i -v> v sy /^ /\ V A TREATISE ON THE CARNATION, AND OTHER FLOWERS. A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON THE CULTURE OF THE CARNATION, PINK, AURICULA, POLYANTHUS, RANUNCULUS, TULIP, HYACINTH, ROSE, AND OTHER FLOWERS: DISSERTATION ON SOILS AND MANURES, AND CATALOGUES OF THE MOST ESTEEMED VARIETIES OF EACH FLOWER. BY THOMAS HOGG, FLORIST, PADDINGTON GREEN, MIDDLESEX. The Flower Garden is an endless Source of Pleasure. ' Si quid novisti rectius i^n,, Candidas imperti, si non, bis atere inecam.' (Coition. WITH COLOURED ILLUSTRATIONS. LONDON : WHITTAKER & CO., AVE-MARIA-LANE. 1839. LONDON: Printed by WILLIAM CLOWES, Stamford Street. Dedication to the First Edition. TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE DOWAGER LADY DE CLIFFORD. MAY IT PLEASE YOUR LADYSHIP, It is with no small degree of satisfaction that I here record your Ladyship's permission to introduce this small and humble work to public notice, under the sanc- tion of your Ladyship's distinguished name ; believe me, I am duly sensible of the honour conferred, as well as of the powerful recommendation which it thereby receives. Your Ladyship's name, I may fairly say, is in a man- ner identified with the science of botany itself; for you have been its liberal and munificent patroness for years, and have long pursued it, as a study at once innocent, 248127 VI DEDICATION. rational, and amusing, with unwearied ardour and suc- cess. The various productions of Nature which you have collected from all parts and all climates of the world, some requiring the fostering warmth of the stove, others the more temperate atmosphere of the green-house, to say nothing of those that adorn the open garden, each distinguished for some striking and peculiar property, either of elegant and stately growth, curious and remark- able foliage, or beautiful and odoriferous blossom, whether tree, shrub, or herb, bespeak alike your Lady- ship's refined taste and judicious selection. I am, With sentiments of profound respect, Your Ladyship's most obliged, And most grateful servant, THOMAS HOGG. Paddington Green. PRE FACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. THE liberal encouragement which the former Edition of this little Work has met with from the admirers of the Flower-garden in general, as well as from the skilful and experienced Florist, has enabled the Au- thor to put forth a Second Edition, in which he has made very considerable additions, and introduced a variety of new matter connected with the subject, being the result of two years' additional experience and information. He has added, under their re- spective heads, full, yet concise and amended, cata- logues of each Flower treated of. Those of the Rose, of the Hyacinth, of Geraniums, of Herba- ceous Plants, of annual Flowers, are new, and he hopes will prove acceptable ; all which he has en- deavoured to compress into as small a compass as possible, having inserted only what appeared both essential and needful. Five new Plates have been, added, to illustrate the properties of a good flower; Vlll PREFACE. the expense of which, and the superior manner in which this Edition has been got up, will, he hopes, justify the additional charge put upon the book. He cannot let pass this opportunity of returning his most grateful thanks to those Ladies and Gentle- men, who have not only recommended and patro- nized his small Treatise, but who have still more essentially served him by the purchase of his flowers; his Collection of which, he begs to assure them, as long as his health or circumstances will admit, will always be found to be choice, curious, and extensive, and the charge also will be as moderate as that of any other Florist. Paddington. NOTE BY THE PUBLISHERS. THE Publishers of this Edition of Hogg's Treatise on Flowers, which has so closely followed the pre- ceding, beg leave to state that all the additions, cor- rections, and improvements made by the Author himself in the last, are carefully retained in this ; so that they now present it to the Public as complete in every respect, and worthy of the very liberal patronage it has already received. Ave-Maria Lane, Aug. 1832. a 5 INTRODUCTION. As the hand of an all-beneficent Creator has been graciously pleased to strew and de- corate the earth with flowers, to gratify the sight by their beauty, and to refresh the sense of smelling by their fragrance, as we proceed from stage to stage along the rugged road of life ; and as nothing which he has formed for the benefit of man was ever designed by him to perish or exist in vain, it is our duty to receive these pleasing productions of his, among others, with all thankfulness, and to render them subservient to the purposes of health, pleasure, and amusement ; for such no doubt he first bestowed them. In fact, the cultivation of flowers has in all parts, as well Xll INTRODUCTION. as in all ages of the world, engaged more or less the care and attention of a great part of mankind; for the same Being that created them, created in man also a wish and an inclination to cultivate and take charge of them. To spend too much of our time upon them may be justly deemed folly; yet not to notice them at all shows a corrupted taste, and a total want of grateful sensibility. While they contribute to charm the eye by their gay external appearance, they furnish at the same time, to the intelligent mind of man, matter for study and reflection. The opera- tions of nature in the vegetable world are most wonderful, both in the production and preservation of her numerous progeny, whe- ther we contemplate their endless diversity, their curious construction, their varied fo- liage, their beautiful blossoms, their fra- grance, their different stages of existence, and INTRODUCTION. X11I terms of duration, perennial, biennial, annual. These, and a hundred other remarkable pro- tf perties, cannot fail to engage our study and excite our curiosity : whether we direct our attention to the humble Lily of the Valley, or to the more magnificent blossom of the Magnolia, still we find something to admire, something to astonish and delight us. 1 Go mark the workings of the power That shuts within the seed the future Flower ; Bids these iu elegance of form excel, In colour these, and those delight the smell ; Sends Nature forth, the daughter of the skies, To dwell on earth, and charm all human eyes.' CoVvTER. To take a view for a moment of the larger productions of nature and though the fre- quency of beholding those objects, however wonderful, never fails to lessen the interest which we should otherwise feel, if the sight of them were not so familiar yet who can XIV INTRODUCTION. pass by the stately Elm, the towering Beech, the lofty Fir, or the sturdy outstretched branches of the majestic Oak, without having his astonishment and admiration excited ? But how would that wonder and astonish- ment increase, if he had an opportunity of beholding the immense Cedars growing on their native mountains of Libanus, the stu- pendous Icaria on the sides and summits of the Andes, and the stately Palms of India, to say nothing of the Norwegian Pines, or the lofty Poplars that grow along the banks of the Po in Lombardy ! To enter upon the description here, or to enumerate the various uses and properties of those gigantic productions of Nature, those prodigies of vegetable life, which constitute the pride and ornament of the forest, would carry me too far from my subject ; I will therefore proceed to take a cursory view of INTRODUCTION. XV the less noble and majestic, but more beauti- ful and attractive inhabitants of the Flower Garden- enter but which, the restless and turbulent passions which disturb and agitate the breasts of men, amidst the busy and active pursuits of life, subside into a calm, and give place to the milder and softer emotions of the soul : everything here is calculated to inspire serenity and delight ; Nature here offers an inexhaustible fund of amusement, not con- fining it to one single day, or week, or month, but to almost every day, week, and month in the year, still increasing, varying, and mul- tiplying her productions beyond all power of thought. But here Art, the handmaid of Nature, must be called in to her assistance ; and care, and skill, and study are required to preserve, cultivate, and display those gifts to advantage, without which they are liable to perish, and XVI INTRODUCTION. without which half their beauty and excel- lence are lost or unseen. To the man of leisure and retirement, horticulture is a pursuit at once rational and atnusing ; it unites the ' utile dulci, ' and gives health and recreation alike to the body and the mind; the spade, the hoe, and the rake, even in the hands of a gentleman, degrade not, when used for such beneficial ends. To the invalid and valetudinarian, as well as to the sufferer from mental distress and agony, it presents a solace and a balm that at times seem to abate pain, and give to distress the languid smile of pleasure. Females, both young and old, derive the highest gratification from the flower-garden in particular ; and the more refined the taste, the more exquisite the gratification. The vernal sun, in the morn- ings of April and May, emits rays which INTRODUCTION. XVll" kindle pleasure in the breast of the youthful maiden, who rises early, perambulates the garden, and feasts the eye and sense upon the varied beauty and refreshing fragrance of flowers, so enchantingly displayed in the gay parterre of art and nature. This early exer- cise paints the rose of health upon her cheek, and the innocency of the recreation imparts the odour and the purity of the lily to her mind : this is a pleasure unknown to those who live in crowded cities, and listless lie in bed till noon. ' Sweet is the breath of Morn, her rising sweet, With charm of earliest birds ; pleasant the Sun, When first on this delightful land he spreads His orient beams, on herb, tree, fruit, and flower, Glitt'ring with dew.' MILTON. The garden is likewise the private sanctuary of the pious man's devotions, and the scene of his meditations : the flower is to him at once a text and a sermon, which in the morn- XV111 INTRODUCTION. ing may be considered the emblem of youth and beauty, and at night either the drooping picture of decline, or the withered, lifeless victim of dissolution. The poet and the painter are both indebted to the flower-gar- den. What simple, yet what elegant and striking metaphors, similes, and apostrophes, has not the poet drawn from the Rose, the Tulip, and the Lily ! From these, too, the painter first learns his expression of nature, and studies the art of colouring, with which he afterwards gives seeming life and anima- tion to the more sublime subjects of his pencil. ' I have neither the Scholar's melancholy, which is emulation; nor the Musician's, which is fantastical; nor the Courtier's, which is proud ; nor the Soldier's, which is ambition ; nor the Lawyer's, which is politic ; nor the Lady's, which is nice ; nor the Lover's, which is all these.' SHAKSPEARE. It is true that the fancies and tastes of men are various and singular. Natural history, in its several divisions and parts, engages the INTRODUCTION. XUC study and attention of many. One is fond of plants ; another of shells and minerals ; an- other of birds and beasts ; another of insects. The arts also furnish objects of pursuit and amusement. One is a collector of old paint- ings ; another of old coins and medals ; an- other of ancient arms and armour; another of vases and old china ; another of rare and curious books and manuscripts ; another of old fiddles and other musical instruments : some covet jewels and precious stones ; but all, with very rare exceptions, seem to fix their fancy upon the precious metals gold and silver ; and the reason is, e omne auro venale,' the alchymist's search after the phi- losopher's stone having been long given up as altogether hopeless. ' When gold becomes their object, Men will break their sleep with thought, their brains With care, their bones with industry. What Can it not do, and undo ? ' SHAKSPEARE. XX INTRODUCTION. Antiquated maids and childless matrons not Unfrequently bestow their affections upon dogs, cats, and birds. Bantams, pigeons, and canary-birds have their particular fanciers ; and many are the strange fancies besides. Professors of many of the above-recited pur- suits are styled Antiquaries, Virtuosi, Con- noisseurs, Amateurs, Dilettanti, Fanciers, &c. &c. ; and the epithets, sometimes not inaptly applied to them, are learned, curious, f skilful, clever crack-brained, foolish, mad, &c. &c. ; and many men are such eccentrics and latitudinists, that, in the course of their lives, they will embrace the whole circle of fancies, and frequently become the dupes tea times over of the knaves, quacks, and varlets of pretended science in each pursuit. Every age, it is true, has its hobby or ruling passion of some sort or other, which varies with our years, as we pass from childhood to youth, INTRODUCTION. XXI from youth to manhood, and from manhood to old age; and those hobbies or recreations, call them which you will, are the pleasantest and best which leave no painful recollections behind them. Yet some aged and self-disap- pointed philosopher, or peevish moralist, to whom such pursuits no longer present either novelty or gratification, will tell you that the sum of them all is folly, the substance a time- amusing shadow, and the end disappointment and s vexation of spirit ; ' but w r e find that few or none are willing to listen to him, however famed for his wisdom and experience, whose present preaching and past practice have been at variance with each other. The nature of man still remains the same, though his mind be ever so much improved by education, or enlightened by the collective wisdom and experience of ages ; he is subject to the same appetites and passions, influenced by the same tastes and distates, fond of novelty, XX11 INTRODUCTION. the slave of custom and fashion; pleased with a plaything one moment, and tired of it the next : his objects of pursuit are often, too, as fleeting and transitory as the vain wish which first gave birth to it; mere phantoms of the imagination, bubbles of air, which very often vanish in the pursuit, or perish in the attain- ment : hence it follows that the same career is run, and the same beaten track trodden as before. To particularize any two or three flowers in this place might appear invidious, yet I trust I shall incur no displeasure from my readers, while I just place before their eyes the names of a few well-known favourites, which want not my aid either to extol their beauty or to speak their praise. ' Now, my fairest friend, I would I had some flowers o' the spring ; Daffodils, That come before the swallow dares, and take The winds of March with beauty ; Violets dim, But sweeter than the lids of Juno's eyes, INTRODUCTION. XXU1 Or Cytherea's breath ; pale Primroses, That die unmarried, ere they can behold Bright Phoebus in his strength, a malady Most incident to maids ; bold Oxlips, and The Crown imperial ; Lilies of all kinds, The flower-de-lis being one ! O these I lack To make you garlands of! ' SHAKSPEARE. Who, that has a garden and a taste for flowers, would be without the Crocus, the Snowdrop, the Primrose, the Violet, the Cyclamen, Hepatica, Hyacinth, Narcissus, Auricula, Ranunculus, Anemone, Wallflower, Stock, Pink, Tulip, Carnation, Rose, Iris, Lily, Lychnis, Lobelia, Delphinium, Verbas- cum, Rudbeckia, Anthericum, Aconitum, Mo- narda, Ferraria, Gentiana, ^Enothera, Scilla peruviana, Pseony, Phlox, Hemerocallis, Co- reopsis, Campanula, China Aster, Hollyhock, and a multitude of others, each species con- sisting of many beautiful varieties, both single and double not to enumerate any of the fine flowering shrubs of almost every description? XXIV INTRODUCTION. To proceed to the subject immediately be- fore me, which, in fact, is nothing more than the attempt to describe the mode of treatment necessary to be pursued in the cul- tivation of a very small part of the flowers just named. Before I enter upon it, it may perhaps be expected that I should first state some reason or other why I have been induced to publish the following concise and practical treatise on the culture of these flowers (so I have thought fit to style it), since these flowers and their mode of treatment are described more or less in almost every book on gardening. If I should attempt to give any such reason, most likely it would appear to many neither suffi- ciently weighty nor satisfactory, inasmuch as it would neither prove the necessity of any such publication, nor show that I, from my habits of life, not being professionally a gar- INTRODUCTION. XXV dener, am competent to the task which I have professed to undertake : however, with all due deference, I beg to state, that I have no where been able to meet with that account of those flowers, and their management, which I from my own knowledge and experience would be induced to adopt and follow, as a manual or directory because the directions given are too vague, general, and defective, to be reduced to practice ; in many cases, also, I have found them quite contrary to the nature and habits of the plants they profess to treat of. Besides, the work of any writer on the flower- garden, whose inmates are now almost with- out number, however skilful and experienced he might be, if he were to attempt to give plain, clear, and practical directions for the culture of each flower separately, that is worthy of his notice, would be both too ex- pensive to be obtained generally, as well as b XXVI INTRODUCTION. too voluminous and unwieldy for general or e very-day use ; and in truth, this objection applies to most of the books already published on the subject. Whatever inclination I might have felt to communicate at all times the result of my experience to others, I have been greatly encouraged in the present instance by the repeated solicitations of several admirers as well as growers of flowers, to wiiom I had already presented in writing, with no small trouble and inconvenience, the substance of the remarks contained herein, to print and publish some short treatise or other on the Carnation in particular, accompanied with a catalogue of those flowers which I was in the habit of growing. What gave rise in the first instance to these solicitations was no doubt the fine, healthy appearance of the plants in my col- INTRODUCTION. XXV11 lection, and the uncommonly rich and beau- tiful blossoms which they have produced the last two or three years ; which circumstance also served to convince me that the compost which I had made use of was good, and the treatment they had received was proper ; and that in publishing the said Treatise and Cata- logue, I might render an acceptable service to the cultivators of flowers in general; the latter, to direct the young and inexperienced florist in his choice of good flowers ; and the former, to assist him in the proper cultivation of them. With what clearness and precision I have executed the same, within the narrow com- pass prescribed, I leave to the candid and impartial reader to judge, whose approbation and patronage I am anxious to obtain. To say that the design was at last hastily formed, and as hastily executed, without the XXV111 INTRODUCTION. aid of books on the subject to refer to, the whole having been written, printed, and ^pub- lished in the course of a few weeks, under many disadvantages, allowing neither much time for revision nor correction, will perhaps afford but a poor apology for any defects that may appear. CONTENTS. Preface . . . . . vii Introduction ... x j Horticulture and its Admirers . . x iii Enumeration of Fancies, &c. . . xviii Carnation ; Name, and Distinctions . . 1 Kit Nunn, and dressing of Flowers . 8 Primitive Soils . jy Characteristics of good and bad Florists 25 Green Fly, Ear- wig, Wire- worm . . 29 Manure for the Garden . . 35 Leaf Mould . 43 Podding, Carding, Wiring, &c. . 47 Yellow Picotee . . . .58 Of Piping .... 64 Of Laying 68 XXX CONTENTS. Page On Seed and Seedlings . 74 A Stage of Carnations . , .83 Dutch mode of Gardening . . 85 Catalogue of Carnations . . 91 of Picotees . . 105 Of the Pink . . . .108 Catalogue . . . . 116 Of the Auricula . . . - . .120 Matthew Kenny and his Treatment of it 124 ompost . . . .130 Lancashire System . . . 131 Treatment in November, December, and January 132 in April . . . 134 On Potting . . . .140 On Seed .... 145 Catalogue . . . .156 Of the Primrose and Polyanthus . . 159 Of the Ranunculus . . .163 Of the Tulip .... 173 Van Oosten . . , . .180 Of the Hyacinth . . .. 188 Catalogue , . . 206 CONTENTS. XXXI Page Of the Rose . . . . 212 Catalogue . . . .219 Of Geraniums .... 222 Of the Georgina .... 223 Of the Russian and Danish Stocks . 225 Herbaceous Plants, &c. . , 229 Of Ornamental Trees and Flowering Shrubs 232 The Bower . . . . .238 A Flower Christening . . , 240 Rules of a Florists' Society . . .251 Prizes for Auriculas, Pinks, and Carnations . 258 Prize Gooseberries . . . 261 Notice Extraordinary . , . 274 TREATISE ON THE GROWTH AND MANAGEMENT CARNATION. ITS NAME AND DISTINCTIONS. OF all the flowers that adorn the garden, whether they charm the eye by their beauty, or regale the sense of smelling by their fragrance, the Carnation may be justly said to hold the first rank. PERDITA. The fairest flowers o* the season Are our Carnations, and streaked Gillyflowers, Which some call Nature's bastards : of that kind Our rustic garden 's barren j and I care not ^ To get slips of them. POLIXINES. Wherefore, gentle maiden, Do you neglect them ? Shakspeare's Winter's Tale, Act IF. The stateliness of its growth, the brilliancy and diversity of its colours, and the sweetness of its per- B 2 THE CARNATION. fume, never fail to attract our regard and admira- tion. The Tulip, though styled the Queen of the Garden, cannot boast of more admirers : they may with propriety be considered the two master-pieces of nature ; and, though rival beauties, may be said to share the sovereignty of the garden equally between them. Yet it must be admitted that the Carnation, independent of its fragrance, has this advantage over its rival, that it continues longer in bloom ; and that when planted in pots, it, can be removed to decorate the greenhouse, the conservatory, or the drawing-room. The Carnation as well as the Pink are said to have been introduced first into England from Italy, and have derived their names in the English language from their colour Pink, Carnation, or flesh-colour. The Carnation was also, as well as the Clove, styled by the old English florists, Clove-Gilliflower, from its blooming in July. They both belong to the same class and genus, and are known to the ancient botanists under the name of Caryophyllum, or Wal- nut Leaf, Folium Nucis; but why, is uncertain. THE CARNATION. 3 The Carnation is also called Coronarium, from its having been used in chaplets and garlands for the head : Linnaeus has now given it the more appro- priate appellation of Dianthus, Flos nobilis, fine or superior flower; and Dianthus Caryophyllus, in the modern acceptation of the word, denotes the Clove only. The Carnation is usually divided into three classes, namely, Flake, Bizarre, and Picotee. Flake is a term too well known and understood to require any explanation or definition here ; Bizarre, the second, is an epithet or adjective borrowed from the French, implying whimsical or fantastical; hence Bizarre, applied to a Carnation, means that it contains a whimsical or fantastical mixture of colours of not less than three distinct shades: Picotde is likewise a French word, an adjective feminine, and signifies pricked or spotted ; hence ' la Carnation picotee/ means the spotted Carnation. The English florist is almost inclined to treat the Picotee as a distinct species like the Pink, and though he has preserved the right mode of spelling the word, he gives it an English pronunciation. To B 2 4 THE CARNATION. take up the time of the reader in giving a minute description of all the parts of this flower in the tech- nical language of a botanist, is neither necessary nor required here : I will therefore simply describe what are considered the properties of a good flower among florists. The two first classes are further distinguished by their various colours ; as scarlet flake, pink flake, purple flake, scarlet bizarre, crimson bizarre, purple bizarre ; the Picotee is distinguished by the colour of its spots. THE DESCRIPTION OF A FINE CARNATION. THE excellency of a Carnation is judged and esti- mated by the brightness and distinctness of its va- rious tints and hues, and by the formation or con- struction of the flower-leaves or petals : the ground colour should be of a clear white, as in Walker's British Beauty and Sharpe's Defiance, and the flakes or stripes must run longitudinally through the leaves, as in Fletcher's Duchess of Devonshire and THE CARNATION. 5 Harley's Enchanter, not breaking off abruptly, as in Belcher's Lady Spenser. In a perfect flower, or one that approaches nearest to perfection, every leaf should be striped according to its class, whether flake or bizarre : plain or self-coloured leaves are accounted a great defect. The calix or cup, after the petals are unfolded, must remain entire and unburst, and the large external petals or guard leaves must be without crack or blemish ; and the diameter of a show-flower should never be less than three inches. It is also considered a great defect when the corolla is overcharged with petals, as in Reynolds 's King and Young's Mount ^Etna, for the blossom in ex- panding generally bursts the cup ; and it is no less so when it contains too few, as is the case with Crump's Rodney, Wood's Comet, and Anne's Prince of Wales, though possessing the most brilliant and distinct colours. It is unnecessary, perhaps, to state here that those flowers which are thin of leaves produce the most seed, on which account they are valuable. The flower must be sufficiently double to form a O THE CARNATION. kind of crown in the centre, as in Davey's Tower of Babel and James's Lord Craven, the petals rising one above another in regular order ; the guard leaves in particular should be broad and long, and of a stout texture, to support the rest, like those of Hum- phrey's Duke of Clarence, the edges of which must not be indented or fringed, as unluckily is the case with Honey's Princess Charlotte, but plain and cir- cular, like the leaves of a Provins Rose. A flower, whose corolla or pod is long, generally shoots forth the finest flower, and occasions the least trouble in attending it. The flower or foot stalk must be strong, straight, and elastic, to support the blossoms firmly and gracefully, notwithstanding the stick which is applied to sustain it; the height of the stalk varies from 2 ft. 6 in. to 4 ft. 6 in. according to the habit of their growth. o The value of a flower is also greatly enhanced, when it exhales a sweet and fragrant perfume, as is the case with Robinson's Britannia, Weltje's Sir Edward Pellew, Broadbent's Victorious, Bates's Wellington, &c. All Carnations possess this qua- THE CARNATION. 7 lity, but in very different degrees; in some it is scarcely perceptible, while in others it is strikingly powerful. Odour seems to prevail most in strongly bizarred scarlets, where there is a frequent recur- rence of the clove stripe in the petals. The prefer- ence which one class of flowers, at times, is said to obtain over another, depends entirely on the taste and fancy of the person who gives that preference. The scarlet bizarre is a favourite with one, the crimson with another, the purple flake with another, and so on in like manner with the rest. There can be no certain or fixed rule why one is to be adjudged in this respect superior to another, where taste is the only criterion to go by. A flower possessed of all the properties called for by the rules and regulations laid down in the Societies, where they are exhibited for prizes, is seldom or never met with. Art is called in to the assistance of nature, and the skilful hand of the florist dexterously extracts the self- coloured and defective and over-crowded leaves, and sometimes even will insert others, and arranges and adjusts the whole with surprising nicety. 8 THE CARNATION. One Christopher Nunn, of Enfield, Middlesex, a noted florist in his day, was eminent for his skill and dexterity in dressing Pinks and Carnations for prize exhibitions some will even tell you, that Kit was the father of the art. Upon such occasions he had as many applications to dress flowers, as he had to dress wigs ; for he was a barber and friseur by trade, and withal a good-natured, facetious, prating bar- ber, and could both shave and lay a Carnation with the greatest nicety. The novices of that day, who, being unacquainted with his secret art, trusted to Dame Nature to open, expand, and perfect their flowers, were no match for Nunez : for he began where she left off, and perfected what she had left imperfect. His arrangement and disposition of the petals were admirable, and astonished those novices. Kit's art of dressing is still an enviable art, and attainable only by few. Kit, as a florist, possessed other merit besides this : he could mix and temper soils with the same skill as he did his pomatum ; he was a great experi- mentalist and compounder of manures; it was all THE CARNATION. U the same to him, whether he snuffed up the odour of roses, or the less inviting fragrance of animal ordure; it was he that first applied sugar-bakers' scum as a surface dressing to flowers, having wit- nessed its surprising effect upon the land of a neigh- bour of his, a sugar-refiner from Goodman's Fields ; and he also had the credit of persuading and con- vincing Sir Somebody Tressilian or Trevannian, a Cornish Baronet, that old rags and old wigs, which contained so much grease and human fat, were a much warmer and richer manure for his land, than the oily carcasses of his pilchards ; and it is further said, that Kit, as agent or factor, in one week bought up more than two thousand wigs in the neighbour- hood of that celebrated mart Rosemary Lane, which were sent down to try the experiment. Be not im- patient, courteous reader, to get rid of poor Nunn ; remember he was a brother florist, and belonged to the fancy wait till you learn the result of one of his own experiments, and take this moral with it, though there be no fable here : ( Other men's mis- haps should make us wary.' B 5 10 THE CARNATION. Ill the early stage of his fancy, Kit, upon mature reflection., once concluded, that neat and genuine horse-dung, divested of all extraneous straw; must be better than much straw and little dung, as are usually put together. The resolution once taken, he hastened to the shop of a neighbouring black- Smith, and agreed for all the droppings that the horses, which came to be shod, should make in a twelvemonth, with all the parings of the hoof to boot. He amassed above two loads of this dung, and after it had become rotten, he mixed it up with the mould for his flowers in every way ; he made use of it for Pinks and Carnations, both in pots and in beds. His expectations for a fine bloom that summer were raised to the highest pitch, and yet ended in disappointment : his plants, towards Mid- summer, began to look yellowish and sickly, and turn cankery about, the roots ; his bloom, too, was very indifferent ; and what could be the cause'? His loam, he was sure, was sweet and good, and his dung was nothing but dung. He layered the plants : the layers also turned sickly, and several of them THE CARNATION. 