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O ^iojiivjjo^ ^ 1 / o MATRIMONIAL V E R T U R E S, FROM AN ENAMOUR'D LADY, T O Lord G G-rm--ne. «¥<>, /^/5 L O N D O N: Printed for J. B E W, In Pater-Nofter-Row. MGGLXXVIII. Annex T O Lord G G-rm---e. -— 3=3Si^= TV/f UCH-lov'd G-rm— e, with kind attention view The virgin's weaknefs who now fighs for you t Ah, let thy D'Eon's firft-born fondnefs move. And Pity's felf importunate for love ! Long did this heart, relentlefs, fcorn to yield. Nor felt a wound except in honour's field ; Long too my fex and weaknefs both unknown, I blufh'd to tell, what now I burn to own. Ah, haplefsD'Eon! muft the flubborn heart That brav'd rude Mars, now (brink at Cupid's dart ? . B Yet [ 2 ] Yet thus the gods decree— and thou, G-rm— e. Art the dear author of my facred flame ! Could but our hands in wedlock's ties combine. Not Fancy's felf could paint a blifs like mine ! The happj- union Britain's ftate would feel, A glorious bulwark of the- public weal. Should in the field our talents once unite. Thou canft retreat, and I, G-rm— e, can fight : Alike in council would our powers be great. Thy daring rafhnefs now o'er turns the flate : There fhould my fex's tiipidnefs appear. And, ev'n G--m— e, fhould be furpafs'd in fear. Tho' now he braves the terrors of the war. And fpurns at danger— when the battle s far. In Stephen s chappel,. gallant, fierce and great. He looks intrepid on a legion's fate : Hears Mars's thunder, eyes the flying ball, And dares the rebel cannon— ••«/ Whitehall. His dauntlefs foul could deck the face with fmiles, Were Arnold's felf within— /-cC'i? thctifand miles j Nor [ 3 ] Nor in Fall-Mall could ought difturb his eafe, Tho' Hopkins cruize within the Britifhy^^j". Come then, my love ! my hero, come away ! In D'Eon's arms thy prowefs all difplay. In vain attended by a nation's hate, Difgrace and fcorn on all thy fleps await. In vain they doubt how moft thy country's curfe. Bad as a gen'ral, as a flatefman worfe. Yet D'Eon burns, and every pow'r will move. To roufe thy feelings, and awaken love. Should I again affume the manly form. Perchance dubiety of fex might warm : Or canll thou hear a woman's weaknefs fue. Who lofes all things if fhe lofes you ? Think too, dear fwain (and let the thought engage) How fuch a nuptial would delight the age : The rites perform'd by that wife dean, who made Party his god^ and his religion Trade ; B s ^ What «? [ 4 ] What glorious fcenes, what viGts would enfue. Vows how fincere, and compliments how true ! My glow i 'J g heart anticipates delight, To think what lordly verfe C-rl--le would write j Arm'd cap-a-pee in coat of tinfel'd mail, Kis Arab fkin fhould breathe the mufky gale : And ambidexter, fighing beauties feel. His head Itfelf lefs fatal than his heel.* Thrice happy youth ! a mad'ning crowd demands The foothing powers of thy Orphea?i hands : Go, and difplay thofe arts which fenfe denote, Chufe Putnam\ wig, and fafhion ylrnolds coat ; Repair the mifchiefs of the tardy H— e's, With tales of cocks and bulls, or famijlS d cows .'\ Next "Johnjoii s felf in lettcr'd pride, lliould bring The ftiffefl plume that grows in Hermes' wing : With fteriing fenfe, impalfd in buckram drefs, Liks the vaft farthingale of good queen Befs ; * Sec a debate in the Houfe concerning red-heeled flioe?. t The Duchcfs of Dcvenfliire's Cow, a poem. He I 5 ] He in tremendous founds can all excell, Whofe every page takes half a year to fpell ; Words that defy Gargantuas mouth to fpeak. The monflrous fpawn of Anglo-Celtic Greek. Then come your B-te's, M-rphys, and Shehbeares ; With the long tribe of penfion'd pamphleteers ; Thefe but petition Favour's golden ray. And as in duty bound fhall ever pray. To thefe who write, behold what trains fucceed. Gay, courtly trains, who neither wa-ite or read ; Firft of the rank by merit, as by place. Great N*** difplays his wife expreflive face ; Whofe mighty pains have found the art to fever Britannia's crown for ever and for ever: Thus the brave youth who Dians temple fir'd. By Heps all negative to fame afpir'd ;. Thus with each wreath atrocious deeds can give, In blood and rapine his renown fliall live» 4 Then 1 6 ] Then pious S-ndw-ch whofe unblufliing face, Dar'd boaft the honefl merits of his place ; With fervent prayer's our happinefs fiiould view. Prayers moil acceptable from being new ; Angels Avould \Aaft them with a wild amaze, And heav'n mufl liilcn when a S-ndw-ch prays. The mora! S**** who blafphemes his god, And deems wild I?:dia?is his avenging rod ; Who looks unmov'd on 7'omahawks and blood, Since Nature fent them for his mailer's good. Shall lofe awhile the image of Mac Ree,* In warmth of heart to my G-rm~ne and me. D-RT---TH deep vers'd in lav\^s of holy writ. For us, St. Peter and St. Paul fhall quit; Shall leave his pocket-bible on the flielf, . And trufl the ftock of canting to himfelf. M--CII, R-cHF-RD, D--NB— GH, and a thoufand more. Shall give us joy, who ne'er gave joy. before. L-tt--t-n's felf (hall praife, and 'tis no matter. Though half the world efleem his praife a fatire. Add * An Explanation of giving Sircuh f) Indlms. Vide Gen. Gates's Letter to Burgoyne. r 7 ] Add to thefe Scenes that Scotland^ felf fliall pour A little myriad from her barren fhore. O, wondrous nation, long in arms renown'd, Bleft fpot, with honour and with fcience crown'd ! Fruitful, in virtues, probity, and parts. The ciearefl heads, the warmefl, braveft hearts ; lis thine in truth, in learning to excel : To act, to know, do all but gover7i well. Forth from thy rocks proceeds tli' unpolifli'd hind, The fimplefl manners, with the ehaflefl mind j An heart humane, that beats at mis'ry's call. And gwmgpity gen'rous gives /6/j alL Pure in his morals, in his foul fincere, Lefs bright in talents than in judgment clear ; Yet good and juft, that nature's parent eyes, View him thus far with rapture an^^ ''u-prize. But, ah, fad balance ! Lo, with ^Atie he brings A mean idolatry for courts and kifn W On clannifh principles inur'd a f^ve. Forgets th' intrinfic w^orth that nature gave ; T * o [ 8 ] To Drummo7icVs care at firfl he comes confign'd, And fome clerk's place enjoys his foaring mind ; Tlien writes his friends, and cliarms each wondring ear. With fplendid tales of thirty pounds a year. Now uninforni'd he roams the town along, Fawning on each fmart 'prentice in the throng : And, ftriick with awe, un-bonnets in the ftreets, To every gay lac'd livery he meets ; Kneels to fup Sorters ^ though on Hackney- Coach, And proftrates at the trii7npet^r s approach. Grown more expert, at length, though fcarce more wife. Scarce lefs abfurd to reafon's candid eyes ; Through his whole life the fame achievements reign. Exchange their obje(5ls, but their views retain. At diflance now his Jordfhip's carriage charms, He fludies tjeraldf":, and knows the arms ; Then of each Fameely he learns the date ; And bred at Giajgow mottoes can tranflate : Vifits [ 9 ] Vifits the butler, but is fore afraid To rifk expence, and court my lady's maid. At length, attendance and obfequlous care. The wifti'd-for road to mightier fcenes prepare : His daily pains my Lord's remark engage. Who finds him toilful, vigilant, and fage ; Then once appointed, honours croud in faft, Agent, contradlor, member too at laft. Fixt in the houfe, flaunch firmnefs fills his feat, Nor (hifts, till minifters themfelves are beat : Then to the next of courfe his votes belong, And gain moft merit when mofl groflly vv^rong : Therefore by certain confequence they're beft. When R—hm--d, Ch-th-m, R-ck-ngh-m proteft. Now fhine the honours of the northern race, Haughty in office, fervlle in difgrace ; With flavlfh tenets, luft of power ally'd ; Mean avarice, and confequential pride. G Would [ '° ] Would ye, kind gods, a gen'rous bounty fend. Some unplac'd Scot, Oh, let me call my friend ! Give fuch the helm in every rival ftate, Whofe hoflile grandeur merits Gallia^ hate : But e'er Scotch councils fhould my country guide. Be Turkey, BarFryy or th' Infernah try'd. Mark hence, my love, what crouds to us would bend. Our greatnefs worfhip, and our fleps attend. Has this no weight ? Will not G-rm— ne agree, And feel thefe motives to enforce my plea ? If not, behold a weeping virgin fue, Trufcing the wonders female charms can do. And fuch is beauty's power o'er plaintive ftrains, Our bofoms realize what Hartley feigns. When Evelina mourns th' impending flroke,* What breaft but