J»PP?iM[fSililliilliiSli STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUhLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES liARL WARREN. C.ovprnor C. H. PURCELL. Director of Public Works EDWARD HYATT. Slate Engineer Bulletin No. 52-A SALINAS BASIN INVESTIGATION BASIC DATA 1949 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ORGAHIZATI ON , State Department of Public Works il ORGANIZATION, County of Monterey iii FOREWORD Iv TABLE 1 — Description of Wells in Salinas Valley on Which Basic Data Have Been Collected 1 TABLE 2 -- Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells 127 TABLE 3 — Quality of Water 525 TABLE 4 -- Well Logs 533 PUBLICATIONS -- Division of Water Resources 425 Plate 1 -- Key Showing Map Sheet Locations 429 Plate 2 — Salinas-Castrovillf] 1945 Culture and Well Locations 431 Plate 5 — Spreckels-Gonzales 1943 Culture and Well Locations 453 Plate 4 — Camphora-Greenf ield 1945 Culture and Well Locations 455 Plate 5 — King City 1945 Culture and Well Locations 457 Plate 6 — San Lucas-San Ardo 1945 Culture and Well Locations 459 Plate 7 — Sallnas-Castroville 1944 Lines of Equal Depths to Water . . . 441 Plate 8 — Spreckels-Gonzales 1944 Lines of Equal Depths to Water . . . 445 Plate 9 — Camphora-Greenf ield 1944 Lines of EqiMl Depths to Water . . . 445 Plate 10 — King City 1944 Lines of Equal Depths to Water 447 Plate 11 — San Lucas-San Ardo 1944 Lines of Equal Depths to Water . . . 449 ORGANIZATION STATE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES C. H. Purcell Director of Public Works Edward Hyatt State Engineer A. D. Edmonston Assistant State Engineer Gordon Zander Principal Hydraulic Engineer The investigation was conducted and this report was prepared by T. Russel Simpson Supervising Hydraulic Engineer Assisted by: J. W. McPartland Assistant Hydraulic Engineer Walter I. Nilsson Assistant Hydraulic Engineer G. M. Vickroy Assistant Hydraulic Engineer Theo K. Farrington Assistant Hydraulic Engineer Harold Oonkling, Consulting Engineer Spencer Burroughs,* Principal Attorney Harry Searancke, Acting Administrative Assistant *Deceased 11 ORGANIZATION COUNTY OF MONTEREY Board of Supervisors A. B. Jacobsen, Chairman M. S. Hutchins Rudolph Lamar Vfa. J. Redding Loren Bunte Engineering Department Howard F. Cozzens, in Charge Flood Control and Water Conservation Committee C. L. Pioda,* Chairman S. F. Christiersen H. F. Cozzens, Secretary Arnold Frew Paul Aurignac Jos. Frolli Oliver P. Bardin* Roy Gleason Henry Clausen Arnold Tottinj C. McElrath *Deceased 111 FOREWORD Information collected In the Salinas Basin Investigation, analyses of basic data, and results Eire set forth In Bulletins 52, 52A and 52B of the Division of Water Resources. Bulletins 52 and 52B were published in 19^6. Bulletin 52 contains an intro- ductory statement, summary and conclusions, and detailed technical analyses. The introductory statement includes an account of water resources development In the basin, information leading up to the investigation, a list of prior investigations and reports, and a statement as to scope of the recently completed investigation. The results of analyses, free of technical discussion, and a concise statement of possible solutions of water conservation problems are set forth In the summary and conclusions. The Introduc- tion, Summary and Conclusions of Bulletin 52 have been reprinted as Bulletin 52B. All basic data, heretofore unpublished, of well descriptions In Salinas Valley, water levels at wells, quality of water, well logs, and maps depicting lands irrigated in Salinas Valley in 19h5y used In the analyses are contained in Bulletin 52A. Field work by the Division of Water Resources on the Salinas Basin Investiga- tion Vfas begun on July 17, 19l\l\.- During the three-year period following the publication of Bulletins 52 and 52B, continuing work has been done on measurement of water levels at wells and quality of water checks. The work accomplished, including publication of the three bulletins, was financed cooperatively with funds In the total amount of $37,900 contributed equally by the County of Monterey and the State of California. Iv TABLE 1 DESCRIPTION OF WELLS IN SALINAS VALLEY ON WHICH BASIC DATA HAVE BEEN COLLECTED Since most of the area in Salinas Valley lies in Spanish land grants, the valley floor was divided into quadrants to facilitate description of well locations. The location of quadrant corners and all wells in the valley are shown on Plates 2 to 6, inclusive. The first number and letter of a well designation indicates the :juadrant within which the well is located. The following number indicates the well number within that- quadrant. If there is no final letter in the well designation, an operating irrigation well is indicated. Final letters d, i, m, n, and p in the well designation respectively indicate "domestic", "industrial", "municipal", "nonoperating", and "plugged". ( 1 - B QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 1-B-l Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. 15,7l8 Other Number: Leeds 1057 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1,000 feet south of Fort Ord Highway and 0.5 mile southeast of Castroville. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 12.9' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 22? feet Date Drilled: 19*0 Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 11.5' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer; old Well No. 1-B-l situated 50 feet to the NW is capped. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-2 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. 31,656 Other Number: Leeds IO69 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.4 miles NW of P.G.*E. Sub-Station and 0.5 mile NE of Molera Road Reference Point: Casing top in 5 foot pit. Elevation: 4.3' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: l84 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 9.0' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-3 Owner: Dorothy V. Orcutt, et al. Meter No. 22,332 Other Number: Leeds 1095 Area: Pressure Location and Description: 0.5 mile west of Castroville and O.3 mile north of Fort Ord Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: £ Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and pump test. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer D.W.R. Well No. l-B-4 Owner: Dorothy V. Orcutt, et al. Meter No. 16,702 Other Number: Leeds 1094 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 400 feet south of Fort Ord Highway and 0.4 mile west of Castroville. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 13.8' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Di-.meter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 12.0' Information /-.vailable: '.later levels, water analysis and pump test. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-5 0\vner: J. J". King Meter No. 13,582 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 66O feet west of Fort Ord Highway at Castroville junction. Reference Point: Casin? top (old well). Elevation: I8.C' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Date Drilled: 1942 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels at old well. Remarks: Old Well Ko. l-P-5 plugged in December 1942 by Fort Ord Highway construction; new Well No. l-B-5 nearby cannot be measured; 180-foot a-iUifer. Meter Plate No. 2 (D.W, ,R.) 1: 8, .0' D.U,R. Well No. l-B-6 Owner: John B. Lyon Meter No. 26,4j6 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: I50 feet east of Castroville - Moss Landing Road and 1 mile north of Castroville. Reference Point: Top of wood floor beam. Elevation: 17.1' ( D-U.R.) Dse: Irrigation and Domestic. Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 17.0' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well Ho. l-B-7 Owner: Mary Gomez Meter No. 13,68l Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile east of Molera Road crossing over Tembladera Slough. Reference Point: Through casing below pump base. Elevation: 8.1' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 8.0' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-8 Owner: Howard Cozzens, et al. Meter No. 13,215 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.25 miles south of Moss Landing and 0.3 mile north of Molera Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 7.8' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 7.1' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-9 Owner: J. J. King Meter No. 13,684 Other Number: Leeds IO78A Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: On Shore Ranch, midway between buildings and Tembladero Slough crossing. Reference Point: Hole in top of casing. Elevation: 8.9' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 9.0' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer (plugged in 1946). D.W.R. Well No. 1-B-lO Owner: A. Tottino * J. Bellone Meter No. 12,520 Other Number: Leeds IO78 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile northwest of Molera and Mulligan Hill Road junction. Reference Point: Top of wood clamp. Elevation: 8.0 ' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 9.0' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 1-B-ll Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. 13,297 Other Number: Leeds 1072 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: O.3 mile west of Molera Road and 200 feet south of Mulligan Hill Road. Reference Point: Top of 5 foot pit. Elevation: 11.3' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 11.0' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer; abandoned in 1946. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-12 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. 12,820 Other Number: Leeds IO67 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1 mile southwest of Castroville and 0.25 mile east of junction of Intaschi Lane with Molera Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 9.8' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 9.5' Information Available: Water leve_ls and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-13 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. l6,52* Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.2 miles north of Nashua on west side of Molera Road. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 209 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 9.0' Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-14n Owner: Tony Mendonca Meter No. 31,657 Other Number: Leeds 1077 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 200 feet east of Molera Road and 660 feet south of Tembladero Slough crossing. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 6.5' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 208 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 6.4' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis, pump test and well log. Remarks: Well abandoned in 19*5; l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-15 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. 29,234 Other Number: Leeds 1073 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 900 feet southwest of Molera and Mulligan Hill Road junction. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 9.0' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 205 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 8.0' Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-16 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. 31,946 Other Number: Leeds 106l Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1 mile south of Castroville and 0.3 mile north of Fort Ord Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 14.0' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation and Domestic Well Depth: 190 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 13»5' Information Available: Water levels, water analvsis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Weil No. l-B-17 Owner: 0. P. Overhouse Meter No. 13,296 Other Number: Leeds i097A Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile west of Castroville and 0.5 mile northeast of Molera Road. Reference Point: Casing top in 4.1-foot pit. Elevation: 4.7' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation and Domestic Well Depth: 211 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 8.8' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-18 Owner: Ghiradi Meter No. 26,434 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Immediately east of Castroville and south of Borelli Place. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 171 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 9.0' Information Available: Well log- Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-19 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. 22,216 Other Number: Leeds 1064 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.4 mile north on Molera Road from its junction with Fort Ord Highway; and 100 feet NE of Molera Road. Reference Point: Top of 4 foot pit at ground level. Elevation: 12.0' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 194 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 12.0' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-20i Owner: Hovden Food Products Corp. Area: Moro Cojo Sub-basin Plate 2 Location and Description: Just east of Permanente Plant, Moss Landing. Use: Industrial and Domestic. Information Available: Water analysis Remarks: Not operated since 1944. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-21m Owner: Katherine Sandholt Meter No. 28,822 Area: Moro Cojo Sub-basin Plate 2 Location and Description: Near Moss Landing School Use: Domestic and Municipal. Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: Abandoned in 1944. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-22i Owner: Monterey Bay Salt Co. Meter No. 12,441 Area: More Cojo Sub-basin Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile north of Moss Landing and 500 feet northeast of highway. Use: Domestic and Industrial. Well Depth: 740 feet Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: Perforated only below 500-foot level. D.W.R. Well Ho. l-B-23 Owner: M. Minhoto Meter No. 26,430 Area: Moro Cojo Sub-basin Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.25 miles northeast of Permanente Plant and 0.3 mile north of Dolan Road. Reference Point: Casing Hole. Elevation: 20.0' (U.S. G.S.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 222 feet Date Drilled: 1940 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: W.Alexander Ground Elevation: 20.0' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-24 Owner: M. Minhoto Meter No. 13,214 Area: Moro Cojo Sub-basin Plate 2 Location and Description: 1 mile northeast of Permanente Plant and 0.3 mile north of Dolan Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 20.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 174 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller:' R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 20.0' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-25 Owner: Delfino and Calcagno Meter No. 15,8l6 Area: Moro Cojo Sub-basin Plate 2 Location and Description: 1 mile northeast of Permanente Plant and 0.3 mile north of Dolan Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: IB.O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 17.0' Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-26 Owner: A. T. Vierra, et al. Meter No. 19,209 Area: Moro Cojo Sub-basin Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile northeast of Moss Landing and 0.3 mile north of Dolan Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 40.0' ( Owner' s Survey) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 900 feet Casing Diameter: 20 inches Ground Elevation: 38. 0' Information Available: Water levels Remarks: Perforated only below 500-foot level. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-27n Owner: J. G. Massera, et al Area: Moro Cojo Sub-basin Plate 2 Location and Description: 1 mile east of Moss Landing and immediately south of Dolan Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: I6.O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: I5.O' Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-29 Owner: Daniel Fieri Meter No. 22,206 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile south of Moss Landing and 100 feet west of Castroville Highway Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: I3.O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 800 feet Ground Elevation: 11.0' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis. Remarks: Perforated only below 600-foot level. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-29An Owner: Daniel Fieri Meter No. 22,206 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile south of Moss Landing and 50 feet west of Castroville Highway- Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: IJ.l' (D.W.R.) Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: IJ.O' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-50 Owner: Jennie Tate Meter No. 30,815 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile east of Castroville-Moss Landing Highway and 0.75 mile south of Moss Landing- Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 26.5' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 26.0' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-51 Owner: Jennie Tate Meter No. 15,911 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 500 feet east of Castroville-Moss Landing Highway and 600 feet southeast of its junction with Molera Road. Reference Point: From pump base, through casing top. Elevation: 16.0' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 15.0' Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-32i Owner: The Permanente Metals Corp. Meter No. 18,538 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.10 miles northwest of Castroville and 960 feet east of Castroville-Moss Landing Highway. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete floor. Elevation: 11.5' (D.W.R. ) Use: Industrial Well Depth: I5I feet Date Drilled: 1942 Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: J.E.Fontes Ground Elevation: 11.0' Information Available: Water analysis, pump test and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. well No. l-B-$3i Owiier: The Permanente Metals Corp. Meter No. 18,538 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.10 miles northwest of Castroville and 660 feet east of Castroville-Moss Landing Highway. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete floor. Elevation: I3. 5' (D.W.R.) Use: Industrial Well Depth: 218 feet Date Drilled: 19*2 Casing Diameter: 12 Inches Driller: J.E.Fontes Ground Elevation: I3. 0' Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer; abandoned in 19*7. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-34- Owner: Howard Cozzens, et al. Meter No. 13,872 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.2 miles northwest of Castroville and 600 feet west of Castroville-Moss Landing Highway. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 6.4'(D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation and domestic. Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 6.0' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and pump test. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-35 Owner: A. Leonardini Meter No. 12,530 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.0 mile south of Moss Landing and 3OO feet east of Tembladero Slough. Reference Point: Casing top in 2-foot pit. Elevation: 5.5' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 230 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 7.0' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-36 Owner: J. J. King Meter No. 15,016 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile northeast from Molera Road crossing, over Tsmbladero Slough. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 Inches Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-37 Ovmer: J. J. King Neter No. 18,205 Other Number: Leeds IO78B Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.6 mile northwest from junction of Molera and Mulligan Hill Roads at buildings on Shore Ranch. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 9.1' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation and domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 9.0' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer; abandoned in 1946. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-38 Owner: Mary Gomez Meter No. 9,511 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile southwest of Molera Road junction with Castrovllle-Moss Landing Highway. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 6.2'(D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 6.0' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis- Remarks: 180-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-39 Owner: Anna Worth Meter No. 13,683 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: O.5O mile east of Molera Road crossing over Tembladero Slough. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 6.0' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 6.5' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-40 Owner: J. J. King Meter No. 25,535 Other Number: Leeds IO76 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just west of Tembladero Slough and 0.75 mile east of Molera-Mulligan Hill Road junction. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 8.3'(D.U.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 9-0' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and pump test. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-41 Owner: J. J. King Meter No. 15,999 Other Number: Leeds IO75 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile east of Molera-Mulligan Hill Road junction. (King West Well). Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-42 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. 14,251 Other Number: Leeds 1074 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile southwest of Molera and Mulligan Hill Road junction. Reference Point: Top of wood blocks under pump base in 4 ft. pit. Elevation: 6.6' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 211 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 9.8' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remark: iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 1-3-43 Owner: E. Bellone, et al. Meter No. 12,444 Other Number: Leeds IO8O Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: O.5C mile north of Mulligan Hill and O.J mile northwest of Mulligan Hill Road. Reference Point: Casing top in 4 ft. pit. Elevation: 4.5'(D.U.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 220 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 8.5' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-44 Owner: E. Bellone, et al. Meter No. 22,5l6 Other Number: Leeds 1079 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 660 feet north of Mulligan Hill Road at Bellone east boundary. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 221 feet Date Drilled: 1943 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: F.W.Porter Ground Elevation: 10.0' Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: iSC-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 1-B-4S Owner: E. Bellone, et al. Meter No. 22,531 Other Number: Leeds J.082 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: On Mulligan Hill Road, 100 feet west of Bellone east boundary. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 222 feet Date Drilled: 1958 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Bassett * Porter Ground Elevation: 10.0' Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: Mexican Camp well; l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-46 Owner: E. Bellone, et al. Meter No. 50,698 Other Nunfcer: Leeds IO81 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: On Mulligan Hill Road, 0.25 mile west of Mexican Camp. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: 10.9' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 220 feet Date Drilled: 1944 Casing Diameter: 14 to 10 inchs Driller: F.W.Porter Ground Elevation: 9.5' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer; abandoned in 1945. D.W.R. Well No. l-S-47 Owner: Fred Borelli Meter No. 25,568 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile northeast of Castroville and 500 yards east of highway. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 4.2'(D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation and domestic. Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 10.9' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-48 Owner: Fred Borelli Meter No. 15,120 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just north of Castroville and 100 feet east of highway. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 9.8' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation and domestic. Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 10.0' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-49 Owner: Fred Borelli Meter No. 15,255 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile northeast of Castroville and 200 feet SW of Castrovi lie-Moss Landing Highway. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 7.5'(D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 7.0' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-?0 Location and Description: Owner: Fred Borelll Area: Pressure North bound&ry of Castroville and 0.5 mile west from Castroville Highway, near Temtladero Slough. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. 20,749 Plate 2 D.W.R. Well No. l-B-51 Owner: Other Number: Leeds 1097 Area: Location end Description: 0.5 mile west north of Foft Ord Road Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. A, P. Overhouse Meter No. Pressure Plate 2 of Castroville and 1.0 mile 15,772 D.W.R. Well No. l-B-52 , _ _ ^ _ Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. Other Number: Leeds' IO7O Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: On Molera Road 0.4 mile south of junction with Mulligan Hill Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 9.6' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Ground Elevation: 9.0' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. 28,816 Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-53 Other Number: Leeds 1071 Location and Description: Reference Point: Casing top Use: Irrigation and domestic Information Available: Water levels and water analysis Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. 12,684 Plate 2 Owner: Molera Estate Area: Pressure 75 mile ea^st of Mulligan Hill. Elevation: 11.9' (D.W.R.) Ground Elevation: 11.8' D.W.R. Well No. l-B-54 Location and Description: Meter No. 30,01? Plate 2 Owner: J. B. Lyons Area: Pressure 1.0 mile north on Castroville-Moss Landing Highway from junction with Fort Ord Highway. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 19.O' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 191 feet Date Drilled Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: W.Alexander Ground Elevation: 18.O' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 1942 D.W.R. Well No. l-B-55 Other Number: Leeds 1060 Location and Description: Owner: A. Tottino Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 2 400 feet north of Fort Ord Highway and 0.5 mile west of Castroville. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: Use: Irrigation and domestic Well Depth: 232 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 12.0'(D.W.R- 11.5' 12,256 D.W.R. Well No. 1-3-56 Other Number: Leeds IO96 Location and Description: Use: Irrigation Owner: Cooper Estate Area: Pressure 0.5 mile west of Castroville. Well Depth: 193 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: Nunes Information Available: Water analysis, pump test and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. 10,139 Plate 2 Date Drilled: 1939 D.W.R. Well No. l-B-57 Location and Description: Reference Point: Blocks over casing Use: Irrigation Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: W. E. Bradford Area: Pressure Southerly part of Castroville. Elevation: Meter No. 23,543 Plate 2 .0' (U.S.G.S. ) D.U.R. Well No. l-B-58 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. 17,3*4 Other Number: Leeds 1062 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile north of Fort Ord Highway and 0.50 mile east of Molera Road. Reference Point: Casing top Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 207 feet Ground Elevation: 14.0' Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-59 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. 20,859 Other Number: Leeds IO68 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile west of Castroville. Reference Point: Casing top Use: Irrigation Information Available: Water analysis Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 1-B-60 Owner: Mabel Warnock Meter No. 9,9*2 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just northwest of intersection of Molera Road and Castrovi lie-Moss Landing Highway. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 8.0' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: I56 feet Date Drilled: 1945 Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: W.Alexander Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-61 Owner: A. Leonardini Meter No. 51,354 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.0 mile south of Moss Landing west of Leonardini house. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 8.0' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 151 feet Date Drilled: 1945 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: W.Alexander Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-62d Owner: Molera Estate Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Southwest corner Molera and Mulligan Road June tion. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 211 feet Date Drilled: 1944 Case Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Well log Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-63n Owner: Tottino & Bellone Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just northwest of junction Molera and Mulligan Hill Roads. Reference Point: Casing top in 2 foot pit. Elevation: 8.7' (D.W.R.) Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 10.0' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis Remarks: Abandoned in 1944; l80-foot aquifer; Recorder well. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-64d Owner: Dorothy V. Orcutt, et al. Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.4 mile west on Fort Ord Highway from intersection of Castrovi lie-Moss Landing Highway. Reference Point: Top of casing Elevation: 12.2 ' (D.W.R.) Use: Domestic Well Depth: 200 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 11.5' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-65n Owner: Molera Estate Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.0 mile southwest of Castroville and 0.5 mile north of Fort Ord Highway Reference Point: Top of pump base blocks. Elevation: 11.7' (D.W.R.) Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 11.0' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: Not used since 19*3; l80-foot aquifer. 10 D.W.R. Well No. l-B-66n Owner: Jennie Tate Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile east of Moss Landing Road and 0.1 mile east of Permanente #2 operating pump. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 14.5' (D.W.R.) Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 14.0' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-67 Owner: Dolan Bros. Meter No. 23,71? Area: Moro Cojo Sub-basin Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile east of Southern Pacific Railroad and 2.0 miles north of Castroville. Reference Point: Casing hole Elevation: 45.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 406 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: W.Alexander Ground Elevation: 44.0' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: Perforated below 260 feet only. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-68d Owner: Cooper Estate Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile west of Castroville near Tembladero Slough. Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 1-B-69P Owner: . E. Bellone, et al. Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.0 mile south from junction of Molera and Mulligan Hill Roads. Use: Nonoperating. Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: Plugged; l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-70p Owner: E. Bellone, et al. Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile south on Mulligan Road from junction of Molera Road. Use: Nonoperating Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: Plugged; l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-71p Owner: E. Bellone, et al. Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile south and 0.25 mile east of Mulligan Hill Road. Use: Nonoperating Well Depth: 228 feet Driller: Nunes Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: Plugged in 1943. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-73 Owner: E. Bellone, et al. Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: South side of Mulligan Hill Road, opposite Bellone Mexican Camp. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 441 feet Date Drilled: 1945 Casing Diameter 12-16 inches Driller: Bert Duer Ground Elevation: 10.0' InfornBtion Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-74d Owner: A. Tottino Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Town of Castroville Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 10 inches Information Available: Water analysis Remarks: l80-foot aquifer 11 D.W.R. Well No. l-B-75d Owner: Molera Estate Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: O.5O mile northeast of Molera Road and Mulligan Hill junction. Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information: Water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-76 Owner: J. J. King Meter No. l8,205 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: West of buildings on Warnock Shore Ranch. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 559 feet Date Drilled: 19*5 Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: F. W. Walker Information Available: Well log Remarks: Perforated only in 4.00-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-77 Owner: T. Mendonoa Meter No. 33,059 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 660 feet northeast of junction of Mulligan Hill and Molera Roads. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 195 feet Date Drilled: 1946 Casing Diameter: 16 inches • Driller: P.G.Masson Ground Elevation: 10.0' Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-78 Owner: E. Bellone, et al. Meter No. 9,488 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile south^vest on Mulligan Hill Road from Molera Road junction. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 576 feet Date Drilled: 1947 Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: F.W.Walker Information Available: Water analysis, pump test and well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-B-79 Owner: Tony Mendonca Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 65O feet northeast of junction of Molera and Mulligan Hill Roads. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 576 feet Date Drilled: 1947 Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: F.W.Walker Information Available: Well log. RenBTks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. (2 - B aUADRAWr) D.W.R. Well No. 2-B-l Owner: W. F. Johnson Meter No. 17,310 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.2 mile east of Salinas-Castroville Highway, 0.25 mile northwest along Highway from its junction with Espinosa Road. Reference Point: Slot in concrete base. Elevation: 11.2' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Ground Elevation: 10.6' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-3-2 Owner: W. F. Johnson Meter No. 14,366 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 200 feet east of junction of Espinosa Road and Castroville-Salinas Highway. Reference Point: Hole in pump base. Elevation: 15' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Ground Elevation: 14.3' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-B-5 Owner: Caterina Rissotti Meter No. 14,353 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 600 feet west of Salinas-Castroville Highway and 0.25 mile south of Fort Ord Highway. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 25' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 24.8' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aauifer. 12 D.W.R. Well No. 2-B-7 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. 12,012 Other Number: Leeds 1059 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 200 feet north of Monterey Branch Railroad and 0.25 mile southwest of Tembladero Slough. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: lb. 4' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation and domestic. Well Depth: 227 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 15.0' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-B-8 Owner: G. Lyons Meter No. 15,035 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile east on Prunedale Road from Castroville. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 6.0' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 6.0' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-B-9 Owner: G. Lyons Meter No. 28,8l7 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.5 mile east on Prunedale Road from Castroville. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 2.0' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 207 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 1.0» Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-B-ll Owner: . J. Rodgers Meter No. 8,590 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.4 mile north of Espinosa Road and 1.25 mile east of Castrovi lie-Salinas Highway. Reference Point: Pump hole Elevation: 1.0' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 575' Date Drilled: I945 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Nunes Ground Elevation: -1.0' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer; east of 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-B-12d Owner: J. Rodgers Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just north of Espinosa Road and 1.25 miles east of Southern Pacific Railroad. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 201 feet Date Drilled: 1931 Driller: J.E.-Buckner Ground Elevation: 72.0' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-B-I3 Owner: W. F. Johnson Meter No. 17,316 Area; Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.4 mile north of Espinosa Road and I.7 mile east of Southern Pacific Railroad. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 52.0' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 51.0' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-B-I5 Owner: Marion Thompson Meter No. 12,445 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 8OO feet east of Southern Pacific Railroad -nd 1,000 feet south of Fort Ord Highway. Reference Point: Top of wooden supports over casing. Elevation: 15 .6' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 19O + Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 14.0' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 13 (3 - B QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. j-B-l Owner: A. H. Christensen Meter No. 18,285 Other Number: Leeds 1192 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and rtescription: 1.0 mile north on State Highway 101 from its junction with Espinosa Road, near southwest corner of 3-B quadrant. Reference Point: Hole in base of pump. Elevption: 125.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 550 feet Ground Elevation: 123.0' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: East of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 3-B-3 Owner: F. P. George Meter No. 12,835 Other Number: Leeds 119* Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.25 mile northeast from junction of State Highway 101 with Espinosa Road, near south- west corner of 3-B quadrant. Reference Point: Hole in side of pump. Elevation: 100.0 ' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Ground Elevation: 100' Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 3-B-8 Owner: Yuki * Bunn Meter No. 14,361 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 350 feet southeast of Herbert Road Bridge on Gabilan Creek. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: I85.O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 235 feet Date Drilled: 1944 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Bowles Ground Elevation: 184.0' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: East of blue clay zone; see log of adjacent test well No. 3-B-8A. D.W.R. Well No. 3-B-9 Owner: E. L. Anderson Meter No. 11,943 Other Number: Leeds 1145 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile south on old Stage Road from its junction with old State Highway. Use: Irrigation Information Available: Pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 3-B-lOAi Owner: The Permanente Metals Corp. Other Number: Leeds 1144B Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile southeast of Herbert Road Bridge on Gabilan Creek. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: I6I.O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Domestic and industrial. Well Depth: 267 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: L. Alsop Ground Elevation: I8O.O' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: East of blue clay zone. (1 - C ftUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 1-C-l Owner: Dorothy V. Orcutt, et al. Meter No. 15,720 Other Number: Leeds 1028 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: O.I5 mile southwest of Bianco-Nashua Road and 1.3 miles southeast of Monterey Branch Railroad. Reference Point: Top of casing. Elevation: 18. 9' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 19. 0' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-2 Owner: Cooper Estate Meter No. 12,511 Other Number: Leeds IO37 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 6OO feet east of Molera Road and 0.9 mile southwest of Nashua. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: I8. 7' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation and domestic. Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: I8.5' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 14 D.W.R. Well No. l-C-3 Ovmer: Molera Estate Meter No. 23,545 Other Number: Leeds 1046 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile due south of Nashua Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 19.5' (D.U.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 21? feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 19.0' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-4n Owner: Molera Estate Other Number: Leeds 1040 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: East of Molera Road and 0.4 mile south of Nashua. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 15.0' (D.W.R. ) Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 14.7' Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer; capped in 1941. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-5 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. 13,788 Other Number: 1052 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.4 mile southwest of Nashua and 0.1 mile south of Monterey Branch Railroad. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 14.5' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 202 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 13.5' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-6 Owner: K. L. Martin Meter No. 16,914 Other Number: Leeds 1088 Area: ■ Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile west of Neponset Station- Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 9.7' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 8.0' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-7 Owner: J. G. Armstrong Co. Meter No. 12,721 Other Number: Leeds IO87 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 miles southwest of Neponset Station. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 7.0' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 135 ^eet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 6.5' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-8 Owner: Jacob Jefferson Meter No. 20,870 Other Number: Leeds 105I Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.4 mile east of Neponset Station. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: I5.O' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: I6 inches Ground Elevation: 14.5' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-9 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. l6,710 Other Number: Leeds IO6JA Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile southwest of Molera and Fort Ord Road Intersection. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 13.3 ' ( D.VJ.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 209 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: I3.O' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 1-C-lO Owner: Lottie L. Martin Meter No. 15, 8I? Other Number: Leeds 1093 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile east of Salinas River and O.5O mile north of Fort Ord Road. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 13 .5 ' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 10 inches Ground Elevation: I3. 0' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer. 15 D.W.R. Well No. 1-C-ll Leeds 1092 Other Number: Location and Description Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Lottie L. Martin Area: Pressure Martin east vrell 0.50 mile east of Salinas River and O.5O mile north of Fort Ord Road. Meter No. 12,2*8 Plate 2 D.W.R. Well No. l-C-12 Other Number: 1090 Location and Description: Owner: Area: Agnes Martin Fink Pressure 0.25 mile east of Salinas River and 0.25 mile north of Fort Ord Road. Use: Irrigation and domestic. Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. 13,38l Plate 2 D.W.R. Well No. l-C-14 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. Other Number: Leeds 1059A Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 50 feet north of Monterey Branch Railroad and 0.75 mile northeast of Nashua. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: I3.I' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 2l8 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 12.6' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 13,679 D.W.R. Well No. l-C-15 Other Number: Leeds 1045 Location and Description: Owner: Molera Estate Area: Pressure Back of Rincon School Lot and south of Nashua. Meter No. 10,423 Plate 2 Reference Point: Casing top Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 21? feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 75 mile Elevation: 17.3' (D.W.R.) Ground Elevation: I6.6' D.W.R. Well No. I-C-I6 Owner: Molera Estate Other Number: Leeds 1048 Area: Pressure Location and Description: 100 feet west of Molera Road and O.5 mile south of Nashua. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: I5.I' (D.W.R. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 191 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 15.0» Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. 28,864 Plate 2 Meter No. 15,785 Plate 2 D.W.R. Well No. l-C-17 Owner: Molera Estate Other Number: Leeds IO58 Area: Pressure Location and Description: 600 feet north of Monterey Branch Railroad and 0.75 miles southwest of Tembladero Slough Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 14.9' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation and domestic Well Depth: 180 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 14.5' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer D.W.R. Well No. I-C-I8 Owner : Other Number: Leeds I09I Area: Location and Description: James Martin, Jr. Pressure Meter No. 15,015 Plate 2 0.1 mile north of Fort Ord Road and U.4 mile east of Salinas River. Reference Point: Bottom of pump blocks. Elevation: 12.5' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 18O feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 11.0' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis, pump test and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer; see log of nearby domestic well No. l-C-l8d. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-19 Owner: Lottie F. Martin Other Number: Leeds IO83 Area: Pressure Location and Description: 0.25 mile northwest of Neponset Station. Reference Point: Pump hole Elevation: I8.O' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and pump test. Remarks: This is County Measuring Well #l-C-6; l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. Plate 2 17. 0' 11,994 16 D«W.R. Well No. l-C-20 Owner: Jacob Jefferson Meter No. I6,7l8 Other Number: Leeds IO5O Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: JOO feet west of Salinas River and 1 mile east of Neponset Station. Reference Point: Pump hole Elevation: I8. 3' (CW.R. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 212 Feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: I8.O' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-21n Owner: J. G. Armstrong Co. Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile inland from Bay and 0.5 mile west of Neponset Station. Use: Nonoperating Well Depth: 135' Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Well capped, never been operated. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-22 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. 16,717 Other Number: Leeds 1055 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 50 feet north of Monterey Branch Railroad and 0.5 miles northeast of Nashua. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 16. 0' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 260' Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: I5.O' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-23 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. 12,535 Other Number: Leeds IO56 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile south of Fort Ord Road and 1.25 miles west of Castroville. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 12.9' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 25*' Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 11.5' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-24 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. 13,298 Other Number: Leeds IO63 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 100 feet northwest of intersection of Molera and Fort Ord Roads. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 12.9' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation and domestic Well Depth: 199 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 13.0' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-25 Owner: Dorothy V. Orcutt, et al. Meter No. 24,927 Other Number: Leeds 1054 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.2 mile south of Molera Road crossing over Monterey Branch Railroad. Reference Point: Hole under pump base. Elevation: 14. 9' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-26 Owner: K. L. Martin, et al. Meter No. 15,723 Other Number: Leeds IO86 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile south of Radar station. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 9.1' Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 16O' Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 9.0' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-27 Owner: Barbara Martin Meter No. 10,343 Other Number: Leeds IO83A Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile west of Neponset Station. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 10.6' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation * domestic Well Depth: l84' Date Drilled: 1944 Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: Wm. Alexander Ground Elevation: 10' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis, pump test and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 17 D.V.R. Well No. l-C-28 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. Other Number: Leeds 10J9 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile south of Monterey Branch Railroad and 0.5 mile east of Nashua. Reference Point: Pump base hole Elevation: 15.5' (D.U.H.) Use: Irrigation Ground Elevation: 14.8' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 14,118 p.W.R. Well No. l-C-jO Other Number: Leeds IO38 Location and Description: Use: Irrigation Information Available: Water analysis Remarks: l80-foot aiiuifer. Owner: Molera Estate Area: Pressure 200 feet east of Molera Road near south boundary of Molera Estate. Meter No. Plate 2 22,330 P.W.R. Well No. l-C-31 Other Number: Leeds 1044 Location and Description: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Information Available Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Molera Estate Area: Pressure 200 feet west of Molera Road and 0.75 mile southeast of Nashua. Hole under pump base. Elevation: 17.9'(D.W.R Ground Elevation: I8' Water levels and water analysis. Meter No. 16,588 Plate 2 P.W.R. Well No. l-C-32 Other Number: Leeds 1049 Location and Description: Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 2 200 feet west of Molera Road and 0.25 mile south of Nashua. Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer. Casing top 12 inches 14,120 Elevation: 14.5' (D.W.H. ) Ground Elevation: 14.8' P.W.R. Well No. l-C-33 Other Number: Leeds 1043 Location and Description: Owner: Molera Estate Area: Pressure 1 mile south of Nashua and 0.5 mile west of Molera Road. Meter No. Plate 2 29,380 Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: Casing top 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: iSO-foot aquifer. Elevation: l8.3'(D.W.R. Ground Elevation: 17.5' P.W.R. Well No, Other Number: l-C-34 Leeds 1047 Location and Description: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 Information Available Remarks: iSO-foot aquifer Owner: Molera Estate Area: Pressure East bank of Salinas River and 0.4 mile south of Monterey Branch Railroad. Well Depth: 218 feet inches Driller: R. Alsop Water analysis and well log. Meter No. 16,624 Plate 2 D.W.R. Well No. l-C-35 Owner: Molera Estate Other Number: Leeds 1047A Area: Pressure Location and Description: East bank of Salinas River and 0.25 mile south of Monterey Branch Railroad. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. 15,783 Plate 2 p.W.R. Well N o. Other Numberr Location and Description: l-C-36 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. Leeds 1089 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Midway between Nashua and Neponset, south of Monterey Branch Railroad. Reference Point: Casing top in 5 foot pit. Elevation: 9.5' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: l84 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 14.5' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 12,605 18 D.W.R. Well No. l-C-38 (East) l-C-3»A(West) Owner: Jacob Jefferson Meter No. Plate 2 Other Number: Leeds 105IA Leeds IO5IB Area: Pressure Location and Description: 0.5 mile southeast of Neponset Station. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base Elevation: I7.3' (D.U.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 18O feet I7.8' (D.W.R. ) Casing Diameter: 12 inches each Ground Elevation: I6' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer; two pumps on same meter. 12,212 D.W.R. Well No. l-C-39 Other Number: Leeds 1027 Location and Description: Reference Point: Casing top Dse: Irrigation and domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Jacob Jefferson Area: Pressure 0.25 mile east of Salinas River and 1.25 miles west of Kolera Road. Elevation: Meter No. 25,151 Plate 2 IB.OMIJ.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. l-C-42 Other Number: Leeds 1026 Location and Description: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Dorothy V. Orcutt, et al. Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 2 0.4 mile east of Salinas River and JOO feet north of Silacci Lane. Hole under pump base. Elevation: I8.I' (D.W.R.) Ground Elevation: 18.2' 16,585 D.W.R. Well No. l-C-43 Owner: Dorothy V. Orcutt, et al. Meter No. Other Number: Leeds 1025 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.1 mile east of Salinas River and 150 feet north of Silacci Lane. 10,690 Reference Point: Casing top Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer- Elevation: 18.7' (D.W.R.) Ground Elevation: I8.9' D.W.R. Well No. ^ l-C-45 Other Number: Leeds 1012 Location and Description: Owner: Basilio Breschini Area: Pressure 0.25 mile west of Salinas River and 2.0 northwest of Blanco. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. 21,114 Plate 2 miles 20.0' (U.S.G. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-46 Other Number: Leeds 1011 Location and Description: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Basilio Breschini Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 2 0.35 mile west of Salinas River and near boundary of 1-C 5,uadrant. Top of wood curb Elevation: 25.0' (U.S.G. S. 12,567 D.W.R. Well No. l-C-48d Leeds 1084 Other Numver Location and Description Owner: U. S. Navy Area: Pressure Plate 2 0.1 mile west of Salinas River and 0.75 mile northwest of Neponset. Use: Domestic and fire. Well Depth: 75' Date Drilled: Casing Diameter: 20 inches Driller: Nunes Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: In Neponset Cove above 180-foot aquifer. 1945 D.W.R. Well No. l-C-49n Owner: Lottie F. Martin Other Number: Leeds IO93A Area: Pressure Location and Description: Midway between Mulligan Hill and Nashua Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Abandoned due to salinity; l80-foot aquifer; Recorder well. 9.8 Ground Elevation Plate 2 D.W.R.) 9.5' 19 D.W.R. Well No. l-C-50d Owner: Molera Estate Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile southwest of Molera and Fort Ord Road intersection. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 15.7' (D.W.R.) Dse: Domestic only Well Depth: ailtreet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 14. Qt Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-51d Owner: Molera Estate Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: At southeast corner of Fort Ord and Molera Road Junction. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 246 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-53n Owner: K. L. Martin, et al. Other Number: Leeds IO85 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: JOO feet south of Radar Station and O.75 mile northwest of Neponset Station. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 7.7' (D.W.R.) Use: Nonoperating Well Depth: 200 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 7.7' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer; abandoned due to salinity; Recorder Well. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-54n Owner: Molera Estate Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Near south boundary of Molera Estate and 0.25 mile east of Molera Road. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 17.2' (D.W.R.) Use: Nonoperating Well Depth: 200 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 16. 5' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: Capped; l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. l-C-55d Owner: K. L. Martin, et al. Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.15 mile west of Neponset. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 59 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: In Neponset Cove above l80-foot aquifer. (2 - C QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-l Owner: Molera Estate Meter No, 15,818 Other Number: Leeds IO32 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.3 mile south of Monterey Branch Railroad and 0.75 mile southwest of Tembladero Slough. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 214 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-2 Owner: W. F. Johnson Meter No. 14,900 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile east of Castroville-Salinas Highway and 0.15 mile south of Espinosa Road. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 37.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-3 Owner: Molera Estate Meter No. 12,52? Other Number: Leeds IO3I Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.3 mile northwest of Castroville-Salinas Highway crossing over Tembladero Slough. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 20 D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-4 Ovmer: Cooper Estate Meter No. 13,66? Other Nxunber: Leeds 1034 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.6 mile northeast of Molera Road and 0.75 mile southeast of Monterey Branch Railroad. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 17.1' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation and domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 17.9' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-6 Owner: Cooper Estate Meter No. 14,250 Other Number: Leeds 1035 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.25 miles southeast of Monterey Branch Railroad and 0.75 mile west of Castroville-Salinas Highway. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 19.8' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 19.0' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-7 Owner: Cooper Estate Meter No. 16,582 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just east of Castroville-Salinas Highway and 1.6 miles south of Monterey Branch Railroad. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 21.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-9 Owner: Rose Fererra Meter No. 50,8l4 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile east of Castroville-Salinas Highway and 0.3 mile north of Espinosa Road. Reference Point: Casing hole Elevation: 25.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well Ho. 2-C-lO Owner: W. F. Johnson Meter No. l8,204 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.10 mile south of Espinosa Road and 0.6 mile east alonf Espinosa Road from its intersection with Salinas-Watsonville Highway. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 14. 0' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-lli Owner: E. H. Spiegl Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: At Spiegl Plant between Blanco and Nashua. Use: Industrial Well Depth: 142 feet Casing Diameter: 10 inches Driller: J.E.Buckner Ground Elevation: 15.0' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-12 Owner: Frank C. Borges Meter No. 11,948 Other Number: Leeds 1023 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile west of Castroville-Salinas Highway and 1.25 miles south of Monterey Branch Railroad. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 16. 3' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 16.0' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2 -C -13 Owner: L. Farsetto Meter No. 17,227 Other Number: Leeds 1022 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile north of Molera Road and I.5 miles south of Monterey Branch Railroad. Reference Point: Top of concrete base. Elevation: 21.7' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 21.0' Information: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 21 D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-14 Owner: J. P. Rodgers Area: Pressure Location end Description: 0.75 mile east of Castrovllle-Salinas Hifhway and 1 mile south of Espinosa Road. Ose: Domestic and irrigation. Well Depth: 159 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Nunes Information Available: Well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. 50,856 Plate 2 Date Drilled: 194? D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-15 Location and Description: Owner: Area: Cooper Estate Pressure Meter No. 17,509 Plate 2 Reference Point: Pump hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 0.2 mile east of Castroville-Salinas Highway and 1.55 miles northeast from Coopers Station. Elevation: 20.0' (U.S. G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-17i Location and Description: Owner: E. H. Spiegl Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 2 0.25 mile east of Nashua Road midway between Blanco and Nashua. Use: Industrial Well Depth: 578 feet Date Drilled Casing Diameter: 8 inches Driller: J.E.Buokner Ground Elevation: 20.0' Information Available: Veil log. Remarks: Perforated below 5IO feet; 400-foot aquifer. 17,509 1952 D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-I8 Owner: F. J. Rogers, et al. Other Number: Leeds 1014A Area: Pressure Location and Description: 0.75 mile north from intersection of Cooper Road and San Jon del Alisal Slough. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 191 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation Information Available: Well log. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer. Meter No. 50,009 Plate 2 25.0' D.W.R. Well No. 2-0-19 Other Number: Leeds 1015 Location and Description: Owner: Area: Annie M. Nielson, et al. Pressure Meter No. 14,508 Plate 2 1.25 miles northwest of Cooper and Castroville Road Junction. Casing hole. Elevation: 25.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-25 Owner: Monterey County Bank Other Number: Leeds IOI6A Area: Pressure Location and Description: 0.5 mile west of Bianco-Nashua Road and 2 miles north of Blanco. Reference Point: Pump hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. Plate 2 15,005 Elevation: 25.0' D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-25 Other Number: Leeds 1015 Location and Description: Pump hole. Owner: Monterey County Bank Meter No Area: Pressure Plate 2 Just west of Nashua Road and 0.5 mile northwest of its junction with Cooper Road. 15,586 Elevation: feet Reference Point Use: Irrigation " Well Depth: 175.5 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 24.0'(U.S 25.0' G.S*) D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-28 Other Number: Leeds 1017 Location and Description: 0.1 1.4 Casing hole. Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: John W. Orcutt Meter No. 15»055 Area: Pressure Plate 2 mile southwest of Bianco-Nashua Road and miles northwest of its Junction with Cooper Road. Elevation: 25.1(D.W.R.) Ground Elevation: 2J.0i 22 D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-?l Other Number: Leeds 99^ Location and Description: Owner: Cooper Estate Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 2 Northwest corner of Castroville-Salinas Highway and Cooper Road Junction. Reference Point: Pump base slot. Elevation: 26.0' (D.W.R.] Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 23.5' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 15,038 D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-32 Other Niimber: Leeds 1019 Location and Description: Meter No. 14,894 Plate 2 Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: John C. Orcutt Area: Pressure 0.25 mile southwest of Castroville-Salinas Highway and 1.25 miles north of Cooper Station. Casing hole. Elevation: 20.0' (U.S. G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-33 Location and Description Pump hole Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: M. E. King, et al. Area: Pressure 0.5 mile west of Bianco-Nashua Road and 0.75 mile south of Nashua. Elevation: Meter No. 17,308 Plate 2 54.0'(U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. Other Number: Location and Description 2-C-34 Leeds 1007 Owner: Area: J. G. Bode Pressure Meter No. Plate 2 30,874 Just west of Castroville-Salinas Highway and 0.55 mile north of San Jon Road. Reference Point: Casing top Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Elevation: 33.7 ' (D.W.R.) Ground Elevation: 32.4' D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-35 Other Number: Leeds 1014 Location and Description: Reference Point: Pump base Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Annie M. Nielsen Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 2 0.7 mile north along Bianco-Nashua Road from Coopers Road, thence east along lane about 0.5 mile. 15,004 Elevation: 24.0' (U.S. G.S. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-37 Owner: Cooper Estate Meter No. Other Number: Leeds 989 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 200' west of Bianco-Nashua Road and 0.2 mile north of its junction with Cooper Road. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 24.5 ' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 17,225 D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-38 Other Number: Leeds 988 Location and Description: Owner: Area: Cooper Estate Pressure Meter No. 20,938 Plate 2 0.5 mile west of intersection of Bianco-Nashua Road and Cooper Road. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 25.7 ' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 25.0' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-39 Owner: W. J. Schween Meter No. Other Number: Leeds 986 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.5 miles north of Blanco and 0.2 mile west of Bianco-Nashua Road. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 27.6' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 189 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 27' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 17,217 23 D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-'tO Other Number; Leeds 1008 Location and Description: Reference Point Dse: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Vida Jacks Area: Pressure 0.2 mile east of Salinas River at end of Jacks Lane west from Bianco-Nashua Road. Groove in concrete base. Elevation: Meter No. 13,122 Plate 2 25.6'(D.W.R.) Ground Elevation: 23.0' D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-41 Other Number: Leeds 985 Location and Description: Reference Point: Dse: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Yuki and Bunn Area: Pressure 1.25 mile north of Blanco and 0.25 mile west of Bianco-Nashua Road. Hole under pump base. Elevation: Meter No. 26,710 Plate 2 25.8' (D.W.R.) Ground Elevation: 26. 0' D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-4? Other Number: Leeds 992 Location and Description: Owner: Area: Cooper Estate Pressure Meter No. 22,514 Plate 2 0.5 mile west of Cooper Road and Castroville- Salinas Highway junction. Reference Point: Pump base slot. Elevation: 27.1' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 27.8' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-44 Other Number: Leeds 991 Location and Description Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Cooper Estate Area: Pressure 0.5 mile north of Cooper Road and Bianco-Nashua Road Junction. Slot in pump base. Elevation Meter No. 12,606 Plate 2 28.IMD.W.R.) Ground Elevation: 28.0' D.W.R. Well No. 2-0-4 Other Number: Leeds 999 Location and Description Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: Information Available Remarks: l80-foot aquifer Ovmer: Potter, Sans and Van Kilsdonk Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 2 0.5 mile north of MoFadden Road and 0.5 mile east of junction of McFadden and Bianco-Nashua Roads. Well Depth: 304 feet 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 25.0' Well log 15,754 D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-5O Other Number: Leeds 1001 Location and Description: Reference Point: Pump hole Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: F. Luis Meter Area: Pressure Plate 200 feet south of Alisal Slough, O.5 mile west of McFadden Road at a point O.7 mile east of its junction with Salinas-Bianco Road. No. 2 Elevation: 29.3'(D.W.R. 12,662 D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-53 Other Number: Leeds 973 Location and Description: Owner: Area: August H. Schmidt Pressure Meter No. Plate 2 13,876 Between Blanco School and store on north side of Salinas-Bianco Road. Reference Point: Casing top Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Elevation: 32.8' (D.W.R.) D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-55 Other Number: Leeds 950 Location and Description: Owner: Ed H. Bordges Area: Pressure On Armstrong Road 0.5 mile west of Salinas- Bianco Road. Meter No. 15,809 Plate 2 Reference Point: Pump hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Elevation: 33.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Ground Elevation: 32.0' 24 D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-37 Owner: Elizabeth H. Schween Meter No. 13,584 Other Number: Leeds 959 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile west of Armstrong Road and 0.5 mile south of McFadden Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 30.6' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-G-59 Owner: Margaret McHarry Meter No. 12,565 Other Number: Leeds 970 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just northeast of Blanco School. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 29.0' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-60 Owner: D. P. McFadden, et al. Meter No. 14,253 Other Number: Leeds 976 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.15 mile west of Blanco and is easterly of two wells on same meter. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 31.6' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-60A Owner: D. P. McFadden, et al. Meter No. 14,253 Other Number: Leeds 976A Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.15 mile west of Blanco and is westerly of two wells on same meter. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 31.6' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-6ld Owner: Peter Breschini, et al. Meter No. 30,507 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just back of old Blanco store inside tank house. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 31.4 ' (D.W.R.) Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well Ho. 2-C-66 Owner: Thelma L. Whitney Meter No. 14,117 Other Number: Leeds 961 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile south of Blanco school. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 30.0 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 19° feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 29.0' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-68 Owner: 0. P. Hardin Meter No. 11,952 Other Number: Leeds 906 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.6 mile southeast of Blanco school. Reference Point: Pump hole Elevation: 31.7 ' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 362 feet Date Drilled: 1929 Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: Alsop Bros. Ground Elevation: 3O.O' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-69 Owner: Roy B. Martella Meter No. 8,870 Other Number: Leeds 1002 /_rea: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.2 mile northwest of McFadden Road crossing on Alisal Slough. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 35. 1' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 25 P.W.R. Well No. 2-C-7O Owner: Roy B. Martella Meter No. 13,585 Other Number: Leeds IOO3 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just northwest of McFadden Road crossing on Alisal Slough. Reference Point: Pump base. Elevation: 57.5 ' ( D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-0-72 Owner: Lucy King, et al. Meter No. 14,983 Of.hpT Miimhpr! Leeds 981 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just south of McFadden Road and 0.75 mile east of Bianco-Nashua Road. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-73 Owner: Schween and Armstrong Meter No. 13,663 Other Number: Leeds 911 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile southeast of Blanco school. Reference Point: Pump hole Elevation: 32.5' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: I98 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 31. Qi Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. Remarks: iSO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-74 Owner: Schween and Armstrong Meter No. 16,724 Other Number: Leeds 910 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.75 miles north from Davis Road and 0.25 mile west of Salinas-Bianco Road and is easterly of two wells on same meter. Reference Point: Pump hole Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-75 Owner: Schween and Armstrong Meter No. 14,893 Other Number: Leeds 909 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.75 miles southeast of Blanco school. Reference Point: Casing hole Elevation: 32.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: I98 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-G-76 Owner: D. P. McFadden, et al. Meter No. 15,752 Other Number: Leeds 979 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just south of McFadden Road and 0.25 mile east of Bianco-Nashua Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 27.6' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 27. 0' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-78 Owner: Nick Jensen Meter No. 15,036 Other Number: Leeds 914 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile east of Hitchcock Road and 0.5 mile north of Davis Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 210 feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-79 Owner: Peter M. Dolan Meter No. 14,901 Other Number: Leeds 913 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile west of Salinas-Bianco Road and 0.35 mile north of Davis Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 26 D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-80 Owner: N. L. Koue Meter No. 12,199 Other Number: Leeds 927 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.4 mile northeast of Salinas-Bianco and Davis Road intersection. Reference Point: Pump base slot. Elevation: }8.8' (D.U.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 201 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Roy Alsop Ground Elevation: 37.0' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-root aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-81 Owner: W. R. Silveira Meter No. 23,911 Other Number: Leeds 941 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.0 mile north from Davis Road and 0.75 mile east of Salinas-Bianco Road. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Water analysis Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-82 Owner: J. T. Harrington Meter No. 14,039 Other Number: Leeds 940 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.2 mile east of Salinas-Bianco Road and 0.5 mile north of Davis Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 32.9' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 193 feet Casing Diameter: 10 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 32.0' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-83 Owner: F. Giottonini Meter No. 16,703 Other NumDer: Leeds 939 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.65 miles southeast of Castrovi lie-Salinas Highway and 0.65 mile west of Davis Road. Reference Point: Pump hole Elevation: 39.4' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 205 feet Date Drilled: 1932 Casing Diameter: 20 inches Driller: W.E.Bland Ground Elevation 38. 0' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-84 Owner: Marietta Archer Meter No. 13,578 Other Number: Leeds 1100 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Southeast part of 2-C Quadrant. Reference Point: Pump base hole Use: Irrigation Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-85 Owner: F. B. Lauritzen, et al. Meter No. 30,855 Other Number: Leeds 1101 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just west of city limits out Geil Street, Salinas Reference Point: Casing top Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well Ho. 2-C-86 Owner: Nels L. Koue Meter No. 13tl29 Other Number: Leeds 1102 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: On first curve on Central Avenue west of Salinas city limits. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: 43.9' (D.'/.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-87 Owner: Mrs. J.J.Conner Meter No. 16,347 Other Number: Leeds 928 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile east from junction of Salinas- Bianco and Davis Roads. Reference Point: Casing hole Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 200 feet Casing Diameter: 12 Inches Driller: Lester Alsop Ground Elevation: 40.0' Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 27 D.y.R other Number: Well No. 2-C-88 Leeds y29 Location and Description: Owner: Mrs. J.J.Kelly Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 2 Just north of Davis Road and 0.2 mile west of Alisal Slough. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 417 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 45.0' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Perforated in both l80-foot and 400-foot aquifers. 15,883 D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-90 Other Number: Leeds 930 Location and Description Owner: M. Ichikawa Area: Pressure 0.4 mile west of S.P.R.R. Davis Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 385 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. Meter No. 21,112 Plate 2 Remarks: Just south of Elevation: 45.2' (D.W.R.) Ground Elevation: 44.0' Perforated in both l80-foot and 400-foot aquifers. D.W.R. Well Ho. 2-C-91 Other Number: Leeds 942 Location and Description: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Well log Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Eva Hart Area: Pressure 0.75 mile east of Salinas-Bianco Road and 1.25 miles north of Davis Road. Well Depth: I67 feet Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation Meter No. 13,389 Plate 2 46.0' D.W.R. VJell No. 2-C-93 Other Number: Leeds 949 Location and Description: Owner: H. P. Garin Co. Area: Pressure 0.5 mile southeast of Graves school just east of Alisal Slough. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: I98 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: G. Bromley Information Available: Well log. Remarks: l80-foot a^^uifer. Meter No. Plate 2 13,666 Date Drilled: Ground Elevation: 45. 0' 1921 D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-94 Other Number: Leeds 953 Location and Description: Owner: Area: Mrs. J. J. Pressure Kelley Meter No. Plate 2 14,184 0.25 mile west of northwest corner of Salinas city limits and just east of Alisal Slough. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: I83 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Lester Alsop Ground Elevation: Information Available: Well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 45. 0« D.W.R. Well Ho. 2-0-95 Owner: Brindero Other Number: Leeds 932 Area: Pressure Location and Description: Meter No. 28,869 Plate 2 0.10 mile southwest of junction of Davis Road and Castroville-Salinas Highway. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 222 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Lester Alsop Ground Elevation: 47.O' (U.S.G.3. ) Information <;vailable: V.'ell log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No . 2-C-96 Leeds 943 Other Number Location and Description: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Pump test Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Annie Lanini Area: Pressure 5 mile west of Calvary Cemetery. Meter No. 15,002 Plate 2 D.W.R. Well Ho. 2-C-97 Owner: C. L. Martella Meter No. Other Number: Leeds 957 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 200 yards south of Calvary Cemetery. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 165 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Roy Alsop Ground Elevation: 40.0' Information Available: Well log Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. 15,815 28 D.W.R. Veil No. 2-0-98 Other Number: Leeds 938 Location and Description: Reference Point; Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: C. L. Martella Area: 'Pressure At southwest corner of Calvary Cemetery and just east of Alisal Slough. Air gage hole. Elevation: Meter No. Plate 2 12,602 45.OMU.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-lOO Other Number: Leeds 9*6 Location and Description: Owner: H. P. Garin Co. Meter No. 19,211 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Midway between Calvary Cemetery and Graves school just west of Alisal Slough. Reference Point: Air gage hole. Elevation: 42.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-1Q7 Owner: Area: T. H. Gloster Pressure Meter No. 17,342 Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.0 mile east of Castroville-Salinas Highway and 0.1 mile south of Graves-Gulerte Road. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 150 feet Casing Diameter: 8 inches Driller: J.E.Buckner Ground Elevation: Information Available: Well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. JO.OMU.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-IO8 Location and Description: Meter No. 14,899 Plate 2 Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer. Owner: Inna C. Riewerts Area: Pressure On Graves-Gularte Road just beyond first left turn east of Calvary Cemetery. Casing hole Elevation: 68.0' (U.S. G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-109 Other Number: Leeds II66 Location and Description: Owner: M. Minhoto Meter No. 14,091 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Just northwest of Graves-Gularte Road and O.5 mile east of S.P.R.R. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 45.0 ' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-II5 Other Number: Leeds II68 Location and Description: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Peter M. Dolan Meter No. l8,247 Area: Pressure Plate 2 0.9 mile northwest along Graves-Gularte Road from its intersection with Salinas-Watsonville Highway. Pump base hole. Elevation: 56.O' (U.S.G.3. ) D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-II6 Owner: C. Fontes, et al. Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.0 mile northwest of Calvary Cemetery and 0.3 mile north of Graves-Gularte Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 58. 0' (U.S. G.S. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-II7 Location and Description: Owner: J. E. Wilmoth Meter No. 12,200 Area: Pressure Plate 2 1.3 miles northeast along Graves-Gularte Road from its intersection with Castroville-Salinas Highway. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 55. 0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer near easterly fringe. 29 p.W.R. Veil No. 2-C-119 Other Number: Leeds 1170 Location and Description: Owner: Gularte Bros. Meter No. 16,725 Area: Pressure Plate 2 At second left curve east of Calvary Cemetery on Graves-Gularte Road. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 7o.0» (D.S.G.3. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: JIJ feet Casing Diameter: l6 inches Driller: Roy Alsop Ground Elevation: 75»0' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. P.W.R. Well No. 2-C-120 Owner: Area: E. Jacob East Side Other Number: Leeds 1175 Location and Description: 0.25 mile southeast of second left curve east of Calvary Cemetery on Oraves-Gularte Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 600 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation Information Available: Well log. Remarks: East of blue clay zone. Meter No. 15,157 Plate 2 77. 0« P.W.R. Well No. 2-C-121 Location and Description Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: A. G. Silveria Area: Pressure Just west of Graves-Gularte Road midway between Santa Rita and Graves school. Hole in concrete base. Elevation: Meter No. Plate 2 26,455 72.0t(D.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-123 Location and Description: Ovmer: E. C. Eaton Meter No. 15,007 Area: Pressure Plate 2 0.8 mile west of Graves-Gularte Road and 1.5 miles east of Salinas-Castroville Highway. Reference Point: Pump hole Elevation: 63.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 619 feet Date Drilled Casing Diameter: 16 Inches Driller: C. Alsop Ground Elevation: 62.0' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: Perforated only below 273 feet; 400-foot aquifer. 1938 D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-125 Other Number: Leeds 997 Location and Description: Owner: Area: L.A. Wilder Pressure Meter No. Plate 2 13,126 0.5 mile west of Castroville-Salinas Highway and 0.75 mile south of Cooper Road. Reference Point: Pump base Elevation: 30. 0' (U.S. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: l80-foot aauifer. G.S.) D.V;.R. Well No. 2-C-12j Owner; Area: Michael Fontes, et al. Pressure Meter No. Plate 2 L27 Other Number: Leeds 1006 Location and Description: 0.2 mile west of Castroville-Salinas Highway 0.6 mile northwest of Graves school. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 31.0 '(U.S Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer. 10,874 G.S. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-128 Other Number: Leeds IC05 Location and Description: Reference Point: Pump base Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: A. H. Bordges Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 2 0.1 mile west of Castroville-Salinas Highway 0.6 mile northwest of Graves school. Elevation: 32.0' (U.S. G.3. ) Well Depth: 350 feet 15,757 D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-I29 Other Number: Leeds 1004 Location and Description: Pump hole Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. Owner: A. H. Bordges Meter No. 15,009 Area: Pressure Plate 2 0.4 mile west of Castroville-Salinas Highway and 0.6 mile west of Graves school. Elevation: 38. 0' (D.W.R. ) Well Depth: 200 feet 50 D.M.R. Well No. 2-C-130 Owner: Yukl and Bunn Other Number: Leeds 955 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just southwest of junction of Armstrong and McFadden Roads. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 39.5' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-I36 Owner: B. Guidoth Meter No. 21,043 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.75 miles southeast of Espinosa Road and Castrovi lie-Salinas Highway Junction. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 18.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-ltO Owner: H. T. Davis Meter No. I6,9l6 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.9 mile north of Graves school. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 55.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 170 feet Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: iSO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-141 Owner: M. T. DeSerpa Meter No. 28,871 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile east from Junction of San Jon Road and Castroville-Salinas Highway. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 178^ feet Date Drilled: 1941 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Alexander Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Above l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-142 Owner: M. T. DeSerpa Meter No. 15,88l Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Southeast corner of San Jon Road and Castroville- Salinas highway junction. Reference Point: Pump base. Elevation: 31.0 ' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-144 Owner: R. A. Stump Meter No. 21,756 Other Number: Leeds 1190A Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.5 miles west of Russell Road and Highway 101 junction. Reference Point: Hole in plate. Elevation: 83.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 402 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 80. 0' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: East of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 2-0-14^ Owner: M. Cunha Meter No. 12,510 Other Number: Leeds II89 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.0 mile west along Espinosa Road from its junction with Highway 101. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 89.O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. 15,879 D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-146 Owner: M. Cunha Meter No Other Number: Leeds II90 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.0 mile west of Russell Road and Highway 101 junction. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 88.0' (U.S. G. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. 31 D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-147n Owner: D. P. McFadden Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile north of Blanco on East Side of Bianco-Nashua Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 31.2 (D.W.R.) Use: Nonopersting Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer; recorder well. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-149 Owner: W. T. Johnson Meter No. 21,502 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.4 mile south of Espinosa Road and 0.1 mile east of Castroville-Salinas Highway. Reference Point: Pump base Elevation: 17.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation: Casing Diameter: 14 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-152 Owner: Salinas Valley Veg. Exchange Meter No. 15,034 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 200 feet north of S.P.R.R. opposite Graves school house. Reference Point: Casing hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 224 feet Date Drilled: 1945 Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Well log. Remarks: l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-153n Owner: M. B. Gularte Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 2.4 miles east along Espinosa Road from its intersection with Salinas-Watsonville Highway. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 60.0 • (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels.- D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-153d Owner: L. A. Wilder Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: O.J mile west of junction of Castroville-Salinas Highway and Cooper Road. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 304 feet Casing Diameter: 10 inches Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: Perforated only below 290 feet; 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-C-I54 Owner: L. A. Wilder Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile south of Cooper Road and 0.9 mile west of Castroville-Salinas Highway. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 310 feet Date Drilled: 1945 Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Well log Remarks: Perforated only below 240 feet; 400-foot aquifer. (3-C QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-ld Owner: Blango Dairy Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: O.5 mile east of old State Highway O.65 mile southwest along old State Highway from its intersection with Herbert Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole Elevation: 165.O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Domestic and Industrial Well Depth: 94 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L. Alsop Ground Elevation: 17O.O' Information Available: Water levels and well log. 32 D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-2n Owner: E. L. Stirling Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 800 feet west of old stage road, 1.1 miles northwest along old stage road from Natividad. Reference Point: Top discharge pipe in pit. Elevation: 18O.O' (u.S.G.3. ) Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels D.W.R. Well No. ;-C-3 Owner: P. Abeloe Meter No. 30,494- Other Number: Leeds 1143 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.6 mile east of old State Highway, 1.1 miles east along old State Highway from its inter- section with Rogge Road. Reference point: Slot in concrete base. Elevation: 170.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 416 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: L. Alsop Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-4 Owner: C. M. Mortensen Meter No. 12,020 Other Number: Leeds 1149 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 4.25 miles northeast on old State Highway from its junction with State Highway 101. Reference Point: Casing hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 3OO feet Date Drilled: 1941 Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: R. Alsop Groimd Elevation: 145. Oi Information Available: Pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-0-5 Owner: Blanco Dairy Meter No. 10,824 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.0 mile south from junction of old State Highway and old stage road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 162. 0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-6 Owner: E. L. Stirling Meter No. 15.998 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.2 mile north of Natividad Road and 0.7 mile west of Natividad. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 140.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-8 Owner: E. L. Stirling Meter No. 15,145 Other Number: Leeds 1144 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.0 mile south from junction of old State Highway and old stage road- Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 267 feet Ground Elevation: 175' (U.S. G.S. ) Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-0-9 Owner: J. P. Adams Meter No. 18,855 Other Number: Leeds 1148 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.7 mile east on Rogge Road from its present junction with old State Highway. Reference Point: Casing hole Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-lOd Owner: Mrs. Spicer Meter No. 28,793 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: Southwest corner of intersection of Natividad Road and old stage road at Natividad. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: I6I.O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Domestic Well Depth: 120 feet Casing Diameter: 10 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-ll Owner: H. B. Smith Meter No. 26,431 Other Number: Leeds II50 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: On Rogge Road 0.4 mile west of its intersection with Natividad Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 145.0' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 315 feet Date Drilled: 1941 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: C. Alsop Ground Elevation: 145. 0' Information Available: Water levels and well log. 33 D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-14 Owner: J. H. Griffin Meter No. 22,5l8 Other Number: Leeds 1141 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.6 mile west of old stage road and 0.9 mile southwest of Natividad. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 130.0< (U.S.G.S. ) Dse: Irrigation Well Depth: 70 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: IJO.O' Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. Other Number: 3-C-l Leeds .140 Location and Description Reference Point: Dse: Irrigation Casing Diameter: Information Available: Meter No. 17,099 Plate 2 Owner: C. Settrini Area: East Side 800 feet east of intersection of Natividad and Rogge Roads. Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 140. 0» (U.S.G.S. ) Well Depth: 500 feet 14 inches Driller: J. E. Buokner Ground Elevation: 139.O' Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-I6 Owner: E. E. Harden Other Number: Leeds 1155 Area: East Side Location and Description: 1.0 mile south of junction of Rogge Road and Natividad Road. Reference Point: Groove in pump base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 800 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: L. Alsop Ground Elevation: Information Available: Well log. Meter No. 26,247 Plate 2 125. 0' D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-l'j Location and Description: Owner: C. G. Sherwood Meter No. Area: East Side Plate 2 0.55 mile east of Natividad Road, 0.6 mile southwest along Natividad Road from its intersection with Rogge Road. Reference Point: Hole in base of pump. Elevation: II7.0' (U.S.G.S. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 85 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. 12,720 Meter No. 12,720 Plate 2 D.W.R. Well No. j-C-iya Owner: C. G. Sherwood Other Number: Leeds il37A Area: East Side Location and Description: 0.55 mile east of Natividad Road, 0.6 mile southwest along Natividad Road from its intersection with Rogge Road. Reference Point: Hole in base of pump. Elevation: I17.O' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 88 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-17Bn Location and Description: Owner: C. G. Sherwood Area: East Side 0.55 mile east of Natividad Road, 0.6 mile southwest along Natividad Road from its intersection with Rogge Road, 1000 feet east of Gabilan Creek. Reference Point: Top of casing Elevation Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Abandoned. Plate 2 117. 0' (U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 5-C-I8 Other Number: Leeds 1139 Location and Description: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: Information Available: Owner: C. Settrini Area: East Side 0.75 mile south of function of Rogge Road and Natividad, and 660 feet east. Hole in base of pump. Well Depth: 133 feet 12 inches Driller: L. Alsop Ground Elevation: Pump test and well log. Meter No. 11,936 Plate 2 128.0' D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-20 Owner: J. Bardin Meter No. 16,102 Other NuTiber: Leeds 1134 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 300 feet east of Natividad Road, 1.0 mile southwest along Natividad Road from its inter- section with Rogge Road. Reference Point: Hole in base of pump. Elevation: 120.0' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 177 feet Date Drilled: 1930 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: J.E.Buckner Ground Elevation: 120.0' Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. 54 D.U.R. Well No. 3-C-21 Ovmer: E. G. Bondesen Meter No. 10,825 Other Number: Leeds 1153 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.5 miles west of Natividad. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: IJO.O' (0.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 63O feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 129.0' Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-g2 Owner: S. Sherwood Estate Meter No. 14,144 Other Number: Leeds 1133 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: Midway between Salinas and Nati-vidad on south side of road. Reference Point: Hole in pump base. Elevation: 110.0' (U.S. G. 3. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 240 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 110.0' Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-23 Owner: Settrini Bros. Meter No. 19,562 Other Number: Leeds II36 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.6 mile east of Salinas-Natlvidad Road and 0.75 mile west of Natividad Creek. Reference Point: Hole in pump base. Elevation: 125.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 669 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 123.0' Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-0-24 Owner: M. Souza Meter No. 18,28? Other Number: Leeds II80 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile southeast of Santa Rita. Reference Point: Hole in pump base. Elevation: IO8.O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Availalbe: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-25 Owner:. E. E. Harden Meter No. 22,340 Other Number: Leeds II56 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.45 mile west of Natividad Road, O.9 mile southwest along Natividad Road from its intersection with Rogge Road. Reference Point: Groove in pump base. Elevation: 120.0' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 285 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: L.Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-26 Owner: C. T. Ingram Meter No. 20,531 Other Number: Leeds II5I Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile south of junction of Rogge and Natividad Roads and 0.5 mile west. Reference Point: Hole in pump base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 478 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 142.0' Information Available: Pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-0-27 Owner: John Sciutto Meter No. 20,636 Other Number: Leeds II83 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile northeast of Santa Rita. Reference Point: Hole in casing top. Elevation: 123.0 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 100 feet Date Drilled: 1932 Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: J.E.Buckner Information Available: Water levels and well log. 21,539 D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-28 Owner: Salinas Golf Club Meter No. 23,693 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 2.25 miles out San Juan Road from State Highway 101. Reference Point: Hole in plate over casing. Elevation: 148.0' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 175 feet Casing Diameter: 10 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 148.0' Information Available: Water lev.els and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-29 Owner: A. D. Martinez, Jr. Meter No. 10,324 Other Number: Leeds II87 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: O.5 mile north of Russell Road and State Highway 101 junction. Reference Point: Hole in side of pump. Elevation: 124.0' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. 35 D.W.R. Well No. j-C-jO , Owner: W. ri. Christensen Meter No. 12,985 Other Number: Leeds II91 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: O.5 mile northwest of Russell Road and State Highway 101 junction. Reference Point: Hole in casing Elevation: 110.0' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 328 feet Date Drilled: 1941 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Alsop Ground Elevation: 111.0' Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.V.R. Well No. 3-C-5I Owner: A. C. Jarvis Other Number: Leeds II9IA Area: East Side Location and Description: On Espinosa Road, O.75 mile northwest of Santa Rita. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 785 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. Meter No. Plate 2 29,212 115.0'(U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-32 Other Number: Leeds II86 Location and Description: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: Information Available: Meter No. 28,409 Plate 2 Owner: E. M. Smith Area: East Side 200 feet east of State Highway 101, 0.1 mile southeast along State Highway 101 from the intersection of Russell Road. Groove in concrete base. Elevation: II8.O' (U.S.G.S. ) Well Depth: 212 feet Date Drilled: 1941 12 inches Driller: Nunes Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No . 3-C-34 Leeds 1184 Other Number Location and Description: Reference Point; Groove in concrete base Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Owner: C. H. Ferrasei Area: East Side 1.0 mile northeast of Santa Rita. Elevation: Meter No. 11,997 Plate 2 145.0»(D.S.G.3.) Meter No. 20,626 Plate 2 D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-33 Owner: A. H. Christensen Other Number: Leeds 1179 Area: East Side Location and Description: 66O feet south of State Highway 101 from junction of Gularte Road. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: 97.0' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 140 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 97.0' Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-36d Owner: W. Holms Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: Intersection of State Highway 101 and old State Highway. Use: Domestic and nursery. Well Depth: 155 feet Date Drilled: 1932 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Alsop Ground Elevation: 100.0' Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-37d Owner: A. Brune Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile west of junction of State Highway 101 and Espinosa Road and 66O feet north. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 328 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 115.0' Information Available: Well log. Meter No. 20,672 Plate 2 D.W.R. Well Ho. 3-C-38 Owner: Lawrence Albertson Other Number: Leeds II52 Area: East Side Location and Description: 1.0 mile southwest of Rogge and Salinas- Natividad Road junction. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: I35 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 636 feet Date Drilled: 1941 Casing Diameter: 16 Inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 133.O' Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-39 Owner: A. H. Christensen Other Number: Leeds II78 Area: East Side Location and Description: 0.25 mile west of junction of Gularte Road and State Highway 101. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 765 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation Information Available: Water analysis, pump test and well log. Meter No. 22,099 Plate 2 95.0' 36 D.W.R. Well No. ;-C-40 Owner: Venutti Brothers Meter No. Other Niimber: Leeds II76A Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: I50 feet south of State Highway 101 and 0.6 mile south of Santa Rita. Reference Point: Hole under pump base. Elevation: 96' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 256 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 96' Information Available: Water levels and well log. 16,652 D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-41 Other Number: Leeds II76 Location and Description: Owner: S. Desanti Area: East Side 0.5 mile west from junction of Gularte Road and State Highway 101. Reference Point: Remove plug. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 402 feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation Information Available: Well log. Heter No. 13,574 Plate 2 90' D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-42 Other Number: Leeds 1177 Location and Description: Owner: A. H. Chrlstensen Meter No. Area: East Side Plate 2 Junction of State Highway 101 and old State Highway. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 244 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 96' Information Available: Water analysis and well log. 5,375 D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-43 Other Number: Leeds II8I Location and Description: Owner: M. G. Souza Meter No. Area: East Side Plate 2 100 feet west of old State Highway and 0.6 mile southwest along old State Highway from intersection of Russell Road. Remove plug. Elevation: 110' (U.S.G.S. ) 15,721 Reference Point Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-44d Other Number: Leeds 1175 Location and Description: Reference Point: Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: John Nielsen Area: East Side Plate 2 Immediately north of Court Moderne on State Highway 101, 2.0 miles north of City limits of Salinas. Top of wood block. Elevation: 100 ' (U.S.G.S. 1 D.W.R. Well No. 3-C Other Nximber: Leeds il64 Location and Description: ^1 Owner: E. E. Harden Area: East Side 660 feet south from junction of Bondeson Road and State Highway 101. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 689 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 90' Information Available: Well log. Meter No. 16,104 Plate 2 D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-47 Other Number: Leeds II65 Location and Description: Owner: E. E. Harden Meter No. Area: East Side Plate 2 500 feet west of old State Highway and 0.8 mile south along old State Highway from the intersection of State Highway 101. Reference Point: Slot in pump base. Elevation: 82' {U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 297 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 82' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: Near fringe of blue clay zone. 17, f D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-48 Other Number: Leeds II62 Meter No. 17,303 Plate 2 Location and Description: Owner: A. Hebbron Area: East Side 150 fe^t northeast of State Highway 101, and 0.4 mile north of Salinas Rodeo Grounds. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 77 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 303 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: East of blue clay zone. 37 D.U.R. Well No. 3-C-49 Owner: Salinas American Legion Meter No. 16,705 Other Number: Leeds ll62A Area: Pressiire Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile north of north boundary of Rodeo Grounds west of State Highway 101. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 122 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 75' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-50m Owner: Rodeo Grounds Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: North of City of Salinas on State Highway 101. Use: Municipal Well Depth: 527 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-51m Owner: Rodeo Grounds Meter No. 15,758 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: North of City of Salinas, on State Highway 101. Use: Municipal Well Depth: 236 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 65' Information Available: Pump test and well log. Remarks: In iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-52 Owner: E. Christensen Meter No. 12,837 Other Number: Leeds II6I Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: O.9 mile west of Bondeson and Natividad Road junction. Reference Point: Slot through pump base. Elevation: 9O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation 'Jell Depth: 36* feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 95' Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-G-53i Owner: Meyenberg Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Northeast of Under Pass (S.P.R.R. Tracks) in City of Salinas. Use: Industrial Well Depth: 214 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 50' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-G-54 Owner: J. Introzzi Meter No. 30,877 Other Number: Leeds 926 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.4 mile from southwest corner of City limits of Salinas. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 212 feet Date Drilled: 1923 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 45' Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-56 Owner: E.F. Victorine Meter No. 17,082 Other Number: Leeds 117J Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.4 mile west of Salinas Rodeo Grounds. Reference Point: Hole in casing top. Elevation: 52 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 132 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-57n Owner: M. Russell Other Number: Leeds 944B Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile east from northwest corner of the City limits of Salinas. Reference Point: Remove plug. Use: Nonoperating Well Depth: 278 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 45' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 38 D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-58 Owner: R. E. Meyers Co. Meter No. l6,003 Other Number: Leeds 1127 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.4 mile east of Salinas Rodeo Grounds. Reference Point: Hole in top of casing. Elevation: 47.6' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 340 feet Date Drilled: 1940 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: W.Alexander Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-59d Owner: Nate Holiday Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Northwest of Sanborn Drive and East Alisal Road. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 258 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 70' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-bOd Owner: F. C. Cook Meter No. 23.544 Other Number: Leeds 1127A Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 500 feet southwest of cemetery on Natividad Road. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 75«9' (D.W.R. ) Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-61 Owner: Monterey County Bank Meter No. 14,909 Other Number: Leeds 1128 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just north of California Avenue and east of bridge, 0.25 mile east of Salinas. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 43.3' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 294 feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 42' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-62 Owner: ' S. Sherwood Meter No. 17,224 Other Number: Leeds II3O Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile east of County Hospital on Natividad Road. Reference Point: Hole in side of casing. Elevation: 85' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 455 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 85' Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-63i Owner: Salinas Valley Ice Co., Ltd. Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: North of Gabilan Street and west of Southern Pacific Railroad, City of Salinas. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 50.1' (D.W.R. ) Use: Industrial Well Depth: 238 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 50' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-63Ai Owner: Salinas Valley Ice Co., Ltd. Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: North of Gabilan Street and west of Southern Pacific Railroad, City of Salinas. Use: Industrial Well Depth: 442 feet Date Drilled: 1940 Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 50' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-64 Owner: 0. Anderson Meter No. 10,050 Other Number: Leeds 944F Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: In northerly part of City limits of City of Salinas. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 5O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 252 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 55' Infonnation Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 39 D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-6$n Owner: Mabel Sanborn Other Number: Leeds 1129c Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: At end of Sanborn Lane, on south side of Natividad Creek. TJse: Nonoperating Well Depth: 67 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 85' Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-66d Owner: Mabel Sanborn Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: At end of Sanborn Lane, on south side of Natividad Creek. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 75' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Domestic Well Depth: 140 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-67 Owner: C. Lorentzen Meter No. 15.327 Other Number: Leeds il20A Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: Northwest corner of Rider Lane and Sanborn Lane. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: IO6' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 126 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-69m Owner: Adcock Water Co. Meter No. l6,706 Other Number: Leeds ii62A Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: Junction of Williams and Alisal Roads. Use: Municipal Well Depth: 157 feet Date Drilled: I938 Casing Diameter: 10 inches Driller: L.Alsop Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-69m Owner: Adcock Water Co. Meter No. 16,706 Other Number: Leeds afa2B Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: Junction of Williams and Alisal Roads. Use: Municipal Well Depth: 516 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: L.Alsop Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-0-70n Owner: W. C. Moffit Other Number: Leeds 1154 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.2 miles east from junction of State Highway 101 and Bondeson Road. Use: Nonoperating Well Depth: 708 feet Date Drilled: 1940 Casing Diameter: 14 inches Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-7I Owner: W. C. Moffit Meter No. 16,010 Other Number: Leeds II58A Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 66O feet northeast of intersection of old State Highway and State Highway 101. Reference Point: Hole in side of pump base. Elevation: 103' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 930 feet Date Drilled: 1944 Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 101' Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-72 Owner: C. G. * L. Mortensen Meter No. 51.127 Other Number: Leeds II58B Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: At intersection of old State Highway and State Highway lOlv Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 101' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 700 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-74 Owner: Morris Snow Meter No. lB,286 Other Number: Leeds B62C Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile southwest of Williams and Alisal Road Junction. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevations 91' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 200 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 91' Information Available: Well levels and well log. 40 D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-76 Owner: Monterey Co. Trust and Meter No. 22,839 Saving Bank. Plate 2 Other Number: Leeds 1157 Area: East Side Location and Desoriptlon: 0.5 mile west of junction of Bondeson and Natividad Roads. Reference Point: Hole in plate top of casing. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 702 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: Alsop Ground Elevation: 112' Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Veil No. ;-C-77d Owner: Intercontinental Rubber Co. Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.5 mile west from junction of Alisal and Williams Roads. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 266 feet Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 84' Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-9-78 Owner: H. P. Christensen Meter No. 29,213 Other Number: Leeds II60 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile north from cemetery on Natividad Road and 0.25 mile west. Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 530 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: Alsop Ground Elfvation: 96' Information Available: Pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-79m Owner: Adcock Water Co. Meter No. 28,410 Other Nximber: Leeds bfa2A Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: In northwest corner of intersection of Alisal Road and Bardin Road. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: 95' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Municipal Well Depth: 203 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L. Alsop Ground Elevation: 95' Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-8O Owner: H. P. Christensen Meter No. 23,713 Other Number: Leeds 1159 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: On Bondeson Road, 0.4 mile west of Bondeson and Natividad Road Junction. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 105' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-82d Owner: Intercontinental Rubber Co. Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.75 mile west of junction of Alisal and Williams Roads. Use: Domestic Well Depth: l64 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 91' Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-8^ Owner: J. Bardin Meter No. 20,322 Other Number: Leeds 063 Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.4 mile southeast of Williams Road at a point 0.6 mile northeast of its intersection with Del Monte Ave. Reference Point: Groove in pump base. Elevation: 125' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 1000 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: Western Well Works Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-85 Owner: J. Bardin Meter No. 27,471 Other Number: Leeds 1132 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.0 mile northeast of County Hospital on Natividad Road. Reference Point: Hole in pump base. Elevation: 105 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. 41 p.W.R. Well No. 3-C-86 Owner: Jennie Williams, et al. Meter No. 26,28l Other Number: Leeds 1117 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 600 feet northwest of Williams Road end 0.9 mile northeast of Alisal and Williams Road Junction. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 135' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. P.W.R. Well No. 3-C-87 Owner: Jennie Williams, et al. Meter No. 14,580 Other Number: Leeds lllB Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile west of old stage road and 0.5 mile north of Williams Road. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: I58' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. P.W.R. Well No. 3-C-88 Owner: Jennie Williams, et al. Other Nunfcer: Leeds 1119 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.5 miles west of old stage road and 0.5 mile north of Williams Road. Reference Point: Slot through pump base. Elevation: 120' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 705 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information available: Water levels. P.W.R. Well No. 3-C-9O Owner: E. 0. Tholcke Meter No. 14,421 Other Number: Leeds 1115 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: On north side of Williams Road, 0.5 mile west of old stage road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 175' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 396 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Information Available: Water levels and well log. P.W.R. Well No. 3-C-9I Owner: A. C. Hansen Meter No. 22,659 Other Number: Leeds 753 Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.9 mile northeast of Alisal Road on a lane, lane is O.3 mile southeast of intersection of Alisal and Bardin Roads. Reference Point: Pressure gage and hole in base of pump. Elevation: 139.9 B.M. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 490 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Ground Elevation: 139.8' Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: B.M. on floor of pump house - Elevation 139.8'. P.W.R. Well No. 3-C-93 Owner: J. Bardin Meter No. 12,21? Other Number: Leeds B64 Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.4 mile east of east end of Bardin Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 601 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: Alsop Information Available: Pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-94 Owner: Mortensen Brothers Meter No. 21,379 Other Number: Leeds b68 Area: East Side _ Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.3 mile northeast of Alisal Road at a point 0.7 mile southeast of its intersection with Bardin Road. Reference Point: Hole in pump base. Elevation: 105' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 603 feet Date Drilled: 1939 Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: C. Alsop Ground Elevation: 105' Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well Ro. 3-C-95 Owner: Intercontinental Rubber Co. Meter No. 17,098 Other Number: Leeds b62 Area: East Side Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.25 mile east of junction of Alisal and Bardin Roads. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 430 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Information Available: Water analysis, pump test and v/ell log. 42 D.V.R. Well No. 3-C-96 Ovmer: Kubota Meter No. 15,186 Other Number: Leeds 1125 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: On Natividad Road, 0.25 mile north of Southern Pacific Railroad tracks in Salinas. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 45.4(D.U.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-98 Owner: W. A. Wallace Meter No. 17,304 Other Number: Leeds 1129B Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: O.5 mile east of the northeast corner of the City of Salinas. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 45.6' (D.V/.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 Inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-99 Owner: F. C. Cook Meter No. 30,779 Other Number: Leeds 1129 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.6 mile southeast of cemetery on Natividad. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 18.O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-lOO Ovmer: Monterey County Hospital Meter No. 29,374 Other Number: Leeds II3OA Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.0 mile from north City limits on Natividad Road. Use: Irrigation V/ell Depth: 615 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: L.Alsop Information Available: Well log. Remarks: 'At east edge of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-102 Ovmer: E. Juhler Meter No. 13,376 Other Number: Leeds 1122 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Northeast portion of City of Salinas. Reference Point: Pipe in pump base. Elevation: 43.4' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-IO6I Ovmer: Salinas Valley Ice Co. Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just southvrest of Gabilan and Griffin streets in Salinas. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 46.6' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Industrial Well Depth: 3OO feet Date Drilled: 1936 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 45' Information Available: Water levels and vrell log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-106A1 Owner: Salinas Valley Ice Co. Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just southwest of Gabilan and Griffin streets in Salinas. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 46.6 ' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Industrial Well Depth: 3OO feet Date Drilled: I936 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-107m Owner: Pacific Gas & Electric Co. Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just north of Griffin and east of Alisal streets in Salinas. Reference Point: Pressure gage Elevation: 47.6' ( D.W.R. ) Use: Municipal Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. ♦3 D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-108m Owner: Pacific Gas ft Electric Co. Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: On California Street, tvro blocks south of East Alisal in Salinas. Reference Point: Air gage. Elevation: 55' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Municipal Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 5-C-llOm Owner: Pacific Gas * Electric Co. Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: East of Capital Street, between Central and Market streets in Salinas. Reference Point: Air gage Elevation: 50.0' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Municipal Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-112d Owner: Salinas High School Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Located in City of Salinas. Use: Domestic and grounds. i.'ell Depth: 39* feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 50' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-114 Owner: J. P. Swending Estate Other Number: Leeds 1105 Area: Pressure Location and Description: In southwest part of City of Salinas. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 210 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: W.Alexander Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. 16,621 Plate 2 49'(U.S.G.S.) Date Drilled: 1944 D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-115d Owner: Salinas Junior College Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Located in west part of City of Salinas. Use: Domestic and grounds Well Depth: 414 feet Casing Diameter: 12 Inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 48' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-117 Owner: A. Casentini Other Number: Leeds 944D Area: Pressure Location and Description: In northern part of City of Salinas. Reference Point: Pump hole Elevation: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. Plate 2 46' (U.S.G.S.) 12,513 D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-120 Other Number: Leeds 944G Location and Description: 0.6 0.4 Casing top. Meter No. 12,505 Plate 2 Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Owner: A. Dornieden Area: Pressure mile west of State Highway 101 and mile north of Southern Pacific Railroad Tracks. Elevation: 47' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-123i Owner: L.F.Griffen Other Number: Leeds 1109 Area: Pressure Location and Description: In southeast part of City of Salinas. Reference Point: Hole in pump base. Elevation: Use: Industrial Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. Plate 2 46' (U.S.G.S.) 16,936 44 D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-126 Ovmer: N. A. Holiday Meter No. 15,034 Other Number: Leeds 1110 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: On Griffin Street in Salinas. Reference Point: Pump hole Elevation: 46.2 ' (D. U.K. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-127 Owner: Alisal Airport Other Nunber: Leeds 564 Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: At east edge of Alisal Airport, 0.25 mile south of Bardin Road. Use: Nonoperating Well Depth: 400 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Well log Remarks: Used by J. Bardin for irrigation. D.W.R. Well No. 3-C-I3I Owner: Joe Tsohumperlin Meter No. 31,907 Area: East Side Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.10 miles east of junction of Bondeson and Natividad Roads. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 95 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 504 feet Date Drilled: I945 Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: Alsop Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. (4-C QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 4-C-ld Owner: Ana Zabala Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.25 mile northeast of east end of Zabala Lane. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 195 feet Date Drilled: 1924 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller-: W.E.Bland Ground Elevation: I65 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Information: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 4-C-2 Owner: W. H. Salacci Meter No. 27,486 Other Number: Leeds 1114 Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: O.85 mile southeast from intersection of Old Stage Road and Williams Road. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 191' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 336 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: W.E.Bland Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 4-C-4 Owner: Salacci Brothers Meter No. 22,62? Other Number: Leeds 1113 Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.6 mile south of intersection of Williams Road and Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Goorve in concrete base. Elevation: 177 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 401 feet Casing Diameter: 14 Inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 4-C-5 Owner: A. Hansen Meter No. 33,762 Other Number: Leeds 751 Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.45 mile southeast of intersection of Williams Road and Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: I67 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 4-C-7 Owner: J. P. Gambetta Meter No. 24,882 Other Number: Leeds 665 Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.45 mile northwest from intersection of Zabala Road and Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Casing hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 456 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Ground Elevation: 145' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Pump test and well log. *5 D.W.R. Well No. 4-C-8 Ovmer: J. P. Gambetta Meter No. 21,730 Other Number: Leeds 667 Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.4 mile northwest from intersection of Zabala Road and Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 135' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 135' (D.S.G.S.) Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 4-C-9n Owner: Ana Zabala Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.15 mile northeast of junction of Zabala and Old Stage Roads. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 160' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Nonoperating Information Available: Water levels Ground Elevation: 160' (D.S.G.S.) (2-D QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-l Owner: David P. McFadden Meter No. 22,2l8 Other Number: Leeds 90? Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.2 mile east and 1.0 mile south of Blanco School. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 34' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-2 Owner: Yuki and Bunn Meter No. 24,071 Other Number: Leeds 915 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.45 mile west from intersection of Blanco and Davis Roads. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 33' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 394 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: Nunes Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot ac^uifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-3 Owner: Bank of America Meter No. 21,761 Other Number: Leeds 908 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: West of Salinas River and just northwest of Cocks Tract. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 36' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-4 Owner: J. Porter Meter No. 12,010 Other Number: Leeds 904 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.15 miles south of Blanco School. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 343 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: Roy Alsop Ground Elevation: 30' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-5 Owner: E. Hart Meter No. 6,058 Other Number: Leeds 965 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile south of Salinas River and 1.15 miles southeast of Blanco. Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: I9I feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 30' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-6 Owner: 0. P. Bardin Meter No. 10,648 Other Number: Leeds 903 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.25 miles southeast of Blanco School. Reference Point: Pump hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 242 feet Date Drilled: 1929 Casing Diameter: 15 Inches Driller: W.Alsop ft Sons Ground Elevation: 30' Information Available: Well Log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 46 D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-7 Owner: J. T. Harrington, Trustee Meter No. 16,004 Other Number: Leeds 901 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just east of Salinas River and 1.0 mile northwest of Davis Road crossing. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 40.9' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-8 Owner: James P. Dolan Meter No. 12,777 Other Number: Leeds 912 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: On Davis Road 0.5 mile southwest of Graves-Blanco and Davis Road junction. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 34.4 ' (D.U.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-8d Owner: Lee Jacks Area: Pressure • Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.65 mile southwest of Salinas River at base of hills 0.75 mile west of Davis Road crossing. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 55 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 35' (U.S.G.S, ) Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Windmill; in l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-9 Owner: L. C. Lanini Meter No. 12,219 Other Number: Leeds 966 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile south of Salinas River and 1.2 miles northwest of Davis Road crossing. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 30' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 190 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 30' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-ll Owner: H. Panziera Meter No. 26,059 Other Number: Leeds 968 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.0 mile south of Blanco. Reference Point: Air gage hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: l82 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 30' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-I3 Owner: Geo. T. Davis & Geo. G. Finch Meter No. 14,306 Other Number: Leeds 699 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Northwest corner of Davis and Foster Road Junction- Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Pump test. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-14 Owner: Fred & Albert Jacob Meter No. 15,751 Other Number: Leeds 897 Area; Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: On Davis Road O.I5 mile northwest of Salinas River. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 38 '(D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-I6 Owner: H. Panziera Meter No. 26,059 Other Number: Leeds 967 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.15 miles south of Blanco. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: I80 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 30' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. *7 D.W.R. Well No. 2 -D- 17 Ovmer: Kenneth McDougall Meter No. 14,666 Other Number: Leeds 902 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile east of Salinas River and 1.15 mile northwest of Davis Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 36' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation V/ell Depth: 365 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 35' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well Ho. 2-D-19 Owner: Anna Olsen Life Estate Meter No. 13,ll8 Other Number: Leeds 922 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just west of Central Avenue midway between Monterey State Highway and Davis Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 41.5 (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 226 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Roy Alsop Ground Elevation: 40' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-21 Owner: John De Porto Meter No. 14,384 Other Number: Leeds 924 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile east from junction of Nlssen and Davis Roads. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis. ■ i Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well Ho. 2-D-22 Owner: Bank of America Meter No. 30,Ol6 Other Number: Leeds 905A Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.75 miles south of Blanco School. Reference Point: Casing hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 364 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-23 Owner: Monterey County Bank for Nellie H. Storm. Meter No. 15,006 Other Number: Leeds 918 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 50 feet south of lane, O.3 mile southeast of intersection of lane and Central Avenue. Intersection is O.65 mile southwest along Central Avenue from Hitchcock Road. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 43.3' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation and Domestic \'ell Depth: 196 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L. Alsop Ground Elevation: 42' (D.W.R.) Information Available: Water levels and well log- Remarks: In 180-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-24 Owner: J. W. Hitchcock Meter No. 10,974 Other Number: Leeds B58A Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.1 miles from Monterey State Highway on Foster Road. Reference Point: Pressure gage. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: l84 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 40' (U.S.G.S.) Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well Ho. 2-D-25 Owner: F. Giottinini Meter No. 12,844 Other Number: Leeds 9l6 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile or Foster Road from junction of Davis and Foster Roads. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation and domestic. Well Depth: 176 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 40' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.y.R. Well No. 2-D-26 Owner: Lee Jacks Meter No. 14,249 Other Number: Leeds S96A Axea: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: West of Salinas River and 1.1 miles northwest of Davis Road Crossing. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 35' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: Tn l80-fnot aauifer. 48 D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-27 Owner: Lee Jacks Meter No. 31,126 Other Number: Leeds ti96 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: West of Salinas River and 1.0 mile northwest of Davis Road Crossing. Reference Point: Power cable hole. Dse: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Pump test. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-28 Owner: Lee Jacks Meter No. l8,605 Other Number: Leeds b95 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: West of Salinas River and 0.25 mile northwest of Davis Road Crossing. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Pump test. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-30 Owner: T. R. Merrill Meter No. l6,346 Other Number: Leeds H94 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: West of Salinas River and 0.5 mile southwest Reference Point: Air gage hole. of Davis Road Crossina Use: Irrigation ** Casing Diameter: 12 inches Elevation: 42' (D.W.R.) Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-?2 Owner: T. & M. Yuki Meter No. 30,012 Other Number: Leeds 920 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Immediately south of Davis Road and 0.25 mile west of Salinas-Bianco Road. Reference Point: Hole in casing. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 235 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: Bowles Ground Elevation: 34' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-34 Owner: John Dougherty Meter No. 14,911 Other Number: Leeds B55 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 900 feet east of Hitchcock Road and 0.5 mile north of Monterey State Highway. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 43.8' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-35 Owner: T. & M. Yuki Meter No. l6,594 Other Number: Leeds 921 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.6 mile south of Davis Road and just east of Hitchcock Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 37.5' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-36 Owner: D. M. Hitchcock, et al. Meter No. 14,113 Other Number; Leeds ti60 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: O.3 mile south of Hitchcock Road, 0.6 mile northwest along Hitchcock Road from its intersection with Monterey State Highway. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 49' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-37 Owner: George Fiscolini Meter No. 26,284 Other Number: Leeds 056 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just east of Hitchcock Road and Midway between Davis Road and Monterey State Highway. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 39.4' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 466 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Water levels, water analysis, pump test and well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. *9 D.W.R. Well No. 2-0-39 Owner: Veljna E. Ober, et al. Meter No. 18, 352 Other Number: Leeds o93 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: West side of Foster Road and 0.75 mile northwest of Monterey State Highway. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 47.5' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 376 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-40 Owner: Velma E. Ober, et al. Meter No. 15,8lO Other Number: Leeds b88 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.7 mile northeast of Salinas River bridge on Monterey State Highway. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 43,6 (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-41 Owner: Velma E. Ober, et al. Meter No. 15.753 Other Number: Leeds b71 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile west of junction of Foster Road and Monterey State Highway. Reference Point: Casing top Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-43 Owner: Velma E. Ober, et al. Meter No. 14,565 Other Number: Leeds o72 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile due north of Monterey State Highway Bridge on Salinas River. Reference Point: Pump hole Elevation: 47.1' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-4S Owner: Donna L. Dougherty Meter No. 12,532 Other Number: Leeds 658 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just east of Foster Road midway between Monterey State Highway and Davis Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 44.4' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-47 Owner: Monterey County Bank Meter No. 19,206 Other Number: Leeds 917 Area: Pressure _ Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile on Foster Road from junction of Foster and Davis Roads. Reference Point: Pump hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-48 Owner: J. Violini Meter No. 23,754 Other Number: Leeds b33 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: On River Road 300- feet southeast of entrance to Las Palmas Rancho. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: 45' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 38O feet Date Drilled: 1927 Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: G.Bromley Ground Elevation: 44' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-49 Owner: Nellie Breese Meter No. 13,586 Other Number: Leeds 923 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile on Nissen Road from junction of Davis and Nissen Roads. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 234 feet Date Drilled: 1943 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Water analysis and well log- Remarks: In 180-foot aquifer. 50 D.W.R. Veil No. 2-D-50 Owner: A. Ferrini, et al. Meter No. 12,568 Other Number: Leeds B70 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.4 mile south of Monterey State Highway Bridge on Salinas River. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 43' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Pump test. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Veil No. 2-D-51 Owner: A. Ferrini Meter No. 14,318 Other Number: Leeds B70A Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just south of Monterey State Highway Bridge on Salinas River. Reference Point: Hole base of pump. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 Inches Ground Elevation: 40' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Water analysis and pump test. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-52 Owner: T. Guidotti Meter No. 14,218 Other Number: Leeds b90 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 660 feet west of Monterey State Highway Bridge on Salinas River. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 43.7' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 42'(D.W.R.) Information Available: Water levels Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 2-D-53 Owner: A. & B. Guidotti Other Number: Leeds o91 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 1.5 miles southwest of Salinas River Bridge on Monterey State Highway. Reference Point: Casing hole at top. Elevation: 115' (U.S.G.S, ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 Inches Information Available; Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. (3-D QUADRAMT) D.W.R. Veil No. 3-D-ld Owner: J. Avellar Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: At south edge of City limits of Salinas. Use: Domestic Veil Depth: 150 feet Casing Diameter: 10 Inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 55' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-2n Owner: J. Carside Other Number: Leeds 1112 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: On Southern Pacific Railroad tracks just southeast of Salinas between Bardin and Alisal Roads. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 40' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Nonoperating Well Depth: 202 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 40' Information Available: Well levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-3 Owner: Mrs. E. E. Carpenter Meter No. 13,121 Other Number: Leeds 836 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: -On Romie Lane just south of City limits of Salinas. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 58.8' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 175 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 58' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. 'fell No. 3-D-4 Owner: W. E. Ollason Meter No. 13,377 Other Number: Leeds 88I Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile south of City limits of Salinas on Monterey State Highway and 0.5 mile east. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 155 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 55' (U.S.G.S.) Information Available: Veil log and water analysis. Remarks: In iBO-foot aquifer. 51 D.W.R. We ll No. 3-D-? Leeds 1104 Other Number Location and Description Reference Point: Casing hole Use: IrrigEtion Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Owner: J". H. McDougall Area: Pressure In southwest part of City of Salinas. Meter No. Plate 2 19,210 p.W.R. Well No. 3-D-7 Other Number: Leeds 837 Location and Description: Owner: Area: M. L. Taylor Pressure 0.6 mile east on Romie Lane from junction of Romie Lane and Monterey State Highway. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 18O feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. 14,252 Plate 2 57MU.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-lO Other Number: Leeds 854 Location and Description: Owner: Sarah J. Klett, Estate Area: Pressure 300 feet west of intersection of Salinas- Monterey State Highway and Romie Lane. Meter No. 15,8l7 Plate 2 Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: In.l80-foot aquifer. Elevation: 47' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-ll Other Number: Leeds B37A Location and Description: Owner: W. Silviera Area: Pressure On Romie Lane just south of City limits of Salinas. Meter No. 16,620 Plate 2 Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Elevation: 51' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-12 Other Number: Leeds 1106 Location and Description: Owner: H. D. Hanson Area: Pressure On State Highway 101, 0.6 mile south of City limits of Salinas. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 259 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In iBO-foot aquifer. Meter No. 19,532 Plate 3 56MU.S.G.S.) 55' (U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-13i Other Number: Leeds o79 Location and Description: Owner: B. Church Area: Pressure Plate J 0.5 mile southwest of State Highway 101, and 0.1 mile north of Harkins Road. Use: Industrial Well Depth: 325 feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: L.'Alsop Ground Elevation: 57' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-14. Other Number: Leeds H82 Location and Description: Owner: H. Pedroni, et al. Area: Pressure 0.5 mile south on Romie Lane from its intersection with Monterey State Highway. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: 'later analysis. Remarks: In iBO-foot aquifer. Meter No. 20,967 Plate 2 D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-15d Location and Descriptiorj; Owner: Jacob Nissen Area: Pressure Plate 2 Just northwest of Nissen Road and Monterey State Highway Junction. Use: Domestic V.'ell Depth: I60 feet Date Drilled: 1931 Casing Diameter: 8 inches Driller: J.E.Buckner Ground Elevation: 48' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 52 D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-16 Owner: F. Giottinini Meter No. 15,147 Other Number: Leeds ii}8 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile nortjieast from junction of Hunter Lane and Monterey State Highway. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 209 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 50' Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-17 Owner: Anna C. Nissen Meter No. 12,514 Other Number: Leeds b52 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 660 feet west on Monterey State Highway from south of City limits of Salinas. Reference Point: Pressure gage and plug in wall of pump. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 225 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 48' Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 5-p-17A Owner: Anna C. Nissen Meter No. 12,514 Other Number: Leeds ti53 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 660 feet west on Monterey State Highway from south of City limits of Salinas. Reference Point: Pressure gage and plug in wall of pump. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 224 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 48' Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-l8d Owner: J. E. Hunter Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Intersection of Hunter Lane and Monterey State Highway. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 160 feet Date Drilled: 1930 Casing Diameter: 8 inches Driller J J.E.Buckner Ground Elevation: 47 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-l? Owner: K. B. McDougall Meter No. 13,770 Other Number: Leeds o51 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile west on Monterey State Highway from City limits of Salinas. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 230 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 47 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-20 Owner: B. C. Byron Meter No. 21,695 Other Number: Leeds b46 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Intersection of Hunter Lane and Monterey State Highway. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 214 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 47 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-p-21 Owner: D. P. McFadden, et al. Meter No. 17,195 Other Number: Leeds 880 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile southwest of junction of Romie Lane and State Highway 101 south. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 57.2 ' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-22 Owner: Andrew Tarp Meter No. 25,538 Other Number: Leeds 885A Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile west and O.75 mile south of intersection of Romie Lane and Monterey State Highway. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: I80 feet Date Drilled: 1944 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 53 D.U.R. Well No. 3-D-23 Owner: J. T. 4 K. Brazil Meter No. 15,770 Other Number: Leeds o42 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 50 feet west of Monterey State Highway and 200 feet north of Hitchcock Road. Reference Point: Slot through pump base. Elevation: 45' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation and domestic. Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-p-24 Owner: Laura Foster Meter No. 31,357 Other Number: Leeds b40 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile south of Monterey State Hiphway and 0.5 mile northeast of Hunter Lane. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 49.6' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 50» (D.W.R.) Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-25 Owner: Teresa Storm, et al. Meter No. 14,355 Other Number: Leeds o39 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Just south of Monterey on State Highway and 0.5 mile north of Hunter Lane. Reference Point: Hole in pump base. Elevation: 47.6' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 225 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 46' (D.W.R. ) Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-26 Owner: J. J. Foster Meter No. 13,768 Other Number: Leeds b28 Area: Pressure Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.25 mile northwest of Harkins Lane from its crossing over Alisal Slough. Reference Point: Top of casing. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 203 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 58' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-27 Owner: Thomas Tarp Meter No. 12,519 Other Number: Leeds t)27 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 25 feet north of Hunter Lane and O.5 mile northwest from Harkins Lane. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 59.2 (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 237 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 57 '(D.W.R.) Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-28 Owner: M. Dantonville Meter No. 22,215 Other Number: Leeds b32 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.5 mile south along Alisal Slough from Romie Lane. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 63.8' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels- Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-29 Owner: Katherine Martin Meter No. 11,906 Other Number: Leeds b25 Area: Pressiire Plate 3 Location and Description: 50 feet south of Hunters Lane and O.75 mile northwest from Harkins Lane. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 245 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 50' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well Ho. 3-D-3O Owner: George L. Olsen Meter No. 21,696 Other Number: Leeds ti85 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.75 mile south of Monterey State Highway and 0.5 mile east of Hunter Lane. Reference Point: Slot through pump base. Elevation: 53.4' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Information Available: Water levels Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 54 D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-31d Owner: W. 4 E. Bramers Other Number: Leeds a29A Area: Pressure Plate J Location and Description: In northwest corner of intersection of Hunter Lane and Harkins Lane. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 6O.7 ' (D-W.R. ) Use: Domestic Information Available: Water levels Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-32 Owner: Katherine Martin Keter No. 13,213 Other Number: Leeds H23 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 200 feet south of Hunter Lane and 0.25 mile northwest of Harkins Lane. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 60. 0' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 252 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 6O' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-33' Owner: A. J. & B. Bramers Meter No. 13,361 Other Number: Leeds S24 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 66O feet southwest of Hunter Lane at a point 0.5 mile northv/est of Harkins Lane. Reference Point: Plug in back of pump. Us'e: Irrigation Well Depth: 245 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 55 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-35 Owner: G. W. Hunter Meter No. 15,880 Other Number: Leeds o43 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 6OO feet south of Hunter Lane and Monterey State Highway junction. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 49.0' ( D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 200 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 48' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-37 Owner: Laura G. Foster Meter No. 12,438 Other Number: Leeds ti86 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: At intersection of Foster Road and Monterey State Highway. Reference Point: Pump hole Elevation: 47 .4 ' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-38 Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. l6,ll6 Other Number: Leeds HI6 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.25 mile north of Spreckels Road and 0.3 mile west of Spreckels Plant. Reference Point: Remove plug in side of pump. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 216 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 55' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-39 Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 13,384 Other Number: Leeds 0I8 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 100 feet west of Harkins Lane, 700 feet south along Harkins Lane from Southern Pacific Railroad crossing near Spreckels. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 57.6 ' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-40 Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 10,422 Other Number: Leeds til5 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 100 feet north of Spreckels Road, 0.4 mile west of intersection of Harkins Lane and Spreckels Road in Spreckels. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 58. 0' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 55 D.W.R. Well No. 3-P-41 Ovmer: Spreokels Sugar Co. Meter No. l6,719 Other Number: Leeds bl9 Area: Pressure Plate J Location and Description: 0.8 mile northwest along Spreckels Road from Sugar Factory gate and 50 feet east of road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 56.8' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. ;-D-42 Ovmer: G. L. Olsen Meter No. 14,354 Other Number: Leeds 549 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile west on Monterey State Highway from City limits of Salinas. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 56.8' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 4J3 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-43 Owner: S. H. Riando Meter No. 13,292 Other Number: Leeds 647 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.5 mile east from intersection of Hunter Lane and Monterey State Highway. Reference Point: Pump hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-44n Owner: Ella G. Stirline Other Number: Leeds b45 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: On Monterey State Highway 9OO feet south of Hitchcock Road and Monterey Highway junction. Reference Point: Bottom of discharge pipe. Elevation: 49.O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In I80 foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-45 Owner: John Tomagni Meter No. 13,845 Other Number: Leeds B44 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 0.25 mile west on Monterey State Highway from intersection of Hitchcock Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 49.0' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 449 feet Date Drilled: 1937 Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 48' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-46d Owner: 0. Smith Area: Pressure Plate 5 Location and Description: On River Road 0.5 mile southeast of Spreckels Company railroad trestle over Salinas River, 660 feet from old adobe ruins, in draw back of house. Reference Point: Top of wood clamps. Elevation: 50' 'U.S.G.S. ) Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels- Remarks: In 180-foot aquifer. D.V.R. Well No. 3-D-47 Owner: Mary Cosseroom Meter No. 17,897 Other Number: Leeds B41 Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: 45O feet south of Monterey State Highway and 0.2 mile west of Hitchcock Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 52.5' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 56 D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-48 Owner: Laura G. Foster Meter No. 29,217 Other Number: Leeds t)86A Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: Just north of Monterey State Highway and 200 feet west of Foster Road. Reference Point: Casing hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 419 feet Date Drilled: 19^2 Casing Diameter; 16 inches Driller: Nunes Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. ;-D-49 Owner: J. Violini Meter No. 17,426 Other Number: Leeds a33A Area; Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 300 feet west of Salinas River on River Road, 0.75 mile south of Monterey State Highway. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base 3 ft. above ground. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 503 feet Elevation: 55' (U.S.G.S. ) Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 52 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-50 Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 14,358 Other Number: Leeds B21 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.25 mile northeast of Spreckels Road and 0.75 mile northvrest from Spreckels Plant. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 50' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-52 Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 51,069c Other Number: Leeds H02 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 660 feet north of intersection of Spreckels Road and Harris Lane. Reference Point: Remove plug at pump base. Elevation: 6l' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 220 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: J.E.Buckner Ground Elevation: 60' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-53 Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 13,627 Other Number: Leeds 0O3 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 75 feet west of Harris Lane and 0.5 mile northeast of Spreckels Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 63.6' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-55 Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 13,124 Other Number: Leeds 0O5 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.4 mile southwest along Harris Lane from its intersection with State Highway 101; pump is 50 feet north of Lane. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 66.3 ' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks; In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-56d Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.0 mile east on Harris Lane from its intersection with Spreckels Road. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 255 feet Casing Diameter: 7 inches Driller: G.Bromley Ground Elevation: 60' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l8Q-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-57 Owner; Jameson & Newman Meter No. 12,832 Other Number: Leeds 786 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.3 mile east of Hattis Land and just north of Alisal Slough. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation; 68' (U.S.G.S. ) Use; Irrigation Well Depth: 189 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 67 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available; Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-58d Owner: Jameson * Newman Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.75 mile west on Harris Lane from its intersection with State Highway 101. Use: Domestic Veil Depth: 261 feet Casing Diameter: 6 inches Ground Elevation: 64' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 57 D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-59 Other Number: Leeds o09 Location and Description: Meter No. 12,834 Plate 3 Reference Point: Casing top Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Area: Pressure 100 feet west of Harris Lane and 0.35 mile southeast along Harris Lane from its inter- section with State Highway 101. Elevation: 65.3' (U.S. G. 3. ) D.W.R. Well No . 3-D-62I Leeds aOlB Other Number Location and Description: Reference Point: Pump base hole Use: Industrial Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 3 At Spreckels Plant. Elevation: 68.1' (D.W.R. ) 24,141c D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-63i Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Other Number: Leeds OOlc Area: Pressure Location and Description: At Spreckels Plant. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: Use: Industrial Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 65' Plate 3 (U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-65 Owner: Schween 4 Armstrong Other Number: Leeds III6A Area: Pressure Location and Description: On west edge of reclaimed Heins Lake, 0.5 mile east of Bardin Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. Plate 3 53'{U.S.G.S.) 12,522 D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-66d Other Number: Leeds BlOA Location and Description: Curb top. Owner: Schween & Armstrong Area: Pressure 600 feet northeast of the Intersection of Harris Lane and State Highway 101. Reference Point: Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In perched water. Elevation: Well Depth: 108 feet Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation Plate 3 63'(U.S.G.S.) 63' D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-67 Other Number: Leeds III6 Location and Description: Owner: Schween 4 Armstrong Meter No. 10,574 Area: Easit Side Plate J 0.65 mile northeast of junction of State Highway 101 and Harris Lane. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 66 • (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 324 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 65' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Water levels and well log. * Remarks: East of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 3-S-69 Other Number: Leeds 062 Location and Description: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: Information Available Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer Owner: Schween 4 Armstrong Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 3 500 feet northeast of intersection of State Highway 101 and Harris Lane. Well Depth: 338 feet 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 65' Well log. 14,303 58 D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-7I Owner: J. D. Anderson Meter No. l6,525 Other Number: Leeds 670 Area: East Side Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.25 mile west of Alisal Road and 1.15 mile southeast along Alisal Road from Its intersection with Bardin Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 65 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 411 feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: East of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. ?-D-74 Owner: Marius C. Kadsen Meter No. 13,2 58 Other Number: Leeds b'jG Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.4 mile northeast of State Highway 101 and 0.7 mile southeast of Harris Lane. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 275 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 60' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: East of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-75 Owner: Marius C. Madsen Meter No. 21,624 Other Number: Leeds o75 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.3 mile northeast of State Highway 101, and 0.5 mile northwest along State Highway 101 from Spence Under-pass. Reference Point: Pipe in pump base. Elevation: 66' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 523 feet Date Drilled: 1927 Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 65' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-76 Owner: 0. & H. Brun Meter No. 13,365 Other Number: Leeds 782 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.10 miles southwest from intersection of Harris Lane and State Highway 101. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 277 feet Casing Diameter: I8 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 67' Information Available: Pump test and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-77d Owner: C. J. Olsen Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.75 mile south from intersection of Harris Lane and State Highway 101. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 63' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Domestic Well Depth: 128 feet Date Drilled: 1931 Casing Diameter: 7 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 62 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Water levels and v;ell log. Remarks: In perched water. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-79 Owner: A. & L. Guidotti Meter No. 15,068 Other Number: Leeds 784 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: O.5 mile southwest of State Highway 101 and 0.7 mile southeast along Highway from Harris Lane. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 65' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 245 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 65' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-80 Owner: G. Tavernetti Meter No. 15,8l2 Other Number: Leeds tl26 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.45 mile northeast of Hunter Lane and O.65 mile northwest of Harkins Lane. Refgrence Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 6O.3' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and pump test. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-8I Owner: C. J. Olsen Meter No. 15,596 Other Number: Leeds 783 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.6 mile southwest of State Highway 101 and 0.7 mile southeast of Harris Lane. Reference Point: Groove in pump base. Elevation: 66 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 262 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 65' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 59 D.V.R. Well No. 3-D-82 Owner: G. Tavernetti Meter No. 15,35* Other Number: Leeds bJO Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 600 feet northwest of Harkins Lane at a point 0.7 mile southwest of its intersection with State Highway 101. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 64.1' (D.V.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and pump test. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-83 Owner: California Coast Fruit Co. Meter No. 12,569 Other Number: Leeds 756 Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.75 miles southeast along State Eigliway 101 from intersection with Harris Lane and 0.75 mile north along Lane. Reference Point: Hole in pump base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 271 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L..-ilsop Ground Elevation: 60' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: East of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-83A Owner: California Coast Fruit Co. Meter No. 20,53* Other Number: Leeds 758 Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.75 miles southeast along State Highway 101, from its intersection with Harris Lane, thence 0.75 mile north olong Lane. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: I38 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 60' Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-84 Owner: California Coast Fruit Co. Meter No. 12,24? Other Number: Leeds b74 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.8 mile north on Lane from State Highv/ay 101 underpass near Spence. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 65' (D.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 326 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 65' Information Available: Water levels and ■..-ell log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-85 Ov.Tier: W. T. 4 E. T. Bramers Meter No. 15,719 Other Number: Leeds 63I Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 300 feet northwest of Harkins Lane crossing over Alisal Slough. Reference Point: Casing hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis. Reinarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.V.R. Well No. 3-D-86 OiA-ner: J. Vezzola Meter No. 14,382 Other Number: Leeds »29 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.4 mile west from intersection of Harkins and Hunter Lanes. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 256 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 56' Information A.vailable: "'ell log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Veil !:o. 3-D-88 Owner: L. 4 E. Anderson Meter No. 19,561 Other Number: Leeds 78I Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: On northeast side of Salinas River 3/4 mile west of Spence underpass. Reference Point: Air gage hole. Elevation: 70' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 270 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches nriller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 70' Information Available: Vater levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-91 Owner: Spreokels Sugar Co. Meter No. 15,595 Other Number: Leeds B07A Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: O.45 mile northwest of Harris Lane and 1.25 miles northeast of Spreckels Road. Reference Point: Pximp base hole. Elevation: 64' (D.W.R.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 60 D.M.R. Well No. ;-D-92 Ovmer: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 14,112 Other Number: Leeds ao? Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.3 mile northwest of Harris Lane and 1.25 miles northeast from Spreckels Hoad. Reference Point: Casing top. Dse: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information available: Pump test. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.V.R. Well No. 3-D-93 Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 14,l83c Other Number: Leeds o06 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.25 mile northwest of Harris Lane and 1.25 miles northeast from Spreckels Road. Reference Point: Casing hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Pump test Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.y.R. Well No. 3-D-94 Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 14,898 Other Number: Leeds 798 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 200 feet southwest of the intersection of Spreckels Road and Harris Lane. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 63.2' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-96 Owner: W. H. Garside Meter No. 15,983 Other Number: Leeds til4 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.3 mile south on State Highway 101 from its intersection with Harkins Lane and I50 feet west of Highway. Reference Point: Slot in back of pump Elevation: 65' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: In iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-97 Owner: Olsen Meter No. 14,663 Other Number: Leeds 513 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 100 feet southeast of Harkins Lane and 0.5 mile south of State Highway 101. Reference Point: Top of casing. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Pump test Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-lOO Owner: Salinas Valley Ice Co. Meter No. 20,450 Other Number: Leeds tl09A Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.6 mile southwest along Harris Lane from its intersection with State Highway 101 and 50 feet north of Lane. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 66.2 ' (D.W.R. ) Use: Industrial Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-lOld Owner: J. A. Steinbrunner Meter No. 12,257 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: Just northeast of intersection of Buena Vista Road and River Road. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 195 feet Date Drilled: 1931 Casing Diameter: 10 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 115' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-102 Owner: J. Seconda Meter No. 22,329 Other Number: Leeds 732 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: I.5 miles north of Buena Vista School. Reference Point: Hole in side of pump. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 155 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 50' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 61 Plate 3 D.W.R. Well No. ?-D-103n Ov.iier: U. A. Wallace Area: Pressure Location ana Description: 0.3 mile north of end of Buena Vista Road. Reference Point: Top of pump base. Elevation: 6l'(tI.S.G. Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Well destroyed by 1940-41 flood. S.) D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-lO^ Other Number: Leeds 733 Location and Description: Reference Point: Pump hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and well logc Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Owner: J. Secocdo Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 3 1.25 miles north of Buena Vista School. Elevation: 50» (U.S.G.S. ) Well Depth: 148 feet Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 55' 17,900 D.W.R. Well No . 3-D-106 Leeds 7*2 Other Number Location and Description Owner: J. P. Meyenburg Area: Pressure 0.5 mile southwest of intersection of State Highway 101 and Orchard Road near Spence underpass. Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 70' (U.S.G.S. Meter No. 12,864 Plate 3 Reference Point Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-107 Other Number: Leeds 707 Location and Description Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Pump test Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Owner: E. H. Jameson and M. H. Newman Area: Pressure 0.65 mile south from intersection of State Highway 101 and Harris Lane. Plug in back of pump Meter No. 13,58? Plate 3 D.W.R. Veil No. 3-D-IO8 Other Number: Leeds a77 Location and Description: Meter No. 28,572 Plate 3 Owner: M. C. Madsen Area: East Side 0.5 mile northeast of State Highway 101 and 1.0 mile northwest of Spence underpass. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 65' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 440 feet Date Drilled Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. 1936 D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-109n Other Number: Leeds B75A Location and Description: Owner: M. C. Madsen Area: East Side Plate 3 1.0 mile north on Orchard Road from Spence underpass, thence west 0.3 mile. Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Nonoperating Well Depth: 313 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 65' Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-112d Location and Description Use: Domestic Casing Diameter Information Available Remarks: In l80-foot a^iUifer Owner: Vierra Bros. Area: Pressure Plate 3 West of River Road 0.5 mile north of Buena Vista SchocJl. Well Depth: 214 feet 10 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 150' Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-114 Other Number: Leeds 778 Location and Description Owner: E. 0. Corda Area: Pressure 500 feet southeast of intersection of Buena Vista Road and Abbott Road. 4" X 6" beeim in NW corner of pit. Elevation: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. 12,218 Plate 3 70'(U.S.G.S.) 62 D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-II5 Owner: J. A. Steinbrunner Meter No. Other Numberr^ Leeds 738 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.5 mile northeast of Buena Vista School. Reference Point: Cable hole in casing;. Elevation: 85 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 192 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 26,060 D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-II6 Other Number: Leeds 779 Location and Description: Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available; pump test. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Owner: L. G. Foster Area: Pressure 6 mile northeast of Buene Vista School. Meter No. 26,433 Plate 3 D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-117d Owner: Buena Vista School Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: At Buena Vista School. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 205 feet Date Drilled: Casing Diameter: 8 inches Driller: J.E.Buckner Ground Elevation: 13O' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 1931 D.W.R. Well No. 3-p-ll8 Owner: A. Pedrazzi Other Number: Leeds B78 Area: Pressure Location and Description: 0.8 mile due east of Buena Vista School. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 195 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. Plate 3 80' 13,651 D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-II9 Other Number: Leeds 737 Location and Description: Owner: J. Violini Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 3 1.1 miles north of Buena Vista School and just east of Abbott Road. Pump base hole. Elevation: 64' (U.S.G.S. ) Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 17,317 D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-120 Other Number: Leeds 730 Location and Description Reference Point: Hole in concrete base Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Cory Ranch Area: Pressure 1.1 mile northeast of Buena Vista School. Elevation: Meter No. Plate 3 80'(U.S.G.S.) 15,669 Owner: Area: D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-122 Other Number: Leeds 727 Location and Description: Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Cory Ranch Pressure 1.1 mile east of Buena Vista School. Meter No. Plate 3 15,724 Elevation: 8O' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-I23 Other Number: Leeds 755A Location and Description: Reference Point: Hole in pump base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: W Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Pozzi Brothers Area: Pressure 0.75 mile north of Buena Vista School. 168 feet Alexander Meter No. 30,809 Plate 3 Date Drilled: 1943 63 D.W.R. Well No. }-D-12^ Owner: E. Pozzi, at al. Meter No. 30,015 Other Number: Leeds 738a Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.3 mile northeast of Buena Vista School. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Pump test. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-lg6 Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 21,138 Other Number: Leeds 7a8 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.8 mile southeast of Harris Lane and 1.0 mile northeast of Spreckels Road. Reference Point: Casing top in 12 ft. pit. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Pump test. Remarks: In iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-127 Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 14,985 Other Number: Leeds 7ti9 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.6 mile southeast of Harris Lane at a point 0.95 mile northeast of its intersection with Spreckels Road. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 68' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 Inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-133 Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 12,015 Other Number: Leeds 792 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.3 mile southeast along Spreckels Road from its intersection with Harris Lane. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 60' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-I34 Owner: D. Fat jo Meter No. 15,153 Other Number: Leeds 793 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 8OO feet southwest of Spreckels Road and 0.8 mile southeast of its intersection with Harris Lane. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 65.2' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches. Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-135 Owner: K. Miner Meter No. 12,846 Other Number: Leeds 794 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 400 feet south of Spreckels Road and 0.35 mile southeast from Harris Lane. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 63.9' (D.W.R. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-0-136 Owner: A. V. Riando, Jr. Meter No. 13,873 Other Number: Leeds oOO Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.75 mile northwest of Pine Canyon and River Road Junction. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 6I' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Veil Depth: 473 feet Date Drilled: 1941 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: C. Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. 64 D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-I38 Ovmer: F. Yuki and T. L. Bunn Meter No. 31,261 Other Number: Leeds 7foOA Area: Pressure Plate J Location and Description: 200 feet east of State Highway 101 at north end of Spenoe Underpass. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 70' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 404 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-140 Owner: J. P. Meyenberg Meter No. 14,192 Other Number: Leeds 743 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.2 mile southwest of State Highway 101, at north end of Spence Underpass between Seed Farm Buildings. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 69' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation and domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-141 Owner: J. P. Meyenberg Meter No. 15,597 Other Number: Leeds 744 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: O.5 mile southwest from Highway 101 at north end of Spence Underpass. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 65. 0' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 293 feet Date Drilled: 1928 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: A. Nunes Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-143i Owner: E. H. Spiegel Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: West side of Southern Pacific Railroad tracks crossing over Hardin Road. Use: Industrial Well Depth: 516 feet Date Drilled: 1945 Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: A. Nunes Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-144d Owner: Spring School Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: Near Monterey State Highway on Hitchcock Road. Use: Domestic Well Depth: I80 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-147 Owner: Holmes and Siefert Meter No. 31,659 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.5 mile southwest of intersection of Spreokels Road and Buena Vista Road. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: I85 feet Date Drilled: 1945 Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-148n Owner: G. Tavernetti Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.75 mile east from intersection of Hunter Lane and Monterey State Highway, and north of Hunter Lane. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 52.6' (D.W.R.) Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 14 inches Ground Elevation: 52.6' Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Recorder well in l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-149i Owner: R. E. Meyer Co. Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.2 mile northeast of intersection of Harkins Lane and State Highway 101. Use: Industrial Well Depth: 210 feet Date Drilled: 1936 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 65 D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-l?0p Owner: J". Tomagni plate 2 Area: Pressure Location and Description: 0.4 mile north of intersection of Foster Road and Monterey State Highway. Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: Well plugged; in l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-D-I5IP Owner: J. Tomagni Area: Pressure Plate 2 Location and Description: O.3 mile north of intersection of Foster Road and Monterey State Highway. Information Available: Water analysis. Remarks: Well plugged; in l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. j-D-l^gl Owner: Spreokels Sugar Co. Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: At Spreckels Sugar Plant, Salinas, California. Use: Industrial Well Depth: 45O feet Date Drilled: 1946 Information Available: Water analysis and well log. Remarks: Perforated in 400-foot aquifer only. (4-D QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-2 Owner: Mrs. W. W. Zabala Meter No. 30,8ll Other Number: Leeds 749A Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.25 mile west on Zabala Road from its intersection with Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 125 ' {U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 318 feet Date Drilled: 194? Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: W.E. Bland * Co. Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-2i Owner: Monterey County Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: North side of Alisal Road at intersecti,on of Alisal Road and Hartnell Road, Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 65. 0' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Industrial Casing Diameter: 10 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Windmill used by Monterey County. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-3 Owner: D. B. Nixon Meter No. l8,853 Other Number: Leeds 658 Area: East Side Plate J Location and Description: 0.2 mile southeast of Zabala Road and 0.75 mile northeast of its intersection with Alisal Road. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 98. 0' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-4 Owner: Albert Hansen Meter No. 15»727 Other Number: Leeds 754 Area: East Side Location and Description: 1 mile northeast of intersection of Alisal Road and Orchard Road. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 3OO feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L. Alsop Ground Elevation: 100' Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. V/ell No. 4-D-6 Owner: Mortensen Bros. Meter No. l8,607 Other Number: Leeds 754A Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.55 mile northeast of Alisal Road, and 1.0 mile northwest of its intersection with Orchard Road. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base Elevation: 105' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 315 feet Date Drilled: 1923 Casing Diameter: I8 inches Driller: W. E. Bland & Co. Information Available: Water levels and well log. 66 T..W.R. well NO. 4-D-7 ^ Owner: A. J. Sorensen Meter No. 14.195 Other Number; Leeds 664 Area: East Side Plate i Location and Description: 1.25 miles north of intersection of Old Stage Road and Spence Road. iaokti =; r ^ 1 Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation. 142 ' (U.S.G.S. ) use: Irrigation Well Depth: 200 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: VJater levels. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-9d Owner: Camp McCallum Other Number: Leeds 664b Area: Pressure i'late j Location -^O-^iP^^Le^'hoTr' ''"' °' '"' ""'"''"^Elevation: 140- (U.S.G.S. ) Reference Point: Pump base no±e. " Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. n.W.R. well NO. 4-D-lO Owner: C. Nielsen "eter No. 12.213 Other Number; Leeds b 54 Area: Pressure _ Plate ^ Location and Description: 1.0 mile northeast of intersection of Old Stage Road and Spence Road. -iPRmtt =; r q 1 Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 188- (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 505 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. D.W. R. Well No. 4-D-lOd Owner: C. Nielsen ■ Area: Pressure i-iabe ;> Location and Description: 1.1 miles northeast of Intersection of Old Stage Road and Spence Road. i on. f n c; r <:; 1 Reference Point: Top of wood clamps. Elevation: 190' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Domestic Casing Diameter; 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks; Zone of unconfined ground water. n.w.R. well NO. 4-D-ll Owner; M. McGrury Meter No. 17,501 6ther Number: Leeds 7 45 Area: Pressure P-Late i Location and Description: West corner of the intersection of Old Stage Road and Spence Road. i/n.(n c; r =! ^ „ ^ T, ■ 4.. •D,,™^ h^To Elevation: 147 ' (D.S.Cj.b. ) Reference Point: Pump hole. Use; Irrigation Well Depth: 400 feet Casing Diameter: l8 inches Driller: W. E. Bland Information Available; Water levels and well log. Remarks; Zone of unconfined ground water. D.W.R. well NO. 4-D-l? Owner: J.H.Riley Meter No. 13. 359 Other Number: Leeds 657 Area: Pressure P-Late 3 Location and Description: 0.75 mile west of the intersection of the Old Stage Road and Spence Road. ,^^,,„ „ „ „ , Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation; 111' (U.S.G.S. ) n„„. TT-risation Well Depth: 410 feet casing mafete?? 15 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 110- Information Available; Water levels, pump test and well log. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. D.W.R. well NO. 4-D-14 Owner: J. * A. Riley Meter No. 15.761 Other Number; Leeds 6 56 Area: Pressure f- .>,„ m^ Location and Description: 0.5 mile west of intersection of the Old Stage Road and Spence Road. toaWtt q r <:! 1 Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation; 120 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation ''ell Depth: 440 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground v/ater. D.W.R. well NO. 4-D-16 owner: E. Schween Meter No. 17.425 Other Number: Leeds b64c Area: Pressure Pl^e 3 Location and Description: Just northeast of junction of Old Stage Road and Spence Road. ic,,fn q r q 1 Reference Point; Groove in -ncrete base Elevation. 152 (^;S.G.S. )^^^ ^^^^ Use: Irrigation Well Depth. ^ou leeu Casing Diameter; 15 inches Driller: C. Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. 67 D.V.R. Well No. 4-D-19 Owner: C. Fanoe Meter No. 23,720 Other Number: Leeds b60 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.5 mile east of the intersection of the Old Stage Road and Zabala Road. Reference Point: Groove in pump base. Elevation: 89' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 15 inches. Informetion Available: Water levels. Remarks: Zone of uncoiifined ground water. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-20 Owner: M. McMillan Meter No. 19,111 Other Number: Leeds 763 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.2 mile south of Alisal Road and 1.25 miles northwest of its intersection with Spence Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 88' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: At east edge of l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-24 Owner: C. Westlake Meter No. 14,662 Other Number: Leeds 747 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.25 mile east from Spence underpass. Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 147 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 70' Information Available: Pump test and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-25 Owner: A. & J. Smith Meter No. 14,087 Other Number: Leeds 748 Area; Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.2 mile east of Orchard Road, and 0.2 mile north of its intersection with State Highway 101. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 71' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 222 feet Date Drilled: 1940 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Nunes Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.V.R. Well No. 4-D-26 Owner: A. & J. Smith Meter No. 17,901 Other Number: Leeds 759 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.1 mile east of Orchard Road, and 0.25 mile southwest of its intersection with Alisal Road. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 60' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: At east edge of l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-28 Ovmer: Mrs. J. Tonge Other Number: Leeds 747B Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.6 mile south of intersection of Alisal Road and Orchard Road. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 80' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 18O feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Nunes Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: No used in 1946. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-29 Owner: Huston 4 Reeves Meter No. 14,668 Other Number: Leeds 757 Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.5 mile west of intersection of Alisal Road and Hartnell Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 82' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-30 Owner: Frank J. Silva Meter No. 16,007 Other Number: Leeds ti68 Area: Pressure Piste 3 Location and Description: 0.3 mile northwest of Spence Road and 1.0 mile northeast from Spence. Reference Point: Air gage. Use: Irrigation V/ell Depth: I85 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 83' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Pump test and well log. Remarks: Near east edge of l80-foot aquifer. 68 D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-;2 Owner: L. Azevedo Meter No. 16,586 Other Number: Leeds 750 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.75 mile south of Alisal Road and 1.25 mile northwest of its intersection with Spence Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 79' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: Near east edge of l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-34 d Owner: J. Rose Area: Pressure Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.25 mile southwest of intersection of Spence Road and State Highway 101. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 174 feet Casing Diameter: 6 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 75' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-55 Owner: E. Sheldon Meter No. 15.127 Other Number: Leeds 869 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.25 mile south of Spence. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 82 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 222 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 8I' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-?6 Owner: C. Bardin Meter No. 28,576 Other Number: Leeds b63 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.35 mile southwest of Old Stage Road and 0.5 mile southeast of its intersection with Spence Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 152' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-37 Owner: C. Bardin Meter No. 26,282 Other Number: Leeds 771 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.75 mile northeast of State Highway 101 and 0.5 mile southeast of Spence. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: IO7 • (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 314 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. Remarks: Near east edge of l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-58 Owner: C. Bardin Meter No. 22,338 Other Number: Leeds 772 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.75 mile northeast of State Highway 101 and 0.5 mile southeast of Spence. Reference Point: Groove in pump base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 294 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 107' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Near east edge of l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-39 Owner: Hazel Hurt Meter No. 13.690 Other Number: Leeds B65 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.3 mile southeast of Spence Road and 0.8 mile northeast of Spence. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: I8I feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 100' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Near east edge of l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-40 Owner: Intercontinental Rubber Co. Meter No. 29.377 Other Number: Leeds b65A Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.3 mile southeast of Spence Road and 1.3 mile northeast of Spence. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 126' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 200 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. 69 D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-41 Ovmer: H. 4 G. Hurt Meter No. 12, ■249 Other Number: Leeds B66 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.25 mile northeast of Spenoe. Reference Point: Puinp base hole. Elevation: 85' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Avi^ilable: Mater levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-42 Oivner: Lester Stirling Meter No. 12,867 Other Number: Leeds 651 Area: Pressure (Unconfined) Plate J Location and Description: West of Old Stage Road and 0.75 mile south of Potter Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 333 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 192' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. D.M.R. Well No. 4-D-43 Ovmer: Harry Bloomquist Meter No. 17,252 Other Number: Leeds 652 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.5 mile southv;est of intersection of Old Stage Road and Spence Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 350 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 162' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-44 Owner: W. R. Thompson Meter No. 11,957 Other Number: Leeds 740A Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.3 mile northeast of State Highway 101 and 0.75 mile southeast of Orchard Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 66' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-46 Owner: W. E. Plaskett Meter No. 15,123 Other Number: Leeds 741 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location end Description: O.5 mile southwest of Spence. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 60' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-47 Owner: C. Thorpe Meter No. 12,411 Other Number: Leeds 76I Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: O.35 mile northeast of Old Stage Road and 1.3 miles southeast from its intersection with Spence Road on north bank of Quail Creek. Reference Point: Top of wood box. Elevation: 200' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-48 Owner: W. Wiley Meter No. 31,009 Other Number: Leeds 720 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.5 miles west on Samovia Road from its intersection with State Hirhway 101. Use: Irrigation Veil Depth: I80 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Nunes Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-5O Owner: R. & J. Stirling. Meter No. 21,625 Other Number: Leeds 649 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: O.5 mile south of Potter Road and 0.1 mile west of Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 454 feet Date Drilled: 1926 Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: W.E.Bland & Co. Information Available: Pump test and v.-ell log. Ground Elevation: 192' Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. 70 D.W.R. Vfell No. 4-D-5I Owner: R. * L. Piazzoni Meter No. 10,822 Other Number: Leeds 739 Area: Pressure Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.1 mile southwest of State Highway 101 and 0.7 mile northwest of Spence. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 70' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-$j Owner: A. R. Patrick, Corp. Meter No. 14,71? Other Number: Leeds 714 Area: Pressure Plate J Location and Description: O.9 mile northeast of State Hifhway 101, and 1.85 miles southeast along State Highway 101 from intersection of Spence Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 137 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: Near east edge of l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-^4 Owner: A. R. Patrick, Corp. Meter No. 21,246 Other Number: Leeds 715 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: O.65 mile southwest from Old Stage Road down a lane; lane is 1.9 miles southeast of inter- section of Spence Road and Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 152 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-55 Owner: A. R. Patrick, Corp. Meter No. 23,711 Other Number: Leeds 770 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.7 mile northeast of State Highway 101 on a lane; lane is 1.6 miles southeast of Spence on State Highway 101. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 130' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Near east edge of l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-56 Owner: C. N. Thorup Co. Meter No. 12,601 Other Number: Leeds 712 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.45 mile north of State Highway 101, and 1.15 miles northwest along State Highway 101 from its intersection with Chualar Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 125 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 279 feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: J.E.Buckner Ground Elevation: I3O' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. "^-0-5 7 Owner: A. R. Patrick, Corp. Meter No. 30,849 Other Number: Leeds 769A Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.25 mile northeast of State Highway 101, and 1.6 miles southeast of Spence. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 120' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-58 Owner: A. R. Patrick, Corp. Meter No. 20,444 Other Number: Leeds 713 Area: Pressure Piste 3 Location and Description: O.5 mile northeast of State Highv.'ay 101, and 1.8 miles southeast along State Highway 101 from intersection of Spence Road. Reference Point: Hole in concrete pump base. Elevation: 110' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 Inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 71 D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-39 Owner: A. R. Patrick, Corp. Meter No. 15,875 Other Number: Leeds 769 Area: Pressure Plete J Location and Description: 0.2 mile northeast of State Highivay 101, and 1.6 mile southeast of Spenoe. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 238 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 95' Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-60 Owner: R. & M. Somavia Meter No. 17,419 Other Number: Leeds 719 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.4 mile southwest of State Highway 101, and 1.2 miles southeast of Spence. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 80' (D.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation '.'ell Depth: 103 feet Casing Diameter: 8 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 84 Information Available: Water levels and viell log. Remarks: In perched water above l80-foot aauifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-6I Owner: Salinas Valley Ice Co. Meter No. l6,945 Other Number: Leeds 722 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: West of State Highway 101, and I.85 miles southeast along State Highway 101 from its intersection with Spence Road. Reference Point: Slot under pump base. Elevation: 85 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 214 feet Date Drilled: 1932 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 84' Information Available: 'water levels and well log- Remarks: In 180-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-63 Owner: Salinas Valley Ice Co. Meter No. 23,712 Other Number: Leeds 724 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.2 mile southeast of a lane and 1.0 mile southwest on lane from State Highway 101; lane is 1.45 miles southeast along State Highway 101 from Spence. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 85' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Veil Depth: 286 feet Date Drilled: 1938 Casing Diameter: 15 inches Ground Elevation: 84' Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-64n Owner: J. Somavia Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: Near Salinas River, 1.5 miles south of Spence. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 65' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Nonoperating Well Depth: 262 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 65' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: Recorder well in l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-67 Owner: P. H. Lauritson Meter No. 31,130 Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.75 mile west from intersection of Old Stage Road and Sabala Road. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 558 feet Date Drilled: 1945 Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: L.Alsop Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 4-p-68 Owner: D. F. Tavernetti Meter No. 21,076 Other Number: Leeds 655 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.25 mile southeast of east end of Potter Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 419 feet Information Available: Pump test and well log. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-69 Owner: D. F. Tavernetti Meter No. 12,2l6 Other Number: Leeds b55A Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.1 mile east of Quail Creek near mouth of canyon. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 225' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 440 feet Driller: L.Alsop Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. 72 D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-7O Owner: R. E. Myer Co. Meter No. 20,935 Other Number: Leeds 776 Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: South side of ';iuail Creek near mouth of canyon. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 234' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation 'Jell Depth: 400 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-7I Owner: R. E. Myer Co. Meter No. 11,855 Other Number: Leeds 777 Area: East Side Plate 3 Location and Description: South side of Q,uail Creek near mouth of canyon. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 453 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-73 Owner: M. J. Wallace Meter No. 22,192 Other Number: Leeds 775 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 2.0 miles east of intersection of Spence Road and Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: 213' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 530 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: V/ater levels, pump test and well log. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-74 Owner: R. C. Hansen Meter No. 13,658 Other Number: Leeds b45A Area: Pressure (Unconfined) Plate 3 Location and Description: 2.25 miles southeast of intersection of Spence Road and Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: 202 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-75 Owner: R. C. Hansen Meter No. 10,643 Other Number: Leeds b45 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.75 mile south from ^tuail Creek Crossing on Old Stage Road, thence 0.5 mile east. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis and pump test. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-76 Owner: R. C. Hansen Meter No. 20,361 Other Number: Leeds fo45B Area: Pressure (Unconfined) Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.75 mile south from Quail Creek Crossing on Old Stage Road, thence 0.75 mile east. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: 220' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-81 Owner: J. A. Bardin Meter No. 24,880 Other Number: Leeds 767 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location end Description: 1.25 mile east of intersection of Potter Road and State Highway 101. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 137' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 26I feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-86 Owner: L. & V. Jacks Meter No. l8,606 Other Number: Leeds 544 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.1 mile west of Old Stage Road and O.3 mile northwest of its intersection with Chualar Road. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 208' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Zone of unconfined ground water. 73 D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-87 Other Number: Leeds 725 Location and Description: Pump base hole. Owner: Salinas Valley Ice Co. Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 3 0.5 mile west of State Highway 101 and 0.1 mile south of Somavla Road. 15,768 Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 411 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: Information Available: Pump test and well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot acjuifer. 85' D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-88 Owner: J. & L. Somavia Meter No. Other Number: Leeds 713 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.5 mile southwest of State Highway 101 and 2.4 miles southeast of Spence. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 85' (D.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 22,513 D.W.R. Well No. 4-D-89 Owner: Jensen Bros. Area: Pressure Location and Description: Opposite and in line with Potter Road, O.i mile west of State Highway 101. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 550 feet Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. Meter No. 31,662 Plate 3 Date Drilled: 1945 (5-D QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 5-D-l Other Number: Leeds 709 Location and Description: Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Owner: E. Balestra, et al. Area: East Side 1.5 miles northeast from intersection of Old Stage Road and Esperanza Road. Meter No. 21,149 Plate 3 Elevation: 273' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 5-D-2 Other Number: Leeds 644 Location and Description: Owner: Mary Hansen Area: East Side 1.0 mile northeast from intersection of Old Stage Road and Esperanza Road. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 5*5 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: A.B.Stewart Information Available: Water levels and well log. Meter No. 22,l89 Plate 3 250'(U.S.G.S.) Date Drilled: 1937 D.W.R. Well No. 5-D-3 Other Number: Leeds 640 Location and Description Meter No. 21,653 Plate 3 Owner: Johnson Brothers Area: Pressure 0.5 miles northeast from intersection of Old Stage Road and Esperanza Road. Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 230' (U.S.G.S. ) Reference Point Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information j^.vailable: Water levels. Remarks: In zone of unconfined ground water. D.W.R. Well No. 5-D-'t Other Number: Leeds 641 Location and Description: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 14 inches Information Available: Water analysis Owner: Turri Brothers Area: East Side 1.1 miles northeast from intersection of Old Stage Road and Esperanza Road. Well Depth: 373 feet Meter No. 20,326 Plate 3 74 (3-E QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 3-E-gd Owner: P. Pedrazzi Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: North of River Road, 0.9 mile from its intersection with Buena Vista Road. Reference Point: Top of wood clsmps. Elevation: 8?' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Domestic Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer; windmill. (4-E JUADR,!iNT) D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-l Owner: J. Violini Meter No. 20,635 Other Number: Leeds 704 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: West of Salinas River and 0.5 mile north of Chualar Bridge. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 8l' (U.S.G.S. ) Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-2 Owner: R. A. Fat jo Meter No. 18,858 Area: Pressure Location and Description: 0.75 mile southeast of Buena Vista. Reference Point: Pmnp base hole. Elevation: 85' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 220 feet Date: 1939 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: C. Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-3 Omier: R. & M. Somavia Meter No. 26,437 Other Number: Leeds 717 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: O.35 mile southwest of State Highway 101 and 1.10 miles northwest of Chualar. Reference Point: Pump house floor. Elevation: 85' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 4-E-4 D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-4A Owner: Salinas Valley Ice Co. Meter No. 13,257 Other Number: Leeds 725 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 2.2 miles north of Gonzales along State Highway 101, thence 1.4 miles west. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 184 feet - I85 feet Date Drilled: 1924 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 72 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Pump test and well log. Remarks: These two wells are interconnected; in l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-5 Owner: Salinas Valley Ice Co. Meter No. 12,197 Other Number: Leeds 726 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 2.0 miles west on Somavia Road from its intersection with State Highway 101. Reference Point: Air gage hole. Elevation: 7O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Driller: L. Alsop Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available; Water levels, pump test and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-6 Owner: F. Chapell, et al. Meter No. 12,586 Other Number: Leeds 70? Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.25 mile east of River Road and I.5 miles northwest of Chualar Bridge. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 75 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: . Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 75 D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-7 Location and Description: 1.5 Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 10 inches Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Area: F. Dougherty Pressure Meter Noi Plate 3 mile south on River Road from Buena Vista School. Well Depth: 164 feet 2 7, 4 80 Driller: L. Alsop Ground Elevation: 105 ' (tJ.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-9 Owner: M. L. Foster Other Number: Leeds 654 Area: Pressure Location and Description: Meter No. 30,490 Plate 3 1.0 mile south on State Highway 101 from its intersection v.lth Chualar River Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 107' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Remarks: In iSO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-ll Owner: A. Pedrazzi, et al. Meter No. 12,320 Other Number: Leeds 705 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.5 mile north of intersection of River Road and Chualar River Road. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 185 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L. Alsop Ground Elevation: 80' (U.S.G.S. ) Information iivsilable: 'fell log. Remarks: In l80-foot ajjuifer. D.W.R. Well No. '^-E-lg Other Number: Leeds 706 Location and Description: 0\-mer: Area: A. Pedrazzi, et al. Pressure Meter No. 16,714 Plate 3 1.0 mile northwest from intersection of River Road and Chualar River Road. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 8I' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 261 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-13A Owner: Vosti Ranch Area: Pressure Location and Description: 0.5 mile northeast of Somavia School. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Well Depth: I68 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. 17,587 Plate 3 108'(n.S.G.S.) Date Drilled: 1944 D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-14 Other Number: Leeds 55 7 Location and Description Reference Point: Hole in concrete base Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Owner: Tabaschi Ranch Area: Pressure 0.5 mile southeast of Somavia School. Elevation: Meter No. 29,376 Plate 3 105' (U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-15 Other Number: Leeds 703 Location and Description Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Owner: A. Balestra Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 3 0.25 mile north of River Road and O.9 mile northwest along River Road from its intersection with Chualar River Road. Casing top. Elevation: 83' (U.S.G.S. ) 13,654 Meter No. 27,482 Plate 3 D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-16 Owner: Patrick Farms Other Number: Leeds 564 Area: Pressure Location and Description: 0.25 mile northeast from intersection of River Road and Chualar River Road. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 85' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 175 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 76 D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-I7 Owner: C. Sargentl Meter No. 12,025 Other Number: Leeds 562 Area: Pressure Plate J Location and Description: 0.6 mile south of Chualar Bridge just west of River Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 97 ' CO.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: l84 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: Hicks Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-l8n Owner: C. Sargenti Meter Ho. 17,427 Other Number: Leeds 5bO Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.4 miles north of Samovia School and east of River Road. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 112 ' (U.S.C-.S. ) Use: Nonoperating Well Depth: I96 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Recorder well in l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-19 Owner: C. Sargenti Meter No. 17,427 Other Number: Leeds 56j Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: West of River Road and 0.55 mile southeast along River Road from its intersection with Chualar River Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 100' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: I70 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Hicks Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-20 Owner: Anita Malarin Meter No. l8,6lO Other Number: Leeds 56I Area: Pressure Plate ? Location and Description: West of River Road and 1.75 miles northwest of Samovia School. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 105' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-22 Owner: M. Jacks Meter No. 13,655 Other Number: Leeds 542 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.25 mile southeast of Chualar Canyon Road and 0.55 mile northeast of Chualar. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 235 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Pump test and well log. Remarks: At east fringe of l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-24d Owner: L. 4, V. Jacks Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: O.35 mile north of Chualar River Road and 0.65 mile southwest along Chualar River Road from its intersection with State Highway 101. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 94.8 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Domestic Well Depth: 96 feet Casing Diameter: 10 inches Driller: J.B.Rodriques & E. Feldman Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In perched water above l80-foot aquifer; windmill. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-25 Owner: Vida Jacks Meter No. 29,214 Other Number: Leeds 541 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.0 mile west of intersection of State Highway 101 and Chualar Canyon Road. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 87 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 77 D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-26 Other Number: Leeds 5*6 Location and Description Meter No. 16,J49 Plate 3 Owner; Vida Jacks Area: Pressure 0.5 mile northeast of State Highway 101 and 0.5 mile northwest of Chualar. Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 132' (U.S.G.S. ) Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: At east fringe of l80-foot aquifer D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-26d Location and Description: Casing top. Reference Point Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer; windmill Owner: E. J. Enevaldsen Area: Pressure Plate 3 North side of State Highway 101, one block south of Chualar Canyon Road. Elevation: II5 ' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-27i Location and Description: Owner: Patrick Farms Area: Pressure West of Southern Pacific Railroad at north west corner of Town of Chualar. Use: Industrial Well Depth: 251 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Plate 3 100'(U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-27Ai Ovmer: Patrick Fanns Area: Pressure Location and Description: ''.'est of Southern Pacific Railroad at north- west corner of Town of Chualar. Use: Industrial Well Depth: 252 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Plate 3 Date Drilled: 1930 D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-29 Other Number: Leeds 536 Location and Description: Owner: Yida Jacks Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 3 0.25 mile south of intersection of State Highway 101 and Chualar River Road. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 104' (U.S.G.S. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 488 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. 20,968 D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-30d Location and Desorintion Owner: Turri Bros. Area: Pressure (Unconfined) Plate 3 0.1 mile north of State Highway 101 and 0.65 mile southeast from its intersection with Chualar River Road. Top of 6" X 6" wood clamp. Elevation: 110' (U.S.G.S. 1 Reference Point: Uce: Domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks : In l30-foot aquifer; windmill D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-32 Other Number: Leeds 538 Location end Description Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Ov.Tier: Vida Jacks Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 3 0.75 mi]e northeast on Chualar River Road from its intersection with River Road. Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 92' (U.S.G.S. ) 13,790 D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-34 Other Number: Leeds 532 Location and Description: Owner: Mary Jacks Thomas Area: Pressure 0.7 mile west of Chualar and O.3 mile south of Chualar River Road. Meter No. 12,274 Plate 3 Reference Point: Pump base hole. Use: Irrigirtion Well Depth: 240 feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: L. Alsop Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Ground Elevation: 95' (U.S.G.S.) 78 D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-3^ Ovmer: Vida Jacks Meter No. 10,047 Other Number: Leeds 535 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.4 mile east of Chualar River Road and 0.75 mile southeast along Chualar River Road from its intersection with State Highway 101. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 98' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 3*8 feet Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Veil No. 4-E-37 Owner: Mary Jacks Thomas Meter No. 14,304 Other Number: Leeds 531 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.5 miles southwest of intersection of State Highway 101 and Chualar River Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 99' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 200 feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: L.Alsop Ground Elevation: 98' Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-38 Owner: L. and J. Jacks Meter No. 12,276 Other Number: Leeds 533 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.4 miles south of intersection of State Highvay 101 and Chualar River Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 98 ' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 305 feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: L.Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-39 Owner: Mary Jacks Thomas Meter No. 13,846 Other Number: Leeds 534 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.1 miles southeast of intersection of State Highway. 101 and Chualar River Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 98' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 46? feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: L.Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-4 Owner: Mary Jacks Thomas Meter No. 14,193 Other NuBiber: Leeds 523 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.75 miles south of intersection of Chualar River Road and State Highway 101. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: l84 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 100' (U.S. G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-41 Owner: Mary Jacks Thomas Meter No. 10,826 Other Number: Leeds 522 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.9 miles south of intersection of Chualar River Road and State Highway 101. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 100' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 365 feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: L.Alsop Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-42d Owner: Mary Jacks Thomas Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.75 miles south of intersection of Chualar River Road and State Highway 101. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 112 feet Casing Diameter: 8 inches Driller: J.E.Buckner Ground Elevation: 95 ' (U.S. G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In perched water above l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-43n Owner: Mary Jacks Thomas Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.9 mile south of intersection of Chualar River Road and State Highway 101. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 101' (U.S. G.S. ) Use: Nonoperating Well Depth: 302 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: L.Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 79 D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-44 Other Number: Leeds 521 Location and Description: Owner: Mary Jacks Thomas Area: Pressure 2.1 miles south of intersection of Chualar River Road and State Highway 101. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 105' (U.S. d Use: Irrigation Well Depth: J56 feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: L.Alsop Information .available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. 12^82? Plate 3 .S.) Meter No. 21,535 Plate 3 D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-46n Owner: C. Sargenti Other Number: Leeds 521A Area: Pressure Location and Description: West of River Road and 1.0 mile southeast along River Road from its intersection with Chualar River Road. Reference Point: Pressure gage. Elevation: 100 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 4-E-47 Other Number: Leeds 524 Location and Description: Owner: Mary Jacks Thomas Area: Pressure 1.9 miles south of intersection of Chualar River Road and State Highway 101. Meter No. 13,364 Plate 3 Reference Point: Pump base hole. Use: Irrlg-ation Well Depth: 546 feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: L.Alsop Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Perforated only in 400-foot aquifer. Ground Elevation: 100' (U.S.G.S. D.W.R. Well No.^4-E-52 Other Number: Leeds 555 Location and Description: 0.4 Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Owner: W. Danini Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 3 mile north of Samavia School on River Road. Elevation: 93' (U.S.G.S. ) 17,101 (5-E qUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-ln Location and Description: Owner: Margaret Jacks Area: East Side Plate 3 0.25 mile southeast of intersection of Chualar Canyon Road and Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 192' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-2 Other Number: Leeds 638 Location and Description Owner: F. ft G. Johnson Meter No. Area: East Side Plate 3 0.2 mile east of Chualar Canyon Road and 0.5 mile northeast along Chualar Canyon Road from its intersection with Old Stage Road. Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 255' (U.S.G.S. ) 20,912 Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-3d Location and Description: Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Windmill. Owner: Johnson Bros. Area: East Side Plate J North of Old Stage Road and 0.55 mile south- east along Old Stage Road from its intersection v/ith Chualar Canyon Road. Elevation: 195' (U.S.G.S. ) 80 D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-4 Location and Description: Owner: F. A. Johnson Area: Pressure 0,5 mile northeast of State Highway 101 and 2.2 miles southeast of its intersection with Chualar River Road. Meter No. Plate 3 50,014 Reference Point: Casing hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In unconfined ground water east of blue clay zone. Elevation: 117' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-5 Other Number: Leeds 63O Location and Description: Owner: E. Bedella Meter No. Area: Pressure Plate 3 0.3 mile northeast of State Hij^hway 101 and 1.55 miles northwest of its intersection with Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 110' (U.S.G.S . ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 285 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: In unconfined ground vrater east of blue clay zone. 26,277 D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-6 Other Number: Leeds 637 Location and Description: Owner: J. P. & W. A. Iverson Area: East Side 2.0 miles northeast of intersection of Old Stage Road and State Highway 101. Groove in concrete base. Elevation: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test Meter No. 17,45 Plate 3 232'(U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 3-E-7 Other Number: Leeds 699 Location and Description: Owner: E. H. Spiegl Co. Meter No^ Area: Pressure Plate 3 1.5 miles west of intersection of State Highway 101 and Old Stage Road. Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: 105' (U.S.G.S. ) Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 13,691 D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-lO Other Number: Leeds 528 Location and Description: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: Casing hole. Owner: J. Mathews Area: Pressure 0.4 mile northeast of State Highway 101 and 0.5 mile northwest of its intersection with Old Stage Road. Meter No. l6,942 Plate 3 Elevation: 119 ' (U.S.G.S. ) 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In unconfined ground water east of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-12 Location and Description: Owner: G. Wimer Area: Pressure 0.3 mile north of State Highway 101 and 1.35 miles southeast along State Highway 101 from its intersection with Chualar River Road. Meter No. 10,710 Plate 3 Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 302 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: Nunes Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In unconfined ground water east of blue clay zone. 110'(U.S.G.S.) Date Drilled: 1945 D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-14 Other Number: Leeds 530 Location and Description Meter No. 28,407 Plate 3 Owner: Vida Jacks Area: Pressure Northeast of State Highway 101 and 0.1 mile northwest of its intersection with Old Stage Road. Casing hole. Elevation: 115 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Just east of blue clay zone. 81 D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-I5 Owner: K. R. Nuttinp Meter No. 17,424 Other Number: Leeds 628 Area: Pressure Plfite J Location ond Description: 0.1 mile southwest of State Highway 101 opposite its intersection with Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 114 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: At east edge of l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No.^-E-18 Owner: Mary Jacks Thomas Meter No. 1J,206 Other Number: Leeds 716 Area: Pressure Plete J Location and Description: 0.1 mile southv.'est of State Highway 101 and 1.1 miles northwest along State Highway 101 from its intersection with Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevption: 108 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 98 feet Casing Diameter: 8 inches Driller: J.E.Buckner Information Available: Water levels and vrell log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-19n Owner: C. Sargenti Other Number: Leeds fa29 Area: Pressure Plate J Location and Description: 0.3 mile north of State Highway 101 and 1.25 miles northwest along State Highway 101 from its intersection with Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 115' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Nonoperating Well Depth: 225 feet Date Drilled: I93O Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: J.E.Buckner Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: Unconfined ground water east of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-21 Owner: Lee L. Jacks Meter No. 17,190 Other Number: Leeds 527 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.45 mile north of State Highway 101 and 0.7 mile northwest along State Highway 101 from its intersection of Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 120' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Unconfined ground water east of blue clay rone. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-22 Owner: Lee L. Jacks Meter No. 14,150 Other Number: Leeds 529 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.1 mile northeast of State Highway 101 and 0.7 mile northwest of its intersection with Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Pov;tr cable hole. Elevation: 112 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 1? inches Information Available: Wcter levels. Remarks: Just east of l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-23 Owner: J. C. Twisselman Meter No. 21,570 Other Number: Leeds 636 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.0 mile northeast from intersection of State Highway 101 and Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 145 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: In unconfined ground water east of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-24 Owner: J. C. Twisselman Meter No. 12,827 Other Number: Leeds 635 Area: East Side Piste 3 Location and Description: 0.1 mile south of Iverson Road and 0.55 mile east of its intersection with Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 195 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation ■■•'ell Depth: 324 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.,;lsop Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. 82 Owner: Fanoe Brothers Area: East Side 1.25 miles east from intersection of State Highway 101 and 01 r! Stage Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: Use: Domestic 'fell Depth: 125 feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: Windmill. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-25d Location and Description: Casing top. Plate 3 150'(U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Veil No. 5-E-26 Other Number: Leeds 614 Location and Description: Owner: Area: Fanoe Brothers East Side 1.0 mile south of Iverson Road and 1.2 miles west of Johnson Canyon Road. Meter No. Plate 3 Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 299 feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. Elevation: 210' (U.S.G.S. 25,773 D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-27 Other Number: Leeds fa08 Location and Description: Owner: Fanoe Brothers Area: East Side 1.0 mile north of Gonzales. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 15 inches Information Avbilsble: Water levels. Neter No. 22,838 Plate 3 Elevation: I5O' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-27d Location and Description: Casing top Reference Point: Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Owner: Weidman Area: East Side Plate 3 1.0 mile northwest along Iverson Road from its intersection with Johnson Canyon Road. Elevation: 260' (U.S.G.S. D.W.R . Other Well Number No . 5-E-28 Leeds 612 Location and Description: Owner: Fanoe Brothers Area: East Side 1.25 mile northeast from intersection of State Highway 101 and Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 430 feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Well log. Meter No. 21,831 Plate 3 Date Drilled: 1937 D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-29 Other Number: Leeds 615 Location and Description: Owner: Fanoe Brothers Area: East Side 0.85 mile northwest of Johnson Canyon Road and 1.1 miles northeast of State Highway 101, Meter No. Plate 3 Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 299 feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. 12,573 Elevation: I6I' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-3O Other Number: Leeds 613 Location and Description: Owner: Fanoe Brothers Area: East Side 1.5 miles northeast from intersection of State Highway 101 and Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 517 feet Casing Diameter: 15 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. Meter No. 28,575 Plate 3 165'(U.S.G.S.) Date Drilled: 1941 D.W.R. Well No . 5-F-37 Leeds 696 Owner: F. Cor da, et al. Other Number: Leeds 696 Area: Pressure Location and Description: O.75 mile west of Gonzales. Use: Irrigation \iell Depth: I83 feet Casing Diameter:- 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Pump test and well log. Remarks: In perched water above l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. Piste 3 17,429 83 D.W.R. Well No. 3-E-?8 Owner: M. Corda Meter No. 16,9*6 Other Number: Leeds b87 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.2 miles southeast from intersection of State Highvrey 101 and Old Stage RoPd. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 117' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 259 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. Remarks: In unconfined ground water east of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 3-E-40 Owner: H. Tarp Meter No. l8,225 Other Number: Leeds 688 Area: Pressure Plate J Location and Description: 0.2 mile northeast of State Highway 101 and 0.4- mile southeast along State Highway 101 from its intersection with Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 117' (tT.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Just east of l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-E-41 Owner: D. * C. Blanco Meter No. 28,57? Other Number: Leeds 703 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.35 mile southeast of Old Stage Road and 0.65 mile northeast of its intersection with State Highway 101. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 125' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In unconfined ground water east of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-44 Owner: E. M. Bloch Meter No. 16,941 Other Number: Leeds 701 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.5 mile southwest of State Highway 101 and 0.65 mile northwest of its intersection with Old Stage Road. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 412 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: J. E. Buckner Ground Elevation: 110' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Perforated in both l80-foot and 400-foot aquifers. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-46 Owner: E. H. Splegl Co. Meter No. 14,145 Other Number: Leeds 698 Area: Pressure Plate 5 Location and Description: 1.9 miles west from intersection of State Highway 101 and Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Air gage hole. Elevation: 107' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-4y Owner: D. * G. Bassi Meter No. 14,712 Other Number: Leeds b09 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.25 mile northeast of State Highway 101 and 1.0 mile southeast of its intersection with Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 120' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In unconfined ground water east of- blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-48 Owner: W. Vosti Meter No. 15,250 Other Number: Leeds 625 Area: Pressure Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.5 mile southwest from intersection of State Highv/ay 101 and Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 112' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation '/ell Depth: 270 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer; also perforated in perched water. 84 D.W.R. Well No. 3-E-49 Owner: J. Brazil MetPr No. 12,009 Other Number: Leeds 695 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.1 miles southwest from intersection of Stcte Highway 101 and Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 112' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 3-E-50 Owner: M. Anderson Meter No. 26,070 Other Number: Leeds 611 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.0 mile northwest of Johnson Canyon Road and 0.8 mile northeast from Gonzales. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 115 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: In unoonfined ground water east of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. ^-E-^l Owner: A. Veraooni, et al. Meter No. 10,609 Other Number: Leeds 626 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.25 miles southv-est of intersection of State Highway 101 and Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 112' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-52 Owner: J.R. & H. Somavia Meter No. 8,589 Other Number: Leeds 620 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.3 miles southeast of the Somavia School. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 100' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-53 Owner: J.R. & H. Somavia Meter No. 1J,844 Other Number: Leeds 692 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.5 miles southeast of Somavia School. Reference Point: Curb top. Elevation; 100' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-56 Owner: A.Riando, et al. Meter No. 16,285 Other Number: Leeds 686 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.4 mile north of Gonzales. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 132' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: In unconfined ground water east of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-59 Owner: H. Riando Meter: 17,591 Other Number: Leeds 710 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.1 miles southwest of intersection of State Highway 101 and Old Stage Road. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: II8' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 263 feet Date Drilled: 1932 Casing Diameter: 18 inches Driller: L.Alsop Infonriation Available: Water levels, water analysis, pximp test and well log. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-6O Owner: F. Corda Meter No. 15,7l6 Other Number: Leeds 619 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 1.3 miles west of Gonzales. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: II6' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 141 feet Casing Diameter: 12 Inches Driller: R.Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In perched water above l80-foot aquifer. 85 D.U.R. Well No. ?-K-60A Owner: F. Corda Meter No. 28-,408 Other Number: Leeds bl8 Area: Pressure Plate J Location and Description: 1.55 miles west of Gonzales. Reference Point: Power cable hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 140 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: ll6' Information Available: Pump test and well log. Remarks: In perched water above iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-6gi Owner: Lactine Milk Co. Area: Pressure Plate J Location and Description: 1.0 mile northwest on State Highway 101 from its intersection with Johnson Canyon Road. Use: Industrial Well Depth: 222 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: llB' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. Remarks: Just east of blue clay zone in unconfined ground water. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-63 Owner: C. & B. Breschini Meter No. 19,110 Other Number: Leeds b06 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location r,nd Description: 0.55 mile northeast of State Highway 101 and 0.4 mile northwest of Gonzales. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 123' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In unconfined ground v;ater east of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-64 Owner: C. & B. Breschini Meter No. 12,022 Other Number: Leeds b07 Area: Pressure (unconfined) Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.6 mile north of Gonzales along State Highway 101 and 0.2 mile east of State Highway 101. Reference Point: Casing hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 219 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation; 120' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Wei] log. Remarks: In unconfined ground water east of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 5-S-66 Owner: E. N. Herold Meter No. 12,583 Other Number: Leeds 598 Area: Pressure Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.5 mile southwest of State Highway 101 opposite north city limits of Gonzales. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 125' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-69d Owner: Tavernetti Ranch Area: Forebay Plate 3 Location and Descriotlon: In tovm of Gonzales. Use: Domestic ' Well Depth: 200 feet Casing Diameter: 7 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 152' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Vfell log. Remarks: South of blue clay zone in unconfined ground water. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-70 Owner: A. Martella Meter No. 15,l85 Other Number: Leeds 605 Area: Pressure Plate 5 Locotion and Description: 0.5 mile north on State Highway 101 fi'om its intersection with Johnson Canyon Road, thence 0.5 mile east. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 128' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: In unconfined ground water east of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-71 Owner: E. N. Herold Meter No. 12,826 Other Number: Leeds 602 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.25 mile southwest on State Highway 101 from its intersection with Johnson Canyon Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 155' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 217 feet Date Drilled: 1926 Casing Diameter: 20 inches Driller: W. E. Bland Co. Ground Elevation: 152' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and vrell log. Remarks: In unconfined ground v;ater east of blue clay zone. 86 D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-72 Other Number: Leeds 568 Location and Description: Meter No. 15,*57 Plate 3 Owner: E. N. Herold Area: East Side 0.3 mile southeast of Johnson Canyon Road and 1.6 miles northeast of Gonzales. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 244 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 450 feet Casing Diameter: 20 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-73 Other Number: Leeds 570 Location and Description: Meter No. l8,946 Plate 3 Owner: E. N. Herold Area: East Side 0.5 mile southeast of Johnson Canyon Road and 0.6 mile east of Gonzales. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 115' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 204 feet Date Drilled Casing Diameter: 20 inches Driller: W. E. Bland Co. Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. 1925 D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-7'^ Other Number: Leeds 571 Location and Description: Meter No. 17,499 Plate 3 Owner: E. N. Herold Area: Forebay 0.5 mile southeast of intersection of State Highway 101 and Johnson Canyon Road. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 130' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-75d Location and Description: Owner: E. N. Herold Area: East Side Plate 3 0.3 mile southeast of Johnson Canyon Road and 0.7 mile northeast of State Highway 101. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 173 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Domestic Well Depth: 98 feet Date Drilled: Casing Diameter: 10 inches Driller: W. E. Bland Co. Information Available: Water levels and well log. 1926 D.W.R. Well No. 5-E-76 Other Number: Leeds 569 Location and Description: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: Meter No. 14,710 Plate 3 Owner: E. N. Herold Area: East Side 0.3 mile southeast of Johnson Cenyon Road and 1.1 miles northeast of State Highway 101. Casing top. Elevation: 191' (U.S.G.S. Well Depth: 366 feet 20 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: 190' Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 5-E:-7 Other Number: Leeds 566 Location and Description Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels J. & B. Twisselman Meter No. Area: East Side Plate 3 1.0 mile southwest alonf^ Johnson Canyon Road from its intersection with Iverson Road, thence 0.9 mile east. Pump base hole. Elevation: 215 ' (U.S.G.S. ) 13,657 (5-F QUADRANT) D.W.R. well No. 5-F-l Other Number: Leeds 558 Location and Description: Meter No. 26,072 Plate 3 Owner: R. Riando Area: Pressure 0.1 mile east of River Road and 1.5 miles northwest along River Road from the intersection of Gon:;ales River Road. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 125 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 172 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: L.Alsop Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. Meter No. 22,336 Plate 3 D.W.R. Well No. 5-F-3 Ovmer: Mrs. Gonzales Other Number: Leeds 572 Area: Pressure Location and Description: 0.4 mile north of north end of Gonzales Bridge. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 121 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer. 87 D.W.R. Well No. ?-F-3 Owner: Williams Sisters Meter No. 19., 112 Other Number: Leeds 684 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location end Description: 1.5 miles southwest of Oonzales on Gonzales Reference Point: Casing hole. River Road. Elevation: 124« (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In l80-foot aquifer D.W.R. Well No. $-F-7 Owner: Selva Brothers Meter No. 17,221 Other Number: Leeds 554 Area: Pressure Plate J Location and Description: 0.25 mile northeast of River Road, and 1.0 mile northwest along River Road from its intersection with Gonzales River Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 115' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: In iBO-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 5-F-8 Owner: Selva Brothers Meter No. 15,673 Other Number: Leeds 551 Area: Pressure Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.5 mile westerly from Gonzales Bridge. Use: Irriration Well Depth: 155 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 113' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. Remarks: In perched water over l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 5-F-9 Owner: T. Riando Meter No. 13,380 Other Number: Leeds 550 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.1 mile southwest of River Road, and 0.1 mile southeast along River Road from its intersection with Gonzales River Road. Reference Point: Top of discharge pipe. Elevation: ll8' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Just south of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 5-F-lO Owner: N. Bundgard Meter No. 12,20? Other Number: Leeds 549 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.6 mile southeast of the intersection of Gonzales River Road and River Road. Reference Point: Top of casing under pump intake. Elevation: 115' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 5 -F- 12 Owner: S. Franscionl Meter No. 14,194 Other Number: Leeds 547 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 1.75 miles southeast of the intersection of Gonzales River Road and River Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 140' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 5-F-13 Owner: E. E. Harden Meter No. 16,283 Other Number: Leeds 553 Area: Forebay Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.25 mile southeast of Gonzales River Road and 1.45 miles southwest along Gonzales River River Road from its intersection with State Highway 101. Reference Point: Pump hole. Elevation: 125' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Veil No. 5-F-14 Owner: E. Herold Meter No. 17,313 Other Number: Leeds 600 Area: Forebay Plate 3 Location and Description: 0.8 mile southwest on Gonzales River Road from its intersection with State Highway 101. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 125' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 332 feet Casing Diameter: 18 inches Ground Elevation: 125' Information available: Water levels and well log. Remarks: In south tongue of l80-foot aquifer. D.W.R. Well No. 5-F-15 Ov.Tier: J. Riando Meter No. 22,335 Other Number: Leeds 643 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 1.0 mile southeast from intersection of Gonzales River Road and River Roed. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 127 ' (TJ.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: l8 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 5-F-17 Owner: Anna Fourcade Meter No. 26,075 Other Number: Leeds 499 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: Just east of State Highway 101, and 2.0 miles northwest of Molus Station. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation; 155' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 5-F-19 Owner: Williams Sisters Meter No. 31,662 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location ^nd Description: 0,9 mile south from the intersection of Gloria Road and State Highway 101. Reference Point: Casing hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 24 inches Information Available: Water analysis. D.W.R. Well No. 5-F-20 Owner: Marco Ghezzi Meter No. 12,006 Other Number: Leeds 567 Area: Forebay Plate 3 Location and Description: Just opposite cemetery at intersection of Use: Irrigation Gloria Road and State Highway 101. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 140 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 5-F-21 Owner: H. A. Holme Area: Forebay Plate 3 Location and Description: O.5 mile north of cemetery at Gonzales, and on east side of State Highway 101. Reference Point: Casing hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: ii(> feet Date Drilled: I945 Casing Diameter: 20 inches Information Available: Well log Remarks: Just southeast of blue clay zone. D.W.R. Well No. 5-F-26 Owner: A. E. Laninl Meter No. 25,524 Other Number: Leeds 68I Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: O.5 mile southeast along State Highway 101 from its intersection with Gloria Road. Reference Point: Hole under discharge pipe. Elevation: 148 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: I82 feet Date Drilled: 1922 Casing Diameter: 20 inches Driller: W. E. Bland Co. Information Available: Water levels and v;ell log. D.V/.R. Well No. 5-F-28 Owner: Williams Sisters Meter No. 12,833 Other Number: Leeds 674 Area: Forebay Piute 4 Location and Description: 0.1 mile southwest of State Highway 101, 0.9 mile southwest along State Highway 101 from the intersection of Gloria Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: I5O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 5-F-30 Owner: Williams Sisters Meter No. 11,987 Other Number: Leeds 676 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.7 mile southwest of State Highway 101, and 1.35 miles southeast along State Highway 101 from its intersection with Gloria Road. Reference Point: Slot through pump base. Elevation: 142 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. 89 D.W.R. Well No. 3-F-31 Other Number: Leeds 679 Location and Description: Ovwier: Williams Sisters Area: Forebay 1.5 miles southwest of intersection of State Hij-.hway 101 and Gloria Road. Reference Point: Hole in pump base. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 246 feet Casing Diameter: 20 inches Driller: W. E. Bland Co. Information Available: Water levels and v.-ell log. Remarks: At south tip of blue clay zone. Meter No. 20,872 Plate 4 122'(U.S.G.S.) Date Drilled: 1931 D.W.R. Well No. ?-F-35 Other Number: Leeds fa80 Location and Description: Ov.-ner: Williams Sisters Meter No- Area: Forebay Plate 4 2.25 miles south of intersection "of State Hi^way 101 and Gloria Road. Casing hole. Elevation: 125' (U.S.G.S. ) 17,105 Reference Point: Use: Irrigstion Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 5 -F- 54 Other Number: Leeds 678 Location and Description Reference Point Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: Williams Sisters Meter No. Area: Forebay Plate 4 1.5 miles southv/est of State Highv/ay 101, and 1.2 miles southwest along State Highway 101 from its intersection with Gloria Road. Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 125' (U.S.G.S.) 20,447 D.W.R. Well No. 5-F-55 Owner: Doud Estate Other Number: Leeds 675 Area: Forebay Location and Description: Meter No. Plate 4 25,155 1.6 miles southwest of State Highway 101, and 0.95 mile northwest of Molus Station. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 155 • (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.V.R. Well No. 5-F-56n Location and Description: Nonopersting &"ner: Ira B. Redfem Area: Forebay Plate 4 0.65 mile northeast of River Road, 1.4 miles northv.-est along River Road from Soberanes School. Well Depth: 170 feet Date Drilled: 14 inches Driller: J. E. Buckner Ground Elevation: I5O' Well log. Use Casing Diameter Information Available: „ Remarks: At south tip of blue clay zone; well destroyed by flood February 1958 1951 D.W.R. Well No . 5-F-40 Leeds 682 Other Number Location and Description: 1.5 Reference Point: Casing hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 20 inches O'.'fner: A. E. Lanini Area: Forebay miles southwest of Gonzales. Elevetion: i.'ell Depth: 145 feet Driller: W. E. Bland Co. Information Available: Water levels and .rell log. Meter No. 12,206 Plate 4 118'(U.S.G.S.) Date Drilled: 1925 (6-F aUADR/iNT) D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-l Other Number: Leeds 495 Location and Description: Owner: Carlyle Thorpe Area: Forebay 0.1 mile southeast of Molus Station on Southern Pacific Railroad. Reference Point: Air gage hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 550 feet Casing Diameter: 20 inches Driller: Roscoe Moss Co. Information Available: Pump test and well log. Meter No. Plate 4 14,459 Date Drilled: 1936 Ground Elevation: 175' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-2 Other Number: Leeds 492 Location and Description: Meter No. 19,854 Pl&te 4 Owner: State of California Area: Forebay 0.5 mile southeast of Molus Station on Southern Pacific Railroad. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 465 feet Date Drilled: I936 Casing Diameter: 20 inches Driller: Roscoe Moss Co. Ground Elevation: 170' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Avsilable: Pump test and v«ll log. Remarks: State Institution. 90 D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-3 Other Number: Leeds 491 Location and Description Meter No. 19,832 Plate 4 Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: Information Available: Remarks: State Institution Owner: State of California Area: Forebay 0.75 mile southeast of Molus Station on Southern Pacific Railroad. Well Depth: 494 feet Date Drilled: 1936 20 inches Driller: Roscoe Moss Co. f>round Elevation: 171' (U.S.G.S. ) Pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-4 Other Number: Leeds 495 Location and Description: Owner: Area: Hansen Brothers Forebay Meter No. 16,205 Plate 4 1.0 mile north of Molus Station and 0.9 mile east of State Highway 101. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 282 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 350 feet Date Drilled: 1924 Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: W. E. Bland Co. Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-5 Owner: C. Poirer Area: Forebay 1.0 mile northwest of Soledad. Location and Description Reference Point: Casing hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 385 feet Casing Diameter: I8 inches Driller: Nunes Information Available: Water levels and well log. Meter No. 15,149 Plate 4 Elevation: I83' {U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-6 Owner: Hansen Brothers Other Number: Leeds 496 Area: Forebay Location and Description: 1.25 miles north of Molus Station. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: I6 inches Information Available: Water levels. Meter No. Plate 4 295' (U.S.G.S.) 16,205 D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-7n Owner: Dempsey Place Area: Forebay Location and Description: 1.75 miles southeast from Molus Station on Southern Pacific Railroad. Use: Nonoperatlng Well Depth: 247 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R.Alsop Ground Elevation: Information Available: Well log. Plate 4 355' (U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No . 6-F-8 Leeds 498 Owner: G. W. Hook Area: Forebay 1.25 miles northeast from Molus Station. Elevation: Other Number Location and Description: Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Diesel Plate 4 505' (U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-9 Other Number: Leeds 494 Location and Description: 0.9 Reference Point: Pump hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 14 inches Owner: W. Tavernetti Area: Forebay mile northwest from Molus Station. Elevation: Well Depth: 17O feet Driller: W. E. Bland Co. Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. Meter No. 12,321 Plate 4 195'(U.S.G.S.) Date Drilled: 1924 D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-lO Other Number: Leeds 593 Location and Description: Owner: A. Callaghan Meter No. Area: Forebay Plate 4 0.3 mile northeast of State Highwey 101, and 1.5 mile southeast along State Highway 101 from its intersection with Gloria Road, se hole. Elevation: 195' (U.S.G.S. ) 12,507 Reference Point: Pump b Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-I3 Owner: Doud Estate Other Number: Leeds 671 Area: Forebay Location and Description: 0.5 miles west of State Highv.-ay 101, and 0.75 mile north from Molus Station. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 237 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: G.Bromley Information Available: Water levels and well log. Meter No. Plate 4 17,589 I55'{U.S.G.S.) Date Drilled: 1932 71 D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-14 OvmeV. Williams Sisters Meter No. 17,104 Other Number: Leeds 675 /trea: Foreb&y Plate 4 Location tnd Description: 1.5 miles northv;est of Molus Station and 0.1 mile v/est of State Highway 101. Reference Point: Slot in concrete base. Elevation: 150' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 347 feet Date Drilled: 1927 Casing Diameter: 20 inches Driller: U. E. Bland Co. Information .-.veilsble: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. &-F-15 Ovmer: A. V. Riando Meter No. 10,216 Other Number: Leeds 488 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.75 mile north of Soledad. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 186' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Avsilshle: Water levels. D.y.R. Veil No. 6-F-16 Owner: A. Callaghan Meter No. 21,4l8 Other Number: Leeds 582 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 1.0 mile southwest of Camphora. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 162 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information jwailable: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-17 Owner: A. Callaghan Meter No. 20,368 Other Number: Leed? 592 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.25 mile northwest along State Highway 101 from Molus Station. Reference Point: Pump btise hole. Elevation: 172 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 238 feet Date Drilled: 1926 Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: W.E.Bland Co. Information available: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-18 Owner: A. Callaghan Meter No. 23,719 Other Number: Leeds 589 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 1. S miles southwest of Molus Station. Reference Point: Slot through pump base. Elevation: 140' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Information ^ivailable: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-20 Owner: A. Callaghan Meter No. 18,851 Other Number: Leeds 588 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.25 mile southwest of Molus Station. Reference Point: Pximp base hole. Elevation: 159' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 250 feet Date Drilled: 1926 Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: W.E.Bland Co. Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.y.R. Veil No. 6-F-21 Owner: T. J. Field Meter No. 15,766 Other Number: Leeds 587 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.1 mile southwest of State Highway 101 and 0.9 mile northwest along State Highway 101 from its intersection with Camphora Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: I6O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-23 Owner: A. Callaghan Meter No. 13,?12 Other Number: Leeds 591 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location c.nd Description: 0.8 mile southv:est of Molus Station. Reference Point: Slot through pump base. Elevation: 146 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation V/ell Depth: 200 feet Date Drilled: 1926 Casing Diameter: 20 inches Driller: W. E. Bland Co. Ground Elevation: 145' (U.S.G.S. ) Information available: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well Ho. 6-F-24 Ovmer: A. Callaghan Meter No. 50,492 Other Number: Leeds 58IA Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.75 mile southeast of Camphora. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 170' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Information Available: Water levels. 92 D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-26 Other Number: Leeds 490 Location and Description: Owner: State of California Area: Forebay 0.5 mile northwest of Camphora just east of Hi&hway 101. Reference Point: Air gage hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 570 feet Casing Diameter: 20 inches Driller: Roscoe Moss Co. Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. Remarks: State Institution. Meter No. Plate 4 19,853 Date Drilled: 1936 Ground Elevation: 169' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-27d Location and Description: Casing top. Reference Point Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 10 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Windmill. Owner: Carlyle Thorpe Area: Forebay 0.2 mile northwest along State Highway 101 from its intersection with Camphora Road. Elevation: D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-28 Other Number: Leeds 584 Location and Description Owner: M. A. Field Area: Forebay 0.4 mile southwest along Camphora Road from its intersection with State Highway 101 Hole in concrete base. Elevation: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-29 Location and Description Pump hole. Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-3O Owner: M. A. Field Area: Forebay 0.4 mile west along Camphora Road from its intersection with State Highway 101. Elevation; Plate 4 17OMU.S.G.S.) Meter No. l6,720 Plate 4 160'{U.S.G.S.) Meter No. 17,226 Plate 4 162'(U.S.G.S.) nthPT tJ nmh pr; Leeds 4tJ3 Location and Description Meter No. Plate 4 14,301 Owner: P. Bianchi Area: Forebay 0.5 mile northeast of River Road and 1.0 mile northwest of its intersection with Camphora Road. Top of concrete curb. Elevation: 140' (U.S.G.S. ) Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-3I Other Number: Leeds 482 Location and Description: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: A. Bianohi Meter No. 29,658 Area: Forebay Plate 4 0.1 mile south of Camphora Road and O.65 mile north along Camphora Road from its intersection with River Road. Top of 8"x 8" cross piece. Elevation: 145' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No . 6-F-32 Leeds 459 20,246 Other Number Location and Description: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. Area: Forebay Plate 4 1.5 miles southeast of the Soberanes School on the River Road. Top of wood curb. Elevation: 152 ' (U.S.G.S. 1 D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-32Ad Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: I.3 miles southeast of the Soberanes School on the River Road. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 154' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Windmill. 93 D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-3J Location and Description Reference Point: Pump base hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: A. Callaghan Area: Forebay 1.5 miles southwest of Camphora. Meter No. 13,295 Plate 4 Elevation; 170' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-?4 Other Number: Leeds 458 Location and Description Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Casinf Diameter: 12 inches Information Availalbe: Water levels. Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Area: Forebay 0.6 mile south of Soberanes School. Meter No. Plate 4 23,660 Elevation: I58 ' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No . 6-F-35 Leeds Other Number: Leeds 58I Location and Description: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: Information Available Meter No. 13,78? Plate 4 Owner: A. Callaghan Area: Forebay 0.75 mile southeast along State Highway 101 from Camphora, thence 0.8 mile southwest. Well Depth: 265 feet Date Drilled 14 inches Driller: W.E.Bland Co. Ground Elevation: I65' Well log. 1924 D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-36 Other Number: Leeds 579 Location and Description Owner: S. J. Field Meter No. 31,097 Area: Forebay Plate 4 1.5 miles northwest from Soledad along State Highway 101, thence 1.1 miles southwest. Top of concrete base. Elevation: 18O' (U.S.G.S. ) Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-37 Other Number: Leeds 577 Location and Description: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: Information Available Owner: Field Estate Area: Forebay 1.1 miles west of Soledad and just east of Salinas River. Well Depth: 210 feet 20 inches Driller: W.E.Bland Co. Well log. Meter No. 15,151 Plate 4 Date Drilled: 1924 D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-38 Owner: Field Estate Other Number: Leeds 578 Area: Forebay Location and Description: 1.5 miles west of Soledad and 0.5 mile southwest of State Highway 101. Reference Point: Slot through pump base. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Meter No. 16, 206 Plate 4 174'(U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-40 Owner: Field Estate Other Number: Leeds 575 Area: Forebay Location and Description: 0.75 mile west of Soledad. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 Inches Information Available: Water levels. Meter No. 20,869 Plate 4 Elevation: l80» (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-411 Owner: Southern Pacific Milling Co. Area: Forebay Location and Description: West side of State Highway 101 in Soledad. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation; Use: Industri&l Well Depth: 210 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and well log. Meter No. 2i;434 173'(U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-47 Owner: Field Estate Area: Forebay Location and Description: 1.1 miles southwest of Molus Station. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation; Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels- Meter No. 11,348 Plate 4 148' (U.S.G.S. ) 94 D.W.R. Uell No. 6-F-51 Owner: Field Estate Other Number: Leeds 574 . Area: Forebay Location and Description: 0.6 mile west of Soledad. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Meter No. 26,071- Plate 4 Elevation: l82 ' {U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-52 Other Number: Leeds 489 Location and Description: Owner: S. F. Bragga Area: Forebay 0.45 mile northwest along State Highway 101 from Soledad, thence 0.2 mile northeast. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 321 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information Available: Pump test and well log. Meter No. Plate 4 21,838 D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-53 Owner: Area: S. F. Bragga Forebay Location and Description: 0.45 mile northwest along State Highway 101 from Soledad. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 201 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Information Available: Pump test and well log. Meter No. 16,350 Plate 4 Date Drilled: I943 D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-54 Owner: Field Estate Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 1.4 miles south of Molus Station. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 437 feet Date Drilled: 194-5 Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 145' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. (7'F QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 7-F-l Other Number: Leeds 48? Location and Description Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: I6 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: C. S. Nielsen Area: Forebay 1.1 mile north of the northeast corner of the city limits of Soledad. Groove in concrete base. Elevation: Meter No. 26,276 Plate 4 260' (U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 7-F-2 Other Number: Leeds 456 Location and Description: Owner: Salinas Land Co. Area: Forebay 0.4 mile north along Fields Land from its intersection with State Highway 101 thence 0.25 mile east. Meter No. Plate 4 10,863 Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 14 inches Information Available: Water levels. Elevation: I89' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 7-F-5i Location and Description Use: Industrial Casing Diameter Information Available Owner: Meyenberg Ranch Area: Forebay Plate 4 0.25 mile southeast of Highway underpass south of Soledad. Well Depth: 265 feet 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 193' Well log. D.W.R. Well No . 7-F-6 Leeds 484 Owner: P. S. Scattini, et al. Other Number: Location and Description: 0.6 mile northeast of Soledad. Refer'ince Point: Hole in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 253 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: A.B.Stewart Information Available: Pump test and well log. Meter No. 22,835 Plate 4 Date Drilled: I938 95 D.y.R. Well No. 7-F-7d Ovmer: G. W. Franscloni Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: Stockyards just southwest of Soleded Cemetery at water tank. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 236' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 7-F-8 Owner: G. Bettlga Meter No. 22,207 Other Number: Leeds 454 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.25 mile northeast of State Highway 101, just east of City limits of Soledad. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 205' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 7-F-9 Owner: H. E. Leffingwell Meter No. 28,819 Other Number: Leeds 454A Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.5 mile northeast of Highway underpass south of Soledad. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: I71 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 7-F-ll Owner: J. Morosili Meter No. 24,884 Other Number: Leeds 573A Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: Just west of south end of Highway underpass south of Soledad. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: I9O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels D.W.R. Well No. 7-F-12 Owner: H. E. Leffingwell Meter No. 15,013 Other Number: Leeds 4d3 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.75 mile northeast of Highway underpass south of Soledad. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis. D.W.R. Well No. 7-F-I3 Owner: T. Hamby Meter No. 21,245 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: Just north of cemetery, south of Soledad. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 248' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 336 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 7-F-15 Owner: Nettie Baker, et al. Meter No. 21,136 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.4 mile southwest of cemetery, south of Soledad. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 Inches Information Available: Water analysis. D.W.R. Well No. 7-F-I6 Owner: Nettie Baker, et al. Meter No. 19,837 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 1.25 miles southeast of cemetery, south of Soledad. Reference Point: Power lead into casing hole. Elevation: 249' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 250 feet Casing Diameter: 20 inches Driller: R. Alsop Information available: Water levels and well log. 96 D.Vf.R. Well No. 7-F-17d Owner: John Purie Area: Forebay Looation and Description: Shell Service Station east of State Highway 101, just south of Soledad Underpass. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 148 feet Casing Diameter: 10 Inches Driller: A. B. Stewart Information Available: Well log. Plate 4 Date Drilled: 1937 D.W.R. Well No. 7-F-l8d Owner: J. Morslli Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.5 mile west of Highway underpass south of Soledad. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 120 feet Date Drilled: Casing Diameter: 8 inches Driller: A. B. Stewart Information Available: Well log. 1941 D.W.R. Well No. 7-F-20 Owner: M. Murray Area: Forebay Location and Description: 2.0 miles due north of Soledad. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 200 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Nunes Information Available: Water levels and well log. Meter No. 30,698 Plate 4 D.W.R. Well No. 7-F-21 Location and Description: Owner: Nettie Baker, et al. Area: Forebay 1.4 miles east of Highway underpass, south of Soledad. Reference Point: Clamp hole in casing. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 252 feet Casing Diameter: 20 inches Information Available: Water levels and well log. Meter No. 21,734 Plate 4 240<(U.S.G.S.) Date Drilled: 1945 (6-G QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 6-9-2 Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Other Number: L-4b0 Area: Forebay Looation and Description: 2.4 miles northwest along River Road from Fort Romie on southwest side of road. Reference Point: Top of curb - south well Elevation: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Meter No. 26,071 Plate 4 170'(U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-3 Owner: A. Lanini Meter No. 24,146 Other Number: L-477 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 1.75 miles northwest along River Road from Fort Romie on northeast side of road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: I67' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 202 Date Drilled: 1939 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: C. Alsop Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-6 Owner: A. J. Franscloni Other Number: L-467 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Location and Description: 1.25 miles northwest of Fort Romie. Reference Point: Top of 12" discharge elbow Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Meter No. 23,696 Plate 4 Elevation: 155 ' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-7 Other Number: L-4ti0 Location and Description: Owner: V. Loppini Meter No. 21,492 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 1.25 mile north of Mission School and 1.05 mile northwest of Fort Romie. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: I65 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. 97 D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-9 Owner: Pelar Mattos Meter No. 16,608 Other Number: L-457 Area: Arroyo Seoo Cone Plate * Location and Description: 1.25 mile northeast of Mission School and 0.5 mile northwest of Fort Romie. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: I80' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-lO Owner: G. and A. Torrini Meter No. 22,842 Other Number: L-462 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.15 mile northwest of River Road at point 0.5 mile northeast along River Road from Fort Romle. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: I63' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-ll Owner: S. J. Kitzmiller Meter No. 25,384 Other Number: L-479 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.6 mile northwest of Fort Romie and 0.6 mile southwest of confluence of Arroyo Seco with Salinas River. Reference Point: Top of concrete curb. Elevation: I60' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 129 feet Date Drilled: 1945 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Nunes Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-12 Owner: M. Iverson Meter No. 21,15? Other Number: L-47b Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: On south bank of the Salinas River 0.25 mile downstream from confluence of Arroyo Seoo. Reference Point: Hole under pump base. Elevation: IbO' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-I3 Owner: C. and M. Dedini Meter No. 13,682 Other Number: L-4bb Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: Just north of River Road and 0.25 mile northwest along road from Fort Romie. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 172' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-14 Owner: T. Binsaoca Meter No. 20,824 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.6 mile northeast of Fort Romie on southwest bank of Arroyo Seco. Reference Point: Curb top on 2nd well from end. Elevation: 175' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-I7 Owner: Romie Water Co. Meter No. 14,148 Other Number: L-43fc Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: Southwest side of River Road and 0.2 mile southeast along road from Fort Romie. Reference Point: Hole at air gage. Elevation: 185' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Remarks: Old Well No. 6-G-17 caved in, replaced by drilling nearby. D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-I8 Owner: J. Frolli Meter No. 22,209 Other Number: L-437 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.4 mile northeast of Fort Romie. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: I85' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. 98 D.W.R. Well No. 6-F-20 Ovmer: H. A. Brookins Meter No. 20,972 Other Number: L-4bl Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 1.25 miles westerly from Fort Romie and 0.3 mile north of Mission School. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: l88' {U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-21 Owner: J. Moranda Meter No. 13,575 Other Number: L-471 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.4 mile south of River Road at a point 1.8 miles along road from Fort Romie. Reference Point: Pump hole base. Elevation: 170' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-22 Owner: M. Martin Meter No. 23,529 Other Number: L-447 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.55 mile southwest of Fort Romie. Reference Point: Pump hole base. Elevation: l84 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing:, Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-23 Owner: G. and E. Olsen Meter No. 12,524 Other Number: L-475 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.45 mile north of Mission School and 1.35 miles west of Fort Romie. Reference Point: Pump base hole Elevation: I83' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-24 Owner: Rodick Meter No. 29,228 Other Number: L-449 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: I.3 miles southwest of Fort Romie and 0.25 mile southeast of Mission School- Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 220' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-25n Owner: Ulrica C. Ober Other Number: 472A Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 1.1 miles southwest of Fort Romie and 0.4 mile northeast of Mission School. Use: Abandoned Well Depth: I62 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: J. E. Buckner Ground Elevation: 177' Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-25A Owner: Ulricd C. Ober Meter No. 23,7l8 Other Number: L-472 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: O.I5 mile northeast of Mission School. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: l80' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 350 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-26 Owner: John Violini Meter No. 21,709 Other Number: L-44b Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.3 mile southwest of Fort Romie and 0.6 mile east of Mission School. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base Elevation: I83 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 302 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-29 Other Number: L-*81 Location and Description Ovmer: A> Binsacca Area; Arroyo Seco Cone 0.8 mile easterly from Mission School and 1.25 miles southwest of ?ort Romie. Slot in base of pump. Elevation: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well Ho. 6- ^A Other Number: Lfn?" Ovmer: Area: Herny Guidotti Arroyo Seco Cone 99 Meter No. Plate 4 K20,5J9 195' (U.S.G.S. ) Meter No. 20,257 Plate 4 Location and Description: On west side of Paraiso Road, 0.5 mile south of intersection of Paraiso Road and Arroyo Seco Road. Reference Point: 6-G-34 pipe on west side; 6-G-34A, casing hole. Use: Irrigation Elevation: 192' (U.S.G.S. ) Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Remarks: Old Well No. 6-G-54 abandoned. D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-35 L-452 other Number Location and Description Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: A. and J. Radavero Area: Arroyo Seco Cone 0.9 mile southwest of Fort Romie and 0.8 mile east of Mission School. Casin£: hole. Elevation: Meter No. 14,188 Plate 4 l85'(U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 6-G-41 Other Number: L-432 Location and Description Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: A. Lanini Area: Arroyo Seco Cone 0.25 mile west of Paraiso Road at a point 0.45 mile south of intersection of Paraiso Road and Arroyo Seco Road. Pump base hole. Elevation: Meter No. 21,753 Plate 4 192' (U.S.G.S.) (7-G QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-l Other Number: L-575 Location and Description: Curb ton. Owner: S. J. Field Area: Forebay 0.3 mile east of Highway 101 at a point 1.05 miles south of Southern Pacific Railroad Crossing of Highway at Soledad. Elevation: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Meter No. 10,808 Plate 4 180' (D.W.R.] D.V.R. Well No. 7-G-2d Owner: Nettie Baker, et al. Area: Forebay Location and Description: At Nettie Baker ranch house just west of S.P.H.H. and 1.7 miles southeast of Soledad. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 10 inches Information Available: Water levels. Plate 4 225'(U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-3 Location and Description: Owner: Nettie Baker, et al. Meter No. 26,245 Area: Forebay Plate 4 0.25 mile northeast of S.P.H.R. and 2.0 miles east of Soledad. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 194 feet Date Drilled: 1940 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: A.B.Stewart Ground Elevation: 236' Information Available: Pump test and well log. 100 D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-4 Owner: V. Jacks Meter No. 13,356 Other Number: L-51H Area: Arroyo Seoo Gone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.35 mile southwest of Highway 101 bridge across Salinas River just south of Soledad. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 178' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-5 Owner: Martin Baker Meter No. 22,220 Other Number: L-4fe3H Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: In river bottom 2.5 miles southeast of Soledad and 0.25 mile west of S.P.R.R. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 192' Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 144 feet Date Drilled: 1944 Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: A.B. Stewart Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-6n Owner: Martin Baker Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: Just east of Salinas River, 3 miles southeast of Soledad and 0.15 mile west of S.P.R.R. Reference Point: Top of curb over center well through suction pipe. Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 10 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-7d Owner: Reece Davis Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: Auto court 200' west of Highway 101 just north of Soledad bridge on Salinas River. Use: Domestic Well Depth: 124 feet Date Drilled: 1938 Casing Diameter: 10 inches Driller: A.B.Stewart Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G--8 Owner: Vida Jacks Meter No. l6,708 Other Number: L-517 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 50' east of Highway 101 and 0.45 mile southeast along highwey from its intersection with Arroyo Seco Road. Reference Point: Casing hole., Elevation: 200' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-9 Owner: Margaret E. Doud, et al. Meter No. 21,445 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.7 mile due south of Soledad Bridge over Salinas River. Reference Point: Curb top Elevation: l80' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-lO Owner: Mrs. A. Binsacca Meter No. 20,868 Other Number: L-42S Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.8 mile east of Fort Romie and 0.9 mile southwest of Soledad Bridge over Salinas River. Reference Point: Curb top 3' above ground. Elevation: iBO' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-12 Owner: J. M. Panziera Meter No. 20,857 Other Number: L-4b5 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 1.0 mile southeast of Fort Romie on east side of Arroyo Seco Road. Reference Point: Top of 4" x 12" timber over pit. Elevation: I87' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. 101 D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-l-^ Other Number: L-4bfa Locbtion and Description Ovmer: Tida Jacks Meter No. 20,999 Area: Arroyo Seoo Gone Plate 4 1.25 miles southeast of Fort Romie on east side of Arroyo Seco Road. Slot through pump base. Elevation: 190' (tJ.S.G.S. ) Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.U.R. Well No. 7-G-13 Other Number: L-440 Location and Description: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: Casing hole. 14 inches Owner: E. Doud, et al. Meter No. 19,113 Area: Arroyo Seoo Cone Plate 4 0.15 mile southwest of Highway 101 at a point 1.1 miles south along Highway 101 from its inter- section with Arroyo Seco Road. Well Depth: 195 feet Driller: W.E.Bland Elevation: Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. 203'(U.S.G.S.) Date Drilled: 1924 D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-19 -50H Owner: Area: L. Jacks Forebay Other Number: L' Location and Description: 0.5 niles northeast of Highway 101 at a point 1.75 miles southeast of its intersection with Arroyo Seco Road. Reference Point: Air gage hole. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Casinf Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and pump test. Meter No. 16,10? Plate 4 210'(U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-21 Other Number: L-505 Location and Description: Reference Point: Casing hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Owner: A. Jacks Meter No. 22,837 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 50' east of Highway 101 and 2.2 miles southeast along highway from its intersection with Arroyo Seco Road. Elevation: 214' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-22 Other Number: L-506 Location and Description: Owner: A. Jacks Meter No. l8,852 Area: Forebay Plate 4 50 feet south of lane 0.4 mile east along lane from its intersection with Highway 101. Inter- section is 2.9 miles north of Greenfield City limits. Elevation: 215 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Reference Point: Casing hole Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and pump test. D.W.R. We ll No. 7-G-2? Other Number: L-51t> Location and Description Owner: Margaret Jacks Meter No. 21,137 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 0.25 mile west of junction between Arroyo Seco Road and Lower Arroyo Seco Road. Slot through pump base. Elevation: 200' (U.S.G.S. ) Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inclicE Information available: Water levels and pump test. Ground Elevation: 200' (U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-25 Other Number: L-42b Location and Description: Reference Point: Casing top Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Owner: P. Zanl Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Just east of Lower Arroyo Seco Road at a point 0.5 mile southeast along Lower Arroyo Seco Road from its junction with Arroyo Seco Roed. Meter No. 24,88l Plate 4 Elevation: 203' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 7-F-2 5A Other Number: L-427 Location and Description: Owner: P. Zani Meter No. 24,88l Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 300' east of Lower Arroyo Seco Road at a point 0.4 mile southeast along Lower Arroyo Seoo Road from its junction with Arroyo Seco Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 198 feet Date Drilled: 1942 Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Pump test and well log. 102 D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-26 Owner: Clark & Handley Meter No. 20,978 Other Number: L-39fc Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.3 mile west of Arroyo Seco Road at a point 0.6 mile south of its junction with Lower Arroyo Seco Road. Reference Point: Groove in floor Elevation: 302 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation & domestic Well Depth: 326 feet Date Drilled: 1924 Casing Diameter: l6 inches Driller: W.E.Bland Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-28 Owner: J. and A. Davies Meter No. 28,574 Other Number: L-425 Area; Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 100' east cf lower Arroyo Seco Road at a point 1.4 miles southwest of its junction with Arroyo Seco Road. Reference Point: Top of casing through casing hole. Elevation: 215 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-29 Owner: A. H. Clark Meter No. 20,855 Other Number: L-400 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 1.25 miles southeast of junction between Arroyo Seco Road and Lower Arroyo Seco Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 28l' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 288 feet Date Drilled: 1923 Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: W.E.Bland Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-31 Owner: A. H. Clark, et al. Meter No. 20,667 Other Number: L-453 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: On NE side of Lower Arroyo Seco Road 1.8 miles from its junction with Arroyo Seco Road. Reference Point: Slot through pump base. Elevation: 2l8 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-33 Owner: A. Jacks Meter No. 21, 95* Other Number: L-515 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 50 feet north of lane; 1.2 miles northeast along lane from its intersection with Highway 101. Inter- section is 2.5 miles north of Greenfield city limits. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 225 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 Inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-35 Owner: Geo. C. Burger, et al. Meter No. 21,57* Other Number: L-359 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.6 mile northerly from intersection of Cypress Ave. and 13th Street in Greenfield. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 255 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 120 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-36 Owner: J. C. Thorne Meter No. 22,205 Other Number: L-402 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.35 mile north of intersection between Cypress Ave. and 12th Street in Greenfield. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 28I' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 305 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-38 Owner: Ana Zabala Meter No. 21,841 Other Number: L-409 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: O.O5 mile north of lane and 1 mile southwest of lane from its intersection with Highway 101. Intersection 1.15 miles northwest of Greenfield. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 240' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 227 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: J.E.Buckner Information Available: Water levels and well log. 103 D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-39 Owner: C. and Mary Breschini Meter No. l'l-,035 Other Number: L-410 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.3 mile southwest of Highway 101 at point 1.4 miles northwest of City limits of Greenfield Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 228' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Casinp Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well Nc. 7-G-41 Owner: W. C. Husdon Meter No. 30,846 Other Number: L-41H Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 1.5 miles due north of intersection of Highway 101 and Cypress Ave. in Greenfield. Reference Point: Casing hole Use: Irrigation ft domestic Well Depth: 140 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 250' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Wei] No. 7-G-4 2 Owner: G. and M. Leonard! Meter No. 21,198 Other Number: L-421 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 1.7 miles northerly from Intersection of Highway 101 and Cypress Ave. in Greenfield. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 231' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 175 feet Date Drilled: 1928 Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: G.Bromley Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-44 Owner: I. and D. Sciaroni Meter No. l8,854 Other Numberl L-4iy Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.15 mile southwest of Highway 101 at point 1.95 miles northwest of city limits of Greenfield. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 226' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 20? feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: A.R.Norris Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-45n Owner: A. Jacks Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.15 mile southwest of Highway 101 at point 2.9 miles southeast along Highway 101 from its intersection with Arroyo Seco Road. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 21?' {U.S.G.S. ) Use: Abandoned Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-45A Owner: L. and V. Jacks Meter No. 14,197 Other Number: L-501 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.2 mile southwest of Highway 101 and 2.9 mile southeast along Highway 101 from its intersection with Arroyo Seco Road. Reference Point: Casing hole Elevation: 21? ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diuneter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-48 Owner: A. Jacks ' Meter No. 22,658 Other Number: L-513 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.8 mile east of Highway 101 and 3 miles south along Highway 101 from its intersection with Arroyo Seco Road. Reference Point: Top of wood curb Elevation: 215' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 134 feet Date Drilled: I918 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: G. Bromley Information Available: Water analysis and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-49 Owner: L. and V. Jacks Meter No. 22,841 Other Number: L-512 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 1.55 miles northeast of Highway 101 down a lane at a point 3 miles southeast on highway from its intersection with Arroyo Seco Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 222 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and pump test. 104 D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-5O Owner: L. M. * V. Jacks Meter No. 25,537 Other Number: L-509 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 1.35 miles northeast of Highway 101 and 2.5 miles southeast along Highway 101 from its intersection with Arroyo Seco Road. Reference Point: Casing hole Elevation: 213 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 7-g-51 Owner: L. M. ft V. Jacks Meter No. 24,142 Other Number: L-510 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.8 mile south of Selinas River bank and 2.3 miJes upstream from Soledad Bridge. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis and pump test. D.W.R. Well Ho. 7-G-52 Owner: A. H. Clark Meter No. l8,551 Other Number: L-399 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 1.35 miles south of junction of Arroyo Seco and Lower Arroyo Seco roads and 0.3 mile east of Arroyo Seco Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 189' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 325 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-53 Owner: A. ft L. M. Culver Meter No. 15,460 Other Number: L-395 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.25 mile east of Arroyo Seco Road and 0.25 mile south of north boundary of Arroyo Seco Rancho. Reference Point: Air gage hole Elevation: 338 • (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 700 feet Casing Diameter: I8 inches Information Available: Water levfils and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 1-G-5A- Owner: F. W. Smith Other Number: L-390 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: On Arroyo Seco Road 1 mile south of north boundary of Arroyo Seco Rancho. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: 400 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 754 feet Casing Diameter: 20 inches Driller: Lingo Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-55 Owner: Mart Baker Meter No. 16,106 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: Just southwest of S.P.R.R. and 2.2 miles southeast along railroad from its crossing of Highway 101 at Soledad. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: 227' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 242 feet Date Drilled: 1940 Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: A.B.Stewart Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-60d Owner: I. ft D. Sciaroni Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.2 mile south of lane and O.65 mile south along lane from its intersection with Highway 101; intersection is 1.2 miles northwest of Greenfield. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 243» (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 10 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 7-G-62 Owner: J. Manzoni Meter No. 20,933 Other Number: L-41b Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 1.3 miles northeast of Highway 101 and 1.7 miles northwest of Greenfield. Pump is on a flat near river. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 205 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. 105 p.W.R. Well No. 7-G-67 Other Number: L-403 Location and Descrirtion: Owner: W. 4 J. Hansen Meter No. 17,502 Area: Forebay Plate 4. 0.08 mile northeast of Highway 101 and 0.4 mile northwest along Hirhway 101 from north city limits of Greenfield. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 262 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 240 feet Date Drilled: 1930 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: A.B.Stewart Information Available: Water levels and well log. P.W.R. Well No. 7-G-69n Owner: W. H. Livingston Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: North of Cypress Avenue and 0.1 mile west of Highway 101 in north part of Greenfield. Reference Point: Casing top Use: Nonoperating Information Available: Water levels. (8-G QUADRANT) D.V.R. Well Ho. 8-G-ld Other Number: L-252C Location and Description Reference Point: Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 10 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: Wilkenson Bros. Area: Forebay Dairy well on east bank of Salinas River at boundary between Wilkenson 4 Sayles Ranches, 3.} miles downstream from Metz. Top of casing blocks. Elevation: Plate 4 200'{U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. -G-3 Other Number: L-252A Location and Description: Use: Irrigation Reference Point: Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: Tomasini Meter No. 20,657 Area: Forebay Plate 4 2 miles northwest of Metz and 0.1 mile inside east boundary of Tomasini Ranch midway between river bank and S. P. Railroad. Casing hole Elevation; 207 ' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 8-G-5 Other Number: L-251 Location and Description: Owner: Bank of America Area: Forebay 0.5 mile northwest of Metz along S.P.R.R. on southwest side of tracks. Reference Point: Curb top Elevation; Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Meter No. 31,007 Plate 4 2l8'(U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 8-G-7 Owner: R. E. Meyer Co. Meter No. 12,001 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: Just north of Metz on northeast side of S.P.R.R. Reference Point: Casing top Elevation: 23O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: j.^: inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 8-G-8 Other Number: L-423 Location and Description Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: G. 4 M. Leonard! Area: Forebay 1.2 miles northeast of Highway 101 on a road which is 1.2 miles northwest of Greenfield. Pump is on a flat near river. Curb top near discharge pipe. Elevation: Meter No. 20,264 Plate 4 208'(U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 8-G-lO Other Number: L-574 Location and Description: Reference Point: Casing top Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Owner: E. Pincinl Area: Forebay In Greenfield 100' northeast of 2nd Street midway between Walnut Ave. end Cherry Ave. Meter No. 20,347 Plate 4 Elevation: 257' (U.S.G.S. ) 106 D.W.R. Well No. 8-G-ll Owner: Carlo Borzini Meter No. 20,452 Other Number: L-37b Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: On north comer at intersection of Cherry Ave. and 3rd Street, Greenfield. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 207 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 25-1 feet Date Drilled: I938 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: A.B.Stewart Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 8-G-12 Owner: Joseph Pura, et al. Meter No. 21,648 Other Number: L-373 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: In Greenfield 0.4 miles northeast of intersection of 2nd Street and Cherry Ave. Beyond end of Cherry Ave. Reference Point: Pump hole base. Elevation: 242 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 8-G-14 Owner: 0. Morgantini Meter No. 20,871 Other Number: L-37b Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: On northwest side of Pine Ave. midway between 2nd and 3rd streets in Greenfield. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 263 ' (U.S.G. S. ) Use: Irrigation Casinf^ Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 8-G - I5 Owner: Laloli & Filipponi Meter No. 21,909 Other Number: L-371 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 100' southeast of Oak Ave. and 0.2 mile southwest of intersection of Oak Ave. with 1st Street in Greenfield. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 249' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 8-G-17 Owner: Laloni & Filipponi Meter No. 16,943 Other Number: L-372 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.1 mile southwest of intersection of Oak and First Streets in Greenfield. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 2 J8' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. (7-H QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-l Owner: Ana Zabala Meter No. 20,714 Other Number: L-391 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: O.3 mile east of Arroyo Seco Road and 1.5 miles east of north bo'uidary of Arroyo Seco Rancho. Reference Point: Slot through pump base. Elevation: 345 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation ft domestic. Well Depth: 300 feet Date Drilled: 1925 Casing Diameter: I6 Inches Driller: W.E.Bland Information: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-2 Owner: E. H. Nevin Other Number: L-393 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.4 mile north of Soruce & Birch Ave. Reference Point: Casing hole. Well Depth: 355 feet Elevation: 395 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Driller: A.B.Stewart Date Drilled: 1957 Casing Diameter: 14 inches Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-4 Owner: Elina Molinari Meter No. 25.523 Other Number: L-3B9 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: In Arroyo Seco bottom; 0.25 mile east of Spruce and Birch Ave. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 3OO' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 200 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. 107 D.W.R. Well No. 7-H- $ Other Number: L-3*2 Location and Description Owner: B. G. Dundore, et al. Meter No. 15,456 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 0.6 mile westerly from l6th Street and Oak Ave. in Dundore Orchard southwest of Greenfield. Groove in concrete base. Date Drilled: 1926 Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 340 feet Casing Diameter: 20 inches Driller: W.E.Bland Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-6 Location and Description: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 20 inches Information Available: Well log Owner: Margaret Wiley Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Near point where Reliz Creek turns northerly in Arroyo Seco bottom. Well Depth: 401 feet D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-7 Other Number: L-}}'^ Location and Description: Owner: E. H. Nevin Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 0.1 mile south of Arroyo Seoo-Greenf ield Road, 0.1 mile southwest along Arroyo Seco Road from its Intersection with Central Avenue. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 402 feet Date Drilled: Casing Diameter: 20 inches Driller: Bland Ground Elevation: 365' Information Available: Well log. 1929 D.W.R. Well No . 7-H-8 L-337 Other Number Location and Description Owner: B. Buckley Meter No. 20,324 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 0.3 mile southeast of Arroyo Seco-Greenf ield Road and 0.75 mile southwest of its intersection with Canal Street. Casing hole. Elevation: 351 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: I6 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-9 L-401 Other Number Location and Description Owner: A. Williamson Area: Arroyo Seco Cone 0.3 mile southeast of intersection of 13th Street and Arroyo Seco-Greenf ield Road. Groove in concrete base. Elevation: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test Meter No. 26,274 Plate 4 304' (U.S.G.S. : D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-l O Other Number: Location and Description: Owner: Metasci and Nevin Area: Arroyo Seco Cone 0.35 mile southwest of intersection of 15th Ave., and Oak Street, Greenfield. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: Use: Irrigation 4 domestic Well Depth: 319 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: A.B.Stewart Information Available: Water levels and well log. Plate 4 360'(U.S.G.S.) Date Drilled: 193O Meter No. 21,956 Plate 4 D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-ll Owner: A. J. Glau Other Number: L-34& Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Location and Description: On northwest side of Oak St., 0.25 mile northeast of its intersection with 15th Street, Greenfield. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 337' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 215 feet Date Drilled: 1930 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: V/ater levels. D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-12 Owner 7-H-12A Other Number: L-34a L-349 Area: Greenfield Water Co. Arroyo Seco Cone Meter No. 21,829 Plate 4 Location and Description: On west side of Canal Street, 0.3 mile north of its intersection with Oak Street, Greenfield. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: 528' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Information Available: Water levels. 108 D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-14 Other Number: L-3»7 Location and Description Owner: L. W. Wiley, et ux. Area: Arroyo Seco Cone 0.25 mile south of Spruce and Birch Ave., Greenfield. Hole in concrete base. Elevation: Reference Point Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Water levels. Meter No. Plate 4 31,125 417'(U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-17 Other Number: L-351 Location and Description: Reference Point Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available; Water levels Owner: J. Bianohi Area: Arroyo Seco Cone 0.25 mile south of intersection of 14th St., and Pine Ave., Greenfield. Groove in concrete base. Elevation: Meter No. 21,677 Plate 4 330' (U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-18 Other Number: L-353 Location and Description Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: Information Available Owner: W. J. Fransoioni Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 About 0.4 mile southwest of the intersection of Cypress Ave. and 15th St., and on line with Cypress Ave., Greenfield. Groove in concrete base. Well Depth: 324 feet 16 inches .Driller: A.B.Stewart Well log. Date Drilled: I945 D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-I9 Owner: Emma Hargens, et el. Meter No. 20,650 Other Number: L-356 Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.25 mile west of intersection between Cypress Ave. and 14th Street. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 284 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-20 Owr.er: Wm. & J. Hansen Meter No. 21,785 Other Number: L-357 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: In Greenfield 0.1 mile due west of intersection between Cypress Ave. and 14th Street. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 3I8 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 14 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-21 Other Number: L-355 Location and Description: Owner: A. Rianda Meter No. 21,075 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 In a draw O.3 mile southwest of the north end of 15th St., Greenfield; on a winding road at sharp bend on Rel'z Creek. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 300' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: I6 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-22 Other Number: L-35y Location and Description Owner: Fred Hansen Meter No. 20,936 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 25' north of Cypress Ave. and 0.25 mile southwest along Cypress Ave. from its intersection with 12th St., Greenfield. Air gage base. Elevation: 293 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test D.W.R, Well Ho. 7-H-23 Other Number Location and Description Owner: Pete Signoratti Meter No. 31,01? Area: Forebay Plate 4 In Greenfield, 0.2 mile northeast of 15th St., and 0.25 mile northwest of Oak Ave. Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 2B5 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Reference Point Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. 109 D.W.R Other Number: Well No. 7-H-26d L-5BtA Location and Description: Reference Point: Casing top Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Owner: Union Water Co. Area: Forebay On east corner of intersection between 10th Street and Cherry Ave., Greenfield. Meter No. 20,525 Plate 4 Elevation: 285' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-29 Other Number: L-Jbl Location and Description Owner: Area: J. Tomasini Arroyo Secc Cone Meter No. Plate 4 12,528 In Greenfield, on north corner of intersection between IJth Street and Cherry Ave. Pump base hole. Elevation: 508' (U.S.G.S. ) Reference Point: Dse: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. Other Number: L Location and Description 7-H-30 "7H4 Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: West Side Water Co. Area: Arroyo Seco Cone In Greenfield on east corner of intersection of 14-th Street and Cherry Ave. Groove in concrete base. Elevation: Meter No. 25,522 Plate 4 324> (U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-52 Other Number: L-345 Location and Description: Groove Reference Point Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: A. G. Vierra, et al. Meter No. 21,682 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 0.15 mile west of 15th St. and 0.35 mile north of Oak Ave., southwest of Greenfield, in concrete base. Elevation: 358' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-34 Other Number: L-342A Location and Description Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: Information Available Owner: Riva Bros. Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 On west bank of Reliz Creek, 0.7 mile west of southwest end of Oak Ave. Well Depth: 554 feet 14 inches Driller: Scott 4 Lingo Ground Elevation: 360' (U.S.G.S.) Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-36 Other Number: L-343 Location and Description: Owner: Um. Hansen Area: Arroyo Seco Cone 0.25 mile southwest of l6th St. southwest of Greenfield. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 320 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: A.B.Stewart Information Available: Water levels and well log. Meter No. 12,506 Plate 4 and Oak Ave. Elevation: 375' (U.S.G.S. ) Date Drilled: 1933 Ground Elevation: 373' D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-37 Other Number: L-541 Location and Description: Owner: Area: B. G. Dundore Arroyo Seco Cone Meter No. 21,083 Plate 4 Just southeast of Arroyo Seco-Greenf ield Road 1.2 mile southwest along Arroyo Seco road from Central Ave. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 58O' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: I6 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-38 Other Number: L-340 Location and Description Owner: B. Dundore Meter No. Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 1.25 miles southwest of the intersection of Central Ave. and Arroyo Seco-Greenf ield Road. Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: I6 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. 17,500 374'(U.S.G.S.) 110 D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-40 Ovmer: N. A. Marks Meter No. 22,960 Other Number: L-33fe Area: Arroyo Seoo Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.3 mile southwest of Central Ave. and 0.6 mile southeast of the Arroyo Seoo-Greenf ield Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 335' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: l6 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-41 Ovmer: K. A. Marks Meter No. 20,354 Other Number: L-334 Area: Arroyo Seoo Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.1 mile northeast of Central Ave. and 0.5 mile southeast of Central Ave. from its intersection with Greenfield-Arroyo Seco Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 323 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-42 Owner: N. A. Marks, et al. Meter No. 16,204 Other Number: L-332 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: 50' west of Central Ave. and 1.35 miles southeast on Central Ave. from its intersection with Arroyo Seco-Greenf ield Road. Reference Point: Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 320 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 7-H-43 Owner: E. H. Nevin Other Number: L-394 Area: Arroyo Seco Cone Plate 4 Location and Description: At Nevin' s house on Arroyo Seco Road 2 miles south of north boundary of Arroyo Seco Ranoho. Reference Point: Hole under pump base. Elevation: 385 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: I6 inches Information Available: Water levels. (8-H QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-l Owner: Carlo Borzini Meter No. 21,247 Other Number: L-377 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 100' north of Walnut Ave. and 0.4 mile northeast along Walnut Ave. from its intersection with State Highway 101. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 277 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-4 Owner: Carlo Borzini Meter No. 22,654 Other Number: L-579 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: Just west of intersection of 2nd St. and Oak Ave., Greenfield. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 246 feet Date Drilled: 1934 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: A.B. Stewart Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-6 Owner: Greenfield Water Co. Meter No. 13,434 Other Number: L-3y3 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: On northwest side of Oak Street about midway between 11th and 12th Streets. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 250 feet Date Drilled: 1939 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: A.B.Stewart Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-7 Owner: K. C. Zanetta Meter No. 23,002 Other Number: L-330 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: 0.4 mile southeast of intersection of Arroyo Seco-Greenf ield Road and 2nd Street, Greenfield. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 242 • (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Ill D.W.R. We ll No. 8-H-8 L-38I Other Number: Location and Description: Owner: A. F. Giacomazzi Meter No. Area: Forebay plate 4 On southwest side of Oak Ave. and 0.25 mile northeast along Oak Ave. from its intersection with 2nd Street. 21,501 Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Elevation:256' (U.S.G.S. D.W.R. Well N o Other Number 8-H-lO L-5fefc Location and Description: Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 22,962 Area: Forebay Plate 4 2.3 miles due east of intersection of Higliway 101 and Arroyo Seco-Greenf ield Road. Reference Point: Curb top 5th well south of pump. Elevation: 245' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 134 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Ground Elevation: 245 < Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No . 8-H- ll L-329 Other Number Location and Description Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: Information Available Owner: J. * E. Pura Meter No. 20,911 Area: Forebay Plate 4 1.35 miles due east of Intersection of Highway 101 and Arroyo Seco-Greenf ield Road. Groove in concrete base Well Depth: 205 feet 15 inches Driller: J. E. Buckner Ground Elevation: 248' (U.S.G.S. ) Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-12 Other Number: L-520 Location and Description: Owner: R. ft A. Pura Meter No. 21,38l Area: Forebay Plate 4 0.35 mile down lane; lane is O.65 mile northeast on road from S. P. Milling Co. and O.85 mile southeast on Highway 101 from Greenfield city limits. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 250' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 210 feet Date Drilled: 1927 Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: W.E.Bland Ground Elevation: 247' Information Available: Water levels, water analysis and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-I3 Other "Number: L-32fe "" Location and Description Reference Point Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: F. E. Zanetta Area: Forebay On northeast side of Highway 101 at a point 0.45 mile southeast along Highway 101 from its intersection with Arroyo Seco-Greenf ield Road. Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 260' (U.S Meter No. 20,367 Plate 4 G.S. D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-I7 Other Number: L-370 Location and Description: Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Owner: S. P. Milling Co. Meter No. Area: Forebay Plate 4 1.9 miles northeast along road from S. P. Milling Co., said road being O.85 mile southeast of Greenfield on Highway 101 - Well is below dairy. 29,373 Elevation: 230' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-l8n Other Number: L-310 Location and Description: Owner: E. W. Bingaman Area: Forebay Plate 4 0.3 mile southwest of Highway 101 and 1.8 miles southeast of it s ' intersection with Arroyo Seco- Greenfield Road. Use: Nonoperating Well Depth: 330 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Ground Elevation: 263 • (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-I9 Other Number: L-315 Location and Description: Owner: W. E. Bland Meter No. 21,380 Area: Forebay Plate 4 1.1 miles due south of intersection of Highway 101 and Arroyo Seco-Greenf ield Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 285' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. 112 D.W.R. Well No. e-H-20n Other Number: l.-iZ'^ Location and Description: Owner: M. Morgan Area: Forebay On northeast side Highway 101 and 1.0 mile southeast of its intersection with Arroyo Seco-Greenf ield Road. Reference Point: Curb top: 1st well south of pump. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 125 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: G. Bromley Information Available: Water levels and well log. Plate 4 265'(U.S.G.S.) Date Drilled: 191? D.U.H. Well No . 8-H-21 1-318 Other Number Location and Description Owner: W. & L. Underwood Meter No. 21,908 Area: Forebay Plate 4 50' east of Highway 101 and 1.85 miles southeast of Greenfield City Limits at curve in highway. Pump base hole. Elevation: 257 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-22 Other Number: L-3b5 Location and Description Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Area: Forebay Plate 4 1.25 miles northeast of Highway 101 and 1.85 miles southeast along Highway 101 from Greenfield city limits. Curb top; second well south of pump. Elevation: 240' (U.S. Gi 12 inches Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: Information Available: Water levels. S.) D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-26 Other Number: L-3fc4 Location and Description: Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 20,306 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 0-5 mile south of a winding road at a point 1.5 miles nor th east of Highway 101. Winding road starts 1 mile north of Lagomarsino Ave. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 245' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-31 Other Number: L-299 Location and Description: Owner: Salinas Land Co. Meter No. 21,53* Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 0.2 mile west of intersection of Highway 101 and Lagomarsino Ave. Reference Point: Air gage hole. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 245 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Ground Elevation: Information /-.vailable: Water levels and well log. 315' (U.S.G.S.) 315' D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-32 Other Number: L-300 Location and Description Ov.ner: Area: M. Wilmot Upper Valley Meter No. 21,68? Plate 5 On the northwest side of Lagomarsino Ave. and 1.0 mile southwest of its intersection with Highway 101. Casing hole. . Elevation: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. 406' (U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-33 Other Number: L-289 Location and Description: Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Owner: Salinas Land Co. Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 On the northwest side of Hobson Ave. at a point 1.1 miles southwest of its intersection with Highway 101. Elevation: 423' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-i4 L-J91 Other Number: Location and Description: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Well log Owner: Salinas Lend Co. Meter No. 20,825 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 0.3 mile northwest of the intersection of Hobson Ave. and Highway 101. Well Depth: 245 feet Ground Elevation: 325' (U.S.G.S. ) 113 D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-35 Other Number: L-2B5 Location and Description: Owner: California Orchard Co. Area: Dpper Valley 0.4 mile east of intersection of Central Ave and Teague Ave. Pump base hole. Elevation: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Meter No. 26,275 Plate 5 375'(n.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-36 Owner: J. P. 4 C. Escobar Other Number: 1-264 Area: Upper Valley Location and Description: 0.2 mile south of Teague Ave. on Highway 101 and 500' west of highway. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Meter No. 21,646 Plate 5 300'(U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well Ko. 8-H-39 Other Number: L-317 Location and Description: Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Aveileble: Water levels. Owner: 0. Tononi Meter No. 26,079 Area: Forebay Plate 4 0.15 mile southwest of Highway 101 and 1.2 miles southeast from Greenfield city limits. Elevation: 268' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-40 Location und Description: Owner: V. Vanoli Meter No. Area: Forebay Plate 4 0.15 mile northeast of Highway 101 and 1.5 miles southeast along Highway 101 from its intersection with Arroyo Seco-Greenf ield Road. Reference Point: Casing hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 216 feet Casing Diameter: l8 inches Driller: A.B. Stewart Information Available: Pump test and well log. 20,550 Date Drilled: 1944 D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-45 Owner: E. Glacomazzi Meter No. 20,652 Other Number: L-313 Area: Forebay Plate 4 Location and Description: O.85 mile down lane from Central Ave. Lane is 1.35 miles southeast of Central Ave. from its intersection with Arroyo Seco Road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 287' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-45 L-511 Other Number Location and Description Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: E. W. Bingaman Meter No. 21,680 Area: Forebay Plate 4 5O' north of lane. O.85 mile southwest along lane from its intersection with Highway 101. Intersection is 1.8 miles southeast of Greenfield city limits. Hole in concrete base. Elevation: 275' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-47 Other Number: L-50b Location and Description Owner: Area: J. D. Kenner Arroyo Seco Cone Meter No. 21,827 Plate 4 Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Information ^.vailable 2.15 miles due soyth of intersection between Highway 101 and Arroyo Seco-Greenf ield Road. Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: Water levels. 557' (U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-5I Other Number: L-307 Location and Description Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: A. * G. Frew Area: Upper Valley Just west of intersection of Central Ave. and Road 0.5 mile northwest of Lagomarsino Ave. Hole under pump base. Elevation: Plate 5 45O' (U.S.G.S. ) 114 D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-32 Owner: M. * R. Kaiser Meter No. 21,652 Other Number: L-303 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 50' north of lane and 1.4 miles southwest on lane from its intersection with Highway 101. Intersection is 0.5 mile north of Lagomarsino Ave. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 410' (U.S.G. S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 513 feet Date Drilled: 1937 Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: A.B. Stewart Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well Mo. 8-H-54 Owner: L. & E. Culver Meter No. 13,352 Other Number: L-301 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 50' north of lane and 0.4 mile southwest on lane from its intersection with Highway 101. Intersection is 0.5 mile north of Lagomarsino Ave. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 3l8' (U.S.G. S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 14 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-56 Owner: James Bundgard Meter No. 20,528 Other Number: L-295 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 1.3 miles northeast along wiading road under bluff. Road leaves Highway 101 opposite east end of Hobson Ave. Reference Point: Pump base slot. Elevation: 240' (U.S.G. S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-57 Owner: James Bundgard Meter No. 19,563 Other Number: L-294 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 1.0 mile north of winding road. Road starts on east side of liighway 101 directly across highway from east end of Hobson Ave. Reference Point: Slot through pump base. Elevation: 240' (U.S.G. S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-58 Owner: James Bundgard Meter No. 20,435 Other Number: L-293 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.2 mile east of Highway 101 opposite east end of Hobson Ave. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 275 ' (U.S.G. S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 192 feet Date Drilled: 1937 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Drilled: A. B. Stewart Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-59 Owner: H. Willis Tompkins Meter No. 30,879 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 1.8 miles northwest of Coburn Station on the east bank of Salinas River. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 255 ' (U.S.G. S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-6I Owner: J. D. Kenner, et al. Meter No. 26,076 Other Number: L-245 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 1.5 miles west of Coburn Station east of Salinas River. Reference Point: Casing hole. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 290 feet Date Drilled: 1940 Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: A.B. Stewart Information Available: Pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-62 Owner: A. Pozzi Meter No. 26,279 Other Number: L-243 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 1.15 miles west of Coburn Station and east of Salinas River. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 236 feet Casing Diameter: 20 inches Driller: A.B. Stewart Information Available: Pump test and well log. 115 D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-64d Other Number: L-2*2A Location and Description Owner: D. K. Bingaman, et al. Area: Upper Valley Immediately west of Well No. 8-H-63 and 1 mile northwest of Coburn Station. Top of concrete block over casing. Elevation: Reference Point Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Plate 5 26OMO.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 8-E-b9. 8-H-69A , Owner: California Orchard Co. B-H-o93.b-H-b9C . B-H-b9D . Other Number: L-2B5, L-286, Area: Upper Valley L-287, L-288 Location and Description: On west side of Higiwsy 101 just north of Its intersection with Teague Ave. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 235 feet Casing Diameter: 20 inches Driller: R.Moss Co.(L.A. ) Information Available: Water Analysis (69), and Well Log (69D). Meter No. 25,525 Plate 5 Date Drilled: 19*5 D.W.3. Well No . 8-H-7 I L-281 Other Number: Location and Description: Reference Point: Slot through pump base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 300 feet Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: A.B.Stewart Information Available: Puap test and well log. Owner: Rose Marie Burke Meter No. 22,961 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 0.25 mile southeast of Teague Ave. and 0.75 mile southwest along Teague Ave. from its intersection with Highway 101. Date Drilled: 1938 D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-73 Other Number: L-292 Location and Description: Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Well log. Owner: Salinas Land Co. Area: Upper Valley Just east of Highway 101 and 0.4 mile south along Highway 101 from its intersection with Teague Ave. Meter No. Plate 5 Well Depth: 212 feet 22,333 Ground Elevation: 285' (U.S.G.S. ) Meter No. 21,735 Plate 5 D.W.R. Well No. 8-H-74, 8-H-74A , Owner: Salinas Land Co. H-H-74B,a-H-74C . Other Number: L-277, L-278, Area: Upper Valley L-279, L-280 Location and Description: On both sides of Highway 101 and about 0.5 mile south along Highway 101 from its intersection with Teague Ave. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 74 - 212 feet 74A - 207 feet 74B - 301 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches 74C - 204 feet Ground Elevation: 280'(74C) Information Available: Well log. (9-H QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 9-H-5 Owner: A. .Lombardi, et al. Area: Upper Valley Location and Description: 0.55 mile westerly from Coburn Station. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 170 Casing Diameter: 16 inches Driller: Stewart Information Available: Well log. Plate 5 Date Drilled: 19*6 D.W.R. Well H o. 9-H-6 i:=2CT~ Other Number Location and Description Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Area: Upper Valley 0.6 mile west and 0.9 mile south from Coburn Station. Casing hole. Elevation: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Meter No. 21,751 Plate 5 265'{U.S.G.S.) 116 D.W.R. Well No. 9-H-7 Owner: A. Pozzl Meter No. 23,714 Other Number: L-241 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.65 mile west of Coburn Station. Reference Point: Top of casing on second well east of pump house. Use: Irrigation Elevation: 265' {U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 9-H-9 Owner: A. Francloli Meter No. 20,941 Other Number: L-240 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 1.1 miles southwest of Coburn Station. Reference Point: Top of casing on first well east of pump house. Use: Irrigation Elevation: 258 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 9-H-lO Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 19,560 Other Number: L-2bJ Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 3 miles north of King City just west of S.P.R.R. 0.5 mile northeast of Spreckels Ranch Bldg. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: 280 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 9-H-ll Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 26,244 Other Number: L-262 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 2.5 miles north of King City just west of S.P.R.R. at crossing of road leading to Spreckels ranch buildings. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: 287' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. (8-1 QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 8-1-1 Owner: Salinas Land Co. Meter No. 25,521 Other Number: L-2 76 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: On east side of Highway 101 0.5 mile southeast of Y of Central Ave. and Highway 101. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 340' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. (9-1 QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 9-I-ln Owner: Salinas Land Co. Other Number: L-274 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.4 mile southwest of King City Bridge on north side of Highway 101. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 325' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 9-1-2 Owner: Chas. Ragus, et al. Meter No. 22,210 Other Number: L-2 30 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: On north bank of San Lorenzo Creek at its confluence with the Salinas River. Reference Point: Pump house floor. Elevation: 290 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water analysis and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 9-1-3 Owner: A. S. Fillippini Meter No. 20,460 Other Number: L-233 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.5 mile northeast of mouth of San Lorenzo Creek. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 324 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. 117 D.Vf.R. Well No. 9-1-4 Owner: Southern Pacific Meter No. 21,688 Other Number: L--231 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: Immediately northeast of a. P. Depot in King City. Reference Point: Air gage hole. Elevation: 337' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 372 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels, pump test and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 9-1-5 Owner: J. y. Pettit Meter No. 21,859 Other Number: L-21B Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.7 mile easterly from mouth of San Lorenzo Creek. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 310' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 9-1-9 Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 26,077 Other Number: L-2feb Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 1.6 miles north of King City and 0.5 mile west of S.P.R.R. and 0.6 mile south of Spreckels Ranch Bldgs. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: 29°' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 9-1-10 Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 21,837 Other Number: L-256 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.35 mile north of King City and 0.2 mile west of S.P.R.R. Reference Point: Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: 323 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 9-1-12 Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 21,655 Other Number: L-257 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 1.2 miles north of King City and 0.4 mile west of S.P.R.R. Reference Point: Hole under pump base. Elevation: 307' (U.S.G.S.) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 133 feet Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 9-1-1* Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 12,475 Other Number: L-271 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.1 mile northwest of Highway 101 and 0.3 mile north along highway from King City bridge. Reference Point: Curb top, fourth well northeast of pump. Elevation: 305' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 9-1-15 Owner: Monterey County T.4S. Bank Meter No. 21,654 Other Number: L-255 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location end Description: 0.3 mile westerly from S.P.R.R. crossing of Bitterwater Road. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 325 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 9-1-17 Owner: Tom Harney Meter No. 21,244 Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.5 mile south of King City bridge over Salinas River. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 330' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 9-1-21 Owner: Spreckels Sugar Co. Meter No. 21,828 Other Number: L-270 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 1.0 mile north of King City bridge over the Salinas River. Reference Point: Hole under pump base. Elevation: 314' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 Inches Information Available: Water levels. 118 D.V.R. Veil No. 9-1-2? Owner: W. * J. Hansen Meter No. 20,451 Other Number: L-254 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 2.5 miles northeast of King City out Bitterwater Road and 0.1 mile east of road. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 200 feet Date Drilled: 1939 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: A.B. Stewart Information Available: Water analysis and well log. D.W.R. Well Ho. 9-1-3^ Owner: W. 4 J. Hansen Meter No. 14,146 Other Number: L-235 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 2.5 miles northeast of King City out Bitterwater Road and 0.2 mile east of road. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 19* feet Date Drilled: 1939 Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: A.B. Stewart Information Available: Water analysis and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 9-1-25 Owner: Carak ft Regus Meter No. 21,729 Other Number: L-232 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 1.5 miles northeast of King City between Bitterwater Road and San Lorenzo Creek. Reference Point: Hole in concrete floor. Elevation: 378' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 9-1-42 Owner: Salinas Land Co. Meter No. 31fl24 Other Number: L-273 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.35 mile south along Highway 101 from King City Bridge and just north of highway. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 325 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 9-I-46d Owner: Leo Mires Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: Camp ground across from Nestles Milk plant south of King City. Use: Domestic Well Depth: l80 feet Date Drilled: 1940 Casing Diameter: 10 inches Driller: A.B. Stewart Information Available: Water analysis and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 9-1-49 Owner: W. Hansen Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 2.5 miles northeast of King City on Bitterwater Road, just east of road. Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 174 feet Date Drilled: 1945 Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: A.B. Stewart Information Available: Well log. D. W.R. Well No. 9-1-50 Owner: W. Hansen Plate 5 location and Description: 0.4 mile east of Bitterwater Road and 2.5 miles north of King City. Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 135 feet Casing Diameter: 14 inches Driller: A.B.Stewart Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 9-1-51 Owner: Walter Paine Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: On north bank of Salinas River 0.25 mile downstream from mouth of San Lorenzo Creek. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 93 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: A.B. Stewart Information Available: Well log. D.W.R. Well No. 9-1-52 Owner: Borden Farms Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: On west bank San Lorenzo Creek 0.2 mile upstream from its mouth. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 100 feet Date Drilled: 1945 Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: A.B. Stewart Information Available: Well log. 119 (10- I ftUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. lO-I-l Owner: E. M. Martella Meter No. 29,211 Other Number: L-212A Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.2 mile south of highway and 2.8 miles southwest along Highway 101 from city limits of King City. Reference Point: Curb top. Elevation: 315' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 145 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: A. B. Stewart Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 10-1-2 Owner: J. Tognetti Meter No. 23,657 Other Number: L-212B Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.2 mile south of highway and 3«15 miles southwest along Highway 101 from city limits of King City. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 315' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 120 feet Date Drilled: 1938 Casing Diameter: l8 inches Driller: A.B. Stewart Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 10-1-5 Owner: A. Castelli Meter No. 19,11* Other Number: L-210 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.1 mile west of highway and 3.8 miles southwest along Highway 101 from city limits of King City. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 322' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 60 feet Date Drilled: 1932 Casing Diameter: l8 inches Driller: Alsop Bros. Ground Elevation: 318' Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 10-1-8 Owner: J. & C. Layous Meter No. 24,879 Other Number: L-209A Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: O.15 mile east of highway and 4.1 miles southwest along Highway 101 from city limits of King City. Reference Point: Groove in concrete. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Water analysis. D.W.R. Well No. 10-1-9 Owner: J. 4 C. Layous Meter No. 16,591 Other Number: L-209 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: 0.3 mile east of highway and 3.6 miles southwest along Highway 101 from city limits of King City*. Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 234 feet Date Drilled: 1937 Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: A.B. Stewart Information Available: Water analysis and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 10-I-13n Owner: Monterey Co. Trust 4 Savings Bank. Other Number: L-224 Area: Upper Valley Plate 5 Location and Description: Southwest corner of lO-I Quadrant on south- west bank of Salinas River. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 322 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. (10-J Q,UADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. lO-J-1 Owner: Guidici Bros. Meter No. 20,873 Other Number: L-202 Area; Upper Valley Plate 6 Location and Description: 0.1 mile northwest of Salinas River and 1.0 mile downstream from San Lucas Bridge. Reference Point: Top of wood curb. Last well east of pump. Use: Irrigation Elevation: 36O' (U.S.G.S. ) Casing Diameter: I6 inches Information Available: Water levels. 120 D.W.R. Well No. lO-J-fe Ovmer: Vm. 4 E. quinn Other Number: L-204 Area: Upper Valley Location and Description: 0.2 mile west of San Lucas Bridge over Salinas River. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. Meter No. 21,826 Plate 6 356'(U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. lO-J-7 Owner: A. Purdy Other Number: L-201 Area: Upper Valley Location and Description: 0.3 mile southeast of San Lucas Just south of Highway 101. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Meter No. 17,311 Plate 6 345' (U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 10-J- ^2W 10 Other Number: L Location and Description Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Pump test Owner: A. Purdy Area: Upper Valley 1.3 miles southeast of San Lucas. Meter No. 23,722 Plate 6 D.W.R. Well No. lO-J-13 Other Number: L-lBb Location and Description: Owner: J. J. Cooper, et al. Area: Upper Valley 1.5 miles south of San Lucas Bridge over Salinas River at take-off of Espinosa Canyon Road. Pump base hole. Elevation: Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test Meter No. 20,625 Plate 6 450' (U.S.G.S. ) (11- J qUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 11-J-ld Location and Description Casing top Reference Point Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: Anita Purdy Area: Upper Valley 0.1 mile west of highway and 1.9 miles southwest along Highway 101 from San Lucas. Elevation: Plate 6 355'(U.S.O.S.) D.W.R. Well No. ll-J-2 Other Number: L-195 Location and Description: Reference Point: Casing top. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Water levels. Owner: A. * M. Dughi Area: Upper Valley 0.35 mile south of highway and 2.7 miles northwest along Highway 101 from Docas Station Meter No. 23,725 Plate 6 Elevation: 370' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No, Other Number: Location and Description: Reference Point: Use: Domestic Casing Diameter: Information Available: ll-J-3 Owner: A. & M. Dughi Meter No. 19,720 L-I94 Area: Upper Valley Plate 6 0.2 mile south of highway and 2.6 miles northwest along Highway 101 from Docas Station. Top of casing. Elevation: 395' (D.W.R. ) Well Depth: 65 feet Date Drilled: 1939 16 inches Driller: A.B. Stewart Well log. D.W.R. Well No. Other Number: ll-J- 4 L-l«9 Locfation and Description: Owner: E. Dougherty Meter No. 23,752 Area: Upper Valley Plate 6 0.2 mile southwest of highway 1.2 miles northwest along Highway 101 from Docas Station. Reference Point: Windmill 25' east of pump. Elevation: 386' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 65 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: R. Alsop Ground Elevation: 385' (U.S.G.S. ) Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. ll-J-5 (See Page 123.) 121 (11-K QUADRAMT) D.W.R. Well No. 11-K-ld Owner: J. Rosenberg Area: Upper Valley Plate 6 Location and Description: On east side of S.P.R.R. track and 0.2 mile southwest of railroad crossing of Pine Valley Creek. Reference Point: Casing top. Elevation: 430 ' {U.S.G.S. ) Use: Domestic Well Depth: 123 feet Casing Diameter: 12 inches Driller: Alsop Ground Elevation: 430' Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. V/ell No. ll-K-2 Owner: Ada H. Martin Meter No. 21,650 Other Number: L-1B3 Area: Upper Valley Plate 6 Location and Description: On east side of S.P.R.R. track and 1.45 miles southwest of railroad croshing of Pine Valley Creek. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 400' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. ll-K- 5 Other Number: L-1B4B Location and Description: OAner: W. & 0. Twisselman Area: Upper Valley 0.1 mile southwest of Highway 101 opposite Docas Station. Meter No. Plate 6 31,950 Reference Point: Casing hole. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Water levels. (12-K QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well No. 12-K-l Other Number: L-171 Location and Description: Owner: Martha Brinan Area: Upper Valley 0.3 mile northeast of S.P.R.R. Pancho Rico Creek. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. Meter No. Plate 6 31,071 crossing of Elevation: 470'(U.S.G.S.) D.W.R. Well No. 12-K-2n TTB Other Number: L- Location and Description: Area: Upper Valley Just west of Highway 101 as it enters San Ardo from the northwest. Reference Point: Pit curb at ground elevation. Elevation: Use: Nonoperating Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Plate 6 447t(u.S.G.S.) Meter No. 20,305 Plate 6 D.W.R. Well No. 12-K-3 Owner: H. E. Wetzel Other Number: L-170 Area: Upper Valley Location and Description: 0.4 mile southwest from the S.P.R.R. crossing over Pancho Rico Creek. Reference Point: Casing hole. Elevation: 472' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and pump test. D.W.R. Well No. 12-K-4 Other Number: L-172 Location and Description Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels Owner: J. Ferrini Area: Upper Valley 0.7 mile southwest from the S.P.R.R over Pancho Rica Creek. Casing hole. Meter No. Plate 6 19,555XB 'late 6 crossing Elevation: 475 ' (U.S.G.S. ) D.W.R. Well No. 12-K-5n Other Number: L-173 Location and Description Owner: Martha J. Jepson Area: Upper Valley Plate 6 1.0 mile southwest from the S.P.R.R. crossing over Pancho Rica Creek, on east side of county road. Casing top, second well north of pump. Elevation: 465 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. 122 D.W.R. Well No. 12-K-6 Ovmer: San Bernardo Ranoho Meter No. 21,626 Other Number: L-176 Area: Upper Valley Plate 6 Location and Description: O.85 mile southeast of Highway 101 bridge near San Ardo. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 425 ' {U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Uell Depth: I78 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: Buckner Information Available: Water levels and well log. p.W.R. Well No. 12-K-7 Owner: San Bernardo Rancho Meter No. 24, 14^ Other Number: L-177 Area: Upper Valley Plate 6 Location and Description: 1.15 miles southwest of Highway 101 bridge near San Ardo. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 425 ' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 285 feet Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: Buckner Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. 12-K-8 Owner: J. Rosenberg Meter No. 22,840 Other Number: L-169 Area: Upper Valley Plate 6 Location and Description: Just west of Highway 101 and 0.6 mile north- west along highway from San Ardo. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 429' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 92 feet Date Drilled: 1937 Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: A.B. Stewart Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. 12-K-12m Owner: Town of San Ardo Meter No. 20,319 Other Number: L-16bA Area: Upper Valley Plate 6 Location and Description: Just west of Highway 101 as it enters San Ardo from the northwest. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 451' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Municipal Casing Diameter: I6 inches Information Available: Water levels. D.W.R. Well No. I2-K-I3 Owner: Mrs. Salvina Folleta Meter No. 20,930 Other Number: L-IBO Area: Upper Valley Plate 6 Location and Description: 0.45 mile due north of S.P.R.R. crossing over Pancho Rico Creek. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 463 '( U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels and water analysis. D.W.R. Well No. 12-K-14 Owner: Martha J. Jepson Meter No. 21,736 Other Number: L-175A Area: Upper Valley Plate 6 Location and Description: 0.9 mile southwest of S.P.R.R. crossing over Pancho Rico Greek, between well 12-K-5 and intersection of two county roads. Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Pump test. (12-L QUADRANT) D.W.R. Well Ho. 12-L-2 Owner: J. Rosenberg Meter No. 20,426 Other Number: L-17ti Area: Upper Valley Plate 6 Location and Description: O.7 mile northwe&t of Getty Siding. Reference Point: Pump base hole. Elevation: 440' (U.S. G. J. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 132 feet Casing Diameter: 10 inches Driller: Adrian Pump Co. Information Available: Water levels and well log. D.W.R. Well No. J-g-L-4 Owner: Linda Rosenberg Meter No. 21,572 Other Number: L-175 Area: Upper Valley Plate 6 Location and Description: 0.15 mile east of Getty Siding. Reference Point: Groove in concrete base. Elevation: 485' (U.S.G.S. ) Use: Irrigation Well Depth: 300 feet Date Drilled: I928 Casing Diameter: I6 inches Driller: Bland Drilling Co. Information Available: Water levels and well log. 12? D.W.R. Well No. 12-L-6n Location and Description Reference Point: Use: Nonoperating Casing Dlemeter: 16 Information Available Ovmer: Linda Rosenberg Plate 6 On east side of S.P.R.R. tracks and 0.8 mile southeast along tracks from Getty Siding. Pipe in concrete base. Elevation: 46?' (U.S.G.S. Well Depth: 200 feet Date Drilled: inches Driller: Adrian Pump Co. Ground Elevation: 46?' : Water levels and well log. 1930 D.W.R. Well No. 12-L-7 Other Number: L-174 Location and Description: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 16 inches Information Available: Pump Owner: Bank of America N.T.S. Area: Upper Valley 3 mile northeast of Getty Siding. Well Depth: 220 feet Driller: Stewart * Brennan test. Meter No. 21,68l Plate 6 Date Drilled: 1935 D.W.R. Well No. 1J--J-5 Other Number: L-1B4 Location and Description: Owner: W. and 0. Twisselman Meter No. 20,642 Area: Upper Valley Plate 6 0.15 mile southwest of Highway 101 and 0.5 mile northwest along Highway from Docas Station. Curb top; most easterly well from pump. Elevation: 370' {U.S.G.S. ) Reference Point: Use: Irrigation Casing Diameter: 12 inches Information Available: Water levels. Table 2 RECORDS OF GROUND WATER LEVELS AT WELLS TABLE 2 RECORDS OF GROUND WATER LEVELS AT WELLS 127 Well #1-8-1 Molera Estate Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 17 15.1 - 2.2 May 20 15.1 - 2.2 June 4 19.4 - 6.5 1932 July 22 22.5 - 9.6 Aug. 12 24.3 -11.4 Apr. 4 11.2 1.7 Sep. 2 21.5 - 8.6 Oct. 7 14.1 - 1.2 Sep. 23 19.1 - 6.2 Oct. 14 20.0 - 7.1 1944 Nov. 4 14.8 - 1.9 Nov. 27 11.3 1.6 Aug. 20 22.0 - 9.1 Sep. 3 19.4 - 6.5 1946 Sep. 17 18.0 - 5.1 Oct. 1 19.0 - 6.1 Mar. 15 8.3 4.6 Cot. 15 17.8 - 4.9 Aug. 18 22.0 - 9.1 Oct. 29 15-5 - 2.6 Deo. 4 10.2 2.7 1947 1945 Aug. 17 iB.l - 5.2 Feb. 28 7.8 5.1 1948 Apr. 29 13.6 - 0.7 Aug. 15 23.8 -10.9 Well #1-3-2 Molera Estate Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1944 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 17 11.7 - 7.4 Aug. 20 14.2 - 9.9 Sep. 3 11.6 - 7.3 1932 1945 May 4 11.8 - 7.5 Oct. 4 10.9 - 6.6 Jan. 3 0.1 4.2 Jan. 30 - 0.1 4.4 Well #1-B-? Dorothy V. Oroutt, et al. Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 17 11.3 - 2.5 Jan. 30 4.4 4.4 Feb. 27 3.9 4.9 1932 Apr. 29 9.2 - 0.4 Nov. 27 7.3 1.5 May 4 6.0 2.8 Oct. 4 10.8 - 2.0 1946 1944 Aug. 18 17.9 - 9.1 Sep. 3 19.9 -11.1 1947 Sep. 17 19.7 -10.9 Oct. 1 2.6 -11.8 Aug. 17 20.5 -11.7 Oct. 15 13.5 - 4.7 Oct. 29 12.2 - 3.4 1948 Dec. 4 6.2 2.6 Aug. 15 20.0 -11.2 128 Well #l-B-4 Dorothy V. Dlst.R.P. Orcutt, et al. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1944 Feet surface 1944 Sep. 1 26.3 -13.5 Oct. 29 17.6 - 4.8 Sep. 5 22.2 - 9.4 Sep. 17 19.1 - 6.3 1945 Oct. 1 19.7 - 6.9 Oct. 15 18.5 - 5.7 Jan. 30 B.9 3.9 June 24 22.3 - 9.5 Well #l-B-5 J. J. King Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Sate Feet surface Date Feet surface 1931 1937 Nov. 17 30.1 -12.1 Nov. 2 26.0 - 8.0 1932 1938 May 4 14.2 3.8 Apr. 8 21.0 - 3.0 Oot. 4 29.8 -11.8 Oct. 19 29.0 -11.0 1933 1939 Nov. 12 25.0 - 7.0 Apr. 11 25.0 - 7.0 Nov. 1 29.5 -11.5 1934 1940 May 15 39.0 -21.0 Nov. 9 27.0 - 9.0 Apr. 15 20.0 - 2.0 Oct. 30 30.0 -12.0 1955 1941 Mar. 29 20.3 - 2.3 Nov. 21 28.0 -10.0 May 1 20.0 - 2.0 Oct. 28 28.0 -10.0 1936 1942 Oct. 29 28.5 -10.3 Apr. 13 20.0 - 2.0 Oct. 20 27.0 - 9.0 Well #l-B-6 John B. Lyon Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 17 30.1 -13.0 Jan. 30 19.4 - 2.3 Sep. 23 28.7 30.8 -11.6 1932 Oct. 10 -13.7 Nov. 4 26.7 - 9-6 May 4 14.2 2.9 Nov. 27 20.9 - 3.8 Oct. 4 29.8 -12.7 1947 1944 Aug. 17 33.0 -15.9 Dec. 2 20.9 - 3.8 1948 Aug. 15 27-5 -10.4 129 Well #l-B-7 Mary Gomez Dlst.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1931 Not. 17 11.5 1932 May Oct. 4 4 5.3 10.6 1915 Jan. 30 5.1 Well #1-3-8 Howard Co: Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 1931 Nov. 17 1932 May Oct. 4 5 1933 Not. 12 1934 May Nov. 15 9 1935 Mar. 29 Nov. 21 1936 Oct. 29 1937 Apr. 28 Nov. 2 1938 Apr. Oct. 8 20 1939 Apr. Oct. 11 31 1940 Apr. Oct. 15 30 Elevation of water surface 3.4 2.8 2.5 2.7 8.3 5.1 7.7 4.0 10.1 5.2 1.8 6.5 7.4 3.5 9.0 1.0 8.5 2.0 9.0 1.5 7.0 Elevation of water surface 0.5 2.7 0.1 3.8 - 2.3 2.6 6.0 1.3 0.4 4.3 - 1.2 6.8 0.7 5.8 - 1.2 6.3 0.8 Date 1945 Apr. 29 May 20 June 3 June 24 Aug. 12 Sep. 2 Sep. 23 Oct. 14 Nov. 4 Date 1941 May Oct. 1 28 1942 Apr. 13 1943 Apr. Not. 26 10 1944 May Aug. Sep. Sep. Oct. Oct. Dec. 1 20 3 17 1 29 4 1945 Jan. Feb. May Not. ^2 28 20 27 1946 Dec. 3 1947 Mar. Not. 17 26 1948 Mar. 6 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 10 25 14 18 19 18 16.2 16.8 11.2 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 1.0 5.5 0.5 4.5 7.0 5.8 14.2 13.2 11.2 11.0 8.7 3.7 2.7 8.1 4.7 4.5 2.2 5.6 5.0 Elevation of water surface - 2.8 -17.6 - 6.0 -10.4 -11.5 -10.3 - 8.1 - 8.7 - 3.1 Elevat Ion of water surface 6.8 2.3 7.3 O.t 2.0 6.4 5.4 3.4 3.2 0.9 4.1 5.1 5.5 0.3 3.1 3.3 5.6 2.2 2.8 130 Well #l-B-9 J. J. King Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1931 Nov. 17 9.8 1932 May Oct. 4 5 7.4 8.7 1944 Sep. Sep. Oct. Oct. Oct. Deo. 3 17 1 15 29 4 14.4 13.0 13.4 12.5 10.4 5.5 Well #1-B-10 A Di to su . Totti] Date st.R.P. water rface Feet Elevation of water surface 0.9 1.5 0.2 5.5 4.1 4.5 3.6 1.5 3.4 Tottino and John Bellone Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. Well 17 #1-B-11 15.0 Molera Ei Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Oct. 5 1931 Nov. 17 1932 May Oct. 4 3 1953 Nov. 12 1934 May Nov. 15 9 1935 Mar. Nov. 29 21 1936 Oct. 29 1937 Apr. 28 1938 Apr. Oct. 8 19 Flowing 16.1 10.3 14.6 7.6 18.6 6.9 5.6 12.0 2.0 0.2 0.5 1.0 7.0 Elevation of water surface 11.3^ 5.2 1.0 3.3 3.7 - 7.3 4.4 5.7 0.7 9.3 11.1 10.8 10.3 Date 1945 Jan. 30 Feb. 28 Mar. 12 Mar. 12 Mar. 12 Apr. 29 May 20 June 3 June 24 July 22 Aug. 12 Sep. 2 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 4.4 4.5 14.5 16.7 8.6 11.5 12.4 16.2 16.6 15.9 15.3 * After 1^ hour operation. ** After 4 hours operation. Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Date 1932 May 4 Oct. 3 Date 1939 Apr. 11 Oct. 31 1940 Oct. 30 1941 May Oct. 1 28 1942 Apr. 13 1943 Apr. Nov. 26 10 1944 Apr. Deo. 21 4 1945 Nov. 24 1946 Dec. 3 1947 Nov. 26 1948 Mar. 6 9.1 13.0 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 0.0 1.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.8 7.8 5.3 ^4 11.4 5.0 Elevation of water surface 4, .5 4. ,6 4, .6 _ 5.6 * - 7. ,8 ** 0.3 - 2. .6 - 5. .5 - 7. .5 - !■ .7 - !■ ,0 - 6, .4 Elevation of water surface 1.1 5.0 Elevation of water surface 11.3 10.3 9.3 10.8 10.3 10.3 9.3 10.3 10.5 3.5 6.0 5.9 0.1 6.5 151 Well #1-B- -12 Molera Estate Date Dlst.R.P. to vrater surface Feet Elevation Of water surface 1931 Nov. 17 15.2 - 5.4 1932 May Oct. 4 5 10.8 14.5 - 1.0 - 4.7 Date 1944 Sep. 17 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 15.2 Jan. 23 5.1 Jan. 30 5.2 Oct. 14 17.6 Nov. 24 7.6 Elevation of water surface 5.4 4.7 4.6 7.8 2.2 Well jfl-B-14n Tony Mendonca Date 1944 Aug. 20 Sep. 3 Sep. 17 Oct. 1 Oct. 15 Oct. 29 Dec. 2 1945 Jan. 30 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 17.2 12.9 11.2 11.7 10.9 8.7 3.1 Elevation of water surface -10.7 - 6.4 - 4.7 - 5.2 - 4.4 - 2.2 3.4 2.2 4.3 Date 1945 Feb. 15 Feb. 28 Apr. 29 May 20 June 24 July 22 Aug. 12 Sep. 2 Oct. 14 Nov. 4 Nov. 24 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 1.9 1.8 6.7 9.7 15.6 15.7 16.1 14.8 8.0 4.5 Elevation of water surface 4.6 4.7 0.2 3.2 9.1 9.2 9.6 8.3 7.4 1.5 2.0 Well #1-B-16 Molera Estate Dlst.R.P. Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Aiig. 20 23.9 - 9.9 July 22 24.0 -10.0 Sep. 3 21.4 - 7.4 Aug. 12 24.8 -10.8 Sep. 17 19.9 - 5.9 Sep. 2 23.2 - 9.2 Oct. 1 20.4 - 6.4 Sep. 23 20.7 - 6.7 Oct. 15 19.1 - 5.1 Oct. 14 21.7 - 7.7 Oct. 29 17.5 - 3.5 Nov. 4 16.3 - 2.3 Dec. 4 11.4 2.6 Nov. 27 12.4 1.6 1945 1946 Jan. 30 9.6 4.4 Aug. 18 23.3 - 9.3 Feb. 27 9.0 5.0 Apr. 29 14.9 - 0.9 1947 May 20 ^^7 - 2.7 June 3 18.6 - 4.6 Aug. 17 25.9 -11.9 June 24 23.5 - ^.b Well #1-B-17 A. P. Overhouse Dlst.R.P. Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1944 Feet surface 1944 Aug. 20 16.2 -11.5 Oct. 25 9.6 - 4.9 Sep. 3 13.5 - 8.8 Deo. 4 3.5 1.2 Sep. 17 12.2 - 7.5 Oct. 1 12.3 - 7.6 1945 Oct. 15 11.5 - 6.8 Jan. 30 2.1 2.6 1J2 Well #1-B. -17 A. P. Overhouse (Continued) Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Feb. Apr. May June June July 28 29 20 3 24 22 1.5 7.5 10.1 10.9 16.2 16.8 3.2 - 2.8 - 5.4 - 6.2 -11.5 -12.1 Aug. Sep. Sep. Got. Nov. Nov. 12 2 23 14 4 24 17.3 15.3 13.6 14.3 8.6 4.9 -12.6 -10.6 - 8.9 - 9.6 - 3.9 - 0.2 Well #1-B- -19 Molera Estate Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 1952 17 20.3 - 8.3 June Nov. 3 24 19.0 9.2 - 7.0 2.8 May Oct. 4 3 15.6 19-7 - 3.6 - 7.7 Well #1-B- -23 M. Minhoto Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 July Nov. 22 27 21.2 17.9 - 1.2 2.1 Mar. Nov. 17 26 17.4 18.9 2.6 1.1 1946 1948 Dec. 3 19.1 0.9 Mar. 6 18.0 2.0 Well #1-B. -24 M. Minhoto Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surfa?? , Dat? 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 May June June Aug. Sep. Sep. Oct. Nov. 20 3 24 22 2 23 14 4 19.9 18.3 24.3 23.0 23.0 19.8 20.4 19.1 0.1 1.7 - 4.3 - 3.0 - 3.0 0.2 - 0.4 0.9 Nov. 1947 Aug. 1948 Aug. 27 17 15 18.3 22.7 24.9 1.7 - 2.7 - 4.9 Well #1-B- 125 Delfino and Caloagno Date Dist.R.P. to wa ter surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Mar. June Nov. 1 3 27 14.9 16.7 15.9 5.1 1.3 2.1 Aug. 1948 Aug. 17 15 20.2 20.5 - 2.2 - 2.5 155 Well #1-B- -26 A. T. Vierra, 1 Dist.R.P. 3t al. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1945 Mar. 1 25.5 16.5 Nov. 27 27.5 12.5 Well #1-B- -27n J. G. Massera Dist.R.P. , et al. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1946 Feet surface 1945 Mar. 1 14.5 1.5 Aug. 18 19.9 - 5.9 Apr. 28 17.5 - 1.5 May 20 16.7 - 0.7 1947 June 5 16.2 - 0.2 June 24 19.7 - 5.7 Aug. 17 19.6 - 5.6 July 22 18.9 - 2.9 Aug. 22 19.5 - 5.5 1948 Sep. 2 17.8 - 1.8 Sep. 25 17.6 - 1.6 Aug. 15 19.6 - 5.6 Oct. 14 17.6 - 1.6 Nov. 4 16.5 - 0.5 Nov. 27 15.5 + 0.5 Well #1-B- -29 Daniel Fieri Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of vrater surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1944 Feet surface 1944. Dec. 2 5.9 9.1 Nov. 27 7.4 5.6 Well #1-B- -29An Daniel Fieri Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Aug. 7 16.0 - 2.9 June 5 15.7 - 0.6 Sep. 5 15.6 - 0.5 June 24 13.9 - 0.8 Sep. 17 15.5 - 0.4 July 22 14.4 - 1.5 Oct. 1 15.9 - 0.8 Aug. 22 14.5 - 1.4 Oct. 15 15.8 - 0.7 Sep. 2 14.2 - 1.1 Oct. 29 10.6 2.5 Sep. 25 14.2 - 1.1 Dec. 2 12.6 0.5 Oct. 14 14.5 - 1.4 Nov. 4 13.2 - 0.1 1945 Nov. 27 13.2 - 0.1 Jan. 50 12.6 °-S 1946 Feb. 28 12.5 0.8 May 27 15.5 - 0.4 Aug. 18 15.8 - 0.7 Well #1-B- -50 Jennie Tste Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surfece of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1945 Jan. 21 28.0 - 1.5 Apr. 29 27.5 - 0.8 Jan. 50 27.2 - 0.7 May 20 27.7 - 1.2 Feb. 28 26.5 0.0 June 5 27.9 - 1.4 134 Well #l-B-30 Jennie Tate (Continued) Dist.R.P. to water Elevation Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date feet surface Date 1946 Feet surface 1945 June Aug. Sep. Sep. Got. Nov. 24 12 2 23 14 4 28.3 28.5 29.0 28.7 33.9 27.6 - 1.8 - 2.0 - 2.3 - 2.2 - 7.4 - 1.1 Dec. 1947 Mar. Nov. 3 17 26 27-0 28.7 26.1 - 0.5 - 2.2 0.4 Nov. 27 27.2 - 0.7 1948 Mar. 6 25.3 1.2 Well #1-B-31 Date 1945 Jan. 30 Feb. 28 Apr. 29 June 3 June 24 Aug. 22 Jennie Tate Dist.R.P. to water Eleva tioil surface of water Feet surface 18.8 - 2.8 17.7 - 1.7 23.3 --l:] 24.7 28.7 -12.7 30.6 -14.6 Date 1945 Sep. Oct. Nov. 2 14 27 1948 Aug. 15 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 28.7 28.4 19.6 Elevation of water surface -12.7 -12.4 - 3.6 23.2 - 7.2 Well #l-B-33i The Permanenti Metals Corp. Date 1945 Jan. 30 Feb. 28 July 22 Nov. 27 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 17.2 16.0 22.6 19.8 Elevation of water surface 3.7 2.5 9.1 6.3 Date 1946 Aug. 18 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 23-0 Elevation of water surface - 9.5 Well #l-B-34 Howard Cozzens, et al. Date 1944 Dec. 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 9.2 Jan. 30 8.4 Feb. 28 7.4 Apr. 29 12.8 May 20 17.2 June 3 13.7 June 24 18.1 July 22 24.4 Aug. 12 20.4 Sep. 2 19.2 Sep. 23 22.8 Oct. 14 18.3 Nov. 4 15.5 Nov. 27 9-7 Elevation of water surface 2.8 - 2.0 - 1.0 - 6.4 -10.8 - 7.3 -11.7 -18.0 -14.0 -12.8 -16.4 -11.9 - 9.1 - 3.3 Date 1946 Aug. 18 1947 Aug. 17 1948 Aug. 15 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 17.9 20.9 15.6 Elevation of water surface -11.5 -14.5 9.2 1J5 Well #1-B-J5 A. Leonardlni Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Ele vation to wa ter Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Sep. 5 8.6 - 3.1 Sep. 23 9.3 - 3.8 Sep. 17 7.9 - 2.4 Oct. 14 10.3 - 4.8 Oct. 1 kl - 2.3 Nov. 4 6.2 - 0.7 Oct. 15 - 3.0 Nov. 27 ■ 4.4 1.1 Oct. 29 6.7 ~ 1.2 1946 1945 Aug. 18 10.0 - 4.5 Jan. 30 0.2 3.3 Apr. 29 2.8 2.7 1947 May 20 7.2 - 1.7 June 3 7.6 - 2.1 Aug. 17 14.3 - 8.8 June 24 10.9 - 5.4 July 22 9.8 - 4.3 1948 Aug. 22 12.7 - 7.2 Sep. 2 10.9 - 5.4 Aug. 15 13.5 - 8.0 Well #l-B-37 J. J. King Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1946 Feet surface 1944 Aug. 20 17.4 _ 8.3 Aug. 18 14.9 - 5.8 Sep. 3 14.7 _ 5.6 Dec. 3 3.7 5.4 Sep. 17 13.0 _ 3.9 Oct. 1 13.5 _ 4.4 1947 Oct. 15 12.6 _ 3.5 Oct. 29 10.6 _ 1.5 Mar. 17 0.4 8.7 Dec. 4 5.6 3.5 Aug. Nov. 17 26 18.2 8.4 - 9.1 0.7 1945 1948 Jan. 5° 4.4 4.7 Feb. 28 4.4 4.7 Mar. 6 3.2 5.9 Oct. 14 15.0 _ 5.9 Aug. 15 14.9 - 5.8 Nov. 4 9.4 - 0.3 Nov. 24 6.1 3.0 Well #1- ±1 -38 Mary Gomez Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Jan. 30 8.3 - 2.1 Well #1- ■B- -39 Anna Worth Date Dlst.H.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Jan. 30 5.4 2.6 136 Well #1-B- -40 J. J. King Dist.R.P. to water surface Elevation of water Date Feet surface 1945 Jan. 30 5.5 2.8 Well #1-B- -42 Molera Estate Dist.R.P. to water surface Elevation of water Date Feet surface 1944 Sep. 3 13.2 - 6.6 Well #1-3- -43 E. Bellone, et Dist.R.P. to water surface al. Elevation of water Dist.R.P. to water surface Elevation of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 July 22 17.5 -13.0 Sep. 23 9.5 - 5.0 Aug. 20 14.0 - 9.5 Oct. 14 11.5 - 7.0 Sep. 3 10.6 - 6.1 Nov. 4 4.4 0.1 Sep. 17 u - 4.2 Nov. 24 1.8 2.7 Oct. 1 - 5.3 Oct. 15 8.5 - 4.0 1946 Oct. 29 6.5 - 2.0 Aug. 18 11.4 - 6.9 1945 1947 Jan. 23 0.3 4-. 2 Feb. 28 - 0.7 5.2 Aug. 17 16.0 -11.5 May 20 7.0 - 2.5 June 3 9.2 - q'.I 1948 June 24 13.3 July 22 13.4 - 8.9 Aug. 13 16.2 -11.7 Aug. 12 15.8 -11.3 Sep. 2 13.2 - 8.7 Well #1-B. -46n E. Bellone, e Dist.R.P. to water surface t al. Elevation of water Dist.R.P. to water surface Elevation of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Oct. 15 14.9 - 4.0 Nov. 4 10.8 0.1 Dec. 2 7.0 3.9 Nov. 24 7.8 3.1 1945 1946 Feb. Apr. 28 29 5.4 11.3 5.5 - 0.4 Aug. Dec. 18 3 17.6 8.9 - 6.7 2.0 May June 20 3 13.4 16. 2 - 2.5 - 5-3 1947 June 24 20.2 - 9.3 Mar. 17 6.1 4.8 July 22 19.7 - 8.8 Aug. 17 21.0 -10.1 Aug. 12 20.1 - 8.1 Nov. 26 9.4 1.5 Sep. 2 19.0 Sep. 23 ^5-9 - 5.0 1948 Oct. 14 17.8 - 6.9 Mar. 6 9.0 1.9 Aug. 15 21.5 -10.6 137 Well #1-3-47 Fred Borelli Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1945 Jan. 21 5*9 - 0.8 Aug. 12 15.5 - 9.1 Jan. ?o 4.8 - 0.6 Sep. 2 12.7 - 8.5 Adt. 29 2*2 - 5.0 Sep. 25 12.0 - 7.8 Mey 20 8.2 - 4.0 Oct. 14 12.2 - 8.0 June 3 7.9 - 3.7 Nov. 4 9.4 - 5.2 June 24 11.5 - 7.3 Nov. 27 7.1 - 2.9 July 22 13.2 - 9.0 Veil #l-B-48 Fred Borelli Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Bate Feet surface Date 1947 Feet surface 1944 Deo. 2 10.5 - 0.7 Mar. 17 7.3 2.5 Aug. 17 24.4 -14.6 1945 Nov. 26 11.5 - 1.7 Jan. 30 8.2 1.6 1948 Mar. 1 7.3 2.5 Nov. 27 10.9 - 1.1 Mar. 6 8.9 0.9 Aug. 15 18.2 - 8.4 1946 Aug. 18 21.5 -11.7 Dec. 3 11.3 - 1.5 Well #l-B-49 Fred Borelli Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surf a c e of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Sep. 9 17.2 - 9.9 July 22 23.4 -16.1 Seo. 17 15.5 - 8.2 Aug. 22 20.4 -15.1 Oct. 1 16.0 - 8.7 Sep. 2 19.0 -11.7 Oct. 15 ^1*2 - 7.9 Sep. 25 19.8 -12.5 Dec. 2 8.4 - 1.1 Oct. 14 18.7 13.8 -11.4 Dec. 29 13.3 - 6.0 Nov. 4 - 6.5 Nov. 27 9.1 - 1.8 1945 1947 Jan. 30 7.2 0.1 Feb. 28 6.2 1.1 Aug. 17 21.5 -14.2 Apr. 29 13.3 - 6.0 May 20 15.4 - 8.1 1948 June 3 15.6 - 6.3 June 24 20.3 -13.0 Aug. 15 18.1 -10.8 Well #l-B-52 Molera Estate Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Sep. 17 14.3 - 4.7 Feb. 28 4.2 5.4 Oct. 15 14.1 - 4.5 Apr. 29 10.8 - 1.2 Dec. 2 6.0 3.6 May 20 12.4 - 2.8 Oct. 29 12.2 - 2.6 June 5 15.7 - 6.1 138 Uell #l-B-52 Molera Estate (Continued) Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1946 Feet surface 1945 July 22 19.4 - 9.8 Aug. 18 17.7 - 8.1 Aug. 12 19.7 -10.1 Sep. 2 18.6 - 9.0 1947 Sep. 23 15. B - 6.2 Nov. 4 10.2 - 0.6 Aug. 17 20.6 -11.0 Nov. 24 6.9 2.7 1948 Aug. 15 21.6 -12.0 Well #l-B-53 Molera Estate Date 1944 Aug. 20 Sep. 3 Sep. 17 Oct. 1 Oct. 15 Oct. 29 Deo. 14 1945 Feb. 28 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 21.8 19.2 16.5 17.9 16.3 15.0 7.7 Elevation of water surface 9.9 7.3 4.6 6.0 4.4 3.1 4.2 6.3 5.6 Date 1945 Apr. 29 May 20 June 3 June 24 July 22 Aug. 12 Sep. 2 Sep. 23 Oct. 14 Nov. 4 Nov. 24 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 13.2 15.3 19.2 22.4 21.6 21.1 21.4 17.6 19.7 12.4 9.3 Elevation of water surface - 1.3 - 3.4 - 7.3 -10.5 - 9.7 - 9.2 - 9.5 - 5.7 - 7.8 - 0.5 2.6 Well #l-B-34 John Lyons Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Jan. 30 18.9 0.1 Aug. 18 32.5 -13.5 Well #1-B- -55 A. Tottino Date Dist.R.P. to wa te r surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Sep. Sep. Sep. 1 3 17 26.4 25.3 22.1 -14.4 -13.? -10.1 Oct. Oct. Oct. 1 15 29 20.2 17.2 16.9 - 8.2 - 5.2 - 4.9 Well #1-B- -57 W. E. Bradford Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Mar. Nov. 1 27 2.7 6.5 5.3 1.5 Mar. 15 3.6 4.4 139 Well «!l-B-60 J. J. King Dist.R.P. to water surface Elevation of water Date Feet surface 19*5 Feb. 15 9.6 - 1.6 Well #l-B-6l A. Leonardini Dist.R.P. to water surface Elevation of water Date Feet surface 19*5 Mar. 9 12.8 - 4.8 Oct. 14 23.1 -15.1 Well #l-3-D3n Tottino ft Bell Dist.R.P. one Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water svu:f ace of water Date Feet surface Date 19*5 Feet surface 19** Aug. 20 17.9 - 9.2 June 17 14.5 - 5.8 Sep. 3 12.4 - 3.7 June 24 18.0 - 9.5 Sep. 17 15.2 - 4.5 June 25 15.5 - 6.8 Oct. 1 14.1 - 5.4 July 2 18.4 - 9.7 Oct. 15 13.8 - 5.1 July 9 13.7 - 5.0 Oct. 19 1*.3 - 5.6 July 16 12.6 - 3.9 Oct. 26 11.8 - 3.1 July 22 17.9 - 9.2 Oct. 29 10.9 - 2.2 July 23 16.2 - 7.5 Nov. 2 7.8 0.9 July 30 18.6 - 9.9 Nov. 9 6.6 2.1 Atig. 6 16.3 - 7.6 Nov. 16 5.* 5.5 Aug. 12 18.5 - 9.8 Nov. 19 5.* 5.5 Aug. 13 16.1 - 7.4 Nov. 23 5.6 ^•l Aug. 20 13.9 Nov. 30 4.9 5.8 Sep. 2 17.5 Dec. 7 5.0 5.7 Sep. 4 17.8 - 9^1 Dec. 14 4.6 4.1 Sep. 11 15.1 - 6.4 Dec. 21 4.7 4.0 Sep. 17 13.4 - 4.7 Dec. 28 5.0 5.7 Sep. 23 14.5 - 5-8 Sep. 2* 12.5 - 5.8 19*5 Oct. 1 13.1 - 4.4 Oct. 14 15.9 - 7.2 Jan. 4 1.5 7.4 Nov. 4 8.1 0.6 Jan. 11 1.1 7.6 Nov. 24 6.0 2.7 Jan. 25 5.5 5.2 Jan. 30 5.9 4.8 1946 Feb. 1 3.9 4.8 Feb. 15 3.3 5.* Jan. 14 3.8 *.9 Feb. 22 5-5 5.* Feb. 4 3.7 5.0 Feb. 28 2.8 5.9 Mar. 5 3.7 5.0 Mar. 8 3.0 5.7 Aug. 18 16.0 - 7.3 Mar. 22 0.0 8.7 Dec. 3 6.0 2.7 Mar. 29 0.0 8.7 Apr. 19 7.2 1.5 19*7 Apr. 29 4.0 *.7 May 20 11.0 - 2.3 Mar. 17 3.3 5.4 May 21 10.0 - 1.3 Dec. 26 6.7 2.0 ffcy 28 10.9 - 2.2 June 3 9.3 - 0.6 19*8 June 4 13.1 - 4.4 June 11 11.3 - 2.6 Mar. 6 6.6 2.1 140 Well #l-B-64d Dorothy V. Orcutt, et al. Date 1944 July 31 Aug. 20 1945 Apr. 29 May 20 June 3 June 4 Dist.R.P. to wa ter surface Feet 23.0 22.4 12.7 14.2 19.9 20.4 Elevation of water surface -10.8 -10.2 0.5 2.0 Date 1945 June 24 July 22 Aug. 12 Sep. 2 Sep. 23 Oct. 14 Nov. 4 Nov. 27 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 20.8 21.6 22.5 22.7 20.7 20.1 14.3 12.4 Elevation of water surface 8.6 9.4 -10. -10. - 8. - 7. - 2. - 0, Veil jfl-B-65n Molera Estate Date 1931 Nov. 17 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 16.3 1932 May Oct. 1944 Sep. 17 Oct. 1 Oct. 5 Oct. 15 Dec. 4 1945 Jan. 30 Feb. 28 May 20 June 4 June 24 July 22 Well #l-B-66n Date 1945 Jan. 50 Feb. 28 Apr. 29 May 20 June 3 June 24 July 22 Aug. 12 Sep. 2 Sep. 25 Oct. 14 Nov. 4 Nov. 27 Elevation of water surface 4.6 11.6 0.1 15.7 - 4.0 17.8 - 6.1 19.0 - 7.5 21.4 - 9.7 17.1 - 5.4 9.2 2.5 7.6 4.1 7.0 4.7 14.9 - 3.2 18.8 - 7.1 22.1 -10.4 22.1 -10.4 Jennie Tate Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface 17.5 - 2.8 16.4 - 1.9 17.5 - 2.8 18.0 - 5.5 18.1 - 5.6 19.5 - 5.0 20.5 - 6.0 20.7 - 6.2 20.8 - 6.5 20.7 - 6.2 20.9 - 6.4 19.8 - 5.5 18.7 - 4.2 Date 1945 Aug. 12 Sep. 2 Sep. 25 Oct. 14 Oct. 24 Not. 4 Nov. 24 1946 Aug. 18 Dec. 5 1947 Mar. 17 Aug. 17 Nov. 26 1948 Mar. 6 Aug. 15 Date 1946 Aug. 17 Dec. 3 1947 Mar. 17 Aug. 17 Nov. 26 1948 Mar. 6 Aug. 15 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 22.7 20.9 18.8 20.1 17.5 15.9 10.5 20.1 10.6 8.3 25.7 11.4 10.8 23.6 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 20.7 18.5 16.3 20.7 18.5 16.7 18.6 Elevation of water surface -11.0 - 9.2 -.1:1 - 5.8 - 2.2 1.4 8.4 1.1 3.4 -12.0 0.5 0.9 -11.9 Elevation of water surface 6.2 4.0 1.8 6.2 4.0 2.2 4.1 141 Well #1-8- -67 Dolan Bros. Dist.R.P. to water surface Elevation of water Dete Feet surf ^ice 1945 Apr. Apr. May June June 12 28 20 3 24 39.0 39.3 41.2 43.5 41.8 6.0 3.S 1.5 3.2 Well J2-B- -_1 W. F. Johnson Dist.R.P. to wBter surface Elevation of water Date Feet surface 1931 Oct. 17 11.8 1932 Mar. Sep. 11 30 1.1 10.5 1933 Nov. 12 i.O 1934 May Nov. 15 9 12.2 11.0 1935 Mar. Nov. 29 21 2.6 7.4 1956 Nov. 2 9.2 1937 Apr. Nov. 28 2 6.2 8.0 1938 Apr. Oct. 8 19 4.0 9.0 1939 Apr. 11 7.0 1940 Apr. Oct. 15 30 2.0 9.5 Well #2-B-2 V. F. Johi Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 29 1945 Feb. 27 - 0.6 10.1 0.7 5.2 1.0 0.2 8.6 3.8 2.0 5.0 3.2 7.2 2.2 4.2 9.2 1.7 Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Sep. 2 Oct. 14 Nov. 4 Nov. 27 Date 1941 May Oct. 1 28 1942 Apr. Oct. 13 20 1943 Apr. Nov. 26 10 1944 Apr. Dec. 21 4 1945 Feb. Apr. May June June Aug. Nov. 27 29 20 3 24 12 23 1946 Aug. Dec. 18 5 1947 Mar. Aug. Nov. 17 17 26 1948 Mar. 6 7.* 4.6 7.6 10.4 Date 1945 May 20 July 22 Aug. 12 Sep. 2 Sep. 23 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 44.4 43.3 42.1 41.1 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 2.0 7.0 1.0 9.5 10.0 10.0 11.6 5.3 2.8 12.5 12.3 15.8 20.5 22.2 7.1 20.9 7.2 4.0 27.4 9.3 9.0 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 15.4 25.3 26.3 21.1 18.4 Elevation of water surface 0.6 1.5 2.9 3.9 Elevation of water surface 9.2 4.2 10.2 1.7 1.2 1.2 0.4 5.9 8.4 - 1.3 - 1.1 - 4.6 - 9.1 -11.0 4.1 9.7 4.0 7.2 -16.2 1.9 2.2 Elevat ion of water surface - 0.4 -10.3 -11.3 - 6.1 - 3.4 142 Well #2-B-2 U. F. Johnson (c. Dntinued) Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Oct. Nov. Nov. 14 4 23 18.5 12.0 9.2 - 3.5 - 3.0 5.8 Mar. Aug. 1947 Aug. 11 17 5.6 24.0 28.8 9.4 - 9.0 -ij. 8 Well #2-B-5 Caterina Dist.R.P. Rissotti Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Dec. 1 23.2 1.8 Oct. 14 32.9 - 7.9 Nov. 4 27.8 - 2.8 1945 Nov. 30 24.3 0.7 Jan. 30 21.7 3.3 1946 Feb. 27 20.8 4.2 Apr. 29 26.5 - 1.5 Aug. 18 35.4 -10.4 June 3 30.1 - 5.1 Dec. 5 24.8 0.2 June 24 34.6 - 9.6 July 22 35.6 -10.6 1947 Aug. 12 36.1 -11.1 Sep. 2 34.6 - 9.6 Mar. 17 21.4 3.6 Sep. 23 32.2 - 7.2 Not. 26 28.5 - 3.5 Well #2-B-7 Molera Estate Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date Dist.H.P. to wa ter surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Sep. 3 Sep. 17 Oct. 1 Oct. 15 Oct. 29 Deo. 6 1945 Feb. 27 Apr. 29 May 20 June 3 June 4 June 24 July 22 Aug. 12 23.3 22.0 20.5 21.1 19.2 13.1 10.7 17.1 18.5 22.4 22.7 25.7 26.6 27.1 6.9 5.6 4.1 4.7 2.8 3.3 5.7 - 0.7 - 2.1 - 6.0 - 6.3 - 9.3 -10.2 -10.7 1945 Sep. 2 Sep. 23 Oct. 14 Nov. 4 Nov. 26 1946 Mar. 14 Aug. 18 1947 Aug. 17 1948 Aug. 15 24.8 22.5 23.3 17.8 14.5 11.5 25.3 29.3 30.0 8.4 6.1 6.9 1.4 1.9 4.9 - 8.9 -12.9 -13.6 Well #2-B-8 G. Lyons Date 1944 Dec. 4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 0.5 Elevation of water surface 5.5 Date 1945 Feb. 27 Apr. 29 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Flowing 2.8 Elevation of water surface 3.2 145 Well iy2-B-8 G. Lyons (Continued) Date 1945 June 24 July 22 Aug. 12 Sep. 2 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 7.2 10.4 10.9 Veil #2-B-ll J. Rodgers Date 1944 Dec. 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Flo'wing Elevation of water surface - 1.2 - 4.4 - 4.9 - 2.8 Elevation of water surface Feb. 27 Flowing June 5 5.9 - 2.9 June 24 5.2 - 2.2 July 22 6.7 - 5.7 Aug. 12 7.7 - 6.7 Sep. 2 6.4 - 5.4 Sep. 25 5.9 - 2.9 Oct. 14 2.4 - 1.4 Nov. 4 Flowing Well #2-B- -1? W. F. Johnson Dist.R.P. to water surface Elevation of water Date Feet surface 1944 Dec. 4 41.6 10.4 Well 12. ■B^ dX Marion Thompson Date Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface 1945 June June July Aug. Sep. Sep. Oct. 3 24 22 12 2 23 14 14.9 0.7 16.3 - 0.7 17.3 - 1.7 16.1 - 2.5 18.5 - 2.7 18.4 - 2.8 18.6 - 5.0 Well #?- ■B; -_1 A. H. Christensen Date Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface 1944 Nov. 28 1945 Feb. 28 90.4 85.5 54.6 39.7 Date 1945 Sep. 25 Oct. 14 Oct. 24 No7. 4 Nov. 25 Date 1946 Aug. 18 Dec. 5 1947 Mar. 17 Aug. 17 Nov. 26 1948 Mar. 6 Aug. 15 Date 1945 Feb. 27 Nov. 2 3 Date 1945 Nov. Nov. 4 26 1946 Mar. 15 Date 1945 Nov. 15 1946 Mar. 13 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 8.0 6.4 5.5 4.1 2.8 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 7.6 Flowing Flowing 12.5 Flowing Flowing 7.6 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 59.2 44.1 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 17. 16. 15.8 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 94.7 Elevation of water surface 2.0 0.4 0.5 1.9 3.2 Elevation of water surface 6.6 -11.5 - 6.6 Elevation of water surface 12.8 7.9 Elevation of water surface 2.2 1.2 1.8 Elevation of water surface 50.5 87.2 37.8 144 Well #3-B-l A. H. Christensen (Continued) Date 1944 Nov. 28 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 1946 Nov. 12 102.7 1947 Nov. 20 101.1 Well #3-B-5 F. P. Geo] Dlst.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 12.5 Elevation of water surface 22.3 23.9 Elevation of water surface 87.5 Date 1947 Nov. 26 1948 Mar. 7 Date 1945 Mar. 5 Nov. 15 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 112.0 119.4 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 11.6 14.3 Elevation of water surface 15.0 5.6 Elevation of water surface 88.4 85.7 Well #3-B-8 T. and M. Yuki Date 1944 Nov. 27 1945 Jan. 8 Feb. 4 Feb. 26 Mar. 22 Oct. 16 Nov. 16 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 26.4 27.5 25.5 24.6 22.1 34.6 34.9 Elevation of water surface 158.6 157.5 159.5 160.4 162. 9 150.4 150.1 Date 1946 Jan. 14 Feb. 4 Mar. 13 Nov. 14 1947 Nov. 25 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 29.5 28.6 26.8 44.9 54.9 Elevation of water surface 155.5 156.4 158.2 140.1 130.1 Well #3-B-10Al Pennanente Metals Corp. Date 1916 Aug. 28 1931 Oct. 29 1932 Feb. 5 Feb. 11 Feb. 24 Mar. IB May 16 Sep. 23 1933 Nov. 12 1934 Nov. 10 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 17.2 64.8 56.8 55.8 52.2 44.1 47.2 50.0 51.0 Elevation of water surface 143.8 96.2 104. 105. 108. 116. 113. 111. 110.0 103.0 Date 1935 Mar. Nov. 29 22 1936 Nov. 2 1937 Apr. Nov. 28 3 1938 Apr. Oct. 9 20 1939 Apr. Nov. 12 1 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 52.6 56.2 48.2 33.0 35.0 25.0 25.0 24.0 28.5 Elevation of water surface 108.4 104.8 112.8 128.0 126.0 136.0 136.0 137.0 132.5 145 Well #3-B- -lOAi Permanente Dist.R.P. Metals Corp. (Continued) Dist.R.P. to water Elevat ion to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1942 Feet surface 1940 Apr. 16 21.0 140.0 Oct. 21 20.0 141.0 Nov. 1 28.0 133.0 1943 1941 Apr. 27 18.0 143.0 May 2 16.0 145.0 Nov. 11 23.0 138.0 Oct. 29 16.0 145.0 1944 1942 Apr. 21 21.8 139.2 Apr. 14 15.0 146.0 Well #1-0- -1 Dorothy V. Oroutt, et al. Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 17 18.0 0.9 June 24 28.2 - 9.3 July 22 27.7 30.8 - 8.8 1932 Aug. 12 -11.9 Sep. 2 24.4 : 1:1 May 4 8.0 10.9 Sep. 23 20.8 Oct. 5 17.9 1.0 Oct. 14 22.3 - 3.4 Nov. 4 15.4 3.5 1944 Nov. 26 12.4 6.5 Sep. 2 23.4 - 4.5 1946 Oct. Oct. Dec. 1 15 1 21.9 21.0 10.6 - 3.0 - 2.1 8.3 Mar. Aug. Dec. 12 18 6 s-2 27.0 12.2 10.2 - 8.9 6.7 1945 1947 Feb. Apr. May June 27 29 20 3 8.2 18.9 20.0 22.4 10.7 0.0 - 1.1 - 3.5 Mar. Aug. Nov. 17 17 17 13.7 31.2 16.5 5.2 -12.3 2.4 Well #1-0- -_2_ Cooper Estate Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1944 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 17 17.1 1.6 Sep. 17 23.0 - 4.3 Oct. 1 23.8 - 5.1 1932 Dec. 1 11.0 7.7 May 4 15.1 3.6 1945 Oct. 5 16.6 2.1 Nov. 27 13.3 5.4 Well #l-C-3 Molera Estate Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 0.5 Date 1932 May 4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Aug. 15 19.0 15.1 4.4 146 Well #1-0-3 Molera Estate (Continued) Date 1932 Oct. 3 1944 Sep. Sep. Oct. Oct. Oct. Dec. 3 17 1 15 29 4 1945 Feb. Apr. May June 27 29 20 3 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 16.6 23.8 21.7 23.2 22.0 18.9 11.9 10.0 19.0 20.5 23.5 Elevation of water surface 2.9 4.3 2.2 3.7 2.5 0.6 7.6 9.5 0.5 1.0 4.0 Date 1945 June July Aug. Sep. Sep. Oct. Nov. Nov. 24 22 12 2 25 14 4 26 1946 Aug. 18 1947 Aug. 17 1948 Aug. 15 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 28.1 27.5 29.8 25.1 21.7 25.0 16.5 15.8 27.6 50.0 54.5 Elevation of water surface - 8.6 - 8.0 -10.5 - 5.6 - 2.2 - 3.5 3.0 5.7 - 8.1 -10.5 -15.0 Well #l-C-4n Molera Estate Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water D^te Feet surface Date 1944 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 17 19.2 - 4.2 Sep. 3 21.1 - 6.1 Sep. 17 20.8 - 5.8 1932 Oct. 1 17.9 - 2.9 Oct. 15 18.6 - 5.6 May 4 18.5 - 5.5 Oct. 29 15.4 - 0.4 Oct. 5 18.4 - 5.4 1945 1944 June 24 24.7 - 9.7 Aug. 20 24.5 - 9.3 Nov. 27 9.4 5.6 Well #1-0-5 Molera Estate Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 17 15.2 - 0.9 July 22 21.7 - 7.4 Aug. 12 23.7 - 9.4 1952 Sep. 2 20.4 - 6.1 Sep. 25 16.8 - 2.5 May 4 15.7 0.6 Oct. 14 18.2 - 5.9 Oct. 5 14.8 - 0.5 Nov. 4 12.2 2.1 Nov. 26 8.9 5.4 1944 1946 Sep. 1 22.0 - 7.7 Sep. 5 19.5 - 5.2 Mar. 15 6.6 7.7 Sep. 17 16.7 - 2.4 Aug. 18 22.2 - 7.9 Oct. 1 18.0 - 3.7 Deo. 5 9.8 4.5 Oct. 15 17.0 - 2.7 Oct. 29 14.0 0.3 1947 Dec. 4 7.4 6.9 Mar. 17 6.7 7.6 1945 Aug. 17 25-4 -11.1 Nov. 26 10.8 5.5 Feb. 27 5.5 8.8 1948 Apr. 29 15.0 - 0.7 May 20 15.2 - 0.9 June 5 19.5 - 5.2 Mar, 6 12.3 2.0 June 24 22.7 - 8.4 Aug. 15 27.4 -13.1 147 Well #1- Date I^ ± K. L. Martin, Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet et al. Elevation of water surface 3.0 Date 1915 Feb. Nov. 27 26 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 4 6.7 5.6 7.7 4.1 2.0 Well #l-C-7 J Armstrong Co. Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 17 6.3 0.7 May 20 7.5 - 0.5 June 3 9.3 - 2.3 1932 June 24 10.2 - 3.2 July 22 10.4 - 3.4 May 4 6.3 0.7 Aug. 12 11.2 - 4.2 Oct. 3 6.3 0.7 Sep. 2 10.5 - 3.5 Sep. 25 9.4 - 2.4 1944 Oct. 14 9.6 - 2.6 Nov. 4 7.8 - 0.8 Oct. 1 9.1 - 2.1 Nov. 27 3.6 1.4 Oct. 15 9.1 - 2.1 Oct. 29 8.1 - 1.1 1946 Dec. 4 5.4 1.6 Aug. 18 11.7 - 4.7 1945 1948 Feb. 27 4.1 2.9 Apr. 29 7.6 - 0.6 Aug. 1^ 13.6 - 6.6 Well #i-c-8 Jacob Jefferson Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 17 16.1 - 1.1 Apr. 29 14.6 0.4 May 20 14.7 0.5 1932 June 3 18.3 - 3.3 Aug. 12 22.9 - 7.9 May 4 15.0 0.0 Sep. 2 21.3 - 6.3 Oct. 3 15.8 - 0.8 Sep. 23 16.4 - 1.4 Oct. 14 17.3 - 2.3 1944 Nov. 4 12.5 2-5 Nov. 27 10.2 4.8 Sep. Sep. 3 17 17.6 16.7 16.8 14.1 - 2.6 0.9 1946 Oct. Oct. 1 29 Aug. 18 20.6 - 3.6 Dec. 2 7.4 7.6 1947 1945 Aug. 17 24.1 - 9.1 Feb. 27 7.2 7.8 Well #i-c-?. Molera Estate Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1932 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 17 17.2 - 3.9 May 4 16.8 - 3.5 Oct. 3 15.8 - 2.5 148 Well #l-C-9 Molera Estate (Continued) Date Dist.R.P. to wa ter surface Feet 1933 Nov. 12 9.0 1934 May Nov. 15 9 21.9 12.0 1935 Mar. Nov. 29 21 6.2 15.2 1936 Oct. 29 16.8 1937 Apr. Nov. 28 2 11.5 14.0 1938 Apr. Oct. 8 19 7.0 15.0 1939 Apr. Deo. 11 31 7.0 14.5 1940 Apr. Oct. 15 30 5.5 15.0 1941 May Oct. 1 28 6.0 11.0 1942 Apr. 13 5.0 Well #1-0-10 Lottie L. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Aug. Sep. Sep. Oct. Oct. Oct. 24 3 17 1 15 29 24.9 18.3 16.1 18.5 16.3 14.9 1945 Apr. May June June July Aug. Sep. 29 20 3 24 22 12 23 14.5 16.3 20.8 20.2 21.6 16.5 Elevation of water surface 4.3 8.6 1.3 7.1 1.9 3.5 1.8 - 0.7 6.3 1.7 6.3 - 1.2 7.8 1.7 7.3 2.3 8.3 Elevation of water surface -11.4 - 4.8 - 2.6 - 5.0 - 2.8 - 1.4 1.0 2.8 5.6 7.3 6.7 8.1 3.0 Date 1942 Oct. 20 1943 Nov. 10 1944 Apr. 21 Sep. 3 Sep. 17 Oct. 1 Oct. 15 Oct. 29 Deo. 1 1945 Feb. 27 Apr. 29 May 20 June 24 July 22 Aug. 12 Sep. 2 Sep. 23 Got. 14 Oct. 24 Nov. 4 Nov. 24 1946 Aug. 18 Dec. 3 1947 Mar. 17 Aug. 17 Nov. 11 Date 1945 Oct. Nov. Nov. 14 4 26 1946 Aug. 18 1947 Aug. 17 1948 Aug. 15 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 12.0 15.0 13.6 19.6 I8I2 16.9 14.6 8.1 6.3 14.1 15.1 23.1 22.6 22.9 21.0 17.8 19.6 17.2 12.5 9.6 24.0 9.7 8.2 24.8 11.4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 17.9 12.1 9.4 20.1 22.6 21.6 Elevation of water surface 1.3 1.7 0.3 6.3 4.1 4.9 3.6 1.3 5.2 7.0 0.8 1.8 9.8 -10.7 t 3.6 ► 5.1 -11.5 ^ 1.9 Elevation of water surface 4.4 1.4 4.1 6.6 - 9.1 149 Well ifl-C -14 Molera Estate Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Oct. 29 13.8 - 0.7 Well ifl-C- -16 Molera Estate Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Sep. Sep. Oct. Oct. Dec. 3 17 15 29 1 19.5 16.8 18.2 15.1 7.9 - 4.4 - 1.7 - 3.1 0.0 7.2 Feb. Nov. 27 26 5.7 9.7 9.4 5.4 Well #i-c. -17 Molera Estate Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Sep. Sep. Oct. Oct. 3 17 1 15 22.8 19.6 18.0 16.7 - 7.9 - 4.7 - 5.1 - 1.8 Oct. 1945 June 29 24 14.6 25.4 0.3 -10.5 Well #1-0- -18 James Martin, Jr. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevat ion of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Aug. Sep. Sep. Oct. Oct. Dec. 24 3 17 1 29 4 25.7 18.4 15.8 17.1 13.7 7.3 -13.2 - 5.9 - 3.3 - 4.6 - 1.2 5.2 July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Nov. 22 12 23 14 4 27 20.5 22.0 16.2 17.9 11.4 8.5 - 8.0 - 9.5 - 3.7 - 5.4 1.1 4.0 1945 1946 Feb. Apr. May June June 27 29 20 3 24 5.5 13.7 16.0 18.6 21.5 7.0 - 1.2 - 3.5 - 6.1 - 8.8 Mar. Aug. 1948 Aug. 15 18 5 6.9 20.7 23.5 5.6 - 8.2 -11.0 Well #1-0- ■1? Lottie F. Martin Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1932 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 17 11.9 6.1 May Oct. 4 3 11.5 11.0 6.5 7.0 150 Well #1-C-19 Lottie F. Martin (Continued) Date 1935 Mar. Nov. 29 21 1936 Oct. 29 1937 Apr. Nov. 28 2 1938 Apr. Oct. 8 19 1939 Apr. Oct. 11 31 1940 Oct. 30 1941 May Oct. 1 28 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 5.8 19.7 20.2 17.0 16.0 13.0 16.0 16.0 17.0 10.5 10.5 14.5 Elevation of water surface 12.2 - 1.7 2.2 1.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 7.5 7.5 3.5 Date 1942 Apr. Oct. 13 20 1944 May Sep. 1 3 1945 May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Nov. 20 24 22 12 23 14 4 26 1946 Aug. Dec. 18 3 1947 Mar. Aug. Nov. 17 17 26 1948 Mar. Aug. 6 15 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 10.5 15.0 11.2 21.3 17.7 23.1 21.9 22.7 19.1 20.7 15.9 14.0 25.1 14.7 14.3 24.0 13.0 16.7 26.1 Elevation of water surface 7.5 3.0 6.8 3.3 0.3 5.1 3.9 4.7 1.1 2.7 2.1 4.0 5.1 3.3 3.7 6.0 5.0 1.3 8.1 Well #1-0-20 Jacob Jefferson Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Sep. 3 20.4 - 2.1 Oct. 14 19.3 - 1.0 Sep. 17 19.0 - 0.7 Nov. 4 15.6 2.7 Oct. 1 19.0 - 0.7 Nov. 27 12.7 5.6 Oct. 15 18.3 0.0 1946 194S Aug. 18 23.1 - 4.8 Oct. 29 16.3 2.0 Dec. 3 14.2 4.1 Apr. 29 18.1 0.2 May 20 17.3 1.0 1947 June 3 19.7 - 1.4 June 24 21.9 - 3.6 Mar. 17 13.0 5.3 July 22 22.3 - 4.0 Aug. 17 26.0 - 7.7 Aug. 12 24.0 - 5.7 Nov. 26 15.0 3.3 Sep. 2 21.4 - 3.1 Sep. 23 19.1 - 0.8 1948 Mar. 6 15.6 2.7 Well -C-22 Molera Estate Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1944 Feet surface 1944 Aug. 31 30.3 -14.3 Sep. 3 23.9 - 7-9 151 Well #1-0-22 Molera Estats Dist.R.P. (Continued) to water Elevation surface of water Date Feet surface 1944 Sep. 17 21.9 - 5.9 Oct. 1 21.6 - 5.6 Oct. 15 20.3 - 4.5 Oct. 29 15.5 0.5 Dec. 4 9.0 7.0 1945 Apr. 29 16.4 - 0.4 May 20 16.7 - 0.7 May 25 21.2 - 5.2 June 3 21.6 - 5.6 July 22 26.1 -10.1 Well #1-0-23 Molera Estate Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Date Feet surface 1944 Aug. 20 22.8 - 9.9 Sep. 3 19.8 - 6.9 Sep. 17 18.8 - 5.9 Oct. 1 17.4 - 4.5 Oct. 15 16.0 - 3.1 Oct. 29 13.5 - 0.6 Date 1945 Aug. 12 Sep. 2 Sep. 23 Nov. 26 1946 Aug. 18 1948 Aug. 15 Date 1946 Aug. 18 1947 Aug. 17 1948 Aug. 15 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 26.5 23.0 19.7 9.4 24.6 30.7 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 21.7 26.2 31.9 Elevation of water surface -10.5 - 7.0 1:1 8.6 -14.7 Elevation of water surface 8.8 -13.? -19.0 Well #1-C- -24 Molera Estate Date Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Aug. Aug. Sep. Sep. Oct. Oct. 8 20 3 17 1 15 24.6 -11.7 23.7 -10.8 19.7 - 6.8 17.3 - 4.4 18.2 - 5.3 17.1 - 4.2 Oct. Nov. Dec. 1946 Mar. 29 24 4 15 14.8 8.0 7.8 - 1.9 3.4 4.9 5.1 Well #1-0- ■2? Dorothy V. Oroutt, et al. Date Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface 1944 Sep. Oct. Oct. 3 1 29 20.1 - 5.2 18.8 - 3.9 16.7 - 1.8 152 Well #1-0-26 K. L. Martin, f Dist.R.P. 3t al. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1944 Feet surface 1944 Aug. 24 17.4 - 8.3 Dec. 2 7.0 2.1 Sep. 3 16.5 - 7.4 Oct. 1 15.8 - 6.7 1945 Oct. 29 11.2 - 2.1 Nov. 26 7.9 1.2 Well #1-0-27 Barbara Martin Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 July 24 19.9 - 9.3 Apr. 29 12.2 - 1.6 Aug. 20 18.1 - 7.5 Aug. 12 21.5 -10.9 Sep. 3 14.3 - 3.7 Sep. 2 16.8 - 6.2 Sep. 17 14.4 - 3.8 Oct. 14 15.5 - 4.9 Oct. 1 15.2 - 4.6 Nov. 4 10.7 - 0.1 Oct. 15 14.5 - 3.9 Nov. 26 8.9 1.7 Oct. 29 15.8 - 3.2 Well #1-0-28 Molera Estate Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevat ion to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Sep. 1 26.5 -11.0 Aug. 12 27.9 -12.4 Sep. 3 22.4 - 6.9 Sep. 2 23.0 - 7.5 Sep. 17 19.8 - 4.3 Sep. 23 20.4 - 4.5 Oct. 1 20.1 - 4.6 Oct. 14 21'5 - 6.0 Oct. 15 19.1 - 3.6 Nov. 4 13.8 1.7 Oct. 29 16.2 - 0.7 Nov. 27 10.8 4.7 Dec. 6 8.9 6.6 1946 1945 Mar. 12 7.4 8.1 Feb. 27 6.7 8.8 Aug. 18 25.6 -10.1 Apr. 29 17.8 - 2.3 May 20 17.0 - 1.5 1947 June 3 21.3 - 5.8 Aug. 17 30.2 -14.7 Well #1-0-31 Molera Estate Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Aug. 20 29-7 -11.8 June 3 25.8 - 7.9 Sep. 3 27.5 - 9.6 June 24 29.2 -11.3 Sep. 17 26.6 - 8.7 July 22 30.4 -12.5 Oct. 15 26.9 - 9.0 Aug. 12 ^l-^ -15.2 Oct. 29 19.6 - ^'2 Sep. 2 28.3 -10.4 Dec. 1 10.1 7.8 Sep. 23 22.1 - 4.2 Oct. 14 22.0 - 4.1 1945 Oct. 24 22.1 - 4.2 Nov. 4 15.7 2.2 Feb. 27 7.7 10.2 Nov. 26 12.4 5.5 Apr. 12 10.3 7.6 Apr. 29 18.1 - 0.2 1946 May 20 20.1 - 2.2 Aug. 18 27.3 - 9-4 153 Well #1-C-31 Molera Estate (Continued) Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1948 Feet surface 1947 Aug. 17 30.2 -12.3 Aug. 15 37.6 -19.7 Well #l-C-32 Molera Estate Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Aug. 20 23.9 - 9.4 Sep. 2 20.7 - 6.2 Sep. 3 19.0 - 4.5 Sep. 23 17.2 - 2.7 Sep. 17 17.6 - 3.1 Oct. 14 18.7 - 4.2 Oct. 1 18.5 - 4.0 Oct. 24 16.5 - 2.0 Oct. 15 17.3 - 3.0 Nov. 26 9.2 5.3 Oct. 29 14.2 0.3 1946 1945 Mar. 15 7.7 6.8 Apr. 29 14.2 0.3 Aug. 18 23.0 - 8.5 May 20 15.5 - 1.0 1947 June 5 19.8 - 5.3 June 24 23.6 - 9.1 July 22 22.6 - 8.1 Aug. 17 26.3 -11.8 Aug. 12 24.6 -10.1 Well #l-C-33 Molera Estate Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Aug. 29 29.0 -10.7 June 24 27.8 - 9.3 Sep. 3 24.6 - 6.3 July 22 27.1 - 8.8 Sep. 17 21.9 - 3.6 Aug. 12 29.5 -11.2 Oct. 1 23.2 - 4.9 Sep. 2 24.4 - 6.1 Oct. 15 21.5 - 3.0 Sep. 23 21.0 --\:l Oct. 29 19.3 - 1.0 Oct. 14 22.1 Nov. 4 15.7 2.6 1945 Nov. 26 13.0 5.3 Apr. 29 18.6 - 0.3 1946 May 20 20.1 - 1.8 June 3 24.0 - 5.7 Mar. 12 9.7 8.6 Well #l-C-36 Molera Estate Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1944 Feet surface 1944 Aug. 20 19.4 - 9'") Oct. 1 13.4 - 3.9 Sep. 3 14.9 - 5.4 Oct. 15 12.1 - 2.6 Sep. 17 12.6 - 3.1 Oct. 29 9.3 0.2 154 Well #l-C-?8 Jacob Jefferson Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Sep. Sep. Oct. 3 17 1 19.3 18.7 18.4 - 2.0 - 1.4 - 1.1 Oct. Oct. 15 29 18.1 16.3 - 0.8 1.0 Well #1-C- ■}? Jacob Jefferson Dist.R.P. to water Elevation Dist.R.P. to water Elevation Date surface Feet of water surface Date 1948 surface Feet of water surface 1945 Feb. 27 7.7 10.3 Aug. 15 31.9 -15.9 11.7 Aug. Well 17 #1-0-42 30.0 Dorothy V Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Dec. 1 9.7 Well #1-C- -43 Dorothy V Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1945 Jan. 23 9.7 Feb. 27 9.3 May 20 20.8 June 3 24.3 Sep. Oct. 23 21.5 14 22.4 Well #1-0- -Ap Basilio B: Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet -12.0 Orcutt, et al. Elevation of water surface 8.4 Orcutt, et al. Elevation of water surface 9.0 9.4 2.1 5.6 2.8 3.7 Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Nov . 2 6 Date 1945 Nov. Nov. 4 26 1946 Mar. 12 1944 Deo. 14 11.0 9.0 Date 1945 Nov. 27 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 13.8 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 16.2 13.3 9.8 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 14.0 Elevation of water surface 4.3 Elevation of water surface 2.5 5.4 8.9 Elevation of water surface 6.0 Well #1-0-46 Basilio Breschini Date 1944 Dec. 14 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 15.0 Elevation of water surface 10.0 Date 1943 Nov. 27 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 17.2 Elevation of water surface 7.8 155 Well #l-C-49n Lottie F. Martin Date 19't4 Aug. 2 Aug. 18 Aug. 20 Aug. 24 Sep. 1 Sep. 3 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 24.0 26.0 20.6 22.0 19.7 16.9 Elevation of water surface -14.2 -16.2 -10.8 -12.2 - 9.9 - 7.1 Date 1944 Sep. 6 Sep. 8 Sep. 17 Sep. 26 Oct. 1 Oct. 15 Oct. 29 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 20.7 21.3 14.3 17.3 17.8 14.1 12.9 Elevation of water surface -10.9 -11.5 - 4.5 - 3.0 ■ 3 ,1 - 4 - 3 Well #l - C-50d Kolera Estate Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface July 22 Aug. 20 Sep. 3 24.5 24.7 19.9 9.0 4.2 Well #l-C-33n K. L. Martin et si. Date 1944 July 25 Aug. 20 Sep. 3 Sep. 17 Oct. 1 Oct. 15 Oct. 29 Dec. 2 Dec. 4 Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 1945 Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Feb. 27 Mar. 1 Mar. 8 Mar. 15 Mar. 22 ffar. 29 Apr. 5 Apr. 12 Apr. 20 Apr. 27 Apr. 29 May 7 May 14 May 20 Ifcy 28 June ? June 11 June 18 June 24 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 15.5 14.9 12.5 11.9 11.5 12.0 9.9 6.0 6.4 6.6 6.4 6.5 6.1 5.8 5.7 5.4 5.5 5.3 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.5 6.4 6.2 6.0 6.7 6.3 11.6 9.7 10.0 13.1 9.9 10.2 12.1 13.5 13.1 12.2 14.4 Ele vation of water su rfaoe 7 .8 - 7 .2 - 4, .8 - 4, .2 - 3 .8 - 4 .3 _ 2. .2 1. .7 1, .3 1 .1 1. .3 1. .2 1, .6 1. .9 2. .0 2. .3 2. .2 2.4 2. ,1 2. .0 1. .9 2. .2 1, .3 1.5 1. .7 2. .3 1. ,0 1. .4 - 3. ■ 9 - 2. .0 - 2. >3 - 5. ,4 - 2. i2 - 2. 5 _ 4. ,4 - 5. 6 - 5. 4 - 4. 5 - 6. 7 Date 1945 June 25 July 2 July ll July July 22 July 23 July 30 Aug. 6 Aug. 13 Aug. 12 Aug. 20 Aug. 27 Sep. 4 Sep. 2 Sep. 11 Sep. 17 Sep. 23 Sep. 24 Oct. 1 Oct. 8 Oct. 14 Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Oct. 29 Nov. 4 Nov. 5 Nov. 7 Nov. 19 Nov. 26 Deo. 10 Dec. 17 1946 Jan. 14 Feb. 4 Mar. ^ Aug. 18 Dec. 3 1947 Mar. 17 13. 13. 12. 14. 15. 13. 16. 13- 13. 14. 12.0 12.3 13.4 13.8 l?.l 11.5 11.4 10.9 12.6 11.9 12.9 10.9 10.2 9.8 8.8 §•5 8.1 7.0 7.2 5.6 6.0 6.3 14.8 8.0 7.0 Elevation of water surface 6.1 6.0 5.8 6.0 8.8 6.2 5.4 6.3 4.3 4.6 5.7 6.1 4.4 3.8 5.2 3.2 2.5 2.1 1.1 0.8 0.4 0.7 0.5 0.6 1.4 2.1 1.7 1.4 7.1 0.3 0.7 156 Well #l-G-53n Molera Estate (Continued) Date 1947 Aug. 17 Nov. 26 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 14.8 8.2 Elevation of water surface 7.1 0.5 Date 1948 Mar. 6 Aug. 15 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 9.2 15.5 Elevation of water surface - 1.5 - 7.8 Well #l-C-54n Molera Estate Date 1944 Aug. 20 1945 June 24 July 22 Aug. 12 Sep. 2 Sep. 23 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 25.6 28.5 27.2 29.6 24.2 20.7 Elevation of water surface 8.4 -11.3 -10.0 -12.4 - 7.0 - 3.5 Date 1945 Nov. 26 1946 Aug. 18 1947 Aug. 17 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 12.3 27.2 28.9 Elevation of water surface 4.9 -10.0 -11.7 Well #2-0-2 W. F. Johnson Date 193? Oct. 12 1934 Nov. 9 1935 Mar. Nov. 29 21 1936 Nov. 2 1937 Apr. Nov. 28 2 1938 Apr. Oct. 8 19 1939 Apr. 11 1940 Apr. 15 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 38.4 41.2 31.0 6.0 34.0 35.0 34.0 26.0 32.0 27.0 25.0 Elevat Ion of water surface - 1.4 4.2 6.0 31.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 11.0 3.0 10.0 12.0 Date 1941 May Oct. 1 28 1942 Apr. Oct. 13 20 1943 Nov. 10 1944 May Dec. 1 4 1943 Feb. May Sep. Oct. Nov. Nov. 27 20 23 14 4 23 1946 Mar. Aug. 11 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 26.0 31.0 24.0 31.0 34.0 36.0 29.1 27.8 37.7 40.6 40.5 33.9 31.1 27.3 46.3 Eleva tion of water surface 11, 6. .0 ,0 13^ 6, .0 .0 3.0 1.0 7.9 9.2 0.7 3.6 3.5 3.1 5.9 9.7 9.3 157 Well #2-C-4 Cooper Estate Dlst.R.P. Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Dete Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Sep. 17 23.5 - 6.4 Sep. 2 27.5 -10.2 Oct. 1 24.7 - 7.6 Sep. 25 25.1 - 6.0 Oct. 15 24.6 - 7.5 Got. 14 22.7 - 5.6 Dec. 6 9.6 7.5 Nov. 4 Nov. 27 15.7 12.0 1.4 5.1 1945 1946 Feb. 27 7.4 9.7 Nay 20 20.3 - 3.2 Aug. 18 27.6 -10.5 June 3 24.8 - 7.7 June 24 29.7 -12.6 1948 July 22 30.1 -15.0 Aug. 12 52.7 -15.6 Aug. 15 58.8 -21.7 Well #2-0-6 Cooper Estate Dlst.R.P. to water surface Elevation of water Date Feet surface 1945 Sep. 23 21.9 - 2.1 Well #2-0-7 Cooper Estate Dlst.R.P. Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Nov. 29 10.0 11.0 Nov. 4 Nov. 25 13.9 12.2 5.1 8.8 1945 1946 Feb. 27 7.1 13.9 May 20 19.6 1.4 Aug. 18 27.8 - 6.8 June 3 24.2 - 3.2 June 24 27.6 - 6.6 1947 July 22 29.2 - 8.2 Sep. 2 24.9 - 3.9 Aug. 17 55.5 -12.5 Sep. 23 21.9 - 0.9 Oct. 14 21.4 - 0.4 1948 Aug. 15 35.3 -14.5 Well #2-C-9 Rose Ferrera Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 29 16.5 8.5 Feb. Nov. 27 25 15.8 18.1 11.2 6.9 158 Well #2-0-10 W. F. Johnson Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1944 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 19 9.0 5.0 Dec. 4 4.5 9.5 1932 1945 Mar. 11 4.8 9.2 Nov. 23 6.1 7.9 Sep. 30 9.5 4.5 Well #2-C-12 Frank C. Borges Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Oct. 1 18.4 - 2.1 June 24 25.8 - 9.5 Oct. 15 17.5 - 1.2 July 22 26.8 10.5 Dec. 1 7.3 9.0 Oct. 14 19.2 - 2.9 Nov. 4 12.5 3.8 1945 Nov. 26 9.6 6.7 Feb. May 27 20 it'.l 11.6 - 0.3 1946 June 3 21.3 - 5.0 Mar. 12 5.5 10.8 Well #2-0-1^ L. and Maria Farsetto Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 19 24.0 - 2.3 June 24 32.5 -10.8 Aug. 12 35.5 -13.8 1932 Sep. 2 27.6 - 5.9 Oct. 14 25.8 - 4.1 Mar. 11 14.6 7.1 Nov. 4 17.8 3.9 Sep. 30 25-5 - 3.8 Nov. 26 14.9 6.8 1944 1946 Oct. 1 25.4 - 3.7 Aug. 18 33.1 -11.4 Oct. 15 23.3 - 1.6 1947 1945 Aug. 17 39.1 -17.4 Apr. 29 23.6 - 1.9 May 20 22.7 26.6 - 1.0 1948 June 3 - 5.1 Aug. 15 38.0 -16.3 Well #2-0-15 Cooper Estate Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevetion of water surface 1931 Oct. 17 20.8 - 0.8 Apr. Nov. 29 23 23.0 14.9 - 5-0 5.1 1932 1946 Mar. Sep. 11 19 9.0 20.6 11.0 - 0.6 Mar. 15 11.2 8.8 155 well #2-0-19 Anne M. Nielson, et al. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Dist.R.P. to water surface Elevation of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1931 Oct. 12 16.1 6.9 Oct. 14 24.0 - 1.0 Nov. 4 17.3 l''^ 1952 Nov. 27 14.8 8.2 Mar. 9 6.0 17.0 1946 Oct. 5 15.8 7.2 Mar. 15 10.6 12.4 1944 Aug. 18 30.3 - 2-' Dec. 5 14.7 8.3 Sep. 2 28.8 - 5.8 Dec. 1 12.2 10.8 1947 194 'P Mar. 17 13.1 10.1 ^ug. 17 35.2 -12.2 Feb. 27 9.4 13.6 26.9 - 3.9 Nov. 29 16.9 6.1 June 3 June 24 29.7 - 6.7 1948 July 22 31.6 - 8.6 Sep. 23 24.4 - 1.4 Mar. 7 19.2 3.8 Aug. 15 43.4 -20.4 Well #?-C-23 Monterey County Bank Date 1931 Oct. 19 1932 Mar. Sep. 28 1944 Sep. 10 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 16.2 7.6 19.0 30.5 Elevation of water surface 8.8 17.4 6.0 5.5 Date 1945 Feb. 27 May 20 June 3 June 24 July 22 Aug. 12 Sep. 2 Sep. 23 Nov. 4 Nov. 27 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 12.6 25.0 27.4 51.9 31.3 36.7 28.6 25.2 19.4 16.7 Elevation of water surface 12.4 0.0 - 2.4 - 6.9 - 6.3 -11.7 - 3.6 - 0.2 5.6 8.3 Well i2-C-25A Monterey County Bank Date 1916 Oct. 15 1931 Oct. 16 1952 Mar. Sep. 9 28 1944 Dec. 1 1945 Apr. May June July 29 20 24 22 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 0.3 21.5 6.4 9.0 10.4 22.4 22.8 29.7 29.8 Elevation of water surface 23.7 2.5 17.6 15.0 13.6 1.6 1.2 - 5.7 - 5.8 Date 1945 Sep. 2 Sep. 23 Oct. 14 Nov. 4 Nov. 24 1946 Mar. 12 Aug. 18 Dec. 5 1947 Mar. 17 Aug. 17 Nov. 29 1948 Aug. 15 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 27.1 23.6 23.3 17.5 14.9 10.3 30.1 14.5 13.4 34.6 17.1 36.5 Elevation of water surface 3.1 0.4 0.7 6.5 9.1 13.7 - 6.1 9.5 10.6 -10.6 6.9 -12.5 160 Well #2-0- -28 John C. Orcutt Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 1945 Feb. June July Sep. 1 27 3 22 2 13.1 10.8 26.7 30.7 27.3 10.0 12.5 - 3.6 - 7.6 - 4.2 Sep. 23 Oct. 14 Nov. 4 Nov. 26 1946 Mar. 12 23.9 24.8 17.9 15.2 11.5 - 0.8 - 1.7 5.2 7.9 11.6 Well fz-o. -31 Cooper Estate Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1943 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 1932 Mar. Sep. 16 9 29 28.7 8.0 22.0 - 2.7 18.0 4.0 June 3 June 24 July 22 Nov. 24 1946 25.4 29.4 30.2 14.8 0.6 - 3.4 - 4.2 11.2 1944 Sep. Dec. 2 1 26.1 12.4 - 0.1 13.6 Mar. 12 Aug. 18 1947 10.2 31.4 15.8 - 5.4 1945 Aug. 17 34.0 - 8.0 Feb. Apr. 27 29 9.1 22.3 16.9 3.7 1948 Aug. 15 37.7 -11.7 Well #2-0- -?2 John C. Orcutt Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Sep. 2 28.6 - 8.6 Well #2-C. -33 M. E. King, et al. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 1932 Mar. Sep. 16 11 29 47.3 34.8 47.8 6.7 19.2 6.2 Feb. 27 Nov. 23 1946 Mar. 12 36.5 42.8 38.0 17.5 11.2 16.0 1944 Dec. 40.0 14.0 161 Well #2-C-?4 J. G. Bode Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1951 Oct. 16 35.6 1932 Mar. Sep. 9 29 15.3 26.2 1935 Nov. 16 23.0 1934 Nov. 2 26.0 1935 Mar. Nov. 29 21 20.0 31.0 1936 Oct. 29 27.1 1937 Apr. Nov. 28 2 21.5 25.0 1938 Apr. Oct. 8 19 17.0 24.0 1939 Apr. Oct. 11 31 20.0 26.0 1940 Apr. Oct. 15 30 17.0 25.5 Veil #2-C-35 Anne M. 1 Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1.9 18.4 7.5 10.7 7.7 13.7 2.7 6.6 12.2 8.7 16.7 9.7 13.7 7.7 16.7 8.2 Elevation of wa te r surface 1944 Sep. 1945 29.7 Apr. 29 26.6 May 20 25.9 June 3 28.9 June 24 32.7 July 22 35.2 Sep. 2 32.0 Sep. 23 26.6 Oct. 14 26.5 5.7 - 2.b - 1.9 - 4.9 - 8.7 -11.2 - 8.0 - 2.6 - 2.5 Date 1941 May 1 Oct. 28 1942 Apr. 15 Oct. 20 1943 Apr. 26 Nov. 10 1944 Apr. 22 Sep. 10 Dec. 1 1945 Feb. 27 Sep. 2 Nov. 27 1946 Aug. 18 Dec. 5 1947 Mar. 17 Aug. 17 Nov. 29 1948 Mar. 7 Aug. 15 Date 1945 Nov. Nov. 4 26 1946 Mar. 12 1947 Aug. 17 1948 Aug. 15 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 18.0 22.0 15.0 22.0 25.0 26.0 28.5 32.9 20.1 16.3 35.7 23.0 39.5 23.5 25-2 44.9 27.6 30.0 51.? Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 19.8 17.0 12.7 39.9 44.0 Elevat ion of water surface 15.7 11.7 18.7 11.7 8.7 7.7 5-i 0.8 13.6 17.4 - 2.0 10.7 - 5.8 10.2 8.5 -11.2 6.1 3.7 -17.6 Elevation of water surface 4.2 7.0 11.3 -15.9 -20.0 lh^ Uell -C-37 Cooper Estate Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1941 Feet surface 1931 Oct. 16 20.1 4.4 May 1 12.0 12.5 Nov. 28 15.0 9.5 1932 1942 Mar. 9 8.8 15.7 Oct. 4 18.7 5.8 Apr. 13 9.0 15.5 Oct. 20 16.5 8.0 1933 1943 Nov. 16 16.0 8.5 Nov. 10 17.0 7.5 1934 1944 Nov. 2 17.6 6.9 Apr. 21 21.2 3.3 1935 Sep. Dec. 1 1 27.8 12.9 - 3.3 11.6 Mar. Nov. 29 20 10.1 14.7 4.4 9.8 1945 1936 Feb. 27 10.3 14.2 June 24 28.9 - 4.4 Oct. 29 19.6 4.9 Aug. 12 33.7 - 9.2 Sep. 2 27.0 - 2.5 1937 Nov. 24 15.2 9.3 Apr. 28 16.6 7.9 1946 Nov. 2 22.0 2.5 Aug. 18 30.1 - 5.6 1938 Dec. 6 14.8 9.7 Apr. 8 10.0 14.5 1947 Oct. 19 16.0 8.5 Mar. 17 14.2 10.3 1939 Aug. 17 34.0 - 9.5 Nov. 29 18.4 6.1 Apr. 11 13.0 11.5 1948 Oct. 31 21.0 ^.5 1940 Aug. 15 37.7 -13.2 Apr. 15 11.0 13.5 Oct. 30 20.0 4.5 Uell #2-C-?8 Cooper Estate Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1931 Oct. 16 31.0 - 5.3 Feb. 27 13.5 12.2 June 3 28.1 - 2.4 1932 June 24 30.2 - 4.5 July 22 31.0 - 5.3 May 1? 8.0 17.7 Sep. 2 29.1 - 5.4 Sep. 28 19.2 6.5 Nov. 23 18.2 7.5 1944 1946 Sep. 1 35-0 - 9.3 Aug. 18 31.8 - 6.1 Deo. 6 15.7 10.0 1947 Aug. 17 35.4 - 9.7 163 Well #2-C- -?9 W. J. Schween Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 16 25.7 3.9 Nov. 23 19.2 8.4 1932 1946 Mar. 9 Sep. 28 11.7 23.3 15.9 4.3 Mar. 12 15.2 12.4 1944 Sep. 10 Dec. 6 35.6 16.6 - 6.0 11.0 Well #2-C- -40 Vida Jacks Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 15 23.9 1.1 Dec. 6 12.8 12.2 1932 1945 Mar. 9 Aug. 28 12.8 22.8 12.2 2.2 Feb. Aug. Nov. 27 1? 23 10.3 30.7 15.3 14.7 - 5.7 9.7 Well #2-C- -41 Yuki and 3imn Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevat ion of water surface 1944 Sep. 6 Dec. 1 27.2 14,4 - 1.4 11.4 Aug. Nov. 12 23 32.9 16.5 - 7.1 9.3 1945 1947 Feb. 27 11.6 14.2 Aug. 17 36.2 -10.4 Well #2-C- .43 Cooper Estate Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Sep. 2 Dec. 6 1945 Feb. 27 May 20 Not. 24 29.7 14.9 12.1 26.5 17.4 - 2.6 12.2 15.0 0.6 9.7 Aug. ]948 AUfe- 18 15 33.7 42.1 - "6.6 -15.1 Well #2-C- -44 Cooper Estate Date Dist.R.P. to water surfaf^e Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Sep. 2 31.6 - 3.5 164 Well #2-C- 50 F. Luis Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1940 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1916 Aug. 23 1.4 27.9 Apr. 15 12.0 17.3 1931 1941 Oct. 13 24.7 4.6 Oct. 28 17.0 12.3 1932 1942 Mar. 9 Sep. 28 11.0 21.6 18.3 7.7 Apr. 13 Oct. 20 10.0 20.0 19.3 9.3 1933 1943 Nov. U 15.6 13.7 Apr. 26 21.0 8.3 1934 1944 Nov. 9 20.5 9.0 May 1 Dec. 6 24.8 15.5 4.5 13.8 1935 Mar. 27 Nov. 20 12.8 20.1 16.5 9.2 1945 Nov. 27 18.7 10.6 1936 1946 Oct. 29 23.8 5.5 Dec. 6 18.4 10.9 1937 1947 Apr. 28 Nov. 2 1938 17.0 21.0 12.3 8.3 Mar. 17 Aug. 17 Nov. 27 1948 17.6 40.1 23.2 11.7 -10.6 6.1 Apr. 8 Oct. 19 12.0 18.0 17.3 11.3 Mar. 6 Aug. 15 25.7 44.5 3.6 -15.0 1939 Apr. 11 Oct. 31 16.0 21.0 13.3 8.3 Well #2-0- -5? August H. Schmidt Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 19'*'l Nov. 30 18.0 14.8 Deo. 5 20.0 12.8 1945 19*7 Nov. 24 20.7 12.1 Mar. 17 18.3 14.5 Well #2-0' -?5 Ed. H. Bordges Dist.R.P. to water Elevation Date surface Feet of water surface 1944 Sep. 12 36.7 - 3.7 Well #2-C-^7 Elizabeth H. Sohween 165 Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1940 - Feet surface 1951 Oct. 13 21.2 9.4 Apr. 15 10.0 20.6 Oct. 30 19.5 11.1 1932 1941 Mar. 9 8.8 21.8 Oct. 3 19.8 10.8 Oct. 28 16.0 14.6 1933 1942 Nov. 14 19.0 11.6 Apr. 13 6.5 24.1 Got. 20 16.0 14.6 1934 1943 Nov. 11 22.0 8.6 Apr. 26 19.0 11.6 1935 Nov. 10 20.0 10.6 Mar. 27 10.6 20.0 1944 Nov. 20 15.3 15.3 May- 1 21.1 9.5 1936 Dec. 1 13.5 17.1 Oct. 20 20.6 10.0 1945 1937 Nov. 22 16.6 14.0 Apr. 28 10.6 20.0 1946 Nov. 2 18.0 12.6 Mar. 12 11.9 18.7 1938 Dec. 6 15.6 15.0 Apr. 8 9.0 21.6 1947 Oct. 19 16.0 14.6 Mar. 17 13.0 17.6 8.0 1939 Nov. 27 22.6 Apr. 11 13.0 17.6 1948 Oct. 31 20.0 10.6 Mar. 6 25.1 5.5 Well #2-0-59 Margaret R. McHarry Date 1931 Oct. 13 1932 Mar. Sep. 9 26 1933 Nov. 14 1934 May Nov. 15 2 1935 Mar. Nov. 27 20 1936 Oct. 29 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 20.6 5.0 20.1 15.0 30.3 17.0 8.2 14.3 19.5 Elevation of water surface 8.4 24.0 8.9 14.0 - 1.3 12.0 20.8 14.7 9.5 Date 1937 Apr. Nov. 28 2 1938 Apr. Oct. 8 19 1939 Apr. Oct. 11 31 1940 Apr. Oct. 15 30 1941 May Oct. 1 28 1942 Apr. 13 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 16.0 16.0 12.0 15.0 12.0 19.0 9.0 17.0 8.0 14.0 6.5 Elevation of water surface 13.0 13.0 17.0 14.0 17.0 10.0 20.0 12.0 21. 15. 22.5 166 Well #2-0-59 Margaret R. McHarry (Continued) Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1942 Oct. 20 16.0 13.0 1943 Apr. 26 Nov. 10 17.0 17.0 12.0 12.0 1944 May 1 20.2 8.8 well #2-C-60 D. P. McFadden, et al. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Sep. 10 Nov. 30 31.8 18.2 - 0.2 13.4 1945 Feb. 26 Date 1944 Nov. 50 1945 Feb. 26 1946 Mar. Pec. 12 6 Date 1945 Nov. 24 1946 Mar. 12 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 12.1 7.9 10.5 20.5 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 15.4 16.2 20.5 17.0 Elevation of water surface 16.9 21.1 18.5 10.9 Elevation of water surface 11.1 14.6 Well -C-6ld Peter Breschini, et al. Date 1916 Aug. 22 19:1 Oct. 13 1932 Feb. Feb. Feb. 3 11 24 Mar. May Sep. 9 11 26 1933 Nov. 14 1934 Nov. 2 1935 Mar. Nov. 27 20 1936 Oct. 29 1937 Apr. Nov. 28 2 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 8.0 26.5 14.5 10.6 13.2 15.4 20.1 25.0 21.0 23.6 15.8 20.6 25.0 25.0 22.0 Elevation of water surface 23.4 Date 4.9 16.9 20.8 18.2 16.0 11.3 6.4 10.4 7.8 15.6 10.8 6.4 8.4 9.4 1938 Apr. Oct. 8 19 1939 Apr. Oct. 11 31 1940 Apr. Oct. 15 30 1941 May Oct. 1 28 1942 Apr. Oct. 13 20 1943 Apr. Nov. 26 10 1944 Apr. Nov. 21 30 1945 Nov. 24 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 16.0 21.0 19.0 24.0 15.0 24.0 16.0 20.0 13.0 22.0 22.5 23.0 29.0 18.6 21.1 Elevation of water surface 15.4 10.4 12.4 7.4 16.4 17.4 15.4 11.4 18.4 9.4 8.9 8.4 2.4 12.8 10.3 Ki? Well #g-C-6ld Peter Breschini, et al. (Continued) Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 - Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 19*6 Dec. 5 20.5 10.9 Nov. 29 24.4 7.0 1947 1948 Mar. 17 18.5 13.1 Mar. 6 28.1 3-3 Well #2-C- -66 Thelma L. Whitney Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1932 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 13 26.1 3.9 Sep. 26 24.2 5.8 19J2 1944 Mar. 9 11.9 18.1 Sep. 13 35-3 - 5.5 Well #2-C- -68 0. P. Bordin Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 13 21.5 10.2 Nov. 30 13.5 18.2 1932 1945 Mar. 8 Sep. 26 7.5 20.0 24.2 11.7 Nov. 22 16.8 14.9 Well #2-C- -69 Roy B. Martella Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Sep. 12 34.1 - 2.6 Nov. 27 19.6 11.9 1945 1946 Feb. 26 12.7 18.8 Mar. 12 15.2 16.3 Well #2-C- ■70 Roy B. Martella Date Dist.R.P. to water surfdce Feet Elevat ion of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Sep. 10 Dec. 1 36.3 22.4 1.2 15.1 Nov. 27 25.6 11.9 168 Well jf2-C-7? Sohween and Armstrong, Trustees Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface ?eet 1944 Nov. 30 13.1 Well #2-C-75 Schween f Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet Elevation of water surface 19.4 Elevation of water surface 1945 Apr. 5 Date 1945 Feb. 26 Nov. 22 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 16.5 Elevation of water surface 23.7 16.0 9.2 22.8 Well #2-0-76 D. P. McFadden, et al. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Dec. 1 21.1 1945 Nov. 24 18.6 Well #2-0-80 N. L. Ko\ Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1931 Oct. 1932 Mar. Oct. 1933 Nov. 1934 Nov. 1935 Mar. Nov. 1936 Oct. 1937 Apr. Nov. 1958 Apr. Oct. 14 14 27 20 29 28 2 19 25.8 11.6 23.7 22.0 25.4 13.0 20.0 25.0 24.5 24.0 15.0 21.0 Elevation of water surface 6.5 9.0 Elevation of water surface 13.0 27.2 15.1 16.8 13.4 25.8 18.8 13.8 14.; 14. f 23.8 17.8 Date 1946 Mar. 12 Date 1939 Apr. Oct. 11 31 1940 Apr. Oct. 15 30 1941 May Oct. 1 28 1942 Apr. Oct. 13 20 1943 Nov. 11 1944 Apr. Nov. 20 30 1945 Feb. Nov. 26 24 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 14.6 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 25.0 24.0 9.5 23.0 12.0 16.0 9.0 24.0 22.0 26.2 18.0 12.5 21.9 Elevation of water sxirface 13.0 Elevation of water surface 13.8 14.8 29.3 15.8 26.8 22.8 29.8 14.8 16.8 12.6 20.8 26.3 16.9 169 Well #2-C- -80 N. L. Koue (Continued) Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1946 Mar. 12 16.3 22.5 Nov. 29 29-0 9.8 Deo. 10 21.0 17.8 1948 1947 Mar. 6 32.3 6.5 Mar. 17 17.1 21.7 Well #2-C- -82 J. T. Herri ngton Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 1 12.6 20.3 Feb. Nov. 26 22 7.5 17.2 25.4 15.7 Well #2-0-83 F. Giottoninl Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 30 1945 Feb. 21 23.2 17.4 Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 6 19.0 20.4 1945 Nov. 24 22.2 17.2 Well #2-C- -86 Nels L. Koue Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date Feet surface 19J1 Oct. 14 32.1 11.8 1932 Mar. Sep. 8 24 12.7 27.4 31.2 16.5 Well #2-C-90 M. Ichikawa Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 22.0 27.8 Date 1946 Mar. 12 Date 1944 Nov. 30 1945 Feb. 21 Nov. 21 Date 1945 Nov. 21 1946 Mar. 12 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 17.4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 23.0 17.1 27.3 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 27.7 21.3 Elevation of water surface 22.0 Elevation of water surface 20.9 26.8 16.6 Elevation of water surface .17.5 23.9 170 Well fL -c-9£ [ 0. L. Martella Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 1 27.4 17.6 Feb. 27 Nov. 24 22.7 28.8 22.3 16.2 Well #2-C- •100 H. P. Garin Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 15 35.7 8.5 Feb. 27 25.7 16.3 1932 1946 Mar. 5 Sep. 28 24.0 32.8 18.0 9.2 Mar. 12 23.8 18.2 Well #2-C- -108 Inna C. Riewerts Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 29 51.8 16.2 Mar. 12 48.9 19.1 1945 Nov. 23 54.5 13.5 Well #2-0- -109 M. Minbote Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 29 26.9 18.1 Nov. 23 29.6 13.4 194> 1946 Feb. 27 21.4 23.6 Mar. 12 24.3 20.7 Well #2-C -11^ Peter M. Dolan Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1934 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 19 37.0 19.0 Nov. 9 44.0 12.0 1932 1935 Mer. 17 Oct. 7 31.3 37.1 24.7 18.9 Apr. Nov. 1 22 37.0 39.4 19.0 16.6 1933 1936 Nov. 12 41.0 13.0 Oct. 30 43.2 10.8 171 Well #2-C-ll? Peter M. Dolan (Continued) Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1942 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1937 Apr. 29 59.0 17.0 Oct. 21 42.0 14.0 1938 1943 Apr. 8 Oct. 19 34.0 41.0 22.0 15.0 Apr. 26 Nov. 11 45.0 43.0 11.0 13.0 1939 1944 Apr. 11 Oct. 31 36.0 40.0 20.0 16.0 Apr. 24 Nov. 29 44.9 39.2 11.1 16.8 1940 1945 Apr. 16 Nov. 1 34.0 44.0 22.0 12.0 Feb. 27 Nov. 28 34.0 41.6 22.0 14.4 1941 1946 May 2 Oct. 29 33.0 40.0 23.0 22.0 Dec. 11 40.1 15.9 1942 1947 Apr. 14 31.0 25.0 Mar. 17 Nov. 29 38.7 45.5 17.3 10.5 Well /2-C-II6 C. Fontes, et al. • Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 21 42.8 15.2 Dec. 4 42.0 16.0 1932 1945 Mar. 17 Sep. 29 35.6 41.7 22.4 16.3 Jan. 23 Feb. 27 45.0 37.7 13.0 20.3 Well #2-C-117 J. E. Uilmoth Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1932 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 19 48.8 15.2 Sep. 29 56.6 8.4 1932 1945 Mar. 17 42.7 22.5 Oct. 28 57.6 7.4 Well #2-C-119 Gularte Brothers Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1933 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 21 55^0 21.0 Nov. 12 49.6 26.4 1952 193A Mar. 17 Sep. 29 39.4 61.2 36.6 14.8 Nov. 9 52.8 23.2 172 Well #2-0-119 Gularte Brothers (Continued) Date 1935 Apr. Nov. 1 22 1956 Nov. 2 1937 Apr. 29 1938 Apr. Oct. 8 19 1939 Apr. Nov. 11 1 1940 Apr. Nov. 16 1 1941- Mb y Oct. 2 29 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 54.0 57.5 61.3 52.0 57.0 61.0 55.0 60.0 50.0 85.0 65.0 60.0 Elevation of water surface 22.0 19.5 14.7 24.0 19.0 15.0 21.0 16.0 26.0 - 9.0 11.0 16.0 Date 1942 Apr. 14 1943 Apr. Nov. 27 11 1944 Apr. Nov. 22 29 1945 Nov. 23 1946 Mar. Dec. 12 5 1947 Mar. Nov. 17 29 1948 Mar. 7 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 46.0 55.0 56.0 56.5 55.5 58.1 52.5 57.8 54.4 60.5 67.7 Elevation of water surface 30.0 21.0 20.0 19.5 20.5 17.9 23-5 18.2 21.6 15.5 8.3 Well #2-0-121 A. G. Silverla Date 1931 Nov. 18 1932 Mar. Sep. 17 29 1944 Dec. 2 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 59.1 53.0 58.0 54.0 Elevation of water surface 12.9 19.0 14.0 18.0 Date 1945 Feb. 27 Nov. 23 1946 Mar. 12 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 47.8 55.7 50.3 Elevation of water surface 24.2 16.5 21.7 Well #2-0-123 E. C. Eaton Date 1931 Nov. 30 1932 Mar. Sep. 17 29 1933 Nov. 12 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 49.8 47.8 56.7 49.0 Elevation of water surface 17.2 19.2 10.3 18.0 Date 1934 Nov. 16 1935 Apr. Nov. 1 21 1936 Oct. 30 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 52.3 43.6 53.8 56.5 Elevation of water surface 14.7 18.4 13.2 10.5 173 Well #2-C-12? E. C. Eaton (Continued) Date 1937 Apr. Nov. 29 5 1938 Apr. Oct. 8 19 1939 Apr. Nov. 11 1 19*0 Apr. Nov. 16 1 1941 May Oct. 2 29 1942 Apr. Oct. 14 21 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 51.0 M.5 47.0 52.0 50.0 55.0 46.0 55.0 46.0 51.0 45.0 53.0 ElevEtion of water surface 16.0 12-5 20.0 15.0 17.0 12.0 21.0 12.0 21.0 16.0 22.0 14.0 Date 1943 Apr. 27 1944 May Dec. 1 2 1945 Feb. Nov. 27 23 1946 Mar. Dec. 12 5 1947 Mar. Nov. 17 29 1948 Mar. 7 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 52.0 53.8 50.8 47.5 54.3 48.8 54.7 53.6 63.5 60.2 Elevation of water surface 15.0 13.2 16.2 19.5 12.7 18.2 12.3 13.4 3.5 6.8 Well #2-0-123 L. A. and Zelma Wilder Date 1945 Aug. 12 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 36.5 Elevation of water surface 6.5 Well #2-C-127 Michael Pontes, et al. Date 1944 Sep. 10 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 31.1 Elevation of water surface - 0.1 Date 1945 Aug. 12 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 37.8 Elevation of water surface - 6.8 Well #2-0-128 A. H. Bordges Date 1944 Sep. 10 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 32.5 Elevation of water surface - 0.5 Well #2-0-129 A. H. Bordges Date 1944 Sep. 10 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 36.3 Elevation of water surface 1.7 Date 1945 Feb. Nov. 26 27 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 19.0 26.7 Elevation of water surface 19.0 11.3 n* Well #2-0-130 Antonio Balestra Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Sep. 12 35.8 3.7 Feb. 26 17.4 22.1 Dec. 1 21.8 17.7 Nov. 27 26.0 13.5 Well #2-0-136 B. Guidotti Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1946 Feet surface 1944 Dec. 4 4.4 13.6 Mar. 15 2.7 15.3 Aug. 18 21.9 - 3.9 1945 Dec. b 6.9 11.1 Feb. 27 1.5 16.5 1947 June 3 16.7 1.3 June 24 19.8 - 1.8 Mar. 17 3.4 14.6 July 22 20.6 - 2.6 Aug. 17 26.2 - 8.2 Aug. 12 22.8 - 4.8 Nov. 27 9.9 8.1 Sep. 2 18.2 - 0.2 Sep. 23 16.0 2.0 1948 Oct. 14 15.0 3.0 Nov. 4 9.5 8.5 Mar. 6 11.0 7.0 Nov. 30 6.3 11.7 Aug. 15 27.1 - 9.1 Well #2-0-140 H. T. Davis Date 1944 Nov. 1945 Feb. 29 27 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 40.4 Elevation to water surface 14.6 36.3 18.7 Date 1945 Nov. 23 1946 Mar. 12 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 42.9 Elevation of water surface 12.1 38.0 17.0 Well #2-0-142 M. T. De Serpa Date 1944 Sep. Nov. 1945 Feb. 10 29 27 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 31.1 15.7 Elevation of water surface - 0.1 15.3 11.4 19.6 Date 1945 Nov. 23 1946 Mar. 12 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 18.2 13.5 Elevation of water surface 12.8 17.5 Well #2-0-144 R. A. Stump Date 1945 Nov. 15 1946 Mar. 13 Nov. 12 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 58.6 54.5 66.0 Elevation of water surface 24.4 28.5 17.0 Date 1947 Mar. 20 Nov. 26 1948 Mar. 7 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 55.2 73.6 Elevation of water surface 27.8 9.4 71.1 11.9 175 Well #2- C-14$ M. Cunha Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1940 Feet surface 1951 Nov. 18 71.1 17.9 Apr. 16 57.0 32.0 Nov. 1 61.0 28.0 1932 1941 Mar. 11 63.0 26.0 May 16 49.0 40.0 May 2 56.0 33.0 Sep. 30 61.9 27.1 Oct. 29 56.0 33.0 1933 1942 Nov. 2 59.0 30.0 Apr. 14 52.0 37.0 Oct. 21 56.0 33.0 1934 1943 Nov. 9 64.0 25.0 Apr. 27 55.0 3-4.0 1935 Nov. 11 56.0 33.0 Mar. 29 62.0 27.0 1944 Nov. 22 64.2 24.8 Apr. 21 56.7 32.3 1936 Nov. 29 69.0 20.0 Oct. 30 65.0 24.0 1945 1937 Feb. 27 66.0 23.0 Not. 15 72.7 16.5 Apr. 29 65.8 23.2 Nov. 3 60.0 29.0 1946 1938 Mar. 13 71.7 17.3 Nov. 12 76.3 12.7 Apr. 8 53.0 36.0 Oct. 19 63.0 26.0 1947 1959 Mar. 20 68.8 20.2 Nov. 26 76.6 12.4 Apr. 11 60.0 29.0 Nov. 1 61.0 28.0 1948 Mar. 7 79.3 9.7 Well #2-0-146 M. Cunha Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 28 67.0 21.0 Nov. 14 77.1 10.9 1945 1947 Feb. Nov. 27 15 63.6 70.1 24.4 17.9 Mar. Nov. 20 26 65.9 73.5 22.1 14.5 well #2-0- -147n D. P. McFaciden, et al. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. 20 26 2 9 27.7 25.6 23.9 21.2 3.5 5.6 7.3 10.0 Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. 16 23 30 7 20.2 19.6 19.4 19.1 11.0 11.6 11.8 12.1 176 Veil #2-C-147n D. P. McFadden, et al. (Continued) Date 1944 Dec . 14 Dec. 21 Dec. 29 1945 Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 8 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Feb. 27 Mar. 1 Mar. 8 Mar. 15 Mar. 22 Mar. 29 Apr. ^ Apr. 12 Apr. 18 Apr. 27 May 14 May 21 May 28 June 4 June 11 June 18 June 25 July 2 July 9 July 16 July 2J July 30 Aug. 6 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 18.9 18.7 18.1 17.7 17.5 17.2 17.5 17.4 16.7 16.2 16.4 16.4 16.2 16.3 18.0 16.6 15.9 16.1 19.3 23.7 31.8 30.6 29.2 29.3 31.2 30.4 32.7 33-2 37.8 37.1 36.9 38.2 37.0 35.1 Elevation of water surface 12.3 12.5 13.1 13.5 13.7 14.0 13.0 14.5 15.0 14.8 14.8 15.0 14.9 13.2 14.6 15.3 13.1 11.9 7.5 - 0.6 0.6 2.0 1.9 0.0 0.8 - 1.5 5.9 5.7 7.0 5.8 3.9 Date 1945 Aug. 12 Aug. 13 Aug. 20 Aug. 27 Sep. 4 Sep. 11 Sep. 17 Sep. 24 Got. 1 Oct. 8 Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Oct. 29 Nov. 5 Nov. 13 Nov. 19 Nov. 24 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 37.8 35.6 32. 35. 32. 34. 34. 30.5 30.4 29.9 29.0 29.5 26.9 24.0 22.8 22.1 22.0 20.1 19.7 Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. Dec. 15 5 5 12 6 17. 17. 17. 17. 21. .9 ,6 .7 .9 .3 1947 Mar. Aug. Nov. 17 17 29 20. 39. 24. ,4 .1 .7 1948 Mar. Aug. 6 15 28, 44, .3 .7 Elevation of water surface 6.6 4.4 0.9 4.8 1.0 3.7 4.3 7.2 8.4 9.1 9.2 11.1 11.5 13. 13. 13. 15. 9. 10.8 - 7.9 6.5 2.9 -13.5 Well #2-C-148n 0. P. Bardin Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to wa ter Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Sep. 22 26.5 5.8 Feb. 15 9.7 22.6 Sep. 29 27.0 5.3 Feb. 22 10.0 22.3 Oct. 5 25.3 7.0 Mar. 1 9.8 22.5 Oct. 12 27.3 5.0 Mar. 8 10.1 22.2 Oct. 19 24.5 7.8 Mnr. 15 12.4 19.9 Oct. 26 23.1 9.2 Mar. 22 10.6 21.7 Nov. 2 l?*i 13.2 Mar. 29 9.4 22.9 Nov. 9 16.8 15.5 Apr. 5 10.1 22.2 Nov. 16 15.2 ^''•J Apr. 12 13.8 18.5 Nov. 23 14.5 17.8 Apr. 19 19.8 12.5 Nov. 30 14.6 17.7 Apr. 27 25.1 7.2 Dec. 7 14.0 18.3 May 8 25.7 6.6 Dec. 14 14.0 18.3 May 14 27.9 4.4 Deo. 21 13.4 18.9 May 2 26.9 5.4 Deo. 29 12.7 19.6 May 28 28.9 3.4 June 4 28.0 4.3 1945 June 11 27.3 5.0 June 18 29.0 3.3 Jan. 4 11.9 20.4 June 25 31.3 1.0 Jan. 11 11.5 20.8 July 2 52.1 0.2 Jan. 18 11.3 21.0 July 9 31.5 0.8 Jan. 25 11.8 20.5 July 16 31.9 0.4 Feb. 1 11.7 10. b 20.6 July 23 31.9 0.4 Feb. 8 21.7 July 30 32.0 0.3 177 Well #2-C-148n 0. P. Bardln (Continued) Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1945 Aug. 6 31.9 0.4 Nov. 19 18.1 14.2 Aug. 13 33.6 - 1.3 Nov. 23 17.9 14.4 Aug. 20 30.8 1.5 Nov. 26 17.9 14.4 Aug. 27 30.6 1.7 Deo. 6 16.0 16.5 Sep. 4 31.2 1.1 Dec. 10 15.2 17.1 Sep. 11 31.6 0.7 Dec. 17 14.6 17-7 Sep. 17 30.7 1.6 Sep. 24 28.9 3.4 1946 Oct. 1 27.0 5.3 Oct. 8 26.2 6.1 Jan. 15 1?.3 20.0 Oct. 15 26.1 6.2 Feb. 5 11.7 20.6 Oct. 22 25-1 6.8 Mar. 5 11.2 21.1 Oct. 29 23.8 8.5 Mar. 12 13.0 19.3 Nov. 5 21.1 11.2 Dec. 10 16.2 16.1 Nov. 13 19.0 13.3 Well #2-0- -149 W. F. Johnson Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1947 Feet surface 1945 Apr. 29 20.0 - 3.0 Aug. 17 30.7 -13.7 June 3 24.7 - 7.7 June 24 27.6 -10.6 1948 Aug. 12 29.3 -12.3 Nov. 23 11.3 5.7 Aug. 15 35.4 -16.4 1946 Aug. 18 26.4 9.4 Well #2-C-153n M. B. Gularte Date 1916 Aug. 18 1931 Nov. 18 1932 Mar. Sep. 11 30 1933 Nov. 12 1934 May Nov. 15 9 1935 Apr. 26 1936 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 46.5 Nov. 50.0 44.5 52.5 44.0 51.8 48.0 50.1 52.4 Elevation of water surface 13.5 Date 10.0 15.5 7.5 16.0 8.2 12.0 9.9 7.6 1937 Apr. Nov. 29 3 1938 Apr. Oct. 8 19 1939 Apr. Nov. 11 1 1940 Apr. 16 1942 Oct. 21 1943 Apr. Nov. 27 11 1944 Apr. 21 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 50.0 51.0 44.0 51.0 46.0 55.0 45.0 53.0 51.0 51.0 50.1 Elevation of water surface 10.0 9.0 16.0 9.0 14.0 5.0 15.0 7.0 9.0 9.0 9.9 178 Veil #3-C-ld Blanco Dairy Date Dist.R.P. to wa ter surface Feet 1931 Oct. 29 64.7 1932 Mar. Oct. 18 1 35.6 35.0 1933 Nov. 12 48.0 1934 Nov. 10 56.4 1935 Mar. Nov. 29 22 50.6 49.7 1936 Nov. 2 34.8 1937 Apr. Nov. 29 3 16.0 21.0 1938 Apr. Oct. 9 20 11.0 16.0 1939 Apr. Nov. 12 1 17.0 25.0 Well #3-0-3 P. Abeloe Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1931 Oct. 29 1932 Mar. 18 Oct. 1 61.9 27.0 28.9 Elevation of watsr surface 1931 Oct. 29 55-7 109.3 1932 Mar. Oct. 18 1 27.0 32.0 138.0 133.0 Well #3-C-2n L. Stirling Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 115.3 144.4 145.0 132.0 123.6 129.4 130.3 145.2 164.0 159.0 169.0 164.0 163.0 155.0 Elevation of water surface 108.1 143.0 141.1 Date 1944 Nov. 27 1946 Nov. 18 Date 1940 Apr. Nov. 16 1 1941 May Oct. 2 29 1942 Apr. Oct. 14 21 1943 Apr. Nov. 27 11 1944 Nov. 11 1946 Nov. 14 1947 Mar. Nov. 20 25 1948 Mar. Deo. 8 6 Date 1944 Nov. 27 1945 Mar. Nov. 1 16 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 18.0 19.7 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 12.0 20.0 10.0 15.0 11.0 20.0 12.0 19.0 23.5 38.8 40.0 50.4 54.8 63.6 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 114.5 110.0 119.0 Elevation of water surface 147.0 145.3 Elevation of water surface 168.0 IbO.O 170.0 165.0 169.0 160.0 168.0 161.0 156.5 141.2 140.0 129.6 125.2 116.4 Elevation of water surface 55.5 60.0 51.0 179 Well #3-C-3 P. Abeloe (Con tinued) Date Dist.H.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1948 Dist.H.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1946 Nov. 1947 14 134.0 36.0 Mar. 8 Dec. 5 159.8 138.4 30.2 31.6 Nov. Nov. 20 25 121.2 129.5 48.8 40.5 Well #?-c-5 Blanco Dairy Date Dist.H.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dist.H.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 27 14.7 147.3 Nov. 25 40.3 121.7 1945 1948 Nov. 1946 16 22.7 139.3 Mar. 8 Dec. 6 55.1 52.5 106.9 109.5 Nov. 18 32.5 129.5 Well #3-C-6 E. L. Stirling Date Dist.H.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.H.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 29 69.7 70.3 Nov. 27 34.1 105-9 1932 1945 Mar. Oct. 18 1 25.8 20.0 114.2 110.0 Feb. 28 Nov. 16 34.1 41.9 105.9 98.1 Well #3-C-10d Mrs. Spicer Date Dist.H.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.H.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1916 Aug. 1931 Oct. 1932 28 29 17.2 64.8 143.8 96.2 Feb. 28 Nov. 16 1946 Mar. 15 Nov. 14 26.9 31.7 32.0 39.2 134.1 129.3 129.0 121.8 Feb. Feb. Feb. Mtr. May Sep. 3 11 24 18 16 23 56.8 55.8 52.2 44.1 47.2 50.0 104.2 105.2 108.8 116.9 113.8 111.0 1947 Mar. 20 Nov. 25 1948 39.9 50.0 121.1 111.0 1944 Mar. 9 Dec. 6 5I.B 62.2 109.2 98.8 Nov. 27 26.3 134.7 i8o Well -C-11 H. B. Smith Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 27 88.5 56.5 Nov. 14 108.1 36.9 1945 1947 Feb. 28 Nov. 16 1946 Mar. IJ 85.5 93.7 91.5 59.5 51.3 53.5 Nov. 25 1948 Mar. 9 Deo. 6 116.3 112.0 110.8 28.7 33.0 34.2 Well #3-0-14 J. H. Griffin Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 27 58.0 72.0 Nov. 13 56.5 73.5 1945 1947 Feb. 28 55.1 74.9 Nov. 25 56.1 73.9 Well #3-0-15 0. Settrini Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 28 89.2 50.8 Nov. 16 94.8 45.2 1932 1946 Mar. 18 Sep. 20 1944 Nov. 27 78.5 92.8 90.9 61.5 47.2 49.1 Nov. 13 1947 Apr. 20 Nov. 25 99.5 92.8 107.7 40.5 47.2 32.3 1945 1948 Feb. 28 86.0 34.0 Mar. 9 Dec. 6 107.4 111.7 32,6 28.3 Well #3-0-17 C. G. Sherwood Date 1944 Nov. 28 1945 Mar. Nov. 1 16 1946 Nov. 13 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 12.1 12.0 15.0 19.3 Elevation of water surface 104.9 105.0 102.0 Date 1947 Mar. 20 Nov. 25 1948 Mar. 8 Dec. 5 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 18.6 22.6 25.0 27.9 Elevation of water surface 98.4 94.4 92.0 89.1 97.7 I8l Well #3-C-20 J. B. Barden Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 19?1 Oct. Nov. 28 12 79.5 79.5 40.5 40.5 1932 Mar. Sep. Sep. 22 22 23 57.1 64.6 64.5 62.9 55.4 55.5 1933 Nov. 12 61.6 58.4 1934 Nov. 19 62.8 57.2 1935 Mar. Nov. 29 22 55.0 57.0 65.0 63.0 1936 Nov. 24 55.2 64.8 1937 Apr. Nov. 29 3 55.0 56.0 65.0 64.0 1938 Apr. Oct. 9 20 50.0 46.0 70.0 74.0 1939 Apr. Nov. 12 1 46.0 47.0 74.0 73.0 Well #?-C-21 E. G. Bondesen Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Date Feet surface 1944 Nov. 28 1945 89.8 Jan. 8 87.8 Feb. 8 86.6 Feb. 26 86.1 Mar. 22 86.7 92.8 Oct. 16 Nov. 13 93.9 40.2 42.2 43.4 43.9 45.5 37.2 36.1 Date 1940 Nov. 1 1941 May Oct. 2 29 1942 Apr. 14 1943 Apr. Nov. 27 11 1944 Nov. 28 1945 Mar. Nov. 1 15 1946 Nov. 13 1947 Mar. Nov. 20 25 1948 Mar. Dec. 8 6 Date 1946 Jan. Feb. Mar. Nov. 14 4 13 13 1947 Mar. Nov. 20 25 1948 Mar. Dec. 8 6 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 55.0 44.0 50.0 43.0 46.0 45.0 46.8 44.] 47. t 49.8 50.0 48.6 49.9 51.6 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 89.5 89.0 89.9 98.7 93.6 103.2 115.0 112.7 Elevation to water surface 65 »0 76.0 70.0 77.0 74.0 75.0 73.2 75.9 72.2 70.2 70.0 71.4 70.1 68.4 Elevation of water surface 40.5 41.0 40.1 31.3 36.4 26.8 15.0 17.3 182 Well #3-C- -22 S. Sherwood Estate Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 28 1945 Mar. 1 Nov. 13 39.3 39.0 42.9 70.7 71.0 67.1 Mar. Nov. 1947 Mar. 13 1? 20 39.2 78.8 65.7 70.8 31.2 44.3 Well jf?-C- -2? Settrini Brothers Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 28 1945 Nov. 16 1946 94.7 97.9 30.3 27.1 Mar. Nov. 1948 Mar. Dec. 20 25 8 5 92.4 102.9 112.6 113.2 32.6 22.1 12.4 11.8 Nov. 13 97.0 28.0 well #3-C. -24 M. Souza Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Feb. 4 Nov. 15 57.0 63.7 51.0 44.3 Mar. Nov. 18 26 61.5 68.1 46.5 39.9 1946 1948 Dec. 7 62.9 45.1 Mar. Dec. 9 6 70.3 72.9 37.7 35.1 Well #3-0-25 E. E. Harden Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Eleva tion of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 28 74.6 45.4 Nov. 16 64.1 55.9 1932 1946 Mar. Oct. 1944 Nov. 22 1 28 68.8 81.4 58.7 51.2 38.6 61.3 Nov. 1947 Mar. Nov. 12 20 25 71.0 63.8 70.2 49.0 56.2 49.8 1945 1948 Mar. 1 55.0 65.0 Mar. Dec. 8 5 74.2 77.8 45.8 42.2 185 Well #3-C-27 John Soiutto Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to wiiter Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1947 Feet surface 1944 Nov. 28 68.8 54.2 Mar. Not. 20 26 73.6 80.5 49.4 42.5 1945 Feb. Nov. 1946 28 15 67.5 72.4 55.5 50.6 1948 Mar. Dec. 8 6 82.3 87.6 40.7 35.4 Nov. 12 76.8 46.2 Well #3-0-28 Salinas Golf Dist.R.P. Club Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1936 Feet surface 1951 Nov. 16 140.1 7.9 Nov. 2 86.6 61.4 19J2 1944 Feb. 5 96.0 52.0 Apr. 21 57.9 90.1 Feb. Feb. Mar. Oct. 11 24 18 1 P'l 87.8 87.4 89.6 M.7 60.2 60.6 58.4 Nov. 1945 Feb. 28 28 86.1 84.1 61.9 63.9 1933 Nov. 15 90.1 37.9 Nov. 12 90.0 58.0 1946 1954 Mar. 13 90.0 58.0 Nov. 10 97.6 50.4 1947 1935 Mar. Nov. 20 25 94.2 109.0 53.8 39.0 Mar. Nov. 29 22 88.0 94.4 60.0 53.6 1948 Dec. 103.1 44.9 Well #5-0-29 A. D. Martinez, Jr. Date 1944 Nov. 28 1945 Feb. Nov. 28 15 1946 Nov. 12 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 79.0 75.4 81.5 85.0 Elevation of water surface 45.0 48.6 42.3 39.0 Date 1947 Mar. 20 Nov. 26 1948 Mar. 8 Deo. 6 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 85.5 87.9 88.7 91.5 Elevation of water surface 40.7 36.1 35.5 52.5 184 Well #3-C-30 W. N. Cliristensen Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1916 Aug. 17 1931 Nov. 16 1932 Mar. Sep. 18 30 1944 Nov. 28 1945 Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. 8 d 22 15.0 52.3 54.5 53.8 71.5 69.7 69.5 69.3 69.1 Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 16 73.8 36.2 1932 Mar. Sep. 18 30 73.0 69.0 37.0 41.0 1944 Nov. 28 75.5 34.5 1945 Feb. Nov. 27 15 73.6 78.3 36.4 31.7 Well #?-c-?i A. C. Jarvis Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Nov. 28 85.1 29.9 1945 Feb. Nov. 27 15 80.1 89.2 34.9 25.8 1946 Mar. Nov. 13 12 85.0 99-5 30.0 13.5 Well #3-0-32 E. M. Smith Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 105.0 65.7 63.5 64.2 46.5 48.3 48.3 48.7 48.9 Date 1946 Nov. 12 1947 Mar. Nov. 20 26 1948 Mar. Dec. 7 5 Date 1947 Mar. 20 Nov. 26 1948 Mar. Dec. Date 1945 Oct. Nov. 16 15 1946 Jan. Feb. Mar. Nov. 14 4 13 12 1947 Mar. Nov. 20 26 1948 Mar. Dec. 8 6 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 84.5 74.1 84.4 85.3 88.9 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 82.2 107.3 94.6 100.2 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 75.5 72.0 71.0 71.0 71.0 76.5 74.2 79.8 85.3 87.5 Elevation of water surface 25.5 35.9 25.6 24.7 21.1 Elevation of water surface 32.8 7.7 20.4 14.8 Elevation of water surface 42.7 46.0 47.0 47.0 47.0 41.5 43.8 38.2 32.7 30.5 185 Well #?-C-j'^ C. H. Ferrasol Dlst.R.P. Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1940 Feet surface 1951 Oct. 29 91.5 53.5 Nov. 1 96.0 49.0 1932 1941 Mar. 18 92.0 53.0 May 2 85.0 60.0 Sep. 30 97.0 48.0 Oct. 29 86.0 59.0 1933 1942 Nov. 12 97.0 48.0 Apr. 14 81.0 64.0 Oct. 21 86.0 59.0 1934 1943 Nov. 9 100.8 44.2 Apr. 27 85.0 60.0 1935 Nov. 11 89.0 56.0 Mar. 29 95.1 49.9 1944 Nov. 22 103.0 42.0 Nov. 28 89.5 55.5 1936 1945 Nov. 2 98.7 46.3 Feb. 28 85.9 59.1 1937 Nov. 15 91.2 53.8 Apr. 29 95.0 50.0 1946 Nov. 3 96.0 49.0 Nov. 12 96.2 48.8 1938 1947 Apr. 9 87.0 56.0 Oct. 19 91.0 54.0 Mar. 20 98.3 46.7 Nov. 26 101.3 43.7 1939 1948 Apr. 15 Nov. 1 100.0 95.0 45.0 50.0 Dec. 5 104.7 40.3 Well #3-c-3? A. H. Christensen Dlst.R.P. Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1948 Feet surface 1946 Nov. 18 82.3 14.7 Mar. 8 87.7 9.3 Dec. 7 93.6 4.1 1947 Mar. 18 69.3 27.7 Nov. 26 86.5 10.5 Well #3-C-38 Lawrence Dlst.R.P. Albertson Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Nov. 27 97.5 37.5 Nov. 16 101.3 33.7 1945 1946 Feb. 28 91.8 43.2 Nov. 12 115.6 19.4 186 Well -C-40 Venutti Brothers Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date . 1947 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 28 54.9 40.1 Nov. 25 58.2 36.8 1945 1948 Jan. Feb. 24 4 54.1 49.5 40.9 45.5 War. Dec. 8 6 58.1 61.1 36.9 33.9 1946 Nov. 12 57.1 37.9 Well #3-0-43 K. G. Souza Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 1932 Kar. Sep. 16 18 10 63.0 61.5 60.0 47.0 48.5 50.0 Mar. Nov. 1947 Nov. 13 12 26 59.8 66.0 69.0 50.2 44.0 41.0 1944 1948 Nov. 28 58.4 51.6 Mar. Dec. 9 6 71.0 77.7 59.0 32.3 1945 Jan. Feb. Nov. 24 28 15 58.0 57.3 61.7 52.0 52.7 48.3 Well #3-C-44d John Nielson Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1934 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1916 Aug. 19 44.4 55.6 Nov. 9 64.2 33.8 1931 1935 Feb. Nov. J 59.3 47.0 40.7 53.0 Apr. Nov. 1 21 59.0 63.8 41.0 36.2 1952 1936 Mar. June Sep. 18 16 30 61.3 64.0 66.8 38.7 36.0 33.2 Oct. 1937 30 64.7 35.3 1933 Apr. Nov. 30 3 59.5 64.0 40.5 36.0 Nov. 12 66.0 34.0 1944 Apr. 22 53.7 44.3 187 Wel] #3-0-47 E. E. Harden Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1951 Nov. 16 54.4 1952 Mar. 18 Oct. 4 43.6 56.0 1933 Nov. 12 51.9 1934 Aug. 10 Oct. 14 49.8 4fa.0 1935 Mar. 28 Nov. 22 55.0 59.0 1936 Oct. 30 61.9 1937 Apr. 29 Nov. 3 57.0 56.0 Well #3-0-48 A. Hebbron Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 27.6 36.4 26.0 30.1 32.2 36.0 27.0 23.0 20.1 25.0 26.0 Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 29 47.0 30.0 1945 Mar. Nov. 1 16 44.3 52.0 32.7 25.0 1946 Nov. Dec. 12 7 67.4 53.7 9.6 23.5 Well #?-C-^2 E. Christensen Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 1945 Mar. Nov. 1946 Nov. 29 1 16 14 53.8 49.4 57.8 65.1 36.2 40.6 32.2 24.9 Date 1938 Apr. Oct. 8 19 1939 Apr. Nov. 11 1 1940 Apr. Nov. 16 1 1941 Oct. 29 1942 Apr. 14 1943 Nov. 11 1944 May 1 Date 1947 Mar. Nov. 18 25 1948 Mar. Deo. 8 6 Date 1947 Mar. 20 1948 Mar. Dec. Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 51.0 54.0 50.0 62.0 52.0 56.0 52.0 44.0 55.0 54.0 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 50.0 57.9 70.6 73.9 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 58.5 71.8 68.5 Elevation of water surface 31.0 28.0 32.0 20.0 30.0 26.0 30.0 38.0 27.0 28.0 Elevation of water surface 27.0 19.1 5.4 3.1 Elevation of water surface 31.5 18.2 21.5 188 Well #3-C-56 E. E. Tlctorine Dist.R.P. to water surface Elevation of water Date Feet surface 1945 Feb. 21 37.5 14.5 Nov. 21 44.2 7.8 Well #3-0-^8 R. E. Meyers Co Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1939 Feet surface 1931 Oct. 28 27.1 20.5 Nov. 1 30.0 17.6 1932 1940 Mar. 22 15.7 31.9 Nov. 1 22.0 25.6 Sep. 23 28.0 19.6 1941 1935 May 2 11.0 36.6 Nov. 12 25.6 22.0 Oct. 29 18.0 29.6 1934 1942 May 10 32.6 15.0 Apr. 14 12.0 35.6 Sep. 10 34.0 13.6 Oct. 21 19.0 28.6 1935 1943 Mar. 28 19.0 28.6 Apr. 27 13.0 34.6 Apr. 16 19.0 28.6 Nov. 11 20.0 27.6 Nov. 22 24.5 23.1 1944 1936 Sep. 10 37.9 9.7 Nov. 2 31.5 16.1 Oat. 9 33.6 14.0 Nov. 28 23.6 24.0 1937 1945 Nov. 3 27.0 20.6 Feb. 21 17.9 29.7 1938 Nov. 21 27.3 20.3 Apr. 9 16.0 31.6 Oct. 20 24.5 23.1 Well #3-C-60d F. C. Cook Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1934 Feet surface 1931 Oct. 28 52.3 23.6 May 10 55.8 20.1 Sep. 10 62.1 13.8 1932 1935 Feb. 3 41.3 34.6 Feb. 11 39.4 36.5 Mar. 29 46.0 29.9 Feb. 24 40.4 35.5 Nov. 21 59.0 16.9 Mar. 22 40.0 35.9 May 16 41.8 54.1 1936 Sep. 23 49.0 26.9 Nov. 2 58.0 17.9 1933 1937 Nov. 12 51.6 24.3 Apr. 29 42.0 33.9 Nov. 3 46.0 29-9 189 Well #3-C-60d F. C. Cook (Continued) Date 1938 Apr. Oct. 1959 9 20 Apr. 12 Nov. 1 1940 Apr. 16 Nov. 1 19*1 May Oct. 19*2 2 29 Apr. 14 Oct. 21 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 36.0 42.0 39.0 45.0 40.0 46.0 35.0 40.0 32.0 45.0 Elevation of water surf see 39.9 33.9 36.9 30.9 35.9 29.9 40.9 35.9 43.9 30.9 Date 1943 Apr. Nov. 27 11 1944 Apr. 22 1945 Feb. Nov. 21 13 1946 Nov. Dec. 13 7 1947 Mar. Nov. 18 25 1948 Mar. Dec. 9 6 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 42.0 42.0 48.5 35.7 45.7 55.1 45.4 40.4 50.3 54.3 56.8 Elevation of water surface 53.9 33.9 27.4 40.2 30.2 20.8 30.5 35.5 25.6 21.6 19.1 Well #3-C-6l Monterey County Bank Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 28 23.4 19.9 Well #3-C-62 S. Sherwood Date 1931 Oct. 28 1932 Mar. Sep. 22 25 1944 Nov. Nov. .1 1945 Feb. Nov. 21 13 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 56.7 41.0 49.8 45.6 41.3 58.8 45.5 Elevation of water surface 28.3 44.0 35.2 39.4 43.7 46.2 41.5 Date 1946 Nov. 13 1947 Mar. Nov. 20 25 1948 Mar. 8 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 49.0 42.4 47.8 48.4 Elevation of water surface 36.0 42.6 57.2 36.6 Well #3-C-63i Salinas Valley Ice Co., Ltd. Date 1945 Feb. 21 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 21.7 Elevation of water surface 28.4 190 Well #3-C-64 0. Anderson Date 1944 Nov. 29 1945 Feb. Nov. 21 21 1946 Dec. 11 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 25.9 19.4 28.4 28.7 Eleva tion of water surface 24.1 30.6 21.6 21.3 Date 1947 Mar. 18 Nov. 29 1948 Mar. 8 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 24.4 33.3 36.9 Elevation of water surface 25.6 16.7 13.1 Well #3-C-66d Mabel Sanborn Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 28 64.6 1945 Mar. Nov. 6 16 59.6 68.7 1946 Nov. 13 76.7 Well #3-C-71 W. C. Mo: Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 28 1945 Feb. Nov. 4 16 75.6 71.3 79.6 Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 28 51.5 23.5 1945 Feb. Nov. 21 16 50.6 53.8 24.4 21.2 1946 Nov. Dec. 13 11 58.6 55.7 16.4 19.3 Well #3-C- -67 C. Lorentzen Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 41.4 46.4 37.3 29.3 Elevation of water surface 27.4 31.7 23.4 Date 1947 Mar. 20 Nov. 24 1948 Mar. Dec. Date 1947 Mar. 20 Nov. 24 1948 Mar. 9 Dec. 6 Date 1946 Mar. 13 1948 Deo. 6 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 56.4 67.7 59.4 68.1 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 68.1 79.0 78.9 86.7 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 72.0 89.7 Elevat ion of water surface 18.6 7.3 15.6 6.9 Elevation of water surface 37.9 27.0 27.1 19.3 Elevation of water surface 31.0 13.3 191 Well #3-C-72 C. P. Mortensen Ranch Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1948 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Jan. Feb. Feb. Nov. 24 4 21 16 74.8 69.4 68.0 77.9 26.2 31.6 33.0 23.1 Dec. 6 100.0 1.0 Well #?-C-74 Morris Snow Dist.R.P. to water Elevation Dist.R.P. to water Elevation Date surface Feet of water surface Date 1945 surface Feet of water surface 1944 Nov. 28 56.7 34.3 Mar. Nov. 6 16 55.2 61.0 35.8 30.0 Well #3-C-79m Adcock Water Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 29 53.1 1945 Feb. Nov. 28 16 55.9 58.7 Well #3-0- -80 H. Chrisl Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 28 62.8 1945 Mar. 1 Nov. 13 52.2 69.5 1946 Nov. 12 75.5 Well #3-C- -8? J. Bardin Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Date 1944 Dec. 5 1945 Nov. 16 1946 Mar. Nov. 13 13 86.2 92.2 88.0 102.3 Elevation of water surface 41.9 39.1 36.3 Elevation of water surface 42.2 52.8 35.5 29.5 Elevation of urater surface 38.8 32.8 37.0 22.7 Date 1946 Nov. 13 Date 1947 Mar. 20 Nov. 25 1948 Mar. Deo. Date 1947 Mar. 20 Nov. 24 1948 Deo. 5 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 64.4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 60.3 62.8 65.1 66.5 Dist.R.P, to water siirface Feet 92.4 105.6 115.1 Elevation of water surface 50.6 Elevation of water surface 44.7 42.2 39.9 38.5 Elevation of water surface 32.6 19.4 9.9 192 well #3-C- -85 J. Bardln Dist.R.P. to water surface Elevation of water Date Feet surface 1944 Oct. 7 70.5 34.5 Well #3-C- -86 Jennie Williams Dist.R.P. , et al. Dist.R.P. to water Elevat ion to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1947 Feet surface 1944 Nov. 27 99.2 35.8 Mar. 20 Nov. 24 114.2 118.2 20.8 16.8 1945 1948 Feb. 28 94.9 40.1 Nov. 16 103.6 31.4 Mar. 8 Dec. 5 119.1 127.3 15.9 7.7 1946 Nov. 15 112.0 23.0 Well #3-C- -87 Jennie Williams Dist.R.P. , et al. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevat ion surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1940 Feet surface 1931 Oct. 30 107.1 30.9 Apr. 16 Nov. 1 95.0 98.0 43.0 40.0 1932 1941 Feb. 22 101.1 36.9 48.0 Sep. 23 108.3 29.5 May 2 90.0 Oct. 29 94.0 44.0 1933 1942 Nov. 14 107.0 31.0 Apr. 14 85.0 53.0 1934 Oct. 21 93.0 45.0 Nov. 10 118.0 20.0 1943 1935 Apr. 27 Nov. 11 90.0 96.0 48.0 42.0 Mar. 30 105.0 33.0 Nov. 23 107.0 31.0 1944 1936 Nov. 27 100.8 37.2 Nov. 2 105.0 33.0 1945 1937 Nov. 16 102.1 35.9 Apr. 29 101.0 37.0 :946 Nov. 3 101.0 37.0 Nov. 13 112.0 26.0 1938 1947 Apr. 9 Oct. 20 95.0 95.0 43.0 43.0 Mar. 20 Nov. 24 104.2 116.2 33.8 21.8 1939 1948 Apr. 12 Nov. 1 94.0 100.0 44.0 38.0 Mar. 8 Dec. 5 119.8 128.8 19.2 9.2 193 Veil #?-C- Jennle Williams, et al. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 27 131.9 1945 Feb. Nov. 28 16 127.7 156.6 Well #5-C- -91 A. C. Hai Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 29 1945 Feb. 28 Nov. 16 99.7 97.2 105.9 Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 27 78.8 41.2 1945 Nov. 16 Bj.l 36.9 1946 Nov. 13 87.4 32.6 Well #?-c- -?o E. 0. Tholcke Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 43.1 38.4 Elevation of water surface 40.2 42.7 34.0 Date 1947 Mar. 20 Nov. 24 1948 Mar. 8 Date 1946 Nov. 13 1947 Mar. 20 Date 1946 Nov. 13 1947 Mar. Nov. 20 24 1946 Mar. 9 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 80.2 90.6 92.2 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 149.0 139.8 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 115.4 106.7 117.3 121.2 Elevation of water surface 39.8 29.4 27.8 Elevation of water surface 26.0 35.2 Elevation of ¥rater surface 24.5 33.2 22.6 18.7 Well #3-C-94 Mortensen Brothers Date 1944 Dec. 1945 Nov. 1946 Nov. 16 12 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 67.3 72.0 82.8 Elevation of water surface 37.7 33.0 22.2 Date 1947 Mar. Nov. 20 24 1948 Mor. Deo. I Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 67.0 83.0 96.0 85.7 Elevation of water surface 38.0 22.0 9.0 19.3 194 well #3-C-96 Date i_ Kubota Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 20.9 Date 1945 Feb. Nov. 21 21 Dist.R.P. to water surfaoe Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 28 24.5 18.0 28.2 27.4 17.2 Well #3-C-98 W. A. Wallace Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surfaoe 1945 Feb. 2 Nov. 21 15.0 23.5 30.6 22.1 Well #3- :£: -9? F. G. Cook Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water siirface 1945 Feb. 21 Nov. 16 25.7 35.0 16.3 7.0 Nov. 13 42.2 - 0.2 Well #3- i -102 E. Juhler Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Feb. 21 Nov. 21 15.2 26.4 28.2 17.0 Well #3- ± -106i Salinas Valley Ice Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water siirface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Feb. 21 16.6 30.0 Dec. 11 24.5 22.1 Well #3- ■c^ -107in Pacific Gas and Electric Company Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 29 26.0 21.6 Feb. 21 20.0 27.6 Well #3- iCj -108m Pacific Gas and Electric Company Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 29 32.0 23.0 195 Well #3-C-110in Pacific Gas and Electric Company Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Feb. 21 19.1 51.0 well #3-C- -114 J. P. Swending Estate Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 50 25.4 23.6 Nov. 21 29.9 19.1 1945 1946 Feb. 21 19.2 29.8 Mar. 12 24.5 24.5 Well #J-C- -117 A. Casentlni Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of YfBter surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to virater surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 29 25.4 22.6 Feb. Nov. 21 21 20.1 30.5 25-9 15.5 Well #3-C-120 Date 1945 Feb. 21 Nov. 21 Well #3-C-123 Date 1945 Feb. 21 Nov. 21 A. Dornieden Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface 25.5 21.5 35.3 11.7 L. F. Griffin Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface 32.9 13.1 44.3 1.7 Well #3-0-126 N. A. Holiday Date 1945 Feb. 21 Nov. 21 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 17.3 29.6 Elevation of water surface 28.9 16.6 196 Well #5-C-131 Joe Tschumperlin Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Oct. 25 76.7 18.3 Well #4-C-2 W. H. Silaoci Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Deo. 2 1946 Nov. 12 152.0 160. 3 39.0 30.7 Mar. Nov. 1948 Mar. Dec. 20 24 9 5 153.2 168.2 163^6 37.8 22.8 19.5 7.4 Well #4-C-4 Silacci Brothers Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1941 Feet surface 1931 Oct. 31 139.5 37.5 May 2 108.0 69.0 Oct. 29 124.0 53.0 1932 1942 Mar. 24 150.8 46.2 Sep. 22 142.5 34.5 Apr. 14 105.0 72.0 Oct. 21 123.0 54.0 1933 1943 Nov. 13 132.0 45.0 Apr. 27 108.0 69.0 1934 Nov. 11 126.0 51.0 Nov. 10 149.0 28.0 1944 1935 Apr. 22 127.0 128.1 50.0 Dec. 2 48.9 Mar. 30 137.6 39.4 Nov. 2? 141.5 35.5 1945 1956 Jan. 8 125.7 51.3 Feb. 8 124.5 52.5 Nov. 3 139.0 38.0 Feb. 26 123.2 53.8 Mar. 22 121.8 55.2 1937 Oct. 16 138.1 38.9 Nov. 16 135.2 41.8 May 1 125.0 52.0 Nov. 3 131.0 46.0 1946 1938 Jan. 14 130.0 47.0 Feb. 4 130.4 46.6 Apr. 9 116.0 61.0 Mar. 13 131.0 46.0 Oct. 20 124.0 53.0 Nov. 12 146.6 30.4 1939 1947 Apr. 12 120.0 57.0 Nov. 24 154.2 22.8 Nov. 1 134.0 43.0 1948 1940 Mar. 9 152.7 24.3 Apr. 16 125.0 52.0 Deo. 5 174.3 2.7 Nov. 1 132.0 45.0 197 Well #4-C-5 A. Hansen Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Deo. 5 129.1 37.9 Mar. 20 137.0 30.0 1945 Not. 16 135.7 51.3 V Veil #4-C-8 J. P. Gambetta Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 2 1932 Mar. 24 Sep. 22 103-3 95.0 98.0 31.7 42.0 37.0 Mar. Nov. 1947 Nov. 1? 14 24 90.8 103.9 107.2 44.2 31.1 27.8 1944 1948 Deo. 2 88.7 46.3 Mar. Dec. 9 5 114.7 116.8 20.3 18.2 1945 Nov. 16 94.0 41.0 Uell #4-C-9n Ana Zabala Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 27 113.3 46.7 Nov. 12 125.3 34.7 1945 1947 Mar. 7 Nov. 16 1946 Mar. 13 109.0 118.9 115.5 51.0 41.1 46.5 Mar. 1948 Mar. Dec. 19 9 1 117.6 129.6 136.3 42.4 30.4 23.7 Uell #2-D-l David P. McFadde n, et al. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 30 15.4 18.6 Nov. 22 18.6 15.4 198 Well #2-D-2 Yuki and Bunn Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 30 12.7 20.3 Nov. 24 16.5 16.5 Well #2-D-3 Bank of America Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 19 26.1 9.9 Dec. 4 22.6 13.4 1932 1945 Mar. 25 Sep. 21 17.7 27.7 18.3 8.5 Feb. Nov. 27 26 19.9 25.8 16.1 10.2 Well #2-D-7 J. T. Harrington Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 12 25-0 15.9 Dec. 10 24.9 16.0 1932 1947 Mar. 25 Sep. 21 1944 Dec. 6 12.4 25.6 23.0 28.5 15.3 17.9 Mar. 1948 Mar. Dec. 17 6 4 24.1 38.3 32.7 16.8 2.6 8.2 1945 Nov. 22 27.1 13.8 Well #2-D-8 J. P. Dolan Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 30 1945 Feb. 26 Nov. 24 13.6 8.2 17.2 20.8 26.2 17.2 Mar. Nov. 1948 Dec. 17 29 4 12.3 22.8 23.8 22.1 11.6 10.6 1946 Dec. 6 14.6 19.8 Well #2-D-8d Lee Jacks Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1932 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 19 29-2 5.8 Mar. Sep. 25 21 17.2 25.1 17.8 9.9 1 199 Well #2-D-8d Lee Jacks (Continued) Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 193J Nov. 14 25.6 1934 Nov. 9 26.0 1935 Apr. 1 Nov. 20 18.6 26.8 1936 Oct. 29 26.0 1937 Apr. 50 Nov. 4 25.0 25.0 1958 Apr. 9 19.0 Well ?2-D-9 L. C. Lan: Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 9.4 9.0 16.4 8.2 9.0 10.0 10.0 16.0 Elevation of water surface Date 1939 Apr. 12 Nov. 1 1940 Apr. 15 Oct. 30 1941 May 1 Oct. 28 1942 , Apr. 14 Oct. 21 1945 Apr. 26 Nov. 11 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 21.5 25.0 19.0 25.0 19.0 24.5 17.0 26.0 30.0 31.0 Elevation of water surface 13.5 10.0 16.0 10.0 16.0 10.5 18.0 9.0 5.0 4.0 1945 Nov. 20 19.5 10.5 Well #2-r)-14 Fred and Albert Jacob Date 1944 Nov. 30 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 16.6 Elevation to water surface 21.4 Date 1945 Nov. 26 1946 Mar. 12 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 20.8 Elevation of water surface 17.2 8.3 29.7 Well #2-D-17 Kenneth McDougall Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1936 Feet surface 1933 Nov. 14 22.0 14.0 Oct. 29 24.8 11.2 1934 1957 Nov. 2 23.6 12.4 Apr. 30 25.0 11.0 Nov. 3 21.0 15.0 1935 1938 Mar. 27 14.2 21.8 Nov. 20 21.3 14.7 Apr. 9 15.0 21.0 200 Well #2-0-17 Kenneth McDouga Dlst.R.P. 11 (Continued) Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1942 Feet surface 1938 Got. 19 19.0 17.0 Apr. 13 10.5 25.5 Oct. 20 22.0 14.0 1939 1944 Apr. 11 22.0 14.0 Nov. 1 24.5 11.5 Apr. 21 27.9 8.1 Deo. 6 17.5 18.5 1940 1945 Apr. 15 14.0 22.0 Oct. 30 22.0 14.0 Feb. 26 13.0 23.0 Nov. 22 21.6 14.4 1941 May 1 14.0 22.0 1946 Oct. 28 19.0 17.0 Mar. 12 17.0 19.0 yell #2-D-l?, Anna Olsen Life Dlst.R.P. Estate Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Nov. 30 18.6 22.9 Nov. 21 22.6 18.9 1945 1948 Feb. 21 12.2 29.3 Dec. 4 29.3 12.2 Well #2-D-23 Nellie Storm Dlst.R.P. Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1936 Feet surface 1931 Oct. 9 29.3 14.0 Oct. 28 30.4 12.9 Oct. 24 21.8 21.5 1937 1932 Nov. 4 26.0 17.3 Jan. 27 18.0 25.3 Feb. 24 14.8 28.5 1938 Mar. 25 16.1 27.2 May 16 25.1 18.2 Apr. 9 21.0 22.3 Aug. 5 35.0 ^? Oct. 20 25.0 18.3 Aug. 18 35.0 8.3 Sep. 24 32.0 11.3 1939 1953 Nov. 1 28.0 15.3 Sep. 24 32.0 11.3 1940 Nov. 14 26.3 17.0 Deo. 22 20.8 22.5 Apr. 15 18.0 25.3 Oct. 30 29.0 14.3 1934 1941 May 15 42.2 1.1 Sep. 10 48.5 - 5.2 May 1 17.0 26.3 Deo. 6 28.6 14.7 Oct. 28 24.0 19.3 1935 1942 Mar. 26 22.6 20.7 Apr. 14 15.0 28.5 Apr. 29 19.9 23.4 Oct. 21 25.0 18.3 Nov. 20 24.3 19.0 201 Well #2-D-33 Nellie Storm (Continued) Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation to water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation to water surface 1943 Apr. 26 Nov. 11 30.0 29.0 13.3 14.3 Mar. Dec. 11 6 17.1 24.4 26.2 18.9 1944 1947 Apr. 20 Nov. 30 34.0 22.0 9.3 21.3 Mar. Nov. 17 29 23.7 33.0 19.6 10.3 1945 1948 Feb. 26 Nov. 21 17.0 27.4 26.3 15.9 Mar. Deo. 6 4 40.1 34.6 5*2 8.7 Well #2-D- -26 Lee Jacks Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation to water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation to water surface 1944 Dec. 4 20.3 14.7 Nov. 20 25.8 9.2 Well #2-D- 112 T. R. Merrill Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation to water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation to water surface 1944 Dec. 4 23.2 18.8 Feb. Not. 27 20 18.5 26.4 23.5 13.6 Well jf2-D-34 John Dougherty- Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation to water surface 1916 Aug. 24 5-1 38.7 1931 Oct. 10 29.8 14.0 1932 Mar. 24 Sep. 21 5.2 30.3 38.6 13.5 Well #2-D- ■}> T. and M. Yuki Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation to water surface 1944 Dec. 1 16.0 21.3 Date 1944 Dec. 1 1943 Feb. 26 Nov. 21 Dec. 20 Date 1945 Feb. 26 Nov. 21 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 20.4 13.5 24.3 19.4 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 9.8 19.8 Elevation to water surface 23.4 30.3 19.3 24.4 Elevation to water surface 27.7 17.7 202 Veil #2-D-;6 D. M. Hitchcock, et al Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevatior to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1932 Feet surface 1916 Aug. 24 14.0 35.0 Mar. 24 13.8 35.2 Sep. 21 35.5 13.5 1951 1945 Oct. 10 52.8 16.2 Nov. 21 32.8 16.2 Dec. 20 27.1 21.9 Well #2- ■D; -?7 George Fi .scolli Qi Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 1 16.1 23-3 Mar. 11 13.6 23.8 1945 Nov. 21 19.9 19.5 Well #2- ■D; -?? Velma E. Ober, et al. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 6 22.4 25.1 Dec. 26 22.1 25.4 1945 1946 Nov. 21 27.2 20.3 Mar. 11 19.7 27.8 Well #2- -D; -40 Velma E. Ober, et al. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 6 20.0 23.6 Feb. Nov. Deo. 26 21 20 15.1 25.2 20.7 28.5 18.4 22.9 Well #2-D-4j Velma E. Ober, et al Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 25.1 Date 1945 Feb. 26 Nov. 21 Dec. 20 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 1 22.0 14.6 26.5 21.2 32.5 20.6 25.9 203 Well #2-D-4^ Donna L. Dougherty Dlst.