THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES THE PARLIAMENTARY O R CONSTITUTIONAL Hiftory of England; From" the earliefl TIMES, TO THE Reftoration of King CHARLES II. COLLECTED From the RECORDS, the ROLLS of PARLIAMENT, the JOUR- NALS of both HOUSES, the public LIBRARIES, original MA- NUSCRIPTS, fcarce SPEECHES, and TRACTS j all compared with the feveral Contemporary WRITERS, and connected, throughout, with the Hiftory of the Times. By SEVERAL HANDS. The SECOND EDITION, in Twenty-four Volumes. VOL. I. Prom the Conqueft, to the Depofal of King Rickardll. LONDON, Printed for J. and R. TONSON, and A. MILLAR, in the Strand; and W. SANBBY, in Fleet-Street. MDCCLXII. To His Grace ^ , 7 T H O M A' Lord Archbifhop of CANTERBURY; T O The Right Honourable P H I L I P, Lord HARDWICKE, Lord High Chancellor of GREAT-BRITAIN ; AND TO The Right Honourable ARTHUR ONSLOW, Efa Speaker of the Honourable Houfe of COMMONS ; The following Work is, with the utmoft Gratis tude> infcribed by Yheir moji obliged, And obedient humble Servants, jpril, 1751. The COMPILERS. 1272150 THE PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. c~T*HE general Neglett of all our Hiflorians, in regard to the Proceedings of Parliament, which may be jujlly ftyled the Conftitutional Hi* ftory of England, Jirft gave Rife to this Attempt: Thefe Writers are fo engaged in difplaying the Accounts of Battles, Sieges, and other jlriking TranfaSlions of War Abroad, that they feem entirely to have forgot the Sinews of it, the rai~ fmg of Supplies by Parliament, at Home - y ac- cording as the different Exigencies of the State required. This great Omiffion induced federal Gentlemen, fome Years fine e, to begin to colleft proper Mate- rials for an Authentic Hiftory of the Proceedings of Parliament, from the earliejl Times. The firjl Step neceffary herein, ivas a diligent Examination of the Records, the Parliament- Rolls, the Journals of both Houfes, and Public a 3 Libraries, vi PREFACE. Libraries. The tracing out fuch Particulars as were to the Purpofe in the Firjl, was undertaken by the late Mr. George Holmes, Deputy-Keeper of the Records in the Tower, who generoujly of- fered his Service therein. The Lords' Journals, the Parliament-Rolls, and Rymer'-f Fcedera, have all been carefully examined by fome Gentle- men well acquainted with Englifh Hiftory, who- chufe rather to. defer well of the Public, than to receive their Thanks. From all thcfe have teen extracted fo great a Variety of Tranf actions^ hitherto unknown, as is really amazing. Every Writer of Englifh Hiftory, except Bifoop Burner, has entirely neglecJed the Lords' Journals : And even that learned prelate, who had Liberty given him to fearch therein for Materials, feems only to have curforily dipped into. them. Whe- ther the huge Number of Volumes deterred his Lordjhip, or the Difficulty of procuring thempre^ vented other Writers, we know not : But the Publication of this Work will dcmonjirably prove y that tbefe great Authorities have hitherto been either wholly omitted, or, & moft^ but flight ly pajjed over. The Houfe of Commons Moving, a few Tears Jince, ordered their Journals to be printed, a Set of thefe were fupplied by an Honourable Member PREFACE, vii of the prefent Parliament : And it 'would be the higheft Injuftice not to acknowledge the great Care and Accuracy cbferved in the noble Edition of that Work. The Public Libraries, and particularly the Cotton, have furnifhed Abundance of Materials for our Purpofe, which are omitted even in the Journals cf both Houfes. Many original Manu- fcripts and fear ce Pamphlets have alfobeen com- municated by private Gentlemen ; but the public Sale o/'/^Harleyan and other Libraries belong-* ing to antient Families, have fupplied a Variety not to be exprejjed* In a Work of this Nature the great eft Impar*- tiality is juflly required-, and the Compilers per- Juade themfelves the Event willjhew, that it has been as ftriftly obferved. A few Hints of the, Method taken herein may not be improper. In the earlier fames the Work is chiefy compiled from the Records, / which were not wrote in a Garret, at fo much a Sheet Letter-Prefs, but by Perfons animated with a Zeal more to ferve their Country than themfefoes -, and who were not much concerned what Succefs their Labours would have in the World. However, it muji be owned that, when they found the Public relifhed their Undertaking, by the quick Sale oj the firjl Right Volumes, they were more encouraged to proceed in the Work', which miift necejjarily occafion more Expence in 1 collecting Materials for their Purpofe. In the Tear 1753 were publifted five more Volumes of this Work-, the Preface, or Introduc- tion, to which is left founding, as it was in the Jirjl Edition,, becaufe the Obfervations there made on. PREFACE. xiii on fome of the principal Collectors and Contem- porary Hijhrians of the Times, there treated of, are necejfary to be read and under Jlood .by thofe , 'who 'would make themfehes Majlers of the Sub- ject. For the 'very fame Reafon the Preface to the Fourteenth Volume, which came out in 1755, is in the fame Situation it Jlood in at that Time. And the Jhort Introduction to the Nineteenth Volume, 'which appeared, with its Partner, in the Tear 1757* is aljo left, becaufe it goes on with a Recapitulation of the chief Materials this mighty Work was built with, and the friendly Aid which affijled the Compilers of it. Lajlly, inij6o came out two more Volumes, which bring the Hiftory down to near its dejigned Period, 1 660 j and the next Tear the Conclufive Part, 'with an Appen- dix and a 'very 'copious Index, were publifhed, which ends this whole Work. The Preface to which laft Publication is reprinted in this Edition, by reafon of the Matter it contains ; 'which, to recapitulate here, would fwell this to too great a Bulk. But, notwithjlanding what has been faid, by Way ^Preface, in the nrft Edition of this Work, there is an abfolute Neceffity to fay fomewhat more on the Publication of this fecond, to Jhew the Reader the Reafons why - the firil Two Vo- lumes xiv PREFACE- lumes of them are fo greatly altered from the for- mer / Very foon after their Appearance in the World the late Duke of Argyle, [Archibald] who highly dpprovd of the Work, fuggejled one great Omijpon, in quoting from the printed Abridge- ment of the Parliamentary Records in the Tower, when we Jhould have quoted the Originals; as the former, bejides many Miftakes, are of no Authority in the Houfe of Lords ; but the latter fur ely are. The Duke offered us the Ufe of a Copy from the Originals, in his noble Library, to conjult before we reprinted a new Edition, which he faid a Work of this Kind would certainly come to His Grace's Prophecy of a iecond Edition of this Work was fcarce believed at that 'Time by the Compilers; yet his Advice was taken, though not in his own Way; the Attendance on the Duke's Library in Town being found incompatible with the Residence of the Compilers, who live-d in the Country* By the Favour of another Nobleman, now in high Station, and of great Dijlinttion, another Copy was borrowed* which proved to be the frft that ever was taken from the original Records in the Tower : Of which the following ^ejlimony, wrote in a blank Page of the preceding Volume, in Lord Wey mouth' s own Hand, is a fufficient Evidence : Thefe PREFACE. xv Thefe three-and-twenty Volumes (including the Index) of the Parliament-Rolls were tran- fcribed from the Originals, by the Order and Direction of Mr. Halftead, whilfi he was Keeper of them, and were by him, carefully collated ; from whofe Widow the Lord Thomas Vifcount Wey mouth purchafed them for the Sum of One Hundred Pounds. Note, Thefe were the firft original Copies from which all others now extant, in feveral Hands, were tranfcribed. *I he great Number of thefe Volumes, the diffe~ rent Hands they 'were wrote in, and the different Languages they were compofed of, did not deter the Authors from entering upon, and, with much Pains and Labour, going through them. Thus are the Volumes of this Hiftory, as far as thefe ' Records go, authenticated, which is to the End of the Jhort Reign of Richard III. And herein, we foon found that the Dukes Sufpicions of the Faithfulnefs of the Abridgement were not with-* eutjuft Reafon-, for fuch a Number of Miftakes, in Mifnomers, Mifeonftr unions, Omiffions, &c, were feen, as is fcarce credible Jhould be. in a Book which bears this Title, An XVI PREFACE. An exact Abridgement of the Records in the 'Tower of London, from the Reign of Ed-ward II. > unto King Richard III. of all the Parliaments holden in each King's Reign, &c. Collected by Sir Robert Cotton, Knt. and Bart. Revifed, rectified in fundry Miftakes, and fupplied with a Preface, marginal Notes, feveral Omiffions, and exact Tables, .both of the great Matters, great Officers, Speakers, Nobles, and other Per- ibns therein contained. ty William PrynneJL^, a Bencher in Lincoln s-Inn. -London printed, 1657. Folio. William Prynne, Efq-, according to his ufual Cujlom, hath bejlowcd a very long-winded Pre- face to this Abridgement of Records, tending chiefly to put a proper Value on tho/e Abjirafts-, which indeed, had they been carefully and Cor-> reftfy done, muft have had their due EJleem: But we fay again that there are fuch an infinite Number of Erratas, of all Sorts, in this Book, that 'when we began to correct our Copy of it, and had proceeded with that Intention fame Way, they increafed fo abundantly upon us that we gave it up, left it fhould fruftrate our main De~ jigJi*. From whence we may very well judge that the voluminous Mr. Prynne was more dejirous of being p R E F A C E. xvii being jtiled the Author of fo many Books and Pamphlets as he printed and publijhed with his Name to them a , than to be correct in 'what he put out into the World: And from this Inftance we. may well Jujp eft that his other, and much greater Works, are done with the jame Care and Exa5t- nefs. Eut to conclude, for Fear of being thought as tedious in prefacing as Mr. Prynne himfelf; the two firft Volumes fthis lecond Edition have alfe received fome conjiderable Additions and Altera- tions from the Care and Accuracy of a late wor- thy and learned Gentleman *Y who was at the Pains to collate and compare the former Reigns" of our Kings, particularly that of Edward I. . with all the old Monkifo Hijiorians nearejl that Kings Reign -, by which Jeveral Additions were made, and jome Errors corrected. Tet all this was * not done to enhance the Price of the new, or damn the old Edition, as has been but too jrequently b prafli/ed a We have feen a Lift of more than fifty printed Hooks and Pamphlets with his Name to them, or known to be his. b The late Robert Hobhn, Efq; of Nanfwlddwg , in Corn- wall, and Member in a former Parliament for the City of BrijJoL A Gentleman to whofe Candour and Knowledge, efpecially in En^UJfj Hiftory, the Compilers of this Work . owed great Obligations. xviii PREFACE. pratfifed by feme great Authors our PredeceJ/ors. *To obviate this Imputation) Care has been taken to print as many fupernumerary Volumes as will ferve to exchange 'with thofe who have bought the jirft -, and public Advertifement will be made of it, that Gentlemen may Jena 1 their Jirft two Vo- lumes, of the former JLdition, and have the new delivered to them. S3 5 The Folios of the old Edition are printed within Crotchets in the Margin of the new, which ferves the Index. In two or three Sheets at the End of the Second Volume fome of the Pages of the old Edition are tranfpofed in the new* THE Parliamentary Hiftory o F ENGLAND. ARLIAMENTS are, without all Doubt, Of the Origin of very antient Extraction ; but to fix the and Name of Time of their Beginning, in this King- pARLIAI dom, is a Matter attended with fo many Difficulties, that it may be called Folly or Madnefs in any Writer to attempt it. Neverthelefs, we take it to be neceflary to lay fomewhat relating to this intricate Subject ; though what we {hall write, as it will not be very pleafing to ourfelves, fo we cannot apprehend that it will give much Satisfa&ion to our Readers. The very Word PARLIAMENT, or rather Parhment* is, in its Derivation, as perplexing as the former ; and the very beft Etymologifts differ ftrangely in their Opi- nions about it. We mall not endeavour to amufe our Readers with their various Conjectures; who will, may confult Francifcus Junius, Skinner, Gouldman^ and others, who have publifhed large Dictionaries in that Science ; VOL. I, A t Barones^ et LIBEROS HOMINES totius Regni ; by which it feems plain, that it was not made by the King and Barons only. And Mr. Selden f fays, That the Borough of St. Allan's claimed by Prefcription, in the Par- f Sdttoi's Titla of Honour, p, 709. of ENGLAND. Parliament of the 8th of Edward II. to fend two Bur- gefies to all Parliaments, as they did in the Time of Edward I. and his Progenitors ; which muft be in the Time of King John, his Grandfather, and confequently before the Reign of Henry III. Polydore Vergil^ HelUng/htad, Speed, &c. fay, That the Commons were firft furnmoned to a Parliament at Saliflury, in the i6th of Henry I. Sir Walter Raleigh* in his Treatife of the Prerogatives of Parliaments, thinks it was in the i8th of Henry I. Lord Bacon, in a Let- ter to the Duke of Buckingham, afks, Where were the Commons before Henry I ? which plainly implies nis Opinion that there was a Houfe of Commons at that Time at leaft. And Dr. Heylin finds yet another Be- ginning for them, which was in the Reign of Henry II. Such and fo various are the Opinions of learned Men on this Subject : It is not to the Purpofe to purfue them any further, and we (hall content ourfelves in faying, That whenever the Commons were taken in as one Branch of the Legiflature, it was a Glorious Addition to the others ; was a great Bulwark to the Liberties of the Subject, and, altogether, as the general Afient of the the King and Realm to make Laws and Ordinances; was juftly called, by antient Writers, Gommitne Con/ilium, Magnum Conjilium, Placitum generals^ Curia altijfima, et Pariiamentum generate feu atiijjimum. The Power and Authority of Parliaments in making of Laws, in proceeding by Bill, or otherways, is fo well known, fo often treated on by others, and will fo evidently appear in the Courfe of this Hiftory, that it is ncedlefs to fay more of it in this Place. But it will not be amifs, before we enter upon our Hi- florical Facts, under the feveral Reigns, to premife fome- what relating to the originalCreation of the Peers that com- pofe the Upper Houfe of Parliament, under their feveral Titles ; efpecially as that Houfe muft be allowed to be fuperior to the other, both in Antiquity and Honour. All the Degrees of Nobility and Honour are derived from the King as the Fountain of Honour. The King's eldeft Son is born Duke of Cirnwa/l, afterwards he is created Prince of Wales-, and, to diftinguifh him, in the r 5 1 Middle of the Arch of his Coronet a Ball and Crofs are A 3 placed, > 'The Parliamentary HISTORY placed, as in the Royal Diadem. The Title of Prince of Wales was originally granted by Edward I. after his Conqueft of that Principality, and all his Titles are, Prince ol Wales, Duke of Cornwall, and Earl of Cbe/ttr. The firft Duke we had in England was Edward the Black Prince, fo famous in our Hiftories for his heroic Actions, who was created a Duke in the i ith Year of King Edward III. Robert de Fere, Earl of Oxford, was created Marquis of Dublin in Ireland, in the 8th Year of King Richard II. and was the firft Marquis. Hugh Lupus was made hereditary Earl of Cbejler by William the Conqueror. "John Beaumont was created Lord Vifcount Beaumont by King Henry VI. in the i8th Year of his Reign, and was the firft Vifcount. And John Beaucbamp, of Holt, was the firft Baron created by Patent in England, made the i ith of Richard II. But, in the antient Records, the Word Baron inclu- ded all the Nobility of England', becaufe, regularly, all Noblemen were Barons, though they had higher Titles befides. The Chatter of King Edward I. which is an Expofition of what relates to Barons in Magna Charta, concludes, Tejlibus Arcbiepifcopis, Epifcopis, Baronibus, &c. So that the great Council of the Nobility, when they confifted, altogether, of Dukes, Marquefles, csV. befides Earls and Barons, were all comprehended under the Name De la Councfll de Baronage. But, after all, a Baron holding Land of the King, to him and his Heirs, per Servitium Baronia;, is no Lord of Parliament, untill he be called by the King's Writ to Parliament. In the Reign of Edward I- the Title of Baron, which was before common to all thofe that held Lands of the Crown, was confined to all thofe whom the King fummoned to Parliament. Thefe Ba- rons had then given them two Enfigns to remind them of their Duties ; firft a long Robe of Scarlet, in refpeft [ 7 ] whereof they are accounted in Law De magno Confilio Regis ; and, fecondly, are girt with a Sword, that they fhould ever be ready to defend their King and Country g . This alfo appears by Dugdale's Baronage, in which there are feveral Inftances of Lords being called to Par- liament,, g Coke's 3 Inft. p. 186. of ENGLAND. liament, where they and their Anceftors never fat be- fore, nor any of their Pofterity after them h . Proxies for the Bifhops and Barons in the Hotife of Peers are alfo very antient. The firft Mention of them, that occurs in our Parliamentary Memoirs, was at Car- lijle, under Edward I. * Alfo, in a Parliament held at lyejlminfter under Edward II. the Bifhops of Durham and Carlifle^ remaining upon the Defence of the Marches of Scotland^ were feverally commanded to flay there j and in the Writ a Claufe was inferted for that Purpofe k ^ The like Teftimonies occur pretty often in this King's Reign, of making Proxies by the Name of Procuratores Sufficiente^ and in fucceeding Times the Teftimonies of them down to this Day are very frequent. In relation to the more antient A6ts, Ordinances, Journals, &c. of the two Houfes of Parliament, much more might be faid than is confident with the Subftance of this Preamble to our Hiftory. Who will may read them admirably and concifely difcourfed on in Archbi- [ 8 ] {hop Nicbolfon's Englijh Hiftorical Library ; which Book, as it is almoft in every Collection, it is needlefs to tran- fcribe any Thing from it here. That Author has given us a general Detail of all our Parliamentary Proceedings from Magna Charta, through the printed Statutes, the Rolls Ii The Form of the King's Writ for fummoning a Peer to attend his Service in Parliament, is as follows : Edwardus, &c. CbarijjirKO Confanguineo fuo C. Comit. A, Salutem, Quiet di- ,id-v:jamento & affenfu Conjilii n'jjiri pro quibufdam arduis urgentibus nego- t:;;, A'0j, Ststum G* Difinfonem Rcgni nojlri Angliae & Ecdtjla; Anglicanaj (GKiernen? qitoddam Parhamentum noftrum apud Ci-vitatem noftram Weft- monaftetii, die, &c. prox. futvr" teneri ordina"vitnus, & ibid, vabifcutit ac cum Prtelath, Magnatibus & Proceribvt diEf Regni noftri colloquium ba.- li't e, trafiare, Vobii fub fide &f ligeaticiis quibui nobii tencntini firmiter it ningend 1 Mandamus, quod, confideraf difforum ncgotiarum arduitate & fericulit imminentibus, ceff'ante excufatione quacurque, dilf die & loco ptr- j'onaliter inter/ills Nvbifcum, ac cum Prxlatis Magnatibui & Proceribus pro:- d'.tlis fnfer diclii negotiis traElatur* vcftrumque conjilium impenfur* Et hoc Jic:it Nos & honcrcm noftrum ac Sal-vaticnem f Defenftontm Regni & Ec- chfite pradiflorum expcdiiionetnque diElorum negotiorum diligitis, nul/atenus etnittaiis. Teftc mcifj'o apud Weflmonafterium die, &c, i Quia (mines Prtelati, Militcs, et alii de Communitate Regni tur,c plenarlt tion vencrunt, reccptis quibufdam Procurationibus Pralatorum qui venire non pater ant, adjornar.tur omna qui fumnioniti funt ad Parliameatum, ujque a { En aft Mercurii proximum ftquentem, ad Horam primam. k Si.t 1'rocuratorcin iieftrum fujpcicnter injlruHum ad difJos Diem tt Lo* cum itiittalii, ad confetti itndum ei quid tur.c Ibidem per dittot Pralatot tt ftntigcrit ordinun t Seldcn'j Baronage of England, ?c, 81/0.- IjnJ, 1642, $ The Parliamentary HISTORY Polls of Parliament, Ordinances, Journals, with the Mcdus tenendi Pariiamenta ; the Antiquity and Rights of, both the Houfe of Lords and Commons, the difpen- fi ig Power of the King, and Writs of Summons ; wherein he fpecifito where all the Records relating to thefe Matters lie, at well as gives an Account of what the beft Authors have wrote on thefe often-difputed Subje&s, betwixt the Prerogative of the Crown and the Power of Parliaments. Let this Exordium, therefore, fuffice for the Origin, the Power, and Name of PARLIAMENT ; we {hall pro- ceed now to our HISTORY of them; in which we hope to be fo exat, that no material Circumftance,. mention- ed either by antient or modern Hiftorians, {hall efcape our Notice. And tho' thefe general Meetings of the King with his Bifhops and Barons, both before and foon after the Conqueft, were by no Means like our prefent Parliaments ; yet we judge it very confitlent with the Tenor of our Subject, to purfue our Account of them whenever fuch Evidences can be found that may be de- pended upon, but in as concife a Manner as poffible. King William I. T N the Reign of the three firft Norman Kings we Anno Re ni 6 * meet with little to our Purpofe. William I. indeed, nn 70 j gm ' at the Inftigation of the Pope, lummoned a. National At Winder. Synod to determine the Difpute betwixt the Sees of Can- terbury and York, about Supremacy. As this was in- tirely an Ecclefiaftical Controverfy, it does not appear that this Meeting, which was before the King and Hu- bert, the Pope's Legate, at Windfar, coniifted of more than the Prelates, Abbots, and other Ecclefiaftics of the Realm J . In 1 Sir Henry Spelman has made a Collection of the Laws before Magna Cbarta $ the MS, now in 'h? Bcdleyan Library, bears this Title, Codex Lcgum vetcrum et Statutorum Regni Angliae, qua: ab IngrcJJ'x Willielmi ufy t ad -innum r.onum Henrici tertii edita fur.t ; tec tft ante frimum Statututn cmnium imfrreflorum in Libris yuridicis. P. 1 r, iV_/: r.glja? Comitatus omnet Nobiks, Sapiintes, et fua Lege eru- ditoi, ut eorum Leget et CoaJaetuJines aiediret, Et licet idtm Rex Gulielmus ttfei of E N G L A N D. 9 In the Reign of Henry I. the Conqueror's youngeft K >"g Hemj U Son, Taxes were levied arbitrarily on the Subject, as in the two preceding Reigns of his Brother Rufus and his .Father. In his fixth Year he fet a Sum upon every Pa- rilh Church, and forced the Incumbent to pay the Mo- ney to redeem his Church. In the eighth Year of his Reign he had, for the Marriage of his Daughter Maud,, 3 s. for every Hide of Land : And, fay Hiftorians, during his whole Reign he levied a conftant annual Tax of \id. on every Hide of Land. It does not appear, by any Account we can meet with, that the King afked the Confent of his Barons, or People, for raiting thefe Sub- fidies, tho' there were fome Conventions of the Eftates of the Realm called in his Time : For in the Year 1 106, Ann f e f % ni 6 ' fays Matthew Paris^ Henry convened his Nobles, by a Ipecial Edift, on a very extraordinary Occafion. His elder Brother Robert, whom he had difpoflefled of his Ri^ht of Succeflion to the Englljh Crown, came over from Normandy to make him a friendly Vifit. Henry y being jealous that this Vifit might turn to his Difadvan- tage, and being more afraid, fays our Author, of Man than God, cajoled his Nobles, by crafty Promifes, to be true to him; and next thought that he could make up the Matter with God by the building of an Abbey, which he was then about to execute. For this Reafon he called together the Great Men of the Realm by his Royal Mandate, fays Paris, to meet tt.London\ where r he firft foftened and fweetened them, feparately, by fmooth Words and Expreffions, and then, being met to- gether, he made a Speech to them as follows : Which Speech, as it is the firft that came from the Throne, only preferved by Matthew Paris , and taken Notice of by very few HHtorians, either antient or modern, that we have met with, juftly claims a Place in our Hiftory. My t-egei Norfolkiae tt Suffolkise, Grantbrigiae et Deirse (uti quondam maxima Pan Danorum et Norwcgienfium inbabitalant) frius magis apprcba-verat, et eai per totum Rtgnum obfer-vari pr&ceperat, pro to quod omnts Antecejjores ejus, ft fere omnes Baronet Normanniae, Norwegienles rxtitffint, et quod tie Norwegia dim venij/ent ; poftea ad Precet COMMUNITATIS Anglonim, Rex adquimit\ qui diprccati funt quatentts permitttret fibi Leget preprias et Cor.fuetudines antiquas babere, in vxibus vixcrant Patres torum, et eit itati et nutriti funt, fcilicet Leget Sanfii Regit Edwardi ConfefToris, <)V. Sec allb Sir Roger 'J'tvifden's Preface to the Laws rf William I. and Hen- ri I. publifhed at the End of Lambjrd de prif^ii Anglorum L<;'a. Cantab. 1644. m Rega diio convscatit, M. Paris, ful> toe Anno* JO The Parliamentary HISTORY King Henry I, His Speech. Anno Regni'7. 1107. At London, My Friends and faithful Subjects, both Foreigners and Natives, tyO U all know very well that my Brother Robert was * loth called by God and eletted King of Jerufalem, which he might have hazily governed ; and how fhame- fully he refufed that Rule^ for which he jujlly deferves God's Anger and Reproof . You know alfo, in many other InJIances, his Pride and Brutality. Becaufs he is a Man that delights in War and Bloodjhed, he is impatient of Peace \ I know that he thinks you a Parcel of contemptible Fellows ; he calls you a Set of Drunkards and Gluttons^ whom he hopes to tread under his Feet. /, truly a King y meek) humble, and peaceable, will preferve and cherijh you in your antient Liberties, which 1 have formerly /worn to perform ; will hearken to your wife Counjels with Patience ; and will govern yoit, jujily, after the Example of the be ft of Princes. If you defere it, Iwilljlrengthen thisPromife with a written Charter ; and all thofe Laws which the Holy King Edward, by the Infpiration of God, fo wifely enacJed, I will again fwear to keep inviolably. If you^ my Brethren, will Jland by me faithfully, we Jhall eafily repulfe the ftrongefi Efforts the cruelle/l Enemy can make again/} me and thefe Kingdoms. If I am only fupported by the Valour and Power of the Englifh Nation, all the weak Threats of the Normans will no longer feem for- midable unto me. We have given, from the old Monk of St. Allan's Latin, the Verfion of this Speech as near as we could, though the obfolete Words he often makes ufe of are difficult enough to render. Matthew adds, That this Harangue of Henry to his Nobles had the defired Effect, though he afterwards broke all his fair Promifes to them ; Duke Robert went back much difgufted, whom his Bro- ther foon after followed, gained a Victory over him, took the Duke Prifoner, put out his Eyes, and con- demned him to perpetual Imprifonment. The Year after this, viz. 1 107, the fame King Henry call'd another Convention of all the Eftates of the Realm to fit in his Royal Palace at London. This Convention fome modern Hiftorians have honoured with the Name of Parliament^ and would prove that the Commons were of ENGLAND. n a Part of it. We know not where they find Authority King Henry I. for fuch an Aflertion j the old Monkifh Writers ", who lived near this Time, call it no more than a Meeting of all the Biftiops, Abbots, and Nobles of the Kingdom, to whom Anjelm, Archbimop of Canterbury, was Pro- locutor. Indeed this Meeting might much rather be called a Convocation than a Parliament, fince nothing, that we can find, but Church- Matters, were tranfa&ed in it. In this Aflembly the prohibiting the Priefts the Ufe of their Wives and Concubines was confidered ; and the Bifliops and Clergy granted to the King the Correction of them for that Offence ; by which Means he raifed vaft Sums of Money, compounding with the Priefts, for certain annual Payments, to allow them the Enjoyment of their Wives and Concubines . In the Year 1116 there was another Convention of Anno Regnl 16, the Nobles and Barons fummoned by the King to meet Ill6t at Salif&ury P. At this Meeting the whole Nobilit did Homage to him and to Prince William, King Henry's eldcit Son, in the Prefence of the Father *. The Di- fpute betwixt the Archbifhops of Canterbury and York^ [ 12 about Primacy, was alfo debated at this Convention, which was all the Bufmefs that we can find was done at it. This Meeting alfo fome of our more modern Hifto- rians r have called the Foundation of our High Court of Parliament. The Englijh Kings, fay they,"before this Time, ordered the Affairs of the Commonwealth by their Edicts, Officers, and Governors of every Country, and feldom had the Advice of the People, but only at the Beginning of their Government, or in the Time of War. n Eodem Anno fa&us eft Conventus Epifcoporum et Abbatum pariter et Magnatum I.ondoniis in Pa/atio Regis. M. Paris, fub hoc Anno. Con-vent us omnium Epifctporum, Abbatum, et Procerutn, Simeon Du- nelm. inter Decem Script. Hifl. Angl. Accept t enim Rex Pccuniam infinitam de Preftiyteris pro Juis Focariit redimendis. M. Paris. Focuria is rendered either a Houfe Concubine, or a Female Drudge, a Difhwalher, &c. P Conventio Oftiiaatum et Baronum totius Anglix. Simeon Dunelm. inter Decem Script. q Ubi t yJ}'u Regis, Comites et Barones, cum C/ero totius Kegni, fib! et Wiliielmo tiiio j'uo Homagium fccerunt. Cbroa. Johan, Bromptou inter Decem Script. * Hdlingjhtad, Speed, Stow, fife. 12 King fcry I. War. We believe it will be hard to prove that this Meeting was any Model of our prefent Parliaments, there being no Similitude of them in any Shape whatever. Under this King the People of England began to re- cover again and grow wealthy, as the King did likewife : For it was in his Time that the Revenue, arifing from Crown Lands, was adjufted and fixed to a certain Rate, fo that it might be either paid in Money or Provifions. And this (hews that as the People in general began to grow rich ; fo the King, by attending his Affairs at home, as well as thofe abroad, grew rich too; infomuch that, at the Time of his Demife, he actually left in his Coffers the Sum of icc,ooo/. befides Plate and Jewels. A Sum that would amount to near ten Times the Value in our Times s . King Stephen. J n the turbulent Years of King Stephen's Reign, and during the bloody Contefts betwixt him and Maud the Emprefs, for the Crown of England, very little can be expected to our Purpofe. There were no regular Tax- ations at this Time ; but the contending Parties main- tained themfelves chiefly by the Plunder of each other's Tenants. Neverthelefs we meet with one Convention of the Eftates in this Reign, and that was in the very firft Year of it; for Stephen, anxious to have his Title confirm'd by their Authorities, fummon'd all the Biftiops At Oxford. an d Nobles of the Realm, by his Royal Edir, to meet at Oxford for that Purpofe . At this Meeting Stephen figned and gave a moft extenfive Charter, wherein the Rights and Immunities of Holy Church were largely and principally fecured to the Clergy of all Degrees and De- nominations. At the Tail of this Charter Stephen alfo promifes to puni(h or remove the High Sheriffs, or anv other of his Officers, that fhall ufe any unjuft or illegal Exadtions on the People ; and that he will well and truly keep all the good old Laws and Cuftoms in all Cafes whatfoever. The Barons and other Great Men, befides the Bifliops, who were Witncfles to this Char- ter, and confequently prefent at this Convention, weie [ 13 ] Roger the Chancellor, Henry the King's Nephew, Ro- bert Earl of Gloucester, William Earl Warren, Ralph Earl s Campbell" s Lives of Admirals, &c. zd Edit. Vol. I. p. 127. 1 Efifcofoi et Procerfs fui Regni, Regali Edifio, in unuw coKvenire prte* fefit, Ric, Prior Hagulft. inter Decem Script. of E N G L A N D. 13 Earl otCbefter, Roger Earl of Warwick, Robert de Vere, King Stephen. Miles de Gloucefter, Robert D'Oily, Brian Son to the Earl Conjlable, William Martel, Hugh Eygot, Humphrey de Bohun, Simon de Bellocampo, Sewer, William de Al- bany, Martel de Albany, Butlers, Robert de Ferrers, William Peverel, Simon de Silvanefli, William de Alba- nia, Hugh de S. Clare, Ilbert de Lacy ; dated at Oxford in the Year of Chrift M.C.XXXVI. but the firft of his Reis;n. Richard, the Prior of : Hexham, from whom we now quote, and who has beft preferved the Annals and Acts of this King, has given us this Charter ; the Pre- amble to which, as it evidently fhews the Title by which Stephen claimed the Crown, may be acceptable to the Reader. It is as follows : T Stephen, by the Grace of God, theConfent of the Clergy * and People, being elected King over England, and con- fecrated by William Archbijbop of Canterbury, Legate of the Holy Roman Church, confirmed by Innocent, Pontiff" of the Jame See, for the Refpefit and Love I bear to God 9 eh declare Holy Church to be free, and do confirm all due Reverence unto it, &c. In the Year 1 152, when Stephen had been abroad and Anno Regni 17, fettled his foreign Affairs, he thought proper, at his Re- II52< turn, to endeavour to fecure and eftablim the Crown of England upon himfelf and Family ; and to that Purpofe called a general Council to London; that is to fay, Theo- bald, the Archbifhop of Canterbury, the Bifhops, and Great Men of England". He propofed to them the Coronation of his Son EuJJace, that, fays our Author, he might deprive Duke Henry, Son to the Emprefs Maud^ of his Right of Succeflion; and particularly required the Archbifhop, to whofe antient Right it belonged to con- fecrate Kings, to perform that Office upon his Son. The Prelate boldly anfwer'd, That the Pope, by his Letters, had forbidden him to crown or anoint his Son, becaufe he himfelf, contrary to his Oath, had ufurp'd the King- dom. The King, his Son, and all that favoured them, [ 14 were terribly angry at this Repulfe, and (hut up all the Bifhops with their Primate in one Houfe, that, by Threats and Terrors, they might extort that which, adds u drciltpifcopo, E/>ifioj>ii quc^ue, (t Proctrittts Anglije. Ckrcn* Gemi'. Cant, inter )ecuu Scupc. 14 The Parliamentary HISTORY KiBg St"' Matter contained in it. B . , This Charter was firft granted in Form by King John, ***! * in the fixreenth Year of his Reign, after a long Series of Civil War between him and his Barons, of which our Chronicles give a melancholy and terrible Defcription. The King being at faft hard put to it by the Barons, de- ferted almoft by every one, and having, as M. Paris writes, only feven Lords about his Perfon, thought it high Time to footh his other angry Nobles, and therefore fent William Marefchal, Earl of Pembroke, with fome others, to the Lords, then at London, to tell them that he would grant the Laws and Liberties they defired. The Am- balTador and his MeiTage were received with great Joy by the Barons, who appointed a Time and Place, accord- ing to the King's Defire, for the Meeting. This great AfTembly of the King and the Barons was in a Place betwixt Wind/or and Status, called Runing- At *'* mede n , which is interpreted, fays Mat. Wejlminfter, the Meadow of Council; becaufe, adds he, in antient Times the Peace of the Kingdom had been frequently treated on in that Place. On the I5th of June, 1215, the King and Nobles met in this Meadow; on the King's Side appeared with him the Archbifhops of Can- terbury and Dublin^ the Biihops of London, Winchejler, Lincoln, Bath, Worcefter, Coventry, and Rochejler-, Pan- dulph, the Pope's Agent, and Mafter of the Order of Templars in England: Of Noblemen, William Mare- fcbal Earl of Pembroke, the Earls of Salt/bury, Warren, and Arundel; Alan de Galewey, William Fitzgerald, Peter Fitzherbert, Thomas BaJ/'et, Matthew Fitzherbert, Alan Baffet, Hugh de Nevile, Hubert de Burg, Robert de Roppelay, John Marefchall, and Philip de Albiney. On the Part of the Barons, fays Paris, appeared fuch a [ 22 ] Number, that it feem'd as if all the Nobility of England were collected into one Body. At length, adds our Author, after they had treated on various Subjects, the King, knowing full well that his Strength was much inferior to that of the Barons, without the leaft feeming Reluctance, agreed to fcveral Articles, and confirmed them by his Charter. B 3 Next n Mat. Wffimlnfltr calls it Runnemcd ; and M. Paris, RunlngemunJ. This Meeting was property neither a Convention nor a Parliament, fines not cali'd by the King. 22 The Parliamentary HISTORY Next follows the Charter at Length in M. Paris, as a de Foreff a we ^ as t ^ le ^harta ^ e Forefta, granted at the fame Time; "which Foreft-Laws and Customs, as they could not be inferted in the fame Schedule with the former, by reafon of their Length, fays Paris, made a different Inftrument, and was witnefled accordingly. Both thefe Charters haVe been fo often printed and puhlifhed in various Au- thors and Forms, that it is unneceflary here to fay any more about them ; particularly they have lately had great Juftice done to them in a pompous Work published by William Black/lone, Efq; Vinerian Profellbr of the Laws of England, at Oxford n . This Gentlemen has traced thefe Charters, very learnedly and painfully, from the original granting of them, through the feveral Attempts of our Kings to caffate or infringe them, to their final Confirmation and Eftablifhment. A Work which re- flects great Honour upon the Author, and worthy of the Attention of every EngUJhman that would underftand the Laws and Liberties of his Country. That our Readers may the better underftand to whofe Memories they are indebted for great Part of their pre- fent Liberties, it will not be amifs to give the Names of twenty -five Lords who were chofen by the reft, and fworn to fee that this Royal Charter was confirmed by the Pope's Bull for the greater Security of it. The Titles and Names were as follow: The Earls of Clare, Albemarlc, Glouceftcr, Winch e ft er, and Hereford; Roger Bigot of Norfolk , Robert de Fere of Oxford, Earl Mare- fchal, jun. Robert Fitzwalter, fen. Gilbert de Clare, Eu- Jlace de Vefcy, Huge Bigot, William de Mulbray, William de Huntingfilue, Richard de Mountfitchet, William de Al- lineto, the Mayor of London, Gilbert Delaval, Robert de Ros* the Conftable of Cbefier, Richard de Percy, "John Fitzrckertf William Malut^ Gee fry de Say, and Roger de Mulbray. To th. Tc Lords were alfo fvvorn > as Co- adjutors and fubfervient to them, the Earls of Arundale and W-jrren, Henry D'OHy, Hubert de Burg, Matthew Fitzherberi. Robert de Pinkeni, Roger Huf carle, Robert de Newbury, Henry de Ponte Audomarli, Radulpb de la Haic, Henry de Brentfeld, Garim Fitzgerald, Thomas KaJJet, William de Rokclant, William de Saintjohan, Alan Bajfet, Richard de Rtpanis, Hugo Beneval, Jordan de n Oxford, at the Clarendon Prefs. M.DCC.LIX, ^ENGLAND. 23 SautvtH, Rod. Mujkard^ Richard Sibfleuvajl, Robert ^King>fr. Ropelay^ Andrew de Beaucamp, Walter de Dune/table^ Walter Folioth^ John Faukes^ John Marefcball^ Plrilip de Albenl^ William de Parco, Radulph de Normanvile^ Wil- liam de Perci., William rfgailun^ Engerus de Prateft^ Wil- liam de Cirent^ Roger de Zuche> Roger ]?itzharnard t and Gcofry de Cracttmbe. Thefe all fwore, fays Paris, to obey the Commands of the aforefaid twenty-five Barons; and all thefe together make up the Lift of the principal Per- fons that compofed this Grand Afiembly. The King, however, was not over willing to ftick to thefe Charters of Liberties, but had many Struggles with his Barons afterwards, in order to difannul them. He died the Year following, and left his Kingdom, deeply involved in this Civil War, to his eldeft Son Henry . Henry III. began his Reign in the Year 1216, being King Henry III; then only Nine Years of Age. At a very dangerous and troublefome Period did this young King come to the Crown ; the Kingdom full of interline Broils, and a foreign Enemy, headed by Lewis the French King's Son, in the Heart of it. But the Barons, foon after, finding it their own Interefl to unite, did fo, and drove Lewis out of the Kingdom ; and all Things went on, in an amicable Manner during the King's Minority. There are fome Inftances of Parliaments, or Con- ventions of the Barons, &c. being called in the Mino- rity of this King, in Dr. Black/tone's Introduction to Magna Charta, before-mentioned ; particularly one in the Year 1217, A. R. II. ttLondon^ which, the Doctor fays, has efcaped the Notice of all our antient Hiftorians, as, doubtlefs, he adds, many others have done. At this Meeting the King's Minifters, in the Name of their young Mafter, thought fit to ratify and confirm the two Charters granted by his Father p . But we have no ab- folute Certainty of any more till in the Year 1223, a AnnoRegni8 ' Meeting of the Barons, or a Parliament, was fummoned to London ; where the King met them, 'January I3th, At London, the fame Year q . At this Conference the Archbimop of There were ievernl Scutages in this King's Reign, but as they were arbitrarily and varioufly coileted, they do not defcrve Notice ; who will may Ice them in a modern Hiftoiian. See Cards llijlory tf EnglauJ, Vol. J. p. 844. P Sec BletK/fone'i Mag. C/.-jr. Introd. p. xxxix. and Note ft} p./tq- \l>. c > ;x &d Ly;^v)iii^i vfr.tens fjm Uarnnibut ad Colloquium. M. Paris. 24 The Parliamentary HISTORY King Henry ill. o f Canterbury, Stephen Langton, and other great Men, requeued the King that he would confirm the Liberties and free Cuftoms for which a War was made with his Father ; urging, moreover, That when Lewis left Eng- land, both the King and a!l the Nobility had (worn to obferve, and caufe to be obferved, thofe Liberties ; and therefore he could not refufe to do it. Upon which William Briwerc, one of the King's Council, replied, * That the Liberties they defired were violently extort- ed, and therefore ought not to be obferved.' The Arch- r 2 ] bifhop of Canterbury in a Pafiion reproved him, and faid, ' That, if he loved the King, he would not hinder the Peace of the Kingdom.' The King, feeing the Prelate much moved on the Occafion, allured them, * That he had bound himfelf by an Oath to preferve their Liberties, and what was fworn he would obferve.' And having called a Council he forthwith fent his Let- ters to all the Sheriffs in the Kingdom, to make Inquiry by the Oaths of twelve Knights or legal Men, in every County, what were the Liberties of England in the Time- of King Henry his Grandfather, and to make a Return of them to London fifteen Days after Eajhr. Anno Regni 9. The next Year, 1 224, the King met the Archbifhops, 1224. Bifhops, Earls, Barons, and many others r , fummoned At Northampton, to appear at Northampton^ to treat about the Affairs of the Kingdom. The King being willing, fays Paris, to take the Advice of his Great Men % concerning his fo- reign Dominions, which the King of France had then in his PolTeflion. But their Negotiations were inter- rupted by a fmall Rebellion, which at that Time broke out very near them. One Falcafius, or Fauke de Brent, had feized upon Braibrooke^ one of the King's itinerant Juftices, for fetting a Fine upon him for committing much Spoil and Rapine in the Country, and had impri- foned him in his Caftle at Bedford. The King and his Great Council being much fcandalized at fuch a bold Proceeding, ordered the Caftle to be befieged ; which it was, and taken, and 24 of the Garrifon hang'd up on the Walls of it. The Rebel himfelf found Means to fly into Wales ; but, by the Interceffion of a Bifhop, he was introduced to the King, fell down at his Feet and implored r Convenerunt ad Colloquium apud Northampton, Rex cum Ar Epifcopii Comitibus, Baronibus, cum tnultis aliis, M. Faris t * * Uti Confilio Magnatum. Ibid. of E N G L A N D. 25 implored his Mercy, urging his former Services for his Kin IIenr y UI Pardon. The King, by the Advice of his Council, ha- ving firft taken from him his Caftles, Lands, and Goods, committed him to the Cuftody of the Bifhop of London till further Orders. After this the Aflembly granted to the King, for his great Trouble and Expences, 2 s. of every Plough-Land ; and the King, in return, granted the Barons two Marks Sterling of every Knight's Fee, [ 25 ] to be levied on their Tenants. King Henry kept his Chrijlmas at Weftminfter in the Anno Regni w. Year 1225, where it appears that the Barons, &c. were I2ZS * fummoned. Here it was that, in a very full Aflembly of both Clergy and Laity, Hugo de Burgh, the King's Judiciary, in the Prefence of them all, declared ' The 4 Damages and Injuries the King fuftained in his Domi- c nions beyond Sea j wherein not only the King, but ' alfo feveral Earls were thrown out of their Pofieffions. ' That, feeing many were concerned, the Afliftance ' ought to be proportionable; he therefore requir'd their 4 Counfel and Aid, that the Royalties ot the Crown, and ' their antient Rights, might be recovered ; for the re- ' trieving of which, he thought, the fifteenth Part of alj ' Moveables, both of Ecclefiaftics and Laics, would be fufficient.' This being moved by the Chief Juftice, the Peers, after fome Deliberation, returned this Anfwer to the King : ' That they would readily fatisfy his De- * mands, if he would grant to them their long-defired * Liberties.' To this the King confcnted, and Char- ters were forthwith writ, and fealed with the King's Seal, and one directed to every County in England. To the Counties alfo, where there were Forefts, two Charters were directed; one concerning their common Liberties, and the others the Liberties of the Foreft. The Tenor of thefe Charters are the very fame with thofe of King John, A Month after Eajler, a Day was fet to chufe twelve Knights and legal Men ", who, upon Oath, fhould diftinguifli the new Forefts from the old ones ; and whatever Forefts were found to be made after theCo- ronation of Henry II. were forthwith to be difafforefted. The Council being ended, Charters were carried to every County ; and, by the King's Command, every one t Coram drcbiepifcopis, Efifcop's, Comitiius, Baronikut, et aliis Um- verfts. M. Paris. u Duodeum Militet et Homines Le^alet, Ibid* 26 he Parliamentary HISTORY King Henry III. one fworn to obferve them. The Way and Manner of Jevying this Fifteenth was dire&ed by the King ; and L 2 J becaule it is very particular to know how Fifteenths were raifed in thofe Days, Dr. Brady has printed the Record of it in his Appendix w . In this Parliament alfo the .Ba- rons granted the King the Wards and Marriages of their Heirs, which proved, what it was then called by thofe who had a View into the Confequences of Things, Ini- tium Mall. The fame Year, in the Month of March, another AfTembly of the Great Men was called ; but nothing more was done at it than the Trial of Falcafius de Brent, the Rebel aforefaid; when the King, with the Confent and Advice of the Cobles, condemned him to perpetual Banifhment. This Man, fays Paris, at his going on Shipboard to his Exile, with Tears in his Eyes, bid the Meflengers that conducted him tell the King, * That ' whatever he had done was by the Instigation of the * EngUjb Barons x .' Thus far Matters went very even betwixt this King and his Barons ; but now Henry, being arrived at Man- hood, wanted to knock off the Shackles which were im- pofed, as he thought, on the Royal Prerogative, by the granting of the Great Charter, &c. notwithstanding he had, at his Coronation, fworn to keep them inviolably, and had publickly confirmed this Oath at feveral Times after. AnnoRegniu. To this Purpofe, in the Year 1226, at an Aflembly izz6. of the Peers, called to meet together at Oxford, the King At Oxford. to M them, * That fince he was now arrived at a lawful * Age, for the future he would be releafed from the Go- * vernment of others, and take the Reins of it into his * own Hands.' He then, by hhs Authority, cancelled ' Magnu Charta and Charta de Fcre/ia; giving this Rea- fon, ' That thofe Charters of Liberties were made and * figned when he was not his own Mafter, but under the ' Government of others, and confequently could not be ' valid, becaufe he was not bound to keep what he was forced to promife ?.' This Declaration, fays Paris, made very great Murmuring in the Ailembly ; and all afcribed w See theAppendix to Dr. Brady 's Cwpleat IlijJsry. from Pat. 9 H. III. M. 7. Dorjo. x Inftinclu Majirum Regnl Anelias fecifft. M.Paris. y C>m net fui Corforis aut Sig-iiii aliquati Patcjiaicin iabutrit. Ibid. of EN GL AN D, 27 afcribed this Ad of the King's to the Advice of his Prime KIn B Ktnr 3 ni Minifter, Hubert de Burgh, at that Time Chief Juftice of England \ who, adds our Authority, was grown fo much in the young King's Favour , that no Advice but his own was the leatt regarded. At the fame Time, it was told the Churchmen, * That the King intended to maintain their Liberties, provided they would all take out new Charters, efteeming the old ones as no ways valid. And, as a more mortal Wound to the Clergy, a Fine was laid, not according to their Abilities, but what the Prime Minifter demanded, that they were obliged to pay. In the Year 1232, the King kept his Cbriftmas at Anno Regni i6 Winchefter, and upon the yth of March following he I2r 3 z * met the Nobles, as well Prelates as Laics, at Wtftmin- A.tWeftminfter Jler z : To whom he declared, ' That his late Expedi- tion abroad had involved him in very great Debt, by which he was now abfolutely obliged to require a gene- ral Aid.' To this Demand Ranulpb, Earl of Cbejler* replied, in the Name of the Noblemen, ' That the Earls, Barons, and Knights who held of the King, In Capite, had perfonally fejved him, and had been at great Expence to no Purpofe ; whereby they were reduced to Poverty ; and therefore, of Right, they owed no Aid to the King at that Time.' Then the Lay Lords, aflcing Leave, departed. The Prelates, &c, anfwered for their Parts, * That many Bifliops and Abbots, who were iummoned, were not yet come up ; and therefore de- iired that it might be deferred, and a Day appointed for all to meet together, and confult what ought to be done in that Bufinefs.' The King agreed to this, and the Meeting was fixed to be fifteen Days after Rafter. Some Time after this a great Storm was raifed againfl Hubert de Eurgh^ the King's Prime Minifter, and Chief Juftice of England : He was accufed of feveral very high Crimes and Mifdemeanors, recounted at large by M. Paris : That he had been guilty of feveral treafonable Praclices, and given treacherous Advice to the King ; much to the Prejudice of both him and the Kingdom : That he had procured William Longefpee Earl of Sal(fbury, * * William Martfchal Earl of Pembroke^ Falcafms de Brent , and z Convener-ant ad Colloquium apud Weftmonafterium, ad Focaliontm Rt- gi:, Miignatct Anglitc, ram Pratt Jti quern Laid, M, Paris, 28 The Parliamentary HISTORY King Henry III, anc ] Richard IVetberJbed Archbifhop of Canterbury, to be poifoned : That he had gained the King's Affections by Sorcery and Witchcraft. He was accufed alfo of Injuftice, Extortion, and Rapine. All which extraor- dinary Crimes were urged fo home againft the Favourite, before the King, that he caufed it to be publickly pro- claimed in London, that whoever had any Complaint againft Hubert fhould come before him, and Juftice fhould be done to the Offended. Anno Regni 16. On the I4th of September^ the fame Year, 1232, the 1*3*. JG n g fummoned the Bifliops and other Prelates of the Church, with the Nobility of the Kingdom a to meet At Lambeth. at ^ am betb ; by whom the fortieth Part of all Moveables, belonging to all Bifhops, Abbots, Priors, Clerks, and Laymen, was granted to the King, for the Payment of the Debt which he owed to the Earl of Britain. At this Convention alfo Hubert de Burgh was required to give in his Anfwer to the feveral Articles preferred againft him ; as it had been ftipulated by the King. But Hubert^ fays Paris, fearing that the King would put him to fome fliameful Death, thought fit to abfcond and fhut himfelf up in a Sanctuary amongft the Canons at Merton b ; waiting for a Time to give in his Anfwer when the King was in a better Humour. Henry, in a great Rage at this, fent to the Mayo.rof London to force Hubert from his Sanctuary, and bring him before him dead or alive. The Londoners, glad of this Opportunity to be revenged of Hubert, for hanging a favourite Citi- s&en of theirs, rung the Alarm Bell, and, inftantly, near 20,000 of the meaner Sort were collected together, to whom the Mayor read the King's Letter, and defired them to be all ready in the Morning to perform the King's Commands. But fome of the graver Sort of Citizens, and richer we fuppofe, dreading the ill Con- fequence of raifing fuch a tumultuary Mob, went to the Biftiop of Winch >efter's Houie at Soutbtvark, and de- [ 29 ] fired his Advice, who told them plainly that whatever came of it they muft execute the King's Precept. Struck with this ftrange Epifcopal Advice, fays Matthew, they retired ; and accordingly next Adorning the fame Num- ber a Epifcopi et alii Ecclcjtarum Preelati, cum Proceribus Rerni. M. Paris. b Merton in Surrey, an Abby founded by Henry 1. for Canons cf St. jSuflin, dnno uzi. Man* Ang. torn, II. f. 135, ^/ENGLAND. 29 ber of Citizens, or more, appeared in Arms, and, with King Henry ill, Colours flying, march'd towards the Sanctuary. Hubert^ when he heard of this, gave himfclf up for loft, and throwing himfelf on his Knees before the High Altar of the Church, recommended both his Soul and Body to God. But Ranulph Earl of Cbejler had hinted to the King, that if fuch tumultuous Proceedings were counte- nanced, a Sedition might be raifed that would not be eahly appeafed ; adding, that it would be a great Re- proach to the King abroad, when it was heard that he thus treated thofe who had been his Favourites. The King was ftagger'd at this, and immediately difpatched two Meflengers with Letters to the Mayor to revoke his former Precept. The Citizens were amazed at thefe counter Orders ; but, however, notwithftanding they miffed of their Prey, they all went quietly back to their own Homes. Thefe Things happened whilft the aforefaid Conven- tion of the Nobles was fitting at Lambeth, in order to have Hubert brought before them, which makes us fo particular in the Recital. Hubert, however, efcaped the Fury of his Enemies for that Time ; and having foon after delivered up all his immenfe Riches to the King, it fo foften'd Henry's Heart, that if he did not wholly forgive him, yet he granted him all his Lands again ; and Hubert only re- mained a State Prifoner in the Caftle of Devizes for fome Time. In the Place of Hubert de "Burgh, Earl of Kent, Henry foon got a new Favourite, but ten Times more obnoxi- ous to the Barons than the former. This was Peter de Rupibus, Bifhop of Wmckejler; who, with Peter de Ri- va/ly his Kinfman, now governed the King and all the public Affairs of the Kingdom. Thefe Men, being Fo- reigners, invited over into England feveral Poiflevins and Bretons, to the Number of 2000 Knights and Servants, who were placed as Garrifons in feveral Caftlcs; and to thefe the eafy King committed the Wardfhips of the Nobility; which afterwards much degenerated, by being [ 30 ^ ignobly matched to thefe Foreigners. And when any Englijhman complain'd of their Burdens and Oppreffions to the King, they were hindered from any Redrefs by the powerful Influence of the Bifhop of Winde/ler. By 30 The Parliamentary HISTORY King May in. By t hefe Means the Flame, that burnt fo fiercely In his Father's Time, was again lighted up in the King- Anno Regni ly-Jom . jT or fj enry having fent out his Letters, fays Paris, to call the Barons together to a Council, to be held on At Oxford, the Feaft of St. John, in the Year 1233, at Oxford, the Barons abfolutely refufed to obey the King'b Command j "by reafon, adds our Author, that they feared the Treach- ery of the Foreigners, who then fwarmed at Court ; and becaufe they had conceived a juft Indignation againfl the King, for preferring the Polftevins to his own natu- ral Subjects. This Refufal they had delivered to the King in a very folemn Manner ; who, being much ex- afperated at the Barons for this Affront offered to his Authority, took Advice of his Lawyers how he fhould compel them to obey. The King was advifed to fummon them a fecond and a third Time, to try whether they would appear or not. But one of the Council being fo bold as to tell him that it would be to no Purpofe, nor would the Barons ever obey his Mandate, or he enjoy any Peace, unlefs he would remove Pf/^r Bifhop of Win- chejler^ and Peter de Rivall his Nephew, (or his Son, rather, fays Paris with a Sneer) from his Counfels, the And at Weflmin- King fent again to his Barons, to fummon them to meet /. at IVeflminjier on the 10th of July following, and there, by their Advice, he promifed to amend whatfoever was amifs, or by Right ought to be amended. But when the Barons had heard that the King only fought to enfnare them ; that he had actually got over from abroad a Set of Banditti, or Robbers, with Arms and Horfes for that Purpofe ; they could fee no Signs of Concord, and again refufed to come to him ; fending fpecial Meffen- gers to the King with this pofitive Demand, * That if he did not, without more Delay, difmils Peter Bifhop of IVincbeJler^ with the reft of the Poitfevins from his I! 3 1 3 Court, they would never obey any of his Summons, but inftantly drive him and his evil Counfellors out of the Kingdom, and ele& a new King.' Henry was amazed, and his whole Court much ter- rified, at the Haughtinefs of this extraordinary Meflage; but yet, by the Advice of the Bifhop, he fought to repel Force by Force, feized upon feveral Manors be- longing to the Barons neareft him, declaring the reft of them ^ENGLAND. 31 them Traitors, and that he would give their Eftates toKiflg/fcarj, III. his Foreigners. However, the Year after, 1234, the King was better Anno Regni 18, advifed, and the Bilhops and Barons met him at Weft- minfter, in order to fettle, in this General Council, the National Difturbances. Edmund Archbiftiop of Can- terbury^ with the reft of the Prelates, went to the King and his Council, and told him, boldly and openly, That if he would not confent to the Conditions the Lords had already propofed to him, and agree with his faithful Subjects, that he, with the Biftiops, would im- mediately excommunicate him and all his evil Counfel- )ors.' The Thunder of the Church had a better Ef- fedt on the King than the Barons Threats, and, fays our Author, he humbly and meekly anfwered the Pre- lates, That be would do whatfoever they defired. Ac- cordingly, in a very few Days, he fent Peter Bifhop of Wincbejier to his See, there to take Care of his Flock, and never more to meddle with State Affairs. Peter de Rivall he ftript of all his Caftles and Wealth which he had unjuftly acquired j affirming with an Oath, that if he did not inftantly go, into Holy Orders, and take a Benefice, he would order both his Eyes to be put out. Moreover, he banifhed all the Foreigners from his Court, and from all the Caftles they were poflefled of, into their own Country, commanding them never to fee his Face again. And thus, fays Paris, the King, having difmifled all his evil Counfellors, recalled to their Obedience his natural Subjects, and hoped, by the Advice of the Prelates aforefaid, to reftore his harrafled Kingdom to Peace and Tranquillity. Matters continued in a peaceable State after this but Anno Regm z. a few Years. In the Year 1236 another fele. 287. 1 See Hawkins's Edition of the Statutes at large, vol. I. p. 18, fr. e Scrifta Regalia. M. Paris. f Arcbiepifc'.pis, Efifapii, Abbatibui, Prioribus injiallatis, Cmitibus, tt Baronibus. Ibid, of E N G L A N D. 33 therefore, finding himfclf deftitute of Money, without King Henry m, which a King is a Cypher, craves Help of you to fup- ply him. In this Manner, however, that what Money you plcafe to collecl: may be made Ufe of for the King- dom's Service, in a Way that fome of you, chofen for that Purpofe, may think proper.' Not one of this Af- fembly expecting fuch a Meflage, it was received with great Difcontent. Alter in alterius jaflantes Lumina Vultus, quoth the Monk out of the old Poet, and faid to each other, Fuderunt Partum Monies, en ridiculus Mus g . The Lords anfwered, with great Indignation, ' That he ' had promifed and broken his \Vord many and many a * Time with them ; afferting, that it was derogatory to 4 their Honour to fuffer a King fo eafily feduced, who ' never either repulfed any, or the meaneft of the Na- ' tion's Enemies, or even alarmed them ; who was fo far ' from enlarging the Bounds of his Kingdom, that he ' rather ftraiten'd and fubjeted it to Foreigners, to ex- ' tort from them, by the fame Arguments, at fo many * different Times, fo much Money, to the great Detri- * ment of his own Subjects, and the Benefit of Strangers/ The King, finding his Nobles in this Temper, fought to foften them, left the Difcontent mould prove more ge- neral, by promifing, upon his Oath, * Never more to ' injure or moleft them, provide^ they would kindly grant * him, for his prefent Ufe, the thirtieth Part of all * Moveables throughout the Realm. He faid that he c had fent a great deal of Money to the Emperor, the ' mod of it out of his own Treafury, for the Marriage r -. ' of his Sifter.' To this it was loudly anfwered, That L 34 * he did all thofe Things without the Advice or Confent ' of his Subjects ; nor was it neceflary that they (hould ' partake of the Punifliment, who were no ways guilty of the Crime.' The Lords, after this, withdrew them- felves into a private Place, that they might be more at Liberty to confult together on the Exigency of this Af- fair and the King's Demand : But, before they went out, Gilbert Bajjet^ a Baron, not careful enough of his Words, adds our Author, faid openly to the King, 4 My Lord 4 the King, fend fome of your own Friends to go along * with the Barons to their Consultation.' He fat, whiift he faid this, very near the King. On the other Hand, VOL. I. C Richard t This is a patcfc'U up Verfe of the Monk's, from Parturiunt Mntet, &c. 34 Tfo Parliamentary HISTORY King Hetty III. Richard de Percys much moved with this Saying, ftdod up and anfwered him, * What is it, Friend Gilbert, ' that you fay ? Do you take us for Foreigners, and not * the King's Friends ?' Baffet was reproved for his rafh and indifcreet Advice : Neverthelefs, by thefe Debates, this Meeting was prolonged four Days. The King con- At length the King again confirmed to all his Sub- firms Magna jedls their Magna Charta, and fwore to keep it invio- hf'hld'ca'ncdl h ed lable; and becaufe ' % s Matthew Paris, he did not upon his coming tnm k himfelf quite free from a Sentence of Excommu- t)f Age, nication, which Stephen Langton, then Archbifhop of Canterbury, with the reft of the Bifhops, had denounced againft all Violators of that Charter when it was made; he therefore declared, * That if he went about to break this Promife, by any new mifchievous Defign, he mould think himfelf under the full Weight of the Church's Sentence.' By this Declaration, adds he, the Hearts of the whole Audience were in a Moment changed to the King's Side ; and having appointed the Earl of Warren, ^illia?n Ferrers, and John Fitz-Geoffry, to be of Council to him, he made them fwear, ' That by no Gifts or Reward they would be drawn from the Truth ; but that they fhoulcl at all Times give him fuch whol- fome Counfel as was only conducive to the Good of himfelf and Kingdom.' After which the King's Demand was granted, and the thirtieth Part of all Moveables was t 35 3 levied thro' the Realm. The Manner how this Tax was gathered, by Officers appointed for that Purpofe, may be feen at large in M. Paris , to which, for Brevity Sake, \ve muft refer. There are ftill extant, amongft our Records h , fome Copies of Writs for calling this Parliament, by which it evidently appears that Boroughs had noReprefentatives therein : And they fuificiently explain what our Hifto- rian has advanced, and fpecify, at the fame Time, the Quality of the particular Members which conftituted this Parliament. It was the Cuftom of this King, when he wanted Money, to defcend to very low and pitiful Ways to obtain it; and when he had got his Wants fupplied, to fquander the Money away arnongft his Favourites with great Profufenefs. It muft be obferved though, by the Way, J> In Bundcll, Mifccl, Temp, Hen, III, &t* Turn Lind, of E N G L A N D. 35 Way, that thefe Demands of Money from the Nobility, Kin S tony HI. on the Part of the Crown, were the Ground-work of one principal Point of our Liberties, ' That the Crown cannot levy a Tax on the Subject without the Cortfent of Parliament.' All Taxes, fuch as Scutages, Knights Fees, &c. having been raifed before this Reign in an arbitrary Manner. The I4th of September in this Year was appointed AnnoRegnial* by the King and the Pope's Legate, Ottoboni t for a J2r37 ' Meeting of the Peers at York, to treat upon fome great At Torfa Affairs that concerned the Kingdom. The King of Scots met them there, to make an End of the Difference depending between Henry and him. After much Con- fultation and Debate, it was agreed that the King of Scots fhould have three hundred Pound Lands by the Year in England^ for which he fhould do Homage to King Henry^ but fliould not build any Caftles upon it, and was to quit all Pretences to any farther Claim. We cannot omit a remarkable Anfwer the Scots King made the Legate at this Meeting, though it has been often copied by other Hiftorians. It feems the Legate told the King of Scots^ < That he intended to vifit his King- ' dom, to treat upon Ecclefiaftical Affairs there as he c did in England? Alexander replied, * That he never * remembered a Legate called into his Kingdorn, and * he thanked God there was no Need of any now ; for ' neither his Father nor any of his Anceftors had fuffer- ' ed any to enter, and as long as he was in his Senfes * he fhould alfo hinder it. Neverthelefs, adds he, be- ' caufe you have the Character of a very holy Man, I * will give you this Advice, if ever you enter my King- * dom, that you do it very cautioufiy, left any Misfor- ' tune happen to you. A great many fierce and favage [ 36 J Men inhabit there, that thirft after human Blood, * which I myfelf cannot tame, and if they fet once up- * on you, I cannot prevent them from doing you a ' Mifchief. It is not long fince, as you may have ' heard, that they invaded me and had like to have ' drove me from my native Kingdom.' The Legate hearing this, fays Paris, laid afide his covetous Defire of entering Scotland, and ftuck the clofer to the Englifo King, whom he found more obfeqilious. C 2 Htnry 36 tfhe Parliamentary HISTORY King Henry in. Henry having quickly got rid of his laft Supply, was Anno Regni zi obliged to u ^ e tne fame Means to gain another. In the 1x37. very fame Year, another Aflembly of the Peers was called to meet at Wejlnrinfter^ where the King laid be- AtmjMn/kr. fore them hig Grievances, aflerting, by Oath, That his Money was all gone, and that he was fcarcely worth a Groat, and therefore demanded the fame Supply as the former. After fome Difputes and much Murmuring, this Demand alfo, being the thirtieth Part of all Move- ables, was granted. Which Money, fays Paris, was laid out in the fame trifling Way as the former ; and, inftead of taking the Advice of his Nobles in the Diftri- bution of it, he again fquandered it away amongft his Foreigners. Thefe Weaknefles of the King put his Nobles on 1 fome other Means of Redrefs ; and finding his Extor- tions to have no End, they were refolved to bring him to better Terms by Force. Richard Earl of Cornwall, the King's Brother, fcandalized at his Proceedings, was the firft in this League againft him. After fome Strug- gles, Henry was compelled to fubmit to fuch Terms as the Barons required, and Matters remained in a peace- able State betwixt them for fome Years '. Anno Regni a6. We meet with no other Convention of the Eftates 4*- till the Year 1 242; when, by the King's Writ, they were all, as before, fummoned to appear at London k , At London. on Wednefday before Candlemas-Day. The old Animo- fities were here raifed again ; the Barons engaged one another, by Oath, not to confent to give any Money at all j and when the King demanded it, they anfwerfed 27 ] him with great Bitternefs, * That fuch were his Coun- cils, and fuch his infolent Manner of afking, that they would not do it : That he had fleeced and impoveriftied his Subjects fo very often, drawing his Exactions into Confequences, as if they were the meaneft Slaves ; and all this Money, which he extorted, had been wafted fcandaloufly; therefore they flatly told the King to his Face, That they would not be fo robbed and plundered any more.' The King, fays Paris, well verfed in Italian Tricks ' In RymeSs Feed, Tom. I. p. 385, is fome Account of a Convention cf Eftates in 1240. k Tor/at Anglix Nobllitat, tarn Prelatorum quam Comitum ac Baronuvij ftiundtim Regiun: Prt'tptutr., Lomlini cvnyegata eft, M. Paris. ^/ENGLAND. 37 Tricks and Illufions 1 , commanded them that they KIn S ***? m fhould wait to know his Pleafure, on the Morrow, on this and other Matters. But in the mean Time, adds, that he drew them one by one into his Clofet fecretly, The King clofets in the Manner that Penitents go to Confeilion to their the Barons oae Prieft, and there, what he could not do with them all by one, to prevail ' '' i i on them to grant together, he ftrove to gam by fair Speeches to them a Supply, fmgly : Promifing, amongft the Clergy, this Man an Abbey, another a Priory, and fo on, till he found he could make nothing at all of them ; for not one of them would recede from the common Anfwer which they had Avorn to flick to. Henry, growing angry at their Ob- ftinacy, faid, What, would you have me perjured? I have fworn by the blejfed Sacrament to carry my Arms againjl the King of France, in order to reclaim my jujl Rights, and without you grant me an ample Supply I am not able to perform it. Yet, neither by thefe or any other Words could he gain upon them, notwithftand- ing the politic Method he took to bring them over to his Jntereft. He then thought proper to call before him thofe of the Barons that were his own Officers at Court, and fpoke to them in this Manner : What a pernicious Ex- ample have you fet to others f* ICou who are Earls, and Barons, and mighty Men at Arms, ought you, tho' others are intimidated, to tremble like a Set of Bifnops and Priejis ? Tou ought to be mere eager to defend the Rights of the Crown, and, by Deeds of Arms, oppofe yourfelves againft all its Enemies. I called this AJfembly tojlrengthen and defend my Rights, with a fure Expectancy, that they would fuffer my Affairs to go on profperoujly, after the Example of Wales, where of late we fo happily tri- * ~ * umphed. And with what Face can you leave me your Sovereign Lord, with the heavy Burthen of State upon me, fo poor and defolate ; especially when you know my Promife (0 go abroad, end that I have fworn Jlriftly to perform it? When the Purport of this Speech was made known to the whole AfTembly, they returned the King this Anfwer : * Your Majefty gives us great Occafion * to wonder into what Gulph you have thrown that * vaft Quantity of Money, which, by various and cruel 4 Extortions, you have raifed, as well from Churches C 3 < kept I Romanorum vfu: vetfutis Falladit* M, Paris, 3 8 The Parliamentary HISTORY King firm? III. < kept vacant, as from the Lands of the Nobility; * creating Horror in the Minds of the Hearers. Be- * fides, you have called over certain Legates, or thofe e that did the Office of Legates, into this Kingdom, that, like Gleaners after the Vintage, have plucked * from us all the Money we had left. It is therefore ' lefs to be wondered at, that without the Confent, or * even Advice, of the Nobility of England, you have involved yourfelf in fuch difficult and dangerous Ne- * gotiations ; flaking your Faith to thofe that have none; c and, defpifmg the Favour or Efteem of your own * Subjects, you have brought yourfelf into a very doubt- ' ful State of Fortune. The League that was made * betwixt the King of France and you, and which you * fwore from your Soul to keep inviolably to the End, ' being tranfacted alfo by your moft Noble Brother ' Earl Richard and Earl Roger Bygot on your Part, you have moft difhoneftly and fcandaloufly broke.' Thefe, with fome other Matters, being urged home to the King, he fell into a very great Rage, and fwore bitterly, 'That be would not be binder ed of his Defign by any Thing they could fay or do j but that he intended to begin the War in France, in a very Jhort Space of Time, let the Confequence be wh'at it would. And thus, fays our Authority, this Council was diflblv'd with very great Heart-burnings on both Sides. However, left this An- fwer of the Barons to the King fliould be forgot, or mifconftrued, it was thought proper to reduce it into _ Writing; which, being in the Nature of a PROTEST, - 39 J is the firft of that Kind we meet with in Hiftory ; we lhall therefore give it at Length as follows : The PROTEST ' O^NCE, by the King's Command, the Lord Arch- of the Bifhops, * j^ bifliop of York, the reft of the Bifhops, Abbots, Abbots, Priors, < an d Priors in England, by themfelves or Proxies, alfo font agabft B tL C a11 the Earls ' 2nd moft of the Barons of England, have King's Demand ' nict at Weftminfter, on the Wednefddy before the Pu- for Money. t r ifi cat i O n of the Bleffed Mary, in the Year of our ' Lord One Thoufand Two Hundred and Forty-two, ' and in the Twenty- fixth of the Reign of Henry III. to hear the Will and Pleafure of the King, for which he * fummoned them : And the faid Lord the King fend- 5 ing unto them the faid Archbifhop, with the Noble * Loid of E N G L A N D. 39 Lord Earl Richard, and Matter Walter of York, Pro- King Henry III, ' volt of Beverley^ as his folemn Meflengers, to notify * to them the King's Mind and Bufinefs, and to afk the ' Advice and Afiiitance of the Lords in fuftaining his * Hereditary Dominions beyond the Sea, that regard ' his Kingdom of England : Therefore the faid Bi- ' (hops, Abbots, Priors, Earls, and Barons, taking the ' King's Meflage into their ferious Confederation, re- turned the King, by the fame Lords, this Advice, ' viz. That the King fliould wait untill the Truce be- * twixt him and the French King was expired ; and if ' the faid King of France fliould chance to enterprize 6 any Thing againft the Form and Tenor of the faid * Truce, that then the faid King of England fliould ' fend unto him folemn MefTengers to afk Advice, and * to put the faid French King upon holding the faid ' Truce, and forbearing thofe Enterprizes, if they were ' made by him or by his Subjects. That if the faid * French King refufed to do this, that then they freely, ' to this Advice, would lend all their Aid and Affiftance, 6 which they all unanimouily confented to. Lilcewife, ' that fince he had been their Sovereign Lord, they had ' many Times granted him Supplies; firft, the thirtieth ' Part of all Aloveables, after that the fiftieth, and then ' the fixtieth ; a fortieth Part on all Carucats and Hides ' of Land ; many Scutages, and one very great Scutage * for the Marriage of his Sifter to the Emperor. After T 40 1 ' all this, truly four Years were fcarce elapfed, but he ' again fought another Aid, and at laft, after much ' Intreaty, a thirtieth was alfo granted him ; with this c Condition, however, which he ratified by Charter, ' That neither this nor any former Exactions fhould * ftand as Precedents for others. Befides this, the King ' then granted to them, that all Liberties contained in * Magna Charta fliould, in a more ample Manner, be ' held thro' his Kingdom; and to that End gave them a * fmaller Charter in which it is fo included. Add to this, that our faid Lord the King, of his own free Will, ' and by the Advice of his whole Aflembly of Barons m , ' granted m The Word that M. Pans makes ufc of here, and in fome other Places, is Barnag itim, Concilia tod us BARXARII sui 5 the Editor thereof, Dr. fays in his GhJJory, on this Word, That it is foretime* wrot'-. which, lays he, every one knows to mean ftritf iy the Houfe of 40 The Parliamentary HISTORY King Hairy in. < granted to them, that all the Money rifing from this * thirtieth Part ftiould be laid up fafely in the King's ' Caftles, under the Guardianship of four Englifo^Nob\c- * men, the Earl Warren and others, by whofe Direction ' and Advice the faid Money fhould be difburfed for the Service of the King and Kingdom whenever it was * neceffary. And becaufe the Barons never knew nor * heard that the faid Money was expended by the Advice * and Confent of the aforefaid Lords, they do verily be- * lieve that the King is (till poflefled of that Money, * and therefore cannot now have Occafion for more. * They are likewifewell acquainted that,fmce that Time, * he has had fo many Efcheats, as that of the Archbi- * {hoprick of Canterbury, and other rich Bifhopricks of * England, as well as of the Lands of the deceafed Earls, ' Barons, and Knights, who held of him ; that, even by ' thefe very Efcheats, he ought to have a large Sum of ' Money by him, if it was properly taken Care of. Be- ' fides, from the Time of giving that thirtieth Part, his 4 itinerant JufHces have not ceafed to make their Cir- * cuits through all Parts of England, as well as with r jj I ' Pleas of Foreft, and with all other Pleas, fo that every ' County, Hundred, City, Town, and almoft every ' Village in England, has been grievoufly amerced ; and * by thefe Circuits alone great Sums of Money have * been collected for the King's Ufe. From all which ' they can well aver, that the Kingdom is fo burdened * and impoverished, that they have little or nothing left ? for themfelves. And becaufe that our Lord the King, * after the Grant of the laft thirtieth Part, never kept * to his Charter, therefore it more than ufually troubled ' them ; and fince, by another Charter, he granted * that thefe Exactions fnould not be made Precedents, ' therefore they pofuively made Anfwer to their faid ' Lord the King, that they would not, for the prefent, * grant him any Aid. Neverthelefs, as they acknow- ' ledgcd him to be their Sovereign Lord, they fhould ' be willing to give him the beft Advice in their Power, 4 if of Lords, or Upocr Houfe of Parliament. Whether they are Dukes, Mar- quifles, Earls, Vifcounts, Barons ; or, alfo, Biihops, and anciently Abbots and Priors who held their Baronies of the King. This feems a pretty ftronc Evidence, that the Commons of England had no Share ia thcf; AfTemblies at that Time, of E N G L A N D. 41 < if he would carry himfelf well towards them to the End King Vtnry HI, * of the faicl Truces.' When the Lords, appointed for that Purpofe, had waited upon the King with this Answer to his Demand, they returned to the Ailembly, and told them, ' That ' the King defired to know of them, what they propofe < to do if the French King fliould break the Truce before the Expiration of it? They promifed alfo, on the King's ' Part, that if he had injured any particular Baron, that * he would make Reparation, as the Lord Peter of Sa- * vay, and others of his Council, fhould think fit to ad- * vile.' To this the Lords reply'd, c That if the King of ' France fhould break the Truce, and would not forbear * his Enterprizes, then their Counfel was the fame they ' had given to be done at the End of the Truce, provided they were fatisfied of the Truth of thefe Facls. As to ' that which related to particular Injuries received from. ' the King, they would not, at that Time, enter into ' Pleadings with him about them. That, on the Grant of the laft Thirtieth, the fame Thing was promifed on * the King's Part, as well and faithfully, by William de c Kele ; and how well the King had kept his Promifes, he himfelf beft knew.' We (hall not flop to make any Obfervations on thefe [ 42 ] fevere Remonftrances of the Barons to their Sovereign ; let each Man pafs his own Cenfure. It muft be owned, however, that they treated their King very cavalierly in thofe Days ; and the Hiftorian we quote from does not at all mince the Matter in the Recital n . In Matthew Parity a Monk of St. Albai?), was Hiftoriographer to Henry the Third, and received an annual Stipend from him j he died in the Year 1259, the 43d of that King; his Hiftory was continued to the End of that Reign by one William Rijhangcr, who was alfo a Monk of that Abby, the King's Hiftoriographer, and received Matthew's Stipend. It muft be owned that thefe Monks have done great Juftice to the Hiftory of their own Times, and have neither fpared King nor Pope in the Courfe of it j a Virtue rarely found in the Hiftoriographers of thefe Days, whether Royal or Ecclefiafti- cal. But Dr. Brady obferves, That the old Monk is here guilty of a great Piece of Jnconfiftency in his Account of this Meeting. He firft mentions much ill and harft Language which was giyen the King, by the Great Men, Face to Face ; and in the Relation that immediately follows this, which Parn fays was written as a perpetual Memorial of the Barons' Anfwer to the King, it appears that they never fpoke or had Conference with the King, but heard his Pleafure, and the Rufmefs he had with them, from his Com* taifiioners there named. Brai?y'.s Cwftca: lliftsry, p. 5X3, ^.2 The Parliamentary HISTORY King Henry HI. J n t h e Year 1244, this Kin g fummoned another Af- Anno Regni 28. feebly of the Great Men to meet at Weftminfler ; and 1244. 'fitting in State amcngft them, in the Refectory of the At Weflminfter. Abbey, there, fays Paris,, f With his own Mouth afked ' a pecuniary Aid from them.' The King's private In- tention was to reduce the King of Scots j but he openly pretended that having, by their Advice, pafled into Gaf- coigny the Year before, by that Undertaking he had con- tracted great Debts, from which he defired them to re- lieve him. The Barons anfwered, ' That they would * confult about his Propofal.' The Archbiftiops, Bifhops, Abbots, and Priors, with- drew by themfelves to treat of this Affair ; and then they afked the Earls and Barons to confent to what they had refolved upon ; who anfwered, That they could do no- thing without the whole Community. It was then agreed to by all, that from the Clergy fhoulcl be chofen this Com- mittee, the Archbifhop Ele6t, Boniface, of Canterbury 5 the Bifhops ofWinchejler, William Ralegh ; Lincoln, Ro- bert Grojlhead ; and Worcejler^ Walter de Cantilupe : On the Part of the Earls, were Earl Richard, the King's Brother, Earl By got, the Earl of Leicejler, Simon Mont- l 43 ] fort, and the Earl Marefchal : Of the Barons Part, Richard de Mont fitch et, John de Baliol, with the Abbots of-Ramfey and Bury. What thefe twelve fhould do was to be communicated to the whole, that nothing might be offered to the King which had not the common Af- fent. Now, becaufe the Charter of Liberties, which the King granted fome Time ago, and for which Ed- mund, the Archbifhop of Canterbury, on Behalf of the King, had fworn to obferve, was in no wife kept ; and becaufe the Aids that had fo often been given before were not ufed to the Advantage of the King and King- dom ; and, likewife, by Default of the Chancellor, Writs were granted and iffued, contrary to Juftice ; therefore it was defired, c That fuch a Chancellor and c fuch a Juftice might be chofen, as would fix the State * of the Kingdom on its old Bafis/ The King, left he fhould feem to do any Thing new by Compulfion, would not grant the Petition of the Nobles; but promifed, * That he would amend what he had heard was amifs.' Upon this the Aflembly was adjouroed for three Weeks j' and, of E N G L A N D. 43 and if in the mean Time the King ftiould, of his own King Henrj ill* Accord, chufe fuch Counfellors that would manage the Laws and Rights of the Kingdom to the Satisfa&ion of the Nobles, then they defigned to give him an Aid ; yet fo, that it fhould be expended to the Advantage of the Kingdom, by the Advice of the Committee of Twelve before- mentioned. When the King faw that he could do nothing with them all together, he tried the Clergy apart again j and having got the Pope's Letter to them, in which he re- quired, admonifhed, and exhorted them to give the King a liberal Donation of Money ; their Anfwer was, That c they were engaged, and could do nothing without the e common Confent of the Eftates concerned with them.' An Anfwer very memorable, and which has been rarely imitated by the Clergy in fucceeding Ages ! This Great Council had contrived a new Kind of Go- vernment, which they intended to have offered to, and put upon, the King ; which was, that four of the moft potent and difcreet Men of the Kingdom fhould be cho- C 44 3 ien by common AfTent, and fworn of the King's Coun- cil, who fhould tranfact all Affairs of the King and Kingdom, and (hould do Juftice to all without Refpec~l of Perfons Thefe Men were to follow the King, and. two of them, at leaft, were always to be prefent with him, that they might hear the Complaints of all Suffer- ers, and relieve them. The King's Treafury was to be managed by them, and all Aids were to be laid out as they thought neceflary for the common Good. They were to be Confervators of the Liberties ; and as they were chofen by common Aflent, fo they were not to be removed out of their Office but by the fame common Af- fent ; and when one died, another was to be chofen by the three Survivors. Without their Confent the Great Council was not to meet ; but if they {hould think it convenient or neceflary, it was to be convened at their Pleafure. This Project did not take Effect, becaufe the Counfels of the Clergy were diftra&ed by the Pope's Legate, Martin, who came accidentally at that Time with Let- ters to require a great Sum of Money of them, in order to pay the Debt which had been contracted by his Pre- deceflbr. Pope Gregory^ in the War for the Catholic Faith, 44 The Parliamentary HISTORY King Hwy ni - Faith, Eccleflaftical Liberties, and the Patrimony of the Church ; and he fufpnded all Men from prefenting to Benefices which were thirty Marks annual Value, or upwards. The King orders The Great Men and Prelates met at London, accord- the Bifhops to ing to the Time of Adjournment, to treat about the De- excommunicate m and of an Aid ; where the King again renewed to them, vlo^Magna and . Pmifed entirely to keep, ^the Charter of Liberties, fbarta. which he had fworn to at his Coronation ; and gave the Bilhops Leave, in their refpe&ive Diocefes, to excom- municate himfelf and all others that fliould aft contrary to its Intent in any Article. Yet, for all this, he could only obtain twenty Shillings of every Knight's Fee, of thofe who held of the King in Capite, towards the Mar- riage of his eldeft Daughter j Half to be paid at Eajler^ and the other Half at Michaelmas following. Henry met with fomewhat worfe Treatment from r ,jr ] another Afiembly of his Barons, called alfb in this very Year, 1244; when the King, fays Paris, with great Earneftnefs, not to fay Impudence n , demanded a pe- cuniary Aid of thofe whom, adds this Author, he had fo often injured in this Manner, and laughed at them for it. But this, we find, was as refolutely denied, with one Accord, by the Barons, even to his Face, at a Time, when our Author owns, that the King was going with a very numerous Army to reduce Wales in thofe Days a very troublefome Neighbour to the EngHfo Borderers on that Country. Denied any National Affiftance, it is no Wonder that this King became fo poor and indigent, as to be obliged to ftoop to feveral Meannefles for fupplying his Coffers, another Way. Paris writes, That he owed fo much Money, and to fo many People, for even the very Ne- ceflaries of Life, that he durft fcarce appear in Public for the Clamours of his Creditors . AnnoRegmjo. In a Parliament held at London in the Year 1246, "4 6 ^ n there were fome fevere Laws made againft fuch as rob- bed Inftantijflme t ne dicam tmfudfntljjime. M. Paris, fub / 1244. o This King's Defence againft his fturdy Barons, in lelation to their ill Ufage of him, was undertaken by Sir Rohert Cotton in a fmall Treatife, called, A fivrtVinu of the kng Reign of Xing Henry III. London, 1642, a Time when Altercations of the fame Sort patted betwixt King C'carks and his Parliament : And yet this fame Sir Robert Gotten made a very warm Speech in the firft Year of that King's Reign, againft the Grievance* then complained of, This Speech will appear under its proper Period, ^ENGLAND. 45 bed Parks or Warrens. If the Malefactor fled, and was King Henry ill. killed in the Purfuit, there was neither Law nor Appeal allowed for his Death. If any Earl, Baron, or Knight complained to the King that his Deer were ftolen, an Inquifition was made by the King's Writ ; and if he that was indicted was convicted of the fame, he was to lie in the King's Prifon a Year and a Day, and to pay three Years Value of his Eftate, having juft fufficient allowed out of it to maintain him ; after which the King" was to have two Parts, and he that received the Injury one ; then the Convict was to find twelve Sureties that he fhould never do the like again, in Parks, Warrens, or Forefts, nor do any other Thing againft the King's Peace ; of all which his Sureties were to anfwer for his Body and Tranfgreffions. Alfo, if any one was taken r .g -i in a Park or Warren, without the King's Writ of In- > 4 J quifition, he was to be imprifoned, fined, and to give Sureties as before. But, in this fame Year, am oft general Parliament P, Anno Regni 30, fays Paris, of the whole Kingdom, met at London, ac- * 2 4 6 ' cording to Summons, about an Ecclefiaftical Affair of the utmoft Confequence to the Nation. It feems the At *' Pope had been ftrongly follicited by the King to remove ieveral Grievances which were greatly complained of, and which he had promifed to reform. The Subftance of thefe Grievances was as follows q : 1 . * That the Pope, not content with the Payment ' of Peter-Pence, opprefied the Kingdom, by extorting * from the Clergy great Contributions, without the * King's Confent; againft the antientCuftoms, Liberties, 6 and Rights thereof ; and againft the Appeal of the Proc- ' tors of the Kingdom, in a General Council at Lyons. 2. ' The Church and Kingdom were greatly injured, ' in that the Patrons of Churches could notprefentfitPer- * fons to them, becaufe they were given by the Pope's Letters to Italians, who underftood not the Englijh ' Language, and carried all the Money out of the King- * dom, to the great f mpoverifhment of it. 3. c The Nation was opprefled by the Pope's Exac- ' tion of Penfions from Churches, and by Italians i'uc- * ceeding Italians. t ^,, P Parfiamentufn generaUJJimum, viz. Prjelatorum, tarn Epijc&porum jua* j1f>liatum et Priorum, Ccmitum quoqut ft Barvnum. M. Fails, \ M, Paris, Anno 1246. Anna!. Men. Burton, p. 307. 46 be Parliamentary HISTORY King Hemy III. 4. c The Englijh were forced to profecute their Rights, f out of the Kingdom, againft the Cuftoms and written ' Laws thereof j and againft the Indulgences granted by ' the Pope's Predeceffors to the King and Kingdom of * England. 5. c The Church and Kingdom infinitely fufFered by ' reafon of the Claufe of non obftante, which weakened c and enervated all Oaths, antient Cuftoms, written * Laws, Grants, Statutes, and Privileges. And, 6. ' That in the Parifhes where the Italians were * beneficed there were no Alms, no Hofpitality, no r 1 * Preaching, no Divine Service, no Care of Souls, nor L 47 J f an y Reparations done to the Parfonage-Houfes.' The King, in Confideration of thefe Papal Ufurpa- tions, had fummoned this Parliament j and at the Meet- ing conferred with the Bifhops apart, the Earls and Ba- rons apart, and the Abbots and Priors apart, in order to find out their Sentiments, and the propereft Way to get thefe Grievances removed. The Refult of all was to try the mildeft Way with the Holy Father ; and it was agreed that the King fhould write fingly to him, the Bi- fliops by themfelves, the Earls and Barons by themfelves r , and the Abbots and Priors by themfelves. All which Letters are preferved by M. Paris, and, by their hum- ble and fubmiflive Stile, evidently fhew that the Fear of the Vatican Thunder, Bulls, Interdicts, &c. was terrible in thofe Days. Notwithftanding thefe reafon- able Remonftrances to the See of Rome* we do not find that they produced any Effect, for the Grievances com- plain'd of continued through the Courfe of this whole Reign. &ano Regni 32, In the Year 1248 was called, by the King's Writ, 1248. another Aflembly of the Nobles to meet at London^ in order, fays our Author, to treat of the Affairs of the At London. Ki ng( j orn> at t h a t Time fadly difturbed and much im- poverifhed. There came to this Meeting, befides the Barons, * The Preamble to thtf Barons' Letter runs thus : San&iffimo Patri in Cbrijlo carij/imo, J. Dei Gratia univerfalis Ecclefne fummo Pontifici, devot: Ft/it Richardus Comes Cornubia?, Simo <3e Monteforti Comet Leyceflrias, "Willielmus de Ferrariis Comes Dcrbeix, Humphredus de Bohun Comes He- refordiie et Effexis, Rogerus de Bigot Coma NorfoJkiaJ, Richardus Ccrr.cs Glouctftrias et Heitfordiae, Richardus Comes Winton, Willielmus Albemarlias, Henricus Canes Oxonias, et alii totius Anglix Earoncs, Pro- ceres, et Magnates, ac Nobiles, Portuum Man's Habitat ores, ntcntn et Citrvf ft Pofulust Salutim, M, Paris, jlntial, Buitoa, of E'-N GLAND. 47 Barons, Knights, Noblemen, Abbots, Priors, and a King Henry HI. great Body of the Clergy, nine Bifhops ; alfo Earl Ri- fbard the King's Brother, the Earls of Gloucejler, Lei- ce/ler, Winchejler, Hertford, Roger Bygot Earl Mare- fchal, the Earl of Oxford ; likewife the Earls of Lincoln, Ferrers, Warren, and Peter of Savoy , Earl of Richmond. Boniface, Archbifhop of Canterbury, was not at this Meeting, he being engaged at that Time abroad in fome Affairs with the Pope. The old Demand, the Want [ 48 ] of Money, was urged again at this Time, and the fame Murmurings began on the Part of the Barons againft it. They faid, ' They admired the King did not blufh at * making fuch a Demand of them ; becaufe he had gi- * ven them his Charter, when the laft Demand was * granted, to which the Lords fcarcely confented, that * he would not again load his Subjects with fuch Exac- ' tions : That he was greatly to blame -for his indifcreet ' callingoverofForeigners,on whom all the good Things ' of the Kingdom were fcandaloufly and prodigally wa- fted : That even, the Daughters of the Nobility were, * by his Means, married to ignoble Strangers, without 4 their mutual Confent, which is the Cement of Matri- e mony; and his own natural-born Subjects fetafideand defpifed. He was blamed alfo, and not undeferved- ly, fays Paris, that whatever in Eatables, Drinkables, * or even in his Robes, but particularly in Wines, that * he ufed, his Cuftom was to take them by Force from c the lawful Owners and Venders of them ; by thefe * Means greatly injuring his own Subjects, as well as * foreign Merchants who brought Goods into this King- ' dom. And thus Trade, by which Nations enrich * each other, would be ruined s : That the Nation was fcandalized and impoverished, the Merchants got no- * thing from the King but Law-Suits, or fome mean * Trifle in Return, whence Thoufands of terrible Curfes * are called down on him, to the Danger and Difgrace * of the whole Kingdom. Moreover, that, in order to * get greater Gifts and Premiums frcrm thefe Merchants, he had feized upon their Wax, Silks, and other Mer- ' chandize, in order to make them pay for the Return ; ' to the Difhonour of himfelf and the whole Kingdom ; * not without grievous Offence to God, That, in all < thefe * A rcmaikable Nation of the Advantage of Trade e\ren in thofeDays ! 4-S The Parliamentary HISTORY King Beery in. thefe Things, he fo tyrannized, and ftudied to be cruel, 'that even the poor Fifhermen on the Sea Coafts, who * take Herrings, or other Fifh, were not permitted to * difpofe of them according as they liked, nor dare the ' Inhabitants of the Towns on the Sea-Coa$s purchafe . -. * them ; but the poor Men thought it fafer to put to Sea I 49 J t w ith them, even in ftormy Wheather, in order to dif- ' pofe of them in foreign Markets. That thefe miferable ' - * Traders were fo cruelly treated by the King's Colledtors, * that Punilhment was added to Lofs ; for after receiving ' Injury upon Injury in their proper Perfons, their Carts * and Horfes were taken away from them, and driven * into fecret Places. That he kept in his Hands feveral * rich Bifhopricks and Abbacies, founded by their pious * and noble Progenitors, and made himfelf both Guar- * dian and Governor of them, to their utter Deftruclion ; ' contrary to the folemn Oath which he, principally, * fwore at his Coronation. Laftly, the King was very * much blamed, by all and fingular the Complainants, * that he had neither Chief Juftice, Chancellor, nor * Treafurer in his Council, as he ought to have, and as ' his moft Noble Predeceffors had before him j but thole * Officers he had were allowed to do their own Will and * Pleafure, provided he gained thereby; not promoting * the Public Good, but feeking only their own Prefer- c ment, being fuffered to get as much Money as they * could, provided his Cuftoms and Rents were but firft 4 paid.' The King, when he heard all this, was much con- founded within himfelf, and afhamed, fays Paris, be- caufe he knew it all to be very true. He promifed, therefore, ' That, certainly and truly, all thefe Faults * fhould be amended ;' hoping by this Humility, tho* v it was feigned, to bend their Hearts to the granting his Demand more eafily. But the Barons, more exafperated at this feeming Complaifance, anfwered again, * All this * will be made manifeft in a little Time ; we have waited hitherto patiently, and as our King carries to * us, fo we in all Things will behave towards him.' Thus, adds our Author, Matters were delayed and poftponed, from" Candlemas, when this Convention met, to the Feaft of St. John Baptijl> to which Time they were prorogued. Jn of E N G L A N D. 49 tn the mean while the King, either of his own Head, King Henry III. W by the Advice of his Courtiers, who could not bear the leaft Retrenchment of the Prerogative, became more hardened and more exafperated againft his Barons ; fo [ 5 3 that the aforefaid Grievances ftill remained unredrefs'd. Anno Regni At the Day appointed all the Nobility met again at 1248. London, and were received by the King with the follow- At London, ing Speech : My Lords and Peers of England, tyO U are all of you willing, I find, to have my Mind^* King's -* bent to your own frills, and have not treated at all civily in this Matter. You would have monftrances of me jubmit to your Pleasure, and yield to any Terms that tae Barqnst .you think Jit to offer. By this you tmpofe a very jlavijh Condition on me, and deny me that Liberty and Authority which every Mafter exercifes in bis own Family. For, furely, every Mafter of a Family may ufe whofe and what Counfel he pleafes ; and, in his own Houfe, put in or put B'ut what Officers he thinks fit ; yet all this you prefume to deny to your Lord and King. As Servants, therefore, ought not to judge or impofe any Difficulties on their Mafter s,ft> rteitber jhould Vajj'als any on their Prince. The Servant is not above his Lord, nor the Difciple above his Mafter; and what is your King more than your Servant, if he is tt> obey your Commands ? Therefore my Refolution is, neither to remove the Chancellor, Jujliciary, nor the Treasurer, at your Pleafure ; nor will I appoint any other. 1 expeft a fufficient Aid of Money from you for the Defence and Re- covery of my Rights beyond Sta t in which you are alfo equally concerned, To this fmart Speech from the Throne, the Barons uhanimoufly returned this fhort Anfwer, ' That they would no longer impoverim themfelves, to enrich * Foreigners, as they had formerly done, when they * gave Money for the King's Expedition into Gafcoigny * and PoiRou? And thus this Parliament was diflblvecl without any Satisfaction either to their Sovereign or themfelves : But the King was hereby reduced to fo great aNeceflity, that he was obliged to expofe to Sale his Jewels, Plate, and other rich Utenfils of his Houfe J which Veflel'3, though they were curioufly wrought an4 Vol. I. ' D gilded, $o be Parliamentary HISTORY King Henry III. gilded, were not fold according to their Value, But Weight. The King had the Curiofity, fays Paris, to inquire who could buy thofe rich Veflels ; he was an- [ 51 ] fwered, they were fold at London ; Yes, fays the King, 1 know very well, that if the Riches of O&avius Caefar were to be fold, the City of London is able to buy it all : Thofe London Clowns, who call thetnfelves Barony adds he, are fo full of Riches, that they are glutted with them ; that City is an inexhauftible Spring of Wealth.' Upon this Occafion, fays our Author, the King took it into his Head to fleece them, which he afterwards did moft effectually. It was three Years after this before the King thought "' ^ ', fit to call another Parliament. We may ftile it now a great Parliament, becaufe our Author, Matthew Paris, calls it here fo, for the very firft Time l . From whence we may reafonably conclude, that this Word Parlia- ment, of Norman Extraction, was then come into Ufe. And, indeed, if this Appellation is derived, as the Lord Coke fays, from fpeaking ones Mind, it could not be applied to any Period of Time, or to any Reign, more properly than to This we are now treating of. AnnoReeni e. ^ n March, 1251, a great Parliament was held at 1x51. ' London, in which Henry de Bath, Chief Juftice of Eng- land, was called upon to anfwer to feveral Crimes and At London, Mifdemeanors alledged againft him. The King himfelf was his Profecutor, and therefore his Adverfaries loaded him the heavier. The King was very angry with the Juftice, that he came thither, as it were, guarded by a great Number of armed Men of his Wife's Kindred and his own, a well as all his Servants ; he accufed him more highly than the reft, laying to his Charge, amongft other Things, That he was a Diflnrber of the whole Kingdom, by exafperating all his. Barons again ft- bim, from which a general Sedition might be expeSled. Therefore the King caufed it to be proclaimed by the common Cryer at London, and in Court, that if any Perfon had any Caufe of Action, or Complaint, againft Henry de Bath, they mould come into Court before the King's Prefence, and there they fliould be fully heard. [ 52 ] BV thefe Means many Complaints were urged againft him j and one of his own Brother Juftices openly proteft- ed, t Eodemdnno, fell, izci, bablsum tfl Parlhmentutn magnum Lon- rmi. M.Paris. ^ENGLAND. 5I fed, That he fuffer'd a very great Villain, imprifon'd and King Hmry ill, convict, to efcape unpunilhed, having received feveral very rich Gifts for thatPurpofe j an Offence of very great Prejudice to the King's Authority, znd no fmall Dan- ger and Scandal to the reft of the Juftices his Brethren. Upon which, fays Paris, the King being much pro- voked, mounted up on High, and called out with a loud Voice, That if any Man whatfoever will kill Henry cle Bath, he Jhall be acquitted of his Death , and I pro- yiaunce him acquitted accordingly; and then the King withdrew haftily. There were many prefent, adds Paris, that would have done this Lord of Bath's Bufinefs for him foon, had not the Lord "John ./kfa;z/*/interpofed, and prudently check'd their Fury. My Lords and Friends, fays he, I am not againft profecuting him, but it is not neceflary at all to be thus in Anger ; perhaps our Lord the King, by this Time, repents his thundering out this rafh Expreffion : Befides, if you lay violent Hands on Henry y behold the Bifliop of London will excommunicate you, and his Military Friends may revenge his Death.' Thus, in a great Meafure, their Fury was appeafed ; and Earl Richard^ with the afore- faid Bifhop, taking up the Matter, Things were carried with more Moderation againft him. The King being afterwards privately informed, that there might be fome Gain in the Cafe, and a certain Sum of Money being promifed, the Pri loner was releafed both from Death and Bondage ; and in a very fhort Time after, on the Payment of 2000 Marks, was reconciled to the King, and entered again into his Office, as if nothing had happened. It does not appear that any Demand of Money was made, or any other Bufinefs done at this Parliament. In another great Convention of the Eftates of the Anno Regni -6, Realm, which met, by Summons, at IVejlminfter^ at 1252., the latter End of the Year 1252, and continued, by Adjournment, till after Eajler^ in the Year following, the Exactions of the Pope on the Clergy of England was the great Subject of Complaint; in regard that, be- fides his other Claims, he had now demanded a Tenth of all the Goods of the Clergy for his own Ufe. The [ 53 J Hiftory we quote from does not mention what was done to alleviate this Complaint j and only adds that, at D 2 the 2 The Parliamentary HISTORY King Henry III. the next Meeting, by Adjournment, a Curfe was de- nounced, in the moft folemn Manner, by the Arch* A folemn Ex- bifllop f Canterbury, and thirteen other Bifliops, in communication Pontificalibus^ againft all and fingular Perfons that fought pronounced by to infringe the Liberties of Holy Church, and thofe of Parliament' " the Great Char ters. This Ceremony was performed againft fuch as before the King in the Great Hall at IPefiminfter ; the violate the Great Form of the Sentence, or Anathema, itfclf is preferv'd in arters. t k e Annals of Burton, and in one or two more of our old Hiftorians, under this Year ; and, no doubt, was a terrible Piece of Church Thunder in thofe Days ". The u We fliall give it in its own Language as follows : Anno Gratite M.CC.LIII. tertio Idus Mali, in ihajorl Aula Regia Weft- monafterii, fub Prafentia & A/enfu Domini H. Dei Gratia Regii Angliae illujiris, & Dominorum R. Comttis Cornubiae Fratris fui, R. Cumitis Nor- fochiae fif Suthfochias, Marefcalli Anglias, H. Csmitis Hereford, H. Ccmitit Oxoniae, J. Ccmitis Warren, & aliorum Optimatum Regni Angliae, no* B. tlivina Miferatione Cantuarienfis Archiepifcopvs totius Anglias Primas, F. Londonienfis, H. Elyenfis, R. Lincolnienfis, W. Wigorneufis, W. Nor- wicenfis, P. Herefordenfis, W. Sarefbyrienfis, W. Dunelmenfis, R. Ex- onienfis, S. Cadeolenfis, W. Bathonionfis, L. Roftenfis, Th. Menevenfis ptfcopi, Pontijicalibus indutl, Candelis accenfis, in TranfgrcJJ'ores Liber~ tatum Ecchjiajlicarum, & Libertatum : feu liberarum Confuetudinum Regnt Angl\x, & prtfdpue earum quts continentur in Cbarta connnunium Liberta- tum Regni et Cbarta de Forejia, Excommunicationii Sententiam folemniter tulimus fub bac Forna : ' Audloritate Dei omnipotentis, Patris & Filii, & Spiritus fanli, & glo- ' riofae Dei Genitricis iemperque Virginis Maria \ beatorum Apoftolorum ' Petri & Pauli, omniumque Apoftolorum 5 beati Ibofna Arcliiepifcopi & ' Maityiis, omniumque Martyrum ; beati Edwardi Regis Anglieg, omni- ' umque Confeflbrum atque Virginumj omniumque fanftorum Dei, Ex- ' communicamus, Anathematizamus, & a Liminibus fanfli Matris Ecclefias ' fequeftramus omnes illos qui amodo fcienter & malitiofe Ecclefias priva- ' verint vel fpoliaverint fuo Jure : Item omnes illos qui Ecclefiafticas Li- ' bertates, vel antiquas Regni Confuetudines approbatas, & prascipue Li- ' bertates & liberas Confuetudines, quaa in Chartis communium Liberta- ' turn & de Forefta continentur, concefiis a Domino Repe Archiepifcopis, ' Epifcopis, & ceteris Anglic Praelatis, Comitibus, Baronibus, Militibus, ' & libere Tenentibus, quacumque Arte vel Ir.genio violaverint, infrege- - ' rint, diminuerint, feu mutaverint, clam vel palam, Falo, Verbo, vel Confilio, contra illas vel ea/um aliquam in quocuinque Articulo temere ' veniendo. Item omnes illoe qui contra illas vel earum aliquam Statuta ' ediderint vel edita fervaverint, Confuetudines introduxerint vel ferva- ' verint introduftas, Scriptores Statutorum, necnon Confiliarios, & Exe- ' cutores, & qui fecundum ea prasfumferint judicare. Qiu omnes & finguli ' fuperius memorati hanc Sententiam incurfuros fe noverint ipfo Facto, qui Scienter aliquid commiferint de praediftis : Qui vero Ignoranter ; nifi ' commoniti, iuha quindenam a Tempore Commonitionis fe correxerint, ' & Arbitrio Ordinariorum plene fatisfecerint de Commiffis, ex nuac fint hac Sententia involuti. Eadem etiam Sententia innodamus omnes illos ' qui Pacem Regis & Regni praefumferint perturbare.' In cujus Ret Memorials JtmfittnUM Nfi Signs noftra frtefentibut duxi- ^ENGLAND. 