UC-NRLF SB EME D71 ARY MANAGEMENT By MARTHA WILSON SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT By MARTHA WILSON n THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY NEW YORK 1919 & V UBRASf Published June, 1919 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT This manual is a revised edition of "School library manage- ment," published by the Minnesota Department of education, in 1917. It is an attempt to state the problem of the library in the school, particularly the smaller one, and to offer practical sug- gestions as to its equipment, organization and administration and to provide a reference aid for simple library methods for school libraries. Suggestions from many sources have been incorporated in this edition, and especial acknowledgment is made to Miss Pritchard, Normal School, Bridgewater, Mass., Miss Richardson and Miss Damon, Normal School, Geneseo, N. Y., and Mr. F. K. Walter, State Library, Albany, N. Y. ; also to the Library Bureau for statements and specifications from their pamphlet "School libraries." April i, 1919. MARTHA WILSON. 404500 TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I. Library in the school I School library room 2 Book selection TO Book buying and ordering 17 PART II. Organization 19 Routine 19 Supplies 21 Binding and mending 26 Classification 36 Accessioning 51 Charging system 61 Shelf listing 67 Cataloging 70 PART III. Administration 95 Service 95 Discipline 100 Reports 105 Use of library 103 Teaching the use 107 INDEX 125 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT THE LIBRARY IN THE SCHOOL; EQUIPMENT, BOOK SELECTION, MAGAZINES The modern school library meets the teaching work of the school at all points, and helps to carry it on. It provides collateral reading on all subjects taught in the school and makes the lessons more interesting; it contributes to all phases of school life and all of its activities; it assists in the mental development of the individual student. Through the library the student finds a means of information and self education to go with him beyond school days. It en- larges his interests by encouragement of the ' reading habit. Reading is an unrivalled source of entertainment and enjoy- ment, in that it furnishes a means of recreation and association that is independent of environment. It has a social value, and connects with the world of men, in that it may lead to sympathy with new ideas and peoples, and ease in new situations. It pro- vides a basis for new acquaintance through shared tastes in books. The reading .habit is of practical value also in the aid it gives in the use of one's own language, and the power of expressing ideas, by means of a flexible vocabulary gained through reading of good books. As an aid in providing equal opportunity for all students ; in preparing boys and girls leaving high school, either to take hold of life in some practical way, or to go on to college, the library is unequalled. Of service to all students, it is of particular value to the student whose bent lies outside the regular curriculum. In the library the teacher finds assistance not only in teach- ing school subjects, but also in developing the possibilities of the boys and girls. The modern school library is a form and phase of library extension. It tends to make library users and future library supporters of high school boys and girls, and it brings into full- est use, all local and state library resources. 2 SCHOOL J.JBRARY MANAGEMENT The modern school library is a workshop, not a study hall or a lounging room. For this library the essentials are : Adequate room and equip- ment; well selected books; organization; trained service. Standards in School Library Equipment The library in the school has been retarded in its develop- ment because it has not always shared in the scientific planning and management given to other departments in the schools. It is still not fully understood that there are standards for library equipment and organization that have been tested for usefulness and economy and that much time, money and effort may be saved by accepting plans and systems tried and approved rather than inventing new ones. The most important general statement of the essentials of school library equipment is found in the Report on standards of organization and equipment for schools of different sizes, pre- pared for the Commission on unit courses and curricula of the North Central association of colleges and secondary schools, by C. C. Certain of Detroit. This report was accepted and adopted by the association. School Library Room The library within the school is a laboratory for the whole school and should be planned for as carefully as any other part of the school equipment, to give the same returns in service as other laboratories. In some states, building requirements stipulate a library room in each school building. LOCATION The uses which the library may serve will influence the loca- tion of the room, but it must always be placed with reference to convenience of access. Practically all school libraries in small towns serve the grades as well as the high school. SCHOOL AND TOWN LIBRARY Where the school has the only library in the town and must give public library service also, the best location is the first floor. For this use, double space or two rooms thrown together should SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 3 be provided, with separate room for children if possible. This is necessary for the shelving of the books, since public library collections of fiction are often unsuited for high school uses and should be shelved as a separate collection. More reading table space is also needed where the school library serves as a town library. It must have an outside en- trance as well as one from the school, and should be so arranged that it may be shut off from the rest of the building for evening and summer use. With the library in the front of the building, an entrance may be placed in the vestibule between outer and inner main entrance doors. When on the side, or in remodeling an old building, one window may be converted into a door, and outside vestibule and steps added. If it is for school purposes only it has been found that the most satisfactory location for a library is on the second floor in a central position in the building, accessible to teachers and students, and near the study room, but separate from it. It should not be used for recitation purposes. Care should be taken that the library is not located in the front of the building if the facade carries ornamental columns which may throw heavy shadows into the room during part of the day. A principal re- quirement in a library is plenty of light and the light should come from one side, preferably north or east. The entrance to the library should be direct from the corridor in the center of the long inside wall if possible: If additional doors opening into the corridor are necessary, they should be used only as emergency exits. The library classroom should be located adjoining the library room at one end, the librarian's work and file room, if one is provided, at the other end. If a direct system of radiation is used, radiators should be located under the windows. The walls between the windows and doorways should be kept as clear as possible, of all radiators and pipes of every description, electric switches, ventilators, thermostats, etc. If thermostats and electric switches must be located on the wall, they should be placed as near as possible to the door or window trim so as not to break up the wall space available for shelving. Every inch of wall space below a point 7 feet from the floor is available book space, and should be con- 4 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT served with as few exceptions as possible. It is wise to omit from the walls, chair rails, wainscoting, and baseboards. The walls can then be plastered to the floor, and after the book- shelving is set in place, the space between the ends of the book- shelving and door trim can be equipped with baseboards, etc. If it is necessary for vertical pipes to pass through the rooms, they should be located in the corners of the room, where the mitered wall book shelving allows sufficient space for them. In this way, the available book space is not encroached upon. WORK ROOM This is the librarian's work and file room, where the books are cataloged, prepared for the shelves, and damaged books are re- paired. This room should be about twenty feet square, equipped with shelving around the walls, a suitable desk or table for past- ing, mending, etc, and provided with a wash bowl and running water. This room is also used for the storing of unbound periodicals. SIZE OF LIBRARY ROOM The size of a model school library room is determined by the size of the book collection and the number of readers to be accomodated at tables. This should not be less than six percent of the total number of students. Tables (3ft x 5ft) should be arranged in rows so that the end of the table is parallel to the long exterior wall, that the greatest benefit may be derived from light entering the room from the windows. There should be a clear space of from four to five feet between tables and between tables and cases. In smaller schools, there should be two such rows of tables, while larger schools require three. Thus for a small school, the width of the room should be twenty-five feet. SHELVING Open shelving should be provided, having all books in view and within reach. Shelving should be built around the walls and under the windows, if these are sufficiently high. Specifica- tions for shelving and for tables and chairs given here are taken from Marvin Small library buildings (A. L. A. pub. bd., Chicago). SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 5 Plain wooden wall shelving is better than any other. Library shelving must be built according to standard measurements and should be finished square on the edges. Upright, base and cornice should be finished flush on the edges and there should be no projections on which the books may catch. A projecting base, becomes very unsightly. The shelves need not be backed except for sake of appearance. (Uprights between shelves must be solid.) The usual faults of shelving are : Making the shelves too long so that they sag with the weight of the books ; making them too high, so that the upper shelves are not easily reached; projections against which the books catch, and poor shelf supports. The maximum height for shelving is seven shelves high. Each section or space between uprights should not be over 36 inches long and less than that is preferable. Uprights should be solid, otherwise the books will slip through. Shelving is ordinarily made of i-inch lumber, finished to % inch. In fixed shelving, there should be a space of about ten inches clear between shelves, the depth not to be over eight inches, except for refer- ence books, for which nine to ten inches is necessary. The base should be six inches high, the cornice about four inches. This makes seven feet, two inches for a seven shelf case. Where wall space is sufficient six feet ten inches is a better height for the shelving. Movable shelves should be built on the same measure- ments. The best supports are good sized metal pins, fitting in a double row of holes in the uprights. These should be about two inches each side and one inch apart. Care should be taken to have holes bored in all uprights on exactly the same measure- ments. Where no workroom is provided, a supply cupboard should be built in with the shelving. CAPACITY OF BOOK SHELVES To determine the shelving capacity, eight books are counted to the running foot. One-third of each shelf should remain vacant, to avoid constant shifting of books as additions are made. Cases built seven shelves high, allow for fifty-six vol- umes to the foot for the wall shelving. Where wall space is limited and the room is sufficiently wide, short doublefaced stacks not more than thirty-six inches long, 6 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT may be built from the wall shelving at intervals of four feet, thus making alcoves. If there is any space under the windows not needed for radiation, shelves may be placed there for refer- ence books, allowing six inch base, two shelves one inch thick and not more than nine inches deep. The top of such a case should be flush with the window sill and be made into a shelf to rest the book upon while consulting it. LIGHTING Care should be taken in the planning, to secure plenty of nat- ural light for both the shelves and the reading tables. The present type of school buildings, with large windows on one side only, often makes it necessary to place most of the shelving on the wall opposite the windows. If alcove shelving is used, it should be so placed. The cases should never be extended into the room in such a way as to shut off the light. Careful provi- sion must be made for artificial light, particularly when the room is to be used in the evening. Ceiling lights are preferable to table lights, and the direct-indirect system is generally conceded to give the most perfect light. HEAT One practical objection to public library service from the school library arises from the inability to heat the library room for evening and Saturday use, when the school is not in session. If such service is contemplated, separately controlled heat mains should be provided when the heating system is installed. FLOOR COVERING To provide the quiet needed for study, the floor should be covered with cork carpet or battleship linoleum. FURNITURE Essentials in furniture are reading tables and chairs, table or desk for the librarian, cabinet and stand for the card catalog, magazine rack, vertical file and bulletin boards. TABLES : The unit of space required for a student in a school library is approximately thirty inches. A table, 3x5 feet and thirty inches high is the ideal size. It conveniently accommo- dates six readers, two on each side and one more at each end. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 7 This size table with a maximum of six students is convenient for work and makes supervision easy. The table must be plain and substantial, and without drawers. Foot boards should be omitted, and the legs bolted to give rigid- ity. There should be no finish around the edge of the top. Tables longer than five feet are objectionable. They permit of larger groups, thereby encouraging conversation and restless- ness. The 3x5 size permits of convenient aisles and allows free use of the room. It is particularly convenient for -rearrange- ment into "U" or "T" shape forms for the grouping of a class using illustrative material. Round tables add to the appearance of the room and are good for quiet study. They should not be more than four feet in diameter. If tables for younger children are needed, they may be the same size as the others except the height should be twenty-six inches or twenty-eight inches with chairs sixteen or seventeen inches from the floor with back of -seat corresponding, not large chairs cut down. CHAIRS : These should be light but strong and without arms. Bent wood chairs are light, and therefore easy to move, but tip and break easily and they are not especially comfortable. Solid chairs with seat of saddle type and properly constructed back are more expensive, but are much more satisfactory in com- fort and durability. If the floor is not covered with cork carpet, all chairs should have rubber tips to lessen the noise. CHARGING DESK Every school library should have a well-equipped flat top desk for the librarian's use in the transaction of the library business. The top should be large enough to permit the charging and discharging of books, the registration of borrowers and the filing of book cards (5x3-in.) in a sunken book card tray, or in a tray on top of the -desk. The space inside the desk should be divided into drawers conveniently arranged for cash drawer with money tray; draw- ers to hold card supplies and forms; and for registration card file (cards 3x5) ; compartments for accession book (loxg-in.) and registration book should also be provided and shelves for temporary storage of reserve books and returned books. 8 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT The usual height for a low desk at which the librarian sits in a chair of ordinary height is 32}^ inches. For the smaller school the straight type is used. The "U" shaped desk used in the Girl high school, Brooklyn, is thirty-two inches high, eighty-four inches wide, eighty-three inches deep. It groups all the materials within easy reach, so that one person can do the various types of work comfortably in normal times and it is sufficiently large to admit of an assistant at the rush time. The wing type charging desk is desirable for large schools if the shape of the "U" desk is not suited to the room. This is commonly thirty-nine inches high and requires a high base swivel chair. CARD CATALOG CASES As soon as a card shelf list or card catalog is made, a case must be provided. The drawers in these cases must be of standard size, to accommodate standard library cards, which are three by five inches. The drawers must be fitted with round rods. A stand must be provided for the catalog case. PERIODICAL RACKS These may be made by the manual training department. The usual dimensions are five feet, two inches high, three feet six inches wide, one foot eight inches deep. This will accomodate about thirty magazines. Racks may be bought of library supply houses which are of proper size to take the current magazines published today. ATLAS AND DICTIONARY CASES These are conveniently arranged for the care of atlases, folios and large books which must lie flat. These have sliding shelves and the top is made sloping to accomodate the diction- ary. BULLETIN BOARDS Space must be allowed for proper placing of bulletin boards. If there are pillars in the room they may be placed on them. They are usually made of cork carpet framed. A large one should be provided for the daily clipped newspaper. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 9 DISPLAY CASE WITH BULLETIN BOARD Such a case is very desirable for the display of a group of books, for a particular subject or in special bindings. The bul- letin board above permits of lists or notices regarding them. VERTICAL FILE To properly care for the small pamphlets, bulletins, unframed pictures and clippings so much used in high schools, the vertical file is necessary. These are cases containing from 2 to 4 draw- ers. The letter size is commonly used in which a sheet 9^x11% inches may be filed. For pictures the legal size is better. Cases may be bought which provide drawers for pictures combined with small drawers for postal cards and trays for lantern slides. TRUCK A book truck is desirable in a small library and indispensible in a large one. For effective work additional equipment is needed as follows : celluloid holders for handling pictures, files for lantern slides, post cards, and victrola records, a cutting machine, pamphlet cases, book supports, shelf markers. SUPPLIES Library furniture and library supplies have been standardized to meet the particular needs of library work. There are special forms for labels, accession books, record sheets, book pockets and cards. Correct charging trays, book supports, ink for mark- ing books, shelf label holders, magazine holders, and card catalog cases are obtainable. These should be purchased for library use instead of business forms and files. SUMMARY Essentials for a good school library room: Room of adequate size, conveniently located. Good light. Shelving: Open wall shelving. Floor covering. io SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Furniture : Reading tables to seat an average class. Chairs. Magazine rack. Desk for librarian. Vertical file Card catalog case and stand. Bulletin boards. Charging tray. Pamphlet boxes. (In the suggestions for Room and equipment "School libraries" by the Library Bureau has been freely drawn upon). Book Selection The selection of books is of first importance in school library work. On the increased use of books and improvement in the qual- ity of reading the whole success of the library as a part of the educational work of the school, depends. Indiscriminate purchase of books is one of the most wasteful practices in the schools. The school libraries are over-crowded with expensive sets, subscription books, obsolete books of teach- ing methods, books too difficult for the students, and very cheap editions with bad print and paper. In the same schools, the books actually needed are often lacking. As in the selection of any equipment, or tools, the selection of books must be based upon the purpose for which the books are to be used, and thorough knowledge of books. No book should be bought for any school library without a definite idea in mind that it will be of immediate use in connection with some study, or for the help of some individual. BOOK SELECTION FOR THE GRADES AND FOR COUNTRY SCHOOLS i. Books should be chosen which have a direct bearing on all the subjects taught in the school, including some on agriculture, hygiene, nature study and science, a complete United States his- tory for reference use, modern history, some one-volume collec- tions of literature (not sets), books about children's reading and story telling, handbooks of information, atlases and books of SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 11 simple reference. Books on domestic science, music, picture study, should also be included. 2. Books must be selected to train in habits of observation, to aid in identifying the stars, birds, trees, wild flowers and wild life in all forms. 3. Some books should be chosen for the library which will help in planning for school activities; boys' and girls' clubs, school entertainments, warm lunches, social center work, de- bating societies. 4. The library should include those books which are gener- ally accepted as the best of the world's literature, and which should be placed in the way of every child while young. Some of these are : Alcott, Little Women ; Bunyan, Pilgrim's Progress ; Baldwin, Story of Siegfried; Carroll, Alice in Wonderland; Andersen, Fairy tales ; Hawthorne, Wonder book ; Harris, Uncle Remus; Kipling, Jungle book; Lamb, Tales from Shakespeare; Macleod, Book of King Arthur; Mother Goose; Stevenson, Child's Garden of Verses; Treasure Island. There are many others which should be included. 5. In selecting stories, those should be chosen which are strong in human interest, but which preserve the right ideals of conduct and achievement. 6. Interesting biography should be provided for all the grades, to follow the reading of the stories of imaginary people, books which will inspire, as well as those which will give interest to the study of history. 7. Books should be included to meet the children's interests or to develop talents; books of games, sports, drawing, occupa- tions, such as simple books of sewing and basketry for the girls; mechanics, electricity and wood working for the boys ; also books on vocations for older boys and girls. 8. The books should always be chosen with the pupils in mind, selecting those which are easily within their comprehen- sion, including something for all ages and interests. 9. Only those which are wholesome in tone should be bought, which are written in good English, and which contain enough information, beauty or enjoyment to make them worth while. No books should be bought because they are harmless, but be- cause they will contribute to the life and work of the school. 12 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 10. Books should be bought in as good editions as can be afforded. An attractive looking book will be read and enjoyed, while the same in small type, poor paper and dingy cover will never be read. In all collections, standardization should be the chief aim. New books for younger children are not especially desirable. The books that have stood the test of time, and are real liter- ature, should be provided first. Lists of such books may be ob- tained free, or at little cost from the larger public libraries and from state library commissions. BOOK SELECTION FOR HIGH SCHOOLS Books should be chosen to be used in connection with every subject taught. The library is not for the History and English departments alone, but every subject should be enriched. The history department should be provided with some care- fully selected books of modern biography and history, including causes of the great war and some personal accounts. For the supplementary reading in English, the library should provide not only the standard fiction, but also interesting and vital biographies, travel, essays, and modern poetry. In connection with vocational guidance, books of ethics, the trades and professions, education and training, and biographies of modern people must be furnished. Science in readable form and with modern application, books of art in all its forms, music, athletics and sports, books of handi- crafts, all must be represented. Every book in the library should pass the quality test, i.e.: Truth, good English, wholesome ideas, high moral tone, readable- ness, vitality. Care should be taken to secure the best on each subject. A fine edition collection should be built up in every library as rapidly as funds will permit. These books serve to interest stu- dents in classics, in owning books, and the teachers of various subjects find them useful for typography, drawing, color, cos- tume, and for the artist's interpretation of literature. STANDARDIZATION To assist schools in the selection of good and useful books, library lists for schools are provided in several states. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 13 These lists are carefully prepared to meet as far as possible the needs of all the schools in the state and to give the teachers a reliable guide to books that have been tried with young people, and approved by librarians and teachers. Generally speaking, they all include many of the same titles, with additions to meet local needs. Library lists vary in ar- rangement, some grouping by grade, roughly by subject or by class according to library usage. The advantage of a graded list is that an inexperienced teacher finds ready help in selecting books for her classes. Since the use of a book in a certain grade varies according to the read- ing facility of the child, a graded list must repeat the same titles in different grades. A classed list serves as a guide to the arrangement of books on the shelves and groups books by subject. Many of the classed lists also indicate grades for the books. Most state school library lists attempt to cite the best cheap editions. The public library "Best" lists give the best editions regardless of cost. If not provided by the state, schools should obtain from the State Library commission, or largest public library one or more standard lists to be used as guides in purchase and arrangement. Large schools with unlimited library funds will find The Booklist (A. L. A. pub. board, 78 E. Washington St., Chicago, $1.50 per year), of value for new books and notes on Govern- ment documents of timely interest. Economical book selection is not possible until the library is put in order and classified. After this work is done, the shelves or the shelf list will show where the collection is weak. Teachers should be asked to check the school lists for books to be added for the subjects in which they are most interested. Lists of books in addition to those on the school lists should be carefully considered and the books compared before purchase. If a teacher is not interested in building up the library side of her work, the teacher-librarian or the superintendent should select pooks so that all subjects will be represented in the library. If all the books wished cannot be purchased at once, an order file is kept, as suggestive for later purchases. Complete works of authors should be- avoided. There are very few authors of whose writings any library would want all. 14 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT The titles wanted, if bought separately, could be replaced at any time, as they could not be if part of a set. EDITIONS The size of the library and its needs will determine whether books are bought in the cheapest editions or in the best. None should be bought that are not on good paper, with clear print and attractive in appearance. A school would not usually purchase a finely illustrated edition unless the same book was in the library in cheap edition for home use. LIBRARY BINDING In school library lists, this term is used to indicate that the binding has been strengthened. Such books more than pay for the extra cost in their wearing qualities. They should be pur- chased whenever available. Some librarians have all their new books reinforced before using. Any new books will be reinforced by the H. R. Huntting co., Springfield, Mass., or Chivers bindery, Brooklyn, N.Y. Reference Books General reference books must be selected with care, consider- ing both subject-matter and price. With a well-balanced library, i.e., one in which all subjects are represented, there is less need for general reference books. ENCYCLOPEDIAS Encyclopedias must be of first quality, modern in subject- matter and treatment, and of recent date. If a great saving can be effected in the purchase of an older edition of the best en- cyclopedia, schools may find it worth while to purchase it and the year books which supplement it. Encyclopedias should not be purchased without comparison with other sets and verifications of prices. ATLASES If the school is limited in book funds, it is better to buy an inexpensive atlas and replace frequently than to spend much money for a large atlas. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 15 STATISTICAL HAND BOOKS The newspaper hand books such as the World almanac offer a great amount of statistical and miscellaneous information at very low prices. Such books should be replaced annually. A list of especially valuable reference books will be found in all the state school library lists. Magazines Magazines are helpful in the work of the school library. The cheap, sensational magazines which would admit to the library stories which would be rejected in book form should be carefully avoided. Magazines which are of current interest, and which are valuable for debate work and general reference use, and worth binding as a permanent part of the library should be bought freely, giving preference to those which are indexed. A periodical index is necessary to make all the material in the magazines available. The Readers' guide to periodical litera- ture, H. W. Wilson Co., 958-64 University ave., New York, is invaluable in the use of magazines, either current or bound. It is issued monthly, and cumulates. Schools with large agricultural departments will need the Agricultural index (10 numbers per year, cumulative), H. W. Wilson Co., New York. This indexes scientific and technical journals on agriculture, horticulture, forestry, and allied subjects; popular farm journals, bulletins, publications of societies and organizations. For either index, write the firm for prices, giving the list of magazines for which the school subscribes. MAGAZINES FOR LOWER GRADES *Boys' life. Boy scouts of America, New York $1.00 *Current events (weekly). Current -events, Chicago 40 *Little folks. Casino co., Salem, Mass i.oo St. Nicholas. Century co., New York 3.00 * Youths' companion (weekly) . Youths' companion, Boston. 2.00 *Wohelo. Camp fire girls, New York i.oo MAGAZINES USEFUL FOR JUNIOR AND SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS American city (Town & county ed) New York $3.00 * American cookery Boston 1.50 16 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Atlantic monthly Boston 4.00 Current history New York Times 3.00 Current opinion New York 3.00 Good housekeeping New York 1.50 Harper's magazine New York 4.00 Independent New York 4.00 Industrial arts magazine Milwaukee 2.00 International studio New York 5.00 Literary digest New York 4.00 Mentor New York 4.00 *Musical America New York 3.00 National geographic magazine Washington, D.C 2.50 New Republic New York 5.00 Outlook New York 4.00 *Popular mechanics Chicago 2.00 *Popular science monthly New York 2.00 Scientific American New York 5.00 Scribner's magazine New York 4.00 Survey New York 4.00 World's work New York 4.00 MAGAZINES FOR TEACHERS Education Boston 3.00 Educational review Columbia univ 3.00 Elementary school journal Univ. of Chicago 1.50 English journal Univ. of Chicago 2.50 *Historical outlook Philadelphia 2.00 fjournal of geography New York i.oo fKindergarten-Primary magazine Manistee, Mich i.oo fNature study review Ithaca, N.Y i.oo School and society New York 3.00 *School arts Worcester, Mass 2.00 School review Univ. of Chicago 1.50 School science and mathematics Chicago 2.50 Science New York 5.00 Teachers college record Columbia univ 1.50 *Not indexed in Readers' Guide, tlndexed in Readers' Guide Supplement. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Book Buying and Ordering Schools find it more economical to buy all books from a book dealer. The books sold only through agents, usually comprising complete works of authors, sets of encyclopedias, and subscrip- tion books, are the most expensive and usually the least useful books that can be bought. Practically all books sold by agents may be obtained at greatly reduced price from a reliable dealer in second-hand books and remainders. ORDER CARDS As requests for books, which are of special value and which are not in the library are received, order cards are made. Order cards may be bought, or blank cards filled out to give the following information : Class No. Author's surname, followed by initials Date ordered Title Of Vols. Date Received Edition Publisher Price Cost Recommended by Approved by Reviewed in L. C. card No. Is it In A. L. A. Catalog or A. L. A. Book list? These cards are filed by author or grouped by publisher. The latter arrangement is most convenient when book purchases are made through the visiting representatives of publishing houses. When purchases can be made, this list should be consulted first. PRICES AND DISCOUNT The discount which may be obtained by a school varies largely with the length of time the book has been published. The dealer i8 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT who handles a large stock is able to give a better discount than the local merchant who orders through another dealer. All regular dealers give some discount to schools. If the school is purchasing a large number of books, it is sometimes economical to get bids from several dealers. In mak- ing the lists for such bids, the publisher's name should be given as well as author and title, to designate the edition desired. Some of the best cheap editions are the Home university li- brary, and the reprint editions: Everyman's library, Standard library and Grosset and Dunlap editions. The Home university library includes new books on a great variety of subjects. They are small in size, light to handle, have fair paper and print, and are by authoritative writers. Everyman's library consists of reprints of a large number of the classics of literature. The volumes are small and attractive in appearance. The margins are narrow and the books cannot be rebound and must, therefore, be purchased in library binding. The print varies in size and in very long books is too small to be useful. Grosset reprints are chiefly of fiction. They are reprints from the original plates, and so retain the appearance of the original edition. The plates are rented by this company from the original publisher for a limited number of copies. When this number has been printed the plates are returned and the book is only obtain- able at the original price. PART II ORGANIZATION Organising the Library Most schools have on hand a collection of books which must be organized into a working collection. To do this accurately requires a knowledge of library methods which can only be ob- tained by taking a course in a library school. Since all schools cannot afford a librarian, the simplest processes are described in detail and if carefully and thoughtfully followed will bring the library into order and usefulness. Putting a library in order is not a work for children ; it should be done by a person of education and judgment, using student help for mechanical processes only, and these carefully super- vised, that the work may be done neatly and accurately. Directions for each part of the work should be carefully studied and thoroughly understood before that work is under- taken. Original ideas of persons untrained in library work are seldom practicable in school libraries, considering that the per- sonnel of the teaching staff changes very frequently and work done in an original way is unintelligible to those who come after. Standard library methods adapted to school use are best to fol- low. Putting an old library in order takes time and the work must be carefully planned to make the time spent upon it count to the best advantage. Experience in organizing public and school libraries has shown the following routine to be the most economical of time : Routine in Putting the Library in Order 1. Preparation of shelving 2. Collecting the books belonging to the library 3. Ordering supplies 4. Sorting the books into groups (1) Discards (2) Books to be rebound 20 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT (3) Books to be mended (4) Books in good condition and of known usefulness 5. Mending books in need of repair 6. Removing old labels from the backs 7. Mechanical preparation of new books 8. Placing the book pocket on inside front or back cover 9. Classification 10. Accessioning 11. Writing book card 12. Marking books on the back 13. Arrangement on shelves 14. Marking shelves. Posting classification outline 15. Checking school list 16. Charging records 17. Making the card records (1) Shelf list (2) Catalog The details for these processes follow in the same order. Country schools would omit Processes 8 and n, 16 and 17. I. Preparation of Shelving There should be enough shelving to accommodate all the books belonging to the library and to allow for growth. It is useless to attempt to put a library in order unless there is suffi- cient shelving upon which to place the books after they are classified. See suggestions on shelving in the article on The Library room. 2. Collecting the Books Before beginning the work all of the books belonging to the school should be called in. Teachers and pupils should be asked to bring in all of the books they have and a request put in the local paper that all books belonging to the school be returned from the homes. All of the library books belonging to the school should be shelved in the library room that they may be available when not in use. If kept permanently in the class- rooms, they are lost to the rest of the school. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 21 3. Supplies Library supplies have been standardized to meet the needs of this kind of work, and library supplies, not business cards and files, should be bought. Supplies should be ordered for the part of the work that is to be undertaken. If a library is wholly unorganized, the sup- plies needed first will be : Mending material, pockets, cards and charging tray for charging system; white ink, India ink and shellac for marking the books; accession book, and shelf sup- ports. Catalog cards and catalog card cases should not be or- dered until the other work is completed. The following list of supplies may be recommended for use- fulness and moderate cost. If more expensive material is desired, the catalogs of library supply houses should be consulted. Prices given here are approximate. SUPPLIES FOR MECHANICAL PREPARATION FOR $00 BOOKS Accessioning Accession book (1000 line) (paper) $1.00 Black ink Steel ink eraser 50 Charging system 500 book pockets (open end, printed with name of li- brary) 1.75 or 500 book pocket strips i.oo 500 book cards, manila 75 Paste Brushes 15 Charging tray with guides (wood, without cover) i.io Record of books loaned 10 Marking David's White Letterine 15 or Gaylord's White marking ink 15 India ink 25 22 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT De Voe's White Spirit varnish 25 or White Hickory shellac 25 Penholder, preferably cork Pens Esterbrook Judges' quill No. 312 Mending See under Mending, p. 30. Stamping Library stamp 50 Shelving Book supports, black japanned, each 10 Shelf label holders, black japanned 10 (Give thickness of shelf.) DIRECTORY FOR LIBRARY SUPPLIES Staple supplies may be obtained through school supply houses or obtaine-d direct from manufacturers below. The list is by no means complete, but may be useful for certain sections of the country. Accession books Democrat Printing Co., Madison, Wisconsin Library Bureau, Boston, Chicago, New York Riverside Printing Co., St Paul Catalog cases and cards Boston Index Card Co., Boston Democrat Printing Co., Madison, Wisconsin Gaylord Bros., Syracuse, N.Y. Globe-Wernicke Co., Cincinnati Library Bureau, Boston, Chicago, New York Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, Boston, New York Cataloging aids A. L. A. Publishing Bd., 17 E. Washington st, Chicago A. L. A. Booklist. Subject index 25 A. L. A. Catalog rules 60 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 23 A. L. A. Guide to subject headings 2.50 Hitchler. Cataloging for small libraries 1.25 Mann. A. L. A. headings for juvenile catalogs 1.50 Charging systems: book pockets; book cards; charging trays Democrat Printing Co., Madison, Wisconsin Gaylord Bros., Syracuse, N.Yu Library Bureau, Boston, Chicago, New York Riverside Printing Co., St Paul Classification aids Cutter. 2 figure decimal alphabetic order table. Li- brary Bureau 1.25 Dewey. Abridged decimal classification. Library Bureau 1.50 Furniture Globe- Wernicke Co., Cincinnati Library Bureau, Boston, Chicago, New York Shaw-Walker Co., Muskegon, Michigan Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Rochester, Boston, New York Lettering and stamping outfits Rubber stamps Allen Bros., Boston Democrat Printing Co., Madison, Wisconsin Library Bureau, Boston Chicago, New York Wilson's gummed letters. Tablet and Ticket Co., 624 W. Adams St., Chicago Magazine covers American Library Bindery, Philadelphia (A. L. A. binder) Democrat Printing Co., Madison, Wisconsin Gaylord Bros., Syracuse, N.Y. (Bull dog) W. G. Johnston & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. Library Bureau, Boston, Chicago, New York S. A. Stewart Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. (Baldwin & Lockit hold- ers) Ward Bros., Jacksonville, 111. (Spring back) 24 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Mending supplies Democrat Printing Co., Madison, Wisconsin Waldorf Bindery Co., St Paul Mounting board and paper E. E. Babb, Boston Carter, Rice Co., Boston Thomas Charles Co., Chicago (agents for Milton Bradley) Pamphlet binders and boxes Gaylord Bros., Syracuse, N.Y. Library Bureau, Boston, Chicago, New York H. Schultz & Co., Superior & Robert st, Chicago Statistic sheets Democrat Printing Co., Madison, Wisconsin Gaylord Bros., Syracuse, N.Y. 4. Sorting the Books The test of usefulness should be applied to every book put in the school library. It is not the place for obsolete text-books, old books of teaching methods, gift books, discards from home libraries, subscription books, curiosities and odds and ends from other departments of the school. If the school owns a group of books old enough to be really interesting as types, they should be kept as a separate collection, not classified as a part of the school library. UNBOUND BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS These should be properly classified and arranged in pamphlet boxes or in a vertical file, but until bound, are not to be con- sidered library books. GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS Much valuable material is contained in government docu- ments, but many of the documents are of unwieldy size, and re- quire special shelving. For a small school the documents are most useful that can be classified and arranged on the shelves with other books. No bound documents should be destroyed. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 25 Bound documents of extra size and uncertain usefulness should be given to the Public Library if it wishes them, or re- turned to Washington. A list of the United States documents" of which the school wishes to dispose should be sent to the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Washington, D.C., and if acceptable to him, mail sacks and mailing franks will be sent to the local postoffice that they may be returned free of charge. State documents may be returned to the Document Clerk at the Capitol, but charges must be prepaid. TEXT-BOOKS Text-books in sets and sets of classics and other supple- mentary reading should be kept in the text-book room, not in the library. If bound books one or two of each title used as supplementary reading may be put in the library. The books should be divided into four groups. (i) Discards Books too soiled or worn out to be of service to the library should be discarded. Old books of teaching methods and text-books of no value for reference, are not worth the time it takes to put them in or- der. A book which has been little used should not be discarded without a very careful examination of the subject-matter to see if it could be used. Some unused books may be of value and only need to be known. All discarded books must be checked off the accession book and other records. Final disposition should be made of the books discarded they should not be given to students or the janitor or allowed to be distributed about the town to eventually find their way back to the library. As other materials in the school are used, worn out and dis- carded, so the school library should be expected to wear out and discard some books every year, and some books must be re- bound. Country schools usually have inadequate shelving and are 26 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT often overcrowded with books of little value. Books unsuited to the pupils, and of no interest to the neighborhood, should be re- moved from the shelves. If the school board is unwilling to destroy them, they should be neatly packed in a wooden box and stored. USES FOR DISCARDED BOOKS One book out of covers should be kept to show how a book is made when class instruction is given in the care of books. Portions of worn books may sometimes be used to advantage. Illustrations having any value in connection with nature, lan- guage or story work may be trimmed and filed in large envelopes marked with the subject for which they are useful, or they may be mounted on pulp board cut to uniform size, marked with the subject and filed in cases or drawers. Single poems may be mounted in the same way, filed and indexed. Stories for telling may also be saved and filed in bulletin boxes. In some country schools, books to be discarded are looked over for material for booklets, such as a Longfellow booklet, containing a biographical sketch and extracts from his writings. This material is marked and filed away until needed. (2) Books To Be Rebound Good service cannot be given by books out of repair, there- fore the physical care of books is a feature of school library work. The physical make-up should be understood, so that the librarian may know when a book must be rebound and when it may be mended. BINDING How A BOOK is MADE Books are printed in sheets and folded to form sections or signatures. The number of times the sheet is folded determines the number of pages in a section and the size of the book. Four folds makes a quarto book, eight folds an octavo, the usual size of a library book. In making the sections into a book, they are first "gathered" and arranged in order, then sewed. The best sewing is done over tapes. A sewing bench is a frame with tapes stretched from top to bottom. The sections are backed to these tapes, one by one. The SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 27 sewer finds the middle of the section, sews in and out around the tapes, then adds the next section. All the sections are sewed, including the added section of- title page, fly leaves and end papers. When the tapes are cut an inch on each side is left to project over the end paper. The majority of books of fiction and popular books are sewed on a machine which fastens the sections together with a lock stitch. After the book is sewed it is trimmed to exact size. Next a strip of thin cloth called super is glued fast to the back, with a portion about one inch wide projecting on either side and well pasted to the end paper ta form a hinge for the cover. It is in the hinge that the book usually becomes weak first. When the glue is nearly dry, the book is backed by clamping it, back up, between iron plates, and the back rounded with a hammer. The groove made by hammering the back over the iron plates helps to fit the book to the cover. The ordinary book is case-bound; that is, the case or cover is made separately and the book set in. It is made by covering the two stiff sides, called boards, with book cloth, the space for the back being lined with a strip of heavy paper. The book is placed in the case, the boards fitting into the groove in the book. The extra sheets, known as end papers, which were attached to the first and last sections of the sewed book, are now pasted on the inside of the cover. These are often of decorated paper. "Library binding" involves special sewing, reinforcing or strengthening the joint of the end paper with cloth and lining the end papers with super. Always order books in "Library binding" when this edition is noted in the school lists. The ad- ditional cost is from ten to fifteen cents, but the book will give that much additional service. Pressing and drying are accompaniments of the binding process at every step so that a book conies to us stiff and dry. CARE OF NEW BOOKS A little care in the handling of new books will save trouble later on. It is necessary to loosen the stiff glue on the back without breaking the stitches of the sewing. Opening the book according to the directions will gently loosen it throughout without breaking. 