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1944 Nov. 30 22.4 1945 Feb. Nov. Deo. 26 21 20 16.1 26.4 22.2 1946 Dec. 6 23.1 Well #2-D-48 J. Vlolini Dlst.R.P. to water Date surface Feet 1931 Oct. 5 1952 Mar. Sep. 25 17 25.7 17.8 22.8 Elevation of water surface 22.0 28.3 18.0 22.2 21.3 Elevation of water surface 19.3 27.2 22.2 Date 1947 Mar. 17 Nov. 29 1948 Mar. Dec. Date 1944 Sep. 11 Nov. 50 1945 Feb. 28 Nov. 20 Dec. 20 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 22.2 53.0 59.4 52.9 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 35.6 21.8 12.9 24.8 18.3 Elevation of water surface 22.2 11.4 5.0 11.5 Elevation of water surface 9.4 23.2 32.1 20.2 26.7 Well #2-D-^2 T. Guldotti Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Sep. Nov. 11 50 34.2 19.2 9.5 24.5 Mar. Dec. 11 7 15.8 20.6 27.9 25.1 1945 1947 Feb. Nov. Dec. 28 19 20 12.7 25.6 18.3 31.0 20.1 25.4 Mar. Nov. 1948 18 28 22.7 29.8 21.0 15.9 Mar. Dec. 7 4 30.7 29.1 13.0 13.6 Well #2- -D; -?? A. and B. Guldotti Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 30 21.0 94.0 Nov. 19 23.5 91.5 204 Well #3-D-2n 0"« Carside Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1915 Feb. 21 Nov. 21 19.6 30.0 20.4 10.0 Mar. 11 23.0 17.0 well #3-D-J Mrs. E. E. Carpenter Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 29 1945 Feb. 21 Nov. 21 1946 32.7 26.0 36.6 26.1 32.8 22.2 Mar. Nov. 1948 Mar. Deo. 18 28 7 4 31.2 44.5 32.7 42.3 27.6 14.3 26.1 16.5 Dec. 7 34.9 23.9 Well #5-D-10 Estate of Sarah J. Klett Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevat ion of water surface 1944 Nov. 29 22.1 24.9 Deo. 7 23.9 23.1 1945 1947 Feb. 21 Nov. 24 18.3 25.6 28.7 21.4 Mar. Nov. 17 29 24.7 31.4 22.3 15.6 Well #5-D-ll W. Silvlera Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 29 23.8 27.2 Nov. 21 31.8 19.2 1945 1946 Feb. 21 20.8 30.2 Mar. 11 26.0 25.0 Well #3-D-12 H. D. Hanson Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1932 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1951 Oct. 22 1932 Feb. 5 Feb. 11 34.4 23.5 22.3 21.6 32.5 33.7 Feb. Mar. May Aug. 1933 24 28 16 30 22.2 23.0 29.8 35.5 33.8 33.0 26.2 20.5 Nov. 33.0 23.0 205 Well #3-D-12 H. D. Hanson (Continued) Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 193* 1945 Nov. 8 35.6 20.4 Nov. 21 32.7 23.3 1935 1946 Mar. 26 Nov. 20 1936 Nov. 24 24.6 31.5 55.6 31.4 24.5 20.4 Dec. 7 1947 Mar. 18 Nov. 28 29-1 29.1 57.1 26.9 26.9 18.9 19*5 1948 Feb. 21 21.1 34.9 Mar. 7 38.5 17.5 Well #3-D- -21 D. P. McFadden ,, et al. Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation to water surface 1945 Feb. 21 Nov. 21 23.5 33.6 33.7 23.6 Well #3-D- ■11 J. T. and K. Brazil Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1936 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1916 Aug. 24 8.6 36.4 Oct. 28 31.2 13.8 1931 1937 Oct. 10 1952 Mar. 29 Aug. 30 30.0 18.8 31.6 15.0 26.2 13.* Apr. 30 Nov. 4 1938 Oct. 20 24.9 25.0 27.0 20.1 20.0 18.0 1933 1939 Nov. 14 26.0 19.0 Apr. 12 26.0 19.0 1934 1944 Nov. 8 28.6 16.4 Apr. 20 30.0 15.0 1935 Mar. 27 Nov. 20 15.0 15.0 30.0 30.0 Well #3-D- -24 Laura Foster Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Sep. 3 42.0 7.6 Nov. 21 Dec. 19 27.9 23.3 21.7 26.3 206 Well #3-D-2^ Teresa Storm, et al. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944. Dec. 1 30.5 Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 29 25. 24.6 1945 Feb. Nov. Dec. 21 21 19 15.9 26.5 23.0 31.7 21.1 24.6 1946 Mar. 11 19.1 28.5 Well #3-D-27 Thomas Tarp Date Dist.R.P. 'CO water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 28.7 Date 1946 Dec. 7 1947 Mar. Nov. 17 29 1948 Deo. 4 Date 1945 Feb. 27 Nov. 21 Deo. 19 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 24.2 24.9 33.0 32.4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 22.3 34.7 28.2 Elevation of water surface 23.4 22.7 14.6 15.2 Elevation of water surface 36.9 24.5 31.0 Well 0- ^ -28 n. Dantonville Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Feb. Nov. 21 21 29.4 40.0 34.4 23.8 Mar. 11 33.3 30.5 Well Ml :£; -30 George L. Olson Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 6 25.4 28.0 Feb. Nov. Dec. 21 21 20 19.9 30.6 25.7 22.8 27.7 Well #3-D-31d W. an(3 E. Bramers Date 1931 Oct. 23 1932 Mar. Sep. Nov. 29 16 14 1933 Nov. 4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 39.3 26.6 39.2 39.0 36.3 Elevation of water surface 21.4 34.1 21.5 21.7 24.4 Date 1934 Nov. 8 1935 Mar. 26 Nov. 20 1936 Aug. 25 Nov. 2 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 41.2 28.0 34.0 17.4 40.3 Elevation of water surface 19.5 32.7 26.7 43.3 20.4 i 207 Veil #3-D-51d W. and E. Bramers (Continued) Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1957 Apr. 50 Nov. 5 4.1.0 23.0 19.7 37.7 1938 Apr. 9 Oct. 20 27.0 35.0 33-7 35.7 1939 Apr. 12 Nov. 1 32.0 36.0 28.7 24.7 1940 Apr. 16 Nov. 1 27.0 35.0 33.7 25.7 1941 Apr. 20 34.8 25.9 Well #3-D- -52 Katherine Marti: n Date Dtst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Nov. 21 Dec. 19 35.1 28.6 24.9 31.4 Well #5-D- -?^ G. W. Hunter Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Nov. 21 Dec. 19 26.9 21.0 22.1 28.0 Well #3-D- ■?7 Laura G. Foster Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 9 1952 Mar. Sep. 24 21 1955 Nov. Dec. 14 23 1954 May Sep. Deo. 15 10 6 36.0 16.3 32.5 29.0 21.2 41.8 56.0 23.9 11.4 51.1 14.9 18.4 26.2 5.6 8.6 25-5 Date 1944 Dec. 1 1945 Feb. Nov. Dec. 27 20 19 1946 Deo. 7 1947 Mar. Nov. 18 28 1948 Mar. Dec. 7 1 Date 1946 Dec. 6 Date 1935 Mar. Apr. Nov. 26 16 20 1936 Oct. 28 1957 Apr. Nov. 30 4 1958 Apr. Oct. 9 20 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 50.9 24.5 56.0 30.0 38.6 30.1 42.4 44.6 40.7 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 22.6 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 17.2 16.2 23.6 55.7 28.0 29.0 15.0 29.0 Elevation of water surface 29.8 36.4 24.7 30.7 22.1 50.6 18.3 16.1 20.0 Elevat ion of water surface 26.4 Elevation of water surface 50.2 51.2 21.8 13.7 19.4 18.4 52.4 18.4 208 Well #3-D-37 Laura G. Foster (Continued) Date 1940 Oct. 50 1941 Oct. 28 1942 Apr. 14 Oct. 21 1943 Nov. 11 1944 Nov. 29 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 30.5 25.0 12.0 26.0 30.0 23.4 Elevation of water surface 16.9 22.4 35.4 21.4 17.4 24.0 Date 1945 Feb. Nov. Dec. 26 20 19 1946 Mar. Dec. 11 6 1947 Mar. Nov. 17 29 1948 Mar. Dec. 6 4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 15.0 27.0 20.6 17.9 22.6 21.0 33.1 34.5 32.9 Elevation of water surface 52. 20, 26. ,4 ,4 ,8 29. 24. :l 26. 14. ,4 .5 12, 14. .9 .3 Veil #5-D-39 Spreckels Sugar Co. Date 1931 Oct. 23 Oct. 24 1932 Mar. 29 Oct. 5 Oct. 5 1933 Nov. 14 Deo. 4 1954 May 16 Sep. 10 Dec. 6 1935 Mar. 26 Nov. 20 1956 Oct. 51 1957 Nov. 5 1958 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 37.3 37.4 Apr. Oct. 9 20 34.5 36.8 36.9 33.0 27.6 42.0 55.0 28.0 25.0 31.7 44.0 37.0 24.0 36.0 Elevation of water surface 20.3 20.2 20.8 20.7 24.6 30.0 15.6 2.6 29.6 34.6 25.9 13.6 20.6 33.6 21.6 Date 1939 Apr. 12 1940 Apr. 16 1944 May Dec. 1 1 1945 Feb. Nov. Dec. 27 21 19 1946 Mar. Deo. 11 10 1947 Nov. 28 1948 Mar. Dec. 7 1 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 28.0 23.0 25.0 31.6 20.0 41.9 27.2 23.0 27.5 36.4 39.0 38.2 Elevation of water surface 29.6 34.6 32.6 26.0 37.6 13.7 30.4 34.6 30.1 21.2 18.6 19.4 209 Well #3-D-40 Spreckels Sugar Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1939 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Mar. 30 Oct. 9 29.6 47.1 28.4 10.9 Apr. Nov. 12 1 30.0 40.0 28.0 18.0 1932 1940 Sep. l6 43.8 14.2 Nov. 1 41.0 17.0 1933 1941 Nov. 14 Dec. 23 36.5 28.9 21.5 29.1 May Oct. 2 29 24.0 56.0 34.0 22.0 1934 1942 May 15 Sep. 10 Dec. 6 1935 Mar. 26 Nov. 20 43.5 40.5 31.5 23.5 31.4 14.5 17.5 26.5 54.5 26.6 Apr. Oct. 1943 Nov. 1944 15 22 12 17.0 37.0 37.0 41.0 21.0 21.0 1956 Oct. 30 1937 Apr. 30 Nov. 3 39.8 34.5 41.0 18.2 25.5 17.0 Apr. Dec. 1945 Feb. Nov. Dec. 20 2 27 20 20 35.0 34.1 20.8 38.1 26.6 23.0 23.9 37.2 19.9 31.4 1938 1948 Apr. 9 Oct. 20 23.0 41.0 55.0 17.0 Mar. Dec. 7 1 38.5 18.6 19-5 Well #3-D-41 Spreckels Sugar Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 1 51.1 25.7 Nov. 20 36.2 20.6 1945 1946 Feb. 26 22.5 34.3 Mar. 11 24.9 31.9 Well #3-D-44n Ella G. Stirling Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation to water surface 1945 May 10 53. 3 10.7 Well #5-D-45 John Tomagin Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 May 10 35.4 13.6 210 Well #?-D-46d 0. Smith Diat.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1939 Feet surface 1931 Oct. 5 38.7 11.3 Apr. 12 41.0 9.0 Nov. 4 50.0 0.0 1952 1940 Mar. 30 30.1 19.9 Sep. 17 23.8 26.2 Apr. 16 40.0 10.0 1933 1944 Nov. 16 34.0 16.0 Apr. 24 31.8 18.2 Nov. 30 33.3 16.7 1934 1945 Nov. 10 31.0 19.0 Feb. 28 32.9 17.1 1935 Nov. 19 35.1 14.9 Apr. 1 17.2 38. 32.8 1946 Deo. 11 12.0 Dec. 7 34.8 15.2 1936 1947 Oct. 31 41.0 9.0 Mar. 18 34.6 15.4 1937 Nov. 28 43.6 6.4 Nov. 4 15.0 35.0 1948 1938 Mar. 7 36.0 14.0 Nov. 30 40.7 9.3 Apr. 9 37.0 13.0 Well #3-D-47 Mary Cosseboom Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water ■Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Nov. 29 27.9 24.6 Feb. 27 19.5 33.0 Nov. 20 31.7 20.8 Dec. 19 25.1 27.4 Well #3-D- .4? J. Violini Dist.R.P. to water surface Elevation of water Dist.R.P. to water surface Elevation of water Date Feet surface Date 1946 - Feet surface 1944 Sep. 11 38.0 17.0 Dec. 7 23.7 31.3 Nov. 30 28.5 26.5 1947 1945 Mar. 18 22.6 ^i-* Feb. 3 21.0 34.0 Nov. 28 36.9 18.1 Mar. 1 16.6 38.4 Nov. 19 31.5 23.5 1948 Mar. Nov. 7 30 33.0 40.0 22.0 15.0 211 Well #3- _D: iio Spreckels Sugar Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Not. 21 Deo. 20 48.1 32.3 1.9 17.7 Well #3- 5: ill Spreckels Sugar Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 19*5 Not. 20 Dec. 19 35.7 28.3 27.9 35.3 Well #3- 12; ->? Spreckels Sugar Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 1 1945 Feb. 27 32.6 25.8 33.7 40.5 Not. Deo. 1946 War. 20 20 11 38.1 32.2 30.0 28.2 34.1 36.3 Well #3- :P: -57 Jameson and Newman Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1932 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 26 42.4 25.6 Mar. Sep. 28 9 34.0 47.3 34.0 20.7 Veil #3-D-59 Spreckels Sugar Co. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation Date surface Feet of water surface Date 1956 surface Feet of water surface 1931 Oct. 26 38.7 26.6 Oct. 31 43.0 22.3 1932 1939 Mar. Sep. 28 3 29.1 39.8 36.2 25.5 Nov. 194 4 36.0 29.3 1934 Oct. 4 40.6 24,7 Apr. Nov. 16 6 28.0 35.0 37.3 30.3 Dec. 6 33.0 32.3 1941 1935 Oct. 31 31.0 34.3 Mar. Nov. 26 20 27.0 37.9 38.3 27.4 1942 Apr. 15 21.0 44.3 212 Well #3- ■D: :12 Spreckels Sugar Co. (Continued ) Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water Burf aos Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 4 32.1 33.2 Nov. 21 37.0 28.3 1945 1946 Feb. 27 25.6 39.7 Mar. 6 50.5 34.8 Well #3- • D: ■62i Spreokel s Suga: r Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Nov. 20 Dec. 20 44.0 26.1 24.1 42.0 Mar. 11 23.7 44.4 Well #3- •D; -6?i Spreokel s Sugar Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation to water surface 1945 Dec. 20 27.0 38.0 Well f}- iJD; ■6? Schween a nd Armstrong Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 26 1932 Mar. 28 Sep. 3 26.0 18.8 29.2 27-0 34.2 23.8 Feb. Nov. 1946 Mar. 27 21 11 18.0 23.9 21.0 35.0 29.1 32.0 1944 Dec. 4 22.7 30.3 Well #3- ■D; -66(3 Schween and Armstrong Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to wBter surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 2 33.0 30.0 Feb. 28 27.4 35.6 Well #3- -D; -67 Schween and Armstrong Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 5 39.5 26.2 Feb. 27 33.6 32.4 213 Well #3-0-67 Schween and Armstrong (Continued) Date 1945 Nov. 16 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 43.2 Elevation of water surface 22.8 Date 1947 Mar. 18 Nov. 24 1948 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 40.4 49.4 Elevation of water surface 25.6 16.6 Mar. 11 Nov. 14 Dec. 10 38.5 48.0 42.5 27.5 18.0 23.5 Mar. Nov. 7 30 52.6 58.8 13.4 7.2 Veil #3-D- ■71 J. D. Anderson Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 31 1932 Apr. 4 Oct. 5 35.7 30.5 33.7 29.3 34.5 31.3 Feb. Nov. 1948 Deo. 28 16 5 22.1 31.9 49.5 42.9 33.1 15.5 1944 Nov. 29 27.3 37.7 Veil #3-D- ■7? Marius C. Madsen Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation to water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 5 19.9 46.1 Nov. 20 24.6 41.4 1945 1946 Feb. 27 14.6 51.4 Mar. 11 19.0 47.0 Well #3-D- ■771 C. J. Olsen Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1932 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 26 27.8 35.2 Feb. Mar. Sep. 12 28 2 22.6 51.8 33.2 40.4 11.2 29.8 Veil #3-D-79 A. and L. Guidotti Date 1944 Dec. 4 1945 Feb. 27 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 30.5 Elevation of water surface 34.5 Date 25.1 39.9 1945 Nov. 20 1946 Mar. 11 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 35.2 Elevation of water surface 29.8 30.9 34.1 214 Well #3-D-80 G. Tavemetti Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Nov. 21 Dec. 19 36.6 36.3 23-7 24.0 Well #3-D- -82 G. Tavemetti Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 1 1945 Feb. 27 36.3 28.6 27.8 35.5 Nov. Dec. 1946 Mar. 20 19 11 39.7 34.7 32.8 24.4 29.4 31.3 Well #3-D-84 California Coast Fruit Co. Date 1931 Oct. 27 1932 Mar. Sep. 28 2 1933 Nov. 6 1934 May Nov. 8 10 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 35.1 35.3 30.0 23.0 28.1 26.0 Elevation of water surface 29.9 29.7 35.0 42.0 36.9 39.0 Date 1936 Oct. 31 1944 Dec. 1 1945 Nov. 20 1946 Mar. Dec. 11 7 1947 Mar. 18 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 24.5 16.3 20.1 16.1 19.1 19.7 Elevation of water surface 40.5 48.7 44.9 48.9 45.9 45.3 Well #3- ^ :88 L. and E. AncJerson Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 5 35.0 35.0 Nov. 20 39.2 30.8 1945 1946 Feb. 27 29.3 40.7 Mar. 11 34.5 35.5 Well #3- J: ::9l Spreckels Sugar Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Nov. 20 38.1 25.9 ( 215 Uell #J-D- -?4 Spreckel 3 Sugar Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 1 1945 Feb. 27 34.0 24.8 29.2 38.4 Nov. Dec. 1946 Mar. 20 19 11 38.3 30.2 26.2 24.9 33-0 37.0 Wei: #3-D- -96 W. H. Ga: rside Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 2 35.7 29.3 Mar. 6 30.0 35.0 Uell #3-D- ■100 Salinas Valley Ice Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 1 32.4 33.8 Feb. 27 26.5 39.7 Well #3-D- •1031 a W. A. Wallace Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1936 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1951 Oat. 6 24.8 36.2 Oct. 31 25.5 35.5 1932 1937 Apr. 1 Sep. 17 21.2 22.7 39.8 38.3 Apr. Nov. 30 4 20.0 24.0 41.0 37.0 193? 1938 Nov. 16 24.0 37.0 Oct. 20 22.0 39.0 1934 1939 Nov. 20 22.7 38.3 Nov. 4 26.0 35.0 1935 1940 Apr. 6 Dec. 11 18.0 22.0 43.0 39.0 Apr. Nov. 16 6 19.5 25.0 41.5 36.0 Uell #5-D- ■104 J. Secondo Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 2 11.9 38.1 Mar. Nov. 6 19 11.0 19.4 39.0 30.6 216 Well #3-D-104 J. Secondo (Continued) Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 194-6 Dec. 9 18.6 31.4 Nov. 28 25.1 24.9 1947 1948 Mar. 18 17.5 32.5 Mar. Nov. 7 30 27-5 32.0 22.5 18.0 Well #3-D-106 J. P. Meyenberg Date 1916 Sep. 6 1931 Oct. 22 1952 Mar. Sep. 28 2 1933 Nov. 6 1934 May Nov. 6 10 1935 Mar. Nov. 30 30 1936 Oct. 31 1937 May Nov. 1 4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 24.1 27.6 36.0 38.5 41.0 47.6 42.0 32.6 36.2 41.0 32.4 39.0 Elevation of water surface 45.9 42.4 34.0 31.5 29.0 22.4 28.0 33.8 29.0 37.6 31.0 Date 1938 Apr. Oct. 11 21 1939 Apr. Nov. 14 4 1940 Apr. Nov. 16 6 1941 May Oct. 1 31 1942 Apr. Oct. 15 22 1943 Apr. Nov. 28 12 1944 May 1 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 30.0 35.0 34.0 39.0 38.0 34.0 34.0 26.0 35.0 33.0 36.0 36.3 Elevation of water surface 40.0 35.0 36.0 31.0 38.5 32.0 36.0 36.0 44.0 35.0 37.0 34.0 33.7 Well #3-D-108 M. Madsen Date 1944 Dec. 4 1945 Nov. 16 Nov. 20 1946 Nov. 14 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 39.1 43.9 43.8 49.5 Elevation of water surface 23.9 21.1 21.2 15.5 Date 1946 Dec. 10 1947 Nov. 24 1948 Nov. 30 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 42.9 49.8 58.1 Elevation of water surface 22.1 15.2 6.9 217 Well #3-D-ll't E. 0. Corda Date 1931 Oct. 15 1932 Apr. 1 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 17.6 Elevation of water surface 52.* Date 16.5 53.5 1932 Sep. 17 1944 Nov. 30 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 19.7 Elevation of water surface 50.3 29.2 40.8 Well #3-D-115 J. A. Steinbunner Date 1945 Mar. 6 Nov. 19 Well #3-D-119 Date 1944 Nov. 30 28.6 Well #3-D-120 Corey Ranch Date 1932 Apr. Sep. 1 7 1933 Nov. 16 1934 May Nov. 4 20 1935 Apr. Dec. 6 11 1936 Oct. 31 1938 Apr. Oct. 9 20 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 32.2 34.8 43.0 52.0 48.0 32.0 32.4 39. B 26.0 33.0 Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface 27.7 57.3 34.7 50.3 J. Tiolini Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface 34.4 Elevation of water surface 47. 8 45.2 37-0 28.0 32.0 48.0 47.6 40.2 54.0 47.0 Date 1945 Mar. 6 Date 1940 Nov. 6 1941 May 2 1945 Mar. Nov. 6 19 1946 Dec. 9 1947 Nov. 28 1948 Mar. Nov. 7 30 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 22.9 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 35.0 25-0 29.0 35.5 36.6 42.7 43.4 46.7 Elevation of water surface 41.1 Elevation of water surface 45.0 55.0 51.0 44.5 43.4 37.3 36.6 33.3 218 Well #3-D- ■122 Corey Ranch Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 30 33.3 45.7 Nov. 19 36.2 43.8 Well #3-D- ■127 Spreckels Sugar Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 5 32.8 55.2 Mar. 11 29.4 38.6 1945 1948 Feb. 27 Nov. 21 25.0 35.6 45.0 32.4 Dec. 1 44.2 23.8 Well #3-D- ■1?? Spreckels Sugar Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 4 33.1 26.9 Nov. 20 36.9 23.1 1945 1946 Feb. 27 26.9 33.1 Mar. 11 30.0 30.0 Well #3-D- :13f D. Fatjo « D6te Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 4 1945 Feb. 27 Nov. 20 Dec. 19 29.5 22.2 34.6 27.7 35.7 43.0 30.6 37.5 Mar. Dec. 1947 Nov. 1948 11 7 28 25.3 32.2 38.9 39.9 33.0 26.3 Mar. 7 41.1 24.1 Well #3-D-13 5 K. Miner Date 1945 Nov. Dec. 20 19 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 34.1 27.6 Elevation of water surface 29.8 36.3 Date 1946 Dec. 7 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 30.2 Elevation of water surface 33.7 219 Well #3-D-l?6 A. T. Rlanda, Jr. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Mar. Nov. 6 19 Dist.R.P. to water surface leet Elevation of water surface 1944 Not. 30 2J.0 58.0 15.4 26.2 45.6 34.8 Well #3- Date ■D-l; S8 F. Yuki and T. M. Bunn Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface Date 1945 Feb. 27 Nov. 20 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Deo. 1 31.0 39.0 25.9 35.1 44.1 34.9 Well #?-D- -140 J. P. Meyenberg Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date Feet surface 1944 1945 Dec. 2 29.8 39.2 Nov. 20 34.6 34.* Well #?-D- -141 J. P. Meyenberg Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1947 Feet surface 1944 Dec. 2 34.0 31.0 Not. 27 44.4 20.6 1945 1948 Feb. 27 28.6 36.4 Mar. 7 46.6 18.4 Nov. 20 40.3 24.7 Nov. 30 47.0 18.0 1946 Dec. 8 39.1 25.9 Well #?-D- -148n G. Tavemettl Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to ¥rater Blevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1944 Feet surface 1944 Aug. 18 42.3 10.3 Nov. 9 27.7 24.9 Aug. 19 42.6 10.0 Nov. 16 24.4 28.2 Aug. 25 38.8 13.8 Nov. 23 25.5 27.1 Aug. 31 38.7 13.9 Nov. 30 25.9 26.7 Sep. 8 42.6 10.0 Dec. 7 23.7 28.9 Sep. 14 35.7 16.9 Dec. 14 24.3 28.3 Sep. 22 36.1 16.5 Dec. 21 23.9 28.7 Sep. 29 42.9 9.7 Oct. 5 36.0 16.6 1945 Oct. 12 36.0 16.6 Oct. 19 34.2 18.4 Jan. 4 22.6 30.0 Oct. 26 32.6 20.0 Jan. 11 20.1 '2'| Nov. 2 29.7 22.9 Jan. 18 19.8 32.8 Jan. 25 21.5 31.1 220 Uell #3- D-l't8n G. Tavernetti Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Date Feet surface 1945 Feb. 1 21.7 30.9 Feb. 8 19.0 33.6 Feb. 10 18.7 35.9 Feb. 15 IB.2 34.4 Feb. 22 18.0 34.6 Mar. 1 18.3 34.3 Mar. 8 18.9 33.7 Mar. 15 20.9 31.7 Mar. 22 18.6 34.0 Mar. 29 17.4 35.2 Apr. 5 20.1 32.3 Apr. 12 22.7 29.9 Apr. 19 29.3 23.3 Apr. 28 36.1 16. s May 7 53.9 18.7 May- 14 33.2 19.4 May 15 33.1 19.5 May 21 36.1 16.5 May 28 35.0 17.6 Jan. 4 36.5 16.1 Jun. 11 35.4 17.2 Jun. 18 37.2 15.4 Jun. 25 36.3 lb. 3 Jul. 2 36.7 57.6 15.9 Jul. 9 15.0 Jul. 16 41.8 10.8 Jul. 2? 38.5 14.1 Jul. 30 40.8 ]1.8 Aug. 6 39.6 13.0 Aug. IJ 40.8 11.8 Aug. 20 41.8 10.8 Aug. 27 39.5 13.1 Sep. 4 40.9 11.7 Sep. 11 40.1 12.5 Well #4-D-2 U. W. Zabala Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Date Feet surface 1944 Nov. 28 80.9 44.1 1945 Feb. Mar. Nov. 26 7 16 82.: 75.5 86.5 42.9 49.5 38.5 1946 Mar. 13 82.5 42.3 Well #4-D-2i Monterey County Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 31 1932 Apr. May Sep. 4 16 1 28.3 23.0 33.0 30.0 36.7 42.0 32.0 35.0 Date 1945 Sep. 13 Sep. 24 Oct. i Oct. 8 Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Oct. 29 Nov. 5 Nov. 15 Nov. 19 Nov. 21 Nov. 27 Dec. 6 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 Dec. 19 1946 Jan. 15 Feb. Mar. Mar. Dec. 5 5 11 7 1947 Mar. Nov. 18 28 1948 Mar. Dec. 7 1 Date 1946 Nov. 12 1947 Mar. Nov. 19 22 1948 Mar. Deo. 9 1 Date 1933 Nov. 14 1935 Sep. Nov. 23 23 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 39.4 39-1 38.0 37.4 36.9 36 35 31 30 29 29.8 29.4 26.8 24.9 23.8 23-8 21.1 20.4 19.7 21.5 26.3 23.4 36.8 36.6 36.9 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 95.3 83.5 96.4 97.8 101.6 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 28.0 31.0 29.4 Elevation of water surface 13.2 13.5 14.6 15.2 15.7 15.7 17.5 20.7 22.5 23.1 22.8 23.2 25.8 27.7 28.8 28.8 31.5 32.2 32.9 31.1 26.3 29.2 15.8 16.0 15.7 Elevation of water surface 29.7 41.5 28.6 27.2 23.4 Elevation of water surface 37.0 34.0 35.6 221 Well #4-D-21 Monterey County (Continued) Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1936 Nov. 31 28.2 1937 May Nov. 1 4 22.4 30.0 1938 Apr. Oct. 11 21 20.0 21.0 1939 Apr. Nov. 14 4 21.0 21.0 Well #4-D-3 D. B. Nixon Di Et.R.P. to water surface Date Feet Elevation of water surface 36.8 42.6 35.0 45.0 44.0 44.0 44.0 1944 Nov. 28 52.4 1945 Feb. Nov. 28 19 46.9 57.9 1946 Nov. 12 64.1 Well #4-D-6 Mortensen Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 45.6 51.1 40.1 33.9 Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 5 68.4 36.6 1945 Feb. 28 63.0 42.0 Nov. 16 74.2 30.8 1946 Nov. 13 77.7 27.3 Well #^-D-7, A. J. Sorensen Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Date Feet surface 1944 Nov. 27 1945 Nov. 16 194-6 Mar. 13 102.7 106.7 101.2 39.3 35.3 40.8 Date 1940 Apr. 16 Nov. 6 1941 May 3 Oct. 31 1942 Apr. 15 Oct. -22 Date 1947 Nov. 22 1948 Mar. 9 Dec. 1 Date 1947 Mar. 20 Nov. 22 1948 Mar. Dec. Date 1946 Nov. 12 1947 Mar. Nov. 18 22 1948 Mar. Dec. 9 1 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 19.0 24.0 15.0 17.0 15.0 16.5 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 72.6 68.0 73.1 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 67.7 82.4 85.2 96.5 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 112.9 102.2 118.0 116.5 123.6 Elevation of vrater surface 46.0 41.0 50.0 48.0 50.0 48.5 Elevation of water surface 25.4 50.0 24.9 Elevation of water surface 37.3 22.6 19.8 8.5 Elevation of water surface 29.1 39.8 24.0 25.5 18.4 222 Well #4-D-9d Camp McCalluin Dlst.R.P. Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface to water surface to water Date Feet surface Date 1946 Feet surf? ice 1944 Nov. 27 103.0 37. .0 Jan. 14 102.7 37. .3 Feb. 4 101.0 39. ,0 1945 Mar. 13 102.7 37. .3 Deo. 8 120.6 19. ,4 Jan. 8 99.1 40, .9 Feb. 8 98.1 41, .9 1947 Fob. 26 97.2 42, .8 Kar. 22 96.7 43, .5 Nov. 29 126.5 13. .5 Oct. 16 114.9 25. .1 1948 Nov. 16 109.2 30, ,8 Mar. 9 126.0 14. ,0 Dec. 1 133.7 6. .5 Well UD-10 C. Nielson Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 125.2 128.8 Elevation to water surface 1944 Nov. 27 147.8 40.2 1945 Feb. Nov. 28 16 141.0 148.0 47.0 40.0 1946 Dec. 8 153.8 34.2 Well #4-D- ■lOd C. Nielson Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation to water surface 64.8 61.2 Date 1947 Mar. 18 Nov. 29 1948 Mar. Dec. Date 1932 Apr. 4 Sep. 1 Got. 4 1936 Nov. 3 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 148.0 164.7 171.0 165.8 Dlst.R.P. to wa ter surface Feet 145.0 151.8 156.0 150.0 Elevation to water surface 40.0 23.3 17.0 22.2 Elevation of water surface 45.0 38.2 54.0 40.0 Well #4-D-l] i_ M. MoGrury Dlst.R.P. Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation of water Elevation surface to water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1947 Feet surface 1944 Nov. 28 100.3 46.7 Mar. 18 110.6 36.4 Nov. 29 120.9 26.1 1945 1948 Feb. 26 97.2 49.8 Nov. 16 105.8 41.2 Mar. 9 114.5 32.5 Dec. 1 119.0 28.0 1946 Dec. 8 107.0 40.0 223 Well ft-D-13 J. H. Riley Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Date 194* Not. 28 64.4 1945 Nov. 19 67.1 Well #4-D-14 J. an<3 A. Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet Elevation of water surface 46.6 1931 Nov. 2 95.7 1932 Apr. Sep. 4 2 81.0 86.4 Well Date #4-D- ■16 E. Schween Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 27 109.3 1945 Nov. 16 115.3 1946 Dec. 8 116.6 Well #4-D- -19 C. Fanoe Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 28 1945 Feb. 28 44.9 41.0 43.9 Elevation of water surface 24.5 59.0 55.6 Elevation of water surface 42.7 36.7 55.4 Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 28 40.4 48.6 1945 Nov. 16 45.7 45.3 Well Date #4-D- -20 M. McMillan Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 43.1 47.0 Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1946 Mar. Dec. 11 8 66.5 66.3 1947 Mar. 18 66.9 Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 28 74.7 1943 Nov. 19 79.9 Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1947 Mar. Nov. 18 29 110.6 127.5 1948 Mar. Dec. 9 1 123.0 128.4 Date 1946 Mar. 11 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 43.0 Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1945 Nov. 19 49.2 1948 Dec. 5 66.7 Elevation of water surface 44.5 44.7 44.1 Elevation of water surface 45.3 40.1 Elevation of water surface 41.4 24.7 29.0 23.6 Elevation of water surface 46.0 Elevation of water surface 38.8 21.3 224 Well #4- -D- -25 A. and J. Smith Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 28 32.1 58.9 Mar. 11 31.8 39.2 1945 Nov. 19 54.5 36.5 Well #4- -D- -26 A. and J. Smith Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 28 16.2 43.8 Nov. 16 19.8 40.2 1945 1946 Feb. 28 14.3 45.7 Mar. 11 17.0 43.0 Well #4. ± ■28 Mrs. S. Tonga Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1946 Dec. 10 27.8 52.2 Nov. 29 32.2 47.8 1947 1948 Mar. 18 29.7 50.3 Mar. Dec. 9 5 35.8 44.9 44.2 Well -D-29 Huston and Reeves Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation to water surface 1946 Nov. 14 20.7 61.3 Well #4-D- •32 L. Azevedo Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 28 37.9 41.1 Nov. 20 39.9 39.1 1945 1946 Feb. 28 37.0 42.0 Mar. 11 38.5 40.5 225 Well ^-D-?5 £. Sheldon Date Dist.H.P. to »fater surface Feet 1944 Dec. 5 38.3 1945 Feb. 27 Not. 20 37.5 39.3 19*6 Mar. 11 57.2 Well #4-D- ■36 C. Bardin Date Dist.H.P. to water surface Feet 19*4 Not. 28 EleTation of water surface 43.7 44.5 42.7 44.8 Elevation of water surface Dlst.R.P. to ureter surface Date Feet 1946 Dec. 10 40.6 1947 Not. 27 56.7 1948 Dec. 5 52.8 104.9 47.1 Date 1945 Feb. 28 Dist.H.P. to water surface Feet 100.8 Elevation of water surface 41.4 25.3 29.2 Elevation of »rater surface 51.2 Well #4-D-37 C. Bardin Date Dist.H.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 28 55.4 1945 Feb. 26 54.1 Well #4-D-40 Interconi Dist.H.P. to water surface Date Feet Blevation of water surface 51.6 1944 Not. 1945 Not. 1946 Dec. 28 16 10 72.4 75.6 76.7 52.9 Elevation of vrater surface 53.6 50.4 49.3 Dist.H.P. to water surface Date Feet 1945 Nov. 20 57.9 1946 Mar. 11 56.4 Date Dist.H.P. to water surface Feet 1947 Mar. 18 Not. 27 76.0 78.7 1948 Mar. 9 Dec. 5 80.3 84.9 EleTation of water surface 49.1 50.6 EleTation of water surface 50.0 *7.3 45.7 41.1 Well #4-D-41 H. and G. Hurt Pete 1944 Nov. 1945 Not. 1946 Dec. 28 20 10 Dist.H.P. to water surface Feet 38.7 40.9 43.1 Elevation cf water surface 46.3 44.1 41.9 Date Dist.H.P. to water surface Feet 1947 Mar. 18 Not. 27 46.5 46.2 1948 Deo. 5 58.6 Elevation of water surface 38.5 38.8 26.4 226 Well ft-D-44 W. R. Thompson Date 1944 Nov. 28 DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet 25.4 Elevation of water surface 40.6 Date DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Nov. 19 28.6 37.4 Well ^-D-46 W. E. Plaskett Est. Date 1944 Deo. DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet 17.1 Elevation of water surface 42.9 Date 1945 Nov. 20 DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet 16.8 Elevation of water surface 43.2 Well #4-D-47 c. Thorpe Date 1931 Nov. 3 1932 Apr. Oct. 4 4 1933 Not. 6 1934 May Nov. 8 10 1936 Nov. 3 1938 Apr. Oct. 11 21 DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet 154.6 141.0 146.0 140.2 143.7 141.0 144.2 128.0 145.0 Elevation of water surface 45.4 59.0 54.0 59.8 56.3 59.0 55.8 72.0 55.0 Date DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 May Nov. 2 27 153.9 156.2 1945 Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Nov. 16 7 26 7 22 16 155.8 144.0 147.0 143.7 140.8 156.3 1946 Jan. Feb. Dec. 14 4 8 148.9 147.8 156.4 1947 Mar. Nov. 18 29 154.6 168.7 1948 Dec. 1 170.8 Elevation of water surface 46.1 43.8 44.2 56.0 53.0 56.3 59.2 43.7 51.1 52.2 43.6 45.4 31.3 29.2 Well -D-51 R. and L. Piazzoni Date 1944 Dec. 4 1945 Feb. 27 DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet 38.4 24.7 Elevation of water surface 51.6 45.3 DiSt.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1945 Nov. 20 42.6 1946 Mar. 11 38.5 Elevation of water surface 27.4 31.5 227 Well #4-D-3J Dat e 1931 Nov. 5 A. R. Patrick, Corp. Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 86.5 Elevation of water surface 50.5 Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1932 Oct. 5 8J.8 1945 Nov. 20 79.7 Klevation of water surface 53.2 57.3 Well #4-D-54 A. R. Patrick, Corp. Date 1944 Nov. 28 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 95.5 Elevation of water surface 56.5 Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1945 Nov. 20 100.1 Elevation of water surface 51.9 Well #4-D-55 A. R. Patrick, Corp. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 25 72.9 Well #4- -D- -56 C. N. The Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1931 Nov. 5 1932 Apr. Apr. Oct. 6 11 5 1935 Nov. 6 1934 May Sep. 16 10 1935 Apr. Nov. 3 30 1936 Nov. 3 1937 Nov. 4 1938 Oct. 21 1939 Nov. 4 79.2 76.1 77.3 48.0 49.2 68.2 95.0 70.3 76.5 76.8 75.0 71.0 77.0 Elevation of water surface 57.1 Elevation of water surface 45.8 48.9 47.7 77.0 75.8 56.8 30.0 54.7 48.5 48.2 50.0 54.0 48.0 Date 1945 Nov. 20 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 75.6 Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1940 Apr. 18 Nov. 6 69.0 70.0 1941 May 3 Oct. 31 66.0 67.0 1942 Oct. 22 67.0 1943 Apr. 28 Nov. 12 65.0 67.0 1944 Apr. 22 Nov. 25 66.7 69.1 1945 Nov. 20 71.9 1946 Mar. 6 Dec. 10 69.5 73.8 1947 Mar. 18 74.2 1948 Nov. 30 82.2 Elevation of water surface 54.4 Elevation of water surface 56.0 55.0 59.0 58.0 58.0 60.0 58.0 58.3 55.9 53.1 55.5 51.2 50. 8 42.8 228 Well #4-D- ■57 A. R. Patrick, Corp. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 25 58.2 61.8 Nov. 20 61.4 58.6 Well /4-D- .58 A. R. Patrick, Corp. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 5 1932 Sep. 1 1944 69.0 67.7 41.0 42.5 Feb. 26 Nov. 28 1946 Mar. 6 48.5 52.4 49.7 61.5 57.6 60.3 Nov. 25 49.1 60.9 Well #4-D- -60 R. and M. Soma- via Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 1 27.9 52.1 Nov. 20 30.6 49.4 1945 1946 Feb. 27 24.7 55.3 Mar. 6 26.7 53.5 Well #4-D- -61 Salinas Valley Ice Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1940 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 5 1932 May 16 Sep. 1 1933 May 6 Nov. 6 37.4 33.0 36.8 45.8 38.6 47.6 52.0 48.2 39.2 46.4 Apr. 18 Nov. 6 1941 May 3 Oct. 31 1942 Apr. 15 28.0 31.0 25.0 28.0 25.0 57.0 54.0 60.0 57.0 60.0 1934 1944 Nov. 13 40.1 44.9 Nov. 25 30.9 54.1 1935 1945 Apr. 3 Nov. 20 1936 Nov. 3 54.6 36. 37.2 50.4 49.0 47.8 Nov. 20 1946 Mar. 6 Dec. 10 33.0 30.0 34.3 52.0 55.0 50.7 1937 1947 May 1 1939 Apr. 14 Nov. 4 31.0 29.0 35.0 54.0 56.0 50.0 Mar. 18 Nov. 28 1948 Nov. 30 38.5 38.5 43.0 46.5 46.5 42.0 229 Well #4-D-63 Salinas Valley Ice Co. Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Deo. 5 32.9 52.1 1945 Nov. 20 32.8 52.2 Well #4- D-64n J. Somavia Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Date Feet surface 194* Oct. 26 20.0 45.0 Nov. 2 18.3 46.7 Nov. 9 17.4 47.6 Nov. 16 16.7 48.3 Nov. 23 16.5 48.5 Nov. 30 16.4 48.6 Dec. 7 16.1 48.9 Deo. 14 15.8 49.1 Deo. 21 49.2 Deo. 28 15.5 49.5 1945 Jan. 4 15.1 49.9 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 14.9 14.8 50.1 50.2 Jan. 25 14.9 50.1 Feb. 1 15.0 50.0 Feb. 6 12.4 52.6 Fe'o. 8 12.0 53.0 Feb. 10 11.9 53.1 Feb. 15 11.8 53.2 Feb. 22 12.1 52.9 Mar. 1 12.5 52.5 Mar. 8 12.9 52.1 Mar. 15 13.2 51.8 Mar. 22 11.9 53.1 Mar. 29 11.0 54.0 Apr. 4 12.4 52.6 Apr. 12 14.8 50.2 Apr. 19 16.0 49.0 Apr. 28 17.9 47.1 May 7 19.0 46.0 May 14 19.2 45.8 May 21 19.0 46.0 May 28 18.5 46.5 Jun. 4 19-9 45.1 Jun. 11 19.9 45.1 Jun. 18 20.6 44.4 Jun. 25 21.8 43.2 Jul. 2 21.3 43.7 Jul. 9 22.7 42.3 Uell #4-D -69 D. F. Taverne Dlst.R.P. tti to water Elevation surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1946 Mar. Date 1945 Jul. 16 Jul. 2? Jul. 50 Aug. 6 Aug. 13 Aug. 20 Aug. 27 Sep. 4 Sep. 11 Sep. 17 Sep. 24 Oct. 1 Oct. 8 Oct. 15 Oct. 22 Oct. 29 Nov. 5 Nov. 12 Nov. 16 Nov. 20 Nov. 27 Dec. 6 Dec. 10 Dec. 17 1946 Jan. 14 Feb. 4 Mar. 5 Dec. 10 1947 Mar. 18 Nov. 28 1948 Mar. 7 Mar. 11 1944 Nov. 25 176.5 48.5 Date 1945 Nov. 16 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 27.3 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 23.6 23 24 24 24 24 24.0 23.9 24.0 24.5 23.8 23.5 23.5 22.7 21.7 21.8 21.2 20.3 19.4 19.4 19.5 18.6 18.1 18.3 14.9 14.2 13.6 20.1 19.2 25.7 28.3 30.6 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 184.9 Elevation of water surface 57.7 Elevation of water surface 41.4 40. S 40.9 40.3 40.8 41.0 41.1 41.0 40.5 41.2 41.5 41.5 42.3 43-3 43.2 43.8 44.7 45.6 45.6 45.5 46.4 46.9 46.7 50.1 50.8 51.4 44.9 45.8 39.3 36.7 34.4 Elevation of water surface 40.1 230 Well -D-70 Salinas Valley Ice Go. Date Dist.R.p. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 2 7 Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 25 193.6 40.4 1945 Feb. Mar. Mar. Nov. 8 7 22 16 188.3 186.9 187.3 202.9 45.7 47.1 46.7 31.1 1946 Jan. 14 193.2 40.8 Well #4-D-73 M. J. Wallace Date Dist.R.p. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date Dist.R.p. to water surface Feet 1946 Feb. Nov. 4 12 192.4 208.7 1947 Mar. Nov. 18 22 207.4 208.5 1948 Mar. Dec. 5 1 210.3 211.3 172.4 40.6 Date 1945 Nov. 16 Dist.R.p. to water surface Feet 170.7 Elevation of water surface 41. 25. ,6 .3 26. 25. ,6 .5 23. 22. .7 .7 Elevation of water surface 42.3 Well #4-D-74 H. C. Hansen Date Dist.R.p. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 27 145.0 1945 Mar. 7 141.2 Well #4-D-76 R. C. Hai Dist.R.p. to water surface Date Feet 1944 Nov. 27 Elevation of water surface 57.0 60.8 Elevation of water surface Dist.R.p. to water surface Date Feet 1945 Nov. 16 151.5 1948 Deo. 5 170.1 163.1 56.9 Date 1945 Nov. 16 Dist.R.p. to water surface Feet 169. 2 Elevation of water surface 50.5 31.9 Elevation of water surface 50.8 Well l-D-81 J. A. Bardin Date 1944 Nov. 28 1945 Feb. Nov. 28 20 1946 Mar. 11 Dist.R.p. to water surface Feet 90.7 89.9 92.8 91.2 Elevation of water surface 46.5 47.1 44.2 45.8 Date Dist.R.p. to water surface Feet 1946 Dec. 10 94.2 1947 Mar. Nov. 18 27 93.4 98.8 1948 Mar. Dec. 5 1 108.9 104.6 Elevation- of water surface 42.8 43.6 38.2 28.1 32.4 231 Well #4-D-86 L. and V. Jacks Date 1944 Nov. 1945 Mar. Not. 1946 Not. 25 d 14 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Not. 25 135.6 72.4 Veil #4-D-86 J. and L. Dlst.R.P. SomaTia to water EleTatlon surface of water Date Feet surface 1944 Dec. 5 31.0 1945 Feb. 28 28.2 Well #5-D-l E. Balesti Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 205.4 199.9 210.0 214.7 54.0 56.8 EleTatlon of water surface 69.6 73.1 63.0 58.3 Date 1945 Feb. 28 Not. 19 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 153.7 138.7 Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 1945 Dec. 20 35.0 1946 Mar. 6 29.5 Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 1947 Mar. Not. 19 22 208.7 216.5 1948 Mar. Dec. 5 5 219.0 226.5 EleTatlon of water surface 74.3 69.3 EleTatlon of vrater surface 52.0 55.7 EleTatlon of water surface 64.5 56.5 54.0 46.5 Well #5-D-2 Mary Hansen Dlst.R.P, to water surface Feet Date 1944 Nov. 25 184.5 1945 Mar. Nov. 7 16 180.0 184.8 1946 Nov. 12 195.0 Well #5-D-3 Johnson B: Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 25 1947 Nov. 29 EleTatlon of water surface 65.7 70.0 65.2 57.0 EleTatlon of water surface 164.7 176.8 65.5 55.2 Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 1947 Mar. 19 Not. 22 188.7 197.7 1948 Mar. 5 Dec. 5 197.9 205.5 Date 1948 Not. 29 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 185.5 EleTatlon of water surface 61.5 52.? 52.1 44.7 EleTatlon of water surface 46.7 252 Well #3-E-2d P. Pedrazzi Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 45.5 1951 Oct. 7 1932 Feb. Aug. 7 31 1933 Nov. 10 1934 Nov. 20 1935 Apr. Dec. 4 10 1936 Oct. 31 1937 Apr. Nov. 30 4 35.8 38.8 37.6 36.8 31.6 32.5 40.0 32.0 34.0 Hlevation of water surface 41.5 49.2 46.2 47.4 48.2 53.4 52.5 45.0 53.0 51.0 Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1938 Apr. Oct. 9 20 26.0 33.0 1939 Apr. Nov. 12 4 31.0 36.0 1940 Apr. Nov. 16 6 28.0 35.0 1941 May Oct. 3 29 25.0 35.0 1942 Apr. Oct. 15 22 24.5 31.0 1943 Apr. Nov. 28 12 29.0 36.0 1944 Apr. 24 38.0 Elevation of water surface 59.0 52.0 54.0 49.0 57.0 50.0 60.0 50.0 60.5 54.0 56.0 49.0 47.0 Well #4-B-l J. Violini Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Feb. 4 Feb. 23 Mar. 22 Nov. 19 17.4 17.1 16.7 23.2 63.6 63.9 64.3 57.8 Mar. 5 18.7 62.3 Well #4-E-2 R. A. Fatjo Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 1 29.5 55.5 Mar. 5 26.6 58.4 1945 1948 Mar. 6 Nov. 19 24.6 32.2 60.4 52.8 Nov. 30 48.7 36.3 Well #4-E-3 R. and M. Somavia Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1932 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 5 34.7 50.3 Got. 5 31.3 53.7 1932 1945 Apr. 6 23.0 62.0 Dec. 20 28.0 57.0 23J Well #4-E- ± Salinas Valley loe Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of vrater surface 1944 Dec. 4 21.8 48.2 Nov. 20 25.0 45.0 1945 1946 Feb. 28 17.5 52.5 Mar. 6 19.1 50.9 Well #4-E- -6 F. Chappell, et al. Date Dlst. R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1932 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Oct. 7 31.5 43.7 Aug. 31 21.7 53.3 1952 1945 Apr. 7 17.5 57.5 Nov. 19 21.4 53.6 Well #4-E- li M. L. Foster Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 30 1945 Feb. 10 Feb. 22 52.7 51.5 31-5 7*. 3 75.5 75.5 Mar. Nov. 1946 Mar. 21 15 6 31.4 35.0 32.5 75-6 72.0 74.5 Well #4-E- •12 A. Pedrazzi, et al. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 2 19.7 61.3 Mar. Nov. 6 19 15.3 22.2 58. s Well #4-E-13A Vosti RancU Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 85.7 Date 1945 Nov. 14 Deo. 20 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation o*" water surface 1944 Dec. 2 24.3 28.1 27.3 79.9 60.7 Well #4-E-14 Tabaschi Ranch Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 89.1 Date 1945 Nov. 14 Dec. 20 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 1 15-9 17.7 16.6 ll'.l 234 Well #4-E-15 A. Balestra DlSt.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1941 Feet surface 1931 Oct. 8 26.5 56.5 May 3 10.5 72.5 Oct. 31 16.0 67.0 1932 1942 May 17 24.2 58.8 Oct. 5 26.1 56.9 Apr. 15 11.0 72.0 Oct. 23 17.0 66.0 1933 1943 Nov. 16 31.2 51.8 Apr. 28 14.0 69.0 1934 Nov. 12 19.0 64.0 Nov. 20 30.0 53.0 1944 1935 Apr. 24 12.0 71.0 Dec. 2 19.0 64.0 Apr. 4 15.0 68.0 Dec. 10 22.5 60.5 1945 1936 Feb. 5 16.7 66.3 Feb. 13 14.7 68.3 Oct. 51 24.9 58.1 Nov. 19 24.0 59.0 1938 1946 Apr. 12 15.0 68.0 Dec. 9 22.5 60.5 Oct. 21 13.0 68.0 1947 1939 Mar. 18 25.0 58.0 Apr. 14 16.0 67.0 Nov. 28 27.3 55.7 Nov. 4 24.0 59.0 1948 1940 Mar. 5 30.6 52.4 Apr. 18 14.5 68.5 Nov. 8 21.0 62.0 Well #4-E-l6 Patrick Farms DlSt.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1946 Feet surface 1944 Dec. 1 18.4 66.6 Feb. 5 17.0 68.0 Mar. 5 17.7 67.3 1945 Dec. 9 21.9 63.1 Feb. 4 15.6 69.4 1947 Feb. 13 15.1 69.9 Mar. 1 15.2 69.8 Mar. 18 20.7 64.3 Mar, 21 15.2 69.8 Nov. 28 26.7 58.3 Nov. 15 21.8 63.2 Dec. 20 20.1 64.9 1948 1946 Mar. 5 30.6 54.4 Nov. 29 32. '4 52.6 Jan. 15 17.5 67.5 Well #4-E-17 C. Sargenti Date 1931 Oct. 18 1932 May 17 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 28.0 Elevation of water surface 69.0 32.0 65.0 Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1932 Aug. 31 35.0 1944 Dec. 2 29.5 Elevation of water surface 62.0 67.5 235 Well #4-E-17 C. Sargenti (Continued) Date 1945 Feb. 4 Feb. 5 Feb. IJ Feb. 25 Mar. 22 Not. 14 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 26.5 26.6 26.0 26.3 26.1 32.1 Elevation of water surface 70.5 70.4 71.0 70.7 70.9 64.9 Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1945 Dec. 20 30.7 1946 Kar. 5 28.3 Elevation of water surface 66.3 68.7 Well #4-E-l8n C. Sargenti Date 19-*4 Nov. 9 Nov. 16 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Dec. 7 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Dec. 28 1945 Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 Feb. 1 Feb. 5 Feb. b Feb. 10 Feb. 15 Feb. 22 Mar. 1 Mar. 8 Mar. 15 Mar. 27 Mar. 29 Apr. 4 Apr. 12 Apr. 19 Aor. 28 May 7 May 14 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 39.7 38.7 38.4 38.5 38.3 38.4 38.2 38.0 May 21 37.9 37.8 37.2 38.0 37.7 36.2 36.0 35.9 35.7 35.7 35.8 35.9 36.3 36.4 35.4 36.1 36.4 36.9 38.6 38.6 38.8 38.8 Elevation of water surface 72.3 73.3 73.6 73.5 73.7 73.6 73.8 74.0 74.1 74.2 74.8 74.0 74.3 75.8 76.0 76.1 76.3 76. 76. 76. 75. 75. 76. 75. 75. 75. 73. 73. 73. 73. Dist.R.P to water surface Date Feet 1945 May 28 38.9 Jun. 4 39.8 Jun. 11 39.7 Jun. 18 40.1 Jun. 25 40.3 Jul. 2 39-9 Jul. 9 40.7 Jul. 16 41.3 Jul. 23 41.5 Jul- 30 41.3 Aug. 8 40.8 Aug. 13 42.5 Aug. 20 40.9 Aug. 27 40.4 Sep. 4 40.7 Sep. 11 41.7 Sep. 17 41.1 Oct. 1 42.2 Oct. 15 41.4 Oct. 22 41.8 Oct. 29 41.5 Nov. 14 40.3 Dec. 20 39.5 1946 Jan. 15 37.2 Feb. 5 36.8 Mar. 5 37.2 Dec. 9 41.0 1947 Mar. 19 41.6 Elevation of water surface 73. 72. 72. 71. 71. 72. 71. 70.7 70.5 70.7 71.2 69.5 71.1 71.6 71.3 70. 70. 69.8 70 70 70 71 72.5 74.8 75.2 74.8 71.0 70.4 Well #4-E-19 C. Sargenti Date 1916 Sep. 23 1931 Oct. 8 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 22.9 33.3 Elevation of water surface 77.1 66.7 Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1932 May Aug. 17 31 34.0 36.2 1944 Dec. 2 27.3 Elevation of water surface 66.0 63.8 72.7 256 Well #4-E-19 C. Sargenti Dist.R.P. (Continued) Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1946 Feet surface 1945 Feb. 5 24.7 75.3 Mar. 5 26.7 73.3 Feb. 13 24.3 75.7 Dec. 9 50.2 69.8 Feb. 23 24.5 75.5 Mar. 22 23.9 76.1 1947 Nov. 14 29.7 70.3 Nov. 20 28.5 71.5 Nov. 28 55.1 64.9 1946 1948 Jan. 15 26.4 73.6 Nov. 30 32.5 67.5 Feb. 5 27.6 72.4 Well #4-E-20 Anita Malarin Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date Feet surface 1944 1945 Dec. 1 28.1 76.9 Feb. 13 25.6 79.4 Feb. 23 25.4 79.6 1945 Mar. 22 23.9 81.1 Nov. 14 31.0 74.0 Feb. 5 25.9 79.1 Nov. 20 29.8 75.2 Well #4-E-24d L. and T. Jacks Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1929 Feet surface 1916 Sep. 26 19.3 75.5 Mar. 18 25.2 69.6 1924 1931 May 8 22.0 72.8 Nov. 12 33.8 61.0 Nov. 3 25.2 69.6 1932 1925 Apr. 6 27.1 67.7 Feb. 27 22.9 71.9 Aug. 31 31.4 63.4 Aug. 25 23.7 71.1 1944 1927 Dec. 5 25.7 69.1 May 25 23-3 71.5 Jul. 6 25.6 69.2 1945 Aug. 12 25.7 71.1 Feb. 28 23.7 71.1 1928 Nov. 20 29.4 65.4 Mar. 6 24.2 70.6 1946 Jun. 11 26.9 67.9 Sep. 17 27.5 67.3 Mar. 6 25.5 69.3 237 Well i-E-25 Vida Jacks Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Dec. 5 25.0 194^ Feb. 28 22.0 Uell #4- •E- -26 Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Date 1944 Nov. 25 1945 Feb. 28 Nov. 20 19*6 Mar. 6 67.0 65.5 69.3 67.3 Elevation of water surfac^P 62.0 65.0 Elevdtlon to water surface 65.0 66.5 62.7 64.7 Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1945 Nov. 20 28.1 1946 Mar. 6 23.2 Elevation of water surface 58.9 63.8 Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation to vrater surface 1946 Dec. 10 72.1 59.9 1947 Nov. 27 73.6 56.4 1948 Nov. 30 82.0 50.0 Well #4-E-26d E. J. Enevaldsen Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1916 Sep. 1 42.2 1931 Nov. 5 60.6 1932 Apr. Aug. 6 31 48.4 52.5 1933 Nov. 8 66.0 Well #4-E-29 Vida Jacl Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1916 Sep. 23 1931 Nov. 5 1932 Apr. Aug. 6 31 1944 Dec. 1 24.0 41.0 36.3 39.0 30.3 Elevation of water surface 72.8 54.4 66.6 62.5 49.0 Elevation of water surface 80.0 63.0 67.7 65.0 73.7 Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1934 Nov. 13 65.5 1935 Apr. Novt 3 30 51.6 51.8 1937 May 1 49.7 Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1945 Feb. 4 28.1 Feb. 13 27.8 Feb. 23 27.6 Mar. 21 27.7 Nov. i!) 32.4 1946 Mar. 29.5 Elevation of water surface 49.5 65.4 63.2 65.3 Elevation of water surface 75.9 76.2 76.4 76.3 71.6 74.5 2j8 Well #4-E-J0d Turri Brothers Date 1931 Nov. 5 1932 Feb. Sep. 9 30 1935 Nov. 6 1934 May Nov. 8 13 1935 Apr. Nov. 2 30 1936 Nov. 24 1937 May 10 Nov. 4 1938 Apr. Oct. 11 21 1939 Apr. Nov. 14 4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 51.8 Elevation of water surface 58.2 43.8 43.5 40.0 45.7 48.0 44.0 44.0 44.3 40.3 38.0 35.0 39.0 36.0 45.0 66.2 66.5 70.0 64.3 62.0 66.0 66.0 65.7 69.7 72.0 75.0 71.0 74.0 67.0 Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1940 Apr. Nov. 18 6 55.0 39.0 1941 May Got. 3 31 31.0 32.0 1942 Apr. Oct. 15 22 32.0 35.0 1943 Apr. Nov. 28 12 26.0 36.0 1944 Apr. Nov. 22 23 37.4 36.2 1945 Nov. 20 39.2 1946 Mar. Dec. 6 10 37.5 41.4 1947 Mar. Nov. 19 27 39.7 45.3 1948 Mar. Nov. 5 29 48.0 51.7 Elevation of water surface 75.0 71.0 79.0 78.0 78.0 75.0 84.0 74.0 72.6 73.8 70.8 72.5 68.6 70.3 64.7 62.0 58.3 Well |f4-E- ■32 Vida Jacks Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1943 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 1 27.5 64.5 Nov. 20 33.2 58.8 Well #4-E- -35 Vida Jacks Dist.R.P. to water surface Elevation of water Dist.R.P. to water surface Elevation of water Date feet, , surface Date Feet surface 1931 1945 Nov. 12 37.2 60.8 Mar. 1 25.9 72.1 1932 Apr. Aug. 6 31 30.6 36.5 67.4 61.5 Nov. 1946 Mar. 15 6 31.6 27.6 66.4 70.4 1944 Deo. 4 28.0 70.0 259 Well #*-E-37 Mary Jacks Thomas Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1951 Nov. 12 55.7 65.5 Nov. 15 51.5 67.5 68.8 Deo. 20 50.2 1952 1946 Apr. 15 28.2 70.8 Oct. 7 56. 8 62.2 Jan. 15 28.7 70.3 Feb. 5 28.0 71.0 194* Dec. 9 31.8 67.2 Dec. 4 28.4 70.6 1947 1945 Nov. 28 39.4 59.6 Feb. 5 27.3 71.7 1948 Feb. 10 26.5 72.7 72.6 Feb. 22 26.2 Mar. 5 43.3 35.7 Well #4-E-58 L. and V. Dist.R.P. Jacks Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1940 Feet surface 1951 Oct. 26 41.4 56.6 Nov. 6 18.0 80.0 Nov. 12 36.4 61.6 1941 1952 May 3 . 16.0 82.0 Mar. 24 52.0 66.0 Oct. 31 21.0 77.0 Apr. 13 27.6 70.4 Aug. 50 34.6 65.4 1942 1955 Apr. 15 18.0 80.0 Oct. 22 22.0 76.0 Dec. 6 33.1 64.9 1943 1954 Apr. 28 20.0 78.0 May 5 40.2 57.8 Jul. 25 45.4 52.6 1944 Sep. 10 48.0 50.0 Dec. 6 47.5 50.7 Dec. 4 25-9 74.1 1955 1945 Apr. 2 51.0 66.9 Mar. 1 21.8 76.2 Deo. 1 43.0 55.0 Nov. 28 26.4 71.6 Deo. 9 26.6 71.4 1957 1947 Kay 10 25.1 72.9 Nov. 27 31.2 66.8 19?8 1948 Apr. 11 25.0 75.0 Oct. 21 24.0 74.0 Mar. 5 36.7 61.3 Nov. 29 40.3 57.5 1959 Apr. 14 19.0 79.0 Nov. 4 27.0 71.0 Well #4-E-59 Mary Jacks Dist.R.P. Thoma s Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1944 Feet surface 1951 Nov. 12 57.5 60.5 Nov. 30 25.5 72.5 1952 1945 Apr. 6 28.0 70.0 Nov. 28 27.1 70.9 Aug. 51 55-5 52.5 240 Well jf4-E-43n Mary Jacks Thomas Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevati on to water Elevati on surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date Feet surface 1944 1945 Dec. 4 25.2 75.8 Mar. 1 23.1 77.9 Not. 13 26.9 74.1 Well #4-E-44 Mary Jacks Thomas Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date feet surface Date 1940 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 12 38.5 66.5 Apr. 18 26.0 79.0 Nov. 6 32.0 73.0 19J2 1941 Apr. 13 30.5 74.5 Oct. 17 32.5 72.5 May 3 22.0 83.0 Oct. 51 26.0 79.0 1953 1942 Nov. 6 40.4 64.6 Dec. 26 37.0 68.0 Apr. 15 20.0 83.0 Oct. 22 26.5 78.5 1934 1943 May 9 45.5 59.5 Sep. 10 42.0 63.0 Apr. 28 27.0 78.0 81.0 Deo. 6 41.0 64.0 Nov. 12 24.0 1935 1944 Apr. 2 30.1 74.9 Apr. 26 28.8 76.2 Dec. 1 35.0 70.0 Nov. 30 28.5 76.5 1936 1945 Nov. 6 34.9 70.1 Nov. 15 31.3 73.7 Dec. 20 30.5 74.5 1937 1946 May 10 25.0 80.0 Nov. 4 34.5 70.5 Dec. 9 31.4 73.6 1938 1947 Apr. 11 26.0 79.0 Nov. 27 36.4 68.6 Oct. 21 50.0 75.0 1948 1939 Mar. 5 40.2 64.8 Nov. 4 33.0 72.0 Nov. 29 44.8 60.2 Well #4-E-46n C. Sargent i Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1935 Feet surface 1931 Oct. 8 25.0 75.0 Nov. 7 35.0 65.0 1932 1934 - Apr. 7 21.2 78.8 Nov. 7 31.6 68.4 Aug. 31 35.5 64.5 Nov. 7 35.6 64.4 c«l Well #4-E-4 6n C. Sargenti (Continued) Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1935 1940 Apr. Dec. 4 10 30.0 55.7 70.0 66.3 Apr. Nov. 20 8 25.0 30.5 75.0 69.5 1936 1941 Nov. 1937 Nov. 1958 6 5 55.5 52.0 66.5 68.0 May Nov. 1942 Apr. Oct. 5 4 16 25 20.0 25.0 21.0 26.0 80.0 75.0 79.0 74.0 Nov. 2 28.0 72.0 1945 1939 Nov. 7 51.0 69.0 Apr. Nov. 29 12 24.0 26.0 76.0 74.0 Well #4-E-52 W. Danini Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1958 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Aug. Oct. 'I 20.8 17-3 72.2 75.7 Apr. Nov. 12 2 6.0 10.5 87.0 82.5 1952 1959 Apr. 7 20.3 72.7 Nov. 7 14.5 78.5 1955 1940 Nov. Nov. 7 25 55.8 52.6 37.2 40.4 Apr. Nov. 20 8 7.5 12.5 85.5 80.5 1955 1941 Apr. Dec. 6 10 48.2 16.0 44.8 77.0 May Nov. 5 4 ^5 8.5 88.5 84.5 1956 1942 Nov. 1957 May Nov. 7 10 5 15.5 10.3 14.0 77.5 82.7 79.0 Apr. Oct. 1945 Apr. Nov. 16 25 29 12 5.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 88.0 83.0 85.0 83.0 Well #5-E-ln Margaret Jacks Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 71.2 Date 1945 Feb. Nov. 8 15 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 25 120.8 119.4 123.6 72.6 68.4 242 Well jf5-E-2 F. and G. Johnson Date 1931 Nov. Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 184.7 Elevation of water surface 70.5 1944 Not. 25 175.5 1945 Jan. Feb. Feb. Oct. Nov. 8 8 26 16 15 174.2 173.6 173.0 180.5 178.7 Well #5-E-3d Johnson Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 79.5 80.8 81.4 82.0 74.5 76.3 Elevation of water Date Feet surface 1916 Sep. 1 111.5 83.5 1931 Nov. 5 125.0 70.0 1932 Apr. 22 Aug. 26 122.9 121.7 72.1 73.3 1933 Nov. 13 96.0 99.0 1934 Nov. 13 120.0 75.0 1955 Apr. 2 Dec. 1 116.4 131.0 78.6 64.0 Well #5-E-4 F. A. Johnson Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 25 1945 Nov. 15 40.9 43.0 76.1 74.0 Date 1946 Jan. Feb. Nov. 14 4 2 1947 Mar. Nov. 19 23 1948 Nov. 29 Date 1936 Nov. 3 1937 May Nov. 10 5 1938 Apr. Oct. 12 21 1939 Apr. Nov. 14 7 1940 Apr. 18 1941 Oct. 31 Date 1946 Mar. 6 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 176.6 176.2 185.0 180.3 186.9 197.7 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 126.0 110.0 103.0 111.0 107.0 119.0 121.0 120.0 65.0 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 40.3 Elevation of water surface 78.4 78.8 72.0 74.7 68.1 57.3 Elevation of water surface 69.0 85.0 92.0 84.0 88.0 76.0 74.0 75.0 130.0 Elevation of water surface 76.7 243 Well #5-K -A E. Bedella Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 25 31.7 78.3 Mar. Nov. 1 15 30.5 33.9 79.5 76.1 Well #5-E- -6 J. P. and W. A. Iverson Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 194* Nov. 24 1945 Mar. 1 Nov. 15 1946 137.9 136.9 140.2 94.1 91.8 Mar. Nov. 1948 Mar. Nov. 19 23 5 29 141.8 146.1 150.4 158.1 90.2 85.9 81.6 73.9 Nov. 8 142.5 89.5 Uell #5-E- ■J_ E. H. Splegl Co. Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 30 1945 21.3 83.7 Feb. Nov. Dee. 23 13 20 18.5 24.0 23.1 86.5 81.0 81.9 Feb. 4 Feb. 13 18.9 85.5 86.1 Uell #5-E- ■10 Margaret Jacks Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 24 38.5 80.5 Nov. 15 41.0 78.0 Well #5-E- ■11 G. Wimer Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 5 45.4 64.6 Nov. 25 32.9 77.1 1932 1945 Apr. 27 Oct. 7 40.5 40.8 69.5 69.2 Nov. 1946 Mar. 15 6 35.3 30.9 74.7 79.1 244 Well #5-E-14 Tida Jacks Dlst.R.P. Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1946 Feet surface 1944 Nov. 24 29.6 85.4 Jan. 15 29.7 85.3 Feb. 5 29.5 85.5 194S Mar. 5 30.1 84.9 Dec. 10 32.4 82.6 Jan. 8 28.8 86.2 Feb. 4 28.1 86.9 1947 Feb. 8 28.0 87.0 Feb. Feb. 13 22 27.9 28.0 87.1 87.0 Mar. Nov. 19 27 34.1 37.2 80.9 77.8 Mar. 21 28.5 86.5 Oct. 18 32.2 82.8 1948 Nov. 15 32.0 83.0 Mar. 5 39.8 75.2 Dec. 1 42.3 72.7 Well #5- -E-1^ I K. R. Nutting Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Co. Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Date Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 29 28.2 85.8 Nov. 1946 13 31.4 82.6 Mar. 5 29.0 85.0 Well #?-E- ■J3. Mary Jacks Thomas Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 30 28.5 79.5 Nov. 13 32.9 75.1 Well #5-E- -l?n C. Sargent! Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1932 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1916 Sep. 1931 Nov. 27 5 34.9 42.0 80.1 73.0 Apr. Oct. 1944 Nov. 27 17 24 35.6 41.4 34.4 79.4 75.6 80.6 245 Well if5-E-21 Lee Jacks Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1931 Nov. 5 51.8 1932 Apr. 27 Oct. 7 46.5 48.5 1933 Nov. 6 Dec. 26 44.1 42.0 1934 Nov. 12 47.0 1935 Aor. 5 Nov. 30 41.0 41.3 1936 Nov. 6 45.4 1-937 Nov. 5 44.0 1938 Apr. 12 37.0 1939 Apr. 14 40.0 Well #5-E-22 L. Jacks Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 24 Well #5-E-2 3 27.8 J. Chris Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 68.2 1951 Nov. 6 1932 May Aug. 17 26 76.1 72.8 75.7 73. 5 71.5 75.9 78.0 73.0 79.0 78.5 74.6 76.0 83.0 80.0 Elevation of water surface 84.2 Elevation of water surface 68.9 72.2 69.3 Date 1940 Nov. 6 1941 Oct. 31 1942 Apr. Oct. 15 23 1943 Nov. 12 1944 Apr. 25 1945 Nov. 19 1946 Dec. 10 1947 Nov. 27 1948 Nov. 29 Date 1945 Nov. 19 Date 1933 Nov. 7 1934 May Sep. Nov. 4 10 14 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 38.0 36.0 31.0 38.0 37.0 37.0 39.3 41.1 45.5 50.8 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 34.8 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 76.0 77.0 81.0 77.2 Elevation of water surface 92.0 84.0 89.0 82.0 83.0 83.0 80.7 78.9 74.5 69.2 Elevation of water surface 77.2 Elevation of water surface 69.0 68.0 64.0 67.8 246 Well #3-E-2? J. Chris Twisselman (Continued) Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1935 Apr. Deo. 9 5 72.0 71.5 1936 Nov. 6 73.1 1937 May Nov. 10 5 69.0 70.5 1938 Apr. Oct. 12 21 66.0 67.0 1939 Nov. 7 70.0 1941 May Oct. 3 31 61.0 64.0 1942 May 15 59.0 Well #5-E-24 J. Chris Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet Elevation of water surface 73.0 73.5 1944 Nov. 24 1945 Nov. 15 113.3 121.1 71.9 76.0 74.5 79.0 78.0 75.0 84.0 81.0 86.0 Elevation of water surface 81.7 73.9 Date 1943 Apr. Nov. 28 12 1944 Apr. Nov. 25 24 1945 Mar. Apr. 1 15 1946 Deo. 10 1947 Nov. 27 1948 Mar. Nov. 5 29 Date 1946 Nov. Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 62.0 65.0 64.5 65.1 64.2 67.2 69.0 74.7 77.5 78.0 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 129.3 Elevation of water surface 83.0 80.0 80.5 79.9 80.8 77.8 76.0 70.3 67.5 67.0 Elevation of water surface 65.7 Well #5-E-23d Fanoe Brothers Date 1916 Sep. 1931 Nov. 1932 Apr. Aug. 1944 Nov. 28 28 26 24 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 54.8 77.9 51.5 75.7 62.8 Elevation of water surface 95.2 72.1 98.5 74.3 87.2 Date 1945 Mar. Nov. 1 15 1946 Nov. 8 1947 Mar. Nov. 19 23 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 60.6 65.4 67.0 68.9 70.0 Elevation of water surface 89.4 84.6 83.0 Bl.l 80.0 2*7 Veil #5-S-26 Tanoe Brothers Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water BleTation to water BleTation surface of water surface of water Date ?eet surface Date yeet surface 1916 1940 Jan. 2 88.9 121.1 Apr. 18 93.0 117.0 NOT. 8 99.5 110.5 1931 194] Not. 9 136.8 73.2 Sot. A- 95.0 115.0 1932 1942 Apr. 28 132.0 78.0 Aug. 26 146.0 64.0 Apr. 16 90.0 120.0 Oct. 10 136.0 74.0 Nov. 8 107.6 102.4 1943 1934 Not. 13 100.0 110.0 Sot. 13 108.3 101.7 1944 1935 Not. 24 95.4 114.6 Apr. 2 105.7 104.3 1945 Dec. 1 101.0 109.0 Not. 14 98.0 112.0 1936 1946 Not. 6 114. 96.0 Not. 8 99.1 110.9 1937 1947 Key 10 97.0 113.0 Hot. 5 95.0 115.0 Not. 23 100.5 109.5 1938 1948 Not. 2 96.0 114.0 Mar. 5 102.9 107.1 Hot. 29 105.2 104.8 1939 Apr. 14 93.0 117.0 «ell #5-2-2 7 ?aiioe 3ro tiers Date 1945 Not. 14 1946 Hot. 8 Dist.H.P. to water BleTation surface of water ?e8t surface 69.9 72.9 80.1 77-1 Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet BleTation of water surface 1947 Not. 23 74.1 75.9 1948 Kar. 5 Not. 29 81.1 78.7 68.9 71.3 248 Well #5-E-27d Weldman Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1933 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1916 Sep. 1 164.7 95.3 Nov. 9 145.0 115.0 1931 1934 Nov. 10 181.0 79.0 Nov. 13 148.0 112.0 1932 1935 Apr. 28 Aug. 26 179.0 180.0 81.0 80.0 Apr. Deo. 2 1 119.0 172.0 141.0 88.0 Well #5-E-29 Fanoe Brothers Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1916 Oct. 2 86.5 74.5 Nov. 14 75.1 87.9 1931 1946 Nov. 9 80.2 80.8 Nov. 8 76.0 85.0 1932 1947 Apr. 28 Aug. 25 72.5 83.5 88.5 77.5 Mar. Nov. 19 23 76.0 78.0 85.0 83.0 1944 1948 Nov. 24 71.2 89.8 Mar. Nov. 5 29 79.0 88.2 82.0 72.8 Well #5-E-30 Fanoe Brothers Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 24 76.9 1945 Nov. 14 79.1 Well #5-E-38 M. Corda Dlst.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1916 Sep. 28 1931 Nov. 7 26.7 47.0 Elevation of water surface 85.9 Elevation of water surface 90.3 70.0 Date 1946 Nov. 8 1948 Mar. 5 Nov. 29 Date 1932 Apr. Aug. 28 25 1945 Nov. 14 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 82.1 87.8 88.4 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 39.7 43.7 35.5 Elevation of water surface 82.9 77.2 76.6 Elevation of water surface 77.3 73.3 81.5 249 Well #5-E-iO H. Tarp Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1941 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1951 Nov. 7 27.3 89.7 Oct. 51 29.0 88.0 1952 1942 Apr. 28 Aug. 25 1933 Nov. 7 20.1 21.8 56.6 96.9 95.2 80.4 Oct. 25 1945 Apr. 28 Nov. 12 50.0 29.0 51.0 87.0 88.0 86.0 1934 1944 Nov. 15 1955 Apr. 2 Dec. 1 42.0 56.0 57.4 75.0 81.0 79-6 Apr. 25 Nov. 22 1945 Nov. 14 51.0 30.1 31.8 86.0 86.9 85.2 1936 1946 Nov. 3 38.4 78.6 Deo. 10 52.5 84.7 1957 1947 Nov. 5 1938 Apr. 12 Oct. 21 1939 35.5 27.0 32.0 81.5 90.0 85.0 Mar. 19 Nov. 27 1948 Mar. 5 Nov. 29 55.2 59.5 41.0 42.1 85.8 77.7 76.0 74.9 Nov. 7 35.0 82.0 Uell #5-E-*l D. and C. Bianco Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1952 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1916 Sep. 28 29.4 95.6 Aug. 19 54.5 70.5 1931 1944 Nov. 7 51.0 74.0 Nov. 22 37.8 87.2 1932 1945 Kay 17 45.2 81.8 Nov. 14 56.4 88.6 250 Well #5-E-46 E. H. Spiegl Co. Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface feet Elevation of water surface Date 1937 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1916 Sep. 28 22.2 84.8 May 10 30.0 77.0 1931 1944 Nov. 12 42.5 64.5 Nov. 30 24.5 82.5 1932 1945 Apr. 27 Aug. 26 193* 31.8 36.8 75.2 70.2 Feb. 4 Feb. 23 Mar. 21 Nov. 13 24.5 24.0 24.6 29.0 82.5 83.0 82.4 78.0 May 5 Jul. 26 Aug. 29 34.8 40.6 39.0 72.2 66.4 68.0 1946 Nov. 9 28.8 78.2 1935 1947 Apr. 2 Dec. 11 52.0 35.0 75.0 72.0 Mar. 19 Nov. 27 28.4 33.6 78.6 73.4 1936 1948 Nov. 6 35.0 72.0 Mar. 5 Nov. 30 37.7 39.4 69.5 67.6 Well #5-E-47 D. and G. Bassi Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 2 2 32.1 87.9 Nov. 28 33.7 86.3 Well #5-E-48 William Vostl Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 30 25.2 86.8 Dec. 20 26.1 85.9 Well #3-E-49 J. Brazil Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1933 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Aug. 25 Nov. 13 1932 Apr. 29 33.8 33-5 31.0 78.2 78.5 81.0 Nov. 13 1934 Nov. 20 37.5 36.0 74.5 76.0 251 Well #5-E-49 J. Brazil (Continued Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1935 Apr. 2 Dec. 1 Jl.O ?5.5 81.0 78.5 Mar. Dec. 5 9 27.5 30.2 84.5 81.8 1936 1947 Nov. 6 1944 Apr. 28 Nov. 30 1945 34.0 27.1 27.0 78.0 84.9 85.0 Mar. Nov. 1948 Mar. Nov. 19 27 5 29 34.6 42.0 41.0 41.9 77.4 70.0 71.0 70.1 Nov. 13 28.9 83.1 Well #?-E-50 M. AncJerson Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 24 26.2 88.8 Mar. Nov. 1 14 24.0 27.9 91.0 87.1 Well #5-E-51 A. Verzaconi, , et al. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 29 1945 Feb. 5 Feb. 10 26.3 25.2 24.8 85.7 86.8 87.2 Feb. Nov. 1946 Mar. 22 13 5 24.7 28.1 27.2 87.3 83.9 84.8 Well #5-E-52 J". R. and M. Somavia Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 30 11.5 88.5 Dec. 20 12.6 87.4 1945 1946 Feb. 5 Feb. 10 Feb. 22 Nov. 13 1:1 10.3 12.9 90.8 91.1 89.7 87.1 Jan. Feb. Mar. Dec. 15 5 5 9 10.1 10.0 12.4 14.3 89.9 90.0 87.6 85.7 252 Well #5- ■E- lli J. R. and M. Somavia (Oontii Qued) Date Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface Date 1948 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1917 Mar. Nov. 19 27 15.9 86.1 19.0 81.0 Mar. Nov. 4 29 25.2 22.8 74.8 77.2 Well #5- ■E- ■53 J. R. and H. Somavia Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1932 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 15 19.1 80.9 Oct. 10 20.4 79.6 1932 1945 Apr. 29 17.0 85.0 Nov. 13 15.3 84.7 Well #5-E-56 A. Rianda, Dist.R.P. to water surface et al. Elevation of water Date Feet surface 1945 Nov. 14 39.4 92.6 Well #5-E-59 H. Rianda Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1939 Feet surface 1916 Sep. 28 19.9 98.1 Apr. 14 30.0 88.0 Nov. 7 33.0 85.0 1930 1941 Dec. 1 35.2 82.8 May 5 22.0 96.0 1931 Nov. 4 26.0 92.0 Nov. 13 38.2 79.8 1942 1932 Apr. 16 22.0 96.0 Oct. 23 27.0 91.0 Apr. 25 33.0 85.0 Aug. 25 36.8 81.2 1943 1935 Apr. 28 29.0 89.0 Nov. 12 29.0 89.0 Nov. 13 42.9 75.1 1944 1934 Nov. 29 31.7 86.3 Nov. 20 40.1 77.9 1945 1935 Nov. 13 30.9 87.1 Apr. 2 53.6 64.4 1946 1936 Dec. 9 31-3 86.7 Nov. 6 35.0 85.0 1947 1937 Mar. 19 33.9 84.1 Nov. 5 35.0 83.0 Nov. 27 42.7 75.3 1938 1948 Apr. 12 31.0 87.0 Mar. 4 37.8 80.2 Nov. 29 44.0 74.0 25J Well #5-E-60 F. Oorda, et al. Date DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Not. 30 24.4 1945 Mar. 1 23-4 Well #5-E-63 C. and B. Date DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 91.6 1944 Nov. 22 92.6 Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Nov. 15 1946 Mar. 5 32.6 90.4 Date 1945 Nov. 14 DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet 26.1 24.0 DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 89.9 92.0 Elevation of water surface 34.3 88.7 Well #$-E-66 E. W. Herold Date DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 22 Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 30 30.7 94.3 Well #5-E-70 A. Martella DiSt.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Mar. 1 Nov. 13 39.7 88.3 Date 1945 Nov. 14 DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet 28.9 32.4 DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 96.1 92.6 Elevation of water surface 41.2 86.8 Well #5-E-71 E. N. Herold Date DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 29 33.2 1945 Feb. Feb. 5 10 30.8 Well #5-E- -72 E. Herol( Date DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 22 Elevation of water surface 96.8 98.5 99.2 Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Feb. Nov. 22 13 1946 Mar. 5 144.6 99.4 Date 1946 Nov. DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet 30.5 34.1 51.4 DiSt.R.P. to water surface Feet 149.7 Elevation of vrater surface 99.5 95.9 98.6 Elevation of water surface 94.3 254- Well #5-E-73 E. N. Herold Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1958 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 9 36.1 78.9 Nov. 2 28.0 87.0 1932 1939 Mar. 26 Oct. 10 50.0 26.8 85.0 88.2 Apr. Nov. 14 7 27.0 32.0 88.0 83.0 1933 1940 Nov. 8 1934 Nov. 20 1935 58.0 36.5 77.0 78.5 Apr. Nov. 1941 May Nov. 18 8 5 4 27.0 30.0 22.0 25.5 88.0 85.0 93.0 89.5 Apr. 2 Dec. 3 1936 29.0 31.5 86.0 83.5 1942 Apr. Oct. 16 23 22.0 27.0 93-0 88.0 Nov. 7 33.3 81.7 1943 1937 Apr. 29 27.0 88.0 May 11 29.0 86.0 Well #5-E-74 E. Herold Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 22 37.7 92.3 Mar. Nov. 1 14 37.1 40.2 89.8 Well #5-E-75d E. Herold Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1931 Nov. 9 82.5 1932 Apr. Aug. 27 25 76.2 84.1 Well #5-E- -76 E. Harolc Date Dist.R.P. to watHr surface Feet 1944 Nov. 22 1945 Nov. 14 97.3 98.6 Elevation of water surface 90.5 96.8 88.9 Elevation of water surface 93.7 92.4 Date 1945 Nov. 14 1946 Nov. 8 Date 1946 Nov. 14 1948 Nov. 29 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 73-3 76.6 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 101.1 110.7 Elevation of water surface 99.7 96.4 Elevation of water surface 89.9 80.3 255 Well #5-E-77 J- and B. Twisselman Date 1931 Nov. 10 1952 Apr. Aug. 27 25 1944 Nov. 22 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 115.8 113.5 121.0 111.8 Elevation of water surface 99.2 101.5 94.0 103.2 Date 1945 Nov. 14 1946 Nov. 8 1947 Nov. 23 1948 Dec. 1 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 113.0 116.9 130.0 117.5 Elevation of water surface 102.0 98.1 85.0 97.5 Well #5-F-l R. Rianda Date 1931 Dec. 2 1932 Mar. Aug. 11 24 1933 Nov. 7 1934 Nov. 13 1935 Apr. Dec. 6 10 1936 No 7. 7 1937 May 10 1938 Nov. 2 1939 Apr. Nov. 13 7 1940 Apr. Nov. 20 8 1941 May 5 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 31.1 23. 31. 29.2 33.0 25.7 29.5 28.8 22.5 25.0 22.0 27.0 22.0 26.0 19.5 Elevation of water surface ^Jf.') 101.3 93.2 Date 95.8 92.0 99.3 96.2 102.5 100.0 103.0 98.0 103.0 99.0 105.5 1941 Nov. 4 1942 Apr. Oct. 16 25 1943 Apr. Nov. 29 12 1944 May Dec. 2 1 1945 Feb. Feb. Feb. Nov. Dec. 6 13 23 14 20 1946 Jan. Feb. Nov. Dec. 15 5 11 9 1947 Mar. Nov. 19 28 1948 Mar. Nov. 4 29 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 21.5 19.0 24.0 21. Q 24.0 19.4 24.3 21.8 21.8 22.0 25.7 25.0 22.8 22.7 28.1 28.3 28.2 32.9 33.7 35.4 Elevation of water surface 103.5 106.0 101.0 104.0 101.0 105.6 100.7 103.2 103.2 103.0 99.3 100.0 102.2 102.3 96.9 96.7 96.8 92.1 91.3 89.6 256 Well #5-F-3 Mrs. Gonzales Date 1944 Nov. 29 1945 Feb. 4 Feb. 9 Feb. 15 Feb. 23 Nov. 12 Deo. 19 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1951 Nov. 23 31.0 1932 May 11 22.5 1933 Nov. 7 19.9 1934 Nov. 13 21.0 1935 Apr. Dec. 6 10 24.0 27.8 1936 Nov. 7 28.2 1937 Nov. 5 30.0 Well #?-F-5 Williams £ Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 90.0 1946 Jan. 15 23.7 19.6 19.6 19.7 20.1 24.9 24.0 20.9 98.5 101.1 100.0 97.0 93.2 92.8 91.0 Elevation of water surface 100.3 104.4 104.4 104.3 103.9 99.1 100.0 103.1 Date 1938 Nov. 2 1940 Nov. 8 1944 Nov. 30 1945 Nov. Dec. 13 20 1946 Nov. Dec. 11 9 1947 Nov. 27 1948 Nov. 28 Date 1946 Feb. Mar. Nov. Dec. 5 5 11 9 1947 Mar. 19 1946 Apr. May 8 14 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 24.0 25.0 23.0 25.2 24.0 26.9 25.4 32.9 34.4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 20.9 21.5 27.0 25.1 24.7 J2.1 33.5 Elevation of water surface 97.0 96.0 98.0 95.8 97.0 94.1 95.6 86.6 Elevation of water surface 103.1 102.7 97.0 98.9 99.3 91.9 90.5 Well #5-F-7 Selva Brothers Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Dec. 2 21.5 93.5 Deo. 2 12.4 102.6 1932 1945 May 10 Oct. 10 17.1 20.8 97.9 94.2 Nov. 14 Dec. 20 13.7 13.1 101.5 101.9 257 Well #S-F-9 H. T. Rianda Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1940 Feet surface 1916 Oct. 3 11.7 106.3 Apr. 23 11.0 107.0 Nov. 13 16.0 102.0 1931 1941 Dec. 2 23.0 95.0 May 9 9.0 109.0 1932 Nov. 8 10.0 108.0 May 11 17.0 18.3 101.0 1942 Aug. 24 99.7 Apr. 22 9.0 109.0 1933 Oct. 30 10.0 108.0 Nov. 2 19.6 98.4 1943 1934 Apr. 29 11.0 107.0 Nov. 13 15.0 103.0 Nov. 13 20.7 97.3 1944 1935 Apr. 2 7 14.8 103.2 Apr. 5 16.6 101.4 Deo. 1 13.9 104.1 Dec. 10 20.8 97.2 1945 1936 Feb. 6 12.9 105.1 Nov. 7 19.8 98.2 Feb. 13 12.0 106.0 Feb. 23 12.1 105.9 1937 Dec. 20 14.4 103.6 May 10 14.5 103.5 1946 1938 Jan. 15 12.5 105.5 Feb. 5 12.3 105.7 Apr. 13 11.0 107.0 Nov. 11 17.0 101.0 1939 1947 Nov. 7 19.5 98.5 Apr. 7 25.5 92.5 Well #5-F-10 N. Bundgard Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1938 Feet surface 1931 Deo. 2 20.8 94.2 Apr. 13 11.0 104.0 Nov. 2 13.0 102.0 1932 1939 May 10 16.1 98.9 Oct. 10 18.6 96.4 Nov. 7 16.0 99.0 1933 1940 Nov. 11 20.0 95.0 Nov. 13 13.0 102.0 1931 1941 Nov. 23 18.2 96.8 May 9 7.0 108.0 Nov. 8 9.5 105.5 1935 1942 Apr. 9 12.0 103.0 Dec. 10 17.1 97.9 Apr. 22 6.5 108.5 Got. 50 10.0 105.0 1936 1943 Nov. 7 16.5 98.5 Nov. 13 12.0 103.0 1937 1944 Nov. 5 17.0 98. Apr. 27 16.6 98.4 258 Well jf^-F-10 N. Bundgard Dist.R.P. (Continued) Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1947 Feet surface 1945 Nov. 14 6.2 108.8 Nov. 22 19.7 95.3 Dec. 20 12.8 102.2 1948 1946 Mar. 4 25.2 91. 8 Mar. 5 10.7 104.3 Nov. 28 24.0 91.0 Nov. 11 15.6 99.4 Dec. 11 14.6 100.4 Well #5-F-12 S. Franaoioni Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1931 Dec. 2 24.8 115.2 Nov. 14 25.6 114.4 Deo. 20 25.0 115.0 1932 1946 Apr. 15 20.4 119.6 Oct. 18 20.7 119.5 Mar. 5 23.4 116.6 Nov. 11 27.1 112.9 1944 Dec. 12 25.8 114.2 Dec. 1 24.4 115.6 1947 1945 Apr. 5 25.7 114.3 Nov. 22 29.5 110.5 Feb. 6 22.9 117.1 Feb. 13 22.4 117.6 1948 Feb. 23 22.5 117.5 Mar. 21 22.2 117.8 Nov. 28 34.1 105.9 Well #5-F-15 E. E. Harden Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 23 33.4 91.6 Nov. 13 27.8 97.2 Dec. 19 26.8 98.2 1932 1946 Apr. 13 28.2 96.8 Oct. 10 33.6 91.4 Mar. 5 25.2 99.8 Well #5-F-14 E. Herold Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1933 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 23 55.6 89.4 Nov. 7 32.2 92.8 Dec. 6 35.7 89.3 1934 1932 Nov. 13 35.0 90.0 Apr. 11 50.1 94.9 Apr. 14 30.1 94.9 1935 Sep. 10 35.1 89.9 Oct. 10 35.1 89.9 Apr. 6 29.6 95.4 Dec. 1 28.5 96.5 259 Well #5-F-l* E. Herold (Continued) Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Klevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1937 May 10 Nov. 5 1938 Apr. 12 Nov. 2 1959 Nov. 7 19*0 26.6 30.0 22.0 26.0 35.0 98.4 95.0 103.0 99.0 90.0 Nov. 1945 Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Oct. Nov. 29 8 4 8 10 15 22 21 16 13 27.1 26.1 25.5 25.0 24.9 24.8 24.7 25.8 29.6 29.0 97.9 98.9 99.7 100.0 100.1 100.2 100.3 99.2 95.4 96.0 Nov. 8 25.0 100.0 1946 19*1 Nov. i 24.5 100.5 Jan. Feb. Nov. 15 5 15 26.0 26.0 50.7 99.0 99.0 94.3 1942 1948 Apr. 16 Oct. 23 20.5 25.0 104.5 100.0 Mar. Nov. 4 28 55.5 38.8 89.5 86.2 1943 Nov. 13 26.0 99.0 well #5-F-15 J. Rlanda Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Dec. 1 19.6 107.4 Mar. 5 18.2 108.8 1945 1948 Nov. 14 Dec. 20 20.7 20.1 106.5 106.9 Nov. 28 29.8 97.2 Well #5-F-17 Anna Fourcade Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 25 46.3 108.7 Dec. 11 48.6 106.4 1945 1947 Nov. 9 49.4 105.6 Nov. 22 52.2 102.8 1946 1948 Mar. 4 Nov. 14 45.0 49.7 110.0 105.3 Nov. 27 59.1 95.9 Well #5-F-20 Marco Ghezzi Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1952 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 27 48.8 91.2 Aug. 24 47.8 92.2 260 Well #5-F-26 A. E. Lanini Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1941 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 27 47.2 100.8 Nov. 7 39.5 108.5 1932 1942 Apr. Aug. 25 24 46.0 48.1 102.0 99.9 Apr. Got. 2^^ 35.0 40.0 113.0 108.0 1933 1943 Nov. 8 50.6 97.4 Nov. 13 42.0 106.0 1934 1944 Nov. 20 32.0 96.0 Nov. 25 41.5 106.5 1935 1945 Apr. Deo. 1937 10 1 44.0 45.6 104.0 102.4 Jan. Feb. Oct. Nov. 9 6 18 15 40.4 40.2 44.7 43.4 107.6 107.8 103.3 104.6 May Nov. 1938 Apr. Nov. 10 6 15 11 44.0 43.0 39.0 41.0 104.0 103.0 109.0 107.0 1946 Jan. Feb. Mar. Nov. Dec. 15 4 4 10 11 41.0 40.9 40.3 45.3 44.3 107.0 107.1 107.7 102.7 103.7 1939 1948 Nov. 194-1 May 7 5 44.5 36.0 103.5 112.0 Mar. Apr. 4 8 50.4 62.5 97.6 85.5 Well #5-F-28 Williams Sisters Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 27 51.0 99.0 Nov. 12 44.6 105.4 1932 1948 Apr. Aug. 19 24 47.0 48.0 103.0 102.0 Nov. 27 57.7 92.3 Well #5-F-30 Williams Sisters Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 27 44.9 97.1 Nov. 25 27.7 114.3 1932 1945 Apr. Oct. 25 10 41.8 44.5 100.2 97.5 Nov. 1948 12 29.1 112.9 Nov. 27 38.7 109.3 Well #?-F-31 Williams Sisters 261 Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1940 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1916 Oct. 5 1931 Nov. 27 1932 12.2 23.2 109.8 98.8 Apr. Nov. 1941 May Nov. 20 8 3 4 15.0 18.0 12.0 15.0 107.0 104.0 110.0 107.0 Apr. 19 18.7 103.3 1942 1933 Nov. 9 1934 Nov. 13 38.0 39.8 84.0 82.2 Apr. Oct. 1943 Apr. Nov. 11 30 13 11.5 16.0 15.0 21.0 110.5 106.0 107.0 101.0 1935 1944 Apr. 10 Dec. 1 27.6 26.0 94.4 96.0 Apr. Nov. 28 25 12.0 16.6 110.0 105.4 1936 1945 Nov. 19 1937 Nov. 6 1938 Apr. 13 Nov. 11 20.0 20.0 14.0 17.0 102.0 102.0 108.0 105.0 Nov. Deo. 1946 Dec. 1947 Nov. 12 19 11 22 17.9 17.4 18.1 22.0 104.1 104.6 103.9 100.0 1939 1948 Apr. 17 Nov. 8 20.0 20.0 102.0 102.0 Mar. 4 23.6 98.4 Well #5-F-53 Williams Sisters Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 25 1945 12.0 113.0 Mar. Nov. Dec. 2 12 19 9.8 13.2 12.5 115.2 111.8 112.5 Feb. 5 Feb. 10 Feb. 22 11.1 10.1 10.3 113.9 114.9 114.7 1948 Nov. 27 22.4 102.6 Well #5-F-34 Williams Sisters Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1932 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Nov. 30 27.7 97.3 Aug. 24 17.6 107.4 1932 1945 Apr. 14 16.2 108.8 Nov. Dec. 12 19 12.6 12.5 112.4 112.5 262 Well i^5-F-55 Douci Estate Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 25 19.0 1945 Jan. 8 19.3 Feb. 9 17.8 Mar. 2 17.9 Mar. 21 17.6 Oct. 16 21.7 Nov. 12 20.4 Dec. 19 19.7 1946 Jan. 15 17.9 Well #5-P-40 A. E. Lai Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1944 Nov. 22 156.6 1945 Mar. Nov. 2 9 154.8 164.7 Well #6-F-5 C. Poirer Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 116.0 115.7 117.2 117.1 117.4 113.3 114.6 115.3 117.1 Elevation of water surface 1933 Nov. 9 27.0 91.0 1934 Nov. 30 28.8 89.2 1935 Apr. 12 20.0 98.0 1944 Nov. 25 13.4 104.6 1945 Nov. 12 14.9 103.1 Well #6-F-4 Hanson Bros. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevstion of water surface 1945 Nov. 30.9 125.4 127.2 117.3 Elevation of water surface 152.1 Date 1946 Feb. Mar. Nov. Dec. 5 4 10 11 1947 Apr. 7 1948 Mar. Apr. Nov. 4 8 27 Date 1945 Dec. 19 1946 Nov. Dec. 10 11 1947 Nov. 22 1948 Apr. Nov. 8 27 Date 1946 Mar. 4 1948 Apr. 4 Nov. 27 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 17.8 18.5 21.3 18.7 19.7 25.2 24.3 28.7 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 14.1 16.3 14.9 19.0 27.4 29.5 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 160.8 168.0 189.0 Elevation of water surface 117.2 116.5 113.7 116.3 115.3 109.8 110.7 106.3 Elevation of water surface 103.9 101.7 103.1 99.0 90.6 88.5 Elevation of water surface 121.2 114.0 93.0 263 Well #6-F-6 Hansen Bros. Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1940 Feet surface 1933 Nov. 8 162.0 133.0 Apr. 20 164.0' 131.0 Nov. 8 164.0 131.0 1934 1941 Nov. 20 165. • 130.0 May 5 164.0 131.0 1935 Nov. 4 165.0 150.0 Apr. 9 160.2 134.8 1942 Dec. 3 167.5 127.5 May ^7 157.0 138.0 1936 Oct. 26 156.0 139.0 Nov. 20 166.2 126.8 1946 1937 Mar. 4 164.2 130.8 Dec. 11 165.1 129.9 May 11 163.0 132.0 Nov. 5 164.0 131.0 1947 1938 Apr. 12 166.0 129.0 Nov. 22 169.1 125.9 Apr. 15 162.0 133.0 Nov. 11 161.0 134.0 1948 1939 Mar. 4 178.3 116.7 Nov. 27 189.0 93.0 Apr. 17 165.0 130.0 Nov. 8 164.0 131.0 Well #b-F-8 Geo. U. Hook Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1946 Feet surface 1944 Nov. 22 170.6 134.4 Jan. 15 172.4 132.6 Feb. 5 171.9 133.1 1945 Mar. 4 170.8 134.2 Nov. 14 176.2 128.8 Jan. 8 170.6 134.4 Deo. 11 176.6 128.4 Feb. 7 170.0 135.0 Mar. 2 169.2 135.8 1948 Oct. 16 173.9 131.1 Nov. 9 174.2 130.8 Mar. 4 178.2 126.8 Nov. 27 185.4 119.6 Well #6-F-9 Wm. Tavernetti Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1944 Nov. 22 1945 Feb. 7 Feb. 13 Feb. 22 Nov. 9 72.1 71.1 71.0 71.0 73.9 Elevation of water surface 122.9 123.9 124.0 124.0 121.1 Date 1946 Mar. 4 1948 Apr. 8 Nov. 27 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 71.6 86.7 89.0 Elevation of water surface 123.4 118.3 106.0 264 Well #6-F-10 A. Callaghan Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1931 Dec. 1 82.4 1932 Apr. 25 Oct. 10 81.8 91.0 1945 Nov. 9 94.4 1946 Mar. 4 92.0 Well #6-F- -1? Doud Ranch Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Date Feet 1944 Nov. 25 43.7 1945 Mar. Nov. 2 12 42.5 45.1 Well #6-F- -14 Williams Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1946 Dec. 11 44.4 1947 Apr. 7 45.4 Well #6- ■F- ■1? A. V. Ri< Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 21 36.1 1945 Nov. 28 37.2 Well #6-F- -16 CallaghaE Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 22 29.4 Elevation of water surface 112.6 113.2 104.0 100.6 103.0 Elevation of water surface 111.3 112.5 109.9 Elevation of water surface 105.6 104.6 Elevation of water surface 149.9 148.8 Elevation of water surface 132.6 Date 1946 Nov. 7 Dec. 11 1947 Apr. 12 Nov. 22 1948 Mar. 4 Nov. 27 Date 1946 Mar. 4 1948 Dec. 3 Date 1947 Nov. 22 1948 Mar. 4 Date 1946 Mar. 4 1948 Nov. 26 Date 1945 Mar. 2 Nov. 9 Dec. 19 Dist.R.P. to water surface . Feet 96.0 94.7 101.8 105.4 108.2 105.0 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 43.0 53.7 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 48.2 50.0 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 35.0 43.6 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 99.0 100.3 93.2 89.6 86.8 90.0 Elevation of water surface 112.0 101.3 27.6 30.4 29.8 Elevation of water surface 101.8 100.0 Elevation of water surface 151.0 142.4 Elevation of water surface 134.4 131.6 132.2 265 Well #»■ .j_. ■JA Callaghac 1 Ranch (Continued) Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1948 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 19*6 Mar. 4 27.3 134.7 Apr. Mov. 8 27 37.9 41.8 124.1 120.2 Well ^6. .J. ■1? Adelaide Callaghan Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1941 Feet surface 1931 Nov. 27 52.4 119.6 May 5 47.0 125.0 Nov. 4 51.0 121.0 1952 1942 Apr. 25 52.8 119.2 Aug. 23 63.4 108.6 Apr. 17 49.0 123.0 Oct. 26 52.0 120.0 1953 1943 Nov. 9 58.0 114.0 Apr. 30 49.0 123.0 1934 Nov. 13 55.0 117.0 Nov. 20 61.0 111.0 1944 1935 Apr. 25 54.0 118.0 Nov. 27 53.7 118.3 Apr. 11 56.6 115.4 Dec. 20 53.4 118.6 Dec. 3 57.0 115.0 1945 1936 Jan. 8 53.0 119.0 Feb. 6 52.8 119.2 Nov. 7 56.9 115.1 Mar. 2 52.4 119.6 Mar. 21 52.8 119.2 1937 Oct. 16 56.1 115.9 Nov. 9 55.4 116.6 May 11 54.5 117.5 1946 1938 Jan. 15 53.4 118.6 Nov. 11 54.0 118.0 Feb. 4 52.9 119.1 Nov. 7 57.1 114.9 1939 Dec. 11 55.6 116.4 Nov. 8 56.0 116.0 1947 1940 Nov. 22 59.4 112.6 Apr. 20 51.0 121.0 1948 Nov. 8 56.0 116.0 Nov. 27 70.7 101.3 Well #6-F-l8 Callaghan Dist.R.P. Ranch Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1946 Feet surface 1944 Nov. 22 20.3 119.7 Jan. 15 18.6 121.4 1945 1948 Nov. 12 21.1 118.9 Nov. 27 29.7 110.3 Deo. 19 20.9 119.1 266 Veil #6-F-20 CallaKhan Ranch Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 22 39.0 1945 Nov. 12 40.6 Well #6-F-21 T. J. Fif Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1916 Oct. 5 1931 Nov. 27 1932 Apr. Aug. 14 23 31.8 45.7 47.2 46.8 Elevation of water surface 120.0 118.4 Elevation of water surface 128.2 114.3 112.8 113.2 Date 1946 Mar. 4 1948 Nov. 27 Date 1944 Nov. 22 1945 Nov. 12 1946 Mar. 4 1948 Nov. 27 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 37.9 53.5 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 38.2 39-8 37.9 48.8 Elevation of water surface 121.1 105.5 Elevation of water surface 121.8 120.2 122.1 111.2 Well #6-F-23 Callaghan Ranch Date 1931 Nov. 27 1932 May Aug. 11 23 193? Nov. 9 1934 Nov. 20 1935 Apr. Deo. 12 3 1936 Nov. 19 1937 May Nov. 11 6 1938 May Nov. 15 11 1939 Apr. 17 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 32.0 26.0 29.2 38.6 40.2 36.4 28.5 29-0 25.2 24.0 23.0 26.0 26.0 Elevation of water surface 114.0 120.0 116.8 107.4 105.8 109.6 117.5 117.0 120.8 122.0 123.0 120.0 120.0 Date 1939 Nov. 8 1940 Nov. 8 1941 Nov. 4 1942 Apr. Oct. 11 1944 Nov. 22 1945 Mar. Nov. Dec. 2 12 19 1946 Mar. Dec. 4 11 1947 Apr. 7 1948 Apr. Nov. 8 27 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 26.0 27.0 24.0 20.5 24.0 25.3 24.3 27.2 26.4 24.7 27.4 27.1 37.2 35-1 Elevation of water surface 120.0 119.0 122.0 125.5 122.0 120.7 121.7 118.8 119.6 121.3 118.6 118.9 108.8 110.9 267 Well #6-F-2* Callaghan Ranch Dist.R.P. Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of W£ iter surface of water Date Feet surface Date 19*6 Feet surface 19** Nov. 22 5*. 7 155. .5 Feb. 5 52.1 157.9 156.5 Mar. * 51.5 19*5 Nov. 10 55.4 154.6 Feb. 9 51.1 158. .9 19*7 Feb. 22 51.2 IJS. ,8 Mar. 21 51.9 138, ,1 Nov. 22 57.4 152.6 Nov. 12 5*. 4 155. .6 19*8 19*6 Apr. 8 58.4 151.6 Jan. 15 32.2 157. .8 Nov. 26 41.2 128.8 Well #6-F-27d Carlyle Thorpe Dist.R.P. Dlst.R.P. to water Eleva' tion to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surf! ace Date 194* Feet surface 1916 Oct. 5 41.2 128, .8 Nov. 22 44.5 125.5 1951 19*5 Nov. 50 50.5 119. .5 Mar. Nov. 5 9 45.7 46.4 126.5 125.6 1952 19*6 Apr. 1* 48.1 121 .9 Aug. 25 49.8 120 .2 Mar. Nov. Dec. 4 7 11 45.8 47.5 46.4 126.2 122.7 125.6 Well #6- 1: ■2B Maria A. Fields Date Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface Date 1952 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 19J1 Nov. 50 57.8 122.2 Aug. 25 29.5 150.7 1952 1946 May 17 29.7 130.5 Mar. 4 55.8 126.2 Well #b- ■I: -11 Maria A. Fields Date Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 22 35.2 126.8 Mar. 4 55.8 128.2 1945 1948 Nov. 12 40.5 121'5 Nov. 27 45.6 116.4 268 Well #6-g-30 P. Bianchi Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1931 Deo. 2 18.9 1952 Apr. 15 Aug. 24 11.7 15.1 1933 Nov. 9 51.4 1934 Nov. 20 52.0 1935 Deo. 10 15.0 1936 Nov. 20 15.2 1944 Nov. 22 12.8 Well #6-F-31 A. Bianol Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1916 Dot. 1931 Oct. Apr. 1932 Aug. 1933 Nov. 1934 Nov. 1935 Apr. Deo. 1936 Nov. 1937 Nov. 3 15 24 11 23 9 10 20 7.8 12.5 10.3 11.8 12.2 10.5 9.2 12.4 13.7 12.0 Elevation of water surface 121.1 128.3 124.9 88.0 125.0 124.8 127.2 Elevation of water surface 137.2 132.5 134.7 133.2 132.8 134.5 135.8 132.6 131.3 133.0 Date 1945 Feb. 6 Feb. 13 Feb. 23 Mar. 21 Nov. 14 Dec. 20 1946 Jan. 15 Feb. 5 Kar. 5 Deo. 11 1947 Apr. 5 Nov. 22 1948 Mar. 4 Apr. 8 Nov. 28 Date 1938 Apr. Nov. 13 2 1939 Apr. Nov. 15 1940 Apr. Nov. 25 13 1941 May Nov. 9 8 1942 Apr. Oct. 22 29 1943 Apr. Nov. 29 15 1944 Apr. 27 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 10.0 10.0 10.1 13.8 13.2 10.7 10.5 10.4 13.9 11.9 18.1 17.7 18.7 21.8 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 8.0 10.0 9.0 14.0 11.0 14.0 6.0 9.5 6.0 9.5 8.0 12.0 8.9 Elevation of water surface 130.0 130.0 129.9 130.3 126.2 126.8 129.3 129.5 129.6 126.1 128.1 121.9 122.3 121.3 118.2 Elevation of water surface 137.0 135.0 136.0 151.0 134.0 131.0 139.0 135.5 159.0 155.5 157.0 155.0 156.1 269 Well #6-F-32 Spreckels Sugar Co Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1939 Feet surface 1951 Dec. 5 13.5 138.5 Apr. 15 22.0 130.0 Nov. 8 17.0 135.0 1932 1940 Apr. 15 10.] 141.9 Aug. 22 12.7 139.3 Apr. 23 12.0 140.0 Nov. 13 14.5 137.5 1933 1941 Nov. 11 18.6 133.4 May 9 15.0 137.0 1934 Nov. 8 14.0 138.0 Nov. 23 16.0 156.0 1942 1935 Apr. 22 11.0 141.0 Oct. 29 14.0 138.0 Apr. 9 10.8 141.2 Dec. 10 14.8 137.2 1943 1936 Apr. 29 12.0 140.0 Nov. 13 15.0 137.0 Nov. 20 15.6 136.4 1944 1937 Nov. 21 9.0 143.0 Nov. 6 17.0 135.0 1945 1938 Feb. 6 8.0 144.0 Apr. 13 11.0 141.0 Feb. 13 11.5 140.5 Nov. 11 13.0 139.0 Nov. 12 12.4 139.6 Well #6-F-32A Spreckel! Dist.R.P. 3 Sugar Co. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1947 Feet surface 1945 Nov. 12 14.5 139.6 Apr. 5 ^'•t 140.7 Deo. 20 15.6 140.5 Nov. 21 21.8 132.3 1946 1948 Jan. 14 11.3 142.8 Mar. 4 20.8 133.3 Feb. 5 11.4 142.7 Apr. 8 20.1 134.0 Mar. 46 15.0 139.1 Nov. 26 23.7 130.4 Nov. 10 17.5 136.6 Well #6-f-33 Callaghan Dist.R.P. Ranch Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1931 Dec. 4 45.4 124.6 Nov. 9 33.4 136.6 1932 1946 Apr. 14 33.4 136.6 Mar. 4 30.5 139.5 Aug. 23 35.5 134.5 1948 Nov. 27 43.7 126.3 270 Well #6-F- .?4 Spreckels Dist.R.P. to water surface Sugar Co. Elevation of water Dist.R.P. to water surface Elevation of water Date Feet surface Date 1948 Feet surface 1944 Nov. 21 26.0 132.0 Nov. 28 3*. 3 123.7 1945 Dec. 20 26.5 131.5 Well ifo-F- -J6 Stephen J. . Fields Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date Feet surface 1944 1946 Nov. 22 36.6 143.4 Jan. Feb. 15 5 34.8 34.7 145.2 145.5 1945 Mar. Nov. 4 10 34.9 39.0 145.1 141.0 Jan. 9 37.2 142.8 Feb. 9 33.8 146.2 1947 Feb. 22 54.0 146.0 Mar. 21 34.4 145.6 Apr. 7 38.2 141.8 Nov. 9 37.9 142.1 Nov. 22 44.7 135.3 Nov. 12 38.1 141.9 Dec. 19 36.9 143.1 1948 Nov. 26 48.1 131.9 Well #6-F-38 Field Est. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 21 28.3 1945 Mar. 2 26.6 Well #6- -F- -40 Field Esl Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1951 Dec. 4 1932 May 10 Oct. ]1 1933 Nov. 11 1934 Nov. 23 1955 Dec. 5 34.5 32.0 33.8 36.0 36.4 31.0 Elevation of water surface 145.7 147.4 Elevation of water surface 145.5 148.0 146.2 144.0 143.6 149.0 Date 1946 Mar. 4 1948 Nov. 26 Date 1956 Nov. 21 1957 Nov. 6 1938 Apr. Nov. 15 11 1939 Nov. 8 1940 Nov. 8 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 27.1 37.4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 30.7 31.0 27.0 29.0 32.0 33.0 Elevation of water surface 146.9 136.6 Elevation of water surface 149.3 149.0 153.0 151.0 148.0 147.0 271 Well ij^6-F-40 Field Est. (Continued) Date 1941 Kay Nov. 1942 Apr. Oct. 1943 May Nov. 1944 Apr. 17 26 1 14 26 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 25.0 27.0 21.0 27.5 27.0 30.0 29.7 Elevation of water surface 155.0 153.0 159.0 152.5 153.0 150.0 150.3 Date 1945 Nov. Dec. 8 19 1946 Nov. 10 1947 Nov. 22 1948 Mar. 4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 31.1 29.8 32.3 33.8 36.9 Elevation of water surface 148.9 150.2 147.7 146.2 143.1 Well #6-F-4 1i S. P. Milling Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 22 26.3 1945 Nov. 12 24.6 Well #6-F- -51 Field Est Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 1945 Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. 21 5 13 22 21 33.2 29.0 28.5 28.6 29.0 Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 22 Dec. 20 35-2 35.2 137.8 137.8 1945 Jan. 8 Feb. 6 Mar. 2 Mar. 21 Oct. 16 Nov. 9 35.0 34.7 37.0 36.8 36.7 138.0 138.3 136.0 137.5 136.2 136.3 1946 Jan. 15 35.8 137.4 Well #6-F-47 T. J. Fields Dist.R.P. Date to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 121.7 123.4 Elevation of water surface 148.8 153.0 153.5 153.4 153.0 Date 1946 Feb. Mar. Nov. 4 4 7 1947 Apr. Nov. 7 22 1948 Apr. May Nov. 8 14 27 Date 1946 Nov. 10 Date 1945 Oct. 16 Nov. 8 Dec. 19 1948 Nov. 26 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 35.0 34.2 39.8 38.1 39.4 41.2 41.0 43.7 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 30.0 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 32.4 32.0 32.6 Elevation of water surface 138.0 138.8 133.2 134.9 133.6 131.8 132.0 129.3 Elevation of water surface 118.0 42.8 Elevation of water surface 149.6 150.0 149,4 139.2 272 Well #7-F-l C. S. Nielsen Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1931 Dec. 4 111.8 148.2 Oct. 16 112.8 147.2 Nov. 8 106.4 153.6 1932 1946 Apr. 14 104.8 155.2 Aug. 23 110.2 149.8 Jan. 4 103.3 156.7 Feb. 4 102.6 157.4 1944 Nov. 14 114.2 145.8 Nov. 21 104.2 155.8 1947 1945 Nov. 22 111.0 149.0 Jan. 8 102.0 158.0 1948 Feb. 8 102.0 158.0 Mar. 2 101.7 158.5 Nov. 21 117.6 142.4 Well #7-F-2 Salinas Land Co. Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1940 Feet surface 1931 Deo. 4 48.6 140.4 Apr. 20 34.0 155.0 1932 1941 May 11 39.4 149.6 May 6 34.0 155.0 Aug. 23 41.0 148.0 Nov. 5 36.0 153.0 1933 1942 Nov. 11 41.0 148.0 Apr. 17 34.0 155.0 Oct. 26 36.0 153.0 1934 1944 Nov. 23 41.3 147.7 Apr. 28 36.3 152.7 1935 Nov. 21 60.4 128.6 Apr. 9 38.0 151.0 1945 Dec. 3 39.0 150.0 Nov. 8 62.4 126.6 1935 1946 Nov. 20 38.1 150.9 Mar. 4 36.7 152.3 1937 Nov. 8 59.9 129.1 May 11 36.0 153.0 1947 Nov. 6 34.0 155.0 Nov. 22 45.7 143.3 1938 1948 Apr. 13 34.0 155.0 Mar. 4 43.0 146.0 1939 Nov. 21 46.1 142.9 Apr. 17 38.0 151.0 Well #7-F-7d Soledad stockya Dist.R.P. rds Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1932 Feet surface 1931 Deo. 3 93.1 142.9 Apr. 14 64.5 171.5 Aug. 23 91.8 144.2 273 Well il-f-li soledad Stockyards (Continued) Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 19*4 Nov. 20 73.6 1945 Nov. 8 74.1 1946 Mar. 1 71.8 Well #7-F-8 G. Bettiga Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 20 1945 Mar. 2 Nov. 8 87.2 85.9 88.9 Elevation of water surface 162.4 161.9 164.2 Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 20 49.9 155 .1 1945 Feb. Mar. 6 2 48.9 48.7 156. 156. .1 .3 Well #7-F-ll Joe Morosili Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Eleva- of wi surf) tion ater ace 1944 Nov. Dec. 20 20 32.2 32.0 157. 158, .8 .0 1945 Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Oct. Nov. Dec. 8 I 10 22 21 16 8 19 31.6 30.6 30.4 30.6 30.6 31.0 34.1 33.4 32.4 158, 159. 159. 159. 159. 159. 155. 156. 157. ,4 ,4 .6 ,4 .4 ,0 .9 .6 ,6 Well #7-F-l3 T. Hamby Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 160.8 162.1 159.1 Date 1946 Nov. 4 1947 Apr. 8 1948 May Nov. 14 21 Date 1945 Nov. 14 1948 Nov. 21 Date 1946 Jan. 15 Feb. 4 Nov. 14 1947 Apr. 12 Nov. 22 1948 Apr. 8 Nov. 21 Date 1946 Mar. 3 1948 Apr. 8 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 75.6 74.1 79.1 56.5 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 51.2 60.5 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 31.1 3I.Q 34.7 34.0 37.6 41.9 43.8 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 86.5 93.8 Elevation of water surface 160.4 161.9 156.9 149.5 Elevation of water surface 153.8 144.5 Elevation of water surface 158.9 159.0 155.3 156.0 152.4 148.1 146.2 Elevation of water surface 161.5 154.2 274 Well #7-F-l6 Nettie Baker, Dist.R.P. et al. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surfaoe of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Nov. 20 82.3 166.7 Nov. 8 83.2 165.8 1945 1948 Mar. 2 81.1 167.9 Nov. 25 91.7 157.3 Well #7-F-21 Baker Ranch Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surfaoe of water surfaoe of water Date Feet surface Date 1948 Feet surface 1945 Nov. 8 76.7 163.3 Nov. 28 85.9 154.1 Well /6-G-2 Spreckels Sugar Dist.R.P. Co. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surfaoe of water Date Feet surfaoe Date Feet surface 1951 1941 Deo. 3 26.8 143.2 May 9 15.0 155.0 Nov. 8 20.0 150.0 1932 1942 Apr. 9 22.0 148.0 Aug. 22 23.2 146.8 Apr. 22 16.5 153.5 Oct. 29 20.0 150.0 1933 1943 Nov. 11 27.6 142.4 Nov. 13 21.0 149.0 1934 1944 Nov. 23 25.2 144.8 Apr. 26 19.2 150.8 1935 Nov. 21 21.0 149.0 Apr. 9 21.8 148.2 1945 Deo. 5 23.0 147.0 Nov. 15 22.7 14T.3 148.5 1936 Deo. 20 21.5 Nov. 20 23.0 147.0 1946 1937 Nov. 10 25.2 144.8 Nov. 6 23.0 147.0 1947 1958 Apr. 5 21.2 148.8 Nov. 21 26.0 144.0 Apr. 13 19.0 151.0 Nov. 11 21.0 149.0 1948 1940 Mar. 4 27.4 142.6 Apr. 23 19.0 151.0 Nov. 13 22.0 148.0 275 Well #6- ^ ■1 A. Lanini Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1948 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 22 18.1 148.9 Nov. 26 26.6 140.4 1945 Nov. 12 19.3 147.7 Well #6- ±. ■A A. J. Franscioni Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 19J1 Dec. 7 14.8 140.2 Nov. 22 7.9 147.1 1932 1945 Apr. 9 Aug. 12 9.6 12.7 145.4 142.} Nov. 10 8.7 146.3 Well #6-G-7 V. Loppini Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1951 Dec. 7 19.5 145-5 Nov. 22 13.9 151.1 1932 1945 Apr. 11 Aug. 22 13.5 15.3 151.5 149.7 Nov. 1948 Nov. 10 26 14.8 23.4 150.2 141.6 Well #6- ■G2 ■1 Pelar Mattos Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1948 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 22 26.1 153.9 Dec. 3 36.1 143.9 1945 Nov. 10 27.7 152.3 Well #6- ■O: -10 G. and A. To rroni Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1948 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 22 9.2 155.8 Nov. 26 19.3 143.7 1945 Nov. 10 9.4 153.6 276 Well #6-G-ll S. J. Kitzmiller Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1931 Deo. 7 8.8 1932 Apr. Aug. 11 22 7.1 10.7 1933 Nov. 11 12.0 1934 Nov. 23 11.2 1935 Apr. Dec. 12 5 6.0 8.0 1936 Nov. 20 8.1 1937 May Nov. 12 6 6.0 7.0 1938 Apr. Nov. 13 11 5.0 6.5 1939 Apr. Nov. 15 13 6.5 10.0 1940 Apr. 24 6.0 Well #6-G-12 M. Iverson Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1945 Nov. Well 10 #6-G-13 13.9 C. and M. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 22 17.6 Elevation of water surface 151.2 152.9 149.3 148.0 148.8 154.0 152.0 151.9 154.0 153.0 155.0 153.5 153.5 150.0 154.0 Elevation of water surface 146.1 Elevation of water- surface 154.4 Date 1940 Nov. 13 1941 May Nov. 9 8 1942 Apr. Oct. 22 29 1945 Apr. Nov. 29 13 1944 Nov. 22 1945 Mar. Nov. Dec. 2 10 20 1946 Nov. 7 1947 Apr. Nov. 5 21 1948 Nov. 26 Date 1948 Nov. 26 Date 1945 Nov. 10 1948 Nov . 2 6 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 7.5 4.5 6.5 4.0 6.0 5.0 8.0 6.9 4.3 7.8 6.5 9.4 5.8 13.6 16.1 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 22.0 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 152.5 155.5 153.5 156.0 154.0 155.0 152.0 153.1 155.7 152.2 153.5 150.6 154.2 146.4 143.9 18.7 26.8 Elevation of water surface 138.0 Elevation of water surface 153.3 145.2 277 Well #6 -G -14 T. Binsacca Date Dist.R.P. to water- surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1916 Oct. 5 18.0 157.0 Nov. 21 19.8 155.2 1931 1945 Dec. 7 21.0 154.0 Mar. 2 17.8 157.2 1932 1948 Aor. 15 Aug. 22 15.5 20.3 159.5 154.7 Nov. 26 29.9 145.1 Well #6- -G; ■17 Ft. Romie Water Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1916 Oct. 5 24.9 160.1 Nov. 21 29.9 155.1 1931 1945 Dec. 5 59.0 146.0 Nov. 10 29.0 156.0 1932 1948 Oct. 11 58.8 146.2 Nov. 26 43.0 142.0 Well #6- ■^ 08 J. Frolli Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 21 29.7 155.3 Nov. 10 31.6 153.4 1945 1948 Mar. 2 28.2 156.8 Nov. 26 40.8 144.2 Well #6- G-20 H. A. Brookins Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 22 37.0 151.0 Nov. 9 38.0 150.0 Well #6- G-21 J. Moranda Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface I9I6 Oct. 5 19.2 150.8 Nov. 23 20.3 149.7 1931 1945 Deo. 7 26.0 144.0 Nov. 9 21.8 148.2 1932 1948 Apr. 11 Allir. 