53 The next Year King Henry went with an Army into Ki "S Senry III. Gafcoigny, and there recovered what had been taken from him in that Country. During the King's Abfence, L 54 J in the Year 1254, another Parliament was held in Anno Regni 3 g. London, but it does not appear how fummon'd, tn which 1254. came, as fpecial MeiTengers from the King, thefe Noble- men, the Earl Marefchal Roger Bygot, and Gilbert de Segrave : There were prefent at this Meeting the Queen, Richard Earl of Cornwall the King's Brother, the Earl of Wincbejler, and all the Bifhops of England, except the two Archbifhops, and the Bifliops of Durham and Bath, who were with the King in Gafcoigny. The Af- fembly being all met, the King's Prolocutor and MefTen- ger rofe up and faid, My Lords and Friends, TN whofe Breaft the King, our Mafter, places bis Con- The Lords Com- fidence, nor hath he any other Refuge to fly to but to miffioners Speech bis faithful Subjcfis. You all know very well how he has Na cxpofed himfelf, with Courage and Con/lancy, to the Dan- gers of the Sea, and to the uncertain Fate of Ifar, for the Good of his Kingdom. He found abroad the Enemy very formidable and ftrong again/I him ; fame Part of them he has already fubdued, and the reft he hopes to con- quer. The King of Caftile, whom he expetted to have found bis very good Friend, a; well as Kinfman, was his bittereft Enemy, and proved very unfaithful to him ; to whom the Gafcoigners were greatly inclined, and would rather have a Spaniard for their King, than their own natural Lord ; therefore the King, being in a great Strait , demands from you a powerful andfitfficient Aid to ajjijl him. Some of the King's Meflengers brought alfo with them, as Proofs of the King's Danger, Javelins of a monftrous Size, called Quarrels, which were thrown from Crofs-Bows ; the Arches of thefe Bows were pro- portionably made of fmall Timbers put together, and the D 3 Hafts M. Paris relates, That at the End of this Sentence, when the Pralates oft down their Tafers, cxtinguifhed and fmoking, with this Execration, ' So may all that incur this Sentence be extinguiihcd and ftink in HcU j* the King immediately fubjoined, So help me God, 1 will keep all thefe Things inviolate, as I am a Man, as I am a Chriflun, as I afD a Knight, ' as I am a King crowned and anointed.' fA *Tke Parliamentary HISTORY King Henry III. Hafts of the Spears, fays our Author, alluding to that of Goliab, like a Weaver's Beam. Earl Richard, that he [ 55 ] might fet an Example to the reft, fir ft anfvvered, and teftified his Steadinefs, fays Paris, very heartily in this memorable Saying, ' I, that am more powerful and * more obliged than the reft of you, will aflift my Lord < and Brother as much as I can, and therefore I will * keep, at my own Expence, 300 Soldiers, by the Year, * to fight for him.' The Earl of Gloucefter promifed alfo an Aid to the King according to his Power; add-' ing, ' That he would in no wife help the King to con- c quer Countries, but would aflift him againft the King * of Gaftile if he aflaulted him.' In this Manner alfo Earl Richard couched his Promife, faying, * If Things * really be as they are reported.' At thefe Words the whole Aflembly took Fire, and difcovering the Snare that was laid for them, cried out, ' Oh ! What mean * Arts and fpecious Pretences do our Superiors make ' Ufe of to deceive us ? Hath not the King called the * Queen and his eldeft Son and Heir both weak and ' cowardly, becaufe they do not come to him ? which * by no Means they ought to do, if the King of Cajlile. c and he are at fuch Variance; he ought rather, if he * had them with him, to fiend them back into England as e a Place of Safety. Has he not fpoke lately of an ex- ' traordinary Marriage to be contracted between them? c All he fpeaks is a flat Contradiction.' Thus the King made himfelf appear faithlefs to all the Aflembly, which immediately broke up without doing any Thing, and Earl Richard fent an Account of it to his Brother m . Anno Regni 38. Not long after this, and in the fame Year, another 1154. Aflembly of the Nobles was called to meet at London ; the Writs fent to the Sheriffs are ftill extant", directing At Lonely, (hem to return tv/o legal and difcreet Knights, chofen by the reft in each County, to act in Behalf of them all, in order to confult with all the other Knights of Shires fummoned alfo to appear before the King's Council at Weftminfter, and to provide fuch an Aid as they (hould be willing to grant to the King in his urgent Neceflity. The King, under his Royal Signet, fent an Account to this A Copy of the Earl's Letter to the King is preferved in the Addna- mcnta of M. Paris. a Clauf. 38 //. III. m. la. d. m. 7, d. m. 13, d. V. ^ENGLAND. 5 this Parliament of his extreme Want of Money, in or- King Henry in. der, as he faid, to enable him to withftand the Force of a very great Enemy coming againft him. To this he was anfwered by all and fingular, fays Paris, ' That [ 56 ] they had waited now full three Weeks in London, in ExpecTation of feeing Earl Richard, and the reft of the Nobles who were gone over to the King into Gafcoigny, and that they were fo often grieved with thefe Exac- tions, that they could not live under them : That they would not refufe to go to the King's Affiftance in Per- fon, if they were better aflured that the King otCaJiile was coming againft him as an Enemy; tho' they could not but wonder, that when Simon Earl of Leicejler went into Gcfcolgny and fubdued a great Party of Re- belsi that the fame King of Cafllle did not at that Time aflift them, in Oppofition to the Intereft of England* With thefe and many more fuch Reafons as were urged in the laft Parliament, as well as being told the real Truth by Simon Earl of Leicejler, who was then come back from abroad, the Nobles, fays Paris, efcap'd the Snare laid for them. This fubtle Vapour, adds he, was faid to arife from the ftinking fulphurous Spring of Poiftevin Counfels; and the Nobles, with great Indigna- tion, tho' very forrowful at thefe Proceedings, retired. It appears, by the Courfe of this Hiftory, that the Barons were right in their Conjectures about the King of Cajlile, and that he was no fuch dangerous Enemy as Henry reprefented ; for, very foon after this laft Meeting, a Marriage was actually confummated betwixt Prince Edward, the King of England's eldeft Son, and the Princcfs Eleanor, Sifter to this Alpbonfus King of Cajl'ile^ &\~. The Spani/h King gave up all Title whatfoever that he had to Gafcoiony ; and Henry fettled that Pro- vince, with all Ireland and Wales^ &c. upon his Son Prince Ediuard on the Marriage. In the fucceeding Year, 1255, about Eafter^ foon after Anno Regni 3$ the King's Return from abroad, another Parliament was "55. called to meet at London. Paris writes, that there never was feen fuch a Number of the Nobility, both Ecclefi- At London^ aftics and Seculars, as were met together at that Time. The King acquainted them with the great Debts he had contracled, and that without their Affiftance he could not '$6 The Parliamentary HISTORY King Henry III. not difcharge them, and therefore, with much Earneft-* nels, demanded a pecuniary Aid for that Purpofe . [ 57 ] This Parliament proved full as refolute againft the; King as any of the former. They began with recount- ing old Grievances ; and withall demanded that the Chief Juftice, Chancellor, and Treafurer, might be chofen by the Common Council of the Kingdom, as had been juftly and antiently ufed j. and lilcewife that they might not be removed but for the moft apparent Crimes, and by the Deliberation and Confent of the whole Kingdom. Concluding with this extraordinary Expreffion, c That ' they ihoujd never be able to bind their Proteus of g. * King, without he granted all that they demanded/ But this the King refolutely refufed ; on which the Barons declared that Bufinefs fhould be deferred untill the Mi- chaelmas following j and this Council adjourned them- felves to that Time. Anno Regni 39. The fame Year, on the Feaft of St. Luke> the No- ia 5S- bility of the Kingdom met again, by Adjournment, at Weftrninjler. Here the King firft attacked his Brother Ri c h arc i^ ar i o f Cornwall, and earneftly preffed him to give him an Aid of Money ; to whom the Pope alfo had wrote, requiring him to lend his Brother 40,000, (with- out faying whether Pounds or Marks) that he might fet a pious Example to others. But Richard regarding hi,s Money more than either his Brother's Wants or the Pope's Letters, and being vexed at him for going into jfpulia, wheedled thither by Italian Artifices, without the Confent of him or his Baronage, fairly refufed him the Loan p . And when the King moved the Matter to the reft, they replied, * That, at that Time, all had ' not beeq fummoned according to the Tenor of their * Great Charter, and therefore they would then make no * Anfwer, or grant any Aid without the reft of th,e Peers.* This Parliament, fays the Monk, by many fictitious De- l a y s > was continued a Month, whiHHhe Nobles were emptying their Purfes at London ; and then returned home without doing any Bufinefs. In o. The Annals, of Burton call the Aid that the King demanded at this Meeting HCRNGELTH ; which Skinner defines fributum dim fro cornutit Jtnimalibus in Regis Sal:u pajiis fendi folitum j ab A. S. HORN Cornu, tt GILD Sotutio. Skinner's, Etymjlcg. p Matt. Parii relates, that this Earl's Treafure was fo great, that he could fpend 100 Marks every Day for tea Years together. of E N G L A N D. 57 In the Year 1257 another Parliament was called to King Henry in. meet at Weftminjhr, about Rafter, in order to treat of AnnoRe g ni4i. the Bufmefs of Apulia *. To this Meeting, fays Paris, 1257. came fuch a Multitude of Perfons, of all Sorts, that Lon- At ^? w /^ r . don fcarce could contain them. It feems that the Crown of Sicily, and fmall Territory of Apulia, in Italy, had been offered to Prince Edmund, the King's fecond Son, by the Pope the Year before, provided the King would recover Sicily from the Hands it was then in. This had been refufed by the States, as a foreign Country not worth the Trouble and Expence of recovering r ; and Apulia now was rejected in the fame Manner, though the King came in Perfon to this Parliament with his Son Edmund, clad in an Aputian, or Italian Habit, fays Pa- ris, in order to induce their Compliance. In this Par- liament Richard Earl of Cornwall, the King's Brother, took Leave of the Peers, and foon after fet out for Ger- many to be crowned King of the Romans ; to which Dig- nity he had been elected fome Time before. The Year following, 1258, and about the fame Time, Anno Regni 41, a Parliament was again fummoned to meet at London. 1Z 5 8 - The King was prefied by the Pope on the Subject of Apulia, for it feems he had fent a Kind of a Legate to de- mand the Money which, upon the King's Requeft, he had obliged himfelf to pay to the Merchants for that Bu- fmefs The King demanded a very large Sum to clear himfelf of this Matter, which the Barons ftiffly denied to aflift him with : And in this Parliament there arofe great Heats and Contentions between the King and the Barons, who made great Complaints againft him. They faid that he flighted the Keys s and Power of p - the Church, and did not obferve the Tenor of his L 59 J Great Charter ; that he had raifed to Dignities and Riches his Half Brothers, againft Law and Right, as if they had been the natural People of the Land, and would not fufFer any Writ to iffue out of Chancery againft them : That although the Pride of his Brothers and <3 Apulia is a Difhift in Italy, now calPd Puglia. r The Reafons of the Peers for rejecting this Propofal are drawn up by Dr. Brady, in his corr.plete Hiftory of England, Vol. I. p. 616, from the Annals cf Burton. * The Anathema, denounced in Parliament againft the Violators of MACNA CHARTA, [See before p. 52, 53.] was confirmed by the Bull of vtf IV, the Year following, Annah of Eurtcn, p. 331. 58 The Parliamentary HISTORY King Henry III, < and other Poiftevins was intolerable, yet William de ' Valence exceeded them alK' Simon Montfort, Earl of Leicefter, taking Advantage of thefe Difputes, com- plained aloud, not to the King, but to the whole Aflem- bly, ' Calling for Juftice ; and charged the King with * promoting and enriching Strangers, defpiiing and wa- ' fling his own People, to the Subverfion of the whole * Kingdom ; by which Means he became unable to re- * pel the Injuries of fo inconfiderable a People as the Weljb. At this Parliament it was that the King, coming into the Houfe, found all his Barons in Armour, and with Swords by their Sides. They laid them by, indeed, when he entered ; but the King being much furprized at this ftrange Sight, afked them, with fome Emotion, what they meant by it, and if he was their Prifoner ? Roger Bygot 9 a Man tif great Warmth and Infolence, anfwered. No; but that they were determin'd to have all PoiSievins and Strangers banifhed out of the Kingdom : Upon which great Heats and Debates arofe, and continued for fome Time, when the Parliament was adjourned to be holden at Oxford on the Feaft of St. Barnabas following : But, before the Adjournment, the Barons promifed the King, That if he would reform the State of the Kingdom, ac- cording to their Advice, and the Pope would make the Conditions about the Affair of Sicily, &c. more eafy, fo that it might be profecuted with Effect, they would then endeavour to procure him a commota Aid, or Tax, for that Purpofe.' The King agreed fo far, that, before Chriftmas next coming, the State of the Kingdom ihould be rectified by them and the Pope's Legate, if in England ; and, for the Performance of what fhould be ordained, he put himfelf into the Pope's Power, fo as he might compel him to it, which Way he pleafed, by Ecclefiaftical Cenfure ; and to this he made his Son Edward fwear that he would obferve and keep what he had granted. At the fame Time he likewife granted to the Barons, that the State of the Kingdom fhould be rectified and re- formed, by twelve faithful Perfons of his Counci-1 then chofen, and twelve others to be chofen by the Barons, who fhould meet at Oxford, a Month after Wbitfunday lext coming, to do every Thing that they fhould fee fit ^ENGLAND. $9 fo the Honour of God and the Good of the Kingdom. King Henry llj. The King promifed inviolably to obferve whatsoever f 60 1 fhould be ordained by thofe Twenty- four, or the Ma- "" jority of them, under fuch Security as they fhould direct. He made his Son Edward fwear alfo to thefe Articles, and that he would inviolably keep and obferve them ; whereupon, fays Paris, the Earls and Barons, on their Parts, promifed to endeavour that the Parliament fliould grant him an Aid f . Thefe Twenty-four had Power to elect four that were to chufe the King's Council, which was to redrefs and amend all Matters appertaining to the King and his Kingdom ; and the Council, or the greater Part of it, was to chufe one or more in the Place of fuch as fhould make Default, eJV. u . On the Feaft of St. Barnabas all the Great Men and Anno Regnj 42} Nobles arrived at Oxford^ according to their Adjourn- ment, but came attended by all fych as owed them Mi- litary Service, which made it feem as if they expected At ibme extraordinary Enemy to deal with. They fought to cover this Proceeding, however, by faying, That they came thus armed, in order, afterwards, to go and attack the King's Enemies the Weljh : But their true Reafon was for Fear of the King's Half Brothers and the Pole- tevins drawing them into a Snare. However, Matters went better than they imagined, for, in this Parliament, all the Elections mentioned before were made ; and the Twenty-four chofen to amend and reform th,e Kingdom were, firft, thefe w : For the KING. For the BARONS. 1. TheBifhopofZ0//0. I. The Bifhop of Wor- 2. The Bifhop Elect of cejler. jyincbcfter. 2. Simon Montfort, Earl 3. Henry ^ the King's Ne- rfLeiceftcr. phew. 3. Richard Earl of Glou- 4. John Earl of Warren. cejler. 5. GUI do. t The King's Declaration, that he would fubmit to fuch Regulations in the State as twenty-four of the Barons fhould agree upon, is printed in Ri- mer's Iced. Vol. J. p. 655. u A Copy of this original Agreement in French, is printed in Dr. Brady * Appendix, Vol. I. N. 190. w The following Lifts, &V. are preferved in the Annals of Burton ; Inter Hift. Ang Serif t, V, Fek Oxon, 1684 j and copied from thence by Dr. /-.;/), Parliamentary HISTORY King ff*r. III. 'FortheKlNG. 5. Guido de Lufignan. 7. JobnE.M\oWaru)ick. 8. Lord John ManfeL 9. Friary^Aw de Derling- For the BARONS. Humphrey Earl of /fc- reford. RogerE*T\ of Norfolt, and Earl Marefchal. Lord Roger Mortimer. Lord J0/.> Fitz-Geof- fry. Hugh By got. Brother to the Earl Mare- fchal. Lord Ri char dde Gray. Lord William Bar- dolph. Lord P^r Monifort. Lord //#/,? Defpenfer. Thefe Twenty-four chofe four of their own Number, who were to name the King's Council ; and were thefe, 6. /0. 7. 10. The Abbot of /Tc/?- minjler. 8. 11. Henry de Wengham, Dean of St. Martin'^ London. 9. The 1 2th omitted; but 10. fuppofed to be either the Abp. of Canterbury, Pe- n. ter of Savoy, or James 12. The Earr of Warwick. John Manfel. Roger Ear! Marefchal. Hugh Bygot) his Brother. Thefe four named the King's Council, who were fif- teen in Number. j. TheAbp.ofCtf/ were Ademar* or Atbelmar, Elect Bifhop of Winchefter, Guy de Lu~ fignan, and William de Valence ; nor were they well pleafed with the Behaviour of Prince Edward, his Son, "John Earl of Warren^ and Henry, his Nephew, Son to the Kkig of the Romans, who had all boggled at the Afibciation Oath which the whole Community of them had taken. The Form ofrfhis Oath to be taken by the whole Body, the Oath of the Twenty- four, with thofe of the Chief Juftice and Chancellor, may be feen in their original Language in the Annals of Burton, p. 41 3, tranf- iated by Dr. Brady in his complete Hiftory of England) Vol. I. p. 629 j and are therefore unneceflary here. Thus ended this famous Parliament at Oxford, in the Year 1258-9, which afterwards got the Name of Par- Uamentum Infanum, or the Mad Parliament; becaufe, L "S J fays an Hiftorian, many Things were there enacted which caufed the Death of feveral of the Nobility afterwards. We (hall not flop to make any Reflections on the Con- duel: of either Party, our Readers are at Liberty to judge for themfelves ; but whatever Conceffions the Barons wrefted from the Crown, at this Meeting, they quickly loft again by their too-violent Proceedings. Nor were the Barons that were added to the King's Council, by thefe Provifions, over hafty to execute their Part of this folemn Agreement. We find that the Year after, 1259, whilft the King was keeping the Feaft of St. Edward, at Wejlminjler, in a very grand Manner, a Deputation from all the Batchelors y, or young Men, of England, came to Court and reprefented to Prince Ed- ward, the Earl of Gloucefter, and others of the Council, fworn at Oxford, ' That the King had actually and to- tally q Thefe Princes were the Children of Jfalel the King's Mother, after the Death of King Jckrt, by Hugh Ic Brun, Earl of March, to whom fhe had been contracted before her Marriage with John. Mat. Weft. An. 1 2 58. M. Paris writes, That there were 20,700 Founds and 30,000 Mark fpent on the King's Half Brothers. He begged fome that told him- of this to fay no more : Ob, for the Head of Cod, his Oath, fay no more of it, Itjl tbe -very Relation make Mm luonder and ftand amazed, / Community Bacbelari* Angli*. Annal, Mtnafl t Burton, p. 427, #? 64 We Parliamentary HISTORV King Henry III, c tally f u ifiii e d and compleated all and fmgular * Obligations,^, which the Barons had impofed on him ' at Oxford; and that the faid Barons had done nothing * on their Parts for the Good of the Public, as they had * promifed, but only minded their own private Interefts, * and had every where diftrefs'd the King's Affairs; and c that, if this was not fuddenly amended, they would fee * it reformed fome other Way.' To which the Prince immediately anfwered for himfelf, ' That as he had un- * willingly taken a certain Oath at Oxford, yet he was * ready, on his Part, to enforce the faid Oath, and to * venture his Life for the Commonalty of England, and * the general Good, according to the Tenor of the faid * Oath.' Then, turning to the Barons of the Council, he told them, ' That unlefs they would immediately ful- * fill the faid Oaths, he would himfelf ftand by the Com- * monalty, even to Death, and force them to it.' The Barons finding, at length, that they could not avoid making good their Promifes, and chufing, adds our Au- thority, rather to do it of themfelves than be compelled to it, publifhed the Body of Laws, called Provijiones Baronum. [ 66 ] Thefe Laws in the French Tongue are contained in nineteen Articles, but are much too long to infert in our Hiftory. The Conclufion of them runs thus : The Barons Pf 'fhefe are the Purveyances and Eflallijhments made at vifions. Weftminfter, in Parliament, by the King and his Council^ and the Twelve, chofen by common Affent of the whole Community of England, which were then at Weftminfter, in the Tear of the Reign of Henry, the Son of King John, forty and three. The National Bufinefs went on under this Form of Government for fome Time : The Barons having dri- ven the King's Brothers and all the Poiclevins clear out of the Kingdom, and excufed the Matter, as well as they could, to the* Holy See, in a fubmiffive Letter to^the Pope for that Purpofe, thought now they had the King and Kingdom intirely to themfelves, and might rule both according to their own Will and Pleafure. But the King's Affairs were not in fo bad a State as they imagined ; the King of the Romans, his Brother, came over to his Afliftance ; who, with Prince Edward, and marfy Nobles more, maintained the Royal Caufe ; whilft Simc-x of E N G L A N D. Simon Montfort, Earl of Leicejler, at the Head of the King Hwy HI, other Barons, endeavoured to fupport the Oxford Pro- vifions ; which occafioned the wafting and burning each. other's Caftles, Lands, and liftates, all over the King- dom. However, by the Mediation of the Queen, a Treaty was fet on Foot, and Matters were fomewhat accommodated betwixt the King and his Barons j but it did not laft long ; for Henry defpairing to gain any Aid from them, and willing to (hake off the Yoke they had irnpofed en him at Oxford, fent to the Pope for an Ab- folution from the Oaths he had taken on that Occailon. Jj ie p ? pe * t "' , ,,, T1 i r> CL j i i_r i , folves the King, 1 he Pope grants his Requeir, and not only abfolved & c f rom t h the King, but all others who had taken Oaths for that Oaths taken to Purpofe, giving for Reafon, that, by this Diflblution of fu PP ort ****** all that had paffed, they might fooner come to an Ac- commodation a . Upon this the King calls another Parliament to meet Anno Re s ni 47* again at Oxford, according to M. Paris -, but the Re- cord fays at J^ejlminfter, about the I2th of June this AtOxforfa Year b . Parliaments, indeed, are frequent, but very confufed about this Time ; and well they might, when this was held juft on the Brink of a Civil War between the King and his Barons. But it is fomewhat ftrange, that neither in the Record of this Parliament nor the former, there is any Mention made of thefe Feuds and Animofities, nor is there one Word relative to the Oxford Provifions in them. This, like the former Meeting, chiefly tending to regulate fome Matters in the Common Law, fuch as Suits in Lords' Courts^ Sheriffs' Turns, Judges itinerary, &c. The Records themfelves being thus filent in the more public Affairs of the Nation, we muft have Recourfe to the old Hi- itorians of thefe Times, who tell us, That at this pre- ient Meeting the King propofed to his Nobles, That fince [ 67 ) both be and they bad all been too warmly drawn in to make the former Provifions, and fince the Pope had abfolved both him and them from their Oaths taken on that Occa- fion, he hoped they would take hold of the Benefit of that Absolution, &c. and let all 1 hings be rejlored to their an- VOL. I. E tient a The King's Declaration that he is abfolved from his Oath, and does not think hi mil-It" under any Obligation to obfcrvr thi- Regulations made by the i.irori8 at Oxford, is piinted in\ Fctd. Vol. 1. p. -46. > Pat, 47 //, 111, m. i. in fchedula dorf, 66 The Parliamentary HISTORY King Henry ill. f' ien f Ufage. The Lords c , who were prefcnt at this Meeting, unanimoufly replied, for themfelves and their Followers, * That the Provifions which were made, * and which they were bound by Oath to keep, they * were refolved to adhere to, to the End of their Lives; * looking upon them to be equally conducive to the Good of the King and Kingdom.' Whiltt thefe Things were going on to an open Rupture betwixt the King and his Barons, fome Bifhops interpofed, who, with fome other common Friends to both Sides, brought Matters fo to bear between them, that the Decifion of the whole Affair was left to the Judgment of the King The King of o f France. Some Time after, in the fame Year, the Se'SIrSTpro- Frmch Kin S callcd a Parliament of his Bifhops and vifions. Nobles at Amiens ; where, deliberating gravely on this Bufmefs, he at laft gave Sentence for Henry againft the Barons, difannulled the Oxford Provifions, and reflored his Brother King to his priftine State. But Simon Mont- fort, Earl tfLeicefter, taking an Exception, ' That he did not hereby abrogate King John's Charter, declared, That the Provifions were founded on that Charter, and therefore he would not fubmit to the French King's Sentence d .' The Civil War now broke out with Violence, the King being very unfortunate at the Beginning of it ; for not long after happened the Battle of Lewes in Sujfex, where the King's Army was routed, and he, with his Brother [ 68 ] Richard., King of the Romans, were taken Prifoners, The King taken W ' tn man y Barons. This Battle W3S fought May 14, Prifoner at the 1264. M, Weftminfter writes, That King Henry had a Battle between Horfe killed under him in it e . him d thcBa- And now Montfort^ having the King in his Poffeflion, did with him as he pleafed ; he caufed him to fend out Commiflions to conftitute and appoint Keepers and Confervators of the Peace in all the Counties of England. And in the Body of thefe Commiflions there was a Pre- cept c Henry Knygbton has given us the Names of fome of the Lords that compofed this Meeting, vix. Simon Earl of Leiccjicr j Gilbert d- Clare, Earl vfGlouceJler; Humphrey do Bobun, |un. Earl Ferrers; amongft the Barons were > Fhvjobn. Henry de Hajlings, Geoffry Lucy, John l^Jcy, jun. JV*MU de Stgr***, Hugb k Sper.fer, and Robert Kpont. Deccin Script. H. A. col. 2446. d The Award of Lewit the French King, between the Enrlilb Kine and his Barons, is alfo in Kymer, Vol. I. p. 7-6. c Rex Anglix, Ejuo tlcfiijjimv f u b ft u*fo/o, captus cj! t ^/ENGLAND. 67 cept directed to every one of thefe Confervators, to fend King Hetty m, four of die moft legal and difcreet Knights, of each County, to be chofen by the AfTent of that County, to ferve for the whole, to meet the King at London j to be there on the Octaves of the Holy Trinity at fartheft* to treat with the King, his Prelates, Great Men and others, about his own Bulinefs, and the Bufinefs of the Nation. As this is the firft-Time we can, with Certainty, Anno Regni 48^ find when the Gentry or Commons of England were ia ^' called to Parliament to confult with the King, the Bi- fhops, and Barons, on the State of the Kingdom, it \vill not be amifs to be a little particular about it. Tho* indeed it will be in vain to expect to find any Traces of the antient Englijh Conftitution of Parliaments trom a Convention, fummoned at the arbitrary Will of a Rebel, compofed of fuch as would beft ferve his Pur- pofe, none elfe being called to it ; for King -Henry was j[' m JJ*^[J e then in Cuftody of the Earl of Leice/ter, and under his Commons to Power; Richard, Kins; of the Romans, a Prifoner in the Parliament, in Tower ; their two eldeft Sons Prifoners and Hoftages J^"* 8 ' 8 in Dover Caftle ; the Barons that adhered to the Royal " Caufe, for that Time fubdued ; fo that the whole Power v of the Kingdom was then in the Earl of Leicefter and his Abettors f . It feems the Earl and his Friends had projected a new and ftill a ftronger Scheme for the Re- formation of the Government, and they feemed to want the Confent of the whole Nation to give it a -Sanction ; for which Reafon thefe four Knights, to be chofen out of each County, were firft thought of. Dr. Brady and other Writers, on the Side of Prerogative, call this an Innovation of the antient Cuftom of fitting in Parlia- ment, and abfolutely deny that the Commons were [ 69 3 ever called before. The Doctor fays, That the Scheme of Government here invented was no lefs than to un- king the King ; and there was an Inftrument ready v drawn againft the Meeting of this Parliament for that E 2 Purpofe. f Mr. Rymer has taken Care to diftinwifli the Afts of State the King was obliged to make during his Captivity, fo as to be eafily known from tin: others, from p. 790 to 815. f'xdera Ai'.g* Tom I In the Parliament Rolls, Rot. Pat. 48 H. 111. m. 2. dorfo N. 14, tiicic is an Abftral in trench, but without any Date, of an AwarJ fii.i t.- be made by the King, the Prelates, Earls, and Barons, only, of the Land, de la Terre, giving Satisfaction to Holy Church, for divers Depredations maJe upon her Territories during thefe Troubles, 68 The Parliamentary HISTORY |Ung Henry III, Purpofe. The Inftrument itfelf is printed in Dr. Brady s Appendix*, and an Abftract given of it in his Hiftory h , to both which we refer thofe that will concern them- felves in the Controverfy. It is, however, undeniable that, if this Form of Government had taken Effect, the .Regal Power would have been entirely eclipfed, and the .King in a worfe State of Vaflalage than the meaneft Subject. On the other Hand, Mr. Prynne and Mr. Petyt are ftrc- jmous Advocates for the Rights of the Commons offing* land ; aflerting, That they were always confulted from the earlieft Account of Government in this Ifland. But, as we have touched upon this Controverfy in the Exor- dium to this Work, we {hall content ourielves, and we hope our Readers, with noting that the Arguments on both Sides are beft drawn up by the aforefaid Dr. Brady * and Mr. Petyt k , to which we refer. Obferving farther, That we fhould have been glad to have cleared up this Matter on the Side of the Commons in the former Part of this Work, had we but met with any authentic Te- ilimony of it from the Conquefl to this Period. To : proceed then with our Hiftory. - It cannot be amifs, in this Part of it, to give our Readers, at Length, the Form of the Writ of Summons directed to the rcfpeftive Prelates, Abbots, Priors, and Barons, .which were to conftitute this Parliament ; as alfo the Subftance of the Precept direded to the Sheriffs for the eleaing the Knights, Citizens, and Buries, that were to fit amongft them ; for it does not yet appear that the latter made then a feparate Houfe, or adted as fuch. This then being the firft Precedent we have upon I 7 J Record of a Parliament, conftituted as at this Day, a Copy of the Summons from the Feeder a Anglican* de- ferves particular Notice '. 8 NO. a , 3 . Pat< 48 H> Ult m 6 ^ foi h P. 643, 644. Fol. k Petyt'i Jut Parl-ametiiarim. Fol. London, 1734. J Ad Cenfultandum cum eodcm Simone Re-gem captiwm ducentc, &$, nonnull, Baron,*, Abbatvm, & Prfcrum inaudva turba n cant T rf mifat!iS & B " r Z" fW'1*' fd of/, Vabii Mandamus, rogantes in fide & DileElione quibus nobif;, quod t crxni Occafione psftpojita & A'egotiis aim prxtermijjis Jttis ad noi London' in Of! ali s Sanfti Hilarii pnxime futurit 5 nobifcum & cum pradifiit Pralatis & Magnatibui noftrit, quo* ibidem-vocari fecimus, fuper pra?m:jfis traff atari & Conjilium impenfuri : Et hoc, Jicut Nos & Honerem no/irum & ve/frum, enon & ctunmunemRegni noftri 'Iranquillitatem diligitis, nullatenittomittatis, Itfle Rege apud Wigorniam, 14 Die Decembris, Eodem Mcdo Mandatum tjt Epifcopo Karliolenfi, Abbati S, Mariz Eboraci, Pricribus Dunclmenfi, & S.'Tiinitatis Eboraci, Abbatibus de Seleby, Fumes, Fontibus. Rvevalle, Mclla. Rupe, Bella Landa, Prioribu* de Bndlington. & S. Ofwaldi, Ab- tati de Ruftbrd, Prioribui de Blyda, Thurgarton, & Carleolenfi, Abbati de Whiteby, Priori dt Guifeburn, Arcbiefijcopo Eboracenfi, Priori de Parco, & Decano Eboracenfi. Eodcm Modo Mandaturr. eft fulfcriplis, -vix. Epifapii London. Winton, Exon. Wygorn. Lyncoln. EIn. Sarum, Covent. & Lich. & Ciceftren. ElecJo Bath. & Welles, Decants Exon. dt Welles, Sacum, & Lyncoln. In Fotma pra-diffa fcriiitur Albatibui f Prior ilus fultfcriftii Jub bac das a, Tfjle Rcgt apud Woceftocke vicejimo quarto Di jSbbatibus Sanfti Edmundi, de Waltham, & de Sano Albano, ElecJo dt Evefham, Mbatibut Weftmonafterienfi, Glaftonenfj, de Reding, de Ciren- eefter, & de Waverle, Prhrilw Elienfi, Norwjc. & de Merton. Abbott tit Ofeney, Priori S. FridefwHa: Oxon. Abbari de MefTenden, Priori de Lcnton, Abban d: Bello, Prioribui Qrdinis de Sempringham, de Walton, & Holpitalis S. Johannis Jtnfakm in An C Ka, Magiflro Militia Terapli in Anglu, Abba'.ibui Ramcfirnfi. de Burgo, de Thorncy, de Crouland, Ceftriz, Salop, de Hulmo, dt Bardenei, c2? de Cokeftre, Priori de Dun- Aaplc, Abbatibut de Bello loco, Farco ludc, Stwlegh, Lillefhul, & Bit- tlci'den, Prioribut de Beuver, if de Lentoa, Abbati ^Clervaus, Priori dc Stodcle'y, Abbatibut S. Aus'-iHini Caniuar. Sf de Certefli';, Priori S. Tri- r. Abbatibut d: Hia'i juxT. Winion. Middleton, Cej-ne, Ab- ii. . boteibuiie, f Taviftolte, frit,,'. A- Huntingdcn, AiLa^tus de Suleby, Warden, 70 The Parliamentary HISTORY KingHwy HI. Troubles-at that Time prevented it. But in the next Year, 1265, and the 49th of King Henry III. was the. f 71 ] famous Parliament called ; which, with another in the 1 8th of Edward I. were certainly the Models, or Pat- terns, of our prefent Englijb Parliaments. The Wardon, S Jacob! Northamp Leiceftre. f Kitkeftet, Prionlus ^Eton, & Cruce Royfia, Abbatibus de Kirkeftal, S'Tame, Prioribus de Bermon- deffie, & Bernwell, Abbatibus de Meriavall, S. Auguftini, Briftol. de Malmefburie, Michaelnei, Abindon, S. Petri Glouc de Perfhore, & da, Wynchecurribe, Prioribiis ^Coventr. Sanclo Neoto, ? S. Swithini Wyn- ton, Abbati de Lefnes, Prioribus de Leedes, Landa, Spalding, S. Barthol. London, & de Kenelworth, Abbatibus de Ofolveftone, f// Teukefburie, Priori de Finfheved, Abbatibiti Mjddletone, dc Valladei, & de Cioxton. Item, in Forma pradifla Mandatum eft Comitibus & aliis fubfcriptis, Dot. apud Wodeftocke. 24 Die Decembris. Comitibus Leiceflr. Glouceftr. Norrolc & Marefcallo Angliae, Oxonienfi, Gf Derb. Rad. de Camoys, Rogcro de S. Johanne Hugoni de le Spenfer, Juflic. Angliae, Johanni Filio Johannis Willielmo de Munchenfy , Nichulao de Segiave, Johan-i de Vefcy Radulpho Baflet, (d( Dray ton) ^enrico de Haftings, Galfr -do de Lucy, Roberto de Ros, Johanni de Eyvill. Ads dt Novomercato, Waltero de t'olevill, Willielmo Marmyun, Rogero Bertram, Radulpho Baflet, (de Sapcote) Gilberto de Gaunt. Item, Mandatum eft Jir^u/is Vicecomitibus per Angliam, quod venirefaciant Duos MlHTES de LegaLoribus & Dtfcretioribut Militibus fingulorum Co-- mitaluum, ad Rcgem Lend, in Ocliab prtediflii in Forma Jupradifla. Item, in Forma pradiRa fcriHtur Ci-vibui Ebor. Civibus Lincoln & cate- rit Burgis Anglise, quod mittant inFormapradifia Duos a* Difcretioribut fly Legalioribus 6f Probioribus tarn Civi^us quam BURGBNSIBUS fiiis* Item, in Forma prtedifia Mandatum ejl Baronibus & Probis Homixibut f$ainfve Portuum, front connnetur in Brevi irrotulato inferius, Rex Vicccomiti Safiex, Saluttm. Summonito per quatuor Legaliorei Milites de Cemitatu tuo pradiao Petrura de Sabaudia apud Pevenfeiam, Johannem de Warrena a/W Lewes, & Hu- gpnem de Bygo d apud Bofeham, quod Jint coram Nobii, & Ccn/ilio ncfiro, in proximo Parliament nojiro Lond. primo Die Junii, Jufticiam faEluri & recepturi. Et in plena Comitatu tuo proclamart facias, qucd quicunque ad Opus prre- diftorum Pctri Johannis & Hugonis interim procurare feu impetrare -voluerit fah'um 6f fecurum CenduBum noftrum ad Nos -vemendt, morandi, & Jlandi refft in Curia noftra, fi quit -verfus eos kqui voluerit fecure venial. Et A'os Conduffum bujufmod, ei fieri faciamui. Et habeas ibi Ncmina aqatuor Mi- titum Sf hoc breve. Tcflc Rege apud Weftmon. Per CoaJUtum, Eodem Modo Mandatum eft Kcecomiti Hertfordia de Summon, W, d* Vakncc apud Brekendon, Per totum Ccnji/ium, of E N GL AN D. 71 The Bufinefs of this Parliament was chiefly to treat King Bony in. about Prince Edward's Releafe, at that Time a Prilbner [ 7*3 in Dover Caftle. But, whatever elfe was done at it, this was not effected, for he was not releafed untiil Anno Regn ; ^ fome Time following, and then was but a Prifoner at 1265. large, carried about by Montfort^ with his Father, wherefoever he went, who now directed all the Affairs of the Kingdom at his own Pleafure. But Prince Ed- A ward having found Means to efcape, foon raifed an Ar- 1 my, and, by a matchlefs Piece of Conduct, came upon the Earl of Leicejier and his Forces, near Evejbajn y in Worcefittjbirei routed them, flew the Earl and his eldefl Son, with many more Barons, and releafed his Father from a Bondage worfe than Death m . Thus did this ambitious Earl and his Adherents, by grafping at too much, lofe all ; and the great Conceffions they had gained were levelled with the Ground. The Battle was fought on the 5th of Augujl, this Year, and on the 8th of September following the King called a^g K ; n( , ca j Parliament to meet at Wincbefter ; where, by their Ad- a Parliament, vice, the Liberties of the City of London were feized, and the greateft Offenders committed to Pnfon, to l jfg**" 4 punifhed at the King's Pleafure n . This Parliament gave the King alfo all the Rebels Lands ; and, by their At H nchejler Advice, he appointed two CommifTioners in each Coun- ty, who, with the Sheriffs, were to extend them, and C 73 J return the Extent, with the Names of the Lands, and their Owners, to him at Wejimin/hr^ by the I3th of October following . The Commiffion bears Date at Winchejler^ Sept. 21 ; and Paris adds, That the King disinherited all thofe that flood for Montfort againft him, and gave their Lands to thofe who had faithfully ferved him. This fevere Sentence of the Earl of Leicefter's Fol- lowers was ftriclly put in Execution ; but the Cry of the Sufferers was fo great, that it induced the Pope's Legate, Ottobonii then in England, to take their Cafe into his Protection. To this Purpofe he requefled the King to call m The King had like to have been (lain himfrlf at this Battle, being v wounded by a Dart thrown at him by Mifi.ike ; the Eatl having :n to be dreffed that Day in a Suit of his own Aimour. Knygblon. n Ob fuam Rcbellioncm. M. Varis. o See the Form of the Writ of Summons at large in Dr. Brady's dp- jvxj:.*, N. 223. Lx. I'it. 49 U. 1U. m. 8. dortb, ~2 'The Parliamentary HISTORY King Henry III. call a Parliament, which he granted, and it was fum- moned to meet ztKenelwortb, Aueujl 22, I266 p . Here Ann ^ 6 e | ni 5- j t was agreed, by the common Aflent of the Bifhops, Abbots, Priors, Earls, Barons, and all others, (we find At Kenckvortb. the Commons here, if they met, but {lightly mention'd) that fix Perfons, viz. The Bifhop of Exeter, the Bifhop of Bath, the Biftiop Elect of Worcefler, Sir Alan Zoucb, Sir oger de Sumery, and Sir Robtrt Wahrand, by their Oaths there made, fhould chufe fix others, who would, according: to their Judgments, do the beft for the Secu- rity and Peace of the Land. To thefe Twelve were committed the Cafe and Fats of the Difmherited, with full Power from the King and Parliament to hear and determine all Matters concerning them ; which Deter- mination was called the Difium de Kenelwortb. If there arofe any Difference between the Twelve, that wa3 only to ftand good and firm which received the Affent and Approbation of the Legate and Henry , Son to the King of the Romans; and they were to finifti their Work by the Feaft of All Saints. This Determination and Award was made to better the Condition of the Difmherited, and to turn the For- feitures and Lofs of their Eftates into a Cornpofition for them ; and therefore, ' All who began the War and perfevered in it ; * All who violently and malicioufly kept Northampton e againft the King ; r - , -i ' All that fought againft the King at Lewes ; c All that were taken at Kenelworth under the Com- ^ mand of young Simon Mont fort, had plundered IVin- * che/ier, or were in any other Place againft the King, ' which he had not pardoned ; ' All fighting againft him at Eve/bam ; ' All that were in the Fight at Chefterfield; ' All that freely fent their Seivice, that is, Horfe and ' Arms, againft the King or his Son; ' All Bailiffs and Servants of the Earl ofLeicefter^ that 4 plundered their Neighbours, burnt their Houfes, or ' killed them, or did any other Mifchief ; Should pay five Years Rents of their Lands, and if they paid it, they were to have their Land again. The Money was to be paid at two or three fhort 'Payments, and *> Pat. 50 H, III, m. 9. dorfo. of E N G L A N D. 73 and if they paid the whole, then all their Land was de- King Henry 111. livered; if half, then half j if a third Part, then equal; and if they were not able to pay, the Lands were to re- main in the Hands the King had given them to, till the Money was raifed ; and out of .thefe Compofitions, by the Perfuafions of the Arbitrators, the King was to gra- tify his own Friends. 'The Earl Fsrrers and Henry Hajlings were to pay feven Years Profits of their Lands. Thofe who had committed lefler Crimes than the above recited, compounded; or were fined three Years, two Years, one Year, or half a Year's Rent of their Lands, according to the Nature of their Offences j thole that had no Lands were fined in Goods. All Obligations, Writings, or Inftruments, made by the King, or his Son, concerning the Oxford Provifions, or made or entered into by any of the King's faithful Subjects, by reafon of the Troubles, were made null and void by this Award: Whereby it was declared, that the King might and ought to exercife his Royal Power and Authority, without the Let or Contradiction of any one ; by which, contrary to the Laws and Cuftoms of the Land, which had long fubfifted, his Royal Dignity might have been injured ; yet the Great Charter, and the Charter of the Foreft, were to remain in full Force by this Judgment. The Commiffioners alfo requefted the King and Le- gate, that, under Danger of Corporal Punimment and [ 75 J Kcclefiaftic Cenfure, they would ftriclly forbid any to fpeak of Simon Montfort as a Saint, or to fpread the vain and foolifh Miracles reported of him. They alfo humbly befeeched the Legate to abfolve the King, and all others of the Kingdom, both great and fmall, from the Qaths they had taken to obferve certain Charters concerning the Oxford Provifions ; to the Ob- fervation of which they were bound by the Sentence of Excommunication pronounced againft fuch as did not obferve them. This Award, or Difium de Kenelwortb, was finifhed in the Caftle of Kenelworth on the 3ift of Oftober, in the Year of Grace 1266, and the 5Cth Year of the Reign of King Henry* 74 The Parliamentary HISTORY Kingflflfiy HI. The Year after, 1267, Henry called another Parlia- A oRe . ment to meet at St. Edmundjbury\ where, fays the Con- '" n ja 6^ I4I 'tinuator of Matthew Paris, were fummoned to appear, the Earls, Barons, Archbifhops, Bifhops, Abbots, and bur '"all that owed him Military Service, with their Horfe and Arms, to go againft thofe Rebels who had got into the Ifle of Ely, and ftill held it out againft him. This is a prepofterous Way of fummoning a Parliament, which the Monk fpeaks of; however, it is certain there was fome other Bufinefs intended to be done at this Meeting more than going to fight: For the fame Author has given us an exact Account of the King, with the Pope's Legate, who was then with him, and what De- mands they made for a Supply from the Clergy, with their Anfwer to each Article. 1. It was demanded, * That the Prelates and Rec- * tors of Churches fliould grant them the Tenths of their * Churches for three Years next to come, and for the ' Year laft paft, as they gave the Barons for keeping the ' Coafts againft the Invaiions of Strangers.' To this it was anfwered, * That the War began by unreafonable ' Defires, and did then continue, and therefore it was e neceflary to forbear repeating the like Demands, and * treat of the Peace of the Kingdom ; and make Ufe of c the Parliament to the Benefit of the Church and King- [ 76 ] ' dom ; and not to extort Money, efpecially, when the ' Nation was fo much deftroyed by the War, that, if ' ever, it muft be a long Time before it could recover, itfelf. 2. They required, * That the Churches might be c taxed by Laymen, according to their true and higheft ' Value.' To this it was anfwered, ' That it was not * reafonable, but contrary to Juftice, that Laymen fliould * meddle with collecting of Tenths ; nor would they ' ever confent to a new Way of taxing, but that the old fhould ftand. 3. ' That the Biflbops and Abbots fhould pay the * Tenths of their Baronies and Lay Fees, up to their ' true and higheft Value.' Anfwered, 4 That they were 4 impoverimed by Depredations and Plunderings ; that they followed the King in his Expeditions, and fpent ' fo much Money that they were grown very poor, and 1 that their Lands laid uncultivated by rcafon of the War. 4. It .of ENGLAND. 75 4. It was demanded, That the Clergy, in commonyKing He*ry,\\i* * fhould give to the King 30,000 Marks for the afore- ' faid Tythes, which a certain Legate had claimed for ' the Ule of the Court of Rome, for the Debts contract- 4 ed in Sicily, Apulia, and Calabria, in the Name of the * Lord Edmund, the King's Son, then prefent.' Anfwer, * That they would give nothing, becaufe all thefe Taxa- * tions and Extortions, firft made by the King, were 4 never expended to the Ufe of the King and Realm . 5. They required, ' That all Clerks, holding Baro- 4 nies or Lay Fees, fhould go arm'd in their own Per- ' fons againft the King's Enemies, or find fo much Ser- c vice as belongs to their Lands or Tenements.' To this they anfwered, * That they ought not to fight with * the material but fpiritual Sword, that is, with their. * Prayers and Tears : And that, by their Benefices or 4 Fees, they were bound to maintain Peace, not War. 4 That they held their Barony in Frank Almoign, in pure 4 Alms, and therefore ow'd no Military Service but what 4 was certain, and would not perform any that was new. 6. They required, on the Pope's Behalf, ' That with 4 all Speed the Expedition of the Crofs might be preach'd [77] * through the whole Kingdom.' To this it was an- fwered, c That a great Part of the People had been ' killed T?y the War; that, if now they fhould undertake * the Cruiade, few or none would be left to defend the ' Nation. 7. At laft it was faid, * That the Prelates were abfo- * lutelv bound to comply with all thefe Demands, on * the Oath which they had taken at Coventry, that they * would artift the King by all the Ways they were able.' To this they alfo anfwered, * That, when they made * that Oath, they only meant it of fpiritual Help and 4 wholefome Counfel.' What was done further at this Parliament we cannot learn ; it does not appear that there was any Attempt made againft the Difmherited in the Ifle of Ely ; only they were reftrained from making Excurfions by the Forces the King kept with him at Cambridge. It muft be owned that the Clergy behaved themfelves very ftoutly againft the King and Legate at this Meeting ; but Pr. Brady has omitted this whole Demand aftd Anfwer in hisTranl'- : the!e Articles, p. 661 j making the fifth Anicle the fourth, aui !o on : Bu: v;hetir by Defswn or not, let the Reader judge. 7 6 The Parliamentary HISTORY King Henry III, jj U t they found Means afterwards to bend them by an ex- prefs Bull from the Pope, whereby he granted the King the Tenths of all Ecclefiaftical Benefices whatfoever for three Years. This Bull was dated at Viterbo, June 9, in the ad Year of his Pontificate, A. D. 1267, the 5ift Gi Henry III. and directed to his Legate Ottoboni p . In the Year 1267 King Henry called the laft Parlia- ment in his Reign, being fummoned to meet at Marl- ough the iQth of November ; in which, by the Aflent of the Earls and Barons, were made the Statutes of Marlborougby in which a general Provifion for the Ob- fervance of the two Great Charters was ordained q . In the Year 1272 died Henry III. King of England, after having reigned fifty-fix Years and twenty Days, and was buried at Wejlminfter. A Reign, fays an ' Hiftorian r , fo full of remarkable Contingents, partly * through the Weaknsfs and Inconftancy of the Prince, ' and partly through the Pride and Impatience of a ( 78 ] * ftubborn Nobility, that it takes up a tenth Part of ' the Englifo Hiftory from the Norman Conqueft. TAXES in this King's Reign. s . Taxes during the ^ I ^HE Parliament call'd at Northampton, in the Year Rei ? n of King _|_ 1 224., granted the King two Shillings of every Htnry IIP. Plough Land ; and the King granted the Barons Scutage, two Marks of every Knight's Fee. M. Paris. The Parliament call'd at Weftminfter granted the King a Fifteenth of all Moveables, as well of Clergy as Laity, in the whole Kingdom, for the Grant, or Confirmation, of Mgna Cbarta. The fame Year there was a fortieth Fait of all Moveablcs granted. M. Paris. In the Year 1226 the King wrote to his foreign Bifhops and Clergy to give him a Fifteenth of all their Moveables, as the Bifhops and Clergy of England had then done. Pat. j I H. III. m. n. The next Year he compelled the City of London to pay him 5000 Marks, becaule they had given as much to P Cart. 51 77. III. K . 10. in fchedula. <5 .'iffcnfu Comitum &f Baromtm. M. Paris. See the Statutes at largi. I Sam. Daniel's, K-ftory cf Erg/ar.d. See a fuller Account of thcl'c Taxes in Stephens** Rrya! Ircafurr tf *jf.W. LnJ. 1725. of E N G L A N D. 77 to Lewis , late King of France, when he left England j K ' n S H tnr y HI* and levied a Fifteenth, Y^f. Paris. At the fame Time he took from the Burgefles of Northampton an Aid of I200/. befides one Fifteenth. He likewife forced all religious and beneficed Clerks to pay a Fifteenth, as well out of their Spirituals as Temporals ; and they who were unwilling to pay were compelled either by the King's Authority or Ecclefia- ftical Cenlures. Soon after this the Religious and others had Notice, that unlefs they renewed their Charters the old ones fhould be of no Advantage to them; and for the Re- newal every one paid according to his Faculty, at the Difcretion of the Judiciary. M. Paris. In the Year 1230 Archbifliops, Bifhops, Abbots, and Priors gave a great Sum of Money for recovering his Rights beyond Sea. At the fame Time he put the Citizens of London to grievous Redemption, and forced the Jews to pay him a third Part of what they were worth. M. Paris. In the Year 1231 the King required a Scutage of [ 70 1 three Marks of every Knight's Fee, of all that held Baronies, as well Prelates as Laics: This was oppofed by the Archbifhop of Canterbury r and fome other Bi- fhops, but was agreed to by all the others. M. Paris. In a Parliament held at Lambeth, in the Year 1232, a fortieth Part of all Moveables, as well of Ecclefiaftics as Laics, was granted to the King, and was colle&ed very foori after. M. Paris. In the Year 1235 he had two Marks of every Plough Land, for the Marriage of Ij'abel his Sifter \.Q Frederic^ Emperor of Germany, and gave with her 30,000 Marks for her Portion. Clauf. 21 H. III. m. I. & m. 21. dorf. In the Year 1237 a thirtieth Part of all Moveables was granted to the King. M. Paris. In the Year 1242 the King requir'd a Scutage of three Marks from every Knight's Fee through all England. So M. Paris ; but others fay only twenty Shillings. In a Parliament held at London, in the Year 1244, twenty Shillings of every Knight's Fee was granted to the King for the Marriage of his eldeft Daughter. M. Paris, t ftcbrd Wttbtrtlnd. I The Parliamentary HISTORY In the Year 1253 the Clergy granted the Tenth of all Ecclefiaftical Revenues for three Years, and the Nobi- lity three Marks of every Knight's Fee, for the Relief of the Holy Land, on the King's Confirmation of Magna Charts. M. Paris. In the Year 1267 three Years Tenths of allChurch Revenues were granted to the King by the Pope. Cart. 5 1 //.III. m. 10. fched. And in the Year 1270 a twentieth Part v/as granted the King. Cl. 54 H. III. m. n. dorfo. [ 80 ] TfDWARD, the firft of that Name after the Con- *-* queft, was in the Holy Land at the Time of the Death of his Father King Henry ill. However, he was peaceably proclaimed and recognized King of England t &c. and, at his coming into the Kingdom, was crowned at Weftminfter* with the ufual Ceremonies, Augujl 19, 1274; near a Year and a Half after the Death of his Father, he being then juft thirty- five Years of Age. We now come to a Reign, in which we (hall give the Hiftory si Parliaments undoubtedly compofed of Repre- fentatives of the Counties, Cities, and Boroughs, as well as the higher Eftates of the Realm. Montf art's Con- vention, where though the Commons were introduced to make his Caufe more popular, yet we doubt whether that Meeting can be filled a Parliament, which was called together by the Earl of Leicefter's own Authority, the King a Prifoner, and the Realm under an abiblute Ufurpation. But, however that Meeting may be thought of by fome, yet all muft grant that Mont fort's Conduit, in this Particular, was highly approved of; fmce to what he then did may be owing the Rife and Model, with ibme Alterations, of all fucceeding Parliaments. The State of the Tranfa&ions on the Death of the laft King appears to be thus : He died Nov. 16, 1272, his Sons, Edward and Edmund, were then abroad. The preceding Troubles put every Wellwifhcr to his Country upon taking all neceffary Steps to preferve the Peace and Tranquillity of the Kingdom ; and therefore, immediately after the King's Funeral, Nov. 20, accord- ing to Mat. Wejlmlnfter, or before, by the Annals of Worcefter^ which end in 1307, the Earl of and of E N G L AND. 79 and other Lords ", then prefent, took an Oath to pre- King Ed-ward I. ferve the Peace of the Kingdom to the utmoft of their Power, and to jpear faithful Allegiance to the abient Kin--'. The Parliamentary Records being almofi all loft, or deftroyed, about this Time, we can have but fmall Aflift- ance from them ; our Recourfe therefore muft be chiefly to the old Monkifh Writers of this Age, who, tho' not fo exact as the others, yet the whole Body of our Hiftorians, hitherto, have allowed of their Teftimonies, where bet- ter could not be found. However, we are not altogether ' without our own Vouchers, as the Sequence will ihew ; and particularly in this next Parliament, where the Acts made by them are frill preferred, and ftand the firft in all Editions of our Statutes at large. But to proceed with our Hiftory. Edward being returned to his own Dominions, and his Coronation performed, foon after thought fit to call a Parliament, in order to redrefs many Grievances and Enormities which had crept into the State during the late Civil Wars, his Father's Death, and his own long Abfence from the Kingdom. This Parliament was fummoncd to meet Ad quindenam^Fefti Purif. Beatts Firginis Maria ', Feb. 1 6. Here we have the Commons called up to it, as plainly appears by the Preamble to the Statutes of Wejlminjhr the Firft:, as they are ftiled by the Lawyers, which welhall give in the Sequel \ but how they were elected to it, does not fo evidently appear. It was in this Parliament that the feveral Summons Which the King had fent to Lewelhn, Prince of Wales y to come and do Homage to him as his Vaffal and Sub- ject, were recited. Rymer in the Feeder a Anglic. Tom. IT. p. 68, u Walter Giffard, Archbifhop of York') Edmund Plantagertet, Earl of Cornwall, Son to Richard who was Brother to King Henry HI. and G;7- bert de Clare, Earl of Gloucefter. Mat. Weft. w Poftmodum ad no-vum Temflum Londini Nobi Lores Regni pariter con- venerunt, et faflo Sigillo novo, conjlituerunt Cuftcdet f deles et tnitiiftroi f yui Tbefaurum Regis et Pacem Rfgni fdeliter cuflodirer.t. Mat. Weft. Die proximo poft Patris ejus Sepu/turam Pater Robertus Kyi ward bey, drchiep. Cant. &c. afud r.wum T'tmplum con-venerunt, &c. et de djjenfu Matrn Regintf Jiatuerunt Cujiodcs Regni, &c. Walfing. N. Trivet. But our Author rnuft be milljken in his Archbifhop, lor Robert Kifattard- bey, though he had been named by the Pope at Rome to the See of Canter- bury in Qflobir before, yet he had not taken PolTelTion of it at that Time. It were the Nobles mentioned in the foregoing Note (*) that iffued out the Writ in the King's Nan:c, de Ptice Urgis, which is in Ry- Kfr's Feed, dated A"v, 2^. 8o *The Parliamentary HISTORY KingaW- or September 30, that Year. It feems as if this Parliament at Shrew/bury was call'd [ 87 ] with no other Intention, than to fhew the whole Nation that the King gave the Weljh Prince a fair Trial ; and that the Sentence againft him fhould be given by his Peers. David was a Baron in England ; and confe- quently eleven Earls and one hundred Barons were com- miflioned by the King to try him, who condemned the poor unhappy Prince to a moft {hameful and ignominious Death ; the Circumftances of which, all duly executed, are too fhocking to relate ; who will may read them in the Words of an old Hiftorian at Note c , p. 87. The Line of Cadwallader being thus intirely cut off, the Weljh Nation was wholly fubdued, and added a glorious Title to the Englijh Crown ; after many Attempts for ^^j^ f ta the Space of 800 Years, the Conqueft of it was re- England. ferved for our Edward the Firft, the braveft and the wifeft Prince that ever fat upon the Englijh Throne. * And it was certainly of great Benefit to both Nations, fays an Hiftorian x , for the miferable Contefts and bloody Mifchiefs which often happend between them were hereby w Walt. Hcmingford. Et tontigit btsc ViEltria A. T(cgni Regis En.Burml^^ on ~^ urm ^ a ^ ma ^ Place in Shropjhlre^ where they had rro other Convenience to fit in but a great Barn b . But why the King (bould chufe that Place rather than Sbrewjbury very near it, or any other in the County, is unknown. However, to afcertain the Place, the Statute of. y Vid. MadhS* Hiftory -of \\aExtbeqner, p. 656, Note fa) z I\'on, jeu general^ fid tanquam particular! tt ipefiali Par* fametito Chron. T. VVykes, p. "112. ' a Et fade tenuit Rex Farliamintum, fuum apud Lincoln, An. Dunft. k Lelandi Iti.u. of E N G L A N D. 91 of Attan-'Burnel, fo called, as printed in our Statute- King EdtwJ f. Books, jnuft have been made here ; it is called, in the old Editions, 13 Efhv. I. tho' it has no Date neither in the Preamble nor in the End of it ; but, amongft the Statutes made at Weftminjler 13 Edward, we find this recited in the Preamble to the Statute of Merchants ; and is exprefly faid to be made by the King and his Council, in a Parliament held at Afton-Burncl after Michaelmas, in the I ith Year of his Reign. We have another Authority in Prynne's Collections, p. 311, sV. where you find an Act in Favour of the Bifhop of Dur- ham, dated at Afton-Biirnel, October the fixth this Year. Nicholas Trivet^ alfo an antient Writer c , mentions two Parliaments, or two Meetings of the fame, in the nth of Edward I. pojl Fcftum S. Mich. Salopiae, where Da- vid was condemned ; and at Aflon-Burnel, poji Feftum S. Mich. alfo. By the Times of Meeting being fo near, it feems moft probable that the laft was only a Proroga- tion for the Convenience of a great Room. In the Year 1285 another Parliament was called to meet at IVeJlminjler after Eafter ; the Annals of f^aver- iey, ad An. 1285, fay the King marched in Proceflion thro' London to ~ff /r e/lminjier, 1 1 Kal. Mali, and imme- diately after mentions a Parliament held there, where Anno Regni 13. were made fome Additions to the anlient Statutes of the I28 $- Realm, which bear the Title of The Statutes ofJVeft- At lTeflm*JUr. ininfter the Second. The Act called Circumfpefte agatis was alfo pa/Ted this Seffion of Parliament in Confequence of the Clergy's Complaints, becaufe they thought their JurifdifHon abridged by fome former Statutes and Points to which you have their Complaints at large, printed in the Councils*', and you will find there likewife two other Sets of Complaints relating to the Proceedings of the King's Courts, with the Anfwers and Replies. This Statute of Circumfpefle, &c. was all the Relief they could get, but was by no Means adequate to their Defires. We meet with another Parliament, or a Prorogation of the laft, at ffinchf/ler this Year. The Annals of IVorceJler fay the King was at Winchcjlcr^ on the Feaft of the Nativity of the Virgin, Sfpf. 8, which is con- firmed c P. acg, 260. Nicholas Trivet died in 1318. Iliflerical Library, * trora the ReJUcr of C'ffard Difiiop of // 'wccjlcr. p2 The Parliamentary HISTORY King Edward I. firmed by M. Wefiminjler\ who alfo writes, That the Statute of Winton was then made ; but neither one nor other of thefe Authors mention a Parliament to be there sit that Time. The Annals of Waverley however are fomewhat clearer; and fay, That the King being at Wincbejler, about the Beginning of Oftober this Year, put out aStatute for curbing the Rogueries of Thieves 1 . [ 88 ] The next Year King Edward went over into France, on fpecial Occafions, which detained him three Years in AnnoRegni 17. that Kingdom. In his Abfence we find that a Parlia-t 1289. rnent was held at London^ in February 1289, wherein . John de Kirby, Lord-Treafurer, demanded, as he faid, '"' by the King's Orders, an Aid for the King's Charges in France. But the Parliament anfwered, by the Earl of Gloucefter, their Spokefman, ' That they would grant * nothing unlefs they faw the King perfonally prefent.' Hereupon the Treasurer impofed a Tallage on the Ci- ties and Boroughs of the King's Demefnes u . At his Return, which was in dugujl 1289, his firft Care was o Re ni 18 to re ^ orm ^ evera l Abufes introduced in his Abfence, par- ' nn Jl g|" 1 * 'ticularly in the Adminiftration. To that End he called a Parliament, foon after his Arrival, to meet at Wefl- ' minjler in 'January following; where the Neceffity of reforming fuch great Abufes being propounded, the. Judges were all had under Examination, .&nd, upon a plain Proof of their Extortions, they were fined to pay TheTud es fined thefc ^ ollowm g Sums : for Extortion. Sir Ralph de Hengham, Chief Juftice of the King's Bench, 7000 Marks w . [ 89 ] Sirjoba Lovetot, Juftice of the Common Pleas, 3000 Marks. Sir William Erampion^ Juftice, the fame Sum. Sir Solomon Rochejler, Juftice of Affize, 4000 Marks,, Sir Richard de Boyland, 4000 Marks. Sir Thomas Sodington, 2000 Marks. Sir Walter Hoptw^ 20CO Marks. The four laft were itinerant Juftices. Sir William de Sabam, 3000 Marks, Robert Lithcbury, M after of the Rolls, looo Marks, Roger. * Rex in Prir.dpio Menjls Celebris apud Wyntoniam Statuta quadara edidit ad rcfrxnandum Larronum irfidias. An/Wavcrl. u Cbron. T. Wykes, p. 117. ' ' Chran. C T. J'/jkct, p. nS. Cbron. de DurfaMc. Daniel's Hiflorj. */* ENGLAND. -Riger Leicejler, 1 000. Henry de Bray^ Efcheator and Judge for the Jews , 1000. Sir y^/tftf* uia Emptores Terrarum, &c. dated atKingfaw Prelatis, Comitis, et Barents, eliifquc Noktlibm firis, Jiis ad dilum Regnum vendicantibus, &c. Rot. 4e Supericritatt Regii Anj. in Turrt Lond, Vidt Brady's Complete Hijlory, 1F1. II. p. 19. Rabat Surnet, f ENGLAND. 101 * dom of Scotland?' Who prefently, publickly, openly, Kin S have given us a Proof, that Ed-ward's Claim to Su- premacy over Scotland was not well grounded : For, ex- cept the Homage done by William^ the Scots King, to Henry II. as mentioned before, there was never any other Proof of Homage made by the Kings of Scotland for the whole Nation. As a Teftimony of this, the Col- f Baliol was defcended from the eldeft Daughter of David Earl of Hun- tingdon, wheieas Bruce fprung only from the fecond. TheCuftom, as well of England as Scotland, was, tha' the Defcendant of the eldeft Daughter, tho' more remote, was preierabJe to a neaier coming fiom the youncer. Brady. Salva Jure ejufdem Domini Regis Angliae, et Hcfredum fuorum cum. voluerunt inde loqui, Rymer't Fadera Anglia;, Tom. II. p. 589. h Apud Novum Caftellunn fupcr Tynam, in Aul Palatii ifjius Dcmiti Regit infra Caftruw ) &c Ibid, p, 593. of EN GLAND. 103 Collection aforefaid gives us an Inftrument, whereby weKingFiftvWL find that Edward's High Chamberlain having demanded of Baliol the Fees due from the Vaflals when they did Homage, there was no Precedent of them to be found; So that Edward was forced to call a Parliament at IVejl- minfler foon after, where, by their Advice, he fixed the Fees at Twenty Pounds Sterling; which was double the Sum paid by an Earl on the like Occafion '. It was not long after this that Baliol found the bad Effe&s of his Subjection, being often furnmo'ned to ap- pear before Edward in Perfon, on the bare Complaints of private People ; by which he was become rather the abfolute Slave than VafTal to the King of England. And, in a Parliament held about Michaelmas 1293, this King of Scotland was obliged to ftand at the Bar, lilce a private Perfon, and anfwer to an Accufation brought againft him, for denying Juftice, and imprifoning the Earl of Fife k . This was a great Mortification for a Crown'd Head, but [ 97 ] Edward was bent upon {hewing him, by this Conduct, what he was to expect from him for the future. Baliol^ in Plea to the Accufation, alledged that, as it concerned his Crown, he could not anfwer to it without firft advi- fing with his Subjects l . This Excufe not being deemed valid, the Parliament ordered that three of his principal Catties ihould be feized into the King's Hands till he gave full Satisfaction m . The Englijb Authors affirm, that, before the Sentence was pronounced, Baliol pre- fented a Petition, acknowledging the Sovereignty of the King of England over Scotland^ and praying Edward to allow him Time till he could confult his Parliament n . As foon as he had ftoop'd Ib low as to petition, his De- mand Rymcr's Fted. Tom. II. p. 600. A Copy of this Award is ajfo amongd the Parliamentary Records, in Lord Wilmington s Copy of them, from Rot. clauf. 22 Ed-a>. 1. m. 8. dorfo. fc Buchanan pretends that it was by Accident that Halizl happened to be in that Parliaments His Words are, ' As Baliol was casually fitting by * Edward in the, and when he was called would have * anfwe.ed by a Prowler, it was denied him, fo that he was forced to rife * from his Seat, and to plead his Caufe trom a lotver Place.' Buchanan's Hiftory of Scotland 1 The whole Procefs, after the Summons, of this Matter, relating to Macduff, the Son of Malcolm Earl of fife, is at large in Rj/efs Pladta -.'.aria, m TI.e (Jaftles we u The Petition Council, and dclive 92, C7c. c thofe oijcdburgb, Berwick, and Roxlurgb. Rymer. : as made by his own Mouth, before the King and ed in Writing. The Form of it is in Rylty\ Placit* 59, iu r.iencli, tranllsteci bjlyntl, Vol. 11. p. 76. 104 73* Parliamentary HISTORY King Ed-ward l. mand was granted, and a certain Day was affigned him to appear. The Scots King went back into his own Country, but fo incenfed at the Affront he had received, that he was bent upon trying all Means to free himfelf from fo intolerable a Yoke. But, while we are thus attending Scots Affairs, we jnuft not forget the Englijb ; and we find in our Statute Books fome Laws that were made in the Year 1290, 2O Edw. I. The firft is The Statute of Vouchers, &e. by his Counfel or- dained, that from henceforth, that is, from the Feaft of St. Hilary, the 20th Year of his Reign. Sine Loco. 2. Statute of Wafte.The King in his full Parlia- ment holden the Day after the Feaft oi Purification, the 20th Year of his Reign. Sine Loco. 3. Statute of defending Right. Done in full Parlia- ment, Monday next after the Feaft of Purification, the 20th Year of his Reign. None of thefe Statutes mention the Place where they were made. There are two Adts of State, in Rymer, of this Year ; the one of Jan. 2, the other of March 26, both dated at Weflminjler ; but whether in the Time of this Parliament or not, is uncertain. There is alfo, in the Margin of the Manufcript of the Annals of Dunjlable, from which T. Hearr.e publifhed his Edi- tion, [p. 598] a Memorandum to this Purport, Hoc placitatur cor am Rege, et in Parliamento fuo Termino Hi- larii, An. 20 Ed. I. Rot. 14, which agrees with the above Dates, as alfo with what is quoted from Ryley, at Note y [p. 90, 95] above a ; and this is all the Information we can get from old Hiftorians about this Parliament. The next Year, which was the 21 ft of Edward I. 1293, we have fome Evidences of another Parliament being held, wherein two other Statutes were made, as appears by Rajlell : One, the Statute of Perfons to be put in Affizes, in his Parliament holden in the Term of St. Michael, the 21 ft of his Reign ; the other, the Sta- tute of Trefpafles in Parks, in his Parliament after Eajler, in the 2ift Year of his Reign, at the Inftance of the Nobles of the Realm. The Annals of Dunjlalle mention this Parliament held after Eafter this Year at London ; and The. Wykes a Sec alfo Note i [p. 96, 103]. fpeaks of ENGLAND. fpeaks of a great Aflembly, Colloquium^ at the Time. The other Hiftorians are filent. Mr. Ryley indeed gives us feveral Pleadings, which he fays were in a Parliament held this Year, after Eafter^ apud Lon- don, in Manerium Arcbiepifcopi Eborum ; but fince Par- liaments about this Time come fo faft upon one another, we know not what to fix on for thefe Tranfactions * In the 22^ Year of this King we meet with another Parliament, or great Aflembly, which was very remark- able in its three diftinct Summons b . The firft to Weft- niinjler, foon after l^hitfuntide^ to the Nobility ; the fecond of the Bifliops and Clergy at Wefiminfier, in Fejio S. Matthxi ; and the laft, in Crajlino S. Martini, of the Laity. The Writ for fummoning the Clergy is extant in the Public Afts^ Tom. II. p. 652, dated at Portfmouth, Auguji 19, this Year ; wherein not only the Bifhops and Abbots, but the whole Convocation were fummoned. Our oldeft Hiftorians mention this Parliament with feme Variation ; the Times were very much confufed, and confequently the Writers of them could not be much better. Probably the Scots Wars, which began about this Time, occafioned this Inconfiftency amongft them ; and as thole Wars are very connective with our Parliamentary Hiftory, we {hall follow them as clofely as the Nature of our Subject will bear. "John Baliol* the new King of Scotland, was greatly incenfed againft King Edward for his laft ill Treatment of him, as has been laid, and therefore rcfolved to {hake off his Yoke as foon as poffible ; and about this Time an Accident happened which encouraged him greatly in his Revolt. The King of France had, by a Stratagem, feized up- on the Diftrict of Guienne^ in Normandy^ on fo flight an Occafion as a private Quarrel betwixt fome Englijb and French Mariners. Edward acquainted this Parliament with the Lois of Guienne, and the ill Ufage he had re- ceived from the French King. "John, King of Scotland, was prefent at this Parliament ; and, when they were told by Edward's Ambafiadors the {huffling Anfwers [ 98 ] they had from the French King, it was unanimoufly icfolved. a Rf/t/s Pla:ft. Parl. p. 1 14. fc Archbifhop Wake. Circa Pentccojhn, Annales ffj-gcrn. io6 T&e Parliamentary HISTORY King Edward I, yefolved to recover the Duchy of Guitnne by Force of Arms P. John Baliol himfelf granted to Edward, to- wards the Expence of this War, the Revenues of his Paternal Eftate in England for three Years ; a Copy of his Countenance only for that Time. For, S*W revolt* j Notwithftanding this Conceffion of the Scots King, he hoped for greater Advantages from this Rupture; and accordingly he concluded a fecret Alliance with the King ofFrane/t and promifed to invade England as foon as Edward tranfported his Armies abroad. Edward got Intelligence of this Plot, contrived againft him at Paris, by Means of Prince Edmund his Brother, who was juft returned from thence; and therefore the King afked an Aid from both Clergy and People, to enable him to raife Forces to withftand thefe dangerous Enemies. On which the Laity readily gave the King a Tenth of all their Goods, except fome fmall Jewels ; but the Clerey more liberally and chearfully d gave him one Half of theirs, indiftindly, according to the Taxation made by the Bifliops pf Wmcbejler and Lincoln. The Merchants alfo of the Realm contributed a Seventh of their Goods for the fame Purpofe c . This liberal Grant to the King from the Clergy did not, however, fave them from further Depredations ; for, very foon after, he made a Seizure of all the ready Money and Treafure he could find depofited in Churches, Monafteries, &c. throughout England in one Day f ; by which he muft have amafled a vaft Sum : And being flufhed with thefe Acquifitions, Edward defied all his Enemies ; and fent two Dominican Friers into France^ to renounce all Homage to the King thereof, which was due to them from the Kings of England, fince the Time of the Conqueft. The original Meflage in French is in the Public Aci^ ad Ann. 1294, but without any Date. Other Writers, and thofe Monks too E , tell you that the Clergy were not fo free in making fo large a Grant as ? Mt. Weftminfler, fub loc Anno. ** Liberal! ter & gratanter. Annaies 1. ygorti. p. 515. de Dunftalh, p. 6az, 623. f Htaangfard, p. 43, ' a d An. 1203, 4. Die Juiii, hera 3*. The King fe'zed all their Wool alib, and kept it till it was redeemed at a fixed Mat, Wejlminjler. Annal. Wygwn* ^ENGLAND. 107 as the King demanded of them ; but that when were debating about it, a certain Knight, called Sir John Havering, vho had been Governor of Guienne, came amongft the Clergy, as they were fitting in the Monks' Hall at IVejlminjler, and faid, by Authority no doubt, 4 Reverend Fathers, if any of you dare to contradict the ' King's Commands in this Bufinefs, Jet him ftand forth * in the Midft of this Affembly, that his Perfon may be 4 known and taken Notice of, as a Breaker of the Peace * of the Kingdom.' At which Words they all fat filent, and made no Oppofition to the King's Demand, as they had often done in the Time of his Father. They had the Courage, however, on the Credit of this extraordinary Grant, to afk the King foon after for a Repeal of the Mortmain A61 ; to which the King anfwered, That it was done in full Parliament, and could not be repealed but in another h . In the Courfe of this Parliament and of fome prece- ding, we do not find many Traces of what different Members they were compofed, the Writs for calling them being loft. The lower Order being moftly com- priz'd in the general Word Populus ; fo Magnates, Clerus 9 et Populus, contains all the three Orders, as delivered down to us by our Monkifli Writers. Prynne, in his P^egifter, Part II. p. 31, mentions two Writs from the King to the Sheriff of Northumberland ; [clauf. 22d of Edw. L m. 6. dorfo] the firft dated Ofl. 8, at Wefl- minjler, to fend two Knights ; the next* O^u^r 9, ibid. to fend two more Knights, who were to be at Wejlmin- fter in Graftino 5. Martini ; but no Mention of Citi- zens or BurgeiTes. Dugdale, in his Summons to Par- liament, p. 7, has publifh'd the lame Writs with Prynne^ and from the fame Rolls, but in different Words ; for he cxprefly fays, Et de qualibet Givitate, ejufdem Comitatus, duos Gives, et de quolibet Burgo duos Bur- genfes. If this laft be right, it is fome what ftrange that Mr. Prynne fliould mifs it, who collected every Thing that l> Walter Hemlngford, p. 52, &t. ConJiHo Mjfrnatum faorum fafiunt trat t el uieo ably; tor um Conjih'o non erat re-vocandum, It is fo'd that William Montford, Dean of St. Pjul's, had prepared a Speech to work the King to a milder Resolution. The Man feem'd to be very well wtvn he cume to Court ; but alter he was brought into the Fre- fence, and had be2 un hjs Harangue, he : .xpircd, Mat. io8 The Parliamentary HISTORY .that was in Favour of the Houfe of Commons relating to the Antiquity of that Houfe. - But to return to the Hiftory of Scots Affairs. - King Edward, as we have faid, having got this large Supply from his People, inftead of France, intirely bent his Mind on the Conqueft of Scotland, which would be of much greater Importance to him than the other. But to prevent the King of Scotland's Defigns, he demanded of him the three Cafiles aforementioned, which Balicl, to amufe and gain Time, actually delivered him s . So fays an A6t of State in Rynier ; but, notwithstanding that, it does not appear that the King of England had thofe Caftles in Porte/lion till he had conquered all. - Hemingferd, who is very particular in this TranfaiEtion, tells you the Demand of them was defpifed ; and gives us a Copy of the Refignation, or Difclaim of Homage, which he fays was delivered to King Edward zt Berwick, after he had taken that Fortrefs by Force of Arms. And being now affined of his Revolt, Edward loft no Time with him, but marched his whole Army directly for Scotland; and ' Baliol, being certain of ArTiftance from France, bids Defiance to King Edward, renounced his Oath and his Allegiance, as unlawfully promifcd ; al- ledging that it was not in his Power, without the Con*- fent of the States, to do any fuch Acts. I 99 J ' And now, fays an Hiftorian 1 , began the Contefts ' between the two Nations, which fpilt more Chriftian * Blood, did more Mifchief, and continued longer than ' any Wars, that we read of, between any two People ' in the World : For all the Kings which fucceeded for * three hundred Years together, even to the blefled ' Union of them by King James I. had their Share more ' or lefs in this Quarrel. And though England, being ' much the greater and ftronger Nation, had the good ' Fortune often to overcome, yet it was with fo great ' Expence of Blood, Time, and Treafure, that what * (he got coft more than it was worth, and was fooa fc loft again ; the Scots being never fo fully fubdued, but * that they were foon for recovering their Liberties again, ' and that with Succefs. So that Providence may feem ' to decree no Union firm between thel'e two Nations, that * See RymeSs Feed. Tom. II. p. 692. Waller lltmirgford, p. 83, 84. Xicbvlas 1 rivet. 3*tr.. Dtiniil in Kennet. ^/ENGLAND. 109 that was made by Force, but by the milder Way of KingWHwrfl. * Peace and Succeffion.' We (hall purfue thefe Scots Wars no farther than is But ;, t gai ftte . confiftent with our Defign ; fufficient it is to fay 'that duced. Edward, in a very fmall Space of Time, over-run all Scot/and, and reduced Baliol t with the reft of the No- Anno Regni aj bility, to fue to him for Peace. After which he called a 12 95* Parliament to meet at London the fame Year, in order At London. to treat with two Cardinal Legates, who were fent from Rome to compofe the Differences, if they could, be- tween England, France, and Scotland, then fubfifting, and ftop the Effufion of more Chriltian Blood amongft them. Several old Hiftorians mention this very Parliament, tho' not at all touched on by the new. The Annals of Dunftable tell us, That a Parliament was held at Lon- don, on the Kalends of Augujl this Year, in the Pre- fence of the Legates. Heminpford is ftill more particu- lar ; for he fays, at which Day, [viz. Feflum S. Petri ad yincula~\ the King, with his Great Men, as well Clergy as Laity n , called particularly on the Occafion, met thefe Cardinals, and received them with great Joy and Honour. The Annals of IVorceJier alfo mention a Parliament at London that met on the Day abovefaid, on Account of the Cardinals ; and, laftly, in Sir Wil- liam Dugdale's Summons to Parliament, you have thofe to the Barons, at this Time, to meet on the firft of Augujl, and dated apud album Monajlerium, l^Dle Junii, Anno Regni 23. It was the whole Bufmefs of this Parliament, as far as we can find, to meet thefe Cardinals, and hear what they could fay in relation to pacifying the Differences, then chiefly fubfifting bet ween the Crowns of England and France ; for Scotland was very near a conquered Country at that Time : But all their Labour was in vain ; for tho' they came over with three Proportions, either for a Peace, a general Truce, or, laftly, for a Ceflation of all Hoftilities at Sea, till Articles for a Peace could be framed, they fucceeded in no Part of the Bufmefs they came for. They were told that the King of England had entered into a ftrir, Alliance with the Emperor, and fome a His Words are, Ortnes Megrwu, text Cltri qt:em Pof.u!r t p. 63, JIO Tie Parliamentary HISTORY fome Flemifo Princes, againft France; and therefore, without their Content, he could do nothing . The fame Year, 1295, another Parliament was call'd, I2 95- or it was by Prorogation of the laft, to meet at J^eji- mlnjier about the Feaft of S. Martin in Hyeme ; and there is in Dugdale the Summons of the Archbifhop of Canterbury, the Bifhops and Prod-ors of the Clergy, to meet as above, on the Sunday after S. Martin, tejle Rege apud Wengham, 30 Die Sept. The Writs for fum- moning all the Members to this Parliament are ftill ex- tant p ; and Prynne has given us the particular Writs for calling the Knights, Citizens, and BurgeiTes to meet at the fame Time q . But, it being Winter, and, as we fuppofe, the more diftant Members not being able to get up, they were further prorogued to the Sunday bc- ibre St. Andrew following r . The only remarkable Thing which happened in this Parliament, was a Difpute between the King and the Clergy about Taxes. The jfnnals of IVoreefter are very particular as to what paffed between the King, the Archbifliops and Clergy, on this Occafion ; and, prin- cipally, on the Care the King took to fecure the Payment of the Taxes laid on the Poffeflions of the Alien Clergy in England. Mat. Wejlmlnjler is yet more exact than the former Authority ; for he writes that, on the Eve of St. Andrew, [Nov. 29] the King met his Clergy, Great Men, and Commonalty 3 , afiembled at Wefiminfltri when he told them his Wants, the prefent State or" Af- fairs, and afk'd a fufficient Supply for the Defence of the Kingdom. The Barnns, and others of the Laity, very readily granted the King an eleventh Part of their Goods, as the Year before they gave a Tenth ; and of the Merchants he had a Seventh, inftead of a Sixth granted laft Year. The Archbifhops, with the reft of the Bifhops and Clergy, went by themfelves, and de- bated of this Matter, when they unanimoufly agreed to allow the King a Tenth of their Spiritual Revenues. This they offered to the King; but it was refufed, and there- Mat. Weftminfter. fxb bcc Anno. P See Brady on Boroughs. Willis '& Kotitia Parliament aria, q Prynne%Pariimntntarf Rcgifier, Pait II. p. 30. Dated at Canter- kury, OHober 3. * Dugdale s Summon, p. 10, u. Dated at Odimere, November 2. Acctrfito Clcrtf Mzgnattbxiy et Po^ulo, M. Wdtmiufter. ^ENGLAND. in therefore they retired to confult further about it. The King Wrrfl, King obferving their Obftinacy, fent the Chief Juftice of the King's Bench, with the reft of his Brethren amongft them, who faid, * My Lords the Bifhops, the King ' commands you to give him a Third, or at leaft a * Fourth, of your Spirituals ; for what you have offered * he will not accept of: Therefore, come down and obey ' the King's Command.' But the Biihops and Clergy were obftinate, and ftuck to their firft Propofal j nor did they yield when the Lord-Chancellor was fent to them from the King on the fame Errand ; fo that Ed- wardy rinding them inflexible, was glad to accept their Gift to him on their own Terms. This laft, and fome former Teftimonies of the Clergy's Stubbornnefs, in difputing his Commands, gave Edward Reafon to think that he mould never rule them, without putting ftronger Curbs into their Mouths than had hitherto been. Accord- ingly we find that fomething very confiderable that Way was now done ; for, in the Councils of this Year, there is the Writ for fummoning the Archbifhop of Can- terbury to this Parliament with the Pramunientes Claufe in it; which, according to Archbifhop Jf^ake^ was the firft Time it had been ufed in Forms of that Nature. - But to return again to Scots Affairs. King Edward, after he had thus fettled Matters in Anno Regal 14} the South, turned his Eyes Northward again, and fum- "9 6 * moned another Parliament to meet at Berwick on the 24th of Auguft, 1296, in the 24th Year of his Reign. As this Parliament was called to a Town on the Con- fines of both Kingdoms, fo was it defigned to fettle and fecure his new Conqueft of Scotland upon the moft laft- ing Foundation. Accordingly a very numerous Affem- bly of the Englijh Nobility and Gentry appeared on this extraordinary Occafion. Thither came alfo the Scots Nobility, and did their Homage and Fealty to him in a mofl fubmiffive Manner; binding themfelves by Letters Patent, figncd with their Seals, to ferve him faithfully againft all Nations, and to come to his Afliftance at any Time and Place he mould require them : Moreover, they all, upon the bleffed Evangelifts, folemnly fwore to obferve all this before the whole Englijh Parliament. The Form ef thefe Letters Patent, which were fworn to JI2 *Ihe Parliamentary HISTORY King Edward I. to fifigly by all the Scots Nobility, is preferred by Henry Knyghton, Canon of Leicejier u , in the old Norman or French Language, which we judge deferves a Place in our Hiftory j and the rather, becaufe we find them ta- ken Notice of by few other Hiftorians.- The Tranf- lation of it is as follows ; [ 100 ] To all thofe whom tbefe Letters fnall either fee or bear, &c. Greeting^ The Oath of T)Ecaufe that we are at prefent under Subjection to* xTn'V^W ' 4-5 the Thrice-noble Prince, and our dear Lord, Sir fcy^ll thTsve/j' Edward, by the Grace of God, King of England* Peers, before the ' Lord of Ireland, and Duke of Aquitain, we do faith- Parlu- t f u j]y p rO mifc, f o r ourfelves and for our Heirs, uport * Pain of Body and Eftate, that we will ferve him truly ' and loyally againft all Manner of People that may * live and die, whenever We (hall be required or com- * inanded by our laid Lord the King of England^ of * his Heirs ; that we will hinder him from Damage * as much as we can, and fet upon his Enemies with all * our Forces wherever they may be found. And to the ' End that we may firmly keep and hold thefe Prefents, * we do bind ourfelves, our Heirs, and all our Goods j * and we have fworn to this upon the blefled Evangelifb. * Befides, all we that are prefent, and every of us fepa- ' rately, have done Homage to our Lord the King of ' England in thefe Words i IF Will le true and loyal, and bear true Faith and Allegi- * ance, to Edward King s/"Ene;land, and his Heirs, and ferve him ivith Life and Limb, and do him all earthly Honour, againft all Manner of People that may live and die ; and from henceforth I will not bear Arms, nor be (tiding in Counfel, againft him, or againft his Heirs, on any Caufe who tfo ever. So help me God and all the Saints. In Witnefs of thefe Things we have made thefe Let- ters Patent, and fcaled them with our Seals. Given at Berwick upon Tweed, this 28th Day of Au~ gnft, in the Year of the Reign of our faid Lord the King of England twenty-four. The De Eventibus Anj.liae, inter Decem Script, col, 2482. They are alf in the Feed, /Ing. Tom, II. p, 718, -of ENGLAND. 113 The Charter of Robert Bruce, and fome other Lords, King Ed-ward I, begins thus : "To all tbofe to whcm thefe prefent Letters foall come, or hear; Patrick Earl cf March rfWDunbar; Gilbert C 1OX 3 de Umfreviie, Earl and where it feemed to have made. more Noife. We have a great deal about it in the Collection of the Afta inter Bonifacium Pont, et Philippum Regem ; which was printed at Paris, 1655, an Extract of which is alfo in Archbifhop Wake's Appendix. But this arrogant Power the Pope then afiumed, of exempting all the Clergy in Chriftendom from paying any fubfidial Taxes for the Support of the Government they lived under, was but of fhort Duration ; for this very Pope, foon after, by another Bull, explained away almoft the whole Force of this, and his Succeflbr, Clement V. in 1306, actually repealed it. But the Reader will foon fee what Difturb- ance this Bull made amongft the Clergy in this King- dom. For, The Day of the next Seffion being come, and the Parliament, with the Clergy, met, Robert de Wincbelfea y Archbifhop of Canterbury ', made the following Speech to his Brethren : My Lords, ' T T is very well known to you and all the World, The ArcUbiftpp L that, under the Almighty God, we have both a of Canterbury t Spiritual Lord and a Temporal one. The Spiritual oSn. D ' Lord is our holy Father the Pope, and the Temporal, our Lord the King. And though we owe them both 103 J Obedience, yet we are under more Subjection to the Spiritual. But, to do all that is in our Power to pleafe both, we are willing to fend fpecial Meflengers to our holy Father the Pope, at our own Expence, to defire that he would grant us Leave to oblige the King in this Matter ; or, at leaft, we fhall have an Anfwer from him what we ought to do. We do believe, that our Sovereign Lord the King is as fearful of incurring H ^ this jj6 The Parliamentary HISTORY King Edward I. this Sentence of Excommunication as we ourfelves can be ; fo, my dear Lords, we defire that you would fend fome felecl: Perfons out of your Body, to inform the King of this Matter; for we, who know how- much the King is incenfed, are quite afraid to deliver fuch a Meffage to him *.' However, the Clergy thought fit to fend two of their own Body, the BifJhops of Hereford zn& Norwich, to the King ; and there is a Copy of their Credentials in the Councils, under the Archbifhop's Seal, at the Requeft of the whole Body i?f the Clergy, dated 13 Kal. Feb. [Jan. 20] and immediately after we have the Denunciation of the Sentence of Excommunication by the Archbifhop againft the Infringers of the Ecclefiaftical Immunities, dated 14 Kal. Mar. The King puts But we find that the King was not fo much afraid of the Clergy out of tne Pope's Bull as the Archbiftiop pretended ; for he had rifa"es a Sr nofooner heard the Clergy's Anfwer to his Demand, Lands. but he thundered out an Excommunication, indeed, againft them all. He immediately put the Archbifhop, and the whole Body of the Englijh Clergy, out of his Protection and Defence ; and ordered that all their Lands and PofTeffions, throughout the whole Realm, Ihould be feized to his Ufe z . This Edid had the Con- fent of the Earls, Barons, and others who conftituted this Parliament, which continued to fit whilft all the Bifhops were excluded. The Chief Juftice of the King's Bench, John de Metingham, fitting in his Tribunal, fays Knyghton, pron6unced Sentence againft the Clergy in thefe Words : * You that are the Pro&ors, or Attornies, for the c Archbifhops, Bifhops, Abbots, and Priors, with the * reft of the Clergy, take Notice to acquaint all your ' Mafters, that, for the future, no Manner of Juftice { 104 ] ' ftall be done them in any of the King's Courts, on * any Caufe whatfoever ; but Juftice fhall be had againft * them to every one that will complain and require it of us !' O mirabile & inauditum, Auribus horribile ! cries the Canon of Leicefler ; and others of the Monkifti Writers of y IleiKinffcrd, Knygbton, &c. The laft Words of this Speech are, ffts cnim, {denies Indignationem ejus accenfam, iiercmur amnino talia nun" dare. * Fecit Rcxfigillari omnia Eccltfajiicorum OJlia Horrcorum, Mil. Weft, */* ENGLAND. 117 of thofe Times exclaim as loud againft this Proceed- King Edward I. ing b . The Miferies that the Clergy differed, along with their Archbilhop, on Account of the aforefaid Sentence againft them, were very great ; inlbmuch that a poor Vicar or Parfon, when they had Occafion to go abroad, were glad to cloath themfelves like Laymen, to pafs through the Country with Safety ; for if they were robbed or fpoiled on the King's Highway, they could have no Restitution or Redrefs. Indeed, the whole Bo y of them were (truck into a dreadful Panic by this Blow; but moftof them compounded the Matter with the King for a Fine, and received the King's Letters of Protection ; which muft have raifed a vaft Sum of Money in thofe Days c . But, before King Edward tranfported himfelf and his Army into Flanders.^ to profecute the War againft France, he fummoned all Men that owed him Service, and all others that were poffefled of Twenty Pounds a- year Lands, let them hold from whom they would, to meet him at London. They were to come ready pre- pared with Horfe and Arms to go over with the King, and this without any Excufe or Delay. The Summons was obeyed, and a very great Number of armed Men appeared on this Occafion d . It has been faid, that fome of their Leaders or Nobles then prefent thought [ xoc ] proper to reprefent to the King, that it was not advife- able for him to go abroad without being firft reconciled to the Archbifhop : That he took their Advice, and was ib far reconciled to the Prelate, that he made him Guardian to his Son the Prince, and, jointly with Sir Reginald Grey, left him Regerlt over England. But this is abfolutely falfe ; for Edward miftrufted him too H 3 much t> Kvygktcn goes on, and fays, Communls yi/Jlitia qvae cmnibut patere debtrit. :am Incolii quam Alienigcnis, quo Sfiritu xcfcio, CJero Chrifti de- negatur ; ancilaturque & frr-vit ac fu&fnattatur if fa Mater Ecclefia, qua folebot antiquitstt 1' :!i:s dwninari ; Pcdcs fuper Caput elcvantur, & qiue Jalcbat cuntf-ii folcndifcere, fimento Miferaticnis, jam a Mifericord'u Dei ntur & obfujLttur L'ir.braculo Crudclita:it. Knyghtoa inter Dcccm Scrip- tc.rcs, col. 2492. c iriHijKt Thorn, a Monk of S. Jugujlin's in Canterbury, fays, That their Monafcery compounded for zoo I. and zoo Quarters of Corn of difte- lent Kinds of Grain. Dictm Serif tom, col. 1965. The Archbirtiop flood out againft the King in this Matter ; left his Palace, and rctiied with two Servants only to Cbartbam. Linn. J Triwt and Hemingford, both Contemporary Hiitorians, call thi Meeting a Parliament, They were called to Lcattsn, Avgnfl i, 12.97. The Parliamentary HISTORY . much to grant him any fuch Power, as will better appear in the Sequel, and left the Regency in other Hands e . Neverthelefs, he reftored him all his Lay-Fees, Goods, fcsft. at the earneft Requeft of the Prelates of his Pro- vince f . Edward did not profper fo well in this French War a ltas he had . done in the laft> The Scot * t0 k thc Advan ~ tage of his Abfence to revolt ; and, under the Conduct of William Wallace, committed great Ravages in Eng- land. Things were not quite well at home neither ; Edward, before his Departure, had greatly difobligcd fome of his Lords ; of which Humphry de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, High Conftable of England, and Roger Bygot, Earl Marefchal, were the Chief. Thefe Great Men raifed an Infurre&ion in the King's Abfence ; by which Means, and by the Revolt of the Scots, the Peace of the Kingdom was much endangered. Anno Regni 25. The Occafion of this Quarrel is faid by fome Writers I4 97 to happen at a Parliament called to meet at Salijbury t At Salisbury. * n F*ft $ Matthiae, before the King went abroad ; at which Meeting the Clergy were totally excluded s . The King infilled that moft of the Nobility there prefent C *6 3 (hould attend him to the French War, but many ex- cufed themfelves ; whereat Edward being greatly mo- ved, he plainly told them that they fhould go, or he would give their Lands to thofe that would. The Nobles were very much offended at this Bluntnefs in the King ; and fome of the chiefeft, viz, the Earls of Hereford and Marefchal, told the King that they were ready to attend him if he went in Perfon, otherwife they would not go. The Marefchal added, that if the King went he fhould willingly attend him in his Wars, and take his hereditary Poll: in the Vanguard of the Army. But, fays the King, you Jhall go, whether 2 do or not. See Ryaier's Feed. p. 791, de Edwardo F i/io Beg:s Locum tenente in Anglia. f Thc Aft of Reflittition to the Archbi&op is printed in Prynnc's Par!, Reg. Vol. III. p. 721, f'ro.Ti ciauf. 25 Edia. \. m. iz, dated July 1 1, at Weftminjltri previous to which are Compofitions'of, and Frotedicns granted to, a great Number of the Clergy. g t babito Rex Parliamtnto cum juis Baronilvs, Clcro exclufo. Cbnn* Cul. Tbarn. inter Decem Scriptores, col. 1965. Dugdah gives us the Summons to this Parliament, to meet apud Sa- rum Die Dominica in Fijsa S. Matthije, Feb. 24, 1297. Tcjie S.ege afud "Welyns, Jan, z6. ^/ENGLAND. I am not fo bound, quoth the Earl, neither do 1 p to go without you. The King, then in a great Rage, faid, By God, Sir Earl, youjhall either go or hang. And, fc Sir King, by the fame Oath, replied the Earl, boldly, 1 will neither go nor hang. And fo they both left the King abruptly, without taking any Leave, and the Par- liament broke up without doing any further Bufinefs. Edward, after this, refolved to go over in Perfon, but the Lords then would not go along with him; fo haughty and ftubborn were the Nobility in thofe Days. Yet, not- withftanding the ill Correfpondence between the King and thefe Great Men at this Aflembly, it feems they agreed well enough how to proceed with the Clergy ; for an anonymous Chronicle in the Bodleian Library h relates, That the King, and his Barons and Knights there afiembled, pafled an Ordinance, That if the Clergy did not make their Peace with the King, within a cer- tain Time then limited, they (hould Jofe all that was already feized by the King, and it fhould not be lawful for any one, from thenceforth, to have any common Dealing with them. This fevere Ordinance brought many of them to their Compofitions immediately. But the Affair between the King and his haughty Barons deferves a little farther Difquifition. Several antient Hiftorians, fuch as Trivet, Hemingford, c5V. who were Contemporaries, relate the Story, which hap- pened in the Parliament at Saliflury, as above. This Difpute, with the Revolt in Scotland at that Time, per- plexed the King very much, and hindered his intended Expedition ; and there are in the Foedera feveral Letters to his Allies and Friends abroad, fent to excufe and in- form them with the Reafons of his Delay; fo that it was not till Auguft this Year that Edward embarked for France; leaving his Son, with fome other Lords, Re- gents in his Room. But before the King left England he took Care to inform all his Subjects of the Behaviour of the Barons to him, by circular Letters fent to all the Sheriffs, which related all that had pafs'd between them ; a Copy of which, in French, is in Rymer and fome other Hiftorians. Nor were the two Earls backward in {hewing their E.cfcntment againft the King, but published certain Ar- ticles fc Sec Archbiflicp Parliamentary HISTORY King Edward I. tides of Grievances in the State, which they expected fhould be redrefled by the King before they would join with him. Nay, they went further; for, on the King's Departure, the two Earls, Marefchal and Hereford, went to the Treafurer and Barons of the Exchequer, forbidding them, in the Name of the whole Community of the Realm, as well Clergy as Laity, to levy the Eighth Penny, given in the Parliament at St. Edmund f- lyiry, and denying that it ever was legally granted ! . Laftly, they applied to the Citizens of London to ftand by them k . To remedy thefe Evils, and to clofe up the Diffe- rences with the difcontented Lords in Time, the Re- Anno Regni 25. g ents thought proper to call a Parliament in Prince 1297. Ir Steward of the King's Houfhold, who were like to have gone into their Countries to have raifed Forces to com- pel the King, had he not voluntarily agreed to do it/ There are two Laws extant in our Statute- Books* that were made this Year; and one that is called the Statute de falfa Moneta, dated at Stebenbeath, now Stepney. Which la ft was certainly no more than a Royal Proclamation againft the Coiners and Venders, of falfe Money at that Time, when it was very current in the 0f ENGLAND. 12$ the Kingdom c . And it is as certain that feveral more Kin s Ed-ward i t Acts of State are put down, and printed as fuch in our Statute- Books, which were no more than Royal Edicts not authorized by Parliament. About this Time the Scots, ever ready to watch all Opportunities, whilft Edward was bufy in the South, again revolted, bred a great Difturbance in that King- dom, and brought the Englrjb Garnfons, left there, to much Diftrefs. The King found himfelf obliged, tho* in the Depth of Winter, to march againft them ; and therefore fummoned another Parliament to meet him at York. Our old Hiftorians call this Meeting a Parlia- ment ; and fay that it was called to meet in that City at Martinmas^ tho' no Writs of Summons for it are now extant, nor can we find any Account of what was tranfacted in it. The King went from hence to Ber- iioick, where, the Winter proving very fevere, he was obliged to ftay till the Spring Seafon before he could effect any Thing ; but very early in that Seafon Ed- ivard made another Inroad into Scotland, foon fubdued thofe refolute Spirits, and obliged them to fue to him again, in a moft fubmiffive Manner, for Peace. But before the King entered Scotland this Time, he ifTued out Writs for calling a new Parliament to meet at Lincoln d , which were dated at Berwick, December 29, to meet the fecond Sunday in Lent [March 13] follow- ing ; and moft of thefe Writs and Returns are now extant. The Summons to this Parliament are more numerous and more extraordinary than any we have yet met with ; for the King not only fummoned the Peers, Knights, Citizens, and Burgefles, (in which he directs the Members of the laft Parliament, if living and capable of that Service, to be returned) the Archbiftiops, and Bimops, with many of the Clergy, and the Judges ; but likewife directed Writs to the Chancellors of both the Univerfities, to fend from Oxford four or five, and from Cambridge two or three, de difcreticribus et in Jure fcripto magis expertis pnzdiflce Univerfttath. We have thefe Writs in Prynne's Parliamentary Regifter^ Part the VOL. I. I Firft, c Aino Gratia M.CCC. in 7 r igilij Pafchz, 5 Id. A p. Momta qua di- titur Pollards &f Crokards, & alft? fdlfa Moncta per Angliam probibentur. Mat. Weflm. d Mat. Weflmlnjlcr. Knyglton fays Stamford. The Statute di Ef- .iil>us was miie at this Time, Statutet at targe ; Anno 1301. Parliamentary HISTORY p. 345, and in the third Volume of his Collegians, p. 884. There are likewife the Returns from the two Univerfities, four from Oxford, not particularly named, and two from Cambridge, Simon de Wcldene, a Monk, and Hugo Samfon, Jurifferiti. They were all to meet at Lincoln on the O&aves of S. Hilary , or January 21 following : But the Writs for calling this Parliament, with the King's Reafons for it included, are fo extra- ordinary, that we chufe to give a Tranflation of the Subftance of them as follows c : After a Recital, ' That the King had granted the * Charter of the Foreft, and had affigned Commiffioners * in every County where there were Forcfts, to make ' Perambulations, and to report them to himfelf before * any Execution was done thereon, that his own Oath, * the Rights of the Crown, his Reafons and Claims, as * well thofe of all others might be faved ; and though * the faid Commiflioners had already returned to him * what they had done, yet becaufe the Prelates, Earls, * Barons, and Great Men of the Kingdom, in whofe * Prefence he would have his own and the Reafons of * all others propofed and heard, were not then prefent ' with him ; fuice there were others who were bound * with himfelf to obferve and maintain the Laws and * Rights of his Crown ; and farther, that thofe who * ought to propound their Reafons concerning this Mat- * ter, had no Notice of it, without whofe Advice a good * End could not be put to it : Therefore, becaufe this * Bufmefs might be difpatched without Delay, he was ' willing to have a. Conference and Treaty with the ' Prelates, Earls, Barons, and Great Men aforefaid, ' and others of the Community of the Kingdom , concern- * ing this Affair, and other arduous Matters touching * himfelf and the State of the Kingdom ; he therefore * commanded and firmly enjoined him the faid Sheriff * of Cumberland, to caufe to appear before the King at 'his Parliament at Lincoln, on the O&aves of St. Hi- * lary next coming, -two Knights of his County, viz. 116] ' T'bofe who came for the Community of the County by his * Precept to the loft Parliament, and alfo the fame Citi- ' zens and the fame Burgeffes for all the Cities and Bur- ' roughs within his Bailiwick - y and if any of them were* c From Prynne and Dugdale. ^ENGLAND. 