z 997 C395C CHAUNCEY CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, JUNE IST, 2o AND 3o. 1885, -;pa,s-b CATALOGUE LIB R A R Y OF THE LATE FREDERICK CIMUNCEY, OF THIS CITY ; A Collection of Standard Works in General Literature; Also, a Large and Attractive Collection of BNO RAVINGS AND KTCHINGS, - .T8 BEr S8LD AT A 161 DORAN, DR. " Their Majesties' Servants ;" Annals of the English Stage, from Thos. Betterton to Ed. Kean. With portraits. 2 vols, royal 8vo, uncut N. Y. 1865 LARGE PAI-ER. Only 161 copies printed. 162 DRAWING-BOOK. With Pencil Sketches. Small 410, half roan 163 DRAYSON, A. W. Sporting Sketches among the Kaffirs of South Africa. Illustrated by Weir. 8vo Lond. and N. Y. 1858 164 DRYDEN, J. Poetical Works. Edited by Gilfillan. 2 vols, 8vo, calf N. Y. 1855 165 DUBOURG. Views of the Remains of Ancient Buildings in Rome and its Vicinity. With Descriptive and Historical Accounts. 26 fine colored plates. 4to, half morocco Lond. 1820 1 66 DUDLEY OBSERVATORY ANNALS. Vol.2. 8vo Albany, 1871 167 DUMAS, A. Impressions of Travel in Egypt and Arabia. i2mo N. Y. 1839 168 DUNLAP, WM. History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States. 2 vols, 8vo, boards N. Y. 1834 169 DWIGHT, THEO. American Penny Magazine. 3 vols, 8vo N. Y. 1845-47 170 Do., do. Vol. 2 171 The Roman Republic. i2mo N. Y. 172 DWYER, FR. Seats and Saddles, Bits and Bitting. i2mo Phil. 1869 173 'F^ARLE, P. History of the Bloomingdale Asylum for ^ the Insane. Plate. 8vo N. Y. 1848 J 74 I ; RASTLAKE. C. L. Hints on Household Taste. Edited, with Notes, by C. C. Perkins. 8vo Bost. 1872 175 EBAUGH, J. S. Newly Opened Treasury of Heavenly Incense. 8vo, roan N. Y. 1839 176 EDGEWORTH, M. Novels and Tales. Vols 2 to 7. 6 vols, N. Y. 1832 177 ELLIS, H. T. Hong Kong to Manilla. Tinted lithograph plates. i2mo Lond. 1859 178 EMERALD (THE). A Collection of Tales, &c. izmo Bost. 1866 179 (2) EMORY. Notes of a Military Reconnoissance in New Mexico and California. Plates. 8vo 1 848 180 ESSAYS AND REVIEWS. Recent Inquiries in Theology. i2mo Bost. 1862 181 ESTVAN, B. War Pictures from the South. i2mo N. Y. 1863 182 EVEREST, C. W. The Poets of Connecticut. With Biographical Sketches. 8vo, uncut Hartford, 1843 183 ELEGANT EXTRACTS. Prose, Verse and Epistles. Engraved titles. 6 vols, 8vo, old calf Lond. 1791 184 EL WELL'S Dictionary. English and German. i2mo, half bound 1870 ENGRAVINGS AND ETCHINGS. 185 DROUYN. Interieur de Cour. Original Etching 1 86 NICOLL. Sunset. Original Etching 187 ABOT. "Sarah Bernhardt." Very fine Portrait 1 88 DUVAL. Femme qui Coit. Rare 189 RUDAUX. " The Little Fisherman." Very pretty Etching 190 COINDRE. " The Pine Forest." Fine Etching 191 VAN OSTADE. La Tendresse Champetre. Original and rare 192 WARD, E. M. Dr. Johnson in Antechamber of Lord Ches- terfield. Superb India Proof 193 SMITH, T. Pair Landscapes. Original Etchings 2 194 UNGER. "Bacchante.' 1 Superb Nude 195 TROYON. "The Watering Place." Etched by A. Barry. Japan Proof 196 BRETON, EMILE. "Clair de Lune." Original Etching 197 DESBOUTINS. " Jeune Fille." Fine Etching 12 198 ANGELO, MICHEL. "La Sybylle." Engraved by Didier. India Proof 199 APPIAN. " The Mill Pond." Superb Folio Etching. Japan- Proof 200 RUDAUX. " Flirtation." Pa. 201 APPIAN. " Venetian Fishing Boats." Very fine Etching 202 CALAME. "Twilight." Etched by Barry. Japan Proof 203 LALAUZE. " The Awakening." Group of Children. Pretty Etching 204 VAN DYCK. Portrait of Blancatio. Engraved by Lauwers 205 PIGLHEIN. Pastel, " Eine Frage." Very humorous. Folio 206 CASANOVA. "Au Coin du Jardin." Fine Japan Proof of this beautiful subject. Folio 207 RUDAUX. "He Loves Me Little," and companion. Pair Original Etchings 208 REYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA. Cornelia and her Children. Engraved by C. Wilkin. Folio 209 MILLET. " La Bergere." Etched by A. Barry. Holland Proof. Folio 210 COROT. "Souvenirs D'ltalie." Original Etching. Proof. Rare 211 DE NITTIS. Femme a 1'Eventail. Beautiful Original Etch- ing 212 APPIAN. Bords de la Mer. Original Etching. Japan Proof 213 FLAMENG. " Le Pere de 1'Eglise." Original Etching 214 GRAEF. " The Awakening.'' Beautiful Nude. Proof 215 MILLET. "The Return from Labor.'' Folio Etching, by A. Barry. Holland Proof 216 STOTHARD. "La Fete des Vendanges.'' Superb India Proof. Folio 217 GEOFFROY. " Le Lion de Sennar." India Impression. Fine 218 CASTIGLIONI. " Tete D'Homme.'' Rare and fine 219 MILLET. "End of Day's Work.'' Superb Folio Etching, by Leon Coutil. Japan Proof. Folio 13 220 DITRICY. " The Blind Beggar." Rare 221 LE MIRE. "Death of Cleopatra." Fine Old Engraving. Rare 222 LEROLLE. " Repose." Original Etching 223 LALAUZE. " The Flower Girl." Original Etching 224 NUDE. " Leda and Swan.'' Etched by A. Barry 225 FORTUNY. " Le Choix du Modele." Folio. Etching. Japan Proof 226 TROYON. " Sheep Scene." Japan Proof 227 CHAUVEL. Landscape. Original Etching 228 LEYS. " Interior of Church." Fine 229 NICOL, J. WATSON. " The Happy Bachelor " and compan- ion. Pair Original Etchings. India Proofs 230 BEAUVERIE. " Moonlight." Fine 231 VAN OSTADE. " Propos Galants." Rare Original Etching 232 HOLL, F. "The Duo." Charming Line Engraving. India Proof. Folio 233 HADEN. " Sunset on Thames." Etched by Barry 234 DE NEUVILLE, A. " In the Trenches." Original Etching 235 MEISSONIER. " The Drinker." Etched by A. Barry 236 STAMMEL, E. " The Book-Worm." Etching by Barry. Proof 237 LALAUZE. " The Musical Party." Original Etching 238 APPIAN. "The Roadside." Original Etching 239 LALAUZE. " The Drawing Lesson." Fine 240 CASANOVA. " Fin Gourmet." Original Etching. Fine 241 DESNOYERS-BOUCHER. Portrait of Talleyrand. Superb Engraving, after Gerard. Folio 242 JACQUEMART, J. " Une Genoise." Fine Original Etching 243 Lossow. " L'Amour deshabillant Venus." Fine Nude 244 MANON LESCAUT. Etched by A. Barry 245 APPIAN. " Venice." Holland Proof 246 DUPRE. "The Brook." Etched by A. Barry. Japan Proof 247 HADEN. "Landscape." Etched by A. Parry - 14 - 248 KRAUS. " The Awakening." Beautiful Nude 249 LALAUZE. " The Piano Lesson." Group of Children 250 THIRION. " La Rose.'' Superb Nudt. Etched by A. Barry 251 JAZET. "The Only Son." Original Etching. Very fine 252 SALVATOR ROSA. "A Soldier." Original and Rare 253 MEISSONIER. " The Smoker." Etched by A. Barry. Fine 254 VETTER. " Le Fumeur." Fine 255 DUPR. " The Watering Place." Etched by A. Barry. 256 APPIAN. " Marine." Superb Folio Etching. Japan Proof 257 DECAMPS. "The Bathers." Group of fine Nudes 258 DELBOZ. "On the Boulevard." Original Etching. Japan Proof 259 MEISSONIER. "The Halt." Charming Etching by Lalauze 260 MEISSONIER. " La Rixe." Very fine Engraving by Paul Chenay. Brilliant Impression. Folio 261 CORTAZZO. " Le Passage de la Mariee." Pretty Etching 262 METZU. " Female Figure." Etched by Unger 263 VEYRASSAT. "The Halt." Original Etching 264 DAUBIGNY. " Sunset." Original Etching. Japan Proof 265 HUNT, W. M. "Portrait of Mrs. Adams." Fine Etching 266 VAN MARCKE. " Pasturage." Superb Folio Etching. Proof 267 CASANOVA. "The Whistler." Etching. Amusing subject 268 HOLLAR. THEATRU-MULIERUM, Londoni, 1643. Set of 36 original plates of costumes by W. Hollar. Very rare. 36 269 CABANEL. " La Favorite du Sultan." Etched by A. Barry 270 MEISSONIER. " Le Polichinelle." Original Etching. Ex- tremely rare 271 EARLOM. "Nymphes Bathing," after Cipriani. Group of Nudes. 272 APPIAN. "River Scene." Original and effective Etching 273 LECOUTEUX. "Centaurs." Very curious Etching 274 FLAMENG. " Christ Healing the Sick." Etching, after Rembrandt. Beautiful Proof. Folio This is the celebrated Hundred Guilder Print of Rembrandt. 