11 perished. Kit's lamentations about his flowers were loud and incessant ; they were heard in all the vil- lages around him he repeated them to his cus- tomers at home and abroad and the cause he could not divine the cause. It was well for him that all this happened before Mr. Pitt, prime minister of state, had laid a sump- tuary tax on heads that wore hair powder; had these two evils occurred at the same time,, they must have broken poor Nunn's heart. But to cut the tale short, in the same way that the said tax cut off the pig-tails of many of his customers afterwards, Kit was not aware, till he had been informed by some chemist, naturalist, or botanist, that the hob- nails, the filings, the flakes, and the bits of iron, that had been swept up and mixed with the dung, had been the cause of all the mischief, and which had produced that ' salsa rubigo,' rust and canker, which, liad corrupted and poisoned the juices of the plants, and nearly destroyed the whole. He never after could endure the sight of a rusty nail in his com- post. So much for poor Christopher Nuna ! 32 THE CARNATION. MODE OF DRESSING A FLOWER. I HARDLY dare attempt to draw an outline even of this sublime art of dressing a flower, because I have neither studied nor practised it myself; and there- fore not being entitled to a diploma, I must neither assume the title nor degree of A.M., that is, Artis Magister, by which alone I might be held qualified to teach it, but must be content to be considered only as a pretender and quack upon this abstruse point. However, let us see what sort, of a handle I shall make of it. In the first place, then, provide yourselves with proper instruments, namely, a pair of brass or ivory etui, commonly called tweezers, and a small ivory bodkin. As soon as the guard-leaves drop, clap a card on, and with your bodkin, from time to time, assist the petals in falling into their places ; then fix a glass cap over the blossom, to bleach the white, and to enable the leaves, by the warmth, to expand freely ; shade the glass, when the sun is out, with a cabbage leaf or bit of canvas ; take the glass off for an 4iour THE CARNATION. 13 or two in the evening to expose the blossom to the air, lest the colours become faint by too much con- finement,, and lose their lustre. Not to spin this subject out too fine, we will suppose that to-morrow the grand exhibition takes place,, the show-day for honour and prizes ; and that you have already marched and countermarched from one end of the stage or garden to the other, times out of number, and that you have examined and re-examined all the blooms over and over, and that you have at length, towards evening, fixed upon and cut the seven or twelve flowers;, as the number may be, which are to grace the pan, and contend for the prize. Dissolve a little nitre or saltpetre in the water, before you put your flowers in it ; this will help to stiffen the leaves. After they have been in water a couple of hours, take your etui, and pull the guard- leaves quite round and circular; then place the second, third, and fourth tier of petals in an imbri- cated form, that is, like slates upon a roof, or scales upon a fish, a leaf covering each division of the 14 THE CARNATION. leaves in each row or tier, till they are all arranged in a convex form, like the outside of a dome or cupola ; place the bizarred and finely-striped leaves in full sight, pluck out all white or self-coloured, all pouncy and superfluous dull leaves ; and those that will not lie, whirl with your bodkin into the crown of the flower ; let the blooms be set in the cellar, or coolest part of the house, all night over a tub of water ; mind that the clefts or fissures down the sides of the pod do not reach below the bottom external cup, and that the guard-leaves stand firm and support themselves without the card. A prac- tical lesson, after all, upon the flower is worth a dozen theoretical upon paper : learn this art by practice, and practise to learn. The show-day is an anxious day with a young florist : he is full of hopes and fears, and it is not less so with an old one, for ' the battle is not always to the strong, nor the race to the swift ; ' for there are instances without number where many an old experienced, good florist has been beat, and obliged to return home, alas ! without either silver cup, silver THE CARNATION'. 15 spoons, punch-ladle, copper kettle, or set of china, to the no small disappointment of a prize-expecting * cara sposa ' at home, who not unfrequently repays his ill-luck and empty-handedness.with a good sharp lecture upon his neglect and want of management. Nay, nay, blush not, you heroes of Middlesex, nor you doughty yeomen of Lancashire, Yorkshire, or other county ; for if a wife has no right to tell a hus- band of his faults, w r ho has ? SITUATION, SOILS, &c. To produce blossoms in any degree answering the description contained in the last chapter, it is requi- site, in the first place, that the plants should be judi- ciously selected, and also that they should be in good health and vigour. How to effect the latter is at all times the chief aim and study of the experienced florist. An open and airy situation is the most proper for the Carnation, as being most congenial to its growth 16 THE CARNATION. in all its stages. The florists in the immediate vici- nity of the metropolis certainly labour under great disadvantages in this particular, from the atmosphere being almost always charged with clouds of unwhole- some smoke, ascending from such an infinity of chimneys. The Carnation is found to thrive best in a rich loamy soil of rather a sandy texture and unless some pains be taken to procure such a soil, the florist can have no right to entertain any great hopes of success in the cultivation of it; the dissertation on which, with the account of the different manures recommended, and which presents itself next to my consideration, may perhaps appear tedious and too minute to many, but certainly it is of the greatest importance to every gardener as well as florist to understand something of the nature and composition of the soils most congenial to the plants he has to cultivate : this is a point, in my opinion, which can neither be too minutely explained, nor too strongly inculcated. THE CARNATION. 17 PRIMITIVE SOILS. EARTH, in regard to its different qualities, is divided into four sorts of native or primitive soils, viz. argil- laceous or loamy, calcareous or chalky, siliceous or sandy, heathy and boggy or peaty, and these are further distinguished according to their nature, whe- ther stiff or light, as clayey, gravelly, marly, &c. Maiden or vegetable mould, which is formed by the decay of all vegetable and animal substances, forms the superficial stratum of all soils, and is con- sidered the most fertile of all. The grand art in gardening is to know when there is deficiency or re- dundancy of any of those primitive soils in the mould you are going to make use of, and to be able to mix and regulate it, so as to suit the nature and wants of the tree, shrub, or plant you intend to set in it. ' There are many people who, from want of * thought or observation, foolishly imagine, that be- ' cause a plant is set in mould it must thrive in it, ' exposed in all weathers w r et or dry, hot or cold ; 18 THE CARNATION. * whether it be tender or hardy, indigenous or exotic ; * whether it be a native of the mountains or an off- * spring of the valleys ; never considering that dif- ' ferent plants require different soils or earths, as well e as different aspects and climates. Some require * strong soils, others light ; some like to bask in the ' sun, others thrive best in the shade ; some will stand f any flood of rain, while others again require moisture f only occasionally ; from which it is pretty evident * that one general system of culture for every plant ' can be neither right nor proper. To mix, temper, { and harmonize different soils, so as to form one ' suitable to each plant, to know its peculiar situation ' and proper treatment, its best mode of propagation, f &c., is what shows and distinguishes the skilful 'and experienced gardener.' Emmerton on the Auricula. DIRECTIONS IN THE CHOICE OF YOUR LOAM. J HERE recommend to all who have the means or opportunity of doing it, to lay up a sufficient stock THE CARNATION. 19 of rich loam or maiden earth to serve them two or three years, which, by being turned occasionally, will become pulverised and fit for use at all times and for all purposes. What you obtain from any waste or common,, should consist, in the language of a labour- ing man, of the top spit and crumbs only, to be piled up with the turf downwards. The common test whereby to judge of a rich soil is, that when fresh dug up it shall emit a pleasant smell, and not stick to the fingers in handling, but when compressed and rubbed between the thumb and fingers, will feel soft and oily. Another opinion of its goodness may also be formed this way; that is, where you see trees grow freely, or rich and luxuriant crops of corn or grass appear, you may take it for granted that the soil they grow in is good. That in which you per- ceive veins of rust or oxide of iron, called by farmers till or fox-bent, ought to be avoided, or at least it ought not to be used till after it has lain some time, been repeatedly turned, and exposed to all the action of the weather rain, sun, and air. After having made choice of your soil, the next 20 THE CARNATION. inquiry is, how it may be improved, and made to con- tribute in a higher degree to vegetation. I shall now proceed to describe the process which I have used for its amelioration, and state the differ- ent component parts or ingredients which I have mixed and put together as a compost for Carnations, the same which I have used with success for some years, and which I now beg to recommend to my brother florists for trial. COMPOST, MODE OF PREPARING IT, &c. IN putting the different soils together for compost, particular care must be taken to make it of such consistency, that, when in pots, the water shall neither pass through it too rapidly, nor lodge too long in it ; both are hurtful. If the loam be of a strong, stiff nature, it will require a greater portion of sand to be added ; if light, it will require less. You will there- fore, in the first instance, be guided by the nature THE CARNATION. 21 and quality of your loam or mould : this I hold ex- tremely essential to be attended to. Kirwan, in .his Treatise on Manures, expressly states,, f That the proportion of each ingredient, and f the general texture of the soil, must be such, as to ' enable it to admit and retain as much water as is ' necessary to vegetation, and no more.' The simple earths or soils, it is well known, vary greatly in regard to their retentive powers of pre- serving moisture. The time that I generally set about mixing the compost is towards the end of the summer, when the melons and cucumbers have done bearing, whose beds furnish me with the dung proper for my purpose. Requiring a large quantity of mould, for I mostly bloom about 500 pots of Carnations, I take in the following ratios : 1 Load of fresh yellow loam, \ Ditto of common black earth or garden mould, 2 Ditto of rotten horse-dung, 4 Large barrows of coarse sand from some 22 THE CARNATION. wash or pond by the high road side, or dry road grit in lieu thereof, laid up to dry, and run through a sieve. Note 1. The loam in my neighbourhood being mostly of a stiff quality, requires a large portion of sand to bring it to a proper consistency, to enable the water to pass through in any moderate time. 2. Rotten dung from mushroom beds ought not to be used in this compost, on account of the fungous fibres. For an abridged quantity, say 5 Barrows of loam, or maiden earth, 8 or 9 Ditto of horse-dung, from the frames, 1 Ditto of coarse sand, or more, according to the nature of the loam. Let these be mixed and thrown together in a heap or ridge, and turned two or three times in the winter, particularly in frosty weather, that it may be well incorporated. On a dry day towards the end of November, I take a barrow of fresh lime, which, as soon as it is slacked, I strew it over while hot in turning the THE CARNATION. 23> heap ; this accelerates the rotting of the fibrous par- ticles in the loam, lightens the soil, and destroys the grubs, worms, and slugs. Lime is too well known as a manure to say anything further in its praise here. APPLICATION OF SALT AS A MANURE. IF there has been much rain during the winter, so that the strength of the compost is reduced, and the salts washed from it, I take about 7 Ibs. of damaged salt, and add them to it, either dissolved in water, or strewed over with the hand. This, from an ex- perience of three years, I have found to be attended with the most beneficial effect upon the future health and vigour of the plants. During very heavy rains, many florists cover their compost with tarpaulin or double mats, to prevent the nutritious particles from being washed out ; this is also an excellent precaution. If any objection be started, that the quantity of 24 THE CARNATION. dung is too great in proportion to that of the loam, I answer, that such an objection might be well- founded, if the compost were to be used immediately on its being mixed together ; but as it has to lie six months before it is used, I am decidedly of opinion that the quantity is not more than is necessary in order to insure a luxuriant growth and a generous bloom. It is, moreover, indispensably necessary, that the compost should lie that time ; that the different in- gredients may be properly incorporated one with another ; that the loam may be well pulverized, and the whole duly prepared and sweetened by frequent turning ; and that the carbonaceous principle of matter in the dung, according to Hassenfraz, may, through the medium of the rains, like a leaven, ex- tend to and pervade the whole mass, so as to render it fit, wholesome, and nutritious food for the plants it has to sustain. THE CARNATION. 25 CONSTITUENT PRINCIPLES OF PLANTS. IT may perhaps not be thought improper in this place to state, that all plants, by chemical analysis, are found to consist of particles of calcareous earth, oil, water, and air, with a portion of iron. CHARACTERISTICS OF A BAD AND GOOD FLORIST, &c. THE gentleman or lady's gardener, who has no other motive to incite him, beyond that of perform- ing what he is ordered to do, will imagine all this vast preparation of soils, all this extraordinary com- rnixtion, a very unnecessary and useless trouble, and will be disposed to slight and neglect it. In fact, I have nowhere seen flowers so ill-treated and mis- managed (with few exceptions) as in the gardens of the nobility and gentry, even when there has been a collection of fine flowers I allude not to Carnations C 26 THE CARNATION. and Pinks only, but to flowers generally. Yet, on the other hand, there is a strong apology to he offered for this neglect in the gardener, as far as it regards Carnations and Pinks, for I have mostly noticed them to be of the worst and most common description, such as I would not give a place to in my garden. To cultivate a bad flower, which has neither beauty nor hardly any smell, is attended with the same trouble as there is in cultivating a good one ; and, in the present greatly improved state of both, there is no difficulty to select good ones. But the thorough-bred florist, who derives pleasure from the pursuit, and who has always the flower- fever strong upon him ; \vho has rivals to contend with ; who is incited by the love of fame, and the hope of winning the first splendid prize at some exhibition ; who will walk fifty miles to catch a glimpse of some new celebrated flower, and who, if it meets his fancy, will sooner pawn the coat from off his back, than not obtain it; who will leave his warm and comfortable bed at midnight, to rise and destroy the cursed earwigs, that shall dare to attack his THE CARNATION. 27 favourite blossom; will begrudge no labour, and neglect no pains, to perform this part well, on which he knows his chance of success principally depends. With the latter, especially if he be young in the fancy, my only fear is, lest he over-do his part. To such a one, if you give a receipt for any particular composition, and recommend one peck of soot, most probably he will put two if two pounds of salt, he will put four if three pails of blood, he will put six if four barrows of sugar-baker's scum, he will put eight and so on. REMOVING OF THE PLANTS INTO LARGE POTS TO BLOOM. IN our variable climate, the first week in April is the safest and best time to perform this : the pots generally made use of for this purpose, are those of twelve or sixteen to a cast. A twelve-sized pot will contain three or four plants, according to their habit of growth a six- C 2 28 THE CARNATION. teen, two or three, according to the same rule. Be careful to put two or three large bits of tile at the bottom, or the hollow part of a large oyster-shell, resting upon a tile, to preserve a secure drainage for the water. Stagnant water, whether in pots or in the open fields, is alike prejudicial to all plants, except aquatics. The pots to be filled three parts full with com- post, in its rough or coarse state from the heap, using fine or sifted mould only at the top, around the roots of the plants, which must not be planted deeper than they were before. The mould to be well shaken down, to prevent its settling after. The coarse parts, or riddlings, that would not pass through the sieve, may also be put at the bottom, filling each pot about three inches deep with them. At this season of the year, when they want water, let it be given in the morning, rather than in the evening, till about the middle of May, on account of the frosts which will often recur at that time. When the plants begin to spindle, or shoot up for bloom, THE CARNATION. 29 they require to be supported by sticks, about four feet in length ; some of tall growth, as Humphrey's Clarence, Snook's Defiance, Fulbrook's Grenadier, Wood's Ambassador, &c., require sticks five feet long. THE APHIS, OR GREEN FLY. IN some seasons, these Aphides, or flies, appear in astonishing numbers, as was the case last summer, and attack the Rose and Carnation in particular. They congregate in countless swarms round the stems and on the foliage of both, and adhere closely to the bud of the Rose and the pod of the Carnation, to the great injury of the health of both. They should be brushed off from the Carnation with a soft brush repeatedly ; but if this is found inefficient to dislodge and disperse them, take some pungent Scotch snuff and scatter over them, two or three times, when the plants are moist, or covered with dew. A weak infusion of tobacco in water may be applied with a soft brush with effect, and without THE CARNATION. injury. A weak infusion of lime-water and sulphur may also be used in a clarified state. THE EAR -WIG. OF all the enemies that the Carnation has to en- counter, the ear-wig is the most troublesome and destructive. It attacks that part of the flower which is called the nectarium, and eats the petals through just at their root ; if it be not sufficiently open to admit its descent down the corolla, it will eat its way to it through the outside of the calix. There is no entire preventive,, but the most effec- tual method is, to support your stage upon legs, placed in cast-iron pans, about six inches deep, filled with water. Bean-stalks, cut into lengths of six or eight inches, may be set as traps round the stage, and close to the stems of the flower, which should be examined every morning at least, and the ear-wigs blown out into a bottle of water. Bowls of tobacco-pipes, or the claws of lobsters, THE CARNATION. 31 may be placed for the same purpose on the tops of the sticks ; but, use what precautions you will, you cannot entirely prevent their ravages. An experienced florist once informed me that he usually fixed a small bit of sponge, or cotton dipped in sweet oil, to the stick that supports the stem ; he assured me that he had every reason to be satisfied with this experiment, and that it proved an effectual barrier to the passage of the ear-wig and other insects. Nr. Nicol, in his * Gardener's Calendar/ recom- mends a pencil or small brush to be dipped in oil, and drawn round the pot, near the bottom, when they are in flower, every two or three days, to prevent the ear-wigs and snails from climbing up and doing any injury. Sweet-oil, or rather linseed-oil as the cheapest, may be used in this way, I have no doubt, with a good effect ; for sweet-oil, if it comes in contact with the bodies of most insects, will occasion their almost immediate death. THE CARNATION. THE GRUB. THERE is another foe which you must guard against, a grub, about an inch long, of the caterpillar tribe, of a green, olive, or brown colour, according to the food it feeds on : it will ascend the stalk during the night, and consume part of the petals, eating holes in the pod, and then descend, and bury itself during the day, just under the surface of the mould, often near the foot of the stem ; and so will continue to renew its attack night after night. When the blos- som is in a dying state, it will often secrete itself in the seed-vessel, and devour the whole interior of that and every other on the stem, if not discovered. THE WIRE-WORM. THE wire- worm, of a yellowish cast, with a black head, and nearly an inch in length when full grown, is another destructive enemy to the Carnation and THE CARNATION. 33 Pink. As it works below the surface of the ground, it is not easily detected; nothing, in fact,, but the dead or dying state of the plant points out its re- treat. It attacks the stem just at the root, and will perforate it through and through. It is introduced into gardens, for the most part, with the fresh loam, in the turning of which the eye should always be on the look-out for this pernicious insect, which, when met with, never, I believe, escapes destruction. I met with two a few days ago, and tried what effect a little quick lime had upon them. I scattered a little over them, but it seemed to make no other impression than to induce them to move from it with more speed than they are generally accustomed to do, I brought them back to it again, and kept them there for a couple of minutes ; but they were still able to crawl from it, apparently not much hurt by it, and they effected their retreat to a heap of mould hard by. The only sure way to deal with them, is, f to catch them and kill them.' I am very little acquainted with the natural his- tory of this destructive insect, which breeds with as- C 5 34 THE CARNATION. tonishing rapidity : it deposits its eggs in the ground like the slug, without any particular precaution ; in turning over lately some horse-dung, which had lain in the corner of a kitchen-garden two or three years, I discovered and picked out several of these eggs, which were of various sizes, from a pin's head to that of a small sweet-scented pea just beginning to sprout. I took one of the largest of these bladdery-formed substances, and with a gentle pressure of the finger and thumb, forced through a small aperture at the top of the neck five of these insects, one after another, completely formed, and able to crawl about. The rest,, which were in a less forward state, were collected and put into a saucer, and being exposed to the sun were soon dried up, the external membrane or bladder only remaining. TOP DRESSING IN JUNE. As frequent watering of the plants in pots, in dry and hot seasons, must tend to exhaust the vegetative THE CARNATION. 35 powers of the compost, and weaken its strength, I generally, about the beginning or middle of June, top-dress, with about half an inch of rotten horse- dung passed through a sieve, which I find materially to assist the plants, and promote the growth of the layers, on which depends the preservation of your collection. Many top-dress with some of the hotter manures of night-soil, sugar-baker's scum, &c., but, in my opinion, that is not necessary for Carnations, and is attended with danger ; for, if they are not re- duced to a perfect mould, they will corrode and burn the plants. An immoderate use of strong manures to most plants, is like the immoderate use of hot spirituous liquors to the human frame ; they force and excite for a time, only to weaken and destroy. HOT MANURES, AND THE APPLICATION OF THEM. STRONG compost, in which the chief ingredients are sugar-baker's scum, soap-boiler's waste, night-soil, 36 THE CARNATION. the dung of pigeons and poultry in general, of deer arid sheep, blood, soot, lime, gypsum, &c. &c. should, in my humble opinion, be used only in surface or top-dressing of flowers ; as is the case when applied to land, unless you are disposed to wait two or three years, till they have lost much of their strength, and are reduced nearly to mould ; they may then be used as simple ingredients along with loam. A few short observations respecting two or three of which, may, perhaps, not prove unacceptable in this place. Blood, as a manure, is considered the strongest and most lasting of all, and, when mixed up with mould as a compost, is not fit for use under two com- plete years. The same is the case with night-soil, sugar-baker's scum, pigeon-dung, &c. Soot is of that hot, caustic nature, that it ought always to be used with caution, and in small quantities. The dung of sheep I consider the most fertilizing to all grasses, and I recommend it as an excellent ingre- dient in all composts for Pinks, Carnations, and Au- riculas ; because, in all pastures and meadows, where THE CARNATION. 37 any considerable flock of sheep has been grazing any length of time, so as to leave behind a tolerable dressing of dung, after their removal,, you will per- ceive the grass to shoot up freely, and to assume a rich verdure and healthy appearance ; not rank and coarse, yet vigorous and elastic, such as the florist would wish to see his Pinks and Carnations assume, previous to their coming into bloom. This dung, the principal component parts of which are nearly all soluble in water, will not be fit for use till it has been incorporated with the mould a twelvemonth. The ingenious florist has frequent recourse to those strong manures, and uses them in various ways. Some he incorporates with his compost, in which he grows his plants some he uses separately and un- mixed, for surface- dressing others he infuses in water, and applies in a liquid state all this he does from an almost universally received opinion, that they will increase and heighten the colours of his flowers, and give them a brilliancy, which he sup- poses they never could attain without them. Plants that live all the year round in pots, parti- 38 THE CARNATION. cularly exotics,, must, no doubt,, be benefited by this surface- dressing, with the strong manures, which should be applied a few weeks before they flower ; as Geraniums, Camelias, Orange-trees, &c. Towards the end of February, I generally apply a top-dressing, of about half an inch thick, to the Double Primrose, Polyanthus, and Auricula, that are in pots, having first removed the mould at the top, whose place it has to supply, without injury to the fibres ; the vegetative and nutritious properties of which, by watering, long confinement in the frame, and seclusion from the open air, must be greatly de- teriorated, if not rendered sour, acrid, and unwhole- some. The beneficial effect of such dressing is fully ap- parent. You need only try the experiment on two pots, and then compare them with two others, that you have not meddled with, to be convinced of its utility. The improved health and vigour of the plants will be visible, from their improved verdure and strength ; their blossoms will be larger and finer, and THE CARNATION. 39 the texture of the petals firmer and stronger; their state and condition will be such as to extort from the enraptured florist,, the following emphatical expres- sion of delight : 1 Here's beauty I Here's cloth, colour, and gold for you ! c An expression which once I heard,, with no small pleasure, acompanied with the most extravagant ges- ticulation of body. COMMON GARDEN MANURE. MANURE for the garden is generally confined to horse-dung and straw-litter, rotted by frequent turn- ing and working, which excites fermentation, and hastens its decay; this operation is too frequently performed in situations where the juices or fluids that come from it run away and are lost, by which means the saline and other nutritious qualities are reduced, and the strength and efficacy of the whole greatly impaired. The carbonaceous principle, likewise, which is produced by fermentation occasioned by the decomposition and decay of all vegetable substances, 40 THE CARNATION. lying any length of time in a state of putrefaction ; as well as by combustion, whether open or hidden ; and which forms a very essential part in all vegeta- tive matter, fertilizing the various soils mixed with it, is in a great degree lost to the manure so situated. The market-gardener will inform you, that one load of horse-dung, sufficiently turned, fermented, and rotted, to enable him to dig it in the ground, is worth three, in point of effect and service, of that which has been used in the forcing of melons and cucumbers. The best, and in fact the most economicaiemode of preparing manure, either for the field or garden, and which is now generally practised by all skilful agri- culturists as well as horticulturists, is this ; I will describe the process upon a small scale, as adapted to the garden. Take, towards the autumn, two loads of fresh loam or mould from some common waste or upland pasture, spread them eighteen inches thick upon the ground, the spot chosen for which ought to be rather hollow, that is, sloping a little on all sides towards THE CARNATION. 