ENGINEERING LIBRARY NOTES RANKINE'S APPLIED MECHANICS. THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES GIFT OF U. of Calif. . Berkeley '7- XT, NOTES RANKINGS APPLIED MECHANICS. GEORGE I. ALDEN, B. S., PROFESSOR OF THEORETICAL, AND APPLIED MECHANICS IN THE WORCESTER FREE INSTITUTE, WORCESTER, MASS. Third Edition. HARTFORD, CONN.: PRESS OF THE CASE, LOCKWOOD & BRAINARD COMPANY. 1890. Copyright BY GEORGE I. ALDEN. 1877. TA 35" All* INTKODTJOTI The following pages are the -result of putting in permanent form some of the matter which it ha.s been found expedient or necessary to give by dictation to students in the Worcester Free Institute, who pursue for the first time, the study of Ran- kine's Applied Mechanics. The object in their publication is not to furnish a key, or provide a substitute for diligent study and careful thought on the part of the student, but rather to en- courage him by giving such suggestions, solutions, and refer- ences as experience has shown that the average student requires; thus economizing time in the preparation of the lesson, and also giving the instructor opportunity to devote the time spent in the class room to recitations, and to the application of the prin- ciples and formulae of the lesson, to practical problems. To what may be strictly called notes on the "Applied Me- chanics," I have added a brief explanation and illustration of the method of producing the reciprocal diagram of stresses, sub- stantially taken from " Economics of Construction," by R. E. Bow, C. E. Also a separate treatise on strength of beams, and an investigation of a particular problem relating to seven bar parallel motions, known as " Peaucillier's Parallel Motion." This work has been prepared from materials drawn from various sources, especially from notes given by Prof. Eustis, of The Lawrence Scientific School, to the class of '68. I have also received assistance from George H. White, B. S., a graduate of the Free Institute, and have inserted on several articles of the Applied Mechanics, notes which are entirely his own work. I have endeavored to make proper reference to works from which quotations or extracts have been taken. The blank pages at the end are intended to receive such sup- plementary notes as the instructor may find adapted to the needs and capacity of his class. GEORGE I. ALDEN. WOBCESTEE FREE INSTITUTE, Feb. 1st, 1877. NOTE. Some errors found in the earlier editions of "Rankine's Applied Mechanics " have been corrected in later editions, issued since these notes were prepared. References in the notes, to such errors, are allowed to remain for the benefit, of those who may have copies of Uie older editions of the "Applied Mei-hanics." 713771 INTEGKATIOK The following integrals are of frequent occurrence, and are here given for future reference : (A) / d x V 2 ** In the general formula for integrating by parts, / u d v = I v . d u, let u = V' 2 %\ and d x = d v ; then x dx d u = and x = v t/a* x' .-. J d x V* x- = x A/"' - x 2 + / - v = x V^ _|_ ^ + a? f * J J V a 2 -j- a; 2 /> (? x By integral B, we have a 2 / = a 2 log e (a + V a * + x 2 ) + C. ... fd x v-tf+i?= ^L v^ip^ + ^, i oge (x+ V (D) /* 2 d cc Va 2 x 2 In the formula / udv = uv / v du, let x dx Va' 2 = d v, and x = u : then v = - (a 2 x 2 ) and d u = d x - ( 2 - a: 2 )^ + 1 a; (a s - ^ 2 )^ INTEGRATION. x> d x Transposing the last term of the last member, we have - fx* d x V a * x 1 = (a 2 z 2 )^ 4- - fa 2 ?,J 3 3 l _u cos 2 sin 2 cos 2 d = / d = I- 4- C. t/ 2 24 ARTICLE 83.* In solving the following problems the student should always sketch a figure representing the surface or solid under consid- eration, and one of the elementary parts into which it is conceived to be divided, and determine the limits for the integral by an inspection of this figure. In double or triple integrations, we NOTE. The first three integrals are taken from TodhnnterV Integral Calculus. NOTE. Tl.c; abbreviation A. M. will be u^ed for Itaiikino's Applied ilechauics. * The reference in to Article S3 of tlm A^ied Mechanics. ARTICLE 83. must, in general, first integrate with respect to one of the vari- ables, between the proper, limits, and express the result in terms of the other variables. This may be continued until the complete integral is obtained. To illustrate this process take the general formulas for center of gravity of a solid, viz: I I I x dx'dy dz fff Jx < ly ft and similar values for ?/ and z fl . The following application of these formulas is found in Tod- hunter's Analytical Statics. Problem. Find the center of gravity of the eighth part of an ellipsoid cut off by the three principal planes. Let Fig. (1) represent the solid in question, the equation of the surface being 1- -y,- If we integrate first with respect to z, between the limits z, and zero, we include all the elements (dx dy dz) in the prism P Q. Next integrate with respect to y between the limits y, and zero. AVe thus include all the prisms in the slice between the planes ? L and mM. F ro m Equa- tion (1), 5 = C 0) / x 2 if 1 2 -~- ; from Equati ion of ellipse in the plane X Y, ARTICLE 83. / / ' / ' x dx dy dz I j x ax d'y z f f o J^" 1 y^ dx dy dz " y" y* 1 dx dy Zf c x dx dy 1/TT^IT' > A x , & dy o a 2 b* t/ o / o b /'a /#, / /*a / with each other. Then a differential area = p d . d p. Its distance from Y = p cos . Its moment about Y w p 2 d p . cos $ d 0. .-. in this case />B />+<*> I I p (( p tJ o ' 4> +* ^ = _2_ R /si ~ 3 " sin 0- sin (-0) (0) /"" xy dx PROBLEM VIIT. x = / y d cc /"" (y- 2 ic 2 )a rf a; t/ r cos i/ r cosB r r ydydx r J J rcosfl ___ _ t/ r r r dy dx / O*/ r cos 9 cos 6 2 PROBLEM XVI. Take moments about Y. The moment of the annular wedge is equal to the moment of the whole wedge, minus the moment of the interior wedge. (See Art. 76 A. M.) Compare with Problem 15. PROBLEMS XIX and XX. Conceive a plane passing through O X, (Fig. 39, A. M.) making a variable angle y with the plane X Y. Let p be a radius vector in this plane, making a variable angle with O X. Then pddp is an elementary area in the above described plane. When that plane revolves about O X, through the angle 10 ARTICLE 83. dy, this elementary area describes a volume which is measured by the area times the distance through which it moves. This distance is the arc of a circle whose radius is p sin 0, and angle dy, and = p sin . dp . p sin fydy. Its distance from the plane Y Z = p cos 0; Z being the third rectangular axis. / / / p d . d p . p sin cf> dy . p cos . w " (j) . d p . p sin d y . w j I I p* d p. sin $ cos d . d y j I I p 2 d p. sin $ d 0. d y Integrating between proper limits, this formula will give the value of x for these, and similar problems. ) r ~\ /J ) 2n- In problem XIX the limits are p 5- ; y y y XX pj/ 0|f; In problem XX, and in similar problems, / / I pd . d p . p sin (j)dy . p sin ^ cos y . w MO 7 ~7* 7 / / j p d (f> . d p . p sin

