. VOLUNTEER SERVICE MANUAL. BY CAFF. JOHN BORDMAN, JR. REESE LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. %eceived (^/Ut. • '''^'^^ • U. S. Volunteer Service Manual, Capt. John Bordman, Jr, BATTERY A, iST HEAVY ARTILLERY M. V. M. (LATE CAPT. 1ST MASS. H. ART. U. S. V.) AUTHOR OF DRILL MANUAL FOR NON-COMMISSIONED OFFICERS; GUARD MANUAL, INCLUDING OUTPOSTS AND RECONNOITERING PATROLS; SUBMARINE MINES, THEIR ATTACK AND DEFENCE; PREPARATION FOR FIELD SERVICE. (COF-Z-mO-IiT X899.) Bartlett Publishing Co., BOSTON. iisriDEx:. Introduction 3 I. Adjutant General's Department Muster Roll 5 Pay Roll 9 Trimonthly Field Report 13 Monthly Return 14 Field Return 17 Special Field Return 20 Return of Casualties 23 Description, Physical Record and Enlistment Paper . 25 Furlough 27 Certificate of Disability for Discharge . . . .29 Descriptive List and Account of Pay and Clothing . 31 Final Statement 33 35 Inventory of the Effects of Commissary General's Department Ration Return 37 Quartermaster General's Department Estimate of Clothing and Equipage . . . .39 Schedule of Clothing and Materials . . . .41 Special Requisition for Clothing and Equipage . . 43 Invoice of Supplies, transferred to Q. M. for Transportation 47 Invoice of Stores turned over 49 Ordnance Department Receipt for Issues to 51 Abstract of Expenditures ■ 53 Quarterly Ordnance Return 55 in^dTKOizJtro^Mai^. Experience with the United States Volunteers in s^i-vice diirihg the {)9st summer developed many weaknesses in the preliminary instruction and preparation of the National Guard. None of thfesfe weSknfeSses were, how- ever, more marked, than the utter unfamiliarity of the officers with the official returns and blank forms, which they were required to fill out and send forward. Indeed, to this lack of knowledge of how, and where; to make proper application for essential and badly needed supplies, may be traced much of the suffering and privations which the volunteers underwent, and which, owing to the possession of this same knowledge, the men of the regular service to a considerable degree, avoided. Again, no one save the officers directly concerned knows of the trouble, delay, and extra work, occasioned by errors and mistakes in filling out the periodic returns required by the Adjutant General's Department. And yet all this should have been foreseen. Although there is nowhere a more intelligent set of men than those holding commissions in our National Guard, they could not have been expected, under stress of service in the field, to properly select and fill out the many complicated returns, entirely new and strange to them, which often occasion trouble to the organizations of the regular service, in time of peace. It is with a view to preventing a recur- rence of these unfortunate experiences, that the accompanying work has been prepared. An effort has been made to reduce to a uniform size all the blanks and forms which a company commander has occasion to prepare and forward. The genferal appearance and arrangement has been preserved, the reduction in size, where necessai-y, being obtained by omission in the numbers of columns of articles enumerated, and never by a change in form. Thus it is hoped that an officer becoming acquainted with the forms as here displayed will feel at home when the originals are placed in his hands. It has how- ever been necessary to reduce, in size, comparatively few forms and as a whole they appear exactly as in the originals. Individual ideas will supply methods of securing the best results from the use of the book. My own idea however, is, that its use will be of greatest value in schools of instruction for officers and non-commissioned officers, and in the classes of our military colleges. Here, under the super- vision of an instructor, each officer or student may be required to fill out correctly each blank in turn, taking as a basis either the current strength of his own company or that of a supposed organization taken as an example. When completed each has always in his possession a correct model from which to refresh his memory or to which he may in future refer, — the whole in a convenient form for preservation. The preparation of the matter has involved considerable labor but the need of some available source through which to become acquainted with these matters, and which might prevent untold annoyance in future, led me to undertake it, and now to submit it to your consideration. Feeling that the work is one in which all are interested, suggestions as to its development will be gladly received. J. B. Jr. MILITARY MANUALS BY CAPT. JOHN BORDMAN, JR., 1ST MASS. HEAVY ARTILLERy, U. S- VOljS. DRILL MANUAL for Non-Commissioned Officers. A complete instructor for use in Non-Commissioned Officers' Schools, Examinations for Warrants, Preparation for Inspections, etc. Single copies, 27 cents; per dozen, $2.92; 25 or more, 20 cents each, f. o. b. ; BOUND IN CLOTH, 35 cents each. MANUAL OF ARMS, — 30 Cal. Manual adapted to 45 Cal. as authorized by War Department, for use in Schools, Colleges, Boy's Brigades, etc. Single copies, 10 cents ; 25 or more, 8 cents each. GUARD MANUAL fo'" Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates. A complete Manual of Guard Duty only. Single copies, 21 cents ; per dozen, 12.10; 25 or more, 18 cents each, f. o. b. SUBMARINE MINES,— Their attack and defence, including Boat Patrols. A Manual for Heavy Artillery and Harbor Defence. Single copies, 16 cents; per dozen, $1.58; 20 or more, 10 cents each. GUARD MANUAL for Non-Commissioned Officers and Privates ABRIDGED. 