore. See § 10, ch. 3, Acts 1859-60. The for- mer law, as interpreted, required the yearly value of the furniture to be assessed. This act does so in terms. It is not 15 per cent, on the value of the furniture which is to be assessed as a tax, but it is 15 per cent, on the yearly rent of such furniture. Merchants^ license. A merchant or mercantile firm is to be assessed with $60 liceuse tax; which 152 CIRCULAR. id ihc specific tax on beginners or those who have not been engaged in business for twelve months, unless the capital employed be shown by the affidavit of such merchant or firm to be less than $500 — then the tax is $10. A merchant or mercantile firm desiring to sell wine, ardent spirits, or a mixture thereof, porter, ale or beer (if a beginner, or those who have not been engaged in business for twelve months), by retail only, the license tax imposed is $40 in addition to the merchants' tax; and if to sell by wholesale and retail, the tax is $100 in addition to the merchants' tax. If the license be to continue the privi- lege, the tax is one per cent, on the amount of sales of the previous year, in ad- dition to the specific tax. See § 19, ch. 3, p. 89. When a merchant has been engaged in business for a year or more, then the tax on the license of such merchant is in proportion to the last year's sales, as follows : If the sales are under $1,001, the tax is - - - $20 If the sales are $1,001 and under $1,500, the tax is - - 24 1,500 " 2.500, » - - 32 " " 2,500 " 5,000, " - - 48 « " 5,000 " 10,000, .' - - 76 " 10,000 " 15,000, «» . - 96 " " 15,000 " 20,000, " . - 112 " •' 20,000 " 30,000, " - - 140 " 30,000 " 50,000, " - - 208 And an additional tax of $10 for each sum of $10,000 excess of sales over $ 50,000. Distilleries. The tax on the proprietors of every distillery, if a beginner, is twenty dollars. If the distillery is to be kept in operation as much as four months in the year, the tax is thirty dollars; if for six months, forty dollars; if for nine months, sixty dollars; if for a longer time than nine mouths, one hundred dollars. See § 17, ch. 3, p. 88. If the owner of such distillery is engaged in distilling the fruit or grain produced by himself, there is no tax unless he is so engaged for as much as four mouths in any one year; in which case he must pay the same tax as others not so engaged. See § 4, ch. 2, Acts 1859-60, p. 61. Foreign insurance companies. A tax of $ 25 is imposed on every license to an agent or sub-agent of every in- surance company not chartered by this state. See §36, ch. 3, Acts 1859-60, p. 93-94. In addition to this license, the agents are required to report on oath to the auditor of public accounts semi-annually, on the Ist Monday of October and May in each year, the amount of premiums received and assessments collected CIRCULAR. 153 during said period, and shall at the same time pay into the treasury the tax im- posed. See Act of April 6, 1858. Forms for license returns. To insure uniformity in your license returns, you will find a form appended, by which you will be governed, taking care to annex the affidavit in the form pre- scribed, and particularly where the certificate of assessment has been delivered to a deputy sheriff or collector, to state not only the name of the deputy, but hia principal also. A copy of such list must be returned to the auditor, and another copy filed with the clerk of the court. Collateral inheritance tax. If the inheritance be real estate, transmitted under a decedent's will, or by de- scent, as provided by chap. 1, § 9 of the Acts 1859-60, it is the duty of the clerk of the court in whicii such will is recorded, and the clerk of the court of the county or corporation in which any such real estate is situated, upon ascertaining the fact, to report the same to the commissioner of the district in which the real estate may be. The commissioner upon ascertaining that the land is of greater value than $250, in " addition" to the annual tax imposed upon such estate, shall charge thereon " two per centum" on the whole value of such estate ; i. e. if the real estate be of the exact value of $250 or less, no tax is to be imposed ; but if it be of the value of $251, the tax of "two per centum" is to be imposed — not on the one dollar above $250, but upon the whole value. The same rate of taxation prevails in respect to any other estate so descending or passing and within the same limitations; but the mode of assessing and col- lecting the tax on real estate is different from that on personal property, which may readily be observed by reference to the Acts on those subjects. While it is made the duty of the sheriff to apply for the tax on personal property, and while it is the duty of the personal representative to pay it, yet the law does not dis- pense with the general duty of the commissioner to make the assessment of both the real and personal estate, and to see that the law is complied with. If any such taxes be omitted, an assessment thereof should be made upou the authority of the 70th section, chap. 1, p. 44. Delinquent taxes. The sheriff or other collector, after ascertaining which of the taxes assessed in his county or corporation cannot l)e collected, shall, as soon as practical)le, ia each year, after the first day of October, make out lists of three classes, to wit: First, a list of property on the commissioner's laud book improperly placed thereoa or not ascertainable, with the amount of taxes charged on such property ; secondly, a list of other real estate which is delinquent for the nou-paymeut of the taxes 20 164 CIRCULAR. thorcon ; and thirdly, a list of such of the taxes so asseBsed, other than on real estate, as he is unable to collect. It is further provided that the lists to be made out by the sheriffs, shall not be allowed, unless they have been first submitted to the commissioner of the revenue for the district to which ihey relate, or in the case of his death, to some other commissioner, and are accompanied by the written opinion of such commissioner touching the propriety of such lists and each case therein contained, verified by his oath. The regular mode of preparing a list of delinquents, is for the sherifi" or col- lector to make oath to the effect : 1st. That the list thirdly mentioned was posted at the door of the court-house of the county or corporation on a court day, during the term next preceding that at which the list may be presented to the court. Sheriff ^s oath. 2d. That the sheriff make and subscribe an oath, to the following effect : " /, A B, sheriff {or deputy sheriff) of the county of , do swear that the foregoing list is, I verity believe, correct and just ; that I have received no part of the taxes returned delinquent ; and that I have used due diligence to find property within my county liable to distress for the said taxes, but have found none.^^ And that the said sheriff or collector present the lists with such affidavits to the commissioner of the revenue, who is supposed to be personally acquainted with the pecuniary condition of the tax payers, and who will prepare an opinion, on oath, in substance, or by the following Form of commissioner's certificate and oath. " /, , do certify that I am commissioner of the revenue for district in the county of . That the annexed list of delinquents has been sub- mitted to ine for my opinion in ivriting, on oath, as to the propriety of such list ; and it appearing to relate to my district, and having carefully examined the same, and ♦each case' therein contained, do hereby accompany the said list with my opinion, that the officer who returned the same,* did not find, or by using due diligence could not have found, sufficient property within his bailiwick, liable to distress for the said taxes. Signed Sworn to before me, a justice of the peace in and for the county of this day of 186—. /. P." *0t in lieu of what follows, the commiseioner wilt state «acb facte as he belie vea to exist. CIRCULAR. 155 Instructions have been given elsewhere to assess every person exercising any calling or trade for which a license is required by law, whether such person apply for a license or not, and I have prepared the following form of return, and affidavit : Licenses. * A list of all persons assessed with a license tax in the district of , commis- sioner of the revenue in the county {or corporation) of , from the first day of to the first day of 186 — . E C3 c o emte for (he above named district in the county of , and who sub- scribed the foregoinir oath, this day personallij a])peared before me, in my county aforesaid, and made oath that the same contains the truth. Given under my hand this day of 180 — . , J. P." New counties. Tho 11th section of chapter 47 of the Code provides, that " all taxes and levies assessed or laid by the comnnissioncr of the revenue or court of any county from "which the new county is formed, before the time of holding a court for such new county, and all militia fines and officers' fees in the hands of any sheriff or other officer at that time, shall be collected, accounted for and paid," as if such act creating the new county had not passed. To understand this subject properly, it becomes necessary to ascertain the meaning of the expressions employed — "taxes assessed," and "levies laid," as used in the above section. We all understand that " taxes" are dues to the state assessed by commissioners of the revenue. "Levies" are taxes for county or corporation purposes, levied by the county or corporation courts. Commissioners of the revenue commence their assessments annually on the first day of February; and the assessment must be taken to be an entire thing — that the commissioner or authority who begins the assessment must finish it. This service commences on the first day of February for state purposes. The com- missioner of the county from which a new county has been formed, where no special provision is made, must proceed with his work over all the territory which his county originally embraced, unless the first court of such new county has been held before that time; in which event ho should not exercise jurisdiction in the territory of such new county. While it may be proper to assess and collect taxes in a new county by the offi- cers of the county from which it was formed, yet without any conflict of autho- rity, the officers of the new county may levy and collect for county purposes ; and indeed may and should receive all licenses assessed and paid after the organ- ization of the county, by holding a court therein. But the officers of the old county, where "no special provision has been made in the act creating the new county, should proceed with their assessment and collection as if the act creating the new county had not passed, if the assessment has been made before holding a court in the new county. To give point to the various questions arising as to the construction of the re- venue laws. I will suppose the following questions to have been submitted and answered as follows, and which are to be treated as instructions. CIRCULAR. 