28 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT How to open a new book: Hold the book with its back on a table or smooth surface. Press the front cover down until it touches the table, then the back cover holding the leaves in one hand while you open a few at the back, then at the front, al- ternately, pressing them down gently until you reach the center of the volume. Never open the book violently nor bend back the covers ; it is liable to break the back and to loosen the leaves. White or very light covered books should be coated all over with white shellac and thoroughly dried before they are used. The shellac must sometimes be thinned below the average com- mercial standard to obtain satisfactory results. A cord stretched between two chairs makes a convenient drying arrangement. Books must be kept upright on the shelves, not too tightly crowded. The constant use of book supports will save much mending and binding. CARE OF BOOKS IN USE When books are returned the condition should be observed and none should be replaced on the shelves which are in need of mending or binding. BINDING WHEN NOT TO REBIND Do not rebind books with pages missing or with inside mar- gins less than one-half inch. As a rule, do not rebind books costing forty cents or less. Exception is sometimes made to this rule in case of picture books. All books sent to the bindery be- fore the stage of complete dilapidation are much stronger after rebinding than in original covers. Do not rebind badly soiled books. Do not rebind books with pages missing at the beginning or end of the book. WHEN TO REBIND If the stitches are broken and the sections are loose through- out the book it must be rebound at once if it is to give further service. Rebind books costing more than forty cents if they are of value to the library. Bind magazines needed for reference work if indexed. Reference books in constant use, like encyclopedias, diction- aries, periodicals, indexes and atlases, should be carefully SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 29 watched for torn or loose leaves. As soon as the binding shows signs of giving way the volume should be sent to the binder. PREPARATION FOR THE BINDER Examine books to see if any printed pages are missing. This is important, as a book with many pages missing, particularly at the front or back, is worthless. Be sure to send the title page. If the accession number of the book has been entered on the book plate only, before sending the book to the bindery, enter it in the proper place (the first right-hand page back of the title page). The usual material for rebinding is art vellum or library buckram. Either is sufficiently strong for all ordinary books. Color desired should be specified; red is a good color for little children's books. If the book is one of a set such as encyclopedias, instruct the binder not to trim, and indicate color and style of binding and lettering that it may match the rest of the set as nearly as pos- sible. Instructions for charging books sent to the bindery, are given on page 65. COST OF REBINDING The usual cost of rebinding a book of ordinary size in art vellum is forty cents, or forty-five cents in library buckram. Large books cost five cents additional for every inch over the octavo size. Binding of magazines costs from seventy-five cents for size of Harper's magazine upward. BINDING MAGAZINES It is hardly worth while to bind magazines which are not in- dexed in periodical indexes since the use would be limited. Back numbers may be kept in order for consultation by means of bulletin boxes described on page 91. REINFORCING MAGAZINES When magazine covers are not used, and for magazines to be circulated, reinforcing is necessary, to prolong the period of use. 30 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT This is done before the magazine is used at all. The orig- inal cover is removed and a cover of heavy paper the exact size is fastened to the magazine with strips of "Success" binder. The original cover is then pasted on and dried. If the mag- azine is to be circulated the pocket or slip can then be pasted on in the usual way. (3) Books To Be Mended Early and careful mending greatly prolongs the usefulness of the book. MENDING If the sewing of the book is firm, the stitches unbroken, it may be mended to good advantage. MATERIALS Before beginning work, materials must be procured. These need not be expensive nor elaborate. Mending cloth strips for joints or hinges. These are strips of white cambric, one inch wide, which may be bought accurately cut. Package of 30 yards, 30 cents postpaid. The strips may be cut from material bought by the yard. It should be of fair quality cambric, cut very carefully and accurately. Using a ruler as a gauge, the material should be marked in inch spaces, lengthwise of the goods. Crease well and cut cleanly with sharp scissors, or cut along mark with sharp knife, using ruler as guide. Outing flannel for recasing. Double faced outing flannel of thin, cheap quality may be used for this. Since the need for this type of mending does not occur frequently, one-half yard will be an ample supply. Art vellum for mending torn books. Buy in assorted colors from the bindery. Package contains six colors, 3 yards, 4 inches wide, of each, $i postpaid. Bond paper. Used for hinges for leaves and illustrations. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 31 Onion skin paper. Used for mending tears. These papers may be bought in sheets and cut as needed, or bought in strips ready cut. 500 strips, I inch by n inches, 30 cents postpaid. Brushes. One-half inch flat or oval brush with long handle for paste. One-fourth inch brush for shellac. Paste. A good paste may be made according to the following receipt : One tablespoonful of alum. One quart of water. One-half pint of flour. Mix the flour with a small quantity of- water and stir into a cream ; bring water to a boil ; stir in the cream and cook for twenty minutes; dissolve the alum in the water and stir into the paste about three minutes before it is cooked; stir while cooking, strain and add twenty drops of oil of cloves. "A substitute for flour is Spon-tem obtained from any paper hanger. To use: mix with hot water and let boil up. Keeps indefinitely if covered. Any paste will spoil if left open." Wisconsin Bulletin, May, 1918. The library paste found in the schools has usually proven satisfactory. A dry paste powder may be obtained and made into paste, as the need arises. One-half pound carton makes two quarts of paste, 30 cents postpaid. Other supplies to have on hand : Bone paper folder. Cheese cloth for paste work. Eraser or kneaded rubber. Old newspapers. Scissors. Tissue paper (white). Japanese tissue for mending dictionaries. 32 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT PROCESS OF MENDING All mending must be done very neatly, carefully and ac- curately. Before any work is begun, books should be examined for all defects and tears and loose pages should be repaired be- fore hinges are put on. Never use mucilage or glue in mending books which are to be rebound. CLEANING Pencil marks should be removed with soft eraser or kneaded rubber. Book covers may be cleaned with Ivory soap and water, or vinegar and water. If the latter is used, take two parts vine- gar and one part water. Vinegar should not be used on leather bindings. TEARS If the paper is soft and is torn with an edge, it may be mended in this way: Place a piece of tissue paper under the page, carefully match the print, put a little paste on each edge and rub the edge down gently. Cover with another piece of tissue paper. When thoroughly dry, tear away superfluous paper. If there is no edge on the tear, cut a strip of onion skin paper, cover lightly with paste, taking care to wet as little as pos- sible, and rub down gently. For torn edges, cut a strip of very thin bond or onion skin paper, paste on leaf, smoothing out carefully all torn or crumpled edges. Be careful that the added strip does not make the page wider than the others so that it protrudes. ILLUSTRATIONS In the ordinary book, the illustrations are merely pasted in and drop out quickly. The frontispiece usually pulls out the title page. If the illustrations are ordinary, such as are found in fiction, they are not worth the time required to put them back. Important illustrations, such as plates from bird and wild flower books, should be carefully reinserted. Sometimes the illustration may be replaced by "tipping in." Place the loose leaf on a sheet of waste paper, then cover it with SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 33 another piece of paper, leaving one-eighth of an inch of the inner or sewed margin exposed. Apply a very thin coat of paste to the margin and then carefully insert the leaf in its proper place in the book. Rub down carefully. Many illustrations are on heavy coated paper and must be replaced by a paper hinge. Take a strip of paper one-half inch wide and of the same length as the leaf ; carefully fold this strip down the center, apply a thin coat of paste to the side of the hinge thus formed and paste on to the inner or sewed margin of the leaf. When this has dried sufficiently, apply a very thin coat to the other half of the same side of the hinge and put the leaf in its proper place in the book. Push in as far as possible, rub down gently and firmly. JOINTS By joint is meant the hinge by which the cover is attached to the body of a book. If the sewing is intact throughout the book, the first and last sections firm and the super strip loose, not torn off, the book may be mended satisfactorily by putting paste down the back and adding a cloth hinge. The cloth hinge is used only between the cover and .the fly leaves or first and last section, never between pages. Before putting in hinge, find the end of the first section, put a very little paste between last page of first section and first page of second, and rub page down well. Be careful that this pasting does not extend over more than one-eighth inch of the page. Be sure that the title page is in place. This is often loose and must be tipped on the first section. TIGHTENING THE BACK Set the book on end, opening partly. With a long narrow brush, put paste down the back rather thickly, smoothing down any paper lining that is crumpled. Cover the back of the book and the inside of the back cover thoroughly but without stretch- ing the cloth of the cover. If the strip of super is loose from the side of the cover, paste that down. Place the book well back mto the cover, having front edges even and the book in as nearly its original position as possible. Rub down well on the outside. 34 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT PLACING THE HINGE Open book and place a closed book under the front cover. Cut the inch strip of white cambric (described under materials) a little shorter than the book. Fold through the center; paste lightly but thoroughly; apply one-half to the inside of the book cover and the other half to the fly leaf. With the bone paper folder, press well into the book. Wipe off all superfluous paste. Place a sheet of oiled paper between the sides of the hinge formed by the cambric, close the book, with the bone paper folder press the original crease between back and sides of book into place, and place under weight to dry. When dry, open very care- fully, following directions given for opening new books. COVERING BACK If the back is torn, paste down edges of tear very carefully. Cut a piece of art vellum two inches wider than the back of the book and one and one-half inches longer than the back of the book. Paste strip and place carefully on the back, getting center of strip in the center of the back. Turn in at the top and bot- tom, having edges exact with top and bottom of book. Press cloth into original crease and paste the vellum on the sides, rub- bing down well. Replace author's name and title of book on the back in white ink letters. Coat lettering with shellac when dry. RECASING BOOKS This form of mending is not usually employed if book is to be rebound. It can only be used if the sewing is intact and the sections firm. It is used for a book when the super strip which holds it in the book is torn. Take the book from the cover and tear off the old super from the back of the book and inside of the covers. Cut strips of double-faced outing flannel an inch shorter than the book and three inches wider than the back of the book. Apply paste (or Adheso) thickly to back of book, place center of cloth strip to middle of book. When partly dry, cover this in turn with paste. Paste the cloth which extends at the sides to the fly leaves and then cover the whole fly leaf with paste. Before inserting the book in the covers, put paste on the sides where the old super was removed, then press the book into the cover and close. Open at once and if the fly leaf does not cover the old end SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 35 paper, slip it into place and down. If there is not an extra leaf to use for the end paper, add a sheet of good paper, neatly cut and pasted on. The best pamphlet on mending is Sawyer How to care for books in the library, Democrat Printing Company, Madison, Wisconsin. The suggestions and directions included have been freely used and adapted in this article. (4) Books in good physical condition and of worth to the library REMOVING LABELS MECHANICAL PREPARATION If these books have labels on the back, which are half off or carelessly placed, they should be removed at this time. Place books of uniform size in groups on the table, back up, with book supports at each end of the group to hold them together closely. Put pieces of very wet blotter on the labels. As soon as the labels are thoroughly moistened, remove them and dry the books gently with cheesecloth. Do not rub hard or scrape as this re- moves the sizing from the binding and makes it difficult to mark the book with white ink. PLACING BOOK POCKET See directions below. 7. Mechanical Preparation of New Books When the books are received they are checked with the bill and with the order, to see that all have been received. BUSINESS ENTRY The date of the bill, place where bought, and the price, is written in pencil in the book, in the inner margin of the first right-hand page back of the title page. This information is use- ful in accessioning and in determining quickly the cost of a book. OPENING When working with the books, open each one carefully ac- cording to directions on page 28. STAMPING The library stamp should be in small, clear type; it is usually in two lines, e.g. : Public School Library Argyle, Minn. 36 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT The books are stamped on the title page, in the upper right- hand corner, and on the 5ist or loist page. The stamp is placed squarely, taking care not to blur. BILLS Bills should be filed with the clerk of the school board. If state library aid is asked for, the receipted order must be sent to the county superintendent. 8. Placing the Book Pocket The book pocket is a part of the charging system described on page 61. The simplest form is the manila book pocket strip which is held in place by pasting the diagonal edges to the book. In or- dering a statement should be made as to whether the strip will be used in the front or the back of the book. Open end pockets are most commonly used. These should be printed with the name of the library, at the bottom of the pocket, leaving the top free for other information. Pockets should be accurately folded, the flaps around the back. POSITION OF BOOK POCKET Since in many libraries a book plate or a slip giving the rules of the library is pasted on the inside of the front cover of the book, the book pocket is usually put on the inside of the back cover. The edges of the pocket and the flaps are carefully pasted, taking care that no paste gets under the flaps. The pocket is placed squarely, in the same relative position in each book, one inch from the bottom. It is rubbed down well with clean cloth, and all superfluous paste wiped off. 9. Classification Classification is the putting together of like objects or facts under a common designation Standard dictionary. Library classification is for the purpose of bringing together on the shelves, books that are on the same subject. A school library should be classified by a standard system, SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 3 7 because a library classified by an original system cannot readily be used by anyone except the originator, and school superin- tendents change frequently. By the use of a standard system, the library is brought into harmony with other library work, is intelligible to anyone who has ever used a library and pupils who become familiar with the classification of a school library can use a public library with ease. All the material in the library should be classified whether books, bulletins or pamphlets. Many books for younger children are in story form, but if a book gives real information on any subject it should be given the class number for the subject. The library classification scheme in most common use in pub- lic and school libraries is the Dewey Decimal classification, named from its author, Mr. Melvil Dewey, Director of the New York State library, 1889-1904, and founder of the New York State Library school. PLAN (ADAPTED FROM DEWEY ABRIDGED DECIMAL CLASSIFICA- TION 20 ED., 1912) "In this classification the field of knowledge is divided into nine main classes, numbered I to 9. Cyclopedias, and other books so general in character as to belong to no one of these classes are marked o and form a tenth class. Each class is sim- ilarly separated into nine divisions, general works belonging to no division having o in place of the division number. "Divisions are similarly divided into nine sections. "Where o occurs in the class number, it has its normal zero value. Thus a book numbered 510 is class 5, division I, but be- longs to no section, i.e., it treats of the division mathematics in general and is limited to no one section; whereas Geometry, which is so limited, is marked 513. "500 indicates a treatise on science in general, limited to no division." NOTATION Arabic numerals are used for notation. The class numbers or symbols have been compared to shorthand. As in a system of shorthand each character has a meaning which must be 38 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT learned, so in classification, each number has a meaning which may be learned and which is only to be used to mark a book having the same meaning. Characters to modify the class numbers are used for special designations. To facilitate arrangement on separate shelves, the class number for reference books is preceded by R. and the number for grade books is preceded by j or y. Every large school should have a copy of Dewey Abridged Decimal Classification (Forest Press, Lake Placid, N.Y., $1.50) for use in connection with the school library lists. An abridgment for school libraries was suggested by Miss Cornelia Marvin in the Oregon List of books for school li- braries, 1907. This abridgment, with some additions, has been used in the Minnesota School Library lists, and in the Minnesota school libraries. The changes made in the Abridged classification to adapt it for school use are chiefly in the use of general numbers (3d summary) rather than specific numbers, e.g., 320 for all books on government, including the books on Administration of govern- ment. The class 400 is often omitted in school libraries. The study of language in school is so closely allied to literature that all the books may properly be placed in the literature numbers. In 630 Agriculture and 640 Home Economics, newer group- ings of the topics are suggested. 920 is used for all Collective biography and 921 for all In- dividual biography. Dewey Decimal Classification ABRIDGMENT FOR SMALL SCHOOLS The ten classes showing the relation of the subjects and some of the sub-divisions used : R General reference 200 Religion ooo General works 220 Bible stories 028 Easy reading books 290 Mythology loo Philosophy 300 Sociology 150 Psychology 320 Government 170 Ethics- 330 Economics SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 39 370 Education 380 Commerce 398 Fairy stories and leg- ends 500 Science 510 Mathematics 520 Astronomy 530 Physics 540 Chemistry 550 Geology, Physical geography 570 Biology 571 Primitive life 580 Botany 590 Zoology 600 Useful arts 607 Vocational guidance 612 Hygiene 630 Agriculture 630.1 Country life 640 Household economics 650 Business 680 Manual training 700 Fine arts 740 Drawing 780 Music 790 Sports 793 Indoor amusements 800 Literature 807 Study and teaching 808 Composition, rhetoric 808.5 Debating 808.8 Readers and speakers 810 English and American 811 Poetry 811.8 Poetry collections 812 Drama 814 Essays and prose mis- cellany 814.8 Essays collections 815 Orations collections 830 German 839 Scandinavian 840 French 870 Greek and Latin 900 Travel, Biography, History 910-917 Travel 920 Biography collective 921 Biography individual 930 Ancient history 940 General and modern 942 English history 973 American history Fiction No number. Arranged alphabetically by author. This scheme is sufficiently detailed for rural and small village school libraries. Larger schools, with many books in the school libraries, will need the more detailed scheme for some or all classes. The number of books in a class (on a particular subject) or likely to be added, will determine the extent to which the classification will be carried. Schools with large collections of books on Pedagogy for Teachers' training departments, Agriculture, Home economics, English and American literature or American history, will find all or part of the larger scheme useful. 40 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT ABRIDGMENT FOR LARGER SCHOOLS The ten classes showing the relation of the subjects and some of the subdivisions used ooo General 020 Library economy. 029 Reference aids. 030 General encyclopedias. 100 Philosophy 150 Psychology. 170 Ethics. 200 Religion 220 Bible stories. 290 Mythology. 300 Sociology 320 Government. 330 Economics. 370 Education General works. 370.15 Educational Psychology. 370.9 History of education. 371 Principles and practice of teaching. 371.1 Teachers. Salaries. Certificates. Pensions. 371.2 School organization and administration. 371.3 Methods of instruction. 371.5 Government and discipline. 371.6 School buildings and equipment. Grounds. 371.7 School hygiene. 371-73-74 Gymnastics. Play. Recreation. 371.9 Education of special classes. 372 Elementary education. Story telling, 372.1 Child study. 372.2 Kindergarten. 372.8 Collection of stories to tell. 373 Secondary schools. 374 Self education. Extension teaching. 374.71 Home and school. Use of school buildings. 375 Curriculum. 375.4 Spelling. 375.43 Foreign languages. 375-5 Nature study. Science. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 375.51 Mathematics. 375.61 Physiology and hygiene. 375.62 Industrial education. Clubs. 375-63 Agriculture. School gardens. 375.64 Home economics. 375.7 Art Music. 375.8 Reading. English. 375.9 History and civics. 375.91 Geography. 377 Religious, ethical instruction. 378 Colleges and universities. 379 Relation of state. 379.19 Rural schools. 380 Commerce. Commercial geography. 500 Science 510 Mathematics. 520 Astronomy. 530 Physics. 540 Chemistry. 550 Geology. 551 Physical geography. 570 Biology. 571 Primitive life. 590 Zoology. 600 Useful arts 607 Vocational guidance. 608 Inventions 620 Engineering 630 Agriculture. 630.1 Country life. 630.13 Agricultural economics. 630.2 Farm management. 630.3 Dictionaries of agriculture 630.4 Essays. Addresses. 631 Soils. 632 Plant husbandry. 633 Field crops. 633.1 Cereal crops. 633.2 Forage crops. 634 Horticulture. 42 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 635 Forestry. 636 Animal . husbandry. 637 Dairy farming. 638 Other agricultural industries. 640 Home economics. 641 Food. Nutrition. 643 House planning. 646 Textiles and clothing. 647 Home management. 648 Care of the sick. 650 Business. Communication. Transportation. 680 Manual training. Shop work. 700 Fine arts 720 Architecture. 730 Sculpture. 740 Drawing. Design. 741 Mechanical drawing. 750 Painting. 770 Photography. 780 Music. 790 Outdoor amusements. Sports. 793 Indoor amusements : plays for acting. 800 Literature 807 Study and teaching. 807.1 Poetry. 807.2 Drama. 807.3 Fiction. Short story. 808 Composition. Rhetoric. Collections. 808. 1 Poetry. 808.2 Drama. 808.3 Cyclopedias of quotations. 808.4 Prose. 808.5 Debating. 808.8 Readers and speakers. 810 American literature. American and English. 810.8 Collections: Illustrative prose and poetry. 810.9 Criticism. 811 American poetry. 811.8 Collections. 812 American drama. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 43 814 American essays and prose miscellany. 815 American orations. 820 English literature. 820.8 Collections: Illustrative prose and poetry. 820.9 Criticism. 821 English poetry. 821.8 Collections. 822 English drama. 822.3 Shakespeare including works, criticism, etc. 822.8 Collections. 824 English essays and prose miscellany. 825 English orations. 830 German. 839 Scandinavian. 840 French. 870 Greek and Latin. 900 Travel Biography History 910 Geography and travel. 910.1 Industries. 910.9 Exploration and discovery. 912 Atlases. 914 Travel Europe. 915 Travel Asia. 916 Travel Africa. 917 Travel North America, Central America, West Indies. 918 Travel South America. 919 Travel Australia and the islands. Arctic regions. 920 Biography Collective. 921 Biography Individual. 930 Ancient history. 940 General European and modern. 940.2 Modern Europe. 940.3 Great war, 1914- 940.4 Military history (Personal accounts). 940.5 Later 2Oth century. 970 Indian life and history. 973 American history. 973.1 Discovery. 973.2 Colonial. 44 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 973-3 Revolution. 973.4 Constitutional period. 973-5 War of 1812. 973.6 War with Mexico. 973-7 Civil War. 974 New England. 975 Southeastern. 976 South Central or Gulf. 977 North Central or Lake. 978 Western or Mountain. 979 Pacific. 980 South America. 990 Oceanica. Polar regions. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION SCHEME Agriculture Where classification of agriculture bulletins is desired, the following scheme will be useful. It will be noted that the numbers correspond to the classification used for books of Agri- culture in "Library books for High schools" (U.S. Bur. of edu- cation Bulletin 1917 no. 41) but are more extended. Classification for Agriculture Literature by Mrs. F. H. Ridgway, Berea College Library, Berea, Kentucky Library Journal O, 1913 630 Agriculture. .1, Rural sociology; .11, Statistics; .13, Agricultural eco- nomics; .131, Labor; .134, Co-operation; .136, Finance; .138, Production; .14, Agricultural legislation; .18, Trans- portation; .19, Country life; .191, Farm home; .192, Farm women; .193, Farm boys and girls. .2, Farm management; .22, Organization and equipment of farm ; .221, Farmstead, Fields, etc. ; .222, Farmhouse, Outbuildings, Fences (See also 728) ; .223, Farm ma- chinery and implements; .23 Administration of farm; .231, Farm accounting. .3, Dictionaries. Cyclopedias. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 45 4, Essays. Addresses. Popular literature about agricul- ture and country life. .5, Periodicals. .6, Societies. Proceedings, etc. .7, Study and teaching; .71 Elementary schools; .72, Secondary schools; .73, Colleges and universities; .74, Extension work; .75, Schools and experiment sta- tions; .76, Institutes, Summer schools; .78 Fairs, Exhibits. .8, Applied sciences; .83, Agricultural physics; .84 Agri- cultural chemistry.. .9, History. Travel and description. 631 Soils. .1 Physics. .2 Chemistry. 3 Tillage. .4 Crop rotation. .5 Fertilizers. .6 Reclamation. .7 Drainage. .8 Irrigation .9 Special areas. .91 Dry farming. .92 Irrigation farming. .93 Mountain farming. 632 Plant husbandry. .03, Dictionaries. Cyclopedias; .05, Periodicals; .06, Societies; .07, Study and teaching; .09, History. .1 Seeds and germination. .2 Planting and transplanting. .3 Training, pruning. 4 Breeding. .5 Pests and diseases. .51 Pests. .511 Animals (also beneficial). .512 Plant. .52 Diseases. .521 Parasitic. .522 Non-parasitic. .6 Protection from frost, drought, etc. 46 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT .7 Harvesting. Curing. Storing. .8 Marketing. Exhibiting. 633 Field crops. .01, General culture and care; .on, Seeds, Germination; .012, Planting; .014, Breeding; .015, Pests and diseases; .016, Protection; .017, Harvesting; .018, Marketing; O3, Cyclopedias; .05, Periodicals; .06, Societies; .07, Study and teaching; .09, History. .1 Cereal crops. (May arrange cereals in alphabetical order. Same arrangement may be made for other crops, for vegetables, fruits, etc., and for breeds of horses, etc.) .2 Forage crops. .21 Grasses. .22 Legumes. .3 Root crops. 4 Sugar plants. .5 Textile plants. .6 Alkaloidal plants. .7 Other. 634 Horticulture. .01, General culture and care; .on, Seeds. Germination; .012, Planting; .013 Pruning; .014, Breeding; .015, Pests .and diseases; .016, Protection; .017, Harvesting; .018, Marketing; .03, Cyclopedias. .05, Periodicals; .06, Societies; .07, Study and teaching; .09, History. .1 Vegetables. .11 Edible roots. .12 Edible stems. .13 Edible leaves. .14 Edible flowers. .15 Edible fruits. .16 Edible seeds. .17 Edible fungi. .2 Fruits. .21 Pomaceous. .22 Drupaceous. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 47 .23 Citrus. .24 Small fruits. .25 Grapes. .26 Nuts. .3 Floriculture. .31 Greenhouses. Conservatories. .32 Hotbeds. Coldframes. House plants. 33 Outdoor floriculture. .34 Bulbous and tuberous plants. .35 Cut flowers. .36 Annuals. .37 Other flowering plants. .38 Non-flowering plants. .39. Trees and shrubs. 635 Forestry. 03, Cyclopedias; .05, Periodicals; .06, Societies; .07, Study and teaching; .09, History. Travel and descrip- tion. .1 Silviculture. .2 Forest protection and preservation. .21 Pests and diseases. .3 Forest economics. .31 Forest policy. .311 Forest reserves. .5 Forest influences. .6 Management. .61 Mensuration. .62 Engineering. .63 Administration. .8 Utilization. .81 Lumbering. 636 Animal husbandry. .003, Cyclopedias; .005, Periodicals; .006, Societies; .007, Study and teaching; .009, History. Travel and descrip- tion; .01, Breeds; .02, Feeds and feedings; .03, Care and housing ; .04, Breeding ; .05, Pests and diseases ( See also 619) ; .08, Exhibiting. Judging. .1 Horses. .112 Draft horses. .11 Breeds. .113 Ponies. .in Light horses. .13 Feeding and care. 48 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT .14 Breeding. .15 Diseases. .18 Exhibiting. Judging. .19 Asses. Mules. .2 Cattle. .21 Breeds. .211 Beef breeds. .212 Dairy breeds. .213 Dual purpose breeds. .23 Feeding and care. .24 Breeding. .25 Diseases. .28 Exhibiting. .3 Sheep. .31 Breeds. 33 Feeding and care. .34 Breeding. .35 Diseases. .39 Coats. .4 Swine. .41 Breeds. .43 Feeding and care. .44 Breeding. .45 Diseases. .5 Poultry. .51 Breeds. .53 Feeding and care. .54 Breeding. .55 Diseases. .56 Chickens. .57 Ducks. .58 Turkeys. .59 Other. .6 Birds. .7 Dogs. .8 Cats. .9 Other. 637 Dairy farming. O3, Cyclopedias; .05, Periodicals; .06, Societies; .07, Study and teaching; .09, History. .1 Milk. .2 Butter. .3 Cheese. 638 Other agricultural industries. .1 Bee culture. .2 Silkworm culture. .3 Fish culture. .4 Trapping. 639 U.S., state, and foreign government documents. HOW TO CLASSIFY To classify successfully, a very careful study must be made of the classification tables to get an understanding of the relation of subjects and the significance of the numbers. Classification is based on subject-matter; therefore, the book to be classified must be carefully examined to find out what it is about, as the title does not always indicate the subject. Table of SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 49 contents must be studied, the introduction and at least part of the book read, before the subject can be fully determined. If there is an apparent choice of numbers the book is placed where it will be most useful. A course in classification in a library training class is in- dispensable to good work. Those unable to have such a course should follow closely the classification given in the Library lists for schools, for the titles given there, and get advice of a trained librarian for the others. Otherwise confusion will ensue. CLASSIFYING BY MEANS OF A CLASSIFIED SCHOOL LIBRARY LIST. Through the index at the back, the page on which the book is listed may be found. On turning to this page it will be no- ticed that a number of books are grouped alphabetically by author under a class number. The number printed at the head of the division is the classification number for- every book in that division, thus all books listed under 290 Mythology would be marked 290, those figures being the symbol for the subject Mythology, and indicate its position on the shelves. Fiction is not usually classified, but is arranged on the shelves alphabetically by author's name. Children's books or grade books are classified in the same way as adult or high school books, that is, by subject-matter, even though the story form is used. As a convenience in arrang- ing on separate shelves the character (y or j) is placed before the class number for the grade books and (Y or J) for grade fiction. No numbers should be used that are not found in the School library lists or in the Abridged decimal classification. BOOK NUMBERS In order to arrange the books alphabetically in each class, some libraries add below the classification number, the first letter of the author's surname. This is sufficient for small collections. CALL NUMBER The combination of class number and book number is known as the call number. To give more exact arrangement the Cutter alphabetic table may be used. From this, numbers are obtained to follow each author's initial and make strict alphabetical ar- rangement possible. 50 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT BOOK NUMBERS FOR INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY An exception is made to the rule of assigning book numbers from the author's name, in Class 921 Individual biography. Here the book numbers are assigned from the name of the per- son written about, the reason being that it is more useful to have all the biographies of a person grouped than to have them scat- tered according to author's name. BOOK NUMBERS FOR SHAKESPEARE Many schools have a large collection of Shakespeare's works, including collected works, individual plays, biography and criticism. To each book the number 822.3 is assigned and the group is arranged by use of the following book number scheme : Shakespeare scheme Book numbers: Ai Collected works M4 Merchant of Venice A2 All's well that ends well MS Merry wives of Windsor A3 Antony & Cleopatra M6 Midsummer night's dream A4 As you like it M7 Much ado about nothing C2 Comedy of errors O2 Othello C3 Coriolanus P2 Pericles 4 Cymbeline P3 Poems, including Sonnets - H2 Hamlet R2 Richard II H4 Henry IV R 3 Richard III HS Henry V 4 Romeo and Juliet H6 Henry VI T2 Taming o f the shrew H8 Henry VIII T3 Tempest J 2 Julius Caesar Timon of Athens K2 King John K 3 King Lear T * Titus & Cressida L2 Love's labor lost T ? Twelfth night M2 Macbeth T8 Two gentlemen of Verona M3 Measure for measure W2 Winter's tale X plus author's initials for books about .Shakespeare; biog- raphy, criticism, etc. Y plus initial for editor or compiler for concordances, dic- tionaries, etc. Thus the number for As you like it would be 822.3; for Raleigh- Shakespeare 822.3 A4 XR SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 51 BOOK NUMBERS FOR FICTION Fiction is arranged on the shelves, alphabetically by author's name. Since the author's name is on the back, no marking is necessary. If however, some marking ig preferred, the initial letter of the author's surname should be sufficient. Where ex- act arrangement is desired, the book is marked with numbers taken from the Cutter 2 figure alphabetic order table. MECHANICAL SIDE OF CLASSIFICATION When classifying, slips of paper are marked with the number and the slip placed in book so that number shows. It is left in book until it has been marked and is ready for the shelf. CLASSIFICATION MARKS IN BOOK The classification number is printed in pencil in the book, in the upper left-hand corner of the first recto (right hand page) back of the title page. It is also printed on the upper left-hand corner of the pocket and the left-hand side of the book card, on the third line. The latter marking should be ink, and it is more convenient to do it at the time the accessioning is done. As the books are classified, they should be grouped by class on the shelf and accessioned in order. 10. Accession Record This is a chronological list of the books added to the library and is a most important business record. It should show at a glance how many books the library has ever had, what they cost and whether they have been withdrawn and why. -It identifies each book and provides an inventory record for the library. All bound books belonging to the li' brary should be entered in it. It should never be kept in the same book with the charging record. ACCESSION BOOK A standard accession book only should be used. For schools, the Simplified accession book answers the purpose, and is the least expensive. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT D.lol Bill Numbcl AUTHOR TITLE 2, Mv'14 01 MotKe.T Groose MottTpr-iToose s mclocdi\e3 ed bvi Whee-leT" 02 -jU,o\a. I 1 l^fcttT ar\a\aH\/ \y> SvA-mYTiiP'r* 4*Vl5T 03 1 Pr-W TvnA"^^ , >^r wm1?r- 04 Steven son ^W Id ' I d "1~ X 05 o U&16& \n drsm-ai d ^BCco 06 fttlS D^e.uiA Tok/T N lp^ 07 \Al\l t,S j l l - J\A/(IJ -CamiU/ no\n\-nson eA V-io 5iTc,knt-J 08 7 / "i 5 ^ n j 1 09 ^tos^s Louisa, ^w ft\trftf 10 Wio<5m K, OrnTtln" tA 7 ^ro\dc.n r^aTn^&ys It 5^> 5nv mo"Tk\-me-r n 14 15 u 17 IK 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 53 PUBLISHER Yf SOURCE Cml Addtdby VoL Cla,, Wilhdr.wo NOTES Gift Bind- Date Cause 11 l-f- 1&9S 5-1- 1 op ors M tiki Wnmr . Artv-Y- Vik. l^iA 7^ xois il -\\ M C C ?.'- | ^ n | 3,4 -3f >*793 Sir Hay n^-r 7 ^P> ?, GrnnYi st i^ cwl y Nhf ll 54 C62 V v/ A^ole-fen 1*501 34 ^l a TUiUrcUs/ 1^67 | i" VSJTI / \e-, v-i Y-ntcAl I5I4- 1 | 15 G8C -R Hr>i IrtVflQp P l^f)l II s STO 4| 54 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT WORK OF ACCESSIONING Accessioning must be done neatly, accurately and in a busi- ness-like way. Good ink should be used, the writing must be clear and neat and the spelling exact. In accessioning an old library, the books are grouped to- gether by class before beginning the work. All the volumes in a set are brought together before any one is entered. This is a saving of time as ditto marks can be made for the author, title and publisher. Sets with first volume missing should not be entered. DIRECTIONS The standard rules for accessioning are given in the Intro- duction to the Accession book. These should be carefully studied before the work is begun and followed exactly. A few of the rules should be especially emphasized. No group of information should run beyond the space al- lotted to it. Enter only one book to a line, whether a single book or a volume in a set. Do not use an accession number a second time. If the book is lost or withdrawn, make note in withdrawal or notes column, but do not erase entry. Do not accession books in bad conditions, unbound pam- phlets, government or state documents unless they are classified as part of the library. The columns are filled as follows: DATE OF BILL This information is given by the business entry in new books; see page 35. AUTHOR Use real author's name, if author's name is known, surname only. When two authors, both surnames connected by "&." For collections, use editor's name. TITLE Brief but distinctive. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 55 PUBLISHER First name in a firm, e. g. : Houghton, for Houghton, Mifflin co. When the name is a phrase; abbreviated as A. L. A. pub. for A. L. A. publishing board. YEAR The title page date or copyright. SOURCE Name of firm from whom the book was bought. Give in abbreviated form. COST Cost to the library. ADDED BY GIFT Check mark is made in this column if book was obtained in this way. ADDED BY BINDING This column used only when pamphlet or volume of maga- zines has been bound and then accessioned. VOLUME Used only when book is in more than one volume, or dupli- cate copies of the same book are added to the library. In the latter case Cop. 2, etc., is given. CLASS Call number is given in this column, thus connecting acces- sion record with the shelves and the shelf list. WITHDRAWN When book is lost, destroyed or discarded, entry is made in withdrawal column, giving date and cause. COST Cost is never omitted when obtainable, but can rarely be given in accessioning an old library. 56 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT M HUNC LIBRUM Efcmunfco Wsatt OB INSIGNEM INTER CASTRA ITINERA OTIA NEGOTIA LITTERARUM AMOREM OLIM DEDICATUM NUNC MEMORIAE EJUSDEM CARISSIMI AMICI APUD ULUNDI OCCISI CONSECRAT AUCTOR Marks placed on first recto or right hand page back of the title page: upper left corner, call number; inner margin, business entry; lower margin, accession number. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 57 ACCESSION NUMBER IN BOOK In doing the work, the book to be accessioned is opened to the title page, and the information given here used, not that on the back of the book. Care must be taken to get the real au- thor's name and to distinguish between title and series. In shortening the title, the distinctive part should be retained so that it represents this book and no other. The person writing in the Accession book should complete the entry there and put the accession number (the number of the line on which it was entered) in ink, in the book, in the lower margin of the first recto (right-hand page) back of the title page. The accession number should also be printed on the book pocket in the upper right-hand corner, and on the book card, on the third line, right side. It is also placed on the shelf list card. ii. Writing the Book Card At the time of accessioning, the book card is written, using the same form for author's name, and title, as given in the Accession book. The information is placed in the following order : First line: Author's surname. Second line: Brief title. Third line, left side: Class number. Third line, right side: Accession number. For sample see page 63. As the books are accessioned they are transferred to another table to be marked. Care is necessary to prevent mixing the books and accessioning one the second time. If erasures in the Accession book are necessary, they are made with a sharp steel eraser and the erased spot well rubbed down with the hard end before another entry is attempted. 12. Marking The classification process is not complete until the books are marked on the back with the call number. Each book is marked in the same relative position, two inches from the bottom. Plain print figures are used, making all of uniform size, not too large but clear enough to be readily seen. 58 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT LABELS vs. WHITE INK The objections to labels are : It takes as much time to put on a label as it does to mark directly on the book, and the marking must be done in addition ; the labels come off easily and must be replaced constantly. The advantage of labels is that they are easier to print on than the book cloth, especially when it is soiled, and if poor marking has been done, it may be more easily remedied than when placed directly on the book. If labels are used, the book must be carefully prepared. A guide card is cut with a hole the exact size of the label, at the height it should be placed on the book. The guide is placed over the book and the sizing is removed with ammonia. The label is then put on and rubbed down very carefully. Each label is placed in the same relative position two inches from the bottom of the book. Round labels are usually used, and those of cloth are pre- ferred. Those with colored edges should never be used. WHITE INK MARKING Many librarians mark directly on the book, using white marking ink for dark books and India ink for very light ones. Special marking ink should be used, not writing ink which is too thin. The chief difficulty in marking with white ink comes from the ink clogging on the point of the pen. This may be obviated by working with two pens, keeping one in water when not in use. The ink should be well shaken before beginning work and should be thick enough to make a clear mark the first time. Water may be added to thin, when needed. If faint, the marking may be traced over, but the effect is not so good. If a mistake is made, the mark may be wiped off with a damp cloth. If the books are very soiled, the place to be marked is first cleaned with benzine. If labels have been taken off, the book must sometimes be shellacked and thoroughly dried before marking. On leather back books the place to be marked must first be shellacked. MARKING The writer sits at right angles to the work. A short, thick penholder is used and is held between the first and second SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 59 fingers. Placing the book with front cover on the edge of the tables, the book is supported by the left hand, while being marked. A guide card is used to insure uniformity of position of the marks on the books. A square is cut in the guide card large enough for the number. The guide card is used for each book, placing it even with the bottom. The call number is blocked at the left side that is, the first letter of the book number placed directly under the first figure of the class number. Library or conventional figures are used. See page 85. VARNISHING After the marking is dry the number is lightly coated with thin white shellac, to prevent its rubbing off. If more convenient, this can be done after the books are returned to the shelves. 13. Arrangement Books are arranged on the shelves by class in numerical or- der, running from left to right down the tier. In each class they are arranged alphabetically by author's name. Fiction which is not usually given a number, but only marked with author's initial, may be shelved before the 8oo's or at the end. It is arranged alphabetically by author's name. If the public library is housed with the school library, the public library fiction is arranged on separate shelves, not with the high school fiction. It is usually placed near the entrance most used by the public library patrons. In public libraries what is known as the "ribbon" arrange- ment of fiction is sometimes used. The fiction is placed on the top shelf, running around the room, with the classed books ar- ranged in regular order below. Grade books are kept in separate tiers of shelves. Here the numerical order is sometimes changed to place the books in yO28 First reading, y2OO Mythology and y3Q8 Fairy stories, which are read by the smaller children, on the lowest shelves. Reference books: i.e., encyclopedias, handbooks and books of general information are placed by themselves on special shelves, near the librarian's desk. RESERVE BOOKS Books assigned by a teacher for special use of a class for a limited time are placed on a special shelf during that period and 60 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT their use is restricted to pupils in that class. When the time of special use is over, the books are returned to their regular place on the shelves. These books may not be taken from the room, except for overnight, i.e., from hour of closing school in the afternoon until hour of opening next morning. Pamphlets are filed in a vertical file or in pamphlet boxes. If in boxes, they are classified and arranged on the shelves with the books on the same subject. When organizing, one-fourth of the space on each shelf is left to allow for growth. If shelves are filled full at the begin- ning, it soon becomes necessary to shift books and makes much unnecessary work. A book support should be supplied for each shelf to keep the books upright on the shelves. This is a great saving of wear on the books. All books should be placed flush with the edge of the shelf. Neat shelves add very greatly to the attractiveness of the room. 14. Shelf Marking As an aid to finding books quickly, each shelf is marked with number of the class and the subject: e.g., 320 Government. A label is made for every class in which there are books, and where there are several shelves of the same class each is marked. The simplest form of shelf marker is made of a strip of white Bristol board or catalog card, a little narrower than the shelf. The number and subject 'of the class are printed with rubber type or by hand, and it is fastened to the shelf edge with small upholstery tacks. Shelf label holders may be bought and tacked to the shelf edge. Other holders of black Japanned tin fit over the shelf. These are convenient because they can easily be moved. In or- dering, the thickness of the shelf must always be given. Many librarians used gummed letters and figures, placing them directly on the shelf edge. CLASSIFICATION OUTLINE This is neatly printed or typed and posted near the shelves as an aid in finding books. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Ci 15. Checking the School Lists If the books are classified according to a school library list, it will serve very well as an index to the library. Checking the classed part will show what books the library has on a sub- ject and in a List, giving grades, for what pupils they are suited. This gives not only an index to the library, but is an aid in selection of books. Checking the author and title index gives additional help in finding books. A checked school list is more useful than a hastily compiled card index made by someone who has not been trained for this work. 16. Charging System If the library is conducted in a business-like way, any book belonging to the library may be located quickly. If it is in the library it should be found on the shelf in its proper class number, if it is out, there should be a record showing to whom loaned and when it is due. This record is called the Charging record. For school libraries, a charging system must be used that is simple, speedy, reliable but flexible. BOOK CHARGING SYSTEM This is the simplest form and is commonly used in country schools. It is best for this purpose, as teachers are not trained to take care of the card system and they change frequently. A book may be bought for this purpose or a blank book ruled. The charging record is never kept in the accession book. The information a charging book should give is as follows : Title of book; To whom loaned; Date loaned; Date returned; Condition, or Fines. CARD CHARGING SYSTEM This system is installed as soon as there is a Teacher- librarian or Librarian. Some schools use slips for th'e charging of books, making out one each time a book goes out. This method takes more time than making the book card once for all. An adaptation of what is known as the Newark charging sys- tem is commonly used in schools. The essentials are: (i) the 62 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT bpok pocket pasted in the book; (2) the book card; (3) the dating slip, and (4) the charging tray with date guides. i. The book pocket should bear the name of the school library stamped or printed upon it at the bottom. At the top (left side) the call number should be printed and the accession number at the right. 921 121 R45 Ptfclio School Library Delano, Minn. 2. The book card represents the book in the library, when the book itself has been borrowed. The author's name, brief title, call number and accession number are written or typed upon it in the order shown on page 57. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT The information is given briefly, but must so represent the book that it cannot be mistaken for any other. Title should be exact, and volume or copy number may be added if desired. Rlis , Making of an American 1S1 UaH sup Bate Due Jl 2 5 13 When the book is on the shelf, the book card is in the book pocket. When it is out, it is in the charging tray. 3. The date slip is used to show the borrower when the book must be returned. This may be a slip of paper pasted on the fly 64 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT leaf opposite the book pocket or a slip the size of a book card put in the book pocket when the book card is taken out. In either case the date the book is due is stamped on the dating slip with a rubber stamp. PROCESS OF CHARGING BOOKS FOR HOME READING The book card is taken from the book pocket and on it is written the name of the borrower and the date due. This date is also written or stamped on the date slip, as a guide to the bor- rower as he must return the book within two weeks from date of issue. If the date slip is loose it is slipped into the book pocket. CHARGING RESERVE BOOKS In loaning books for over night, the book card is taken out and a slip marked Reserve and date due placed in book pocket. COLORED TIME CARDS The following account of the charging system of the Girls High School, Brooklyn, is quoted from Ward The high school library. "The essentials are the book card and time cards of three colors, brown, pink and blue, which are employed according to whether a book is lent for a study period, for overnight, or for two weeks, and which bear printed information to that effect. In charging books for over night or for a single study period the reader's name and room number are entered upon the book card, and a pink or brown time card is slipped into the book pocket. No dating is done. If the book is needed for two or more study periods the librarian writes *5th' or '6th' on the brown card be- fore slipping it into the pocket. When a book goes out for two weeks, the date due is added to a blue time card and to the book card. Circulation is counted each period." CLASS-ROOM COLLECTIONS Books loaned in sets to teachers for class-room use should be charged as a collection to the teacher, who in turn will assume responsibility for the charging to individual students if any books are taken out. For this reason, a book card must be left in the book when it goes to the class-room. A duplicate card is made SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 65 for each book and kept in the library, the whole group of cards being kept together as a charge against the teacher. The books are returned as a group, at which time the count of circulation is made from the record on the cards. BOOKS SENT TO BINDERY In preparation of books for the binder, the book cards are taken out and the date sent and the name of the binder written upon them. They are filed in the charging tray in front of guide card marked "Bindery." PICTURES In charging pictures, a charging slip is made giving subject of pictures, number, name of borrower and date due. A slip bearing the date they are due is attached to the folder in which they are given to the borrower. TIME LIMIT The length of time for which a book is loaned depends upon local needs. Reserve books are not loaned for a longer period than over night, or from Friday to Monday. The usual period for books of home reading is two weeks. Teachers are allowed to borrow books for class room use for an unlimited period, subject to recall of any book if it is greatly needed. Every library should have rules regulating the length of time a book may be kept, and the rules should be printed in the hand- book of the library, on the book plate, or framed and hung in the library. The following rules are suggestive : RULES FOR BORROWERS Any pupil is entitled to draw books by making application to the librarian. Any resident of the district may borrow books not needed in school work. Books may be retained two weeks, and may be renewed once for the same period, unless reserved for another borrower. Suitable fines (not more than one cent a day, or five cents a week, should be paid for books kept over time, and for loss or injury of books beyond reasonable wear. 66 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT No books may be taken from the library by any person with- out being charged. ROUTINE OF CHARGING Since the time when books must be charged is the time when the librarian is busy assisting students to find books, the stu- dents should be taught to do the charging of their own books; that is, write their name on the book card and the date due, on the book card and on the date slip, and deposit the cards in a box. BORROWERS' CARDS In the charging system here described no record is shown of what books any student has drawn. Where this informa- tion is desired a borrower's card must be used. RECORD OF BOOKS LOAKED Ptrst Month . Ik Th F Tota, Grade Fiction j Grade Claswd Dally Total H. S. Fiction H. S. Classed Dally Total Tu. W. Tb. F t \ In the Newark system, the borrower has a card which he takes to the library when he wishes to draw a book. This is stamped with the date due and the number or name of the book written on it. Where the library is used by the public, borrowers' cards are used for the town people. TAKING THE COUNT The number of books loaned gives an idea of the use of the library, though it does not always show it fully. It is therefore worth while to keep this record for a report on the SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 67 library. When the time of issuing books is over, the cards are counted and a record made under the headings : High school classed; High school fiction; Grade classed; Grade fiction. Since this information is given on the charging cards, this work is simply done. The blank, called "Record of books loaned in school libraries," is arranged with spaces for these items, for every day of the 10 months' school year. This blank should be provided and kept accurately. It will pay for itself in the saving of time in counting up the number of books loaned throughout the year. FILING THE CARDS The usual way of filing is by date due either by class, or alphabetically by author's name. Using this method, overdue books are easily noted. However, if a particular book is de- sired, it takes some time to locate it as the files for each day must be scanned. Filing alphabetically by author's name, instead of by date, makes it easier to find a particular book, but overdue books are hard to trace. DISCHARGING THE BOOKS When a book is returned, the date on the date slip is a guide to the librarian in finding the book card in the charging tray. No stamping is necessary. The book card is put in the book pocket and the book is returned to the shelf. If a borrower's card is used, the date the book is returned is stamped or written upon it. 17. Shelf Listing A shelf list is a card list of books in the library, the cards being arranged as the books are arranged on the shelves, i.e., by classes, and alphabetically in each class, by author. It is an index to the shelves; it shows the number of books the library has in each class and forms a subject index to the classed books and an author list for the fiction. It bears the same relationship to the library that the table of contents does to a book. 68 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT MAKING A SHELF LIST To make a shelf list, only one card is made for each book; it therefore takes much less time than the making of a full catalog. It is more economical of service to do the other work of organization first, that the books may be put into circulation. Shelf listing is done one class at a time. All the books in the class that are on the shelf are listed and the charging tray examined, to see if any of the books of the class are out. As they are returned, the shelf list card is made before the books are returned to the shelf. A mark is put in the book to show that it has been shelf-listed. CARDS White cards of standard make are used. These are of rag stock and are accurately cut and well finished to give good writing surface. Standard cards are approximately 3x5 and are punched for round rods. They should be of light or medium weight. Ruled cards should be bought for hand-written cards and plain cards, if they are to be typewritten. On the ruled cards the vertical red lines indicate the position for the infor- mation. The author's name is placed at the first red line; the title at the second red line. These are called first arid second indentions. If the work is done on the typewriter, care must be taken to get the information in the same relative position. Card attachments may be bought for the machine, to assist in uniformity. Each card is put in the typewriter at the same place. Writing is begun two single spaces from the top. If call number is begun at I, author's name is placed at 8; title at n. If carried over to next line, writing is begun at 8. The numbers 8 and n correspond to the first and second indentions on the ruled cards. FORM Call number is placed in the upper left corner; the class number on the same line with the author's name, author's initial, author number or book number on the second line directly under the first figure of the class number; author's name, on SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 69 top line, beginning at first indention; title, on second line, be- ginning at second indention. Author's name is given briefly, surname first, followed by comma, then forename if but one, initials if more than one. This is called secondary fullness of author's name. If the book is by two authors, names of both are given, connected by &; e.g., Beard, C. A. & Beard, M. R. If book is by more than two authors, the name of the first is given, in secondary fullness "& others." If the book is a com- pilation, "ed" is added one-half inch after editor's name. In the case of classics which have been edited or translated by different persons, the original author's name is used for entry. Title is given briefly", enough, however, to clearly distin- guish the book. "If the book has been edited by some one of importance the title statement includes "ed. by ." BIOGRAPHY To correspond with the arrangement on the shelves, shelf list cards for 921, Individual biography, have on the top line, second indentation, the name of the person written about; on the second line, first indention, author's name; on the third line, second indention, title of the book, if distinctive. Call number is placed as on any shelf list card. SHELF LIST CARD SAMPLE CARD 320 Beard, E. A. B American citizenship SHELF LIST CARD INDIVIDUAL BIOGRAPHY SAMPLE CARD yQ2i Mendlessohn M Isaacs, A. S. Step by step 123 70 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT The accession number is placed under the call number, leav- ing one line space between. If the book is in more than one volume the accession numbers are placed in columns, followed by volume numbers. Duplicate copies are treated in the same way. SHELF LIST AS SUBSTITUTE FOR ACCESSION BOOK The shelf list is sometimes used as a substitute for the acces- sion book. This seems particularly desirable in organizing a large, old school library where no business record has been kept of the purchase price, etc. In this case the shelf list is made as soon as the books are classified. As new books are shelf listed, publisher, date of purchase and price are included on the shelf list card. HOW TO TAKE THE COUNT FROM SHELF LIST The number of items on the cards is counted and an entry made on a guide card filed in front of shelf list, e.g. : Number of books recorded on shelf list Date When new books are added, make entry on the same card. e.g. : Books added Date THE CATALOG The library is not equipped for fullest service until a catalog is provided which lists all the material available. The catalog bears the same relationship to the library that an index does to a book. The catalog should answer the questions: What books by a certain author are in the library? Has the library a book of a certain title? What material on any subject the library contains, whether whole book or part. It should also give information about the book, such as edition, publisher, and date of publication. KINDS Printed catalogs A printed catalog is out of date as soon as it is printed, and is never complete. This and the expense of printing discounts the advantage of being able to use it away from the library. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 71 Card catalog This is the modern form of index to libraries and may be constantly kept to date. The dictionary arrangement is used; that is, author, title and subject cards are arranged in one alphabet like the words in a dictionary. MAKING A CATALOG This is a technical piece of work and should not be .under- taken without study of cataloging methods and definite instruc- tion. It is a waste of time and money for the untrained person to attempt to make a catalog. Librarians in school libraries should have at least the course offered in elementary cataloging in a summer school of library training before attempting this work. SUBSTITUTES FOR THE CATALOG Since school library lists are arranged by subject and have full author and title indexes they will serve very well as substi- tutes for a catalog of books in a school library. The titles found on the shelves should be checked on the list in the subject part and also in the author and title index. THE SHELF LIST A shelf list is a list on cards of all the books in the library, arranged in the same order in which the books are placed on the shelves, that is, by class numbers. It shows how many books the library has on any subject. It may serve somewhat as a sub- ject catalog, of all the books on a subject, if an alphabetical in- dex of subjects is also provided to help those who are un- familiar with the numbers used for the different subjects. It does not by any means take the place of the subject catalog which indicates all the material on a subject in the library, whether a whole book or a part. USE OF PRINTED CARDS Printed catalog cards may be bought for school libraries. These are of two kinds: 72 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Indexer cards The Indexers, 5526 So. Park Avenue, Chicago, have cataloged a large number of titles in civics, history and other subjects ex- tensively used in schools. It is their policy to make a large number of cards for each book to bring out under a suitable subject heading, every bit of material. The cards are marked with the subject heading and are sent accurately arranged for placing in the card catalog cabinet. The classification or call number must be added. The price is two cents per card and the cost of cataloging each book will depend on the number of different topics, or subjects, of which the book treats. Library of Congress cards Printed cards may be obtained from the Library of Con- gress. These give very full information concerning the book. The cards are not filled out for use in a dictionary catalog. Each card is identical and to adapt for dictionary catalog use, call number, title and subjects must be added at the top, and the cards filed. Cost of Library of Congress cards If ordered by the Library of Congress order number, the cost is two cents for the first card. Additional cards cost one cent. The order number for L. C. cards is given in the A. L. A. Catalog, A. L. A. Book list, "Library books for High Schools." (U.S. Bureau of Education Bulletin, 1917, no. 41). Thus the order number for Holland Builders of United Italy, is 8-24568/11 and the number following the slanting line indicates that eleven cards are needed to fully catalog the book. Since this is a book of collective biography, more cards are needed than for a book largely or wholly on one subject. In the latter case, one card for author, one for title and one for subject is sufficient. Order numbers for L. C. cards are also given in the United States Catalog, and the Cumulative Book Index found in the larger public libraries. CATALOGING The making of a card catalog is sometimes regarded as an interesting piece of work, merely as a task. It should be made from the standpoint that the catalog has a very definite place SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 73 in the school library, that of making quickly available all the material in the books in this particular library, and no card should be made, and no information put on any card that does not contribute to this purpose. A well made catalog is of infinite value in school library work. With a good catalog a small collection of books will give better service than a large collection without one. It is obvious that fuller cataloging is needed when the collection is small than when there are a great many books. New books are much easier to catalog than old ones, which often involve many problems. Unless the old book is of known value to the library, little time should be spent in cataloging it. Place in the routine In the organization of an old library, the other parts of the work, classification, accessioning, charging system, marking and shelving should be finished before the work of cataloging is begun, so that the use of the books may not be delayed. One class should be done at a time, in the order in which the material is needed. A check should be made in the book and on the shelf list card when the book is cataloged. This is desirable in the event that the work begun may not be com- pleted by the same person. All records should show, at all times, the state of the work. Materials The same kind of cards are used for cataloging as for the shelf list. See page 68. In making typewritten catalog cards it is desirable to have a bichrome, red and black typewriter ribbon, so that the sub- ject heading may be put on in red. Some libraries also give call number in red. Cataloging details and practice If the catalog is to be useful, the person making it must be accurate, neat, have a knowledge of the whole field of books, be acquainted with reference books, have good judgment, and the technical training necessary to get all of the above. No book can take the place of instruction. 74 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Reference books for catalogers Biographical and other reference books must be consulted to determine correct form and fullness of author's names. The A. L. A. catalogs and the A. L. A. book list follow library usage. For names not included there, the following books are useful : Century Book of names and New International encyclopedia for all nationalities. Dictionary of national biography, index and epitome; and Who's Who, for English, and Who's Who in America, for American. The usage of each biographical dictionary in form of entry must be taken into account and the form chosen made to con- form to cataloging rules. Manuals The best manuals of cataloging rules for the small library are Hitchler Cataloging for small libraries, A. L. A. pub. bd., 78 E. Washington St., Chicago, $1.25, and A. L. A. Catalog rules ; author and title entries, 1908, A. L. A., pub. bd., 60 cts. These should be bought before the work of cataloging is begun. This discussion does not attempt to include all the rules for cataloging, but only to lay emphasis on certain essentials and adaptations for school library uses. The rules covering all points should be studied, in relation to the particular library to be cataloged. After a rule is adopted it should be consistently followed in all similar cases, and it should be marked as a guide to succeeding librarians. In simplified cataloging, only the essential items are given. These must be carefully chosen for accuracy and exactness of information, and to so clearly represent the book that it may not be mistaken for any other. The judgment to choose the essentials comes from training and accurate instruction. Form Each entry card bears the call number, showing the location of the book on the shelf and thus connecting the classification and cataloging records. Fiction usually has no call number. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 75 The information is placed on the cards in the same relative positions as on the shelf list cards, call number at left; au- thor's name, inverted, at first indention; title begins at second indention, second line, returning to first indention if more than one line long. For example see page 69. Capitalisation No words are capitalized excepting the first word, and proper names. Punctuation Rules are given in the A. L. A. Rules. Avoid double punctuation. Period is not used after author's forenames in heading, but is used at the end of the title. Semi-colon is used between the title and the secondary, or explanatory title. KINDS OF CARDS To give the information desired, three kinds of cards are essential : Author, title, and subject cards. Author card This is called the main entry card and is the one which repre- sents the book most fully. It is a transcript of the title page. The simplest form of author is made for fiction, and gives author, title or titles, only. The main entry card for all classed books, i.e., all books other than fiction, gives on the face of the card, the call number; author's name in full; title; imprint, i.e., publisher and date. When of special importance edition statement; collation; series note; and contents are also given. To insure uniformity, the author's name as given on the title page must be verified with the catalog if the library has one, or with the reference books. The making of the author card involves choice of form of name in a number of cases: Anonymous classics: e.g. Mother Goose, Arabian nights Compound names: e.g. Lloyd-George Corporate names Married women's names Names with prefixes Pseudonyms ;6 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT The rules for these entries are given in Hitchler Cataloging for small libraries. The usage of "Library books for High schools" (U.S. Bureau of ed. Bulletin, 1917, no. 41.) should be observed. Conforming to the rules for the particular kind of name the usual practice is to enter a book under the real author's name in the best known form, placing the surname at the first indention, followed by a comma and the forenames commonly used. Un- usual forenames never used by the author are omitted: e.g., Hugo, Victor, not Hugo, Victor Marie. JOINT AUTHORS If two authors have worked equally upon a book, the names of both are given: name of the first author in full, followed by &, and the name of second author in secondary fullness, i.e., surname and initials. With three authors, the name of the first "& others" is given. EDITOR AS AUTHOR When one person has gathered and edited the work of several writers, the name of the editor is used as author. The abbrevia- tion "ed." is placed one-half inch after the name. BODY AS AUTHOR State and national publications and those of societies are en- tered under the official name of the body which issues them: e.g., the book on Diseases of the horse, issued by the Bureau of animal industry at Washington, would be cataloged thus : (Author) U.S. Animal industry bureau (Title) Diseases of the horse NAME REFERENCES When choice is made of form for author's name, a reference card is placed in the catalog directly from the unused name to the form chosen for entry, e.g. : Twain, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, Samuel Langhorne TITLE ON THE MAIN CARD The title is given as it appears on ,the title page, omitting the initial article unless such omission destroys the sense. In the case of well known titles, portions preliminary to the real title SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 77 may be omitted, such as (Personal history of) David Copper- field. All the title used is to b.e written in one sentence, separat- ing secondary or explanatory portions by a semicolon. The title is to be followed by a period. If the book is notably illustrated this information is given as a portion of the title, separated by a semicolon, e.g., Alice in Wonderland; illus. by Arthur Rack- ham. Similarly, the statement regarding editor or translator, if important, is given, using the abbreviations : ed. & tr. EDITION Many books bear on the title page a statement regarding edition. If the copyright dates show that the book has been re- copyrighted it is evident that new material has been added and that the book is a new edition, and note of this should be made. Edition statement follows the title and is placed one-half inch after it, on the card, e.g.: 3d ed. rev. & enl. Series statements given as edition are disregarded, e.g.: Camelot edition. IMPRINT On all classed books, imprint, which is a statement of pub- lisher and date of publication, is given on the main card, one- half inch after title or after edition statement. Publisher's name is given in same abbreviated form as used in accessioning, that is, first name in a firm. If both English and American firms are given, the American is used. Place of publication is not given for well known publishers. Publisher and date are separated by a comma, unless a period used for abbreviation takes its place. Statement is finished with a period, e.g., Houghton, 1912. DATE Give last copyright date. If no copyright date, give title page date. COLLATION Collation includes pages, volumes, illustrations. In school library cataloging paging is not usually given. Volumes (when more than one) are noted for all books whether fiction or classed. Place volume statement one-half inch after imprint, e.g., 2v. If illustrations are valuable but are not by an artist of sufficient importance to be mentioned in the title, they are noted 78 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT as part of the collation (e.g., 2v. illus.), using the term to cover several kinds of illustrations. If the book has only one kind of illustration, that kind is mentioned, e.g.: Maps. SERIES NOTE If a book is one of an important series, one that adds value or authority to the work, a series ndte is added on the main card of a classed book. This information follows the last group of information on the card and is separated from it by one-half inch space. The statement is enclosed in ( ) and briefly given, omitting the word series unless necessary to the sense, e.g.: (American men of letters). NOTES Important information about the book, not covered by the title, is given in a note. The usual cases are sequels, or changed titles. Space of one line is left between main body of title and the note, beginning note at the second indention. CONTENTS The last group of information given on the face of the main card is the contents note. "Contents" is given for short stories, plays, collective biography, works in sets where the general title does not show the scope of the separate volume. The word Contents is placed on the second line below the main body of the title, at the second indention, with a colon. Chap- ter headings follow immediately. Each title begins with a cap- ital and each item is separated from the next by a period and dash. If each chapter is by a different author, the name of the author is included. Giving Contents for sets in volumes, the word Contents is placed as usual on the second line below the title at the second indention, and on the next line between the first and second indentions, the volume number is given, the title beginning at the second indention, followed by the author's name. If one volume of the set is missing, space for the contents of that volume is left. No writing should be done on the card lower than the line above the hole, continuing contents on second card. The cards are numbered and the first card bears at the bottom, the statement : See next card. On the succeeding cards, call no., author's name and Contents cont'd are given. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 79 TRACINGS These are marks placed on the back of the author or main entry card to show what additional cards have been made for that particular book. In case of a book being withdrawn from the library, all cards would need to be removed from the catalog, hence the convenience of having them indicated on the author card. Since tracings are for the cataloger's use only, and would be confusing to the public, they are placed on the back. They are so placed that they may be seen without re- moving the card from the drawer, "t" indicates that title card has been made; subject words are written out . Secondary entries All cards made in addition to the author or main entry card are called secondary entries. The information on these is given in briefer form. The author's name is placed on the second line, and is given in secondary fullness, i.e., initials are used instead of full name, if the author has more than one. Title card or title entry This answers the question: Is a certain book in the library? Since the majority of people think of books by title, it is necessary to make title cards for all the books which might be asked for by title. If the title of the book is the same as the subject heading the title card is omitted. If the secondary title is distinctive and the book might be known by it, title card for this would be made also. On this card, call number is given, as usual, brief title placed on the top line, second in- dention, omitting the articles for titles in English unless neces- sary to the sense, in which case it is enclosed in ( ). For foreign titles, article should be given, e.g., (L)'avare. The author's name is given on the second line, surname beginning at the first or author indention, comma, forename in full if but one, initials if more than one forename. Date is not necessary on title card. If more than one volume, the statement follows title. Subject card or subject entry This card answers the question: Has the library any ma- terial on a certain subject? A subject card is made for every 80 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT book about any subject, and as many subject cards may be made for any book as are necessary to list it under all the different subjects of which it treats. Occasionally subject cards are made for literary forms or kinds of books such as atlases and encyclopedias. Subject cataloging is the most useful of all cataloging be- cause it makes all the material in the library available. It is also the most difficult as it requires a wide knowledge of books and subjects, and their relationship; good judgment, discrimina- tion in the use of terms, and technical knowledge of cataloging practices and cataloging tools. CHOOSING A SUBJECT HEADING Choice of a subject heading for a book in any library will be determined (i) by the content or subject-matter of the book, and (2) by the needs of the particular library. When working with new books, the subject heading would be chosen at the time the classification number is decided upon. The library must own a subject heading book and when a heading is chosen from it, the word is checked as a guide for future use. Standard guides for subject headings are: A. L. A. Guide to subject headings. A. L. A. pub. 2.50 Mann. A.L.A. headings for juvenile catalogs. A.L.A. pub. 1.50 A.L.A. Book list. Subject index. A.L.A. pub. 25c For new subjects the Reader's guide to periodical literature is useful. Discussion of subject cataloging, including choice of head- ings, forms of headings and country sub-divisions, is found in Hitchler Cataloging for small libraries. This should be care- fully studied. Personal names, geographical names, names of months, days, processes in arithmetic, and parts of speech are not included in the A. L. A. Subject headings. CHOICE OF SUBJECT HEADINGS Careful choice of subjects is necessary, to bring out all the material in the books. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 81 The title page, table of contents and introduction are exam- ined and the book scanned .to find out what it is about. The classification number gives some indication of the content, but classification confines the book to one particular place or sub- ject, and as many subject headings may be chosen as there are different subjects treated in the book. To answer the question : What is the book about ? the most specific term is chosen ; for example, having a book about Flow- ers only, this word would be used as a subject heading rather than the term Botany. If a book treats of two subjects which are similar, but not expressed by the same or synonymous terms, subject cards are made for both. All words used as subject headings are verified with the subject heading book that the work may be kept uni- form. Exactness in the use of terms must be cultivated. For example, the heading Books and reading would not be used for Ward Practical use of books and libraries, which is about Reference books. Personal names used as subject headings, as in the case of biography and criticism, must be verified as if they were author's names, in the biographical reference books. Official names of societies and organizations are determined from such usual reference books as the World almanac and the encyclopedia. Geographical names must also be verified for form and spelling. This verification is done once for all the first time the term is used and note made in the subject heading book. The A. L. A. Book list indicates subject headings under each title listed. The needs of the particular library will determine whether more subject cards should be made. The librarian should be thoroughly familiar with the course of study in the school and in cataloging the library, list all material that would be useful. FORM OF SUBJECT CARD Call number is given as usual, the subject heading sometimes in red, or in black, on top line at second indention. Author's name on second line at first indention, in secondary fullness. Title, imprint and other information is given in the same fullness as on the author or main card. 82 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SUBJECT REFERENCE CARDS When choice of term is made a reference card is made for the catalog directing from the term not used to the subject word under which all material is listed. These are of two kinds : (1) See reference These direct from other possible forms of a subject to the one used in this catalog. To illustrate : The A. L. A. Subject headings gives the term Farm implements and machinery. To enable one who might look under the heading Agricultural machinery to find the material the library contained on that subject, a reference card is made: Agricultural machinery. See Farm implements and machinery. See references are made for synonymous and also for op- posite terms. (2) See also references These direct to related subjects. A library may have a book covering the whole field of botany, including something on flowers. The subject heading for this book is, of course, Botany. It might also have a book dealing wholly with flow- ers, and for this the heading would be Flowers. To connect the two, or any subject and its sub-division also represented in the catalog a See also reference is made, e.g. : Botany. See also Ferns Flowers If red headings have been used on the subject cards, the same color is used for subject references. ANALYTIC ENTRIES Cards are made for parts of books when the part is not in- dicated by the author, title or subject card for the whole book. These may be made for author, title or subject. The form for analytic entries is the same as for other author, title or subject cards, with the additional statement giving the location and pag- ing for the part analyzed. See sample card, page 85. Series cards are sometimes made to list all the titles the library has of an important series. See examples in Hitchler Cataloging for small libraries, page 190. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 83 Editor or translator cards are not usually called for in school libraries. Illustrator cards are useful to show what work by an artist is in the library. FILING THE CARDS The catalog cards are filed in a card cabinet, having drawers fitted with round rods, on which the cards may slip easily. If filed in drawers without rods, cards are easily lost and the cat- alog becomes incomplete and useless. Room for growth of the catalog is allowed and markers in- serted in the label holders on the drawers. The shelf list and the catalog are always filed separately. SAMPLE CARDS Sample card to show placing of information Call Author No. Title Edition statement Imprint Collation Series note Author card Fiction Blackmore, Richard Doddridge Lorna Doone; a romance of Exmoor. 2V. Author card Classed books 973.2 Thwaites, Reuben Gold T42 The colonies, 1492-1750. Rev. ed. Longmans, c. 1910. Maps. (Epochs of American history.) 84 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Author card Contents 814 Crothers, Samuel McChord C88 Among friends. Houghton, c. 1910. Contents: Among friends. Anglo-American school of polite unlearning. Hundred worst books In praise of politicians. My missionary life in Persia. The colonel in the theological seminary. Author card More than 2 authors 580 Clements, Frederic Edward & others C59 Minnesota trees and shrubs; an illustrated manual of the native and cultivated woody plants of the state, by F. E. Clements, C. O. Rosendahl, and F. K. Butters. Univ. of Minn. 1912. (Minnesota Geological & natural history sur- vey. Reports: Botanical series, no. 9) Title card Lorna Doone. Blackmore, R. D. Subject card 973.2 U.S. History Colonial period, 1607-1775 T42 Thwaites, R. G. The colonies, 1492-1750. Rev. ed. Longmans, c. 1910. Maps. (Epochs of American history.) SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 85 Subject card Biography 921 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne C Howells, W. D. My Mark Twain. Harper, 1910. Illus. Subject card Analytic 814 Books and reading C Crothers, S. M. Convention of books. (In his Among friends. c. 1910 p. 96-128.) Note Sample cards are not full size. L. B. Library hand card Disjoined ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ abcde fghijkl m nop Cjrstuvwxyz. 1234567890 & Take, great pains to have all writing uniform in size, slant, spacing 8c forms of letters. 86 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Rules for Arrangement of Cards in a Dictionary Catalog A. General principles: 1. Arrange all cards or entries, whether author, title, sub- ject or reference, alphabetically according to the English alphabet. 2. Alphabet word by word, rather than letter by letter. Every word to be regarded except the initial article, e. g. Art of living At anchor Artist Atala 3. Arrange "nothing before something." e. g. A. B. C. of electricity Aalesund Brown, T. L. Brown, Thomas 4. Consider punctuation, i. e., arrange first by that part of the heading which is before a mark of punctua- tion, then arrange when necessary by the part after the punctuation. e. g. Green, Thomas Art Medieval Green mountain boys Art in literature B. Special rules: 1. Arrange separately names that differ slightly in spelling. e. g. Brown, W. G. Browne, Frances Browne, W. H. 2. (a) Arrange German words spelled with the vowels, a, 6, ii, as if they were spelled a, o, u. (b) Arrange German names written with ae, ce, ue, according to the spelling, e. g. Mueller, F. B. Muller, A. J. Muller, Max Munsterberg, Hugo 3. Arrange all abbreviations as if spelled in full : Me., St., Dr., Mr., Mile., as Mac, Saint, Doctor, Mister, Mademoiselle, etc. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 87 4. Numerals in titles of books should be treated as if written out in .the language of the rest of the title. e. g. ipth century Ninety-three 5. Disregard the apostrophe in the possessive case and in elisions which are to be treated as one word, e.g. Boy's & girl's book Who wrote the Bible? Boy's King Arthur Who's who Boys of '76 6. Arrange names compounded with prefixes as single words. e. g. McAulay, A. Lacombe Macaulay, T. B. La Farge Mach, Ernst Lafayette McKenzie, Alexander La Fontaine MacKenzie, J. S. 7. Arrange personal names compounded of two names, with or without a hyphen, after the first name but before the next longer word, e. g. Lane, William Lane-Poole, Stanley Laneham, Robert 8. Arrange proper names beginning with Saint, Sainte, as separate words. e. g. New, John Saint-Pierre, Jacques de Saint-Amand, Imber de Saint-Beuve, C. A. St. John, T. M. St. Petersburg 9. Arrange compound names of places as separate words. e. g. New John New York New Hampshire Newark New legion of Satan Newfoundland New Sydenham society Newspapers 10. Arrange as single, compound words which are printed as one : e. g. Bookselling 88 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 11. Arrange hyphened words as if separate. e. g. Book illustration Book-plate Book review Bookbinding 12. Arrange by forenames headings in which the surname is the same. (a) In a heading (not in a title) disregard the prefixes: Mrs., Sir., Gen., Capt, etc. e. g. Smith, Sir Charles Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, John (b) When surname and forenames are the same, arrange by whatever designation is used to distinguish the two persons. Arrange chron- ologically by date if there is no other distinc- tion. e. g. Smith, John Smith, Capt. John 13. When the same word serves for several kinds of headings, arrange alphabetically by the secondary or explanatory part of the headings, but keep in sep- arate groups, names of persons and subdivisions of a subject. e. g. Washington, Booker Art, G. tr. Washington, George Art (subject) Washington, George (subject) Art Criticism Washington, Conn. Art Study and teaching Washington, D. C. Art education Washington, Mount Art in flowers Washington (state) Washington, Treaty of Washington art association Washington monument 14. Forenames used as headings precede the same names as surnames. e. g. James, St. the Apostle James, Henry James Pendergast free library SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 89 15. Arrange forenames which are the same, alphabetically by the designation following. Disregard numerals in the alphabetical arrangement, but arrange a name followed by a numeral after one without, e.g. John, Saint John Bull John II, King of France John Halifax, gentleman John IV, King of Portugal John of Austria John, Eugenie John of Faunt 16. Arrange all subdivisions of a subject alphabetically. e. g. Art Ancient Art Bibliography Art French Art Study & teaching Exception : Under the subdivision History : (a) Arrange period divisions chronologically. (b) Arrange other divisions alphabetically before the chronological divisions, e. g. United States History Bibliography United States History Sources United States History Revolution United States History Civil war 17. Under the names of places use a strict alphabetical arrangement for all subheads, whether names of official departments, subject divisions, or names of organizations entered under place. e. g. Washington (state). Constitution Washington (state). History Washington (state). State treasurer Washington (state). University Washington state historical society 18. Arrange see also reference after the subject entries. 19. Under an author's name adopt the following order: (a) Works of author, whether single or collected, arrange alphabetically by first word in title. Include words as joint author and. works as editor or compiler. (b) A criticism of a particular work is filed behind the title criticised. QO SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT (c) A translation is arranged alphabetically by its own title, not behind the original. 20. Arrange Bible headings as follows : (a) Bible (texts) Bible (as subject) (b) Bible. N. T. (texts) Bible. N. T. (as subject) Bible. N. T. (single books or groups arranged alphabetically) (c) Bible. O. T. (same arrangement as under N. T.) Guide cards : General rule : One to every twenty-five cards. Usually thirds are used. Put whole word on guide card. Where headings are complicated as U. S. & Bible, put in cards more frequently. Pamphlets Much material is obtainable in bulletin, circular and pamphlet form which may be of help in the school library, by providing timely information on many subjects, at small cost. From the mass of such, only that of direct value to the library should be collected and saved. SOURCES OF MATERIAL Government publications, particularly the reports and bulle- tins of the U. S. Bureau of education and the U. S. Depart- ment of agriculture should be regularly received. Bulletins of other government departments and bureaus may be asked for as needed. The A. L. A. Book-list includes quarterly an an- notated list of Government documents of especial value. Each department publishing bulletins furnishes them free as long as the supply lasts. When the department supply is ex- hausted and the pamphlet must be secured from the govern- ment printing office, a nominal sum must be paid. State documents, University bulletins, State society publica- tions are obtainable free. College catalogs are sent upon request. N. E. A. publications and bulletins, pamphlets of the Voca- tional bureau of Boston, bulletins of the Drama league of America, and those of other organizations are obtainable by joining the organization. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 91 Information regarding other organizations and societies and their bulletins may usually be obtainable by writing the presi- dent. Addresses of societies are given in the World almanac. Miscellaneous material includes advertising pamphlets on specific products, industries or occupations, pamphlet biogra- phies issued by publishing companies, descriptive accounts of localities by government bureaus or railroads, pamphlets ex- plaining the work and organization of various societies. Lists of such material are issued from time to time in school jour- nals and library periodicals, and in bibliographies of books. Such lists are soon out of date as the material goes out of print in a short time. CARE Unorganized pamphlet material is worse than useless because it becomes clutter in the library. Each piece must be classified as soon as it is received, and filed at once. Whatever method of filing is followed, it must be consistent, orderly and under- standable. FILING CASES The vertical file is preferred because it provides the most substantial and permanent storage place for pamphlets. It keeps them clean and in good condition, and makes them easily accessible. The file should be of standard make and size. For ordinary pamphlets the letter size is used but for pictures, especially when mounted, the legal size is better. Bulletin boxes are inexpensive and provide good temporary filing places for pamphlets and volumes of magazines. Pam- phlet binders are obtainable and make a good temporary case for single pamphlets, or a group which are to be classified, marked and shelved like books. Manual arts classes will often bind pamphlets for the li- brary. METHODS OF FILING Bulletins of which the library keeps a complete file are ar- ranged by number. 92 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Subject arrangement Miscellaneous bulletins are arranged by subject or by classi- fication numbers. Using the first method, in the vertical file, each pamphlet is marked with the subject word. A folder or guide is used for each subject and all are arranged in alphabetical order. When the pamphlets are filed in boxes, they are marked on the outside with the subject and alphabetically arranged on the shelves, and kept as a separate collection. An index to the pamphlets in the box may be pasted on the outside of the box. Subject headings like those for cataloging should be chosen from the A. L. A. list of subject headings (see page 80). Classed arrangement To keep all the material the library has on a subject, whether books or pamphlets, together on the shelves, the classed and numbered arrangement is necessary. Each pamphlet is marked with the class number, boxes are labeled with number and sub- ject, and the boxes are placed on the shelves with the books bear- ing the same number. When the library contains a very large number of pamphlets on subjects like agriculture, or education, a more detailed clas- sification is necessary than for the books. Detailed classification schemes for agriculture and education are given on pages 44-8 and 40-1. When new pamphlets are received which supersede in inter- est and information those in the file, the old ones should be re- moved and destroyed. RECORDS OF PAMPHLETS Pamphlets are never entered in the accession book until after they are permanently bound. A subject card for each pamphlet is made for the catalog in the usual form. The designation "pamph." is added to show that the material is in pamphlet box or file rather than in a book on the shelves. USE OF PAMPHLETS No pamphlets should be taken from the room without being charged by the librarian. A temporary slip may be made giving the class number of the box and the number of pamphlets taken, the date and name of the borrower. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 93 When pamphlets are assigned to a class for special work, they should be put in a temporary binder, like those used in magazine table lisev PICTURES A collection of pictures is of very great use in the school, and may be accumulated without great expense. Pictures from the Mentor magazine, clippings from illustrated magazines and worn-out books, and inexpensive prints will help start the collec- tion. The pamphlet by Dana & Gardner, Aids in High school teaching: pictures and objects (H. W. Wilson co., 958-64 Uni- versity ave., New York) discusses the subject fully and gives addresses of sources. FILING PICTURES As pictures are collected, they should be trimmed, classified by marking with subject word or by the regular classification system of the library, and put in envelopes marked with the sub- ject, or class number. MOUNTING Before they are allowed to circulate, the pictures must be mounted. For very light pictures or prints, construction paper may be used. This comes in sheets, 24x36, and will make four mounts 9x12. It may be obtained in all colors, the price varying according to color. Heavier mounts are made from cover paper, mounting and press board, which come in large sheets of varying sizes. Uniform sizes of mounts are desirable because of the filing, the two sizes being commonly used to take care of all ordinary size pictures. They must be of a size that will file readily in the vertical file. Gray, tan or brown are the most desirable colors. The picture must be accurately placed on the mount and carefully pasted to the mount with thin photo paste, then placed under a press until thoroughly dry. Subject word or classification number should be added to facilitate filing. This may be placed on the front of the picture in the upper right corner. PART III ADMINISTRATION Appropriation (Abridged from North central assoc. Report on Library organization and equipment.) "Annual appropriation. The library should receive an annual appropriation of sufficient amount in addition to salaries to pro- vide means for the necessary correlation with other departments. This appropriation should be increased annually in direct ratio to the increasing library needs of each department and should include specific amounts for the maintenance and supervision of the library. The maintenance of the library should not depend on in- cidental sources of money, such as school entertainments and "socials". Students may be encouraged to raise funds for the library in appropriate ways, but these funds should be used only for such accessories as make the library more attractive . . . such as special equipment, finely illustrated editions ; but the high school should not be forced to depend upon such means for necessary library service. The initial expense of the library includes (i) the salaries of the librarian and assistants, which should be on the same schedule as those of other teachers; (2) the cost of books and equipment. Funds for maintenance should provide for increase of sal- aries, additional books, periodicals, binding and other repairs, replacements, catalog cards, supplies, new equipment, etc. Each department should file with the librarian definite state- ments of needs as these needs are felt throughout the year, and the librarian should make disbursements according to these needs. It should be borne in mind that the library is primarily for the students." Service Definite service is as necessary in the library as in any part of the school. Without it, the library can never be effective. The library represents an expenditure of money. This money is 96 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT wasted unless the books bought are suited to the needs of the school and the ages of the pupils, are so arranged that they are quickly available, so recorded that they are not lost or misplaced, and the use directed so that they become a definite part of school work. The library is a special department and must have specialized service. No part of a teacher's training includes a study of books from the library standpoint, or instruction in the care and management of libraries. The school must therefore provide a librarian as it provides a specially trained person for any other special department. The Librarian (Summary from North Central association. Report on Library organization and equipment.) A. Qualifications. The librarian in the high school should combine the good qualities of both the librarian and the teacher, and must be able to think clearly and sympathetically in terms of the needs and interests of high school students. A wide knowledge of books, ability to organize material for efficient service, and successful experience in reference work should be demanded of every librarian. Most of all should the personality of the librarian be emphasized. Enthusiasm, power to teach and inspire, are as essential in the high school librarian as in the teacher. . . . B. Professional requirements. The standard requirements for future appointments of librarians in high schools should be a college or university degree . . . together with at least one year of post-graduate training in an approved library school and one year's successful library experience ... in a library of standing. . . . C. Salaries. The salary of a high school librarian should be adequate to obtain a person with the qualifications set forth in this report. It should not be lower than that of the English teacher, but it may be necessary to pay a higher salary when there is an over supply of English teachers and an under supply of librarians. D. Administrative requirements. . . . Status. In high schools having heads of departments, the librarian should be head of the library department, with status equal to that of heads SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 97 of other departments (The school librarian should be included in Teachers' pension acts). (1) CLERICAL WORK. Clerical work of the nature of office work should not be demanded of the librarian. Under no cir- cumstances should the librarian be expected to do clerical work properly required in the principal's office such as keeping records of attendance and keeping official records. . . . Free textbooks should not be stored in the library and should not be handled by the library staff. (2) ADMINISTRATIVE WORK may be summarized as follows: Directing the policy of the library, selecting books, purchas- ing books, planning the room and its equipment, keeping records of expenses and planning the annual library budget, planning and directing the work of trained and student assistants, building up a working collection of pamphlets, clippings, and of illustrative material. The librarian should be present at all teachers' meetings held with reference to courses and policy governing instruction and should have the ability to work for and with teachers so well that mistakes in adaptation of book collections to needs may not occur. (The librarian should by all means be present at teachers' meetings when regulations regarding the use of the library are being discussed.) (3) TECHNICAL WORK may be summarized as follows : The classifying, cataloging, indexing and filing of all printed matter so that it may be readily available for use; establishing a prac- tical charging system to keep track of books and other materials borrowed from the library; attending to the proper binding and rebinding of books; keeping necessary records and statistics of additions to library, use of library, etc. (4) EDUCATIONAL WORK may be summarized as follows: Reference. Helping teachers and students to find suitable material on special topics, notifying teachers of new books and articles on professional subjects, looking up answers to questions which have come up in classroom or laboratory, preparing sug- gestive reference reading for the course of study. Instruction. Systematic instruction of students in the use of reference books and library tools such as card catalogs, indexes, 98 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT etc. ... In this instruction, the relationship of the high- school library and the public library, and the relation of a library to life outside of school should be emphasized. Educational and vocational guidance. Cultural and inspira- tional work in widening the interests of the students and in cultivating a taste for good reading. This is done through posting interesting material on bulletin boards, compiling lists of interesting reading in books and magazines, through reading clubs and personal guidance of the reading of individual stu- dents. The librarian should also co-operate with vocational counsellors in aiding the students in the choice of vocations and should have on hand in the library, pamphlets, etc. on the occu- pations. Teach er -librarian Schools unable to provide a librarian may give some measure of service by the employment of a Teacher-librarian, i.e., a high school teacher, with at least six weeks' training in elementary library methods, one who gives part time to the library in addi- tion to teaching. TRAINING OF TEACHER-LIBRARIANS The training for this work must be special and standardized. Desk work in a large library, or incidental work in a public li- brary does not fit one for the work. In such libraries, the work done by the untrained assistant gives her no training in classifica- tion and the records needed in even the smallest school library. The records used in public libraries are usually more elaborate and detailed than necessary in school libraries, where the system used must be very simple, but still accurate and adapted to the needs of the school. Standardization of Work Necessity for standardization of the library work in a state is another reason for special training for teacher-librarians. The training received in six weeks must of necessity be very rudi- mentary. To be useful it must be based on actual conditions and needs, and the teacher-librarian must be given specific directions to meet those conditions. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 99 In the school the portion of her time which may be given to the library is restricted, and all work done must be made to count toward getting the library on a working basis for the future as well as the present. The teachers change very fre- quently, and if the library service is to be consecutive and con- tinuous, it must be done by a system that is understandable to another having had similar training, and can be continued not done over. TIME ELEMENT OF SERVICE The teacher-librarian must be given time in which to do the library work, as well as her teaching. The amount of teaching which she may do must be restricted and she must not be re- quired to do outside work such as supervision of the assembly room, or coaching. In putting a library in order, speed is desirable, and for this reason a routine of work is suggested in the division of organ- ization that is the most economical of time. The work of each process must be done accurately and neatly, so that it will not need to be done over. The teacher-librarian taking up the work for the first time in connection with teaching in a school where the library has not been organized, cannot be expected to do more the first year than the processes preliminary to cataloging (see Routine, p. 72-93). Use of Student Help Students may not be entrusted with accessioning, cataloging or any parts of the work which require mature judgment and training. They are used to advantage in some schools in some of the mechanical processes, such as opening new books, stamp- ing, folding and pasting book pockets. Their work is carefully supervised and they are required to be very neat and accurate. Students capable of doing especially careful work may be taught to mend books, and boys who have had mechanical drawing may be trained to mark books acceptably. Students in the commercial department may be taught to make accurately spaced, typewritten shelf lists or catalog cards, from copy furnished by the librarian. Monitors for putting up books are of help after they have been taught the classification and arrangement of the books and ioo SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT the arrangement of magazines in the magazine rack; Charging books may also be done by the students, to leave the librarian free for personal work with the students. Bulletin boards may be partly or wholly in charge of the stu- dents, who will assemble, clip and post items of interest, and change them frequently. Discipline The library is not a study hall, but a place where books may be used with profit and enjoyment. As a matter of courteous consideration of the rights of all, order must be maintained. The librarian is needed to give assistance to the students and should be as free as possible from police duty. Self-government rules, made by the students and enforced by them, are effective in some libraries. The following are sugges- tive: SELF GOVERNMENT RULES FOR SMALL SCHOOL LIBRARIES Adapted from the Rules of the Girls High School, Brooklyn A library committee shall be elected by the students of the school. This committee shall consist of five members, two from the senior class, and one each from the junior, sophomore and fresh- man classes, each class electing its own member. It shall be the duty of the committee to give such service as may be requested by the teacher in charge of the library, and to see that the library rules are obeyed. Rules of the library shall be drawn which shall give the greatest use of the library for the whole student body, and shall be ratified by it. SUGGESTED RULES Resolved by the students of school that the following library rules shall be in force on and after 1. The library is open to all students of the school for the drawing of books from to 2. Use of the library during study periods Students wishing to spend a study period in the library shall report to the teacher and receive permission to do so. On en- SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 101 taring the library at the beginning of a study period, or later, a student must register his name on the library bulletin board, giving name and room to which he belongs, or bring a pass slip from the teacher. Students must register for each period in the library. They may not leave before the end of the period. The library must not be used during study periods for text- book work excepting when the pupil wants to use library books during the greater part of the period. When most of the period is to be spent in text-book work, the pupil should remain in the study room until that is completed and then come to the library. (The latter arrangement is possible only when the library adjoins the study hall.) 3. Order in the library The teacher-librarian in charge of the library will make some- one responsible for the order in the library during each period. At the close of the period, the person in charge will see that the tables are cleared of books and papers. Each student using books or encyclopedias, or other large reference books, shall return them to the shelves. Other books will be returned unless a student is doubtful where they belong. When in doubt, leave the books on the table. No conversation shall be allowed in the library, and no con- duct not permissible in the classroom. 4. Books for use outside the library No books, or other library property, may be taken from the room until properly charged. A book is not properly charged until the manila card in the book pocket has been removed, borrower's name (and room) recorded on it, and a dating slip stamped to show when it must- be returned. The book card must be put in the box kept for this purpose. Books in great demand may be loaned for one study period only, or from the close of school until 9 A. M. the next day. All other books are loaned for two weeks or for the time set by the teacher in charge of the library. All books must be re- turned on the date stamped on the date slip. 102 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 5. Care of books Books must be used with care. They may not be left face down on the table or used to carry notes or memoranda, or otherwise misused. They must be kept dry and clean. No markings may be made in the books and no corners or pages turned down. Books lost or injured must be paid for. For violation of any of these rules, fines may be imposed or library privileges withdrawn. Other rules relating to borrowing of books are given on pages 61-6 under Charging system. Library Permits Many of the larger schools use more elaborate systems of library checking than that described above. Library permits are cumbersome, are time-consuming and not infrequently hamper the use of the library by the student. In introducing a checking system, study must be made of the needs it is to serve, that its purpose may be achieved with as little strain as possible upon teacher, librarian and student. From the school side, an attendance check is desired, so that the study hall teacher can account for students not in the study room at a specified time. The purpose of the library must be kept in mind. It is in the school to provide aid in reference work assigned by the teachers. This help cannot be furnished if the librarian's time is consumed with statistics of attendance. The student has ordinarily but one library period a day, and the number of subjects called for each period is often one-third as many as there are students in the library. The checking sys- tem must be reduced to the simplest form that the real work may not suffer. A simple but useful system is as follows : A slip for each hour is posted in the home room. Students going to the -library write their names on this slip and on enter- ing the library, on a similar one posted there. At the end of the day, the slips from the library are re- turned to the home room teacher for comparison with the slip there. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 103 The chief objection to this system is that considerable of the student's time is used in waiting his turn to sign up the slip. In the general economy, however, there is less loss than in employ- ing a method which takes time each period from the teacher or librarian. Where it is felt that a pass slip is especially desired, the fol- lowing may be used : The pass or library permit is issued by the class teacher. It bears the name of the student, his home or study room, the period (this information being filled in by the student himself), the reference assignment and the class teacher's signature. It is usually countersigned by the study room teacher for the hour in which it is used, but this is not considered essential. The per- mit is taken to the library by the student, and the librarian checks up the number of permits with the number of students in the room. At the end of the day all permits are sorted, and re- turned to the respective study rooms, to be compared with the list of students due there during the different periods. Supervised Study and the Library Use of books is essential in supervised study but removing large numbers from the library for use in any one study room for any considerable period works too great a hardship on the rest of the school. In some schools, books which are to be especially introduced during a class period are taken to the class room on the library truck and shown. At the end of the period, they are returned to the library and the students come there to use or draw them. In a school having hour periods, supervised study is carried on by having half hour recitation periods in the class room, fol- lowed by a class visit to the library, accompanied by the teacher, for a half hour's intensive reference work on the special subject. Use of the Library Use is the summing up and the test of the library's value to the school and the student. It is the end toward which all the work of selection, organization and administration is directed. 104 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT AIDS IN INCREASING THE USE I Attractive books. Bulletin boards. Library well classified and arranged. Shelves well marked. Shelf list to show what books on each subject. Catalog to bring out all the material in the library. Librarian's personal work with the students : Helps in selection of books. Talks about the books. Interests those who do not read by studying their tastes and then bringing to their attention, books on subjects in which they are interested. Improves quality of reading done by suggestion of books better than those being read. Use of book lists: Brief lists on interesting subjects. Printed book marks. Library sermonettes, such as "Don't be a quitter." Keeping the Library Open When a teacher-librarian is employed and the library service thus limited, other teachers may be assigned to the library for their vacant periods that it need not be closed. These library periods give the teacher opportunity to supervise special refer- ence work for her own classes. Distribution to Grades In small schools books for the grades are housed in the gen- eral library, but on special shelves. Library days are assigned to each grade to permit them to come to the library to select their books. When such arrangement is not feasible, a classroom collec- tion is sent to each room for a limited time and the teacher at- tends to the charging of the books to the pupils. When the col- lection is returned, the teacher makes a report on the circulation of the books. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 105 Reports Reports are valuable to show the size and value of the library and to give some indication of its usefulness, even though it cannot be fully measured in this way. If records are kept ac- curately and continuously the most necessary figures may be easily compiled. The Accession book shows the number of books in the library and their cost, and number added during any year. By means of the Record of books loaned, described under Charging system, the number of books borrowed for home read- ing is easily counted. Closing the Library At the end of the school year, the library must be put in per- fect order before closing. All books belonging to the library must be gathered in from the various departments and in- dividuals and missing books traced. All cards must be taken from the charging tray, put in the books and the books replaced in their proper number on the shelves. If any work, such as the cataloging, must be left unfinished, a note must be left with it showing clearly, the stage it is in. Complete inventory should be taken occasionally, particularly when there is to be a change of Teacher-librarian. This is done by checking the books on the shelves with the shelf list. Note is made of books missing, and search made for these in the charging tray, and in the accession book which should show if the book has been withdrawn. The work of in- ventory is not complete until every book listed on the shelf list and in the accession book are accounted for. Relation to Teachers Since the library serves the whole school, the librarian or the teacher-librarian must have the co-operation and support of all the teachers. Teachers as well as students must learn the clas- sification and arrangement of the library, and they must also obey its rules. Special privileges are granted to teachers in number of books which may be drawn and time they may be kept, but they may io6 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT not take any books from the library without having them charged. When teachers are to send a number of students to the library to look up a subject, librarian or teacher-librarian must be notified in advance. Club Work Interest in the library may be greatly stimulated by the forma- tion of clubs of boys and girls who are interested in the same subjects. One teacher aroused enthusiasm for research by asking the members of one class to bring topics in which they were espe- cially interested. The class was divided into groups, each group investigating one subject and making final report to the whole class. The teacher provided sources of information and directed the work of the groups. An interesting result was that the school found it must have a modern, well-organized library. Parent-Teacher Association A library committee in the Parent-Teachers association is an- other means of getting increased interest in the library. Such committees have been of help in providing better reading for the children in the town, getting books on special interests, providing volunteer service for keeping tthe library open in the evening for public use and in creating sentiment for a public library in the town. Teachers' Reading Clubs Many high schools are in towns where there is no good public library and the teachers find themselves without the facilities to carry on reading in the subjects in which their interests were .awakened in college or to keep in touch with topics of the -day. While the school library is primarily for the students of the school, it may be of real use to the whole teaching staff through encouraging the formation of teachers' reading clubs and pro- viding books for their use. From the United States Bureau of education at Washington, D.C., a number of courses for such clubs may be obtained. Other clubs take up the works of some of the best modern novelists, several books by one writer or one or more modern plays. The magazines in the school library supply material for cur- rent topics. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 107 Teaching the Use of Books and Libraries (1) REASONS a. To give definite help and interest to daily school work. b. For boys and girls going to college. Make work easier and give facility in using the library. c. For boys and girls leaving school. Give resourceful- ness in finding out things for themselves ; use of public libraries; how to obtain books; evaluation of books. d. Pleasure of using a book intelligently. Value in club work; in civic work. e. Time saving for the librarian or teacher-librarian to give definite instruction to groups rather than re- peatedly to individuals. (2) INSTRUCTION TO BE GIVEN IN THE GRADES AND RURAL SCHOOLS How to open a new book. Care of books: Maxson book mark, etc. How to use a dictionary. Table of contents. Index in a book. Parts of a book. Arrangement of books in the school library. (3) INSTRUCTION TO BE GIVEN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS The amount of time spent in instruction to students in the use of the library in any high school will depend upon how much the library can be used (adequacy of the book collection, organization and arrange- ment, records, such as catalog, etc.) ; upon how well the librarian's training fits her to give such instruc- tion ; the amount of time she can devote to it, and upon the co-operation and interest of the principal and other members of the faculty. An elaborate course may be given or it may be re- duced to a few lessons. The work is greatly needed and a little is better than nothing. Whatever instruction is given should be interesting, definite, concrete and accompanied by practical demonstrations. It should be followed up by prob- lems to be worked out individually and it should be io8 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT carried over into every day handling of books and use of the library. It should be required of all students, and should be credited as part of their regular work. It should be given as early in the course as possible, and prefer- ably to each class separately, as it is easier to work with small groups. The lessons should be progressive. The sequence fol- lowing is one commonly approved. SUGGESTIVE OUTLINE FOR LESSIONS i. Value and use of a library Public library How many have cards? High school library Purpose Use for reference Regulations Charging Returning books to shelves Social attitude toward use Unselfishness Library manners Arrangement of the library Books Periodicals The card catalog 2. The book Importance How to use Study of the printed parts Title page Preface Table of contents List of illustrations and maps Text How to judge a book Appendix Bibliographies Index SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 109 3. Reference books Dictionary What it contains How to use it Arrangement Abbreviations 4. Encyclopedia What information given Arrangement How and when to use 5. Other reference aids Books in the library Card catalog as reference aid Material on subjects of current interest Pamphlets and government bulletins Magazines Readers' guide to periodical literature Debating aids may be given here if desired Debate material How to collect How to use Note-taking for debate Bibliographies; use and making 6. Atlases. Year books. Handbooks. Reference books for special subjects. 