10 cents each. PREPARATION FOR FIELD SERVICE, including Hygiene, Marches, Camps and Bivouacs, Rations and Cooking, Hasty Intrenchment, First Aid to Injured. 18 cents each. Price must invariably accompany the order. No books will be sent C. O. D. Address and make FOR CAPT. BORDMAN 'S MANUALS, ADDRESS BARTLETT PUBLISHING CO., CAMBRIDGE, MASS. due under sec. 3, t of May 15, 1872, thus: "Entitled to reenlisted pay." The date of change in the rate of pay on account of -r':d, thus : " 3d year commenced ," "6th yeai Under the heading " Year of continuous servic d covered by this roll terminates. ,. The names of those belonging to the comm: be immediately follo' onthly muster. Thes< d in the fo order, viz: Discharged, transferred, died, retired, descriiition of authority, be always carefully specified. When soldiers are retained in service beyond the period for whi< h they were enlisted, as shown by the date of their enlistments, the causes of such retention must be stated. The names of soldiers discharged and reenlisted, or who have deserted and have joined from desertion since last bimonthly muster, must be placed both in the body of the roll and under the appropriate headings as having been discharged, Tendered or was apprehended, will be stated on every roll until he has been tried by court-martial, or returned to ty by comfiUnt authority (see A. R. 132) when the date, place, and source of the order announcing his return lo ty or the result of the trial will he carefully noted. The restoration to duty ■without trial 0/ a deserter ty ■Hpetent authority, i.e., the commander loho would have been authorized to direct his trial, entailing the position 0/ the forfeitures and stoppages prescribed by A rmy Regulations can be ordered only in case the desertion admitted, and must not be confused with the removal, by the orderofsuch a commander or the War Department. tm any and all stoppages to which he may have been subjected on account of his supposed desertion. . Thet " will b, ually b ctergi enont edis harge will I en ted on , tot as oldier, when dropped un der othArti mgdu the Un the soldier, ,orde 11 be the roll. atha appeared rolls af n and u pon all ubseq til :n made by a paymaster soldier's clothing a ' account opened with . One line only will be ;es, and remarks pertair perseded by others, w Within three days after each bimonthly muster, the mustering MUSTER ROLL of Captain. (Colonel (Commissioned and Non-commissioned Offi- rs according to rank. Privaits i alphabetical order.) ..), itom. thtfe.. ..), of the ciay of ENLISTED. I^egiment of... , Army of the United States, . 180 , to tiie :...,.... c^ay Qf , i8q LAST PAID. . DtOi. CU. RECAPITULATION. ■1 : i 1 i 1 1 1 ] i 1 i h i 1 1 !' 3 1 I CERTIFY that this muster roll is made out in the manner required by the printed instructions ; that it exhibits the true state of Captain S lon '' opposite the name of each officer and soldier are accurate and just ; and that the pe y £ 1'" hi Z l> tla e STATION: strength-Present AND Absent Agorksath Last Bimonthly Muster. II __ ,. . . , « Special recruiting service — H -^ ri 111 — — — — — — — — F ''d- bit I CERTIFY that I have carefully examined this muster roll, By sentence of general court-martial.. and that 1 have mustered and minutely inspected the ; J ^ the condition of which is found to be as expressed in my remarks hereunto T i d Of rounds ^ M From disease, etc H Retired — *< Deserted 1 D'OPP") i — Serviceable horses. Wounded in action. Unserviceable horses. ARMS: ^^ Muster.Rolls. — Army Regulations. ACCOUTREMENTS: Drill Regulations, Cavalry. Monthly Returns. CLOTHING: Enlistraents. Drill Regulations, Infantry. Manual of Heavy Artillery. Descriptive lists. Manual of Guard Duty. Inspector and Mustering Officer. Discharges. Certificates of DisabUity, r''\^'Vne'fnT™cUo?efc'«irrC"^^^^^ Inventories of Effects of D«:eased Soldiers. 1 i^"All officers, noncommissioned officers, and others that may be concerned in the preparation of this roll, are enjoined to exercise every care that it be made complete. It is not only the guide for immediate payment of the troops interested, but, when filed in the Treasury Department, it will become the record to which reference will thereafter be made in the investigation and settlement of all claims or questions affecting officers and men whose names are borne on the roll, and their heirs, for the period covered by it."®a INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF PAY ROLLS. 1. All officers and enlisted men are to be taken up on the rolls from the date of receipt of notice of their assignment by competent authority, whether they have yet joined or not. C:.jre should be taken to have names of soldiers and dates of enlistment correct. Men of dilierent regiments or branches of the service should not be borne on one roll. 2. The use of dots and of the word "ditto" is prohibited. , 3. Under the head ot Remarks must be carefully stated opposite the name of the per- a. All changes of rank or grade, with dates of same, and Nos., dates, etc., of orders. *. All authorized stoppages, fines, sentences, with Nos., dates, etc., of orders. c. All cases of absence of enlisted men without leave, and inclusive dates of the same. (See A. R. 133.) d. All cases of confinement by civil authority, and whether such prisoners have been held for trial, tried, or discharged without trial, and, when tried, whether ac- quitted or convicted, with dates, etc. e. Everything else affecting the pay of every enlisted man, so as to insure justice to him and to the United States. 