4}. the centre, in the form of a very shallow bowl ; upon this stratum or bed of mould shoot five or six loads of horse-dung. This must be turned over and wa- tered if necessary, till it begins to ferment and heat ; this is the first stage of decomposition. The turning and watering will soon occasion it to decay and rot ; the fermented and strongly impregnated juices pro- ceeding from the dung, and the ullage occasioned from time to time by the rains, will all be received and absorbed in the mould below it, so that none of the saline particles, which are accounted the grand fertilizers of the earth, will escape and be lost. How often emotions of regret, at the folly and ig- norance of our English farmers, have loeen excited in the breast of the celebrated agriculturist, Arthur Young, Esq., while riding through the country, in seeing heaps of manure lying on eminences by the road sides, and the black, impregnated juices drain- ing from it, and running in waste into the ditches ; which, if they had been preserved in the manner described, would have served to fertilize their fields ; the residuum being comparatively a corpus mortuum > 42 THE CARNATION. deprived of half its virtue, strength, and efficacy. But to proceed : if you wish to make use of any of this compost for the choicer vegetables in the kitchen garden, you have only to mix the whole together, and apply it in the spring ; but if it be intended as manure to mix with loam for flowering shrubs, pines, plants, &c., or for flower borders and beds, it will be requisite to keep it a twelvemonth longer, making eighteen months in all, before it will be fit for use, and sufficiently comminuted and rotten to pass through a coarse sieve. The addition of this fresh earth to exhausted and worn-out gardens will be at- tended with much benefit. In the beginning of March mix and incorporate the whole together ; turn it again in April, and again in May ; then put it together in the form of a ridge, and let it remain so till Michaelmas. To preserve the compost from losing its strength, by the powerful exhalation of its saline properties by the sun in sum- mer, 'incrustit with mould, or cover it with hurdles of reeds or w r ith loose litter. This rule, however, does not apply to such ma- THE CARNATION. 43 nures as take a longer time to prepare them, before they can be used as compost for delicate flowers. Night-soil requires a constant exposure for two years, to get rid of its strong sulphuric acid ; soap-boiler's lye, to neutralize its powerful alkaline salt ; sugar- baker's scum, to divest it of its predominant saccha- rine property ; and cow-dung, to correct its crude ace- tous quality. Wood-shavings, when rotten and decayed, saw- dust, tan, the bark and small branches of trees in general, lying any length of time, acquire this carbo- naceous principle, and make a good ingredient in compost for many plants, the Auricula in particular. It is this coaly property that gives the dark-brown discolouring to water, and of which soot and ashes may be said to contain the very essence. LEAF-MOULD, ITS USES AND MODE OF PREPARING. LEAF-MOULD is the finest and most valuable of all the artificial soils, and is used by the skilful gardener 44 THE CARNATION. in a variety of ways : with a portion of this, a little maiden earth, old rotten horse-dung and sand, he pipes his Pinks, and pipes and lays his Carnations; in a mixture of this he plants his seedling Auriculas and young off-sets ; there is hardly any plant, how- ever delicate and tender, that will not grow and thrive in it. Every one that has the means and opportunity of doing it, ought, towards the end of October, to collect the leaves when in a moist state, and put them in a hole made for that purpose, mixing at the same time with them a little quick-lime to hasten their decay, and a small portion of earth. They may lie in that state till spring, when they ought to be turned over, repeating the same about once in six weeks after- wards, till they become quite decayed and pulverized. If there be not a very great body of leaves together, by this process they generally become fit for use in twelve months. THE CARNATION. 45 SALT AS A MANURE CONSIDERED. THE application of salt, and its utility as a manure, are yet imperfectly understood. It is a matter of uncertainty,, whether it acts directly as a manure, or only as a kind of spice or seasoning, thereby render- ing the soil a more palatable food for plants. Be that as it may, if it acts beneficially in any manner, it ought to be adopted. The evidence adduced before the late Committee in the House of Commons was of a contradictory nature ; yet the preponderance of opinions advanced, and of experiments detailed, w r as greatly in favour of it. A small pamphlet, published by Mr. Parke on the subject, may be read with much interest. The main question as it stands at present is, What is the proper quantity to be used on arable or grass lands, and which is the proper time for its ap- plication ? I have used it for these three years past in compost for flowers, and shall continue to do so, from a per- 40 THE CARNATION. suasion of its beneficial effects. A Scotch gardener, to whom I related the use of salt as manure, endea- voured to dissuade me from doing it ; his opinion, no doubt, was regulated by the account of the expe- riment of salt-water (sea-water) given by his coun- tryman, Walter Nicol. ' Ah, man,' said he, ' it will destroy all your flowers, root and branch, for nothing will grow where salt is.' I however still persisted to use it. Five or six years previous to this, I had a few favourite Cloves growing in the ground, and was anxious to protect them from the slugs and snails, by which their foliage had been much injured ; I was told that salt was an excellent remedy against them ; accordingly I strewed a handful or two of it close to the roots and over the foliage of the plants, in order, as I thought, to preserve them from being eaten up by them ; but judge of my surprise in a few days after, I observed them to turn yellow and sickly ; in fact, they languished for a while, and died. And such would have been their fate, if I had put fresh soot,, quick-lime, night-soil, sugar-baker's scum, or any other hot manure in a green or rank state ; from THE CARNATION. 47 which circumstance I was not unaware of the effects of salt injudiciously applied. CARE OF CARNATIONS (continued.) PODDING, CARDING, AND WIRING. CARNATIONS require to be watered freely while the pods are swelling ; and, in fact, during the whole time they continue in blossom, they ought to be kept moist, and never be suffered to flag for want of it. Most flowers require the same treatment. At this season it is better to water with the pipe of the garden-pot, in preference to the rose, and to pour it upon an oyster-shell, placed on the top of the flower-pot, to receive and break the force of the water ; this will prevent it from making holes in the mould, and laying bare the roots. Some sorts seem to suffer from water, however soft it may be, when poured all over the layers, in hot weather ; the ends of the grass very often will turn white and sickly, as 48 THE CARNATION. if they had been parboiled and scalded. If the grass appears short and backward for laying, water once or twice a week, with a weak infusion of horse or sheep dung, prepared in a tub for that purpose ; this wash will both promote the growth of the layers, and give a depth and richness of colouring to such flowers as are apt to come pale and short of it. As soon as the side-shoots appear, they should be stripped off, to give strength to the main stem. To flowers which you intend to exhibit, if a small or thinnish one, leave only two pods on a stem ; to a large or full one, leave three ; there are many excep- tions ; some require nearly the whole to be left on. In order to prevent the pods from bursting, or opening irregularly, a small piece of bass-mat dipt in water should be carefully tied round the middle of each pod, but not before it is nearly full-formed ; it will also require easing from time to time, as the pod continues to increase and grow. If you perceive the pod inclined to burst on one side, give ease to it on the other also, by slitting the cup with a sharp knife, or with a thin bit of ivory, THE CARNATION. 49 generally fixed to the end of the etui, made use of for dressing the flower : in a crowded pod it is always best to ease it in time, by cutting the cup in the several indentures or scallops marked at the top ; the guard-leaves will then fall in regular order all round. As soon as the large external petals of the flower or guard-leaves begin to expand, drop, and fall back, a paper collar should be placed round the bottom of the blossom to support it. These collars are made of white thin card paper, in the form of a circle of three or four inches in diameter, with a hole in the centre just large enough to admit the calix or pod, without much compressing, and with a cut extending from the centre to the outside or circumference, like the radius of a circle. On these cards the flower is preserved in shape and form a long time ; on these the petals also are finely disposed, and the beauty of the Carnation displayed to great advantage. To support the blossoms when carded, and to keep them from being blown about by the wind, as well as to sustain the additional weight of the cards, a small thin brass wire, about three inches long, D 50 THE CARNATION. though different lengths are required, in the shape of a common wire skewer, is usually fixed to the stick ; one end, which is twisted into the form of a hook or head of a shepherd's crook, is placed round the bottom of the pod ; and the other end, which is sharpened, is forced with a pair of wire nippers into the stick. This may be easily effected after a trial or two. Wire, proper for this use, may be had at any of the wire-shops ; there are three or four shops of this description near the Monument, in the city of Lon- don, where they manufacture them ready for use, at so much a hundred. PROTECTION OF THE BLOSSOMS FROM RAIN, &c. THE moment the Carnations begin to unfold their blossoms, they should be covered from the rain and scorching sun; they should either be covered with small glasses or with paper caps, in the shape of an umbrella, with a tube in the centre, to be fixed on THE CARNATION. 51 the tops of the sticks. If you would preserve the beauty of a Carnation untarnished,, it should not be suffered to have a single drop of rain. Those caps and glasses may be put over the Carnations for ten or twelve days before they are placed on the stage. Several ladies and gentlemen that do not use stages, are in the habit of placing them in the front of their green-houses, in the absence of their cus- tomary plants, which at this season are set in the open air. This appears to me an excellent situation, if they are allowed air enough, not only because they are sheltered from the rain and sun, but be- cause they are more out of the reach of the grubs, snails, and ear-wigs, provided they do not put them there sooner, nor keep them longer, than is neces- sary. The same remark applies with no less force to the stage. Do not, then, let the general health of your plants be endangered or injured, for the sake of preserving the blossoms unhurt. When placed on the stage, they should have the benefit of the morning sun till about nine or ten o'clock, according to the intense heat of its rays D 2 52 THE CARNATION. the same in the evening", with as much open ex- posure to the air at all times as you can give them, without injury to the bloom. RUN FLOWERS CONSIDERED. THERE is one subject arising out of the present, to which I wish to call the reader's attention a sub- ject which, I frankly confess, I can neither compre- hend nor explain ; and the opinions that I have ventured to offer, whether my own or borrowed, are founded altogether on hypothesis, conjecture, and uncertainty. What I allude to are, in the language of a florist, the "Run-flowers." Any one conversant with Carnations must have remarked, in some sorts, a singular tendency to run from their distinct and regularly-disposed colours. For instance, a Scarlet Bizarre, that is strongly marked with stripes of clove colour, will frequently change into a self-coloured flower, like the common clove j a Purple Bizarre, in like manner, will change THE CARNATION. 53 to a plain purple ; a Scarlet Flake to a plain scarlet, and so on through all their varieties. A flower so run loses all its estimation in the eyes of a florist, and occasions him frequent regret and disappoint- ment: for the chance of its returning to its true ' O colour is as one to one hundred. In fact, it may be considered to him as lost. " So it falls out, That what we have we prize not to the worth, While we enjoy it ; but, being lack'd and lost, Why then we reck the value ; then we find The virtue, that possession would not shew us^ While it was ours." What is it, then, that causes this changeable dis- position and suffusion of colour ? Sir Humphry Davy, perhaps, could have given a correct solution to the question, and suggested the proper means of pre- vention. Many attribute it to an over-richness of the compost ; that is, when too great a proportion of dung is mixt with the loam, I am inclined to think that there is a great degree of truth in the observa- tion, but I am far from imagining that this is the only cause ; for I have remarked, that Carnations, 54 THE CARNATION. planted in the open ground in ordinary soil, will often sport, though not so frequently. An old florist, who had grown Carnations for more than thirty years, and who had often tried them in poor soil, as well as in rich, assured me that he had found them to sport in both, but oftener in the rich; but that every season was not alike, for they would change some years more than they would in others. He concluded with this remark, that the gout would attack the poor liver as well as the rich, if there was a disposition in the body to have it such was the case, he conceived, with the Car- nation. Some again affirm, without being able to explain the process, that it is owing to the fixed alkalis not being properly neutralized by the vegetable and vitriolic acids, that the natural colours are dis- charged. I confess that I am not chemist enough to understand such an operation of nature. The summer of 1818, it will be remembered, was a very hot and dry summer, and there was a general complaint among the florists that their flowers had THE CARNATION. 55 sported, and run from their colours, in an extraordi- nary degree. A neighbour of mine, who had also his share of run-flowers that summer, attributed it to his having neglected mixing slacked lime with his compost, the doing which he had not omitted, he said, for several years before. In discoursing also with an experienced gardener the same summer on the subject, he attributed it to the powerful influence of the sun acting upon the corolla, or flower-leaves, whilst in embryo, which, he said, would start the strongest or most predominant colour, and make it suffuse and overrun the whole ; for that evidently no change could take place in the plant to produce that alteration in the colour, previ- ous to the formation of the pod, notwithstanding all the boasted prognostications about run-flowers, from redness on the joints of the stalk, and red strokes on the pod, before it opens. After all this discussion on the subject, I believe I must leave it as I found it, uncertain and unde- termined . 56 THE CARNATION. COMPOST FOR FLOWERS THAT ARE APT TO SPORT IN COLOUR. As, however, it is always best and safest to be on the right side, and to adopt a system of caution in all matters where there is a degree of danger and risk to encounter, I beg to recommend a plan, which prudence suggests, and which I mean in future to adopt myself, with respect to a few sorts of the two classes of Scarlet and Crimson Bizarres, which, from their high colouring, I have found to sport more than others ; that is, to lower the compost. I here subjoin the names of a few flowers, be- cause they rank among the finest and best we have, viz. : Humphrey's Duke of Clarence, James's Lord Craven, Hoyle's General Washington, Weltje's Sir Edward Pellew, Sharpe's Defiance, Plummer's Lord Manners, Gabell's Hero, THE CARNATION. 57 Cartwright's Rainbow, Davey's Rainbow, Phillip's Lord Harrington, Tale's Waterloo, Berryman's Jubilee, Chaplain's Lord Duncan, Cope's Suwarrow, Stone's Venus. R. 3 Barrows of sound staple loam, 1 Do. old rotten cow-dung, 2 Do. do. horse-dung, J Do. sand, J Do. lime rubbish, or old plaster. To be prepared, and well incorporated, as before. It is nearly in the same proportions, and of the same component parts, as that used by the late in- genious Mr. Homes, of Clapham Common, a gentle- man noted for his fine collection of tulips, and his successful cultivation of flowers in general. D 5 58 THE CARNATION. THE YELLOW PICOTEE. THE Yellow Picotee is, at all times, a difficult flower to grow well in this country, on account of our moist atmosphere and long winters. The Dutch florists have bad success with it likewise, for the same reason. The best situation for it is the front shelf in a green-house, while in bloom, and the same place is best for it in the winter months of January and February, when it requires to be kept mode- rately dry ; indeed it never likes to be over-saturated with water at any time. If kept in frames, during the winter, it ought to be allowed to occupy the front rows, at the back part, as being the driest and most airy. If placed in a damp situation, and over- watered, if it does not perish, it will become unsound and unhealthy, and consequently unable to carry its bloom. It is generally scarce, for there is never any great stock of it in the country, though it is so constantly imported from the Continent, particularly by the !K )L LOW PI C O TK THE CARNATION. 59 families of the nobility and gentry, in their excur- sions thither, and with whom it seems to be a very great favourite. It is to be met with in many parts of Italy, Germany, Prussia, and Flanders, in the neighbourhood of Lausanne, in Switzerland, and of Grenoble and Lyons, in the province of Dauphiny, and other parts of France. The Empress Josephine, distinguished among other things for her great taste and fondness for flowers, had, among an endless variety of elegant and curious shrubs, plants, and flowers, an admir- able collection of Yellow Picotees, at Malmaison. Her gardens were then under the superintendence of the celebrated botanist, Bonpland, who subse- quently went to South America to prosecute his favourite study under the patronage of the late Pre- sident Bolivar. The late Queen Charlotte and the Princesses, a few years ago, had a very superb collection of yellow Picotees at Frogmore, which were obtained principally from Germany ; they w r ere the delight of all who saw them. 60 THE CARNATION. A gentleman,, some time a resident in Ftmchal in the island of Madeira., which lies off the north-west coast of Africa, nearly opposite to Mogadore in the kingdom of Morocco, informed me, that Picotees, with yellow grounds, grew in great profusion in most of the gardens in the island, and that the varieties were beautiful; some were plain, others again were marked with red or black spots, and others curiously mottled. This flower consists of many varieties : Of yellow and purple, both light and dark ; Ditto and dark red, or claret, colour ; Ditto and scarlet ; Ditto and pink, and plain yellow of various shades. Die Koeniginn Von Eng- land, Cupidon, Pactolus, Napoleon, El Dorado, Maximilian, Louis Seize, Le Dauphin de France, Prince de Conde, Count de Grasse, Prince of Orange, La Rose d'Or, Flammula, Goldfinch, Maid of Magdeburg, THE CARNATION. 61 Maid of Orleans, | Le Cocu en colere, Le Cocu content. | Princessinn Esterhazij, &c. &c. &c. I confess I am at a loss to say what compost is proper to grow it in, and yet, after all, the fault per- haps does not rest with the soil, but the climate, which, take it the year round, is too harsh and moist for this delicate exotic yet I recommend the fol- lowing : 2 barrows of light loam, 1 do. leaf-mould, 1 do. old frame dung, J do. old cow dung, do. river sand. MODE OF PRESERVING THE SEED. To any one having an opportunity of collecting any Yellow Picotee seed, which he may be desirous to bring or send to England, I recommend him to put it into a small phial or glass bottle, corked so as to exclude the air. In this state, it will keep good for a couple of years. 62 THE CARNATION. I have been often gratified with the sight of new yellow Picotees from the south of Germany : their colours were rich and vivid, unicolor, bicolor, and tricolor ; the shape of the blossoms finely formed, and the petals large and regular. The Bizarrerie or mixture of tints in many of them was to me quite new : I have seen chocolate and yellow ; pink and yellow; sulphur and crimson; buff, scarlet, and grey; yellow, purple, and white; yellow, crim- son, and chocolate ; yellow, slate, and grey ; some with scarlet stripes upon lilac grounds; and the reverse, presenting the glossy appearance of satin. Though the colours upon the whole were very dis- tinct, and finely traced, yet in some they were most strangely confused and oddly mixed, like a painter's delineation of fire, or rather his representation of fire and smoke, consisting of red, yellow, and ash colour, both dark and light, as in the flowers named ' Phce- nix inter flammas ;' Newton and Ippersill. Any person desirous of viewing some of these new and curious varieties, may have their desire gratified by visiting my small garden in July next, (God THE CARNATION. 63 granting,) for the tenure of human life is very un- certain in the most robust and healthful. Their names run as follows : Kaysernoon Russland, Prinz Eugene, Clemens, Rodolpho, Bernhaid, Adam, Fiirst Liechtenstein, General Kleist, Bellegarde, Frimont, Pauline Von Russland, Landgravine, Belle Bergere, Amelia, Agnes, Bertha, Maria, Phyllis, and many names of individuals sounding uncouthly in an English ear, with their official titles of Amtman, Heptman, Rittmeister, &c. &c. prefixed. Sophia, Arthur, Heinrich, Plinius, Juno, Apollo, Phcenix, Venus, Luna, Doernberg, Villeda, Retzau, Welden, Gracieuse, Gloriosa, La Magnifique, Leibgardist, 64 THE CARNATION. THE OPERATION AND TIME OF PIPING. THE propagation by piping, or cuttings, is more dif- ficult with the Carnation than with either the Picotee or Pink, and ought to commence as soon as the shoots or grass are ready. If you defer it till the bloom is nearly over, the chance of success is still more precarious, as the shoots get too hard and woody, and do not strike root so readily as they do when taken sooner, and in a more tender state. The operation of piping, then, ought to com- mence, for the reason above stated, about the first of July. I am aware that the usual mode is to wait until the flowers are in bloom, that you may see whether they are in their right colours or not. But, surely, it is no very difficult task to guard against this, by keeping the cuttings of every plant separate. Suppose you have three plants in one pot : you can easily affix three separate tallies, or number-sticks, with 1, 2, 3, on them, and also three other corre- THE CARNATION. 65 spending tallies to the pipings. By adopting this simple method, and paying a little attention while you are about it, it will be impossible not to keep a tolerably correct account, But if you find too much trouble or difficulty in keeping such an account as I here point out, you may wait a fortnight or three weeks longer, till the flowers are in bloom you will still be in time ; but remember this, your chance of success will be less, and your plants less also. Plants raised from cuttings are, in general, preferable to those from layers, because they are sounder, and will encounter the rigours of a sharp winter better. I do not infer from this that you should pipe all the shoots, and by so great mutilation damage and disfigure the plants just coming into bloom. On the contrary, then, I recommend you to select and take the shoots only where they appear crowded or too short, or too high up the stalk to be laid easily, leaving the rest to the more certain method of laying. Carnation pipings succeed best upon a little dung-heap of blood warmth, on a bed raised two or three feet above the surface of the earth ; for, should the season be wet, 66 THE CARNATION. they are more out of the reach of the dampness of the ground,, and also more exposed to the air. Compost for piping should consist of J. Maiden earth, J Leaf mould, ^ Rotten horse-dung, $ Sand. To be well mixed together, and passed through a fine sieve, that the ends of the cuttings, when stuck in, may enter easily and without injury. The piping should be cut with a sharp pen or budding knife, at the second or third joint, according to the condition of the grass ; but the shorter the better. The cut must take place horizontally, close below the joint, and the sheath or part that covers the joint must be carefully removed and peeled off. When the pipings are cut, the surface of the bed made flat and level, and gently watered through a fine rose, they may be stuck in, three-quarters of an inch deep, in rows, not too near together. Then let them be watered again, which will help to fix the earth close round them ; the glasses on no account THE CARNATIOX. 67 are to be shut down close till they are dry, or they will inevitably fog, rot, and perish. The best glasses for piping are those made of the common window- glass, eight inches square and six inches deep, and the less air they contain, the sooner will the cuttings strike root. The striking-glasses in common use, which are blown for the purpose, too often contain such a thick body of glass, as to concentrate the sun's rays, and scorch the pipings. They require shading only when the sun is out, and then with a net or old mat, to admit the glimmering of his rays. If the weather continues dry and hot, they will require to be watered occasionally, with a fine rose, early in a morning, over the glasses ; which, for one fortnight at least, need not be removed, if they are doing well. After, you may take them off from time to time as you see occasion, for half an hour or so in a morning, or evening, to dry the glasses ; and, if any of the pipings appear mildewed or rotten, pull them up. At the end of six weeks they will be sufficiently rooted to be transplanted into small pots, or a pre- pared bed, over which it would be advisable to place 00 THE CARNATION. a frame and lights for a week or ten days, till they take root again. There they may be allowed to re- main till the middle or so of September. In taking them up, if you find any of them not rooted, but sound, and their ends hard and callow, do not let them remain on the same spot, but remove them to another bed, with a little temporary heat, and cover them with glasses as before ; this will not fail to start them, and hasten their fibring. If this method be adopted and pursued through all the minuteness of detail with which I have endea- voured to lay it down, I am confident it will succeed. OF LAYING. ABOUT the 21st of July your flowers will be suffi- ciently expanded to show which are in colour, and which not. I would then have you to prepare for laying, and to continue it as opportunity serves, till the whole be completed. They may be done with safety any time between the 21st of July and the THE CARNATION. 69 21st of August : but as some are more difficult and slower in striking root than others, I advise you to begin with them. I here present you with the names of a few that I have found some difficulty with ; viz. Davey's Sovereign, Davey's Duchess of Devonshire, Hoyle's Magnificent, Lacey's Marquis of Wellesley, Lee's Apollo, Crump's Lord Rodney, Lacey's Lady Wellington, Wood's Comet, Harley's Wonderful, Sharpe's Defiance, Turner's Alexander, Turner's Hannibal. The plants should receive a good watering the day previous to laying, because they can receive it only, for some time after, through the fine rose of the water-pot, on account of the layers. The first step is to trim them, by cutting off with a pair of sharp scissors the leaves next the root, and about an inch in length of those at the end, moving at the same time the surface-mould in the pots, and 70 THE CARNATION. adding to it about half an inch in thickness of your finely-sifted compost,, as directed under the head of piping. They will then be ready for the incision,, which must be made with a sharp knife longitudinally, on the under side, a little below the second or third joint from the top : the knife must pass completely through the joint, and extend a quarter of an inch beyond it, forming altogether an incision of nearly an inch long, and dividing the stem of the layer in half lengthwise, as far as it goes. The nib, or extreme end of the tongue, as it is called, must be carefully cut off, immediately below the joint ; if left on, it is apt to decay, and prevent the end from becoming callow, which process must take place before the layer can form, or throw out any fibres. The tongue must be fixed downwards in the mould, and secured in that position, with a fern or wooden peg made for the purpose, and the joint where the cut took place covered about three- quarters of an inch deep with the fine mould. Should the part that is pegged down be washed bare THE CARNATION. 71 at any time by watering, it must be again covered with a little more mould. If the weather prove in any degree favourable^ they will be fit to take off in seven or eight weeks; when they may be planted, two or three in an up- right 48 pot, or two in a 60, according to their size. Let them be set upon tiles, slates, or boards, to pre- vent the worms getting into the pots, in which situa- tion they may be suffered to remain till the middle or end of October, according to the state of the weather, which is about the usual period of putting them in their winter quarters, where they are to remain till spring. As soon as the layers are rooted and fit to take off, they should be potted, to enable the fibres to get established before the cold weather sets in ; the removal, if possible, should not be de- ferred later than Michaelmas. Observe not to plant the layers too deep or low down in the pots, for whatever part of the side foliage is buried or covered will decay and rot, to the no small injury of the whole. 