. d p . (See Note on Problem VII of Art. 83.) Its distance from ARTICLES 102-112. 13 Y = p cos 0. Its moment of inertia = p d ^ d p (p cos ) 2 gral E). ARTICLE 102. Equations 1 and 2 are given in venet's Trigonometry, page 163, formula 53, and page 162, formula 48. ARTICLE 105. PROBLEM II. According to the preceding notation, the form- ulae near the top of page 91 A. M. should be O D = p xx . area B C -f p yt . area C A -f p zx . area A B. OE=p ff . area B C -j- p . area OCA + p, v . area A B. O F = p xz . area B C + p yz . area C A -f p zz . area A B. ARTICLES 110 AND 111. The student should carefully study these articles, and mem- orize the theorems, in order to understand Art. 112. ARTICLE 112. Equation 1. From figure 54, A. M., we have R 2 = OM* + MR* -f 2 CTST. M^TTcos R M N Px + A 2 Px P? A 2 A = 2 + 2 cos 2 a; w = ^ (1 + cos 2 x n) + ^ (1 - cos 2 x n). A A A But cos 2 a; n = 2 cos 2 icw 1 = 1 2 sin 2 x n. A A .-. Pr = P? cos 2 x n 4- ^ y 2 sin 2 a; 4/J A A ) ' Pr = ' \ P* cos 2 x n + pf sin 2 x n [ = R. (1) Equation 2. From the triangle M R, we have sin N O R : sin R M : : M~R : O~R 14 ARTICLE 112. or sin N R : sin (180 2 x n) ; ; Px ~ Py : Pr A A p _ p .: sin N R = sin n r = sin 2 x n - or N R = n r = arc . sin (sin 2 x n Pl ~ Pv \ (2) Proof that the locus of the point K is an ellipse whose semi- axes are p x and p f . From the construction of figure 54, of the Applied Mechanics, it is readily seen that since OM = MQ = MP, the line PR = PM - MR = Pi+Pi-P^ = py . Also QR = QM + MR = p * + p * + ^^ = Px . A The angle OQM = 90 - xn, Therefore for the coordinates of the point R we have A A x QR cos xn =p x cos xn. A A y = PR sin xn = p y sin xn, Multiplying the first of these equations by p y , the second by p x ; squaring and adding we have Plx*+ P lf=plpl which is the equation of an ellipse with semiaxes p x and p v . ARTICLE 112. 15 Equations 3 and 4. p n = OM - MR cos (180 - 2 CT) = &LP+ P *~ P * cos 2 zn ^ (1 -f cos 2 on) + ^ (1 cos 2 xn) =p x cos 2 z + A p y sin 2 . j t = MR sin 2 o: = ^ ~ Py. 2 sin xn cos xn = (p x p y ) sin xn A cos xn. Comparison of figures 54 and 57, A. M. In figure 54 suppose a second plane making an angle -with the plane A B, to be drawn through 0. Let the same construction be made to represent the compo- nents of the principal stresses on this plane, as is made for AB. The distance set off on the normal to this supposed plane, must be equal to OM, and the line corresponding to M'R, must be equal to MR. There will also be a line corresponding to R. Now suppose this second system of lines to be revolved about 0, until the plane coincides with AB. The result will be ORMR'O of figure 57. By the construction of figure 57 it will be seen that MR = MR' and OM is the same for both systems of lines, hence the figure satisfies the condition of the problem-, viz : that OM =?^and MR = ^-L . 2 2 Equation 15. From the triangles OMR and OMR r figure 57. MR 2 = (JM 2 + jt; 2 2 ^OM cos nr. MR' 2 = OM 2 + p 1 ' 1 - 2 p' OM cos $/. .-. = p 2 p' 2 2. OM (p. cos nr p 1 cos rcV). X - X 2 ' OM == - (15) 2 (p. cos nr p' cos n V) 16 ARTICLE 112. Equations 16, are found by substituting t^LJLjOL for OM in the above values for MR, and MR'. /I/nations 17. For the first of these equations, draw a line from R perpendicular to ON (Fig. 57) and call its intersection with ON, A. Then cos 2 xn cos NMR = ^ . MR = ^L-Jjf . MR 2 MA = A OM = OR cos NOR OM = p cos nr J ~^'- A _ 2 p cos nr p x p y 2 A n A 2 . cos nr p p .: cos 2 aj - = * . P X ~Py A The value of cos 2 xr/ is found by drawing a perpendicular to ON, from R', and repeating the above process. Equation 27. From equation 25, p + p' = V/V^^ . (A) COS (ft Write equation 25 in the form A cos 2 (jo 2 -f- 2 _p_?/ -j- ;/ 2 ) = 4 7> ;/ cos 2 r, suotract 4 pp* cos 2 ^> from both members of the equation, and extract the square root. p p' = 2 V/' / V cos 2 wr cos 2 (B) Then . . __^_ COS (p From equations A and B, we find / A A |/ p p' ( cos nr -f- V( cos 2 r cos 2 A A , _ ' (cosnr v(cos 2 nr cos 2 cos A A / cos 7/r v(cos 2 nr cos 2 ^>) cos ? -j- V( cos 2 nr- cos 2 ARTICLE 124. 17 ARTICLE 124. Formula for the center of pressure of a fluid, upon a plane surface, In figure 62, let BF be the plane and suppose FO to be a line representing the continuation of this plane to O, the surface of the fluid. Let OB be the axis of x, and the axis of y at right angles to it. Let the angle that OB makes with the surface of the fluid be represented by Q. Let F be the origin of coordinates, and x be measured pos- itively downward. dxdy = differential portion of this plane. The pressure on a unit's surface of this plane is normal to the surface, and measured by p = w (x -|- OF) sin 0, in which w is the weight of a unit volume of the fluid. (See Art. 110, A. M.) Let OF = a. Then p = w (a -f x) sin Q. By formula 2 of Art. 89, A. M., />-fy /JFB / / w x (a -\- x) sin 6 . dxdy x = -/+? ' /*'" I I w (a -}- a:) sin Q dxdy /4y /FB _ y J o (ax + x>}dxdy ~ jZf" (a+ ^' (a + x) / y /FB / / dxdy (a + x) t/ -y t/ o e surfac uations /-FB / y (ax -(- a; 2 ) dx If the plane surface is symmetrical with respect to the axis x, the above equations become f" (B) If the plane extends to the surface of the fluid, a becomes zero, / x 2 ydx and the equations B reduce to x = - ^ , h being the depth of the plane surface. (C) 18 ARTICLES 124-159. PROBLEM 1. Find the position of the center of pressure on a rectangular plane surface whose depth is h, and breadth I, when its upper edge is parallel to the surface of the fluid, and at a distance a below it. From equation B we have * yA y (ax -}- x 2 )d x x = _ \ But y = - b y (a + x) d x 6 ah PROBLEM 2. Find the centers of pressure of the following surfaces, when their bases are in the surface of the fluid. (The depth of each surface = h.) Rectangle, triangle, and parabola. 214 Ans. x n = - h, - h, - h, respectively. o 2t i PROBLEM 3. The parabola with its vertex in the surface, and base parallel to it. Ans. X H = -^ h. PROBLEM 4. Find the center of pressure on a triangular sur- face whose depth is A, base parallel to the surface of the fluid, vertex upward and at a distance a below the surface of the fluid. 4 a It* 4- 3 /i 3 Ans. x u = -z T distance from vertex. 6 a h -}- 4 h 2 ARTICLE 159. w Equations 4. The load at 5, is resolved into two compo- nents, cos i, which is transmitted through 5 4 and produces a stress on all the pieces of the secondary truss 1534, and sin i, one-half of which is supposed to cause a pull on the piece 1 5, and one-half a thrust on the piece 5 3. Equations 4 are obtained by computing the stresses due to a * NOTE. It will be noticed that ar is measured downward from the top of the plane, and not from the surface of t/te fluid. Also that a is measured on the axis of x. ARTICLE 159. 