4. In noting stoppages to be made for losses of or damage to public property, the amounts due for ordnance, for quartermaster's supplies, etc., will be separately stated in gmss amount for each. (See A. R. 1390 and Cir. No. 13, A. G. O., 1895.) Charges for tr.ihsportation and subsistence while traveling will be made as prescribed in Cir. No. 15, A. <',.0; 1892. V Additional pay, due under sees. 1216 and 1285, Revised Statutes, acts of Feb. 9, 18- 1 (26 Stat. 737) and Mar. 29, 1892 (27 Stat. 12 will be thus noted : " For certificate of me: t, $2 per month ;" re-enlisted pay due under sec. 3, act of May 15, 1872, thus : " En- tit. ej to re-enlisted pay." The date of change in the rate of pay on account of continuous sen ice will be noted in the column of Remarks on the roll for the month in which the change occurred, thus : " 3d year commenced ■ ," "6th year commenced ," etc., and repeated on succeeding rolls until paid. 0. The names of those belonging to the command will be immediately followed by tho^e of the officers and enlisted men who have ceased to belong to it since last muster for pay. These will be classed in the following order, viz.; Discharged, transferred, died, retired, deserted; and the utmost particularity will be observed in the remarks concerning them ; dates and places will in every case be given ; and Nos., dates, etc., of orders, or desci iption of authority, be always carefully specified. When soldiers are retained in ser- vice beyond the period for which they were enlisted, as shown by the date of their enlist- ments, the causes of such retention must be stated. The names of soldiers discharged and re-eniisted, or who have deserted and have joined from desertion since last muster for pay, must be placed both in the body of the roll and under the appropriate headings as having been discharged, having deserted, etc. The place and date of the return (see A. R. 131) of an alleged deserter, and whether he surrendered or was apprehended, will be stated on every roll until he has been tried by court-martial, or returned to duty by competent auihoriij/ (see A. R. 132), when the date, place, and source of the order announcing his return to duty or the result of the trial will be carefully noted. The restoration to duty without trial of a deserter by competent authority, ;. e., the commander who would have been authorized to direct his trial, entailing the imposition of the forfeitures and stoppages prescribed by Army Regulations can be ordered only in case is admitted, the desertion and must not be confused with the removal, by the order of such a commander or the War Department, of a charge of desertion erroneously entered on the rolls against a soldier, such removal operating to relieve him from any and all stoppages to which he may have been subjected on account of his supposed desertion. 7. The remark "discharge and final statements given" will be made opposite to the name of every discharged soldier to whom such papers have actually been given. The character given on the discharge will be noted on the roll. 8. Upon the transfer, desertion, death, discharge, or retirement of a soldier, his ac- count will be fully stated, the balance for clothing due the United States or due the soldier, all stoppages and charges and all credits for retained pay, detained pay, or deposits, will be entered upon the roil. a. Should a soldier who has deserted be returned to the service, the same data that appeared on the rolls after desertion should appear on the first rolls after his return and upon all subsequent rolls until a settlement of his accounts shall have been made by a paymaster; but if no settlement should be made by a paymaster, ov/ing to the soldier's dishonorable discharge, a separate statement of the new account opened with the soldier at date of apprehension or sur- render should also be given in addition and with no reference to the statement made at date of desertion. 9. For Regulations concerning settlement of a soldier's clothing account (see A. R. 1180-H85.) 10. Under che heading "Last paid" should be entered the name of the paymaster who last peld a balance to the soldier and the date to which this payment settled his account. The officer who prepares this roll should not attempt to settle the account of a soldier by striking a balance between his undrawn pay and indebtedness to the United States, this being the duty of the paymaster, when all dues can be collected and a balance paid to the soldier, or of the accounting officers of the Treasury, when such collection cannot be made on account of the soldier's desertion or discharge. 11. The ruled columns must not be used for purposes other than as stated in these notes or indicated in the printed headings. 