72 THE CARNATION. WINTER SITUATION. IT may, perhaps, be considered not improper to give a few cautionary hints respecting their treatment during their inactive state in the winter. It is usual to put about four inches deep of coal- ashes at the bottom of the frames, for the pots to stand upon ; this keeps out the worms, and at the same time protects the fibres during very severe weather : they should be placed also pretty near the glass. Let them have all the benefit of the air you can, by drawing the lights quite off in dry weather, and by giving air behind in wet. In frosty weather, which is not very severe, they should be exposed to the air, especially a few hours in the middle of the day. It is also an excellent plan to rest the frames upon bricks, to let in a free circulation of air below, among the pots; the frames in some seasons may remain raised in this manner even till Christmas : for it is quite time enough to remove the bricks, and let the THE CARNATION. 73 frames down close to the ground, when the frost appears to set in. The safest method, perhaps, is to keep them moderately dry in the months of December and January ; and when they require water, give it them through the narrow pipe of a small water-pot, in- stead of the rose. If watered with the rose, unless there be a brisk air and a little sun to dry the plants, the drops will hang upon them for several days to- gether, and spot and mildew the leaves ; indeed it is never right to shut them down close when wet. About once in six weeks, as you see occasion, take a small pointed stick, and lightly stir the mould on the surface, to prevent any green and sour incrusta- tion taking place. Many cover the tops of the pots with a little fine sand. The decayed leaves should also be taken off from time to time. Should the w r eather be temperate and mild, with any gentle rains from the south or south-west, they should be permitted to receive the benefit of them for half an hour or so, five or six times during the winter ; this will greatly refresh them, taking care to have their E 74 THE CARNATION. leaves dried again as soon as you can. If kept too dry any length of time together, I have observed that the stem loses its pith, and becomes like a dry hollow reed: steer between the two extremes, and you will do right. ON SEED AND SEEDLINGS. I HAVE already transgressed the limits which I had prescribed to myself in setting out ; I will therefore close the subject with a few cursory remarks on Seed and Seedlings. The Carnation is not a prolific seed-bearer: it often happens, that out of two hundred blooming plants, you will not be able to get even two pods of perfect seed. The reason may be accounted for in this way : first, because it is a flower that blows late in the summer, and has not time always to ripen its seed, especially in a wet one ; secondly, because the Carnations that are usually cultivated are so very double, as to preclude in a great measure the ex* THE CARNATION. 75 pectancy of much seed ; it is the semi-double flowers that yield the most. In the year 1818, more seed, I believe, was saved that summer than in any seven preceding put together ; it was excessively hot, and the heat continued till the autumn. There is hardly a Carnation-grower in the country that has not raised seedling-plants from seed saved that summer ; but as it is two years before they bloom, he will have to wait till the ensuing summer before he can have an opportunity of ascertaining their worth. The Carnation is a variable flower, and the incon- stancy of its seed is equal only to the variety pro- duced from it. It is said, but I know not with what truth, that seed out of the same pod will produce flowers of all the different varieties flakes, bizarres, &c., both single, semi-double, and double. Several superior flowers have been produced from seed saved from Gregory's King Alfred, Lacey's Marquis of Wellesley, Crump's Lord Rodney, Butts 's Lord Rodney, Stoniard's Britannia, Bearliss's Sir G. Osborn, Onion's Trafalgar, &c. If you perceive the pericarpium or seed vessel to E 2 76 THE CARNATION. swell and grow hard, so as to give hopes of seed, which it will not do till the flower is fading, and the leaves of it withering, then pluck the petals one by one out of the corolla or cup, taking great care not to injure the styles, or two horns, which if you do, all chance of seed is lost. By letting the flower- leaves remain in the cup, they are apt to hold the dew and wet, which frequently occasions the whole to rot. As the seed vessel fills up, you may with a pair of scissors cut off the ends of the cup all round, and make a slight incision down it, to keep the wet from resting in it. It will ripen towards the end of September ; but do not gather it till it is fully ripe, when it will be of a dark brown or black colour. It is the safest way to let it remain in the seed-pod, in some dry place, till after Christmas, when it may be cleaned, and put into a paper bag, or small bottle. It may be sown in wide pans, or 24-sized pots, about the second week in April, which is quite early enough, and covered a quarter of an inch thick with fine mould, the surface to be made smooth and level, both before and after sowing. Hand-glasses may be THE CARNATION. 77 placed over them till it comes up, which will also prevent the heavy rains from washing it out of the ground. If the plants are in too forward a state, and their growth too much accelerated by watering during the summer, they are apt to spindle, that is, every shoot nearly will run up to flower, scarcely leaving one to propagate from. I do not wish to discourage the young florist in his attempts to raise Seedling Carnations ; but he will find the production cf fine flowers to be a work of time, patience, and uncertainty. If I set a ratio as one to one hundred, I fear the calculation will be too extravagant, and that I shall not be borne out in it by the fact ; but let him look upon the whole as a lottery, and if fortune favours him, he may perhaps win two capital prizes, or more. The production of one superior flower it is folly to keep an inferior one in the present highly im- proved breed of Carnations will no doubt afford him much pleasure and gratification ; but if he should be fortunate enough to raise six during the whole course of his life, he must consider his labours 78 THE CARNATION. to have been crowned with success ; and as vanity and self-conceit,, which spring from ignorance, are apt to blind and mislead the judgment in all matters that concern ourselves, I caution the florist who has raised any Seedling Carnations, not to be too hasty in pronouncing upon their excellence, but submit them to the inspection and criticism of another as well as himself, lest while he fancies he is breeding up a swan, it should prove at last to be nothing but a goose. A bad florist is nearly in the same situa- 9 tion as a bad poet, he becomes the butt of ridicule, and his productions the subject of derision and contempt. THE PICOTEE, AND THE REASON OF ITS PARTIAL EXCLUSION FROM THE STAGE. ONE thing respecting Seedlings had nearly escaped my recollection, which is this: Most florists, whose views are principally directed to the raising of fine flowers from seed, exclude the Picotee, with its THE CARNATION. 79 spotted leaves and indented edges, from the society of the Carnation altogether, lest the farina or pollen of the Picotee should become impregnated with that of the Carnation, and so spoil its breed. This opi- nion seems generally to prevail, and I am not pre- pared with any argument that can counteract it. For my part, however, no such consideration shall ever induce me to exclude from the garden, or to forego the pleasure of beholding, the varied, the fanciful, and beautiful blossom of the Picote'e, which presents itself in all the delicate and softer tints of the Carnation, not indeed disposed with that precise- ness and regularity, but pencilled and marked by the inimitable hand of Nature in her more sportive mood : at one time, on a snow-white ground, a vast profusion of small, irregular spots appear red, black, or purple ; at another, a few straight lines or dashes of the pencil only are seen on some of the larger petals; then a fanciful mixture of both to- gether, most beautifully blended ; at another time, the edges or extremity only of the flower-leaves shall be tinged and laced all round, or the whole covered 80 THE CARNATION. with a netted and motley mixture of shining co- lours. I have often remarked the preference given to Picotees by most ladies : after being tired with gazing at the gaudy and more dazzling beauties of the Carnation, they have turned, with apparently greater satisfaction, to examine and admire the soft and delicate graces of their favourite Picotee. ON THE PLAGIARISM, &c. OF FLORISTS. THERE is another topic connected with the present subject which in a manner forces itself upon me, yet it is with some degree of reluctance that I enter upon it. The florists, no doubt, are a race of men subject to the same passions as other men are ; and these passions, even in the florist, if they are suffered, like weeds, to run riot, and are not properly pruned and restrained, will sometimes prompt him to commit actions, which are not strictly compatible with the innocent and pleasing avocation which he pursues. THE CARNATION. 81 Gentle reader, be not alarmed ; I am not going to charge him with the dreadful crimes of murder or manslaughter, notwithstanding the deep scarlet and crimson hues with which those flowers are stained that he often holds in his hands. No ; I charge him only, as a lawyer might express it, if he belonged to that learned body, with certain malprac- tices in his profession, which I think it my duty to mention, that they may be exposed, and the authors of them, when detected, held up to ridicule and con- tempt. What I mean by all this preamble is neither more nor less than this that a florist will sometimes, either with a view to raise his reputation, or from the more sordid motive of gain, procure from some distant part of the country the favourite and admired flower of another, under its true name ; he will then christen it afresh, and palm it upon the public as a seedling Carnation of his own. He will not unfrequently also substitute, in the way of trade, one flower for another, seldom a better for a worse, to the great disappointment and vexation E 5 82 THE CARNATION. of the person so receiving it. This is the reason why we so often find the same flower under different names, of whieh I could point out instances not a few. Thus we have two Rainbows, as two may some- times be seen in the heavens at the same time ; but then the one is only the faint shadow and reflection of the other. So we have two James's Lord Craven, two Castle's Mrs. Harrington, two Sharpe's Defi- ance, two or three Weltje's Pellew, two or three Young's Mount ./Etna, &c. &c. But, what is worse than all, it is also said that he will sometimes not hesitate to sell and deliver a run flower, instead of one in colour, knowing it to be so. Such unfair practices as these must, however, in the end, defeat themselves ; and let us hope that they are confined but to a few, and do not apply to the body of florists in general. THE CARNATION. 83 A STAGE OF CARNATIONS. A STAGE of Carnations is a splendid and beautiful sight, of which no one can form any just idea, unless he has had the opportunity of beholding two or three hundred blossoms at one time. Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough, was extremely partial to Carnations, and had every year about two hundred pots of them : she was frequently heard to say, that nothing gave her so much pleasure as the sight of her Carnations in full bloom, and which she preferred to all the green-house plants in her pos- session. Sir John Hill, also, in some of his works, speaks in praise of the Carnation, whose fragrance, he says, led him to enjoy it frequently. There is not the least doubt but that it has been the distinguished favourite of thousands, in all ages and in all coun- tries, wherever it could be met with, from the earliest times down to the present ; and a singular predilec- tion in its favour at the present day seems to be 84 THE CARNATION. manifested among all ranks throughout the king- dom, by whom it is equally cherished and cultivated. Hear what that political Proteus, yet clever writer, Mr. Cobbett, says of a Carnation, to which he attri- butes beauty and fragrance in the highest degree. ' Some persons may think that flowers are things of ( no use that they are nonsensical things ; the same * may be, and perhaps with more reason, said of ' pictures. An Italian, while he gives his fortune ' for a picture, will laugh to scorn a Hollander, who * leaves a tulip-root as a fortune to his son. For my ' part, as a thing to keep, and not to sell, as a thing, * the possession of which is to give me pleasure, I ' hesitate not a moment to prefer the plant of a fine ' Carnation to a gold watch set with diamonds.' And he continues, f Those who have once seen a ' bed of beautiful Tulips, Carnations, or Auriculas, ' enjoy during life the delightful sight in recollection.' The effect produced by a number of Carnations together is undoubtedly striking ; and it is beauty in masses only that can produce such an effect. The Clove Gilliflower, or the true Old Clove, a& THE CARNATION. 85 it is called, and of which we hear so much mention made, if we may credit the testimony of very old gardeners, is now lost to the country. One flower, they will tell you, would scent the whole garden, the perfume was so strong and powerful. It may be so; I have not the means of contradicting it. THE DUTCH MODE OF GARDENING. WE are apt to ridicule the Dutchman, as well as the imitators of him here at home, who divide their gar- dens into small beds, or compartments, planting each with separate and distinct flowers. We ridicule the plan, because it exhibits too great a sameness and formality j like unto the nosegay that is composed of one sort of flowers only, however sweet and beau- tiful they may be, they lose the power to please, because they want variety. It must undoubtedly be acknowledged, that a parterre, no matter in what form whether circular or square, elliptical or oblong 86 THE CARNATION. where all the shrubs, plants, and flowers in it, like the flowers of a tastefully-arranged bouquet, are va- riously disposed in neat and regular order, according to their height and colour, is a delightful spectacle, and worthy of general imitation. Yet still in some particular cases I am disposed to copy the Dutch- man, and I would have my bed of Hyacinths dis- tinct, my Tulips distinct, my Anemonies, my Ra- nunculuses, my Pinks, my Carnations distinct, and even my beds of Double Blue Violets and Dwarf Larkspurs distinct, to say nothing of hedge-rows of different sorts of Roses : independent of the less trouble you have in cultivating them when kept se- parate, you have, as I said before, beauty in masses, and you have likewise their fragrance and perfume so concentrated, that they are not lost in air, but powerfully inhaled when you approach them. In support of the above argument, I beg to quote an authority of no small consideration. Mrs. Siddons, the celebrated tragic actress, was a great admirer of this mode of planting, and fond of contemplating this ' beauty in masses.' She adopted THE CARNATION. 87 this style of gardening at her late residence on the Harrow-road. One favourite flower with her was the Viola Amcena, the Pansy*, or Common Purple Heart's-ease, and this she set with unsparing pro- fusion all around her garden. Her great and con- stant call for this flower every spring, to keep the purple bordering complete and perfect, induced the gardeners in the neighbourhood to give the name of Miss Heart's-ease to her managing handmaid, who used to chaffer for it in the true spirit of hard and thrifty dealing. Her garden was remarkable in an- other respect, and might with great propriety be styled a garden of evergreens, which, together with a few deciduous shrubs, were of the most sombre, sable, and tragical cast such as Box- trees, Fir, Privet, Phillyrea, Arbor Vitse, Holly, Cypress, the Red Cedar, Laurel, Irish Ivy, Bay-tree, Arbutus Daphne, or Spurge Laurel, Cneorum Tricoccum, or the c Widow- Wail,' the branches and flowers of * Pansy, Panacea, derived from the Greek, signifying Heal-all. THE CARNATION. which, according to Pliny, were carried by the Ro- man matrons in their funeral processions : ' Purpureos spargam flores.' VIRGIL. The only part of the year in which it could be viewed with any degree of satisfaction was the winter, as giving rise to a pleasing association of ideas, in beholding these retain their green verdure and cloth- ing at a time when the rest of the surrounding trees were stripped naked and bare. In addition to what I have already stated, I can- not help making mention of a large bed of Holly- hocks (the Alcea Rosea, a native of China), which I noticed some few years ago in the gardens of Messrs. Lee and Kennedy, of Hammersmith. I think I counted in the bed fourteen distinct varieties of this beautiful species, of tall and short growth; the flowers were all double, and the effect produced by them was grand beyond description. The immense number of rose-shaped blossoms, and the strong contrast of their shades and colours white, yellow, red, crimson, brown, black, &c., ar- THE CARNATION. 89 rested my attention ; I thought this group of flowers at the time one of the finest and most magnificent sights I had ever witnessed. CARNATION BED. FLORISTS in general have a greater stock of Carna- tions than they find convenient to blow in pots, and these they plant out in the ground towards the latter end of March. There is no doubt but that they might do equally as well, if they were planted in the open ground about the beginning of October, and would stand through the winter unhurt, provided a slight protection could be afforded them by mats, or a piece of sail-cloth thrown over them, resting on hoops, during continued rains, heavy falls of snow, or other severe weather; but they who have the means of wintering them in frames seldom run that o risk, and prefer planting them out in the spring. The pains which they bestow in preparing and 90 THE CARNATION. making the bed for them, depend in a great measure on the value they set on the plants ; if they are some of their choice sorts, and they are anxious to have fine blooms,, they will form a fresh bed altogether. In this case, they first remove a foot in depth of the old earth, and then dig over what remains to the depth of a foot more, provided there be that depth before they come to the subsoil ; they will then cover the surface with a stratum of rotten horse-dung, three inches deep, not too much exhausted that which comes directly from the cucumber-bed is to be pre- ferred ; they will then replace the mould which they removed in the first instance, with the same sort qf compost as is intended for the Carnations in pots, raising the bed about four inches above the surface of the ground, and rounding the top a little in a convex form, just enough to give the water a gentle descent each way. If the bed is four feet wide, it will contain four rows, if the plants are set singly, but only three if set in pairs, as turned out of the pots, allowing sufficient room for laying. I need scarcely repeat here that they will require THE CARNATION. 91 a plentiful supply of water, as they come into flower, to swell the pod, and to increase the blossom. The following Catalogue of Carnations and Pico- tees comprehends the greatest part of the choicest flowers in England. CARNATIONS. SCARLET BIZARUES. Astin's Lord Exmouth Bray's Defiance Broadbent's Victorious Brown's Lord Hood Lord Nelson Barefield's Lord Nelson Bigg's Don Cossack Defiance Bate's Regent Nelson Brady's Bravo Barker's Sovereign Cartwriglit's Abercrombie Clarke's Regent Costin's Monarch Craddock's Sir SidneySmith Crump's Lord Rodney Colcutt's Emperor Cook's Wellington Davey's Caesar Augustus . Sovereign Honourable Thos. Brand Gabell's Hero Hall's Champion Hoyle's General Washing- ton Barley's Waterloo Generalissimo Earl of Oxford 92 THE CARNATION. Humphrey's Duke of Cla- rence Handy's Regent Hine's Duke of Wellington Lord Exmouth Hogg's Lord Sydney Duke of Montrose Epaminondas Houghton's Duke of New- castle James's Lord Craven Lee's British Beauty Lord Byron Emperor Alexander Leigh's Wellington Lisset's Seedling Mason's Sovereign Lord Compton Martin's Matchless Macbeth Notcutt's Lord Mansfield Lord St. Vincent Onion's Hero of Trafalgar Plummer's Lord Manners Pope's Lord Hood Pearson's Chiiwell Hero Blucher ' - Lord Bagot Reynold's King Smalley's Foxhunter Sharpe's Defiance Smedmore's Regent Snook's Charles Fox Paragon Defiance John Bull Strong's Victorious Smith's Emperor Stourb ridge Regulator Tallis's Prince William Henry Turner's Alexander Blucher Sir Francis Burdett Taylor's Lord Nelson Waterhouse's Rising Sun Weltje's Buonaparte Sir Edward Pellew No. 23 Sir Sidney Smith Walker's Defiance Hero Monarch Pageant Webb'sDuke of Wellington Wurman's Captain Wise THE CARNATION. 93 Wood's Lord Nelson Waters' Prince of Wales Young's Mount ytna Young's British Hero . Yeomanson's Eclipse Triumphant CRIMSON BIZARRES. Astin's Marquis of Anglesea Bate's Magnificent Bugbird's Sir F. Burdett Bond's Agenora Brown's Defiance Lord Nelson Barker's Sir Robert Wilson Brook's Adonis Bailey's Wellington Berriman's Jubilee Cartwright's Rainbow Crook's Marquis Chaplin's Admiral Duncan Cope's Suwarrow Christian's Superb Davey's King David Rainbow Fletcher's Staffordshire Hero Gregory's King Alfred Patriot Gabell's Esquire Garle Hopkin's King Solomon Horrock's Collingwood Prince Leopold Hoyle's Magnificent Howarth's Grenadier Harley's Diana Lord Lough - borough Cockade Hogg's Hamlet Adventurer John Goldham, Esq. King George IV. Lacey's Marquis of Wel- lesley Lacy's Waterloo Lee's Duke of Bridgewater Apollo Duke of Kent King George 94 THE CARNATION. Martin's King Arthur Earl Grey ' Duke of Grafton Marquis of Bath Glory, four distinct colours British Farmer Lord Erskine Dundee Beauty Miller's Champion Joe Miller St. George Phillip's Lord Harrington Pearson's Lord Middleton Superb , No. 3 Quarterman's Oxford Hero Steed's Yorkshire Hero Snook's Emperor Smedmore's Lord Nelson Stretch's King Toule's Sir John Leicester Terry's King Troup's Beauty Tate's Waterloo Yorkshire Lad Walker's Marquis Baron Wallace's Sir Wm. Wallace Yeomanson's Coburg Magnificent General Pic- ton Lord Hill PURPLE BIZARRES. Hine's British Farmer j Hogg's Sir Joseph Banks PINK AND PURPLE BIZARRES. Astin's Victory Bowstead's Queen Hero Bate's Duchess of York Bearless's Sir Geo. Osborne Church's Seedling Davey's Duchess of Devon- shire THE CARNATION. 95 Davey's Lady Grey Davis's Regent French's Duke of Kent Fryer's King Gill's Bristol Hero Harcourt's Prince of Wales Hogg's Dulce Decus Kenny's Patriot Mason's Seedling Pephall's Oldenburgh Pearson's Eminent Troup's Hero Duke of Gloucester , Duke of Welling- ton Tucker's Duchess of De- vonshire Weltje's Maid of Honour Walker's Buckingham Pilgrim Wallace's Lady Duncan SCARLET FLAKES. Astin's Seedling Brook's Colonel Tarleton Belcher's Lady Spenser Barker's Mrs. Clarke Barr's Waterloo Barnes's Lord Nelson Cart Wright's Commander Pirate Davis's Sir William Curtis Eagleton's Marquis of Ta- vistock Fulbrook's Lord Nelson Harley's Enchanter Regent Harley's Wonderful Hogg's Sirius Mount Hecla Hill's Marquis of Anglesea Incomparable Dutch Flake James's Prince of Wales Lee's Queen Lyford's Regent Lacey's Queen Lady Wellington Mason's Duke of Welling- ton Duke of Devon- shire 96 THE CARNATION. Martin's Morning Star Earl of Leven Page's Queen Caroline Pearson's Juno Rising Sun Snook's No. 12 Lord John Russell Strong's Lady Romilly Stoinard's Britannia Thornicroft's Blucher Britannia Superb Brilliant Victory Venus Tagg's Glory of Oxford Walker's Emerald Ruby Wood's Comet Wilson's Lord Nelson Winter's Berkshire Fla- mingo Waterhouse's Queen Caro- line Duke of Nor- folk Earl Fitzwil- liam Yeomanson's Blucher Commander PURPLE FLAKES. Adw in's Princess Royal ' Barker's Top Sawyer Butt's Lord Rodney Brown's British Beauty Bates' Wellington Boyle's Lord Ashbrook Cartwright's Seedling Castle's Mrs. Barring-ton Cornfield's Sir George Ro- binson Crook's Royal Purple Cope's Miss Plato ff Dickson's Mary Queen of Scots Fame Fulbrook's Grenadier Gardiner's Trimmer Houghton's Miss Saville Hoyle and Boad's Queen Hardman's Lord Exmouth THE CARNATION. 97 Honey's Princess Charlotte Hogg's Mrs. Siddons Pilot Harley's Smuggler James's Queen Lester's Purple Flake Page's Seedling Porter's Queen Palmer's Defiance Duchess of Dorset Patson's Marlborough Phillip's Defiance Britannia Redfern's Derby Hero Stable's Queen Strong's Eliza Turner's Hannibal Taylor's Waterloo Williams's Duchess of York Walker's British Beauty Columbine Wright's Duchess of Man- chester Wood's Ambassador Aid-de-camp Princess Charlotte Commander Waterhouse'slncomparable Wilde's Mary Ann ROSE AND PINK FLAKES. Astiu's Lady Faget Barr's Rose Flake Brook's Rosy Bacchus Crooke's Duchess of Wel- lington Lady Mildmay Roi des Roses Cartvvri ght's Rosa Juliet Davey's Lady Shannon Davey's Tower of Babel Davis's Princess Charlotte Princess of Wales Duchess of York Fletcher's Duchess of De- vonshire Gab ell's Islington Beauty Harley's Mrs. Clarke Hine's Queen Hogg's Paddington Beauty 98 THE CARNATION. Hogg's Queen Miss Cockerill Lady Burgoyne Galatea Hoyle's Beauty Honey's General Elliot Lacey's Princess of Wales Marchioness of Wellesley Metcalf s Miss Saunders Martin's Lady Exmouth Meesom's Invincible Mason's Queen Caroline Duchess of Glou- cester Martin's Isabella Martin Lady Grey Newland's Beauty Plummer's Lord Keith Pearson's Lady Loudon Piannon's Lord Norris Rivers' Incomparable Snook's Queen Caroline Smedmore's Duchess of Devonshire Lady Derby Tate's Jubilee Taylor's Staffordshire Lass Thornicroft's Lady North- ampton Walker's Fairy Queen Rosamond Warman's Miss Ormond W T ild's Cottage Girl Wood's Aurora Yeomanson's Duchess of Rutland Helen FRENCH CARNATIONS. Due d'Angoulme Flora | Violet de Metz I Henri de Prusse &c. &c. THE CARNATION. 99 Additional Catalogue of some few new varieties of Carnations, which may justly be classed among the first-rate flowers. SCARLET BIZARRES. Finmore's Rising Sun Hogg's Sheriff Whittaker Hufton's 'Squire Mundy Landon's Falstaff Lee's King Alfred Mason's Achilles Lord Harrington Sir George Crewe Plant's Sir John Bough ey CRIMSON Booth's Justice Trafford Franklin's Queen Hattersley's Freedom Hufton's Miss Mundy Ive's Leopold Medwin's Lord Eldon Mason's Favourite Pearson's Competitor Pyke's Champion Gladiator Strong's King Duke of York Thompson's Ralph Cart- wright, Esq. Roby's Salamander BIZARRES. Mason's Cam Hobhouse Pittman's Rising Sun Strong's Prince of Den- mark Linnaeus Thompson's Sir J. Miller Yeomanson's G. Rex IV. PURPLE BIZARRES. Hines's Duchess of Kent Lady Macclesfield Strong's Dr. Franklin Pyke's Eminent F 2 100 THE CARNATION. SCARLET FLAKES, Cartwriglit's Duke of Sussex Hufton's Miss Barwell Mason's Eclipse Strong's Emperor Thomson's Warrior Wharton's Phoenix PURPLE FLAKES. Archer's Union Mason's Lady Harrington Fyke's Cato Harley's Commodore Strong's Esther The Worcester Violet Timmis's Lord Byron ROSE FLAKES. Hale's Miss Cox Houghton's Duchess of Newcastle Mason's Lady Scarsdale Thomson's Maria It gives me pleasure to add my small tribute of praise here in behalf of Finmore's Rising Sun, Mason's Achilles, Strong's Prince of Denmark, and his Esther, Pittman's Rising Sun, Mason's Eclipse, and Whartori's Phoenix. Though this may appear somewhat invidious, where the whole are so fine, yet these last are, in my opinion, most excellent, and not to be surpassed. THE CARNATION. 101 BRANCH AND BLOSSOM. ' PRAY, Master Blossom, are you not rather lavish of your praise ? What can you know yet of these new flowers ? have you proved them sufficiently, that you speak in such good round set terms of their excellence ? If you wish the world to believe that you possess some little taste and judgment, I advise you to express your sentiments with more caution and reserve, lest they should be called in question hereafter.' f Why, Branch, have they not proved themselves already ? But I know your fond partiality to your old favourites, and your great reluctance to admit of any excellence in any of the new ones. There's your favourite Pellew, if you get him good once in seven years it is as much as you do ; as for old Washing- ton, with all his reputation, if the summer proves wet, does he not then come pouncy as brickdust ? See the trouble there is with Clarence, fine as he is, to keep him in health : I may say the same with 102 THE CARNATION. respect to Sharpe's Defiance ; and as for Sovereign, he was never half a good one. ' ' Bless me, Master Blossom ! do I hear such lan- guage from you ? There's treason and treachery in the very sound of it : I cannot listen with patience ; for have not I heard you praise those old flowers as much as I have ever done ? * ' And so you may again; but surely I may have the liberty to express what I think of these new seed- lings, which deservedly claim admiration. What proof can you want ? ' Has not this modern Achilles bravely fought his way into notice, and beat his opponents with ease ? Has not Finmore's Rising Sun exalted himself by his splendour and magnitude, and outshone all his competitors ? and has not Pittman's Rising Sun also been the envy and admiration of all that came within the view of his broad illumined disk for three years past ? Has not Strong's Prince of Denmark con- ducted himself like a true and valiant prince, and carried off, more than once, the palm of victory ? and has not his lovely Esther, arrayed in pure white THE CARNATION. 103 and shining purple, with her goodly figure and at- tractive graces, won universal admiration ? As for Mason's Eclipse, mind if he does not put the extin- guisher over a good many; and lovely Phoenix, I have no doubt, will prove herself a complete " rara avis" and find admirers in plenty ; to say nothing of Strong's Linnaeus, Pyke's Champion, Thompson's 'Squire Cartwright, Hufton's Miss Mundy, Schole's Delight, &c., which are all first-rate flowers.' ' Well, well, neighbour Blossom, remember the old saying, "the least said the soonest mended:" it will be well if you are not obliged to retract some part of your opinion in this instance, as you have done in others ; for I have heard you say, that you could not credit the evidence even of your own senses in respect to flowers, they present such different ap- pearances at different seasons, and that you have been sadly deceived thereby.' ' Branch, I admit it, and moreover confess, not- withstanding all you can urge, that I would not part with Pittman's Rising Sun, though I could get in its stead the far-famed " Cravo do Duque" of Portugal, 104 THE CARNATION. the great favourite of the Cardinal Patriarch a flower worthy, as he says, of being presented to the Queen of Heaven. How many have sought after it in vain, his Eminence having interdicted its going among heretics ! and, what is also equally strange, his gardener having had the virtue to reject the pressing offer of a handful of crusadoes and milreas for it.' ' Tis very well that something new turns up every season, to keep the votaries of Flora and her fancy alive. Last year, Cartwright's Rainbow, Houghton's Duchess of Newcastle, Queen Caroline, the Smug- gler, and the Foxhunter took the lead ; this year you have other favourites. May I ask, Mr. Blossom, what price you set on Pittman's flower, which, in your opinion, is so complete an ultra, or, as I would express it, quite an out-and-outer a chef-d'oeuvre of Nature?' ( That of a sovereign, at least : know, Branch, that in my impatience to obtain it, I last year offered two for it.' * Aye, aye, money and wit seldom go together. THE CARNATION. 