p PS 66 2.3 UC-NRLF hi 1DM 31fl V\\B 1?:.. BERKE LEY LIBRARIES University of California Berkeley CENSORED By the Postmaster General Here is "A Good Soldier," by Jack London, which has aroused the militarists of this nation to the extent that Postmaster General Burleson has barred from the mails envelopes containing this article. The APPEAL TO REASON was threatened with a "fraud order" if it persisted in sending envelopes through the mails containing London's article. The Postmaster General did not even give the APPEAL a chance in the courts. He said: "Either stop circulating 'A Good Soldier' on envelopes or we will close up your doors by refusing to deliver a single piece of mail to you." So in "Free America" the APPEAL has been forced by a War Censor to take this means to circu- late Jack London's criticism of the soldier profession: * * * * A Good Soldier BY JACK LONDON Young man, the lowest aim in your life is to be a good soldier. The good soldier never tries to distinguish right from wrong. He never thinks; never reasons; he only obeys. If he is ordered to fire on his fellow citizens, on his friends, on his neighbors, on his relatives, he obeys without hesitation. If he is ordered to 16 fire down a crowded street when the poor are clanioring for bread, he obeys, and sees the gray hairs of age stained with red and the life-tide gushing from the breasts of women, feeling neither remorse nor sympathy. If he is ordered off as one of a firing squad to exe- cute a hero or benefactor, he fires without hesi- tation, though he knows the bullet will pierce the noblest heart that ever beat in human breast. A good soldier is a blind, heartless, soul- less, murderous machine. He is not a man. He is not even a brute, for brut.es only kill in self-defense. All that is human in him, all that is divine in him, all that constitutes the man, has been sworn away when he took the enlist- ment oath. His mind, conscience, aye, his very soul, are in the keeping of his officer. No man can fall lower than a soldier it is a depth beneath which we cannot go. [If you want to know more abo\it Socialism or how to join the Socialist party, write to the Appeal to Reason, Girard, Kan. Th Appeal to Reason is a weekly paper and costs 50 cents a year.] Hollinger Corp. pH8.5 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5