275 "La Ronde de Nuit." Beautiful Proof Etching, after Rembrandt. Folio. Companion piece to the above 276 DETAILLE. " Le Uhlan." Original Etching. Holland Proof Etchings by this celebrated artist are very rare. The above, and two following, are all that were made by him. 277 " Le Cuirassier." Original Etching. Holland Proof 278 " Le Trompette." Original Etching. Holland Proof 279 SALVATOR ROSA. Original Etching. Nude 280 - " Bandits, Soldiers, &c." Rare 3 281 VAN OSTADE. " The Drunkard." Rare and curious Etch- ing 282 " The Wandering Musicians." Rare Original Etch- ing 283 PARIS VIEWS. India Impressions. Very choice. No dupli- cates 25 284 Another lot. Do. 25 285 PORTRAITS. Sarah Bernhardt, Mozart, Grisi, Shakespere, Napoleon. Columbus, Guttenberg, &c., &c. A fine lot. No duplicates 25 286 SIGISMONDA. Painted by Hogarth ; engraved by Benjamin Smith. Folio 1795 287 L'INNOCENCE dans les bras de la Justice. Painted by Le Brun ; engraved by Fr. Bartolozzi, 1783 288 LES VOYAGEURS Affrayes par le Coup de Tonnere. Painted by Vernet ; engraved by Avril. Folio 289 BOURGEOISIE ARMEE d'Amsterdam, 1642. Painted by R. Van Ryn ; engraved by Claessens, 1797. Folio 290 THE MERCHANT (?) By Rembrandt ; M. Pert, engraver, before letters. Folio 291 LE MARECHAL DES LOGIS. Painted by P. A. Wille ; en- graved by J. G. Wille. 4to 16 - 292 MONUMENT vorst Frederik. Proefdruk. Folio 293 LA MALHEUREUSE Famille Galas. Painted by De Carmon- lette ; engraved by Delafosse. Folio 294 LES AMOURS et les Douceurs de J. Steen. Engraved by Claessens and L. Portmans. 410 295 THE RURAL CONVERSATION. Painted by F. Ferg ; engraved by F. Vivares. A pair. 2 pieces.' 4to 296 DER TEEKEN ACADEMIE (Amsterdam). A Drawing Class. Taken from life by R. Vinkeles. Folio 297 THE RUIN (?) J. Le Geay inv. et fecit, 1762. Folio. Mounted 298 LES ROCHES. Dietricy, pinxit : K Benazech, sculp., 1770. Folio 299 LES MAQUIGNONS a la Foire, by Wouvermans ; engraved by J. Moyreau, 1739. Folio 300 L'EcuRiE DE LA POSTE, by Wouvermans ; engraved by J. Moyreau, 1753. Folio 301 Mucius SC^VOLA before King Porsenna. Painted by Rubens ; engraved by G. Marchand. Folio. Proof 302 QUOT VICTIMS IN UNA! Painted by A. Coypel; engraved by Gasp, du Change. Folio. Fine 303 ABRAHAM'S Messenger presenting the Bracelets and Ear- rings to Rebecca at the Well. Painted by Coypel; en- graved by P. Drevet. Folio 304 THE JUDGMENT OF SOLOMON. Painted by A. Coypel; engraved by G. Audran. Folio 305 ALCESTIS brought back to Life. Painted by A. Coypel; engraved by L. Desplaces, 1715. Folio 306 L'EDUCATION D'ACHILLE. Painted by Regnault; engraved by Bervic. Folio. Fine 307 ^ENEAS carrying his Father from Burning Troy. Painted by Domenichino; engraved by G. Audran. Small folio. Fine 308 ALEXANDER taking the Medicine from Philippe, his Doctor. Painted by Eust. le Sueur; engraved by B. Audran. 4to 17 309 THE FINDING OF ROMULUS AND REMUS. Painted by P. Beretinus Cortensis; engraved by Robert Strange. Folio 310 CAESAR, putting away Pompeia, receives Calphurnia as his Wife. P. Beretinus; engraved by Robert Strange, Folio 311 (15) PORTRAITS of the Ancients, Socrates, Solon, Diogenes, Theophrastus, Aristippus, &c. 8vo. Fine 312 (4) RUBENS. Pictures of Lions. Engraved by Bloteling and Visscher. Mounted. Folio 313 CORPS DE GARDE des Officiers Hollandois. Painted by C. Troost; engraved by Punt et Tangee. Folio 314 (5) SCENES in the Life of a Dutchman, from Buth. Fine engravings. Proofs before all letters. Fine 315 POUSSIN, N. Landscape in a Beautiful Country. Engraved by E. Baudet. Folio 316 - Landscape: The Country of Polyphemus in Sicily. Engraved by E. Baudet. Folio 317 (2) Landscapes. Dedicated to Prince Conde. En- graved by Steph. Baudet. Folio 318 (2) Landscapes. Dedicated to Conde. Engraved by Steph. Baudet. Folio 319 - Moses Rescued from the Nile. Engraved by I. Mariette. Folio 320 (2) FETE DE LA LIBERT^ et Fete de 1'Alliance. Amsterdam, 1795. Painted by Kuypen; engraved by Vinkeles et Vry- dag. Proofs. Fine 321 (4) VIEWS in Utrecht. Drawn by Versteegs; engraved by Duret and le Veau. Folio, untrimmed. 322 (2) VUE du Treport en Normandie. Painted by Hackert; engraved by N. Dufour. Folio 323 (2) VUE du Port et de la Ville de Rouen. Designed by Cochin. Folio 324 VUE de la Ville d'Avignon. Painted by J. Vernet; en- graved by P. A. Martini, 1782. Folio 325 (2) VUE de ITsle Barbe au milieu de la Saone. Painted by Olivier; engraved by Le Bas. Folio i8 326 VUE des Environs de Naples. Painted by J. Vernet; en- graved by G. Duret. Folio 327 VUE du Port de Lisbonne. Painted by Noel; engraved by Allix. Folio 328 VUE du Port de Carthagene. Painted by Noel; engraved by Allix. Folio 329 VUE du Port de Cadix. Painted by Noel; engraved by Allix. Folio 33oVuEdu(?). Proof. (No title.) Folio. 331 (n) MAP of Sabine and Ten Views of the County House and Surrounding Country, described by Horace, the Roman Poet. Painted by Hackert; engraved by Bunker. Fine impressions. Folio, untrimmed 332 DRAWING in Colored Crayon by A. Andries a Man Kneel- ing. Mounted 333 ( 2 ) - - Do. by Andries a Cow's Head and a Horse's Head. Mounted 334 PORTRAIT. Petrus A. Werfius. Engraved by P. Philippe. Small folio 335 Frank van Borselen, Stadhouder, &c. Engraved by J. Folkema. Small folio 336 Jacoba, Gravin van Holland, &c. Engraved by . Folkema. Small folio 337 Fredericus Ruysch, Medicinae Doctor. Fine mezzo. 8vo 338 - Peter Corneliszoon Hooft. Engraved by Houbraken. Royal 8vo. Fine 339 Michiel A. Ruyter, Lt. Admirael. Engraved by A. Blotelingh. 4*0 340 Cornelis Tromp, Lt. Admiral. Engraved by H. Bary. 4to 341 - - Egbert Meesz Kortenaer. L. Admirael. Engraved by A. Blotelingh. Folio. Fine 34 2 Abraham vander Hulst, Vice Admirael. Engraved by J. de Visscher. Folio. Fine I 9 343 PORTRAIT. Joan De Wit, Pensionaris van Holland, &c. Engraved by L. Visscher. Folio. Fine 344 William en Anna, Prins en Princesse van Oranjen. Engraved by J. Faber, 'after Van Dyk. Fine mezzo. 4to, no margin 345 Joannis Guillelmi Comitis Palatini atque Marias Annas Louisse conjugis. Painted vander Werff ; engraved by J. E. Haid. Folio 346 L. Bakhuizen out 71 jaar. Mezzo. 8vo 347 Le Fils de Paul Rubens. Painted by Rubens ; engraved by Salvador. Small folio 348 Nicholas W. Rauwenhoff. Engraved by J. Allart. Small folio, no margin 349 Noel Coypel, Peintre Ordinaire du Roy. Engraved by I. Audran. 4to. Fine 350 Joannes Baptista Colbert. Painted by C. le Febvre ; engraved by B. Audran. Folio. Fine 351 Constant (Count of Nassau), aged 54 years. Painted by M. J. Miereveldius ; engraved by G. J. Delphius, 1628. Mounted. Small folio. Fine 352 Voltaire. 8vo (margin cut off) 353 Jean Francois Sarrasin. Drawn and engraved by Nantueil. Small 4to 1649 354 F se - A. M. De Racour (actress). Engraved by L. Lingee. Royal 8vo. Fine 355 Madame de Clairon. Engraved by Littrel, 1766. Small 4to 356 Petrus Lelly. Pictor Caroli 2d. Engraved by T. Becket. Fine mezzo. Small 4to 357 Rene Descartes. Engraved by Allix. Colored print. 4to 20 TUESDAY'S SALE. ENGRAVINGS. 358 LEUTZE. Sir Walter Raleigh. Chas. Burt, Sc. 359 HUNTINGDON, Px. et Sc. Mercy's Dream. Superb Auto- graph Proof 360 Do. Beautiful Proof on India. Engraved by Ritchie 361 FISK, WILLIAM. Execution of Charles I. Scarce Mezzo- tint, by James Scott 362 LEVASSEUR. L'Enterrement d'un Petit Oiseau. Open Let- ter Proof, after Lejeune 363 RITCHIE. Proof Portrait of John C. Calhoun. Colored by hand 364 CARTER, D. M. Andrew Jackson. Full-length Portrait, engraved by O'Neill. Scarce 365 MICHAEL ANGELO. Madonna, engraved by Pye; and 5 other subjects 6 pieces 366 MARY STUART. Superb unfinished Proof 367 MAY DAY. Beautiful India Proof ; and others 5 368 RUBENS. Triumph of the Church. Vermuelen, Sc. ; and 2 others 3 369 DURER. " It is Finished." Proof, by Muller; and 4 others 5 370 HAMMANN. Shakespeare dans sa Famille. Royal folio. Mezzotint, by Allais. Fine 371 GEN'L SHERMAN and Staff. Proof; and lot Americana 10 372 AMERICAN PORTRAITS 10 373 HOLL. Roman Peasants. Folio Proof; and 4 other desira- ble subjects 5 374 LANDSEER. Coming Events. Proof; and 3 others 4 375 EARLOM. Beautiful subjects, after Cipriani 6 376 FINE GERMAN LITHOGRAPHS. Folio 5 377 Do. 5 378 Do. 5 379 Do. 5 3 80 Do. 3 381 THE PREACHING of John Knox; and i other. Folio Proof 2 382 APPIANI, R. Europa. Fine Plate (slightly damaged) 383 HERRING. The Baron's Charger and The Mountain Tor- rent. Superb engraver's Proofs 2 384 SELECTED Art Journal Plates 25 385 - - Do. 25 386 GUERCINO. Circe. Gandolfi, Sc.; and others 7 387 MISCELLANEOUS LOT 388 WEST. Our Saviour in the Temple. Folio 5 389 CLAY, HENRY. Celebrated Mezzo, by Paul 10 390 - Do. Proofs 4 391 WEBSTER, DANL. Mezzotint Portrait, by Ritchie 10 392 Do., do. Proofs 5 393 NEW YORK in 1848: a scarce Folio Lithograph by Foreman and Brown 394 DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Elephant Folio. Thickly decorated and colored 3 395 HERRING. " The Village Blacksmith," after Herring. Bril- liant India Proof before all Letters This splendid and large engraving has an international reputation. But very few copies of the above ' ' brilliant india proof before all let- ters " were sold, and those only to subscribers. 396 PHOTOGRAPHS. Architectural and Picturesque. Folio 18 397 Chiefly after Old Masters 32 398 Chiefly after Modern Masters 20 399 Do., do. 20 400 Do., do. 15 401 Celebrated Sculptures 22 402 COLEMAN, SAML. The Pont de Gand. Proof 403 DEIGENDESCH. Bacchanalian. Proof 22 404 APPIAN. Eventide. Japan Proof 405 FALCONER. By the Sea; and 2 others 3 406 LESLEY. Market Day in Dives; and 2 others 3 407 VAN DE VELDE. Fine Examples of this Master 5 408 BACHER, OTTO. The Spinning Wheel 409 BODMER. Landscape. Japan Proof 410 KRAUS. A Bacchante. Japan Proof 411 MORAN, THOMAS. The Apple Orchard. Beautiful Proof Etching 412 HAMILTON, HAMILTON. Feeding the Sparrows. Charming Juvenile Subject 413 SHEARER. An Old Rheinish City; and others 3 414 FARRER, HENRY. Nightfall. Proof 415 GUIGNET. A Moorish Sentinel. Japan Proof 416 DECAMPS. Nymphs at the Bath. Japan Proof 417 MORAN, PETER. On the Road to Santa Fe. Beautiful Proof Etching 418 WORRALL. Source Charmeuse; and 2 others 3 419 BOSTWICK. A Brilliant Sunset; and 2 others 3 420 DUPR. A Wayside Inn. Japan Proof 421 FALCONER. Down South. Fine Folio Proof 422 MORAN, PETER. On the Neshaminy Creek. Two states of the Plate. Proofs 2 423 SHEARER. A November Day; and 2 others 3 424 VOLKMAR, CHARLES. A Family of Quacks. Thoroughly characteristic of this Etcher 425 MAKART. Diana at the Chase. Superb Proof on Japan paper 426 WISEMAN. A Tramp. Folio Proof 427 REMBRANDT. Anatomical Lesson. Japan Proof 428 GIFFORD, R. SWAIN. Neapolitan Fishing-Boats. Fine characteristic Marine 429 CABANEL. The Sultan's Favorite. Japan Proof 430 STAMMEL. The Illuminator. Japan Proof 23 - 431 RICHARDS, F. DE B. Old Stone Bridge; and 2 other Etch- ings 3 432 VIEWS of Richmond; Mt. Vernon; &c. Folio 7 433 West Point; Niagara Falls; &c. 7 434 MANIFEST DESTINY; and 3 other Folio Prints 4 435 PARIS; Marseilles; and other Colored Folios 6 436 BOYDELL Shakepeare Plates. Folio 6 437 - Do., do. 6 438 Do., do. 6 439 Do., do. 6 440 Do., do. 5 441 THE ARCTIC EXPLORER, KANE. India Proof before all Letters. Very fine; and i other 2 442 FOLIOS. Half morocco (slightly damaged). i6x2o|- 19 443 Do., do. 171x22! 8 444 PICTURES. German Comic plates, &c. 25 445 THE SHAKERS AT WORSHIP. Tinted lithograph. Rare 446 COLORED PRINTS. Various 25 447 PHOTOGRAPHS. Family Groups, &c. 15 448 The Ailantus 1 1 449 T""^AIRHOLT, F. W. Tobacco: its History and Asso- ^ ciations. 100 illustrations. i2mo Lond. 1859 45 1 FAMILIAR QUOTATIONS. (By John Bartlett.) i2mo Bost. 1863 451 FENELON. Selections from his Writings. Portrait. i2mo Bost. 1841 452 FETRIDGE, W. P. Rise and Fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. With map and portraits. i2mo N. Y. 1871 453 FIELDING, H. Miscellaneous Works. Portrait. 4 vols. i2mo, half calf N. Y. 1859 454 FLAGG, W. The Woods and By-ways of New England. Il- lustrated. i2mo, gilt Bost. 1872 24 455 FLAVEL, JOHN. Whole Works of. 3d edition. Portrait, i vols in i. Folio, old calf Edinburgh, 1731 456 Fox, G. V. Narrative of the Mission to Russia in 1866. Steel plate portraits. 8vo N. Y. 1873 457 FRANCIS, J. W. Old New York; or Reminiscences of the Past Sixty Years. With Memoir of Author. Portrait. I2mo N. Y. 1866 458 FREEMANTLE, LT. COL. Three Months in the Southern States, April-June, 1863. i2mo N. Y. 1864 459 FREMONT, J. C. Report of Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains. Illustrated. 8vo Wash. 1845 FRENCH BOOKS. 460 ABOUT, E. Rome Contemporaine. 8vo, half morocco. 1861 461 - Le Roi des Montagnes; La Question Romaine; Maitre Pierre; Les Manages de Paris; Tolla. 5 vols, i2mo, half morocco 462 ASSOLLANT. Les Amours de Quatrequem. i2mo, half mo- rocco 463 BERANGER. CEuvres Completes, portrait, 2 vols; Der- niere Chansons; Ma Biographic. 4 vols, i2mo, half mo- rocco 464 BERNARD. Le Gentilhomme Campagnard. 2 vols, i2mo, half morocco 465 CHATEAUBRIAND. Atala; Rene; Les Natchez. i2mo, half morocco 466 CHENIER, AND. Poesies. Portrait. i2mo, half morocco 467 CHATRIAH. L'Invasion; Homme du Peuple; Madame Therese; Le Maison Forestiere. 4 vols, half morocco 468 FERRY, G. Les Squatters; &c. 12 mo, half morocco 469 FEUILLET, O. Bellah. i2mo, half morocco 470 GUIZOT. Histoire de la Civilisation. i2mo, half morocco 471 HOUSSAYE. Les Femmes du Diable. i2mo, half morocco 472 - - Histoire du 4i me Fauteuil de 1'Academie Francaise. i2mo, half morocco 25 473 KARR, A. En Fumant. i2mo, half morocco 474 MERIMEE, P. Theatre de Clara Gazul. i2mo, half mo- rocco 475 MICHELET. La Femmes L' Amour. 2 vols, i2mo, half mo- rocco 476 MOGES. Souvenirs d'une Ambassade en Chine t au Japan en 1857-8. i2mo, half morocco 477 MONTEPIN. Les Viveurs de Paris. 4 vols, 12010, half mo- rocco 478 MURGER. Les Vacances de Camille. i2mo, half morocco 479 NADAUD, G. Chansons. i2tno, half morocco 480 OURLIAC, ED. Les Contes de la Famille. i2mo, half mo- rocco 481 RABUTIN. Memoires de Roger De Rabutin. 2 vols, i2mo, half morocco 482 RACINE. Theatre Complet. Portrait. i2mo, half morocco 483 REYBAUD, C. Faustine; Le Cadet de Colobrieres. 2 vols, i2mo, half morocco 484 SAND, GEO. Piccinino ; Le Famille de Germandre ; Dames Vertes ; La Marie au Diable. 5 vols, i2mo, half morocco 485 SCRIBE, E. CEuvres Choisies. 5 vols, i2mo, half morocco 486 SEGUR. Francois Le Bossu. i2mo, cloth 487 VIARDOT'S Souvenirs de Chasse. i2mo, half morocco 488 VIGNY. Cinq-Mars i2mo, half morocco 489 MADELON, par About; De 1'Allemagne, par Sand ; Le Roi Marthe, par Crisafulli; Notes sur 1'Angleterre, par Taine; La Peau de Chagrin, par Balzac ; &c. 6 vols, paper 490 BIBLIOTHEQUE NATION ALE : Molicte, Racine, &c.; Rome Souterraine, par Didier. 13 vols 491 HISTOIRE D'ESPAGNE ; Histoires Edifiantes. 2 vols, bds. 492 FIELDING, HENRY. Dramatic Works, 3 vols; also, His Trav- els and Poems, Essays, &c. 5 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1882 LARGE PAPER COPY. 26 493 FIELD, THOS. W. The Battle of Long Island, with Connected Preceding Events and the Subsequent Retreat. Royal 8vo, paper Brooklyn, 1869 Large Paper. 494 FOWNE'S Chemistry for Students, 1847; Draper's Chemistry ; Silliman's First Principles of Philosopy; Tate's Philosopy. 4 vols, 1 2 mo 495 FINLEY. General Atlas. 4to, half roan Phil. 1829 496 FISHER'S Gazetteer of New York 1860 497 FLORIST (THE). Vol. 2. 1853. Colored plates 498 FLOWERS of the Field ; Forest Tree Culturist ; Grape Cul- turist ; Gardening for Profit ; Grape Vine ; Country Homes ; Small Fruit Culturist ; Practical Floriculture ; The Bee-Keeper's Text Book ; Record of Horticulture ; Draining for Profit ; Yale Lectures. 12 vols, i2mo 499 FRANCESON. Nuevo Diccionario Portatil. 2 vols, i8mo, boards Leipzig 499* FERGUSON'S History of Architecture in all Countries from the Earliest Times to the Present Day. New and revised edition. With 1,600 illustrations. 4 handsome vols, fullSvo, half bound, roxburgh style Lond. 1874 Published at $53.00. 500 (~l AME FISH of the Northern States. Illustrated. i2mo I \t l862 501 \t,,Ji GENLIS. The Theatre of Education. Portrait. 3 vols, i2mo, sheep Lond. 502 GERARD. Adventures of the Lion Killer. i2mo N. Y. 1856 503 "GLOAN." Breech-Loaders. i2mo N. Y. 1873 504 GOETHE. Faust : a Drama, and Schiller's Song of the Bell. Translated by Lord F. L. Gower. 8vo, calf, gilt Lond. 1823 505 Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship Bohn, 1861 506 GOLDONI, C. Commedie. i2mo, vellum Paris, 1844 507 GOLDSMITH, O. The Deserted Village. Illustrated by the Etching Club. i2mo, morocco, gilt N. Y. 1855 27 508 GRAMMONT. Memoirs of the Court of Charles the Second- With Additions by Sir Walter Scott. Portrait of Nell Gwynne ohn, 1846 509 GRASSI. Dizionario Ital.-Inglese e Inglese-Ital. Post 8vo, half morocco Lipsia, 1864 510 GRAY, BARRY. Cakes and Ale ; Married Life ; Matrimonial Infelicities ; Out of Town. 4 vols, rarno 511 GRAY, H. History of Rome for Young Persons. 3 vols, Post 8vo Lond. 1847 512 GREGORY, G. Dictionary of Arts and Sciences. Illustrated with copper-plates. 3 vols, 4to, calf N. Y. 1821 513 GREENER, W. W. Modern Breech-Loaders. Illustrated. i2mo Lond. 514 GUIZOT. History of Oliver Cromwell. Portrait. i2mo Lond. 1868 5-15 GULLIVER'S Travels and Baron Munchausen. Illustrated. i2mo N. Y. 516 GUIDE BOOK. Black's Picturesque England and Wales 1851 517 GUIDE BOOKS. Murray's Continent ; France; Northern Italy; and Southern Germany. 4 vols 518 GARDENER'S MONTHLY. Vols. 2-3-4-5-6. 5 vols, 8vo 519 GARTENLAUBE (DIE). Illustrated. 2 vols, folio 1866-67 520 GENESEE FARMER, 1856, '58, '59, '60, and '61. 5 vols, 8vo, half sheep 521 GEORGES. Deutsch-Lateinisch Handworterbuch. 8vo, half morocco Leipzig, 1861 522 GOLDSMITH'S History of the Earth and Animated Nature. With numerous notes and illustrations. 2 vols, 8vo. Lond. 523 GERMAN BOOKS: Die Viergeholze ; Synopsis der Nadel- holzer. 2 vols, 8vo, paper 524 Natursystem von Jablonsky. With fine colored plates, &c. 7 vols, odd, 8vo 525 Kinder Marchen ; Collin's Gedichte ; &c. 7 vols 526 Gesangbuch; &c. 3 vols 527 Miscellaneous. 22 vols, 8vo and i2mo 28 528 GERMAN BOOKS: Das Buch der Geologic; Humboldt's Brief e; &c. 9 vols 529 Miscellaneous. 12 vols, paper 530 GUIDE BOOKS. 8 vols, paper 531 GIBBON. History of Decline and Fall of Roman Empire. Portrait. 6 vols, 4to, calf (rubbed) 1782 532 GILES, W. A Treatise on Marriage ; Serious Thoughts. i6mo, half morocco Lond. 1771 533 GODWIN. Hand-Book of Biography. i2tno N. Y. 1852 534 GREENE. History and Geography of the Middle Ages ; Mangnall's Hist. Questions. 3 vols, i2mo 535 GRISWOLD, R. W. Poets and Poetry of America. With His- torical Introduction. Portraits. 8vo Phil. 1845 536 J | ACKETT, J. H. Notes and Comments on Plays and n Actors of Shakespeare. Portrait. i2mo N. Y. 1863 537 HALLAM, H. Introduction to Literature of Europe. 4 vols, 1 2 mo, half morocco N. Y. 1863 538 HALLECK, F.-G. Poetical Works. Blue and gold N. Y. 1859 539 HALLOCK, C. The Fishing Tourist. 8vo N. Y. 1873 540 (HAMILTON, GAIL.) Country Living and Thinking. i2mo 1862 541 HAMILTON, COUNT A. Fairy Tales and Romances. Por- trait Hohn, 1849 542 HANDY-VOLUME Series. Edelweiss ; Realities ; &c. 3 vols, i6mo 543 HAMMOND, S. H. Wild Northern Scenes. i2mo N. Y. 1857 544 HARFORD, J. S. Life of Michael Angelo. With Transla- tions of many of his Poems and Letters. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo Lond. 1857 545 HARRIS, J. C. Uncle Remus, his Songs and Sayings. Il- lustrated. i2mo N. Y. 1881 546 HARTE, B. Luck of Roaring Camp, &c. i2mo. Bost. 1871 2 9 547 HAVERGAL, FR. R. Memorials of. Portrait. i2mo N. Y. 548 HAWKER, P. Instructions to Young Sportsmen. With Hunting and Shooting in North America, by Wm. T. Porter. Illustrated. 8vo Phil. 1853 549 HAWKINS, ED. The Silver Coins of England, arranged and described. 47 plates. 8vo, half roan, uncut Lond. 1841 550 HAWKS, F. L. Narrative of the U. S. Expedition to Japan. Colored plates, including the Bath at Simoda, &c. 4to, half russia 1856 551 HAWTHORNE, N. The Scarlet Letter. i2mo, brown cloth 1850 552 The Marble Faun. 2 vols, i2mo, brown cloth 1860 553 HEAD, FR. A Faggot of French Sticks. 12 mo N. Y. 1852 554 HEADLEY, J. T. The Adirondack ; or, Life in the Woods. Illustrated. i2mo N. Y. 1853 555 HEMANS, MRS. Memorials of. Portrait. 2 vols, i2mo, half calf Lond. 1836 556 HEPTAMERON of Margaret, Queen of Navarre. Portrait Bo An, 1855 557 HEPWORTH, G. H. The " Nettie " along Shore. Illus- trated N. Y. 1876 558 HERBERT, GEO. Poetical Works. Edited by Gilfillan. 8vo, calf N. Y. 1854 559 HERBERT, W. H. Complete Manual for Young Sportsmen. i2mo 1856 560 The Quorndon Hounds ; The Deerstalkers ; My . Shooting Box ; The Warwick Woodlands. 4 vols. in 2. i2mo, half morocco 561 Fish and Fishing of the U. S. and British Provinces. 3d edition. Illustrated. 8vo 1855 562 - (Editor.) The Old Forest Ranger ; or, Wild Sports in India. Illustrated. 8vo 1855 563 HIGHLANDS of Ethiopia. Illustrated. 8vo, half roan (no title-page) 564 HINES, G. Exploring Expedition to Oregon. i2mo Auburn, 1851 3 o 565 HISTORY of Wonderful Inventions. Illustrated, i2mo, half roan 566 HOBLER, FR. Records of Roman History, from Cnseus Pom- peius to Tiberius Constantinus, as exhibited on the Roman Coins. 2 vols, 4to, uncut Westminster, 1860 567 HOLLEY, O. L. Guide thro' Northern and Eastern States and Canada. Maps and plates. i6mo N. Y. 1844 568 HOLLAND, J. G. Titcomb's Letters. i2mo N. Y. 1862 569 HOLME, J. S. (Editor). Light at Evening Time : a Book of Support and Comfort. Royal 8vo N. Y. 1871 570 HOLMES, O. W. Songs in Many Keys. i2mo Bost. 1862 571 Poems. Portrait. 12 mo 1854 572 HOMER. The Iliad. Translated by Earl of Derby. 2d edition. 2 vols, i2mo N. Y. 1865 573 HOOD, THOS. Choice Works. 4 vols, i2mo N. Y. 1854 574 Memorials of. By his Son. 2 vols Bost. 1860 575 HOPE, A. R. Homespun Stories. Illustrated. i6mo 1883 576 HORACE. Translated by C. Smart. Portrait. Bohn, 1853 577 HOUGH, F. B. History of Duryea's Brigade in 1862. Por- trait. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges Albany, 1864 578 HOUSSAYE. Mademoiselle De la Valliere et Madame De Montespan. Portraits. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1860 579 HUGHES, THOS. School Days at Rugby. 12010. Bost. 1861 580 Tom Brown at Oxford. 2 vols, i2mo 1861 5 8r - Scouring of the White Horse. Illustrated 1859 582 HULLAH, JOHN. The Song-Book. Words and Tunes. i6mo Phil. 1866 583 HUMBOLDT. Cosmos. Vols. i, 2, 3 and 4. 12010, calf Bohn, 1849 584 HUMPHREYS, H. N. The Coin Collector's Manual. With above 150 illustrations. 2 vols .Z?M#, 1853 585 HUNT, LEIGH. Works of. Portrait. 4 vols, i2mo, half calf N. Y. 1859 586 - - The Seer, or Common-Places Refreshed. 2 vols Bost. 1864 587 HAWKINS. Hand-Book of Tennessee. 8vo, paper 1882 588 HUNTER. History of England. Small 410 1867 589 HOME THOUGHTS and Home Scenes. Poems and Wood En- gravings. 4to, morocco, gilt (soiled) 590 HERZBERG, W. Jewish Family Papers. 8vo N. Y. 1875 591 HOGG, J. The Microscope : its History, Construction and Applications. Over 500 engravings. 8vo 1854 592 HARPER'S School History. Crown 8vo 1856 593 HARPER'S MAGAZINE. Vols. 34 to 42, and Vol. 46. 10 vols, half morocco 594 HARPER'S WEEKLY. i87i-'72, and Vol. i of 1873. 5 vols, folio, half morocco 595 HOWLAND. Annals of North America, from 1492 to 1877. With illustrations and a carefully prepared Index. 8vo, half turkey 1877 596 (HOME, H.) Principles of Equity. 3d edition. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Edinburgh, 1778 597 HUME, SMOLLETT and HUGHES. History of England. With historical illustrations, autographs and portraits. 18 vols, post 8vo Lond. 1876 598 HOME-LIFE of English Ladies in the XVIIth Century. 2d edition. Post 8vo Lond. 1 86 1 599 (HITCHCOCK.) Christ the Spirit : an attempt to state the Primitive View of Christianity. 2 vols, i2mo 1874 600 HAYDN, J. Dictionary of Dates. 4th edition. 8vo (loose in binding) Lond. 1847 601 HERSCHEL, J. F. W. Outlines of Astronomy. 2d edition. Fine plates. 8vo Lond. 1849 602 HARRIS, T. W. Treatise on Insects of New England inju- rious to Vegetation. 8vo, paper 1852 603 T NDIANS. Narrative of Capture, Detention and Ran- som of Charles Johnston, of Virginia, in 1790. With illustrative anecdotes. i2mo, boards N. Y. 1827 604 IRVING, WASHINGTON. Works of, including Wolfert's Roost, The Spanish Papers, Life of Washington, and Life and Letters. 27 vols, i2mo, half dark calf. 1856-1864 N. Y. 32 605 IRVING, WASHINGTON. Oliver Goldsmith. Illustrated. 8vo, turkey morocco, full gilt N. Y. 1849 606 Knickerbocker's History of New York. Illustrated by Darley. 8vo, cloth, gilt 1850 607 Tales of a Traveller. Illustrated by Darley. 8vo, gilt 1850 608 Conquest of Granada, izmo N. Y. 1855 609 - - Tour on the Prairies Phil. 1835 610 - - Salmagundi. 2 vols N. Y. 1835 611 IRVING, JOHN T. The Attorney, izmo N. Y. 6j2 ISSAVERDEUS, JAS. Armenia and the Armenians. i6mo, half russia, gilt Venice, 1874 613 TAMES, G. P. R. Dark Scenes of History. i2mo. (2) N. Y. 1850 614 {j JAMES, HENRY. The Portrait of a Lady. i2mo. 1882 615 JAMES AND MOL. Diet, de la Langue Francaise et Anglaise. i2mo, half morocco Leipzig, 1864 616 JAMESON, MRS. The Diary of an Ennuyee. Blue and gold 1858 617 JARVIS, S. F. Introduction to History of the Church. 8vo N. Y. 1845 618 JOHNSON, SAML. Lives of the English Poets. Portrait. 2 vols, i2mo, half dark calf N. Y. 1857 619 - Life of, by Bos well. 4 vols, half dark cf. N. Y. 1859 620 JOHNSTON, J. F. Chemistry of Common Life. 2 vols, izmo N. Y. 1855 621 Do. 2 vols, i2mo 1857 622 JUVENILES. The Bodleys Telling Stories; Pussy Tiptoes Family ; Aboard the Mavis ; Around the Yule Log. 4 vols, 8vo, fancy boards 623 - - The Budget ; The Floating Prince. 2 vols, 8vo, cl. 624 - Illustrated Girls' Own Treasury ; Willie Winkie ; Far Off; Silver Pitchers ; Try Again. 8 vols, i2mo and i6mo 625 Robert Linton ; Children's Friend ; &c. 10 vols, i6mo 33 626 ILLUSTRIRTE..ZEITUNG. 1847, '4^, '52, '53, >62 > ' 6 5> '66, '67. ii vols, folio, half morocco. Incomplete years, except 1862, '66 and 67 627 ILLUSTRIRTER DORFBARBIER. 1858. Half roan 628 INSURANCE MONITOR, 1864 ; Insurance Blue Book, 1875. 2 vols, 4to 629 INSURANCE YEAR BOOK, 1878-79. 2 vols, 8vo N. Y. 630 INTELLECTUAL OBSERVER ; Review of Natural History ; Microscopic Research, and Recreative Science. Illus- trated with plates in colors and tints, and numerous engra- vings on wood. 9 vols, 8vo, gilt Lond. 1862-66 631 INFERNAL CONFERENCES, or Dialogues of Devils. i2mo Norwich, 1835 632 IRVING, THEO. Conquest of Florida. Map. i2mo. 1851 633 IRVING, W. Life of Washington. 5 vols, 12010 1856 634 Life and Letters of. 4 vols, 12 mo 1862 635 JEWELL. The Works of the very learned and Reverend Father in God John Jewell. Folio, calf Lond. 1609 636 T XELLOGG. Text-Book of Rhetoric, 1880; a Hand- ^C Book of Anglo-Saxon Derivatives, 1854. 2 vols, X V i2mo 637 KEIGHTLEY, T. History of England. 2 vols, i2mo, half calf Lond. 1837 638 KEMBLE, F. A. Residence on a Georgian Plantation. i 2 mo N. Y. 1863 639 KENNEDY, J. P. Swallow Barn. 20 illustrations by Strother. i2mo N. Y. 1854 640 KINGLAKE. The Invasion of the Crimea. Vol. i, i2mo. 1863 641 KINGSLEY, CHAS. Christmas in West Indies. Illustrated. i2mo Lond. and N. Y. 1871 642 KINGSLEY, HEN. Austin Elliot ; Ravenshoe. 2 vols, i2mo 643 KNIGHT, CHAS. London. Numerous illustrations. 6 vols. in 3. Royal 8vo 1841 644 KUGLER, FR. Handbook of the History of Painting. Part 2. German, Flemish and Dutch Schools. Post 8vo Lond. 1846 34 645 KLADDERADATSCH. Illustrated. 2 vols, 4to 1853 and '60 646 KNIGHT, CHAS. Pictorial Museum of Animated Nature. Illustrated with 4,000 wood engravings. 2 vols. in i. 410, half morocco 647 T INCOLN MEMORIAL. Album Immortelles. Fine portrait. 8vo N. Y. 1882 648 \_^ . Memorial Address. By Geo. Bancroft. 8vo 649 - Obsequies in Union Square. 8vo, paper 650 LITTLETON AND BLATCHLEY. Digest of Fire Insurance De- cisions. 8vo 1862 651 LAHARPE, J. F. Lyce"e, ou Cours de Litterature. 1 6 vols, 8vo, calf 1799 652 LAMB, CHAS. Works of, with his Life and Letters by T. N. Talfourd. Portrait. 5 vols, i2mo, hf. dark cf. N. Y. 1859 653 LANMAN, CHAS. Adventures in the Wilds of the United States and British American Provinces. Illustrated. 2 vols, 8vo Phil. 1856 654 - Octavius Perinchief : his Life of Trial and Supreme Faith. Portrait. 8vo Wash. 1879 655 (2) LAWRENCE, AMOS. Diary and Correspondence. Portrait. 8vo 1855 656 LEIPSIC EDITION of English Authors; Novels by Bulwer, Col- lins, Disraeli ; James Melville ; Kavanagh ; Dickens ; Oli- phant ; Thackeray; Trollope ; &c. 51 vols, i6mo, half brown morocco, fresh 657 - Dombey and Son ; Thrown Together ; &c. 8 vols, paper 658 LEISURE-HOUR SERIES : Democracy; Ralph Wilton's Weird ; &c. 4 vols, i6mo 659 LELAND, H. P. Americans in Rome. i2mo N. Y. 1863 660 LESAGE. Histoire de Gil-Bias. Portrait. i2mo, half calf Paris, 1853 66 1 Do. In Spanish. i2mo, half roan N. Y. 662 LIDDELL AND SCOTT. Greek-English Lexicon. Edited by H. Drisler. 8vo, sheep N. Y. 1854 663 LITERARY SOUVENIR. Edited by A. A. Watts. 24 fine plates. 1 2 mo, turkey morocco, gilt Lond. 1836 35 WEDNESDAY'S SALE. 664 LIVY literally translated. Vol. i Bohn, 1854 665 LLOYD, L. Scandinavian Adventures during a Residence of upwards of Twenty Years, with some Account of the Northern Fauna. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols, royal 8vo Lond. 1854 666 LODGE, ED. Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain. With Biographical and Historical Memoirs. 8 vols, i2mo Bohn, 1849 667 LOUBAT, A. American Vine-Dresser's Guide. i2mo. 1872 668 LOUBAT, J. F. The Medallic History of the United States of America, 1776-1876. With 170 etchings by Jules Jacquemart. 2 vols, 4to, uncut N. Y '.: Published by the Author, 1878 669 LOWELL, J. R. Poetical Works. Portrait. 2 vols, blue and gold 1858 670 Fireside Travels. i2mo 1864 671 LUBBOCK, J. Chapters in Popular Natural History. i6mo N. Y. 1884 672 \ I ACDONALD, GEO. Annals of a Quiet Neighbor- l\ /I hood. i2mo N. Y. 1867 673 1 Y 1. MACKENZIE, R. S. Tressilian and his Friends. i2mo Phil. 674 MACFARLANE, C. Romance of History ; Italy. 2 vols, i2mo, boards N. Y. 1832 675 MALCOLM, H. Travels in South-Eastern Asia. 2 vols, i2mo ^39 676 MANZONI, A. I Promessi Sposi. 12010, vellum 1845 677 MARCY, R. B. Thirty Years of Army Life on the Border. Illustrated. 8vo N. Y. 1866 -36- 678 MARRYATT. Jacob Faithful ; Children of the New Forest ; Little Savage. 3 vols, cloth and paper 679 MASSEY, G. Poetical Works. Blue and gold 1857 680 MASTERPIECES of the Centennial Exhibition Illustrated : Fine Arts, Industrial Arts ; History, Mechanics, Science. Nu- merous plates on steel and wood. 3 vols, 410, half morocco Phil. 68 1 MATHEWS, J. M. The Bible and Men of Learning. Por- trait. 8vo 1855 682 MAURY, M. F. Physical Geography of the Sea. 8vo N. Y. 1856 683 MAYO, W. S. Never Again. 12010 N. Y. 1873 684 MENDELSSOHN. Letters from 1833 to 1847 ; Letters from Italy and Switzerland ; Life of, by Lampadius. 3 vols, i6mo N. Y. 685 MILL, J. S. On Liberty. i2mo Bost. 1863 686 MILLHOUSE, J. English and Italian Pronouncing and Ex- planatory Dictionary. 2d edition. 2 vols, i2mo, half roan N. Y. 1861 687 MILLER, H. The Testimony of the Rocks. i2mo Bost. 1860 688 MILTON, J. Poetical Works ; Notes and Life, by J. Mitford. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo Lowell, 1849 689 (MITCHELL, D. G.) Reveries of a Bachelor ; Dream Life ; Battle Summer ; Fudge Doings ; Fresh Gleanings. 6 vols, 1 2 mo N. Y. 1851-6 690 MITCHELL, W. Bryan Maurice, or The Seeker. i2mo. 1869 691 MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. 13 vols, 8vo, i2mo, &c. 692 MOLIERE. CEuvres Completes. 5 vols, i6mo, half calf Paris, 1855 693 MONTI, V. Tragedie del. 8vo, half vellum 1825 694 MORGAN, A. DE. Elements of Arithmetic. i2mo Lond. 1848 695 MORRIS, GEO. P. Poems. Blue and gold N. Y. 696 MORSE, J. Universal Geography. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep 1812 697 MUHLBACH, L. Berlin and Sans-Souci ; Frederick the Great ; The Merchant of Berlin. 3 vols, i2mo 37 698 MURRAY, W. H. H. Adventures in Adirondacks. i6mo 1869 699 MACAULAY. Critical, Historical and Miscellaneous Essays, with Memoir and Index. Portrait. 6 vols, i2mo N. Y. 1860 700 MORAL EMBLEMS, with Aphorisms, Adages and Proverbs of . all Ages and Nations, from Jacob Cats and Robert Farlie. With illustrations by John Leighton. 4to, turkey morocco, full gilt N. Y. 1860 701 MORGAN, J. A. Macaronic Poetry, collected. With an In- troduction. Post 8vo N. Y. 1872 702 METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE for 1835. 3 vols, cloth Lond. 703 MOORE, FRANK (Editor). The Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events. With Documents, Narratives, Il- lustrative Incidents, Poetry, &c. With maps and portraits. ii vols, and i vol. of Supplement. 12 vols, 8vo, half dark calf N. Y. 1861-64 704 MCWATTERS, G. S. Detectives of Europe and America, or Life in the Secret Service. Illustrated. 8vo 1883 705 MACAULAY. Life and Letters. 2 vols. in i. i2mo. Leipsic 706 MATHEWS, J. M. Bible and Men of Learning. Portrait. 8vo 707 MEMORABILIEN aus der Europaischen Geschichte. Illus- trated with many full-page engravings, tinted. 4to, gilt N. Y. 708 McCLiNTOCK. Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin. Illustrated. 8vo Lond. 1860 709 M'KENNEY, T. L. Memoirs. With Sketches of Travels Among the Indians. 2 vols. in i. 8vo (soiled) 1846 710 MEMORIAL ADDRESSES on Rice, Crocker, Hersey and Hooper. 8vo 1875 711 MONTANUS, ARNOLDUS. Gedenkwaerdige Gesantschappen der Oost-Indische Maetechappy in't Vereenigde Neder- land, aen de Kaisaren van Japan. Illustrated with many very fine copper-plates. Fine impressions. Folio, vellum . Amsterdam, 1669 712 MUDIE, R. Man as a Moral Being. i6mo Lond. 1840 - 38 - 713 MCCALMAN, A. H. A Compact History of England. Il- lustrated. 8vo N. Y. 1883 714 MCCAUSLAND, D. The Builders of Babel. 12010 Lond. 1871 715 MACGOWAN, J. Infernal Conference; or Dialogues of Devils. With a Looking-Glass for Professors of Religion. Portrait and copper-plates. 8vo, calf Lond. 716 MACREADY, W. C. (The Actor). Reminiscences, and Se- lections from his Diaries and Letters. Portraits. 2 vols, 8vo Lond. 1875 717 MILMAN, H. H. History of Latin Christianity, including that of the Popes to Nicolas V. 2d edition. 6 vols, 8vo Lond. 1857 718 MACBETH, J. W. V. The Might and Mirth of Literature: a Treatise on Figurative Language. Crown 8vo N. Y. 1875 719 MARSH, GEO. P. Lectures on the English Language. 8vo N. Y. 1860 720 MAY, CAROLINE. American Female Poets. Portrait. 8vo Phil. 1848 721 METCALFE, S. L. Caloric: 'its Mechanical, Chemical and Vital Agencies. 2 vols, 8vo Phil. 1859 722 MORLEY, H. Life of Bernard Palissy, the Potter. Crown 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1855 723 MILTON. Paradise Lost. With 50 full-page illustrations by Dore: 4to, gilt N. Y. 1884 724 \ TAPOLEON. Confidential Correspondence with his j\ I Brother Joseph. 2 vols, i2mo N. Y. 1856 7 2 5 1 X NAPLES ses Monumens et ses Curiosites. i6mo, half roan 726 NEUMAN AND BARETTI'S Spanish Dictionary. 2 vols, 8vo, sheep 1827 727 (NEWELL.) The Orpheus C. Kerr Papers. 2 vols N. Y. 1863 39 728 NEW-ENGLAND SERMONS. Allen's Election, May 30, 1744; Chauncy on the Rebellion in Favour of the Pretender, Feb. 6, 1745; Balch's Election, May 31, 1849; Welsteed's Election, 1751; Chauncy on the late Terrible Earthquake, 1755 and 1756; Jon. Mayhew on Conquest of Canada (impft.); Eliot's Thanksgiving on Reduction of Canada, 1759; Foxcroft on Same, 1760; Chauncy on Thanksgiving for Repeal of the Stamp-Act, 1766; Barnard's Election, 1766; Chauncy on the Death of Thos. Foxcroft, 1769; Chauncy on Removal of the Mass. General Court to Cam- bridge, 1770; Parson's Election, 1772; Chauncy's Thurs- day Lecture, Sept. 3, 1778. i vol, lamo, half sheep 729 NEWLAND, H. Forest Scenes in Norway and Sweden. Illustrated. i2mo Lond. and N. Y. 1854 730 NEW UNIVERSAL ATLAS. Compiled by Jeremiah Greenleaf, 1842. 4to, turkey morocco, gilt 731 NEW YORK Documentary History. Vols. i, 2 and 3. 8vo 732 City during the American Revolution: a Collection of Original Papers* (now first published). 4to. N.Y. 1861 Privately printed for the Mercantile Library Association. 733 Historical Society Collections for 1868 to 1881 (ex- cept 1874 and 1880).' 12 vols, 8vo 734 Chamber of Commerce Colonial Records, 1768-1784. With Historical and Biographical Sketches by J. A. Ste- vens, Jr. Royal 8vo, uncut 1867 735 Chamber of Commerce Reports, 1859-62. 3 vols 736 Illustrations of the Croton Aqueduct, by F. B. Tower. Plates. 4to l8 43 737 Description of Central Park. 100 pretty woodcuts. 8vo, gilt l86 9 73 8 Natural History Agriculture by Emmons. Vol. 5. The Work on Insects. With many colored plates. 4to 1854 739 Do. Vol. 3. On Fruits. With colored plates. 410 74 Insurance Reports, 1867 and '76. 2 vols, 8vo 741 NEW JERSEY Adjutant-General's Report, 1881; Insurance Reports; &c. A bundle of vols, in sheets 40 742 NICHOLSON. The Mechanic's Companion. Illustrated. 8vo, calf 1832 743 NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, Jan., Apl. and July, 1871; Mar.- Apl. and Nov.-Dec., 1877, 1879; Mar. and Oct., 1880; Jan., Feb., Apl., July, Aug., Oct. and Nov., 1881. 32 Nos. 744 NOVELS. By Cooper, Simms, Carsen, &c. 14 vols. (No covers) 745 A Selection of Works by James and others. 3 vols, 8vo, half roan 746 - - Huguenot Exiles; Daisy Thornton, by Holmes; Olive; &c. 7 vols, i2mo 747 - - Naval Officer; Attila; &c. 14 vols, i2mo. Old 748 - - The Admiral's Ward; The Sisters, by Ebers; &c. 4 vols, paper 749 NICHOLS, GEO. W. The Story of the Great March. Illus- trated. i2mo N. Y. 1865 750 NOTT, C. C. Sketches of the War.^ i2mo N. Y. 1863 751 NOTHING TO Do. Illustrated. i2mo N. Y. 1857 752 /^LIPHANT, L. Narrative. of Lord Elgin's Mission to China and Japan. Illustrated. 8vo N. Y. 1860 753 ODD VOLUMES. More's Works; Society in America; and Novels, ii vols, 8vo and i2mo 754 9 vols, paper Leipsic 755 OUR YOUNG FOLKS. Illustrated Magazine 'for Boys and Girls. 59 Nos. 756 OLLENDORFF'S German Grammar and Key. 3 vols 757 T~^ATR1CK, S. Commentary on Job, Psalms, Proverbs, \?S Song of Solomon, &c. Folio, calf 1759 758 1 PILKINGTON, M. A General Dictionary of Painters.. New edition. 2 vols, 8vo, half roan Lond. 1824 759 POYAS, C. G. The Huguenot Daughters and other Poems. 1 2 mo. Rare Charleston, 1849 41 760 PRACTICAL ENTOMOLOGIST. Vol. i. 1865-6. Royal 8vo Phil. 761 PACKARD, A. S. Our Common Insects. 4 plates and 268 woodcuts. 1 2mo Bost. 762 PACIFIC RAILROAD Explorations and Surveys. Illustrated with plates and woodcuts. Vols. i to 8. 410 763 PARIS AND ITS ENVIRONS Displayed in a series of Picturesque Views, drawn under direction of Mr. Pugin and engraved under superintendence of C. Heath. Plates on india paper. 4to, morocco, full gilt Lond. 1829 764 PARIS a la Mediterranee, par Joanne 6t Ferrand. Illustrated. i2mo 1867 765 PARKYNS, M. Life in Abyssinia. Illustrated. 2 vols. in i. i2mo N. Y. 1856 766 PELLICO, S. Le Mie Prigioni. Portrait. 8vo, vellum Parigi, 1837 767 PENNY MAGAZINE, 1834-36-37-38. 4 vols, half calf 768 PERCY, THOS. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. New edition. 3 vols, post 8vo, half calf Lond. 1847 769 PETIGRU, J. L. : a Biographical Sketch, by W. J. Grayson. Portrait. i2mo N. Y. 1866 770 PHCENIX (G. H. Derby). The Squibob Papers. Illustrated. i2mo 1865 771 PLAYS: a Selection, Bost; Living Plays, Vol. VIII. 2 vols 772 POE, ED. A. The Works of. With Memoir by Griswold. Portrait. 4 vols, i2mo 1857 773 Poems. Portrait. Blue and gold 1861 774 POETRY OF THE WOODS. Elegantly illustrated. 12010. Phil. 775 POLKO, E. Musical Sketches. i6mo Phil. 1864 776 POLLARD, ED. A. The First Year of the War. Portraits. 8vo N. Y. 1863 777 POPULAR ENCYCLOPEDIA : a General Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, Literature, Biography, History, and Political Economy. With Dissertations by Sandford, Thomson and Cunningham. Plates. 14 vols, royal 8vo, uncut Glasgow, 1833 42 778 PORTER,}. Scottish Chiefs. Illustrated by Darley. i2mo 779 PRECES Sancti Nersetis Clajensis vEmeniorum Patriarchs, viginti quatuor linguis editae. i6mo, half morocco 1837 780 PORTER'S Spirit of the Times. With Continuation, edited by Wilkes. From No. i, Sept. 6, 1856, to March, 1862. 10 vols, 4to, half morocco Good copy. 781 PRESCOTT, W. H. History of Ferdinand and Isabella. 3 vols, 8vo Phil. 1864 782 Conquest of Peru. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf 1865 783 Charles the Fifth. 3 vols, 8vo, half calf 1865 784 Miscellanies. 'Portrait. 8vo, half calf 1865 785 Life, by Geo. Ticknor. Portrait and illustrations. 4to, uncut, cloth Bost. 1864 786 PRIME, S. I. Under the Trees. i2mo N. Y. 1874 787 PRIME, WM. C. Tent Life in the Holy Land; Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia. Illustrated. 2 vols, 12 mo. N. Y. 1857 788 - - I Goa-Fishing. Crown 8vo N. Y. 1873 789 Coins, Medals and Seals Illustrated and Described. 8vo N. Y. 1 86 1 790 (PROCTOR.) English Songs and Poems, by Barry Cornwall. Portrait. 12 mo Bost. 1851 791 POPE'S Homer's Odyssey; Stories of Infinity; Bricks With- out Straw; Blanid; A Woman's Word. 5 vols, i2mo 792 /*"*^UINT, A. H. The Potomac and the Rapidan: Army Notes, 1861-63. izmo Bost. 1864 Q R 793 T"NACHEL. Memoirs of. i2mo N. Y. 1858 794 \w^ RACINE. Theatre Complet. Portrait. i2mo, half calf Paris, 1855 795 RANDALL, R. R. Last Will and Testament. 8vo N. Y. 1848 796 REED, HENRY. English History; Literature; British Poets; The American Union. 5 vols, i2mo Phil. 1855-56 - 43 797 REVERE, J. W. Keel and Saddle. i2mo 6051.1872 798 RICHARDSON, CHAS. A New Dictionary of the English Language. 2 vols, 4to, calf Lond. and N. Y. 1837 799 RIKER, JAS. The Annals of Newtown, in Queen's County, N. Y. Maps. 8vo N. Y. 1852 800 ROBIN HOOD. A Lytell Geste of Robin Hode, with other ancient and modern ballads and songs relating to this cele- brated yeoman, with his history and character. Edited by J. M. Gutch. Adorned with cuts by F. W. Fairholt. 2 vols, 8vo Lond. 1847 80 1 ROLLIN. Ancient History. Illustrated. 4 vols, 8vo, sheep N. Y. 1824 802 Rome. Raccolta delle Principal! Vedute di Roma, deseg- nate del vero ed incise da Domenico Amici Romano, 43 plates j also Raccolta di Trenta Vedute degli Obelischi, Scelte Fontane, &c., di Roma ; also Raccolta delle Vedute dei Contorni di Roma, 13 plates. In all 90 fine plates. Oblong folio, half vellum 803 Another Copy. The Same. 804 - II Vaticano Descritto ed Illustrate da Erasmo Pistolesi con disegni a contorni diretti dal Pittore Cavr Tommaso De Vivo. 850 engravings in outline of the famous works of- art in the Palace of the Vatican. 8 vols, folio, half vellum Roma, 1858 The valuable work is sold with two handsome cabinets made of Italian walnut, each holding four volumes. 805 ROMILLY, SIR SAML. Memoirs and Correspondence. Por- trait. 3 vols, 8vo, half calf Lond. 1840 Autograph of Samuel Rogers on fly-leaf. 806 ROOSEVELT, THEO. The Naval War of 1812. 8vo N. Y. 1882 807 ROOSEVELT, R. B. Superior Fishing ; Five Acres Too Much. 2 vols, i2mo 1865-69 808 ROSCOE, WM. Life and Pontificate of Leo the Tenth. Por- trait. 2 vols JBohn, 1846 809 RUPP, T. D. An Original History of the Religious De- nominations in United States. 8vo, sheep Phil. 1844 44 8io RUSCHENBERGER, W. S. W. A Voyage Round the World. 8vo Phil. 1838 8n RUSSELL, WM. H. My Diary in India in 1858-9. Illustrated. 2 vols, i2mo Lond. 1860 812 RELIGIOUS TRACTS. 74 in 3 vols. 12010, half sheep 813 RINGGOLD, C. Memoir and Maps of California. Royal 8vo Wash. 1852 S 814 f) T. NICHOLAS : an Illustrated Magazine for Girls and Boys, 1874 to 1883 inclusive. Bound in 14 vols. 8vo, red cloth (slightly soiled by use) 815 SALA, GEO. A. Accepted Addresses. 12010 Lond. 1862 816 (SAUNDERS, F.) Festival of Song : a Series of Evenings with the Poets. With 73 pictures. 8vo, turkey morocco, gilt N. Y. 1866 817 SAUNDERS,). The Shadow in the House. i2mo 1861 818 SAXE, J. G. Poems. Portrait. i2mo, brown cloth Bost. 1855 819 Poems Complete. Portrait Bost. 1868 820 (SCARLETT, JAS.) Adventures of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse. Post Svo, half calf Lond. 1836 821 SCHROEDER, J. F. Life and Times of Washington. Illus- trated with highly finished steel engravings and historical scenes and portraits. 2 vols, 4to, half turkey morocco. N. Y. 822 SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R. Algic Researches. 2 vols, i2mo N. Y. 1839 823 (SCOVILE.) The Old Merchants of New York City, by Walter Barrett. 3 vols, i2mo 1863-65 824 SCHILLER, FRED. The Works of, Hist, and Dramatic Bohn, 1847 825 SCOTT, GENIO C. Fishing in American Waters. 170 illus- trations. Crown Svo N. Y. 1869 826 SCOTT, SIR W. Lay of Last Minstrel; Marmion. 2 vols, i2mo, full gilt N. Y. 1848-49 827 Royal Characters, from Works of Sir Walter Scott. Selected by W. T. Dobson. 12 illustrations in permanent photography. Crown Svo, gilt Lond. and N. Y. 1881 45 828 SCHOOL BOOKS. Davies' Legendre; Loomis' Algebra and Trigonometry; &c. 7 vols 829 Putz and Arnold's Ancient Geography and History; Keightley's Greece; &c. 8 vols 830 Owen's Iliad; and Anabasis; Anthon's Caesar; &c.; &c. 9 vols 831 - - Velasquez's New Spanish Reader; Ollendorff's Italian Grammar; &c. 5 vols 832 Le Brun's Telemaque; (Euvres de Moliere; &c. 4 vols 833 French and German. 17 vols 834 Lovell's United States Speaker; &c., &c. 9 vols 835 SEOANE'S Neuman and Baretti's Spanish Pronouncing Dic- tionary. 8vo, half morocco N. Y. 1856 836 SHERIDAN, R. B. Dramatic Works. Portrait. Botin^ 1857 837 SEVEN GREAT HYMNS of the Mediaeval Church. i2mo N. Y 838 SEWELL, E. M. Experience of Life. i2mo 1853 839 SHAKESPEARE. Dramatic Works. Revised by I. Reed. 10 vols, i2mo, sheep N. Y. 1825 840 Dramatic Works. Revised by Reed. Illustrated. 6 vols, 8vo, uncut, cloth N. Y. : Geo. Dearborn, 1835 841 5 Plays. 5 vols, i6mo, paper Leipzig 842 Sonnets rearranged and divided into four parts. Crown 8vo, half calf Lond. 1859 843 SHERMAN and His Campaigns: a Military Biography. Illus- trated. 8vo 1865 844 SHILLABER, B. P. Life and Sayings of Mrs. Partington. j2mo 1860 845 SIMMONDS, P. L. Sir John Franklin and the Arctic Regions. 12010 1852 846 SMITH, WM. Dictionary of Greek "and Roman Biography and Mythology. Illustrated. 3 vols, 8vo, uncut Lond. 1844 847 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Illus- trated. 8vo, uncut Lond. 1842 - 46 - 848 SMOLLETT, T. Miscellaneous Works. With Memoir by T. Roscoe. Portrait. 6 vols, 1 2010, dark half calf N. Y. 1860 849 SNOWDEN, J. R. A Description of the Medals of Washing- ton, of National and Miscellaneous Medals, &c., in the .Mint, m fac -simile engravings. Royal 8vo Phil. 1861 850 SOLEY, J. R. The Blockade and the Cruisers. i2ino 1863 851 SPIRIT OF THE FAIR, N. Y., 1864. 15 Nos. 4to 852 SOUTHEY, R. The Doctor, &c. i2mo N. Y. 1836 853 SPORTSMAN AND His DOG (THE) ; or Hints on Sporting. Illustrated. Post 8vo Lond. 1850 854 STAUNTON, H. Chess- Player's Hand-Book Bohn, 1848 855 STEINMETZ, A. Japan and Her People. Illustrated. Post 8vo Lond. and N. Y. 1859 856 STEPHENS, J. L. Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. 120 en- gravings. 2 vols, 8vo N. Y. 1848 857 Central America; Chicapas and Yucatan. Numerous engravings. 2 vols, 8vo 1848 858 Egypt, Arabia, &c. Illustrated. 2 vols, i2mo. 1837 859 STERNE, L. Works of. With Life. Portrait. 2 vols, i2mo, half dark calf N. Y. 1859 860 STONE, WM. L. Life of Joseph Brant, including the Border Wars of the American Revolution. Portraits and maps. 2 vols, 8vo N. Y. 1838 86 1 STORY, W. W. Roba di Roma. 2 vols, 12010. Lond. 1866 862 STOWE, H. B. The Minister's Wooing. i2mo. N. Y. 1860 863 STREET, A. B. The Saranacs and Racket. Illustrated. i2mo N. Y. 1860 864 - - The Indian Pass. i6mo N. Y. 1869 865 STRICKLAND. The Queens of Scotland. Vols. 3 to 7. 5 vols, i2mo N. Y. 866 STRUTT, Jos. The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. Illustrated by 140 engravings. New edition by Wm. Hone. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1830 - 47 867 SWIFT, JONATHAN. Works of. With Notes and Life, by Thos. Roscoe. Portrait. 6 vols, i2mo, half dark calf N. Y. 1860 868 SWINTON, WM. Campaigns of the Army of the Potamac : a Critical History. 8vo N. Y. 1866 869 - History of the Seventh Regiment, N. G. , State of N. Y., during the War of the Rebellion. Illustrated by Nast. 8vo ^o 870 SWITZERLAND and the Swiss. By an American Resident. Illustrated. 8vo 1875 871 SCHWEINFURTH, DR. G. The Heart of Africa ; Three Years' Travels and Adventures, with Introduction by W. Reade. Maps and woodcuts. 2 vols, 8vo N. Y. 1874 872 STANLEY, H. M. Through the Dark Continent. 10 maps and 150 woodcuts. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco. N. Y. 1878 873 SCRIVERS. Seelen-Schatz. Vols. i and 3. 8vo 874 STENDHAL. Promenades dans Rome ; Naples des Monu- ments et ses Curiosites. 2 vols, post 8vo, half vellum 875 SHAKESPEARE. Complete Works. Text corrected by Collier, and Notes by Jewett. Wood engravings by Alex. Anderson. 8vo, half morocco N. Y. 876 STEINWEHR. Centennial Gazetteer of U. S. 8vo, sheep 877 STEPHENS. Travel in Yucatan. Vol. 2 Lond. 878 SCANZONI. Practical Treatise on Diseases of Sexual Organs of Women. Annotated by Gardner. Over 60 illustrations. 8vo N. Y. 879 SHIMEALL. The Unseen World. i2mo 1870 880 SCHILLER. Maid of Orleans ; William Tell. Translated. i6mo, morrocco 88 1 STRUBE'S Drum and Fife Instructor. Small 4to 882 SCHOOL BOOKS. 18 vols 883 German and English Dictionary. By Turner. i6mo 884 STEWART, K. J. The Freemason's Manual. i2mo, mo- rocco, gilt Phil. 885 SYRUS. The Repentance of Nineveh : a Metrical Homily. Translated from the Syriac of Ephraem Syrus. With Notes. 1 2mo, gilt edges Lond. 1853 - 4 8- 886 SMITH, GEO. History of Assurbanipal. Translated from the Cuneiform Inscriptions. Frontispiece. Royal 8vo 887 SABIN. American Bibliopolist. 6 vols. in Nos. 1869-74 888 SMITH, WM. Dictionary of Bible Antiquities, Biography, Geography, &c. Illustrations and maps. 8vo 889 SHAW, JAMES. The Roman Conflict; or, Rise, Power and Impending Conflict of Roman Catholicism. Illustrated on steel and wood. 8vo 1878 890 ^TT^ACITUS. The Oxford Translation. Vol. 2 Bohn, 1854 891 TAYLOR, JEREMY. Holy Living. Post 8vo, calf, red edges. Pickering's edition 1852 892 TAYLOR, B. John Godfrey's Fortunes. i2mo N. Y. 1865 893 TENNYSON, A. Poetical Works. Portrait. Blue and gold. 1857 894 THAXTER, C. Among the Isles of Shoals. i6mo 1873 895 THOREAU, H. D. The Maine Woods. r2mo Bost. 1864 896 THORNBURY, W. Life in Spain Past and Present. Illustra- ted. I2IT10 N. Y. i860 897 THREE YEARS IN THE PACIFIC. 8vo, calf Phil. 1834 898 THUCYDIDES, translated by Dale. 2 vols ohn, 1851 899 TRACTS for Priests and People. i2mo Bost. 1862 900 TROLLOPE, A. North America. i2mo N. Y. 1862 901 TUCKERMAN, H. T. Essays, Bographical and Critical. 8vo Bost. 1857 902 THACKERAY, WM. M. Works of. Best library edition. With illustrations by the Author. 22 vols, 8vo Lond. and Phil.: Smith, Elder & Co., 1868 903 TRENCH, R. C. A Household Book of English Poetry. With Notes. Post 8vo Lond. 1870 904 TACITI Opera, ex recensione Geo. Ch. Crollii. 3 vols, half morocco 1792 905 TRIAL OF ABRAHAM, in Four Cantos, 1764; The Judgment of Whole Kingdoms, &c., by Lord Sommers, Phil. 1773; &c. i2mo, old sheep 49 906 T TNITED STATES Patent Office Report, 1850, &c. 2 VOls 907 ^.J _ Report from Department of State on For- eign Commercial Relations. 4 vols, 4to, half morocco 1856-7 908 Do. Vols. i and 3. Half morocco 909 T /ANITY FAIR. Comic Paper. Vols. i, 2 and 4. \ / 4to N. Y. 1 860-6 1 9 10 V VARNUM, ]. B. The Seat of Government of the United States. Map. 8vo, half roan 1854 911 VERNE, J. The Great Explorers of the Nineteenth Century. Illustrated. 8vo N. Y. 1881 912 In Search of the Castaways. 170 engravings. 8vo Phil. 1881 913 Hector Servadac. Illustrated. 8vo N. Y. 1878 g I4 Dick Sands, the Boy Captain. Illustrated. 8vo 1879 915 VITTORIO EMANUELE. In Memoriam. 8vo N. Y. 1878 916 VIRGIL, translated by Davidson Bohn, 1855 917 VARIOUS BOOKS. Some odd. 13 vols w 918 T I /ALDIE'S Select Circulating Library. Memoirs, Biography, Novels, Tales, Travels, &c. 17 vols, 4to, half roan Phil. 1833-39 919 WALTON AND COTTON. The Complete Angler. With Lives by Ed. Jesse and an article on Fishing Tackle by H. G. Bohn. Illustrated. Post 8vo, green calf Bohn, 1861 920 WARNER, C. D. Backlog Studies. 21 illustrations. Post 8vo 1873 921 WASHINGTON'S Farewell Address to the People of the United States. 4to N. Y. 1850 922 WARRINER, FR. Cruise of .the Frigate Potomac. Illustrated. izrno N. Y. 1835 923 WAYLAND'S Intellectual Philosophy; Whately's Logic. 2 vols, 1 2 mo 5 924 WEBSTER, DANIEL. Works of. Portrait. 6 vols, 8vo, half calf Bost. 1853 925 Private Correspondence. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth 1857 926 - - Life, by G. T. Curtis. Portrait. Vol. i. 8vo 1870 927 WELTER. Weltgeschichte fur Schulen. i2mo 1879 928 WESSELY. Pocket Dictionary of English and Italian. i6mo 1874 929 WHITEHEAD, C. E. Wild Sports in the South. Illustrated. i2mo N. Y. 1860 930 WHITTIER, J. G. Ballads of New England. Illustrated. 8vo, morocco Bost. 1870 931 Poetical Works. Portrait. 2 vols, blue and gold i857 932 WILKES, CHARLES. Narrative of the U. S. Exploring Expe- dition during 1838-42. Illustrated with fine steel plates and woodcuts, and atlas and maps. 5 vols, imperial 8vo, uncut Phil. 1845 933 WILSON, JOHN. Noctes Ambrosianse. Revised edition by R. S. Mackenzie. Also Memoir of Wilson, by his Daugh- ter. 6 vols, i2mo N. Y. 1863 934 WILSON, GEN. SIR ROBT. Narrative of Events during the Invasion of Russia by Napoleon and the Retreat of the French Army. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1860 935 WINTHROP, THEO. Cecil Dreeme ; John Brent ; Edwin Brothertoft ; Canoe and Saddle. 4 vols, i2mo. Bost. 1 86 1 936 WOLFF, J. Narrative of a Mission to Bokhara. Illustrated. 8vo N. Y. 1845 937 WOOD, W. M. Fakwei ; or, India, China and Japan. i2mo i859 938 WOOD, J. G. Natural History Picture Book. Mammalia. 8vo 939 WRAXALL, C. F. L. The Backwoodsman. Illustrated. i2mo Bost. 1866 940 WETMORE, J. C. The Wetmore Family of America and its Collateral Branches. With Genealogical, Biographical and Historical Notices. 8vo, uncut, paper Albany, 1861 941 WHEELER, J. H. Historical Sketches of North Carolina, 158410 1851. Illustrated. 8vo Phil. 1851 942 (2) WAR DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR. Practical Use of Mete- orological Reports. 1871 943 Signal Officer's Report. 1872. 8vo 944 (2) WHARTON. The Grain Carriers and Export Grain Trade of N. Y. Small 4to 1881 945 WARDER, J. A. American Pomology. 290 illustrations. i2mo N. Y. 946 WARD, HON. MRS. Telescope Teachings. 15 plates. Post 8vo, gilt Lond. 1859 947 Microscope Teachings. 16 colored plates. Gilt. 1864 948 WRIGHT, WM. The Oil Regions of Pa. i2mo 1865 949 WILLIAMS, MRS. H. D. A Year in China. i2mo 1864 950 WALKER, J. Critical Pronouncing Dictionary. 8vo 1826 951 WEST, NATH. Complete Analysis of the Holy Bible, Re- vised and Enlarged. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt 1865 952 WHITE, H. K. Complete Works. 8vo, half mor. Bost. 1829 953 WILLIAMS, H.*M. Letters on France during the Tyranny of Robespierre. i2mo, sheep Phil. 1796 954 WALTER, WM. Discourse of Mass. Humane Society. 410, uncut Bost. 1798 955 YOUATT on Sheep. Illustrated. 8vo 1854 956 ZOCHOKKE. Novellen, &c. 10 vols, odd 957 WILKINS. Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins, a Cornish Man ; his Shipwreck near the South Pole, Wonderful Passage through a Subterranean Cavern, &c. 2 vols, i2mo, half calf Berwick, 1784 958 WOOLRYCH, H. W. Lives of Eminent Serjeants-at-Law of the English Bar. 2 vols, 8vo Lond. 1869 959 WAYLAND'S Political Economy ; Woolsey's Introduction to International Law. 2 vols, i2mo 960 WATTS, I. The Improvement of the Mind. 8vo, sheep New Brunswick, 1813 961 962 Y ONGE, C. M.) A Book of Golden Deeds. i6mo Cambridge, 1865 Aunt Charlotte's Stories of Roman History. Post 8vo 1877 739 & 7kl HAVE ALMOST DAILY AUCTION SALES : , , onpffions of |8oohs, , (Joins, 3 0THER LITERARY PROPERTY, AM)- Will be glad to receive Consignments, both large and smali. Correspondence invited. Catalogues mailed upon application. June I7th and l8th.~ The Rev. Dr. GEORCF C \ T . /^ ng " S "' SC tdl Md '^ CohS ' June 23d and following- davs " ' In Preparation. The ogue o r,. !,, Also, Cata