12. One line only will be used for the record of the data, stoppages, and remarks per- taining to a member of the command, unless the length of the remarks shall require additional space ; and, in any case, the interval between a name and the one preceding it must not be greater than necessary. 1 3. Three copies of this roll will be made, two for the paymaster and one to be re- tained with the command. PAY ROLL of from, the day of. . 19 NAMES, PRESENT AND ABSENT. RANK. ENLISTED. When. Period, Ye»fti. / certify that this pay roll is made out as required by Army Regu- lations, and that the entries opposite each name are correct and just. Station, Date, Comm^anding Company Examined and approved, Commanding Post. I certify that I have this m,ustered th^ , and find that all present and absent are accounted for in this pay roll as required by Army Regulations. Inspector and Mustering Officer. I last paid, to the day of , 19 YEAR OF CONTIN- UOUS DUE UNITED STATES FOR— i^d Q.M. Subsist- Ord- 1 > J 1 1 1 1 ■SaSHOH •saixivnsvn 1 1 "VC CJSE-^ rue >7F GAIN. LOSS. j ^^ ILLt - OFFICERS. ! ENLISTED MEN. COMM-n OFFICERS. ENLISTEOMEN. y „- h li Died. 1 Discharged. Died. t "s\ ? 1 i 1 1 1 § .2 i Q £ o o < 1 1 i .a a t 1 i 1 c i 5 .2 i 1 1 '•5 O ^ ^ .1 1 d d 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 f J! ■5 O 1 Q O O o g 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 c .3 2 1 E s REOOmD OF E-VEISTTS. Note i. — Actions in which the company, or any portion of it, has been engaged ; scouts, marches, changes of stations, etc.— everything of interest relating to the discipline, efficiency, or service of the company, will be minutely and carefully noted, with date, place, distance marched, etc., etc. NOTE 2.— The name and rank of officers and soldiers killed, missing, or wounded in action, with date and place, will be accurately noted. Note 3.— The number of horses, either public or private, lost in service, together with the date, place, and circumstances connected with said loss, and the name of the officer responsible for or owning the property, will be reported. Station : Bate: ^. ■;^ Commanding the Company. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, present and absent, accounted for by NAME. »TK 4. — The date (with No., date, etc., of order) at which an officer is a%sign€d ox transferred io^ joins or rejoins, the company, assumes or is relieved from the command of it, or from any special duty, also all iTK 5 —After the Ust of ABSENT officers will follow the record of those resigned, died, etc. , or transferred from the company, with No. date, etc., of order, date, place, and in case of death, its cause. TK 6.— Officers of other organizations, serving with, or attached to, the company for duty, will be borne in red ink at the foot of the list of officers (present or absent, as the case may be) , but will not be included in ALTERATIONS SINCE LAST RETURN among the ENLISTED MEN. loTE 7.— The date, etc., of all transfers to or from the com- pany (with No. and date 0/ order of all apprehen- sions, surrenders, discharges, deaths, desertions, discharge, death, desertion, etc.) RETURN OF Company ( ), RegH of.... For the month of. , 19 Official communications received from regimental headquarters during the month. WHEN RECEIVED. PURPORT. Field Return of z 5 Oi O i z a. % 8 o 1 D PRESENT. ABSENT. < 1 ii < Present for Com. Officers. Enlisted Men. duty equippc ORGANIZATIONS. i 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 } 1 E u S REMARKS. TOTAL Station : Date: Commanding. Field Return „ COMMISSIONED OFFICERS PRESENT AND ABSENT ACCOUNTED FOR BY NAME. Telegraph Station— This form will be used in compliance with Par. 795, Army Regulations, upon the establishment or evacuation of a post or temporary camp, and upon the temporary or permanent increase or reduction of a garrison, and a copy to be forwarded, at once, direct to the Department headquarters. The location and post-office address of a new post or camp must be stated. Special Field Return of. Note l.-When a post or station is troops will be reported on setaratt lines by rtriminU; but if of the < PRESENT. ABSENT. H S5 i PRESENT FOR DUTY EQUIPPED. Enlisted Men. ( S I.,.«T«V. C.v.t..v. A«T..,.HKV., same regiment, the troops will be ORGANIZATIONS. i i % 1 1 1 t 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 <5 1 i 1 i § 1 ! 1 i 1 1 1 £ 1 1 '"^' 1 Station: Date: commanded by for '9 V ^'^^ MEMORANDA. QUARTERMASTER'S DEPARTMENT. 1 s i i 1 i 1 1 i ^^'^'HorseI"'''""' Pieces of Artillery. d 3 I ^ 1 1 j .i .5 S X 1 1 1 i 1 i 1 1 i r 1 i I 1 1 1 ! ■s X 1 i 1 < t REMARKS. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS PRESENT AND ABSENT ACCOUNTED FOR BY NAME, (ist Present. 