♦:fi5^ w^m & Jf*^. ^^ v:^..^;^ ^ViNJ V <.'-<- Itl:-*; ^^^^fes^ ■" '-e ^ ^ivV ^^&r--- P^fela^^H^^S^^^'^*^ 40f^ ■i^^^H^B^B!^^^^' .^21^''' *^ ■ ,;■- ■^i; '''^i^^-ii^-'^gS' jrg^>,' nj- *f YEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY! CONTRIBUTION^ TOWARDS A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ECONOMIC BOTANY, WITH A COMPREHENSIVE SUBJECT-INDEX. BENJAMIN DAYDON JACKSON, SECRETARY OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. FOUNDED VPON THE COLLECTIONS OF GEOEGE JAMES SYMONS, F.R.S. C/ ^ LONDON : PUBLISHED FOR THE INDEX SOCIETY By LONGMANS, GEEEN & Co., 39, PATERNOSTER ROW, And DULAU & Co., 37, SOHO SQUARE. MDCCCLXXXII. HERTFORD : PRINTKD BY 6TKPHEN AXJSTIM AND SONS. CONTENTS. PREFACE PAGES vii-xii VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY:— Part I. — Catalogue of Authors . 1-215 Serials 217-219 AiTONYMous Publications 221-239 Addenda 241-257 Part II. — Index 259-354 COPRIGENDA 355 f/mB765 PREFACE. The history of this volume is as follows. In tlie Colonies and India for Sept. 13tli, 1879, Mr. G. J. Symons pub- lished a catalogue of works on Applied Botany, having previously contributed a letter to that periodical urging the compilation of such a catalogue. The same journal for Novem- ber 22nd, 1879, contained an appendix consisting of the former list, with large accessions by Mr. P. L. Simmonds. Mr. Symons having added a few additional titles to the list, it was offered to the Index Society for publication, and I undertook to edit it. The work served excellently as a supplement to a journal, but required much labour before it could be considered fit for publication in a permanent form. I began by striking out colonial floras of purely botanical aspect, they having been far more fully dealt with in my Guide to the Literature of Botany, I also deleted all books devoted to Silk and Cochineal, as not being strictly within the limits of the title as settled by the Index Society ; and most reluctantly the subject of the Vine, its culture and products, simply on the ground of its enormous extent. The bibliography of the Yine in all its bearings would require a lifetime for its compilation ; I did not attempt to take up the subject myself: in the Index I VIU PREFACE. have made some references to works which will help inquirers on their way, but the nineteen treatises which were cited in the original list were many of them only of gardening interest. I have excluded books and papers of simply horticultural, therapeutic, chemical, commercial, or manufacturing interests, unless they contained a sufl&cient account of the raw pro- duct, its cultivation, or whence obtained, to justify their citation. Mr. Symons supplied me with about sixty cuttings from catalogues not incorporated with his lists. I checked these where possible, against the volumes themselves either at the British Museum, Linnean Society, Kew Museum, or else- where ; if I could not find any trustworthy record, I rejected them unhesitatingly. I was compelled to examine every title without exception, for too great trust had apparently been placed on the catalogues whence they were obtained for me to reprint them. Many of the original entries were too imperfect to be retained ; those which I could not supplement or correct were mostly struck out ; a few, however, are still left in, but marked with an asterisk, to signify that I am in no wise responsible for their accuracy. I cannot here refrain from expressing my great regret that Mr. Simmonds should have contented himself with giving so many maimed entries from pamphlets in his own possession under the heading * Anonymous ' publications ; a trifling amount of addi- tional trouble would have made them quotable or recog- nizable. In addition to examining the titles furnished me, I have added all I could conveniently within the time; but a com- plete bibliography of Economic Botany would need the labour of years. I have gone through the Library attached to the PREFACE. IX Economic Museum at Kew, the Bihliotheca Historico-Naturalis from 1862 to 1880, the Botanisches Centralhlatt since its establishment last year to the present time, The Pharmaceutical Journal from its formation in 1842 to the end of October last. Mr. H. B. Wheatley was kind enough to furnish me with the titles of articles in the Journal of the Society of Arts to the end of 1880, since then I have taken them out myself. Taken altogether, these entries supply a very fair starting- point for almost every question in Yegetable Technology ; the number of articles brought forward from the original list is 326, which has been increased, as noted, to 3580, exclusive of translations and different editions. One peculiarity of the old list was its paucity of works in the German language; this has been to some extent remedied in the present volume, as a book which professed to treat of forestry and ignored German literature on the subject, would be sadly deficient. The Journal of Applied Science and The Technologist have not been regularly searched and cited, like the Journal of the Society of Arts and The Pharmaceutical Journal; for whilst confidence may be reposed in the statements given in these two latter journals, I could not confidently assert the same of the two former. I have endeavoured to meet the wants of inquirers by compiling a comprehensive index. This not being an element- ary work on applied botany, I have not attempted the task of determining the various products which appear under the native names, sometimes in different spelKngs ; to have done so critically would have consumed months to very little purpose. The Index is designed to help in finding the books on a given subject, which are distributed under the authors* names, and more than this should not be demanded ; a directory does this X PREFACE. for persons, without trying to define the mutual afiinities of those bearing the same name. It is hardly necessary to insist upon the need of searching all entries likely to give the information sought; thus, if an inquirer do not find his wants satisfied when referring to ' Materia Medica,' he should look up cognate headings, such as * Drugs* and 'Medicinal Plants.' I should have been glad to include a complete series of references to consular reports, also the selections of Indian papers bearing on Vegetable Technology, but I found I could not attain even approximate completeness therein. Consular reports are often quoted in The Pharmaceutical Journal^ whence they are cited here, and a good series of the Indian selections is to be found in the Library Catalogue of the Royal Geographical Society. These publications are often regarded as ephemeral, and the department responsible for their issue rarely has a complete set. Parliamentary papers have not been quoted in full, for in the majority of cases their value is commercial or manu- facturing; in the Index, however, I have made references to suggest paths which may be followed up by those who want more than I have given. The formulae ^ Refer to^ and * Refer also to' signify something outside this volume, whilst ^8ee' and ' See also ' are ordinary cross-references. The rules of the Index Society are followed in their spirit, the article preceding a name being used in the alphabetical arrangement, so that *De YrijV and similar Dutch names, figure under the article, with a cross-reference from the sub- stantive following. As in the Guide to the Literature of Botany f modified vowels and diphthongs are spelled out, a, o, ii, becoming ae, oe, ue, and so forth. PREFACE. XI The heading * Anonymous Publications ' has been much altered from its original shape. In the former list there were several entries which have been here reduced to their proper authorship ; others have been excluded by the change of plan ; many were too hopelessly defective to be here given. The system of cataloguing anonymous books at the British Museum is an excellent method of drafting off such ware into the Library, but it gives almost no assistance to the searcher. In some cases it is not enough to know all that the book itself states, as where a medical tract by John Pechie is entered under Sir John Mickleth waiters name, because f Pechie addressed his pamphlet ** To the President of the College of Phisitians," and the cataloguer having taken the pains to find out who was President of the College for the time being, entered it under his name. The Old General Catalogue, with its common-sense entries, is far more useful for hunting up these books than the New General Catalogue, with its elaborate system of rules. The abbreviations used will, I believe, in every case be recog- nized without giving a tabular statement — 'Pharm. Journ* for Pharmaceutical Journal, and so on. In this, as in Mr. Solly's Index to . , . Titles of Honour, and my Ouicle to the Literature of Botany, the sign — > is used to signify ' in progress ' ; many of the abbreviations I was compelled to use in my Guide to the Literature of Botany are not used here, as I have been able to quote the titles fully, any omissions in the middle being shown by dots . . . , at the end by etc. During the progress of the work I have been indebted to many friends for help on special points, for which I here tender my hearty thanks ; but I must especially name Mr. C. G. Wamford Lock for much help afforded throughout, and Xll PREFACE. for supplying many titles of papers and books wliicli I should otherwise have missed. In spite of inevitable shortcomings, I believe that this volume will prove to be of greater use than its predecessors on the same topics. Dryander*s Catalogue of the Banksian Library, which is arranged most minutely as to subject, and the systematic portion in both editions of Pritzel's Thesaurus, are less convenient for reference than the one alphabetic index which closes this book. B. DAYDON JACKSON. 30, Stockwell Road, London, S.W., ilth December, 1881. VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. PART I. CATALOGUE OF AUTHORS.' //^ Abbat (Richard). Observations on Hemileia vastatrix, the so-called coffee-leaf disease. Journ. Linn. Soc, Botany, xvii. (1878) 173-184. Abl {J)r. —.). On the use of Coca leaves. [From The Technologist.'] Pharm. Journ. II. vii. (1865) 33-34. Ablett (William H.). English Trees and Tree-planting. London, 1880. 8". AccuM (Frederick). A Treatise on adulterations of food, and culinary poisons, ex- hibiting the fraudulent sophistications of . . . articles em- ployed in domestic economy, and methods of detecting them. London, 1820. 12°. Ed. 2. 1820. 8°. AcHAED (Franz Carl). Ausfuehrliche Beschreibung der Methode, nach welcher bei der Kultur der Runkelruebe verfahren werden muss. Berlin, 1799. 8°. Anleitung zur Bereitung des Rohzuckers und des Syrups aus den Eunkelrueben. Berlin, 1800. 8^ Beantwortung der Frage : wie ist die Zuckerfabrication aus Eun- kelrueben und des Branntweins aus den dabei abfallenden Abgaengen in den Preuss. Staaten zu bearbeiten, damit die koenigl. Accis-Gefaelle nicht dadurch bedenkliche Ausfaelle leiden? Berlin, 1800. 8°. Kurze Geschichte der Beweise, welche ich von der Ausfuehrbarkeit im Grossen und den vielen Yortheilen der Zuckerfabrikation aus Runkelrueben gefuehrt habe. Berlin, 1800. 8**. Anbau der zur Fabrikation anwendbaren Runkelrueben, und zur Gewinning des Zuckers aus denselben. Breslau, 1803. 8°. Nachricht ueber die Runkelruebenzuckerfabrikation zu Kunern in Schlesien, welcher beglaubte Proben der Haupt- und Neben- Fabrikate, etc. Breslau, 1805. 8°. 4 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. AcHARD (Franz Carl), continued : — Ueber den Einfluss der Runkelrueben-Zuckerfabrikation auf die Oekonomie. Glogau, 1805. 8°. Die europaeische Zuckerfabrikationaus Runkelrueben, in Verbind- ung mit der Bereitung des Branntweins, des Bums, des Essigs und eines Kaffee-Surragats aus ihren Abfaellen. Leipzig, 1809. 8°. Ed. 2. 1812. [Transl. by Dr. — . Angar.] Traite complet sur le sucre europeen de betteraves, culture de cette plante consideree sous le rapport agronomique et manufacturier. Paris, 1812. 8°. Die Zucker- und Syrup-Fabrikation aus Runkelrueben, als ein von jedem Gutsbesitzer mit Yortheil auszufuebrender N^eben- zweig des oekonomischen Erwerbes. Breslau, 1810, 8°. Ed. 2. 1812. [Transl. by Dr. — . Angar.] Instruction sur la fabrication du Sucre et sirop de betterave. Paris, 1811. 8°. Adeiani (A.). On Gutta Percha, Caoutchouc, and the Milky Juice of Ficus elastica. [From the Central Blatt.'] Pharm. Journ. sl. (1851) 646-549. Agttew (Ernest T.). The Economic Uses of Malvaceae. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 82. Agfado (Ramon Romualdo). Tratado del arbolista teorico y practico, . . . y una relacion por orden alfabetico de las plantas arboreas que mas abundan en los cultivos europeas y en nuestra peninsula. Madrid, 1864. 8°. Aguiae (J. M. de). The botanical source of Araroba. [Andira Araroba, Aguiar. Abstract.] Pharm. Journ. III. x. (1879) 42-44. Ahles (W.). Unsere wichtigeren Giftgewaechse mit ihren pflanzlichen Zerglie- derung und erlaeut. Text, etc. 3. . . . Auflage von. M. Ch. F. Hochstetter's Giftgewaechse Deutschlands und der Schweiz. Esslingen, 1874-6. fol. AiNSLiE (Whitelaw). Materia medica of Hindostan, and artisan's and agriculturist's nomenclature. Madras, 1813. 4°. Materia indica ; or some account of those articles which are em- ployed by the Hindoos, and other eastern nations, in their medicine, arts, and agriculture, etc. London, 1826. 2 vols. 8". ACHARD — AMERY. 5 AiTCHisoN (James Edward Tierney). Hand-book of the Trade Products of Leh, etc. Calcutta, 1874. 8°. Alberti (R.) Zweiter und dritter Bericht ueber die Thaetigkeit der Yersuchs- station des land- und forstwirthscbaftlicben Provinzial-Yereins fuer das Furstenth. Hildesheim. Celle, 1875. 8°. Albertus [de Bollstaedt, sfyled~\ Magnus. Ausfuehrlicbes Kraeuterbucb, oder gruendliche Beschreibung aller heilwirkenden Pilanzen, Kraeuter und Gestraeuche mit genauer Angabe ihrer Yerwendung, Kraefte und Wirkungen. Reutlingen, 1871. 16^ Alefeld (Friedrich, ne LECHDErNTGHArsEx). Die Bienen-Plora Deutschlands und der Scbweiz. Darmstadt, 1856. 8". Ed. 2. ]S"euwied, 1863. Landwirthschaftliche Elora, oder die nutzbaren cultivirten Garten- und Eeldgewaecbse Mitteleuropas in alien ibren wilden und Culturvarietaeten. Berlin, 1866. 8°. Alfonso (Ferdinando). Trattato suUa coltivazione degli agrumi. Ed. 2. Palermo, 1875. 8'>. Monografia sui tabaccbi della Sicilia. Palermo, 1880. 8°. Alison (S. Scott). An account of a Cucurbitaceous fruit, employed as a violent purgative by the natives of Brazil, and recently brought to England, etc. [Luffa sp.] Pharm. Journ. iv. (1845) 360-362. Allart (F. a.). Traite de la culture du tabac, indiquant tons les moyens a employer, depuis la disposition du terreau pour les couches, jusqu'a la mise en entrepot de la recolte. Abbeville, 1876. 8°. Allen (Charles B.). N'ote on the history of Saffron. FJiann. Journ. III. xi. (1880), 449-450. See also pp. 461-463. Allen (S. Stafford). On the cultivation of Egyptian Opium. Pharm. Journ. II. iv. (1862) 199. Aloi (Antonio). Manuale teorico-pratico per la coltivazione dell' ulivo. Milano, 1875. 16°. Forms vol. xxviii. of the * BibHoteca dell' agricoltore,' Amery (C. F.). Notes on Forestry. London, 1875. 8°. 6 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Amoreux (Pierre Joseph). Traite de I'olivier, contenant I'histoire et culture de cet arbre, etc. Ed. 2. Montpellier, 1784. 8". Ed. 1. was issued in the RecueQ de Tacadeinie, with other essays by Bernard and Coutoure. Anderson (A. W.). Notes on the Sugar-cane and the manufacture of Sugar in the West Indies. Trinidad, 1860. 8^ Anderson (G.). Jottings on Coffee Culture in Mysore. Bangalore, 1879. 8°. Anderson (Thomas). Pirst annual report on the experimental cultivation of the Quinifero'us Cinchona in British Sikkim, from 1st April, 1862, to 30th April, 1863. [From The Calcutta Gazette!] Fharm. Journ. II. V. (1863) 222-226. Analysis of Darjeeling Chinchona Bark. Fharm. Journ. II. ix. (1867) 244-245. Anderegg (F.). Der Tabakbau in der Schweiz. Chur, 1880. S''. Andrews (Charles). Note on Areca nut. Fharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 649. Andrews (Michael). Instructions for the culture and preparation of flax in Ireland. 9th issue. BeKast, 1880. 8". Andy (S. Pulney). On the use of Margosa [Azadirachta indica] leaves in smallpox. [From The Madras Quarterly Journal.'] Fharm. Journ. II. ix. (1868) 392-393. Anonymous Works. Bee end of Alphabetical list of Authors. Ansberque (Edmonde). Flore fourragere de la France, reproduite par methode de com- pression, dite phytoxygraphique, et publiee sous le patronage de la ville de Lyon. Lyon, 1866. fol. Anslijn (Nicolaas). Afbeelding der artzenij-gewassen. [Nos. 1-54.] Amsterdam, 1829-39. fol. Handleiding in de leer der botanic, . . . eene sijstematische beschrijving dier gewassen, welke in de Nederlandsche apotheek vermeldzijn. Amsterdam, 1831. 8°. Handleiding tot de kennis der artzenii-gewassen, welke in de Kederlandsche apotheek zijn obgenomen, voomamelijk ingerigt ten behoove van hen, die zich der geneescheel en artzenijmeng- kunde wijdende, etc. Leijden, 1835-38. 8". AMOREUX — ARCHER. 4 Antelme (C). Memoire sur la culture de la canne a sucre a I'ile Maurice. Bordeaux, 1866. 8°. Antisell (Thomas). Cundurango. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 62-63. Anton (C). Die Giftgewaeclise DeutscMands, Oesterreiclis und der Schweiz. JS'ebst Angabe der sie kennzeichn. Merkmale, etc. Keu-TJlm, 1879. 8". Antz (Karl Caesar). Tabaci historia. Berolini, 1836. 8°. Aeata (Pedro 1^.). The '' Gum " of the Quebracho Colorado (Loxopterigium Lorentii, Grisebach). [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1878) 531. AiiBo (A.). Compendium i medicinisk Botanik. 2deii Udgave, omarbeidet ved IS". Bryhm, etc. Christiania, 1875. 8". Aeciiee (Thomas Croxen). Lecture on the starch-producing plants of commerce. Pharm. Journ. xi. (1852) 556-557. Popular Economic Botany, or description of the botanical and commercial characters of the principal articles of vegetable origin, used for food, clothing, tanning, dyeing, building, medicine, perfumery, etc. London, 1853. 8°. Ed. 2. 1876. Eirst steps in Economic Botany, for the use of students ; being an abridgment of Popular Economic Botany. London, 1854. 16°. A brief notice of a few articles imported into Liverpool during 1853. Pharm. Journ. xiii. (1854) 312-313. Second notice of new or rare articles imported into Liverpool. Pharm. Journ. 447-449. The Ordeal Bean of Old Calabar. Pharm. Journ. xiv. (1855) 525-526. The useful products of the natural order Palmaceae. [Abstract.] Pharm. Journ. xv. (1855) 263-265. On some of the Animal and Vegetable Products Constituting the Eoreign Commerce of Liverpool. Journ. Soc. Arts, iv. (1856) 255-258. The useful products of the natural order Graminaceae. [Abstract.] Pharm. Journ. xv. (1856) 548-549. " The new styptic, Penghawar Djambi. [Cibotium sp.] Pharm. Journ. xvi. (1856) 322-323. Vegetable products of the world in common use. London, 1862. 8". 8 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Aecher (Thomas Croxen), continued: — Some account of PauUinia sorbilis and its products. [Extract.] Pharm, Journ. II. v. (1863) 135-136. Profitable plants. London, 1865. 8°. A reissue of Popular Economic Botany, with new title-page. Aeduino (Pietro). Memorie di osservazioni e di sperienze sopra la coltura e gli usi di varie piante, che servono o che servir possono utilmente alia tintura, all' economia, all' agricultura, etc. Tomo i. Padova, 1766. 4°. Del genera delle avene, delle sua specie e varieta, della coltura cd usi economic!. Padova, 1789. 4°. Argenti (Yicente Martin de). Album de la flora medico-farmaceutica e industrial indigena y exotica 6 sea coleccion de laminas iluminadas de las plantas de aplicacion en la medicina, farmacia, industria, y artes, etc. Madrid, 1866. 3 vols. fol. Arioli (V. E.). Prontuario delle piante medicinali e industriali, a commodo dei botanici, farmacisti, medici e infermieri ; con appendice. Milano, 1878. 32°. Arnot (William). The Technology of the Paper Trade. Journ. Soc. Arts. xxvi. (1877)59-65,73-78,(1878)89-95,101-107,147-153,164-169. Also published separately as Cantor Lectures. Artus (Wilhelm Eriedrich Wilibald). Atlas aller in den neuesten Pharmacopoen Deutschlands aufgeno- menenen officinellen Gewaechse . . . Zugleich ein Hilfs- und Ergaenzungswerk aller bisherigen Pharmacopoeen, pharma- cognostischen und pharmacologischen Werke. Leipzig, 1864-67. 4°. AscHERSON (Ferdinand Moritz). Pharmaceutische Botanik in Tabellenform. Berlin, 1831. 4". ASCHIERI (G.). Dizionario di scienza organico-vegetale di agricoltura, Ease. 1. Milano, 1863. 8°. Ash WORTH (Henry). Cotton; its cultivation, manufacture, and uses. Manchester, 1858. 8". Also in Journ. Soc. Arts, vi. (1858) 256-264. Attfield (John). On the nutritive value of Dika bread. Pharm. Journ. II. ii. (1862) U5-ii7. ARCHER BAILDON. 9 A.Ti FIELD (John), continued: — A contribution to the history of Balsam of Peru. Pharm. Journ. II. vi. (1864) 204-206. On the food- value of the Kola -nut — a new source of Theine. [See also Daniell.] Pharm. Journ. II. vi. (1865) 457-460. Analysis of Eland's Boontjes ; a species of Acacia yielding food, medicine, and tan to the natives of South Africa. Pharm. Journ. II. viii. (1866) 316-318. !N'ote on mustard oil-cake. Pharm. Journ. II. x. (1869) 520-521. Atkinson (Edwin T.). Gums and Gum Resins. Allahabad, 1876. 8". This is part 1. of Economic products of the North- Western Provinces. AiJBLET (Jean Baptiste Christophore Eusee). Histoire des plantes de la Guiane franQaise . . . relatifs a la culture et au commerce de la Guiane frauQaise, etc. Londros et Paris, 1775. 4 vols. 4°. AVEQUIN (J. B.). Maple Sugar of the United States. [From the Journ. de Pharm.'] Pharm. Journ. xvii. (1857) 324-327. Babo (A. von). Traite de la culture du tabac. Traduite de I'allemand par A. Dauphine. Paris, 1861. 8". Badham (Charles David). The esculent mushrooms of England. London, 1847. 8°. Ed. 2. by F. Currey, 1864. Baeumker (J.). Experimentelle Beitraege zur Kenntniss der pharmakologischen Wirking der Erangularinde. Goettingen, 1880. 8*'. Bagneris (G.). Manuel de sylviculture. ISTancy, 1873. 12°. Baguenatjlt de Yieville ( — .). Observations pratiques sur la culture et I'amenagement des pins maritimes et sylvestres dans la Sordogne centrale. Orleans, 1875. 8°. Le Chene. Orleans, [1876]. 8°. Bailey (— .) «& Co. Forest Culture : its Yalue, Profits, ^^tf. San Francisco, 1875. 12°. Baildon (Henry Craven). Brief remarks on the Bark of Ehamnus Frangula, or Black Alder Tree, a shrub of the north of Europe. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 152. Cortex llhamni Frangulae. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 889. 10 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Baildon (Samuel). Tea in Assam. A pamphlet on the origin, culture, and manu- facture of Tea in Assam, etc. Calcutta, 1877. 8°. Baillon (Henri Ernest). The botanical origin and characters of the officinal Rhubarbs. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 301. Botanical origin of the Balsams of Tolu and Peru. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 382. Bheum officinale. [Extract.] PA«rw.Jbwrw.III.iv.( 1874) 690-691. Programme de Cours d'histoire naturelle medicale prof esse a la faculte de medicine d Paris. 3^ partie ; etude speciale des plantes employees en medicine. Paris, 1877. 18". The genus Copaifera. \Journ. de Pharm.'] Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1877) 873-875. Baker (John Gilbeii). IS'ote on Mikania Guaco. Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 471. Baldamtjs (Ed.). Die Erscheinungen der deutschen Literatur auf dem Gebiete der Land-, Eorst-, und Hauswirthschaft, sowie des Gartenbaues. 1871-1875. Alphabetisch geordnet und mit einem Materialen- Eegister versehen. Leipzig, 1876. 8*^. Balfour (Edward). Remarks on the Gutta Percha Tree of Southern India, noticing also the history and manufacture of the Gutta-percha of commerce. Madras, 1855. 8°. [_Anon.'] The Cyclopaedia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia, commercial, industrial, and scientific, etc. Madras, 1857. 4°. Ed. 2. 1871-73. 5 vols. 8°. The Supplement to the Cyclopaedia of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia, etc. Madras, 1858. 4°. The Timber Trees, Timber, and Fancy Woods, as also the Eorests of India and of Eastern and Southern Asia. Ed. 2. Madras, 1862. 8°. Ed. 3. 1870. Balfour (John Hutton). Description of the plant which produces the Ordeal Bean of Calabar. Royal Soc. JSdinb. Trans, xxii. (1861) 305-312. Remarks on plants furnishing varieties of Ipecacuan, and on the cultivation of Cephaelis Ipecacuanha (Rich.) in the Royal Botanic Garden of Edinburgh. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 948-949, 969-971. Bheum palmatum, var. tanguticum. [^Trans. Pot. Soc. Edinh.'] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 588. ,u.l / ^^^ --^ ^^'' "/ BAILDON — BARTOLO. 11 Ball (Samuel). An Account of the Cultivation and Manufacture of Tea in China ; derived from personal observation during an official residence in that country from 1804 to 1826 ; and illustrated by the best authorities, Chinese as well as European : with remarks on the experiments now making for the introduction of the culture of the Tea Tree in other parts of the World. London, 1848. 8". Balmis (Prancisco Javier). Demonstracion de las eficaces virtudes nuevamente descubiertas en las raices de los plantas de Kueva Espana, especies de Agave y de Begonia, etc. Madrid, 1794. 8°. In German, Leipzig, 1797. In Italian, Roma, 1795. Bambee (E. p.). Tea. London, 1868. 8^ Banal (Antoine). Catalogue des plantes usuelles. Montpellier, [1755]. 8". Other editions dated, 1780, 1784, 1786. Bai^croft (Joseph). The newly introduced poisonous burr, Xanthium Strumarium. Brisbane, 1880. 8°. Baeber (G.). The pharmaceutical or medico-botanical map of the world, showing the habitats of all the medicinal plants and drugs in general use. London, 1869. fol. Baebeu-Duboubg (Jacques). Le botaniste f rauQais, comprenant toutes les plantes communes et usuelles, etc. Paris, 1767. 2 vols. 8"*. Baeham (Henry). Hortus americanus : containing an account of the trees, shrubs, and other vegetable productions of South America and the AYest-India Islands . . . their uses in medicine, diet and mechanics, etc. Kingston, Jamaica, 1794. 8''. Baejavel (C. p. H.). Traite complet de la culture de I'olivier, redige d'apres les observations et experiences de I'abbe P. Jamet. Marseille, 1831. 8^ Babtley (George C. T.). The Cultivation of Common Pruits, from an Economic and Social Point of Yiew. Journ. Soc. Arts, xxv. (1877) 146-149. Bartolo (Giovanni di). Delia coltivazione del cotone secondo le antiche pratiche di Terranova in Sicilia. Torino, 1864. 16«. 12 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Baetox (Benjamin H.) & Thomas Castle. The British Flora medica. London, 1837-38. 2 vols. 8^ [New edition, revised, condensed, and partly re-written by J. E. Jackson] 1877. Bahtoi^ (Benjamin Smith). Collections for an Essay towards a Materia medica of the United States. Philadelphia, 1798-1804. 8°. Baeton (William P. C). Vegetable Materia medica of the United States ; or medical botany ; containing a botanical, general and medical history of medicinal plants indigenous to the United States. Philadelphia, 1817-18. 2 vols. 4*'. Some account of a plant used in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, as a substitute for chocolate (Holcus bicolor, Willd.). Phila- delphia, 1816. 8°. BaetossIg (Joseph). Gotterbaum (Ailanthus glandulosa). Ofen, 1841. 8". Babuchson (Arnold). Beetroot Sugar : remarks upon the advantages derivable from its growth and manufacture in the United Kingdom, etc. London, 1868. 8". Ed. 2. 1870. Basset (Nicolas). Traite pratique de la culture . . . de la bctterave, eic. Paris, 1854. 12°. Ed. 2. 1858. Ed. 3. 1868. Guide pratique de fabricant de sucre. Paris, 1861-65. 2 vols. 8°. Ed. 2. 1872-5. 3 vols. 8°. La sucrerie indigene, etrangere et exotique. Paris, . 8°. '^' Lettre a un raffineur sur la situation reelle de I'industrie sucriere franQaise. Paris, 1873. 8°. Bastide (L.). L'Alfa; vegetation, exploitation, commerce, Industrie, papeterie. Oran, 1877. 8°. Baseogee (J.). Description des principaux champignons comestibles et des champignons veneneux avec lesquels ils peuvent facilement confondus. Cluny, 1880. 16°. Batcheloe (H. W.). Dika bread. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 43. Bateman (T. H.). A few notes from the far East on Opium. Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1875)906-907. BARTON — BEG. 13 Bates (G. Hubert). On the gathering and curing of Carrageen in Massachusetts. [U.S. Agricultural Eeport.] Pharm. Journ. II. xi. (1869) 298-302. Batka (Johann B.). TJeber Sarsaparill. Leipzig, 1834. 8°. On the plants from which Senna-leaves are obtained. Pharm. Journ. ix. (1849) 25-31. On Cinchona rubra and C. Savanilla. Pharm. Journ. xi. (1852) 321-323. Monographic der Cassiengruppe Senna. Prag, 1866. 4". Baud (J. C). Bijvoegsels tot de proeve eener geschiedenis van den handel en het verbruit van opium in Ned. Indie. Neerl. Ind. Bijdrag, ii. (1854) 189-211. Baup (Samuel). On the resins of the " Arbol-a-brea and of Elemi." \Jown. de Pharm.'\ Pharm. Journ. xi. (1852) 313-318. Baur (B.). On Attar of Rose. [Transl. and abridged by D. Hanbury.] Pharm. Journ. II. ix. (1867) 286-293. Baue (Franz). TJeber forstliche Versuchsstationen. Ein Week- und Mahnruf an aller Pfleger und Freunde des deutschen Waldes. Stuttgart, 1868. 8°. Der Wald und seine Bodendecke im Haushalte der I^atur und der Yoelkevy etc. Stuttgart, 1869. 8°. Die Fichte in Bezug auf Ertrag, Zuwachs und Form, etc. Berlin, 1877. 8°. Bayer (G. C). Anleitung zum Anbau und zur Verwerthung der wichtigsten Ilandelsgewaechse. Hannover, 1838. 8°. Bayles (W. E.). Les produits commerciaux et industriels. I. Description, emploi, provenances et debouches. Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1881. 8°. Bazley {Sir Thomas). [A discussion opened by, on] The Claims of India Cotton. Journ. Soc. Arts, xix. (1871), 386-393. Beaver (S.). Fir- wool oil and Fir- wool. Pharm. Journ. II. iv. (1863) 424-425. Beg (A. de). Culture du tabac en France, et particulierement dans les Bouches- du-Bhone. Ed. 2. Aix, 1875. 16«. 14 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Bechstein (Johann Matthaeus). Kurzgefasste gemeinnuetzige Katurgeschichte der Gewaechse des In- und Auslandes. Leipzig, 1796. 2 vols. 8vo. Taschenblaetter der Forstbotanik. Die in Deutschland einheim- ischen und akklimatisclien Baeume, Straeuche und Stauden enthaltend. Weimar, 1798. 8°. Ed. 2. by S. Behlen, 1828. Porstbotanik, oder voUstaendige JS'aturgescbichte der deutschen Holzarten und einiger fremden. Erfurt, 1810. Ed. 5. by S. Behlen, 1843. Eorstbotanik. Zweiter Theil, enthaltend Forstkraueterkunde, oder Naturgeschichte der deutschen Eorstkraeuter. Heraus- gegeben von Stephan Behlen und mitbearbeitet von E. A. Desberger. Erfurt und Gotha, 1833. 8°. Beck (Otto). Instruktion ueber das Pflanzen und die Pflege der AUerbaeume. Ed. 4. Trier, 1873. 8°. Erster Jahresbericht [1872] ueber die Hebung des Elachs- und Hanfbaues im Reg. Bez. Trier. Trier, 1873. 8". Zweiter [1873] Jahresberichte ueber . . . im Regierungsbezirk Trier. Trier, 1874. 8°. Beckford (William). A descriptive Account of the Island of Jamaica, with remarks upon the Cultivation of the Sugar Cane, etc. London, 1790. 2 vols. 8°. Becltt (H.). iNTouveau manuel de I'herboriste, ou traite des proprietes medici- nales des plantes exotiques et indigenes du commerce, etc. Corbeil, 1872. 18°. Beddome (Richard Henry). The Trees of the Madras Presidency. Madras, 1863. 8". The Flora Sylvatica for Southern India, containing . . . plates of all the principal timber trees in Southern India and Ceylon, etc. Madras [1869-73]. 4°. Beechey (Frederick William). Notice of the Cloth Tree (Broussonetia papyrifera) of the South _ Sea Islands. [From Beechey's Voyage to the Pacific.'] Pharm. Journ. X. (1850) 148. Beiche (W. Ed.). Taschenbuch der Pflanzenkunde fuer Land- und Forstwirthe oder Beschreibung aller wichtigen Cultur-, Futtur-, und Unkrautpflanzens Deutschlands nebst Angabe ihres Kutzens und Schadens, etc. Berlin, 1869. 16°. BECHSTEIN BENTLEY. 15 Beke (Charles Tilstone). On the Korarima, or Cardamom of Abessinia. Pharm. Journ. vi. (1847) 511-512. Belai^ger (Charles). Essais de culture du Quinquina a la Martinique. Paris, 1870. 8^*. Bell (Jacob). On the adulteration of Senna. Pharm. Journ. ii. (1842) 63-65. East Indian Senna. Pharm. Journ. ix. (1850) 401-402. Bentley (Robert). Plant yielding the African Arrow-root. [Maranta arundinacea.] Pharm. Journ. x. (1850) 272. On a species of Smilax, and a new commercial sort of Sarsa- parilla which is obtained from it. Pharm. Journ. xii. (1853) 470-476. On the characters of Dandelion root (Leontodon Taraxacum), and the means whereby it may be distinguished from other roots. Pharm. Journ. xvi. (1856) 304-307. Culture of Medicinal Plants at Hitchin, Herts. Pharm. Journ. II. i. (1859) 275-279, 323-325, (1860) 414-416, 515-518. Remarks on Taraxacum root. Pharm. Journ. II. i. (1860) 402- 404. !N"ote on the Roman Chamomile (Anthemis nobilis). Pharm. . Journ. II. i. (1860) 447-450. A Manual of Botany. London, 1861. 8". Ed. 2. 1870. Ed. 3. 1873. On Actaea, or Cimicifuga racemosa. Pharm. Journ. II. ii. (1861) 460-468. On the adulteration of Senna with Argel leaves. Pharm. Journ. II. ii. (1861) 496-498. On the adulteration of Black Hellebore (Helleborus niger) with Bane-berry (Actaea spicata). Pharm. Journ. II. iii. (1861) 109-112. Kote on Feuillaea and other donations [to the Society's Museum. Abstract.] Pharm. Journ. II. iv. (1862) 198-199. !N'ew American Remedies. — I. Podophyllum peltatum. Pharm. Journ. II. iii. (1862) 456-464. [!!•] Hydrastis canadensis, Linn. — Yellow root. Orange root. Pharm. Journ. iii. (1862) 540-546. III. Xanthorrhiza apiifolia, Willd. — Yellow root. Pharm. Journ. iv. (1862) 12-14. lY. Caulophyllum thalictroides, Michx. — Blue Cohosh. Pharm. Journ. iv. (1862) 52-56. 16 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Bentley (Robert), continued :— Kew American Remedies. — V. Jeffersonia diphylla, Pars. — Twin- leaf. PA Bernatzic (M.). A new falsification of Cincbona bark. \^Jburn. de Fharm.~\ Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 569-570. Bernays (Lewis A.). The Olive and its Products. A treatise on tbe babits, culti- vation, and propagation of tbe tree ; and upon tbe manu- facture of oil and other products therefrom. Brisbane, 1872. 8°. Bernhardt (August). TJeber die historische Entwickelung der Waldwirthscbaft und Porstwissenscbaft in Deutscbland. Berlin, 1871. 8**. Bertero (Carlo Giuseppe). Specimen medicum nonnullas indigenas stirpes continens exoticis succedaneas. Taurini, 1811. 4°. Berthelot (Marcellin). On tbe Manna of Sinai, and the Manna of Syria. [From tbe Comptes Rendus.'] Pharm. Journ. II. iii. (1861) 274-275. Besse (A.). Essais d' amelioration de la culture de la garance [Eubia sativa]. Avignon, 1877. 8". 20 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Besse (A.), & A. RiEu. Essais d' amelioration de la culture de la garance. Memoire presente d la chambre de commerce d' Avignon et d la societe d' agriculture de Vaucluse, le 20 Janvier, 1875. Avignon, 1875. 8°. Bevan (E. J.), & C. P. Cross. Contributions to the chemistry of bast fibres. Manchester, 1 880. 8".. Bialet (Dr. — .). Mate, or Paraguayan tea. [Extract.] PJiarm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 4-5. BlANCHEDI (C. A.). L'olivicoltura e I'oleificazione nel circondario di Salo : studi e proposte. Brescia, 1877. 8". BiBRA (Ernst, Freiherr von). Die narkotischen Genussmittel und der Mensch. JSTuemberg, 1855. 8°. BiDiE (George C. M.). Report on the Ravages of the Borer in Coffee estates, with a review of the existing systems of coffee culture, and sugges- tions for the further development of the productive resources of the Coffee districts in Southern India. Madras, 1869. 8°. Catalogue of the Raw Products of Southern India forwarded to the Paris Exhibition of 1878. Madras, 1878. 8°. The Timber Trees of India. Madras, 1862. 8°. Bigg (William). Answers to queries respecting the cultivation of English Rhubarb near Banbury. Pharm. Journ. vi. (1846) 74-76. BiGELOW (J. M.). American Eupatoria. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 303-304. BiLLINGER (Otto). Historical notes on Opium. [Abstract.] Pha/rm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 452-454, 1041-1042. BiRNBAUM (K.). Lehrbuch der Landwirthschaft. Prankfort-am-Main, 1859-63. 8^ Bird WOOD (George C. M.). Catalogue of the Economic products of the Presidency of Bombay; being a catalogue of the Government Central Museum. Division 1. Raw Produce (Vegetable). Bombay, 1862. 8°. Catalogue of the vegetable productions of the Presidency of Bombay, including a list of the dnigs sold in the bazaars of Western India. Second edition, with index. Bombay, 1865. 8°. Frankincense, or Olibanum. \_Tran8. Linn. Soc.'] Pharm. Journ, III. i. (1870) 163-167. BESSE BLASKOVICS. 21 BiEKMEYEE (Christian). Populaere Pflanzenkunde und Hausapotheke, etc. Ed. 2. "Neu- TJlm, 1868. 8^ Kraeuterbuch nebst Hausapotbeke. Ed. 3. Neu-TJlm, 1871. 8°. BiSCHOFE (G.). On the botanical origin of Senna leaves. [From the Central Blatt. See also Pharm. Journ. ix. 25.] Pharm. Journ. x. (1851) 543-546. BiscHOFF (Gottlieb "Wilhelm). Plantae medicinales . . . adjectis medicamentis, quae praebent, simplicibus. Heidelbergae, 1829. 4°. Gmndriss der mcdicinischen Botanik als Leitfaden bei Yoriesungen, so wie zum Selbststudium^ und besonders zum repetitorischen Studium fuer Studirende, etc, Heidelberg, 1831. 8°. Mediciniseh-pharmaceutische Botanik. Ein Handbuch fuer Deutschlands Aerzte und Pharmaceuten. Erlangen, 1843. 8°. Ed. 2. 1847. BiTJSo (S.) Monografia sul fico d'India in Sicilia. Palermo, 1879. 8*. Bizio (G.) II caffe. Venezia, 1870. 8«. Blackwell (Elizabeth). A curious herbal, containing 500 cuts of the most useful plants, which are now used in the practice of physick, etc. London, l737[-39]. 2 vols. fol. Herbarium Blackwellianum emendatum et auctum, . . . Edidit . . . C. J. Trew, etc. Nuernberg, 1750-73. 3 vols. fol. Blageave (Joseph). Supplement or enlargement of Nich. Culpeper's English Physician, etc. London, 1666. 8^ Ed. 2. 1674. Blanchet (C.) Thapsia garganica, or Bou-I^efa of the Arabs. [Abstract.] Pharm. Journ. III. x. (1880) 889-891. Blank A ART (Stephan). De Nederlandschen Herbarius, or kruidboek der vomaamste kruiden, tot de medicyne, spysbereidingen en konstwerken dienstig, handelende van zommige hier te lande wassende boomen, kruiden, heesters, mossen, enz. Amsterdam, 1698. 8°. Ed. 2. 1714. Blase:ovics (E. von). Hie Sojabohne [Soja hispida]. Etwas ueber deren Cultur, Yer- wendbarkeit und Werth als Euttermaterial. Wien, 1880. 8**. 22 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Blasqtjez (Pedro), & Ignazio Blasquez. Memorie sobre el Maguey mexicano. (Agave Maximilianea.) Mexico, 1865. 8°. Bleekeode (S.). The Chinese green colour Lo-Kao, and some other dyes. Pharm. Journ. II. i. (1859) 228-234. The Soap-bark of South America. [From Journ. Soc. Arts.'] Pharm. Journ. II. i. (1860) 471-473. Blijham (G.) Schetsen van in I^ederland voorkommende vergif tige planten, etc. Amsterdam, 1880. 8°. Blonlel (J.). Manuel de la fabrication du sucre de betteraves. [Peronne,] 1863. 8°. Ed. 2. Douai, 1870. Bltth (A. Wynter). Piper nigrum. \_C1iem. News.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 303-305. The last page has a bibliography of the subject. BoDAED (Pierre Henri Hippolyte). Analyse du cours de botanique medicale-comparee, etc. Paris, 1809. 4"'. Cours de botanique medicale comparee, ou expose des substances vegetales exotiques comparees aux plantes indigenes. Paris, 1810. 2 vols. 8°. BoDiN (Jean). Herbier agricole, ou liste des plantes les plus communes, d Fusage des ecoles d' agriculture, etc. Paris, 1856. 18". [Ed. 2. 1862.] 8^ Ed. 6. Corbeil, 1880. 18°. BoEHMER (Georg Rudolf). Technischen Geschichte der Pflanzen welche bei Handwerken, Kuensten und Manufacturen bereits in Gebrauche sind, oder noch gebraucht werden koennen. Leipzig, 1794. 2 vols. 8°. BOETTGEB (Budolph). A simple method of detecting fibres of cotton in linen textures. [From the Annalen der Chernie.] Pharm. Journ. iii. (1844), 351. BOITEL (A.). Du pin maritime, de sa culture dans les dunes, de la pratique du resinage et de I'industrie des resins, etc. Paris, 1848. 8°. Culture du cedratier en Corse. Paris, 1875. 8°. BLASQUEZ BORDIGA. 23 BoLAs (Thomas). The India-Rubber and Gutta-Percha Industries. Journ. Soc. Arts, xxviii. (1880) 753-760, 763-767, 773-779, 783-789, 793-796, 803-808. Also published separately as Cantor Lectures. BoNAFOUS (Mathieu). De la culture des muriers. Lyon, 1822. 8°. Ed. 2. 1824. Ed. 3. Paris, 1827. Ed. 4. 1840. Histoire naturelle, agricole et economique du Mays. Paris, 1836. fol. BONAVIA (E.). l^otes on the medicinal properties of the Thistle-oil, or oil ex- tracted from the seed of the Argemone mexicana. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. II. viii. (1866) 297-299. Bonnet (Henri). La truffe. Etudes sur les truffes comestibles au point de vue botan- ique, entomologique, forestier et commercial. Paris, 1869. 8". BoNTEKOE (Cornelis). Tractat van het excellenste kruyd thee. Benevens een kort discours op het leven, de siekte en de dood. Den tweeden druk vermeerdert . . . van twee . . . verhandelingen. I. Yan de coffi. II. Yan de chocolate, 's Gravenhage, 1679. 8". Ed. 3. 1685. Bony AN (George R.). On Spigelia Anthelmia, or Demerara Pink-root. Pharm. Journ. v. (1846) 354, 355. BoNZOM (E.), — . Delamotte, & Ch. Rivieee. Du caroubier et de caroube. Plantation et greffage du caroubier en Algerie. Nourriture des animaux domestiques par les caroubes. Essai de propagation. Paris, 1878. 8". Booth (John). Die Douglas-Eichte und einige andere !N"adelhoelzer namentlich aus dem nordwestlichen Amerika in Bezug auf ihren forst- lichen Anbau in Deutschland. Berlin, 1877. 8°. Booth (Erancis). Two introductory lectures on (vegetable) Materia medica. London, 1827. 8°. BoRDiGA (Oreste), & Leopoldo Silvestetni. Del riso e della sua coltivazione : studia di economia rurale del prof. 0. B., e di chimica agraria del prof. L. S. ; con un' aggiunta d'uno studio suUe questioni economiche ed igieniche riflettenti il commercio e la coltivazione del riso, del prof. 0. B., etc. Novara, 1880. 8°. 24 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. BoEGGBEVE (Bernard). Haide and "Wald. Spezielle Studien und generelle Polgerungen ueber Bildung und Erhaltung der sogenannten natuerlich. Yegetationsformen oder Pflanzengcmeinen. 'Fixer Botaniker, Geographien, Staats-, Land-, und Porstwirthe. BerKn, 1875. 8°. BoEKHAUSEN (Moritz Balthasar). Theoretisches praktisches Handbuch der Porstbotanik und Forst- technologie. Giessen und Darmstadt, 1800-3. 2 vols. 8°. BoEN (L.) Der Mais als Futtermittel. Jena, 1880. 8^ Bosch (Miguel). Manual de botanica applicada a la agiicultura y a la industria. Madrid, 1858. 8°. BoEsi (A.). Flora forestale italiana, ossia descrizione delle piante legnose indigene all' Italia. Firenze, 1880. 8". BosiSTO ( — .). Is the Eucalyptus a fever-destroying tree ? \_Melbourne Ar^us.^ Fharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 270. Ueber Eucalyptus und ihre Eigenschaften. Aus dem Engliscben von Antoine. Oesterr. lot. Zeitschr. xxx. (1880) 20-23. Bossu (Antonin). Traite des plantes medicinale indigenes. Paris, 1854. Ed. 2. 1862. Ed. 3. 1872. Botjasse-Lebel. Encyclopedie Bouasse-Lebel. Histoire naturelle ; Plantes utiles. [2 parts.] Paris, 1876. 18°. BoTJCHABDAT (ApoUinairc). On the Yanilla of the Island of Bourbon. [From the Journ. de Pharm.'] Fharm. Journ. ix. (1849) 275-276. Adulteration of Pepper. [Extract.] Fharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 993-994. BoucHE (C. B.), & Hermann Gbothe. Die Nessel als Textilpflanze. Berlin, 1877. 8**. BOTJLIEE (Ch.). Collection of Scammony in the ^N'orth-West of Asia Minor. [Extract.] Fharm. Journ. II. i. (1860) 521-523. Bouquet de la Geye (Amedee). Guide du forestier : P® partie ; Elements de sylviculture. 2« partie ; Surveillance des forets. Ed. 6. Paris, 1872. 3 vols. 18". BORGGREVE BRANDTS. 25 Bouquet de la Grye (Amedee), continued : — Les bois indigenes, etc. See Dupont (A. E.), & Bouquet de la Gete. bouquinat (f.). Traite sur les arbres resineux. Culture et produits. Chalons- sur-Saone, 1875. 12^ BouEGoiN d'Oeli (P. H. "F.). Guide pratique de la culture du caf eier et du cacaoyer, suivi de la fabrication du chocolat. Paris, 1867. 12". Guide pratique de la culture de la canne k sucre. Paris, [no date.] 12°. BouTCHER (William). Treatise on Forest Trees. Edinburgh, 1775. 4^ Ed. 2. 1778. BouToif (Louis S.). Medicinal plants growing or cultivated in the Island of Mauritius. Mauritius, 1857. 8*». Plantes medicinales de Maurice. Ed. 2 [of the last]. Port-Louis, 1864. 8^ Kapport presente a la chambre d' agriculture, sur les diverses especes de cannes a sucre cultivees a Maurice. [Port Louis,] Maurice, 1863. 8°. Beadley (Richard). The Virtue and Use of Coffee with regard to the Plague, and other Infectious Distempers ; containing the most Remarkable Observations of the Greatest Men in Europe concerning it, from the first Knowledge of it, down to the Present Time. To which is prefixed an exact figure of the Tree, Flower, and Fruit, taken from the Life. London, 1721. 8°. The Riches of a Hop-Garden explain' d. From several Improve- ments arising by that Beneficial Plant. As well to the private cultivators of it, as to the publick. London, 1729. 8°. Beady (Henry Bowman). On the Anatomy of Drugs. Fharm. Journ. II. viii. (1867) 408- 412, 455-463, 544-550. ITote on Hungarian Red Pepper. Fharm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 469. Beagge (William). Bibliotheca nicotiana; a catalogue of books about Tobacco, etc. [Birmingham], 1880. 4". Beandis (Dietrich). Report on the Pegu Teak forests for the years 1857-60, etc. Calcutta, 1861. 8°. 26 * VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Brandis (Dietrich), continued : — List of specimens of some of the woods of British Burmah sent to England for the Exhibition of 1862. Rangoon, 1862. 4". Supplement to Reports on Forest Management in Prance, Switzerland, and Lower Austria. [London, 1874.] 8". Catalogue of specimens of Timber, Bamboos, Canes, and other Eorest Produce from the Government Porests in the Provinces under the Government of India and the Presidencies of Madras and Bombay,- sent to the Paris Exhibition of 1878, by Order of the Government of India. Calcutta, 1878. 8^ Porest Plora. See Stewaet (J. L.), & D. Bkandis. Beandt (Johann Priedrich von). Tabellarische Uebersicht der officinellen Gewaechse. Berlin, 1829-30. fol. Branson (W. P.). Coffee : A Review of the Present Condition of its Growth, with a Consideration of its Treatment and Consumption in the United Kingdom. Journ. Soc. Arts, xxii. (1874) 456-461. Braun (E.) Der sogenannte rationelle Waldwirth, insbesondere die Lehre von der Abkiirzung des Umtriebs der Waelder, etc. Prankfurt-am-Main, 1865. 8°. Braungart (R.). Die Cultur, Statistik und Handelsverhaeltnisse des Hopfens in England. Zeitschr. fuer die ges. Brauwesen, iii. (1880) p. 11. See also C. "Whitehead. Brat (J. de). La ramie ... 2^ edition, considerablement augmentee. Ouvrage a I'usage des colons et des ecoles primaires rurales de I'Algerio. Paris, 1879. 12". Beeitenlohner (Jakob). Die Cultur der Korbweide. Prag, 1877. 8°. Breffatjt. La saliciculture et la vannerie k Bussieres-les-Belmont. Langres, 1874. 16°. Brierre de Boismont (Alexandre Jacques Pran9oi8), & — . Pottier. Elemens de botanique, ou histoire des plantes considerees sous le rapport de leurs proprietes medicales et de leurs usages dans I'economie doraestique et les arts industriels. Paris, 1825. 12**. Briosi (Giovanni). Coltivazione sperimentale di sementi di tabacchi esteri e di piante foraggire, raccomandata per paesi meridionali. Roma, 1879. BRANDIS — BROWN. 27 Bhitten (James). The odours of plants. \_Gardeners^ Chron.~\ Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 546. Bkodigan (Thomas). A Botanical, Historical, and Practical Treatise on the Tobacco Plant, in which the Art of Growing and Curing Tobacco in the British Isles is made familiar to e\ery capacity. London, 1830. 8°. * Bkoillard (Charles). Le traitement des bois en Prance, k I'usage des particuliers. Kancy, 1881. 8^ Beotherton (W.). The Olive, The Eape, and The Plax : their products, and their cultivation. London, 1857. 8°. Broughton (J.). Pirst report on Cinchona grown on the I^eilgherry hills. \_Madras Quarterly Journ.'] Pharm. Journ. II. ix. (1867) 239-243. On a false cinchona bark of India. [Hymenodictyon excelsum. Wall.'] Pharm. Journ. II. ix. (1868) 418-421. Hybridization of Cinchonae. \_Linn. Soc.~\ Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 118. Cinchona cultivation in India. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 705-707. Chemical examination of the bark of the Azadirachta indica. [^Madras Journ. Med. Science.'] Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 992. Beousse (P.). Quelques mots sur 1' etude des fruits. Montpellier, 1881. 4". Brown (J. C). Eeboisement in Prance ; or records of the replanting of the Alps. London, 1876. 8". Pine plantations on the sand wastes of Prance. Edinburgh, 1878. 8". Brown (James). The Porester, being plain and practical directions on the planting, rearing, and general management of forest trees. Edinburgh, 1847. 8^ Ed. 2. Edinburgh and London, 1851. Ed. 3. 1861. Ed. 4. Edinburgh, 1871. Brown (Robert), of Campster. On the vegetable products used by the Korth-West American Indians as food and medicine, in the arts, and in super- stitious rites. Pharm. Journ. II. x. (1868) 89-94, 168-174. 28 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Bkowne (Daniel J.) The Sylva americana; or a description of the forest trees indigenous to the United States, ete. Boston, 1832. 8". Beownen (George). Seeds in drug-parcels; experiments on their vitality and con- sequent usefulness. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 201-202. Betjyn Kops (G. F. de). See De Beutn Kops. Beyant (Charles). Plora diaetetica, or histoiy of esculent plants both domestic and foreign, ete. London, 1783. 8°. Bfchenau (Franz). ' . Die botanischer Produkte der Londoner intemationalen Industrie- Ausstellung. Ein Bericht. Bremen, 1863. 8**. Buc'hoz (Pierre Joseph). Dictionnaire raisonne et universel des plantes, arbyes et arbustes de la France . . . consideres relativement a I'agriculture, au jardinage, aux arts et metiers, a I'economie domestique et champetre, et k la medicine des hommes et des animaux. Paris, 1770. 4 vols. 8°. Manuel medical et usuel des plantes tant exotiques qu'indigenes. Paris, 1770. 2 vols. 8°. Manuel alimentaire des plantes tant indigenes qu' exotiques qui peuvent servir de nourriture et de boisson aux differens peuples de la terre. Paris, 1771. 8**. • Dissertation sur I'utilite et les bons et mauvaises effets du tabac, du cafe, du cacao, et du the. Paris, 1775. 8°. Ed. 2. 1788. Herbier colorie des plantes medicinales de la Chine. Paris, 1781-91. fol. Medicine vegetale, tiree uniquement des plantes usuelles, etc, Ed. 2. Paris, 1784. 8". Dissertation sur le cafe, sa culture, ses differentes preparations, etc. Paris, 1785. fol. Paris et Liege, 1787. 8°. Dissertation sur le putiet [Cerasus Padus], et ses proprietesrecem- ment decouvertes ; sur le laurier-amandier [C. Lauro-CerasusJ et ses qualites deleteres, et sur le bois de Sainte-Lucie [Prunus Mahaleb] et ses proprietes economiques, etc. Paris, 1785. fol. Dissertation sur le quassi (Cassis [Ribes nigrum]) et sur ses pro- prietes medicinales nouvellement decouvertes. Paris, 1785. fol. Dissertation sur le Quinquina, ^^c. Paris, 1785. fol. Dissertation sur le rocoulier [Bixa Orellana] sur sa culture en Europe et en Amerique . . . pour la teinture et pour d'autres usages economique. Paris, 1785. fol. browke^buc'hoz. 29 Buc'noz (Pierre Joseph), continued : — Dissertation sur I'lpo [Upas], espece de poison subtil, dontseservent les sauvages pour erapoissoner les fleches. Paris, 1785. fol. Etrennes da printemps aux habitants de la campagne et aux herboristes, ou pharmacie champetre, vegetale et indigene, k I'usage des pauvres et des habitants de la campagne. Ed. 5. Londres et Paris, 1785. 8°. Dissertation sur le cachou, sur I'arbre d'ou on le tire, et sur ses proprietes pour la peinture. Paris, 1786. fol. Dissertation sur le durion . . . qui merite d'etre cultive dans nos colonies. Paris, 1788. fol. Dissertation en forme de supplement sur les plantes qui peuvent remplacer le the. Paris, 1786. fol. Dissertation sur les roses, leurs proprietes medicinales et economiques, etc. Paris, 1786. fol. Dissertation sur la Brucee . . . comme specifique centre la dyssenterie. Paris, 1787. fol. Dissertation sur la betterave . . . et la methode pour en tirer du Sucre propre a remplacer le vrai sucre. Paris, 1787. fol. Dissertation sur le cacao et sur sa culture. Paris et Liege, 1787. 8**. Dissertation sur la chausse-trappe [Centranthus Calcitrapa], reconnue comme specifique dans les fievres intermittentes, propre a remplacer le quinquina. Paris, 1787. fol. Dissertation sur le ble du Turquie . . . et comme fourrage pour les bestiaux. Paris, 1787. fol. Dissertation sur le Mangostan, un des arbres plus utiles de I'lnde, tant comme aliment que comme medicament, digne d'etre transports dans nos colonies de I'Amerique. Paris, 1787. fol. Dissertation sur rillecebra,ou petite joubarbe . . . comme specifique centre le cancer, le charbon et la gangrene. Paris, 1787. fol. Dissertation sur I'anis etoile, ^^. Gayffiee (Eugene de). Herbier forestier de la France. Eeproduction par la photograpliie d'apres nature et de grandeur naturelle de toutes les plantes ligneuses qui croissent spontanement en foret. Description botanique, situation, culture, qualite, usages, etc. Paris, 1868- 73. 2 vols. fol. Geemain (P.). Bapport sur le reboisement, presente au conseil general de la Drome (Aout, 1873). Yalence, 1875. 8". Gentil (Andre Antoine Pierre). Dissertation sur le cafe, et sur les moyens propres a prevenir les effets qui resultent de sa preparation, communement vicieuse, et en rendre la boisson plus agreable et plus salutaire. Paris, 1797. 8°. Gentile (G.). Monografia suUe piante forestall, industriali e f ruttifere, spontanee naturalizzate, nel circondario di Porto Maurizio, formanti la collezione xilologica presentata da comizio agrario al concorso regionale di Geneva. Oneglia, 1879. 8**. Genth (Gustav). Doppelte Riefen. Eine neue Methode zur Erziehung des Laubholzes fuer "Waldeigenthuemer und Porstkundige. Trier, 1874. 16«. Geeeaed (A. W.). *'Wanika," a new African arrow poison: its composition and properties [Strophanthus]. Pharm. Journ, III. xi. (1881) 833-834. See also pp. 849-850. Geewig (Friedrich). Die Weisstanne (Abies pectinata, DC.) im Schwarzwalde. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss ihrer Yerbreitung, ihres forstlichen Yerhaltens und Werthes, ihrer Behandlung und Erziehung. Berlin, 1868. 8°. 70 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Geyee (C). Aubau uud Pflege derjenigen fremdlaendischen Laub- und Nadelhoelzer, welche die norddeutschen Winter erfalirungsinaess im Preien aushalten, etc. Berlin, 1872. 8°. Geylee (H. Th.). TJeber Culturversucbe mit dem Japanischen Lackbaum, Rhus vernicifera, DC, im botan. Garten zu Erankfurt-am-Main. Trankfurt-am-Main, 1881. 4°. GiANFiLippi (Filippo A. de'). Istruzione popolare suUa coltivazione dell' ulivo. Bardolino, 1874. 16°. GiBB (George D.). Examination of the Sap of the Sugar Maple tree, the Acer saccharinum of Linnaeus, with an account of the preparation of the sugar. [From the Brit. Amer. Journ. Med. Science.'] I'harm. Journ. xi. (1859) 115-119. The description, composition, and preparations of the Sanguinaria canadensis. Fharm. Journ. II. i. (1860) 454-463. GiBBS (Joseph). Cotton Cultivation in its various details . . . especially adapted to the improvements of the cultural soils of India. London, 1862. 8°. GlBBS(W.). ITew Zealand Flax, or Phormium tenax. An account of the plant and its use for Manufacturing purposes. Printed on Paper made from its Fibre at "Wraysbury Mill, 1864. [London, 1865?] 