157 Questions and Answers. County levies. Question 1. — By the 6th section of chapter 53 of the Code, it is made the duty of a commissioner of the revenue, upon being furnished with an order for a levy, to extend in the commissioner's land book and book of personal property, in a separate column, what may be due from such person by virtue of the levy. It frequently occurs that the order for such levy is not made until after the l/5lh of June, before which' time the commissioner's books are to be delivered to the sheriff. In such case, is the commissioner to omit the delivery of his books until the extension of the levy can be made? Answer. — He is not. The law requires the commissioner to deliver his books to the sheriff or collector before the 15lh of June in each year, and imposes a penalty of not less than $ 100 nor more than $500 for his failure to deliver thera within that time. The policy of the legislature in*authorizing the extension of the levy was merely for the convenience of county officers, and not intended to postpone or defeat the collection of the state taxes. It is proper to make the ex- tension, but the delivery of the books is not to be postponed for that object. Exemption of vierchants^ bonds. Question 2. — What bonds are exempt from taxation, in the hands of a mer- chant paying a license as such ? Answer. — By the constitution of Virginia the general assembly may levy a tax on licenses; but to avoid a double taxation on the same subject, it is provided that no tax shall be levied "on the capital invested in the trade or business in respect to which the license so taxed is issued." The 44th section of ch. 1 of Sess. Acts 1859-GO, on page 28, seems to include every thing exempted by the constitutional provision. Under this section, I ana of opinion, that the subject matter of the merchant's business, merchandise, his open accounts on his books and unliquidated, his money on hand the first of February, received in the course of his trade and l)U8incss, are all clearly ex- empted. So much of the excess of the bonds, securities and liquidated claims due to him over those due from him to others, shall, if actually and actively em- ployed and used by him in carrying on his business, be exempt; but this exemp- tion is restricted to such bonds and de!)ts as accrue within the preceding twelve months. If they are created in such trade previous to the first day of February of the year preceding that of the assessment, they are not exempt, although a new boud may have been given for them within the preceding year. The exemptions are in a great measure made to depend on the oath of the 15S CIRCULAR. party — showing, I think, a Icgisljitive intent to restrain the undue extension of exemptions. Tlie party must be honestly satisfied that the bonds in question coustitnto a part of the " actual active means used and employed by him in car- rving on such trade or business," and not vvithiu the limitations contained in the act, before they can be exempted. Land bonds. Question 3. — If A sell lands to B on credit, taking B's bonds for the purchase money, A retaiuinj; the legal title until the purchase money is paid — to whom should the lands be taxed ? And if proper to charge A, who holds the legal title, with the taxes on the lands, should he at the same time pay taxes on the bonds given l)y B for the payment of the purchase money? If A is to be charged with the taxes on the lands and on the bonds at the same time, is it not double taxa- tion, and in violation of the 22d section of the 4th article of the constitution? Answer. — The lands are to be charged to A. The bonds are also to be charged to A. The tax upon the lands and upon the bonds is not liable to the objection supposed. I do not think there is any provision of the law which authorizes a commissioner of the revenue to transfer lands upon his books except upon matter of record, unless, indeed, under chapter 1, section 22 of the Code, found on page 18, the vendee and vendor assent to it. There is no doubt, however, but that the vendee in possession is liable over to the vendor for the tax on the land — and if the vendor, by reason of the rules obligatory upon the commissioner, be as- sessed with it, and is compelled to pay it, he may recover it of the vendee by action. Even if he could not, it is no fault of the state, but of himself. The amount of property subject to taxation is not necessarily increased by the sale from A to B. We will suppose that B has claims or bonds due to himself for $10,000, which he wishes to collect and invest in A's lands of the value of $10,000. Before the sale A is taxed with the land, and B is taxed with the claims or bonds owing to him, and each is taxed according to the value of his property named. The state in this case receives taxes from both A and B on property of the value of $20,000. After the sale A, retaining the legal title to the land, is taxed with it on that account, and he is taxed on B's bonds, because there is that amount of solvent bonds owing to him. A in this case pays taxes on property of the value of $20,000. But what taxes does B pay on the $10,000 owing to him? I answer that he pays nothing. It is true that there are $10,000 owing to B, but he owes A $10,000, and he deducts from the amount owing to him the amount he owes to A, under the provisions of the 50th section of chapter 1, Sess. Acts 1859-60, p. 31, which in the case supposed would exonerate B from taxes to the state, and he only be liable over to A for the taxes on the land he should pay. It is true it may happen that where an insolvent vendee of lauds gives bonds to the vendor, to the full value of the laud, he may create a subject of taxation, CIRCULAR. 159 which before the sale had no existence. With this a tax law can have nothing to do. It would involve an enquiry into the condition of the monetary afTairs of the community too intricate to be prosecuted, or to be made the basis of practical legislation. Bonds for the hire of negroes. Question 4. — Should bonds given for the hire of negroes be taxed ? Answer. — It frequently happens that the owners of slaves at the beginning of the year hire out their slaves and take bonds for the payment of the hire at va- rious times during the term of service. The payment of such l)ond3 may be defeated by the death of the slave, and the question has frequently been asked whether such bonds are to be listed for taxation? I think they are; but I ad- vance this opinion with much diffidence, because of the great confidence I have ill the opinions of those who think difierently. The 48th section of ch. 1, Acts of IS.'jD-eO, p. 30 and 31, requires the commis- sioner to ascertain from each person residing in his district the amount of all solvent bonds and securities, and all solvent, liquidated and certain demands and claims, however evidenced; owing and coming to such person, whether due or not on the first day of February; and declares that the aggregate of principal and interest shall constitute the amount of a bond or claim due and payable; and that " the present value, after deducting the legal interest, shall constitute the amount of a hond or claim not yet due and payable, and which bears no interest." This section clearly includes a bond of the character stated. But is it n'-bond or claim'" for money ? I think it is. It is argued, hoAvevrr, that the slave may die during the term, and thus defeat the claim. This is certainly correct ; but I submit whether it is not a contingency too remote to enter into the character or construction of a tax bill. All property is to be taxed as of the first of February. On that day a person may have a house of the value of $20,000, erected upon a lot of ground of the value of $ 1,000. On the second day of February the house may burn down. He may have a claim on a man who is solvent on the first of February, and who in ten days thereafter is a bankrupt. His horse which he owned on the first, may die on the second of February. The person himself may die on the second. All these citations would seem to present cases in which the tax ought to be dis- claimed ; yet the legislature has no where authorized such a disclaimer, or given authority to the revenue officers of the state to enquire into the consideration of such bonds, or estimate for the contingency of their validity. The broad and comprehensive terms of the 48ih section of ch. 1, above referred to, witiiout doubt, includes them ; and the legislature has, in its own wisdom, Avitbheld all discretion from the revenue officers to relieve against the actual misfortune of any person, or against any contingency arising out of the various contracts of the tax payers. 160 CIRCULAR. These are not exactly analogous cases, but I take it they are sufTicienlly so, to show at least the absence of any intention to relieve against contingencies. Tlie slave is listed by and taxed to the hirer. The value of his labor is taxed to the owner. Every general law must inchuio cases of hardship. The case supposed may be one; but in my opinion, if the amount to be paid is liquidated and solvent, whether due or not, it must be listed and taxed. Omitted land. Question 5. — Where the assessor of lauds in the year 1856 has inadvertently omitted from his assessment and books a tract of land, and the owner of the land wishes to have it entered and charged with taxes, is the commissioner to assess the actual value, or adopt the assessment of 1850 or any previous assessment? In such case of omission, is it the duty of the commissioner of the revenue to enter such lands without request — and if so entered, should the back taxes for the omitted years be charged with interest ? Answer. — The 23th section of ch. 1, Acts 1859-60, p. 20, is applicable in such cases. It is the duty of the commissioner ex mero motu to enter such laud in the natne of the owner — and if not assessed, to assess it by reference to the assess- ment of 1856, on contiguous lands similarly situated. The back taxes should be entered for the omitted years, according to the as- sessment of those years, on such contiguous lauds, with interest. Value of lands, how ascertained. Question 6. — A has several adjoining tracts of land, each tract, according to the last assessment, of different values. Since the assessment the soil has been improved, so as to equalize their values. A has sold and conveyed 100 acres, part of each tract? Is the tract thus sold to be charged according to the assessed value of the tracts from which the same was taken, or according to its actual value, or how otherwise ? Answer. — The assessed value in such case, not the actual value, must be the rule. The general assessment, except in special cases provided for, is the law of value to the commissioner in all cases. While mistakes may be corrected, a change in the assessment cannot be made, except on account of buildings. The alienation of a portion of a tract may in- volve a partial reassessment, but the assessed value of the whole must govern the value of each; or in other words, the lot sold and the lot retained must be of the assessed value of the whole as an entire tract. Although the lots may be of different values, they must, when their separate values are added together, be CIRCULAR. ICl equnl niul not greater than tho assessed value of the entire tract before tho alienation. Question 7. — A has a tract of land snppnscd to contain 500 acres, and is charged for taxation on tlie eoiriiiiissioner'd hooks as of that quantity. Upon a BUrvey or other evidence, it is ascertained tliat the tract contains .'JSO acres. Has the comniissii)iier anihority to correct the hooks, and charge A with the proper number of acres? If so, is he to retain the aggregate value of the 500 acres, or the value per acre as assessed, and add thereto the value of the 50 acres ? Answer. — The commissioner, under § 30, ch. 1, Acts 1859-GO, p. 21, is required to carry with him the land hooks of the preceding year. He siiall show his entries to resident owners, and to agents of non-resident owners, who shall he required to state on oath whether the same he correctly entered, and whether any other land ought to he ciinrged to such resident or non-resident, and t») 1 1C2 CI15CULAK. conmiis^ionor niulcr tlio cirrnmstaiiocs to sirikc his name from tlic hook in re- flocct to llio laud polcl and conveyed, lias llio coiiiniiisiontr the ri^lit to do bo? Answer. — Uy section 30 of chapter 1 of Acts 1859-GO, p. 21, the cnmtnij;sioner, upon heiiii; sati^ned that land has heen transroirod l)y deed from u party chai'i^ed upon the hind hook of the year l)cfore, is autiiorized to transfer the assessment of such hind to the uheiiec. Q,ucs'.ion 10. — If (he land hooks of the previous year omit the nature of the estate, whether in " fee,*' or for " hfc," and pi.tce ihe numlier of acres in iho wroiiK cidiimn, is the commissioner to search tiie records for the nature of tlio estate, and correct that as well as the other mistake alluded to ? Answer. — By section 40 of chapter 1 of Acts 1839-00, p. 24, such errors as aro stated may he corrected, and it is ohvious they should he corrected. The clerk, under sections 80 and 81 of chapter 1, Acts 1859-GO, p. 47, wiili tho Commissif the last assessment were l)cing worked, I)ut which at this lime Hie al>;inil(iiie(l as ahnost valueliss; shmilJ the commis-iiioiier treat the s ilt wills as " huiltiings" on which the asscssuieiU may he iucreased or reduced according to circumstances? Answer. — I think the "wells" are not " hnildings,*' within the meaning of sec- tions 31, ^2, 3:3 and 34 of ch. 1 of Acts ]8.:0-G(J, p. 22. The only relief to bo had iu such cases must he granted hy the legislature. Coinmonweallh's laiids. Question 14. — Is a commissioner entitled to a fee of one dollar for the entry of each tract of land, bought iu at a sheriff's sale for taxes? Answer. — By section 27 of ch. 42 of the Code, the commissioner of tlie reve- nue is required to transmit a list of all lands itelonging to the commonwealth, Sec. to the auditor, and allows the commissioner one dollar, to be paid from the trea- eury, for each tract or lot mentioned in the commissioner's list. The class of lauds here referred to, embraces such as the commonwealih has title to by feo eiiiiple, acquired by sale under executions, escheat, &c. Lands sold for taxes by the sheriff, and which may be redeemed at any time, are not commonwealth's lands, within the meaning of this section. Upon the contrary, they belong to the original owner, &nl>ject only to the commonwealth's lien for taxes; and for such