burns to fave the f acred oak P And when Andromache takes leave of joy, '\ Pit, Boxes, Gall'ries, all crufade to Troy, * In Caraftacus. t In the Diftreffed Mother. Canft [ " ] Canft thou, my love, be more unkind than they ? When D'Eon's tongue pours forth th' exprefllve lay ? How happy fhe, to view fuch dangers paft. If nat'rahz'd an Englifh wife at iaft ; Bleft clime ! now quitting freedom's idle dance, With wifer tenets near approaching France ; Where Bills of Right y and Charters near forgot, A regal rule forebodes a happier lot. Where Newton once pervaded light and fkies. And now philofophers hunt btitterjiies. Whofe very books to falhion wifely leaning. For flile and period barter ftrength and meaning ; Whofe bards as wifely make a juft pretence To ^Qx'iA found, negle(5ting vvi\gdiV fenfe. Thefe are thy honours ; that by modern fires. The feeble gleam of ancient worth expires. When ftranger firfl: I landed on thy coafl. And fought thofe names which once were Alhio?i\ boafl ; Virtue I found difTus'd o'er all the nation, Sublimely great in evry dedication. C 3 In [ ,2 ] In Chajlity how Britifh dames excel, Tenducci and "Jack CavendiJJj could tell. Ternp'rajice was indifpos'd from having eat Six pounds of venifon at a city treat. Immortal Honour, rich in brother's blood, Frefh from a duel, here tremendous flood ^ Jujlice lay flill, for yujiice never fees. Sight is fupplied by Feel'mg for the fees, Good-breedi?ig fcarce one knew, but all referr'd To Dr. y-hn--n to explain the word. Meek Charity fate weeping in the flocks. Only for having robb'd the alms-houfe box. Sple7tdour had quitted all his banners gay. For peaceful fcenes of butter-milk and whey ; His noble manfion fill'd fo wondrous fail. It left no room to hold himfelf at lail.* Ungen'rous Savilie too had jufl left town. And carried TVoi'th and Patriot Ardour down ; But yet I found, that Genius, refling there, Lodg'd in St. Georges fields, for wholefome air. There * This is thought to have happened m Porfman-Sguare ; for further particulars enquire •f Mcffrs. Chr-ftic and Anl-ll. [ -a ] There Liberality adorned the throne, Thy feats, great G*, proclaimed her all thhie own : Thy councils firm, and wife, and juft, have giv'n To v/eftern fhores the choiceft boon of heav'n ; The riji?2g Jlates with grateful rapture fee. They owe their darling liberty to thee ; Hence to thy name each glorious Pxan rings. The wifeft ftatefman, and the beji of kings. Conceive, G-rm--ne, the happy union ty'd. Thou ftill array'd in miniflerial pride ; Think then how bright would D'Eon's talents fhine. In rule defpotic, if ally'd with thine. Then more than H--- fhouldft thou delay the fight : Then fhould my pen B-rg--ne himfelf outwrite : Who darts terrific fyllables from far. The Crofjon-Hotkon-Ihologos of wari Gould one believe the mighty things he wrote. He'd force each rebel down his neighbour's throat ; Like [ >4 ] Like TVantleys dragon fwallow towns and houfes, Whilfl milder htdians only eat their fpoufes. Troth he has led (and may like Falftaff tell) His Ragamuffins where they're pepper'd well ; Yet Juflice owns thofe gallant troops demand The frelheft laurels from their country's hand : She mourns her fons who bravely met their fate. The end miftaken, though the means were great. Valour alone to virtuous man is giv'n. But vi6lory depends on right and heav'n. Then led by us, fhould Albion^ fons unite, Aweful in peace, and terrible in fight ; Then in Hyde Park great G* fhou'd take the field. Bid fquadrons charge, and flying link-boys yield ; And brave in perfon all the direful war. Secure of laurels gain'd without a fear. O wondrous valour without chance of fear ! Ev'n thou, Grm--ne, might'ft be a foldier here. Then too each year fhould gallant war-fhips ride, Their m-n-rch's playthings, once their country's pride ; Ships [ -S ] Ships all bedizen'd in Rag-Fair array, Should charm the S-v-r— n and delight Mifs R- ; Whilfl neighbouring ftiores, with peaceful cannon ring The rattles, not the reafons of a king.