105 though I have heard it said that it is a general rule in Paddington to measure a man's intellects by the depth and weight of his purse.' < Pooh, pooh ! let us close this parley ; for our hearers are, I dare say, pretty well tired.' ' With all my heart ; only tell me, Master Blos- som, is it true that a London tradesman has no con- science ? Excuse me, I don't mean a London florist.* ' Why, Branch, as for that, a tradesman's con- science, and the consciences of his customers, are too often nearly upon a par : the one thinks he never can charge enough, and the other thinks it never time to pay.' PICOTEES. MY COLLECTION OF PICOTEES IS UNRIVALLED FOR BEAUTY AND VARIETY. Archbishop of York of Canterbury Brown's Wonderful Bartlett's Beauty Barclay's Lady Dundas Baron's Miss Neville Brook's Seedling Bambury's Duchess of Beaufort Bailey's Beauty F 5 106 THE CARNATION. Blaize's Blazing Star Cartwright's Circassian Douglas's Lady Pierpont lotte Cornfield's Mr. Ponsonby .- T.oflv' TYTillrr Gloucester Duborg's Elegant Furze's Superb Hall's Morning Star Lady Crewe Hogg's Arab Duke of Sussex Stella Bath T idv IVnrtli ampton Great Favourite Emma Sophia of Glou- cester Princess Augusta ford Dlll-r nf "Ra/1 f/vrj-1 Davey's Eclipse True Briton Lady Craven Douglas's Duchess of Kent Corinthian Belvedere Hufton's Magnum Bonum THE CARNATION. 107 Kenny's Superb Queen Incomparable Lacey's Queen Lawrence's Hampton Beauty Lee's Robin Hood Splendid Little John Colonel Stanton Zebra Montford's Hero Mason's Wellington Black Prince Exmouth Regent Princess Charlotte Princess of Wales Favourite Beauty Martin's Hero . Ruby Waterloo Coburg . Magnificent Miss Bouverie Queen Martin's Triumphant Veteran Miller's Perfect Beauty True Blue True Briton Pemberton's Georgina Pearson's Maria Chill well Beauty Fair Play Pyke's Beauty Rouce's Lady Warren Sandael's Litchfield Hero Syrett's Lady Effingham Lady Howard Princess of Wales Mars Steed's Artaxerxes Stone's Sparkler Brilliant General Picton Spratt's Lord Effingham Sm alley's Cynthia Woodford's Queen Wollard's Waterloo Yeomanson's Beauty Invincible OF THE PINK. LET your Pink bed be constructed upon the same principle as that for Carnations ; for to give instruc- tions for the growth of one is to give instructions for the growth of the others their nature and habits are alike ; they require the same open situation, and the same richness of soil, and these you must let them have, if you mean to grow them in any per- fection. The Pinks must also be shaded when in bloom, if you wish their beauty to continue any length of time untarnished : either rain or sun will alike sully and fade their colour. The pods should be tied round after the manner of Carnations, with a little bass- mat, to prevent their bursting, and their number reduced, to increase the size of those you leave on. As the Pink is earlier than the Carnation, of course the time of propagating it will be earlier also,, which is generally performed by pipings or cuttings any time about the 21st of June. THE PINK. 109 When the pipings have taken root, they must be pricked out into a kind of nursery-bed, to get strength and grow, till about the middle of September, which is the customary time of planting them out in a bed, where they are to remain to flower. It has been very frequently remarked that Pinks moved and transplanted in the spring never do well, nor show half the beauty which those do that were planted in September ; the laced Pinks, in particular, appear almost plain, and without their distinguish- ing character. They should likewise never be suf- fered to remain longer than two years in the same spot and ground, without either change of soil or situation. To say more concerning Pinks I conceive wholly unnecessary ; for if you have attended with any care to the directions given for the management of the Carnations, you will be at no loss how to treat them. 110 THE PINK. OF SEED. To save seed from Pinks, you must extract tHe flower-leaves when they begin to wither, and pursue the same plan as is recommended with respect to Carnation seed. Davey's Venus and Incomparable, Dakin's Bur- dett, Turner's Regent, and Brown's Beauty, are fine flowers to save seed from. To the above short account I beg leave to add a letter on the culture of Pinks, which, in the year 1821, I had the honour of addressing to Joseph Sabine, Esq., Secretary to the London Horticultural Society : it was approved by the Council, and or- dered to be printed in their Transactions of that year. ' Sir : I feel obliged to you for the favourable * opinion you were pleased to express of the few spe- 4 cimens of Pink Blooms (for which I received the * Banksian medal), which I had the honour to * exhibit at a late meeting of the Horticultural So- ' ciety. The health of the plants, and the beauty of THE PINK. Ill f the blossoms, I attribute mainly to the mode of culti- v vation which I pursued with respect to them ; a brief * account of which I now subjoin, hoping, though * the subject-matter be trifling and unimportant in * itself, that it will afford some gratification to those * members of the Society who are fond of flowers, * and who feel pleasure in the admiration, at least, ' if not in the cultivation of them. ( I formed my Pink beds and planted them about ' the middle of October ; they were raised six inches ( above the alleys, to enable the heavy rains to pass ' off during the winter. The soil consisted of a ( sandy loam, or, more correctly speaking, of a com- ' mixture of yellowish loam, common black garden- f mould, road grit taken from the entrance to the * Paddington pond, which might not improperly be ' called sand, having been washed by the water ; ' and a good portion of rotten horse-dung, well in- ' corporated, with a good bottom of dung from the c cucumber pits : added to which, I top-dressed the ' beds in the beginning of May, after weeding and 4 lightly hoeing the surface, with nearly an inch 112 THE PINK. ' thick of rotten dung passed through a coarse sieve, ' in which was a small quantity of one-year old ' sheep-dung, the sweepings of the St. John's Wood ' Lane sheep-pens. ( I watered them freely with the pipe of the water- ' pot between the rows, when the pods were swelling ' and showing bloom ; for if the plants lack moisture ' at this stage of their growth, when the weather is ' generally hot and the ground dry, the flowers seem * to languish, and never attain that degree of perfec- ' tion they would do if the beds were kept moist and ' cool. The top-dressing prevents the ground from ' cracking, and the rains and water given from the ' pot passing through it, convey gradually a whole- f some nourishment to the plants. ' The effect of careful, over careless cultivation, was ' never perhaps more clearly evinced than in an in- ( stance in my own neighbourhood in this season. ( A friend of mine, who had received from me all the f superior varieties of Pinks, planted them in a bed ' in the common way ; and though they were pretty ' healthy, and sent forth sufficient blooms., they pre- THE PINK. 113 ' sented only a sort of uniform sameness, undistin- < guished by that pleasing variety of bright colouring ' and beautiful lacing peculiar to each, which were ' so manifest in mine : a common observer would ' have said that they were Pinks altogether different ' from mine. ' Florists contending for a prize, and anxious to { get their flow T ers large, leave three pods only upon ' each stem, and four or five stems to a large plant, ' two or three to a small one, cutting off the rest as ' they spindle up to flower : as soon as the pods are ' full formed they tie a slip of wet bass round them, f to prevent their bursting irregularly, and place a ( glass or other covering over them when in bloom, to c protect them from the sun and rain, thereby pre- ' serving their colours from being soon faded and ' tarnished. ( If there has been much frost during the winter, ' and the earth is consequently rendered light and ' loose when it thaws, the roots, by such an extension ( of ground, will sometimes be raised almost out of it: ' in that case it will be necessary, any time about the ' beginning of April, to tread the mould down lightly 114 THE PINK. ' with the foot,, or at least to compress it firmly round ( the plants with the hand. ' A Pink bed will continue, and flower very well < for two years in succession, though most florists ( renew their plants every year by piping the grass, ' in order to have them young, healthy, and vigorous ; ' and if they are confined to the same plot of ground, ' they take care to add a little fresh loam and rotten * dung to it, every time they make up a fresh bed. ' In preparing compost for the Dianthus tribe of * plants, particularly for those which I flower in pots, 'I always bear in mind what Virgil says in his 1 * second Georgic about soil : " Pinguis item quse sit tellus, hoc denique pacto " Discimus ; hand unquara manibus jactata fatiscit " Sed picis in morem ad digitos lentescit habendo.' ' ' Columella and Pliny, also, in their works on Agri-' { culture, have given directions for the selection of ( good soil, which cannot be amended at the present' e day. The following are some of the tests whereby * they distinguish it: "That it is of a blackish ' colour : glutinous when wet, and easily crumbled * when dry; has an agreeable smell; imbibes water, THE PINK. 115 retains a proper quantity, and discharges a super- fluity/' &c. Gardeners who cannot meet with such soil ought to use artificial means to form it, by bringing together different kinds: sand and stiff loam being the principal ingredients required., the one for strong soils, the other for light. ' Before I use fresh dung loam, I always take the precaution to strew over it a little quick lime, well slacked, and in a hot state, to correct any acidity, or decompose any injurious saline compounds. Lime also is an excellent application for the destruction of slugs, snails, worms, and other injurious insects, as well as for the dissolution of inert vegetable matter. e You will excuse the minute detail, which I have entered into more fully than I intended when I sat down; but as I took the pains to make the experi- ment, I give it you because I have every reason to be satisfied with the success of it. < Before I conclude, I beg to call to your recollection ' that I am neither gardener nor florist professionally, ' but that I commenced the cultivation of flowers, in ' the first instance, with a view to amuse a depressed ' state of mind, and reinvigorate a still more sickly 116 THE PINK. ' state of body : I therefore solicit your utmost indul- ' gence towards the remarks which I have made on ' the cultivation of that pleasing little flower the Pink. ' I am, Sir,, with great respect, c Your most obedient, humble Servant, THOMAS HOGG. < Paddington, July 30, 1821.' CATALOGUE OF THE PINKS. IN the following catalogue I have taken the liberty to discard the names of many of the old Pinks, and which I mean in future to discard from the garden also, because their places can now be much better supplied with new ones ; and if I have not published a numerous list, let it be remembered that quality, in respect to flowers, is always preferable to quantity Archer's Seedling Ambrose's Lady Hill King Eclipse Austin's Lady Hill Fair Ellen No. 12. Scarlett THE PINK, 117 Baker's King Bennett's Woodstock Hero Bray's Waterloo Bond's Nelson - Stranger Maid of Kent Barnard's Bexley Hero Mother Bunch Curate Miss O'Neil Brooks' Superb Barnes' Trafalgar Berkshire Buffalo, or Beauty of Ugliness Carpenter's Wellington Blucher Clay's Lady Nelson Cheese's Miss Cheese Champion Caroline Clarke's Smolensko Leopold Captain Adonis Cambray's Gibraltar Colville's Eliza Collin's Cornwallis Corbett's Leopold Chamberlaine's Bensonian Chinn's Queen Caroline Curson's Seedling Coulston's Britannia Collier's Kentish Hero Davey's Britannia Devonshire Daveyana Queen Lady Shannon Venus Lady Durham Eclipse Agrippina Lady Albemarle Lady Bridgewater Standard Nonpareil Hero Incomparable Miss Shutz Dry's Earl of Uxbridge Dakin's Burdett East's Waterloo Eclipse Eggleston's Sovereign Ford's King Lady Hamilton Queen Caroline Mountain of Snow 118 THE PINK. Golding's Seedling Green's Princess of Wales Gould's Beauty Windsor Hero Greenwood's Britannia Beauty Hopkins's Scarecrow Comet FarmerPickering Blucher Ruby Harcourt's King George Hine's Queen Comet Seedling 2 Hill's King Hoare's Maid of Kent Haslam's Parson Morris Ruler of England Imber's Wellington Jeeve's Glorioso Lady Dacre Jeoffrey's Nelson Knight's Wellington Keen's Oldenburgh Kilner's Cricketer Langford's Burdett , Countess of Pembroke Looker's Oxonian Lock's Glory of Newport Lovegrove's Duchess of Gloucester Maltby's Apollo -- Adonis Man's Duchess of Angou- Metcalfs Blucher Maynard's Rose-leafed Moor's Seedling Pope's Royal Purple Pittman's Louisa Picton's Ensign Penning's Queen Pottecary's Eclipse -- Queen Perryn's Bright Scarlet Rees* Eclipse Button's Wellington Sawyer's Archduke Charles Style's Hero - Queen Caroline Stevens' Fine Rose -- Waterloo Spencer's Maria Somerset Hero Studwick's Blucher -- Duke of York THE PINK. 119 Smith's Windsor Castle Thompson's Regent Tagg's Wellington Taylor's Lord Nelson Turner's Regent Princess Charlotte Townshend's Trafalgar Wollard's King George IV. Wiltshire's Seedling AVales's Beauty Webb and Smith's Wel- lington Willmer's Quiz Little Henry Illustrious Coronation Eclipse King George IV. Esquire Ricketts Gamester Watt's Sir William Watts Weedon's Matchless Williams' Queen Caroline SCOTCH PINKS. Buchanan's Caledonia Dickson's Pomona Finlayson's Bonny Lass Henderson's Duchess of Athol Johnson's Ossian Martin's Isabella Miln's Flora Robertson's Gentle Shep- herd Stewart's Sir William Wal- lace Sparke's Highlander Wallace's Coat of Mail Queen ( 120 ) OF THE AURICULA. THE Primula Auricula is a flower of great beauty, and in general estimation : it is not less remarkable for the great variety of its colours, than for their peculiar brightness. Its smooth broad leaf, of an oblong shape and glossy green, with an indented edge, sets off its polyanthus, or many- flowered blos- som, to great advantage; each floret of which is supported by a small foot-stalk, rising from the top of the main stalk, the whole forming a magnifi- cent bunch or truss, and exhibiting an appearance of grandeur but little suited to the size of the plant, or indeed expected from it ; it flow r ers early in spring, and is, indeed, one of its greatest ornaments. Having but few rivals to contend with at that early period, it attracts our admiration the more, and seems to engross, in fact, our undivided attention. The scent which it diffuses is not powerful, but, like that of the Wild Primrose, is yet sweet and agreeable. THE AURICULA; 121 It is called an alpine or mountainous plant, be- cause it is not only a native of the mountains, but because it grows and thrives best in airy and elevated situations. In low places, surrounded with damps and fogs, it is difficult to keep it in any tolerable health long together, or to get from it any very fine bloom; whoever, therefore, attempts to grow Auri- culas, living in such a situation, should keep them during the winter in frames, raised at least two or three feet above the level of the ground, and allow them all the air possible, but a very scanty supply of water during the three winter months. I am induced to give this caution, because I know the flower is so universally admired, that it is cultivated in all places ; and though art and culture may effect a great deal, they cannot altogether change its nature and habits. The most prevailing colours of Auriculas are brown and purple, of different shades, red, crimson, rosy, violet, blue, yellow, &c. with white and yellow eyes. They are divided into two classes plain, or self-coloured, and painted, or variegated; this last G 122 THE AURICULA. consists of three sorts of varieties, which are distin- guished from each other by the colour of the edges or margins of the petals, which is green, grey, and white. The flowers are covered, more or less, with a spe- cies of farina or powder, which has a curious and pleasing effect, and serves, in some degree, to defend them against the rain and sun. This farina is not confined to the blossom only, but is scattered over the leaves of some plants, though not of all. A fine green-edged Auricula may be briefly and simply described thus : Every part must be in exact proportion one to another ; the stalk must be proportionate to the leaves, and the pedicles and truss to them both ; the prevailing or ground colour must be bright and distinct; the eye circular, and of a clear white; the border or edging round the petal of a lively green, and all the petals or pips nearly of a size, perfectly level, and disposed in regular order ; the eye, the tube, and the rim, must correspond one with another, showing an exact sym- metry throughout. THE AURICULA. 123 After this short account of the Auricula and its properties, I shall next proceed to point out the par- ticular soil or compost in which it is found to thrive best. In doing this, I am aware of the difficulty of giving any receipt, however excellent it may be, that will be generally approved or generally adopted ; for the different composts used by florists in growing this flower are as numerous, I might say, as the florists themselves. Almost all pride themselves in this, that they are in possession of some infallible nostrum, and some particular system, which are unknown to any but themselves ; yet, after all this mystery and boasting, the state and condition of their plants too often belie their pretended skill, and expose their vain boasting, by showing that there is still great room for improve- ment. Simple and easy methods of cultivation have always appeared to me most successful. I have often witnessed persons taking extraordinary pains, and incurring unnecessary expense, to injure, if not G 2 124 THE AURICULA. destroy, their flowers, which they were so anxious to preserve. Weak minds are soon misled by quackery and novelty, having no sound judgment of their own; and quackery, even in the growing of flowers, has as many followers as in any other line. By having recourse to hot manures, with the nature and strength of which they are unacquainted, they very often burn and poison, as it were, their plants beyond all recovery, and learn experience only by nearly the total destruction of their whole collec- tion. The late Matthew Kenney, gardener by pro- fession, was, perhaps, one of the most successful and eminent growers of Auriculas in his day, and won as many prizes as most men, during the course of ten or twelve years that he lived at Totteridge, in Middlesex. He certainly had all the benefit of air, situation, and soil, which, coupled with his fondness for the flower, and his skilful treatment of it, to say nothing of his being almost constantly in the garden, gave him a decided superiority over many of his competitors, and ensured, as it were, his chance of THE AURICULA. 125 success. He always kept by him a quantity of sound staple loam, of rather a sandy nature ; this he sweetened by frequent turning. His next prin- cipal ingredient, was sheep-dung and hay litter, well rotted,, by being turned, mixed, and fermented in the same manner as the gardener does horse-dung and straw litter. This he never made use of under twelve or eighteen months, when it had the appear- ance of leaf or fine vegetable mould ; sometimes he put to it a small portion of cow-dung, but this very seldom ; a little clean coarse sand was generally added. These formed his compost for growing them in : but he had another of a richer quality, if I may so term it, with which he used to top-dress his plants, and this he would do sometimes twice in the year. When they killed any sheep, he always reserved the blood, and mixed it with the dung of poultry. These two ingredients he added to his loam and sheep-dung, and these constituted his compost for surface- dressing. In fresh potting every year he trimmed and shortened the fibres, and reduced the roots with the 126 THE AURICULA. mould adhering to them to the bigness of a mode- rate-sized ball, but never shook the mould com- pletely from the roots, if they were sound and going on well, until the third year ; he then would wash the roots in water, examine them closely, shorten the tap or main root, and cut away any decayed or unsound parts ; but if any plant appeared sickly at any time, he always served it in the same manner. He was particularly careful in making the holes at the bottom of the pots larger, and putting in three or four pieces of broken tile to drain the water off, and prevent it from becoming stagnant at the bottom of the pots : this, though apparently a trifling circumstance, ought always to be well attended to. The proportions he used, if I remember rightly, (I speak only from memory,) were -| Loam, Sheep-dung and hay litter, - Coarse sand. This sheep manure may be easily obtained from any of the farmers about Finchley, or any other quarter, THE AURICULA. 127 who are in the habit of breeding and rearing house- lambs. Neat sheep-dung and loam only, would, I conceive, be of too close and heavy a nature for the Auricula. Mr. Kennedy, the late partner of Mr. Lee, used this compost for their Auriculas, to whom Matthew Kenney disclosed its parts and mode of preparing it, and it was greatly approved of by him. Mr. Ken- nedy used to say that he did wonders with it, and that his flowers used to surprise everybody. He added, I understand, a small portion of leaf-mould, most likely from not always having the sheep-dung and litter in the proportions he wished. Sheep-dung is apt to breed a multitude of small white worms, which may easily be got rid of at any time by scat- tering over it a little quick-lime. The compost in general use is as follows, and this I mostly make use of myself: -J- Fresh yellow loam, or maiden mould, % Cow-dung, well rotten, ^ Night-soil, two years old, J Leaf-mould, .4 DaMtij /.itAey*70 S' ( 159 ) OF THE PRIMROSE AND POLYANTHUS. THE Polyanthus, in its culture, bears the same rela- tion to the Auricula as the Pink does to the Carna- tion; differing, however, in this respect, like the Pink, that it is hardier in its nature, and more easily cultivated. Though all plants appear to grow in nearly the same manner, and the same sort of earth or soil to suit the same kind and species, and though their common parts and constituent principles are proved by a chemical analysis to consist of similar materials, yet their colours, tastes, and scents, are as various as their forms, and bear no analogy or resemblance to each other. The Primrose and Polyanthus require a much greater portion of sandy loam than the auricula, a very small quantity of rotten cow-dung, and a little leaf-mould or heath or peat earth, mixed with them : 160 THE PRIMROSE AND POLYANTHUS. in this they are found to grow extremely well. The double paper-white Primrose requires no dung at all, indeed dung is hurtful to it. The Double Primrose is truly a beautiful flower ; the different coloured sorts of which are : White, Pink, Yellow, Crimson, Lilac, Purple. It is propagated by off-sets from the root, which may be parted as soon as it is done flowering. The Polyanthus consists of many different tints and shades ; but the most esteemed are, a bright red or scarlet, and a very dark crimson, and chocolate with brimstone or lemon-coloured eyes, and the edging of the same. Let it be remembered, that those flowers, if planted in the ground, and which indeed is the only success- ful way of growing them, should be in a situation exposed to the morning rays of the sun, and ex- i eluded from them the rest of the day. It is folly, and a waste both of time and plants, to keep them all the year round in pots, especially in the near THE PRIMROSE AND POLYANTHUS. 161 vicinity of London : I have found it so; others may, perhaps, be more successful. I admit it is conve- nient to have them in pots in the spring, both for exhibition and sale : in this case, the moment the pips begin to fade, turn them into the ground, and let them remain there till near Michaelmas, when you may again remove them into pots. Keep slugs and snails from them. The Polyanthus in coming into flower should be set under a hand-glass raised upon bricks, and shaded ; constant exposure to the air soon tans the bright lemon-coloured eye and lacing. Bray's Wellington Buck's Traveller Billington's Beauty of Over Brown's King Cox's Regent Crownsliaw's Invincible Darlington's Defiance Fletcher's Defiance Fillingham's Tantararara Hattersley's Invincible Harley's Sceptre Defiance Heapey's Smiler Hopkins' King Johnson's Miss Mitford Lombard's Highlander Lee's Magnificent Superb Harlequin Mason's Black Prince Massey's Venus Martin's Prince William Moore's King Parke's Lord Nelson 162 THE PRIMROSE AND POLYANTHUS. Pearson's Alexander Blackguard Defiance RadclifFs Waterloo Steed's Telegraph Stretch's Traveller Thomas's Invincible Waterloo Turner's Buonaparte Prince of Wales Princess Marquis of Titch- field Tandy's Blucher Regent Thomas's Ruler of Eng- land Thompson's Lord Nelson Thorpe's Golden Ball Wilde's Gleaner Waterhouse's Incompa- rable Princess Charlotte Warris's Alderman Wood Yorkshire Regent Note. Mason's Black Prince and Turner's Marquis of Titchfiekl, lately raised from seed, are both fine flowers. ( 163 ) OF THE RANUNCULUS. THE Ranunculus Asiaticus, or Garden Ranunculus, is a flower very generally,, but at the same time very unsuccessfully cultivated : it is very seldom indeed that you have an opportunity of beholding this flower in any great perfection; but if you are fortunate enough to meet with a bed of the choicest sorts, growing in full health and vigour, and bearing a profusion of splendid blossoms of all colours, plain and variegated, you will be forced to admit that it is an admirable sight, and one of the grandest displays of nature in vegetable life. A bed of fine Ranun- culuses is esteemed by many in no degree inferior to a bed of the richest Tulips. Here yellow globular blossoms present themselves in all shades, from the pale straw to the golden crocus; red of all tints pink, rose, and flame colour; purple and crimson of every dye; black, brown, olive, and violet, of every hue. Besides 164 THE RANUNCULUS. these, there are yellow-spotted flowers, brown-spotted, and white-spotted, red and purple streaked, red and white striped, red and yellow striped, besides mottled and brindled in countless varieties. I have had occasion to remark more than once, when purchasing Ranunculus roots of a very eminent seedsman and florist in Fleet-street, that when I in- quired of him what kind of soil was best calculated for them, he answered, a strong loamy soil without dung. I have proved the fallacy of such an obser- vation. That they will grow in it is true, but in a very stunted, starved, and imperfect state, with stems weak and short, and blossoms small and insignificant. That fresh loamy soil is proper I admit, but then it is necessary to add a considerable portion of rotten horse or cow dung. Your choice Ranunculus roots should never be planted in our variable climate before the middle of February, or the beginning of March, as the wea- ther may be. It is true, they will live in the ground through a tolerably mild winter without much covering, and THE RANUNCULUS. 165 sustain no injury, and most likely will blossom earlier by being planted in October : but is it worth the while to run that risk, or endanger the safety of a rare and valuable collection, that has required no small trouble and expense to get together ? Prudence forbids it. Treading the ground close round the plants, as soon as they have made their appearance in the spring, to keep the cold winds from cracking the ground and injuring the roots, is, I conceive, a very unwise and improper step, for the fibres must be bruised and injured by it. The better mode is to top-dress the bed with an inch thick of old cow- dung : this will protect them, and at the same time keep the bed moist and cool afterwards, when the sun shall have acquired greater power, and rendered watering necessary. An old book has just been put into my hand, called the s Complete Florist,' written above a hundred years ago, by Henry Van Oosten, a Dutch gardener at Leyden. In treating of the Ranun- culus, he writes thus : 166 THE RANUNCULUS. ( This flower is admired for its beautiful and ' lively colours, which dazzle the sight when the sun ' shines upon them. It must be planted the latter ' end of October, in good loamy soil, that has been f well dunged before. Dig the ground above a spit ( deep where you intend to make the bed, and throw ' it out on each side, then put in near a foot thick of ' horse-dung, half rotten, that has not yet lost all its 6 strength ; upon this lay the earth you had taken ( out before, but let it be well worked and broken to ( pieces first : it should be often turned in the sum- ' mer. Plant the roots two inches deep, and four ' inches apart every way ; when this is done, lay on ' the top of the bed night-soil an inch thick, quite ' reduced to mould. He that has none, may use < horse-dung in the same manner.' The making of your bed I would recommend to be done in this way : let the depth of your mould be nearly two feet, and the whole of that depth turned and dug. The calculation, I believe, is pretty accurate, when I say, that the length of the roots or fibres of any tree or plant is in proportion to THE RANUNCULUS. 167 their height, and therefore the small stringy fibres of the Ranunculus will nearly reach to that depth. If your loam is fresh and without manure, after having dug it, put towards the autumn all over the surface of the bed six or eight inches deep of rotten dung from some cucumber pits, and there let it re- main for two months, after which, dig or trench it in a foot deep; your bed will then be ready for planting in the spring ; and if your loam is not well worked, throw the surface mould into small ridges in the winter, so that the frost may have greater power to act upon it ; for frost, after all, is one of Nature's best workmen in preparing soils for vegetation, crumbling the hardest clods to powder. In a bed so constructed, you may plant your Ranunculus roots for three successive years, giving it every autumn a similar dressing of manure : after that time you must give them a fresh situation, or some fresh soil in the garden. Almost all flowers confined too long to the same earth and same spot, I was going to say, and to the same air, degenerate and dwindle away : a change 1G8 THE RANUNCULUS. in all three respects is often requisite,, to renovate, as it were, their crescive faculties, and to ensure their return to their pristine health and condition. Should it be found inconvenient to prepare a bed of fresh soil, and you are under the necessity of plant- ing them in the common garden mould, in this case, if the mould be light and porous, it will then be requisite that you put a stratum of loamy soil six inches deep, to set the roots in. This will help to retain a greater degree of moisture, and serve also to protect them from the searching rays of the sun ; for they ought never to be planted deeper in the ground than an inch and a half; if set deeper, they exhaust their strength in forming a fresh root exactly at that depth, and of course neither flower well, nor yield any good increase. The readiest and most certain mode of planting is by drawing drills along the bed, exactly two inches in depth, and then scattering a little coarse sea or river sand along them : in these set the roots, with the claws downwards, and press them gently into the sand. If the breadth of your bed be four THE RANUNCULUS. 169 feet, and the roots large and good, you may divide it into six rows, and set the roots four inches apart. In covering, be careful not to displace them, and let them be buried as near an inch and a half as pos- sible : you may then take the flat side of the spade, and beat down the surface level : this will in some measure prevent the worms from casting them out. Let it be remembered, that the bed is to be per- fectly level and even, that it may receive all the rain or water in an equal proportion. As soon as they shoot up for bloom, if the weather should be dry, they will require an abundant supply of soft water, to encourage a quick growth. I am at a loss to know why the ancients have given to this flower the name of Ranunculus, or Frog-plant, unless it be meant to imply that during the time of its flowering it delights in a plentiful supply of water, which must be given between the rows, and not over the blossoms. The tints of those flowers, particularly the darker sorts, are so fine and delicate, that they soon get tarnished and fade, if they are not sheltered from the scorching rays of the sun. The duration I 170 THE RANUNCULUS. of this flower is nearly a month, if you take but the pains to shade them. By the middle of July the stems will have become withered and decayed, which points out the time for their being taken up : this should be done on a dry day. The stems may be shortened, but not cut close to the roots yet and the roots should be parted be- fore they get dry and hard, or else they are apt to break in parting. Let them be dried gradually in a shady room, open to a free circulation of air. The Anemone may be treated in every respect as the Ranunculus, with this slight difference, that it requires to be planted a little deeper in the ground : to say more would only be an unnecessary repetition of the same directions. Many persons are fond of buying Dutch Ranun- culuses and Tulips, which now come over every autumn, under the impression of not only getting them very cheap, (which, of course, they sometimes are enabled to do, as it would not answer the im- porter's purpose to send them back again to Holland unsold,) but also of getting them very fine. In thia THE RANUNCULUS. 171 they are not very seldom disappointed; for the Dutchman is something like the Jew in his dealing. You must not expect great bargains for little money : he is very seldom charged, I believe, with sending us any of his best flowers among his common mix- tures ; his Pell-mells, as the florist calls them, are, upon the whole, very indifferent, and not worth the amateur's notice. This tribe of named flowers is so very numerous, that to give a list of their names would occupy more space than I can allow them in this short treatise ; I will therefore only add the names of a few of them. Catalogue of Ranunculuses. Abbe* St. AndrtJ Bon Chretien Ajax Agloe Arcadia Berenice La Chabonniere Cassandra Arlequin Aurora Cedo nulli Clorinde Beaute des Dames Parfaite Daphne Diana Beau Regard Bishop of Lima Belle Capuchine Doris Don Quivedo Diademe Pourpre I 2 172 THE RANUNCULUS. Drusilla Diagoras Emma Euphrates Eveque de Bruges Feu de Fontenoy Feu Granade Fanor Favorite Mignonne Faventella Fabian Fulgor Solis Grand Berger Grand Monarque Hecate L'Imperatrice Le Melange des Beautes La Medaille Marmara Miriam Manteau Royal Naxara Negre Niobe L'CEil Noir Le Negre Superbe CEillet Bizarre Plato La Princesse Charmante Pizarro Passe Brutus Paris Quixos Rodney Roi Rouge Roxana Rose Incomparable Rose of Sharon Rose Monstrueuse Sarah Sophia Sappho Thais Temeraire Totilla Terentius Venus Virgo Vesta Violet Bleuatre Superbe Viola le vrai Noir Vereatre Vulcan La Zebra Zoile Zephyr Zagoras Zaire THJILILP S o Trtacher &C"4rf Maria J.ane ( 173 ) OF THE TULIP. IF the account which I here give of the Tulip be short and defective, I trust the following apology will be considered satisfactory. I had., indeed,, purposed, at setting out, to pass it over altogether, not only because I was unwilling to swell this treatise to a size that might render it inconvenient to be car- ried in the pocket, as a kind of manual, which the florist might readily and easily consult, and for which I intended it, but because those flowers (I mean the finer sorts) are not so very generally cul- tivated. I have since, however, been induced to change my determination; and, in doing so, shall confine the subject matter to those points more es- sentially and more immediately relating to its culti- vation : by this, I shall perhaps avoid the reprehen- sions, in some measure, of all those whose attention is almost exclusively directed to the culture of this flower, and who consider every other as unworthy of 174 THE TULIP. their notice. To such I can with truth say, that I have always been a great admirer of the Tulip, and that I esteem it the masterpiece of perfection,, and one of the greatest ornaments of the garden. Many a poor florist may be justly lavish in its praise, with- out ever having it in his power to gratify his wish with the possession of it. A moderate collection of choice Tulips, of those beautiful, those exquisitely beautiful flowers, which are the pride and boast of every amateur who grows them, could not be pur- chased for a sum much less than one thousand pounds, at the usual catalogue prices, nor obtained and got together till after years of patient search and unwearied labour. The high prices that have for many years been affixed to Tulips in the printed catalogues of our florists are so deterring and repulsive of the fancy, that persons with a taste and fondness for this flower are afraid to indulge and enter into it. Those prices are generally rated nearly one-half higher than they may be bought at, both here and in Holland; this has a bad effect, and wears the appearance of impo- THE TULIP. 175 sition, and beyond doubt prevents a more extensive culture of them. The Tulip, according to Gesner, is a native of Cappadocia, a province of Natolia, or Asia Minor, though some others affirm that it grew spontaneously, and was common to most of the islands in the Le- vant, or Eastern Mediterranean Sea. It was intro- duced into England in the year 1577, where it has been found to increase freely, and to grow in the open ground without any extraordinary degree of care. We are indebted to this part of the world both for some of our choicest fruits as well as flowers as, for instance, apples, cherries, peaches, plums, quinces, and some peculiar sorts of grapes. We have re- ceived from thence some of our most beautiful lilies and irises ; for what is finer than the white lily and the scarlet martagon, or more curious than the Iris Susiana? The musk and damask roses, and the greater part of odoriferous shrubs, were brought from thence. The inconstancy of the seed of the Tulip has mul- 176 THE TULIP. tiplied its varieties beyond all calculation, though a bulb raised from seed will hardly ever break into its true colours under seven years ; he, therefore, that wishes to add to that variety, has many years to wait of patient, though anxious expectation, before his wish can be gratified. The fresh spirit that has been infused into the cultivators of flow r ers, since our return to peace and to peaceful pursuits, has induced many to try to raise a fresh set of breeders, and to sow seed annually that has been saved from fine flowers. The enthusiastic florist overlooks every difficulty; eager with hope, and ardent in the pursuit, he anticipates success, and his perseverance effects it. After three years of application, he will nearly have accomplished his object : he will then have a succession of bulbs, and be gratified every succeeding year with the appear- ance of bloom, and the production of new varieties as they break into colour. The most gratifying and complete success has attended the labours of Mr. Carter, of Foxgrove, Wiltshire ; of a Mr. Austen, a Mr. Strong, a Mr. Lawrence, and a Mr. Goldham, THE TULIP. 177 who have raised from seed, and matured and broke into colour, perhaps some of the finest Tulips in the country. Mr. Clarke, of Croydon, a scientific and experienced florist, has the best breeders in the king- dom, raised from the seed of Louis, Charbonniere, Davey's Trafalgar, &c., with finely-formed cups and clear bottoms ; they are in very high repute among florists. Let others persevere, and they will have the same success. No great skill or art is required ; time, patience, and perseverance are alone wanting. Mr. Clarke's mode of sowing the seed is as fol- lows : The best time for sowing the Tulip seed is the latter end of January, or the beginning of February, and in pots used for Carnations. Let the earth be good, and put some lime-core at the bottom of the pot, or the plants will be destroyed by the worm, &c. &c. Cover the seed half an inch, and keep the earth moist. When sown, put the pots under a light, and keep them from severe frost. When the plants are up, the pots may be set out, so as to have the sun; but when the sun becomes powerful, they I 5 178 THE TULIP. should be set so that they may have the morning and evening sun only. Keep the plants in a grow- ing state by watering occasionally, till the leaves are entirely dead. Let the pots be then kept dry for a time, and then take up the small bulbs and dry them gradually as usual. The first time of planting them may be the middle of October, or a little earlier, in the open ground, and little more than two inches deep. The Tulip is generally divided into two classes the early dwarf and the taller late flowering ; and both are further distinguished according to their tints and their peculiar mixture as Flakes, Bibloemens, Bizarres, Rigauts, Baguets, &c., on grounds both of white and yellow. To describe their different and variegated colours would be a work almost impossible ; I shall, there- fore, proceed to point out the soil most suitable for them, and the time and manner of planting. We will suppose the bed is intended for your best sorts, which must be situated in an open part of the gar- den. The earth most proper for it is a fresh and THE TULIP. 179 rich loamy soil, of rather a sandy nature, which should be dug twelve months, at least, before it is used. Many florists are afraid of adding dung, lest it should start the colours, and render the cups foul, and therefore use none; but if you wish to blow them of any size, you must, however, add a small portion, taking care that it be well rotten and incor- porated with the loam. Perhaps the safest way, after all, is to dig a little dung in at the bottom of the bed, a foot, at least, below the bulbs. A very intelligent and old Tulip grower assured me, that the best compost he could ever hit upon, after many experiments, was the following ; the com- ponent parts of which were : | Rich yellow loam, T Leaf mould, Two year old horse-dung, i- Sea sand. The bed was dug two feet deep. The usual time of planting them, according to the ' Florist's Calendar,' near London, is the Lord Mayor's Day, which is the 9th of November-: the 180 THE TULIP. distance between the rows should be nine inches, and from bulb to bulb in the row seven, the depth four. After the bed is lined and marked out, the most simple method of planting them is, to get a blunted dibber, with a circular mark round it, or a nail driven in it, at the distance of about five inches from the end, which will direct you how deep you are to make the holes, into each of which you are to put a little sea or river sand, before you set the bulbs in ; this helps to keep them dry in the winter, as the rain- water passes through it, and improves likewise their coat or external skin. It is not customary to give them water in any stage of their growth ; as soon as they are out of flower, break off the seed cup, to encourage the growth of the bulb. Van Oosten, whom I mentioned before, says, ' The florist who wishes to observe proper arrange- ( ment of height, and a pleasing mixture and variety ' in the bed, should have a box of convenient length ' and breadth, to put as many tulips in as his bed will '* contain, and this box must be divided into as many f compartments as bulbs ; which are to be put in the THE TULIP. 181 ' same order in the box as they are to be set 'in the bed; and when they are taken up, to be ' replaced in the box as before.' This plan is at once simple and convenient, and I believe generally adopted. The bulbs, he says, must be taken up every year, or they will degenerate and come to nothing; and if transplanted every year into fresh ground, that has been turned three or four times, they are the better for it in every respect. Persons who have valuable collections are in the habit of hooping them over in very wet and in very sharp frosty weather, and of covering them during such periods with mats, yet avail themselves of every opportunity to give air. Heavy hail-storms in par- ticular must be guarded against. The same precau- tion against bleak, chilling easterly winds in February and March ought to be adopted as is recommended by the Dutch florist in the treatment of his Hyacinths at the same season. Those winds chill and stagnate the sap, arrest the progress of vegetation, and do infinite mischief every way. To bloom Tulips in perfection, an erection ought 182 THE TULIP. to be raised over them, and covered with stout Scotch sheeting, reaching to the ground, to be drawn up and let down with pulleys : by doing this you may keep them in high condition for three weeks, during which time you will have a full opportunity of gratifying your friends with a view ; for the true enjoyment of every pleasure is to share it with them. I conceive it unnecessary to mention, that if you wish to preserve the beauty of their blossoms, you must protect them against the sun, rain, and wind ; at the same time, you must allow them all the air possible, lest the stems be drawn up weak, and so rendered unable to support the cups. The careful florist frequently runs a small cord along the rows, and fastens the stems to it, just below the cup, with green-coloured worsted : this has no unpleasant appearance. The bulbs must be taken up every year ; for, if they are suffered to remain two years together in the ground, they become foul, and break into small in- crease, so that it will be two or three years before they can recover their size, and produce any good blossoms. THE TULIP. 183 As soon as the stems are nearly withered away, take up the bulbs on a cloudy day, place them in shallow wooden boxes, or on boarded floors, to dry, and let them have sun and air. Brick or stone floors are fatal to them; they will contract a dampness, and a mildew that will destroy them. Let them be arranged singly, and not one upon another. I have seen a quantity of common Tulips thrown into a hamper with a lid over when taken up, and in forty- eight hours they have heated and rotted, and bred maggots. After the fibres are completely withered, rub them off gently, and pluck the dead stem from the bulb ; then put them away in some dry place till the plant- ing season again comes round. These are all the directions which I conceive necessary for the culture of the Tulip. 184 THE TULIP. The following short Catalogue contains a few of the most valuable Sorts. ROSE-COLOURED TULIPS. Andromeda Altesse Amaryllis Amadis Bathsheba Bacchus Beeterer Brulante Eclatante La Brulante Eclatante Buisson Ardent Claudiana Comte de Vergennes Cerise Superieure Palmyre Eudonie Lambelle Clio Calista Daviana Elizabeth Henriette Imperiale Juno Lord Colchester Lavinia Madame Catalani Maria Theresa Maria Louisa Man on Matilda Minerva Mercurius Nannette Ponceau Unique . Tres-Blond Reine des Cerises Roi des Cerises de Roses Rose Cerise Blanche Brillante C amuse de Craix Camuse Primo Bien du Noir Esther William Premiere THE TULIP. 185 Rose Primo Hebe Triomphe Royal ^ Thalestris Surpasse Ponceau Tres- Blond Surpasse Thalestris La Tendresse Toilette de la Reine Vesta Walworth BIBLOEMEN. Ambassadeur d'HolIande Acapulca Amiable Brunette Abbe" de St. Michel Belle Actrice Blue Violet Chaumont Clarke's Euphrosyne Comte de Saxe Clitus Constantia Cramoisi Superb Due de Florence Duchess of Wellington Directeur-General David Duchess of Clarence Endymion Imperatrix Florum Franciscus Primus Gloria Alborum Grotius Holmes's King Josephine Louis XVI. Ly sander L'Impe'ratrice de Maroc Leonard La Belle Duchesse de Parma La Mere Brune Incompa- rable La Charbonniere Cornwallis Ly sander Noir Majestueuse Magnifique Prince Souverain Princess Charlotte's Ceno- taph 186 THE TULIP. Perle Blanche Prince de Conde Hoi de Siam Reine de Violets de Sheba de Fleurs Rubens Sang de Boeuf Superbe en Noir Scipio Selina Transparent Noir Violet Alexandre Superbe Washington BIZARRES. Ariadne Alfred Abercrombie Brutus Buonaparte Bugby's Hector Bizarre Eclatante Commander-in-Chief Captain White Cenotaph Charbonnier Extra Cimon Count Platoff Castrum Doloris Catafalque (Old Dutch) Superbe Davey's Trafalgar Duke of York Etna Eucharis Earl Chatham Feu en Feu Godfrey's Sir Vincent Gloria Mundi Groland Hector Holmes's Regent Heroine Leopoldina Louisa Laurence's Duke of Cla- rence Lord Hill Lord Wellington Pluto Polyhymnia THE TULIP. 187 Milo Mon Amie Mizraim Masonia Merveille d'Europe Necker Nicanor Nonpareille Optimus (Button's) Pompe Funebre Prince Waterloo Rex Mundi Roi de Navarre San Josef Sir George Dackett Surpasse Catafalque Suwarrow S emir amis Vulcan Walworth Zeno ( 188 ) OF THE HYACINTH. ' Suave rubens Hyacinthus.' VIRGIL. IN the former edition of this book,, I omitted all notice of the Hyacinth, because, being very little conversant with the culture of it, I did not consider myself competent to give any directions respecting it. I now beg, to offer some practical observations upon the treatment of this flower, which have been communicated to me by a gentleman, who, having occasion to visit Holland in the spring of 1821, spent a few days at Haarlem, when the Hyacinths were in flower, in a manner, as he reports, the most agree- able and gratifying. He is a great admirer of the flower-garden, and of an inquisitive turn of mind, that prompts him to explore any subject thoroughly to which he turns his attention. I shall endeavour to detail these observations in that conversational THE HYACINTH. 189 mode as they took place between him and the Dutch florists ; and as to the matter, it will speak for itself. To me, at least, it appeared particularly interesting, and if it fail of exciting interest here, it will be en- tirely owing to my inability to do justice to the report. In the successful culture of this flower the Dutch florists pride themselves more than in that of any other, the Tulip not even excepted, and from the immense yearly sale of which they derive a consi- derable profit, not only from this country, but I may safely say from every state in Europe. No words can express the self-complacency and satisfaction which a Dutch florist feels in a fine sun-shining morning in April, while exhibiting to some foreign florist or traveller his spacious and richly-adorned beds of this highly-perfumed flower, to him at once a source of profit and of pleasure : his natural phlegm and indifference seem to have vanished, and that cold, reserved cast of national character to be laid aside ; pleasure sparkles in his eyes, increased, no doubt, by the expectation of touching some fifty or a hundred of your florins. The spectacle is truly 190 THE HYACINTH. grand and magnificent; the order and arrangement admirable; and the fragrance powerful. Rows of red and yellow ; purple and white of various shades follow in succession; and whole acres are covered with an immense mass of bloom. ( Can you produce anything equal to this in Eng- land ? ' demanded Mynheer Bloemist, with a smile of exultation ; adding at the same time, ( you should study and adopt our method of cultivation.' My friend returned for answer, ' I fear your most ap- proved mode of culture would not avail us much in England, without your soil and saline atmosphere, both of which seem so suitable and congenial to the growth of this flower.' ' Your observation is good,' replied Mynheer ; ' but do not infer from thence that our care and culture are nothing, or that our pains to improve the soil is attended with no expense or trouble.' e Your soil,' resumed my friend, ' has been de- scribed to me as belonging to that sort which is called alluvial namely, a mixture of mud, sand, and other earths, which is generally left and depo- THE HYACINTH. 191 sited in low lands after the subsiding of some vast overflowing torrent or inundation, and that it bears a great resemblance to that of Lower Egypt.' f Our country,' replied Mynheer, f is for the most part naturally poor and barren. It may resemble that of Egypt in some particulars, viz. its low situa- tion and sandy earth ; but it is not yearly enriched with the fertilizing slime, and mud and soil deposited by the inundation of the Nile, which is said to be caused by periodical rains that fall in Nubia and Abyssinia; there a hot sun in an unclouded atmos- phere seems to impart birth and maturity to vege- table productions almost at the same instant; so rapid is the growth, and so well matured the fruits and grain; there corn, and rice, and flax, sugar- canes, vines, figs, and dates, melons, gourds, and cucumbers, the papyrus, the lotus, &c. flourish in the greatest luxuriancy. Take away our bulbs, and what else have we to boast of? Choice exotics do not thrive well with us, nor are our fruits too richly flavoured ; we suffer more from damps and fogs than you do in England.' 192 THE HYACINTH. In the neighbourhood of Haarlem, in the province of South Holland, the greatest and principal display of hyacinths, tulips, jonquilles, irises, &c. is to be seen; and my friend visited in succession the gar- dens of George Voorhelm Schneevooght, of Henry Cornelis, of Theodore Storm, of H. Polman Mooy, and some others. The Dutch florist has his tricks and finesse, as well as the English : he would persuade you, that when you have seen his collection, there is nothing in Holland besides worth looking at; his are the choicest, cheapest, and best; nor would he direct you, if he could possibly avoid it, to the residence or garden of any other florist. His tallies, or num- ber-sticks, do not appear, and of course neither offend the eye nor take from the effect. If you ask him the name of a flower that has escaped his memory for the moment, he stoops down, scratches the ground with his fingers, feels for the concealed tally, and draws it up; which having examined, he replaces it again, and smooths the surface as it was before. THE HYACINTH. 193 Petty robberies of flowers are not imfrequent among them, and at certain periods they are under the necessity of appointing watchmen to guard them. Pray, Mynheer Bloemist/ inquired my friend one day, ( what are the flowers you princi- pally cultivate ? ' The answer he received was, f the hyacinth, the tulip, the polyanthus-narcissus, the ranunculus, the anemone, the crocus, the jon- quil, the bulbous iris, the gladiolus, the amaryllis, the rose, the lily, the dahlia, and a few other tube- rous and bulbous-rooted plants, which seem by nature suited to our soil and climate, and in which our export trade in flowers principally consists. Of late years we have not paid much attention to the culture of the auricula, for in many parts of Hol- land the situation is too low and humid for this flower to continue in health long together. Of all these our sale of hyacinths is by far the greatest : of late years we have sent, a great many to the United States of America, and to Russia ; but the demand for them from England is regular and con- stant : we have standing orders from the principal K 194 THE HYACINTH. seedsmen and florists in London and other parts of England, as well as from Edinburgh and Dublin, which we execute yearly ; and this vast annual sup- ply of hyacinths does not seem at all to affect the demand in succeeding years.' ' Well,, Mynheer Bloemist,' resumed my friend, * I confess I feel exceedingly gratified with the sight of your hyacinths ; their perfume, beauty, and rich- ness of colour, far surpass any idea that my mind could have formed respecting them. At the proper season, which you say is October, I wish you to forward me to England one hundred roots of double and one hundred of single, including all your finest varieties of yellow, white, red, and blue. I particu- larly request to have the Bouquet Orange, Heroine, Vainqueur, Favourite, and Pure d'Or included among the yellow; Gloria Florum Suprema, Furius- Camillus, A -la- Mode, and Anna Maria Schuur- mans among the white; Catherine, Victorieuse, Waterloo, Comte de la Coste, Maria Louisa, among the red; and Bouquet Constant, Gloria Mundi, Helicon, I'lmportante, and Pasquin among the blue. 5 THE HYACINTH. 195 ' Your commands shall be executed with fidelity/ was the answer returned by Mynheer, accompanied with a bow expressive of the obligation and favour received. ' Now, Mynheer, when I receive those bulbs in England, I do not mean to be satisfied with one year's bloom, and then cast them away; I intend to try how far care and culture will assist me in pre- serving them, and in preventing that degeneracy, which our English gardeners say they so soon fall into ; I shall therefore feel obliged to you for any information upon this subject which you may be disposed to impart, and upon which your experience so well enables you to speak.' ' You rate my poor abilities too highly, Sir/ answered Mynheer ; ' and I fear you will be dis- appointed in the information which you seem de- sirous to obtain; for I have no particular methods to communicate, no successful experiments to detail,, which are not known and practised by us all. Our soil round Haarlem is upon the whole poor and sterile, consisting of nearly two-thirds sand to one K 2 196 THE HYACINTH. of loam, of a light brown colour,, yet of considerable depth; the nature of such a soil is of course light and porous. Observe with what facility I can force my arm into this fresh-dug quarter, nearly to the shoulder, yet by compression and treading we can render it close arid firm. It is from the application of animal dungs that you behold it here discoloured and of a dark appearance. Well rotten cow-dung we find the best suited to such a soil, particularly in that part of it in which we grow our hyacinths ; yet we never suffer it to come in contact with the bulbs. When we apply it, we trench it in, a foot below them; we refresh the soil above with leaf-mould from time to time, and with occasional dressings of maiden mould, where the ground has been exhausted by long culture. We have of late years applied night-soil, dried and reduced to mould, with con- siderable advantage : I have no hesitation in saying, that the brightness and vividness of the colours have been greatly increased thereby. There is one thing in particular, which I wish you to observe with minute attention : that is, not to cut the leaves off THE HYACINTH. 197 the plants, after they have done flowering; but to suffer them to decay and die gradually, for the health, strength, and size of the bulb for the suc- ceeding year depend upon its storing up a proper fund of sap, which you will in a great degree pre- vent by cutting off the leaves when in a green state. I recommend to you to cut down the flowering stem as soon as the bloom has faded, but by no means to deprive it of its leaves ; great injury is done to all sorts of bulbs by this inconsiderate and unskilful practice. Great care is also requisite in drying the bulb, especially if May should be a rainy month ; they will in that case require to be defended from the excessive rain. About the beginning of June, if the season has been dry and favourable, we begin to take them up ; by that time the foliage has lost its sap, and become dry and decayed ; we then cut it off within an inch of the bulb, but touch not the fibres. When this operation is finished, we replace them on the bed upon their sides, in rows according to the sorts, and cover them over about an inch deep with sand ; this prevents the bulb from drying 198 THE HYACINTH. too fast and shrinking in substance. We suffer them to remain here a fortnight longer, till the fibres are dry and withered, and then consider them ripe, and fit to be taken up for good. After having carefully rubbed off the fibres, and any loose skins hanging to t-hem, with a piece of soft woollen cloth, w T e take them into the house or store-rooms, where we arrange them in shallow boxes, one bulb deep, and cover them over with dry sand, where they remain till the planting season again comes round, which is the latter end of October ; for if they were placed several together, they would be apt to heat, and liable to perish : such as are ordered and des- tined for exportation, we select at this time, and wrap up singly in paper. ' Were I to give any particular directions for forming the bed, I would recommend you, in the first place, to select such part of the garden as lies open and airy, with an exposure to the south or south-west, and which is protected by some building or fence on the north and east ; the soil should be a good sandy loam, or, in absence thereof, fresh THE HYACINTH. 199 maiden earth, that has been dug six months at least before you use it ; if twelve months, the better. To be enriched and incorporated with decayed leaf- mould, well rotten cow-dung, and river sand, in something like the following quantities : 4 Barrows of maiden earth, 1 Do. well rotten cow-dung, 2 Do. leaf-mould, 2 Do. sea or river sand. f If you have the opportunity of adding to this one barrow of night-soil reduced to mould, no fitter or better compost can possibly be put together, and it will retain its strength and quality for two or three years : the trouble and expense, I admit, are con- siderable, but then you will be repaid by a fine bloom and healthy bulbs. ' If the subsoil be brick-earth or clay, which do not easily discharge the falling rains, the bed should be raised ten inches, at least, above the surface of the ground, that the bulbs may sustain no damage from them. Plant them four inches deep, and nine inches apart every way, putting a little sand both 200 THE HYACINTH. below and above the bulb, which not only prevents the approach of insects,, but acts as a drain around it ; but if the subsoil consist of sand or sandy gravel,, a stratum of four inches thick of rotten cow-dung should be laid about a foot below the bulbs, which will not only administer nourishment to the roots, but preserve a cool bottom, in which they delight. The bed should be hooped over, and mats thrown on occasionally to keep off heavy and continued rains, which sometimes fall in November, and are followed by sharp frosts : these frosts are more liable to injure the bulbs when the ground is saturated with water than when it is moderately moist or dry ; slight frosts and gentle rains do no injury. Some florists with small collections will cover the beds on the approach of severe weather with old tan, to the depth of six inches, which they remove in general, if the weather permits, about the middle of February, towards the end of which month, as well as in March, when vegetation is in action, and the leaves begin to shoot forth, a cold, bleak, easterly wind too frequently prevails a wind, as all travellers agree, congenial to THE HYACINTH. 201 neither animal nor vegetable life in any part of the globe ; in which case, a protection of upright hurdles, covered with mats, should be afforded, to arrest and turn aside the withering and chilling blast. Tulips require the same precaution. Except on these par- ticular occasions, the bed should be exposed and open, and have a free circulation of air, without which no plants can thrive and continue healthy long together. ' About the commencement of April, in most seasons, these flowers begin to show colour; some are earlier than others, as is the case with most species of flowering plants ; their stems then require to be tied loosely to sticks, to keep them upright,, and to support the weight of their bells ; for if the weight does not break them, yet any sudden gust of wind would snap them in two, from their extremely brittle and succulent nature. It is necessary to pro- tect the blossoms from the rays of the sun, if you wish to preserve their beauty and lustre ; for three days' exposure, even to an April sun, would greatly impair their tints, and deaden the brilliancy of their K 5 202 THE HYACINTH. colours. Examine only the rich and glowing tint of the damask-rose at five o'clock in the morning that o has opened in the night, and examine the same again at ten, and you will be struck with the change that five hours' sun has made. And it is no less necessary to guard against any sudden return of frost at this season, which not unfrequently occurs ; the covering of stout canvas ought to be let down close to the ground, and mats thrown over beside ; for the injury done to the bloom by frost is more sudden and serious than that done by the sun. By attending to these two necessary precautions, I have no doubt but that you will be enabled to preserve the bloom in high order and beauty for three weeks or more. ' These, Sir, are my directions for the culture of the Hyacinth ; any further minute detail I conceive unnecessary, as your own good sense and judgment will supply the deficiency. I am not aware that I have omitted anything essential. As to the plan we pursue in raising new varieties from seed, you have already inferred that you have no wish for me to enter upon that subject, but that you will be content THE HYACINTH. 203 to leave the raising of seedlings in the hands of the Dutch florist, with all its care, trouble, and advan- tages/ ( Allow me, Mynheer,' rejoined my friend, c to return you my hearty thanks for this excellent bota- nical lecture, if I may so term it, to which I have listened with peculiar satisfaction; if I fail in the successful culture of my bulbs, with these clear me- thodical directions before me, I shall most certainly attribute it to my unskilful application of them.' With a hearty shake of the hand my friend and Mynheer Bloemist then separated, perfectly satisfied with each other. This flower is certainly not so extensively culti- vated among us as many others that are less beau- tiful and inviting ; this arises, I am inclined to think, from the vulgar notion which, by the bye, may be, after all, a vulgar error that the bulbs are hardly worth cultivating a second year in Britain, and are, therefore, like the Guernsey Lily, cast away as useless. I have not the least doubt but that in many parts 204 THE HYACINTH. of England, were the experiment fairly made, the hyacinth might be cultivated with success ; the spot chosen ought to be situated near to the sea-coast, and the soil a light sandy earth of tolerable depth. I am told this flower thrives well in Devonshire ; and there are many florists, within the circle of my acquaintance, who yearly bloom from a hundred to two hundred bulbs ; and, according to the account given by them, with tolerable success in general, both as regards the fineness of the blossom and the condition of the bulb when taken up. There is a rich tract of land by the side of the Humber, and along the banks of the Trent in Yorkshire, where the finest kidney potatoes in all England are/aised, with clear skins, free from all speck and scab ; bulbs of all sorts, I am satisfied, would thrive in this soil, and that they w^ould rise with clear skins and silvery coats, equal to those imported from Holland. I hold it the extreme of folly in any one, who has ,a garden, to cast away the roots which have flowered in glasses, much less those in pots ; the thousands that are suffered to perish in this way every year in THE HYACINTH. 205 London is astonishing : one year's accumulation of these cast-away bulbs would produce an ample stock for an experimental florist to commence an essay with. If by chance a few bulbs perish in the bed during winter, care must be taken to make a reserve against such loss, by planting a dozen bulbs or so in pots to supply their places, by plunging the pots in the ground, and thereby keep up the order and uni- formity of the bed ; such as are not wanted may be taken into the house, and forced into flower early. The usual mode which the London florists pursue in keeping these bulbs in pots through the winter, is to plunge them in sand or coal-ashes up to the rim, and to cover them with six inches of old tan : in Febru- ary they begin to remove some from this repository into the green-house to force ; and so continue to do, from time to time, as they want them. I know of no better method. The following flowers, with the prices, are copied from a Dutch Catalogue : the gulden or guilder or Dutch florin are of the same value, Is. $d. English ; a stiver 1 - Q d. English. 206 THE HYACINTH. DOUBLE HYACINTHS. YELLOW. Guild. Stiv. Bouquet Orange 2 Chrysolora 6 Due de Berry 10 Heroine , 15 L'Or Vegetable 6 Louis d'Or 12 Ophir 6 Pure d'Or 3 Vainqueur 2 WHITE. Aardshertogin 12 Admiral Zoutman 4 A-la-Mode 10 Altesse Royale 6 A. M. Schuurmans 1 Blanche Fleur 4 Bailluw Van Zuidwyk 4 Baron Van Wassenaar 6 Beautd sans Pareille 10 Tendre 10 Belle Forme. . 4 THE HYACINTH. 207 Guild. Stir. Bijou des Amateurs 6 CceurTendre 4 Coeur Aimable 4 Constantia Elizabeth 4 Couronne Blanche 3 Dageraad 3 Diana Van Ephese 10 Due de Berry 6 DonGratuit 6 Due de Penthievre 6 Furius Camillus 1 10 Gloria Florum 1 6 Grande Blanche Imperiale 15 Grand Monarque 12 Gilde Vryheid 4 Hermione 4 Illustre Beaute 6 Juno 10 Madame de St. Simon 10 Minerva 6 Nannette 6 Sphaera mundi 12 Reviseur General 6 Sultan Achmet 8 Staten General 10 Violet Superbe 4 Virgo 6 208 THE HYACINTH. RED. Guild. Stiv. Augustus Rex 5 Boerhaven 6 Bruidskleed 6 Catherine Victorieuse 3 Comte de la Coste 3 Couronne d'Or 1 Delice du Printems 8 Diademe de Flore 6 Duchesse de Parme 8 Eleonora 6 Emilia Galotti 8 Flos Sanguineus 8 Grootvorst 8 Hugo Grotius 6 Illustre Pyramidale II Pastor Fido 4 La Delicatesse 8 La Superbe Royale 4 L'honneur d' Amsterdam 10 Maria Louisa c ; 1 10 Madame Zoutman 12 Marquise de la Coste 1 Perruque Quarre 8 Phoenix 4 Rex Rubrorum 8 Rose agreable 5 Rose d'Ispahan 12 THE HYACINTH. 209 Guild. Stiv. Rose Illustre , Mignon 6 Sceptre 1 Rouge Charmant 6 Rozenkrans Van Flora 6 Roxane. ...., 12 Sans Rival 8 Soleil Royal 10 Superbissima 10 Temple van Apollo 6 Waterloo . ... 1 6 BLUE. A-la-Mode 6 Alcibiacles 6 Bouquet Constant 3 Bucentaurus -. 6 Bleu Fonce 6 Cceruleus Imperialis 4 Drusus 8 Directeur General 8 Due de Luxembourg 8 de Normandie 8 de Bronswic 6 Flora Perfecta 6 Globe Celeste.. 12 210 THE HYACINTH. Guild. Stir. Terrestre 6 Graaf Floris 8 Grandeur Triomphante 12 Grand Gris-de-Lin 10 Gloria Mundi 3 Helicon 3 Incomparable Azur 4 Keizer Tiberius 4 Kroon van Indien 8 La Bien Aimee 4 La Gentilesse 1 L'Amitie 4 L'lllustre 8 L'Importante 4 La Ville de Haarlem 8 Mirabeau 12 Mon Bijou 8 Ami 6 Negro Superbe 12 Nigritienne 6 Olden Barneveld 5 Parmenio 8 Passe ne plus ultra 1 Pasquin 12 Porceleine Sceptre 6 Velours Pourpre 3 THE HYACINTH. 211 SINGLE HYACINTHS. THE names of a few of the finest, the prices of which run nearly the same as for the double. YELLOW. Couleur de Jonquille Pluie d'Or Prince d'Orange Toison d'Or Armenia Belle Amazone Hercules WHITE. Melpomene* Premier noble Thais RED. Actrice Aimable Rosette Aimable Louise Fleur des Dames I/Eclair L'Eclatante Mignon Princesse d'Esterhazy Regina Rubrorum Thalia Vuurlam BLUE. Alexander Niger Buonaparte Dolphin Fortunatus Colbert General Hoche Konings Grande Vedette La Modeste Nonpareille Oron dates Staten General ( 212 ) OF THE ROSE. ' Rosa mea.' PLAUTUS. ' Rose thou art the sweetest flower That ever drank the amber shower.' T. MOORE. { I know a hank whereon the wild Thyme blows, Where Oxlip and the nodding Violet grows, O'er-canopied with luscious Woodbine, With sweet Musk Roses, and with Eglantine : There sleeps Titania.' SHAKSPEAUE'S Midsummer Night's Dream. To say anything in praise of the attractive beauty and sweetness of the Rose, would be not only to in- sult the good sense and good taste of my readers, but absolutely to imply the want of both ; suffice it then to say, that the Rose is a universal favourite ; and that in no part of the world, torrid, temperate, or frigid, but e nascuntur rosae,' of some description or other. Among the ancients the Rose was conse- crated to Venus ' flos Veneri sacer' and was con- sidered by them the harbinger of spring. /*qt>;i rJWljtfiifa'r Trent her &C C ,4 ye Jfurta S.nr.-f THE ROSE. 213 ' Cum. rosam viderit, tune incipere ver arbitrator.' CICERO. The Roman guests at feasts and entertainments adorned their heads with it, as < convivae rosis coro- nabantur;' thus Horace: ' Mitte sectari, rosa quo locorum sera moretur.' Again : 4 Hue vina, et unguenta, et nimium breves Flores amaense ferre jube rosae.* And again in another place : ( Cur nou sub alta vel platano, vel hac Firm jacentes sic temere, et rosa Canos odorati capillos Dum licet, Assyriaque nardo Potamus uncti ? Dissipat Evius Curas edaces.' Persons when probably ill and anxious to live, used to express themselves thus, ' I hope I shall live to gather roses another year :' ' Alias tractare rosas.' JUVENAL. Ovid makes mention of ' ameena rosaria; 1 and Vir- gil, while living in retirement at Parthenope, in the south of Italy, which was soon after pulled down, and rebuilt under the name of Neapolis, or new city, now called Naples : 214 THE ROSE. 4 Illo Virgilium me tempore dulcis alebat Parthenope, studiis florentem ignobilis oti ;' intimated an intention which he then entertained of writing upon horticulture, and the rose in particular, as cultivated in gardens at Paestum in Lucania, which he mentions thus towards the end of the fourth Georgic : ' Forsan et pingues hortos quae cura colendi Ornaretj canerem, biferique rosaria Paesti.' Ausonius, likewise a perfect amateur of the rose, and who wrote upon it, an author, by-the-bye, that I have not been able to lay my hand on, says, ( Vidi paestano gaudere rosaria cultu.' The roses principally noticed by Latin authors are, the rosa Damascena, or white rose of Damascus; rosa Milesia, or red rose of two varieties, rubra et purpurea; rosa provincialis, called also Batavia, or the large Provence, which was first discovered in the neighbourhood of Toulouse ; rosa paestana, or bas- tard musk, which flowered twice in the year, in May and again in September ; rosa moschata vel odorata, the African and Asiatic musk rose ; rosa holoserica, or velvet rose : there were also the hyberna, or early THE ROSE. 215 flowering ; the scrotina, or late flowering ; and the Grecian luteola, or yellow. The varieties of the rose are now extremely numerous ; many are the native or natural produc- tions of foreign countries, and many are the produc- tions of European florists from seed. The Scotch roses, that have been raised from seed within these few years past, are exceedingly fine and delicate, and make a great addition to the flower- garden. I might have remarked before, that the rose-gar- dens of Psestum were as celebrated in the time of Augustus, in honour of whom the month of August was named, as those of Mr. Lee of Hammersmith^ or Mr. Loddige of Hackney, in our time. In his reign literature was encouraged, and the liberal arts and sciences began to flourish ; and this love of letters and of the arts was soon followed by a refine- ment of taste and manners, that shortly after brought into use all the expensive embellishments, as well as the more elegant conveniences of life : the simple farm-house and the plain cabbage-garden of their 216 THE ROSE. ancestors were changed into splendid villas and mag- nificent gardens, adorned with fountains, statues, and flowering shrubs and plants. An indecent statue of Priapus was stuck up in all gardens, as ( Hortus custos.' My object in introducing this flower into my trea- tise, is for the more immediate purpose, than any other I had in view, of presenting a select catalogue of the finest sorts, distinguished alike for varied tints, fragrance, and beauty, and which will, in fact, form a most complete and magnificent rosary, well deserv- ing of cultivation. Rose-trees grow best in a light rich loam, and require to be well pruned every year, to enable them to throw out strong flowering buds : these buds are very often destroyed in the spring by a small, dark red grub, which feeds upon them, folds itself up in the leaves, and then changes into a moth chrysalis. In the seasons they prevail, if not sought for and destroyed, there will be but few early Roses, the only chance remaining will be in the formation of fresh summer buds. They are also liable to be THE ROSE. 217 injured by a small, light green caterpillar, which is also found to infest the apple blossom and the young forming fruit, and which feeds upon it. When the trees are blighted with honey-dew, or infested with the green fly, they ought to be washed with strong soap-suds, or cleansed with a soft brush dipped in a lye of lime-water, sulphur, and tobacco. Propagation is by dividing the roots, by budding on the briar, and by layers laid down the beginning of July. As a skilful gardener is not always at hand to perform this last-named method of propa- gation, I will endeavour briefly to describe it, and which some of my readers, perhaps, may be inclined to perform themselves. Select the strong young shoots that have been formed the same year ; then, with a sharp budding or other thin-bladed knife, begin a quarter of an inch below the joint, and make an incision of three- quarters of an inch in length on the side next the ground, up the middle of the shoot; after which, cut off transversely the nib or extremity of the tongue just below the joint; then move the ground, and L 218 THE ROSE. open a place three inches deep, in which, after hav- ing first put a little sand, or sand and fresh loam mixed, fix and peg down the layer to that depth, and after giving the tongue a little twist or turn on one side, to keep the cleft open, close the earth tight round it. When the whole is performed, give the layers a gentle watering to settle the mould, and which ought to be repeated from time to time, to promote the striking of the new fihres, and to keep the mother-plant in a healthy, growing state. The layers, in most cases, will be fit to remove the spring following ; but such as are not well rooted had better remain till the succeeding autumn. The same mccle of operation may be applied to most shrubs ; and take care to cover that part of the shoot only with earth which is pegged down, the other part of it, connected with the stool or parent plant, must lie uncovered. THE ROSE. 219 White Monthly Double White White Provence Catalogue of Roses. WHITE. White Damask Double Musk Rosa Banksia Rose Blanche de Belgique Red Moss White Moss Single Moss MOSS. Scarlet Moss Blush Moss Mossy Rose de Meaux Double White Scotch Red Scotch Blush Scotch Scotch Provence SCOTCH. Double Marble Scotch Purple Scotch Pale Yellow Scotch Fairy Scotch Rose BLUSH. Great Maiden's Blush Lesser Maiden's Blush Celestial Blush Provence Belgique Early Blush Shailer's Provence Dutch Provence Imperial Blush Blush Mignon Brunswick Aurora L2 220 THE ROSE. SWEET BRIARS. Semi Double Sweet Briar Double Sweet Briar Manning's Blush Sweet Briar Royal Sweet Briar Monstrous Sweet Briar Mossy Sweet Briar Double Tree Sweet Briar Swiss Rose Common Provence Tree Preony Rose Spongs Italian Dutch Tree Red Monthly RED. Rose of Four Seasons Red Mignon Superb Red Royal Red Rose de Meaux Rosa Bullata BRIGHT RED. Carmine Proliferous Carmine Fiery Refulgent Scarlet Provence Rosa Pijestana Bright Crumpled Neapolitan Mogul Cluster Superb Carmine Tuscan Triumphant DARK. Pluto Burning Coal THE ROSE. 221 Mourning Large Dark China Castile Negro Black Frizzled Mottled Double Velvet Mexican Bright Purple Royal Purple Red and Violet Favourite Purple Blue Purple PURPLE. Light Purple Grand Purple Blue and Purple Mottled Purple Single Yellow YELLOW. I Double Yellow RED AND WHITE. York and Lancaster Rosa Mundi Striped Mignon ( 222 ) OF GERANIUMS. THE following select catalogue of geraniums * com- prehends some of the newest,, rarest, and most ad- mired varieties : Dianthiflorum Eximium Baileyanum Macranthon Tricolour Floridum Pavonium Daveyanum Rubescens Involucratum Ardens Nervosum Hoareanum Bicolour Flammidum Obscurum Ignescens, Majus Coriaceum Sanguineum Villosum Dawsonianum Thompsonianum Reticulatum Oblatum Triumphans Cordifolium Novum Foliaceum, Majus Pes Pelicanum Crassicaule Formosum Fulgidum Lumleyanum Mooreanum * Geraniums grow luxuriantly in my carnation compost. ( 223 ) OF THE GEORGINA. THIS flower was introduced about the year 1804, by Lady Holland, from Spain. It is a native of Mexico, in South America,, the part from whence potatoes were first brought to England by Sir Walter Raleigh, in the year 1565. The roots are susceptible of frost, and liable to be destroyed by it; of course they must be taken up every year, and kept in dry sand, with the crown uppermost. It is propagated by dividing the roots; a single tuber even will suffice, by cuttings and by seed. In many instances it will sow itself, for plants very frequently spring up on the spot where it has stood the preceding year. It is now generally treated as an annual, by sowing the seed in March, upon heat ; the young plants are pricked out singly into small pots, and kept in frames until May, when they may be turned into the ground to flower in the 224 THE GEORGINA. autumn. To ensure an early bloom in the summer, the old roots are planted in pots in March, and kept in the green-house till all danger of the frost is past. This flower,, from its great height and size, is too large for a small flower-garden : half a dozen roots are enough for a large one. It is best adapted to fill up the vacancies in ornamental shrubberies, where it makes a grand and magnificent appearance, through the summer and autumn. The double flowers are now most cultivated, for the finest varieties of which we are indebted to the French; their colours are white, crimson, scarlet, yellow, and purple of different shades. ( 225 ) OF THE RUSSIAN AND DANISH STOCKS. OF all the flowers that have of late years been in- troduced into England, none seem to give greater pleasure than the different varieties of these annual or ten week stocks; and none are sought after at this moment with greater avidity : they consist of about eighteen sorts, and form a splendid flower-garden of themselves. The colours which I have noticed, and which are thus described upon some packets of the seed sent from Denmark : light red, tile red, dark red or mahogany, ruby, scarlet, flesh-colour, peach blossom, light ash, dark ash, lilac, blue, purple, mul- berry, black, white, &c. Some of the plants have the wall-flower leaf, and others the Brompton leaf. Be- fore the introduction of these, we were acquainted only with the scarlet, the purple, and the white. The seed ought to be sown about the middle of September, L 5 226 RUSSIAN AND DANISH STOCKS. and the young plants to be pricked out three or four in small pots, and to be protected in frames through the winter; these will flower early in the spring. The seed may be sown again in March or April, for plants to bloom in the summer. Some biennial or winter stocks have also been introduced, but I have yet had no opportunity of seeing them flower. In mentioning these, I have no wish to underrate our native stock, the Brompton, which in some situations grows to an immense size, presenting one large mass of bloom : the brilliant colour of the scarlet is the most striking, but the purple and the white are equally pleasing. The seed of the Brompton ought to be sown some time in May, that the stalks may get hard and woody to stand the winter; the careful gardener, when in possession of a good double- flowering scarlet, will not neglect to winter some of the plants in pots, either in frames, green-houses, or under hoops covered with mats, during any very- hard frosts; for good and well-saved seed of this stock is not always to be got. If I may credit the testimony of a gardener of RUSSIAN AND DANISH STOCKS. 227 the name of Davis, who works for me occasionally, and I have no reason to doubt his testimony, he assures me, that about thirty years ago, during the time of his apprenticeship to Mr. Mott, gardener to the Duke of Bolton, at Hackwood, in Hampshire, his Grace received from Germany, through the medium of a domestic servant, whose father was a gardener in that country, the same coloured stocks as I have been describing ; they were considered a great rarity, and were much admired, but they were called Grecian stocks, the name they now go by in France. The major part of them, he says, were wall-leafed. The annual stock is, I believe, originally a native of Greece, and called ( cheiranthus,' or hand-flower, probably from its being carried in the hand as a nosegay, or making a handful of flowers. There is no doubt, in my opinion, but that these stocks found their way from Greece into Russia, Denmark, and the north of Europe, and since our unrestricted in- tercourse with the Continent, the seed of them has reached England, bringing with it the name of the 228 RUSSIAN AND DANISH STOCKS. country from which it was imported. It is not, how- ever, worth my while to cavil either about the name or origin, for I give them a free welcome to the gar- den ; and as for their recommendation and passport^ they carry them with them. ( 229 ) HERBACEOUS PLANTS. THE finely flowering plants of this description deco- rate the garden in an eminent degree ; they flower year after year, and require little or no care. Many kinds contain distinct species, and these species again consist of numerous and beautiful varieties. The following list is select,, yet comprehensive. Aconitum Achillea Allium Alyssum Anthericum Arabis Asclepias Asphodelus Caltha Campanula Catananche Centaurea Chelone Chrysocoma Convolvulus Coreopsis Delphinium Fraxinella Fumaria Gentiana Gladiolus Hepatica Hemerocallis Hieracium Iris Liatris Linum Lychnis 230 HERBACEOUS PLANTS. JLythrum Melittis Monarda Narcissus GEnothera Orchis Ornithogalum Orobus Phlox Polygala Rudbeckia Saponaria Saxifraga Scilla Silene Statice Teucrium Trollius Veratrum Verbascum Veronica I have given the generic names of the above, be- cause they are more generally known and expressed by them; I shall add the English names of a few more, as they occur to my recollection. Candy Tuft Columbine Daisy Dogs'-tooth Violet Lily Poppy Rose Campion Rock Rose Wall Flower Sweet William Heart's Ease Honesty Jonquil Peony Foxglove Solomon's Seal Lily of the Valley Rocket Hollyhock Valerian Loose strife Scabious HERBACEOUS PLANTS. 231 TENDER AND HARDY ANNUALS. Balsam Cockscomb Eggplant Tricolor Globe Amaranth India Pink Xerantbemum Zinnia Larkspur Chrysanthemum Lavatera Lupine Sweet Pea Belvidere Persicaria Havvkvveed Sweet Sultan French Marigold African ditto ( 232 ) OF ORNAMENTAL TREES FLOWERING SHRUBS. I KNOW of no scene in nature more interesting than a well-planted Shrubbery, stored with choice trees, where art imitates nature, and where a judicious classification and grouping have been observed, both as regards the height, the form, and colour ; so that all the various shades of leaf, of branch, and blos- som, blend and harmonize in order and beauty. In the spring of the year in particular, such a scene never fails to interest even the most heartless and indifferent beholder; he finds his senses re- freshed and gladdened by the gentle breeze, wafting the sweets from so many flowers, varied alike in form and fragrance : nay, his whole frame feels most sensibly at the time, that there is a ' healing' in the ORNAMENTAL TREES, ETC. 233 air around him, and he inhales it with delight. Nor is the appearance of the Shrubbery in autumn much less striking ; the pendant berries and the changeful leaf, exhibiting such diversity of shade and colour, give to it a most picturesque effect, lovely, though somewhat mournful. When one reflects indeed upon the length of time, the toil, the trouble, and the vast expense, that have necessarily been incurred in transplanting into Eng- land from so many different countries, and bringing as it were into one view, these elegant and useful productions of nature, one cannot but be struck with the patient and persevering industry of man, and the force and application of his intellectual faculties even in this pursuit; of which these exotic shrubs and trees may be considered as lasting monuments, growing in honour of all those, who have been so fortunate as to have benefited their country by the contribution of some new species or variety. The courteous reader may here, if he feel so in- clined, not having the splendid reality before him, indulge awhile in f wakeful reverie/ and fancy 234 ORNAMENTAL TREES, ETC. himself in the centre of some spacious grove-belted lawn, contemplating such a scene ; and if he further fancy himself in the company of a beloved wife, daughter, friend, or companion, all the better ; for to be alone in such a case, is beyond doubt, lonely; the Rose and the Violet, plucked and presented by the hand of any one of these, will at the time be prized the more ; and the elegant and lovely Lilac, Jasmine, Honeysuckle, Sweet Briar, and the Virgin's Bower, will appear to shed fresh sweets unnoticed before ; and as two pair of eyes, according to every-day cal- culation, will discover more beauties than one, so two minds, if the least congenial in taste, will, from the pleasing interchange of observation and sentiment, and a disposition to please and be pleased, expe- rience double gratification in examining the lovely and interesting objects before them. Let the reader, as I repeated before, contemplate such a scene of Nature, where trees and shrubs (on whose branches the birds are warbling their sweet notes) rise gradually above one another, in form not much unlike to the interior seats and stages ORNAMENTAL TREES, ETC. 235 of some vast amphitheatre ; the front occupied with plants of short growth,, yet of the choicest flowering sorts, and the back ground filled up with ornamental trees of taller size ; let him there view in succession the early blossoms in January, February, and March of the Mezereon Pyracantha Laurustinus Glastonbury Thorn Alaternus Manna Ash Cornelian Cherry Spurge Laurel Almond Phillyrea Peach Tree Portugal Laurel Spanish Traveller's Joy And again in April, May, June, and July, the Bay Tree ' Barberry Tree Corcliorus, from Japan Honeysuckle Hypericum Laurel Laburnum Lilac Privet Elder Furze Guelder Rose Jasmine Judas Tree Kalmia Rose Sy rin go Sweet Briar Cistus Service Tree Hawthorn Horse Chestnut 236 ORNAMENTAL TREES, ETC. Magnolia Sumach Scarlet Maple Althaea Rhododendron Broom Mountain Ash Heath Bird Cherry Pomegranate Rose Acacia Passion Flower Tulip Tree Spiraea Azalea Tamarisk Bladder Senna Trumpet Flower Itea Virgin's Bower, &c. Nor let him overlook these evergreens, the Andromeda Cypress Box Arbutus Coronilla Bignonia Germander Rockrose Arbor Vitse Juniper Cedar Southern Wood Fir Ivy Holly Savin Cytisus Widow's Wail There are many other trees of tall growth, which more properly belong to the park, the wood, and the forest, as Ash Alder Beech Birch Chesntut Cork Tree Elm Lime Larch Oak Plane ORNAMENTAL TREES, ETC. 237 Sycamore Walnut Willow, &c. Poplar In gardens the choicest flowering shrubs of dwarf- ish growth only should be introduced ; for few plants thrive well beneath the smothering shade of large ones : and in forming new shrubberies and planta- tions, especial care should be taken to allow proper space for the several plants, lest in a few years they become a tangled wood, and require untimely lop- ping, which not only injures their growth but de- stroys their beauty. ( 238 ) THE BOWER. ' The roof Of thickest covert was inwoven shade. Laurel and Myrtle, and what higher grew Of firm and fragrant leaf ; on either side Acanthus, and each odorous bushy shrub Fenced up the verdant wall ; each beauteous flower, Iris all hues, Roses and Jessamin, Rear'd high their flourish'd heads between, and wrought Mosaic ; under foot the Violet, Crocus, and Hyacinth, with rich inlay, Broider'd the ground.' MILTON. How grand, stately, and majestic appear those large Elms, Beech trees, Oaks, Planes, and Sycamores, which are pretty generally to be met with in most of our noblemen's parks in England ; whose branches have never been violated by the axe, but have been suffered to grow by way of ornament, descending on all sides within eight or ten feet of the ground, and thereby affording a most agreeable shade and shelter to both men and cattle ! I have always viewed them with pleasure. THE BOWER. 239 I here recommend to my youthful readers to seize every opportunity of acquiring not only a knowledge of the names, but also of the several properties of each tree and shrub ; and to be able readily to distinguish the same both by leaf, flower, and fruit. They will find their perception quickened, and their compre- hension enlarged, by a close examination into the various productions of nature ; and their gratification will increase, as their knowledge of natural history advances ; for it is really provoking oftentimes to witness the ignorance of many persons, (not Cock- neys alone,) on the subject of trees and plants in particular, who are well informed upon almost every other. ( 240 ) A FLOWER CHRISTENING. ONE of the most important and wished-for events in the life of a florist in a florist's estimation, at least is the raising of a fine flower from seed. His joy on first beholding it is equal to that of a lord on first viewing the infant heir of his title, wealth, and honours. By the production of this flower he claims the undisputed title of florist among the brotherhood, grounds his pretensions to superior knowledge, and assumes a loftier tone of decision upon every dis- putable point connected with the fancy. But to fix upon an appropriate and distinguished name for his new flower, is a work of almost as much difficulty as to raise it. No vulgar or common name can, in his opinion, speak its merits or exemplify its beauties. The flower must be ennobled by the ennobling name of King, Queen, Emperor, Hero, and very often con- A FLOWER CHRISTENING. 24i secratccl by the sacred titles of Jupiter, Mars, Juno, Venus. The unlettered florist, on such an occasion, is frequently obliged to consult the parson, the schoolmaster, or the doctor, as high authorities, for some learned and astounding name; but the sum- mary of the proper names of the heathen gods and goddesses, illustrious heroes and heroines, and cele- brated worthies and beauties of antiquity, discovered at the end of Entick's Spelling Dictionary, has ob- viated much of the difficulty heretofore complained of. Sam Greenhorn, an old florist, after many years trying and toiling, at length had the good luck to raise a number of seedling Carnations, which dazzled the eyes, excited the envy, and blinded the judgment, not only of Sam, but of many others in his neigh- bourhood. Sam, with nice discrimination, selected twelve of the best, and hastened up with ardent speed to town, a distance of fifty miles, to present them for exhibition at a flower-show society, whose members were met to contend for a silver cup, and celebrate their annual feast ; it was somewhere near Chelsea M 242 A FLOWER CHRISTENING. or Battersea, places noted for the cutting of simples and cabbages, as well as the curing of simpletons. Sam's name was announced by the landlord in due form, and he was ordered to be ushered up stairs* He entered the room, made his reverence to the chairman, and presented his seedlings. They were most minutely inspected and critically examined; and whether it was the smile of pleasure and appro- bation that appeared on their countenances, accom- panied with sly winks, becks, and leers, or that roguish, malicious, mischievous smile, which is often visible when simple men become the dupes of their own weakness and credulity, and the sport of others, I am at a loss to determine : all declared themselves struck with astonishment, and professed an eager desire to become subscribers and purchasers of these new flowers ; no language, according to their account, could sufficiently describe their beauties, and no price could overrate their value. Sam was left to fix his own price, and fancied his purse to be already filled, like the cornucopia of old, and his reputation as a A FLOWER CHRISTENING. 243 florist established for ever. A difficulty was started because those seedlings had not yet been named, and therefore had no distinguishing titles whereby to know them. Sam was requested to retire for a while for this purpose, and particularly charged to fix handsome names to them. He withdrew accord- ingly, not a little perplexed at the task he had to perform. It is true, he had been pondering in his mind for months over the names he should give them, but had not been able to come to any final conclu- sion. He could have no benefit of clergy in this case, because he was a bit of a methodist ; as to the schoolmaster, he said it was of no use to go to him, for he only taught upon the national system, and therefore did not know more than himself; and as to the doctor in his neighbourhood, there was a little bill unpaid on his wife's account, which foreclosed the door of application in that quarter. ' When I get to London,' Sam used to say, ' I shall get over this dilemma about names;' for London, he had heard, was the place where honours, titles, and dis- tinctions, were conferred ; and that if they were once M 2 244 A FLOWER CHRISTENING. christened there, nobody would presume hereafter to change them. On descending below, he found ten or twelve per- sons seated round a large table, drinking porter, smoking tobacco, and betting upon the pans of flowers of their respective masters ; for our London tip-top florists never go unattended to those feasts. Sam was invited to drink, and a few moments' con- versation soon put them all upon one convivial footing of good fellowship. He began to find himself quite at home, and thought himself extremely lucky in the opportunity thus afforded him of asking their advice and counsel; in truth, these fellows generally know as much or more about flowers than their employers, for they are the operative florists, while the others, in general, are only lookers-on. Sam took from the box his best scarlet-bizarred Carnation, and desired the company to give a name to it. Tom Tulip, as the oldest fancier in the room, took the lead upon the occasion, and swore that it was all over a good flower, and nothing but a good, one, and that if ever flower deserved the name of A FLOWER CHRISTENING. 245 Emperor, this one did, and he therefore proposed that it should be called Greenhorn's Emperor, which was unanimously agreed to. The bell was rung, the waiter came, and two bottles of wine w r ere ordered by Sam, upon the suggestion of Tulip. Chair ! chair ! was called, and Mr. Samuel Green- horn was unanimously voted into it. The wine arrived, the corks were drawn in a crack, and Tom Tulip proposed the health of Mr. Greenhorn with three, and success to his Emperor. The bottles were soon emptied in discussing the imperial pro- perties of the Emperor. Sam then drew forth a purple-flaked carnation, which was handed round. Bill Rose descanted for some time upon the various merits of this flower, pointed out the real Tyrian purple stripe, and maintained that it was one of the best he ever had seen : the name, he insisted, should be Greenhorn's Queen, Queen Caroline. Sam nodded ascent, and ordered in a third bottle, which was soon disposed of as before. A rose-coloured flake was next handed round. Strawberry Jack declared himself enraptured with it ; the leaf was a 246 A FLOWER CHRISTENING. complete rose leaf, well ribboned, well formed, and the colour that of the royal Provence rose, bright and brilliant. Jack swore that Mr. Greenhorn was one of the luckiest fellows he ever knew in his life, and that the flower should be called the Rose of Roses ; this name was also adopted. A fresh bottle was called for, and the baptismal toast drunk as before with glee. The spirits of the company began now to be volatilized, and the tones of their voices mellowed and heightened; they were all talkers and no hearers ; a charming discord of merry sounds or songs was also heard, and coarse jokes cracked as thick as nuts. The exhaustion of the bottle pro- duced a pause, and another flower was brought for- ward, a crimson bizarre. Ned Ricklas undertook to point out its beauties. ( Observe here,' cries Ned, ' the genuine colours of the rainbow ; here's crimson, scarlet, and purple, softened down in a variety of shades : I mean to call this, for I am a bit of a botanist/ said Ned, ' after old father Linnaeus, a flower worthy of him, and he of the flower.' A peal of approbation followed : Green- A FLOWER CHRISTENING. 247 horn ordered another bottle, Linnseus's health was drank in raptures,, and the same etiquette was ob- served as before. A scarlet flake was next pro- duced, and Greenhorn declared that he would name it himself. Moonlight Dick held the flower in his hand. e Well, Mr. Greenhorn,' he exclaimed, f this is a wonder of a flower ; this is a flamer ; I can look the sun in the face easier than this flower, its bright scarlet quite overcomes me ; what pretty name have you for it ? ' < Why, as to the matter of thai;,' said Sam, f I don't know much about prettiness, but I mean to call it after my wife, Meg.' f Why now,* replied Dick, ' that's both handsomely said and kindly done of you ; it shall be named the Lovely Margaret by all means, and we will toast her in a bumper.' The sixth bottle was called for, which the land- lord, being now at leisure, after having attended upon the company up stairs, brought in himself, and inquired, in rather a sharpish tone, who was to pay for all this wine, beer, tobacco, and sundries? He held the bill, at the same time, in his hand, 248 A FLOWER CHRISTENING. amounting to somewhere about seven and forty shillings, including Greenhorn's refreshment, before he waited upon the company up stairs. ' Oh,' exclaims Tom Tulip, ' our chairman there, Mr. Samuel Greenhorn, will stand godfather to his own seedlings, and discharge the bill with pleasure ; but we have not yet got half through the ceremony : it will never do to send the rest home into the country without their names; what say you, Mr. Green- horn?' ' I will just step out and settle with mine host for what we have had in/ replied Sam, ' and I will return presently.' Sam, it is true, felt elevated with liquor ; but this unthought-of call upon his slender and ill-provided purse, which happened luckily to contain, within two or three shillings, the sum de- manded, brought him to sober recollection. The landlord took what he had, and Sam, it being then near ten o'clock, decamped in silence, leaving his Emperor, Queen, Rose of Roses, old Linnaeus, and his wife Meg, behind him. The deep, arch rogues, his companions, these modern Cantelupes, hearing A FLOWER CHRISTENING. 249 that Greenhorn had decamped, rushed vexed and disappointed into the street, and sent forth shouts of scorn, insult, and derision; these appalling sounds were yet within reach of Sam's ears, and quickened with alarm his reeling steps. His Emperor, they bawled out, was a mere button ; his Queen a butter- cup ; Linnaeus no better than a wind-mill sail ; his Tyrian purple a perfect ' bas bleu,' or Lancashire blue-stocking; and his Lovely Meg a dirty red garter. Further I dare not report. ( 251 ) THE RULES AND REGULATIONS OF A FLORISTS' SOCIETY. I HERE beg to present the reader, by way of Appen- dix,, with the substance at least of the Rules and Regulations of two Societies of Florists, which were some years ago instituted at Islington and Chelsea, for encouraging the cultivation of Auriculas, Pinks, and Carnations. I do this in the hope that the same will not be unacceptable to the majority of my readers, to the young Florists in particular, who may be unacquainted with the nature of such institutions, and therefore desirous of obtaining some information respecting them ; they will also serve as a ready pre- cedent to refer to for the establishing of rules for any new society elsewhere. There are several others of the same description. 252 RULES OF A FLORISTS' SOCIETY. in the neighbourhood of London ; but these two were not only the most numerous in point of numbers, but likewise the most respectable in regard to the members composing them, who consisted of several amateur gentlemen florists, and the most eminent public florists round the metropolis. The laws of these two Societies were, in fact, both in spirit and in letter, very much alike, and several of the members belonged to them both. RULE I. Any person desirous of becoming a member of this Society must be proposed by one of the mem- bers, and seconded by another at one of the regular meetings, and a written notice must be sent to that effect by the secretary to every member, stating the name and residence of the person so proposed ; the election to take place by ballot the next succeeding show-day; such person will then be admitted a member, unless two black balls appear against him. RULES OF A FLORISTS' SOCIETY. 253 n. That a president and secretary be chosen annually, on the Carnation show-day, by ballot. in. That the names of the members and their resi- dences be inserted in the articles. IV. That each member's subscription be U. Us. 6cZ. per annum: 10s. 6d. for Auriculas: 10s. 6d. for Pinks: 10s. Qd. for Carnations. Persons making use of any art, in order to deceive the committee, except that of merely dressing the flowers for the show, will be expelled the Society. v. That when special meetings are called to fix the show-days, or on other occasions, the secretary shall send a printed or a written notice to each member ; and all absentees shall forfeit two shillings. 254 RULES OF A FLORISTS' SOCIETY. That each member shall pay for a dinner ticket for Auriculas, Pinks, and Carnations ; but should it be inconvenient, on the day the show is appointed, for such member to attend at dinner, he shall be at liberty to transfer his ticket to any gentleman he may think proper, indorsing his name on the back. VII. That each member shall provide, at his own ex- pense, a pan to show his Carnations in, agreeable to the Society's pattern. VIII. That all flowers on show-days shall be in the room the Auriculas at one o'clock. Pinks one o'clock, Carnations one o'clock, precisely, by the house clock, or they shall not be admitted ; and that each mem- ber pay any demand for deficiencies the secretary may have against him previous thereto, or be expelled the Society. RULES OF A FLORISTS' SOCIETY. 255 IX. The committee, styled censors, umpires, or judges, three in number, to determine the prizes, shall be chosen by members present on the show-days, who shall declare, if required, that they have not seen or assisted in dressing any of the blooms since they were gathered or selected for show. x. Members showing flowers on show-days, shall de- clare they have been in their possession the last four months ; and if Seedlings, that they are of their own sowing and growing. No Seedling to be admitted to take a Seedling prize after the third year of blooming. XI. That the value of prizes shall be presented in plate to each successful candidate on the show-days. XII. That the prizes shall be limited to six in number for the named flowers, and two for Seedlings. 256 RULES OF A FLORISTS' SOCIETY. XIII. That each member showing flowers on show-days- shall return to his seat as soon as he has carried them into the show-room, and shall not leave it until the flowers have heen brought into the dining-room, and have passed round the table, beginning on the president's right hand, and returning on his left, in order that each person may distinctly view them* The flowers not to be taken away until they are dis- missed by the president. xiv. That if any member shall call the judgment of the censors in question, after the prizes are declared, he shall for such offence forfeit one guinea, or be ex pelled the Society. xv. That if any member shall create a quarrel, so as to disturb the harmony of the company on the show- days, his conduct shall become the subject of consi- RULES OF A FLORISTS' SOCIETY. 257 deration at the next meeting, and a majority of the members then present deciding on its impropriety, shall expel him the Society. XVI. That if any member refuses to pay any of the before-mentioned fines, or shall attempt to evade any of the rules, he shah 1 be immediately expelled the Society. XVII. That all forfeits be appropriated to the Seedling prizes. XVIII. No member is allowed to show flowers on the day he is admitted. XIX. That no person be suffered to touch or handle the blossoms on show-days, without the consent of the proprietor, under the forfeiture of twenty shillings. ( 258 ) PRIZES FOR AURICULAS. To the person who shows the best and completest pair of Auriculas, each of a different sort, not less than seven full-blown pips to each plant : First prize. A piece of plate equal in value to one-fourth of the sum subscribed, after deducting the Seedlings. Second do One-fifth. Third do. ... , . .One-sixth. * Fourth do One-seventh. Fifth do > One-eighth. Sixth do One-ninth. For the best Seedling Auriculas with three full- blown pips : First prize. Second do ... ( 259 ) PRIZES FOR PINKS. To the person who shows the best and completest twelve blossoms of Pinks, every one of a different sort: First prize. A piece of plate equal in value to one-fourth of the sum subscribed. Second do One-fifth. Third do One-sixth. Fourth do One-seventh. Fifth do One-eighth. Sixth do One-ninth. For the best Seedling Pinks, laced, or otherwise : First Prize Second do. ( 260 ) PRIZES FOR CARNATIONS, To the person who shows the completest twelve blossoms of Carnations, every one of a different sort : First Prize. A piece of plate equal in value to one-fourth of the sum subscribed, after deducting for seedlings. O Second do One-fifth. Third do One-sixth. Fourth do One-seventh. Fifth do One-eighth. Sixth do , One-ninth. For Seedling Carnations, either Flakes or Bizarres: First prize Second do. . ( 261 ) PRIZE GOOSEBERRIES. KNOWING that several florists are great cultivators of Gooseberries, I have been induced, for their grati- fication, to insert a copy of the winning berries of the year 1823, distinguished into four classes ; viz. Red, Yellow, Green, and White, taken from ' An Account of the different Gooseberry Shows, ' held in Lancashire, Cheshire, Cumberland, York- < shire, Derbyshire, Staffordshire, Nottinghamshire, * Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Warwickshire,' &c. published in Manchester. I beg to remark, that the summer of 1823, being cold and wet, was most unfavourable to fruits of every description. I have done this the more readily, because it will assist many ladies and gentlemen, also, who may not have an opportunity of seeing this ' Account ;' in making their selection they can form an idea of the size of the berries from their weight, and are in- formed, at the same time, of the colour of each. 262 PRIZE GOOSEBERRIES. I beg to recommend particularly, for their rich flavour, the Jubilee, Viper, Scorpion, Ocean, and the Lancashire Lass : the taste of this last very much resembles the greengage plum, a complete sweetmeat, when ripened in a hot summer. If we may credit the account of some of the old writers, England was not in possession of the Goose- berry-tree till the reign of King Henry VIII., when it was introduced from Flanders. About the same time also, herbs for salads, carrots, cabbage, and other vegetable plants and edible roots were intro, duced, chiefly by the monks, who were ever attentive to their temporal wants and enjoyments. They were excellent judges in this respect, for you never find any of the old monasteries or abbeys built in bleak and barren situations, without water; but, on the contrary, in rich vales, by the side of fine rivers,, where the fertility of the soil could be turned to good account, in the production of corn, fruits, and vegetables, and in the rearing of domestic animals, and where the waters might afford a good supply of fine fish. Asparagus, cauliflowers, beans, and peas, PRIZE GOOSEBERRIES. 263 did not find their way into England till the time of the restoration of Charles II. This country, there- fore,, does not appear to have been originally favoured with any of the choicest gifts of nature, either in respect to fruits, vegetables, or flowers. Its native fruits, if they are deserving at all of the name, are the acorn, crab, sloe, blackberry, juniperberry, elderberry, hips, and haws : all others are exotics, and have been introduced into it. Gooseberry bushes produce the finest fruit when young ; that is, about the third or fourth year after planting : they should be renewed every seventh year, and well pruned every year, or they soon de- generate. The same observation applies with equal truth to raspberries and currants. The experienced gardener is aware, that if any tree is suffered to bear and ripen its whole crop of fruit, no matter whether it be the peach, the apricot, the nectarine, the vine, or gooseberry, the fruit will be small, and appear not like the same, provided it had been properly thinned. If you wish to try what effect the following mode of treating tjhe goose- 264 PRIZE GOOSEBERRIES. berry has upon its fruit, select a young healthy tree, and leave only three or four berries upon each branch, plucking off the rest, when they are of the size of a pea ; then give it what gardeners call an emulsion of the ( Nectar adoratum,' the ' Lac me- dicinale,' which is a watering-pot full of the draining, or black fluid from the dunghill. Do this twice, a fortnight apart ; if a large bush, thrice, but not oftener, lest you stupify or intoxicate its vegetative faculty, if I may so express it. When the berries are swelling and ripening, if the weather be dry and hot, water frequently, but do not saturate it too much at one time. This is the method adopted by some who exhibit berries for prizes, and is attended with the wished-for result. If your soil is light and sandy, and soon parches, lay a stratum of rotten cow-dung upon the surface round the root of the bush : this will keep the earth below moist and cool, and be of service to both the fruit and the tree. I do not pretend to say that the berries will equal, either in size or weight, the newly restored anted!- PRIZE GOOSEBERRIES. 265 luvian cherry of the London Horticultural Society ; the real ' Cerasum Ponticum ' of the ancients, one of the lost fruits of the Golden Age, four of which are said to weigh a pound; but they will surpass every expectation you may have formed. Trees that are to produce those wonderful cherries, are now propagated with great care and earnestness in the Society's gardens at Turnham Green. But alas ! since I first wrote the preceding para- graph, in the first edition of this work, I have learnt, to my regret, that this said cherry is nearly all stone, and that the stone of it is much heavier and larger than that of an apricot. It is a monstrous production of the kind, it must be allowed, but it is not worth cultivating ; for it has not one good quality to recommend it, neither flesh, flavour, nor juiciness. Let it be restored forthwith to the wilderness ; and let the skilful gardener continue to bud and graft from the May-duke, the black-heart, the bleeding- heart, bigarreau, carnation, morello, black eagle, Waterloo, Montmorency, c. &c. N 266 PRIZE GOOSEBERRIES. The following is the List, commencing with THE RED GOOSEBERRIES. Dwts. Grs. Roaring Lion 23 2 Huntsman 22 23 Sir John f 23 6 Overall 23 12 Crown Bob 20 17 Lancashire Lad 20 12J Prince Regent 22 4 British Crown 20 Jubilee 20 1 Sportsman 20 4 Smolensko 19 14 Pastime 20 15 Top Sawyer 22 1 Superior 21 19J Boggart 19 15 Yaxley Hero 20 2 Jolly Miner 19 23 Printer 17 12 Highwayman 19 6 Richmond Hill 18 17 Bang-up 19 Triumphant 19 14 Rough Robin 17 7 PRIZE GOOSEBERRIES. 267 Dvvts. Grs. Elisha 17 17 Glorious 18 21 Whipper-in 17 9 Emperor 17 12 Ploughboy 15 12 PlimBob 17 12 Nonsuch 17 7 Sampson 17 1 Patriot 18 13 Rifleman 18 Lord Hill 16 11 Lord Ward 15 Cheshire Man 18 21 Polander 16 18 Spanking Roger 16 14 Father Belts 16 2J Warwickshire Lad 16 Roman Rig 15 10 Moorcock 17 6 Earl Grosvenor 15 9 Duke of Leeds 16 N.B. Heaviest Red Berry (Seedling), Foxhunter, 25 dwts. 2 grs. Nantwich Meeting, grown by John Bratherton, Cheshire. N 2 263 PRIZE GOOSEBERRIES. YELLOW. D\vts. Grs. Rockvvood 22 9 Nelson's Waves 20 9 Viper 21 4 Delight 22 7 Queen 18 3 Chain IS 6 Golden Sovereign 2i 1 Cottage Girl 19 16 Invincible 16 8 Gunner 18 4 Trafalgar 1 16 , 16 Conquering Hero 18 IS Regulator 17 13 Cheshire Cheese 17 8 Smuggler 16 20 Swing'em 16 Ringleader 16 4 Husbandman 15 21 Diamond 19 16 Radical 19 15 Ville de Paris 15 21 Don Cossack 17 16 Bottom Sawyer 17 6 Ruleall 16 4 Sir Charles Wolseley 14 12 PRIZE GOOSEBERRIES. 269 Dwts. Grs. Banger 15 Blacksmith 16 3 Tim Bobbin 15 5 Wedge *. 16 20 Scorpion 17 3 Purse , ... 13 12 Bunker's Hill 16 12 Duke of Waterloo 15 Medal 15 2 Fleece 17 12 Highlander 14 14 Lord Suffield 13 3 Favourite 11 11 Colonel Holden 14 22 Emperor of Russia 12 19 Self- Interest 16 10 Union 14 3 Gourd 15 2 Overseer 15 12 Rattlesnake 14 12 N. B. Heaviest Yellow Berry, Rockwood, 22 dwts. 9 grs., Heywood Meeting, grown by Joseph Clegg, near Rochdale, Lancashire. 270 PRIZE GOOSEBERRIES. GREEN. Dwts. Grs. Ocean 19 11 Greenhood 17 16 Independent 16 11 Jolly Angler 19 14 Favourite 18 1 Troubler 17 5 Laurel 16 Mountain 17 10 Elijah 18 20 Lively Green 17 17 Wistaston Hero 17 14 Jolly Tar 16 9 Merryman 16 6 Farmer 17 7 Peover Pecker 16 10 No Bribery 16 Evergreen 15 Southwell Hero 14 20 Nelson 13 14 Green Dragon 14 7 Profit 1 17 17 Chisel 13 Waterloo 17 11 Bellingham 17 4 Rough Robin 15 11 Captain Greenhall 14 12 PRIZE GOOSEBERRIES. 271 Dwts. Grs. Green Ralson 13 19 Green Anchor 13 Glory of Ratcliff 11 20 Toper 13 Derby Ram 15 1 Fair Play 14 Jolly Cobler , 13 8 Wistaston Green 14 Nathaniel's Pride 12 11J Liberty 13 2 Star 14 18 Green Bag 14 8 Dr. Crompton 12 11 N. B. Heaviest Green Berry (Seedling), Green Willow, 19 dwts. 20 grs., Nantwich Meeting, grown by Joseph Bratherton, Cheshire. WHITE. Wellington's Glory 18 22 Thrasher 19 Queen Anne 17 17 Nailer 18 Smiling Beauty 17 16 Bonny Lass 18 Cheshire Lass . . , 16 6 272 PRIZE GOOSEBERRIES. Dtvts. Grs. Toper 16 12 Ferotrate 16 15 Queen Caroline 19 1G Conquering Hero 11 7 Dusty Miller 16 9 Reformer 16 12 White Lion 16 ] 3j Sheba Queen 15 H Lady Delamere 18 5 Counsellor Brougham 15 6 Bonny Landlady 15 Merry Lass . .^ 16 Queen Mary 17 2 Maid of the Mill 14 Whitesmith 13 7 Marchioness of Downshire 16 4 Redress 15 7 White Rock 17 15 Venture 15 1 Republican 16 12 Northern Hero 13 Queen Charlotte 14 13 Lovely Lass 15 IS Pillar of Beauty 14 7J Honesty 14 28 Great Britain 13 Fair Rosamond 13 16 Beauty of England 13 3J PRIZE GOOSEBERRIES. 273 Dwts. Grs. Governess 18 21 Luck's All 16 5 Packington Hero 12 21 Ram 13 19 Hall's Conqueror 13 18 Milk-Maid 12 22 Rockgetter 14 Fowler 14 Transparent 13 9 White Flower 12 6 Heaviest White Berry (Seedling), Princess Royal, 22 dwts. 3 grs., Nantwich Meeting, grown by John Bratherton, Cheshire. 5 ( 274 ) NOTICE EXTRAORDINARY. ' Non semper idem floribus est houos Vernis.' HORACE. To the ladies and gentlemen who take pleasure in the flower-garden, this officious intimation is hereby given, in the name and in the behalf of all the florists in Great Britain. That as much as the poor, sickly, half-starved, ragged, disconsolate man differs from the same man when prosperous, well-fed, well-clothed, in health, cheerful, and at his ease, so much does the healthy, well-cultivated flower differ from the same flower when neglected, and planted in barren and improper soil. In vain will the same man exclaim, ' I am he, I am the man ; ' no one will believe him, scarce any one will know him he is the world's scorn. So it is often the case with a flower, when in the hands of a florist, and again when in the care of some gentle- NOTICE EXTRAORDINARY. 275 man or lady's bungling gardener the flower is no longer acknowledged to be the same flower : thus reproach is very often unmeritedly incurred by the florist. By way of recapitulation, then, be it added, that one-third fresh loam or maiden-earth, two-thirds frame-dung, with one-sixth of the whole, dried road- grit or sand, put together in the autumn, and fre- quently turned in the winter, will form a compost in which almost any plant will thrive in the spring and summer following; and whoever manages to keep his plants in health, and in a vigorous state of growth, will never fail to have a generous bloom. Valete. THE END. LONDON? PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES, Stamford Street. BOOKS ON GARDENING, NATURAL HISTORY, &c. &c. PUBLISHED BY WHITTAKER, TREACHER, AND CO., AYE-MARIA LANE, LONDON. Iii 8vo., illustrated by several Engravings, price 12*. cloth, lettered, THE DOMESTIC GARDENER'S MANUAL; Being an Introduction to Gardening. To which is added, a Con- cise Naturalist's Calendar, and English Botanist's Companion, or Catalogue of British Plants, in the Monthly order of their Flower- ing. In 12mo., price 65., THE VILLA AND COTTAGE FLORIST'S DIRECTORY; Being a familiar Treatise on Floriculture, particularly the Manage- ment of the best Stage, Bed, and Border Flowers, usually ctiltivated in Britain. To which are added, Directions for the Management of the Hot-House, Green-House, and Conservatory, with the dif- ferent Modes of Raising and Propagating Exotic Plants; inter- spersed with many new Physiological Observations. By JAMES MAIN, A.L.S. f We strongly recommend this work. Much practical informa- tion, of a useful kind, is conveyed in simple and intelligible lan- guage, and the art of gardening is very properly kept in due sub- servience to the science of botany.' Atlas. In 8vo., with a Coloured Frontispiece, the Third Edition, price 14s., THE GREEN-HOUSE COMPANION; Comprising a general course of Green-House and Conservatory Practice throughout the Year ; a natural arrangement of all the Green-House Plants in cultivation ; with a descriptive Catalogue of the most desirable to form a collection, their proper soils, modes of propagation, management, and references to Botanical Works in which they are figured. Also, the proper treatment of Flowers in Rooms, and Bulbs in Water Glasses. 2 Books published by In 8vo., price 10s. 6