19 w force cos i acting in the direction 54, and combining these w stresses with the component sin i above mentioned. Draw a line parallel to 54 and equal to cos i. From its extremities, draw lines parallel to 14 and 34, and from their intersection draw a line parallel to 13, to meet the first line, to which it is perpendicular. W W Then from this diagram R 4 , = R 41 = cos i, cosec i o o cotan i. R, 5 = cos i cotan i (from diagram) -\- - w sin i (see above) w /cos' 2 i -4- sin' 2 '\ w s - -I r- 1 -- - 1 cosec t. 8 \ sin i / 8 R 51 = cos i cotan i (from diagram) ^ w sin i (see above) w /I sin- i sin' 2 i\ w / 1 2 sin 2 i\ w IT V sin i / = : ~8~ V sml / = T (cosec i 2 sin i). The Method of Drawing Reciprocal Diagrams. Since the forces acting through any joint of a truss must be in equilibrium, these forces may be represented by a closed polygon whose sides are parallel to their directions. A complete diagram for a truss under a given load ought, therefore, to contain as many such polygons as there are joints in the structure. In most cases a variety of diagrams can be drawn, any one of which will correctly represent the stresses in a given truss. The one that fulfills most nearly the condition, that for each joint in the truss, there shall be in the diagram a closed polygon whose sides are parallel to the forces acting through that joint, and taken in the same order as those forces, has been called the reciprocal diagram. A method of notation given by R H. Bow, C. E , renders the construction of reciprocal diagrams very easy in most cases. This method consists in placing upon the figure of the truss, a letter in each of the angular spaces formed by the intersection of the forces at each joint (a single letter in an enclosed area answering for all the internal angles formed by its sides), and 20 RECIPROCAL DIAGRAMS. in the diagram the same letter at the junction of two lines rep- resenting concurring forces, that is found in the angle between those forces upon the figure of the truss. To illustrate the application of this notation, let us construct the diagram for the frame represented by Fig. 78 A. M., on the supposition that it is loaded with W uniformly distributed over 12 and 13. 1st. Distribute the load upon the joints, as directed in Art. 147 A. M., or for a uniformly distributed load by placing upon each joint half of the load between the adjacent joints. This distribution gives - W at the joints 4. 6. 1, 8 and 10, and W at the joints 2 and 3. 2d. Represent the directions of the external forces by lines, as in the accompanying Fig. 1. The forces are all given in direction, the internal forces or stresses be- ing represented in direction by the pieces of the frame. 3d. Letter the angular spaces formed by concurring forces. In Fig. 1, P occupies K the space between 3*5 a and the left hand sup- port, 3 5 and 5 7, 5 7 and 7 9, 7 9 and 9 2, and 9 2 and the right hand sup- port. K occupies the angular space at the left of the left hand support, between it and the load at 3. A occupies the angular space between 3 5 and 3 4, 3 4 and 4 5, and 4 5 and 5 3, and so on. 4th. Draw a line of loads (vertical in this case) representing the whole load W, and di- vide it into parts repre- senting the external forces acting at t h e Fig. 2. joints. Fig. 1. RECIPROCAL DIAGRAMS. 21 As the supporting forces here are vertical and equal, they will each be represented by half this line of loads (K P and L P, Fig. 2). 5th. Letter the line of loads to correspond with the lettering of the truss. In reading from K to , Fig. 1, we cross the line W representing the load at 3. Therefore K a on the line of "W W loads, must be For a similar reason a b = - -, and so on. Since the loads at 2 and 3 rest directly and vertically upon the supports of the truss (and the supporting forces are vertical), they produce no stress on the frame, and may be left out of account. Then a h upon the line of loads will represent the effective load, and a P and h P the supporting forces to sustain that load. The loads at 2 and 3, and the letters K and L could, therefore, be omitted in Figs. 1 and 2. 6th. Commence at some joint where all but two of the forces are known, draw the polygon of forces for that joint, and by proceeding from one joint to another complete the diagram. Commencing at the left hand joint of the truss Fig. 1, and "W leaving out the load as above directed, v/e have on the line 1 i of loads, Fig. 2, the distance a P, upon which to construct a tri- angle having its sides parallel to 3 4 and 3 5. Draw through , Fig. 2, a line parallel to 3 4, Fig. 1, and through P a line parallel to 3 5, and mark their intersection by the letter A. Then pass to the joint at 4, draw lines through A and b of Fig. 2, parallel to 4 5 and 4 G of Fig. 1, and mark their inter- section with B. Through B draw a line parallel to 5 G to meet a line through P, parallel to 5 7, and mark the intersection C. In a similar manner complete the diagram represented by Fig. 2. The advantage o^f this notation lies in the fact that, if the let- ters in the angular spaces about any joint are taken in order, and the same letters, taken in the same order, are found in the diagram, at the vertices of the polygon representing the forces at that joint, the diagram is correct. Thus in Fig. 1, for the joint 3, we have aAPa, and in Fig. 2, aAPa forms a closed polygon. Reading about joint 1 of the frame we have dDJ&cd, and t/DEeo 7 forms a polygon in the diagram. Failing Cases. Whenever we find on arriving at any joint, 22 RECIPROCAL DIAGRAMS. more than two unknown forces, this method apparently fails, since an indefinite number of polygons may then be drawn with corresponding parallel sides. A careful inspection of the truss, in connection with a sketch of the general outline of the diagram, will often reveal some condition fixing the relations of the lines in the diagram. This is the case in Fig. 77, A. M. Arriving at joint 5, we find the forces parallel to 5 4, 5 7, and 5 1 unknown ; but by sketching a diagram for this joint, we see that the lines representing the stresses on 4 7 and 1 7 must overlap or be portions of the same Fig. 3. Diagram of stresses for half the trass represented lij Fig. 77, A. M. Letter that figure in a manner illustrated by Fig. 1. line, in order to read correctly for the joints 4 and 7 ; and since 5 7 and 7 1 make equal angles with 1 3, the lines on the diagram representing their stresses must intersect midway between lines drawn through e and/, parallel to 1 3. Hence, as CD is the line to be drawn, we may draw the line from C, parallel to 5 4, to a point D, half way between the parallel lines above mentioned. There will be no difficulty with the remaining part of the problem. Or otherwise : Since the stresses on 5 7 and 5 6 are seen to be equal, and make equal angles with the rafter, we may draw an auxiliary line from B parallel to 5 4, till it meets a line through NOTE. For an extended discussion and application of these principles, the student is referred to " Economics of Construction,'' by II. II. I'.ow, C. E. ARTICLES 160-169. 