131 dead, or infirm, then to caufe others to be chofen, and K i fl S Efaard I. come in their Stead j fo that they might be prefent at the Day and Place aforefaid, with full Power to hear and do what fhould be then ordained for the common Profit of the Kingdom.' Then the Writ concludes v/ith a Claufe of allowing the Knights and Citizens reafonable Expences in coming to, flaying at, and returning from, the Parliament; and with a farther Command to the Sheriffs, to make Pro- clamation in their Counties, That all thofe who would ' put in any Exceptions againft the faid Perambulations fhould appear before him, and exhibit them in Par- * liament.' Witnefs the King at the Rofe f the Jix-and- twentieth of December, in the eight-and-twentieth Tear of his Reign. The like Writs were fent to all other Counties of England, except Che/hire and the Bifhoprick of Dur- ham z . This is the Subftance of the Writ of Summons in Englijh, wherein the Reafons are given why the Per- ambulations could not be receiv'd and confider'd fooner : And the Writs to the Bimops, Earls, and Barons, were in the fame Form and Words, as to the Reafons of it, as thofe to the Commons. The King wrote alfo to the Commiffioners, that had made the faid Perambulations, to be at this Parliament, and bring with them thofe Perambulations, and all Things that concerned them. At the opening of this Allembly Roger de Brabazon* the King's Chief Clerk, or Secretary, and Privy Coun- fellor, made them an excellent Speech on the King's Behalf, to this Effect : His Majefty has ordered me to [ i 17 "| let you underftand, that whatever he hath done in his late Wars, hath been performed by your joint Confent and Allowance ; but that lately, by reafon of the fud- den Incurfion of the Scots, and the malicious Contri- vances of the French, the King hath been put to fuch I 2 extra- . f Rife Caftle in Cumberland, now the Bifliop of Carlijlts Palac. g Dr. Brady fays Cb(J)>ire only ; but it is his Miftake, for Durham fent no Members till the 2<;th cf Charles II. See Statutes at large. Tyrrel cbferves, that the Doftor hath, in his Introduction, drawn fome Arguments from this Writ, to prove that the King might antiently have caufed iL-hat Members be p/eafcJ to be returned, to Parliament : But that he had fully anf-.vered thofe Arguments, and prints the Writ Verbatim from the Record in Suppoit of ths contrary Opir.ion. Jjrnf, Vol. Ill, 132 The Parliamentary HisToRr King EdioarJl. < extraordinary Expences, that being quite deftitute of ' Money, he therefore defires a Pecuniary Aid of you, viz. a Fifteenth of your Temporal Eftates.' Here- upon the Nobility and Commons began to murmur, and complained grievoufly againft the King's menial Ser- vants and Officers, for feveral violent Depredations and Extortions. Afterwards they defired that the Liberties contained in the Great Charter mould remain for ever in full Force : Alfo they requefted the King that the Disforeftings, by which the richer Sort had encroached much upon the Poor, and which he had often promifed ihould be amended, might be now ordered to be done without more Delay. Thefe and fome other Articles, which they earneftly prefs'd the King to grant, protracted this Seffion feveral Days. At laft, fays our Authority s, the King perceiving that they would not defift from their Demands, nor would fupply his Neceflities without they were granted ; he anfwered, That he was ready to do what they would have him, and if they had any Thing elfe to afk it mould be granted. Then the Charter of Li- berties and that of the Forefts were again renewed, and fealed with the King's Seal. They were afterwards car- ried into every County in England^ and, when read be- fore the People, .the Sentence of the greater Excommu- nication, as ordained by the Archbiihop of Canterbury and the reft of the Bifliops, againft the Violators of them, was proclaimed amongft them. For this Confirmation of their Liberties, this Parliament granted the King a Fifteenth of all their moveable Goods, to take Place at Michaelmas following. But the Archbiftiop of Canter- bury again refufed to lay any Tax upon his Clergy, or on any of the Temporalities annexed to the Church, without a fpecial Licence from the Pope. Dr. Black/lone obferves h , ' That this Confirmation of the two Charters feems to have been the final and complete Eftablifhment of them; which, he adds, from their firft Conceffion under King John, Anno 1215, had often been invaded, and undeigone many Mutations for the Space of near a Century j but were now fixed upon an eternal Bafis, having in all, before and fince this Time, as Sir Edward Coke obferves, been eftablifhed, confirmed, Mat. WeHminJIer. b Ittroduftioa to Mtgna Cbarte, p, 74, *f ENGLAND. 133 confirmed, and commanded to be put in Execution, by King Ed-ward i, two-and-thirty feveral Acts of Parliament.' But how- foever Edward complied at this Time, we fhall find, in the Sequel, that he was not without Hopes of having an Opportunity of caflating thefe Charters, and entirely damning them for ever. That the Barons were the principal Inftruments to put Fetters on themfelves, appears from what Mr. Tyrrel obferves ; who, tho' no Friend to the Prerogative, has given us an Abftract from an old Manufcript Chronicle', [ 118 ] wherein the infolent Demands of the Barons run near as high againft this great and wife King, as they did againft his Father : For, fays this Hiftorian, the Great Council of the Nobility being continued, after the Commons were rifen, till towards the latter End of Lent, they be- gan to fall upon feveral rafh and imprudent Projects and Demands ; as, That the Chancellor, Chief Juftice, and Treafurer fhould be chofen and appointed by the Com- munity of the Kingdom ; which fo far provoked the King, that he returned them this refolute Anfwer : 7 Perceive you would at your Pleafure make your King The King's re- -^ truckle to you, and bring him under Subjection. fFkyhlute Anfwer to have you not afked the Crown of me alfo? whil/l at the^ Demand of r t-f- i i ft rf f t ' le Batons, to Jame Time you look upon that as very fit and necejjary for w hi c h they fub- y our f elves, which you grudge me that am your King : Fo. it is lawful for every one of you, as Majler of his own Fa- mily, to take in or turn out tuhat Servants he pleafes ; but^ if I may not appoint my Chancellor , Chief Ju/tice, "Jufti- ciary, and Treafurer ', / will be no longer your King ; yet if they, or any other Officers, /J)all do you any Wrong or In- jujlice, and Complaint be made of it to me, you Jhall then have fame Reafon to complain if you are not righted. This fo reafonable Anfwer of the King's made thofe afhamed that were for thefe Alterations ; and though feveral of them defired Trouble and Difturbance rather than Peace and Quietnefs, yet the major Part of the Nobility, feeing thefe Defigris to be vain and frivolous, humbly begged the King's Pardon for their Prefumption. The King and his Barons being thus perfectly recon- ciled, an elegant Epiftle, as Matthew IVeJlminJhr calls I 3 >'> I Mr. Tyrrel fhould have mentioned the Authority. 134 The Parliamentary HISTORY HM$ Edward I. it, was wrote to the Pope, fealed with one Hundred Seals, in order to prove the Right which the Englijh Kings had tb the Crown of Scotland, from the earlieft Times, againft the falfe Suggeftions, adds he, of the per-, jured Scots^ who had avouched otherwife. In this Parliament, alfo, the King created his eldeft Son, Prince Edward, Prince of IVales and Earl of fun] Cbefter\ to the no fmall Joy of the Weijb^ as this Prince was born amongft them. The Pope claims One great End of a Parliament's being called by the "f^'' n S st this Time, was to ^7 Before them a Letter . ^ e ^ a< ^ received from the Popej wherein his Holinefs claimed the Kingdom of Scotland as a Right belonging to the See of Rome k , as has been faid ; and for that Rea- fon, when he iflued his Writs for the calling of this Par- liament, the King wrote alfo to ibme of his own Clerks, feveral Deans of Cathedral Churches, feveral Arch- deacons, Officials, and others that had the beft Repu- tation for Lawyers in thole Times, to come to this Par- liament, for he fhould then have Occafion to treat par- ticularly, with Lawyers and others of his Council, about the Right and Dominion he and his Anceftors had to the Kingdom of Scotland. To the fame Purpofe he wrote alfo to the Chancellors of both Univerfities, to fend to this Parliament the moft expert and knowing Men in the Written Law. And, further, he lent his Writs to feveral Deans and Chapters, to feveral Abbots, Priors, and their Convents, to fearch their Archives, and fend all their Chronicles, in which was to be found any Thing relating to his Title to the Kingdom of Scotland. The Pope alledged, in his Letter, that the King of England^ both againft Reafon and Juftice, had made that Claim; for which he gave the following Reafons 1 : That King Henry III. had afked Aid of Alexander King of Scotland, againft Simon Montfort and his other rebellious Barons j and the fame King Henry acknow- ledged, by his Letters, that he fought not this Aid from the faid King Alexander, as a Service due to him, but meerly out of Favour. Secondly, When the faid King Alexander came to the Coronation of the faid King Henry, he came only as a Friend, and out of Kind- nefs, k H. Knygbton, col. 21529. I Dr, Brady, Vol, II. P . 71, from the Public Records of ENGLAND. 135 nefs, &c. And as Edward King of England^ after the King Ed-ward I. Death of Alexander, had attacked and fubdued the Realm of Scotland, for want of a Governor, to him- felr, he declared it was contrary to Juftice and the Liberty of tte See of Rome. And that the faid King [ 120 ] Edward had fupprefled all the Scots Bifhops, and held them under Subjection to him, againft the Conftitution of the Catholic Church in general, and the See of Rome in particular.' The King, by the Advice of his Parliament, returned this Anfwer to that Part of the Letter wherein the Pope commanded Edward to (end his Pro6r.ors and Mefien- gers to the Court of Rome, to (hew what Right he had to claim the Realm of Scotland, That be did not think Jit to fay any Thing to it him/elf, but that the whole Barony of England would write to his Holinefs^ that their King could not al in that Manner, nor refer a Right, which was fa clear and open t to -the doubtful Judgment of ano- ther Court m . However, the King himfelf thought proper to dif- femble his Anger againft the Holy Father, for this ex- traordinary Stretch of Papal Authority againft him; and accordingly anfvvered the Pope's Letter in a very fubmiffive Manner n . He was alfo very copious in the Declaration of his Right that he had to Scotland, and began his Claim from King Brute and his Trojans; and, no doubt, to amufe the Italians, who could not contradict it, carried his Title clear through the fabu- lous Hiftory of Geofry Monmouth, C3V. But the Lords were more explicit in theirs, and made out their Mean- ing very plain to his Holinefs ; which Letter, as it is The whole Ba- fingular in its Kind, preferred in the Collection of Public J on j4fls, and was entirely a Parliamentary Proceeding, de Sandale, Chamberlain. They alfo appointed eight Juftices in Eyre, half Scots, half Englijh, there alfo named, who were to prefide over four feveral Diftricts affigned them in that Kingdom. Laftly, they named all the Sheriffs for each County, and made many more Rules and Ordinances for the better governing this con- quered b We fuppofe the Ifles. The old trend is, Un de cea la Men, tt ua tutre dc la, Ryley, p. 243. of E N G L A N D. 145 quered Country, which were all confirmed by the King King Edwardl^ in this Parliament. The Whole of this Act, if properly introduced, would make a confiderable Anecdote in a general Hiftory of Britain. The Public Atts b have given us a Copy of the Writs, dated at Winchejler^ April 5, 1306, for fummoning an- other Parliament to attend there on the Morrow of the Holy Trinity [May 30] that Year. The Archbifhop of Canterbury was not called to this Meeting ; and it ap- pears by the fame Authority, and by a Copy of the King's Letter to the Pope, there inferted, dated at Wm- the/ter, April b, Reg. 34, that he was then in Difgrace c . Several other Letters confirm it alfo, but it will ftill be made more evident by the Sequel ; for it is necefiary here, in order to keep up the Thread of our Hiftory, to relate fome Fails which happened at this Time ; and though they are not ftrictly Parliamentary, yet they bear a ftrong Reference to what was done in former Parlia- L 12 9 J ments. King Edward had been long uneafy in his Mind, and looked upon the confirming the Liberties, contained in the two Great Charters, as a Diminution of the Royal Prerogative, as appears by a Complaint which he made to the Pope on that Occafion. ClementV. who expected to find his Account in difmtangling the King, made ufe of the Plenitude of his Power, and, by a Bull, abfolved Jjl! him, in Form, from all Oaths and Excommunications f m th/Oath which he lay under for the Obfervance of thefe Char- he had taken to ters d . And becaufe the Prelates had obliged them- felves, by Act of Parliament, to publifti an Excommu- nication againft thofe that broke the Charters, to avoid the Tenor of this Cenfure alfo, the fame Holy Fa- ther, in another Bull fent to the Bifhop of Worcejler % projiounces ail fuch Excommunications void and of none Effect. In the former Bull the Pope declares, ' That in Cafe the King had fworn to keep the Char- ters above-mentioned, yet fince he had alfo fworn, at his Coronation, to maintain the Rights of the Crown, it was reafonable a Regard fhould be had to this prior Engagement, and therefore his Holinefs gives him a VOL. I. K Releafe *> Tom. II. p. 986. c Rid. p. 9 gg. d Feed. Ang. Tom. II. p. 970. Pat, Lugdani, 4 KaL Jan. :t. fui Pr I4 6 'The Parliamentary HISTORY King Ww;s S. Hilarii. The Writ for fummoning Thomas Earl of Lan- tafier, with the reft of the Lords, is in Rjmtr's Feed, Tom. II. p. See Dugdales Summons, p. 50, 52. i De rfj/fifu Coipitum et Baronum* Mat, Weftminfter* Parliamentary HISTORY to prevent fuch Proceedings from that See k . In the fame Parliament fome Statutes were enacted, touch- ing thofe Religious Societies that had their principal Monafteries beyond Seas '. At this very Time it was that the Bifhop of Litch- field, High-Treafurer, put the King in Mind what a pernicious Favourite the Prince his Son had got of Pierce Gave/Ion, a debauched young Man ; and of the * bad Confequences that might enfue from that Familia- rity. Edward refolved to apply a Remedy, and there- fore, by the Advice of the Parliament, Gavefon was ba- nifhed the Realm, as a Corrupter of the young Prince. Moreover, the King caufed his Son to fwear never to Pime Gave/Ion recall him, and Gave/ion to fwear alfo never more to banifhed. return to England. Upon that Condition he allowed him a Pension of 100 Marks, to be paid out of the r ,2- n Duchy of Guienne m . This Favourite was the Occafion of much Difturbance in the fucceeding Reign. There came alfo to the faid Meeting a Roman Car- dinal, one Peter of Spain, fent as an Ambaflador by the Pope into England, in order to conclude a Marriage be- twixt the King's eldeft Son, Edward, Prince of Wales^ and Isabella, Daughter of the King of France, which, for the Sake of Peace between the two Crowns, had be- fore been projected by Boniface the laft Pope n . The King, on his Part, faid he was ready to ftand to the Agreement, if the French King would fulfill all the Ar- ticles k The Articles, feven in Number, drawn up againft the Court of Rome at this Time, arc in Rytys Placita Parliamentaria, f. 380 j and in Col- iier's EcdefiafticalHiJiory, Vol. I. p. 500. The fame Authorities alfo give . j1r/'! us a R emon ft rance againft the Oppreffions of the faid Court, which was ad Inft. 580; and in.Ry/y's Placita Parliament aria, p. 312. "> The Sentence, in old French, is in Rymer's F&Jera, Tom. II. p. 1043. Quidam Cardinalh Sabinenfis Petrus Hifpanus. Mat. Wejlminjler, It feems that the Bufinefs of this Cardinal was not fo much to conclude this Marriage, as to enrich himfelf by the Plunder of the Churches, (c. For the old Monk, of Wejlminjler tells us that this Cardinal, at his Return from Carlijle to London, produced a Bull, by which he was empowered to plunder, depilare Ecclejias Anglicanas, exacting from all Cathedral, Con- ventual, Regular or Irregular, Churches and Priories, Twelve Marks Ster- ling ; and from every Relory Eight-Pence from each Mark. 'Till at laft the King and Council thought fit to ordain, that the faid Cardinal fliould have no more than what was allowed to Cardinal Ottoboni, which was juil te Half of what the other demanded. ^ENGLAND. 149 tides on his Side. A fmall Caftle in Guienne^ which the Kin 8 Edwardl* King of France had not yet delivered up, obftructed the Marriage for this Time; and, though it foon after took Place, yet Edward never lived to fee it, dying this Year of a Dyfentery, at Burgh upon Sands-, in Cumberland^ The King's and left his eldeft Son, Edward^ Heir to his Kingdoms, Death. with all his Glories and all his Conquefts . It is out of the Courfe of thefe Parliamentary Pro- ceedings to attempt the Characters of any of our Kings, much lefs of this great and warlike King now before us. His Battles, Sieges, and Conquefts we leave to our more general Hiftorians to relate; and his political Capacity, in regard to his own Subjects, may be beft gathered from his Conduct and Dealings with his Parliaments through- out the whole Courfe of his Reign. It has been faid that this King gave the laft Sanction to the two Great Charters, whereby they were eftabliflied for ever : But we fear that, if he had lived to return from this laft Scots Expedition, he would have availed himfelf of the Pope's Bull of Abfolution, and at once have thrown off the Shackles he thought his Subjects had impofed upon him. That painful and voluminous Writer and Col- lector of Englifn Records and Hiftory, Mr. Prynne, has left behind him his Sentiments on this Matter, in which he has difplayed his true Proteftant Zeal againft Popes and their Bulls to fome Purpofe. We fhall give it in his own Words, without any other Comment or Ani- madverfionP. ' The King having now cruflied the Earls and Barons who had formerly oppofed and confpired againft him, with this Archbifhop, the Captain, chief Author, and K 3 Encou- o This Year alfo, according to the Archbifliop of Co/bet's Englijh Hifto- rica I Library, died our Contemporary Hiftorian, Matthew of Wejimlnjter t filled, for his admirable Collections, florilegutt There are feveral Statutes made at different Times, but whether in Coun- cils or Parliaments we know not : They are extant in the Statutes at largt, but are not taken Notice of by our Hiftorians, vix. Stat. de Prote&ionibus, at Wefimin- The Statute de Feoffatis, May 27, jler, AW. 18, 31 Edward I. 34 Ed-ward I. An. 1306. An. 1304, Articles of Inquifition on the Sta* A Definition of Confpirators. tute at Wmcbefttr fife. Statute of Champerty, Sep. 18, 1305. A Statute of amortiftng Lands, An Ordinance for Jnquefts. A Statute of Liberties, vjft, An Ordinance for meafuiing of Land. Ordinati'j Forefttf, cW. f Prynnis Partiamtntjry Recordi, Vol, III. p. 1097, 8. i 5 o TZtf Parliamentary HISTORY of their Con fpi racy, g)uia hujus IntefiintS Seditionis caufa, Jur amentum Regni fui Proceribus de ob~ fervandis eorum Privilegiis et Immunttatibus a fe preftitum ejfe fenferat ejus Religione ampUus non teneri, fed Papa it Authoritate folvi voluit : Qbtinuitque Rex a Domino Papa Abfolutionem a Juramento quod invitus pr&jliterat fuper cbfervantia Libertatum alias a Comitibus et Baronibus exattarum ; ufus Confuetudine et Cauteld Paternd (fcilicet Avi et Patris fu'i Regis Joannis et Henrici III.) qui quo- ties Injlabat Necefjitas de facili jurare voluit fe fatisfaftu- rum Fotis eorum > et eddem facilitate voluit re filer e quoties fibi Tempus commodius acciderit, pretendens femper Pa- palem Abjolutionem a preeftito Juramento : Qua Regum tarn fupina Cescitate^ papalis Juris diftio ad earn Magni- tudinem crevit^ ut Reges plus quam ^Egyptiaca Obfcuri- tate involuti, Papce tantum Authoritatis deferentes, quee- cunque vel firmijjima ac fanttiflima Jura atque Feeder a ea dijfolvi pojfe fape ad fuam et Regnorum Perniciem cre- debant. In Hebdomada Pafchee, fecit Rex public ari Bui- lam Apoftolicam fuper Abfolutione Juramenti pr&Jliti fu- -per de afforeftatione jampridem faftd et fervandd, ex- communicando Jus Jurandum illud fervare volentes^ dam- tiantes vero illud approbat et abfolvit. ' What could be more atheiftical, anti-chriftian, dia- bolical, fcandalous, deftruflive to Chriftian Religion, Public Faith, Honefty, Juftice, and human Society, than for this and other Popes, by their impious Bulls, to cano- nize profefled Perjury and Breach of folemn Oaths for a Chriftian Virtue, and damn the Obfervation of them for a moft deteftable Crime ? Yea, to excommunicate all thofe as unworthy the Privilege, Name, or Society of Chriftians. who made a Confcience to obferve their fo- lemn, facred Oaths ; and yet to approve, abfolve all thofe as moft innocent, meritorious Chriftians, who perfidioufly and wilfully violated them ? This letting loofe the Lion, and untying the King from the Cove- nant made with his Subjects concerning their Charters confirmed to them by his three laft A6ls of Parliament, "by abfolving him from his Oath, was an Ac!: of little Piety in the Pope, and of as little Confcience in the Kiiig ; who (as if he now fhould have no more Need of his Subjects) difcovered with what Sincerity he did it, is Samuel Daniel's juft Cenfure of, and Obfervations thereon 5 of ENGLAND. 151 thereon ; which unworthy A 61 God himfelf exemplarilyKing Archbifliop of Tork, Hugh de Courtney, Eiihops of Lincoln, Edmond Deyncourt, London, John St. Jokn, of Lageham 9 Geoffrey de Geynual, ChicheJJer, Exeter, Thomas de Furnival 9 Hereford, Robert de Tony, Salijbury, Thomas de Berkeley^ Llandaff, William de Brtwfe^ St. dfaph, Peter Corbet, Bangor, ^Bifhops ENGLAND. '53 BISHOPS. JSUhops of St. David's, Coventry and Litckfield, Bath and Wells. Norwich, Rochefter 9 Durham, Carlijlty Ely, WorceJIer, Wincbejier. 20. ABBOTS. Of St. Augujlin, in Canter- bury, St. Edmundjbury t St. Alban's, WeflminJIer, Waltbam, Evejham, St. Mary, at Ybrl t Peterborough^ Ramfey, lVincbecomb % Gloucejler y Brijlol, Of Furneys, Sawley, Alnivick 9 St. Ofttb, Glajtenbury, Selby, Cirencejler, Reading, Dale, Newbus, Croxton, Cockerfand, St. Radegound, Ticbfield, Torre, Holmecoltbram 9 Welbeck, Hales, New Minfter 9 yoreval, Fountaynes % Byland, jMaux, Kyrkejlall, Roche, Rufford* Valdieu, Grendon, Stanley in Arden % Pipewell, Combe, Bajingwerke, 48. Stowe adds the Names of fome other Abbots, of which the Record takes no Notice : Thofe are there- fore omitted. The King commanded the Bifliops to give Orders to their Deans and Chapters, and to the Clergy of their refpective Diocefes, to fend Proclors for the fame Pur- pofe ; all whofe Names are inferted in the fame Record, but too numerous to be recited. Writs alfo were iflued to the Sheriffs of every County, to fend for each Shire two Knights, for every City two Citizens, The Parliamentary HISTORY .King Ed-ward I, Citizens, and for every Borough two Burgefles, Ad dic- tum Parliamentum venire, ad Traftandum, &c, but theit Names are wholly omitted in the Record. f 1 16 1 ^e flowing Account of the Price of Provifions in this Reign, will help to afcertain the Amount of the Price of Provi- Taxes in modern Money. In the Year 1288 Wheat lions in this was fold at London for 3^. \d. a Quarter, when it was Rei S n> deareft; and in other Parts abroad for 20 d. 16 d. and for 12 d. the Quarter, and in the Weft and North Parts for Sd. Barley for 6d. and Oats for ^d. the Quarter. And in the Year 1299 a ^ at ^ c ^ was fold for I ^ d. two Pullets for i \_d. a fat Capon 2 ^d. a Goofe 4^. a Mal- lard i ^d. a Partridge i td. a Pheazant 4^. a Heron 6d. a Plover I d. a Swan 3*. a Crane 12 d. two Wood- cocks i \d. a fat Lamb from Chriftmas to Shrovetide ibd. and all the whole Year after for 4^. *. TAXES in this King's Reign. Taxes granted to TN his 4th Year, A. D. 1276, he had a Fifteenth JKjng&/w/- hoc Anno. i The Barons now ufed to come to Parliament, themfelves and Attend- ants armed ; there is a general Inhibition from the King, and a particular one to the Earl cfLancofter, to forbid this Pradtice. Feed. Ang. Tom. III. p. aoo. Mr. Tyrrel has quoted in one Page, Vol. III. p. 234., two Paffages from Hemingford's Chronicle, a MS. in his Time ; but his Quotations muft cer- tainly be erroneous, fmce, by the learned Dean Gale's printed Edition of that Author, that Hiftorian comes down only to the Year 1273, and the Peath of Henry III. Carte is guihy of the like Mi/lake, by quoting Hemingford, An. 1309, a Ed-ward II. k Brady 's After.dix, N. 53. of E N G L A N D. The Lords, who were aflembled, neglected not this Opportunity offered them-, and reprefented to the King, c That the Laws and Cuftoms of the Kingdom were ' not obferved, nor the late-made Ordinances regarded.* Upon which the King, to obviate fuch Reports, iflued out another Declaration, by which he commanded and firmly enjoined the Sheriffs of all Counties to proclaim in full County, and in all Cities, Boroughs, and Market Towns, and in other Places which they fhould think expedient, ' That it was his great Care and chief De- fire his Peace fhould every where be obferved ; and that all the Laws and Cuftoms of the Kingdom, ufed and approved in the Time of his Progenitors, and alfo all the Ordinances lately made to the Honour of God and Holy Church, and his own, to the Profit of him and his People, which were not to the Damage or Prejudice of him and his Crown, or contrary to the Laws and Cuftoms aforefaid, fliould be maintained and kept. Witnefs the King at York, Jan. 26 *. The difcontented Lords were then in London, and the King, fearing fome Difturbance might happen, fent an Order to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Common Council of London, l To fecure the City, fo as by the Meetings * of the Prelates, Earls, Barons, and others, there might ' happen no Hurt or Danger to him or the City m .' The Declaration and Order above availed nothing to better the King's Caufe ; nor another, wherein he fets forth, * That he was refolved to preferve the Rights of ' his Crown and Royal Dignity, the Peace and Tran- * quillity of Holy Church, and the whole People com- ' mitted to his Charge in all Things ;' and, in order to proceed amicably with the diffatisfied Bifhops and Ba- rons, and according to the Power referved in the Pro- teftation he made when he confirmed the Ordinances, the King appointed Commiffioners out of thofe Prelates and Barons he had with him at York, to treat with thofe of the Seceffion at London, about the Obfervation of the Ordinances, upon which were grounded all their Pretences of Difcontent ; and to reform and correct, by their good Advice, all fuch Things in them as were prejudicial or injurious to him, or contrary to the Form L 2 Of 1 Brady's Appendix, NO. 54. Idem, p. 113, x. Pat, Edw, II, P, II, m, 22* Tffle Rfee afud Ebor. Feb. S, 164 tte Parliamentary HIST ORY 'ti, Edward II, of the Commiffion, before granted, if any fuch {hould appear n . Farther DifFe- The Prelates, Earls, and Barons, who were then at rences between J^nfa^ excufed themfelves from treating concerning S 8 the Ordinances in the Abfence of the King, and fent him this Anfwer, ' That in his Prefence, whenever he ' pleafed to call them together, they would treat upon the Ordinances, and (hould be ready to do all Things ' according to his own Proteftation, and alfo according [ *47 ] 'to the Proteftation they made at the Time of publiih- ' ing thefe Ordinances .' It appears by the Dates of thefe Writs, Declarations, &c. that the King continued feveral Months in Tork 9 whilft thefe Difputes were in Agitation betwixt him and the feceding Lords. And thefe Tranfa'ctions, in feveral Circumftances, bear a ftrong Analogy to fome in a much later Reign, as the Reader will find in the Courfe of thefe Inquiries. Nor were the End of them Jefs fatal in one Reign than the other, fince they both terminated in dreadful Cataftrophies, the private Mur- der of one King, and the public Execution of another. The feceding Lords began now to pull off the Mafque> and to declare openly, that they would, by Force, drive Gave/ion from the King j and accordingly raifed an Army, over which, by common Confent, Thomas Plantagenet, Earl of Lancafter, was made General. After which they fent a Meflage to the King, worded humbly enough, ' That they befought him either to de- * liver Pierce Gavejlon to them ; or, as it had been or- 6 dained, command him inftantly to depart the King- ' dom.' The King, putting his Favourite's Preferva- tion on a Footing with his own, retired with him from York to Newcajile ; where the Barons and their Army followed them. From thence they went to Tinmoutb^ where the King taking (hipping, carried Gave/Ion with him to Scarbrougb, and placing him in the ftrong Caftle there, he himfelf left him and went to York. The Earl of Lan~ n The King's Commifiioners were the Bifliop of Norwich, John Salmon, Guy Terre, John de Crumbeivell, Hugh de AudUy, William Deynccurt, Hen- ry Spigurnel, Henry le Scroop, Knights ; the two laft Juftices ; and Tho- mas de Cobbam, Robert de Pickering, Walter de Ttorf, Gilbert de Middle- ton, John Fraunceyt, and Adam Brigfs, Cletks. Idem in Append. N. ; <:. Dated at York, March 8. Rjf/r/s Plac. Par. p, 541. of E N G L A N D. 165 Lancafler and his Army ftill followed them, and coming K, Edward II. before Scarbrougb Caftle they belieged it ; which, after fome Time, capitulating, Gavefton render'd himfelf upon They order Condition, * to (land to the Judgment of the Barons, ^ * and that he might once more fpeak with the King.' But now, having him at their Mercy, he found but a fmall Share of it from them ; for they foon after, with- out much Procefs, beheaded him, as a public Enemy to the Kingdom p . To clofe up this Man's Cataftrophe, take Mr. Daniel's Character of him in thefe Words : 4 He was a Native [ of Gafcolgny, and, for the great Service his Father had done to this Crown, was educated by King Edward I. with the Prince his Son, by which Means he gained fo great an Intereft in his Favour. He was a goodly Per- fon, of undaunted Courage, as he (hewed himfelf at a Tournament at W ailing f or d^ where he challenged the beft of our Nobility, and is faid to have foiled them all, which inflamed their Malice againft him. In Ire- land, during the fhort Time he was Lieutenant there in his Banifhment, he conquered the Rebels in the Mountains of Dublin, built Newcajile in the Kern's Country, and repaired Kauni Caftle, and afterwards pafled up into Munfter and Thomond, doing great Ser- vice to his Mafter with much Valour and Bravery. He feems to have been a Perfon who could not fawn or ftoop to thofe he loved not, nor difguife his Nature fo far as to temporize with his Enemies. But, pre- fuming upon his Fortune, he grew in the End to be arrogant and proud, and was fo intolerable, as no- thing but his Ruin, which it produced, could eafe the Subjects of that heavy Burden.' Gavefton being thus cut off, the Lords in the Confe- deracy lent a very haughty Meflage to the King, proudly demanding, fays an old Hiftoriani, that theirOrdinances ihould be confirmed and put in Execution, threatening, ' That, if it was not done fpeedily, they would come ' and compel him to do it ;' and they united all their Forces, and quartered themfelves in the Country about Dunjlable, the King being then at London. But foon jjfter a Treaty was fet on Foot betwixt the King and L 3 his P On a Hill near Warii-i.t:, June 19, 1312. <: fr;:tr--f faflti/antet. Walfiajkara. 1 66 The Parliamentary HISTORY KEdwar I 1 - 443- The Parliamentary HISTORY K.Ed-wardll. W as diflblved, every Man going home with Joy and Satisfaction. The Affairs in Scotland, at this Time, went worfe than at home ; Robert Bruce, their new King, taking Advantage of the Civil Difientions in England, had now reduced moft Part of that Country to his Obedience. To recover what was loft, Edward rnifes a vaft Army The Scots gain a and marches againft the Scots King; but met with fo at Ban- great an Overthrow at Bannockburn, that, after leaving . tne g reate ft p art o f his Army dead behind him, he re- r -i tired with much Precipitation to York. Here it was * that he called a Parliament, or a Council, of his {battered AnnoRegni 7 . Nobility, to meet on the 1 5th of Augujl ; but the Na- 1314. tion being in much Confirmation, by their late great 1 Lois, though this Alterably fat from the Time afore- faid untill Muhaelmas, yet nothing but the Exchange of the Lndy of Robert Bruce, and fome other Prifoners, Was concluded at it. This Devaftation of Men was followed by a dreadful Famine, which lafted three Years, and deftroyed an infi- nite Number of People. To remedy which, and to fet- Anno Regni 8. t ] e t ^ e p r j ce o f Provifions, which were grown exceflive 13IS> dear at that Time, the King fummoned a Parliament to lcr. meet at Wejiminfter, on the 20th of December, 1315. When the Prelates, Peers, and Commons were there af- fembbd, they took into Confideration the fad Condition The Price of o f the Kingdom, and how to abate the exceffive Price b^Procu'm^ion .f Victuals ; which, by reafon of the late bad Years, was on Account of grown fo fcarce that the ordinary People had much ado t0 " live> The Archbifll P s > Bifhops, Earls, Barons, and others of the Community of the Kingdom, prefent- ed a Petition to the King and his Council, praying, That a Proclamation miht be iliued out fettling the Price of the Manner following, ' Becaufe, fay they, ' that Oxen, Cows, Muttons, Hogs, Geefe, Hens, Ca- ' pons, Chickens, Pigeons, and Eggs, were exceflive dear, ' that the bell Ox, not fed with Corn, fhould be fold for ' fixteen Shillings and no more ; and if he was fed with ' Corn, then for twenty four Shillings at moft. The * beft live fat Cow for twelve Shillings. A fat Hog, of * two Years old, for three Shillings and Four-pence. A { fat Weather, or Mutton, unfhorn, for Twenty-pence, and * This Battle was fought June z$, 1314. /ENGLAND. 165 and flaorn, for Fourteen- pence. A fat Goofe for Two- K. Edward 11, pence Halfpenny. A fat Capon for Two-pence. A fat Hen for a Penny. Two Chickens for one Penny. Four Pigeons for a Penny ; and twenty- four Eggs for a Penny. And thofe who would not fell the Things for thefe Rates were to forfeit them to the King.' Pro- clamation was made in every County in England accord- ingly. Mr. Tyrrel obferves that Silver was then at Twenty- pence the Ounce j which muft argue a great r , Allay in it at that Time. This Petition being made by a Parliament, from, thence it became a temporary Statute a ; yet it did not take fufficient Effect, by reafbn that the Scarcity of all Provifions ftill increafed ; a Quarter of Corn being fold not long after for twenty Shillings, and Barley for a Mark ; the Sheep being alfo moftly dead of the Rot, and Corn being fo very dear Hogs and Poultry could not be kept, whereby all Sorts of frem Meats became fo fcarce, that the King, going to St. Allans in November this Year, had much ado to get Victuals to fuftain his Family. This Parliament, however, granted the King a twen- tieth Part of their Goods or Moveables ; but, in Staf- fordjhire and Shropjhire y fome refufed to pay it, and hin- dered the Collectors, appointed by the King, from ga- thering it. Their Pretence was, That this Tax was granted on certain Conditions, viz. That the King ihould caufe the Great Charter of the Liberties of Eng- landy the Charter of the Foreft, the Ordinances made by the Prelates, Earls, and Barons, and the Perambu- lation ofForefts, to be obferv'd ; which had not then been duly put in Execution. The King was much furprized and difpleafed at this Remonftrance, fmce he had ftri&ly commanded that all thefe Laws fhould b^ kept, and bad afllgned Commiffioners in all Counties to make the Per- ambulations j whereupon, that he might be thoroughly fatisfied a Per Petitioncm Arcliepifccporum, Efifcoporum, Ccmitum, Baronum, et atior;.';;: d; Cow.wunitats Regni, coram nabis et Confdio nojiro exbibitam, &<:, Rot. Parl, NO 35, 36. This Petition, and the Order of Council made upon it, are entered on the Parliament Rolls, in French and Latin, of whioh the foregoing is a Tranflation. There are no !efs than 268 Petitions, with their Anf A-ers, entered alfo on the Rolls, all on private Affairs except the former, And in wlnt is call'd the Sth and 91)1 of the fame King, which takes in fome Part-of the fucceedmg Parliament at Line tin, divcrfe Memoranda, as they are there (bled, of more Petitions, are thsie entered, but all orv private Property. 170 Parliamentary HISTORY K,EJivarJlI, fatisfied about the Nature of the Action, and have the Names of the Actors, he appointed one of his Clerks to go with the Collectors, and to make Inquiry by them- felves, or by the Oaths of lawful Men of thole Parts, if it was needful, concerning the Particulars, and cer- tify them diftinctly to him c . AnnoRegni 9 1316. At Lincoln. L 153] The next Year, 1316, the King fummoned a Parlia- ment to meet at Lincoln^ fifteen Days after St. Hilary^ or Jan. 28 ; where being met, the King deferred going upon any Bufmefs, becaufe his Uncle, Thomas Earl of Lancajter, and other Great Men, were not yet arrived ; according to whofe Advice he intended to proceed. But, in the mean Time, the Chancellor, Treafurer, and Juftices of both Benches, were enjoined to bring in Briefs of fuch Matters depending before them, in their feveral Places, which could not be determined out of Parliament, that here, in this Seffion, they might pro- ceed in them as they ought. This is the firft Parliament that is entered on the Rolls in Form ; the Preamble tells us, That they met for the firft Time in the great Hall belonging to the Dean of Lincoln, in whofe Houfe the King then lodged. That, being affembled, the King gave Command to William Inge, one of the Juftices of the King's Bench, to declare the Caufe of the Summons ; which, he faid, was on fundry and arduous Matters, principally relating to the King's Realm of Scotland, as had been mentioned in the Writs. That the King defired they would treat on this and other Affairs with all convenient Speed ; ad- ding, That the King was under much Concern, that he was obliged to call them together at a Time when the great Scarcity of Victuals muft make thofe, who came from a great Diftance, to think their Stay both tedious and burthenfome. A few Days after, the Earl of Lancaftir and the other Peers being come, the Caufe of fummoning this Par- liament was again declared ; alfo for their Advice and Afliftance againft the Scots, who had pofieiTed themfelves of the greateft Part of that Nation, and thrown off all Allegiance to England', the King, ' befeeching and en- joining all his Liege Subjects, there prefent, to advife and Tyrrel and Brady. affift ^ENGLAND. 171 * a/lift him in this Matter V Upon this it was agreed fi. Edward il, to meet the next Day and treat about Parliamentary Bu- fmefs; when being aiTembled they debated many Things, which lookup all that Day, and the King commanded they fhould come together again the Day following ; when they were to meet in the Chapter-Houfe of the Church of Lincoln. Here it was agreed, that the A6t patted the laft Parliament, relating to the Proclamation for the Prices or" Victuals, ihould be repealed, and that they fliould be fold as formerly at as reafonable Rates as they could be afforded. For a very good Reafon, fays Walfmgham> becaufe, that after that Statute, Provifions were grown much dearer, the Dearth ftill continuing in. a greater Degree. Two or three Days after the King, by the Bifliop of Norwich^ declared to the whole Body aflembled, That ' he would obferve all the Ordinances formerly made by * the Prelates and Great Men, and alfo the Perambula- * dons of Forefts made in his Father's Time, faving to the King his Reafons againft them ;' and Writs were made out accordingly. The next Day the Parliament granted to the King, In [ 154 ) Aid for his War with Scotland, of every Village in the Kingdom one ftout Footman, except Cities, Boroughs, and the King's Demefnes c ; and thefe Footmen were to be armed and furniftied with Swords, Bows, Arrows, Slings, Launces, and other Armour fit for Footmen, at the Charge of the Towns, and their Expences to be paid untill they carne to the Place of Rendezvous, and their Wages for fixty Days after, and no longer, unlefs the King's Service required it, at Four-pence a Day. Market- Towns that were able to be charged further with Men, were fo to be charged j the King promifins to give his Letters to the Peers and Commons, and to their Heirs, That this Grant Jhould be no Precedent^ nor drawn into Example for the future. The fame Day, by the Advice of this Parliament, the King ordered all the Military Service due to him, whicli was :tt e t cxteris fideUbus tt Stii>. Jitis fun, Hi Jem exiJtcnJibui, ut fibi in Proimijfit cotifiilcrent, et fnc:rfnr Jlbi Auxiliuin opportunism. Rot. Par. 9 Edw. 11. e Cities ,:rul Boroughs were not exempted, for we find that the City of London fcnt 200, Canterbury 40, St. Allan i 10, and fo in fiopurtion to all tiic rcA. HJM, Daniel. But the Record h othcrwilc. 172 *The Parliamentary HISTORY K, Edward II. wa s the whole Militia of England, to be fummoned to appear at Newcaftle upon Tyne, fifteen Days after Mid- fummer. Then the Knights, Citizens, and BurgefTes granted the King an Aid to carry on this Expedition in- to Scotland, which was a fifteenth Part of all moveable Goods, on Citizens, BurgefTes, and Men of Cities and Boroughs, and the King's Demefnes, which they were poflefled of at Michaelmas laft. Before this Parliament was diflblved, the King, to {hew his Sincerity towards his Coufin Thomas, Earl of Lancajler, ordered the Bifliop of Norwich to tell him, That he defired he would caft away all Fears and Doubts on his Account, affuring him that he bore the Earl a hearty Good-will, with the reft of the Nobles, and held them to be his faithful Liege-men ; and fur- ther told him, that the King defired to have him the Chief of his Council ; requefting him, in Behalf of the King, Prelates, and Great Men there prefent, to take upon him and affift and advife in the Affairs of the King and Kingdom.' The Earl thanked the King, and humbly requefted Time to give in his Anfwer f , and, after a very fhort Paufe, he confented to the Propofal, and I *55 J was fworn of the King's Council. Our Records have pre- ferved the Form of this Oath, or Protestation, which, fince it is fingular, done in Parliament, and ordered to be entered on the Roll, claims a Place in our Hiflory. ' Whereas our Lord King Edward, by the Grace of God, King at England, hath, with the Prelates, Earls, and Barons of the Land, in full Parliament, requefted his dear Coufin, the Lord Thomas, Earl of Lancajler^ That he would be Chief of his Council in all great and weighty Affairs, touching himfelf and his Realm ; to- gether with other Prelates, Earls, arid Barons, who fhall, between the King and him, take Care, that it may be for the Profit of the King and the Realm ; the (aid Earl, for the great Love he hath for his Lord the King, and for common Profit of the Kingdom, and the Ordinances which he had intirely granted to ob- ferve, and the right Laws to maintain in all Points, and in Hopes to make Amendments in fuch Tilings as had been ill done in his Court, and the Eftate of his Realm, did yield to be of the King's Council, with ' the f Sufflicavit yuod ifje fejfit delilerare et f-Jlea refondere. In Chijin. ^/ENGLAND. 173 * the Prelates, Earls, and Barons ; fo as at any Tlme^. Edward u. c if the King ftiall not do according to his Directions, * and thofe of his Council, concerning the Matters of 4 his Court and Kingdom, after fuch Things have been * {hewn him ; and that he will not be directed by the * Counfel of him, and others, the Earl, without Evil- * Will, Challenge, or Difcontent, may be difcharged * from the Council ; and that the Bufinefs of the Realm, ' concerning him, fliall not be done or performed with- * out the Afient of him and the other Prelates, Earls, ' and Barons, which mall be ordained or appointed to * advife him ; and if any of the Prelates, Earls, and Ba- * rons fliall advife the King, or do other Thing which (hall not be for the Profit of him and his Realm, then ' at the next Parliament, by the Advice of the King * and his Friends, they (hall be removed ; and fo it (hall * be from Parliament to Parliament, as to them, and * every of them, according to the Faults found in them/ In Witnefs hereof this Article was ordered to be en- tered on the Parliament-Roll. It is very plain by thefe Proceedings that the King [156] did as much as he could to bring over and eftablifh his Kinfman in his Intereft ; and, further, he created him General over the Forces that were to march againft Scotland ; but Dr. Brady obferves that no Hiftorian makes Mention of any great Thing he did by this Com- mand. Mr. Tyrrel indeed excufes him, and fays the Fault lay in the Diftruft the Earl ftill had of the King, which made the whole Expedition mifcarry. But the Contemporary Hiftorians, with more Juftice, fix it on the horrible Famine which raged in the Land, and de- ftroyed fo many People that no Army of any Confe- quence could be raifed amongft them d . However it was, we may believe that the Fire was not quite ex- tinguifhed between thefe two near Relations, fince, in a a The Famine is reported to be fo great, and endured fo long, as is almoft incredible. The near Contemporary Hiftorians, Knyghton and Wa/Jirgkam, give dreadful Accounts of the Scarcity and the Mortality, both of Men and Cattle, which muft neceffarily enfue. A Quarter of Wheat, the Canon writes, was fold in Lcice/ter Market for forty- four Shillings; twenty Times above its ordinary Value j for the very next Year there was fuch a Harveft, that a Bulhel of Wheat, which fold befoie for ten Shillings, was fold for Tenpence j Oats, that \veve eight Shillings, for as many Pence, &?c. Liron. 'J. Stetve, *The Parliamentary HISTORY K.EJwarJlt. a fmall Time after, it broke out to the Deftru&ion of them both. There happened an Affair this Seflion of Parliament which deferves our Notice. John Lord Rofs was accu- fed before the King for drawing his Sword upon Hugh Defpenfer the younger, in the Cathedral Church of Lin- coln, during Divine Service, in the King's Prefence, and in Contempt of his Crown and Dignity. Lord Rofs pleaded that the other had infulted him firft with very contumelious Language, and had afterwards ftruck him a Blow on the Face, which drew Blood from him : That he, upon this, fearing more Mifchief, did draw his Sword, it was true, but not in Contempt of the King, but in his own Defence j and therefore he put himfelf upon the King's Mercy. But the King confidering that thefe Far.s were committed in his Prefence, in the Time of the Parliament's Sitting, and in manifeft Breach of the Peace, fined each of them IO,OOO/. e a mighty Sum in thofe Days ; and they were committed to the Cuftody of the MariThal till they paid it. They found Means ta get bailed afterwards ; but, by the Importancy of the Perfons who were their Securities f , it is plain the Crime was judged of a very high Nature. Nor did Hugh DC- fpenfer, tho' fome Time after the King's chief Favou- rite, gain his Pardon till near four Years after. There are feveral Matters elfe, but of lefs public Concern, entered on the Rolls, as done in this Parlia- ment, which we omit. The Writs for calling the Com- mons to this Meeting are not extant, though they are mentioned, under the Name of the whole Commonalty of the Realm, to be at it. So great were the Confufions that followed this Par- liament, by the Scots Invafions, that though more were called, yet none fat to do any Bufincfs to the Purpofe ; and one, particularly, which was fummoned to meet at Lincoln, in the Year 1318, the Writs being revoked for this Reafon, * That his Enemies and Rebels, the Scots, * had invaded England and come into Yorkflnrc, com- * mitting many Murders, plundering, wafting, and * burning the Country ; fo that the King refolved fud- ' denly Deccm Milh'a Librarutn. f The Bail were Momar de Valentia, Earl of Pembroke ; Join de War- ren, Earl of Surry ; Edmund, Earl of Arundeit ; gilbert Pecche, Tbomat Latymer, and Roger de Felton, all Barons. Rot, Pad. 9 Edw. II. NO. 5, 6. of E N G L A N D. 175 denly to march againft them with an Army to reflrain K, Edward II. c their Incurfions, and bring them to a Submiffion -, and * therefore this Parliament was put off g . But, in the Midft of thefe Tumults, the King found AnnoRegnl 12 an Opportunity to meet a Parliament at York, which 1319. had been fummoned to come to that City three Weeks after Michaelmas h , in the Year 1319. Here it was that At * an Indenture, made betwixt the Earl of Lancajler and certain Prelates, Earls, and Barons, who were fent by " l $ 7 * the King to Northampton, to confult with the Earl about the better Regulation of the Government, was read in Parliament, and all Things in it diligently confidered 1 . Upon which the Parliament agreed to petition the King, " That, for the Honour of himfelf and the Profit of him and the Realm, for the great Affairs which con- cern him and which do daily happen, he would pleafe to aflent, That two Bifhops, one Earl, one Baron, one Baron or Banneret of the Family of the Earl of Lan* cojler^ in his Name and for him, fhould be prefent and remain with him by Turns, or Quarters of the Year, to deliberate with, and advife him in due Man- ner ; and that they might deliberate and advife about all con/iderable Matters out of Parliament, untill a Parliament ftiould otherwife determine concerning them ; fo as none of thefe Things fhould be debated without the Counfel or Aflent of the Prelates, Earls, and others which remained with the King according to the Form of the faid Indenture ; and if any Thing was done otherwife it fhould be void.' The King underftanding this Requeft, and, fays our Authority, defiring to be advifed what to do, or ought to be done, for the Honour and Profit of him and the Realm ; and confidering that when he received the Go- vernment he found Scotland in War againft him, and fince there had been Wars in Ireland, and many other Difturbances had happened in his Dominions, for which he thought it neceflary to have with him the greateft and Z Bradv and Tyrrel, from Rot. clauf. n Edto. II. m. 3. dc.-fo. The Writ. :o the Earl ofLancafer is publilhed in Ry ley's Plac. Par. Af. p. 559. Fted. Ar.g. Tom. III. p. 7:2. h Oft. 20. Statutes at Izrgt, 12 Ed-ward \\. i See the Indenture at hrge in Brady and Tyre!, - Feed, Ang. Ton?. Ill, f . 722, &c. 176 Parliamentary HISTORY .. Edward II. and moft fufficient Advice ; he therefore agreed to haVC the faid Prelates, Earls, and Barons to advife him irt the Form aforefaid ; yet fo as his own Minifters fhould always perform their Offices according to the Law and Ufage of the Kingdom. And whereas it was contained in the faid Indenture.* That the Prelates, Earls, and Barons, there named, had undertaken, by the Aflent of the King, that he fhould make to the Earl of Lancafler^ his People, or Party and Followers, Releafes and Acquittances of all Manner of Felonies and Trefpafles againft his Peace, untill St. James's Day this Year; and that the Char- ters of Releafe and Acquittances fhould be abfolute without Condition ; and if better Security could be found for them in the next Parliament, they fhould have it, and alfo confirmed by the King and his Ba- ronage ; the King, by the Aflent of the Prelates, Earls, Barons, and Commonalty of his Realm, in his faid Parliament, granted a Pardon to the Earl of Lancaster and his Followers, for the Breach of his Peace, and whatever belonged to him by reafon thereof; and of all Manner of Felonies and Trefpafles committed againft the Peace unto the feventh of Auguft laft paft, and a Pardon of Outlawry to thofe that fhould demand it, if any had been pronounced againft them, before the making of their Charters ; and commanded the Bifhop of Ely, then his Chancellor, That he fhould make Charters under his Great Seal, abfolute and without Condition, for the Earl of Lancafter, and fuch as he fhould, by his Letters, name to the Chancellor. * Alfo, whereas in the fame Indenture it was contain- ed, That the Ordinances fliould be holden and kept as they had pafled the Great Seal, the King now willed and granted, That they fliould be fo obferved, and that all thefe Things fhouid be entered upon the Par- liament-Roll, and lent to the Chancery to be enrolled there, and from thence to both Benches, to be like- wife enrolled in them V At this Parliament alfo the Defpenfers, Father and Son, came firft upon the Stage ; Hugh Defpenfer the younger, being, by Confent of this Aflembly, made the King's k Dated at Tork, the azd Day of OHober, An, Reg. iz. f' K d. AV& Tom. III. p. 733, 734. .of E N G L A N D. 177 King's Chamberlain. Sir Thomas de la More, the Con- K jurious to his People in general, and withal is preju- dicial to his Crown, then is it Time for them to pro- ceed againft him with Rigour ; for he is bound by his Oath to govern his People and his Lieges ; and they [ are bound to govern in Aid of him, in cafe of his De- fault. M 2 II. UOr go T&e Parliamentary HISTORY , Edward II. U. Upon any Application of the Great Men and" * People unto him, the King's Anfwer ftill was accord - ' ing to the Pleafure of thefc two, in turning the King * from his Duty againft his Oath, and the Hearts of the Great Men and People againft their Liege Lord. III. * By their evil Contrivance, they would not fuf- ' fer the Great Men of the Realm, nor good Counfellora ' to fpeak with, or come near the King to advife him, * nor the King to fpeak with them, unlefs in their Pre- * fence, or in the Hearing of one of them ; and that too * but when they pleafed : Thus ufurping Royal Power ' and Sovereignty over the Perfon of the King, to the < great Difhonour and Peril of him, his Crown, and ' Kingdom. IV. ' To attain their Wickednefs, Covetoufnefs, and * to the-difmheriting of the Great Men, and the De- * ftru&ion of the People, they liad put out good and * agreeable Minifters who had been placed by Aflent, ' and put in others falfe and wicked, that were of their * own Party, -who would not fuffer Right to be done ; * as Sheriffs, Efcheators, Conftables of Caftles ; and * made thofe Juftices, who underftood not the Law, as Sir Hugh the Father, Sir Ralph Bajet, Sir Ralph Ca- * motSy and Sir John Inge, and divers others their Friends, ' who caufed, by falfe Jurors of their Alliance, the * Peers of the Land to be indided ; as the Earl of He- * reford, the Lord Gifford of Brimmesfield, the Lord * Robert de Monthalt, and other good People, to get * their Lands from them. V. They falfly and malicioufly advifed the King to * raife Arms againft his People in Gloucejlerjhire, con- * trary to the Great Charter, and the Award of the Peers c of the Land ; and, by their falfe and evil Counfel, would ' have made War in the Land, for their own proper * Quarrel, to the Deftru&ion of Holy Church and the People. VI. c Whereas the Earl of Hereford, and the Lord e Mortimer GilVlgmore, by the King's Command, were * affigned to make War upon Lewellyn Bren, who had {. l ^3 ] ' levied War againft him in Glamorgan/hire, when the ' Earl of Gloucefter's Lands, by reafonof his Death, were * in the King's Hands ; this Lewellyn had rendered him- felf into thofe Lords Hands, to the King's Grace and ' Pleafure, ^/ENGLAND. 181 * Pleafure, and upon that Condition was delivered to the K-. Ed-ward ll t ' King, who received him accordingly ; but when thefe * Lords were out of the Country, thefe two Sir Hugh^ * the Father and Son, ufurping Royal Power, took * Lewellyn^ and carried him to Caerdijf. After which, ' Sir Hugh the younger being feized thereof, and pre- * tending to a Jurifdiclion where none was in this Cafe, ' there caufed the faid Levuellyn to be drawn, hanged, ' beheaded, and quartered, felonioufly, for Things done * in the Time of King Henry ; and they alfo took upon ' them Royal Power and Juiifdi&ion, which was ap- * pendant to the Crown, in Dimerifon thereof, and to * the Dishonour of the King, the faid Lords of Here- ' ford and Mortimer ', and in ill Example and great Peril * in the like Cafe for Time to come. VII. They ill advifed the King, to take into his * Hands the Lands and Goods of Sir Hugh Dudley the * Son, who was fore-judged without due Procefs, con- * trary to the Law of the Land, by the Covetoufnefs of * the (aid Hugh to get fome of thofe Lands j and, by other ' falfe Pretences, contrived to get the Lands of Sir Roger ' Dammory, having attainted him upon bis entering in- * to Gloucefterjhire^ to the Diflieritance of the Peers of ' the Land. VIII. c That whereas the King had granted by his * Letters Patent to the Earl of Warwick^ in full Parlia- ' ment at JVeJlminJlcr^ that, after his Death, his Execu- * tors mould have his Lands, untill his Heir was of full * Age ; which Grant, after the Earl's Death, was con- ' firmed by the King at Lincoln, at the Requeft and 4 Aflcnt of the Peers of the Land in Parliament : Yet ' the faid Sir Hugh the Father procured his Son to caufe ' the King to repeal this Grant, without Caufe ; and to * give the Guard ianfliip of the faid Lands to the faid * Hugh the Father, for his own Profit ; and alfo had * defeated, by evil Counlel, what the King had granted in ' his Parliaments, by good Advice, and by Aflent of the * Peers of the Land ; to the Dishonour of the King, and [ 164 3 * aeainft Right and Reafon. IX. * That they would not fuffer the King to take c reafonable Fines of the Peers of the Land, and others, ' when they entered upon, and received their Fees, as it * had been ufed before that Time ; but, by Covetoufnefs M 3 to 182 *fhe Parliamentary HISTORY K.Edwardll. < to obtain fuch Lands by the Royal Power, they had ' caufed undue Impeachments to be bi ought, furmifing * the Land to be forfeited, as were thofe of Sir John ' de Mo^vbray and others, to the Damage and Dishonour * of the King, and contrary TO the Law of the Land, in ' Difhjritance of the Great Men and others ; and alfo * maicing the King do againft his Oath in Parliament. X. ' By wicked Covetoufnefs, and ingrofiingof Power- ' Royal, they would not fuffer the King to hear or do ' Right to the Great Men, upon what they prefented to * him, on Behalf of himfelf and themfelves, touching * the Difheriting the Crown and them, concerning the * Lands which were the Templars : Alfo, by ufurping * Power-Royal, they governed the King, his Council, ' and Prelates j fo that, in Matters concerning them ' and their Friends, or which they undertook, no Right * could be obtained, but according to their Pleafures ; to * the Damage and Difhonour of the King, the Peril of * his Oath, and Difheritance and Defti uclion of the * People of his Realm. XI. ' Bifhops, Abbots, and Priors Ele&, who ought c to be received of the King, when duly elected, could * not come near him, nor fpeak with him to obtain his * Favour, untill they had agreed and made Fine with * Sii Hugh the Son, according to his Pleafure ; nor thofe * that had any Grant to afk of the King, could obtain > . * it, before they had made their Agreement or Fine * with him. ' Which Wickednefles being notorious and true, as it * is found by the Examination of the Farls, Barons, and The Award in ' otnt - r Peers of the Land ; Therefore nu: the Peers cf the Puifuancethcjer' Land, Earis and Barons, in the P--- -fence of our Lord of ' * the King, do awird^ That Hugh le Defpenfer the Son^ ' and Hugh 1 Defpenfer the Father, Jhaii be r r ijber'ntd for ' ever, as Dijhcritors of the Crown t Enemies to the [ 165 ] King and his People ; and Jhall be ba^'Jhed the Kingdom * of England, never to return again, unlefs it be by the * AJJent of the King, and by JJJent of the Prelates, Earls, * and Barons in Parliament duly jummoried; and to quit * the Realm bttwt -r. tne Time of 'he Date of this Sta- * tute, and the Feaft oi the Decollation of St. John Bap- ' tijl (or nine-?nd- twentieth of Augufl) next coming; 5 and if found in England after the Day, or if they return of ENGLAND. 183 c after that Day, then to be dealt with as Enemies of K. EJwr4 n. ' the King and Kingdom.' This, in the printed Copy of Old Statutes, is called the Banifhment of Hugh Defpenfer, Father and Son. Yet it is remarkable that thefe Articles were admitted and taken for granted, without any direct Proof, as the Manner then was to proceed in Parliament. After this Sentence was publickly read and agreed to, the Confederate Lords had yet another Game~to play, which the fame Force would ealily carry them through. They bethought themfelves that it was neceflary to have fome Security for what they had done ; and, in order to it, they addrefled a Kind of Petition, or rather a Re- monftrance, to the King, fetting forth, That the two ' Defpenfers, ufurping Royal Power, and having the * King and his Minifters, and the Direction of the Law, * at their Devotion, or in their Power, the Great Men * of the Land made a Confederacy by Oath, Writing, ' and in other Manner, without the King's Leave; and * then they and others, with Horfe and Arms P, had ' march'd againft them, and took and feiz'd divers Caftles, ' Towns, Manors, Lands, Tenements, Goods, and ' Chattels of the King's Liege Subjects ; and fome of ' them they took and imprifoned, and others they ran- fomed, and fome they killed, and did many other * Things, in deftroying the faid Hugh and Hugh, and ' their Allies and others in England, Wales, and the * Marches, of which fome may be called Felonies; which ' Things having been fo done by Neceffity, ought not [ x ^6 J * to be taken Notice of, nor punifhed by Law ; nor can ' be without great Trouble or Hazard of War. The ' Barons therefore pray the King, for Peace -Sake, for c the afluaging of Anger and Rancour, and making * Uniry in the Land ; and that he may more intirely have'the Hearts and Good- Will of his People, to de- ' fend his own Countries, and offend his Enemies ; that * it might be accorded, and afTented to in full Parlia- * ment, by the King, Prelates, Earls, Barons, and Com- ' mons; that no Great Men of the Realm, Prelate, * Earl, Baron, Knight, Clerk, orEfquire, for the Con- federacy p The Confederate Lords came to this Parliament, they and their Re- tinue, clad in odd Party-colouied Habits, Yellow and Green, with a white Band a-crcfs their Breath ; for which Reafon this Parliament was called, long after, Tiie fur.'.umint ofK'bitt Bands, Fabians a ; d Ilellir.^ jg^ The TarUamcntary HISTORY K, Edward II. e federacy made by Oath, Writing, or in other Manner; * or for riding with the King's or other Banners difplay'd ; ' nor for the taking or detaining of any Caftles, Towns, * Manors," Lands, Tenements, Goods, or Chattels ; * the feizing, imprifoning, and ranloming the King's * Liege People j or for killing of Men, and other Rob- * beries, Felonies, or other Things done againft the ' King's Peace, which may be judged Trefpafles or Fe- Ionics, from the Beginning of the World to that Day ; * nor that any People, of what Condition foever they < were, for the Trefpafles and Felonies aforefaid, com- * mitted fmce Candlemas laft paft, to that Day, fhould * be impeached, grieved, or molefted at the Suit of the * King, or any other : But of all fuch Things, by this * Statute and Accord, fliould be quit for ever ; faving to * every one, except the faid Hugh and Hugh, their Right * to demand and recover their Frank- Tenement and * their Right, without Punifhment from the King, or * giving Damages to the Party. And alfo that it might * be granted by the King in the faid Parliament, That * if any Earl, Baron, or any Great Men, for themfelves * or others, whom they (hall name to the Chancellor * between this and St. Michael next coming, will have * the King's Pardon for Suit of Procefs of the Peace, or * what pertains to him, of all Manner of Felonies and * TrefpaJTes done contrary to the Peace ; or of any Dif- e obediences, Contempt?, Confpiracies, Confederations, ' Privy Covenants, and Obligations made againft the * King, they fhall have their feve. al Charters of Pardon, * under the Great Seal, without paying any Fees in the [ 167 ] < Chancery: And that all fuch W'itings to the contrary, ' wherever found, ihall he null and void.' After this follows the Form of the Charter of Pardon that was taken out by t tie Er."I of Hereford n and the reft of the Barons and Great Men, who had been Confede- rates in this violent Undo* caking. It bears Date at Weft- minfter the 20th of Augujl^ in the I5th Year of this Reign. When all thefe Things were tranfa&ed in Parliament, and the Confederate Barons had got their Charters of Pardons in their Pockets, they bioke up and returned home, * Hutnpkrj de Babum of E N G L A N D. home *. Yet, upon better Confideration, they were not mighty well fatisfied with what they had done ; and fearing that they had provoked the King beyond all Fof- fibility of a thorough Reconciliation, they kept always arm'd, and never trufted themfelves but in fecure Places; which, fays Tyrrel^ are the ufual Confequences of unjuft and violent Attions. But, not long after, there hap- pened an Accident which proved of fatal Confequence to the Barons' Party, and gave the King an Opportu- nity to recall the Defpenfers^ the elder of whom con- tinued ftill abroad ; but the younger lay for fome Time concealed in England, yet afterwards went to Sea and turned Pirate, robbing whatever Englijh Merchants he could meet with. The Affair was thus : Queen Ifabel, whqm all Authors allow to be the chief Promoter of Peace and good Harmony between the King and his Barons, intended to make a Progrefs to Canterbury; and in her Journey thither purpofed to lodge at Ledes Caftle, in Kent t over which Bartholomew de Badlefmore had, by the King, been made Governor ?. This Man was a rich and potent Baron, and one of the Confederacy; and when the Queen's Marfhal came to the Caftle to provide Lodgings for her, he was flatly de- nied Admittance, with this faucy Anfwer, That they ' would not fuffer the Queen, or any other, to-enter there ' withoutCommand, or Letter, from the Lord of it.' She after came herfelf and demanded Entrance into the Caftle, and was ftill denied, by which (he was forced to feek Lodgings elfewhere. At her Return to the King fhe complained to him of the Affront offered to her; which moved him to a great Degree, infornuch that he raifed Forces immediately, went down to Ledes Caftle, befieged and took it, and hang'd up the Deputy-Governor of it, with many of the Garrifon, upon the Spot. This Digreflion is thought neceffary, to give our Readers a View of the Rife of the inteftine Troubles which o This is the only Parliament which Ryley has given the Proceedings of in this King's Reign. Here are a great many Petitions on private Affairs, and the Petitioners were obliged to deliver them to Commifiioners ap- pointed for that Purpofe. Ry fry's Placita Parliamentaria, p. 386, V. P He had been a long Time Ste%vard of the King's HouflioSd, and, foe his Services, the King gave him this Caftle in Fee ; and he had been fent by the King to the Barons, to defire they would defift from their outra- gious Proceedings agairift the Deffenferi, w)wm he bafcly deicrtcd and joined with the Barons. Idtm, i 86 The Parliamentary HISTORY If., Ed-ward II. which followed. The Barons, being provoked at this Step of the King's, refolved to revenge it, which the King was as ready to vindicate : And then followed the Civil Wars between them, which all our Hiftorians have fufficiently defcribed, and are foreign to our Purpofe. The Earl of Lancajler was taken Prifoner at the Battle of Biroughbridge, brought before the King and feveral of the Nobility at his own Caitle of Pontfrete ; when. Articles of High Treafon, for divers heinous Crimes, were exhibited againft him q , and he adjudged, by thofe Peers, to die the Death of a Traitor. The King, by reafon of Proximity in Blood, remitted the drawing and hanging, and he was beheaded on a Hill near Pontfrete^ March 25, 1322 r . With this Earl fell many of the Confederate Barons, taken at the farrie Time, who were executed in feveral Parts of the Kingdom ; amongft whom was Bartholomew de Badlefmore, the Author of all this Mifchief. [169] Anno Regn At York. i 15. The King being at Derby, juft before the Defeat of the Barons' Army, iflued his Summons tor a Parliament, dated from the fame Place, March 14, in the I5th Year of his Reign, to be holden at York s . They met in that City, according to Summons, three Weeks after Eajler\ when, upon the Petitions of the Defpenfers, Father and Son, q See the Articles at Length in Tyrrel, p. 289, &c. Fted. Ang. Tom. 111. p. 936 r They canftd him firft to turn his Face towards Scotland, for the greater Odium, whilft a Villain of London cut oft" his Head. Leland, Itin. Ed. Hearne. His Attainder was revoked in Parliament in the fucceeding Reign, on the Petition of H. $26. Fiona clauf. 15 Ed-Uf. IT, mi 14. dorlb, 1 88 The Parliamentary HISTORY K.Ed-ardil, f ftroying his Crop upon the Ground, feizing of his Rents and Debts, and difparking his Parks; all which Damages, as appeared by cafting up the Particulars therein mentioned, amounted to the Sum of near * 20,000/. Then it further recites, That they, the faid Earls * and Barons, with all their Force and Power, came to ' the Parliament at Weftminjler ; and there, upon falfe ' Accufations, without calling the faid Hugh to anfwer, * againft all Manner of Right and Reafon, and againft * the Law of the" Land, erroneoufly awarded him to be * difmherited, and exiled England: Wherefore he prays ' the King, as he is bound by Right of his Crown, and * by the Oath he made at his Coronation to maintain * all People in their Rights, that he would pleafe to * caufe to be brought before him the Procefs of the * Award made againft him, that it may be examined ; * and that the faid Hugh may be admitted to fliew the * Errors in it, and if there mail be any found, he would * pleafe to repeal and redrefs them ; with a Proteftation * that he will be hereafter ready to anfwer any Com- * plaint according to Reafon.' Next it proceeds to mew the Errors of the faid Pro- cefs, as, I. ' That the Great Men who purfued and deftroy'd him, prayed Pardon of the King for all thofe Things which might be judged Felonies or Trefpafles in that 171 ] Purfuit, which they made by their own Authority; by ' which they wrongfully made themfelves Judges of him, where they could not, nor ought to be Judges. II. ' That the faid Hugh was not called into Court, to anfwer when the Award was made ; alfo, that the Sentence was given without the Afient of the Prelates, who were Peers in Parliament. III. ' That there was no Record of their Purfuit, or the Caufes contained in the Award ; alfo, that the Award was made againft the Form of the Great Char- ter ; wherein is contained, That no Man Jhall be fore- judged, nor in other Manner deftroyed, unlefs by Judg- ment of his Peers, or by the Law of the Land. Then he requefts the King to take Notice, ' That * the Great Men were fummoned to come duly to the ^/ENGLAND. 18 'Parliament, yet did not; but came with Horfe and K. Edward II. * Arms, and all their Force : After which he the faid * Hugh came in, and furrendered himfelf Prifoner to the ' King, praying to be received into his Protection, to profecute his Complaint, and that Right might be done * him in thefe Matters : That the King received him as ' he ought to do ; and caufed his Petition to be carried ' to the Archbifhop of Canterbury, the Bifhops, and * other Prelates and Clergy in the Province oiCanterbury^ ' then being in a Provincial Council at London, charging * them by the Faith they owed to him, to advife about the Petition, and let him know their Thoughts con- ' cerning it. And when they had well advifed thereup- < on, they anfwered, That it feemed to them, that the ' Procefs and Award of the Exile and Difmheritance of ' Hugh the Son and Father, were erroneous and wrong- fully made ; wherefore they agreed, and unanimoufly * aflented, as Peers of the Land, and prayed as Peers * Spiritual, that the Award which was made wickedly ' and wrongfully againft God and all Manner of Right, ' might be by the King repealed and annulled for ever. * And they faid further, That they, nor any of them, * ever aflented to the faid Award : But that every one ' of them, at the Time when the Award was made, did * make Proteftation in Writing, that they could not, ' nor would, aflent to it for feveral Reafons. And the ' Earl of Kent, the faid King's Brother, the Earls of [ 172 3 * Richmond, Pembroke, and Arundele, with the Prelates, * being before the King, faid the Award was wrongful, * and againft Law and Right; and prayed him, as the Pre- * lates had done before, to null and make void the Award : * And the faid Earls affirmed, That, for Fear of the Force, 4 which the Great Men fuddenly brought to the Parlia- ' liament, in order to make the Award, which was to * them unknown and unexpected, they gave their Aflent ' to it, and alfo advifed the King to fufter it to pafs ; ' for which Offence and Miftake they prayed his Par- don.' We have been the more particular in the Recital of thefe Proceedings mention'd in this Statute, becaufe they do not only ferve to confirm what our Hiftorians have related concerning thefe Matters ; but may alfo inform fuch as are curious in the antient Proceedings of Parlia- ment, I go Ann de Us ffrrt. of ENGLAND. 203 After this Deputation from the Grand Committee K-.EJwardli. had foftned and brought the King to their own Temper, the whole Body of them was introduced. The King came out of his Bed-Chamber, in a Morning-Gown, to Which he refigna meet them ; but no fooner had he heard their Menage, acc and the Articles againft him, than he fwooned away, and had fallen to the Ground, had he not been fupported by the Earl of Lancqfter and the Bifhop of Wmcbejler. However, coming to himfelf, he anfwered, with Tears in his Eyes, That be was very firry be had fo ml/behaved himfelf towards bis People, and ajked Pardon for it of all that were prefent ; but, feeing now it could not be other- wife, he returned them Thanks for chufmg his firft-born Son in his Room. He then made his Refignation, by de- livering up his Royal Enfigns of Sovereignty, the Crown and Scepter, which the Commiffioners had taken Care to bring for that Purpofe ; after which, one Sir William Trujfil, fupplying the Place of Chief Juftice of England^ and chofen as Procurator, was ordered, by the whole Committee, to pronounce their Refignation of Homage to the King, which he did in this Form : ' I William Trujfel, Procurator of the Prelates, Earls, Hereupon th * and Barons, and other People in my Procuracy named, noinceThlirHo- having for this full and fufficient Power, do furrender mageand Fealty^ * and deliver up, to you Edward King of England, be- * fore this Time, the Homage and Fealty of the Perfons * in my Procuracy named, in the Name of them, and * every of them, for certain Caufes therein mentioned ; [ 186 ] * and do return them up to you Edward, and acquit or * difcharge the Perfons aforefaid, in the beft Manner that * the Law and Cuftom can give it ; and do make this * Proteftation in the Name of all thofe that will not for * the future be in your Fealty, or Allegiance, nor claim to ' hold any Thing of you, as King ; but account you as a * private Perfon, without any Manner of Royal Dignity.' The Ceremony ended with Sir 'Thomas Blunt's, the High Steward, breaking his Staff, declaring all the King's Officers difcharged from his Service, in the fame Manner as if the King was actually dead. The Commifiioners returning to Parliament with the And c j lu f e ^j. King's Anfwer and the Royal Enfigns, made the com- Son Edward ia mon People a rejoice ; and prefently the whole Com- his Stead< m unity a Dr. $ ratty has tranflated the Latin Word Phh into Ra&M; fwt which he is girded at by Mr. Tjrrel, 204 tte P armament ary HISTORY $>. Edward II, munity of the Kingdom admitted Edward^ a Youth of fourteen Years of Age, to be their King. After this the Archbifhop of Canterbury preached a Sermon before the whole Aflembly ; his Text was Vox Populi Vox: Del ; exhorting his Audience to pray for the King whom they had chofen. Thus, fays an Author, the Lawyers found out a legal Method to deprive their King of Sovereignty ; and the Divines confecrated their mighty Power in calling their Voice a Divine Election d . All this was done whilft the {ham Parliament was ftill fitting, on the 20th of January, 1327, and which is call'd the firft Day of Edward the Third's Reign ; for from that Time he acted as King, as appears by the Writ to all the Sheriffs of England to proclaim his Peace, dated two Days before his Coronation. Which acl: of State, as it is fingular in its Kind, and tho' not Parlia- mentary, yet deducing his Title from that Authority, We {hall give in Dr. Brady's Tranflation as follows c . The King to the Sheriff of Yorkjhire, Greeting: IDEcaufe Edward, late King of England, our Father, by { 1 87 J X> Common Council and AJjent of the Prelates, Earls, Ba- rons, and other Great Men, and alfo of the Communities of the/aid Kingdom, of his own free Will removed himfelf from the Government of the fa id Kingdom, willing and grant- ing, That we, as his Firjl-lorn and Heir of the Kingdom, Jhould take upon us the Rule and Government : And we yielding to the good Pleafure of our Father, by the Counfel and Advifement of the Prelates, Earls, Barons, Great Men, and Communities aforefaid, have taken upon us the Government of the faid Kingdom, and received the Ho- mages and Fealties of the faid Prelates and Great Men according to Cu/tom ; therefore, defiring our Peace for the ^uiet and Tranquillity of our People to be inviolably ob- ferved, we command, That, prefently after Sight of ihefe Prefents, you caufe our Peace publickly to be proclaimed through your whole Bailiwick, forbidding all and finguhr, under the Pain of dijinheriting, and lofing Life and Mem- ber, that they prefume not to infringe or violate our Peace; but that all Men do profecutg their Suits and Afiions with- out anTap^ointedVor ^ a ^ er Reginald, Archbifhop of Canterbury ; William de the young King. Melton, Archbihop of York ; "John Stratford, Biftiop of Winch eft er\ Thomas Cobham, Bifliop of Worcejler ; and Adam de Orleton, Bifhop of Hereford ; the two Earls were Thomas de Brother ton, Earl Marefchal, and Edmund of Woodjlock, Earl of Kent, both the King's Uncles ; the Barons were 'John Lord Warren, Thomas Lord Wake, Henry Lord Percy, Oliver Lord Ingham, and 'John Lord Rofs. Over all thefe, by general Confc nt of the Parliament and of the twelve Guardians themielves, Henry Earl of Lancafter, Lincoln, Leicefter, and Derby, the King's Coufin, was deputed to have the chief Care of his Perfon u . But this was all a fine Shew only ; for Roger Mortimer? the Queen's Favourite, moved the whole t This King, in his Confinement, is faid to have wrote fome Latin Ver- fes on his Misfortunes, which fliew that he was a Scholar : A great Rarity in any Layman at that Time ! Two Cardinals came from Rome in the Midfi of thefe Civil Wars, and brought Letters from the Pope to the Barons, to perfuade them to be reconciled to their King ; but they excufed thenifclvcj from heaiing or feeing them, by faying that They iveic unlearned and brought up to nothing but the Sivord. Fabian had fecn the King's Verfes, and has given us a Specimen of them ; by which it appears that a Mouk was hi Schoolmafter. Dampnum rzihi contulit Tempere briimali , t'ortuna fatii afpera vehementis Mali, Nullui eft tarn Japiens, mitis, ant fonirfts, Tarn prudens Virtutibas, ceterifque J',imofus, Sjuin Jlultut reputabitur, ft fatis defpeSiuf, Si Fertunaprcfperos.avertat Effeflits, Fabian'j Chl'OJll n Jojbua Barntis Hid. ofEdw. Ill, p. 4. Tyrrel, p. 338, *f ENGLAND, 209 whole Machine at that Time, whatsoever Parts thefe K ' Aw* III, Puppets were appointed to play in it. On the third of February, two Days after the Coro- nation, a Petition was prefented to the King and Parlia- ment, from all thofe that had been anywife concerned in the Quarrel of Thomas Earl of Lancajier b , praying to be reftored to their Eftates, with Profits of them * from the Time they had been wrongfully difleized.' - .. It was unanimoufly agreed, by the Aflent of the whole - ! 9 2 J Parliament, * That all Lands and Tenements which * had been feized, by reafon of the faid Quarrel or Con- ' tention, fhould be reftored, as well in Ireland and * Wales as England^ together with their Profits and Ar- ' rears of Rent, except thofe that had been received to * the King's Ufe.* And this Quarrel was affirmed to be juft by the whole Body aflembled. On the fame Day all thofe that came over with the The Adherentt Queen and the Prince her Son, and thofe that joined J the late Earl L i f L A i i/- 11 i * Lancajter par- with them after their Arrival, were alfo pardoned and doned, and their indemnified by Parliament. The Preamble to this Par- Eftates reftored don is very long and remarkable; containing all the by Aa of Par ^** Caufes and Reafons of the late Revolution, according to Tyrrely or the Cover, Pretences, and Suggeftions, of all the Contrivances and Defigns againft Edward II. as Dr. Brady terms it ; but fince it is printed in all our Sta- tute Books, we (hall only give the Reader Mr. Tyrrefs. AbflracT: of it, and refer the more curious to the Statute itfelf c . It /r/? recites the Banifhment of the two leDefpen- *fers. Father and Son, by Act of Parliament : Second- ' /v, Their Return without the Confent of the Com- ' munity of the Realm : Thirdly^ Their caufing the * King to purfue Thomas Earl of Lancafter, and other ' Barons and Commons that endeavoured to oppofe it ; ' in which Purfuit the faid Earl, and divers other Great * Men and People of the Realm, were put to Death and ' difinherited, and others imprifoned, outlawed, or VOL. I. O baniflied. * The Record of this Petition, in old French, is entered on the Rollt, and is alfo in the Public Afii ; the Preamble to it is as follows : Fait a Remember qe, le tierce Joar de Feverier f An du Rcgne le Rot Edward, Fitx au Roi Edward, Fitx au Roi Henri f rimer, furtnt mcnjirex en Parlemtr.t, adoryes tenu a Weftmonftier, afcun Petitions, par let Cbivalers, et la CUH- KHxes, dt la Quenle de C<,ur.t de Lancaftre en la Forme jut cnfuit, &C, Tccd, Ang. Tom. IV. p. 295. c See Statute: at large, Anno Reg. i Bdw, HI, 2I o The Parliamentary HISTORY K, Ed-ward III. banifhed. Fourthly, That, after thefe Mifchiefe, Robert Baldock and Edmund Earl of Arundel ufurp'd to themfelves Royal Power, fo that the King could ' do nothing but as they counfelled him, were it never ' fo wrong. Fifthly -, That, after the Queen's going into * France, by the King's Will, and Common Council of the Realm, the Perfons above-mentioned excited the ' late King againft his Son Edward and the Queen his Confort, fo that they remained in a Manner exil'd ' from the faid King Edward and the Realm of England^ ' wherefore it was necefTary for our Sovereign Lord the - -. ' King that now is, and the Queen his Mother, being I I 93 J i n fo great Jeopardy of themfelves in a ftrange Coun- ' try, feeing the Deftrudlions, Oppreffions, and Difhe- * rifons, which were notorioufly committed in the Realm 6 of England, upon Holy Church, the Prelates, Earls, Barons, &c. and other Great Men, and the Commu- nity, by the faid Perfons above-mentioned, by engrof- * fing Royal Power to themfelves, to take as good Coun- * fel as they might ; and fmce they could not remedy the * fame unlefs they came into England with an Army of ' Men of War, and had, by the Grace of God, with that * Puiflance, and the Help of the Great Men and the * Commons of the Realm, vanquifhed and deftroyed the * faid Parties above-mentioned, &V.' Then follows the enacting Part, viz. * That therefore our Sovereign Lord * the King that now is, upon certain Petitions and Re- * quefts made to him in this Parliament, upon fuch Ar- c tides as are there above rehearfed, by the Common * Council of the Prelates, Earls, Barons, and other Great ' Men, and by the Commonalty of the Realm there pre- * fent, by his Commandment hath provided, ordained, ' and eftablifhed, in Manner following : ' That no Great Man, nor other, of what Eftate, * Dignity, or Condition he be, that came over with the faid King that now is, and with the Queen his Mo- * ther, into the Realm of England, nor any other then * dwelling in England, that came with the faid King that c now is, and the Queen in Aid of them, to purfue their * faid Enemies, in which Purfuit the King his Father ' was taken, and put in Ward, and yet remaineth in ' Ward, fhall be impeached, molefted, or grieved in ' Perfon, or in Goods, in the King's Court, or any other 4 Court, of EN GLAND. R Court, for the Purfuit of the faid King, the taking K.Edward 111* " and with-holding of his Body, or Purfuit of any other, * or taking of their Perfons, Goods, or Death of any Man, * or any other Thing perpetrated or committed in the 4 faid Purfuit, from the Day that the faid King and * Queen did arrive, 'till the Day of the Coronation of * the fame King.' It appears by the Collection of Public Atts^ that this Parliament continued fitting for above a Month after the [ 194 J King's Coronation ; in which Time many Acts of State were patted relating to different Countries and Affairs) for the greater Security of the prefent Pofleflbrs. As al- fo feveral Grants of Money, &c. beftowed on the Queen and her Accomplices j befides Pardons and Indemnifi- cations to a vaft Number of People, by Name, who had been concerned in the late Commotions, under the Earl of Lancafler and the other Barons. The Titles of the moft fignificant of which the Reader will find un- 'der this Note d . , The Parliament being at laft diflblved, Commiffioriers were fent to the Borders of Scotland to treat of a Peace*, but the Scots refufed to treat with them ; not only fo, but they broke the Truce which had been made with King Edward II. and, raifing an Army, invaded England* The young King and his Mother made ready to oppofe them, and, with the mercenary Soldiers that came over with her, they marched againft them. The Scots were fo regardlefs of the Engli/h at that Time, that they fuf- fered themfelves to be inclofed, by their Enemies, in a O 2 Place d De Temporalibus, ad Procurationem Hugonis le Defpenfer junioris , olirr. jetentis, Epifcopo Norwieenfi jam denua reflituendit. Feed. Ang. Tom. IV. f. 248. De Expenfn Regime in Partibus Francise, />. 249. Pro iliis, qui fuerunt de Querela Cotnitis Lancaftriae, fufer Finibul-, de jSjfenfx Parliament!, relaxandis, p, 256. De ProcfJJ'u -jerfus Epifcofum Herefordenfem, Adam de Orleton, quod Thomas Comitis Lanca^ri;e adbafit, babito, adnullando, & Territ f prop- terca in Manum Regis captis, rejiituendit, f. 257. Adbuc pro illis, qui fuerunt de <$uerela nuper Comitis Lancaftrias de Refti- tutione pariter faeienda, Liter* ad Ficecomitet complurium Comitatuum t f. 258, 259, 260, 261. Pro Ifabeila Regina ad Debits fofocrda. A Grant of 20,000 /. p. 261. Ad Cujiodes q-uarundam Terrarum, fro Margareta, qua fait Uxir Bat- tholomaei de Badelefmere, f aliis de Querela antediEla. Eadem. Ad Tbefaurariam, de Ptnit, & ceteris Redemtionibm, illii de fupradifla Quertla relaxandit, p, 264. AdPabam, pro Canonixatione Thom* ntiper Cotnitis Lancaflrigt. Liter* a^.Diiranda, f, 268, Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edward III. Place called Stanhope-Park, in the Bifhoprick of Dur- ham ; and might have every Man of them been deftroyed or taken, but they found Means to efcape in the Night- Time, and get fafe back into their own Country. There- Anno Regni i. f ore j t was thought proper to call a Parliament to confult * 327 ' about the Security of the Kingdom, and other Matters, At Lincoln, which was to meet, September 15, at Lincoln. The Writ, in which moft of the Relation above is contained, bears C 195 3 Date at Stanhope, Augujl 7, in the firft Year of his Reign e . But tho' this Parliament met at the Time ap- pointed, yet we cannot find what was done at it ; cer- tainly nothing confiderable, fince our Hiftorians and Re- cords are fo filent about it. An old Hiftorian f writes, That it was here the young King received Advice of his Father's Death ; which, to outward Appearance, he feemed to lament exceed- ingly, and this might be one Caufe of a fudden Ditto- lution of this Parliament g . " Not long after the King's Return to London he held a ' a Parliament, or rather, fays Tyrrel, a great Council of the Nobility, at Wejlminfter, Nov. 13, the fame Year. WffmlnJler. j n thj s t ne on iy Matter that we can find tranfacled, was confirming the Privileges of the City of London, and or- daining feveral new Honours to the Mayor and Alder- men ; which, with feme other particular Grants, we may fuppofe was conferred on them, by Advice of the Queen, and the King's Guardians, for their remarkable Attachment, in the late Revolution, to her Intereft h . This Year alfo another Parliament was fummoned At York, to appear at York, on Sunday after Candlemas- Day, to treat of certain Articles of Peace, which had been pro- pounded e Pro Parliamento babcndo fuper Defenfane Regni contra Scotos. Feed. Ang. Tcm. IV. f. 301. f Henry Knygbton. g There is Mention made of a Parliament held at New Sarum, in a Writ to the Sheriffs, &e. to provide Horfes, &c, for the Members that were coming to it. Ibid. p. 315. lefte Rege apud Novum Sarum iiicefimo Die O&obris. This Parliament is alfo taken Notice of by Knygbton, col. 2553 ; but it was hindered from meeting, he fays, Nam Partes ob-aiaverunt fibt fuper Planatn dc Salifbury, ibique fe ad Pugnam paraverunt ; fed per alias de Regno impedlti funt.Jicque Parliamcntum diletum eft ad fcjlum Purijicalionil cdebrandun:, apud Weftmonaflcrium. h Barnes" 5 Edward III. p. 23, ^ENGLAND. 213 pounded between the two Nations at Newca/IIe. But K Edward III. nothing was done at it, becaufe feveral Bifhops and other Great Men did not come to this Meeting, by reafon they well knew it was called only to get their Approbation of thofe Articles, which had been before agreed on by the Queen and her Council ' ; therefore Writs were A nno R egn ; tt iflued out for calling another, three Weeks after Eajler, to 1328. Northa?npton. In this Parliament, however, they mana- At t? ort i, am pt ea ; ged fo, that a fcandalous Peace was trump'd up between the Englijh and Scots, contrived and directed by the Queen and Roger Mortimer. The Articles were, firfly ' That Prince David, Son and Heir to Robert King of c Scots, fhould marry the Princefs Joanna k , Edward's C X 9 6 3 * eldeft Sifter j in Confideration of which he was to grant the Scots King a Charter, to releafe all his Claim to Su- ^ periority, which Edward or his Anceftors had, or could w ' pretend to have, over Scotland', and to deliver up all of Superiority < Charters and Inftruments concerning the fame V This Charter, it feems, by the Contrivance of the Powers above-mentioned, was actually granted to the Scots King ; and fince it was, in Part, a Parliamentary Pro- ceeding, we fhall give Mr. Tyrrell AbftracT: of it, from a Manufcript Chronicle, with the further Acts of this Parliament in his own Words m . ' It begins with a Recital of the dangerous Wars ' and great Mifchiefs that had for a long Time fallen ' upon both Kingdoms, by reafon of that Claim of Su- * periority which he, the King of England, and his Pre- * deceflors, had made over that of Scotland : To put an End to which, he, by the Confent of the Bifhops, O 3 Earls, There is in the Public Afit a Summons to Adam de Or/tton, the late Prelatical Incendiary, to appear at this Parliament, to anfwer for fome illegal Proceedings he had been guilty of, relating to the Biflioprick of Watcher. See Vol. IV. p. 330, 331. k Called by the Scots, in Denfion. Joan Mackpcacc. Knygbton calls her de Turri, Soror Regis Ediaardi. Col. 2558. 1 With the famous Evidence, oiled Ragman- Roll, and many Jewels and Monuments; amongft which was one of great Value, called the Black Rood, or Crcfs of Scotland. Daniel's Hijlory cf England, in Kenntt, p. a 12. In Confideration of which David was to pay 30,000 Marks j Knygltcn fays 20,000, and that Mortimer had the Money. Idem. m Tyi-re!** Hiftoiy, p 350, from the Chronicle of Lanercofl. This Charter is printed at large in his sJppendix, and is in Rymer^s Fecdtra, Tom. IV p 337. Being dated at York, the Annotator on Rafin concludes that this Parliament was held in that City. Fol. Ed. p. 409 But both that Author and his An.iotator have jumbled the Parliaments ftrangely iu this Reign. 214 The Parliamentary HIST DRY K. Edward III. < Earls, Barons, and Commons of his Kingdom aflem- ' bled in Parliament, grants to Robert King of Scotland* his Heirs and Succeflbrs, that they (hall hold their * Kingdom free, and for ever difcharged it of all Subjec- tions, and all Claim and Demand thereof from the < King of England, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, and further * renounce for himfelf, &c. by thefe Prefents, all former * Obligations, Agreements, or Compacts made by, or * with, any, or either, of their Predeceflbrs concerning ' the Subjection of the Kingdom of Scotland, or its People, * both of the Clergy and Laity ; and that if any fuch c Charters or Inftruments (hall be found, he wills that [ 19? ] ' they (hall for the future be accounted as null, void, and of no Value. Dated at York the firft Day of March t * An. Reg. fecundo.' So that all original Inftruments of Homage from the Crown of Scotland being now loft and deftroyed, if that the Charters of Homage made by King John Ballot were not recorded on our Rolls in the Tower, we could not be able to prove, unlefs by the Teftimony of our Hiftorians, that fuch Charters had ever been made. In this very Parliament alfo the Defpenfer:^ Father and Son, Edmund late Earl of Arundele^ who had been executed by the Queen's Party, without any legal Pro-, cefs made againft them ; Walter Stapleton, late Biftiop of Exeter, and Sir Richard Stapleton his Brother, both beheaded in the Infurrection at London* were attainted of High Treafon, by the Direction, fays Jofnua Barnes* of the Queen- Mother and the Lord Mortimer. Whe- ther this Proceeding, adds he, was out of implacable Malice, which purfued them beyond the Grave, or tq cover their late unjuftifiable Actions againft thefe Perfons by a Parliamentary Sanction, it is certain that, in all the Proceedings of this Parliament, the Honour and Profit of the King and Realm was not fo much regarded, as the Enriching, Security, and Advancement of Lord Mortimer k . ^egnlz. Some Matters of Moment happening foon after this ;i8. laft Parliament, new Writs were iflued out, bearing ^. Date Auguft 28, for another to meet at Salijbury the > uf y- Sunday next after the ^ulndene^ or Fifteenth, of St. Mi- k Barnu's Edward III. ^ENGLAND. 215 chael '. The Earl of Lancajler, the Lord Wake, and K. Ed^d III, fome other Noblemen, refufed their Attendance at this Meeting ; the Earl giving for Reafon, That being * appointed by Parliament the King's Chief Counfellor * and Guardian of his Perfon, the Lord Mortimer had ' now taken to himfelf the Regal Power, and would not c permit him to come near the King, fo as to advife and * protect him according to his Truft. That though it ' had been decreed that no Perfon whatfoever fhould * prefume to come armed to this Parliament, yet the [ X 9 8 ] ' Lord Mortimer came with a great many armed Men, * by which he the faid Earl did not think his Perfon in ' Safety.' This being certified to the King and Parlia- ment, it was thought a very reafonable Excufe by feveral Lords ; and the King's two Uncles, Thomas of Brotherton and Edmund Earl of Kent, went over to the Earl ofLan- (after's Party. It was not long, however, before they deferted him, and the Earl of Lancajler was reduced to fuch Straits, that, to make his Peace, he was obliged to afk Pardon of the Queen and Mortimer, at the Head of his Army. At this Parliament the King's own Brother, John of Eltham, was created Earl of Cornwall, and Sir "James Botteler, or Butler, of Ireland^ Earl of Ormond : Roger Mortimer, Baron of Wigmore, was alfo made Earl of March m . The aforefaid Lord Mortimer being now in the Ze- nith of his Power, fought to eftablifh it by the bafeft Means ; and judging that Edmund Earl of Kent, the King's Uncle, flood in his Way, he fubtilly drew him into a (ham Plot, in order to deftroy him. The Manner of it is difcourfed at large by the learned "Jojhua Barnes, in his elaborate Hiftory of this King's Reign, but is not to our Purpofe. Sufficient it is to fay, that Mortimer, A nn o Regni 3. knowing he had Proof enough againft him, fummoned a 1329. Parliament to meet at IVinchefter on the I3th of March, 1 3}$. Here the Noble Earl was attainted of High Trea- fon, and, by the unanimous Confent of his Peers, ad- judged to Death. Hiftorians do not agree in their Ac- counts, 1 The King himfelf appointed Deputies to open this Parliament, as appears by a Precept to the Prelates, Barons, &c. Dated at Marlboroughi Oft. 5. Feed. Ang. Tom. IV. p. 372. a> Barrel Ed-ward 111. p. 30. j'yrrel and BraJy 216 7be Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edward Ill.counts of the Caufe of it n , but think that it was for de- figning to fet his Brother, King Edward II. at Liberty; being made, through Artifice, to believe that he was then alive, and a Prifoner in Cardiff Caftle, in Wales . No f * other Bufinefs that we can find was done at this Par- But it was not long before the Death of this Prince was amply revenged on the Authors and Contrivers of it. The young King being now come to a more ma- ture Age, and being made a Father by the Birth of a Son, which his Queen brought him at Wood/lock, after- wards called Edward the Black Prince^ began to look more about him, and endeavour to {hake off the Fetters AniwRegm 4. ^j^ ^is Mother and her Minion had put upon him<*. To that End he, of his own Accord, fummoned a great At Nottingham. Council, or a Parliament, to meet at Nottingham, on the I4th ofOftober, in the fourth Year of his Reign r . Mortimtr, Prime ^ was nere tnat the King's Eyes were more open, and Minifter, appre-he was better informed about the Practices of his Mo- hended, t h er anc j Mortimer; and that he himfelf was in no fmall Danger if Things continued in the fame State. All which being reprefented to him, by fome well-affected Lords, the King gave Orders to them to feize Mortimer, and bring him to public Trial and Juftice. The Manner how this Arreft was executed is largely told by all our Hiftorians, but particularly Mr. Barnes ; the Earl's Per- fon was feized, as well as all his Adherents, in the Caftle and Town of Nottingham, and fent Piifoneis to the Tower B Hollingjhead writes, that the Earl confefled before the Parliament that he was about to reftore his Brother to the Crown, by Command from the Pope, and in ConjundHon with divers Lords and others, whom he there named. Cbron. p. 348. Knyghton, col. 2559- The Earl flood till the Evening before the Caftle Gates at Wincbefter, and no Man could be found to do the Execution j Proffer Pietatem quam habebant de eo, nam damnotus erat abfque commum Confenfu. At laft a Villain, to fave his own Life, beheaded him. See Rapiu and his Annotator for the Earl's Confefiwn, at large^ before the Parliament, p 410, 411. P In the Public stfii there is a Letter directed to the Archbifliop of Canterbury, demanding an Aid from him and his Clergy, in Abxiho centra Guerram Franciae, which is faid there to have been granted in a Parliament at Eltham, in the Beginning of the Year 1330, but no further Account can we meet with about it. d$la Puhlica, Vol. IV. p. 422, 423. <} Froifart unites, that it was fufyeftcd the Queen was with Child by Mtrtimer Froifart's Hiftory, fol. 14. r Deinde Rex tenuit Conjitium fuum afwd Nottingham, in qvindena S. Michaelis, cum feae omnibus Mppnatitus R *"' Knyghton. col. 2??\' t! ~ in diverfe Offices, aided by feme of our Nobility, as well* ^1 Privy Counfellors as others, fo that our Affairs, by reafon Shires, for a Par- of the Tendernefs of our Age, were managed by thefe^ ament to ** People to our great Damage andDiJhonour, which Things^ 1 ^^ tha we can no longer fuffer, it is our greateft Defire that all Matters may be put in their due Eftate, and thefe Wrongs and Mifprifions redrejfed : We therefore charge and command you, on the Faith which you owe us, that immediately without Delay you proclaim in your'Jurifdittion, as well within Liberties as without, that ail thofe who can make Complaint of any Oppreflions, Hardjhips, or other Grievances to them done t contrary to Right, and the Laws and Ufages of our Realm, Jhould appear at Weftminfter, at our enfuing Parliament^ and make their Complaints to us, or to our Deputies, and luf will fee that they have as good and fpeedy Relief as in Reafon they can defire. And, becaufe that, before this Time, feveral Knights^ Reprefentatives for Counties, were People of ill De/igns^ and Maintainers of falfe Quarreh, and would not fuffer that our good Subjects fljiuld Jheiv the Grievances of the common People, nor the Matters which ought to It redref- fed s Afta Publi(a, Tom, IV. p, 453. 21 8 tfbe Parliamentary HISTORY H, Edward \H fed in Parliament, to the great Damage of us and our We therefore charge and command that you caufe to be tletled, with the common Confent of your County, two 9 - -. the mojl proper and mojl fufficient Knights, or Serjeants l , I 201 J of the faid County, that are the leaji J'ufpefted of ill De- Jigns, or common M.aintainers of Parties, to be of our faid Parliament^ according to the Form of our writ which you have with you. And this we expeft you Jhall do^ as you will efchew our Anger and Indignation. Given at Woodftock^ November the third. By the K I N G. The Parliament being affembled at Wejlminfler w , on 202 ] the Day appointed, the young King, it is faid, made a Speech t The Word here is Serjeante, which we have tranflated literally, not knowing well what to make of it. The Law Dictionary fays this Word fometimes fignifies an Officer belonging to a County, the fame which Brae- ton calls Servientem Hundred! t fo the Steward of a Manor is called Ser-uiens Manerii. But the true Meaning of the Word Serjeante, as we are informed by a learned Judge, [Mr. Baron Smytbi] is. Perfons holding of the Crown in Grand Serjeanty. " The Names of the Peers fummoned to this famous Parliament, ex- tracted from the Abridgment of Parliamentary Records, will not be un* acceptable to a curious Reader, p 5 Anno Quarto Edw ill fummonitio Parliament!. Rex, &c. Thorn. Cum. Noiff & M.arefcallo Anglic, cffr. apud Weftm. Die Lunae prox. poft feftum S. Catharina;, &( . left, apud Leiceft. per Reg. 23 Oclobus. Conjlmilei Liters diriguntur fulfcriptls. Johanni Com. Cornubiae, Fratri Re- Willie), la Zouch, de Mortuo Mari gis, Williel. la Zouch, de Harringworth, Henrico de Lane. Ccm Lane. Randolfo de Dacre, Johanni de Warren, Com. Sur. Richardo de Damoroy, Johanni de Britannia, Com. Richm. Roberto de Morley, Roberto Vere, Com. Oxon, Kugoni de Courtney, Johanni de Bohun, Com. Keref. 6f Johanni de Bello Campo, dt Somer- Eflex, fet, Tho. de Bello Campo, Com. Warr. Johanni de Cromwel, David de Strabolgi, Com. Athole, Johanni de S. John, Henrico de Pe:cie, Fulkoni de Strange, Roberto de Clifford, Simoni Warde, Willielmo de Latimer, Johjnni de Haveringtoa, Henrico Filio Hugonis, Johanni de Claveringe. Johanni Petche, Henrico de Cobham, Johanni de Mowbray, Rogero de Grey, Rado. de Nevil, Henrico de Grey, Anth. de Lacie, Stephano de Cobham. Richarda tf ENGLAND. 219 Speech to them, complaining much againft the Conduc"l K &**"'<* IU of the Queen and Mortimer ; and that, with the Confent . no Re j of his Subjects, he defigned to afTume to himfelf the Reins of Government, tho' he was not yet arrived to the Age prefcribed by Law. The Parliament gladly confented, all the Members being equally ready to fe- cond his Defigns. For this Hint of a Speech we have no better Authority than Mr. Rapin ; where he had his the Marginal Notes do not declare ; it is likely that the Matter was propofed to the Parliament by fome of the Miniftry, it not being the Cuftom in thofe Days to fpeak from the Throne, as the Reader will plainly find in the Sequel. Mr. Tindal indeed has added, from good Authority, that the King refumed into his Hands, in this Parliament, all the Grants that had been made du- ring his Minority. The next Thing we find done at it, was the exhibit- ing the following Articles againft the Lord Mortimer^ which we fhall here give, tranflated from the French Original, now on the Rolls in the Tower, and are in Dr. Brady's and Mr. TyrreFs Hiftories, with the latter's Re- flections on the further Proceedings of this Parliament x . Thefe are the Treafons, Felonies, and Mifchiefs done to cur Lord the King and his People, by Roger Mortimer, and others of his Company. I. Whereas in the Parliament holden at Wejlmmjler Articles of lm next after the King's Coronation, it was ordained, P eachmcnt a s ainft Lord Richardo de Grey, Tho. de Furnivall, jut. Thomae Bardolfe, Johanni de Mohun, Rado. Bafl~et, de Draiton, Jacobo de Audley, Rado. de Camoys, Johanni Matrevers, jun Humfredo de Poinitz, Willielmo Blunt, Hugo de Audele, Bartho. de Burgherfne, Phil. Darcye, Henrico de Ferrariis, Willielmo de Eyme. Johanni le Strange, Roberto de Ifle, Johanni le Sherleton, Johanni de Marmion, Baitho. de Burgherflie, Cufttdi Philippo de Columber, Quinaue Pertunm. Tho. de Furnivall, fen. We begin now to have this and the fucceeding Parliaments better and more regularly enteied on the Rolls than formerly. This Parliament, 4 Edward III. has this Introduction. Recorda et Memoranda de His que jiebant in Parliament!) fummonito afutf "Weftmonafterio Die Lun/e proximo pcft p'e/lum Sanfie Catherine. An. Reg. fegit Edvvardi Tertii poft Conqueftum quarto, liberata in Cancellariam per ^enricum dc Edenftowe, Clencum Parliament!. x Rymer's Feed. Tom. IV. p. 476, See alfo a Copy of thefe Articlw yj Knygbtin, col. 2556, "Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edward ill.