8°. GiBBS (W. A.). On the Cultivation of Beetroot, and its Manufacture into Sugar. Journ. Soc. Arts, xvi. (1868) 415-424. GiBELLI (G.). La malettia del castagno, osservazioni ed esperienze. Modena, 1880. 8°. Gibson (Alexander). Cortex Alstoniae scholaris. Pha/rm. Journ. xii. (1853) 422-423. On Kino. Fharm. Journ. xii. (1853) 496-497. GiEESBEEG (Franz, & J. W.). Krankheiten der landwirthschaftlichen Culturpflanzen. (4 Hefte.) Leipzig, 1878. 8°. Gild AS ( — .). L'eucalyptus dans la campagne romaine. Lettre adresse a M. le president de la societe d'acclimatation. Paris, 1875. 8". geyer gobix. 71 Giles (E. W.). The official, commercial and authentic sources of Pareira Brava. Fharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 519-520. Gill (C. Haughton). On the Manufacture and Refining of Sugar. Journ. Soe. Arts, XX. (1871) 111-115, (1872) 128-131, 140-144, 162-165. Gillet-Damitte ( — .). Le galega, nouveau fourrage, sa culture, son usage et son profit. Paris, 1867. 18°. GiLMOUB (William). Gurgun Balsam. Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1875) 729-730. GiMBEET ( .). L'Eucalyptus Globulus, son importance en agriculture, en hygiene et en medicine. Paris, 1870. 8". El Eucalyptus Globulus, su importanicaen agricultura, en higiene y en medicina. Clichy, 1873. 8°. Glasspoole (Hampden Gledstanes). Cork, corks and corkscrews. Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1879) 995-997. Gleditsch (Johann Gottlieb). Alphabetisches Yerzeichniss der gewoenlichsten Arzneigewaechse, ihrer Theile und rohen Produkte, welche in den groessten deutschen Apotheken gefunden werden. Berlin, 1769. 8**. Systematische Einleitung in die neue Eorstwissenschaft. Berlin, 1775. 2 vols. 8". Einleitung in die Wissenschaft der rohen und einfachen Arznei- mittel. Berlin und Leipzig, 1778-87. 4 vols. 8^ Botanica medica, oder die Lehre von den vorzueglich wirksamen einheimischen Arzneigewaechsen. Herausgegeben von F. W. A . Lueders. Berlin, 1788-89. 2 vols. 8°. Glovee (R. D.). Antimalarial properties of the Eucalyptus. Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1876) 625. See also p. 639. Gmelin (Johann Eriedrich). Abhandlung von den giftigen Gewaechsen, welche in Teutschland und vomehmlich in Schwaben wild wachsen. Ulm, 1775. 8°. Also dated 1805. AUgemeine Geschichte der Pflanzengifte. l^uernberg, 1777. 8°. Ed. 2. 1803. GOBIN- (A.). Guide pratique pour la culture des plantes fourrageres. Paris, 1865. 18°. 72 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. GocHNAT (Franz Karl). Tentamen medico-botanicum de Cichoraceis. Argentorati, 1808. GoDHON (Dominique Alexandre). Les cuseutes et leurs ravages dans nos cultures. Kancy, [1876]. 8". GoEBEL (Carl Christian Traugott Friedmann), & Gustav Kfnze. Pharmaceutisclie "Waarenkunde, mit illuminirten Kupfern nach der Katur gezeichnet von Ernst Schenk. Eisenach, 1827-34. 2 vols. 4°. GoEPPEET (Heinrich Robert). TJeber die giftige Pflanzen Schlesiens. Programm. Ereslau, [1832]. 8°. Die in Schlesien wildwachsenden offizinellen Pflanzen. Ein- ladungs Programm. Breslau, 1835. 8°. Die officinellen Gewaechse Europaischer botanischer Gaerten, insbesondere die des Koenigl. botanischen Gartens der TJniversitaet Breslau. (A us dem Archiv der Pharmacies 1863, abgedruckt). Hannover, 1863. 8*. GoFFAET (Auguste). Sur la culture et 1' ensilage du mais-fourrage. Memoire presente d la societe centrale d' agriculture de Prance. [2 parts.] Paris, 1875. 8°. . Manuel de la culture et de I'ensilage des ma'is et autres fourrages verts. 3e edition. Paris, 1879. 8°. Gomes (Bernardino Antonio). Observationes botanico-medicae de nonnuUis Brasiliae plantae, . . . (ObservaQoes botanico-medicas sobre algumas plantas do Brazil, etc.). Olissipone, 1803. (2 fasc.) 4°. GoMicouiRT ( — de). De I'ailanthe globuleux ou vemis de Japon et de son utilite. [Prom the Revue agricole du Gers?^ Auch, 1870. 8**. GoNCET DE Mas ( — .). Culture de la ramie. [Extract.] Paris, 1877. 8^ GOKDON (C. A.). Influence of vegetation upon Malaria. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. IIP iv. (1874) 111-11^. GoEDON (George), & Robert Glendinning. The Pinetum ; being a synopsis of all the coniferous plants at present known, with descriptions, history and synonymes, and comprising nearly one hundred new kinds. London, 1858. 8°. Supplement, 1862. Ed. 2. with Index by H. G. Bohn, 1875. Ed. 3. 1880. GOCIINAT — GREENE. 73 GOEINI (G.). Piante industriale : descrizione, coltivazione, raccolta e prepara- zione. Milano, 1878. 32°. GoEKOM (K. W. van). Die Chinacultur auf Java. Aus dem Hollandisclien uebertragen von C. Hasskarl. Leipzig, 1869. 8^ The cultivation of Cinchonas in Java. London, 1870. 8^*. Cinchona cultivation in Java. [Extract from letter.] Fha/rm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 31. Cinchona cultivation in Java. \_Pharm. Zeitung.'] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 656-657. Wetenschappelijke opmerkingen en ervaringen betreffende de Kinakultuur. Verslagen Kon. acad. wetenschappen, II. xiv. (1879). De Oost-Indische cultures in betrekking tot handel en nijverheid. YoL i. Amsterdam, 1881. 8^ GossE (L. A.). Monographic de I'Erythroxylum Coca, Bruxelles, 1861. 8". GouEDON (Jean), & P. Naudin". Kouvelle iconographie f ourragere : comprenant un atlas, avec text explicatif des plantes fourrageres et des plantes nuisibles qui se rencontrent dans les prairies et les paturages, etc. Paris, 1865-71. %\ Gbaf (Sigmund). Die Pieberrinden in botanischer, chemischer, und pharma- ceutischer Beziehung dargestellt. Wien, 1824. 8°. Geandeau (L.). Cours d'agriculture de I'ecole forestiere. Chimie et physiologie appliquees a 1' agriculture et a la sylviculture. I. La nutrition de la piante ; I'atmosphere et la piante. Paris, 1879. 8°. Geattmuellee (Johann Christian Priedrich). Plora pharmaceutica Jenensis. Jena, 1815. 4**. Handbuch der pharmaceutisch-medizinischen Botanik. Eisenberg, 1813-19. 6 vols. 8«. Geaves (George), & J. D. Moeries. Hortus medicus. Edinburgh, 1834. 8". Geebe (Carl). Der Waldschutz und der Waldpflege. [Ed. 3. of G. Koenig's Waldpflege.] Gotha, 1875. 8°. Geeene (Edward Lee). Notes on certain silkweeds. [Asclepias Meadii, Torr., A. obtusi- folia, Mich., A. SuUivantii, Engelm., A. speciosa, Torr.., A. 74 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Geeene (Edward Lee) continued : — Cornuti, Dene., and A. uncialia, Greene.'] CouUerU Bot. Gaz. V. (1880) 64-5. Geeenish (Henry George). Cape tea. Pharm. Journ. Til. xi. (1881) 549-551, 569-573. Geeenish (Thomas). The Flax lints of commerce under the microscope. Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 352-354. Linseed and Linseed Meal. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 211-213. Note on Scammony. Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 263-264. See also 191-193. The Microscopy of Katal Arrowroot. Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1 875) 204-208. . Arrowroot. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 169-170. Further researches on Tea Hair. Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 250. The microscope in Materia medica. Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1878) 193-195. The histology of Araroba or Goa powder. Pha/rm. Jov/rn. III. x. (1880) 814-816. Geegoiee (J.). De la culture du coton en Egypte. Historique. Etat actuel. Avenir. [Memoires de VInstitut egyptien. Tome i.~\ Paris, 1862. 4°. Geesslee (Friedrich Gustav Ludwig). Deutschlands Giftpflanzen mit den naturgetreuen Abbildungen, aus der Katurgeschichte. Langensalza, 1853. 8°. Ed. 6. 1864. Ed. 7. 1868. Ed. 8. Stettin, 1872. Ed. 10. Langen- salza, 1876. Geet (George). Herb-poisoning at the Cape of Good Hope. [^Brit. Med. Journ.] Pha/rm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 248-250. Gbipfen (Augustus E.). An essay on the botanical, chemical, and medical properties of the Fucus edulis of Linnaeus, etc. E'ew York, 1816. 8**. Geutith (William). Report on the Tea Plant of Upper Assam. Calcutta, 1838. 8". Geiqolato (Gaetano). Flora medica del Polesine, owero descrizione delle piante medicinali che nascono neUe provincia di Rovigo. (Fasc. 1-5.) Rovigo, 1843. 4°. GREENE GROVES. 75 Grimaldi (Luigi). Sulla coltivazione ed industria del cotone in Europa e precipuamente nella Calabria ultra seconda. Torino, 1863. 8°. Geimaux (Edouard). Du hachisch ou chanvre indien. Paris, 1865. 8°. Geindel (David Hieronynius). Pharmaceutische Botanik zum Selbstunterriclite, insbesondre fuer angehende Apotheker und Aerzte. Biga, 1862. 8°. Gbindon (Leopold Hartley). Trees of Old England ; sketches of the aspects, associations, and uses of those which constitute the forests, and give effect to the scenery of our native country. London, 1868. 8". Ed. 2. 1872. Geipouilleait (Armel). Le melilot jaune ou melilot officinal, le melilot blanc ou melilot de Siberie, plantes fourrageres tres-melliferes. Tours, 1864. GEOENLimD (Chr.). Danske Giftplanter. Kjoebenhavn, 1874. 8°. Geosourdy (Uene de). El medico botanico criollo. Paris, [1864]. 4 vols. 8". Geoss (G.). Die wichtigem Handelspflanzen in Bild und Wort. Esslingen, 1880. fol. Geosse (Ernst). Deutschlands Kulturpflanzen. Leipzig, 1858. 8°. Ed. ''2.'* 1862. Geothe (Hermann). Die Gespinnstfasem aus dem Pflanzenreich. N'ach den Materialen der Austellungen in London, Petersburg, I^eapel, Kopenhagen, Amsterdam, Moskau, Mailand, "Wien, Philadelphia, Paris, und A. Berlin, 1879. 8°. 'Notes on some neglected Fibres. Edited by C. G. W. Lock. Jo7irn. Soc. Arts, xxviii. (1880) 912-914, 916-920. Gespinnstfasem aus Agaven. {Dingier'' 8 . . . Zeitung (1880) 157.) Geoves (Henry). 1^0 te on the cultivation and preparation of Castor- oil in Italy. Fharm. Journ. 11. viii. (1866) 250-252. Florentine Orris. Fharm, Journ. III. iii. (1872) 229-231. Note on some indigenous Tuscan remedies. Fharm. Journ. III. V. (1874) 230-233. 76 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Groves (T. B.). On Portland Arrow-root. Pharm. Journ. xiii. (1853) 60-61. l^epaul aconite. Pha/rm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 433-434. Note on Flower of tea, or Pekoe Plower. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 285-286. GtTBLEE (Adolphe). The Eucalyptus Globulus and its use in medicine. [Journ. de Pha/rm.'] Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 703-704. Note on a Piper, called Jaborandi, in the province of Rio Janeiro. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1877) 731-732. GuENTHEH (Johann), & Friedrich Beetuch. Pinakothek der deutschen Giftgewaechse. Jena, 1840. 4". GuiBouET (Nicolas Jean Baptiste Gaston). Histoire abregee des drogues simples. Paris, 1822. 2 vols. 8°. Ed. 2. 1826. Ed. 3. 1836. Ed. 4. 1849-51, 4 vols. Ed. 5. [no alterations] 18&7. Ed. 6. (by G. Planchon) 1868-70. Ed. 7. 1876. On a false Jalap having a rose-odour. Pha/rm. Journ. ii. (1842) 331-337. On the galls of Terebinthus and Pistacia. Pharm. Journ. iii. (1844) 377-380. Appendix to the preceding paper, op. cit. 381-383. Memoire sur les sues astringents connues sous les noms de cachou, gambir et kino. Paris, [1847]. 8°. Memoire sur le tabaschir. Paris, 1855. 8". On Tragacanth and some allied Gums. Translated from a letter addressed to Mr. Daniel Hanbury. Pharm. Journ. xv. (1855) 57-59. Note on Wood Oil. [From the Journ. de Pharm.] Pharm. Journ. xvi. (1856) 332-334. Gtjillemeau (Jean Louis Marie). Histoire naturelle de la rose, ou I'on decrit ses differentes especes, sa culture, ses vertus et ses proprietes, etc. Paris, 1800. 12^ GuiLLEMiN (Jean Antoine). Eapport au ministre de 1' agriculture, sur sa mission au Bresil, ayant pour objet des recherches sur les cultures et la preparation du the, et le transport de cet arbuste en France. Paris, 1839. 8°.* GuiMPEL (Friedrich). Abbildung und Beschreibung aller in der Pharmacopoeia borus- sica aufgefuehrten Gewaechse. Text von D. F. L. Schlech- tendal. Berlin, 1830-37. 3 vols. 4". GROVES HANAUSEK. 77 GuTMTEL (Friedrich) continued: — Pflanzenabbildungen und Besckreibungen zur Erkenntniss offizineller Gewaechse. Text von Johann Eriedrich Klotsch. Berlin, 1838. 4°. Gtjimpel (Friedrich), Carl Ludwig Willdenow, & Friedricli Gottlob Hayne. Abbildung der deutschen Holzarten. BerKn, 1815-20. 2 vols. Habetllandt (Friedrich). Die Sojabohne. Ergebnisse der Studien und Yersuche ueber die Anbauwuerdigkeit dieser neu einzufuehrenden Culturpflanzen. Wien, 1878. 8°. Haeeixg ( — .). Zusammenstellung der Kennzeichen der in Deutschland wach- senden verschiedenen Eichen-Gattnngen und ihrer hauptsaech- lichen Fehler ; insbesondere zum Anhalt bei der Abnahme von Eichenhoelzern fuer die Marine. Berlin, 1853. fol. Hagendoep (C. S. W., Comte de). Coup-d'oeil sur I'lle de Java et les autres possessions neerlandaises dans I'archipel des Indes. Bruxelles, 1830. 8°. Hahmann (A.). Die Dattelpalme, ihre Namen und ihre Yerehrung in der alten Welt. Kordhausen, 1858. 8°. Halnes (R.). JN'otes on Conessine, alias Wrightine. [_See also Stenhotjse.] Pharm. Journ. II. vi. (1865) 432-434. Hall (Hermann Christian van). Toegepaste kruidkunde. Handleiding tot de aanwijzing van het gebruik, dat de mensch maakt van voorwerpen uit het plantenrijk. Groningen, 1857. 8°. Halle (Johann Samuel). Die deutsche Giftpflanzen. Berlin, 1784-93. 2 vols. 8°. Hallez d'Aeeos ( — .). De I'avenir de la culture et de I'industrie du Kn en Algerie. Paris, 1880. 8». Hambuegee (Z. S.). Ueber die Farbstoffe der Qaercitronrinde. Goettingen, 1880. 8". Hanausek (T. F.). Mittheilungen aus dem Laboratorium der "Waarensammlung in Krems. Die Tahitinuss. [Sagus amicarum, Wendl.'] {Zeitsclir. allg. oest. Aj^otl. Ver. 1880, No. 28.) 78 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Hamilton ("William). On the Jamaica Dogwood. Pharm. Journ. iv. (1844) 76-78. Further remarks on Piscidia erythrina, or Jamaica Dogwood. . Fharm. Journ. iv. (1844) 111-114. On the Medicinal properties of the Argemone mexicana and Hura crepitans. Pharm. Journ. iv. (1844) 167-170. On the gum of the Ehus metopium, and on the Aristolochia odoratissima, [A.] trilobata, and [A.] anguicida. Pharm. Journ. V. (1844) 60-61. On the Argemone mexicana, Hura crepitans, Jatropha Curcos, and [J.] multifida. Pharm. Journ. v. (1845) 23-27. On the genus Jatropha, and the Janipha Mainhot and [J.] Loeflingii. Pharm. Journ. v. (1845) 27-31. Sequel to the above paper on Janipha. op. cit. 31-33. Medical properties of the Fevillea cordifolia. Pharm. Journ. v. (1845) 33-35. On the Moringa pterygosperma, or Oil of Ben tree, and its uses economical and officinal. Pharm. Journ. v. (1845) 58-59. On the properties ascribed to some species of Comocladia. Pha/rm. Journ. Y. (1845) 114-117. On the properties of some species of Cathartocarpus. Pharm. Journ. V. (1845) 118-121. On the medical and economical properties of the Anacardium occidentale, or Cashew-nut tree. Pharm. Journ. v. (1845) 268-273. On the medical properties of the various species of Cassia, found in the "West Indies. Pharm. Journ. v. (1846) 345. On the properties of the Hippomane Mancinella, or Manchineel tree. Pharm. Journ. v. (1846) 408-412. On the medical and commercial properties of the Caesalpinia coriaria, orDividivi. Pharm. Journ. v. (1846) 443. On the noxious properties of the Echites suberecta, or Savanna flower, and their antidotes. Pharm. Journ. vi. (1846) 23-24. On the Maranta arundinacea, and its application as an antidote to animal and vegetable poisons. Pharm. Journ. vi. (1846) 25-28. On the reputed properties of some of the species of Cleome. Pharm. Journ. vi. (1846) 79-80. On the Capparis cjmophallophora, or Bottle cod. Pharm. Journ. vi. (1846) 81-82. On the properties of the Asclepias curassavica, a bastard Ipeca- cuanha Pha/rm. Journ. vi. (1846) 212-216. HAMILTON HAMM. . 79 Hamilton ("William) continued: — On the Muracuja ocellata, or West Indian opium. Pharm. Journ, vi. (1846) 216-217. On the Malambo bark of the province of Carthagena, South America. Pharm. Journ. vi. (1846) 255-259. On some species of the genus Amyris, which are little known. Pharm. Journ. vi. (1847) 322-326. On the Lemon Grass, or Andropogon Schoenanthus, cultivated in most of the West Indian Islands. Pharm. Journ. vi. (1847) 369-374. On the commercial and medicinal properties of the Hymen aea Courbaril, or Locust tree, etc. Pharm. Journ. vi. (1847) 520- [525]. On the properties of the Eocconia frutescens and Clusia. Pharm. Journ. vi. (1847) 581-582. On the Canna Achira[s], or Tons les mois. "With a specimen of recent tuber. Pharm. Journ. vii. (1847) 56-60. On the medicinal and economic properties of the Sapindus Saponaria, Soap berry, or Black Mckar Tree. Pharm. Journ. vii. (1847) 225-230. Some further particulars respecting the Ehus Metopium, or Hog- gum tree. Pharm. Journ. vii. (1847) 270-277. \_Anon.'\ On the purgative properties of the oils obtained from plants indigenous in the Antilles. Pharm. Journ. ix. (1849) 129-131. On the Ava root of the Sandwich Islands. Pharm. Journ. ix. (1849) 218-220. On the cultivation, preparation, and properties of the Myrica cerifera, and M. carolinensis, or "Wax-tree of Carolina. Pha/rm. Journ. x. (1851) 450-454. Use of Mushrooms in Eussia. Pharm. Journ. xiv. (1854) 66-67. On the medicinal properties of the Coffee arabica. Pharm. Journ. xiii. (1854) 329-330. On the nutritive properties of the mass which remains after the expression of the nuts of the Cocoa, etc. Pharm. Journ. xv. (1856) 350. Notes on the Materia medica of the Paris Exhibition, 1855. PArt'rm. Jbwrw. XV. (1856) 410-411. Hamm (Wilhelm von). Der Pieberheilbaum oder Blaugummibaum (Eucalyptus Globulus). Ueber dessen Anbau und seine Eigenschaft der Gesundmachung von Sumpflaendereien. Nach einem Yortrage von Bentley . . . mit vielen Zusaetzen, ^^^. Wien, 1878. 8°. 80 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Hanbury (Daniel). On Turnsole. Fharm. Journ. ix. (1850) 308-309. On tlie Resin of the Norway Spruce Fir (Abies excelsa). Pharm. Journ. ix. (1850) 400-401. On an article imported as Calumba wood, supposed to be the product of a Menispermum. Fharm. Journ. x. (1851) 321-323. On Wurrus, a dye produced by Eottlera tinctoria. Pharm. Journ. xii. (1853) 589-590. On the use of Coffee-leaves in Sumatra. Pharm. Journ. xiii. (1853) 207-209. Notes upon some specimens of Scammony. Pharm. Journ. xiii. (1853) 268-270. On the febrifuge properties of the Olive (Olea europaea, L.). Pharm. Journ. xiii. (1854) 353-354. On some rare kinds of Cardamom. Pharm. Journ. xiv. (1855) 352-355, 416-422. On "Wood oil, a substitute for Copaiba. [From Dipterocarpus turbinatus, Roxl.'] Pharm. Journ. xv. (1856) 321-322. Khatany Root. Pharm. Journ. xvi. (1856) 16-17. Note upon a green dye from China. Pha/rm. Journ. xvi. (1856) 213-214. On Penghawar Djambi, a new Styptic. Pharm. Journ. xvi. (1856) 278-281. Some notes on the manufactures of Grasse and Cannes. Pharm, Journ. xvii. (1857) 161-163. On Storax. Pharm. Journ. xvi. (1857) 417-423, 461-465. On Rottlera tinctoria, Roxh., and its medicinal properties. Pharm. Journ. xvii. (1858) 405-410. Note on a drug called Royal Salep. Pharm. Journ. xvii. (1858) 499-501. On Otto of Rose. Pharm. Journ. xviii. (1859) 504-510. Malambo bark [Croton Malambo, Karst.'] Pharm. Journ. II. i. (1859) 321-322. Note on a manufactured product of Sea-weed called Japanese Isinglass. Pharm. Journ. II. i. (1860) 508-509. Bassia flowers. Pharm. Journ. II. i. (1860) 607-608. Notes on Chinese Materia medica. Pharm. Journ. II. ii. (1860) 15-18, 109-116, (1861) 553-557, iii. 6-11, 204-209, 261-264, 315-318,(1862)420-425. Note on Anacahuite wood, a reputed remedy for consumption. Pharm. Journ. II. ii. (1861) 407-408. HANBURY. 81 Haxbury (Daniel) continued: — Kote on the use of Balsam of Peru in the Eoman Catholic Church. Pharm. Journ. II. ii. (1861) 446-448. Notes on Chinese Materia medica. London, 1862. 8°. Eeprinted as a separate work. Also in German, by T. Martins. Speyer, 1863. 8°. Minor notes on the Materia medica of the International Exhibition. Fharm. Journ. II. iv. (1862) 107-111. Origin of Anacahuite wood. Fharm. Journ. II. iv. (1862), 271-273. On the manufacture of Balsam of Peru. Pharm. Journ. II. v. (1863) 241-248. Note on Cassia moschata, H. B. K. Pharm. Journ. II. v. (1863) 348-351. Additional observations on Storax. Pharm. Journ. II. iv. (1863) 436-439. Note on the Ordeal bean of Calabar. (Physostigma venenosum, Balf.) Pharm. Journ. II. iv. (1863) 559-561. On the species of Garcinia, which affords Gamboge in Siam. Linn. Soc. Trans, xxiv. (1864) 487-490. Additional note on the manufacture of Balsam of Peru. Pharm, Journ. II. V. (1864) 315-317. On the botanical origin of Gamboge. Pharm. Journ. II. vi. (1865) 349-350. On the botanical origin of Savanilla Ehatany. Pharm. Journ. II. vi. (1865) 460-461. On pharmaceutical herbaria. Pharm. Journ. II. vii. (1866) 542-544. On Burgundy Pitch. Pharm. Journ. II. ix. (1867) 162-165. Remarks on the necessity for a further cultivation of medicinal plants. Pharm. Journ. II. viii. (1867) 575-577. On the cultivation of Jalap. Pharm. Journ. II. viii. (1867) 651-654. Historical notes on Manna. Pharm. Journ. II. xi. ( 1869) 326-33 1 . On a species of Ipomoea (I. simulans), affording Tampico Jalap. \_Linn. Soc. Journ., £ot.^ Pharm. Journ. II. xi. (1870) 848-850. Historical notes on the Radix Galangae of Pharmacy. [Zmw. Soc. Journ., Pot.'] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 613, ii. (1871) 248-249. The Madagascar Cardamom or Longouze. [Amomum angusti- folium, Sonn.] Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 642. 6 82 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Hanbtjey (Daniel) continued : — On Calabrian Manna. Pha/rm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 421-422. African Ammoniacum. Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 741. The botanical origin and country of Myrrh. [Ocean Highways.] Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 821-823. On Pareira Brava. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 81-83, 102-103. On a peculiar camphor from China. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 709-710. See also p. 722. Science Papers, chiefly pharmacological . . . edited, with memoir, byJ. Ince. London, 1876. 8°. Haitbury (Daniel), & P. A. Plueckiger. Pharmacographia. See Flueckigee and Hanbury. Hakbtjry (Daniel), & Daniel Oliver. Inquiries relating to Pharmacology and Economic Botany. [Prom the Admiralty Manual of Scientific Enquiry, Ed. 4. See also Herschel (J. P. W.).] Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 204-205, 243-245. IIai^^ce (Henry Pletcher). The so-called " Olives " (Canarii spp.) of Southern China. IJourn. Bot.'] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 684-685. The source of the Radix Galangae minoris of pharmacologists. \_Linn. Soc. Journ., Bot.'] Pharm, Journ. III. ii. (1871) 246-248. The Green Putchuk of the Chinese. With some remarks on the antidotal virtues ascribed to Aristolochiae. [Journ. Bot.^ Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 725-726. Hance (Henry Pletcher), & W. P. Mayers. Introduction of Maize into China, Indian Com, Zea Mays, L. With notices of the plant by Chinese authors. Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 522-525. Hancock (John). The properties and preparation of the Rio Negro Sarsaparilla, and of the Angustura bark, practically examined. London, 1829. 8°. Remarks on the Siruba, or native Oil of Laurel, its production, uses, etc. London, 1830. 8°. Observations on the climate, soil, and productions, of British Guiana, etc. London, 1835. 8°. Ed. 2. 1840. Hancock (Thomas). Personal narrative of the origin and progress of the Caoutchouc or India-rubber manufacture in England ... to which is added some account of the plants from which Caoutchouc is obtained, etc. London, 1857. 8". HAN BURY HARTIG. 83 Hansen (A.) Die Quebracho - Einde. Botanisch - pharmaceutische Studie. Berlin, 1880. 4°. Hanstein (Heinricli). Die Familie der Graeser in ihrer Bedeutung fuer den Wiesenbau. Wiesbaden, 1867. 8°. Happe (Andreas Friedrich). Abbildungen oekonomiscber Pflanzen. Berolini, 1792-94. fol. Botanica pbarmaceutica, exbibens plantas officinales, quarum nomina in dispensatoriis recensentur. Berolini, 1788. fol. Haedy (Auguste). Manuel du cultivateur de coton en Algerie. Alger, 1855. 8". Ed. 2. 1856. "Note sur la culture du Quinquina en Algerie. Paris, 1868. 8°. Haedy (Ernest). Pilocarpus pinnatus (Jaborandi) [= P. pennatifolius, Lemaire. Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 496-498. Eapport sur I'inee (Strophanthus hispidus) [Extract.] Paris, 1877. 8^ Haeiot ( — .). Les soixante-quatre plantes utiles aux gens du monde. Troves, 1876. 8°. Haemann (F. E.). Report on Coffee -leaf Disease (Hemileia vastatrix). Bangalore, 1880. 4°. Haetig (Robert). Die durch Pilze erzeugten Krankheiten der Waldbaeume. Fuer den deutscber Foerster. Ed. 2. Breslau, 1875. 8°. Die Zersetzungserscbeinungen des Holzes der Kadelholzbaeume und der Eiche in forstlicher, botanischer und cheniiscber Rich- tung. Berlin, 1878. 4°. Die Unterscbeidungsmerkmale der wicbtigeren in Deutschland wacbsenden Hoelzer. Specielle Xylotomie. Muenchen, 1879. 8". Untersucbungen aus dem forstbotaniscben Institut zu Muenchen. Berlin, 1880. 4°. Haetig (Theodor). Lebrbucb der Pflanzenzelle in ihrer Anwendung auf Forstwirth- schaft. Berlin, 1841. 4°. Yollstaendige Naturgeschicbte der forstlicben Kulturpflanzen Deutschlands. Berlin, 1851. 4°. The preceding, with new title ; see Pritzel, Thes. ed. 2. No. 3795, 84 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Haetig (Theodor) continued: — System und Anleitung zum Studium der Forstwissenscliaftslehre. Leipzig, 1858. 8°. TJeber den Gerbstoff der Eiche. Fuer Lederfabricanten, Wald- besitzer * und Pflanzenphysiologen bearbeitet. Stuttgart, 1869. 4°. Haetingee (Anton). Deutscblands Forstculturpflanzen in getreuen Abbildungen . . . Text von Ferdinand Fiscali, etc. Ollmuetz, 1854-58. fol. Die essbaren und giftigen Pilze in ibren wicbtigsten Formen. Wien, 1858. fol. Ed. 2. 1870. Haetung (C. a. F. a. Heinrich). De Cinchonae speciebus atque medicamentis chinam supplentibus. Argentorati, 1812. 4". HaEIWIG (J.), & Tb. EUEMPLEE. Illustrirtes Geboelzbucb. Die schoensten Arten der in Deutsch- land . . . Baeume und Straeucber, etc. Berlin, 1875. 8**. Haez (C. 0.). Opium production in Europe. \_Zeit8cJir. Apoth. Vereins.'] Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 223-225. , Habzee (Karl August Friedrich). I^aturgetreue Abbildungen der vorzueglicbsten essbaren, giftigen und verdaechtigen Pilze, ^^^. Dresden, 1842-45. 4°. Hassall (Arthur Hill). Food and its adulterations. [Yiom The Lancet.'] London, 1855. 8°. On the adulteration of Annatto. [Bixa orellana, Linn.~\ Fharm, Journ. XV. (1856) '' 592 " [295]-303. Adulterations detected ; or, plain instructions for the discovery of frauds in Food and Medicine. London, 1857. 8°. Ed. 2. 1861. Food : its adulterations and the methods for their detection. London, 1876. 8". This is not the same as the preceding work. Hasselt (A. W. M. van). Bijdrage tot de kennis van het Curare ; met een naschrift van C. A. J. A. Oudemans. Verslagen hon. acad. weten. II. xv. (1880) pp. 1-12. Hasskael (Justus Carl). Aanteckeningen over het nut, door de bewoners von Java aan eenige planten van het eiland toegeschreven, uit berigten der inlanders zamengesteld. Amsterdam, 1845. 8°. HARTIG — HECTOR. 85 Havenstein (G,). Beitraege zur Kenntniss der Leiupflanze und ihrer Cultur. Physiologisch und landwirthschaftlich begruendet. Inaugural Dissertation. Goettingen, 1874. 8". Hawkes (Henry Philip). Madras Exhibition of 1855. Catalogue raisonne of the thirty classes into which the articles in the Exhibition are divided, •with an index of the subjects, etc. Madras, 1855. fol. Report upon the Oils of Southern India. [Madras, 1855.] 8*^. A classified catalogue of the Raw Produce, exhibited at the Madras Exhibition of 1857, etc. Madras, 1857. 4". Hay (David). The Pine-tree in Kew Zealand, being a list of pines . . . with a few hints to those persons who may wish to cultivate them for ornament, for shelter, or for their commercial value. Auckland, 1869. 8°. Hay (Drummond). The Argan tree. [Argania Sideroxylon. Extract from Consular report.] Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1878) 282. Hayne (Eriedrich Gottlob). Dendrologische Elora der TJmgegend und der Gaerten Berlin's. Berlin, 1822. 8°. Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der in der Arzneikunde gebraeuchlichen Gewaechse, wie auch solcher, welche mit ihnen verwechselt werden koennen. Berlin, 1805-46. 14 vols. 4". Vols. 12-14 were posthumous, and brought out by J. F. Brandt, J. T. C. Ratzeburg, and J. H. Klotsch. There is a spurious impression, BerHn, 1829-41, with a shghtly altered title, in 4 vols. 4°. Hayite (Joseph). Gemeinnuetziger XJnterricht ueber die schaedichen und nuetz- lichen Schwaemme. Wien, 1830. 8". Heaney (John P.). Megarrhiza calif omica, Torrey. ^American Journ. Pharm.'] Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 393-394. Heath (Erancis George). Our woodland trees. London, 1878. 8". Heckheler (Johann). Dissertatio medica de potu Thee, etc. [M. Mappus, Praes.'] Argentorati, [1691]. 4°. Hector (James). Phormium tenax as a fibrous plant. Wellington, 1872. 8°. 86 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Hedges (Isaac A.). Sorghum culture and sugar making. Report, Commissioner of FatentSy Agriculture, 1861 (Washington, 1862) 293-311. Sorgo, or the northern sugar plant . . . with introduction by W. Clough. Cincinnati, 1863. 12^ Hefflee (E. R.). Notes on the culture of and commerce in opium in Asia minor. ^Extract.'] Pharm. Journ. II. x. (1869) 434-437. Hein (Heinrich). Graeserflora von !N'ord- und Mittel-Deutschland. Eine genaue Beschreibung der Gattungen und Arten der im obgennantea Gebiete vorkommenden Gramineen, Cyperaceen und Juncaceen, mit . . . Werthe der einzelnen Arten fuer dio Landwirth- schaft, etc. Weimar, 1877. 8°. Deutschland's Giftpflanzen. Hamburg, 1881. 8°. Heinitsh (Charles A.). !N'ote on the culture of Saffron in Pennsylvania. \_Extract.'\ Pharm. Journ. II. ix. (1867) 28-29. Heineich (Fr.). TJeber die Bestimmung reducirender Zucker neben Rohrzucker. (Sachsse, Phytochemische Untersuchungeny i. (1880) pp. 93- 100.) Heldeeich (Theodor von). Die ^N^utzpflanzen Griechenlands. Mit besonderer Beruecksich- tung der neugriechischen und pelasgischen Yulgamamen. Athen, 1862. 8°. Heldeing (L. J.). De behandeling van de kaspischen wilg (Salix acutifolia) op hooge zandgronden. 2e verbet. druk. Arnhem, 1878. 8". 2de druk, met een voorwoord benevens eenige aanvullingen en verbeteringen. Aldaar, 1878. 8". Helot (— .). On the manufacture of Chinese green dye, called Lo-kao. Pharm. Journ. xvi. (1857) 517-520, 553-555. Hendeeson ( — .). Cyrenaican drugs. [Extract from a consular report.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 598. Hendeeson {Pr.). Pharmaceutical results of the Calcutta Botanic Gardens. Accli- matization of Jalap and Ipecacuanha. [Extract from Dr. Henderson's report.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 221-222, 241-242, 261-263. HEDGES HERINCQ. * 87 Hendrich (J.). Die wichtigsten landwirthschaftliclieii Culturpfianzen, zum prak- tischen Gebrauche fuer Landwirthe, Taxatoren, Ackerbau- schueler, etc. Prag, 1878. 4". Specieller Pflanzenbau. Kurze Anleitung zum Anbau der land- wirthscbaftlicben Kulturpflanzen. Prag, 1880. 8"*. Henkel (J. B.). Systematische cbaracteristik der mediciniscli wichtigen Pflanzen- familien. Wuerzburg, 1856. 12°. HeNKEL (J. B.), & W. HOCHSTETTEE. Synopsis der Nadelhoelzer, deren cbarakteristische Merkmale nebst Andeutungen ueber ihre Cultur und Ausdauer in Deutschlands Klima. Stuttgart, 1864. 8°. Heneieck (G. a.). Du tabac, son histoire, sa culture, sa fabrication, son commerce, etc. Paris, 1866. 18°. Heney (Aime). Die Giftpflanzen Deutschlands zum Scbulgebraucli und Selbst- unterricht durch Abbildungen und Beschreibungen erlaeutert. Bonn, 1836. 8°. Heney (J.). Les principales plantes veneneuses. Bruxelles, 1881. 8°. Heeaud (A.). Kouveau dictionnaire des plantes medicinales. Description, habitat et culture, recolte, etc. Paris, 1875. 18°. Nuevo diccionario de las plantas medicinales estudiados bajo el punto de vista botanico, medico y farmaceutico. Traducido y adicionado con los nombres vulgares espanoles de las plantas medicinales que se encuantran en Espana, por J. G. Hidalgo. Madrid, 1876. 4°. Heedee (Ferdinand G. von). Verzeichniss saemtlicher botanischen und landwirthschaftlichen Gaerten, sowie der botanischen Museen, Herbarien und verwandten Institute in alien fuenf Welttheilen, mit Angabe ihres derzeitigen Vorstandpersonals, nach den einzelnen Staaten in alphabetischer E-eihenfolge zusammengestellt. St. Peters- burg, 1870. 8°. Heeincq (F.). Observations critiques sur Porigine des plantes domestiques. [Extracts from I^os. 5, 6, and 7 (1869) of L' HorticuUeur frangais.'] Paris, 1869. 8°. 88 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. 'Rhajisc(i(F.) eontintied: — La verity sur le prctendu silphion de la Cyrenaique (Silpliium cyrenaicum de Laval). Ce qu'il est, ce qu'il n'est pas. 2e edition. Paris, 1876. 8^ Silphion of the ancients and its alleged modem representative. [Abstract.] Fharm. Journ. III. vii. (1877) 750-753. Herlant (A.). Etudes sur les principaux produits resineux de la famille des Coniferes. Bruxelles, 1876. 8°. Heemann (Paul). Der Pilz jaeger, odor die in Deutschland wachsenden essbaren, verdaechtigen oder nicht essbaren und schaedliehen Pilze. Ed. 2. Dresden, 1854. 8«. Heeeera (Alfonso). Notes on the Joyote of Mexico. \_Amer. Journ. Pharm.'] Pharm, Journ. III. vii. (1877) 854-855. Heeemann (Karl Robert). Oekonomische Pflanzenkunde der landwirthschaftlichen Kultur- gewaechse. Colberg, 1846-47. 8°. Heeschel {Sir John Erederick William). Botanical and Pharmaceutical desiderata. [From the Manual of Scientific JEnquiry, edited by Sir E. W. Herschel, Bart.] Africa (including Arabia and Abyssinia), Pharm. Journ. ix. (1849) 285-286. Asia (including Australia), Pharm. Journ. ix. (1850) 334-337. America, PAan/j.JbMrw.ix.( 1850) 585-586. Manual, ed. 2. 1851 ; Ed. 3. by E. Main, 1859 ; Ed. 4. 1871. See also Hanbury & Oliver ; and Hooker (W. J.). Hess (Ch.). Zusammenstellung der vorzueglichsten essbaren und giftige Schwaemme des Eichtelgebirges. Programm. Baireuth, 1843. 4". Hesse (0.). Remarks on the Javanese Calisaya and on Conchinine. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 482-483. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Chinarinden. (Liebig's Ann. der Chemie^ cc. (1880) 302-310.) Zur Kenntniss der Pereirorinde. (Liebig's Ann. der Chem. ccii. , (1880) 141-149.) Heuecz (Henri van). Du Boldo [Boldu chilanum, JS'ees.'] Bruxelles, 1873. 8". Du Jaborandi. [Pilocarpus pennatifolius.] Bruxelles, 1875. 8°. Heueck (Henri van), & Victor Guibert. Flore medicale beige. Louvain, 1864. 8°. HERINCQ — HIRSCHSOHN. 89 Heuze (Gustave). Plantes fourrageres. Yersailles, 1856. S\ Ed. 3. 1861. Les plantes industrielles. Les plantes oleagineuses (colza, navette, pavot-oeilette, cameline, ricin, arachide, sesame, etc.) Paris, 1859-60. 8°. Ed. 2. 1869. 18°. Les plantes alimentaires. Ouvrage accompagne d'un atlas con- tenant 102 epis de cereales de grandeur naturelle dessines par L. Eouyer, etc. Paris, 1873. 8^ Les cereales, les produits farineux et leurs derives a I'Exposition universelle Internationale de 1878 el Paris. Paris, 1881. 8*. Hewett (Charles). Chocolate and Cocoa. Cocoa; its growth and culture, manu- facture, ete. London, 1862. 8°. [Ed. 2.] 1864. Hewett (J. F. Napier). European settlements on the West Coast of Africa, with remarks on the supply of Cotton. London, 1862. 8°. Hibbeed (Shirley). On a new system of cultivating the Potato, with a view to augment production and prevent disease. Jburn. Soc. Arts, xxii. (1874) 293-297. The cultivation of hardy fruits, with a view to improvement of quality and insuring constant and abundant production. Journ. Soc. Arts, xxiv. (1876) 198-203. HiGGiNS (Bryan). Observations and advices for the improvements of the manufacture of Muscovado Sugar and Eum. St. Jago de la Yega, 1797- 1800. 2 pts. 8°. HiLDT (Johann Adolph). Beschreibung in- und auslaendischer Holzarten. "Weimar, 1798-99. 2 vols. 8°. Hlll (John), styling himself Sir John Hill. The useful Family Herbal, etc. Ed. 2. London, 1755. 8°. [Ed. 3.] Bungay, 1812. The British Herbal : an history of plants and trees, natives of Britain, cultivated for use or raised for beauty. London, 1756. fol. Yirtues of British herbs, with the history, description, and figures, etc. Ed. 4. London, 1771. 8°. HiESCHsoHN (Eduard). Etude comparative du galbanum et de la pomme ammoniaque, suivie de quelques considerations sur I'opoponax et le saga- penum, traduit de I'allemand par la docteur Jul. Morel. Gand. 1876. 8". 90 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. HiBScnsoHN (Eduard) continued: — Comparative examination of the more important commercial varie- ties of Galbanum and Ammoniacum gums. [Extract.] I. Gal- banum. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 369-371, 389-391, 429-431, 531-533, (1877) 571-572. II. Ammoniacum. 612-614, 710-712. III. Comparison of Galbanum with Am- moniacum, 770-771. lY. Sagapenum and Opoponax, 771- 772. HiETH DU FkENES (F.). Commercial drugs of the Chinese province of Kuang-tung (Canton). [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 88, 345. HisTED (Edward). On artificial flake manna. Pharm. Journ. II. xi. (1870) 629- 630. See also Hanbtjey. HocHSTETTEE (Christian Eriederich). Die Giftgewaechse Deutschlands und der Schweiz. Esslingen, 1844. 8° Hodges (John Frederick). The raw material of the linen trade : Flax. Belfast, 1865. 8°. Hoehnel (Franz von). Die Gerberrinden. Ein monographischer Beitrag zur technischen Eohstofflehre. Beriin, 1880. 8". Hoeyelsen (F. Chr.). Kort Anviisning til at avle Kummen. Kjoebenhavn, 1824. 8«. HoESs (Franz). Monographie der Schwarzfoehre (Finns austriaca) in botanischer und forstlicher Beziehung. "Wien, 1831. fol. HOFFEE (R.). Kautschuk und Guttapercha. Wien, 1880. 8°. Hoffmann (J.). Die Angaben schinesischer und japanischer ITaturgeschichten von dem Illicium religiosum (dem Mangsthao der Schinesen, Sikiminoki der Japaner) und dem davon verschiedenen Stem- anis des Handels. Leiden, 1837. 8°. Hoffmann (M.). Die offizinellen Gewaechse der preussischen Pharmacopoee fucr Mediciner Pharmaceuten und Droguisten bildlich dargestellt und beschrieben. Jena, 1863-64. 8°. HOFMANN (F. W.). Die Cultur der Handelsgewaechse. Prag, 1835. 8°. HIRSCHSOHN — HOLMES. 91 HoGENDOEP (Dirk van). Berigt van den tegenwoordigen toestand der Bataafsche bezit- tingen in Oost-Indien en den handel op dezelve. [Dell't, 1799.] 8°. Hogg (Robert). The Vegetable Kingdom and its products, etc. London, 18[57-] 58. 8°. HoHENBEUCK (Arthur von). Der Holzexport Oesterreichs. "Wien, 1869. 8**. Beitraege zur Statistik des Flachs- und Hanf Production in Oesterreich. Wien, 1874. 4°. HoLL (Friedricb). Die Yerwechselungen und Aehnlichkeiten der wichtigsten officinellen Pflanzen. Dresden, 1835. 4°. Woerterbuch. deutscher Pflanzennamen oder Yerzeicbniss saemmtlicher in der Pharmacie, Oekonomie, Gaertnerei, Porstkultur und Technik vorkommenden Pflanzen. Erfurt, 1833. %\ Spurious Cascarilla bark. [From the Pharm. Centr, Blatt.~\ Fharm. Journ. vii. (1847) 35. On Cusco bark. Fharm. Journ. vii. (1847) 351. HoLL (Friedrich), & Gustav Heyi^hold. Flora von Sachsen . . . mit besondrer Beruecksicbtung ihrer Yerwendung. (Yol. i.) Dresden, 1842-43. 8°. HOLLE (K. F.). Proef-handleiding voor de kultuur en gewone inlandscbe bereiding van koffij. Batavia, 1863. 8°. Holm (John). On Cocoa and its Manufacture. Journ. Soc. Arts, xxii. (1874) 356. Also in Fharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 804-806, 843-846, 885-886. Cocoa and its manufacture, etc. London, 1874. 8°. Holmes (Edward Morell). Materia medica of the United States Pharmacopoeia. Fharm. Journ. 111. iii. (1873) 1009-1011, 1029-1031; iv. 123-127, 162-163, 201-202. Yegetable poisons and their antidotes. Fharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 769-770. Materia medica notes. Koegoed. Fharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 810-811. See also ^.S2\. The botanical source of Jaborandi. [Pilocarpus sp.] Fharm, Journ. III. V. (1875) 581-583. 92 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Holmes (Edward Morell) continued: — Note on a spurious Senna. Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1875) 623- 624. See also p. 634. Further note on the botanical source of Jaborandi. Pharm. Journ. III. V. (1875) 641. A second kind of Jaborandi. Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1875) 781-782. On the identity of Goa powder and Araroba. Pharm. Journ. III. V. (1875) 801-802. See also pp. 816-818. !N'otes on Brazilian drugs. Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1875) 905- 906, 985-986. Gelsemium sempervirens. Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 481- 482, 521-522, (1876) 561-564, 601-602. The botanical source of Damiana. Pha/rm. Journ. III. vi. (1876) 581. 1^0 tes on some American medicinal plants. Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1876) 781-782. On adulteration of Aconite root. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1877) 749-750. The cultivation of medicinal plants at Banbury. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1877) 1017-1019. Note on Eheum officinale (Baill.). Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 181-182. The cultivation of medicinal plants at Hitchin. Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 301-303. Notes on casual drugs. Pha/rm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 363- 364. See also p. 378. Notes on the medicinal plants of Liberia. Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 563-564. Duboisia myoporoides, R. Br. Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 705-706. See also p. 720. Note on Grindelia robusta. Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 787. See also pp. 797-798. On adulteration of Senega. Pha/rm. Journ. III. ix. (1878) 410- 411. >S^«a/«o pp. 419-420. Guaycuru root. [Statice brasiliensis ?] Pha/rm. Journ. III. ix. (1878) 466. See also p. 481. Notes on some Japanese drugs. Pharm. Journ. III. x. (1879) 3-5, 21-23, 101-103, 201-203, 261-262. Myrtus Chekan. Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1879) 653-654. Note on Shea butter. [Butyrospermum Parkii.] Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1879) 818-819. HOLMES — HONIGBERGER. 93 Holmes (Edward Morell) continued : — Further notes on Liberian drugs. Fharm. Journ. III. ix. (1879) 853. ITote on Calabar beans. Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1879) 913-914. Japanese Belladonna. Pharm. Journ. III. x (1880) 789. The botanical source of Tonga. Pharm. Journ. III. x. (1880) 889. The use of Saffron in the Pharmacopoeia. Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 450-451. See also pp. 461-463. Star-anise. Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 489-491. Jafferabad Aloes. Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1881) 733. See also pp. 746-748. Holmes {Sir William Henry). Free Cotton ; how and where to grow it. "With a map of British Guiana. London, 1862. 8°. Holmgren (August Emil). Anvisning att igenkaenna Sweriges vigtigara loeftrad och loef- buskar under deras blad- och bloemloesa tillstand jemte en korte framstaellning af traedslagens naturKga familjer. Stockholm, 1861. 8°. Holstein (Fr. Adolf von). Anviisning for Gaardmaendene i Grevskabet Holsteinborg til at opelske Skov paa deres Lodder. Soroee, 1811. 8°. HoMNER (Georg). Die Beobachtungen ueber die Schuette der Kiefer oder Foehre und die Winterfaerbung immergruener Gewaechse. Fuer Forstmaenner und Botaniker zusammengestellt nebst Bemer- kungen. Freising, 1878. 8°. HoMAN (Balint). A szi'kes talaj muveleserol es fatenyesyeterol [Culture, and tree vegetation of soda-containing soils.] Urdeszeti lapoh, 1880, No. 12, 925-928. Honigberger (Johann Martin). Fruechte aus dem Morgenlande, oder Eeise-Erlebnisse, nebst T^Taturhistorisch-medicinischen Erfahrungen, einigen hundert erprobten Arzneimitteln, und einer neuen Heilart, dem Medial- Systeme. Wien, 1852. 8°. Thirty-five years in the East. Adventures, Discoveries, Expe- riments, and Historical Sketches, relating to the Punjab and Cashmere ; in connexion with Medicine, Botany, Pharmacy, etc., together with an original Materia medica ; and a medical vocabulary in four European and five Eastern languages. London, 1852. 8°. 94 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Hood (John W.). ITotes on the cultivation of the Opium Poppy in Australia. Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 272-274. Hooker {Dr., afterwards Sir Joseph Dalton). Description of a new species of Amomum [A. Danielli] from Tropical West Africa. [From Hooker's Journ. Bot.'] With additional note by J. Pereira. Pharm. Journ. xii. (1852) 72-73. Hooker {Sir William Jackson). Botanical characters of a new plant (Isonandra puUa) yielding the Gutta Percha of Commerce. [From the Lond. Journ. Bot.~\ Pharm. Journ. vii. (1847) 179-181. On Patchouli. [Pogostemon Patchouli, Lepell. = P. intermedins, Benth.y an earlier name, hut accidentally omitted from DC. Prod.] Pharm. Journ. ix. (282). Some account of the Vegetable Ivory Palm. (Phytelephas macrocarpa.) [From Hooker's Journ. Bot.~\ Pharm. Journ. ix. (1850) 369-375. On PiaQaba, and Coquilla nuts. [Attalea funifera. From Hooker's Journ. Bot.'] Pharm. Journ. ix. (1850) 431-432. Jute : Corchorus capsularis, L. [From Hooker's Journ. Bot.~\ Pharm. Journ. ix. (1850) 545. Chinese "Rice-Paper," or ** Bok-Shung." [From Hooker's Journ. Bot.] Pharm. Journ. ix. (1850) 545-546. On Boehmeria nivea, or Chinese Grass-plant, and on Boehmeria Puya. Pharm. Journ. xi. (1851) 276-278. Description and figure of the Cedron of the Magdalena Kiver. (Simaba Cedron, Planchon.) [From Hooker's Journ. Bot.] Pharm. Journ. x. (1851) 344-348. ■ Cedron. [From Hooker's Journ. Bot.] Pharm. Journ. -k. (1851) 472. Amomum Granum-paradisi. Grains of Paradise Amomum; or Mellegetta pepper. [From the Botanical Magazine.] Pharm. Journ. xii. (1852) 192-194. Coscinium fenestratum (False Calumba-root). [From Hooker's Journ. Bot.] Pharm. Journ. xii. (1852) 185-188. On the Camphor-tree of Borneo and Sumatra, Dryobalanops Camphora, Colehr. [From Hooker's Journ. Bot.] Pharm, Journ. xii. (1852) 300-302. Museum of Economic Botany, or a popular guide to the Museum of the Royal Gardens of Kew. London, 1855. 8°. For subsequent editions, see Oliver (D.). HOOD — HOUSTON. 95 Hooker (Sir William Jackson) continued: — lieport on vegetable products obtained without cultivation. (Paris Universal Exhibition.) London, 1857. 8°. Commercial products of the Asphodel. [From The Technologist.'] Pharm. Journ. II. iii. (1861) 24. Hooker {Sir "William Jackson), & Daniel Hanbury. Botanical and Pharmacological Inquiries and desiderata. [From the Admiralty Manual of Scientific Enquiry. See also Her- scHEL (J. F. \V.).] Pharm. Journ. II. i. (1859) 217-220. Hope (H. W.). Essai sur I'exploitation du chene-liege en algerie. Paris, 1876. 8". Horne (J.). Fiji. Remarks on the agricultural prospects of Fiji. Levuka, 1878. 8** Horner (W. H.). Cotton in Missouri. Report, Commissioner of Patents, Agriculture, 1861, (Washington, 1862) 221-223. Hough (Franklin B.). E-eport upon Forestry, prepared under the direction of the Com- missioners of Agriculture. Washington, 1878. 8°. * HouLTON (Joseph). On annual and biennial Hyoscyamus. Pharm. Journ. ii. (1842) 68. Hyoscyamus and Digitalis. [Difference in leaves of plants of various ages.] Pharm. Journ. i. (1842) 406-407. Of the medicinal properties of Leontodon Taxacum. From the '* Medical and Surgical Journal," vol. i. 1828. Pharm. Journ. i. (1842) 421-424. Hyoscyamus niger. [A paper read to the Royal Medico-Botanical Society.] Pharm. Journ. iii. (1844) 578-581. On Digitalis purpurea. The substance of a paper read before the Medico-Botanical Society. Pharm. Journ. iv. (1844) 126-128. HOUSSATE (J. G.). Monographic du the, description botanique, torrefaction, com- position chimique, proprietes hygieniques de cette feuille. Paris, 1843. 8°. [A list of 58 authors who have written on Tea, from 1590 to 1843, is given on pp. 155-157.] Houston (Joseph). Collection and preservation of Hyoscyamus. From the Lancet^ May 8th, 1841. Pharm. Journ. i. (1842) 427-428. Melilotus caerulea. Pharm. Journ. ii, (1842) 128. Colchicum autumnale. Pharm. Journ. ii. (1842) 129[-130]. 96 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. HouTTUTN (Martin). Houtkunde ; verzameling van in- en uitlandsche houten, en derzelver benamingen in het hollandsche, hoogduitsch, engelsch, fransch, en latijn, etc. Amstelaedami, 1773. 4°. Also in 1791 and 1795. The title is given in Dutch, German, French, English and Latin. A German ed. also, Nuernberg, 1773-98. Howard (David). Some recent importations of Cinchona barks. Pharm. Journ. III. V. (1875) 1025. ITote on the distribution of the alkaloids in Cinchona trees. Phdrm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 1-2. Notes on Cinchona bark. Fharm. Journ. III. x. (1879) 181. Howard (John Eliot). Examination of Pavon's collection of Peruvian barks contained in the British Museum. Pharm. Journ. xi. (1852) 489-498, 557-564, xii. 11-16, 58-62, 125-129, 173-180, 230-235, xii. (1853) 339-342. Observations on the specimens of Peruvian bark presented to the Museum of the Pharmaceutical Society, May 17th, 1854. Pha^m. Journ. xiii. (1854) 671-672. Observations on some additional specimens of Peruvian barks presented to the Museum of the Pharmaceutical Society. Pharm. Journ. xiv. (1854) 61-63. On the bark of Gomphosia chlorantha, Wedd., occurring mixed with quilled Calisaya bark. Pharm. Journ. xiv. (1855) 318. On Copalche bark. Pharm. Journ. xiv. (1855) 319. On the tree-producing red Cinchona bark. Pharm. Journ. xvi. (1856) 207-212. Illustrations of the Nueva quinologie of Pavon, etc. London, 18[59-]62. fol. Report on the bark and leaves of Chinchona succirubra grown in India. To the Under-Secretary of State for India. Pharm. Journ. II. V. (1863) 74-75. New features in the supply of Peruvian bark. Pharm. Journ. II. V. (1863) 248-249. On the root-bark of the Chinchonae. Pharm. Journ. II. vi. (1864) 19-21. On the red variety of Pitayo bark. Pharm. Journ. II. vi. (1864) 48-50. Note on the root bark of Chinchona Calisaya. Pharm. Journ. II. V. (1864) 342-345. HOUTTUYN HOWARD. 97 Howard (John Eliot) continued: — Microscopical researches on the alkaloids, as existing in Chinchona bark. Fharm. Journ. II. vi. (1865) 584-588. [With 4 plates.] Observations on the present state of our knowledge of the genus Cinchona. (Abstract of a paper read at a meeting of the International Botanical Congress, and prepared by the author, by desire, for the Pharmaceutical Journal.) Fharm. Journ. II. yiii. (1866) 11-16. Report of an analysis of the sixth remittance of bark from India. Pharm. Journ. II. ix. (1867) 243-244. Report of an analysis of the seventh remittance of bark from India. Fharm. Journ. II. ix. (1867) 245-246. Report of an analysis of the eighth remittance of bark from India. Fharm. Journ. II. x. (1868) 317-320. The Quinologv of the East Indian plantations. London, 1869-76. fol. On the cultivation of Cinchona plants under glass in England. Fharm. Journ. II. xi. (1870) 388-392. Cinchona cultivation in Java. Fharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 441- 442. See also p. 466. Cinchona-trees grown in India. Fharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 361-363. See also pp. 374-375. Correspondence relative to Cinchona cultivation in India. Fharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 724-727. Report on Cinchona bark grown in Jamaica. Fharm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 83. Examination of the leaves of Cinchona succirubra. (Especially in reference to the production of alkaloid.) Fharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 541-542. Cinchona cultivation in India. [Abstract from The Gardeners' Chronicle.'] Fharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 647-648. Cinchonas. [Abstract, Liym. Soc. Journ.'] Fharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 881. The Cinchona plantations in Java. Fharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 21-25, 41. Presumed hybrid between Cinchona Calisaya and C. succirubra. Fharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 1-2. On coppicing Cinchonas. Fharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 797-798. Indian barks contributed to the Museum. Fharm. Journ. III. v. (1875) 1005-1006. The supply of Cinchona bark as connected with the present price of Quinine. Fharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 207-210. 7 98 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Howard (John Eliot) continued : — The fast-growing variety of Cinchona called pubescens. Fha/rm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 825. Origin of the Calisaya Ledgeriana of Commerce. Fha/rm. Journ. III. X. (1880) 730. The cultivation of Calisaya. Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 244-246. HiJBER (Candidus). Yollstaendige I^aturgeschichte aller in Deutschland einheimischen und nationalisirten Ban- und Baumhoelzer. Muenchen, 1808. 2 vols. 4«. HUEBNEE (J. G.). Pflanzen-Atlas. Koepenick, 1861. 4". Ed. 2. Berlin, 1863. Ed. 3. 1869. Plan ten-atlas. Yoor inrigtingen van middelbaar onderwijs, aanstaande geneeskundigen en apothekers. IN^aar de 2. hoog- duitsche uitgave door Corstiaan de Jong. Arnhem, 1864. 8°. Hughes (H. G.). Tutu [Coriaria ruscifolia] as a dye wood. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 303. Hughes (William). The American physician, or a treatise of the roots, plants, trees, shrubs, fruits, herbs, . . . growing in the English plantations in America, etc. London, 1672. 12°. Hull (Edmund C. P.). Coffee, its physiology, history, and cultivation, adapted as a work of reference for Ceylon and the IN'eilgherries. Madras, 1865. 8*^. Coffee planting in Southern India and Ceylon. Being a second edition, enlarged, of *' Coffee, its physiology," etc, London, 1877. 8°. Hull (Hugh Munro). On Tasmania and its wealth in timber. Proc. Royal Colonial Inst. iv. (1873) 169-173. The economic value of the forests of Tasmania. Proc. Royal Colonial Inst. v. (1874) 160-165. Hulle (H. J. van). Guide arboricole aux cours publics de taille et aux ecoles normales et primeres. Ed. 2. Gand, 1875. 12^ HuNDESHAGEN (Johauu Christian). Lehrbuch der forst- und landwirthschaftlichen Naturkunde, etc. Tuebingen, 1829. 8°. Encyclopaedic der Eorstwissenschaften. Tuebingen, 1842-43. 4 vols. 8°. HOWARD INCE. 99 HiJNTEE (Alexander). On the fixed vegetable oils of Southern India. Pharm. Journ. xii. (1853) 598-599. HuifTER (Charles). A report upon some of the colonial medicinal contributions to the International Exhibition, A.D. 1862. London, 1863. 8°. HuELBERT (J. Beaufort). The climates, productions, and resources of Canada. Montreal, 1872. 8°. HusEMAN-N (August & Theodor). Die Pflanzenstoffe in chemischer, physiologischer, pharmakolo- gischer und toxicologischer Hinsicht, etc. BerKn, [1864-71]. 8°. HusEMAXN (Theodor). The value of mushrooms as food. [Extract] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 85. Java Ehubarb. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 328-329. The distribution of Cardiac poisons in the vegetable kingdom. [Abstract.] Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1877) 795-796, 834- 835. Poisonous property of a ''Star anise." [From the Pharm. Zeitung.l Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 453-454. Hijss (Magnus). Omkaffe; dess bruk och missbruk, ^^6?. Stockholm, 1865. 8". HuTH (Johann Christopher). Dissertatio medica de potu chocolatae, etc. [M. Mappus, Praes.~\ Argentorati, [1695]. 4". HrTTON- (F. W.). A Lecture on the manufacture of JS'ew Zealand Flax. Auckland, 1870. 8°. Iceet(E.). Gw^^X p.'f^'o^ De quelques recherches sur le jus de la canne a sucre et sur les >" ^^ modifications qu'il subit pendant le travail d'extraction a I'ile ^ Maurice. Maurice, 1865. 8°. faj>J^^^ Imbeet-Courbeyee (A.). Le9ons sur le tabac, faites au palais des facultes de Clermont- Ferrand. Clermont-Ferrand, 1866. 12°. Ince (Joseph). Acclimatization. Part II. The Garden of Acclimatization. (Paris). Pharm. Journ. II. v. (1863) 28-32, 60-66. 