the commissioner is not euiiiled to a fee. Toll-bridges and ferries. Question 15. — By the 52d section of ch. 1 of Acts IS.'iO-OO, p. 32, the commis- sioner of ilie revenue is required to ascertain the yearly value of all toll-liiidges and ferries in his district, and is to be governed by actual rent received; and if uot rented, he is to make a just estimate of the vnUie. In case the toll-bridges and ferries are leased, is the tax to be charged to the lessor or lessee ? Answer. — It must be paid by the owner of the property, not by the lessee. This on general piinciplcs should be so, an sh ires of stock in sneh companies are taxable. The bonus paid iiy iho banks, and the taxes npuii ihe properly or (livjdends of other coinjianies tliau banks, are already burdens upon the bharcholders in them. IGf) CriJCLTLAR. Qiirstidii 23. — Can a company iiicor|Kiiati'y icsoluiiun su us to avoit! tiixaliUii, uilliout iliu auiliu- rity ol I lie Icjjidlatuic ? Answer. — All companies except gas companies arc to he assessed npon capital invested, except so much as is uniiivcstKl in real estate and shives, whiili sh.ili he listed and assessed as in othircas s. Slaves are nut assessed ad vulortm, and real estate is sul>ject tu larger fluctuations. Tlie atnount of caj)ital otherwise invested would ordinarily he the hest test of value. I do not see how any company can hy resolution reduce the amount of the legal assessment. Money or properly in other slates. Qnesilon 2i. — Where a resident «if Virginia has money investcv him fur a non-resident cestui que Irukt. lie niiist dn the same as j)ersoual rejireseuia- tive. See section 41, ch. 6, Sess. Acts JSoD-GO, p. 28, 29. Non-residents' debts. Question 26. — Are debts due from residents of uiher states or foreign countries to rejiiilents of Virj^inia, to be taxed as tlii»ugh the debts were due from residents of \ irginia ? Dues the fact that the evidences of such deins are in the stale or country where the liebturs reside, and nut in the possession but only undir the contiul of the Virj^inia creditor, make any dill'erence ? Answer. — .All such debts are taxalde. The custody of the evidence of such debts makes no difference. The ow nersbip of the delits is ihe basis of tax.iiiun in such cases. ciacuLAK. 1G7 Overseers' salaries. Qiipslion 27.— i\Iany gcntlrmen in Vir;;iiiin are employed as overseers on farms at a fixed enmpensH:i(»n, payalde in casli, or in support of the overseer and his family. Is it proper to tax the compensation of such overseer as income? Answer. — Overseers are taxahle upon the value in money of what they receive. If hoarded, the amount or value of the hoard I do not suppose can l)e assessed. Tite l»asis of assessment in cases of incomes and salaries, must necessarily he the money received- Board is not to he deducted, if for no other reason than from the jinpraeticahility of asccriainiiig the amount of deduction. One person u°ould pay one amount ; another wf>nld pay a dillcrent amount. Thus, wiih the same salary in money there would he a dilTercnt assessment, and that in the face of the law requiring the commissioner to ascertain the amount of salary in money. If the employer hoard the employee, and pays a salary in money, the salary in moupy niu.-n he assessed, without the addition of hoard, and this for a similar reasiin — and hecause t! e language of the law liuiits the assessment to it. See § 51 of ch. 1, Acts 1859-00, p. 32.' Salary of rail road employee. Question 28. — An officer or employee of a rail road or other company receives $ .'JdO per annum for his services, fiayahle monthly or quarterly. Is it proper to tax the annual compeusation as income? Answer. — It is. Income of overseers. Question 29. — An overseer receives in January 1858, $500 for his Avages of 1857. He has the money on hand the 1st of Fehru:u-y 1858. Is he to he charged for his salary of 1857 as income, and also for the money on hand the 1st of Feb- ruary 1858 ? Answer. — In the case supposed, the income will be taxed as such ; and then the same, if on hand the 1st of February, will be taxed as surplus. If invested iu property, it would clearly be taxable. It is equally so as money. Officers' fees, hojv taxed. Question 30. — Are the fees and commissions of sheriflTs, sergeants, constables and other officers lial)le to be taxed ? And herein are the fees and commissions of fiduciaries to be taxed ? Answer. — The fees and commissions of sherifTs and such like officers are taxa- ble. They hold offices for which no license is required. IGS CIRCULAR. I'xrciifors niul otlicr fKlnciariefl arc not within that section. Nor arc their coiiiiiii.'isidiis such iiicoDus us are l.'ixa!il(; umler (lie 9ih scciion of th;it act. If a halance (wliicli nii;;ht iiicliide c(iiniiiis?ioiiti) wcie due a fuluciary ujjou setllciiieut, it id a "crcilil" wiiicli is to he listed lor taxation. Tax on fees of commissioners of the revenue. Question 31. — Docs the law require coinmis-vioiiers of the revenue to pay a tax on hid lees and coninii^jsions and other compensation us such? Answer. — The comiTiissioncr is to he taxed as sherilTs, clerks and other o/Ticors of the state arc taxed, upon all fees and compctisatiun, from whatever source re- ceived. Commissioner's jurisdiction. Citiestimi 83. — In case of vacancy in thcolFicc of commissioner of the revenue for one tli.siriei in any county, can a citiiunissioner for aiuither district in the samo county grant licenses in the district where the vacancy exists? Answer. — I do not think the authority of a conimissinner of the revenue to act in any capacity, extends heyoiid his -G0, p. 12, defining jurisdiction. Clerks* fees, Qtipstinn 33. — Do the duties of a clerk of a court constitute him an officer, u iihiu the iDcaning of the tax law ? If so, are his fees laxahle? If taxahle, are ihey to he listed as income, or as part of the certain cluiins of such clerk, or how otherwise? ^ Answer. — The tax hill (Sessions Acts 18.39-GO, eh. 1, § 57, p. 34 and 3'>) pro- vides that the income or ftfs received duiing the year ending the first day of Felnuary of each year, in consideration of the dischar;;e of any office or employ- ment in the service (tf the state, or in consideration of the discharge of any nlHco or employnient in the service of any corporation, or in the service of any cuin- pany, firm or person, arc to he taxed. The terms of the law seem to he very hroad, and the legislative intent would seem to have heeii to ein!)racc every class of office and tmplnymcnt, ("mm ihoso under the state, to those under an imlividual. With this all-em!>racing intent, is it possihie that the clerks of courts have lieen omitted ? I ihi .k not. The error is in supposing clerks of courts not to he slate officers. 'J'licy are not only officers of the slate, hut arc made such hy her constitution ; holding offices iiy a consti- CIRCULAR. 109 tutional tenure, unafTectcd liy Irglslaiivc pinvi^inn?, except ns sspcrifically pro- vided. See Coiistiiuiiiiii of V'iigiiiiii, art. 6, § 19, 20, 2.'3 and 32. I5y cli. 71, Siss. Ads 1852, the mode «if eltciion, ilie coinmciiceiiieiit "of term uf oirice" of iheso cleiks, (he oatiis of ufliee, ihe oilici'il hoiul, payable to the comiiionwealih, and the power over ihern given to ihe courts in whicJi they ludd ofrice, are all eo plaiidy prescrilied, as to show that the oflice conslitiiTed liy the fundamcnta! law was recognized and regulated hy the legislature which carried the consiiiuiioa iuto effect. If a cleik tlieii lie a state nfUcer, and Iins received income or fees during the year ending the first of I'chruary, he is clearly taxable. It is ol'jccted, liowever, that the rate of taxation should be difTerent for income, and for fees. The law says ^'income or fees," making no difference. It is asked, is the rate of taxation to be different, where the fees have been paid and w here not paid ? I tiiink this is clear, and moreover is rational. A maa who has received money is l)clter able to pay tax than one to wlmm it is i\ue, and has not i)een paid ; and the legislature properly ajportioued the burden to the ability to pay. It w ou!d have been an improper distmctiou to lax fees due as if paid, and tax bonds due as properly, and not as if paid. Fees due and unpaid, are put in the same list with bonds due and unpaid. The practical difficulty in the case is easily met. Fees handed to the sheriff aud not paid over to the clerk, are to be regarded as due, but unpaid, and if sol- vent, are to be listed as part of the certain claims of such clerk. Whatever iu the year next before the first day of February the clerk Las '^rtcdved" from fees, he is taxable with. Teachers in boarding schools. Question 34. — Are fees of teachers keeping boarding schools to be taxed ? If 60, how ? Answer. — As there is no license required of boarding school teachers, I think their receipts from their calling are taxable as income or fees, under ch. 1, § 57, Acts of J859-G0, p. 34. Capital employed in business. Question 35. — AYhnt constitutes cajiital employed in any business? Docs it embrace purchases on credit and borrowed capital? Answer. — As to capital investeil, used and employed in any licensed business, see Sess. Acts l859-t)0, § 55, ch. 1, p. 34. All property, whether purchased on credit or not, the subject of the business; 22 170 CIRCULAR. nil iTiniirvs nii hnnle to a licenso tax. To snhject him lo a license tax, lie must be a mercliaut dealing in it, as such, as u husiness, not casually. Tannery. Question 40. — The owncrof a tannery in Virginia is engaged in inannfactining leather. Has he the right, growing out of his ocrn|)ation, to import from oilier states any mannfucturcd leather, and sell it at iiis tannery without a license? Answer. — lie cannot. No person is authorized to sell, at any place within this state, any goods, wares, merchandise or other articles, without a license, except such jas tuay nave been manufactured hy the seller in this state. Question 41. — Can a farmer sell or barter leather manufactured in this state by bis ntighbor, or receive compensation in any way for bis services, wiibout a license ? Answer. — I do not think the farmer in the case supposed is a commissinn mer- chant, though as agf lit fur the tanner he exclianjies leather fur hides npnn voin- pensation. The act was aimed at a public ineicaniile empbiymcnt. not at a casual and private agency. If construed sti icily, wc might tlms cither have hundreds of commission merchants in every county, or forbid all agencies fur sale by oue man for another. liesidence. Question 42. — If persons who are resiib nts of a rnunty, casually for several months at intervals diiiing the year, are late oysters as within the tax law. As they are " provisidiis" grown or produced in the United States, they are excepted, if the sale is by the producer or person growing such provisions; but all peddling of every kind and character is prohibited. Sales of personal property. Question 50. — A resident of the county of M, prior to the 1st of Fehrnary, sold a lot of cattle to a resilient nf the county of (j, but by the terms of the cou- tract the cattle were not to be delivered till after the 1st day of February. Are the cattle to be listed for taxation in the county of M or G ? And whether the vendor even, were the cattle suM on credit, and were delivered i)efore the 1st of February, but a bond for the pMynn^it of the purchase money was uot given till after that lime, is the dubt to be taxed ? Answer — Possession is the indicuin of title to personalty. The commissioaer must so hold it to be. If A sells to B in the same county, the question of sale may be determined between them before the commissioner of the same county, ij they a^frte. If 174 CIRCULAR. (hey (lisns^ree, lot liiin nggcss the party in ptjssossion on the 1st of Feluuary, and leave tlio ri»nfc't>t to ilic coiitr.icliug j)artics. Nuii-ilulivery of possestiion, prima facit, is cviilencc of ooii sale. But where A in the eoiinty of M sells to B in the county of G, the commis- sioner from necetisity must hold posses.'