23 e parallel to the rafter, which gives E. From E and C draw lines parallel to 5 7 and 5 4, which will intersect in D. It will be seen that, this makes ED = BC, or the stress upon 5 7 equal to the stress upon 5 6. PROBLEMS. Draw diagrams for figures 79 and 82, A. M. ARTICLE 160. EXAMPLE 1. The T 67 of the first, and T 45 of the last equations at the end of this example, should bo omitted. ARTICLE 167. The funicular polygon is defined in Article 152 instead of Article 150. ARTICLE 169. Equation 8. Combine the equation a^ -{- x. 2 =. a, with the equation obtained from the proportion y v : 7/ 2 ' * x\ ; x\. x 2 x 2 Equation 9. See equation 5 ; in = -L = ; xf = 4 my v 4yi 4y 2 2 __ ,2 x\ = 4 m y 2 .-. x* -f a:' = 4 m (y, + y t ), .: m = 4 (y, 4- y 2 ) The remaining part of the equation can be obtained by sub- stituting the values of x l and x. 2 in equation 8. = fds = C A/ d x* + d if = fdy dy> ' _ From the equation of the curve. ! = 4 m y; ~=- =A/^L dy x ' y ' .:*=f . y Then by Integral C, we have ^r lo Se = v/y v wi + y + m io ge ( vy + v in + y ) + c. When y = 0, s = 0. .-. =z ??i log e v/Hi -(- C or C m \og e Vm, ARTICLES 169-172. Vy (,n + y] -j- m (log, (^y + \/m + y ) log e log e ( V^ + A/^JJ^/) _ _*y _Jl _)_ 1 = m tan ' . sec i. See equation 6. .-. ,9 = m -< tan i . sec i . -j- log e (tan * -f- sec ') (m \^ -+- 1 1 .by the binomial formula, multiply by dy and integrate two terms of the series. ARTICLE 171. THE LAST OF EQUATIONS 1. Place the letter G at the intersec- tion of AB and EF prolonged. W Then DE = | EF = EG !L_Y since EF : EG \\ ef (since E G = | B C, for A E = \ A C). At the top of page 171. Place the letter A in its proper position in Fig. 86. y, is the projection of the line DE upon a line drawn perpendicular to AC. ARTICLE 172, Equation 11. In Fig. 87, A. M., draw lines through B and x perpendicular to the arrow line through P. It will be seen that t . cos i = - . cos / .-. i = arc . cos I cosy) \2 1 / ARTICLES 172-174. 25 Equation 12. Equation 16 of Art. 169, gives the length of a parabola, from its vertex to a point whose tangent makes the angle i with the axis of x, tangent at the vertex. Equation 1 2 gives the length of that portion of the curve included between two points where the inclinations are i and/. This equation is obtained directly from equation 16 Art. 169, by taking that in- tegral between the limits i and /. Equation 13. In equation 17, Art. 169, substitute x -f y sin / for x, and y cos/ for y. These values are obtained by an in- spection of Fig. 87, A. M. AETICLE 174. d 2 u u 2 du d 2 u ludu , /du?\ Equation (a). --- - = ; - = - or d I I v ' d x 2 a? dx 1 a 1 \dx 2 / du 2 u? a d u Let v u' 2 -)- a' c z -[- u then u 2 -f a 2 c = z 2 -f 2 z u -f- w 2 or a 2 c = z* + 2 z u. (A) Differentiate and divide by 2. 2 + u 0= z d z -\- z d u -\- u d z or w =: rt 2 z .-. (? x = a -- .-. x = a log e z ~h a 1&: c i- ^ n which a log e c t is the constant of integration. .. = log c Z + log, Cj = log e - c, c. From equation A above, we have u = 2 z j - - e e =Ae Be 2c, 2 Equation (c). From Equation 1 we have . = y. Hence, differentiate equation (fc), and divide by d x ; the result will be equation (c). 26 ARTICLE 175. Equation 6 is derived from (4), by multiplying by 2 e a , which, reduces it to the form AKTICLE 175. Equation 4. By squaring both members of equation 3, and solving with respect to X (cos a . cos a -{- cos 5 . cos /3) c/s p . di . cos 0. (5) In which cos . = the cosine of the angle between the direc- tion of the force p, and a tangent to the curve. For in general, cos = cos (a o) cos a cos a -j- sin a sin a = cos a cos a -f- cos ft . cos b. If the force p is normal to the curve, then = 90*, cos = 0, and T will be constant, since its differential is 0. In this case, equations 3 and 4 reduce to T . d = - p . ds . cos a ; T . d j = - p . ds . cos ft. Square and add the above equations. T ' ==PP- (6) In which p is the radius of curvature. (See Church's Cal- culus, Art. 102.) Equations 2. See Church's Calculus, Art. 106. ARTICLE 183. /, x 2 x 2 x d x = w - % /*! a . 2 yfl and the equation above 8 should be w I xdx = iv ' ARTICLE 185. The equation following 12. When i = 0, the fraction i cos . i sin i . ^ r-^-: - is indeterminate. Its value is found bv ARTICLES 187-197. 33 taking the third differential co-efficient of the numerator and denominator, and introducing the value i = 0. The result is - - Hence for i = 0, p y = w r im ~\ Equal ion 13 is found in a form more available for practical use, on page 423 of Rankine's Civil Engineering. Equal ion 16. The cos/ of this equation should be sin/. AETICLE 187. Equation 4. In Equation 2 we have H = max. value of P, . ; max. value of = T * Differentiating both numer- d x d x ator and denominator with respect to y to find the value of this d. P, dy vanishing fraction, we have H = - (when y 0). But (IP, 2^ Q . Hence, H = d- x (for y = 0). Equation 2. P sin = P ARTICLE 191. P ARTICLE 197. Equations 5 and 6. The last term of the denominator of the last fraction of each equation should be cos 2 0. Equation 9. In the equation cos 2 \L, = ^, P\ lh substitute the values of i>^ _/> and p. a from Equations 1, 7, and 8, cos 2 () 1 and reduce to the form cos 2 ^ = : sin (b 34 cos \/cos* AI COS 2 JTICLES But 197-199. cos 2 1 (1 _ cos 2 0\ = - sin sin sm -. sm sin sin $ / 4/1 ^ Vcos' 2 cos' 2 180 .-. ^/ is > 90. Therefore sin ' must be greater than 90, in sm order that Equation 9 may be true. The reference near the bottom of page 216, should be to Problem IV, c. ARTICLE 198. PROBLEM. Find the pressure against a vertical wall 12 feet high, sustaining a bank of earth which slopes backward from the top of the wall at an angle of 30, the angle of repose of the earth being 45, and its weight 100 Ibs. per cubic foot. Ans. 3600 / -\ = 1671 Ibs. nearly. (Length of wall = 1 foot.) ARTICLE 199. PROBLEM. A prismatic column of solid masonry 80 feet high, and weighing 120 pounds per cubic foot, is to be built upon a foundation of earth whose angle of repose is 30. What is the least depth below the surface of the ground at which the foundation course should rest, if the surface of the ground is horizontal, and the earth weighs 100 Ibs. per cubic foot ? Ans. ICf ft.- ARTICLES 199-215. 35 Equation 5. Draw a trapezoid whose base b is horizontal, and whose parallel sides are vertical and equal to p' and w x, respect- ively. The ordinates of this trapezoid will represent intensity of pressure at any point, and its area, the total pressure upon the surface. Divide the trapezoid into a triangle and a rectan- gle by a line through one extremity of the shorter vertical, par- allel to the base. The distance c b is obtained by equating the moment of the whole trapezoid about the center of b, to the sum of the moments of the above mentioned rectangle and tri- angle. The moment of the rectangle = .-. b . - ~ . b c 2 ' 6 c . , In this equation introduce the value of p' as given in Equation 2 of this article, and the resulting equation will be the last value of c given in Equation 5. ARTICLE 202. Equations 10 and 11. From what precedes these equations, it would seem that they should be obtained by substituting and for - in Equations 5 and 7 respectively. The following are the results obtained by such a substitution : ; r-r- w t (x z -\- h x) and w I (x 2 -4- h x}. '>/t?lll V ' ' oil V ' / ARTICLE 214. To obtain Equations 4 and 5 from Equations 1 and 2, divide the numerators and denominators of the second members of those equations by A/~X~, and then make x = infinity in the resulting equations. ARTICLE 215. Equation 7. Conceive of a circular chimney whose external and internal diameters are t and t 2 B respectively. The outer circumference is TT t, which, multiplied by b, and placed equal to the sectional area of the masonry, gives r lt = ^ - I (t - 2 B)' .-. 1 = B (l - 1) . 36 ARTICLES 217-260. ARTICLE 217. NOTE. The arm of the couple will "be easily obtained by draw- ing from D and F, Fig. 101, A. M., lines perpendicular to H P; from F a line parallel to H P, and a horizontal line through D. The first of these lines is - cos 6. The remaining term (y -}- !) t . sin (0 -f- i) is easily obtained. ARTICLE 225. " Find the center of gravity of the load between the joint of rupture C, and the crown A, and draw through that center of gravity a vertical line." See Fig. 107, A. M. "Then if it be possible, from one point in that vertical line, to draw a pair of lines, one parallel to a tangent to the soffit at the joint of rup- ture, and the other parallel to a tangent to the soffit 'at the crown, so that the former of these lines shall cut the joint of rupture, and the latter the keystone, in a pair of points which are both within the middle third of the arch ring, the stability of the arch will be secure ; and if the first point be the point of rupture, the second will be the center of resistance at the crown of the arch, and the crown of the true line of pressures." Rankine's Civil Engineering, page 442. Let the student make the above calculation and construction for an assumed circular arch. ARTICLE 234. Example 1. The value of P x is obtained by remembering that the thickness is small compared with the radius of curva- ture, and that the surface of a zone is equal to the circumference of a great circle, multiplied by the altitude of the zone. ARTICLE 235. Equation 5. This equation will be found in Chauvenet's Trigonometry, Formula 53, Page 163, and Equation 6 in Formula 355, Page 256. ARTICLE 249. See reference made in Article 263, to this Art. ARTICLE 260. After CD in equations 1, read a x. At the end of next to the last line on page 282, read, princiml elementary A-A/Y////.S. ARTICLE 271. 37 ARTICLE 271. Equation 1. See Art. 179, Theorem. ARTICLE 273. Equation 9. In Equation 6, let p = f, divide both numerator and denominator of the last value of p by r 2 , and solve the resul- T> ting equation with reference to -- Figure 119. The general equation of Hyperbolas of Higher Orders, is y m x n = a. x y = a is the equation of a hyperbola of the first order, referred to its asymptotes, x y 1 =. a is the equation of a hyperbola of the second order. .-. xy 2 a = z' y' 2 . (A) Take R as the axis of Y, and a vertical through 0, as the axis of X. Then we have x : x' ; ; y n : y 1 from equation (A) r-A:BB::R_:r- I a* A. M. : : o K* : o r f By comparing these proportions with equation A, we have rA X r 2 = EB X R 2 = a. (B) The area r ABE C* x dy = C* dy J r V f- * (-1\ ), By comparing equation C with the last equation in case 2, it will be seen that this area represents case 2, and that a = r A x r\ (E) From the proportion C A : D B ; ; q : q l , we have C A q l = D B ^ A, - (h,+l, 3 -) A 1 -(/^~7 <1 ) A 3 ' ' Jb ~ 2 2 2 A ' ( ' .Equation 2. _ A, (S, + *., + 2 /,.) + A. (*, + *,) ~~~~ , | 22 2 A, (/,, + ^ 2 + 2 7, s ) 4 A 3 (A 2 _A 2 (/, 2 -f /.,) - ~"~ The moment of inertia of the section, about its neutral axis will be -j -f A, X G~^ + A 2 X G, See the end of Art. 95, A. M. 40 ARTICLE 298. 12 ' 4A 2 L 4 2 A, A 2 A 3 (A, 4- A 2 4- 2 A 3 ) (A, 4- A 3 ) 4 A! A 3 2 (A x 4 A 3 ) 2 , 4 A 2 A : 2 (A, + A 2 4- 2 A 3 ) 2 4- 2 A l A, A,, (A, 4 A 2 4- 2 A 3 ) (A 2 4 A 3 ) 4 A 2 A" (A 2 4- A 3 ) 2 , 4 A 3 A 2 (A 2 4 A 3 ) 2 - 2 A, A 2 A 3 (A 2 4- A :! ) (A, -t- A 3 ) 4- A, A 2 (A, 4 A 3 ) 2 J. (D) But 2 A l A 2 A 3 (A x 4- A 2 4 2 A 3 ) (A, 4 A 3 ) = 2 A L A 2 A 3 (J tl 4- A :! ) J + 2 A, A 2 A 3 (A 2 T A :) ) (/*! + A,)- 2 A! A 2 A 3 (A x 4 A 2 4- 2 A 3 ) (A 2 4- A 3 ) 2 = 2 A, A 2 A 3 (A 2 -f A 3 ) 2 ' 4- 2 A, A 2 A 3 (A 2 4 /< 8 ) (Ai + A 3 ). .-. 2 A t A 2 A 3 [(A! 4- A 2 4 2 A 3 ) ((Aj 4- A 3 ) 4 (A 2 4 A 3 )) (A 2 4- A 3 ) = 2 A, A 2 A, [(X -f A,)' 4 (A : 4 A 3 ) (A 2 , A 3 ) 4- (A 2 + /,,)]. = A, A 2 A 3 [(A, 4 A 3 ) 2 4 2 (h, + A 3 ) (A, 4 A 3 ) 4- (A 2 + A,)'-'] 4- A t A 2 A 3 (A, 4- A 3 ) 2 4- A t A 2 A 3 (A 2 4 A 3 ) 2 = Aj A 2 A 3 (A! 4- 7i, -f 2 A 3 ) 2 4 A, A 2 A 3 (A x 4- A,) 2 ^ A 2 A 3 (A 2 4- /,). This reduces equation D to the form A 2 A t 2 4 A, A 2 A s ) 4- (h, 4 A 3 ) 2 (A : A/ 4- A 3 A/ 4- A, A 2 A,) 4 (A 2 4 /.,)' (A, A 3 2 4- A 3 A 2 2 4- A, A 2 A 3 )J. (E) A, A 2 2 4 A 2 A 2 4 A, A 2 A 3 = (A, 4- A 2 + A 3 ) A l A. 2 = A A, A r A, A, 4 4- A 3 A 2 4 A! A 2 A 3 = A A, A,. A 2 A 3 2 + A 3 A 2 2 + A, A 2 A 3 = A A 2 A & . These values reduce equation E to the form 4 A, A 3 (A t 4 A 3 ) 2 4- A 2 A 3 (A 2 4- A :i ) 2 ]. (2) Equation 3. See Art. 294, A. M. E<] nation 4. This equation can be obtained by considering A,, // and A 3 as being so small that they may be left out of consid- eration. We should then have A = A t 4- A 2 and A' = A 3 = A. These values in equations 1 and 2, give ARTICLE 300. A 1 // A 2 h' A' h l / Aj + A 2 A 2 + A l / %J = TV ~A~ [ = _L (A t A 2 (2 //)*) =- h ' ' Al 4l . 4 .A. A. Introduce these values in equation 3 /.//'. A, A. Then M = mWZ = AI = - ;/ A f -/. V A,. (4) ARTICLE 300. THE LAST OF EQUATIONS 2. To obtain the last value of --, multiply -T-T- by = , and divide by its equivalent d x. , IX. TVte r/e o/ ". By making the proper substitutions in Equation 5, we have n" c 2 = I" f - d x* = c C log e - - t/Ot/oC X l/o"c X Integrate by parts . / u d v = u v I v d u = the general formula. Let loff - = u and d x = d v. &fl c x Then c r\ c c / log. -- = c x log. -- J o " e c x ye c x cc a; = z. Then d x = c?z; se = c 2 r c x dx r d z (c z) I / s c log a 2 4- J o c _ x / o z ge(c-^)4-(c-^)[ o C C ^a; = = c -j x log c c a; log e (c x) + c log, (c z) - (c x) j- ^ 42 ARTICLES 307-312. = c I x log e c -f (c x) log e (c - x) - (c x) j- o =c 2 .. w" c 2 = e* or n" = 1. X. Value of n" c 2 - f f / = c f d x . J J V C 2 _ 3.4 .: / : : y : ye w j = y. This value introduced in the above integral gives, 2/0 which is the moment of bending stress at any section. A few values of I are given in a table at the end of Art. 95, A. M. From these values it will be seen that I = a b A 3 , in which a is a constant, depending upon the form of section. Also, that y = dxh, where d is a constant, depending upon the position of the neutral axis of the section. .-. - - = - =n f b 7t 2 , where n is a constant and = - T - y d h d ome (B). Hence the general formula for the moment of bending stress at any section is, STRENGTH OP BEAMS. TABLE ]. 49 VALUES OF Rectangle b h, including square, Hollow Rectangle, b h on outside, and b h on inside, Circle and Ellipse, , Hollow Ellipse, outside diameters b and h, in- side Z> y and hj, 32 tl - V Hollow Circle, diameters h and h , - 1 - 32 For other forms of cross-section, calculate n from the formula 1 SECTION 2. Transverse Strength of Beams of Uniform Section. Calculations upon the transverse strength of beams are based upon the principle of equality of moments. The maximum moment of the external forces must be equated to the moment of bending stress at the cross-section of the beam. Thus M orWJ ) ( fl Mo. of external forces j ^ ~~^~ n J h I /Q\ Mo. of internal stress PROBLEM I. To find the safe load for a given beam. The modulus of rupture of ash being 12,000 pounds per square inch, find the safe load that may be uniformly distrib- be M = R (c x) w (c x) ( c ~~ x \ = 50 STRENGTH OF BEAMS. uted over a rectangular ash beam whose cross-section b x h is 3" x 12", and length I = 20/?., when supported at both ends. As the modulus of rupture is usually given in pounds per square inch (see Table IV in the appendix of A. M.), the cross- section and length of the beam should have their dimensions expressed in inches. Solution I 20 x 12 = 240" The whole load, ~W = wl = 2wc = 20 x 12 X * = 24Gr il 3 ). The value of I which makes Mo a maximum is found to be, T The corresponding value of h is, 7i D DEFLKXION OF BEAMS. SECTION 3. Equation of the Elastic Curve for Beams. \ Resume the equation M = Let s equal 2/0 the stress on a fiber at a unit's distance from the neutral axis. Then s : / ; ; !:,.=. Let X be the elongation of a fiber at a unit's distance from the neutral axis. Then d X will be the elongation of a fiber whose original length was d x. 3-(Hs- To find the point of contra-flexure, make -^ = 0, in equation 4, and we have = it + 1 4- i/I*iJ PAv : + w /> \2WT 2 V 12" W - " * = distance from end. 7. Find the value of R: the point of Max. deflection (a^); the Max. bending moment; and the point of inflection for a beam fixed at L, supported at R, and loaded uniformly. * R = f w Z = | W, x t = .58 I (nearly.^ from L, Max. moment W /, Point of inflection at \ 1 from L. 8. Find the point of contra-flexure, and values of R, y v and M,,, for a beam loaded at the center with P, fixed at L, and sup- ported at R. 56 DEFLEXION OF BEAMS. First consider that part of the curve included between the right hand support and the center. E E I y = (2 c x) 3 -f C a; -f D ....... (3). When a; = 2 c, y = .-. D = _ 2 C c. V B I y = -f- (2 c - ), C (2 c -^ ...... (4). Now consider that part of the beam included between the center and the left hand support, EI When a/ = 0, -^~ == .-. F = 2 R c 2 --- = -^- (4 R P) (4E P) ......................... (6.) ^') s -^ ( ')+ Y (411 - P) j (P 8 R.) ... E Iy> = -?- (2 c-*') 3 _ I- (o_,') 3 + (P-8R) rf y rf y' When x = x' = c y = y' and j = -^ . c^ a; (/a Under these conditions, we have from 2 and 6 DEFLEXION OF BEAMS. 57 .-. C = (4 R P), and equation 4 becomes E I y M |.. (2 _*)_ -^(4R-P)(2 C _*).. (8). We also obtain from the above condition and 7 and 8, (P - 8 R) ; = (4 R - P) -f - (P 8 R) = 24 R 6 P _|_ P - 8 R .-. R = j| P .............................. (9). To find the point of maximum deflection, substitute the values of R and C in equation 2, and we have The maximum deflection is where * = 0, hence to find 5 c 2 the point, we have = ^ ( 2 c x )' 2 + -- .-. 5 (2 c - a;) 4 = 4 c 2 (2 c - x) = 2 c jA x = 2 c 2 c 4/ _ = >|- /I i/ 1 r= distance from fixed 5 \ 5 / end. The amornt of maximum deflection will be found by sub- stituting this value of a; in equation 8, which gives ?/, - 1 - i/i ))) iL 1 i/ 96 ^125 32 K 5 7 E I l. -n PJL ;ij 967 E I li/rpjl. 48 r 5 El 58 DEFLEXION OF BEAMS. Substitute the value of R in equation 5. Then B I ~^ 2 = A p ( 2 c _ x '} - P (c - x') (11). f/2 y' To find the point of contra-flexure, make -r-jjjj = Then P (2 c - a/) - P (c - x') = a/ = -- - c = Z = point of contra-flexure. To find M from equation 1 1 we have M = T ^ (10 c - 5 aS \ 16c + 16.^) = ^ (11 of - 6 c) Making x' = 0, we have 9. Find the same quantities for a beam fixed at one end, sup- ported at the other, and loaded uniformly, and at the center with P. 10. Given a beam supported at the ends and center, with a fixed load over its entire length, and an additional load over one span, to find R, and the point of contra-flexure. Let w be the intensity of the fixed load, and w { that of the additional load. The tendency of this load is to curve the opposite end of the beam upwards, so that instead of requiring a support it would have to be fastened down at that end. Let the left hand span be thus loaded, then R will act down- ward. Since the fixed load is distributed symmetrically with reference to the center, in calculating for R, it may be considered as all supported at the center. Taking the origin of coordinates at L, and the coordinates of the left hand x t and ?/,, and those of the right hand span, x and y, we have the following: For the latter DEFLEXION OF BEAMS. For the former -r d- it , w x~ d x 2 These equations contain six constants, A, B, C, D, R, and L. The six equations required for their determination, may be found from the following conditions: When x = - , y=0. When x=l, y f 0. _ 2 _ u 2 I d y d y / = X/= 2' Tx~~d^\ d*y d* y/ Forming the equations and eliminating we have R = 16 24 ' BP T 7 jw.l\ 7 5 =: : JU =: - y-72 . To determine the point of contra-flexure, put ^^==0, remem- bering that M must include the fixed load. x = --- ^ = distance from left end. 60 BENDING MOMENT AND DEFLEXION. TABLE 2. BEAMS OF UNIFORM SECTION. YALTES OF M n = mWl. Vi 1. j Loaded at the center with W. 1 Supported at the ends. 2. j Loaded uniformly with w. ( Supported at the ends. 3. j Loaded at free end with W. ( Fixed at one end, free at other. 4. j Loaded uniformly with w. \ Fixed as in 3. 5. ( Loaded with w, and at the ) extreme end with P. ( Fixed as in 3. (w l=W). 6. j Loaded at center with W. ( Fixed at the ends. 7. j Loaded uniformly with w. \ Fixed at the ends. 8. ( Loaded uniformly with w, and -< at the center with P. ( Fixed at the ends. 9. ( Loaded uniformly with 10, j Fixed at one end and sup- ( ported at the other. 10. Fixed as in 9, loaded at cen- ter with W. >.w, I W P ; 5 W I 3 384 E I Wl 1 W P 1 . 