* That four Bifliops, four Earls, and fix Barons fhould remain with the King to advife him, and that four * fhould ftill be with him, viz. one Bifhop, one Earl, ' two Barons at leaft, and that no great Bufmefs fhould be done without their Aflent j after which Parliament * the faid Roger not having Regard to the faid AfTent, ' ufurped to himfelf Royal Power, and the Government * of the Realm, above the State of the King, and put * out and placed Officers in the King's Houfe, and other * ' where throughout the Kingdom, at his Pleafure, fuch I 20 3 J t as were o f hj s party, and fee John Wayward and others ' about the King, to obferve his Adtions and Words ; ' fo as he was encompafled by his Enemies, that he could do nothing as he would, but only as a Man * under Guard or Reftraint. II. Whereas the King's Father was at Kenelwortb, * by Order and AfTent of the Peers of the Land, to ftay * there for his Eafe, and to be ferved as fuch a great ' Perfon ought to be ; the faid Roger^ by his ufurped ' Power, which he exercifed over him at his Pleafure, ' ordered that he fhould be fent to Berkley Cattle, where, * by him and his Confederates, he was traiteroufly, felo- ' nioufly, and falfly murdered and killed. III. 4 The faid Roger , by his ufurped Roval Power, ' forbad, by the King's Writ under the Great Seal, * That any fhould come to the Parliament at Salijbury * with Force and Arms, under Pain of forfeiting what- ' ever they had to the King ; yet thither he came, with c others of his Party, with Force and Arms to the faid * Parliament, contrary to the Prohibition aforefaid ; * wherefore divers Peers of the Land, as the Earl of * Lancafter and others, knowing the Manner of his " coming, would not be there : And whereas the Pre- ' lates were affembled in one Houfe, to confult about ' the Bufmefs of the King and Realm, the faid Roger * broke open the Doors of the faid Houfe with armed * Men, upon the Prelates, and threatened them with * Life and Member, if any of them fliould be fo hardy ' as to fpeak or do any Thing contrary to his Pleafure in ' any Point. And in the fame Parliament, by the faid ' ufurped Power, he caufed the King to make him Earl * of March., and to give him and his Heirs feveral Lands * in Difhcrifon of the Crown ; and afterwards the faid Roger of E N G L A N D. 221 * Roger, and thofe of his Party, led the King armed K. Edw*r* HI, againft the Earl of Lancajitr, and other Peers of the Land, as far as Wincbefter, when they were coming to the Parliament at Salijbury, fo that the Earl and * other Peers, to avoid the Evils that might have hap- * pened, out of Regard to the King, departed and went * toward their own Countries, grieving that they could ' not fpeak with, or advife, their Liege Lord as they ' ought to do. IV. * The faid Roger ', by the faid ufurped Power, cau- C 204 ] c fed the King to march forcibly againft the faid Earl, * and other Peers of the Land, who were appointed to ' be with the King to advife him ; and fo profecuted them with Force, that the faid Earl and fome others of his ' Company, that wifhed well to the Kingdom, fubmit- ' ted to the King's Grace, faving to them Life and Mem- ' ber, and that they might not be difmherited, nor have ' too great a Fine fet upon them ; yet he caufed them to * be fined fo grievoufly, that half their Lands, if fold out- * right, would only pay it ; and others he caufed to be ' driven out of the Nation, and their Lands to be feized, ' againft the Form of the Great Charter, and Law of the Land. V. ' Whereas the faid Roger knew well the King's * Father was dead and buried, he, by others of his Party, ' in deceivable Manner, informed the Earl of Kent that * he was alive ; wherefore the Earl, being defirous to * know whether it was fo or not, ufed all the good * Ways he could to difcover the Truth, and fo long, 6 till the faid Roger, by his ufurped Royal Power, caufed ' him to be apprehended in the Parliament holden at ' lyeflminjler, and fo purfued him, as in that Parliament * he procured his Death. VI. ' The faid Roger, by his ufurped Royal Power* * caufed the King to give to him and his Children, and * Confederates, Caftles, Towns, Manors, and Fran- * chifes in England, Ireland, and I'/ales, in Decreafe of * the Revenues of the Crown. VII. ' The faid Roger, in deceivable Manner, caufed ' the Knights of Shires, at the Parliament at Winchefter^ ' to grant to the King one Man at Arms out of every * Town of England, that anfwered in the Court of the * Eyre by four Men, and the Provqft, (i. f. the Rieve or 222 'The Parliamentary Hi s T on Y ^..Edward IIM or Bailiff of the Lord of the Manor) to ferve at thetf own Coft, for a Year in his War in Gafcoigny ; which * Charge he contrived for the Advantage of himfelf and * Party, in Deftrudlion of the People. VIII. The faid Roger, by his faid ufurped Royal Power, caufed Summons to be fent to many great Knights and others, that they fliould come to the King r 1 ' wnere " ever he was ant * wnen the y came > ne caufed 2 5 J ' them to be charged to prepare themfelves to go into * Gafcoigny) or fine at his Pleafure ; which Fines were for the Benefit of him and his Party. IX. The faid Roger, falfly and malicioufly, made ' Difcord between the King's Father and his Queen ; e and poflefled her, that if (he went to him fhe ftiould * certainly be killed with a Dagger, or otherwife mur- * dered ; and by this Way, and his other Subtilties, he * fo ordered it, that (he would not come to her Liege * Lord and King, to the great Difhonour of her Sort * and Self, and great Damage of the whole Realm, per- * chance, in Time to come, which God forbid. X. ' The faid Roger, \>y his faid ufurped Royal Power, * had caufed to be taken, for him and his Party, the * King's Treafure, as much as he pleafed, without Tale, '. in Money and Jewels, in Deftrudlion of the King, fo 4 that he had not wherewithal to pay for his Victuals. XI. ' The faid Roger, by the faid ufurped Power, c caufed to be fliared between him and his Confederates * the twenty thoufand Marks which came out of Scotland * for the Articles of Peace, without any Thing received * by the King. XII. * The faid Roger* by his above-mentioned Royal ' Power, received the King's Duties and Purveyance * through the Kingdom, as if he had been King ; and * he and his Party had with them double the Company of * Men and Horfe that were with the King, in Deftruc- ' tion of the People, not paying for their Quarters any * more than they themfelves pleafed. XIII. * The faid Roger 9 by his faid Royal Power, * caufed the King to grant to the Amount of two hundred * Charters of Pardon to thofe Irljh who had killed the * Great Men of Ireland, and others, who were in the * King's Faith j whereas the King ought immediately * tft of E N G L A N D. 223 * to have revenged their Deaths, rather than pardon &. Ed-ward III* < them, contrary to the Statute and Aflent of Parliament a . XIV. ' The faid Roger contrived to have deftroyed * the King's lecret Friends, in whom he had moft Con- < fidence ; and he furmifed to the King, in the Prefence ' of the Queen his Mother, the Bifhops of Lincoln and [ 206 J c Saliflury, and others of his Council, that his laid fecret Friends had excited him to combine with his (the faid c Roger's) Enemies beyond Sea, in Deftruc"Hon to the ' Queen his Mother, and of him the faid Roger j and * this he affirmed fo impudently to the King, that he * could not be believed againft what he had faid ; and for ' thefe Things, and many others, not as yet fit to be ' declared, he had been apprehended : Wherefore the * King charged the Earls and Barons, the Peers of the c Land, as thefe Things concerned himfelf, themfelves, * and all the People of the Realm, to do right and true * Judgment upon him for the Crimes above- written, as ' being notorious, and known to be true, to themfelves * and all the People of the Kingdom V Thefe Articles, though fomewhat long, are here gi- ven at large, becaufe they give greater Light to divers Tranfa6tions in the three firft Years of this King's Reign, than is to be had any where elfe. Then the Earls, Barons, and Peers, having exami- ned thefe Articles, came into Parliament before the King, and they all deliver'd their Opinion, by one of their Body, c That all Things contained in the faid Ar- * i * . ., o iri j H He is condemned ' tides were notorious, and known to themfelves, and all and executc d. ' the People ; wherefore they, as Judges in Parliament^ 6 by Aflent of the King, did award and judge the faid Ro- * ger, as a Traitor and Enemy to the King and Kingdom j * to be drawn and hang'd, and commanded the Earl Ma- 6 refchal to execute the Judgment, and the Mayor, Alder- * men, and Sheriffs of London, with the Conftable of the * Tower, and thofe who had the Guard of him, to be aid- * ing and affiftingwith the Earl Marefchal at the Execu- * tion$ which was performed accordingly on the 2gth of November^ This Article is mofl wretchedly mangled in both Dr. >tf it i _i nl others of his c ing, and afliftmg the faid Roger in all the Felonies, Confederates. < Treafons, and Villanies aforefaid, which were to the ' Ufurpation of Royal Power, the Murder of their Liege * Lord, and Deftruction of the Royal Blood ; and that * he was guilty of divers other Felonies and Robberies, * and a principal Maintainer of Robbers and Felons, * they, as Peers and Judges of Parliament, by AfTent of * the King, do award and adjudge him, as a Traitor and * Enemy to the King and Realm, to be drawn and * hang'd ; and the Earl Marefchal was commanded to do * Execution ;' which was alfo done on Monday next after the Feaft of St. Thomas the Apoftle. But it appears by the fame Parliament Roll, that it was then alfo declared, That tho' the Lords and Peers in Parliament had for this Time, in the King's Prefence, proceeded as Judges to give Judgment upon thofe that were no Peers ; yet hereafter this fhould be no Precedent to draw them to give Judgment on any other but their Peers, in Cafes of Treafon or Felony. Then the Peers proceeded and pafTed Judgment upon the principal Actors in the Murder of the late King Ed- ward, and the Death of Edmund Ezr\ of Kent ; and, for the latter of thefe, Sir John Maltravers being found guilty in making him falily to believe that the faid King W33 d PrediSlus Rogerus at Prodi tor et Inimicus Rtgis et Regni, et fufpenfus, teftio Kal. Septembris afud Londonias ; cujut Carpus duebvt ehtii et Nofiibus nudum fendebat fufer Furcas, traditum eft Corfui ts Minores London. Knjgbtvn t col, 2.556. cf ENGLAND. 225 Vtzs alive, the faid John was fentenced to be drawn, K. Edward ill* hanged, and beheaded as a Traitor, when and where- ever he (hould be found j and the Peers prayed the King to iflue forth his Proclamation, That any one who could C 208 ] take him alive, and bring him to the King, {hould have a thoufand Marks j and if he could not be taken alive, he that fhould bring his Head, {hould have five hundred Pounds of the King's Gift. But it feems ftrange that this Man, who is reported by all our Hiftorians to be as much concerned as any in the Murder of King Edward^ fhould not be now con- demned for that, but another lefs^ Crime j which makes me fuppofe, fays Tyrrel, that there was not fuch fuffi- cient Proof made out againft him of that Murder, as there was of the other : But, notwithftanding this Price which was put upon his Head, it is certain he was never ta- ken, but lived a baniflied Man in Germany^ at the Time when our Author wrote his Chronicle e . Further, the fame Judgment was given againft Eog9 Steward of the King's Houfhold. In this Parliament Edward, the young Earl of Kent t was alfo reftored to his Father's Honours and Eftate, as hath been already obferved ; for, being encouraged thro* the Clemency as well as Juftice fhewn by the King to Richard, Son of the late Earl of Arundele, he alfo pray'd to be reftored to his Blood, Lands, and Goods, feeing his Father was put to Death, not being tried by his Peers, according to the Great Charter and the Law of the Land ; but becaufe the Attainder was confirm'd by Parliament at Northampton, he mended his Petition, and prayed to be reftor'd of the King's meer Grace j which was granted accordingly. Alfo, in the fame Parliament, the Prelates, Earls, and Barons, prayed and advifed the King to give and grant a Thoufand Pounds per Annum to Sir William Monta- cute, and his Heirs, for his Service in taking Roger Mortimer, Earl of March, and his Confederates, with- out Blooclfhed ; a Thoufand Marks whereof was to be out of the Lands of Mortimer. And, upon the like Prayer and Advice, his Afiiftants, viz. Edward Bohun had f Rot. Psrl, A. R, R. Edw, III, 40, vf E N G L A N D. 227 had four hundred Marks per Annum to him and his Heirs ^K. Edward III* Robert de Uffard three Hundred, and John Nevill two Hundred. The reft of the moft confiderable Tranfa&ions of this Parliament are, That William Archbifhopof Tork^Stephen Bifhop of London, William Abbot of Langdon, William Lord Zouch of Mortimer , and many others, who had L 2I J agreed with Edmund, late Earl of Kent, for the Delivery of the late King Edward, and been thereof impeached, were now wholly acquitted, and fully reftored to all their Goods and Pofleffions. It was alfo ordered, That thofe who had taken Up Arms with Henry Earl of Lancafter at Bedford, in which, the Mayor and Citizens of London were included, or had been concerned in the Matter of Edmund, late Earl of Kent, fhould be releafed of all Fines impofed on that Account ; and that their Lands, which were therefore fcized into the King's Hands, (hould be reftored with the Mefne-Profits, &. and therefore the King pardoned Henry Earl of Lancafter, and all thofe who took Pare with him, all Fines and Ranfoms whatfoevef. And farther, we find, that foon after the News of Mortimer's Fall, and the Knowledge of this Pardon, Thojnas Lord Wake, Hugh Lord Audeley, Henry Lord Beaumont, Sir Thomas RoJ/elin, Sir William Truffel, Sir ^Thomas Withers, and the reft whom Mortimer's Power had forced beyond the Seas, returned from France, and were received as their Loyalty deferved ; being by the King freely reftored to all their Lands and Pofleffions. But before we take Leave of this Parliament it is ne- ceflary to obferve, That there was an Adi pafled in it for the holding one once a- year, or oftener, as Occafion required. And now this Parliament, having difpatched a great deal of Bufinefs in a fliort Time, was diflblved a little before Chrijlmas ; when the King went down into the Country to divert himfelf, and kept that Feftival at Wells. With Mortimer fell alfo the Queen-Mother's Power And the Qneen- and Authority at Court ; and tho' we find nothing in Mother made the Records of this Parliament relating to her, we may^jf onel fttt fuppofe it was in Refpedt to the King, who dutifully ' e * P 2 declin'd g Vide Scat, at large 4 Ediv. JII. cap. xiv, This Aft is not entered h the Rolls, 228 *Tbe Parliamentary HISTORY Anno Regni 5. I33 1 - [211 ] K. Edward III. declin'd calling her into Queftion. He thought proper however to confine her for Life, and flie continued * State Prifoner, in the Caftle of Rifings, near London, all the reft of her Days ; with an Allowance of three thoufand Pounds a Year for her Maintenance. In the fifth Yaar of this King's Reign he called a Par- liament at Wejiminjler to meet the Day after Michael- At Weftminfter. mas-Day, in which the Bifhop of Winchejler, Chancel- lor, declared the Caufe of the Summons to be, * Con- * cerning the Duchy of Guyenne *, and the King's Pof- ' feflions beyond Sea, whether Peace ihould be made or * other Iffue put to the Diflentions between the Kings of * England and France, by reafon of the faid Territories. * As alfo about Affairs in Ireland, concerning the King's * going thither, to ordain how Peace might be the beft * kept in that Nation.' It was agreed that the King's Bufmefs fhould be preferred before any other. Upon this the Chancellor applied himfelf to the Pre- lates, Earls, Barons, and other Great Men, for their Advice, ' Whether they thought it beft for the King to proceed by Way of Procefs of War, or by an ami- * cable Treaty with the K^ing of France, for the Refti- * tution of Guyenne ?' The Parliament agreed to the laft, as the leaft dangerous Way of proceeding ; and that the King was to nominate Commiffioners for that Purpofe ; who accordingly named the Archbifhop of Canterbury, the Chancellor and Treafurer, the Bifhops of Ely and Worcefter, the Earls Marefchal and Warren, Sir Henry de Beaumont, Sir Henry de Percy, Sir Hugh de Courtnay, Sir Geoffry le Scrape, Sir William de Herle^ Sir ''John de Stonere, and Sir 'John de Cantebrigg, [Cam- bridge"] to take out of this Number whom he pleafed, to be fent as AmbafTadors to the French King, in order to treat of a Peace, and a good Agreement between them. As to Ireland, it was refolved, * That the King in Per- fon fhould go thither ; but, to prepare his Way, a cer- tain Number of Forces, under able Commanders, fhould be fent before him, and that thofe efpecially that held any Lands there, fhould go fpeedily over for the De- fence of that Kingdom.' Alfo it was ordained, 'That all learned Men in the' Law, who fhould be appointed as Juftices, Ihould by no Means be excufed on any Pre- i Duckte dt Guyenne, Rot. Parl, 5 Ed-w. III. of E N G L A N D. 229 * Pretence whatfoever.' And further, it was ordered, K Edward 111. * That Search fhould be made into his Majefty's Records, 4 to fee what Methods had been formerly taken for the * civilizing and well-governing the People of Ireland. In this Parliament Sir Hugh Defpenfer, Grandfon and Several Pardont Son to the two former Hughs? put to Death by Queen granted. Ifabelznti Mortimer ', having obtained the King's Pardon, for valiantly defending his Caftlefrom the C^een, was now wholly acquitted of that Crime, and his Bail dif- charged c . Thomas Lord Berkeley , who was alfo acquit- ted laft Year, petitioned to have his Manuprifors dif- charged ; and it was done accordingly. Mr. Barnes ob- ferves, That it was the Cuftom in thofe Days, when any [ 212 ] one had been tried as an Offender againft the King, and was acquitted, or had his Pardon, yet neverthelefs he was to provide twelve of his Peers to be Sureties for his forth-coming during the King's Pleafure. The Difcon- tinuance of which Cuftom, adds he, has been too ufe- ful to Traitors in our Days d . It was here alfo moved in full Parliament, either, fays our Author, in Compaffion of Innocence, or becaufe all their Refentment was fatisfied in the Execution of Mor- timer^ that the King would be gracioufly pleafed to ex- tend fome Favour to Edmund, eldeft Son to the late Earl of March. At which bold Requeft the King being of- fended, as imagining that they petition'd for a full Refto- ration of his Father's Lands and Honours, afked them with fome Emotion, c What they would have, fince his Father had been murdered by the Procurement of the faid Earl ?' The Parliament's Anfwer was, 'That they only fpoke in the young Man's Behalf for fome certain Lands entailed.' To which the King replied, 'That he would do in that Matter what he himfelf thought fit.' This Severity is faid to have broke this young Lord's Heart ; but his Son, then a Child, was reftored to all his Grandfather's Honours and PoiTeiHons, three- and- twenty Years after, by this very King. In this Parliament it was agreed, that all Featsof Arms, as Jufts, Turnan\ents, &c- fhould be forbid, as well by the Juftices as others, untill the King and his Council ihould otherwife appoint. p . .<- ' The Bones of his Grandfather and Father were alfo granted to him to be taken down and burisd in Chriftian Burial. Feed. Ang* Tom, IV, p. 46 \ 4 Garnet's Edw. Ill, f. 63. 'J'itKf. Car. 11, 230 e ^> e "Parliamentary HISTORY KM Edward III. Alfo that Ifabel^ the Queen - Mother, fhould hav$ yearly three thoufand Pounds, in Rents and Lands, al- lowed her for her Maintenance. And that none of the Eftates in Parliament fhould re- tain, fuftain, or avow any Felon, or other common Breaker of the Law. Alfo, It was enacted, That no Purveyance of Victual fhould be made, but for the King, Queen, and Royal Family, and that by good Warrant and ready Payment e . An Ordinance was made to regulate the current Coin of the Kingdom, which had been counterfeited abroad, and was imported by foreign Merchants. Laftly, it was agreed by the King and his whole Par- liament, That the Bifhop of London fhould refide near the King till the Meeting of the next Parliament, in order to advife for the beft, along with the Chancellor, Treafurer, and others. The Neceffity of the King's Affairs obliging him to have frequent Parliaments, another was fummoned by I 2I 3 ] Writ to meet at Wejlmlnfter^ March 12, 1332; reciting Anno Regni 6. in the Summons the King's Reafons for calling them. 1332- Where, that we may fee, fays Jojhua Barnes , (who we r. find had diligently fearched into, and examined, all the Records of this Reign) what prudent Care was then taken, by thefe auguft Affemblies, that their Debates fhould not be awed by Fear, or difturbed by Tumults, it was firft, by the King's Order, proclaimed, ' That no Man, upon Pain of forfeiting all his Subftance, fhould prefume to ufe or wear any Coat of Metal, or other Weapon ofFenfive or defenfive, in London^ lyejlminjler^ or the Suburbs of the fame f : And alfo that, during the Time of this Seflion, no Games, or other Plays, or" Men, Women, or Children, fhould be ufed in IVeft- minjler, to the Difturbance of the Parliament.' Here alfo, adds he, we fhall mention the laudable Cuftom of Parliaments in thofe Days, whereby certain Committees were appointed not only to be Receivers, but alfo Tryers of Petitions, who were to inquire of the Matter of Fat expreffed in the Petition; that fo it might be cleared and rightly ftated before it came to be debated in lull Parlia- ment : Barnes's Edio. III. p. 64, See Statutes at large, An. Reg. 5 Edw. III. f The Arms prohibit were Coats of Mail, Haubergeons, Swords, Of long Knives, Rot, Part. 6 Edw, III, N'. 3. of ENGLAND. 231 ment: But of this we have more largely treated in a K, Edward HI, former Reign. At the Meeting of this Parliament the Chancellor opened the Sellion with a Speech in the Nature of a Ser- mon g , more fully declaring the King's Reafons for call- ing them : The Purport of which was to acquaint them, * That his Majefty had received a Meflage that the * King of France, with many other Kings and Princes, * having appointed to go to the Holy Land* in the pre- AMn j invitolf * fent Month of March, they much defired the Company by the King of c of the King of England, for the better {lengthening^"""' to go to ' themfelves againft the common Enemy of Chriften- the Iio } Lan * dom; the King therefore defired the Advice of this * Parliament, whether it was proper to accompany them * in this Expedition or not.' Then Sir Geoffrey Scrape of JMaJham, in the King's Prefence, and at his Command, declared further, ' That this Meeting was called as well * to redrefs the Breaches of his Laws and his Peace, as * for the Voyage to the Holy Land : That the King was * informed, and it was notorious to all, that divers * People, defying the Law, were gathered together in * great Companies, to the Deftru&ion of the King's [ 214 } * Subjects, the People of Holy Church, and the King's * Juftices; taking and detaining fome of them in Prifon, c untill, to fave their Lives, they had received great * Fines and Ranfoms, at the Pleafure of the Evil-doers; * putting fome to Death, robbing others of their Goods * and Chattels, and doing other Mifchiefs and Felonies.' Therefore he the faid Sir Geoffry, on Behalf of the King, charged the Prelates, Earls, Barons, and others, there aflembled, on their Faith and Allegiance, That they * (hould advife him, firft, concerning his Voyage to the c Holy Land, which he very much defired to undertake ; * as alfo how the Peace might be kept, and how thefe * Rioters might be chaftifed and retrained from their ' Wickednefs.' After thefe Speeches were ended, the Archbifhop of Canterbury flood up and faid, ' That it did not properly * belong to their Function to be prefent at criminal De- ' bates ;' and, with a Provifo of referving their Rights flill to themfelves and Succeflbrs, withdrew, with the Fro&ors of the Clergy, to confult by themfelves. The Earh, Z En Faurmc de Prcdicacisnt 232 W* Parliamentary HISTORY K.Edward III, Earls, Barons, and other Grandees, confulted alfo apart, and the Reprefentatives of the Commons apart, they at that Time having no particular Speaker. The Refult of thefe feparate Confutations was, that the Lords and Great Men returned into the King's Pre- fence; and, by the Mouth of Sir Henry Beaumont^ whom they had then chofen to deliver it, declared that their Advice to the King was, ' That he {hould ordain Ju- Peacffirfl : !p! ' ^^ every County of the Kingdom, for the Con- pointed. ' fervation of the Peace againft Offenders, with Power f to punifh and reprefs them; and, further, that certain * Officers fhould be appointed for apprehending Male- * factors, and levying the Hue-and-Cry V Accordingly Commifiions were iffued out to the Sheriffs, and beft Men of every County, to apprehend and imprifon, and raife the Poffe-Comitattts againft them, and caufe them to be indicted and punifhed according to their Deferts. The Prelates and Clergy had drawn up a Sentence of Excommunication againft thefe Malefactors, which was agreed to by the King, Earls, Barons, Knights of Shires, f 11 c 1 an ^ Commoners *, and ordered to be pronounced againft them in the Church of St. Paul, London, and afterwards fent to all the Bifhops in England, to be publifhed in their refpective Diocefes. In which Sentence were in- cluded, * All thofe who difturbed the Peace and Quiet * of Holy Church and the Realm ; efpecially fuch as * made Alliances and Affociations, by Covenants, Obli- * gations, or Confederacies ; all the Receivers, Favourers, * or Defenders of them ; and all fuch Covenants, Obli- ' gations, Confederacies, and Alliances were declared void.' To which the Prelates added, * That if any * Oaths had been taken to confirm them, they alfo were * annulled and made of no Effect.' Thefe k Lever Hu et Crie. In Orig. "We have not altered the Text here, as it runs in our firft Edition, but we have lince found that Juftices of Peace were made earlier than this Time, vix. the firfl of this King, Anno 1327 : For in the Statutes at large in that Year, chap. xvi. there is this Title, Who Jball be aj/igned Jujtices and Keepers of the Peace : And, in the Body of the Act, 7 be King wills that, :>i eiiery County , good and lawful Men, which be no Maintainen ttf Evil, the Country See alfo Statute 4 Ed-ward III. cap. ii. Statutes at large , , Barretters in the Country, Jball be ajjigncd to keep the Peace, Par noftre Seigneur le Roy, Prelatx, Countes, Barons, et outre Cbivaltrs de Ceuatces, Centxi de Cw.mur.e, &c, la Orig. N. 5, of E N G L A N D. 233 Thefe domeftic Difturbances had been occafioned by K. Edward ill. Defect of good Government during the King's Mino- rity j by which a great many bold, diflblute Fellows had aflbciated themfelves in great Companies, and, keeping the Woods and Forefts, robb'd all that pafled thofe Ways. Their Infolence was at that Time grown to fuch a Height, that they took Sir Robert IVilloughby^ the Lord Chief Juftice, then travelling towards Grantbam, to put the Statute of Trail- Bajlon in Execution againft fuch Malefactors, and forced him not only to pay a Ran- fbm for his Life, but to fwear never to difcover them. However he complained to the King and Parliament of this Villainy, which occafioned the foregoing Regula- tions to be made. After fettling their domeftic Concerns, this Parliament went upon the Confideration of foreign Affairs ; and it was unanimoufly agreed, That the Time mentioned by the French King, for Edward to join with him in the Crufade, was too fhort for that Purpofe. Then Sir Geoffry Scrape, by the King's Command, told them, ' That whereas, in the laft Parliament at * Wejlminjler^ it had been agreed that the Differences on * Foot between the Kings of England and France^ con- ' cerning the Territories beyond Sea, fhould be recon- ' ciled by Treaty, by Way of Marriage, or by fome p g -. * other amicable Manner ; that thereupon the King had * * fent his Commiffioners to the French King, who had * treated with them, and reported back, that his Maje- < fty of France told them, that if it pleafed their Mafter ' to come over in Perfon, he would mew more Favour 6 to him than to any other. Wherefore it was necefTary * to fend fpcedily to the faid King, and for this End the c Advice of the Parliament was demanded, whether the * King mould go over in Perfon or not.' The Parliament confented to his going, in Hopes that all Obftacles to- wards an Agreement between them might be thereby re- moved, and much Advantage accrue to the Realm. They advifed alfo, th*t the Irijb Expedition might be poflponed for this Year; but that an Army ftiould be fent over in- to that Country. There are fame Obfervations which muft neceflarily be made on the Conduct of this particular Parliament, hi order to illuftrate our Hiftorical Proceedings. It is re- The Parliamentary HISTORY remarkable that this is the firft Time that we can find that the Commons ever feparated from the Lords and made a diftinct Houfe by themfelves, though without a Speaker. Alfo that the lower Clergy were prefent at this Parliament, reprefented by their Procters, fat by themfelves, the Bifhops included, and not with the Lay- Commons, as fome Writers, without any juft Grounds, have alTerted. It feems here, likewife, that Juftices of Peace, fuch as we have at this Day in Power, were firft eftablifhed *. And laftly, that tho' this Parliament did not fit a whole Week, yet it {hews how much Bufmefs was difpatched in a few Days, when all Things were drawn up and ready prepared by the King and his Coun- cil beforehand. Yet, tho' the King gave Leave for the Knights of Shires, Citizens and Burgefles, with thofe of the lower Clergy, to return home, he ordered the Lords and his Counfellors in Parliament to tarry longer, to liave their Advice in fome other Matters of great Mo- ment which he had to propofe to them. About this Period an Opportunity offered for this King f 217 ] Edward to recover all in Scotland which his Father had loft. Some Enghjk Lords, who were Borderers to that Kingdom, judged this a fit Time t6 revenge the late In- juries on the Scot$) becaufe David Bruce their King was a MKnor, and their two great Generals, Douglas and Randolf, both dead : Having made the Lord Baliol their General, they firft invaded, and then carried on their Conquefts in that Kingdom with great Succefs. The News of thefe Exploits had not yet reached England', . and Edward had called another Parliament to meet on Lnno Regn, 6. the ^ of ^^^ k at /^ OT /^ r , the fame Year, where the Bifhop of Winchejler, Lord-Chancellor, de- clared, ' That the Caufe of their meeting was about * the Affairs of Ireland, and the King's going over there ' in Perfon to quell the Rebels, who had done great * Mifchiefs in that Country.' The Parliament adjourn- ed to Iburfday following, to confider of this Affair, they were alarmed with fome fudden News out of the North, which made them fear an Invafion from the Scots ; \vhereupon the Lords and Commons did each, by their feveral i Called in the Record, Gardeins des Ceuntees, pur k Pees garder, it FF.mpefcbement da Mah-'i'ys, &c. k Lendtmayntle la Nativitf nctre Dame, par Jour de Mefkeicli flVIecrediT <*. Purl. 6 Edw. Hi. in Tituh, ^/ENGLAND. 235 feveral Petitions, advife and requeft the King not to go K - Edward Hf. into Ireland, but to fend a diffident Supply of Men and Money, whilft himfelf marched a ftrong Army towards the North, in order to watch the Motions of the Scots. For this Expedition the King had a Fifteenth granted A Supply grant- him of all the Perlbnal Eftates of the Prelates, Lords, ed for the Reco- and Knights of Shires ; and a Tenth of the Cities and ver * of Seotland ' Boroughs'" : But they defired, * That the King would pleafe to live of his own, without grieving his Subjects * by outragious Prizes, or fuch-like illegal Taxations.' Hereupon the King revoked the late new Commiflion for raifing of certain Tallages or Cuftoms, and promifed from henceforth to fettle the fame according to the old Rates, and in fome Hafte broke up this Parliament. Very foon after this Parliament was diflblved, the King removed his Court to York, in order to receive the fpeedier Account of the Pofture of Affairs in Scotland. Here it was that he met the agreeable News of the Suc- cefs gained by the Lords aforefaid ; and that they had actually gone fo far as to bring about a Revolution in that Kingdom, and to crown Baliol King of Scotand at Scoon. Edward, upon this, immediately fummoned a new Parliament to meet at York, a few Days before the L 21 J Feaft of St. Michael ; but they did not meet till the 2d of December following n . We find that Sir Geof- fry in In a marginal Note in our Copy of the Records is put, Le 151^6 de la Ccmmuniaute et le ic me de Citeys et Bourgt, a Caufe que le Mtrcbands et Gens de me/her font riches ea Argent, n The King's Letter to the Archbifliops, Biftiops, &c. appointing cer- tain Perfons to open this Parliament in his Stead, is as follows : Rtx Arcbiepifcopii, Epifcopis, Abbatibus, Prioribus, Ccmitibus, Baroni* bus, Mititibus, & omnibus a.'iis, ad in/lavs Parliament um nojirum fummo- nitum, conventuris, falutem. Quia proffer aliquai certai Caufas fumus ad prtffens preepcditi, qucm:nus, ijla Die Veneris, apud locum prtedittum ferfoaaliter accedere -valiamus, Act, De Circumfpeftionit & Indnflritf Magnitudinc dileftorum & fdilium no- frorum Verierabiln Patris W. Eborum Arcbitpifcopi, Angliz Primatis t Magiftri Roberti de Stratford, & Galfridi le Scrope, plenam Fiduiiam ob.- tirentes ; eh, & duobut eorum, ad incboandum, Nomine neftro, Parlia- * mentum prtedifium, 6f ad faciendum ea jute fro nobit ? per not facienda fuerint, ufque Adventum nojirum ibidem, plenam tenure Preefentium commit" timui Poteji.item. F.t ido vcbii mandamus qut eifdem Arckiepifcepo, Roberto f Galfriilo, & duobus eorum , intcndentet Jit is in Preemijjts in Forma pretdifla. fa cvjui, fc. T'ftt Kege d/> the King will command the Chancellor to be gracious. ' That Bigamy {hall only be tried in a Court Chri- ftian: That Remedy be had againft all Oppreffions of * the Clergy for Probats of Wills, and Citations for Trifles.' Anfwer. The King will herein do his bejl, and charge? the Bifoops to do the like. There were alfo feveral other A&s made in this Par- liament m . In the fame Year, after a great Council held at Not- iingham^ a Parliament was fummoned to meet at Weft- minjler, on the Exaltation of Holy Crofs, or the of September n . The Choice of this Feftival almoft de- clared the Occafion of the Summons ; which was, ' That ' the King being thereunto invited by his Coufin, the * Duke of Bretaign, who came lately on an Embafly * from France^ had formed a Refolution to take a Voy- e age with his Brother of France^ and other Chriftiar* * Princes, to the Holy Land. He told them the Reafoir c he had not anfwered King Philip before, when he ap- * plied to him for this Expedition, was, that he had learnt 4 the French King had fitted out ten great Ships, defigned * to affift King David's Party in Scotland: Yet, as thefe * Ships had been miferably (battered at Sea, and were * forced to return home without any ErTeci, and alfo * that Scotland feemed pretty well fettled under the Go- c vernment of King Balio/ y he was the more willing to e partake with the reft of the Princes in this pious and ' honourable Knterprize, though he had fet no Time for ' the doing of it.' We cannot learn what Anfwer the Parliament gave The Scots revolt to the King on this Declaration; but whether they a 6 ain agreed. m See the Statutes at large, fob hoc Anno, Thb F'arliament is not on the Rolls, 240 3The Parliamentary HISTORV K, EdvwdlVi, agreed to this romantic Project, or not, it was fruftrated by Advices out of Scotland which came at that Time, intimating that the Scots had again rebelled againft King Baliol, had taken fome Englifh Lords Prifoners, and defeated their Forces. Upon this News the Parliament A Subfidy grant- granted the King a Fifteenth from the Lords and Knights "* of Shires, a Tenth from the Clergy, and the like from jthe Citizens and Burgefles j after which the Parliament oroke up . [ 222 ] The jr- n g foon turne( j a jj n j s Thoughts towards Scot' Anno Regni 9. land^ and, coming to Nottingham^ iffued out Writs for 1335. calling a Parliament to meet at York about Whitsuntide^ A . in the Year 1335, there to treat how to carry on the War againft the Scots. What was done in that Affair we know not; for, at the Interceflion of a Bimop fent by the French King for that Purpofe, a Truce was granted for fix Weeks. At this Parliament feveral more Statutes were enacted, very ferviceable to the Peace and Welfare of the Realm P. The Time of the Truce being concluded the Scoff War began again, and continued with great Fury and Anno i ^ e | > n V' various Succefs till the next Year; when, at a Parlia- ment, or great Council, called at Northampton, "June 25, f* Northampton.^ j| n g rece j vec j Advice that the French King had fo far efpoufed the Scots Quarrel, as to engage himfelf to protect and aflift them, and to that Purpofe had fent *b a the over ^ evera ^ eminent Commanders, with confiderable * Supplies of Men, Money, and Ammunition. Edward was not at all difpleafed with the News, becaufe it gave him now a juft Occafion to turn his Arms againffc France ; and he hoped alfo that, as foon as ever the French and Scots were joined, they would give him Battle, which the latter had hitherto induftrioufly avoid- ed. Flufli'd with thefe martial Thoughts, Edward pri- vately ftole away from his Parliament, whom he left at their Debates, and with wonderful Expedition ar- rived at St. John/Ion^ in Scotland^ where he found Kind; Baliol Knygbtan write: that Edward Bafio! came to this Parliament, and did Homage to the King of England for the Realm of Scotland. Col. 2565. Waljingbam, p. 1 34. p See the Preamble and thefe Afts in the Statuta a: hrgc, An. R?f* iI. 1335. ^ENGLAND. 241 (BaUol ready at the Head of the Forces of both Na- K. Edward HI, tions q . Here we are obliged again to leave this warlike King to his Conquefb, having no Bufmefs with him but in his cooler Hours of Parliamentary Councils ; and as great Part of his long Reign was fpent in the Scots and French Wars, lefs Matter will accrue to us to relate, but much more to the general Hiftorians of the Times. L 22 3 J However, having again ravaged all Scotland over, from Sea to Sea, and finding nothing to refift him, he returned into England r , to a Parliament, or Council, which met at Nottingham, Sept. 25, this Year. Here Edward ob- At Nottiagbam^ tained a new Grant to carry on his Wars in Scotland and Gafcoigny^ of a twentieth Part from the Nobility and Gentry, a Tenth from the Citizens and Burgefles, and a Sixth from the Clergy: Befides, the Merchants of Eng- land were taxed to pay 40 s. a Sack for all Wooll tranf- ported, and Foreigners 3/. s . The next Year we find that a real Parliament was Anno Regnl n; fummoned to Wejlminjler about Candlemas 1337 . It '337' was here enacted, ' That no Wooll of Englijh Growth At Weflminfteri ' fhould be transported beyond the Seas ; and that all ' Cloth- Workers mould be received from whatever foreign Parts they fhould come, and fit Places c be affigned them, with divers Liberties and Privileges, VOL. I. Q^ * and Manufactures at q The Writ for conftituting John Archbifliop of Canterbury, then Chan- home, cellor of England; Henry Bi/hop of Lincoln, Treafurer ; John Earl of Corn- *wall, the King's Brother, his Subftitutes to hold this Parliament, or Coun- cil, as it is here called, in the King's Stead, is dated at Nnvcaflle upon Tyt:e t June ZO, 1336. Rymer's Feed. Tom. IV. p. 701. " Et cum nemmem invemjet impedier.tem, rediit aptid Nottingham, ubi ecnceffa eft Rrgi nova Contributio, &c, Knyghton, col. 2568. s This Meeting is not on the Rolls. t The Writ for fummoning jfcbn Archbifhop of Canterbury to this Par- liament, declaring theReafon to be. becaufe the Pope had fent two Cardi- nals into England to treat of a Peace, &c. is in the Public ABi, Vol. IV. p. 83z. By this it appears that the Meeting was appointed to be the Day after Candlemas, and was dated at Weflmlnfter, December 20. Poly dare Vergil mentions an Acl pafled this Parliament, not taken Notice of by any other Hiftorian ; his Words are, Poft htec et alia ir.itlta ex Reipub- licte ufu conftituta, placuit providere ne Opes qux Mercian Ufa in Dies Jin- gules in Infitlam inferebantur, aliquando diffifarentur, itaque Lege exceptum eft ut nemini Ihmini neque Anglo neque Externo liceret in pojlerum lempu: durum, Arger.tum calatum five fgnatum, de Regno in Ccntircntcm cxpcr- tare. Quo Fafium eft ut Mercatores extranet Mercium fuarum pretia coaEli Jlnt in alias Mercedes infumere. Decretum ijiud etiarr. nunc fcrvatur, ferpe- tugtum uti Regno utile ab atits $ui ft.uti funt Re^ibui. Lib. xix. p. 365. Parliamentary HISTORY K, EdwardlU, 1 and that they fliould have a certain Allowance from the King, till they might be fixed in a Way of living by their Trade.' It was alfo ordain'd, * That none fhould wear any Cloaths wrought beyond Sea, or hereafter to be im- ported, except the King, Queen, and their Children :' Alfo, ' That none fliould wear foreign Furs or Silks, % 224 ] < unlefs he was worth one hundred Pounds annual Rent/ Mr. Tyrrel obferves here, c That tho', for the prefent, * thefe and fuch-like good Laws, made by this King and * Parliament, took little or no Effect, by reafon of the * enfuing French Wars, yet, by Degrees, they revived * the Woollen Manufacture after it had been loft for many * Years to this Nation ; from which Time it hath ftill * increafed, to the general Advantage of the whole King- * dom V Befides taking Care of the great Intereft of the Na- tion, in the abovefaid Particulars, the King was minded to reward paft Services, and therefore feveral new Ho- nours and liberal Grants were conferred on thofe Noble- men who had ferved him faithfully to that Time. Ac- cordingly, in full Parliament, the King created his eldeft Son Prince Edward Duke of Cornwall^ being the firft that ever wore that Coronet in England: And fix Earls, Henry of Lancajler^ Earl of Derby ; William Montacute, Earl of Salisbury ; Hugh de Audley^ Earl of Gloucejler ; William Clinton^ Earl of Lincoln ; William Bobun, Earl of Northampton ; and Robert U/ord, Earl of Suffolk s . The Tyrrel't Hifiory of England, Vol. III. p. 395. The Art of Weaving Woollen Cloth had been brought from Flanders in- to England by one John Ktmpe fome Years before ; to whom the King granted his Protection, and at the fame Time invited over Fullers, Dyers, &e. Feed. Ang. Tom. IV. p. 496. TheEngtiJh had then Plenty of Wooll, but no Skill to employ it. Where- fore, as by this Aft, Encouragement was given to fuch as had Skill, but no Stock, to come out of Flanders and fettle here ; fo, accordingly, many, glad of this Opportunity to advance their Fortunes, came into England and fettled in great Farmers Houfes at firft, and after removed into Towns, from whence feveral Sorts of Woollen Manufactures were maJe amongft us; as, at Sudbary, Bays ; at Colcbefter, Says and Serges ; in Kent, Broad Cloths ; in Drvonjbire, Kerfies ; in Wain, Frizes ; in Weftmoreland, Ken- dal Cloths, &c. Kennet, on Sam. Daniel's Hijl. ofEng. p. 215 ; Note (a). See alfo an Order for erecting Looms at Brijtol. Feed. Ang. Tom. V. P- J 37- * All thefe Crea'ions, with the Grants of feveral Lord/hips, Caftles, Rents, fc. for the better Support of thefe new Dignities, are largely treat- ed of in Barnes.'* Edw. III. p. ua, 113. This Wiiter from Knjgbten, col. ^ENGLAND. 243 The French War comes now upon the Tapis, in our K Edward in, Hiftorians, and does fo employ their Heads and Pens, . , in the defcriptional Part of Battles, Sieges, &c. that it is L 5 1 difficult to lift out a Parliamentary Proceeding amongft them : However, we may judge that Edward thought it neceflary, before he entered upon this grand Defign, to raife Money for that Purpofe ; and accordingly a Parliament was fummoned to meet this fame Year, about Anno Regni i j Michaelmas ', at Wtftminfttn, where his Intention of I337< going ove'r into France was declared. The whole Na- tion was then very hearty in the Caufe, and their Re- prefcntatives chearfully contributed towards it. The Laity granted a Tenth Penny from the Community, and A Su . a Fifteenth from the Citizens and Burgefles. Thef or the War Clergy were not backward in the Matter, for the Arch- aga'mft Fr, bifliop of Canterbury and his Convocation gave a Tenth of their Temporalities for three Years. Some further Regulations were made in this Parlia- ment for the Encouragement of the Woollen Manufac- tury ; where it was enacted, That all Flemijb Weavers, and thofe of other Countries, fliould have free Liberty to come over to inhabit in England, and exercife their Trade. From whence, Mr. Tyrrel again obferves, * That, even in thofe Times, the coming of Foreigners * into England, who brought over with them any ufeful * Trade or Manufacture, was encouraged by a Law ".* The laft Parliamentary Aids granted to the King be- Anno Regni i ing not thought fufficient for the mighty Affair he was J 33 8 ' about to undertake, another was called, early the next Spring, which met at Wejlmlnfter^ Feb. 3, 1338. Here the Laity granted to the King one Half of their Woolls, throughout the whole Realm, for the next Summer. He alfo levied of the Clergy the whole Tenth, caufing them to pay nine Marks for every Pack of the beft Wooll j but one Half he took of all Perfons, whether Merchants or others, according to the aforefaid Grant ; and he took alfo a Fifteenth of all the Commonalty in (^2 the col. 2569, has alfo added another Ear), the Lord llugb Courtney, an old Soldier, near Fourfcore, made Earl of Dcvonjbire. Twenty Knights were alfo then created, amongft whom, fays Speed, was Si{ Thomas dt 10 Mort t the Author of a Hiftory of hit own Times, often quoted by Hiftorians, 1 Sept. 27. Statutes at Large, An. 337t u rjrrtl, Vol. Ill, p, 399, 244 ^ P a rt* amentar y HISTORY K. Ed-ward III. the Realm, in Wooll, the Price of every Stone, at foiir- r 5 -i teen Pounds the Stone, being Crated at two Shillings w - The King alfo ifiued out a Commiflion for feizing up- on the Eftates of the Lombard Merchants, then in Lon- don> who, by reafon of their Extortion in Ufury, were become odious and a public Grievance to the Nation. All their Jewels, ready Money, &c. were to be delivered to the Conftable of the Tower, to be kept for the King's Ufe. About the fame Time he feized into his Hands the Goods and Revenues of all Alien and Foreign Prio- ries, efpecially of the Cluniac and Ciftercian Orders; which were immediately let out to farm to thofe Monks, who paid a fufficient Rent for them during thefe Wars x . The Woolls which were gathered for the King's Ufe were fent into Brabant , amounting to 1 0,000 Sacks, under the Direction of two Noble Merchants, the Earls of Northampton and Suffolk, who fold the fame in Upper Germany for 40 /. a Sack, amounting in all to 400,000 /. Sterling y , making it evident from hence that the Nobi- lity in thofe Days thought it no Difgrace to be Traders for the Good of their Country. T 227 ] By thefe Means the King became exceeding ftrong in the Sinews of War, but the Country was thereby fo ex- haufted w JJallingJheacT s Ckron. fiom Caxtott, f. 354. Rafin, and his Annotator Mr. Tindal, blunder fo backwards and for- wards with their Parliaments about this Time, that there is no making any Thing of them ; the Annotator places the King's Commiflion againft the Lombard Merchants at the Beginning of the laft Year. P. 417. x Mr. Daniel has alfo made an odd Miftake here. He writes that the King feized into his Hands the Goods of three Orders of Monks, vix "Lombards, Cluniact, andCiftercians ; and his Annotator, Bp., gravely . lays, [at the Note (), p. 215] ' That thefe were Cells to the Great Mo- nafteries in France. But where either of them found the Religious Society of Lombards, in England, we know not. It is certain thefe Lombard, or Italian, Merchants, by the Account given of them, were of no Religious Society. From hence is deriv'd the Name of Lombard '-Jireet, London, where, probably, they all dwelt. y Jojhua Barnes. But Knygbtor., with more Probability, fays, That the Woolls were fold for twenty Pounds a Sack, and the Money was dif- pofed of to pay for the Levies then making in Germany, The fame Author has joined Henry de Burgbwajb, Bi/hop of Lincoln, to the two Earls, as another proper Merchant for this Purpofe. Col. 2570. It feems alfo that the King raifed Money another Way, for he took from every County a certain Quantity of Bread-Corn, Oats, and Bacon, of each Town according to the Largenefs of them. He alfo took the rich Veft- Bients, Silver Plate, and other Ornaments from the Abbies, fife, in or- der for this foreign Expedition. From which, fays the Canon of Leicefler, arofe great Clamour amongft the People, and Mifchief would have enfned If the King had not been guided by better Counsel, Knygkton, col, 2751. cf ENGLAND. 24 j haufted of Money, that Visuals and other Commodities K Edntard m became very cheap. A Quarter of Wheat was fold at London for is. a fat Ox for 6s. 8d. a fat Goofe for id. and fix Pigeons for id. On the i6th of July, this Year, King Edward embarked at Harwich, with a Royal Navy of 500 Sail, accompanied with many Earls, Ba- rons, &V. to the Number of twenty of the chief Nobility of the Kingdom, (all named by Barnes) and, in a fhort Time after Landing, he arrived at Antwerp, belonging then to the Duke of Brabant ; and whilft he refided there People came flocking from all Parts to obferve the Magnificence and Splendor of the Englijb Court. We now take our Leave of this great King for fome Time, our Hiftory ftriclly confining us to Matters on this Side the Water j and, fince his Actions and Con- quefts in France are abundantly defcribed by all Writers of Englijh or French Hiftory, we have lefs Occafion to mention them in ours. Whilft the King was abfent in Flanders* the young Prince Edward, Duke of Cornwall, as Guardian of the Amjo ^ . x f Kingdom, by Commiffion from his Father, called a 133 s. Parliament to meet at Northampton. The Writs were dated Augujl 25, and the Meeting was appointed to be At Northampton, fifteen Days after Michaelmas following b . Here was granted fuch an Aid as never had been given to any King before j and {hews how well this King, and the Caufe he was engaged in, was relifhed at that Time by his Subjects. Upon every Town a Tax was laid of a twentieth Part of their Goods, where the Value amount- ed to 20 s. He had alfo granted him all the Wooll in the Kingdom, to be bought at a low Price ; which muft needs amount to a vaft Proportion, fince only the three Counties of Leicefter, Lincoln, and Northampton, afford- ed no lefs than 1211 Sacks of Wooll. The Bifhops, Abbots, Priors, Rectors, Vicars, Juftices, and the Noblemen, &c. who held of him in Capite, and went not with him to the Wars, were taxed, fome 100, others 2OO /. a-piece, according to their Eftates and Abilities. 288]. At a Convention, alfo held the firft of Otfober, a Tenth was oranted from the Clergy for two Years to come c . < 3 Though t> Knygbton fays that this Parliament was held in Jdj in Crjjitat S. Jacobi. Col. 2571. c fcijfgbtett. Col. *$7I. 346, The Parliamentary HISTORY K, Edward III. Though there are not any of thefe latter Parliaments entered on the Rolls, yet the near Contemporary Hifto- rians mention them as Facts, and are particular enough in their Accounts of them. It is probable, in the King's Abfence, who carried with him moft of the principal Officers of the Crown, the Clerks were more negligent in their Duties. This might very well be, when the greater Minifters of the Law took that Opportunity to neglecl: their feveral Functions ; and, inftead of admi- niftering Juftice to the Subject, fet themfelves folely up- on robbing and plundering them ; of which an ample Account will be given in the Sequel. The young Duke AnnoRegnl 13. of Cornwall, Guardian of the Realm, being but then I 339- ten Years of Age, called another Parliament to meet at At Wejiminfter. Wejlminfter, having received an exprefs Commiflion for it from his Father. On the 1 3th of Offober they met, and a further Aid was demanded to carry on this impor- tant and expenfive War. The Proceedings of this Parliament are entered at large on the Rolls ', both of the firft and fecond Meet- ing of it, and an Abftract from which is as follows : At the firft opening, the ufual Proclamation was made in the Great Hall at Wtflminfter, and in the City of Lon- don, againft wearing of any Kind of Armour, or Wea- pons ; of which fome ftrange Particulars are mention- ed k . The Bufmefs begun by declaring the Caufes of this Meeting, which were faid to be three, viz. For the better keeping of the Peace, for the Defence of the Marches of Scotland, and for guarding the Sea. But thefe were only Pretences ; the main Defign of calling this Parliament was to get Money ; for the Archbifhop of Canterbury, the Bifhop of Durham, and Sir Michael de la Pole, were fent by the King, then in France, to fhew the Lords and Commons, ' What he had done beyond * Sea, with his Condition there, and the Mifchiefs that * had befallen him and his Followers, for Want of Sup- * plies from England. That he and others, who were ' with him, were entered into Obligations for 300,0007. * Sterling, and more, towards the Charge of his Auxi- ' liaries, and that he could not handfomely march from ' thence without giving his Creditors Satisfaction. Laftly, 1 Set. Par. 13. Ed-w. III. ' f0f k Jrmez Dakc-toun, ne de Plate, tie de Haufargew, ne de Efpeie, r.t * long Co:el, ne outre drmefufpetf, &c. of E N G L A N D. 247 c for this Caufe, and for the Maintenance of him and K. Edward in. * his Quarrel, which was undertaken by the common ' Content of them all, and that the Bufmefs he came ' about might be the more effectually done, he ought to * be fupplied with a very large Sum d . This Remonftrance was anfwered effectually, for the A farther Gran: Aid granted by this Parliament was as large as the King's for the fame Pur- Demands. The Nobility immediately gave him every pofe * tenth Sheaf, Fleece, and Lamb of their Demefnes, ex- cept of their Bond -Tenants, to be paid for two Years e ; deiiring, at the fame Time, that the illegal Duties fet f 220 1 upon Wooll fhould be revoked, and that this Grant fhould not turn into a Cuftom f . The Commons, tho* they declared themfelves very forward and willing to af- fift the King, yet prayed the Regent, ' That he would ' fummon another Parliament in a convenient Space, for they durft not grant any Tax till they had taken the * Senfe of their Conftituents about it %, defiring likewife ' that two Knights of the bell Eftates, in their feveral ' Counties, ftiould be chofen in that Parliament.' Ac- cordingly Writs were iflued out, dated November 16, for another Parliament to meet the loth of January follow- ing. Prince Edivard, being called over by his Father to Antwerp , fix Commiffioners were appointed to hold the enfuing Parliament in his Stead. The Particulars of this Parliament, with their Proceedings, are fo exactly defcri- bed by Mr. Barnes, wherein the great Care which they took of the Kingdom in their Monarch's Abfence will evidently appear, that we think proper, though fomewhat long, to give it in his own Words as follows; efpecially fince we have compared them with the Rolls of Parlia- ment. ' When the Time of the next Seffion of Parliament Anno Regni 14* ' approached, there were appointed to prefide in it John 34<> Stratford, At JFtJiminfter. d As his Expences were very great, fo the King endeavoured, during that Time, to borrow Money of all the foreign Princes. He did not fcruple even to apply to private Perfons, and take up fuch Sums as they wetc wil- ling to lend, though ever fo fmall: Nay, he pawned his Crown to the Archbifhop of Triers for 50,000 Florins. Rymer't dR> Pub. V, p. ioi e En te manfre quele i/s la donent a frinte Efglife, Record P. f Thefe illegal Duties, impofed by the King and Council without Par- liament, called Mala Toiia, or Maltolt, are mentioned before. See p. 107, 121. g En ce cas Us tioferent ajfentir tantqi't tuffent cenftilltr lei Communes dt lair fays, &c. Record P. 248 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edward 111. Stratford^ Archbifhop of Canter -bury , Lord Chancel- ' lor; William de la Zoucb^ Archbilhop of Tork^ Lord- ' Treafurer ; the Dean of York ; Sir John Wilhugbly^ ' Deputy Lord Chief- Jultice ; Sir John Stonore, Juflice Regulations ' ^ t ' le King's Bench; and Sir John St. Paul; any four, made by Parlia- ' three, or two of thefe were, by the King's Letters xnent, for the < patent, appointed to begin, continue, and end the Par- Na C t U ion y du f ring e ' lament, for, and .in the Name of, the King, and the the King's Ab- ' Lord Warden of England \ and there to do all Things fence j < which the faid Guardian fliould do, untill his or the ' King his Father's coming. The Commiffion began, ' Edvardus D. Gr. &V. Filio nojlro cbarijfimo, Guardiano ' de Angl. and ended, Te/le, Edvardo Duce Cornubiae et Com. Ceftr. ' Thefe Commiflioners aforefaid caufed fundry of the * Lords and Commons to aflemble in the Prefence Cham- r -I * ber ; before whom, becaufe feveral of both Houfes were ' not yet come, they continued theParliament, from Day ' to Day, till the 20th of January, during which Time ' Merchants, Owners of Ships, and Mariners, did at- ' tend. The Caufes of aflembling the Parliament were * declared to be for granting the King an Aid, for keep- * ing of the Sea, and for Defence of the North Marches : * Hereupon the Commons required Time to confider thereof till the igth of February ; and then they unani- * moufly offer'd to the King for Aid 30,000 Sacks of Wooll, on certain Conditions. But for the better Ex- * pedition, after fome Debate, they yielded to give the King prefently 2500 Sacks of Wooll ; fo as, if the * King liked the Conditions aforefaid, the fame fhould * go in Part of Payment ; if not, they were freely offered * unto him. The Lords promifed to fend unto the King * to know his Pleafure, and, in the mean Time, they * alfo, for their Parts, grant, that fuch of them, or of * their Peers, as held by a Barony, fhould give to the ' King the Tenth of their Grain, Wooll, and Lamb, * of all -their own Demefnes h . * The Mariners of the Cinque Ports promifed to make c ready their Ships before Midlenty viz. Twenty-one Ships * We do not find that the Clergy gave any Thing at this Time, and folydore Vergil has made an odd Sort of an Excufe for it, Tributum ftafln (unfit fol-vcriint, prattr Sacerdotes, quibus parjuti; ejl quo alias illi awtliz- res erogarent Petunias, Lib, xix, p. 369. ^/ENGLAND. 249 c Ships of their own, and nine of the Thames, and toK. Ed-ward lilt * bear Half the Charges themfelves ; the other Half the * Privy Council promifed to bear of their own Good- c Will to their King and Country ; but not of Duty, * or that it fhould ftand for a Precedent. The Mariners ' of the Weft promifed to fet forth ninety Sail, and ten * Ships of the Burden of 100 Tons or more, and to * bear the whole Charges, if they could. Twofufficient c Scholars were appointed to compute the Charges, the ' one for the Weft, and the other for the Cinque Ports. ' It was here ordered, That all Ships of Portfmouth, and ' from thence towards the Weft, of the Burden of 100 Tons, or upwards, {hould ride at Dartmouth ; the ' Admiral to be Richard Fitz-dlan, Earl of Arundel: * And that the Ships of the Cinque Ports and the Thames, I 2 3 l . being of that Burden, fhould ride at Wtnchelfea ; the ' Admiral to be William Clinton, Earl of Huntingdon 5 * the whole Fleet to be ready before the End of Lent. ' Command was given to the Admirals to ftay all other * Ships which might pafs the Seas, and to warn them * to go into fafe Harbours ; and to furnifh this Fleet with c Soldiers, befide thofe whofe Duty was to attend, and * alfo thofe who were preft, general Proclamation was 1 ordered to be made, That all Perfons who had received 6 of the King Charters of Pardon, {hould now repair to * the Sea-Coafts for the King's Service, on Pain of for- * feiting the fame *. ' The Lord Richard Talbot having, in Parliament, * undertaken for the Security of the Town of Southamp- * ton, was appointed Captain of the Town, and allowed * for that Service twenty Men of Arms, and one hun- dred Archers extraordinary at the King's Wages, and more upon Occafion. All which Soldiers to have one Month's Pay before-hand, and Sir Richard ioo/. by Way of Gratuity ; being alfo appointed to fee the faid Town forthwith fortified, according to Covenants in a Pair of Indentures ; and to levy the Charges on the Neighbours bordering thereabouts ; and, if that {hall not fuffice, on the Inhabitants. The Bifliop of IFin- cbefttr, 1 See Knygbtcn for the Guards to the Sea Coarts. See the Statutes at large for all thcfc Subfidks, An, Rfg, 14. Edw, lilt 2 ro ^hc Parliamentary HISTORY K.fJwj/rfHI.' cbejler, Adam de Orleton *, the Prior of St. Swltbins 9 ' and the Abbot of Hyde, were ordered to keep at their ' Manors near Southampton, with all their Powers, to be ready to aflift the faid Sir Richard at his Call ; and * that all the Inhabitants {hould remain ftill upon the 4 Place to defend the fame, on Pain of lofing all they * had. Sir Richard was to have all the Ammunition * and Warlike Furniture of the fame Town, to be de- c livered into his Hands by Indenture ; the Sheriff of * Southampton having a Writ of Attendance on him for 232 ] ' Victuals and other Neceflaries ; and two Serjeants at * Arms were to provide Timber. ' Thus much for the Sea and the Coafts. As to the f Marches of Scotland, two Merchants of Lynn-Regis, * and two others of Barton upon Humber, undertook to * deliver 10,000 Quarters of all Kind of Grain at the * Town of Berwick^ and in the Road of Leith j every < Quarter of Wheat and Malt at 9 s. and Oats, Beans, * and Peafe, at 51. To which there was added a Caution, that, under Colour of this Licence, they {hould not ferve < the King's Enemies. Sir Thomas Rokeby took upon him * the Defence of the Caftles of Edinburgh and Stirling. ' To preferve the IJle of Wight, the Inhabitants there- * of, during the War, were relpited the Payment of any * Aid to the King ; and that none of them {hould, by ' any Means, be difpenfed with to travel abroad, or to * abfent themfelves out of the faid Ifle ; nor {hould be 4 impannelled, or warned at any Aflize, or Inqueft, du- * ring the faid War : And that due Provifion be made * of Wine, Grain, Coals, and other Neceflaries for the Caftle of Carijbrook. 4 Sir John Ferrers, Captain of Jerfey Ifland, was now * appointed to fend thither a fufficient Deputy, to whom ' like Rules were let, and Provifion allowed for De- * fence of the fame. * On the Back-fide of this Roll are feen the Numbers * of fuch Soldiers as were arrayed, and fet out by certain * Nobles, Knights, and Gentlemen of the Counties of " York, Nottingham, Derby, Lancajler, IV ejlmor eland ^ * and Cumberland, by their particular Rates ; which, in * the whole, amounted to 7400 Men of Arms, 200 Archers g Who, tho' principally concerned in the Murder of King Edivard II. yet, like a true Courtier, had played his Cards fo well as to be tranftated to the rich See otWincbeJler by his Son, Edw. HI, See before, p, 1 79,. 196. cf ENGLAND. 251 f Archers on Horfeback, and 2000 Halbardiers. Thofe K - Edward JUt * of the three nrft-named Counties were ordered, at the * Cofts of the Country, only to march to Newcaftle upon ' Tyne ; and they of Jf^eftmoreland, Cumberland, andZ, that he would being the greater Kingdom ; the Lords and Commons not ma kef- therefore befought him, ' That they might be bound to/Wa Province obey him only as King of England; and that this Na- * * tion mould not be put in Subjection to him as King of * France? The King, to give his Subjects entire Satif- faction in that Matter, and to remove their Jealoufy, gave this Parliament his Letters Patent of Indemnity ; which, being fmgular in their Nature, we (hall give, tranflated from the Latin Original, as follow : EDWARD 1 Hollingjbead's Clron. from Adam Myrimutb, p. 355. W Samuel Daniel, in Kennet, p. 216. n Fabian, in his Chronicle, has given us the Manner how this Money was raifed through the feveral Wards of the City, and the Names of the Lenders. This Loan was to Le repaid out of the Money arifing from the aforefaid Grant. Fabians Cbron. o It was alfo made into a Statute. See Statute} at Ia*pe, jfnno 1 34. J The Oftginal is not on the Rolls, only the Preamble to it. 254 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edwardlll, EDWARD, by the Grace of God, King of England T 236 T an< ^ F rance t Lord of Ireland, to all thofe who thefe Letters (hall hear or fee, Greeting. The King's De. J7~NOW ye, that whereas feme People do think that> elaration that -A- ty rea f on that the Realm of France is devolved unto us fiilf continuum- as r; ^ Heir of the fame , and for af much as we are King fcfeadeflt. of France, our Realm of England Jhould be in Subjection to the King and Realm of France in Time to come ; we 9 having Regard to the EJlate of our Realm of England, and) namely , that it never -was, nor ought to be, in Subjec- tion, nor in the Obeifance of the Kings of France, which for the Time have been, nor of the Realm of France : And* willing to provide for the Safety and Defence of the faid Realm of England, and of cur Liege People of the fame, df will and grant, and ejlablijh for us and for our Heirs and SucceJJors, by Ajjent of the Prelates, Earls, Barons, and Commons of our Realm of England, in this our prefent Parliament fummoned at Weftminfter, the Wednefday next after the Sunday in Midlent, the i^th Year of our faid Reign of our Realm of England, and the firjl of France, that by the Caufe or Colour of this, that we are King of France, and that the faid Realm to us pertaineth as aforefaid j or that we caufe ourfelves to be named King 0/"France in our Style, or that we have changed our Seals or our Arms ; nor for Commands which we have made, or hereafter Jhall make, as King of France, neither our faid Realm of England, or the People of the fame, of what EJlate or Condition they be, Jhall, in any Time to come, be put in Subjection, or in Obeifance of us, nor of our Heirs nor SucceJJors, as Kings of France as aforefaid, nor be fub- jeft, nor obedient; but fiall be free and quit of all Manner of Subjection and Obeifance aforefaid, as they were wont to be in the Time of our Progenitors, Kings of Englandj for ever. In Witnefs whereof, &c. Mr. Tyrrel has an ingenious Obfervation on fome fur- ther Tranfaclions in this Parliament: He takes Notice, ' That fmce the Aids given in the laft Parliament were f 2- 7 ~\ ' no * ^ u ty anfwered to the King by thofe who had the .* 37 J * Care thereof, certain PerfonsVere appointed to take * the Accounts of Sir William de la Pole, Sir John Char- * neL and others, who had received the Money and Wooll *f ENGLAND. 255 Wooll formerly given, and they had a Day affigned K. Efaoard HI, them to produce their Accounts ; and in the mean Time feveral Noblemen and others became bound for the Accountants, that they fhould anfwer for what they had received. This deferves our Notice, adds he, be- caufe it is the nrft Example that we can find, that any Money given in Parliament was by them ordered to be accounted for to Perfons appointed by themfelves.' There was little elfe material done in this Parliament, except that the Marquis of Juliers, who had done Ed- ward great Service in France, was created Earl of Cam- bridge, with a Penfion of iooo/. a-year. And as we have compared the before-related Particu- lars, taken from antient and modern Hiftorians, with the Rolls of Parliament, and found them right, the greateft Credit may be given to them. In a fmall Time after the lad Parliament the King prepared a great Fleet, in order to meet a large one which the French had fitted out, and beat them at Sea, if he could, as well as at Land. With thefe the King went in Perfon, and fet Sail from hence June 22, 1341 ; but before he went figned a Commiffion to the Duke of Cornwall, &c. to hold a Parliament on the yth of July following at Weftminjler ; which being met, the Arch- bifhop of Canterbury declared the Reafons for calling this Parliament to be, ' Firfl, To confult what further Courfe was beft for the King and his Allies to take againft France. Secondly, To provide for the com- mon Peace, and how to keep good Order at home. Thirdly, To take Care for the Defence of the Northern Parts. Fourthly, For the Dominion at Sea. Fifthly^ How to anfwer to the King the Subfidy laft granted him P.' On the next Day, being Thurfday, the great Victory which the King had lately obtained at Sea was openly declared in Parliament, and it was moved by the Chan- cellor, ' That^ to go on fo as to perfect thefe happy Be- Farther Granu ' ginnings, he muft be further enabled with great Sup- for the'fiw* ' plies of Money : That the King defired their Advice w r ' how it might be raifed with the leaft Grievance to his * People.' P On the Rolls this and the laft Parliament are divided into Pan prim* et fecunJa ; by which it fhould feem that they were one and the fame Par- liament, and yet they bctli begin \vi:h the fame Foinnliiies. 256 tte Parliamentary HISTORY K.dwa nflll.* People.' The Anfwer to this was poftponed till Sa* turday; at which Time the Lords and Commons granted the King, as in the laft Parliament, the Ninth of their Corn, Wooll, and Lamb, and many other ufeful Pro- vifoes were made for anfwering the fame. F 28 1 "^ e f ame Day came the Earls of Arundele and Glou- cejler^ with Sir William Tru/ell S from the King, with Letters figned with the Privy Seal, and directed to the Lords and Commons in Parliament aflembled ; purport- ing his great Naval Victory near the Port of Swyn, or Sluys^ and prefiing for a fpeedy Supply of Money to carry on the War this Summer with Vigour. In Obedience to thefe Demands of the King's, and being in exceeding good Humour on Account of the Victory, the Parliament went immediately upon Ways and Means to fupply him ; and John Stratford, Arch- bifhop of Canterbury ; Ralph Stratford^ Biihop of Lon- don ; with other Bifhops, Abbots, and Knights, freely undertoook, on their own Credit, to raife the King 20,000 Sacks of Wooll : So that, for every Sack of the beft Sort, the King mould receive 67. for others 5/. and for the worft four Marks, betides his Cuftom of 401. on every Sack ; and of all this Money a fpeedy Return to be made to the King. It was ftipulated, however, that the Subfidy of next Year mould be employed for the Payment of this Loan, and this to be confirmed by the King's Letters Patent. The Roll gives us an Account of a large Quantity of Provifions, which were ordered for the Uie of the King's Fleet by this Parliament, viz. 2000 Quarters of Wheat, 500 of Beans and Peafe, 500 of Oats, 200 of Fitches T or Chiches, 800 Sides of Bacon, two Tons Weight of Cheefe, and 100 Tons of Wine. Two Perfons, there named, were appointed Purveyors-General of the Ports of Sandwich and Southampton; and 44007. were afligned out of the Aids of the Counties of EJfcx and Oxford for the King's Butler. The Record is alfo very particular in the Names of the Merchants, who were ordered by Writ to attend Commiflioners, about thePurchafe of the Woollsafore- faid, S Procurator to the Parliament that depofed Ed-ward II. See before, p. 185, 203. t The Word in the Record is Cifere, which our old French Dictionaries translate as above. c/'ENGLAND. 257 faid, &c. but as this is too prolix for our Defign, we K, Edward III, fhall give the Reader Mr. TyrreFs Abftract of the reft of the Proceedings of this Seffion; and the rather, becaufe it tends to illuftrate fome Paffages that will come before us in the Hiftory of fucceeding Parliaments. ' Then it was farther agreed in Parliament, That, [ 2 ia 1 ' for the fpeedy Sale of this Wooll, and turning it into ' Money, as alfo the ninth Fleece which had been given * in the laft Parliament, the Sheriffs fhould be com- ' manded to fend up from all Cities and Boroughs of their feveral Counties, certain Merchants, to appear ' before the King's Council at Weftminfter^ on the I5th of Auguft next enfuing, to treat with them about the ' buying the faid Wooll in all Counties. Where the 6 Archbifhop of Canterbury, with fome other Bifhops, * Earls, and Barons of the King's Council, there named, treated with them, and contracted for a great Number * of Sacks of Wooll ; the Money to be paid at Bruges ' within three Weeks after, or upon the 8th of Septem- * ber 9 or elfe upon the Feaft of St. Michael next enfuing ' at the fartheft. The Merchants of Bardeton and ' Prujjia contracted for a great deal of this Wooll, and * engaged to pay the Money to thofe of Louvain and Ma~ c lines ; and feveral particular Perfons are there named, ' both Almans and others, that had been retained by King Edward. The Lords of the Council fent for * divers Perfons to account before them, and ordered them to return this Money to the King beyond Sea ; < but what the Reafon was that thefe Returns were not c made to the King accordingly, is hard to determine ; c for fome of our Writers lay the Fault upon the Mer- chants that were to return the Money ; and others, < upon the Knavery or Negligence of the King's Officers, who having got thefe Woolls into their Hands, did not < deliver them to the Merchants according to Agree- < ment 2 .' Purfuant to what Mr. Tyrrel relates, the King finding himfelf pinched for Want of Remittances, and having contracted great Debts abroad, in order to carry on the War this laft Campaign, he determined to conclude a Truce with France for fome Time, and to go privately VOL. I. R back ' a See Cotton's Mrid^ment^ p. 30, for an Abftraft from the Record in tins Parliament of, what is there called, a fpccial and rare Cafe, JV. 258 *Tbe Parliamentary Hi s T OK v K. Edward IH.back into England to find out the Defaulters, and pu- niih them according to their Deferts. Accordingly he took Shipping in Zealand, with only his Queen and eight more Perfons of Quality ; and, after riding out a furious Storm, which held them for three Days together, f 240 ] he l andecl &fe at the Tower, about Two o'Clock in the Morning, November 30, in the Year 1341. K'n re Upon the King's entering the Tower, he found no turns home "rl- Guard there upon Duty, and only his Children and a vately, to inquirefe w Servants that waited on them ; for which he pre- '"Sition rf f the*~ ent ty ^ ent * r the Conftable an( * committed him to clofe Supplies 1 , e Confinement in his own Prifon. In the fame Manner he ferved the Mayor of London, the Keeper of the Great Seal, the Lord Chief Juftice of the King's Bench, three Clerks of the Chancery, and one of the Exchequer, who having all been concerned in raifing or receiving the late Subfidies, foon found Lodgings in the fame Prifon. The Bifhops of Chichejler, and Litchfield and Coventry, the one his Chancellor, the other Lord-Treafurer, he turned out of their Offices and imprifoned for a Time ; but durft not detain them, for Fear the Clementine Con- Jiitutions, forbidding Bifhops to be imprifoned, fhould affea him. But the greateft Ecclefiaftical Perfon he had to deal with, in this Affair, was the Archbimop of Can- terbury, who he well knew was as culpable as any. Many fevere Meflages were fent from the King to the Prelate, who had retired to his own Palace at Canterbury, and fome as haughty Anfwers were returned. Atlaftthe King refolved to lay the whole before his Parliament, and to take their Opinions how he ought to proceed. AnnoRegni 16. Accordingly a Parliament was fummoned to meet at 1342. Wejlminjler on Eajler- Monday, April 23, 1342, the ler. Caufes whereof were declared to be, * How the King 6 might be fpeedily fupplied with the Grants given him * laft Year, upon his going over in Perfon againft his * Enemy, Philip ofFalois, great Part of which was de- ' tained from him by evil Officers ; and how a fufficient ' Sum of Money might be raifed for the King's prefent * Neceffities.' After which a Declaration was made in the King's Name, * That whoever of his Subjects mould think themfelves hardly dealt with, either by himfelf ' or any of his Officers, upon Complaint and Proof made * thereof, mould have Redrefs.' To ^ENGLAND. 259 c To this Parliament the Archbifhop of Canterbury^ Edward III, came, though he had no Writ of Summons, attended with a great Company of his Clergy and many Knights. [ 241 ] Upon his Entrance into the Houfe, the High Steward and Chamberlain met him, who, in the King's Name, forbad him to enter the Parliament, untill he had un- dergone a Trial in the Exchequer, for divers Things laid to his Charge. The Archbifhop, left he ftiould move the King too much, vouchfafed to go into that Court, Articlespreferr'd and there took a Copy of the Articles, of which his Ac- J?i^ f c"rl cufation confifted, and to thefe he promifed to return bury on that Ac- an Anfwer. Upon which he was fuffered by the King count to come into Parliament, and there, before the whole Aflembly, he declared the Caufe of his coming to be, * For the Honour, Rights, and Liberties of the Church, ' for the Profit and Commodity of the Realm, and for ' the Intereft and Honour of the King : And, lajlly^ that * he might clear himfelf in Parliament of feveral Crimes ' laid to his Charge, and publifhed all over England to " his Prejudice b .' This occafioned a great Debate amongft the Lords on the Queftion, * Whether the Nobility of the Land 6 fhould be put to anfwer, except before their Peers in ' open Parliament f A Committee of twelve Peers was A Committee of appointed to draw up a Reprefentation to his Majefty j twelve Peers ap- and they were alfo to inquire concerning the Crimes [J"Jis Conduft? laid to the Archbifhop's Charge, and fairly to reprefent how far they thought him blameable. Mr. Jofiita Barnes^ , who we have before mentioned, and who wrote the Life of this great King in one large Volume in Folio, has very faithfully collected, from the Parlia- ment-Rolls and other Records, fuch Materials as were proper for his Purpofe ; and is fo particular in the Sequel of the Controverfy betwixt the King and the Prelate, R 2 that b It was greatly fufpefted that the Archbiftiop, at the Infligation of Pope Benedifi Xll. who was a Frenchman, and confequently no Friend to Ed-ward's L'onquefts in that Kingdom, had played falfe in this Matter. Speed's Cbron. p. 574. Collier writes, ThatBurgbwa/b, Bifhop of Lincoln, and Sir Geoffrey Scrape, one of the Judges, had an old Grudge againft Archbifnop Stratford, arid fcized this Opportunity to pu/h the Advantage againft him. See the Affair at Length in the fame Author, where the Peerage of the Eifhops, and their Right of being tried per Parti, is learnedly maintained apinft the Opinion of Sir Edward Coke, p. 544. c Some Time Greek Pro/efibr in the Univerfity of Cambridge. 260 tyt Parliamentary HISTORY K, Edward Ul.tiaA. we cannot do better than give it our Readers in that Author's own Words : f Whereupon are named four BiQiops, four Earls, < and four Barons, to draw up the Platform for the ' King's View. Thefe being alfo to inquire concern- 6 ing the Crimes laid againft the Archbifhop, and to t 242 ] prepare them for the King, among other Things de- ' termined, that the Lord-Chancellor, the Lord-Trea- ' furer, and other high Officers of State, fhould be in- * eluded under the Names of Peers, and fet down a R.e- ' queft, that all Conditions and Eftates might enjoy * their proper and peculiar Liberties. By that Time * thefe Things were thus forwarded, the Archbifliop * came again to the Parliament, but was forbid by the * Captain of the King's Guard, Sir William jfttewooet* * to enter : Whereupon he fpake thus to the People * that flocked about him, " My Friends, the King, by " his Writ of Summons, hath called me to this Parlia- *' ment, and I, who am the chief Peer of the Realm, e and who, next the King, have the firft Voice in Par- < liament, claim the Rights of my Church of Canter- e bury, and therefore require Entrance into Parliament* 1 .' e But when for all this being kept out by the Guard, he * could not enter, he took his Crofs in his own Hands, * and folemnly protefted, that he would not ftir from * that Place, till the King gave him Leave to come into Parliament, or a fufficient Reafon why he fliould not. While he flood there in this Manner, forne that were by began to revile him, telling him that he was a Traitor, * and he deceiv'd the King, and betrayed the Realm : To * whom the Archbifliop faid, " The Curfe of Almighty being Thurfday % ' the King came into St. EdwareT* Chamber, commonly 4 called the Painted-Chamber^ before whom, in Sight r 2 , -j ' of the Lords and Commons, the Archbifliop humbled himfelf, and required his gracious Pardon ; which, ' upon the whole Parliament's general Suit and Intreaty, his Majefty granted. After which the Archbifliop de- ' fired, that whereas he was publickly defamed through * the Realm, he might now be arraigned in open Par- ' liament before his Peers : But the King anfwered, He ' would firft attend to the common ArFairs, and after that examine lighter Matters. However, a little after, ' without any more Accufation, or Anfwer, the King, ' of his own Accord, declared him legally purged and * excufed ; his Majefty having no Mind to deftroy fo ' able a Minifter, but only to humble him and break his * high Prelatical Obftinacv ; which, for a while, feemed * ready to cope with the Regal Power.' A Reverend Writer of Ecclefiaftical Hiftory e has gone much farther, to clear the Archbifhop from this great Imputation, than Barnes has done i and though he may be reprefented as an Author too partial to the Pre- lacy, yet we think what he fays has, too much Weight in it to be omitted. * The King's Complaint agarhft the Prelate in his * Letters, the Articles drawn up againft him, and the * other Preparations for his Trial, feem only to be done ' ad faciendum Populum. In (hort, it looks highly pro- < bable the young King had either been mifled, or over ' liberal to his Favourites. Great Taxes had been ' granted to profecute and make Way for the Title to * France^ and yet the People's Expectations were baulk'd , * and that Expedition had, by no Means, anfwered up to 4 the Profpecl and Expence. That the Subject therefore * might not be backward to contribute to the Support ' of the War, it was thought advifeable to lay the pub- ' lie Mifcarriage upon the Archbifhop: By this Expe- * client, the King would be flcreened, the Court lie * under Shelter, and the People better difpofed for the * Payment of another Tax. And tho' fome fufpecT: the R 3 Arch- c Ce///Vr's Eicltjiafikal IUJlory, p. 545. 262 7fo Parliamentary HISTORY K, Ed-ward IIJ.< Archbifhop was gained by the Pope to clog the War, ' by not furnifhing the Money in clue Time, and that ' he perfuaded the King to drop the Enterprize, and ' make a Peace ; notwithstanding this Conjecture, I fay, ,. -i ' there are two Things which go a great Way in the - ' Proof of the Archbifhop's Innocence. I. ' It is highly probable the King was fatisfied of * Stratford's Integrity, becaufe when, upon breaking up ' of this Parliament, he made another Expedition into 6 France+\\e took the Archbifhop into Favour, and made ' him one of the chief Minifters of State. II. ' Becaufe, in the next Parliament, held two Years * after, the King commanded that the Articles of Im- ' peachment, drawn up againft the Archbifhop of Can- * terbury, fhould be brought into the Houfe to be an- c nulled and declared infignificant. The Motive affign'd * for this Order is, becaufe the Matter contained in the c faid Articles was neither reafonable nor true. Thefe * Things put together amount, in my Opinion, to a * full Evidence for the Archbifhop's Justification.' The farther Proceedings of this Parliament require fomewhat more Attention than the former, a Matter of great Moment being the Confequence thereof. To clear the Way better before us, we (hall fubjoin another Quo- tation from Barney in order to lay the Affair more open, and do it all the Juftice it deferves. ' Upon Occafion of the late Conteft, between the * King and the Prelate, the Clergy of England^ in this * Parliament, made their Requefts to the King, That * the Liberties of Holy Church may be kept, and the * Great Charter be newly proclaimed, and by Oath confirmed. The King anfwered, " That it was his " Defire that Magnet Charta fhould be obferved ; but *' that it feemed to him fufficient, for either that, or " other their Liberties, to be exemplified under the * c Great Seal; and that more Oaths were not necefTary ; " efpecially fince already too many were forfworn " throughout the Land f ." ' Then they {hewed how feveral of the Clergy were * imprifoned by the King's Officers without due Procefs, and f Mr. Tyrrel, in reciting this Refufal of the King's, on Account of the Multiplicity of Oaths, makes this ftrewd Remark, this, by the Way, * fliews, fays he, that Oaths taken of Courfe were no better kept in thol's ' Times than they are in ours j' nor even in Times after his. of ENGLAND. 263 6 and that therefore they may be delivered : To which ^.Ed-ward ill. ' the King anfwered, " That he intenddd not any Cler- " gyman fhould be attached againft Law ; and that he t 2 45 J " would be ready to hear, if any was in that Manner * c imprifoned, either againft Magna Charta, or the " Statute of Northampton." ' They complain'd further, That feveral of the King's * Officers had entered divers Religious Houfes, and ha- 4 ving, by Oath, extorted a Conieffion of Goods there ' depofited, carried them away. The King anfwered, " That he would not his Officers mould do thus : But " that if Laymen, to defraud him, did conceal their " Go.ods in tuch Places, then the Privilege mould not " avail : For fo the King is wronged." c On Saturday following the Lords petitioned, That Petitions of the * Magna Chart a might, in all Points, be obferved fo as Lo^ 5 and Com- ' fuch Perfons, who are neither appealed, nor indicted, mons ' nor prefented at the Suit of any, and yet have their ' Goods, Lands, or PofTeffions taken away, may be re- ' ftored thereto again.' " In anfwer to this the King " granted, for him and his Heirs for ever, that if any Per- " fon commit any Act contrary to the Form of Magna " Cbarta, or. any other good Law, he mall be liable " to anfwer it in Parliament, or elfe where he ought by Law." The following are tie Petitions of the Commons t with their refyeftive Anfwers. Commons. * That the Chancellor and other Officers ' of State, there named in the Records, may, upon their * Entrance into the faid Offices, be fworn to obferve the ' Laws of the Land, and Magna Cbarta. King. The King ivilletb the fame. Commons. * That every Man, for Debts due to the * King's Anceftors, may have therefore Charters of Par- don, of Courfe out of the Chancery. King. The King grant eib. Commons. * That certain Perfons, by Commiflion, * may hear the Accounts of thofe who have received ' VVoolls, Monies, or other Aid for the King, and that ' the fame may be enrolled in the Chancery. Kino;. It p/eafetb the King, fo as the Treafurer and Lord Chief Bar an may be joined in the Commijjion. Commons* 264 e ^> e Parliamentary HISTORY JFC. Edwardlll* Commons. * That the Ordinance made at Northampton, f 61 l That Men of evil Life and Converfation Jhould be attach- "" J ed, may be repealed ; becaufe, on Pretence thereof, * many honeft Men have been arrefted. King, The King doth revoke it. Commons. * That many Commiffions, whereby fundry * Men have been fined outragioufly by the Commiffion- * ers, maybe revoked, and new ones granted to others. King. The King is pleafed that the fame Jhall be done in the Preface of him, of the Lords, and certain of the Commons. Commons. * That the Chancellor, and all other OfE- * cers there named, may be chofen in open Parliament j ' they, at the fame Time, to be openly fworn to obferve * the Laws aforefaid. King. The King yieldeth only thus much, That if any fuch Office, by the Death or other Failure of the Incum- bent, become void, the Choice to remain folely in the King, he taking therein the Affeni of bis Council : But that every fucb Officer Jhall be fworn, at the next Parliament, accord- ing to the Petition; and that, every Parliament follow- ing, the King Jhall refume into his Hands all fuch Offices ; fo as the faid Officers Jhall be left liable to anfwer all Ob- jeftions. Which, being ' Hereupon, at theRequeft of the whole Three Eftates afientedtobythe* made unto the King, thefe Articles were declared Sta- tutes ' SS n the ? ack f the Ro11 doth apP 6 ": Which, ' with the Conditions, were afterwards re'ad before the * King, his Officers being prefent, as the Chancellor, * Treafurer, Juftices of both Benches, Steward of the * King's Chamber, and others, all which Officers were ' fworn on the Crofs of Canterbury to perform the fame : * Only the Chancellor, Treafurer, and certain of the * Juftices refufed the faid Oath, as being repugnant to c their former Oath and the Laws of the Realm. How- * ever, for that Time, the Statutes and Conditions afore- ' faid, together with the Commiffions to inquire after * Oppreffions, were exemplified under the Great Seal, * and delivered to the Lords and Commons. . , This extraordinary Conceffion from the Crown being I 2 47 J fh us ratified and paffed into a Statute, the King foon after fought to revoke, by a Method more extraordinary than the Grant -, and which was a Stretch of the Royal Pre- of E N G L A N D. 265 Prerogative greater than we have yet met with, fince the K - Edward in. Three Eftates of the Realm were eftabliflied : For, fhortly after, the King, by Advice of his Council only, and without any Parliament, did abrogate what he be- f ^oked byThn fore was, as he fays, forced into, and had fuffered to pafs without c'onfeot into a Law. This was done by Special Writs, diredled of Patiiaraent% to all the Peers, and to all the Sheriffs in England, com- manding the latter to proclaim it throughout their feveral Divifions. The Writ to the Sheriffof Lincoln/hire is ftill extant in the Public Afts g , and in the Statutes at large ; into the laft of which Records it got, we fuppofe, by be- ing confirmed by Act of Parliament two Years after. The whole Writ is tranflated by Barnes, for the Rarity of it, as he fays ; but Dr. Brady has given us a Tranfla- tion of another, directed to the Archbifhop of Canterbury the Original of which is preferved in his Appendix^ % which we think is fomewhat more curious than the for- mer ; efpecially, fince it plainly proves, contrary to Mr. Collier's Conclufions, that the King was not fo well fatisfied with the Prelate's Integrity as that Writer would have us believe. The Tranllation of the Writ is as follows : The King to tneVenerable Father mChrift, John Archbijbop ^"Canterbury, Primate of all England, Greeting, Of}. I. * rjfy, p. 221, 222 j ill Offend. 88. 2 66 The Parliamentary Hi s T OR Y JC, Edward in, and other wife Men, for lawful Caufes, becaufe our " Confent was wanting [0r, as it is in the Revocation di- " retted to the Sheriff" 0/" Lincoln, ' becaufe we never " confented to the making of the Statute ; but, as then it <* behoved us, we diflembled in the Premifles, fcfr. ] we " have declared it null, and that it ought not to have the *' Name and Force of a Statute. And we underftand .'* you have commanded a Provincial Council to meet at ** London^ on the Morrow of St. Luke next coming , in in ' the White-Chamber^ who, in the Prefence of the ' King, Prelates, and Great Men there, on Behalf of the ' Knights and Commons, that they were fully agreed the ' Truce fhould be kept, to the End a good and honour- * able Peace might be made : And further, the faid Com- * mons prayed the King to fend exprefs Envoys, or Mef- fengers, to treat of Peace, as abovefaid ; and, in cafe c he could have an honourable and advantageous Peace * for himfelf and his Friends, that he would accept of it ; ' but if not, the faid Commons declared, that they would * aid and aflift him, and maintain his Quarrel with all their Power V It was here alfo enacted, That the Statute made at Wejlminjler the I5th of this King, and which he had foon after revoked, as has been mentioned, fhould ac- cordingly be utterly repealed, and lofe the Name of a Statute, as contrary to the Laws of a King's Preroga- t 2 53 ] tive. But, fince the Articles there made were thought reafonable, it was enacted that fuch Articles, with fome others agreed on in this Parliament, fhould, by the Ad- vice of the Judges, be made into a Statute . An Ecclefiaftical Affair of great Confequence came alfo before this Parliament, which, tho' fome what Jong, is of too great Concern to be omitted. We fhall there- fore give Jo/hua Barnes's Account of it in his own Words. TV Commons * ^ n l ^' s P ar li ament it s recorded, That the Commons remonftrate ' of England made great Complaint of the Provifions and againft the in- < Refervations coming from the Court of Rome ; where* Sa^Powi/ b y the P P e took U P beforehand the future Vacancies ** of Ecclefiaftical Dignities for Aliens, and fuch as had 1 nothing to do within this Realm. They remonftrated ' to m Come detiant meen jitny, fiat's nofin fas come Juge, ne come Ccmpromef- fair. Record. n Let diter Communes grantercnt de lui eyder a mayntener fa qverele avt tote lour poair. Record. o Old Stvtoe writes, that, in this Parliament,^. 1343, the Clergy, that were Pofleffors of Lands, granted to the King towaids the War all their Jewels and Plate, as well Silver as Gold, befides Horfes, Carts, and Wag- gons. Stsivit Cbrtn, p, 2391 ^ENGLAND. 271 c to the King the manifold Inconveniences enfuing there- K, Edward ill. 4 by ; as the Decay of Hofpitality ; the tranfporting of 4 the Treafure of the Realm to the Maintenance of the * King's mortal Enemies j the difcovering of the Secrets 4 of the Kingdom ; and the utter difcouraging, difabling, ' and impoverifhing of Scholars, Natives of the Land. 4 Among other Inftances, they alfo fhewed how the 4 Pope had fecretly granted unto two new Cardinals * fundry Livings within the Realm of England, and * particulary to the Cardinal of Perlgort above ten * Thoufand Marks, yearly Collections. Whereupon * they humbly require the King and his Lords to find a * Remedy for thefe intolerable Encroachments ; for * that they neither could nor would any longer bear thefe * heavy Oppreflions j or elfe they defired, that his Ma- 6 j e fty an d ^e Lords would help them forcibly to expel the 4 Papal Power out of the Realm p . 4 The King, in Confideration of the Premifes, willeth 4 that the Lords and Commons among themfelves, con- 4 fult of the moft decent and fitting Way, promifing his * Confent to any reafonable Remedy. Hereupon the [ 254 J 4 King, Lords, and Commons, prefently fent for an Act 4 made at CarliJIe in the thirty-fifth Year of Edward I. 4 upon the like Complaint; which utterly forbad to bring, 4 or attempt to bring, any Thing into his Realm, which 4 (hould tend to the Diminution of the King's Preroga- * tive, or the Prejudice of his Lords and Commons q . 4 And fo at this Time the famous Acl: of Provifion was 4 made, prohibiting the bringing in of any Bull, or the 4 like Trinkets, from the Court of Rome, or the ufing, 4 allowing, or enjoying of any fuch Bull, Procefs, or 4 any other Inftrument obtained from thence, as there 4 at large doth appear. This Adi;, however, as one ob- 4 ferves, could not be agreed to by the Bifhops and the 4 reft of the Clergy ; but they rather feem'd refolved to 4 proteft againft it, till the King peremptorily command- ' ed them to furceafe fuch Prefumption. 4 However, the Lords Temporal only, and the Com- 4 mons by themfelves, wrote a Letter to his Kolinefs, the 4 Purport whereof followeth, from the Orienal French. To P This hft Expreflion is net on the Record ; th' it is in the ment, added, no Doubt, by that 301x1 Proteftant W,i/i.>n Pryna, q See the Proceedings upon this Affair, p. 131, 147. Vbe Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edward III, To the Moft Holy Father in God, the Lord Clement, by Divine Providence, of the Holy Roman and Catholic Church the Chief Bifhop j his humble and devout Children the Princes, Dukes, Earls, Barons, Knights, Citizens, Burgeffes, and all the Commonalty of the Realm of England, aflembled in Parliament at Weft-* devoutly kifs his Holy Feet. A Letter to the'' P' ous Difcretion, Prudence, and Equity, which Pope thereupon, feem, and ought indeed, to be in you, Moft Holy Fa- from the Lords ther, who are fo holy and fo high a Prelate, Head of the Common! only, Ho h Church * h whom the Catholic Church and People the Lords Sp\ t [-ofGod Jhould, as by the Sun-Beams, be enlightened, do tual refufing g' tve us good Hope, that the jujl Petitions hereunder by us their Aflent. j fc / ar >j 3 to t fo Honour of Jefus Chrift, of bis Holy Church, and of your Holinefs alfo, fiall be of you gracioujly confi- dered, and that all Errors and Injuftice /hall be quite re- moved ; injlead whereof fruitful Amendment and necef- fary Remedies, thro* the Grace of the Holy Spirit, which you, in fo eminent a Degree, have received, may be by kf 2 55 J you gracioujly ordained and applied. Wherefore, Mojt Holy Father, after great Deliberation^ we all with one djfint come unto your Holinefs, Jhewing and declaring, that the Mojl Noble Kings o/LEngland, Pro- genitors to his Majejiy that now is, as alfo our Ancejlors and ourf elves too, according to the Grace of the Holy Gbojl to them and to us given, every one of his own Devotion have eftablijhed, founded, and endowed within the Realm of England, Cathedrals and other Churches, Colleges, db- beys, Priories, and divers other Religiouf Houfcs ; and to the Prelates and Governors of the fame have given and granted Lands, Pojfcjffions, Patrimonies, Pranchifes, Ad- vowfons, and Patronages of Dignities, Revenues, Offices, Churches, with many and divers other Advantages and Emoluments ; whereby the Service of God and the Faith of Chrift might be honoured and had in Reverence ; Hof- pitals and Alms-Houfes, with all other Edifices, Churches and Colleges, might be honeftly kept and maintained, and devout Prayers in the fame Places made for the Souls of the Founders ; and the Poor alfo of the jeverai Parijhes conveniently aided and nourijhed : Of all which fuch only were to have the Cure, who were able to take Confejjions, and were otherwife meet in their ow_n Mother Tongue of England, effectually to teach and inform their Flock. * , of E N G L A N D. 273 And forafmuch, mojl Holy Father ; as you cannot zw//K. Edward III* attain the Knowledge of divers fitch Errors and Abufes, as are crept in among us ; nor yet be able to under ftand the Conditions and Cujloms of Places , being yourfelf fo far dijlant, unlefs your Holinefs be of others duly informed and injlrufted; we therefore, having full and perfect Notice and Intelligence of all the Errors and Abufes of the fold Places within the faid Realm, have thought Jit to Jignify the fame unto your Holinefs, namely, That divers Refervations, Provijions, and Collations, by your Apojlo- lic Predecejfors of the Church of Rome, and by you alfo in your Time, moft Holy Father , have been granted, and now more illegally than heretofore, under divers Perfons, as well Strangers and of other Nations, as unto fame who are our profejjed Enemies, and who have little or no Un- derjlandlng at all of our Language ', and of the Conditions and Cujloms of thofe of whom they have the Government [ z$6 } and Cure ; whereby a great Number of Souls are in Peril, many of the Pari/hioners in Danger, the Service of God neglefled, the Alms and Devotion of all Men diminijhed^ the Hofpitats brought to Decay, the Churches, with their Appurtenances, ruin' d and dilapidated, Charity 'ivaxeth cold \ the good and hone ft Natives of our own Country unad- vanced, the Charge and Cure of Souls unregarded, the pious Zeal of the People retrained, many poor Scholars of our own unpref erred, and the Treasure of the Realm exported^ again/I the Mind and Intention of the Founders. All which Errors, Abufes, and Slanders, moft Holy Fa- ther, we neither can nor ought any longer to fuffer or en- dure ; wherefore we moft humbly require your Holinefs y that the Slanders, Abufes, and Errors, which we have de- clared unto you, may, of your own great Prudence, be thoroughly confidered ; and that it may pleafe you, that fuch Rcfervations, Proviftons, and Collations may be ut- terly repealed, that the fame, from henceforth, be no more ufed among us ; and that fttch Order and Remedy be forth- with taken therein, that the faid Benefices, Edifices, Of- fices, and Rights, with their Appurtenances, may, by our Countrymen, to the Honour of God, be fupplied, occupied^ and governed. And that it may further pleafe your Holi- nefs, by your Letters, to fegnify unto us, without Delay cr further proiracling of Time, what your Pleafure is touching this lawful Requeft and Demand, that we may VOL. I. "S tiK- The Parliamentary HISTORY 274 K. Edioard III. diligently do our Duty herein for the Remedy \ Correflion, and Amendment of the Enormities above fpecified. In Witnefs whereof^ unto thefe Letters Patent we have fet our Hands and Seals. Given in full Parliament at Wejl- minjler^ the i8th Day of May, An. Dom. 1343. Mr. Barnes proceeds and tells us what Reception this extraordinary Letter met with from the Pope, which was delivered to him by Sir Jfbn Shoreditch, fent on purpofe to Avignon. He gives us alfo the Anfvver the Holy Fa- ther returned to King Edward about it ; as alfo the King's Reply to the Pope ; which laft that Author calls ' a moll famous Epiftle, in Defence of the Church of England? againft Papal Encroachments; which was of fuch Force, adds he, that neither the Pope nor his Cardinals could [ 2 57 ] tell how to anfwer, and they were obliged to comply with the Terms of it for that Time r .' In this Parliament the King created his eldeft Son Prince of Wales, inverting him with a Coronet, a Gold Ring, and a Silver Rod. He alfo gave him fevera*! more "Lands and Revenues than he enjoyed before, the better to fupport this new Dignity. Before we take Leave of this Parliament it would be ungenerous not to take Notice of what a late Hiftorian * has given us, by Way of Remark, on the Tranfa<5Uons of * The Pope's Provisions were thus made : When any Bilhoprick, Ab- bey, or good Benefice was likely to be void, the Pope having Notice of it fcy foine of his Agents here, would, by an Al of Provifion, predifpofe of fuch Places to fuch Foreigners as he pleafed j whereby Patrons were de- feated of their Prefentations, and Englijbmen of their Preferments, unlefs they would buy off the Provifions. Kenneths Hiftory of England, p. 220. JJote (i>). Another Clergyman of the Church of England writes, ' That the En- ' croachments of the Court of Rome, with reference to Provilions, were ' now grown to a fcandalous Excefs : For, at almoft every Vacancy, the Pope * pretended to fill the See upon the Score of Refervations. Thus the Right ' of Elections was overborne, and Biihopricks often beftowed upon ignorant * and unqualified Perfons. The former Popes managed this Licence with fome Temper, and were injurious, as one may fay, within a Rule : But < at laft that Court grew altogether arbitrary and abfolute, and over- ruled ' every Thing as they thought fit; fo that, had they not received a Check from the State, they would perfectly have mattered the Er^lijb Hierarchy, and had all the Bifliopricks at their Difpofal.* Collier"* EcclffiafticalHi- Jiory, Book VI. p. 531. A Tranflation of the King's Letter to the Pope, on this Occafion, is ia the fame Hiftory, p. 546. The Rev. Mr. Carte. And to do Juftice to that Author, though he is dead, he has been more exact and fmgular in his Extracts from Parlia^ . mentary Records, fife, than any other general Hiftorian, either before or fisce his Time, ^/ENGLAND. 