* Then on my lips all foft perfuafion hung. Sage truths fhould iffue from a woman's tongue : To N -th I might fuggeil— " Preferve your head, ** The laws of gravity preponderate lead ; '* It totters now, a people's wrath may rife, *' Dreadful, and quick as light'ning from the fkies," To S--dw—h cry, " Beware of peculation ; ** Icwer-Hill is dangerous when one robs a nation." To M— /— ^whifperfoft, *' My Lord, retire, *' Whilft courts attentive liften and admire ; ** Bear off th' applaufe, fc weh, fo juftly won, *' Nor truft the weaknefs of alettino; fun. *' Already thofe who mark'd its noon-tide ray, " Obferve meridian brilliancy decay ; * Ultima ratio regtim, was the infcription on the cannon of Lewis XIV, And [ ■« ] " And mournful own, the petulance of age, " Drives nervous fenfe and quicknefs from the flage. '^ Be timely wife, in parliament remain, *' Where thou haft nought to lofe and much to gain ; " A fate reverfe attends thy judgment-feat, ** There all thy fame, thy honours are complete : " Secure the m- reaths already paft their prime, " Nor truft thy laurels to deflru6live Time." O, come, G-r;;/---^, the future greatnefs fee. That beams from D'Eon, and irradiates thee ! Shall Chatham, flill my country's bane and hate. Be ftil'd the Saviour of the Britifh ftate ? Uncheck'd, muft fturdy Effingham ixn^diity The honeft didates of a foldier's heart ? O, could but England boaft her own Baflik I Should Richmond dare confult the public weal. And think with numbers to conteft the field ; Virtue his Gothic armour, truth his Ihield : And [ '7 ] Annexing merit not to founds, but things, Should he attack the facred power of kings ? And, but ally'd with reafon, fpite of odds. Defy all minifters, their demi-gods : Whilft they entrench'd in foft corruption's charms, ** Are confident againft a world in arms." Yet does he florm, and fume, and rage, and fwear. As if thefe days requir'd a patriot's care : Shall he dare this ? though doom'd to future fhame. With RuJfeFs, Sidney Sy Hampden s hated name !■ Patience aflift me ! if thy powers can reach From where B-rg--ne once gave his Indians flretch ; Elfe mournful reft by Saratoga's floods, Maid of the Oaks in trans-atlantic woods. Thy wifer line, O N***, to Fortune tends. And wealth from thee in fplendid ftreams defcends ; Her leffons teach which plan is truly right. To ferve for pay, or volunteer the fight. D Will I 'S ] Will my G-RM— NE not long to fee his wife Lead all the ton, and govern modifti life? With fame in arms that Orleans maid outvies. With critic fkill that M-nt-gue defies; Whofe true politenefs Sp-c-r fliould exceed,* Or rival B-mf-de in a courfer's breed : Of flallions judge from pedigree and keep. And boldly bid ten guineas for a leap. Not D-v-nfh-re herfelf like me fhould fway, The realms of tafte and fafhions of the day : Though every nodding plume appears to fpring From chofen fpot of Cupid\ painted wing, Whilft younger Loves in fmiling groups together. With joyous revels fport on every feather. Oh, be thou kind, and then the world fhall fee, Thefe more than equal'd, nay eclips'd by me. * This is fuppofed an Allufion to the humane Politenefs of an Advertifement concerning an Accident at Ranclagh, which trifling Attention gained Lady C* S* the Efteem of all who faw it. '^- Enough [ >9 ] Enough, G-rm— ne, too much has love betray 'd, The tender feelings of a doating maid \ My love, my hero, my delight, impart Which magic title moil can touch thy heart ! Full charg'd with glory, once by change of name. Thy modefl wifhes ftrove to flifle fame ; And, Oh, too happy now^, once more you view As cogent reafons to baptize anew. Yet whether Mincle?t's name delight thine ear. Or Saratogas mufl proclaim thee peer ; Britannia s faithful annals fhall retain The feats achiev'd by S-ckv-lle and G-rm--ne. View then thefe Tears juft llarting from my eyes, ,Midft burning blulhes that around them rife ; Like pearly-dew-drops on fome blooming thorn. Seen through the gauzey veil of April morn ; Ah, let thofe tears, thofe burning blufhes fpeak. Where language fails, and eloquence is weak ! I am no Amazon in hoftile arms. No Gallic foe portending war's alarms 5 But iinyii ■ I » [20 ] i^H But a fond maid, who wooes thee to her breaft, No field of danger, but a fcene of reft ; There no rude founds, no drum but love's fhall beat, 'Tis what G-rm— ne adores afafi retreat. FINIS. 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