100 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Ingram (W.). Sorghum ; a report of an experiment in its cultivation at Belvoir. London, 1881. 12^ Inzenga (Giuseppe). Manuale pratico delle coltivazione del sommacco in Sicilia. Palermo, 1875. 8°. Ievine (Robert Hamilton). A short account of the Materia medica of Patna. Calcutta, 1848. 8°. ISHIKAWA (J.). Materials containing Tannin used in Japan. Chemical JSfewSf vol. xlii. (1880) pp. 274-277. IVERSEN (Jac). Om Eapsaedens Dyrkning i det Holsteenske, i Saerdeleshed i Hertugdoemmet Slesvig. . . . Oversat af det Tydske. Kjoeben- havn, 1803. 8". Der Rapsaat-Bau in Hollsteinischen, besonders im Herzogthum Schleswig, etc. Bremen, 1806. 8°. 1st der E-apsaatbau auf der Geest wirklich so bedenklich dasz wir ihn aufgegeben muessen ? und wirkt der Mergel nur auf einen Saaten-Umlauf ? Beantwortet. Augustenburg, 1821. 8''. Jackson (John Reader). Cork and its uses. [From The Technologist. ~\ Pharm. Journ. II. vi. (1865) 652-655. Pepper. [Prom The Technologist. ~\ Pharm. Journ. II. vii. (1865) 288-291. Orchid Tea. [Prom The Gardeners' Chronicle.'] Pharm. Journ. II. viii. (1866) 28-29. Economic value of the common Brake. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. II. viii. (1866) 354-355. Ginseng. [Prom The Gardeners' Chron.~\ Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 208-209. Ginseng. Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 665. The cultivation of Opium in China. Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 782-783. The Tamarind. Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 863. The Ochro and the Musk Mallow. Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 965-966. Notes on some Eastern varnish trees. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871)61. The uses of the genus Cyperus. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 502-503. INGRAM ^JACKSON. 101 Jackson (John Reader) continued: — The cultivation and use of the Dandelion in India. Fha/rm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 523-524. The Algerian Callitris. FJiarm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 623. Notes on the properties of the Geranieae. Fha/rm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 744-745. Poisonous properties of Jatropha urens. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 863-864. The so-caUed African saffron. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 904. The economic and medicinal value of the genus Ehus. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 985. The medicinal properties of the cow trees of South America. Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 321-322. Blue mountain tea. [Solidago odora, Ait.'] Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 603. The medicinal plants of !N'ew Zealand. Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 662-663. Churrus. Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 764. iNotes on the medicinal plants of the Rutaceae. Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 951-953. African tea plants. Pha/rm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 421. [N'ote on Liatris odoratissima. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 322. !N'otes on the Areca palm. Areca Catechu, L. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 689. [N'otes on the medicinal plants of the Scrophulariaceae. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 1033-1034. The Uses of Agave americana. Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 461-462. Ginseng. (Panax Schinseng of IN'ees.) [From The Gardener 8^ Chronicle.'] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 86-88. Notes on some medicinal plants of the Compositae. Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 462-464. Yanilla. Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1875) 885-886. Zebra wood. [Prom The Gardeners' Chronicle.] Pha/rm. Journ. III. V. (1875) 1009. Princewood bark, a febrifuge from the Bahamas. Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1876) 681. Another note on Rhubarb. Pharm. Journ. III. vi.(1876) 966. Notes on the drugs collected by the Prince of Wales in India. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 129-130. 102 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Jackson (John Reader) continued : — Fenugreek. [From The Gardeners^ Chronicle.~\ Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 157. *' Chicle" gum and Monesia bark. Fharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 409. Notes on some of the pharmaceutical products exhibited in the Philadelphia exhibition of 1876. Fharm. Journ. III. vii. (1877) 997-998, 1037-1039. I^otes on the uses of a commercial cane termed ''whangee," species of Phyllostachys. {Linn. Sao. Journ. Bat. xvi.) Sanguinaire or the Arabe. [Algerian tea.] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 521. The uses of some of the Indian species of Bassia. Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 646-648. Boa-tam-paijang (Sterculia scaphigera, Wall.). Pharm. Journ. III. viii.' (1878) 747. Indian plants adapted- for commercial purposes. Journ. Sog. Arts, xxvii. (1879) 333-342. Jacobson (J. J. L. J.). Handboek voor de kultuur en fabrikatie van thee. Batavia, 1843. 3 vols. 8°. Jacqxjies (Antoine ?). Monographic de la famille des Coniferes. Paris, 1837. 8°. See Pritzel, Thes. ed. 2. p. 423. Jaeger (B.). Lectures sur I'histoire naturelle d'Haiti, appliquee a I'economie rurale et domestique. Tom. i. contenant la botanique. Port- au-Prince, 1830. 4°. Jaegeb (H.). Die •N'utzholzpflanzungen und ihre Yerwendung, mit besonderer Buecksicht auf fremde Holzarten und Weidenzucht . . . Puer Gutsbesitzer, Porstleute, Gemeinde- und Eisenbahnver- waltungen und Gaertner. Hannover, 1877. 8°. Jagee (P.)- Pyrethrum roseum, a remedy for insect-bites. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. II. x. (1868) 47. Jago ( — .). Olive cultivation in Syria. [Extract from Consular report.] Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 607. Jahn (C. L.). Die Holzgewaechse des Friedrichshains bei Berlin. Ein Yer- zeichniss derselben, ^^^. Berlin, 1864. 8°. JACKSON — JOHNSTON. 103 James (A. G. P. Eliot). Indian Industries. London, 1880. 8". Jamie ( — .). Michelia Champaca. [Extract from a letter.] PJiarm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 572-573. Janssen- (J.). Fraxinus cultivation and Manna production. [Extract.] Flia/rm. Journ. III. x. (1879) 407. Jattbeet (Hippolyte EranQois). La botanique a I'exposition universelle de 1855. Paris, 1855. 8«. Jennings (James). A practical treatise on tlie history, medical properties, and cultivation of Tobacco. London, 1830. 12^ Jessen (Carl Friedricli Wilhelm). Deutschlands Graeser und Getreidearten zu leichter Erkenntniss nach dem Wuchse den Blaettern, Bluetben und Eruechten zusammengestellt und fuer die Land- und Eorstwissenschaft nach Yorkonunen und Nutzen ausfuehrlich beschrieben. Leipzig, 1863. 8^ JoBST (J.), «& 0. Hesse. Dita bark. [Alstonia scholaris, R. Br. Abstract.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 142-144. JoERLiN (Engelbert). Specimen botanico-oeconomicum de usu quarundam plantarum indigenarum prae exoticis. Londini Gothorum, 1769. 4**. Johansson (J.). Om nora skog. Aeldra och nyare anteckningar. Stockholm, 1875. 8°. Johnson (Charles Pierpoint). The useful plants of Great Britain ; a treatise upon the principal native vegetables capable of application as food, medicine, or in the arts and manufactures. Illustrated by John E. Sowerby. London, 1862. 8^ Johnson (Samuel "W.). Landtbruket och naturvetenskapema. I. De odlade vaextemas bestandsdelar, utveckling och lif svilkor. II. De odlade vaex- temas foeda samt luftens och jordens forhallenden till vaext- naeringen. (Transl. by E. Bergstrand.) Stockholm, 1874. 8**. Johnston (James Einlay Weir). The Chemistry of Common Life. Edinburgh and London, 1855. 2 vols. 8°. Ed. [2.] 1859. Ed. [3.?] 1879. 104 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Johnston (Robert). Esparto : a series of practical remarks on the nature, cultivation, past history, and future prospects of the plant; including a demonstration of the importance to the paper making trade of prompt and vigorous measures for it& preservation. Journ. Soc. Arts, XX. (1871) 96-104. Jolt (Nicolas). Observations generales sur les plantes qui peuvent fournir des couleurs bleues a la teinture, suivies de recherches anatomiques, physiologiques et chimiques &ur le Polygonum tinctorium et specialement sur le Chrozophora tinctoria (Croton tiactorium, L.) Montpellier, 1839. 4°. Etudes sur les plantes indigoferes en general et particulierement sur le Polygonum tinctorium. Montpellier, 1839. 8**. JucH (Karl Wilhelm). Die Giftpflanzen. Zur Belehrung fuer Jedermann. Augsburg, 1817. fol. Jtjlien (Stanislas). Resume des principaux traites chinois sur la culture des muriers et 1' education des vers a soie. Paris, 1837. 8°. Jus (H.). Les plantes textiles algeriennes a 1' exposition universelle de 1878. Histoire d'une botte d'Alfa. Ratna, 1878. 8^ JussiEU (Adrien de). De Euphorbiacearum generibus medicisque earundem viribus tentamen. Parisiis, 1824. 4°. On a newly discovered plant yielding the Gum Ammoniacum. (Disemeston gummiferum, Jauh. ^ Spach.) [Erom the Pharm. Centr. Blatt, April, 12, 1843.] Pharm. Journ. ii. (1843) 773. Kalbeuner (Hermann). The insecticidal properties of some species of Pyrethrum. [Extract.] Pha/rm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 503-504. Kamphausen (K. W.). Leitfaden zur Zucht des Maulbeerbaumes und der Seidenraupen. Coblenz, 1864. 8% Kabsten (H.). Deutsche Elora. Pharmaceutisch-medicinische Botanik. Ein Grundriss der systematischen Botanik zum Selbststudium fuer Aerzte, Apotheker und Botaniker. Berlin, 1880. 8". — > JOHNSTON KEENER. 105 Katzer (Joseph). Systematische TJebersiclit der officinellen Pflanzen, welche in der Oestreich'schen Pharmacopoe enthalten sind. Wien, 1840. 8°. Kaysee (G. a.). On the two varieties of Jalap in commerce. [From the Ann. der Chemie und PharmJ] Fharm. Journ. iv. (1844) 284, 285 ; (1845) 327. On the composition of the Jalap resin, obtained from the genuine Jalap tuber. (The Ipomoea Schiedeana of Zuccharini.) [Prom the Ann. der Chemie und Pharm.~\ Fharm. Journ. iv. (1845) 428-430. Keene (P. T.). Botanical description of Cundurango. [Extract.] Fharm. Journ, III. ii. (1871) 405. Kelch (Wilhelm Gottlieb). Flora medica borussica, sistens plantas officinales sponte vigentes. Eegiomonti, 1805. 8^ Kemp (David S.). On Goa powder. Fharm. Journ. II. v. (1864) 345-347. Chrysarobine, or Goa powder. Fharm. Journ. II. v. (1875) 729. Kempthorne (G. B.). Description of the Prankincense-tree, as found near Cape Gardaf oi, on the Somauli Coast. [Prom Sir W. C. Harris's highlands of Ethiopia.'] Fharm. Journ. iv. (1844) 37, 38. Kennedy (George W.). Kote on Opium culture. Fharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 762. Keechove de Denteeghem (Oswald de). Les palmiers, histoire iconographique. Geographic, paleontologie, botanique, description, culture, emploi . . . avec index general des noms et synonyms des especes connues, etc. Paris, 1878. 8°. Keenee (Johann Simon). Handlungsprodukte aus dem Pflanzenreich. Stuttgart, 1781-86. fol. Giftige und essbare Schwaemme, welche sowohl im Herzogthum "Wirtemberg als auch ins uebrigen Teutschland wild wachsen. Stuttgart, 1786. 8". Abbildung aller oekonomischen Pflanzen. Figures des plantes economiques. Stuttgart, 1786-96. 8 vols. 4°. 106 VEGETABLE TECHJ^OLOGY. Keee (Hem Chunder). Report on the cultivatioii of and trade in Jute in Bengal, and on Indian fibres available for the manufacture of paper, with a map of the jute-growing districts of Bengal. Ed. 3. Calcutta, 1877. fol. Keer (Thomas). A practical treatise on the cultivation of the sugar cane, and the manufacture of sugar. London, 1851. 8". Ketwoeth (George Alexander). Koegoed. Fharm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 205. KlENTTZ (M.). Ueber Formen und Abarten heimischer Waldbaeume. Berlin, 1879. 8°. Schuessel zum Bestimmen der wichtigsten Beutschland cultivirten Hoelzer nach mit unbewaffnetem Auge erkennbaren Merk- malen. Muenden, 1880. 8°. King (George). Cinchona plantations in British Sikkim. Tenth annual Report, etc. Fharm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 302-304, 324-325. Fourteenth annual report of the Government Cinchona plantation in British Sikhim. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 512-513, 534-537. A manual of Cinchona cultivation in India. Calcutta, 1876. fol. Ed. 2. 1880. KiNGZETT (Charles Thomas). !N"ature's Hygiene : a series of Essays on popular scientific subjects, with special reference to the Chemistry and Hygiene of the Eucalyptus and the Pine. London, 1880. 8". KiEK (John). On the Copal of Zanzibar. [Journ. Linnean Soc.'] Fharm, Journ. II. X. (1869) 654-655. KiEWAN (Charles de). La France forestiere depuis lea temps les plus recules jusqu'd nos jours. Paris, 1869. 8". Flore forestiere illustree ; arbres et arbustes du centre de I'Europe ; description generale, organographie, culture, habitat, produits principaux et accessoires. Paris, 1872. fol. !N"otice sur I'industrie des ecorces a tan. Paris, 1878. 4*. Kleemann (G.). Der praktische Zuckerruebenbau. Leipzig, 1881. 8". KERR — KRAUS. 107 Koch (Karl Heinrich Emil). Hortus dendrologicus. Yerzeicliniss der Baeume, Straeucher und Halbstraeucher, die in Europa, ]S"ord- und Mittelasien, im Himalaya und in Nordamerika wild wachsen und moeglicher "Weise in Mitteleuropa im Freien ausdauern; nach dem natuer- lichen Systeme und mit Angabe aller Synonymie, sowie des Yaterlandes, aufgezaehlt und mit einem alphabetischen Register versehen. Berlin, 1853. 8°. Bendrologie. Baeume, Straeucber und Halbstraeucber welche in Mittel- und I^ord-Europa im Freien kultivirt werden kritisch beleucbtet. Erlangen, 1869-73. S\ Koch (Ludwig). Die Klee- und Flachsseide (Cuscuta Epithymumund C. Epilinum). Untersuchungen ueber deren Entwickelung, Yerbreitung und Yertilgung. Heidelberg, 1880. 8°. KoENiG (C. E. von). Die Seradella, der Klee des Sandes. Wittenberg, 1864. 8". Ed. 2. 1865. Ed. 3. 1873. KoHLHAAs (Jobann Jakob). Giftpflanzen auf Stein abgedruckt mit Beschreibungen. Eegens- burg, 1805. 4°. KoHN (Ferdinand). On the different methods of extracting sugar from beet-root and cane. Journ. Soe. Arts, xix. (1871) 338-345. KosTELETZKY (Yiuccnz Franz). AUgemeine medizinisch pharmaceutiscbe Flora, entbaltend die systematische Aufzaeblung und Beschreibung saemmtlicber bis jetzt bekannt geworduer Gewaechse aller Welttheile. Prag, 1831-36. 6 vols. 8°. KoTSCHY (Theodor). Die Eichen Europa's und des Orients. Gesammelt, zum Theil neu entdeckt, und mit Hinweisung auf ihre Kulturfachigkeit fuer Mittel-Europa bescbrieben, etc. Wien und Ollmuetz, l8[58-]62. fol. Kbahe ( — .). Die Korbweiden-kultur. Aachen, 1879. 8°. Kkatzmann (Eduard). De coniferis usitatis. Pragae, 1835. 8°. Keaus (Karl). Die Krankheiten der Hopfenpflanzen. Yortrag. Kuernbeig, 1880. 8°. 108 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Keause (Joliann "Wilhelm). Abbildungen und Beschreibung aller bis jetzt bekannten Getrei- dearten. Leipzig, 1835-37. fol. Das Getraidebuch oder neuste Wanderungen durch das wissen- schaftliche Gebiet der Getraide. Leipzig, 1840. 8°. Keause (Rudolf Wilhelm). De Cardamomis. Jenae, 1704. 4°. Keauss (J. C). Afbeeldingen der artsseny-gewassen met derzelver nederduitsche en latynsche beschryy vingen. Amsterdam, 1796-1800. 4 vols. 8". \_Anon.'] Keebs (F. L.). YoUstaendige Beschreibung und Abbildung der saemmtlichen Holzarten, welche in mittleren und noerdlichen Deutschland wild wachsen. Braunschweig, 1827-35. fol. Keuedenee {Baron C). Der Plachsbau mit Berucksichtung der Yerhaeltnisse in Oester- reich. Wien, 1874. S\ Keetjtzee (Karl Joseph). Oestereichs Giftgewaechse. "Wien, 1838. 8". Beschreibung und Abbildung saemmtlicher essbaren Schwaemme, deren Yerkauf auf den niederoesterreichschen Maerkten gezetz- lich gestattet ist. Wien, 1839. 8°. Keoenishfeanck {pseud, [i.e. Arthur Eloffe]). Guide pour reconnaitre les champignons comestibles et veneneux du pays de Trance. Paris, [1869]. 16°. [Ed. 2, title varied, 1880.] Keombholz (Julius Yincenz von). Conspectus fungorum esculentorum, qui per decursum anni 1820 Pragae publica vendebantur. Programra. Prag, 1821. 8". Naturgetreue Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der essbaren, schaedlichen und verdaechtigen Schwaemme. Prag, 1831-47. fol. KuBimri (A.). Plantae venenosae Hungariae. Merges novenyik, etc. Budae, 1842. 8°. KuBz (Sulpiz). The Forest Flora of British Burma. Calcutta, 1877. 2 vols. 8°. Kuntze (Otto). Cinchona. Arten, Hybriden, und Cultur der Chinabaeume. Monographische Studien nach eigenen Beobachtungen in den Anpflanzungen auf Java und im Himalaya. Leipzig, 1878. 8". KRAUSB — LAIRD. 109 L., (J. B.). Principal economic products from the Vegetable Kingdom. Ar- ranged under their respective !N'atural Orders, with the Names of the Plants, and the parts used in each case. London, 1872. 8**. Laborie (P. J.). The Coffee Planter of St. Domingo. London, 1798. 8". An abridgment of the Coffee Planter of St. Domingo . . . also notes on the cultivation of the medicinal Cinchonas, by W. G. Mclvor. Madras, 1863. 8°. Lachaume ( — .). The Cave Mushroom. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 568-569. Lacipieee (P. Leopold). Des emetiques vegetaux en general, et des emetiques indigenes en particuliere. Strasbourg, 1854. 8°. Ladueeau (A..). Troisieme memoire sur la culture de la betterave a sucre. Lille, 1877. 8°. Culture du lin. Etude sur les causes des maladies du lin. Lille, 1878. 8°. JEtudes sur la culture de la betterave a sucre ( 1 878). Lille, 1 880. 8°. Note sur la luzeme du Chili (Medicago apiculata) et son utilisa- tion agricole. Lille, 1880. 8°. Laffemas (B. de). La fa9on de faire et semer la graine de meurier, les elever en pepinieres et les replanter aux champs, gouverner et nourrir les vers a soye au climat de la Erance, plus facilement que par les memoires de tons ceux qui en ont escript. Nouvelle edition, revue sur celle de Pierre Pautonnier, Paris, 1604. Mont- pellier, 1877. 8^ Lagasca (Mariano). Memoria sobre las plantas barrilleras de Espana. Madrid, 1817. 8°. Lagergeen (Joh.). Svenska matvaexters insamling och foervaring. Stockholm, 1880. 12". Laguna (Maximo). Hesumen de los trabajos verificados por la comision de la flora forestal espaiiola durante los aiios de 1867 y 1868. Madrid, 1870. 4°. Coniferas y amentaceas espanolas. Madrid, 1878. 4°. Laird (W.). On the adulteration of Annatto. Pharm. t7owrw.II.x.(1868) 156-157. 110 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Lambert (Aylmer Bourke). A description of the genus Cinchona, comprehending the various species of vegetables from which the Peruvian and other barks of a similar quality are taken. Illustrated by figures of all the species hitherto discovered. To which is prefixed Prof. Yahl's Dissertation on this genus, etc. London, 1797. 4**. A Description of the genus Pinus, illustrated with figures, direc- tions relative to the cultivation, and remarks on the use of the several species. London, 1803-24. 2 vols. fol. Ed. 2. 3 vols. 1828-37. Also in 8°. 1832. An illustration of the genus Cinchona, comprising descriptions of all the ofiicinal Peruvian barks, including several new species, Baron de Humboldt's account of the Chinchona forests of South America ; and Laubert's memoir on the different species of Quinquina. To which are added, several dissertations of Don Hippolito Buiz, on various medicinal plants of South America. London, 1821. 8^ Lambert (Ernest). Exploitation des forets de chene-liege, et des bois d'olivier en Algerie. Paris, 1860. 8°. Eucalyptus. Culture exploitation et produit, son role en Algerie. Paris, 1873. 8°. Ed. 2. 1874. Lamprecht (Conrad). Der Hopfen. Inaugural-Dissertation. Breslau, 1874. 8°. Landerer (Xaverias). On Senna. [From the Repert. fuer die Fharm.'] Pharm. Journ. V. (1845) 84. On oriental copal. [From the Repert. fuer die Pharm.'] Pharm. Journ. V. (1845) 186. On Salop. Pharm. Journ. ix. (1850) 435-436. Labdanum creticum. Pharm. Journ. x. (1851) 349-350. On Cyprian Labdanum. Translated and communicated by Daniel Hanbury. Pharm. Journ. xi. (1851) 6-7. On the poisonous plants of Greece. [From the Central Blatt.'\ Pharm. Journ. xxi. (1851) 120-121. On Cassia Fistula. Pharm. Journ. xi. (1851) 201-202. On Comus mascula [=0. Mas, Linn.~]. Pharm. Journ. xii. (1852) 63-64. On the varieties of Manna not produced by the Ash. Pharm. Journ. xiii. (1854) 411-412. On the use of common Bue, and of Peganum Harmala in Greece. [Extract from a letter.] Pha/rm. Journ. xiv. (1855) 369. LAMBERT — LANGETHAL. Ill Landeeek (Xaverias) continmd : — Pharmaceutical notes on the Cornelian Cherry. [Cornus Mas, . Ztnn. From The Dublin Sospital Gazette.'] Fharm. Journ. II. •1.(1860)431. Landolt (EL). Die forstlichen Zustande in den Alpen und im Jura, etc. Bern, 1863. 8«. Der Wald, seine Yerjuenging, Pflege und Benutzung. Bearbeitet fuer das Schweizervolk. Zuerich, 1866. 8^ Ed. 2. 1871. Der Wald in Haushalt der ]N"atur und der Menschen, etc. Zuerich, 1870. 8^ LANEssAif (J. L. de). Gamboge [Abstract]. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 848-849. Manuel d'histoire naturelle medicale. Deuxieme partie : etude des plantes phanerogames medicinales, suivie d'un tableau des medicaments d'origine vegetale, etc. Paris, 1879. IS"*. Lang (John Dunmore). Queensland, Australia; . . . the future cotton-field of Great Britain, etc. London, 1861. 8^ Laxge (Johan Martin Christian). Om de Sygdomme hos vore vigtigste dyrkede Planter, som Eremkaldes ved Eustsvampe, snyltende paa forskjellige Vaert- planter og om Midlerne til at indskraenke deres Udbredelse. Kjoebenhavn, 1880. 8^ Om rostsjukdomar hos vara vigtigaste odlade vaexter och om medlen att inskraenka deras spridning. [Ed. by Ch. Jacobson.] Stockholm, 1880. 8". Lai^ge (Johan Martin Christian), & E. Bostkup. De danske Eoderurter. Udarbejdet paa Grundlag af S. Drejers, * Anvisning til at kjende de danske Eoderurter' tredje Udgave, etc. Kjoebenhavn, 1877. 8°. Langethal (Christian Eduard). Lehrbuch der landwirthschaftlichen Pflanzenkunde fuer praktische Landwirthe und Ereunde des Pflanzenreiches. i, Suessgraeser. ii. Klee- und Wickpflanzen. iii. Hackfruechte Handelsge- waechse und Kuechenkraeuter. Jena, 1841-45. 3 vols. 8°. Ed. 2. 1847-53. Ed. 3. 1855-64. Ed. 4 (vol. i.). 1866. Ed. 5 (Handbuch der landwirthschaftlichen Pflanzenkunde und des Pflanzenbaues). Berlin, 1874-76. 4 vols. i. Gras und Getreide. ii. Klee- und Wickpflanzen. iii. Hack- fruechte Handelsgewaechse, Gemuese und Apothekerkraeuter. iv. Der Obstbau, der Beerenbau, und die wLldvvachsenden Holzarten in Bereiche der Landwirthschaft. 112 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Langethal (Christian Eduard) continued : — Beschreibung der Gewaechse Deutschlands nach iliren natuer- lichen Pamilien und ihrer Bedeutung fuer die Landwirtlischaft. Jena, 1858. 8°. Ed. 2. 1868. Lankestee (Edwin). Lecture on the structure, affinities, and medical properties of the Natural Order Banunculaceae. Pharm. Journ. ii. (1842) 198-203. Report of lectures on the natural history of plants yielding food, etc. London, 1845. 12«. La Roque ( — .) Gruendliche und sichere Nachricht vom Cafee- und Cafee-Baum, etc. Leipzig, 1717. 4^ Laeshoff ( — .). En kort Afhandling for Landmaend om Hoer-Silberedelse, etc» Kjoebenhavn, 1872. 8°. La Sagea (Ramon de). Description et culture de I'ortie de le Chine, precede d'une notice sur les diverses plantes qui portent ce nom, etc. Paris, [1870]. 12". Lascelles (Arthur R. W.). A treatise on the nature and cultivation of Coffee, etc. London, 1865. 8°. Laslett (Thomas). Timber and Timber Trees, native and foreign. London, 1875. 8°. Lasteyrie du Saillant (Charles Philibert de). Du pastel, de I'indigotier, et des autres vegetaux dont ou pent extraire une couleur bleue ; avec une instruction detaillee sur la culture et la preparation du pastel. Paris, 1811. 8°. Del guado e di altri vegetabili da cui si puo estrarre un color turchino, colla descrizione della coltura del guado, della pre- parazione del pastille, ^^c. Roma, 1811. 8". Du cotonnier et de sa culture, ou traite sur les diverses especes de cotonniers ; sur la possibilite et les moyens d'acclimater cet arbuste en France ; sur sa culture dans differens pays, principalement dans le midi de I'Europe, et sur les proprietes et les avantages economiques, et les economiques industriels et commerciaux du coton. Paris, 1808. 8". Lattre ( — . de). Comite agricole de I'arrondissement de Dieppe. Notions theoriques et pratiques sur la culture du lin, et sur celles du colza et du tabac. Dieppe, 1864. 8^ LANGETHAL LAWSON. 113 Laijbeet (Charles Jean). Eecherches botaniques, chimiques, pharmaceutiques sur le quin- quina. Paris, 1816. 8". Lauche (W.). Deutsche Dendrologie. Systematische Uebersicht, Beschreibung, Culturanweisung und Yerwendung der in Deutschland mit oder ohne Decke aushaltenden Gehoelze. Berlin, 1880. 8". Lavalette (A. de). Culture et ensilage du mais. [Extract.] Paris, 1877. 8". Layalle (Jean). Traite pratique des champignons comestibles, . . . leurs proprietes alimentaires, leur culture, etc. Paris, 1852. 8°. Layallee (Alphonse). Les nouYeaux coniferes du Colorado et de la Calif ornie. Paris, [1875]. S\ L'origine de la pomme de terre et son introduction en Europe. [Extract.] Paris, 1877. 8«. Arboretum Segrezianum. Enumeration des arbres et arbrisseaux cultives d Segrez (Seine-et-Oise) comprenant leur synonymie et leur origine, avec I'indication d'ouyrages dans lesquels ils se trouYont figures. Paris, 1877. 8°. Arboretum Segrezianum. Icones selectae arboram et fruticum in hortis Segrezianis coUectorum. Description et figures des especes nouYelles, rares ou critiques de I'arboretum de Segrez. Paris, 1880, etc. fol.^ Lawes (John Bennett), J. H. Gilbeet, & Maxwell T. Masters. Agricultural, botanical, and chemical results of experiments on the mixed herbage of permanent meadow, conducted for more than twenty years in succession on the same land. Part I. FMl. Trans, clxxi. (1880) pp. 289-416. Part II. (Botanical results.) Froe. Royal Soc. xxx. (1880) pp. 556-557. The details of Messrs. Lawes and Gilbert's experiments will be found in a series of papers published in the Journal of the Eoyal Agricultural Society. Lawson (Peter). The agriculturist's manual, being a familiar description of the agricultural plants cultivated in Europe. Edinburgh, 1836. 8°. Pinetum britannicum, containing a descriptive account of all hardy trees of the Pine tribe cultivated in Great Britain. Edinburgh, 1866, etc. foL— > 8 114 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. La-wson (Peter, & Charles). Synopsis of the vegetable products of Scotland, forming a descriptive account of the collection exhibited at the Great Exhibition of the industry of all nations. Edinburgh, 1851. 4°. Agrostographia, a treatise on the cultivated grasses and other herbage and forage plants. Ed. 4. Edinburgh, 1853. 4°. Ed. 6. (by D. Syme) 1877. Leaeed (Arthur). On the use of the Leaves of Globularia Alyssum as a purgative. [Erom Med. Review. ~\ Phwrm. Journ. II. ii. (1861) 431-432. Notes on some drugs collected in Morocco. Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 621-625. See also pp. 638-639. Leaked (Arthur), & Edward Morell Holmes. IN'otes on Morocco drugs. Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 521-523. Eurther notes on Morocco drugs. Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 141-142. Leavitt (0. S.). The culture and manufacture of flax and hemp. Report, Commis- sioner of Patents; Agriculture, Washington, (1862) pp. 83-1 18. Lebeaud ( — .). Manuel de I'herboriste, ou description succincte des plantes usuelles indigenes, etc. Paris, 1825. 12''. Lebeup (Valentin Ferdinand). Culture des champignons de couches, et de bois, et de la truffe, ou moyen de les multiplier, reproduire, accomoder. Paris, 1878. 18°. Leblond (Jean Baptiste). Essai sur I'art de I'indigotier, pour servir k un ouvrage plus etendu, lu et approuve par 1' Academic des sciences. [Paris], 1791. 8°. Observations sur le cannelier de la Guyane frauQaise. Cayenne, 1795. 8". Memoire sur la culture du cotonnier dans les terres basses, dites Paletuviers k la Guyane frauQaise. Cayenne, 1801. 4°. Lecocq (Henri). . Traite des plantes fourrageres, ou flore des prairies naturelles et artificielles de la Erance et de I'Europe centrale; ouvrage contenant la description, les usages et qualites de toutes les plantes herbacees ou ligneuses qui peuvent servir k la nour- riture des animaux, etc. Ed. 2. Paris, 1862. 8". LeComte(C. E. A.). Culture et production du cafe dans les colonies. Paris, 1865. 8°. LAWSON LEMOINE. 115 Lecouteux (Edouard). Culture et ensilage du mais-fourrage, et des autres fourrages verts. Paris, 1875. 18°. Le Doux (Chr.). IS'ote sur la culture de divers vegetaux et particulierement du panais fourrager, dans la Lozere. [Extract.] Paris, 1877. 8°. Le Dug (William G.). Letter ... to Hon. J. W. Johnson ... on Sorghum sugar. Washington, 1880. 8°. Leenhardt ( — .). Conference sur la culture de la garance. Avignon, 1875. 8**. Lees (William Nassau). Tea and Cotton cultivation in India. London, 1863. 8". * Another word on Tea cultivation in Eastern Bengal. Calcutta, 1867. 8^ Lefeanc (Edouard). Etude botanique, chimique et toxicologique sur I'Atractylis gum- mifera (el heddad des Arabes). Paris, 1866. 8°. Des Chamaeleons noir et blanc des anciens, Cardopatium orien- tale, Spach ; et Atractylis gummifera, Z. Botanique et matiere medicale. Paris, 1867. 8**. Legee (A.). La ramie et son exploitation industrielle. Lyon, 1881. 8". Lehnert (Hugo). Der Hopfenbau. Practische Anleitung zum richtigen Betriebe desselben. Berlin, 1877. 8". Lehr (Georg Philipp). De Olea europaea. D. botanico-medica. Goettingae, 1779. 4". Leingre ( — .). Notice sur TEucalyptus globulus. Paris, 1875. 8°. Lemert (Nicolas). Dictionnaire ou traite universel des drogues simples, mis en ordre alphabetique. Paris, 1698. 4«. Ed. 2. 1714. Ed. [3.] by S. Morelot, 1807. 2 vols. 8". YoUstaendiges Materialen-Lexicon, verdeutscht durch Chr. Er. Richter. Leipzig, 1721. fol. Lemoine (Constant), & — . Chaeboniveau. Abrege du cours d'arboriculture theorique et pratique, par demandes et par reponses, a I'usage des jardiniers, proprietaires et cultivateurs. Angers, 1872. 18'*. Abrege d'arboriculture theorique et pratique, redige par demandes et par reponses. Rennes, 1880. 16°. 116 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Lenglen (Charles). ^ La culture de la betterave dans ses rapports avec la sucrerie indigene. Arras, 1876. 8°. LxN^z (Harold Othmar). Die nuetzlichen, scliaedlichen und verdaechtigen Schwaemme, etc. Gotha, 1831. 8". Atlas 4°. Ed. 2. 1840. Ed. 3. 1862. Ed. 4. 1868. Ed. 5. [by A. Koese,] 1874. Leo (Julius). Taschenbuch der Arzneipflanzen, oder Bescbreibung und Abbil- dung saemmtlicher offizinellen Gewaechse. Berlin, 1826-27. 4 vols. 8°. Leon (John A.). The art of manufacturing and refining Sugar, etc. London, 1 850. fol. Lepage (Richard C). Papers on the plant Gynocardia odorata, from which the Chaul- moogra oil is obtained. London, 1878. 8°. Lepaiee (L.). De la culture de la betterave, des soins a lui donner pour augmen- ter le poids de la recolte, conseils aux cultivateurs. Chalon- sur-Saone, 1881. 8°. Leqtjain (Er.). La coltivazione del rizo, con provvedimenti di salubritd. Torino, 1878. 16°. Leroy (Alphonse Yincent Louis Antoine). Memoire sur le Kinkina franqais. Paris, 1808. 8°. Leroy (Andre). Dictionnaire de pomologie, contenant I'histoire, la description, la figure des fruits anciens et des fruits modernes les plus generalement connues et cultives. Angers, 1869. 8°. Leschenault de la Toijr (Louis Theodore), Kotice sur le cannelier de I'ile de Ceylon, sur sa culture et ses produits. A St. Denis, He Bourbon, 1821. 4". Lescher (F. H.). On Silphium, or Asafoetida. Pharm. Journ. XL ix. (1868) 588-593. Letelie (J. A.). Le cotonnier, son histoire, sa culture et ses succes en Algerie, etc. Marennes, 1863. 8^ Letellier (Jean Baptiste Louis). Dissertation sur les proprietes alimentaires, medicales et vene- neuses des champignons, qui croissent aux environs de Paris. D. Paris, 1826. 4°. Histoire et description des champignons alimentaires et veneneux qui croissent aux environs de Paris. Paris, 1826. 8"^. LENGLEN — LINDSAY. 117 Lettsom (Jolm Coakley). The natural history of the Tea-tree, with ohservations on the medical qualities of Tea and effects of Tea-drinking. London, 1772. 4°. Ed. 2. 1799. Leveille (Joseph Henri). Notice sur le genre Agaric, considere sous les rapports hotanique, economique, medical et toxologique. Paris, 1840. 8°. Letntis (a. C). Coffee planting in Ceylon; past and present. Colomho, 1855. 8^ LiATjDET (Philipp). Memoranda der praktischen Botanik in ihrer Anwendung auf Materia medica. Weimar, 1851. 8". LiEBiCH (Christian). Compendium der Forstwissenschaft. Wien, 1854. 8°. LiEBiG (Justus, Baron von). Coffee. [From Popula/r Science Review.~\ Pha/rm. Journ. II. yii. (1866) 412-416. LiGNAC (L.). Dicotyledones. Caracteres des principales families et plantes etudiees en medicine. Leurs usages therapeutiques. Paris, 1879. 8°. Monocotyledones et acotyledones. Principales families, etc. Paris, 1879. 8^ LiGON (Richard). A True and exact history of Barbados, etc.^ [with the process of sugar-making.] London, 1657. fol. (Another edition, 1673.) Lnn)LEY (John). Flora medica : a botanical account of all the more important plants used in medicine, in different parts of the world. London, 1838. 8°. Medical and economical Botany. London, [1849]. 8". Ed. 2. 1856. The Sassy tree of Western Africa. [Correction of specific name, given by Procter.] Pharm. Journ. xvi. (1857) 373. LiNDLEY (John), & Thomas Moore. Treasury of Botany. London, 1866. 2 vols. 8°. Ed. [2.] 1874. The title on the cover reads, " Maunder's Treasury of Botany.'* Lindsay (William Lauder). The Toot-poison of New Zealand. [^Proc. Brit. Assoc.~\ Pharm. Journ. II. V. (1864) 371-373. On the conservation of forests in Kew Zealand. Journ. Bot. vi. (1868) 38-46. 118 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Link (Heinrich Fnedrich). * Handbuch zur Erkennung der nutzbarsten und ain haelifigsten vorkommenden Gewaechse. Berlin, 1829-33. 3 vols. S°. LiNKE (J. R.). Lehrbucli dor mediciniscb-pharmaceutisclien Pflauzeiikuiide fuer Aerzte, Apotheker, Droguisten, ete. Leipzig, 1863. 8°. Atlas der Giftpflanzen oder Abbildung und Beschreibung der den Menschen und Thieren schaedlichen Pflanzen. Ed. 2. Leipzig, 1867-68. 4«. Ed. 3. 1875. LiscHwiTz (Jobann Christoph). . • . Plantae diureticae cum babitu externo turn quoq-ue cbaractere botanico diversae, cbaractere autem pharmaceutico congeneres usuque eaedem. D. Kilonii, 1739. 4". . Dissertatio, sistens plantas anthelminticas- et babitu externo 'et to to genere botanico diversas, cbaractere autem pbarmaceatico usuque medicinali congeneres. Kilonii, 1742. 4**. Lions (A.). Essai sur les vegetaux utiles qui croissent spontanement dans le . departement des Bouches-du-Rbone, qui y sont cultives ou qui seraient susceptibles de I'etre, etc. Marseille, 1864. 8°. LlOTAED (L.). Memorandum on (Yegetable) materials in India suitable for tbe manufacture of paper. Calcutta, 1880. fol. Lloyd (J. U.). Anemopsis calif omica (Hooker). Yerba mansa. \_Amer. Journ. Fha/rm.'] Fharm. Journ. III. x. (1880) 666-667. LOAKER (E.). Tbe d' Himalaya, ses productions naturelles. Culture du tbe dans rinde. Paris, 1868. 8". * LocKHART (William). Ginseng. [Extract from Lockhart's Medical Missionary in China.'] Fharm. Journ. II. iii. (1861) 332-333. Lock (Charles George Warnford). iN'otes on some neglected fibres. Journ. Soc. Arts, xxviii. (1880), 912-914, 916-918. *'Mbowa" or '' Mabwah," an Indian food-tree. Journ. Soc. Arts, xxix. (1881), 285. Rose Oil or Otto of Roses. Journ. Soc. Arts, xxix. (1881), 237-239. Extract in Fharm. Journ. III. xi. (1881), 899-900. Loebe (William). Die Handelspflanzen, Wurzel-, Knollen-, Kuecbengewaecbse und essbaren Schwaemme. Leipzig, 1862-3. 4". Ed. 2. 1868. Ed. '•2." 1872. LINK — LOHREN. 1 1 9 LoEBE (William) continued: — Die Getreidearten imd Huelsenfruchte. Leipzig, 1862. 4°. [Ed. 2.] 1868-72. Die Graeser der Wiese und des Waldes. Leipzig, 1863. 4'*. Ed. 3. 1874-75. Die Unkraeuter des Feldes und des Waldes. Leipzig, 1863. 4**. Ed. 2. 1870. Ed. *'2." 1872. Die Eutterkraeuter. [Ed. 2. by David Dietrich.] Leipzig, 1863. 4». Ed. 3. 1869. Ed. *' 3." 1871-72. Landwirthschaftliche Elora Deutschlands oder Abbildung und Beschreibung aller fuer Land- und Hauswirthe wichtigen Pflanzen. Ed. 2. Leipzig, 1862. 4°. Ed. 3. 1868-72. Ed. 4. Dresden, 1876. Die Krankheiten der Kultur-Pflanzen auf Aeckem, in Obstan- lagen, "Wein-, Gemuese-, und Blumengaerten, Anleitung zur Erkenntniss, Yerhuetung und Heilung aller innerlicben und aeusserlichen Krankheiten des Getreides, der Huelsenfruechtes Eutterpflanzen, etc. Hamburg, 1864. 8°. Anleitung zum rationellen Anbau der Handelgewaechse ; der Eabrik-, Earbe-, Gewuerz-, . . . Pflanzen behufs Erziehung einer hoeheren Bodenrente. Stuttgart, 1867. 8°. Hannover, 1878-70. Also separately, in seven parts : 1. Gewuerzpflanzen. 2. Fabrik- pflanzen. 3. Gespinnstpflanzen. 4. Oelpflanzen. 5. Farbepflanzen. 6. Arnznei- und Speizereipflanzen. 7. Feldgaertnerei. LoEFFELHOLZ-CoLBEEG (Eriedrich, Freiherr von). Die Bedeutung und Wichtigkeit des Waldes, TJrsachen und Eolgen der Entwaldung, die Wiederbewaldung, mit Eueck- sicht auf Pflanzenphysiologie, Klimatologie, . . . aller Laender fuer Eorst- und Landwirthe, ^ationaloekonomen und alle Ereunde des Waldes aus der einschlag. Literatur systematisch und Kritisch, nachegewiesen und bearbeitet. Leipzig, 1872. 8^ LoEFFLEE (Karl). Anbau und Ausbeute der Industriegewaechse. Euer deutsche Landwirthe. Wittenberg, 1863. 8°. I. Die Cicbwie. II. Die scbwarze Malve. III. Der Krapf. Loeuillaet-d'Aveign-i (A. E. C). Principes de botanique medicale. Paris, 1821. 12°. LOHBEN (A.). Deutschlands Elachsbau. Eine im deutschen Reichstage 1879 unerledigt gebliebene ZoUposition. Berlin, 1880. 8°. 120 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Loiselexju-Deslongchamps (Jean Louis Auguste). Manuel des plantes usuelles indigenes, ou histoire abregee dcs plantes de France, distribuees d'apres une nouvelle methodc. Paris, 1819. 2 vols. 8". LoEENz (Josef E.). Die Bodencultur auf der Wiener "Weltausstellung, 1873, etc. Wien, 1874. 3 vols. 8^ LofiiNG (Prederick "W.), «& C. F. Atkinsoit. Cotton Culture and the South considered with reference to Emi- gration. Boston [U.S.], 1869. 8°. Loudon (John Claudius). Hortus britannicus : a catalogue of all the plants indigenous, cul- tivated in, or introduced into Britain. With Supplement. London, 1830. 8°. Ed. 2. 1832. Ed. 3. with second supple- ment, 1839. Hortus lignosus Londinensis, or a catalogue of all the ligneous plants, indigenous and foreign, hardy and half-hardy, culti- vated ... in the neighbourhood of London. London, 1838. 8°. Arboretum et fruticetum britannicum, or the trees and shrubs of Britain, native and foreign, hardy and half-hardy, pictorially and botanically delineated, and scientifically and popularly de- scribed; with the propagation, culture, management and uses in the arts, in useful and ornamental plantations, and in landscape gardening. Preceded by a historical and geographical outline of the trees and shrubs of temperate climates throughout the world. London, 1838. 8 vols. 8°. An encyclopaedia of trees and shrubs ; being the Arboretum . . . abridged, etc. London, 1842. 8". The Derby Arboretum ; containing a catalogue of the trees and shrubs included in it, etc. London, 1840. 8°. LovEN (F. A.). Om parasitsvampar och deras inflytande pa skogskulturen. Akademisk afhandling. Lund, 1874. 8**. Low (James). A Dissertation on the Soil and Agriculture of the British Settle- ment of Penang, or Prince of Wales Island, etc. Singapore, 1836. 8°. Low (Hugh). Sarawak ; its inhabitants and productions : being notes during a residence in that country with H. H. the Rajah Brooke. London, 1848. 8^ LOISELEUR-DESLONGCHAMPS — MACCHIATI. 121 Ludlow (E.). Memorandum on Cardamom cultivation in Coorg. Bangalore, 1869. 8". LuDovici (Leopold). Rice cultivation; its past history and present condition, with su^estions for its improvement. Colombo, 1867. 8°. LuDWiG (Christian Friedrich). Handbuch der Botanik. Zu Yorlesungen fuer Aerzte nnd Oeko- nomen. Leipzig, 1800. 8". LuEDEES (Philipp Ernst). Umstaendliche Beschreibung vom dem Leinbau, etc. Elensburg, 1760. 8". Der Lein-Bau, in seiner verbesserten Gestalt. Elensburg, 1 765. 8°. Kurze Anleitung zum Leinbau. Elensburg, 1770. 8°. Kurze Anleitung zum Hopfenbau. Elensburg, 1782. 8°. Von dem Hopfen-Bau. Gluecksburg, 1786. 8°. LUEDICKE (A.). Ueber die Papierfabrikation in Japan. (Jahresh. Ver. Naturw, Braunschw. 1879-80, pp. 81-89.) LuERSSEX (Christoph). Medicinisch-pharmaceutische Botanik. Handbuch der systemat- ischen Botanik fuer Botaniker, Aerzte und Apotheker. Leipzig, 1876, etc. 8°.— > Ltjkma^off (Athanase de). ^Nomenclature et iconographie des canneliers et camphriers. Paris, 1878. 4". LrMSDAE^E {Dr. — ). Cultivation of nutmegs and cloves in Bencoolen. [Published in 1820.] Pharm. Journ. xi. (1852) 516-520. Lfndahl (B.). Tabak ist Gift ! Physischer und psychischer Einfluss des Tabaks auf den menschlichen Organismus . . . aus dem Schwedischen. Berlin, 1866. 8°. Lyman (Joseph B.). Cotton Culture. With an additional chapter ou cotton seed and its uses by J. C. Sypher. Kew York, [1868]. 8°. Lyon (P.). A treatise on the physiology and pathology of trees, etc. Edin- burgh, 1816. 8". Macchiati (Luigi). Notizie utili sugli alberi e gli arbusti della Sardegna. Sassari, 1877. 8". 122 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. MacClelland (John). Eeport on the physical condition of the Assam Tea plant, with reference to geological structure, soils, and climate. [Calcutta, 1838.] 8°. Papers relating to the measures adopted for introducing the cultivation of the Tea plant in India. Calcutta, 1839. fol. Macedo (A. de). l^otice sur le Palmier Camauha. Paris, 1867. 8°. Macgowan (D. J.). The Tallow tree and its uses. [_Scientific American.'] Fharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 1034. MacHenry (G.). The Cotton trade ; its bearing upon the prosperity of Great Britain and commerce of the American Eepublics, etc. London, 1863. 8°. The Cotton question. London, [1864]. 8°. Kevised ed. [1864]. McIvoE (William Graham). I^otes on the propagation and cultivation of the medicinal Chin- chonas or Peruvian bark trees. Madras, 1863. 8°. Analysis of Chinchona bark and leaves. [Letter from W. G. Mclvor, accompanying specimens, and report thereon by J. E. Howard.] Pha/rm. Journ. II. v. (1863) 367-369. Analysis of Chinchona bark and leaves, received June 21st, 1865. [Letter from W. G. Mclvor, with specimens, and report by J. E. Howard.] Pharm. Journ. II. vii. (1866) 419-421. Mackay (John). Commercial otto or attar of Roses. Pharm. Journ. xviii. (1859) 413. Maclagan (J. M'Grigor). On the Bebeeru tree [Greenheart] of British Guiana. [Erom Trans. Royal Soc. JSdinb.'] Pharm. Journ. iii. (1843) 177. Gutta Percha, a peculiar variety of caoutchouc. [From the Edinh. Phil. Journ. and Gaz.] Pharm. Journ. v. (1846) 472- 473. On the manner of the propagation of Colchicum autumnale. [Erom the Journ. Medical Science.'] Pharm. Journ. xi. (1852) 416-418. Macmillan (J. Laker). Chrysophanic acid [and the source of Araroba]. Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1879) 1bb-1b7. MACCLELLAND — MAISCH. 123 McMuRTRiE (William). Eeport on the culture of Sumac in Sicily, and its preparation for market in Europe and the United States. Washington, 1880. 8°. McI^AB (James). l^otes on the propagation of the Ipecacuan plant (Cephaelis Ipecacuanha). Trans. JBot. Soc. Udinl. x. (1870) 318-324. IsTotes on the 'Dogwood' of [gun-]powder manufacturers. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinl. x. (1870) 324-327. The cultivation of medicinal plants on railway hanks. [Extract.] Fharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 350. Mac Eae (Alexander). A manual of plantership in British Guiana, etc. London, 1856. 8". Madden (E.). Ohservations on Himalayan Coniferae, heing a supplement to the brief observations on some of the pines and other coniferous trees of the I^orthern Himalaya. Calcutta, 1850. 8°. Madin^iee (Paul), & G. de Lacoste. Guide du cultivateur du Sorgho k sucre, suivi de I'indication des diverse s applications industrielles de cette plante, etc. Paris, [1856]. 8". Madiot ( — .). He la culture du Murier, reduite aux moyens les plus simples et les plus surs. Lyon et Paris, 1826. 8**. Madeiz (E. J.). Cultivo del cafe 6 sea manual teorico-pratico sobre el beneficio de este frute con las mayores ventajas para al agricultor. Paris, 1869. 12°. Magazines. See Feriodical PuUications, at end of Alphabetical List of Authors. Maillot (Edouard). Etude comparee du pignon et du ricin de I'Inde. !N'ancy, 1880. 8°. Maisch (John M.). The seeds of two species of Strychnos. [^Amer. Journ. Pharm.~\ Fharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 23. The so-called African saffron. \_Amer. Journ. Fharm.'] Fharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 824-825. Pharmacognostical notes. — American indigenous plants. \^Amer. Fharm. Journ.] Fharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 989-990. I^otes on some Korth American drugs. \^Amer. Journ. Fharm.] Fharm. Journ. III. ii. (1874) 773-774. 124 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Maisch (John M.) continued: — The constituents and properties of the genus Potentilla. \^Amer. Journ. Pharm.'] Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1875) 986-988. Notes on the genus Teucrium. [_Amer. Journ. Pharm.~\ Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 313. The useful species of Viburnum. \_Amer. Journ. Pharm.'] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 750-752. Maisonneuve (Paul). Etude sur la structure et les produits du camphrier de Borneo ou Dryobalanops aromatica. Paris, 1876. 8"*. Maistre (Jules). De I'influence des forets et des cultures sur le climat ct sur le regime des sources. Montpellier, 1881. 8**. Malavois ( — .). De la culture de la canne et de la fabrication du sucre a I'lle de la Reunion. Paris, 1861. 8°. Malherbe (Alfred). Kotice sur qulqnes especes de chenes et specialement du chene liege (Quercus Suber). Metz, 1838. 8". Mallet (John William). Cotton: the chemical, geological, and meteorological conditions involved in its successful cultivation in the Southern or Cotton States of Worth America. London, 1862. 8°. Maltass (Sidney H.). On the production of Scammony in the neighbourhood of Smyrna. Pharm. Journ. xiii. (1853) 264-268. On the production of opium in Asia Minor. Pharm. Journ. xiv. (1855) 395-400. On Tragacanth and its adulteration. Pharm. Journ. xv. (1855) 18-21. Maly (Joseph Karl). Systematische Beschreibung der gebraeuchlichsten in Deutschland wildwachsenden oder Kultivirten Arzneigewaechse. Graetz, 1837. 8°. Systematische Beschreibung der in Oesterreich wildwachsenden und Kultivirten Medizinalpflanzen. Wien, 1863. 8°. Oekonomisch-technische Pflanzenkunde. Systematische Beschrei- bung der in der Garten- und Landwirthschaft, in Kuensten und Gewerben und in Porstwesen gebraeuchlichen kultivirten und wildwachsenden Pflanzen mit Angabe der Benutzung. Wien, 1864. 8°. MAISCH— MARC. 125 Manetta (Pilippo). n re cotone, ossia distretti cotoniferi del globo, considerati in relazione al lore clima ; con la seconda edizione della guida per • coltivare practicamente la pianta del cotone secondo il metodo Americano. Torino, 1863. 8°. Mangin (Arthur). Les plantes utiles. Tours, 1869. 8°. Les lichens utiles. [Extract.] Lyon, 1877. 8°. Le Cacao et le chocolat consideres aux points de vue botanique, chimique, physiologique, agricole, commercial, industriel, et economique. Paris, 1860. 12°. Mann (James A.). The Cotton-trade of Great Britain, its rise, progress, and present extent, etc. London, 1860. 8°. The Cotton-trade of India. A paper read before the Royal Asiatic Society. London, 1860. 8°. Cocoa, its cultivation, manufacture and uses; its advantages and value as an article of food. London, 1860. 8°. Re- printed from Journ. Soc. Arts, viii. (1860) 775-780, 785- 790, 795-800, 805-810. Mann (Johann Gottlieb). Deutschlands gefaehrlichste Giftpflanzen mit erlaeutemdem Texte. Stuttgart, 1829. fol. Die auslaendischen Arzneipflanzen. Stuttgart, 1830-33. fol. Mantegazza (Paolo). On the dietetic and medicinal properties of Erythroxylon Coca. [Extract ] Pharm. Journ. II. i. (1860) 606-618. Manteufeel (Hans Ernst, Freiherr von). Die Eiche, deren Anzucht und Abnutzung. Ein wohlmeinender Rathgeber f uer Eichenzuechter und Solche die es werden woUen. Ed. 2. Leipzig, 1874. 8°. Manwaeing (H. M.). Treatise on the cultivation and growth of Hops. London, 1855, 12°. Maravigna (Carmelo). Saggio di une Plora medica catanese, ossia catalogo delle princi- pale piante medicinal! che spontanamente crescono in Catania e ne' suoi contomi con la indicazione delle loro medichi azioni. Catania, 1829. 4°. Marc (J.). Sorghum halepense als Putterpflanze. ( Oesterr. landw. Wochen- hlatt, 1880, p. 494.) 126 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Maechand (Leon). Botanique cryptogamique pharinaco-medicale. (Fasc. 1. Intro- duction a I'etude de cryptogames). Paris, 1880. S**. Maecotte (J.). Etude generale du Matico. Historique, origine, etude botanique, chimique, pharmacologie, therapeutique. Paris, 1863. 4°. Mabiez (Louis). Manuel d' arboriculture et de viticulture theorique et pratique approprie aux departements du sud-ouest. Auch, 1873. 18*^. Maejollet ( — .). La cuscute et la decuscutage. Moutiers, 1878. 16°. Maekham (Clements Robert). Travels in Peru and India while superintending the collection of chinchona plants and seeds in South America, and their introduction into India. London, 1862. 8". On the introduction of the Cinchona plant into India. [^Trans. Med. and Phys. Soc. Bombay.'] Fharm. Journ. II. iii. (1862) 611-618. Id. iv. (1862) 27-34. On the supply of Quinine and the cultivation of Chinchona plants in India. Journ. Soc. Arts, xi. (1863) 325-336. On Chinchona cultivation in Ceylon. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. II. vii. (1866) 521. The Chinchona species of IS'ew Granada, containing the botanical description of the species examined by Drs. Mutis and Karsten ; with some account of those botanists, and of the results of their labours. London, 1867. 8°. The cultivation of Caoutchouc-yielding Trees in British India. Journ. Soc. Arts, xxiv. (1876) 475-482. Peruvian Bark. A popular account of the introduction of Chinchona cultivation into British India. London, 1880. 8". Maeks (Hyman). Botanical companion to the British Pharmacopoea. Dublin, 1873. 8". Maem6 (W.). Grundriss der Vorlesungen uebcr Pharmacognosie des Pflanzen- und Thierreichs. Goettingen, 1880. 8**. Maeolda-Petilli (Francesco). Gli eucalitti ; notizie raccolte. Roma, 1 880. 8**. Maequaet (Friedrich). Beschreibung der in Maehren und Schlesien am haeufigsten vor- kommenden essbaren und schaedlichen Schwaemme. Bruenn, 1842. 8^ MARCH AND — MARTINET. 127 Marqfaet (Friedricli) continued: — Die essbaren und schaedlichen Schwaemme bescliriebeii. AU- muetz, 1856. 8°. Marquart (Ludwig Clamor). Die Scammoniumsorten des Handels, monograpliiscli bearbeitet. Lemgo, 1836-37. 8^ Marquis (Alexandre Louis). Essai sur I'histoire naturelle et medicale des Gentianes. These. Paris, 1810. 4«. Marshall (Henry). Contributions to the natural and economical history of the Cocoanut palm. London, 1832. 8". Ed. 2. 1836. Marshall (Humphrey). Arbustum americannm, the American grove, or an alphabetical catalogue of forest trees and shrubs, natives of the American United States. Philadelphia, 1785. 8^ Catalogue alphabetique, etc.^ traduit, avec des observations sur la culture. Paris, 1788. 8°. Beschreibung der wildwachsenden Baeume und Stauden- gewaechse in den Yereinigten Staaten von ]S"ordamerika, etc. Leipzig, 1788. 8°. Marshall (L. T.). Hop Culture. Report, Commissioner of Patents ; Agriculture. "Washington, 1862, pp. 289-293. Martigny (Julius). On a spurious yellow-bark. [From the Pharm. Centr. Blatt.^ Pharm. Journ. vi. (1846) 232. Martin- (Robert Montgomery). The past and present state of the Tea trade of England, and of the continents of Europe and America, etc. London, 1832. 8^ Martindale (William). Jaborandi. Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 364-366. Additional notes on Jaborandi, and its physiological action. Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1875) 561-562. Chian Turpentine. Pharm. Journ. III. x. (1880) 854-855. Id- xi. (1880) 271. Martin"et (A.) L' el agage des essences forestieres. Chateauroux, 1875. 8". I^otice sur I'elagage des arbres. (Exposition universelle de 1878.) Paris, 1878. 4°. 128 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Martinez Ribon (C). Nuevo metodo para el cultivo del cacao, etc. Ed. 2. Braine-le- Comte, 1880. 16^ Martini ( — .). Dissertatio epistolaris de oleo Wittnebiano seu Kajuput ab homine Wolfenbuttelano in India orientali invento, in terras Bruns- vicenses feliciter revocato ej usque saluberrimis effectis. [Wol- fenbuettel], 1751. 4°. Martin Y (Eduard). Encyclopaedie der medizinisch- pharmaceutischen !N'aturalien- und E-ohwaarenkunde. Quedlinburg, 1843-54. 8". Martius (Carl). On wild senna. Pharm. Journ. xvi. (1857) 426-427. Martius (Carl Eriedrich Philipp von) Specimen materiae medicae brasiliensis, exhibens plantas medici- nales, quas in itinere per Brasiliam observavit. [Monachii,] 1824. 4°. Systema materiae medicae vegetabilis brasiliensis, etc. Lipsiae, 1843. 8^ On Coca and Matico. [From Ganger's Repert^ Pharm. Journ, ii. (1843) 660. On the occurrence and geographical distribution of the genuine Cinchona (Cinchona Condaminea) and of other Cinchona species in the neighbourhood of Loxa. [Erom Buchner^s Report. ~\ Pharm. Journ. vii. (1847) 88-91, 184-191. Martius (Georg). Pharmakologisch-medizinische Studien ueber den Hanf. D. Erlangen, [1855]. 8^ Martius (Theodor Wilhelm Christian). Abyssinian remedies for the cure of tape-worm. [Erom the Jahrh. fuer prakt. Pharmacie.~\ Pharm. Journ. xi. (1851) 162-164. On the Black Balsam of Peru. (In a letter to Dr. Pereira.) [With Dr. Pereira's reply.] Pharm. Journ. xi. (1851) 202-205. On Radix Uncomocomo (Aspidium athamanticum, Kunze). A new remedy for tapeworm, from South Africa. Pharm. Journ. xi. (1851) 261-262. On Wai-fa, the unexpanded flower-buds of Sophora japonica, L. [Erom the Neues Jahrh. fuer Pharmacie.~\ Pharm. Journ. xiv. (1854) 64-65. Culture of cochineal in the Canary Islands. Pharm. Journ. xiv. (1855) 553-556. *^" MARTINEZ RIBON MAUKE. 129 Mason (Francis). Materia medica, and pathology [in tlie Karen language]. Tavoy, 1848. 12°. The Liquidamber tree of the Tenasserim Provinces. [From the Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal.'] Pharm. Journ. viii. (1848) 243. The Gum-Kino of the Tenasserim Provinces. [From the Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal.'] Pharm. Journ. viii. (1849) 387-388. The ^N'atural Productions of Burmah ; or notes on the fauna, flora, and minerals of the Tenasserim provinces and the Burman Empire. Maulmain, 1850. 8^ Burmah ; its people and natural productions, etc. Rangoon, 1860. 8°. Massa (Francesco). L'oliva, dalla gemma al frantajo ; osservazioni pratiche. Lecce, 1880. 8". Masse (J.). Du traitement industriel des plantes filamenteuses qui peuvent etre employees k la fabrication des tissues et du papier concurre- ment avec le coton, le lin et le chanvre. Lille, 1864. 8°. Massoi^neau ( — .). La betterave d sucre, sa culture et ses produits. Conseils aux interesses. Poissy, 1875. 18°. Mastees (J. W.). A run through the Assam Tea gardens. Golaghat, 1863. fol. Mastees (Maxwell Tylden). On the principles regulating the transfer of useful plants of one country to another. Journ. Soc. Arts, iv. (1856) 311-314. Mathieu (Auguste). Description des bois, des essences forestieres les plus importantes. Nancy, 1855. 8°. Flore forestiere. Description et histoire des vegetaux ligneux qui croissent spontanement en France. I^ancy, 1858. 8°. Ed 2. 1861. Ed. 3. 1877. Les forets d I'exposition et au congres international agricole et forestier de Yienne en 1873. Paris, 1875. 8°. Le reboisement et le regazonnement des alpes. Paris, 1875. 