2d Absent. Nature of absence only to be stated ) NO. NAME! REGIMENT GENERAL REMARKS AND RECORD OF EVENTS. SPECIAL FIELD EETURN This form will be used in compliance with Par. 795, Army Regulations, upon the establishment or evacua- tion of a post or temporary camp, and upon the tempo- rary or permanent increase or reduction of a garrison, and a copy to be forwarded, at once, direct to the Adjutant General of the Army. The location and post-office address of a new post or camp must be stated. RETURN of Casualties in action at ,19 ACTION OR ENGAGEMENT. NATURE OF Casualty. RETURN OF CASUALTIES IBOOPS ENGAGia), REOOED OF EVENTS, ETO, On , 19 RECAPITULATION. Officers. Enlisted Men. Killed Wounded . . . Missin Total This Return to be made in triplicate after the close of each action, by post, detachment, independ- ent companies, independent battalions, regimental and district or brigade commanders, accounting for, by name and in figures, for all casualties. This to be consolidated by Division, Corps, and Army or Department commanders in figures only, but each adding to its consolidated return the cas- ualties, in figures and by name, of its own staff or detachment at tbeir respective headquarters One copy (of all commands) to be sent to the im- mediate superior commander, one to be sent direct to the Adjutant General U.S.A., and one to be retained. Station, Date, Commanding. U UJ H 2 D O > ^ s = .^ ^ a^ '^ ^ 1^ ^ o a: o o a: < o CO >^ :i: I I- I t i ^ II Dh C:) (^ O fc) 0^ >. t ^ >.-^ ^ ^• LU Si o ^^ Enrolled at on the day of , 19 by.. INSTRUCTIONS. One of these papers will be prepared In the case of all recruits enrolled and will be forwarded to the Adjutant General of the Army in the following man- 1. When recruits are mustered in with a company on a muster-in roll, it will accompany the latter when forwarded to the Adjutant General. 2. In cases of individual enlistments by recruiting officers, it will be forwarded on the loth, 20th, and last days of each month, with the trimonthly reports of recruiting. When the recruits are forwarded to their organizations a descriptive and assignment card will be prepared and forwarded to the regimental or other commander in accordance with the instructions on the card. 3. In cases of rejected recruits a duplicate will be made. The Surgeon will note upon each the word " Rejected," stating the cause. The mustering officer will cause transportation to be furnished the recruit to the place of enrollment, and the duplicate will be the Quartermaster's authority for issuing the transporta- tion and will be filed with his accounts. The original will be forwarded to the Adjutant General of the o u •^ i ■Si -S ^ '^ ^ 8 '^ -2 « .1 ^ Subvoucher No. PERTAINING TO ACCOUNT CURRENT, of Lieut. Heft of... . Commissary , for Fu^e/iiOTTO-H: Commutation of Rations paid by check. Yoacher No. , Abstract of Disbursements, in favor of. . , or order, ,19 . Amount, $ , Co. , Rei't From , 19 To ,19 .19 The wlthin-nam,ed soldier reported for duty, as required by this furlough, on the day of , 19 , or wan dixckarged per Special Orders Jfo. Hdqrs , 19 , on the day of ,19 The rations within reported as overdrawn were duly deducted from the ration-return referred to- DESCRIPTION OF SOLDIER. Age, ; height,. complexion, hair, feet inches; Sigfiature of soldier : . 2^0 2.2 4 ■2 >2 Disability for Discharge. IN THE CASE OF Directions. This certificate will be made out in duplicate by the soldier's troop, battery, or company commander, or other officer commanding the separate detach- ment to which he belongs, and sent by him to the surgeon who has charge of the hospital where the soldier is sick. The surgeon will then fill out in his own handwriting and sign the surgeon's certifi- cate, and forward these papers to the post com- mander. These certificates, after having received the action of the highest authority to which they are required to be sent, will be returned through the same chan- nel to the post commander, who will, if the dis- charge is authorized by the indorsement of the proper authority, sign the soldier's discharge and the last indorsement on this paper; see that the soldier is furnished with the proper final statements in duplicate, and forward both of these certificates direct to the Adjutant General United States Army, at Washington, D. C; they will not, under any circumstances, be given into the hands of the soldier. Descriptive List and Account of Pay and Clothing of. of DESCRIPTION. WHERE BORN. IDTTB SOIjr>I3BaEt. For retained pay, Act of May 15, 1872 (see Note 2), ($.., For retained pay, Act of June 16, 1890 (see Note 2) (».., For deposits, per detailed statement on other side, ($... Cts. Dolls. Cu. J IDTJE -CrinTEID STA.TBS. For Ordnance and Ordnance Stores, ($... For Equipage, ($.., For Quartermaster Supplies, {$.. Other stoppages or fines (see Note 5) Previous service: ■ Noncommissioned officer : Martcsmanship: B;ittles, engagements, skirmishes, expeditions, etc. (see Note i) :. Wounds received in service (see Note i) :.., Medal of Honor (date and action for which granted): Married or Single, and name and residence of nearest relative or guardiai Character: Plwsical condition : Vaccination (see Note 8) : Convictions by Court Martial: (See Notes 6, 7, and 9.)... 1 certify that the above is Station: Date: :t transcript from the records of... 1.. M.H .hTT" .• ... DESCRIPTIVE LIST 1. Should the soldier have been engaged in battle or skirmish it must be mentioned, together with date and place. A full and particular mention will be made of any wounds he may have received in action, also of any other and injurj' or disease, and whether contracted in the line of duty, or not ; also location of wound or injury. 