55 24.9 145.1 Nov. 26 29.4 140.6 278 Well #6-G- -22 n. Martin Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1948 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 21 23.2 160.8 Nov. 26 40.6 143.4 1945 Nov. 10 24.5 159.5 Well #6-023 G. and E. Olsen Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of yifater surface 1951 Dec. 7 42.0 141.0 Nov. 23 32.8 150.2 1952 1945 May 15 Aug. 19 35.1 36.3 147.9 146.7 Nov. 1948 9 54.3 148.7 Nov. 26 43.5 139.7 Well #6-0-24 Rodick Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 20 63.9 1945 Nov. 9 66.2 Well #6-G-25 Ulrica C. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1931 Dec. 5 1932 Apr. Aug. 11 22 1933 Nov. 11 1934 Nov. 23 1935 Apr. Dec. 12 5 1936 Nov. 21 1937 May Nov. 12 8 31.7 28.1 30.7 36.6 33.0 26.0 30.0 29.8 27.0 29.5 Elevation of water surface 156.1 153.8 Elevation of water surface 148.3 151.9 149.3 143.4 147.0 154.0 150.0 150.2 155.0 150.5 Date 1948 Nov. 26 Date 1938 Nov. 11 1939 Nov. 13 1940 Apr. Nov. 24 13 1941 Nov. 8 1942 Nov. 29 1943 Apr. Nov. 29 13 1944 Apr. 26 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 77.0 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 27.0 31.0 26.0 29.0 27.0 25.0 24.5 28.0 25.4 Elevation of water surface 143.0 Elevation of water surface 153.0 149.0 154.0 151.0 153.0 155.0 155.5 152.0 154.6 279 Well #6-G- -2?A Ulrica C. Ober Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 22 1945 Nov. 10 25.7 26.3 154.3 153.7 Apr. Nov. 1948 Mar. 5 21 4 27.0 26.5 33.0 153.0 151.5 147.0 Well #b-G-26 John Violini Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1948 Feet surface 1944 Nov. 21 22.1 160.9 Nov. 28 32.5 150.5 1945 Nov. 12 22.9 160.1 Well #6-G-29 A. Binsacoa Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1931 Dec. 5 35.2 159.8 Nov. 9 26.0 169.0 1932 1946 Apr. 8 24.3 170.7 Nov. 11 32.2 162.8 Aug. 19 28.3 166.7 1947 1944 Apr. 5 30.1 164.9 Nov. 20 30.0 165.0 Nov. 21 32.1 162.9 1945 1948 Mar. 2 27.5 167.5 Nov. 24 39.1 155.9 Well #6-G-34 Henry Guidotti Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1937 Feet surface 1916 Oct. 5 25.3 166.7 May 12 26.0 166.0 Nov. 8 26.5 165.5 1931 1938 Deo. 5 30.5 161.5 Apr. 13 24.0 168.0 1932 Nov. 11 25.0 167.0 Apr. 11 28.6 163.4 1939 Aug. 19 29.7 162.3 Nov. 13 31.0 161.0 1935 1940 Apr. 12 29.3 162.7 Dec. 5 31.2 160.8 Apr. 24 25.0 167.0 Nov. 13 30.0 162.0 1936 1941 Nov. 21 30. -5 161.7 May 9 24.0 168.0 Nov. 8 26.0 166.0 280 Well i^6-G-34 Henry GuicJotti (Continued) Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1942 Apr. Oct. 22 29 24.0 27.0 194J Apr. 29 24.5 1945 Nov. 9 28.3 Well #6- ■G-35 A. and J". Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 22 23.1 1945 Nov. 10 24.4 Well #6- ■G- -41 A. Lanin: Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 20 29.5 Elevation of water surface 168.0 165.0 167.5 163.7 Elevation of water surface 161.9 160.6 Elevation of water surface 162.5 Date 1946 Nov. 7 1947 Nov. 21 1948 Mar. 4 Nov. 22 Date 1948 Nov. 28 Date 1945 Nov. 9 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 21.7 36.5 38.7 42.3 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 39.2 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 31.5 Elevation of water surface 170.3 155.5 153.3 149.7 Elevation of water surface 145.2 Elevation of water surface 160.5 Well #7-G-l S. J. Field Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1946 Nov. 7 17.9 1947 Apr. Nov. 8 20 13.3 16.1 Well #7-G- •2d Nettie Bi Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 1945 Mar. Nov. 1946 Mar. 20 55-0 54.0 56.0 54.1 Elevation of water surface 162.1 166.7 163.9 Elevation of water surface 170.0 171.0 169.0 170.9 Date 1948 Mar. 3 May 14 Nov. 21 Date 1946 Nov. 8 1947 Apr. Nov. 8 21 1948 Nov. 21 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 20.0 17.9 22.3 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 57.2 51.0 60.0 64.4 Elevation of water surface 160.0 162.1 157.7 Elevation of water surface 167. 8 174.0 165.0 160.6 281 Well #7-0-4 L. K. and V. Jac ks Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Dec. 4 19.7 158.3 Dec. 19 12.2 165.8 1932 1946 Apr. Aug. 1944 8 19 12.1 15.5 165.9 162.5 Jan. Feb. Mar. Nov. 15 5 14 7 10.3 10.8 11.4 15.5 167.7 167-2 166.6 162.5 Nov. 21 15.1 164.9 1947 1945 Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Oct. Nov. 8 6 13 22 21 16 2 11.7 9.6 9.9 10.0 14.3 13. B 166.3 168.5 168.4 168.1 168.0 163. 7 164.2 Apr. Nov. 1948 Mar. Apr. May Nov. 5 21 3 7 14 22 12.8 19.5 19.7 19.0 22.8 165.2 158.5 158.3 159.0 160.6 155.2 Well tl-<^> Martin Baker Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 21 15.4 176.6 Nov. 26 16.0 176.0 1945 1946 Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Oct. 9 6 8 13 22 4 18 14.3 12.4 12.4 12.6 12.8 12.6 15.7 177.7 179.6 179.6 179.4 179.2 179.4 176.3 Jan. Feb. Mar. Nov. 1948 Nov. 14 4 3 4 21 13.0 13.0 13.2 20.7 24.6 179.0 179.0 178.8 171.3 167.4 Well #7-G-8 Vida Jacks Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 21 30.0 170.0 Mar. 3 27.8 172.2 1945 1948 Nov. 2 30.7 169.3 Nov. 28 43.6 156.4 Well #7-G-9 Margaret E. Doud , et al. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Dec. 8 20.3 159.7 Not. 2 14.7 165.3 1932 1948 Apr. Aug. 14 18 13.0 15.1 167.0 164.9 Nov. 25 23.7 156.3 282 Well #7-G-10 Mrs. A. Binsacca Date 1931 Dec. 4 1932 Apr. Aug. 8 19 1953 Nov. 11 1934 Nov. 23 1935 Apr. Dec. 10 5 1936 Nov. 20 1937 Nov. 8 1938 Apr. Nov. 1? 11 1939 Apr. Nov. 15 13 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 19.8 7.7 9.0 18.0 14.8 11.5 14.5 14.7 14.0 10.0 14.0 14.5 16.5 Elevation of water surface 160.2 172.3 171.0 162.0 165.2 168.5 165.5 165.3 166.0 170.0 166.0 165.5 163.5 Date 1940 Apr. Nov. 24 13 1941 May Nov. 9 8 1942 Nov. 29 1943 Apr. Nov. 29 13 1944 Apr. Nov. 26 17 1945 Mar. Nov. Dec. 8 2 20 1946 Nov. 7 1947 Nov. 21 1948 Mar. Nov. 3 22 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 10.5 14.0 7.5 11.0 15.0 13.5 17.0 12.1 16.8 11.1 14.3 13.1 16.9 19.9 20.8 23.5 Elevation of water surface 169.5 166.0 172.5 169.0 165.0 166.5 163.0 167.9 163.2 168.9 165.7 166.9 163.1 160.1 159.2 156.5 Well #7- ■012 J. M. Panziera Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1932 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Dec. 7 30.2 156.8 Aug. 19 24.5 162.5 1932 1945 Apr. 11 20.3 166.7 Nov. 2 14.8 172.2 Well #7- •G-14 Vida Jacks Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Dec. 7 1932 Apr. 9 Oct. 11 28.5 11.0 25.0 161.5 179.0 165.0 Mar. Nov. 1946 Nov. 8 15 10 17.9 22.2 23.8 172.1 167.8 166.2 1944 1948 Nov. 17 22.1 167.9 Nov. 22 33.6 156.4 28} Well #7-G-13 E. Doud, et al. Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Date 1916 Oct. 5 12.0 1931 Dec. 8 23.0 1932 May 10 13.9 19-14 Nov. 21 14.2 1945 Feb. 6 10.3 Well #7-G-19 L. Jacks Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 21 33.3 1945 Nov. 5 34.0 Well #7- ■G-21 A. Jacks Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 21 31.5 1945 Mar. 6 22.5 Well #7- ■G-22 A. Jacks Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1944 Nov. 21 1945 Mar. 5 32.4 27.0 Elevation of water surface 191.0 180.0 189.1 188.8 192.7 Elevation of water surface 176.7 176.0 Elevation of water surface 182.5 191.5 Elevation of water surface 182.6 188.0 Date 1945 Feb. Mar. Mar. Nov. 13 21 22 2 1946 Nov. 7 1947 Nov. 20 1948 Nov. 22 Date 1948 Nov. 25 Date 1945 Nov. 2 1948 Nov. 24 Date 1945 Nov. 5 1948 Nov. 21 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 9.4 9.6 9.2 15.4 17.6 20.4 26.4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 52.7 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 33.6 45.9 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 33.5 53.4 Elevation of water surface 193.6 193.4 195.8 187.6 185.4 182.6 176.6 Elevation of water surface 157.3 Elevation of water surface 180.4 168.1 Elevation of water surface 181.5 161.6 284 Well #7-G-23 Margaret Jacks Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1931 Deo. 7 39.8 160.2 Nov. 2 30.7 169.3 1952 1946 Apr. 11 21.5 178.5 Nov. 7 32.8 167.2 Aug. 9 24.3 175.7 1947 1944 Nov. 21 36.6 163.4 Nov. 17 29.8 170.2 1948 1945 Mar. 3 41.8 158.2 Mar. 8 25.2 174.8 Nov. 22 43.9 156.1 Well #7-G-25 P. Zani Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1931 Deo. 7 32.4 170.6 Feb. 23 16.4 186.6 Nov. 2 23.9 179.1 1932 1946 Apr. 9 21.9 181.1 Aug. 19 23.7 179.3 Mar. 14 19.0 184.0 Nov. 7 27.1 175.9 1944 1947 Nov. 17 23.2 179.8 Nov. 21 32.0 171.0 1945 1948 Feb. 6 18.4 184.6 Feb. 13 17.3 185.7 Nov. 24 36.9 166.1 Well #7-G-26 Clark and Dist.R.P. Handley Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Nov. 17 128.1 173.9 Nov. 5 124.2 177.8 1945 1948 Mar. 8 122.7 179.3 Nov. 25 148.7 153.3 Well #7-0-28 J. and A. Dist.R.P. Davies Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1935 Feet surface 1916 Oct. 5 20.6 194.4 Apr. 12 17.0 198.0 Dec. 10 33.3 181.7 1931 1936 Deo. 7 66.3 148.7 Nov. 21 52.5 182.5 1932 1937 Apr. 11 16.3 198.7 Aug. 19 33.8 181.2 Nov. 8 32.0 183.0 285 Well #7-G-28 J. and A. Dav Dist.R.P. ies (Continued) Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1943 Feet surface 1958 Apr. 13 16.0 199.0 Nov. 14 30.0 185.0 Nov. 12 30.0 185.0 1944 1939 Nov. 17 30.2 184.8 Apr. 17 26.0 189.0 Nov. 10 37.0 178.0 1945 1940 Mar. 8 21.0 194.0 Nov. 2 31.2 183.8 Apr. 22 17.0 198.0 Nov. 11 30.0 185.0 1947 1941 Nov. 21 36.0 179.0 May 6 14.5 200.5 1948 Nov. 5 24.0 191.0 Mar. 3 42.7 172.3 1942 Nov. 23 46.7 168.3 Apr. 20 15.0 200.0 Well #7-G-29 A. H. Clark Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1940 Feet surface 1931 May 12 92.0 189.0 Apr. 22 84.0 197.0 Dec. 8 101.3 179.7 Nov. 11 92.0 189.0 1932 1941 Apr. 11 88.1 192.9 May 6 76.0 205.0 Oct. 11 100.5 180.5 Nov. 5 85.0 196.0 1933 1942 Dec. 6 106.0 175.0 Apr. 20 78.0 203.0 Oct. 27 87.0 194.0 1934 1943 Nov. 23 103.0 178.0 ' May 1 80.0 201.0 1935 Nov. 14 91.0 190.0 Apr. 12 92.0 189.0 1944 Dec. 10 95.7 185.3 Apr. 27 85.6 195.4 1936 1945 Nov. 21 94.7 186.3 Nov. 2 • 94.8 186.2 1938 1946 Apr. 13 82.0 199.0 Nov. 12 90.0 191.0 Mar. 14 87.1 193.9 Nov. 7 103.0 178.0 1939 1948 Apr. 17 91.0 190.0 Nov. 10 100.0 181.0 Mar. 3 107.7 173.3 Nov. 25 122.1 158.9 286 Well #7-G-?i A. H. Clark, Dist.R.P. et al. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1951 Dec. 7 42.2 175.8 Oct. 16 40.0 178.0 Nov. 12 39.1 178.9 19J2 1946 Apr. 9 31.6 186.4 Aug. 19 35.8 182.2 Jan. 14 29.3 188.7 Feb. 4 28.4 189.6 1944 Mar. 14 29.8 188.2 Nov. 7 44.1 173.9 Nov. 17 37.4 180.6 1947 1945 Apr. 7 38.9 179.1 Jan. 9 33.8 184.2 Nov. 21 48.8 169.2 Feb. 6 30.6 187.4 Feb. 13 29. 189.0 1948 Feb. 23 27.7 190.3 Mar. 21 26.9 191.1 Mar. 3 30.0 168.0 Well #7-G-?3 A. Jacks Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1944 Nov. 20 36.4 1945 Mar. 5 31.8 Well #7- ■G-5? Geo. C. I Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1931 Dec. 15 1932 Apr. Aug. 11 18 1944 Nov. 16 92.5 74.8 77.3 81.5 Elevation of water surface 188.6 193.2 Elevation of water surface 1931 Dec. 9 70.4 184.6 1932 Apr. Oct. 18 18 46.0 70.3 209.0 184.7 1944 Nov. 16 55.9 199.1 1945 Mar. 5 42.3 . 212.7 Well #7-G- -36 J. C. Thome Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 188.5 206.2 203.7 199.5 Date 1945 Nov. 6 1948 Nov. 21 Date 1945 Nov. 2 1946 Nov. 7 1947 Apr. Nov. 7 21 1948 Mar. 3 Date 1945 Mar. Nov. I 1946 Mar. 18 1948 Nov. 24 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 39.7 53.3 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 59.9 63.3 50.2 68.1 69.0 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 73.0 83.8 73.9 95.4 Elevation of water surface 185.3 171.7 Elevation of water surface 195.1 191.7 204.8 186.9 186.0 Elevation of water surface 208.0 197.2 207.1 185.6 287 Well #7-0-38 Ana Zabala Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 194* Nov. 20 41.4 198.6 Nov. 14 41.9 198.1 1945 1948 Mar. 5 26.0 214.0 Nov. 24 64.6 175.4 Well #7-(J-?? C. and Mary Bresohini Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Dec. 9 55.7 172.3 Nov. 21 56.4 191.6 1932 1945 May Oct. 6 11 52.5 49.3 195.5 178.7 Nov. 2 1946 Mar. 18 39.9 28.5 188.1 199.5 Well #7-G-4a G. and M. Leonardi Date 1931 Dec. 9 1932 Apr. Aug. 18 18 1944 Nov. 20 1945 Jan. Feb. Oct. 9 8 18 Well #7-G-44 Date 1931 Dec. 9 1932 Mar. Apr. Oct. 4 18 17 1933 Nov. 21 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 47.4 33.1 37.8 36.7 Elevation of water surface 183.6 197.6 193.2 194.3 Date 35.4 32.0 38.1 195.6 199.0 192.9 I. and D. Sciaroni Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 51.2 26.8 31.8 46.2 65.0 174.8 199.2 194.2 179.8 161.0 1945 Nov. 14 1946 Jan. Feb. Mar. Nov. 14 4 3 6 1947 Apr. Nov. 8 20 1948 Nov. 21 Date 1934 Nov. 23 1935 Apr. Dec. 11 9 1936 Nov. 21 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 38.0 31.7 30.6 30.2 40.2 33.1 44.3 49.1 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 49.0 43.0 41.5 40.7 Elevation of water surface 193.0 199.3 200.4 200.8 190.8 197.9 186.7 181.9 Elevation of water surface 177.0 185.0 184.5 185.3 288 Well #7-G-44 I. and D. Sciaroni (Continued) Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1943 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1937 May Nov. 13 8 23.0 41.0 203-0 183.0 May Nov. 1 14 26.0 38.0 200.0 188.0 1938 1944 Apr. Nov. 15 12 25.0 36.0 201.0 190.0 May Nov. 2 20 30.7 36.5 195.3 189.5 1939 1945 Apr. Nov. 17 10 39.0 44.5 187.0 181.5 Mar. Nov. 5 14 30.8 39.7 195.2 186.3 1940 1946 Apr. Nov. 22 11 22.0 57.0 204.0 189.0 Mar. Nov. 18 7 34.0 46.7 192.0 179.5 1941 1947 May Nov. 1942 Apr. Oct. 6 5 20 27 24.0 31.0 20.0 34.0 202.0 195.0 206.0 192.0 Apr. 1948 Mar. Nov. 7 3 22 41.4 50.3 54.9 184.6 175.7 171.1 Well #7-G-45n A. Jacks Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1939 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1916 Oct. 5 24.5 192.5 Nov. 10 40.0 177.0 1931 1940 Dec. 9 45.2 171.8 Nov. 11 34.5 182.5 1932 1941 May Aug. Oct. 17 17 11 34.8 36.8 40.2 182.2 180.2 176.8 Nov. 1943 5 30.0 187.0 1933 Nov. Nov. 21 23 21.0 18.9 196.0 198.1 May Nov. 1944 1 14 20.0 34.0 197.0 185.0 1935 May 2 23.0 194.0 Apr. Dec. 1936 Nov. 1937 11 9 21 10.2 39.5 36.9 206.8 177.5 180.1 1945 Nov. 1946 Mar. Nov. 2 18 7 34.5 25.3 38.8 182.5 191.7 178.2 May Nov. 1938 i 20.0 36.0 197.0 181.0 1947 Apr. Nov. 7 20 32.4 43.0 184.6 174.0 Apr. Nov. 1939 15 12 17.0 32.0 200.0 185.0 1948 Mar. Nov. 3 22 46.3 52.7 170.7 164.3 Apr. 17 40.0 177.0 Well #7-G-45A L. and V. Jacks (See Page 321- ) 289 Well #7-0-49 L. and V. Jacks Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 1945 21 57.8 184.2 Jan. Feb. Nov. 14 5 7 54.1 34.0 41.3 187.9 186.0 180.7 Jan. Feb. Mar. Oct. Nov. 9 8 5 18 5 38.2 34.3 35.2 39.5 39.6 18J.8 187.7 186.8 182.5 182.4 1947 Nov. 1948 20 43.7 178.3 Dec. 3 49.9 172.1 Well #7-G-50 L. M. and V. Jacks Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 17 102.0 1945 Mar. 8 94.0 Well #7-^- -55 A. and L. Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1944 Nov. 17 145.8 1945 Nov. 5 145.6 Elevation of water surface 1931 Dec. 9 30.3 182.7 1932 May Aug. 6 18 19.1 21.5 193.9 191.5 1944 Nov. 21 31.8 181.2 Well #7-G-52 A. H. Clark Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 177.0 185.0 Elevation of water surface 194.2 192.4 Date 1945 Mar. Nov. 5 6 1948 Nov. 25 Date 1945 Nov. 2 1946 Mar. 14 Date 1946 Mar. 14 1948 Nov. 25 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 29.2 32.9 43.5 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 104.0 99.1 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 135.0 165.7 Elevation of water surface 183.8 180.1 169.5 Elevation of water surface 175.0 179.9 Elevation of water surface 203.0 174.3 290 Well a^l-G-^i F. W. Smith Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 17 206.9 1945 . Nov. 5 209.2 1946 Mar. 14 200.7 Well #7-G-?^ Mart Baker Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1931 Dec. 18 1932 Apr. Aug. 14 15 1933 Nov. 21 1934 Nov. 11 1935 Apr. Deo. 9 3 1936 Nov. 23 1937 May Nov. 14 8 1939 Apr. Nov. 19 10 63.4 53.4 56.0 67.6 69.8 54.0 56.0 56.0 53.0 33.0 53.0 56.0 Elevation of water surface 193.1 190.8 199.3 Elevation of water surface 163.6 173.6 171.0 159.4 157.2 173.0 171.0 171.0 174.0 172.0 174.0 171.0 Date 1946 Nov. 8 1947 Nov. 21 1948 Nov. 22 Date 1940 Apr. Nov. 20 11 1941 May Nov. 6 4 1942 Apr. Oct. 17 26 1943 May Nov. 1 14 1944 Apr. Nov. 28 20 1945 Nov. 14 1946 Nov. 7 1948 Nov. 21 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 215.2 218.8 224.3 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 51.0 55.0 54.0 52.0 51.0 54.0 52.0 55.0 52.8 55.1 54.6 60.9 68.5 Elevation of water surface 184.8 181.2 175.7 Elevation of water surface 176.0 172.0 173.0 175.0 176.0 173.0 175.0 172.0 174.2 171.9 172.4 166.1 158.5 Well #7-G-60d I. and D. Sciaroni Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Nov. 20 43.5 199.5 Nov. 2 50.4 192.6 1945 1946 Mar. 5 26.8 216.2 Mar. 18 34.6 208.4 291 well #7- •G; ii J, Manzoni Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 20 13.1 191-9 Mar. 3 8.1 196.9 1945 1948 Mar. 5 Nov. 6 8.4 1*.7 196.6 190.3 Nov. 21 27.6 177.4 Well #7- ±: il W. and J. Hansen Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 17 65.2 196.8 Nov. 6 69.6 192.4 1945 1948 Mar. 5 59-1 202.9 Nov. 24 79.8 182.2 Well #8- •G; ■Id Wilkenson Bros. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 21 15.2 184.8 Mar. 1 12.2 187.8 1945 Nov. 14 16.5 185.5 Well #8- ■G- ■A Tomasini Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 21 19.8 187.2 Mar. 3 13.0 194.0 1945 1948 Nov. 7 20.5 186.5 Nov. 25 31.3 175.7 Well #8-G-5 Bank of America Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1932 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Dec. 18 18.0 200.0 Aug. 15 9.4 208.6 1932 1945 May 6 12.0 206.0 Nov. . 7 8.9 209.1 292 Well #8- ■G-7 R. E. Meyer Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 1945 21 2?.0 207.0 Feb. Mar. Nov. 4 3 4 20.4 20.2 26.4 209.6 209.8 203.6 Jan. Feb. Mar. Nov. 12 7 23.0 20.0 19.9 24.7 207.0 210.0 210.1 205.3 1947 Apr. Nov. 8 20 20.3 28.4 209.7 201.6 1946 1948 Jan. 14 20.6 209.4 Nov. 20 34.8 195.2 Well #8- ■G-8 G. and M. Leonard! Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 1945 Mar. 20 5 17.7 12.5 190.3 195.5 Mar. Apr. 1948 Apr. Nov. 3 6 7 20 18.9 20.1 28.8 195.7 189.1 187.9 179.2 Well #8- ■G-IO E. Pincini Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 1945 Mar. Nov. 1946 15 9 7 51.5 49.3 52.8 205.5 207.7 204.2 Apr. Nov. 1948 Mar. Apr. Nov. 8 20 2 7 20 51.7 60.8 65.8 68.6 63.2 205.3 196.2 191.2 188.4 193.8 Mar. Nov. 3 6 49.3 55.4 207.7 201.6 Well #8- ■G-11 Carlo Borzinl Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 15 67.5 202.5 Mar. 3 60.4 209.6 1945 1948 Mar. Nov. 9 7 60.8 69.5 209.2 200.5 Nov. 20 77.4 192.6 293 Well -G-12 Jos. Pure, et al. Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 19** Nov. 15 32.1 209.9 Mar. 3 28.4 213.6 1945 1948 Nov. 7 30.7 211.3 Dec. 3 46.8 195.2 Well #8-0-14 0. Morgant, ini Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Dec. 15 1932 May 6 Oct. 17 42.5 47.5 42.5 220.5 215.5 220.5 Mar. Nov. 1946 Mar. 9 7 • 3 53.0 59.3 52.7 210.0 203.7 210.3 1944 1948 Nov. 15 57.5 205.5 Apr. Nov. 7 20 66.9 69.2 196.1 193.8 Well #8-G-15 Laloli and Filipponi Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 15 38.6 210.4 Mar. 1 32.9 216.1 1945 1948 Mar. 9 Nov. 7 38.8 215.2 210.2 Apr. Nov. 7 20 45.3 47.9 203.7 201.1 Well #8-G-17 Laloli and Filipponi Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Nov. 7 24.5 213.5 Mar. 5 16.0 222.0 Well #7-H-l Ana Zabala Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Date Elevation of water surface 1931 Dec. 8 1932 Apr. 11 Aug. 17 152.7 141.5 149.8 192.3 203.5 195.2 Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. Oct. Oct. 9 I 21 16 31 138.6 136.1 130.5 129.9 148.0 147.4 206.4 208.9 214.5 215.1 197.0 197.6 1944 1946 Nov. 17 144 . 2 200.8 Jan. 14 136.9 208.1 294 Well #7-H-l Ana Zabala (Continued) Date 1946 Feb. Not. Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1J4.3 152.0 Elevation of water surface 210.7 193.0 Date 1948 Dec. Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 163.2 Elevation of water surface 181.8 Veil #7-H-2 E. N. Nevin Date 1931 Nov. 8 1932 Apr. Aug. 9 17 1944 Nov. 16 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 16 203.4 1945 Mar. 8 177.9 Well #7-H-4 Ellna Moi: Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 52.5 34.0 40.8 40.4 Elevation of water surface 191.6 217.1 Elevation of water surface 247.5 266.0 259.2 259.6 Date 1945 Nov. 5 1948 Nov. 23 Date 1945 Mar. Nov. 8 2 1946 Mar. Nov. 14 8 1947 Nov. 21 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 209.6 216.5 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 35.3 44.0 35.2 46.3 36.6 Elevation of water surface 185.4 178.7 Elevat ion of water surface 264.7 256.0 264.8 253.7 263.4 Well #7-H-8 B. Buckley Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Dec. 22 138.0 213.0 1932 Apr. Aug. 19 17 136.4 139.0 214.6 212.0 1944 Nov. 16 148.3 202.7 1945 Mar. Nov. 8 30 155.1 146.7 215.9 204.3 Well #7-H-9 A. Williamson Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Jul. Dec. 11 16 116.0 115.8 288.0 288.2 Date 1946 Mar. Nov. 14 6 1947 Apr. Nov. 8 20 1948 Mar. Nov. 3 20 Date 1932 Apr. 29 Oct. 17 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 155.2 153.0 146.5 156.5 160.6 163. 2 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 97.2 105.6 Elevation of water surface 215.8 198.0 204.5 194.5 190.4 187.8 Elevation of water surface 206.8 198.4 295 Well #7-H-9 A. Williamson (Continued) Date Dist.R.P. to water- surface Feet 194* Nov. 16 98.4 19*5 Mar. Nov. 8 8 93.0 101.8 1946 Mar. 18 92.7 Well #7-H-10 Metasci t Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1951 Dec. 22 1932 Apr. Aug. 19 17 166.9 157.0 164.7 Elevation of water surface 205.6 211.0 202.2 211.3 Elevation of water surface 193.1 223.0 195.3 Date 1946 Nov. 6 1947 Apr. Nov. 8 20 1948 Nov. 20 Date 1944 Nov. 16 1945 Nov. 8 1948 Nov. 24 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 110.5 97.5 106.2 112.2 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 162.5 156.5 178.1 Elevation of water surface 193.5 206.5 197.8 191.8 Elevation of water surface 197.5 203.5 181.9 Well 7-H-ll A. J. Glau Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1931 Deo. 22 142.7 1932 Mar. Oct. 10 11 122.0 • 136.0 1944 Nov. 17 132.1 Well #7-H-12 Greenf ie; Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1931 Dec. 22 1932 Mar. Oct. 31 11 1944 Nov. 17 1945 Mar. 6 113.5 130.0 125.0 121.1 111.5 Elevation of water surface 194.3 215.0 201.0 204.9 Elevation of water surface 214.5 198.0 203.0 206.9 216.5 Date 1945 Nov. 8 1946 Mar. 3 1948 Deo. 3 Date 1945 Nov. 8 1946 Mar. Nov. 14 6 1947 Apr. Nov. 7 21 1948 Nov. 20 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 135.9 121.1 149.0 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 124.8 110.8 129.1 115.3 132.2 138.4 Elevation of water surface 201.1 215.9 188.0 Elevation of water surface 203.2 217.2 198.9 212. 195. 189.6 296 Well -H-14 L. W. Wiley, et ux Date Dist.R.P. to water . surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 16 214.6 202.4 May 15 211.5 205.5 Well #7-H-17 J. Bianohi • Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Dec. 22 129.8 200.2 Nov. 17 127.2 202.8 1932 1945 Apr. 19 Oct. 11 104.8 125.0 225.2 205.0 Mar. Nov. 6 8 111.2 128.7 218.8 201.3 1933 1946 Nov. 4 1934 Nov. 14 1935 137.0 158.2 193.0 191.8 Mar. Nov. 1947 Apr. Nov. 14 6 7 21 107.7 133.1 121.0 140.9 222.3 196.9 209.0 189.1 Apr. 11 127.8 202.2 1948 Mar. Nov. 3 20 143.9 143.0 186.1 187.0 Well #7-H-19 Emma Hargens, et al Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1932 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1916 Oct. 5 59.2 224.8 Oct. 11 87.5 196.5 1931 1945 Dec. 22 93.8 190.2 Nov. 2 84.0 200.0 1932 1948 Apr. 20 65.2 218.8 Nov. 24 101.1 182.9 Well #7-H-20 Win. and J. Hansen Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 17 116.8 201.2 Mar. 18 99.4 218.6 1945 1948 Mar. 5 Nov. 2 100.7 120.2 217.3 197.8 Nov. 24 136.5 181.5 297 Well #7-H-21 A. Rianda Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 17 90.1 209.1 1945 Mar. 6 Nov. 2 70.8 98.5 229.2 201.5 Well #7-H-22 Fred Hansen Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Dec. 22 109.2 183.8 1932 Aug. 17 87.4 205.6 Date 1946 Mar. 14 1948 Nov. 23 Date 20 94.0 199.0 1945 Mar. Nov. 5 6 1946 Mar. 18 1948 Nov. 24 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 70.8 120.4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 85.3 99.3 83.8 117.2 Xlevation of water surface 229.2 179.6 Elevation of water surface 207.7 193.7 209.2 175.8 Well #7-E-23 Pete Signoratti Date 1944 Nov. 17 1945 Mar. Nov. Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 85.3 77.3 87.5 Elevation of water surface 199.7 207.7 197.5 Date 1946 Mar. 18 1948 Nov. 24 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 77.6 100.9 Elevation of water surface 207.4 184.1 Well #7-H-26n Union Water Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 20 1945 Mar. 6 120.1 94.8 Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 20 82.9 202.1 Well #7-H-29 J. Tomasini Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Date Feet surface 187.9 213.2 Date 1945 Mar. Nov. Date 1946 Mar. 18 1948 Nov. 24 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 76.6 38.3 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 91.0 120.9 Elevation of water surface 208.4 196.7 Elevation of water surface 217.0 187.1 ?98 Well -H-30 Uest Side Water Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 194-4 Nov. 17 120.6 203.4 Nov. 8 123.8 200.2 1945 1946 Mar. 6 109.0 215.0 Mar. 18 106.5 217.5 Well #7-H- -?2 A. G. Viera, et al. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 16 161.7 196.3 Nov. 2 166.0 192.0 1945 1946 Mar. 6 1?6.5 221.5 Mar. 14 135.0 223.0 Well #7-H- -36 Wm. Hansen Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 * Nov. 15 170.4 204.6 Nov. 10 179.5 195.5 1945 1947 Oct. 31 174.1 200.9 Apr. 1948 8 177.0 198.0 Nov. 20 193.0 182.0 Well ill Ml ■?7 B. G. Dundore Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1948 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 16 169.3 210.7 Nov. 23 190.7 189.3 1945 Nov. 5 172.4 207.6 Well 12: JB; -?8 B. Dundore Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 16 168.8 205.2 Mar. 14 169.5 204.5 1945 1948 Mar. Nov. Nov. 6 5 8 161.2 179.3 177.6 212.8 194.7 196.4 Nov. 23 196.3 177.7 299 Well #7-H-40 N. A. Marks Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Date 1944 Nov. 20 127.9 1945 Mar. Nov. 8 8 119.7 132.2 Well #7-H- ■41 N. A. Ma] Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 16 113.1 1945 Mar. Nov. 8 8 105.3 117.3 Well #7-H- -42 N. A. Ma] Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 207.1 215.3 202.8 Elevation of water surface 209.9 217.7 205.7 Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 15 105.5 214.5 1945 Mar. Nov. 8 8 95.7 103.2 224.3 216.8 Well #7- ■H-4? E. H. Nevin Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 17 190.3 1945 Mar. 8 181.0 Well #8- •H-l Carlo Bor; Dlst.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1916 Oct. 5 1931 Deo. 15 1932 Kay Oct. 6 17 1944 Nov. 15 54.2 72.0 66.5 75.1 68.7 194.7 204.0 Elevation of water surface 222.8 205.0 210.5 201.9 208.3 Date 1946 Mar. 14 1948 Not. 23 Date 1946 Mar. 14 1948 Nov. 23 Date 1946 Mar. 14 1948 Nov. 23 Dgte 1945 Nov. 5 1948 Nov. 23 Date 1945 Nov. 7 1946 Mar. Nov. 1 19 1947 Apr. 8 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 120.3 142.2 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 106.8 128.7 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 99.4 110.7 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 210.4 213.7 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 70.6 63.2 72.3 66.5 Elevation of water surface 214.7 192.8 Elevation of water surface 216.2 194.3 Elevation of water surface 220.6 209.3 Elevation of water surface 174.6 171.3 Elevation of water surface 206.4 213.8 204.7 210.5 500 Well 3-H-7 K. C. Zanetta Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 16 32.5 209.5 1945 Nov. 5 32.0 210.0 Well #8-H-8, A. p. Giacomazzl Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Date Feet surface 1931 Dec . 15 1932 May 6 1944 Nov. 15 62.0 43.3 46.8 194.0 212.7 209.2 Date 1947 Nov. 20 1948 Nov. 20 Date 1945 Mar. Nov. 9 7 1946 Mar. 1 1948 Nov. 20 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 37.2 43.0 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 43.4 47.7 43.1 55.9 Elevation of water surface 204.8 199.0 Elevation of water surface 212.7 208.3 212.9 200.1 Well -H-10 SpreckelB Sugar Co, Date 1931 Dec. 1944 Nov. 1945 Mar. 16 16 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 54.1 25.1 22.2 Elevation of water surface 210.9 219.9 222.8 Date 1945 Nov. 5 1946 Mar. 1 1948 Nov. 20 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 26.2 26.7 59.0 Elevation of water surface 218.8 218.3 206.0 Well -H-12 Date 1931 Oct. 1932 Mar. 1944 Nov. 31 15 R. and A. Pura Diet. R. P. to water surface Feet 47.0 32.3 34.6 Elevation of water surface 203.0 217.7 215.4 Date 1945 Nov. 9 1948 Nov. 23 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 39.2 44.9 Elevation of water surface 210.8 205.1 301 Uell #8-H-l? F. E. Zanet Dist.R.P. to water surfaoe Feet ;ta Elevation of water surfaoe Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surfaoe Feet Date Elevation of water surfaoe 1931 Dec. 15 71.0 189.0 Mar. 1 50.2 209.8 1932 I94B May 10 61.5 198.5 Nov. 23 81.8 178.2 1945 Nov. 9 54.4 205.6 Well #8-H-17 3. P. Milling Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surfaoe 1944 Not. 16 14.7 215.3 Nov. 6 17.7 212.3 1945 1947 Nov. 5 16.1 213.9 Nov. 20 38.5 191.5 194 6 1948 Mar. 3 11.5 218.5 Mar. Nov. 2 20 46.1 43.0 183.9 187.0 Well #8-H-19 W. E. Bland Date 1931 Dec. 16 1932 Apr. Aug. 29 16 1933 Nov. 21 Dist.R.P. to water surfaoe Feet 85.8 79.8 31.7 89.0 Elevation of water surface 199.2 205.2 203.3 196.0 Date 1934 Nov. 14 1935 Apr. 11 1945 Nov. 9 1948 Nov. 20 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 85.0 71.2 79.2 99.0 Elevation of water surfaoe 200.0 213.8 205.8 186.0 Well #8-H-20n M. Morgan Date 1931 Dec. 1932 Oct. 1933 Nov. 15 18 21 Dist.R.P. to water surfaoe Feet 66.6 60.2 61.0 Elevation of water surfaoe 198.4 204.8 204.0 1934 Nov. 14 1935 Apr. Dec. 5 9 1936 Nov. 21 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 62.8 56.6 52.7 52.2 Elevation of water surfaoe 202.2 208.4 212.3 212.8 J02 Well #8-H-20n M. Morgan Dist.R.P. (Continued) Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1943 Feet surfaae 1937 Nov. 8 51.0 214.0 May 1 56.0 209.0 Nov. 14 49.0 216.0 19?8 1944 Apr. 15 46.0 219.0 Nov. 12 47.0 218.0 Apr. 27 54.4 210.6 Nov. 15 48.9 216.1 1939 1945 Apr. 17 50.0 215.0 Nov. 10 54.0 211.0 Mar. 9 50.1 214.9 Nov. 7 51.9 213.1 1940 1946 Apr. 22 49.0 216.0 Nov. 11 51.0 214.0 Mar. 1 49.2 215.8 Nov. 6 53.6 211.4 1941 1947 May 6 44.0 221.0 Nov. 3 45.0 220.0 Apr. 8 53.3 211.7 1942 1948 Apr. 20 41.0 224.0 Apr. 7 66.0 199.0 Oct. 27 54.0 211.0 Nov. 19 60.8 204.2 Well #8-H-21 W. and L. Dist.R.P. Underwood Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1916 Oct. 5 36.0 221.0 Mar. 9 36.7 220.3 Nov. 8 38.1 218.9 1931 1946 Dec. 16 46.2 210.8 Mar. 1 35.8 221.2 1932 Nov. 6 39.2 217.8 Apr. 29 47.0 210.0 1947 Aug. 16 42.7 214.3 Nov. 20 42.7 214.3 1944 1948 Nov. 15 56.7 220.3 Apr. 7 60.0 197.0 Nov. 20 46.3 210.7 Well -H-22 Spreokels Sugar Co. Date 1931 Dec. 16 1932 May Oct. 6 17 1933 Nov. 19 1934 Nov. 14 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 32.2 20.8 25.8 28.0 27.5 Elevation of water surface 207.8 219-2 214.2 212.0 212.5 Date 1935 Apr. Dec. 11 9 1936 Nov. 21 1938 Nov. 12 1939 Apr. 17 1 n Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 18.0 22.5 22.9 20.0 19.0 P4.n Elevation of water surface 222.0 217.5 217.1 220.0 221.0 303 Well #8-H-22 Spreokels Dist.R.P. Sugar Co. (Continued) Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Blevation surface of water 1 surface of water Date Feet surface Date 19*3 Feet surface 19*0 Apr. 22 17.0 223.0 May 1 18.0 222.0 Nov. 11 21.0 219.0 Nov. 1* 20.0 220.0 19*1 19** May 6 12.0 228.0 Apr. 27 20.1 219.9 Nov. 5 16.5 223.5 19*5 19*2 Nov. 5 29.2 210.8 Apr. 20 12.5 227.5 Oct. 27 19.0 221.0 19*6 Mar. 1 18.0 222.0 Nov. 6 27.3 212.7 Well #8-H-26 Spreckels Sugar Co. Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 19*5 Feet surface 19** Nov. 16 20.7 224.3 Nov. 5 22.9 222.1 Well #8-H-31 Salinas Land Dist.R.P. Co. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Blevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 19*0 Feet surface 1931 Dec. 11 102.0 213.0 Apr. 22 8*.0 231.0 Nov. 11 90.0 225.0 1932 19*1 May 2 88.7 226.3 Oct. 15 100.5 21*. 7 May 6 76.0 87.0 239.0 Nov. 5 228.0 1933 19*2 Nov. 19 101.2 213.8 Apr. 20 76.0 65.0 239.0 193* Oct. 27 230.0 Nov. 11 100.0 215.0 19** 1935 Nov. 15 89.8 225.2 Apr. 5 89.0 226.0 1945 Dec. 9 89.6 225.* Mar. 12 88.7 226.3 1937 Nov. 9 92.5 222.5 May 13 73.0 2*2.0 19*6 Nov. 8 91.0 22*. Mar. 1 89.0 226.0 1938 Nov. 3 102.4 212.6 Apr. 15 81.0 23*. 19*7 Nov. 12 87.0 228.0 Nov. 19 106.0 209.0 1939 19*8 Apr. 17 82.0 233.0 Nov. 10 91.0 224.0 Mar. 2 113.3 201.7 Nov. 19 10*. 5 210.5 504 Well #8-H-32 M. Wilmot Date 1931 Dec. 11 1932 May Aug. 2 16 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 198.0 181.6 193.2 Elevation of water surface 208.0 224.4 212.8 Date 1944 Nov. 15 1945 Nov. 9 1946 Mar. 1 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 177.0 180.0 176.7 Elevation of water surface 229.0 226.0 229.5 Well /8-H-33 Salinas Lana Co. Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1931 Dec. 17 208.9 1952 May 2 Aug. 16 192.5 207.0 1944 Nov. 15 186.0 Well #8-H- ■}'? Californ; Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1951 Dec. 17 177.0 1952 Oct. 17 172.0 1933 Nov. 19 157.0 1934 Nov. 14 154.8 1955 Apr. Deo. 5 9 150.7 126.7 Well #8-H-56 J. P. ( Elevation of water surface 214.1 250.7 216.0 257.0 Elevation of water surface 198.0 205.0 258.0 240.2 144.5 248.5 Date 1945 Mar. Nov. 12 9 1946 Mar. 1 Date 1944 Nov. 14 1945 Mar. Nov. 12 9 1946 Mar. 1 1947 Nov. 19 1948 Nov. 19 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 185.9 189.5 183.5 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 135.5 129.0 155.9 129.3 144.7 137.2 Elevation of water surface 239.1 233-5 239.5 Elevation of water surface 241.5 246.0 239.1 245.7 230.5 257.8 Date 1944 Nov. 14 1945 Mar. 12 Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface 62.5 64.2 237-5 235.8 Dist.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Date Fset surface 1945 Nov. 9 64.1 255.9 1946 Mar. 1 59.4 240.6 305 Well #8-H-?9 0. Tonlnl Date 19*-^ Nov. 20 1945 Mar. 9 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 51.5 55.8 Elevation of water surface 216.5 214.2 Date 1945 Nov. 7 1948 Nov. 20 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 54.1 62.1 Elevation of water surface 213.1 205.9 Well #8-H-41 J. Brune, et al. Date 1944 Nov. 20 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 39.4 Elevation of water surface 218.6 Date 1945 Nov. 9 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 41.3 Elevation of water surface 216.7 Well #8-H-45 E. Oiacomazzi Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Date 1944 Nov. 15 80.8 1945 Mar. Nov. 8 9 79.8 85.0 Well #8- •H- -45 E. E. Bii Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 15 61.1 Elevation of water surface 206.2 207.2 202.0 Elevation of water surface 213.9 Date 1946 Mar. 18 1948 Nov. 20 Date 1945 Nov. 14 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 80.5 91.3 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 59.7 Elevation of water surface 206.5 195.7 Elevation of water surface 215.3 Well -H-47 Date 1944 Nov. 1945 Mar. Nov. 1946 Mar. 15 J. D. Kenner Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 14 137.1 138.0 140.0 137.6 Elevation of water surface 219.9 219.0 217.0 219.4 Date 1946 Nov. 10 1947 Nov. 20 1948 Mar. Nov. 2 20 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 143.0 144.7 148.1 147.9 Elevation of water surface 214.0 212.3 208.9 209.1 506 Well -H-31 A. and G. Frew Date Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 21 206.9 223.1 Nov. 8 211.5 218.5 1945 1946 Jan. 9 Feb. 8 Mar. 12 205.2 224.8 204.8 225.2 202.8 227.2 Jan. Feb. Mar. 14 4 1 204.8 203.0 203.0 225.2 227.0 227.0 Well #8-H- ■^2 M. and R. Kaiser Date Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface Date 1946 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 • Nov. 15 1945 Mar. 12 Oct. 18 Nov. 8 1946 Jan. 14 Feb. 4 174.5 235.5 174.6 235.4 180.1 229.9 178.3 251.7 171.9 238.1 171.3 258.7 Mar. Nov. 1947 Nov. 1948 Mar. Nov. 1 3 19 2 19 170.7 178.8 197.9 186.2 239.3 231.2 212.1 206.8 223.8 Well #8-H- -?* L. and E. Culver Date Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface Date 1946 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of watei surface 1944 Nov. 15 93.8 224.2 Mar. 1 99.5 218.5 1945 Nov. 8 100.4 217.6 Well ^8-H- lif James Bundgard Date Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 15 17.1 222.9 Nov. 14 18.4 221.6 1945 1946 Mar. 9 11.0 229.0 Mar. 1 11.0 229.0 Well #8-H- -^7 James Bundgard Date Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation surface of water Feet surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 15 17.0 225.0 Mar. Nov. 9 5 10.9 20.2 229.1 219.8 307 well #8-H- -58 James Bundgard Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 19-14 Nov. 14 28.9 246.1 Well #8-H- -?? H. Wlllii 3 Tompkins Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 14 1945 25.3 229.7 Feb. Mar. Nov. 4 1 3 20.8 20.8 29.2 234.2 234.2 225.8 Jan. 9 Feb. 8 Mar. 12 Oct. 18 Nov. 7 1946 Jan. 14 23.2 20.1 21.1 27.8 27.7 21.6 231.8 234.9 233.9 227.2 227.3 233.4 1947 Apr. Nov. 1948 Mar. Nov. 4 19 2 19 24.5 30.6 34.0 33.9 230.5 224.4 221.0 221.1 Well #8-H- -64d D. M. Bingnmnn , et al Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 14 1945 Nov. 6 1946 31.3 33.2 228.7 226.8 Apr. Nov. 1948 Mar. Nov. 20 19 2 19 29.8 43.0 47.7 39.6 230.2 217.0 212.3 220.2 Mar. 1 Nov. 3 25.3 35.4 234.7 224.6 Well #9-H- li Spreckels Sugar Oo. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 14 16.8 248.2 Mar. 1 12.1 252.9 1943 Nov. 6 18.6 246.4 Well #9-H- ■1 A. Pozzl Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water s'lrfaoe 1944 Nov. 14 26.0 239.0 Mar. 1 20.9 244.1 1945 Nov. 14 27.8 237.2 308 Well #9-H-9 A. Franoioli Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Date 1931 Dec. 18 1932 Apr. Aug. 21 15 1935 Nov. 21 193-1 Not. 11 1935 Apr. dec. 4 9 1936 Nov. 23 1938 Nov. 12 1939 Apr. 19 24.5 18.0 21.4 32.0 35.0 29.0 20.8 20.8 19.0 12.0 Elevation of water surface 235.5 240.0 236.6 226.0 223.0 229.0 237.2 237.2 239.0 246.0 Sate 1939 Nov. 10 1940 Nov. 11 1941 May Nov. 6 5 1942 Apr. Oct. 20 27 1943 May Nov. 1 14 1944 Apr. Nov. 28 14 1945 Nov. 14 1946 Mar. 1 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 22.0 21.0 10.0 16.0 10.5 14.0 12.0 17.0 12.5 19.8 19.7 11.7 Elevation of water surface 236.0 237.0 248.0 242.0 247.5 244.0 246.0 241.0 243.5 258.2 258.5 246.5 Well #9-H-10 Spreckels Sugar Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 15 29.1 1945 Mar. Nov. 14 6 25-9 50.6 1946 Mar. 1 26.5 Well #9-H-ll Spreckel! Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 13 1945 Nov. 6 37.0 55.1 Elevation of water surface 250.9 254.1 249.4 255.5 Elevation of water surface 250.0 251.9 Date 1946 Nov. 1 1947 Nov. 19 1948 Nov. 19 Date 1946 Mar. 1 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 52.1 55.9 56.9 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 51.1 Elevation of water surface 247.9 246.1 243.1 Elevation of water surface 255.9 309 Well #8-1-1 Salinas Land Co. Dlst.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surfaoe of water surfaoe of water Date Feet surfaoe Date 1944 Feet surfaoe 1931 Deo. 3 83.1 256.9 Nov. 14 77.0 263.0 1932 1945 May 9 60.7 265.7 Jen. I 76.0 264.0 Oct. 18 259.3 Feb. 72.9 267.1 Mar. 12 71.7 263.8 1933 Oot. 18 77.6 78.8 262.4 Nov. 14 261.2 Nov. 19 90.0 250.0 1946 1934 Jan. 14 72.5 267.2 Nov. 11 66.9 255.1 Feb. 4 72.2 267.8 268.0 Mar. 1 72.0 1935 Nov. 3 78.4 261.6 Apr. 5 78.6 261.4 1947 Deo. 9 79.0 261.0 Apr. 20 73.6 266.4 1936 Nov. 19 79.6 260.4 Nov. 21 79.3 260.7 1948 1937 Mar. 2 87.0 253.0 Nov. 19 80.8 259.2 Not. 8 80.0 260.0 Veil #9-I-ln Salinas Land Dlst.R.P. Oo. Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surfaoe of water surfaoe of water Date Feet surfaoe Date 1945 Feet surfaoe 1931 Deo. 11 58.2 266.8 Mar. 12 50.0 275.0 Nov. 7 55.8 269.2 1932 1946 May 2 52.6 272.4 Oct. 18 56.7 268.3 Mar. 3 49.4 275.6 Nov. 19 61.5 263.5 1944 1947 Nov. 14 54.2 270.8 Nov. 19 57.7 267.3 Well #9-1-2 Cbas. Ragus, et al. Date 1916 Oot. 5 1931 Deo. 10 1932 May Oot. 5 18 1933 Nov. 19 1934 Nov. 14 Dlst.R.P. to water surfaoe Feet 7.6 15.0 14.0 13.8 26.0 27.0 Elevation of water surfaoe 282.4 275.0 276.0 276.2 264.0 263.0 Date 1937 May Nov. 'I 1938 Apr. Nov. 16 14 1939 Apr. Nov. 19 10 1940 Apr. Nov. 22 12 Dlst.R.P. to water surfaoe Feet 9.0 14.0 7.0 12.0 9.0 15.0 6.5 14.0 Elevation of water surface 281.0 276.0 283.0 278.0 281.0 275.0 283.5 276.0 510 Well #9-1-2 Ohas. Ragus. et 1 Dlst.R.P. il. (Continued) Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1943 Feet surface 1941 May 8 5.0 285.0 Nov. 16 12.0 278.0 Nov. 7 11.0 279-0 1944 19*2 Apr. 28 7.6 282.4 Apr. 21 5.0 285.0 Oct. 29 11.0 279.0 Well /?-I-? A. S. Fillipplnl Dlst.R.P. Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1944 Feet surface 1931 Deo. 2 52.0 272.0 Nov. 14 34.3 289.7 May 2 49.1 274.9 Aug. 13 51.0 273.0 1945 1933 Nov. 5 35.8 288.2 Nov. 19 50.1 273.9 1946 1934 Feb. 28 31.3 292.7 286.8 Nov. 1 37.2 Nov. 11 54.8 269.2 1947 1955 Apr. 23 34.6 289.4 Apr. 5 49.7 274.5 Nov. 18 38.5 285.5 Dec. 6 51.5 272.5 19*8 1957 . Nov. 18 40.0 284.0 May 13 47.0 277.0 Well #9-1-4 S. P. Depot Dlst.R.P. Dlst.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1916 Oct. 5 65.6 271-4 Mar. 12 63.5 273.5 Oct. 18 65.2 271.8 1951 Nov. 6 64.5 272.7 Dec. 2 62.0 275.0 1946 1952 Jan. 14 60.5 276.5 Feb. 4 61.6 275.4 May 2 61.0 276.0 Feb. 28 62.2 274.8 Aug. 15 59.1 277.9 Nov. 1 68.7 268.3 1944 1947 Nov. 15 62.6 274.4 Nov. 19 68.0 269.0 1945 1948 Jan. 9 61.5 275.7 Mar. 2 71.6 265.4 Feb. 8 60.7 276.3 Nov. 18 69.9 267.1 511 Well ■Jzl Date J. F. Pettlt Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1931 Dec. 2 31.0 1932 May Aug. 2 13 24.5 29.0 1945 Nov. 7 29.5 Well #9-1-9 Spreokels Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Nov. 14 38.1 1945 Mar. Nov. 14 16 35.5 39.8 19*6 Mar. 1 35.8 Well #9-1-10 Spreckeli Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1931 Deo. 2 1932 May Aug. 5 15 1935 Nov. 21 1934 Nov. 11 1935 Apr. Dec. 5 9 1937 Nov. 8 60.5 57.3 59.0 64.3 65.9 59.4 61.0 62.0 Elevation of water surface 279.0 285.5 281.0 280.5 Elevation of water surface 259.9 262.5 258.2 262.2 Elevation of water surface 262.5 265.7 264.0 258.7 257.1 263.6 262.0 261.0 Date 1946 Feb. Nov. 28 1 1947 Nov. 18 1948 Nov. 18 Date 1946 Nov. 1 1947 Nov. 19 1948 Mar. Nov. 2 18 Date 1940 Apr. Nov. 22 11 1944 Nov. 13 1945 Mar. Nov. 14 6 1946 Mar. Nov. 1 1 1947 Apr. Nov. 20 19 1948 Mar. Nov. 2 18 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 25.0 30.9 32.3 33.4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 42.0 42.8 44.3 45.6 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 56.0 60.0 56.6 54.8 . 58.5 55.0 60.3 60.4 62.0 64.2 64.4 Blevation of water surface 285.0 279.1 277.7 276.6 Elevation of water surface 256.0 255.2 253.7 252.4 Elevation of water surface 267.0 263.0 266.4 268.2 264.5 268.0 262.7 262.6 261.0 25B.8 258.6 512 Well #?-I-12 Spreckels Sugar Co. Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944. Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Sep. Deo. 1952 May Aug. 30 2 5 15 46.8 47.0 46.8 45.9 260.2 260.0 260.2 261.1 Nov. 1945 Nov. 1946 Mar. 14 6 1 46.6 48.5 45.0 260.4 258.7 262.0 Veil #9-1-14 Spreckels Sugar Co. Date 1931 Dec. 2 1952 May 5 Aug. 13 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 41.0 40.0 41.0 Elevation of water surface 264.0 265.0 264.0 Date 1945 Nov. 14 1946 Mar. 1 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 28.7 2?. 4 Elevation of water surface 276.3 281.6 Well #9-1-15 Monterey County Trust and Savings Bank Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 1931 Oct. 2 87.0 1932 May Oct. 5 18 60.8 6j.O Well #9-1- ■17 Tom Harney Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Dec. 2 1932 May Aug. 5 13 1933 Nov. 19 1934 Nov. 10 1935 Apr. Dec. 5 9 1936 Nov. 21 60.0 59.8 57.8 62.0 65.4 57.6 58.8 58.4 Elevation of water surface 238.0 264.2 262.0 Elevation of water surface 270.0 270.2 272.2 268.0 264.6 272.4 271.2 271.6 Date 1945 Nov. 6 1946 Mar. 1 Date 1937 May 13 Nov. 8 1938 Apr. 16 Nov. 12 1939 Apr. 19 Nov. 10 1940 Apr. 22 Nov. 11 1941 May 6 Nov. 5 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 59.7 56.2 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 55.0 57.0 49.0 55.0 53.0 59.0 51.0 57.0 46.0 55.0 Elevation of water surface 265.3 268.8 Elevation of water surface 275.0 273.0 281.0 275.0 277.0 271.0 279-0 273.0 284.0 275.0 313 Well i?-^-^l Tom Hamey Dist.R.P. (Continued) Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of vrater Date ?eet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1942 Apr. 20 49.0 281.0 Nov. 5 57.1 272.9 Oot. 27 54.0 276.0 1946 19*3 ?eb. 28 53.4 276.6 May 1 50.0 280.0 Not. 1 58.1 271.9 Nov. 14 54.0 276.0 1947 1944 Nov. 19 62.3 267.7 Apr. 27 51.8 278.2 Nov. 14 55.5 274.5 1948 Mar. 2 61.9 268.1 Well #9-1-21 Spreckels Sugar Co Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1946 Feet surface 1944 Nov. 14 45.6 268.4 Mar. 1 42.9 271.1 Nov. 1 48.9 265.1 1945 • 1947 Nov. 6 47.2 266.8 Nov. 18 49.9 264.1 Well #9-1-25 Carak and Hegus Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 . Nov. 13 88.5 289.5 Nov. 1 97.8 280.2 1945 1947 Mar. 14 Nov. 6 1946 Sep. 28 92.1 92.7 92.0 285.9 285.3 286.0 Nov. 1948 Nov. 19 18 105.4 114.0 272.6 264.0 Well #9-1-42 Salinas Land Co . Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevat ion of water surface 1946 Nov. 19 61.5 263.5 Nov. 19 57.7 268.3 Well #10-1-1 E. M. Martella Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 DlBt.R.F. to water surface Feet Elevation of vrater surface 1931 Dec. 2 17. .0 298.0 Nov. 14 21.5 293.5 1932 1945 - Oot. 20 m.o ^nn.n Mnr. 1 % 1 T.4 yQi.f, 314 Well #10-1-1 E. M. Martella (Continued) Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1945 Nov. 7 1946 Feb. 28 Oct. 30 22.8 17.9 23.3 292.2 297.1 291.7 Apr. Nov. 1948 Nov. 23 18 18 19.6 24.0 24.3 295.4 291.0 290.7 Well #10-1-2 J. Tognetti Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1916 Oct. 5 11.3 303.7 Nov. 7 24.8 290.2 1931 1946 Dec. 10 9.1 305.9 Feb. 28 21.1 293.9 1932 Aug. 13 8.2 306.8 Well #10-1-5 A. Castelll Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Sate 1945 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 14 19.4 302.6 Mar. Nov. 13 7 16.1 21.1 305.9 300.9 Well #10-I-13n Monterey County Trust and Savings Bank Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Date 1916 Oct. 5 1931 Dec. 2 1932 May Aug. 3 11 14.3 17.0 14.0 15.2 Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 14 25.8 296.2 1945 Mar. Nov. 12 5 19.5 27.0 302.5 295.0 Well #10-J-1 Guidici Bros. Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 545.7 343.0 346.0 344.8 Date 1946 Feb. Nov. 28 1 Date 1933 Nov. 19 1934 Nov. 14 1935 Apr. Dec. 12 6 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 19.7 20.7 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 21.6 18.6 15.0 14.8 Elevation of water surface 302.3 301.3 Elevation of water surface 338.4 341.4 345.0 345.2 315 Well #10-J-1 Guidlci Bros. (Continued) Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1936 Not. 23 14.2 1937 May 14 14.0 Nov. 9 14.0 1938 Apr. 16 12.0 Nov. 14 15.0 1939 Apr. 19 14.0 Nov. 10 14.0 19*0 Apr- 23 12.0 No V. 12 14.0 1941 May 8 12.0 Nov. 7 14.0 19*2 Apr. 21 11.0 Oct. 29 14.0 Well #10-J-6 Wm. and ] Dist.R.P. to water surface Date Feet 1944 Not. 13 22.5 1945 Mar. 13 Not. 7 21.5 25.0 1946 Feb. 28 21.9 Well #10-J-7 A. Purdy Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet EleTation of water surface 345.8 346.0 346.0 348.0 345.0 346.0 346.0 348.0 346.0 348.0 346.0 349.0 346.0 EleTation of water surface 333.5 334.5 333.0 334.1 (tenant) 1944 Not. 1945 Mar. Not. 1946 Feb. 13 28 15.0 13-3 14.3 13.5 EleTation of water surface 330.0 331.7 330.7 331.5 Date 1943 May Not. 2 16 1944 Apr. Not. 28 14 1945 Mar. Not. 13 7 1946 Feb. Oct. 28 30 1947 Apr. Not. 23 18 1948 Mar. Not. 2 18 Date 1946 Oct. 30 1947 Not. 18 1948 Mar. Not. 1 18 Date 1946 Oct. 30 1947 Not. 18 1948 Not. 18 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 13.0 14.0 12.6 13.3 13.6 14.3 13.4 14.2 19.6 14.4 12.5 13.4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 23.4 23.5 23.7 23.4 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 14.4 14.8 14.4 EleTation of water surface 347.0 346.0 347.4 346.7 346.4 345.7 346.6 325.8 340.4 345.6 347.5 346.6 EleTation of water surface 332.6 332.5 332.3 332.6 EleTation of water surface 330.6 330.2 330.6 316 Well #10-J-13 J. J. Cooper, et al. Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 1944 Nov. 13 108.9 19*5 Mar. Nov. 13 7 108.2 108.9 1946 Feb. Oct. 28 30 108.3 109.1 Well #11-J- -Id Anita Pi Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 1916 Oct. 5 16.0 1932 Dec. May Aug. 2 3 11 17.0 16.3 16.6 1944 Nov. 13 16.7 1945 Nov. 6 17.2 Well #ll-J-2 A. and E. Date Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 1932 Dec. May Aug. 2 3 11 1933 Nov. 19 1934 Nov. 14 1935 Apr. Deo. 12 6 1936 Nov. 23 1937 May Nov. 14 8 I93B Nov. 14 14.0 13.5 13.5 29.6 29.3 21.4 12.0 14.8 14.0 14.0 14.0 Elevation of water surface 341.1 341.8 341.1 341.7 340.9 Elevation of water surface 339.0 338.0 338.7 338.4 338.5 337.8 Elevation of water surface 336.0 356.5 356.5 340.4 340.7 348.6 358.0 355.2 356.0 356.0 356.0 Date 1947 Apr. 23 Nov. 18 1948 Mar. 1 Nov. 18 Date 1946 Feb. 28 Got. 30 1947 Apr. 23 Nov. 18 1948 Mar. 1 Nov. 18 Date 1939 Apr. Nov. 19 10 1940 Nov. 12 1941 Nov. 7 1942 Apr. Oct. 21 29 1943 May Nov. 2 16 1944 Nov. 13 1945 Mar. Nov. 13 6 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 115.6 109.3 110.9 108.2 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 15.8 17.6 16.8 17.5 16.8 17.2 Dlst.R.P. to water surface Feet 14.5 15.0 11.0 10.0 9.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 10.0 10.8 Elevation of water surface 334.4 340.7 339.1 341.8 Elevation of water surface 339.2 337.4 338.2 337-5 338.2 337.8 Elevation of water surface 355.5 355.0 359.0 360.0 361.0 359.0 359.0 359.0 359.0 360.0 359.2 517 Well #ll-J-2 A. and B. Dughl (Continued) Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1947 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 19*6 Feb. 28 9.6 360.4 Nov. 18 10.7 359.5 Well #ll-J-4 E. Dougherty (S ee Page 321. ) Well #ll-J-5 W. anii 0. Twisselman Date 1931 Dec. 2 1932 May 3 Aug. 11 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 6.9 5.5 6.1 Elevation of water surface 563.1 564.5 365.9 Date 1945 Nov. 6 1946 Feb. Oct. 28 50 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 9.0 7.9 3.6 Elevation of water surface 361.0 362.1 566.4 Well #ll-K-ld J. Rosenberg Date 1916 Oct. 5 1931 Dec. 12 1932 May Aug. 3 11 1944 Nov. 15 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 58.2 60.2 60.3 60.2 53.7 Elevation of water surface 571.8 569.8 569.7 369.8 376.3 Date 1945 Mar. Nov. 13 6 1946 Feb. Oct. 28 29 1947 Nov. 18 1948 Mar. Nov. 1 iS Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 53.0 55.4 53.2 55.4 55.6 55.7 55.5 Elevation of water surface 577.0 374.6 376.8 574.6 574.4 574.3 374.5 Well #ll-K-2 Ada H. Martin Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date Feet surface 1931 1958 Deo. 2 22.0 578.0 Nov. 14 24.0 376.0 1952 1959 May 3 16.2 383.8 Apr. 19 25.0 575.0 Aug. 11 20.0 380.0 1940 1953 Nov. 12 32.0 368.0 Nov. 19 40.9 359.1 1941 1954 Nov. 7 24.5 375.5 Nov. 14 59.2 560.8 1942 193^ Apr. 21 20.0 380.0 Apr. 12 19. .0 381.0 Oct. 29 e.o 392.0 Dec. 6 24.5 375.5 1945 1936 May 2 11.0 589.0 Nov. 23 25.2 576.8 Nov. 16 6.0 394.0 518 Well #ll-K-2 Ada H. Martin (Continued) Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 13 16.5 383.5 Nov. 29 22.4 577.6 Well #12-K-1 Martha Brinan Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1945 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1916 Oct. 5 68.1 401.9 Nov. 6 73.8 596.2 1931 1946 Deo. 2 80.1 389.9 Feb. 28 69.6 400.4 1932 Aug. 11 75.7 594.3 Well #12-K-2n Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 19*5 Not. 6 44.2 402.8 Feb. 28 45.5 405.5 Well #12-K-3 H. E. Wetzel Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1940 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Deo. 2 78.0 394.0 Nov. 12 72.0 400.0 1932 1941 May 3 Aug. 11 1933 Nov. 19 68.7 76.0 40.9 403.5 596.0 431.1 Nov. 7 1942 Apr. 21 Oct. 29 74.0 65.0 65.0 398.0 407.0 407.0 1934 1943 Nov. 14 39.2 432.8 Nov. 16 71.0 401.0 1935 1944 Apr. 12 Deo. 6 34.4 69.5 437.6 402.5 Apr. 28 Nov. 13 68.1 75.1 405.9 396.9 1936 1945 Nov. 23 1937 May 14 Nov. 9 70.4 67.0 73.0 401.6 405.0 399.0 Mar. 15 Nov. 6 1946 Feb. 28 68.5 72.9 68.9 403.5 399.1 403.1 1938 1947 Apr. 16 65.0 407.0 Nov. 18 75.9 396.1 1940 1948 Apr. 23 68.0 404.0 Nov. 18 75.5 596.7 319 Well ^12-K-4 J. Ferrinl Dlst.H.P. DlBt.H.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1952 Feet surface 1931 Dec. 2 82.0 393.0 Aug. 11 78. 6 396.4 1932 1945 May 5 69.5 405.7 Nov. 6 71.8 403.2 Well #12-K-5n Glau Dist.R.P. Dlst.H.P. to water Elevation to water EleTation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1940 Feet surface 1931 Dec. 2 67.0 598.0 Apr. 25 56.0 409.0 Nov. 12 60.0 405.0 1952 1941 May 5 60.0 405.0 Aug. 11 65.6 599.4 May 8 50.0 415.0 Nov. 7 56.0 409.0 1933 1942 Nov. 19 72.0 595.0 Apr. 21 52.0 413.0 1934 Oct. 29 57.0 408.0 Nov. 19 71.9 595.1 1945 1935 May 2 55.0 410.0 Nov. 16 58.0 407.0 Apr. 12 64.5 400.5 Dec. 6 58.0 407.0 1944 1936 Apr. 28 56.7 408.3 Not. 25 58.0 407.0 1945 1938 Nov. 6 61.2 403.8 Hot. 14 57.0 408.0 1946 1939 Feb. 28 70.0 595.0 Oct. 29 62.1 402.9 Apr. 19 . 55.0 410.0 Not. 10 60.0 405.0 Well #12-K-6 San Bernardo Dist.R.P. Hancho Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water EleTation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1946 Feet surface 1931 Dec. 2 25.0 400.0 Feb. 28 22.3 402.7 Nov. 19 25.3 599.7 1952 1947 May 5 Aug. 11 25.0 23.2 400.0 401.8 Apr. 25 24.5 400.5 1945 1948 Nov. 6 24.9 400.1 Nov. 18 27.8 397.2 320 Well #12- -K: ■J. San Bernardo Rancho Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1932 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Dec. 2 23.0 402.0 Aug. 11 22.2 402.8 1932 1945 May 5 25-0 400.0 Nov. 6 23.6 401.4 Well #12- -Kr ■1 J. Rosenberg Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 194-4 Nov. 13 35.* 393.6 Feb. 28 34.1 394.9 1945 Nov. 6 36.0 393.0 Well #12- -Jr ■12m Town of San Ardo Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1946 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 13 50.6 400.4 Feb. 28 46.5 404.5 Well #12- il; -21 Mrs. Sarvina Folleta Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 194b Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1944 Nov. 15 62.1 400.9 Oct. 29 64.6 398.4 1945 1947 Nov. 6 63.9 399.1 Nov. 18 64.1 398.9 1946 1948 Feb. 28 60.3 402.7 Nov. 18 64.5 398.5 Well #12 zk -_2_ J. Rcsenberg Date Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface Date 1944 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet Elevation of water surface 1931 Dec. 3 20.1 419.9 Nov. 13 17.2 422.8 1932 1945 May 5 Aug. 11 17.0 19.7 423.0 420.3 Nov. 6 22.0 418.0 521 Well #12-L-4 Linda Rosenberg Date 19*5 Not. 6 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 66.1 Elevation of water surface 418.9 Date 1946 Feb. 2f Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 62.7 Elevation of water surface 422. 3 Well ifl2-L-6n Linda Rosenberg Date 19J1 Dec. 2 1932 May 5 Aug. 11 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 39.0 41.0 34.2 Elevation of water surface 424.0 422.0 428.8 Date 1945 Nov. 6 1946 Feb. 28 Dist.R.P. to water surface Feet 35.0 31.6 Elevation of water surface 428.0 431.4 Well #7-G-43A L. and V. Jacks Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1945 Feet surface 1944 Nov. 20 32.0 185.0 Nov. 2 34.1 182.9 1945 1946 Mar. 5 21.8 195.2 Mar. 18 26.1 190.9 Well #ll-J-4 E. Dougherty Dist.R.P. Dist.R.P. to water Elevation to water Elevation surface of water surface of water Date Feet surface Date 1946 Feet surface 1931 Dec. 12 38.3 347.7 Feb. 28 28.9 357.1 Nov. 19 28.5 357.5 1932 1947 Oct. 20 38.0 348.0 Nov. 18 33.9 352.1 1944 1948 Nov. 13 49.5 336.5 Mar. 1 32.1 353.9 1945 Nov. 18 37.0 349.0 Nov. 6 28.8 357.2 Table 3 QUALITY OF WATER rH n (D C +J o O -n H a < r ■ H • • •• '1 rr* W r^ o Fl o CO w Pi W, • • •• •H rH (H •H f^ S o 1 CJ ra -p • • •• c a> 3 ■p a ■H 2 ■P CO G • • •• o O (£ S a o P § Ph C -w H T3 1, O O CO c o a u a o a m E a. 1 --~ +-> ir\ OHO :3 o '-i -a c C 03 X O o « IB +i D Q ■H U rH O Q) ^ ^S a rH ir\ v£> O CNO KNCT\ir\0 K\ o On ^ rH rH hfNC-^ 0\«0 C^^ O C~-aD OJ rH ir\vO ^f^OO VO OJ C^ O C-~ ■^ KN ir\ O OO vO l^^a? ITN C^ On C^ On rH On vO ^vDnD u\00 r-ir\vi3 ir\ NO CON C--sDaD K^O C\J\£) r^ rH LTN r^ On NO On nD O CM ■"trHrHOJ r^ rHOjKNrHKN t-t r-\ (1) 1 rH I I I I I t r O I lOi I I loi I icol l>llll*IJI^. I O I I I I I I I Eh I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I O O -"NC -rHOO C^O O OnO rH r^ r-{ r-\ r-{ rHc-~Lr\oir\r^^K\r^rHir\ONC^ C— r<\c— KNC~C-~00 ^ H rH rH rH C-~nO C--ND ^ ITN CM CM Lr\ C-^ C^ CNGO C^ O ir\ C-- C^ C^ C^CO TJ-N£)ONDNOOC»ONrf\ O ONC-^C^rHONCMC-^CMOO IrHCMirNr^l/MTNUNrHONrHrHrHf^CMr ^^ rH CM I rH rH rH CM IJ\ CM rH KNCX) lAC^CM On ir\rHCMNOrHir\rHir\C^ <-{ rH CM CM NO u\nD •'tC^^fM^'^NDLrNNDrH^NO'^OOLfN itnnO ltnnO rH ^ rH pr\ CM ^ r^ ir\(X) On no On no k\ ^ -^ OD CO nD r^ f^ r NO ^f\ CM f^ On -^ CM C-- KN NA C^ CM r^ CM rH K\ rH CX3 K\ NO r^CNrHCM-«t NO LTNrHrHNOCM^fNCMCMCM i-{ rH rH •-{ ON CO rH C— l/N CM CM Lr%0 P<> NO CM CO CTnlTN NO rH r— rH ir\rH CM Lf\CTN r^C7Np^hC\KNTt K>nD KN rH On On NO ir\ O CM rH rH CMrHCMrHrHCMCM^f^OrHr^CMrHrH■^N^CMrHCMrHCM^K^ CM K\KNK\C— OrH KN rH CM CM rH CM CM rH rr\ ■«* rH r^ NO CM f<^ O CM l^C-~C-~0 ^ tr\ CM O •* O t^ CM O L/M/N rH CM C~-ir\0 CM C-~Lr^Lr\o CM O CM O l^ CM IX\ ir\ CM P<\ ■<* rH CO •^CMCMrH-^CM-^rHrH^CMrHrHCM CM rH rH CM O rH ttrHCMrHrH^CM-^tLTN CO C~KNTt NO CM OOOO CM CO C^ rH rH NO OO •>*• rH iHOO C— CM OO KNONnO rH CO fAC^ ON NO CO rH r<>CO CM CM UNCO K\ ■^ K\ K\nO C--K\KNK\CM--^r^irsLrMJN^^ir\U\CMNOCM^r^C— ^nOUNKNlTN ^ rHKNCMNO^r^^CMCM CM OO C^ O CJNCO O I r-^ •-{ O T-\ ^ O r-{ I InOnOKNICJnOICMI ICOCOI lOrHCMlOrHlrHI lOOl I ••■) ••! •! 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Q) m nt m PCrH ferH 3 tH •H J3 *£l :3 U< X) ^^ 01 P a p a p ID ^1 U P FhP aj ID CO ID 10 -H Q ID 10 IB 01 H EH Ph (i< Ph Table 4 WELL LOGS i TABLE U WELL : LOGS (1-B QUADRANT) Well No. 1-B- ■1_ Depth Material Depth Material 0- 5 21-108 108-111 111-125 Top soil Sand Blue clay Sand Gravel 125-132 132-138 138-147 147-226 226-227 Sand Gravel Sand Gravel Clay Perforated 180- -226 Well No. l-B- ■Z_ Depth Material Depth Material 0- 8 8- 18 18- 55 55- 64 64- 81 Soil Sand Blue olay Sand Blue clay 81-101 101-111 111-133 133-184 Sand Gravel Sand Gravel Well No. 1-B- -1? Depth Material Depth Material 0- 6 6- 78 78-101 101-147 Soil Blue clay Sand Blue olay 147-160 160-169 169-209 Sand Fine gravel Gravel Well No. 1-B- -14 n Depth Material Depth Material 0- 11 11- 19 19- 96 96-106 106-142 Top soil Sand Blue clay Sand Blue olay 142-157 157-162 162-174 174-182 182-208 Sand Fine gravel Sand Fine gravel Gravel Well No. 1-B- -1? Depth Material Depth Material 0- 8 8-100 100-124 124-166 Soil Blue olay Sand Blue clay 166-171 171-181 181-183 183-205 Pack sand Sand Sand and gravel Gravel Well No. 1-B- ■16 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 8 8- 18 18- 65 65- 70 70- 81 81-110 Soil Sand Blue olay Sand Blue clay Sand 110-125 125-137 137-145 145-154 154-168 168-190 Gravel Sand Fine gravel Gravel Sandy clay Gravel Well No. 1-B- ■17 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 8 8- 18 18- 85 85- 91 91-105 Top soil Sand Blue olay Sand Blue olay 105-126 126-145 145-173 173-176 176-211 Gravel Fine gravel Gravel Sand Gravel 334 WELL LOGS Well No. 1 -B; ■M Depth Material Depth Material 0- 8 8- 34 34- 41 41- 48 48- 56 56- 62 To water Sand Fine gravel Sand Blue clay Sand 62- 75 73- 78 78-105 105-116 116-153 153-171 Sand and clay Gravel Sand Sand and gravel Sand packed Sand Well No. 1 -B: -1? Depth Material Depth Material 4- 20 20- 82 82- 99 99-107 107-113 Sand Blue clay Sand Blue clay Sand 113-120 120-125 125-158 158-194 Gravel Sand Fine gravel Gravel Well No. 1 -B: •23 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 2- 12 12- 18 18- 24 24- 27 27- 40 40- 99 99-105 105-108 108-110 110-117 117-135 Top soil Red clay Dry sand White clay Blue clay Yellow clay Blue clay Blue sand Yellow clay Coarse gravel Yellow sand Fine sand and gra vel mixed 135-150 150-155 155-160 160-162 162-168 168-170 170-182 182-187 187-201 201-203 203-215 215-222 Yellow clay and sand mixed Yellow clay Sand Yellow clay Sand Blue clay Sand and clay mixed Yellow clay Yellow sand Blue clay Blue sand Blue clay and sand mixed Perforated 127-199 Well No. l-B-24 Depth 31- 45 45- 54 54- 74 74- 81 81- 85 85- 89 89- 91 91- 98 Depth 0- 2 2- 15 15- 20 20- 41 41- 49 49- 56 Material Depth Sand 98-109 Clay and gravel 109-125 Sand clay and gravel 123-130 Fine gravel 130-133 Clay and sand 133-137 Blue clay 137-147 Clay and sand 147-174 Gravel Well No. 1-B- -32i Material Depth Top soil 56- 68 Hard packed sand 68- 86 Yellow clay 86- 88 Coarse sand, some gravel 88- 95 Yellow clay 95-140 Blue clay 140-151 Perforated 56-14l| Material Blue clay Sand Fine gravel Sand and fine gravel Fine gravel and clay Sand and clay Blue clay Material Cemented sand and gravel Loose sand Cemented sand and gravel Yellow clay Loose sand Tight sand, some clay mixed Well Ho. l-B-33i Depth Material , Depth 0- 15 Yellow sandy clay 104-181 15- 22 Fine sand 181-200 22- 60 Coarse sand and gravel 200-210 60- 69 Blue clay streaked with yellow 210-218 69-104 Coarse yellow sand and gravel Material Fine reddish yellow sand Soft red sandstone Blue green clay Blue green tight sand Perforated 123-21? WELL LOGS 335 Well No. l-B-42 Depth 0- 8 8- 13 13- 22 22-155 Material Soil Clay Sand Blue clay 155-170 170-185 1S5-209 209-211 Material Sand Tight gravel Gravel Clay Well No. l-B-44 Depth 0- 3 3- 32 32- 3* 34- 39 39- 80 80-105 105-125 Material Top soil Sandy clay Blue clay Sand and gravel Sandy blue clay Blue clay Sandy blue clay Depth 125-157 157-160 160-173 173-179 179-182 182-221 Material Gravel Sandy blue clay Gravel Sand (salt) Sandy blue clay Gravel Perforated 189-205 Well No. l-B-45 Depth 0- 4 4- 19 19- 21 21- 36 36- 78 78- S7 Material Top soil Yellow clay Gravel Blue sandy clay Blue clay Blue sand Depth 87-128 128-155 155-210 210-211 211-222 Material Blue clay Coarse sand Gravel Blue clay Coarse sand Perforated 17O-205 Well No. l-B-46 Depth 0- 3 3- 10 10- 19 19- 22 22- 36 36- 39 33- 73 73- 76 76-123 125-142 Material Top soil Gray clay Yellow clay Blue sandy clay Blue sand Blue clay Blue sandy clay Blue packed sand Blue clay Blue sand Depth 142-149 149-150 150-167 167-170 170-176 176-180 180-216 216-218 218-220 Material Sand and gravel Blue sandy clay Sand and gravel Blue sandy clay Blue sand and gravel Clay Gravel Yellow clay Gravel Perforated 190-210 Depth 0- 3 3- 6 6- 14 14- 20 20- 30 30- 34 34- 45 45- 50 50- 54 54- 82 Well No. l-B-54 Material Depth Top soil 82- 86 White clay 86- 92 Bed clay and sand mixed 92-102 Q.uick sand IO2-I3O Fine gravel I3O-I36 Yellow clay I36-I74 Fine gravel and sand mixed I74-I76 Yellow clay 176-I89 Blue clay I89-I9I Yellow clay Material Blue clay Yellow clay Fine sand Gravel Cemented gravel Gravel Yellow clay Sand and clay mixed Yellow clay Perforated 109-172 356 Depth 0- 5 5- 8 8- 15 15-107 107-129 Depth 0- 2 2- 12 12- 29 29- 31 31- 39 39- 63 63- 126 Depth 0- 8 8- 12 12- 17 17- 78 78- 91 91- 111 Depth 1- 8 8- 51 51- 70 Depth 0- 2 2- 9 9- 17 19- 45 45- 60 60- 66 66-108 WELL LOGS Well No. _lz 1: ■55 Material Depth Top soil Clay Sand Blue clay Sand 129-132 132-180 180-198 198-232 Well No. _1; B; .56 Material Depth Soil Yellow clay Sand Sandy blue c Blue sand Blue sandy Blue clay lay lay 126-132 132-144 144-145 155-183 183-186 186-191 191-193i Well No. J^ iB. -58 Material Depth Soil Sandy clay Sand Blue clay Sand Clay 111-120 120-125 125-155 155-159 159-207 Well No. 1- ±. -60 Material Depth Red clay and sand Fine sand and gra Yellow clay mixed vel 'it 11 88-156 Perforated IOI-156 Well No. l-B-61 Material Top soil Red clay and sand mired Yellow clay Gravel Blue clay Yellow clay Gravel Depth 108-109i 109i-123 123-132 132-135 135-145 145-151* Perforated 137-145 Well No. l-B-62d Material Sand Clay Sand Gravel Material Blue sandy clay Sand Fine gravel and sand Gravel Fine gravel and sand Coarse gravel Clay Material Sand Fine gravel Gravel Fine gravel Gravel Material Blue clay Cemented gravel Coarse gravel Material Yellow clay Pack sand Fine sand and gravel Yellow clay Coarse gravel Yellow clay Depth Material 0- 3 Top soil 3- 17 Yellow clay 17- 75 Blue clay 75-109 Sand 109-112 Fine gravel 112-116 Blue clay 116-125 Sand Depth 125-130 130-151 151-177 177-180 180-209 209-211 Material Fine gravel Clay and sand Gravel Clay Gravel Clay Perforated I8O-209 337 Depth 1- ■ 15 15- 7* 74- 95 93- 107 107- 112 112- 125 WELL LOGS Well No. l-B-77 Material Top soil and silt Blue clay Sand - fine Blue clay Gravel Blue clay Depth 125-140 140-148 148-152 152-168 168-195 195-198 Material Sand and gravel Blue clay Sand and gravel Coarse gravel Gravel Cemented clay Perforated 132-195 Well No. l-B-78 Depth 0- 13 13- 40 40-211 211-232 232-253 253-274 274-342 342-363 363-386 Depth 0- 4 4- 10 10- 62 62- 83 83-193 193-214 214-235 235-255 Material Depth Yellow clay 386-409 Sandy blue clay Sandy blue clay 409-452 Coarse sand - tight Coarse gravel - tight 452-473 Coarse gravel & sand - good Coarse gravel * sand - good Coarse gravel, sand and 473-535 yellow clay Coarse gravel, sand and 535-576 blue clay Well No. l-B-79 Material Depth Surface soil 255-276 Yellow clay 276-340 Sandy blue clay Sandy blue clay with 4 ft. 340-361 coarse gravel 361-403 Sandy blue clay Sandy coarse gravel 403-466 Sandy coarse gravel- very tight 466-576 Sandy coarse gravel 4 sand Material Coarse gravel, sand ft yellow clay Yellow clay, coarse gravel, 4 red sand Yellow clay, coarse gravel, 4 white sand (very good) Coarse gravel 4 sand (very good) Coarse gravel 4 sand some yellow clay Material Coarse sand Coarse sand 4 gravel 4 streaks of yellow clay Coarre sand 4 yellow clay Coarse gravel 4 sand 4 streaks of clay-very good Coarse gravel 4 sand - very good Coarse gravel 4 sand 4 thin streaks of yellow clay (good) (2-B QUADRANT) Well No. 2-B-7 Depth 0- 14 14-106 106-110 110-115 115-124 124-137 Material Top soil 'Blue clay Clay 4 gravel Blue clay Sand Fine gravel Depth 137-147 147-170 170-193 193-197 197-227 Material Gravel Fine gravel Gravel Sand Gravel Well No. 2-B-9 Depth 0- 9 9- 16 16- 60 60- 8? 82- 97 97- 101 Material Sediment Sand and yellow clay Sand and blue clay Blue clay Dirty gravel Yellow clay Depth Material 101-120 Sand 120-127 Sand and fine gravel 127-132 Gravel 132-135 Clay 135-144 Sand 144-207 Gravel 338 Depth 0- 6 6- 60 60-112 112-120 120-168 168-225 225-244 244-250 250-263 263-300 Depth 0- 16 16- 32 32-180 180-235 235-245 245-280 280-286 286-326 326-335 WELL LOGS Well No. l-B-67 Material Top soil Yellow clay Blue clay Yellow clay Sand (brown hard) Brown sand White sand Yellow clay Sand and gravel Yellow clay Depth 300-310 310-332 352-345 345-357 357-365 365-376 376-380 380-382 382-406 Material White clay Red sand Sand and gravel Red sand Sandy clay Gray clay Yellow sand Yellow clay Brown sand Perforated below 263 in sand and gravel. Well No. I-B-7IP Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Black soil 149-152 Coarse gravel 3- 8 Sandy clay 152-155 Fine gravel 8- 27 Blue sand 155-158 Ooarse gravel 27- 96 Blue clay 158-165 Fine gravel 96-111 Blue sand 165-172 Coarse gravel 111-136 Blue clay 172-185 Fine gravel 136-149 Blue sand 185-228 Coarse gravel Perforated I85-225 Well No. l-B-73 Material Soil Sand Blue clay Gravel Gray clay (blue) Red sand (some clay) Gray clay (blue) Red sand (some clay) Gray and yellow clay Depth 335-346 346-355 355-358 358-368 368-384 384-388 388-402 402-411 411-441 Material Gravel Yellow clay Hard chalk rock Sticky yellow clay Sand and gravel Yellow clay Gravel (perforated) Yellow clay Gravel (perforated) Perforated 355-441 Well No. l-B-76 Depth Material Depth 0- 15 Surface soil 3OO-305 15- 28 Sand 305-314 28- 40 Blue clay 314-317 40- 61 Sandy blue clay 317-348 61-140 Sandy blue clay & sea shells 348-364 140-150 Blue clay 364-385 150-155 Sandy blue clay 155-185 Large gravel and rock 385-395 185-193 Sand and large gravel 395-408 193-219 Large coarse gravel & sand, 408-426 very tight 426-446 219-237 Sandy clay 446-486 237-244 Sand 486-550 244-259 Coarse gravel 5>50-^^9 259-269 Sandy red clay 269-300 Coarse gravel & red clay Perforated 358-559 Material Red sand Red sandy clay Hard red rock Gray sand Yellow clay Yellow clay * thin streaks of sand Yellow clay & large gravel Fine grained sand Ooarse gravel 4 blue clay Medium grained sand 1/4" sized white gravel Medium grained yellow sand Yellow clay WELL LOGS JJ9 Well No. 2-B-ll Depth 0- ■ 25 25- ■ 55 55- ■ 50 50- ■155 155- ■UO 140- ■515 Material Soil Sand Yellow clay Blue clay Fine blue sand Yellow clay 4 sand Depth 315-445 445-447 447-485 485-505 505-565 565-575 Material Yellow clay Sand Yellow clay Sand Gravel Yellow clay well NO. 2-B-12d Depth Material 0- 9 Soil 9-100 Blue mud 100-125 Clay and gravel (water) Depth 125-128 128-201 Perforated 158-195 (3-B QUADRANT) Material Clay Gravel and rook Well No. 3-B-l Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Top soil 501-307 Gravel 4 clay 3- 42 Red gravelly clay 307-343 Red gravelly clay 42- 62 Gravel & clay 343-369 White gravelly clay 62- 86 Red sand 569-412 Clay 86- 89 Red clay 412-417 Gravel 4 clay 89-115 Red sand 417-449 Clay 115-140 Crusty sand 449-456 Gravel 4 clay 140-169 Red sand 456-489 Clay 169-178 Sandy clay 489-508 Gravel 178-205 Red clay 508-515 Clay 205-222 Red gravelly clay 513-520 Gravel 222-235 Clay 520-529 Clay 255-219 Red gravelly clay 529-548 Gravel 249-301 Clay 548-550 Clay Veil No. 3-B-8 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 16 Top soil « sand 129-140 Clay 16- 30 Sandy clay 140-160 Boulders 4 clay 30- 68 Gravel ft boulders 160-170 Tight gravel 68- 75 Clay 170-185' Boulders 4 clay 73- 90 Gravel ft boulders 185-195 Gravel 90-100 Clay 195-210 Clay 100-110 Boulders 210-230 Tight gravel 110-118 Gravel 230-235 Clay 118-129 Hard sand Well No. 3-B-8A Depth Material Depth Material 0- 15 Top soil ft clay 231-305 Clay }^- ^5 Sand 4 gravel 305-321 Tight gravel 65- 89 Boulders 321-330 Clay 89-131 Sand 4 gravel 330-370 Hard sand 131-180 Clay 370-447 Conglomerate 180-190 Tight gravel 447-450 Boulders 190-220 Clay 450-455 Hard rock 220-231 Tight gravel 340 WELL LOGS Well No. ?-B-10Ai Depth Material 0- 1 Soil 1- 32 Sand, gravel 32- 40 Clay 40- 42 Sand 42- 48 Gravel 48- 51 Clay 51- 54 Seepage 54- 69 Gravel 69- 72 Clay 72- 77 Sandy clay 77- 80 Clay, rook Depth 80-127 127-131 131-166 166-175 173-184 184-190 190-209 209-217 217-219 219-241 241-267 Material Clay Clay, rock Clay Clay, rock Clay Clay, gravel Clay Seepage Clay Sandy clay Clay (1-C QUADRANT) Well No. l-C-3 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 6 Top soil 117-127 Sand & gravel 6- 20 Sandy clay 127-141 Sand 20- 81 Blue clay 141-190 Clay 81- 96 Sand 190-192 Sand 96- 98 Blue clay 192-203 Gravel 98-117 Sand Well No. l-C-5 203-217 Sand & rooks Depth Material Depth Material 0- 6 Top soil 151-155 Sand 6- 81 Blue clay 155-157 Clay 81- 87 Sand 157-160 Sand 87-101 Blue clay 160-170 Fine gravel 101-120 Sand 170-180 Sand 120-125 Clay 180-183 Gravel 125-147 Sand 183-202 Sandy clay 147-151 Fine gravel Well No. 1-C -7 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 7 To water 90- 99 Sand 7- 45 Sand 99-105 Sand and gravel 45- 46 Sand and fine gravel 105-109 Fine gravel 46- 56 Sand and clay 109-115 Sand 56- 62 Fine gravel 115-124 Sand and gravel 62- 68 Packed grave 1 124-126 Sand i clay hill * gravel ' 68- 86 Sand 126-135 Sand t clay formation j 86- 90 Clay Well No. 1-C- 9 ' Depth Material Depth Material 1 14-132 Blue clay 175-179 Sand 132-160 Sand 179-209 Gravel 160-175 Gravel Well No. l-C-14 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 11 Top soil 127-130 Sand 11- 30 Clay 130-147 Sand 30- 40 Sandy clay 147-164 Fine gravel 40- 81 Blue clay 164-171 Gravel 81- 92 Sand 171-175 Sand 92-120 Blue clay 175-218 Gravel 120-127 Sandy clay 3*1 Depth 0- 6 6- 87 87-110 110-144 144-155 Depth 0- 3 3-130 150-134 Depth 0- 16 16- 54 34- 57 37- 45 45- 48 48- 52 52- 70 Depth 0- 5 5- 18 18- 59 59- 40 40- 45 45- 69 69- 84 84- 126 WELL LOGS Well No. 1-C -1? Material Depth Soil Clay Sand Blue clay Sand 155-162 162-172 172-194 194-197 197-217 Well No. 1-C- -16 Material Depth Top soil Blue clay Sand 154-140 140-160 160-191 Well No. 1-C -18 Material Depth To water Sand Blue clay Sand Clay Sand Clay 70- 88 88-122 122-156 156-161 161-170 170-171 171-183 Well No. 1-C- -l8d Material Depth Sandy soil Sand Blue sand Blue clay Blue sand Blue clay Sandy blue Blue clay clay 126-150 130-154 154-141 141-146 146-155 155-159 159-201 Material Gravel Sand Gravel (P) Sand Gravel (P) Material Gravel Clay Gravel Material Sand Blue clay Sand, heavy Gravel Sand Sand and gravel Gravel Material Sandy blue clay Blue clay Sandy blue clay Gravel 4 blue clay Coarse gravel Fine gravel Coarse gravel Perforated 162-192 Well No. l-C-20 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 6 Soil 102-107 Blue clay 6- 8 Hard soil 107-110 Sandy clay 8- 15 Blue clay 110-140 Blue clay 15- 17 Sandy clay 140-162 Sandy clay 17- 25 Blue clay 162-178 Gravel mixed with 25- 86 Sandy clay 178-185 Gravel 86- 96 Clay 185-205 Good gravel 96-102 Sandy clay 205-212 Cement gravel Well No. l-C-21n Depth Material Depth Material 0- 6 To water 105-105 Sub- fine gravel 6- 56 Sand 105-110 Fine gravel 56- 66 Big gravel 110-115 Sub - fine gravel 66- 70 Sand 115-117 Fine gravel 70- 79 Sand and sa ndstone 117-120 Sub - fine gravel 79- 96 Sand 120-125 Fine gravel 96- 98 Fine gravel 125-155 Sand * clay hill 98-105 Sand 342 WELL LOGS Well No. 1-C- ■22 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 5 146-156 Pack sand 5- 25 Sandy clay 156-164 Sand ft gravel 23- 80 Blue clay 164-168 Fine gravel 80- -97 Pack sand 168-171 Sand 97-110 Blue clay 171-200 Clay 110-116 Sand 200-214 Fine gravel 116-146 Blue clay 214-260 Gravel Well No. 1-C- ■2? Depth Material Depth Material 0- 5 Top soil 129-139 Sand & fine gravel 5- 8 Sandy clay 139-166 Sandy clay 8- 21 Sand 166-175 Sand 21- 76 Blue clay 175-177 Gravel 76- 92 Pack sand 177-179 Clay & sand 92- 99 Blue clay 179-182 Sand 99-108 Cement grave 1 182-200 Sand * fine gravel 108-126 Sand * clay 200-220 Fine gravel 126-129 Cement gravel 220-254 Gravel Well No. 1-C- -24 Depth Material Depth Material 8- 16 Sand 126-167 Clay 16- 98 Blue clay 167-180 Sand 98-126 Sand 180-199 Gravel Well No. 1-C- -26 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 7 Hard soil 67- 74 Sandstone 7- 15 Sandy clay 74- 80 80- 83 Sand and fine gravel 15- 20 Sand Clay and gravel 20- 25 Sand and fine gravel 83- 95 Fine sand 25- 52 Yellow sand 95-127 Sand packed 52- 58 Fine gravel 127-144 'Coarse sand packed 58- 62 Packed grave a 144-150 Fine gravel 62- 67 Sand and gravel 150-160 Gravel packed Well No. 1-C- -27 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Top soil 86- 94 Blue clay 3- 40 Sand 94- 98 Yellow clay 40- 75 75- 84 Fine gravel 98-110 Packed sand Fine sand 110-165 Gravel 84- 86 Yellow clay l65-l84i Coarse sand Perforated I2O-I65 Well No. l-C-34 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 6 6- 69 69- 89 89- 99 Blue clay Sand Blue clay 99-136 136-178 178-180 180-218 Sandy clay Sand Fine gravel Gravel WELL LOOS J43 Well No. l-C-36 Depth 0- 8 8- 18 18- 55 55- 64 64- 81 Material Top soil Sand Blue clay Sand Blue clay Depth 81-101 101-111 111-133 133-184 Material Sand Gravel Sand Gravel (P) Well No. l-C-48d Depth 0- 3 5- 6 6- 11 11- 24 Material Top soil Black adobe Brown clay Blue clay Depth 24- 56 56- 71 71- 75 Material Coarse sand Fine gravel Sandy clay Well No. l-0-50d Depth 0- 5 5-140 140-157 157-160 Material Sediment Blue clay Sandy clay 4 gravel Gravel Depth Material I6O-I85 Sand, clay ft gravel 185-207 Gravel (perforated) 207-211 Blue clay Well No. l-C-51d 4- 10 10- 20 20-101 101-109 109-171 Material Sandy soil Sand Blue clay Sand Clay Depth Material 171-184 Cement gravel 4 clay 184-187 Cement gravel 187-190 Clay 190-196 Cement gravel ft sand 196-246 Blue clay (2-C QUADRAM') Well No. 2-C-l Depth Material Depth Material 0- 12 Top soil 136-140 Sandy clay 12- 88 Blue clay 140-159 Sand 88-100 Sand 159-214 Gravel 00-136 Clay Well No. 2-C-lli Depth Material Depth Material 0- 7 Gravel and sand 87- 90 Silt 7- 50 Rooks and blue clay 90-104 Gravel (water) 50- 86 Gravel and silt 104-120 Sandstone 86- 87 Gravel ft sand (watfer) 120-142 Sandy shale Well No. 2-C-14 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 Black adobe 84- 96 Sand 2- 12 Sandy soil 96-109 Brown sand 12- 42 Yellow clay 109-112 Yellow clay 42- 45 Sand 112-117 Fine sand 45- 63 Yellow clay ft gravel 117-120 Fine gravel 63- 66 Fine gravel 4 sand 120-153 Coarse gravel 66- 69 Yellow clay 153-159 Yellow clay 69- 84 Yellow clay ft sand 344 WELL LOGS Well No. 2-C- 17 L Depth Material Depth Material 0- 8 Soil 222-260 Yellow clay 8- 22 Sand 260-510 White clay 22-145 Blue clay 510-325 Yellow clay with streaks j 145-152 Brown clay- of sand rock ! 152-177 177-185 Blue clay 325-332 Sand Sand & grave 1 332-336 Sand * gravel 183-200 Yellow clay 336-356 Sand 200-220 Blue clay 356-370 Gravel 220-222 Gravel 370-378 Clay Well No. 2-C- ■18 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 10 Sandy soil 135-140 Sand 10- 80 Blue clay 140-153 Fine gravel 80- 90 Sandy clay 153-155 Fine gravel &. sand 90-120 Blue clay 155-190 Gravel 120-132 Sandy gravel 190-191 Clay 132-155 Fine gravel Well No. 2-C- ■25 Depth Material Depth Material 2i- 4i 4 J- 27 Sediment 120-141 Pack sand Yellow clay 141-171 Gravel 27- 75 Blue clay 171-174* 1744-1754 Blue clay 75- 90 Pack sand Cemented gravel 90-120 Blue clay Well No. 2-C -?? Depth Material Depth Material 0- 13 To water 120-135 Pack sand 13- 28 Sandy clay 135-147 Sand and gravel 28- 38 Blue clay 147-154 Fine gravel 38- 58 Pack sand 154-188 Gravel 58-120 Blue clay 188-189 Clay Well No. 2-C -48 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 14 To water 136-176 Gravel 14- 25 Clay sandy 176-278 Clay 25-120 Blue clay 278-282 Clay and gravel 120-133 Gravel 282-304 Gravfel 133-136 Sand Well No. 2-C -66 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 19 To water 122-168 Blue clay 19- 55 Sand 168-171 Sand 4 gravel 55- 96 Blue clay 171-185 Gravel 1 96-116 Sand 185-188 Clay & fravel 116-122 Gravel 188-190 Clay j WELL LOGS 3*5 Well No. 2-C-68 Depth 0- 10 10- 22 22- 50 30- 40 40- 8? 85-102 102-104 104-115 115-143 145-159 159-161 161-165 165-171 171-178 178-187 187-190 190-194 Material To water Sand Blue clay Sandy clay Blue clay Sand Blue clay Sand Blue clay Sand and clay Clay Fine gravel Gravel (p) Sand and clay Fine gravel Sand Fine gravel Depth Material 194-202 Sand 202-210 Sand and clay 210-215 Clay 215-256 Sand and clay (250-254) Very hard, nearly sandstone 256-264 Clay 264-277 Sand 277-279 Clay 279-295 Sand 295-500 Fine gravel 500-502 Clay 502-504 Sand 504-518 Sand and gravel 518-525 Clay, nearly sandstone 325-550 Fine gravel 350-562 Gravel Veil No. 2-C-75 Depth 0- 8 8-150 150-152 152-140 Material Soil Blue clay Sandy clay Clay Depth 140-145 145-147 147-198 Material Sandy clay Sand and gravel Gravel Well No. 2-C-8O Depth 0- 6 6- 14 14- 20 20- 76 76- 101 101- 111 Material To water Blue clay Sandy clay Blue clay Pack sand Blue clay Depth 111-150 150-156 156-165 165-193 193-201 Material Sandy clay Blue clay Cement gravel Gravel Clay Well No. 2-C-82 Depth 0- 2 2- 15 15- 44 44- 77 77- 91 91- 94 Material Soil Sediment Sandy clay Blue clay Pack sand Sand Depth 94-107 10.7-147 147-155 155-192 192-195 Material Gravel Blue clay Cement gravel Gravel Clay Well No. 2-C-83 Depth 0- 8 8- 50 50- 48 48- 89 89- 95 95- 99 99-115 Material Surface soil Sand Sand and clay Blue clay Blue sand Sand and gravel Yellow clay Depth 115-121 121-152 152-151 151-159 159-182 182-196 196-205 Material Yellow sand Gravel Blue clay Solidified sand Gravel Boulders Blue clay 346 WELL LOGS Well No. 2-C -87 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 2- 10 10- 15 15- 19 19- 39 39- 53 53-103 103-118 118-125 Black loam Sediment Blue sand Blue clay Sandy clay Sand Blue clay Sand, clay. Gravel grave L 125-130 130-138 138-140 140-155 155-156 156-165 165-170 170-196 196-200 Sand Gravel Gravel, clay Gravel Gravel, clay Clay Clay, gravel Gravel Clay Well No. 2-C -88 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 2- 19 19- 25 25- 66 66- 98 98-134 134-180 Soil Clay Sand Blue clay Black sand Gravel Blue clay 180-258 258-287 287-315 315-330 330-347 347-417 Clay and rock Blue clay Sand Fine gravel Blue clay Gravel Perforated IOO-I3O Perforated 348-410 Well No. 2-C-9O Depth 0- 14 14- 19 19- 28 28- 63 65- 87 87- 97 97-122 122-243 243-273 Material To water Sand Blue clay Sand and clay Packed sand Fine gravel ft clay Fine gravel Blue clay Sand ft clay Depth 273-283 283-300 300-306 306-320 320-332 332-347 347-550 350-385 Material Clay Sand Sand ft fine gravel Sand Fine gravel Clay Sand Gravel Depth 0- 15 13- 23 23- 89 89- 92 92-123 Material Well No. 2-C-9I Soil Sand Blue clay Clay and gravel Gravel Depth 123-131 131-139 139-146 146-167 Material Blue gravel Gravel Sand Gravel Well No. 2-C-93 Depth 0- 2 2- 20 20- 25 25- 70 70- 92 Material Adobe Brovm clay- Sand Blue clay Coarse sand Depth 92-112 112-143 143-180 180-198 Material Yellow clay Gravel Blue clay Gravel Well Ho. 2-C-94 Depth 0- 2 2- 18 18- 22 22- 43 Material Black soil Sediment Sand Sand, clay Depth 43- 83 83- 95 95-183 Material Blue clay Cement gravel Gravel WELL LOGS 3*7 Well No. 2-C-95 Depth 0- 2 2- 14 14- 26 26- 91 91- 97 97- 109 Material Black soil Sediment Yellow sand Blue clay Cement gravel Yellow gravel Depth 109-120 120-137 137-152 152-160 160-167 167-222 Material Blue gravel Cenent gravel Sand Blue gravel Yellow gravel Blue clay Depth 0- 2 2- 15 15- 48 Well No. 2-C-97 Material Soil Sediment Sand Depth 48- 82 82-109 109-163 Material Blue clay Cement gravel Grave 1 Well No. 2-C-IO7 Depth 0- 5 3- 25 25-100 Material Surface soil Fine sand Blue clay Depth 100-105 105-125 125-150 Material Blue sand Silt Gravel (water) Perforated 125-145 Well No. 2-C-II9 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 50 To water 261-280 Clay and rock 50-104 Blue clay 280-297 Sandy clay 104-129 Sand 297-331 Sand and clay 129-142 Gravel 331-380 Sand and clay 142-144 Sand 380-390 Clay 144-148 Gravel 390-394 Sand and fine gravel 148-221 Blue clay 394-403 Sand 221-234 Clay and sand 403-418 Clay 234-243 Sand 418-434 Clay and sand 243-245 Fine gravel 434-483 Clay 245-253 Fine gravel and sand 483-510 Gravel 253-261 Fine gravel end clay 510-513 Clay Well No. 2-C-120 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 47 To water 183-243 Sand and sandstone 47- 58 Gravel • 243-355 Yellow clay 58-153 Clay 355-478 Clay and rock 153-158 Clay and sand 478-597 Cement gravel 158-183 Clay 597-600 Clay Well No. 2-C-I23 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 1 Soil 280-288 Sand 1- 6 Hard-pan (clay) 288-292 Gravel (cut) 6- 20 Sediment 292-300 Sandstone 20- 45 Clay 300-320 Yellow clay 45-118 Sand 320-328 Gravel * lots of sand 118-244 Blue clay 328-351 Sand 244-256 Clay mixed with fine gravel 351-364 Gravel and sand 256-266 Tight gravel 564-423 Yellow clay 266-273 Fine gravel and sand 423-432 Seepage 273-280 Gravel (cut) 432-497 Yellow clay 348 WELL LOGS Uell No. 2-C- -123 (Cont'd) Depth Material Depth Material 497-507 507-516 516-535 535-559 559-568 568-571 Gravel and clay Yellow clay Gravel cSt clay Seepage Gravel Yellow clay 571-573 573-579 579-600 600-617 617-619 Gravel Gravelly clay Gravel Very good gravel Clay Well No. 2-C- -141 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 4 4- 30 30- 37 37- 90 Top soil Yellow clay Dry sand Yellow clay 90-116 116-126 126-176 176-1781 Coarse gravel Yellow clay Coarse gravel Yellow clay Perforated 13O-I76 Well No. 2-C-144 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 Top soil 246-275 Clay 2-130 Clay 275-280 Sand & gravel 130-150 Sandy clay 280-290 Gravel 150-172 Sand 290-303 Clay 172-196 Sand & clay 303-304 Seepage 196-219 Red sand 304-360 Clay 219-228 Clay 360-370 Gravelly clay 228-236 Clay & gravel 370-373 Gravel 236-241 Clay 373-402 Clay 241-246 Sandy clay Well No. 2-C-I52 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 Top soil 121-128 Gravel 2- 12 Sediment 128-141 Gravelly clay 12- 38 Sand 141-207 Gravel 38- 98 Blue clay 207-224 Sand 98-121 Gravel and sand Well No. 2-C-1531 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 22 To water 160-163 Clay 22- 92 Sand 163-187 Gravel 92-129 Blue clay 187-189 Clay 129-160 Gravel Well No. ?-D. .58 d Depth Material Depth Material 0- 24 To water 137-141 Fine gravel 24- 36 Soil (sediment) 141-143 Clay 36- 72 Blue clay 143-159 Gravel 72- 94 Sand 159-164 Sand 94-119 Blue clay 164-261 Gravel 119-137 Gravel Well No. ?-D- -66d Depth Material Depth Material 0- 5 Adobe 63- 73 Fine gravel 5- 15 Clay, sand 73- 74 Clay 15- 27 Sand 74- 83 83- 92 Sand 27- 50 Blue clay Sand, fine gravel 50- 53 Sandy clay 92-100 Fine gravel 53- 59 Sand, fine gravel 100-108 Sandy clay 59- 63 Sand, clay Well No. ?-D. .67 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 35 To water 248-252 Sand 35- 38 Sand 252-256 Fine gravel 38- 79 Sand and cla y 256-266 Pack sand 79- 83 Tight gravel 266-269 Clay 83- 86 Clay 269-278 Sand and gravel 86- 93 Sand 4 fine gravel 278-302 Gravel 93-100 Fine gravel 302-305 Sand 100-105 Sand 305-308 Gravel 105-117 Gravel 308-310 Clay 117-227 227-248 Clay 310-321 Gravel Tight gravel 521-324 Clay Well No. ?-D. -6? Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Black soil 118-128 Fine gravel 3- 8 Yellow clay 128-140 Blue clay 8- 11 Sand 140-147 Yellov/ clay 11- 28 Yellow clay 147-153 Gravel 28- 38 Fine gravel 153-215 Blue clay 38-101 Yellow clay 215-227 Sand, clay 101-107 Blue clay 227-245 Gravel 107-118 Sand, fine gravel 245-248 Fine gravel 376 WELL LOGS Well No. ?- D; ■69 (Cont'd) Depth Material Depth Material 248-268 268-272 272-281 Gravel Sand Blue clay 281-291 291-303 303-338 Sand Sand, gravel Gravel Well No. y D_ -71 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 3- 14 14- 16 16- 23 23- 28 28- 51 51- 65 Soil Gravelly cla Fine gravel Gravelly ola Fine gravel Gravel and c Sand y y lay 65-108 108-121 121-209 209-213 213-217 217-220 220-411 Sand fine gravel Yellow clay Blue clay Blue sand Blue clay Blue sand fine gravel Red gravelly clay Perforated 94-108 225-411 Veil No. 3-D-74 Depth 0- 22 22- 40 40- 56 56- 68 68- 80 80-107 107-113 Material To water Sand Fine gravel Sand and gravel Clay Pack sand Clay Depth 113-127 127-245 245-248 248-255 255-259 259-269 269-275 Material Gravel Clay Clay and gravel Gravel Sand Gravel Clay Well No. 3-D-75 Depth 0- 4 4- 9 9- 42 42- 45 45- 52 52- 64 64- 71 71- 80 80- 89 89- 94 94-107 107-164 164-167 167-187 187-207 207-216 216-231 231-233 Material Top soil Sediment Clay Sand Fine gravel Sand * clay Fine gravel Sand Clay Sand Fine gravel Clay Sand (P) Gravel Clay Gravel Sand Gravel ;p) (p) Depth 233-236 236-244 244-248 248-263 263-270 270-287 287-303 303-311 311-321 321-346 346-384 384-395 395-397 397-501 501-510 510-513 513-518 518-523 Material Sand Fine gravel (P) Sand Clay Sand Gravel (P) Clay • Gravel (P) Clay Gravel (P) Clay Fine gravel (P) Sand Clay Clay and gravel (P) Sand Gravel Clay (p) Well No. 3-D-76 Depth 0- ? 2- 6 6- 8 8- 11 11- 18 18- 43 4?- 63 63- 82 Material Black soil Sediment Sand Black adobe Sediment Sand, fine gravel Sandy clay Blue clay Depth 82- 86 86-128 128-131 131-197 197-198 198-227 227-263 263-277 Material Sand Blue clay Gravel Clay Gravel Clay Gravel Clay UELL LOGS 377 Well No. 3-D-77d Depth 0- 2 ?- 8 8- 18 18- 70 70- 74 74- 90 90- 94 Material Soil Sediment Sand Blue clay Cemented gravel Yellow clay Pack clay Depth 94- 99 99-105 105-113 113-117 117-121 121-123 123-128 Material Sand 4 clay Sand, clay * gravel Clay 4 fine gravel Yellow clay Sand, clay * gravel Good water bearing gravel Clay Veil No. 3-D-79 Depth 0- ■ 51 51- ■ 40 40- 45 45- • 50 50- ■ 55 55- 94 94- ■101 101- ■112 112- ■121 Material To water Fine gravel Gravel Sand Clay Sod clay Fine gravel Sand Sandy gravel Depth 121-134 134-164 164-174 174-195 195-214 214-220 220-231 231-245 Material Sand Blue clay Fine gravel Clay Sand Gravel Sand Gravel Well No. 3-D-8I Depth 0- 25 25- 33 55- 45 45- 55 55- 5« 58- 91 91- 95 95- 94 94- 103 105- 112 112- ■121 Material To water Sand and gravel Gravel Sand Blue clay Sand and clay Blue clay Sand Fine gravel Sand Fine gravel Depth 121-128 128-133 133-165 163-172 172-194 194-201 201-209 209-221 221-227 227-262 Material Sand Gravel Blue clay Clay and sand Clay Fine gravel Sand Fine gravel Sand Gravel Well Ho. 3-D-83 Depth 0- 1 1- 18 18- 25 25- 28 28- 55 55- 57 57- 44 44- 55 55- 57 57- 62 62- 66 66- 67 67- 80 8n- S 87- Material Black soil Yellow clay Blue clay Blue clay, gravel Sand, fine gravel Clay, gravel Sand, fine gravel Clay, gravel Sand, fine gravel Gravel (P) Clay, gravel (P) Gravel (P) Clay Fine gravel (P) Gravel (P) Depth 98-102 102-115 115-119 119-125 125-129 129-178 178-202 202-208 208-212 212-215 215-226 226-245 245-254 254-266 266-271 Material Clay Sand Gravel (P) Gravel, clay Sand, clay Clay Sand, clay Gravel (P) Clay Sand, clay- Gravel (P) Sand Fine gravel, sand, clay Sand Sandy clay (P) - Perforated Depth 0- 15 15- 18 18- 20 20- 24 24- 55 35- 44 Material Well No. 5-D-83A To water Clay yellow Blue clay Blue gravelly clay Clay Sand and fine gravel Depth 44- 56 56- 63 63- 65 65- 68 68- 80 80- 90 Material Sand, clay and gravel Sand Sand and clay Sand Clay Sand and gravel J78 WELL LOGS Depth 90- 98 98-101 101-102 102-115 Material Gravel Clay Sand Gravel Well No. 3-D-8?A (Cont'd) Depth 115-118 118-124 124-130 130-138 Material Clay Clay gravel Clay and gravel Clay Well No. 3-D-84 Depth 0- 22 22- 25 25- 27 27- 30 30- 35 35- 46 46- 63 63- 69 69- 87 87- 90 90-103 103-108 108-111 111-117 Material Soil Sand Gravel Clay Sand Fine gravel Sand Blue clay Fine gravel Blue clay Pack sand Sand Fine gravel Sand Depth 117-122 122-126 126-127 127-130 130-137 137-140 140-143 143-250 250-266 266-277 277-287 287-308 308-326 Material Gravel Clay and gravel Sand Gravel Blue olay Sand Gravel Clay Sand Fine gravel Gravel Clay Gravel Veil No. 3-D-86 Depth 0- 3 3- 14 14- 24 24- 55 55- 67 67- 72 72- 76 76-108 108-135 Material Black soil Sediment Yellow olay, sand Blue sand Blue clay Blue sand, olay Blue clay Blue sand Blue clay Depth 135-148 148-156 156-165 165-188 188-195 195-208 208-235 233-252 252-256 Material Gravel Sand Gravel Sand, clay Yellow olay Blue olay Sand, olay Gravel Sand, clay Well No. 3-D-8 Depth 0- 26 26- 35 35- 50 50- 63 63-115 115-121 121-134 134-168 Material To water Clay Sand Sand A blue olay (p) Blue clay Pack gravel Gravel Clay Depth 168-179 179-194 194-205 205-213 213-220 220-240 240-270 Material Gravel Clay Sand Sand and gravel Gravel Fine gravel Gravel Depth 0- 15 15- 20 20- 85 85-125 Material Well No. 3-D-lOld Sand, silt * gravel Boulders Gravel, sand * silt Gravel * sand (water) (P) Perforated Depth 125-158 158-188 188-195 Material Rook and olay Gravel (water) Sticky clay (P) Depth 0- 32 32- 43 43- 78 Well No. 3-D-102 Material Sand Sand, clay Blue olay Depth 78-128 128-151 151-155 Material Sand Gravel Clay WKLL LOGS 379 Well No. 3-D-lO* Depth 0- 17 17- 3* 5*- 36 36- 38 38- 45 45- 49 Material To water Sand Clay Sand Blue clay Sand * blue clay Depth 49- 64 64- 94 94- 99 99-110 110-140 140-148 Material Blue clay Sand and clay Sandy clay Sand Gravel Clay Depth 0- 10 65-136 136-138 138-156 156-164 164-168 Material Well No. 3-D- 106 Sediment Yellow clay Gravel Blue clay Coarse gravel (P) Yellow clay Depth 168-227 227-230 230-241 241-280 280-282 282-284 Material Blue clay Yellow clay Sand Coarse gravel (P) Yellow clay Blue clay (P) = Perforated Well No. 5-D-IO8 Depth 0- 4 4- 8 8- 12 12- 30 30- 70 70- 77 77- 95- 99-101 101-107 107-111 111-114 114-125 125-131 131-180 180-191 93 99 Material Top soil Clay Gravel Clay Sand Fine gravel Sand Fine gravel Sand Fine gravel Sand Fine gravel Clay Clay 4 sand Clay Gravel (P) Depth 191-230 230-234 234-258 258-281 281-284 284-290 290-309 309-317 317-348 348-352 352-359 359-385 385-391 391-405 405-437 437-440 Material Clay Cement gravel Clay Clay and sand Fine gravel Sand Clay Gravel (P) Clay Sand Gravel Clay Gravel (?) Clay Gravel (P) Clay (P) (P) Perforated Well No. 3-D-109n Depth 0- 13 13- 42 42- 45 45- 52 52- 59- 64- 71- 80- 89- 94 94-101 101-107 107-164 164-167 167-169 169-187 187-207 Material 59 64 II 89 To water Clay Sand Fine gravel Sand and clay Sandy clay Fine gravel Sand Clay Sand Sand and fine gravel Fine gravel Clay Sand Fine gravel Gravel Clay Depth 207-208 208-216 216-230 230-231 231-233 233-236 236-244 244-248 248-263 263-268 268-270 270-273 273-287 287-303 303-311 311-313 Material Sand Gravel Sand Sand 4 fine gravel Gravel Sand Fine gravel Sand Clay Send Sand 4 fine gravel Fine gravel Gravel Clay Gravel Clay 380 WELL LOGS Well No. Jl :2i ai2d Depth Material Depth Material 0- 76 76- 80 80- 86 86- 96 96-108 108-115 115-116 To water Sand & fine Fine gravel Gravel Sod gravel Blue clay sc Clay 4 fine gravel id gravel 116-132 152-143 143-150 150-152 152-188 188-199 199-214 Clay and sand Gravelly clay Clay Gravel Clay Sand Gravel Well No. Jz :£: .11^ Depth Material Depth Material 0- 8 8- 24 24- 39 39- 43 43- 57 57- 64 Gravel soil Sediment Yellow sand. Blue sand, c Blue clay Blue sand 1 clay aay 64- 73 73- 90 90-100 100-127 127-192 Blue clay Blue sand, clay Blue sand Blue sand, gravel Gravel Well No. J: -Dj -117d Depth Material Depth Material 0- 50 50-150 150-152 Sandy silt * gravel Silt * rock Gravel with water 152-170 170-172 172-203 Silt t rock Gravel with water Clay ft rock Perforated Perforated 1- 110- 170- -152 -172 Well No. -t ^ -118 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 32 32- 45 73- 86 86- 88 88-108 To water Clay Body clay Sand Blue clay Sand 108-117 117-122 122-126 126-158 158-160 160-195 Blue clay Sand Fine gravel Gravel Red gravel Gravel Well No. -t -D; -123 Depth Material Depth Material 1- 12 12- 38 38- 75 75- 90 Top soil Yellow clay Pack sand Blue clay & sand mixe d 90-102 102-118 118-168 Fine sand Fine gravel Coarse gravel Perforated 123-168 Well No. 3-D-I36 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 6 Adobe 58- 93 Blue clay 6- 9 Sediment 93- 97 Yellow gravelly clay 9- 18 Sandy clay 97-117 Yellow sandy clay 18- 25 Sand 117-129 Sand ft very fine gravel 25- 30 Sand ft fine gravel 129-149 Yellow sandy clay 30- 37 Sand 194-153 Sand ft fine gravel 37- 42 Fine gravel 153-162 Gravelly clay 42- 43 Yellow sandy clay 162-165 Fine gravel 43- 49 Sand 165-172 Yellow sandy clay 49- 51 Gravel 172-175 Yellow gravelly clay 51- 52i Sand &. fine gravel 175-259 Yellow sandy clay 52i-56 Gravel 239-251 Gravelly clay 56- 58 Yellow clay 251-265 Seepage 381 Depth 265-269 269-278 278-343 343-365 365-390 390-399 Material WELL LOGS Well No. 3-D-I36 (Cont'd) Depth *Clay (hill?) Yellow sandy clay *Clay (hill?) Yellow sandy clay Tight gravel Gravel 399-412 412-431 4J1-466 466-468 468-473 * Probably blue clay Perforated 390-466 Material Gravel 4 clay Gravel Coarse gravel Yellow clay Yellow clay ft fine gravel Well No. 3-D-I38 Depth 0- 4 4- 36 36- 93 93-108 108-126 126-130 130-137 137-158 158-267 Material Soil Sand Gravel ft sand Yellow clay Pea gravel Clay Coarse sand Yellow clay Blue clay Depth 267-279 279-283 283-294 294-307 307-333 333-355 355-362 362-400 400-404 Material Gravel Sandy clay Gravel Yellow clay Coarse gravel Clay Hard sand Coarse gravel Clay Well No. 3-D-141 Depth 0- 8 8- 18 18- 33 33- 94 94- 118 118- 127 127- 136 136- 144 Material Sediment Dry clay Dry gravel Gravel ft sand Yellow clay Sand Yellow clay Blue clay Depth 144-160 160-202 202-226 226-239 239-250 250-290 290-293 Material Yellow clay Blue clay Dark sand Sand Fine gravel Coarse gravel Blue clay Well No. 3-D-143i Depth 0- 5 5- 30 50- 45 45- 69 69- 72 72- 102 102- 108 108- 120 120- 155 155- 170 Material Depth Top soil 170-245 Sand ft fine gravel 245-260 Blue sandy clay 260-315 Fine gray sand 315-318 Blue clay 318-444 Gravel ft sand 444-448 Blue clay 448-45I Yellow clay 451-484 Sand, gravel ft blue clay 484-516 Sandy blue clay Material Sand ft gravel Gravel ft sand Coarse gravel Gray sand Coarse gravel Brown clay Fine gravel Yellow clay Sand gravel ft yellow clay Well No. 3-D-144d Depth 0- 2 2- 13 13- 44 44- 47 Material Top soil Sediment Quicksand Blue clay Depth 47-106 106-155 155-168 168-180 Material Sand ft clay Blue clay Cement gravel Gravel Depth 0- 5 3- 32 32- 91 91- 114 Material Veil No. 3-D-147 Top soil Sediment Blue clay Blue sand ft clay Depth 114-122 122-176 176-183 183-185 Material Blue sand ft fine gravel Gravel Yellow clay Blue clay 382 WELL LOGS Well No. 4-D- ■ 64 a Depth mterial Depth Material 0- 10 Soil loam 125-139 Clay and sand 10- 19 Soil 139-145 Gravel (P) 19- 31 Sandy clay 145-161 Clay 31- 51 Sand 161-163 Sandy clay 51- 53 Clay 163-169 Gravel and clay 53- 65 Gravel and clay 169-187 Clay 65- 85 Fine sand and clay 187-193 Sandy clay 85- 99 Fine gravel 193-209 Clay 99-103 Fine gravel and sand 209-214 Sand 4 fine gravel 103-107 Fine gravel 214-231 Fine gravel 107-125 Blue clay Well No. 4-D- -67 231-262 Gravel (p) Depth Material Depth Material 0- 1 Top soil 113-234 Red gravelly clay 1- 5 Red gravelly clay 234-250 Red gravel ft clay 5- 62 White clay 250-417 Red gravelly clay 62- 73 Sandy clay 417-441 Red gravel ft clay 73-102 White clay sand 441-494 White clay 4 fine gravel 494-558 Red gravelly clay 102-113 Red clay * gravel Well No. 4-D-68 Depth Material Depth 0- 3 Soil 303-307 3- 7 Gravel 307-308 7-195 Gravelly clay JO8-309 195-205 Sand ft clay 309-311 205-208 Red sandy clay 311-321 208-218 Gravel (some sand) 321-333 218-220 Lots of sand 333-342 220-223 Gravel 342-359 223-237 Sand ft clay 359-362 237-247 Seepage 362-367 247-258 Gravelly clay, much sand 367-377 258-265 Seepage 377-388 265-269 Gravel 3o8-413 269-282 Gravelly clay, much sand 413-416 282-292 Gravel 416-419 292-303 Seepage Perforated 258-388 Material Gravel Fine gravel Gravel Fine gravel Gravel Gravel ft clay (sandy) Seepage ft gravel Gravel Gravelly clay Seepage Gravel, clay ft sand Seepage Seepage, much sand Gravel Sandy clay Well No. 4-D-69 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Soil 331-332 Seepage 3-223 Clay 332-371 Clay 223-225 Seepage fine 371-372 372-385 385-387 Seepage 225-237 Sandy clay Clay 237-240 Clay (Perforated) Seepage 240-245 Seepage 387-392 Clay 245-265 Clay 392-393 Seepage 265-266 Seepage 395-440 Clay 266-285 Clay 440-441 Seepage 285-286 Seepage 441-444 Rock 286-331 Clay Well No. 4-D-7O Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 Gravel 196-283 Gravelly clay 2- 25 Gravelly clay 283-304 Gravel 25- 68 Clay ft rocks 304-351 Clay ft rocks 68-192 Gravelly clay 351-380 Clay 192-196 Gravel 380-400 Hill formation Perforated 219-380 38? Depth 199-224 224-228 228-252 252-265 265-284 284-289 Depth 0- 2 2- 16 16- 46 46-108 108-113 Depth 21 38 52 80 90 9? 