1 W P 2 8 E I' 2 (^+H l wi 1 W P 8 192 E I 1.WI 12 1 W / 3 384' IT' (3P-|_2W\ (2P+W,) P 384 E I' 24 / ! w? 2.08 W P 8 384 E I nearly. 3 i J/TW P 16 48^ 5 EI NOTE. To calculate the transverse strength of beams, use Ihc fornuil:). m\\ I - /*/*-. Take the value of in\\l from table 2 and the value of /< from pu^e 49. FORMULA FOR DESIGNING BEAMS. 61 The preceding table gives the values of Max. bending moment, and Max. deflection for the most common and important cases of loading and supporting. In the column headed j\i y = m W /, the co-efficients of W I which are the values of m for the different cases, are so arranged as to be seen at a glance and readily taken W I 3 out for use. Also the co-efficients of in the column headed W Z ! y 1 are the values of ~k in the formula y : = k. , or co-efficients Jii 1 of Max. deflection. (Cases 5 and 8 are not included in the above remarks relating to the co-efficients). SECTION 4. Equation for designing a learn whose deflection shall not exceed a given amount. In the preceding problems we have seen that the value of y, k W P may be expressed by the equation y\ (1). -CJ 1 (2). From formula 6 in section 2, we have M or m W I = - mWly . . J_ . Substitute this value for I in equation (1). kWPf_kfl 2 ' In beams symmetrical with respect to the neutral axis of the 2k f P section, y = h; hence (3) becomes y l = x -4- X -=- m xu n A 2k f I or 7=m x .Tf x T (a) In applying this formula, A; and m are to be taken from table (2), or calculated as heretofore explained. E and f are found in the Appendix to the Applied Mechanics, tables 1 and 4 re- spectively ; but the value of / there given, being the ultimate strength of the materials, it must be divided by a proper factor of yifi'tij before being introduced into the formula. G2 li^AIuri <_>;' UMKOiiil STUENGTH. is the ratio of the length of the "beam to the greatest deflexion allowable for the particular case in question, and is assumed from experience or from the necessary limitations of the problem. PROBLEM. Find the dimensions of the rectangular cross-section of a wrought iron beam 20 feet long, which shall deflect but of its length, for a working load of 225 Ibs. per lineal foot. 5 See Table 2, I \ See Table 1, o ) B _ 27000000. Working strength of wrought iron, / = 9000. ' i = 3565! ? = 12 X 20 = 240"; W = 4500 Ibs; 1 = 1000. From formula G, we have 5 h __ 2 jfe / I < "384" T ~ "^T ' B ' ' ~~T~ * 3000 50 720 From formula 6, section 2, we have m ~W I = nfbh* m Wl I X 45 X 24 81 : - := - ~ = _ x 9000 X SECTION 5. Seams of uniform strength. CASE 1. Any beam of uniform strength, and uniform depth, not fixed at both ends. From the equation of the elastic curve, formula E, section 3. we have BEAMS OF UNIFORM STRENGTH. M = *.-. E d x> d x* ' I M = or -:- = from formula 6, section 2. 2/0 2/o Since the depth is constant, y is constant .-. equation (I) becomes cPy M / E -~- = -y- = ^ = a constant (2). a x- L y j -,, f = -^ x + G. Take the origin so that when x = 0, ^ ^ 0, (generally at the center or end of beam) then C = 2 _i_ D. When x = 0, y = .-. D = 0. .-. E y = -~ x 2 ; y is a maximum when x =. c w V ?/ yo .-. y. = ^= = maximum deflection, c = ? or - I ac- 2-^2/o 2 cording to the method of supporting. E I In section 3, we had the radius of curvature = p = rj As E is a constant, and is constant as above shown for this case, then p is constant, or the curve is the arc of a circle. CASE 2. Beam of uniform strength, uniform breadth, built in at one end. free at the other, and loaded uniformly. fP U f As before, we have E T-T- = ~ d x* 2/o Let y z = maximum half depth of beam, and li z its depth, Then M = - nfb h\ (c v #y & ~~7 : ax- # V_ . Vl_ _!_ J_ / *' \ xf A* y * y " y z V c x / 64 BEAMS OF UNIFORM STRENGTH. E --- = ^ , log e (c x) -f- C When x = -~- .-. C = -^ - log e c .-. E y = - / log e ( Jdx. Integrate by parts. fc( / c \ r x dx E v = 1 & 1( >g e I I / ~ ?/ z ( \c x / t/ c x Make c x = z and integrate. When x = 0, y = .-. F = ( - c log e c + c) (c - x) - c log e c + = -4~ ( lo &< c X ( x ~ c ) + loge ( c - x ) X (c a:) + x j- y is a maximum when x = <= ,, = _/^ = _/|_ CASE 3. A beam of uniform strength, uniform breadth, built in at one end, and loaded at the other. 2/1 == TEl/T CASE 4. A beam of uniform strength and breadth, loaded at the middle and supported at the ends. y *2 "' ~ 3 E y, CASE 5. A beam of uniform strength and breadth, loaded uniformly, and supported at the ends. E~7/ NOTE. In case 5 integrate the expression sin~ dx by making ein~ - = z,or ^ -- sin z, and it becomes cz coszdz. Integrate by parts and substitute the value of z. BEAMS OF UNIFORM STKENGTH. 65 CASE 6. A beam of uniform strength, depth, and load, fixed at its ends. For the plan and elevation of such a beam, see Figs. 144 and 143 of A. M. Contra-flcxure. As the beam is of uniform strength and depth, the radius of curvature will everywhere be the same. (See Case 1.) And as it is fixed at C and A, the point of contra-flexure must be, half way between A and C. (Fig. 143 A. M.) ,CB = = . ' (1.) Maximum deflection. It is obvious that the portion BAB is in the condition of a uniformly loaded beam, supported at its ends, whose length is c L Hence, as the beam is of uniform strength and depth, its deflection will be found by Case 1. /(I)' /V f I* y,' = ------- = -- = -^-= = vertical distance between 2^y 8E.y 32Ei/ A and B. By the geometry of the figure, it will be seen that the verti- tical distance between C and A, is twice that between A and B. '"' y/ = ~ ' Moment of flexure at A. Since the portion B A B is similar to a uniformly loaded beam supported at the ends, the supporting forces are , and the mo- ment anywhere between B and B is M = I --- x \ -- (I-*)' The moment at A is given by making x = 0, vc 1 _ We W I 66 BEAMS OF UNIFORM STRENGTH. Moment at C. From B to C the beam is in the condition of one fixed at one end, loaded at the other with --, and uniformly with w. Hence the greatest moment of flexure is at C, where M C = I ~r - 1 c , / "' ^ \ e _ 3 ?/; c 2 _ 3 W c _ 3 W / 2 "'" \ 2 7 4 ~ ~~8" ~T6~~ : : ~32~" Comparison of widths at A and C. From equations 3 and 4, we see that the moment at C, is three times its value A. Hence, as the depth is constant, the breadth at the end must theoretically be three times the center breadth. See theoretical plan of the beam, fig. 144 A. M. Moment of flexure anywhere. For the general expression for the moment of flexure, we have where p is the moment required to hold the ends horizontal; 3 AV c 3 W I hence it is equal to the moment at U = - = -- 16 32 see equation 4. .-. M, = w c(c x) -- (c xf - 16 W / /< ., V 3 W I ss Ti\"*).r = the general equation of the moment of flexure for any point in the beam. ARTICLE 365. Equation 1. The following method of deducing the formula for the centrifugal force of a unit of mass leads to Equation 1, and is a good exercise for the student in the application of some fundamental principles of dynamics : Let R the resultant accelerating force acting on a unit of mass. Let the path of this particle be referred to three rec- tangular axes X, Y, and Z. Then since the force is measured by the product of mass and acceleration, and the mass = 1, we have 7 - = component of R along X, -y-f- = component of R along Y,