2. The amount of retained pay due at date must be "k nni^riwk nf "DniT nr\i{ fflAfViiTlrf ^^sf Additional pay due under Sections I2i6 and 1285, AutUUlll Ul idjf dllU lllUllllJig Revised Statutes (Acts of Feb. 9, 1891, 26 Stat., 737, and March 20, 1892,27 Stat., 12), will be thus noted: "For Certificate of Merit, $2 per month;" reenlisted pay, under Sec. 3, Act of May 15, 1872, thus : " Entitled to re- of enlisted pay." Under the heading : " Year of continuous service "will be entered the year of continuous service in which the soldier is serving; and, under the head of " Remarks," will be noted the date when said year com- menced. 4. The amount of any extra duty pay which may be due the soldier must be noted. 5. Stoppages for loss or damage done to arms or other a O' public property must be noted, and the articles ami particular damage to each specified. When stoppages are due under sentence of a Court-Martial, a transcript of the same must Rpcrim»nt of be entered, and the amount already stopped must ht fully .r^cgiii.ciu ui stated, with a reference to the General Order in each case. 6. In every case of desertion, the date, and that of surren- der or apprehension, must be given, together with a correct transcript of the order of sentence or pardon, and amount of reward paid, if any. » 7. When a soldier is discharged, or dies while in hos- pital or on detached service, his Descriptive List, if he has one, should be taken up by the officer furnishing Final Statements, indorsed by him with a full statement of the time for which he was allowed pay, CLOTHING AC- COUNT, and all other charges against him or in his favor, so as to comprise a complete exhibit of his account, and retained by the officer for his protection. (In case of death, the Final Statements and Inventories of Effects will be forwarded to the Adjutant General, Washington, D. C.) A true copy of the original Descriptive List will at once be sent to the company commander, notifying him of the soldier's discharge, or death, with the indorsements made thereon as to date, place, cause, and character given on discharge, with charges, credits, etc., and the disposi- tion of his effects, if dead, to enable him to enter all the data necessary to a full understanding of the soldier's account on the Muster Roll upon which the soldier's dis- charge or death is reported. 8. The date and result of the last vaccination of the soldier; or, if none has been made, a statement as to whether he is protected against smallpox by a previous attack, must be entered upon the Descriptive List. 9. The Pay Roll, or rolls upon which any pay may have been retained or detained under Court-Martial sentence, together with the several amounts so reftined (expressed both in words and figures), must be accurately noted. 3DEI>OSITS- PAYMASTER. AMOUNT. Dolls. Cts. TOTAL ^ 3 a; w 3 o CO « W I" Q « 3 SJ 3i ^ un 'H I ^ ^ I ^ - •£ -i < s s s s ro d z < Q H Z i ^ ^ . » < Q W H S W Q FINAL STATEMENT k. 1386], and will be presented by the soldier to the paymaster for I Note 2.— When a soldier is discharged, or dies while in hospital on detached service, his descriptive list, if he has one, should be tak statement of the time f orwhich he was allowed pay, clothing accoui and all other charges against him, or in his favor, so as to comprise a complete exhibit of his account, and retained by the officer for his future forwarded, properly signed, with the final statements. charge in writing, indorsed on the final statements, signed by the soldier and witnessed by a commissioned officer, when practicable, or by some the transfer must deliver the discharge to the soldier, indorsing thereon the fact of transfer of the final statements, and on the latter that such indorsement has been made on the discharge. NOTK 4.— If entitled to additional pay under act of August 4, 1864, for former services, or under Sees. 1216 and 1285, Revised Statutes, of June 22, 1874. for certificate of merit, and if entitled to re-enUsted pay under act of May 15, 1872, it should be noted on the final statements. Note 6.— If a soldier has ever re-enlisted under act of August 4, 1854, he is entitled to re-enlisted pay even if years have elapsed before he agam Note 6.— Op the discharge of a soldier, the date and amount (in words and figures) of each deposit will be entered upon his final state- makes' final payments, and filed with his voucher. In case deposits are —When a soldie is discharged under such circum: iriu'state'onthem7''rfe w2>riV°«<.rj«7l?Ji^^<; hve5 " momhs"""riOT^^!ce Nf it show dates of absence v :, if any, in the first year o f enlis ,te 14.-Final statements lescriptive lists of enlisted r has been fun and :ling home (an Note 15.— Final statements lue the United lee Ch r. No. 7, Par. : Note 16.— When chief mu: s, artificers, ai dates n to t he ranks, thai Note 1 n.—Be U enacUd by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled. That from and after the first day of July, eighteen hundred and ninety, there shall four dollars per month of his monthly pay for the first year of his enlist- "'^"''-"'and ^'al/be'forfeitp unlS' he'serrcs' honestly and__f_aithfully and faithful service within the n edsuchtrr'i^ tained from the at the Secretary of W ifully: Provii 1 which interest shal Approved, June 16, 1890. Repealed. February 12, 1895. Note 18.— Officers signing arid certifying to the correctness of final Sr OTerp°ayment onemneomYn'al stateraents'^n be requSed to°refund Note 19.— This blank will be used for deceased soldiers as well as and the and autl lority f( h forf, De^ven in th,! " Rema. Note 9.