4°. Mattioli ( — .), & — . Pasqualigo. Sulla fava del Calabar, discussione scientifica. Yenezia, 1868. 8". Mauke (Johann Gottlob). Grasbuechlein, oder Anweisung, die schaedlichsten und nuetzlich- sten inlaendischen Graeser kennen . . . zu lernen. Leipzig und Meissen, 1801. 4°. Ed. 2. Leipzig, 1818. 130 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Maw (George). The Sugar Maple. [From The Gardeners' Ckron.'] Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1878) 186. Mayee (Johann Christoph Andreas). Abhandlung von dem !N'utzen der systematischen Botanik in der Arznei- und Hauslialtungskunst. Greifswald, 1772. 4". Einheimisclie Giftgewaechse, welche fuer Menschen am schaed- lichsten sind. Berlin, 1798-1800. fol. Yorzuegliclie einheimisclie essbare Schwaemme. Anhang der Beschreibung der schaedliclien einheimischen Giftgewaechse. Berlin, 1801. fol. Mayet ( — .). On starch, arrowroot, and sago. Extracted from a memoir of M. M.'s, by M. Guibourt. [Prom the Journ. de Pharmacie.~\ Phm-m. Journ. vi. (1846) 37-40. Mechow (L.). Die Cultur und Bewirthschaftung der Kiefem-Porstern fuer Porst- und Landwirthe. Osterburg, 1874. 8". Medlicott (J. G.). Cotton-handbook for Bengal, being a digest of information ... on the subject of the production of Cotton in the Bengal Provinces. Calcutta, 1862. 4°. Mee (George). Poisonous principle of bitter Cassava root. \_See Daniell.] Pharm. Journ. II. vi. (1864) 332-333. Meinshausei^ (Karl). Synopsis plantarum diaphoricarum florae ingricae, oder IJ^otizen- Sammlung ueber die mannig-faltige Yerwendung der Ge- waechse Ingriens. St. Petersburg, 1869. 8**. Meisnee (Leonard Perdinand). De caffe, chocolatae, herbae thee ac nicotianae, natura, usu et abusu anacrisis, medico-historico-diaetetica. E'orimbergae, 1721. 12°. Meitzen (Hugo). Ueber den Werthe der Asclepias Comuti, Decne. als Gespinnst- pflanze ; D. Goettingen, 1862. 8". Mellee (Henry James). Nicotiana ; or the smoker's and snuff -taker's companion ; con- taining the history of Tobacco ; culture, medical qualities, etc. London, 1832. 12°. MtNE (Edouard). Des usages du bambou en Chine. Bull. Soc. imp. d^acclimatafion, Janvier, 1869. MAW — MEYER. 131 Mexe (Edouard) continued: — Des produits vegetaux de la Chine, et en particulier du bambon. Log. cit., Fevrier, 1869. Menier (Emile Justin). Cafe, succedanes du cafe, cacao et cliocolat, coca et the mate. Exposition universelle de 1867 k Paris. [Rapport du jury international.] Paris, 1868. 8°. Meeeen (Daniel Carl Theodor). TJeber den Cortex adstringens brasiliensis. Koeln, 1828. 8". Mettei^heimee ( — .). A spurious Ehatany root. [From the Jahrl. praht. JPharmacie.'] Pharm. Journ. xi. (1852) 420. Metz (— .), & Co. Berichte ueber neuere Nutzpflanzen, insbesondere neber die Ergebnisse des Anbaues in verschiedenen Theilen Deutschlands. Berlin, 1868. 8°. Metz-Noblat (Alexandre de). Le traitement des bois en Prance. Paris, 1881. 8°. Metze (Wilhelm). Ueber Baumanpflanzungen nnd deren besondem I^utzen fuer die Marschlaender, als Mittel, die Deiche zu befestigen und Deichbruecke zu verhueten. Schleswig, 1820. 8°. Metzgee (Johann). Die Getraidearten und Wiesengraeser in botanischer und oecono- mischer Hinsicht bearbeitet. Heidelberg, 1841. 8**. Landwirthschaftliche Pflanzenkunde, oder praktische Anleitung zur Kenntniss und zum Anbau der fuer Oekonomie und Handel wichtigern Gewaechse. Heidelberg, 1841. 8". Meter (Arthur). Japan wax. [Abstract.] Pharm. Journ. III. x. (1880) 607- 608. Beitraege zur Kenntniss pharmaceutisch wichtiger Gewaechse. I. TJeber Smilax China L. und ueber die Sarsaparillwurzeln. II. Ueber die Ehizome der officinellen Zingiberaceen, etc. Halle, 1881. 8°. Meyer (Ernst Heinrich Friedrich). Ueber Seidenflachs, besonders den neuseelaendischen. Yorgelesen in der physikalisch-oekonomischen Gesellschaft zu Koenigs- burg, der 18 Febr. 1842; darauf mehrfach berichtigt und erweitert. [Koenigsberg, 1842.] 8°. Die Yertheilung der Nahrungspflanzen auf der Erde, etc. [Koenigsburg, 1846.] 8°. 132 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Metee (Friedrich Albrecht Anton). Dissertatio inauguralis de cortice Angusturse. Goettingae, 1790. 8«. Meyee (R.). Chemische Verarbeitung der Pflanzen- und Thierfasem. Braun- schweig, 1880. 8°. MiCHAUx (rran9ois Andre). Histoire des arbres forestiers de I'Amerique septentrionale, con- siderees principalement sous les rapports de leurs usages dans les arts et de leur introduction dans le commerce, etc. Paris, 1810-13. 3 vols. 4°. The Korth American Sylva, or a description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada, and Nova Scotia. Considered par- ticularly with respect to their use in the Arts, etc. To which is added a description of the most useful of the European forest trees. [Transl. by A. L. Hillhouse.] Philadelphia, 1817-19. 3 vols. 8°. Ed. [3.] by J. J. Smith, 1850. MiDDLETON (W. H.). Manual of Coffee-planting. Durban, 1866. 8°. MiEES (John). On the history of the '' Mate " plant, and the different species of Ilex employed in the preparation of the " Yerba de Mate," or Paraguay tea. Ann. JSfat. Hist. viii. (1861) 219-228, 389-401. Brazil nuts. [Extract from Trans. Linn. Soc.'] Pharm. Jowrn. III. V. (1875) 726. MiLHAU ( .). Dissertation sur le caffeyer. Montpellier, 1746. 8°. Dissertation sur le cacaoyer. MontpeUier, 1746. 8°. MlLLEE ( — .). Deer tongue (Liatris odoratissima) in perfumery. Fharm. Journ. III. V. (1875) 793. MiLLEE (A. W.). Mezquite gum. \_Proc. Amer. Fharm. Assoc.'] Fharm. Journ. III. vi. (1876) 942-945. MlLLEE (Joseph). Botanicum officinale. London, 1722. 8°. MiQUEL (Friedrich Anton Wilhelm). De nord-nederlandsche vergiftige gewassen. Amsterdam, 1836. fol. Leerboek tot de kennis der artsenijgewasson, krachten, gebruik, en pharmaceutischen bereidingen. Amsterdam, 1838. 8°. MEYER MONARDES. 133 MiQUEL (Friedricli Anton Wilhelm) continued : — Chinchonae in Java. [Extract.] Fharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 90. Mitchell (Charles L.). The active principles of the official Yeratrums. A chemico- physiological study. Part I. — Botanical. Fharm. Journ. III. V. (1875) 768-770. Gum-hogg. \_Amer. Journ. Pharm.~\ Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 154-155. Mitchell (John). Dendrologia, or a treatise on forest trees, with Evelyn's Sylva revised, corrected and abridged. London, 1828. 8°. MiTSCHERLicH (Gustav Alfred). De Cacao. D. Eerolini, 1857. 8^ Der Cacao und die Chocolade. Berlin, 1859. 8°. MODLEN (R.). Notes on Chian Turpentine. Pharm. Journ. III. x. (1880) 913-914. ITotes on the Aristolochiaceae as antidotes to snake poisons. Pha/rm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 411. MoE (N.). De norske Eodervaexter, etc. Christiania, 1852. 8". MOELLER (Josef). Pflanzenrohstoffe. I. Gerh- und Earbmaterialien. II. Easern. Wien, 1879. 8°. Moerman-Laubuhe (Theophile). La ramie ou ortie blanche sans dards, . . . plante textile . . . sa description, son origine, etc. Gand, 1871. 8". MoHL (Hugo von). Inquiries into the formation of Gum Tragacanth. [Transl. from the Bot. Zeitung.~\ Pharm. Journ. xviii. (1859) 370- 375. MOLITOR (AgOSt). Gazdag csentartalmu akaczfaz. [An Acacia rich in Tanning power.] JErde8%eti lapoh, 1880, pp. 423-425. MoKARDES (Nicolas). Historia medicinal de las casas que se traen de nuestra Indias occidentales, que serven en medicina. Sevilla, 1569. 4°. Ed. 2. 1574. Ed. 3. (Prima y segunda y tercera partes de la historia medicinal) 1580. 4°. (Eor versions in Latin, English, Italian and Erench, see Pritzel's Thesaurus, Ed. 2, pp. 221-222.) 134 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Money (Edward). A letter on the cultivation of Cotton . . . and other matters connected with India, ^if Suggestions on the maintenance, creation, and enrichment of forests. Melbourne, 1879. 8°. Report on the forest resources of Western Australia. London, 1879. 4°. 138 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Mueller (Ferdinand, Baron von) continued: — Select extra-tropical plants, readily eligible for industrial culture and naturalisation. Calcutta, 1880. 8". Mueller (Hugo). Die Pflanzenfaser und ihre Aufbereitung fuer die Tecknik. Braunschweig, 1876. 8°. Mueller (Yolkmer). Deutsche Brennnesseln. Ihre Cultur und Verwerthung als Gespinnst- und Handelspflanzen. [^o. 160. Landwirthschaft- liche Yolksbuecher.] Leipzig, 1878. 8°. MuENTER (Andreas Heinrich August Julius). Ueber Tuscarora-rice (Hydropyrum palustre, L.). Grief swald, 1863. 8°. MuLLER [or Mueller] (0. J.). Preparations from Cannabis sativa in India. [Extract from a letter.] Pharm. Journ. xiv. (1854) 165. Mu2fiER (Jean Baptiste). Quelques observations sur nos forets de sapins. [From the Journal du Jura.'] Lons-le-Saulnier, 1867. 8**. MuFRo (D. E.). A description of the forest and ornamental trees of New Bruns- wick. Saint John, :N'.B., 1862. 8^ Murphy (Edmund). A treatise on the agricultural grasses. Dublin, 1844. 8**. Murray (Andrew). Mammoth trees [of California]. [Extract.] Fharm. Journ. II. ii. (1861) 434-435. The Pines and Eirs of Japan. London, 1863. 8". The Food products of St. Petersburg. [Extract.] Fharm. Journ. in. i. (1871) 788-789. Murray (James P.). Pituri. [Lancet.'] Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1879) 638. Murray (John). An account of the Phormium tenax : or New Zealand flax. Printed on paper made from its leaves (bleached), with a postcript {sic) on paper. Ed. 2. London, 1838. 8°. A descriptive account of the Palo de Vaca, or Cow-Tree of the Caracas. With a chemical analysis of the milk and bark. London, 1837. 8°. Ed. 2. 1838. Nanquette (Henri). Cours d'amenagement des forets, professe a I'ecole forestiere de Nancy. Paris, 1860. 8". MUELLER NICOL. 139 Naedo (Giovanni Domenico). Considerazioni generali sulle alghe, loro cliaractere, classificazione compozitione chemica et applicazione alia medicina, all' arte, air agricoltura, etc. Yenezia, 1835. 4". IN'audin (Charles). Essai de culture du cotonnier precoce du Japon k la villa Thuret, d'Antibes. [Extr. Bull. Soc. cVacclimatation.~\ Paris, 1880. 8°. K'eandee (Johann). Tabacologia ; h.e. Tabaci seu Nicotianae descriptio medico- chirurgico - pbarmaceutica, etc. Lugduni- Batavorum, 1622. 4». !N"ebel (Wilbelm Bemhard). De plantis dorsiferis usualibus. D. Heidelbergae, 1721. 4". ;N'ees von Esenbeck (Theodor Eriedrich Ludwig). Plantae officinales, oder Sammlung officineller Pflanzen, etc. Duesseldorf, 1821-33. fol. JS^ees von Esenbeck (Theodor Ereidrich Ludwig), & Carl Heinrich EbekMaiee. Handbuch der medizinisch-pharmaceutischen Botanik, etc. Dues- seldorf, 1830-33. 3 vols. 8^ IN'etto (Ladislau de Sousa Mello). Apontamentos sobre a collcQao das plantas economicas do Brasil para a exposiQao internacional de 1867. Paris, 1866. 8°. Neubeand (J. G.). Die Gerbrinde, mit besondrer Beziehungauf die Eichenschaelwald- Wirthschaft, fuer Eorstwirthe, Waldbezitzer und Gerber, etc. Erankfurt-am-Main, 1869. d>\ iN'EViNS (John Birkbeck). On the introduction and cultivation of Chinchona in India. Fharm. Journ. 11. iv. (1863) 549-558. Kewbeey (J. Como). Timbers of Yictoria. A descriptive catalogue of the specimens in the Industrial and Technological Museum (Melbourne) illus- trating the economic woods of Yictoria. Melbourne, 1877. 8». IS'lCHOLLS (]N". A. A.). The cultivation of Liberian coffee in the West Indies. London, 1881. 8°. KicoL (Eobert). A treatise on coffee, its properties, and the best mode of keeping and preparing it. Ed. 2. London, 1831. 8". 140 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. IS'icoL (Walter). The practical planter ; or a treatise on forest planting, compre- hending the culture and management of planted and natural timber, etc. Edinburgh, 1799. 8°. Ed. 2. London, 1803. 8°. I^TiEMANN (Johann Eriedrich). Pharmacopoea batava, cum notis et additamentis medico-pharma- ceuticis. Ed. 2. Lipsiae, 1824. 2 vols. 8^ KoBEEGA (Gerardo Jose de). On the cultivation of the cochineal. [Directions for the cultiva- tion of the ISTopal, etc.] Pharm. Journ. viii. (1849) 342-348. I^OEHDEN (Heinrich Adolph). Entwurf zu Yorlesungen ueber die pharmacologische Botanik. Goettingen, 1802. 8°. NoEELLiNGEE (Hermann). Die technischen Eigenschaften der Hoelzer, etc. Stuttgart, 1860. 8". Querschnitte von hundert Holzarten umfassend die Wald- und Gartenbaumarten, etc. Stuttgart und Tuebingen, 1852. 8°. Les bois employes dans I'industrie. Descriptions accompagnees de cent sections en lames minces des principales essences forest- ieres de la Erance et de I'Algerie, etc. Paris, 1872. 16°. Deutsche Eorstbotanik oder forstlich-botanische Beschreibung aller deutschen Waldhoelzer sowie die haeufigeren oder interes- santen Baeume und Straeucher unserer Gaerten und Parkan- lagen. Euer Eorstleute, Physiologen und Botaniker, etc. Stuttgart, 1874, etc. 8°. KOETHLICHS (J. L.). Die Korbweiden-Kultur oder Anlage und TJnterhaltung der Korbweiden-Pflanzungen in den Keiderungen. "Weimar, 1875. 8°. I^OGTJEiiiA. PA Gama (Mauoel Jacinto). Memoria sobre o Loureiro Cinnamoms vulgo Canaleira de Ceylao. Lisboa, 1797. 8°. NoiEOT Bonnet (L.). Considerations sur les forets, sur la necessite et sur les moyens d'augmenter la valeur de leurs produits. Paris, 1819. 8°. Traite de la culture des forets, ou de 1' application des sciences agricoles et industrielles k I'economie forestiere, etc. Paris, 1832. 8". Ed. 2. 1839. Theorie de I'amenagemcnt des forets, etc. Ed. 2. Paris, 1842. %\ Ed. 3. 1843. NICOL — OELHAFEN. 141 KOBMANN (J. E.). Om Tobaksplantens Dyrkning i N'orge, gjennemgaaet og foroeget af Mart. Richard Flor. Christiania, 1811. 8". NoTHifAGEL (Hermann), & Michael Joseph Rossbach. Handbuch der Arzneimittellehre. Ed. 2. Berlin, 1874. 8°. Ed. 4. 1880. NouBiJ (Franz Gustav). Historia botanica, cbemico-pliarmaceutica et medica foliorum Dios- maeserratifoliae(vulgofoliorumBucbu). D. Groningae, 1827. 8°. !N'0UBEIGAT (E.). Le murier du Japon (Morus japonica). Paris, 1873. 8*. KouvEL (Auguste). Le tabac. Traite des semis et des sechoirs, k I'usage des planteurs de la Dordogne. Brive, 1876. 8°. I^rTTALL (Thomas). The N^orth-American sylva, or a description of the forest-trees of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia, not described in the works of Erangois Andre Michaux, etc. Philadelphia, 1842-54. 3 vols. 8°. Obeblin (L.). AperQu systematique des vegetaux medicinaux, des vegetaux alimentaires, ainsi que des vegetaux employes dans les arts et dans I'industrie, etc. Strasbourg, 1867. 8°. ObEELOT (L.), & . ScHLAGDEJfHAUFFEX. Sur les ecorces dites d'angusture vraie du commerce et principale- ment de I'angusture du Bresil. !N^ancy, 1877. 8**. O'CoxoE (J. E.). Yanilla; its cultivation in India. Revised edition. Calcutta, 1875. 8°. Odeph (Alphonse). Abrege pratique sur la culture de 1' opium indigene, pour servir de guide aux habitants des campagnes. [Extrait de Z' Union Pharmaceutique . . . centrale de France.'] Paris, 1862. 8''. Traite complet de la culture de 1' opium indigene, etc. Luxeuil, 1865. 12°. (There is also a German version by L. Graeter. Stuttgart, 1867.) Oelhafen von Schoellenbach (Carl Christoph). Abbildung der wilden Baeume, Stauden- und Buschgewaechse, etc. JSTuemberg, 1767-1804. 3 vols. 4°. Traite des arbres, arbrisseaux et arbustes de nos forets, traduit de I'allemand par G. Benistant. ^N'uremberg, 1775. [3 parts only.] 8°. 142 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Oersted (Anders Sandoee). Planterigets ITaturhistorie, en almeenfattelig Fremstilling af de vigtigst Planter i deres Forhold til Menneskene og Jorden, etc. Kjoebenhavn, 1839. 8°. Frilands Traevaexten i Danmark. Yeiledning til Kundskab om de Tracer og Buske, som kunne dyrkes i Priland i Danmark. Kjoebenhavn, 1864-67. 8°. Bidrag til Kundskab om Egefamilien i !N'utid og Fortid. Kjoeben- havn, 1872. 4°. The Silphium of the ancients. [Journ. Bot.'] Fharm. Jov/rn. III. iii. (1873) 1012-1013. Ogilvie (J.). Ecctroot and Beetroot Sugar. Cork, 1877. 8°. * Olcott (Henry S.). Sorgho and Imphee, the Chinese and African sugar canes. A treatise upon their origin, varieties and culture, etc. I^ew York, 1857. 8". Oligschlaeger (P. "W.). Calendarium pharmaceuticum, oder Anweisung zur richtigen Einsammlung der vegetabilischen Arzneistoile. Elberfeld, [1830]. 4°. Oliver (Daniel), & John Reader Jackson". A Handbook to the Museum of Economic Botany at Kew. [London,] 1861. 8°. Ed. 5. 1871. Ed. 6. 1875. Ed. 1. is by D. Oliver alone. Oliver (S. P.). The Papaw tree. [Letter in Nature.'] Pharm. Journ. III. x. (1879) 68-69. Olufsen (Oluf Chr.). Anvisning til Hampens Dyrkniag. Kjoebenhavn, 1809. 8". Ed. 2. 1819. TJdtag af Anviisning til Hampens Dyrkning. Christiania, 1812. 8°. Anweisung zum Hanfbau. Aus dem Daenischen uebersetzt von T. Priedlieb. Altona, 1812. 8°. Ondaatje (W. C). Products of Ceylon. [Abstract.] Fharm. Journ. xiii. (1854) 425-426. Orlt (P. H. F. B.). See Bofrgoin d'Orli. O'Shaughi^essy (W. B.). Preparation of Indian Hemp, or Gunjah. Calcutta, 1839. 8". The Bengal Dispensatory, and companion to the Pharmacopoeia, etc. London, 1842. 8". OERSTED PAPPE. 143 Ottavi (G. a.). Monografia dei prati artificiale coltivati ed erba medica, trifoglio, lupinella et sulla. Ed. 3. Casale, 1879. 8°. Ottolandee (K. J.). Practisch handboek voor de ooftboomteelt in Kederland. Groningen, 1880. 8°. OiJDEMANs (Cornelius Anton Johan Abraham). Handleiding tot de pbarmacognosie van het planten- en dierenrijk. Ed. 2. Amst. 1880. S\ Otjrches (Charles d'). AperQU general des forets. Paris, 1805. 2 toIs. 8°. Pagek'stecher (Friedrich). TJeber Linum catharticum Linn. D. Muenchen, 1845. 8". Paglia (Enrico). Delle erbe nocive ed utile spontanee nei prati Mantovani con tavole analitiche e suggerimenti pratici sulla loro nomenclatura e coltivazione. Mantova, 1872. 8°. Palmer (Edward). Medicinal plants used by Kofth American Indians. [Amer. Jburn. Pharm.'] Fharm. Journ. III. ix. (1879) 773-774. Palmer (J. Dabney). The Quinine-flower. [Sabbatia EUiottii, Steud. Extract.] Fharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 371-372. Papillok--Bardin ( — .). Du lin et de sa culture dans le departement de Seine-et-Mame. Meaux, 1878. 8°. Pappe (Carl Wilhelm Ludwig). A List of South African indigenous plants used as remedies by the colonists of the Cape of Good Hope. Cape Town, 1847. 8°. \_Anon.'] Elorae capensis medicae prodromus ; or an enumeration of South African plants used as remedies by the colonists of the Cape of Good Hope. Cape Town, 1850. 8°. Ed. 2. 1859. Buchu. [Diosma crenata, DC. Erom Pappe's El. med. capensis prod.] Pharm. Journ. x. (1851) 475. Cape Gum. [Acacia horrida, Willd. Doornboora.] Pharm. Journ. X. (1851) 530. Cape Aloes. [Aloe ferox, Zam.'] Pharm. Journ. x. (1851) 521. Silvae capensis, or a description of South African forest -trees and arborescent shrubs, used for technical and economical purposes. Cape Town, 1854. 8°. Ed. 2. London, 1862. PARADE PECKOLT. 145 Paulli (Simon). A treatise on Tobacco, Tea, Coffee, and Chocolate, . . . translated by Dr. James. London, 1746. 8°. Paullini (Christian Pranz). De Jalapa liber singularis, etc. Prancofurti, 1700. 8°. M.O(T')(pKapvoLa, sen nucis moschatae cnriosa descriptio historico-physico-medica, ^^(?. Francofurti et Lip siae, 1704. 8**. Pauquy (Charles Louis Constant). De la Eelladone, consideree sous ses rapports botanique, chimique, pharmaceutique, ete. These. Paris, 1825. 4°. Payen (Anselme). Memoire sur I'amidon . . . Sur les fecules des diverses plantes et leurs applications. Paris, 1839. 8°. Notice of a microscopic vegetation which attacks crystallized sugar. [Glycyphila, Mart.'] Pharm. Journ. xi. (1852) 311- 313. Pay:n^o (Manuel). Memorie sobre el maguey mexicano y sus diversos productos. Mexico, 1864. 4°. Peachie (John). The compleat herbal of physical plants. London, 1694. 8^ For other tracts by this author, see the ' Guide to the Literature of Botany,' p. 199. Peck (Charles H.). The Balsam Pir. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 333-334. Peckolt (Theodor). On the Culture of Bixa orellana and the preparation of Annatto. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. II. i. (1859) 185-186. Explicagoes sobre a coUec^So de pharmacognosia e chimica organica etc., enviada a Exposi^ao nacional. Cantagallo, 1861. 8°. Analyses de materia medica Brasileira. Eio de Janeiro, 1868. 8^ Historia das plantas alimentares e de gozo do Brasil, contendo generalidades sobre a agricultura brasileii-a, a cultura, uso, e composiQao chimica de cada uma dellas. Rio de Janeiro, 1872, etc. 8°.— > Notes on Brazilian drugs. Sicopira. (Bowdichia major, Mart.) Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 69-70. Carica Papaya and Papayotin. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. X. (1879) 343-346, 383-386. Myroxylon peruiferum, Linn.f. Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1881) 818-819. 10 146 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Pecori (G. R.)- Considerazioni sulla coltura dell' ulivo. Firenze, 1880. 8°. Peixoto (Domingos Ribeiro dos Guimaraens), Dissertation sur les medicamens bresiliens que Ton peut substiluer aux medicamens exotiques dans la pratique de la medicine au Bresil, etc. These. Paris, 1830. 4°. Pelagaud (E.). L' Eucalyptus, sa culture forestiere et ses applications industrielles. Lyon, 1881. 8«. Pellegrini (Vittorio). Stato attuale dei boscbi del distretto forestale di Caprino Veronese provyedimenti relativi : memoria. Verona, 1875. 8*'. Pelletier-Sautelet ( — .). On the plant which yields Patchouly. [Pogostemon Patchouly.] Pharm. Journ. viii. (1849) 574-576. Periston (William M.). Paris universal exhibition of 1867. Catalogue of Contributions from the Colony of :N'atal. London, [1867]. 8°. Penney (William). Similarity in the medical properties of two species of Cotyledon. Pharm. Journ. xi. (1851) 66-67. On a Lobelia used medicinally in Peru. Pharm. Journ. xiii. (1853) 14. Pereboom (Nicolaus Ewoud). Materia vegetabilis, systemati plantarum praesertim philosophiae botanicae inserviens. Lugduni Batavorum, 1787-88. 4°. Pereira (Jonathan). The elements of Materia medica (and Therapeutics). London, 1839-40. 8°. Ed. 2. 1842. 2 vols. Ed. 3. 1849-53. Ed. 4. [by A. S. Taylor and G. 0. Rees] 1854-57. Ed. [5.] by Robert Bentley and Theophilus Redwood, 1872-4. Manual of Materia medica ... an abridgment of . . . Dr. P.'s Elements of Materia medica . . . by E. J. Farre, etc. London, 1865. 8«. Introductory lecture on [modem discoveries in] Materia medica, delivered at the establishment of the Pharmaceutical Society, March 20. Pharm. Journ. i. (1842) 565-580. On the varieties of Hyoscyamus. Pharm. Journ. ii. (1842) 1 22-124. On the characters which respectively distinguish the fruits of Hemlock, Anise, and Fool's Parsley, with a notice of a case of poisoning by Hemlock fruit taken in mistake for Anise fruit. Pharm. Journ. ii. (1842) 337-341. PECORI PEREIRA. 147 Pereiea (Jonathan) continued: — On the Ceylon Cardamom. Fha/rm. Journ. ii. (1842) 384-389. On Grains of Paradise. Pharm. Journ. ii. (1843) 443-446. Notice of a Chinese article of the Materia medica, called '' Summer- plant- winter- worm." [Sphaeria sp.] Pharm. Journ. iii. (1843) 591-594. Some observations on Potato-starch. Pharm. Journ. iii. (1843) 20-25. Observations on the Chinese gall, called ' Woo-pei-tsze,' and on the gall of Bokhara, termed '■ Gool-i-pista.' Pharm. Journ. iii. (1844) 384-387. On Palm Sugar. Pharm. Journ. v. (1844) 64. On the Moth on whose larva the New Zealand Sphaeria Robertsii grows. Pharm. Journ. iv. (1844) 204-206. Notices of some rare kinds of B-hubarb which have recently- appeared in English commerce. Pharm. Journ. iv. (1845) 445-450. Further notice respecting Siberian and Buchanan Rhubarbs, with some remarks on Taschkent Bhubarb. Pharm. Journ. iv. (1845) 500-502. On some vegetable and mineral productions of New Zealand. Pharm. Journ. v. (1845) 72-75. Note on Banbury Bhubarb. Pharm. Journ. vi. (1846) 76-78. On Alcornoque bark. [? Quercus Suber L.] Pharm. Juurn. vi. (1847) 362-368. On the fruit of Amomum Melegueta, Roscoe. Pharm. Journ. vi. (1847) 412-419. On the Cardamoms of Abyssinia. Pharm. Journ. vi. (1847) 466-469. On the colouring matters of Dutch or Cape Litmus. Pharm. Journ. ix. (1849) 12-14. On the commercial varieties of Ginger. Pharm. Journ. ix. (1849) 212-214, 261-265. On the commercial varieties of Turmeric. Pharm. Journ. ix. (1850) 309-313. On the Amomum citratum, an undescribed species of large Cardamom. Pharm. Journ. ix. (1850) 313-314. The Kosso, or Brayera anthelmintica. Pharm. Journ. x. (1850) 1 5-24. On Myrospermum pubescens, and its medicinal products, Bal- samito, Balsam of Peru, and White Balsam. Pharm. Journ. X. (1850) 230-234. 148 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Pereiea. (Jonathan) continued: — On the Myrospermum of Sonsonate, from which Balsam of Peru, White Balsam, and Balsamito are obtained. Pharm. Journ. X. (1850) 280-290. On Kokum butter, or the concrete oil of Mangosteen. Pharm. Journ. X. (1851) 65-56. Notice of I^ag-Kassar (Mesua ferrea, Linn.). Pharm. Journ. X. (1851) 321. Additional observations on Dutch cake Litmus. Pharm. Journ. X. (1851) 325-326. On the flower-buds of Calysaccion longifolium. Pharm. Journ. X. (1851) 449-450. See also p. 321. Additional information on the mode of preparing the Balsam of Sonsonate, commonly called the Balsam of Peru. Pharm. Journ. xi. (1851) 260-261. On Mishmee-bitter, or Coptis Teeta, of "Wallich. Pharm. Journ. xi. (1852) 294-296. Peein (Eugene). Culture du houblon. Moyen d'augmenter son rendement. Stras- bourg, 1874. 8". Der Hopfenbau. Mittel den Ertrag zu vermehren. Strass- burg, 1874. 8°. Peeiodical Woeks. See end of Alphabetical list of Authors. Peenitzsch (Heinrich). Elora von Deutschlands Waeldern mit besondrer Buecksicht auf praktische Eorstwissenschaft. Leipzig, 1825. 8°. Peeont (E.). La coltivazione del gelso. Trattato pratico, (9^^. Brescia, 1863. 8°. Peeeon (E.). Instructions et renseignments sur le graines et sur les plantes fourrageres les plus connues dans le commerce et dans 1' agri- culture. Paris, 1865. 32". Peeeottet (Georges Samuel). Catalogue raisonne des plantes introduites dans les colonies fran- 9aises de Bourbon et de Cayenne et de celles rapportees vivantes des mers d'Asie et de la Guyane au jardin du roi d Paris. Paris, 1824. 8^ Observations sur les essais de culture tentes au Senegal et sur rinfluence du climat par rapport a la vegetation, etc. Paris, 1831. 8°. Memoire sur la culture des indigoferes tinctoriaux et sur la fabri- cation de I'indigo. Paris, 1832. 8°. PEREIRA — PHIPSON. 149 Peeeottet (Georges Samuel) continued: — Art de I'indigotier ou traite des indigoferes. tinctoriaux et de fabrication de I'indigo, suivi d'une notice sur le Wrightia tinc- toria, et sur les moyens d'estraire de ses feuilles le principe colorant qu'elles contiennent. Paris, 1842. 8". llapport . . . sur une mission dans I'lnde, a Bourbon, a Cayenne, a la Martinique et d la Guadeloupe, concemant rindustrie serigene et la culture du murier. Paris, 1842. 8°. Lettre sur 1' introduction du Yanillier d I'ile de la E-eunion. Pondichery, 1860. 8°. Peesoon (Christian Hendrik). Traite sur les champignons comestibles, contenant I'indication des especes nuisibles, precede d'une introduction a I'histoire des champignons. Paris, 1818. 8°. Abhandlung ueber die essbaren Schwaemme, uebersetzt von Dierbach. Heidelberg, 1822. 8°. Peethius ( — de). Traite de I'amenagement et de la restauration des bois de la Prance. Paris, 1803. 8°. Peteemann (A.). Kecherches sur la culture de la betterave a sucre. Bruxelles, 1876. 8°. PeTZOLD (E.), & G. KlECHXEE. Arboretum muscaviense. TJeber die Entstehung und Anlage des Arboretum Sr. K. Hoh. des Prinzen Friedrich der !N"eider- lande zu Muskau, nebst einem beschreibenden Yerzeichniss der saemmtlichen in demselben cultivirten Holzarten, etc. Gotha, 1864. 8«. Petl (Joseph). Die landwirthschaftliche Pilzkunde fuer Landwirthe, Porst- maenner, Gaertner und die Hausfrauen. Mit besonderer Beruecksichtigung der parasitischen Eeinde und Zerstoerer der Oekonomie, Industrie-, Porst-, und Garten-Gewaechse, sowie der iN'ahrungssubstanzen. Prag, 1863. 8°. Phillips (Henry). History of cultivated vegetables, etc. Ed. 2. London, 1822. 2 vols. 8°. Phipsox (T. L.). On a colouring matter obtained from the Phamnus Prangula (Black Alder). Fharm. Journ. xviii. (1858) 285-286. Observations on the agricultural chemistry of the Sugar Cane. London, 1873. 8". loO VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Phoebus (Philipp). Deutschlands Kryptogamische Giftgcwaechse in Abbildungen und Beschreibungen. Berlin, 1838. 4°. Die Delondre-Bouchardatschen China-Binden. Giessen, 1864. 8°. PiccALUGA (Giuseppe). Sulla coltivazione del cotone. Brescia, 1863. 8°. PiCCONE (A.). Primi studii per una monografia delle principali variety di ulivo coltivato nella zona ligure, (provincie di Geneva, Porto Maurizio e Massa-Carrera) pubblicati per cura del comizio agrario di Geneva. Geneva, 1880. 8°. PiEKPONT (J. de). Traite des arbres et arbustes rustiques en Belgique. Bruxelles, 1865. 8°. PiEERE (J. Isidore). Eecliercbes analytiques sur la valeur comparee des principales varietes de betteraves, etc. Caen, 1857. 8**. • JEtudes theoriques et pratiques d' agronomic et de physique vegetale. (Yol. ii. Plantes fourrageres. Graines et produits derives ; iii. Cereales ; iv. Plantes industrielles. Eecherches diverses.) Paris, 1869. 18°. PlEEEE (L.). Flore forestiere de la Cochinchine. Paris, [1880, etc.~\. fol. — > PiESSE (G. W. Septimus). The art of Perfumery, and the methods of obtaining the odours of Plants, etc. London, 1855. 8^ Ed. 2. 1856. Ed. 3. 1862. Ed. 4. 1879. — Des odeurs, des parfumes et des cosmetiques . . . Edition frauQaise publiee avec le concours de I'auteur, par 0. Reveil. Paris, 1865. 12°. Lecture on Perfumes, Elower-farming, and the methods of obtain- ing the odours of plants, etc. London, 1865. 8°. PiNCKAED (W.). Geum montanum, or Indian Chocolate root. Fharm. Journ. iv. (1844) 222. PiNCKEET (Eriedrich August). Anleitung zur Cultur und Benutzung der Hirse als Koerner-, und Eutterpflanze. Leipzig, 1871. 8°. Die neuesten, eintraeglichsten und den Boden am moisten bereichemden culturpflanzen im Betriebe der Landwirthschaf t unserer Zeit, in ihrer Bedeutung, Cultur und Benutzung als Nahrungs-, Eutter-, und Handelsgewaechse. Berlin, 1857-67. 8". PHOEBUS PLANELLAS GIRALT. 151 Piso CWilliam). G. P. de medicina brasiliensi libri IV., etc. Lugduni Batavorum, 1648. fol. Ed. 2. 1658. G. P. Historia medica Brasiliae. Novam editionem curavit et praefatus est Josephus Eques de Yering. Vindobonae, 1817. 8 ". PiSSOT (A.). Les graines et les plantes d' essence forestieres a 1' exposition international 1878 a Paris. Paris, 1881. 8°. PlI y Raye (E.). Manual del cultiYO de arboles forestieras. Madrid, 1880. 8°. Planchon (GustaYe). Des Globulaires, an point de vue botaniqne et medical. Mont- pellier, 1859. 8°. Des Quinquinas. Paris, 1864. 8". Les kermes du chene, aux point de vue zoologique, commercial et pharmaceutique. Paris, 1864. 8". Les characteres des drogues simples et usuelles. Paris, 1868. 8''. Striated Ipecacuanhas. \Journ. de Pharm.'] FJiarm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 521-523, 642-643. The study of Botany and Materia medica. [Abstract.] Pharm, Journ. in. iii. (1873) 743-745. The teaching of vegetable Materia medica. [Abstract of lecture.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 401-403. Hoang-nan bark. \Journ. de Pharm.'] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 364. Studies of the genus Strychnos. [Journ. de Pharm.] Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 469-471, 491-492; (1881) 529-531, 589-592, 693-695, 754-755. Plantes qui foumissent le Curare. [From the Journ. de Pharm.] Paris, 1880. 8^ Sur les plantes, qui servent de base aux divers Curares. Comptes rendus, Paris, xc. (1880) p. 133. Plan^chon (Jules Emile). Des Hermodactes, au point de vue pharmaceutique. These. Paris, 1856. 8". On Hermodactyls. [Abstract.] Pharm. Journ. xv. (1856) 465-468, 500-503. La truife, et les truffieres artificielles. Paris, [1875]. 8". Planellas Glralt (Jose). Ensayo de una flora fanerogamica Gallega ampliada con indica- ciones acerca los uses medicos de las especies que se describen. Santiago de Compostela, 1852. 8". 152 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Plank ( — .). Grundriss der Yeterinaerbotanik. Muenchen, 1840. 8**. Planta-Reichenat: (Adolph von). Iva (Achillea moschata). [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 727. Plato (Carl Gottlieb). Deutschlands Giftpflanzen, zum Gebrauche fuer Schuelen fasslicb beschrieben. Leipzig, 1829-40. 8°. Platt (L.). Elements d' agriculture. Travaux agricoles, plantes oleagineuses, tinctoriales, textiles . . . Publie par Ad. Rion. Boulogne, 1877. 16°. Platjchud (E.). Quelques mots sur I'olivier et sur I'huile d' olive. Eorcalquier, 1879. 8^ Plenck (Joseph Jacob). Bromatologia, seu doctrina de esculentis et potulentis. Yiennae, 1784. 8°. Also a German edition, same place and date. Toxicologia, seu doctrina de venenis et antidotis. Yiennae, 1785. 8°. Also in German ; and Italian, Yenezia, 1789. 12°. Icones plantarum medicinalium secundum systema Linnaei diges- tarum cum enumeratione virium et usus medici, chirurgici atque diaetaetici. Yiennae, 1788-1812. 8 vols. fol. Pocklington (Henry). The Microscope in pharmacy. Fharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 621-622, 661-662, 701-702, 782-783, 821-822, 841, 921, 1005-1006, 1025; Id. iii. 1-2, 42-43, 62-63, 81-83, 102-104, 161, 181, 281-283, 301-302, 341, 382-383; (1873) 542-543, 581-582, 663-664, 702-703, 761-762, 824-825, 990-992; iv. (1874) 549-550; v. (1874) 83-84, 221-222, 261-263, 301-303. Poedekle (Eugene Joseph Charles Gilain Hubert d'Obnen, Baron de). Manuel de I'arboriste et du forestier belgiques; ouvrage extrait des meilleurs auteurs et soutenu d' observations faites dans different pays, ou I'auteur a voyage. Bruxelles. 1772. 8°. Supplement, 1779. Ed. 2. 1788. Ed. 3. 1792. 2 vols. Poehl (A.). Ein Beitrag zur Quebrachofrage. St. Petersburg, 1880. 8°. POGSON ( .). Transmission of seeds [of Chenopodium Quinoa. From The Gardeners' Chronicle']. Pharm. Journ. II. ix. (1868) 342. PLANK POSADA-ARANDO. 153 PoKOENY (Aloys). Plantae ligaosae imperii austriaci. Oesterreiclis Holzpflanzen. Eine auf genaue Beruecksichtung der Merkmale der Laubhoelzer gegruendete floristische Bearbeitung aller im oesterreichischen Kaiserstadte wildwachsenden oder haeufig cultivirten Baeume, Straeuclier und Halbstraeucher. Wien, 1864. 4**. POLAK (J. E.). Assafoetida. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. II. viii. (1867) 607. PoMET (Pierre). Histoire generale des drogues simples et composees, traitant des plantes, des animaux et des mineraux. Paris, 1694. fol. Ed. [2. J 1735. 2 vols. 4^ History of drugs. London, 1712. 4°. Aufrichtiger Materialist und Spezereyhandler. Leipzig, 1717. fol. PoECHEE (Erancis Peyre). The medicinal, poisonous, and dietetic properties of the crypto- gamic plants of the United States. !N'ew York, 1854. S**. Pesouroes of the Southern fields and forests, medical, economical, and agricultural ; being also a medical botany of the southern states ; with practical information on the useful properties of the trees, plants, and shrubs. Charleston, 1863. Ed. [2.] 1869. 8". PoETEE (Andrew E.). Sium latifolium, Gray. \_Amer. Journ. Pharm.'\ Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 174. See also :N'athan Rogees, pp. 433-434. This writer probably intends Sium latifolium of Linnaeus. PoETEE (George Richardson). On the nature and properties of the Sugar Cane ; with practical directions for the improvement of its culture and the manu- facture of its products. London, 1830. 8°. The Tropical Agriculturist. A practical treatise on the cultiva- tion and management of various productions suited to a Tropical Climate. London, 1833. 8°. The nature and properties of the Sugar Cane. . . . Second edition with an additional chapter on the manufacture of Sugar from the beet-root. London, 1843. 8". Tratado practico sobre el cultivo del Algodon. Traducido del Ingles por el doctor IST. Milano. Caracas, 1863. 8^ Le cocotier. Paris, 1874. 8°. * Posada-Aean^do (A.). Yandellia diffusa. An emetic. \_Jouni. de Pharm.'] Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 849. 154 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. PoucHET (Felix Archimede). Essai sur I'histoire naturelle et medicale de la famille des Solanees. These. Paris, 1827. 4°. Histoire naturelle et medicale de la famille des Solanees. Rouen, 1829. 8°. Traite elementaire de botanique appliquee, contenant la descrip- tion de toutes les families vegetales et celle des genres cultives, ou offrant des plantes remarquables par leurs proprietes ou par leur histoire. Paris, 1835-36. 2 vols. 8°. Prescott (Henry Paul). Tobacco and its adulteration. London, 1858. 8". Strong drink and Tobacco smoke ; the structure, growth and uses of malt hops, yeast, and tobacco. [Edited by T. H. Huxley.] London, 1869. 8". Peestele (Joseph). Die wichtigsten Giftpfianzen Deutschlands in lebensgrossen Abbildungen. Eriedberg, 1843. 8°. Atlas in fol. Peestoe (H.). Report on Coffee cultivation in Dominico. Trinidad, 1875. 8°. * Troctob., Junior (William). Observations on the Sassy bark of Western Africa, and on the tree producing it. [Erom Amer. Journ. Fharm.'] Pharm. Journ. xi. (1851) 271-276. On Erythrophleum judiciale (the Sassy bark tree of Cape Palmas). [Erom Amer. Journ. Pharm.~\ Pharm. Journ. xvi. (1856) 233-237. A succinct description of a collection of American drugs presented to the Museum of the Pharmaceutical Society. Pharm. Journ. xvi. (1856) 268-274. Note on Caramania Gum. \_Amer. Journ. Pharm.'] Pharm. Journ. II. vi. (1865) 658. PuiHN (Johann Georg). Materia venenaria regni vegetabilis. Lipsiae, 1785. 8". Pulteney (Richard). Dissertatio inauguralis de Cinchona officinal! Linnaei, sive cortice peruviano. Edinburgi, 1764. 8°. QuEKETT (Edwin John). On the relation existing between the structure of the organs of plants and certain vegetable products. Pharm. Journ. iii. (1844) 321-326. POUCIIET — RAMEL. 155 QUIHOTJ ( — .). Rapport sur les prlncipales cultures faites en 1869 au jardin d'acclimatation du bois de Boulogne. (Extrait du Bull. Soc. imp. d'acclimatation, Avril, 1870.) Paris, 1870. 8°. Commission des cheptels. Instructions aux chepteliers. 5me section. Yegetaux, plantes alimentaires. Paris, 1873. 8°. Rapport sur les principales cultures faites en 1874 au jardin d'acclimatation du bois de Boulogne. Paris, 1875. 8°. Rabuteaxj (A.), & A. Petee. M'Boundou or Icaja, an ordeal poison used at the Gaboon. \_Comptes rendus.'] Fharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 187. Rafinesqtje-Scamaltz (Constantino Samuel). Medical Plora : or manual of the medical botany of the United States of I^orth America. Philadelphia, 1828-30. 2 vols. 8°. Eafis- (Carl Gottlob). Danmarks ach Holsteens Plora systematisk, physisk og oeconomisk, bearbeydet. Kjoebenhavn, 1796-1800. 2 vols. 8°. Om Hoeravlens Yigtighed for Danmark, dens Tilstand paa Hoeravlings Institutet Lykkensstaede i Pyen, samt om Hoerrens bedre Dyrkning og Behandling i dette Institut fremfor anden- steds i Danmark. Kjoebenhavn, 1803. 8". Yejledning for Bonden til at dyrke Hoer og at bearbeide den indtil Heglingen. Kjoebenhavn, 1806. 8°. Ed. 2. (by Hans Andreas Wueff,) 1830. Anleitung fuer den Landmann zum Plachsbau und zur Behandlung des Plachses bis zum Hecheln. Kjoebenhavn, 1807. 8«. r Anwisning til linodling och linets handterande tills det haecklas, etc. Oerebro, 1811. 8". Raibattd-L'Ange (Henri). Du tabac, culture et preparation en Provence. Paris, 1860. 8«. L'olivier, sa culture et ses produits. Paris, 1861. 8°. IIamel (P.). L'Eucalyptus globulosus [««c] (Tasmanian blue gum-tree) gommier bleu de la Tasmanie. \_Bull Soc. imp. d'acclimatation.'] Paris, 1862. 8«. L'Eucalyptus globulus (Tasmanian blue gum-tree) gommier bleu de la Tasmanie. \_Btdl. Soc. imp. d'acclimatation.] Paris, 1869. 8". 156 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Eamibez (Braulia Anton). Diccionario de bibliografia agronomica y de toda clase de escritos relacionados con la agricultura; seguido de un indice de autores y traductores con algunos apuntes biograficos. Madrid, 1865. S\ Ramox de la Sagra. SfieJjA Sage a. Ratzebueg (Julius Theodor Christian). Die Waldverderbniss oder dauemder Schade, welche durch Insektenfrass, Schaelen, Scblagen und Verbeissen an lebenden Waldbaeumen entsteht, etc. Berlin, 1865. 2 vols. 8°. Raveret-"Wattel (Casimir). L'Eucalyptus. Rapport sur son introduction, sa culture, ses proprietes, usages, ete. Paris, 1872. 8^ Ed. 2. 1876. The Genus Eucalyptus : its acclimatization and uses. [Extract.] Fharm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 22-24, 43-45. Eawson {Sir R. W.). Report upon the rainfall of Barbadoes and its influence on the Sugar crops 1847-71. Barbadoes, 1874. fol. * Reade (Oswald A.). Cinchona cultivation in St. Helena. Fharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 903. Reali (Agostino). Gli alberi e gli arbusti del cirdario e dell' Appenino Camerle, memoria sulle lore utility e sui lore pregi in rapporto all' industria, al commercio, alle arte ed al miglioramente del patrio suolo. Camerino, 1872. 8°. Redwood (Theophilus). JS'otices of specimens in the Museum of the Pharmaceutical Society. Aloes wood. Woorari, or Wourali poison. The Pruit of the Carob Tree ; or St. John's Bread. Fharm. Journ. iii. (1843) 74-79. Gray's Supplement to the Pharmacopoeia, etc. London, 1847. 8°. Ed. 2. 1848. Ed. 3. (A supplement to the Pharmacopoeia.) London, 1857. Reed (Eugene L.). Statice caroliniana. \_Amer. Journ. Fharm.'] Fharm. Journ. in. X. (1879) 304. Reed (William). The History of sugar and sugar yielding plants, together with an epitome of every notable process of sugar extraction and manufacture, from the earliest times to the present. London, 1866. 8". RAMIREZ RENARD. 157 Reggio (E.). Catechismo per la coltivazione del cotone. Brescia, 1863. 8°. Regimbeau (M.). Culture de la truffe. [Extract.] Islmes, 1877. 8". Le chene yeuse ou chene vert [Quercus Ilex] dans le Gard. Nimes, 1879. 18°. Regj^atid (Charles). Histoire naturelle hygienique et economique du cocotier (Cocos nucifera, Linn.). Paris, 1856. 4°. Registaflt (Erangois & Genevieve de Nangis). La botanique mise a la portee de tout le monde, ou collection des plantes d'usage dans la medicine, dans les alimens et dans les arts. {_Anon.'] Paris, 1774. 3 vols. fol. Rehmann (Joseph). Beschreibung einer Thibetanischen Handapotheke. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Arzneykunde des Orients. St. Petersburg, 1811. 8°. Reichel ( — .). On a commercial Cinchona bark, sold as yellow bark. [Erom the Pharm. Centr. JBlatt.]. Fharm. Journ. viii. (1848) 192-193. Reichejoach (Anton Benedict). Die Pflanzen im Dienste der Menschheit. Monographien der wichtigsten I^utzpilanzen des In- und Auslandes in ihrer ge- schichtlichen botanischen, chemischen . . . Beziehung. Berlin, 1866. 8°. Reid (Hugo). Outlines of medical botany. Edinburgh, 1832. 8°. Ed. 2. 1839. REm (J. J.). Ginseng und Kampfer. Marburg, 1879. 8". Reisseck (Siegfried). Die Easergewebe des Leines, des Hanfes, der N'essel und Baum- wolle. Wien, 1852. fol. Die Palmen. Ein physiognomisch-culturhistorische Skizze. Wien, 1861. 8°. Reitler (Johann Daniel von), & G. E. Abel. Abbildung der hundert deutschen wilden Holzarten, etc. Stutt- gart, 1790. 4». Ed. [2.] 1805. Eortsetzung, 1803. Re2s"ard (Ed.). I^ote sur une nouvelle espece de bambou, et sur des objets fabriques avec ce vegetal. Paris, [1875]. 8°. Les varechs, leur emploi en Europe et dans I'extreme Orient, dans I'industrie, en agriculture, ^^^. [Extrait.] Paris, 1878. 8°. 158 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Penaed (Joseph Claudius). Die inlaendisclien Surrogate der Chinarinde, in besondrer Hin- sicht auf das Kontinent voq Europa. Maiuz, 1809. 8°. Renault ( — .). Des arbres resin eux et de leur utilite particuliere pour le boise- ment des fricbes. Mirecourt, 1866. 12°. Ben GUARD (Alfred). Le lin en Russie ; culture, commerce, Industrie. Lille, 1877. 8°. iN'ouvelles rechercbes micrograpbiques sur le lin et sur le cbanvre. Lille, 1878. 8°. Renouard,/?s (Alfred). Etudes sur le travail des lins, chanvres, jutes, etc. Ed. 3. LiUe, [1876]. 3 vols. 8°. Ed. [4.] Paris, 18 . " Ces 3 volumes sont publies chacun avec une couverture et un titre speciaux, lesquels ne font mention, ni du titre general de I'ouvrage, ni de la tomaison, ni de la circonstance que e'est une 4™e edition, savoir : Le tome I sous le titre : Histoire de 1' Industrie liniere en France, principalement a Lille et dans le departement du Nord. Le tome II sous le titre : Etudes sur la culture, le rouissage et le teillage du lin en France, Belgique, Italie, HoUande, Alle- magne, etc. Le tome III sous le titre : Etudes sur le commerce du lin et la statistique liniere en France, Angleterre, Belgique, Russie, Italie, HoUande, etc^ De quelques essais relatifs a la culture et k le preparation du lin. LiUe, 1876. 8". Distinction du lin et du cbanvre d'avec le jute et le pbormium dans les fils et tissus, etc. Lille, 1875. 8°. Statistique comparee de la culture du lin et du cbanvre. {Annales agronom. vi. (1880) pp. 180-205.) Revel ( — .). Delia necessita ed utility di coltivare il cotone in Italia. Torino, 1863. 16°. Reum (Jobann Adam). Grundriss der deutscben Eorstbotanik. Dresden, 1814. 8°. Ed. 2. 1825. Ed. 3. 1837. Die Deutscben Eorstkraeutor. Ein Versucb, sie kennen, benut- zen und vertilgen zu lernen. Dresden, 1819. 8°. Oekonomiscbe Botanik, oder Darstellung der bans- und landwirtb- scbaftlicben Pflanzen, zum Unterricbte junger Landwirtbe. Dresden, 1833. 8°. RENARD — RICHARD. 159 Reuss (Christian Friedrich). Kenntniss derjenigen Pflanzen, die Malem und Faerbem zum ^Nutzen gereichen konnen. Leipzig, 1776. 8". E-EUTER (Ft.) Die Kultur der Eiche und der Weide in Verbindung mit Peld- fruechten zur Erhoehung des Ertrages der Waelder, elc. Ed. 3. Berlin, 1875. 8°. Ret (Ferdinand). Note on Herba Santa Maria [Cbenopodium sp.]. Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1878) 713. Retmond (M. L. a.). Elore utile de la Erance, etc. Paris, 1854. 8°. Reynaed ( — .). La galega, nouveau f ourrage, sa culture. Montrottier, 1870. 16*. Reynaud (J. M.). La ramie, sa culture et son exploitation a I'ile de la Reunion. Saint-Denis, 1881. 8". Re^n-aud (Joseph). De I'olivier, sa culture, son fruit et son huile. Paris, 1862. 12°. Reyi^oso (Alvaro). Ensayo sobre el cultivo de la caiia de azucar. Madrid, 1862. 8**. Ed. 2. 1865. Apuntes acerca de varios cultivos cubanos. Madrid, 1867. 8°. Riant (Aime). Le cafe, le chocolat, le the. Paris, 1875. 32°. Ribbenteop (Bernard). Hints on Arboriculture in the Punjab, etc. Calcutta, 1874. 8". (Also a Hindi version. [Lahore ?], 1874.) RrcHAED (Achille). Histoire naturelle et medicale des differentes especes d'lpeca- cuanha en commerce. Paris, 1820. 4°. Botanique medicale, ou histoire naturelle et medicale des medi- camens, des poisons et des alimens, tires du regne vegetal. Paris, 1823. 2 vols. 8°. A. R.'s Mt dizinische Botanik. Mit Zuzaetzen und Anmaer- kungen von Gustav Kunze und G. E. Kummer. Berlin, 1824- 26. 2 vols. 8°. Elemens d'histoire naturelle medicale, contenant les notions generales sur I'histoire et les proprietes de tons les alimens, medicamens ou poisons, tires des trois regnes de la nature. Paris, 1831. 2 vols. 8°. 160 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. RrcHAED (Achille) continued: — On Brazilian Sarsaparilla. [From the Journ. de Chimie Med.'] Fharm. Journ. iv. (1845) 427. Richard (H.). Die Gewinnung der Gespinnstfasem. Braunschweig, 1881. 8°. ElCHAEDSON (D. L.). riowers and flower gardens. With an appendix of practical instructions and useful information respecting the Anglo- Indian flower garden. Calcutta, 1855. 8°. BiCHESCHi (Sigismondo). Coltivazione della piante saccarine ed industria della zucchero in Italia; relazione al terzo congresse degli agricoltori italiani. Torino, 1873. 16°. BiEHL (G. W. Tr.). De Cassiae speciebus officinalibus. D, Halae, 1801. 8**. EiLAND (John). Memoirs of a "West India Planter. Published from an original MS. "With a preface and additional details. London, 1827. 8". BiMMEL (Eugene). The Book of Perfumes. London, 1865. 8". See Notice in Fharm. Journ. II. vii. (1865) 132-134. - A Lecture on the commercial use of Flowers and Plants, . . . London, [1865]. 8°. BiNiKEE (Hans). TJeber die Baumform und Bestandesmasse. Ein Beitrag zur forstlichen Statik. Aarau, 1872. 8°. Bisso (Antoine). Essai sur I'histoire naturelles des orangers, bigaradiers, limettiers, cedratiers, limoniers, ou citroniers cultives dans le departement des Alpes maritiraes. Paris, 1813. 4°. Bisso (Antoine), & A. Poiteau. Histoire naturelle des Orangers. Paris, 1818-19. fol. Historic et culture des Orangers. JS'ouvelle edition, entierement revue et augmentee d'un chapitre nouveaux sur la culture dans le midi de I'Europe et en Algerie, par A. Du Breuil. Paris, 1872. fol. BiTTEE (Carl). Opiumcultur, und die Mohnpflanze. Berlin, [no date]. 8°. Die Bhabarber (Bheum) nach ihrer Heimath, ihrem Handelsgang und der Sphaere ihrer Yerbreitung in Hoch-Asien. Liebig, Annal iii. (1832) 209-221. RICHARD — ROBERTSON. 161 EiTTER (Carl) continued :— Historisch-geographische und ethnographisclie Yerbreitung der Theecultur, des Theeverkelirs, und Theeverbrauch, zumal auf dem Landwege, etc. ^Liebig, Annal. vi. (1833) pp. 88-108, 215-233. Ueber die Asiatische Heimath und die Asiatiscbe Yerbreitung- sphaere der Platane, des Olivenbaums, der Feigenbaums, der Granate, Pistacie, und Cypresse. Berlin, 1844. 8°. Ueber die geograpbisclie Yerbreitung des Zuckerrohrs, (Saccha- rum officinarum) und der alten Welt vor dessen Yerpflanzung in die neue Welt. Berlin, 1840. 4". Ueber die Africanische Heimat der Caffeebaums (Coffea arabica). Berlin, Bericht, (1846) pp. 237-238. Ueber die geograpbiscbe Yerbreitung von Kameel und Dattel- palme, etc. Berlin, Bericht, (1847) pp. 8-14. Der Yerbreitung der Dattelpalme in geograpbischer und ethnogra- phischer Beziehung, so wie ueber ihre aelteste Cultur. Berlin, Monatsher. Ges. Erdk. vi. (1849) pp. 90-100. Ueber die geograpbiscbe Yerbreitung der BaumwoUe und ibr Yerhaeltniss zur Industrie der Yoelker alter und neuer Zeit. Berlin, [1851]. 4°. Bitter (J. E.). Die kaukasiscbe Comfrey (Sympbytum asperrimum). Eine neue Futterpflanze, die sich bewaehrt. Basel, 1880. 8°. EivETT Caexac. 8ee Caenac. EiviERE (Auguste & Charles). L'Eriodendron anfractuosum. Alger, 1875. 8°. Le sesame. Alger, 1875. 8°. Les Bambous, vegetation, culture, multiplication en Europe, en Algerie, etc. Paris, 1879. 8^ EoBBrffs (Alonzo). Mate, or Paraguay Tea. \Amer. Journ. PJiarm.'] PJiarm, Journ. III. viii. (1878) 1027-1029. EOBEBTSON (B.). Tea cultivation in Japan. [Extract from Consular report.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 128-129. Japanese Lacquer. [Extract from Consular report.] Pharm. Journ. 111. vi. (1875) 487-488. Japanese vegetable and bees' wax. [Extract from Consular report.] Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 584-585. Indian versus Chinese Opium. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 543-545. 11 162 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. EoBEBTSON (James). Eemarks upon Atees [Aconitum heterophyllum, Wall.~\. Pharm. Journ. xvii. (1858) 550. KoBrN',//s (L.). Memoire sur le cafe, sur sa culture, son commerce, ses proprietes physiologiques, therapeutiques et alimentaires. Abbeville, 1864. 18«. EOBES-SON (C. J.) Our Salad herbs. Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 167. EOBIXSON (S. H.). The Bengal Sugar Planter. Being a treatise on the cultivation of the Sugar Cane and Date Tree in Bengal, and the manu- facture of Sugar and Eum therefrom. Calcutta, 1849. 8°. EoBiN-soN- (William). A descriptive account of Asam: with a sketch of the local geography, and a concise history of the Tea-plant of Asam, etc. Calcutta, 1841. 8«. EocHTJSSEN- (Jan Jacob). Het wets-ontwerp op particuliere cultuur-ondernemingen in E'ederlansche Indie, etc. 's Gravenhage, 1862. 8°. Beantwoord op zijne brochure [i.e. the preceding]. Eotterdam, 1862. 8°. Daniel Hooibrink's kuntstmatige bewerking in bevruchting van granen en boomen, en hare toepassing op cultures in Indie, 's Gravenhage, 1864. 8^ Culture et fecondation artificielle des cereales et des arbres . . . traduit du hoUandais par Emile Eobin. Paris, 1864. 8°. EoDET (Henri J. A.). Botanique agricole et medicale, ou etude des plantes qui interes- sent principalement les medicins, les veterinaires et des agri- culteurs, etc. Paris, 1857. 8°. Ed. 2. 1872. Eddie (H.). Eemarks on the Bebearu (or Greenheart) tree of British Guiana. [From the Royal Gazette of Georgetown.'] Pharm. Journ. iv. (1844) 281-283. EoDiczKY (Eug. von). Beitraege zur Geschichte, Statistik und Bibliographic der wich- tigsten Culturpflanzen. Yol. i. Die Biographic des Kartoffel. Wien, 1878. 8°. EoDiczKY (Jen(!)). Az igazi safrany miinelese. Foldmilnelesi ErdeTcenek^ 1880, pp. 52-53, 64-65. ROBERTSON ROHR. 163 EoDiN (Hippolyte). Les plantes medicinales et usuelles de nos champs, jardins, forets. Descriptions et usages des plantes comestibles, suspectes, veneneuses, employees dans la medicine, dans I'industrie et dans I'economie domestique. Paris, 1872. 18°. Ed. 3. 1876. ROEBBELEN ( — '-.). Die Bewaldung nnd sonstigen Melioration der Eifel im Reg. Bez. Trier, etc. Trier, 1876. fol. ROESSIG (G.). Convolvulaceae in medicinisch-pliarmaceiitisclier Beziehung. Yer- such einer pharmakognost. Monographic der Convolvulaceae. Leipzig, 1875. 8". Roessler-Lade (Auguste von). Die Kessel eine Gespinnstpflanze. Mit Anleitung zur deren Anbau nnd weiteren Bearbeitung. Leipzig, 1878. 8". RoHDE (Michael). Monographiae Cinchonae generis specimen, sistens historiam ejus criticam ad introductionem in hoc genus inserviente. D. Goettingae, 1804. 8°. Ed. 2. 1804. RoHLFS (Gerhard). Keue Beitraege zur Entdeckung und Erforschung Africa's. Cassel, 1881. 8°. Die Haifa und ihre wachsende Bedeutung fuer den Europaeischen Handel, pp. 20-30. RoHE (Johann Andreas). Itesp. Dissertatio . . . de arundine saccharina. Yom Zuckerrohr . . . Fraes. J. E. de Pre, etc. Erfordiae, [1719]. 4°. RoHR (Julius Bernhard von). Historia naturalis arborum et fruticum sylvestrium Germanicae, oder Naturgemaesse Geschichte der von sich selbst wilde wachsenden Baeume und Straeucher in Teutschland, etc. Leipzig, 1732. fol. Physicalisch-oeconomischer Tractat von dem IS'utzen der Ge- waechse, insonderheit der Kraeuter und Blumen in Befoerderung der Glueckseligkeit und Bequemlichkeit des menschlichen Lebens, etc. Coburg, 1736. 8°. Observations sur la culture du Coton, trad, de I'allemand. Paris, 1807. 8°. RoHR (Julius Philipp Benjamin von). Anmerkungen ueber den Cattunbau zum nutzen der Daenischen Westindischen Colonien. Altona und Leipzig, 1791-3. 2 pts. 8^ 164 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. EojAS Clemente (Simon de). Memoria sobre el cultivo y cosecha del Algodon (Gossypium) en general y con aplicacion a Espaiia, particuliarmente a Motril. Madrid, 1818. 8". EoMANO (Antonio). Plantae officinales in Europa sponte crescentes. Yiennae, 1837. 8". RoNDOT (Natalis). Notice du vert de Chine, et de la teinture en vert chez les Chinois. (Rhamnus utilis, Becne. Ehamnns chloropliorus, Decne.) Paris, 1858. 8°. RoQTJES (Joseph). Plantes usuelles indigenes et exotiqnes, dessinees et coloriees d'apres nature avec la description de leurs caracteres distinc- tifs et de leur proprietes medicales. Paris, 1807-8. 2 vols. 4°. 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Yersuche nnd Muster ohne alle Lumpen oder durch mit einem -.geringen Zusatze derselben Papier zu machen. Regensburg, 1765. 2 vols. 4°. lUustrated by nineteen samples. ScHAEFFEE (Martin Gottlob). Abhandling om Skoves Opelskning med Hensyn til den danske Elaades Skibsbyggeri. Kjoebenhavn, 1811. 8°. SCHAFEANOW (I^. S.) The growth of forests. [In Russ.] St. Petersburg, 1875. 8^ SCHEFFMAYEE (K.). Tobacco and its culture. (Annual Report of Agricultural Depart- ment.) Madras, 1879. 8°. * SCJIENK ( .). On Ervalenta. [From Buchner's Archw7\ Pharm. Journ. x. (1850) 309-310. ScHEEZEE (Karl von). Smyrna. Mit besonderer Ruecksicht auf die geographischen, wirthschaftlichen, und intellectuellen Yerhaeltnisse von Yorder- Kleinasien, etc. Wien, 1873. 8°. Vegetabilische Erzeugnisse und Handel damit, pp. 114-156. 