, .which, placed equal to the approximate value of L from Equation (3 A), Article 482, gives 2 c -j- 2 TT r fl = 2 c which is also Equation (2) of this article. The manner of using this equation for designing a pair of stepped cones in which two opposite pulleys are of equal radii is explained in the A. M. If it is required to complete a pair of cones when the radii of a pair of opposite pulleys are given, the value of r Q may first be found by substituting the given values for r t and r 2 , in equa- tion (2). Then replacing r Q by this value, the radius of one of the re- quired pulleys may be assumed and the radius of its opposite pulley calculated by solving the resulting quadratic equation. PROBLEM. In a pair of stepped cones let the radii of the end pulleys opposite each other be r, = 24", r., = 6", and let the distance of their centers be c. = 48" required the radii of the AKTICLES 488-191. 71 adjacent pair of pulleys on the stepped cones. From (2) we have 2r = (r 1 +r 2 )+ (/ ' 1 ~ '^ = 30 -f- ^ l j\ a ,, fr = 3 } nearly) 32.15 nearly. 7T C Let r, and r. 2 now represent respectively the radii of the greater and smaller of the pulleys to be next calculated. We may now fix the value of r, and calculate r.,. It will how- ever generally be easier to find r. t by trial than to solve the quadratic equation. Let r, be fixed at 20", and for the first trial let us suppose r, to be equal to 11.8". Then i\ -j- r a = 31.8, i\ r, = 8.2", and we have from the formula 31.8 = 32.15 - L-L-Ll 31.7 nearly. Again let r 2 = 11.6" for a second trial, then 31.6 =32.15 .468 = 31.68. Thus we see that the true value of r, lies be- tween 11.6" and 11.8"; r., = 11.7" very nearly satisfies the equation. ARTICLE 488. In Fig. 218 let C 2 T, = r, T, T, = /, the angle T, C 2 T, = , and the angle T 2 T l C 2 = /3. Then C 2 A = (/ cos a -f I cos /3) tan (3. Placing the above value of C,, A in equation (2), and elimina- ting p by means of the equation, I Gin /> = r sin a , we have r t ^ cos a ?- 2 sin <| ^ -|- 1 j> from which the velocity of j/l-fsin*a I * the piston of an engine may be calculated for any given crank angle; for by knowing the number of revolutions, the value of r 2 is easily found. ARTICLE 491. Equations (2) and (1). Let the axis C 2 be perpendicular to the plane of the paper and let the plane of the axes of the shafts be vertical. The projection on the paper, of the path of F 2 will be the circle F, F 2 B D, and the projection of the path of F l will be the ellipse F, H B E of the accompanying figure. Suppose F 2 to move to the position F/, Fj will in the same time move to F/. The angle F 2 O F./ is 2 . The angle F T F/ which is also equal to fa, is the projection of the angle de- scribed by F t in the plane of its path. The true magnitude of this angle is F, A, (found by revolving the plane of the ellipse in which the angle lies, about F } B until the ellipse coin- cides with the circle, when F, will fall at A in the vertical line M A.) The angle P., A is fa. (See the A. M.) Then M cot 0, = M A. O M tan 2 = M F/. tan 2 M F/ O H .-. = = = cos i or tan 0, tan 0., = cos i. cot fa MA F, Differentiating this equation we have d fa tan 0. 2 cos 2 fa tan fa (I -f- tan' 2 0,) d fa tan fa cos' 2 fa tan fa (1 -(- tan' 2 2 ) cot ^( 1+ c^-07) tan COt 0j tan 2 = - tan 0., -(- cot 2 cos i cot 0i tan 2 4- cot 2 Eliminate fa by Equation (1), tan + a, tan 2 0, -f- cos 2 i "When F, is in the plane of the axes fa = 0, tan fa = and ^1 _ _ which is the first of Equations (1) A. M. In a simi- ARTICLE 507. 73 lar manner by eliminating p,, the second of Equations (1) may be obtained. When = p-r = 1 or the ! tan' 2 (f> l -{- cos- i shafts have equal angular velocities, we find tan' 2 ^ = cos i; 3 ^' The values of z and y are taken from the following equations, j a 2 z 2 4- c 2 x 2 = a 2 c 2 \ * if -I- J* x 1 = a 2 V ' ARTICLES 579-590. 79 4 w TT a b c (b* -f- c 2 ) 15 Let the student perform the same problem by integrating the following formula according to the directions in Note on Art. 83, assigning the proper limits. I = 10 * dx dy dz (y 2 + z 2 ). Theorem. The actual energy of a body revolving about a fixed axis is found by multiplying its moment of inertia by the square of its angular velocity and dividing the product by twice the force of gravity. Let p = the radius of gyration of the body, a its angular ve- locity, and W its weight. If the mass of the body were con- centrated at the center of gyration, (that is, at a distance p from the axis of rotation) its velocity would be a p. Its actual energy "W" r 2 r/ 2 would be J| a' P 2 = --- . W p = _ I. If the axis of rotation traverses the center of gravity of the body and is a " line of symmetry of the figure of the body," the values of I and p may be taken from the columns headed I and p in the table of Art. 578 A. M. (See Art. 589 A. M.) ARTICLE 579. V -4- c 2 W -f- c Read instead of - under example. 6 6 ARTICLE 590. Equation 5. From equation ('!) of Art. 585, we haves 2 = -- From equation (6) of Art. 588 we have cos = - = - = . * VF+K" _ 2 (I 2 + K 2 ) ~T- "P Or 1 = (P -f K 2 ) .-. -1 P + K 2 = 11 cos- -f I 2 cos 2 /3 + II cos 2 y. Equation (2) NOTE. The moment of inertia as here used is defined in Arts. 571, 572, and 573, A. M. 80 ARTICLES 606-648. But I = I, cos 2 a + I 2 cos 2 /3 + I 3 cos 2 r . (Eq. (3), Art. 585) ,;. IL^_- +k^+lL?r = u ^ + n cos* ,3 + is COS 2 y. cos 2 y = 0. ARTICLE 606. First Equation. The moment of the deviating couple in terms of E is M = 2 E tan a. The value of the constant E is the sum of its components with reference to the axes C G and C E. and these components are - - - cos 2 a and -r - cos 2 9 \ 9 (180 - (90 - )) = - ^-S sin 2 .-. M == (I, - I 2 ) w COS a sin a = a 2 (p* p 2 2 ) cos a sin a . ARTICLE 638. Formulae for computing the discharge and diameter of pipes, are given in Article 450 of Rankine's Civil Engineering. ARTICLE 648. Equations (1), (2), and (3). These equations may be obtained as follows : The velocity of the jet before it meets the surface is v. When the surface has changed its direction through an angle /3, the component of its velocity in the original direction of the jet is v cos /3. The change of velocity is, therefore, v v cos ft = v (1 cos /3). Hence, the change of momentum p Q which measures the force in this direction, is F, = i 9 (1 cos /3). The change of velocity in a direction perpendicu lar the original direction of the jet is v sin j3 .. F y = sin /3. The resultant F = v F x 2 -j- F/ =