^ion as the coiicluitive test of title. For ad comriiissioncr in M, he cannot as^ie:^^ B in the county of G; ami if he proceed on nny other test, he may, hy failing to assess in IM, enai)le B in G to evade the tax, by denying title, when the comniis^^ioner in G would tiot have iiis possession to confront with such denial. Possession is title fur the commissioner in his assess- ment, unless hy ay him to his nei;^hl>or, who keeps it in operation three months and twenty-five days more, dues the law require a license in this case ? Answer. — The case supposed is a dear evasion of the law. The two periods should 1)6 united, and the tax assessed accordingly. Daguerrtian artisls. Question 54. — Are daj^uerreian and such like artists to he taxed in each county in which they operate? Answer. — They are. Pianos in boarding schools. Question .'55. — Is it proper to tax j)ianos and other musical instruments in in- corporated hoarding schools ? Answer. — They are clearly exempt. Sailing vessels. Question 5G. — Should pleasure sailing; hoats, boats for catcliin;; oysters, boats for (It liveriiig grain from farms to vessels on the river, and steam portable saw mills, be listed and taxed 1 Answer. — Commissioners of the revenue, in construing the various acts, should keep in mind the provisions of the new constitution, that " taxation shall be equal and uniform throughout tiie commonwealth, and all j)ropcrty, other than slaves, shall be taxed in proportion to its value." From this quotation it will be perceived that all propirty must be taxed, except it be exempt by legislative authority. The vessels, &:c. above named not being exempt, are necessarily a subject of taxation. Exemption of slaves. Question 57. — Can a county or corporation court exempt a slave for any cause, from taxation ? Answer. — The 2.3il section of article 4 of the constitution of Virginia provides, that "every slave who has attained the age of twelve years, shall be assessed with a tax equal to and not exceeding that assessed on land of the value of three hundred dollars. Slaves under that age shall not be subject to taxation ; and other taxable [)roperty may be exempted from taxation by the vote of a majoritj of the whole number of members elected to each house of the general assembly." 176 cincuLAR. So it will 1)0 pcrceiverl that the general aescmlily has no power to exempt slaves from taxation; and as the county courts derive all their auihority from the gene- ral a83Ciol)ly, it fidliiws, that as the legisi-iture could only delegate such power as it possessed, the county courts h ivc no power to cxemj)t. All blaves over 13 years of ago, whatever may he their condition, must he listed for taxation. Listing viinors. Question 53. — The proptrty of a minor is to he listed in the mode prescribed; hut sufiposc the minor does not reside with his father, mother or guardian, how is he to he entered for county levy, and to whom should such levy he charged ? Answer. — The county levy shall he on all free males over IG years of age. It shall 1)6 charged to his Tuher or guardian, if he has either. If not, it may he charged to the minor. The guardian will not he rcspousihle further thau the estate in his hands. Licensee on slaUio7is. Question 59. — A stallion is let to mares hy the season at $10, and an addi- tional sum is added as groom fees. Is the additional sum a part of the season price, for purposes of taxation ? « Answer. — I do not think the groom fees are to he added. The charge is an incident, and no part of the profit to the owner. As it would be in most cases the same, the result would he, if it were included, that the tax would he disproportioual)Iy increased upon those wliusc season fee was less. Auctioneers. Question GO. — Does a license to an auctioneer authorize the person licensed to sell at more than one place? Is the auctioneer authorized to employ one or more criers at his sales? And is he authorized to have more thau one salesman at the same time and place? Answer. — All licenses to "5f//," whether hy merchant, auctioneer or other per- son, must he at some particular place named in the license; and a sale at any place other tliai» that, is to he deemed a sale without license. An exception is, however, made in favor of an auctioneer, to the effect that he may sell, at any place in the county or corporation where his license was granted, the goods and chattels of another, where such other would he authorized to sell such goods and chattels, lie may sell the goods of a licensed merchant, where the merchant might sell. He may sell the hou8liing the same may be paid out of the tre.isury, 15 Shall furnish each commissioner with copies of the laws d^■lilling his duties, 16 Shall also instruct commissioner, 16 Penalty of commissioner failing to obey auditor's instructions, 16 Shall communicate any instance of neglect or misconduct of commis- sioner to clerk of court, 16 Letter to be laid before court at first term, 16 Proceedings on such letter, 16 Commissioner to transmit copy of book to auditor, 48 Penalty on commissioner for such failure, 50 Shall deduct the amount omitted to be charged in assessments, from commissioner's compensation, 50 Persons not residing in county where land may lie, may, before the first of October, pay taxes to iiuditor, 101 Shall credit sheriff for his lists of de- linquents, 106 Where sheriff or collector fails to pay taxes, auditor may, within one month, file an account in ihe clerk's office of circuit court at Hiehmond, anil clerk shall enter up judgment, wiih interest and damages, 80 Auditor required to publish defaulting sheriffs and others, 108 Auditor t({ send out delinquent lists for collection, 106 May appoint a collector of arrears of taxes, 109 To allow a reasonable time to collect, and not exceeding 20 per cent., to be agreed on before services com- mence, 109 May settle with commissioner whose claim has been suspended, upon equitable principles, 53 Sucii settlement to be reported to ge- neral assembly by auditor, 53 To prepare an abstract of births, mar- riages and deaths, and report the sairie to the general assembly. 142 To furnish clerks of courts atid com- missioners with forms of re^istra- tion of births, marriages and deaths, and instructions thereupon, " 144 To receive and file power of attorney of foreign insurance company, 131 Returns of foreign insurance company to be made to auditor, on oath, 132 When return to be made, 132 List of commonwealth's lands to be reported to auditor by commissioner of revenue. 123 Commissioner of revenue to give in- formation to auditor of violation of revenue laws, 129 SheritlV lo give like information of any violation of duty by commissioner, 129 List of free negroes to be returned by commissioner to auditor, 123 INDEX. 1S5 Rail road compnnies to report to au- ditor, wlieu and how, Property of company may be assessed, and lax paid, Express companies required to report to aiuiilor. and pay taxes, Auditor to furnish commis-iioners with land and property hooks, &c. Auditor to pay postage advanced by commi>sioner, Right to appeal from decision ofconrt granting relief for erroneous assess- ment, May institute proceedinfrs in tlie cir- cuit court of lliciimond against clerks or commissioners for the re- covery of fines, &c. BAIL. To be required in action for debt, BANK NOTE BROKER. To obtain license, Tax on license. Penalty for doing business without li- cense, BEER, ALE AND PORTER. Included in license to sell ardent spirits, Tax on license for sale of, BAGATELLE TABLES. To obtain license, Tax on license, BILLIARD TABLES. To ol)tain license, Penally for failure, Tax on license, BANKS. Dividends and tax payable thereon, to be certified on oaih to auditor by cashier or other officer, Penalty fur failure so to certify, Tax on dividend to hi; paid vvitiun one month afier it is declared. If not so paid, liable to 10 per cent, damages. If no dividend has been declared, the cashier or oilier ofiicer shall certify that fact to auditor on oatii, Penalty for fiiliirc to certify such fact. Tax on dividf nds. Taxes on dividend of savings banks, Deposits in banks, 97 97 94 16 52 55 82 76 93 76 62 93 111 HI 111 111 111 112 9.-) 85 165 BANK NOTES. Notes under fi^e dollars not to be passed, and oath of person applying for a license, to that etlect, required, BEES. Are not taxable. 127 172 BIRTHS, MARRIAGES AND DEATHS. Three registers to be kept by clerk, 133 Duty of ministers, 138 What set forth in his record, 138 Abstract by clerk, 139 If marriage out of state, 139 Penalty on minister for non-compliance, 139 When duty of ministers to be puidished, 139 Registration of births and deaths, by whom and when made, 139 From what source, 140 What record of births to contain, 140 Of deaths, what to contain, 140 Commissioner's afildavif, 140, 141 To whom and when returned, 141 Duties of clerk in relation to register of births, 141 Of deaths, 141 Commissioner's books to be filed, 141 When registers to be transmitted to auditor, 141 Abstract of auditor, 142 When to report to legislature, 142 llegisier to be prima facie evidence, 142 Pay of clerk for copies, 142 How commissioner to obtain his iu- formalion, 142 Duties of physicians and surgeons, 142 To re[)ort to commissioner, 143 Diitiiis of coroners, 143 Penalty for failure of coroners, 143 Entries by commissioner, and if head of family absent, what his duty, 143 P«na|iy for failure, 143 Penalty for refusal to give informalioi), 143 Penalty on commissioner for failure of duty, 143 For failure to arrange his books alpha- betically, 144 Penalty on clerk for failure of duty, 144 Fine tor making false returns, 144 Fine for false information, 144 Forms and instructions, how furnished, 144 BOARDING HOUSES. To obtain license, 58 What deemed a hoardiui-hou-p, 61 When not required to (d.tain I ce'isc, 61 Peualty for failure to obtain license, 63 24 186 INDEX. BOARDING SCHOOLS. Receipts of teaclicrs taxable as income, IfiO Pianos in incorporated schools exempt, 175 Not retinireil to obtain license, G2 BONOS OF COMMISSIONERS. When and how to he executed ; penalty, Copy to he transmitted to auditor, BONDS AND LiaUIDATED CLAIMS. By whom to be listed, 31 How ascerlaint'd, 31 Merchants' bonds, 157 Bonds due by non-residents, 166-30 Comixissioner to deduct from aggre- gate the amount owing to others as principal debtor, 32 Unsettled book accounts not included, 32 How value ascertained, 32 BONDS FOR HIRE OF NEGROES. Bonds to he listed, Not exempt from taxation, Auditor's instructions, 31, 159 1.59 159 BONDS HELD BY FIDUCIARIES. How to be taxed, 39 Auditor's instructions, 164 BOOKS OF COMMISSIONERS. Commissioner to apply for official books and papers which his prede- cessor bad, to person in possession, 1.5 Penally for failure to deliver books, 15 If books cannot be obtained, auditor may authorize commissioner to pro- cure a sul)siitiite, 15 Clerk furnishing the same may be paid out of treasury. 15 Ciianges in laud book, how to be noted, 17 When lands to be charged on books of commissioner to heir; when to devisee; and when to decedent's estate, 19 Form of land book, 24 Lands entered on books from regis- ter's abstract, to be assessed, 17 Penalty on commissioner for failure, 13 Separate list at end of book for lands purchased for commonwealth, 18 How re-entered when redeemed, ]8 ^Vhat done when sold to individuals, 18 Lands decreed or conveyed to be trans- ferred to owner, 18 How lands becoming property of dif- fereut owners, to be assessed, 13 How commissioner's assessment cor- rected by court, 19 Errors of former commissioner to be corrected, 19 When correctly charged, shall not be transferred without evidence of re- cord, 19 If land in one county erroneously as- sessed in anotlier, how to be entered in proper county, 19 Where land lying partly in one county and partly in another, where to be entered, , 20 What buildings are to be assessed, 20 Where land lies in more than one county, and a part be conveyed in county where assessed, what to be done, 20 Omitted patented lands to be entered, 20 Assessment to be made and taxes charged from date of patent, 20 Penalty on commissioner for failure to enter, 21 Construction to be given to 2Sth sec- tion, 21 Owner of land to make oath whether it is correctly entered ; whether any part ought to be transferred to others; nature of evidence to au- thorize transfer, 21 Omitted value of old. and value of newly erected buildings to be as- sessed, in what case, 22 New buildings not liuished sufficiently for use, not to be assessed, 22 Repairs or additions to be assessed, 22 Decayed buildings, how assessed. 22 Machinery in mills to be assessed as improvements, 23 Unoccupied lots in towns to he taxed, 24 Foru) of land book to be prescribed by auditor, 24 Tracts of land to be entered separately; what notes and other facts are to ap- pear in the table, 24 What to be shown in table of town lots, 25 How columns of figures are to be added up; total amount of taxes and subjects of taxation to be entered at end of book, 45 Commissioner's own property to be charged on books, 45 Where no commissioner for former year, commissioner to make out books for such year, 46 Three copies of land and property books to be made out, 46 Oath to be attached, 46 Original books to be retained by com- missioner as long as he continues in olllce, 47 Books to be delivered by commissioner to clerk of court for examination, 47 INDEX. 