275 Of it. After obferving the different Places of Meeting of K. Edward HI. the Lords and Commons as above, he adds, ' It may not be improper to obferve, that though frequent Men- tion is made in former Parliament Rolls, of the four Orders, Prelates, Barons, Knights of Shires, and Citizens or Burgefles, confulting each apart by them- felves, yet this is the firft Time that thofe Rolls make a clear Diftin&ion of the two Houfes, as formed at prefent, and fpeak of the Knights of Shires as fitting in the fame Chamber with the Reprefentatives of Bo- roughs. This might poffibly commence a few Years fooner, though not taken Notice of in the Rolls; which, omitting the Circumftances of what paffed in the inter- mediate Seffions of each Houfe, relate only the Tranf- a&ions of Parliament-Days, i.e. fuch Days whereon the King was prefent : And accordingly both Houfes were, on this Occafion, ordered to report their Advice on May i, in the faid Parliament, to the King then pre- fent. This was done by each feparately in the White- Chamber ; the Lords Spiritual and Temporal firft de- livering their Opinion, as the Knights of the Shires and Commons afterwards did theirs, by the Mouth of Sir William Truffel.' The fame Author adds, from the Rolls of Parliament and other Records, ' That the King afking the Com- mons if they had any Grievances, to complain of, or had fuffered any Opprefiions, whilft he was either abroad or at home ; they defired, by Way of Redrefs, that a Commifllon might be given to Juftices, to be chofen by both Houfes, and fworn before the Lords and Commons, to keep the Peace, and to do Juftice in the Counties ; to require, hear, and determine, of Felonies, Confpiracies, Champerties, Breaches of Peace, Lands amortifed without Licenfe ; the melting of Gold Coin by Goldfmiths, the carrying it out of the Land, and bringingback bad Money by Merchants; the Provifiorts and Ufurpations of the Court of Rome, and other Articles ; which was accordingly iffued. But the People in general fuffered fo much from thefe newCom- miffioners, though chofen in Parliament, that, upon an Application to the Throne, it was vacated in the next Seflion ; fo dangerous is it to deviate from antient Ufages on the moft plaufible Occafion, and to adopt S a 'new 276 ^ Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edward HI. new Inftitutions, before they are well confidered ancf ' digefted. The Remedies propofed for Amendment ' of the Coin were, the flopping of the Importation of * bad Money, by fevere Penalties, and a ftricl Search * at the Ports ; the making of new Silver Sterlings, for- bidding them to be carried abroad, and no other to be * current ; and the coining of Gold Florins of the fame ' Weight, Alloy, and Value with thofe of Flanders, that * they might pafs alike in both Countries V The next Year the Truce having been broke by King Philip^ by the barbarous Execution of fome Noblemen, Edward's Allies, he again refolved to renew the War with the utmoft Vigour againft France. To enable him AnnoRegni 18. the better to carry it on," the King calls a Parliament I 344- to meet at Wtjlminjler^ June 7, 1344; the next Day after their Meeting, the Names of the Lords were read over and examined before the King in Parliament, to fee who appeared and who failed ; and the Names of fuch as did not come were given to the King in Wri- ting, to punifh as he pleafed. On Thurfday after, the Lord-Chancellor, in full Par- liament, the King and the young Prince of IVales being prefent, declared the Caufe of this Summons to be, * Concerning the late Truce with France^ and the Breach * of it by the French King, of which he gave feven par- * ticular Inftances. He defired the Three Eftates of the * Realm to confider of thofe Things, and that they would * give the King fuch Advice and Afliftance as was ne- * ceffary for the faving of his and their own Rights and * Honours.' f 2 5& ] The wn l e AfTembly prayed that they might have Time to deliberate of thefe Matters till the Monday next; and, upon another Petition, they were again refpited to the Wednesday following. On that Day a felea Com- mittee of the whole Body, confiding of the Archbifhop and t Knyghton remarks, that Gold Coin was firft ftruck and rrade cur- rent at this Time: His Words are, Eodem Temfcre Nobile, Obolus, et Ferthing, de Aura cceperunt forere in Regno ; uncle in eidem Parliament!) rdinatum eft quod nullui de Communibus artaretur capere de nova Mo- neta Auri quod Rex crdina-vcrat de nova travfire per Medium, et in qua- cutique Solutione, cilra Soluticnem et Sutnmam 20 s. Et quod Moneta Auri et Argenti fiat conjimili JWodo et Forma et Pondcre apud L'ooracum, et alias Clvitates ubi fo/et fore, ficut ad Turrim .Londinenfem ; et quod Efcambium Jlfenette ejfel in magnii Civitatibut et /7//, Knyghton, col, 2584. of ENGLAND. 277 and ten other Bifhops, five Abbots, two Priors, eight K EJiuard HI. Jtarls, and fix Barons, being ail named in the Record, with the Commons of the Realm, waited on the King in the White-Chamber at Wejlminjler^ and declared in his Prefence, ' That having Regard to the great Mif- ' chiefs and Dangers that might affect his Majefty and * all his Subje&s and Allies, ff the Malice of his Adver- ' fary was not flopped ; and confidering the heavy Char- ' ges which the Lords and Commons of England had ' been at , and differed, by reafon of the War continu- ' ing fo long, by falfe Truces of Sufferances ; and fee- ' ing that an End of the War, or an honourable Peace, ' was not to be obtained without great Power and Force, * they therefore pray the King, with one Accord, and * every particular Peer by himielf, that he would make ' a fpeedy End of this War, either by Battle or a pro- ' per Peace, if fuch might be had : And that, when the * King fhould be ready to crofs the Seas, to take what * God fhould allot him, upon the I flue of this Affair, ' he fliould not, for the Letters or Command of the ' Pope, or any other, lay afide his Voyage, untill he had * made an End, one Wayoranother,ofthis tedious War.' To all which Prayer the King readily aflented. But the Parliament rightly judging that this Affair could not be brought about without a large and fufficient Aid, the whole Body of the Clergy, for the Province of Canterbury^ by their Prelates and Pro&ors, taxed them- A the young Regent and his Council furnifti us with 1347. new Matter both for Connection and Purfuit of our own. rt A Parliament was called to meet at IVeJlmmJler on the Monday next after Lady- Day, in the Year 1347, Anna .Regni 21. This Parliament was opened with the ufual Forma- lities at that Time ; as, a Proclamation againft, wearing of Armour and ufmg of Games in and about IVejlminjhr during the Seilion ; a Time was appointed for all fuch as had any Petitions to exhibit; the Receivers alfo and Tryers were conftituted toconfidertheContentsof them, refer- Brady and Tyrrel. Rot. Par. 18 Ed-^ HI. N. 5 to 10. See the Statutes at large, Anno 'Regni 18 Ediv, III. 134-4.. In Confideration of the Aid granted by the Clergy at this Time, the Liberties of the Church were further explained and confirmed by an Al of Parliament. See Collier'' s Ecdejiajiica! Ilijiarj, p. ^48. wp. 3 c 4 . ^/ENGLAND. 279 referring to England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Gafcoigny, K Ed-ward III, and other foreign Countries and Iflands. Sir Thomas Drayton was appointed Clerk to this Parliament ; but, becaufe feveral of the Lords and Commons were not yet come up, they adjourned to the Day following. At which Time, the Houfe being further informed that Sir Bartholomew Burgherjh and Sujohn Darcy, Lords Cham- berlains, Mr. John Thore/by, and Mr. John Charleton, were arrived as Meflengers from the King then lying be- fore Calais, and fince they could not be ready to make their Appearance before the Wednefday next, the Houle adjourned again to that Day x . The Day being come, a Declaration was made in open Parliament, that the Reafons of their prefent Meet- ing were, ' Becaufe the King, fince his pafling the [ 262 ] Sea, and his Attempts in France, was now uncertain of his Condition ; and that, according to the Iflue or Exigence in Affairs abroad, Matters might be con- certed at home for the Safety of his Majefty and the common Peace and Wealth of his Kingdom ; which laft wasvifibly damnified by the Sufferance of falfe Mo- ney to go current in it.' Then was produced the King's Letters Patent, as Me flengers f ent Credentials, in which the aforefaid Declaration was, to the Parlia- verbatim, exprefled, dated at the Siege of Calais ; which mei ? r ' to ac * being read in open Parliament, Sir Bartholomew Burg- ^y^n^^^. her/J), for and in the Name of himfelf and the reft of cefs in France. his Colleagues, in the Prefence of the Regent and the Three Eftates of the Kingdom, declared the good Suc- ceis of the King fince his Ariival at La Hogue, in Nor- mandy , as in furprizing and taking many Towns and Caftles of War, as well at Caen as elfewere ; and alfo of the great Victory obtain'd at Crejjy, where the whole Power of France was difcomfited ; and how the King was now come before Calais, from whence he intended not to depart, till, by the Help of God, he had won the fame ; after which he intended to purfue the Enemy, without Return, till the War (hould be fully ended. This done, he produced the Copy of an Order, made by the King of France, in reference to his Son the Duke x The King's Letters Patent for appointing thefe Commifiioncrs is da- ted "Juxta Calefiurn ofla-vo Die Scptembiis. BurgbcrJJj and Darcy were hjs two Chamberlains ; Thorcfiy was Keeper of the Privy Seal, and afteiward.S Archbiihop of Turk. Itcd. dng, Tom, V, p. 52$, 280 The Parliamentary HISTORY K, Edward III, Duke of Normandy, and others, Nobles of that Country $ which was particularly recited, beinw called the Ordi- nance of Normandy, and was to this Effect : * That the Duke of Normandy mould pafs as Chief, with other Nobles of that Province, into England, with 4000 Men of Arms, Knights, Efquires, and Perfons of good Eftate, and 40,000 Footmen, Methods being there prefcribed for keeping the Sea ; and an Order alfo ad- ded, that the faid Duke fhould remain in England with the faid Forces, for the Space of ten Weeks. And in Cafe the Realm of England mould, in this Expedition, be conquer'd, that then the Conqueft mould folely be to the Name, Honour, and Advantage of the faid Duke, and all whatfoever the King of England at that Time had there, mould remain entirely to the faid Duke, and the Knights and Lords with him. That all that which belonged to the Nobles, and Secular Perfons of England, fhould be beftow'd on the Churches and famous Towns in Normandy : only, out of the Re- venues of the Church of England, the French King flialj receive yearly 20,000 /. Sterling, faving the Rights of his Holinefs. And that, laftly, Surrender be made unto the Scots of whatfoever hath at any Time been taken from them, and annexed unto the Crown of England.' This Inftrument was made and dated, as appears by- the Copy upon the Rolls, from the Caftle of Bets de Fincennes, March 28, 1338 ; which (hews that an Invafion of England had been long premeditated by the French, and that Edward's turning theTables upon them was rightly timed, and his Quarrel juft. It is faid to have been found amongft the Archives at Caen, in Nor- mandy, and muft give great Indignation to an Englifo Parliament, to find, by it, that the French were thus di- viding the Lion's Skin amongft them before he was ilain. But they foon found the contrary to their Coft; and, inftead of invading other Countries, that they were not able to preferve their own. But to our Parlia- ment. The faid Mefiengers, by the Mouth of Sir Bartholo- mew Burgher/h, requir'd to know what Aid they thought fit to grant to the King, toward the Furtherance of his Enterprises and the Defence of the Realm : In Anfwer to of ENGLAND. 281 to which the Commons, having defired Refpite for their K. Edwardiu* Anfwer till the Tburfday next enfuing, declared on the faid Thurfday, by a Schedule at large, the fundry parti- A Subfidy grant* cular former Aids they had given, the Impofition of 40 s. ed for tb War, Cuftom of Wooll, extorted of them againft Law, befides the great Charge they had been at in the arraying of Men, and common taking of Purveyors: Notwithftand- ing which they freely granted the King two Fifteenths in two Years, fo as that, if within two Years the Wars fliould ceafe, then the latter Fifteenth to ceafe alfo. After this follow the Petitions of the Commons with And Petitions their Anfwers, made by Prince Lionel, by Commiffion^ c n e te ^ e ^* 8 from the King, in the King's Name, in Manner fol- lowing, viz. Petition. t That all A6r.s of Parliament, not repeal- c ed, may be fully and entirely obferved, fo as there pafs ' forth no Commiflions of Array. Anfwer. The firjl Point the King grants ; of the reft be will be advifed. Petition. ' That fuch as were fined for not arraying c of Men may be difcharged. Anfwer. The King will take Advice. Petition. ' That all within fix Miles of the Sea may * have a Superfedeas for arraying of Men. Anfwer. Only fucb as keep the Sea-Coafts Jhall have a Superfedeas. // is enabled that the Coinage in all Places JJjall be open as heretofore : Item, that thofe who import falfe Money into the Realm Jhall forfeit Life and Limb, and that the Jujliccs of JJ/ize, and of the Peace, fiall ,[ 264 ^ inquire thereafter. Petition. * That the King's Receivers may receive as e well Gold as Silver ; and that the Changers thereof * be not without Parliament. Anfwer. The fir ft is granted ; the other refpi ted. Petition. ' That the 40*. Subfidy of every Sack cf ' Wooll may ceafe. Anfwer. The King's Mind mujl be known firft. Petition. c That Payment may be made for the laft ' taking up of Victuals. Anfwer. Order foall be taken for that. Petition. c That the Chief of every County may be * Juftices of Peaces a d that they may determine all ' Felonies. Anfwer, 282 be Parliamentary HISTORY K, Edward III. Anfwer. The firjl is granted : For the fecond the King will appoint Jujiices learned in the Laws. Petition. ' That the keeping of the Sea be at the * King's Charge thenceforward. Anfwer. The Sea Jhall be kept, as it hath been here- tofore. Petition. ' That Sheriffs in every County may have * fufficient in their Counties ; and that none of thofe * Offices be granted for Life, or in Fee : Item, that Pur- ' veyors, who have not the Conftables with them, ac- * cording to the Statute of Weftminjler, may be looked ' on as Thieves ; and that Juftices of Aflize, and of the ' Peace, may inquire of the fame. Anfwer. The Statute made fliall be observed. Petition. * That the Fifteenths in Towns and an- * tient Demefnes be levied, as in the Bodies of Counties, without Increafe. , Anfwer. They Jhall be levied after the accttftotned Manner. Petition. * That all Juftices of the Inqueft may be ' fworn as Juftices of the Bench ; and that the Chief ' of them may have Power to fwear the reft. Anfwer. Such "Juftices Jhall be fivorn as ought to be j fo as they take nothing but Meat and Drink, and that of fmall Value ; and the Chief JJiall be impowered to fwear the reft. Petition. That the Fifteenths beyond the Trent be < employed only for Defence of the North. 265 ] Anfwer. The King will provide for Defence of thofe Parts. Petition. * That Strangers, Enemies of the Realm, ' who remain now in Newgate, may be adjudged du- * ring the Parliament. Anfwer. They Jhall remain there till further Order. Petition. ' That no Charter of Pardon be granted ' fince the King's laft Expedition. Anfwer. Advice Jhall be taken. It is enafted, That Lombards, and other Merchants, Jhall receive Gold for their Ware, without any Compact, on Pain of Fine and linprifonment . Petition. * That all alien Monks do avoid the Realm ' by Michaelmas, and that their Livings be difpofed of ' to young Englijh Scholars ; and that fuch Aliens, Ene- mies, of E N G L A N D. 283 mies, as are advanced to Livings (they being, in their K - Edward III* own Countries, but Shoemakers, Taylors, or Cham- berlains of Cardinals) may depart the Realm before Michaelmas, and their Livings be beftowed on poor Englijh Scholars. Anfwer. To thefe two Petitions this one Anfwer was given, That the Perfons, being Spiritual, were not to be tried by Parliament; and that their Livings , being in the King's Hands, were not without him to be difpofed of. Petition. ' That the King may take the Profits of 1 all other Strangers' Livings, as Cardinals and others, ' during their Lives. Anfwer. The King doth take their Profits, and the Council have fent their Petition to his Majejly. Petition. 4 That no Payment be made to any Car- * dinals, living in France, to treat either of War or Peace. Anfwer. This is granted, as reafonable. Petition. That foreign Provifors, or Aliens buying * Provifions, do quit the Realm by Michaelmas* on Peril ' of being outlawed. Anfwer. The Statute heretofore made Jhall be cbfer- "ued, and the King fl)all Jignify the fame to the Pope. Petition. c That the annual Advancement of 2OOO ' Marks, granted out of the Province of Canter bury, may * be reftrained, and that thofe, who fue for Recovery * thereof, may be outlawed. Anfwer. The Lords think the fame reafonable ; and ,. ,, it is further commanded, That no fu ch be from henceforth '* ' It is enacted, That whofoever fhall bring into the * Realm any Aliens, the Veflel wherein they are brought ' fhall be forfeited to the King, and the Body of the * Bringer fhall lie at the King's Difcretion. * It is enacted, That, during the Wars, no Perfon c do fend or tranfport any Money to the Pope, or to any ' Bifhop, or other Alien whatfoever, for any Duty ' whatfoever. Petition. * That no Englijhman do farm any Thing of ' any Alien Religious, nor buy any of their Goods, nor be * of their Counfel, on Pain of perpetual Imprifonment. Anfwer. This is againji the King's Profit, who reaps Benefit by fuch Farmers. Petition. 284 tt g Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edioardlll. Petition. * That all Friars, Aliens, fhould depart the ' Realm, never to return hither again. Anfwer. Order Jhall be taken with every General of all the Houfes of Friars, fo to look to all Friars, Aliens, under their feveral Charges, as that they fhall not be able to difclofe the Secrets of the Realm. Petition. ' That the annual Penfion of feven Shillings, which Sir Raimond Peligrue received of every Religious Ho.ufe within the Realm, may henceforward ceafe. Anfwer. The faid Sir Raimond is the King's Liege- man, born in Gafcoigny, and fivorn of the King's Coun- cil, by whofe Command he receive th the fame. Petition. ' That the annual Penfion of 2000 /. paid to the Abbot of Clugny may ceafe for ever. Anfwer. The jame is paid there. Petition. ' That the Statute made, That the King * fhould prefent unto any Church of his Gift, falling * void, at any Time within three Years, fo as, if the ' Parfon had continued therein for three Years, that he * fhould not be turned out, may ftand. Anfwer. The King will be advifed. ' It is enadled, That no Perfon bring into the Realm, ' to any Bifhop or other, any Bull, or other Letters, < from the Court of Rome, or from any Alien, unlefs he * firft fhew the fame to the Lord Chancellor, or to the ' Warden of the Cinque Ports, on Lofs of all that he . hath. \ 367 ] ' It is enacled v That all Religious Perfons, for Lands < purchafed fince 20 Edward III. and paying no De- ' mefne therefore amongft the Clergy, fhall pay Fit- teenths.' After this Mr. John Charleton, one of the Meflengers aforefaid, produced Letters from the Bifhop of Durham, from theEarls of Northampton, drundele, Warwick, Ox- ford, and Suffolk, and from Sir Hugh le Defpenfer, Lord of Glamorgan, directed to the whole Parliament, pur- porting, That whereas the King at his Arrival at La Hague St. Vafl, in Normandy, had knighted his eldeft Son, the Prince of Wales, whereby he ought to have an Aid of the Realm, viz. Forty Shillings of every Knight's Fee, they would now confider thereof. Here- upon of E N G L A N D. 285 upon the Parliament agreed thereto immediately, and K.Edtuard III. took Order for the fpeedy levying the fame r . It was Wo order'd in full Parliament, at the Requeft of the Commons, That the Benefices of all Aliens be feized into the King's Hands, and he to take the Profit of the fame; and that, in order thereto, all Bifhops fhoujd, before the next Convocation, certify into the Chancery the Names of all Aliens, their Benefices, and the Value thereof: Alfo that no Alien do fend Letters out of the Realm, that (hall not be firft perufed by the Lord-Chancellor, or the Warden of the Cinque Ports, on Pain of lofing all he hath. This was the Subftance of this Parliament's Proceed- ings j which we are perfuaded will not be thought tedi- ous, fince the Form of it will evidently Ihew whatSenfe the People of England had at that Time of the King's great Conquefts and Victories in France. This Parlia- ment, having fat only ten or eleven Days, was diflblved ; which is another Inftance to (hew that, when Men are fo minded, a great deal of Bufinefs may be done in a fhort Time. The learned Mr Barnes opens the feventh Chapter of his fecond Book in fo pompous a Manner, that we cannot forbear tranfcribing of it. The King, having r 2 gg -\ taken the important Town of Calais, had consented to a Truce with France , and returned to England ; when, The King fays this Author, * Now doth King Edward III. ftand returns. * in the full Zenith both of his Age and Glories ; he c had but juft paft the thirty-fifth Year of his Life, and ' yet was crowned at home, in his Family, with a lovely * Row of hopeful Children, a virtuous and beautiful * Confort, and in his Kingdoms with Peace and full Pro- * fperity. Abroad, he was renowned above all the Kings ' of the Earth, for his notable Victories by Sea and Land, ' in Scotland, France, and Bretagne; for fet Battles, for ' taking of Towns, for Kings flain, Kings routed, and ' Kings taken Captive; nor was his Moderation lefs ad- ' mir'd, which he fhew'd in refilling the Title and Dignity * of an Emperor. This, in my Opinion, adds our Au- 4 thor, is the blighted Part of all his Reign, tho' yet an- other r The Letter which Barnes mentions to com? from the Lords about the Kin;/ .it Ca. '.::'<, to ciefire the Parliament to grant hiiuthe Aid for the K: heed f his eldtft Son, is i Rymtr, p. 527. 286 Yhe Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edward ill. other King remains to be Captive by his Arms, ami ' another King is deftined to recover an ufurped Crown ' by the Aid of his Sword and Fortune.' In the next Paragraph, Mr. Barnes goes on and moralifes much on the unhappy Confequences that fol- low Conquefts ; by which fuch a Superfluity of Riches and Vanities were brought into England, that from this Period of Time he dates the Beginning of Pride and Luxury, which were ill exchanged for the. Native Sim- plicity and Candour of the Englijh Nation. And to "which, he thinks, all the Miferies in the fubfequent Civil Wars, down to the Reign of Henry VII. may be afcribed. . Within five or fix Weeks after the King's Return 1348. to England, out of France, he ilTued out Writs, dated . November 13, for a Parliament to meet on the i4th of irtjtmytr. j amary f n ow i ng? at Wejlrninfler s . They did not fit on that Day, but adjourned for three more, to give Time, as before, for the more diftant Peers and Com- mons to come up. Being all affembled, Sir William Thorpe, Lord Chief Juftice, by the King's Command 1 , opened the Caufe of the Summons in his Prefence, and, C 2 9 J j n f u ll Parliament, declar'd that it was on two Accounts : ' Firft, Concerning the War with the Confent of the * Parliament; next, How the Peace of the Nation might be better kept.' The Lords and Commons debated earneftly on thefe Matters for fome Time ; when, on the fourth Day, the Commons declared, ' That they were not able to ad- / ' vife any Thing concerning the War, and therefore de- * fired to be excufed as to that Point; and that if the * King ' would be advifed by his Nobles and Council, ' what (hall be by them determined, they would con- * fent unto, confirm, and eftablifli.' As to keeping the Peace, and the better Governance of the Land, the Commons prefented many Petitions to the King for the Redrefs of Grievances, and the like : Thefe, with the Anfwers to them, amount to no lefs than 70 Articles, and are too copious for our Defign: However, there is one, more remarkable than the reft, which muft not be omitted. It fhews the Jealoufy or" the Barnes takes no Notice of this firft Parliament after the Kind's Return* t Dei Grants et Sages de votre Confiil, Rot. i'arl, of ENGLAND. 287 the Commons, in thofe Days, on any Impofitioris or K - Sdiaard III. Taxations on Goods or Merchandize, without their Advice and Confent. 4 Whereas, in a Council holden by Lionel u the King's Son, then Guardian of the Realm, it was ordered, without the Confent of the Commons, That, for keeping the Realm, and fafe Conduct of Merchant Ships, 2 s. fhould be taken of every Sack of Wooll palling the Sea, 2s. on every Tun of Wine, and upon every Pound of w imported, 6d. to continue 'till Michaelmas next ; that it would pleafe the King to fuffer this Charge to fall, and that he would fend Letters to the Collectors of it accordingly.' Anfwer. All Charges, fuppofed in this Article, are laid down, except 2s. on the Sacks, which is only to endure 'till Eafter next ; and forafmuch as thefe Charges were or- dained for fafe Conduct of Merchandizes into the Realm , and out of it to foreign Parts, for Provifion of which the King hath laid out much Money, it is hoped that the levy- ing of it, for fo little a Time to come, cannot be thought grievous. The Commons conclude their Petitions with a De- fire to the King, That, fmce they ftaid there at great Charges and Expences, they might have an Anfwer fpeedily, and be dim-lifted to "their own Countries. How long this Parliament fat is uncertain, as it is in- deed of all the reft at this Time. The Records are very punctual in naming the exact Time when they met, but rarely, or never, when they were difiblved. However, ' we find another called the Year after, to meet on the Monday next after Midlent, which happened to be the lyth of March that Year. At this Meeting, as ufual, AnnoRegni--. Refpite was given of a Day or two for all to come up ; 1349. and, when aftembled, the fame Sir William Thorpe de- clared the Caufe of it to be, ' That the King had, ac- ' cording to the Truce agreed to at Calais, fent Commif- 4 fioners to the Pope, from whom he had long fmce ex- pedted fome fatisfa&ory Anfwer, but as yet had recei- * ved none. Alfo, that fundry Articles of the Truce, * touching both the Kings and their Allies, were not < duly u He is called, in the Record, Ltontl de Andwert, of Antwerp, from bo ^ng born there. w The. Word is da A-vcirs, which we own we cannot tranflate. K. Edward lit j. -, *Fke Parliamentary HISTORY duly performed; and further, that the French were preparing a puiflant Army, wherewith to invade the Realm. From all which it appeared that the Truce was but fickle, and that it was neither fafe nor prudent to rely upon it, but rather to be arm'd betimes againft the worft that might happen ; that this War, which was undertaken by the Advice and Confent of Parlia- ment, might have a profperous Ending, and be carried on with the leaft,,Charge to his People. He added, That the Confervation of the Public Peace at home was another main Point for their Confiderations, and that this muft be done by wholefome Laws, duly and impartially adminifter'd.' Debates arofe again amongft them, and continued for fome Days ; when, at laft, the Commons agreed upon' an humble Petition, or Reprefentation, to the King, on the prefent State of the Nation : Which being a Parlia- mentary Proceeding very memorable, muft find a Place^ as tranflated from the original Record x , in thefe Inqui- To their Moft Honourable and Moft Redoubted Liege Lord, his poor Commons Jheiu., the Commons' ' Hr^HAT at his laft Parliament he fent the Noble Reprefentation < j[ Earls of Lancafter and Northampton, and other J th A St . ateof ' Great Men, to tell them that he intended not to take the Nation to ,_ ' , the King, deda- an y A ' lin g more or them, or to charge them farther; ring they will < which they had publimed to the whole Land, for which grant noSupplies th had a j fo t h an ked him, accordin to their Know- but on Condition -' , . . , . - . . of their Grie- e "g e as niuch as they could, and prayed for him vances being re- ' Night and Day: And yet at this prefent Parliament, drafted. < upon certain News now arrived, he demanded' a very 4 great Charge of his poor Commons. Wherefore they * defire his Noble and Thrice-honoured Grace would * be pleafed to underftand the Mifchiefs and Burdens of * the Commons; that is to fay, the reafonable Aid which * had been pardoned / in his i4th Year; that is, a Grant ' was then made it fhould not be paid in all his Reign; ' to wit, 40^. upon every Knight's Fee, to make his * eldeft Son Knight ; whereas, by Statute, there was 4 but 20 s. due upon every Fee; bcfides the Fifteenths of the * Rot. Pad, 22 Edward HI, ^y Remitted. ^ENGLAND. 285 1 the Commons, and Tenths of Cities and Boroughs j K Edward Ilii ' Men at Arms, Hobelors, Archers taking of Victuals r -, * without paying for them ; guarding the Sea ; and alfo * the Subfidy of Wooll, by rtafon whereof every Sack of < Wooll, that was the Trealure of the Land, was fold ' for 40 s. lefs than its Value. And as it would be ' a great Trouble to the Commons to bear any Charge, ' that therefore, if the Aid, now to be granted, might * not be turned into Wooll, neither by way of Loan ' or^ Value, nor in any other Manner, nor levied too * haftily, but in the Form it was wont to be granted, ' and that the Eyres of Juftices in the mean Time might * ceafe, as well of the Foreft as of the Common Pleas, and general Inquiry in the whole Land : That when * this Aid {hould be levied, that then, for the future, no ' Subfidy upon Wooll may be granted by the Merchants; ' and that no Impofition, Loan, or other Tallage, or * Charge whatfoever, (hall be put upon them (the Com- ' mons) by the Privy Council, without their Grant and ' Confent in Parliament; and that two Prelates, two * Lords, and two Juftices might be affigned to hear and * difpatch their Petitions, which were not anfwer'd in the ' Jaft Parliament; and that their Petitions in this Par- * liament might alfo be anfwered according to Reafon, ' and the Anfwers to remain in Force, without being * changed or altered u : That the Juftices do inquire of * falfe Money, which ruins the People : That David ' Bruce, William Douglas, and other Chief Men of Scot" ' land, may in no Manner be releas'd, neither by Ranfom, ' nor upon their Faith : That the King would reftore ' the 20,000 Sacks of Wooll taken of the Commons by * way of Loan : That an Aid to marry his Daughter 4 might not be taken in the mean Time ; and that there * might be no Marlhalfea in England, except that of the * King, or the Guardian of England, when He was out ' of the Kingdom. < Upon thefe Conditions, and not otherwife, as alfo ' that they may be entered in the Parliament-Roll, as ' Matter of Record, by which they might have Remedy, if any Thing {hould be done to the contrary in Time to * come, the laid poor Commonalty, to their very great * Mifchief, grant to the King three Fifteenths, to be le- VOL, I. T vied n See before, p, 263, 281, ttfejuentt We Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edwardlll. c vied in three Years, to begin at Michaelmas next co- * ming, To as every Year one Fifteenth may be levied, and L 2 7 2 J ( no more ^ a t two Terms in the Year, viz. St. Michael ASubfidygrant- and Eafter, by even Portions; and that this Aid may be ed on Terms. < a flig ne d and referved only for the War, and not to pay Debts ; and if the War fliould ceafe, or a Truce be made, then the Fifteenth of the laft Year not to be * levied. That of thefe Conditions, and the Manner < of this Grant, Letters Patent Ihould be made, and fent * into all Counties, without paying any Thing for them ; wherein fhould be mentioned the great Neceffity the * King was in after the laft Parliament ; and in Cafe * the War fhould break out towards Scotland, the Aid 4 granted beyond Trent fliould be employed for the De- * fence of thofe Parts, as it had been formerly.' Mr. Barnes has given us, from the Record, the fur- ther Petitions of this Parliament to the King, with his Anfwers ; but as many of them are not very material, we fhall refer to that Author, and only mention one of the laft. ' In this was contained a long Complaint againft * Forefters, for afforefting of Men's Purlieus, for undue * Trial, and for Extortions ; to which was added a Re- * queft, that Magna Charta may be obferv'd, and that all * Men may enjoy their Purlieus according to the Peram- * bulations in the Time of King Edward 1.' Anfwer. The King wills that Magna Charta be kept inviolable ; and thofe that will complain in Right of their Purlieus may have Writs out of Chancery to redrefs them. Another Author obferves upon this, how fenfible the Commons of England have been upon any Infringement of their Great Charters of Liberties and Forefts ; and alfo how ready the greateft and moft powerful of our Kings have been to give them all due Satisfaction to fuch Petitions or Demands, in their own Way w . If v Tyrrel, p. 555. In the Public ARt we find a Writ directed to the King of Seats to come to this latter Pailiament j which, for the Rarity of it, deferves a Tranfcript. Rex, magnijicQ Prindpi etfdelifuc Edwardo, eadem Gratia, Regi Scotia?, Confanguineo fuo carijjimo, Salutem. l^uia pro magait et ardith Negotiii, tarn nos et Statum ntflri Anglire, quant vos et Terram et Gentem Scotiaj fua::e ccncerr.entibus, Par/iamentu>x rojirum tf/WWeftmonafieiium ad Diem Lunas, fnximamfojl Diem Do- minican-. Sf ENGLAND. 291 If we have been too prolix in our Jaft Proceedings, we K. Ed-ward in. have now aChafm of Time in which we can meet witrr nothing to our Purpofe. An univerfal Plague, intro- L 2 ?3 J duceti Dy many frightful Prodigies, which our Biographer Barnes has given us, and which at laft ravaged this Ifland in a dreadful Manner, prevented all Parliamentary Meetings for full two Years x . But, The King, towards the latter End of the Year 1350, having Occafion for the Advice of Parliament, iflued out his Writs of Summons, dated November 25, for one to meet on the Feaft of St. Hilary, or January 13, fol- lowing. On which Day being met, it was further ad- journed to the 1 5th of February next after ; that none might plead for Excufe they had not Time enough giverr them to appear in. This Parliament, by the Records, was held, by Com- miflion, the King and Prince of Wales being both abfent. Upon the Day appointed the King's Commiffion was AnnoRegni 15. read, in the Painted- Chamber at /^///m'w/? Fide Carte, p. 480. c By the King's fpecial Charter, dated Marcb 6, A. K. 15. Yeed. Ang. 'd The famous Older of the Garter was at this Time firft inftituted at Windfcr by the King j Cni tantvs dtinde acctjjit Honor, ut maxima quefqug Riga ucn faenituerit in id venirf Collegium, Pol. Verg. L:b> xijc. p. 378. of E N G L A N D. a$$ King begins his Reign from the firft of this Month, it K. Edward ill,, muft be in the 26th, and not the 25th Year of it. By which, adds this Author, the Reader may find that Errors may fometimes happen in Records themfelves ; and muft be corrected either by other Records, or the Hiftory of the Times. But the Error is in Mr. Tyrrel, and not in the Clerk; for Edward III. began his Reign on the 2gth of Ja- nuary, 1327, and was crowned on the firft of February following (hafty Work, indeed, but was what the Neceffity of thofe Times requir'd) ; fo that the Meeting of this fucceeding Parliament muft be ftill in the 25th Year of this King 6 . And accordingly on the I3th of January the Parlia- Anno R . ment met, but was adjourned for five Days on Account i 35 i. of the Abfentees ; when, being all afTembled, the Parlia- At We a min a ment was open'd by a Speech from Sir William Sbarejhall, the Lord Chief Juftice, declaring the Occafion of the j- 2 ^ j Summons to be, for fetting forth the King's Title to the Crown of France; telling them, That Philip of Valoh The King's Title had ufurped it all his Life ; and not only fo, but moved J^SJUf * War againft him in Gafcoingy and other Places, feizingthis Parliament. * upon his Rights and Poflefiions, and doing all the Mif- ' chiefs to him, both by Sea and Land, that was in his ' Power, which they well knew, in Subverfion of him * and his Realm of England : That in former Parlia- * ments this Matter had been propounded in Behalf of * the King, and their Advice requefted what was beft / * to be done ; and that it had been declared, after good * Deliberation, they knew no other Way to advife the ' King, than to procure Allies to go againft his Adver- * fary by main Force, and to do this they had promifed ' to aid him with Body and Goods. Whereupon the ' King made Alliances with feveral foreign Princes and ' Powers, and, by the Help of the good People of Eng- ' land, he made War upon him, becaufe he could not * bring him to a reafonable Peace. That the King and ' his Adverfary had often aflented to Truces ; but his ' Enemy, during thofe Truces, imagining to deceive ' the King, broke them every Way, continuing his Ma- Jice e In the Record, thefe Parliaments are divided into Part prima & fecund* t which njjfcht be for i j ar / amentum frimum & fccundum in the fame Year. 296 %be Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edwatd III. < lice againft him and his Friends. That now, after < Philip's Deceafe f , John, his Son, continuing the * fame Wrongs his Father had maintained, pofTeiled the * Kingdom of France \ and, contrary to the laft Truce, confirmed and fworn to by both, had broken it both ' in Gafcoigny and Britany^ and alfo upon the Sea ; and ' had actually fent to Scotland to renew the antient Al- * liance made between them, wholly tending to the Sub- verfion and Deftru&ion of his People of England. 4 Wherefore the King much thank'd his Commons for ' the Aids they have already given him, and for the r 2 -~ -j * Good will he had always found in them, and prays ' them that they would take Time to confult about this untill the next Day, and that, at Sun-Rife in the ' Morning, they would come to the Painted-Chamber in Weftminfter to deliberate, and to hear if the King < woulti fay any Thing further to them ; and to (hew * the King their Grievances, if they had any, that Re- * lief might be given them at this Meeting/ He con- cluded his Speech with charging the Commons, in the King's Name, to fhorten their Stay in Town ; and, for the quicker Difpatch of Bufmefs, that they would im- mediately make Choice of 24 or 30 Perfons, out of their whole Number, to be, in the Morning, at the Painted- Chamber^ and the King would fend a Number of Lords to them to confer about the Bufmefs of the Nation. After this Declaration from the Chief Juftice, and another from Sir Bartholomew Burgherjh, the King's Chamberlain, to the fame Purpofe, the Commons chofe a Committee, as directed, who had feveral long Con- ferences with the Lords, as well to raife a necefiary Aid for the King, as to draw up Petitions concerning the Rights of their Conftituents. When all was ready, the A Supply granted Commons, in their whole Body, came before the King aSa'mft France, in full Parliament, and reprefented to him, * That the ' cornrnon People of the Land were much impoverifh'J * by the late mortal Peftilence, as well as by other Bur- ' dens, Taxes, Tallages, and many other Payments laid ' upon them a ; yet, notwithftanding all thefe Damages, ' having a due Regard to the National Intereft and De- * fence f This King of France died Auguft 10, Anno 1350, and was fucceeded by John Duke of Normandy ', his Son. a Par autres Somers, Taxes, Taiilages, et plufurts autre Cbevar.cei, &c. Rot. Pad, 25 Edward III. fart fecu*2a t N. 9. of E N G L A N D. 297 * fence againft the Malice of their Enemies, they deli-K, Edward m% 4 vered the King a Roll, containing both the Aid which * they had unanimoufly granted him, and their Petitions * concerning the Commons of England^ to which they * prayed the King to give good and fpeedy Anfwers.' The King granted their Requeft, thanked thf m for the great Aids given before, and for this now granted; and for the Good-will and Kindnefs he had always found in his Commons, as well in this as in former Affairs. Then follows the Grant of three Tenths and three Fifteenths to the King, by the Lords and the whole Commons of the Land, in order to fupply his great Ne- ceflities. This Tax was to be raifed as the laft Tenths * 2 ? * and Fifteenths were, within three Years, upon the Con- ditions following : 4 That all Fines, Profits, Amerciaments, and Imports, 4 levied, or to be levied, upon Labourers, Artificers, 4 Regrators, &c. who were for taking more Wages, * were to be paid towards raifing the Subfidy.' But this Statute, together with the Anfwer to it, is now obfolete. 4 That hereafter no Tax, Tallage, Aids, or Charges 4 be demanded or levied on the Commons; and that all 4 the reafonable Petitions, prayed by the Commons, 4 may be granted, confirmed, and fealed before the Dif- 4 folution of this Parliament.' To which the King's Anfwer was, ' That, as to the Tax and Tallage, it is 4 not the Intention of the King, or the Lords, that they 4 fhould ever be charged without the Confent of the 4 Commons ; and, as to granting their other reafonable 4 Petitions, the King is pleafed it fhould be done.' The Commons pray alfo, * That the Loans which 4 were granted to the King by many of that Body, may 4 be releafed ; and none compelled to make fuch Loans * for the future againft his Will, for that it was againft 4 Reafon and the Franchife of the Land ; and that Re- 4 ftitution might be given to thofe who had made the * Loans.' The King's Anfwer was, 4 That it fhould 4 be done.' * Alfo, that whereas the King's Juftices, affigned to 4 feveral Counties, had judged many Men that were 4 arraigned before them as Traitors, for divers Caufes not known to the Commons to be Treafon; therefore 4 it was defired that the King and his Council, and the * Great 298 The Parliamentary HISTORY . MwarJULf Great and Wife Men cf the Land, would pleafe to ' declare the Points of Treafon/ The Anfwer was, ' That a Statute was made in the laft Parliament, fet- ,' ting forth and declaring what Crimes (hall be Treafon ' for the future.' This we {hall have often Occafion to mention in the Sequel. It will not be amifs to add fomewhat of a private Con- cern, which was tranfacled in this Parliament. The Xord John Maltraver^ who was thought to be one of the Murderers qf King Edward II. having fome Years before come in and Tubmitted himfelf to the King's f 2 -_ "\ Mercy, and lately received his Pardon, now petitioned to have it confirmed in Parliament ; which, in Confi- deration of his late faithful Service to the King in Flan- ders, was granted accordingly, and he was again reftored to his Honour and Eftate, which had been long feized into the" King's Hands b . In the fucceed ing Year, 1353, An.Reg. 27 Ed^v. III. the King called another Parliament to meet at IViJlmin- Jler on the Monday next after the Feafl of St. Matthew the Apoftle, by Writs dated the ifth of July foregoing. This Meeting, in the Record, x is only called a Great Council, (in Magno Conftlio) compofed of about fixty Lords, one Knight for each County, and one Member for each City or Borough ; but yet we ihall find them enacting Laws, equal to the Power of a full Parliament. T 280 1 ^ was n t> however, 'till the yth Day oiOftober that this Parliament, or Council, fat to Ho Bufmefs ; when, Anno Regni 27. being all aflembled in the IVkite Ha!!, or Chamber, of I 353- Wejlminfter, the Lord-Chamberlain, Burgherjh^ deli- At JF See before, p. 207, 208, 224, 225. The King's Charter of Pardon for this Man is entered at Length on the R,olls. It is in Latin, and is very full and particular, and is dated at Wejlminfter, Itb. 8 L sin. Keg. 26 j which (hews that this Parliament fat both in the a 5th ami zGth Years of Jiis Reign. of E N G L A N D. 299 ' other Prelates and Noblemen, to Guifnes^ to treat with K. Edward lilt * his Adverfary in Prefence of a Cardinal, whom the Pope had fent thither as a Mediator; and that, after * the Treaty, he had fent his Confeflbr to the Pope, to * acquaint him that, confidering the many People that * had been killed in this War, and defiring to fpend the * reft of his Time in another more holy one, to the Ho- * nour of God, if his Adverfary would make Reftitution * of the Duchy of Guyenne to him, as entirely as any of ' his Anceftors had enjoyed it, to hold it freely without * any Homage or Service, he was willing, when the War * was ended, to refign his Tide to the Crown of France. * That the Pope had moreover been defired to found his [ 281 J ' /WWjAdverfary's Inclination to a farther Treaty ; yet, * with Proteftation, That, if he (hould not accept it, all ' his Rights fhould be entirely faved to him, as if no * fuch Offer had been made. To which Meflage the * King not having received any Anfwer from the Pope, ' he had fent another by the Archdeacon of Huntingdon^ ' William de JVitlefey^ to know what had been done in ' this Affair, who brought back nothing worth report- ' ing ; wherefore it feemed neceflary to the King and * the Lords of his Council, that he {hould prepare him- c felf for the War againft his Adverfary, as well for the ' Defence of England as to recover his Rights, for which ' he ought to have a great Sum of Money granted to ' him.' The faid Chamberlain fhewed further, * That the ' late Tax, or Subiidy, on Wooll, Leather, and Wooll- * fels, ending at Michaelmas laft, it was not the King's ' Intentions to lay any new Tax or other Charge upon * his People, yet he requefted the Parliament to grant * him the faid Subiidy for fome Time longer.' This Requeft being confidered by the Three Eftates, and deliberated upon, they all unanimoufly agreed to ^ farther Grant grant the King this Subfidy of Wooll, bV. to receive it,fbr the fame as before, frcm Michaelmas laft for three Years to come, pur P fet if the War fhould continue fo long ; upon Condition that the Money, ariling from this Subfidy, fhould be kept folely for the War, and not applied to any other Ufe. There were likewife feveral excellent Laws made in this Council, or Parliament, as, particularly, that of the Staple i 300 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edward HI. Staple 6 ; whereby it was ena&ed.That the great Markets for Wooll, Wooll-fels, Leather, and Lead fhould be held in London, Wejlminfter, York, Brijiol, and divers other Cities and Towns therein mentioned ; with feve- i ZQ2. J ra j u j es anc j Reftritions for well regulating the fame. This A6t, or rather Ordinance, was made, as was de- clared by the Chief Juftice Sharejhall. becaufe the Staple of Wooll, the fovereign Merchandize and greateft Jewel in the Kingdom of England*, had heretofore been held in Parts beyond Sea, to the enriching of Foreigners and Strangers : Therefore, &c.- as is before recited. The Ordinance is in the King's Name only, and confifts of near forty feparate Articles ; but in the laft it was or- dered to be proclaimed and published in every County in England; and alfo, for greater Force, that it fhould be rehearfed and inrolled in the Proceedings of the next Parliament. Anno Regni a8. The Year T 353 bein S ended, the King, on the 1 5th 1354. of March, in the next Year, fent out his Writs of Sum- ler. mons to ca ^ a rea ^ Parliament to meet at IVeftminJier, April the 28th following. Being accordingly aflembled, the aforefaid Lord Chief Juftice declared, in the Pre- fence of the King, Lords, and Commons, in the Paint- ed Chamber, ' That the Caufe of this Parliament's be- * ing called, was for three Things : Firjl, For eftablifh- ' ing the Staple within the Realm, and for Confirmation ' of the Ordinances made in the laft Great Council ' about it. Secondly, How they might treat of a Peace ' with France; for that by War the King faw his Sub- * je&s greatly wafted. And, Thirdly, For receiving of ' Petitions and redreffing of Grievances; all which with- ' out a Parliament could not be effectually done.' A c Staple fignifies this or that Town whither the Englijh Merchants were bliged, by Aft of Parliament, to carry their Wooll, Cloth, Lead, and Tin, and fuch-like Staple Commodities, in oider to fell them by the Great. For the Etymology of this Word, fee further in Blounfs, Co-well's, and Jacob's Laic Dictionaries. Ic feems the King was difpleafed with the Fltmmings for difappointing him in the Match between his Daughter and their young Earl Lewis, and removed the Staple of Woclls from their Towns, which were greatly en- riched thereby, and caufed it to be kept at home, judging it more con- venient to enrich his own Towns than Strangers, by the Commodities of his Kingdom. Daniel in Kennet, p. 224. d Stye f;nt la fo-ueraine Marchandij'e et Jtiuel dt fan Roiattne d r Anglo-, ene. Rot. Farl. 18 Ediu. II U of E N G L A N D. 301 A Day or two after the Lord-Chamberlain inform- K. Edward III* ed them, ' That there were great Hopes of bringing ' about a Peace between England and France, by Means The , Kin . g Q*" * of certain Commiffioners appointed, on both Parts, for" of 'his Parl * that Purpofe; yet the King would not conclude anyJiamentconcem- Thing without the Confent of his Lords and Commons; ^ eace with ' wherefore he demanded of them, in the King's Name-, * Whether they would affent and agree to a Peace, if it [ 283 ] ' might be had by Treaty?' To which the Commons anlwered, with one Accord, * That what mould be ' agreeable to the King and his Council in making of c this Treaty, would be fo to them.' But the Commons being afked again, * If they confentcd to a perpetual ' Peace, if it might be had ?' They all unanimously cried out, Oil, oil, Yea, yea. Upon which Dr. Michael Northburg, Keeper of the Privy Seal, commanded Dr. John de Swineley, the Pope's Notary, to enter this in a public Inftrument, which was to be laid before the Pope at Avignon. Mr. Tyrrel obferves here that Parliamentary Proceed- ings were not then reduced to that Form and Regularity which they have been brought to fince that Time ; the Commons here giving their Opinions, viva Voce, and in the Prefence of the Lords, to what the King demand- ed of them. He adds, That, for Redreis of Grievances, he can find none, but what had been done in the pre- ceding Parliament. In this Parliament it was that the Lord Roger Morti- Attainder of mer, Grandfon to the famous Roger Mortimer, who was ar r attainted and executed three-and-twenty Years before, ve 7fed." was reftored to Blood, and the Judgment againft his faid Grandfather reverfed, as being contrary to Law e . The like Favour alfo Richard Fitz- Alan, Son to EdmundQzA of Arnndele, who had been attainted in the Beginning of this Reign, obtained on Behalf of himfelf and his faid Father. Which Examples, fays Tyrrel, may ferve to {hew us, that it is the Duty of fucceeding Parliaments to correct and reverfe whatfoever hath been and too feverely enadted by thofe that preceded. But as thefc, and fome others before mentioned, were all at- tainted for the mifguiding and even murdering of his Father, it muft feem ftrange in this King to pardon, or reftore, any of them. Tho' C See before, p. zc6, zzz. *o2 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edwardlli. Tho' neither the laft-named Author nor Dr. Brady e've us any Petitions from the Commons for Redrefs of rievances this Parliament, yztjo/hua Barnes is not fa iilent in the Matter, and, from the Records themfc -Ives, has given a great many Petitions, which the Reader may take as follow : The Commons' Petitions, with the King's Anfwers thereto, were thefe : Petitions of the Commons. That the Juftices of the Peace be of the ommons * bed of every County ; and that upon the difplacing ' any of them, others be put in at the Nomination of * the Knights of the faid County ; that they fit, at leaft, ' four Times every Year, and that none be difplaced * but by the King's fpecial Command, or the Teftimony of his Fellows h . King. This firfl Petition is reafonable, and the King will fee that it be. done. r 2 g, -i Commons. ' That the Surplufage of the Fines of the < Statute of Labourers may be intirely diftributed among ' the Poor of the whole County, and not to poor Towns ' only. King. It fnall be parted among the poor Towns only. Commons. * That the Writ of Eftreat may lie in every c Action where the Party (hall recover Damages of ' Eftreats after the Writ purchafed. King. The old Law Jhall be continued. Commons. c That Remedy may be had In fuch Cafes c where the King receiveth the Profits of the Ward's ' Lands, as well of Soccage as otherwife, where no Part * of the fame is holden ot him. King. The Law heretofore ufed Jhall continue. Commons. ' That it may be ordered whether the Te- 4 nants of fuch as hold by Barony, and are fummoned ' to Parliament, (hall contribute to the Payment of ' Knights' Fees coming to Parliament. King. As heretofore^ fa the fame foallbe. Commons. l That prefent Pay be made of all Purvey- ' ances, being under 2Qs. and of greater within one Quarter of a Year, and that Purveyance be made ' without Malice. King. It is good to make Payment according to the firft Point t und to redrefs the fecond. Com- h This Petition and Anfvver is not in Barnes, but is on the Rolls, ^ENGLAND. 303 Commons. ' That all Sheriffs be charged to make pre- & Edward HI* < fent Payment for all Purveyances for Calais. King. The Demand is reafonable. Commons. ' That any one attainted upon a Writ of ' Oyer and Terminer may bring his Attaint, pending his * Suit againft the other. King. The Lords will not alter the Order of the Law. Commons. * That the Lords of the Marches of Wales * do fuffer no Diftrefles to be made on any Englishmen * coming into Wales, for any other Men's Debts, if he * be no Debtor, Trefpafler, or Surety. King. As heretofore, fo the Law Jhall be. Commons. < That no Inqueft upon Confpiracy, Con- r 28- 1 * federacy, Maintenance, or fuch-like, be returned, but ' by the Sheriff, of the moft lawful Men, and nigheft in' that Part of the Country where fuch Ads are laid ; * that all Evidences therein be given openly at the Bar, ' and that no Man fpeak with the Jury after they depart ' therefrom. King. This la ft Petition is agreed to. Commons. * That the King will appoint a Time when * the Coin (hall be made finer h . King. With Opportunity the King meaneth the fame. Commons. That the King have the Forfeitures of e Widows Dowagers j but not of fuch as hold jointly . ' with their Hufbands. King. The old Law ft) all Jl and. Commons. * That the Writ of Appeal brought, pending * another, may abate the other. King. The Common Law therein ufed /hall continue. * Com- h Now, for the better underftanding of this Petition, it is to be noted, that, about' four Years before this, William Edir.don, Bifliop of Wincbefter, the Lord-Treafurer of England, had caufed Groats and Half-Groats to be coined, to the People's great Difadvantage $ for they wanted fomething of the jurt Sterling Weight. This occafioned the Price of all Things to be very much enhanced; whereupon, at the Commons' Complaint now in Parliament, the King promifed to redrefs their Grievance the firft Op- portunity. Yet however, many Times after thofe Days, the like Practice had been ufed, infomuch that now Five Shillings fcarcely contain fo much Silver as five Groats had three or four Hundred Years ago ; fo that it is no Wonder, if Things be fold at treble the Price which they held at that Time. For hereby a lib it comes to pafs, that the Prince and Nobility can- not poffibly maintain their Eftates with their antient Rents and ftevemi'i, becaule, trio' they bring them in the old Tale and Number, yet they fall fur fhort in the due Weight and Quantity of tin:es's Edtcardlll. See Hollingjhead': Eitg. Cbrtn. p. 948. Allb Ccrfw/Vs Catalogue tf Bi- Jbopt, p. 234. 304 'The Parliamentary HISTORY K, Edward III. Commons. ' That Weights and Meafures may hence- ' forth be made in the City of London, fo as all Counties ' do conform themfelves according thereto. King. There is a Standard in the Treafury, where every Man readily may have the fame. Commons. ' That the Writs of Chancery may be at reafonable Prices ; and that the Clerks of the Crown, ' and others for Commiffion and fuch-lilce, do content "f 286 ] ' themfelves with the King's Allowance. King. As heretofore the fame J})all be. Commons. ' That Fines for Writs may be reafonably ' made in every of the King's Courts. King. The Chancellor Jhall do as heretofore. Commons. ' The Commons beyond the Trent require 4 that the Juftices of the one Bench or of the other, may ' yearly come twice amongft them, for taking Cogni- * zance of Fines and Letters of Attorney of the Unable. King. The King will be advifed. Commons. * That Labourers may take Corn for their Wages. King. The Statute made faall be obferved. Commons. ' That the Staple may always continue in < England. King. The fame Jhall fo continue till the next Parlia- ment, not to be altered without the djjent of the Parliament. Commons. ' The Merchants Strangers require, that * the Ordinances of the Staple may be executed fpeedily. King. The King willetb the fame. As it has been ever found that neither Peace nor the Truce, Truce can be had from the French which they will not break at their firft Conveniency ; fo now, the Treaty of Peace being ended ineffectually between the two Crowns, Prince Edward was fent over again with a powerful Army, the next Spring, who took manyTowns, and burnt and ravaged the Country in a terrible Man- . ner. In Summer the King went in Perfon, and he was 287 ] carrying on his Conquefts very faft, when a Diverfion was made in Scotland, a Parly of Scots having, by Sur- And the Scots prize, taken the important Town of Berwick, and made Revolt. fome Inroads into England. Before the King went over into France, he fent out bis Writs of Summons for a Parliament to meet on the 1 2th of E N G L A N D. 305 12th of November following; about which Time Edward, K. Ed-ward III. being at Calais, heard of the Lofs of Berwick, and pre- AnnoRcgni agt pared himielf not only to meet his Parliament, but to re- , 35S . cover that Town : However, it was not till the 25th of that Month that he could get to Wejlminfter, to which Time the Parliament had been put off, by feveral Ad- journments. Being at length all aftembled, the Lord Chief Juftice Sharejhall told them, That it was his Majefty's Pleafure that Sir Walter Manny (hould declare to them the prefent State of the King's Affairs, being beft able to do it ; and he accordingly deliver'd himfelf to this Effect 1 *. He firft gave them an Account of the late Treaty ' before the Pope, and how it had been broke off by * the Obftinacy of the French Commiflioners : That, in order to conclude a Peace, he had fent the Duke * of Lancajhr, with others, to the Pope's Court at red. ' Avignon ; and that, during his Stay there, the King of ' Navarre had complained to the faid Duke of fundry * Damages done to him by the French, and affirmed, ' upon Oath, that he would willingly enter into a League 4 with the Englijk againft them ; and, for Affurance of ' the fame, engaged himfelf to meet his Majefty at the ' Ifland ofjerfey with as great Power as he could raife: ' That the King, upon the Return of the faid Duke, ' and Knowledge of the Affair, with a great Army and ' Navy, fet Sail from the River Thames towards Jerfey ; * but, beina; beat back by contrary Winds, he was driven, ' with much Hazard, into Portfmoutb, where he ftaid till * he was credibly informed that the faid King of Navarre * had actually made his Peace with the Enemy of France. * Upon hearing alfo that the French was marching a ' ftrong Army towards Calais, the King went over ' thither, in Hopes they would give him Battle, accom- ' panied with his own Army, and joined there by the ' Forces of his German Allies : That, on All- Souls' Day ' laft paft, the King marched towards the Enemy and [ 2 gg J c offered them Battle, which the Enemy took all Ways * pollible to avoid, whereupon the King wafted and ' ipoiled the Country ; but rinding his Army to languifli ' for want of Provifions, was obliged to return back to ' Calais, where he paid off his mercenary Troops, and * came hither to meet his Parliament.' VOL. I. U After a He is called, in the Record, Monf, tfauter de Manny. 306 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edward III, After this Speech was ended, the Lord Chief Juftice addrefled himfelf to the Commons to this Purpofe : 4 He required them to weigh and confider well the King's unwearied Conftancy in labouring for their Defence ; that he was now ready, alfo, to repell the Infolence of the Scots^ who had furprized, in his Abfence, the Town of Berwick, as he had been inform'd : He defired them therefore to confider how he might be enabled not only to fubdue entirely that ftubborn People, but alfo how to attain an advantageous Peace with France ; which he much wifti'd for, to his own Honour and their Quiet and Benefit.' He concluded with giving them Time till Fri- day following to bring in their Anfwer, and, in the mean while, to prepare their Bills and Petitions to be laid before the King in Parliament. On the Day appointed the Commons came into the Whereupon the White Chamber, at Wejlminjler-, and, having had a fhort ScTsupSr? Conference with the Lords, in the King's Prefence, they ' unanimoufly granted the King the Subfidy on Leather, Wooll, and Wooll fells, for fix Years to come ; provided that no other Impofition or Charge be laid upon them during that Term. This Tax was no lels than 50 s. on each Sack of Wooll that fhould be exported; by which fole Grant, fays an Author, the King was able to expend jooo Marks a-day, on a juft Calculation, there being no lefs than 100,000 Sacks yearly exported by the En- glifo Merchants in thofe Days '. Petitions of the Commons, ^vith their Anfwers. And die Com- Petition. ' That the Great Charter, and the Charter mons prefentfe-* of the Foreft, in all Points, fhall be kept : That the veral Petitions. < Statute, that the Staples fhall always be within the f 280 1 ' Realm, fhall be obferved : That the Statute made for e yearly removing Sheriffs b^ obferved : And that the * Statute made for Purveyors be kept. Anfwer. The King willeth the fame. Petition. * That whereas the Commons have granted ' to the King 40*. of every Knight's Fee in Aid to make * his Son a Knight, the Exchequer demandeth the fame, ' as well of Meihe Lords, as of the Tenants in Demefne, ' againft Reafon ; wherefore they pray Remedy. Anfwer. The right Ufe of the Exchequer is to be kept. Petition. HoIlingJbeacTsCbron. p. 383. Stnoe fays the faid Grant extended nly to 1 50,000 /. Sterling, p, 255. of E N G L A N D. 307 Petition. * That no Man's Land, being bought in theK, Edward III t ' Time of Henry III. which was before the Statute of * Prerogative, may be feized into the King's Hands by * Efcheators d . Anfwer. Let ibis be more particularly declared to the Kin*. Petition. * That the Juftices of the Peace may deter- ' mine Weights and Meafures. Anfwer. The Statute made Jhall be obferved. Such *Jufticc$ Jhall make no Deputies; neither Jball the Sheriff^ Coroner , or fuch-like^ be a Ju/lice. Petition. ' That the Points of Confederacy may be c declared, confidering how the Judges judge rafhly ' thereof. Anfwer. None Jhall be punijhed for Confederacy^ but where the Statute fpeaketh exprejly upon the Point con- tained in the Jame Statute. Petition. * That the Juftices of Goal- Delivery, on * an Indictment of the Coroner coming before them, ' may award the Exigent. Anfwer. The old Law Jhall Jl and. Petition. ' That fuch Perfons of the far North ' Countries, as upon Appeals join Iflue on Good or Evil, ' may try the fame by Nift Prius ; confidering that the ' Jury will not appear in the King's Bench. Anfwer. The old Law ufed Jhall be kept. Petition. ' That Remedy may be had againft fuch as, * to defraud their Creditors before Judgment, do convey * away their Lands and Goods. Anfwer. The Statute therefore made Jhall be obferved. Petition. That Writs of Attaints may be had of C 2 9 3 * Verdicts given in other Courts. Anfwer. The old Law Jhall be obferved. Edward being thus enabled by this laft great Aid to purfue his Enterprizes, and the Parliament having dif- patched the King's Bufmefs and their own, and all in the Space of four or five Days, they broke up, and the King marched immediately for Scotland, where he foon retook Berwick, and performed feveral other martial Exploits in that Kingdom, not to our Purpofc to relate. U 2 There 1 Sec before, p, 147, et f 308 "The Parliamentary HISTORY K., Ed-ward ill. There is fome Mention of a Parliament's being called to fit at Wejlminjler in our Statute- Books, 31 Edw. III. Anno 1357, though the Records are altogether filent about it ; wherein, for the King's Pardon to the Com- mons, for the Efcapes of Felons, &fc. a Fifteenth was granted. Here are alfo feveral Statutes and Ordinances relating to the Herring and other Fifheries e . We have alfo met with a very ftrange Call of a Par- liament by this King's Writs, in the 34th of his Reign, Anno 1359, and during the hotteft Part of his French Wars, to meet and fit to do Bufmefs at different Cities and Towns in the Kingdom, and near at the fame Time. The Occafion of fummoning thefe different Meetings, which is a Circumftance very rare, if not a fingle In- ftance, feems, by the Tenor of the Writs, to be for get- ting Money to pay the Militia then raifing, in order to repell an Invafion then threatened from France. And becaufe the whole Body of the Commonalty could not fo fpeedily be drawn together to one Place as the Occafion required, therefore Meetings of the Knights, Citizens, and Burgeffes were appointed at Wejlminfler, Worcejler^ Lincoln^ Taunton, Leicefter, &c. and the Sheriffs were directed to return them accordingly f . There is not a Word of this ftrange Call entered on the Rolls of Par- liament ; nor can we learn what Monies were raifed, or what other Bufmefs was done at thefe Meetings ; yet that there were fuch, is indubitable from the Authorities below recited. Next follow what is call'd, in the Manufcript we quote from, CommiJJlo Delegatorum Pr&fidenti urn />JWygorn. to the Commifiioners that were to prefide at this Meet- ing. Rex dile&is et fidelis fuis Epifcopo Wygorn. Abbate de Evejham, Ricardo Com. Arundele^ Willielmo de Sharejball, Salutem. /^U ' M nuper, tarn ante PaJ/agium nojlrum ad Paries Francie quam pojl audito quod Inimici noftrl in diver/is Partibus ad invadendum bcfliliter Regnum nojlrum^ in Ab- e See Hawkins's Edition of the Statutes at large, p. 273, &c. f Pro eo quod tota Communitas Regni in uno Loco, in bre'vi Tempore, con- venire rtcn potejl, Miliies, Gives, et urgenfes fut;:moniti fucrunt-ad Weft- pionafterium, Wygorniam, Taunton, &(. of E N G L A N D. 309 Abfentia noftra, tarn per Terrain quam per Mare^ fe pa- K. Edward ill. rarunt, pro Periculis, qua ex hoc nobis et ditto Regno nofiro evenire pojfint, evitandum, per nos et Concilium no/irum ordinatum fuijjet quod certa Arraicio Hominum ad Arm a et Sagittarum, per cert as Ft 'deles nojlros ad hoc depuiatos in fingulis Comitatibus ejujdem Regni fiat\ ita qusd dicJi Homines ad Arma et Sagittarum, bene arraiati et muniti, prompti Jlnt et parati ad proficij/endum in Ob- fequitim noftrum pro Salvatione et Defenjione dicJi Regni y contra dittos Hojies no/tros,Ji idem Regnum noftrum inva- der e prefumerint. Et quod tota Commiinitas ejufdem Regni, &c. ut antea. Tefte Rege apud Weftmonajierium 10 Die Feb. To appear at Worcejler on the Wednefday next before St. Cutbbert-y at Wefiminfter* on the Monday before St. Gregory, &c. At the fame Time Writs were direfted to the Sheriffs of different Counties neareft their Places of Meetings. About this Time our general Hiftories are fufficiently taken up with the Recital of the Victories obtained by the Black Prince over the French ; efpecially that of the Battle of Poifiiersy where the whole French Army was entirely defeated, and their King (John) taken Prifoner by this martial Hero. The Englijh Court was now in its greateft Splendour, having two Kings Prifoners ac The Kin s s f the fame Time. David King of Scotland had been van- EjbS'tSw quifh'd and taken Prifoner by a Woman ; Queen Phi- Prifoners. lippa, in her Huiband's Abfence, having performed that Exploit at the Battle of Durham, and fhewed herfelf worthy to be the Wife and Mother of fuch a Hufband and fuch a Son. In the Year 1360 King Edward kept his Chriftmas Anno Regni 35. ti.H f odftotk in great Splendour; and on the 25th of 3 6l "January, the next Year, he met a regular Parliament at MWtfimi*fttn Wejlminjler, which had been fummoned to appenr there about two Months before. Here the Articles of Peace, Pce with concluded between John King of France and the King of England^ were communicated to the whole Affembly, U 3 and g Pat. 34Edward III. p. I. in, 30. dorfo. But this was transcribed from a Manufcript Volume of Mr Hymer's collecting : There are 59 of them, of which fee a Cat Jogue in the fcedtra Anglicana, Tom. XVII. 'Jhsy are cow all repofitcd in the Britijh Muj be of one Mind ; live in Peace, and the God of Love and Peace Jhall be with you, &c. After which, the King and his Sons (landing up before the French Hoftages, Torches being lighted, and CrofTes held over the Eu- charift and Mlffal, the Peers took the Oath, which they read from certain Papers or Scrolls, held in their Hands, and figned by themfelves ; the Archbifhop beginning in this Manner, We Simon, Archbijbop of Canterbury, do fwear upon the Hsly Body sf our Lord and his Holy Go- fpel, firmly, as much as in us lies, to keep the Peace and Concord agreed on betwixt the -ituo Kings, and to do no- thing contrary thereto. This being done, every Man, as he took the Oath, delivered up his Scroll to the King's Notaries, to be laid up as Witneffes to Pofterity. The French King caufed his Eftates and Lords of Parliament to fwear to the Peace in like Manner ; then both Kings fent their Ambaffadors to the Pope for the Apoftolical ..* in--,* ". Sanction- to it , and thus, at laft, this long, expenfive, : " and bloody War, was terminated by a Peace, as fully eftablifhed. fays 'Barney as ftrongly bound on Earth, as human Wifdom, or Authority, could devife or lecure. The 8 In this Parliament the King reftored the Poficffions of the Alien Mo- naileries to them again, which he had taken into his Hznds at the Cegin- ning of the French War, above 20 Years before A ''are Example. : Hiftorian. of Juftice in this Kiog, it being feldom known that a Piince will part with any Thing he hath once gotten. Sam. Daniel in Ketmef, p, 2z8. It feems this Parliament was only called to ratify this Peace, for it is not entered on, the Rolls. ^ENGLAND. 311 The Nation beginning now to enjoy the Fruits o f K - - E '< /wWIIr ' Peace, the King called another Parliament, to meet at [ Z 9 2 ] Weflmlnfter on the I3th of Oftober the next Year ; Anno Regni 6f where all the Peers were exprefly commanded to appear in Perfon, and not one Proxy permitted. This Sefiion lafted a full Month *> ; in which Time, fays Barnes, he made more good Laws, and beftowed more A6ts of Grace upon his People, than fome other Kings have done in their whole Lives. The Caufes of this Affembly were declared, by the Lord Chief Juftice, then Sir Henry Green, to be, ' For ' the Redrefs of Matters relating to the Church ; for * Obfervation of the Peace ; for fettling Affairs with ' Scotland ; and for enhanfmg the Price of Wooll.' All which were then very well ordered, as may be feen in the Records and printed Statutes of this Year. The Staple of Woolls was appointed, tho' not by exprefs Statute, yet with the Confent of both H6ufes, to be removed from London to Calais. For we find, by the Records, The Staple re-' that when the Lords were commanded to ipeak, ' What moved to Calais. they thought of the Merchants removing to Calais ?* They all agreed, ' That it feemed to them to be a Mat- ' ter very profitable to the Realm.' The Commons, indeed, demurred a little at the firft, till they could talk: with fome Merchants about it ; but, at laft, they com- plied with the Lords alfo. Whereupon the King fent over twenty-fix of the ableft and moit confiderable Mer- chants in the Kingdom, to hold the Staple there for three Years. Thefe Merchants were alfo ordered to keep and defend the Town, every Man having a Guard of fix Men at Arms and four Archers at the King's Charge. Befides the Mayor of the Town, the King, by his Char- ter, conliituted another, called the Mayor of the Staple of Calais ; the King being to receive 2OJ. and the afore- faid Merchants, Wardens of the Town, 40^. more, as Cuftom, on every Sack of Wooll there bought. The Petitions of the Commons in this Parliament begin with fuch a remarkable Preamble, that we can't avoid giving our Readers a Trariflation of it from the Record it (elf, to fliew the Humility of that Body in thofe Days. 'To g This is almofl the f;rfl Time that we could ascertain the Length of a Seffioa of l j urli.nient in thofe Dtjs, 3 1 2 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edward III. < To our Thrice-renown'd and Thrice-gracious Lord < the King, his poor and fimple Commons befeech him that he would pleafe, out of his great Grace and Kindnefs, to have Regard to all the Grants, Charges, ' and Damages, which his faid Commons have fuffered ' in his Time, in order to pleafe and fatisfy his-High- * nefs ; and alfo the feveral Mifchiefs that have befallen * the faid Commons, by divers Plagues of Winds, Wa- * ters, and Mortality of Men and Beafts, and to grant, 4 in Relief of the poor Eftate of the faid Commons, the * Petitions following : Firjl, That the Great Charter, Charter of the Fo- e reft, &c. fhould be confirmed ;' with thirty four other Petitions, too long to give by any but a particular Wri- ter of this King's Reign. Pleadings at Law In this Parliament was parted that remarkable Statute, ordered to be no c That all Pleadings and Judgments in the Courts of buUnf//^' 4 W'Jlmi"Jltr (hould be, for the future, in Englijh, but ' entered and inrolled in Latin* whereas, before, they were wont to be in the French Language, ever fmce the Time of the Conqueror. It was alfo ordain'd, That all r 205 ] School- Mailers {hould teach their Scholars to conftrue in Englijh, and not in French, as they had hitherto ufed f . Here alfo it was enacted, That neither Gold nor Silver ftould be ufed in Apparel, Knives, Girdles, Chains, Rings, or other bodily Ornaments, by any Man who could not fpend io/. a-year; and that none, who could not fpend loo/, a-year, fhould prefume to wear Silks, Furs, or other precious Garments s . On c Pcure et Jimple Commune, &c. f Hallingjhead 's Citron, from Caxton, p. 396. This was made on a Peti- tion of the Commons, That the Subject might underftand the Law, by which be holds tvbat be tatb, and is to undcrjiar.d what be doth, Daniel in Kennet, p. 229. But, adds that Author, though this is an excellent Aft, and worthy fo great a Prince, yet he had deferved greater Honour if he could have freed the Law from thofe Difficulties and Myfteries which render it a greater -Affliction to the People than a Remedy. g Moreover it was enabled, That no Hufbandmen or Labourers mould fe any coftly or dainty Difhes at their Tables, and eat but one Meal a-day. But thefe Sumptuary Laws had little or no Effect. Hollingjbead, p. 396. This Statute affected the Clergy in their Habits, as well as others. Co/- licr's Hifi, p. 559, from Adam Myrimuth. And as provident was this King for ordering and fecurinp of his own Treafure, committing the Cuftody of it to Confcience and Religion : For, by a Certificate lent to Pope Urban, Anno Regni 36, concerning Pluralities, uM of ENGLAND. 313 On the laft Day of the Parliament's fitting, the Peti- K E**rd "* tions of the Commons being granted, they unanimoufly gave the King 265. 8 d. on every Sack of Wooll, for three Years, befides the former Subfidy on Wooll- fells and Skins. And now, Bufmefs of that Kind being concluded, the aforefaid Sir Henry Green declared to both Houfes, * That the King, being then arrived at the 50th Year of his Age, intended to keep it as a Ju- bilee, and to pafs feveral Acts of Grace and Mercy to to his People ; he therefore granted a general and fpecial A General ASt. Pardon for all Crimes, Treafon itfelf not excepted, ofPardon P afs ' d without any Fine, or paying of Fees for the Seal ; and fet all Debtors to the Crown, and Prifoners for crimi- nal Matters, at Liberty.' The King alfo confirmed [ 2 94 ] Magna Charta ; which was confirmed no lefs than ten feveral Times in this Reign. Then the faid Lord Chief ai Juftice declared, that the King created his fecond Son,fum' Lionel, Duke of Clarence ; which Title he took in Right of his Wife, who was defcended from the Earls of Ctare, a Town and Caftle of Suffolk. Alfo, the King created his Son, John, Duke of Lancafter^ in Right of his Wife, who was Daughter and Heirefs to the laft Duke Henry ; and Edmund, his fifth Son, Earl of Cambridge. Then, having palled feveral Statutes, very beneficial to the Nation, particularly one for a Confirmation of an AcV made and the Eftates of the Churchmen, in En^LtnJ, there were more Clergymen in Office about the King, than about any Prince in Chriftendom befide: For, firft, Simon Langbam, Archbimop of Canterbury, was Chancellor of England ; William V/ickbam, Archdeacon of Lincifn, Keeper of the Privy Seal j David We Her, Parfon of Sommerjham, Mafter of the Rolls ; ten Be- ncficed Priefts, Civilians, Matters in Chancery j William Mulfe, Dean of .S>. Martin le Grand, Chief Chamberlain of the Exchequer, Receiver and Keeper of the King's Tieafure and Jewels ; William Afoby, Archdeacon of Northampton, Chancellor of the Exchequer ; William Digbton, Prebendary of St. Martins, Clerk of the Privy Seal ; Richard Cbefterftld, Prebendary of St. Stephens, Parfon of OundU, Mafter of the King's Wardrobe} Jbn fJevonbam, Parfon of Ffnny-Stanton, one of the Chamberlains of the Ex- chequer, and Keeper of the Treafury and Jewels ; John Roivjby, Parfon of Harwich, Surveyor and Comptroller of the King's Works j Tbomat 1'iriningham, Parfon of AJhby, Treafurer to the King for the Parts of Caifncs and Maiches of Calaii } and John Trays, Treafurer of Ireland, * Prieil, and benetked there. Tbefe Men, who were deflitute of Feminine Allurements to Exfenct and Pomp, and de-voted to pious Thriftmefs, were though: the f'.tejl to be truftcd with bis Riciet by this wife King. Daniel in Kennet, or rather Bift/op Kennet on Daniel. If this laft Sutute mentioned in the Text and that in the foregoing Note verc palled this Pailiament, they are not entered on the Rolls. This Aft is entered on the Rolls, Sec alfo Statutes at large, 36 Ed- tVuTt/III. X, L 295 ] *rhe Parliamentary HISTORY made in the fourth Year of this King, for holding of annual Parliaments, or oftncr if Occafion required ; and alfo performed thofe Adls of Grace, already mentioned, the King diffblved this Parliament, and fpent the reit of the Year in all Kinds of Merriments and Diverfions k . The next Year the King iflued out his Writs of Sum- mons, dated June 10, for a Parliament to meet at Anno Regni 37. IVeftmlnfter, on the 6th Day of Qttober following: when J 3 6 3- thete not being a full Appearance of Members, the At Weflminfter. Houfes were adjourned to Friday following : At which Time Simon Langbam, Bifhop of Ely, and Chancellor of England, declared before the Lords the King's Rea- ! fons for calling this Parliament in the Englijb Tongue ! , according to the Record. He faid, ' That the King was * defirous to know the Qrievances of his Subjects ; and ' particularly, that he might, by their Advice, redrefs any ' Wrongs that had been don*e to Holy Church ; alfo, to ' reform all Enormities, efpecially about the Manner of e . exhibiting Petitions in Parliament.' Then the Com- mons gave the King their moft humble Thanks for the great Good nefs he had fliew'd and confirmed unto them the hft Parliament; and humbly prayed ' That the King would enjoin the Archbifhops, and all other of the Cler- gy, that they would put up their joint Prayers to Al- mighty God for the Profperity of his Majefty, in order to the Peace and good Government of the Land, and for the Continuance of his Majefty's good AffecTions towards his Commons.' As for their Petitions to the King, and his Anfvvers to them, they may be feen in Prynnc's Abridgment, and in *Jofhua Barnes. We do not find any Subfidies were afked or given this Parliament; and for the Laws made in it, they are alfo in the Statutes tt large. It * The elegant Italian Hiftorian fums up thefe A$s of Grace in this Manner, Exulci rc-vscavit, Pardueiiibits /"/.>.r.'V, (.':,/;:;/;'..- r,;. ^onditiath Maleftciorum Pcenis. Lcgfs sli p^t f.ilittai -es tuiit ; l'i'. t':m, a Major i bus Populo irrogata, q:,. ' ::;z Charts IiKixur.itatei vccitar, de:r,tc^ro concept. Pol. Veig. L/?.'xix. p. 385. The Title of the Statute is, De Pardtn'atione F'i.ffa Cetnmam'tati Anglire. The famous Cuftom of our Kirgs wj/ning the Feet and cloatliing Ib many poor Men, on Maunday Iburfdjy, as the} 1 were Years old, now ttthjt-yutilee. Speeds Cb'rin. p. 584! ni.'Perg.'u. 1 Fe-jrent nontlrfr en Eng'.eys ; which plainly fhews that ail t'oimer De- lautions of this Kind were mads in Frrxil>. of ENGLAND. 315 It is obfervable that this Parliament continued, by K, Ed-ward HI. Prorogations, 'till the 36 of November; when the Lord- Chancellor, in Prefence of the King and both Houfes, declared, 4 That the King was now refolved to execute ' the Statute of Apparel, and therefore charged them ' all to promote the fame.' Thefe Statutes of Apparel were made and pafled in this Parliament. They con- fift of (even Articles in the Record, and as many Chap- ters in the printed Statutes. They were to regulate the Drefs of all Manner of People ; from Knights and Ladies of 400 or 200 Marks a-year, down to Plough- men and Servants, the Clergy not excepted. The feveral Editors of the Statutes at large have not pre- fumed to tranflate any of thefe Articles out of their ori- ginal French^ neither {hall we ; becaufe the Terms of Fafhions in thofe Days are not to be rendered into any other Language at preterit. When all was concluded the Chancellor demanded of Difference be. both Houfes, ' Whether they would have fuch Matters tween an rdi ' ;. nance and a Sta- ' as they agreed on to be by way of Ordinance or of tu te. ' Statute ? They anfwered, * By way of Ordinance, * that they might amend the fame at their Pleafure.' By which the Reader may obferve the Difference between an Ordinance and a Statute, the former being looked upon as a Temporary, the other as a Standing, Law k . On the 4th of December, in the Clofe of the Year 1364, King Edward fent forth his Summons for a Par- liament to meet him at Weftminjler, on the Octaves of St. Hilary, or 'January the 2 1 ft, following. On which Day, being met, they were, by Proclamation, adjourned to the next Morning in the Painted Chamber, there to hear the King's Pleafure. At which Time Biihop Lang- I 2 9 ] bam, Lord- Chancellor of England, began a long and formal Harangue, taking for his Text that of the Royal Prophet, Faitbfu( Judgment doth adorn the Kings Seat. Anno Re s ni 39 * From whence he took Occafion to extol the great Va- * lour of the King his Mafter, and the many Victories 4 which, by God's Afiiftance, he had gain'd in his Youth; * not forgetting the conftant and dutiful Good-will and * ready fc In this Parliament: it was enacted, That Poultry ihould be Told in the following Manner; a young Capon for 3 d. an old one for 4/- wich ; and that all Merchants and others might ihip Woolls at Lewes, for their Eafe, or in other Places. The Bufmefs of this Parliament being nnimed, the King gave Thanks to the Lords and Commons for their good Affections to him, and, on the i6th Day of February^ difmillcd them to their own Homes. The a Abridgment of Rcjronts, p. 100. 318 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edward ill. The Stroke made at the See of Rome in the laft Par- liament could not be infenfibly felt in that Quarter ; ac- coidingly we find, in the next, how warmly it was re- fented. For, Anno Regni 40. ^ n the 3 ot ^ ^ March, in his fortieth Year, King 1366. ' Edward held another Parliament at Weftnnnjler -, at the opening of which, in the Painted-Chamber, the Bifhop of Ely b , Lord-Chancellor, declared, in Prefence of the Lords and Commons, the Reafons why this Parliament was called ; which, in Effect, were thefe : ' That lince ' the King had fent his eldeft Son, the Prince of IVales^ 'to govern the Country of Aquitain, as alfo the Duke ' of Clarence, his next Son, to be his Lieutenant in Ire- c land, his chief Care now was how he might govern his People at home in the beft Manner.' After which both Houfes proceeded to nominate Receivers and f 298 ] Triers of Petitions as ufual, and adjourned to the next Day ; when the Chancellor, in the Prefence of the King, Lords, and Commons, fpoke again and told them, * That he had the Day before informed them, in gene- ' ral, of the Occafion of their Meeting, and that now foms^th" 8 ?- ' the y ft 101 ^ know it more particularly, the King ha- liament that the* ving a Matter of great Importance to communicate to Pope intended to < them. His Majefty had lately received Notice, that cite him to do < the p j n Confideration of the Homage which John Homage for his r ' J Crown, __. _ . . . . . . _ King of Lngland* had formerly paid to the bee of Rome, for his Realm of England and Dominion of Ireland, and of the Tribute by him granted to the faid See c , intended, by Procefs, to cite his Majefty to ap- pear at his Court at Avignon, to anfwer for his De- faults, in not performing what the faid King, his Pre- deceflbr, had fo undertaken for him and his Heirs, Kings of England. Whereupon the King required the Advice of his Parliament, what Courfe he had beft take if any fuch Procefs {hould come out againft him.' The Bifhops, Lords, and Commons, feverally, de- fired Time to the Day following, to give in their An- fwer ; when, being again affembled, after full Deli- beration, they declar'd as follows : ' That neither King John b Simon Langbam : He was tranflated to Canterlury, Anno 1366. Le He-vis Fafli. c Of loco Marks a -year. Retard, tf ENGLAND. 319 ' y, nor any other King, could bring himfelf, hisK. Edward ill. ' Realm, and People, under fuch Subje&ion, without which they 4 their AfTent ; and if it was done, it was without Con- highly refentj * fent of Parliament, and contrary to his Coronation * Oath ; that he was notorioufly compelled to it by the ' Neceflity of his Affairs and the Iniquity of the Times ; * wherefore the faid Eftates ena&ed, That, in Cafe the * Pope fhodld attempt any Thing by Procefs, or any * other Way, to'conftrain the King and his Subjedts ' to perform what he fays he lays Claim to in this Re- ' fpecl, $ey would refift and withftand him to the ut- * moft of their Power.' Thus was this haughty De- mand of the Pope's, by the flout Oppofition of both the Prelacy and Laity in this Parliament, quafiied for ever; for we do not find that it was ever after demanded. Nor, in all Likelihood, would it have been trumped up now, but out of Revenge to the Proceedings of the latt Parliament againft the Incroachments of the See of Rome. It feems King Edward was fo moved at the Infolence r 2 on "J of this Demand, that he caufed it now to be ordained, that, from that Time forward, St. Peter's Pence fhould not be paid, which had continued to be fo from the And thereupon Days of King Ina, the Weft Saxon King, about the Year^ wr * s Pe " ce ' 680 ; who had granted it to the See of Rome, in Con- forbld fideration of an Engiijb Seminary, or School, to be con- tinued there for ever d . There were fome others Matters, tranfa&ed this Par- liament ; particularly, fettling the Differences betwixt the two Univerfities, Oxford and Cambridge^ and the Mendicant Friars, who exhibited Complaints againft each other ; the Particulars whereof are not to our Pur- pofe. This Parliament fat till the nth of May this Year ; when the Lord-Chancellor notified to them, ' the Marriage of the Princefs Ifabclla to the Lord In- ' gelram de Coucy^ who had a large Eftate both in France ' and England^ and that it would be for the King's Ho- ' nour to create him a Peer of this Realm j' which the Lords finding convenient, readily agreed to,: Where- upon the King, by his Letters Patent, created him Earl of Bedford^ with a Grant of IOOO Marks per Anniim^ out of the Exchequer, and 30 Marks more out of the IfTucs d However it was but a temporary Delay, for it was afterwards collt- ed to the ^y\^ of llmry VIII. when that i'rince pot an iC'cdttiJ Stop t 320 3%* Parliamentary HISTORY K. Ed-ward Ill-Iflues of the County of Bedford, to be paid by the She- riff of that County. Mr. Tyrrel here obferves, That the Parlifiment did not quarrel with the King, or find Fault with his marrying his Daughter to a Frenchman, tho' his Subjedt ; or that he had conferred upon him fo great an Eftate belonging to the Crown ; or, laftly, that he would now make him a Nobleman of England; for tho' it was ufual, adds he, for this King not to create either Dukes or Earls, not even his own Sons, without the Privity of the reft of the Peers, yet we do not find that ever he afked the Confent of the Commons, or that it was pafled into an At or Statute, all the Charters of their Creations being granted by the King alone, and the Confent of the Parliament not at all mentioned in them. PI We now meet with an Interval of two or three Years, during which Time our Hiftorians are taken up with defcribing the Black Prince's martial Exploits and Vic- tories in Spain ; where he reftored Don Pedro to the Crown of that Kingdom. Things did not go fo well, however, in France and Scotland, as we mail fee here- after ; and King Edward having loft his fecond Son, Prince Lionel, who died foon after his fecond Marriage in Italy, from this Period we muft date the Turn of that good Fortune which had hitherto favoured him throughout his whole Reign. AnnoRegni42. The King iflued out his Writs, dated February 24, 1368. for fummoning a Parliament to meet at f^eftmin/hr the Rer ^ r ^ G ^ May following. When being met, Dr. Simon ter. j^ an ^ )Qm ^ fa cn Archbifhop of Canterbury^ was the King's Prolocutor, and declared to the whole Aflembly, That it was his Majefty's Pleafure that they ftiould be ad- journed for three Days ; and at the Time appointed the faid Archbifhop opened the Caufe of their Meeting to this Effect: * That the King yielded unto God Almighty ' moft hearty Thanks for having given him the Victory * over ail his Enemies ; as alfo for the peaceable and * flouriming Condition of his Realm, and for the great ' Loyalty of his Subjects, and their conftant Readinefs * to ferve him, both in Body and Goods; all which * Bleffings he defir'd, as much as in him lay, to con- ' tinue of E N G L A N D. 321 * tinue or rather to increafe. And, that he might the K. Edward III, * better fucceed in that Refolution, he had at this Time ' called his Parliament to confer with them concerning ' Matters relating to the Premifes.' Then the Receivers and Triers of Petitions were appointed, which took up all the reft of that Day. On the Day following, being aflembled again as ufual in the Painted-Chamber, the faid Archbifhop farther declared the Subftance of a Treaty between the King's Commiflioners and David Bruce, King of Scotland, who had lately made this Offer, ' That he was willing to * preferve a perpetual Peace with England, provided he p e h a e ce f^ cjj! * might quietly enjoy the Kingdom of Scotland, free and dition' of being ' difcharged from all Homage to that Crown; fince to di f char s ed from * hold it otherwife would be a conftant Reproach to him Homase ' * and his Kingdom.' Concerning which Terms of Peace the Lords and Commons, being afked their Advice, [ 301 ] gave in their Anfwers, feverally, to one and the fame Effect, That they could not aflent to any fuch Peace, The Propofal re- * upon any Account, without a Diflierifon of the King, jefted by Parli: ' his Heirs, and Crown, which they themfelves were ment * ' fworn to preferve ; and therefore muft advile him not ' to hearken to any fuch Propofitions/ After which the Archbifhop, in the King's Name, gave Thanks to the Eftates in Parliament, ' For their ' ready Compliance in affifting the King's Wants by * former Aids and Subfidies ; and fhewed them further, ' how, at that Time, the King flood in as great Need as * ever of a confiderable Supply to difcharge his Debts:' Upon which the Lords and Commons granted the King, for two Years, of every Wooll-pack 36*. 8d. for every ^Subfidy gr: twelve Dozen of Fells, as much; and 13 s. 4^. for every Laft of Skins, over and above the old Cuftoms. Then certain new Statutes were prepared for the Royal Aflent, and fome old ones were explain'd and confirm'd, which may be feen in the printed Statute-Books under this Year, and therefore unneceflary here. On the 2 1 ft of May the King gave Thanks to the Lords and Commons for the great Aid they had given him, and that Day all the Lords and divers of the Com- mons dined with his Majefty ; after which Sirjobn Lee was brought before him and the Lords and Commons, to anfwer certain Objections made againft him by IVil- VOL, I. X Ham 322 *The Parliamentary HISTORY &, Edward III. Ham Latimer, concerning a Lordlhip belonging to Robert Larimer, with certain Lands which had been granted during his Minority, and being afterwards granted to the faid Sir John Lee, he being Steward of the King's Houfe- hold, compelled the faid William, by Durefs of Impri- fonment, to furrender up the Eftate into his Hands : And tho' Sir John excufed himfelf, as being the King's Grantee, yet it was not admitted, becaufe he had ufed Force, and had not outed the faid William by due Pro- cefs of Law. There were alfo divers other Complaints againft him ; that, as Steward of the King's Houfhold, he had caufed feveral Perfons to be attached by Order of F 302 1 t ^ ie Council, and then appear before him alone, and * 3 J make Anfwer out of Council ; with feveral other Mif- demeanors. Of all thefe Accufations Sir John not being able to purge himfelf, he was, by Order of the King and Lords, committed clofe Prifoner to the Tower, and ordered to pay a Fine according to the King's Pleafure. This Affair, though of no great Moment in itfelf, we think neceffary to take Notice of, as it is the firft Pre- cedent to be met with, not only of any Accufation or Impeachment of a Perfon in Parliament, for a ilmple Mifdemeanor, and not for Treafon, but alfo where the Offender was committed to Prifon by the King and Lords at a private Meeting, when the Parliament was not fitting. About this Time another War with France feeming unavoidable, the French King having, by Treaties and Embaffies, deluded Edward 'till he had taken an Op- portunity to feize on the greater Part of his Dominions nno Regni 43. abroad, he called a Parliament in order to lay this Affair 1369. and the State of the Nation before them. They were r. funimoned to meet at Weftminfter, May 27, this Year; at which Time the King, Prelates, Dukes, Earls, Ba- rons, Knights, Citizens, and Burgefies, ailembled in the Painted-Chamber, the famous William of Wukbam, or Wykebam, Bifhop of Wincbefter, then Lord-Chancellor, being Prolocutor. This Prelate told the AiTembly % * That the King always, in his greatefr. Affairs, had * ufed their Advice and Counfel ; in which he ever found * them truly loyal, and for which he thank'd them : And 4 that, * In a fet Speech, beginning, Sires, h Rt/i en touz. Us groj'a Befcignss, fcc. of ENGLAND. 323 * that, not being willing any Thing fhould be unknown K, Edward lilt. ' to them, he laid before them the Peace, which, by * their Advice, he had concluded with his Adverfary of * France fome Time ago : The Conditions of which were, That, by fuch a Day, he fhould iurrender up to * him certain Countries beyond Seas ; fhould pay unto him certain Sums of Money at ftated Times ; and * that, for the future, he fhould never pretend to any Jurifdidion or Sovereignty over Gafcoigny or its neigh- * * bouring Parts. In Confideration thereof the Englijb King was to give up the Stile and Title of the King ' of France for ever, which he had accordingly done : ' But his faid Adverfary had not only failed to make * Delivery of the Lands and Countries agreed upon ; had made no Payments of the Money ; but had alfo 33 1 1 fummoncd certain Lords of that Country, under his ' Jurifdi6tion, and even the Prince of Wales hirnfelf, to * appear before him, on a Day prefixed, at Paris^ to anfwer their Appeals ; which was contrary to the Form. and Tenor of the Peace. Befides all this, he had fent a great Number of Men at Arms, and others, into Gafccigny, and there, by Force, had taken Towns, CafHes, and other Places ; killed fome of the King's Liege People, taken others, and imprifoned them "in * Hopes of great Ranfoms ; the fame he had alfo done * in Pontbieu. That becaufe of thefe Doings, efpecially ' in the Principality of Aquitaln^ againft the Form of <- the Peace, the Prince had fent fpecial MefTengers to < inform the King, that he had called to him the wifeft * Men of the faid Principality, and treated with and pro- * pounded to them, whether, by reafon of thefe Things, * his Father might not, by Right, retake upon him, and ' ufe, the Name of King of France ;' who all anfwered ' and affirmed, * That the King might do it by Right and Good Faith/ Upon which Point the Archbifhop of Canterbury and the other Prelates were charged by the King to treat and (hew their beft Advice and Counfel. The Prelates took two or three Days Time to deli- berate upon this knotty Cafe of Confcience, Whether * the King was releafed from his Oath or not?' When the whole Afiembly being again met, the Archbimop and Bifhops, with one Accord, anfwered, ' That the * King, for the Caufes abovefaid, might juftly re-aflume X 2 'and 324 We Parliamentary HISTORY K. EdviardlVL. * and ufe the Name of King of France, by Right and ' good Confcience.' To which Sentence the Dukes, Earls, Barons, Knights, and Commons, unanimoufly agreed. After which Declarations the King caufed the The Frencb ha- Great Seal ^ England to be changed again, along with ving broke thehis other Seals ; from which Time, even unto this Day, Peace, the War^g Kings of England, his Succeflbrs, continue, their is renewed. Arms quarterec | with p rance . j n Token of that Right, fays Barnes, to which King Edward Co juftly now re- newed his Claim. The Parliament having thus agreed to renew the War, [ 34 ] t ^ ie next Thing to be thought of was the Sinews of it : Accordingly the King ordered ' the State of the Nation to be laid before them ; and, becaufe he ftiould be at great Charge to maintain his Forces both by Sea and Land, which he could not fupport without their Af- fiftance, he requefted them, therefore, to confult and advife how it might beft be done with the leaft Charge and Damage to his People.' On which the Lords, by themfelves, and the Commons, of one Accord, granted Algrge Subfidy to the King a Subfidy on Woolls ; that is, 43 s, ^d. on granted, every Sack, and on every twelve Dozen of Wooll-fells, as much ; on every Laft of Leather, that ftiould be ex- ported, 4/. befides.the antient Cuftoms for three Years, to commence at Michaelmas next ; on Strangers was laid, for every Sack of Wooll, four Marks, and every twelve Dozen of Fells, as much ; and on every Laft of Leather eight Marks, over and above the old Cuftom. Some other Matters were tranfa&ed, in this Parlia- ment, of lefs Notice ; ' as, that all the .King's Forts, Ports, and FortrefTes ftiould be furveyed, repaired, and re-edified ; that no Religious Aliens ftiould be left in a Capacity to difcover the Secrets of the Realm, as well as all their Pofleflions to be feized into the King's Hands ; that Remedy may be had againft the exceffive Price of Armour, and againft the unreafonable Demands of Dealers in Horfes. Laflly^ the King, on the i2th Day of June^ came to the Houfe, and gave them Thanks, The King grants fr m ms own Mouth, 'for the great Pains they had public Encou- taken, and the Aid they had given him ; and, in fome ragement to all* Sort of Recompence, promifed to all thofe Lords, and affift\^m a S f othe . rs ' of whatfoever Degree, Eftate, Condition, or Fnniit t ' * Nation they were, who would maintain his Caufe and Quarrel of ENGLAND. 325 Quarrel againft his Enemies of France^ that they fliould K - EJwardlli* * hold and enjoy, for ever, all they fhould there recover * and conquer, whetherDuchies, Earldoms, Vifcounties, * Cities, Towns, Caftles, orLordfhips, Perfons, Names, * Arms, and Honours, to hold the faid Poffeffions of him * * as King; of France, by the accuftomed Dues and Ser- * vices; referving only, to himfelf and his Heirs, all De- * mefnes, Royalties, Services, Homages, Dues, Reforts, ' and Sovereignties belonging to the Crown of France ; r 30 - -j * and excepting all Church-Lands, and the Lands of all * fuch who, without Force or Difficulty, would obey, ' adhere to, and remain in Obedience to him, and, of 4 their own Good-will, would afiift him in his Quarrel ' againft his faid Adverfary. Likewife the King com- ' manded, That not only all the Biftiops fhould mufter * their own Tenants and Servants, but that all Parfons, * Vicars, Monks, Friars, and other Religious Perfons of ' the Clergy, fhould be in Readinefs, in Cafe of an In- * vafion, to refift the common Enemy :* And then he * diffolved this Parliament b . The War began now to be entered into brifkly on both Sides, and continued, from the laft Period, a Year or two, with various Succefs j though the King, on Account of his great Age, was unable to go over in Perfon. But the Renewal of the War was not the only Thing that difturbed Edward's Repofe; the Lofs of his Queen, who died in the Year 1369, was a very great Affliction to him : Befides, the Noble and Valiant Prince of IValeS) being taken with a lingering Illnefs, was oblig'd to return to England for the Recovery of his Health, leaving his Brother John, Duke of Lanca/ler, his Lieu- tenant in Aquitain. After the Prince's Arrival here, Affairs began to take a different Turn abroad ; the French had gained great Advantage over the Englijh^ particularly in the Princi- pality of J/quitaitt) which alarmed King Edward fo much, that he thought himfelf obliged to call a Parlia- ment to afk their Advice about it. Accordingly Writs Anjjo R . of Summons were iflued out, dated "January 8, for a ,37,, Parliament to meet on Monday^ the firlt Week in Lent, X 3 which b Rot. in Turn Lond. 43 Ed. III. Rjmtr\ Pud, Tom* VI. p. 631, C*///w's Ecelefiajiical llijlory, p. 561, 2 2-6 The Parliamentary HISTORY K, Edward III, which was February 24, that Year. Being all, as ufual, aflembled in the Painted-Chamber at Weftminjhr^ the Lord-Chancellor IVickbam opened the Caufe of the Summons to be for this Purpole : ' That fince, by the * Aflentof the laft Parliament, the King did re-take upon * him the Title of King of France, becaufe his Adverfary * had broke the Peace, and claim'd the Superiority over 1 4 4quitatn> which had formerly belonged to his Father, * he had for this, and feveral other Caufes, been at great r , g -i Expences, and fent fome Men of Quality, and others, * to a mighty Number, to conquer and recover his * Right : That the King had received News from his ' Friends and Allies, that his Adverfary had made him- * felf ftronger than he had done before, and ordered fo < great an Army to be brought together, that, in all Pro- bability, he would be able to get PoiTefiion of all his * Lands and Territories beyond Seas, as well in Gaf- coigny as at Calais, Guifnes, Pontbieu, and other Places. Further, that his faid Adverfary had fuch a Fleet ready * as feemed fufficient to deftroy the whole Englijb Navy ; < and that he p'urpofed to fend over fuch a Land Army * into this Kingdom, as might be equally able to con- * quer and fubjedl it to his own Power : Wherefore the * King earneftly defir'd the Lords and Commons to con- * fult about thefe Points, and advife him which Way the * Kingdom might be fafely guarded, the Navy preferved * from the Malice of his Enemies, his Lands beyond Sea c kept, the War maintained, and the Reduction of the French efFeded.' ATaxof . jA Thefe high Matters being thus laid before the Parlia- laid by the whole ment, many Ways and Means were propofed for rai- Parliament on f in g an Aid, which were freely debated betwixt the " Lords and Commons. At laft, in Confideration of the great Cofts and Charges which the King had been at, and was to bear, for the Reafons given, both Houfes confented, March 28, to grant a Subfidy of 50,ooo/. to be levied on every Pariih at 22 s. 3 d. and thofe of greater Value to contribute, by Rate, to thofe of lefs. The Clergy, here alfo, granted the King a feparate Aid of 50,ooo/. more, for one Year, towards carrying on the French War ; for the raifing of which extraor- dinary Sum, from that Body, the very Chantry- Priefls were taxed according to their annual Stipends -, as like- wife ^ENGLAND. 527 wife all other fmall Benefices which had never been K Edward ill. taxed before c . A Great Council of the Eftates, confiding of a felecT: [ 37 ] Number of Prelates and Lords, and one Kniglit and one Burgefs of the laft Parliament, as a Committee of it, fat at Wincbefter on the eighth Day after Trinity- Sunday, or At ^j nc ^ ert June 8, this Year. The King, immediately on the granting this Subfidy, had fent out his Writs to the She- riffs of every County in England, to caufe them to return to him the Number of theParifh-Churches in each Shire. After which the Chancellor acquainted this Council, That the Number of Parifhes in England would not anfwer the faid Tax of 50,000 /. as might appear by the Certificates of all the Archbrfhops, Bifhops, and Sheriffs, made and returned into Chancery by the King's Warrant.' Thefe Certificates were examined by the Committee, and many Treaties and Conferences had upon the Matter ; at laft, to compleat the Sum of 50,000 /. the faid Committee of Lords and Commons granted, out of every Parifh in the Kingdom, the Sum of 116 Shillings, the former Sum of 22J. 3^. being in- which Ig aug . eluded; except the County of Chefter, which was a me nted to 116*. County Palatine, and the Church Lands, which were by a Council oa- taxed to a Tenth ; and, as before, Parifhes of greater ly ' Extent and Value were to be contributary to the lefs. 'John Stowe has preferved a Lift of the feveral Counties of England, in which the Number of Parifhes are men- tioned, and their feveral Taxations fixed; which, fince it is the firft Tax of that Kind that we have yet met with, well deferves our Notice d . c Rot. Parl. 45 Edio. III. N. i, 6, 7. Abr'idg. p. iii. Hollingjbcad makes a very great Miftake here, and fays that the Clergy denied this Sub- fidy, and excufed themfelves with fair Words and (huffling Anfwerf ; info- much that the King was fo difpleafed at them, that he removed the Chan- cellor, the Treafurer, and Privy Seal, being Clergymen, from their Offices, and put Laymen in their Stead, p. 406. This he took from Fabian* Cbron. in this Year. 1 Sbirei. Pari/best What every Slire did pay. . *. d. Bedfordfhire 121 701 16 Berkfhii? 