-St for loss oxdar. or oth< =r public froperty Note Stoppages i by sen of a Court Martia . to the (i. O. ulgatingsent, pardoni r has beei tment, it should b In order ischarge of last payment to the soldier, and his credits and debits, boih in words and figures. The officer will also send the soldier's signature, if he be able to write his name, or report his inability to do so This notification It I (A z DECEASED SOLDIERS. INVENTORY OF THE EFFECTS A. R. 158. When a soldier' is killed in action, or dies at any post, hospital, or station, it shall be the duty of his immediate commander to secure his effects and to prepare the inventory required by the 126th Article of War, according to prescribed form. Dupli- cates of the inventory, with final statements, will be forwarded direct to the Adjutant General of the Army. M third copy of the inventory to he retained by the officer.'] Officers charged with the care of the effects of de- ceased soldiers are required to deliver the same, or the proceeds thereof, to the legal representatives of the Late of deceased (127th Art. of War). If the effects are not claimed within thirty days, they are to be sold by a council of administration and the proceeds of the sale , deposited with a paymaster (A. R. 159). The accounts Kegt of of deceased soldiers are settled by the Auditor for the War Department, and the following is the relative order of heirship adopted by the Treasury Department, y^^^ jjgj ,^^ viz : (i) widow, (2) children, in equal share, (3) father,- (4) mother, (5) brothers and sisters, in equal share. Officers are advised that in the cases of single men, it is a safe rule to dispose of the effects as prescribed in on the day of • A. R. 159, and leave the responsibility of determining the heirship to the Treasury Department.— (Or«f men who left after last issue Number of rations required on this return . Number actually present who are Number actually present sick in Hospital (Note 2, | Persons who are rationed separately from their company, hos Return/or CivU Emflcytes : 1 Nuinber authoiized to draw OTHER STTBSISTElSrCE STORES REGiTTIREnD . Where to be used, or by what Company, Troop, For Period 1 •3 t ■3» 1^ S fJr'ffic for Guards, OiJ!ces,etc. Salt for Public ■ Animals. Candles Matches for Public Fires and Lights. Commencing- Ending— Rations. Rations. Rations. Rations, j Pounds. Boxes. 1 ... „..«.. The Comniis>;ary will issue on- the above return. . A'ley'f of_ ComcVg Post. Re'jt of. ConuTg OSrOTES. 1. Ration returns must call for rations for only those who are actually present with the organization, and should ordinarily be made for periods of not more than ten days at a time. 2 The sick in hospital will be returned for by the medical officer in charge on a ration return separate from the ration return for the detachment of the Hospital Corps and attendants. to which they belong, and setting forth the date to which, and by whom, rations were last issued for them, which ration certificate is presented to the commissary from whom rations are next drawn, who files it with his Abstract of ste, saltand vinegar for public animals, candles for guards and offices, lantern candles for stables, and matches for lighting public fires and lights, must be signed by the officer in charge of tc, and the issue ordered by the commanding officer, who will determine whether the whole or only part of the allowance shall be issued. The number of animals and the period for which ! ISSUES AND MEMORANDUM OF SAVINGS. INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAKING OUT RATION RETURNS. AH.,C.BS. 'S: cSSy Ka.io„s. Quantities. Pork lbs Fresh Beef '. lbs. None. Flour Hard Bread I lbs. Corn Meal | lbs. Baked Beans, canned 1 Peas ' None. Onions | None. None. None. None. None. Coffee Tea ; lbs. Sugar Vinegar Candles Salt Pepper Baking Powder. . Issued f. rPeiiod: Comn^nc. Ending- Quantity. Flour for Paste Vinegar for Animals... Candles for Guards, etc. j rations Salt for Animals ra ions Lantern Candles ration> Matches boxes RATION RETURN dby th 21 to jinmrySl, in the'follo'iring'mlnner? "™ °' ' ^"^° ""^ """^ SergeantWolf, from D.S., January 15 6 Priv'a°e'Andersonl^'fronrii?k*in' Ho" pttal, Jaluia'tV 19 '. '. '. '. '. '. 2 Detachment 15 men, Co. C, 15lh Inf., from D. S., Jnn. 18. 45 Total number of rations to be added 62 Next should be entered those who left after the last regular issue with- numSrorratIons"left'behind'by'each entered^"th°e finarcofumn, thus: Corporal Young, on furlough, January 14 7 Private Brown, on D. S., January 16 6 Private Horn, fo; hospital, January 18 3 Detachment 5 men, Co. C, 15th Inf., on D. S., January 12 (See Ret. 4) 45 the Abs'trart of"l°sues''(Fo°rn^ nTIoT"' those 'persons 'of the organization who are rationed separately from those of the*thii^and"narcorumns™'"'' 6. The table on the outer fold, headed " Issues and Memorandum of Savings " shows, under the subhead ' Issues," the total authorized number of rations of each article to be charged against the organization as issued to it for the period covered by the return. The entries- in this column are those which are carried to the A istract of Iseues (Fjrm 40). The entries in the column headed "Memorandum of Savings" show the quanti v of column are to be used for verifying the vouchers for " savings " when pre- 6, At a post where a general mess is establi.