7. Books and reading Why read? Reading for information Joy of reading Owning books Collecting and purchase of books 8. The library and the community The public library School service Town service Country service i io SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT State library resources State documents The university library The library commission Methods of instruction. By whom given. Grade instruction mostly by teacher. High school instruction in use of books may be given by teacher. Any instruction concerning the library by the li- brarian or the teacher-librarian. Where. The part taught by English or history teacher may be given in the classroom. Librarian or teacher- librarian should give all the work concerning the library in the library room. Order of instruction. It is obvious that instruction cannot be given on any reference books not in the library nor on classification of cataloging until the library is put in order. Books useful in teaching the use of the library: Baldwin. Writing and speaking. Longmans. .. $1.20 Fay & Eaton. Use of books and libraries. Boston bk 2.25 Hopkins. Reference guides. Willard co 1.25 McKnight & Dana. High school branch. Wilson co 50 Rice. Lessons on the use of the library. Wis- consin Dept. of education (Madison) Slater. Freshman rhetoric. Heath 50 Ward. Practical use of books and libraries. F. W. Faxon co 1.25 Ward. Suggestive outline for teaching the use. F. W. Faxon co 1.50 Printed notes on the library to be filed in students' note books are useful in connection with instruction. Notes on the Use of a Library Adapted from notes used in Cleveland High School branches, 1918. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT in PURPOSE OF STUDY To show what a library is and how it may be used. To help in the use of a library, whether the public library or the school library. PUBLIC LIBRARY What it is : A collection of the best books for reading and reference use; magazines, pamphlets and pictures. What it does : It gives every one a chance to find out anything he wishes to know, and to study any subject in which he is interested. How to use it : Visit the branch library nearest your home. Ask the librarian to tell you how to take out a card. Acquire library manners; walk quietly and speak in a low tone. HIGH SCHOOL LIBRARY What it is : Special collection of books, magazines and indexes, pamphlets, clippings, pictures and maps kept in the school for convenience of pupils and teachers. What it does : For information and study, supplies material for use in connection with all subjects taught in the school. For pleasure reading and outside interests, provides books for home reading; how to make and do things; club work; sports and amusements. How to use it : The library room is not a study hall, but quiet and order must be maintained. Show consideration of others by careful handling of books and replacing of reserve books and volumes in sets. The librarian's part is to know the books and to direct in their use. Help her by good conduct in the library and by learning how to use the library yourself. Always feel free to ask the librarian for help. ii2 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT AIDS TO SELF HELP IN THE LIBRARY Classification. Books on the same subject are grouped together on the shelves. This arrangement is called classification. Library classification is based on a decimal system, with figures for notation. The same system is used in all the Cleveland public libraries and school libraries. The great subdivisions are divided by tens. Outline of classification., ooo Reference books 200 Religion 300 Sociology 500 Natural science 600 Useful arts 700 Fine arts 800 Literature 910-919 Geography and travel 920 Collective biography 921 Individual biography arranged by name of person written about. Special forms of literature are designated by let- ters ; e. g. C for poetry ; CC for plays ; E for es- says, and arranged alphabetically by author. 930-990 History The books are marked with a call number. This is a symbol representing the subject of the book and its location on the shelves. THE CATALOG The catalog is a list of the books which the library owns. It bears the same relationship to the library that an index does to a book. It answers the questions: What books by a certain author are in the library? Has the library a book of a certain title? What material is there in the library on any subject? The information is on cards, arranged by author, title and subject in one alphabet. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 113 Each card also has the call number in the upper left corner. How to use it: To find out whether the library has a particular book, look for the name of the author or title. To find out what material is in the library on a subject look for the name of the subject in red. Observe the call number on the card. This directs to the location of the book on the shelves. Reference cards are also found which direct from other possible forms of a name or subject to the form used in this catalog; and from subjects to related subjects under which books are also listed. These are called Cross references. Summary of classification in the library, showing the sec- tions most used THE BOOK What it is : The book is a means of increasing one's store of knowl- edge, of acquiring new ideas and vocabulary, of learning about life and people in all places and times. How to use it: Some books are to be read through carefully, to study the author's style, to master the new words and ideas. Others are to be skimmed, to get at the information quickly. Information to be gained from the different parts : Title Page gives title, author, publisher and usually date of publication and copyright date. (Copyright is the exclusive right secured to an author or artist, by law, to publish or dispose of a work for a limited time.) Preface gives author's purpose in writing the book. Table of Contents is a list of chapter headings and outlines the subject matter in the order in which it is presented. List of Illustrations or Maps. Text or body of book. How to judge a book. Is it written in good English? Is the subject or idea presented truthfully? Is it readable? Interesting? H4 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Is there sufficient information or pleasure in the book to make it worth while? Does your opinion of the book agree with that of more experienced critics? Bibliography gives list of books for further reading, Appendix gives fuller notes and added information. Index is usually in the back of a book and in the last volume of a set. It lists alphabetically all the material in a book and the page on which it is found. Its use is the most direct method of finding material. REFERENCE BOOKS A reference book is one to be consulted for definite points of information rather than to be read through, and is arranged with regard to ease in finding specific facts. Arrangement is usually alphabetical or with an index. Those which treat of many subjects are called general refer- ence books, e.g. dictionaries and encyclopedias. If the full meaning of a term is not understood, the first book to consult in the search for information is the dictionary. Dictionary What it is: A book dealing primarily with words and giving alpha- betically, a list of the words in a language. Information given for a word: Spelling; pronuncia- tion, parts of speech ; derivation ; definition ; quotations and synonyms. The modern unabridged dictionary includes in addition to ordinary words and phrases; proper names, including mythology, abbreviations, words and phrases for foreign languages, dialect, slang, technical terms, obsolete words; illustrations, and brief information about subjects. How to use it: Look for thumb index and for the guide word at top of title page. The key to the abbreviations used in the descriptions of the words, is found in the intro- duction. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 115 For a brief account of a person or subject, the quickest help is often found in the encyclopedia. Encyclopedia What it is : A reference work dealing with subjects rather than words as the dictionary does. The best encyclopedias are of recent date, are in many volumes and include articles on a great variety of subjects. Special features are reading lists at the end of the. articles, fine illustrations, maps and diagrams. The arrangement is alphabetical or an index volume is pro- vided. How to use it: Look first for the letter on the back of the volume, then the guide word at the top of the page. Note the arrangement of words on the page. Subjects have headings and sometimes sub-heads. The spelling of words must be kept in mind. Follow up cross references. Use the index volume if the subject wanted is not found in its alphabetical place. BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY Any book may be used as a reference book. For subjects on which a whole book has been written, the book is a better source of information than the encyclopedia article. It usually covers the subject more fully; gives more recent information, is apt to be more authoritative, and often has better illustrations. The Card Catalog is a reference help because it shows on what subjects the library has material whether it is a whole book or a part of a book. The date on the card shows how recent the material is. REFERENCE MATERIAL ON SUBJECTS OF CURRENT INTEREST Pamphlets, circulars and government bulletins provide in- formation on timely subjects. These are arranged in pamphlet holders, by subject. n6 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Magazines. These contain recent information and the Readers' guide shows where the articles are found. Readers' guide to periodical literature is a monthly, quarterly and yearly index to the best magazines. It lists articles alphabetically by author, title and subject. Includes references to portraits and poems. References give in abbreviated form the title of the ar- ticle, the name of the author, the volume, paging, date. A complete list of the magazines indexed is given in the front of the Guide. How to use it: Look for the name of the subject wanted as in the index of a book. Begin at the latest number or volume and work back. Make a note of a reference by taking down the name of the magazine, the volume number, the paging and the date. The general reference books are first aid in the search for in- formation. For every subject there are special reference books which may be consulted for fuller information. REFERENCE BOOKS USUALLY FOUND IN HIGH SCHOOLS AND BRANCH LIBRARIES General Dictionaries Century dictionary. Funk & Wagnall's New Standard dictionary. Encyclopedias Encyclopedia Britannica. New International Encyclopedia. SPECIAL SUBJECTS Statistics and social questions. Bliss & Binder. New encyclopedia of social reform. Statesman's year book. Walsh. Curiosities of popular custom. World almanac. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 117 Useful arts. Bailey. Cyclopedia of American agriculture. Bailey. Cyclopedia of American horticulture. Freeman & Chandler. World's commercial products. Fine arts. Grove. Dictionary of music. Reinach. Apollo. Sturgis. Dictionary of architecture. Literature. Bartlett. Familiar quotations. Brewer. Dictionary of phrase and fable. Brewer. Readers' handbook. Chambers. Cyclopedia of American literature. Firkins. Index to short stories. Garnett & Gosse. English literature. Granger. Index to poetry. Hoyt. Cyclopedia of practical quotations. Moulton. Library of literary criticism. Stedman & Hutchinson. Library of American literature. Stevenson. Home book of verse. Warner. Library of the world's best literature. Debates. Foster. Debating for boys. Phelps. Debaters' manual. Robbins. High school debate book. Roberts. Rules of order. Thomas. Manual of debate. Geography. Bartholomew. Atlas of economic geography. Doubleday & Page. Geographical manual and new atlas. Lippincott's new gazetteer. Rand & McNally. Imperial atlas. Robertson & Bartholomew. Historical atlas of modern Europe. Biography. Appleton's cyclopedia of American biography. Century cyclopedia of names. Dictionary of national biography; index and epitome. Lippincott's universal pronouncing dictionary of biography and mythology. ii8 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Official congressional directory. Who's who. Who's who in America. History. Hadyn. Dictionary of dates. Harper's dictionary of classical literature. Heilprin. Historical reference book. Hodge. Handbook of American Indians. Larned. History for ready reference. Low & Pulling. Dictionary of English history. Shepherd. Historical atlas. Teachers' Training Department Notes for lessons on the country school library The teachers' training departments in the high schools pre- pare teachers for the country schools. One of the first things a country teacher has to do is to select a school library. She often has little knowledge of children's books and little idea of what the school library may be in the school. The training school should include in its work some dis- cussion of the country school library, its purpose and use, afford an opportunity for acquaintance with the best children's books which are suited to the needs of the rural school, and give the cadets a knowledge of the state school list, from which they must select their books, so that they may use it to advantage. In a state not having an authorized school list, the training school should have reference copies of standard lists. The following notes are designed to help the teacher of the training class to give such instruction. It is recommended that each student teacher be required to read at least fifteen children's books and examine many others. The teacher should assign the books to be read so that the books will be selected from the different classes. Every training department should have in the classroom, where there is not a well organized school library, its own li- brary of books helpful to the training department and the country teacher. The training department should also own or have access to at least one hundred books suitable for a rural school library. SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 119 The Rural School Library Every teacher needs (1) Knowledge and appreciation of books for help in her school work and intimate acquaintance with the best children's books. (2) A clear idea of the purpose and possibilities of a school library. (3) Knowledge of school library aids that are obtainable. (4) To know how to select a useful school library. (5) To know how to order books. (6) To know how to care for and use a school library. 1. Knowledge of books The necessity for acquaintance with books needs no argu- ment. Without them no teacher can perform her task of open- ing the field of knowledge to boys and girls nor give them full training for successful living. Unless she knows children's books herself, she cannot make them a power in her school. The only way to know books is to read them, read good books, and cultivate a taste for them. There are some books about books, which are suggestive. Every teacher should read all or parts of the following books : Adler. Moral instruction of children. Colby. Literature and life in school. Lowe. Literature for children. McClintock Literature in the elementary school. Olcott. Children's reading. 2. Purpose of school library Supplement class work and make lessons more interesting. Furnish books for home reading for information and enter- tainment. Encourage the reading of- good books. 3. What the state does for school libraries Make a study of state law regarding school libraries, pro- vision for books, assistance in organization of school libraries, instruction in library matters. 4. Book selection for school libraries 120 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT STUDY OF A LIBRARY LIST If the State department of education has no school list one or more of the following should be provided in quantities for class use. Students should buy a copy for personal checking. Minnesota Dept. of education. (St Paul). Library books for elementary and rural schools. Oregon State library (Salem) pt. I Books for elementary schools pt. 2 Books for high schools, twenty five cents each. Wisconsin Dept. of educ. (Madison). Books for township libraries. Books for high schools. Wisconsin Library commission. Children's books for first purchase. Netherwood co., Madison, Wis. 35c. U. S. Bureau of education. Bulletin 1917, no. 41. Library books for high schools. 2oc. H. W r . Wilson co. (958 Univ. ave. New York). Children's Catalog (1917). $6. EXAMINATION OF A LIST Points to be noted: Purpose of the list Authority Date Scope What classes included? New books or standards. ARRANGEMENT By classes of books By grades Alphabetically ENTRY Author Title Publisher, date, series, price, class no, grade. Are best books indicated? Editions fine or best cheap Annotations descriptive or critical INDEXES Author Title Subject SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 121 SPECIAL FEATURES Special lists, poems to be memorized. Suggestions on the care of the library. SCHOOL LIST AS A CATALOG OF A SCHOOL LIBRARY Check the index for every book in the library, by author and title; also check the entry under subject. Mark each book with the number of the division where it is listed. Arrange the books on the shelves, placing all of one number together, alphabetically by author's name. Book Selection for School -Libraries. See also page 10. Read the annotations under the title before ordering and note the grade for which it is intended. Do not buy all stories, but get interesting books on all sub- jects. Get books of practical information how to make and do things. In selecting titles, read the annotations which tell something of the book. Observe grade for which it is intended and buy for ages represented in the country school. Ordering books. Read Notes on Ordering, page 17. Organization and records for country schools See Routine in putting the library in order, and description of processes which follows. Pages 19-70. Note that for country schools processes 8 and n, 16, 17 would be omitted. Uses for discarded books See page 26. Use of the school library The teacher must know the books in her library thoroughly in order to use them successfully, it is "the book that teacher says is good" that the child wants to read. SUGGESTIONS ON THE USE OF THE SCHOOL LIBRARY Adapted from Oregon State library School circular No. 2 What you may do to make it of service I. Know your books. 122 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 2. Look them over for something: a. To read aloud. b. To interest the child who does not read. c. To help the one who has a decided interest d. To make the lessons more interesting. e. To suggest ethical stories which will help to correct faults. 3. Read aloud from some of the best books. 4. Find out what each boy and girl cares most about and use curiosity or interest which has been aroused. Cultivate any decided aptitude, and awaken new interests. 5. Encourage home reading. 6. Substitute a good book for the fair or poor one which is undermining the character of the child. 7. Read a "starter" from a big book, or from a neglected one which is really worth while. 8. Allow individual reading in the schoolroom when the lesson is learned, and do not make this a reward of merit. 9. Use the library to enliven the language lesson by Friday afternoon "book talks," avoiding formal reports. 10. Use the library books to supplement the text-books. Assign readings and allow class time for reports on outside read- ing. 11. Ask questions to start search for information. (For in- stance Did the cavemen have cloth?) 12. Choose a hero for each month and read about him, talk about him, learn about his life and times. (Arthur, Sieg- fried, Richard I, Charlemagne, Franklin, Paul Jones.) 13. Discuss interesting people in books. A debate on the com- parative merits of certain boy-heroes in books may result in more discriminating selection of ideals. 14. Read short stories to correct faults (and do not point the moral) . SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT 123 15. Teach the use of table of contents and index. Let the chil- dren see who can find most about some subject in a given time in some certain book or books. 16. Plan an annual "library day" with program from one author, talks about the books, readings, a debate. 17. Plan for systematic reading of best literature through the grades in preparation for literature in the high school. Foundation work is essential in this subject as in others. 18. See that the library does three things for your school : 1. Makes the lessons more interesting. 2. Provides training in the use of books. 3. Cultivates the reading habit. Story telling is one of the best means of interesting children in reading. Use the story telling to direct to books, telling the story from a book not read as it should be. Have the book at hand to show when telling the story. Examine the books listed under Story telling and Children's literature, many of them in- clude lists of stories to tell. A very useful pamphlet on story telling is : Power. List of stories and programs for story hours. Obtain of H. W. Wilson co., 958-64 University Ave., New York, N.Y. 2oc. Pupils' reading circle The reading circle is a good means of directing reading and of arousing interest in books. It is desirable that the children should own the books they read, thus beginning a library of their own. Parents might be willing to get them for birthday and Christmas presents, or the children save their own money to buy them. The reading may be connected with the language work. In- formal reports on the books read, are usually more satisfactory. The children should be encouraged to tell what they liked best in the book, which character they preferred and whether the book was like any other they had read. The teacher should de- cide the number of books to be read in a year. Certificates may be given for the reading done. 124 SCHOOL LIBRARY MANAGEMENT Lessons in the use of the library for country schools. These may be given in the period for opening exercises and should be given early in the year. Suggested topics: Structure and care of a book. How a book is made. How to open a book. See page 28. How to handle a new book. The Maxson book mark. Printed parts of a book and their uses. Title page Preface Table of contents Index Classification of the school library. How to find books on different subjects. (Get the dictionary leaflets.) How to use the dictionary. INDEX Accession book 22, 51, 57, 70 Accessioning 21, 54 Agriculture classification 39, 41, 44-8 Appropriation 95 Arrangement 59 Author card 75 Author card samples 83-4 Bills 35, 36 Binding 26-30, 65 Biography cards 50, 69 Book buying 17 Book capacity 5-6 Book card 21, 23, 57 Book charging system 61 Book numbers 49, 50-1 Book pocket 21, 23, 36 Book selection 10, 121 Book supports 28, 35 Borrower's cards 66 Bulletins 44 Business entry 35 Government documents 24-5, 76 Grade books 10-12, 104 Indexer cards 72 L. C. cards 72 Labels 35, 58 Librarian 96 Library binding 14, 27 Library hand 59, 85 Library lessons 1 18 Library lists 120 Library room 2 Lighting 6 Magazines 15, 16, 23, 29, 116 Marking 21, 57-9 Mechanical preparation 35 Mending 22, 30-2 Modern school library i Mounts 24, 93 Call number 49, 68-9 Card catalog cases 8, 22, 83 Card charging system 21, 61, 64 Catalog 70-2, 112-13 Catalog cards samples 83-5 Cataloging 72-93 Chairs 7 Charging system 21, 23, 61-6 Checking the school list....6i, 121 Class 'room collections. . . .64-5, 104 Classification 36-51, 92 Cleaning 32 Closing the library 105 Club work 106 Date slip 63-4 Discards 25-6 Discipline 100 Editions 13, 14, 18, 77 Filing catalog cards 83-90 Filing cases 9, 22, 91 Filing charging cards 67 Filing pamphlets 91 Furniture 6-7, 23 Notes on the use of library. .. .no Opening new books 28, 35 Ordering 17-18 Pamphlet boxes 24, 9 1 Pamphlets 24, 90-3 Parent-Teachers association 106 Paste 31 Permits 102-3 Pictures 65, 93 Prices 17-18 Reading circle 123 Record of books loaned 66-7 Reference books 14, 74, 114, 116 Reference cards 76, 82, 90 Reports 105 Reserve books 59-6o, 64 Routine of organization 19 Rules 65, 100 Rural school library 119 Self-government rules 100-1 Service 95-6 Shakespeare scheme 50 Shelf label holders 22, 60 126 INDEX Shelf list 71 Shelf list cards samples 69 Shelf listing 67-70 Shelf marking 60 Shelving 4, 20, 22 Sorting 24 Space for tables 4 Stamping 22, 23, 35-6 Story telling 123 Student help 99-100 Subject card 79-80, 81 Subject card sample 84 Subject headings 80- 1, 92 Supervised study 103 Supplies 9, 21, 30-1, 68 Teacher-Librarian 98 Teachers' reading clubs 106 Teachers' training department 118-24 Teaching the use of books and libraries 107-8 Time cards 64 Title card 79 Title card sample 84 Tracings 79 Typewriting 68 Use of the library 95-6, 103, 107 Tables 4 Taking the count 66-7 Varnishing 28, 59 Vertical file 9, 91 Y.B 66410 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY