UC-N.I":!:,, LB GIFT OF BC61 'A 'K GIFT o ~ 03 -S i ~H' & J?| sss 2J & . IO i-H (N CO a * -2 ^ & a Is a c 3 a> 8 a 3 2 B .HJ -O- 8 3 r-c 3. 8' | S^I1 IH!" .2 34 RETIREMENT ALLOWANCES. [Jan. I i 5 *3<*^ UHJ IS I O 1 *| il jfi-g'g.5.0 '."" . HI III SB I ail Will n c .*- v . . -*^> No minimum Maxim um=$ ^J I 1 IS : unt 15 ^3 s ii s '3fi II il ! if ^-^ o3 /-** ^ to vS 1913.] HOUSE No. 1926. 35 S.2 ll IS 3 5 i 3 o-S .13 S-fiOfl^ -j-J ft.S-3 ^ - 2 o 5 ' *0-2 C Co J 1! *8 ess - 3 ^ ~ 1 I 02 2*r 1" >> o a .2 1 1- 1 s Il1 retirement. 51 ?s -s hs-SB .to O -Si su: S II lli eo -H !i 1Js| ?* || |i||: i|.|| . |5'ig 1^1^ 5 = MS.|i!|| II- a 4l!i 2 ll I _fe fa S5_ I o H fl .9 3.2 voluntary retirement after 20 years of service in the State -o *l III 36 RETIREMENT ALLOWANCES. [Jan. APPENDIX D. PENSION SYSTEMS OF THE PUBLIC STATE OR COM- MUNITY AND YEAR ESTABLISHED. Paid by State or Community. Paid in Part by State. Dues paid by Teachers, Per Cent, of Salary. PENSION BEGINS With Disability (Years). Without Disability (Years). California (all cities), . Community, No, Yes, i .... 15 V, 4 30 San Francisco Community, No. . $12 per year day and 15 2 , 3 , 4 30' (1897). 6 $6 for evening. Colorado : D e n v e r Community, No, . . None, 10 25 9 (1909). Connecticut: New Community, No, . . 1 per cent, less than 10 15 30 Haven (1911). years; 2 per cent. over 10 years. Illinois (cities over Community, No, . $5 to $30, i . 15 25 100,000). Chicago (1895), Community, 10 . No, . $5 to $30, i . 159, 11 25 9 Indiana: Indianapolis Community, 12 . No, . 1 per cent, for 15 years 15 25 (1907). and under; maxi- mum $10; 2 per cent. over 15 years; maxi- mum $20. Kentucky: Louisville Community, No, . 1 . 2 per cent, of salary, 20 30 (1912). Maryland (1904), State, Wholly, . None, 25 25 Massachusetts, except Community, No, . None, 25 25^ Boston (1908)." Boston (1908) : Pension fund, Community, No, . None, 30 i SOW Teachers' retire- Community, 20 . No, . $18 per year, 2" 30 21 ment fund (1900). Lynn, 16 . Community, No, . None, 25 25" Michigan : Detroit Community, 23 . No, . 1 per cent. , 24 20 25-30 w (1895). i Act mandatory upon all teachers entering service after it takes effect. 1 Fifteen years' teaching in municipality. 1 Proportionate annuity to incapacitated teachers who have been contributors for at least five years. 4 Must have paid in at least five years' dues. 6 A permanent fund of $50,000. Fund administered by commission (mayor, superintendent and county treasurer, who report biannually). The retirement commission consists of five teachers, one at least from principals, one from grammar section, elected for three years. 7 With 30 years' assessments. 8 A proportionate annuity between 15 and 25 years. 9 Three-fifths of service within municipality or district. 1 Fund administered by Board of Education, two members elected by Board two teachers elected by contributors, and the superintendent of schools ex officio, 11 A proportionate annuity under 30 years with disability. 12 For cities of 100,000 or more inhabitants. 1913.] HOUSE No. 1926. 37 APPENDIX D. SCHOOLS IN THE UNITED STATES. Author- ized by State Law. Minimum Sum paid. Maximum Sum paid. Other Sources of Revenue. Refunds. Yes, . $360 in counties, $600 in consolidated cities $360 in counties, $600 in consolidated cities Fines, donations and miscellaneous None. and counties. and counties. *' sources. 5 Yes, . $600, .... $600,8 Gifts, legacies and not None. less than one-half the sums forfeited by teachers' ab- sences. Yes, . As Board determines, $480, .... Tax of 1-10 of 1 mill; None. gifts. Yes, . $400 $800, .... Appropriation by _ _ school board. Yes, . $400, .... $400 Gifts, legacies, . Resigning, one-half; discharged, total. Yes, . $400 $400 Gifts, legacies, interest Resigning, one-half; on school fund. discharged, total. Yes, . $15 for each year of $600 1 cent in $100 taxable Retiring teacher re- service. property; donations; ceives one-half interest on fund. l4 amount p aid into fund; legatee, one- Yes, . $200 $400, .... City appropriation, half compensation. One-half amount paid gifts, legacies. in. Yes, . $200 $200, . . ... None, - Yes, . Not exceeding one- $500 Gifts, city fund, direct _ half salary upon re- taxation, absences, tirement. etc. Yes, . $312, .... $600, .... Interest, on annuity _ _ fund, 5 cents on $1,000. - $180,22 $180,22 Salary of custodian and Resigning, one-half clerk hire, $1,500, after 2 years' mem- paid by school com- bership. mittee. Yes, . Not exceeding one- $500 Gifts, city fund, direct - half salary on retire- taxation, absence, ment. etc. Yes, . $400 $400, .... Gifts, legacies, money Resigning, one-half. appropriated by the Board or raised by approval of the common council, fees of nonresidents, balance from teach- ers' salaries. Four-fifths time teaching within city. Any unexpended balance of the annuity fund is transferred to permanent fund annually. Must be 60 years old, of exemplary character and without means of support. Also Nahant, Winchester, Brookline, Pittsfield, Wellesley, Marion. If 60 years old. Board may retire those 65 years old. 19 Two-thirds service in city. 20 Salary of custodian of fund and clerk hire, $1,500; paid by school committee. 21 One-third service in city. 22 Total one-third salary within these limits. 23 The board of trustees consists of the president of the Board of Education, the president pro tempore of the Board of Education, the chairman of committee on teachers and scnools, the superintendent of city schools, and three teachers in city schools elected by ballot from those contributing to retirement fund, as the Board shall prescribe, for a term of three years, one teacher being elected each year. 24 Limit, $1,000. 25 Ten years of which in city. 38 RETIREMENT ALLOWANCES. [Jan. PENSION SYSTEMS OF THE PUBLIC STATE OR COM- MUNITY AND YEAR ESTABLISHED. Paid by State or Community. Paid in Part by State. Dues paid by Teachers, Per Cent, of Salary. PENSION BEGINS With Disability (Years). Without Disability (Years). Minnesota: Duluth (1910),i Community, No, . $10 to $25, . 20 30 Minneapolis (1909), . St. Paul (1909), Nebraska: Omaha (1909). Community, Community, Community, No, . No, . No, . 5 years and under, $10; 5 to 10 years, $20; 10 to 30 years, $25. 2 1 per cent. ; maximum, $25. 1 to \y-i per cent., 7 2 5 25 203 25 35-40 New Jersey (1896), en- tire State: Teachers' retirement fund. Community, No, . 2 to 3 percent., 8 , 9 . 20 25-35 >o New Jersey (1903) en- tire State: Teachers' pension fund. Community, . No, . None, 20" 35" New York (1911), State, Yes, 1 per cent, of salary, . 15 25 Albany (1907), Community, . No, . 1 per cent., 20 30 Buffalo (1896), Community, No, . 1 to 2 per cent., . 24-28 30-35 1*. ' Elmira (19C7), . Greater New York (1894). Community, Community, No, . No, . 1 per cent.; maximum, $12. 1 per cent., l7 20V 8 30 ' 30 s, '8 Rochester (1905), . Community, No, . 2 per cent., 25-20 l , * 35-30 ', w Schenectady (1907), . Community, No, . \Y Rhode Island, entire State. Providence (1897), . State, No, . Wholly, . No, . None, 1 per cent., maximum, 35 8 ," 10 35 8 ," 35-30 * South Carolina: Charleston. Utah- Salt Lake City Community, No, No, . No, $12. None, 1 per cent , 1S 20 30 25" 30 V," (1909). Vermont (1910), . Virginia: entire State Community, State, No, . Yes, None, 1 per cent, of salary, . 20 30 30 , (1908). Wisconsin: Milwaukee (1909). i Community, No, . $24 per year, 25" 25io Women less number of years than men. 2 Voluntary. 3 Three-fifths of service within municipality or district. 4 Maximum, $50. 6 Proportionate annuity to incapacitated teachers who have been contributors for at least five years. 8 Twenty years within city. 7 Ten years of which in city, s If 60 years old. 9 Proportionate annuity. 1913.] HOUSE No. 1926. SCHOOLS IN THE UNITED STATES Con. 41 Author- ized by State Law. Minimum Sum paid. Maximum Sum paid. Other Sources of Revenue. Refunds. Yes, . One-half pay at time of retirement. $800 5 per cent, excises; de- ductions teachers' All if discharged. absences; dona- tions; interest. Yes, . $200 $300, . . * . Deductions for teach- ers' absences, fines, Discharge, one-half; resigning, one-half; assessments of legatee, one-half. teachers, and from . 1 to 2 per cent . of amount of taxation. Yes, . $200 $300 Deductions for teach- Resigning, one-half; ers' absences, fines, legatee, -one-half . assessments of teachers, and from 1 to 2 per cent, of amount of taxation. Yes, . $200, .... $3CO, .... 1 per cent, of school Resigning, one-half; Yes, . $200 $300 tax; interest. 1 per cent, of school legatee, one-half. Resigning, one-half; tax; interest. legatee, one-half. Yes, . $200 $300 1 to 2 per cent, school Resigning, one-half; tax; interest. legatee, one-half. Yes, . One-half pay at re- $800 Amount from Board None. tirement. equal to teachers' contributions. Yes, , $400 $800 Sum from Board All if discharged. equals teachers' con- tributions. Yes, . $400 $400 Donations; interest, . Resigning, one-half; legatee, one-half. Yes, . One-half average an- $500, .... None, _ _ nual salary for 5 years preceding. Yes, . Half pay at retire- $600 Donations ; entertain- None. ment. ments; interest. Yes, . One-half salary on re- $250 10 per cent, for first 5 None. tirement. years, then 4 per cent, of school tax. Yes, . One-half average an- None, 8 . Deductions for ab- Refunds all to lega- nual salary for 5 sences; gifts, be- tee; resigning re- years preceding. quests, donations, legacies. ceives one-half of contributions; dis- charged receives to- tal amount. Yes, . As voted, . As voted, . School money, . None. Yes, . One-half average an- $500 Legacies; bequests, . None. nual salary for 5 years preceding. Yes, . $400, . . $400, .... 1 per cent, of school Resigning teacher re- tax. ceives total contri- bution; discharged receives total amounts ; legatee re- ceives total amount. 10 Fifteen years' teaching in municipality. 11 Twenty-five years within State; 15 years immediately preceding within State. 12 Board may retire those 60 years old. 1 3 Act mandatory upon all teachers entering service after it takes effect. 14 With 30 years' assessments. 15 If 50 years (women); 58 years (men). 16 Cities of 50,000 inhabitants or more. 17 A proportionate annuity between 15 and 25 years, is If 65 years old. 42 RETIREMENT ALLOWANCES. [Jan. I s O w -OOOr--'fiO ^ CM ?5 = I^OO-I 1 CN I I I 1913.] HOUSE No. 1926. 43 fl 1 ,- 1 p-T J 1 d 0> j 1111 ' ^^'"^^S^^^^SS^ 00 I X * all 1 ^ii3i^^ s?52f000 (M* + i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i ' g 1 I I I 1 - P o -< i w i i-H^H|oie5 CO *< 2 1 1 1 1 1 C-J -Ji JJ ^ >.- rt< O 1 rt !M 1 >O 1 C^J So 1 1 1 1 rH | -H CO U5 - 00 !> t>- 1 CO (N -< 00 -M ^ C^ r^ i-H i . i 5 1 | ie5|5Ot^-Hb-.cicc-H'^l 00 CO -H <-l -< (MOi-r^.cocsiTtii^.i>.ooooco i i OQ 1C 'O IO IO O lO *O O O 1C *O *O *O B *O O *O >O "3 J^i^i^^ 22 22322^^^ c?+ ' O7liOlO5'OO'OOlC3tfMOO'OlO? RETIREMENT ALLOWANCES. [Jan. CO O PQ CO Women. Tf'^T^O^'^OOC". OO C^ 1C 1-TirJ S us 1 1 1 1 O OO O5 OO ^O *< "* CO CO CO 'm 1 M ij 8 s I Tfl CC 8S32 rt S a U3JOW O >O C O >O O if3 O ^O "-C O iC *O &iO^O | CC'iOO l O l C l O t O l O l ^*^ l '^ l/:! )5 u ^l 3 S ^H ^ ,_, ^H ^-i C^C^C^COCOCO 1913.1 HOUSE No. 1926. 45 . Women. gsss^ss?^ ^^ .- . . i . CO OO I""- ^f * 1 -H O5 j 1 c 1 O}rtO 1 1 (M CM 1C | |rHT-l| ! M I | | | | | | | CO 1 . s a ^II^S^ 5000 ^^^^ i i i i i i i I s s OTfJCO-H 1 1 <-< 1 1 1 1 1 | | | | | | 1 ^ 1 S B < 3 >> 02 11S1I11IS1I1SI11I 3 46 RETIREMENT ALLOWANCES. [Jan. Women. CCt~*^i-<^to cc *< o -^< o t^ o ^ co PO I-H i i i i i oo In Salary Group. o3.O5O'-ia3c3^H| I I I 1 t^lXl-^irOt^iOCOlM-^IMC^ (M O5 iM 1 M" + ft 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' g i-li-ICO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5? e 1-1 O * C-J 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I t>. ? s tC^t^ 1 1 1 1 ^_ I 1 1 rt 1 1 1 1 1 1 s $ 3 00 05 t-- T-C s> C^l 1 1 1 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'aT 5 ^ o -^i t^ o 1-1 e< -ii-* e<> c. CO U} kO CO 1 "* TH H CS1 TH r-t 1 1 1 1 1 1 s 1 t^ ITS r( 00 1C t- "3 O (N M r}< I i-H 1 1 I 1 1 1 i-l t^O 1 ! eo POOOCC^OIOOCOO5O|i-l| I 1 1 1 s ? 8 ^82 os " 5t - t I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 3 oc as T-^ oo Tt< oo o -i 5 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 JJJ CJ 02 t^ t-< r^ 1 8 a C0g<> 1 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c3 1 SALARY. lO*O^OOOiOiOC 1 CiClOtOiOOOiClOiO I >> x> 3 E^ 1913.] . HOUSE No.' 1926. 47 APPENDIX F. DESCRIPTION OF THE RETIREMENT SYSTEM FOR MASSACHUSETTS STATE EMPLOYEES. 1 The essential provisions of the retirement system may be com- pactly summed up as follows : The plan is based on the principle of joint contributions by em- ployees and Commonwealth. The employees are to be assessed regularly on their wages and salaries at a rate of not less than 1 nor more than 5 per cent., to provide a fund out of which annuities shall be paid to those retiring from the service. Exception is made, how- ever, in cases of employees receiving more than $30 per week; such employees are not to be assessed on the excess above that amount, but simply on a flat basis of $30 per week. The annuity received by each employee retired under the provisions of the act is such an amount as his contributions during his period of service accumulated, with interest at 3 per cent, compounded semiannually, will provide for him, according to actuarial computation. In addition to the annuity, the retired employee receives in each case a pension of equivalent amount paid from the State treasury. In no case is the total allow- ance, including annuity and pension, to be less than $200 per year, or more than one-half of the average wages or salary during the ten years prior to retirement. The age of voluntary retirement is sixty years, that is, an employee upon reaching that age may retire or may be retired by the Board entrusted with the administration of the act. The age of compul- sory retirement is seventy years, that is, an employee upon reaching that age must retire or be retired. An additional requirement of fifteen years' continuous service is laid down for employees retiring or retired at the age of sixty. It should be noted, however, that em- ployees who had reached the age of sixty when the retirement system was established, and also employees who had reached the age of fifty-five years at that date and became members of the association, may be retired without having completed the otherwise required service period of fifteen years. Employees who had reached the age of fifty-five and did not join the association may be retired with the minimum allowance of $200 prescribed in the act. Furthermore, employees who had served thirty-five years continuously may retire or be retired at any age. 1 From a document published by tbe State Treasurer. 48 RETIREMENT ALLOWANCES. [Jan. 1913. In addition to pensions for subsequent service, pensions for prior service are provided, that is, employees in the service when the retire- ment system is established are to receive, in addition to the allowance which they may secure through contributions to the annuity fund and the pension of corresponding amount paid from the State treas- ury, an extra allowance equal to the amount of the annuity that they might have earned for themselves had the system been in opera- tion when they entered the service, and had they made contributions to the retirement fund from that date to the time of its establishment. Participation in the system is optional for present employees. It is obligatory for future employees, those entering the service after the establishment of the system, with the exception of officers elected by popular vote, employees eligible for pensions under other acts of the Legislature, employees who serve only for short terms or on part time, and employees over fifty-five years of age at the time of enter- ing the service. Provision is made for refunding the contributions of employees who withdraw from the service for any reason without becoming entitled to a retirement allowance. In case a member of the asso- ciation leaves the employment for any cause other than death, before becoming entitled to a pension, there shall be refunded to him all the money that has been paid in by him, with interest at 3 per cent. In case a member dies before becoming entitled to a pension, there shall be paid to his legal representatives all the money that has been paid in by him, with such interest as may have been earned on the deposit. The administration of the system is entrusted to a Board of Re- tirement, consisting of the State Treasurer, another member chosen by the retirement association, composed of participating employees, and a third member selected by the first two, or appointed by the Governor in case of their failure to agree. The insurance depart- ment of the Commonwealth is given powers of supervision with refer- ence to the actuarial and administrative features of the system. YC 5756' UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW Books not returned on time are subject to a fine of 50c per volume after the third day overdue, increasing to $1.00 per volume after the sixth day. Books not in demand may be renewed if application is made before expiration of loan period. *OV 271920