^hed, regular ration returns must be made out in accordance with the above instructions by the com- manding officers of the several organizations which participate in the mess. The aggregate quantity of each article ordered by the post commander to be issuedTor the several organizations participating in the mess [not including reported on the AJjstract of Issues] may be entered on the outer fold of a names of the organizations, the strength of each, and the period, should be deductions, etc., being also given as to each. c^^t'maU of Ml • : L : : : ; I i I I \ I i. I : : : . \ j If . i i^^ : : : § 1 1 \ \ t t 1 1 t I 1 ■ - 1 'M ^ . j : h' Mi % - : : « : : »^ i 1 5 1 1 1 Hi: ii M : M? -M 4 1 - ; :!- Mi 1 1 1 i; 1 1 i 1 ., I rousers pairs ( OATS— Uniform dress— made Artillery (( ive rank ) Cavalry. (Give rank ) ,■ i II ■il J II " Infantry, blouse. (Give rank.) .. . Infantry, dress coat. (Give rank.) I'ostUuartermas.er Scgcmts Brassards. (State whether red or w lil li ■ lit ^ j' 1! li _i_ L ::::!:::■■. • Voucher No. , Quarter SPECIAL REQUISITION CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. property, and the other to be sent to the Quartermaster General at tl i IV ' f ! • 1 r X Ordnance SerReants. o I Commissary Sergeants. ,.,»™,™..,„ „„.,., s...... Acting Hospital Stewards. Privates Hospital Corps. ..neers. ordnance. Cavalry. Light Artillery. Foot Artillery. Infantry. Signal Corps. t r : O' ! i I I i : \ I \ I I I ___ , . ^ „ . _ . . ^^ ^^ ^ 'it : ' i i __: LJ : L lA In i I : L^. I ^ i a 2 8 i e i H H Q ! i g 47 INVOICE OF SUPPLIES TRANSFERRED to by on the day of ,19 FOR TRANSPORTATION TO To be in duplicate : both copies to be signed by the Officer who turns oveir the stores, and to be handed to the Quarter- master who receives them for transportation who will give duplicate receipts therefor. s m > '5. X g z s- z o u < o o d z ABSTRACT No.. INVOICE OF STORES TURNED OVER On the day of- • Received day of- • * Where there are not a sufficient number of vouchers to render an abstract necessary, draw a pen through the word "ABSTRACT." In all cases number the vouchers in the order of the dates of reception, as above noted in the indorsement. 50 I o a ^ C/J ■^ «r n a § 5 S « o ^'^ i a i -^ fe s 3 . £•§ gin "S s g = j sag 11 yog 3 ^C_J s &^ §'H II I it' ^ <, ^ 1 1 \^^ ^•^.au^ EECEIPT FOR ISSUES TO n the day of AS PER INVOICE DATED le dgy of ABSTRACT OF MATERIALS, &c., expended or consumed in Company during tlie quarter ended CLASS VIII.-METALLIO AMMU.MTION. MLSCELLA-VtoUS. 1 DATE. 19 . HOW EXPENDED. 1 il 1" .1 1 r u 1 6 2 f 1 1 1 1 i i i f i 1 1 .2 1 5 E 1 5: 1 1 1 1 Ill practice firing l"l'Unting i i • 1 ' II 1 -J I certify on nOnOr that the above abstract is correct, and that the stores have l)ecn exponile^ Mail with the ORIGINAL FOR THE ORDNANCE DEPART- ^ MENT one complete set of vouchers as above numbered, within "^ twenty days after the expiration of the quarter for which the Re- turn is made. Ti Keep with the DUPLICATE TO BE RETAINED one complete g set of vouchers — exact duplicates of those sent with the ^ "Original." ^ If officers have neglected to make Returns for past quarter, ^ correct Returns for each should be made out before commencing Q that for the current quarter. o All officers stationed east of the Rocky Mountains, who P^ are accountable for Ordnance Stores, whose Returns fail to reach the Ordnance Office within sixty days from the termina- ^ tion of the quarter for which they are due, and who cannot -(-a furnish a reasonable excuse for the delay, are now reported to —^ the Secretary of War for a stoppage of their pay until the proper p^ Return is made. a> The printed headings on this blank MUST NOT be ERASED, ADDED to, INTERLINED, or in ANY WAY CHANGED, Quarterly Retarn ol Ordnance and Ordnance Stores received, issued, and remaining on liand in Go. • Reg lortlie period ended 19 DATE 19 . i s 1 1 s 1 i \ 1 t 1 1 1 1 , 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 1 i 1 s 1 1 i i O 1 df 1 t R t Taken u Received from . = -= I dt Charged on Muster and Pay Rolls, as — .^-.- 1 i ! ,„. GIVE SPECIAL ATTEI^TION TO THE FOLLOWING, VIZ: The printed headings for Rifles are intended for complete rifles—!. «., for rifles with bayonets. Bayonets, extra (i. e., such as form no part of the "complete rifles"), are accounted for on pages n and i8. When bayonets become unserviceable or are lost, the rifles thus rendered incomplete are indicated by /oo/«o<^ as so many rifles lOfWojrf bayonets. All stores of the same kind, although differing in price, pattern, or model, must be accounted for under one heading; and printed headings must not be erased, interlined, added to, or in any way changed. Stores for which there may be no printed headings are taken up and reported under manuscript headings. In this connection a close observance of their proper classification is enjoined. I Certify that the foregoing Return exhibits a correct statement of the public property in my charge during the period ended and that the maximum strength of the company during the period was enlisted men STATION • • ..19 Post-oftke address of the station... Commanding Company.. d on time are subject to a toe. ' demand may Be ^.^^_ == I1NIVF.RSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY W!f2M