187 Clerk shall examine them in 12 days, 47 How hind books are to be compared, 47 Clerk's certificate to be annexed, 48 What clerk's certificate shall state, 43 Penalty on clerk for failure to perform duties, 49 Clerk to retain and preserve one copy of land and property book. 49 One co]iy of each book to be deliver- ed by commissioner to sheriff or col- lector, 49 One copy of each to be transmitted to auditor, 49 Commissioner may require receipt of clerk, sheriff and auditor, 50 Penalty for I'aNe entry in book, 50 Penalty for failure to deliver books. 50 Deductions from commissioner's com- pensation for errors, 50 Fees of commissioners, 50 Compensation for making out books of former years, 53 Clerk's compensation for examining books. 54 Books not to be altered after certificate of clerk, 54 How person aggrieved by entry in book may have it corrected, 54 Error in entry of personal property, how corrected, 47 Books of births and deaths to be filed with clerk, 141 Copies to he filed with auditor, 142 List of lands belonging to common- wealth transmitted to auditor, 123 Auditor's instructions, 148 BOOK AGENTS. Tax on resident agent, 91 Not a resident of state for one year, what tax, 91 May sell or receive subscription for books, &c. published and printed in this state, 62 BOOKS. Of commissioners, how disposed of, 49 How examined and corrected, 47 See Books of commissioners. Text books sold by teachers exempt, 63 BOWLING SALOONS, &c. How assessed, 87 Tax on license, 87 License to be granted by county court, 120 May be revoked, 120 To obt.iin license, 58 Penally for failure, 63 May obtain license for four months, 6rt Amount of tax, 69 BRIDGES. Toll bridges and ferries, how valued, Tax on toll bridges, Auditor's instructions, BROKERS. 33 85 163 Forfeiture for acting as such without license, 65 Tax on. 93 Prohibited from acting as such without license, 60 Penalty for selling without license, 76 BUILDINGS. Newly erected buildings to be assessed, at what rate. If unfit for use, not to be assessed. If old or new buildings be increased in value by additions, to be assessed, If from decay or other cause the value be reduced below $100, its value to be deducted from assessment. See Salt works. 22 22 22 23 CAPITAL. What is capital employed in business, CAPITAL WHERE LICENSE IS REQUIRED. How ascertained, What to be listed. See Merchants' bonds. CAPITAL WHERE NO LICENSE REQUIRED. To be listed. How ascertained, 169 28 28 34 34 CARRIAGES. Not to be sold without license. When manufacturer not required to obtain license. When manufactured out of this state, CIDER. Manafacture of, not prohibited, CIRCUS. To obtain license. Tax on licen=e. Auditor's instructions. 59 61 93 61 60 93 174 CLERKS' FEES. How taxed, 34, 168 1S8 INDEX. CLERKS OF COURTS. Names of clerks of circnit courts, 4 Names of cl(!rl<.s of county courts, 4 To irMDsiiiit ciipies of comtnissioiiers' bonds to aniliior, 13 To niako out lists of deeiJs for com- missioners, and penalty, 13, 14 To make out copies of decrees and jnd^^mcnis fur same, 14 To eeriify collateral inheritance to com- missioner, 14 Clerks fnrnisliinjT official books or pa- pers ("or commissioner, sliall be paid out of the treasury, 15 To examine commissioners' books, 47 Clerk's certificate to be annexed to hook. 48 What to state, and form thereof, 3:i I'enally for failing to examine and cer- tify books, 4!) Clerk to retain one copy of land and property books, 49 Allowance for examining commission- ers' books, 54 To receive taxes on delinquent per- sonal property, and to account in like manner as for taxes on law process, 105 His compensation for recording list of voters, 137 To keep register of births, marriages and deaths, 138 Abstract of births, marriages and deaths to be recorded by him, ]39 To advertise law, 139 Duty in relation to register of births, 139 Of deaths, 139 Fee for copy of entry in books re- lating to marriage, birth or death, 142 Penalty for failing to perform duty in relation thereto, 144 Penalty for making false entry of births, &.C. 144 To be furnished with forms from au- ditor, 144 Tax on law process to be paid to clerk, 114 In what case no tax is to be chitrged, 114 Not to admit deeds to record until tax is paid, 114 No will shall be admitted to probate until tax is paid, 115 Letters of administration shall not be adtnitted until tax is paid, 115 Exception, 11,") To make account of taxes, when, 115 To be sworn to and transmitted to au- ditor, 115 Failing to render account, penalty, what, 115 Shall not receive any money from the treasury until account is rendered and money paid, 115 When the money received by him is payable, 116 Fees of office, how taxed, 168 COAL AND LUMBER MERCHANTS. Not to sell without license, 59 COLLATERAL INHERITANCE. To be reported to commissioner by clerk of court, 14 Of value greater than $250, in addition to the annual tax to be charged with a specific tax, 24 Decedent's estate declared to be sub- ject to a tax of a certain per cent. 99, 112 VVho to pay the tax, 112 To whom the tax is to be paid, 112 Rate of tax to be governed by law at time of decedent's death, 112 Value ascertained, 112 Property to be sold to pay tax, 113 Duplicate receipts to be given by sheriff, 113 Clerks to record receipts and to trans- mit copy to auditor, 113 How other copies to be disposed of, 113 Wliat to .state ; commissioner's fee, 113 Penalty on personal representative, 113 Damages on personal representative for failing to pay such tax, 113 When estate deemed paid or delivered, 114 Auditor's instructions, 153 COLLECTOR. Of arrears of taxes may be appointed by auditor, 109 His compensation and time to collect, 109 Bond to be given, 110 COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS. To obtain license, Penalty for failure to obtain license. Tax on license, COMMISSIONS. 59 65 89 51 Allowed commissioners of the revenue, Shall not be less than maximum allow- ance heretofore specifically provided for. 52 To sheriff or collector, for collecting licenses, 81, 150 For collecting delinquent faxes, 107 What to sheriffs for arrears of taxes, 109 COMMISSIONERS OF REVENUE. Their names and number, 4, 11 INDEX. 189 Term of office, when to commence, 9 To be resident of his district, 9 Number prescribed by law, 9 Commissioner not to act as such till commencement of liis term of office, 13 Elected for certain districts. 12 Bond to be given; its penalty, 12 Copies to be transmitted to auditor, 13 Commissioner unable from sickness to perform his duties may apply to court and have an assistant commis- sioner appointed, 15 His oath and duties, 16 Who responsible for assistant's duties. 16 Instances of neglect of duty to be com- municated by auditor to court, 16 To be furnished with copies of laws defining his duties, by auditor, 16 Also with forms and instructions, 16 Commis.-ioner may be removed by court, upon complaint of auditor, 17 Summons to be issued against com- missioner, 17 How sumnions shall be executed, 17 Changes in land book, how to be noted, 17 He shall assess lands named in register's abstract, 17 Penalty to commonwealth for his failure, 18 Penally to grantee of land, 18 To charge land to person to whom con- veyance is made, 18 To correct mistakes in land book, 19 But if once correctly charged, commis- sioner prohibited from correcting mis- takes without evidence of record, 19 When land to be charged to heir; when to devisee ; when to decedent's estate, 19 Lands in one county, erroneously as- sessed in another, how to be entered in proper county, 19 Where lands lying partly in one county, and partly in another, where to be as- sessed, 20 Where land lies in more than one county, and a part be conveyed in county where assessed, what to be done, 20 Omitted patented lands to be entered; assessment to be niade, and taxes to be charged from date of patent, if is- sued since 1832, 20 Interest on arrears of taxes, 21 Not to be construed to subject bona fide purchasers to arrears of taxes, nor to release forfeited lands. 21 To ascertaiti the value of all machinery attaohed to mills, &c. ; to be included as impriivements, 23 How commissioner's own property to be charged, 43 Where no commissioner for former year, who to make out book for such year, 46 Rate of taxation for such year, 46 Original books to be retained by com- missioner as long as he continues in office, 47 Books shall bo delivered by commis- sioner to clerk of court, 47 Books to be examined by such clerk in twelve days, 47 IIow land and property books are to be compared and examined, 47 Who to assist in examination of com- niissioner's books, 47 What errors to be corrected, 47 Matters of did'erence to be submitted to commonwealth's attorney. 47 If he fail to decide, how difference settled, 48 Clerk's certificate to be annexed to book, 48 Form of certificate, 48 What clerk's certificate shall state, 48 Certificate to be laid before court and recorded, 48 Penalty on clerk for failure to perform duties. 49 One copy of land book and book of personal property to be reserved by clerk, 49 One copy of land and property book to be delivered to sheriff, 49 One copy of each to be transmitted to auditor for his guide in settling with sheriff, 49 Commissioner may require receipt from clerk, slierift' and auditor, 49 Penalty on commissioner for failure to deliver books, 50 If commissioner extend in any case a less tax than the law requires, the auditor shall deduct the amount from his compensation, 50 Fees to commissioner, 50 Fee bills to be made out, and how col- lected, 50 Compensation for making out books of former years. 53 Where partly made, how compensa- tion regulated, 53 When to begin duties of commis- sioners, 37, 67 To report when no license is issued. 78 To ascertain persons who ought to ob- tain license, 66 To deliver to such person certificate of licetise and tax, 67 His fee therefor, 78 License to, how granted, 67 Commissioner's books, fiow disposed of, 47 How examined and corrected, 47 Penalty for failure to perform llieir duties, 50 List of licenses to be returned to auditor, 78 When, and what to specify, 78 190 INDEX. Fees of commissioner. GO Liable for costs to correct erroneous ussL'ssineiits, G6 Compensation for listing subjects of taxation, 52 Coni|)enaution suspended for certain causes, 53 Auditor may settle with iiim upon equi- table principles, 53 Commissioners of revenue to list voters, 135 To return lists to clerk, ]3o Names omitted in lists, how entered, and wheu, ]3G Compensation of comuiissioner, what, and how paid, 13G Penalty for fraudulent entry by com- missioner, 136 Lists given to commissioner of election, ]''>7 Prima facie evidence of right to vote, 137 For making annual registration, 131) What record to contain, 140 How to obtain information, 142 Physicians, &c. to report to commis- sioner, ]42 Entries in commissioner's record of deaths, «fcc. 140 Penalty on coniuiissioner for failure to perform duties, 143, 144 To be furnished with forms from auditor, 144 To transmit list of lands belonging to commonvvealih to auditor, 123 To give auditor infurmaiion of viola- tion of revenue laws, 129 To return list of free negroes to auditor, 128 Penally for failure to return free negro list. &c. 128 Connnissioner's duty in respect to county levy, 122 Compensation. 122 Penally for failure to extend levy, 122 To give information to grand jury, 128 Penalty of $3 on commissioner lor each free negro which he fails to report, 128 To furnish lists of land which may be escheated, to escheator, 124 To apply for books of predecessor, 15 To furnish attorney for commonwealth with list of persons violating revenue laws, 56 How license granted to, 70 Duties in regard to couimonvvealth's lands in new counties. 12G Auditor's general instructions, 177, 178 COMMON CRIER. When exempt, 62 When to obtain license, 62 COMMONWEALTH'S LANDS. Land purchased for commonwealth, how to be entered, 18 Shall not be entered in body of book, but auditor shall keep a register thereof. When it is redeemed, to be replaced in body of book, When sold for taxes to an individual, to remain charged in former owner's name until deed is made. Commissioner to note number of acres stdd, and to whom sold, Commissioner to transmit list of com- monwealth's lands to auditor. Auditor's instructions, COOK SHOPS. To obtain license, I'lMi.ilty for failure. Tax on license, COPIES. Copies of commissioners' bonds to be transmitted by clerks to auditor. When to be transmitted. Penalty on clerk for fiiilure. How many copies of commissioners' books to be made out. What to be done with copies, Of births, marriages and deaths, to be filed with auditor. Of hooks of births, &c. to be prima facie evidence, COUNTY LEVY. To be extended in commissioners' books. Compensation to commissioner for service. Penalty on commissioner for failing to perform duty in respect to county levy. Books not to be delayed from return and delivery, for that object, CORONERS. To keep record of deaths, Penalty for failing to register deaths, COURTS. Shall give certificate of merchant's character before permission is grant- ed to SHJI ardent spirits. May authorize commissioner to alter license. May revoke license to sell ardent spi- rits. To grant license to keep house of pri- vate enteriainnient and ordinaries. Discretionary power, 18 18 18 18 123 163 58 63 86 13 13 13 46 49 142 142 122 122 122 157 143 143 72 74 74 119 119 INDEX. 191 Refusal of license to be entered of record, 120 License thereafter not to be granted; exception, 120 May revoke license to ordinaries, 120 May grant license to bowling saloons, 120 Rlay revoke license thereto, 120 Power to remove commissioner, 17 CREDITS. Definition of term, 2G, 84 Taxes on, and what included therein, 84 What exempted, 28 Deposits in bank to be taxed as credits, 165 DAGUERREIAN ARTISTS. To pay a license tax, 60 Amount of tax to be paid, 94 Act interpreted by auditor, 176 License shall not extend beyond county, 175 To take oath not to pass small notes, 127 Penalty for failure to obtain license, C5 DEBTS. To be listed, Rale of tax. Nonresidents' debts to be taxed, DEEDS. 26 83 31, 166 List of deeds to be furnished commis- sioner, when, 13 Deeds of trust no bar to levy for taxes, 102 Not to be admitted to record until tax is paid, 114 DEED OF TRUST. Goods and chattels conveyed by deed of trust or mortgage, may be sold for taxes, Debts due to persons owing taxes, may be taken for payment, DECEDENTS' LANDS. How to be charged. Assets liable for taxes, DEDUCTIONS. In assessment on account of decay in buildings, If commissioner of reveime extend a loss tiX than the law requires, the amount omitted to be deducted from commissioner's compensation, 102 102 45 45 23 50 DELL\aUEx\TS. In license tax, to be certified by county court, 105 The sheriff to make out three classes of uncollected taxes: 1st, property not ascertainahle ; 2d, delinquent real estate; and 3d, delinquent per- sonal property, and all oilier sub- jects, 104 Lists to be alphabetical, 104 Form of list of real estate, 104 List to be advertised; verified by oath of sheriff and commissioner of the revenue, 105 To be exatnined by court, 105 Court being satisfied, to direct copies to be sent to auditor, 105 After return of lists, sheriff shall not receive taxes returned delinquent, 105 On license tax, how to be returned, 81 Lists of delinquents to be subu)itled to commissioner for his opinion, 106 Copies to he placed out for collection, 107 Auditor's instructions, 153 DENTISTS. Forfeiture for acting as such without license, To be listed for license tax. Amount of fax to be paid. To take oath not to pass small notes, Auditor's instructions, To obtain license to practice. Only re(juired to obtain license in one county, Penalty lor practicing without license, DISTILLERIES. To be listed if kept in operation four months, To he taxed if kept in operation for any length of time for distilling grain or fruit not produced by owners of, Tax on distilleries interpreted by audi- tor, Amount of tax to be paid. When license not required, Auditor's instructions, 65,77 60 94 127 175 CO 62 77 61 152 174 88 61 152, 174 79 79 102 DISTRESS. For taxes, when to be made, Wliat property liable to distress, Tenant's property liable; how, DISTRICTS. Commissioners elected for districts, 9 Commissioners' jurisdiction confined to, 12 Counties divided into, and how laid off, 12 192 INDEX. DIVIDENDS. Of savings hanks and insurance com- panies, taxed, 85 Amount of tux on, 85 EATING HOUSES. To obtain licenses, 58 Penalty lor failure, 63 ELECTIONS. To supply vacancies, 10 ENTERTAINMENT. Private, tax on license, 86 Public, tax on license, 86 ERRONEOUS ASSESSMENTS. County court may give relief, 54 Courts ordered to restrain (sheriff frotn collectitig taxes; shall compel him to refmiil the money, if not paid into the treasury, 55 If paid into treasury, what. 55 Erroneous assessment of license tax may be corrected by court in same manner as of land or personal pro- perty, 54 ERRORS. To be corrected, 47 ESCHEATOR. Commissioner to furnish to, list of all lands liable to escheat, 124 Lauds in actual possession for twenty years not liable to escheat, ]24 Commissioner to furnish lists, 124 ESTATES OF DECEDENTS. See Collateral inheritance. EXEMPTIONS FROM TAXATION. What real estate, 23 What personal propert}^ 26 Household and kiiclien furniture, 26 Fire engines and other property, 27 What incomes, 32 Incorporated joint stock companies, 33 Venders of quack medicines, when, 91 Who may sell without license. 61, 62, 63 Dealers in vehicles, when license not required, 61 On slaves prohibited, 175 Books, apparatus and furniture be- longing to colleges and incorporated academies, 26 Property of overfcers of the poor and orphan asylums, 27 Books, family portraits and pictures, 27 Agricultural productions, 27 Mineral productions, 27 All felled wood, 27 All fowls and animals not named, 27 (Capital invested in licensed trade, 27, 1.57 Farming implements, 27 Mechanics' tools, 27 Oysters and fisheries, 27 Property used in a licensed business, 28 EXHIBITION ROOMS. How taxed. 77 To obtain license, 60 Penalty for failure, 66 EXHIBITIONS OR SHOWS. Tax on license, What exhibition allowed without license, Free negro not to take part in show. Auditor's instructions. To obtain license, If contrary to town ordinances, not licensed. Penalty for failure to obtain license, EXPRESS COMPANIES. To make return to auditor, When and how, Tax on bu.-iness, Prohibited from doing business of a broker, To obtain license, Penalty for failure. Penally for failure to pay or report, When tax on transportation of bank notes not paid. FEES. How made out and collected, For making out books of former years, For issuing licenses, to be paid out of the treasury, Commissions for assessing and listing properly ; wlien forfeited, For assessing collateral inheritance, To commissioner of revenue, How taxed; auditor's iiisiruclions. Clerks' and sherilfs' fees, how taxed. For transfer of license, paid by party, FEES OF OFFICE. How ascertained, 92 62 63 174 60 62 65 94 95 95 95 60 66 95 95 51 53 78 52, 53 113 50,67 167 167 34 INDEX. 193 How taxed, FERRIES. Ferries atid toll-bridges, how valued, 33 How taxed, 8') Auditor's instructions, 163 FIDUCIARIES. Bonds held hy, to be faxed, 29 Auditor's instructions, 164 FINES. Against agents of foreign insurrincc companies, how disposed of, 134 Against coiriinissioncr for failure to perforin duties, 50 Against clerics and olher?, for making false returns of births, &c. 144 Against any person for false informa- tion in relation to births, &o. 144 FIRE ARMS. Are subjects of taxation, 173 FOREIGN INSURANCE COMPANIES. Agents to pay license, 59, 76 Penalty for faihire, 6-'), 76 Condition on which they may make contracts, 131 Agents to be of this state, 131 How power of attorney filed, 131 Vacancies in agency, 1312 Process, how served, 132 Penalty for violation of act, }?yi Who deemed an agent, 132 Returns nf agent to auditor, 132 Tax on premiums, 133 Penalty lor failure lo make return, 133 Bond requin.'d of agHUt, 133 Penalty lor agent acting illegally, 133 CoMimonwealih's attorney lo enforce net, 133 How fines disposed of 134 License tax to be in lieu of other tax, 134 Auditor's instructions, 152 FEOUR. When no license for sale of, required, 171 FORMS. Commissioner* to furnish tix payer wilh i)r()[ier forms of such lists and valiiaiions as prescribed liy law. When such tax payer shall fill up blanks and return the form to com- missioner or clerk. Form of oath of tax payers, 25 39 Of delinquentland returns, 104 Form of oath of shorifF, 104 Of tax payer's atiidavit, 39 Of commissioners' affidavit on their books, 46 Of clerks' certificate on commissioners' books, 48 Auditor's duly to furnish forms for land and property books. «fcc. 16 For births, marriages and deaths, 144 For license returns. 155 Of a(ii(hivits to license returns. 155 Of delinquent lists of lands, 104 Of .sherilis' atiidavit on delinquent lists, 104 Of commissioners' affidavit on delin- quent lists, 154 01' refunding order, 179 Of witness's allowance in case of felony, 180 Of witness's allowance in case of misdemeanor, 180- Of license to merchants, 180 Of receipt for same, 18.1. FRAME WORK. When brought into the slate to be put together, shall not be sold without license. GO Penalty for failure to obtain license, 65 FREE NEGROES. List to be returned by commissionei' to auditor, 128 Penally on commissioner for failing to report, 128 Tax fin free negroes, 145 Fund to be applied for ren^oval of, 146 Tax on, 84, 145 Information of, to be given to grand ju- ries. 123 Tax on seal for registration, to he charged. 145 Licenses not granted to free negroes to keep iui ordinary or sell ardent spirit.s, 58 FRUIT TREES, &c. When to obtain license for sale of, 59 When oxem()tfrnm license lax, 63 Penally for failure to obtain license, 64 GAMING. .4it ordinary and house of private en- tertainment prohibited, Permission to play, when presumed. Wlif'n not. Penally on tavern keeper hiring lo another any oiU-house for purposes of gaming. 121 121 121 121 194 INDEX ProsiiiDplion of law, 121 GOOD CHARACTER. Necessnry to oblJiin license to sell ar- l fiiini>hed, how information obtained, 4U HOUSES. Agents for renting, to obtain license, 60 ICE. Sale of northern ice prohibiied with- out license, INCOMES. 64,59 How to be listed, 32 What incomes exempt, 32,85 Tax on, K-. Of overseers, how and when taxed, 167 Of ofticers of government, tax on, how paid. 65 Of non-rosideriis. 28, 29, 166 Of members of the general assembly, taxed, 170 INCORPORATED .TOINT STOCK COMPANIES. Capital to be ascertained. What properly ext'inpied. How and when taxed. 33 33 165 INCORPORATED TOWNS. Defined with respect to revenue laws, 172 INSURANCE COMPANIES AND SAVINGS INSTITUTIONS. Not declarinfr dividends, how taxed, 3.3 Dt'clariiig dividends, how taxed. 33, 8.5 I'eiiahy lor violating revenue laws, 76 Rate of taxation on dividends, 85 Lists to be put at end of commission- er's properly buoU, 33 INTEREST. On arrears of taxes to be charged, 22 On public bonds, to be ascertained for taxation, 31 Tax on such interest, 84 On balances unpaid by sheriff, at what rale, 109 INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT COM- PANIES. Slaves hired by, where to be listed. 36 Solvent bonds, secntilies, &c. ascer- tained, 30 Real estate to be assessed as in other rases, 37 What properly exempt from taxation, 37 To report quarterly, and what to re- port, 35 VVIien partly in the slate, what to re- port, 3-5 Penalty for failure to report, 35 JOINT STOCK COxMPANIES. How listed, 33 JUDGMENTS. List of all judgments for lands to lie furnished by clerk to coniinissioner, when, 14 To be entered by clerk against Jheritf for taxes, wiibont notice, 80 Rendered wiiiioiit notice agsfinst she- ritf for licen>e lax, 80 For taxes a:;ainst person indebted to person .'Ksessed wilh taxes, 102 May lie by defmll, 103 May be delivered by any person to commissioner, 15 INDEX. 195 JURIES. Grand juries to he fiirnislied with lisl^ of persori-i vii>|.itiii;i revenue laws, 5G To be clviri;eil by aiioniey for llio coitirtioiiweMlih, to enquire into vio- luiiuns of revenue laws, 56 JURISDICTION. Cninmissinnor's jurisdiction confined to his district, 12, 163 LANDS. Conveyed, to bt; transferred by com- missioner, bow, 16 Regisier to certify grants to commis- sioner, l.j To bo cliarged to person to whom con- veyance or partition is made, 18 Lands becoming property of ditTerent owners, how assessed, 19 Mistakes in hind book lo be conected, 19, 101 Auditor's construction of this section, 161 But lands correctly charged to one per- son, shall not be traiijferred without evidence of record, 19, 161 When land to be charged on commis- sioner's hook to heir, 19 When to devisee, and wiien to dece- dent's estate, 19 If luml in one county is erroneously assessed in another, how to be en- tered in the proper county, 19 Lands l)iug pariiy in one county and partly in another, where lo be en- tered, 20 What buildings on land to be assessed, and what to be done, 20 Where laud lies in more than one county, and a part conveyed where assessed, what to bi; done, 20 Omitted patented lands to be entered, assessment tf) be made, and taxes lo be charged from date of patent, if issued since 1832. 20 Interest to be charged on arrears of taxes, 21 The 2-;ih section not to be construed to snliject bona fide purchasers to the arrears of taxes, nor to release forfeited lands, 21 Belonging to the commonwealth to be transmitted to auditor. 123 Taxes on, and what included therein, 83 Where mineral and surface titles exist, valu(! of each to be assessed by com- missioner, 117 Notice, «&c. 117 LAND BONDS. To be taxed as any other bonds, LAND BOOK. 158 Form to be prescribed by auditor, 24 Tracts of land to be enteri-d se|)arately, 24 What notes and other facts are to ap- pear ill table. 