OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "As becomes its title, Mr. Leland's book will be found extremely interesting to teachers, for it is almost entirely founded on practice. Its educational schemes owe very much to Froebel, it is true, but while Mr. Leland supports it by much wholesome evidence of good fruit, as well as persuasive reasoning, he is keen to detect the faults of the Kindergarten system. There is great force in his remark on the monotony of certain mental exercises or 'games' in Kindergarten schools, which have too much of drill or discipline in them to be really recreative and pleasing. Mr. Leland's fundamental aim is to develop the power of learning. Before learning children should acquire the art of learning. And if the ready reader should assume that is rather the teacher's province, and nothing but the art of teaching, a few pages of the book will soon con- vince him that Mr. Leland's ideal teacher is not to be picked up in the street, or in any Board school." Saturday Review. "Mr. C. G. Leland has much that is excellent to say on elementary education, and he says it well, with force and earnestness, in the volume now before us. Almost every man who has thought about education, and the aims it is imperatively called on to realise to-day, must agree with most, if not all, of what Mr. Leland insists on," Westminster Review. " We owe a good many bad things to commercial competition, and some good things : and among those, perhaps, may be classed the demand of late years for practical education. Our English education has been one- sided far too long. But the times are changing, and Mr. Leland's book is a valuable contribution to the discussion of an important question. Mr. Leland may say credo experto, for his plans have been tested and found successful." Knowledge. " All the world knows Hans Breitmann and his ballads. Many know of Mr. Leland in connection with Romany lore ; but we, in England, are only just beginning to learn that Mr. Leland must also be reckoned among educational reformers." Journal of Education. 44 This is a book from which all who are interested in the improvement of educational methods may derive valuable ideas. The author writes with the authority of broad and successful experience. The theories of education which he advocates and develops have been tested thoroughly, and so remarkable have been the results that all the world is on the way to adopt them. Mr. Leland's essays are, moreover, written with a lucidity, directness, and wealth of apposite illustration, sufficient to enlist the attention, and rouse the interest of the most hide-bound conversation. At first sight, those who are not familiar with the practical results reached in the author's Philadelphia classes by the methods here inculcated, and since applied with ever-increasing success to industrial teaching all over the United States, and in many European countries, may be somewhat surprised at the apparent simplicity of the doctrine, and may be distrust- ful of experiments which seem to depend primarily upon the revival of antique and obsolete practices," Neio York Tribune. "THE ENGLISH SLOYD." MANUAL INSTRUCTION-WOODWORK. BY S. BARTER, Organiser and Instructor of Manual Training in Woodwork to the London School Board, and Organising Instructor to the Joint Committee on Manual Training in Woodwork of the School Board for London, the City and Guilds of London Technical Institute, and the Worshipful Company of Drapers. WITH A PREFACE BY GEORGE RICKS, B.Sc. (LOND.) Illustrated by 303 Drawings and Photo-Engravings. Fcap. 4to, cloth, 7s. 6d. CONTENTS : Introduction Drawing Timber Tools Bench-work Work-room and its Fittings List of Tools required, &c. The above Work covers the Requirements of the Examinations of the City and Guilds of London Institute and the Science and Art Department in the subject. Sir PHILIP MAGNUS says: "Mr. Barter, in his book on ' Woodwork,' has succeeded in showing, what is most important, the educational value of manual training in school instruction, and has thus rendered a great service to those seeking a trustworthy guide in the practical study of the subject." J. H. REYNOLDS, Esq., Director and Secretary Municipal Technical Schools, Manchester, says: "One of the best, if not the best, book that has hitherto been published on this subject, whether English or American." Professor W. RIPPER, of Sheffield Technical School, says: "Mr. Barter, by his ability, experience, and success as an instructor of manual training classes, is the right man to write a book on woodwork, and the book he has produced is a most valuable addition to our literature on manual training in fact, so far as I am aware, it is the most complete and satisfactory work, as a course of instruction for schools, yet published in this country." Manchester Guardian: "As an educational treatise on the subject, one of the ablest and most comprehensive ever written." Nature: "This very excellent and practical work." Schoolmaster : " We have no words but those of commendation for the volume before us." Teachers' Aids: "By far the most complete manual yet issued dealing with this interesting subject." Board Teacher: "A highly interesting, instructive, and exhaustive work." Educational Review: "The best English book on the subject." Journal of Education: "The 'English Sloyd' is a distinctly rational system, that will bear trial in any school under ordinary circumstances. . . Will probably be very widely adopted." LONDON: WHITTAKER AND CO., PATERNOSTER SQUARE, E.G. PRACTICAL EDUCATION. WORKS by CHARLES G, LELAND, M,A, WOOD CARVING. With Numerous Illustrations. Third Edition, Revised. Fcap. 410. 55. "An excellent manual." Morning Post. "An admirable little book." Builder. LEATHER WORK. Stamped, Moulded, and Cut, Cuir-Bouilli, Sewn, &c. A Practical Manual for Learners. With Numerous Illustrations. 55. "A delightful addition to the series of Practical Manuals." Times. METAL WORK. Including Repousse, Bent or Strip Work, Cut Sheet Metal Work, Nail Knob, Wire, Easy Silver Ornaments, and Chasing Work. An Elementary Manual for Learners. 55. " We warmly commend it to all our readers." Schoolmaster. DRAWING AND DESIGNING. In a Series of 29 Lessons. With 42 Illustrations. Fcap. 4to, sewed, is. ; cloth, is. fid. "It has a good equipment of plates, and the text is full of valuable practical directions for beginners." Scotsman. PRACTICAL EDUCATION. TREATING OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF MEMORY, THE INCREASING QUICKNESS OF PERCEPTION, AND TRAINING THE CONSTRUCTIVE FACULTY. CHARLES G. LELAND, LATE DIRECTOR OF THE PUBLIC INDUSTRIAL ART SCHOOL OF PHILADELPHIA, And Author of " The Minor Arts" " Twelve Manuals of Art Work,' " The Album of Repousse Work" "Industrial Art in Education, or Circular No. 4, 1882," "Hints on Self -Education," A nd of a Series of A rticles on Decorative A rts published in the London Art Journal. S oPT Jourtij Cftttum. (UNIVERSITY LONDON: WHITTAKER AND CO. PATERNOSTER SQUARE, E.G. 1895 \_All rights reserved. ] I- CONTENTS. PART I. PAGE INDUSTRIAL ART IN EDUCATION i DESIGN AS A PREPARATION FOR INDUSTRIAL ART- WORK 22 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS 87 PART II. ON DEVELOPING MEMORY . . .120 PART III. ON CREATING QUICKNESS OF PERCEPTION . . , .151 PART IV. EYE-MEMORY 185 PART V. ON TAKING AN INTEREST . . . . . .214 CONCLUSION .234 vi CONTENTS. PAGE APPENDIX. I. KARL WERNER ON THE AMERICAN SYSTEM OF ART EDUCATION IN SCHOOLS 243 II. REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATES ON THE LELAND SCHOOL IN PHILADELPHIA 262 III. THE BRITISH HOME ARTS AND INDUSTRIES ASSOCIA- TION 266 IV. A LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL WORKS ON TECHNICAL EDUCATION 272 X1P njNIVERsiTT) X^C* PREFACE. EDUCATION as it exists consists of storing the memory, developing the intellect, and training the constructive faculty. I propose to go a step beyond this, and show if possible how memory may be created, quickness of perception be awakened, and the constructive power formed, so that the mind, when it begins to acquire knowledge, may do so with confidence and strength. I think that before learning children should acquire the art of learning, or, to use the words of ARTHUR MACARTHUR, we should intellectualise them before at- tempting to improve their intellects. My suggestions are based on what the history of mankind shows to be four truths. Firstly, that every human being possesses a memory which may be easily increased to what would seem to most persons a miraculous degree. This is proved by the fact that in every country in Europe before the invention of print- ing, as in the East at the present day, thousands or millions of men have had such memories, which were formed by a very easy system of development, which may be introduced to every school. Secondly, that quickness of perception may also be brought forth to an astonishing degree in every mind, as is also proved by research and observation, and that by so doing any viii PRACTICAL EDUCATION. undue preponderance of mere memory can be effectually avoided. Thirdly, that there is a faculty of visual perception, or eye-memory, by means of which we may bring before us vividly anything which we have ever seen, as FRANCIS GALTON has shown by exhaustive experiment. This third factor is a subtle blending or combination of memory and quickness of perception. It was first well experimented on and proved by EGBERT HOUDIN and the artist COUTURE. I venture to say that my own inquiries have added something to what is known of it. Fourthly, we have the constructive faculty, by which children of from eight years of age, and even younger, to fourteen, can be .taught original design, and that not of an inferior quality, and to work it out by what I call the minor arts in modelling, wood carving, embroidery, inlaying, &c. Memory, quickness of perception, and " visualising " meet and blend in art or manual industry. By means of the latter alone, as it is now taught in certain schools, children are easily and pleasantly trained to take up any kind of work. That is to say, one does not make artisans of them, but they are prepared in the best possible way to become artisans. A very great artist, when complimented on his skill, said, " I began to draw at fourteen years of age, and every day of my life I realise the fact that I should draw twice as well if I had begun at seven." Here was a great truth. From seven to fourteen years of age a certain suppleness, knack, or dexterous familiarity with the pencil or any implement may be acquired which diminishes with succeeding years. This is precisely the case with memory and quick perception. PREFACE. ix It is strange and true that this latter faculty may be awakened in extremely dull children by merely mechanical methods or tricks, and these may be so improved as to lead to an awakening of intelligence. This also is proved by observation. All of these assertions have in fact been perfectly and abundantly proved. What I now assert is, that the time has come to combine them all, and practically utilise them in the school. If this be resolutely and earnestly done it will entirely change our whole present system of teaching. It would be the height of vanity and pre- sumption to believe that I have shown how this can be perfectly effected. What I hope for is that the attention and labour of others may be drawn to the subject. It is evident enough that the time has come it is no longer in " the dim and remote future " when science must either develop the mental faculties or else the schoolmaster must stop cramming to go on with the old systems is no longer possible. Though it should logically be the last, I have made the division on Industrial Art Education the first in the series. I did so because it is at present being earnestly studied, and is of great popular interest. It is probable that nineteen out of twenty will consider that it has " something in it," while they will regard the remainder as " unpractical." There is also this considera- tion. When I began nearly thirty years ago to seriously study education, and evolved the whole system laid down in this work, and resolved that if I ever should be in a position to do so I would devote my life to practically working it out, the only part of it which caused me doubt and fear was this whether mere x PRACTICAL EDUCATION. children could be taught hand-work while attending school. To resolve this I learned the minor arts, and taught them till I found that they all resolved them- selves into one art design. The pupil who can design and model can confidently work in all the arts. I published a book, entitled the Minor Arts, on this subject, which was read by Mrs. JEBB of Ellesmere. While I was engaged for four years in introducing industrial art work as a branch of edu- cation in the public schools of Philadelphia, Mrs. JEBB established in Great Britain the Home Arts and Industries Association, which has now, in addition to its central point in London, more than two hundred schools or classes in successful operation. From it the teaching of the minor arts of every kind has extended to the People's Palace for the Poor, to the East End Working Men's Clubs, and to many other institutions. In America, the attention of the Central Government was attracted to the system, and General EATON, the Commissioner of Education at the Central Bureau of Education in Washington, requested me to write a pamphlet setting forth how industrial education could be taught in schools. Erom the literally thousands of letters which I have received, I have learned that it resulted in the establishment of as many classes. That the system was well received is shown by the fact that it was warmly commended in contributions in The Nine- teenth Century, Good Words, The Times, The Standard, The Saturday Review, The New York Tribune, Tlie New York Herald, The New York School Journal, The Century (illustrated), The Saint Nicholas (illustrated), The New York Home Journal, and in scores of other journals. The PREFACE. xi first article ever published on my school in Philadelphia was in the New York Herald, in a leading editorial of a column. For this purpose the editor had sent a reporter expressly to examine the classes. The New York Tribune also constantly manifested great interest in the undertaking, and more than once gave a long account of it. Notwithstanding the great encourage- ment extended to me, there was a great deal of oppo- sition and miscomprehension of the work by many who regarded the idea as Utopian. There are now, however, thousands of pupils in the public schools of New York who are studying the minor arts and industries. Two very important points have been established in this connection. Firstly, that art- work, instead of adding to overpressure in school study, relieves it, because it is regarded by all children as play or relaxation. Secondly, that it was ascertained by careful inquiry that the pupils who attended my classes were in advance of others in their usual studies. I myself ascertained that such work quickened their general intelligence. I have also delivered more than a hundred lectures on this subject before the most varied assemblies in England and America, always followed by free discussion, and answered the same objections, till new ones ceased to be put. But now the system is a success. I believe nay, I am sure that there are now in both countries many more people who will believe in the possibility of creating memory and quickness of perception than there were ten years ago to put faith in industrial art- work in schools. The world moves. The hardest part of the reform has been tested and tried, and it has xli PRACTICAL EDUCATION. succeeded. There will be the same objections to what remains, and they will be worked down. I have added to the chapters here described another on the art of awakening interest in subjects. It was inspired or aided by Mr. MAUDSLEY'S remarkable com- ments on the possibility of attracting or creating attention. There is also a translation of a long review of the Washington pamphlet published by KARL WERNER in the Vienna Morgeriblatt. This was re- garded when it appeared as a remarkably able paper, and it excited much comment. 1 Since it appeared the Austro-Hungarian Government have introduced in- dustrial art- work to their public schools, and I was deeply gratified a few months since at finding in Buda Pesth, in the Normal School of three hundred pupils, classes in operation which reminded me of my own in Philadelphia. The work executed was under the direction of able artists, and the results were magnifi- cent. I have also added an account of the British Home Arts and Industries Association, in the hope that it will induce my readers to visit it and see for themselves what it is doing. I will add, in conclusion, that I will cheerfully answer any questions relative to the subjects treated of in this book, especially from those who are desirous of estab- lishing classes, of introducing art-work into families or public institutions, or of undertaking it themselves. 1 It was considered as of so much importance that by special request of Commissioner General EATON I executed a translation of it for the use of those consulting the papers of the Bureau of Education, who did not understand German. It contains a comprehensive account and critique of all that has been done in manual or industrial education in Germany. PREFACE. xiii There is no part of North America so wild that I have not in this way been instrumental in successfully establishing classes there. I have within two days received applications from ladies in Alaska and South Africa asking me for advice as regarded teaching native classes, and I have given and received instruction from Eed Indians who were the quickest pupils to learn whom I ever had. It is only within a few weeks that I learned for the first time anything of the very excellent Swedish Slojd system. I wish it every success, but may be pardoned for remarking that while it teaches admirably a great variety of arts, no person who reads the following pages will say that it has anything like the same principle on which I have taught, or which I follow. Nor does it teach anything which is not to be found in the English system. I have been on many occasions warmly encouraged or otherwise aided by many gentlemen distinguished in literature, philanthropy, science, journalism, indeed in every work of culture both in England and in America. I can never sufficiently express my gratitude to them. It is said that we lose friends and feelings as we grow older. It has been my happy fortune to experience the contrary. PRACTICAL EDUCATION, part , INDUSTRIAL ART IN EDUCATION. Treating of the study of Industrial Art as first tested as a branch of Public School Education in Philadelphia, and since extended to the Schools of New York. According to the system recognised by the Bureau of Education, Department of the Interior of the Government of the United States of America, and set forth in the Official Circular, No. 4, 1882. INDUSTRIAL ART IN EDUCATION. " All men are artists if they did but know it." THE great question in education at present is : Can children while at school be trained to practical in- dustry ? Can their minds be more fully developed ? Can they, while learning to read, write, and cipher, be taught a trade, or fitted for some calling, so that on leaving school they may be prepared to work, and if possible gain a living ? This question has risen so recently into importance in Europe and America, that while it already boasts a literature, and is the cause of A 2 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. much official and private discussion, it is as yet far from being solved. It was very natural for the " practical " man, when this question rose, to attempt to settle it in a practical manner. It seemed to be a very simple thing to teach a boy to read or. write for three hours, and then keep him for the same time at shoemaking, carpenters' work, or printing. It was tried, but with very little success. It is remarkable that so much money and labour should have been spent, and is still being spent, to prove that mere children cannot perform men's work, or even be trained directly to most trades. The farmer knows that a colt cannot be put in harness or worked, though even during colthood the animal may be prepared in Arab fashion by gentle care or culture for training. But it does not seem to have been known to most men that a human colt is subject to precisely the same conditions. The result of the faith in teaching trades to children was the establishment of technical schools. And the result of the teaching has been that so far as the training in these has been purely practical > technological, or aiming at a mechanical calling, it has only fully succeeded with vigorous boys at least fourteen years of age. And it is no great discovery that a boy can begin at that age as an apprentice to any hand-work. It has also been found that the industrial or technical school proper costs a fortune to establish, and is only available for the youth in cities or large towns. And the problem to be solved is : " By what system can all children, girls as well as boys, both in town and country, in school, or possibly at home, be trained from, infancy to industry ? " ATTRACTING ATTENTION. 3 According to the method of FROEBEL, the founder of ,the Kindergarten, the youngest child can be taught the beginning of hand-work of many kinds. It can learn to observe, its quickness of perception can be~f stimulated, it can be taught to draw and model in clay, and in short " begin to prepare " for serious work. No one would think of training it then to make a living, but its mind may be diverted into a channel tending in that direction. And it is in this attracting the attention of a child to the rudiments of industrial j callings, and in making them easy and attractive, that the whole solution of the problem consists. Has the reader ever thought seriously what it is to have thought about a thing until it has become familiar in many details, and a subject of interest? He knows, we will suppose, that carpets are made of woollen thread on a loom, but let him go through a carpet factory and examine the process of weaving in detail, and about the same time read a cyclopaedia article or a book on carpets. He will be, so to speak, in a different frame of mind on the subject, for he will be informed perhaps he will feel himself quite capable of going into the manufacture as operative or manufacturer. This thinking on a subject as a preparation is as applicable to a child as to a man. There is not a single department of industry known to culture for which a child may not be, to a certain degree, prepared at any age, by having its attention properly called to it. It has been, I think, fully demonstrated in the system of industrial art which I have practically carried out in application to the public schools of Philadelphia and elsewhere, that all the minor arts, 4 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. such as modelling in clay, carving in wood, sheet leather-work, simple cabinetmaking, stencilling, mosaic, inlaying, and repousse or sheet metal- work, are only applied design, worked out with other implements than pencils, and that the degree of skill in outline decora- tive design requisite for this may be acquired by all children from nine or ten years of age, or even younger. The real importance of this principle has been fully recognised by CARL WERNER, an eminent German writer on education, 1 and an inspector of schools in Austria. " In no European school," he says, " has the importance of design as a basis for practical education been so recognised as it has been in the American system." Now be it specially observed for it is the clue and key to the entire method of culture which I propose that the attraction of attention in tender minds to industry in any form corresponds to design in all the arts nay, it is desigih For design, far above all arts, consists of will brought to bear on or influencing attention. It seems a very simple thing to say that design- drawing is the root of all art, and everybody will freely admit it. And yet it is so far from ever having been understood, that a great writer boldly declares that all Europe has hitherto utterly ignored the real importance of this principle. Perfectly understood, it reduces all the arts to one; and abstract as it may seem, mere children enter into it and act on it. " You only want to know how to design your patterns to do all these things," said a boy of fifteen in my school to another. By " these things " he meant modelled faience, wood- carving, and a dozen other arts. And he also meant 1 See Appendix. AWAKENING INTEREST. 5 that by design there is a great deal more implied than a pattern to copy. We will suppose then that it is desired to train a child to industrial pursuits. These are broadly and generally to be classed as agricultural, artistic, econo- mical, and commercial. Under " artistic " I include all manufacturing or technical work whatever ; under " economical " all housekeeping and administration of affairs; and under housekeeping again all that per- tains to the domestic support and comfort of life. In a broad sense there is no human occupation for which some prevision may not be made in education. But I am writing now especially of hand-work, and I would declare that there is no division of it which may not be made to a certain extent familiar to the young, and the key to it is simply to call attention to and awaken interest in an industry. It is to make the pupil think about it. This sounds extremely commonplace, but it is as far from being generally understood or appreciated as any idea can well be. There are many boys destined to become farmers who are made to think of the details of agriculture, such as ploughing and sowing, but very few who think of it as a study, or as a whole. Very young children easily get an idea of arithmetic as a science, of which addition, subtraction, and division are only the details or branches, and those who are trained to thus regard it as a whole excel in mastering the parts. The same is the case with grammar. I have, though rarely, met with teachers who excelled in giving this general idea of a study, such as arithmetic or grammar, to boys and girls, and the result was a progress far beyond that of those who worked at details only. 6 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. Now I venture the assertion that if the boy who is to be a farmer were induced to study a manual written in the simplest attractive style, teaching of farming as a whole, he would study the practical details with greater interest. Experimental gardens or farms would in many places aid in such education, but where this is not possible the farm itself would serve as well, and as many would think, even better. The initial point lies in making the boy feel that farming is an art allied to science, that it is interesting, that it does not consist in tending cattle or ploughing, or in any details, but in all of these, and the difference between the farmer as a leader and the mere labourer consists of really understanding this. The false ideas of the dignity of being above work, or the indignity of labour, are due in a great measure to the fact that industry has never been properly taught as an art or as a science. To the man taught only to dig, without a hope of rising by his general knowledge above this detail, farming appears naturally enough low and coarse. Train him to regard it as a career with many stages which he comprehends, and which, because he comprehends them, he may surmount them, and his calling equals in " dignity " any other. This is there- fore that which corresponds to design in the industrial arts, that boys in country schools shall be trained to think of farming as a study, and this primarily by means of manuals of agriculture. For design, as its very name implies, is /ore-thought. Everybody may be said to know that the difference between a housekeeper and a housemaid lies in this that the former understands housekeeping as a whole. Her administrative capacity is the result of her grasp THE BASIS OF PREPARATION. 7 of the relations of all the details of the manage. Now is there a mother of a family who doubts that little girls would be made incipient housekeepers by having their attention and interest directed to or centred in domestic economy ? l Here again a manual of house- keeping, or an elementary work devoted to making the young understand it as a whole, would be the point of departure on which verbal instructions should be based. The boy or girl who has had this beginning of thought can be trained to plan for himself a farm, or for herself a home. He can be taught, if a certain number of acres of a certain productiveness be given, to determine what labour, what receipts, and what expenses may be anticipated in connection with the land. And the little maid may in like manner calculate what may be done with a certain income. There are many ultra-practical people who will find many ready arguments to prove that all such farming and housekeeping would be simply " theoretical," a word which is, strangely enough, a synonym among the ignorant for idle and unprofitable. And I will even agree with them as to direct results if they will but grant that the attention of the child can be thereby drawn to the subject, and its interest awakened. For this is really all that design in drawing effects it leads the pupil to the minor arts, and from these to the higher, by making him think about them. I have often been told that my system of teaching art was all " a theory," but the practical results have spoken 1 Girls have indeed a great advantage as to their future mission as mothers, nurses, and housekeepers, in their playing with dolls. There is no reason why a part at least of a boy's recreations should not to the same degree be a preparation for future work. 8 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. for themselves, and any theory which results in profit thereby becomes practical. There is no industry which is without its rudir mentary design. At present nineteen boys out of twenty go into " business," or to shops or callings of any kind, without the least previous training. It is not always possible while at school for the intended grocer to sell tea and sugar, or for the apothecary to learn anything of medicines. But he can be taught something more than arithmetic as a preparation. He can be made to take an interest in any industry. His attention may be called to it. Let those who object to this first try the experiment. If the method has suc- ceeded in industrial art, I do not see why it should fail in agriculture and commerce, or in housekeeping. I There is much needless confusion at present as to Industrial Education. We hear of cooking schools -here, art schools there, farm and mechanical and wood-carving schools everywhere. What is needed is a co-ordination of these forces, a recognised prin- ciple and point of departure. This will be found in mastering certain principles which this book is in- tended to set forth. The first of these is that from the very unfolding of constructive ability in the Kindergarten method, which is too generally known to require explanation, up to the industrial school with its advanced technological training, there are successive steps, and that these are, firstly, design, or the attraction of the attention of a pupil to a calling as a study and as a whole ; and secondly, his or her preparation, not so much to at once make a living on leaving school, as to be a preferred junior workman or qualified beginner or learner in a factory, or in any THE BEGINNING. 9 " business." The public expects a boy to be able to make a living or be fitted to begin some practical calling when he leaves school, let us say at fourteen years of age. And it can very often be done. I have had a class in my school in Philadelphia of thirty boys and girls engaged in carving wood, and every one of these could by application to carving alone, and by selling directly to consumers, make eight or nine dollars, or nearly two pounds a week. But generally speaking, all that I expect of my pupils is that the foremen of factories would give them the preference to other applicants for place. This always means more money for wages. And this is as much as should be expected for about one hundred hours of tuition, at an expense of from five to ten dollars, or from one to two pounds, according to the branches taught. To arrive at this co-ordination certain rules must be followed. We begin in my schools by teaching design. After this every pupil takes up one or more applications of it, as they are guided by circumstances. One thing is certain, that after working, seeing others work, and becoming familiar, or at least acquainted with half a dozen arts, their taste is cultivated, and all realise that they can, if they choose, turn their hands to and master many things in fact they have acquired that confidence in their own abilities which makes them sure to succeed in any kind of work. When a boy, or even a grown person, unfamiliar with the processes, sees large under-glazed coloured faience vases covered with garlands or monsters, carved and inlaid panels in cabinets, brass plaques, mosaics, and intricate arabesques, he or she is often almost awed at io PRACTICAL EDUCATION. the genius supposed to be needed to produce this. In a few months or weeks the youth moves in this little art- world with the utmost indifference, and criticises the works closely. He is quite sure that if he now tried he could make or even design any of these fine things. It is a great deal in practical education and in beginning life to have attained to such confi- dence. I do not exaggerate when I say that for every kind of work this gives the beginner a great advantage over all rivals. Now the basis of all famili- arity with all industry, be it agriculture or art, is to first set the pupils to thinking about it as a study, and then to show it to them in practical operation. They must first learn a theory, or general principles, for example design, and then its application. Those who think that because we work from design that our work is necessarily of an " aesthetic " sun-flower kind greatly err. For when a boy can use his hands and brains to guide them, or in fact becomes a practical workman in any form, he can work if he will in many ways I may say in all. In every school in the country, every teacher should make industry a theme for instruction. From industry and its importance he may proceed to its sub-divisions to agriculture or art, business or household economy. When this beginning shall have been made, the practical teaching of all branches of manual labour will follow in due place, time, and course. How one of the most important can be realised (I refer to industrial art), I will now explain. Many years ago I began to think seriously on the question of training the young to hand-work while yet at school. The possibility of teaching "trades" to children was dismissed almost as soon as I considered ORIENTAL CHILDREN. it it. PESTALOZZI had attempted it; it had been tried in every country in Europe, and very earnestly sup- ported in America, and it had nowhere really suc- ceeded. The cause was not hard to find. Had it been a success, the employment of little children in factories would also have been a success. It is true that this infamous branch of human sacrifice, pro- hibited by law in England, is still common in Massa- chusetts, and, I am told, in other American States, but it is none the less inhuman on that account. That some- thing could be done, in a small way, in this direction, no one can doubt. But it was always a forced growth. It was during a visit to the school of Miss WHATELY in Cairo, and in Egypt, that it suddenly occurred to me that very young children could, however, profitably and pleasantly master the decorative arts. I there saw little Copht and Arab girls and boys, apparently only six or eight years of age, executing such works in embroidery as I had hitherto associated only with the efforts of accomplished adults. The next day in the bazaars I found even more striking illustrations of the discovery. I saw very small children, with a single frame between them, working both sides alike of beautiful, highly elaborate designs in silk, without a pattern before them. I saw in the jeweller's bazaar mere boys, with tools as rude as those of an English tinker, making jewellery of the kind so highly praised by CASTELLANI; that kind which, while it lacks the machinery finish of Western work, excels it in origi- nality and character. Then I found day by day, on inquiry, my interest having been aroused, that most of the lighter ornamental work of the East, or such as does not require great personal strength, is executed 12 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. by women and children. I had seen before, as I have since this visit to the East, what the young can do in wood-carving in Switzerland, South Germany, and the Tyrol. I found that in Italy wood-carving and repousse and shell-carving, of a far more elaborate kind, is executed by boys, and that in Spain these youthful workers make pottery of a highly artistic nature. 1 I also found, and this was the most im- portant discovery of all, that in all these countries these children did not by any means merely follow the designs furnished by artists. In most cases they, like the grown-up workmen around them, had no patterns at all, but worked like birds or bees by sympathy with the rest, modifying or varying it according to the aim of the work. When elementary drawing formed a part of the work, they picked it up, just as many men in factories picked it up, and were soon able to produce designs. The result of this was certain conclusions which I have given elsewhere in the pamphlet entitled " Industrial Art in Schools," which the Bureau of Education in Washington issued as Circular No. 4, 1882, and which the reader may obtain gratis and post paid by application to the Commissioner of Education. 2 These conclusions were 1 The reader can find a very interesting account of an industrial art school in Smyrna, in "Pen and Pencil in Asia Minor," by W. COCHRAN. 1887. 2 I have in this chapter borrowed very freely from the pamphlet here referred to. The latter contains practical details as to establish- ing industrial art classes, while in this work the general theory is more developed. As repetition of certain ideas would have been in this case unavoidable, I have, to save much labour and time, simply extracted the passages in question. I am indebted to the kindness of General JOHN EATON for permission to do this, as for many other courtesies on all occasions. CHILDREN'S CAPACITY to the effect that constructiveness, or the faculty of making things -which are useful or ornamental, is in man innate or instinctive. Even in the beginning of the struggle for life, or in the rudest pre-historic times, people made ornaments, though they were only beads, of shells or dried clay. While the mammoth yet existed, man etched with taste and skill his likeness on his own bones. As the flower precedes the fruit, decorative art is developed in a race before it attains proficiency in practical work. Long before men had good axes, knives, or any kind of decent tools, they made jewellery and embroidery superior in design or character to anything produced in modern times. During the infancy of almost every race, the ornamental is developed before the useful, and the same principle is reflected in the individual. The child who cannot make a shoe, or file metals, or master a trade, can easily learn to design decorative outline patterns, mould pottery, set mosaics, carve panels, work sheet leather for a hundred purposes, and emboss sheet brass. He or she can cut and apply stencils, model papier mache or carton pierre (a mix- ture of composition and paper-pulp), inlay in wood, with ivory, and in short master a hundred minor arts. For the child corresponds to primitive man. All children like to make something, mud pies and spon- taneous chalkings on walls being generally the first manifestations of this impulse. A box of paints, an apparatus for printing, or tools, are generally very welcome gifts. Now if the child is almost univer- sally capable of executing valuable works of simple or easy decorative art before it can produce much that is useful, and has moreover manifestly an instinct for 14 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. it, should not this fact be considered in education? One thing is absolutely certain : that with the progress of education as a science, we must and will eliminate from it the repulsive and severe. Young women may be forced to work in coal-mines, and mere infants in factories, but it is wrong. It is not really right that children should ever be employed at uncongenial pursuits. Even reading, writing, and ciphering may be made attractive, and every school pleasant, and under these conditions the young will acquire learning more rapidly. Having formed the theory, I proceeded to put it in practice. I had to labour at great disadvantage. I knew Very little, indeed of drawing: .at school I had never distinguished myself in it, and beyond a few weeks' independent practice at panel carving in wood I was entirely ignorant of every minor art. But I immediately perceived that all these arts were in reality only one, and that this one was simple outline decorative design applied to different materials. Carv- ing a panel is drawing it in wood with chisels and gouges ; repousse work is strikingly like it, as is leather- work. In all three, as in drawing, the pattern is brought into relief by outlining, and the ground "matted," or indented with tools. As PANINI the Indian had reduced all grammar to a simple single system of inflection, as GOETHE reduced the plant to the leaf, and his successors the leaf to the cell, I saw that there was a single principle in art- work which would render all its branches comparatively easy to the one who grasped it. If I had at this time read much of what I have since perused, I might have found that OWEN JONES and his school had in many respects REPOUSSE WORK. 15 preceded me, and should probably have let the experi- ment drop. As it was I proceeded to work without teachers, without reading, and without example. When I published the manuals of brass work, of wood carv- ing, of leather work, and of stencilling, I had never seen a man in my life at work at any of these. I simply obtained the materials, and went to work teaching myself. After I had written the manual of repousse work, I asked my friend, Mr. KARL KRALL, of the firm of BARKENTIN & KRALL, of Eegent Street, London, metal workers to the Ecclesiological Society, .to revise and correct it. He laughed on returning it, and said : " It is all quite correct and practical ; but I see that you have evolved the whole out of your moral ; consciousness, as HEINE'S artist evolved the image of the camel. If you had ever seen a man at work on metal, you would have used the tracers and matts in a different order. It comes to the same thing, but it is not the usual way." It was through ignorance that I hit on the idea of simply hammering the work out on a piece of soft pine board, instead of "foxing" it on cement and annealing it. This very primitive invention, followed hitherto, I presume, chiefly by the natives of Nubia, who make their silver jewellery with a nail and a stone for a hammer, had, however, one remarkable effect. It was possible by means of it, and by cold hammering, to make a plaque in low relief, rude, but not devoid of beauty, for very little money. The ordinary apparatus would cost from 5 to 20, but by this means tools, board, and brass would cost, perhaps, only six shillings. This is, I may add, partly due to the fact that the modern i6 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. brass appears to be softer than most of the old, and it certainly has a more gold-like colour. 1 Having experimented in several arts, and satisfied myself of the truth of my system, I began to teach, en amateur, a few young girls, who, almost without exception, learned so much in a lesson or two as to be able to go on by themselves and turn out creditable work. 2 I had a fixed idea before me, and I pursued it. I observed closely in myself as in my pupils what the average child could probably do. I became convinced that by an extraordinary law almost every decorative art is easy. It is about the same thing to an ordinary girl of ten or twelve whether she works at mud-pies in the road or at modelling a vase in a studio. One soon becomes as easy as the other. This led to many conclusions. One was that this principle had been extensively carried out during the early ages in Greece, Eome, and the East, as it was in all Europe during the Middle Ages. In such eras decorative art- work had not only been abundant and cheap, but, 1 The result of the publication of this manual, and the teaching of repousse* in the Industrial Art School and Ladies' Art Club of Phila- delphia, was startling. Tens of thousands of workers, chiefly ladies, took up the art all over America. It was introduced as a branch of study into many schools, and soon assumed the proportions of a great art industry. One of my pupils, a schoolboy of seventeen, saved forty- three pounds during his summer vacation of two months by making l6-inch plaques. It was said by experts or professional metal chasers that simple coZd-hammering had never been brought to such perfection as it was in my school in Philadelphia. 2 A Miss L. M. of Weybridge, having had only a single lesson in wood-carving, but who with great quickness grasped all the principles of the art, took, during the year after, two prizes for bas-reliefs at two exhibitions. I must state in fairness that I never knew her superior in cleverness so far as learning anything (e.g., languages and literature) was concerned. WHAT IS REAL "ART"? 17 what was more, it had been original and human, and not ground out by machinery. Machinery a genera- tion ago promised to increase art by multiplying cheap copies, and the result has been that it has almost extinguished everything original in it. But the vast increase of culture has of late brought cheap dupli- cates into disfavour. People are beginning to learn the great truth that no real work of art can be made by machinery. That is most artistic which most shows the hand and soul of a maker. When this principle shall be firmly established as a canon, as it certainly will be, there will also be a demand for much labour which is now without employment. Work fully equal to the mosaic pavements of Eoman villas, and all the exquisite ornament of the Middle Ages, could all be designed and made by women, children, and a vast army of men who by some fatality cannot succeed at more prosaic employments. That machinery can aid art is true, for every tool is to a certain extent a machine, but that a copy made and multiplied entirely by machinery is artistic is false. The vulgar and ignorant call everything which is beautiful and artificial " artistic ; " the edu- cated know that the term is only applicable to a work which shows the direct art of a maker and the action of a mind. With the increase of culture there will come not only an increased demand for decoration, but also for that which is hand-made, and then a very large proportion of those who are now idle will find easy work to do. As I have written in my pamphlet on Industrial Art in Schools, the question as to what children could make has risen just at the time when there is spread- B 1 8 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. ing all over the world a demand for decorative and hand-made art. " The developments of capital, wealth, and science during the present century have naturally led to luxury and culture. With them learning and criticism are teaching wealth what to do. Culture has awakened humanity or benevolence. It is a fact that children can, while at school, profitably practise decora- tive arts." By profit I do not mean merely making money, as the very great majority of the public at first misunderstood my promises, but the qualification of the pupil for future employment. This study, far from interfering with the regular branches, aids and stimulates them. While the minor arts, guided by even a slight knowledge of decorative design, are so easy as to be regarded by all children as a recreation, they are at the same time of practical value in training the eye and hand, and awakening quickness of percep- tion. They aid all studies and all work. I would here call the attention of the reader to the chapter devoted to this, as a separate branch of education. There have come under my observation many instances in which I have found that beyond all doubt children who have been regarded as dull in everything have shown great aptness and ingenuity in designing, modelling, or carving. When such skill is once awakened, there comes with it greater cleverness in those studies or pursuits in which the pupil was pre- viously slow, because he has begun to think about him- self and believe that he can do something. It is a great truth, too little studied, that sluggish minds can be made active even by merely mechanical exercises. And the practice of the minor arts by children effects this to a remarkable degree. Yet while everybody is FIRST STEP OF EDUCATION. 19 quick to observe mental ability or activity when it is transmitted from progenitors, very few notice the innumerable instances in which it is incidentally developed by education or circumstances. It is a matter of fact and observation that children who prac- tise decorative arts, or any manual arts, are thereby improved mentally and morally. The consciousness of being able to make something of value inspires pride and confidence in their ability to master other studies. For these reasons I believe that industrial art should rank in education next to reading, writing, arithmetic, and geography, or rather with them, since it conduces to mental development, and that it should precede music and the other studies which are urged as " essential." It is a law with but little exception, that all the minor arts, or such branches of industry as are allied to taste or ornament, are very easy, and can generally be so far mastered at a first lesson, when properly taught, as to produce a perfectly encouraging result. For this reason art should form the beginning of all industrial education, because it is the only work easy enough for mere children. It should be the first step. And as it rapidly trains the pupils to understand that several arts are really but a single art, or to regard them as a whole, it is a good preparation to induce them to consider the subdivisions of farm or household labour, or of a commercial business, as parts of an unity. There are many who will say that this is " too theoretical " for children, but I am sure that it would not be too much so for such children under fourteen years of age as I have had from the public schools of Philadelphia. But industrial work, to be taught even 20 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. to the very young, should not be limited to the orna- mental. Design-drawing should precede everything; but when this is understood, carpenters' work, or joinery in its rudiments, or any branch of easy industry, suited to circumstances, may be taken up as soon as the pupil is fitted for or desires it. It has been from the beginning a source of annoyance or of serious im- pediment to me, that certain editors and other critics have represented that I aimed only at teaching " esthetic trifling," " sunflower nonsense," and " play- ing at art," when it was impossible for me, owing to circumstances beyond my control, to go beyond the first steps connected with design. Therefore I here state plainly, that the system as I understand it, embraces every conceivable branch of practical industry suited to a child's brain and hands; that it begins with design and with teaching pupils that arts are only applied or developed design, and that in like manner all other industries not artistic are each a " many~in-one" or an unfolding of a single principle. Industrial art in schools and it should be in all schools as well as families covers the ground or fills the time inter- vening between the Kindergarten and the industrial school, but it blends with and includes the latter. And it may be observed that the system is capable of being introduced into any school or family or circle whatever, great or small, where there is a preceptor who has some little knowledge of drawing, with intel- ligence enough to apply it, according to the easy rules laid down in certain elementary handbooks of art. To aid such teachers I prepared a series of cheap Art- Work Manuals, embracing the following subjects : Ceramic Painting, Tapestry Painting, Outline Embroi- ART- WORK MANUALS. 21 dery, Filled in Embroidery, Decorative Oil Painting, Drawing and Decorative Design (outline), Wood Carving, Kepousse Work or Embossing Sheet Brass, Leather Work, Papier Mache, Modelling in Clay and Underglaze Faience Decoration, and Stencilling. Each manual is accompanied by a large pattern sheet of designs in outline, ready for tracing or copying, specially appropriate to its special subject. These design sheets have been prepared so that they are generally applicable to all the arts taught by the manuals. Being full size they can be readily adapted. Finally, the Messrs. Whittaker have in the press and will soon publish a very carefully prepared series of manuals on a much greater variety of subjects of art and industry, including those needed for commercial, agricultural, and domestic education. These works will be strictly adapted to the practical training of even the youngest children. The greatest pains have been taken to simplify the method of instruction, so that any teacher of ordinary intelligence may, by studying one lesson in advance, conduct a class. The first, on drawing and design, is already issued. DESIGN AS A PREPARATION FOR INDUSTRIAL ART-WORK. DESIGN is here the invention of original patterns. It may be taught simultaneously with drawing, which is the practical realisation of the design. The one is quite as easy as the other. It is popularly believed that to produce any kind of an ornamental design, however simple, a peculiar gift, talent, or genius is required. But there is no person who is capable of learning to write who cannot learn to design and draw, so as to produce useful or elegant work. Of course in the higher stages of such work, genius or culture and taste with learning manifest themselves. But to learn to design well enough to invent or execute modelling, carving, or repousse metal work, &c., requires only ordinary capacity. If we were to give any child, let us say twenty or thirty dried and pressed ivy leaves, and tell it to arrange them so as to form a wreath, on a flat surface, it would find this a very easy task (fig. i). If a sheet of transparent paper or a pane of ground glass were now to be laid on the leaves, and their outlines required to be drawn or traced on it, this would also be easy. If the child were to do this twenty times it would gradually become accustomed to using the pencil. CAPACITY OF CHILDREN FOR ART. 23 Then it would have taken the first step both in design and drawing. Beflect a little and it may occur to us that the best decoration consists of simple ornaments arranged at intervals, and that in doing this the mere savage often surpasses the civilised artist. Now the average savage is not, as regards innate artistic capacity or intellect, superior to an English schoolboy. And it is remarkable that so few persons have ever made serious and numerous experiments to ascertain how much ability as regards designing patterns all children really possess. If a single leaf should now be given, and the pupil required to draw a circle with a pair of compasses, and repeat the leaf on the circle so as to make another wreath, it would take a second step. 24 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. And if one or two or three ornaments or finials should be cut out of thin sheet brass or playing-cards, and given as motives, it would not be found to be a difficult matter to arrange these either in wreaths, or in a straight line, or border, or in a square frame. The pupil could, by using a sharp pencil, draw lightly around the edges of these stencils, and thus in a very mechanical manner produce patterns. When the attention has been combined with interest, and the will to work awakened, it will be found that it is a very easy matter to thus construct simple designs. This may be the first stage, which amounts to merely becoming familiar with the handling of the pencil. The pupil should now be taught to draw a clear light line with accuracy and confidence. 1 " It should be a line like a hair or a spider's web, on rather smooth paper, with a sharp, long, and hard pencil. There should be no re-drawing on the line, no stumping, rubbing, or sketching in breaks. Be it remembered that it is really easier to learn to draw well than to write well, and there is no child that would not do both admirably if it were obliged from the first hour to use free hand ; that is to say, to control the pen or pencil from the shoulder, allowing the arm to rest on the table just enough to prevent fatigue. The whole difficulty of drawing lies not, as is popularly and very ignorantly supposed, in composing and inventing figures, but in drawing simple lines. Now, let the teacher in every school, however humble, bear in mind this great truth, that if a child acquire true free hand in writing, it can not only draw well, but do almost anything well which requires perfect control 1 Industrial Art in Schools, p. 21. ADVANTAGES OF FREE-HAND. 25 of the hand. This wonderful faculty enables the possessor to almost at once feel, as it were, the chief difficulty of wood-carving the light, artistic touch and to overcome it. So is it with all other arts. With this power they can all be literally mastered. The younger the pupil who acquires it, the sooner in life will he make it his own, and the greater will be his manual skill in all things when older grown. There are very few teachers who fully realise this, few parents who ever think of it ; yet it is the main- spring of all manual art. For the sake of this it would be worth while to make industrial art a part of the education of all children the younger the better. Therefore all who propose to teach or learn art in any form should seriously consider free-hand as the true key to all its practice. It is a great stimulant to quickness of perception." One object in drawing a light line is this. The most experienced artist in making sketches for patterns must necessarily use the indiarubber freely. There- fore he must make lines which can be easily effaced. Having learned to draw curves with confidence and accuracy, and made progress with stencils and tracings in the simple manufacture of patterns and this may be carried so far as to produce really elegant and even original designs the pupil may be instructed in the principles of construction lines. He should be shown how to change a circle into a spiral, and that a spiral consists approximatively, though not exactly, of semi- circles (fig. 2). Then he may learn that there is a simple law on which all decorative design involving curves may be based. If from a circle, a spiral or any sec- tion of these, that is to say, from any curve whatever, OF THE 'CTNIVERSITY 2 6 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. other external and internal curves be thrown, at any point or points, the result will be the construction lines or a skeleton of what must in all cases be a perfectly FIG. 2. Rough Free-hand Spiral and Circle. elegant design. This virtually amounts to a vine or creeper with its branches, and a very large proportion of the best and more advanced decorative design of all ages is based on the vine (fig. 3). FIG. . These tangential offshoots are of two kinds, the inner and outer, and their elegance is generally in- creased when they, but especially the outer shoots, COMMON MISTAKES. 27 are drawn as lines of beauty, that is to say, in a form approximating to an S. These outer and inner off- shoots may be described as forming a ^) or an ({ without a cross line. When the pupil understands this, and can draw a curve, and throw off other curves from it, he should be taught to double these lines, either as parallels, or so as to form gradually diminish- ing vines or cords, and then ornament them. Orna- ment is chiefly effected by applying finials or end- ornaments, such as buds, flowers, card-spots, &c., and crockets or side-ornaments, so called from croche, a crook or corner, as they generally form angles with the stem. 1 A rosebud at the end of a twig is a finial, the thorns or leaves on the stem are crockets. It will be found necessary that the pupil should get by heart and be able to draw from memory as soon as possible a few definite simple ornaments, such as trefoils, leaves, or buds, and to learn to make these in due proportion to the stem. It is a rule with singularly few exceptions, that if there be a wrong way to design anything, the beginner is sure to adopt it. He will always make an ofTshooting twig smallest next to the parent stem, and he invariably makes the finial too small for the pipe or stalk. Yet there are reasons for all this, and the teacher should know and explain them. The child draws the twig too small, because it seems to him that there is at the point of 1 JAS. K. COLLING (Examples of English Mediaeval Foliage) limits crockets to the ornaments of pinnacles and canopies, but adopts the French term of crochet for all spiral heads of foliage as used in capitals, &c. ; that is to say, when crockets are expanded into leaves forming the greater part of the design, or filling up the space, they are crochets. I specially commend the work of this writer, also those of Professor HULME, and for straight line designs The Anatomy of Pattern, by LEWIS F. DAT. 28 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. junction an unduly large swelling. This may be rectified by teaching him to begin the double lines from the other side of the stem. The dotted portion may then be rubbed out (fig. 4). All of the ornaments used for stencils are applicable as finials. The making finials too small is the result of that tendency to the petty and trivial which manifests itself in all children, and in adults of feeble mind who cannot carry art beyond the literal imitation of flowers, or similar "fancy work." The cure for this is very free-hand drawing, and designing en grand or large. The first designs should all be large. Anything like the literal imitation of small leaves and petty flowers, or any use of heavy lines or show in little detail, should be avoided. As a rule nothing should be drawn for many weeks which cannot be perceived by the naked eye at a distance of fifteen or twenty feet. Children left to themselves will always make petty figures. They will draw scores of diminutive buds and leaves on a small page. Just so in the infancy of a race : it perfects the fineness of illuminating manuscripts before designing grandly. Now it is always easy for one who can draw "large" to come down to petty patterns, but it is impossible for the petty worker to rise to great execution. Practice in curves, such as circles and spirals, should precede that in straight lines. This may seem a heresy, but I think it is a reform. It is as easy to draw a circle around a cardboard disc as to rule a line, and the very simplicity, rigidity, and palpable accuracy of straight lines makes them as difficult to draw as curves. This is certain, that after a little practice in correctly throwing off free-hand spirals or ADVANTAGES OF ALTERATION SI ^UFORNlA curves, and examining or copying a few examples of decorative art, even young children design with taste and skill, and when they once begin their progress is rapid. I would say something here as regards rubbing out and altering. There is an old-fashioned popular theory that pupils should be trained to such exactness as to be able to draw without using indiarubber. The invariable result of this is a timid care and a striving towards mere finish which is utterly at variance with -all free and characteristic design. Let the reader examine the sketches of any kind in pencil or crayon or pen by RAPHAEL or MICHAEL ANGELO, or any other of the great masters, and see how utterly they ignored the system of attempting to produce " perfection or nothing" at a first effort. How they drew, rubbed out, and altered again and again ! Yet these advocates of first sight accurate designing expect from school children what RAPHAEL himself never dreamed of achieving. The truth is, that of two children, the one trained to design freely and alter freely, and the other to be rigidly accurate from the first, the former will in a few months far surpass the latter in correct drawing. An exact parallel may be found in two pupils trying to learn a language one being instructed never to utter a sentence which is not perfectly correct in every detail, while another is encouraged to chatter freely. It will always be found that the latter has to all intents, as regards the use of language, the superiority, and that in the end he will converse more correctly, so far as custom is concerned. When a pupil can draw a spiral or volute, and throw off curves from it like a ^J, parallel and orna- 30 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. inent them, he should be taught the great fact that as a rule to double a design is to more than double its beauty, for this is the first step in symmetry, which, according to F. W. Moody, " is a law of higher order than even distribution ; it is a form of repetition, the result of doubling or repeating twice." Any form, even the ugliest, when balanced by its double, will become ornament, and this symmetrical doubling is one of the causes, and certainly not the least, of the beauty of two-thirds of the works of art in the South Kensington Museum. 1 Let the pupil draw a design, and then put a looking-glass upright by its side. He will see it doubled, and it may be doubled from several sides. It may also be trebled and quadrupled. If two pieces of looking-glass, let us say six inches by six, be joined by a piece of muslin pasted over their backs, so as to form a book or folio, as it were, to open and shut, and this be placed up and down on any pattern, and opened at different angles, it will multiply it from three to twelve times, and thus by shifting its position an infinite number of original designs may be obtained. 2 The student may now form from semi- circles wave-lines or any other combinations of curves, double or parallel them, and apply ornament as before. 1 Lectures and Lessons on Art. By F. W. MOODY, instructor in Decorative Art in South Kensington Museum, London. GEORGE BELL & SONS. Lecture IV. DRESSER and DAY have also fully illustrated this law. 2 This extremely useful article for all designers was re-invented about twenty-five years ago by Mr. JOURNET, of 25 Great Portland Street, London, by whom it is still sold. He calls it the folding kaleidoscope. By means of it one can form an infinite variety of patterns. It was originally described by BAPTISTA PORTA and KIRCHER, but was then old. It should be in use in every art school. It costs six shillings. MECHANICAL AIDS. 31 In learning design, the pupil may freely use riot only compasses and rule, but circles, curves, and ornaments cut from tin or card, to be used as stencils. The youngest soon learn how to draw, repeat, and combine these so as to form borders or centre- ornaments. The art of invention is not only rapidly developed by this short-hand method of drawing, but there is also developed with it a greater interest and confidence the feeling, in fact, of creativeness, or being really an artist. Now, if with these merely mechanical aids we combine constant practice in free-hand drawing from the shoulder, it will be found that the pupil soon abandons the former and relies on the latter. No one swims long with bladders after he can dispense with them. This method is, therefore, a union of technological and free-hand drawing applied to that merely outline decorative design which has a place between the two. Too much stress cannot be laid on the importance of teaching a child to draw with a really free hand, and on a large scale. Designs which are large and simple are the most saleable. There should never be more space occupied by beginners in a pattern than by the ground, and vice versd. The principal reason why pupils draw petty leaves and mean details, and crowd them confusedly together, is because they do not design with a free hand. They rest all the weight of the body on the hand which is occupied in drawing. In this position there is not more than a square inch of sweep or play for the point of the pencil, so that the whole arm must be pushed or moved to enlarge this compass. Eesting lightly on the wrist gives an enlarged sweep of perhaps two or 32 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. three inches, this being an extreme maximum. When only the fore-arm touches the table, the wrist-sweep is again doubled. But those who draw with a free hand from the shoulder can with confidence cover a space of three feet diameter. And every child may be trained to do this. TURNER, the great painter, always painted without a maulstick. It gives not only greater freedom of execution, but much more accuracy. We have all been told not to bear down too heavily on the drawing arm, but I say do not bear on it at all. Rest the body on its own centre, or rather bear its weight on the left arm. It is impossible to do the latter without giving great freedom to the right arm. The reader may test this for himself. If he will press the left arm on a table, he will find that he can write much more freely or with a far easier sweep than if he threw his weight on or pressed with the other hand. I need hardly say that I regard drawing with chalk on the blackboard as useful practice. Indeed, I am not sure but that if all children were first taught to write and draw in this manner we should have better chirography and drawing. Writing is ten times as much of an art among the Arabs and other Orientals as it is in Europe, the chief cause being that by them it is executed either with freely flowing reed-pens or brushes, and that it is done so lightly that it is an axiom that to write really well the paper must not be laid on a desk or table, but held in the left hand while being inscribed. The principle of one thing at a time laid down in the first chapter on memorising is as applicable to design. No person not familiar with the practice can CHILDREN'S PROGRESS IN ART, 33 have any idea of the extraordinary rapidity with which children learn to draw and design when they are con- fined to simple outline patterns for decorative work, under the stimulus of invention. It is because there is no shading or " effects " or " picturesque " mingled with their drawing to bewilder their brains that they advance so quickly. As soon as they have a few lines and finials by heart, and know how to set the latter together to make circles, &c., they begin to design and combine boldly. The extreme degree of free-hand sweep, and the bold dash which result from making branching curves, give a character to this system of drawing which is not found in any other with which I am acquainted. As the pupil is step by step familiarised with a great variety of curves and ornaments, he finds that to combine and vary them becomes easier and easier. As a rule, with very rare exceptions, or in my experience with almost none, the child from twelve to fourteen years of age who can draw a clean, light, free-hand line can be taught in a few weeks, at the utmost in a few months, to design beautiful original patterns. By this I mean patterns worth executing in art, or patterns worth money. When this is acquired all is acquired. Either technological or artistic drawing may then be learned in half the time usually demanded for their mastery. When the pupil can make a good design, and is desirous of advancing to simple decorative painting, he is taught to fill in the ground with India ink or any flat colour, and from this proceeds to varied monochrome or to large illumination. According to the old methods, by which everything was taught at c 34 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. once, such as drawing and shading, outline and blending, the mere beginner painted flowers in all tones and hues. I believe, with TURNER, that it is through monochrome or single colours alone that a true colourist can be made. If we take two children, and teach one to draw and shade together in the old style, and then to " paint flowers " or to mix colours from the first, and then train another through free hand, outline, and monochrome to blending, it will be found that the latter will, at the end of the year, be far in advance of the former in every respect. I have tested both methods, and found that the superiority of what may be called the single method is incredible. Simple decorative art is the best road to high art, and it has this advantage, that those who stop by the way at any stage have at least learned something useful or valuable in itself. THE PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF DESIGN. When design is mastered to a certain extent it may be practically applied to many arts. Of these the cheapest, easiest, and most practical are modelling and embroidery. NEEDLEWORK. In this art some knowledge of design is of primary importance. Simple embroidery may to great advan- tage precede plain sewing, though this is far from being generally recognised as a truth. For good plain sewing is really a difficult art. Experience must teach any one that simple crewel work and outline NEEDLEWORK. 35 embroidery are much easier. The child who begins with easy work may be led to hard work in half the time in which the latter, by itself, can be learned. This rule constitutes the beginning and the end of the whole system of industrial art. Now, the girl who can invent and draw her patterns always " outlines " and " crewels " much better than the bungler who has to rely on begged or bought designs. Few would believe at what an early age little girls who try can make their patterns. It does not take a child long to learn that with a tea-cup, a coin, and a pencil she can draw a semicircle stem with from one to three grapes at the end, or that the stem may be made double or with two lines. It is no harder for her to learn to arrange these sprigs in a circle or in a straight border. With a very little practice in such stencilling she learns to draw. Those who object to such a method as mechanical have never tried the experiment of urging pupils to trace or use the compasses, rule, and stencils. If they will do so, and teach them at the same time to draw free- hand lines, they will find that boys and girls soon become impatient of using what are still in most schools surreptitious and forbidden aids. Perhaps if man were given all he wants in this world he would want much less than he does. The class of girls in needlework may begin with outline embroidery, or filled-in work, or crewel, as taught by manuals. There is a very easy and effective kind of work made by stencilling or painting flowers in flat or dead colour on brown holland, light canvas, or any similar stuff. The colours may be either dye-stuffs or water-colours. When the flowers or other patterns are painted they 36 PEACTICAL EDUCATION. may be surrounded with an outline in corresponding colour of woollen or silk needlework. This is very easy work, yet rich and effective. The beneficial result of making even little girls in this class draw their own patterns will show itself from the first in all. With very little management, all that is made in this class can, in most places, be sold at a profit ; if not on the spot, by sending it to " depositories " or art stores in the cities. From two to ten pounds' (or from ten to fifty dollars' worth) of materials will suffice to establish an ordinary school class in needle- work. MODELLING IN CLAY. The next branch of industrial art study is modelling in clay. If a teacher can draw or design even a little, he or she may, with the aid of a manual, confidently undertake to conduct such a class successfully. Clay fit for the purpose is to be obtained in most places at from three to five cents (halfpence) a pound. It should be kept in a waterproof cask or box. A very large box with a lid is best, as it serves not only to hold the clay, but also for a depository for the work, which must be kept damp from day to day. With this certain tools are requisite, the forms of which are given in the Art Work Manual for Modelling. Any boy with the ordinary gift for " whittling " can repro- duce them in pine wood. The fingers are, however, the principal tools. Some artists produce very good work with such adventitious aid as old spoons and any chance piece of stick cut into the form which the need of the moment may suggest. A pair of carpen- ter's compasses are, however, indispensable. As mud MODELLING IN CLAY. 37 wasps occasionally make raids on sculptors for mate- rial, so in our school the youthful modellers now and then appropriate the tools of the wood-carvers for certain mysterious purposes, a bent gouge being a favourite implement wherewith to make scales on fishes. Where there is a will there is a way, arid pupils should often be told to think how effects are to be produced. Modelling is drawing in clay. Any child who can copy an old shoe with a pencil can make it from a plastic material. More than this, it is easier to model anything than to draw it. A little boy can make a mud pie much better than he can copy it on paper. An old shoe, or a plaster cast of a rabbit, life size, forms a perfect model for imitation. When jugs, jars, or vases of green or wet clay can be obtained from a pottery, it is easy for the children, after a few days' practice, to ornament them with flowers, lizards, fishes, crabs, leaves, or other figures. When the jars cannot be obtained, they may be made by hand ; thus, cylindrical cups are easily formed around a broad pipe of paste- board. Baskets of clay are often made in beautiful forms. A corrugated ground is produced by breaking a stick in two and pricking the clay with its jagged end. When finished and dried, articles may be sent to a pottery and fired. The process of colouring and glazing such work is not more difficult than rough water-colouring. It is fully described in the Manual of Modelling. All the requisite materials for it may be had by express on sending an order to any dealer in artists' materials in any city. Let it be remembered that in modelling those who begin by drawing well shape well. Their inventiveness or THE 38 PKACTICAL EDUCATION. has been awakened. Nothing conduces to inventive- ness so much as design. I incline to believe that any man who can invent a machine could have been an artist, and that every true artist is only an inventor on another road. It is not theorising when I say that the pupil who can design immediately shows his superiority in modelling in clay. All children in modelling follow a leader or go in a crowd. If they are set to making little balls and birds' nests, and miniature fruit, and similar petty trifling work, they will keep on making feeble things. It is a mistake even in the Kindergarten to give children petty patterns. In the modelling class, if one gets a new idea, such as making a cat following a mouse on a vase, or a giant frog, all the rest will take to cats, mice, and frogs. If one makes something great which is admired, they must all do the same. And after the mere rudiments of manipulation are mastered, it is better that the pupils should work on a large scale in great variety of subjects than be kept to petty devices. It is the fault of too many current systems of drawing that they limit the youthful mind to small inventions. The boy or girl who can design has in a way learned to invent, to seek for original devices, and what is learned in the lead pencil expands in the clay. With design and modelling all the minor arts may be regarded as mastered. WOOD-CARVING. As a beginning in industrial art in a school I com- mend design, embroidery, and modelling. Yet in some places wood-carving may be preferred by pupils or WOOD-CARVING. 39 parents to modelling, as I have known it to be the case in England ; or it may in time be added to the three branches already described. For wood-carving a very strong common table and about two dollars' (eight shillings) worth of good tools and fifty cents' or half-a-crown's worth of wood to each pupil may be called an outfit. The steps in wood-carving from drawing to cutting may be very gradual. It is to be desired that children in schools should be con- fined to "flat cutting," which is easy and profit- able, and not be led at once, as they are in many schools, to ambitious and difficult sculpture " in the round." With a competent teacher the pupil in wood- carving learns sometimes from the very first lesson to make a valuable or successful piece of work. I have never known a pupil of Professor HERMAN UHLE, teacher in the Public Industrial School, and also in the Ladies' Art Club of Philadelphia, whose first or second panel was not fit to make up. Of a class of twenty- five boys and girls, from twelve to fifteen years of age, under his teaching as I have already written there is not one who could not earn eight dollars (i, 123.) a week by steady work. All of these children have learned to do this while attending school, and while keeping up high " averages " in their other studies. When a good teacher cannot be had, one or two well- carved panels, costing from $1.50 to $2 each, may be had from the school or from any carver, to serve as models. Wood-carving is an open door to cabinet- making ; the two go hand in hand, and the boy who can handle gouges and chisels to produce ornaments, and whose eye is thereby trained to patterns and 40 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. proportions in wood- work, is already half a carpenter. Carving requires beyond all other arts a knowledge of design and modelling. I have had several coloured pupils who were expert in it. With design, embroidery, modelling, and wood-carving a school may be certainly said to be fairly established as to industrial art. They may all be learned in the rudiments by book. When well practised in these rudiments, pupils can advance themselves to the higher branches. What I have described may be made a part of the course in every village or private school. When design is acquired, every art is acquired for those who want it. When these four branches are familiar to teacher or pupil, all other varieties of the minor arts are really trifles, so far as acquisition is concerned. STENCILLING. This is the cutting out of patterns in cardboard, which is then varnished, or in thin metal of any kind, and painting through the spaces thus cut, with either paint or coloured washes, thickened with glue, i.e., " distemper." The advantages of stencilling are but little under- stood. By means of it every whitewashed wall in the country might be made to look much better than it would when covered with ordinary wall paper, which paper, by the way, has been proved to be in innumerable cases, when damp, a fruitful cause of malaria. A well stencilled wall is artistic, since only a good designer can draw the pattern, and it requires artistic taste to combine the stencils in more than one PAPIER MACHE. 41 colour., This would give profitable employment to thousands in every State. It consists of nothing but drawing designs, cutting them out of cardboard or sheet-metal, and then painting the patterns thus cut with a broad brush and coloured washes or paint on walls or other surfaces. The art is as yet in its infancy, and the vast majority of all the stencils sold are of a very commonplace, old-fashioned character. The expense requisite for stencilling would be about 50 cents 1 a square yard for best cardboard; brushes, from 30 to 75 cents each; washes, best quality, 25 cents a gallon ; paint, at the ordinary prices. It may be executed in small size, and applied to chests, boxes, cabinets, panels in doors, and in fact to all plane surfaces. PAPIER This consists of waste paper moistened with paste, and pressed in moulds or worked by hand into any shape. It is a very cheap and easy art, little known, and capable of wide application. It is closely allied to modelling in clay and casting. By means of it all flat surfaces can be decorated with permanent reliefs as durable as wood. Every kind of merely ornamental architectural moulding can be made of pressed and moulded paper. It is also worked by hand like clay. It is capable of being combined with paste, glue, clay, chalk, leather in fragments, pulp, and peat, according to many recipes which change it to as many different textures. The number of practically useful as well as ornamental objects made from these combinations 1 A cent is about a halfpenny. 42 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. is really incredible. I know of one man who by manufacturing a very simple object indeed from papier mach has within a few years made a fortune. There is no person who, if able to design, and somewhat familiar with modelling in clay, could not make saleable objects in this material. It opens a wide field to inventive- ness, and can be practised by girls and boys at home as well as made on a large scale in factories, as is done in the case of plaques of this material. CARPENTERS' WORK, JOINERY, OR CABINETMAKING. Taken as an art by itself carpentry is much more difficult than when practised in a school in connection with design, wood- carving, and other arts. I find it hard, very hard indeed, to make most people under- stand this. They profess to be able to see how something " practical/' such as the use of carpenters' tools, can be useful, but the " theory " that the appli- cation of design to " arts " can make a carpenter of a boy in less time than by the old method, they do not approve of. I have found in my school that it is very usual for a boy or girl to ask if he or she may not take up some new branch. "What have you been doing ? " is the question. " Designing, modelling, and a little carving." If the proposed class is not too full permission is accorded. I am always certain that the pupil who is at home in one or two branches will take up any other almost as readily as if it had been already practised. It would be precisely the same in carpenters' work, or printing, or shoemaking, after he had become familiar with our studio or atelier. It is not what is taught in an industrial art school to SHEET-LEATHER WORK. 43 which I call attention so much as the fact that any- thing technical and practical can there be very easily acquired, if the right beginning has only been made. SHEET-LEATHER WORK OR CUIR BOUILLI. This is an art which yields good results in propor- tion to its cost; but in common with stencil and papier mache, it is very little understood or practised. It consists of pieces of leather soaked in alum water or plain water, or in some work only wet with a sponge, on which patterns are then drawn by means of a toothed wheel pricking through a design drawn on paper. This pattern is outlined with a small hand wheel or tooling instrument, and the background put down and roughened with a common stamp or punch. When dry the pattern may be painted or stained with black or any other dye. Wet leather is capable of as much modification as clay or papier mache. Not only can sheets or skins be utilised in its manifold applications, but also all kinds of bookbinders' and shoemakers' waste. It can be applied to any surface, such a? chairs, boxes, panels; tables, or cabinets. The sheets of leather used cost from two to four shillings per skin, according to the quality ; some kinds for very elegant work are as much as from eight to ten shillings, that is to say, sheet-leather is about the same price as drawing paper or Bristol boards, or very little more. Very elegant work can be made with thick parchment. An outfit of tools which will serve for much good work costs about eight shillings. The Leather Work Manual contains full instructions for 44 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. this art. Vide also "The Minor Arts" (Macmillan, 1880), also an article in the London Art Journal explaining Vienna Cut Leather Work. In this latter the lines of a picture are very slightly cut in the leather with the point of a penknife, and are then pressed in. They are then filled in with colour with the tip of a very fine brush. CERAMIC PAINTING. Of ceramic or porcelain painting little need be said, if it meant no more than covering plaques or saucer plates with feeble pictures of flowers and dogs' heads, as it generally does; but there is a vigorous style of purely decorative tile painting in monochrome, or single colours, which is almost unknown to most painters, and which will yet become popular, and possibly ex- tinguish the current debilitated imitations of ivory, water-colour, and canvas pictures. The tile, as a wall ornament, should as a rule be decorated in single colours, simply and boldly designed, so as to be clearly visible at a distance, in common with the architectural details of a house. Were this kind of tile painting commoner the art would be more legitimate than it now is, and be more respected not only by those who understand art, but by the ignorant. Single colour china or stoneware painting may be begun in stencil and carried on by hand. Those who have gone on from design to filling in the ground with colour will find it very easy. There is no certain sale or regular demand for such fancy work as is generally found on the plaques and tiles of art depositories and church fairs, but a single-colour tile painter who can work DANGERS TO BE AVOIDED. 45 rapidly from good designs, and also make them, can always find a market. Therefore this form of industrial art may be introduced into schools, when artistically designed stencils may be used for tiles. The teacher should beware of letting pupils choose too freely what they will do. Left to themselves, all the silly ones, and not a few of the wiser, would elect " to paint," probably to paint pretty little posies and dogs or Greenaway babies, in water-colour, oil, or china, which would be the positive end of all prac- tical or useful art industry with them. If you would keep a girl from becoming an artist set her at once at flower painting. There is, it is true, a natural appetite for colour and flowers as there is for sugar, but this is no reason why people should be fed on it. It should only be gratified after being well nurtured on design and monochrome. Among the principles adopted by the Board of Education in Boston, I find the propositions concerning design by OWEN JONES. Of these No. 6 declares that "flowers or other natural objects should not be directly used as ornament, but conventional representations founded upon them sufficiently suggestive to convey the in- tended image to the mind without destroying the unity of the object they are intended to decorate. This principle, universally adopted in the best periods of art, is equally violated when art declines." I have said in the foregoing lines that if you would keep a girl from being an artist set her at painting flowers. This, when first published, caused great indignation. Now it is certainly true that there is not one instance in a thousand in which young ladies' flower- painting is above the level of "fancy work," 46 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. and the same may be said of all the arts as taught of yore in fashionable schools. Fancy work is allied to that produced by machinery : it consists in manufac- turing pretty and petty work without originality and without thought. As in Berlin worsted work, and the making wax flowers or wax coral baskets, it is only necessary to know certain rules, so in the average boarding-school china and flower painting one pupil works as the rest work in the same way. Thus I have often seen in an art school where all were free to do as they pleased, two or three dozen damsels in rows all painting flowers and dogs' heads, or perhaps even girls 7 faces, one as second-hand and amateurish as the other, and all characterised by ineffable feeble- ness. Not one of these painters could have made a decent outline decorative design, or achieved anything original. Now the children in the school were above fancy work, for they were taught to make original patterns. This led to so much grotesqueness that a literary gentleman who wrote a long article on the school observed in it that young people, when taught to design and urged to invent, produced work strangely like that of the Middle Ages. This is very true. There are in the school specimens of originally designed repousse work which the best archaeologist in Europe, seeing them photographed, would declare had been executed in the fourteenth or fifteenth century. But they were strong and original, therefore works of art. Not only the designs, but the finish and touch on the metal were like those of common or second-rate mediaeval work. A few specimens of these were given in the Century and St. Nicholas. It is a healthy and natural beginning. In due time the grotesque will REPOUSSE WORK. 47 be abandoned for other styles. There is much priggislmess and affectation in the current " fashion- able" detestation of the grotesque. REPOUSSE OR SHEET-METAL WORK IN RELIEF. Until within a very few years no art was so little practised by any save professional workmen as repousse, and even with these hand- work had sunk to the lowest stage of neglect. I trust I may be pardoned for again mentioning, in this connection, that the revival of repousse as a popular art dates from the publication of my work on the Minor Arts, and of my manual on the subject, and that this was due to the teaching that although elaborate and perfect work of this kind is expensive and difficult, yet that very beautiful and really artistic plaques or panels may be produced with ease by hammering sheet-metal on wood. This principle was generally recognised during the truly great eras of decorative art, that if the design was good it might be set forth cheaply and easily. At present there is a general tendency to believe that to even begin any art there must be an enormously expensive outfit. I have known women who had never touched a brush or pencil propose to begin china-painting with under-glaze, and to provide them- selves for this with such a stock of expensive materials as SARDANAPALUS l or NERO the imperial artifex might have hesitated at treating himself to. They did not know that to make a real work of art, a tile, a single tube of colour, a penny brush, 1 BULWER, "Children of the Night." 48 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. and a halfpenny's worth of turpentine are all sufficient. But these would-be artists, who have such hope in mere tools, seldom know much of design. And it may be well to remind many people, teachers as well as editors, that it is only the veriest snob in education or in journalism who would sneer at any man for devoting himself to simply teaching the rudiments of any humble branch of learning or art. It must be admitted that embossing sheet-metal, especially brass, though popular as an amusement for amateurs, is less generally useful than any of the branches already described. It requires a finished knowledge of design and a skill in tracing which few possess if really good work is to be done. By means of it sheet-metal is hammered into low relief by working it cold on a piece of board, or into much higher relief and more varied form by beating it on a bed of composition made of pitch, plaster of Paris, and brick dust, and annealing it. The tools used are punches, usually costing from pd. to is. each. They are generally either tracers for outlining patterns or mats for grounding. The sheet-brass costs from I s. to i s. 6d. a pound in small quantities. A full descrip- tion of the art, in a readily accessible and cheap form, both in cold hammering and by annealing, is given in the Manual of Eepousse Work. Anneal- ing consists in warming the work from time to time as it becomes hardened from hammering. It is easily done with a heater and tube from a gas light. It is all important in repousse that the pupil before attempting to work patterns should learn to make or run lines, curves, &c., very accurately with the tracer. Unless this is done, no good work will ever MACHINE AND HAND-MADE PLAQUES, 49 result. This work is, however, admirably useful as a preparation for all who intend at some future time to work in metal. Familiarity with the hammer, the punch, and stamps leads to a really practical knowledge of the properties of metal, and how to turn them to advantage. There is, too, a growing demand for many hand-made objects of beaten brass. Facings for fireplaces, finger-plates for doors, bellows, panels for cabinets, picture or mirror frames, and a hundred other objects, may be easily made by women and children. But let it be remembered that neither sheet-brass nor any other kind of work is worth taking up unless it is preceded by a knowledge of design-drawing and perfect skill in the use of the tracer. Without such preparation it at once degene- rates, as china-painting has often done, into frivolous fancy work. This work can also be elegantly executed in sheet-iron, tin, pewter, copper, or silver. The reader should be careful not to confound the hand- made or true repousse work with the machinery-made plaques and bellows, become of late so common, which are stamped by thousands and by steam on dies. The profits on these are enormous ; more correctly speaking, they are profits on the ignorance of the public. I have known a machinery-made plaque to sell for seventy dollars, which, though sold as brass, was only of spelter. The maker, not satisfied with, perhaps, ,12 (or sixty dollars) profit, after deducting the cost of the machinery, must needs make a few pence extra by a swindle and a lie. To a true disciple of art a hand-made plaque, after a really good design, would be far more desirable than a cartload of these shams. S o PKACTICAL EDUCATION. PAINTING. There are millions of people to whom the word art, as human action, suggests nothing but painting pictures. Pictures are beautiful as flowers are beauti- ful, but those who care for nothing in art but pictures or flowers are like the French washerwoman who declared that " she would wear for ornament nothing but the most expensive diamonds or their imita- tions." If you are not a genius and it is not pro- bable that more than one person in ten thousand is a "genius" in anything or unless you have had a long and thorough training in art, do not attempt picture-making. Without these qualifications you may produce excellent garnets, topazes, or amethysts, but not diamonds. Painting in oil or water-colours, for the majority, requires a special teacher. Yet when the inevitable design-drawing is really mastered, monochrome or single colour presents no difficulty whatever to a per- son of ordinary intelligence, even without a master. And after monochrome I see no reason why, with a good manual, any one cannot gradually and carefully mix colours and experiment and test and copy his way, with the aid of Aaron Penley's work on water- colour, without any real difficulty into skill. Those who write a letter to an editor to know what colour would result from mixing blue with yellow would, perhaps, be too impatient to travel the only true road, which, seeming long, is yet the shortest. Painting, though the most popular branch among all pupils, because producing such pretty results, is the last to be thought of in an ordinary school. In proportion to TEXTILE FABRICS. 51 the time, trouble, and expense which it involves, it is of less practical use than any of the minor arts. Yet in one branch it is easy and commendable. I refer to mural or purely decorative painting of walls and ceilings. Here flowers have their place, and may be appropriately introduced. In a large experimental industrial art school decorative painting will of course form a regular part of the branches. And I would here emphatically declare, for the benefit of certain critics, that nothing can be alleged against flower-painting or picture-making as branches of art, save their great abuse by ignorant and untrained amateurs. Picture-making is the ]ast stage, the crown, the summit and glory of art, to be reached only through long labour in minor arts, and yet nine out of ten of those who profess to teach art begin with this end. TEXTILE FABKICS. Weaving is not more difficult than much of the embroidery, macrame-work, or netting practised by many women, and it comes very near to the latter. There are many stages in it, from merely ranging rows of threads from corresponding rows of pegs, and work- ing the pattern in by hand up to the loom. A cheap loom for small work is easily made or purchased. I have been in many houses in the Southern United States where every inmate was dressed in cloth woven on looms made by the men of the family with axe, saw, and knife. These looms could have been as well employed to produce elegant and tasteful work as linsey-woolsey if the people had only known how to do it! It is not in the mere quality of the 52 PKACTICAL EDUCATION. materials, in elaborately finished work, or in expense that true beauty and value in art consist, but in design. This may be seen in so simple a thing as a rag-carpet, which any one can make. Sort the rag strings for carpeting according to colour, and let them be woven up singly. Thus you may have one which is black or brown or blue. Take preferably a black for a beginning, and work a pattern by running white tape with a bodkin through the threads. Sew this where needed. If Etruscan or Greek designs are followed, the result will be a rug or portiere or hanging, cheap indeed, but, if properly made, elegant enough for the drawing-room of a duchess. The simpler the colours the better, but a variety may be employed according to the subject. In the East at the present day the most exquisite weaving is done without looms, the threads being simply arranged between pins and drawn along, the pattern being worked or drawn in by hand. PAINTED EMBROIDERY. This is made by painting or stencilling patterns in water-colour or dyes on any suitable stuff. The flowers or arabesques are often simply outlined in woollen or silk. The name of this work is misleading and false, and induces a belief that it is merely a sham or imitative art. It would seem that dyed and painted tapestry was made as early as the woven. It certainly can make but little difference whether a decoration is made by weaving dyed threads or by dying woven threads. The mania for making pupils believe that no art can be practised unless a certain MOSAIC SI expensive outfit and certain materials are used has been of great detriment to decorative dying as an art. If an American Indian can produce artistic results with butternut, white maple, hickory bark, sumach golden rod, black tea, &c., with only alum as a mor- dant, I do not see why white people cannot do the same, if they cannot afford to pay ten or fifteen dollars for ten or fifteen cents (or fivepence) worth of patented dye in labelled bottles. The advantages of dye-painting on a woven fabric is, that it has quite a peculiar character and beauty of its own, that by means of it any house may be easily, cheaply, and elegantly decorated, and that it will wash. MOSAIC SETTING. This ranges from a microscopically minute art, as seen in Koman jewellery, up to large inlaying with stones of any size. What I here refer to is made with cubes about the fourth of an inch in length and breadth. These are of two kinds those made from hard stone of every or any kind and colour, and those broken from sheets or plates of terra cotta. The stone cubes for this work are sold in New York as in London, but .at a very high price. They may be made with a little practice by anybody with a sharp-edged hammer and an iron bar or better still a sharp-edged anvil or rest from almost any kind of marble or stone. They are from a fourth of an inch to a half inch square, set so as to form patterns in cement; they make not only a durable and elegant pavement, but also squares which may be used to 54 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. cover walls, or as panels in cabinets. For summer, mosaic floors are preferable to wood. They are specially suited to bath-rooms. Cubes of earthenware, though far inferior to stone, may, however, be used for mosaic. They are easily made in moulds, and may be baked or fired even by amateurs at a trifling expense. The stone pieces are to be smoothed down with stone, water, and sand. Much mosaic work is used in London for floors, walls, and facades. It corresponds to that of the Byzantine period, such as is seen in Eavenna. Like tiles, mosaic is very durable, and like dye-painting, it will wash. There is a very easy kind of mosaic, known as Scagliola, made by taking coloured stone in fragments of any size, or in powder, and imbedding it in cement. CROCKERY MOSAIC. It occurred to me one day while in York that all broken china might be utilised for wall and ceiling mosaics. Dr. Coles of the Home Arts and Industries Association suggested that there is a tool in common use, which costs only half a crown, by means of which the fragments could be broken into squares, &c., with perfect accuracy. It proved to be a success, and such mosaics are now produced by the pupils of the association in many places in the king- dom. There is no reason why all the broken china or pottery of the world should not be utilised for this purpose, since the variety of tones, shades, and colours from it are far more varied than those of the ordinary cubes. VENETIAN MAKQUETRY. 55 SCULPTURED BRICK. Any brick and mortar wall may be sculptured. It is a question whether after the relief is executed the mortar should be stained red to match with the bricks, or whether all should be left in primitive material. Brick sculpture may be very elegantly executed on a small scale, from a single brick up to half a dozen. There is really no artistic reason why these should not be set in red mortar or cement. A single sculptured square set under each window of a house, or between the stories on the front, will change the whole facade, and greatly improve it. Large squares of brick of any size can be made to order at many kilns. The work, after carving, may be painted, or glaze-painted, and again baked. By this means beautiful panels for filling spaces in the facades of buildings may be made. VENETIAN MARQUETRY. Take a panel of any hard white wood neatly polished. Draw on it a pattern, as simple as possible. Outline this with a pen-knife or a small cutting wheel, which is a sharp-edged disc the size of a three- penny piece or less, set in a handle. Then paint the pattern with wood-stain dyes. (Manders Brothers, 165 Oxford Street, sell the best for this purpose in nine- penny boxes. One box will, with hot water, make a pint of dye.) Fill in the cuts with a " filler," or with black putty. Then cover the design with a thin coating of size, and this again with varnish. 5 6 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. METAL STRAP AND NAIL WORK. Bands of sheet iron or brass from half an inch to two inches in thickness produce beautiful effects when applied as borders or in pieces to make crosses on chests, &c. Cut them in pieces with a file, and make holes in them with a two-shilling drill. Drive small or knob nails through these holes. Nails (brass, steel, or silvered) may be had of all sizes, from those with a head like a pin, up to a bowl two or three inches in diameter. These, arranged in rows, diamonds, or other ornaments, produce a fine effect in fact, the most elaborate designs may be executed with them, as may be seen in many of the old coffers of the Middle Ages. BROKEN GLASS MOSAIC. This is an exquisitely beautiful art. It is executed by taking glass of all colours and breaking it to different sizes, from fine powder up to a granula- tion like rice or peas. It is set in the cement like any other mosaic. The glass is not of course applied grain by grain, but is sprinkled on the surface and pressed. Larger cubes of ordinary mosaic and gold squares, such as may be bought at all Venetian glass shops, are also set sparingly in it. There is, I be- lieve, a shop in Wardour Street where patterns and materials for this work, there called Ceresa, may be obtained. GESSO-PAINTING. 57 IVORY WORK. This is an imitation of ivory or of highly polished old leather and parchment binding. It may be applied to any surface. Take a panel of carved wood, or a sheet of leather. Cover it with a good coat of varnish (flexible varnish for the leather). When this dries, give it one or two coats of white paint toned with Naples yellow. Then work the face with tracers or dull point and stamp. A bodkin is preferable for the latter. Then rub dark-brown oil paint into the lines ajid dots thus made. When dry, apply two coats of best re- touching varnish. In Vienna this work is executed not only on cardboard, but on ordinary paper. This work is very applicable to book-covers and albums. Though termed ivory work, it is capable of great variety. If black paint is used instead of white, a perfect imitation of ebony is the result, and in fact every colour thus treated looks well. Olive, with shades of light and dark green, may be so treated as to imitate old bronze. I am not aware that this last effect has been attempted by any " manufacturers/* GESSO-PAINTING. This is one of the most curious and beautiful of the minor arts, admitting a very wide range of execu- tion, from the coarsest to the most minutely delicate ornamentation. Gesso is the composition of powdered plaster of Paris, or any similar powder, such as baryta, whiting, &c., with size, glue, or gum, and as the mixture is applied and the pattern formed with a 5 8 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. pointed brush or hair pencil, the process may be regarded as either painting in relief or modelling. Mr. WALTER CRANE, from whom I acquired iny own knowledge of it, says of gesso : " My own predilection in gesso is for rather free-hand work of a character something between painting and modelling, but the art is capable of endless development and variation." There are different kinds of gesso ; the simplest is merely the powder mixed with glue to a proper con- sistency. A common water-colour brush is dipped into it, and the pattern is painted in relief. By using a size of one part resin, four of linseed oil, and six of glue, and adding to it whiting which has been soaked in water till all is of the consistency of cream, a very hard gesso can be made, which sets firmly, takes a high polish, and which will endure much wear and exposure. It is admirably adapted to being ivoried. Should there be any cracks or shrinking in the work when set hard, they are easily remedied by the addition of more gesso. Articles made from fine gesso cast in moulds are sold at a very great profit. Gesso can be applied or coated to articles made of wood, papier-mach^, &C. 1 There are so many more of these minor arts that the list might be indefinitely extended. Suffice it to say that there is no person, young or old, who has the time and will, who cannot master one or more of them ; the materials being so abundant and generally so cheap and so accessible that it is not possible to think of a place without something useful for the purpose. 1 Vide " Gesso-painting," by the author, published in the London Art Journal (J. S. VIRTUE & Co.), October 1887. With illustrations. TRAINING IN THE MINOR ARTS. 59 And here I have a conclusion to make which I earnestly beg the reader to seriously consider. The practical man will be very apt to say after running over the list of the minor arts, "This is all very fine, very pretty ; but do you call this actually pre- paring a loy for the battle of life ? Is this getting him ready for a trade ? " To which I, after years of experience, reply with serious, sober common-sense, " Yes." For it is the only way in the world to train all children so that they can in an emergency turn their hands from one trade or art to another. Think- ing men have of late begun to be alarmed at discovering that the tendency of machinery and the organisation of labour is to turn men into mere unthinking machines themselves. Instead of becoming an artisan or in- telligent mechanic, the worker is all the time turning into the ignorant maker of some sixty-seventh part of a shoe, or the ninety-ninth part of a lock, and nothing else, and caring no more for the rest than the actress Eachel cared to know what was in the fifth act of a tragedy since she died at the end of the fourth. And by and by when a new invention comes, the drudge on a fraction is thrown out of work. 1 If his wits had 1 The following extract is from the report of Mr. JOHN BURNETT, the labour correspondent of the Board of Trade, on the " sweating system " at the East End of London, which was published as a Parliamentary Report, November 24, 1887. It illustrates a very great evil which is rapidly spreading. " The system of tailoring has undergone a complete revolution since the introduction of machinery and the growth of a ready-made clothing trade, and the great bulk of the cheap trade is now in the hands of a class who are not tailors at all in the old sense of the term. The demand for cheap clothes, irrespective of quality, has continually tended to bring down the rates of remuneration of the least skilled among the workers, and has caused the introduction of the most minute 60 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. been trained in youth to design, his mind to form his fingers to some variety of manipulation, he would not in sheer dumb ignorance cry out, What can I do ? He who can design and model a little, and knows, as every child in a minor art school knows, the infinite resources of materials, and how many ways there are of working them up, is actually provided with what is as good as a trade and that is the capacity to readily find out and master a trade. To such a " practical " man I would say : Do not let yourself be blinded by the stern vanity of your " common sense " into condemning these brass plaques, clay mouldings, embroideries, and carvings as mere trash, which have nothing in common with " staple " work. A boy or girl who can make these things has learned some- thing which you in all probability do not in the least understand, for he or she has developed knowledge and skill of a kind which will enable him or her not only to learn anything practical with great ease, but to regard all branches of labour as possible. When a boy or girl of from ten to fourteen years of age can look at all the arts which I have here systems of sub-divided labour. Instead of there being now only the customer, the master tailor, and his journeymen and apprentices, we now have the customer, the master tailor, the contractor, and possibly several other middlemen between the consumer and the producer, each making his profit out of the worker at the bottom of the scale. Instead of the complete tailor, we have cutters, basters, machinists, pressers, fellers, button-hole workers, and general workers. The learning of any one of these branches is naturally so much easier than the acquisition of the whole trade, that immense numbers of people of both sexes and of all ages have rushed into the cheap tailoring trade as the readiest means of finding employment. The result has been an enormously overcrowded labour market, and a consequently fierce competition among the workers themselves, with all the attendant evils of such a state of things." MISTAKEN IDEAS. 61 described in operation without any sense of wonder, and feel perfectly confident that he or she can execute any of them at once, is not that child in a more advanced industrial condition than if its skill did not extend beyond sawing and fitting boards, or filing iron in a small way. Yet there are in the United States to-day scores of thousands of men who persist in ridiculing the former as "aesthetic," and praising the latter as practical. It is not long since the principal of a technical school (and of a very good one) politely informed the public in print that the brass plaques, &c., executed in my school were all trash. His ideas did not go beyond the market value of the articles. The same man had previously informed the world in the New York Tribune that there could be no greater wisdom than to send children to technical schools (i.e., to his), " and no greater foolish- ness" than to attempt to introduce work as a branch into public schools. "Come to our shop all others being impostors." Since this opinion was issued hand-work has, how- ever, been made a branch of instruction in the public schools of New York, and it will in a very few years be found in the schools of every country in Europe. PRACTICAL TEACHING. After having had an industrial art school under my charge for several years, during which time more than a thousand pupils, mostly mere children, have been in the classes, I have arrived at certain con- clusions, which are of the more value, since I con- ducted the undertaking, not to prove preconceived 62 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. theories so much as to simply ascertain what children can do. To effect this I have in every way endeavoured to sound the average capacity of children. It is far greater than is generally supposed, but it lies in a different direction, and is based upon entirely different principles from those assumed as the conditions of adult labour, be it mental or manual. The practical results of a combined knowledge of decorative design and modelling are these : The pupil learns to use the eyes and fingers in a way which will render any work easier. The boy and girl who can draw and model even tolerably well can easily find a situation wherever casting or any other kind of plastic work is executed. There is a great demand for boys with such knowledge. I could, without exception, find paid places in a great variety of manufactories for nearly all the pupils in any Public Industrial School who have had from twenty to forty lessons in design and modelling. It may be well in this place to consider one or two of the popular objections to industrial art in schools. One is of those persons who, looking at vases witli flowers or frogs, admit that they may be all very pretty, but that they cannot see in such " fancy work " any trustworthy means for getting a living. Of another class are those who examine the work critically, ask its market value, and then inquire if it could not be made more cheaply by machinery, and, if so, whether it is worth while to set children to making it. Since this work was begun a distinguished reformer, who professed great interest in art in schools, began with me by saying, "I wish to see some of your children's work. I want to know its market value, MARKET VALUE NO CRITERION. 63 and how much money it will bring. You see I am a practical person." I did not see it, for it seems to me to be most senseless and unpractical to expect goods of average market value from mere children just beginning to learn. There are people " deeply inte- rested in education " who inquire what is the current shop value of the work of a child in its second or third lesson. It is perfectly true that in the hands of competent teachers and directors the average art industrial school may be always made to meet its expenses; yet it is almost as unreasonable to reckon on this as to expect that reading and writing will " pay " from the alphabet onwards, or as Mrs. JEBB has said, " that school copy-books should bring money." In the words of WILLIAM GULAGER, of Philadelphia, "Whatever is worth teaching is worth paying for." Meanwhile it is worth remembering that wherever ornamental castings in metal of any kind are manu- factured, or wood, plaster, terra cotta, stone, or any substance whatever is made to assume shape, there the workman who can design and model even a little is wanted. I would say in this connection that I consider exhibitions of mere children's work as of very doubtful utility where the public is very ignorant. That they are very popular, and that they serve to advertise teachers, cannot be denied, and that they stimulate an interest in art is apparent enough. Their defect lies in this, that the public always look at the work exhibited as the end and aim and sum total of all that industrial education can effect. They see brass plaques and designs, plates and panels, and either call them aesthetic frippery or "playing at art," 64 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. or judge them as a Philadelphia newspaper did, by their inferiority to work executed in higher art-schools by adults who have a large corps of teachers to in- struct them every day in the week. Where there is one person even an editor who reflects on what a knowledge of design practically applied to several arts can effect, there are a thousand who expend an ignorant admiration, or as ignorant criticism, on the mere experiments of the pupils. The only exhibition which I would willingly make is of the children themselves at work. This is really interesting. There the visitor may see how many, almost infants, in a few lessons have learned to design patterns, and how easily a mere child grapples with clay to make a vase, or manages the carving-tools. The true result of all this is not shown in the vase or panel -it is in the brain and fingers of the pupil, and it is not expressed by the thing worked on. But the majority, as yet, judge entirely and totally by the quality of the tan- gible result, and are incapable of understanding that it is no expression at all of the amount of power which its production involves. So at the university, a youth, in whose brain-cells and nerves is stored up the talent and power of industry derived from a long line of philological or mathematical ancestors, steps to the front and takes the first honour, while another who has worked ten times as hard, and produced in him- self ten times as much relative mental development, gets nothing. LARGER SCHOOLS. I have, in what is previously written, considered the expediency of industrial art as a branch of educa- ADVANTAGES TO TEACHERS. 65 tion, and shown how it may be introduced to village or private schools. I have, of course, only considered the pupils, but it is worth remarking that the teachers themselves, " learning while instructing," will also be- come accomplished, and in many instances fit them- selves for a more congenial career as artists or teachers of art. No one can doubt that if every teacher in America or England could practise one or more strictly industrial decorative arts of a more practical nature than are now taught in schools, there would be an immense impetus given to our national culture and industry. There was very little really solid in old- fashioned drawing, water-colour, theorems, wax flowers, and china flower plaques, but there is a great deal of real value in free-hand design, and in executing it in wood, metal, leather, and all other suitable substances. Not only does the teacher find in decorative art a means of making more money, but he or she is also provided with what to all is an agreeable change from other duties ; for, while teaching, the instructor, in common with the pupils, can produce something saleable or valuable. THE INTRODUCTION OF ART TRAINING. Where it is proposed to introduce industrial art work to public schools in large cities or to whole communities, there will be either much opposition or great indifference to the innovation on the part of those who do not understand it. The best way to begin in such cases is to establish on a small scale a single primary school of from twenty to thirty pupils, to be taught design, embroidery, and plain sewing, E 66 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. modelling in clay, and wood-carving. This school may be supported by private contributions and the aid of ladies and gentlemen who will give time and teach- ing for nothing, as many do in the Home Arts Asso- ciation and East of London classes; or it may be entirely based on appropriations from School Boards, or the latter source may be eked out by the former. When the school is established and well under way, all that is necessary to convince any rational man of its utility will be to have him inspect it while in session. If managed with any ability, it will speak for itself. The sight of the girls and boys proving to the most prejudiced their ability to make a living on leaving school, is all that is needed to make converts. The walls of the school may be decorated with specimens of work, but I do not urge the appeal to these as the sole proof of the expediency of teaching children to use their hands. As a rule without exception, it is the unreasoning and ignorant visitor who is amazed at plaques and panels made by children, and who cries at every indication of what is or should be only ordinary effort, " How wonderful ! Is hot that child a genius ? Has she not extraordinary talent?" The children themselves soon learn to laugh at this false estimate of their skill. They know that they can all do these things with practice. And, as I have previously said, the ignorant examiner, looking only at the results, and considering only market values, immediately misunderstands the entire system. Thus newspapers have unthinkingly com- pared the results of the work done by little children who had had, many of them, only a dozen lessons, or at most twenty, and that once a week, with that THE "GENIUS." 67 effected by grown-up young women who had been for years employed all day, and every day, in higher art schools. Yet even these children showed, in propor- tion to their age and opportunities, superiority in every respect to all rivals. F. W. MOODY has, in his " Lectures and Lessons on Art," spoken wisely of the current vulgar opinion that everybody who can produce a work of art is some- thing quite out of the kind of ordinary mortals. " That the study of art does produce that extraordinary compound of self-sufficiency and ignorance called a genius, is an undoubted fact. . . . There are, at the present moment, in schools of art, probably more so-called geniuses than in all the universities of Europe." And he might have added that there will never be any true art until it is popularly understood that it is as open to anybody as the " genius," and to understand true art should be as easy for one man as another, and that it by no means requires that a man should be born with a certain extremely rare spiritual insight or aesthetic illumination. PRACTICAL WORK. In an ordinary experimental school we first need a room. The upper story of a city school, when not in use, is perfectly adapted to the purpose. It should of course be well lighted. Tables made of two-inch plank, placed on very strong, firm trestles, are re- quisite, particularly if wood-carving and brass-work are contemplated. Such tables do not rock. There must be abundant shelving for many purposes. The pupils will every one require a place whereon to put 68 PKACTICAL EDUCATION. half finished work. There must of course be chairs and a blackboard. An adjacent small store-room or large closet will be a great convenience. If this be wanting, a large plain wooden cabinet must be provided. It may happen that the director or principal of an experimental school is capable of teaching not only drawing but modelling. In like manner the lady teacher of embroidery may be qualified to teach some- thing else. In the smaller schools of course one teacher must supervise everything. In the smallest it will soon be found necessary to convert the most advanced pupils into assistants. Economies of teach- ing may be carried out in many ways. But where it can be done the director should have no direct teaching. There should be one instructor for every branch. There should consequently be teachers for drawing, carving, and modelling in clay. But in different localities and in large schools well supported many branches may be taught. I could easily enumerate fifty, large and small, all worth learning, and all very easy to learn if the pupil can design. Thus leather work may be divided into several branches, all elegant and profitable. There is sewn leather, in which fragments of bookbinders' and shoemakers' waste are cut into shape and sewed together, as well as the two great divisions of sheet leather stamped and leather moulded into shapes. In Eussia, Turkey, and Persia there are whole villages or large communes devoted to sewn leather work, and if really artistic patterns were supplied there would be many thousands of people in England and America doing the same. With regard to what seems to be the only great and real difficulty in popularising art and industrial PATTERNS WANTED. 69 art education, something may here be most appropri- ately said. This difficulty is that of getting patterns to guide taste. I long since suggested in published lectures that this might be met by either private charity or municipal or government aid. Sheets of patterns for every branch of the minor arts, costing not more than two cents a sheet, would be of incal- culable value to every industry in which taste is required. From art works already published, from our museums and from those abroad, inexhaustible material could be taken. It should all be drawn from specimens illustrating and expressing some marked era of art. Very little should be made or drawn to order for these sheets, not even by the best artists. What is wanted is instruction and inspiration for artists, not from men, but from eras of culture. When the demand makes itself felt our Government will doubtless supply it. It has been met in England in an inadequate way by publishing illustrated pamphlet summaries of the works in the South Kensington Museum. But what is wanted is simply large she.ets with large outline designs of different kinds of art industry work. Let me illustrate this by a single instance. In many parts of America, boards, even of oak, walnut, or more valuable woods, are cheap enough, and men who can manage saws and planes are not wanting. These people are often without furniture, and pay extravagant prices for the flimsy, worthless, ugly, glued together, and varnished trash of the factories. Now there is a type and style of very elegant solid furniture, such as was made in South Germany for centuries, which would cost no more than the glued and veneered trash. It is made 7 o PRACTICAL EDUCATION. by simply sawing, boring, and pinning or bolting planks or boards together. Any man of ordinary intelligence having the design for a table or chair of this kind before him can take the measurements and make it. A series of such designs at a low price would be very welcome and very useful all through the West of America and in the Colonies. Nobody need hesitate to begin a school. Get a few simple patterns and begin to learn with your pupils to draw and teach together. In England the Home Arts Association will supply you with designs, manuals, and practical directions, and help you on. There are several useful industries which would soon be practised in thousands of families were cheap illustrations devoted to them disseminated everywhere. Such pictures would form a very important aid to industry in schools. I have done what I could to help in this respect by giving in the series of Art Manuals, which were written for education, large working patterns, those in any one of the works being adaptable to an- other. Thus a design for sheet brass may also be used for flat carving. It is to be regretted that in works of art half the engravings are executed not with a view to making them practically useful to workmen, but to give a general picturesque effect. There is a great deal of expensive shading, but the details are scumbled. This is the case even in many of the illustrations of the South Kensington works. An almost indispensable element in art-work is inventiveness. The popular mind instinctively settles to certain branches as embracing all there is to learn, while the fact is that when design is once mastered the applications of it are infinite. A small wooden platter SMALL INDUSTRIES. 71 sawed from board one-third of an inch in thickness in the shape of a boar's head, a tortoise, owl, or other animal, touched with carving, inlaid with eyes of ivory and bone, and finished with ebonising varnish, is a trifling object. It cannot constitute a staple of industry. But many thousands of such platters are made in Vienna and sold. An ingenious person can invent, revive, or discover such a small manufacture every day. It is one of the great causes of poverty and suffering in the world that the so-called practical men reject with scorn all branches of industry which are not regular and " staple." The idea of providing for the poorer classes in Ireland by means of small industries has been treated by writers as petty and ridiculous. When I published my " Minor Arts," a London review, ignoring all I had said as to establishing village and industrial schools, made its main point by making me appear only as a teacher of fools' work, because there was in the book instructions for making certain children's toys. Now the entire population of Ireland might be employed in the minor arts without glutting the market, while the fact is that only a fourth or fifth of it need relief, and very large fortunes have been made in America within a few years by the manufacture of some single toy. It would be an excellent idea for the teacher of every art school to request of pupils and their friends suggestions as to what may be made. TO BEGIN A SCHOOL. Many hundreds of persons have written to me saying that they would like to establish an art school, or a club, but do not know how to go about it. And 72 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. when I reflect on the time and practice which it has cost me to learn how to fit out classes, it does not seem strange. I would therefore suggest that to begin, the interest of a number of persons in the undertaking should be awakened. As an aid to this a perusal of the pamphlet on "Industrial Work in Education," which forms the basis of this chapter, may be commended. By sending a list of names and addresses to the Commissioner of Education, Bureau of Education, Washington, with a note stating the object of the writer, the Circular No. 4 will be forwarded to all thus indicated, gratis and post-paid. This circular has been the direct cause of thus establishing hundreds of small art schools and societies. I commend this be- cause, by so doing, in a great many towns interest sufficient to organise a school or classes, or a club, has been awakened. Few people know the power latent in the simple phrase " calling attention to a thing and exciting an interest in it." It is well not to begin by attempting too much. Even for a large school, design alone will be sufficient for several weeks, and for six months nothing need be added to this except modelling and embroidery. For these little money is needed. I have found that there is a mania with many to buy all kinds of articles which may possibly be needed. I will here recapitulate the possible or probable requirements of an experimental school on a large scale for a city : A large room, well lighted. From thirty to fifty feet of common pine shelving. More if possible. One gas burner to six pupils. Water, soap, and towels. KEQUIREMENTS. 73 One closet or cabinet (pine). One waterproof barrel or large box for clay. Clay, from 30 to 100 pounds. Modelling tools, one set. Carpenter's compasses. Chest of carpenter's tools. Drawing boards. Drawing paper. Pencils. Fine sand-paper. Cups or small tumblers. Indiarubber. Tiles for colours. Foot-rules. Compasses. Water-colours. Paint brushes. Blackboard. Wood-carving tools for each pupil. Wood, half inch to inch, at from 4 to 10 cents a foot. One set of Art Work Manuals or other handbooks, $3 (l2s.) Whetstones or hones. Broken china and cement. A china-cracker, 2s. 6d. (or about 63 cents). One grindstone. One bucket or pail. One fret-sawing apparatus. Material for needlework for each pupil. Leather, from 25 cents to $i a skin, besides waste^ Tools for leather work, each pupil, $2 (8s.) ST&&^" Stencil cutting, each pupil, $i ( 4 s.) ( -rj N j v^P Brass work, each pupil ; tools, $l ; brass, $l\8sj Flour paste or dextrine. ^'^SdyE^^NlA^,^-*^ Plaster for moulds. Coarse towels to clean the tables of dust. A hand-bell. It will be seen that it is very difficult to adjust the prices for such a list. For a small school or club on the humblest scale, drawing materials, two or three carving tools to each pupil, boards or wood (such as can be generally had for a trifle), waste newspapers, 74 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. and common paste and clay for papier-mache, with a little paint, bits of marble or stone of different kinds, and a hammer and iron bar for mosaic making, with rags for artistic rag-carpet work, and manuals, will not, with management, cost in all more than from $20 (4) to $30 (6). A clever teacher with clever pupils could almost undertake to begin work on $ I o (2), and increase the stock of implements by sales. If the teacher can only design, all the rest will or may follow of itself. A good quality of wrapping or cartridge paper costs less than drawing paper, and answers quite as well for beginners. Many decora- tive designers use nothing else. If a majority of the patrons or pupils approve of it, elementary carpenters' work may form one of the primary branches. Every boy and man should know how to handle carpenters' tools. But let it be distinctly understood that design should precede all the minor arts, if there is to be any system of practical instruction. HOW TO SELECT WORK FOR PRACTICE. It is extremely difficult to determine, beyond design- drawing, modelling, embroidery, and wood-carving, exactly what may or may not be taken up. There are places about factories where the material for rag carpeting is very cheap; in others it is dear. In others mosaic stones or marble may be had for the taking, while in certain places such material is not to be had. It is true that the prices of materials and implements for industrial art work are very variable; but there is no place in which some of them are not within the reach of the poorest. Sculpturing or SELECTING WORK. 75 moulding brick is a beautiful and profitable art, not difficult to learn, and bricks or clay are to be had almost everywhere. There is one rule by which all such schools may be safely guided. Making money immediately should not be the main object of any branch of education, but where schools are very poor a sufficient income to pay for tools and materials may be confidently relied on. Let the teacher, or those who are interested in the pupils, after they can design patterns, and not till then, consider what industries in their neighbourhood will pay. In the first place, a stencilled wall is really, if well executed, better than a papered one. Elegant stencilling costs little more than that which is ugly. It should be found in every house in the country. Just at present it seems to be confined to the most expensive mansions. If brass or sheet-metal work is taken up, fronts for fireplaces are easily made, and can be sold, as also finger-plates for doors, sconces, and frames. Leather work will supply baskets, chair- seats, and coverings for the backs of chairs, table- covers, and albums. Of sewn leather, cushions or pillows are extensively made in Turkey, Eussia, and Persia. These can be made from bookbinders' waste. Elegant coverings for furniture, rugs, and slippers are also made of. this now wasted material, which may be used for a great variety of purposes. Let it always be remembered that if the teacher and pupils set them- selves resolutely to make certain objects well, according to what authority recommends as good patterns, they can always find some agency in every town where their work can be sold. But if they only produce average charity fair work of the common flower plaque and 76 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. dog's head school, it will not sell. The writer is in the constant receipt of letters from people in the country asking him where their small art work can be sold, or even requesting him to kindly exert himself to sell it for them. Now there is always a market for anything worth having, but the only way to sell it is to find out by inquiry some honest agent or merchant in a city or town who will deal in art work, and trust to him. The ladies' decorative art associations in American cities all sell such work, with a discount in their favour of about 10 per cent. It is to be advised that, in all cases where the pupils produce work of substantial merit, specimens adapted to house decoration such as brass fronts and tiles for fireplaces, leather chair-covers, and carved panels with squares of mosaic be exhibited, not for sale, but as samples of work which will be executed to order. APPLICABILITY AND VALUE OF ART TRAINING. It is a curious matter to reflect what may be done for an ordinary country house by a family who will devote their evenings to its improvement, with a few tools and cheap materials. In the first place, good planed plank or boards can, by pattern and measure- ment, be converted by most men or boys into solid and even elegant furniture. It will cost less when finished than is usually paid for machine-made varnished and veneered rubbish. I have before me, as I write, two chairs, each 250 years old, as good as new. The chair back fits by a socket into the seat, and is bolted beneath ; the legs are simply stuck through holes, as OLD CRIES REVIVED. 77 in a three-legged stool, into the seat. The backs are carved, and the result is a very beautiful yet con- venient piece of furniture. They could be as well made by the boys in the school. Tables, settees, and all kinds of furniture may be made on this plan. The floor of the cottage may be set in mosaic, at the expense of time, an iron bar, a hammer, and stone of different colours; or it may be inlaid in wood arid covered with rag carpets in Etruscan or Greek pattern all home made. The walls may be covered with stencilled designs, or ornamented with carved panels at intervals, or strips or panels of stamped leather in old Spanish patterns, touched with gold. The doors may be hung with rag carpet portieres, or cheap materials, such as crash towelling, dye painted and outlined with embroidery. The ceiling may be sten- cilled or adorned with papier mach6 mouldings. There are many people who say, as many have said to me, " What is the use or sense of inducing a backwoods dweller in a log cabin or shanty to adorn his house in a manner which he can neither under- stand nor enjoy ? " There are others who continually cry that educating girls up to aesthetic tastes unfits them for " mechanics' wives." This has been the old cry in one form or another in all ages. It was heard everywhere a century ago, as it may still be heard occasionally from a few, that reading and writing are the ruin of the " lower orders." There is a gentleman in Philadelphia who has always maintained that our civil war, which he regarded simply as a needless nuisance because it inconvenienced him, " all came from educating the common people so that they could read the newspapers." Industrial art is rapidly becoming, 78 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. in education and in life, as essential as reading or writing. Thousands who are absorbed in politics, whisky, or business, are as yet ignorant of this ; even some editors seem to ignore it ; but the women, the clergy, and the teachers are already generally aware of it. But all the people in America do not live in backwoods shanties, and where they do they are not on that account to be universally set down as incap- able of appreciating homes made beautiful. There are millions of people in America, as in England, not so badly off, whose homes, in which much money has been spent, are not really creditable, good-looking, nor comfortable. They would all have tasteful or artistic and cheap adornment if they could get it. The money which they pay for their present orna- mentations represents just so much labour. Now, this labour would be better bestowed on making for themselves what they want, or, in other words, in keeping the profits which at present simply go to enrich the manufacturers of machinery made, and very trashy and ugly objects. The problem of political economy lies in the greatest possible distribution of wealth and industry, and machinery does not distribute, but places capital in a few hands. The majority of men in America speak and think of " art " in any form or phase as something that may very well be dispensed with. It is to them "fancy." Yet these men are all engaged in making money, and when the spending it comes, they are ignorant, and make fools of themselves. Deny it as we may, there is a standard of taste, known to those who have been educated in design and its applica- tions, and according to this standard, the ignoramus ARTISTIC WORK IN DEMAND. 79 in America is continually making himself ridiculous. " We are a new people," they say ; " ours is a new country. Wait till the time comes say in a century or two, when all the West shall be populated and then " And then we should have reverted to barbarism in our zeal for multiplying and "im- proving" property. We have, as it is, over sixty millions of people quite enough to begin a few small experiments in culture when we consider that Athens in its palmy days had only twenty-five or thirty thousand free citizens. There is another argument in favour of industrial art education to which I have already referred, but which cannot be too earnestly or too frequently repeated. It is the enormous and rapidly growing demand for hand-made objects. As education and culture progress, people begin to find out that in jewellery as in pictures, or even in fire-irons, a thing to be truly artistic must be hand-made. It is not as yet generally understood that machinery, though it may manufacture pretty things, cannot make anything artistic. There are no such things as artistic 'works made in any way except by hand. Only the vulgar and ignorant confuse or confound that which is beautiful with what is artistic. The merchant is guilty of an illiterate blunder who advertises as "artistic" goods turned out by the million from moulds. It is more correct to speak of a pair of well- made and handsome trousers as artistic than of a 1 This is effectively what was said by a newspaper in commenting on my efforts to encourage industrial art. The English reader will bear it in mind that this work is intended for both divisions of Anglo- Saxony. 80 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. chromolithograph as such. This demand for hand- made art will ere long give employment to that very large class whom it is at present difficult to fit to anything. The day is not distant when the public will be so well educated as to distinguish clearly between hand-made and machinery^made in every- thing pertaining to ornament. When that time comes, we shall be a nation not only of artists, but of mutual purchasers of art work. Meanwhile let it be dis- tinctly understood that art does not consist entirely in prettiness. Its best characteristic is the impression of individual character. This disappears in the machine. In fact, the more perfect machine work is the less is it artistic. The faultlessly finished piece of silver work, such as no mere smith could ever rival, shows indeed the result of ingenuity, but not of art. A Soudan bracelet made with a stone and a nail is far more artistic than a Connecticut mill-manufactured dollar bangle, yet the latter is infinitely the more " finished " of the two. As for the argument that girls are unfitted for becoming mechanics' wives by a knowledge of art, it is like the hackneyed cry against the piano and against all kinds of education or culture for the poor. The best arbiters in this question would be the young mechanics themselves, especially those who have been at art schools. Much as has been said against the piano, the mechanic himself is generally the first to make his wife a present of one, and I doubt if he would object to arts which are practised at home and which bring money in. There is much cheap ridicule of dados and what is misrepresented as being the staple of all decorative art work, but the truth is THE CRAZE" FOR ART. 81 and it is to be desired that all newspaper wits would admit it that the fancy work of the last generation is gradually assuming a substantial and valuable form. The "china craze," as it is called, was at any rate better than potichomania or wax-fruit work. The arts of which I have spoken deal with something more " practical " than plaques. And here something may be said of the very generally disseminated opinion that the present popular desire to collect works of art, and antiques, and archaeological " curiosities/' and to ornament houses, is all an " aesthetic craze " or fleeting fancy, which will soon pass away. Be it observed that such " crazes " have always manifested themselves in every country and in every age, begin- ning with every era of true culture and intelligence, and have only ended with it. The Medici family had such a " craze " for six generations. Whenever people begin to know anything beyond eating, drinking, and the vulgar display of money and "family," they begin to read that is to say, to take an interest in history and humanity as it has been ; and this leads at once to an interest in the past, and to intelligent collection and preservation. This "craze" begun again during the eighteenth century in England with WALPOLE and Bishop PERCY it had never ceased on the Continent since the Eenaissance among the better educated, and it has been gradually progressing ever since. While the absurdities of old spinning-wheels, with other merely odd and crazy antiques in drawing- rooms, must cease, it is quite as certain that the value of any old work impressed with the true cachet or seal of art will never diminish until a new revival of taste shall have culminated and decayed. F 82 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. ART INSTRUCTION IN ITS RELATIONS TO THE TRADES. I cannot set forth too strongly the fact that decora- tive art is to be taught to children and girls, simply because it is better adapted to their age or nature than a trade or mechanical pursuits, and that whenever it is possible the pupils should be put into practical work. Thus when boys or even girls manifest an aptness or a fitness for it, they may be taught simple carpentry or joining, turning, or any of the trades, if there be an opportunity to do so, and they can learn. It requires many thousands of dollars or pounds sterling to establish an industrial school, but industrial art may be taught from the infants' school upward. Let it, however, be borne in mind that industrial art, especially as regards boys, is really only a training for a trade, and that far from giving them a distaste for useful work, it only whets the appetite. I was one of the first, if not the first, to point out, many years ago, in a lecture, a fact which has since been clearly proved, that the decay of the apprentice system must very soon lead to industrial education in schools. Machinery is making men into machines at such a rate that humanity is becoming seriously alarmed at the inevitable result. The old apprentice had a chance to rise, since he learned a whole trade ; the modern workman, who is kept at making the sixtieth part of a shoe, and at nothing else, by a master whom he never sees, is becoming a mere serf to capital. Even the industrial school with its " practical " work can do nothing against this onward and terrible march of utilitaria. It is in the teaching of art, and of the THE PAUPERS OF TO-DAY. 83 superiority of hand-work in all that constitutes taste, that the remedy will be found. By and by, when culture shall have advanced as it will there will be an adjustment of interests. Machinery will supply mere physical comforts. Man, and not machinery, will minister to taste and refinement. Machinery promised to supply food for all. There are more people at present with virtually nothing to do, than there ever were in the days of hand labour. They do not starve, and they are not in rags, but they are paupers. They walk about in decent clothes, but they are dependents on parents, rich relations, or on somebody. If they had any calling, industry, or art, however small, they would not be paupers. And it is for industrial art in schools to save them. I have been assured by practical-impractical men, that industries not "staple" are not worthy of being recognised by a government. But these people mean by "staple" certain settled, old-fashioned industries, and they assume that there can never be any new ones. Now when I, as I am credited for it by high authority, revived repousse in brass, and its sister art of stamped leather, or cuir bouilli, as manual employ- ment for amateurs, I gave an impulse to an industry which has set thousands of people at work. But I am told "this is a fancy-work craze." Well, when the same craze first sprung up it lasted more than a thousand years, and it will do so again. The great reason why Germany is taking the lead in the world's markets is, because she teaches art and letters to her apprentices. 84 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. THE PHILADELPHIA SCHOOL. This now(i 8 8 7) consists of about live hundred pupils, boys and girls, all studying in the Public Grammar Schools. Most of them before coming to it have already learned to hold a pencil and draw a little, but this is less of a qualification than would be supposed, since none can then produce a design, a practical working drawing fit to be " put in hand." In fact it is almost a matter of total indifference to me whether a child can draw or not. Those who can, and who have been taught by the old method, continue to rest all their weight, or press on the right hand or arm, and require a long training to draw light lines, while there are few indeed who would not make a bough smallest next to the trunk, or who have a single ornament by heart. It is needless to say that a pupil who knows nothing at all of draw- ing is preferable for decorative design to one whose ideas are limited to heavy lines, stumping, shading, and picture-making. The pupil on arriving is set at copy- ing some very simple design in outline only, and is then told to double it, or else to draw a leaf so as to compose a wreath by repeating it. There are two classes one attending on Tuesday afternoons from three to five; the other on Thursdays at the same hours. These lessons are freely open to the public. Those on Saturday afternoons, at which brass and leather work are practised, are strictly private, as the noise causes a confusion which is greatly heightened by visitors walking about. I have known one or two very clever girls who had previously learned to draw properly succeed in making a good original design even at a third lesson. But OF THE UNIVERSITY 85 this is very unusual indeed. I remember that once a young lady of Boston who could draw, i.e., copy very well, argued with me for a long time to prove that I could never teach her to design, for she had no origi- nality. I finally said " You have talked for half an hour to convince me that you are incapable of doing what I have never failed to teach to any public-school child of twelve. Will you now devote half an hour to learning to design." The result of the lesson was that next morning at breakfast she showed me a really beautiful original pattern, fit to be worked. But as a rule children require from twenty to thirty or even fifty lessons to produce good designs. This is partly due to the fact that I have often from fifty to sixty to teach at once, and that other avocations prevent me from devoting my time to making or preparing " copies," that is to say, motives for the pupils to work on. I am positive that with abundance of good models or designs, and with more time, or smaller classes, I could teach a pupil to design a pattern in much less time than is now required. It is a great disadvantage that in my school the majority of the pupils are with- drawn when they have not had more than fifteen or twenty lessons, or before they have had time to fairly learn to design and model. This is caused by my receiving chiefly the eldest, or those who are about to leave. Despite all these and many other drawbacks I have fully succeeded in proving what this chapter was written to demonstrate, that children may be taught while attending school to make a living, or, if this term be equivocal, I would say to be so taught as to become preferred workmen and workwomen, or learners in many kinds of factories and callings. Thus a boy or girl who 86 PKACTICAL EDUCATION. can design at all is very desirable as an assistant or junior designer in a carpet-factory. To get such a junior the manufacturer now goes to an art school to receive a youth who has been trained for years solely towards picture-making. The boy can copy blocks and shade them, and draw landscapes in perspective, and has been over-educated in rules and precepts, but as for making patterns such as the manufacturer needs, he rarely knows much about it. Many of my pupils have produced designs which have been sold, and work which has a value. But I have not as yet deemed it advis- able to lay much stress on the school-work as suited to either exhibition or sale. The school was originally established chiefly by the kind aid of Mr. EDWARD T. STEEL, the President of the Philadelphia Board of Public Education, but it was entirely carried out and kept in operation by WILLIAM GULAGER, JOHN SHEDDEN, ISAAC A. SHEP- PARD, WILLIAM M. SMITH, and JAMES J. COOPER, of the Committee on Industrial Art Education. These gentlemen aided me through much local opposition, and if the school succeeded fully in proving what it was designed to establish, it was due to their constant help and encouragement. Since this was written I have left the direction of the school. It has, however, been greatly enlarged, and is successfully advancing. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. EQUALITY OF THE SEXES IN ARTISTIC CAPACITY. IT may interest the reader to know that in design- drawing there is no difference as regards merit or capacity between the sexes. In brass-work boys excel, not because it requires more strength, for it does not, and the gentlest worker who makes least exertion does best, but because women and girls will not take so much pains to learn to run a line well with a tracer on brass before proceeding to make what they are confident will be saleable and beautiful productions. In wood-carving the sexes are more nearly equal, with an advantage, however, in favour of the male. In modelling the equality is almost re-established. Teachers who have had much experience in Europe all declare that American girls or grown women, while clever, are the most difficult to teach, owing to their impatience. As a rule, when not under restraint, they have not the patience to learn to design, but are eager to take up at once one or several arts, hoping to beg, buy, or borrow patterns, as luck may provide. Those who do proceed by the right road of drawing learn rapidly and do well. While it is continually urged that women who are all players of the piano never produced a great com- 88 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. poser, or indeed a very great artist of any kind, it is at least consoling to know that in the minor decora- tive arts, which produce great eras of art, there is but little difference as regards results, and if from small beginnings we date our winnings, it may be that from this training something may arise surpassing aught in the past. MISAPPREHENSION OF "ART" AN OBSTACLE TO INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION. The most serious obstacle with which industrial art has to contend is the extravagant and inflated ideas which are popularly attached to the word art. It has been so long identified with pictures and statues, that in every newspaper, under the heading of " The Fine Arts," nothing but news of pictures and statues is expected. Now, as not one person in scores can accurately distinguish a good picture from a bad one, and as the kind of art knowledge which is current sets itself forth in a vast vocabulary of cant, it is not remarkable that "art" has become a terror. There are men in high places who profess to be authorities, who declare that " art " is something for only the very few to rightly understand, and that it requires a special inspiration and much education to appreciate it. When every one, rich or poor, shall know what design is, though it be only simply decorative, and has become familiar with a tastefully ornamented house, however humble, then art in its highest, purest, and noblest sense will have no mystery for any one. It is most unfortunately true that, while taste, learning, and cul- ture are spreading rapidly, there has been so far no HOW TO ATTAIN HIGH ART. 8 rational or common-sensible effort to really teach the poor and ignorant anything of the kind. There is a great deal of writing about the ennobling tendencies of art, but there have been as yet very few efforts to really go down to the basis and make a proper begin- ning. The dilettanti and cognoscenti, and of late years the aesthetes, have all preached in their time and way the glory of EAPHAEL or MICHAEL ANGELO, and how desirable it would be to bring a knowledge of them down to the people. But they have never tried bringing the people up to EAPHAEL. Now, EAPHAEL and MICHAEL ANGELO sprung from the people in an age when every object was made with decorative art. They were results more than causes. And when this shall be the case with us, we shall have EAPHAELS again, and not till then. There never was a real art in the world that did not spring from the people, that was not fully shared in by the people, and that did not belong to the people. If there were to-day as much knowledge of and fondness for design as there seems to have been among the prehistoric savages of Europe, we should in a few years raise our manufactures of every kind to pre-eminence, and with them improve ourselves person- ally, morally, and socially. 1 1 Mr. WILLIAM MORRIS, the eminent poet and artist, speaks to the same effect in an address at the opening of a Fine Art and Industrial Exhibition at Manchester, England : " In truth, these decorative arts, when they are genuine, real from the root up, have one claim to be considered serious matters which even the greater works do in a way lack, and this claim is that they are the direct expression of the thoughts and aspirations of the mass of the people ; and I assert that the higher class of artist, the individual artist he whose work is, as it were, a work in itself cannot live healthily and happily without the lower kind of art if we must call it lower the kind which we may think of as co-operative art, and which, 90 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. There is a great coming revival of culture and of art, but it will not be with us until we teach its prin- ciples to every child in every school. There is an instinct in mankind for decoration, for colour, for mani- festations of what is beautiful. It has been starved out temporarily by the practical developments of science or by the useful. This was well ; but while comfort should be paramount, there is no need of suppressing taste. Those who talk about the sunflower mania and " art craze " as something temporary, and who mistake the aesthetes for the main army yet to come, are like the ambassadors sent by an African king to visit London, and who at the first small Arab village thought themselves at the end of their journey. As yet the people have not moved. A writer in a Cin- cinnati journal, I know not who, has wisely said that " because some people have blue jugs, and one gentle- man an art gallery, therefore we are a great artistic people. But where are the works of our united citizens ? What have the masses of our people done ? " What the masses of our people can do will be first shown when every one of them shall have been taught, first, decorative design, and then one or more minor arts. This design will be simple, and deal merely with outline and mere ornament at first. This is the only easy and proper preparation for more advanced drawing, be it practical or technological, or for pros- pective picture-making. Hitherto all elementary draw- ing has been misdirected either in copying shaded pictures, or, what is little better, in stiff and formal when it is genuine, gives your great man, be he never so great, the peaceful and beautiful surroundings and the sympathetic audience which he justly thinks he has a right to." MORAL RESULTS. 91 " systems." When all can design, and all know some- thing about decorative art, the mystery will depart, and the world feel less awed before old masters and modern Gothic churches ; neither will it believe that a pile of building is necessarily beautiful because it cost fifteen million dollars. MORAL EFFECTS OF ART INSTRUCTION. I cannot urge too earnestly or too often on clergy- men, as on parents, the fact that an interesting industry is conducive to moral culture. Boys who are really absorbed in some kind of industrious amusement are kept out of much mischief. The world, unfortunately, while it observes those who are always in mischief, takes no note of those who are kept out of it How much the more, therefore, is art industry in school to be commended, since it not only keeps children busy as an amusement, but aids them practically as to future callings. Year by year sees the old bugbear fading away, the demon of our childhood, which taught that as all medicines to be effective must needs be nauseous, so all school study must needs be wearisome and painful. I am sure that industrial art will go far to make children love school. In England rural clergymen and many ladies soon saw into this, and Mrs. JEBB, of Ellesmere, was the first to establish village art schools. But if it be advisable from moral grounds to teach children some way to employ their leisure pleasantly, what shall we say of the terrible number of the older grown who rush into vice, im- pelled by the sheer ennui of idleness ? Here is an immense number of girls knowing nothing but a little 92 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. plain sewing, or, in the higher grades, a little piano playing. They cannot all get places in shops or factories, and if they do, many of them break down. When a rainy day comes there is suffering indeed. At such a time almost any fancy work, however trifling, often intervenes to save them from ruin. There are now many thousands of young women in America who owe the real comfort, or what constitutes the enjoyment, of life to the teaching or making what is in itself almost worthless, to feeble cards and washy plaques and wretched drawing and daubing; yet it saves them. How much better would it be if they understood design and the decorative arts, which are not more difficult, and which are far more certain to command a market ? Ther$ is another class of young people, mostly female, who, having taken the first step in vice, linger awhile before the second, and then are rapidly and utterly degraded. If we look through the ranks of the uneducated, half educated, or even so-called edu- cated young women, how many are there who have any resources to fill up their leisure ? Is it a wonder that they gossip, and thereby develop the sociable evil, who makes even more mischief than her humbler sister, the social evil ? I do not think that among the best educated there is one in ten who has any hand-work or resource, artistic or literary, in which she really delights. It is the same with the men. Hence politics, gossip, and the most frivolous waste of time. The clergy know this, and they would welcome any remedy for it. When I recently published in The Messenger an appeal to them to aid in introducing art into schools on moral grounds, I began at once to UNIVERSAL CAPACITY FOR ART. 93 receive, as I still do, letters from clergymen all over the country in reference to the subject. It is a fact that when a girl once masters an art she generally remains true to it and makes the most of it. Its prac- tice gives a certain sense of superiority and of self- reliance which goes far to strengthen morals in the truest sense of the word. INDUSTRIAL ART AS AN ECONOMIC FACTOR. There is not one person living, having the usual command of brain and hands, who cannot learn to design well in simply decorative drawing in a few weeks, or, in extremest cases, in a few months, if he or she will try to acquire it. There is not one person who can execute simple design who cannot also master one or more minor arts. And finally there is no youth of either sex who understands one minor art who cannot make a living by it or by teaching it. By mastering an art I do not mean the ability to feebly copy a wreath of flowers on a china plate, or to indifferently hammer on a brass plaque a borrowed pattern. As it is within the power of all to learn design, so it is quite as easy to- perfect themselves in these arts without a master. All that they require is will and industrious applica- tion. This is not mere theory. It has been proved in millions of instances. The history of whole countries, nations, and eras has proved it. I will give the examples. In the East from remote times, during the days of Greece and Eome, and through the European Middle Ages, the conditions of life were such that but for hand-made minor s art the number of_paupers would OFTHF UNIVERSITY; 94 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. have been literally overpowering. Nothing produces idlers and beggars so much as aristocracy or an ex- travagant and wealthy court and nobility, and society was then entirely aristocratic. Yet there were fewer paupers then than there are now, if by paupers we mean the entirely dependent. To-day in the United States they wear good clothes and seem well off, but they depend on somebody. There have been states of society in which the producer was more cruelly taxed, but none in which he supported so many. It is very creditable to the average mechanic of the United States that he spends twice or thrice as much on. his family as does his British brother, but it is very dis- creditable to his family that they take so much. Now, if there were such a demand for hand-made decoration in this country as there was, let us say, in Europe five hundred years ago if every home, however small, were properly adorned all in the country who are willing to work would find employment. It is a curious reflection that even in the time of Elizabeth the " sitting room " of Anne Hathaway's cottage was far more beautiful than most of our drawing-rooms, for it was entirely lined with old carved oak. This was the home of people who were then called poor. The demand for hand-made decoration is coming very rapidly. When it comes when people learn the truth that a thing is not artistic because it is beautiful there will be a vast field thrown open not only to the poor, but to the poor who are neither very clever nor strong. In any case, it is always worth while to have some art which one can always teach for money, or by which one can live. How many poor young people, with spare time, spending all they earn for living, EXPENSES. 95 would be really happy when holidays approach if they had a few dollars more ? And how certainly they could depend on earning them if they could embroider, model, and ornament, or colour and glaze vases, carve panels, work in leather, or, in fine, decorate homes in every way. It is hardly possible to suppose that any one who could do all this need be very poor. Yet all these arts, and many more, are actually within the reach of all who choose to master them. I have shown that the expenses of designing and modelling amount to so little that they may be in- troduced to the poorest country school. I find that embroidery is often made to cost more than it should. The wool for crewel, at five cents (2^d.) a skein, crash, or common stuff of several kinds costs very little. Scraps of velvet, cloth, and ribbon, for applique work, are expensive or the contrary, as people are careful in collecting. A class may be well-taught in design, chiefly with the blackboard alone ; beyond this, good wrapping or shop paper and lead pencils are not hard to obtain. No rule can be laid down as to selling work. The pupil should not try to sell anything until it is really well made. Unfortunately the delight of the amateur at his own work is always such that his first or at least second or third attempt always seems to him to be very valuable, and there are always ignorant friends who are of the same opinion. What has degraded china painting is the enormous production of it by women who knew nothing of design, and who were accordingly destitute of the energy and character which spring from origi- nality, and which is acquired by designing. And this is applicable to all the feeble art work, or rather art 9 6 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. degraded to fancy work, which is turned out in such incredible quantities from unions, schools, and clubs into depositories and agricultural or chanty fairs. This will be the case so long as women or men are satisfied with easily producing rubbish which is admired by the ignorant, and which can be sold " somehow " at some price. To sit in rows painting flowers, dogs 1 heads, and cupids, or even copying chromo lithographs en grand, without the least knowledge of drawing, is not art, and it is not amazing that small wits find in the results much food for ridicule. OBJECTIONS CONSIDERED. I have found that a great deal of the opposition or indifference to art industry in schools comes from men who, because they are themselves ignorant, do not like to have the whole world trained to what they are too idle or stupid to master. Others argue that as their children are not intended for pursuits into which art knowledge enters, therefore no children need or ought to learn anything of the kind. In the face of these and many other equally wise objections, such as are generally urged at meetings where the subject is discussed, the facts remain that art industry can be taught without infringing on other branches of educa- tion ; that children while at school can learn to design and model so well in a few months with one weekly lesson as to readily obtain a place as under-designers in factories ; and that, thirdly, they can even produce wares which will sell. They can, at the same time, acquire more culture and intelligence than the objectors to the system can appreciate, but which is appreciated A PRINCELY SAYING. 97 by all persons who are themselves really well informed or intelligent. On this point I speak with knowledge from experience. I have observed that my pupils, from the time they ceased to be mere copyists, began to observe many things to which they were previously indifferent, and manifested the awakening of a much higher intelligence. But there is a final argument which cannot be resisted : it is that there is a tremendous demand among the manufacturers of Europe and of this country for decorative artists and artisans. It was thought in England that the great art schools of South Kensington and Manchester and such places would afford a supply, but it has been as a drop in the bucket. The industrial schools have been as inade- quate. For it is not only a supply of artistic goods that is needed, but also a taste for them a manufactory and a market as well as a greater demand ; and to meet this double want there must be extensive radical art education among the people. The highest states- men in Europe know this ; and the saying of the Prince of Wales, cited in a late article in the Nine- teenth Century, that learning and earning should go together, indicates the solution of a great problem by a brief rhyme. True, there are millions who do not see this. The year before gas was introduced into Philadelphia all her most influential citizens signed a protest against lighting the city in any such abomi- \iable way. The light which gas casts is trifling compared to the enlightenment which would result from the reform in education of which I speak, yet there are still many in that city as in others who ridicule the very idea of industrial art in schools. G 9 8 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. From time to time the world comes to a period \vhen it discovers all at once, like a hungry somnambu- list awaking in a room full of smoking charcoal, that it is both starving and strangling. It cries now that in education we are starving for fresh knowledge, and are being stifled with old methods. People are beginning to think there must be some shorter and more practical cut to drawing than all the old road, with its blocks, perspective, diagrams, and geometry, ever indicated. These are all good in their way, but there is no practical easy introduction to the art. There is a growing belief that all study may be made easier. There may be no " royal road " to mathematics, but that is no reason why the way to everything should be over corduroy planks and break-neck rocks. There must be work to win art or learning, but even hard work need not be offensive. There is a final plea to be offered for the introduction of industrial art into all schools. It is that by making hand-work a part of every child's education we shall destroy the vulgar prejudice against work as being itself vulgar. This we greatly need, for there is no country in the world where manual work is practically in so little respect, or where there are so many trying to get above it, as in the American republic. We have had those by millions who proclaimed that " work is only tit for negroes or mudsills." As it is, the native- born citizen all too eagerly flies to any occupation in which, by wearing a black coat all day and keeping his hands soft, he makes one move nearer to being " a gentleman." It is only in my native land that I ever heard a man (a tavern-keeper), gravely boast, as a proof of his social superiority, that he had never done "a DEFECTIVE EDUCATION. 99 day's work" in his life. While there are a few superior to this snobbishness, there are still millions who are practically enslaved by it. It arises from the fact that work hand-work is not as yet sufficiently identified with education and culture. Now, industrial art in schools, based on design, and associated with studies, will go very far to make manual labour " re- spectable " in the eyes of those professing democrats who pant in petto for aristocracy as the hart for the water brooks. Perhaps half the real suffering in Europe and America is the result of the effort to appear " genteel " by those who cannot afford it, or to seem richer than they are. The small tailor sends his sons to college- where they learn words and nothing more; he dies leaving nothing, and the boys must earn a living in some way for which their school, or, perhaps, college training is worse than worthless. There is a novel by GAUTIER, called "Raoul," in which the author endeavours to show the terrible results of this mistaken aiming at a mistaken ideal. The hero is the son of a poor gentleman artist who has sent his son to college, where he has learned Latin and Greek, and nothing more. And with this slender equipment he must fight the battle of life. So he teaches languages at a franc a lesson "just what one gives to a street-corner porter for running a five-minute errand " and so he goes from misery to suicide. His friend, who is like him in education, becomes a swindler. Now, the world says of such men that they ought to have had more sense, more energy, and have got more out of Latin and Greek. And so one man in five or ten can or does. But the others ? Suppose, however, that it is only the ioo PRACTICAL EDUCATION. alternate one ? So these must make a failure of life because they are not " sharp." " Baoul," with a knowledge of a few arts, could not have really sunk to the mud of poverty. The father who sprung from poverty, who had all the strength and roughness and obtuseness, with the natural fangs and claws of the "practical," vulgar, ignorant man, suc- ceeds in life. He trains a boy so that he may lose all this draws his teeth and claws, tames him, and then expects him to do better than himself, because, forsooth, he has given him an " education " such an education as I myself received at college, the only marvel in relation to it being that any of its graduates ever rose above being members of American Southern Legis- latures. In fact the last number which I read of its monthly magazine distinctly declared that if any of these unfortunates ever had risen to literary distinction, it was not by the aid, but in spite of the education they had received. Truly the boast of the number of great men who have graduated of old from certain American colleges sounds like a BRINVILLIERS or BORGIA pointing to her escaped victims as a proof of her humanity. It is not by carving panels, or modelling owls, or such work, that I propose to rescue society from the fate of "Baoul," but I do earnestly believe that an universal familiarity with practical hand-work will go far to train people to take up trades or callings which they would now never think of. There is no universal panacea for snobbery or poverty, but this cure will go far to help many a weak brother to work. As regards women, who claim a thousand times more pity and sympathy, I am confident that if they will take deco- TEACHING TEACHERS. 101 rative art up in earnest and study it properly, not as fancy work, but as art, or as rational and practical industry, it will do more for them than all the learned professions. There are more women than men in the world, and for a long time men will take the lead in those higher callings, so that really not one woman in many can hope to do well as a doctor or lawyer. But in manual minor arts she has as good a chance as anybody. Now I wish to call attention to this fact. I have seen an advertisement in a newspaper in which a lady familiar with four languages and their literature, with first-class certificates as to proficiency in drawing, music, mathematics, &c., sought a situation as governess for four shillings a week and her meals. And I should not wonder if her employers got her for less. Well, both in England and in America at present any lady who can teach design and two or three minor arts can easily get employment as a teacher. With some knowledge of drawing she can in six months be qualified to teach. I had in Philadelphia a class of twenty-five ladies who did this in one session, and who all became paid teachers. Be it observed that they were taught gratis, and that great pains were taken to make it known that anybody might be taught for nothing ; but it was not a very easy matter to get such pupils. It is possible that the classes would have been larger had there been a charge, so deeply rooted is the feeling that what can be had for nothing is worth nothing. The result, however, was that those who came, being superior to such vulgar prejudice, showed themselves superior in intelligence. This was several years ago, but even now it does not seem to be understood that the application which 102 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. would qualify a girl to teach the piano and Mangnall would enable her to do far better in the minor arts. The standard of taste in art or decoration is the result of the study of what is generally admired as best in what man has produced in all ages, and what is most beautiful in nature. It is not true, as the vulgar believe, that there is " no disputing about taste." Now it must be admitted that the general standard of popular taste is very low in Europe or in America. Among a hundred carpets, such as would sell most readily, it is unusual to find more than two or three of a merely passably decent pattern. There are three grades of carpets made in Philadelphia for different parts of the United States, and those of the third class are almost without exception to the last degree abominable in outline, and, if possible, worse as regards colour. This is just what I was told by a carpet manufacturer who was perfectly aware of the ugliness of his wares, who laughed at it, and regretted that it was a necessity. He illustrated it by showing me the kinds of carpets and rugs which "sold like hot cakes." It was pitiful, for no Eed Indian and no savage negro would ever have designed aught so repulsive. Savage art is never half so savage as that produced by the most enlightened nation on the face of the earth, and English carpets are little better. A lady who had studied art conscientiously writes to me to say that her designs were rejected by manufacturers as being " too artistic." I once had an experience which illustrates the popular con- ception of a work of art. A manufacturer of "artistic furniture" in a far-western city was shown a cabinet designed, carved, and inlaid with bone in our school. CHEAP WORK. 103 The design was Spanish-Moorish, the inlaying was made simply with three dozen counters or " chips," on each of which was etched with a graver a mediaeval head, or Allah in Arabic letters. The visitor, on being asked what such a work would cost, replied promptly, seven dollars (283.) "That is to say," he continued, "I would imitate the carved panels by sawing the pattern out with a jig-saw and gluing it on it would look just as well, and nobody would know the differ- ence ; and the pieces of bone would cost only two cents a piece. There would be no need of engraving a different design on every one, and most of my cus- tomers would prefer them plain." To which I answered, "You could not execute such a piece of work for less than fifty dollars (10). I do not ask what a glued-together imitation would cost, but what would be the expense of an original work ? You have not probably in your State a man who could give you such a design, and I am sure that any professional designer in the East would charge you twenty-five dollars for one, if you could get it for that. Neither have you anybody who could even select from books, and copy the etchings, and execute them by hand. If you had they would cost ten dollars (2) more. Now at our school there would be a new design made for every cabinet executed. The making-up of that cabinet cost twelve dollars, and it is much below the usual rate." The visitor, on examination, agreed that the cabinet-work had been cheaply done, and that an original work would cost fifty dollars. Now I would remark that this gentleman was very far from being an ignorant or narrow-minded man. He had enlarged and intelligent views as to education, and 104 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. was active in endeavouring to have industrial art introduced to the schools of his city. He simply re- flected the universal popular idea, that the patterns may come from anywhere, that all work is to be in thousands of duplicates, and that an imitation at half price which is glued and varnished up so as to pass muster with the ignorant is "just as good as anything." His conception of original designs was theft. It is a fact that machinery- work does not give any objects so cheaply but that hand-made art can rival them even in price. What with expensive advertise- ments and the enormous profits required by every agent through whose hands it passes, the trashy duplicates cost in the end as much to the consumer as he would have to pay for original hand- work. 1 It was pointed out to me by KARL KRALL, of the firm of BARKENTIN & KRALL, London, that the credit system has had much to do with producing a low standard of art in decorations. A workman would gladly produce, let us say, a set of fire-irons by hand- work. They would be elegant and original. But he needs, as all workmen do, money down on the com- pletion of the job. Now a very great many rich people in Europe and America cannot and will not bring themselves to pay cash for anything if they can help it. If a debt brought them in compound interest ten times over, they could not be more desirous of letting it run on than they are. Every good has its evil : one of the evils of the vast develop- 1 I have seen in a shop window hundreds of times a brass coal- pcuttle, machine-made, for forty shillings, or some other object of the kind. A better one, hand-made, can be had for the same price (cash) at the Home Arts and Industries Schools. TAXES ON ART. 105 ment of the credit system has been this antipathy to pay ready money. The result of it is that the work- man must wait six months, and perhaps twelve, and " call again." The result is that he charges for time and interest. The same happens to the maker of the machinery-made and glued-together rubbish : he too must give long credits. And the result is a deterio- ration in taste. A very direct tax on education and taste is to be found in the barbarous and ridiculous American law by which Customs-duties are laid on objects of art, antiques, old books, engravings, and in fact on almost everything which could be of use in teaching decora- tive art. I once imported two barrels of small stones or cubes for mosaic work for the use of pupils in the public school. Although the law declares ex- plicitly that material for the use of schools is duty- iree, the Custom House officials declared that we must pay 5 5 per cent, on the value. They knew very well that this was not legal, but possibly thought that to avoid trouble the demand would be paid. There is a great deal of such work in all Custom Houses. Fortunately we had friends who set the matter right. There is in plain terms an almost prohibitory duty in the United States on all objects which are of the greatest importance in teaching decorative art. As these objects are not and cannot now be made in the country, the absurdity of such revenue laws is the more apparent. And as they are generally imported in small quantities, even when they are intended for schools, the officials have it in their power to "squeeze," or attempt to squeeze the duty, d la Chinois. Many persons will pay a few dollars rather io6 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. than undergo delay. Whether these squeezes are handed over to the government, I do not know. If they are, so much more shame to the general govern- ment. It will be seen from what I have written lhat if the American people were desirous of directly dis- couraging art and manufactures and culture, they could not do it more effectively than by taxing the anicles which above all others tend to develop the higher branches of industry. The last consideration connected with familiarity with the minor arts is of great importance. Few persons have reflected on their connection with the intimate history or inner life of every age. They are closely allied to intellectual culture. He who reads history as it was taught in my youth is like a guest at a cheap hotel table where all the dishes have the same gravy. The great conquerors or orators of an age all appeared to us as very much of the same sort : the people were all very much alike. I remember being told in my infancy, by my old quadroon nurse, that at the time of the Deluge the people were taken all aback by it. They never expected such a thing. " Some were out a-shoppin' and some out a-guimin' when the rain fell. They hadn't even trust enough in NOAH to take their umbrellas." There is more of this ignorance and cant among us than we are aware of. Decorative art gives us the colour of an age. He who has read DANTE once has read him, he who knows the Cathedral of Florence has read him twice, he who knows the pictures and decorative art-work of his age has read him many times. The minor arts are as much associated as the fine arts with all that pertains to the very cream of culture. To know them at all EXPERIENCE. 107 is to know in time the names and works of BENVENUTO CELLINI, ALBRECHT DURER, in a word, of all the great men whose names and works cast the highest splen- dour on splendid ages. The boy or girl who has gone even but a little way into industrial art, visits the great museums and collections of this country or of Europe with a hundred times more real knowledge and appreciation of their magnificence than can the amateur who has only read, though it be "never so wisely." No boy or girl learns to design, model, and carve, inlay, and embroider, without in time reading with keenest interest OWEN JONES, LABARTHE, FER- GUSSON, WHEWELL, HULME, COLLING, DE EACINET, and DRESSER, with many more such writers. And with such practical knowledge and reading, every object of taste and almost every book reveal beauties and awaken associations such as the many envy and the few possess ; for the one who has worked in industrial art understands and feels decoration and beauty as no mere reader can. I once read through all that I could get on wood engraving, but two days' work at a block taught me more than a library on the subject could have done. For of all learning since books were invented there was never aught like ex- perience, and of all experience there is none like one's own. It should be remembered that industrial art may not only be taught in schools, but also form the subject or principle of a club, a society, or a private class, or be practised by a family or an individual. There should be indeed a Ladies' Industrial Art Association in every village. It will promote culture ; it will or should lead to much reading of history and its social io8 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. developments ; and it will be a source of pecuniary profit. It is to be supposed that in most instances these private societies will aid the local schools by teaching and by joint sales. Where even two or three unite for such a purpose they will find that mutual aid and consultation are quite equivalent to a teacher. Last, not least, I can assure them that the work is fascinating or agreeable to a degree which none can realise who has not attempted it. When asked what was most remark- able in the Ladies' Art Club of which I am president, I replied, " The love of the students for their work." There are certain facts which may well be borne in mind as regards the School of Industrial Art in Philadelphia. Firstly, It was a conscientious experi- ment, based on much observation and study, to ascertain of what work children are capable. The result was a conviction that under fourteen years of age what they can mainly master is what may be called minor art- work, but that this is an admirable preparation for all trades, because it makes them familiar with designs and proportions, and gives them that use of the fingers and familiarity with tools which renders all manual labour easy. Secondly, The development of constructiveness, or the learning to make things, also enlarges or stimulates the intellect. It was found by inquiry made of the teachers in the grammar-schools that the children who attended the industrial art school manifested more intelligence than those who did not. They stood high in their other studies. They were interested in subjects which the others did not understand. UNIVERSITY) ART AN AID TO This will not seem remarkable when I say that there were several girls of thirteen and fourteen who could design very beautiful, or really faultless, Moresco patterns on a large scale, and work them out so well in stamped leather as to be able to earn a pound in two lessons, 1 while others could produce equally good work in repouss^, wood-carving, and barbotine, or clay- modelling. This, and the familiarity with patterns, and living amid such work, manifestly awoke an interest in literary culture and in general information. Thirdly, It was found by strict inquiry that the art-work, far from being an extra burden or task added to the ordinary school course, was really a relaxation, and that it greatly aided other studies. I call special attention to this, because I find that a great many object to it as an additional load laid on the already overtasked pupil, while others, in spite of every argu- ment, see nothing in it but an extra holiday or after- noon devoted to play, which must be made up by extra hard work. I never knew an instance in which the children, in order to have the precious privilege of working in the art school, did not cheerfully make up their " averages " of study in some way. It is not sufficiently borne in mind that when children enjoy study there is seldom much injury resulting from cramming, and that play is rest. Fourthly, It would have been difficult in any place to 1 When I speak of children earning such sums, it must be understood that the work in every case went directly to the " consumer " for cash, without any intermediate brokerage or commission. I have been told many times publicly that a skilled workman in brass sometimes a very able artist can only earn thirty shillings a week. The only conclusion from this is is it necessary that the one who buys work of him to sell again should earn perhaps thrice as much. no PRACTICAL EDUCATION. have had pupils so perfectly adapted to give one an idea of the average capacity of the young. Phila- delphia contains a million inhabitants, and there were 1 15,000 scholars in her public schools alone (1884). It was from these that my scholars were taken. Con- sequently I had them from every class, rich or poor. There were a few blacks, mulattoes, quadroons, the children of Germans and of German Jews, and those of other kinds of foreign parentage. Some of them were very poor, but these were rare, as there is per- haps no city of the same size as Philadelphia in the world in which there is so little poverty or so few very rich people. The general behaviour of the children was incredibly good. Only once during four years did I have occasion to severely reprimand and dismiss three pupils (girls) for impertinence. I allowed them to converse with one another on the condition that they should only talk about their work in subdued tones. When I observed that a pupil was disposed to talk overmuch, and be idle or restless, I had him or her (it was generally a boy) changed at the next lesson to another seat. I carefully studied the children, and adapted my teaching to every indi- vidual. I am no believer in systems by which a school can be taught as an army is drilled, by platoons and masses. The feebler and the more incompetent a teacher, the greater the desire will be to teach by system and rule. Hence the popularity of progressive courses, of drawing books, and other methods of machinery teaching. As for me, I loved my pupils one and all, and worked with every one as if I had but one to teach. I am often obliged to hear in England, when I AMERICAN CHILDREN. in speak of the success with which I taught " Ah, but your American children are all so clever, you know." I do not know anything of the kind, nor do I believe there is anything to choose among any children as regards a capacity for industrial art-work. As I never had occasion to find fault with more than three or four out of more than a thousand during four years, for bad behaviour, and as all the rest invariably acted like little ladies and gentlemen, and as I am assured that this would not be the case in a school of mixed classes in London, I conclude that republicanism con- duces to more refinement and good manners among the poor than any other form of government. And as docility and gentleness are certainly conducive to art studies, I must certainly admit that American children have in this respect a very great advantage over others. When it was proposed to me in England to teach art industry in a school in the East of London, I was cautioned by my adviser; a well-known English writer who had been in America, that I would find my pupils much more coarse and unruly than those whom I had taught at home. I speak of this difference simply as a philosopher. It is possible that in the future it may give America an immense advantage in her manufactures. I am not aware that any writer has called attention to a fact which I observed from an early period of my experiment, and which I studied very closely, taking great pains to test it by inquiry and observa- tion. It is this, that industrial art-work pursued during one or two years is infinitely better adapted to qualify children for the varied possibilities and contingencies of life than if they had been taught ii2 PKACTICAL EDUCATION. a single "trade" or only one practical mechanical calling. For an industrial art (I do not say a fine art) training makes it very easy for boy or girl to take up any calling whatever, though it were cookery or shop-tending or tailoring, because other and more practical faculties than those involved in " the three K's " have been awakened. I had ample opportunity to ascertain that my female pupils did positively make better shop-girls in consequence of having had their quickness of practical perception and constructiveness developed. No single trade-teaching can effect this. Now to learn industrial art- work, design is necessary, and the pupils thus acquire intelligence of the great fact that there is a system in all works, and in life. Those may call this too theoretical and ideal who will. It will be more fully tested in the future. The greatest difficulty with which I had to contend was that of making the public understand that my system was a general preparation of the young for any occupation, and not a special training for certain kinds of works. I do not know how many scores of " sensible, practical " people, after looking at and admiring the children's work, have said : " It is all very fine, to be sure, but don't you think the children would do better if they were learning the beginnings of trades by which they could make a living ? " Now I have never doubted that it is better to teach boys turning and metal-work and carpentering than nothing. But I contend that for all children, i.e., of both sexes, of tender years between the infant school and fourteen years, or let us say from eight to twelve, the minor arts are the best which can be taught, and that they form the one proper preparation for trades. TEACHERS. 113 When I first made my system known to the public in London by a lecture before the Society of Arts, it was objected by one newspaper that teachers could not be found to manage art classes in every school. To this I reply that no difficulty has so far been found either in America or England in this respect. By this system the teacher is partly self-taught, while those who need advice, elementary designs, easy practical manuals, and aid of many kinds, can obtain them by simply addressing the Secretary of the Home Arts and Industries Association. This society have now in course of instruction a class of teachers who will go from school to school. The whole rests upon a knowledge of the fact that there are minor or easy arts which any child or labourer can learn. This I have heard denied in face of the fact that millions of mediaeval Europeans and modern Arabs or other Orientals with less brain than an average English school-child have produced exquisite decoration. The truth is that beyond what is very easy in such work the world generally produces only confused and corrupt design. As for mere hand finish, it is a matter of time and industry. There is something in reference to all that I have said as to art in schools which I feel obliged to mention, though it is done most unwillingly. Since I have returned to England, the classes which I established in Philadelphia have been very much enlarged, and new branches added. One newspaper commented on this " practical common-sense reform " in a manner which would lead a stranger to the con- clusion that my leaving the school was really a good H 1 14 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. riddance of bad rubbish, and that the only misfortune it ever had was my having anything to do with it. This was at least the opinion of a friend who sent it to me. Now it is a fact that I had for years earnestly desired to introduce these very "reforms" or additions, and was only kept from doing so by want of money. Immediately after I left, the appro- priation for the school was greatly enlarged, and the number of pupils doubled. It does not seem to have occurred to the editors and private individuals who spoke of a branch more or less (not introduced on account of simple poverty), as if that constituted the whole system, that the main object was the making hand-work a branch of instruction in public schools on a large scale. Nor did they consider the weari- some exhausting labour of years in trying to find out by experiment what children could do, and how to do it ; or what it was to inaugurate a great and radical reform which had never before been successfully attempted anywhere. For it was in studying such work, and fitting it practically into a course of public school studies, that the real system consisted. Indus- trial or technical schools with large endowments had existed many years before, and it was because I did not teach what they did that my school attracted so much unjust criticism. I was continually asked why I did not introduce branches, which would have required far more money than I had at command, and that too when it required all the ability of the School Board, inspired by the utmost goodwill to me, and the highest intelligence on their part, to secure for me the allowance which they had done their best to get. On one occasion the City Council, wishing to ART IN PRISONS. i r5 put an end to my classes, passed a law that my appro- priation should be divided among the six or seven other art and technical schools in the city. It was only by the resolute action of the School Board that this was evaded. DECORATIVE ART IN PRISONS, LUNATIC ASYLUMS, RE- FORMATORIES, AND SIMILAR INSTITUTIONS. While conducting the Industrial Art Schools in Philadelphia, I often reflected on the similarity in certain respects between children, criminals, and lunatics. The first have minds not as yet developed; the others are simply intellectually defective, owing to organic faults or moral weakness, whatever that may be. Genius itself is too often allied to these in having certain faculties developed at the expense of others. INow these exceptions to those whose faculties are well balanced, have almost uniformly a fondness for artistic, or easy work involving taste : they will labour indus- triously at it, when a " solid industry " repels them. Eeflecting on this, it seemed to me to be a great pity that prisoners and paupers should be put on tread- mills, or kept at picking oakum, or at any such work, if it were possible to find for them some more con- genial employment, by which habits of industry and application might be formed, so as to prepare them for more serious or practical labour. Picking oakum or even shoemaking very rarely leads criminals to like their work, but wood-carving does decidedly. My first inquiries were in Moyamensing Prison, Philadelphia. I was, thanks to Mr. EDWARD EOBINS, an inspector, enabled to converse freely with the prisoners. 1 1 6 PRACTICAL ED UC ATION. The first was a Frenchman, a very clever artist and engineer, but a man who, owing to a want of will, or moral feebleness, could not keep himself from petty larceny, &c. By casually, as it were inadvertently, using argot, or French thief-slang, in my conversation, I little by little drew from him the fact that he had been an old jail-bird in France. He had while in prison invented a method of nickel-plating, and showed me, drawn on W.C. paper with a stump of a pencil which he had concealed, all the different batteries of Siemens and others with the one of his own invention. He had nearly lost his mind at one time for want of work. Being set at shoemaking, he learned in an incredibly short time to make very good, even admirable shoes, and having as a favour been allowed a few paints and brushes, with paper, became almost happy. He disliked shoemaking, and said to me that he could earn for the prison ^5 a week if he could only have architectural draughting given him. This was quite true, for his work was far above the average. My great familiarity with gypsies, and all kinds of such loose fish, and my talking with him as if he were only "unlucky," enabled me to win his confidence and interest. He thought, according to his experience of prisons, that one-third of all the criminals would eagerly take to decora- tive art-work, and that the rest would fall in with it. If I had had this man all to myself to employ as I pleased, I could have "kept him straight," for what he needed was some one to " boss " or rule him. After I ceased to visit the prison he often asked after me, manifesting great attachment. Before he was dis- charged he sent me a beautifully executed model of a ART IN PRISONS. 117 working steam-engine made of cardboard as a parting souvenir. In the same prison was a German fresco- painter: as I spoke German, I won his confidence. This man seemed to be suffering from want of con- genial employment. He was, like the Frenchman, very sure that art-work would be welcome to the prisoners, and "keep the devil out of their heads." I did not think it worth while to examine any Yankee prisoners, for I knew without asking that they would, if supplied with tools and materials, invent and manu- facture champion apple-parers and patent mouse-traps forever. As for the women prisoners, they take to con- genial, i.e., to art- work, more eagerly than men. At one time a few ladies in Philadelphia were accustomed to go once a week to the prison to teach the women confined there embroidery. This lesson was the great event, the great treat of the week, and it had a sensible influence in refining the poor creatures and making them patient. After a time one teacher went to Europe, another was married, and the classes were discontinued. The matron of the prison regretted very much that there was not such agreeable work constantly taught. I assembled all the officers of the prison, including the physician, and laid before them my experiences and my theory. They understood the whole affair far better than I did, and they expressed the opinion that if work of a congenial and agreeable character could be introduced, the discipline of the prison would be diminished one-third. There is in America a very large and influential Prison Eeform Association, which holds annual con- u8 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. grasses. I was invited to attend the last and set forth my views. I could not do so, being in England ; but I am happy to learn from the Secretary, W. F. BOUND, that an Industrial Art School on my system has been introduced to the Elmira (N. Y.) Eeforma- tory, and is a pronounced success. "I have," he writes, " at this moment plaques and sconces (repousse brass) from your designs by one of the pupils who had only ten weeks' training in the reformatory. A sconce made by a coloured pupil (black) after a design of his own is full of vigour and grace. Before his training by Professor WELLS it was not even suspected that he had any talent in this direction. ISTow that he is out of the Eeformatory, I hope to get him into one of our schools of technical design. It was after reading your pamphlet on ' Industrial Art in Schools ' that Mr. BROCKAWAY of the Elmira Eeformatory established, at my suggestion, the training school of industrial arts, Professor WELLS being employed as teacher, and it was a great success. The experiment will soon be tried on a larger scale there, and I hope in some of our prisons. I will let you know the result." There is near Philadelphia a very large reformatory school. Into this my assistant, Mr. J. LIBERTY TADD, introduced the industrial art system, and formed classes with great success. I had, however, great difficulty, with many very excellent and zealous friends of education in Philadelphia, in making them under- stand that there is a great difference between teaching strong boys a practical trade at once, and preparing all boys and girls for practical trades or for all work by early training adapted to their faculties. It was ART AMONG LUNATICS. 119 too generally assumed that I simply taught cesthetic and fancy work, such as wasted time and disqualified children for doing anything " useful." The industrial art-work of our school was also taught by Mr. TADD in KIRKBRIDE'S Lunatic Asylum, one of the largest and best institutions of the kind in the world. It is to be remarked that the boys in the reformatory school surpassed those in the public city schools in cleverness, while the lunatics excelled in ornamented pottery. I could add more to this, for I could give scores of interesting instances of such work being introduced with happy results into asylums, schools, classes, and families. What I have said will, I trust, induce all who are in any way interested in prisons, reforma- tories, and lunatic asylums, to consider the subject of agreeable industrial art-work. I am certain that there are no institutions where the inmates form, as it were, a family or community, in which such work would not exert a good moral influence. I am quite aware of what has been tried in English prisons as regards teaching trades as a reward for the well-conducted, &c., but I still doubt whether the moral possibilities of attractive work, especially on a certain very large class, are as yet understood. Certain branches taught are not the same as the prin- ciple of all, that is, design, developed into all conceiv- able branches. And, again, it makes a great difference as to what kind of design we teach. HE. ON DEVELOPING MEMORY. " What man has done, man may do." IT is not too general or too sweeping an assertion to declare that there are for all subjects which are dis- cussed two parties ; the one, generally in the majority, which is cautious and conservative, and the other, inventive and progressive. The world has recognised this by declaring in a popular saying that "there are always two sides to a question." Those who are on the progressive side give us the new ideas which in due time are adopted ; their first advisers being generally as soon forgotten as the pioneer who clears out the bush is forgotten by the farmer who succeeds him. There is at present a question very much discussed by all who are interested in education. Now as educa- tion is, if rightly considered, the most important social question in existence, it follows that one which in- volves its whole nature and progress must also be discussed from a conservative as well as radical point of view. This question is What shall be taught in schools, and how much ? How many hours can the PICKING UP KNOWLEDGE. 121 average pupil study ? How many branches of study can he take up ? Are reading, writing, and arith- metic sufficient on this side the university or the grave ? or is it a fact that the enormous latent capacity of the schoolboy has never yet been developed, and that he is like the monkeys which are supposed in Africa to be able to talk, or do anything which man can do, but refuse to display their talents for fear of being set to work ? When one reflects on the vast number of things which journalists and orators tell us every schoolboy knows, it would indeed seern as if knowledge is supposed to be poured by the peda- gogue into the brain with a funnel, as the Nuremberg people of old suggested it might be done. Now it cannot be denied that this age, especially in England and America, exacts much more as regards knowledge than any preceding it ever did. We are proud of our intelligence, we wish our citizens to be generally "well informed." "Well informed" means the knowledge of a great deal, in fact almost as much as there is in the British or American Cyclopaedia. It was for a long time popularly believed that all that pertains to true culture and useful knowledge could be " picked up " from newspapers and lectures. During that period of easy, happy faith, the univer- sities were ridiculed ; even high schools were looked at with suspicion. That was the golden age of Penny Magazines and Treasuries of Knowledge, and as yet an army of enterprising book-pedlars are living on its remains. But its glory has departed. Even the ideal " smart Yankee " who could get himself a fair classical and general education in three weeks, from the shop signs and placards of a city, has been compelled to re- 122 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. luctantly admit that the average human being who is his own schoolmaster generally has an ignoramus for a pupil. It is not true that all the cleverness and "smartness," and picking up and self-educating in the world, and reading at odd hours, and studying in odd ways, will ever fully educate anybody. ABRAHAM LINCOLN is a wonderful example of what perseverance under difficulties may effect. ABRAHAM LINCOLN was a man of a million, and yet to the end of his days he was always painfully conscious that he was an unedu- cated man, as every clever but uneducated man must be, unless vanity has fairly carried him away. He had not brought himself into identity or easy relation with the world's culture ; he could not understand or feel without an effort the things which a really edu- cated mind takes in or recalls naturally. My authority for saying all this, which is so repugnant to popular opinion, is that of one of the most distinguished men of science whom America ever brought forth. He was a college professor, entirely self-educated, and so far as the results of study are concerned he was far beyond ABRAHAM LINCOLN, yet he often said, " There is not a day of my life in which I do not regret the want of a regular education." The basis of this popular error, this trust in the efficacy of Penny Magazines and the superiority of irregular haphazard self-culture, is the false belief so very generally current that education, in the main, means only the acquisition of knowledge. Even those who disavow it really believe it and act up to it. They are like idolaters, who in every climate glibly declare that their idols are only symbols of an invisible God, yet who do really adore the wooden or painted image THE KNOWLEDGE FETISH. 123 itself, as is shown by their belief in its miraculous powers. The more ignorant and vulgar a man is, the more he thinks that knowledge alone is power, and that the school must give a certain equivalent in tangible acquisition for a certain sum of money. During the Middle Ages it was popularly believed that the mere knowledge of Latin in itself conferred strange and mystical power. We find this supersti- tion perpetuated at the present day, for instance, in the exaggerated importance attached to the mere knowledge of many languages. It is like confining our admiration of a painter's, works to his palette and brushes, and the apparatus of the studio. To many children these constitute the marvel and mystery of art. The small boy is always under the impression that if he only possessed the paints and brushes, he could work wonders. The world is much like that boy, as regards education, which is in reality much more than knowledge. We hear it continually admitted that education, as derived from educere, to draw forth, means the develop- ment of all the powers of the mind, and yet there is no practical manifestation of the faith. If there were, we should hear nothing of too many studies being introduced, of pupils being crammed and overworked, or of a battle between the three R.'s and the three hundred requisites for culture. On the one hand, the age and increasing culture call for much and varied knowledge in the well-informed man ; on the other, the overtasked teacher and overworked pupil declare that it is quite impossible. And this is what we are to consider. As regards the cry of " cramming," I am reminded 124 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. of the fairy tale of the girl who was required to put all the milk of a herd of cows into a pail. She did it by miraculous aid. At present science would do the same without any miracle, by condensing it into a solid powder. It was an axiom that a pint cup filled to the brim with water would hold no more, until some philosopher discovered that added little by little you could also put into it almost another pint of salt. Few will deny that if school-children had better memories or quicker powers of apprehension they could learn more. We can add the salt of industrial art. And yet, knowing this, we go on, assuming the memory to be a constant quantity, and trying to find out how much we can cram or force into it, instead of improving its absorptive powers or concentrating that which it is to absorb. The great problem is whether, in addition to filling the memory, we cannot also first develop or create it. Now it would seem that the first thing a child should learn is the art of learning. And this is not taught at all. We hear mothers boast of Miss, that she is learning French, and drawing, and German, and geometry, and history, and science, and has lessons in a dozen branches, and we know that it is all like Mr. Blimber's Academy, "ve-ry ex-pen-sive," and very genteel. But we do not know whether the young girl is being taught what is worth all of this, and more than twenty times more than all this the ability to master anything. And yet there is no miracle or mystery in it, and there have been teachers who understood it, acted on it, and taught it. It consists simply in making the pupil learn everything perfectly from the beginning. . X OF THE r X tJNIVER'SlTYy 125 If a child were never allowed to " scamp " a lesson or learn it imperfectly, it would soon develop a stronger memory. It is really of little consequence what is at first learned, compared to the manner in which it is mastered. Whether the lesson be short or long, whether an hour or a week be allowed for that lesson, the pupil should never come into the class until it is learned, as the school-boy saying is, " up the middle and down the sides, inside and out." Be it spelling, arithmetic, grammar, or geometry, it should be so perfectly acquired that the recitation shall be simply perfect. And it should be so often reviewed as to put the least forgetfulness out of the question. We have an illustration of this in the so-called OLLENDORFF method of learning languages. By mastering every lesson quite perfectly the pupil can always attain perfection through this method, but if a single stitch be dropped, the work is spoiled. Even in studying by OLLENDORFF, a pure pronuncia- tion should precede the use of the book; otherwise the pupil will be impeded by the effort to learn two things at once. In one form or another there is a great deal of this dual difficulty tolerated in education. There are certainly difficulties in thus developing memory and intelligence. Children often cheat their teachers as well as themselves in recitation. Who is not familiar with the wonderful girl who learns her lesson in ten minutes and forgets it all in five ? Who does not know a boy who can conjugate a Latin verb in due order, so as to deceive the very elect of teachers, yet who, when called on to give the Latin for " you might le," is " all at sea ? " There are the perplexing creatures, too, gifted with visual memory, 126 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. who, by shrewdly observing on what corner of the book the teacher's eye is fixed, can recall the text ? There are those whose memory spasmodically, yet obstinately, rejects certain words or subjects, and who are more blamed for it than they should be. 1 To train memory or the power of acquiring and under- standing in this way, requires not only unusual patience, but great study of the pupil's peculiarities. Therefore it is not attended to. When I was young I went to several so-called first-class private schools, but there was not among them one in which the pupils were made to feel that the power to learn a lesson was at first of far greater importance than the lesson itself. Yet, on looking back, and living again in that life, I can feel to the depths of conviction that it could have been done. The multitude are perhaps not to blame for igno- rance as to all this. They know that knowledge is useful, they believe it is a power in itself, and they think it must in some way be whipped or forced in, no matter how. "You can't drive that horse fifty miles to-day," said a stable-keeper, aghast, to five Cockneys. " Vy not ? " was the reply ; " ve've all got vips." Now it is a principle of humanity that under no circumstances should there be the immoderate use of even a single whip. There are few, even among thinking and reasoning people, who like to change their views, any more than they do their homes. The prisoner feels a pang at leaving his cell. Were there not some of this principle implanted in us we should have no stability, perhaps no principle what- 1 I myself am one of these. If my " recording spirit " or memory once realises that it must retain anything, it utterly refuses to do so. HIGHER EXAMPLE. 127 ever. But very good principles must yield to better when the hour comes. It is painful, I admit, for a man born of a line of conservative ancestors, and in whose brain certain great grandfathers are still literally and automatically thinking by transmitted cerebration, when newer minds force upon him new ideas. They tell him to discontinue the whip, or ask him for other arguments against a reform. And then you find out what he is, and whether his will and reason or his transmitted qualities and abilities are the strongest. If he is weak, he takes to special pleading, side issues, and hearsay evidence. Thus in England the majority of people who plead for the use of the whip in prisons or in punishment tell you that since garroters have been whipped there is no more garroting. It is not true, since in fact garroting has increased, just as all kinds of brutality have increased since government has set the example of corporal punishment. 1 Men in all ages have shown a great disposition to model their family discipline upon that used by the authorities. Many argue that we have all just so much memory allowed us, and that nobody can increase it. A wiser type of con- servative admits your principle, but points out the difficulties in the way, and asks how they are to be broken. Such an objection is this : " What will you do if, in a class of ten, five pupils advance rapidly in acquiring memory or developing intelligence, while the other five are so slow as to seriously impede the clever ones?" Well, it is something gained if we admit that five could be made cleverer than they would otherwise have been, but I grant that this is really 1 Harriet Martineau understood this. Carlyle did not. 128 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. a great difficulty, and the larger a class must be the greater the difficulty becomes. There are children who are prompt to avail themselves of unlimited kindness and indulgence, and who, like Punch's little boy, call at once for plum-cake when they hear that moral suasion is to be adopted. They are capable of coming up every- day for a month with the same and the easiest lesson always half-learned. Yet strong as this objection is, it is not insuperable. A very .clever teacher would not be troubled with it, for there are men who drive and direct the will of even the meanest boys as they please. It would yield in many instances to the stimulus of rivalry. But the true resolvent of the objection lies in this that if there is anything at all in the theory, and if the memory or power of perception can be at all stimu- lated beyond what it would have been under the old system, or if any beginning can be made at all, the pupil will inevitably gain on himself. We all know that water when it once begins to run soon washes itself clean. Everybody admits that bad habits are soon formed. It is a pity that popular pessimism pays no attention to the fact that there are also many very good ones which may be quite as easily adopted. Now it is a very good habit for a boy in the beginning of his education to learn how to learn his lessons, and I believe this could be done by making him feel at first that the manner in which he gets his lesson, and the perfection of it, is the end aimed at. As it is he thinks naturally enough that to understand the lesson in hand is all he has to do. To get through it with the teacher is, as he believes, sufficient. Now if he WASTE OF TIME. 129 knew that to commit it perfectly as well as to under- stand it is inevitable, I believe that the dullest boy would soon take a different view of it. If he knew that it would come rolling back on him again and again until it was mastered, and yet again at any un- foreseen hour as a review, he would take a new view of the situation. He should learn it so as to dispense with prompting so as to take it up where the last boy left off; and to do this he should not in the be- ginning be impeded with many lessons or long ones. In the end he would be able to grapple with twice as many tasks as he is now ever expected to study. For knowing that he had simply one thing to do, to get a lesson by heart and nothing more, and that this was exactly graded to his capacity, and that further he would not be perplexed by exerting his intelligence, he would attempt his task with more hope and less unwillingness than is the case with complex lessons. In my youth I was at several schools and a college, and I am firmly convinced that there was in all an average waste or loss of time and work of at least fifty per cent., owing to the needless difficulty of the tasks allotted. I never once had a lesson that was not really harder than it should have been. In a class of twenty the lessons are such as are easily learned by the. two or three cleverest ones, and this is the standard for all. It is a false one. It is exactly as if because a horse can occasionally do his mile in two minutes, he should be expected to keep that pace up all day. A boy should never have a lesson which he cannot learn with ease, and it should be adapted to his intelligence and power of memory. And therefore I would oppose with all my heart the principle of com- I 1 3 o PRACTICAL EDUCATION. petition in education where the object is not to teach all as much as possible, but to reward a very few for being cleverer than the rest, and so induce the majority to neglect work. We are told that there is no royal road to learning. If this be so, it is time we made one. Very few people know what the average human capacity or latent power of memory really is when it is properly trained. We have discovered that every boy can learn to draw and design, despite the vulgar error that it requires an innate talent. A very few years ago this was a general belief. Now we have learned that it was absurd. But we have not learned, as we shall, that the same time which a boy takes to learn arithmetic might, if properly expended, render his memory and power of quick perception almost miraculous. Yet it would in fact be no invention, but only a re-discovery. It is certain that for cen- turies in ancient India stupendous works, such as few Europeans have now patience to read, were kept in existence by memory before writing was known, or at least before it was used for anything except inscriptions. We think it a great thing when a scholar can repeat all the odes of HORACE, but what must memory have been when thousands knew the whole of that three hundred thousand-Jogged lyric, the Mahabarata ? The great grammar of the greatest of grammarians, PANINI, was taught verbally and trans- mitted orally with a mass of commentaries by other authors for three hundred and fifty years. So were the works of HOMER. Among the disciples of PYTHA- GORAS- as among the . ancient Druids and many other schools of antiquity, memories were the sole or chief WONDERFUL MEMORIES. 131 libraries. I have been intimate with a learned Chinese who had passed the great examination of Pekin, and I am confident that, though quite a young man, his memory contained ten times as much as any European I ever met. There are Jews living who can repeat by heart from any given word the whole of the Talmud, which is almost a library in itself. I am indebted to Mr. T. C. HORSFORD of Manchester for a well authenticated instance of memory in a Hindoo, which shows in a striking manner the degree to which memory by ear may be cultivated. This man, who did not understand English at all, having had fifty lines of " Paradise Lost " read to him, repeated it accurately, and then rehearsed it backwards. It is very remark- able that in all European education children are set at hard intellectual tasks, on the theory that memory already exists, instead of giving them the proper training to create it. It is just as if children should be set at physical labour far beyond their power, on the theory that strength will come at once. There are a few old people yet living in the High- lands of Scotland who can repeat thousands of verses of Gaelic poetry. I myself, in collecting the legends of the Algonquin Indians, have been amazed at the incredible masses of tradition which these Indians had retained, word by word, sometimes for sixty or seventy years. Among the ancestors of the Scotch, as among the early Scandinavians and Teutons, not only were long epics and thousands of ballads preserved by the bards, but with them all the legends, history, and business affairs of their tribes. There were among the Icelanders very learned lawyers, as I gather from the Saga of the Burnt NjalL Their courts and legal 1 32 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. proceedings very much resembled our own, but theue jurists all carried their libraries under their hair. Now we know that these wonderful results were in all cases obtained by training the mind in boyhood with a view to developing the memory. Truly the first thing which should be taught is simple memory. Before printing had been a century in use people found out that " the art preservative of arts " was destroying the art of memory. In The Schyppe of Fooles, a pedantic book-collector declares that all his learning is in his " bookes," though not in his head. This widely spread and rapidly increasing habit of referring to books for much which had better be in the brain, is having its result intellectually in the increasiug rarity in literature of very great and original men. Science, it is true, leads the clever men who follow it to great discoveries. But science is systematic, art is acci- dental. It seems wonderful indeed that the world still has great scholars and thinkers in the face of this great decay of memory. Fortunately many make exertions in after-life and recover something. But they do not owe anything to early education for this. Education set them lessons, not to improve memory, but that lessons might be learned, and a certain amount of knowledge crammed into the mind. I never once heard, and I never dreamed during all my school-days, that perfection in the manner of learning my lessons was an absolute object. I believed that I was taught arithmetic that it might help me in business affairs in future life, and geography that I might know about the world, and Latin that I might get into college ; and as regarded the last I had suspicions that it was really of no use at all, but only a venerable heirloom LATIN AND GREEK. 133 or custom. I know better now. I know that Latin is one of the most valuable of mental disciplines, that for a majority of students it is more valuable than mathematics, and that any study properly conducted should give us far more than mere knowledge. Is it any wonder that we hear continual attacks on Greek and Latin in education, when the only plea put for- ward in their favour by their professors is the value of a knowledge of the classics ? The ordinary man of the world will always maintain, and rightly, that as regards mere utility, and even mere accomplishment, a knowledge of French and German is worth more than that of " the classical tongues." But as regards what should be the primary object of education, he is wrong, for Latin and Greek, when thoroughly and pro- perly taught, are unrivalled as a means of developing memory and judgment. Discipline of the mind should precede " knowledge." I have heard the objection raised to such a thorough method of teaching memory that it would have the effect of making the pupil learn his lessons probably very perfectly and rapidly, but possibly in an unin- telligent way, so that he would catch like a magpie and recite like a parrot, but understand no better than an owl. It is, in fact, assumed that a very excellent memory detracts from intellect, and in some manner injures judgment or reflection. This is as if it should be believed that a great knowledge of lan- guages would prevent a man from fully appreciating the literature which they contain, when in fact great poets are mostly good linguists. The main point to my purpose at present is that it shall be granted that by training by a particular method, and with no other 1 34 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. end in view than to perfect the memory, it can be thus perfected. How any memory, no matter how powerful it may be, can be prevented from becoming dominant over more valuable faculties, I propose to set forth in another chapter. The world abounds in theories untried and untested, but the assertion that the memory of the average scholar may be improved indefinitely has been tested and tried to perfection. It was perfectly proved in the early ages, when there were no books, and when scholars were self-dependent. And with this the fact was proved during the Middle Ages that not merely the minority of men may have what would now be regarded as marvellous memories, but all who pretend to study at all. In the thirteenth and four- teenth centuries students flocked to universities by tens of thousands. Books were then very dear, and the ancient custom of committing whole works by heart still prevailed. What we read of the scholastic disputations of the Middle Ages, and what we observe of the colossal erudition then current, has often drawn forth the remark that there were giants in the land in those days. It is great scholarship at present to even know how to find out in books what we want to know. It is very currently and very incorrectly believed that this vast development of the memory kills off more active and more valuable powers, and that it makes the mind "a charnel-house for dead thoughts." In proof of this, instances are alleged of men who could master books at a single reading, or remember whole sermons and repeat the entire Bible, who were nevertheless not remarkably clever, All of these OVERTAXED MEMORIES. 135 instances may be true, but one might as well argue that all clever arithmeticians are idiots because the most remarkable ready reckoner I ever met could do nothing but reckon. These one-sided minds are all very rare and exceptional cases. Where there is some incredible feat of memory in a feeble mind, it very often happens that the mind not having been gradu- ally trained to retain, was stretched and exhausted by its effort. GEORGE BORROW tells us of a common Spaniard who thus destroyed . his intellect by forcing his mind to retain a long poem in a language which he imperfectly understood. Young men at college sometimes improve their memories at the expense of their judgments or imaginations. These instances of minds ruined by overcharged memories only prove that they were not strengthened and trained before- hand to carry so much. I have read a remarkable and a probably authentic case of a man who, owing to an accident or injury to his brain, became, after his health was recovered, feeble- minded, with the exception of his memory, which developed to a prodigious extent, so that he could repeat whole volumes after a single reading. But to argue from this against developing the memory would be entirely illogical. I have known an instance in which a young girl had been so trained by unprincipled and vulgar parents to exert only self-will and clever- ness, that everything like truth, morality, or humanity had almost entirely disappeared. I have known another whose legs being crippled, all their muscular strength had gone to the arms. But neither of these cases would prove that young people should not be taught self-reliance, or that the arms need not be developed i 3 6 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. by exercise. For after all the fact remains, that in a vast majority of instances the man of letters, the thinker of the age, the poet and the scholar, are iden- tical, and that all greatly require very good memories. For a language at least three thousand words must be learned, and all who search deeply into literature or science should know three or four languages. There are some very interesting facts connected with the study of languages which go very far to verify what I have said as to the possibility of culti- vating memory, and with it observation. To talk a language with aught like ease requires, as I have said, a knowledge of about three thousand words. As many of these come from the same roots, or are correlated, we may say that twenty- live hundred, or even two thousand, will barely suffice. "Now I have found by inquiry and experiment that the average intellect can acquire about thirty words of a strange tongue in a day, and that it invariably diminishes the number to twenty-five, and then to twenty. This includes fixing the words in the memory by exercises or conversation, and constant reviewing. I remember when I was in Egypt that Prince HASSAN, son of the late Khedive, said he began the study of English by learning fifty words a day, but soon found himself obliged to reduce the number to thirty. Now at the rate of thirty words a day any one can learn three thousand words in one hundred days, and with them during the same time acquire considerable facility in using them. For such high pressure work as this I will suppose that from three to six hours are taken daily. But then I also assume that the language shall be a very strange one, such as colloquial Arabic, Hindustani, or Persian, EARLY METHODS. 137 in which the grammar is easy, but the words are quite foreign to the English speaker. Teutonic or Latin languages will be found easier. Now it is established that young pupils who are thus exercised in memorising vocabularies, and at the same time in working the words up as fast as they come in, soon acquire a remarkable facility in learning in this direction. It was essentially in this manner that Latin was taught to children till within two centuries ; that is to say, during the days of great memories. I have in my possession two works, probably the first ever published, for the purpose of teaching little boys Latin. One, of the fifteenth century, by MURMELLIUS, in black letter, is in German; the other in English. The latter gives a great number of woodcuts illustrating all the trades and professions, in which every object is num- bered. Thus over a blacksmith is one, over his hammer two, over the anvil three. Under the picture and in type we find, one, f alter ferrarius, a blacksmith ; two, a hammer, malleus; three, an anvil, incus. Beneath the vocabulary are exercises, giving the inflections, conjugations, &c., in conversation. This simple method would be laughed at now in these days of philosophic grammars and systems, but after all there were a hundred boys then in the fifteenth century who could not only read and write, but even talk Latin, where there is one now. There was an immense advantage in thus teaching Latin familiarly and colloquially, that the students were soon interested in "the classics." As it is, with the very great majority, Latin or Greek is one dry and wearisome grind from the beginning to the end. Latin is no longer taught as a living tongue, nor I 3 8 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. memory as a means of learning anything. Step by step tuition has shrunk from the vital and practical in these, as in many other matters, to the formal, timid, and difficult. We would like to have great scholars, great results, and great general information, and we employ the pettiest means to pursue them. We are like the Indian who believed that the earth rested on a tortoise, but what the tortoise rested on he did not know. We are aware that knowledge is based on study, but that study itself could have a foundation is not dreamed of in our philosophy. This training children to very great thoroughness in the beginning, or to absolute exactness and perfec- tion in the acquisition of lessons, with no regard at first as to acquiring mere knowledge, would be a little more difficult for the teacher at the beginning, and a great deal easier for him long before the end. It seems to me that to make a pupil try to acquire the art of memory and knowledge at the same time with it is very much like the current error of making a student learn to pronounce a language, acquire its form, and learn a new handwriting to put it in all at once. Dr. SCHLIEMANN, the archaeologist and dis- coverer, who is at the same time a remarkable linguist, says that the only way to acquire a language rapidly and perfectly is to learn the pronunciation perfectly before attempting anything else. I never knew of but one person who acquired French " like a native " after twenty-five years of age. In this case it was effected by studying the pronunciation and nothing else for many weeks at the beginning. One thing at a time, and that thing perfectly, is the golden rule of learning. MEMORY AND DESIGN. 139 Most people will be ready to admit that children should from the beginning be obliged to learn their lessons perfectly. But as a matter of fact is it ever done ? Did anybody ever witness or experience such instruction ? I never did in any country. I mean apart from the subject-matter of the lesson, adhering to a single text-book, caring nothing for what the pupil is learning, but everything as to how he learns it, until the growing grasp shows that the strength thus acquired may be set to useful, more intelligent work. Now it is well known to everybody who is practi- cally familiar with manual arts, that a man may carve in wood, or work in plastic material, separately without knowing how to draw ; but if he can draw, though but a little, all these arts, and many others with them, become much easier, because all modelling and relief- working are only applied drawing. So it is with memory, which is to all learning whatever what draw- ing is to the fine arts. And by proper tuition it is as easy to acquire the one as the other. The mistake which we make lies in believing that memory is entirely an innate force, of which some have more and some less, not to be materially varied by culture, while we all practically act in the faith that if it can be increased, it is to be done while acquiring knowledge, simultaneously with it. Now it is a fact that while beyond a certain point of proficiency one branch of study or one art strengthens and assists another, within that point, if it does not positively hinder, it certainly does not help. That is to say, that after a man has learned several languages thoroughly, or several arts, or several branches of study of any kind, 1 40 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. the studying several at once will be advantageous, but, until memory has been greatly improved, it will not. Therefore it seems that in the beginning there should be as few varieties of study as possible, that there may be more in the end. The strength of the trunk must be in proportion to the weight and number of the branches. It is difficult to imagine on what grounds any opposition could be made to such a system of educa- tion as this which I propose. The sternest opponent of novelties and of reforms can hardly object to the proposition that pupils should be obliged to learn their lessons perfectly. Now to learn perfectly involves at first only one or two subjects studied with great care. Learning perfectly, let me say, also involves the exer- cise of intelligence as well as memory. These are mutual aids. As it is, in most schools, the object is to get the pupils over as many lessons as possible in a certain time, instead of making them as clever as possible in that time. The text that the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life, is as applicable in education as to religion. As the Germans would say, we make our education objective when it should be subjective. It certainly cannot be said that this method of educating memory is an untried novelty, when we reflect that it was in successful operation for thou- sands of years, during which time the greatest triumphs of intellect were achieved. It is not a mere conjecture of mine that in order to remember whole libraries perfectly, the memories of the students of ancient India were systematically trained before- hand and strengthened. " As far back as we know anything of India/' says MAX M&LLER, " we find that MEMORY I the years which we spend at school and at the university were spent by the sons of the three higher classes in learning from the mouth of a teacher their sacred literature. This was a sacred duty, the neglect of which entailed social degradation, and the most minute rules were laid down as to the mnemonic system that had to be followed. Before the invention of writing there was no other way of preserving litera- ture, whether sacred or profane, and, in consequence, every precaution was taken against accidents. Stranger still is the fact that those Brahmans who may be con- sidered the especial guardians of the sacred traditions of India in our own day do not employ either the written or the printed texts in learning and trans- mitting their holy lore." "They learn it, as their ancestors learned it thousands of years ago, from the mouth of a teacher, so that the Vedic succession should never be broken," and so well do they perform the duty and so accurately do they transmit the text, that " there is hardly a various reading in the proper sense of the word, or even an uncertain accent in the whole of the Rig -Veda, which consists of more than a thousand hymns, averaging ten verses, and contains more than one hundred and fifty thousand words." Educated as we are, we think with impatience, or else with unreasoning admiration, of these stupendous feats of memory. We say, what is the use of it all ? or else wonder at the superior patience and memory of the Hindoo. Now the Hindoo has, by nature, no better memory than the Englishman, as is shown by the many young Indians at the English universities. As for calling such perfect study a waste of time, I would like to ask if the average university graduate 1 42 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. is, on leaving college, any better off than the Hindoo ? The Greek and Latin which he has acquired is half learned, his memory has not been one quarter trained. He has experienced the refining influences of culture and of scholarly association, but his mental strength has not been awakened. Now be it observed and this is a very strong point that despite all our libraries, lectures, newspapers, and progress we of the nineteenth century have no more surpassed or even equalled the Sanskrit-writing Hindoos in literature or thought than we have the Greeks in art. Our scholars are beginning to recognise Buddhism as the most stupendous and brilliant system ever invented by man ; no dramatist of our age has equalled KALIDASA. I regard the story of Vikram and the Vampire as the most perfect work of humour ever written, 1 while PANINI has never been equalled as a grammarian. The fact that the early ages when memory was so much cultivated also brought forth correspondingly great works of intellect deserves to be seriously studied. SCHLIEMANN, in his Ilios, tells us that his memory was lad originally, but that he so perfected it by an indomitable will and hard work, that he at last learned a new language every six months, so as to write and speak it perfectly. As he was all the time engaged in business, in which he eventually made a large fortune, as a wholesale grocer, we may see that even at the present day there are practical men who appreciate the virtue of thoroughness. Let me give a last illustration of the possibility of creating a powerful memory in the young by means of 1 Not so humorous as the works of RABELAIS, it makes a far higher application of humour. JAPANESE MEMORY. 143 practice. Japanese children, like Chinese, must pass at least two years in studying mere letters or signs before the process of reading may be said to begin. The study is intensely hard, much harder than any- thing known in our schools, and involves the exercise of memory only. The result is, that among the literary men of Japan we meet with wonderful instances of learning. There is a work entitled the Koski Seibun, which is a great compilation of all the myths and early legends of Japan, made in the year 1812 by the learned HIRATA ATSUTANE. "It is said/' accord- ing to SATOW, " that he composed the three volumes of the text and several volumes of the introduction without opening one of the books from which his materials were drawn/' In fact he had been many years employed in what we may call writing it on his brain. Every sentence of it was in his mind before he touched a pen, and his authorities were, so to speak, hung up before his eyes, and not stowed away in places whence they might or might not be recalled when wanted. " What man has done man may do." What was done of old by our Aryan ancestors or their sons can be done by us. The art of printing should have been our staff; we have made of it a crutch, and used it till we cannot walk without it. There is no reason why man in gaining so much from science should not also regain all his own strength which has been lost. I have intimated that the radical defect of our pre- sent system of elementary education lies in our teaching the pupil too much at once. Thus a boy of let us say eight years, set at the Latin grammar, is expected to train or develop his memory, his pronunciation, 144 PKACTICAL EDUCATION. and his understanding conjointly, or at one and the same time. A man can learn to play on six instru- ments at once, but no great performer was ever made by such training. The education of the future, like chemistry, will owe its improvement, first of all, to analysis. We shall teach memory separately from what is now supposed to be the main object of every lesson. Common sense will tell every thinker that this cannot be in every case mere memory. The mind of the dullest scholar or even of the quickest, who are generally the most heedless and likely to forget will always take in so much of the sense of the text as will serve for mortar to the bricks thus made. But in the beginning the lesson should be solely for memorising. Such epithets as " parrot-like " will not be spared as regards this system, but it is not intended that the training shall cease with the acquisition of memory. To put the system of developing memory into prac- tice is not difficult. The parent or teacher should begin by giving the pupil very easy lessons in an English text-book. Proverbs or texts from Scripture are to be commended, since they are almost invariably in pure, simple, easy English. One thing only is to be insisted on, that the lesson for the day be learned perfectly, and that no effort be made to explain the text, as this will introduce a new and entirely foreign element. Therefore it will be well to select lessons which the pupils already understand. One half of every lesson, after the first one, should consist of reviewing the previous lessons. It will hardly be believed by old-fashioned teachers, but it is true, that most children take pleasure in thus memorising when TRAINING THE MEMORY. 145 the lessons are not too long. It, was the great fault of all my teachers in my youth/that from the infant- school to the university there was not one who did not require lessons which were far too long for the majority of the class to acquire perfectly. Those who were slow or not clever were shamed by the example of the more gifted ; but while it sometimes made them work harder and out of due proportion to their abilities, it did not change their natures or encourage them. The simple development of memory alone, if " parrot- like," is both easy and agreeable, especially if the teacher, instead of regarding the aim of the lesson to be a set task to be equally mastered by strong and weak, looks upon the development of each mind to be the main object. Under the present current system the chief inten- tion is that the pupil shall simply learn a lesson. By memorising with absolute accuracy this only being required the dullest pupils soon perceive that they are working, not to master a fact, but a faculty. The only reason why we have not more clever scholars is because great account is made of facts and very little of faculties. A prize-fighter in training know^s that the object of all his daily sparring and exercise is to become strong, but we teach children as if the exercise in itself was to be the end of all. When children can recite and recall at will several scores or hundreds of texts, proverbs, short poems, or similar sentences with perfect accuracy, it will be found that the faculty of memorising has begun to manifest itself. At this stage the teacher or parent may at any time begin to give out, without book, phrases to be learned. Very great care should be taken not to K J4 6 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. do this prematurely. This will be found to be a very critical stage of education. It should not be attempted until the child invariably masters the printed text. This will not require nearly so much time as would be supposed. In about three months pupils of ten years of age will begin to manifest a remarkable increase of power in memorising. It should not be carried on or confused with any other lessons at first. After from four to six months' practice, the exercises in quickness of perception, described elsewhere in this book, may be begun. These greatly aid memo- rising. In time they will form one with it, both in due order uniting with hand-work or constructiveness to make a whole. When the pupil can learn and repeat from review- ing many proverbs or sentences, and has been found capable of grasping and retaining phrases given ver- bally, his or her mind will be invariably in a very interesting condition. A new and really wonderful power then begins to manifest itself. The force of this power, which makes it marble to retain, as well as wax to receive, lies entirely in frequent reviewing* It is a very curious fact that the more vigorously and frequently the reviewing or reviving lessons is exercised, the quicker the memory or " mind " is to receive first lessons. Such is the theory or method of the Oriental sages, who have achieved miracles of mental grasp. From this critical point memorising has two forms one that of printed matter, the other that of spoken sentences. To such an extent can both be carried that it will become perfectly possible for a youth to recall, not vaguely and by association, but directly, every word heard during an entire day. TRAINING CONTINUED. I 4 7 It is perfectly possible to train any average mind to recall with absolute accuracy every word of an acted play, of a sermon, or of a conversation. And this can be done without weakening the mind in any manner. On the contrary, such exertions of memory, when carried on under the influence of a correlative training in quickness of perception, greatly strengthen all its powers. From this time poems and literary extracts, which should be always so easy to comprehend as to require no explanation, may be learned. At the same time the exercises in committing verbal tasks may take a wider range. If the pupil manifests decided or superior power of memorising after four or five months of practice, the lessons in quickness of per- ception should begin. It will generally be found that after six months the ability to simply commit lessons will have increased so rapidly that more time should be devoted to reviewing than to memorising. After a year the latter will become the chief exercise ; in due time it will constitute the only one. With earnest work, in twelve months most pupils of ten or twelve years will have acquired what would now be called a wonderful memory. Younger pupils will learn easily, but the reviewing will be for them more difficult. Those who are older will learn easily if they will y but they will be far more apt to confuse the meaning of the text with mere memorising. Any teacher or parent who has taught successfully for six months will know how to adapt the lessons to the pupil's progress and capacity. As the learner's memory improves, of course longer sentences from more advanced works must be given. If the ear has M 8 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. been well trained, sentences in languages unknown to the scholar may be at times tried. It is needless to say that at this stage exercises in reading, pronuncia- tion, or elocution will not interfere with memorising, but that on the contrary they will materially aid it. This forms a second critical period, to be closely watched, since lessons may now be studied with more regard to meaning. No rules can exactly determine when the pupil shall cease to merely memorise; it must depend chiefly on the discretion of the teacher. As it is the first notes of the bird which determine his future song, so the first teaching of the boy or girl goes far to determine the accuracy and quickness with which sentences can be grasped and retained. It may here be observed that both in memorising and in acquiring quickness of perception the beginning is almost mechanical. This is more than remarkable, it is encouraging, since it induces the belief that sluggish and stupid children may be rendered quick and clever by being led through mere practical adroitness to thought. How often we find in a boor a certain shrewdness or activity of mind induced by experience. The Germans have a word dummklug, or " stupid-cunning," which exactly expresses this con- dition. It is too generally assumed by most people that whatever is is immutable, be it for good or bad, be it an usage of society or the mental condition of a child. If my practical experiments in education have conducted me to any belief or conclusion, it is that every child not actually idiotic or mentally diseased is capable of infinite intellectual development, if a proper method of education or of development be applied for the purpose. And for the rudimentary EXERTING WILL. 149 stages certain merely mechanical or very simple pro- cesses, as yet but little used, are of great value. The pupil must be taught from the first to use the will, and to understand what this means. Thus I may see an object for hours, or every day, without my taking much notice of it, or without its being impressed on my memory. But if I look at it intently, and try with closed eyes to repeat the image, in a word, if I WILL to do so, and if I repeat this a few times at intervals, I shall perhaps remember it always. By repeating the process very frequently with other objects I shall soon acquire the power of easily recalling objects visibly. Now there are children who can in a listless way con over a lesson scores of times without learning it, just as we may see objects every day without remembering them, all because they do not use the will or make decided efforts to retain it. If these children had been trained in memorising alone, they would not relapse into such apathy. For it is much easier to excite the action of the will on a single simple subject than on a difficult and complex one. In most primary education, at present, the will is discouraged or en- feebled by having tasks set it which are too confusing and too difficult. Every musician knows to what an extraordinary degree the memory of sounds may be developed. If these sounds thus retained represented words and thoughts, none of the instances which I have given of Oriental scholarship would seem remarkable. The musician is trained to remember sound alone : if children were in like manner exercised on words alone, they would call into being a power which 1 5 o PRACTICAL EDUCATION. would in time enable them to recall words, sounds, sights, and thoughts ad libitum. It is not unusual to see men devote many months or years to learning shorthand. In the majority of attempts years are required before the student becomes absolutely proficient. If the same time were devoted to memorising, it would be found that note-books are needless, and that the reporter need only listen to the speech or play which he expects to write out at home or in "the office." Every one is aware that there have been exceptional cases of people who could remember anything from a single hearing or reading. The day is not far distant when it will be as generally admitted that by a simple process of early training every child may acquire the same power. part Hi ON CREATING QUICKNESS OF PERCEPTION. "Blood goes far, but breeding farther." Old Icelandic Proverb. IT would be as interesting as important to be able to determine " how much, how far, what way, and by what means " the average mind may be developed or changed by education and circumstance from what it is ? CAELYLE has wisely assured us that no culture will develop a cabbage into an oak, though he benevolently admits that training may determine whether the cabbage shall be a good or a bad one. The comparison is too limited, and unjust. Man is no more a vegetable than he is a mineral. Had Mr. CAULYLE risen to the animal kingdom, his simile would have been better. Let us say that a lion can- not become a dog, since no two types of mankind differ more than the extremes of these animals. Yet, by training, the dog was developed by the Assyrians of old into a beast so monstrous and ferocious that it could grapple with the lion, while the king of beasts in , captivity is often degraded into a very currish creature. Most of the people whom we meet declare I5 2 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. that we are clever or the contrary, according to our "gifts" or natural endowments, although they gene- rally assume full credit for all the talents they possess. What they have they tell you they got by exercise of will and hard work ; what they have not, cruel Nature, they say, denied them. There are very few people who have been too lazy to study languages or to draw who do not declare that they have " no faculty " or talent for such acquisitions ; there are quite as few who have learned something of either who do not take full credit for having done so by cleverness. From which we may learn that vanity is often the popular measure of human capacity. I believe that observation and experiment would very much enlarge the sphere now assigned to this human capacity. Let us suppose that four English infants, of average English brain, are removed to, and grow up in, four foreign countries. The one is educated in the Frenchiest of French circles in a provincial town, among shrewd and lively but very narrow-minded people, with whom a certain quick- ness of observation in all small matters is greatly admired, by whom no pettiness of mind is repre- hended, so that it be kept from openly offending, and to whom the theatrical in life is the real standard of morality. Another child grows up in an old-fashioned German circle, equally excluded from all foreign in- fluences, but among well-educated people who assume, as a matter of course, that culture in every form of literature and art must be absorbed by whatever is a rational human being. They are extremely strict in certain points of morality and etiquette, in others they are tolerant to looseness. The third child may NATIONAL INFLUENCES. 153 be brought up in the most reckless and independent circle of the Western United States, and the fourth in an aristocratic or royal family of Inner India, Siam, or Burmah. Now can any one doubt that when grown up these children, who would have been in all proba- bility very much alike had they developed in England, will be entirely different from one another, and mani- fest talents and abilities of such varied quality that most men meeting them would not hesitate to declare that their natures were "radically different." How- ever much their ancestry might manifest itself from time to time in force of will or talent, training would tell to the extent of developing new talents and tastes. In one of the four at least some inherited ability or characteristic which would have fallen on stony ground in England would spring forth in rank luxuri- ance, in another case something would be repressed. I may remark, in this connection, that I have observed that young Americans in England Anglicise very slowly, while English youth in America, and even English grown men, Americanise unconsciously with startling rapidity, and lose very slowly the charac- teristics thus acquired. Young Americans and Eng- lishmen Germanise rapidly, but they acquire Erench characteristics very slowly after mere boyhood. In the East even grown-up European gentlemen who have lived many years entirely among the natives often develop to a striking degree all the external polish, all the shallow deceitfulness, all the transparent re- serve and suspicion which intuitively repel intimacy, and which are so characteristic of the higher class Oriental. I knew one of this kind who could not apparently do the simplest thing without involving I54 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. in it some reserved " dodge " or wily hidden device, which could be plainly seen through, just as one sees through the deeply laid devices of an artful child. He had lived at an Oriental court for many years, seeing very little of Europeans, until his English nature had become entirely Eastern, and full of " tricks that were vain." Now, making every allowance for any manifestations of the original English nature, no one who had studied such cases as these would deny that they would in fact radically refute much of the popular presumption that the mind is incapable of any great deviation from what it has shown itself to be. Of the greatest interest and value would be the knowledge not only how much children can change according to their culture, but what are the leading and latent faculties which may be brought out to greatest advantage. I incline to think that of all these the one which would exercise the most influence on the character is the faculty of immediate or quick perception. This and memory, I believe, are susceptible of artificial culture to a degree which is little dreamed of, and from these great intellectual results may be derived. It is to be observed that as parents or others decide that a child is " naturally quick " or " naturally slow," they cast its horoscope for life. Now it would be more than merely " interesting," it would be a matter of immense importance, to know whether we could not in our schools at home bring to bear influences which would have as great an effect on the young as a foreign education. A boy brought up among Erench boys will be much more observant of all that is droll, gauche, or "characteristic," than if he had been VARIED INFLUENCES. 155 educated in Germany ; and in whatever country he might have been trained he will develop in it a certain kind of quickness or power peculiar to the nation. If he is brought up at sea he will start from the soundest sleep at hearing an alarmed whisper, although the whisperer himself can hardly hear his own voice in the tumult of the storm. If trained on the American prairies he will be as readily roused by the imitated sound of an owl's cry or a wolfs howl, although he will not mind the original. Could we conceive a boy as brought up from infancy as a girl, and kept in innocent ignorance of his own sex, like MADEMOISELLE DE CHOISY, who will doubt that he would acquire all the usual feminine quickness of perception as to the details of dress ? In every kind of calling we can see, if we will, wonderful instances of develop- ment, of readiness and tact when necessity has been the master. Whether quick or slow by nature, the boy of European or American birth will, as boys go, develop, according to his education, such a variety of quickness of perception, in so many degrees, as to fairly justify us in concluding that if we had only duly mastered the subject, the means exist of enabling us to make any child observant. A man may judge very wisely of a thing when he sees it, and yet be slow to observe ; another may see everything, and form no judgment whatever. But judgment was never any the worse for quick perception, nay, it often springs from it. Those who see readily think rapidly. I have elsewhere spoken of the manner in which thieves train dull boys to become observant, and how by merely practising with the eyes in watching objects I5 6 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. in motion these children in time are able to take in at a glance and remember all that is in a room. 1 Children who play at games requiring cleverness are generally "brighter" in many or most respects than those who do not. The degree to which whist-playing improves the perceptive faculties and the memory is well known. There is an American artist, EDWARD A. SPRING, who, while teacher in a military academy, tested with best results the possibility of creating quickness of perception in its primary stages. He would write a word, in letters three inches long, on a card or on a revolving blackboard. This was rapidly conveyed or turned from the right hand to the left, giving the class opportunity for a mere glance at it. At first no one could distinguish the letters, in time the young eyes caught everything. Then the letters were diminished in size and multiplied in number. At last, instead of presenting, for example, the word BAT, there were on the card only the parts of the letters separated, e.g., \ /\ j " This was still more difficult ; but in time even this by no means easy eye-conundrum was promptly solved, as were others of a similar nature. At the time of which I speak, all the rocks and walls were covered with the well-known ST. C. 1 8 6o-X advertisement. Mr. SPRING one day prepared a card with the letters SP. C. i86i-Z. Of course the entire class on being asked what it was replied ST. C. i86o-X. This led to deceptive tests, but the boys, forewarned, became still more observant. In fine, the principle was fully tested, and I am happy to say that Mr. SPRING fully agrees with me in 1 Vide Eye Memory. KINDERGARTEN TRAINING. 157 believing that by beginning with merely mechanical experiments which simply awaken quickness of sight, we can step on imperceptibly to those which make the pupil quick to observe not only with the eyes but with the mind. The result of this is an increased tendency to contrast and compare, to perceive antitheses and affinities of colour and of form in the visual world, and eventually to do the same as to ideas in in- tellectual action. This is the true golden chain of culture. I believe that every teacher of a Kindergarten can prove that quickness of perception is not merely drawn out of children, but that it is actually created in them by the exercises which are practised under FROEBEL'S system. I remember to have heard that a lady at some wayside resting-place or hotel was very desirous to know of what kind of strange children a certain party might be which burst one summer day into the reception-room. They observed the dimen- sions of the furniture, they compared the colours, they noted the design of the carpet, and all things in the room or pertaining to it ; for they were pupils of a Kindergarten, and had been trained to perceive, and that promptly, by a clever teacher. But for their education, doubtless the faculty of quick perception would have remained dormant in many, and with it other talents would have slumbered. There are still many people who, after reading all this, will say it merely amounts to what everybody knows that a good education develops our faculties, and that they may lie dormant without it. But I mean more than this. I mean that as in acquiring knowledge by study the development of the memory 1 58 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. should precede everything, so in regard to all culture or conduct the mind should be trained to quick per- ception, and with a determined view to draw it out and balance the memory. We know enough when a man is to have a prize-fight or a foot-race, or take part in a rowing-match, to train his muscles beforehand, but as regards the memory or quick perception we wait till the match comes off in the struggle for life, and bid the pupil become strong or train while fighting for the prize. An examination of all that has been drawn out of the mind, or to what it has been raised in different ages and in different lands, cannot fail to con- vince us that education has not kept pace with science in its advance. The professor has distanced the school- master. It must be admitted that while quickness of per- ception or mental activity is closely allied to and forms a part of the highest intellectual action, and even seems to be a stimulus to the will itself, the methods which I have commended for awakening it are quite objective or physical, if not purely mechanical. There are few boys so dull that they cannot be made bright by the process followed by the London thieves, so far as mere observation is concerned. But what an immense advance is it towards thought when a boy has cleared the space between eyes and no-eyes, between noticing and not noticing! Now it is no novelty that bodily quickness and litheness are in many respects allied to and productive of corre- sponding mental qualities. It was not without reason that the writers of the last century really believed that fencing had a great effect in forming character. " Any one," says the old general in "Claude Melnotte," MEN AND WOMEN. 159 "who has carte and tierce at his finger-ends, is a gentleman." " The rhetorician," says a writer in the London Globe, (( was recommended to engage in it so as to acquire ease of gesture ; " while WRIGHT, the author of the " School Orator," declares that " it diffuses elegance and ease all over the body, and even char- acterises the look and gesture with an appearance of intellectual vigour." It would be not only interesting but important to decide whether the extraordinary difference as to observation of certain things which exists between men and women is not quite as much due to the difference between the games and physical culture of boys and girls as to any innate difference. While they are far more observant than men as to each others' clothes, or of objects in shops, or indeed of anything which is of personal concern, women pay little attention to anything of general interest. They do not notice placards on walls, while caricatures and comic pictures in shop windows are only looked at by men or boys. Once when I was an editor I was very much annoyed by visitors knocking at the door. So I wrote in very legible large red and black letters three inches long, COME IN WITHOUT KNOCKING, and put it on the door. I soon had occasion to observe after this, whenever I heard a knock, that it was made either by a negro or a lady. The negroes could not read, and the ladies did not. This does not in my opinion prove that there is a radical mental difference between the sexes, but that a great difference has been caused by early education and habits. This may indeed have become hereditary and a source of uncon- scious cerebration, but it would be removed in time, .^jeesE LIBFM^^ f Y OF THE y \ (UNIVERSITY) V ^ . , OF ; ,6o PRACTICAL EDUCATION. All the sports of boys tend to produce quickness, self- confidence, and universality of perception ; those of girls bear on themselves only. The nursing by a girl of a doll, which is the replica of herself, is entirely conducive to self-concentration, and teaching her that she herself is born to be petted. There are great advantages in it, and yet it would be better if girls were trained more to physical culture, more to vigorous exercise, and less to tenderness and dainty egotism. The fear lest they should be " unfeminine " is mis- placed when it makes them effeminate : even a tom- boy is much likelier to take good and proper care of herself in life than a mere " pet." I know what the prejudices of society are, and what sentimentalism has to say on this subject, but the most plausible of its assertions would be ludicrous and laughable did they not entail so much wrong to women and such disaster. The assumption in America that a whisky- sodden foreign peasant, who cannot read, is fitter to decide by vote as to public officers in the United States than the average American woman is charmingly grotesque. Boys are more generally observant than girls, principally because being naturally of the belief that they are of the stronger sex they cultivate sports and practices to be continued through life, which develop quickness and observation different from that developed by the other sex. They create will out of faith. I believe that this difference will, in a great measure, disappear with culture. I do not believe that woman can become mentally stronger than man, or ever equal him physically. But I believe that as man progresses woman will also advance 3 and that many points of THE AMERICAN MIND. 161 difference which are now a source of injustice and of suffering must disappear. But there is a very irnpor- tnnt matter which has been as yet quite left out of sight in considering woman's place in politics. It is this, that as no household is well managed without her influence, and no education truly humane into which it has not entered, so there can be no government and no policy truly perfect without it. In the most brutal and barbarous states of society woman is the least respected ; those who would keep her back are those who at heart retain most of the savage. In recommending such very radical methods in education as beginning it by developing memory and quickness of perception before proceeding to the actual acquisition of knowledge, I recommend a funda- mental thoroughness which I am aware is most dis- tasteful to w r hat is called " the American mind." This "mind" represents a clever crude youthfulness which is inordinately vain of its genius and its successes, which loves short-cuts, chances, and lucky hits, and which is most impatient of plodding hard work and of discipline. The result of this is, according to the researches of American statists, that in no country is there such a waste of labour and capital in speculation, or in endeavours to get rich in a hurry, and most assuredly none in which so many youths leave college knowing so little, or with minds so feebly trained. We are " a wonderful people," and we certainly can show for a wonder the greatest number of graduates with a mere smattering of Greek, the fewest lines of Latin, and the least 'knowledge of their own literature " of any civilised nation on earth's face." This also is a waste of the best capital time. L 162 TRACTICAL EDUCATION. When HOBBES the philosopher was six years of age, he was, like GOETHE, and many others who have become great, already at Greek. " How often does it happen," says Professor GEORGE S. MORRIS in his "British Thought and Thinkers," "or does it ever happen, in free America, that youth are thus early directed into the way of genuinely humane culture ? How many of us, who repute ourselves liberally educated, have not been painfully conscious, that, at the age of twenty-five or thirty, or even later, we were still pain- iully limping over ways in which, not simply the enthusiasts of learning in an earlier time, but the men who, in Europe, as thinkers and statesmen, now lead our civilisation . . . while not only they, but thou- sands of their less distinguished but classically educated contemporaries, were already in youth vigo- rous runners. We have yet to learn as a nation not to waste our time in disputing about the value of different styles of education, but to go on and educate ourselves by early, persistent, thorough, and never- ceasing training. We may claim that our national temperament is such that early and persevering mental application is dangerous for us. But patient thought and study are not half so perilous for our nerves and brains as the passionate fret and worry incident to the strife for the possession of the thousand, now alleged, necessaries of decent existence comforts, luxuries, knick-knacks, places of honour, means of sho wing-off, the not desiring which we are accustomed to regard as denoting lack of honourable ambition, or ignorance of that which makes life worth living. Genuinely patient thought and study are as much a sedative as an excitant, for they bring the repose of strength." GAMES AND SPORTS. 163 I cannot understand what objection can be raised to the principle which I advance, that quickness of perception should be cultivated in children as a means of awakening observation, and as conducive to taking an interest in all things within the scope of a child's mind. This is already done to a certain extent in the Kindergarten. When the Kindergarten becomes the care of the State, and shall be incorporated into the regular system of public education, then it is probable that this which with memory forms the most important factor of mind will be duly developed with scientific care by the ablest intellects. For a day is corning when education, and not petty politics and the personal interests of mere ignorant demagogues, will claim the active care of the people. Games and sports are of great importance in developing quickness of perception in childhood, and for this reason the subject deserves great study, that those may be encouraged which are most conducive to cleverness. I believe that amusements may be made as helpful to mental ability as to bodily strength and health. In the great English schools six hours a day must be devoted to play, and six to study. Seen from a higher point of view all this play is really study, as serious in the results as any book-learning. When I was a boy, play with the most indulgent parents was barely tolerated, in too many cases it was directly discouraged. Hearty games were supposed to be attributes of street-boys. At the colleges and universities there was then the same dislike of amuse- ment. Students who were known to play at ten-pins or billiards were ignominiously dismissed. At my own Alma Mater in America, there was literally no notice 1 64 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. taken by anybody of the recreation or health of the students, beyond enforcing rules prejudicial to them. I am speaking entirely of the olden time, long ago, when such ignorance did manifest itself not infre- quently. But still, strange as it may seem, consider- ing the perfection to which schools are believed to have been brought, something still remains to be done as regards recreation and health. Much could be suggested, much discovered, much applied, with happy results, even in such trifling matters as amusements. For it is a fact that there are games which are posi- tively superior to any book-work whatever in awakening that quickness of perception which, once awakened, goes forth into all the faculties, arousing new life, even as light goes into all the worlds. No one will deny that the street-boy who is obliged to make his living as he can about town, develops, of a kind, far greater cleverness, shrewdness, and observation than the pet of the nursery. This cleverness is perverted to low aims, but it might just as well have been developed in study, in personal politeness, or in any- thing good. If a hundredth part of the genius which has been given to scientifically difficult Latin gram- mars and astonishingly useless algebras had been devoted to sports for developing quickness of mind, the world would have been the better for it. A very great objection often urged as to stimulat- ing memory and quickness of perception in childhood, is that they would awaken a precocity which would probably be followed by premature mental decay, or the development of certain faculties at the expense of others. I call especial attention to this, for it is an objection as plausible as it is false. Every one who ONE-SIDED DEVELOPMENT. 165 has ever known a feeble-minded boy crammed to idiocy and who has not ? will perhaps be prompt or prone to declare against any new invention to force undue cleverness into youth. And many, too, who have come across a child with one special natural inherited talent, which has been carefully developed at the expense of every other faculty, will declare that it was the result of overdoing the youthful capacity. Now, it is very true that it is not advisable to draw all the mind into one talent, any more than it would be to sacrifice the growing strength of the legs to feed that of the arms. But I utterly deny that any amount whatever of development of the memory in childhood would have any injurious effect, if it should be properly counterbalanced by an equal development of quickness of perception. And an examination into examples proves not only this, but that an astonishing proportion of great men have been precocious, and that this precocity was due to early education by teachers who had hit upon methods analogous to those which I now urge. Much is also due, of course, in many cases to hereditary endowment, but of this transmitted excellence, while I believe in it, I would remark that it is like wit and stories of witchcraft, wherein the lucky hits and strange coincidences stick, and the misses are never counted. There are, after all, a great many clever people who do not have clever children, owing to something falling short in tissue or cells, caused by neglect of health or the cropping out of some feeble-minded ancestor, and there are not a few geniuses who owe more to education than to any other influence. I cannot dwell too earnestly on the fact that the !66 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. development of quick perception by culture will be found on inquiry to have been going on to a far greater extent in the playground than we are aware of. We do not know to what degree this or that boy has be- come quick and observant ; but if you had taken him from infancy, and kept him from play, or only at feeble sports, you would assuredly have found him slower in many respects. Nature has implanted the instinct to play in children for a wise purpose, and to deeper intent than most parents suppose. Savage children all have stupid games. As romping and fro- licking and hallooing are conducive to bodily health and development, so the games which follow them in due time are adapted to ripen the intellectual forces which then begin to manifest themselves. Now this fact should be recognised and turned to proper account in education. It has been partially so in the Kinder- garten, wherein some of the most valuable truths and discoveries of the age have originated. But it may be studied and applied to great advantage when the pupil shall have passed beyond the Kindergarten into higher schools. At present it is allowed to take care of itself, just as boys were left in a great measure when I was young to amuse themselves in their own wilful ways. But it is better for the boys when they are supplied with suitable means of sport: the gym- nasium is better than the street, and draughts more commendable than pitch-penny, albeit the latter is no mean sharpener of the wits, as most gambling games are " more's the pity." Nature has indicated to man the proper course to follow in education ; more than this, she has indicated the means. The romping, bounding, and screaming THE ATTRACTIVE METHOD. 167 of infancy are, as I have said, instinctive efforts to expand the muscles and develop the purely physical powers, As the mind begins to show itself, the young take to games, which are also the result of an instinct to expand the budding mental powers. Observe that the instinct is not as yet to acquire knowledge or do anything conducive to the practical business or duties of life. It tends simply to develop the powers which in time will enable the youth to fulfil his higher task. Now while sensible parents know enough to aid Nature as regards health in infancy, and while there are libraries of books on the subject, there has been very little attention paid by anybody to the processes by which the intellect really develops and prepares itself for thought. You may think that this is done in the schoolroom and by lessons, but it is not there that the sword is sharpened. Far from it. The majority of boys do not like their lessons, and it is a law that these early developments shall be instinctive, that is, agreeable. You may keep a man alive and perhaps fatten him on food which is disagreeable to his taste, but Nature does not approve of such compulsion. When I was a boy it was quite a general rule in Presbyterian New England that children should be made to eat whatever they specially disliked, and that it was a great virtue in them to do so. It was a great mistake. There are many processes by which quickness of perception may be awakened. The most rudimentary is that described by JACOB ABBOTT in " Hollo," by which an infant's attention is drawn to an orange rolling in the sunshine. I have elsewhere mentioned in the chapter on Eye Memory the method pursued by j68 PKACTICAL EDUCATION. thieves of tossing up a handful of mixed objects, which the boys must observe at a glance and name. The same may be done in a better and a different way when the teacher is on one side of a screen and tosses the articles up in the air. It is also a good exercise when a number of round objects, all alike, such as apples or balls, are rolled from one side of a door so as to disappear on the other, in one room, while the observers on the other are obliged to count them while rolling. Better still is the game of Morra, which may be best learned of any Italian, but which consists of two throwing out any number of fingers simultaneously, each player crying out as rapidly as he can the number cast by the other. These are simply elementary exercises, but they are of great avail to awaken simple quickness of observation ; of such efficacy indeed that by their means the dullest and most sluggish boys may be made in certain directions and to certain degrees wideawake as foxes, or as the thieves call it " fly." These exercises are simply optical, and excite at first only visual observa- tion. This however is a great deal. A dull child who has been made clever, though ever so little, in any way, has made a beginning which can with deliberate care be increased to a remarkable extent. A step beyond this is the measuring distances by eye, which I learned when I was in an artillery company during the Emancipation or Eebellion. A stake is planted at a certain distance from a given point, and all the company are required to guess the number of yards or feet from one to the other. In a short time young men develop extraordinary proficiency in thus ascertaining distances, and it is of advantage in SPORTING MEN. 169 many ways. The eye thus trained has taken an important step towards art. This is an advance on mere observation; by means of it a higher faculty, that of comparison, has been awakened. Now a very important element in practising these " games " is this, that while the boys shall regard them as games, to be enjoyed with free will, they shall be exercised regularly, frequently, and to a greater degree than is usual. Games are generally wild weeds : I would cultivate them. No boy is unwilling to have his sports improved : the Boys' Own Book, and all such publications, so dear to youth, prove this. It is very important that these exercises, however repeated and elevated, should not assume too much the character of drill and discipline, and become monotonous. Should they cease to please, they will lose half their value. 1 As there are a great many women who continue children through life in their devotion to dress and gossip, so there are men who do the same by giving their souls up to " sport " in its different forms. It is difficult to conceive of any boy so stupid that he could not by practice attain some kind of position in the sporting fraternity ; the fact that such multitudes of young men who are utterly without intellect or true culture of any kind become such good judges of horses, such expert gamblers, such knowing and " leary coves " in the muddy mysteries of the town, sufficiently proves this. These men all show that quickness of observation alone may be developed by the means of which I have spoken, and that the faculty is really almost universal. Their defect is that while quickness of mind has been developed, it has been misapplied. 1 This is a frequent fault in the Kindergarten. I7 o PRACTICAL EDUCATION. The mere " sport," like the savage, is simply an over- grown child, a poor creature not of arrested growth, but of arrested moral development. Understand me, reader, that I do not here confuse the athletic sports or exercises conducive to health with any lack of brains. I am speaking not of them, or of games, but of the lower orders of humanity of all ranks of society who never get beyond games or gambling, and for whom life is all a playground without a school. On the contrary, I am advocating the extended use and application through life of all games and sports. But the study of these overgrown children is interesting and profitable, as is that of their congeners, the savages, because we learn from them that a certain kind of shrewdness and quickness may be developed in all men Not only are all gypsy boys extremely clever and artful in many ways, but also any other boys brought up with them. In fact there is not one child in a hundred who, under the pressure of necessity as a gypsy or street arab, would not develop a quickness of observation in certain directions which would seem miraculous in a well-bred nursery child. Now I rind that many admit that there are marvellous powers of memory latent in every mind, which may be drawn out by education. But they apprehend that the development of a great memory will crush the finer powers of intellect. Memory, they think, grown to a certain size, will, like the cat in the old German tale, become lord of all the house, or nothing. On the contrary, others believe that develop- ing quick observation and insight will lead to clever superficiality, and neutralise memory and solid study. I, however, believe that in due measure, fairly balanced, ft **PX UNIVERSITY) THE TEACHER PROBLEM. 171 i -~***"^ they will aid, support, and increase one another. It would be an easy matter to fill a book proving this from examples. "No one will deny that an undue premature expansion of one portion of the mind or of the body will destroy the balance. But a judicious development of all the organs at once, pari passu, will give the happiest results. Education has for a long time been tending towards this higher and joint development of memory first and higher lessons afterward, combined with quick- ness of perception developed by physical aids. It is growing up in the Kindergarten, it is found in the rapidly increasing conviction that the whole modern system of teaching languages, with its complicated array of hindrances in the shape of grammars, and its opposition to the use of translations, is a weariness and vexation of spirit. The final objection is indeed the hardest to overcome, and it is this : " Where are you to get teachers clever enough to understand and apply all your principles ? " Even to this there may come with time a solution. While it is true that the man who can do nothing better turns teacher, while teaching- is only a bridge by which ambitious youth crosses over the gulf of poverty to a profession; while the tutor costs no more than the coachman, and the whole education of- the family less than the dinner parties ; while the father really understands less about the training of his children than he does about his horses ; while bouquets outbalance books in the annual ex- penditure, and ball- dresses brains, teaching will not be the profession which it should. In Japan that man is believed to be damned eternally who leaves behind him no son to celebrate his funeral rites. Perhaps a 1 72 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. wiser age than this will decide that the man ought to be damned who treats the education of his children as if it were of less importance than amusements, society, and display. It is remarkable when we reflect how much our current education consists of merely cramming into the memory, or even into setting other faculties at work for a temporary purpose, equivalent to cramming, and how little is done to awaken that quickness of perception or ready apprehension which may be de- veloped to almost any extent, and that into forms and phases of wonderful variety, reaching up into the highest powers of the intellect. Let those who think this is Utopian study the most recent writers on physiology, and judge by facts as I have done. I find on inquiry that boys who are put into places requiring great promptness of thought and action in all kinds of business and manufacturing can do things whicli seem miraculous to even grown-up ordinary people, and yet where is the school which develops this wonderful power at the same time with memory ? How the two might mutually stimulate and aid each other is beyond belief. And it can be done. There is a great desire at present, as there is good reason, to have all office-holders in the United States qualified by Civil Service or Competitive Examinations. The popular objection to this as a test is thus set forth by an extract from an editorial article in the Phila- delphia Evening Bulletin of February 7, 1881 : " Some of the newspapers which are not very strongly in favour of Civil Service reform are busy just now urging that the system of competitive examination among candidates for office is not always likely to CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS. 173 procure the best men. One of the authorities quoted in behalf of this theory is Sir ARTHUR HELPS, who in 1872 wrote of the system as it now exists in England: ' In my judgment, although the system has long been adopted in China, it is a most inadequate one for its purpose. It detects qualifications which are little needed, while it fails inevitably to discover those which are most needed/ And another Englishman, a writer in a late number of a London magazine, says of the system : ' The man who succeeds in examinations has quickness in acquiring, memory for retaining, and readiness in producing knowledge ; but he may be altogether deficient in reflection, in grasp of mind, in judgment, in weight of character. It appears to me that the examination system tends to select minds acute rather than deep, active rather than powerful ; and the worst is that the heavier metal, being gene- rally more slow in development, is apt to be left in the background/ Without doubt there is a good deal of solid truth in these propositions. The man who can obtain the highest averages for his responses to certain fixed questions in arithmetic and geography may, of course, have really less practical and general acquaintance with those things than one whose re- sponses are not so good ; and he may have much smaller fitness .for the performance of certain official duties. We are not aware that anybody holds opinions different from these. The most ardent advocate of the competitive examination plan has not insisted that the certain result of that plan is to produce the best men. " The plan is urged because it is about the only conceivable method which can be substituted for the present method. It is absolutely impossible for the T 74 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. President of the United States to pick out the best men for the offices from his own knowledge. If he is forced to choose at random from the crowd, he must permit other men to designate the lucky men, and that duty of designation naturally and almost inevitably devolves upon members of Congress, who are supposed to be acquainted with the people in their districts." That is to say, that the world has gone on perfectly satisfied with examinations as a test for its lawyers, physicians, clergymen, college graduates, and many other kinds of qualified persons, but the instant it is proposed to apply this method to Civil Service candi- dates, its opponents at once rake out the radical error which underlies all European or American education ! There is not a single word in all that Sir AKTHUR HELPS or any one else has said against it which would not be more strikingly applicable to the qualification of men for any of the learned professions. Why candidates for consulates in France should not be examined in French as well as International Law and other necessary qualifications it is difficult to conceive. To which the unprogressive says, "You don't want merely a French scholar or a lawyer for a consul." " Well, what do we want ? " " Why, you should have a gentleman, and a live man one who is wideawake, and quick to his business." 3 And I quite agree with 1 Since this was written I have read in one of the most widely circu- lated and influential newspapers in the West of America an editorial article in which it was boldly asserted that a knowledge of French and a generally good education was a positive disqualification for office abroad, with the old cry that what was wanted was a "live" man, a practical person, &c. It may be remarked that, with occasional excep- tions, these illiterate "live" men are dead failures when misplaced in positions for which they have not been educated. PERCEPTION AND REFLECTION. 175 this. As society is constituted, the surest way to obtain a gentleman, as I understand such an ideal, would be to select men who have never been in "politics," especially in its dirty or primary work, there being nothing so belittling or enfeebling to the intellects or antagonistic to refinement as such employ- ment, and a " live " man should know enough to learn French or at least one living language properly. The ultimate result of quickness of perception is to induce " reflection, grasp of mind, judgment, and weight of character." Observe how naturally in this citation " grasp of mind " is associated with reflection. To catch readily at and apprehend single objects, state- ments, or ideas, is only the first step in this branch. After the pupil shall have been exercised for a time in this, comparison and association will come of them- selves. The popular tendency is to sever quickness of perception from reflection, but the wisest thinker is always keenest to grasp ideas. This is illustrated both in philosophical reading and in jurisprudence: he who is slow in either is useless in their practice. It is certainly true that quickness of perception is not in itself, any more than memory, reflection or wisdom. But the two mutually aid and develop one another into higher qualities. The world is so well satisfied of this that it has gone on for a long time taking even memory alone as a satisfactory test of cleverness. Few and far between have they been who objected like Sir ARTHUR HELPS. As Uncle Toby would have it that the mother must be in some way related to her child, so these good people have insisted that in default of a better way, a young man who could repeat the wisdom which he had learned from I 7 6 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. books was about the nearest approach to being book- learned which they could conceive of. If the world is willing to trust so much to memory alone, what will it not trust to it when allied to a faculty which quickly associates and compares all that memory brings ? I trust, however, that no reader will think that the training of the mind to quick perception and prompt action is to be limited to the casting up of divers objects, to measuring distances by the eye, or even by games up to chess and whist. It is true that the study of games except as mere amusement has not much occupied mankind. In KABELAIS' splendid scheme for educating a perfect gentleman there is included every game at cards or aught else then known. But from games upward there is a series of developments of the faculty of readiness which gradu- ally approach and blend, or are identified with much higher powers. A very remarkable mental exercise, but little practised, consists in reading to a class pro- positions more or less difficult to grasp, either in mental or moral philosophy, mathematics, or any branch of science, the object as in mental arith- metic being for them to understand as promptly as possible what was given. When minds have been properly prepared for this, they exhibit results which would startle most people. But they seldom are properly prepared by being gradually led up to it. I have seen something like this in a school, but the object of the teacher manifestly was not to strengthen or develop the capacities of the pupils, but to strain them to puzzle and overload them. And there is a great deal too much of this in all our current educa- tion. Non multa scd multum, " not many but much," COUTURE'S METHOD. 177 should be the motto for every school. I suppose that is to say, I lay it down for consideration that this exercise of requiring pupils to promptly appreciate or catch the sense of what is read to them is capable of great development, and of exerting a great influence in expanding the intellect. We know from COUTURE'S method of teaching drawing, that the great majority of artists can not only learn in time to sketch with great accuracy people as they walk past us, but that those who draw in this manner do so more accurately and with greater power and better expression. Now ordinary lectures do much to make students quick to catch difficult points. But the student who should be exercised in difficult points alone would have a vast advantage at the lecture. The process is precisely parallel with COUTURE'S glance- sketching. It would be of little use to attempt to teach memory or quickness of perception unless they be taught properly ; that is, very gradually. My own recollec- tions of all education are that of being loaded to the last ounce I could bear, of being required to do more than I could do thoroughly, of " staggering " at all seasons, and of always having been under fear that I could not accomplish my duty. To this day I am tormented in dreams by the fear of my American college examinations ; the old torture and anxiety rises as from the grave, till I wish in my soul, on awaking, that I had never seen my miserably mismanaged Alma Mater. Let me observe that these torturing dreams are drawn only from the American part of my student career. Of Heidelberg, Munich, and Paris, where I studied to infinitely more profit for three years, I never dream at all. M i 7 8 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. I have in fact no recollection whatever of having been at any time taught how to study rationally or in any way by anybody. I can remember that as a rule I had a multiplicity of long lessons which I could by very hard work just contrive to learn by heart, with little understanding and less interest, to be succeeded the next day by an equally confusing swarm. And I can see now that if my mind had been properly prepared to study before being set to learn by rote such quantities, that I could have been trying to understand and perhaps enjoying my texts. As for students appreciating the " beauties " of Horace, the golden glow of Ovid, the grand glory as of sunlit seas of Homer, the mystery to me is that one in his soul ever sees any difference in interest between the text and the dictionary. That a few do, in spite of the way in which they are taught, is a proof of the wonderful recuperative powers possessed by the human intellect. The application of the principle of mental arith- metic to all branches of thought, but very gradually and cautiously, is perhaps the greatest problem in education. The world has been "getting on after a fashion " in most of its education with little more than memory, which the pupil was obliged to pick up for himself as he went on. I have shown, as I trust, that memory may be greatly improved upon certain principles, and that the pupil thus provided and strengthened will then begin to study with a clearer mind, not being obliged to do two things at once that is, to learn to remember as well as to learn the lesson. Secondly, the memory will be even more aided and developed by exercises in quickness SUMMARY. 179 of perception, and it is in the mutual action of these on each other that the highest results may be antici- pated. If we examine the history of education, and especially that of great and wise men, we find that in many forms these principles have shown their truth and vitality. Memory was of old systematically developed to a degree now unknown, and that among millions of men. Quickness of perception has been brought out in manifold ways by the needs of life and by amusements, and we know it can be created, but to take it from its wild flower stage into the garden of culture, and scientifically utilise it in educa- tion in connection with memory and as a corrective or aid, lies in the future. SUMMARY. To recapitulate, and to set forth clearly what I have written, I would say, firstly, that memory can be developed in all children to a greater extent than is usual by the simple method of making a child learn easy lessons perfectly, taking great care not to exercise it on more than one or two subjects, until the art of learning is acquired. Secondly, that the memory must be counterbalanced by increasing quickness of percep- tion. This is brought out at first by processes which train the eye only to rapid perception, but which, as they are changed, awaken intellectual observation and rapid action of the mind. When a person has been thus trained we may expect that he will be observant of resemblances, contrasts, and probably readily per- ceptive of humour and the principles of poetry. Exer- cising quickness of perception is extremely conducive -iSp PRACTICAL EDUCATION. to detecting or perceiving contrasts, and real or apparent resemblances or points of identity. This leads to " a sense of humour," a ready comprehension of simile and metaphor, and by proper training to an. appreciating of poetry in every form and phase. ^ The stages of training may be set down as follows : Training the eye to perceive objects at a glance, as, for instance, when a handful of coins, beads, keys, &c., are thrown up and caught. Counting as they roll by a number of balls or marbles. Doing the same with balls of different colours and sizes, and then with different objects. Passing cards with inscriptions from the right hand to the left. The art of juggling or leger- demain abounds in exercises well qualified to render a pupil quick to perceive. Solitaire with cards illus- trates this. Measuring and estimating distances by eye, as marked out. Conjecturing the proportions of houses, rooms, and all objects. Mental perspective. Comparing and classifying faces, heads, and figures of men and animals, with observations of proportions as charac- teristic of species. Mental arithmetic. Applications of its principles to all other studies that is, it may be succeeded by verbal instruction in geography, composition, languages, &c., with examinations. It is a fact that a wide- awake, quick-minded boy or girl can learn, under- stand, and remember a lesson better when thus com- municated than from a book. And the process induces quickness. Problems in mental geometry, physics, moral philo- sophy, physiology, and aesthetics, given to the pupils with a view to their rapid appreciation. This is not QUICKNESS OF PERCEPTION. 181 proposed as a method of study, but simply as an aid to such study. I assume that the scholars thus trained have also been continued in improving their memory, and in hand-work. This supposes that they will be apt to remember, and that their memories are in fact supplied with certain material. By increased quickness of per- ception they will gather rapidly, and by memory they will retain it all. Now as quickness of perception improves and leavens memory, so hand-work or con- structiveness acts on the two, or their resultant, in- spiring a certain practical and common-sense quality into education, which cannot be too much esteemed or encouraged. The world has long recognised the truth of these principles, particularly as to quickness of perception. But while it has smiled at them approvingly, as curious and pretty when seen in infant schools, it has never thought of developing them into serious and higher branches any more than it has of making art or hand-work an integral part of all education. Now I would keep not only the schoolboy but also the uni- versity undergraduate busy, among other things, with exercising his mind to quickness, as he should his body. For I assume gymnastics to be accepted as a part of all education. Improving the memory, and with it rapidity of thought, should not cease with the rudimentary exercises of childhood. Like rolling snowballs they should be kept going, in order to increase in growth. Singleness of purpose is a great power. Until the pupil has positively acquired the ability to memorise at will, until he can grasp and retain almost whatever 1 82 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. he pleases, he should not be confused with other studies or exercises. But when this power begins to really manifest itself, then the exercises in quickness of perception may begin. It will be found that the two greatly aid one another. To see rapidly is a faculty which perishes with the realisation, unless it be aided promptly by memory, while memory grows rapidly when exercised by her rapid partner. We will suppose that a child has been so long trained in memorising alone as to readily retain any sentence, or to a certain degree a sequence of sentences. At this stage the exercises in training the eye to per- ceive may be begun. For the very young the throw- ing up a handful of different small objects is the best beginning, to be accompanied by rolling different coloured balls across a doorway. Pictures of all kinds may next be shown, and the class required to describe them from a minute's observation. It is also well to train the pupil to observe as rapidly as possible the dress and appearance of a certain given number of people, so as to describe them accurately. Very few grown people can do this well, but any child may be trained to do it very well in a few words. It is a valuable art, which will be of great use through life. To perceive accurately is in fact almost the same thing as to describe accurately; at least it will be found that those who observe closely always describe well. This is another illustration of the great truth that simple elementary, almost mechanical beginnings, with ordinary minds can be made to lead directly to far higher intellectual powers. At this stage the pupil may also be shown sen- tences distinctly written in large characters, which he MENTAL POWER. 183 may just have time to read, and then be required to repeat. This is not unknown to the Kindergarten teachers, but its importance is as yet far from being understood. There are very few grown-up men who would not acquire a really marvellous mental power if they were to practise it. The adult who enjoys in all its fulness quickness of perception has acquired a power which will aid him in every profession or calling. Priest, lawyer, doctor, shopman, or artisan succeed in most cases more by being readily observant than by any other faculty. That this may be acquired in its every form or phase admits of no doubt. I knew a man of whom it was said that he never knew how anybody was dressed. This came to his ears, and from that time he could describe the garments of all his acquaintances. As memory after certain exercise acts in accordance with quick perception, so the two, especially the latter, give and take to and from eye-memory. The show- ing a written sentence on a board, only so long that it may be read, will recall the method by which COUTUKE advised beginners to learn to sketch passers-by. All of these experiments have been made with success, as curiosities; unfortunately they have not been persevered in, or made constant influences in education. Another stage, that of games, has rarely been regarded save as mere amusement. It might be a curious subject of inquiry to ascertain what humanity would be if it had never known any games of skill ? Can any one imagine a childhood entirely devoid of such exercises, and what the probable results would be on the subsequent adult minds ? Many of my readers can well appreciate how practice in games would be aided by a greatly improved 1 84 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. memory. Add to this mental arithmetic, let us say to two hours of memorising daily let there be one of the latter branch and one or two of games of different kinds, all conducted with a view to make the pupil observe and remember. Memory and quickness of perception unite and can be perfected in the development of the constructive faculty which is allied to both and calls for both. The two are one in art. How this should be studied is shown in the chapter on Industrial Art in Schools. If there are any readers who ask when, where, and how in this system the ordinary branches of education come in the reading, writing, geography, and arith- metic I reply, what the more intelligent reader has probably surmised by himself, that if the teacher have any intelligence at all he will begin to introduce such branches as require thought at his own discretion very gradually, as he perceives that the memory and quickness of perception of the pupil are becoming so strong that the grasp is easy. Two points he must bear in mind. Firstly, not to abandon at any time the training of memory and quick perception ; and secondly, to beware of overcrowding or forcing the ordinary subjects of learning. The harder he works in the morning the easier will it be in the afternoon. part IF. EYE MEMORY. 1 THERE are few people who have ever reflected on the fact that every one has within him a faculty which, if properly developed, would completely change our system of education, by increasing to an incredible degree our power of mental acquisition. This faculty I term Eye-memory. It has already been recognised by writers as Visual Eepresentation, Imaginary Appear- ance, and Volitionary Pseudopia, each term expressing the subject in a manner characteristic of its inventor. It occupies a ground between memorising and quick- ness of perception, belonging to one as much as to the other. We are all in the habit of hearing the utterances of other people during our waking hours, of reading books and catching sounds. But unless we delibe- rately set ourselves to work to get these utterances, ideas, or sounds by heart, we only retain a vague general impression of them. Getting by heart, or "memorising," is effected by concentrating or in- tensifying the attention, and by frequent repetition. 1 A lecture delivered before the Franklin Institute of Philadelphia, March 29, 1880. OF THE (UNIVERSITY V OF 186 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. When this is extensively practised in youth, the power of memory is thereby greatly strengthened or improved, while the thinking faculties are, by the same process, stimulated and disciplined. This is, in fact, the real aim of most early education. Only the vulgar and ignorant believe that the acquisition of knowledge and the learning certain definite quantities of mathematics, languages, or history alone constitute an education. A wiser man knows that it is the training of the mental powers which forms the true result of culture. Now just as the mind may be instructed and dis* ciplined by mere reading, that is to say, indirectly taught by symbols called letters, so it may be directly supplied with facts or phenomena by eye-memory. This is the impressing by will on memory things which we have seen. Thus, for instance, if you close your eyes and try to recall the exact appearance of any object with which you have been familiar, you will find great difficulty in doing so. As a rule children possess this faculty to a much higher degree than grown people. But if you put the object before you and look at it frequently you will succeed in learning it, so as to be able to read it at will. The longer you study it with a determination to remember it, the more vividly will its colour and general appear- ance come before you. It is possible, with practice, to develop this faculty so as to produce the most extraordinary results. The absent friend may be re- called at will, so that his form appears as clearly defined as in life, and by frequent exercise you may surround yourself with familiar or imagined scenes which appear like nature. This power may be ex- VISUAL REPRESENTATION. 187 tended to books. You have all heard of people who " cipher " from imagined visual numerals, and of others who had the power to recall sheet-music, and to play from the notes thus brought before the eye. I have read of a Scotch preacher who said that, while apparently preaching without notes, he was really reading from a manuscript which he saw mentally before him. He could see even the marks of punctua- tion. And this use of the faculty of visual repre- sentation occurred whenever he had written a sermon and read it carefully before going into the pulpit. I venture to believe that it would be possible, with practice, to recall any page of anything which we had read, or rather seen, and in like manner to get by eye a gallery of pictures. As it is, we may appreciate and thoroughly enjoy works of art. But unless we deliberately exert our will, and intentionally impress them on the memory with much trouble, they will not recur, to us as real things. They will not come when we call to them. Why is it that, after going through a gallery, we remember a few pictures arid forget others ? Simply because we have unconsciously, through interest, brought our memory to bear upon the few. Had we been trained from childhood to use this visual memory in the same manner in which we are trained to exercise mental memory, we could probably recall at will any object which we had once willed to remember. There have been, however, many persons who have acquired this desirable art. Thus we are told that NICOLAS LOIR, an eminent French painter and engraver, when in Italy, devoted his time to contemplating the works of the great masters, his eye-.meinory becoming 1 88 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. so retentive by practice that he was able to sketch the pictures which had pleased him most. I have met with a coachmaker, also a draughtsman who, after seeing any vehicle pass by, however rapidly, can draw and colour it in detail to the minutest orna- ments, and who can do the same of any object which he saw even forty years ago, if he had taken pains at the time to learn it. I know a lady who, while in Europe, memorised many galleries of pictures and shop windows. FRANCIS GALTON, who has of all men most thoroughly studied this subject, has completely established the fact that there are in England hundreds of accountants who carry out sums in arithmetic entirely by visual representation. This power is popularly admired as a rare gift ; in reality it is irre- pressible in a few, involuntarily developed in others, and is innate in us all. The importance of developing this faculty has sug- gested itself to many artists. Thus COUTURE advised his pupils to let the eye rest for an instant on passers- by in the street, and then attempt to draw them. I have seen this put in practice with perfect success, and have heard from others authentic experiences of it. The various stages of the process were extremely curious and interesting. At first only a hat, and perhaps the general appearance of an arm, or a leg, can be caught, but in a few days the expression of the whole figure is seldom missed. No one who had not practiced this, or seen it done, would believe how rapidly the observation and memory are developed by this kind of " flash photograph " drawing, or what an air of vivacity and motion is imparted to the figures. I recommend the practice of it specially to those who EYE-MEMORY. 189 intend to draw for the illustrated newspapers. They are often obliged to make notes or hasty sketches of moving masses of men, and they perforce acquire a certain degree of eye-memory. But we need only study the details of most of their pictures of crowds to see that it is not highly developed with them. While collecting facts on eye-memory, I wrote to Dr. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES for information, and I need not say that I was not disappointed, as I received from him his work entitled " Mechanism in Thought and Morals," in which I find that the subject of "pictured thought," as a branch of conscious mental action, has not escaped his attention. He has ingeniously illus- trated it " by the panorama of their past lives, said by people who have escaped from drowning to have flashed before them." This actually happened to Dr. HOLMES himself, as it did to my brother HENRY PERRY LELAND. I also received from Dr. HOLMES the work on " Visions," by Dr. EDWARD H. CLARKE, edited by himself. In this book that which the author calls "the power of the will to produce objective pseudopia" or to see that which is not before the eyes, is treated almost ex- haustively, as regards the physical explanation of the faculty. " Sight," says Dr. CLARKE, " is not a function of the eyes, but of the brain. There is a way by which volition plays with its utmost energy upon the angular gyrus, or some other centre, and drives its machinery into action. If this can be accomplished, vision is accomplished. When we consider that there is no part of the body which cannot be affected some- what by volition, it would be singular if the visual ganglia should be the only ones withdrawn from the influence and authority of the will." In illustration I9o PRACTICAL EDUCATION. of the fact that the will can reproduce what the eye has seen, Dr. CLARKE cites the case of a gentleman who, being fond of statuary, succeeded, after a few trials, in producing visions of statues, and even in imagining new ones. This author has, in my judg- ment, completely established the fact that every object making an impression on the brain, or visual apparatus, leaves an organic trace there, which may be reproduced at an indefinite period afterwards by cerebral action. I find in fact, in the " Visions " of Dr. CLARKE, as in the " Mental Physiology " of Dr. WILLIAM B. CARPENTER, a sound basis for, and a perfect confirmation of, all that I claim as regards eye- memory. GOETHE tells us, in his work Aus meinem Leben, Wahrheit und Dichtung y that having one day seen ideally a picture by VAN OSTADE, he cultivated the faculty so as to afterwards produce at any time subjec- tive copies of pictures and works of art. DE QUINCEY recognised and distinctly describes the faculty of recalling or creating visions at will. In fact, the illustrations that this power exists are so numerous, and the physiological explanations of it are so copious and satisfactory, that it would be impossible to bring them within the limits of the longest lecture. But I have not been able to ascertain that any writer has ever contemplated the deliberate cultivation of voli- tional vision as an aid to every branch of intellectual education and of art. I do not know that any one has contemplated the possibility of its being introduced into schools and taught in classes. I believe myself that entire books will be thus memorised with little effort, that all which the eye has seen the trained will will revive, and that, far beyond all this, imagination EYE-MEMORY. i 9 r aided by volition, will evoke from the mystic brain cells, where they lie by millions upon millions asleep, all manner of beautiful forms, and create from them at will others more beautiful. Would not this be a new life for every man and woman of culture ? Would not, in such a life, much that is mean and much which now degrades us vanish like mists before sunshine ? Yet all this is just as physically possible as that sounds and sights should be transmitted by electricity and preserved ad infinitum. But to return to the application of eye-memory to art. When I was in St. Petersburg, Eussia, I found that great attention was there paid, in the School of Design, to free-hand drawing. The happiest results were secured by telling the pupils to study a given object for ten minutes, and then, the object being removed, to draw it. Mr. JOHN SARTAIN has told me that, in his youth, his teacher of drawing, the celebrated VARLEY, would place the image or picture to be copied in one room and tell the pupils to work in another, allowing them to go from time to time to look at it. I understand that the Eussian method has been practised in some schools in Philadelphia. It cannot be denied that when the model is always directly before the pupil the latter seldom observes anything carefully, nor does he study the relations of the details of form, light, and shade, and colour, as he would when memorising. I have come to the conclusion that it requires full half an hour for most people to get by heart or eye the simplest object in the world that is to say, a billiard ball, with all its lights and shadows. But when the artist is compelled to get the whota object actually by heart, he studies the relations of the I 92 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. different qualities or details, arid develops in his mind higher and much more vigorous powers of observation. Thus trained, his eye sees more at the first glance, he becomes self-reliant, he does not depend on the thou- sand times repeated, half-observant, glance. We have all heard of BLAKE, the artist, who saw spectral delusions or imaginary phantoms so vividly that he used to copy them. Once, when he was thus painting CHAKLES THE FIRST, as he believed, from life, for a friend, he stopped in his work. " Why do you not go on ? " asked his friend. " Because WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR has just stepped in the way, and before him," answered BLAKE, very seriously. I will tell you a story upon this story, out of my own experience. Once, in London, after a dinner party, I was in our host's library with a French gentleman, one of the guests. Finding that he was evidently well informed in art matters, and as there were several volumes of BLAKE'S pictures on the table, I showed them to him. He had never seen anything of BLAKE'S before, so I told him what I could remember of that extraordinary man, and how he used to paint from spectral delusions. " But he must have been mad," said the French gentle- man. " Not at all," I replied ; " he was almost a genius en/in, monsieur, c'dtait un Dore manqud he was almost a DOR!" The point of this remark was not apparent to me till some time afterwards, when I learned, to my astonishment, that it was to Monsieur DOR himself that I had addressed it ! Monsieur DOR is an artist of wonderful invention and of great fertility, but I know of none in whom the public have perceived so precisely what his limits are. 1 1 This was written while Don was yet living. EYE-MEMORY. 193 We know what he knows by heart, and what his eye-memory has mastered, and when he is drawing on the old stock figures. Had he cultivated the faculty of visual memory in youth to perfection, he would have avoided such mannerism as we observe. For such culture would fill the mind with facts or objects which would be in the highest degree sugges- tive and inspiring. We have all found in our own experiences that we remember certain scenes with great vividness when certain persons or certain plea- surable associations are connected with them. We remember the brow of the hill, the amber sunset sky, the foliage like dark bronze against it, because some young lady, perhaps, caused us to remember it. Our will was unconsciously exerted. This association of scenes with persons and events has become part of the stock-in-trade of the modern novelists. We all know how a certain scene was indelibly branded in the heroine's memory how, to the end of her days, the ticking of the clock and the patterns in the carpet all rose up whenever anything recalled "that awful hour." Yet there is a basis for curious or valuable observation in all this. We have in it a confirmation of my assertion that there are causes which will strengthen and develop to an unusual degree our memory of objects. I have said that the power of memory by sight may be increased to a degree of which we have no conception, and also that young people, as DE QUINCEY declares, possess this power more than those advanced in life. To prove this I will read to you a passage from the life of the celebrated French conjurer, EGBERT HOUDIN. It was this passage which first attracted N I 9 4 PEACTICAL EDUCATION. my attention to eye-memory, and caused me to reflect on the indefinite degree to which it may be extended in education, especially in that of artists. I must premise that this famous juggler had invented a trick, called Second Sight, which I saw performed by him and his son in. Paris in 1848. He found that to effect this it was necessary to cultivate not merely his mental memory to an extraordinary extent, but to remember things as they appeared. The trick con- sisted effectively of getting by heart, or remembering, the exact appearance of every object which might by any possibility be brought by anybody to his exhibi- tion. The son of HOUDIN, a boy, was blindfolded ; the fat.her, in another part of the hall, looked at the object, and his son promptly described it. There was, of course, a method of secretly signalling from one to the other ; this is sometimes effected by a telegraphic wire in the floor, worked by the foot. "I resolved," says EGBERT HOUDIN, "on making some experiments with my son EMILE, and in order to make my young assistant understand the nature of the exercise we were going to learn I took a domino, the 4 $ for instance, and laid it before him. Instead of letting him count the points of the two numbers, I requested him to tell me the total at once. " ' Nine/ he said. "Then I added another domino, the 4 3. " ' That makes sixteen/ he said without any hesita- tion. " I stopped the first lesson here ; the next day we succeeded in counting at a glance four dominoes ; the day after, six ; and thus at length we were enabled to give instantaneously the product of a dozen dominoes. EYE-MEMORY. 195 "This result obtained, we applied ourselves to a far more difficult task, over which we spent a month. My son and I passed rapidly before a toy-shop, or any other displaying a variety of wares, and cast an attentive glance upon it. A few steps further on we drew paper and pencil from our pockets, and tried which could describe the greatest number of objects seen in passing. I must own that my son far excelled me, for he would often write down forty objects, while I could scarcely recall thirty. Often feeling vexed at this defeat I would return to the shop and verify his statement ; but he rarely made a mistake. " My male readers," continues Monsieur HOUDIN, " will certainly understand the possibility of this, but they will recognise the difficulty. As for my lady readers, I am convinced that they will see nothing remarkable in it, for they daily perform far more astounding feats. Thus, for instance, I can safely assert that, one lady seeing another lady pass at full speed in a carriage, will have had time to analyse her toilette, from her bonnet to her shoes, and be able to describe not only the fashion and quality of the stuffs, but also say if the lace be real, or only machine-made. I have known ladies to do this. This natural or acquired faculty among ladies, but which my son and I had only gained by constant practice, was of great service in my performances ; for, while I was execut- ing my tricks, I could see everything that passed around ine, and thus prepare to foil any difficulties presented me." Having thus cultivated observation and memory, the juggler and his son proceeded to render themselves familiar with an incredible variety of small objects. i 9 6 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. Conjecturing, as the result afterwards proved, that they would have many curiosities or antiques, such as old coins, arms, and jewellery, brought to them to describe, they visited many museums. It is very evident, not merely from HOUDIN'S own account, but from what was practically shown in his public exhibi- tions, that in a few months the father and son added incredibly to their stores of knowledge or information, retaining a vivid picture of every object which they deliberately willed to remember. Having developed the eye-memory by hard work up to such a point that they could see a thing almost as clearly as if the original object, or indeed whole rows of such objects, were present, they found that the faculty, once well acquired, kept itself in action with ordinary practice. They now learned very readily the characters or letters of many languages, such as Greek, Hebrew, Chinese, Eussian, and Turkish, the names of all surgical instru- ments, and of many other technical objects. Walking through a library, they could recollect the appearance of whole rows of books, with the titles on their backs. There can be no question that EGBERT HOUDIN was an unusually clever man, of great powers of observa- tion and quickness, which had been greatly improved by the practice of juggling. Yet, making every allow- ance for his remarkable talent, I am all the more con- vinced that his experiences and discoveries indicate that the faculty of an indefinite development of eye-memory exists in every one, especially in the young, and that it will at some future day enter largely into education, and form its physical basis. Anybody can verify for himself the simple fact that any object may be eye-memorised by special study. No OF THE (UNIVERSITY, 197 casual observation, unaccompanied by the will to re- member, will enable us to do so much as can be effected by determined effort We may see a face a thousand times, and yet in most cases we cannot recall it so accurately for artistic purposes as if we had delibe- rately studied it a dozen times with that object. But it is especially to art students that I commend the practice of it. When you are copying an object, it makes a very great difference indeed whether you look very carefully at the original, and into its every condition, or merely glance, at and set down what you half observe and half imagine. For it is a fact that in the most accurate copying we draw largely upon our imaginations. We are copying, let us say, a vase or a book, and, having secured a general conception of its proportions, we proceed by speculation or fancy more than we are ourselves aware of. As I have already said, when the model is directly before the pupil, he does not generally study it carefully as a whole, nor observe or memorise the proportions of its different parts. He copies it simply part by part. Now I would urge that the wonderful power of eye- memory, or of recalling objects exactly as they appear, should be deliberately cultivated, especially in the young. I think that by practising as EGBERT HOUDIN practised with his son, and by competing as they com- peted, very remarkable results would very soon be obtained. The pupils need not be taken about to shop windows; shelves and tables at home, with objects arranged on them, would answer the purpose for primary lessons. The next step, which goes beyond all that EGBERT HOUDIN conceived, just as it transcends the ordinary I 9 8 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. object-teaching of the Kindergarten, is the photo- graphing some one object, as, for instance, a statue, so indelibly upon the eye and memory by the exercise of close observation, will, and renewal in the memory, that it can even serve as a visible model. In children who cannot draw, the faculty may be developed by examining them on maps and the relative boundaries of States. This is often done now, but when I was at school maps were indeed hung before the scholars, and we were required to learn them, yet it never entered into our teacher's head, or into our own, that the whole map might have been learned in less time by visual memory by looking at and closing our eyes, and recalling at first the different colours of the different States, and then their relative position, and finally their shapes. The method by which this process of getting, for instance, a map by eye, and even the peculiar processes by which different people will attempt it, are well described by Dr. HASLAM (" Sound Mind "), who in turn is commented on by Dr. A. L. WIGAN in his " Duality of Mind " (pp. 313, 314). But it would be well if children could all draw, since drawing and memory are great mutual aids. I quite agree with FROEBEL, the Kindergarten philo- sopher, that it is highly important that a child should acquire some facility in drawing even before he learns to read and write, since the representation of actual things should precede the representation of signs and words. In connection with the subject of object- teaching and drawing, EMILY SHIRREFF, the author of the "Intellectual Education of Women," observes that "it would be curious to inquire how much of the EYE-MEMORY. 199 loose thinking, the hazy perception of truth, which characterise the majority of even the educated portion of mankind, might be traced back to the absence of any definite impressions made in childhood in connec- tion with the instructions given to them. Outside the schoolroom they acquire definite impressions, but they are acquired at random, and may be wholly wanting in accuracy." The writers on the Kindergarten, and on object- teaching in connection with elementary drawing, have hit on a great truth in their endeavour to teach children to form definite impressions. But I doubt if any of them, or any one living, knows how inde- finite all our memories of objects are compared to what they might be. Object-teaching causes children to learn the appearance, names, and qualities of things. "And many persons," says Mrs. HORACE MANN, "object to it because it is playing with things, and the opposite of study." The cultivation of eye- inemory must, however, be admitted by the greatest enemy to all new ideas in education to combine all the discipline of intense study with all that is useful in object-teaching. It is the very opposite to any- thing like loose thinking or vagueness. It calls for the closest observation and the greatest exercise of the memory conceivable. Therefore it is good dis- cipline for the mind, therefore it should be a legitimate branch of education. But be it observed that this practice of the visual memory, while re- quiring intense application and much practice, is not disagreeable in the sense in which much study is disagreeable. In fact it cannot be pursued with profit an instant after it becomes wearying. As soon 200 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. as you tire of it, then, in the words of WESTWOOD; "the visions flee and the dreams depart." The memory will only work of her own accord at this ; she will only remain as a willing guest. Force her, and she flies. On the other hand, success in the practice of visual memory is so encouraging that after we once realise our progress the most strenuous effort becomes in fact a voluntary pleasure. I conceive that for its cultiva- tion classes should be formed, at which maps, pictures, or any objects being shown for a minute, or for several minutes, those assembled shall endeavour to impress what is set forth on the memory. Now the difficulty at the very outset will be that many of those present, instead of literally getting the object ~by eye, and making the exertion necessary in the beginning, will perhaps unconsciously make up their minds at a glance as to what the object is, and then in their description or depicting make a clever enough superficial account. These are the ones who, in drawing from a model, look at it a thousand times, carelessly, and yet lose half of what they had gathered in every glance, and make it up by drawing as they think it ought to be not as they have actually seen it. Strictly honest work, and a desire to improve keenness of observation and accuracy of memory will soon remedy this defect. I attach great value to bold outline drawings, such as are used in primary classes, as introductory subjects lor such study. These, by their simplicity and the striking contrast between white and black which they present, make an impression which is easily retained by an effort of the will. If this impression be recalled frequently during a week, and occasionally revived by EYE-MEMORY. 201 study of the original, it will become permanent. Two things are to be observed in connection with this first study. Firstly, it is of the greatest importance that it be accurately and correctly conceived, since every error of method which you introduce into it will pro- bably be repeated in the second trial, and grow in strength with every successive effort. It is the first notes. of the birdling which are almost unchangeable. Secondly, that the more thoroughly it is effected the easier will the next experiment be. It is not advis- able that there should be any straining to learn the object in a hurry. Your mind may possibly be involuntarily distracted by some other cause. Your physique may be slightly disorganised. You may be constitutionally of the disposition which requires many gentle and gradual repetitions to impress anything on your memory. Hasten slowly. Practice in anything makes perfect. From outline drawings you may proceed to objects, from simple objects to statues and the human figure. I have spoken of people who can recall a piece of music, who can literally see in the mind's eye every note, and play from it. I have also mentioned the clergy- man who learned his sermons by eye. I think that this might be effected by beginning with a single line, let us say a text or a proverb, very legibly written in bold, thick letters, at least an inch in length, and in learning them perfectly by eye, care being taken that the imagination shall have no part in rewriting them on the memory. The number of lines may be increased and their size diminished as the power of acquisition is developed. We all know that, in some way, this power of 202 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. recalling objects vividly is latent in us, , We read familiar books in our dreams, we see the departed, we recall past scenes in reveries, we sometimes imagine faces and remember them after waking. In fevers and in similar states of nervous excitement we think that we see phantoms mingling with real objects. What we thus create involuntarily, in an unhealthy con- dition, we can also produce healthily, and subject to the laws of reason, by voluntary action. In these dreams, scenes are recalled by association. I have already said that the awaking in our memory of every detail of a scene connected with some startling inci- dent is a fertile theme with novelists. I shall never forget the wonderful, the magnificent sunset which followed the burial of WASHINGTON IRVING. The western sky, like a vast sea of golden fire, in which were islands of a deeper crimson glow, as though Heaven had thrown its glorious gates ajar to welcome the ascending soul, will always be impressed on my memory. I have doubtless in my time seen sunsets as beautiful in the Far West on the prairies, on the plains of Eussia, or in Egypt ; :but I cannot remember any of them as I do that one on the Hudson. It may perhaps be thought that as all of this is so generally the result of involuntary action, there is no connection to be established between it and the will. Those who would understand this problem, so iar as it has in all probability been solved, may read what CARPENTER has said in his " Mental Physiology " of primarily and secondarily automatic motion. What I assert is that the will can stimulate involuntary or automatic motion. Did it never happen to you that you cannot recall a certain tune until you by an EYE-MEMORY. 203 exertion remembered the place where you heard it, or the person who played it ? Sometimes, in order to remember a certain remark, you must first recall the time of year when you heard it, then the city in which you were, then the house in which you dined, and finally the person who was seated by you who made the remark. All of these preliminary steps are recalled by deliberate, voluntary action. It is not necessary to enter into a metaphysical analysis of theories of free will and causation. You will probably admit that we can revive, in a more or less perfect form, when we choose, that which we remember, and that the vividness of these memories can be increased by practice. The practice of eye-memory stores the mind with beautiful images, and increases our artistic sense. It may be developed so as to place at our disposal gal- leries of pictures and statues, scenes in the opera, landscapes, or picturesque bits, the forms and faces of friends, or, in fact, whatever we have seen. It may be denied by many that such a power exists in us to such a degree, but I venture to assert that, among all who are present, there is probably not one who has done his best to develop it. For there is no mental faculty involving so much which is useful or curious which has received so little attention. I will now enter upon an abstruse and yet very practical phase of eye-memory, which is also closely analysed by CARPENTER and CLARKE. EGBERT HOUDIN, in his autobiography, carefully explains that whilst performing his Second Sight he always practised a double consciousness. That is to say, while performing his trick, he at the same time kept in mind the 2o 4 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. objects which be had memorised. In fact, he lays much greater stress upon this double or simultaneous action of the mind than upon the extraordinary feat of getting thousands of objects by heart. Every juggler will understand this. Every juggler knows what " working" means. It means, while substituting an object, or effecting " hanky-panky " by manipulation (which requires the shrewdest mental action), to divert the attention of the audience at the same time in another direction. Should he even tell you that at exactly nine o'clock he would pick up a rabbit, with his right hand, from behind a screen, and put it into a hat before the audience you would not see him do it. Because at that very instant he would raise his left hand and snap his fingers in the air, or point to something. If there were a thousand persons present, every eye would be caught and drawn away by the left hand, and during that instant the rabbit would be taken out and put in the hat, and nobody present would see it. To do this, the juggler must exert a double action of the mind. The simplest form of this is seen in the child's trick of rubbing one hand up and down on the chest, while you pat your head with the other. EGBERT HOUDIN illustrates this by telling us that while obliged to study law in his youth, he, while reading, used to keep tossing four balls in the air. Now there is certainly the same double action of the mind while drawing. It requires thought to observe the model or to form the ideal in the mind, and it also requires thought to perform the action of drawing. You cannot get over this by saying that the drawing becomes merely mechanical. While I EYE-MEMORY. 205 have been writing this lecture I have thought of the formation of every letter while I wrote. There are people who are said to write mechanically, but I cannot. Should I do so my writing would be illegible, even to myself. You would say, perhaps, that to do two things at once must detract something from both. I find invariably that the more I think about something else, the more carefully I write. Ladies say that they can sew best while talking. I have heard of an actress who was never so thrilling in her tones, never so heartrending, as while embracing her rival : she was at the same time pinching her. This was also a double action of mind. There used to be something of the same kind when I was at college, among the young gentlemen who read novels in chapel during sermon-time. Yet, on reflection, I doubt if in this instance the mental action was exactly balanced. I have met in my life with two instances of sculptors, both Frenchmen, who required but a single glance at any man to be able to model a perfect likeness of him. One of these artists, M. GARBIELLI, once took an admirable and very expressive portrait of JAMES GORDON BENNETT, whom he had seen only once, as the original went by rapidly in a carriage. A very curious instance of the length of time during which a picture may remain accurately impressed on the memory is shown in a feat performed by Mr. JOHN SARTAIN, well known as one of the ablest advancers of art in Philadelphia. Thirty-five years ago, when the old Academy of Fine Arts in Chesnut Street was burned, there perished in the fire a very valuable picture by MURILLO, entitled " The Roman 206 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. Daughter." Very recently Mr. SARTAIN has drawn it from memory. And Dr. ABERCROMBIE tells us that in the Church of St. Peter, in Cologne, the altar-piece is a fine picture by RUBENS. This was carried away by the French in 1805, but a local painter made from memory a copy which seems to be absolutely perfect. The original has been restored, and the copy is pre- served along with it, and even when rigidly compared it is impossible to distinguish one from the other. There is in Philadelphia a gentleman named JOHN RYDER, a JESSUP student at the Academy of Natural Sciences. I am told that he has the power of instan- taneous observation, and of subsequently copying, to a degree which far transcends anything I have as yet heard of. Thus, having seen but for an instant any of the rapidly moving animalcules in any medium through a microscope, he will, produce a perfect like- ness of it, admirably coloured and shaded. I am under obligation to Mr. D. S. HOLMAN, the Actuary of the Franklin Institute, for this curious and valuable illustration of the advantages of eye-memory, And since recording this instance I learn that Dr. JOSEPH LEIDY, of Philadelphia, possesses the same power to as great a degree. One of the first physicians in Baltimore has informed me that there is in that city, a patient of his, a gentleman who possesses eye-memory to a degree far transcending anything of the kind on record. He can recall, it is said, visually, entire books which he has read years ago, and remembers anything he reads whenever he exerts the determination to do so at the time of perusal. I know personally a lady, Mrs. ELEANOR MEREDITH, EYE- MEMORY. 207 a teacher in Philadelphia, who at one time, in conse- quence of illness, lost her mental memory. In order to restore it, she practised getting poetry by heart, beginning with a poem of LONGFELLOW'S' of about 300 lines. She could not learn it as she wished, but the result of strenuous effort was its visual acquisition, every line and mark becoming visible at will. After a time the lady's original memory returned. This case is curious, as indicating an absolute difference between " mental " and visual memory. I have also met with another lady teacher in the same city, who was induced to turn her attention to art by finding herself possessed, to a remarkable extent, of eye-memory. A certain landscape, which she could recall at will, delighted her so much that she determined to draw it. It was her first effort, and after many trials she succeeded in pro- ducing a tolerably good picture. There is a waiter in New York who is much employed at balls to superin- tend the guarda rola. He can identify the owners of five hundred hats in one evening. He does this by associating the face of the wearer with his hat and recalling it by eye-memory. " I put the face under the hat, and then I know whose hat it is," he says. I know a hotel clerk who remembers with an accuracy which is literally marvellous every trunk which comes to the hotel. There are in America many hotel-keepers who, like the late Mr, WILLAHD, rival MITHRIDATES in their memory of faces. I learn that in the Art School of Boston the prac- tice of drawing with the model removed, as at St. Petersburg, is followed with happy results. I think that, after what I have said on this subject, that no one who will carefully examine it can jfcubt thatthe ^.SE L1BR^\ OF THE \, .UNIVERSITY) 208 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. application of eye-memory to free-hand drawing can have anything but happy results. It must be re- membered, however, that it requires patience. The faculty is, so to speak, not only dulled and blunted in us by never having been used, but is changed by having been vigorously developed in other directions. There- fore I trust those who experiment on it will persevere, and not be discouraged because the experiments of a few days do not yield marvellous results. There is a faculty so closely allied to eye-memory as to be effectively identical with it. This is quick comprehensiveness, or rapidity of sight with intelli- gence. It is the art of seeing and understanding objects completely, even when in motion, in less time than the great majority of people take in so doing. Educationally its practice would form the next step beyond that of eye-memory. It has also to a degree been applied in object teaching. Eye-memory stores the memory with phenomena ; quick comprehensive- ness gives rapidity of perception and of thought. For merely mechanical rapidity of observation, induced by mechanical methods, will awaken mental activity at last, even in very ^dull minds. I regret to say that almost the only people who appear to thoroughly cultivate this invaluable accomplishment are thieves and detectives. It is usual, in training young sneak thieves, for the preceptor, holding a variety of small objects in one hand, to open and close the hand rapidly, and to require his pupils to ascertain at a glance what he holds. They rapidly attain an amazing cleverness and quickness in such perception. A boy thus trained is sent out ostensibly to beg. He obtains admission to a kitchen ; he may get. a glimpse of a EYE-MEMORY. 209 drawing-room, and with that glimpse he takes in everything, remembers everything, and returning re- ports what he has seen. There are other people, not thieves, who develop the same faculty in observing what is none of their business. They pry and peer about here and there, and go home with what they have got to gossip it. This power of unusual quick- ness of perception, seldom acquired by honourable practices, is generally transmitted to children. It becomes hereditary, and may then be honourably applied. I have had much experience of gypsies, and have observed among them a great development of this faculty. Those petty swindlers who go into shops and practice what is called ringing the changes, or cheating in making change, also develop remarkable quickness of perception. Italians are supposed to acquire it by playing morra. Civilisation and ordinary education rather repress this faculty than develop it. It is to be regretted that an accomplishment which is capable of contributing so much to our general in- telligence, and to the exercise of all our intellectual faculties, should really be deliberately cultivated chiefly by the vicious and the mean. 1 On the other hand, the detectives who hunt these foxes are obliged to become almost as clever. Many years ago Chief Marshal STEVENS, of New York, told 1 There is a class of criminals in Germany called chcdfen, who steal gold coins while pretending to purchase them. They develop powers of quick perception and of adroit rapid fingering which seem miraculous. One will literally as quick as a wink convey ten napoleons into the palm of his hand by its fingers, almost under the eye of the shopman, or during the second in which his glance is diverted. The power is acquired by practice from childhood. (Die Jiidischen Gauner in Dcutschland, Berlin, 1848, von A. F. Tkidc.) O 210 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. me that he wished to ascertain the character of a man who occupied a certain room which was always kept carefully closed against all intruders. One day he knocked, and the door was opened a few inches for an instant. During that instant his keen eye took in all the contents of the room. He saw that it was hung all round with suits of clothes of a very varied description ; he knew at once that they were used for disguise, and observed that some of these disguises were the same as those which had been worn by the man whom he " wanted." One of the most intelligent men whom I have ever known is EGBERT WALKER, Inspector of Police in London. He says that most people, as they walk along a street, look habitually chiefly to the right hand, and that newly enlisted policemen are trained to overcome this habit and look to both sides, so as to become generally observant. I have spoken of the fact that children receive and retain visual impressions better than grown people. I certainly should not omit to state that Mr. FRANCIS GALTON has remarked that women are endowed with this faculty to a much greater degree than men. This great observer has remarked, in Nature, that women are not only better gifted than men with what he calls " mental imagery," but that they surpass us in the readiness with which they appreciate the scope and sense of inquiry into it. He says : " I have been astonished to find how superior women usually are to men in the vividness of their mental imagery, and in their powers of introspection. Though I have admirable returns from many men, I have frequently found others, even of the highest general ability, quite unable for some time to take in the meaning of such questions EYE-MEMORY. 211 as these : c Think of some definite object, say your breakfast table, as you sat down to it this morning, and consider carefully the picture that rises before your mind's eye. Is the image dim or fairly clear ? Is its brightness comparable to that of the actual scene ? Are the objects sharply defined ? Are the colours quite distinct and natural ? ' &c. On the other hand, I find the attention of women, especially women of ability, to be instantly aroused by these inquiries. They eagerly and carefully address them- selves to consider their modes of thought, they put pertinent questions, they suggest tests, they express themselves in well-weighed language and with happy turns of expression, and they are evidently masters of the art of introspection. I do not find any par- ticular tendency to exaggeration in this matter either among women or men ; the only difference I have ob- served between them is that the former usually show an unexpected amount of intelligence, while many of the latter are as unexpectedly obtuse. The mental difference between the two sexes seems wider in the vividness of their mental imagery and the power of introspecting it than in respect to any other combina- tion of mental faculties of which I can think." After such a compliment from such a man it would be indeed ungrateful should the ladies who may meet with these remarks neglect the subject. As summary and conclusion, I would remark that the development of eye-memory, to a greater or less extent, is within the power of almost everybody. No accomplishment affords such lasting pleasure, and it costs nothing. It can be exercised at any odd time without any preparation. In acquiring it stick to one 2i2 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. subject until you can recall every detail of its shape and colour. Kemember that with young people the development of quick observation in a merely mechanical manner leads invariably to widely varied intellectual quickness of perception. A quick eye leads to a quick mind, and a quick eye may be developed by training. And I trust that, from what I have said, you will agree with me that eye-memory, though it is as yet little studied, is destined to exert, at no distant day, a great influence on art and on education. Since the foregoing lecture was written I have collected many additional instances of eye-memory. Its occurrence is so frequent that I venture to say that by proper investigation it may be found to exist in one of every ten or twelve persons. Many exercise it unconsciously. It is very common among musicians. One lady tells me that she invariably and involuntarily learns her music by eye-memory, which she gradually displaces by a directer and more sympathetic method. Of this I am certain, that the faculty is too common to be regarded as a very exceptional phenomenon. The following extract from a lady who is highly gifted both as an artist and scholarly writer illustrates what I have said : " BUSORAH, EL BEAR, ALGIERS, "ijth January 1881. "I received your lecture on eye-memory. Mrs. has set to work to teach her little boy on your plan, and she thinks he is very quick in learning by it. I believe that all artists must have more or less of the faculty of taking stock of objects at a glance. I remember going in one season to the private view of twelve studios, and as my friends declared it was quite impossible for me to remember distinctly so many pictures, I made afterwards a pen and EYE-MEMORY. 213 ink drawing of one picture from each studio. I hunted up those little sketches when I read your paper, and found that, feeble as they were, they brought the whole vividly before me again. Truly half the world never see anything, and if they could be induced to really use their eyes, their lives would become happier as well as more useful." I quite agree with my friend that if people could be induced to use their eyes more they would be happier. Occupation is the secret of half our happiness, and in the exercise of eye-memory there is a means of curious occupation ever open to every one without expense. Of its close connection with quickness of perception I need hardly speak, nor how it must draw out and support memory in connection with quickness, or how it would aid art or hand-work. One sense is not more nearly allied to another than are all these elements of education. In many relations eye-memory belongs as much to quickness of perception as to the creating memory. I have therefore given it a place by itself. In conclusion, I would beg those who are interested in eye-memory, firstly to read what has been written on the subject by FRANCIS GALTON, and again, whenever opportunity occurs, in a society of cultivated people, to introduce it. The chances are nine to ten that nearly all who are present will recall one or more instances of it. This I have tested many times. part B. ON TAKING AN INTEREST. WE have all of us met with many men and more women, who, to explain their ignorance of any branch of culture, or their indifference to it, declare in the most innocent manner that they "take no interest in it." This want of interest, as they intimate and believe, is a barrier put up by Nature between themselves and certain fields of knowledge, which barrier it were waste time to beat down. It cannot be denied that there are thousands, even among those whose education and associations should have given them common-sense, who hold the easy faith that, unless " gifted " with a genius for art, anybody is excusable for not drawing; that without a Pentecostal gift of tongues it is needless to study languages ; and finally, that without an " innate interest" it is sensible and proper enough not to care for anything except dress, domestic details, dissipation, and doing as other people do. For it is to be remarked that these people who are so kind to their own short- comings are all the more exacting within their own sphere of knowledge and accomplishment. I have heard of such a person asking a kindred spirit, "Do you like poetry ? " " Yes." " What kind of poetry ? " "Well, most kinds, except blank verse." "Now, I differ from you. My tastes are more serious. I like ABSOLUTE INTEREST. 215 blank verse best, and not the sing-song kinds." With people of such minds to like or not like poetry is quite the same as liking or not liking olives or tomatoes. It is a question de gustibus, and merely an accidental matter of taste. They have a general impression that blank verse is heavier than lyrical poetry in fact, more wearisome or disagreeable; and therefore more allied to " goodness." And as every sect has its extremists, so in Anglo-Saxony, especially in the western branch, there are some whose instincts lead them to feel, if not express, the opinion that absolute interest in its truest sense in anything is not altogether commendable. For it is allied to liking, to pleasure, to the agreeable, and it is well known to them that whatever is nice must be naughty if not nasty. In all this the saints and sinners of Philistia in fact agree. From learning lessons up to saving souls there are to be neither royal roads nor primrose paths. I once heard a preacher of this principle declare that we must " agonise" if we would see God. For there are men who have looked so long upon a cruel past that they give no glance towards a tender future, and have heard per aspera ad astra so often that they cannot think it right to get the stars without the stripes. Now if there were but a few people with such pro- clivities it would be of little law to any one. But in fact they are not few they are about us by thousands, they influence the press, they control our schools, and are felt in all our popular culture. They may not recognise themselves in the picture which I have drawn, but their works betray them. They may not be bigots, they may be liberal unto unbelief, but they agree in this, that they live in little limits, that they do not 2I 6 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. regard taking as great an interest as possible in all things as a duty, and that they would stint the whole world if they could to their own range of thought and knowledge. Now there is a great truth beginning to dawn on the world, which is, that the easier and pleasanter education is, the more the pupil will learn and become. We have lost out of our language, more's the pity, the Saxon weordan, but what a Latin flood has washed away a German wind may blow back again. There is no boy born who may not become all that is becoming and worth himself into all that is worthy if he can only be taught betimes to take an interest in what is truly interesting. Our whole present system of education bears the traces of bygone barbarism, of asceticism, Pharisaism, and cruelty. SOLOMON may have meant what he said when he declared that to spare the rod would be to spoil the child. It is possible that by sucli means he kept his stupendous harem in order. At the present day no one would take a Mormon, even though he had written a whole Proverbial Philosophy, as an authority in education. It may be remarked by the way that there is no country on earth where the chil- dren are more freely thrashed than in Utah, and none where they are so intolerably insolent, vulgar, and ill- bred. If we look into it, we find that there are many teachers and others who no more believe that study can be made attractive than work. They can remember that ADAM was cursed to work ; they do not reflect how much worse his lot would have been had he been cursed to be idle. " Allah ! " exclaims the wealthy Pasha in the Oriental story, " would that I had something WORK AND PLAY. 217 to do!" "0 Allah!" exclaims, it is true, at the same time, an overworked slave, " would that I had nothing to do ! " We assume too much that all work must needs be overwork, and much that is in our popular education makes it so. Between extremes, work is to a healthy and clever mind an instinctive desire. It is only when it is compulsory that we dislike it. The reader may have heard of the men who found it very hard to dig potatoes all day, but who did not mind playing at digging a cellar by moonlight. It has been observed by some philosopher that a boy can draw two hundred pounds' weight of other boys farther and faster than he can fifty pounds of coal. The merely sporting man who is simply a case of suspended intellect, or a grown-up boy, will play at coachman every day for months, when to be brought down to the road in earnest would crush him. Now work would lose its most repulsive features if we were not really urged by all authority, especially the social, to regard it as a curse and as vulgar. And it may be cheerfully conceded that while work was merely mechanical or brainless, and possibly performed, as in Aryan India, solely by subordinate races, caste must have arisen. Science and art are little by little identifying all labour with culture, thereby robbing it of the repulsiveness which it was the chief aim of that arch-snob and Philistine Satan to bring about. When this is clearly understood it will also be admitted that education may also be as attractive as it was once terrible. What is common to the reform of both abuses is to teach men and children to take an interest in what they do. He who takes a real interest in his work is never weary ; the boy who loves his book is always at play. 2i 8 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. I must admit that in this question between the curse and the attractiveness of labour, as in that of interest, I have chanced upon a vast problem which I cannot here fully investigate. In both cases it reduces itself to conservatism and progress. Wisdom bids the con- servative advance, and the progressionist to take no rash step forward. But I believe I may assume that it is now generally granted by the wisest and most experienced in education, that it is possible to make school attractive, and that the principle of this is to induce the pupils to take an interest in their studies. FOUKIEE, did great harm to the cause of labour by teaching that it could be based on la gaitte frangaise merriment and monkey-play. Mr. LONGFELLOW and many with him have made still more mischief by making its animus a grim and joyless determination to surpass all rivals, even though success should lead to nothing but a miserable solitary death. It is not that the work in itself shall be pleasant or its aims useful, according to the " excelsior " philosophy, but that he who is in it shall surpass all rivals or "go ahead." And there are many among the meaner sort, especially in New England, to whom this phase of vanity strongly appeals. I once knew a young man who was greatly admired among his friends as being very enterprising and ambitious, and who was beyond question very con- ceited. I was talking German with a German in his presence, when he expressed an earnest wish that he could do the same. Whereupon I assured him that with will he could easily learn it, and that I would gladly tell him how to do so. " Oh ! " he replied hastily, as if he feared I thought he meant to pay me a "EXCELSIOR" PHILOSOPHY. 219 compliment, "you don't understand me. I wouldn't give a snap to know German. It is only that it always makes me ' mad ' to have anybody know anything that I don't, or to hear one talk what I can't." Work can never in the world be mere amusement or pastime. He who works, though he be a child, should feel that there is a purpose in his work. When boys two hundred years ago were made to talk Latin to one another, they realised at once to what it led. When a youth is taught not merely to draw, but to apply that drawing to industrial art, he feels its practical use. Still less can work or study be based on the principle of competition, or that of " excelsior." This is even more injurious than the insane idea of making it " amusing." It induces ten or perhaps twenty per cent, in a college class to study hard, but discourages the rest. Why should it not ? Parents with few exceptions seriously hope or expect their sons to be among the very first, but the sons soon find that there are others cleverer and as resolute as themselves. There are parents who exact of boys of very moderate ability that their remaining at college must depend on being " first honour man," or near it. Among the vulgar whose motto is " excelsior," and who never think of travelling wisely along life's road, but simply of racing on it, more or less cleverness in children goes for nothing. "They have only to work a little harder to beat anybody and everybody." In the little world of school or college the same false ideas prevail, and the same false standard of study is adopted. Caste of a kind is as strong in such com- munities as in India. The studies in themselves are nothing to excel in them is everything. Teachers tell us that whether a youth be "crammed" or not, he 220 PKACTICAL EDUCATION. cannot be " first," unless he has thought, but " coaches " and crammers know far better. 1 It will be long, however, before professors will advocate the abolition of competition. They have gone on so long in the old way that they cannot easily learn a new one. And it cannot be denied, and I do not mean to deny, that to carry out the principles of improving the memory, developing quickness of perception, and awakening interest in studies, will require clever and earnest teachers. If half the wisdom which is wasted in America or even in England on petty personal politics were resolved into reform of education, it would be better for us in every way. Since the vast majority of men in the United States have at present actually no more to do with appointing their rulers than have the serfs in Eussia, since there are so few voters who have any part in governing beyond paying taxes, why do they not cease to take such an engrossing interest in what their lords and ringmasters or e reaction of true taste against machinery manufactures, that a remedy will be found against the error of the age. Here ends the practical part of the pamphlet. In the general remarks which follow, the writer remarks that boys and girls show equal capacity in design and APPENDIX. 249 modelling, but that in brass-work and wood-carving the males are masters. One of the greatest impediments which tasteful industry meets is the extravagant and be-puffed work popularly called art. Every one at this word thinks of statues and pictures, and even eminent men believe that artists are gifted with special inspiration, and that education must begin with a refined appreciation of great works. Yet true art for home decoration need be a mystery for none. The aesthetes preach how desirable it would be to bring the renown of RAPHAEL and of MICHAEL ANGELO down to the people, but they do nothing at all to make them under- stood. Now these artists were children of their time a time when every object was a work of art. And when this shall be the case with us, we too shall have again a KAPHAEL. Art training is conducive to morality. Boys trained in schools of which they love the work, and where they learn to get a living, will be kept from much idleness and mischief. Even men may learn, instead of talking petty politics or mere loafing, to converse on more sensible subjects. Young girls will be even more benefited by such occupation, by more readily obtaining places in factories or shops, or similar industries, or else as married women finding occupation for their leisure. In such an education there is also an economical factor, since by it every one can assure self-independence. This is the more accurate, since it is shown by the small cost of teaching design and modelling in the smallest schools. There can be no regular rule or system established for the sale of work, but nothing should be offered for sale which is not good, and the delight of pupils over their first produc- tions should be checked, to prevent an overestimate of what is worthless. But the most striking remarks made by LELAND are to be found in the last paragraphs of his pamphlet, and it must be admitted that what he says is as applicable to old -Europe as to young America. It is by introducing hand-work into schools that the popular prejudice against the " vulgarity " of "work" can be most effectually destroyed. Hitherto one has been regarded as a gentleman who had soft hands, and it was considered a sign of social superiority when a man. 250 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. r declared he had never done a day's work in all his life. Millions are still influenced by this idiocy. And this is so, because hand- work is really not as yet inspired or guided by culture and education. But by the application to it of art, and by its union with school studies, work will become honourable. The minor arts as practised are most intimately allied to the highest art, and to all that pertains to the most refined culture. Those who know them will also know the names of BENVENUTO CELLINI, of ALBERT DURER in a word, of all the great men who won the greatest fame in the most glorious of ages. Moreover, the practical knowledge of art which children thus acquire has this result, that they visit museums and collections with greater intelligence, and under- stand the bearings of the subject better than any amateur. LELAND made this experiment in person. He had read all that he could find in books on wood-engraving, but two days' work over a block taught him more than a library had done. " For of all learning since books were invented there was never aught like experience, and of all experience there is none like one's own." The introduction of these arts into schools is truly a question of the time, yet clubs and societies should every- where be founded, and even ladies' clubs formed in the smallest villages, to advance culture and become a source of profit. Last, not least, it must be admitted that the work is agreeable and easy to a degree which none would suppose who had not tried it ; and the author answered, when asked, as President of a Ladies' Art Club, what was the most re- markable in it, "The love of the students for their work." It is before all especially satisfactory to us to be able to prove that the idea propagated by the American LELAND of introducing work to public schools is of German origin. Apart from the views of AMOS COMENIUS and RATICH, PESTALOZZI was the first who made the experiment in his pauper-school at Neuhof in 1775, to busy children in summer with garden and field work, and in winter with spinning, weaving, and similar occupation. He was followed by FELLENBERG, SALZMANN, WEHRLI, and many more. Schools for poor and orphan children, above all for girls, were espe- cially established, as for example in Belgium, in the Saxon Erzgebirge, in Wiirtemberg, in Schleswig-Holstein, in which APPENDIX. 251 latter country care was taken by means of the KLEUTER schools to train boys to a trade. Yet these "were all rather tentative experiments than well organised and complete establishments. Since that time an abundant literature has been developed on this subject, unions have been established which devote all their energy to " instruction in manual dexterity and domestic economy," and whoever will read through the interesting proceedings of the Congress, held in Leipzig in June I882, 1 will clearly see that much work and many sacrifices must yet be required ere the full and proper results can be obtained. Among those men who in recent times took a leading part in making work a part of education we class Professor BIEDERMANN of Leipzig, whose important work appeared under the pseudonym of "KARL FRIEDRICH " in 1852. To this may be added the important aid in Austria of Dr. GEORGENS, who set forth his ideas in a newspaper in 1856, and Dr. ERASMUS SCHWAB, who published in 1873 an< l J ^74 his views as to work schools and school workshops. As regards BIEDERMANN FRIEDRICH, he requires that his method shall be entirely attached to the domestic home, " since an education without parental co-operation is irra- tional." The school itself is accordingly rather a support than independent. In the first year there is only manual work instead of study, and the abstract " pursuits of reading and writing are followed until the eye and hand are made accurate by practice." But practical instruction should be balanced with theoretical branches of knowledge. So there should be a garden with every school, wfyich the children are to cultivate, while they receive lessons in natural history and philosophy, chemistry, &c. The older pupils shall subsequently aid in work to be supplied by the local municipal government. As for housekeeping, the Kinder- garten is to be simply continued and extended, those things to be especially made which are of direct use in domestic economy or in the school. In its result, through this prac- tical education of children, the system is very intimately connected with the social life of the community. 1 Verhandlungen des Congresses fur Handfertigskeitunterricht und Hausfleiss von Dr. W. GOTZE, GERA, ISSLEIB, imd RIETSCHEL, 1882. 252 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. GEORGENS would establish the school on a similar basis. The problem is with him on a far greater scale than with FRIEDRICH, but differs as to the co-operation of the family in education, knowing very well that in general home gives but little aid to the school. SCHWAB has in common with both the principle of re- garding work as an element in the course of public schools, but he sets it forth in a much clearer if far narrower and pettier manner than his predecessors, thereby showing him- self as a real and practical schoolmaster. Work is for him the main motive in moral development, and the " mother of moral force in thought and deed," which ennobles the soul and matures as the best fruit independence and serene self- confidence. In the school there is to be that well-regulated work in common which tends to familiarise children with the social virtues. When this work in common is at present applied in the Kindergarten, with the best result, it ceases however in the seventh year, arid is not resumed till the fourteenth. Yet this is the age when all energies are in most active operation, tjiough they are not exercised, with the exception of the instruction of girls in sewing and similar pursuits. This is done with the purely practical intent that they shall help in the house, yet in the right hands it may be made a means of far higher training, since it need not be limited to theoretical knowledge of materials, implements, and the like, but may also lead to a love of work and habits of industry. Attention and patience, order, neat- ness, and economy may thus be obtained, and much frivolity and folly worked out of the mind. In like manner SCHWAB would establish a division of practical teaching for boys, or a school garden and a school workshop. In the latter the "minor arts'' are to be taught, such as LELAND requires for his industrial school. And here we return to the American and his system. It must before all be regarded as a great deficiency in his system of education that he pays no attention to the rural- industrial (landwirthscliaftliclie) or agricultural needs in education, 1 and so provides practically only preparation for 1 Professor KARL WERNER is quite right, as regards so much of my system as I have as yet published. But as originally conceived, and as it has been set forth in this book it will be seen that it must neces- APPENDIX. 253 trades. And yet if we consider that there are more country than town schools, the employment of children in gardens becomes of almost paramount importance. One is not, how- ever, to suppose that the school garden is of one whit less importance for city children than for those living in the country, 1 since it is exactly for them and for their unnatural sarily have been based on an entire and comprehensive theory not only of all industries, but of a far deeper reform. Had I begun in so prac- tical a country as America with preaching so much, I should never have succeeded in teaching ever so little. I have had in common with my friends of the School Board trouble enough to persuade people that there is any sense iir showing children how to prepare for trades : if I had offered to include agriculture, commerce, and housekeeping, it would have been entirely too much. It was not by writing books, but by putting my hand to the work, and practically teaching boys and girls in person, and showing the results, that I made that teaching known. When I first proposed to offer my system to be put in practice in the city of Philadelphia, a gentleman who had for many years been a leader in education and in the Board said to me, "There is no use in your preaching any theory of reform. It will all depend on your own per- sonal skill as a designer, a worker in brass, a wood-carver, and so on. Get up a lot of specimens of your work to show people. It is only as a man who can do these things practically and better than anybody else that you will be judged." This was effectively the same as if a man preaching a new religion had been required to prove its truth by sweeping out the church or taking up collections. But my friend was in the right, and it was by such work and personal teaching only that I succeeded in establishing the school. Fortunately aid came to me, "wie berufin," or as if invoked by the spell of need. Yet it was difficult, for it is a hard thing to theorise and prove by practice at the same time. C. G. L. 1 The bringing up of children in the country is destined to become a question of national importance when the nation shall pay as much attention to education as to the petty schemes of politicians. The old French nobility was probably preserved from utter deterioration by the keeping its children on farms under peasant foster-mothers until they were seven or eight years of age. The New York Tribune has of late years made a noble beginning in this reform by sending thousands of poor children to pass the summer in the country. The testimony which Mr. JAMES GREENWOOD has borne to the beneficial results of the "hopping season" on London children which I can confirm from personal observation, having known many London hop- gatherers is in this regard of great value. It is hardly possible to exaggerate the importance of this subject, since one-fourth, perhaps more, of all the deaths in New York city are of children under four years of age, and this could be reduced to a minimum by keeping the young out of the slums. How it is to be done is as yet among the problems, but it is simply a problem of life and death. Nearly allied 254 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. physical education that rural occupations are of the utmost importance. It is only during the pleasant part of the year that work can be carried on in the school garden ; in winter instruction may be given in the minor arts. And here it is to be advanced as of the greatest importance (als das Wiclitigste hervorzuheben) that LELAND lays far more stress on design and drawing than is to be found in the German and Austrian programmes. Not that drawing is really neglected here, but with the American the further development of the children is based exclusively on this, which in the European schools referred to is not to any such extent the case. In the latter it is only the means to an end, while with the former it plays an independent part, and is meant not only to develop freedom of hand and eye, but to lead to invention and to art itself. And in this we must decidedly give the preference to this system. Drawing thus enters into the ideal efforts of the school, as into the rest of its system or discipline, and so through this idealising tendency in all tlie branches of education the formation of fche children's character to which so much importance is universally attached is alone made possible. And as the practical realisation (Praxis] which the public school requires receives through this ideal the right beginning and the proper turn, and is thereby prevented from sinking to mere mate- rialism, which is for a child's heart utterly depressing. 1 From such a beginning a limitation of merely practical work results as a matter of course, and the saying that in school the pupil is not to learn to make works of art, but to it is the question as to whether it is a municipal duty to exterminate pestilential slums and rookeries, in which poverty forces weakness into vice. The coming generation will find much to amuse it in comparing the philanthropy of this age and much of its expenditures with the hideous truths of our neglect of the simplest and most apparent home duties. C. G. L. 1 Whatever power a boy above fourteen may have to grapple with the stern realities of life, it is absolutely impossible to train mere chil- dren to their full capacity without allowing play for the ideal or the imaginative. Teach a child that agriculture, commerce, housekeeping, or art is a whole a great and marvellous thing, yet really within his grasp and he will grasp it. It is as if he were told that he could be a doctor or a farmer almost in play, and yet in earnest truth. I can stimulate pupils to their utmost effort by gravely addressing them as if they were skilful adult artisans. C. G. L. APPENDIX. 