172 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. ScHEEZEE (Karl von) continued : — Smyme, consideree au point de vue geographique, econo- mique et intellectuel . . . Traduit de I'allemand par P. 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Abbildung und Beschreibung der wichtigsten Euttergraeser und Wiesenkraeuter nebst Angabe ihrer Cultur und ihres !N'utzens, etc. Esslingen, 1850. 8". Ed. 2. 1868. Ed. 3. (by Wilh. Schule, sen. & jun.) Stuttgart, 1877. Schmidt (David). Taschenbuch der pharmaceutisch-vegetabilischen Rohwaarenkunde fuer Aertze, Apotheker und Droguisten. Jena, 1847. 8°. Schmidt (Eranz). Oesterreich's allgemeine Baumzucht, oder Abbildungen in- und auslaendischer Baeume und Straeuche, deren Anpflanzung in Oesterreich moeglich und nuetzlich ist. Wien, 1792-1822. 4 vols. fol. Schmidt (Johann Karl). Allgemeine oekonomisch-technische Elora, oder Abbildungen und Beschreibungen aller in Bezug auf Oekonomie und Technologie merkwuerdigen Gewaechse. Jena, 1827. 2 vols. 8°. SCHERZER — SCHROFF. 173 SCHMITT (Adolf). Anlage und Pflege der Fichteii-Pflanzscliiileii. Weinheim, 1875. 8°. SCHOBEE (J. H.). De teelt van hop op heidegrond. Haarlem, 1865, 8**. ScHOMBUEGK (Richard). The grasses and fodder plants which may be beneficial to the squatter and agriculturist in South Australia. Adelaide, [1873]. 8°. Papers read before the Philosophical Society and the Chamber of Manufactures. Adelaide, 1873. 8°. Chiefly on Forestry, Tobacco, Silk, Sunflower, TJrari. The Guaco plant. [Extract from Report.] Fharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 1019. Plower farming in South Australia. [Extract.] Fharm. Journ. III. X. (1879) 8. ScHOMBFEGK (Robert Hermann). Cedrone seed. [From The Athenaeum.'] Pharm. Journ. x. (1851) 518-519. The Urari, or arrow poison of the Indians of Guiana. Remarks in continuation to those contained in the seventh volume of the Annals of Natural History. Pharm. Journ. xvi. (1857) 500-507. The Vegetable products of Siam. [From The Technologist. ~\ Pharm. Journ. II. iii. (1861) 123-128. ScHRADER (Heinrich Adolph). Grundriss meiner Yorlesung ueber die oekonomische Botanik. Goettingen, 1798. %\ ScHRADER (Johann Christian Karl). Die norddeutschen Arzneipflanzen fuer Anfaenger der Apotheker- kunst. Berlin, 1792. 8°. ScHEEBER (Daniel Gottlieb). Vom perennirenden sibirischen Leine und dessen auch bey uns mit I^utzen einzufuehrenden Baue handelt vorgaenzig, etc. [Halle], 1754. 4°. SCHROEDER (Julius). Das Holz der Coniferen. Dresden, 1872. 8°. ScHROFF (Karl D.). Notes on the Chilian drugs of the Novara expedition. [Trans, and abridged by Daniel Hanbury.] Pharm Journ. II. iv. (1863) 366-371. 174 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY, ScHiiOTTKT (Eugene C). The Principles of rational Agriculture applied to India, and its staple products. Bombay, 1876. 8°. ScHTiBAETH (Heiuricli). Anweisung zum Anbau der bekanntesten, in Deutscbland akkli- matisirten Handelgewaecbse, welche sich vorzuegl. zum Anbau auf der Felde in Grossen eignen, und zu deren Bereitung als Kaufmannswaare. Leipzig, 1825. 8°. ScHUCHAEDT (Thcodor). On Rhatany Eoot. [Transl. from tbe Botanische Zeitung.'] Fharm. Journ. xvi. (1856) 29-32, 132-124. ScHUEBELER (F. 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Kruidkundige beschrijving der in- en uitlandsche gewassen, welke heedendaagsche meest in gebruik zijn. 's Grav.enhage, 1766. 8". SCHWILGTJE (C. J. A.). Traite de matiere medicale. Paris, 1805. 2 vols. 12^ Ed. 2. 1809. Ed. 3. by P. H. ITysten, 1818. 2 vols. 8°. ScoFEEEN- (John). Manufacture of Sugar in the colonies and at home. London, 1849. 8^ Scott (John). Manual of Opium husbandry. Calcutta, 1877. 8°. Scott (Wentworth Lascelles). Eeport on the commercial powders of Ginger and Cinchona. Pha/rm. Journ. II. xi. (1869) 219-222. Seabeook (W. p.). Memoir on the origin, cultivation, and uses of Cotton. Charles- ton, 1844. 8°. Seatoj^ (William John). Peport on the forests and alpha resources of Algeria. London, 1876. 8". Sebeok de Szent-Miklos (Alexander). D. medico-botanica de Tataria hungarica. Yiennae, 1779. 8°. Seema]!^^ (Berthold). On the Anta or Yegetable Ivory. [From Hooker's Journ. Bof.'] Pharm. Journ. xi. (1851) 279-280. On the Simara Cedron. [/3.] Pharm. Journ. xi. (1851) 280. On the Palo de Velas, or Candle tree. (Parmentiera cereifera, Seem.) [From Hooker's Journ. Bot.'] Pharm. Journ. xi. (1851) 236. 176 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Seemann (Berthold) continued: — On the Jipijapa. (Carludovica palmata.) [Erom Hooker's Journ. £ot.~\ Fharm. Journ. xi. (1852) 365-366. The Chinese Materia medica. [From Hooker's Journ. Bot.'] Fharm. Journ. xi. (1852) 427. On the cultivation of the !N'utmeg at Singapore. [From Hooker's Journ. Bot.'\ Pharm. Journ. xi. (1852) 520. On Gutta Taban. [From Hooker's Journ. Bot.'] Pharm. Journ. xi. (1852) 575-576. On Gainbir. [Uncaria Gambir, Roxh. From Hooker's Journ. Bot.'] Pharm. Journ. xi. (1852) 576-577. On I^ag-Kassar. [Calysaccion longifolium, Wight.'] Pharm. Journ. xii. (1852) 62-63. Remarks on Sarsaparilla. [Abstract from The Gardeners' Chro- nicle.] Pharm. Journ. xiii. (1854) 385. Popular history of the Palms and their allies, containing a familiar account of their structure, geographical and geological distribu- tion, history, properties and uses, and a complete list of all the species introduced into our gardens. London, 1856. 8". Ed. 2. 1866. Die Palmen . . . Unter Mitwirkung des Yerfassers deutsch bearbeitet von Karl BoUe. Leipzig, 1857. 8°. Ed. 2. 1863. On Anacahuite wood. [From The Technologist.] Pharm. Journ. II. iii. (1861) 164-165. Report on the Tocuyo Estate of Yenezuela. London, 1864. 8". Semple (Robert Hunter). Lecture on vegetable poisons, delivered at the establishment of the Pharmaceutical Society, June 22. Pharm. Journ. ii. (1842) 17-31. Lecture on vegetable poisons, delivered I^ov. 30, 1842. Pharm. Journ. ii. (1843) 429-442. SiNECLAUZE (Adrien). Les coniferes. Monographic descriptive et raisonnee, classee par ordre alphabetique de la collection complete des coniferes, tant indigenes qu'exotiques, etc. Paris, 1868. 8°. Senft (Ferdinand). Lehrbuch der forstlichen Botanik. Jena, 1867. 8°. Systematisch Bestimmungstafeln von Deutschlands wildwach- senden und cultivirten Hoi zge waechsen, und den fuer sio wirklich schaedlichen Insectenarten. Ein Leitfaden auf Ex- cursionen fuer Forstleute und alle Baumzuechter. Berlin, 1868. 8°. SEEMANN — SHELDRAKE. 177 Sengee (Gerhard Anton). Die aelteste Urkunde der Papierfabrikation in der ITatur entdeckt, nebst Vorschlaegen zu neuen Papierstoffen. Dortmund und Leipzig, 1799. S". Serials. See Feriodical PuUications at end of Alphabetical list of Authors. Seein^ge (Nicolas Charles). Description, culture et taille des muriers, leurs especes et leurs varietes. Paris, 1855. 8°. Atlas. 4". Seeeant (E.). Les quinquinas en Algeria, etude sur leur acclimatation. Paris, 1879. 8". Seeees (Jean Joseph). Description, culture et taille des muriers, leurs especes et leurs varietes. Paris, 1855. 8°. Seevais (Gaspard Joseph de). Korte verhandeling van de boomen, heesters en houtagtige kruid- gewassen, welke in de nederlandsche lugtstreek de winterkoude kunnen uitstaan, etc. Mechelen, 1789. 8". Sestin-i (Fausto). II caffe ; lettura fatta nell' institute tecnico di Pochi. Pirenze, 1868. 8°. Sestin"! (Pausto), & G. Del Toeee. Experiments on the cultivation of sugar-beet in the Campagna romana. Chem. Soc. Journ. xi. (1873) 1254-1255. Settegast (H.). Analysis' and use of lupine seed as fodder. Chem. Soc. Journ. x. (1872) 642-643. Shaep (J. B.). Observations upon the fibrous substances of the East and West Indies, and their applicability to supply the place of foreign pro- ductions for textile manufactures and paper. London, 1854. 8°. Contains a lecture on Indian Fibres by J. F. Royle. Tropical vegetable fibres. Address to the Chamber of Commerce, Dundee, Peb. 6, 1857. London, 1857. 8°. Shaw (A. Nesbitt). On the best means for promoting the growth and improving the quality of cotton in India. Journ. Soc. Arts, xi. (1863) 235. Sheldeake (Timothy). Botanicum medicinale, an herbal of medicinal plants, etc. London [1759]. fol. 12 178 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Sheeipp (Daniel). The cultivation of Flax as a natural advantage, etc. [London, 1866.] 8o. Sherwood (H.). An inquiry into vegetable fibres available for textile fabrics. [From The Technologist.'] Fharm. Journ. II. viii. (1866) 81-84. Shxee (John). Eeport on the Starch-producing plants of the Colony of British Guiana. Demerara, 1847. 8**. Shoet (Thomas). A dissertation upon Tea ; explaining its nature and properties. The natural history of Tea, ^^^. London, 1730. 4**. A dissertation upon Tea ; explaining its nature and virtues, natural history, etc. Ed. 2. London, 1753. 4**. Medicina britannica, or a treatise on such physical plants as are generally to be found in the fields or gardens of Great Britain. London, 1747. 8«. Shortt (John). An essay on the culture and manufacture of Indigo, etc. Madras, 1860. 8^ An essay, etc. "With a Hindustani translation. Madras, 1862. 8«. A handbook to Coffee planting in Southern India. Madras, 1864. 8^ Shuttlewoeth (E. B.). Some experiments on the physiological effects of Coca. [Extract.] Fharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 221-222. SiCAED (Adrien Joseph Polyeucte). Monographic de la canne a sucre de la Chine, dite sorgho a Sucre. Marseille, 1856. 8«. Ed. 2. 1858. 2 vols. Guide pratique de la culture du coton. Paris, 1866. 8*'. SiEBOLD (Philipp Franz von). Tabulae synopticae usus plantarum. In insula Dezima, 1827. fol. Synopsis plantarum oeconomicarum universi regni japonici. [Dezima, 1827.] 8^ Erwiederung auf W. H. de Yriese's Abhandlung : Het gezag van Kaempfer, Thunberg, Linnaeus en anderen, omtrent den botan- ischen oorsprong van den ster-anijs des handels, gehandhaafd tegen Dr. Ph. Fr. von Siebold en Prof. Zuccarini, etc. Leiden, 1837. 8°. SHERIFF SIMMONDS. 179 SlEGFEIED (J. J.). Die Pflanzen in ihrer Anwendung auf Torst- und Landwirth- schaft, Gartenbau, Gewerbe, und Handel. Zuerich, 1840. SiEGMUND (Ferdinand). Gemeinnuetziges Kraeuterbuch. Kurze Beschreibung aller als Volkesheilmittel bekannten Pflanzen, etc. Wien, 1873-74. 8«. AUgemeine illustrirte Kraeuterkunde nnd Yolks- Arzenei Mittel- lehre, etc. Bruenn, 1875. 8^ SiERSTOEPF (Caspar Heinrich, Freiherr von). TJeber dei forstmaessige Erziehung, Erhaltung nnd Benutzung der vorzueglichsten inlaendischen Holzarten. (Erster Theil. 1794. Die Forstbotanik, die Naturkunde der Baeume ueber- haupt, nnd die Beschreibung der Eiche. Zweiter Theil, 1813. Die Beschreibung der Fichte.) Hannover, 1794-1813. 2 vols. 4^ SiEWAET (Max). Tanning materials of South America. [Journ. Applied Science."] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 548-549. Sigmoid (George Gabriel). Tea; its effects, medicinal and moral. London, 1839. 8°. SiLBEEBEEG (Louis). Tobacco; its use and abuse. London, 1863. 8°. SiLLiMAN (Benjamin). Manual on the Cultivation of the Sugar Cane, etc. "Washington, 1833. 8^ SiLVA CouTmno (Joao Martino da). Gommes, resines, et gommes-resines. Exposition universelle de 1867 a Paris. [Rapports du jury international.] Paris, 1868. 8«. SiLVA Lima (J. F. da). Goa powder. (Translated and annotated by J. L. Paterson, M.D.) [From Med. Times and Gazette.'] Fharm. Journ. III. v. (1875) 723-725. SiLVESTEi (Antonio). Le piante pratensi, ossia le erbe dei prati e dei pascoli Italiani, descritte per famiglie naturali, ^^c. Torino, 1878. 8^ SiMMONDS (Peter Lund). Coffee as it is and as it ought to be. London, 1850. 18". On the medicinal properties of the Guaco. [Mikania Guaco.] Fharm. Journ. x. (1851) 534-536. 180 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. SiMMONDS (Peter Lund) continued : — The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom, considered in their various uses to man and in their relation to the arts and manufactures, forming a practical treatise and handbook of reference for the colonist, manufacturer, merchant, and con- sumer. London, 1853. 8°. On some undeveloped and unappreciated articles of Raw Produce from different parts of the world. Journ. Soc. Arts, iii. (1854) 33-46. On Agar-agar and Ceylon moss. Fharm. Journ. xiii. (1854) 355-356. Vegetable wax from the Candleberry Myrtle. [Myrica cerifera.] Pharm. Journ. xiii. (1854) 418-423. The medicinal plants of Australia. Pharm. Journ. xiii. (1854) 616-618. The Gums and Resins of commerce. Journ. Soc. Arts, iv. (1855) 13-27. A dictionary of trade products, commercial, manufacturing, etc. London, 1858. 8°. Ed. [2.] (A commercial dictionary of trade products), 1867. On the culture and commerce of Chicory. Pharm. Journ. 11. ii. (1860) 122-126. ITotes on Kittool fibre. [From The Technologist.^ Pharm. Journ. II. iii. (1861) 280-281. The trade in Liquorice. [The Grocer.^ Pharm. Journ. II. iii. (1862) 623-625. Coffee and Chicory, their culture, chemical composition, prepara- tion for market, and consumption, etc. London, 1864. 12°. Botany Bay, or Grass-tree Gum. [From The Technologist.'] Pharm. Journ. II. viii. (1866) 78-80. The Opium trade of China. Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 361-362. New Paper-making materials, and the progress of the Paper manufacture. Journ. Soc. Arts, xix. (1871) 171-179. Saponaceous plants. [Journ. Applied Science.] Pharm. Jovm. III. i. (1871) 585-586. West Indian Medicinal plants. Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 747. The trade in Aloes. Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 83-84. Indian Resins and Gums. [Journ. Soc. Arts.] Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 465-466. On Kuts, their produce and uses. Journ. Soc. Arts, xx. (1872) 475-485. SIMMONDS SINCLAIR. 181 SiMMONDS (Peter Lund) continued : — ^N'uts, their produce and uses. [Journ. Soo. Arts.~\ Fharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 958-960, 977-980, 1018-1020, 1037- 1038. Supplies of Opium and Scammony from Turkey. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 986-987, 1006-1008. Pennel Flower Seed, or Black Cummin Seed. Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 684-685. On the edible Starches of commerce, their production and consumption. Journ. Soc. Arts, xxi. (1873) 346-355. [Ab- stract in] Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 833-837, 853-855. Wood products and Timber trade [of our Colonies]. The Nautical Magazine, xliii. (1874) 897-905, 1013-1019, xliv. (1875) 11-22. [Anon.'] Our Colonies : the vegetable Fibres they produce. The Nautical Magazine, xliv. (1875) 218-227. [Anon.] Hops, their cultivation, commerce, and uses in various countries. A manual of reference, ^^d?. London, 1877. 8°. Tropical Agriculture. A treatise, etc. London, 1877. 8°. The Commercial products of the Sea ; or marine contributions to food, industry, and art. London, 1879. 8**. Various uses of seaweed, pp. 311-338. Simpson (P. A.). iN'ative poisons of India. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 604-606, 626-627, 665-667. SiN-CLAiR (George). Hortus gramineus Wobumensis, or an account of the results of experiments on the produce and nutritive qualities of different grasses and other plants used as the food of the more valuable domestic animals : instituted by John, Duke of Bedford. Illus- trated with dried specimens of the plants upon which these experiments have been made. London, 1816. fol. Ed. 2. 1825. 8°. Ed. 3. 1826. Ed. 4. 1838. Ed. 5. 1869. Johann Herzog von Bedford's Chemisch-agronomische TJnter- suchungen ueber den "Werth verschiedner Euttergraeser. Zuerst herausgegeben von Sir Humphry Davy. Nach dem Eranzoes- ischen von M. Marchais de Migneaux. Yerdeutscht von A. A. Haas. Trier, 1821. 8°. Hortus gramineus IVoburnensis, oder Yersuche ueber den Ertrag und die ^ahrungskraefte verschiedener Graeser, etc. Aus dem Englischen von E. Schmidt. Stuttgart und Tuebingen, 1826. 4°. 182 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Skene ( — .). Aleppo drugs. [Extract from Consular report.] Pharm. Journ. HI. iv. (1873) 189. Slugg (Josiali Thomas). The Pharmacy of the Bible. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 804-805, 826-827. Small (— .). Cinchona cultivation in the Mauritius. [Extract from a Report.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 21-22. Smidth (Jens Hansen). Arboretum scandinavicum. Easel. Kjoebenhavn, 1831. 12°. Smith ( — .). Tsiology ; a discourse on Tea. Being an account of that exotic, botanical, chymical, commercial and medical, with notices of its adulteration, etc. London, 1826. 12°. \_Anon.'] Smith ( — .). The Vegetable Ivory, or Tagua plant. (Phytelephas macrocarpa, Willdenow.) Pharm. Journ. ii. (1843) 464. Smith (Edward). A glance at the Materia medica of Devon. Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 215-218. Smith (Frederick Porter). The preparation and properties of the various kinds of Chinese teas. \_Med. Times and Gazette.'] Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 387-388, 405-406. The oils of Chinese pharmacy and commerce. Pharm. Journ. III. V. (1874) 61-62. Smith (J. B.). How can increased supplies of Cotton be obtained. Journ. Soc. Arts, V. (1857) 374-386. Smith (James Lawrence). On the manufacture of the Otto of Eose at Kisanlik, in European Turkey. Pharm. Journ. II. i. (1859) 143-144. Smith (John), JSx- Curator of Kew Gardens. Domestic Botany. An exposition of the Structure and Classifica- tion of plants, ^^(j. London, 1871. 8°. Smith (Junius). Essays on the cultivation of the Tea-plant in the United States of America. New York, 1848. 8°. Smith {Ricardo Carlos) [Richard Charles]. InstrucQocs theoricas e practicas sobro a cultura do Helens saccharatus, ou cana doce de Imphee, e o sen product© em aguardente, etc. Funchal, 1858. 8". SKENE — SOUBEIRAN. 183 Smith (Walter George). Note on Irish-grown Jalap. Pharm. Journ. II. xi. (1870) 842-844. Smitt (J. W.). Skandinaviens foemaemsta aetliga och giftige svampar. Stock- holm, 1863. fol. Smtttere (Philippe Joseph Emmanuel de). Phytologie pharmaceutique et medicale on vegetanx envisages sous les rapports anatomique, physiologique et therapeutique. Paris, 1829. 8^ Precis elementaire de botanique medicale et de pharmacologic. Paris, 1837. 8^ SoAMES (Peter). A treatise on the manufacture of sugar from the sugar-cane. London, 1872. 8^ Solly (Edward). On Gutta Percha, a variety of Caoutchouc. Pharm. Journ. v. (1846) 510-514. On recent adulterations of Opium. Pharm. Journ. vii. ( 1 847) 104. SoxNiNi DE Manoncour (Charlcs Sigisbert). Memoire sur la culture et les avantages du Chou-navet de Laponie. Paris, 1788. 8». Traite des Asclepiadees, particulierement de I'Asclepiade de Syrie, precede de quelques observations sur la culture du coton en Prance. Paris, 1810. 8°. SouBEiRAN (J. Leon). Des applications de la botanique a la pharmacie. These. Paris, 1854. 4°. Note on a poisonous Loranthacea. [From Journ. de Pharm. ~\ Pharm, Journ. II. i. (1860) 568-569. Note on the Manna of Alhagi Maurorum, DC. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. II. ii. (1861) 434. Note sur la culture du cotonnier. Paris, 1865. 8°. The collection of Mastic at Chios. [Journ. de Pharm."] Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 226. Drugs from New Caledonia. [Journ. de Pharm.] Pharm. Journ, III. ii. (1871) 403-404. SouBEiRAN- (J. Leon), & Auguste Delondee. De I'acclimatation des Cinchonas dans les Indes neerlandaises et britanniques. Paris, 1867. 8". Note sur la culture des Cinchonas dans les indes Britanniques, et sur les echantillons d'ecorces de cette provenance qui se trouvent a I'exposition de 1867. Paris, 1867. 8". 184 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. SoTTBEiEAN (J. Leon) continued: — Produits vegetaux du Portugal consideres au point de vue do I'alimentation et de la matiere medicale. Paris, 1867. 8°. De r introduction et de I'acclimatation des Cinchonas dans les Indes neerlandaises et dans les indes Eritanniques. Paris, 1868. 8». La matiere medicale a I'exposition de 1867. Paris, 1868. 8°. SowERBY (Leonard). Tho Ladies Dispensatory: containing the natures, vertues, and qualities of all herbs and simples useful in physick, reduced into a methodicall order, etc. London, 1652. 8°. So^vERBY (William). Catalogue of economic and medicinal plants gTowing in the gardens of the Royal Botanic Society of London. Part I. Stove and Greenhouse Plants. London, 1874. 8°. Spall (P. W. A. van). Yerslag over de koffij- en kaneelkultuur op het eiland Ceijlon. Batavia, 1863. 8^ Speck Obreen (H. A. van der). Beschrijving van de timmerhoutsoorten die in Europeesch Guiana wassen. Rotterdam, 1864. 8°. Speede (G. T. Frederick S. Barlow). The new Indian Gardener, and guide to the successful culture of the kitchen and fruit garden in India, with illustrations. Also a vocabulary of the most useful terms ... in the English and native . . . languages. Calcutta, 1848. 8". Spennee (Pridolin Carl Leopold). Handbuch der angewandten Botanik, oder praktische Anleitung zur Kenntniss der medicinisch, technisch, und oekonomiseh gebraeuchlichen Gewaechse Deutschlands und der Schweiz. Freiburg, 1834-36. 8^ Spielee (Alexander Julius The odor). De plantis venenatis Silesiae. D. toxicologico-medica. Yratis- laviae, 1841. 8". Spiess (Ernst). "Wandtafel der wichtigsten Cultur- und Handelspflanzen. . . . Mit Text. Kuernberg, 1876. fol. Spolveeini (Giovan Battista). La coltivazione del riso ; e II canapaio, di Girolamo Baeuffaldi, nuovamente pubblicati a cura di G. Deho. Torino, 1879. 32". SOUBBIRAN — SQUIBB. 185 Spon (E., & P. No- Encyclopaedia of the Industrial Arts, Manufactures, and Com- mercial Products. (Edited by C. G. "Warnford Lock.) London, 1879, etc. 2 vols. 4°.— > Camphor, pp. 671-578; Cane, 595-598; Chicory, 631-633; Cocoa, 684-691; CofEee, 691-722; Cork, 722-729; Drugs, 790- 827; Dyestuffs, 854-869 ; Fibrous suhstances from plants, 909-1000 ; Fruit, 1022-1029; Narcotics, 1305-1351; Nuts, 1351-1360; Oils (vegetable, fixed, and volatile), 1377-1433. The following will also be included: Eesins and Gums; Spices; Starch; Sugar; Tannin; Tea; Timber; Wax. Spo^ (Jacob). Tractatus novi de potu Caphe, de Chinensium The, et Chocolata. Paris, 1865. 12°. Drey neue Tractate von dem Trancke Cafe, Sinesischen The, und der Chocolata. Budissin, 1688. 8°. \_Anon.'] J. S. Bevanda asiatica; hoc est, Physiologia potus cafe, etc. [Lipsiae,] 1705. 4". Speatt (George). The medico-botanical Pocket-Book. London, 1836. 8°. Speuce (Richard). On the Siphonia, or India-rubber tree. [Prom Hooker's Journ. Bot.'] Pharm. Journ. xi. (1857) 169-170. iRote on the India-rubber of the Amazon. Pharm. Journ. xv. (1855) 117-119. Report on the expedition to procure seeds and plants of the Cin- chona Succirubra, or red bark tree [in Ecuador]. London, 1861. 8**. ISTotes on the cultivation of Cotton in Peru. London, 1864. 8**. Spey (Henry Harpur). Suggestions received by the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India, for extending the cultivation and introduction of useful and ornamental plants, with a view to the improvement of the agricultural and commercial resources of India. Calcutta, 1841. 8°. Squibb (Edward R.). On commercial Jalap. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. II. ix. (1868) 487-488. ITotes on Pareira. \_Amer. Journ. Pharm.'] Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 846. Note on Aconite root. \_Proc. Amer. Pharm. Assoc] Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 974-976. Notes on Aloes. \_Proc. Amer. Pharm. Assoc.] Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 994-995. 186 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Squier (Ephraim George). Tropical Fibres ; their production and economic extraction. Kew York, 1861. 8°. Also London, 1863. Squire (Peter). Biennial Henbane. Pharm, Journ. III. xii. (1881) 256. Squire (William Stevens). On expressed juices [of officinal plants]. Pharm. Journ. i. (1841) 94-100. On the Daphne tribe of plants. Pharm. Journ. i. (1842) 395-399. Statement of the quantity of medicinal herbs supplied to the principal dealers in the London market. Pharm. Journ, v. (1846) 356. Stagey (B. F.). The medicinal agents of the American Indians. \_Amer. Pharm. Assoc.'] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 958-959. Stahl's grosses illustrirtes Kraeuterbuch. Ausfuehrliche Beschrei- bung aller Pflanzen und Kraeuter in Eezug auf ihren Nutzen, ihre Wirkung und Anwendung, ihren Anbau, ihre Einsamm- lung und Aufbewahrung, ^^ WUNSCHMANX — ZYNEN. 215 ZOEILEE (T.). Himalaya Tea. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 162. ZoEif (Bartholomaeus). Botanologia medica, seu delucida et brevis manuductio ad plant- arum et stirpium tarn patriarum quam exoticarum in officinis pharmaceuticis usitatarum cognitionem, oder kurze Anweisung, etc. Berlin, 1714. 4°. ZoEN (Jotann). Icones plantarum medicinalium. Abbildungen von Arzneige- waechse. Centuria I.-Y. Nuernberg, 1779-84. 8°. Ed. 2. Centuria I.-IY. 1784-90. [Anon.'] Zfccarini (Joseph Gerhard). Charakteristik der deutschen Holzgewaechse im blattlosen Zu- stande, etc. Muenchen, 1823-31. 4°. Ztnen. See Ykydag Zyiten. 217 SERIALS. GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Belfast. Max Supply Association Reports. Annually since 1867. 8' Liverpool. Cope's Tobacco Plant, a monthly periodical interesting to the manu- facturer, the dealer, and the smoker. 1870, etc. fol. — > London. The Journal of Applied Science, a monthly newspaper devoted to art, agriculture, chemistry, etc. 1870, etc. fol. — > Edited by P. L. Simmonds. SiMMONDs's [P. L.] Colonial Magazine and Poreign Miscellany. 15 vols. 1844-1848. 8^ Continued as The Colonial Magazine and East India Review. Edited by W. II. G. Kingston. Yols. xvi.-xxiii. 1849-51. United with the Asiatic Journal, and continued as The Colonial and Asiatic Review. 1849-51. 2 vols. Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions. 1842-59. 18 vols. 8°. Second Series. 1860-70. 11 vols. Third Series. 1870, etc.^^ Index to Mteen vols. 1857. Index to twelve vols vol. xvi. Old Series to vol. ix. Second Series. 1869. General Index to ten vols II. x. xi.. III. i.-viii., July, 1868, to June, 1878. 1880. 4^ The Journal of the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce. 1852, etc. 8°.— > The Technologist; a monthly record of Science applied to Art and Manufacture. Edited by P. L, Simmonds. l^QO,etc. 8^— > The Journal of Forestry, and Estates Management. 1877, etc. 8°.— > 218 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Manchester. The Sugar Cane, a Monthly Magazine devoted *to the interests of the Sugar Cane Industry. 1869, etc. 8°.— > The Cotton Supply Reporter. 1858-72. 219 ms. 4°. Cotton. Continuation of the Cotton Supply Reporter. 1877-9. * FRANCE. Paris. Societe d'Acclimatation. Bulletin, 1854-63. 10 vols. 8°. II. 1864-73. 10 vols. III. 1874, etc.-^ Journal de 1' Agriculture des Pays Chauds. Organe international du progres agricole . . . pour lAlgerie, les colonies frauQaises et etrangeres et la region intertropicale. Deuxieme serie. 1865, etc. 8". Edited by Paul Madinier. This is Serie 2. of the Annales de 1' Agriculture des Colonies. 1860-62. 4 vols. GERMANY. Berlin. Torstliche Blaetter. Zeitschrift fuer Forst- und Jagdwesen. 1860-71. 12 ? vols. 8°. Edited by Julius Theodor Grunert. ISTeue Eolge. 1872, etc.-^ Ed. by J. T. Grunert & Ottomar Yict. Brunswick. Deutscher Droguisten-Kalender. 1880, etc. 8°.— > Edited by E. Eriese. Leipzig. Forstliche Berichte, etc. 1863-4. 8°. Nordhansen. Eorstliche Berichte, mit Kritik ueber die neueste forstl. Journal- Literatur. !N"eue Eolge. 1852-61. 10 vols. Continuation see Leipzig. SERIALS. • 219 Osterode. Forstliche Berichte, mit Kritik ueber die Hauptsaechlichste . der Journal-Literature des Jahres 1842-51. 10 vols. 8^ Edited by J. C. L. Schultze ; for continuation see IS'ordhausen. ITALY. Sassari. Giornale del laboratorio crittogamico et etnologico per lo studio del parassiti vegetal! ed animali delle piante fanerogame della Sardegna, diritto di Luigi Maccliiati. 1879, etc. 4". — > INDIA. Bombay. Agri-Horticultural Society of Western India. Transactions. April [-July], 1843. l^os. 1, 2. [1843]. 8«. Yol. i. 1852. Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India. Transactions, 1837- 41. 8 vols. S\ Monthly Journals, 1842-43. 2 vols. 8°. Continued as The Journal of the A. & H. Society of India. 1843, etc.—^ Calcutta. Agricultural Gazette of India. 1869-74. fol. Edited by Eobert Knight. * The Indian Eorester, a quarterly magazine of forestry. Edited by W. Schlich. 1876, etc. 8^-> Lahore. Agri-Horticultural Society of the Punjab. Proceedings. 1852, etc. 231 ANONYMOUS PUBLICATIONS, Exclusive of those worhs referred to their respective authors. The nature of the drink Kauhi, or Coffee, and the berry of which it is made, described by an Arabian phisitian. Oxford, 1659. 8°. This is a singular Httle tract of two pages in Arabic, with an English translation facing ; on the title-page in the British Museum copy (pressmark 546 b. 24), has been written in an old hand * Dr. Pococke ye Translator. Natural History of the Coffee, Thee, Chocolate, Tobacco . . . with a tract of Elder and Juniper-berries . . . and also the way of making Mum, e^^. London, 1682. 4". ^N'atur-gemaessige Beschreibung der Coffee, etc. Hamburg, 1684. 12°. The present state of the Sugar plantations considered; but more especially that of the island of Earbadoes. London, 1713. 8°. Remarks upon a book, intituled, "The present state of the sugar colonies considered, etc." London, 1731. 8°. Lettre a M. Le Monnier, de I'Academie des Sciences, premier medecin ordinaire du Eoi, sur la culture du Cafe. Amsterdam, 1773. \2\ * The history of the tea plant; from the sowing of the seed, to its package for the European market, including every interesting particular of this admired exotic. To which are added, remarks on imitation tea, extent of the fraud, legal enactments against it, and the best means of detection. London, [1820 ?] 8°. Papers respecting the culture and manufacture of Sugar in British India ; also notices of the cultivation of Sugar in other parts of Asia ; with miscellaneous information respecting Sugar. London, 1822. foL * Lehrbuch der forst- und landwirthschaftlichen Katurkunde. Tuebin- gen, 1827-40. 4 vols. 8°. 222 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. A description and history of vegetable substances used in the arts, and in domestic economy. Timber Trees, Fruits. London, 1829. 8°. Forms vol. ii. of the Library of Entertaining Knowledge. Vegetable substances. Materials of Manufactures. London, 1832. 8°. Forms vol. xv. of the Library of Entertaining Knowledge. Reports and Documents connected with the proceedings of the East India Company, in regard to the culture and manufacture of Cotton-Wool, Raw Silk, and Indigo, in India. London, 1836. 8°. Cotton, from the Pod to the Factory, a popular view of the natural and domestic history of the plant . . . with the rise and progress of the Cotton Factory, 6^^. London, 1842. 8°. (New Library of Useful Knowledge.) The Indian Hemp, or Gunjah (Cannabis indica). Pharm. Jotirn. i. (1842) 489-490. Indigenous plants, the roots, rhizomes, cormi, leaves or flowers of which may be gathered in July, arranged according to the IS'atural Orders. Pharm, Journ. ii. (1842) 35-38. Medicinal plants, which should be collected in August, arranged in the ^NTatural Orders. Pharm. Journ. ii. (1842) 73-77. Eight practical treatises on the cultivation of the sugar cane, etc. Jamaica, 1843. 8". The authors' names are given as : I. Thomas Henry ; II. Raynes TV. Smith ; III. Anonymous ; IV. W. F. Whitehouse ; V. James Sullivan: VI. W. A. Clements; VII. G. W. Gordon; VIII. Anonymous. Plants which may be gathered, or their roots dug up in the month of May. Pharm. Journ. ii. (1843) 721. On Patchouli, or Pucha Pat. Pharm. Journ. iv. (1844) 80-82. On Chicory, or wild succory. Pharm. Journ. iv. (1844) 119-121. This and the preceding article are probably by Dr. Pereira. Report of a committee appointed for the examination of a new mode of cultivating the sugar-canes, introduced by Mr. Y. Gallet. Trans, Royal Soc. Mauritius, vol. i. pt. 2 (1845) 123-135. The text is in French. Clove Bark. [Laurineae.] Journ. Pharm. iv. (1845) 466. Luff a purgans and Luff a drastica. South American dolocynth. [Cf. Scott.] Pharm. Journ. iv. (1845) 466. On the Momordica-bucha, commonly called Cabacinho, or Bucha of the hunters of Pemambuco. [Luff a purgans, Mart.'] Pharm. Journ. V. (1846) 569-570. ANONYMOUS PUBLICATIONS. 223 Poisoning with the berries of Atropa Belladonna, or Deadly Night- shade. [With a woodcut and description from The Gardeners^ Chronicle.'] Pharm. Journ. vi. (1846) 174-177. The varieties of the Almond. Pharni. Journ. vi. (1846) 222-224. Of the tree which yields the Gutta Percha or Gutta Turban. [Prom the Journ. Agri. Sort. Soc. India, and Lond. Journ. £ot.'] Pharm. Journ. vi. (1847) 379-381. On Patchouli. [Extracts.] Pharm. Journ. vi. (1847) 432. See also vol. iv. 80. On Korarima. Pharm. Journ. vii. (1847) 16. See also Beke. On Sumbul Eoot. Pharm. Journ. vii. (1848) 546. On the Eevalenta arabica. Pharm. Journ. viii. (1848) 30. See also vol. iv. (1845) 415. On the cultivation of Saffron in Prance and Austria. Pharm. Journ, viii. (1848), 171-173. Eeport on the Growth of Cotton in India. London, 1848. fol. * Evidence of the Committee on the British West Indies, and foreign [sugar-] growing Countries. London, 1848. 8°. * Experiments on Cotton in the Southern Mahratta Country, by order of the East India Company, from 1830-48. Bombay, 1849. fol. * Mecca or Bussorah Galls. Pharm. Journ. viii. (1849) 422-424. Umbilicus pendulinus (De Candolle), Cotyledon Umbilicus (Linn.). !N'avelwort or Wall Pennywort. [With a quotation from a paper by Salter, from the Medical Gazette.'] Pharm. Journ. viii. (1849) 526-527. Deiama, or Tobacco of Congo. [Prom the Journ. de Pharm.] Pharm. Journ. ix. (1849) 143. Lentils, Eevalenta, Ervalenta. Pharm. Journ. x. (1850) 64-66. Mitcham ; its physic gardeners and medicinal plants. Pharm. Journ. X. (1850) 115-119, 168-172, 236-239, 297-299, (1851) 340-342. Chinese Galls. Pharm. Journ. x. (1850) 127-129. On the Aegle Marmelos, or Indian Bael. Pharm. Journ. x. (1850) 165-167. Babul bark. [Acacia arabica.] Pharm. Journ. x. (1850) 177. A Descriptive and Historical Account of the Cotton Manufacture of Dacca, in Bengal. By a Pormer Resident of Dacca. London, 1851. 8". * Coffee and its adulterations. [Prom the Lancet.] Pharm. Journ. x. (1851) 394-396. Exhibition of Industry, 1851. [Raw materials and produce.] 1. British Guiana; 2. Barbadoes. Pha/rm, Journ. x. (1851) 407-412. 224 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Arctopus root (Radix Arctopi ecliinati). Pharm. Journ. x. (1851) 559. Great Exliibition of the Works of Industry of all N'ations. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Products. Pharm. Journ. xi. (1851) 8-21, 68-73, 107-114, 155-161, 223-228, 263-265. Cotyledon orbiculata. Pharm. Journ. xi. (1851) 106-107. Cultivation and manufacture of Patna Opium. Pharm. Journ, xi. (1851) 205-212. Monopoly of Yellow or Calisaya Bark. Pharm. Journ. xi. (1851) 215-218. New Lebanon ; its physic gardens and their products. Pharm. Journ. xi. (1852) 323-325, 413-414. Note on the oil of Geranium having the odour of Eoses (Pelargonium odoratissimum). Pharm. Journ. xi. (1852) 325. Stillingia sebifera, or Tallow tree, and vegetable tallow of China. [From Hooker's Journ. Bot.'\ Pharm. Journ. xii. (1852) 73-74. Chinese Wax, Pe-la, or insect-wax. [From Hooker's Journ. Bot.'\ Pharm. Journ. xii. (1852) 74-75. "Wood wool. [From The Gardeners^ Chronicler^ Pharm. Journ. xii. (1853) 430-431. Use of Coffee-leaves in Sumatra. Pharm. Journ. xii. (1853) 443- 444. Bush Tea of the Cape of Good Hope. Pharm. Journ. xiii. (1853) 172. Importation of Wurrus (Capila-podie dye of Ainslie). Pharm. Journ. xiii. (1853) 284. Siberian Ehubarb. Pharm. Journ. xiii. (1854), 329. Guaco, an antidote for Snake bites. Pharm. Journ. xiii. (1854) 412- 413. Hydrocotyle asiatica, a cure for Leprosy. [From the Madras Gazette. ~\ Pharm. Journ. xiii. (1854) 427-429. Exposition universelle de 1855. Catalogue des produits naturels, industriels, artistiques presentes par le royaume de Sardaigne, precede d'une Introduction sur les produits et sur les principales industries des etats sardes et avec notes explicatives. Paris, [1855]. 8°. Purgative fruit from South America [Luffa sp. ?]. Pharm. Journ. xiv. (1855) 300-301. Chironia chilensis, Willd., Canchalagua. Pharm. Journ. xiv. (1855) 326. Notes upon the Materia medica of Scinde. Pharm. Journ. xiv. (1855) 456-462. ANONYMOUS PUBLICATIONS. 225 lyfotes upon the Materia medica of the Paris Exhibition, 1855. Fharm. Journ. XV. (1855) 267-269; (1856) 332-335, 342-350. Madras Exhibition of Eaw Products, Arts, and Manfactures of Southern India, 1855. Reports by the Juries, etc. Madras, 1856. 4°. Reports of the Madras Government on the Fibres of Southern India. Madras, 1856. 8". * Mammoth tree of California. Pharm. Journ. xv. (1856) 519. Florida Indigo. [From the Florida News.'] Pharm. Journ. xvi. (1856) 337. Introduction of the culture of Cinchona into Java. [From Bon- plandia.] Pharm. Journ. xv. (1856) 471. Barbadoes farming. Hints to young Barbadoes planters. Barbadoes, 1857. 8°. * The cultivation of Orleans staple Cotton, from the improved Mexican seed, as practised in the Mississippi cotton growing region. Manchester, 1857. 8^ Siam Cardamoms. Pharm. Journ. xvi. (1857) 556. Destruction of the Gutta Percha trees in Singapore. [From Hooker's Journ. Bot.l Pharm. Journ. xvii. (1857) 193-194. Hydrocotyle asiatica. Pharm. Journ. xvii. (1857) 312. Sanguinaria canadensis, Linn. Pharm. Journ. xvii. (1857) 312-313. Madras Exhibition of Raw Products, Arts, and Manufactures of Southern India, 1857. Reports by the Juries, etc. Madras, 1858. 4^ African Senna. Pharm. Journ. xvii. (1858) 499. Madras Exhibition of 1859 of the Raw Products of Southern India. On the Cotton of the gigantic swallow wort, (Calotropis gigantea) ; as, also, on the silk worm and silk manufacture in Bengal, Bombay, China, Madras, and Mysore. Madras, 1858. 8^ Pp. 158-282 consist of a Dissertation on the silk manufacture and the cultivation of the mulberry, translated from the works of Tseu-Kwang-K'he, . . Shanghae, 1849. Introduction of the Cinchona into India. Pharm. Journ. II. i. (1859) 29. !Note on the tree upon which the insect producing the white wax of China feeds [Fraxinus chinensis, Roxl.]. Pharm. Journ. II. i. (1859) 176. Kote on Japan wax. Pharm. Journ. II. i. (1859) 176-178. Yeratrum viride. American Hellebore. Pharm. Journ. II. i. (1859) 186-187. Manufacture of Otto of Roses. Pharm. Journ. II. i. (1859) 264-267. 15 226 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. The Tea plant, its history and uses. London, 1860. 16°. Papers on the cultivation of Indigo in Bengal. Keport of the Indigo Commission. Calcutta, 1860. 8". * Sale of Dandelion Coffee. Pharm, Journ. II. i. (1860) 346-348, 357- 358, 396. Introduction of the Tea plant into the United States. [From The Gardeners' Chronicle.'] Fharm. Journ. II. i. (1860) 429-430. Alleged adulteration of Pepper. Fharm. Journ. II. i. (1860) 534- 535. On the introduction of the Cinchona trees into India. Pharm. Journ. II. ii. (1860) 201-204. Collection of Mastic at Chios. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. II. ii. (1860) 282. Yellow Poppy seed oil. [From The Technologist.'] Pharm. Journ, II. ii. (1860) 283. Indigo, and its enemies; or facts on both sides. By Delta. Ed. 3. London, 1861. 8°. iN'otes upon the Cocoa-nut tree and its uses. Edinburgh, 1861. 8°. * The Cotton supply. A letter to John Cheetham, Esq., by a Fellow of the Eoyal Geographical Society. London, 1861. 8". El cultivo del Algodon llamado nueva Orleans, producido de la semilla mejicana mejorada del modo practicado en le region algodonera del Mississippi. Manchester, 1861. 8". Vegetable silk and wool. London, 1861. 8°. Aegle Marmelos, or Indian Bael. Pharm. Journ. II. ii. (1861) 499- 500. Chicory, the quantity produced, and the duty charged on it. Pharm, Journ. IL iu. (1861) 183-184. The root of Grinseng. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. II. iii. (1861) 197. The Cinchonae iu India. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. II. iii. (1861) 217. Cotton culture in new or partially developed sources of supply. Re- port of proceedings at a conference, Aug. 13, 1862. Manchester, 1862. 8^ List of specimens of some of the woods of British Burmah, sent to England for the International Exhibition of 1862. Eangoon, 1862. A\ Report of the Commissioners of Inland Revenue. [On Tobacco, Snuff, Pepper, Coffee, Tea, Boer and Hops, etc.] Pharm. Journ. II. iv. (1862) 164-171. Pharmaceutical products in the Exhibition. Unmanufactured drugs of vegetable origin. Pharm. Journ, II. iv. (1862) 219-221, ANONYMOUS PUBLICATIONS. 227 Le cotonnier, son histoire, sa culture en Algerie. Marennes, 1863. 8°. * Introduction of Cmchona into India. Pharm. Journ. II. v. (1863) 105-109, 156-159. Cortex Musenae. [Extract.] Fharm. Journ. II. v. (1863) 184. Eelazioni dei giurati della prima exposizione dei cotoni italiani. Torino, 1864. 8°. ^ Question cotonniere. Paris, 1864. 8°. * Cinchona cultivation in Jamaica. [Jamaica Guardian.'] Pharm. Journ. II. V. (1864) 512-515. Tea cultivation [in India. Calcutta, 1865.] 8**. Uses of tlie Horse-Chestnut. [From The Technologist.'] Pharm. Journ. II. vi. (1865) 486-488. A new oil-seed for the colonies. [Madia sativa. From The Technolo- gist.] Pharm. Journ. II. vii. (1865) 33. The Flower farms of France. [From The Amer. Gardener'' s Monthly.] Pharm. Journ. II. vii. (1865) 291-293. Culture et production de coton dans les colonies frangaises. Paris, 1866. 8°. * Handatlas saemmtlichen medicinisch-pharmaceutischen Gewaechse oder naturgetreue Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der officinellen Pflanzen, etc. Jena, 1866-70. 8°. Copal resin. [From The Gardeners'' Chronicle.] Pharm. Journ. II. vii. (1866) 424-425. Port-royal Senna. Pharm. Journ. II. vii. (1866) 447-448. Ifew paper material. [The roots of Lucerne, and other species of Medicago. From The Technologist.] Pharm. Journ. II. vii. (1866) 479. Pimento. [From The Technologist.] Pharm. Journ. II. vii. (1866) 616-618. Peruvian Cinchonas. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. II. viii. (1866) 80-81. Erythroxylon Coca. \_London Medical Press.] Pharm. Journ. II. viii. (1866) 299. Beet Sugar and Cane Sugar. [From Traverses Circular.] Pharm. Journ. II. viii. (1866) 300-301. Than-mo, a vermifuge remedy of the Burmese. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. II. viii. (1866) 354. Application of Turnips in dyeing. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. II. viii. (1866) 355. On the febrifuge properties of the leaves of Cinchona. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. II. viii. (1866) 356-358. 228 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Breve noticia sobre a collec^ao das madeiras do Brazil a presentada na ExposiQao Internacional de 1867. Rio Janeiro, 1867. 8°. * Jurors' Report on the Yegetable Products in the Intercolonial Exhibi- tion of 1866. [Melbourne, 1867.] 8°. Beetroot Sugar. [From TJie Grocer r\ Fharm. Journ. II. viii. (1867) 733-734. Australian Spinach. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. II. viii. (1867) 734. Ginseng. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. II. ix. (1867) 77. Artificial culture of Truffles. [Extract from The Grocer.'] Pharm. Journ. II. ix. (1867) 77-78. Exposition universelle de 1867. Catalogue raisonne des collections exposees par I'administration des forets. Paris, 1868. 8". Japanese Tea. \_The Grocer.'] Pharm. Journ. II. ix. (1868) 343. Truffle Hunt at Cannes. \_Gardeners'' Chronicle]. Pharm. Journ. II. X. (1868) 29-30. Aloes. \_Med. Times and Gazette.] Pharm. Journ. II. x. (1868) 106-110. The introduction of Cinchona to the island of Jamaica. Pharm. Journ. II. X. (1868) 166-168. Proceedings of Conferences held by the India Committee of the Society [of Arts], on subjects connected vfith the Arts, Manufac- tures, and Commerce of India. London, 1869. 8". Notes on Tea, Fibres, and Cotton. Opium in China. \_Times.] Pharm. Journ. II. xi. (1869) 304-305. Edible Eungi. [_Gardeners' Chronicle.] Pharm. Journ. II. x. (1869) 431-433. Kurze Anleitung zur Zucht und Pflege des Maulbeerbaums. Leipzig, 1870. 4«. Resumen de los trabajos verificados por la comision de la flora forestal espanola durante los anos de 1867 y 1868. Madrid, 1870. 4°. Brick Tea. \_Food Journal.] Pharm. Journ. II. xi. (1870) 658. Cultivation of Ipecacuanha in India. [Medical Press.] Pharm. Journ. IIL i. (1870)5. Ashycrown cinchona in Yenezuela. [Erom Vargasia.] Pharm Journ. in. i. (1870) 66. Mushrooms. [Edible species.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 88-89. Silk and Sunflowers in Mauritius. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 130. Indian Drugs. [Speeches in Parliament.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 137. Poppy culture in Korth America. Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 148, ANONYMOUS iPUBLlCATlONS. 229 Introduction of the Ipecacuanha plant into India. [^Allen's Indian Mail'] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 170. Ancient use of odoriferous plants. [Extract.] Fharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 188. Gingilie oil. \Jaffna JSfews.'] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 226. Cinchona cultivation in India. Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 325. Java Cinchona bark. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 342- 343. East Indian Cinchona bark [sale of, grown at Darjeeling]. Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 326. The Mullein plant. [Yerbascum Thapsus. Erom N.Y. Druggists* Circular.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 365. Monkey nuts. [Arachis hypogaea. Erom Nature.'] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1870) 488. Eeport of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the preparation of the Phormium tenax or !N'ew Zealand Elax. Wellington, 1871. fol. * Catalogue of the samples of Eibres and manufactured articles prepared from the Phormium tenax ; exhibited by the Flax Commissioners, in the Colonial Museum, "Wellington, August, 1871. Wellington, 1871. 8°. Catalogue of the Yictorian exhibits to the Sydney Intercolonial Exhi- bition of 1870. Melbourne, 1871. 8°. Chemical and pharmaceutical products, pp. 52-54. Eaw products and forest industries, pp. 54-56. Fibrous substances, pp. 57-63. Le malettie delle piante, natura delle medisme, cause che le producono e processo di trattamento a prevenirle ed a curare ; opera compilata suUe piu accreditate antiche e moderne e specialmente sopra quelle dei professori Ee e Moretti. Yol. i. Milano, 1871. 32°. Enciclopedia agraria popolare. Serie 1. vol. ii. Botany in Medical Schools. [ Gardeners' Chron.] Pha/rm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 546. Yegetable wax in Japan. [From KatureT] Pharm Journ. III. i. (1871) 568. Chinese native Opium. Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 604-605. The Guava. [^Druggists' Circular.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 605-606. Calif ornian Acorns. [^Nature.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 686. Geranium dissectum. [Nature.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 686. Bhang- and Opium-eating in India. [Medical Times and Gazette.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 706-707. 230 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Kameela. [^Manufacturer and Builder.'] Thar m. Jour n. III. i. (1871) 707-708. The Banya-Bunya (Araucaria Bidwilli). \Nature7\ Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 770. Tuba roots. [Gardeners' Chronicle.'] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 790. Sumbulus moschatus. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 807. Chinese products. [Extracts from Consular Reports.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 807-808. The Candleberry tree. (Aleurites triloba.) [Gardeners' Chronicle.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 848. Galuncha. [Tinospora cordifolia, Miers. Erom The Gardeners^ Chronicle.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 848. Turmeric. [Erom The Gardeners^ Chronicle.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 868. The Ink plant. [Coriaria myrtifolia. Extract from Nature.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 928. American Sumac. [Scientific American.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 971-972. Poppy farming in Queensland. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. i. (1871) 972. Sunflower-seed oil. [Journ. Applied Science.] Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 106. Cultivation of Ipecacuanha in India. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 227. More about Condurango. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 272. Cinchona cultivation in Bengal. [Report.] Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 304-308. Cinchona culture in the East. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 404-405. The Poppy crop in Behar and Benares. [Its partial failure through blight.] Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 429. Paper manufacture in Japan. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1871) 526-528. Progetto per la coltivazione ed industria dei prodotti della Asclepiade di Siria. Cremona, 1872. 8^ Condurango. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 665. Cinchona cultivation in Java. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 684. Cinchona and Ipecacuanha in India. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 689. The Orange. [Good TTcalth.] Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 768- 769. Olibanum. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 867. Poppy culture in Australia. Pharm. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 1028. ANONYMOUS PUBLICATIONS. 231 The manufacture of Attar of Eoses in Turkey. Phanji. Journ. III. ii. (1872) 1051-1052. The manufacture of Olive oil in California. \_ScientiJie American.'] Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 387-388. The Chinese Materia medica. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 501-502. Persian Opium. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 31. Indian Opium. Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 248. The collapse, of Cundurango. Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 248. The Lavender country. [Journ. Applied Science.'] Pharm. Journ, III. iii. (1872) 325-326. Pharmaceutical utility of botanical gardens. Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 328. Ipecacuanha cultivation in India. Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1872) 328. Papers regarding the Tea industry in Bengal, etc. Calcutta, 1873. 8". Indian Opium [note on sale of]. Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 523. Betel nut chewing. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 547- 548. Opium trade of India. [TimesP^ Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 704. Poppy culture in China. Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 890. The Olive oil trade. Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 955. Uses of the genus Vinca. Pharm. Journ. III. iii. (1873) 961. Cultivation of Cinchona at Darjeeling. \Time8?^ Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 6. Projected herbarium of medicinal plants [at the Pharmaceutical Society]. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 8. Indian Opium. [JS'ote from Journ. Agri. Sort. Soc. India.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 32. Rheea or China Grass. [IN'ote on an advertisement in The Times.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 32. Report on the Olive oil trade. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 51. Poisonous nuts. [Denna nuts,=Arachis hypogaea.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 70. The sanitary value of flowers. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 64-65. Camphor. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 145. The Lavender fields of Hertfordshire. [ Chamhers's Journal.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 165-166. Kew Zealand native drugs. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 186. Olive oil from Tunis. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 204-205. Cocoa [The trade in]. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 245-246. 232 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Chinese Opium trade. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 285-286. Mesquite Gum. [From Prosopis glandulosa, Torr.~\ Pha/rm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 286. Flowering of Jalap plants in France. Pharm,. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 303. Cinchona cultivation. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 323. Flowering of the Scammony plant. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 323. Cinchona cultivation in Java. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 341. Patchouli. [Journ. Applied Science.'] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 362. Olive oil from Crete. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 385-386. Trade in drugs, etc., with British India. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 407-408. The Eucalyptus Globulus as a disease-destroying tree. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 494-495. Palermo Manna. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 496. Opium trade in India. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 498. Cultivation of Yanilla in the island of Eeunion. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 517-518. The Palm oil trade in Old Calabar. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1873) 531-532. Las plantas industriales, tradado curiosa del cultivo y aprovechamiento de las plantas testiles, oleaginosas, tintorias y otras que son objeto de la industria. Madrid, 1874. 8°. Saffron growing in France. [Journ. Soc. Arts.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 551. Chinese Camphor. [Extract from a Eeport.] Pha/rm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 589. iN'otes on the Chinese Opium trade. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 675. Castor-oil seed. Ricinus communis. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 676. Ginger. Zingiber officinale. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 676. Preparation of Indian Hemp. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 696-697. Safflower. Carthamus tinctorius. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 714. The Eucalyptus plantations of Algeria. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874)731. Poppy seed. Papaver somniferum. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 731. ANONYMOUS PUBLICATIONS. 233 The coppicing of Cinchonas. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 731-732. Jaborandi, a new drug from Brazil. Pilocarpus pinnatus, Linn. \_Repert. de Pharm.'] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 850. Ailanthus glandulosa as a remedy for dysentery. \_Repert. de Pharm.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 890. The growth of Cinchona. [Rate of growth.] Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 894. Cultivation of the Tea plant in Anjou. Pharm. Journ. III. iv. (1874) 1019. The Yanilla. [^Gardeners' Chron.] Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 24-25. Ceylon products. [Abstract.] Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 47-48. Japanese vegetable wax. \Journ. Soc. Arts.] Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 166. Herb cultivation at Mitcham. [The Garden.] Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 182. Keport on the Government Cinchona plantations in Java. For the second quarter of the year 1874. Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 282. Cinchona cultivation in St. Helena. Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 305-306. Larch bark. Phwrm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 328. Olibanum. Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 350. The trade in drugs, etc., with Turkey. Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 388. Boldo. [Peumus Boldus.] Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 405-406. Japanese vegetable wax. [Journ. Soc. Atis.] Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 425. Acclimatization of medical plants [in the south of France]. Pharm. Journ. III. V. (1874) 448. The wild Yanilla plant [Liatris odoratissima. Prom The Garden.] Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 489-490. Copal. [Gardeners^ Chronicle.] Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 490. Opium in China. Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 509-510. The Sumbul plant. [Euryangium Sumbul, Ifauff. Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. V. (1874) 510. Matico. [Gardeners' Chronicle.] Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1874) 523-524. De la culture de la betterave au point de vue du rendement. Yalen- ciennes, 1875. 12°. Der praktische Porstwirth fuer die Schweiz. Lenzburg, 1875. 8°. 234 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY, The Vegetable Kingdom ; or, the produce of the earth and its uses. London, 1875. 4°. The Jalap plant. (Exogonium purga.) \_The Garden.'] Pharm. Journ. III. V. (1875) 547-548. The new drug, Jahorandi. Fharm. Journ. III. v. (1875) 569. See also p. 574. The cultivation of Opium and Cinchonas in India. Pharm. Journ. III. V. (1875) 663-664. Notes on some United States' drugs. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. V. (1875) 704. The botanical source of medicinal Ehubarb. \_Ga/rdeners' Chronicle.'] Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1875) 784-785. Cinchona in Madeira. Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1875) 835. The true Gamboge plant. [Garcinia Hanburyi.] Pharm. Journ. III. (1875) 972. Serronia Jaborandi. [Abstract.] Pharm. Journ. III. v. (1875) 1034-1035. A new Mexican drug. [Damiana.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 24. Plowering of the Euryangium Sumbul, Kauffmann, in England. [^Gardeners' Chronicle.] Pharm. Journ. III. ti. (1875) 43-44. The China Opium trade. Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 47-48. The India Museum at South Kensington. []S"ative produce.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 61-62, 101-102, 181-182, 241-242, 381- 382, 422-423. Cultivation of Cinchonas in the Isle of Bourbon. [Gardeners' Chron.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 66-67. Cinchona cultivation in Ceylon. [Gardeners'' Chron.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 86. Officinal Ehubarbs. [Journ. Pot] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 146. Japanese edibles. [Gardeners^ Chron.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 202, 221-222. Cinchona bark from Santa Martha. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 284. Tahiti products. [Short note.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 284. Goto bark. A reputed new remedy for Diarrhoea, Eheumatism and Gout. [Archiv der Pharm.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 301-303. The indigenous Materia medica, etc., of Yictoria. Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 368. Tayuya. Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 401. Damiana. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 423. ANONYMOUS I»UBL1CATI0NS. 235 Cinchona cultivation in private plantations [in India]. Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 447-448. The competition between Indian and native-grown Opium in China. [Extracted from Consular reports.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1875) 465-467. Twelve prize essays on Sugar culture. Georgetown, 1876. [8°. ?J * Memoire sur le Silphium cyrena'icum. Paris, 1876. 4". Musee colonial ou Pavilion pres de Harlem. I^otice sur les collections du musee pour servir de guide aux visiteurs. Harlem, 1876. 8". Productions vegetales, pp. 7-35. Note sur la culture des tabacs. Exposition permanente des colonies. Commission mixte des tabacs. Paris, 1876. 8°. Philadelphia International Exhibition, 1876. Mexican section. Special catalogue and explanatory notes. Philadelphia, 1876. 8°. Medicine, pp. 61-71. Agriculture, pp. 91-120. Skogsvaennen. Stockholm, 1876. 8°. *' Green Tea." [^Shanghai Commonwealth.'] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1876) 746-747. The name Jaborandi. Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1876) 750. Borneo Camphor. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1876) 772. The earth Almond. [Cyperus esculentus, Z.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1876) 772. See also p. 748. The Yanilla culture. Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1876) 772. Acorn Coffee. Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1876) 872. African essences. Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1876) 872. Persian opium. [Extracted from Consular Report.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1876) 890. The Eucalyptus Globulus ; its hygienic and medical properties. [Abstract.] Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1876) 912. Persian opium. Pharm. Journ. III. vi. (1876) 950. The Cultivation of Jaborandi and Eucalyptus. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 10. Eesources of the province of Shantung. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 26-27. Aleppo Scammony, etc. [Extract from a Consular report.] Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 102. Brazilian Tapioca. [Extract from a Consular Report.] Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 102. The effect of age on Rhamnus Erangula bark. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 102. 236 Vegetable techi^ology. The Sunflower and its uses. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 117. Ava, or Kava-Kava. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 149-150. Acclimatization of plants. Phartn. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 160. The Eucalyptus Globulus in Italy. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 160. Xanthium spinosum. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 335. Erythroxylon Coca. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 335-336. An extraordinary Cinchona bark. [Cinchona Ledgeriana, Trimen.'] Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 360. The end of the Cinchona experiment in St. Helena. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 360. Ipecacuanha and Vanilla cultivation in India. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. 111. vii. (1876) 433. Eeport on Oil seeds in the India Museum. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 468. See also Cooke. The Copaiba tree. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1876) 516. Cana de azucar. Plantacion y cultivo de la caiia de azucar. Yalencia, 1877. 8°. Liberian Coffee. {_Journ. Soc. Arts."] Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1877) 574. Cultivation of the Castor-oil bean. [ Chem. and Druggist.'] Pha/rm. Journ. III. vii. (1877) 592-593. Indian Hemp and its active principle. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1877) 836. Cinchona cultivation in Java. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1877) 861. Pitury, an Australian rival to Coca. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1877) 878. The collection of Masterwort and other roots on the continent. Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1877) 986. The sanitary influence of the Eucalyptus. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. vii. (1877) 986. Timbo, its properties and composition. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ, III. vii. (1877) 1020. Mushroom culture in Japan. [Journ. Soc. Arts.] Pharm. Journ. III. \ii. (1877) 1026. Oranges and Lemons. Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 6. Cultivation of Jalap in Manilla. Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 6. Acclimatization experiments with medicinal plants. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 30. The manufacture of Palm oil in "Western Africa. Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 68-69. ANOKYMOUS PUBLICATIONS. 237 French Lactucarium. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 202. The carrageen crop. [^Scientific American.'] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 304. Historical notes on Opium. Pharm. Journ. viii. (1877) 347-348. Cultivation of the Ipecacuanha plant. Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 366. The commercial history of a Cinchona plantation. Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1877) 409-410. Liberian Coffee in Ceylon ; the history of the introduction and progress of the cultivation up to April, 1878, etc. Colombo, 1878. 12°. Catalogue of specimens of Indian foreign produce sent to the Paris Exhibition. Calcutta, 1878. 8°. * Catalogue des vegetaux ligneux indigenes et exotiques existant sur le domaine forestier des Barres-Yilmorin. Paris, 1878. 8°. Statistique forestiere. Paris, [1878-79.] 2 vols. 4°. Atlas fol. The Paris Exhibition. Crude materials applicable in Medicine and Pharmacy. Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1878) 21-23, 41-46, 82-86, 101-104. Essential oils, Perfumery, etc. 11. 282-286. Crude materials used or applicable in the Arts. Ih. 301-307. The botanical source of Tobacco. Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 710. The culture of Cinchonas in Java. [Abstract.] Pharm. Journ, III. viii. (1878) 774. Collection of Canada Balsam. \_Tran8. Amer. Pharm. Assoc.'] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 813. I^otes on the Olive [cultivation at San Eemo]. Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 814. Mustard. SJEardwicM s Science Gossip.] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 852-853. l^ote on a new Ehubarb. [Rheum hybridum, var. Colinianum, Baill.] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 856. Commercial Jaborandi. Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 892. Opium production in Africa. [_Leeds Mercury.] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 1007-1008. Caladium seguinum, or Dumb Cane. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 1008. The botanical source of Araroba. \_Repert. de Pharm.] Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 1048. Silphium laciniatum. (Compass Plant, Eesin Weed.) [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1878) 29-30. 238 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Berberis Aquifolium. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1878) 68. The Para and Ceara Kubbers, and Balsam of Copaiba trees. \J~ourn. Soc. Arts.'] Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1878) 86-89. Production of Opium in China. Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1878) 246. Ballata, a substitute for Gutta Percha. \_Boston Journ. Commerce.'] Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1878) 412. Cultivation of the Cinchona in the United States. Pharm. Journ. III. viii. (1878) 572. Der Schweizer Kraeutersammler. Ausf uehrliche Beschreibung aller in der Schweiz und den angrenzenden Laendem, auf den Bergen und in den Thaelen wildwachsenden Pflanzen und Kraeuter, nebst genauer Angabe ihres Gebrauches, JSTutzens, ihrer Anwendung und Wirkung, ihres Anbaues, ihres Einsammlung, Aufbewahrung und Verwerthung. Neu-TJlm, 1879. 8°. Catechismo forestale, ossia manuale popolare di selvicultura. Bergamo, 1879. 8^ ' Delia coltivazione de' gelsi ed alleramento dei bachi da seta ; studii e suggerimenti. Milano, 1879. 16°. The production of oil of Rosemary in Dalmatia. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ.lll.i^. (1879) 618. Orange flowers and Oranges from the Southern States. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. ix. (1879) 915-916. Argan oil. [Extract from Gardeners' Chron.] Pharm. Journ. III. x. (1879) 127-128. Cultivation of Perfume plants in South Australia. ^Jouru. Soc. Arts.] Pharm. Journ. III. x. (1879) 185-186. Pucus vesiculosus. [Lancet.] Pharm. Journ. III. x. (1879) 343. Bose-f arming as a Colonial industry. [ Colonies and India.] Pharm. Journ. III. X. (1879) 469-470. Ministro di agricoltura, industria e commercio. Direzione deU' agricol- tura. Annali di agricoltura 1879. Esperienze di coltivazione di tabachi eseguite dalle stazione agrarie. Boma, 1880. 8°. Die forstliche Yerhaeltnisse Wuerttemburgs, etc. Stuttgart, 1880. 8\ The cultivation of the Sorghum plant, and its manufacture into sugar in the United States. Journ. Soc. Arts, xxviii. (1880) 469-470. Kotes on useful plants. [Extracts from the Report on Kew Gardens, for 1879.] Journ. Soc. Arts, xxix. (1880) 88-91. Indian drugs. Pharm. Journ. III. x. (1880) 777-778. Wattles. [Acacia sp.] Pharm. Journ. III. x. (1880) 798. Persian and native Opium in China. Pharm. Journ. III. x. (1880) 800. ANONYMOUS PUBLICATIONS. 239 The production of Indigo in Bengal. [Journ. Soc. Arts,'] Pharm. Journ. III. X. (1880) 917-918. Eesin and Turpentine. [Journ. Soc. Arts.] Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 26. The Cork tree. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ, III. xi. (1880) 134-136. Experimental cultivation in Jamaica. Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 198. Acclimatization experiments in Jamaica. Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 277-278. Cinchona cultivation in Eengal. [Extract from report.] Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 334-335. Ground-nuts. [Gardeners^ Chronicle.] Pharm. Journ. 111. x.i. (^ISSO) 494. Cassia lignea. [Extract from Consular Report.] Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 498. The uses of Henna in Algeria. [Abstract.] Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 515. Cinchona bark market. Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1880) 784. Des marches de betteraves au double point de vue de la culture et do la fabrication du Sucre. Arras, 1881. 8". II caffe di girasole : analisi chemiche, consigli agronomici, ecc. Padova, 1881. 8°. Coca. (Erythroxylon Coca.) Journ. Soc. Arts, xxix. (1881) 472. The cultivation of wheat-straw, and the manufacture of straw goods in Italy. Journ. Soc. Arts, xxix. (1881) 630-631. Orange culture in Syria. Journ. Soc. Arts, xxix. (1881) 787. The commerce of Gum Arabic at Trieste. [Extract.] Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1881) 822. Cinchona bark as an article of the official Materia medica. Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1881) 903-904. A Malagasy Materia medica. Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1881) 853-855. Cinchona cultivation in Ceylon. [Extract from a report.] Pharm, Journ. III. xii. (1881) 52. Liquorice root. [From The Oil and Drug I^ews.] Pharm. Journ. HI. xii. (1881) 264. 241 ADDENDA. Adams ( — .). Cultivation of Cinchona in the United States. [Extract from a Consular report.] Fharm. Journ. III. xi. (1881) 1025. Adeler (Christian Lente), & Jakob Iveesex. Kurzgefaszte Anleitung zum Hopfenbau. Zunaechst als "Wq^- weiser fuer die Mitglieder des !N'ord-Angler Hopfen-Yereins aus den neuesten Schriften ueber Hopfenbau zusammentragen. Plensburg, 1824. 8°. [^Anon.~\ Aegiditjs (Peter Christian). JN'ogle Bemaerkninger over Kommen- og Kapsaed-Avlen. Kjoeb- enhavn, 1825. 8". Alltjatjd ( — .), aine. Memoires sur le reboisement. et la conservation des bois et forets de la France. Limoges, 1845. 8°. Ancelin- (Constant Fraugois). Eeflexions agricoles et manufacturieres sur I'industrie liniere. Lille, 1856-7. 8°. (Three pamphlets.) Arbois de Jubainville (Alexandre d'). Observation sur le systeme d'elagage de Courval et Des Cars. Paris, 1870. 16". Note sur I'elagage des arbres forestiers. Paris, 1872. 18". Arn"DT (Ernst Moritz). Ein Wort ueber die Pflegung und Erhaltung der Forsten und der Bauern in Sinne einer hoeheren und menschlichen Gesetz- gebung. Schleswig, 1820. 8°. Arnold (Edwin Lester). On the Indian Hills : or. Coffee planting in Southern India. Loudon, 1881. 2 vols. 8°. Artus (Wilhelm Friedrich Wilibald). Handatlas saemmtlicher medicinisch - pharmaceutischer Ge- waechse. Ed. 6. by G. von Hayek. Jena, 188L I The first edition is noticed on page 8. 16 242 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Bagneets (Gustave). See p. 9. Bakee (Edmund Gilbert). An officinal Aloe from Madagascar. Fharm. Journ. III. xii. (1881 ) 43-44. Balfoue ( — .), Surgeon-Major. Manilla hemp. Journ, Soc. Arts, xxix. (1881) 661-662. Bazelaiee (Hippolyte de). Traite du reboisement, ou manuel du planteur. Infancy, 1846. 12". Ed. 2. Paris, 1864. Beauvisage (Georges Eugene). Contribution k 1' etude des origines botaniques de la Gutta-percha. Paris, 1881. 8«. Beckee (Jens Fr.). En kort Anviisning til Tobaks-Plantning. Viborg, 1809. 8". Bedo (Albert). Die wirthschaftliche und commercielle Beschreibung der Koenigl.- Ungarischen Staatsforste. Budapest, 1878. 4°. Description economique et commercial des forets de I'etat des Hongries, avec une tableau synoptique des forets de I'etat. (Trad, du texte original hongrois.) Budapest, 1878. 4°. Bell (John). A practical treatise on the culture of Sugar Cane, and distil- lation of rum ... with some remarks on the cultivation of Cotton, ete. Calcutta, 1831. 8". Bennett (John "Whitchurch). A treatise on the Coco-nut tree, and the many valuable properties possessed by that splendid palm, ascertained by personal observation. By a Eellow of the Linnaean and Horticultural Societies, many years resident in the island of Ceylon. "With an interesting traditional account of its original discovery, by a prince of the interior of that island. London, 1831. 8°. [Anon.'] Beenaedin (R. J.). Classification de 350 matieres tannantes. Gand, 1880. 8". This is a revised version of the work given on p. 19. Beeey-Eatnal ( — .). Memoire sur un nouvel amenagement des bois et forets, ou I'art d'augmenter les produits foresliers. Chalon-sur-Saone, 1858. 8". BiANCA (Giuseppe). II carrubo. Monografia storico-botanico-agraria. Firenze, 1881. 8«. ADDENDA. 243 IBiGNONE (Felix). ISiote on the Corsican Moss of the Pharmacies. [Marine algae.] Pharm.Journ. III. xii. (1881) 258. Bjeeregaaed (Hans). En kort Anviisning til Traeavl eller til de almindeligste Pnigt- og Skovtraeers Opelskning og TJdplantning. Bestemt til Uddeling blandt Landalmuen i Danmark. Eanders, 1828. 8°. BoBiEERE (Adolphe). Essai sur la cnlture de la canne a sucre par M. A. Eeynoso, resumes critiques de MM. B., Girard et Barral. Paris, 1865. 8°. PojEE (Wenzel). Ilotice on the probable cause of the phenomenon manifested in the Sugar-Cane. [Blight.] Trans. Royal Soe. Mauritius j vol. i. (pt. ii.) (1845) 116-123. Booth (John). Eeststellung der Anbauwuerdigkeit auslaendischer "Waldbaeume. Eeferat, etc. Berlin, 1880. 8°. BOTJCAED ( — .). De la sylviculture dans le departement de I'Indre. Chateauroux, 1865. 8°. BoTJCHE (Carl David). See p. 24. BouELiEE (Charles). Guide pratique de la culture du lin en Algerie. Alger, 1863. 8^ Bowman (Erederic Hungerford). The structure of the Cotton fibre in its relation to technical applications. Manchester, 1881. 8°. Bkenot (L.). Remarques sur deux varietes d'epicea. Paris, 1878. 4**. Beeees (E.). Aperqu sur I'elagage et la conduite des arbres forestiers et autres arbres destines d I'industrie. Bruxelles, 1870. 8°. Browis- (John Ednie). Timber Trees of South Australia. Adelaide, 1880. 8". A Practical Treatise on Tree Culture in South Australia. Adelaide, 1881. 8". Beowne (D. J.). The history, industry, and commerce of Elax. Reports, Commis- sioners of Patents, Agriculture. Washington, 1862. pp. 21-83. 244 . VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. BRETSCmfEIDEE (E.). Notes on some botanical questions connected with the export trade of China. Peking, 1880. 8°. On Chinese silkworm trees. Peking, 1881. 8". Brookes (R.). The natural history of Chocolate. Being a distinct and particular account of the Cocao-tree, its growth and culture, and the preparation, excellent properties, and medicinal vertues of its fruit. Wherein the errors of those who have wrote upon this subject are discover'd; the best way of making chocolate is explain'd ; and several uncommon medicines drawn from it, are communicated . . . Translated from the last edition of the French by a Physician [R. Brookes]. London, 1724. 8**. Ed. 2. [Title slightly varied,] 1730. The first edition was anonymous. Brueel (Er.). Gekroente Preisschrift . . . ueber die beste Art die "Waelder anzupflanzen, zu nutzen und im Stande zu erhalten. Ed. 3. Copenhagen und Leipzig, 1799. 8". Brtjeel (Georg Wilhelm). Bidrag til den practiske Eorstvidenskab. Kjoebenhavn, 1802. 8°. Abhandlungen fuer Ereunde der praktischen Eorstwissen- schaft. Kopenhagen, 1802. 8°. Burgess (T. J. W.). The beneficent and toxical effects of the various species of Rhus. \_Canadian Journ. Med. Science.^ Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1881) 858-860. BuRGSDORFF (Eriedrich August Ludwig von). Anviisning till at opelske indenlandske og udenlanske Traeearter i det Erie. Oversat og omarbeidet til Anvendelse for Danne- mark og Holsteen af Mart. Gottl. Schaeffer. Eorsynet med Anmaerkninger af Erik Yiborg. (1 Deel.) Kjoebenhavn, 1799. 8°. BURKART ( .). Sammlung der wichtigsten europaeischen Nutzhoelzer in charak- teristischen Schnitten. Bruenn, 1880. 8". Calvet (A.). Note sur la culture du bambou ct ses usages industriels dans la region des Pyrenees et dans la sudouest de la Erance. Paris, 1878. 4". ADDENDA. 215 Caepentiee (Ernest de). Plantation des terrains crayeux de la Champagne et des marais du nord de la France ; resultats economiques et financiers ; Yocux et reformes. Paris, 1881. 18°. Cakver (Jonathan). A treatise on the culture of the Tobacco plant . . . adapted to northern climates. London, 1779. 8°. [Ed. 2.] Dublin, 1779. Af handling om Dyrknings- og Behandlings-Maaden af Tobak- Planten passelig til de I^ordlige Himmel-Egne oversat af de Engelske efter J. C, etc. Christiania, 1781. 8°. Cech (C. 0.). XJeber den Ursprung der Hopfencultur. Muenchen, 1881. 8°. CHAMBERLAYlSrE (John). The manner of making of Coffee, Tea and Chocolate . . . with their vertues. Newly done out of French and Spanish. London, 1685. 18°. The tracts on Tea and Coffee are from the French of P. Sylvestre DuFouK, and that on Chocolate from the Spanish of A. Colmenero DE Ledesma. Chambeay (Georges de). Traite pratique des arbres resineux conif eres a grandes dimensions, etc. Paris, 1845. 8°. Chelus ( — de). Histoire naturelle du cacao et du sucre, devisee en deux traites. [With additions by IN". Mahudel.] Paris, 1719. 8°. Ed. 2. Amsterdam, 1720. Chevallier (J. B A ), see p. 36, is sometimes spelled Chevalier. Christ (Johann Ludwig). Der neueste und beste deutsche Stellvertretter des indischen Caffe oder der Caffee von Erdmandeln ; zu Ersparung vieler Millionen Geldes fuer Deutschland und laengerer Gesundheit Tausender von Menschen. [Cyperus esculentus, Z.] Ed. 2. Frankfurt-am-Mayn, 1801. 8°. Clergeaud (P.). De la culture du coton en Algorie. Paris, 1862. 8°. Collins (James). Cultivation of Caoutchouc trees in India. Journ. Soc. Arts, xxix. (1881) 363-364. Colmenero de Ledesma (Antonio). Curioso tratado de la naturaleza y calidad del Chocolate, dividido in quatro puntes, etc. Madrid, 1631. 4°, 246 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. CoLMENEEO DE Ledesma (Antonio) contifiued : — A curious treatise of the nature and quality of Chocolate. "Written in Spanish by A. G. . . . and put into English by Don Diego de Yades-forte \_pseud., i.e. J. Wadsworth]. London, 1640. 4«. — Du chocolate. Discours curieux . . . traduit d'Espagnol en FranQois . . . par E,. Moreau, etc. Paris, 1643. 4°. Chocolata Inda. Opusculura. de qualitate et naturae choco- latae . . . nunc in Latinum translatum. [By J. Gr. Yolckamer.] Norimbergae, 1644. 16°. Chocolate ; or, an Indian drinke . . . written originally in Spanish . . . and faithfully rendered in the English by Capt. J. Wadsworth. London, 1652 [? 1655]. 12°. In the preface, the translator uses the pseudonym of Diego de Vadesforte. Delia cioccolata discorso . . . tradotto dalla lingua spagnuola nell' italiana, con aggiunta d'alcune annotationi da A. Yitrioli. Eoma, 1667. 12°. [Ed. 2.] Bologna, 1694. Comes (Orazio). I f unghi in rapporto all' economia domestica ed alle piante agrarie. Lezione ecc. raccolte e scritte dall' alunno, L. Savastano. Napoli, 1880. 8°. Cooz (D. M.). The culture and manufacture of sugar from Sorghum. Report^ Commissioner of Patents, Agriculture. Washington, 1862. pp. 311-319. CoTTA (Heinrich). Principes fondamentaux de la science forestiere. Ouvrage traduit par Jules Kouguier. Ed. 2. Paris, 1841. 8°. For original German edition see p. 42. CoTJKVAL (Ernest Alexis, Comte de). Taille et conduite des arbres forestiers et autres arbres de grandes dimensions, etc. Paris, 1861. 8°. Ceaig ("William). The medicinal plants of England and Ireland. Pharm. Journ. in. xi. (1881) 863-866. Ceinon (J. L. P.), & Charles Yasseeot. Le forestier practicien, ou guide des gardes champetres, traitant de la conservation des semis, de Famenagement, de I'exploita- tion, etc., des forets. (Manuel Eoret.) Paris, 1852. 18". ADDENDA. 247 Croizette (Desnoyei's). Notice sur les divers emplois du hetre. Paris, 1878. 4°. ISTotice sur le debit et les emplois des principales esp^ces des pins. Paris, 1878. 4°. !N'otice sur le gemmage da pin maritime. Paris, 1878. 4°. Ceosby (Schuyler). Cultivation of the Chestnut in Tuscany. [From Consular report.] Journ. Sue, Arts^ xxix. (1881) 451-452. Ckoy {le comte Andre Rodolphe Claude Frangois Simeon, styled Eaoul de). Avenir forestier de la France, considere dans ses rapports avec les essences resineuses. Paris, 1853. 12°. CUEIE ( — .). Des produits tires du pin maritime. Essai theorique et pratique sur la fabrication des matieres resineuses. Paris, 1874. 8**. D. (N.). The vertues of Coffee. Set forth in the works of The Lord Bacon, his IN'atural Hist., Mr. Parkinson, his Herbal, Sir George Sandys, his Travails, John Howel, Esq., his Epistle. London, 1663. 4°. In the body of the work it is called Coffa. Dalgas (Carl Fredrik Isaac). lagttagelser over Hampens Dyrkning, samlede paa en Reise i Tydskland, Helvetiea og Frankrige i Aarene 1808, 1809 og 1810. Kjoebenhavn, 1812. 8°. Darlington (William). Agricultural botany : an enumeration of useful plants and weeds. Philadelphia, 1847. 8°. Decugis (Bernardin). Les tourteaux des graines oleagineuses, et leurs applications theoriques et pratiques dans la culture, I'alimentation des animaux . . . 1' economic domestique, etc. Toulon, 1876. 8''. Delamaeee (Louis Gervais). Traite pratique de la culture des pins a grande dimensions, etc. Paris, 1826. 8°. Ed. 3. 1831. Historique de la creation d'une richesse millionnaire par la culture des pins, ou application du traite pratique de cette culture publiee en 1826, etc. Paris, 1826. 8^ Supplement, 1827. Delamer (Eugene Sebastian). Flax and Hemp, their culture and manipulation, etc. London, 1854. 8^ 248 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Delchevalerie (G.). Le dattier, sa description, son histoire, etc. Gand, 1873. 8°. Demontzey (P.). Traite pratique du reboisement et du gazonnement des montagnes. Ed. 2. Paris, [1881]. 8°. This is the original work of which a German version is cited on p. 50. Des Cars (Amedee Joseph). L'elagage des arbres ; traite pratique de I'art de deriger les arbres forestiers, e^c. Paris, 1865. 32°. Eds. 2, 3, & 4. 1865. Ed. 6. 1866. A treatise on pruning forest and ornamental trees. Translated from the 7th French edition, with an introduction by Charles S. Sargent. Boston, 1881. 8°. De Yos (C. de). Beredeneerd woordenboek der voornaamste heesters en coniferen in I^ederland gekweekt. Groningen, 1867. 8°. Dey (Kanny Loll). Notes on some Indian Drugs. Wrightia antidysenterica, Psoralea corylifolia, Symplocos racemosa. Fharm. Journ. III. xii. (1881) 257-258. DiDRiCHSEx (Didr.). Skovbog eller Anviisning til Skovs Opelskning isaer med Hensyn til Smaaeskoves Anlaeg paa Boenderjorderne. Kjoebenhavn, 1803. 8°. DOWNES ( .). The growth of Crocus sativus, the source of saffron, in Kashmir. \_The Gardeners' Chronicle.'] Fharm. Journ. III. xii. (1881) 9. Du Breuil (A.). Arboriculture. Paris, 1881. 8°. DuFOUR (P. S.). See Sylvestre Dufour. Eloffe (Arthur). L'ortie, ses proprietes alimentaires, medicales, agricoles et indus- trielles. Ed. 2. Paris, 1869. 16°. For Ed. 1 . see page 60. This author has also written under the pseudonym of Kroenishfranck, see page 108. Ernst (Adolph). Las familias mas importantes del reino vegetal especialmente las que son de interes en la medicina, la agricultura y industria o qne estan representadas en la flora de Yenezuela. Caracas, 1881. 8°. ADDENDA. 249 Ebnst (Adolpli) continued: — Memoria botanica sobre el embarbascar, 6 sea la pesca por medio de plantas venenosas. Caracas, 1881. 8°. Eykmax (J. F.)- Illiciumreligiosum, /SeVJ., its poisonous constituent, and essential and fixed oils. [Transl.] PJiarm. Journ. III. xi. (1881) 1046-1050. The botanical relations of Illicium religiosum, Sieh., and lUicium anisatura. Lour. [Transl.] Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1881) 1066-1068. Fatjlkxee (Alexander). A Dictionary of commercial terms, with their synouymes in various languages. Bombay, 1856. 8". Fjxlias (Achille). Exposition universelle de Paris en 1878. N"otice sur les forets de I'Algerie ; leur etendu ; leurs essences ; leurs produits. Alger, 1878. 8". Fischer (Theodor). Die Dattelpalme, ihre geographische Yerbreitung und cultur- historische Bedeutung. Gotha, 1881. 4°. Fleischer (Elias). Forsoeg til en Underviisning i det Danske og Norske Skov-Yaesen. Kjoebenhavn, 1779. 8°. Floe (Martin Richard). Om Tobakavl ; og Humleavl af C. E. Wiinholt. Christiania, 1817. 8°. Flueckigee (Friedrich A.), & Arthur Meyer. ITotes on the fruit of Strychnos Ignatii. Pharm. Journ. III. xii. (1881) 1-6. Forest (A.). De la question du reboisement et nouvel examen des circonstances climatologiques et des faits economiques qui se rattachent d I'existence des forets. Paris, 1852. 8". FrTJEHLING (E.), & J. SCHTJLZ. Anleitung zur Untersuchung der fuer die Zuckerindustrie in Betracht kommenden Rohmaterialen, Producte, I^ebenproducte und Huelfssubstanten. Ed. 2. Braunschweig, 1881. 8°. Ed. 1. is given on p. 68. Gall AND (Antoine). De I'origine et du progrez du cafe. Sur un manuscrit arabe do la Bibliotheque du Roy. Caen, 1699. Vl\ 250 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. G ALLOT ( — .). N'otice sur le debit et les emplois du sapiu, de I'epicea, et du meleze. Paris, 1878. 4". Gallot (— .), & Gast (— .). Notice sur le debit et les emplois du chene rouvre et du chene pedoncule. Paris, 1878. 4°. Gaijdry (Albert). Becherches scientifiques en Orient. Partie agricole. Paris, 1855. 8°. Chiefly connected with Cyprus. Gaudet (Louis). Cours pratique d' arboriculture, etc. Paris, 1848. 12°. Ed. 2. 1849. Gaytfeer (Eugene de). Iconographie du reboisement et du gazonnement des montagnes. Descriptions, plans, et vues photographiques des grandes travaux dans les Alpes et les Pyrenees frauQaises. Paris, 1881. fol. Germain (Eelix). Rapport sur le reboisment, presente au conseil general de la Drome (aout 1873). Yalence, 1873. 8^ GmouL (L.). Culture forestiere des arbres resineux coniferes. Breda, 1844. 8°. Gorge-Grim BLOT (A.). Etudes sur la truffe. Paris, 1878. 4°. GoRKOM (Karel Wessel van). De Oost-Indische cultures in betrekking tot handel en nijverlieid. Amsterdam, 1881. 2 vols. 8°. The first volume is noticed on page 73 ; the portion relating to Cinchona will shortly be published in English. GossoN (Narcisse). Quelques mots sur le coton et sur la colonisation. Le Havre, 1863. S\ GouRRiER (H.). See Hubert-Gourrier (A.). Graeter (L.). Ausfuehrliche Anleitung zur Kultur des Mohns um dieselbe auf das Doppelte des gewoehnlichen Ertrags zubringen, durch seine Benuetzing auf Opium. Kach dem Eranzoesischen des A. Odeph . . . frei bearbeitet von einem Freunde der Landwirth- Bchaft. Stuttgart, 1867. 8^ Grand VAUX (Emmanuel Louis). Du reboisement des montagnes de France. Paris, 1846. 8". ADDENDA. 251 Greenish (Henry George). Contributions to the chemistry of Nerium odorum. Pha/rm. Journ. III. xi. (1881) 873-875. Geiffin ( — .). The Kauri gum of New Zealand. \_ScientiJic American.'] Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1881) 989. GfilGOR (J.). Arboriculture ; or, a practical treatise on raising and managing forest trees, and on the profitable extension of the woods and forests of Great Britain. Edinburgh, 1881. 8**. Gtjenaud (Antoine). Traite forestier pratique ; manuel du proprietaire de bois. Paris, 1870. 8". Hendess (H.). Waaren-Lexikon fuer den Droguen-, Spezerei- nnd Farbwaarcn Handel, sowie der chemischen und technischen Praeparate fuer Apotheker. Berlin, 1881. 8". Heuze (Gustavo). Les cereales, les produits farineux et leurs derives d I'Exposition universelle Internationale de 1878 d Paris. Paris, 1881. 8°. Hidalgo (Tablada Jose de). Tratado del cultivo del olivo en Espana, y modo de mejorarlo. Madrid, 1870. Tradado del cultivo de los arboles frutales en Espana y modo de mejorales. Ed. 2. Madrid, 1871. 8°. Hochstettee (Ferdinand). Grosses illustrirtes Kraeuterbuch. Ausfuehrliche Beschreibung der fuer Arzneikunde, Handel und Industrie verwendbaren Pflanzen und Mineralien, derenFundort, deren Yerwendung und derdaraus gewonnenen Producte . . . !Nach denneuestenQuellenherausge- geben von F. H., Maetin und Anderen. Eeutlingen, 1880. 8". Hochstettee (W.). Die Coniferen oder Nadelhoelzer, welche in Mitteleuropa winter- hart sind. Stuttgart, 1881. 8°. Holmes (Edward Morell). The varieties of Linseed in English commerce. Pharm. Journ. III. xii. (1881) 61-62, 137-140. The cultivation of medicinal plants in Lincolnshire. Pharm. Journ. III. xii. (1881) 237-239. "Which kinds of Cinchona bark should be used in Pharmacy ? Pharm. Journ. III. xii. (1881) 368-369. 252 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. HOITZENDORFF (JuliuS VOn). Der riachs, sein Anbau, und seine Zubereitung in Irelanfl. Aus dem Englischen . . . uebertragen von J. von H. Leipzig, 1865. 8°. Translated from Charley, and Ward. Horn (J. E.). La crise cotonniere et les textiles indigenes. Paris, 1863. 8°. HoRNE (John). A year in Piji, or an inquiry into the botanical, agricultural, and economical resources of the colony. London, 1881. 8°. Howard (John Eliot). On [Cinchona] Red Bark. Pharm. Journ. III. xii. (1881) 350- 354.— > HUBERT-GOURRIER (A.). Traite de la culture de I'olivier et de la fabrication de I'huile d' olive. Toulon, 1881. 8«. IcERY (Edmond). See p. 99. IvERSEN (Jacob). Om Rapsaedens Dyrkning i det Holsteenske, i Saerdeleshed i Hertugdoemmet Slesvig . . . oversat af det Tydske. Kjoeben- havn. 1803. 8°. Jacquemart (D. a.). Bibliographic forestiere frangaise, ou catalogue chronologique des ouvrages frauQais ou traduits en frauQais et publies depuis I'invention de rimprimerie jusqu'a ce jour, sur la sylviculture, r arboriculture forestiere, et sur les matieres qui s'y rattachent. Paris, 1852. 8". Jaeger (H.). Deutsche Baeume und "Waelder. Ed. 2. Leipzig, 1881. 8". Jaeger (Niels Knag). Kort Anviisning ora Maaden, sikkerst at forplante Tracer paa, saavel ved Saeden, som af unge Roenninger, grundet paa egne Eorsoeg, etc. Bergen, 1778. 8". [_Anon.'] Jardin (E.). Le coton, son histoire, son habitat, son emploi et son importance chez les differents peuples, avec 1' enumeration de ses succedanes. Geneve, 1881. 12^ Johnson (S. W.). Tobacco. Report of Chemist to Connecticut Slate Board of Agricul- ture, 1873, pp. 383-424. ADDENDA. 253 JOLIVET ( .). !N'otice sur I'emploi du bois dans la fabrication du papier. Paris, 1877. 4^ JouTNE (Zephirin). Reboisement des montagnes. Reboisement, difficultes, causes des inondations et moyens de les prevenir. Digne, 1852. 8°. Kasthofek (Carl). Bemerkungen ueber die "Waelder und Alpen des Bernerischen Hochgebirges, etc. Ed. 2. Aaran, 1818. 8°. Guide dans les forets. Traduite par P. L. Monney. Yevey, 1830. 2 vols. 8°. King (George). Cinchona cultivation in Bengal. [Extract from report.] Journ. Soc. Arts, xxix. (1881) 844-845. Klose (M.). Ein Wort ueber Lein- und Elacbsbau, dessen Cultur, Bearbeitung und fernere Benutzung. Hirschberg, 1881. 8^ KoLTz (Jean Pierre Joseph). Memoire sur le boisement des terres incultes. N^amur, 1866. 8^ Xkogh (Er. Eerdinand von). Xort TJnderviisning for Eorstbedienterne udi det forste Slesvigske Jaegermester-District. Haderslev, 1800. 8°. Langgitaed (Alexander). Japanese and Chinese aconite roots. \_Archiv der Pharm.'] Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1881) 1021-1025, 1041-1045. Larzillieee ( — .). Notice sur le debit des bois de feu, leur mode de vente, et les precedes, de carbonisation usites en Erance. Paris, 1878. 4°. Le Breton (F.). Traite sur le proprietes et les effets du sucre avec le traite de la petite culture de la canne a sucre, etc. Paris, 1789. 12°. Leon (John A.). On Sugar cultivation in Louisiana, Cuba, etc., and the British Possessions. [2 parts. Part ii. is entitled ' The Sugar Ques- tion.'] London, 1848. 8^ Lespinasse ( — .). Hemp cultivation in Mexico. [From a Consular report.] Journ. Soc. Arts, xxix. (1881) 488-489. 254 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. LlOTARD (L.). Memorandum on dyes of Indian growth and production. Calcutta, 1881. fol. Plantain tea. [Extract.] Journ. Soc. Arts, xxix. (1881) 688- 690. LocHNER (Michael Friedrich). Schediasma de Parreira brava, novo Americano aliisque recenti- oribus calculi remediis, etc. Fraes. Lucae Schroek. Ed. 2. I^orimbergae, 1719. 4°. The preface is dated 1712, which probably marks the date of the first edition. De novis et exoticis Thee et Cafe succedaneis . . . dissertatio epistolica. !N'oribergae, 1717. 4°. Lock (Charles George Warnford). Kotes on Gums, Resins and Waxes. Journ. Soc. Arts, xxix. (1881) 657-661. The Soy bean, a new feeding stuff. Journ. Soc. Arts, xxix, (1881) 734-735. Esparto or Alfa. Journ. Soc. Arts, xxix. (1881) 787-788. LOEBE (W.). Die Futterkraeuter, Abbildung und Beschreibung aller in der Landwirthschaft vorkommenden und zu benutzenden Kraeuter. Ed. 3. Dresden, 1881. 8". For earlier issues (which seem confused), see page 119. McIvoB (R. W. E.). An educational lecture on the Food of Plants in its relations to the exhaustion of lands . . . also, Select textile plants deserving extensive culture in the colony of Victoria, a lecture ... by Baron Ferd. von Mueller. Ballarat, [1876.] 8°. Maori (Domenico). Yirtv del Kafe, bevanda introdotta nvovamente nell' Italia . . . Seconda impressione con aggiunta del medesimo autore. Roma, 1671. 4°. Maisch (John M.). Kotes on the Xanthorrhoea resins. [^Amer. Journ. PJiarm.'] Pharm. Journ. III. xi. (1881) 1005-1006. Also in Journ. Soc. Arts, xxix. (1881) 620-621. Malepeyre (FrauQois). Caoutchouc et gutta-percha. (Manuel Roret.) Paris, 1855. 12». ADDENDA. 255 Marchand (Louis). line mission forestiere en Autriclie. Arbois, 1869. 8". Matjny de Moenay ( — .). Livre du forestier. Guide complet de la culture, de 1' exploitation deshois, etc. (Manuel Roret.) Paris, 1838. 18°. Ed. 2, 1842. MoRiERE (Jules). Kesume des conferences agricoles sur la culture, le rouissage et le teillage du Hn. Caen, 1864. 16°. I^ArROXE (Antonio Pausto). Discorso della saluifera bevanda Cahve, 6 vero Cafe . . . traspor- tato dalla Latina, alia lingua Italiana da Er. Frederic. Yegilin, ete. Eoma, 1671. 12°. iN'EFFviLLE (W. de). Cinchona bark for the Pharmacopoeia. Fharm. Journ. III. xii. (1881) 369-370. I^EWTON (George William). A treatise on the growth and future management of Timber Trees, etc. London, 1859. 8°. Petersen (Franz). DepotvCoffi. Francofvrti, 1766. 4°. Published under the initials F. P. only. PoULAiN (H.). Production des coton dans nos colonies. Paris, 1863. 8°. PuTON (Alfred). L'amenagement des forets. Traite pratique de la conduite des explorations des forets, «^tf. Paris, 1867. 8°. Ed. 2. 1874. 18°. Qhelus (D.). ^ee Chelfs ( — . de). IIambaldi (Angelo). Ambrosia arabica overo della salutare bevanda Cafe. Bologna, 1691. 12°. Reybaud (Louis). Le coton, son regime, ses problemes, son influence en Europe, etc, Paris, 1863. 8°. Reynoso (Alvaro). Notas acercas del cultiva en camellones ; agricultura de los indi- genas de Cuba y Haiti, Paris, 1881. 8°. 256 vegetable techmology. Romano (G.). II frumento quale foraggio. Milano, 1881. 8*^. lloTJSSET (Antonin). Recherches experimentales sur les ecorces d tan du chene yeuse, relativement a la production et a ramenagement des forets de cette essence. Paris, 1878. 4°. Saint-Felix (A. J. M. de). Instruction pratique sur la culture forestiere dans les terres fortes ou argileuses du midi. Toulouse, 1841. 12". ScHENK (Ernst). Atlas der vorzueglichsten Handelspflanzen zu Schwarzkopf's Lehrbuch der Colonial- und Spezerei-Waarenkunde. Mit erlaeutemdem Texte, etc. Jena, [1853-54]. 4°. ScHEOFF (Karl D.). Lehrbuch der Pharmacognosie. Wien, 1853. 8". Lehrbuch der Pharmacologic mit besonderer Beruecksichtung der oesterreichischen Pharmacopoe vom Jahre 1855. "Wien, 1856. Das pharmacologische Institut der "Wiener Universitaet, etc. Wien, 1865. 8°. Schwarzkopf (S. A.). Lehrbuch der Droguenwaarenkunde. Leipzig, 1855. 8". Lehrbuch der Colonial- und Spezerei-Waarenkunde. Ed. 2. Jena, 1858. 8^ Sebert (Hippolyte). JS'otice sur les bois de IN'ouvelle Caledonie suivie de considerations generales sur les proprietes mecaniques des bois, etc. Paris, [1874]. 8^ SiLVA CouTiNHo (Joao Martiuo da). Gommas, resinas, e gommas-resinas (in Relatio sorie a Exposiqao universal de 1867, redigido pelo secrctairo da Commissao brazil- eira. Tome ii. pp. 244, ^^i?.) Paris, 1868. 8°. SouviEON (A. E.). De la culture du lin en Algerie, de ses avantages et de I'utilite de son introduction dans I'assolement des terrains non arrosables. Paris, 1860. 8". Sylvestre Dufour (Philippe). Traite nouveux et curieux du cafe, du the, et du chocolate, etc. Ed. 2. Lyon, 1688. 12". ADDENDA. 257 Stlvestee Dijfoiir (Philippe) continued : — Traite ... A quoy on a adjoute dans cette Edition, la meilleure de toutes les methodes, qui manquoit k ce livre, pour composer Texcellent chocolate, par Mr. St. Disdier. Ed. 3. LaHaye, 1693. 12°. This author's name has been previously given on page 55 as DuFOUR, on the authority of Querard, La JPrance litteraire, vol. ii. p. 642. Teebacciano (Mcola). La Peronospora viticola De Bary. Caserta, 1881. 8^ Thomas (Jean Basile). Traite general de statistique, culture et exploitation des bois. Paris, 1840. 2 vols. 8°. Yallier (J.). Petit manuel du planteur de coton, etc. Paris, 1862. 8°. Yattemare (Hippolyte). Le Pibrilia, substitut pratique et economique du coton; traite comprenant la description complete du precede de cotonisation du lin, du chanvre, du jute, de I'herbe de Chine et des autres fibres de meme nature. Traduit de I'americain par H. Y., etc. Paris, 1861. 8°. Yeret (Benjamin). Le lin et sa culture. Paris, 1866. 8''. Yldal (— .). Guide pratique a I'usage des gardes forestiers, traitant des arbres et arbustes forestiers, de I'enseignement des diverses especes et de Pagriculture forestiere, suivie d'un dictionnaire forestier raisonne, etc. Yersailles, 1861. 8". Tobacco culture. Practical details, from the selection and pre- paration of the seed and the soil, to harvesting, curing and marketing the crop . . . Plain directions as given by fourteen experienced cultivators, residing in different parts of the United States, etc. New York, 1863. 8°. 17 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. PART II. 261 INDEX Abies excelsa, Brenot, 243. its resin, Hanhury, 80. use of, Gallot, 250. Abies pectinata in Black Forest, Gertvig, 69. soil for, Dressier, 54. Abutilon Avicennae, a textile plant, Dangers, 46. Abyssinia, Cardamoms of, Pereira, 147. medicinal plants of, Cour- lon, 43. pharmaceutical desiderata of, JELerschel, 88. Abyssinian anthelmintics, Cour- hon, 43. drugs, Vaughan, 196. remedies for tapeworm, Four- nier, 67 ; Martius, 128. Acacia, Anon. 238. horrida, Pappe, 143. sp., Eland's boontjes, Att- 1,9, ^ sp., rich in tanning power, Molitor, 133. Acclimatization garden at Paris, Quihou, 155; Ince, 99. Acclimatization in Jamaica, Anon. 239. of Caoutchouc at Eeunion, Trouette, 194. of Cinchona in Algeria, Serrant, 111. in Eeunion, Vinson, 199. in the East Indies, Sou- heiran ^ Belondre, 183, 184. Acclimatization of Eucalyptus globulus, Cosson, 42. of India-rubber, Cross, 45. of Jalap and Ipecacuanha at Calcutta, Henderson, 86. of mulberry in Italy, Cat- taneo, 34. — of plants. Anon. 236. in Germany, Buvrg, 31 , — of saffron in Erance, pellier, 35. Acclimatization Society of Paris, 218. Acer saccharinum, Gihh, 70. Achillea moschata, Planta-Reich- enau, 152. Acid (hydrocyanic), from Cassava root, Baniell, 47. Aconite, Squihh, 185; Wenderoth, 207. Chinese, Langguard, 253. Japanese, Langguard, 253 ; Wasowicz, 204. IN'epaul, Groves, 76. oriental, Cooke, 41. Aconitum heterophyllum, Rolert- son, 162 ; Thomson, 192 ; Waso- wicz, 204. JSTapellus, Turnhull, 195. Acorn coffee, Anon. 235. Acorns (Califomian), Anon. 229. Actaea racemosa, Bentley, 15. spicata, an adulterant. Bent- ley, 15. Active principles of plants as affected by culture, Warren^ 204. 262 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Adansonia bark, a substitute for Cinchona, Duchaissing, 55. Adansonia digitata, Cooke, 40. Aden, drugs from, Vaiighan, 196. Adrianople, rose culture at, Bu- puis, 56. Adulteration of Annatto, Sassall, 84; Zaird, 109. Black Hellebore, JBentleg, 15. chicory, Chevallier, 36. cocoa, Forest y 66. coffee, Chevallier y 36 ; Vogly 200. commercial plants, Cheval- lier Sf Hardy, 36. ^Tu^&f Chevallier y^Q] Walch- ner, 202. — flour, Vbgl, 200. — food, Accum, 3 ; Hassall, 84. — medicines, Hassall, 84. — opium, Solly, 183. pepper. Anon. 226 ; Bou- ehardat, 24 ; Evans, 61. — saffron with Crocus, Bent- ley ^ 16. — senega. Holmes, 92. — senna, Bell, 15. •with Argel leaves. Bent- ley, 15. spices, Vogl, 200. starches, Vogl, 200. tea, Greenish, 74. tobacco, Steinmetz, 186. tragacanth, Maltass, 124. Adulterations, and means of detec- tion, Chevallier, 36 ; Hassall, 84. /S^e also falsification and Sub- stitution. Aegle Marmelos, Anon. 223, 226. substitution of Mangosteen for, Bentley, 16. Afforesting wastelands, Koltz, 253. Afghanistan Asaf oetida, CooTce, 40. Africa, Acacia from, Attfield, 9. Alfa in, Rohlfs, 163. — coffee endemic in. Bitter, 161. Africa, Eland's boontjes from, Att- field, 9. fibre plants of, Bichson, 5 1 . Kombe arrow poison of, Fraser, 67. — opium production in. Anon. 237. pharmaceutical desiderata in, Herschel, 88. Wanika arrow poison of. Gerrard, 69. Africa (Eastern), cinnamon region of, Cooley, 41. Africa (South), coffee planting in, Middleton, 132. Eguse oil from, Baniell, 47. See also Cape of Good Hope. Africa (Western), Amomumsfrom, Baniell, 47 ; Hooker, 94. Black Pepper of, Baniell, 47. cereals of, Baniell, 46. • copals from, Baniell, 47. cotton from, Hewetty 89. 47. 46. Daniellia from, Baniell^ ■ Kino tree of, Baniell^ Kola nut of, Baniell, 47. - Palm-oil from, Anon. ■ Phrynium from, Ben- nett, 17 ; Baniell, 47. Sassy tree of, Lindley 117; Broctor, 154. Synsepalum of, Baniell, 236. Esparto grass in, Rohlfs, 163. 46. Uncomoco from, Mar- tins, 128. African Ammoniacum, Hanlury, 82. — Arrow-root, Bentley, 15. essences, Anon. 235. hemp, Baniell, 46. Olibanum, RoyU, 166. INDEX. 263 African Saffron, Jachson, 101 ; Maisch, 123. Senna, Anon, 225. Sugar cane, Olcott, 142. Tea plants, Jackson, 101. Tragacanth, Flueckiger, 64. Turmeric, Daniell, 47. African Grass, Dichon^ 51. Agar- agar, Simmonds, 180. Agaricus, economics of, LeveiUe, 117. Agave, fibres from, Grothe, 75. Agave root, Balmis, 11. americana, its uses, Jackson, 107. Maximilianea, Blasquez, 22. — mexicana, Fayno, 145. Agricultural experiments on mea- dow land, LaweSy Gilbert ^ Masters, 113. Agricultural Gazette of India, 219. Agricultural grasses, Langethal, 111,112; Lawson,\\'^i; Loehe, 119; Metzger, 131; Murphy, 138; Rostrup, 164; Schomhurgk, 173; Sinclair, 181; Swayne, 189. in Germany, Jessen, 103 ; Mauke, 129. plants, Arduino, 8 ; Arioli, 8 ; Aschieri, 8; Darlington, 247; Dupuis, 56 ; JEhrhart, 59 ; ^ew- (fr«"cA, 87 ; Herrmann, 88 ; JTw^- deshagen, 98 ; Langethal, 111 ; Lawson, 113; Zo^J^, 254; ifa/y, 124; Metzger, 131 ; P^rro;*, 148 ; Pinckert, 1 50 ; P/d?i5^, 152; Reum, 158; Rodet, 162; Schmidlin, 172; Siegfried, 179; /S/?«m, 184 ; TJnger, 1 95 ; Vavasseur, Cotte- reau, 8f Gillet de Grandmont, 197; ?r^7m^w, 206; Whistling, 208. of France, Fourcade, 66. of Great Britain, (7wr- Agricultural plants of Italy, 7}?r^ /o7i «■- Tozzetti, 190; Tonnon i, 193. of the United States, Forcher, 153. their diseases, (9iVr5- J^r^, 70. 87. to their origin, Herincq, resources of India, Spry, 185. Agricultural Society of India, 219. Agriculture, Anon. 221, Johnson, 103. algae used in, JVardo, 139 ; Renard, 157. at Vienna Exhibition, Lorenz, 120. bibliography of German works on, Baldamus, 10. of Spanish works on, Ramirez, 156. — Mexican, shown at Phila- delphia, 1876, Anon. 235. of Australia, Schomhurgk, 173. — of Barbadoes, Anon. 225. — of Brazil, Feckolt, 145. — of China, Fortune, 66. — of Cuba, Reynoso, 254. of Cyprus, Gaudry, 250. tis, 45. of Fiji, Some, 95, 252. of Trance, Buc'hoz, 28 ; Thouin, 192. of French Guiana, Sagot, 169. of Haiti, Reynoso, 254. of India, Schrottky, 174. of Malta and Sicily, Cleghorn, 38. of Penang, Low, 120. of Sweden, Johnson, 103. of the Hindoos, Ainslie, 4. of Tuscany, Targioni- Tozzetti, 190. of Venezuela, Ernst, 248. physiology for, Waechter, 201. 264 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Agriculture (troi^ical), Gorkom, 73, 250; Forter, 153; Sitmnonds, 181 ; Vigneron - Jousselandier, 198. Agriculturist's Materia medica of India, Ainslie, 4. Agkicola's sugar farming. White- house, 209. A gri- Horticultural Society of the Punjab, 219. Western India, 219. Allan thus culture, Cheruy-Linguet^ 36; Van%o, 196. in forestry, Vavin, 197. Ailanthus excelsa, Daji, 46. glandulosa. Anon. 233, Bartossdg, 12 ; Dudgeon, 55 ; Gomicourt, 72. Ajwan or Omum, Coohe, 41. Alcoholic and other beverages, Calkins, 32. Alcomoque bark, Pereira, 157. Alder (Black), Phipson, 149. Aleppo drugs, Skene, 182. Aleppo Scammony, Anon. 235. Aleppo-pine turpentine, Morel, 135. Aleurites triloba, Anon. 230. oil from, Cooke, 40. Alfa, or Esparto, Bastide, 12; Lock, 254. from Algeria, Charrier, 35 ; Jus, 104; Rohlfs, 163; Seaton, 175. Algae (marine), called Corsican Moss, Bignone, 243. their uses, Nardo, 1 39 ; Saint- Yves, 170; Simmonds, 181. in Europe and the East, Renard, 157. used in soaps, Claussen, 88. Algaroba bean, Bianca, 242. Algeria, Alfa production in, CAar- nVr, 35; Seaton, 175. bamboo culture in 161. , Riviere, Algeria, China grass in. Bray, 26. Cinchona culture in. Hardy, 83; Serrant, 177. Citrus culture in, ^mo, 160. cork -oak in, Hope, 95 ; Lam- hert, 110; Rousset, 166. cotton culture in, Clergeaud, 245 ; Hardy, 83; Letelie, 116. cultivator's manual for, Barru, 47. Eucalyptus plantations in, Anon. 232; Lambert, 110. — flax culture in, B our Her, 243 ; Salle% d^Arros, 77 ; Souviron, 256. — forest and Alfa resources of, Seaton, 175. — forests of, Fillias, 249. — Henna in. Anon. 239. — Journal for agriculture in, 218. — market gardening in, BumaSy 56. olive in, Lamlert, 110. sugar culture in, Chicco, 36. textile plants from, Jus, 1 04. wood-sections from, Noerd- 140. carob tree in, Bonzom^ Bela- molte, ^ Riviere, 23. Algerian Callitris, Jackson, 101. tea, Jackson, 102. Alhagi maurorum, manna from, Souheiran, 183. Alimentary substances, their fal- sification, Chevallier Sf Hardy, 86; Hassall, 84. Alkaloids in Cinchona bark. Carles^ 33 ; Howard, 96. Alkanet root, Grace- Calvert, 44. Almond, varieties of, Anon. 223. Almond (Earth), Anon. 235. See also Cyperus esculentus. Aloe ferox, Pappe, 143. Aloe (officinal), from Madagascar, Baker, 242. Aloes, Anon. 228; Squihh, 185. from Cura9oa, Faher, 61. from the Cape, Pappe, 143. Jafferabad, Holmes, 93. INDEX. 265 Aloes, trade in, Stmmotids, 180. (wild), C race- Calvert, 44. Aloes wood, Redwood, 156. Alpha. See Alfa. Alps, forestry in the, Landolt, 111. replanting of forests on the, Brown, 27 ; Gayffier, 250. Alstonia bark, Gibson, 70. seholaris, Johst Sf Hesse, 103. Alum root, Bentley, 16. Amazon, India rubber tree of the, Spruce, 185. Palm trees of the, Wallace, 202. Amber, Morel, 135. Amelioration of the Date Palm, Hahmann, 77. Amentiferous plants of Spain, Lag una, 109. America, Annatto cultivated in, Biic'ho%, 28. laurel of, Sterheech, 187. pharmaceutical desiderata of, BCerschel, 88. Map, showing culture of cotton and tobacco in. Coin, 39. Materia medica of, Biehl, 5 1 ; Hughes, 98. tobacco culture in, Creighton, 44. wheats of, Corenwinder , 41. See also United States. America (Central), Luffa sp. from, Anon. 224. mahogany of, Chaloner 8f Fleming, 35. (French), Nopal culture in, Thierry de Jlenonville, 191. America (Soutb), Calaguala from, Buiz Lopez, 168. Cinchona in, Marhham, 126; Wellcome, 207. colocyntb from. Anon. 222. Cow trees of, Jachon, 101. medicinal plants of, {Buiz) Lambert, 110. America (South), soap bark of, Bleekrode, 22. tanning materials of, Siewart, 179. useful plants of. Bar- ham, 11. America (Spanish), culture of cof- fee, cocoa, vanilla and tobacco, Bossignon, 164. American Conifers for German forestry, Booth, 23. drugs in Museum of Phar- maceutical Society, Broctor, 154. Eupatoria, Bigelow, 20. Hellebore, Anon. 225. Indians, plants used by, Brown, 27. medicinal plants, Holmes, 92. remedies (new), Bentley, 15, 16. republics, and the cotton trade, Mac Henry, 122. ■ Sumac, Anon. 230. Ammoniac um gum, Buhse, 30 ; Hirschsohn, 89, 90 ; K., 104. African, Hanbury, 82. Amomum, Krause, 108. different species of, from Western Africa, Baniell, 47. Amomum angustifolium, Han- bury, 81. citratum, Pereira, 147. Danielli, Hooker, 94. Granum-paradisi, Hooker, 94 ; Bereira, 147. Melegueta, Pereira, 147. Amsterdam, Exhibition, fibres at, Grothe, 75. medicinal plants at, Vrolik, 200. sale of Java Cinchona bark at, Be Vrij, 51. Amyris, some little known species of, Hamilton, 79. Anacahuite wood, Hanbury, 80, 81 ; Seemann, 176. Anacardium occidentale. Cashew nut tree, Hamilton, 78. 266 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Analogy as to properties of plants, Wahlberg, 201. Analyses of Brazilian Materia medica, Pecholt, 145. Ananassa sativa, Tiemeroth, 193. Anatomy of drugs, Brady, 25. Ancient trees destroyed in Corsica, Loumet'Adanson, 53. Andropogon Schoenanthus, Hamil- ton, 79. Anglo-Indian flower garden, Richardson, 160. Angola, drugs from, Welwitsch, 207. Gum copal in, Welwitsch, 207. produce from, Fenzl, 62. Angraecum fragrans, Faschkis^ 144. Angustura bark, Hancoch, 82 ; Meyer, 132; Oherlin 8f Schlag- ' denhauffen, 141. microchemical examination of, Cazeneuve, 34. Andira Araroba, 4. Anemopsis calif ornica, Lloyd, 118. Anime, Crease, 44. Anise fruits, Fereira, 146. Anise (Star), Eyhman, 248; Kolmes, 93; Hoffmann, 90; Sielold, 178. a poisonous, Husemann, 99. Anjou, tea culture in, Anon. 233. Annatto, Cr ace- Calvert, 44. culture, -ffw^'Aoz, 145; PeckoU, 145. its adulteration, Hassall, 84 ; Xfl^/r^, 109. Anta, or Vegetable Ivory, Seemann, 175. Anthelmintic plants, Zischwitz, 118. Anthelmintics of Abyssinia, Cowr- Jow, 43. Anthemis nobilis, Bentley, 15. Antiaris saccidora, Fahell, 46. Antibes, Japanese cotton at, Nau- din, 139. Antidotal virtues of Aristolochiae, Hance, 82. Antidotes to Echites suberecta, Hamilton, 78. to snake poisons in Aristo- lochiaceae, Modlen, 133. to vegetable poisons, Holmes, 91. Antilles!, oils from, Hamilton, 79. Aperients, Tagault, 190. Apocynum cannabinum, a textile plant. Bangers, 46. Apothecaries' garden at Chelsea, medicinal plants in, Wheeler^ 208. Appenines, trees of the, Reali, 156. Apples for cider, Bu Breuil, 54. in Sarthe, Carre, 34. Applied botany. See Economic plants. Applied Science, the Journal of, 217. Arabe, Jackson, 102. Arabia, pharmaceutical desiderata of, Herschel, 88. Arabian Coast, Erankincense tree of, Kempthorne, 105. drugs at Aden, Vaughan, 196. tract on Coffee, Anon. 221. Arabic (Gum), at Trieste, Anon. 239. Arachis hypogaea. Anon. 231 ; Tuson, 195; Vassalli-Eandi, 196. nuts. Anon. 229. oil, Heuze, 89. Araroba, its botanical source, Aguiar, 4, Anon. 237 ; Greenish, 74; Holmes, 92; JTemp, 105; Macmillan, 122 ; Silva Lima^ 179. 8ee also Goa Powder. Araucaria Bidwilli, Anon. 230. Arbol-a-brea resin, Baup, 13. Arboretum at Moscow, Fetzold ^ Kerchner, 149. Arboretum Segrezianum, LavalUe, 113. INDEX. 267 Arboricultiire,^J/e^^,3 ; Aguado,4i'y Drouet, 54; J)u Breuil, 54, 248 ; Gaudrxjy 250 ; Lemoine Sf Char- lonneau, 115 ; Fasquale, 144. See also Forestry, Timber, etc. at Segrez, Verlot, 197. experiments on, Wallis, 202. in Belgium, Pierpont, 150 ; Saint-Moulin, 169. in Europe, Affuado, 4. in France (South-West), Mariez, 126. in Great Britain, Watson, 205; Grigor, 251. in Spain, Aguado, 4. in the ^Netherlands, ServaiSj 177. in the V\injahyEibhe7itrop, 1 59. Archipelago (Indian), woods from the, Sturler, 189. Arctopus root, Anon. 224. Areca Catechu, Jackson, 101. Areca nut, Andrews, 6. Argan oil. Anon. 238. tree. Say, 85. Argania Sideroxylon, Say, 85. Argel leaves an adulterant of Senna, Bentley, 15. Argemone, its uses, Viguier, 198. Argemone mexicana, Bonavia,1Z ; Samilton, 78. Aristolochia, three species yielding gum, Samilton, 78. Ajistolochia fragrantissima, Ruiz Lopez, 168. Aristolochiaceae, as antidotes to snake poisons, Modlen, 133. Aristolochiae, their antidotal vir- tues, Sance, 82. Aromatic plants, their adultera- tion, Vogl, 200. in Portugal, Claye, 37. Aromatics of India, Fragoso, 67. Arrow -poison of Africa (Kombe), Fraser, 67. (Wanika), Gerrard, 69. of Guiana, Urari, Schom- hurgh, 173. Arrowroot, Greenish, 74 ; Mayet, 130; Fyder, 168. African, Bentley, 15. as a counter-poison, Samil- ton, 78. Portland, Groves, 76. Artemisia Cina, Flueckiger, 65. Artificial fertilization, Rochussen, 162. Artisan's Materia medica of India, Ainslie, 4. Artocarpus. See Bread fruit. Arts, algae used in, JVardo, 139. fungi used in, Cordier, 31. of Hindoos, and eastern nations, articles employed in, Ainslie, 4. plants used in, Anon. 222, 237 ; Argenti, 8 ; Blankaart, 21 ; BoeJimer, 22; Buc'hoz, 28, 29 ; Burnett, 31 ; Dexter, 51 ; Duchesne, 55 ; Maly, 124 ; Oher- lin, 141 ; Regnault, 157 ; Reuss, 159; Simmonds, 180; Thornton, 192; Whistling, 208. American Indians' usage of. Brown, 27. of Bohemia, Berchtold, 156. «ow, 103. 18. — of Camerte, i2da/?', of Great Britain, JbAw- of India, FCeher, 54. — of the Netherlands, Du Rondeau, 57. — Saxifrages used in, Garreau Sf Machelart, 68. trees used in, Michaux^ 132. See also Industrial plants. Asafoetida, Deniau, 50 ; Duckworth, 55; Lescher, 116; Folak, 153. from Bombay, Dymock, 57. in Afghanistan, Cooke, 40. the so-called nauseous, Flueckiger, 65. Asclepiadeae, Sonnini de Manon- cour, 183. 268 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Asclepias, various species as textile plants, Greene, 73-74. Asclepias Comuti, Dangers, 46. as a textile plant, Meitzen, 130. curassavica, its properties, Samilton, 78. syriaca, its culture, Anon. 230 ; SonninideManoncour, 183. Ash trees in Spain, Widdrington, 209. Ash (Prickly), Bentley, 16. Ash (Wafer), Bentley, 16. Ashycrown Cinchona iuYenezuela, Anon. 228. Asia, distribution of fruit trees in, Ritter, 161. forests of, Balfour, 10; Koch, 107. Herschel, 88. — plants introduced into Prance from, Perrottet, 148. Rheum, its distribution in. Bitter, 160. sugar culture in, Anon, 221, Asia Minor opium, Seffler, 86 ; Maltass, 124. scammony from, Boulzer, 24. Asiatic Journal, 217. Asparagus of the Cossacks, Mbrren, 136. Asphodel, Hooker, 95. Aspidium athamanticum, Martius^ 128. Assam, tea culture in, Baildon, 10 ; Masters, 129. tea plant of, Griffith, 74 ; MacClelland, 122; Bobinson^ 162. AstringentjuicesknownasCachou, Gambir and Kino, Guihourt, 76. medicaments, Engel^ 60. Atees, Bohertson, 162. Atractylis gummifera, Lefrane, 115. Atropa Belladonna, Anon. 223 ; Bauquy, 145 ; Schweitzer, 175. Attalea funifera, Hooker, 94. Attar of Rose, Baur, 13 ; Mackay, 122. See also Otto of Rose. in Turkey, Anon. 231. Aucklandia, Falconer, 61. Costus, Falconer, 62. Australia, economic plants of, Mueller, 137. Eucalyptus of, Mueller, 137. flower farming in, Schom- \ 173. forage plants of, Schomburgk, 173. forestry in. Brown, 243. forests of, Mueller, 137 ; Schomhurgk, 173. medicinal plants of, Mueller, pharmaceutical desiderata of, 19. 137; Simmonds, 180. olive culture in, Bernays, opium from. Ward, 203. — orchards of. Ward, 203. — perfume plants, their culture in. Anon. 228. — pharmaceutical desiderata of, Herschel, 88. — poisonous leguminous plant from, Walters, 202. — poppy culture in. Anon. 230. — produce of, Mueller, 147. — sunflower culture in, Schom- hurgk, 173. textile plants in {F. von Mueller), Mclvor, 254. — tobacco culture in, Schom- hurgk, 173. woods of I^ew South Wales, Moore, 134. Australian rival of Coca, Pitury, Anon. 236. Australian spinach, Anon. 228. Austria, cotton culture in, Traf- tinick, 194. economic plants of, Berchtold, 18. flax in, Hohenbruck, 91 ; Kruedener, 108. INDEX. 269 Austria, forestry in, Bedo, 242 ; Cotta, 43 ; Marchand, 255 ; Pohorny, 153; Schindler, 172; Schmidt, 172; SchuUz, 174; Walker, 202 ; Willkomm, 210. fungi in markets of, Kreutzer, 108. hemp in, SohenhrucTc, 91. Materia medica of, Kat%er, 105 ; Schroff, 256 ; Stupper, 189; r^^'M, 197. — medicinal plants of, Maly^ 124; r^/a, 197; /T^^w^r, 201. — opium poppy in, Hood, 94. — poisonous plants of, Anton, Kreutzer, 108; Kuhinyi, 108; JFoditschha, 212. — saffron culture in, Anon. 223. wood-exports of, Hohenbruch, 91. Austria (Lower), forest manage- ment in, Brandts, 26. Austrian museum of woods, Fuchs, 68. Austrian-pine in forestry, Hoess, 90. Ava or Kava-kava, Cuzent, 46 ; Anon. 236. root, Samilton, 79. Azadirachta indica bark, Brough- ton, 27. leaves, Andy, 6. Bael, Indian, Anon. 226. or Aegle Marmelos, Anon. 223. its substitution by Mango- steen, Bentley, 16. Bahama, species of Croton from, Baniell, 47. Bahamas, Princewood bark from, Jackson, 101. Balata, juice of, Bernardin, 19. a substitute for Gutta Percha, Anon. 238. Balsam (Canada), Anon. 237 ; Jfor^/, 135. (Carpathian), Morel, 135. Balsam (Copaiba), Cross, 45. tree. Anon. 238. Pir, Beck, 145. (Gurgun), Gilmour, 71. (Hungarian), Morel, 135. of ^QT\i,AttJield, 9 ; Baillon, 10; i>or«^, 53; Pereira, 147, 148. used in Roman Catholic Church, Sanhury, 81. (Black), Martins, 128. of Tolu, ^(?*7^w, 10; 7r^«V, 206. 197. trees in Brazil, Vellozo, of Scinde, Stocks, 188. (White), Bereira, 147, 148. Balsamito, Bereira, 147, 148. Balsamodendron, Stocks, 188. Balsams, Wiesner, 209. Bamboo culture. Riviere, 161 ; Routledge, 166. in France, Calvet, 244 ; Garrigues, 69. for paper-making, Routledge, 166. its uses, Renard, 157. in China, J/eW, 130, 131. Bamboos from India, Brandts, 26. Banana, ^Sa^o^, 169. Banbury, medicinal plant culture at. Holmes, 92. Rhubarb culture near, Bigg, 20; Bereira, 147. Bane-berry, an adulterant, Bentley, 15. Banks of railways for medicinal plant culture, McNal, 123. Baobab, Cooke, 40. — ■ — bark a substitute for Cin- chona, Buehaissing, 55. Baptisia tinctoria, Bentley, 16. Barbadoes farming. Anon. 225. produce at London Exhibi- of 1851, Anon. 223. sugar crops of 1847-71, Raw son, 156. 270 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Barbadoes sugar-making, Ligon, 117. — sugar plantations, Anon. 221. Barberry, the medicinal use of, Stewart, 188. Barilla yielding plants of Spain, Lagasca, 109. Bark, medicinal. See separate headings: Cascarilla, Cinchona, Frangula, Peruvian, Ehamnus, etc. (oak), plantations, Fischer ^ 64. for tanning from Quercus Ilex, Houssetf 166. Barks, their preservation for medicinal use, Bwyer, 57. used in tanning, Neulrand^ 139. Barley culture, Vilorg, 198. Barosma betulina, FluecMger, 65. Barres-Yilmorin, forest produce at. Anon. 237. Bar-wood, Cr ace- Calvert, 44. Bases to Curare, plants which serve as, Planchon, 151. Basket willows at Bursiere, Bref- faut, 26. their culture, Breitenlohner , 26; Coa%, 38; Fischer, 64; Krahe, 107; Noethlichs, 140; Schuhe, 174. Bassia elliptica, Cleghorn, 38. Bassia flowers, Hanhury, 80. Indian species of, Jackson, 102. Bast fibres, their chemistry, Bevan Sf Cross, 20. Bay tree culture, Sterleech, 187. Baycuru, Sgmes, 190. Bazaar medicines of India, Waring, 203. Bazaars of "Western India, drugs in, Birdwood, 20. Bdellium from Senegal, Flicechiger, 64. Bean (ordeal), of Calabar, Tison, 193; Vincent, 199. See also Calabar Bean, Bean (Soy). See Soy Bean. Bebearu of British Guiana, Rodie, 162; Maclagan, 122. Bedford (Duke of), his collection of Pines and Willows, Forbes, 66. Bee-flowers, Roth, 165. Beech morels, Cooke, 40. Beet (sugar), Achard, 3, 4 ; Anon. 233, 239 ; Baruchson, 12 ; Basset, 12 ; Benoit, 17 ; Blondel, 22 ; Buc'hoz, 29 ; Calvel, 32 ; Cham- pion Sf Pellet, 35 ; Corenwinder, 41 ; Corenwinder &f Contamine, 42 ; Buhrunfaut, 54 ; Bureau, 57 ; Fleischmann, 64 ; Fremy Sf Beherain, 67 ; Gibbs, 70 ; Kleemann, 106; Kohn, 107; Ladureau, 109; Lenglen, 116; Lepaire, 116 ; Massoneau, 129 ; Ogilvie, 142 ; Betermann, 149 ; PorzJ^r, 153 ; TT^r^, 203. i2(9/^r aZso ifo Accounts and Papers, Indexes, art. Stjgae. in England, Voelcker, 200. in Europe, Ware, 203. in France, Basset, 12; Z^«- ^/^w, 116. in Germany, Achard, 3. in Great Britain and Ireland, Baruchson, 12 ; Crookes, 45. in Ireland, Sullivan, 189. Refer also to Accounts and Papers, Indexes, art. Sugae. in Italy, Sestini Sc Bel Torre, 177. in Silesia, Achard, 3. — sugar from, Achard, 3, 4 ; Anon. 227, 228. its refining, Belalarre Sf Chaune, 48. syrups from, Achard, 3, 4. value of different varieties, Pierre, 150. Begonia root, Balmis, 11. INDEX. 271 Behar poppy culture, Anon. 230. Bejuco de la Estrella, Ruiz Lopez, 168. Belfast, serial published at, 217. Belgium, flax culture in, Beman, 49 ; Renouard, 158. forestry in, Poederle, 152 ; Saint- Moulin, 169. hardy trees in, Pierpont, 150. medicinal plants of, Luhois, 54 ; Seurck ^ Guihert, 88 ; Thielens, 191; Rotthoell, 165; TFauters, 205. Belladonna, Anon. 223; Fauqut/, 145; Schweitzer, 175; Comen- dator y Tellez, 39. from Japan, Solmes, 93. Belvoir, Sorghum culture at, Ingram, 100. Ben (oil of), tree, Hamilton, 78. Benares opium culture. Anon. 230; Eatwell, 58. Bencoolen, nutmeg and clove culture in, Lumsdaine, 121. Bengal, Cinchona culture in, Anon. 230, 239; Clarke, 37; King, 253; Wood, 213. cotton in, Medlicott, 130. Dacca cotton manufacture in, Anon. 223. date tree in, Rolinson, 162. indigo culture in, Anon. 226, 239. jute in, Kerr, 106. Materia medica of, 0^ ShaugJi- nessy, 142. opium culture in, Eatwell, 58. tea culture in, Anon. 231 ; Lees, 115. sugarcane in, Robinson, 162. Berberine tree of Soudan, Laniell, 47. Berberis Aquifolium, Anon. 238. Berlin, Cinchona barks at, Rerg, 18. dendrological flora of, Rayne, 85. Berlin, serials published at, 218. Berlin Museum, Wittmack, 212. Bernese Oberland, forests of the, Kasthofer, 253. Berried fruits, LangetJial, 111. Berries (Persian), Crace- Calvert, 44. Berry (miraculous) of "Western Africa, Daniell, 46. Betel nuts. Anon. 231. Bhang, its consumption in India, Anon. 229. Bible, pharmacy of the, Slugg, 182. Bibliography of Cocoa, 1609-1830, Belcher, 48. Coffee, Weitenweher, 207. Costus, Cooke, 41. French forestry, Jacquemart, 262. Madder, Clouet ^ Lepierre, 38. Pepper, Blyth, 22. Tea, Houssaye, 95. Tobacco, Rragge, 25. Biennial Henbane, Squire, 186. Bitter Cassava root, Raniell, 47. Bixa orellana, Sassall, 84. its culture, Buc'hoz, 28 ; ReckoU, 145. Black Alder, Phipson, 149. Black Balsam of Peru, Martius, 128. Black Cherry (wild), Rentley, 16. Black Cummin seeds, Flueckiger, 64; Simmonds, 181. Black Hellebore, its adulteration, Rentley, 15. Black Forest, Abies pectinata in, Gerwig, 69. Black Nickar tree, Samilton, 79. Black Pepper, Rlyth, 22. of "Western Africa, Baniell, 47. Blight on poppy crop. Anon. 230. Blood-root, Rentley, 16. Blue Cohosh, Rentley, 15. 272 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Blue dyes from plants, Crace- Calverty 44; Joly, 104; Las- teyrie du Saillant, 112. Blue gum tree, Hamm, 79. Blue mountain tea, Jachson, 101. Boa-tam-paijang, Jackson, 102. Bocconia fruteseens, Hamilton^ 79. Boehmeria nivea, Bray, 26 ; Buc'hoz, 30 ; Sookery 94 ; La Sayra, 112; ThihauU, 191. /Stf^ ff^so China-grass and Rheea. fibre from, Watson, 204. — . — in Corsica, Carlotti, 33. Puya, Hooker, 94. Bohemia, economic plants of, BerchtoU, 18. Bohemian names of official plants, Mueller, 136. Bok-Shung, Hooker, 94. Bokhara gall, *' Gool-i-pista," Fereira, 147. Boldo, Anon. 233 ; Seurck, 88. Boldu chilanum, Nees, 88. Bolivia, Cinchona bark in, Weddell, 205. Bombay, cotton in, Carnae, 33 ; Cassels, 34. economic products of, Bird- wood, 20. forest produce from, Brandts, 26. serials published in, 219. Bombay Asafoetida, JDymock, 57. Hing, Flmckiyer, 65. Bonapartea for paper, Claussen, 38. Borneo Camphor tree, Anon. 235 ; Be Vriese, 50; Maisonneuve, 124. Borneo produce, Burhidge, 31. Botanic garden at London, Curtis, 45. Botanic gardens, in relation to industries, Mueller, 137. and institutes, Herder, 87. their pharmaceutical use, Anon. 231. Botanic museums, Collins, 39. Botany in relation to pharmacy, Bentley^ 16. Botany in medical schools, Anon. 229. (systematic), and pharmacy, Ehermaier, 58. Botany Bay gum, Simmonds, 180. Bottle cod, Hamilton, 78. Bou-lN'efa, Blanchet, 21. Bouches-du-Rhone, culture of to- bacco in, Bee, 13. useful plants of, Lions, 118. Bourbon, Cinchona culture in, Anon, 234. economic plants of, Vinson, 199. mulberry culture in, Per- rottet, 149. plants introduced into, Per- rottet, 148. Yanilla in, Bouchardat, 24. tea, Paschkis, 144. Bowdichia major, Peekolt, 145. Bracken, or Brake fern, its value, Jackson, 100. Brandy as a bye-product, Achard, 3. from potatoes. Gall, 68. Brayera anthelmintica, Pereira^ 147. Brazil, An gustura bark of, Oherlin ^ Schlagdenhauffen, 141, Cinchona in, Vellozo, 197. coffee culture in, Cruewell, 45 ; Moreira, 135. false Cinchonas in, Vellozo, 197. — food plants of, Saldanha da Gama, 170. economic plants of, Moreira, \Zb',Netto, 139; Villa-Franca, 199. — gums and resins from, 8ilva Coutinho, 256. — Jaborandi from. Anon. 233, — Materia medica of, MartiuSf 128; Peekolt, 145. medicinal plants of. Gomes, 72; Moreira, 135; Peixoto,\46', Piso, 151. INDEX. 273 Brazil (mission to), for tea, Guille- min, 76. Monesia of, Virey, 199. poisonous plants of, Camiri' hod, 32. purgative species of Luffa in, Alison, 5. Brazil nuts, Ifiers, 132. Brazilian drugs, Holmes, 92; FeckoU, 145. produce, Anon. 228. at Paris, 1867, Saldanha da Gama, 170. tapioca. Anon. 235. Sarsaparilla, Richard, 160. textile plants at Philadelphia, Saldanha da Gama, 170. -^ woods, Saldanha da Gama^ 170. Bread (St. John's), Redwood, 156. Bread fruit, Ellis, 60 ; Forster, 66; Sagot, 169. Bremen Exhibition, Venezuelan produce at, Ernst, 60. Breslau, medicinal plants in culti- vation at, Goeppert, 72. Brick tea, Anon. 228. Bristol Pharmacology, Stoddart, 188. Britain. See Great Britain and Ireland. British Burma, forest flora of, Xurz, 108. woods from. Anon. 226 ; R rand is, 26. British colonies, fibre plants of, Dickson, 51. imports and exports of. Dexter, 51. Neroli in, De Vrij, 51. British Guiana, Bebearu tree of, Maclagan, 122 ; Rodie, 162. cotton, Holmes, 93. Greenhart tree of, Maclagan, 122; Rodie, 162. its forests, Walker, 202. its productions, Hancock^ British Guiana, its raw produce at London Exhibition of 1851, Anon. 223. plantership in, Mae Rae, 123. starch producing plants of. Shier, 178. British lichens and their uses, Colling wood, 32. British Museum, Pavon's Cinchona barks in, Howard, 96. British Sikkim, Cinchona in, King^ 106. British West Indian sugar culture, Anon. 223. British woods, their tensile strength, Fowhe, 67. Broom, species and uses of, Thie- haut-de-Berneaud, 191. Broussonetia papvrifera, Beechey^ 14. Brucea in cases of dysentery, Buc'hoz, 29. Brunswick, serial published in, 218. , Bucha, Anon. 222. Bucharian rhubarb, Pereira, 147. Buchu, Rappe, 143. leaves, Flueckiger, 65 ; JSI'oii- rij, 141. Bulbs as food in Queensland, Thozet, 192. Bungo or Frankincense tree, Bennett, 17. Bunya-Bunya, Anon. 230. Buianhem of Brazil, Virey, 199. Burgundy pitch, Hanbury, 81 ; ilorel, 135. Burmah, Ficus elastica in, Stret- tell, 188. forest flora of, Kurz, 108. forestry in, Falconer, 62. its Materia medica, Mason^ 129. its produce, Mason, 129. woods of, Brandis, 26. sent to Exhibition of 82. 1862, Anon. 226. 18 274 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Burmese use of Than-mo, Anon. 227. Burseraceae of India, Bennett, 17. Bush tea of the Cape of Good Hope, Anon. 224. Bussieres, willow culture at, Breffaut, 26. Bussorah galls, Anon. 223. Butea frondosa, Roijle, 166, Butter (Kokum), Pereira, 148. (Shea), Holmes, 92. Butyrospermum Parkii, Holmes, 92. Bye-products from forests, Kirwan, 106. sugar, Fruehling & Schuh, 68 ; Heinrich, 86. . sugar-beet, Achard, 4. Caapeba, Teichmayer, 190. Cabacinho, Anon. 222. Cacao. >S^(? Cocoa. Cachou, Guiiourt, 76. ;8'(9<3 «5/so Catechu. Caesalpinia coriaria, Hamilton, 78. Caesalpiniae, a new genus of, Bennett, 17. Cahve. >S^^ Coffee. Cajeput oil, Buc'hoz, 30 ; Martini, 128. Cake litmus, Pereira, 148. Calabar, palm oil from, Anon. 232. Calabar bean. Archer, 7 ; Balfour, 10 ; Hanlury, 81 ; Holmes, 93 ; Mattioli Sc Pasqualigo, 129 ; Tmw, 193; Vincent, 199. its properties, Christison, 37. Calabrian cotton culture, GrimaUi, lb. manna, Hanhury, 82. Caladium seguinum, Anon. 237. Calaguala root, i2we2 Lope%, 168. Calcareous soils and forestry, JDecrept, 48. Calcutta, serials published in, 219. Calcutta botanic gardens, their pharmaceutical results, Hender- son ^ 86. Caledonia (ISTew). See N"ew Cale- donia. Calendar, Algerian, Harm, 47. for collecting medicinal plants, Oligschlaeger, 142. California, conifers of, LavalUe, 113. Eucalyptus globulus in, Stout, 188. mammoth trees of, Murray, 138. California manna, Thurher, 192. California nutmeg, Torrey, 193. Californian acorns. Anon. 229. mammoth tree, Anon. 225. olives, Anon. 231. Calisaya. See Cinchona Calisaya. Callitris, (Algerian), e7«cX'sow, 101. Calotropis gigantea, Anon. 225. culture in India, Strettell, 188. Calumba wood, Hanhury, 80. Calysaccion longifolium, Cleghorn, 38 ; Pereira, 148 ; Seemann, 176. Oamelina oil, Heuze, 89. Camelina sativa, Ryan, 168. Camerte, trees of, Reali, 156. Campagna, Eucalyptus in the, Gildas, 70. sugar-beet culture in the, Sestini 8f Bel Torre, 111. Campechy Peach wood, Crace- Calvert, 44. Camphor, Anon. 231 ; Rein^ 157 ; Spon, 185. Chinese, Anon. 232 ; Han- hury, 82. from Formosa, Swinhoe, 190. monograph of, Lukmanoff^ 121. Camphor tree of Borneo, Anon. 235 ; Maisonneuve^ 124 ; i)^ Vriese, 50. Canada, forest trees of, Drummond, 54; Michaux, 132; Nuttall^ 141. INDEX. 275 Canada, its produce, SurThert, 99. medicinal plants of, Saunders, 171. Canada balsam, Morel, 135. its collection. Anon. 237. Canadian Blood-root, Gihh, 70. Canaleira of Ceylon, Nogueira da Gama, 140. Cananga oil, Fluech'ger, ^b. Canarium olives, Sance, 82. Canary Islands, culture of I^opal in, Martins, 128. Canchalagua, Anon. 224. Candle tree, Seemann, 175. Candleberry Myrtle, wax from, Simmonds, 180. Candleberry tree, Anon. 230. Cane, Spon, 185. termed Whangee, Jachson, 102. Canella bark from West Indies, Baniell, 47. Canes from India, Brandis, 26. Canna Achiras starch, Hamilton, 79. Cannabis indica. Anon. 222 ; Cal- hins, 32. • sativa as a narcotic, Steetze, 186. in India, Mueller, 138. var. of Southern Africa, Baniell, 46. Cannes, manufactures of, Hanlury, 80. truffles at. Anon. 228. Canton commercial drugs, Sirth du Frenes, 90. Caoutchouc, Adriani, 4 ; Collins, 39 ; Grace- Calvert, 44 ; Hoffer, 20 ; Malepei/re, 254 ; Traun, 194; Weddell, 206. culture in British India, Marlcham, 126. in Burma, Stretlell, 188. Gutta Percha, a variety of, Maclagan, 122 ; Solly, 183. plants, Hancoch, 82. Caoutchouc trees in India, CollinSf 24:b. in Eeunion, Trouetle, 194. Caoutchoucs, list of, Bernardino 19. Cape [of Good Hope], Bush tea of the, Anon. 224. forest trees of the, Bappe, 143. herb poisoning at. Grey, 74. medicinal plants of, Bappe, 143. Cape Aloes, Bappe, 143. gum, Bappe, 143. litmus, Bereira, 147, 148. tea, Buc'hoz, 30 ; Greenish, 74. Cape Palmas, Sassy bark of, Br actor, 154. Capila-podie dye. Anon. 224. Capparis cynophallophora, Hamil- ton, 78. Caprino, forestry in, Bellegriniy 146. Capsicum, Hungarian, Brady, 25. Caracas, Cow tree of, Murray, 138. plants cultivated at, Ernst, 60. Caramania gum, Broctor, 154. Caravan route of tea trade. Bitter ^ 161. Caraway culture, Aegidius, 241. Cardamom culture in Coorg, iMd- low, 121. — in Mysore, Elliott, 59. from Abyssinia, Behe, 15; Bereira, 147. from Ceylon, Bereira, 147. from Madagascar, Hanhury, 80. Cardamoms, Krause, 108. from Siam, Anon. 225. some rare, Hanhury, 80. Cardiac poisons, Eusemann, 99. Cardopatium orientale, Lefranc\ 115. 276 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Catica Papaya, PechoU, 145 ; Wittmack, 212. Carludovica palmata, Seemann^ 176. Carnauba palm, Macedo, 122 ; Morgan, 136. root, Symes, 190. Carob tree, Bianca, 242 ; Bonzom, Belamotte 8f Riviere, 23. its fruit, Redwood, 156. Carolina, wax tree of, Samilton, 79. Carpathian balsam, Morel, 135. Carthagena Malambo bark, Hamil- ton, 79. Carthamus tinctorius. Anon. 232. Carrageen crop. Anon. 237. in Massachusetts, Bates, 13. Carrageen moss, adulterated with Gigartina acicularis, Dalmon, 46. Cascarilla, a genus of Cinchoneae, Weddell, 205. Cascarilla bark, Roll, 91. a new bark analogous to, Stark, 186. of Bahama, Daniell, 47. Cashew-nut tree, Hamilton, 78. Cashmere, ijmedicinal plants of, Honiglerger, 93. Caspian willow, Heldring, 86. Cassava bread, Banson, 47. root, Mee, 130. yielding hydrocyanic acid, Baniell, 47. Cassia, Colladon, 39 ; Riehl, 160. species of, in West Indies, Hamilton, 78. Cassia Fistula, Landerer^ 110. lignea. Anon. 239. moschata, Hanhury, 81. Castelnaudary sugar-beet, Calvel^ 32. Castor oil. Heme, 89. bean culture, Anon. 236. culture in Italy, Groves, 75. seed, ^wow. 232 j Maillot, 123. Casual drugs, Holmes, 92. Catania, medicinal plants of, Maravigna, 125. Catalogue of Madras Exhibition of 1855, Hawkes, 85. See also Exhibition. Catechu, Buc'hoz, 29, 30 ; Crace- Calvert, 44 ; Guihourt, 76. palm, Jackson, 101. Cathartocarpus, properties of some species of, Hamilton, 78. Caucasian comfrey, Ritter, 16. Caulophyllum thalictroides, Bent- ley, 15. Cayenne, mulberry culture at, Perrottet, 149. plants introduced into, Per- rottet, 148. Ceara rubber, Anon. 238 ; Cross, 45. rhatany, Flueckiger, 65. Cedar, oil of. Morel, 135. Cedratier. See Citron, Cedron, Hooker, 94 ; Seemann, 175. Cedrone seed, Schomlurgh, 173. Centranthus Calcitrapa, a febri- fuge, Buc'hoz, 29. Cephaelis Ipecacuanha, Balfour, 10 ; Weddell, 206. its propagation, McNal, 123. Cerasus Lauro-Cerasus, Buc'hoz, 28. Padus, Buc'hoz, 28. virginiana, Bentley, 16. Ceratonia Siliqua, Bianca, 242. Ceradia furcata, Watson, 204. Cereals, Heme, 89; Krause, 108; Langethal, 111; Loehe, 119; Metzger, 131 ; Pierre, 150. at Paris Exhibition, 1878, J?"^W2e, 89, 251. diseases of, Loehe, 119. — — of Western Africa, Daniell, 46. — their artificial fertilisation, Rochussen, 162. INDEX. 277 Ceylon, cardamom from, Pereira, 147. Cincliona culture in, Anon. 234, 239 ; Markham, 126 ; Thwaites, 192; White, 208. cinnamon tree of, LeschenauU de la lour, 116; Nogueira da Gama, 140. coffee culture in, Hull, 98 ; Lewis, 117; Sahonadiere, 169. and cinnamon culture, Spall, 184. — Liberian coffee in, Anon. 237; Cruewell, 45. Palmyra palm of, Ferguson^ 63. — products from. Anon. 233 ; Bennett, 17; Ondaatje, 142. — timber trees of, Beddome, 14. two barks from, Cooke, 41. useful plants of, Tennent, 191. Ceylon-moss, Simmonds, 180. Chamaeleon (white and black) of classical authors, Lefranc, 115. Chamaerops excelsa, Gay, 69. Chamomile (Roman), Bentley, 15. Champagne, forestry in, Carj^en- tier, 244. Chaschich, Steet%e, 186. Chaulmoogra oil, Lepage, 116. Chelsea botanic garden, medicinal plants in, Wheeler, 208. Chemistry of bast fibres, Bevan Sf Cross, 20. Chenopodium, Herba Santa Maria, Rey, 159. Chenopodium Quinoa, Cooke, 41 ; Fog son, 152. Cherry (wild black), Bentley, 16. Chestnut culture in Tuscany, Croshy, 247. tree disease, Gihelli, 70. Chestnuts (water), Cooke, 40. Chian Turpentine, Flueckiger, 65 ; Martindale^ 127 ; Modlen, 133. Chicle gum, Jackson, 102. Chicory, Anon. 226 ; Loeffler, 119; Spon, 185. Refer also ^oKayser's Index, art. Cichorienwurzel, and Index of abridgments of Patents, Tea, etc., 87. culture, Simmonds, 180. its adulterations, ChevalUeVy 36. Chili lucerne, Ladureau, 109. China, bamboo in, J/eVi(9, 130, 131. cost of tea in, Rutter, 168. green dye from, Sanhury^ 80. See also Lo-kao. maize introduced into, Hance ^ Mayers, 82. medicinal plants of, Buc'hoz, 28. mulberry culture in, Julien, 104. olives of, Sance, 82. opium in, Anon. 228, 233, 235. 100. culture in, Jackson, — native and Indian, Anon. 235. Persian in, Anon. 238. trade in. Anon. 234 ; Simmonds, 180. — produce of, Bretschneider^ 24; Fortune, 66. — rhubarb from, Farre, 62. Sorghum, culture of, Sicard, 178. tea trade and culture. Fries, 68. tallow tree of, Anon. 224. vegetable wax from, Ure^ 196. China grass. Anon. 231 ; Bray, 26 ; BiLc^hoz, 30; Dickson,6\ ; Favier, 62 ; Hooker, 94; La Sagra, 112. Leger, 115; Moerman-Lauhuhr, 133; Thihault, 191. /S^^ fl^/io Eoehmeria aw<^ Rheea. culture, Goncet de Mas, 72. 278 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. China grass, culture in Corsica, Carhtti, 33. in Reunion, Reynaudj 159. fibre, Watson, 204. China root (false), Wehh, 205. Chinchona, a wilful mis-spelling of Cinchona, which see. Chinese Aconite roots, Langguard, 253. camphor, Anon. 232. drugs at Pekin, Tatarinow, 190. dyes, Deheaux, 48. gall, * Woo-pei-tsze,' Pereira, 147. — galls, Anon. 223. — green dye, Rondot, 164. Lo-kao, Helot, 86. Putchuk, Hance, 82. — Materia niedica, Anon. 231 ; Deheaux, 48 ; Hanhury, 80, 81 ; Pereira^ 147 ; Seemann, 176. — oils, Smith, 182. — opium trade. Anon. 232. native. Anon. 229. versus Indian, Rohertson, 161. — products. Anon, 230. — rice paper. Hooker, 94. — Star-anise, Hoffmann, 90. — silkworm trees, Bretschneider, 244. — sugar cane, Olcott, 142. — tea plant in the Himalayas, Royle, 166. — teas. Smith, 182. — wax, Anon. 224. — from Fraxinus chinen- sis. Anon. 225. yam, Vavin, 197. Chios mastic. Anon. 226. collection of, Soubeiran, 183. Chiretta, Fluechiger 8f Hoern, 55 ; TFebb, 205. on a drug substituted for, Bentley, 16. Chironia chilensis, Anon. 224. Chocolate, Anon. 221 ; Bontekoe, 23 ; Brookes, 244 ; Bourgoin d' Orli, 25 ; Cerfberr de Medels- heim, 35 ; Chamberlayne, 245 ; Colmenero de Ledesma, 245, 246 ; Bufour, 55 ; Hewett, 89 ; Huth, 99 ; Mnngin, 125 ; Meisner, 130; Menier, 131 ; Mitscherlich, 133 ; Paulli, 145; Riant, 159; /Sjk>ow, 185 ; Syhedre Bufour, 256, 257. jR^er fl^^so ^0 Kayser's Index, art. Chocolade, L6renz's Index, art. Chocolat, «/^^ Index of Abridg- ments of Patents, Tea, e^S^^ a/«o i^opal. Cochineal, culture in the Canary Islands, Martius, 128. Coco-nut, its cultivation, Anon. 226; Bennett, 17, 242; Mar- shall, \21 ; Porter, 153; Reg- naud, 157; Treloar, 194. residue after expression ; Saniilton, 79. Cocoa, Bourgoin d^ Orli, 25 ; Buc'hoz, 28, 29; Cerfherr de Medelsheim, 34; Chelus, 245; i>S^« a/so Coco-nut. Coelocline polycarpa, Baniell, 47. Coffa. See Coffee. Coffea, F«Wy, 199. /S^« aj/so Coffee. Coffee, Anon. 221, 223 ; Bizio, 21 ; Bontekoe, 23 ; Bourgoin d' Orli, 25 ; Bradley, 25 ; ^m/^- «ow, 26 ; Buc^hoz, 28 ; Calkins, 32 ; Chamherlayne, 245 ; 67/^- vallier, 36 ; Couhard d^ Aulnay, 43; i>., 247; Douglas, 53; Bufour, 55 ; ^/^^s, 59 ; Galland, 249 ; 6^^w^e7, 69 ; Hamilton, 79 ; J?M^^, 98 ; ^w.s5, 99 ; Z« Roque, 112; Lascelles, 112; Z^ Comte, 114 ; Z?'^^«>, 117 ; Madriz, 123 ; Magri, 254; Meisner, 130; Menier, 131; Middleton, 132; Milhau, 132; Moreira, 135; Nairone, 255; iViVo?, 139; 282 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Coffee {continued) : — Paulle, 145 ; Petersen , 255 Ramhaldi, 255; Riant, 159 Rohins, 162; Schwarzkopf, 175 Sestini, 177; Simmonds, 179 180; Sylvestre Dufour, 256 Trappen, 193; Fi'r^y, 199 Weitenweher, 207 ; Wencker, 207. i?^/SAorz5i(, 178. (Southern), Hull, 91. 98. - Java, Mst, 60 ; Salle, - Mysore, Anderson, 6. - Natal, Stainlank, 186. - Neiljjherries, Hull, 98. ■ Saint Domingo, Lalorie, - Spanish America, Ros- signon, 164. — disease in JSTew Grenada, 109. Ernst, 60. endemic in Africa, Ritter^ Coffee from Acorns, Anon. 235. from Dandelion, Anon. 226. from the Sunflower, Anon. 239. imported into Britain, Anon, 226. influence of. Delay, 48. leaf disease of, Ahhay, 3 ; Harmann, 83 ; JFard, 203. leaf substitute for the beans, Stenhouse, 187. — leaves used in Sumatra, Anon. 224 ; Sanhury, 80 ; Mo f ley, 136; Stenhouse, 187. — Liberian, Anon, 236 ; Morris, 136; Mcholls, 139; ^^^d?^, 186. in Ceylon, Anon. 237. — medical properties of, Brad- ley, 25 ; Hamilton, 79 ; Moseley, 136. substitute for (Cyperus escu- lentus), Christ, 245 ; Lochner, 254. ^^/^r «Zso ^0 Kayser's Index, art. Sueraoat der Kaffee. planting. Refer to Accounts and Papers, Indexes, art. Sugar AND Coffee Planting. Cohosh (blue), Bentley, 15. Colchicum autumnale, Houston^ 95. its propagation, Maclagan^ 122. Collection of woods at Genoa, Gentile, 69. Colocynth, South American, Anon, 222. Colonial and Asiatic Review, 217. Colonial culture, plants ioT,Buc^hoZy 29 ; Perrottet, 148. exhibition, tobacco at, Anon. 235. fibres, Simmonds, 181. (French), coffee culture, Le Comte, 114. imports and exports. Dexter j 51. 161. — museum at Haarlem, pro- duce at, Anon. 235. INDEX. 283 Colonial produce, Schenk, 256 ; Schwarzkopf, 256. at Dublin ExMbition, draper, 53. at London Exhibition, Bunter, 99. — rose-farming, Anon. 238. — timber, Simmonds, 181. in Haarlem museum, Ueden, 58. — woods, SimmondSf 181. their tensile strength, Fowke, 67. Colonial Magazine, 217. Colonies (British), possibility of making !N^eroli in, J)e Vrij, 51. their textile plants, Dickson, 51. cotton from the French, Anon. 227 ; Poulain, 255, agriculture in, 218. sugar in, Scoffern, 175. Colonies, reports on. Itefer to Accounts and Papers, Indexes, art. CoLOXLES. Colophony, Morel, 135. Colorado conifers, LavalUe, 113. Colour from Ehamnus, Fhipson, 149. in madder, Decaisne, 48. Colouring matters, Filhol, 63. Columbia. See JSTew Grenada. Colza culture, Lattre, 112. Colza oil, Heu%e, 89. Comfrey as a forage plant, Ritter, 161. Commerce, its natural history, Yeats, 214. Commercial plants. See Economic plants and Industrial plants ; also the various headings. Commercial produce, vegetable, Simmonds, 1»0; Zenker, 214. terms and synonyms, Faulk- ner, 249. Comocladia, properties ascribed to, Hamilton, 78. Companion to the Pharmacopoeia. See Materia medica. Compass plant. Anon. 237. Compositae, medicinal plants of, Jackson, 101. Condurango, Anon. 230. Conessine, Saines, 77. Congo tobacco. Anon. 223. Coniferae, turpentines and resins of. Morel, 135. Coniferous plants at "Wobum Abbey, Forles, 66. hardy in IN'orth Germany, Geyer, 70. Coniferous trees attacked by fungi, Bartig, 83. Comi&vs, Jacques, 102; Seneelause, 176. cultiyated for resins, Gihoul, 250. for waste lands, Renault, 158. from ITorth America for forestry in Germany, Booth, 23. — in Germany, Menkel Sp Mochstetter, 87. in Great Britain, Gordon Sf Glendinning, 72. — in I^ew Zealand, Bay, 85. — in the Netherlands, I>e Vbs, 248. — most in use, Kratzmann, 107. — of California and Colorado, LavalUe, 113. — of Himalayas, Madden, 123. — of large size, Chamhray, 245. — of Mid-Europe, Bochstetter^ 251. — of Spain, Laguna, 109. — produce of, Terzi, 191. resins yielded by, Berlant, 88. wood of, Schroeder, 173. Conophallus Konjak, Vidal, 198. Conservation of forests, Mueller, 137. See also Forests and Forestry. Convolvulaceae, medicinal pro- perties of, Roessig, 163. 284 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Coorg, cardamom culture in, Lud- low, 121. Copaiba balsam plants and seeds, Cross, 45. tree, Anon. 236, 238. wood oil a substitute for, Sanhury, 80. Copaifera, Baillon, 10. Copal, Anon. 233 in Angola, Welwztsch, 207. Indian, Filhol, 63. of Zanzibar, Kirh, 106. oriental, Lander er, 110. resin. Anon. 227. Copalche (or Copalchi) bark, Howard, 96 ; Stark, 186. Copals of Western Africa, Daniell, 47. Copenhagen Exhibition, fibres at, Grothe, 75. Coptis Teeta, Coolce, 40 ; Pereira, 148. Coquilla nuts, HooTcer, 94. Corchorus capsularis, Hoolcer, 94. Coriaria myrtifolia. Anon. 230. ruscifolia, Hughes, 98. Cork, Glasspoole, 71 ; Jackson, 100; Spon, 185. its growth, Candolle, 33. tree. Anon. 239. Cork-oak culture, Rousset, 166. in Algeria, Hope^ 95 ; Lambert, 110. Com (Turkey), Bentley, 16. Cornelian cherry. Lander er, 110, HI. Comus Mas, Lander er, 110, 111. Corsica, China grass in, Carlotti, 33. culture of citron in, Boitel, 22. Corsican forests and their destruc- tion, Loumet-Adanson, 53. Corsican moss, Bignone, 243. Cortex adstringens brasiliensis, Mftrren, 131. Alstoniae scholaris, Gibson, 70. Cortex Angusturae, Meyer, 132. Musenae, Anon. 221 . Simaruba, Wright, 213. See also Bark. Corydalis formosa, Bentley, 16. Corypha cerifera, Symes, 190. Cosmetic plants, Buc'hoz, 30. Cossack Asparagus, Morren, 136. Costus, Cooke, 41. note on, Flueekiger, 65. of Dioscorides, Falconer, 61. Coto bark. Anon. 234. Cotton, ^wow. 222, 226, 227; Bell, 242 ; Carcenac, 33 ; CA^^^ Afl!^/^, 36 ; Ellison, 60 ; Gosson, 250 ; ^om, 252 ; Jardin, 252 ; Lasteyrie du Saillant, 112; I^oring 8f Atkinson, 120; J/(?tJ Henry, 122; Manetta, 125; Mann, 125 ; Masse, 129; Money, 134 ; Parlatore, 144 ; Piccaluga, 150; Reybaudy 255; Reggio, 157 ; Reisseck, 157 ; i^o^r, 163 ; Rousse, 165; Royle, 167; Smith, 182; Soubeiran, 183; Turner, 195. culture, Ashworth, 8 ; ^fl^r- ^0^, 11; Cheetham, 36; C7om, 39 ; Lyman, 121 ; Manetta, 125; Seabrook, 175 ; Sicard, 178 ; Vallier, 257. jR^/^r «^50 to Kay ser's Index, art. Baumwoll, «wc? Accounts and Papers, In- dexes, art. CoTTOJsr, — Africa, India, and elsewhere. in Africa, Hewett, 89. Algeria, Anon. 227 ; ?, 245; JZ«r^y, 83; Ze'«5^/«e, 116. 194. - Austria, Trattinick, Bengal, Medlicott, 130. Bombay, Carnac, 33 ; Cassels, 34. China, Fortune, 66. Egypt, Gregoire, 74. Europe, Grimaldi, 75 ; Lasteyrie du Saillant, 112. INDEX. 285 Cotton culture in France, Lasteyrie du Saillant, 112; Sonnini de Manoncoiir, 183. Guiana, (British), Solmes, 93. ■ (French), Lellond, 114. India, Anon. 222, 223, 228; Bazley, 13; CarnaCj 33; Cassels, 34 ; Chapman, 35 ; Collins, 39 ; Gihhs, 70 ; Lees, 115 ; Mann, 125 ; J/owe//, 133; Royle, 1 67 ; /SA^i^, 177; Watson, 204; ^^52^,208; JF/yht, 209. Italy, ^wow. 227 ; Bevincenzi, 50 ; Revel, 158 ; 7b^«ro, 193; Vanzini, 196. La Plata, Wheelwright, 208. Madras, Wheeler, 208. Missouri, Horner, 95. Naples, Tenor e, 191. Peru, Spruce, 185. Punjaub, Collins, 39. - Queensland, Zow^, 164. 111. Scinde, Collins, 39. Spain, ^o/as Clement e, United States, Anon. 225, 226 ; TT^y^iJ, 209 ; TTr^fy, 213. (Southern), Loring ^ AtMmon, 20 ; Jffl7/^«(, 124. West Indies (Danish), Rohr, 163. — distribution of, Ritter, 161. — from Calotropis gigantea. Anon. 225. — fibre. Bowman, 243. — fibres detected in linen. Boettger, 22. — from the Southern Mahratta country. Anon. 223. — from French colonies, Anon. 227 ; Poulain, 255. — its rivalry with flax, Vogel, 200 ; WarneSf 203. Cotton, Japanese variety" of, at Antibes, iV«w^w, 139. substitutes for, Jardin, 252 ; Vallier, 257. supply. Cotton, 218 ; Chee- tham, 36 ; Craivfurd, 44 ; Mao Henry, 122. — trade of Great Britain, Mac Henry, 122 ; Mann, 125. Cotton root, Wayne, 205. Cotton seed and its uses, Lyman^ 121. oil, Wayne, 205 ; Wea- therly, 205. seeds, Fraser, 67. Cotton, a serial, 218. Cotton Supply Reporter, a serial, 218. Cotyledon, two species of, Penney, 146. Cotyledon orbiculata, Anon. 224. Umbilicus, Anon. 223. Cow trees of South America, Jaclc- son, 101. of the Caracas, Murray, 138. Cranesbill (spotted), Bentley, 16. Creole medical botany, Grosourdy, 75. Crete, olive oil from, Anon. 232. Crocus, an adulterant of saffron, Bentley, 16. Crocus sativus, in Kashmir, Bownes, 248. See aho Saffron. Croton, its species as described by Linnaeus, Bennett, 17. — species of, from Bahama, Baniell, 47. Croton Malambo, Hanlury, 80. ' tiglium, Vautherin, 197. tinctorium, Joly, 104. Groupie oil, Clarke, 37. Cryptogamous medicinal plants, Marchand, 126. Cuba, cultures in, Reynoso, 159. indigenous agriculture of, Reynoso, 255. sugar culture in, Leon, 253. Cubeba Clusii, Baniell^ 47. 286 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Ciica. ' See Coca. Cudbear, Crace- Calvert, 44. Culinary poisons, Aceum, 13. vegetables, Langethal, 111. history oi,Fhillips, 149. Cultivated plants, Birnhaum, 20. See also under particular headings. Cultivation. See under special heads : — for instance, Arboricul- ture, Cinchona, Cocoa, Coffee, Forestry, Fruits, Olive, Opium, Tea, Tobacco, etc. Cultivation, its effects on plants, Sagot, 169. • on medicinal plants, Timlal-Lagrave, 193. Culture of medicinal plants, Hanlurxj, 81. See also under localities, Banbury, Hitchin, etc. Cummin culture, Iloeyelsen, 90. Cummin (black), seeds, Flueckiger, 64; Simmonds, 181. Cundurango, Anon. 231 ; Antisell, 7; Buisson, 30; Keene, 105; Triana, 194. See also Condu- rango. Cup (Indian), Bentley, 16. Curaqoa Aloes, Faher, 61. Curara and synonyms. Moss, 136. Curare, Dietrich, 52 ; JSasselt, 84. plants serving as base to vanous kinds of, Flanchon, 151. plants yielding, Flanchon^ 151. Curcas purgans, Vautherin, 197. Currant (black), as a medicine, Buci'hoz, 28. Cusco bark, Soil, 91. Cuscuta, an enemy to clover culture. Decker, 48. itsravages in France, Godron, 72. its extirpation, Fennlresq^ue, 62; Marjollet, 126. Cuscuta Epilinum, Koch, 107. Epithymum, Koch, 107. Cyperaceae. See Forage plants. Cyperus, its uses, Jackson, 100. Cyperus esculentus. Anon. 235. a substitute for coffee, Christ, 245. Refer also to Kayser's Index, art. Eedmandel. Cypress in Asia, Fitter, 161. Cyprus, agriculture and produce of, Gaudry, 250. Labdanum from, Lander er, 110. Cyrenaican drugs, Henderson, 83. Cyrenian Silphium, Flerincq^, 88. Cyttaria, Cooke, 40. Czech names of official plants, Mueller, 136. Dacca cotton. Anon. 223. Dakka of Southern Africa, Daniell, 46. Dalmatia, rosemary oil in, Anon. 238. D'Amba of Southern Africa, Daniell, 46. Damiana, Anon. 234. its origin, Holmes, 91. Dammar (white), Morel, 135. Dandelion, Houlton, 95. culture in India, Jackson, 101. root, its characters, Bentley, 15. Dandelion coffee, Anon. 226. Daniellia thurifera, Bennett, 17; Daniell, 47. Danish West Indies, cotton cul- ture in, Rohr, 163. Daphne, Squire, 186. Darjeeling Cinchona bark, Ander- son, 6; Anon. 229, 231 ; Clarke, 37. forest products, Gamlle, 68. Date culture in Bengal, Robinson, 162. Date palm, Delchevalerie, 248 ; Fischer, 249 ; FFahmann, 77. its distribution, Fitter, 161. Deadly Nightshade, Anon. 223. Deer tongue in perfumery, Miller, 132. INDEX. 287 Deiama, Anon. 223. Delphinium Staphisagria, Turn- bull, 195. Demarara, sugar culture in, Anon. 235. Demerara Pink-root, Bom/an, 23. Dendrology, Burgsdorff, 31 ; TFallis, 202. See also Forestry and Forests. Denmark, economic plants of, FaulU, 144; Hajh, 155. forage plants of, D refer, 54 ; Lange ^ Rostrup, 111. forestry in, BJerregaard, 243 ; JBurgsdorff, 244 ; Didrichsen^ 248 ; Fleischer, 249 j Holstein, 93; Mourier, 136; Schaeffer, 171. — flax culture in, jR^;^, 155. medicinal plants of, Wendt, 207. — poisonous plants of, Groen- lund, 75. — rye culture in, Sverdrup, 189. trees in, Oersted, 142. Denna nuts, Anon, 231. Derby arboretum, Loudon, 120. Desiderata (pharmaceutical), Han- hury ^ Oliver, 82 ; Herschel, 88 ; Hooker ^ Sanhury, 95. Destruction of forests and conse- quent changes, Moreau de Jonnes, 135. Detection of adulterations, CJwval- lier, 36 ; Hassall, 84. Devon, its Materia medica. Smith, 182. Dicentra formosa, Bentley, 16. Dictionary of synonyms of com- mercial produce, Jbohel, 53. of trade products, Simmonds, 180. Dierneston gummiferum, ^.,104. Diet. See Food Plants. Digitalis, Elmiger, 60. Digitalis purjjurea, Soulton, 95. Dika bread, Attfield, 8; Batchelor, 12. Dioscorea sativa, Vavin, 197. Diosma crenata, Pappe, 143. serratifolia, Nourij, 141. Dipterocarpus turbinatus, San- hury, 80. Disease of coffee in !N'ew Grenada, Ernst, 60. of coffee leaves. Allay, 3 ; Harmann, 83 ; Ward, 203. of chestnuts, Gihelli, 70. Diseases caused by fungi on culti- vated plants, Lange, 111. cured by coffee, Bradley, 25. 119. 70. of cultivated plants, Loele, ►. of farm plants, Gierslerg, 67. of flax, Ladureau, 109. of forest trees, Rostrup, 165. of hops, Kraus, 107. of plants. Anon. 229 ; Franh, in Sardinia, 219. of trees through fungi, Hartig, 83. Rt'fer also to Just's Botanische Jahresberichte, art. Pflain^zenkeankheiten. Distinguishing characters of dan- delion root, Bentley, 15. Distribution of alkaloid in Cin- chona barks, Carles, 33. of food plants, Meyer, 131. of useful plants, Cayistein, 33. Dita bark. Joist 8f Hesse, 103. Diuretic plants, Lischwit%, 118. Divi-divi, Crace- Calvert, 44 ; Hamilton, 78. Dodder, Koch, 107. See also Cuscuta. Dogwood for gunpowder, McJVal, 123. Dogwood (Jamaica), Hamilton, 78. Domestic medicine, BirTcmeyer, 21 . Domestication, its effects on plants, Sagot, 169. 288 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Dominico, coffee culture in, Predoe, 154. Donations to Pharmaceutical Museum, Bentley, 15. Doornboom, gum from the, Pappe^ 143. Dordogne, tobacco culture in, Nouvel, 141. Douglas fir, Booth, 23. Drome, re-afforesting in the, Germain, 250. Drug annual for Germany, Bruns- wick, 218. Drug parcels, seeds in, Brownen, 28. Drug trade with Turkey, Anon. 233. Drugs, Hendess, 25 1 ; Solmes, 92 ; Schwarzkopf, 256 ; Spon, 185. See also separate articles, Materia medica, and Medicinal plants. ' at Pekin, Tatarinow, 190. Cyrenaican, Henderson, 86. dictionary of, Lemerij, 115. from Aden, Vaughan, 196. from Aleppo, Skene, 182. from Brazil, Holmes, 92. from Chile, Schroff, 173. from India, Anon. 232 ; By- mock, 58; Jackson, 101. — from Java, Wait%, 201. from Mexico (Damiana), Anon. 234. from Morocco, Beared, 114 ; Leared ^ Solmes, 114. from New Caledonia, Sou- heir an, 183. — from the United States, Anon. 234. in Bazaars of Western India, Birdwood, 20. — Indian, Anon. 228, 238 ; Bey, 248. — Japanese, Holmes, 92. — Maltese, Watson, 205. — of Kuang-tung, Canton, Hirth du Frenes, 90. — of New Zealand, Anon. 231. Drugs, their adulteration, Walch- ner, 202. their anatomy, Brady, 25. Dryobalanops aromatica, Maison- neuve, 124. Camphora, Be Vriese, 50. Dublin Exhibition, colonial pro- at, Braper, 53. Duboisia myoporoides, Solmes, 92. Dumb cane, Anon. 237. Dunes, culture of pine-tree on, Boitel, 22. Durian for culture in the French colonies, Buc^hoz, 29. Dutch colonial museum at Haar- lem, Eeden, 59. East Indies, Cinchona in, Souheiran ^ Belondre, 183, 184. cultures in, Gurkom,1Z, 250. — opium in, Baud, 13. — private planting in, Rochussen, 162. produce, Hogendorp, 91 . timber, Eeden, 59. useful plants of, Filet, 63. litmus, Pareira, 147, 148. Dye (Chinese), Lo-kao, Helot, 86. from Coriaria ruscifolia, Hughes, 98. from Catechu, Buc'hoz, 29. from Polygonum tinctorium, Busek, 57. — from Quercitron bark, Ham- burger, 77. — from Eottlera, Hanhury, 80. (green), Lo-kao, from China, Bleekrode, 22 ; Hanlury, 80 ; Rondot, 164. — lichens used in Sweden, Wesiring, 208. — (new yellow), Stein, 183. plants. Anon. 232 ; Buc'hoz, 30; Loele, 119; Piatt, 152; Reuss, 159. used in Iceland, Svenonius, 189. y^^ v-^ INDEX. 289 Dye plants of Italy, Ca%%uola, 34. of Sweden, UUgreUy 195. (yellow), tree of Soudan, Baniell, 47. Dye stuffs, Archer, 7 ; Arduino, 8 ; Dufoiir, 55 ; Filhol^ 63 ; Hendess, 251 ; Moeller, 133; Spon, 185. Refer also to Kayser's Index, art. Paerbej^, and Lorenz's Index, art. Teintuee. Dyeing, turnips used in. Anon. 227. Dyes, blue, Joly, 104 ; Lasteyrie du Saillanf, 112. of Indian growth, Liotard, 254. used in China, BleeTcrode, 22 ; Deheaux, 48. Dyes and dye stuffs, Crace- Calvert, 44. Earth almond, Anon. 235. See also Cyperus esculentus. Earth-nut cake, Tuson, 195. East India Review, 117. East Indian Kino, Royle, 166. East Indian Senna, Bell, 15. East Indies (Dutch), Cinchona in, Souheiran ^ Belondre, 183, 184. cultures in, GorTiom^ 73, 250. opium in, Baud, 13. private planters in, Rochussen, 162. produce of, Sogendorp, 91. Eastern nations, their Materia medica, etc., Ainslie, 4. Eastern oaks, Kotschy, 107. varnish trees, Jackson^ 100. Echites suberecta, its noxious properties, Hamilton, 78. Economic botany, Ludwig, 121. at Kew, Hooher, 94. inquiries concerning, San- hury Sf Oliver, 82. exotic plants in diagrams, Economic museum at Berlin, Witt- mack, 212. atKew, Oliver Sf Jackson, 142. museums, Collins, 39. Economic plants. Anon. 222, 234 ; Archer, 7 ; Arduino, 8 ; Banal, 11 ; Bayer, 13; Bayles, 13; Bechstein, 14 ; Bentley, 15 ; Bodin, 22 ; Bosch, 24; Boiiasse- Lebel, 24 : Brierre de Boismont ^ Pottier, 26 ; Buc'ho%, 28, 29 Burnett, 31 ; Cazziwla, 34 Chornel, 37 ; Christy, 37 ; Collins 39 ; Barlington, 247 ; Bierhach 51; Dietrich, 52; i)oJ^^, 53 Bubuisson, 55 ; Buchesne, 55 Bufour, 55 ; Biipuis, 56 ; ^Ar ^i?^, 83 Sariot, 83; Sochstetter, 251 Hogg, 91 ; ^o//, 91 ; Johnston 103; JT^rw^r, 105; Z., 109 Lindley ^ Moore, 117; Zew^ 118; Zo^J^, 118, 119; J/a/y, 124 Jf«!y(?r, 130; J/^^z, 131; J/'^fe- y^r, 131 ; Mordant de Launay ^ Loiseleur-Beslong champs, 1 34 Mueller, 136 ; Otr5^^^- ncA, 52. — of Great Britain, John- son, 103. 86. of Greece, Heldreioh, of Holstein, Rafn, 155. of India, Lrury, 54 ; JFatson, 204. ^ Ingria, Meinshausen, 130. 143. of Japan, Siehold, 178. of Java, Hasskarl, 84. of Mantua, Paglia, of Mecklenburg, TFr^- (^ow?, 213. of Kew Caledonia, Vieillard, 198. of Norway, Tonning, 193. 144. of Paraguay, Rarodi, of Rio de Janeiro, iSa/- e?awA« rf« Gama, 170. of Russia, Zigra, 214. Economic plants of Russia, Baltic provinces, Friehe, 67. Ingria, Meins- hausen, 130. of Saxony, RollSfHeyn' hold, 91 ; Rueckert, 167. of Surinam, Rotthoell, 165. of Sweden, Jacolson, 103; Winslow, 211. of Switzerland, Anon. 238; Spenner f 184; JFeinhold, 206. of the United States, Rorcher, 153 ; Rothroch, 165. of Yenezuela, Ernst, 248. •XJmbellif erae as, DeniaUy 50. — value of Rhus as, Jackson, 101. woods of Yictoria, Newlery, 139. Ecuador, Cinchona succirubra in. Spruce, 185. Effect of culture on properties of plants, Warren, 204. of forests on climate, Maistre, 124. Eguse oil, Daniell, 47. Egypt, useful plants cultivated in, Belchevalerie, 49. Egyptian cotton culture, Gregoire, 74. opium, Allen, 5 ; Gastinel, 69. Eifel, its re-afforesting, Roehlelen, 163. Eland's boontjes, Attjield, 9. Elastic gums, Walton, 202. El heddad of the Arabians, Le- france, 115. Elder-berries, Anon. 221. Elemi resin, Raup, 13. Emetics from plants, Lacipihre, 109. Enemy to clover culture, Cuscuta, or dodder, Becker, 48. INDEX. 291 Engineer's forestry, Du Breuilj 54. England, beet culture for sugar in, Voelcker, 200. Cinchona culture under glass in, Howard, 97. cost of tea in, Rutter, 168. esculent fungi of , Badham, 9. forests of, Grindon, 75 ; Wehher, 205. Gutta Perclia introduced into, Montgomerie, 134. — importation of a purgative species of Luff a into, Alison, 5. medicinal plants of, Bla- g rave, 21; Culpeper,45; Turner, 195. — tea trade of, Martin, 127. trees of, Grindon, 75 ; Heath, 85. for planting, Mon- gredien, 134. See also Great Britain and Ireland. English henbane, Usher, 196. hop culture and statistics, Braungart, 26. ink-galls, B' JJrhan, 56. oak galls, Vinen, 199. rhubarb, Usher, 196. culture at Eanbury, Bigg, 20. trees, Ahlett, 3; Grindon, 75. English market, rare kinds of rhu- barb in, Fereira, 147. Entomologic value of truffles. Bonnet, 24. Epicea. See Abies. Erdmandeln. See Cyperus escu- lentus. Eriodendr on anfractuosum, Riv iere, 161. Ervalenta, Anon. 223 ; Schenh, 171. Erythrophleum judiciale. Proctor, 154. Erythroxylon Coca, Ano7i. 227, 236, 239 ; Gosse, 73 ; TFeddelly 206. Erythroxylon Coca, its effects, Christison, 37; Mantega%%a, 125. Esparto grass, Bastide, 12 ; Johnston, 104 ; Lock, 254. See also Alfa, and Stipa. in Africa, Rohlfs, 163. Essences from Africa, Anon. 235. Essential oils at Paris Exhibition, 1878, Anon. 237. Esthland, useful plants of, Friele, 67. ^ Ethiopian pepper, Baniell, 47. Ethnology and migration of culti- vated plants, Craufurd, 44. Etua-tree, Clarice, 37. Eucalyptographia, Mueller, 137. Eucalyptus, species of, Woolls, 213. Eucalyptus globulus, Bentleij, 17 ; Carpi, 33', Gimhert, 71; Guhler, 76 ; Marolda-Fetilli, 126; Ramel, 155. acclimatization, Cosson, 42. as a disease destroying tree. Anon. 232 ; Glover, 71 ; Hamm, 79. culture and applications. Pelagaud, 146; Raveret-Wattel, 156. — economic products of, Mueller, 137. — hygienic properties of, Anon. 235. — in Algeria, Anon. 232 ; Lambert, 110. — in California, Stout, 188. — in forest culture. Cooper, 41. — in Italy, Anon. 236. — in the Campagna, Gildas, 70. — is it febrifugal ? Bosisto, 24. — its hygiene, Kingzett, 106. — its sanitary influence. Anon. 236. — its uses, Sacchero, 169. — near Eome, Torelli, 193; VaUe, 196. — uses and properties of, Bentley, 16. 292 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Eucalyptus gum, Wiemer^ 209. Eupatorium, American species of, BigeloWy 20. Eupatorium Ayapaua, Paschkis, 144. Euphorbiaceae, Bulreuil, 54. medicinal plants of, Jussieu, 104. Euphorbiaceous seeds. Waring^ 203. Europe, agricultural plants of, Dawson, 113. algae used in, Renard, 157. annatto culture in, JBuc'hoz, 28. arboriculture in, Aguado, 4. bamboo culture in, Riviere, 161. Ware, 203. — conifers of, Sochstetter, 251. — cotton culture in, Grimaldi, 75; Lasteyrie du Saillant, 112. cultivated plants of, Fraas, 67. — of American origin, Willhomm, 210. — forage plants of, Leoocq, 114. forests of, Kirwan, 106; Koch, 107 ; Michaux, 131. — medicinal plants of, FrancTce, 67; Romano, 164; Sterler ^ erhoffer, 187. oaks of, Kotschy, 107. opium production in, Sarz^ 84. — orange culture in, Risso, 1 60. poisonous plants of, Francke, potato introduced into, Lavallee, 113. — substitutes for Cinchona in. 67. Renard, 158. — sumach for culture in, McMurtrie, 123. — tea trade of, Martin, 127 ; Wissett, 212. — useful plants of, Alefeld, 5, Europe, woods of, Burhart, 244. Euryangium Sumbul, Anon. 233. -^ flowering in England, Anon. 234. Exhaustion of soils by plants, Mclvor, 254. Exhibition at London of 1851, pharmaceutical produce at. Anon. 223. raw produce at. Anon. 223. Scotch produce at. Law son, 114. 1862, colonial produce at. Hunter, 99. 226. beet culture for sugar in, 75. drugs at, Anon. fibres at, Grothe, • Materia medica at, Sanhury, 81. BucJienau, 28. produce at. Tasmanian pro- duce at. Whiting, 209. woods of British Burmah at. Anon. 226. — at Madras, 1855, Hawhes, 85. 1857, Sawkes, 85. raw produce at, Anon. 225. 1859, raw produce at. Anon. 225. — at Melbourne of 1866-67, Australian produce at, Ano?i. 228; Mueller, 137. — at Paris, 1855, Materia medica at. Anon. 225 ; Mamil- ton, 79. Sardinian pro- duce at. Anon. 224. vegetable pro- duce at, Sooker, 95 ; Jauhert^ 103. 1867, Brazilian produce at, Saldanha da Gama, 170. Brazilian woods at, Saldanha da Gama^ 170. INDEX. 293 Exhibition at Vienna, agriculture at, Lorenz, 120. * of Italian cotton, Anon. 227. Exhibitions of fibre at Amsterdam, Copenhagen, London, Milan, Moscow, l^aples, Paris, Phila- delphia, St. Petersburg, Yienna, etc., Grothe, 75. Exogonium purga. Anon. 234. Materia medica Exotic cultivated plants, Zippel 8f at, Souheiran Sf Delondre, 184. Bollmann, 214. Exhibition at Paris, 1867, Cin- chona barks at, Souheiran Sf Belondre, 183. economic plants of Brazil at, Netto, 139. forestry at, Anon. 228. gums and resins from Brazil at, Siha Coutinho^ 179, 256. Peniston, 146. ^atal produce at, Exports of Great Britain, Dexter^ 51. produce at, Triana, 194. New Grenada Exposition universelle. See Ex- hibition at Paris. seeds, and forest Extirpation of dodder, Koch^ 107. trees at, Pissot, 151. woods from the Indian Archipelago at, Sturhr, 189. 1878, cereal* at, Seitze, Extra- tropical plants for industrial culture, Mueller i 138. 251. 193. at. Anon. 237 Anon. 237. Eabrication of sugar from beet, Achard, 3, 4. False China root, Wehh, 205. cotton at, Todaro, Falsifications, the means of their detection, Chevallier, 36. — of chicory, Chevallier, 36. — Cinchona bark, BernatziCy 19. — cocoa. Forest, 66. — drugs, Walchner, 202. — flour, Vogl, 200. peppermint in France, Roze, forest produce of Algeria at, Fillias, 249. Indian produce raw produce at, textile plants at, 167. Jus, 104. at Philadelphia, Brazilian Fancy woods of India, Balfour, 10. forest produce at, Saldanha da Farinaceous products at Paris Ex- Gama, 170. hibition, 1878, JT^wze, 89,251. Brazilian textile plants Farm weeds, Thaer, 191. at, Saldanha da Gama, 170. Fast-growing Cinchona, Be VriJ, 51. Fats, Chateau, 35. of vegetable origin, Bernar- din, 19 ; Vogl, 200. Febrifugal properties of the olive, Sanhury, 80. Feeham leaves, Paschhis, 144. Fennel (Florentine), Vavin, 197. Fennel-flower seed, Smmonds, 181. Anon. 235. fibres at, Moreira, 135. Mexican produce at, produce at, Jackson, 102. at Eio, 1867, Brazilian pro- duce at. Anon. 228 ; Peckolt, 145. — at Sydney, 1870, raw pro- duce at, Anon. 229. 294 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Fern, or bracken, its value, JacTcson, 100. Pern products analogous to Pulu, Cooke, 40. Terns, medicinal, CooTce, 40 ; Nelel^ 139. useful, of Saxony, Ruechertf 167. Fenugreek, Jackson, 102. Feuillaea, notes on, Bentley, 15. Fevillea cordifolia, Hamilton, 78. Fibre from Chamaerops excelsa. Gay, 69. nettles, Roessler-Lad6, 163. Kittool, Simmonds, 110. Fibre-yielding plants in India, Strettell, 188. Fibres, J/oe/?er, 133. and their preparation, Muel- ler, 138. exhibited at Philadelphia, Moreira, 135. from Agave, Grothe, 75. from British colonies, Sim- monds, 181. from Phormium tenax, Anon. 229. from plants, Meyer, 132; Meisseck, 157; Richard, 160; Spon, 185 ; Swaah, 189 ; Vetil- lart, 197. — of India, Anon. 225, 228 ; Royle, 167; Watson, 204; TFies- ner, 209; Wray, 213. new method of distinguish- ing, TFah, 202. nomenclature of, Rernardin, 19. — of cotton among linen, their detection, Boettger, 22. of tropical plants, Squier, 186. some neglectrd. Lock, 118. textile, J)ennet, 50 ; Grothe, 75; Sherwood, 178. their chemistry, Sevan S^ Cross, 20. tropical, Sharp, 111, Fibrilia, a substitute for cotton, Vattemare, 257. Fibrous materials. Refer to Index and Abridgments of Patents, Spinning, 28. Fibrous substances at Sydney Ex- hibition, 1870, Anon. 229. Fichtelgebirges, fungi of, S^ess, 28. Ficus elastica in Burma, Strettell, 188. milky juice of, Adriani, 4. Fig tree in Asia, Ritter, 161. Fig (Indian) in Sicily, Biiiso, 21. Fiji, its agricultural prospects, Some, 95. its produce, Home, 252. Fir (Balsam), Peck, 145. uses of, Gallot, 250. Fire-wood, of France, Lar%iTliere^ 259. of Lombardy, Villa, 199. Firs and pines, of Japan, Murray, 138. Fir-wool, Reaver, 13. oil, Beaver, 13. Fishing by means of poisonous plants, Ernst, 249. Flax, its culture and products, Ancelin, 241; Brotherton, 27; Browne, 243 ; Cantoni, 33 ; JDelamer, 247; Bemoor, 49; Bick- 8on, 51 ; Braebye, 53 ; Ferrage, 63 ; JELavenstein, 85 ; Hodges, 90; Klose, 253; Kruedener, 108; Ladureau, 109; Larshoff, 112; Lattre, 112 ; Leavitt, 114 ; Zw^- S^w/2(, 176 ; Sierstorpf, 179 ; T'^^ssy, 190 ; Thomas, 257 ; JT'w- vericht, 195; FiV/w- bois, 54; Zeieaw^^, 114 ; Rodin, 163 ; Roques, 164 j Saffray, 169. 300 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. France, mulberry culture in, Laffe- mas, 109. opium of, Chevallier, 36 ; Decharme, 48. orange culture in, Risso, 160 ; Eisso Sf Poiteau, 160. — peppermint culture in, Ro%e, 167. pine-tree culture on dunes, JBoitel, 22 ; Brown, 27. — plants cultivated in, Chaboul, 35. — poisonous plants of, Rodin, 163. — oak forests of, Burger, 31. ravages of Cuscuta in, God- ron, 72. — resinous produce of, Cro^, 247. — replanting of forests in, Brown, 27 ; Gayffier, 69. rhubarb culture in, Gallais, 68. — saffron culture in. Anon. 223, 232 ; Chapellier, 35. — sugar-beet in, Lenglen, 116. suspected plants of, Rodin ^ 163. tea culture in. Anon. 233. textile plants of, Sorn, 252. — tobacco culture in, Bee, 13 ; Truchet, 194. — truffle culture in, Thiriat, 192. — useful plants of, Bue'hon, 28, 29 ; Bubuisson, 55 ; Zoiseleur- Beslong champs, 120; Lions, \\2. — wheats of, Corenwinder, 41. wood-sections from, JSfoerd- linger, 140. Frangula bark, Baeumher, 9. See also Khamnus Frangula. Frankincense, or Olibanum, Bird- wood, 20. Frankincense tree, Kempthorne, 105. Frankincense tree of Sierra Leone, Bennett, 17. of Western Africa, Baniell, 47. Fraudulent sophistications, and means of detection, Accum, 13 ; Hassall, 84. Fraxinus chinensis, Anon. 225. Fraxinus cultivation, Janssen,l03. French colonies, coffee culture in, Be Comte, 114. cotton from, Poulain, 255. in America, and their cul- ture of Nopal, Thierry deMenon- ville, 191. French Guiana, agriculture in, Sagot, 169. — — cinnamon tree, Lehlond, 114. cotton culture, Lellond, 114. — food plants of, Sagot, 169. forests of, Sagot, 162. its vegetables, Sagot, 169. oil plants in, Sagot, 169. French Kinkina, Leroy, 116. Lactucarium, Anon. 237. opium, Odeph, 141. rhubarb, Gallais, 68. Friedrichshains, timber trees at, Jahn, 102. Friesland, trees of. Oersted, 142. Fruit, milerd, 89; Spon, 185; Whitehead, 209. in India, Speede, 1 84. in South Australia, Ward, 203. in Spain, Hidalgo, 251. (miraculous), of Soudan, Baniell, 47. of the carob tree. Redwood, 156. Fruit-bearing trees of Porto Mau- rizio, Gentile, 69. Fruit-tree culture, Bu Breuil, 54. Fruit trees, Langethal, 111. Fruits, Anon. 222; Leroy, 116; Spon, 185. as food in Queensland, Thozet, - 192. INDEX. 301 Fruits, culture of, Alfonso, 5 ; Bartley,\\ ; EiUerd, 89; White- head, 209. in the IS'etherlands, Ottolander, 143. Fruits of Hemlock, Anise, and Fool's Parsley, Pereira, 146. Fruits, their study, BroufA^, 209. trade of, Mann, 125. — dandelion culture in, Jack- son, 101. drugs from. Anon. 232; Jackson, 101. sold in bazaars of. Birdwood, 20. — economic plants of, Brury, 54; i?oy^^, 166; Watson, 204. false Cinchona bark in, Broughton, 27. fibre culture in, Strettell, 188. ^ plants of, Dickson, 51 ; Kerr, 106. fibres from, Anon. 225, 228 ; i?oy/^, 166; Sharp, in-, Wat- son, 204 ; Wiesner, 209 ; ?Fr«y, 213. flax culture in, Royle, 167. India, flowers in, Richardson, 159. food plant of, Mhowa or Mah- wah. Lock, 118. forest produce from, Brandts, forestry of, Beddome, 14 ; Bidie,20', Cleghorn, 38 ; Stewart ^ Brandis, 187 ; Temple, 191. — forests of, Wragge, 213. — gums of, Simmonds, 180. •gutta perchatree of Southern, Balfour, 9. hemp in, Muller, 138; Royle, 167. — India rubber in, Collins, 39. — indigo culture in, Ation. 222 ; West, 208. — Ipecacuanha culture in, ^ non . 228, 229, 230, 231, 236. — Kino from, Royle, 166. Materia medica of, Ainslie, 4 ; Bey, 51 ; By mock, 58 ; Fra- goso, 67 ; Royle, 166 ; Wari?ig, 203. — medicinal plants of, Kvers, 61; Fleming, 64; Waring, 203. new cultures in, ^^ry, 185. oils produced in, Cooke, 41 ; Saivkes, 85. — opium consumption in. Anon. 229, 232. culture in. Anon. 231, 234, 235 ; Eatwell, 58 ; Saun- ders, 171. palm sugar from, Stevens, 187. — paper materials of, Liotard, 118. — Paucontee of "Western coast, Cleghorn, 38. — poisonous plants of, Simpson, 181. — poppy culture in, Anon. 230. produce from, Balfour, 10 ; Cooke, 41 ; Schrottky, 174. at Madras Exhibition of 1855, Anon. 225. 310 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. India, produce from, at Madras Exhibition of 1857, Anon. 225. 1859, Anon. 225. native names of, Wat- son, 204. — raw products of, £idie, 20. — resins, Simmonds, 180. — rice culture in. West, 208. — serials published in, 219. — Simarubeae of, Bennett, 17. — sugar culture in, Anon. 221 ; Falcone, 61; West, 208. — Sunn fibre of, Wissett, 212. — tea culture in. Anon. 227 ; Burr ell, 31 ; Fielder, 63 ; For- tune, 66; Loarer, 118; Mac Clelland,\22', Royle,UQ; Wat- son, 204 ; Zoeller, 215. Refer also to Accounts and Papers, Indexes, art. East India. — textile plants of. Dexter, 5 1 ; Royle, 167; Watson, 204. — timber trees of, Balfour, 10. tobacco culture in, Scheff- mai/er, 17 1; Watson, 204; Westy 208. — travels in, concerning Cin- chona, Marliham, 126. note on same, Be Vrij, 50. — undeveloped resources of, Buist, 38. vanilla culture in, Anon. 236; 0' Conor, 141. India, Dutch possessions in. See East Indies, Dutch. India (South), coffee in, Bidie, 20 ; Sull, 98. — forestry of, Beddome, 14. forests and gardens of, Cleghorn, 38. mulberry culture in, Perrot- tet, 149. oils of. Hunter, 99. India (East) Review, 217. India Museum, gums, etc., in, Cooke, 41. oil seeds in, Anon. 236. India Museum, products in, Anon. 234. India-rubber, Malepeyre, 254 ; Warren, 204. Refer also to Index of Abridgments of Pa- tents, 16. acclimatization. Cross, 45. brought from Ceara, Anon. 238 ; Cross, 45. Para, Anon. 238 ; Cross, 45. 38. from Hancornia, Claussen, its supply, Collins, 39. industry, Bolas, 23. plants producing, Bernardin, 19; Hancock, 82. ^ i — in Burma, Strettell, 188. M^^*^ J — tree in India, Collins, 245. 188. of the Amazon, Spruce, Indian Archipelago, woods from the, Sturler, 189. arrow root, Ryder, 168. Eael, Anon. 223, 226. barberry, its medicinal uses, Stewart, 188. commercial plants, Jackson, 102. — copal, Filhol, 63. — cultures, James, 103. — drugs, Anon. 228, 238 ; Bey, 248 ; Bymock, 58. — dyes, Liotard, 254. — fungi, Waring, 203. — Gutta tree, Cleghorn, 38. — henbane, Bymock, 58. — opium versus Chinese, Rolert- son, 161. produce at Paris Exhibition of 1878, Anon. 237. — remedy, a new, Daji, 46. — roses and their produce, Bouglas, 53. — Senna, Bell, 15. species of Bassia, Jackson, 102. INDEX. 311 Indian tea culture, Barrell, 31 ; Camphell, 33. Indian Chocolate root, Finchard, 150. Indian Corn in China, Hance 8f Mayers, 82. Indian Cup, Bentley, 16. Indian Fig in Sicily, Biuso, 21. Indian Forester, 219. Indian Gardener, Speede, 184. Indian hemp or Gungah,^wow. 222, 236; Fronmueller, 68; Grimaux, 75 ; 0^ Shaughnessy , 142. Indians, medicinal plants used by the, Brown, 27. Indies (Dutch East), and their timber, Eeden, 59. cultures in, GorTcom, 73,250. economic plants of. Filet, 63. private planting in, Rochus- sen, 162. Indigo, Anon. 226; Crace- Calvert, 44 ; Lasteyrie du Saillant, 112 ; LeUond, 114; Monnereau, 134. culture of, Cossigny de Falma, 42; Ferrottet, 148, 149; Shortt, 178. in Bengal, Anon. 226, 239. West. in India, Anon. 222 , 208. — from Florida, Anon. 225. — from Polygonum tinctorium, Dusek, 57. in Japan, Burnouf, 31. Indigo (wild), Bentley, 16 Indigoferous plants, Joly, 104. Indre, department of, forestry in, Boucard, 243. Industrial plants. Anon. 222, 232 Argenti, 8 ; Arioli, 8 ; Bayles 13; Boehmer, 22; Bosch, 24 Brierre de BoismontSf Fottier,2& 5wc'^02,28,29,30; C^zewo/a^, 34 F)exter,b\ ; Duchesne, 5 5 ; Bufour 55 ; Fichelherg, 59 ; Gorini, 73 Seuze, 89; Sochstetter, 251 Flon,^', Zoeffler, 119; Maly 124; Mueller, 137, 138; OJ^r/w Industrial plants {continued) : — 141 ; Pe>rr^, 150 ; i2o^2, 198; Warming, 203 ; Whistling, 208 ; F^rtJ^aw, 214. /Se^ a/*o Economic plants. adulteration of, Chevallier, 36. mulberry as, Cahanis, 32. of France, Rodin, 163. of Germany, Spenner, 184. of Great Britain, Johnson, 103. of India, Seler, 54. of Porto Maurizio, Gentile, 69. — of Eussia, Zigra, 214. — of Switzerland, Spenner, 184. — of Yenezuela, Ernst, 248. woods of, Noerdlinger, 140. Infectious diseases cured by coffee, Bradley, 25. Influence of climate on medical properties of plants, Engel, 60. of cultivation on medicinal plants, Timhal-Lagrave, 163. of forests on climate, Maistre, 124. of vegetation upon malaria, Gordon, 72. Ingria, economic plants of, MeinS' hausen, 130. Injurious plants of Germany, Beiche, 14. Ink-galls, D'Urhan, 56. Ink plant, Anon. 230. Inquiries, pharmacological, San- hury Sf Oliver, 82 ; Jlerschel, 88 ; Flooker 8f FLanhury, 95. Insecticide, Pyrethrum as an, Burnichon, 31 ; Saunders, 171 ; Willemot, 210. Institute of Pharmacy at Vienna, Schroff, 256. International Exhibitions. See Exhibitions. 312 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Ipecaciian, plants fumisliing, Balfour, 10. Ipecacuanha, Richard, 159. a bastard species of, Samil- ton, 78. at Calcutta botanic garden. Sender son, 86. — culture in India, Anon. 228, 229, 230, 231, 236. — plant. Anon. 237. — propagation of, McNdh, 123. striated, Flanchon, 151. Ipomoea Schiedeana, Kayser, 105. simulans, Hanlury, 81. Ipo as an arrow poison, Bu6'ho%, 29. Ireland, flax culture in, Charley, 35 ; SoU%endorff, 252. sugar-beet culture in, Sulli- van, 819. Refer also to Ac- counts and Papers, Indexes, art. Sfgae. Irish jalap, Smith, 183. Isinglass ( Japanese),from seaweed, Hanhury, 80. Island tea (des lies), Buc^ho%, 30. Isle of Bourbon, Cinchona culture in, Anon. 234. Isoetes, Coohe, 40. Isonandra pulla, Sooher, 94. Italian agricultural plants, Ton- noni, 193. Italy, castor oil culture in, Groves, 75. cotton culture in, Bartolo, 1 1 ; Carcenac, 33 ; Levincenzi, 50 ; Revel, 158 ; Tenore, 191 ; Todaro, 193; Vanzini, 196. Eucalyptus culture in. Anon. 236. flax culture in, Renouard, 151. forage flora of Parma, Coc- coni, 38; Silvestri, 179. forestry in. Anon. 238 ; Ber anger, 18 ; Borsi, 24 ; Ter- racciano, 191 ; Villa, 199. fungi (edible), Vivianiy 200. Italy, fungi (poisonous and sus- pected), Valenti Serini, 196; Viviani, 200. medicinal plants of, Cazzuola, 34; Grigolato, 74. Tuscany, Groves, 75. substitutes for, Ber- tero, 19. noxious plants of, Cazzuola^ 34. — olive culture in, Bianchedi, 20 ; Cappi, 33 ; Piceone, 150. — serial published in, 219. sugar culture in, Richeschi, 160. textile plants in, Cazzuola, 34. 40. tobacco in. Anon. 238 ; Comes, as forage, Briosi, 26. 34. useful plants of, Cazzuola, wheat straw culture in. Anon. 239. Iva, Planta-Reichenau, 152. Ivory (vegetable), HooTcer, 94 ; Seemann, 175 ; Smith, 182. Ivy, various uses of, Croizette, 247. Jaborandi, Anon. 233, 234, 235 ; Guhler, 76; Hardy, 83; Seurch, 88 ; Martindale, 127. commercial demand for, ^wow. 237. cultivation. Anon. 235. its source, Holmes, 91, 92. stem of, Stiles, 188. Jafferabad aloes. Holmes, 93. Jalap, Paullini, 145; Squibh, 185. at Calcutta botanic garden, Henderson, 86. culture, Hanhury, 81. in Ireland, Smith, 183. in Manila, Anon. 236. (false), Guihourt, 76. plant. Anon. 234. in France, Anon. 232. INDEX. 313 Jalap of commerce, Uvans, 61. resin of, Kayser, 105. (Tampico), Sanhury, 81. varieties of, Kayser-, 105. Jamaica, Cinchona culture in. Anon. 227, 228 ; Howard, 97. cultures of, Russell, 168. experimental cultivation in, Anon. 239. sugar-cane culture in, JBeck- ford, 14; Roughley, 165; White- house, 200. Refer also to Ac- counts and Papers, art. Jamaica. Jamaica dogwood, Hamilton, 78. Janipha Manihot, and J. Loeflingii, Hamilton, 77. yielding Cassava bread, Bav- son, 47. Japan, Conophallus as used in, Vidal, 198. economic plants of, Siehold, 178. flax of, Thihault, 191. food plants of, Anon. 234. its pines and firs, Murray, 138. tea culture in, Robertson, 161. cost of, in, Rutter, 168. Japanese Aconite roots, Langguard, 253 ; TFasowicz, 204. Belladonna, Holmes, 93. cotton at Antibes, JVaudin, 139. 56. culture of Ka-ki, Dupont, — drugs, Holmes, 92. — forest produce, Dupont, 56. — indigo, Burnouf, 3 1 . — isinglass, Hanbury, 80. — lacquer, Robertson, 161. — mulberry, Nourrigat, 141. — mushroom culture, Anon. 236. — paper-making, LuedicTce, 121. materials. Anon. 230. pepper, Stenhouse, 187. produce, Fortune y 66. Japanese star-anise, Hoffmann, 90. tanning materials, Ishikawa, 100. tea. Anon. 228. varnish tree, Geyler, 90 ; Gomicourt, 72. vegetable wax, Anon. 225, 229, 233 ; Meyer, 131 ; Robert- son, 161. Jatropha, Hamilton, 78. Jatropha Curcas and J. multifida, Hamilton, 78. seed. Maillot, 123. urens poisonous, Jackson, 101. Java, Cinchona in. Anon. 225 ; Kuntze, 108; Miquel, 133. bark. Anon. 229 ; Came- ron, 32. Vrij, 51. alkaloids in, De sold at Amster- dam, Be Vrij, 51. Calisaya in, Hesse, 88. culture in, Anon. 230, 232, 236, 237 ; Be Vrij, 50 ; Gorkom, 73 ; Howard, 97. — drugs from, TVaitz, 201. economic plants of, Gorkom^ 73, 250 ; Hasskarl, 84. — its produce, Hagendorp, 77. — coffee culture, Holle, 91. - by the state, Elst, 60. rhubarb, Husemann, 99. upas tree of, Belile, 49. Jeffersonia diphylla, Bentley, 16. Jena, medical flora of, Graumuel- ler, 73. Jew's Ear, Cooke, 40. Jipajipa, Seemann, 176. Journal de 1' agriculture des pays chauds, 218. Journal of Applied Science, 217. Journal of Forestry, 217. Journal of Society of Arts, 217. Joyote of Mexico, Her r era, 88. Juetland. See Jutland. 314 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Juices expressed from plants, Squire, 186. Juncaceae. See Forage plants. Juniper berries, Anon. 221. oil of, Morel, 135. tar, Morel, 135. Jura, forestry in the, Landolt, 111. pine forests of the, Munier, 138. Jute, Dennetf 50 ; Dickson, 51 ; Sooker, 94 ; Renouard, 158 ; Thihault, 191. in Bengal, Kerr, 106. Jutland, forestry in, Dalgas, 46. plants for sand dunes of, Vihorg, 198. Jyllaud. See Jutland. Ka-kis cultivated in Japan, Du- pont, 56. Kafur Kachri, Cooke, 40. Kajeput oil, Buc^hoz, 30 ; Mar- tini, 128. Kali-kutki, Cooke, 40. Kalmia latifolia, Paschkis, 144. Kamala, a new kind of, Flueckiger, 64. Kameela, Anon. 230. Kashmir, saffron culture in, Downes, 248. Kashmir Morels, Cooke, 40. Katemfe of Soudan, Daniell, 47. Kauhi, or Coffee, an Arabic tract on. Anon. 221. Kauri gum. Griffin, 251 ; Symons, 190. resin, Morel, 135. Kava-kava, or Ava, Anon. 236 ; Cuzent, 46. Kekune oil, Cooke, 40. Kelp, Stanford, 186. Kermes-yielding oak, Planchon, 151. Kew Museum of Economic Eotany, Hooker, 94 ; Oliver 8f Jackson, 142. gardens, useful plants at. Anon. 238. Kigelia africana, Clarke, 37. Kinkina (French), Leroy, 116. Kino, Gibson, 70 ; Guibourt, 76. East Indian, Royle, 166. from a new source, Christi- son, 37. gum of Tenasserim, Mason, 129. tree of West Africa, Daniell, 46. Kisanlik, otto of rose at, Smith, 182. Kittool fibre, Simmonds, 180. Koegoed, Holmes, 91 ; Key worth, 106. Kohl-rabi of Lapland, Sonnini de Manoncour, 183. Kokoon bark, Cooke, 41. Kokum butter, Pereira, 148. Kola-nut, Attfield, 9. of West Africa, Daniell, 47. Kombe arrow poison, Fraser, 67. Korarima, Anon. 223 ; Vaughan, 196. of Abyssinia, J?S^^r- ^^r ^ Mayerhoffer, 187; Strumpf, 188; Suarez de Rivera, 189; Targioni-Tozzetti, 190 ; Thom- son, 192 ; Thornton, 192 ; Va- vasseur, Cottereau, Sf Gillet de Grandmont, 197; F/^^z, 198; Medicinal plants [continued) : — Warming, 203 ; Weinhold, 206 ; Winkler, 211 ; Woodville, 213 ; Ziegler, 214; ^orw, 215. acotyledonous species used as, Lignac, 117. adulterations of, C%6- vallier, 36. apt to be confounded, Ehermaier, 58. at Amsterdam, Vrolik, 208. 200. at Chelsea, Wheeler, — confusion in, ZTo?/, 91. cryptogamous species used as, Marchand, 126. their culture, Sanlury, 87. Eolmes, 92. — at Banbury, at Hitchin, -S^w^- ^, 15 ; Holmes, 91. at Mitcham, ^wow. 223, 233 ; Warren, 204. at ISTew Lebanon, Anon. 224. Solmes, 251. - in Lincolnshire, on railway banks, iftfiV^J, 123. dicotyledonous species used as, Lignac, 117. Euphorbiaceae as, Zw- breuiL 54. 58. ■ fungi as, EbhinghauSy herbarium of, at Phar- maceutical Society, Anon. 231. — in natural orders, Buncan, 56. — in Eegent's Park, Sowerhy, 184. influence of cultivation on, Timhal-Lagrave, 193. liable to substitution, Walchner, 202. INDEX. 321 Medicinal plants, monocotyledo- noiis species affording, Lignac, 117. names used in Latin, German, and Czech, Mueller, 136. of Abyssinia, Courlon, 43. Medicinal plants of Germany, Beichoff, 21 ; Dietrich, 52 ; Eimhcke, 5 9 ; Gleditsch, 7 1 ; Maly, 124; Schrader, 173; Bpenner, 184; Weinhold, 206; Wenderoth, 207; Winkler, 211. of Great Britain, Craig, 246 ; Culpeper, 45 ; Curtis, 45 ; of America, Holmes, Peachie, 145 ; Short, 178 ; 92; Hughes, 98; Maiseh, 123. America (South), Z«;m- ^^r^, 110. of American (North) Indians, Brown, 27 ; F aimer, 143 ; /Si^^^^^y, 186. — Australia, Mueller, 137; Simmonds, 180. 171. 125. of Catania, Maravigna, macher, 174; JTe^w^^^f, 207. of Dutch East Indies, Filet, 63. of Europe, Franche, 67 ; Romano, 1 64 ; Sterler Sf Mager- hoffer, 187. of European botanic gardens, Goeppert, 72. of France, Buc^hoz, 28, 29 ; Cuzin, 34 ; Chaumeton, Chamheret, ^ Foiret, 35 ; (7o.s^<3 ^ Willemet, 42 ; Beschanelet- Valpetre, 50 ; Buhois, 54 ; Z(9- heaud, 114; Rodin, 163; Rogues, 164; /S«/r^y, 169. of GaKcia, Flanellas de Giralt, 151. Turner, 195. of Hungary, 93. Austria, Katzer, 105 ; J/"<7/y, 124 ; Stupper, 189 ; 73. Wagner, 201. — of Belgium, Bulois, 54 ; IFeurck ^ Guihert, 88 ; Rottenhurg, 165 ; Thielens, 191 ; Wauters, 205. of Brazil, Gomes, 72 ; Moreira, 135; Feixoto, 146. of Canada, Saunders, 52. of India, Fvers, 61 ; Fleming, 64 ; Fragoso, 67 ; BCeher, 54 ; Honigherger, 93 ; Waring, 203. of Italy, Grigolato, 74. of Jena, Graumueller, 25. of Liberia, Holmes, 92, of Mauritius, Bouion, of Naples, Fasquale S^ Avellino, 144. New Zealand, JacJcson, 101. of Denmark, yS^Aw- 135. of Norway, Tonning, 193; ?rmo;i, 185. poisonous, Anon. 231. their uses, Simmonds, 180, 181. ISTux moschata, Paullini, 145. vomica, Delile, 49. Oak, the, Baguenault de Vieville, 18; Beraud, 9; Reuter, 159. bark, Fischer, 64 ; Neuhrand, 139. (evergreen), in the Gard, i?^- gimheau, 157. its bark for tanning, Rousset, 166, 256. forests of Spain, Jfiddrington, 209. galls, English, F«Ww, 199. its history and applications, Coutance, 43. kermes-yielding, Planchon, 151. pedunculate, uses of, Gallot 8c Gad, 250. raising, Burckhardtf 30. Oak, sessile fruited, uses of, Gal- lot 8f Gast, 250. tan material from, Sartig, 84. Oaks, Malherhe, 124. description of, Sierstorpf, 179. European and oriental, Kot- schy, 107. for oak growers, Manteuffel, 125. for ship building. Burger, 31. in Germany, Haering, 77. their uses, Oersted, 142. Oats, culture and use of, Arduino, 8. Oceania, wheats of, Corenwinder, 41. Ochro and Musk Mallow, Jackson^ 100. Odoriferous plants. Anon. 229 ; Buclio%, 30. Odours, Bernardin, 19. from plants, Piesse, 150. of plants, Britten, 27. Officinal plants. See Medicinal plants, also Materia medica. Oil, Argan, Anon. 238. Cageput, Buc'hoz, 30 ; Mar- tini, 128. — Cananga, Flueckiger, 65. Castor, Anon. 232. in Italy, Groves, 75. — Chaulmoogra, Lepage, 116. — Croupee (=Kundah, Talli- coonah, Touloucouna), Clarke^ 37. — Eguse, Daniell, 47. from Madia sativa. Anon. 227. — from Sesamum, Roth, 165. from sunflower-seed. Anon. 230. from Yellow Poppy seed, Anon. 229. Gingilie, Anon. 229. Ilang-llang, Flueckiger^ 65. INDEX. 327 Oil, of Ben tree, Hamilton^ 78. of Cedar, Morel, 135. of cotton seed, Wayne, 205 ; Weatherly, 205. ofPir-wool, Beaver, 13. of Geranium, Anon. 224. of Juniper, Morel, 135. of Laurel, Hancock, 82. of Mangosteen, Fereira, 148. of Pignut Hickory, TFayne, 205. — of Rosemary in Dalmatia, Anon. 238. of Savin, Morel, 135. — of turpentine, Morell, 135. — (olive). See Olive. — palm, from Old Calabar, Anon. 232. from Western Africa, Anon. 236. — plants yielding, Anon. 232 ; JETeme, 89; Zoebe, 119; Flatt, 152. — in Prench Guiana, Sayot, 169. of Germany, Dietrich, 5 2 . — rose, Zock, 118. — Thistle, JBonavia, 23. wood, Flueckiger, 65 ; Gui- hourt, 76 ; Kanbury, 80. — seeds as food, Feciigis, 241. and oils in India Mu- seums, Anon. 236; Cooke, 41. Oils of vegetable origin, Bernar- din, 19; Chatteau, 35. essential, at Paris Exhibition of 1858, Anon. 237. fixed, vegetable, and volatile, Spon, 185. — from Antilles, Hamilton, 79. — in India Museum, Cooke, 41. — of China, Smith, 182. of Southern India, Hawkes, 85 ; Hunter, 99. Old Calabar, palm oil from, Anon. 232. Olea europaea as a febrifuge, Han- hury, 80. Oleo-resins in the India Museum, Cooke, 41. Oleum Gossypii, Weatherly, 205. Olibanum, Anon. 230, 233 ; Bird- wood, 20. African, Royle, 160. and Luban-mati, Flueckiger, 65. Olive, Amoreuxy 6 ; Bernays, 19 ; Biic^hoz, 30 ; Caruso, 34 ; Bu Breuil, 54 ; Dutrone de la Cou- ture, 57; Gianfilippi, 70; Lehr, 115; Fecori, 145; Ficcone, 150; Flauchud, 152; Reynaud, 159; Tavanti, 190. culture of, ^?o?, 3 ; Barjavel, 11 ; Brotherton, 27 ; Coutance, 43 ; Hubert -Gourrier, 252 ; Massa, 129 ; Raihaud-H Ange, 155; r^i52fm', 197. at St.Eemo, Anon. 237. in Algeria, Lambert, 230. 110. in California, Anon. in Italy, Bianchedi, 20; Cappi, 33; Ficcone, 150. in Spain, Hidalgo, 251. in Syria, ^7ScoiJ2J, 175. adulterations of, /So%, 183. 328 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Opium appetite, CalJcins, 32. blight, fungi in, Cunningham, 45. cultivation, Allen, 5. in Africa, Anon. 237. in Asia Minor, Seffler, 86; Maltass, 124. in Australia, Hood, 94 ; Ward, 203. in Bengal and Benares, Eatwell, 58. in China, Anon. 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 238; Jackson, 100. in Europe, S[ar%, 84. - in Grermany, Desaga, 50. in India, Anon. 231, 234, 235; Saunders, 171. — consumption of, in India, Anon. 229, 232. — Egyptian, Gastinel, 69. — French, Chevallier, 36 ; De- char me, 48; Odeph, 141. — historical notes on. Anon. 237 ; BilUnger, 20. — in the Dutch East Indies, Baud, 13. — Indian versus Chinese, Rob- ertson, 161. new variety of. Carles, 33. — notes from the far East on, Bateman, 12. — Ottoman, at Paris Exhibi- tion, Bella tSudda, 49. — Patna, Anon. 224. — Persian, Anon. 231, 235, 238 ; Ross, 165. — Turkey, Simmonds, 181. — trade of China, Simmonds, 180. "West Indian, Hamilton, 79. Opoponax, Hirschsohn, 89, 90. Opuntia in Sicily, Biuso, 2 1 . Orange, as food. Anon. 230. culture, Ferrari, 63 ; Ster- heeck. 187. Orange culture in France, Risso, 160 ; Risso Sf Poiteau, 160. in Syria, Anon. 239. flowers from United States, Anon. 238. — in New South Wales, Ben- Orange root, Bentley, 15. Oranges, Gallesio, 68. and lemons, Anon. 236. from the United States, Anon. 238. Orchards of South Australia, Ward, 203. Orchid tea, Jackson, 100. Orchil, Cr ace- Calvert, 44. Ordeal bean, of Old Calabar, Archer, 7 ; Balfour, 10 ; Chris- tison, 37; Hanhury, 81 ; Holmes, 93 ; Maitioli ^ Pasqualigo, 129 ; Tison, 193; Vincent, 199. Ordeal poison of the Gaboon, Rahu- teau Sf Bey re, 155. Organs of plants and their produce, Quekett, 154. Orleans cotton, Anon. 225, 226. Oriental aconite, Cooke, 41. copal, Lander er, 110. spices, Baton, 144. Orris, florentine. Groves, 75. Oryza sativa. See Eice. Osier culture, Coaz, 31, Wade, 201. See also Willow. Osterode, serial published in, 219. Oswego tea, Buchoz, 30. Otto of rose. Anon. 225 ; Han- hury, 80; Lock, 118; Mackay, 122. at Kisanlik, Smith, 182. See also Attar of rose. Ottoman opium at Paris Exhibi- tion, Bella Sudda, 49. Ourari and synonyms. Moss, 136. Pacific Islands produce, Cooper, 41. Padua, vanilla culture in, Visiani, 199. INDEX. 329 Painters, plants used by, Reuss, 159. Painting, plants used in, Buc''ho%, 30. Palermo manna, Anon. 232. Palm (Areca), Jackson, 101. Carnauba, Macedo, 122 ; Mor- gan, 136. Coco-nut, Bennett, 242 ; Marshall, 121 \ Treloar, 194. — Date, Sahmann, 77 ; J)el- chevalerie, 248. ■Palmyra, of Ceylon, Ferguson, 63. — tree. Moody, 134. — trees of the Amazon, Wal- lace, 202. yielding vegetable ivory, Sooher, 94. Palm oil from Old Calabar, Anon. 232. from Western Africa, Anon. 236. sugar, Pereira, 147. from India, Stevens, 187. Palmaceae, useful products of the, Archer, 7. Palms, Reissech, 157. their culture and uses, Ker- chove de Benterghem, 105 ; See- mann, 176. Palmyra palm of Ceylon, Ferguson, 63. Palo de Yaca tree, Murray, 138. Palo de Yelas, Seemann, lib. Panama, productions of, Chaloner Sf Fleming, 35. Panax quinquefolium, Schuh,l14:. Pandanus odoratissimus, Cuzent, 46. Papaver somniferum. Anon. 232. uses of, Viguier, 198. Papaw fruit, Wittmaclc, 212. tree, Oliver, 142; Peckolt, 145. Paper making in Japan, Luedicke, 121. Paper making, its earliest forms, Senger, 111. Paper materials^ Masse, 129 ; Schaeffer, 171. bamboo as, Routledge, 166. from E. and W. Indies, Sharp, 111. in Japan, Anon. 236. • in India, Liotard, 118. new, Burden, 56 ; Senger, 11 ; Simmonds, 180. roots of Medicago as, Anon. 227. — from Esparto, Johnston, 104. fromPhormium tenax, GihlSf 70. — from Indian fibres, Kerr, 106; Royle, 167. — made from wood, Jolivet, 253. plants for, Claussen, 38. Paper (Rice), Chevallier, 36. Papilionaceae used in medicine, Fhermaier, 58. Papyrus for paper, Claussen, 38. Para rubber, Anon. 238 ; Cross, 45. rhatany, Flueckiger, 64. Paradise, Grains of, Pereira, 146. Paraguay, useful plants of. Mo- reira, 135; Parodi, 144. Paraguayan tea, Bialet, 20; Byas- son, 31; Bemersay,A9; Buc'hoz, 30 ; Menier, 131 ; Miers, 132 ; Robhins, 161. See also Mate. tobacco, Bemersay, 49. PareiraBrava, Uanhury, %2;Boch- ner,25S; SquM, 185 ; Teich- mayer, 190. sources of, Giles, 71. Pareira root, a sophistication of. Moss, 136. Pareira stem, Moss, 136. Parasitic fungi on cultivated plants, Bange, 111. their influence on forestry, Boven, 120. 330 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Paris Exhibition of 1855, Materia medica at, Anon. 225 ; JSamil- ton, 79. produce at, Jau- hert, 103. Sardinian produce at. Anon. 224. vegetable produce at, Soohery 95. 1867, Brazilian plants at, Netto, 139. . produce at, Saldanha da Gama^ 170. woods at, Saldanha da Gama, 170. Cinchona barks at, Soubeiran Sf Delondre, 183. forestry at, Anon. 228. gums and resins from Brazil at, Silva Coutinho, 179, 256. Materia medica at, Soubeiran Sf Delondre, 184. E'atal contribu- tions at, Peniston, 146. — ITew Grenada produce at, Triana^ 194. Ottoman opium at, Delia Sudda, 49. seeds and forest trees at, Pissot, 151. woods from Indian Archipelago at, Sturler, 189. — 1878, cereals at. ReuzL 251. 193. 75. cotton at, Todaro, fibres at, Grothe, forest produce of Algeria at, Fillias, 249. Indian produce at. Anon. 237. Anon. 237. Jus, 104. raw produce at, textile plants at. Paris, fungi round, Letellier, 116; RouHsel, 166. garden of acclimatization at, Ince, 99. serials published at, 218. Parma, forage plants of, Cocconij 38. Parmentiera cereifera, Seemann, 175. Parsley (Fool's), fruits of, Pereira, 146. Parsnip culture (by Baruffaldi), Spolverini, 184. as forage, Le Doux, 115. Patchouli, Anon. 222, 223, 232 ; Soaker y 94; PascJiMs, 144; Pelletier-Sautelet, 146; Sawer^ 171. Pathology of trees, Lyon, 121. Patna Materia medica, Irvine, 100. opium. Anon. 224. Passiflora pedata (=Ranckappel), Sterheech, 187. Paucontee or Indian Gutta tree, Cleghorn, 38. Paulliniasorbilis, Archer, 8 ; Coolce, 40. Pavon's Cinchona barks in Brit- ish Museum, Soward, 96. Pe-la, wax from China, Anon. 224. Pease, Langethal, 111; Loele, 119. diseases of, Loehe, 119. Peganum Harmala, Landerer, 110. Pegu, forests of, Brandis, 25. Pekin, Chinese drugs at, Tatari- now, 190. Pekoe flower. Groves, 76. Pelargonium odoratissimum,-4wow. 224. Penang, agriculture of. Low, 120. Penghawar Djambi, Archer, 7 ; Hanhury, 80 ; Vinhe, 199. Penicellaria spicata as forage, Cappi, 33. Pennsylvania, saffron from, Seinitsh, 86. INDEX. 331 Pennsylvania, use of Holcusbicolor in, Barton, 12. Pennywort (wall), Anon. 223. Pepper, Jackson, 100. adulteration of. Anon. 226. and its adulterants, Bouchar- dat, 24; JEvans, 61. (black), Bhjth, 22. of Western Africa, Baniell, 47. — (Ethiopian), Baniell, 47. — imports of, into Britain, Anon. 226. — (Japanese), Sfenhouse, 187. — (Mellegetta), Hooker, 94. — (Monkey), Baniell, 47. (red), Hungarian, Brady, 25. Refer also to Kayser's Index, art. Pfeffer. Peppermint culture in France, Ro%e, 167. Pereiro bark, Sesse, 88. Perfume plants, their culture in South Australia, Anon. 238. Perfumery at Paris Exhibition of 1878, Anon. 237. Liatris used in. Miller, 132. Perfumes, Archer, 7 ; Rimmel, 160. from plants, Piesse, 150. Pernambuco, Luffa purgans from, Anon. 222. Peronospora viticola, Terracciano, 257. Persian berries, Grace- Calvert, 44. Persian opium. Anon. 231, 235 ; Ross, 165. in China, Anon. 238. Peru, Aristolochia fragrantissima in, Rui% Bope%, 168. balsam of, Attfield, 9 ; Bail- Ion, 9 ; Borat, 53 ; Sanhury, 81 ; Pereira, 147, 148. Black balsam of, Martins, 128. — Cinchona in, Anon. 227 ; Ruiz Lopez, 168. Peru, coca of, Uhanue, 195 ; Wed- dell, 206. cotton culture in. Spruce, 185. 146. 168. Lobelia used in, Penney, Monnina in, Ruiz Lopez, — travels for Cinchona into, Markham, 126. note on, Be Vrij, 50. Peruvian bark. See Cinchona. Peumus Boldus, Anon. 233. Pharbitis Nil seeds. Waring, 203. Pharmacal botany, Noehden, 140. use of saffron, Holmes, 93. Pharmaceutical desiderata, Han- hury Sf Oliver, 82 ; Herschel, 88; Hooker ^ Hanhury, 95. herbaria, Hanhury, 81. map, Ba/rher, 1 1 . produce at Exhibition of 1862, Anon. 226. at Philadelphia, Jack- son, 102. at Sydney Exhibition, 1870, Anon. 229. — results of Calcutta botanic gardens, Henderson, 86. use of botanic gardens. Anon. 231. PharmaceuticalJournal and Trans- actions, 217. Pharmaceutical Society, herbarium at. Anon. 231. lectures at its establishment, Semple, 176; Thomson, 192. Museum, American drugs in. Proctor, 154. Cinchona barks pre- sented to, Howard, 96. donations to, Bentley, 15. 156. specimens in, Redwood, Pharmacological inquiries, Ha7i- hury ^ Oliver, 82 ; Herschel, 88 ; Hooker 8^ Hanhury, 95. 332 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Pharmacological Institute at Yienna, Schroff, 256. Papers, Hanhury, 82. Pharmacology (Bristol), Stoddart, 188. Pharmacopoeia, Companion to. See Materia medica. Pharmacopoeias, local. aS^^ Materia medica. Pharmacy and systematic hotany, Bentley, 16; JEhermaier, 58. of the Bible, Slugg, 182. oils used in Chinese, Smith, 182. See also Materia medica. Philadelphia Exhibition, Brazilian forest produce at, Saldanka da Gama^ 70. Brazilian textile plants at, Saldanha da Gama, 170. fibres at, Grothe, 75 ; Moreira^ 135. Mexican produce at, Anon. 235. pharmaceutical pro- ducts at, Jackson, 102. Philippine Islands, remedies of, Santa Maria, 170. Phormium tenax. Anon. 229 ; Bennet, 50 ; Dichson,b\ ; Faujas- de- Saint-Fond, 62; Gihhs, 70; Sector, 85; Hutton, 99; Meyer, 131 ; Renouard, 158. paper from, Murray, 138. Phrynium Danielli, Bennett, 1 7 ; Baniell, 47. Phyllostachys, Jackson, 102. Physiology of trees, Lyon, 121. Physostigmavenenosum,j?ZSz;^r^r«(^, 189. Sabadilla, Frnst, 60. seeds, Tumbull, 195. Sabbatia Elliottii, Palmer, 143. Saccharum officio arum. See Sugar-cane. Sack-tree, Bahell, 46. Saerdeleshed, rape culture in, Iversen, 100, 252. Safflower, Grace- Cahert, 44. Saflron, Allen, 5 ; ChappelUer, 35. adulterated with crocus, Bentley, 16. African, Jackson, 101; Maisch, 123. culture, Rodiczky, 162. in Austria, Anon. 223. in France, Anon. 223, 232. 248. • in Kashmir, Bownes, in Pennsylvania, BCein- itsh,^ 86. in Pharmacopoeia, Holmes, 93. its origin, Chappellier, 35. various descriptions of, Chap- pellier, 35. Sagapenum, Hirsehsohn, 89, 90. Sago, Mayet, 130; Steck, 186. Sagus amicarum, Uanausek, 77. St. Domingo, produce of, Butrone de la Couture 57. 340 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. St. Helena, Cincliona culture in, Reade, 156. its end, Anon. 236. St. Ignatius's bean, Delile, 49. St. John's Bread, Redwood, 156. St. Petersburg Exhibition, fibres at, Grothe, 75. food products of, Murray, 138. Sainte-Lucie, bois de, Btw'hoz, 28. Salad herbs, Robinson, 162. Salep, Lander er, 110. Salop (Eoyal), Sanlury, 80. Salix, Scaling, 171. culture, Wade, 201. economic applications of, Vihorg, 198. Salix acutifolia, Seldring, 86. Sallow. See also Willow. Sallows, their culture, Wade, 201. Salo, olive culture at, Bianchedi, 120. Samadera bark, Coohe, 41. Samadera indica, De Vrij, 5 1 . San Eemo, olive culture at, Anon. 237. Sand-clover, JToem'g, 107. Sand dunes, their planting in Jutland, Vihorg, 198. wastes and pine plantations, Brown, 27. Sandarach (Gum), Morel, 135. Sandwich Islands, Ava roots from, Hamilton, 79. Sanguinaire, Jackson, 102. Sanguinaria canadensis. Anon. "I'lb-, Bentley, 16; GiU, 70. Sanseviera guineensis, Baniell, 46. Santa Fe, Cinchona from, Rui%, 167. Santa Maria (Herba), Rey, 159. Santa Martha, Cinchona bark from. Anon. 234. Sapan cane, Grace- Calvert, 44. Sapindus Saponaria, Samilton, 79. Saponaceous plants, Simmonds, 180. Sarawak, its produce, Low, 120. Sarcocolla, its origin. By mod, 58. Sardinia, plant diseases in, 219. trees and shrubs of, Mac- chiati, 121. Sardinian produce at Paris Exhi- bition of 1855, Anon. 224. Sarracenia purpurea, Bentley, 16 ; Morris, 136. Sarsaparilla, Batha, 1 3 ; Bentley, 15 ; Meyer, 131 ; Seemann, 176. See also Smilax. from Biazil, Richard, 160. from Bio Negro, Hancoch, 82. Sarthe, cider apples in, Carr6, 34. Sassari, serial published in, 219. Sassy bark. Proctor, 154. tree of Western Africa, Lindley, 117. Savanilla rhatany, Hanlury, 87. Savanna flower, its noxious pro- perties, Hamilton, 78. Savin, oil of. Morel, 135. Saxifrages, their utility, Garreau 8f Machelart, 68. Saxony, useful plants of, Soil 8^ Heynhold, 91 ; Rueckert, 167. Scammony, Evans, 61 ; Greenish^ 74 ; Hanhury, 80. Aleppo, Anon. 235. flowering of. Anon. 232. from Asia Minor, Boulier^ 24. from Turkey, Simmonds, 181. monograph oi,Marquart, 127. produced at Smyrna, MaltasSj 124. Scandinavia, noxious fungi of, Smitt, 183. trees of, Smidth, 182. Schleswig, forestry in, Kroghy 253. Schleswig-Holstein, forestry in, Burgsdorff, 244. forests of, Wagner, 201. rape seed culture in, Iverserij 100, 252. INDEX. 341 Science Papers, Hanlury, 82. Scinde, Ealsam trees from, Stocks, 188. its Materia medica, Anon. 224. Scotland, medicinal plants of, Craig, 44. vegetable products of, Law- son, 114. Scrophulariaceae, medicinal plants of, Jackson, 101. Sea-weed, Japanese isinglass, Sanhury, 80. uses of, Simmonds, 181. Sea- wrack, its uses, Renard, 157. Seal, Golden, Mpt, 61. Sections of woods, Noerdlinger, 140. Seed (black cummin), Simmonds, 180. (fennel flower), Simmonds, 181. (lupine) as forage, Sette- gast, 177. Seeds and products thence de- rived, Fierre, 150. of forest trees at Paris Exhibition, Fissot, 151. in drug parcels, Brownen, 28. Segrais. See Segrez. Segrez, arboretum at, LavalUe, 113. dendrology at, Verlot, 197. Seine-et-Marne, flax culture in, Pap illon-Bardin, 143. Semen Harmalae, FluecJciger, 65. Senega, adulteration of. Holmes, 92. Senegal, cultures at, Ferottet, 148. gum from Senegambia, Ferand, 62. and Bdellium from, Fluech'ger, 64. — Tallicoonah or Touloucouna Senna, adulterated with Argel leaves, Bentley, 15. adulteration of. Bell, 15. African, Anon. 225. botanical origin of, Bischoff, 21. East Indian, Bell, 15. Port-Eoyal, Anon. 227. spurious, FColmes, 92. wild, Martins, 128. Sequoia gigantea in California, Murray, 138. Seradella, Koenig, 107. Serronia Jaborandi, Anon. 234. Sesame, Riviere, 161. Sesamum oil, F[eu%e, 89. Sesamum orientale, oil from, Roth, 165. Seven-barks, Bentley, 16. Shaddock, Sterheeck, 187. Shantung produce, Anon. 235. Shea butter, Solmes, 92. Shrub Trefoil, Bentley, 16. Shrub (Toothache), Bentley, 16. Siam cardamoms, Anon. 225. gamboge, Christison, 37 ; Sanhury, 81. produce, Schomlurgk, 173. Siberian flax, Schreher, 173. Siberian melilot as forage, Gripouil- leau, 75 ; Buroselle, 57. Siberian rhubarb. Anon. 224 ; Fereira, 147. Sicily, agriculture in, Cleghorn, 38. Opuntia in, Biuso, 21. sumach culture in, In%enga, 100; McMurtrie, 123. tobacco in, Alfonso, 5. oil from, Clarke, 37. Senna, Batka, 13 ; Colladon^ 39 ; Lander er, 110. Sicopira, Feckolt, 145. Side-saddle flower, Bentley, 16. Sienna, poisonous and doubtful fungi of, Valenti Serini, 196. Sierra Leone, Frankincense tree of, Bennett, 17. Xundah oil from, Clarke, 37. Sikkim (British), Cinchona culti- vation in, Anderson, 6 ; King, 106. 342 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Silesia, fungi of, Mar quart, 126. poisonous, Schummel, 174. — its medicinal plants, Goep- pert, 72. its poisonous plants, Goep- pert, 72; Spieler, 184. sugar-beet in, Achard, 3. Silk (vegetable), Anon. 226. Silkweeds, various species of As- clepias, Greeyie, 73, 74. Silpbion of the ancients, Serine^, 88. Silpbium, Deniau, 50 ; Lescher, 116. of the ancients, Oersted, 142. Silphium cyrenaicum. Anon. 235 ; Serincq, 88. laciniatum. Anon. 237. Simaba Cedron, JffooTcer, 94 ; See- mann, 175. Simarubeae of India, Bennett, 17. Sinai, manna of, Bertlielot, 19. Singapore, destruction of Gutta Percha trees at. Anon. 225. nutmeg culture at, Seemann, 176. Siphonia, Spruce, 185. Siruba, or oil of laurel, Hancoch^ 82. Sium latifolium, Porter, 153. Slesvig, forestry in, Krogh, 253. rape culture in, Iversen, 1 00, 252. Smilax, Bentley, 15. Smilax, China, Meyer, 131. Smyrna, produce of, Scher%er, 171, 172. Scammony from, MaltasSy 124. Snuff. See Tobacco. Soap-bark, Bleehrode, 22. Soap berry, Hamilton, 79. Soaps, plants used in, Claussen, 38. vegetable, Bernardin, 19. Society of Arts, Journal of, 217. Soda-containing soils and their trees, Soman, 93. Soja hispida, Blashovics, 21 ; Haherlandt, 77 ; Loci, 254 ; Wein, 206. Solanaceae, in medicine, Pouchet, 154. uses of, Comendator y Tellez, 39. Solanum, Bunal, 56. Solanum tuberosum, its medicinal properties, Dyer, 57. Solidago odora, Jackson, 101. Somauli coast, Frankincense tree of, Kempthorne, 105. Sonsonate, Myrospermum of, Pereira, 148. Sophistication of Pareira root. Moss, 136. Sophistications (fraudulent), and means of detection, Accum, 3. Sophora japonica, Martius, 128. Sorghum as forage and sugar- plant, Garnerone, 68. Sorghum culture, Coolc, 246 ; Hedges, 86 ; Madinier Sf La- coste, 123; Olcott, 142; Sicard, 178. at Belvoir, Ingram, 100. in the United States, Anon. 238. sugar^ Le Luc, 115; Stewart, 187. Sorghum halepense as forage. Marc, 125. Sorgo. See Sorghum. Soudan, Guru-nut of, Baniell, 47. miraculous fruit of, Baniell, 47. yellow dye tree of, Baniell, 47. South American Colocynth, Anon. 222. South Australia, orchards of. Ward, 203. South-sea Islands, cloth tree of. INDEX. 343 Soy bean, BlasTcovics, 21 ; ISaher- landt, 77 ; Lock, 254 ; Wehif 206. Soya. See Soja. Spain, Barilla-yielding plants of, Lagasca, 109. catkin -bearing plants of, Laguna, 109. conifers of, Laguna, 109. cotton culture in, Rojas Cle- mente, 164. — forest flora of, Laguna, 109. — forestry in, Anon. 228. — fruit culture in, Hidalgo, 251. medicinal plants of, Heraud ^ Hidalgo, 87. — oak, pine, and ash in, Wid- drington, 209. — olive culture in, Sidalgo, 251. textile plants in, Carcenae, 33. Spanish America, culture of coffee, etc., in, Hossignon, 164. Spartium, uses of, Thiehaut-de- Berneaud, 191. Sphaeria, a Chinese remedy, Fe- reira, 147. Sphaeria Eobertsii, Pereira, 147. Spices, Hendess, 251 ; Loehe, 119 ; Baton, 144; Pomet, 153; Schenh, 256 ; SchwarzTcopf, 256 ; 8pon, 185; Vogl, 200. Spigelia Anthelmia, Bony an, 23. Spinach, Australian, Anon. 228. Spogel seeds, Coolce, 40. Spotted Cranesbill, Bentley, 16. Springs as affected by forests, Maistre, 124. Spruce (JS'orway), its resin, ^ajw- hury, 80. Spurious Cascarilla bark, Moll, 91 . senna. Holmes, 92. rhatany, Mettenheimer, 131. yellow bark, Martigny, 127. Star anise, ^yi?;w«!^, 248; Hoffmann, 90; Holmes, 93', Siehold, 178. Star anise, a poisonous, Husemann, 99. Starch, Mayet, 130; Bay en, 145; /S^ow, 185. from arrow root, Ryder, 168. from Canna (Tous-les-mois), Hamilton, 79. — from Horse-chestnut, l%e- i«^ryS^oriJ, 178 Sigmond, 179 ; /Sw«YA, 182 : /S/?ow, 185 ; Sylvestre-Bufour. 256; Watson, 204; Fi^;^w^r 202 ; ^ray, 213. INDEX. 347 Tea, adulteration of, Voffl, 200. analysis of, Wanhlyn, 203. culture in Assam, Baildon, 9 ; Masters, 129. in Anjou, Anon. 233. in Bengal, Lees, 115. in China, Ball, 1 1 ; For- tune, 66 ; Fries, 68. in India, Anon. 227, 228, 231; Burrell, 31; Fielder, 63; Lees, 115; Loarer, 118. in Japan, Bohertson, 161. in the United States, Anon. 226; Smith, 182. — from Brazil, Guillemin, 76. — (green), Anon. 235. history of its culture. Bitter^ 161, — imported into Britain, Anon. 226. — in hrick form, Anon. 228. — influence of, Behaij, 48. plant of Upper Assam, Griffith, 74; MacClelland, 122 ; Bohinson, 162. of Sylhet, Falconer, 62. — plantations in India. Befer also to Accounts and Papers, Indexes, art. East India. — substitutes for, Buc'ho%, 29, 30 ; Cohausen, 38 ; Loehner, 254. Befer also to Kayser's Index, art. SuEEAGAT, Thee. coffee leaf as, Stenhouse, 187. Yeronica as, Sattler, 170. tables, Butter, 168. trade of Europe, Wissett, 212. Befer also to Index of Abridgments of Patents, 87. Tea (African), JacTcson, 101. Tea (Algerian), Jachson, 102. Tea (Bourbon), Paschhis, 144. Tea (bush). Anon. 224. Tea (blue mountain), Jachson, 101. Tea (Cape), Greenish, 74. Tea, flower of. Groves, 76. Tea (Himalayan), Loarer, 118; Zoeller, 215. Tea (Japanese), Anon. 228. Tea (Orchid), Jackson, 100; Pasch- his, 144. Tea (Paraguayan), or Mate, MSnier, 131 ; Miers, 132; Bobbins, 161. Tea (plantain), Liotard, 254. Tea hair (an adulterant), Greenishf 74. Teak forests in Pegu, Brandis, 25. of Tenasserim, Falconer, 62. Technologist, the, 217. Technology educationally con- sidered, Weisner, 209. Tehuantepec, its productions, Chaloner ^ Fleming, 35. Tenasserim, gum kino of. Mason, 129. liquidamber tree of, Mason, 129. produce, Mason, 129. Tensile strength of woods, Fowhe, 67. Terebinthus, galls of, Guibourt, 76. Terms used in commerce, Faalhner, 249. Terra di Lavoro, its trees, Terrac- ciano, 191. Terra japonica. See Catechu. Teucrium, notes on, Maisch, 124. Textile nettles, Favier, 62. Textile plants, Anon. 232 ; Per- nardin, 19; Burger stein, 31 Ca%%uola, 34; Pennet, 50 Loebe, 119; Maly, 124; Masse 129; Mueller, 136; P/^i5j(, 152 Beissech, 157; Sherwood, 178 Siegfried, 179; /Sjt?ow, 185 >SM?afl?J, 189; Vetillart, 197 iS'i?^ «?«(? Fibres. of Algeria, «7w5, 104 of Australia (by F. von Mueller), Mclvor, 254. of Bohemia, Berchtold, 18. 348 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Textile plants of Brazil, Saldanha da Gama^ 170. of France, Sorn, 252. of Great Britain, Swaah^ 189. of India, Royle, 1 67 ; Sharp, 177; Strettell, 188; Watson, 204 ; Wiesner, 209. of Italy, Carcenac, 33 ; Caz- zuola, 34. of Portugal, Carcenac, 33. of Spain, Carcenac, 33. of West Indies, Sharp, 177. new, Dangers, 46. •tropical, >SA«tr^, 177; Sqm'er, 186 Thalictrum macrocarpum, Doas- sans, 53. Than-mo, a vermifuge. Anon. 227. Thapsia garganica, Blanchet, 21. Thibet Materia medica, Rehmann^ 157. Thistle-oil, Bonavia, 23. Timber, Bwpont ^ Bouquet de la Grye, 56 ; Sildt, 89 ; Mathieu, 129; Spon, 185. computation of quantities and valuation, Cotta, 42-43. from Dutch East Indies, Eeden, 59. — from India, Brandts, 26. — in France, Metz-NoUat, 131. — in Germany, Krehs, 108. — in Surinam, Spech Ohreen, 184. — of Tasmania, Hull, 98. — of Yictoria, Newlery, 139. oak, for the navy, Haering, 77. — plantations, Jaeger, 102. — tables, Weise, 207. — of the Colonies, Smmonds, 181. — from Colonies. Refer also to Accounts and Papers, Indexes, art. Colonies. Timber trees. Anon. 222 ; Zaslett, 112. at Friedrichshains, Jahn, 102. — for Yictorian culture, Muel- ler, 137. — hardy in I^orth Germany, Geijer, 70. in relation to Agriculture, Langethal, 111. — of Australia, Brown, 243. — of India, Balfour, 10. — of the United States, Canada, Nova Scotia, J//cAfl!W;r, 132. See also Forest trees. Timbo, Anon. 236. Tinctorial plants. See Dye stuffs. Tinospora cordifolia. Anon. 230. Tobacco, Allart, 5 ; Anon. 221, . 235; Babo,9', Becker, 24\; »?-' Buc'hoz, 28, 29 ; Cantoni, 33 ; Carver, 24ib ; Coin, 39 ; Beco- hert, 48 ; Bemoor, 49 ; Fairholt, 61 ; Fermond, 63 ; Fevre, 63 ; Flor, 249 ; Senriech, 87 ; Imlert- Courheyre, 99; Jennings, 103; Johnson, 252; Lattre, 112; Meisner, 130 ; Meller, 130 ; Neander, 139 ; Paulli, 145 ; Brescott, 154; Scheffmayer, 171; Steinmetz, 186; Stella, 187; Tatham, 190; Tiedemann, 193; Villeneuve, 199; Winther, 212; Zimmermann, 214. i?<9^r «?«o ^0 Kayser's Index, art. Tabak; Index of Abridgments of Patents, 42; «w^ Accounts and Papers, Indexes, art. Tobacco. as forage, Briosi, 26. as snuff, ^wow. 226; (7o- hausen, 38. as a poison, Lundahl, 121. bibliography of, Bragge, 25. botanical source of, Anon. 237. Cope's ToJaf^co PZa^w^, 217. culture in Australia, Schom- lurgh^ 173. INDEX. 349 Tobacco culture in Dordogne, Nouvel, 141. in Prance, Bee, 13 ; Demersay, 49; Truchet, 194. in Great Britain, Bro- digan, 27. in India, Watson, 204 West, 208. Comes. 40. in Italy, Anon. 238 ; 141. 49. • in N'orway, Normann^ ■ in Ohio, Or eight on, 44. in Paraguay, Demersay, in Provence, Raihaud- L'Ange, 155. in Sicily, Alfonso, 5. in Spanish America, Rossignon, 164. in Switzerland, Ande- regg, 6. in the United States, Anon. 257 ; Johnson, 252. — history of, Ant%, 7. — imported into Britain, Anon. 226. — (Lattakia), Dyer, 57. — of Congo, Anon. 223. use of, Calkins, 32; Sig- mond, 179. Tocuyo estate, report on, Seemann, 176. Tolu, Balsam of, Baillon, 13 ; Weir, 206. Tonga, Holmes, 93. Toot-poison of New Zealand, Lind- say, 117. Toothache shrub, Bentley, 16. Torreya calif ornica, Torrey, 193. Torsion in larch trunks, Fekete, 62. Touloucouna oil, Clarke, 37. Tous-les-mois starch, Hamilton, 79. Toxic plants. See Poisonous plants. Trade products, dictionary of, Simmonds, 180. Trade products of Tjeh,Aitehison, 5. Tragacanth, Guihourt, 76. (African), Flueckiger, 64. its adulteration, MaltasSj 124. its formation, Mohl, 133. Transfer of plants from one country to another. Masters, 129. Trapa, Cooke, 40. Tree (mammoth) of California, Anon. 225. planting in England, Ablett, 3. 131 in marsh lands, Metze, Trees at Barres-Yilmorin, Anon. 237. at Berlin, B.ayne, 85. English, AUett, 3. for resinous produce, Bou- quinat, 25. of Germany, Reitler ^ Ahel, 157; Rohr, 163. of India, Stewart ^ Brandis, 187. of Sardinia, Macchiati, 121. of Scandinavia, Smidth, 182. of Terra di Lavoro, Terrac- ciano, 191. — of the United States, Vasey, 196. on soda-containing soils, Soman, 93. their artificial fertilisation, Rochussen, 162. — their pathology and phy- siology, Lyon, 121. wonders of, Tayler, 190. Trefoil, shrub, Bentley, 16. Trianosperma ficifolia, Parodi, 144. Trier, hemp and flax culture in. Beck, 14. re-afforesting in, Roellelen, 163. Trieste trade in gum Arabic, Anon. 239. 350 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Trinidad, sugar grown at. Refer to Accounts and Papers, In- dexes, art. Stigae. Tropical agriculture, Journal of, 218. cultures, -Por^^r, 153; Qor- kom, 73, 250. fibres, Squier, 186. Truffles, Bonnet, 23 ; Condamy, 40. at Cannes, Anon. 228. their artificial culture. Anon. 228; Gorge-GrimUot,2bQ \ Le- heuf, 114; Planchon, 151; Re- gimleau, 157 ; Thiriat, 192 ; Valserres, 196. Tsiology, Smith, 182. Tuba roots. Anon. 230. Tubers as food in Queensland, Thozet, 192. Turkey, drug trade with, Anon. 233. otto of rose from Kisanlik in. Smith, 182. opium and scammony from, Simmonds, 181, Turkey com, Bentley, 1 6 ; Buc'hoZj 29 ; Duchesne, 55. Turkish otto of rose, Anon. 231. Turmeric, Anon. 230; Crace- Calvert, 44. African, Baniell, 47. commercial varieties of, Pereira, 147. Turnips used in dyeing, Anon. 227. Turnsole, Hanhury, 80. Turpentine, Anon. 239. common, Morel, 1 35. (Chian), Flueckiger, 65 ; Martindale, 127; Modlen, 133. from the Aleppo pine. Morel, 135. — oil of. Morel, 135. — (Strassburg), Morel, 135. (Venice), Morel, 135. Turpentines and resins of the Co- niferae. Morel, 135. Tuscan remedies, Groves, 75. Tuscany, chestnut culture in, Crosby, 247. Tuscarora rice, Muenter, 138. Tutu, a dye wood, Hughes, 98. Twin leaf, Bentley, 16. Tylophora asthmatica, Cooke, 40. Typha latifolia, Morren, 136. TJmbelliferae used medicinally, Beniau, 50. Umbilicus pendulinus. Anon. 223. Uucaria Gambir, Seemann, 176. Uncomoco, Martins, 128. Undeveloped resources of India, Buist, 30. United Kingdom. See Great Bri- tain and Ireland. United States of America, Cin- chona culture in, Adams, 241 ; Anon. 238. cotton culture (in Southern), Anon. ^15, 11^', Loring ^ Atkin- son, 120; Muller, 224; Wight, 209; Wray, 213. diTigs from. Anon. 234. economic plants of, Rothrock, 165. forest trees of, Browne, 28 ; Marshall, 127; Michaux, 132; Nuttall, 141 ; Porcher, 153 ; Vasey, 196. — applied to German forestry, Wangenheim, 202, 203. forestry in. Sough, 95 ; Koch, 107. — maple sugar of, Avequin, 9. — Materia medica of. Holmes, 91; Maisch, 123. medicinal plants of. Barton, 12 ; Bughes, 98 ; Jf«««cA, 123 ; Rafinesque- Schmaltz, 155. used by natives. Brown, 27; Palmer, 143; ^jJ^fJ^y, 186. — orange flowers and oranges from. Anon. 238. poisonous cryptogamic plants of, Porcher, 153. — poppy culture in, Anon. 228. INDEX. 351 United States of America, Sorglium culture in, Anon. 238. sumacli for, McMurtrie, 123. tea culture in, Anon. 226 ; Smith, 182. trade of, Martin, 127. tobacco in, -4wow. 257; Creigh- ton, 44. Unto-Mool, CooTce, 40. Upas as an arrow poison, Buc'hon, 29. Upas tieute, of Java, Delile, 49. Urari and synonyms, Moss, 136 ; SchomhurgTc, 173. Useful plants, notes on, Anon. 238 ; Dierhach, 51 ; Mangin, 125. See also Economic plants. of Prance, Reymond, 159. of Germany, Chamisso, 35. shown in map, Canstein, 33. their transportation, Masters, 129. Utility of marine algae, Saint- Yves, 170. Yalerian root adulterated with White Hellebore, Beniley, 17. Yaleriana officinalis, Tinihal-La- grave, 193. Yalerianaceae used medicinally, Dufresne, 55. Yaluation of forest produce, Cotta, 42, 43. Yandellia diffusa, Posada- Arando, 153. Yanilla, Anon. 233 ; Bernardin, 19; Belteil, 49; Jackson, 101. culture. Anon. 235 ; Bes- vaux, 50. dat, 24. in Bourbon, Bouchar- in India, Anon. 236; 0' Conor, 141. — in Padua botanic garden, Visiani, 199. in Reunion, Anon. 232 ; Yanilla culture in Spanish America, Rossignon, 164. its origin, Sawer, 171. Yanilla (wild). See Liatris. Yariable activity in leaves, Coohe, 41. Yarnish tree of Japan, Gomicourt^ 72; Geyler, 70. Yarnish trees (Eastern), Jackson, 100. Yegetable culture, Whitehead, 209. Yegetable fats. Chateau, 35 ; Vogl, 200. fibres, new method of dis- tinguishing, Wah, 202. grease. Chateau, 35. ivory, B[ooker, 94 ; Seemann, 175; Smith, 182. oils, Chateau, 35. poisons. )S^^« Poisonous plants. silk, Anon. 226. tallow of China, Anon. 224. wax from China, Wre, 196. from Japan, Anon. 229, 233; Robertson, 161. wool. Anon. 226. Yegetables, history of cultivated, Phillips, 149. in French Guiana, Sagot, 162. Yegetation and malaria, Gordon, 72. Yenezuela, ashycrown Cinchona in, Anon. 228. report on Tocuya estate in, Seemann, 176. useful plants of, Ernst, 248. Perrottet, 149. Yenezuelan contributions to the Yienna Exhibition, Ernst, 60. produce at Bremen Exhibi- tion, Ernst, 60. Yenice turpentine, Morel, 135. Yentimiglia, olive culture near, Winter, 211. Yeratrum, official species of, Mit- chell, 133. Yeratrum viride, Anon. 225. Yerbascum Thapsus, Anon. 229. 362 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Yerona, forestry in the province of, Pellegrini, 146. Ycronica, a substitute for tea, Sattler, 170. Vetches, Langethal, 111. Veterinary plants, Buchoz, 29, 30 ; Caztuola, 34 ; Dittweiler, 53 ; Duchesne, 55; Planh, 152; Ro- det, 162; Veith, 197. poisons, Linhe, 118. Viburnum, uses of, Maisch. 124. Victoria, its indigenous Materia medica, Anon. 234. produce of, at Sydney Ex- hibition of 1870, Anon. 229. textile plants for culture in (by P. von Mueller), Mclvor, 254. — timber of, Newlery, 139. — timber trees for culture in, Mueller, 137. Vienna, collection of woods at, Fuels, 68. forest congress at, Mathieu, 129. Cinchona barks at, Vogl, 200. Exhibition, Agriculture at, Lorenz, 120. fibres at, Grothe, 75. — Venezuela produce at, Ernst, 60. Pharmacological Institute at, Schroff, 256. Vinca, uses of the genus. Anon. 231. Vine. For its literature see Wine ; see also Preface, page vii. Violet, odour of, Bernardin, 19. Vitality of seeds, Brownen, 28. Viti. See Piji. Vontac, Pomme de, Delile, 49. Vosges sandstone, Abies pectinata on. Dressier, 54. "Wafer ash, Bentley, 16. "Wai-fa, Martius, 128. Wall Pennywort, Anon. 223. Wall-sheets of exotic economic plants, Zippel ^ Bollmann, 214. Walnut tree, Du Breuil, 54. Wanika arrow poison, Gerrard, 69. Water chestnuts, Cooke, 40. Wattles, Anon. 238. Wax, vegetable, Bpon, 185. from China, Anon. 224; Ure, 196. from Japan, Anon. 225, 229, 233; Meyer, 131; Robertson, 161. from Myrica, Simmonds, 180. Wax-tree of Carolina, JELamilton, 79. Waxes, vegetable, Loch, 254. Weaving, plants used for. See Textile plants. Weeds, Darlington, 247 ; Gourdon Sf Naudin, 73; Loele, 119. (forest), Willkomm, 210. of agriculture, Thaer, 191. of Germany, Beiche, 14 ; Dietrich, 52. Wellington Colonial Museum, Anon. 229. West Indies, Andropogon Schoe- nanthus in, Hamilton, 79. Canella bark from, Daniell, 47. — Cassia, species of, from, Hamilton, 78. — crotons from, Daniell, 47. — culture of sugar cane in, Anderson, 6. — cultures of, Riland, 160. economic plants of, Barham, 11. — fibrous plants of. Sharp, 177. — lemon - grass culture in, Hamilton, 79. Liberian coffee in, Morris, 136; Nicholls, 139. ; — mahogany of, Chaloner 8f Fleming, 35. medicinal plants of, Monar- des, 133; Simmonds, 180. INDEX. 353 "West Indies, opium from, Hamilton, 79. sugar culture in, Anon. 222 ; Leon, 253; Roughley, 165. West Indies (Danish), cotton cul- ture in, Rohr, 163. Whangee cane, Jachson, 102. Wheat as forage, Romano, 256. straw culture in Italy, Anon. 239. AVheats, Corenwinder, 41. White Dammar, Morel, 135. White Hellebore, an adulterant of Valerian, Bentlei/, 17. Wild Black Cherry, Bentley, 16. Wild Indigo, Bentleij, 16. Wild Rue seeds, Flueckiger, 65. Wild Yanilla. See Liatris. Willow culture, Coaz, 38 ; Fischer, 64; Krahe, 107; Noethliclis, 140; Renter, 159; Scaling, 171 ; Schuhe, 174. on sandy ground, ReUring, 86. Vilorg, 198. Willow hedges in Denmark, Dalgas, 46. Willows at Wobum Abbey, Forbes, 66. their culture at Bussieres, Breffaut, 26. their culture for basket-mak- ing, Breitenlohner, 26. Wine. Refer to Wagenmann's Bibliotheca oenologica. Zusam- menstellung der gesammten Weinliteratur des In- und Aus- landes. Heidelberg, 1875. 8°. Lorenz's Index, arts. Raisin and YiGN^E. Woad, Lasteyrie du Saillant, 112. Wobum Abbey, coniferous plants at, Forles, 66. grasses grown at, Sinclair, 181. willows at, Forles, 66. Wonders of trees, Tayler, 190. Wongshy, a yellow dye, Stein, 186. Wood, Dupont ^ Bouquet de la Grye, 56. as paper material, Jolivet, 253. culture of, Thomas, 192. exports from Austria, JECohen- hruck, 91. for fuel in France, Larzillikre, 253. its economic applications, 68 from conifers, Schroeder^ 173. Wood oil, Fluech'ger, 65 ; Guihourt, 76 ; Sanhury, 80. Wood tar, Morel, 135. Wood wool. Anon. 224. Woodland trees of England, Heath. 88. Woodlands, Cobbett, 38. See also Forests. Woods, Hildt, 89 ; Houttuyn, 96 ; TFalther, 202. at Vienna Museum, Fuchs, collection of, at Geneva, Gentile, 69. fancy, of India, Balfour, 10. — from the Indian Archipelago, Sturler, 189. history of, Burgsdorff, 31. See also Forestry. — most useful European, Burhart, 24i4i. — of Brazil, Saldanha da Gama^ 170. — of British Burmah, Anon. 226 ; Brandis, 26. — of Guiana, Specie Obreen, 184. — of Kew Caledonia, Seberty 256. — of IN'ew South Wales, Moore, 134. — of Rio de Janeiro, Saldanha da Gama, 170. — of the British Colonies, Sim- monds, 181. 23 354 VEGETABLE TECHNOLOGY. Woods of Yictoria, Newhery, 139. their properties, Noerdlinger^ 140. used in industry, sections of, Noerdlinger, 140. Refer also to Kayser's Index, art. Holz, and Lorenz's Index, art. Bois. "Woods, Forests, and Land Reve- nues. Refer to Accounts and Papers, Indexes, art. Woods, FOKESTS AND LaND REVENUES. Wool from wood, Anon. 224. Wool (vegetable), Anon. 226. Woorari poison, Redwood, 156. Wormseed, Flueckiger, 65. Wourali and synonyms. Moss, 136. poison, Redwood, 156. Wouraly, or Wourari and syno- nyms, Moss, 136. Wrightia antidysenterica. Ley, 248 ; Stenhouse, 187. tinctoria, Perrottet, 149. Wrightine, Saines, 77. Wuerttemburg, forestry in, Anon. 238. fungi of, Kerner, 105. Wurrus, a dye. Anon. 224 ; San- hury, 80. Xanthium spinosum. Anon. 236. Strumarium, Bancroft, 1 1 . Xanthorrhea gum, Simmonds, ISO. Xanthorrhea resins, Maisch, 254. Xanthorrhiza apiifolia, Bentley^ 15. Xanthoxylon fraxineum, Bentley, 16. piperitum, Stenhouse, 187. Yam, Va/vin, 197. Yallhoy, Ruiz Lopez, 168. Yellow-bark, spurious, Ma/rtigny, 127. Yellow dye tree of Soudan, Laniell, 47. Wongsby, Stein, 186. Yellow dyes, Grace- Calvert, 44. Yellow Poppy seed oil, Anon, 226. Yellow root, Bentley, 15. Yerba de Mate, Miers, 132. Yerba mansa, Lloyd, 118. Zanzibar, copal of, KirTc, 106. Zea Mays, Vivenza, 199. in China, Hance Sf Mayer 8 ^ 82. of Western Africa, Laniell, 46. Zebra wood, JacTcson, 101. Zingiberaceae used officially, Meyer, 131. Zingiberaceous plants possessing Manganese, FluecUger^ 65. 355 COERIGENDA. Pages 15 ^o 17, Bentley should follow Benoit. Fage 18, line 13, after Eavenna., insert Ravenna,. 19 ,, 4, for J. read R. J. 20 ,, 16, delete C. M. 60, last line but one, insert Car&,cas, 1874. 8°. 75, line 22, for Gross (G.) read Gross (Heinrich). Curcos read Curcas. Mainhot read Manihot. Krapf read Krapp. qulques read quelques. et sulla read e sulla. ScAMALTz read Schmaltz. 18 read 1879. "Wilkomm r^a^ "Willkomm. 170, lines 5 and 10, /or et read e. 172, ScHiNDLER should precede Schlagintweit. 174, line 17, for Standen read Stauden. 175, Schweitzer should precede Schweizer. 183, line 37, for Auguste read Augustin. 184 ,, 1, after (J. Leon) insert & Augustin Delondre. 185 ,, 14, for 1865 read 1685. 187 ,, 5 from bottom, for 18S0, read ISIS. 189 ,, 3, delete the period after et. 198 ,, 31, for Caledoine read Caledonie. 208 ,,21 „ Ruecksight read Ruecksicht. 208 ,, 36 „ Lund- r^a **. ■iSfcc^ '%!» <'H ^§<-r^ ^ c:^ <0m ^m fAC ><-^