24, 25 How columns are to be added up, 45 Total amount of taxes and subjects of taxation to be entered at the end of the hook, 45 How to be compared, 47 Who to assist in examination, 47 Matters of diirerence, to be submitted to c'lmmoiiwealth's attorney, 4S Clerk's certificate lo be annexed to book, 48 What to slate, and form thereof, 48 Penahies on clerk for failure to exa- mine and certify books, 49 One copy of land and property books to be nUaiiieil by clerk. 49 List of commonwealth's lands to be transmitteil to auditor, 123 Auditor's instructions, 161 LAVVYCRS. To be listed for license tax, CO Amount of license tax to be paid, 94 To make oath not to pass sm di notes, 127 License not limited to one county, 6iJ LEATHER. Shall not be imported and sold without license, 171 Farmer may sell for neighbor without license, 171 LEVIES. To be extended in commissioner's books, 122 Books not to be delayed from return and delivery for that object, 157 LICENSE TAX. Who to obtain license, 58 Who exempt frorn license tax, 61 What license grimed for one year, and not transferable. 67 From what license no abatement is to be made, 68 What license to terminate at a par- ticiilir period, 63, 69 What license iran-jferable, and how, 69 When and bow license apportioned for part of the year, 69 196 INDEX. Persons pnyiiign licnTise for piirt of a yniir, \o pay specific i:ix next yo.ir, 71 License to ovvnnrH of Kliillions nnd j;ickiis.«R9 to begin at any titne ot' the yciir. but lo exjiire Ist January, C8 Classiiied list (o be tlcliveref! to she- rifl' iiml auditor, 77 Not <,'ranled to free negroes to sell ar- dent :;pirii.s, 58 List for auditor to be relumed on oath. 155 llow granted, 67, lot) What consiitntes a license. GO Retailers of" liquor, keepers of ordina- ries, private entertuinmeiil and bow- ling saloons, S6, 87 How tax refunded if license refused, 73 Who may sell without license, and wiiat, G3 Who lo obtain license ; commissioner to deliver certificate of the license to be obtained, CG Privileges not to be exercised without licenser TjS How tax determined on ordinaries, 5S Upon what principle houses not rented . to be asceriaiiied, 70 To keepers of oidiiiaries, 7(J Merchants, 71, lol To be obtained for each store, 71 Specifie tax, what, 71 For second year to be in proporliun to sales of previous year, 71 Appeal aiiovved lo merchants and oihers. 70, 72 If to include permission to sell spirits, what tax to be paid, 71, 72 Merchant to !)e of good character, 72 What to state, 73 If commission inerchant, what. 89 Court to authorize commissioner to alier license, 74 To whom payable, 70 When to be accounted for by sherifi', 79 Judiiment vviiiiont notice against she- riff for failure lo pay, SO To expire at April conif, 69, 151 How appoitioned part of the year, 6!) List of licenses to be returned to auditor, 78 When and what to specify, 78 When payable, 79 Delinqneuis returned, 81 When to be paid into the treasury, 79 What additional time given in certain cases, 107 When license may be transferred with- out leave of court, 70 On ordinaries and houses of public entertainment, 86, 151 On boarding houses. &c. 86 On cook ^!lops and eating-houses, 86 On dealers in malt liquors, 93 On stock brokers, 93 Wheu'license to expire, 69 Persons doing bnsines.^ willioul license, to be assessed four limes the amount of tax otherwise in)posed, 70 What deemed a s.-ile vviihout license, GO Not granted to sell goods on board of vessel. 74 Penally for making siicii sale, 74 Oath not to pass small notes required before license can be granted, 127 LIMITATIONS. Of conn's power lo correct erroneou.^ assessments, 54 When court's order lo be presented to auditor, 55 LiaUOR. If made by the producer ont of his own fruit or grain, not to be taxed to the manufacturer, 61 If not so manufactured, tax to bs paid, Gl Penalty for selling wi'.hont license, (''4 License may be revoked, 74 Merchants to sell, what tax, 89 Oath to be taken by ordinary keeper, 127 Oath by merchant, 127 Penalty for selling without a license, 74 LISTS. Of deeds of conveyance, to be certified to commissioner, 13 Of judgments, decrees and partitions, the same, 14 Any person inay procure statement of judgment for commissioner, 15 What property to be listed for taxation, 25, 37 Persons and slaves to be ascertained and classified, 29 Incomes to be listed, 32 How to list money and bonds, 31 Capital where no license is required. 34 Slaves hired by internal improvement companies, 33, 36 Of taxable subjects and levies, how pro- cured, 37 To have reference lo 1st day of Febru- ary , 31, 38 If person be absent from home, how list obtained, 39 Wiih whom notice left, 39 Within what time and how list to be made ont, 40 Lists of licenses evidence against she- riffs, 79 Lists of licenses to be returned to audi- tor, 78 When, and what to specify, 78 When payable, 79 Voters lo be listed by commissioner, 135 IXDEX. 197 To show the district in which voter re- sides, 135 How many lists to be made out, 135 To whom returnable, ]35 Lists of voters to be given to commis- sioners of elections, 137 Such list priuiu facie evidence of right to vole, 137 Evidence UKiy be rebutted, 137 Lists of land belonging to common- wealtli, transmitted to aiaditor, 123 Omitted lists, how charged, 44 Lists of delinquents to be sent out by auditor for collection, 106 LIVERY STABLES. To obtgiin license, 58 Wliat deemed a livery stable, 61 LOTS. To be assessed at the same rate as land in the country, 24 What to be siiovvn in table of town lots, 25 Buildings omitted by the assessor, to be added, 22 MALES. AV'hite, nnuiber to be ascertained, 30 Tax on, 84 MANUFACTURING OR OTHER MILLIS. Value of machinery to be assessed, 23 MAPS. Sale prohibited without license, 64 MECHANICS. If resident of the stale not required to obtain license to exhibit their ovv-ii work, 62 Quack, &c. license, MEDICINES. not to be sold without MENAGERIE. To obtain license, Tax on license. Auditor's instructions. MERCHANDISE. To obtain license to sell, Wha"t included as, 59 60 93 174 Goods exchanged not prohibited, CI If man ufuc lured in the state by the seller, exempt, 63 MERCHANTS. Prohibited from selling goods without license, 59 License must V,e for each store, 71 Shall for the first year pay a specific tax, 71 No change of name, &c. to be consi- dered as commencing busines.-!, 71 For second year, tax to be in propor- tion to pp.les of previous year. 71 In case of disagreement as to amount of sale, merchant may appeal, 70, 72 If license include permission to sell ardent spirits, what tax to be paid, 72, 8G Must be certified to be of good cha- racter before permission will be granted, 72 License, what to state, 73 Tax on license, 88, lo2 When tax proportioned to sale, 71 If privilege includes license to sell li- quor, lax, what, 72 To continue business, what, 71 Merchant tailors and other trades and callings, simil.irly taxed, 59 Tax on con)niission merchants and to- bacco auctioneers, S9 If goods were imported, a deduction allowed, " 72 Auditor's instructions as to their rights, 151 How far exempt from taxation, 32 Auditor's instruciions, 151 Merchant to render statement on oath of the amount of bis sales, 72 Removing, may have license altered, 74 MERCHANT TAILORS. Not to sell without license, 59 Penalty for selling without a license, 65 MILLS. Mill sites, how taxed, IGl MILL TAX. When paid. 35 Proceedings to be had when company failed lo pay such tax, 36, 97 MINERALS. Tax on to be apiiorlioned between owner of minerals and owner of surface, Couiniissioner to determir/e value of. Redress for persons aggrieved by such assessment. Notice to be given, 117 117 117 117 198 INDEX. MINISTERS. Ddiics ill rfg:ir(l to biillis, miirriages iiinl (ItNilli-i, Willi to set forth in their record, Peii.illy ("or iioii coiiipliMiire, Pen-ilty lor iiiukiiig fuUe entry of hirilis. &c. Incomes exempt from tax, MINORS. Listing minors, how, MISTAKES IN LAND BOOK. Commissioner to correct miritukes in land l.ooU. ID, 47 Land correclly ciiarped to one person, i-liali not be allerwards Ir.insferred to another, without evidence of re- cord, ]!) 13-^ 144 32 176 MONEY. Definition of term. Who to fist money deposited to the credit of a suit. Money belonging to internal improve- ment companies, how taxed, Taxerf on profits. What, Of nonresidents, how taxed. As cajiilal employed, Money iransmitied to auditor, Money sent into other states. 31, 30, 2C 2<) 3.-) •26 llili ]()!) 149 NEGROES. Tax on free negroes, List to he returned by commissioner to anditor. Penally for filling to report. Fund to be applied for removal of, NEW BUILDINGS. Newly erected buildings to be assessed, At what rate. If unlit for use, not to be assessed, If incrensed in value by addition, to be assessed, ' If from decay or oilier cause, the build- ing be destroyed or reduced below $10(1, iis value to be deducted from assessment. Auditor's instructions, 14o 123 14U 23 W2 NEW COUNTY. Court's jurisdiction before organization of new county, 223 After organization, 125 Taxes aii(J levies asseised before time of holding court, how collected, 125 Powers of olliccrs of old county, Jib Auditor's constrtiction of law, )56 Commoiiweallh's lands in, 126 NON-RESIDENTS' DEBTS. Debts to be listed and taxed, 31, 166 NOTARY PUBLIC. Penalty for failure to report to auditor, 115 Not to receive any money from llif- trea- sury until he renders account of taxes, anil pays the same, 115 When the money received by him i.s payable, ] 16 OATHS. Of commissioner of revenue, 46 (Commissioners may administer oaths, 38 Answers to questions of commissioners to be on oath, 33 Form of oath of lax payer, 39 Auditor's iiistrnelions, 173 Required of all persons obtaining li- censes, not to pass small notes, 127 OLD BUILDINGS. Value of old buildings omitted by asses- sor to be assessed, 22 ir increased in value, to be assessed, 22 If from decay or other cause, the build- ing be destroyed or reduced below $100, its value to be deducted from assessment, 22 OMITTED TAXES. On lands, how entered and taxed, On personal property, how taxed. 20, 160 44 ORDINARIES AND HOUSES OF PRI- VATE ENTERTAINMENT. To be taxed according to their yearly value, 86 If not rented, how to be ascertained, 70 Persons diss.itisfied with valuation, may appeal to court, 70 Who deemed to keep an ordiuiiry, 119 Ordinary licens- includes permission to sell ardent sjiiriis. 74 Who deemed lo keep a house of private enteriainment, 119 License to be granted by court, 119 Discretionary power of court, 119 Refusal ol' license to be entered of re- cord, 120 INDEX. 199 Lux'iipe itipreaftcr not to be giniiled; ex- cefiiiDii, 120 What lo be kept in ordinaries for travel- ers, 120 Where drinU may be kept, 1'2U ir Against brokt^rs, (55 .Against demists. 65 .Against owners of stallions and jack- asses, GG, 77 For exhibiting sho»vs, &c wiihonl lic(!nsc, 65 On commissioners, for failing to per- form their duties, 50 For fraiululeiit entry of voter by com- mi—ioner, 136 On ministers, fipr non compliance with registration act. ]39 Against coroner, for failure to keep re- gister of deaths. 143 On heads of families, for failing to give iiilormation lo commi.-sioner of births and deaths, 143 On commis.-ioner, (or failing to obtain inforniaiion rf'sjieciing luilhs. iS;c. 143 On commissioni-r for ("ailing to relurii books to clerk of court, .'jO On commissioner, (or making false entry, 22. 50 On pli\sician, for making false entry of birihs, 144 On mini>ier, tor making false entry of hirihs, iVc. 144 (.)ii coroner, for making false entry of births, cV:c. 144 On heads of fimilies for giving false informaiioii, J44 On foreign insurance companies, for failing to maUe return, )33 On agents of forei^'ii insurance com- panies, for acting wiihoiit law, 133 200 INDEX. On internal improvemenf, for fuiline to report, For violaiinn of the act re1:iling to fw- rnign insurance coinpiinies, On baniis, for failing to report to auditor, On banks, for failing to certify that no dividend has been declared, On conin)i.->-ioner, for failure to return list of licenses, On personal representative, fur failing to comply with act respecting estates of decedents, On officer, for failing to report w^rit lax to auditor, On commissioner, for failing to deliver books to successor or make the co- pies required. On secretary of the commonwealth, for failitig to report to auditor, On notary public, for failing to report to auditor, For all violation of the -revenue laws not specially named, On comnjissioner, for failing to extend county levy. On commissioner, for failing to return list of free negroes to auditor. For gaming at ordinary or house of private entertainment. On keeper of ordinary, for gaming at out house, Presumption of law. For following a licensed occupation without obtaining a license, For violating license law, On rail roads omitting to report pas- sengers and pay lax. On express con)panies failing to report to auditor. On commissioner, for fiiilure to give bond. On commissioner, for failing to comply with requirements of 3t)th section. On clerks, for failure to make out list of deeds, &c. for commissioner, On owner of land, for failing to enter correctly, ^ PERIODICALS. When published in this state no li- cense required for sale of, Tax on resident dealer in. Tax on non resident dealer in, PERSONAL PRIVILEGE. License a personal privilege, and not transferable, 35 132 111 112 78 113 115 47 115 115 G6 122 123 121 121 121 70 C6 97 95 13 21 14 22 G8 Penally for making false entry of births, &".. 