255 how they should be made, becomes a truth. The school workshop is here no mere shop, and the industrial develop- ments are far from mere trades. In fact no mere trade would be taught at all, but simply the mechanical faculties exercised and developed, and the soil, so to speak, prepared for work. The impulse to some practical occupation, whicli is innate in every man, and which in the FROEBEL Kinder- garten is awakened in tender years, must and shall be satisfied, but taste at the same time must be developed and the intellect ennobled. And on this very ground we should consider the question so often put by "people of quality:" "Why need our children learn design and modelling, wood-carving and stencilling, and all these arts 1 They will never earn their bread by these or by any hand-work, for they are meant for higher studies." Now it is precisely because they will not: have the opportunity later in life of developing this instinc- tive impulse that their taste and touch should be trained in childhood, and therefore they ought to learn betimes. A much more natural objection to the whole system is to be found in the obvious question, " Well, if this education to work is really so extremely necessary, why was it not long ago practised." One cannot escape by saying that we now for the first time see into its importance, since teachers have now for nearly a century studied the subject. In fact we have long had schools for teaching feminine arts to girls. But there are many reasons why we were not so ready to introduce innovations of such a deeply searching nature to public schools. Firstly, we do not as yet see clearly into the object and scope of all that is to be taught, or how far we can carry out the theoretical pursuits indicated, because the time and local circumstances must be studied or deter- mined. It was soon and easily discovered how to prepare and equip schools for girls' work. The scope of what is necessary or useful for future life is here far more limited. It is much harder to make a choice as to what work shall be taught in boys' schools, for there are a thousand directions in which men labour. Here there is no equal uniformity as with girls, for the field for masculine labour has indeed almost infinite sub-divisions. Now we cannot precisely determine the future calling or trade, but we can teach 256 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. general practical principles, and these in such a manner that the teacher cannot miss nor the pupil misunderstand them. Therefore we cannot lay down an exact course for every school, because the teaching of the minor arts depends on the materials to be obtained in certain places, or on the tastes or occupations of the people around, and on a hun- dred other conditions. Yet where the codification is diffi- cult or almost impossible, the deliberate German who likes to advance securely, and does not plunge headlong into new experiments, is not so easy to initiate. And again, it may be asked, where does school training cease and family training begin? How far can or must the home be made to prepare for the school ? And, in further consequence, how far shall the municipal authority take part in establishing and supporting schools for teaching trades to boys, since thus far there is so little general and primary occupation for them. Would it not be better to leave it entirely to the parents to prepare for the future calling, and leave the special training to the school. 1 1 Apropos of choosing a calling, I had a pupil familiarly called SAM who distinguished himself by good behaviour and cleverness. He soon learned to design so well that I sold some of his patterns. He also worked in brass. I did not fail to impress it on his mind that he had become in fact a practical workman, since he could produce something by which he could live. When he was fourteen years old he left school, and a few days after his father asked him what he intended to do for a living. " I intend," said SAM, " to be an apothecary. I have thought it over, and it is a good business." "I don't know about that," replied his father ; " I am afraid that I cannot afford the expense." ''It is too late to consider that, father," replied SAM. "You know that I had saved up forty-five dollars to buy a watch. Well, I took my watch-money and paid the matriculation fees, and have entered myself for a course of chemistry. To-morrow I am going to try to find some druggist who will take me in his store for practical educa- tion." Now it was not because SAM had learned to draw or beat brass that he developed so much young American independence, but I am sure that the consciousness that he could take care of himself as a practical artisan had been partially brought out by work. This was the view which his father took of it. He said I had given SAM confidence that he could take care of himself. The industrial school does to a cer- tain degree make boys and girls think of themselves as possible future independent workers. Girls who would not have thought much in the ordinary school about an occupation often hazard the conjecture or form the determination to become teachers of art. I have observed numerous instances of this. C. G. L. APPENDIX. 257 That this is not the method to be adopted is sufficiently shown by what has been said, but the difficulties refer in the main to the establishment of such industrial schools, and it may be definitely said that thus far in Europe we have only made experiments with such institutions. Wherever we look, be it to Sweden or Denmark, to Switzerland or Germany, we find different arrangements and different views as to the kinds of work and the order in which they are to be taught. Thus, for example, in the Gorlitzer School of Ready Practice (Handfertiykeitsschule), which consists of a course of one year, there are united pupils from the most different schools, and of the most different ages. BEUST in Zurich teaches by groups, while GOTZE in Leipzig advocates teaching work in classes. As for Austria, such institutions are as yet unknown to her, but every day there is more discussion of the subject of industrial teaching, and whoever has read DUMREICHER'S brilliant pamphlet " On the Problems of the Policy of Education in the Industrial Towns of Austria," and paid attention to the latest message of the Minister of Culture and Education on schools for training to callings and trades, must admit that we can no longer put aside the " education to work," but that we must soon organise it. But we are taking a roundabout way to our work. Here we are establishing " great trade centres of education, in which the progressive school system (Foribildungscliulwesen) of each province may find its intellectual point of support." From this basis of operation the minor institutions for teaching industries may be organised. With regard to our present condition, this seems to be the best way, " since all educa- tional institutions which are open to voluntary pupils are formed by the natural development of culture in the people, and therefore they grow like all other forms of social life." That is accordingly the present predominating practical principle which will tend to spread the material of culture into wider and wider circles, and which aims at a substantial calling as well as a substantial social condition corresponding to it. This has, however, less to do with the actual school basis, as it is especially shown in the public schools, at most only so far as there is also " an education of the industrial classes." The problem of the popular^schools Consists how- /<&& LlB^lw f OF THE n ~ \ (UNIVERSITY) V />,,* .,,4. s 258 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. ever in the education of all, not merely of the working classes, and it may, according to what must be called "educating to work," be formed at the same time with the organisation of industries, since the dexterity acquired in the lowest classes will be of avail in the upper. There will be indeed a vacancy filled in our public education, for as SCHENKENDORFF of Gorlitz correctly remarks, " the present generation is beyond all things being intellectually educated, while all that could lead men to action is left aside. Hands and eyes remain untrained, so that we find everywhere want of tact or dexterity and of practical common sense ; yes, even as regards simple sanitary relations, there is fault to be found, since, as HARTWICH says in his monograph, " What we suffer in," " If we overload the brain in the years of growth, and thereby chain the body to the bench in the schoolroom, the natural result will be intellectual smattering and bodily weakness." But the greatest difficulty which we shall encounter for such work in the public schools is the want of properly prepared teachers. It seems therefore a little sanguine when LELAND simply requires from the teacher that he shall -be able to draw a little, 1 because he can then with the help 1 It is enough that the teacher shall be able to draw a little, if he has the ability to learn, and that rapidly. An intelligent class of adults with a good handbook, or manual, and copies, may even dis- pense with a teacher. It is not generally advisable, but it may be done. It was precisely because I was confronted by the difficulty which suggested itself to Inspector WERNER, that I said this, to en- courage the vast majority of people who, especially in the United States (it is less the case in Germany), ignorantly believe that to draw at all, much more to design, requires either innate "genius" or extra- ordinary labour. It is hard at present to find teachers for industrial schools, but it is not hard for those who are fit to teach at all to form elementary art classes and teach and learn together even drawing. It is hardly worth saying that for the higher and better endowed schools the teachers should of course be able to draw not a little, but well. Experience has however taught me that by the system which I follow, and which has been briefly explained in the preceding pages, a mere child who has drawn very little indeed often makes as rapid progress in design as a grown-up teacher who has passed through all the years of a regular course in a first-class art school. And it is design, not simply very good drawing, which is required for proficiency in the minor arts. If it be true, as I have asserted, that decorative design and these arts are easily learned by mere children and all the East and the Tyrol and Spain prove it is it not reasonable that tfiey can be as APPENDIX. 259 of good manuals easily master the other branches. We believe that the teacher must not only be able to draw very well, but that he should know exactly in teaching drawing what method to adopt, and what the results are to be. For he must take an active and practical part in the minor arts which he is to teach. He must be a master of the material with which he is to deal, and all this is not to be done in a hurry, or without previous preparation. On this account care has been taken here and there to practically educate teachers. At Naas in Sweden, at Emden, where Kittmeister CLAUSON VON KAAS teaches, in Dresden, and even in Gorlitz, there are such courses for teachers, since it has been understood that only real teachers can take boys in hand, and that there is not much use in setting even an experienced workman to teach, though he should do it under the eye of the master. 1 In Austria such a course for teachers could be established at small expense in our admirably organised and generally well furnished normal schools. And this the pupil could further develop in the public school. Of course the establishment of work-rooms in the public schools would entail expenses which would fall on the corn- easily mastered by a teacher, who, though he may be but a little in advance of his pupils, can still lead them. If I had begun by telling the world that no classes or elementary schools could be carried on without teachers who could "draw very well indeed," it would have been many a year ere the hundreds of schools and classes which " Cir- cular No. 4, 1882," called into existence would have been established. Such a system, however, works more promptly in a country where the people act for themselves. What effectively settles the question is the fact that hundreds of classes have been formed and successfully con- ducted by ladies and gentlemen who had a slight or amateur knowledge of drawing with the aid of my Manual of Design and Drawing. It is intended that a greatly enlarged and very much simplified and improved version of this Manual shall appear with this work on Practical Edu- cation. It will be arranged in series of easy consecutive lessons. C. G. L. 1 This does not agree with my experience. But be it observed that in the two hundred schools or classes of the Home Arts Association in England, the teachers, and able ones at that, have always been found when they were wanted. This has been fully proved by the remark- able excellence and great variety of the work shown in the annual exhibitions held in London of the work executed in classes in all parts of Great Britain. C. G. L. 2 6o PRACTICAL EDUCATION. munity. But when we read the list which LELAND gives of objects required for equipment and study, or the demands made by SCHWAB in this matter, it is evident that the expenses are by no means so great but that an intelligent municipal government, or where this is too poor, societies or private benefactors, may aid in the need. 1 It is not im- possible that these schools can be self-supporting, since such work as is worth anything can be sold, and the profit appropriated to the school fund. Certain communes can adopt the system and try the experiment, and from these roots branches may extend in every direction. We miss one thing in LELAND'S programme, as well as in that of Germany and Austria. How, for instance, the art schools are to be brought into accordance with the public schools, as they have hitherto existed ; how much time should be given to each theoretical or practical branch ; and how many pupils can be taught in a single class, &c. 2 This union of the industrial with the public school as it has been is, however, the head and cardinal question of 1 It has been found in the hundreds of schools and classes for industrial art work established in England and America that societies or private benefactors have always come forward to aid the work, and that so generally that this aid may be always confidently relied on. Very recently the Home Arts Association received an anonymous gift of ^650. I avail myself of this opportunity to thank the giver in the name of the Association. C. G. L. 2 I have stated in the pamphlet under review that my classes accord with the public school in this way : the pupils are excused from two hours every week of the regular course of study in order to attend my school. They make up this lesson at home. I have also stated that about one hundred hours is the minimum in which pupils can attain sufficient knowledge of design for practical purposes, and also become familiar, e.g., with modelling or wood-carving. I do not mean by this that the boys and girls become artists at all, but that they do in this time learn to produce designs fit to work out, and panels or ornaments which will compare with common work and sell, may be seen by any one who will visit the schools, or examine the engravings after photo- graphs of our school work which were published in The Century. I have received a great many orders for designs for brass work, and these have been in every instance executed to the perfect satisfaction of the purchaser by pupils from thirteen to fifteen years of age. For these designs they have received from 50 cents to $2 each. As for the number of pupils which can be taught in a single class, it depends on capacity, circumstance, and age, to say nothing of the teacher. C. G. L. ' APPENDIX. 261 the whole affair, if it is to be represented as capable of existing. The entire overthrow of the present system and a complete renewal will provoke absolute opposition among the public, which is with difficulty brought to understand anything new. As it is, especially in one or two-class country schools, difficult in the limited time allowed for teaching to get through the appointed studies, or do anything in addition to the regular reading, writing, and arithmetic how much more impossible does it seem to add to these other branches, or, as they may be called, "practical hours of practice." Where the children live near the school it may be done, but in the country, where the children often go four or five miles over a bad road to school, say in mountain land, where the days in winter are still dim at eight in the morning, and are dark at four in the evening, there can be no increase of school hours. Nor is it much better in summer, when the days are long, for the school garden, since then the parents need the elder born to aid in thrifty home work or afield. It is in this that the greatest difficulty lies how to prac- tically carry out the idea of the industrial school. Yet this "time question" is after all only a question of time, and presents no difficulties that will not be overcome. Work will be introduced to schools, and children become familiarised with it, for whoever has learned to love it in youth in any form will never in later life yield to idleness, be his rank or station what it may. And then the moral and aesthetic gain of the individual in the strife of life will show itself in the progress of the whole. CARL WERNER 262 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. II. EEPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF EDUCA- TION IN THE UNITED STATES ON THE LELAND SCHOOL IN PHILADELPHIA. From the Report of the Commissioner of Education (General JOHN EATON) for the United States for the year ending 1883. THE PUBLIC INDUSTRIAL ART SCHOOL OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. 1 This school was established under the direction of CHARLES G. LELAND, and opened on the first Tuesday in May 1881. It was maintained by an appropriation from the funds of the School Board, under control of the art committee, Messrs. WILLIAM GULAGER, WRIGHT, SHEDDON, and COOPER. This appropriation for the first two years was $1500, but only half the sum was spent by the school, the rest being devoted to teaching drawing in other schools, to an exhibition, &c. 2 The school began with 150 pupils of from twelve to fifteen years of age, all sent from the public grammar schools, each teacher of which was allowed to select a limited number of applicants. Nine-tenths, if not more, of these were from thirteen to fifteen years old. They were divided into two classes of about seventy-five each one attending on Tuesdays from three to five P.M. ; the other on Thursdays, at the same hours. A class in brass repousse was held on Saturday afternoons from two to five. All the pupils were obliged to begin with lessons in design, 1 In America the word industrial is always used in its literal and correct sense, and does not suggest the reformatory or penitentiary. 2 Subsequently increased to $?ooo, when the number of pupils was raised to 200. Of this appropriation only about two-thirds was taken by the school. Apart from rent and warming the rooms the expense for each scholar did not much exceed at any time $5 (or l] annually. Out of this all the teachers, except myself, were paid salaries after the first year, and all expenses for materials, &c., defrayed. APPENDIX. 263 according to Mr. LELAND'S method of simple outline decora- tive work in curves. As soon as a boy or girl could make a design fit to be " put in hand " he or she was allowed to take up any branch of work taught in the school These other branches were embroidery, modelling in clay, with colour and glaze (or barbotine), and rudimentary decorative water and oil painting subsequently increased by carpenter's work, turning, inlaying in wood or marquetry, fret-sawing and cabinetmaking, mosaic-setting, and sheet- leather work (for covering furniture). There is no definite limit, however, as to the branches taught, the principle tested being this, that any pupil who can design and has learned to model in clay can turn his or her hand almost at once to any kind of decorative art. This has been fully tested, as there is no pupil in the second year who cannot turn his or her hand successfully to anything taught in the school. The seeing others work, the being in an atelier where many kinds of work are going on, teaches them to regard them all as one. The business of the school (i.e., purchasing art-materials, paying all bills, keeping the accounts, calling the roll, and looking after the children) was in the hands of Miss ELIZABETH KOBINS, who was also treasurer of the Ladies' Art Club. 1 The general direction of all branches of study, except design, which was taught by Mr. LELAND, was under the charge of Mr. J. LIBERTY TADD. The teacher of brass repousse was THEODORE HEUSTIS ; that of wood-carving, BERNARD UHLE ; of embroidery, Miss L. Moss, who also gave her labour gratis for more than a year. Being obliged to leave on account of ill-health, her place was filled by Miss ANNIE K. SPRINGER. Mr. LIBERTY TADD teaches modelling, painting, mosaic, and practical pottery, a throwing or potter's wheel, or apparatus for making vases, &c., having been provided. Carpentry, scroll- sawing, cabinetmaking, and inlaying or marquetry are taught by EUGENE BOWMAN (coloured). 1 Another institution, consisting of 200 ladies, who pursued the same branches as those taught in the school, with the addition of oil and china painting as usually practised, sketching from nature, and repousse* on pitch. There is such a club in most American cities and towns. Miss E. ROBINS is now Mrs. JOSEPH FENNELL. 264 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. The school was from the beginning, an experiment to fully ascertain what children could do, and not simply an insti- tute to teach art. A want of appreciation of this fact on the part of the public has been the source of the only troubles which the school has experienced. The general outcry has been, "Teach boys while at school a practical trade by which they can get a living." The LELAND experi- ment was made solely to find out what boys and girls are capable of learning. The result has been to prove beyond doubt that all children taking one or two lessons of two hours each in a week in an atelier, can in two years' time learn not one but several arts so well that they can obtain paid situations at almost any kind of employment. 1 On one occasion the head of a factory offered to take forty of the designing class at once into paid employment. No effort was made to sell the work of the pupils, but much valuable and beautiful glazed and coloured pottery was made, which had a high market value. The panels pro- duced by the wood-carvers, owing to the ability of the teacher, Professor B. UHLE, are decidedly superior to the average work seen in cabinetmaking or furniture. There are thirty boys and girls in this class (three coloured), and there is not one who could not earn by carving $9 (;i, 1 6s.) a week. 2 All of the pupils in this class can design a piece of work, model it in clay, and then carve it. All the wood-carvers are encouraged to make their work up in the carpenter's shop. Orders are sometimes received and executed. These are for designs, repousse, &c. It has been fully proved that if the rooms or building could be provided with an outfit, the school could be made to pay its expenses, as is the case with the MIDHAT PACHA School in Damascus. This would 1 The quickness of perception or intelligence awakened by industrial art work has an immense advantage over a single trade or merely mechanical work, in this, that it enlarges " the capacities " to such an extent that the learner easily masters any kind of calling or occupation. This truth is one very little appreciated by the public. 2 One of the pupils, a coloured boy, obtained a paid situation as carver in a factory while he was still working in the class. The carving executed by these pupils was of a much higher character and very far superior to any work of the kind by children in the London Health Exhibition of 1884. APPENDIX. 265 require a special out-of-door agent to solicit orders and sell goods. A close study of the pupils individually, and many inquiries by the director, developed these facts. (i.) That one or two afternoon's work in the week at the art school, fcr from interfering with the regular school studies, aids them materially. This is the opinion of the teachers in the grammar schools. 1 (2.) That the pupils in the art school began to take a greater interest in reading, and that in visiting exhibitions, or when seeing art work or tasteful manufactures, they criticise what is before them with more ability than grown persons display who have not been trained to understand design and its applications. (3.) That the children all regard the art work as being attractive as an amusement ; and as the drawing is not mere copying, but original design, they regard it also as agreeable employment. If the bell did not ring to summon them to cease, the pupils would apparently never leave off designing, modelling, mosaic-setting, wood-carving, &c. In one school of 87 pupils every one entered his or her name for a place in the industrial school. 2 From the same Report. PREPARATION FOR INDUSTRIAL ARTS. Two circulars of information were issued by this office in 1882 in response to this popular feeling and demand. One prepared by CHARLES GODFREY LELAXD of Philadelphia discussed the subject of industrial art in schools from a practical standpoint. The experience of the author enabled him to speak clearly on the topics presented, and to engage the attention of readers to unusual interest. About 50,000 1 The intermediate relaxation and change to hand -work is a relief and a healthy mental tonic. One needs to be personally employed in such a school for years, closely studying meanwhile the results, to realise the truth of this and of other statements in this work. 2 In every one of these cases the parents preferred requests that the children should be allowed to enter the industrial art school. This was after some understanding of its real nature had spread in tha community. 2 66 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. copies have been distributed to correspondents and appli- cants, and have produced marked results. The circular has been reviewed and warmly commended by educators in foreign countries. Thus KARL WERNER, Government In- spector of Schools at Salzburg, presented a review of Mr. LELAND'S circular and an outline of industrial efforts in European schools in the Liter arisclie Beilage der Montags Revue, Vienna, April 23, 1883, in which he remarks that " it was desired to introduce work itself to the school, and this is what is treated of in a pamphlet by CHARLES GODFREY LELAND, director of an industrial school in Philadelphia, who seems to have practically solved a problem for which Europe is yet hardly prepared." III. THE BRITISH HOME ARTS AND INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION. In the year 1880 I published a little work, entitled "The Minor Arts" (London, MACMILLAN & Co.), setting forth the methods for self-instruction in leather work, wood- carving, repousse, mosaic-setting, designing, and other branches of industry. The preface contained the following suggestion : "It is greatly to be desired that in every village, or in every district of the larger towns, ladies or gentlemen, able to draw, and who are interested in providing employment or in advancing culture among the poor, would found little societies or schools for teaching the arts set forth in this book, or similar ones. It would not be an expensive under- taking. A room with tables and chairs, a supply of cheap leather and leather waste, old newspapers, wood, sheet-brass, paste, glue, and tools would be easily provided, and the school, if properly managed, soon pay its expenses, and pre- pare and qualify with taste applicants for many trades and callings. Such schools would supply both amusement and instruction for old and young, and effectually promote an elementary and general knowledge of art. Drawing alone APPENDIX. 267 is not sufficiently attractive for the ignorant and uneducated, but there are few \vlio will not practise one or more minor arts. It would be well if circles, clubs, or societies could be formed among young people of every class for the same pur- pose, and for mutual instruction. I venture to assert that with the instructions given, and a little knowledge of the simplest elements of drawing, the majority of pupils would in a few weeks attain a practical mastery of all of which it treats. I shall only be too happy to communicate by letter with any one forming such schools, classes, or circles, and give any advice in my power as to their organisation or minor details." It was in accordance with this suggestion that Mrs. JEBB, of Ellesmere, Shropshire, established, firstly, a class in art in her own village, and then others by the aid of friends. All of these formed a league or union for mutual aid and sup- port. In time ladies and gentlemen in all parts of Great Britain joined in the undertaking, and in November 1884 it finally took the form of the Home Arts and Industries Association. This society at present has two hundred classes in different villages arid towns, and the number is rapidty increasing. The association consists of honorary members who contribute each a guinea and upwards annually, working members paying only half-a-crown. Training classes for voluntary class-holders and other members are now being held at the rooms of the association, i Langham Chambers, Langham Place, London, "\V. In these classes instruction is given in the various minor arts. Eeaders are invited to visit them. Any one wishing to join them can do so by paying one pound a month for instruction in two branches, or on other terms by arrangement. Independent art classes, wherever they exist, are invited to join, or correspond with the association. Those who wish to establish new ones of any kind may do the same very much to their advantage. They will receive advice, be supplied with the leaflets or brief manuals of instruction, and with designs and models for teaching, either gratis or at cost price, and they will also have the right of exhibiting the work done in their classes at the Annual London Exhibition, the first of which was held in July 1885, at 3 Carlton House Terrace. ' 268 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. Ladies or gentlemen who will form clubs of five full paying subscribers will be admitted as working members, and em- powered to act as associates to establish classes, and receive all aid needed. All members will be cordially received at the weekly meetings of the association. There have been held three annual exhibitions of the work furnished by the classes from all parts of Great Britain. They contained specimens of carved wood-work, embracing much furniture of a superior description, a great variety of very beautiful pottery, embroidery, repousse* metal work, spinning, weaving, carpenter's work, admirable specimens of mosaic made from broken china ware (an art first practised in the H. A. and I. Association), and of many other arts. It is strictly true that all of this work was such as to do credit to good artisans, and not of that fancy amateur kind generally seen of old in ladies' fairs. It may be here mentioned that through the teachers of the H. A. and I. A. the minor arts were extended to the People's Palace, the East of London working-men's clubs, and to many similar institu- tions in many places. I add to the foregoing a list of the officers of the Home Arts and Industries Association, with some extracts from its circular. It is by far too modest, in the fact that it gives no idea of what it has done since its classes (now nearly two hundred and fifty in number) were established. I venture to say with the utmost confidence that there is not an associa- tion or society, charitable or otherwise, in Great Britain which has, in proportion to its means, done so much practical good during the same time, i.e., during the three years which have elapsed since its establishment. President. The Earl BEOWNLOW. Vice- Presidents. iq. Iford. Maurice Adams, ESI The Lady Marian A: The Lady Ardilaun. Mrs. Richard Bagwell. Eustace Balfour, Esq. Hon. Mrs. Richard Boyle. The Countess Brownlow. J. Comyns Carr, Esq. Mrs. H. T. Clements. Lady Colthurst. Sidney Colvin, Esq. The Countess Cowper. The Lady Elizabeth Gust. The Archbishop of Dublin. APPENDIX. 269 Albert Fleming, Esq. The Lady Hampden. The Lady Fitz Hardinge. Miss Holford. T. C. Horsfall, Esq. R. C. Jebb, Esq. The Countess of Kenmare. Sir Frederick Leigh ton, P.R.A. The Lady Louisa Hillingdou. The Lord Monteagle. The Lady Georgina Drummond Moray. Lady Musgrave. The Lady Dorothy Nevill. The Countess of Pembroke. J. Hungerford Pollen. Esq. E. J. Poynter, Esq., R.A. Val Prinsep, Esq. W. B. Richmond, Esq. Lady Sit well. The Lady Sarah Spencer. Lady Stanley of Alderley. Rev. F. Sutton. Hon. Mrs. Alfred Talbot. The Viscountess de Vesci. The Marchioness of Water foril. Louisa, Marchioness of Water- ford. G. F. Watts, Esq., R.A. The Countess of Warwick. The Lady Wentworth. The Duchess of Westminster. The Countess of Wharncliffe. The Countess of Wicklow. Hon. Mrs. Percy Wyndham. The Dean of York. Council. *T. R. Ablett, Esq. Eustace Balfour, Esq. *W. A. S. Benson, Esq. ^Bernard Bosanquet, Esq. *The Countess Brownlow. Richard Bourke, Esq. Miss Fanny L. Calder. *Rev. J. O. Coles. *Albert Fleming, Esq. Alfred Harris, Esq. T. C. Horsfall, Esq. Mrs. A. T. Jebb. E. Hay Murray, Esq. *Miss Louisa Jebb. *Charles G. Leland, Esq. *Mrs. Kellie M'Callum. Miss E. Herbert Noyes. *The Countess of Pembroke. Hon. Emmeline Plunkett. *Gilbert R. Redgrave, Esq. Mrs. W. Le Fleming Robinson. Miss Rowe. Claude Vincent, Esq. Mrs. G. F. Watts. *The Lady Wentworth. Miss Anna Hogg. W. Bliss Sanders, Esq. * Members of Sub-Committees. Hon. Treasurer. WALTER BESANT, Esq. Secretary. Miss DYMES. Office and Studios of the Association. i LANGHAM CHAMBERS, LANGHAM PLACE, W. The object of the association is to spread a knowledge of artistic hand-work among the people, the instruction to be given in a manner which shall develop the perceptive faculties and manual skill of the pupils, and prepare them 2 7 o PRACTICAL EDUCATION. for entrance into trades, whilst also increasing their resources and enjoyments. The methods employed by the associa- tion are: i. The organisation of classes in Great Britain and Ireland, in which attendance is entirely, and teaching almost entirely, voluntary. 2. The distribution to these classes of selected designs and casts, and leaflets of informa- tion. 3. The employment of Honorary Local Secretaries to carry out the work in country districts. 4. The maintenance of a Central Office and Studios in London, where both volun- tary and paid teachers can be trained. 5. The publication of a yearly report, in which successful experiments in class- holding will be described. 6. The holding of a yearly exhibition and sale in London, where the work done in the various classes may be compared and criticised, and certificates of merit, bronze, silver, and gold crosses awarded for progressive attainment amongst the pupils. The association differs from any other in its power of assisting isolated workers in remote and poor districts, where neither pupils nor teachers could conform to the regulations enforced by existing agencies. It is hoped that local classes, when self-supporting, will become the germ of revived village industries. It has already effected much in this respect. The following minor arts are at present being taught in the local classes : Drawing and Design, Modelling, Casting, Joinery. Carving in Wood, Chalk and Stone, Kepousse Work in Brass and Copper, Hand Spinning and Weaving, Embroidery, Pottery, and Tile Painting, Embossed Leather Work, Mosaic Setting, and Basketmaking. Others are practised to a smaller extent. Owing to the continued and rapid development of the work, and the consequent increase of expenditure, funds are greatly needed at the Central Office. The conditions of membership are that members contri- bute ;i, is. and upwards per annum, while working members, that is. all who hold classes, or otherwise in any way give their services to the association, contribute 53. and upwards. This entitles working members holding classes to receive designs, leaflets, models, &c., in any one subject. Working members who conduct classes in several localities in the same subject may be called upon to pay a separate subscription for each class. As working members* APPENDIX. 271 fees do not cover the cost of the office, studios, printing, and supply of models and designs, the association is de- pendent on donations and subscriptions from other members. When desirable the Council appoints Local Secretaries, who organise the classes in their districts. Rules are supplied to them. Local Secretaries sending subscriptions to the General Fund to the amount of ^9, 93. per annum can nominate a student who will receive instruction gratis in five branches during one session. Classes are of two kinds : ist. Training classes held at the studios, Or under paid teachers in any part of the country, for the purpose of instructing amateurs who intend to assist in the ordinary classes. To defray the cost of such a course of lessons other amateurs are allowed to join unconditionally. 2nd. Ordinary classes in which amateurs give voluntary in- struction to boys, girls, and sometimes adult working people, and thus carry out the scheme of the association. The question whether pupils in ordinary classes are required to pay for their lessons or not must be decided by local considerations, but the classes are eventually rendered self-supporting by means of a percentage charged on the work sold. The first outlay is met by local subscriptions. Ordinary classes can be held in clubs, or in any available public or private room or workshop. Students are admitted to central training classes at a fee of 2S. 6d. per lesson, and are allowed to work in the studios between their lessons when there is room. A list and time- table of training classes is issued at the studios, classes being formed for the various arts according to the number of students applying for instruction. All communications to be addressed to the Secretary, Home Arts and Industries Association, i Langham Chambers, Langham Place, W. 272 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. IV. A LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL WORKS ON TECHNICAL EDUCATION. As there are unavoidably defects in such a collection as the following, the author will be obliged to any of his readers who will kindly supply the omissions for an- other edition. Address to the care of the publishers, MESSRS. WHITTAKER & Co. Ackermann. In welchem Sinne soil und darf der Unterricht praktisch sein 1 (3 Bericht der Karolinenschule und desLelirennnen- seminars zu Eisenach. 1881.) Arthur Mac Arthur. Education in its Relation to Manual Industry, by Arthur MacArtliur. New York : D. APPLETON & Co. 1886. A work deserving special commendation, as it is the best on its subject known to me. In addition to much admirable original matter, it contains a clear and comprehensive account of Industrial and Art Education in the United States. C. G. L. Artisan's General Technical Schools and Apprenticeship Schools. Second Report of British Royal Commissioners. Also Nature and Extent of Technical Training afforded English Schools and Colleges. Second Report, do., vol. i. pp. 393-504. Also Conclusions and Recommendations of the British Royal Commis- sioners, do., vol. i. pp. 505-540. Ayrton. The Improvements which Science can Effect in our Trades and the Condition of our Working-men. Pamphlet. Baines, E. and Curzon. Yorkshire Union of Mechanics' Institutes. Pp. 31-50. Vol. iii. Second Report of the Royal Commissioners of Technical Instruction. London. 1884. Barnard, H. Special Instruction in Great Britain. Pp. 21- 250. Vol. vi. The American Journal of Education. Hartford. 1871. (By the same.) Scientific Schools in France : The Poly- technic School at Paris. Pp. 130. (By the same.) Scientific and Industrial Education in Europe. Special Report to the Com- missioner of Education. Pp.784. Washington. 1870. Barth und Niederley. Des Deutschen Knaben Handwerks- buch. 4te Auflage. 1879. (By ^ ie same.) Des Kindes erstes Beschaftigungsbuch. 2te Auflage. Leipzig. 1880. (By the same.) UNIVERSITY Die Schulwerkstatt. Ein Leitfaden zur Einfiihrung der tech- nischen Arbeiten in der Schule. Mit 103 erlauternden Abbil- dungen. Leipzig. 1882. Bartley, G. 0. T. The Schools for the People. Pp. 582. - London. 1871. Bauer, Max. Zur Frage des gewerblichen Lehrlingswesen in der Gegenwart. 1877. Belfield, H. H. Inaugural Address by the Director of the Chicago Manual Training School. P. Bell, J. L. The Training of Employes, or Superior Managers, Foremen, Artisans in the Manufacture of Iron. Pp. 19-30. Vol. iii. Second Report of the Royal Commissioners on Technical Instruction. London. 1884. Bender. Ueber das Arbeiten der Knaben in der Werkstatt. Programm der Benderschen Anstalt zu Weinheim von 1846. Beust. Die Grundgedanken von PESTALOZZI und FROBEL in ihrer Anwendung auf Elementar- und Sekundarschulstufe. Zurich. 1881. (By the same.) Das Relief in der Schule. Zurich. 1 88 1. (By the same.) Der wirkliche Anschauungsunterricht auf der untersten Stufe der Grossenlehre. Zurich. 1865. "Works worthy the attention of all who are interested in Practical Education. C. G. L. Blasche. Grundsatze der Jugendbildung zur Industrie, als Gegenstand der allgemeinen Menschenbildung. Schnepfenthal. 1804. (By the same.) Der Technologische Jugendfreund. 5ter Theil. Frankfurt. 1804. (By the same.) Sammlung neuer Muster von Papparbeiten. Schnepfenthal. 1809. (By the same.( "Wie konnen Handarbeiten bildend sein ? SchnepfenthaL 1811. (By the same.) Die Papparbeiter. 4te Auflage. Schnepfenthal. 1811. (By the same.) Naturbildung. Leipzig. 1815. (By the same.) Der Papierformer. Leipzig. 1819. (By the same.) Hand- buch zu zweckmassigen Nebenbeschaftigungen der Kinder. 1819. (By the same.) Werkstatte der Kinder. 4. Theile, iter Theil. Gotha. 1800. 2ter und 3ter Theil. Schnepfenthal. 1801. 4ter Theil. Gotha. 1802. Boumann. Het onderwiss in handenarbeit en Denemark en Zweden. (Instruction in Manual Work in Denmark and Sweden.) Horn. 1879. Bucher, B. Geschichte der technischen Kunste. Stuttgart, 1878. Bucher, K. Die gewerbliche Bildungsfrage und der indu- strielle Riickgang. Pp. 66. Padagogische Studien von W. REIN. Vol. ii. Wien und Leipzig. 1877. 274 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. Carter, C. M. Industrial Drawing. Plan for a first year's work. In the 47th Massachusetts Report. Boston. Chapters on Labour as an Education, Education and the Industrial Arts, and Education and Invention. Pp. 135-156. Clark, J. S. Industrial Education. Address to the American Institute of Instruction. 1882. Clauson-Kaas. Ueber Arbeitsschulen und Forderung des Hausfleisses. lies Heft. Bremen. 1881. (By the same.) Die Arbeitsschule neben der Lernschule und der hausliche Gewerbe- fleiss. (Separat-Abdruckausdem"Arbeiterfreund") Berlin. 1876. Cousin, Victor. Education in Holland as regards Schools for the Working-classes and the Poor. (Translation.) Pp. 299. London. 1878. Curtmann. Reform der Volksschule. Frankfurt a. M. 1851. Cuyper, C. de. L'Enseignement technique superieur dans TEmpire d ; Allemagne. Pp. 348. Liege. 1875. Der Technische Unterricht in Preussen. Sammlung amt- licher Actenstiicke. Pp. 313. Berlin. 1879. Deseilligny, A. P. De Hnfluence de TEducation sur la Moralite et le Bien-etre des Classes laboureures. Paris. 1868. Ouvrage couronne par 1' Academic. Deutsche Spiel- und Beschaftigungszeitung. Herausgege- ben von J. H. ELM. Stralsund. Eckardt. Die Arbeit als Erziehungsmittel. Wien. 1875. , Edgeworth, M. Practical Education. Eelshorn, Gustav. Die Clauson-Kaaschen Bestrebun^en be- ziiglich des Hausfleisses und der Emender Handarbeitskursus. (Separatabzug aus Schmollers Jahrbuch ftir Gesetzgebung, Ver- waltung und Volkswirthschaft im deutschen Reiche. N. F. 5terr Jahrgang. 2-3 Heft.) Leipzig. Emsmann und Dammer. Der junge Techniker. Leipzig. 1876. Enque*te sur 1'Enseignement professional. 2 vols. Pp. 440 (1864), 806 (1865). Commission de 1'Enseignement technique. Pp. 1 86. Paris. 1865. Erster Jahresbericht des Vereins fur Handfertigkeits- unterricht in Gorlitz. 1882. Garrett, P. C. Progress of Industrial Education. Philadel- phia. 1883. Gelbe, J. Handfertigkeitsunterricht. Pp. 112. Dresden. 1885. APPENDIX. 275 Genauck, C. Die gewerbliche Erziehung durch Schulen, Lehrwerkstatten, Mus6en und Vereine im Konigreich Wurtem- berg. Pp. 213. Keichenberg. 1882. Georgens, Dr. Der Arbeiter auf dem praktischen Erziehungs- felde der Gegenwart ; eine Zeitschrift. 1856. Goddard, George. A volume on Mechanics' Institutes, en- titled "George Birbeck, the Pioneer of Popular Education." London. 1884. Gb'tze. Die Erganzung des Schulunterrichts durch prak- tische Beschaftigung. Leipzig. 1880. Greard, M. L'Enseignement professional. (By the same.} L'Enseignement primaire a Paris et dans le De'partement de la Seine. Paris. 1878. Greenwood, J. G. On Some Relations of Culture to Practical " Life. Pp. 1-19. In Essays and Addresses. Owen's College. London. 1874. Grunow, H. Die gewerbliche Fortbildungs-Mittelschule. Pp. 45. Preisschrift. Leipzig. 1872. Guthsmuths. Mechanische Nebenbeschaftigungen fur Jung- linge und Manner. Altenburg. 1801. Gutsmuths. Mechanische Nebenbeschaftigungen oder prak- tische Anweisung zur Kunst des Drehens, Metallarbeitens und Schleifens optischer Glaser zur Selbstbelehrung. 2te Auflage. Leipzig. 1817. Ham, Chas. Manual Training. New York. 1886. Hanschmann. Die Haridarbeit in der Knabenschule. G. H. WIGAND. Kassel. 1876. Herse. Der Handfertigkeitsunterricht fiir Knaben (Bran- denburgisches Provinzialblatt, No. 21 and 22). Landsberg a. W. 1882. Herzfeld. Handarbeit und Hausfleiss (als Manuscript ge- clruckt). Hannover. 1881. Heusinger, J. H. G. Ueber die Benutzungdes bei Kindern so thatigen Triebes, beschaftigt zu sein. 1797. (By the same.) Die Familie "Werthheim. 1798. Hill, A. Our Industrial Schools. Contemporary Review. January. 1882. Hutzelmann, C. Lehr- und Uebungsbuch fiir den gewerblichen Fortbildungsunterricht, mit einem Anhang. Pp. 196. Nurem- berg. 1 880. Huxley, T. Technical Education in Science and Culture, &c. ^ London. 1882. 27 6 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. Illing. Wesen und Werk der Schulwerkstatte. Munchen. 1880. Industrial Education in the United States. A Special Report. U. S. Bureau' of Education, Washington. Jarvis, E. Value of Common School Education to Common Labour. Washington Bureau of Education. Circular No. 3. i879- Jende, P. Schule und Volkswirthschaft. Zeit und Streit- fragen. Heft 773. 1886. Jenkins, H. M. Report on Agricultural Education in North Germany, France, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, and the United Kingdom. Pp. 442. Vol. ii. Second Report of the Royal Com- missioners on Technical Instruction. London. 1884. Johnson. Education by Doing. New York. Karl, Friedrich. Erziehung zur Arbeit, eine Forderung des Lebens an die Schule. Leipzig. 1852. A work which has had a great influence in Technical Education. Kay, D. Memory : What it is, and how to Improve it. By David Kay, F.R.G.S. London. 1888. This work is, as regards theory in general, and many minor particulars of expression, so identical with what is set forth in "Practical Educa- tion," as to form a striking curiosity of coincidence. The authors, Messrs. Kay and Leland, were, however, not aware of their mutual labours, and the two books were in print together. Both have the same view, Mr. Kay supporting it by exhaustive research and a thorough knowledge of the modern school of physiologists, while Mr. Leland, though guided by them, draws his conclusions chiefly from practical experience and personal tests. They form, in fact, counterparts, and every person desirous of exhausting the subject should read both. Kehr, 0. Geschichte der Methodik. 3terBand. Gotha. 1881. Kellner. Das Erziehungssystem Fr. Frobels. Stralsuntl. 1882. Kirchmann. Geschichte der Arbeit und Kultur. Leipzig. Gustav Meyer. 1858. (By the same.) Naturtbrderungen an Erziehung und Unterricht. Eutin 1851. Koller. Handarbeit in der Schule. (Die Praxis der Schwei- zerischen Volks- und Mittelschulen.) Zurich. 1881. Krause, F. W. D. Die Geschichte des Unterrichtes in den weiblichen Handarbeiten. Pp. 89-136. Lammers. Handbildung und Hausfleiss. Berlin. 1881. Lannhardt. Les Ecoles techniques superieures de rAllemagne. Revue de I'Enseignement. Paris. 1885. APPENDIX. 277 Legeorgie, J. Der Handarbeitsunterricht als Classen-Unter- richt. Pp. 183. Cassel. 1878. Leland, Charles G. Album of Repousse Work. Thirty-six designs full size for work. Folio. New York. The Art Inter- change Company. 1883. (By the same.) Twelve Manuals of Art Industries. New York Art Interchange Company. 1881. (By the same.) Industrial Education in Schools. Bureau of Education. Washington. Circular No. 2, 1882. Sixtieth Thousand. (By the same.) The Minor Arts. London : MACMILLAN & Co. 1880. 2s. 6d. Containing numerous illustrations, with practical instruc- tions in design, wood-carving, and many other branches of art and industry. (By the same.) On Industrial Art Education, a paper read before the Social Science Congress held at Birmingham in 1885 ; also an address on " Design and Drawing in Schools," de- livered at the Educational Conference in Manchester. (By the same.) A New Series of Handbooks of Art and Industry, carefully prepared for the use of classes in schools. London : WHITTAKER & Co. 1888. (By the same.) A Lecture on General Education, delivered before the Royal Society of Literature, in June 1887. (By the same.) Practical Education (the present volume.) London: WHITTAKER & Co. 1888. (By the same.) A Lecture on Industrial Art Education, read before the Society of Arts. London. 1885. MacLaren, Walter S. B. Report to the Worshipful Clothes- 1 ' workers' Company of London on the Weaving and other Tech- nical Schools of the Continent. Pp. 1 1 8. London. 1877. Magnus, P. Technical Instruction in Elementary and Inter- mediate Schools. London. 1883. (By the same.) Introduc- tory Address at the Opening of Finsbury Technical College. 1883. (By the same.) Education by Work, chiefly from the Kindergarten view. Marenholz-Bulow, Von (Frau). Die Arbeit und die neue Erziehung nach Frobels Methode. 1866. Mather, W. Report on Technical Education in the United States and Canada. Pp. 1-84 (1-857, the Commissioners). Vol. ii. Second Report of the Royal Commissioners on Technical Instruc- tion. London. 1884. (By the same.) Notes on Technical In- struction in Russia. Pp. 3-27. Vol. iii. Second Report of the Royal Commissioners on Technical Industry. London. 1884. Maurice, F. D. Representation and Education of the People. Chapters from English History. Crown 8vo paper. London. (By the same.) Learning and Working. Six Chapters on the Foundation of Colleges for Working-men. i2mo. London. 1885. Mayer. Der Handfertigkeitsunterricht und die Schule. Berlin. 1881. 27 8 PRACTICAL EDUCATION. Michelsen. Die Arbeitsschulen in Landgemeiden in ihrem vollberechtigten Zusammenwirken mit den Lernschulen. Eutin. 1851. Nordisk Husflids-tidende. (The Northern Journal of Domestic or Household Industry.) Kopenhagen. 1877. Northrop, B. G. Education Abroad. 1873. Pestalozzi. Lienhard und Gertrud. 1781. Putzsch, A- Die Reorganisation der Gewerbeschule und der von ihr erwartende Nutzen. Ein Beitrag zur Losung dieser Frage. Berlin. 1879. Raydt. Arbeitsschulen und Hausfleissvereine. Liu gen a. d. Ems. 1879. Reinhardt, Heinrich Pick. Die darstellenden Arbeiten in der Volksschule. ( Eeferate vom Oesterr. Lehrtage. " FbtocMe.") Wien. 1879- Reports, Catalogues, &c., in reference to Technical ^ Educa- tion. Vide those of Cornell and Vanderbilt Universities ; the Stevens Institute at Hoboken, New York ; the Eensselaer Polytechnic Institute ; the Institute of Technology ; the Lawrence and Sheffield Scientific Schools ; Cooper Union ; Auchmuty Trade Schools ; Case School of Applied Sciences ; Hampton Institute ; Lehigh University ; Colleges of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts ; the Philadelphia School of Industrial Art, and of the Worcester Free Institute. See also papers by E. E. WHITE, C. 0. THOMPSON, J. D. RUNKLE, J. M. ORDWAY, C. G. LELAND, C. M. WOODWARD, and many others in the proceedings of the Department of Super- intendents and elsewhere. (Hints toward a Select and Descriptive Bibliography of Education, by G. STANLEY HALL and JOHN M. MANSFIELD. Boston. D. C/ HEATH & Co. 1886.) Rissmann. Geschichte des Arbeiterunterrichtes in Deutsch- land. Gotha. 1882. (By the same.) Die Bedeutung der Arbeitsschule filr Schulerziehung (Oesterreicheischer Schulbote). Wien. 1 88 1. Robins, E. C. Technical School and College Building. Being a Treatise on the Design and Construction of Applied Science and Art Buildings, and their suitable Fittings and Sanitation, with a Chapter on Technical Education. Demy 4to. with 25 Double and 70 Single Plates. London. 1887. An indispensable work of reference to architects, builders, and managers of technical schools. Rockstroh. Anweisun g zur Modellirung aus Papier. Weimar. 1802. (By the same.) Belustigungen fur die Jugend beiderlei Geschlechts, durch Selbstanfertigung mannigfacher technischer Klinsteleien und Spielwerke. Berlin. 1836. APPENDIX. 279 Roscoe, H. E. Technical Education in France. Pp. 63. Circular No. 6. 1882. Bureau of Education. Washington. (By the same.) Examination of Witnesses in respect to Technical Instruction. Vol. iii. Second Keport of the Uoyal Commis- sioners on Technical Instruction. London. 1884. (By the same.) Evidence in Respect to the Working of Calico-Printing. Pp. 1-19. Vol. iii. Second Report of the Royal Commissioners on Techni- cal Instruction. Rossel, E. Leitfaden fur den Unterricht in den weiblicheu Handarbeiten zum Gebrauch fur Schule und Haus. Pp. 59. Berlin. 1881. Runkle, J. D. Report of Industrial Education. Boston. (No date.) Russel, J. S. Systematic Technical Education for English People. 8vo. London. Salicis, G. Enseignement primaire et Apprentissage. Paris. 1878. Salomon. Arbeitsschule und Volksschule. (Translated from the Swedish.) Wittenberg. 1881. Schallenfeld. Der Handarbeitsunterricht. Frankfurt. 1861. Scheilder. Die Lebensfrage der Europaischen Civilisation und die Bedeutung der Fellenbergischen Bildungsanstalten zu Hofwyl. Jena. 1 839. Schenkendorf, Von. Der praktische Unterricht, eine For- derung des Lebens an die Schule. Breslau. 1880. Schb'nberg, D. G. Handbuch der politischen Oekonomie. Pp. 890-904. Tubingen. 1882. A work abounding in practical information on the subject of industrial education. It is specially commended by Messrs. HALL and MANSFIELD (Hints towards a Bibliography of Education). C. G. L. Schultze, F. G. Die Arbeitsfrage. Jena. 1849. Schwab, E. Dr. Die Arbeitsschule als Organ- Bestandtheil der Volksschule. 1873. (-By the same.) Ueber Schulwerkstatten. (Der Praktische Schulmann. Leipzig. 1874.) Second Report of the Royal Commissioners on Technical Instruction. London. 1884. For a condensed Review of this Report by the late C. 0. THOMPSON, vide Circular of the Bureau of Education, Washington, No. 3. 1885. Siemens, C. W. Evidence in Respect to the Various Systems of Education in the World in Relation to Technical Instruction. Pp. 125-143. Vol. iii. The Report of the Royal Commissioner on Technical Instruction. London. 1884. 2 8o PRACTICAL EDUCATION. Slagg, J. Technical Teaching. Address to Working-men. Manchester. 1884. Stetson, Charles B. Technical Instruction, What it is, and what American Public Schools should Teach. Pp. 284. Boston. 1874- Stobbe, U. Lehrbuch fur den Handarbeitunterricht. Pp. 84. Leipzig. 1882. . Sullivan, W. K. Technical Instruction in Ireland. Pp. 107- 1 19. Vol. iii. Second Report of the Commissioners on Technical Instruction. London. 1884. Technical Teaching. Subsidiary Aids to Instruction. Thrift in Schools. Pp. 648. Sec. B. Vol. xiv. Vide International Health Exhibition. London. 1884. Thompson, C. 0. The Modern Polytechnic School, Inau- gural Address delivered at the Opening pf the Rose Polytechnic Institute, March 7, 1883. Pp. 27. Terre-Haute, U.S.A. Twining. Technical Training. London. 1874. Urban. Der Hausfleiss in Danemark und seine Verpflanzung in die Schlesischen Notstandsdistrikte. Oppeln. 1882. Wardle, J. Report on the Silk Industry. Pp. 29-106. Vol. iii. Second Report of the Royal Commissioners on Technical Instruc- tion. London. 1884. Warren, S. E. Notes on Polytechnic or Scientific Schools in the United States, their Nature, Position, Aims, and Wants. New York. Weinhold. Vorschule der Experimentalphysik. Leipzig. 1872. White, A. D., President. Industrial and Scientific Education in the United States. New York. 1874. Wichern. Ueber Erziehung zur Arbeit insbesondere in An- stalten. Hamburg. 1857. Wolf. Ueber Handfertigkeitsunterricht und Hausfleiss. Wiirzburg, 1881. Woodward, 0. M. Fruits of Manual Training. Popular Science Monthly. July 1884. See also a short notice of the City and Guilds of London Institute. London. 1884. Ziller, Dr. Grundlegung zur Lehre vom erziehenden Unter- richt. 1865. Zwitzer, A. E. PESTALOZZIS Stellung zur Handarbeit. Ostfriesisc/ies Monatsblatt, viii. 9. BALLANTVNE PV***^^lkl&J^j($9Qn f OF THE r ^\ (UNIVERSITY) V n,,,S5^,,*. s RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TO ^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 6 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW jETD HAR3 1 ' 81 ,:..;. CCT 7 ... U. C. 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