156 904 16 Buckinghamshire 200 7160 o Cambridgeihire tjz 997 iz Cornwall 194 1125 4 Cumberland 96 556 16 Derby (hire 9 Fifteenth for one Year, to be levied as the laft. On the 23d of November the faid Lords and Com- mons again aflembled in the White Chamber ; when the Chancellor declared to the King ' how kind the Parlia- ' ment had been to him, in granting him the faid Subfi- * dies and Fifteenth,' who very heartily thanked them for 334 T& e Parliamentary HISTORY K. Ed-ward III. for their great Aid ; and then the Petitions of the Com* mons were read and anfwered according to Cuftom. In this Parliament an Ordinance was made, too re- markable to be pafs'd over without mentioning: It feems the King had been informed that fome Sheriff's and Under-Sheriffs of Counties had returned themfelves for Parliament, and alfo that many Lawyers had crept in for Cities and Boroughs, to the fame End ; to remedy which Evil, as it is called, the following Ordinance was brought in, read) and agreed to by the King and Par- liament : ' "T THereas the People of the Law, who follow c \ \ divers Bufinefies in the King's Courts for par- c ticular Perfons, as their Proctors or Sollicitors, and * caufe many Petitions to be exhibited in Parliament, in ' the Name of the Commons, which do not at all con- ' cern them, but only the particularPerfons whofe Bu- ' finefs they follow; Sheriffs alfo, who are common Mi- * nifters of the People, and ought to mind their Office, * by which they ought to do Right to every one, are ' named, and have been before this Time returned in 6 Parliament, Knights of Counties, by themfelves, being c Sheriffs : It is accorded and aflented to in this Parlia- ' ment, That, for the future, no Man of the Law, fol- ' lowing Bufmefs, or practifing in the King's Courts, * nor Sheriff, for the Time he is Sheriff, may be return'd ' or accepted for Knights of Counties ; nor fhall any ' Lawyers or Sheriffs, for the future, return'd to Parlia- * ment, have any Wages.' The great Lord Coke ' takes up the Cudgels here in Defence of pra<5Hfing Lawyers fitting in Parliament, by catching at the Word Ordinance ; which, he fays, dif- fers from a Statute or Ac~t of Parliament. It is true that it does fo, as we have explained at p-315 ; but yet there are many Inftances, in fucceeding Parliaments, where they both mean the fame; and, in this before ue, this Ordinance had all the Sanction of an A6t of Parliament, and, no Doubt, was underftood fo in thofe Days. But, to take Leave of the Parliament we are upon, the King gave the Knights of Shires Leave to depart, and I Ctkis 4 //?. fol, 10 ct 48. e/* ENGLAND. 335 end fue out Writs for their Wages and Expences ; but K< &'"' IH " the Citizens and Burgefies were commanded to ftay. When they, being again aflembled the fame Day before the Prince, Prelates, and Lords, granted, for the fafe convoying of their Ships and Goods, a Cuftom of 2 s. on every Tun of Wine imported or exported out of the Kingdom, and bd. in the Pound on all their Goods of Merchandize for one Year k . On the 2ift of November, the next Year, another Parliament met, by Summons, at Weftminfter J . In the Writs to the Sheriffs were thefe unufual Claufes, occa- fioned, for fure, by what pafled in the laft, viz. * To * caufe to be chofen two dubb'd Knights, or the moft * worthy, honeft, and difcreet Efquires of that County, 4 the moft expert in Feats of Arms., and no others; and ' of every City two Citizens, of every Borough two Bur- [ 314 ] * gefles, difcreet and fufficient, and fuch who bad the * greatejl Skill in Shipping and Merchandizing. The King, Prince, Prelates, Earls, Barons, Great Anno Regni 47; Men, and Commons, being affembled in the Painted- 1373. Chamber^ Sir John Knivet^ Lord-Chancellor, declared the Caufe of the Summons ; telling the Lords and Com- mons m , They knew very well that, after the Peace ' between the King and his Adverfaries of France had * been apparently broken by them, the King had many ' Times lent great Armies abroad to recover his Rights, ' and to reftrain the Malice of his Enemies ; and lately ' had fent his Son, the King of Caftile and Leon and * Duke ofLancafler, with many Lords and others, to op- ' pofe the Attempts of the French, who, by their good ' and noble Conduct, and Feats of Arms, had done great ' Damages and Deftruction to his Adverfaries, as they ' well knew, to the no fmall Honour of the King, and the * Peace and Tranquillity of the Kingdom. That, befidei * the Sum granted by the laft Parliament to the King in * Aid of thefe Wars, great and heavy as it was upon the ' People, he had expended a great Sum of his own more * than that Subfidy came to. Further, the Lords and * others, k Rot. Parl. 46 EJ-ru. III. N. i, 2, 3, 9, 13. Tills proves that tlie Citizens and Burgeffes, in Parliament, were Merchants ami Traders iu thofe Days. ' Lendemain tie Seijrnt Efmon. Edmund. He begins his Speech, S:rtt t tt vovs dt la Cvmmune, g-6 Tie Parliamentary HISTORY* K. Edward III-* others, who had ventured their Lives and Fortunes to ' defend them from their Enemies, ought to be well re- ' freflied and comforted with Force and Aid, and that ' with as much Speed as pofiible, as was well known to * many of this Aflembly who had been in the fame Con- * dition themfelves : Alfo, that their Enemy of France * made himfelf as ftrongas he could, not only by his own ' People and Allies, but by Strangers of different Coun- c tries, and by all the Ways he was able, both by Land * and Sea. Wherefore the King charged and befought ' them, confidering the Dangers that might happen to 6 the Kingdom for thefe Caufes, that they would fpeedily * confult upon the Matter, and give the King fuch Ad- * vice as might be for the Safety of him, the Nation, and ' themfelves ; and as foon as poflible, becaufe the Sea- * fon of the Year for Action was now approaching. * Laftly, the King told them by him, that this Bufmefs ' required a very fpeedy Difpatch ; and that he defired * that all Manner of Petitions, and other particular Af- ' fairs, might be poftponed untill this had a good Ifiiie. c After which, he commanded the Commons to confider E 3*5 3 and give their Advice upon the Points abovel'aid ; tell- * ing them, they might depart for that Day, and come ' again in the Morning.' During this Confultation, a Committee of Commons was fent to the Lords, in the Name of the reft, to de- lire they might have fome Biflicps, Earls, and Barons, with whom they might treat and confer, for the better Iffue of the Matter enjoined them. They named the Bifhops of London^ Winchefter, and Bath and Welh ; the Earls of Arundele, March, and Saiijbury ; and the Lords Guy Brian and Henry le Scrape ; and it was agreed that they fhould go to the Commons, and treat with them in the Chamberlain's Chamber. This Confultation laft- ed a whole Week, that is, to the Eve of St. Andrew, or for SmeS- November 29 ; on which Day the King, BUhops, Lords, pofe. " and Commons, being again aiTembled in the White Chamber, the Commons dcliver'd to the King a Schedule, containing an Aid granted, which was read, beginning thus, The Lords and Comn.sns of England have granted to the King, in this prefent Parliament, a Fifteenth, &c. the Subftance of which Grant was two Fifteenths to be levied in two Years, accojdir.g to the anticiit Manner, to *f ENGLAND. 337 f o be paid at Candlemas and Midfummer ; and if the K, Edward III* War ended the firft Year, the fecond Fifteenth not to be paid. Allo, Sixpence upon every Pound of Mer- chandize coming in or going out of the Kingdom, ex- cept upon Wooll, Leather, Wooll-fells, and Wine; of every Tun of Wine 2 s. for two Years, on the fame Condition ; likewife the Subfidy on Wooll to be re- ceived after Michaelmas, without Condition for the firft Year, but under the fame Condition for the fecond. Thefe Subfidies were granted on Provifo, that no other Charge or Impofition fhould be laid upon the People for thofe two Years. Laftly, the Commons prayed, That what was granted might be fpent in maintaining the Wars: That they might have Commiflions fent into every County without paying for the Seals : And that no Knights of Shires or Efquires, Citizens or Burgefles, re- turned for this Parliament, might be Collectors for this Tax 8 . This Schedule being delivered to the King, was read [ 316 } before him, after which the Commons requested an An- fwer to their Petitions, which was promiied j the chief whereof were thefe : Petition. ' That the Great Charter and Charters of Petitions of tht the Foreft be kept. Commons, upon Anfwer. // pleafeth the King. f^Sing, "* Petition. * That the City of London^ and all other c Cities and Towns, may enjoy their Liberties, any Sta- * tute notwichftanding. Anfwer. Let any flew the Breaches in particular ', and they Jhall be anfwered. Petition. * That the Staple be kept in Calais, and no * Patent or Grant be made to the contrary. Anfwer. The King will appoint the Staple as to him and his Council Jhall feem be ft. Petition. * Certain Counties, there named, do pray, That, for their eafier Carriage of Woolls, a Staple ' may be at Lynn. Anfwer. The King granted thereto^ fo that Jlill the Staple at Yarmouth Jhall continue. VOL. I. Y Petition. a Rot. Parl. 47 Edia. III. N. 4, 5, 12. Abridgment, p. 116. Fiom Ivencc it appears, dernonftratively. to have been the Senfe of Parliaments in thofe D<)ys, That fuch who had a Vole in the granting of a Tax, (hoold have no Share in the collehng of it j and that confequcntly a PletfBill is no Novelty in the Constitution, Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edward lib Petition. 'That as for the Tythe of Wood above * twenty Years Growth, it may be enacted, That no Tythe Ihall be due, and that in all fuch Cafes a Pro- f hibition may be granted. Anfwer. Such Prohibition Jball be granted as hath "heretofore been ufed. Petition. ' That Remedy may be had againft the * King's Chirographer, becaufe he will not engrofs any * Fine within the Term, untill the Foot of the Fine be * fretted b , unlefs he may have 3*. 4^. or 4*. more * than his due Fee of 4 s. Anfwer. Let the Aggrieved come to the Common-Pleas and he Jhall have Right. Petition. ' That the Statute of Labourers may be e executed four Times in the Year, and that the Juftices * may be removed for not doing their Duty c . Anfwer. The King granteth thereto. Petition. That Villenage may be only tried where * it is laid, and no where elfe. Anfwer. The King meaneth not to alter the Law as to this Point. t 3*7 ] Petition. e That Matters of Ships fhall be paid their ' Wages for them and their Mariners, from the Day of ' their being appointed to ferve the King. Anfwer. The taking up of Ships Jhall not be but upon Necejfity, and the Payment Jhall be reafonable as hereto- fore. Petition. ' The faid Mafters of Ships requeft, that * they may have Allowance for the Tackling of their * Ships worn out in the King's Service. Anfwer. Such Allowance hath not been made heretofore. Petition. The Commons requeft Remedy againft c the Provilions of the Pope, whereby he reaps the Firft- * Fruits of Ecclefiaftical Dignities ; the Treafure of the * Realm being thereby conveyed away, which they can- * not bear. Anfwer. The King hath already honourable Amtajja- dors at the Court of Rome, touching thefe Grievances, before whofe Return he cannot well anfwer as to that Point. Petition. b In the Original, Detns le Terme qt la Pees del Fyne eft trest. It is franflated as above in the Abridgment, f e Year of the King. Anfwer. Let any particular Man complain and he foall find Remedy. But, notwithftanding all thefe vaft Subfidies and Aids granted to the King for carrying on the French War, Affairs went ftill backward in that Kingdom ; the Par- ticulars of which might fwell this Hiftory, but not be any Advantage to our Subject. We meet with no Parliament for near four If ears after the laft Period ; when a Truce, and Treaty of Peace upon it, obliged the King to call one, to have their Advice on feveral C 3 l8 3 material Affairs. The Writs of Summons were dated September the 20th, to meet on the I2th of February following. But by other Writs, dated January the 2Oth, the King thought fit to prorogue this Parliament to the Monday after the Feaft of St. George, or the latter End of April, in the Year 1376. At the Time prefixed, the Prelates, Dukes, Earls, Anno Regni 50. Barons, Knights, and Commons, Judges, Serjeants at Law, &c. met in the Painted-Chamber, before the King, where Sir John JCnivet, Lord-Chancellor, opened the Seflions, which he declared was for the Caufes follow- ing : The firft and principal, was to advife about the * good Government and Peace of the Realm. ' For the Defence and Safety of the Kingdom as well 4 by Sea as Land. Y 2 To Parliamentary HISTORY K> Ed"witrd\\l. To take Order for the Maintenance of the War with France, and elfewhere ; and how and in what * Manner it might be done, for the beft Profit, quickeft 6 Difpatch, and greateft Honour of the King and King" dom.' He then exprefly told them, That what the King had hitherto done was always with their Advice and Aflift- ance, for which his Majf-fly entirely thanked them; and defired that they would dUi^ently confult about thefe Matters, the Prelates anJ Lords by themfelves, and the Commons by themfelves, and give in their An- fwers as foon as they conveniently could. The Commons, upon this, went to their wonted Place, the Chapter Houfe of the Abbey of lVeJlminfter' 9 the Prelates and Lords went alfo by themfelves, and there were affigned a Committee of Lords to go to the Commons, to treat and confer about the King's De- claiation. The Lords who were of this Committee, were the Bifhops of London* Norwich, CarliJJe, and St. David's ; the Earls of March, Warwick, Stafford, and Suffolk ; the Lords Peircy, Sir Guy de Brian, Sir Henry It Scrope, and Sir Richard Stafford ; who, after due Confutation with the Commons, agreed upon a Grant for a Subfidy, the Preamble to which ran as follows : ' The Lords and Commons affembled in Parliament, * having Confederation of the very great Charges and 319 3 ' Expences the King ha;h, and muft be at for the main- c taining of his Wars, and his noble Eftate, grant him the Subfidy of Wooll, Leather, and Wooll-fells, as it * was granted him in the Parliament holden at Weft" ' minfter, in the forty- feventh Year of his Reign, from S 1 * l ^ e ^ ea ^ f ^ tp Michael next coming, when the Sub- onThe* ^y tnen granted ended, to the End of three Years : * And the Commons humbly pray the King to excufe * them, that they have given him no other Subfidy or * Aid for his Wars, for that they were brought fo low, * and fo difabled by the Peftilence, the Murrain among * their Beafts, and Deftru&ion of their Grain and other * Fruits by bad Weather, that they could not do more * at prefent ; but promifed, if any extraordinary Cafe * (hould happen, they would aid him to the utmoit * of their Power, as they had done before, beyond all * the Commons of the World, to their Liege Lord.' After 0f ENGLAND. 34* After this the Commons, confidering the great Da- K,-EJW Council may be augmented with * ^" Cl1 ap \ * fome Lords, Prelates, and (nrura to the Number ot t he King OA 'ten or twelve, who fhould be continually near the ftntly. ' King ; fo as no great Bufmefs might pafs without the ' Advice and A fieri t of fix, or four of them ac leail as c the Cafe required'. To this Requeft the King, uo~ derftanding the Purport of it to be as well for the Ho- nour and Profit of himfelf as of the whole Kingdom, readily confented : Provided, always, that the Chan- cellor, Treafurer, and Privy Seal might execute 'their Offices without the Prefence of any of the faid Coun- fellors, whom the King was to affign, from Time to Time, of fuch as he pleafed, who were to be fworn to keep this Ordinance, to do Right to every one according to their Power, without receiving any Reward for fo> doing. The reft of the King's Officers were aifo to be fworn to receive no Gifts, Fees, or Rewards, other [ 320 } than their Salaries, Liveries, and Travelling Charges' 1 . The further Proceedings of this Parliament take up feveral Folio Pages in Jojhua Barnes's Hiftory of this King's Reign, which he has tranflated from the Re- cords j and which indeed are much longer in themfelvei than of any Parliament we have yet met with : But, as the Scope of our Defign will not allow us to be fo particular as that Hiftorion, we (hall give the Abftra&s of the Proceedings of this Parliament in a fhorter Manner from Brady and TyrreJ, carefully compared with the Rolls. The Commons made Proteftation, * That they now A Protection of ' were, and always have been, and will be, ready to- *ke Commons ' aid the King with their Bodies and Goods, to the ut-" g ^ * moft of their Power ; yet if the King had always had m * about him loyal Counfellors and good Officers, he * had been now rich in Treafure, fo that he (hould not ' have needed fo much to have charged his Subjects with Y 3 fe a Rot, Par, 50 Edvj. 111, K. ^~ ) 9, &t, tT*yifigba, p. 180. Parliamentary HISTORY K. j&fauvrf Jilt fo great Subfidies, or Tallages, confidering the vaft ' Sums of Gold which were brought into the Kingdom 6 for the Ranfom of the Kings of France and Scetland, f and other Prifoners.' It further feem'd to them, That, * for the particular Profit and Advantage of fome pri- ' vate Perfons about the King, and their Confederates, * the Realm was much impoverifhed, and many of the * Merchants undone; wherefore they thought it very * profitable to the King and his whole Kingdom, to have all thefe Things duly amended, fo foon as might be/ And farther the Commons promifed the King, ' That, * if he would do Juftice and fpeedy Execution upon fucli * as fhould be found culpable, and proceed with them as * Law and Reafon required, they would undertake he ' fhould be fo rich as to be able to maintain his Wars, * and fupport his other Affairs for a long Time, without ' any great Charge to the Commons.' They then propounded three efpecial Points to be inquired into and amended. C 321 ] * .Firft, Whereas the Staple of Wooll, and other ' Staple Merchandizes and Bullion, was lately ordain'd, ' in Parliament, to be at Calais, and no where elfe, for 4 the great Profit of the King and Kingdom, the Advan- X os- j < tageand Amendment of the Town, for the Concourfe * of Merchants, and their continual Refidence there ; the * faid Staple, Bullion, and Trade was removed from * thence, and like to be loft, by the Procurement and * Counfel of the faid particular Perfons about the King, * and their Confederates, for their own Profit, to the * great Damage and Prejudice of the King and his * Realm, and the DeftrudVion of the Town of Calais e . ' Secondly, Whereas the King had need of divers Sums * of Money for his Wars and otherwife; fome Perfons, * by Confent and Contrivance of the faid particular Per- ' fons about him, made Agreement for divers Sums to * the Ufe of the King upon Ufury, taking more from ' him for Intereft than they bargained for, to the Deceit ' and grievous Damage of the King. Thirdly, * In the Collelion of Public AEis is the Order from the King and Par- liament, for ftiictly keeping the Staple at Calais, wherein thefe Commo- dities are mentioned to be exported thither from this Kingdom. Ordina-vrrimtii yuod Stapula nofira Lanaruw, Coriorum, et PelHvm ~\ Ifftiatarum, nee nun Plumbi, Stanni, et Pannorum vocatorum Worftedes, ac Cafei, Butiri, Pluma, Gaulx, Mctiis, ft/fence, et Ctfi. Tern, VI I. p. lit. Anno 1376, of E N G L A N D. .343 * Thirdly, Whereas the King was Debtor to divers K, Edward III, ' People upon Record in great Sums, feveral had, by Af- * fentand Contrivance ofthefaid Perfons, bargain'd with * his Creditors for the tenth, twentieth, or hundredth * Penny ; and procured the King to pay the whole Debt, * in Deceit of the King and his Creditors, for the par- ' ticular Profit of themfelves and Confederates.' Upon thefe Articles feveral were impeach'd by thei mpeac h ments ^ Commons ; as Richard Lyon, Merchant of London and Confequence Farmer of the King's Subfidy, and the Lord Latimer* h * tso{> his Confederate, who were impriibn'd and disfranchis'd, and render'd incapable of bearing any Office under the King, or to approach his Council or Court, befides their Goods and Chattels being feized into the King's Hands. The Commons farther petitioned, ' That Juftices of the Peace might be named in every County by the Lords and Knights of the faid County in Parliament, and fworn before the King's Council, and not to be [ 32Z ] removed without Confent of Parliament; and that they might be allowed reafonable Fees. The King's Anf'wer was, * They fhould be named by him and his continual Council; and as to Fees he would con- fider of it.' This Parliament fat, from the Time above-mention'd of their Meeting, to the 6th Day of July following : A longer Seilion than any we have yet met with ; and really the Multiplicity of Bufmefs done in it, as in Im- peachments, fcfV. befides the Petitions of the Commons, which of themfelves amounted to 223 feparate Articles, will make it a Matter of Wonder, now, how fo much could be gone thro' in fo little Time. Add to this, that the King falling fick at Eltham, the whole Parliament adjourn'd thither, where all the Petitions of the Com- mons were read and anfwered at that Place. And to fhew that all the People of England were well pleafed with the Proceedings of this Parliament, it was, for a long Time after, called the Good Parliament f . About this Time Alice Pierce, or Ferrers, the King's The Commons Miftrefs, as foe is call'd, had fuch an Afcendency over Snceoft'hc him, that {he had the Affurance not only to intermeddle Ki ng ' s Miftrefs with public Affairs, but alfo to appear and fit in the in public Affiwi, Courts of Judicature, both Civil and Ecclefiaftical, and publickly f IMingjbepd, p. 410 j Falian, 115 j Stovie, ^^\ Parliamentary HISTORY K. He h, m jelf never faw another Year ; and, being giown very old, and weak both in Body and Mind, "John Duke of Lancajler, now his eUieft Son, go- verned both him and the Kingdom at his Pleafure *. This Prince, being of a haughty and proud Difpofition, C 3 2 3 ] was no wa - vs pl eau " n g to the Commons ; and it is thought, by Hiftorians, had an Ey~ to the Succeffion after his Father's Deceafe. Whether the old King fu- fpecled this or not is uncertain ; but, in Compliance with the Petiiion of all the Eftates, in the lair Parliament, he did, by his Letters Patent, immediately after create his His Son Ricbard^* r3in ^ on Richard* Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwall thereupon de- and Earl of Cbtftcr ', as his Father had been before him; dared Heir Ap- upon which, lays Froifaft, he declared to the Duke of Lancajler and the reft of his Sons, that Prince Richard was of Right to reign over them. Moreover, on Chrijl- mas~Day following, the King dining in State, placed him at C Sir Peter de la Mane was a Eertfordjhire Gentleman, and Knight of the Shire for thit County j but no Speaker of the Commons in this Par- liament, as Waljingbam and others after him relate. h There i< an Acft of Grace pafled this Year, called the Jubilee, in the Statutes at large An. Reg. 50, and confirmed in the firft or Richard II. i Contrary to theDefign of the iaft Parliament, who had provided, That, fince the King, thro' Age and Weaknefs, was unable to govern, twelve of the moft fage and difcreet Lords, fix at a Time, mould difpofe of aJl Na- tional Affairs under him, is, Daniel, p. 233. 0f ENGLAND. 345 at the Table above all his Sons, to fhew them that he K. Ettoerd ill. defigned him for his Succeflbr k . The late Truce being ended betwixt France and Eng- land, and the Government here having Notice of a De- fign forming againft them by the French King, in order to invade England^ and that he had made a frefh Al- liance with Caftile and Scotland for that Purpofe, in order to prevent this, and to make all neceflary Prepa- rations for a War, the King iffued out Writs for a Par- liament to meet the 27th of January next coming, at Wejlminjler. But the poor old King was then fo indif- pofed as not to be able to appear ; and a Commiflion was granted to Richard Prince of Wales, who was then about ten Years of Age, to hold the Parliament in his Stead'. At the Day of their Meeting, in the Painted- Chamber ^ ^ nno R egn j - r> the young Prince fitting in the King's own Seat, Dr. 1377. Adam Hougbton, Bifhop of St. David's, Lord Chancel- At Wt a m i n n cru lor, made a Speech to the Aflembly, in the Nature of a Sermon, upon this ftrange Text, Ye fuffer Fooh gladly^ [ 324 ] feeing that ye yourfelves are Wife. The Application he made of his Subject was, * That they, being wife, de- ' fired to hear him who was the contrary ;' he proceed- ed with Scripture, and faid, ' That as a Meflenger who * bringeth joyful Tidings is welcome, fo ought he to be ' now, fince he brought them the joyful News of the c King's happy Recovery from a dangerours Sicknefs/ From hence he took Occafion to argue, ' That God ' loved the King and the Realm ; the King, becaufe, c ghws diligit cajligat^ whom the Lord loveth he chaften- eth ; and further, from that of the Pfalmift, Uxor tua * ftcut Fitis abundam in Lateribus, thy Wife {hall be as the k Froifart's Words are thefet And after tie Ftajl of St. Michael, vtben the Obfequy of the Prince was done and fynijbed, then the Kyng of Englandc made tc be knoiven to bit Sonnet, the Duke of Lancaftrc, the Erie of Cam- bridge, and to the Lord Thomas, the yongefl, and to all Baram, Erlts t Prelats, and Knigbtti of Englande, bmue that the yongc Richarde jlouldt be Kyng after bn Difceaf: : And fo caujed them all to fioere folemly to tnayntcyne him ; and on Chriftmafs-Day the Kyng made bym to fyttc at tit Tahle above all bit own Children, in great EJiate j refrefentyng that be Jboulde be Kyng after bit Difceafe. Froifart's Chronicle, tranflated by Sir John Bourcbier, Kpighr, London 1525, fol. cxcvi. 1 This Commiflion to Richard Prince biWalei, called there Filiut nafler tarijfimut, is in Rymer't Fted. Tom. VII, p, 1341 Dat, afud Huverjng, in E'e}t\ vicefimo fexto Die Januariit 346 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Edward III. < the fruitful Vine, &c. and from thence he (hewed that * no Chriftian Prince could be fo happy j which Happi- * nefs he exaggerated from another Quotation, Ut videos * Filios Filiorum^ thou fhalt fee thy Children's Children ; * which the King now had the Pleafure to fee : That ' God lov'd the Realm he proved from the Recovery of * fo renown'd a Prince ; the faid Recovery happening in * the 50th Year of his Reign ; the Year of Jubilee, the ' Year of Joy for his faid Recovery ; of Joy, becaufe he 6 would thereby impart unto his Subjects Bleffings, as ' well fpiritual as temporal, all bodily Comforts : Then * from a Similitude, That although the Head be found, * if fome particular Member of the Body be difeafed, the * fame infected Part can receive no Virtue, Benefit, or e Remedy from the Head ; fo he inferred that the King * being now the found Head, and willing to (hew Grace * and Favour to his Subjects, they ought to qualify them- ' felves a-right by approving their Loyalty found and * uncorrupted ; and therefore he perfuaded fuch, as * would be Partakers thereof, to conform themfelves, * by having Love and Charity, without which he pro- ' ved, by St. Paul, nothing would avail.' After the Prelate had thus preached up Loyalty to the whole Audience, he addreffed himfelf, particularly, to the Lords, and told them, ' what Reafon they had to * think the King lov'd them dearly, fince, amongft other * gracious Tokens of his Good-will, he had, upon their r , 2 - -j c Requefts, fince the laft Parliament, advanced the Lord ' Richard, there prefent, to be Prince of Wales. Then * he proceeded to {hew what Caufe they had to cherifli ' the faid Prince, by offering unto him, as the Wife Men ' did toChrift, all Honour, by prefenting him Gold, in * Token of Riches and Renown, and Myrrh, in Token * of his honourable Sceptre ; fince even the Pagans were ' ufed to throw abroad Money at the Approach of any of their Princes.' He infifted, That the faid Prince ' (hould, without all Rancour, be embraced with their * Hands and Hearts, even as Simeon embraced Chrift, ' becaufe their Eyes had now feen that which their Hearts * had much longed for; that they ought to obey him as * the Vicar and Legate of God, that they might fee e the true Peace of Ifrael, viz. here in England, the 4 Inheritance of God 3 of which many Victories had affured of ENGLAND. 347 8 afiured him there was no fmall Hope m .' Laftly, and K' Etmerd III. which was much more to the Purpofe, he declared the Caufe of fummoning this prefent Parliament to be, * for that the French King, under Colour of the Truce,' * granted by the King at the Mediation of the Pope, yet * enduring, had allied himfelf both to the Spaniards and * Scots, the King's Enemies, and had prepared great * Quantities of Arms and powerful Armies, thereby * confpiring to blot out the Englijh Tongue and Name c from under Heaven. In which Cafe the King requir'd ' their faithful Counfel, and he prayed them to confult ' together for that Purpofe, that the King might have * their Anfwer as foon as poffible n . After the Lord- Chancellor had ended his long Ha- rangue, which the Reader will find favours much of the Court-Sycophant, and of worfhiping the rifing Sun, he was feconded by Sir Robert AJbton, the King's Cham- berlain , and Lord High Treafurer of England, who [ 3 2 ^ 1 faid, ' That he had a particular Charge to move to them, from the King, for the Profit of the Realm ; that be- caufe divers Usurpations were by the See of Rome made upon the King, his Crown and Realm, as by par- ticular Bill in this Parliament fhould be declared, he required them to feek Redrefs ; yet the King at the fame Time protefted, that he was ready to do all that he ought to fatisfy his Holinefs about it.' And after the ufual Form of receiving Petitions from the different Parts of the King's Dominions, and appointing the' Tryers of them, the Commons were defired to repair to the Chapter-Houfe QiWeftminfter Abbey, there to treat and advife how a fitting Refiftance might be made againft the Enemies of the Nation, for the Safety of the King, Kingdom, Navy, and themfelves; and how Money might be moft fpeedily raifed with the lead Grievance of the People. Certain Lords, as before, were alfo named, from Time to Time, to confer with the Commons, for their better Direction and Information. The Vox Angeli ad Mcnacbum Rigni Statum deplorantcm, ob extinUam Re- giam Profapiam, Regnum Anglorum eft Regnum Dei, Deus providebic pro fuo Regno. n Abridgment of the Records, An. 51 Edw. IIF. p. 144, &c. Tyrrd obfcrves, that the Prelate had the Addrefs to break off when the Usurpations of the Pope came in Qjjeftion ; and therefore this Part ef the Harangue, relating to Papal Provisions, WHS left to be managed by * Layman, The Parliamentary HISTORV K. EJwanim. The Refult of thefe Confultations was, that, to main* . tain the King's Wars, and the great Charge he would granted, "* be at for them, and the neceflary Defence of the King- dom, the Lords and Commons granted him 4^. by way of Poll from every Perfon of the Kingdom, Male and Female, above fourteen Years of Age, except mere Beggars ; and moft humbly pray'd their Liege Lord, ' That he would pleafe to excufe them that they could * grant him no greater Subfidy, being moft willing to * have done it ; but that they were fo impoverished of ' late by great Lofles at Sea, and otherwife, that they * were not able at prefent to do more. And the Commons prayed the King, * That he would * pleafe to name two Earls and two Barons for his Trea- * furers, as well of this Subfidy, as of that the Clergy * was yet to grant, and alfo of the late Subfidy on Woolls, Pells, and Leather, granted the laft Parliament ; and * that they might be fworn in their Prefence, that what * was received by them fhould wholly be expended upon. * the Wars, and not otherwife; and that the High Trea- * furer of England fhould receive nothing, or any ways- e meddle therein. 327 ] But afterwards, when they had confidered what Sum the Wages of fuch four Treafurers would amount unto by the Year, the Commons departed from this Requeft, and prayed, * That the High Treafurer might be Re- * ceiver, to the Life of the War, in Manner accuftom- ed.' The Commons, in this Parliament, farther befought the King, ' That a Charter lately granted in the Great ' Council, to the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of Petitions of the* the ^ ltv ^ London, upon the Article, That no foreign Commons. ' Merchant ought to fell to another Jlrange Merchant ( any Goods or Merchandize^ to fell again, in Manner as ' in the faid Patent is more fully contained, might be * renewed and granted, as well to other Cities and Bo- * roughs, as to them, with a Charter, or Ciaule of < Confirmation.' The Anfwer to which was no more than, that The King will be farther informed. Which fhews that, for fome Reafom, he did not ihink fit, then, farther to con- firm it. At ^/ENGLAND. 349 At the fame Time the Commons, with the Mayor, K, Edward lilt Aldermen, and Commonalty of the City of London^ petition'd the King, That whereas divers Mifchiefs * often happen'd in the faid City, by reafon the Co- * roner was not punifhable by the Mavor, Aldermen, c and other Officers ; that they might chufe a Coroner * of themfelves, and remove him when they pleas'd, ' as it was pra&ifed in divers Cities and Towns of the ' Land, they anfwering to the King in Manner as ap- 8 pertain'd to the faid Office.' The King's Anfwer was, The King will not depart from bis antient Rights. And they farther petitioned in this Cafe, ' That all * Provifors of Benefices from Rome^ with their Officers ' or Servants, may be put out of the King's Proteo ' tion, if they fue, profecute, or any ways difturb, or * caufe to be excommunicated, the true Patrons.' The Anfwer was, The Pope had promifed Redrefs^ and if he makes it not, the Laws in this Cafe Jhall be in Force. The Commons alfo prayed, ' That whereas, in the ' laft Parliament, by untrue Suggeftions, and without due Procefs, the Lord Latimer, one of the Peers of [ 328 ] ' the Realm, and fufficient to be of the King's Coun- * cil, as well for his Wars as otherwife, was oufted of 4 all his Offices, and difcharged from the King's Privy 'Council; that he may, by Award of this prefent ^jf^jff. 6 Parliament, be reftored to his former Eftate and De- J^ent aglinft ( gree, to the great Profit of the Kingdom/ Accordingly fcveral Perfons, the Sentence againft him and Alice Pierce^ and feveral vcrs'd ia this, others who had been impeached, was revers'd P. Notwithftanding what the prelatical Orator delivered to the Parliament about the King'? Recovery, 'tis plain, from the Record, that he (till lay fick at Sbene, in Sumy; and that on the 22d Day of February , when other Bu- linefs was done, certain of the Bifhops and Lords, with the Chancellor, Treafurer, Keeper of the Privy Seal, and all the Judges, were commanded to attend the King at that Place ; where, in his Prefence, and before the Duke of Lancafter and others of his Council, the Articles of a General Pardon and Grace, which the King had grant- ed to all his Subjects, were rehearfed. After which the further P Tyrrel, upon this Occafion, remarks, That even in thefe early Times one Parliament ofteo acquitted thofc wUwn a former J-.aJ cor.dtran'a. fcr fcefcre, p. 34 a. 350 The Parliamentary HISTORY K, Edward III, further Petitions of the Commons were read, and anfwered by the Kingj which were alfo, the next Day, . read publickly before both Houfes, and fo ended this Parliament. But, before we take a final Leave of this great King and the Parliaments called in his Time, we {hall give what Mr. Prynne (the Publiftier of what is commonly called Cotton's Abridgment] has added as a Remark of fcis own, of which he delires the Reader to take No- tice : ' The Prelates, Dukes, Earls, Barons, Commons, * Citizens, Burgeffes, and Merchants of England., in _. ,. * this Parliament, petition the King, not only Fora The Parliament, D , . ' , r *'+'& j A petition the King "ardon in general, and of all Fines and Amerciaments that no Tax may * before the Jujlices of the Peace, not yet levied in /pedals te impofed but < wn i c h this Abridgment only toucheth, but they likewife by common Al- , / , . . , ,~. LI T> n. / n j fent in full Par- fubjom thereto this memorable Requeir (totally omitted liament. * by the Abridger) which I thought meet here to fup- 4 ply q , That in Time to come your faid Prelates, Earls, * Barons, Commons, Citizens and BurgeJJes of your Realm * 0/" England, may not be henceforth charged, moleftcd, nor 4 grieved to make any common Aid, or fuftain any Charge* '.unlefs it be by common Aflent of the Prelates, Dukes, 4 Lords, and Barons, and other People of the Commons * of your Realm of England, and that in full Parliament; * nor no Impofition put upon their Woolls, Wooll- fells, ' and Leather, or any the antient Cuftom ; That is to ' fay, of one Sack of Wooll Half a Mark, and of three Hundred Wooll-felh Haifa Mark; and of one Lajl of * Skins one Mark of Cujlom only, according to the Statute ' made the i^.th Year of your Reign ; faving to you the 6 Subfidy granted unto you the lajl Parliament for a certain* * Time, and not yet levied. To which lafl Claufe the King then gave this Anfwer: r 229 ] * As to the Claufe, That no Charge be laid upon the ' People without the Commons' Afient ; the King is ' not at all willing to do it, without great Necffity, and ' for the Defence of the Realm, and where he may do * it with Realbn. And as to the Claufe, That Impo- ' fitions be not laid upon their Woolls without Aflent ' of the Prelates, Dukes, Earls, Barons, and other * People of the Commons of this Realm, there is a Sta- 4 tute S From the Parliament-Roll at large of 51 Edward III. N, 45. of ENGLAND. c tute already made, which the King wills that it fhould K Ed-ward lilt * ftand in Force.' Another Affair, which we muft not omit, is, That this is the firft Parliament in which we find a Speaker of the Houfe of Commons exprefly named as fuch ; and Sir THOMAS D* here Sir Thomas de Hungerford, Knt. was appointed HUNGERFORD Speaker by the Evidence of the Record itfelf r . There firft s P~ker of is no Doubt to be made but that, in former Parliaments, c m "j[ e ^ and perhaps in all ever fmce the Commons were call'd Record. to fit there, a public Orator, or one that was chofen by the reft to deliver their Petitions to the King, was elect- ed ; but no one is particularized in the Records, for having that Office, before the laft-named Gentleman ; tho', for the future, the Records go very regularly on in giving us their Names, even down to the prefent Times. We have now brought our Parliamentary Inquiries The Death of to the Period of this King's Reign, who died the 2 ift Day of June, this very Year 1377, in the 65th Year of his Age, and in the 5 ift of his Reign. We (hall not attempt his Character : Let the more general Hiftorians fpeak it. We fhall only remark, that the conftant good Underftanding which he ever kept up with his Parlia- ments, thro' the whole Courfe of a very long Reign, is a fure and certain Proof, that his Conduct was very ac- ceptable to his People s . TAXES in this King's Time. TN his fixth Year he had granted him a Fifteenth J"^ e f nlcd ** [^ from the Counties, and a Tenth from the Cities and Boroughs, for one Year*. In his eighth Year he had the fame, and a Tenth granted by the Clergy 1 . In his tenth Year he had the fame Tax from the Laity and a Sixth from the Clergy '. In r Called in the Record, Monfieur Thomas de Hungerford, Cbmalier', qui avoit Its Paroles pur let Communes d'Angletcrre en ctft Parlement, Sec, Rot. Parl. 51 Edtu. III. NO. 87. This King built the Chapel of St. Stephen's, in the Palace of Wifl- minfter, and made it a College. At the Reformation it was diilblved, and has been ever fmce made Uie of as the Houfc for the Commons to mc:t fa. t - 2 We Parliamentary HISTORY K. <&?*/ 1IL In his eleventh Year he had a Three-years Tenth gi- ven him by the Clergy in Convocation, a Three- years Tenth given him by the Citizens and Burgefles in Par- liament; and alfo a Three years Fifteenth, to maintain the War then begun with France, and to pay the Ger- tnans, Brabanters, and other Confederates on the Bor- t 33 J ders of Germany, againft the King of France w . The next Year, in order to carry on the War againft Prance the more vigoroufly, the Laity gave the King one Half of their Woolls, &e. * In his thirteenth Year the Great Men gave him the tenth Sheaf of all Manner of Grain of their Dcmefne Lands, except of their Bond Tenants, with the tenth Fleece and the tenth Lamb * : Then a Parliament was fummoned to meet eight Days after St. Hilary, or 2oth of January, in which the Commons gave the King 30,000 Sacks of Wooll z . In his fourteenth Year the Prelates, Earls, Barons, for themfelves and their Tenants, the Knights of Coun- ties for themfelves and the Commons of the Land, granted to the King the ninth Sheaf, Fleece, and Lamb; but the Cities and Burgefles gave the Ninth of all their Goods, according to the true Value, for two Years next coming; and thofe that lived not in Cities and Boroughs, nor lived upon Tillage or Shop- Trades, paid the fif- teenth Part of all their Goods, according to the true Va- lue *. Upon the King's writing to the Parliament for fpeedy Supply, feeing the Ninths could not be levied Time enough for his Service, the Lords and Commons agreed to have 20,000 Sacks of Wooll fpeedily provided. The Clergy, in their Convocation, Oftober i, this Year, granted a triennial Tenth, and that the firft Year Jhould be paid in much lefs Time than ufual b . f . ; In his fifteenth Year the Ninths were revoked, in re- fpedr. of this Grant of 20,000 Sacks of Wooll c . In his eighteenth Year the Clergy of the Province of Canterbury granted aThree yearsTenth, and the Knights of Counties gave two Fifteenths, and two Tenths of Cities * Ad, Mur. ad Annum 1337* * See p. 34 S. y Rot. Pad. 13 Ed-ward lU. Parti. N. 5. * Ibid. Part II. N. 5, 6, 7. a Ibid. 14 Edward III. Part I. NO. $, 6, 7. b Ibid. Part II. N. 9, 10. Knygbttn, col. 2576. e IM. 15 Edward III. N. 5, 6. ^ENGLAND. 353 Cities and Boroughs; and afterwards the Commons K, EJward HI, granted another Fifteenth. The Lords promifed to go with the King in Perfon, arid therefore gave nothing*. In his twentieth Year the Commons granted two Fifteenths, to be levied in two Years, in Cities, Bo- roughs, and antient Demefnes, as alfo of the Commons of the Counties ; fo that, if within that Time the French War fhould ceafe, the latter Fifteenth mould ceafe alfo b . In his two-and-twentieth Year the Commons grant- [ 331 J ed three Fifteenths, to be levied in three Years, fo as one Fifteenth was to be levied in each Year, and no more c . In his five and fix and twentieth Years the Great Men of the Realm and the Commonalty granted the King three Tenths, and three Fifteenths, to be paid in three Years d . In his feven-and- twentieth Year the King made it his Requeft, That the Prelates, Great Men, and Com- mons, would grant him the Subfidy of Wooll-fells and Leather, for fome Time ; to which Prayer they unani- moufly confented, and granted that Subfidy in Manner as it had been received before that Time for three Years to come e . In his nine- and -twentieth Year the Commons came into the Prefence of the King, Prelates, and Great Men, aflembled in the White Chamber, and having there a Ihort Conference with the Great Men, granted unani- moufly the Subfidy on Wooll, Leather, and Wooll-fells for fix Years next coming, 50*. on each Sack, fo as, during that Time, no other Impofitions or Charges be put upon the faid Commons f . Jn his thirty-fixth Year the Great Men and Com- mons granted unto the King, of every Sack of Wooll tranfported, 20 s. of every three hundred Wooll-fells, 20 s, and of every Laft of Leather, 40 *. befides the an- tient Cuftom of Half a Mark a Sack of all Denizens, and 10 s. for Strangers; Half a Mark for every three VOL. I. Z hundred Rot. Parl. 18 Edto. III. NO. 9, 10, Hid. zi Edto. III. NO. ii. Ibid. 22 Edto. 111. NO. 4. Ibid. ^6 Ed. III. Part I. NO. 9, 10; Ibid. ^^ Ed-w. III. N. 31. f Ibid. tqEdw. HI. NO. ii. Parliamentary HISTORY" Kt Edward III, hundred Wooll-fells of Denizens, and xox. of Strangers J and one Mark for every Laft of Leather of Denizens^ and 20 J. of Strangers, for three Years g . In his forty-fecond Year the Prelates and Great Men, having had full Deliberation with the Commons, grant- ed the Subfidy on Wooll, Wooll-fells, and Leather, for two Years ; of every Sack of Wooll, and every twelve [ 332 ] Score of Wooll-fells, 36 j. 8^. of every Laft of Leather, 4/. befides the antient Cuftoms as before h . In his forty-third Year the Lords and Commons granted to him the Subfidy as above for three Years ; of every Sack of Wooll, 43 f. \d. which patted beyond Sea; of every twelve Score of Wooll-fells as much ; and of every Laft of Leather, 4/. befides the antient Cuftom; of Strangers, for every Sack of Wooll, four Marks j of every twelve Score of Wooll-fells, four Marks ; and of every Laft of Leather, eight Marks, befides the antient Cuftom *. In his forty-fifth Year the Great Men and Commons granted a Subfidy of 50,ooo/. to be levied of every Pa- rilh of the Land 22 s. $d. fo as the Parishes of greater Value fhould contribute rateably to thofe of lefs Value k . This 22 s. "$d. anfwered not the Sum of 50,000 /. and therefore not long after, at Winchejler^ the Great Men and Commons granted nos. out of every Parifh, the 22 s. 3*r Acre. Twenty Acres of Pafture, each at i d. Fourteen Acres of Meadow, each at 4 d. Eighteen Acres of Arable, each at 3 d. Twenty-feven Acres of Arable, each at 4-d. Two Acres of Meadow, each at lod. A Cock i d. Three Hens 4 d. From hence we may fee that we can make no certain Computation from the Rate of Acres, becaufe of the Difference of the Ground w * In 1336 there was fuch Plenty of Corn and Scarcity of Money, fays Knygbton, that Wheat was fold at Lon- don, by the Quarter, at 2 s. A fat Ox, at 6 s. 8 d. And, Fabian adds, for a fat Sheep 6d. and at moft Sd. Six Pigeons id. A fat Goofe, at 2 d. A Pig i d. And all other Victuals after the fame Rate, occafioned by the King's gathering up all the Money he could get, to carry on his Wars in France and Scotland. C 334 3 * n '33^ Wheat fold, per Quarter, at 3*. 4^. Bar- ley, at lod. Peafe and Beans, the Quarter, at i s. Oats, the Quarter, at lod. In 1339 feveral Undertakers promifed to deliver at the Town of Berwick, and in Leith Road, 10,000 Quarters of Wheat and Malt, each Quarter at 9 /. Oats, Beans, and Peafe, each Quarter at 5 s. This was a high Pr\ce * ; for an old Hiftorian tells us that this fame Year a Quarter of Wheat was fold for 40 d. and fometimes lefs j Barley, lod. Beans and Peafe, at 12^. and Oats, at iod. But the Conveyance raifed the Price y. In 1343 two Oxen, Price of each 8/. In 1344 one Cow fold at 5* z . In 1348, in the Time of the Peftilence, Things were fold almoft for nothing. A Horfe worth 40 s. was fold for 6s. %d. A good fat Ox at 45. A Cow at is. Aii Heifer, or Steer, at 6d. A fat Mutton, at $d. An Ewe, at 3 was fold at il. 6s. 8d'. In 1361 Wheat fo cheap, that a Quarter was fold at 2 1 . Two Hens for i d. b In 1363 a Widow paid four Hens, or in Money %d. Twelve Hogs at iSs. each Hog at is. 6d e . Yet Wheat was fo dear, fays Walfmgham> that a Quarter was fold at 15*. d In 1369, Walfmgham fays, there was fuch a Dearth, that Wheat was fold at I /. 4*. According at 1 1. Barley at i6s. ^d. Oats at 8x. 73 ICHdR D the Second began his Reign June 21, K. Richard II, ** in the Year 1377, he being then eleven Years of Age, and, on July 16, was folemnly crowned at Weft- I 335 J minjler. This Prince was the Son of Edward the Black Prince^ and was born at Bourdeaux in France ; 1366$ his Mother was Joan 9 Daughter of the Earl of Kent 9 call'd, for her exquifite Beauty, The fair Maid 0/"Kent. The young King's Uncles were, at that Time, John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancajier j Edmond of Langley^ Earl of Cambridge^ and afterwards Duke of York j and Thomas of Woodjhck) afterwards Duke of Glouce/ier, all the late King's Sons then living. But of thefe the Duke of Lancajier was the Chief; who, as he had managed the Government during the Incapacity of the old King, hoped, by proper Meafures, to continue the fame Sway in the Mincricy of the prefent. On the 4th of AuguJI^ the fame Year,. Writs were A Parliament ifTued out for the calling a Parliament to meet fifteen called u P n his Days after Michaelmas. ^ t n l * dnt'tj. Bn'tan. If Dugdalis Merajt. Vol. II. ' Bp. Kennel's Paroch. /tntiqtiit, See alfo Bp. Flett-uwd's (JbronKen Prt( } .^.in t d See p, 295, 315, Note *. , Lord John Ferrars, by, Lord Thomas Roos, of Hamlake, Lord Richard de Stafford, Lord ^-g The parliamentary HISTORY jt, Ricbard II. The following were the Peers fummoned to thisfrjl Par- liament d . ftnnoRegni it tyOHN King of Caftile I377 ' J and Leon, Duke of faWeftminfter. Lancafler, &c. Edmond&ttl of Cambridge, Richard Earl of Arundele, Thomas of Wood/lock, Earl of Buckingham and Con- ftable of England. Edward Mortimer, Earl of March, Thomas Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, Hugh Earl of Stafford, Gilbert Umfrevile, Earl of Angus, William Ufford, Earl of Sa/c/*, William Montacute, Earl of Salijbury, Henry Percy, Earl of North- umberland, John Mowbray, Earl of Nottingham, Cuifchard Earl of Hunt- ingdon, Lord James Audky, ofHe- leigh, Lord William Latimer, Lord William Bardolf, of Wormegah, Lord Ralph Bajyet, of Draiton, Lord Gy <& Brian, Lord jRc^r *& Beauchamp, Lord ^o^ ^ Clinton, Lord Gilbert Talbot, Lord William de Bortreaux, Lord y^w ^ /# /^j r -,6 I Lord Henry Scrape, Lord John Nevile, Lord Henry Grey, o Lord Reginald Grey, of jR//;/ff, Lord Nicholas Burnel, Lord William le Zouch, de Harringworth, Lord Roger Clifford, Lord Almaric, de StAmand, Lord 7 and > fallin S u P n his Knees before King's u'ncle, the King, humbly prayed his Majefty to hear him a complains of the little in a weighty Caufe which greatly concerned him- is felf ; and faid ' That thou g h the Commons had cho- ' fen him for one of the Lords to commune with them ' on the Matters in the Charge, yet he defired his Ma- ' jefty to excufe him, for that the Commons had fpo- ' ken ill of him; urging, that he had committed ma- ' nifeft Treafon, if their Report, which God forbid, ' was true. That he had been always careful to guard ' himfelf againft any fuch Imputations, as it was no- * torioufly known that none of his Anceftors, of one ' Side or other, was ever a Traitor, but always firm and g Pur farduite tie lour' Charge, tt h Fcobkfce de lours Pojirs et fcnt, .Rot, Parl. j Ricb.ll. No. II, of ENGLAND. 361 * and loyal, as it was a marvellous Thing he (hould K Kidard II, c deviate from the Line, fmce he had more to lofe * than any other Man in the Kingdom : That if any * Man, of what Eftate and Condition foever he was, * fliould be fo bold as to lay Treafon, or other Difloy- * alty to his Charge, or any other Thing done by him * prejudicial to the Kingdom, he was ready to defend * himfelf by his Body, or otherwife, as the King and * Lords fliould award, as if he was the pooreft Knight * Batchelorofthe Realm. The Duke having ended his Speech, the Bifliops and Debate thcio all the Lords flood up, and with one Voice defired and upon * prayed him that he would leave off fuch Difcourfes* for they thought no Man living would fay any fuch Things of him. The Commons alfo faid, in their own Defence, ' That it was apparent and notorious * they thought him free from all Blame and Defamation, ' and had given an evident Proof of it in chufing * him to be their principal Aider, Comforter, and Coun- ' fellor in this Parliament ; praying, with one Voice, to * have themfelves cleared from fuch Reports/ The Duke replied again, c That the Words had [ 339 ] * been long, tho' falfely, fpread about the Kingdom ; * and that he wondered much how any Man could or * would begin, or continue fuch Slanders, for the Dif- * grace and Danger that might from thence enfue. * Becaufe the firft Inventor of fuch Speeches, by which e Debate might arife between the King and the Peers 'of the Land, was a manifeft Traitor; lince fuch ' Debates .-might turn to the Deftruction of the whole * Kingdom. He therefore prayed that a good Al, or c Ordinance, might be provided in this Parliament, and * a juft and fpcedy Punifhment affigned to all the In- * ventors of fuch evil Reports, for the preventing the * Danger of them for the Time to come : And as to ' himfelf, he declared that for what was paft all {hould ^ be forgiven.' After thefe Altercations were thus ended, the Com- mons went upon Bufmefs j and Sir Peter de la Mare h , Knight h Called, in the Records, Mcnfieur Peres de la Mare. This Sir Pierce, or Peter de la Mare, had been rcleafed fome Time before out of Nottingham Caftle, after a long Confinement, forfpeaking his Mind too fre'ely in the laft Reign in Parliament, againft Alice Pierce, Edward the Third's Mi- Artfs. 5/cwe's Cbron, p. 178, See before, p. 312, 343. 3 6 2 75k Parliamentary Hi s T OR Y K, JR/VW II. Knight of the Shire for Herefordjhire> being chofeit Speaker of the Commons, made a Proteftation and faid, ' That what he had to declare was from their whole *' Body; and therefore required that if he (hould happen < to fpeak any Thing without their Confents, that it * ought to be amended before his Departure from the eka SrSr". * faid Place - He commended the Feats of Chivalry here- pr LA MARE tofore praclifed, for which this Nation was fo renown as their Speaker, c e( ]. anc j f a jd t hat, by the Decay of the fame, the Name, m propTfe. ' Honour of the Realm did and would daily decreafe. feverai Regula- * That whereas Merchant's were Matters of their own tions in the Go- < Ships, and had the free Difpofition of them, yet, for- vcrnment. , merly, one Town had more good Ships than the ' whole Nation at this Time.' He therefore prayed ' that, * Becaufe the King was then very young and of ' tender Age, for the Amendment of feverai Errors in I 34 3 ' ^ e Government, and the Prefervation of the Realm, which was at that Time in greater Danger than ever, * the King and Lords of Parliament would confider * more efpecially of three Things ; * Fir ft) That they would in thatParliament name and * appoint fevenfufficierstPerfons 1 , ofthedifferentEftates, * to be continual Counfellors to the King for the Affairs * of the Realm, along with the King's other State Oifi- * cers j and that they might be fuch Perfons as beft * knew how to avert impending Dangers, and would * diligently attend to their Charge, for the good Go- * vernment and Prefervation of the Realm ; and that 6 the Commons might know the Names of thofe Coun- e fellors, who alfo might be the Agents and Dire&ors * of what Money was to be given for the Wars. ' Secondly^ That they would pleafe to name and c appoint thofe that were to be about the King's Per- * fon, who were to be Men of virtuous and honeft * Converfation, that they might educate him according- * ly ; and that the Charge of the King's Houfhold might * be borne by the Revenues of the Crown, fo that what * was granted to the Wars might be expended that * Way only. ' Thirdly, That the common Law and other Sta- * tutes and Ordinances of the Land might be obferved, 4 ratified, and confirmed, and the People governed by 4 them ; i Sept fi'fffantc Perfons. Record. of ENGLAND. 363 * them ; and that they might not be defeated by the K. Risbard II, Singularity of any about the King; faving, however, * in all Things, the Regalities and Dignity of the King, * to which the Commons would have no Prejudice done * any Way by their Demands. The Anfwer which was given to thefe Petitions was, c That the Prelates and Lords would advife together,' commanding the Commons, in the mean while, to re- turn to their Places. The firft Requeft of the Commons being recited be- fore the King and Lords, was by them granted j yet fo as the Chancellor, Treafurer, and Keeper of the Privy-Seal, Juftices of one Bench and the other, and all other Officers of the Realm, might execute their Offices, without the Prefence of thofe Counfellors, who, by Advice of the Lords, were then appointed to be nine * 34 1 J in Number, viz. the Bifhops of London, Carlijle^ and A Council ap- Sali/bury, the Earls of March and Stafford^ Sir Rhbard^iMeA during de Sta/ord, and Sir Henry le Scrope, Bannerets; Sir|K t Kin *' s *** 'John Devereux, and Sir Hugh Segrave, Knights Batche- n r lors ; who, being thus choien in Council for this Year, were fworn before the King himfelf to do what they were chofen for, in the Prefence of divers Lords in Par- liament. As to the fecond Requeft, for the naming and affign- ing fuch as (hould be about the King's Perfon, the Lords of Parliament anfwer'd, ' That it feemed to them, for many Caufes, too heavy and hard a Requeft k to place any Perfon about the King that fhould not be accept- able to him ; or to remove any Officer, or Servant, if it were not by his exprefs Will, and for fome notable Fault to be proved againft fuch Officers and Servants ; wherefore the Lords would not willingly meddle with thefe Matters. To the other Part of this Requeft the Lords anfwer*. ed, ' That they would take good Deliberation, and fpeak with the Great Officers of the King's Houfhold about it ; and if, by their Advice, it could be done, faving the State and Honour of the King, what they defired fliould be performed.' As for the third Petition, it feemed reafonable to all the Lords that it (hould be granted. ^ Then k Trcf Cbargeant & dure Rejuffte. Record. 364 *tt>e Parliamentary HISTORY H. RictarJ If. Then the Lords and Commons, (perceiving the im- minent Danger the Nation was in, by reafon of the great Wars both by Sea and Land) for the Defence of the Kingdom, and Refiftance of its great Enemies, granted A Subfidy grant- * ne ^' n g two Fifteenths without Cities and Boroughs, ed, and two Tenths within Cities and Boroughs, for two Years 1 '; praying the King, that as well the Money of the* faid Tenths and Fifteenths, as the Tenths granted by the Clergy, and Money of the Subfidy of Wooll, might be in the Keeping of efpecial Treafurers by his own Appointment, which were William Wai- worth and John Philpot, Merchants of London^ who were to give an Account of their Receipts and Difburfe- ments, in Manner as the King and Council fhould order. t 34 2 3 In this Parliament Alice Pierce^ or, as in the Record, t Kin ^^ tte Pe rr '* rs > the late King's Miftrefs, was brought Miftrefs C fent n e n- before the Lords, and accufed of procuring a Pardon'for cedtobebanifh- Richard Lyon, (who, in the 5 Richard II. All other Apprentices of lefs Eftate, and Attorneys, each 6*. S d. Tne Mayor of London fhall pay as an Ear!, 4/. [ 347 J The Aldermen of London^ each as a Baron, 40 y. All other Mayors of great Towns in England, each as a Baron, 40 s. Other Mayors of fmaller Towns, according to the Value of their Eftate, 20 s. IQS. or 6s. 8 d. And all Jurats of good Towns, and great Merchants of the Realm, fhall pav as Batchelors, each 20 s. Other fufEcient Merchants, 8 s. ^d. All lefler Merchants, and Artificers, Hufbandmen, or who live upon Tillage according to the Value of their Eftate, 4*. 8 d. 3*. ^d. 2s. is. or 6 d. Every Serjeant and Freeman of the Country, accord- ing to their Eftate, 6 s. 8 d. or 40 d. The Farmers of Manors, Parfonages, and Granges, Merchants of Beafts, and other Buyers and Sellers, ac- cording to their Eftate, 6^. 8 d. 40^. 2s. or 12 d. All Advocates, Notaries, and Proctors, who are mar- ried, lhall pay as Serjeants of the Law, and Appren- tices of the Law, and Attorneys, each according to their Eftate, 40 s. 20 s. or 6s. 8 d. Apparitors that are married, according to their Eftate, 3 s. 4 d. 2s. or 12 d. All Inn-keepers that have not the Eftate of a Mer- chant, fhall pay according to his Eftate, 40 d. 2s. or 12 d. Every married Man, for himfelf and his Wife, that have not the Eftates above-named, and above the Age offixteen, except very Beggars, 4^. And every Man and Woman unmarried, of fuch an Eftate, and above the Age aforefaid, 4 d. Alfo every ftrange Merchant, of what Condition fo- ever, fhall pay according to his Ability, as other De- nizens. Walfmgbam and Knygbton f alfo tell us, That the Clergy were not exempt from this Tax, but, according to their own Cuftom, taxed themfelves very high, viz. every Archbifhop, Bifhop, and Mitred Abbot, as much as VOL. I. A a a f Sub boc^Anno. The Clergy, Walfingbam writes, were taxed, accord- ing to their Abilities, down to Simplex CafellaiiHt, a Chantry. Prieft, be Parliamentary HISTORY "K. Richard II. a Baron i every Abbot was to pay forty Pence for each r o -I 34 * Monk in his Monaftery ; and the Beneficed Clergy fix Shillings and Eight-pence. All which together muft needs amount to a vaft Sum, tho* how it was difpofed of is hard to tell ; for we do not find that the warlike Preparations, at that Time, either by Sea or Land, were any ways adequate to fo great a Tax g . Anno Regni , Another Parliament was fummoned to meet the fame i37 8 - Year, but now the fecond of this King, on the 20th of AtC/oucejler. Oftober, at Gloucejler h . Tyrrel fuppofes that this Place was pitched upon, becaufe the Duke of Lancajler had been greatly difpleafed with the Londoners ; but tho' this Parliament met on the Day appointed, yet no Bu- fmefs was begun 'till the Day following. When, being all afiembled, the King, with his three Uncles, of Lan- cafter, Cambridge^n& Buckingham, the two Archbifhops, Prelates, Lords, and Commons, in the Great Hall of the Abbey of Gloucejler^ which, as theRecord fays, was fitted up, apparelled, and adorned, for that Purpofe, the JBifhop of St. Davids', then Lord Chancellor ', declared the Caufe of the Summons to be, Firft, For the Liberties of the Church, the Main- * tenance of the Laws and Obfervations of the Peace. ' Next, Becaufe it had been enadled, that a Parliament fhould be holden once a Year k . Thirdly, Becaufe that * his Majefty defired to fee and confult with fo honour- ' able an Aflembly, as was there gathered in God's * Name, and he commended Unity and Concord a- * mongft them according to the Refemblance of the * Church. Another great Caufe was, that the King, * being left in the Midft of great Wars, could neither ' endure 5 The Noble Hiflorian, before quoted, fays that the Privileges of the Sanfiuary at Wcftvrinfter were regulated in this Parliament ; for whereas, before, a great Number of Perfons, when they got in Debt, would flicker themfelves and wafte, in Revelling and Debaucheries, their Revenues, which could not be touched for their juft Debts, to the great Prejudice of their Creditors ; it was ordained, that if, upon Proclamation made, they fhould not furrender themfelves, then their Goods fhould be fold and their Lands extended, wherever found, 'till their Debts were fatisfied. The Life and Reign of Richard II. by a Petfon of Duality, p. z. See alfo Sam. Daniel in Kennet\ HiA. of England, p. 242. h It may bedifputed whether this Parliament was a new one, or onlyi Prorogation of the laft ; becaufe, on the Rolls, this ij called far fecunda, i Dr. Adam Hwgbton. Le Neve's Fafti ce, rfng, k Serroit ttnux Chtcun dn t Record, gf ENGLAND. 37l 5 endure nor maintain the fame without their Aid and K. Ri'cbarJ II, Afliftance. That fmce the great Mifchief and Da- ' mage done by the Scots, about Roxborougb, tho' the * Truce ftill fubfifted, they had allied themfelves with ' France againft England, in order to annoy us : All r ._ * * which required their utmoft Confideration to prevent. 3 * 9 4 He reminded them of two Evils, Firft, That the Law * of the Land and the Law of Arms do not concur to- * gether ; and, with certain Similitudes, required them, c of thofe two Laws, to make a Relative, fo as each * may ftand with the other. The next was to provide * a Remedy againft Back-biters ! , Slanderers, and Sow- * ers of Difcord between Nobles,Gentlemen, and Neigh- * bours ; which Kind of Men he refembled to Dogs < that devour raw Flefti, fince they eat and confume ' living Men. For all which Enormities he wifhed * them to feek Redrefs ; and to be there the next Day * by Eight o'Clock, to hear further Declarations ; and * directed the Commons to confult in the Chapter- Houfe of the Abbey aforefaid m .' The next Day Sir Richard le Scrape, then Steward of the Houftiold, enlarged upon the Caufes of calling this Parliament, and, excufmg his own Inability, told the Prelates, Lords, and Commons, as the Chancellor had faid, * That the Nation was encompafled with Enemies, which daily increafed. That the Ports of Cberburgh and Brejt, which of a long Time had been, in the Hands of the Englijh, befides, Calais, Bour- deaux, and Bayonne, with the adjacent Territories, were very chargeable to maintain, fmce Calais, with its Marches or Limits about it, flood the King to more than 24,000 /. every Year, Breft 12,000 Marks, and the other three Places according to the fame Rate/ We now come to the third Inftance on Record, where a Speaker of the Houfe of Commons is exprefly named as fuch, and recognized by the King in fome- what the fame Form as is done at this Day : For im- mediately after the Chancellor and Sir Richard le Scrope I 35 J had ended their Harangues, Sir "James Pickering, having Sir JAM been eleded Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, A a 2 with, 1 This Word is not French, being called Backbyten in the Record, "> Le Maifon de Cbaftfrt dt It Grant Clojftre dt V&e Parliamentary HISTORY K. Richard II. with the whole Body of them before the King, Prelate?, and Lords, in Parliament, and there made Proteftatiorr, as well for the whole Commons of England, as for him- felf, to this Effect, Hs Protection, Firft, Ifhe.jhould utttr any Thing to the Prejudice, ' Damage, Slander, or Difgract of the King or his Crown, or in lejjening the Honour or Eftates of the great Lords, it might not be taken Notice of by the King ; and that the Lords would pafs it by, as if nothing had been faid n ; for the Commons highly defired to maintain the Honour and EJiate of the King, and the Rights of the Crown, as alfs to preferve the Reverence due to the Lords in all Points. Then, as for his own Perfon, he made Protejlation, that if, by Indifcretion, he [poke any Thing by common AJjent of his Fellow Membe'S, it might, either then or afterwards^ be amended by them. He then rehearfed, briefly, the Articles given them in Charge : * And firft, as to the Liberties and Fran- * chifes granted to Holy Church, and for the King's e Promife of entirely preferving the good Laws and * Cuftoms of his Kingdom, and punifhing fuch as fhould c act againft them ; the Commons humbly thanked him * with their whole Hearts, kneeling upon the Ground, * and .praying God they might be put in due Execution. - 'That, as to the Aid the King demanded of his Com- * mons for the Defence and Safety of his Kingdom, and * for the Safeguard of his Lordfhips, Lands, Towns, and ' Forts beyond Sea, and toward his Wars, the Com- c mons faid, That in the laft Parliament, in his firft C 351 ] ' Year, the fame Things were (hewn unto them in Be- ' half of the King, at which Time they anfwer'd, it was ' apparent the King had not fo great Need for an Aid, And Remon- ' ^ eem g he had in his Hands the Priories Alien, the Sub- flrance upon the * fidies of Wooll, the Revenues of the Crown, the Lands State of the Na- < o f the Prince his Father, and many other great Lord- * fhips, by the Non-age of the Heirs of them ; and that c there- n Et primerment, pur la dite Commune, ejueji per cat il y difl Cbofes qut purreitfoner en Prejudice, Damage, Efclander, ou Villaine de no/Ire Seigneur h Roy, cu defa Corcne, ou en /Intent ifement del Hontr et Efla'e des Grants, Seigiieurs du Roialm. que ce ne ftuft accepter par le Roy, et let Seigneurs elm tenux pur nul, ccme Rein nen ejle diEl. Rot. Parl. z Rich. II. NO. 16. This is the firft Proteftaticn. of the Speaker of the Houfe of Commons, that is on Record% of ENGLAND. 373 6 therefore they ftill conceiv'd there muft be great Plenty &* Rkbard rf. ' of Money in the Treafury .' To this the King's Council in Parliament then an- fwered, ' That the late Charge of the Coronation had * been very great, and that the Money upon thofe Funds ' they mentioned came in very flowly, nor could they be ' collected foon enough for an Expedition that Year ; and * it was then further propofed, That it the Commons * would furnifh the King with a great Sum of Money ' to make fuch an Expedition as might be for the De- ftruclion of his Enemies, they (the Council) hoped ' he might have fufficient hereafter, from Time to Time, * to maintain the War, and defend the Kingdom with- * out them.' To this the Commons replied, * That, in Hopes of * that Promife to'be difcharged of all Tallages for a long ' Time, they had granted a greater Sum than had ever * been given to any King to be levied in fo ftiort a Time; * and that, all Things confiderjd, it feem'd to the Com- * mons that there muft needs be a great Sum in the ' Treafury, befides what had been expended in the laft 4 Voyage ; fo that the King had no Need to charge the * Commons, who were in a lower Condition than ever, * by reafon of that Payment, and alfo by the Murrain ' among their Cattle, and their Enemy's Burnings and ' Depredations upon the Sea Coafts ; that their Corn * and Cattle were at fo low a Rate, that no Money ' could be raifed at prefent; whereupon they prayed the * King to excufe them, as not being able to bear any * further Charge of mere Poverty. To all which Sir Richard le ' Scrape replied, by ma- king Proteftation, ' That he knew of no fuch Promife * made by the King in the laft Parliament; and faving * the Honour and Reverence due to the King and Lords, what the Commons faid was not true?; and as to the [ 352 ] * Subfidy laft granted, that a great Part of it was ftill 4 in the Treaiury ; to wit, of the two Fifteenths and * two Tenths : But as to the Wooll that had been gi- ' ven in that Parliament, he vouched the Teftimony of ' William JValwortb and "John Philpot^ who, by their ' Confent, were appointed Receivers of the fame, that A a 3 ' every o Bien graete Pknte dt Monoyc en le Treforie, Record, Tf ATe tent lent le Veri'.e t Ibid, 3 A The Parliamentary HISTORY ni'-Rubari II. every Penny thereof was expended upon the War, and that none of it came to the High-Treafurer of England, 'Or any other, to the Ufe of the King : That the Re- venues of the Crown, confidering the Annuities and * other Charges upon them, granted by his Father and * Grandfather, werefo fmall, that, without the Cuftoms ' of Wooll, and Lands of the Priors Aliens, the Ho- < nour and Eftate of the King could not be maintained ; ' and therefore -they were to know that, according to * Reafon, they ought to relinquifh their Complaint. Whereupon the Commons, after a fhort Delibera- tion, made it their Requeft to the King, ' That he ' would pleafe to {hew them how, and in what Manner c the great Sums given for the War had been expended ; * and alfo that he would pleafe to let them know the Names of fuch as fhould be the Great Officers of the * Kingdom, and who were to be his Counfellors and * Governors of his Perfon (being yet of tender Age) 6 for the next Year, as it had been before ordained in * Parliament. To which it was anfwered on Behalf of the King, by the faid Sir Richard^ ' That tho' there never was any * Account yet given of Subfidies, or any other Grants * made in Parliament, or out of Parliament, to the * Commons, or any other, but to the King and his Of- c ficers ; yet that the King willed and commanded of c his own Motion, to pleafe the Commons, (not that it * was of Right for him fo to do, or that he was obliged e to it, only by reafon of the Requeft now made) that * William Walwortb, then prefent, with fome of his * Council, afligned thereunto by him, fhould, in Wri- * ting, clearly (hew them the Receipts and Expences, * fo as it fhould not be drawn into an Example for the c future. * As to the Officers, the King had caufed them to be I 353 3 ' chofen by the Advice of the Lords ; and as to his 4 Counfellors, they fhould be fuch as pleafed him, whofc * Names he would (hortly give them in Writing. ' That the King not only commanded them, but all c the Lords there prefent defired, that having due Con- * fideration of the great and apparent Dangers on all ' Sides, they would provide for the Defence of the ' Kingdom ; which not only concerned the King, but all of ENGLAND. 375 e all and every one of them, and therefore to confider K Ricbard H. * how the War might be maintained ; and that they ' would give as fpeedy an Anfwer as they could, that this Parliament might have an End, and a good Effe&j ' for the Eafe of the King, the Lords, and themfelves, v * as alfo for the Profit of the Kingdom, and Difcharge 4 of the poor Commons, their Conftituents, who, every * Day, paid their Expences during the Parliament. This was one of the principal Charges given the firft Day : Another was, * That if any Fault was found in any ' Part of the Kingdom, or Government, in the Laws, ' or any other Manner, that they would bring in their * Petitions concerning it, and they {hould have due Re- ' medy. Then the Commons defired * To have a Time li- petitions of the ' mited to bring in their common Bills, or Petitions j Commons, and and that it might be prolonged to the Feaft of All- * Souls next coming. Alfo the Commons prayed the King c To have a c Copy of the Enrolment of the Subfidy of Fifteenths * and Tenths, as they had been entered upon the Roll * of Parliament, for them to advife upon ; and this was * granted at the King's Pleafure, and not upon their ' Requeft. They prayed likewife, ' That five or fix Prelates ' and Lords might come to the Commons, to treat with ' them about their Charge j but the Lords anfwered, * They neither ought, nor would do it in that Manner, ' which had never been feen but in the three laft Par- * liaments ; for the Cuftom was for the Lords to chufe ' a fmall Number of fix or ten, and the Commons as * many of themfelves, to treat together without Noife ; * and then report what they, had done to their Com- 4 panions, of one Part, and the other; and according [ ' to this Method the Lords would a6l, and no otherwife. To this the Commons afiented to proceed as had an- tiently been ufed. After the Commons had feen and examined the En- rolment, Receipts, and Expences, they were well fa- tisfied with them, as being honourable for the King and Kingdom ; and only faid, ' That 46,000 /. which was * expended in keeping feveral Countries, Places, and * Fortreffes, as the Marches of Calais, Brejl, and Chard II. i /. 6 s, 8 d. Alfo they gave 6 d. in the Pound for every Pound Value of Merchandize, as well of Denizens as Strangers, both imported and exported, for one Year. Laftly, the Commons prayed the King, ' That good and fufficient Perfons might be appointed to be Trea- furersof the Monies raifed by thefe Grants, in the Man- ner as it heretofore has been done by Parliament ; and alfo that he would, for the Love of God, excufe his poor Commons that they could not at prefent grant him a greater Aid ; for that they had been much weakened and impoveriflied, as well by Peftilence as by the Wars ; their Cattle had been deftroyed by the Murrain ; the Corn and other Fruits of the Earth had in Part failed, and what was got would not give any Price ; yet, fuch was the Good-will they bore to their Sovereign Lord, that they fhould be ready to ferve him, when required, as well in Perfon as otherways/ Many other Tranfaclions pafied in this Parliament, which are too long to infert j we fhall only take Notice of two, which are, firft, Sir William Windfor and Alice his Wife, formerly Alice Perriers, or Alice Pierce^ petitioned the King and Parliament, That the Judgment againft her, given in the laft, might be revoked, and they authorized to purfue the Reverfal of it, by their Attornies, in due Form. Granted, The next was, That it feems, at this Time, there was a terrible Schifm in the Church of Rome, and two Popes were elected to fit in the Papal Chair, Urban VI. and Clement VII. It being then more for thelntereft of this Kingdom to fide with the former than the latter, as may be feen in our larger Hiftorians, it was enacted in this Parliament, That Pope Urban was the true and lawful Pope duly elected j and that the Benefices of all fuch Cardinals and others, who were Rebels to the faid Pope, fhould be feized into the King's Hands, and he to be anfwerabie for the Profits thereof: And that who- foever, within this Realm, fhould procure or obtain any Provifion, or other Inftrument, from any other Pope than the faid Urban, fhall be out of the King's Protec- tion, and his Goods and Chattels feized on as forfeited r . As this is the firft Inftance, fo we prefume it will be the la/1, r Rot, Parl, Rich. II. Pars fecur.da, N. 36 et 7?. 2 7 8 *The Parliamentary Hi s T OR Y K, Richard II. Jaft, that ever the Election of a Pope of Rome {hall be recognized and declared lawful by an Englijb Parlia- ment. Anno Re ni 3 Writs for a new Parliament went out, dated the 20th 1380. ' of Oftober this Year, to meet on the I4th of 'January next, being the Monday after the Feaft of St. Hilary, at Weflminjler* : But, by reafon of the great Rains that had fallen, feveral Lords were not yet come up, nor feveral Sheriffs returned their Writs ; whereupon the Parlia- ment was adjourned to the next Day : On which, the King, Bifhops, Lords, and Commons, being aflembled in the Painted Chamber ', the Kinghts, Citizens, and BurgefTes were called over ; and then Sir Richard le Scrape, Chancellor of England, by the King's Command, declared the Caufe of the Summons to this Effect u : ' Firjl, For the Liberties of the Church, the Mainte- 1 nance of Laws, and Prefervation of the Peace. Next, * Bccaufe the Regality of the King's Crown was much * impaired, in feveral Inftances, as well by the Court 4 of Rome as otherways ; and therefore the Provifions ' made for fupporting it ought to be well obferved, and * other Remedies provided for that Purpofe. Thirdly, * To confult how to refift not only the Enemies of France, Spain, and Scotland, who had raifed hot Wars * againft us> but alfo to fupprefs the Rebels of Ireland * and Gafcoigny, and how to defend the King's Domi- * nions beyond Sea. All which, becaufe they could 1 not be accomplifhed without their Aid, he defired they * would confult about and advife accordingly.' He fur- ther told them, c That the Grant made by them at Glou- * cejier, of the new Increafe of Woolls, and Six-pence ' in the Pound on Merchandize, which had been revo- * ked in the next Parliament, on the Grant of the PoU- * Tax, and which was promifcd to be able to raife * 20,000 armed Men and as many Archers, had fallen ' fhort; for the Chargeofthofe Soldiers came to 50,000 /. * befides other Expences there declared ; for all which ' the See the Lift of the Peers furnmoncd to this Parliament in C:ron's Abridgement, p. 181. t Cbambre de PinEl. He begins his Speech, Mes Seigneurs, Ics Predates, Duct, Counts, et Parent, et vcus ma Sins dc la Ccn.mune d'Argleterrc, Sfe, Rot. Parl. 3 R; and Montacute, with y Hat flings, John Gilder/burg, and Edward Dalyngrugge^ Knights ; William Wai-worth and John Philpot y Citi- zens of London) and Thomas Graa, Citizen of Tork t with others, to execute and report the fame x . The Lords and Commons together, confidering [ 357 ] that the King and Kingdom were furrounded wiih Enemies, who, with great Force, endeavoured all they could, as well by Sea as Land, to deftroy them both, and even to extinguifh the Englijh Language ; there- fore, fcr the Defence and Safety of the Kingdom, and for the good Succefs of the Expedition ordered into * Brittany, and the Deftruclion of the faid Enemies, they * freely granted to the King one Fifteenth and a Half, A Suhfidy grant x Th whole Form of tlic Commiffion, very large, Prjnnt f*js it worth remarking, n, 183, Rot. Parl, 3 R:tb. II. NO. 15. 380 The Parliamentary HISTORY K, Ricbardil. without the Cities and Boroughs, and one Tenth and ' a Half within thofe Places. With this Prayer, that this with aReftric-' Subfidy, and what was remaining of the other, given tion. * lait Parliament, might be only applied for the Expe- ' dition into Brittany, and no where elfe. * Confidering alfo that the Subfidy on Wooll, Leather, c and Wooll fells was to end at Michaelmas next ; and * that from ihence the King would not be able to fup- * pott the great Charge of carrying on the War in the * Marches of Calais, .Brf/t, Cherburgh in Gafcoigny, in < Ireland, and in the Marches of Scotland, they granted ' the fame Sublidies, from the Time they were to end ' at, untill the Michaelmas Twelvemonth. And, with- * all, praying the King that there might not be another * Parliament called, to charge his poor Commons, till a * Year after that Time/ Mr. Tyrrel has obferved in the Records, a remarkable Tranfaclion, done in this Parliament, omitted by Dr. Brady, which was this : * That when the King and * both Houfes refolved to enlarge the Powers of the Ju- * ftices of Peace, the Prelates and Clergy, in their Con- * vocation, made an exprefs Proteftation againft it,' TheCler ^.That it had not, or ever Jhould pafs, with their Coa- teft againft en- fonts. The Anfwer the King gave to this, was, That he larging the Pow- would not forbear, for their ^Protejiations, to make his thePJl. 1CeS 0i J u J^ LCi as be was wont, and by his Coronation Oath was obliged to do. From whence that Author obfeives, that the Clergy, aflembled in Convocation, were not then looked upon as a diflindt Eftate of Parliament, as fome Men, adds he, withcut any juft Grounds, have fup- pofed y. The Reader may take Notice, that the firft Petition of the Commons, relating to the Difcharge of the King's T c8 1 flanging Council, was not anfvvered. But Walfinghom writes z , though we do not it find on Record, Thai they likewife tleiired that fome one of the moft fit and dif- creet Barons might be ordained to be near the King's Perfon, who fliould be able to return proper Anfwers to foreign Minillers, &c. Upon which Thomas Beau- champ, Earl of Warwick^ was, by common Afient, af- figned y Tyrnr/'s Hifory of England, Vol. III. p. 851. Rot. Parl. 3 Ricb. II. No. 38. * ishb bic Anno, *f ENGLAND. 381 figned for that Purpofe, and an annual Penfion ap- K, Richard II. pointed him for his Charge and Trouble. By this it appears more than probable, that the Duke of Lancajler y with the reft of the Biihops, Earls, and Barons, who had been appointed Governors to the King during his Minority, were greatly fufpedred to have embezzled the public Money, raifed by the laft Subfidies and Poll-Tax, without any great Benefit to the Nation. They, there- fore, wifely chofe to truft the Power in one Hand, 'ra- ther than in many, who might be fooner called to an Account for any Mifmanagement. We ftiall take our Leave of this Parliament with obferving, That now Sir Richard le Scrape, for what Reafon is not mentioned, furrendered his Office of Chancellorlhip, and Simon Sud- bury, Archbifhop of Canterbury, was put in his Place ; which was then looked upon as a Degradation to his Archiepifcopal Dignity. The French War continuing all this Time, with AnnoRegni^ very little or no Advantage to England, the King again 1380. wanted Money to fupport the prodigious Expence of it- A.I Northampton Accordingly Writs were iflued out to fummon a Parlia- ment to meet the Monday after the Feaft of All-Saints, at Northampton, notwithftanding the late Ordinance of calling no more Parliaments for fome Time : Befides, that Town was moft unfit for fuch an Afiembly, by reafon of Winter, and the Scarcity of Lodging and Fuel. At the Time appointed it was, as ufual, adjourned for fome Days, becaufe that again the continual Rains had made the Roads almoft unpaflable ; when, at laft, being all met, that could come, (for feveral Lords were with the Duke of Lancafter on the Scots Borders) in a Cham- ber belonging to the Priory of St. Andrew, in Northamp- ton, provided for that Purpofe, the Archbifhop of Can- terbury, as Chancellor, declared to all there prefent the Caufe of their Meeting, to this Purpofe : ' That they ' could not be ignorant, that the Earl of Buckingham [ 359 ] ' had been fent into France, with an Army which had ' coft the King more Money than was given him by c the laft Parliament : Befides, the late Expedition into ' Scotland, the Defence of Guienne, r and the Charges he * had been at in Ireland, had put the King under fuch * great Necefluies, that he had been forced to pawn his * Jewels, 382 Parliamentary HISTORY K. Richard ii. < Jewels, the Subfidy on Woolls raifing very little, be- ' caufe of the prefent Difturbance in Flanders : That ' the Soldiers in the Marches of Calais, Bre/1, and Cher- * burgh, were in Arrear more than three Months, and ' it was feared they might defert for Want of their Pay : ' That they were to confider the King was very much * in Debt, and was bound, by Covenant and Indenture, * to pay the Earl of Buckingham-, with others concerned * in that Expedition, for another half Year, now near * ended ; and that the King was alfo at a very great * Charge in guarding the Coafts. Laftly, he defired * them to aclvife the King how thefe Expences were to * be borne with the rnoft Eafe to his Subjects ; and how c the Kingdom might be beft defended againft all its ' Enemies, both by Sea and Land, in as fhort a Time c as poffible.' Sir JOWN GIL- ^he Commons took only one Day to treat about DEIISBURG cho- thefe Affairs, and then returned to the Houfe of Lords, fen Speaker a where, in the Prefence of the King, Prelates, and Peers, Sir >/; Gilder/burg^ again their Speaker 3 , 'De- manded a more clear Declaration of what had been faid to them, and efpecially what Sum was demanded to fupport the Charge ; praying, that no more might be required than was necefTary, becaufe the Com- mons were poor, and little able to bear fo great a Debate upon rai- Charge any longer.' Whereupon a Schedule was de- flag a Supply. jj vere j in> by the King's Great Officers and Council, containing the Sums neceflary, which amounted to i6o,oco/. Sterling. The Commons replied, ' That they thought the * Sum demanded was too much, and really infupport- L 3 ] < able ; and prayed, That fuch Moderation might be ' ufed, that no more was to be demanded than what * was to be borne, and was abfolutely neceflary for the * Caufes fet forth : And farther defired the Prelates and ' Lords would treat by themfclves about the Matter, * and propound the Ways by which any reafonable Sum ' might be levied and collected.' The Lords took Time to confult about this Affair ; and, when they were agreed, they order'd the Commons to come before them, and told them what they refolved upon :' a EtillocfuesMcrtf. Johan. Gilder/burg, Chevalier, quavoitle Farcies fur Ic C*m*xt t &c. Brady, Vol. Ill, p. 343. Rot. Par, 4 Ricb. II, NO, t c, *f ENGLAND. 383 wpon : Firjl* ' That a certain Sum of fo many Groats b K Richard n * might be paid by every Perfon in the Kingdom, both * Males and Females, the more able to help the lefs. * Secondly^ If that was not agreeable, to have an Im- ' position upon all Manner of Merchandizes, bought and * fold within the Realm, for a certain Term, every * Time they mould be fold, to be paid by the Vender. * And, Thirdly^ their Advice was to raife a certain Sum, * by Tenths and Fifteenths; butbecaufe the laft Method * was grievous to the poor Commons, and that they * could not know what Sum it would raife, nor in what ' Time the other Ways could be expedited, therefore the Lords thought proper to pitch upon the Groats, ' and propofed four or five c to be levied upon every * Perfon as above, this Way of Tallage feeming to * them the beft and moft eafy to the Subjeft.' The Commons, when they had a long Time debated about the Manner of this Levy, came into full Parlia- ment, and made Proteftation, ' That they came not to * grant any Thing that Day ; but they faid, that if the * Clergy would fupport a third Part of the Charge, they ' would grant ioo,ooo/. to be raifed by a certain Num- ' ber of Groats, fo that the Clergy would raife 50,0007. ' which was but reafonable, for that they poflefled a * third Part of the Kingdom d j and prayed the King * and Lords to move it to them, fpeedily to agree to this Propofal.' To which the Prelates replied, That their Grants [ 561 ] ' were never made in Parliament, nor ou^ht to be : ' That the Laymen neither could nor fhoufd conftrain c them in that Cafe ; and claimed the Liberty of the * Church, which before that Time they had ever en- ' joyed. They defired that the Commons might be en- * joined to do what they ought and were bound to do ; * and as for themfelves, they would aft, under the pre- fent Neceflities, as they had done before.' At laft the Lords and Commons agreed upon a Ca- A Cjpit*ion- pitation-Tax, which was to be three Groats of every Ta * S"nte*. Perfon b The French Word for this Coin is, un Greffe, in Law-Lttia, Groffa ; which Sir Roger IwjfJen, in hit Gloflary to the Dec em Serif tores, renders Drachma, -vulgo a Grontc j N<,mtn a Magnlt-udine rejfffiu Denarii, qxafuor rri:m continet Denariot. They were firft coined by Edward 111, Quatre on tynk Grotes. Record. * LtC'trgif, fvi fccufit la tiirtf Partie del Royatme. Ibid. -i g^ The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Richard II, Perfon of the Kingdom, Male or Female, paft the Ag of fifteen Years, of what Sr.ue pnJ Condition foever, except Beggars - } the lufficient People in every Town to contribute to the Afliftance of the lefs able 5 fo as none paid above fixty Groats, including himfelf and his Wife. The whole to be for the Support of the Expedition un- der the Earl of Buckingham, and the other Lords join'd with him in Brittany , and Defence and Safeguard of the Sea- Ports and Kingdom-. It was further enacled, That Members of Par- no Knight, Citizen^ or Burgefs of this Parliament Jhould liament excluded^ CoUettor of this Money ; but that the King Jhould ap- from being Col- r i a. u it I j- i n /r leftors thereof, point fuch as Jhould equally levy ;/, according to the Mean- ing of the Grant, throughout the Kingdom. So fenfible was this Parliament of the great Partiality of their own Members, in collecting this Tax, even in thofe early Times, that they would not truft themfelves with it. A noble Inftance of a truly public Spirit, and really a Self- denying Ordinance. On the 6th Day of December, when the Schedule of the aforefaid Poll Tax was read in full Parliament, the Speaker of the Commons acquainted the King, That the Lords and they had alfo agreed to renew the Grant to him of the Subfidy on Wooll, &c. from that Time to Martinmas enfuing, on Account of the prefent pref- fmg Occafions. Afterwards the Petitions of the Com- mons being read to the King, and anfwered by him, he diflblved this Parliament. But tho' Matters were carried on fmoothly within Doors this laft Parliament, yet the Poll-Tax was the Occafion of a terrible Tempeft without ; which in the ^ n ^ P rove ^ f ata l to thofe whom the enraged Multitude took to be the Advifers of it. The Infurrection in Kent, and its neighbouring Counties, headed by two fuch in- fignificant Fellows as Wat Tyler and "Jack Straw, had probably occafion'd a general Revolution, but that fome The faid Tax Accidents prevented it. The Accounts of this Rebel- *' n * W ' lth the *^ e and ^' a ^ ^ * f ' are am Pty difcourfed on by our general Hiftorians, wherein the Valour and Prudence of the young Monarch deferves a perpetual Memorial. We may reafonably fuppofe that no com- mon Reader of Englijh Hiftory is unacquainted with the Story of this Rebellion and its tragical Confequences ; Walfingham and Knyghton^ both living at that Time, f 562 "1 13 J of ENGLAND, are very particular in their Relation of it ; to whom, or their Copiers, we muft refer, fince it is only confiftent with our Defign to give an Account of the Impofition of a Tax in Parliament, and not to trouble ourfelves with what Grudgings it occafioned by the collecting of it. The afore-named antient Hifto.ians have afcribed the Rife of this Rebellion to fome fcandalous Indecencies pra&ifed by the King's Collectors in the gathering this Tax % but it is more than probable that the Populace, that is, the meaner Kind of them, were provoked at it, becaufe it was the firft Time they ever had fuch an Im- pofition laid and levied on them. However, a Poll- Tax was hereby rendered fo odious, that another durft never be attempted in any fucceeding Reign, except a much later one, down to our prefent Times b . This dangerous Rebellion being at length quafhed, the King thought proper to fend out Writs, dated July [ 363 ][ 1 6, for a Parliament to meet at Wejlminjler^ on the, 1 4th of September following. It was afterwards pro- rogued to the Day after All-Souls ; and, by reafon of a Quarrel which had happened between two great Men, the Duke of Lancafter and the Earl of Northumberland^ who came to Parliament, with each a great Retinue of armed Followers, it was further adjourned till the King could make up the Difference, which was happily ended VOL. I. Bb a few a Knygbtons Words are thefe : Unas tor urn [Colle&orum] cum effiet ad iliquam Villiim, ad faciendum Inquijitionem de diSia Taxa, ccnvocari fecit, tarn Vir',s quam Mulieret et Puellulai } quod, difiu borribile eft, efurfutrt impudice tle-vavit, ut Jic exferiretur utrum corrupts ejjent et cognitte a Vi- ris, ut fie More artaret Arnicas et Parentes pro ei; folvere Taxam j et plures fofius eligervnt folvsre pro fuis Filiabus t quam videre eat tarn turfiter at~ trail 'art. Col. 2633. b There is an Account of a Parliament, held at Weftminfler this Year, in Cotton s Abridgement^ p. 193, in the Beginning of May, but it is not in Our Copy of the Rolls of Parliament. Our oldeft Eng/ijb Chronicles call this Tax a new and aftrange Subjtdyl Hollingjhead writes, That great Grudging, and many a bitter Curfe fol- lowed on the levying this Money, and much Mifchief rofe thereof as after did appear. Hailing. Cbron. p. 428. That glaring Foreigner, as Archhifhop Nicbolfon calls him, Polydore Vergil, very elegantly writes ofthisPoll- Tax, Hac Exatfio, ait ille, cum nwa et infolita, turn intolerabilis, ita Plebit Animum -vu/neravit, tit pofteaquam Pauperes qui folvenda non erant, psjfim tonquerentet diras f^ocei in Autores tanti Facinoris jatJarunt, et nibil ft e IModo prof cere viderunt, Arma demum capienda ftatuentet, jaixjatn Mortes et Manas ubique Exatfaribus intentarint, Pol, Vergil, Hift. Ang% Lib, xx, p. 40*. Parliamentary HISTORY k. Ruhr J 11. a few Days after, by caufmg the Earl to afk the Duke's Pardon c . On the Meeting, William Courtney, Archbifliop Ele& Ann0 ,f8 e z S . n ' 5 ' of Canterbury, and now Chancellor of England, declared the Caufe of the Summons, and took for his Theam, At Wejtminfter. fx con >venire fecit Cor.filium, and in Englijh, according to the Record, made a notable Oration upon it. He applied his Text to the good and virtuous Government of the King, during his Reign ; affirming, * That no ' Reign could long endure, if Vice reigned in it; to re- * drefs which this Parliament was called, fince the Laws * now in Being were not able to do it.' And, after the ufual Form for receiving Petitions was fettled, the Chan- cellor told them that this being Saturday, the Caufe of their Meeting (hould be more efpecially declared to them on the Monday next. On the fame Day the Commons were called over by their Names, in the White Chamber at Weftminjler^ when Sir Hugh Segrave, Treafurer of England, by the King's Command, fpoke, and put them in Mind of the Archbifhop's Oration, and faid, * That the chief Caufe * of their Summons was, firft, to take Care of the * Church's Liberties and to provide for the Maintenance * of the Peace ; and, efpecially, to punifli the Authors * of the late horrible Tumults and Rebellion made ' againft the King, who had been forced to grant to the f 364 ] * Rebels Charters of Liberty and Manumiflion, who * were only Bond-Tenants and Villains of the Realm, * under the Great Seal of England. Which the King ' knowing to be done againft Law, defired them to feek ' Remedy and provide for the Confirmation or Revo- * cation thereof V Laftly, He faid, * The King was ' much c The Earl being Warden of the Marches of Scotland, had ftrift Orders from the King not to fufrer any Perfon whatfoever coming out of that Kingdom to enter Berwick, forgetting that the Duke was then there. At his Return, the Earl, on an old Grudge, took an Advantage of the King's Orders, and denied him Entrance into Beriuick, which occafioned the Quar- rel. It was well for the Duke that he was on this Northern Expedition j for if he had been in the South, he had fallen a Sacrifice in the late Re- bellion, being a Man extremely odious to the Populace. San. Danie! in Kennet, p. 248. d The Charter of Manumiflion, or Freedom, which the King was obli- ged to give to the Rebels, is too extraordinary to be omitted. Richardus, Dei Gratia, Rex A nglix & Francis, & Dominut Hiberniae ; imnibus Ballivii, & Fiddibm fuis, ad quas frtefentes Liters ptrvenerint, Salmon ; of ENGLAND. 383 1 much in Debt, and in great Want of Money to main- K - RMard II. ' tain his Court and the Wars.' The Commons retiring to their accuftomed Place, the Chapter-Houfe olWeJlminJler- Abbey, chofe Sir &fMrJw A ***? 9 Waldegrave^ Knight, their Speaker; and returning cbofen Speaker, with him into Parliament, November 18, the faid Sir Richard defired to be excufed and difcharged from the Office ; but the King infifting, upon his Allegiance, that he (hould ftand, as being cbofen by bis Companions % he made the ufual Proteftation. This is the firft Inftance of a Speaker pleading to be excufed from the Office. Afterwards the Lords and Commons, together, came unanimoufly to this Refolution, That all Grants of Liberties and Manumijjion^ to the faid Villains and Bond- Tenants, obtained by Force , were in Dijherifon ofthem 9 the Lords and Commons^ and Dejlruttion of the Realm ; and therefore to be nulled and made void by Authority of this Parliament. The Commons alfo petitioned the King, ' That ' fince the reft of the Charge was for Matters which ' highly concerned the State of the Realm, they might ' have certain Bifhops and^Lords to confult with them, ' fince they thought their Advice would be very much [ 365 J * to the Purpofe.' The Anfwer was, ' That they fhould give in the ' Names to the King in Writing, of fuch as they deii- * red, that he might advife about it;' which being done, the King granted their Defire, and three Bifhop-j and ten Lords were affigned for the Purpofe. And the Commons further pray'd the King, ' That ' the Prelates by themfelves, the Lords Temporal by ' themfelves, the Knights by themfelves, the Judges by * themfelves, and all other Eftates fmgly, might be or- * dered to treat about their Charge ; and that their Ad- B b 2 vice Salutcm : Sci'atis quod de Gratia noftra fpeciali manumij/imut iiniverfos ligeos t & Jinguks J'ubdiros noftroi, ac alia Comttatus Hertrbrdije, & iffos, & eorum quemlibet omni Bondagio exuimus, & quietos facimus per prafentef, ac etiampardonamus eij'dcm hgeii ac fubditis noftris omnimodas Felonias, Prodi- tiones, Tratifgrejfiones, & Extortionei, per ipfes vel aliquem eorum Qualiter~ funqtte faff as, five perpetratat, ac etiam Utlaganam, & Utlagarias, jl qua vel qua in ipfos, i/el aliquem ipfertim fuent vel fiterint btis Occafionibus promulgate vel promulgate?, &? Jummam Pacem noftram eis & eorum cuilibet inile concedimui. In cujus Rei Tcftimoniutn, has Literas ttojiras jieri ftcimut Patintes Ttjit Kfipfa apud London, 1 5 Die Junii, Anna Regni noftri quarto, e EluK par fes ' 3 88 K, Riebard II, The Commons complain of Abufes in the Government. [ 3 66] A Committee appointed there upon, Parliamentary HISTORY < vice might be reported to the Commons.' To whlcfl it was anfwered, ' That the King had charged the ' Lords, and other Sages, to commune diligently upon the faid Matters ; but the antient Cuftom and Form * of Parliament had always been, that the Commons * {hould firft fupport their Advice, upon the Matters * given them in Charge, to the King and Lords of Par- * liament, and not on the contrary ; and therefore the * King would, that the antient and good Cuftoms and ' Form of Parliament fhould be kept and obferved.' After the Commons had conferred with the Lords, they return'd into the Parliament, * And made great * Complaint of the Government of the Realm, which, * if not amended, the Kingdom would be in fliort Time < ruined : They complained alfo of the Government * about the King's Perfon, his Court, the exceffive Number of his Servants j of the Abufes in the Chan- * eery, King's- Bench, Common- Pleas, Exchequer-, and of ' grievous Oppreffions in the Country, by the great Multitude of Maintainers of Quarrels, who behaved * themfelves like Kings in the Country, fo as there * was very little Law, or Right; and of other Things, * which they faid were the Caufe of the late Commo- * tions, and Mifchiefs of the Land, and requefled they ' might be amended. The King, by Advice of the Lords and his Council, granted, * That certain Prelates, Lords, and others, * fhould furvey and examine the Government of his Per- c fon and Court, and to think of fufficient Remedies.' The Perfons chofen to make this Inquiry were, the Duke of Lancafter, the Archbifhop Eledl of Canterbury f the Archbifhop of York, the Biftiops of Wincbefter, Ely, Exeter, and Rochejler ; the Earls of Arundele, War- wick, Stafford, Suffolk, and Salijbury ; the Lords Zouch 9 Nevil, Grey of Ruthin, and Fitz-Walter ; Sir Richard le Scrape, Sir Guy de Brian, and others. The King's Confeflbr was charged to abftain from coming to, or re- maining at, Court, unlefs at the four great Feftivals of the Year ; this was done at the Requeft of the Com- mons, and Afient of the Lords, being one, as was then fuppofed, that gave the King ill Advice. Then follow certain Petitions of the Commons, tho" the Anfwers to them are not fet down. Firft, */* ENGLAND. 389 F/r/?, They Petition the Duke of Lancafter, and the K, Richard II. other Lords, aflign'd by the King for that Purpofe, ' To place the moft difcreet and valuable Officers about the King's Perfon, and his Court ; to appoint a Chan- cellor, Barons, and Officers in the Exchequer, Judges of one Bench and the other ; that they might know their Names, and what the)* were to do, and the Method they were to take in the Regulation of the Realm, after thefe Things were done.' They alib petition, * That an End plight be made of the War, which was in great Part maintain'd by the Goods that the Enemies of the Nation took, by Sea and Land, from the Englljh^ to the great Difhonour of the Government and Nation, and Deftruction of the whole Realm.' They likewife petition, That certain of the Chief Clerks in Chancery, certain Juftices, Barons of the Ex- chequer, and others, learned in the Law, might confult of the Grievances above ; and that certain Merchants might declare the Caufes of the low Prices of our Com- modities, the carrying over our Money, wafhing and clipping thereof.' Then the Commons brought into Parliament a petitions of the Draught, containing three Articles, for as many Sorts of Commons for Pardons, if the King would pleafe to grant them. Pardons, on Ac- The/r/? was, For the Lords, Gentlemen, &c. that, in SuUs j Refiftance of the Rioters and Traitors, caufed fome of them to be {lain, without due Procefs of Law. Thefecondy To appeafe and quiet theMin^of the common People, concerning all Treafons and Felonies committed in the late Riots and Tumults. This was C 3^7 J granted, with fome Exceptions, provided that fuch as received Damages and LofTes by thefe InfurredHons, {hould not by this Pardon be fore-clofed from recovering any Recompence by due Courfe of Law. The third was, For the good People that kept them- felves in Peace, and were noways confentingto the faid Tumults and Infurre&ions, yet were fomeways con- cerned, by favouring or receiving the Rebels. This Bufmefs of the Pardons being over, the Com- mons made a Rehearfal of their Requefts and Grievances which they would have amended,, and defired to have a View of what was done in that Matter 3 which the B b 3 King Parliamentary HISTORY K, Ricbard II. King then did not immediately anfwer, but told tbemj ' He had been at great Expence in quieting the Nation ' of the late Tumults and otherwife, as was declared to them before by his Officers ; and that he was to be at * further great Expences, by reafon of the Queen's co- ' ming over, her Marriage, and Coronation, which were fuddenly to be celebrated ; alfo in guarding the Seas, * and keeping his Fortrefles abroad, and for Defence of * the Realm at home; for the Di (charge of which Debts, and the Supply of his Expences, he had nothing in his * Treafury.' To which the Commons anfwered, ' That, confider- * ing the evil Hearts and Rancour of the People through < the whple Realm, they neither durft nor would grant * any Manner of Tallage.' They alfo deflred the Par- liament might be adjourned 'till after Cbriftmas, which was granted; and then they alfo defired again to know the Extent of his Grace and Favour in pardoning : To which the King replied, ' That it was not the Cufrorn of Parliament to have a general Pardon, and fuch Fa- vour from the King, when the Commons would not grant him any Thing ;' and told them, * He would advife further of his Grace and Pardon, untill they fhould do what belonged to them ;' And faid, more- over, ' It was cuftomary to grant Pardons the laft Day of the Parliament, when he anfwered their Supplica- tions and Petitions in Writing.' The Commons replied again, ' That, for the Grant of a Subfidy on * Woolls, &c. they ihould take Time to confider of it:' To which, on the Part of the King, it was anfwered, * That he alfo would confider of their Pardons.' Upon this the Commons retired ; and in a fmall Time after, being better advifed, they came before the Lords, [ 368 ] faying, 'They had coniidered the great Charge the King ' had been at, as well her" 's beyond Sea;' and then the Which the King Prelates, Lords, arH T mrnons agreed to continue the agrees to, on the Subfidy on Wooll, Leather, and Wooll-fells, untill Grant of a Sub- Candlemas next enfuing, as it was laft granted ; where- upon the King ordered a Declaration to be read of his Grace and Pardon to all Sorts of People, a certain Num- ber there fpecified only excepted ; at which the Com- mons exprelTed great Joy, and gave the King their moft hqmble and fmcere T hanks for fuch his Grace and Fa- of E N G L A N D. 3gl vour *. The Names of the excepted Perfons are all K. R'ubard n, entered on the Rolls, to the Number of fome Hundreds; amongft whom are fome Priefts, but not one Gentle- man ; the reft have their Trades feverally fpecified againft their Names, and Towns and Counties where they Jived : By all which it appears, that thefe Rioters, who did fo much Mifchief, and went near to overturn the whole State, were compofed of the very Dregs of the People b ; and, if we confider that they were the Perfons the moft hurt by this Poll-Tax, the Wonder will ceafe that they ftiould rife upon it, efpecially when headed by fuch bold and daring Fellows as their Leaders are reprefented to be. In this Seffion of Parliament great Complaints were made againft the Mayor, Bailiff's, and People of the Town of Cambridge, for their Actions againft that Uni- verfity in the late Tumults; and the faid Officers being fummoned to appear before the King and his Council in Parliament, they appeared and denied the Matters of Fa, II, cap, v -og The Parliamentary HISTORY- K. RUbard II. was their Meaning to bind themfelves, or their Succef- ' fors, to the Prelates, no more than their Anceftors had * done before them, they prayed the aforefaid Statute ' might be repealed, and it was done accordingly k :' But, by the Artifice of the Bifhops, even this Adi of Repeal was fupprefled, and Profecutions carried on, by Virtue of the former j which is the Reafon that the other is not to be found in the Statute Books. This is a Piece of Eclefiaftical Collufeon too glaring to be overlooked by any except the Prelatical Writers of this and the lait Age. But, for an Account of the famous Reformer John IVickliffe, and his Doctrines, againft whom the before- mentioned Statute was levelled, we refer to the Writers of Englijb Church Hi ftory ; fince thefe Innovations in C 373 3 Religion were never made a Matter of Parliamentary In- quiry, in thofe Days, except in the Act before recited J . It is proper here to take Notice, that a Rebellion was about this Time begun in Flanders. The Flemings had driven their Earl out of his Country ; he applies himfelf to the King of France, as his Sovereign Lord, and they crave the like Affiftance from the King of England. The French King marched an Army into Flanders, and fub- dued a great Part of that Country, and the Earl laid Siege to Ghent, which was the Head of the Rebellion, and in great Danger of being taken. AnnoRegni6. To prevent this, and to flop the Progrefs of the 1383. French King's Arms in Flanders, his Preparations to At WeRminRer. ^ e ^ Ie S e Calais, and his further Defigns againft England ' itfelf, another Parliament was called to meet at Wejl- minjier, about the Middle of Lent, February 23, the- next Year, which is ftill the 6th of this King m . The Caufes above were exprefled in the Summons ; and, when met, the Bifhop of London declared, further, * That the King had offered to go over in Perfon with 6 a Royal Army ; but having fince received the News, * that the French King had over-run all Flanders, ex- * cept k Abridgment, 6th of Rid. II. p. 285. | By a Petition of the Kniglits of Shires this Parliament, Join Wra-w, Prieft, who was the Ringleader of the Infurreftion in Suffolk, was ad- judged to be hanged as a Traitor ; tbo' many believed he would have been bought off with Money. Ha'JingJh. Cbron. p. 440. m It is called ia the Rolls Pan fecund* f as if it was Part of the former Parliament. 0f ENGLAND. 399 ' cept Ghent, therefore this Parliament was called for K. Richard II. * their Advice, whether the King (hould go in Perfon * to the Relief of that Town ; and, if fo, how to pro- < vide for fuch an Undertaking ?' The Commons confulted together two or three Days on the Bufinefs of their Charge ; but finding it, as they faid, fo great ancffo highly affecting the King's Perfon, therefore they prayed his Majefty to grant them certain Lords, all named by themfelves, to treat with them about it. The Prelates and Peers defired A Conference were, the Archbifhop of Canterbury, the Bifhops of Ely between the two and Hereford, the Earls of Cambridge, Stafford', ,,and "^^""T Northumberland, the Lords Nevile, Fitz- Walter, anJ^ g inpfon Cobbam, which was granted by the King, although, as againft the the Record mentions, it was, is, and, ought to be, in the Frtncb * Election of the King to ajfign fuch Bijhops and Lords as he Jhould think fit , or others of his own proper Nomina- [ 374 J tion n . When this Committee of Lords had confulted with Sir the Commons for fome Time, the latter appeared be- " fore the King and the whole Houfe of Peers, and, by it" Sir 'James Pickering, then their Speaker, made the ufual Proteftation and declared, ' That the King's Paflage, and the ordering of his Voyage, or any other great Voyage, belonged not to them, but to the King himfelf, and Lords of his Council ; yet, by Way of Advice, confidering what Troubles were in the Land, that the Truce with the Scots was near expiring, and they were raifing great Forces near the Borders, and it being doubtful whether they would now comply with any Propofals of Peace or Truce, unlefs driven to it; therefore they thought that neither the King, nor any of his three Uncles of Lancajier, Cambridge, or Buckingham, could be fpared out of the Kingdom, untill that and the Borders aforefaid was well quieted and fettled. They rather advifed him to accept of a Pro- pofal made by the Biftiop of Norwich of raifing 3000 Men at Arms and 3000 Archers, well mounted, with whom he purpofed to relieve Ghent, reduce Flanders^ and afterwards to carry the War into France ; provi- ded n Cembicn que fcuft, tftt ft dolt eflre, in le E/e&ion de tiaJJre dit Seigneur le Rf.y d'ajjlgmr a ce le ditx, Prtlatu et Seigneurs ijjint ncnex t eu autrei a jf fror're Ktmination* Rot. Farl. 6 Rid. 11, p, 2. N. 8. , 00 The Parliamentary Hi s T o R Y K, RUbard II. ' dedlie was allowed the Fifteenth and the Tenth, ' ed by the Laity and Clergy, with the two Shillings a * Tun upon Wine, and Sixpence in the Pound upon * Merchandize for the Guard of the Sea.' The Commons Amongft their Petitions in this Parliament the Com- petition the King mons prayed the King, ' That for his Honour and to regulate his < Profit, with the Quiet and Comfort of themfelves, of Houfhold, &c. < hj s g reat Q race ne wou ld pleafe to command, that cer- * tain Lords might be affigned to be about his Perfon, * out of the moft wife, honeft, and difcreet Perfons in the * Kingdom, to advife and counfel him ; and further, * that he would pleafe, by the Advice of the Lords, ' fo to order his Houmold, that he might live on the ' Revenues of the Crown ; and that the Subfidy on * Wooll, with the Money arifing from the Marriages t 375 J ' and Efcheats, might be wholly employed to fupport the War.' The King anfwered, ' That he would take fuch ' fufficient Perfons, Lords and others about his own ' Perfon, as appeared to him moft for his Honour and 'Profit; and as to the Government of his Houfe, it * fhould be done by the Advice of the Lords and others 6 of his Council, as, faving his Honour, fhould feem beft ' to them.' The Propofal of the Bifliop of Norwich, mentioned above, was on a very extraordinary Occafion, and de- ferves our Notice. It has alfo been faid that, at that Time, there was a great Schifm in Holy Church, two Popes having been elected, and each fupported by dif- The Papal Chair f erent Nations and Faaions. One of them, who called tween nt ^vi. hi mfelf Urban the Sixth, had fent Bulls into England for *ndc/ement XI. a Crufade, to fign all with the Crofs that would go with him into France, for the Deftru&ion of the Antipope, who alfo ftiled himfelf Clement the Eleventh . By virtue of thefe Bulls, fent to the Bifhop of Norwich, and by him publilhed all over England? > that Prelate collected a great o The anonymous Noble Author of this King's Life, before quoted, fays that this was obtained by UrSan's complimentary Letters to the King and his Parliament, and his honouring oar Biihop or' London with a Car- deal's Cap. Page 58. The King's Letters Patent to confirm thefe Bulls are in Fed. Ant* Tom. VII. p. 252. P The .Orders of the Bifhop from the Pope, for talcing of contributing toward this Crufade, are publi/hed at Length, ia Knygbtoti, Col. 2671, G alike. ^ENGLAND. 401 great Sum of Money j befides Jewels, Necklaces, Brace- K &Vtof II, Jets, Rings, Difhes, Spoons, and other Silver Imple- ments, which the Ladies and other Devotees gave to purchafe Heaven and to obtain the Benefit of Abfolution and Pardon for all Tranfgreffions P. Nor were the Men unmindful of their own Salvation in this Way, for many of them, as was believed, gave beyond their Abilities, in order to make their Abfolution more valid ; fome found Men at Arms, others Archers, and feveral were C 37^ 3 fo zealous as to ferve in their own Perfons. The Form of the Abfolution itfelf is alfo worth the Reader's No- tice; translated from the Original 9. By Apoftolic Authority to me committed^ 1 do abfofoe tbee A. B. from all thy Sins which thou do ft with a con- Pardans and In- trite Heart confefs, or would confefs if thou didjl remem- Jlgences granted her them ; and 1 give tbee a full RemiJJion of them, the Jj ^T^Jl? Retribution of the Ju/1; and 1 do promife thee Increafe or engage in his Addition of eternal Salvation. And 1 grant to the fame Privileges that are granted to fuch as go to the Defence of the Holy Land ; and do impart to thee the Prayers and Suffrages of the Holy Catholic Church. But, to give the greater Credit to this fandtified Caufe, the Confent and Aid of Parliament was thought abfo- lutely neceflary; and the Bifhop, on further Confider- ation, mended his Bill, and made a fecond Propofal to the Houfes ; which was, To ferve the King, one whole * Year, with 2500 Men at Arms, and an equal Number ' of Archers, well arrayed and mounted, for the whole * Fifteenth granted by the Laity. Of which Number * 1000 Men at Arms, and as many Archers, fliould be 4 ready to pafs the Sea for the Relief of Ghent and the ' Country of Flanders^ within twenty Days after the firft ' Payment'; and that he would take upon him to pay the * Charge of Shipping, and all other incident Expences. This laft Propofal was agreeable to the King, his Council, and both Houfes of Parliament; and fince France, with the Earl of Flanders^ were intirely in the Intereft of the Anti-Pope, they were in Hopes that fome great Advantage might be made of this Expedition in the French War, which {till continued. VOL. I. C c A P Such a Frenry as thi took the Women in a much later Reign, as is huinoroufly defcribcd in Hudilrat. 1 Dr. BiaJfs JtperJ. N. 105. 402 The Parliamentary Hi s T DRY K, Richard II. A Noble Hiftorian wi ites,That the Affair was warmly debated in Parliament, whether it was fafe to hazard fo confiderable a Strength of the Kingdom in fuch an impertinent Quarrel, and under the Conduct of a ralh. [ 377 ] unexperienced Prieft ? Thofe that were for it, befides the Intereft of Religion, urged Reafons of State ; That now was the "Time for the King to recover his Right in France, and weaken the French King^ whilfl he, lay un- der Pope TJrban's Curfe for fiding with Clement, during which he could expecJ no Succefs on his Arms. Thus, for fome Time, it was doubtful which Way the Parliament would incline r ; but,, at laft, upon hearing that Anti- phone fung, at High Mafs, Ecce Cruccm Domini, fugtit And an Army Partes adverftf, * Behold the Crofs of the Lord, fly ye rais'd, by Con- ^y v r f | s tn were as w ; t h a Charm, brought over fent of Parha- . .'_' rir- j- ri_ u ment, for the^o decree in Favour of the Expedition 5 . But though Service of Pope the Biftiop pafled over with his Army, and had fome Urban, under co nfiderable Succefs at firft, yet, in the End, as may be the Command of ,. . i ri'/i u- o t r the Bifliop of * een m our general Hiftonans, this Pontifical War con- Norwich, eluded with no great Honour either to the Prelate the Leader of it, or to the Nation . Before the Bifhop's Return from this extraordinary Crufade, Writs had been fent out to call a new Parlia- ment to meet on the Monday next before the Feaft of All Saints, 1384. The Caufe of Summons was in fome Meafure exprefled in the Writs ", 'That, by Advice and * AfTent of the Council, a Parliament was called for .their * Mediation and Afliftance in a Treaty of Peace then in ' Agitation between the King, his Kingdom, and Sub- ' je&s, on the one Part ; and Robert King of Scotland, his * The determining which of the two Popes had the better Claim to St. Peter's Chair, and confequently the afcertaining the Center of Infal- libility, feems at this Time alfo to have depended on a Vote of the Englifa Parliament The Life and Reign of Richard II. by a Perfon of Quality, p. 65. A Lift of the Principal Warriors, who engaged with' the Bifliop in this Holy Caufe, may be feen in Hol/ingjbead's Cbron. p. 441, 442. This Bifliop had given Proof of his Courage in the laft Rebellion, by at- tacking, in Perfon, the Rebels in Norfolk, and utterly fuppreffing them. Sfeed\ Cbron. p. 596. t Mr. Tyrrel, who has liitheito traced Dr, Brady very clofely in all his Parliamentary Proceedings, has wholly, without afligning any Reafon, omitted the two laft Parliaments. It is not eafy to account for this, unlefs fome Exprefiions, on the Side of the Prerogative, gave Offence. u See the Names of the Peers fumnjoncd to this Parliameat in th Abrld^ of ENGLAND. 403 * his Lands, Dominions, and Subjects, on the other ; * and for other difficult and urgent Bufmefs, which con- cerned the King, the State and Defence of the Realm, [ 378 ] ' and the Englijh Church.' At the Meeting, the famous Sir Michael de la Pole^ Anno Regni 71 then Lord-Chancellor of England^ opened the Seflion by 2 3 8 4 a Speech, excufing, firft, his own Unworthinefs to the At jr e fl m ; n ft ert Place he poflefled, and declaring that he was forced to accept of it; after which he acquainted the Houfes w , ' That the Truce which had been concluded with the ' Scots was to end at Candlemas next j that the Duke * of Lancajlcr^ who had been fent to renew it, was re- ' turned, and had brought back Word that the Scots ' would fend Commiflioners to London to manage the e Treaty. A fecond Caufe was to provide, as well as ' they could, againft three powerful Enemies, Spain, * France, and Flanders. And here he offered feveral Rea- ' fons to prove that it was better for us to begin and make War upon them, than they upon us, or fuffer them to 4 invade us.' And further obferved, ' That thefe Wars * were not to be imputed to the King, for they had de- ' fcended to him with the Crown. He defired that Care * might be taken for the Maintenance of good Laws, and ' Security of the Peace. And, laftly, put the Commons ' in Mind of an Aid to fupport thefe great Charges.' The Chancellor then addrefled himfelf, particularly, to the Lords, and told them, * That the King com- ' manded them to have a due Confideration of the necef- * fary Matters that had been declared to them ; the ap- ' parent and infupportable Mifchiefs that threatened all, and the great Neceflity the King had for Money to * prevent them. That they fhould treat diligently of ' thefe Things, by themfelves, with as much Speed as * might be ; and, laying afide all Animcfities, they were ' to report their Advice, from Time Time, to the King/ And added, * That his Majefty commanded them to * fit from Day to Day, to difpatch what they came * for, and not to depart from Parliament without his * fpecial Licence, under the Penalty that might en- fue.' C c 2 Here- w This whole Speech dcfcrves tranflatine, for tlie Rarity and Singularity -tf it, but that it is much too long foi cur Purpofe. 404 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Ricbard II. Hereupon the Lords and Commons took into Con- fideration the extraordinary Charge the King was to be at, by reafon of the War then open on every Side, and f 17Q 1 g rant d two Half-Fifteenths with Tonnage and Pound- age as before, upon Condition that the Clergy would contribute and grant what became them ; which they t did accordingly. Two Noblemen, the Earls of Northumberland and Devon/hire^ propofed to the King to be his Admirals, and to keep the North and Weftern Seas in Security, fo that they might be allowed the Monies arifing from the Grant of Tonnage and Poundage for that Purpofe; but not otherwife x . The Bilhop of In this Parliament the Bifhop of Norwich was accufed fined by the Commons, and feveral Articles were exhibited a g ainft him ' for his Mifcarriages in the late Expedition. The greateft of which was, that he had promifed to ferve the King with a certain Number of Men for a whole Year, and ferved but half a Year, and then re- turned with his Army quite broken. This Article he could not clear himfelf of, and therefore was adjudged to make Fine and Ranfom at the King's Pleafure, and the Temporalities of his Bifhoprick to be feized for that Purpofe ; and thus ended this Piece of Ecclefiaftical Knight Errantry y . As alfo feveral Sir William Ellinjham, Sir 7homas 'Trivet^ Sir Henry This Officers, fa Ferrers ^ and Sir William Harrendon? were all 1 ike- wife accufed before this Parliament, for receiving Mo- ney for the Delivery of feveral Fortrefles to the French ; the Sums in the whole, amounting to 20,000 Franks in Gold. They all made trifling Excufes againft the Charge, and craved the King's Mercy ; fo the Chan- cellor pronounced Sentence, ' That they fhould refund ' what they had received to the King, and remain in ' Prifon * Waljjngbam writes, That in this Parliament the Nobility and Gentry of the Northern Counties requeued that feme Part of the Subfiles granted to the Crown might be afligned to them, becaufc the Guard of the Count! y againft the Scott was put upon them. But they were anfwered, That they were fufficiently rewarded for that Service already ; that bv their Tenures they were bound to fecure the Marches, and had thair Eflates granted them chiefly on that Condition. Walfinrbam, p. 107 : Collier's EccUf. Uift. Vol. I. p. 5 8z. X The Name of this warlike Bifhop of Nariuub was Henry h Sf infer. For th Bifhop's Accufation by the Chancellor, and his Acfwcrs to th;n, fee tiitsliridgement, p. igz. of E N G L A 'N D. 405 Prifon till they made Fine and Ranfom to him at his K Ritbard II. Pleafure.' In Reference to the Scots Affairs, at this Time men- tioned by the Chancellor, it is proper to take Notice, that though it was promifed the Duke of Lancafter, in Scotland, that they would fend Commiflioners to London to treat about a Peace, yet nftne came for that Purpofe ; L 3 3 but, on the contrary, the Englijh Government was in- formed that the Scots had made feveral Inroads into the Borders, and had actually received a confiderable Re- inforcement from France for greater JEnterprizes. On which Intelligence the King and Council thought fit to make Preparation for War on their Side j which the Scots hearing of, fent their Commiffioners at laft, but their Offers were now rejected, and they returned home again Re infefta. The War being again begun by the two Nations, Anno RegnJ ? another Parliament, fays Dr. Brady, (but Mr. Tyrrel 138s * will have it only a great Council of the Nobility) met at At Sali/bury, April 29, 1385, but which was ftill in the yth Year of this King. We know not on what Account the latter calls it a Council, for if he had confulted the Records, he would have found fufficient Reafon to have called it a Parliament 2 : For there we are told, That, on Thurfday the 2Qth of April, the King in Perfon, with all the Bifhops and Lords, except fuch as were again with the Duke of Lancajhr in Scotland, and all the Commons, met in the Great Hall of the Bifhop's Palace in Salifoury, which was richly adorned and fet off upon the Occafion. Then Sir Michael de la Pole, Lord-Chan- cellor, by the King's Command, declared the Caule of the Summons to be, Fir ft, ' For the Maintenance of the Church's Liberties, * the Prefervation of the Laws and the Peace.' Next, he told them, l That there had been a Treaty of Peace tranfacled between England and France, of which, at a proper Opportunity, he ftiould (hew them the Articles; which, although the King might have con- cluded without acquainting them, yet he rather chofe to do it with their Knowledge and Confent.' He ad- ded, That if the Peace was to take Eue&* yet it C c 3 ' could Rot. Parl. 7 Rich. II. here again called Part ftcunda j \ve fuppofc it is fo for being two Parliaments in one Ycar t 406 'The Parliamentary HISTORY JK. RUbard H. could not well be ratified without a Meeting of both th$ Princes ; which, for their own Sovereign's Honour, required no (mall Charge. Befides, the King had been at great Expence in defending the Nation againft the Scots, in fecuring the Sea-Ports beyond Sea, and I 38* 3 the Safety of Guienne and Ireland; and how all this was to be borne, he charged them, on theif Allegiance, to confult and give their Anfwer.' The Triers of Petitions being fettled, as ufual, the Commons came before the King in Parliament, and icquefted that certain Lords, there named, might be granted to them for Conference : Hereupon the Duke of Lancajier, with other Peers juft then coming into Parliament, they befought the King that the faid Duke, and his Brothers of Cambridge and Buckingham^ might be of the Number; which was granted. After which the Lords and Commons gave the King a Moiety of a Tenth and of a Fifteenth j providing fur- ther, that if the Wars with Scotland and France did ccn- ed ft 8 S tinue then the Kin ^ ould have the other Moiety of a land and France. Fifteenth, fo that the Clergy fhould tax themfelves accordingly ; and, if a Peace was made, then the laft Moiety fhould ceafe. The Commons, in their Anfwer to the Articles of Peace, faid, ' That it did not befeem them to give Ad- ' vice therein ; and therefore referred the whole Order- '* ing thereof to the King and his Council.' But, being urged to fay whether they defired Peace or War, for one of them muft be chofen ; they anfwered, * An ho- * nourable Peace for the King; but, becaufe there were ."contained in the Articles many Terms of the Civil ' Law which they did not underftand, and that it was * ftipulated in them that the King fhould hold Guienne * of the French by Homage and Service, they knew not * how to advife; only they hoped that the King intended * not to give up Calais and other Territories, gained ' from the French by the Sword.' To this it was faid, ' That Peace could not otherwife be had, and therefore e again prefled them to declare for Peace or War.' At laft the Commons anfwered, c That, if they were in the * King's Place, they fhould much rather chufe Peace 1 . In 1 SilsfeuJJent en fE^at du Roi, Us fafccrderoiett a la Paix pluit toft %ut f la Guerre.. Rot. Par]. 7 Rich. Il.'i'rs fecunda, N. 18. of ENGLAND. 47 In this Parliament it alfo was that a Carmelite Friar m , K - *** and Batchelor of Divinity, appeared, according to Wal- fingbam, and charged the Duke of Lancafter with a De- fign to kill the King and ufurp the Kingdom. The Duke defired that the Friar might be fecured untill he r -8z J made good the Accufation againft him. Hereupon the Man was confined ; but, the Night before he was to ap- pear again to juftify what he had faid, he was barbaroufly murdered in Prifon. The Duke had Intereft enough at Court to get the Matter in fome Sort made up ; and the Friar's Body, the next Morning, was dragg'd thro' the Streets at a Horfe's Tail, like a Traitor's, and as a Felo de fe, to take off all Sufpicion of a Murder n . Whether the King was fatisfied with the Duke's In- nocency, or not, does not greatly appear ; but it is cer- tain that, not long after, the King and Council had a Defign to have arraigned the Duke, on feveral Articles of Treafon, at the King's- Bench Bar, before Sir Robert Tre/itian, the Lord Chief Juftice, whereas he ought to have been tried by his Peers : But the Duke, being aware of it, retired to his Caftle of Pontfrete, victualled and manned it, and ftood upon his Guard ; on which the Defign was fruftrated : But the Reader may obferye that fome flagrant Jealoufies were then between the Nephew and Uncle; which ceafed not during this Reign, but broke out to fome Purpofe at the End of it, by a Son of this Duke of Lancajler. But notwithftanding what Walfingbam has aflerted of the Story above, and as he was living near this Time we may the more readily credit it, yet there is not one Word of it entered on the Rolls ; and it is no Wonder, fince, as the Duke had Intereft enough to ftifle a Mur- der, he furely could prevent any Part of the Accufation appearing upon Record. But ft was not fo with the then Lord-Chancellor of England, Sir Michael de la Pole ; a long Account of an Accufation againft him being entered in the Proceedings of this Parliament. The (hort of the Matter is this ; one John m Named jfobn Latimrr. Stowc, 297. n The Manner how this Murder was adted Was fo barbarous as is almoft beyond Belief. Stoivc, 297. Helling Jfjead"^ Cbrtn, 445. But all from Waljir.gbam, Jub bee dn0. 408 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Ri(bard II. John Cavendijb of London^ Fifhmonger, having a Suit in Chancery, and being defirous, we fuppofe, to gain his Caufe the neareft Way, talked to one of the Chan- cellor's Chief Clerks, John Otere, about it j who, upon a Promiffory Note of 40 /. to his Mafter, and \L to himfelf, engaged to get his Bufinefs done for him. But the Fishmonger waiting a long Time after paying the Money, and finding no End of his Caufe, grew uneafy, and, at lair, actually accufed the Lord-Chancellor for taking Bribes, in open Parliament. The Chancellor denied the Charge, and, in a long Defence, fhew'd the Improbability of it, and took a folemn Oath before the Lords, that he was wholly innocent of the Matter. At laft it came out f-'e Clerk was only to blame ; who had praftifed on the Fiihmonger, and kept the Money to his own Ufe. The Lords, being bufy about much greater Affairs, referred the Punifliment of it to the Judges ; who, after Trial, fined the poor Fifhmonger 1000 Marks, and to lye in Prifon till he paid it, for Pandering fo great an Officer of the King j but what became of the Clerk we know not . Anno Regni g. In the fame Year as the laft, 1385, but in the 8th J 3 8 5- of this King, another Parliament was called to meet at At WtRminticr, Weftminfter on the Morrow after St. Martin^ or the 1 2th of November; when, in the Prefence of the King, the Lords fitting, and the Knights and Burgefles {landing, the fame Lord-Chancellor, as before, put them in Mind * of the King's great Care of the Church, Commons, ' and Laws oi England \ and further told them, * That ' the Nation was ftill environed with Enemies, the * French i Spaniards , Scots , and Flemings p ; and that ' the chief Caufe for calling this Parliament was to * provide for the Safety and Defence of the Kingdom ; * and to confider how this Provifion might beft and moft * fpeedily be raifed, fo that the poor People might be ^ leaft 9 This Sentenced not on the Rolls, but is annex'd to them by a Schedule, put there, no doubt, by the Chancellor's Order. See Abridgement, p. 300. P The Opening of this Parliament and the Chancellor's Speech is turned into Latin, which we have not before met with, In fpeaking of the King- dom's different Enemies, he fays, Gallicis vero Pcpuli mahitudine ; Hi- ipanis qui Galeis ; ac Flandrenfibus qui grofft nwibus vehemenier abun- dant ; ac Scotis^w/ Regnum Anelix fecuro Ptde intrare fate ruat, fft Rot. Parl, 9 Rich. II, NO, z, of E N G L A N D. 409 * leaft burdened by it.' He acquainted them, * That K. Richard II, * the King would go in Perfon, for the Defence of the ' Kingdom, againft any Enemy, by the Advice and 4 Confent of Parliament.' He then took Occafion to tell r jg, 1 them ' of the bafe Treachery and Falihood of the * French ; who, in the laft Treaty of Peace at Calais^ * had gone from their own Offers ; which, he added, ' was a good Caufe of Aflurance to the EngHJh, in fo * juft a Quarrel, to look for Victory.' The Chancellor concluded with obferving to them, ' That four Ways, ' or Means, would greatly further and fpeed this Con- < fultation ; I/?, To be early in the Houfe ; next, To repell all envious Paffions ; 3^, To begin always on * the moft needful Inquiries, and todireft them without c Mixture of any others ; and, lajlly^ To avoid all main- ' taining.' Thefe Things being maturely confidered, the Lords and Commons granted the King, for the Defence of the Realm, the Safeguard of the Sea, and Marches of Scot- land, and for that the King intends to go in Perfon againft his and their Enemies, this being his firft Voyage, two Fifteenths; one to be paid at Lady-Day next coming,^ fortheftEe and the other at Midfummer^ upon Condition that thepurpofe. laft Half-Fifteenth, granted at Sali/bury, fhould not be paid ; and in Cafe the King did not go in Perfon againft his Enemies, or that a Peace or Truce fhould be made with them, then the latter of thefe two Fifteenths fhould not be levied. In this Parliament the famous Lady, who was the The Sentence fuppofed Concubine of the late old King, Alice Perriers^rm^ly or Pierce % but now tne Wife of Sir William Mid/or petitioned to have the Sentence and Ordinance made agairfft her in the 5 . Thomas Earl of Buckingham and Effix, the King's other motions * Uncle, having been created DukeofGIoucefter, was con- firmed in it, and had a like Penfion and Afllgnment made him as his eldeft Brother x . Alfo Michael de la Pole, made Earl of Suffolk, had fome lefler Grants paf- fed to him r. Laftly, Robert de Fere, Earl of Oxford* the u The Life of Richard II. by a Perfon of Quality. w Knygblon, col. 2635. Walfing, 120. Stowe's Chron. 299. Speed's Cbron. 600. Sam. Daniel In Kennet, p. 254. * The Preamble to both thefc Patents [in Latin] are in the famr Words, but very elegant for thofe Times. y He had a Grant of 20 /. a Year out of the Farm of that County, and 500 /. a Year out of the Eftate of the former Earl, which had efcheated to the King for want of Heirs, after the Deccafe of the Qi^ef n and Ifabet U/ord, Countefs of Sn/olk. Brady, p. 363. 7>//, by Miftake of a Cypher, makes this lafl Grant but <;o/. with feveral other Manors and Lordfhips. Rot. Parl. 9 Rid,. II. N. 16. 414 The Parliamentary HISTORY ] , Richard li, the King's Favourite, was now, by an unufual Title* created Marquis pf Dublin ; and was confirmed in that Title, together with all the Revenues of Ireland, &c t except fome Royalties referved to the Crown, and pay- ing 5000 Marks yearly into the Exchequer. It was now, alfo, that Roger Mortimer, Earl of Marcl^ was declared, in Parliament, Prefumptive Heir to the Crown, in Cafe that Richard died without liTue. This Earl was the Son of Pbilippa, only Daughter to Lionel Duke of Clarence, third Son to Edwardlli y , the fecond, William of Hatfield, dying young. The De- fcendants of this Earl claimed, the Crown afterwards^ under the Title of the Houfe of York ; which oecafioned much Mifchief and Bloodfhed throughout the whole Kingdom. In this Parliament the Commons petitioned the King* That the State of his Houfhold might be looked into and examined every Year, by the Chancellor, Trea- furer, and Clerk of the Privy-Seal, and what was amifs to be mended at their Difcretion. And alfo that the antient Statutes made concerning the Houfhold might be kept, and duly executed in all their Points.' To the firft Article of the Petition the Anfwer was, 'The King will order it when he pleafeth. To the fecond, Le Roy le voet, or the King confenteth. The Commons defired to know, IVho Jliould be th'e King's chief (Officers and Governors of the State of the Kingdom ? The Anfwer was, The King hath Officers fufficient at prefent, and will change them at his Pleafure. It was alfo enacted, in this Parliament, That all Lords and other Perfons who have Lands on the Mar- ches beyond the River Tyne, fhould live upon them ; faving, that the King may {hew Favour to whom he pleafeth in that Matter. And, as the Chancellor direct- ed, the Staple of Wooll, which was at Calais, was alfo ordered to be kept in England, in fuch Place as the King and his Council fhould think meet. In this Parliament Thomas Arundele, then Bifhop of Ely, applied to the King, to make Restitution of the Tempo- ralities to Henry Spenfer, Bifhop of Norwich, which had been feized into the King's Hands in the laft Parliament. This 7 Fabians Clron. Fol. CXLIV. lloUlngjhead\ Cbron. p. 448. Pol. Vergil, Lib. xx. p. 41 1. Rapin, Fol. Ed. p. 462. But, after all thcfe A- thoiities, this Declaration is not entered on the Rolls of this Parliament* of E N G L A N D. 415 This was warmly oppofed by the new Earl of Suffolk^ K. Richard II. Lord-Chancellor, who rofe up and fpoke to the Bifhop of Ely in this Manner, What is that, my Lord, lh ' you afk of the King ? Seems it to you a fmall Matter Bifliop of Nor. * for him to part with that Bifhop's Temporalities, when w/ci'sTempo- 'they yield to his Coffers above a Thoufand Pounds a raltieSt * Year f Little Need hath the King of fuch Counfellors, * or fuch Friends, as advife him to Als fo greatly to ,- -, his Difadvantage.' To which the Bifhop of Ely finart- L 3 ' ly replied, * What fays your Lordihip, my Lord * Michael ? Know, that I afk not from the King what ' is his own, but that which he, drawn thereunto by ' you, or fuch as you are, \vith-holds from other Men, 4 upon none of the jufteft Titles, and which, as 1 think, 4 will never do him any Good. As for yourfelf, if the * King's Advantage be the Thing you drive at, why * did you fo greedily accept of a Thoufand Marks a 1 Year, at the Time he created you Earl of Suffolk ?* The Chancellor, adds our Authority, was hit fo home, by this round Retort, that he offered no further to crofs the Reftitution of the Bifhop's Temporalities z . But, had it not been for the Subfidy granted by the Clergy this Parliament, which put the King into a good Humour, this Affair would not have been parted over fo eafily. The Duke of Lancafter's Expedition into Spain now took Place, and he embarked with a very great Army, for the reducing the Kingdom of Cajlile and Leon to his Obedience. But tho' he gained fome great Advantages at firft ; yet, in the End, his Army being very much di- minifhed by Sicknefs and Mortality, he thought proper to clap up a Peace, by renouncing all his Pretenfions to that Kingdom, for a large Sum of Money, and a yearly Annuity, to be paid him by John, the Son of Henry the Eajlard^ the prefent Poffeflbr. During this Expedition abroad, Affairs at home were in a ticklifh Situation. The French King had not laid afide his intended Invafion Qi England \ but, on the contrary, had made greater Preparations for it than ever 3 . In z Speed's Cbron. p. 600. E Lib, Mcn.ifierii de Melfa, et ex Record, tpud Gul, Camden, in Yoikfhirc. Sam. Daniel in Kenntt, p. 254. a See an Account of this fecond Atmament, at Slujs, for the Invafion. in Froifart, cap. Iviii. lix. Ix. This Author writes that it was thought by fome, tlut all this mighty Preparation was only to flight tiazEnglijb, ani dr*\v the Duke of Lar.cjjier back from Spain 4i 6 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Richard II. In order to ftem this Tide, and prepare to ftand the Shock, the Lord-Chancellor De la Pole fent for great Part of the Militia of the whole Kingdom, to the Num- ber of 200,000 Men, up to London^ where they were f. -i quartered in the neighbouring Villages ; and one Au- L 39 J thor writes 1 , That, befides the City and Suburbs, all the Towns within twenty Miles of London were filled with arm'd Men; but, having no Pay, they did as much Mifchief to the Inhabitants as an Enemy. AnnoRegni 10. In the Midft of thefe Dangers and Confufions, a Par- 's 86 - liament was called, by Writs dated Augujl 8, to meet At Wejimifijltr.** Weftminjter on the firft of Oflober following. And, tho' the Nation was fo much threatened from abroad, yet we may reafonably fuppofe it was little regarded, fmce there never yet was a Time, in this King's Reign, when DifTentions between him and his Parliament ran higher. It appears, however, by the Records, that the Seffion was opened, as ufual, by a Speech from the Earl af'Smjfotl, Lord-Chancellor; in which he told the Houfes, ' That the principal Caufe of calling them to- * gether, at that Time, was to acquaint them that at a * Council, held at Oxford, it had been determined that ' the King fhould pafs the Seas, in Perfon, with an Army * Royal ; which Refolution the King ftill held, and they * were to debate in what Manner and how it was to be * done. He faid there were four Caufes that moved the * King to this Expedition ; the firft was, That he might, * at lefs Expence, attack his Enemy abroad, than ftay and * defend them at home. The fecond was, to take ofT a ' Reproach blazed abroad, that he durft not go over in * Perfon m . The next was, to gain his Right to the * Crown of France \ by which he fhould acquire both * Renown and Honour. And, laitly, fince the French * were daily threatening an Invafion, he defired them to * confult about it, as well as the Maintenance of the ' Laws and Prefervation of the Peace.' Bifference* be- The Triers of Petitions being appointed, the very tween the King nex t Thing the Commons went upon was the Impeach- i. hiS PdrUa "ment of the Earl of Suffolk ; which, by the Records, feems 1 Sam, Daniel, p. 255. n Que le Roy nt verroit trevailkr en prr.fre Perfont, Rot. Pail, jo Rich. II. NO. i. vf E N G L A N D. 417 ft ems to have gone on peaceably enough : But HenryK.* Rtibard II. Knygbton, a Contemporary Hiftorian, and one who muft be credited in thefe Matters, has been very particular in his Account of the Tranfadtions of this Parliament, and gives a different Relation of it. Mr. Tyrrel, becaufe this Author's Story bears hard upon the Prerogative, has tranflated every Tittle of it, and falls foul upon Dr. Brady [ 391 J for mangling and abridging it. In the Record it is entered, That the Commons, with one Accord, and in one Body n , came before the King, Prelates, and Lords, in the Parliament-Chamber, complaining grievoufly againft Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, late Chancellor of England^ then prefent, and, by Word of Mouth, accufed him in Manner fol- lowing : Fir/I, That he the faM Earl, fcfc.' Next follow the Articles of Impeachment, in Num- ber feven ; which, with the Earl's Anfwers to them, and the Commons' Replications, methodically, extend to a great Length on the Rolls, and are much fitter for the Collection of State Trials than a Work of this Na- ture. We fhall therefore content ourfelves, and we hope our Readers alfo, with giving the Senfe of the Contemporary Hiftorians, &c. on this Trial, wherein the aforeiaid Articles, and the Judgment given upon them, will alfo occur in the Relation. To do Juftice to all, it is very proper to begin with They require the eldeft Hifhnian , who tells us, That, at the Open- SiVcdlor^'d ing of tne Stffion, the King appeared in Perfon as ufual j Treafurer'be'ro but when he found that the Commons were refolved moved, upon impeaching Sir Michael de la Pole^ Earl of Suffolk^ and Lord -Chancellor, for divers Crimes and Mifde- ineanors, his Majefty retired, left he* might feem to countenance their Proceedings. The King went to Elthami where he trifled away his Time : Hereupon both Houfes, with joint Confent, thought proper to fend this Meflage to him, ' That the Chancellor and Trea- 1 furer ought to be removed from their Offices, becaufe * thofe Men were not for the Advantage of himfelf and ' Kingdom. Adding, that they had Matters to treat ' of, relating to the Lord Michael de laPolej which could VOL. I. D d * not Vune Accord et ur.ement oj/emblex. Record. Henry Knygbitn, inter Dtftrn Serif t, nol. 2680. A\ 8 The Parliamentary HISTORV K. Richard li < not be fafely done whilft he remained in the Office of Chancellor.' The King was greatly incenfcd at this Mefiage, and "S commanded them, Not to make Mention of any fuch and retkesom Thing for the future ; but forthwith proceed to the Bu- Court. Jinefs for which they were fummoned^ andbajlen to a Con- clufion ; and rafhly added, That he would not for them^ cr at their Inftance, remove the meanejt Scullion in bis Kitchen P. What raifed the Refentment of the Commons more againft the Chancellor, was, that in this Parliament he, in the King's Name, had demanded of them four Fif- teenths, to be paid in one Year, and as many Tenths from the Clergy q . Al!edo;ing, that the King was fo much in Debt that lefs would not difcharge it ; befides the Expences of the Wars, hii Houfliold and other Exi- gencies. Without regarding this at all, the Lords and The Parliament Commons returned their joint Anfwer to the King, B e unnefstin the ' That the ? neither could > nor ' ty an 7 Means, would King returns. * proceed in any Bufmefs of Parliament, or difpatch fo 1 much as the leaft Article of it, till the King fliould _ * come and ftiew himfelf in Perfon amongft them, and L 39 2 J < remove the faid Michael de la Pole from his Office.' To this high Demand, the King returned for Anfwer, That they .fhould order forty Knights^ of the wifeji and mojl fubjiantial of the Commons^ to come to him and declare the Opinion of all the reft. But this Meflage alarmed them ftill more, every Man doubting his own Safety ; for a private Rumour had reached their Ears, that thefe forty Members were defigned to be maflacred : For, adds our Authority, wht> perhaps may be fufpedled of going too far in this Matter, it was told them, and it appeared afterwards to be true, that as thefe forty were to go to the King, a large Party of armed Men fhould fet upon and murder them : Or elfe that, being invited to a Feaft, fome armed Ruffians fhould deftroy them : Or, yet another Way, that they fhould be murdered, all in an Inftant, in their Lodgings in London. This laft bloody Defign, he fays, was fruftrated by Richard de Exton> then Mayor of London, who refufed to give his Con- P dicens, fe ntlle pro if>fis nee minimum Garcionem de Coquina Jut tmovereab Officio fuo. Knygbton, inter Duan Strift, col, z68o. * This does not appear by the Record. cf ENGLAND. 419 Confent to fuch a Piece of Villany ; by which it was de- K. Richard 11. ferred, and this curled Contrivance, by Degrees, brought to L' "/ Ritbotit II, by a Ptrfcn of Quality. 420 The Parliamentary HISTORY K, Richard IL Kingdom may with moft Eafe, the Public Wants ' confidered, be fupplied : They conceive alfo, that, ' fince they are to fupport all public Charges incumbent, * they (hould have the Supervifal how, and by whom, * their Goods and Fortunes are to be expended : They * fay, moreover, that this is their Privilege by antient * Conftitution, That if the King will wholly ejJrange .' himfelf from bis Parliament, (no Infirmity or neceffary * Caufe difabling him) but objlinately, by his ungovernable * Will, Jhall withdraw himfelf, and be abfent from them ' the Space of forty Days, not regarding the Vexaticn of ' his People, nor their grievous Expences ; that then, from 4 that Time, it fhall be lawful for all and every of them, * without any Damage from the King, to go home and 1 return into their own Countries : And now you, for a ' longer Time, have abfented yourfelf, and, for what * Caufe they know not, have refufed to come among ' them.' To this the King anfwered to this Effect : The King's An- AT^ OW we do plainly difcover that our People and the fwer. Commons intend to refift, and are endeavouring t r _ make Infurreftions againjl us; and, in fuch Cafe, nothing I 394 J feems better for us, than to call in our Coujin the King of France, and from him to ajk Advice and Aid, nay, even to fubmit ourfelves to him, rather than to truckle to our own Subjeffs. To which they replied, SIR, ,The Parlia- ' r I ^HIS Council is not fafe for you, but rather tends ment's Reply, < to your inevitable Deftruftion ; for the King of ' France is your capital Enemy, and the greateft Ad- * verfary to your Kingdom ; and if he fliould once get * Footing on your Land, would fooner endeavour to f defpoil you of it, to invade your Kingdom, and drive * you from your Throne, than in the leaft to lend you * his affifting Hand, if at any Time (which God forbid) 'you fhould ftand in Need thereof; rather therefore ' recall to your Memory, how your Noble Grandfather, * King Edward III. and in like Manner your Father, ' a Prince of the fame Name and Renown, with great * Labour and Hazards, during their whole Lives, inde- ' fatigably contended for the Conqueft of that Kingdom, ' which, 0f ENGLAND. 421 c which, by Hereditary Right, appertained to them, and K. Rlcbari n, c after them to you, by Succeflion : You may alfo be 4 pleafed to call to Mind, how many of the Nobles, what 4 innumerable Troops of the Commons of England loft 4 their Lives in that Quarrel : Remember alfo the in- * eftimableTreafures the People of England freely parted * with, for the Maintenance of that War. ' And yet, what is more to be lamented, they have ' in your Time fuftained fo many Taxes for the Support ' of your Wars, as that now they are reduced to fuch 4 incredible Poverty, that they can neither pay their * Rents for their Livings, nor affift the King, nor afford 4 themfelves even the Neceffaries of Life : Thus the 4 Royal Power is impoverifhed, and an unhappy Con- * dition brought upon all the Great Men and Nobles * of the Kingdom, who, as well as the Commons, are ' weakened and undone; for a King cannot be poor that * has a rich People, nor that King be rich, whofe Sub- jects are Beggars: Nor do thefe Ills redound alone to 4 you the King, but to all the Nobility and Great Men, r . -t 4 every one in his Rank and Degree. All this is brought 4 to pafs by your evil Minifters, who have ill governed 4 both King and Kingdom to this Day ; and unlefs we do 4 quickly fet to our helping Hands, the Kingdom will, in * lefs Time than we think of, be miferably Subverted. 4 But there is yet one Part more of our MefTage 4 remaining, on the Behalf of your People, to be im- * parted to you, That we have an antient Conjiitution 9 4 and it was not many Ages Jince experimented, (it grieves 4 us that we mujl mention it) that if the King, through * any evil Counjel, or weak Objlinacy or Contempt of his 4 People, or out of a perverfe and f toward IVilfulnefs, or 4 by any other irregular Courfes, Jhall alienate himfelf from 4 his Pcvple, and refufe to govern by the Laws and Statutes 4 of the Realm, according to the laudable Ordinances and 4 their faithful Advice, but will throw himfflf headlong ' into wild Dejigns, and Jlubbornly exereife his own fingu- 4 lar arbitrary Will, that, from that Time, it Jhall be law- 4 ful for his People, bv their full and free Ajfent and Con- 4 fent, to depofe that King from his Throne, and, in his 4 Stead, to ejlabli/h fome other of the Royal Race upon the * fame : Therefore, that fuch a grievous and unhappy * Ueaton may never fpnng up amon^ft your People; D d 3 * that 422 *The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Ricbard II. that they may never, through fuch lamentable DIvI- fions, pleafmg only ro your Enemies, be by your evil Councilors fubverted ; and that this Kingdom, fo ho- nourable, and, from your Father's Days, hitherto moft famous in War, may not now, in }our Time, through the Difti actions of evil Government, be rniferably laid wafte ; and, that the Title of thofe Miferies may never be fixed as a fcandalous Mark upon your Reign, recall we beft-tch you, your Royal Mind from fuch foolifh and pernicious Counfels; and whofoever they are that fuggeft fuch Matters to you, do not only refufe to heaiken to them, but totally remove them from your Preience ; for, in a Time of Danger, it will be found, that they can noways prove effectual to fervc you, when you ftand moft in Need of them.' L 39& 3 ^y thefe and other Speeches, fays our Author, the King wa;, brought to better Temper, and, laying afide his Paflion, he promifed that after three Days he would come to the Pailiament, and, with mature Advice, wil- lingly acquiefce in their Petitions : Accordingly the King came at the Time appointed ; and, very foon after, Which occafions Thomas Arundele, Bifhop of Ely* by the Advice and Con- great Alterations fent of Parliament, was made Chancellor in the room of in the Miniftry. j^;j }ae i de fa p }^ Karl of Su/elk } John Gilbert, Bifhop of Hereford^ was made Treafurer, inftead of "John de Fordham, Bifhop of Durham ; and John de Walt bam, Keeper of the Privy Seal. The Mcflages above-mentioned are fo extraordinary in their Kind, that Dr. Brady fuppofes the old Canon of Leicefter was the Author of them ; as indeed, adds he, moft Hiftorians are of the Speeches and Orations found in them ; for that they are in fuch Language as no Subjects ever ufed towards their Sovereign. Mr. Tyrrel objects to this, that the Hiftorian here quoted is very feldom guilty of making fet Speeches, however it may be faid of other Writers ; and leaves it to the Reader's Judg- ment, whether this Author, who was alive at this very Time, and wrote his Hiftory in the Rei^n of .the fuc- Remarkson thisceeding King, durft prelume to forge a Speech of fo dan- Remonftrance. gerous a Confequence, when the fame Bifliop., tranf- lated to the See of Canterbury^ was then in Being, and could cafily have contraJi^kd ib notorious a Piece of Forgery. of E N G L A N D. 423 Forgery. To fpeak impartially on this Matter; Mr. K - Tyrrel has fomewhat overfhot himfelf in mentioning the Bifhop and Hiftorian as Contemporaries ; becaufe it may then with greater Probability be imagined the Biftiop gave the latter the Speech, or the Subftance of it, to infert in his Hiftory ; fince, as he fays, Knyghton wrote in the fucceeding Reign, after the fame Principles, laid down in this Speech, had brought about a Revolution, sir in which this Thomas Arundele, then Archbifhop of Can- Pole Earl of terbury, was one of the chief Movers. Bcfides, it is Suffolk, and Lord certain that our Parliamentary Records areintirely fik^pe^JXi *' "* as to the Meflages and Speeches which Knyghton hath given ; as well as all other Hiftorians, who do not quote from that Author. And if they were true, they muft have happened between the Meeting of the Parliament and the bringing in of the Impeachment. But to go on. After the Removal of Michael de la Pole from the Chancellorfinp, he was impeached by the Commons [ 397 ] of feveral high Crimes and Mifdemeanors ; the Articles againft him are upon the Record % as alfo in Knyghton l ; but we give them from the latter as follow : The Impeachment or Articles exhibited by the Commons in full Parliament againft Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, late Chancellor of England. I. * nr\ HAT the faid Earl beingr Chancellor, and The Articles 4 A fworn to aft for the juft Profit of the King, a s ainft hia * hath purchafed of our Lord the King, Lands, Tene- ments, and Rents to a great Value, as appears by the Record-Rolls of the Chancery : And againft his Oath, not regarding the great Neceffity of the Kin IOO/. [ 399 ] * for the Term of their two Lives.' For this it was adjudged, That the King Jhall have all the Profits belonging to the faid St. Anthony'*, at the Time of the Purcbaje ; and that for the Recognizance fo made, the /aid Earl Jhall be awarded to Prifon, andfined 9 and ranfomed at the Pleasure of the King. VI. That in the Time of the late Chancellor there were granted and made divers Charters and Patents of Pardon for Murders, Treafons, Felonies, &(. againft the Laws ; and before the Commencement of this prefent Parliament, there was made and fealed a Charter of certain Franchifes granted to the Caftle of Dover in Difmherifoti of the Crown, and to the Sub- veriion of the Pleas and Courts of the King, and of ' his Laws.' The King awards that thofe Charters be repealed. VII. * Whereas by an Ordinance made in the laft * Parliament, that 10,000 Marks ihould be raifed for the Relief of the City of Ghent ; by the Default of ' the faid late Chancellor, the faid City of Ghent was * loft, and alfo icoo Marks of the faid Money.' Upon all which Articles the Commons demand the judg- ment of Parliament. Knyghton fays that the Sum of the Earl's Anfwers to thcfe Articles were either by denying fome of them, or confefling and excufing others ; and that, for all thefe Offences, the faid Earl was not only difcharged from his Office of Chancellor, but, being arrefted, was com- T]ie EarJ mitted to the Cuftody of the Conftable, and, after the m jlt e d PriibneT Parliament was up, he was fentclofe Prifoner to IVind- for CajHe ; but was foon after difcharged by the Kincr. Thomas Walfingkaifi* another Hiftorian of good Au- thority, and contemporary with Knyghton, relates, that all thefe Articles were fo fully proved, that the Earl eould not deny them. Infomuch, that when he ftood upon 426 K, Ricbard II. [ 4 00] Ileven Lords chgfen by Par- liament, ap- pointed to regu- late the Affairs f the Kingdom. 'The Parliamentary HISTORY upon his Defence, and had nothing to fay for himfelf, the King, blufliing for him, (hook his Head and faid, jflas, alas, Michael, fee what thou haji done. Further, when the King defired a Supply, the fame Author tells us that the Commons- anfwered, ' He did not need any ' Tallage on his Subjects, when he might fo eafily fur- * ni(h himfelf with a Sum of Money from him who was * his juft Debtor U . J This may be true alfo, but it is .not on Record ; and it will be found in the Sequel that they granted a very large one. The former, who is more particular in giving the Affairs of this Parliament than of any other through- out his whole Hiftory, goes on and tells us, That, by the Corruption of the Kind's Officers, the public Re- venue was vainly confumed ; the King infufferably de- frauded and abufed ; the common People of the Realm, by continued and grievous Burdens, miferably impove- rifhed ; the Rents and Profits of the Nobles and Great Men much impaired ; and their poor Tenants in many Places forced to abandon their Hufbandry, and leave their Farms empty and defolate. And all this Time it was plain that, by thefe Means, the King's Officers be- came unmeafurably rich. The Parliament obferving all this, in order to reme- dy the Evil, they chofe eleven Lords, to whom the King, by Commiffion w under the Broad-Seal, granted Leave and Power to inquire into, treat of, and deter- mine all Affairs, Caufes, and Complaints arifing fmce the Death of King Edward III. to that prefent Time ; as alfo of the King's Expences and his Minifters, and all other Matters happening within the limited Time. The Lords, fo chofen, were fworn, on 'the Holy Evan- gelifts, to well and truly regulate all Burdens, and other Sab hoc Anno, w Rot. Parl. 10 Rich. II. Pars prima, N. 7. This Commiffion, in French, is alfo printed, at large, in H. Knygbton, col 2686, &V. The Preamble to it, which is very Ion-', runs thus, ' Know ye, that for the Reverence of God, and to nourifh Peace, .Unity, and good Accord in all Parties within the Realm of England, and efpeciaily for the good Profit and Eafe of our People, and good Go- vernment of our fame Realm of Englar.J, which we chiefly deihe, with the Aflent of our Lords and Commons aflembled in Pailijment at fi ,/}- minfier the firft Day of Ofiaier laft paft, we have caufed to he made a Statute, as well for the Amendment of the faid Governance, as for the common Profit of the fa if! Realm, in the Form follov.'inc, fiJV.' Sec ;- ites tit large, Hawkim's Edit, 10 Rich. II, A. 1386. p. "347. of ENGLAND. 427 other Affairs incumbent on the King and Kingdom ; K - Ri'fard u. and to do Juftice to every one. The King likewife took an Oath to ftand to their C 4 O1 ] Appointment, to encourage them in their A<5tings, and T jj e King take* not to revoke any Article of their Power, but to con- an Oath to rati- firm, as good and ftable, whatfoever the faid Counfellors JJ^^^J 1 " fiiould do or order during that Time ; and that any (ix mss " "" y * of them, with the three Chief Officers of the King, fhould at any Time make a Quorum. Laftly, it was enacted, That if any Man {hould ad- vife the King to make any Revocation of their Power, tho' the King fhould not do it, yet if it was but pro- bable he gave fuch evil Counfel, he fhould, for the fame, forfeit all his Lands and Goods ; and, if he attempted it a fecond Time, he {hould be drawn and hanged as a public Traitor to the King and Kingdom a . But the Authority of Parliament alone being not- judged fufficient to fecure this great Change in the Go- vernment, the King was further prevailed on to grant his Leters Patent, on which, afterwards, a Statute was made, in order to render it as irrevocable as poilible. Which Letters Patent muft find a Place in thefe Inquires, fmce, tho' not ftridly Parliamentary, yet they were the Occafion of the Perfons concerned in the CommifHon being afterwards brought to a very fevere Trial in Par- liament. Thus they ftand trunflated from the French. El C H A R D, King, &c. To all tbofe to whom thefe And grants hit Letters jball come to be Ceen or heard* Greeting. /^? Letters Patent , , : . r , . J ^ , . f , r , in Confirmation duly conjctous of the grievous Complaints of the Lords thereof. and Commons of our Realm in this prefent Parliament af- fembled, That our Profits and Rents, and the Revenues of our Realm, by private and intujficient Council, and the ill Governance as well of certain of our late Great Officer s^ as of divers other People being near our Perfon, are fo much confumed, wafted, embezzled, given away, granted, and aliened, destroyed, and evilly difpcfed of and ex- panded, that we are fo much impoverijbed and Jlripp'd ofTreafure and Means, and the Sub/tance of ' our Crown jo ditninijhed and deflroyed, that we are neither able to jufiain honourably, as we ov^ht, the State of our Houfluld, nor * 7V.J.-7 f per Cr.-itatcm, tzrqunm Trad;i'ir fullUui Rrgii it Rigni, fufftadttur. Kny^hton, col,-a66, Parliamentary HISTORY K. Richard II. nor maintain and manage thofe Wars wherewith our' [ 402 ] Realm is environ' d y without great and outragious Op- prejjions and Charges on our People, greater than they can bear : And alfo that the good Laws, Statutes, and Cuf- toms of our Jaid Realm, to which we are bound by Oath, and obliged to maintain, are not, nor have been, duly cbferved and executed, nor full Juftice or Right done to our faid People ; but many Dijinherifons, and other mojl great Mif chiefs and Damages, have happened, as well ttr us, as to our People and whole Realm. Now we, for the Honour of God, and for the Good of us and our Realm, and for the ghtiet and Relief of our People, willing againjl the faid Aiifchiefs to eftablijh a good and meet Remedy, a* we have already of aur free fi/ill, at the Requeji ufthe Lords and Commons, ordained and ajjigned fuch Perfons for our great Officers ; that is to Jay, our Chancellor, Ireafurer, and Keeper of our Pri- vy Seal, as we ejleem good, faithful, and fufficient, for the Honour and Profit of us and our Realm : So a/Jo of our real Authority, certain Knowledge, good Pleafure, and Free-will, and by the Advice and AJfent of the Prelates, Lords, and Commons in full Parliament, in Aid ef the good Governance of our Realm, and the well and due Execution of our Laws, and for the Relief in Time of that mijerable Condition under which both we and our Subjects have long laboured, having full Confidence in the good Advice, Senfe, and Difcretion of the moji Honourable Fathers in God, William Archbijhop E it remembered. That on the 2$tb Day o/Auguftj to the *-> i n the I itb year of the Reign of Kin Richard IL ersreh"^' the Ca fl le f Nottingham, before our faid Lord the ting to the late Ki n gi Robert Trefilian, Chief Juftice o/" England, and Commiflion. Robert Belknappe, Chief Jujt ice of the Common Bench f 4.07 1 f our faid Lord the King, John Holt, Roger Fulthorp, and c Knyglttm, col. 2694, &c. Tyrrtft Hijiory 6 f England, Vol. HI. p. 906, &c. , See alfo Sir Jvku Hayward't Life and Reign of Henry IV. but whicU it rather the Ltie of this King, &?c. p. 14, &c. Ltr.don, 1630, of E N G L A N D. 433 and William de Burgh, Knights, Jujiices, and 4JJociatesK-> Richard II. of the faid Robert Belknappe, and John de Lokton, the King's Serjeant at Law, in the Prefence of the Lords and ether Witnefle* underwritten, were perfonally required by our /aid Lord the King, on the Faith and Allegiance wherein to him the /aid King they are bound, to anfwer faithfully unto certain ghtejlions here under fpecified, and to them then and there truly recited, and upon the fame to declare the Law according to their Difcretion, viz. I. It was demanded of them, Whether that new < Statute, Ordinance, and Commiflion, made and pub- 4 limed in the laft Parliament held at Wejlminjler, be not derogatory to the Royalty and Prerogative of our * faid Lord the King ?' To which they unanimoufly anfwered, That the fame were derogatory thereunto ; especially becaufe they were again/I his Will. II. < How thofe are to be punifhed, who procured that < Statute and Commiffion ?' To which they unanimoufly anfwered, That they were to be punijhed with Death, except the King would pardoy them. III. ' How thofe are to be punimed who moved the King to confent to the making of the faid Statute ?' Whereunto they anfwered with one accord, That they ought to lofe their Lives, unlefs his Majejly would pardon them. IV. It was afk'd them, * What Punifliment they de,- ' ferved who compelled, ftraitened, or neceffitated the King to confent to the making of the faid Statute and * Commiffion ?' To which they all anfwered, That they ought tofuffer as Traitors. V. ' How thofe are to be punimed who hindered the * King from exercifing thofe Things which appertain to ' his Royalty and Prerogative ?' To which Queftion they unanimoufly anfwered, That they are to be punijhed as Traitors. VI. ' Whether after, in a Parliament afTembled, the r . Q g - * peach in Parliament any of the faid Judges or Officers ' for any of their Offences ?' To which they unanimoufly anfwered, That they can- not ; and if any one Jhould do fo, he is to be punifoed as a Traitor. IX. * How he is to be puniflied who moved in Par- * liament, That the Statute fhould be fent for, whereby r , o _ -j ' Edward the Second (the King's Great Grandfather) 4 was proceeded againft and depofed in Parliament ; by ' Means of fending for and impofing which Statute, the ' faid late Statute, Ordinance, and Commiffion, were * devifed and brought forth in Parliament ?' To which they anfwered, That as well he that fa moved, ^.ENGLAND. 435 moved, as be who, by Pretence of that Motion, carried the K. Ridardll, faid Statute to the Parliament, are Traitors and Crimi- nals to be punijhed with Death. X. It was demanded of them, * Whether the Judg- * mem given in the laft Parliament held at WeftminfttT^ 4 againlt Michael de la Pole, Earl of Suffolk, was Erro- 6 neous and Revocable, or not r" To which Queftion they unanimoufly anfwered, That if that Judgment were now to be given, they would not give it ; becaufe it J'eems to them, that the faid Judg- ment is Revocable, as being Erroneous in every Part of it. In Tefllmony of all which the Judges and Serjeants of ore faid to thcj'e Prefents have put their Seals in the Prefence of the Reverend Lords* Alexander Archbijhop */"York, Robert Archbijhop of Dublin, John Bijhop of Durham, Thomas Bijhop 0/Chichefter, and John Bi- JJjop o/"Bangor, Robert Duke of Ireland, Michael Earl of Suffolk, John Rypon, Clerk, and John Blake, Efq; Given the Place, Day, Month, and Year aforejaid*. But tho' the King and his Favourites had got the Judges on their Side, and by thofe Means had piocured a Colour of Law for what they did, yet the greateft Difficulty remained behind, which was to arm them- r ^ 10 1 felves with Power fufficient to put the-fe Refolves in Execution. To this Purpofe they did their utmoft to render themfelves and their King popular ; and, at his Majefty's Return to London, he was met and received by the Mayor and Citizens, with the greateft Pomp and Solemnity b . But this Joy was very (hort-lived, for E e' 2 the a Knygbton affures us, That Bdknappt^ Chief Juflice of the Common Pleas, dia very earneftly refufe to fign the Refolutions, till Vere and De la Pole forced him to it, by threatening him to kill him if he refufed j where- upon having put to his Seal, he burfl forth info thcfe Words before them, ' Now want 1 nothing but a Jihip, or a nimble Horfe, or an Halter to ' bring me to that Death I deferve : if I had not done this, 1 (hould have ' been kill'd by your Hands, and now I have gratified the King's Pleafure * and yours in doing it, I have well deferved to die tor Treafun againft the Nobles of the Land.' Col. z6^. Some Authors fay, That all the Judges of England, except WlUam Skipivitk, abfent by reafon of Sickncfs, join'd in anf^ering thefcQueftions j which feems probable, becaufe they were afterwards all qucftion'd and pumfh'd for the fame j yet in th: Record there are but Five named j poiTihly the others might confent, though only thefe fet their Seals to it. t> Major Londoniarum cbviavat cujr.itinitmcrabili Multitadine P.quituiji dt C'-vibut -veftitit omnibus in Cohribui rcgiis, AQ e Parliamentary HISTORY K.Ricbardil, ' Lofs and Deftruftion of the King and Realm, and ' the Perils and Mifchiefs aforefaid j and that the King * was departed from the Council of the Realm, and * wholly abandon'd himfelf to the Counfels of the (aid ' Malefactors and Traitors ; by Means whereof the ' French King had Ships and a Royal Power on the ' Sea, ready to have arrived in England, the faid Realm, * and the very Language of England, to deftroy ; * and that no Provifion was made, or good Governance * taken, for the Safety of the King nor Realm) finding ' no other Remedy, did remonftrate to the King very ' fully, how he was ill-advifed, and Affairs moft per- * nicioufly manag'd by the aforefaid .Traitors and Male- * fadlors, declaring to him their wicked Conditions ; * and moft humbly befeeching him, for the Safety of * himfelf, and of all his Realm, and avoiding the faid * impending Dangers, to forfake and turn thefe Trai- * tors from his Prefence and Company, and no longer * to conduct himfelf after their evil Counfel, but to * hearken to the fage, loyal, and difcreet Peiibns of his * Realm : Whereupon the faid Archbifliop and other * Traitors, to defeat this wholefome Advice of the Par- c liament, by their falfe Counfel, did then caufe the * King to command the Mayor of London fuddenly to f 4.20 1 ' ^ ev y a reat P wer f tne People of that City, to at- * ^ * ' tack and put to Death all the faid Lords and Com- * mons, except fuch as were of their Cabal ; At the * Execution of which V r illany the faid great Malefac- ' tors and Traitors fliould be prefcnt and Parties, to the * Scandal and great Diflervice of the King and his Realm. XV. * When the faid Archbifliop and other Traitors * perceived that the faid Mayor and good People of Lon- * don, had openly refufed, in the Prefence of the King, * to accomplifn fuch their Treachery and lewd Purpofes, * touching the Murder of the faid Lords and Commons, * they then, by fuch their traiterous Encroachment, * falfly advifed the King, and fo far prevailed, that our * Lord the King did abfent himfelf from his Parliament * for many Days, and did certify them, That he would * never approach the faid Parliament, nor commune ' with the faid Lords and Commons touching the Af- 4 fairs of the Realm, for any Danger, Lofs, or Mif- chief 0f ENGLAND. 447 e chief that migh# happen to him or his Realm, unlefs K - Mebard II. * he were firft aflured by the faid Lords and Commons ' that they would not fay nor act any thing in that Parlia- * ment againft any of the faid Malefactors, fave only in * the Procefs which was begun againft Michael de la ' Pole : All which was to the Difiervice of the King and * his Realm, and contrary to the antient Ordinance * and Liberties of Parliament. XVI. The faid Lords and Commons of the Realm, c after they found the King's Will, by the malignant ' Counfel and Excitement of the faid Archbifhop and other Traitors, to be fuch, that he would riot fuffer ' any Thing to be commenced, profecuted, or done ' againft the faid Malefactors and Traitors, were pleafed * to acquiefce, and not proceed therein any further < againft his Pleafure. And afterwards in the faid Parlia- * ment, taking the Advice and Counfel of all the Lords, Judges, and other Sages and Commons of the faid * Parliament, how the Eftate of the King and his Roy- * alty might beft be preferved from the Perils and Mif- chiefs aforefaid, could not find any apter Expedient, * than to ordain, That Eleven of the loyal and fage ' Lords of the Land fhould be of Council to the King * for one Year -then next enfuing : And that there [ 421 ^} < fhould be made, during that Time, a Statute and Com- ' miflion, whereby they fhould have full and fufficient ' Power to order Matters for the Government of the * King and of the Realm, and what appertained to the * King, as well on this Side as beyond the Seas : And to repel, repair, and redrefs whatever fhould have been ' ill done againft the Eftate, Honour, and Profit of the * King and Kingdom, and to do divers other Things * neceffary for the King and Realm, as in the Com- ' miflion thereupon ifTued, and remaining of Record in ' Chancery, is contained. And that no Perfon fhould ' prefume to counfel the King, or any way move him 4 againft the faid Ordinance and Statute, on Pain of ' forfeiting, for the firft Offence, all their Goods and ' Chattels; and Pain of Death, for the fecond : Such * Expedient and Ordinance to be made if it would fo ' pleafe the King, and not otherwife. To which Or- * dinance, or Statute, all the Judges of the Land agreed, ' and gave their Confent unto, and Advice for the fajpe> * as 44 'The Parliamentary HISTORY K.Richard ll. as W eII in Prefence of (he King, as of fhe Lords* ' And alfo, our Lord the King did fully give his Aflerit ' to the fame ; and thereupon the faid Ordinance, Sta- ' tute, and Coramiffion, were made and accorded unto ' by the Aflent of the King, and of the faid Lords and e Judges, and other Sages and Commons aflembled in * that Parliament, for the Safety of the King, his Roy- * alty and Realm. And yet, after the End of the faid c Parliament, the afore&id Traitors and Malefactors, by * fuch their evil Encroachments, falfly and traiteroufly * did inform the King, That the laid Ordinance, Sta- * tute, and Commiffion were made in Derogation of his ' Royalty j and that all thofe who procured or advifed ' the making thereof, or counfelled the King to aflent * thereunto, were worthy of Death, as Traitors to the ' King. XVII. That after this, the faid Traitors, the Arch- ' bifhop, &c. caufed the King to aflemble a Council ' of certain of the Lords Juftices and others, without c the Aflent or Prefence of the faid Lords of the Great c Council, to whom they made many Demands, and * very much fufpicious, touching divers Matters, where- [ 422 ] 'by the King, the Lords, and the common People ' have been involved in moft grievous Trouble, the ' whole Realm difquieted, and the Hearts of many 8 withdrawn from the King, faving their Allegiance. XVIII. To accomplifh the faid High-Treafons, * the faid Traitors, the Archbifhop, &c. caufed the * King to go with fome of them throughout the Midft * of his Realm, and to make the Lords, Knights, ' Efquires, and other good People, as well in Cities and ' Boroughs, as in other Places, to come before him, ' and there to become bound, fome by Obligation, * others by their Oaths, to our (aid Lord the King, to * be with him againft all People, and to accomplifh the * Purpofe of the King; which, at that Time, was to ac- complifh the Will and Purpofes of the faid Malefac- * tors and Traitors, drawn in thereunto by their falfe ' Contrivances, Flatteries, and Deceits : Which Secu- * rities and Oaths were made againft the good Laws * and Ufages of the Land, and contrary to the Oath of ' the King, to the great Difhonour of the King and * Kingdom 3 by Means of which Oaths fo- inforced, the' ^ENGLAND. 449 * the whole Realm wasembroil'd in great Murmurs andK. Richard II, * Trouble by the faid Traitors, and in Danger to have * fuffered divers important Mifchiefs. XIX. 4 To inforce their Purpofes, the faid Traitors * caufed the King to abfent himfelf in the furtheft Parts * of his Realm, to the Intent that the Lords, appointed ' by the faid Ordinance, Statute, and Commiflion, might * not confer and advife with him touching the Affairs of * the Realm : To the Interruption and Hinderance of the * Purport and Effect of the faid Statute and Commiflion, ' and great Prejudice of the King and Realm. XX. ' The faid Malefactors and Traitors, after they * had eftranged both the Perfon and Good-will of the ' King from the faid Lords fo commiflioned, and that 4 he efteemed them Traitors and Enemies, and that * they had obtain'd the Opinions of the Judges fuited ' to their wicked Purpofes, did agree and defign, That ' feveral of the Lords, and alfo divers loyal Commons, ' fhould be firft arrefted and then indicted in London ' and in Middle/ex, and, by falfe Inquefts, attainted of ' certain Treafons falfly imagined againft them, and fo c put to fhameful Death : To which Purpofe they had [ 423 ] * procured an evil and falfe Perfon of their Confpiracy, called Thomas UJk, to be Under-Sheriff, by whofe ' Means the faid talfe Inquefts were to be taken, and * the wicked Defign accomplifhed by Colour of Law. * And, for the more compleat effev5ting thereof, they ' caufed the King to fend his Letters of Credence by ' John Rypon, a falfe Clerk, and one of their Crew, di- * re&ed to the Mayor of London^ That he fhould feize ' the Duke of Gloucefter, and others therein named, to be indicted for certain Treafons, in fuch Manner as ' the faid Nicholas Brembre the falfe Knight, and "John ' Blake, who were thereof fully informed, fhould direct : ' By Virtue of which Letters of Credence, Brembre and ' Blake carried to the Mayor the faid falfe Incjidtment, ' commanding him, on Behalf of the King, that to his ' Power he mould promote the fame : And alfo they or- ' dered, that a ftrong Watch fh*uld be fet to feize the * Duke of Lancafter upon his firft Arrival. XXI. l The faid Traitors having traiteroufly inform- ' ed the King, that he fhould believe that the faid Or- * dinance, Statute, and Commiflion, were made in De- VO.L. I. F f * rotation 4jo The Parliamentary HISTORY K. kicbard II. f rogation of his Royalty and Prerogative, did further ' perfuade him, that the fame was made with an Inten- ' tion to degrade, and finally to depofe our Lord the ' King: And perceiving that thereby he looked upon his ' loyal Lords as Traitors and Enemies, they yet further ' advifed him, that by all Means poffible, as well by the ' Power of his own Liege People, as by the Force of * his Enemies, the French and others, he flinuld deftroy * and put to Death the faid Lords and others, that af- fented to the making of the faid Ordinance, and that * the fame might be done fo privily that none fhould * know of it till it was done. XXII. * In, order to thefeTreafons, by their Counfels, c they caufed the King, to fend Letters to his Enemy the * French King, fome by Nicholas Southwell, Groom of * his Chamber, and others, by other Perfons of bafe ' Condition, as well Aliens as Denizens, requiring and * praying the faid French King, that he would, with all ' his Power and Counfel, aid and aflift our Lord the King t 4 2 4 1 'to deftroy and put to Death the faid Lords and others, 4 whom they had fo falfly reprefented as Traitors, to the ' great Difturbance of the whole Realm. XXIII. ' That, ufurping to themfelves Royal Power, ' they caufed the King to promife the French King, by . , * his Letters Patent and MeflVges, for fuch his Afliftance ' to accomplifh the faid Treafon and Murder, to give ' and furrender to the faid French King the Town and Caftle of Calais, and divers other Forts and Places, ' as Breji, Cherburgh, and others, &c. to the great Dif- * honour, Trouble, and Prejudice of the Realm. XXIV. ' That, after this traiterous Contrivance, it ' was agreed between our Lord the King and the French * King, by the Inftigation and Influence of thcfe Trai- ' tors, that a Parley or Interview (hould be had in the ' Marches of Calais, and a Truce of five Years between * the Realms of England and France : At which Inter- ' view, by Treachery, the faid Lords and others, whom ' the King took for Traitors, attending him thither, * fhould there be {lain. In order to which they procu- , * red feveral Letters of Safe-Conduct from the faid ' French King, for the faid Duke of Ireland's going into ' France, to accomplifh this ill Purpofe and Treafon;. ' which Letters are ready to be (hewn. XXV. of ENGLAND. 451 XXV. 4 That the faid Brembre, by the Affent and &'*">"* " c Counfel of the faid other Traitors, did come into * London, and, without the Aflent or Knowledge of the 4 King, did caufe all the Companies of the City to be 4 fworn to hold and perform divers Matters, as they 4 are contained in the faid Oath, which is of Record in 4 Chancery : And, amongft other Things, that they 4 fhould hold with and maintain the Will and Purpofe * 4 of the King to their Power, againft all that are or 4 (hall be Rebels, or contrary to his Perfon, or Royal 4 Pleafure : And that they fhould be ready to deftroy all 4 thofe v/hich do or (hall purpofe Treafon againft our 4 faid Lord the King, in any Manner ; and be ready, 4 with their Mayor, to refift, during Life, all fuch Trai- * tors, &c. At which Time the King, by the Mifin- 4 formation of the faid Evil-doers and Traitors, and by 4 the falfe Anfwers of the Judges, did firmly hold the faid r A 2 ~ T 4 Lords and others, who aflented to the making of the 4 faid Ordinance, Statute, and Commifiion, to be Re- 4 bels, Traitors, and Enemies unto him : By all which, 4 the faid Traitors endeavoured to ftir up the faid People 4 of London, to deftroy the faid Lords and other loyal 4 Subjeas. XXVI. 4 The faid Brembre, and other Traitors to 4 the King and Realm, ufurping to themfelves Royal 4 Power, did, of their own Authority, without any War- 4 rant from the King or his Great Council, caufe Pro- 4 clamation to be made thro' the City of London, That 4 none of the Liege Subjects of our Lord the King 4 fhould fuftain, comfort, or aid Richard Earl of Arun- 4 dele and Surry, one of the Lords of the King's Great 'Council, during the faid Commiflion ; nor fell him 4 any Armour, Viauals, or other Neceiiaries, on Pain 4 of being proceeded againft as Rebels, carrying about 4 and {hewing a Patent of the King's, but of another 4 Tenor, the better to compafs fuch their falfe Procla- 4 mation. XXVII. l They alfo caufed it to be cried and pro- 4 claimed in the City -of London, That no Perfon fhould 4 be fo hardy as to prefume to fpeak any 111, or utter 4 any Word or Exprefiion againft them the faid Male- * 'factors and Traitors, or any of them, on Pain of for- F f 2 * feiting 452. Tfo Parliamentary HISTORY K, Richard II. feiting all they had j which was an Encroachment on * the Royal Power. XXVIII. The faid Archbifhop, Chief Juftice, and * other Traitors, caufed the King to command his Coun- * cil to make certain Perfons throughout England She- ' rifFs, who were named to him by them the faid Trai- ' tors, with an Intent to get fuch Perfons as they fhould * name returned for Knights of the Shire to ferve in Par- * liament; and to keep out from thence Gentlemen good ' and loyal, againft the good Laws and Cuftoms of the Land. XXIX. The faid Traitors, during the Time that ' the King had fo taken both Parties into his Protection ' as aforefaid, did falfly counfel and prevail with the ' King to command, by his Letters, divers Knights and * Efquires, Sheriffs, and other Minifters. of feveral Coun- * ties, to levy Men, and aflemble all their Power to join [ 426 J ' with the faid Duke of Ireland, againft the faid three ' Lords now appealing, fuddenly to make War upon c and deftroy them. XXX. * During the Time of the fame Proteaion, ' they caufed the King, by his Royal Letters, to fignify ' to the faid Duke of Ireland, not only that he and * others were appealed of Treafon as aforefaid, but alfo * that he fhould have fufficient Power to guard him, and * come with him to the King : And afterwards caufed * him to write again to the faid Duke of Ireland, that he ' fhould take the Field with all the Forces he could af- * femble ; and that the King would meet him with all * his Troops, and would expofe and venture his Royal ' Perfon : And that the King was in great Peril for 6 himfelf and his Realm, unlefs fuccoured and aided by ( the faid Duke : And that the faid Duke fhould fhew ' and declare to all the People afiembled with him, ' That the King would bear and pay all Debts and Cofts ' of the faid Duke of Ireland, and all that joined with ' him. By Virtue of which Letters, and the evil and ' traiterous Inftigation as well of the faid Duke, as of ' his Adherents and other Traitors, the faid Duke of * Ireland did actually levy and aflemble great Numbers ' of Men at Arms, and Archers, as well of the Counties ' of Lancajler, Che/hire, and Wales, as of other Places * of the Realm, in warlike Manner, to deftroy and put ' to of E N G L A N D. 453 e to Death the fa id Lords, who had confented to the K, *VW U. * making the faid Ordinance, A6t of Parliament, and * Commiilion, in Defence of the King and Realm. XXXI. * That, having thus traiteroufly levied Forces, * the faid Duke marched with them through the Midft ' of England, and, ufurping the Royal Power, did caufe ' the King's Banner to be difplayed before him, contrary ' to the Eftate ofthe King, and of his Crown. In which ' March the faid Duke and his Accomplices were, by ' the Grace of God, difturbed, and prevented from their * evil Purpofes. XXXII. That the faid Duke of Ireland, by the ' Counfel and Abetment of the reft of the fore-named * Traitors, encroaching to himfelf the Royal Power, ' without the ufual Commiffion of the King, or other * fufficient Warrant, did make himfelf Juftice of Chejler^ [ 427 ] ' by him and his Deputies to hold there all Manner of ' Pleas of the Crown, and thereupon to give Judgment ' and award Execution : And alfo caufed divers original ' and judicial .Writs to be fealed with the Great Seal of ' the King in that Behalf ufed ; and thereby compelled ' a great Part of the People of thofe Counties to join ' with him, or otherwife put fome of them to grievous ' and tormenting Death, imprifoned fome, and feized ' the Lands of others, &c. And all this to make War ' and deftroy the faid Lords and other loyal Subjects of ' the King, and againft the Defence of the Realm. XXXIII. * That the faid Traitors have caufed the c King to grant great Retinues to divers People, and give ' them Badges and Enfigns otherwife than ever was ufed ' in the Time of any of his Progenitors j and this with ' Defign to gain greater Power to accomplifh their * Treafons. XXXIV. c Fully to compleat all fuch their before- ' mentioned and other Treafons, and to make the King ' wholly confide in, and rely upon them and their Counfels, they caufed the King to call before him di- * vers Juftices and People of the Law ; that is to fay, 4 Robert TrefMtin, Robert Belknappe, John Gary, John Ho/t, Roger Fuhhorp, William Burgh, fix Juftices, ' John Lockton, Serjeant at Law, and John Blake j of ' whom he did, by the Contrivance of the faid Traitors, * demand, Whether the before- mentioned Adi of Par- F f 3 liament 454 The Parliamentary HISTORY K, Richard II. < Hament and Commiflion were made in Derogation cf * his Royalty and Prerogative or not? And feveral other ' Queftions ; to which they anfwered in Manner and ' Form before fet forth, csV.' p ,. This Impeachment was exhibited the 3d of February t thereupon. as has been faid, being the fiift Day of the Parliament, when the Lords Appellants alfo affirmed, * They were ready to prove * every Article of it, as {hould be awarded 4 in Parliament, to the Honour of God, and the Advan- ' tage and Profit of the King and the whole Realm.' Whereupon all the Perfons appealed were, by Com- [ 428 ] mand of the King and Lords, folemnly fummoned in the Great Hall at Weftminfter^ as alfo at the Gates of the faid Palace, to come in and anfwer the faid Appel- lants ; but upon their Non Appearance, the faid Duke and Lords Appellants prayed that their Default might be recorded. Then, upon the faid Appellants alledging, That the Accufed had full Notice of the faid Appeal % and the King and Lords being fatisfied it was fo, by rea- fon they did not appear, their Default was recorded ac- cordingly ; whereupon the faid Duke and Earls Appel- lants prayed the King and Lords, * That they might ' be adjudged and convicted of the Treafons contained ' in the faid Appeal ;' the King commanded the Peers to examine into the Articles feverally, which they did, with great Labour and Diligence, untill the I3th of February. During this Interval, the Juftices, Serjeants, and other Sages of the Law, both of the Realm and of the Civil Law, were charged by the King to give their faithful Advice to the Lords of Parliament, how they ought to proceed in the faid Appeal. Who anfwered, ' That * they well underftood the Tenor of the faid Appeal ; ' and affiraied, That it was not made nor brought ac- ' cording as the one Law or other required.' Upon which, the faid Lords of Parliament having taken De- liberation and Advice, it was, by the Aflent of the King, with their common Accord, declared, * That, in fo high ' a Crime as is laid in this Appeal, and which touches < the a A Proclamation, alfo upon the Appeal of the Lords, had been fent by the King to all the Sheriffs in b'i-*ltinil commanding the accufcd-Lords, &V. to appear and anfwer to the Uviige at the cnfuing Parliament, Dated at V/eflminJler, January 4, ficd. fag. Tern, VII. p. 567. */* ENGLAND. 4 ' the Perfon of the King, and the Eftates of this Realm, K Richard I * and is perpetrated by Perfons who are Peers thereof, to- ' gether with others, theCaufe cannot be tried elfewhere * but in Parliament, nor by any other Law or Court, ' except that of Parliament ; and that it belongs to the ' Lords of Parliament, and to their free Choice and Li- * berty, by antient Cuftom of Parliament, to be Judges * in fuch Cafes, and to judge of them by the Aflent of ' the King ; and thus it {hall be done in this Cafe, by r * 2 g i ' Award of Parliament, becaufe the Realm of England, 4 is not, nor ever was, (neither is it the Intent of the * King and Lords of Parliament that it fhall ever be) ' ruled or governed by the Law Civil ; and therefore it ' is not their Intent otherwife to proceed in fo high a ' Cafe as this Appeal, which cannot be tried or deter- ' mined any where elfe than in Parliament; fince the ' Procefs or Order ufed in inferior Courts, is only as 4 they are intruded with the Execution of the antient 1 Laws and Cuftoms of the Realm, and the Ordinances * and Eftabliftunents of Parliament ; and it was the ' Judgment of the Lords of Parliament, by AfTent of the ' King, that this Appeal was well and duly brought, ' and the Procefs upon the fame was good and effectual, * according to the Laws and Courfe of Parliament, and * by which they will award and judge it.' Upon this the Appellants again moved the King and Lords to record their Default ; and that Nicholas Brembre, who was the only Perfon in. Cuftody, might be brought to anfwer. Then the other Perfons ap- pealed were ag'ain fummoned to come in and make An- fwer, but they did not appear; neverthelefs the King and Lords took Time to deliberate 'till next Day, be- ing the 1 4th of February, at which Time the faid Ap- pellants again prayed that the Default of the Appealed might be recorded ; which was done accordingly. After which the Archbifhop of Canterbury^ in Be- half of himfdf, and all -other the Suffragan Bifhops, with the Abbots, Priors, and other Prelates, holding of the King by Barony, made Proteftation, and deli- The Hi/hops vered it in Writing, * For the faving of their Right of withdraw > ^"5 * Peerage, and fitting and voting in Parliament, B * withstanding they could not now be there, by reafon * of certain Matters then in Agitation, at which, by < the 456 he Parliamentary HISTORY K. Ricbard II. the Gannons, they could not be perfonally prefent/ The like Proteftation was made by the Biftiops of Dur- ham and Carlijle, mutatis mutandis ; which Protefta- tion being, at the Inftance of the Archbifhop and other Prelates, read in full Parliament, was, by the Command of the King, and Aflent of the Lords Temporal, enter'd in the Rolls of Parliament. [ 430 ] On the 1 5th of February, the King and Lords of Parliament being met again in the White Hall, the faid Appellants prayed that the laft Default of the faid Arch- bifhop, Duke, and Earl, with Robert Trefilian, fliould be recorded. Then the Perfons accufed being again fummoned a third Time, and not appearing, the Lords proceeded to Judgment, and declared, ' That divers of * the Articles therein contained were Treafon, as the ' firft, fecond, tenth, eleventh, fourteenth, fixtecnth, * feventeenth, twenty-fecond, twenty-third, twenty- ' fourth, twenty- ninth, thirtieth, and thirty fit ft Articles;' and then, upon due Information of their Confciences, they pronounced the faid Archbiftiop, Duke, and Earl, with Robert Trefilian, ' To be notoriously guilty of each ' of the faid Articles that concerned them ; and that they ' were alfo culpable in all the reft of the Articles con- * tained in the faid Appeal, not yet declared Treafon.' Then, in Prefence of the King and Lords afiembled, at the Day and Place aforefaid, the faid Duke and Earls Appellants prayed the King, and Lords there prefent, ' That the Perfons fo appealed as aforefaid fhould be * adjudged convicted of the High Treafon contained in ' the faid Appeal.' Wherefore the faid Lords of Parlia- ment there prefent, as Judges of Parliament in this Cafe, by Aflent of the King, pronounced their Sentence, and did adjudge the faid Archbifhop, Duke, and Earl, with Robert TrefiTian^ fo appealed as aforefaid, 4 To be guilty The Archbifhop ' and convicted of Treafon, and to be drawn arid hanged Trefilian, dccla- ' forfeited to the King; ; and that the Temporalities of Hirh 8 Treafon. * the Archbift 'P of T rk & ou!d be taken into the Kin g' s * Hands :' And becaufe the like Cafe had not been feen in the Kingdom, concerning the Perfon of an Archbi- fhop, or Bifhon, the Lords would advife by the Af- of E N G L A N D. 457 fent of the King what they fhould beft do, for the Ho- K * fliVfcrdii. nour of God, and of Holy Church, and the Safety of the Laws of the Land about him. Then the Duke and Earls Appellants prayed that Sir .. Nicholas Brembre might be brought to anfwer; and, on L 43 J Monday the lyth of February, the Conftable of the Tower brought him into the Parliament, where the Articles of Appeal were read before him, to which he pleaded not Guilty in any Point, and faid, ' He was there ready to make good what he faid by his Body, as a Knight ought to do/ The Lords anfwered, Battle did not lie in that Cafe, and that they would examine the Articles touching the faid Nicholas, and take true Information by all true, neceflary, and con- venient Ways, that their Confciences might be truly directed what Judgment to give in this Cafe, to the Honour of God, the Advantage and Profit of the King and his Kingdom, and as they would anfwer it before God, according to the Courfe and Law of Parliament.' During this Examination, on Wednesday the iQth of February, Sir Robert Trefillan was taken, being con- cealed in an Apothecary's Houfe in Palace-Yard, and brought into Parliament ; who being alked if he had any Thing to fay which had happen'd fince Judgment had parted upon him, why Execution fhould not be done? and he having nothing to fay, it was commanded That he {hould be carried to the Tower, and from thence drawn upon a Hurdle'thro' the City of London, to the Gallows at Tyburn, and there to hang by the ? ir Rcl " rt ,?' rf f- XT i i , i r- o 111 i J I"" 1 bang i INeclc; and that the Execution Inould be done upon him by theMarfhal of England, taking to hisAffiftance the 'Mayor, Sheriffs, and Aldermen of London :' And he was executed the fame Day accordingly. , On the Morrow, which was the 20th Day of Fcbru* ary, Sir Nicholas Brembre was brought into Parliament, and the Lords, upon diligent Examination, due Proof and Information, found him alfo guilty of High Trea- fon, and they awarded, by Aflent of the King, * That, ' as a Traitor and open Enemy to the King and King- ' dom, he fhould be drawn and hang'd, his Heirs for AIfo Sir / v ' ie ~ * ever difherited, and his Lands and Tenements, Goods *" """'< * and Chattels, forfeited te the King.' He was executed oil 458 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Richard II. O n the fame Day accordingly, and in the fame Manner as was Sir Robert Trefilian. [ 432 ] It was then refolved to be the Intention of the Lords of Parliament, Spiritual and Temporal, as well the Lords Appellants as all others, and by them agreed, That confidering the tender Age of the King before that Time, and the Innocency of his Royal Perfon, nothing contained in the Appeal, nor in any Article thereof, nor Kefolution of in *^ e Judgment given, Jhould' be accounted any Fault or Parliament for Dijhonefty in hi 3 Perfcn, in any Manner, for the Caufes faving theKing's abovefaid, nor Jhould turn in Prejudice of his Perfon by Honour. afj y ] ma gj nat j on or Interpretation whatever j but that the falfe Treafon and Default abovefaid Jhould be charged upon the Appealed, and that the Judgments given againjt them Jhould have full Force and Virtue, notivithftandhig any Thing that could be faid or alledged to the contrary. Sir Robert Bel- On the 2d of March, Sir Robert Belknappe, late Chief knappe, Chief J u fl;j ce o f t h e Common Bench, Sir Roger Fulthorp, Sir verafothers, im- J^ n Holt, and Sir William Burgh, late his Companions jpeached. of the fame Bench j Sir John Gary, late Chief Baron of the Exchequer, and John Lockton, late Serjeant to the King, were accufed and impeached by the Com- mons in Parliament, * for putting their Hands and Seals * to the Queftions and Anfwers given at Nottingham * as aforefaid, by the Procurement of the faid appealed 4 and convicted Perfons of Treafon, to cover and affirm * their High Treafons, &c. a Copy whereof was exhi- 4 bited and read before them, and that Queftions were 4 anfwered, as was furmifed by the Commons in the 4 faid Copy ;' To which the Appealed replied, ' They * could not deny but that the Quefticns were fuch as 4 were then afked them, but the Anfwers were not fuch 4 as they put their Seals to. But Sir Robert Belknappe pleaded in particular, ' That 4 the Archbifhop of York, in his Chamber at 1indfor y 4 told him, that he had devifed and drawn up the Com-^ 4 million and Statute, whereby the Government was * wholly taken out of the King's Hands, and that he * therefore hated him above all Men, and that if he 4 found not .fome Way to make void the faid Statute * and Commiffion, he ihould be flain as a Traitor/ He anfwer'd, 4 That the Intention of the Lords, and fuch as 4 afTifted at the making of thenij was, that they Ihould 4 be of ENGLAND. 459 be for the Honour and good Government of the State K. nkbard it. of the King and Kingdom : That he twice parted from f 422 1 the King diflatisfied, and was in doubt of his Life, and faid thefe Anfwers proceeded not from his Good- will, but were made againft his Mind, and were the Effects of the Threats of the Archbifhop of Tork 9 Duke of Ireland^ and Earl of Suffolk ; and that he was fworn and commanded in the Prefence of the King, upon Pain of Death, to conceal this Matter, as the Council of the King ;' and prayed for the Love of God he might have a gracious and merciful Judgment. Sir John Holt alledged the fame Matter of Excufe, and made the fame Prayer, fo did Sir William Burgh and Sir John Gary ; who all made the fame Excufe, and the fame Requefts, as did alfo Sir Roger Fulthorp and John Lockton> Serjeant at Law. To all which the Commons anfwer'd * They were taken and holden for Sages in the Law, and the King's Will was, that they (hould have anfwer'd the Que- ftions as the Law was, and not otherwife, as they did, with Defign, and under Colour of Law, to mur- der and deftroy the Lords and loyal Lieges, who were aiding and affifting in making the Commiffion and Statute in the laft Parliament, for the good Go- vernment of the State of the -King and Kingdom ;' and therefore the Commons pray'd that they may be ad- judged, convicted, and attainted as Traitors. Upon which the Lords Temporal took Time to exa- mine the Matter and Circumftances of it ; ' and for that they were prefent at the making of the faid Sta- tute and Commiffion, which they knew were con- trived for the Honour of God, and for the good Go- vernment of the State of the King and whole King- dom ; and that it was the King's Will they fliould not have otherwife anfwer'd them than according to Law, and had anfwer'd as before :' They were, by the Lords Temporal, by the Affent of the King, adjudged The y are fen ' , , . i , j T-. i - ri j/i tenced to be to be arawn and hang d as 1 raitors, their Heirs dif- liaug - d . herited, and their Lands and Tenements, Goods and Chattels, to be forfeited to the King.' The next Day John Blake and Thomas Ufk were brought into Parliament ; and firft Jshn Blake was inn- [ 434 3 peached by the Commons, * That being retained of 4 Counfel 460 ^he Parliamentary HISTORY K, Retard II. < Counfel for the King, he drew up the Queftions to * which the Juftices made Anfwer, and contrived with ' the Perfons appealed, that the Lords and other the ' King's loyal Lieges, that caufed the faid Commiffion ' and Statute to be made in the laft Parliament, ihould * be indicted in London and Middlesex for Treafon ; and * that they fhould be arrefted, and traiteroufly and wick- ' edly murdered ; and that he was aiding and advifmg ' in the Treafons aforefaid, with the Appealed already * executed/ Then Thomas UJk was acccufed, ' for procuring him- ' felf to be made Under-Sheriff of Middlesex, to the * End to caufe the faid Lords and loyal Lieges to be * arrefted and indicted, as had been faid before, and was * aiding and counfelling the Appealed in the Treafons aforefaid.' 'John Blake anfwered, * That he was retained of Coun- * fel for the King by his Command, and fworn to keep ' fecret his Advice, and whatever he did it was by the * King's Command, whom he ought to obey j and Tbo- * mas UJk gave the fame Anfwer. Whereupon the Lords Temporal took Deliberation untill the Mor- row, when the faid "John and Thomas were again brought into Parliament ; and the Lords pronounced them guilty of the Things whereof they were accufed. And, 'whereas they alledged for their Excufe the King's * Command, it made the Crime the greater, for that they knew well that the Perfons appealed and con- * demned had encroached to themfelves Royal Power ; * and it was their Command and not the King's.' Then the Lords awarded, by Aflent of the King, 4 That they ' Ihould both be hang'd and drawn as Traitors and ' open Enemies to the King and Kingdom, and their * Heirs difherited for ever, and their Lands and Tene- * ments, Goods and Chattels, forfeited to the King / * and they were executed the fame Day. On the 6th of March, Sir Robert Belknappe, Sir Roger Fulthorp, Sir John Holt, Sir William Burgh, Sir John Gary, and John Lockton, were brought into the Parlia- ment, and the Lords were fatisfied, ' That they were C 435 1 'at the making of the faid Commiffion and Statute in ' the laft Parliament, and Sir John Gary knew well * they were made to the Honour of God, and the good Govern- 6f ENGLAND. 461 < Government of the State of the King and the whole K !&** H * Kingdom,' and fo on, [as in the other Proceffes] and they had Judgment again pafled upon them as before. But at that very Time came in the Archbifhop of Can- terbury , and all the Bifliops of both Provinces, and prayed the Lords Temporal, ' That the Execution, as But have their 1 to their Lives, might be refpited, fo that they might L f r **J * obtain their Lives of the King 9* who thereupon OC-'^'J^jj, dered Execution fhould be flayed, and granted them (hops. their Lives : But as to the other Part of their Sentence, ' That was to remain in Force, and their Bodies to be ' in Prifon during the King's Pleafure, until!, by Advice * of the Lords, he fhould direcl: otherwife.' The fame Day Tbtmas Bifliop of Cbicbefler P, the King's Confeflbr, was impeached and accufed by the Commons, * That he was prefent at the Places and * Times when the faid Queftions were put to the Juf- ' tices, sV. and the Anfwers made, and excited them, ' by Threats, to anfwer as they did, and knew the falfe c Purpofes and Treafons defigned by the Traitors ad- * judged, and aided and affifted them, and would not c make Difcovery to any of the Lords that caufed the * faid Commiffion to be made laft Parliament, where- 6 by Remedy might have been had for the Safety of the * King and Kingdom.' To which the Bifliop anfwered, ' That, of his own free Will, he had not excited them ' to do or fay any Thing ;' and further faid, * They 6 were not excited or charged to fay any Thing but what the Law was ; and touching the Concealment * of the Treafon, he had made fuch Aflurance as he ' could not difcover.' And faid further, ' That the * Traitors were about the King, and had fuch Power e over him before, that hebad not fo great Intei^ft in ' the King, as to prevent thofe Mifchiefs that now came * upon him.' The Commons replied, c He had upon ' the Matter confefled htmfelf guilty, and prayed he ' might be attainted.' Upon this Anfwer of the Bi- fhop, the Replication of the Commons, and all Cir- cumftances of the Accufation, the Lords took Time [ 436 ] to give fuch Judgment as might be for the Honour of God, and Profit of the King and Kingdom. On P Ttcaas Rufioeke. Le Ncvcs Fafti Ecc. A<:g. 462 The Parliamentary HISTORY K, Ridard II. On the 1 2th Simon Barley , John Beauchcfmp of Haiti John Salijbury^ and James Berners y Knights, being brought into Parliament, they were, at the Inftance of the Commons, impeached. The Articles exhibited againft them were fixteen ; the firft Article in the Appeal, was the nrft Article in the former Impeachment. In the fecond Article, they were accufed ' as Traitors and Enemies of the King- ' dom, for that they knew of all the Treafons in the 4 Appeal mentioned, and that they were aiding, afllfting, 4 counfelling, and aflenting to all the Traitors attainted } 4 and that Simon Burley and John Beaucbamp were 4 principal Aclors in all the faid Treafons.' In the eighth Article they were accufed * for eonfpiring and * defigning, with the five Perfons appealed, to deftroy * and put to Death thofe who were "aflenting to the ' making of the faid Commiffion and Statute in the laft 4 Parliament :' To which they all pleaded Not Guilty. The Commons replied, ' They were guilty/ and the Lords took Time to examine and confider the Impeach- ment. Upon this, and the Bifhop of Chichefter's Im- peachment, the Lords Temporal adjourned till the 5th of May, when Sir Simon Burley being brought into the Parliament, was, by the Lords, after due and fufficient Examination and Information, found guilty of Treafon. Befides the Articles before-mentioned, he was charged 4 with advifmg the King to entertain in his Houfhold 4 great Numbers of Aliens, Bohemians and others ; and 4 to give them large Gifts out of the Revenues and Pro- 4 'fits of the Realm, whereby the King is greatly im- ' poverimed, and the People othervvife opprefled.' For j. Beeuchamp* which he was fentenced to be drawn and hanged, and and Sir J. Ber- his Head cut off, and all .his Lands and Tenements, , beheaded. Goods and Chattels, to be forfeited to" the King. But his Majefty remitted his drawing, hanging, and quarter- ing, becaufe he was a Knight of the Order of the Garter, fo his Head was only fevered from his Body the fame Day upon Tower- Hill. , | , Job* 1 Salijbury^ John BeaucJjamp^ and James Berr.ers^ L 437 J Knights, had the Tame Judgment as Sir Simon Bur ley j but the two latter were beheaded. At <5 Simon dc Burhy is a Name cntralcd from Ecvc> .''v 5 f?r it is wrote fo foinetimes on the Record. of E N G L A N D. 463 At the fame Time was the Bifhop of Cbicbefler fent K - Riebard " for into Parliament, where the Lords Temporal found him guilty of Treafon, as it was laid in the Impeach- ment, and, by Aflent of the King, they awarded his Heirs fhould be difherited, his Lands and Tenements, Goods and Chattels, forfeited to the King, and the Tem- poralities of his Bifhoprick feized into the King's Hands ; but as to his Perfon, the Lords would advife what to do for the Honour of God and Holy Church, and the Safety of the State of Prelacy, and of the Laws of the Land. Then it was refolved, c That this Bifhop, Sir Robert Tne Bifhop of 4 Belknappe, Sir Roger Fulthorp, Sir John Holt, Sir Cbicbefi William Burgh, Sir John Gary, and John Lockton, JjjJJJJJJ'*' ' fhould be all fent into Ireland, to feveral Caftles and to ' Places, there to remain during their Lives r . Sir Ro- ' bert Belknappe and Sir Roger Fulthorp to be allowed * forty Pounds a Year ; Sir John Holt and William Burgh, ' forty Marks a Year; Sir John Gary and John Lockton, ' twenty Pounds a Year of the King's Gift, and each ' of them to have two Servants to wait on them : And ' that the Bifhop oiCbichtJler fhould have annually forty ' Marks for his Suftenance during his Life,, if any of * his Friends xvould give it him. Thefe Penfions were fomewhat enlarged, and Care taken how they fhould be aid, by an Acl in Parliament of the 131!! of this "eign s . Upon a Petition of the Commons, the faid Ordinance and Commiflion made the laft Year were confirmed, [ 438 ] and likewife all that was done in that Parliament ; and alfo what the Duke of Gloucefter, Earls of Warwick, Arundele, Derby, and Marfhal, or any of them had done, or any of their Company, or their Adherents, or any of them, by their Aflemblings, Ridings, or marching in Arms, Appeals, or Purfuits, as Things done to the Honour of God, the Safety of the King, Maintenance of his Crown, and Support of the whole King- r The King's Writ to the Guardians of his Port at Cbefltr, &c. to fufFer the baniihed Judges to embark and fee them fettled in their refpec- tive Places of Banifliment in IrdanJ, is alfo in the Public ARs ; and they had Allowances made them, towards the Expences of their Palrage, out of the Exchequer. Rymer's F Thus ended this famous Parliament, called, by fome *% t Hiftoiians, The Parliament that wrought Wonders, bymunicated, others, The mpcitefs Parliament, after a longer Sefiion than any we have yet met with, having fat, with a fhort VOL. I. G Pro- 466 *The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Ricbard II, Prorogation, near five Months. The three Eftates of the Realm parted feemingly in very good Humour; the Lords and Commons gave their moft humble Thanks to the King for his great Juftice done; and his Majefty, by the Chancellor, returned the Compliment for their libe- ral Grants : After which the Knights and BurgefTes were ordered to fue out Writs for their Expences, which would, in all, amount to a very confiderable Sum in thofe Days. The King, notwithftanding the Severity ufed againft his Minifters in the iaft Parliament, thought fit to call another the very fame Year, on the Day after the Na- Annd Regni ia. tivity of the Blefled Virgin, or September 9, to meet 13 9 ' at Cambridge. So we are told by old Hiftorians ; but as /^Cambridge, there is no Entry of fuch on the Rolls, and only the Summons to the Peers given in the Abridgement of them, we much doubt whether this was a Parliament or only a Great Council of Peers called together, as had been ufed before on fome Occafions. But, however this may be, Henry Knygbton calls it a Parliament, and fays there was granted to the King in it half a Tenth from the Clergy, and half a Fifteenth from the Laity, in order to carry on the War againft Scotland for the next Year. Mr. Collier writes, that a Fifteenth was given by the Laity this Parliament, on Condition the Clergy would grant a Tenth : But that the Archbifhop and his Suf- fragans, looking upon this Precedent as a new Incum- brance upon their Property, refufed to be tied to it; up- on which the Conditional Claufe was thrown out of the Bill e . It is faid alfo that feveral new Statutes were made for the common Benefit of the People, and others renewed which had been enacted in the Time of Edward III. the prefent King's Grandfather ; particularly the Sta- tutes of Labourers and Day-Servants; of Bailiffs and all Sheriffs' Officers; of Provifors againft going out of the Land to the Pope, to procure the Grant of any Bene- fices in England without the King's Leave, on Penalty [ 441 ] of being put out of his Protection ; againft Beggars ; and againft riding armed, and giving of Liveries to great Retinues; and, laftly, about regulating Apparel fuitable to every Man's diftincl Rank and Quality. This Iaft Affair, e C///Vr's Ecclfjiaftical H!Jiory t Vol. I, p. 591. of E N G L A N D. 4 6 7 Affair, Knyghton fays, was absolutely neceflary at that K. Ricbardll. Time ; for there was fo much Pride amongft the com- mon People in vying with one another in Drefs and Ornaments, that it was fcarce poflible to diftinguifh the Poor from the Rich, the Servant from the Matter, or a Prieft from another Man. The whole Statute itfelf, relating to thefe Things, and in its original Language, may be found in that Author f . Affairs went on very quietly for fome Time ; but the King, coming of Age, took Occafion to declare it in Council g , and told them, That Jince he was now capableThe King de- of managing his Inheritance him/elf, it was not fit that he^ s himfelf f fhould be in a worfe Condition than any Subject in his King- U dom, or any common Heir to an Eftate. It is well known y added he, that for many Years 1 have lived under your Tutelage and Governance, and for the Pains you have taken therein we thank you ; but now, having attained tg fur legal Age, we are refolved to be no longer in IVard ; but to take the Government of the Realm into our owjt Hands, to appoint fuch Officers and Mimjle-rs as we think fit, and to remove others at our Pleafure. Accordingly, to give them a Tafte of his Power and Authority, he removed the Chancellor and the other Great Officers from their Places : He likewife difmiffed his Uncle Glou- cefler and the Earl of Warwick from the Council Board, difplaced the Earl of Arundele from being Admiral, tho* entrufted with that Charge by Parliament, and gave it to a new Favourite, the Earl of Huntingdon. In all this, fays one Author, the King, tho' he was at Age ? yet (hewed himfelf a Minor in the Art of Governing, by making fo bad a Choice of new Minifters and Favourites, as in a fhort Time brought the Nation into great Confufion h . This Affair happened in May, 1 389, and the fame . . 2 n Year Writs were iifued out, dated December 6, for the calling a Parliament to meet at Weflmitifter about the ADn Re J ni 3 Middle of "January following. William of Wickbam, Bimop of Wmcbefter^ the new Lord-Chancellor, by the King's Command, opened the Caufe of the Summons to the Eftates, * Declaring the King to be of full Age, and ' that he intended to govern his People in Peace and G g 2 Quiet i f Knygbton, col. 2729, GV. g Jbid. col. 2735. Sir "Join IJttyivard, p t 29, * tyrrei, p. 938. 468 7#* Parliamentary HISTORY K, Ricbard II. e Quiet ; to do Juftice and Right to all Men ; and that ' both Clergy and Laity (hould enjoy all their Liberties.' He further told them, ' That the Kingdom being envi- * roned with Enemies in France^ Spain, and Guienne on * one Side, and Scotland and Ireland of the other, it was ,* now their Bufinefs to confult which Way Peace was c to be had, or a proper Defence made againfl them : * Likewife how an Aid was to be had to fuftain the c Charges thereof, without which nothing could be done/ January the aoth, being the fourth Day of this Par- liament, the Bifliop of Wmchejler delivered up the Seals of his Office to the King, before both Houfes ; as did alfo the Bifhop of St. David's, being Treafurer, the Keys of the Exchequer; and prayed that they might be <3ifcharged. After which Resignation it was openly de- clared, in full Parliament, * That if any Perfon could * juftly complain of any illegal Action, or any Thing * done amifs by them in their feveral Offices, they might * freely do it.' But when both the Lords and Commons anfwer'd, ' That they knew nothing amifs againft them, * and that they had behaved themfelves well in their re- c fpedtive Offices,' the King thereupon delivered back the .Seal and the Keys of the Exchequer, to the aforefaid Bi- ihops, and alfo received all thofe to be his Counfellors that were fo before, together with his Uncles of Lan- tajler and Gloucefter. However, he thought proper to jnake a Proteftation, That^ for any Thing then done, he would keep or remove any of thofe Counfellors at his Pleafure. The Proceedings of this Parliament, after what is paft, turn wholly on trying Caufes about private Affairs, untill Wednefday the 2d Day of March) when the Lords arid Commons granted the King, for the Defence of the Realm, an Aid, which confifted in the following Subfi- les, to continue for one Year ; that is to fay, on every Sack of Wooll exported out of the Realm, befide the antient Cuftom of half a Mark, 33 s. 4 d. of Denizens, and 36 s. 8 d. of Aliens ; of every Laft of Leather ex- Subfidy. porte^ above the old Duty of one Mark, five Marks of Natives, and five Marks and a Half of Strangers ; and of every 240 Wooll-fells, &c. above what was paid of half a Mark, 33 s. 4 d. of Denizens, and 36 s. 8 d. of Aliens; of every Ton of Wine exported or imported, 35-. and of all other Merchandizes, except what is mention'd above, of ENGLAND. 469 above, and excepting Victuals, Cloaths, and Harnefscar- K *** H rying to the Garrifons of Berwick, Roxburgh, and Jed- burgh, 6 d. per Pound. That a Treafurer fhould be appointed to receive and keep the faid Subfidies, and that they (hall not be expended, but on Account of War, and in Defence of the Kingdom, as he would anfwer it in the next Parliament. The next Day the King created John Duke of Lan- cajier Duke of Aquitain in Normandy, with the Confent of the Prelates, Lords Temporal, and Commons j to hold the faid Dukedom of the King, faving only to his [ 443 J Majefty, as King of France, the dire& Dominion, Supe- riority, and Reflbrt of the faid Duchy. The Ceremony was performed in full Parliament, by inverting him with a Cap, a Coronet, and a Ducal Rod. The Duke paid Homage to the King, and humbly thanked him for the great Honour he did him ; but at the fame Time de- clared, That though he could not maintain the State of the Dukedom, in Time of War, without the Aid of the King and Realm, however he would do what he could to the utmoft of his Power. Whereupon the King told the Duke, That the Charges Jhould be borne a: be and his Council could agree. To which the Commons wil- lingly a/Tented l . At this Time alfo, by Confent of Parliament, the King created Edward, eldeft Son to the Duke of Tork y Earl of Rutland, and gave him, towards the Support of this Dignity, and during his Father's Life, 800 Marks yearly, ifluing out of the Caftle, Town, and Demefnes of Okeham, in that County, with the Office of Sheriff. The two Archbifhops of Canterbury and York, for themfelves and the whole Clergy of their Provinces, made Proteliation in open Parliament, ' That they nei- Law for 4 ther intended or would aflent to any Statute or Law >"g thc Pope's ' to be made againft the Pope's Authority ;' which Pro- Power * teftation, at their Requeft, was entered upon the Roll k . G g 3 Some i The Style of thc Duke of Lancafler, after this, was jfelt, tic Son tf the King of England, Duke of Guienne or Aquitain, and Lancafter, Earl cj Derby, Lincoln, ami Leicefter, and Steward of England. Abridge 343. k It appears by tm- King's Writ, direfled to the Archbifliop of Canter- lury, preserved in thc Public sJfts ur.dcr this Title, Contra Nsvitata ct Imfoptionei Paf>t2/<:i, that an Inhibition was iflued out againft thofc Exac- tions, and the Penalty cxprcficd, as by Aft of Parliament, that the Col- Jectors of them ftiould be adjudged, and fufter Death, as Traitors. This Writ it ih:eil 0.*?. 20, An. &'. 1 3, 1 389. Ftrd. dng, Tom. VII. p, 644, 470 ffle Parliamentary HISTORY K- Richard II. Some Hiftorians write, that an Aft was parted in this 444 ] Parliament, which, amongft other Things, prohibited the King from extending his Pardon to any Perfons con- vi&ed of Murder ; and a Penalty awarded againft any that fhould follicit the King thereto, viz. That if it was a Duke or ArchbiQiop he mould forfeit to the King 1000 1. if an Earl, or Bifhop, 1000 Marks, &c. But the greateft Part of this is a Miftake, and the Matter was thus, as appears by the Record: The Commons having obferved that the King's Pardons were an Encourage- ment to Murders, Treafons, and Rapes, petitioned the King that he would oblige himfelf not to grant any Par- dons for thofe Crimes. The King refufed. by reafort he would not deprive his Crown of a Branch of Prero- gative which his Anceftors had ever enjoyed ; but yet he agreed to pafs an Adi, in Effect the fame, That in all Pardons which he granted the Crime fbould be fpecified y the Perfon's Name, at whofe Suit it was granted, endorfed^ and the Penalty on thoje who procured fuch a Pardon as above related. So, though the King had ftill his Power to pardon, yet the Sollicitors for them were fo difcouraged, that their Number was much reduced; for, as an Hifto- rian here remarks, Kings feldom grant Pardons but with importunate Afking l . The Court of Rome had alfo fome Shackles put upon its Power, by reviving the Statute of Provifors, made 25 Edward III. and a Penalty laid on him that (hould The Statute of accept a Benefice contrary to that Statute : Likewife a Provifors revi- forfeiture awarded againft any who {hould bring a Sum- mons or Excommunication againft any Perfon on the Provifors, and on a Prelate for executing of it m . This Parliament ended the fame Day the Subiidy was grant- ed, viz. on the 2d Day of March, having fat near fix Weeks. E 445 3 Things continuing ftill very peaceable at home, it was the King's Concern to make it fo abroad ; for after feveral Preparations for an Invafion of this Kingdom, which ' Sam. Daniel in Kennet, p. a66. Statute: at large, 13 Richard II. Rot. Parl. 13 Richard II. N. 44. m Statutes a: large. 13 Richard II. By another, (cap. 3 ) there is a PenaJty awarded againft him that bring- eth a Summons or Excommunication againft any Perfon upon the Statufs of Provifors, and of a Prelate executing it. Statutes at largc> 13 Rich, IJ. Collier* Ecdcfafiical hi/lory, Vol. I. p. 59Z. tf ENGLAND. 471 which were all, by one Accident or another, rendered K &tk*rd H. abortive, the French entirely defifted from any Thought* of that Entcrprize, and feemed inclinable to treat of Peace. To that End the King fummoned a Parlia- ment to meet at JPeJ}minfter 9 November 12, in the Year 1390. The Bifliop of T^incbefler^ Lord-Chancellor, in a Anno Regni 14, long and eloquent Oration, fays our Authority ", on the 1391. King's good Government, told them, ' That the chief At ' Caufe of the Summons was concerning a Truce made * with France* and towards Candlemas the King would ' fend Commiflioners over to treat of a final Peace.' He faid, * That the Scots had been moved to come into this Truce, which they refufed ; fo there was nothing but War to be expected from thence j the Charges whereof, with that of Ireland^ keeping the King's FortrefTes abroad, and the Seas at home, were fo great, that the King could by no Means without their Aid fuftain it : Wherefore he deiired them to confult about thefe Particulars, as well as the making Ordinaces for good Laws, &c.' We are not told what Reception this News met with from the Lords and Commons, but we may fuppofe that, from the long Continuance of this bloody and ex- penfive War with France^ any Account of a Peace would be very acceptable to them. To that End, and to have the King ready for War alfo, if there (hould be Occa- fion, on the third of December the Lords and Commons granted the largeft Aid, and to continue for the longefl Time, of any that had been given before : For they not only augmented the Subfidies on Woolls, &c. with A ^ ar 8 e Sub|dy, the Tonnage and Poundage, but alfo ordained, That they (hould continue for three Years, from the Feaft of St. Andrew next coming, on Condition the Staple at Calais {hould be again removed from thence, and fixed in Come Port of this Kingdom, to remain perpetually in that Station . In a Rot. Part. 14 K:tb. II. N. T. o The Tax now hid was, on every Sack of Wooll, 4^ s. 4 J. for Deni- zens j for Aliens, 46 t. 8 d. on every Laft of Leather, fix Marks for DC- nize.i*, and feven Marks for Alien? ; on every 240 Wooll-MIs, V. 451. 4 In ijlo Parliament!) edit urn eft profaniim Statutum contra Ecdefiam et Ecclefia Perfonas, &C. Knygbion, 001.1738. This S'atute is not printed amongft the Statutes at large, nor is it on the Rolls. Pofiibly it might be left out by the Management of the Priefthood, of whofe Influence, in this Refpett, there is a moil flagrant InAunce in the 6th Year of this King's Reign. See before p. 371, 397* 1 1. Waljingbam, fub hoc dnno. of E N G L A N D. 473 and the French King ftill in the Intereft of Benedict XIII. K. Richard II. called the Anti-Pope, againft Boniface IX. who had been elected Pope at Rome^ inftead of Urban lately deceafed. The new Pontiff, to whom the King and Englijb Na- tion adhered, fent a Nuncio to King Richard, with great Compliments in Commendation of his Devotion, and that of his Predeceflbrs, towards Holy Church ; but, withall, complaining of thofe late Invafions, as he was pleafed to call them, of Ecclefiaftical Liberties ; urging him not only to repeal thofe Laws, but by no Means to make Peace with the French King, unlefs he would dif- own and no longer affift his Antagonift. The King received the Nuncio very civilly, but for Anfwer to his MefTage put him off to his Parliament ; and tho' his Majefty and the Duke of Lancajler feemed willing to gratify the Pope, yet the Commons abfolutely refuted to confent that any Perfon ftiould go to Rome to acquire Benefices in England : But, that they might not feem to flight his Holinefs's Requeft too much, they yielded that it might be connived at, though not without the King's Licence, and only to the next Parliament. That is, as one Hiftorian writes, The King, by his Pro- clamation, had a Power given him to difpenfe with the Execution of the Statute till the next Parliament: By which Conceflion, adds he, though the Pope gained not fo much as he defired, yet he had his Ends ; it be- ing not very material whether the Lion be dead or no, if his Claws be cut off and his Teeth knocked out ; for it is all one for a Law not to be at all, as not to be exe- cuted r . An Act was alfo parted this Seflion, which has fince done great Service to the Clergy, and was that of Ap- propriations s . It feems that, before this Parliament, it [ 448 ] was lawful to appropriate the whole Fruits and Profits of any Benefice to a Religious Houfe, upon Condition that the Abbot or Prior took Care to have the Cure tolerably fupplted by his Monks or Friars of the Houfe. This bred many Inconveniences ; as that Hofpitality was ne- glected, the Churches and Rectories dilapidated, and Minifters very often wanting ; of which Grievances the Commons complained, and procured this Act, ' That ia * Sam. Daniel, by Ei/hop Ktnntt, p. 268. Statutes at targe, Ar.xo 14 Kith, II, cap, 6, 474 %%* Parliamentary HISTORY K. Richard II. in every Licence to be made hereafter in Chancery, for . ., , * the Appropriation of any Church, the Bifhop of the Another on the _ . \f r / appropriating Diocefe mould have Power to referve a convenient Benefices to Re- c Sum of Money out of the Fruits and Profits of it, to lifioui Houfes. < fuftain the poor p ar ifhioners of the faid Church, and * to endow a perpetual Vicar fufficiently to fupply the ' Cure of Souls.' This Acl, fays the Hiftorian before quoted, or rather the Prelate his Annotator, was the Original of moft of our Vicarages j which, tho' they are a contemptible Maintenance for the Clergy, efpecially fince the Obventions of the Altar are removed, yet it has proved a very great Support to the Church ; the pooreft Livings often producing the moft painful and la- borious Minifters. So that the Nation, adds he, hath great Reafon to applaud this Act, becaufe our Gover- nors, ever fince, have been fo negligent in providing a better ; for, if this was not in Being, it is to be feared that the Church would have had no Provifion at all in Abundance of Places where Vicarages are eftablimed *. The Dukes of York and Gloucefter defired the King's Bounty of IOOO/. a Year Lands to each of them, ac- cording to his Promife, to be granted in Tail fpecial. The King hereupon ordered his Juftices to draw up fuch an Alignment, and commanded that his Uncles ftiould, in the mean Time, be duly paid their Pen- fions. It appears upon the Roll to be remembered, That the Prelates, Lords Temporal, and Commons, prayed the King in full Parliament, ' That the Royalty and ' Prerogative of him and his Crown might always be fafe f 440 1 * ant ^ P re ' erve d inviolable ; and that if any Thing had c been done or attempted to the contrary it might be * redrefled and amended. And, further, that he be as ' free in his Time as any of his Noble Progenitors had * ever been in theirs.' Which Prayer, fays our Autho- rity, feeming fo juft and reafonablc ", the King granted in all its Points. After thefe and all other Matters before them were difpatched, the Lords and Commons, in a Body, made their humble Acknowledgments to the King for his good Government, and for the great Fer- vour t Kernel in Sam. Darnel. Anna 14 Rich. II. cap. 6. \\ <$uelle Pricre jemhle a no/ire Sa'gtteur le Roy bonejie it rafinable, &C, Rot. Par], 14 Rid. 11. N. 14, 38. of E N G L A N D. vour and Zeal which he (hewed for his People ; and he K, Ridard il. returned his Thanks to them for the liberal Grants which they had made him ; and fo ended this Parlia- ment on the third Day of December, in the I4th Year of this Reign. One might imagine, from the Concluflon of this and the next Parliament, that there was now fo ftricl an Union between the King and his Subjects, that the Knot was indiffoluble : But a very few Years more fliewed, too plainly, the direct contrary, by an Example which all future Kings ought to have ever before their Eyes, as an Inftance that popular Affection is not to be kept up without repeated Acts of good Conduct to deferve it. But the Harmony which then fubfifted between this King and his Parliaments is attributed, and perhaps very juftly, by a late Hiftorian, to the good Counfel and Endeavours of William of Wickbam, BUhop of IPin- chefter, his Chancellor. The Biographer of this Pre- late b , whofe Work may be called a very judicious,, complete, and learned Performance, tells us that he did reftore public Tranquillity ; and that he had the Satif- faction of leaving it fo when he quitted his Office of Chancellor, which was in September, 1391. In his Place was put, by the King, Thomas Arundele, Arch- bifiiop of York ; a Man very different from the other, and who was ftrongly attached to the Party which bred the late Feuds in Parliament, in the loth and nth of this Reign ; and who carried on the fame Spirit fo far as to be the principal Mover in the fucceeding Revolution. By an Accident which happened next Year, the Citi-The King felzes zens of London fell under the King's heavy Difpleafure ; the Liberties of on which he feized upon the City's Liberties, difplaced^ City ot Lc " : " the Mayor, and fent him a cloie Prifoner to H'indfor Caftle. The reft of his Brethren, with the Sheriffs, were alfo clapt up in different Prifons ; and though, Ibme Time after, they were difcharged, and the King made a fplendid Entry into the City, was received with great Magnificence, and had very rich Gifts prefented to him, yet he exacted a Fine of 10,000 /. from the Citizens ; which fevere Ufage loft him the Affections of that opulent Body of People, and may be juftly look'd upon as a Prelude to the approaching Revolution. In B Robert Lsivlb, D. D. Prebendary of Durham, Qcla-vc t Lend. 1758, 476 ^he Parliamentary HISTORY K. Richard ll. I n t h e fifteenth Year of this King a Parliament was Anno Regni i ca ^ ec ' to meet at IVeflmlnJler on the Day after All-Souls, 1392. 'or November 3: At which Meeting the Archbifhop jLfffra a of York^ Thomas Arundele, Primate and Chancellor of ' England^ declared the Caufe to be, befides the ufual Ce- C 4S ] remony of Church, Laws, and Peace, for * to confider ' how to raife the Price of Woolls, then too much de- ' bafed ; and how the Wars might be maintained after ' the Expiration of the Truce. Laltly, in regard to ' the Statute of Provifors, that the Holy Father might ' no longer be deprived of what belonged to him ; con- 4 eluding with thefe Words, Reddite ques funt Ccefaris 4 Caefari, et qua funt Dei Deo.' To this laft Affair the Commons, for the great Con- fidence they repofed in the King, granted that he, by the Advice of the Lords of his Counfel, might make any Alteration touching the Statute of Provifors, as to him feemed good, till the Meeting of the next Parliament ; but fo as that Statute might not be repealed in any Ar- ticle, nor none difturbed in his lawful Pofleflion ; with this Proteft, 4 That as their AfTent to this was indeed a * Novelty, they prayed that it might be no Example.' The Lords and Commons granted to the King half a Tenth and half a Fifteenth, with one other whole Tenth, as it is called, and one Fifteenth, with many fine A Subfidy. Compliments made on his good Senfe and Government, conditionally, that if the King went not perfonally into France or Scotland againft his Enemies, or that Peace was made, then the laid Refidue of the faid Subfidies fhould remain to be employed upon the fole Defence of the Realm. The Commons alfo, in open Parliament, declared, * That if any Truce or Treaty of Peace was undertaken * with the King's Enemies, it was proper the Duke of * Aquitain, as the mo ft honourable, Ihould go to the * fame Treaty.' The King anfwered, That he dc fired the fame, if the Duke pleafed; which he contented to very readily. The 2d"of December, which was the laft Day of the Sitting of this Parliament, the Lords and Commons de- fired the King, in the fame Manner as in the two laft Parliaments, that he would as largely enjoy his Prero- gative of E N G L A N D. 477 gative as any of his PredecefTors ever did, notwithftand- K RMard II. ing any Statute to the contrary ; and particularly that made at Glouce/ler in the Time of King Edward II. %vhich they now again repealed. At the Beginning of the Year 1393 c the King held An " Re g ' 6 * a High Court of Parliament at Wincbefter, when the Archbifhop of York, by the King's Appointment, open'd At Wincbefer. the Seflion in a very fhort Speech, by declaring that it r -. was called for two great Caufes : The firft was, That 45 J whether there was War or Peace, or any new League made between the King and his Adverfaries, yet he was in great Neceflity for Money to 'difcharge his Debts, the raifmg of which was to be their principal Care. The next was to provide fome Remedy touch- ing the Statute of Provifors, for avoiding any Difputes between the Pope, the King, and his Realm.' To this Affair, the Lords and Commons granted the King the fame difpencing Power as the laft Parliament A Subld y had done, untill the next ; and to the firft, they gave his Majefty the fame Subfidy on Wooll, fff . as was granted in the eleventh Year of his Reign, for three Years ; to- gether with half a Tenth and half a Fifteenth. There are very few public Ac~h done this Seflion ; one of which, however, is very remarkable ; the Bi- fhops, Lords, and Commons, in full Parliament, aflent- cd that the King, his Heirs and Succeffors Kings of Eng- land^ might lawfully make their Laft Will and Tefta- jraetit, and that Execution fhould be done of the fame d . On the laft Day of their fitting, February 10, Wil- liam Courtney, Archbifhop of Canterbury and Primate of all England, made a long Proteftation, in open Par- liament, * That the Pope ought not to. excommunicate any Bifhop, or intermeddle as to Presentations to any T he , A " hbr T i- ! r n- I TA- i i f- > /-. ^ mp s Protetta- iLccleiialtical Dignity recovered in the Kings Courts. t ; on a^ainft the That the faid Holy Father ought not to make Tranf- 1'apal Power, lations to any Bilhoprick within the Realm, with- out the King's Leave ; for' that this Practice tended to the Deftruclion of the Realm and Crown of Eng- * land) c Oftavcs of St. Hilary. A Rot. Parl. 16 Rich. II. N. 10. Purfuantto which we 'find that tl.ts King made his Will a fmall Time before his laft Expeui:i the Preamble and whole Form of which T cftament is very! See Rymer's Feed. Tom. VIII. p. 75. 478 The Parliamentary HISTORY* K. Richard II, land, which had always been free, and fubjeft to ru * Earthly Power, but to God and the King, as to Re- * galities, and to no other.' Which Proteftation the Archbifhop prayed might be entered on the Roll b . t 45 2 ] About the fame Time, in the Year following, ano- ther Parliament was called to meet at Wejlminfter c , nno j I * e f u * 7 ' which was opened by a Speech from the Archbifhop of York, Lord-Chancellor; who declared, in the Prefence . of al j the EftateSi the Caufe of the Summons to be, * Fir/}, That all Bifhops, Lords and Corporations fhould ' enjoy their Liberties ; and that there fhould be a due ' Obfervation of the King's Peace. Next, How the ' Wars, which, by Aflent of Parliament, were begun, * fhould be fuftained as to the Expence of that, and the ' Prefervation ofGuienne, Calais, Ireland, and Scotland. 1 The third Day of their Meeting the Commons pre- '' fented tO the Ki "S' in ful1 Parliament > Sir J ohn B *ilfr> as their Speaker ; who, making the ufual Proteftation, was allowed. It is now a long Time fince we have met with the Name of a Speaker of the Houfe of Com- mons before this Man ; occafioned, no doubt, by the Negligence of the Clerics, in not entering them on the Rolls ; for that there muft have been a Speaker appointed each Parliament is certain, though we have not had the good Fortune to hand down their Names to Pofterity. Richard Earl of Arundele exhibited a Complaint fta g ainft the Earl of Lancajler, which he faid concerned the King's Honour. Firft, c That lie thought it not ' honourable for the King to fuffer the faid Duke to c walk Arm in Arm with him. Next, It did not be- ' come the Duke's Servants to wear the fame Livery * with the King's. Thirdly, That the faid Duke, both ' in Council and Parliament, was ufed to fpeak fuch * high ! Rot. jitfufra, N. 20. This was a very couragious Aft in the Arch- bifhop, when the Pope had juft wrote a Letter to the Duke of Lancafler, calling the Aft of Frovifors ExecrnbiU Statututn, Fcedum & turfe tact- nut, Sam. Daniel in Kernel, 270. See the whole Proteftation in Collier's H;jJ. Vol. 1. p. 594. That Au- thor writes, that the Archbifhop was probably fufpeflcd of fecretly abet- ting the Pope's Encroachments upon the Church and State, which occa- fioned this public Declaration. c On the Qmndene of St. llilc.ry, or Jan. 29. Rot. Parl. No Mention made of any Parliament in Ue Year 1394-1 or zyth of Richard 11, in the Sta:u:ei at large. of E N G L A N D. 479 * high and {harp Words ', that he the (aid Earl, and K. RicbarJ II. * others of his Quality, durft not utter their Minds for * him. Fourthly, It was not to the King's Profit to give to the faid Duke the Duchy of Guienne. And, ' laJHy, He wanted to know what was become of all * that Mafs of Money given to the Duke for his Voyage ' into Spain, and for the laft Treaty of Peace/ Unto which Accufation the King himfelf anfwered every Article of the Charge, and affirmed, ' That what 4 the Duke of Lancafter had done was all right and 'good.' And his Majefty, with the Aflent of the [ 453 ] Lords, awarded, ihat the faid Earl fhould afk the Duke's Pardon, in full Parliament, and in the very Words fol- lowing, which he fpoke accordingly ; Sire, Sitb that it femetb to the Kynge and to the other Lords, and eke that yhe heve ben fo michsl greved and dif- pleafed be my Words ^ bit forethinketh me and bifeche you of your e good Lord/hip to remit me your Mantelent e . This is a rare Specimen of the Englijh Language at that Time, and (hews how much it wanted fuch a Ge- nius as Geffry Chaucer to refine it. In this Parliament the King charged the Commons to give their Advice as to the War ; and they, in a Schedule put into his Hands by Sir John BuJJy, their Speaker, anfwered, ' That the Articles of Peace be- tween the King and his Adverfary of France, had been read and in part underftood by them ; but that, con- fidering the Points therein contained were too high for them to meddle with, and upon which they durlt not treat nor give any Advice, fuch as Homage-leige, Sovereignty and RefTort to the Crown of France 1 ', they were willing to give their Confents, for the Benefit of Peace, to whatfoever the Lords, Kniohts of Honour, and the Judges had before agreed upon ; fo as the Homage ftiould be done for, and only have Relation to, the Duchy of Guienne, and in no wife affect the Crown or Kingdom of England.' What the Articles of this Peace were, does not ap- pear upon the Parliament Roll. Knyghton writes, that this was only a Truce between the two Kingdoms for four A Si groj/'e ft afprei Parolles. RecOVil. This old Englijh is moft wretchedly mangled and mif-fpfl!rd in liif f lismagt-ligf, Seviraixtt, ft Rfflcrt, ?<-. Rorl. 480 7&? Parliamentary HISTORY K. Richard 11. four Years and four Months, as well by Sea as Land . The King defigning to go over in Perfon, in order to reduce Ireland, demanded an Aid of this Parliament ; and the Commons granted him a Subfidy upon Wooll, A Subfid Wooll-fells, &c. upon every Ton of Wine 31. and ' y * upon every Pound of Merchandize, \id. for three Years, as in the nth Year of his Reign; fo as this Money fhould only be employed for the Defence of the Realm : And fo that if the King did not go abroad into Ireland or Scotland, it might be reduced to half the Sum i 454 3 in each Article. The Clergy granted alfo a full Tenth, if the King went over, otherwife only half a Tenth. In this Parliament alfo the Judges that were banifhed into Ireland by that of the nth of this King, were re- called, by Confent of King, Lords, and Commons, and the Acl: for their Banifhment repealed. Very foon after this laft Parliament was difiblved, which was on the 7th of March, the King did go over in Perfon into Ireland, accompanied with his Uncle the Duke of Gloucefter, and an Army of 30,000 Men. The Jrijb Rebels were by no Means fit to refift fuch Force ; but, after fome Efforts to harrafs the King's Army by Delays and Counter-Marches, four of their Kings were The King's Sue- obliged to come in and fubmit to Richard's Mercy, who ccfs in Ireland, made Hoftages of them for the good Behaviour of the reft. After which he held a Parliament at Dublin, the better to fettle the Affairs of that Kingdom j and this was the greateft and moft fortunate Expedition that was made in this King's Time. A late Hiftorian fays that, in feveral Encounters had with the Rebels, Richard gave great Marks of Perfonal Valour: Which caufed a Be- lief, adds that Author, that if hitherto he had fhew'd no great Inclination for War, it was not to be afcribed fo much to Want of Courage, as to a bad Education ". In the mean while the Duke of York, who had been left Guardian to the Realm in the Kind's Abfence, ** a ^ > I8 ' fum moned a Parliament to meet fifteen Days after St. Hilary, or Jan. 28, in the Year 1395, to confider of the $"' beft Way to make the Government of Ireland profper- ous E Trc'jga cum Francia tt Scotia, prs qua'.ycr Ar.r.h ft qua'.uar Mevfibus, Immediate fequentibus, tarn in Mare quam in Terra,, Knygi.'Wi col. 1741. > Ra}>:n's Hijlory, Fol. Edit, p. 470. of E N G L A N D. 481 ous and happy. To further this Bufinefs the King fcntK. Ritbard II. over the Duke of Gloucejhr from Ireland-, who, coming to this Parliament, declared the King's great Neceifity for Money, occafioned by the late Expedition; his great Zeal to make an entire Conqueft there, and the great Hope he had of Succefs. The Duke's Speech, what- ever it was, is not on the Rolls of Parliament, but we are told that it had fo powerful an Effect, as to draw from the Clergy a full Tenth, and from the Commons a Tenth and a Fifteenth; and this is all the Record mentions, the reft of the Proceedings of this Parliament being very fhort, and nothing at all to our Purpofe a . The Se& called the Lollards, or the Followers of f .. 'John Wickliff and his Doctrines, were about this Time " *" * in great Power, and much dreaded by the Prelates and others of the Eftablifhed Church ; they had often peti- Pet ; t ; on O f t h. tioned the King and Council for an Encouragement to Lollards. their purpofed Reformation ; but we are told they had now the Courage to deliver a Remonftrance of it to this Parliament. There is not one Word of this on the Rolls ; and as it was never our Defign to enter into Ec- clefiaftical Controverfies, except they were purely Par- liamentary, and refpefted the State and Government of the Realm, we fhali omit this Remonftrance, which was drawn up in twelve Articles, againft the Power and En- croachments of the Church of Rome, and refer the Rea- der to the Writers of our En*UJh Ecclefiaftical Hiftory for them. We are not told, however, what Reception this met with from the Parliament ; from whence we iuppofe, whatever particular Favourers thefe Reformers might have in the Houfes, yet the Bifhops had then Power enough to fuppreis them. We have now a Chafm of two Years before we meet \vith another Parliament ; and in the mean Time our general Hiftorians are fufficiently taken up with the De- fcription of a Royal Interview between the two Kings of England and France; and a Marriage folemnized b be- VOL. I. H h tween. * No Mention of this Parliament in the Statutes at large ; but there is one in them, faid to be held at Weftminfler, Anno 1396, Regrti 19, of which we can meet with no further Account, fur it is not on the Rolls. Statutes a! ia\ < ge, 1396, cap. 6 b The late Queen died a little before his Inrt Expedition into Ireland, * June 7, 1304, at Sbene near Richmond, The King's Paffion tor the Lofs of her \sas io cxceflivc, thai he curled the Place and pulled down the Palace. 482 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Richard II. tween the former King and a very young Daughter of the latter, not then full eight Years of Age. After King Richard's coming over, with his young Bride, and her Coronation, he called a Parliament to meet on the 22d of January, in the Year I397> at Weflminfter^. AnnoRegnizo, Being all aflembled, on the Day appointed, the Bi- Ihop of Exeter, then Chancellor, by the King's Com- AtWeflminfter. mand, opened the Caufe of Summons, in a Speech, wherein he alledged many Authorities from Holy Writ, to prove four Points on which a Prince ought to confult his Parliament. The firjl was, * That the Church r . .g -i ' might enjoy her Liberties in Peace.' The next, * That * all his Subjects fhould be govern'd without Oppreffion/ Thirdly^ ' That the good Laws fhould be maintained, ' the evil amended, and Juftice executed.' And, lajlly y * That the Realm fhould be defended againft all foreign * Enemies.' All which, he added, the King was ready to do with their good Advice. He then told them of the Danger the Nation was in from the Scots and Iri/h t the Hazard of Guienne and the Marches of Calais, and defired them to confult and do what was proper with the leaft Charge to the Realm. SirJoHN BUSSY, The next Day the Commons prefented Sir John Buffy 9 Speaker. as t ne j r Speaker, whom the King allowed of; and, after making the ufual Proteftation, he faid, ' That the ' Commons required of the King that fuch Bifhops and ' Lords, as were abfent, fhould be fent for.' To which the Chancellor anfwered, * That it would be too long * and tedious for that Seflion.' Then the Commons defired a Conference with the Chancellor and others of the King's Officers ; which being agreed to, and the Chancellor returned from it, the King commanded him to declare the Refult of that Conference. This Report was, c That the Commons, by a Bill, required ' four Things : Fir/}, The Continuance of Sheriffs. * Next, That proper Care ihould be taken of the Nor- * them Marches. Another, About Liveries and Badges. * And the lajl, For avoiding of the extravagant Expences ' of the King's Houfhold, and to forbid Bifhops and La- * dies, who had no particular Bufmefs there, from fre- quenting e No Mention of this firft Parliament, held in the Year 1397, in the Statutfi at large. 0f ENGLAND. 483 c cjuenting the Court V The Reafon for inferting this laft K Richard II. Claufe in the Bill does not appear ; but it fecms defign'd to drive the Prelates from Court who were attending there, moft probably, in Hopes of Tranflation (a Prac- tice not yet grown obf lete) to take Care of their refpec- tive Uiocefes ; and the Ladies, though they are hera ftiangely coupled, from coming to a Place where they might either tempt others, or be liable themfelves to Temptation. Whatever was the Caufe of the Bill, the King, being informed of the Contents of it, was highly incen r jd, and told the Peers, That it was calculated The King refents fig ' ijl thofi Liberties and Royalties his Progenitors had the bringing in a enjoyed^ and which he was refohed to uphold and main-^ ^rJ^^ T7 r r i t i T t c, i ,tmg his Houfhold tain, fi:- therefore commanded the Lords spiritual and Temporal to inform the Commons of his Refolution ; and [ ACJ 1 particularly ordered the Duke o/Lancafter to charge Sir John Bufly, their Speaker^ upon his Allegiance^ to ac- quaint him who it was that brought the Bill into Parlia- ment. What provoked the King moft againft it was, that it feemed calculated to regulate the Expence of his Houfhold, which at that Time was very profufe and diforderly. The fubmiffive Anfwer which the Commons gave to this MefTage is very extraordinary, and humbler than any we have yet met with from that Body. For, being told the King's Mind in a Conference with the Lords, they immediately delivered in the Bill to them, with the Name of the Perfon who had brought it into their Houfe, and who was one Thomas Haxey, Clerk. The Bill was given to the Clerk of the Crown, by the Clerk of the Parliament, according to the King's Command. Soon after the Commons came before his Majefty, in full Parliament, and there, with all Humility and Obedi- ence, (hewed great Concern e that the King had con- ceived fuch a Refentment againft them, Humbly pray- ' ing him to accept their Excufe ; for that it never was The Commons their Intent or Defire to fpeak, fhew, or aa any Thing aflt Pardon * which (hould be an Offence or give Difpleafure to his 4 Majefty, or be againft his Royal Eftate and Liberty ; ' efpecially about this Matter touching his Perfon, and H h 2 the d De la Multitude d'Evefaet ct aujp de flufeurs Damn, Sec. Rot. Pail. 20 Rich. II. N 14. e Faifant grant Dohur ctmc affaruj) far le-jr Cbitr Ibid, N. 16. 484 The Parliamentary HISTORY K, Ricbard II, < the Government of his Houfe, or about the Lords and ' Ladies of his Court, or any other Matter that regard- ' ed himfelf; knowing very well that fuch Things did ' not belong to them, but folely to the King himfelf, < and in his own ordering ; That their Intention was ' only to fhew their greac Affection to his Majefty, as ' faithful'Subje&s, and to defire the Lords to pray him ' to confider his own honourable Eft ate, and to do ' therein what he thought good : That they fubmitted c themfelves to the King's Will and Favour ; humbly * befeeching his Majefty gracioufly toexcufe them ; be- * ing always ready to fave his Royal Eftate and Liberty, [ 458 ] ' and to perform, with Body and Goods, as loyal Sub- ' jte&s are bound to do, whatever ftiall be for the Ho- ' nour and Safety of his Royal Perfon and Dignity f . Upon this Declaration, the King commanded the Chancellor to tell the Commons, That, out of his Royal Benignity and gracious Seigniory, he then fully excufed them. Who can read this and imagine that the fame Body of Men, as we may near fuppofe, tho' in a dif- ferent Parliament, now fo very paffive, fhould, in a very fhort Space after, depofe this King for his ill Govern- ment, and fet up another in his Stead ? As a farther Proof of their Attachment to the Prero- The Member or at ; ve R O y a l, Thomas Haxey, Clerk, was tried before who brought in . ~ .. J . j V rx t r the Bill femen- tnis Parliament, and condemned to die the Death of a eed to die. Traitor. But here the Church interpofed ; for, foon after the Sentence, the Archbifhop of Canterbury, and all the other Prelates, came before the King in Parlia- ment, with great Humility, and made Proteftation, That their fincere and full Intention was, and always mould be, to have his Majefty's Royal Eftate and Power ever faved and preferved without Diminution. And then they befeeched the King to grant them the Life of Thomas Haxey^ and the Cuftody of his Body, not as of Right belonging to them, but of his fpecial Grace and Favour.' Which Petition the King granted. In this Parliament alfo every Thing that was done nine Years before againft the Prerogative, was now re- verfed and intirely difannulled. Souncertain in their Pro- ceedings, fays Mr. Tyrrel> have Parliaments been when managed by Court Intrigues, or popular Factions. Ro- bert f Rot. Parl. 20 Rich. II. NO. 17. ? Hijiory of England, Vol. III. p. 959. *f ENGLAND. 485 bert Belknnppe, John Holt, and William Burgh, Knights, K, Richard II. and formerly Judges, who had been baniihed into ^-j^ tanifhed land by the atorefaid At, had Leave given them by the judges allowed King, with the Confent of the other Eftates, to returnto return. into England^ and pradtife the Law without Impeach- ment. Saving always againft them all other Points mentioned in the faid Statute p . Something memorable was likewife tranfadted in this Parliament, relating to the Great Duke of Lancqfter. This Prince having loft his firft Wife, Conjlance, Daugh- r , ? _ -t ter to the King of Cajlile, thought proper to marry Catherine Swynford, a Lady by whom he had feveral Children during the Life of his Duchefs ; by which Match he greatly difgufted the King and the reft of- his Royal Relations. However, the Duke found Intereft enough to carry a Bill thro' both the Houfes, and got the Royal Aflent to it, to have the IfTue he had by the faid Lady, before Marriage, legitimated, and made ca- pable to fucceed to, and enjoy, all Dignities, Lands, and Inheritances that might defcend to them from the Duke their Father, except the Crown. This laft Dignity is not mentioned in the A61, as appears by the King's Charter of Legitimation, grounded 'on it, and is yet extant on Record q ; though, many Years after, a De- fcendant of this legitimated Race came to the Crown of England^ not by Succeffion, but by the Sword, in the Perfon of Henry VII. The King alfo, at the fame Time, out of his particular Grace and Favour, and by the Confent of Parliament, created Thomas de Beaufort* the eldeft of the faid Duke's Bafe Sons, Earl of Somerfcty from whom the prcfent Duke of Beaufort is defcended r . Alfo, by a Charter of Creation, read and confirmed in this Parliament, the King granted to Thomas Mow- bray, Earl of Nottingham^ and to the Heirs Male of his Body, lawfully begotten, the Office, Name, and Title of Earl Marfhal of England ; the Office of Marfhal in the King's Bench and in the Exchequer ; the Office of Proclaimcr Marfhal ; the Steward and Marfhal of the King's Houlhold ; and further, that the faid Earl and H h 3 his P This is put under the laft Parliament in the Statute Bcoks, as we have before mentioned. q Ret. Pail. loRitbarJU. N. 28, 29. r John Unite of Somerfst was the only one of the three legitimated Sons tl ;-t kH any Iffuc, and he was Great Grandfather, by the Mother's Sipre/!on. Rapin, Fol. Ed. p. 463. t Fad. A*g. Tom V11I. p. 14. u Kdlingfbtad't Cbron. p. 490. * J. Strive writes that this large Timber Building was crecleH be- twixt the Clock Tower .-nd the Door of the great Hall at U'rj:i>. which n:uft be the prcfent Palateryaid, Sawi's Cbron. p. 315. 488 tte Parliamentary HISTORY K, Richard II, ed a high Throne for the King, and a large Place on each Side for the Bifhops and Peers of Parliament. The Lords Appellants and Defendants had each Places affign- ed them, one oppofite to the other. There was alfo a particular Divifion kept for the Commons of Parlia- ment, on the fore Part of which was a Place for their Speaker. 462 ] Matters being in this extraordinary Manner adjufted, AnnoRe 6 n i2I .^. the T im 5 aPP TA ed ' ^ S .?P teM *' r ' '?' '397' the j 397l King, Lords, and Com,mons all met; when the Bilhop of Exeter., as Lord-Chancellor, by his Majefty's Com- er. mandj ope ned the Seffion by a Speech, which 'he began with a Text taken from Ezekiel^ Rex unus erit omnibus. .The Prelate endeavoured to prove, by many Authorities, * That iio Realm could be well governed but by one \ ' fole King; and that, to the right Conduct of a good ' 'King, three Things were wanting ; I//, That he fhould * be powerful ; idly, Strict in the Execution of the Laws * by which he governed ; and, lajHy t That the Subjects ' fhould be obedient to the King and the Laws of the ' Kingdom. That the King might grow more power- * fill, he told them that many Liberties and Prerogatives * were given to hi r>, which, at the Time of his Coro- ' nation, he was iworn to maintain : And if any Thins; c was done fmce, contrary to them and the Law, they * were revoked ; of which Particular they themfelves c were then called to confult. That Laws ought to be * executed, appeared by the common Example of a good * Father, who ufes to ftrike as well as ftroke his Child. * BuL, for the better Execution of them, the King had * appointed new Judges and Officers thro' the Realm, * and was now defirous to redrefs any Detects of the ' Law which could be fhewn him ; and that the Na~ * tion;-.! Subjects ought to obey the King and his Laws, 6 was apparent, for that no Man couid claim any Pro- * perty of Life or Goods, or any Fruit of his Labour, ' without the Prince, who is the Pillar of the Law. * He concluded with obferving, that the King meant to * maintain the Laws, and to continue the general and ' v particu!ar Liberties granted to all Corporations and ' every finglePerfon; further, that he defigned to grant 4 a g c - of ENGLAND. 489 * a general Pardon to all his Subjects, except to fome K. Richard II. * particular Perfons. The next Day the Commons prefented Sir John Sir JOHN Bussr Evffy again to the King, as their Speaker *, who, being g n ^ ore approved of, made the ufual Proteftation, which he F prayed might be recorded. [ 4 6 3 3 The firlt Thing that pafled all their Confents was an Act to confirm to Holy Church, the Lords Spiritual and , Temporal, and to all Cities, Boroughs, and Common- alties of the Realm, their Liberties and Franchifes, as they had reafonably held and enjoyed them in the Time of the King's Noble Progenitors : And becaufe that fe- veral Judgments were heretofore not finiftied, by reafon the Clergy were not prefent, nor confenting to them, the Commons prayed the King that they might now appoint a general Proctor, who might have fufficient Authority to act for them z : Whereupon the two Arch- bifhops, and the Clergy of both Provinces, conftituted and appointed Sir Thomas Plercy their Procurator, as appears by their Inftruments made for that Purpofe, and entered on the Roll. Afterwards the Commiflion and Statute purfuant to it, made in the nth Year of this King, and to which the Kins:, at the Peril of his Life % was obliged to con- fent, was wholly repealed and made void, at the Peti- All the Proceed- tion of the Commons, as being; traiteroufly made, by ln ?!. of th t ? ( : om " x-^i n i /-i if- n ir- i ITT->I million or the Conitraint and CompuHion, againlt the King s Will, JIt h of this his Royalty, Crown, and Dignity. And it was ordained King reverfed, and eftablifhed by the King, with the Advice and Con- fent of the Lords and Commons, * That nofuch-like Commiflion fhould be made for the future, and he who fhould y Hiftorians write, that, be- : 'relates withdrew, they were feverally afkcd their Opinions, Whe- tiu-r the Charters of Pardons formerly given by the King could be revoked * T>> . ich all 'A then), e\ -,-pt the Archbilhop of Canterbury, anfwcred, m, might be made void. ' :. p. 491. ... Rot. Pail, 21 R;\-b. II, Parliamentary HISTORY K. RUbard II. fhould endeavour to procure any fuch to be made for the Time to come, being thereof duly convict, fliould fuffer Death as a Traitor.' Then the Pardons granted to the Duke oiGloucefler^ and the Earls of Arundele and Warwick, in the Parlia- ment of the nth Year of this King, were made void, as being obtained by Force, and againft the King's Will. Alfo the Pardon granted to the Earl of Arundele | 464 ] at Windfor, the i;th of this King, was in like Manner revoked and annulled. The third Day of the Seffion the Commons came be- fore the King, in full Parliament, and made Protefta- tion by their Speaker, that though they intended to fhew and declare certain Matters and Articles, which they had then advifed of and agreed amongft themfelves, yet neverthelefs it was, and is, their Intent and Will, with Leave of the King, to acc.ufe or impeach any Perfon or Perfons, as oft as they (hould think fit, during the Time of this Parliament. They prayed the King that he would pleafe to accept this Proteftation, and that it might be entered as a Record on the Roll of Parlia- ment ; which the King granted, and commanded to be done accordingly b . On the fame Day the Commons came again before And the Arch- the King in Parliament, and impeached Thomas Arun- ' dele > then ArchbifooP of Canterbury, of High Treafon; ' For that he, being the chief Officer of the King, his ' Chancellor, when he was Bi&op of Ely, was traite- ' roufly aiding, procuring, and advifing in making a Commiffion, directed to Thomas Duke of Gloucejler, ' Richard Earl of Arundele, and others, in the loth Year ' of his Majefty's Reign; and made and procured him- * felf, as chief Officer, to be put into it, to have Power, * with the other Commiffioners, to fee it put in Execu- * tion ; which Commiffion was made in Prejudice to the ' King, and openly againft his Royalty, Crown, and * Dignity ; and that the faid Thcmtis actually put the * faid Commiffion in Execution. ' Alfo that the faid Archbifliop, in the nth Year of * the King, procured and advifed the Duke of Glouccfter, 4 with b Rot. Par!. 21 Ricbc.-d\\. N. 14. The whole of the Proceedings jtt thefe Trials a'e put tope' her at the End or' thofe of this Parliament* cr this Title. Pfacita Coiont coram D 03111:0 Rtge ; farliaxstitt afud *f ENGLAND. 491 with the Earls of Warwick and Arundele, to take upon K, Rt&ardU. them Royal Power, and to arreft the King's Liege Subjects, viz. Simin Burley and James Berners^ Knights, and adjudge them to Death, contrary to the King's Will, and without his Content ; thereupon * the faid Commons prayed the King that the faid Arch- ' bimop might be put into fafe Cuftody.' The King anfwered, Becaufe the Accufation and Impeachment touch- ed fo high a Perfon, and a Peer of the Realm, he would be advijed. The next Day the Commons prayed the King, ' That, [ 465 ] as they had impeached and accufed the Archbifhop of Canterbury of aflenting and being in the Contri- vance of making the Commiffion on the igth of No- vember , in the roth of the King, and agreed to the Execution of the fame, which was exprefly againft his State and Dignity, that he would pleafe to ordain fuch Judgment againft the faid Archbifhop as the Caufe required/ Hereupon the King commanded it to be recorded in Parliament, that the Archbijhop had been be- fore him, in the Presence of certain Lords, and confejjed that he was miftaken, or erred, in, the Exercife of the Com- mijjion ; and therefore put himfelf upon the King's Grace and Mercy. On the 25th of September, the King and the Lords Temporal, with Sir 'Thomas Piercy, the Proctor for the Prelates, who, as it appears upon Record, had full Power from the whole Body of the Clergy to acl for them, adjudged and declared the faid Article, which the Archbifhop had confefled, to be Treafon, and that it touched the King himfelf; for which they alfo ad- judged and declared him a Traitor. And it was award- ed in Parliament, ' That he (hould be banifhed out of * the Kingdom, have his Temporalities feized, and his * Goods and Chattels forfeited to the King, who was ' alfo to appoint the Time of his Exile.' Whereupon the King affigned him a Time of Paflagje, which was from the Eve of St. Michael untill fix Weeks next en- fuing, to pafs from the Port of Dover into France ; and further, that he (hould forfeit all his Lands, Tenements, and Poflefiions, which he had in Fee Simple by De- fcent, or Purchafe, or otherwife, at the Day of the And banifiwl. Treafon committed, or after, or tha,t any one held to * his 49 2 ?>&* Parliamentary HISTORY K. Ricbard II. his Ufe, to the King and his Heirs for ever. This is the.fecond Example, Thomas Becket being the fir-ft, of anv Archbifhop being banifhed the Realm by Sentence * of Parliament V \ 466 ] A n d now came on the other Proceedings of this Par- liament againft the Duke of Gloucejhr, and the Earls of Arundele and Warwick, contained in feveral Articles of Impeachment then brought againft them, by Way of Bill, by the Lords Appellants, mentioned in the Council at Nottingham. The Bill, as appears by the Record it- felf, was directed to the King in Parliament, and is to this Effea : The Duke of Firft, it fets forth, * That the Duke G^Ghucefler and Gl'ucefter, the * the Earl of Aiundele^ defigning to encroach and have 5S - *y Wr * the Governmem of your Royaf Perfon and Kingdom, anATfamasMor- ' Wltrl tne Liberties and Dignities thereof, as well timer, impeach- ' within this Kingdom as without; when the Parlia- *' ' ment fat at Weftminfter^ in the loth Year of your ' Reign, thev fent a Peer of the Land to you, who, on * their Behalf, and by their Command, told your Ma- ' jefty, that if you would not confent to make to them, * and others whom they fhould name, fuch a Commif- * fion whereby they might have the Government in the * Manner as is above related, you fhould be in Danger c of your Life, and the Lords and Commons of Parlia- * ment would depart without your Leave ; and then you * fhould fee in what a miferable Condition you would 'be; fo that, in very Fear of their Power, you then ' granted fuch a Commiffion as they defired.' Next follows the Commiffion itfelr, which we have already given under the 10th Year of this King's Reign b j and then the Impeachment goes on thus : / a Mr. Collier obferves that this is another Precedent of a Biihop being trie;! by his Peers, it being plain by the Record, adds he, thzt Judgment was given bv the Houfe of Lords, not in a legiilative but in a judicial Way ; and that the Commons were only Profecutors in this Cafe, &c. Collier's Ejchj. llift. Vol. I. p. 601. Though the Archbifhop was prefent the fir ft Day v/hen the Commons brought in their Imiieachment and offered to make his Defence, yet he was abfent the next when Sentence was pronounced ay.iinft him. S<;me Authors accufe the King of double Dealing in the Arfai: j nnd tha: he com- manded the I'rckti no: to come into the Houfe ; having nifc maJe hin: a Prornifeof his Friendihip. and given him his Oath that the Lord- do nothing to his Prejudice. Holiingjacud'& Cvrou. p. 4^0. - lei d em. > bee before, p,'4oi, 427. ^/ENGLAND. 493 I. < The faid Duke and Earl of Arundele, to accom- K- Riebard II. * ,plifl\ their traiterous Purpofes. and to have your Roy- ' al Perfon in their Power, ordered, as they pleafed, * the Government of your whole State, with the Laws * and Dignities thereof, and prevailed with Thomas Earl ' of Warwick and Thomas Mortimer to join with them r ^67 ] * in their traiterous Delign ; who, by Agreement, as Traitors to the King and Kingdom, all met and af- 1 fembled on the thirteenth of November, in the nth c Year of your Reign, at Haringbay-Park^ in Middlefex^ * with a great Number of People, armed and arrayed, ' and made divers of your Liege People, in feveral Parts ' of your Realm, to rife, and march with them, againft: ' your Royal Perfon, contrary to their Legiance, and ' would not come before your Prefence, untill they were 4 fecured by your Oath that they might come and re- * turn fafely ; and then they all appeared before you in ' your Palace at Weftminfter^ with a great Force of arm- ' ed Men, and traiteroufly conftrained you to take them 4 into your fafe Protection, againft your Will and Plea- fure. II. The faid Duke, the Earls of Arundele and War- * wick, and Thomas Mortimer^ continuing their traite- ' rous Purpofes, by Force and Violence, did take and ' imprifon divers of your Liege People, and amongft ' others, Sir Simon Burley, and brought him to your * Parliament, held on the Morrow of the Purification, * in the nth Year of your Reign, and there fuggefted ' divers Points of high Crimes and Treafon againft him, * and the Advice of every Lord then prefent was afked, ' concerning the Crimes of the (aid.Siman, and after- ' wards the Duke and Earls would know your Advice ' and Opinion ; and you anfwered plainly, He was not ' guilty in any Point objected againft him. And,, after ' that, the Duke and Earls cauled you to come into 4 fecret Place at J^eflminJJer y and there fnewed you the ' Particulars of the Crimes abovefaid. To whom you ' then anfwered likewife, that the (aid Simon was not * guilty in any of thofe Points. And there they took up- ' on them traiteroufly to have you by Force con Cent to * the Judgment they had defigned againfr him ; and yet * you would not confent to any Judgment to be given ' againft the faid Simon. Yet nevertheless, the faid Duke 494 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Richard II. < Duke* and Earls took upon them Royal Power, Jit * Prejudice of you, and in Derogation to your Crown, ' and without your Aflent, and contrary to your Will, ' in your Abfence, and in the Abfence of many other T 4.68 T * Peers of Parliament, without their AlTent, and againft * their Wills, they awarded that the faid Simon fhould ' be drawn, hanged, and beheaded ; and thereupon they ' traiteroufly caufed his Head to be ftruck off, againft ' your Peace, Crown, Majefty, and Dignity. JII. The aforefaid Duke, Earls, and Tbomw ' V- e timer, continuing their malicious, falfe, and trairerous * Purpofes and Force, at Huntingdon, on Tbvrfday he ' 6th of December, in the faid nth Ye?r, traiteroufly * agreed, and intended to have gone with their Forces ' to any Place of the Kingdom, where they might have * found your Royal Perfon, to have furrendered to you * their Homage Liege, and to have depofed you ; and ' this they would have done, had they not been hinder- * ed by Henry of Lancafter Earl of Derby, and Thomas * Mowbray Earl of Nottingham. And the faid Duke and ' Earls continuing their traiterous Intention and Force, * by Agreement between them, caufed the Records in ' your Treafury, of the Time of your Grandfather ' King Edward^ to be fearched, how he demifed his * Crown ; and they (hewed to you, in Writing, the * Caufes of the Demife of his Crown in your Palace at * Weftminfter, in the Time of Parliament, in the faid ' nth Year, and they faid, falfly and traiteroufly, that they had Caufe fufficient to depofe you, but for the Re- c verence they had for your moft Noble Grandfather, * and Father j and they faid alfo, that, in Hopes of your * better Government, they would fuffer you to con- * tinue in your Royal Eftate and Regality. IV. * Which Treafon fo imagined, done, and per- e petrated by the aforefaid Duke, Earls, and Thomas * Mortimer, againft your Royal Perfon, Eftate, Maje- ' fty, and Dignity, as is above declared, we the Ap- ' pellants (there named) your loyal Lieges, have been ' and are ready to prove againft the faid Duke, the Earls * of Arundele and Warwick, and Thomas Mortimer, as ' you, our moft dread Lord, and this high and honour- * able Court, your Parliament, (hall order.' Thefe of ENGLAND. 495 Thefe Articles having been read, the Lords Appel- K - R>cJ>*rdli. lants b prayed the King that the Accufed might be brought before him, in Parliament, to make their An- L 4 & 9 J fwer. Accordingly Ralph Lord AT/tti/, Conftable of the Tower, there prefent, had Orders to bring before them Richard Earl of Arundele, his Prifoner, which he did, on the fourth Day of this Seflion of Parliament. The Duke of Lanca/ier, being conftituted Lord High- Steward ot England, pro hacFice, told the Prifoner, that he was impeached of divers Acts of High Treafon ; and the Appeal being read to him, his Anfwer was, * That * he had a general Pardon in the Parliament held in the * nth Year of the King ; as alfo a Charter of Pardon ' made to him within fix Years laft paft, both which he prayed might be allowed.' The Lord High-Steward told the Earl, by Command of the King and Confent of Parliament, * That the Pardon granted in the nth ' Year, was made by Conftraint upon the King, by the ' faid Duke, Earls, and others of their Party, afluming ' to themfelves Royal Power, in Prejudice to the King, his Royal Eftate, Crown, and Dignity ; and that the ' Charter of Pardon was made in Deceit of the King, ' and exprefly againft him and his Royal Dignity ; ' wherefore, upon the Requeft of the Commons, by * Confent of the King and all the Eftates of Parliament, the faid Pardon and Charter had been in this Parlia- ' ment repealed and made void.' The Earl was afked If he had any Thing more to fay ; and he being filent, Sir William Clopton, Chief Juftice of the King's Bench, by the King's Command, declared to him the Law, and the Punifhment he muft undergo, if he pleaded nothing elfe ; for, if he did not, he would be convicted and attainted of all the Matters objected againft him. But upon the Earl's ftill infifting on his Charter and t 47 J Pardon, and demanding the Allowance of them, the Lords b Honed y. Strsoc is fo particular in defcribing the Proceedings of this Parliament, that he gives us the Drefs the Lords Appellants vvoie on this Day, They were clad, fays he, in red Gowns of Silk, garded and bojrdcd with white Silk, and embroidered with Letters of Gold He adds, that the Earl of /irundelc came to his Trial in a red Gown and Scarlet Hood, whuh the Duke of Lancaflcr ordered the Lord Nevil to take off, along with his Girdle. Sttrwe's Chronicle. 316. Both this Earl and the Earl of Warwick had been taken by the King's Command, and f< nt Piifonen to the Tower, fome Time before. />' fort, cap. ccxxvi. 49 6 K. Richard II. The Earl of jlrundelt con- vi&ed, And beheaded. (47' ] The Parliamentary HISTORY Lords Appellants, in their proper Perfons, prayed the King, * That it would pleafe him to give Judgment ' upon him as convicted of all the Points on which he * was accufed c .' Then the Lord High-Steward, by Command of the King, all the Lords Temporal, and Sir Thomas Piercy^ Pro6tor for the Clergy d , as before taken Notice of, ad- judged the faid Earl of Arundele ' Guilty and convict of * all the Points on which he flood appealed, and, as a * Traitor to the King and Realm, to be drawn, hanged, ' beheaded, and quartered : And farther, becaufe his ' Treafons were of fo high a Nature as to have gone ' about to furrender their Liege Homage, and depoie the * King, and that his levying War was fo notorious, the * laid Lord High-Steward, by the Authority aforefaid, * awarded that all his Caftles, Manors, Lands, Tene- ' merits, Reverfions, Fees, and every other Manor of ' Inheritance, as well in Fee-Tail as Fee-Simple, which ' were the faid Earl of Arundetis on the igth of Novem- * ber^ in the loth Year of the King, or afterwards ; and ' alfo all the Lands and Tenements of which other Per- * fons were infeoffed to his Ufe, the faid igth of No- ' vember, or afterwards, with all his Goods and Chat- ' tels, (hould be forfeited to the King and his Heirs for ' ever.' But the King gracioufly remitted that Part of his Sentence of being drawn, hanged, and quartered ; and, to fhew Equity as well as Rigour, the King and Lords, both Spiritual and Temporal, declared, That it was not their Intention that the Lands and Tenements, Fees, or any other Inheritance of which the faid Earl flood c The aforecited Author, J, Stowe, has given us a ftrange Account of this Trial, wherein he makes the Sum of the Earl's Anfwers to his Ac- cufers to be, Tboit lies, and tbou lies. Ibid. 317. Another Hiftorisn writes, That the King declared, He had been more affronted by the Earl of At itn- dde than any of the reft, in the Perfon of the late Qu_een ; who was upon her Knees three Hours, at one Time to him, begging the Life of John Cal- verlie, one of her Efquires, and all the Anfvver fhe could get from this haughty Earl, was, Madam, fray for yourfclf ar.d ynur Uujband,fer that is beft, and let this Suit alone. Hollingfhead'i Chronicle, p. 490. l Mr. Collier here again obferves, That, at this Trial, Sir Thomas Pier- ry, the Proxy for the Bifhops, was one of the Earl's Judges, and joined in the Sentence with the Temporal Lords ; from- which he infers, that the Bifhops withdrawing from the Houfe of Lords, in Cafes of Blood, was only a voluntary Abfence, occafioned by the Restraint of the Canons. For, adds he, a Delegation from a Principal to a Proxy muft carry the fame Authority with the Perfon he reprefents, Col. , Hiji. Vol. I, 60 J, z* ^ENGLAND. 497 itood infeoffed, to the Ufe of another, fhould in anyK, Retard II, Manner be forfeited by reafon of this Judgment c . On the very fame Day that the Earl of Arundele was brought into Parliament, and tried and spnvidted, the King directed his Warrant to Thomas Earl Marfhal, Governor of the Town of Calais, or to his Lieutenant, fignifying that he fhould bring over the Body of Thomas Duke of Gloucejler with all the Speed he could, to an- fwer to divers Articles of Treafon objected againft him, in Parliament, by the Appellants, according to the Law and Cuftom ufed in England, and further to receive the Orders of the King and Parliament concerning him. This Writ bears Date at Wejlminfter, Sept. 21, in the 2 1 ft Year of his Reign, by the King and Council in Parliament. f The Anfwer, or Return, of the Earl Marfhal to this Warrant, was, ' That he could not bring the faid Duke ' before the King and his Council in that Parliament, ' for that being in his Cuftody, in the King's Prifon at Calais^ he there died.' This Return was made Sep- tember 24. Upon the reading of this Warrant and Return in Par- liament, the Lords Appellants, in their proper Perfons, prayed the King, 4 That the faid Duke of Gloucejler ' might be declared a Traitor and an Enemy to him, as c having levied War in this Kingdom againft his Perfon, c and contrary to his Allegiance: And that all his Lands, C 47 2 2 Tenements, Goods, and Chattels, might be forfeited, * as in this Cafe, notwithftanding his Death, they ought ' to be.' Then the Commons prayed the King and Lords, ' That fmce it was notorioufly known to his * Majefty and all the Eftates of this prefent Parliament, VOL. 'I. I i * and c The King, out of Refpeft to his Quality, changed the Sentence to Beheading only, and he was executed the fame Day on Tower-Hill Stowe t 317. See an Account of this Earl's Behaviour at his Death in Holling- /head's Chronicle, p. 493. Father Orleans, in his Hiftory of the Revolu- tions of England, makes, upon this Occafirn, rhe following Remark, That the Englijh Nation, as well as mofr of their Authors, are always favourable to Rebels. After the Death of the Earl of Arundele, the Po- pulace began to afcnbe Miracles to his Tomb 5 fuch as they had for. merly done to Montfort Earl of Leicefler, adds the Jefuit, under Henry III. and the Earl of Lancajler under Edward II. who both died for much the fame Caufe with ArundelcS Pert d'Orleant. Vol. II. f The Writ and Return to it are both printed, from the Record, in Dr. Brady's Appendix, N. IIJ. Alfo in the Public Afis, Vol. VIII. p. 1 5. Put principally in the Pladta Corona; 498 K. Richard II The Parliamentary HISTORY and to all the Kingdom, that the faid Duke, and others of his Party, aflembled at Haringhay, in the County of Middlefex, with a great Number of People, * armed and arrayed, to make War againft the King, * contrary to their Allegiance, and came with thofe ' Forces into the King's Prefence, which was levying ' War againft their Liege Lord, that he might there- * upon be adjudged as a Traitor, and his Lands, Tene- ' ments, &c. notwithstanding his Death before, for- ' feited.' Whereupon all the Lords Temporal, and the The Duke of a f re ^ a ^ Sir Thomas Piercy, Proctor for the Clergy, ha- Ghucefter, tho' v ing been fmgly examined, declared that the faid Crime dead, declared and Treafon was notorioufly known to them and the guilty of High h j Kingdom; wherefore they, with the King's Af- Treafon, ., . , , . . .. r , '.' ,, T r . fent, declared him guilty of levying War as a Traitor, and adjudged all his Caftles, Lands, Manors, 3V. which he was poflefled of on the 1 3th of November, in the nth Year of this Reign, to be forfeited to the King and his Heirs ; and that none of his Iflue, or Heirs of his Body, or their Iflue or Heirs, in Time to come, ihould ever bear the Royal Arms of England entire, or with Difference ; or, in any other Manner whatfoever, Ihould inherit the Crown of England. On the 25th of September the faid Appellants prayed the King in full Parliament, that if there was any Thing upon Record, either by Confeflion of anyPerfon accufed, or any other Perfon whatfoever, touching their Appeal, that it might be openly known and declared in full Par- liament. Upon which Petition, by the Advice of the Lords Temporal, the King commanded that a Commif- fion, bearing Date the ryth of Auguft laft paft, directed to Sir William Rickhill, one of the Juftices of the com- mon Bench, together with a Confeflion made before him by Thomas, late Duke of Gloucefter, by Virtue of the abovefaid Commiflion, with the Return of that Com- miflion, be read in Parliament. The Duke's Confef- fion is in old Englijh, and was not the Matter of it very C 473 ] particular, the La* ^uagedeferves our Notice, as another Specimen, from a Prince, of the Inelegance of the Eng- lijlt Tongue in thofe Days. ' This is the Anfwer of William Rickhillto the Com- * million of his Liege Lord the King. Tbornas.Duke of * Clou- ^/ENGLAND. 499 * Ghucefter, be the Name of Thomas Wood/lock, the ZerK, Ridardll. * of the King Richard twenty-one, in the Caftle of Ca- * leys, by Vertue of a Commiffion of the King, as it is ' more plainly declared in the fame, directed to William * Rickhill, Juitice, hath 1 know and confeffr d to fore the ' fame William all the Matters and Points I wrote in c this great Roll annexed to this Schedule, the which ' Schedule and great Roll, both fealed under the Seal of * the aforefaid William, and all the Matters and Points I ' know and confefled by the aforefaid Duke in the Caftle ' of Caleys, the forefaid Duke be his own Hand fully and * plainly I wrote, and delevered it to the fame William * Rickbill touching this Matter, as it was done in the * Prefence of John Lancajler and John Lovetoft^ and in ' none other Manner.' /Thomas of Woodftock, the ler of my Lord the His Confeffion King twenty-one ; be the Vertue of a Commiffion of my while p n*# Lord the King the fame 'Ler, directed to William Rick- hill, Jit/lice, the which is comprehended more plainly in the f or ej aid Commiffion, knowleche that I was one witbfterynge of other Men to affent to the making of a Commiffion, in. the which Commiffion I, among other, retrained my Lord of his Freedom, and took upon me, among others, Power Regal, truly not knowing ne witting that Time that I did again/I his EJfate, nor his Royaltie, as I did after, and do now ; and forafmuch as I knew afterward that I had done wrong, and take upon me more than I ought to do, I fubmittcd me to my Lord, and cried him Mercy and Grace^ and yet do as truly and as meekly as any Man may, and put me high and low in his Mercy and Grace, as he hath always been full of Mercy and Grace to all other. Alfo, in that Time, that I came armed into my Lord's Prefence, and into his Palace, howfoever that I did it for Drede of my Life, I knowleche for certain that I did Evi/y and againjl his Regalitie, and his EJlate, wherefore I fub- [ 474 } mit me lowly and meekly to his Mercy, and to his Grace. Alfo, in that I took my Lord 's Letters of bis and opened them againft his Leave, I knowleche that I did Evil, wherefore 1 put me lowly in his Grace. Alfo, in that, that I fclaundred my Lord, I knowlech that I did Evil and wickedly ^ in that, that I fpake to him infclaunderous wife, in Audience of other Folk ; lot by the I i 2 Way 500 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Richard II. Way, that my Soul Jball tio, I meant none Evil therein, nevertheless I wot and knowleche that I did Evil and un- kindly p , wherefore I fubmit me high and low in bis Grace. Alfo, in that I, among other, communed and a/ked of certain Clercs, whether that we might give up our Homage for Drede of our Lives, or not, and whether that we were ajfentid thereto for to do it, trewly, and by my Troth, I ne have now none full Mind thereof, but 1 trow rather yes than nay, wherefore I fubmit me high and low evermore in his Grace. Alfo, in that, that I was in Place where it was com- muned, and fpoken in Manner of Depofal of my Liege Lord, truly I knowlech well, that we were ajfentid thereto for two Days or three, and then were for to have done our Homage and our Othes, and put him as highly in hi: Eftate as ever he was; but forfouth there I knowlech that 1 did untruly, and unkindly as to him, that is my Liege Lord, and hath been fo good and kind Lord to me, where- fore 1 befeech to him, notwithftanding myn Unkindnefs y evermore of his Mercy and of his Grace, as lowly as any Creature may befeech it unto his Liege Lord. And as of any new Thing or Ordenance, that ever I Jhould have Witting or known, ordained or ajfentid, privy or appert, that Jhould have been again/I my Lord's Eft ate y or his Will, or any that longeth about him, fyth that Way I fwore unto him at Langley, on God's Body truly, and ly that Othe that I there made, I never knew of gathering againft him, ne none other that longeth unto him. And as touching all thefe Points, that I have made Con- fejjion of to Sir William Riclchill, Jujlice, in the which 1 wot well that I have offended my Lord unkindly and un- [ 475 ] truly, as I have faid before, how that I have in all thefe Points offended him, and done againft him, trewly, and as 1 will anfwer before God, it was my meaning and my weaning to do the befl for his Perfon, and for his Eftate-, nevertbelefs I wot well, and know well nowe, that my Deeds and my Workings were againjt my Intent ; but, by the Way, that my Souljhall too of thefe Points, and of ail other the which that I done of Negligence and of Unkun- ning, it was never myne Intent, ne my Will, ne for my Thought, for 'to do a Thing that Jhould have been Di/lreje or Harming againft the Salvation of tny Liege Lord's Per- fon t as I will anfwer before God at the Day of Judgment. And of ENGLAND. And therefore 1 befeecb my Liege and Sovereign Lord^< the Kingy that he will, of his high Grace and Benignity^ accept me to his Mercy and his Grace-, as I that put my Life, my Body, and my Goods , wholly at his Will, as lowly as meekly as any Creature can do or may do to his Liege Lord; befeeching to his High Lordjhip, that he will, for the Pajfion that God fuffered for all Mankind, and the Companion that he had for his Mother on the Croffe, and the Pity he had of Mary Magdalen, that he will vouch- fafe for to have CompaJJion and Pity, and to accept me to his Mercy and to his Grace, as he that hath ever been full of Mercy and of Grace to all his Lieges, and to all other that have nought been fo nigh unto him as I have been^ though 1 been unworthy. So far in Englijh. After this Return to the Commiffion had been read, the Appellants prayed that Sir William Rickhill, ap- proved for his great Loyalty and Difcretion, might be commanded by the King, upon his Allegiance, to de- clare the Truth touching this Confefiion ; who, in the Prefence of the King, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament, faid and declared, ' That, c about Eight o'Clock before Noon, he came within the * Caftle of Calais to the Duke of Gloucejler, who was * then of good Memory and out of Prifon s ; that he ' fhewed him his Commifiion, and the Caufe of his * coming, in the Prefence of 'John Lancafter and John ' Lovetoft ; and defined that what he, the faid Duke, r ' had to fay to it he would put down in Writing, and ' then he departed. Returning to him about Nine of * the Clock in the Afternoon of the fame Day, the Duke * read, in Writing, the faid Confeffion, with his own ' Mouth, and gave the fame to William Rickhill with his own Hand. Further, William Rickhill faid to the faid Duke, That if there was any Thing more touch- ' ing this Matter, that he would fpeak it for the ' King's Satisfaction, for that the King would know the * whole Truth of the Affair: Whereupon the Duke * faid he had forgot one Thing that then came into 4 his Memory, that he faid to his Majefty, If he de- * figned to be King, he muft not intercede for Sir Simon * Burley, to fave him from Death : And he defued the Ii3 faid I r fjlant alcrs in bonne Memo fie t et ban df Durcffe de Prifon, Rccord 502 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Kicbard II. f a id William Rickhill to fhew this to the Kino- by Word of Mouth h . To keep up the Impartiality of thefe Inquiries, it is necellaiy to lay, that, norwithftanding the Formality of the Confeffion, and this Depofition of the Judge relating to it, yet moft Hiftorians agree that this Noble Duke was privately murdered at Calais, becaufe the King and Council durft not bring fo popular a Prince to an open Trial : And Tyrn?/, though he has given the aboveiaid Confeffion at large, yet concludes with faying that it was extorted from the Duke ; and that he was one that flood up highly for the Liberties and Rights of the People, and was greatly beloved by them : But yet he owns that he was one of fo high and turbulent a Temper, as greatly exafperated the King his Nephew, which gave Occafion to thole that hated the Duke to work his Ruin j to which the King too readily confented '. r ,._ n But to proceed with the Record, and leave the Judg- ment of thefe Matters to others. On the 28th of Septem- ber the Conftable of the Tower brought before the Par- liament Thomas Earl of Warwick, who was told by the Duke of Lancafter t Lord High- Steward, by Command from the King and all the Lords Temporal, that he was accufed by Edward Earl of Rutland, and the other Ap- pellants, there named, of divers High Treafons, which were all comprehended in two Articles, that of afiem- The Earl of bling with Force and armed Men at Haringhay, &c. War-wick con.- and the Charge about Sir Simon Burley, which were^ vicled, drawn up in the fame Words as in the Cafe of the Earl of Arundele. To all which he anfwered, * That he ' well underftood thofe Treafons and wicked Deeds ; * that he was guilty of them, and put himfelf upon the 4 King's h Et pria le dit William Rickhill qull flwj that could not very well be determined at that Time, and for other Caufes and Reafons thereunto moving him, did adjourn this prefent Parliament from Weftminjler to the Ijhtindene of St Hilary next coming, to be holden at Shrew/bury, and ordered all States and Degrees to take Notice and there to attend ; after which he gave , Leave to the Lords and Commons to depart for that Time. Notwithftanding the great Bufinefs of this Seflion was [ 480 ] now over, which, in all, lafted but twelve Days, yet a Matter of fome Moment occurs, which was the imme- diate Confequence of it. For the very next Day, being Sunday, and the Feaft of St. Jerome, September 30, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, after Mafs was celebra- ted in the Abbey-Church at IVejlminfter, before the Shrine of St. Edward, took an Oath in the King's Pre- fence ; and the Prelates, that is to fay, all the Bifhops there prcfcnt, with feveral Mitred Abbots and Priors, whofe 506 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Ricbard II. w hofe Names and Titles, with the Form of the Oath, is copied from the original Roll, as follows : C 481 3 The Archbifhop of York, The Bifhop of London, The Bifhop of Winchejler, The Bifhop of Ely, The Bifhop of Durefme, The Bifhop of Sali/bury, The Bifhop of Excejler, The Bifhop of Bangor, The Bifhop of Worcejler, The Bifhop of Hereford, The Bifhop of Chichejler, The Bifhop of St. 4/aph, The Bifhop of Car Ufa The Bifhop of Llandaff\ The Prior of St. John of Jerufalem in England, The Abbot of IVeftminJter, The Abbot of &. Albans, The Prior of Canterbury. You Jhall fwear, 'That well and truly you Jhall hold, fuftain, and maintain, without Fraud or Deceit , all the Statutes i Eftabli/hments, Ordinances, or Judgments, made or given in this Parliament, without doing any Thing to the contrary of any of them, or the Dependencies on, or Parcel of them ; nor that you will ever repeal, revoke, caj/ate, make void, reverfe, cdnull, nor ever fuffer them to be repealed, revoked, cajjated, made void, reverfed, or adnulled, fo long as you live ; faving to the King his Roy- alty, Liberty, and the Right of his Crown. And fo foon as they had fworn, the Lords Temporal, in the fame Place, in the Prefence of the King, took the fame Oath ; that is to fay, The Duke of Guienne and Lancajier, The Duke of York, The Duke of Hereford, The Duke of Albemarh, The Duke of Surrey, The Duke of Excejler, The Duke of Norfolk, The Marquis of Dorfet, The Earl of Oxford, The Earl of Stafford, The Earl of Northumber- land, The Earl of Salijlury, The Earl of Gloucejler, The Earl of Wejlmor eland, The Earl of Worcejler, The Ear! of Wilts, The Lord de Camoys, The Lord de Bcurchier, The Lord de Powys, The Lord Fltz-Walter* The Lord de Roos, The Lord de Harrington, The Lord de Burnett, The Lord de Eerkely, The Lord de Darcy, The Lord de Wdlonghby, The Lord Grey of Godnvre, The Lord Grey of Ruthin, The of ENGLAND. 507 The Lord de Scales, The Lord de Morley, K - Rietard tf. The Lord de St. Amand, William Beaumont, Lord of The Lord de Furntvall, Burgavenny* The Lord de Ferrer s, Ralph de Cromwell, The Lord de Seymour, Rflft'i de Lu;:'v. The Lord de Love//, Philip la Dejpcnfer. The Lord de Bardolph, And did fwear further in thefe Words : You Jhall fwear that, in Time to come, you Jhall never The Temporal fujfer any Man living to do any Thing contrary to the &*- f* rds ^?jjl ". tutes, Eftablifoments, Ordinances, and Judgments made f i u ';ioas ot tuu or given in this prefent Parliament, nor to any Depen- Parliament. demies on, or Parcel of, them: And if any one Jhall do jo, and be duly convifled, you fljall uje your entire Power and Diligence, without Fraud or Deceit, to profecute him before the King, and his Heirs, Kings of England, and caufe him to have Execution as an high and falje Traitor to the King and Kingdom ; faving to the King his Royalty , Liberty, and Right of his Crown. Then the King afked the Knights of Shires there pre- fent for the Parliament, If they would hold and keep the fame Oath ? Who promifed with loud Voices n to keep it, holding up their Hands on high, as a Sign of their Affirmance of the faid Oaths. And, immediately after, Sir Thomas de Piercy made the fame Oath the Lords Temporal had made, for and in the Name of the Clergy, as their Procurator-General, by Authority abovefaid. This done, the King, the Prelates, and Lords Tem- poral, went from the Shrine of St. Edward, and came [ 482 ]! before the high Altar of the Church; and there, for the Efrablifiiment and Affirmance of thefe Things, the Pre- lates and Ordinaries of the Provinces of Canterbury and York, with one Aflent, did pronounce the Sentence of the greater Excommunication againft all and every of the Subjects of both Provinces, that openly or privately, by Deed, Counfel, or Advice, fliould contravene or do againft any of the aforefaid Premifles ; the King's Roy- alty and Prerogative in all Things faved. This was the frrongefr. AfTurance that any King ever did or could take from his Subjects; for if Oaths in our Days o Avefaut battt Voices. Record. jo8 'The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Richard If. ) a y S are not fo binding as they fhould be, yet in thofe Times the temporal as well as eternal Puntftiment, de- nounced againft the Breakers of them, muft have been regarded : But what fmall Faith Princes depend on, who rely on nothing elfe but fuch (lender Afiurances from their Subjeds, may be notably demonflrated by the en- fuing Revolution. At the Time appointed, Jan. 27, 1398, this Parlia- 13984 ment met again, according to the late Adjournment, at Shrew/bury ; and on the Day of their re-affembling the Lord High-Chancellor put them in Mind l That ' this Parliament was firft fummoncd to Wejlminjler for ' the Honour, of God, and that Holy Church might en- * joy all her Liberties and Franchifes; and the Knights, * Citizens, and Burgeffes theirs alfo, as itrongly as they ' ever did in former Times : That there might be no ' more Governors in the Kingdom than one ; alfo that * the Laws might be duly obeyed and executed, as he * more fully explained to them in fetting forth and de- * claring the Caufe at the Beginning of this Parliament.' The Chancellor then applied himfelf paVticularly to the Commons, and faid, fc That the King wanted to be ' informed by them, how the Charge fliould be borne ' for the Defence of England, Ireland, Guienne, the * Marches of Calais, and alfo thofe of Scotland, in Cafe * they kept not the four Years Truce, which was to end 'at Michaelmas next.' Though the Proceedings of both thefe Seffions of this Parliament g on > in the Rolls ' as if the 7 were a11 one > yet the fame Formality of prefenting the Speaker and his Proteftation, was obferved in this as well as the former, though he was the very fame Perfon, Sir John BuJ/y. r jg- T In this SefHon of Parliament the Lords Appellants again, who (though the fame Perfons) had now higher Titles, as Edward Duke of Albemarle* Thomas Duke of Surrey, John Duke of Exeter, John Marquis of Dorfet, "John Earl of Salifiury, Thomas Earl of Gloucejler, and 'William Earl of V/iltjhire, fet forth to the King, that certain Lords, lately convicted and attainted, iiz. the Duke o Salc,pl>!ris in the Record. The Writ of Summons, direied to Roger Earl of March, Lieutenant of Inland, requiring his Attendance at this Parliament at ^fjrciv&ury, with the Realcns aiiign^d for it, is extant ia the Public /tfts. Dat. fuinto Die Oaobris. Tom. VI1J. p. ax, ^/ENGLAND. 509 Duke ofGloucefttr, with the Earls of Arundele and War-K, Ricbardli. wick^ by Coercion and Compulfion, had made him fum- mon a Parliament at Wejlminjler on the Morrow after Candlemas, in the nth Year of his Reign ; where were particularly recited all the Queftions and Anfwers for- merly put to, and made by, Sir Robert Trefilian, Chief Juftice, with the other Judges and King's Serjeants at Nottingham, as are aheady recited P. Then the Queftions and Anfwers of the Judges, made at the Time aforefaid, were read over before the King, Lords, and Commons ; and all the Eftates in this Sef- fion of Parliament were feverally afked, What they thought of thofe Anfwers? Who faid, ' They thought ' the J udges had made and given their Anfwers duly and ' lawfully, as good and Liege People of the King ought ' to do.' After which Sir Thomas Skelton, learned in the Law, William Hankeford, and William Brenckly t the King's Serjeants, faid, ' The Anfwers were good and * lawful, and if the fame Queftion had been put to them, ' they would have given the fame Anfwer.' William Thirningy Chief Juftice of the King's Bench, faid, ' The * Declaration of Treafon, not already declared, belong- ' ed to Parliament, but, were he a Lord or a Peer of ' Parliament, and had been alked, he would have fpoke ' in the fame Manner :* So likewife William Rickbill 9 a Judge of the Common Pleas, and William Clopton^ Chief Juftice of the Common Bench, anfwered and af- firmed the fame Things : Therefore the former An- fwers of the Judges, in the nth Year of the King, were judged and held to be good and fufficient by this Par- liament q . Then, by the Aflent of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- [ ^ ] poral, the Procurators of the Clergy, and the whole Body of the Commons, by and with the Advice of the Judges there prefent, it was decreed, ordained, and eftabliftied, That the Parliament, holden the faid nth P Sec before, p. 406, 432. q Monf. Rafin here makes a notable Remark : ' It mny bo further ob- ferved, fays he, that the violent Method prattifed by Rifbard 10 a'tsiu to arbitrary Power, I mean forced Elections, ;m.l Opinions of" the Jud^c-, was exadtly copied in our Days, by one of his Succcllbrs, who had with- out Doubt the fame Intention. But we m.iy add, that the Attempts of thefe two Monarchs ferved only to promote their own DcUrnflion, and that their Defigns came to the fame Cat.i.".; u^ir.' L'.,/. ( ./ /'-. K'. Ed. p. 468. An invidious Reflexion, All the Proceed- ings of Parlia- ment in the nth 'Year annulled. 510 The Parliamentary HISTORY K. Richard II, - nth Year, {hall be clearly annulled and held for none, as being done without the Authority, and againft the Will and Liberty, of the King, and the Right of his Crown ; and that all the Judgments, Statutes, and Ordinances made in the fame, with all Things depend- ing upon them, (hall be revoked and annulled, reverfed and repealed, and held for none ; and that all Lands, Tenements, Fees, Advowfons, and other Poflefiions, feized as Forfeit, by Colour of the faid Judgment, fhall be reftored and delivered to them who were condemn- ed or put out, or elfe to their Heirs ; and to them that have any Caufe of Adion, or Title of Right, all Manner of Liberties and Franchifes as they had at any Time, with Reftitution of Goods and Chattels.' To this Selfion of Parliament Thomas Mortimer, im- peached in the laft, had Time given him to make his Appearance and take his Trial ; which he not doing, the Duke of Lancafler, as Lord High-Steward, with the Confent of the Lords Temporal, and the Earl of Jl'ilt- Jhire, then chofen Prodlor for the Prelates and Clergy, gave Sentence and Judgment againft him, according to the Tenor of the Proclamation. On the fame Day, which was 'Jan. 28, came on the Trial of John de Cobbam r Knight, who had been im- peached by the Commons, in the laft Seflion, for the fame Crimes that Thomas Mortimer was, viz. That he, fitting in Judgment, awarded Simon Burley and Jcinies Berners, Knights, to be executed, as before, without the King's Aflent, in his Abfence, and in the Abfence of many Peers of Parliament, who arofe and would not fit in fuch Judgment, &c. againft the Peace of the King, his Crown, and Dignity. The Duke of Surrey, in whofe Cuftody this Sir 'John Cobbam was, brought him into Parliament to anfwer to the Articles alledged againft him, and the Duke of Lan^ caftcr told him, That he was accufed and impeached by the Commons, for the Treafons afore faid, and com- manded him to anfwer at his Peril. Upon hearing the Impeach- t Mr. Tyrrcl, though he has traced exactly, and in feveral Things has enlarged upon, and correfted Dr. Brady, in his Proceedings of this Par- liament, yet has wholly omitted this Trial, which is as much upon Re- cord as any of the reft. It is fomewhat odd that this Sir "Jcbn C.Mam, who was but a Commoner, fhould be tried in the fame Marnier as the Archbiihop and the other Peers. [485] of ENGLAND. 511 Impeachment read, the Knight faid, c That, as to theK. making of the Commifiion, he was not guilty ; and, as to the Die and Exercife of the fame, he faid he did not meddle with it without the King's Command, and that he went to the King and told him, he with others were made Commiflioners, but that he would not at according to the Commiflion without the King's Li- cence, who thereupon commanded him to a tne Commons, with the Affent of the Lords, ed for the King's gran ted to the King the Subfidy on Wooll, Leather, tifc. and Wooll-fells, for his Life ; with a Protection tho' that this Grant (hould be no Example to any of the King's Succeflbrs, Kings of England^ proceeding only from the intire Love and Regard he had (hewn to the faid Commons. They alfo gave the King one whole Tenth and Fifteenth, and half a Tenth and Fifteenth* f ^.87 1 which was rnore than ever they had given to his Grand- father. But, upon thefe Grants, the Commons prayed his Majefty to beftow three or four thoufand Marks on thofe that had been plundered at Radcot- Bridge, and to pay the Lords Appellants their Expences ; both which were granted. Then, on the fame Day, an A& of Grace, or a ge- neral Pardon, was parted for all Things done before that Time ; which was the laft Day of January. It is faid, by many Hiftorians, that there was an Ex- ception made in this Pardon of fifty Perfons from the Benefit of it; whofe Names were not exprefied, but left Waljingbam, p 3^6. The Pope's Bull of Confirmation is in tha s Lift of Richard II. n. 165. of E N C L A N D. 513 left to the King's own Knowledge and Pleafure. By K - Mctod II. which Refervation, fay they, this General Pardon be- came no Pardon at all, fince no Man in England could aflure himfelf that he was not excepted in it r . But it is happy for the Memory of this unfortunate Prince, that this Pardon, or A& of Grace, is ftill upon Record, and is printed from thence in the laft Edition of the Statutes at large ; by which 'tis eafy to difprove this fcandalous Afperiion, and evidently (hews how far a partial Hifye- rian will go, when he feeks to corroborate his favourite Principle. It appears by the Teftimony above recited, that there are but two Exceptions made in the whole A6r, and thofe very modeft ones. The firft is, That no Perfon whatfoever fhall have the Benefit of this Ac!: for Treafon or Felony, unlefs he fues out his Charter of Pardon.' The next is, ' Provided alfo, that, at all Times, thofe Perfons who rode and gathered them- fclves forcibly againft the King, in the nth Year of his Reign, with the Lords that are convicted and con- demned, fhall have no Benefit of this Adi: made at this Time, unlefs they fue out their Charters of Pardon for each before the Feaft of St. John Baptijl next coming V And further, we find, in the Collection ot Public Afts^ a Writ, direded to the Sheriff of Shropshire, which was [ 488 ) alfo fent to all the other Sheriffs in England, wherein the Time for taking out Pardons the King enlarges from Mldfummer to the Feaft of All Saints. And tho' the Subftance of the former Aft is recapitulated in this Writ, there is no Mention made of any fuch Exception in it x . After the Grant of this Pardon, the King, by his own Mouth, declared in Parliament, That if the Lords and Commons, who in Time to come may fit in Parliament, JhalL VOL. I. K k let* t Holling/btacTs Cbron. p. 493 ; Tyrrell Hiftory of England, Vol. III. p. 983 j Sam. Daniel in Kennet, p. 278 j The Life ar.d Reign cf Rich. II. by a Perfon of Quality, p. 165. u PuriJtur aujfy tout f'jixe qe nully qi cbivacbcrtnt tt fey /tverent forcible- meat encontre le Roy, /' An tie fan Regne unxifmc, wek le Seigneurt qe font ore adjuggex et cor.'vifJx, noxcnt nul Bencfite de eelle faite a celle Tempt, Jils tie purfuivent Cbartres de Pardon en ceile Partie farentre cy et le f'ejie de Stint Johan le Baptifle prtfcbein avenir. See cap x>v. in th? Aft-> ot this Parliament, Annoti Richard II. in the Statuttt at large, laft Edition, et Rot. Parl. 21 Richard II. N. 77. x Feed. Anglix, Tom. VIII. p. 40. Dot. apud Litchfeld, Junii 25. There is a particular Pardon granted to Sir Richard le Scrofe, lor being concerned in the Commifllon, V, Dated ttft'tftminfltr, December 5, lb:- d fiderable Force, and went over in Perfon with them. Towards which Expedition alfo he railed Money by feveral undue Ways, taking up Carriages, Victuals, and other Neceffaries without paying for them ; by which, and See the Speech that the Archbifhop is faid to have made to the Duke, to perfuade him to this Enteipnze, iu Collier's Ecclrjiajiical !///?'_>, Vol. i.' p. 605. of ENGLAND. 525 and many other imprudent and rafti Practices, he made K. Ridard II. himfelf and Government very difagreeable to his People. The new Duke of Lanca/ler, taking Advantage of In whofe Ab- King Richard's Abfence, with Thomas Arundele, Arch- fe " ce th 5 *f i n .- /"i 10 ITT- r i_ I i > i QiLancaftsr lands biftiop of Canterbury, the Son and Heir of the late Larl in England, and of Arundele^ and a fmall Company of others n , took-claims the Shipping in France^ and hovering a while on the Eng~ CloViai lijh Coaft, to fpy if there were any ready to refift them, they, at length, landed at Raverjburg, in York/hire . _ At fir ft, the Duke gave out that he came only to recover L 5 J his own Inheritance ; but finding himfelf loon joined by Henry Piercy Earl of Northumberland,, and Henry^ named Hotfpur, his Son, Ralph Earl of Wejlmor eland > and other Lords, and an Army of 60,000 Men, he al- tered his Tone, and boldly laid Claim to the Kingdom. With thefe Forces the Duke made a fpeedy March to Briftol) befieged the Caftle, and took it ; in which was the Earl of Wiltjhire, Lord-Treafurer, Sir John BuJ/y^ and Sir Henry Green p , of the late Juncto of Parliament; who> the next Day, by the Clamour of the People, and without any further Procefs, had their Heads {truck off. The Duke of York, the King's Uncle, who was left Guardian of the Realm in his Abfence, with feveral Bifhops, Lords, and others, of the King's Council, confulted what to do in this Exigency, but could come to no Refolution about it. In the mean Time, as foon as the King was informed in Ireland of the Duke's Land- ing, he fecured his Sons, and the Sons of the Duke of Gloucefier^ who were with him, in Trim Caftle, in that Kingdom. Then, with the Dukes of dlbemarle^ Ex- eter, and Surrey, with the Bifhops of London, Lincoln, tu jjj s ms re< and CarliJIe, and many others, he took Shipping with all Speed, in order to go over and raife fuch a Force as might hinder the Duke's Progrefs. But, on his Land- ing, when he found how Matters went, and that the People and greater Part of the Lords had forfaken him, and n Not exceeding twer.ty Lances, and his whole Retinue fixty Perfons. Sir y. Uayward, p. 63. Anonymous Life of Rich. II. p. 181. o Now called Spurn- Head, a Proirontory on the Huldcrnefs Coafh In a Charter granted to one Matbevv Dantborf> } a Frier Erem.te, who had built a Chapel there, afnd which King Henry IV. thought fit to endow, with fome Sea-Coaft Revenues, for his happy Landing at tint Place, it \t called Ra-venferefpourne : More antiently, the Oczllum Promonttrium o t the Romans. Feed. Jlng. Tom. VIII. p. 89. P See before, p. 492, 518, 526 The Parliamentary HISTORY ^K. Richard II. and were gone over to Duke Henry, he laid afide all Thoughts of fighting, and even difmified his Family ; giving them Notice, by Sir Thomas Piercy, his Steward, that they might provide for and referve themfelves for better Times. After this, the King fhifted up and down and was here and there for many Days, the Duke following him with his Army ; untill at laft he fixed at the Caftle of Conway, in Wales , from whence [ 501 ] he fent to fpeak with the Archbifhop and the Earl of Northumberland. They immediately waited on his Majefty, to whom he declared, That he would quit his Government, if he might have his Life fecured, and an honourable Provifion made for himfelf, and eight Per fans And agrees to , i n u T-L- u j j j refign the King- *** he Jhould name. 1 his being granted and confirmed, dom. the King went to Flint Caftle ; where, after a fhort Con- ference with the Duke of Lancajler, they mounted their Horfes together, and rode to Chejler that Night ; the Duke's numerous Army ftill following '. We is committed At Che/ier, Writs of Summons were iflued out, in Prifoner to the King Richard's Name, for a Parliament to meet on the Tower till the Morrow of St. Michael, or the 30th of September, dated Padiarnent could ^^ 2 ^ from ^^ j n ^ man q^ the King was brought up to London, and fecured in the Tower, untill the Parliament fhould fit; and all the Inftruments of his Ceffion, Refignation, and Depofition, with the Articles againft him, could be prepared. This Method of Proceeding, moft Authors have agreed, was firft propofed in Council by the Duke of York, in order to fix their intended Revolution on the fureft Foundation. He argued, ' That King Richard's * Refignation would be imputed only to Fear, and his Depri- 1 P. D'Orlear.s fays, the Defection was fo general, that even the King's favourite little Greyhound left him to fawn upon the Duke ; Lars qu Us tlloient monter a Cbe-val, pour prendre enfemble le Cbemir, de Londies, tine Cbofe extraordinaire altira let Teux & I" Attention de tout le Monde. Le Roy tvoit un beau Levrier, riiiftoire na pas dedaigne ' d' 'en confer-uer le Ncmpour la rarete du fait ; it i'affelioit Math, & etoit de cet Cbiens qui tie connoij- fent & ne careJJ'cnt que leur Maitre. Cct Animal, qui avoit coutume de cber- (ber le Rcyfaimi cent autres, dele demeler, de s attacber a luy, n' cut pas flutot apperceu le Due , quil vint droit a luy, & luy fit tant de CareJJts, que ce Prince en fut etonne, & dematida ce que cclafignif.oit. C'eft un Augure auffi heureux pour vous, qu'il m'eft funefte, repondit le Roy : Ce Chien TOUS carefie comme Roy d" AngleUrre, & m' abandonne comme un Roy depofe. Le pronojiiquc plut au Due. I! careff'a le Levrier, qui oubliar.t en fette Occafion la Fidelite' naturelte aux Cbiens pour prendre /' 'Ingratitude ties Hommes, abandonna un Maitre malhetircux, four fui-vre un ttomme qu'il vojoitfavoriftdelaFertune. Revolutions d Angltterre t Torr. II. p. 118. 0f ENGLAND. 527 * Deprivation to Force ; whereof the one is always pi- K. Richard II. tied and the other envied. But, if both concur, and ' his Defire to refign be equal to his Merit of it, then, * fays he, it will appear that he neither is expelled his * Kingdom by mere Conftraint, nor quitted it without 'juftCaufe.' This Advice was unanimoufly relolved upon, and gueffing, rightly, that the unfortunate King r g z T would agree to any Thing they would have him, the Inftruments as aforefaid were got ready for the Pur- pofe. Notwithstanding all their Care, Duke Henry and- his Council were Icmewhat puzzled how to proceed in this great Affair on another Account ; the Archbifhop of Canterbury having objected, that the Moment King Richard's Renunciation was made, and his Cefiion and Depofition taken, the Parliament would be abfolutely dhTolved. Hereupon it was thought neceiTary, as foon as the Parliament was met, to have new Writs ready to ifTue out for calling another. Accordingly, when the aforefaid Ceremony was over, which met with no Oppofition from the unhappy King, frefh Writs came out, dated at tytftnunfttr^ September 30th, to the Lords, and all the Knights, Citizens, and Burgefles, through- out England^ which were made returnable in fix Days Time; for they were fummoned to meet at Wejiminfter Which is callei on the approaching Feftival of St. Faith^ the Virgin,' 11 Rtct>ar