144 Tax on license, 94 To taice oath not to pass small notes, 127 Not to practice without license, GO Only required to obtain license in one county, G2 Penalty for practicing without license, G5 PORTER, ALE AND BEER. Included in license to sell ardent spirits, G2 Penalty for vending v»-ithout license, G4 PRINTS. When pnblisiied in this state, no license required for sale of 62 Tax on resident dealers in. 91 Tax on non-resident dealers in, 91 PRIVATE BONDS. How to be taxed, 31 Auditor's instructions, 164 PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT. Keeper of, to pay license tax, 58 Penally for failure. G3 Penalty for gaming at house of, 121 Permission to play presumed, 121 Presumption of law, 121 PROFIT. Sale of horses for, Sale of slaves for. 59,64 59 PHYSICIANS. Shall keep books, and make record of deaths, 142 PROPERTY. Who to list property, 23 What property to be listed by agent, 29 Persons and slaves to be ascertained, 30 All ()roperty not expressly exempt, sub- ject to taxation, 57 Tax on, and what included therein, S3 PROPERTY BOOK. How made, 41 Public fax, how extended, 45 PUBLIC BONDS. Interest to be faxed, 84 No deduction from tax on account of what the holder owes, 164 QUACK MEDICINES. Specific tax not to be assessed, if the INDEX. 201 person vending it be a merchant paying a tax, 91 Tax on license for sale of, 91 Not to be sold without license, 59 RAIL ROADS. Companies to report travel on their roads, 97 Penally for failure, 97 Tax on passengers in lieu of other taxes, 97 Tax on freights. 97 When exempt from tax on lands, 97 Penalty for failure to pay tax, 97, 3G Employees, how taxed, 167 What land may be taxed, 37 REAL ESTATE. What included as, 83 Tax on real estate, 83 How omitted lauds to be taxed, 20, 160 RECEIVERS OF COURTS, &c. How to list moneys and bonds, 34 How moneys under control of, to be taxed, 29 Moneys, bonds and debts in their hands to be taxed, 3'1 REDRESS. Against erroneous assessment, REFRESHMENTS. 54 To sell in theatre, to obtain license, 60 Penalty for failure, 65 REGISTER OF LAND OFFICE. To certify grants of lands to coramis- 15 sioner, REHEARING. On judgment without notice, 80 RESIDENCE. Is it essential for purposes of taxation, 171 REVOCATION. By court of ordinary license. Penalty for selling after, REVENUE. Oa other than licenses when payable, 107 26 On licenses, when, See Time. SAILING VESSELS. To be listed and taxed, SALARIES. To he taxed as income. Rate of lax. Of overseers, how taxed, Of rail road employees, how taxed. Auditor's instructions. Of officers of government, tax on, how paid, SALES OF HORSES. Prohibited without license, Penalty for selling without license, Tax on, when brought into this state, Sales of, on commission ; tax, 79 175 85 167 167 107 85 59 64 98 98 SALES OF PERSONAL PROPERTY. Contracts construed with reference lo taxes, 173 SALES OF SLAVES. Prohibited without license, 59 Penally for selling without license, 64 License for sales of, on cunjmission; tax, 98 SALT WORKS. Salt wells not buildings, so as to be added to or deducted from valua- tion of land, 163 SAMPLE MERCHANTS. Proiiibiled from selling without license, 59 Tax on license, 90 SAMPLES. Sales by sample of fruit trees, Selling goods by sample, SAVINGS BANKS. 59 90 Shares in, how taxed, Wlien capital is to be taxed, Dividends taxed, 83, 85, 165 165 85 SEALS. Tax on, Exemptions, 96 96 '202 INDEX. SECRETARY OF COMMONWEALTH. Penalty for fiiiliiig to report taxes received, 115 How often recoverable, 115 ishiill not r(^ceivc :uiy money from the tieasnry until account is ren- dered and money paid, 115 When the money received by him is payable, 115 SHERIFFS. To collect commi>"sioncrs' tickets, 51 Re.str.nned from collecting taxes, how, Go May distrain immediately for amount of license tax, 79 May sell on ten days' notice, 79 How sherilf to account to auditor, 79 His commissions and insolvents to be allowed, 106 License tax to be received only upon certificate of commissioner showing assessment; 79 All taxes !o he collected by sheriffs and sergeants, 100 V/hen to commence, 100 When he may distrain for taxes, 101 When a justice may give authority to distrain. 103 When distress shall not be made, 101 Any goods and chattels liable to dis- tress, 101 Tenants liable for taxes, if on leased premises, 102 Restriction, what, 102 \Vhcre land lying in two counties, the collector may distrain in either, 102 No d.-ed of trust shall prevent dis- tress or sale, 102 Debts due to persons owing taxes, may be taken for payment, 102 Tax a lien on such debt, 103 Judgment by default may be given for such tax(!8, 103 If debtor appear, to be examined on oath, 103 The tenant who pays taxes shall have credit out of the rents, 103 Taxes paid by a fiduciary shall be refunded out of such e, 77 Auditor's instructions, 176 Owner to pay license tax in one county only, 63 INDEX. 203 May transfer license with sale of, 68 Name to be given in license, 68 License to uvvners to begin at any lime of the year, but expire the 1st of January, Owners to obtain license, Penalty for failure, 66, Tax on license, Tax not to be less than $10, Auditor's instruction?, ] STATE BONDS. Interest to be taxed, 84 No deduction from tax on account of what holder owes, 164 Tax on, by corporations and counties restricted, 118 STATEMENT OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY. To be mnde out in the form prescribed by auditor, What included in forms, STOCK BROKERS. License tax on. See Broiiers. SUITS. Original, tax on. If appeal, writ of error, &c. If in court of appeals, SUPERSEDEAS. Right of auditor to appeal from deci- sion of court. TANNERY. Owner of, cannot import ieatlier manu- factured out of state, and sell without license, Farmer may sell leather for neighbor, TAXATION, &c. On lands. What included therein. On personal property, moneys and credits. What included and what exempted, Slaves over 12 years, Who included. Free negroes, White males, Profits on public bonds. Dividends of savings banks and insu- rance companies, 171 171 On incomes, 85 Toll bridges and ferries, 85 Licenses, how granted, 66 Ordinaries and public entertainment, 8G Boarding-houses, «S:c. 86 Cook shops and eating houses, 86 Dealers in malt liquors, 93 Stock brokers, 93 Brokers, 93 Foreign insurance agencies, 93 Specific taxes on merchants, 88 When tax in proportion to sales, 88 Liquor license on beginners, 89 To continue business, 89 Other trades and callings similarly taxed, 89 Commission merchants, tobacco auc- tioneers and ship brokers, 89 Anclioneeis, 90 Scale of license in towns, 90 Merchants, &c. importing goods, al- lowed a reduction, 72 Sellers of goods by sample, 90 Quack medicines, - 91 Book agents and print sellers, 91 If non-residents, 91 Renting houses and hiring negroes, 91 Di.-tilleries. 87 Livery stables, 87 Stallions, &fc. 91 Limit to tax, 92 Theatre, 92 Refreshments in theatre, 92 Exhibition rooms, 92 Shows, 92 Circuses, 93 Menageries, 93 Billiard tables, 87 r^ovvling alleys, 87 Physicians, &c. 94 Daguerreotypists, 94 Bank dividends, 95 vSuits in the several courts, 95 Seals of courts, notaries or state, 9C Exemptions, 96 Bounty warrants (see Cod3, p. 216), 96 Deeds, wills and administrations, &c. 96 When licenses expire, 63.. 69 If for part of a }ear, 69 Bagatelle table, 87 Real estate auctioneers, 90 Patent rights, 91 Express companies, 94 Horses, mules, &c. ~ 98 Carriages and other vehicles, 98 Slaves sold on commission, 93 Who may pay taxes to auditor, and when, 101 On moneys. &c. sent into other states, 30,1(36 Erroneous assessments, • 54, 55 Persons doing business without license, 70 Rail road and canal companies to re- port travel, , 97 Penalty for failure, ' 97 Tax on passengers and freights, 97 204 INDEX. Exempt frotn tax on |)ropcrtv, Ilecei|il,s ()(' express cdinpunies, Tax ilieri!(iii, Priiliil)iled iVom doing business of a broUer, TAX TAYERS. To be furnished with forms, PeiiMlty (or refusing to exhibit property to ciimitiissioiior for vahiatioii, Taxes oiniitKd one yeir, shall be en- tered on books of next year, with interest, TENANTS. Property lial)lo to distress for taxes, liovv. To have credit out of rents, TERMS OF OFFICE. Of sheriffs, when to commence, Commissioners of the revenue, when to cdUMiicnce, Jusiices of the peace and other offi- cers, wlien to conmience, Clerks of courts and surveyor^ (six years), Auditor's instructions, THEATRES. How taxed. Tax on theatrical performances. Tax on refreshments tiierein. Tax on proprietor of public room, used for exliibilions. Tax on public shows, Penalty for fiilure lo obtain license. Tax on shows asid exhibitions, Tax on licenses to circuses and mena- geries, To obtain license, TIME. When cominis'=ioners of revenue are elected (-lib Thursday in May), Acts 1857-8, v^ (>2. p. 28, Terms of office (two years). Act3 18.-)7-8, »J G-2, p. 28, For commencing assessments (1st of Febru.iry), ]0, 37, Of qualification (GO days after election), Of delivery of books to clerks (1st June), • Of delivery of books to sheriff (I5th June), Of delivery to auditor (1st August), When licenses expire generally (.►\pril court), in2 102 9 10 10 10 147 77 92 92 92 92 65 92 93 60 10 147 10 143 148 148 When lists of licenses to be delivered to sheriff (every 15 days), 77 When license return to be made to auditor (twice each year — lOlh May and ujonlh of Septemlu-r), 78 When license lax i-i payable by sheriff (20ih May), and when other reve- nue is payable, 79, 107 To return births and deaths (1st August), 142 For clerks to return register of mar- riages (1st March), 142 For clerks to return births, &c. (1st August), 142 To distrain for taxes, 101 To distrain for license taxes (imme- diately), 79 For foreign insurance companies to report (1st Monday October and May), 132 For clerks, &c. to pay writ tax (15th December), 115 When taxes on land and property paya- ble (three fourths 15th Dejember, one- fourth 15th March), 107, 149 Additional time allowed for distance, 107 TOLL-BRIDGES AND FERRIES. How valued, 33 Tax on yearly rent or value, 85 Auditor's instructions, 163 TOWNS. Defined with respect to revenue laws, 172 TOWN LOTS. ; To be assessed at the same rate paid for land in the country, 24 What is to be shown in table of town lots, 25 How columns of figures are to he added up ; total amount of taxes and subjects of taxation lo be entered at end of book, 45 Duildings omitted by the assessor, to be added, 22 VALUES. Of lands, how ascertained, 20, 160 Of property to be listed and assessed, Ii! c;lse of controversy, how decided. When tax payer released from obliga- tion to make valuation. When commissioner not satisfied with Valuation, how it is made, VESSELS. 69 To be listed and taxed, 38 38 40 40 175 INDEX. 205 Captains of, prohibited from selling wood without license, VOTERS. 60 Commissioners of revenue to list whom, 135 Lists to show district in which voter resides, To whom list returnable. How many lists made out, Where only a portion of an election district lies within his district, how to act, Names omitted in lists, how to be en- tered, and when, Compensation of commissioner, what, and how paid, Penalty for fraudulent entry by com- missioner, By the person listed. Lists given to commissioner of elec- tion, when. Lists to be prima facie evidence of right to vote, Pay of clerk, Evidence may be rebutted. Persons offering to vote in a district in which they do not reside. Evidence of qualification required, 135 135 135 135 136 136 136 136 137 137 137 137 137 137 WAGONS, &c. Not to be sold without license, 59 When manufactured out of this state, tax on, 98 WOOD AND LUMBER. When sale of, not prohibited, 62 WOOD, COAL AND LUMBER MERCHANTS. To obtain license, 65 Penalty for failure, 65 WRIT TAX, &c. What, and to whom payable, 114 In what case is to be charged, 114 Deeds not to be admitted to record till taxes paid, Il4 Will not be admitted to probate till taxes paid, 115 Letters of administration shall not be granted till taxes paid, 115 Exception, 115 Clerks of courts to make out accounts of, when, 115 To be sworn to and transmitted to au- ditor, 115 Penalty on officer for failing to render account, 115 Penalty against notary public for fail- ure to report, 115 How recovered, 115 Taxes on process, 96 f,*^'"'^ L 005 963 264 6 UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 001 156 316