0- 21- 38- 52- 56 56- 61 61 80 90 93-110 110-118 118-125 125-145 145-14.7 147-150 150-160 160-162 162-166 Depth 0- 2 2- 28 26- 86 86-120 120-156 Depth 0- 2 2- 7 7- 22 22- 47 47- 51 51- 65 65- 89 89- 99 WELL LOGS Well No. _4. -E; 122 (Cont'd) Material Depth Gravel 289- -308 Red gravel 308- -313 Clay 4; gravel 313- ■-Ml Sand m. Gravel -482 Sand * fine gravel 482- -488 Well No. 4- -E; -?4 Material Depth Black adobe 113- -134 Sediment 134- -150 Sandy clay 150- -189 Blue clay 189- -240 Sand, fine gravel (P) - Perforated Well No. _4; -E; ■}P Material Depth Soil 166- -168 Gravel 168- -195 Sand 195- -220 Gravel * clay 220- -227 Clay 227- -239 Clay * sand 239- -251 Pack sand 251- -255 Clay 255- -266 Sand 266- -271 Gravel 271- -275 -283 Sand 4 clay 275- Sand 283- -284 Clay 284. -306 Gravel 306- -310 Clay 310- -320 Sand 320- -342 Gravel 342- -348 Veil No. _£• J. ■?7 Material Depth Sandy soil 136- -155 Sediment 155- -168 Sandy clay 168- -195 Sand 195- -197 Gravel (P) 197- -200 (P) = PerfO] ra1 :ed Uell No. _4. -E: ■?8 Material Depth Black adobe 99- -105 Sandy clay 105- -129 Sediment 129- -171 Sand 171- .182 Blue clay 182- -266 Sand, clay 266- -300 Sand, grave] 300- -303 Blue clay 303- -305 Material Gravel Red gravelly clay Gravel 4 red clay Red sand 4 clay Red gravel 4 clay White clay Material Gravel (P) Blue clay Gravel (P) Sand, clay, fine gravel Well canented at 235 feet Material Sand Yellow clay Blue clay Yellow clay Sand 4 clay Sand Sand 4 fine gravel Fins gravel Sand 4 fine gravel Sand Clay Gravel Sand Clay * grave il Fine gravel Gravel Clay Material Blue clay Clay, rock Gravel (P) Clay, gravel Clay Material Sand, gravel Gravel (P) Blue clay Gravel (P) Yellow clay Gravel (P) Yellow clay Blue clay (P) - Perforated 384 WELL LOGS Well No. 4-E-I7 Depth Material Depth 0-105 Sand, sediment and 105-132 quicksand 152-184 Perforated 102-184 Material Fine gravel Rooks and gravel Depth 0- 60 60-135 Well No. 4-E-I9 Material Sand Blue clay Depth Material 135-170 Rocks and gravel Well No. 4-E-22 Depth 0- 15- 15- 28 28- 44 44- 78 78- 65 85- 90 90- 93 Material Sand Sandy clay Sand Gravel Clay and sand Sand Gravel Depth 93- 96 96-106 106-125 125-126 126-172 172-232 232-235 Material Sand and clay Sand Gravel Clay and sand Sand Gravel Clay 1 Well No. 4-E-24d Depth 0- 28 28- 50 50- 55 53- 62 62- 76 Material Coarse sand Yellow clay Coarse sand Yellow clay Fine sand Depth 76- 78 78- 83 83- 86 86- 96 Material Coarse sand Gravel Yellow clay Gravel Well No. 4-E-27i Depth 0- 55 55- 40 40- 55 53- 62 62- 66 66- 11 72- 85- 88 88- 120 Material To water Sand Fine gravel Clay Sand Gravel Sand Blue clay Sand Depth 120-131 131-155 155-163 163-190 190-192 192-205 205-209 209-233 233-251 Material Fine gravel Fine gravel Sand Clay Sand Gravel Sand Gravel Clay Well No. 4-E-27Ai Depth 0- 14 14- 74 74- 77 77-135 135-147 147-152 152-161 Material Dirt Sand Yellow clay Sand & clay Gravel Yellow clay Gravel Depth 161-164 164-168 168-180 180-197 197-206 206-252 Material Yellow clay Gravel Red clay ft sand White clay ft sand Fine gravel Water gravel (Perforated) Well No. 4-E-29 Depth 0- 6 6- 9 9- 55 55- 43 43- 63 Material Top soil Red gravelly clay Sand ft fine gravel Yellow clay Sand ft fine gravel Depth 65-112 112-130 130-161 161-189 189-199 Material Sand, clay ft gravel Sand ft fine gravel Sand Clay Clay ft gravel WELL LOGS Well No. 4-E-4 385 Depth 0- 14 14- 17 17- 21 21- 32 32- 97 Material Sediment Clay Sand 4 clay Sand Sand 4 clay Depth 97-116 116-137 137-146 146-152 152-185 Material Sand 4 gravel Gravel Blue clay Sand 4 clay Gravel Depth Material Well No. 4-E-5 Depth Material 0- 17 17- 48 48- 70 Sand Sand, clay Blue clay Well No. 4-E-7 70-110 110-171 Sand Gravel Depth Material Depth Material 0- 61 61- 74 74- 78 78- 87 87- 97 97-112 112-116 Gravelly soil Gravel Clay Gravel, clay Sand Blue clay Sand, clay Well No. 4-E-ll 116-140 140-143 143-146 146-152 152-160 160-164 Sand Fine gravel Clay Sand Gravel Seepage Depth Material Depth Material 0- 15 15- 43 43- 45 45- 68 Sediment Blue 4 sandy clay Blue clay Sand, clay Well No. 4-E-12 68-105 105-122 122-185 Mountain gravel Sand Gravel Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 3- 6 6- 10 10- 48 48- 57 57- 69 69- 76 Sand Black sand Rocks and clay Red gravel 4 rocks mixed Fine gravel Quicksand Coarse gravel 76-120 120-122 122-128 128-191 191-230 230-237 237-261 Red clay Quicksand Settlement Red clay Gravel Yellow clay Gravel Well No. 4-E-13A Depth Material Depth Material 0- 4 4- 37 37-100 100-104 104-107 Soil Clay Gravel (hill) Sandy clay Cement gravel (P) = Perforated Well No. 4-E-I6 107-120 120-140 140-164 164-168 Gravel (P) Blue clay Gravel (P) Clay Depth Material Depth Material 0- 19 19- 28 28- 48 48- 73 73- 84 84- 92 To water Sand Clay Sand Blue clay Sand 4 clay 92-100 100-134 134-136 136-174 174-175 Sand Gravel Sand Gravel Clay 386 Depth 0- 9 9- 80 80- 90 90-110 110-135 135-190 190-242 242-247 247-260 260-275 275-280 280-287 287-290 290-298 298-335 335-340 WELL LOGS (5-D QUADRAMT) Well No. 5-D-2 Material Depth Soil 340-353 Sandy clay 353-360 Coarse red sand 36O-37O Sandy clay 370-397 Red adobe clay 397-410 Sandy clay 410-430 Coarse red sand 43O-45O Yellow sticky clay 450-4^7 Coarse red sand 457-473 Yellow sticky clay 473-490 Gravelly clay 490-495 Sticky clay 495-507 Coarse red sand 507-515 Yellow clay 515-535 Coarse red sand (some clay) 535-545 Yellow clay Material Yellow clay * coarse sand Yellow clay Coarse red sand & clay Yellow gravelly clay Coarse red sand Yellow clay Coarse red sand Yellow clay Coarse sand & gravel Yellow sticky clay Hard gravelly clay Yellow sticky clay Hard gravelly clay Yellow clay Hard gravelly clay Perforated 200-242 247-260 287-290 29S-355 340-353 360-370 397-410 430-480 (2-E QUADRANT) Well No. 2-E-l Depth Material Depth Material 0- 6 6- 32 32- 38 38- 40 40- 44 Sand, clay Sand Clay Sand Gravel 44- 46 46- 49 49- 53 53- 58 Clay Clay Gravel Sand, clay {4-E QUADRANT) Well No. 4-E-2 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Gravelly soil 108-120 Mucky gravel, much sand 3- 8 Gravel, sand t clay 120-123 Blue sand 8- 11 Sediment 123-127 Tight gravel 11- 18 Gravelly clay 127-132 Sandy clay 18- 21 Dry gravel 152-138 Sand 21- 24 Gravelly clay 138-148 Gravel and sand 24- 50 Clay 148-154 Gravel 30- 36 Sandy clay * sand 154-175 Good 36- 45 Sandy clay 175-207 Real good 45- 55 Pack sand 207-217 Good 5>3- 95 Blue sandy clay 217-220 Sand 4 fine gravel 95-108 Blue sand Well No. 4-E-4A Depth Material Depth Material 0- 14 Sediment 112-137 Gravel 14- 21 Sand 4 clay 157-145 Blue clay 21- 32 Sand 145-152 Sand & clay 32- 96 Sand & clay 152-184 Gravel 96-112 Sand & gravel WELL LOGS 387 Well No. 4-D-71 Depth 0- 2 2- 21 21- 69 69- 8l 81-102 102-189 189-210 Material Top soil Gravelly clay Clay and rock Clay Clay and rocks Gravelly clay Gravel 4 clay Depth 210-263 263-281 281-326 326-340 340-359 359-453 Material Seepage Clay Gravel ft clay Clay ft rocks Gravelly clay Decomposed gravel Well No. 4-D-73 Depth 0- 5 5-162 162-200 200-210 210-220 220-225 225-245 245-255 255-260 260-273 273-277 277-293 Material Top soil Water level Gravelly clay Red gravel Clay Seepage Sandy clay Sand Seepage Sandy clay Gravel Clay ft seepage Depth 293-305 305-312 312-320 320-323 323-335 335-344 344-355 355-360 360-375 375-498 498-530 Material Sandy clay Gravelly clay Clay Gravel Clay Gravelly clay Clay Gravelly clay Clay Gravelly clay Clay and gravel Well No. 4-D-87 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Top soil 248-257 Gravel 3- 5 Yellow clay 257-259 Yellow clay 5- 42 Sand ft fine gravel 259-261 Gravel 42- 62 Gravel 261-292 Blue clay 62- 80 Sand, clay ft fine gravel 292-296 Gravel 80-101 Gravel 296-303 Sand 101-115 Yellow clay 303-318 Red gravel 115-120 Gravel 3l8-?50 Yellow clay 120-147 Yellow clay 350-356 Gravel ft clay 147-155 Gravel 356-366 Clay 155-165 Sand 366-373 Gravel 165-224 Blue clay 373-375 Clay 224-240 Clay ft rocks 375-409 Gravel 240-245 Sand 4 fine gravel 409-411 Clay 245-248 Fine gravel Well No. 4-D-89 Depth Material 0- li Top soil li-30 Clay 30- 33 Sand 33- 66 Fine gravel 66- 94 Sand 94- 99 Clay 99-116 Sandy clay 116-147 Sand 147-149 Gravel 149-155 Sand ft fine gravel 155-163 Sand 163-171 Sand ft clay 171-234 Blue clay 234-236 Gravelly yellow clay 256-244 Blue sandy clay Depth Material 244-246 Gravel 246-258 Sandy clay 258-260 Gravelly clay 260-265 Gravel 265-267 Clay 267-273 Sand ft gravelly clay 273-300 Sandy clay 300-354 Clay 354-367 Gravelly clay 367-380 Gravel 380-435 Sandy clay 435-528 Clay 528-531 Gravel 531-540 Sand 540-550 Sandy clay 388 WELL LOGS v;ell No. 4-D- ^ (Cont'd) Depth Material Depth Material 84- 90 Sand, fine gravel 388-440 Red gravelly clay 90-108 Sand 440-447 Seepage 108-114 Gravel, much sand 447-459 Gravelly clay 114-120 Fine gravel, much sand 459-463 Seepage 120-123 Gravel and sand 463-519 Gravelly clay 123-147 Sand 519-520 Seepage 1,47-205 Blue clay 520-522 Clay 205-210 Blue clay 4 rooks 522-528 Gravel 210-326 Red gravelly clay 528-532 Clay 4 fine gravel 326-333 Hard 532-533 Clay 4 rocks 333-342 Gravel 533-575 Gravel 342-346 Seepage 575-584 Fine gravel 4 sand 346-352 Sandy clay 584-589 Gravel, much sand 352-380 Red gravelly clay 589-600 Sandy clay 380-385 Seepage 600-601 Clay 385-388 Gravel 6OI-603 Sandy clay Well No. 4-D- ± Depth Material Depth Material 0- 30 Soil 236-243 Decomposed granite (P) 30- 80 Gravel and clay 243-245 Gravel (P) 80- 90 Gravel 245-257 Clay and gravel (P) 90-165 Clay and gravel 257-266 Decomposed granite (P) 165-175 Gravel and clay (P) 266-270 Yellow clay (P) 175-180 Sand and gravel (P) 270-277 Decomposed granite (P) 180-188 Clay and gravel (P) 277-279 Gravel (P) 188-195 Gravel (P) 279-287 287-290 Decomposed granite (P) 195-215 Decomposed granite (P) Gravel (P) 215-220 Gravel (P) 290-300 Decomposed granite 220-230 Decomposed granite (P) 300-315 Yellow clay 230-236 Gravel (P) (P) - Perfora- ted Well No. 4-D -11 Depth Material Depth Material 1- 79 Sand 4 gravel 281-285 Gravel 79- 84 Yellow clay 285-297 Clay 4 gravel 84-103 Sand 4 gravel 297-316 Sticky clay 103-110 Yellow clay 316-^30 Clay 4 gravel 110-130 Sand 4 gravel 330-352 Yellow clay 130-180 Red clay 4 gravel 352-559 Gravel 180-194 Clay 4 gravel 559-381 Sticky red clay 194-239 Sticky red clay 381-390 Grave 1 239-252 Clay 4 gravel 390-400 Yellow clay 252-281 Red clay Well No. 4-D -1? Depth Material Depth Material 0- 8 Soil 95-100 Sand, fine gravel 8- 11 Gravel 100-104 Clay 11- 22 Sandy clay 104-107 Sandy, fine gravel 22- 25 Gravel 107-122 Gravel 25- 40 Sediment 122-126 Sand, clay 40- 48 Gravel 126-140 Clay 48- 65 Clay 140-152 Gravelly clay 65- 68 Fine gravel 152-195 Clay 68- 71 Seepage 195-198 Seepage 71- 77 Clay 198-296 Clay 77- 86 Sandy clay 296-345 Clay 86- 91 Clay 345-360 Seepage 91- 95 Sand 360-410 Clay 389 WELL LOGS Well No. }-D- -1491 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 Top soil 104-115 Yellow clay 2- 8 Red clay 115-133 Gravel 8- 20 Yellow clay 133-137 Yellow clay 20- 40 Sand 137-152 Blue clay 40- 60 Gravel 152-158 Yellow olay 60- 70 Yellow clay 158-174 174-163 183-196 Gravel 4 sand 70- 90 Sand Gravel 90- 99 Yellow clay Sand 99-104 Blue clay 196-210 Gravel (Perforated) Well No. 3-D- -1521 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 47 Top soil 4 blue c Lay 229-276 Sand 4 gravel 47- 49 Blue sand 276-290 Yellow clay 49- 64 Blue sand 4 clay 290-303 Sandy yellow clay 64-107 Packed sand 303-328 Yellow sand 107-109 Blue clay 328-336 Sand 4 gravel 109-140 Sand 4 gravel 336-365 Yellow clay 140-171 Gravel 365-398 Gravel 171-176 Hard blue clay 398-400 Yellow clay 176-205 Gravel 4 sand 400-448 Coarse gravel 205-229 Yellow clay 448-450 Yellow clay Depth 0- 10 10- 70 70-180 180-190 190-195 Perforated 390-444 (4-D QUADRANT) Well No. 4-D-2 Material Soil Yellow clay Gravel 4 clay Decomposted granite Gravel Depth 195-225 225-235 235-295 295-318 Material Gravel 4 clay (P) to 312 Gravel Gravel 4 clay Decomposed granite Perforated 225-512 Well No. 4-D-4 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Soil 121-126 Gravel 3- 13 Red clay, gravel 126-142 Clay 13- 23 Gravel 142-155 Sand 23- 26 Clay 155-157 Gravel 26- 66 Sand 157-160 Clay 66- 69 Clay 160-164 Red gravel 69- 73 Fine gravel 164-174 Sand, clay 73- 75 Clay 174-177 Red gravel 75- 78 Sand 177-180 Sand, clay 78- 83 63- 92 Fine gravel 180-189 Gravel, clay Gravel 189-194 Red olay, gravel 92-100 Clay 194-226 Red clay 100-107 Gravel 226-234 Red gravel 107-121 Fine gravel Well No. 4-D-5 234-400 Gravelly olay Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 Soil 55- 60 Sand 2- 7 Hard pan 60- 74 Clay 7- 10 Sediment 74- 79 Sand 10- 30 Sandy clay P- f° Gravel, much sand 30- 55 Clay 80- 84 Gravel 390 WELL LOGS Well No. 4-D-I6 Depth Material 0- 3 Soil 3-115 Gravelly clay 115-128 Yellow clay 128-185 Gravelly clay (P) 185-198 Fine seepage & sandy olay 198-205 Red sandy gravelly clay 205-211 Seepage (P) 211-214 Gravel (P) 214-217 Sandy gravelly clay 217-236 Gravelly clay, some sand 236-242 Sandy clay 242-254 Gravel, some sand cut (P) 254-262 Tight gravel cut (P) 262-264 Gravelly clay (p) 264-270 Seepage * gravel (p) Depth Material 270-288 Sandy clay 288-300 Gravelly clay (P) 300-308 Sandy clay 308-314 Gravelly clay (P) 314-518 Sandy clay 4 fine gravel 318-331 Fine gravel (P) 331-334 Sandy gravelly clay 334-339 Gravelly clay (p) 339-345 Sandy gravelly clay 345-349 Gravelly clay (P) 349-355 Gravel (p) 355-360 Gravelly clay 360-366 Sandy clay (P) 366-375 Gravel (P) 375-380J Gravelly clay Well No. 4-D-24 Depth Material 0- 27 To water 27- 33 Fine gravel 33- 54 Sand 54- 75 Sand and fine gravel 75- 81 Blue clay 81- 89 Sand and clay Depth 89-120 120-123 123-125 125-138 138-147 Material Sand Sandy olay Clay Gravel Clay Well No. 4-D-25 Depth 0- 2 2- 8 8- 12 12- 43 43- 69 69-108 108-126 Material Soil Hardpan Sandy clay Gravel Clay ft gravel Fine gravel Yellow clay Depth 126-138 138-172 172-182 182-200 200-207 207-211 211-222 Material Sand Brown olay Grave 1 Yellow sand clay Fine gravel Yellow clay Brown clay Well No. 4-D-3O Depth 0- 3 J_ 18 18- 22 22- 33 33- 44 44- 46 46- 49 49- 62 62- 90 Material Soil Gravel, clay Sand Fine gravel Sand Gravel, clay Clay Sand Gravel Depth 90- 94 94-112 112-114 114-121 121-142 142-164 164-170 170-175 175-185 Material Fine gravel Gravel Clay Clay, gravel Clay Gravel Fine gravel Gravel Clay Well No. 4-D-34d Depth 0- 31 31- 45 45- 54 54- 74 74- 81 81- 85 85- 89 89- 91 Material To water Soil Clay and gravel Sand, clay 4 gravel Fine gravel Clay 4 sand Blue clay Blue clay & sand Depth 91- 98 98-109 109-123 123-130 130-133 133-137 137-147 147-174 Material Gravel Blue clay Sand Fine gravel Sand 4 fine gravel Clay 4 fine gravel Clay 4 sand Blue clay WELL LOGS 591 Well No. 4-D-35 Depth 0- 2 2- 14 14- 45 43- 50 50- 54 54- 55 55- 61 61- 64 64- 67 67- 78 78- 80 60- 88 88- 91 Material Adobe Yellow clay Gravel Fine gravel 4 sand Fine gravel Clay Clay * gravel Clay Sand Fine gravel Clay Fine gravel 4 sand Clay Depth 91-104 104-108 108-140 140-146 146-156 156-178 178-181 181-185 183-192 192-218 218-221 221-222 Material fine gravel fine grsvel Sand Sand £ Sand Sand 4 Sand Blue clay Yellow clay Gravel 4 clay Gravel Sand Yellow clay Blue clay Well No. 4-D-37 Depth 0- 3 3- 6 6- 27 27- 50 30- 82 82- 87 87-114 114-116 116-120 120-129 129-140 140-144 144-149 Material Top soil Gravelly clay Clay Sandy clay Sand 4 clay Fine gravel Gravel Clay Sand and clay Sand Gravel Gravel and sand Gravel Depth 1*9-155 155-157 157-160 160-174 174-201 201-216 216-275 275-285 263-288 288-292 292-298 298-312 312-514 Material Gravel and clay Clay Sandy clay Seepage Sandy clay Gravel Sandy clay Gravel Gravel 4 sand Gravel Sand 4 gravel Seepage Sandy clay Well No. 4-D-38 Depth 0- • 5 3- • 6 6- • 27 27- • 50 50- -.11 11: ■ 95 95- •105 103- •125 123- ■150 130- ■147 147- ■154 154- ■157 157- ■180 Material Top soil Gravelly clay Clay Sandy clay Sand Gravel 4 sand Gravel Gravel 4 sand Gravel Gravel * sand Gravel Clay 4 seepage Seepage Clay 4 seepage Depth I8O-I9B 198-201 201-206 206-221 221-228 228-251 251-257 257-264 264-278 278-283 283-289 289-295 295-294 Material Gravelly clay Seepage Seepage 4 sand Clay 4 seepage Seepage Gravelly clay Seepage Gravel Sandy clay Seepage Clay 4 seepage Seepage Clay Well No. 4-D-39 Depth 0- 16 16- 25 25- 65 65- V-, W- 94 94- 96 96- 99 Material Sand 4 clay Sand 4 clay Fine gravel Sand Fine gravel Pack sand Gravel Sand, Gravel Depth 99-105 105-109 109-157 157-143 143-166 166-172 172-180 160-181 Material Gravel Fine gravel Gravel Sand, clay, gravel Gravel, clay Clay Seepage Clay 392 WELL LOGS Well No. 4-D-40 Depth 0- 3 3- 40 40- 48 48- 52 52- 67 67- 77 77- 86 86- 90 Material Soil Sandy clay Sediment Sand Gravel Clay Sand, clay Fine gravel Depth Material 90-102 Clay 102-108 Sand 108-120 Sand, fine gravel 120-126 Fine gravel 126-132 Sand, fine gravel 132-149 Gravel 149-200 Sandy clay Well No. 4-D-42 Depth 147-165 165-173 173-215 213-215 215-237 237-241 241-246 Material Gravel Gravel, clay Clay Seepage Clay Gravel Clay, rock Depth 246-272 272-292 292-297 297-299 299-321 321-331 331-333 Material Clay Seepage Clay Seepage Clay Gravel Clay Well No. 4-D-43 Depth 0- 3 3- 50 50- 93 93-121 121-141 141-156 Material Soil Silty sand Sandy clay Fine gravel 4 elay Sand Sandy clay Depth 156-162 162-166 166-192 192-325 325-350 Material Fine sand (not cut) Red gravel Red clay Clay with gravel Red clay Well No. 4-D-48 Depth 0- 5 5- 14 14- 26 ?6- 84 84- 85 85- 87 Material Top soil Brown clay Brown clay Brown sand Brown clay Sand 4 brown clay Depth Material 87-117 Fine gravel 117-134 Fine gravel (P) 134-136 Brown clay 136-141 Sandy yellow clay 141-177 Gravel (P) 177-180 Brown clay Well No. 4-D-50 Depth 0- • 55 35- ■ 50 50- • 56 56- It -.11 ■ 90 90- ■ 107 107- -116 116- -119 119- ■ 156 156- -175 175- ■215 215- -24b Material Soil Sand, coarse Clay, yellow, sandy Clay, yellow i gravel Gravel, cemented Clay, yellow, sandy Clay, yellow 4 gravel Clay, yellow, sandy Gravel Clay, yellow, sandy Clay, red 4 gravel Clay, red, sticky Clay, red, sandy Depth 248-270 270-282 282-290 290-295 295-315 315-321 321-345 345-354 354-380 380-390 390-395 395-454 Material Boulders 4 clay Clay, yellow, sandy Gravel 4 clay, red Clay,, red, sandy Clay, yellow, sandy Gravel, free Clay, yellow, sandy Clay, red 4 gravel Clay, red * gravel Clay, yellow 4 gravel Gravel Clay, yellow 4 gravel Perforated 116-454 J93 WELL LOGS Well No. 4-D -?6 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 Soil 170-210 Sand and rock 2- 11 Plow pan 210-256 Sandy clay mixed with 11- 75 Sandy clay gravel 75-100 Water sand 256-258 Gravel 100-117 Brown clay 258-271 Sandy clay 117-161 Water sand and gravel 271-275 Gravel 161-170 Clay mixed with gravel 275-279 Sticky clay Perforated 117-275 Well No. 4-D-59 Depth 18- 54 54- 59 59- 69 69- 73 73- 78 78- 89 89- 92 92- 99 99-102 102-128 Depth 0- 19 19- 28 28- 68 68- 75 75- 80 Material Sand Clay, gravel Fine gravel Clay, gravel Fine gravel Sand Clay, sand Blue clay Blue clay Sand Well No Mater ial To water Sand Clay Pack sand Sand Depth 128-136 136-144 144-160 160-168 168-170 170-173 173-190 190-220 220-238 4-D-6O Depth 80- 8? 82- 89 89- 91 91- 95 93- 103 Material Gravel Yellow clay Red clay Sand Gravel Yellow clay Sand, fine gravel Gravel Gravelly clay Material Fine gravel Sand Gravel Clay and sand Gravel Well No. 4-D-6I Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 Top soil 132-137 Clay 2- 9 Sediment 137-15* Sand 4 clay 9- 42 Sandy clay 154-162 Gravel 42- 59 Red gravel l62-l64 Sand 59- 69 White sand 164-169 Clay 69- 86 Sand, clay, fine gravel 169-174 Sand 4 clay 86- 91 Fine gravel 174-182 Blue clay 91- 97 Blue clay I82-I89 Yellow clay 97-102 Bed sand I89-I99 Sand 102-115 Sandy clay 199-205 Gravel 115-128 Gravel 205-208 Sand 4 clay 128-132 Gravel 4 clay 208-214 Sand Well No. 4-D-63 Depth 0- 2 2- 18 18- 39 39- 52 52- 66 66- 82 82- 96 96-115 115-142 Material Top soil Sediment Sandy clay Yellow sand 4 clay Blue sand 4 clay Blue clay Blue sand 4 clay Blue sand Gravel Depth 142-172 172-180 180-192 192-218 218-225 225-275 275-284 284-286 Material Blue clay Clay 4 gravel Gravel (P) Blue clay Sand 4 gravel Gravel (P) Sand 4 gravel Clay (P) Perforated 394 Depth 0- 19 19- 20 20- 48 Depth 0- 5 5- 45 45-157 Depth 0- 2 2- 20 20- 60 60- 85 85-100 100-116 116-145 145-160 160-180 180-197 197-212 Depth 0- 40 40- 46 46- 60 60- 70 70- 76 Depth 0- 7* 74- 75 75- 78 78- S9 69- 96 96-102 102-105 105-110 110-112 112-117 117-127 127-130 130-136 136-143 143-149 149-153 153-156 156-158 WELL LOGS Well No. ^-E- 18 Material Depth Adobe 48- 67 Blue fine gravel 67- 91 Gray clay 91- 98 Well No. 5-E- .l?n Material Depth Soil 157-181 Dry sand 4 gravel 181-215 Sand i gravel 215-225 Perforated 45- ■157 181- -215 Well No. 5-E- -24 Material Depth Soil 212-220 Hard gravelly clay 220-230 Gravelly clay 230-236 Sandy clay 236-240 Clay 4 gravel 240-258 Fine sandy silt 258-265 first water 265-270 Gravelly clay - hard 270-280 280-297 Red sand 4 gravel Silt 297-300 Sandy clay 300-315 White sand 4 gravel 315-324 Perforated 140 -160 197 -212 230 -236 260-318 Well No. 5-E -2?d Material Depth To water 76- 87 87-110 Sand Gravel 110-119 Sand 119-123 Fine gravel Well No. 5-E -26 Material Depth To water 158-172 Sandy gravel 172-179 179-180 lSo-181 Clay Sand Gravel 181-187 Clay 187-190 Gravel 190-192 Sand 4 clay 192-209 Clay 209-215 Gravel 4 clay 215-219 Gravel 219-222 Clay 222-225 Clay 4 gravel 225-226 Clay 4 sand 226-246 Clay 246-253 Clay 4 sand 253-273 Sand 273-291 Gravel 291-299 Material Blue clay Fine sand Coarse gravel Material Clay Sand 4 gravel Clay 4 decomposed granite Material Sandy clay Clay Gravel coarse Sandy clay Clay 4 gravel Gravel 4 sand Clay 4 gravel Coarse packed sand Clay 4 gravel Gravel Hard gravelly clay Clay Material Gravel Clay Gravel Clay Material Clay 4 sand Clay Sand Clay Sandy gravel Clay Sand Clay Gravel Clay Sand Clay Sand Clay Sand Clay Sand Clay 395 WELL LOGS Uell No. 5-E- -28 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 Top soil 198-212 Gravelly clay 2- 25 Gravelly clay- 212-213 Seepage 25- 72 72- 62 82- 84 Yellow clay 213-217 Gravelly clay Sand 217-232 Seepage Fine gravel 232-238 Gravelly clay 84- 94 Gravelly clay 238-242 Seepage 94- 96 Seepage 242-249 Gravelly clay 96-124 Gravelly clay 249-251 Seepage 124-126 Seepage 251-279 279-282 Gravelly clay 126-140 Gravelly clay Red gravel 140-142 Seepage 282-376 376-386 386-396 Gravelly clay 142-165 Gravelly clay Yellow clay t , 165-167 Seepage White gravel 167-177 177-180 Gravelly clay 396-410 Gravelly clay Seepage 410-412 Gravel 180-197 197-198 Gravelly clay 412-450 Gravelly clay Seepage Well No. 5-E- -2? Depth Material Depth Material 0- 74 Not given 158-172 Clay 4 sand ''*- 11 Sand 4 gravel 172-179 Clay 75- 88 88- 89 Clay 179-180 180-181 Seepage Seepage Clay 89- 96 Gravel 181-187 Sand 4 gravel 96-102 Clay 187-190 Clay 102-105 Gravel 190-192 Seepage 105-110 Sand 4 clay 192-209 Clay 110-112 Clay 209-215 Gravel 112-117 Gravel 4 clay 215-219 Clay 117-127 Gravel 219-222 Seepage 127-130 Clay 222-225 Clay 130-136 Clay 4 gravel 225-226 Seepage 136-143 Clay 4 sand 226-246 Clay 143-149 Clay 246-253 Seepage 149-153 Clay 4 gravel 253-273 Clay 153-156 Sand 273-291 Seepage 156-158 Gravel 291-299 Clay Well No. 5-E- -?o Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Top soil 218-224 Clay 3- 95 Clay 224-237 Seepage 95- 96 Seepage 237-240 Clay 96-120 Sandy clay 240-242 Seepage 120-124 Seepage 242-265 Clay 4 seepage 124-137 137-148 148-158 Clay 265-312 Clay Seepage 312-315 Seepage Clay 315-334 Clay 158-160 Seepage 334-335 Seepage 160-163 Sand 335-445 Red clay 163-200 Clay 445-469 Yellow clay 200-205 Fine gravel 469-477 477-481 481-517 Clay 4 gravel 205-209 Seepage Gravel 209-216 Clay Clay 216-218 Seepage perforated 200-505 Well No. 5-E-37 Depth 0- 8 8- 9 9- 32 32- 80 80- 90 Materia l Sand Gravel Sand Sandy clay Sand Depth 90- 93 93-162 162-181 I8I-I8J Material Sand 4 gravel Gravel Sand Clay 396 WELL LOGS Well No. $-E-38 Material Depth 0- 37 To surface water 37- 39 Sand 39- 43 Gravel 4J- 55 Sand 55- 59 Gravel 59- 65 Clay 65- 75 Sand 75- 86 Fine gravel 86- 93 Gravel 93-112 Clay 112-116 Fine gravel Depth 116-120 120-127 127-129 129-130 130-156 156-167 167-183 183-194- 194-202 202-239 Material Sand gravel Fine gravel Sand * fine gravel Gravel Clay Sand Fine gravel Sand Gravel Clay Well No. 5-E-44 Material Depth 0- 2 Soil 2- 20 Yellow sandy clay 20- 41 Sticky clay 41- 62 Gravel 62- 70 Clay 70- 90 Gravel 4 rock 90- 97 Yellow clay 97-124 Blue clay 124-143 Sand 4 gravel 143-204 Blue clay 204-208 Hard yellow clay 208-229 Sand 4 gravel 229-230 Sandy clay Perforated Depth 230-295 295-345 345-349 349-355 355-365 365-374 374-380 380-387 387-396 396-400 400-407 407-412 68-92 120-145 205-232 342-352 370-385 398-409 Material Fine sand Clay Gravel Brown sticky clay Blue sticky clay Brown sandy clay Rook 4 gravel Sticky brown clay Sticky blue clay Brown sandy clay Red gravel Red clay Well No. 5-E-48 Depth 0- 3 3- 20 20- 36 36- 43 43- 53 53- 83 83- 92 92-109 109-135 135-138 Material Soil Sediment Clay Gravelly clay Gravel Sand Sand 4 fine gravel Fine gravel Gravel (P) Sand 4 fine gravel Depth 138-143 143-150 150-169 169-188 188-195 195-212 212-227 227-232 232-259 259-270 Material Gravel Fine gravel Sand Clay Sand, clay 4 Blue clay Gravel (P) Sand 4 gravel Gravel (P) Sand gravel (P) Perforated Well No. 5-E-59 Depth 0- 3 5- 10 10- 27 27- 44 44- 65 65- 81 81- 123 123 -130 Material Soil Sand Sediment Gravel Clay Sand Yellow clay Coarse gravel (P) Depth 130-134 134-143 143-153 153-185 185-228 228-236 236-263 Material Sand Sand, clay 4 gravel Gravel (P) Sand, clay 4 gravel Gravel (P) Blue clay Gravel (P) (P) Perforated 397 Depth 0- 6 6- 25 25- 32 52- 38 58- 52 52- 72 72- 75 75- 82 82- 90 90- 96 96-100 100-114 114-118 118-124 124-132 152-UO 140-151 151-162 162-178 178-207 207-220 220-233 233-235 235-241 241-246 246-262 Depth 0- 24 24- 50 50- 67 67- 90 Depth 0- 3 3- 24 24- 38 38- 41 41- 51 51- 88 88- 95 95- 99 99-115 115-157 137-159 159-168 168-171 Depth 0- 8 8- 34 54- 53 Depth 0- 5 3- 6 6- 16 WELL LOGS Well No. 4-E- J2 Material Depth Soil 262- -267 Sediment 267- •272 Clay 272- -275 Clay, gravel 275- -278 -263 Gravel It Clay -285 Clay, gravel 285- -290 Sandy clay 290- ■295 Clay 295- -309 Sandy clay 309- -319 Sand 319- -329 Red sand, fine gravel 329- -335 Clay 335- -546 Red sand, fine gravel 346- -352 Clay 352- -375 Mountain clay 382- -382 Gravel (P) -385 Sandy clay 385- -387 Sand 387- ■391 Blue clay 391- -415 Clay, rook 415- -417 Gravel (P) 417- -441 Clay 441- -443 Red sand 443- -458 Fine gravel 458- -467 Gravel (P) (P) - Perforated Well No. 4-E -40 Material Depth Soil 90- -113 Sand 113- -122 Clay 122- -159 Pack sand 159- -184 Well No. 4-E -41 Material Depth Sandy soil 171- -182 Sediment 182- -191 Sandy clay 191- -208 Blue clay 208- -228 Blue sand 228- -269 Blue clay 269- -283 Quicksand 283- -292 Clay 4 rock 292- ■303 Sand, gravel 303- -326 Gravel (P) 326- -344 Blue clay 344. ■3*7 Quicksand 347- -362 Clay, rock 362- -365 Well No. 4-E- -42 Material Depth Black loam 55- ■ 61 Sandy loam 61- -109 Sand 4 grave L 109- -112 Well No. 4-E- -4311 Material Depth Soil 16- . 18 Sandy clay 18- - 21 Sediment 21- ■ 52 Material Sand, fine gravel Gravel (P) Clay Sand, fine gravel Gravel (P) Sand, fine gravel Gravel (P) Sand, fine gravel Gravel (P) Gravel, clay (P) Clay Sand, fine gravel Clay, yellow Blue clay Yellow clay Clay, gravel Gravel (P) Red clay Red sand Red sand Clay, gravel Gravel (P) Clay Sand Sand, fine gravel Well cemented Material Sand Gravel Clay Gravel Material Gravel (P) Blue clay Clay, rock Blue clay Yellow clay Blue clay Yellow clay Sandy clay Sand, gravel Gravel (P) Fine gravel Gravel (P) Sand Material Gray clay Sand 4 gravel Gray clay Material Sand Clay Quicksand 398 WELL LOGS Well No. 4-E- •4 5n (Cont'd) Depth Material Depth Material 52- 63 Clay 208-218 Sand 63- 73 Gravel, clay, sand 218-220 Fine gravel 73-103 Sand, clay 220-228 Sandy clay 103-108 Gravelly clay 228-230 Sand, fine gravel 108-121 Fine red gravel 230-241 Gravel 121-130 Blue clay 241-251 Sand, clay 130-147 Gravel (Perforated) 251-258 Sand, gravel 147-173 Clay 258-275 Gravel 173-178 Sandy clay 273-290 Sand 178-203 Sand 290-298 Gravel, clay. sand 203-208 Sand, fine gravel Well No. 4-E- 298-302 -44 Clay Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 Soil 152-172 Clay, soil 2- 19 Sediment 172-184 184-188 Gravel (P) 19- 32 Yellow sand Yellow clay 52- 66 Blue sand 188-190 Clay, gravel 66- 74 74- 89 89-104 Blue clay 190-248 Blue clay Blue sand 248-304 Yellow clay Sand, gravel 304-311 Sandy clay 104-112 Gravel (P) 311-321 Sand, clay * gravel 112-121 Sand, gravel 321-347 Gravel (P) 121-127 Fine gravel 347-352 Clay, gravel 127-132 Gravel (P) 352-356 Blue clay 132-152 Blue clay Well No. 4-E- -47 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Top soil 266-267 Clay 3- 37 Sandy clay 267-272 Gravel, clay, sand 37- 55 Gravel 272-292 Sand 55- 64 Sand 292-299 Gravel, clay, sand 64- 83 Gravel and clay 299-312 Yellow clay 83-109 Sandy blue clay 312-345 Blue clay 109-124 Red sand, fine gravel 345-362 Sand, clay 124-132 Red clay 362-368 Sand 132-136 Sand, gravel 368-375 Sand, gravel 136-188 Yellow clay 375-400 Gravel, clay 188-200 Sand 400-416 Fine red gravel 200-206 Sand, fine gravel 416-421 Sand, fine gravel (P) 206-219 Sand 421-429 Gravel (free) (P) 219-235 Sand, clay, gravel 429-461 Cement gravel (P) 235-241 Gravel 461-464 Sand, gravel (P) 241-259 Sand 464-540. Gravel, (free) (P) 259-266 Gravel 540-546 Gravel, clay (5-E QUADRANT) Well No. 5-E-12 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Hard pen soil 141-155 Gravel 3- 16 Sandy yellow clay 155-158 Sand 16- 57 Sand and gravel 158-163 Yellow clay 37- 41 Yellow clay 163-182 Fine gravel ft sand 41- 56 Fine gravel 182-188 Yellow clay 56- 58 Clay 188-194 Fine gravel 58- 64 Clay and gravel 194-199 Yellow clay 64- 73 Fine gravel 199-203 Gravel 73- 91 Red clay 203-208 Red clay 91- 95 Clay * fine gravel 208-224 Fine red gravel 95-106 Sand ft gravel 224-232 Red clay 106-108 Fine gravel 232-239 Fine red sand 108-127 Gravel 239-242 Gravel 127-141 Fine gravel ft sand 242-302 Red clay ft fine gravel Perforated 141- 199- 239- -155 -203 -242 399 Depth 0- 25 25- 33 33- 35 35- 50 50- 52 52- 92 Depth 0- 25 25- 34 34- 35 35- 87 87- 89 Depth 0- • 34 54- ■ 44 44- ■ 46 46- ■ 65 65- ■ 70 70- . 80 80- • 98 98- •102 102- ■125 125- •134 Depth 0- 57 57- 59 39- 45 43- 55 55- 59 59- 65 65- 11 11 95 93- 112 Depth 0- 57 37- 73 75- 78 Depth 0- 8 8- 12 12- 18 18- 95 95-108 108-140 WELL LOGS Well No. .1: ■II -60 Material Depth To water Sand Clay Sand Clay Sand 92-100 100-120 120-130 150-159 139-141 Well No. ^ -Ej -60A Material Depth To water Sand Clay Sand Clay 89- 94 94-122 122-127 127-137 137-140 Well No. ^ ■ll -621 Material Depth To water Gravel Clay Sand ft gravel Gravel Sand Gravel Sand and clay Sand and gravel Fine sand 154-140 140-151 151-154 154-163 163-165 165-184 184-191 191-212 212-214 214-222 Well No. ^ ■II -64 Material Depth To water Sand Gravel Sand Gravel Clay Sand ft clay Fine gravel Gravel Clay 112-116 116-120 120-127 127-130 130-156 156-167 167-183 183-194 194-202 202-219 Well No. Jii -E; -69d Material Depth To water Gravel Sand 78-138 138-167 167-200 Well No. ^ -E; -71 Material Depth Soil Sand Clay, yellow Sand ft gravel Gravel ft sand of clay (P) Sand ft gravel , streaks (P) 140-146 146-183 185-190 190-199 199-205 205-217 (P ) - Perf orated Materiel B. Gravel Gravel Sand Gravel Blue clay Material Sand Gravel Fine gravel Gravel Clay Material Sand Clay Sand and clay Clay Sand Gravel Sand ft fine gravel Gravel Clay Fine gravel Material Fine gravel Fine gravel ft sand Fine gravel Gravel Clay Sand Fine gravel Sand 4 clay Gravel Clay Material Gravel Clay Gravel Material Gravel * clay (?) Gravel ft sand (P) Sand ft gravel, streaks of clay (P) Sand ft gravel (P) Clay, sandy Sand * gravel (P) 400 WELL LOGS Well No. 7-G-54 (Cont'd) Depth Material Depth 303-348 Coarse gravel 629-666 348-560 Clay & gravel 666-672 360-445 Clay - some gravel 672-676 445-482 Yellow sticky clay 676-699 482-524 Yellow clay, some gravel 699-720 524-558 Cemented gravel & clay 720-723 558-603 Yellow clay & some chalk 723-736 603-608 Loose chalk, gravel 736-754 608-629 Yellow sticky clay Material Cemented gravel Clay, some gravel Cemented gravel Sandy clay Chalk gravel Sandy clay Tight sand, some gravel Clay, sone gravel Well Mo. 7-G-55 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Soil 85- 95 Coarse gravel * red sand 3- 9 Hard red clay 95-107 Hard packed gravel 9- 30 Yellow clay 107-126 Free gravel (P) 30- 50 Fine sand 126-145 Yellow clay 50- 60 Yellow clay 145-158 Free gravel (P) 60- 70 Fine sand 158-167 Yellow clay 70- 74 74- 85 Free gravel 167-242 Free gravel (P) Clay & gravel (P) - Perfc rate d Well No. 7-0- 67 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Soil 127-145 Sandy clay & boulders 3- 45 Dry boulders 145-175 Sand 45- 55 Clay & boulders 175-190 Gravel 55- 65 Sediments 190-195 Boulders & gravel 65-100 Clay & boulders 195-215 Yellow clay LOO-127 Boulders & gravel 215-240 Boulders &. gravel Perforated 100- -127 175- -195 215- -230 (8-G QUADRANT) Depth 0- 8 8- 17 17- 46 Well No. 8-G-ld Material Depth Sediment 46- 97 Sand 97-122 Blue clay, sand * gravel 122-125 Material Gravel Sand & fine gravel Gravel Well No. 8-G-ll Depth 0- 5 3- 10 10- 40 40- 60 60- 90 90- 105 05- 117 Material Soil Yellow clay Boulders Yellow clay Sand * clay Fine sand Coarse gravel Depth Material 117-125 Fine sand 125-140 Yellow clay 140-175 Fine sand, some clay 175-180 Boulders & gravel I8O-I95 Sandy yellow clay 195-254 Boulders & gravel Perforated 200-250 401 Depth 0- 56 ?6- 40 40- 50 50- 57 84 84- 86 WELL LOGS Well No. 7-G-48 a Material Sediment Yellow clay Blue clay Sand Coarse vrater gravel(P) Yellow clay Depth 86- 94 94- 98 98-111 111-127 127-135 Material Blue clay Yellow clay Coarse sand Water gravel medium (P) Water gravel mixed with yellow clay (P) = Perforated Well No. 7-G-48 c Depth 0- 57 57- 47 47- 50 50- 54 54- 66 66- 8? 8?- 86 86- 92 Material Sediment Yellow clay Blue clay Yellow clay Sand, fine Water gravel Yellow clay Blue clay Depth 92- 98 98-108 108-114 114-122 122-152 152-144 144-171 Material Yellow clay Coarse sand Water gravel Coarse sand Gravel 4 clay mixed Coarse sand W. gravel Well No. 7-G-48 d Depth 0- 57 57- 42 42- 50 50- 52 52- 65 65- 84 84- 88 Material Sediment Yellow clay Blue clay Yellow clay Fine sand Water gravel Yellow clay Depth 88- 96 96-100 100-109 109-111 111-130 130-173 (P) = Perforated Material Blue clay Yellow clay Coarse sand Clay t rocks mixed Coarse sand Water gravel (P) Well No. 7-G-48 _b Depth Material Depth Material 0- 37 Sediment 86- 95 Blue clay 57- 45 Yellow clay 95-100 Yellow clay 45- 52 Blue clay 100-110 Hard silt 52- 66 Sand, clay * wood mixed 110-114 Free gravel (P) 66- 70 70- 85 85- 86 Cement cake 114-120 Fine sand Free coarse grave 1(P) 120-157 Very fine gravel (P) Yellow clay 157-157 Gravel, a little tight (P) (P) - Perforated Well No. Jl -G-48 e Depth Material Depth Material 0- 57 Sediment 84- 86 Yellow clay 37- 42 Yellow clay 86- 94 Blue clay 42- 45 Blue clay 94- 98 Yellow clay 45- 48 Yellow clay 98-108 Fine cement sand 48- 60 Fine sand 108-111 Cement gravel 60- 84 Water gravel Well No. -I: -G-54 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Soil 254-248 Clay 4 gravel 3- 85 Red sandy clay 248-254 Coarse loose gravel 85-139 Clay 4 gravel 254-274 Hard clay 4 gravel 139-226 Coarse gravel 274-299 Coarse loose gravel 226-254 Coarse loose gravel 299-303 Clay 4 gravel 402 WELL LOGS Well No. 7-G-29 Material Depth 0- 9 Soil 9- 21 Soil, sandy 21- 30 Soil & gravel 30- 63 Gravel * boulders 63- 85 Sand & gravel 85-104 Yellow olay 104-108 Gravel (P) 108-109 Brown olay 109-114 Gravel (P) 114-119 Brown clay 119-133 Gravel (P) (P) = Perforated Depth 133-136 136-165 165-169 169-172 172-197 197-225 225-252 232-239 239-255 255-288 Material Brown clay Gravel (P) Brown olay Gravel & sand Gravel (P) Sand, gravel and boulders (P) Brown clay Boulders (P) Yellow olay Boulders &. gravel (P) Well No. 7-G-38 Depth 0- 5 5- 44 44- 68 68- 72 72- 94 Material Brown loam Sand & boulders Sand & rocks Gray olay Float rook, sand cSt clay Perforated 46- 96 127-221 Depth 94-115 115-127 127-208 208-222 222-227 Material Clay * boulders Sticky olay Clay 4 boulders Sand & boulders Clay Well No. 7-G-41 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 10 10- 20 20- 33 33- 46 46- 52 Soil Sandy olay Gravel Sandy clay Sand Well No. 7-G-42 52- 86 86- 98 98-104 104-130 130-140 Gravel Blue olay Sand Gravel Sand Depth Material Depth Material 0- 10 10- 20 20- 40 40- 48 48- 65 65- 75 75- 85 Sediment Sand * olay Coarse rock Yellow olay Blue olay Yellow olay Coarse sand Well No. 7-G-44 85-115 115-120 120-140 140-145 145-150 150-175 Dirty gravel Yellow olay Blue olay Yellow clay Dirty gravel Free gravel Depth Material Depth Material 0- 44 44- 70 70-128 128-140 140-156 Water level Water sand Gravel olay Chalk gravel Coarse color boulders gravel 156-196 196-200 200-205 205-207 Yellow clay * boulders Yellow olay sticky Hard bone Hard clay Perforated 102 Well No. 7-G-48 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 37 Sediment 86- 88 Yellow olay 37- 44 Yellow olay 88- 96 Blue olay 44- 52 Blue olay 96-108 Coarse sand 52- 60 Fine sand 108-115 Coarse gravel 60- 86 Coarse gravel 115-134 Coarse sand, mixed but dead Perforated 60- 108- 115- . 86 -115 ■125 WELL LOGS 40J Well No. 7-G-4 Depth 0- 9 9- 16 16- 21 21- 24 24- 27 27- 40 40- 4} 43- 70 Material Sediment Sand Sandy clay Sand Sandy clay Sand Fine gravel Dirty gravel Depth Material 70- 96 Coarse gravel 96-104 Blue clay 104-113 Coarse tight gravel 113-131 Coarse gravel 131-133 Small knife 133-135 Fine gravel 4 sand 135-136 Yellow clay Depth 0- 15 15- 35 35- 85 Well No. 7-G-5 Material Top soil Sand Dirty gravel (P) (P) ■ Depth 85-110 110-140 140-144 Perforated Material Clay * gravel (P) Free gravel (P) Clay Depth 0- 2 2- 15 15- 38 Material Soil Yellow clay Dry gravel Veil No. 7-G-7d (P) Perforated Depth Material 38- 65 Sandy clay 65- 95 Fine sand 95-124 Coarse gravel (P) Well No. 7-G-I5 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 4 Soil 95-138 Gravel 4 boulders 4- 70 Gravel, coarse 138-195 Boulders 4 gravel 70- 95 Boulders Well No. 7-vi-25A Depth Material Depth Material 0- 30 Sand 114-125 Yellow clay 30- 50 Sandy clay 125-162 Boulders 4 clay (P) 50- 60 Free gravel (P) 162-175 Yellow sandy clay 60-105 Yellow clay 175-187 Clay 4 gravel (P) 105-110 Gravelly clay 187-198 Clay 110-114 Free gravel (P) (P) = Perforated Well No. 7-G-26 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 30 Soil 178-181 Gravel (P) 30- 77 Yellow clay 181-184 Brown clay 77-113 Boulders * gravel 184-188 Gravel (tight cement )(P) 113-117 Solidified sand 188-196 Yellow clay 117-127 Sandy clay 196-200 Boulders 127-130 Sandy 200-209 Gravel * clay (coarse) 130-135 Sand * clay (sticky) 209-237 Yellow clay 135-114 Brown clay 237-273 Gravel 4 boulders (P) 144-147 Coarse rock 4 gravel 273-283 Clay ft boulders (P) 147-162 Brown clay 283-325 Gravel (good) (P) 162-178 Yellow clay 323-326 Gravel, clay 4 boulders (P) = Perforated 404 WELL LOGS Well No. 7-F-21 Depth 0- H 4i- 6 6- 10 10- 13 15- 53 53- 60 60- 85 85- 98 98-110 110-113 113-121 121-141 Material Gravelly soil Sand Gravel Sand Sandy clay Gravel Clay Sandy clay Gravel Clay Sand, gravel &. olay Gravel Depth 141-152 152-166 166-220 220-222 222-230 250-234 254-258 258-244 244-247 247-248 248-252 Material Sand Sand & gravel Gravel Sand & fine gravel Fine gravel Sand, clay & gravel Sand & fine gravel Gravel Sand & fine gravel Clay, sand & gravel Gravel (6-G QUADRANT) Well No. 6-G-3 Depth 0- 8 8- 10 10- 54 54- 40 40- 44 44- 66 66- 72 72- 76 Material Sediment Gravelly clay Sand Fine blue gravel Blue sandy clay Blue clay Blue clay & gravel Fine gravel Depth 76- 88 88-108 108-114 114-153 135-137 137-147 147-166 166-202 Material Coarse gravel Hill formation Tight gravel Gravel Sandy olay Sand (Sb fine gravel Gravel, much sand Good gravel Well No. 6-G-ll Depth 0- 4 4- 16 16- 27 27- 52 52- 41 41- 45 45- 64 Material Soil Yellow clay Sand &. fine gravel Blue clay Fine gravel Blue olay Fine gravel Depth 64- 68 68- 77 77- 96 96-124 124-125 125-129 Material Yellow clay Coarse gravel Blue clay Coarse gravel Yellow clay Blue clay Well No. 6-G-25 Depth 0- 9 9- 52 32- 47 47- 62 62- 71 71- li 76- Material Soil Sandy silt Sand and gravel Blue clay Blue clay & sand Chalk rock sand Brown clay Depth 84-106 106-142 142-145 145-151 151-156 156-162 Perforated 80-157 (7-G QUADRANT) Material Sand & gravel Brown olay Gravel & sand Cement gravel Gravel Clay * rock Well No. 7-G-3 Depth Material Depth 0- 2 Soil 63- 80 2- 7 Hard clay & gravel 80-132 7- 30 Coarse red sand 132-134 30- 45 Yellow olay 134-187 45- 50 Gravelly clay 187-192 50- 63 Yellow olay 192-194 Material Fine sand Free gravel Red clay Gravel tight Yellow clay Clay & gravel Perforated 86-I87 \JE1L LOGS 405 Well No. 7-F-9 Depth Material 0- 3 Gravelly soil 5- 15 Gravel ft red clay 15- 24 Red gravel 24- 55 Red gravelly clay 53- 78 White gravel 78- 85 Red sand ft gravel 85- 93 Red gravel 93- 95 White clay Depth 95-110 110-125 125-139 139-147 147-162 162-168 168-171 Material White gravel Sand Gravel Sand 4 clay Gravel Sandy clay Clay Well No. 7-F-I3 Depth 0- 3 3- 61 61- 77 77-135 135-144 144-161 161-168 168-179 179-191 191-201 Material Top soil Red gravelly clay White gravelly olay White gravel Sandy clay ft gravel Sand ft clay White clay Sand ft clay Sand Gravel Depth 201-207 207-215 215-232 232-237 237-243 243-309 309-317 317-330 330-336 Material Sand 4 gravel Sand Gravel Clay Sand Gravel Sand, clay ft gravel Blue sand Sandy clay Depth 0- 2 2- B 8- 12 1?- 61 61- 74 74- 77 Well No. 7-F-I6 Material Soil Clay ft sand Sand Clay Gravel Clay Depth 77- 78 78- 90 90-222 222-232 232-250 Material Gravel Sand Gravel Gravel ft Fine gravel clay Veil No. 7-F-17d Depth 0- 5 5- 15 15- 65 65- 85 Material Soil Yellow clay Sand ft gravel Yellow clay Depth 85-100 100-110 110-134 154-148 Material Sand, coarse Good water gravel Sand ft gravel Good gravel Depth 0- 15 15- 35 35- 80 Material Soil Sandy clay Sandy silt Well No. 7-F-l8d Depth 80- 95 95-105 105-120 Material Gravel 4 clay (P) Sand Gravel (P) (P) Perforated Well -No. 7-F-20 Depth 0- 5 5- 30 30- 34 34- 80 80- 85 Material Top soil Clay and gravel Fine gravel Clay ft gravel Decomposed granite Depth Material 85-120 Clay ft gravel 120-145 Yellow clay 4 gravel 145-165 Coarse gravel (granite) 165-200 Clay 4 gravel 406 WELL LOGS Well No. 6-F- -52 (Cont'd) Depth Material Depth Material 156-159 Sand and ola y 212-226 Yellow clay 159-176 Gravel 226-244 Gravel 176-182 Sand & fine gravel 244-248 Sand & fine gravel 182-197 Gravel 248-253 Gravel 197-212 Sand, olay & gravel Well No. 6-F- -53 253-321 Yellow olay Depth Material Depth Material 0- 7 Soil 78-113 Sand * gravel 7- 33 Dry gravel 113-118 Clay 33- 48 Gravel 118-125 Gravel 48- 63 Yellow olay 125-135 Clay 63- 68 Hard gravel 135-201 Gravel 68- 78 Yellow clay Well No. 6-F' .^4 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 4 Soil 189-195 Clay 4- 17 Clay 195-238 Sandy olay 17- 28 Sandy clay 238-253 Sand 28- 50 Sand 253-264 Sandy olay 50- 53 Clay 264-278 Sand 53- 59 Sandy olay 278-285 285-287 Sandy clay 4 rocks ^9- 75 75- 81 Sand Sand &. gravel Sand, olay. gravel 287-302 Gravel (P) 81- 84 Sand 302-364 Sand 84- 94 Sand & grave il 364-367 Sand * large rooks 94-101 Gravel 367-379 Gravel, not good 101-104 Clay 379-382 362-408 Gravel, much sand 104-119 Clay &. sand Gravel (P) 119-123 Sand & grave il 408-419 Gravel, finer (P) 123-140 Gravel 419-426 Gravel, not free, con^ 140-149 Clay siderable sand (P) 149-189 Sandy clay 426-457 Gravel (P) (P) = Perforated (7-F Q,UADRANT) Depth 0- ■ 5 5- ■ 5 5- • 55 55- • 42 4?- :lt 76- 86- ■120 120- •159 139- •143 Depth 0- 40 40- 60 60- 70 70- 90 90- 95 95-130 130-135 135-160 Well No. 7-F- ^ Material Depth Adobe 145-174 Clay 174-189 189-196 Gravel Gravel 196-198 Clay 198-234 Sand & clay 234-238 Gravel 238-241 Sand & clay 241-252 Clay 252-265 Well No. 7-1'- ■1 Material Depth Hard olay & gravel 160-185 Dry gravel 185-196 Red sand 196-212 Red sandy olay 212-223 Red sand & gravel 223-230 Clay & coarse red sand 250-247 Coarse red sand 247-253 Clay & coarse red sand Perforated 60- ■ 70 160- -185 196- -212 225- -230 Material Gravel Fine gravel Gravel Sand & fine gravel Sand & olay Gravel Sand & clay Gravel Sand and clay Material Coarse gravel Red gravelly olay Gravel * some olay Yellow olay Gravel Yellow sticky clay Hard yellow clay WELL LOGS 407 Well No. 6-F-23 Depth Material Depth 0- 14 Soil 83-121 14- 22 Yellow clay 121-149 22- 38 Blue clay I49-I5I 38- 46 Sand 151-158 46- 58 Sand & gravel (P) 158-I92 58- 71 Blue clay 192-200 71- 83 Gravel 4 boulders (P) Material Blue clay Gravel (P) Yellow clay Sand Sand * gravel (P) Clay, sandy (P) Perforated Well No. 6-F-26 Depth 0- 3 3- 11 11- 15 15- 25 25-137 137-154 154-171 171-176 Material Top soil Hard gravelly clay Sand Brown clay Gray sand ft gravel to 2" Red gravel ft sand 1" Hard red clay Red gravel ft sand 1" Depth 176-311 311-317 317-320 320-324 324-490 490-518 518-537 537-570 Perforated 70-542 Material Hard gravelly clay Red gravel ft sand 2" Cemented gravel ft clay Sand ft gravel to 1" Gravelly clay Sticky clay ft cemented sand streaks Gray sand ft gravel 3" Sticky clay Well No. 6-F-35 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 10 Soil 145-155 Clay ft boulders 10-120 Clay ft gravel 155-210 Clay, sandy 120-125 Clay, sandy 210-225 Yellow clay 125-128 Yellov; clay 225-260 Clay 4 gravel, stands up 128-142 Clay ft gravel 260-265 Gravel, cemented 142-145 Clay, sandy Well No. 6-F-37 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 6 Soil 97-120 Gravel 6- 32 Sand 120-124 Yellow clay 32- 46 Sand ft gravel 124-150 Gravel 46- 55 Yellow clay 150-155 Yellow clay 55- 88 Blue clay 155-160 Sand 88- 97 Yellow clay 160-210 Sand 4 gravel Perforated 80-195 Well No. -i: ■li -41: i Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 3- 7 7- 11 11- 26 26- 65 65- 70 70- 96 96-105 Gravelly soi Gravelly cla Gravel Clay Gravel Clay 4 sand Sand Gravel 1 y 105-122 122-140 140-150 150-159 159-164 164-175 175-177 177-210 Clay Sand Fine gravel Clay Sand Gravel Clay Red gravel Well No. -i: .J. -52 Deoth Material Depth Material 0- 2 2- 8 8- 70 Top soil Sandy clay Gravel 70- 77 77-121 121-156 Red clay ft gravel Gravel Yellow clay 408 VIELL LOGS Well Ho. 6-F-2 (Cont'd) Depth Material Depth 186-197 Clay 352-357 197-206 Sand & gravel 1" 357-371 206-291 Hard gravelly clay 371-374 291-300 Sand & gravel 374-389 300-312 Clay 389-412 312-318 Clay &. loose sand streaks 412-435 318-352 Gravelly clay 435-465 Perforated 75-115 139-150 197-594 412-440 Material Sand & gravel 1" Cemented gravel Red sand t gravel 1" River gravel & sand 2" Hard yellow clay River gravel & sand 4" Hard yellow clay Well No. 6-F-3 Depth Material Depth 0- 4 Gravelly clay 246-303 4- 32 Gravelly clay & sand 503-321 32- 67 Sand & gravel to 3" (dry) 321-328 67- 70 Clay 328-334 70-109 Shale gravel, clean 3" 334-350 109-120 Clay 350-360 120-140 Tight red gravel & clay 36O-368 140-153 Red gravel & clay streaks 368-375 153-232 Hard clay 375-403 232-237 Sand & gravel to 1" 403-425 237-246 Hard clay 425-494 Perforated 7O-38O 397-430 Mater ial Clay & gravel Clean sand & gravel 3" Clay Gravel to 3" Gravel S: clay Sand gravel to 1" Clay & gravel White sand & gravel 3" Hard yellow clay White sand t gravel 3" Hard yellow clay Well No. 6-F-4 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 8 Soil 226-248 Clay 8-130 Clay and gravel 248-262 Gravel 130-135 Decomposed granite 262-270 Clay 135-175 Clay & gravel 270-273 Gravel 175-180 Gravel 273-276 Clay 180-187 Gravel cii; clay 276-279 Gravel 187-207 Gravel 279-305 Clay 207-212 Clay & (travel 305-320 Gravel 212-226 Gravel 320-350 Clay Perforated 200-330 Well No. 6-F- ■1 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 9 9- 69 69- 72 72- 84 84-228 228-229 Hard soil Gravel Yellow clay Clay & grave Yellow clay Gravel 1 229-330 330-352 352-360 360-377 377-385 Yellow clay Red sand Clay Gravel (Poor) Yellow clay P erforated 40- 225- 355- - 70 -240 -375 Well No. 6-F- Jn Depth Material Depth Material 0-154 154-166 166-169 169-183 183-188 188-193 To water Sand Gravel Sand Gravel Clay 193-197 197-203 203-210 210-235 235-247 Gravel Clay Sand Gravel & clay Gravel WELL LOGS 409 Depth 0- - 5 ^ ■100 100- -110 110- -149 Well No. 6-F-9 Material Soil Boulders Gravel ft boulders Gravel Depth Material 149-162 Boulders, cemented 162-164 Sandstone 164-170 Gravel Veil No. 6-F-13 Depth 0- 7 7- 30 30- 70 70- 81 81-109 109-147 147-153 Material Sediment Yellow clay Gravel Yellow clay Uater gravel Sand Yellow clay Depth 153-160 160-165 165-187 187-210 210-216 216-234 234-237 Perforated 65- 70 81-109 187-210 216-234 Material Sand Yellow clay Sand Gravel water Sand Tight gravel Coarse gravel ft clay Well No. 6-F-14 Depth 0- 32 52- 53 53- 65 65- 83 83- 92 92-105 105-115 115-152 152-166 166-172 172-180 180-190 Material Soil Sand Blue clay Gravel, free (P) Yellow clay Gravel, cemented (P) Gravel, free (P) Yellow clay Blue clay Yellow clay, sandy Gravel (P) Yellow clay, sandy Depth 190-214 214-232 232-238 238-242 242-252 252-268 268-292 292-310 310-324 324-330 330-342 342-347 Material Clay 4 gravel Gravel, cemented (P) Yellow clay Gravel (P) Yellow clay, sandy Blue clay ft gravel Gravel, cemented (P) Sand 4 gravel, free (P) Sand ft gravel (P) Sand 4 streaks of clay Sand 4 gravel (P) Yellow clay (P) - Perforated Well No. 6-F- ■17 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 22 22- 58 58- 90 90-112 112-115 Soil Gravel (P) Clay, sandy Gravel (P) Yellow clay 115-125 125-155 155-180 180-190 190-238 Clay, sandy Sand * gravel Yellow clay Clay ft gravel Sand 4 gravel (P) = Perforated Well No. 6-F- -20 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 7 7- 15 15- 71 71-107 107-113 113-135 135-144 Soil Clay Sand ft gravel (P) Yellow clay Gravel 4 sand (P) Gravel 4 clay, sandy Gravel (P) 144-162 162-169 169-188 188-215 215-229 229-236 236-250 Yellow clay Fine sand Yellow clay Clay ft gravel Yellow clay Gravel ft sand Yellow clay (P) ' : Perfi orated (P) (P) (P) 410 WELL LOGS Well No. 5-F- ■26 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 10 10- 20 20- 40 40- 78 78-110 Soil Soil Clay, sandy Gravel & sand (P) Coarse sand, gravel (P) Well No. 5-F- -31 110-130 130-151 151-157 157-160 160-182 Clay, yellow Gravel * sand (P) Clay, yellow Sand, red & ooarse Clay, red & gravel Depth Material Depth Material 1- 10 10- 20 20- 31 31- 42 42- 50 50- 62 62- 65 Sandy loam Solidified sand Dry gravel Loose sand (first water) Gravel Blue sand Blue clay Well No. 5-F- -36 65- 80 80-142 142-146 146-165 165-184 184-246 Sand Gravel & olay Yellow olay Cemented gravel Solidified sand Blue clay 4 sand Depth Material Depth Material 0- 12 12- 70 70-135 White sand Fine blue sand Gravel & rock Well No. 5-F- -40 135-150 150-169 169-170 Blue clay Gravel 4 rock Fine sand Depth Material Depth Material 0- 10 10- 35 35- 65 Soil Fine sand Coarse sand 4 gravel 65-126 126-130 130-145 Coarse gravel Yellow clay Perforated (6-F Q,UADRANT) Well No. 6-F-l Depth Material Depth 0- 3 Gravelly soil 256-306 4- 43 Gravelly clay 306-312 43- 80 Gravel 4 sand to 3" 312-326 (1st water at 70< ) 326-337 80-101 Sandy yellow clay 101-107 Sand 4 gravel (3") 537-365 107-113 Gravel 4 clay 365-379 379-366 113-130 Clay (hard) 130-143 Sand * gravel (1" ) 386-390 143-157 Gravelly clay 390-408 157-161 Gravel to 1", sand 4 olay 408-427 161-171 Gravelly clay 427-451 171-188 Sand 4 gravel {1") 188-201 Clay 451-487 201-207 Coarse sand 4 gravel (i") 487-493 207-248 Hard olay 493-530 248-256 Coarse sand 4 gravel (i") Material Gravelly olay Sand, gravel (|" ) Hard olay Gravel to 1", with olay streaks Hard clay Clay 4 gravel mixed Red sand 4 gravel to 5/4" Hard olay River sand 4 gravel to 3" Hard olay Gravel 4 boulders (some tight streaks) Hard olay Gravel 4 sand 4" Hard clay Perforated 100-540 575-500 Well No. 6-F-2 Depth Material Depth 0- 4 Top soil 75-110 4- 25 Tight sand & gravel 110-159 23- 33 Clay 139-150 33- 75 Sand 4 gravel, some clay 15O-I68 Material River sand A gravel 2" Clay Clay 4 gravel streaks 1" Clay 4 gravel very muddy WELL LOGS 411 Well No. 5-E-73 Depth 0- 8 8- J5 JJ- 45 45- 50 50- 72 72- 76 76- 112 Material Soil Sandy clay Sand and gravel Gravel 4 sand (P) Gravel ft streaks of clay(P) Clay, yellow (P) Gravel ft sand (P) Depth 112-117 117-138 138-160 160-164 164-170 170-204 Material Clay, yellow (P) Sand and gravel (P) Clay, yellow (P) Sand (P) Clay, yellow (P) Gravel (P) (P) Perforated Depth 0- 12 12- 30 50- 37 Well No. 5-E-75d Material Soil Gravel and clay Clay, yellov; (P) - Perforated Depth 37- 50 50- 60 60- 98 Material Gravel and sand Sand Sand * gravel (P) Depth 0- 2 2- 94 Well No. 5-E-76 Material Soil Sandy clay Depth 94-114 114-366 Material Sand and fine gravel Clay (5-F QUADRAM') Well No. 5-F-8 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 10 Soil 94-100 Gravel 10- 32 Sand 100-116 Clay 32- 37 Gravel 116-119 Sand 37- 87 Clay 119-126 Fine gravel 87- 94 Sand ft grave ;1 126-153 Gravel Well No. 5-F-14 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Soil 159-186 Sand 3- 7 Sediment 186-190 Gravel 7- JO Yellow sand 190-217 Blue clay 30- 57 Blue sandy c !lay 217-251 Yellow sandy olay 57- 99 Blue clay 251-312 Gravel (P) 99-131 Yellow olay 312-330 Sand 151-142 Sand ft fine grave. 1 330-332 Yellow clay 142-159 Fine gravel (P) (P) Perforated Well No. 5-F- -21 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 Top soil 129-159 Sand ft fine gravel 2- 11 Sediment 159-172 Clay 11- 29 Clay 172-179 Clay 4 rocks 29- 38 Sandy clay 179-195 Sand clay 4 fine gravel 38- 60 Gravel ^P-^^l Gravel 60- 70 Clay ft gravel 267-288 Clay 70- 95 Clay 288-300 Sand ft fine gravel 95-112 Fine gravel 300-338 Gravel 112-116 Gravel ft clay 338-346 Clay 116-129 Clay Perforated 210- -26 I 300- -33 412 \JELL LOGS Well Nc . 8-G- ■ja Depth Material Depth Material 0- 6 Sand 108-167 Clay 6- 42 Sediment 167-184 Sand, clay ft gravel 42- 53 Clay * rooks 184-198 Gravel 53- 63 Sand, clay & gravel 198-213 Sand, clay ft gravel 63- 74 Gravel 213-236 Gravel 74- 93 Sand, clay * gravel 236-283 Clay 93-108 Gravel Depth 0- 16 16- 54 54- 58 58- 84 Perforated 184-198 213-236 (7-H QUADRAMT) Well No. 7-H-l Material Soil Gravel ft boulders Yellow clay Gravel ft clay Depth 84-103 103-148 148-300 Perforated 15O-285 Perforated 19O-268 297-323 Material Yellow clay Clay, boulders, much sand below water Boulders ft gravel Well No. 7-H-2 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 4 Soil 152-155 Gravel ft boulders 4- 35 Yellow clay 155-187 Clay ft boulders 35- 70 Boulders ft gravel 187-268 Boulders ft gravel 70-105 Dry gravel (some clay) 105-145 Boulders ft gravel 268-295 Yellow clay 145-152 Yellow clay 295-340 340-355 Boulders ft clay Coarse gravel ft clay Well No. 7-H-5 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 3- 80 80-140 Soil Boulders Boulders ft clay 140-280 280-283 283-340 Boulders (P) Yellow clay ft sandy Gravel ft boulders (P) (P) = Perforated Well No. 7-H-6 Depth Material Depth 0- 30 Boulders 205-225 30- 87 Sand ft gravel 225-227 87-120 Boulders - first water 227-298 120-132 Clay ft boulders 298-310 132-136 Yellow clay 310-327 136-142 Clay ft boulders 327-337 142-156 Clay ft chalk rock 337-345 156-174 Clay ft fine gravel 345-367 174-185 Gravel 367-388 185-192 Clay 388-401 192-205 Gravel Material Clay Gravel Clay Gravel, tight Red clay ft eravel Clay Loose gravel Sandstone Sand streaked with clay Clay Perforated 87-32O 413 Depth 0- 3 3- 5 5- 55 55-198 198-202 202-208 208-221 221-241 Depth 0- 3 3- 10 10- 70 70- 78 78- 80 80-160 160-205 U2IX LOGS Well No. 7-H-7 Material Soil Clay Sand, gravel, boulders Gravel, clay, boulders Yellow clay Gravel Gravel * boulders Gravel * olay Depth 241-279 279-285 285-303 303-306 306-340 340-360 360-382 582-402 Perforated 155-264 270-295 303-310 Well Ho. 7-H-lO Material Soil Boulders 4 sand Dry boulders Yellow clay Dry gravel 4 boulders Boulders Clay 4 boulders Depth 205-210 210-225 225-238 238-253 253-263 263-319 Perforated 150-297 Material Gravel, olay boulders Sand, gravel * boulders Yellow clay Clay, boulders, gravel Yellow olay White clay Yellow olay White clay Material Gravel Gravel 4 sand Clay 4 boulders Boulders Gravel 4 sand Boulders 4 olay Well No. 7-H-I8 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Top soil 222-250 Boulders 4 olay 3-200 Boulders 4 olay 250-255 Boulders 200-212 Boulders 255-324 Boulders 212-222 Clay 4 gravel Well No. 7-H-34 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Soil 214-235 Tight gravel 4 sand 3- 50 Gravel 4 boulders 235-250 Gravel 4 boulders 50- 55 Sticky clay 250-370 Gravel 4 clay 55- 65 Gravel 4 boulders 370-402 Coarse gravel 65- 69 Clay 402-403 Sandy clay 69-105 Gravel 4 boulders 403-491 Clay 4 boulders 105-170 Gravel 4 clay 491-554 Clay 170-214 Clay 4 water gravel Well No. 7-H-36 Depth 0- 5 5- 20 20-105 105-140 140-147 147-167 Material Top soil Boulders 4 clay Boulders Coarse gravel Boulders Coarse gravel Depth 167-172 172-190 190-267 267-275 275-300 300-320 Material Yellow clay Coarse gravel Boulders 4 clay Yellow olay Coarse gravel Yellow clay (8-H QUADRANT) Well No. 8-H- ■± Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 2- 56 56- 76 Soil Dry gravel Fine sand 76- 90 90- 97 97-114 Yellow clay Gravel Sand 414 WELL LOGS Well No. 8-H- 4_ Cont'd) Depth Material Depth Material 114-126 126-143 143-158 158-172 172-184 Yellow clay Gravel Yellow clay Gravel (P) Sand 184-195 195-203 203-214 214-238 238-246 Yellow clay Clay ft boulders Yellow clay Coarse gravel (P) Clay ft boulders P) - Perforate d Well No. 8-H- i Depth Material Depth Material 0- 4 4- 40 40- 55 b^- 75 75-110 110-120 120-137 137-142 Soil Boulders Sand Blue clay Clay ft boulders Sand ft clay Clay ft boulders Coarse sand 142-146 146-175 175-180 180-190 190-217 217-235 235-250 Yellow clay Fine sand Pea gravel Boulders (P) Clay ft gravel Yellow clay Clay ft boulders (P) P) - Perforated Well No. 8-H- JO Depth Material Depth Material 0- 20 20- 34 34- 45 45- 51 51- 66 Sediment Sand Gravel Blue clay Gravel 66- 71 71- 79 79-104 104-124 124-134 Clay Gravel Clay ft sand Gravel Sand Well No. 8-H- •11 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 6 6- 20 20- 30 30- 40 40- 50 50- 75 Soil Yellow clay ft boulders Yellow clay Sandy yellow clay Sand surface water Blue clay 75- 92 92-113 113-163 163-184 184-205 Gravel ft sand (P) Yellow clay Sand ft gravel (P) Sand Clay (P) = Perforated Well No. 8-H- -12 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 3- 23 23- 45 45- 65 65- 78 78- 90 90-128 Soil Boulders Yellow clay Sand Blue clay Sand Gravel 128-142 142-160 160-196 196-204 204-208 208-210 Gravel ft clay Sand Gravel Yellow clay Gravel Yellow clay Perforated 95 165 204 -137 -196 -208 Well No. 8-H- -18 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 2- 20 20- 38 38- 53 Soil Rocks Sand Clay 53- 64 64- 78 78- 93 93-111 Gravel Gravel Clay Chalk gravel i WELL LOGS 415 Depth 111-178 178-183 183-189 Material Clay Sediment Gravel (P) Well No. 8-H-I8 (Cont'd) Depth 189-225 225-289 289-330 (P) Material Clay Sand, olay, gravel Clay 4 rocks Perforated Well No. 8-H-20 Depth 0- 39 39- 45 45- 57 Material To water Sand Yellow clay Depth 57- 74 74- 84 84-125 Material Sand Coarse gravel Mountain clay Well No. 8-H-3I Depth 0- 4 4- ■ 15 15- ■ 90 90- ■116 16- ■124 24- ■131 31- ■150 Material Surface Clay Dry sand Water sand Blue clay Sand Gravel Depth 150-156 156-180 180-210 210-213 213-238 238-245 Material Yellow clay Gravel Yellow clay Sand Gravel Yellow clay Well No. 8-H-34 Depth 0- 5 5- 22 22- 65 65- 88 88- 96 96-120 120-125 Material Surface Clay Sand & gravel Dry gravel Clay Sand 4 gravel Clay Depth 125-140 140-151 151-186 186-207 207-240 240-245 Material Sand 4 gravel Gravel Clay Sand Water gravel Clay Well No. 8-H-40 Depth 0- ■ 5 5- • 50 50- . 40 40- ■ 46 46- ■ 70 70- ■100 .00- ■130 Material Top soil Boulders Gravel Sandy clay Gravel * sand Yellow clay Clay 4 gravel Depth 130-170 170-176 176-196 196-213 213-216 (P) (P) - Perforated Material Free gravel (P) Clay 4 gravel (P) Gravel Gravel 4 clay Yellow clay Well No. 8-H-52 Depth 0- 10 10- 90 90-175 175-205 205-240 240-277 277-287 287-293 293-300 300-315 Material Soil Yellow clay Chalk rook 4 clay Yellow clay Chalk rock 4 clay Chalk rock 4 gravel (P) Yellow olay Chalk rock gravel (P) Yellow clay Chalk rock gravel (P) Depth 315-335 335-340 340-377 377-437 437-445 445-455 455-476 476-477 477-499 499-513 Material Clay 4 chalk rock Cement gravel Coarse gravel 4 clay (P) Chalk rock 4 clay Hard gravelly clay Yellow clay Chalk rock gravel "free'MP) Yellow clay Gravel "free" (P) Hard gravelly clay (P) Perforated 416 WELL LOGS Well No. 8-H-38 Depth Material Depth 0- 15 Sandy soil 115-140 15- 18 Gravel & sand 140-150 18- 50 Yellow clay 150-182 50- 65 Gravel (free) 182-192 65-115 Yellow clay Perforated 58- ■ 65 150- ■182 Well No. 8-H- ■ 61 Depth Material Depth 0- 30 Sediment 125-230 30- 37 Fine sand 230-233 37- 55 Sandy clay 233-235 55- 65 Sand 4 gravel 235-248 65- 90 Coarse gravel 248-256 90-108 Fine sand 256-262 08-118 Yellow clay 262-280 18-125 Sand, some clay 280-290 Perforated 135-230 Well No. 8-H-62 Material Gravelly clay Yellow clay Good water gravel Yellov/ clay Material Coarse gravel Yellow clay Blue clay Yellow clay Chalk rock gravel Chalk rook & clay Yellow clay Blue clay Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Soil 124-130 Hard packed gravel 3- 25 Yellow clay 130-140 Free gravel - coarse 25- 60 Fine sand 140-180 Hard packed gravel 60- 90 Coarse gravel - free 180-190 Clay A gravel 90- 93 Yellow clay 190-230 Coarse packed gravel 93-100 Clay 4 gravel 230-236 Yellow clay, some 00-124 Fine sand gravel Perforated 132-230 Well No. 8-H- 69D Depth Mater ial Depth Material 0- 3 Soil " 134-150 Sand 4 gravel 3- 35 Soil 4 gravel 150-186 Chalk rocks 4 clay 35- 58 Yellow clay streaks 58- 94 Sand 4 gravel 186-196 Clay 94-100 Sandy clay 196-217 Sand 4 gravel 100-102 Sand 4 gravel 217-265 Sand 4 gravel to 5" dla 102-134 Blue clay 265-276 276-300 Clay 4 gravel Yellow clay Perforated 137- -153 199- -276 Well No. 8-H- ■Jl Depth Material Depth Material 0- 14 Hard clay 4 chalk roc < 137-150 Sandy clay 14- 60 Yellow clay 150-196 C]ay 4 chalk rock 60- 80 Gravel ft dry sand 196-240 Yellow clay 80- 90 Yellow clay 240-250 Hard gravelly clay 90-110 Fine red sand 250-260 Chalk rock 4 clay 110-120 Yellow clay 260-275 Dirty gravel 120-135 Fine red sand 275-300 Yellow sticky clay 135-137 Gravel - free Perforated 135- -140 156- -285 WELL LOGS 417 Depth 0- 10 10- 25 25- 35 55- 52 52- 64 64- 85 85- 107 Material Well No. 8-H-73 Soil Dry gravel Yellow clay Fine sand * yellow clay Blue clay Good water gravel Yellow clay 4 chalk rook Depth 107-139 139-158 158-165 165-174 174-210 210-212 Material Hard yellow clay Quicksand Good water gravel Fine sand * gravel Good water gravel Yellow clay Well No. 8-H-74 Depth Ma ter ial Depth Material 0- 12 Surface 168-200 Chalk rock 4 sand 12- 90 Clay 200-222 Good water gxavel 90-145 Red clay 222-283 Chalk rock 4 clay 145-164 Yellcw clay * chalk rock 283-287 Chalk rock 4 gravel 164-168 Sand 287-350 Chalk rock 4 gravel 4 clay Well No. 8-H- •74A Depth Material Depth Material 0- 18 Surface soil 141-152 Fine sand i water gravel 18- 35 Dry gravel 152-163 Good water gravel 35- 50 Yellow clay 4 chalk rock 163-169 Sand and clay 50- 74 Blue clay * chalk rock 169-206 Good water gravel 74- 86 Good water gravel 206-207 Yellow clay 86-141 Yellow clay Well No. 8-H- -74B Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 Top soil 167-181 Good water gravel 2-108 Chalk rock 4 clay 181-200 Clay 4 gravel 108-140 Br. clay 200-214 Sticky clay 140-146 Gravel 214-250 Clay 4 gravel 146-167 Clay & gravel 250-264 Fine sand (some coarse 264-301 Clay gravel) Well No. 8-H- -74C Depth Material Depth Material 0- 12 Surface 92-147 Hard yellow clay 12- 38 Dry gravel 147-155 Good water gravel 38- 51 Yellow clay 155-170 Fine sand 4 gravel 51- 71 Blue clay 170-203 Good water gravel 71- 80 80- 92 Good water gravel 205-204 Yellow clay Chalk rock 4 gravel Depth 0- 25 25- 30 30- 42 42- 75 75- 85 Material (9-H QUADRANT) Well -No. 9-H-5 Adobe clay Sand Free gravel Gravel some clay Gravel Depth 85-104 104-122 122-116 116-170 Material Fine sand Yellow clay Coarse gravel Clay 4 gravel 418 WELL LOGS (9-1 ftUADRAMT) Well No. 9-1-4 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 3 Soil 137-156 Clay, some gravel 3- 59 Sandy clay 156-184 Fine gravel 59- 62 Fine sand 184-212 Sandy clay 62- 94 Gravel, some clay 212-229 Clay, some gravel 94-102 Clay and sand 229-236 Coarse loose gravel 102-110 Loose gravel 236-301 Yellow clay 110-112 Sandy clay 301-372 Yellow sandy c lay 112-137 Loose gravel Well No. 9-1-23 Depth Material Depth Material 0- i8 Yellow clay 125-144 Sediments 18- 85 Clay & gravel 144-166 Gravel & sand (P) 85-115 Yellow clay 166-184 Hard gravelly clay 115-120 Coarse gravel (free) P 184-192 Yellow clay 120-125 Yellow clay (P) - Perforated Well No. 9-1-24 192-200 Blue shale Depth Material Depth Material 0- 35 Soil 122-160 Yellow clay & grave 35- 73 73- 80 8o- 83 Clay * gravel 160-170 Yellow clay Gravel (dry) 170-176 Gray sand Fine sand 176-179 Cement gravel 83- 90 Boulders 179-183 Yellow clay 90-110 Yellow clay * gravel 183-194 Blue shale 110-122 Gravel free (P) (P) « Perforated Well No. _2; ■Ji -48 3 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 10 10- 20 20- 80 80-100 100-105 105-115 Soil Yellow clay Sandy clay Sand (some clay) Yellow clay Coarse gravel * clay 115-135 135-148 148-165 165-172 172-180 Sand Sandy clay Sand, some gravel Yellow clay A gravel Coarse gravel (light) Well No. _2: il; .4? Depth Material Depth Material 0- 40 40- 70 70- 80 80-115 115-122 122-135 Soil Gray clay Clay 4 gravel Dry gravel Free gravel Yellow clay 135-140 140-145 145-148 148-152 152-170 170-174 Silt Gravelly clay Chalk-rook, gravel Sandstone ledge Gray clay Blue clay Well No. -2: i ■51 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 10 10- 35 Sand and soil Sandy clay 35- 45 45- 93 Sand and gravel Free gravel WELL LOGS 419 Well No. 9-1-52 Depth 0- 14 14- 35 35- 50 50- 52 Material Sandy soil Sand Free gravel Blue clay Depth 52- 72 72- 80 80- 95 95-100 Material ?ree gravel * sand Sand, some gravel Free gravel Yellow clay (lO-I QPADRANT) Well No. lO-I-l De pth Material 0- 12- 22- 35- 55- 12 22 35 55 70 Soil Sand Coarse gravel Clay and gravel Cement gravel Depth 70- 75 75- 78 78-142 142-145 Material Clay and gravel Yellow clay Clay and gravel Blue clay Perforated 90-137 Well No. 10-1-2 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 20 20- 40 40- 47 47- 70 Soil Gravel and sand Sand Coarse gravel 70- 95 95-105 105-120 Chalk rock gravel Coarse gravel Gray gravel Perforated 30- 45 50-105 Well No. 10-1-5 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 2 2- 15 15- 30 Top soil Sand Gravel (P) (P) - Perforated Well No. 10-1-7 30- 39 39- 51 51- 60 Blue clay Gravel (P) Sandstone Depth Material Depth Material 0- 15 15- 25 Sand Gravel 25- 30 Yellow clay Perforated 17-25 Depth 0- 8 8- 35 35-116 116-161 Material Well No. 10-1-9 Soil Yellow clay Dry gravel 4 sand River gravel ft sand Depth 161-218 218-219 219-234 Material Coarse blue gravel (free) Blue clay Coarse blue gravel Perfortate 120-228 420 Depth 0- 3 3- 35 35-135 135-143 WELL LOGS Well No. lO-I-lO Material Soil Yellow clay Sand S: gravel Blue sand, fine Depth 143-150 150-195 195-200 Perforated IOO-I33 Well No. 10-1-11 Material Blue olay Sandy blue shale, ledges sandstone Blue clay Depth 0- 20 20- 40 40-120 Material Soil Yellow olay Yellow sand & gravel Depth Material 120-142 Blue sand iSfc gravel 142-144 Shell rock 144-164 Fine blue sand (11- J QUADRANT) Depth 0- 15 15- 30 30- 42 42- 44 Material Well No. ll-J-3 Soil Sand River gravel (free) Ledge of granite Depth Material 44- 50 Blue gravel 50- 62 Blue clay and sand 62- 65 Granite Perforated 30-42 Well No. ll-J-4 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 25 25- 37 37- 42 To water Sand Clay 49- 52 52- 58 58- 65 Sand Gravel White sand 42- 49 Gravel Well No. 11-J- -4a Depth Material Depth Material 0- 25 25- 36 36- 38 To water Sand Gravel 38- 42 42- 58 58- 64 Sand Gravel White sand Well No. 11-J- -4b Depth Material Depth Material 0- 24 24- 27 27- 35 To water Clay Sand 37- 40 40- 57 57- 64 Sand Gravel White sand 35- 37 Fine gravel (11-K QUADRANT) Well No. 11-K-ld Depth 0- 21 21- 58 58-104 Material Soil Gravel * boulders Sandy clay * boulders Depth 104-120 120-125 Perforated 21- 58 102-123 Material Sand * gravel Blue clay 421 Depth 0- 21 21- 58 58-104 WELL LOGS Well No. ll-K-4 Material Soil Gravel ft boulders Sandy clay ft boulders Depth 104-120 120-125 Perforated 40- 58. 102-123 (12-K QUADRANT) Material Sand ft gravel Blue clay Well No. 12-K-6 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 5 5- 14 14- 19 19- 25 25- 86 86-115 Soil 115-138 Clay 158-139 Sandy clay I39-I51 Clay ft gravel 151-I6O Sand, gravel ft boulders I6O-I78 Gray clay I78-I9O Perforated 40- 86 115-139 160-178 Well No. 12-K-7 Sandy clay ft gravel Coarse pravel Yellow clay Hard sand Gravel Clay Depth Material Depth Material 0- 5 5- 11 11- 23 23- 25 25- 80 Soil 80-115 Clay 115-265 Dry sand Dry sand ft gravel 265-271 Sand, gravel ft boulders 27I-285 Perforated 40- 80 265-271 Well No. 12-K- 8 Gray clay Yellow clay with streaks of sandstone Gravel and sand Blue clay Depth Material Depth Material 0- 20 20- 30 30- 35 35- 47 47- 76 Soil 76- 92 Sandy yellow clay 92-120 Dry sand 120-12 5 Sand ft gravel free 125-140 Sandy yellow clay 140-212 Gravel free Blue clay Hard gravelly blue clay Sandy blue clay Blue shale (12-L QUADRANT) Well No. 12- -L-2 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 5 Soil 90-104 Clay, sandy 5- 15 Sand ft clay 104-114 Gravel ft boulders 15- 90 Sand ft boulders 114-132 Yellow clay Well No. 12- -L-4 Depth Material Depth Material 0- 35 Soil 211-236 Yellow clay 35- 65 Clay ft gravel 236-241 Send 65- 92 Gravel 241-261 Yellow clay 92- 97 Sand ft gravel 261-267 Sand 97-110 Sandy clay 267-274 Yellow clay 110-155 Gravel ft boulders 274-297 Clay 155-195 Yellt)w clay 296-500 Sand 195-211 Clay, sand ft gravel 422 WELL LOGS Well No. 12-L-6n Depth Material Depth Material 0- 14 14- 38 38- 41 41- 55 55- 88 88- 96 96-107 07-110 Soil Dry gravel Sand (some water) Sandy clay Sand, gravel & boulders Boulders li clay Gravel Yellow clay perforated 40- 88 96-195 Well No. 12-L-7 110-132 132-137 137-148 148-156 156-178 178-193 193-200 Boulders & clay Sandy olay Gravel Yellow clay, gravel Gravel Gravel i boulders Yellow olay Depth Material Depth Material 0- 5 5- 20 20- 70 70- 86 Soil Sandy clay Sand & gravel Gravel 86- 93 93-157 157-220 Gravelly clay Gravel Yellow clay 423 PUBLICATIONS DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES uu PUBLICATIONS — DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES —The Development of the Upper Siicramento River, containing U. S. R. S. Cooperative Report on Iron Canyon Project, 1927. -The Control of Floods by Reservoirs, 1928. —California Irrigation District Laws, 1927, Revision. A — California Irrigation District Laws, 1929 Revision. B — California Irrigation District Laws, 1931 Revision. C — California Irrigation District Laws, 1933 Revision. D — California Irrigation District Laws, 1935 Revision. E — California Irrigation Di.s;trict Laws, 1937 Revision. F — California Irrigation District Laws, 1939 Revision. G — California Irrigation District Laws, 1941 Revision. H — Water Code, Divisions 10 and 11, Irrigation District Laws 1943. —Santa Ana Investigation, Flood Control and Conservation (with packet of maps), 192S. — Kennett Reservoir Development, an Analysis of Methods and Extent of Financing by Electric Power Revenue, 1929. —Irrigation Districts in California, 1929. A — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1929. B — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1930. C — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1931. D — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1932. E — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1933. F^Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1934. G — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1935. H — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1936. 1 — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1937. J — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1938. K — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1939. L — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1940. il — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1941. X — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the ye-ar 1942. O — Report on Irrigation Districts in California for the year 1943. —Report on Salt Water Barrier (two volumes), 1929. —Report on Sacramento-San Joaquin Water Supervisor, 1924-1928. —A Proposed Major Development on American River, 1929. —Report to Legislature of 1931 on State Water Plan, 1930. — Sacramento River Basin, 1931. ■ — Variation and Control of Salinity in Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Upper San Francisco Bay, 1931. — Economic Aspects of a Salt Water Barrier Below Confluence of Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers, 1931. A — Industrial Survey of Upper San Francisco Bay Area, 1930. —San Joaquin River Basin, 1931. — Santa Ana River Basin, 1930. South Coastal Basin, a Cooperative Symposium, 1930. — Rainfall Penetration and Consumptive Use of Water in Santa Ana River Valley and Coastal Plain, 1930. Permissible Annual Charges for Irrigation Water in Upper San Joaquin Valley, 1930. Permissible Economic Rate of Irrigation Development in California, 1930. Cost of Irrigation Water in California, 1930. Financial and General Data Pertaining to Irrigation, Reclamation and Other Public Districts in California, 1930. Report of Kings River Water Master for the Period 1918-1930. — South Coastal Basin Investigation, Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells 1932 -A — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1932, Seasonal Precipitation Records to and including 1931-32. (Mimeographed. ) -B — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1933, Precipitation Records for the Season 1932-33. (Miineographed.) -C— Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1934, Precipitation Records for the Season 1933-34. (Mimeographed.) -D — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1935, Precipitation Records for the Season 1934-35. (Mimeographed.) -E — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1936, Precipitation Records for the Season 1935-36. (Mimeographed.) -F- — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1937, Precipitation Records for the Season 1936-37. (Mimeographed.) -G — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1938, Precipitation Records for the Season 1937-38. (Mimeographed.) -H — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1939, Precipitation Records lor the Season 1938-39. (Mimeographed.) -I — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1940, Precipitation Records for the Season 1939-40. (Mimeographed.) -J — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the year 1941 ; including San Jacinto and Antelope Valleys from beginning of record. Precipitation records for the Season 1940-41. -K — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1942. Precipitation Records for the Season 1941-42. -L — Records of Ground Water Levels at Wells for the Year 1943. Precipitation Records for the Season 1942-43. • Reports ,ind Bulletins out of print. Tliese may be bonovied by your local library from the California State Library at Sacramento. California. Bulletin No. 10- Bulletin Xo. 14- •Bulletin Xo. 18- ♦Bulletin Xo. 18- Bulletin Xo. 18- Bulletin Xo. is- Bulletin Xo. 1>- Bulletin Xo. l.S- *Bulletin Xo. ij- Bulletin Xo. 1.S- ♦Bulletin Xo. is- Bulletin Xo. 19- Bulletin Xo. 20- Bulletin Xo. 21- Bulletin Xo. :.>1- Bulletin Xo. 21- Bulletin Xo. 21- ♦Bulletin Xo. 21- Bulletin Xo. ■Jl- Bulletin Xo. 21 Bulletin Xo. 21- Bulletin Xo. 21- Bulletin Xo. 21- Bulletin Xo. 21 Bulletin Xo. 21- Bulletin Xo. 21- Bulletin Xo. 21- Bulletin Xo. 21 Bulletin Xo. 21 Bulletin Xo. 22- Bulletin Xo. Bulletin Xo. 24- Bulletin Xo. 25- Bulletin No. 2G- Bulletin Xo. 27- Bulletin Xo. 2S- Bulletin Xo. 28 Bulletin Xo. 29- Bulletin Xo. 31- Bulletin Xo. o .i_ Bulletin Xo. 33 Bulletin Xo. 34 Bulletin Xo. 35- Bulletin Xo. 3(>- Bulletin No. 37- Bulletin Xo. 38 Bulletin Xo. 39 Bulletin Xo. 39 Bulletin Xo. 39 Bulletin Xo. 39 Bulletin Xo. 39 Bulletin Xo. 39 Bulletin No. 39 Bulletin Xo. 39 Bulletin Xo. 39 Bulletin Xo. 39 ♦Bulletin Xo. 39 Bulletin Xo. 39 Bulletin Xo. 39 ^25 PUBLICATIONS OF THE DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS STATE OF CALIFORNIA When the Department of Public Works was created in July, 1921, the State Water Commission was succeeded by the Division of Water Rights, and the Depart- ment of Engineering was sucaceded by the Division of Engineering and Irrigation in all duties except those pertaining to State Architect. Both the Division of Water Rights and the Division of Engineering and Irrigation functioned until August, 1929, when they were consolidated to form the Division of Water Resources. The Water Project Authority was created by the Central Valley Project Act of 1933. STATE WATER COMMISSION •First Report, State Water Commission, March 24 to November 1, 1912. •Second Report, State Water Commission, November 1, 1912, to April 1, 1914. •Biennial Report, State Water Coinn-.ission, March 1, 1915, to December 1, 1916. •Biennial Report, State Water Commission, December 1, 1916, to September 1, 1918. •Biennial Report, State Water Commission, September 1, 1918, to September 1, 1920. DIVISION OF WATER RIGHTS •Bulletin No. 1 — Hydrographic Investigation of San Joaquin River, 1920-1923. •Bulletin No. 2 — Kings River Investigation, Water Master's Report, 1918-1923. •Bulletin No. 3 — Proceedings First Sacramento-San Joaquin River Problems Confer- ence, 1924. •Bulletin \^;-- 4 — Proceedings Second Sacramento-San Joaquin River Problems Con- ^.>?" ference, and Water Supervisors' Report, 1924. •Bulletin No.- 5 — San Gabriel Investigation — Basic Data, 1923-1926. Bulletin No. 6 — San Gabriel Investigation — Basic Data, 1926-192S. Bulletin No. 7 — San Gabriel Investigation — Analysis and Conclusions, 1929. •Biennial Report, Division of Water Rights, 1920-1922. •Biennial Report, Division of Water Rights, 1922-1924. Biennial Report. Division of Water Rights, 1924-1926. Biennial ReiJort, Division of Water Rights, 1926-1928. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING •Bulletin No. 1 — Cooperative Irrigation Investigations in California, 1912-1914. •Bulletin No. 2 — Irrigation Districts in California, 1887-1915. Bulletin No. 3 — Investigations of Economic Duty of Water for Alfalfa in Sacramento Valley, California, 1915 •Bulletin No. 4 — Preliminary Report on Conservation and Control of Flood Waters in Coacfiella Valley, California, 1917. •Bulletin No. 5 — Report on the Utilization of Mojave River for Irrigation in Victor Valley, California, 1918. •Bulletin No. 6 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1919 (now obsolete). Bulletin No. 7 — Use of Water from Kings River, California, 1918. •Bulletin No. 8 — Flood Problems of the Calaveras River, 1919. Bulletin No. 9 — ^Water Resources of Kern River and Adjacent Streams and Their Utilization, 1920. •Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1907-1908. •Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1908-1910. •Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1910-1912. •Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1912-1914. •Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1914-1916. •Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1916-1918. •Biennial Report, Department of Engineering, 1918-1920. DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Including Reports of the Former Division of Engineering and Irrigation •Bulletin No. 1 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1921 (now obsolete). •Bulletin No. 2 — Formation of Irrigation Districts, Issuance of Bonds, etc., 1922. Bulletin No. 3 — Water Resources of Tulare County and Their Utilization, 1922. Bulletin No. 4. — Water Resources of California, 1923. Bulletin No. 5 — Flow In California Streams, 1923. Bulletin No. 6 — Irrigation Requirements of California Lands, 1923. •Bulletin No. 7 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1923 (now obsolete). •Bulletin No. 8 — Cost of Water to Irrigators in California, 1925. Bulletin No. 9 — Supplemental Report on Water Resources of California, 192.'>. •Bulletin No. 10 — California Irrigation District Laws, 1925 (now obsolete). Bulletin No. 11 — Ground Water Resources of Southern San Joaquin Valley, 1927. Bulletin No. 12 — Summary Report on the Water Resources of California and a Coor- dinated Plan for Their Development, 1927. • ReporU and Bulletins out of print. These may be borrowed by your local library from the California State Library at Sacramento, California. 426 PUBLICATIONS — DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Bulletin No. 40 — South Coastal Basin Investigation, Quality of Irrigatii'n Waters, 1933. •Bulletin No. 40-A — South Coastal Basin Investigation, Detailed Analyses Showing Quality of Irrigation Waters, 1933. Bulletin No. 41 — Pit River Investigation, 1933. Bulletin No. 42 — Santa Clara Investigation, 1933. Bulletin No. 43 — Value and Cost of AVater for Irrigation In Coastal Plain of Southern California, 1933. Bulletin No. 44 — Water Losses Under Natural Conditions from Wet Areas in Southern California, 1933. Bulletin No. 45 — South Coastal Basin Investigation, Geology and Ground Water Storage Capacity of Valley Fill, 1934. Bulletin No. 46 — Ventura County Investigation, 1933. Bulletin No. 46-A— Ventura County Investigation, Basic Data for the Period 1927 to 1932, inclusive. (Mimeographed.) Bulletin No. 47 — Mojave River Investigation, 1934. (Mimeographed.) •Bulletin No. 48 — San Diego County Investigation, 1935. (Mimeographed.) Bulletin No. 48-A — San Luis Rey River Investigation, 1936. (Mimeographed.) Bulletin No. 49 — Kaweah River — Flows, Diversions and Service Areas, liUu. Bulletin No. 50 — Use of Water by Native Vegetation, 1942. Bulletin No. 52 — Report on Salinas Ba?in Investigation. Bulletin No. 52-A — Salinas Basin Investigation — Basic Data. , Bulletin No. 52-1". — Salinas Basin Investigation — Sunmiary Report. Bulletin No. 51 — Irrigation Requirements of California Crops, 1945. ! Biennial Report, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1920-1922. j Biennial Report, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1922-1924. j Biennial Report, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1924-1926. Biennial Report, Division of Engineering and Irrigation, 1926-1928. j PAMPHLETS -^^ i Dams Under Jurisdiction of the State'of California, 1941. ' ^*' | Water Code, 1943. Water Rights, Divisions 1, 2 and 4 of Water Code, 19 43. i Supervision of Dams, Division 3 of Water Code, 1'J43. State Water Plan, Authorities and Boards, Division 6 of Water Code, 1943. California Administrative Code, Title 23, Waters. Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Supervision of Dams In California, 1946. Rules, Regulations and Information Pertaining to Appropriation of Water in California, 1946. Rules, Regulations and Information Pertaining to Determination Rl?:hts to the Use of Water in California, 1946. Rules and Regulations Pertaining to Protests and Hearings, 1946. COOPERATIVE AND MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS •Report of the Conservation Commission of California, 1912. •Irrigation Resources of California and Their Utilization (Bull. 254, Office of Exp. U. S. D. A.), 1913. •Report, State Water Problems Conference, November 25, 1916. •Report on Pit River Ba'^in, x\pril, 1915. •Report on Lower Pit River Project, July, 1915. •Report on Iron Canyon Project, California, 1914. •Report on Iron Canyon Project, California, May, 1920. •Sacramento Flood Control Project (Revised Plans), 1925. Report of Commission Appointed to Investigate Clauses Leading to the Failure of St. Francis Dam, 1928. Report of the California Joint Federal-State Water Resources Commission, l'.i30. Conclusions and Recommendations of the Report of the California Irrigation and Reclamation Financing and Refinancing Commission, 1930. •Report of California Water Resources Commission to the Governor of California on State Water Plan, 1932. •Booklet of Information on California and the State Water Plan Prepared for United States House of Representatives' Subcommittee on Appropria- tions, 1931. •Bulletin on Great Central Valley Project of State Water Plan of California Prepared for United States Senate Committee on Irrigation and Reclama- tion, 1932. WATER PROJECT AUTHORITY Bulletin No. 1 — Publicly Operated Electric Utilities in Northern California. 1941. •Report on Kennett Power System of Central Valley Project, 1935. •Report on the Programming of Additional Electric Power Facilities to Provide for Absorption of Output of Shasta Power Plant in Northern California Market, 1938 The Story of the Central Valley Project of California, 1940. •Electric Power Features of the State Water Plan in the Great Central Valley Basin of CaUfornia, 1941. Auxiliary Electric Power Facilities Required for Central Valley Project. i:'42. • Reports and Bulletins out of print. These may be borrowed by your local llbiary fioni tlie C:iUrornia State Library at Sacramento, California. PLATE 4 LiMD'N CAMPHORA-GREENFIELD SHEET KEY SHOWING MAP SHEET LOCATIONS SCALE MILES LES-END .0^'^^ Arza Boundary IC ID IC ID Quadrant Corner \ PLATE 1 PLATE 2 INSERT 1945 CULTURE AND WELL LOCATIONS LEGEM) FOR PLATES 2 TO 6,INCL. J^te Qw#dr«nt Co"T«r -^y- Cuin>r« Boundo VuW'tJ trri^t«d Land •^ Will LoC«*>on CULTURE OESCNATIOM IMXWkTEDLAND U S«ad mi UuccimnK o- Orchard »0'Su9«r B«cts umataLC lamo df -Cyy farTTt end 6rass MATIVE VCCCTAT10M BH - D>n« Tits. Brush x^ Mkids BM MvttmTrus£rutf>andWk««> BS-Scw!^* 'W«».Bnjah and St-aas &-S«tflirnp.Tul«« and Marsh MOCCLLAICDUS Wl Wa»»r Sur'aU 'c Ri^r Chanoa' »l -Vtteta Lard TL-Tmwn and FarmLolS SALINAS-CASTROVILLE SHEET SCALC 1 I 5 J PLATE 2 INSERT 1945 CULTURE AND WELL UOCATIONS LEGEND rOR PLATES 2 TO e.lNCL. -— --— (\rt,f Boundary i^m Qoedrant Corner - Culture boundary nK'T' Irrigated Land •* Well Location CULTURE IRA IGATEO LAND a-fllf«Ka A-^rtTcHokttB b-B«ar\s g - Gupyuk gi-1rr'9*t«d Gram l-L«ttTjc» and C*l»ry M Sa«d ond MiscftllanaouK o-Oi-cherd sb Sugjn- Bicts t-V«get*>bI«s IRRICA&LE LAND df Dry ferm wxJ Grass 0€SC NATION NATIVE VECCTATIOM BH Dans* Tr«*s. Brash arid Wia^ BM-Madn^r>Trtcs£ru«h mf^ Mads BS-SpeT* "fix**, Brush »rsd Gr^»* S-Swamp.Tul»s O"^ MariK UlSCELLANCOIA Ws Wp+ir Sur'ac* - c Ri/fl!- Chanr»«l wl -Wu>h Br»j Greu MIXELLanCOUS Vtgitsbks W» Wefir Surface re.-ndMiiU A-^rtichctio SM-Madir^nTric&fi'ushBnd IVudiS b-Buns BS - SperM Tnu, B>i.*h ■'>d 6rfi»s fl-GueyulB S-SwBmp.TulM ond Mersh 9l-lrrl9«HdGni,n ^-L^(hK• ond Ciliry M-Saad (n) Miscallanioiit o-0'eharO »b-Sugjir Bwts MISCELLANEOUS t-V.9.t(.bUa Wi-WaHr Surtota r c ■Wn*' Chfinritl IRRIGABLE LAND wl -WmI« Lsnd df-Ory Ferm and firBS* TL-Townend rem Lois CAMPHORA-GREENFIELD SHEET SCALC PLATE 5 1945 CULTURE AND WELL LOCATIONS LEGEND rOR PLATES 2 TO 6.fNCL- -—-..-— P-4.9 Bou"d»ry f^jlt Qumdranl Corner Culfur* BoorKi#ry IrriMtcd L*nd Wtll Loc«tK>n CULTURE IMtCATCOLANO a - fllf«ff» A-firflQhct<^s \-L«MvC* snd C4J»f> M S«ad (irtd M.sccll|vi«MB 0-0»xh#rd »b-Su9^ B«*» t V«9»*pb(«s ARtCAALC LAND df -Dry Farm and Gr»s* DESCNATION HATIVE VEGETATION BH 0«m4 Tr^cs.B'-usH •ndWfcMs BM ■ Mad>u^ Trac&B'-Li&H «^ tVMds BS - Spor»« lr««S, Brush arid G-'AM S-Sw»nip.Tul«S •'yJ M»r»h Mi5CD-LA»C0US Ws WaHr Surf«c« re -Rt^r Chfr>n€l wl -Mnt« Land T L - Toiwn and F«rm Lots KING CITY SHEET I I PLATE 5 1945 CULTURE AND WELL LOCATIONS LEGEK) rOB PLATES 2 TO 6.INCL. -— — — fl'C* Bound4r^ fUas Qurdrant CoffX/ Cul^uf* B0urtd#ry 4BfeW Irri9«*«d Lund •' Will Lootloii ^---^\i^ CULTURE OeSCNATlON IRRCATeOLANO a fltfatfe A-^rt>chO»<*S gt-lrri9#t«d Gr«^ end MiMds BS-Spersa IrvAft. Brush arvj GrtttA S-Swjfnp.Tulcs a^ M»r»h UlSCCLLAfCOUS Ws WaHr Surface re River Channel wl -lAtesH Land T L -Town «nd F*rm Loti KING CITY SHEET PLATE 5 1945 CULTURE AND WELL LOCATIONS LEGEND TOO PLATES 2 TO e.lNCL. .-->- (1.., e«-.d«rjr •,^ Qucdrsnl Corner ' - Culturm aour>d«ry ^BBB 1rri9«t*d Lend CULTURE DESGMATION IftRCaTEDLAWO NAirvE VECtTATIOM Jrtich<».«i B" M«d..^Tr.tiSnj»f.«-id lV««ds - , BS Spen* Tr«*,eiuaher«J&'»H. .•ttuM Bin) C*lv> Sugur Buta MIKCLLANEXKn :. -Rirtr Cwnnil tmiCABLE LAND wt Met* L»nd df -Dry form BndSriiM IL-Townwid F«rmLo«s KING CITY SHEET PLATE 6 < ^HCl. OJLT^fU KtCNATION A (k 'ttl^Wit* BM Mw*v TnuA'^«^ sni (Midi 69 S^TM VtMikruahandfriMa re Rlftf C>wnr»> •MQAtU LAW .t MMl*L»r4 If Dry rarrr prtf «r«M tt'TM.n«nd fv-nLet* SAN LUCAS- SAN ARDO SHEET I w-r \ I INSERT WELL LOCATIONS AND S OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER FALL OF 1944 LEGEND ■20 LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER AREA BOUNDARY SALINAS-CASTROVILLE SHEET I I l_/-\ I l_ I INSERT WELL LOCATIONS AND S OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER FALL OF 1944 I Vi LEGEND •20 LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER -" AREA BOUNDARY SALINAS-CASTROVILLE SHEET PLATE 7 WELL LOCATIONS AND LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER FALL OF 1944- LEGEND — LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER — AREA BOUNDARY SALINAS-CASTROVILLE SHEET ^-^_A^ i c o WELL LOCATIONS AND '5 OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER FALL OF 1944 Vl LEGEND 20 LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER AREA BOUNDARY SPRECKELS-GONZALES SHEET r-L_A\ I c O WELL LOCATIONS AND '5 OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER FALL OF 1944 I '/» LEGEND 20- LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER AREA BOUNDARY SPRECKELS-GONZALES SHEET PLATE 8 WELL LOCATIONS AND LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER FALL OF 1944 I Vi g ^ • LEGEND —-20- LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER — ^ AREA BOUNDARY SPRECKELS-GONZALES SHEET -# A I i_ ^ WELL LOCATIONS AND 5 OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER FALL OF 1944 LEGEND 20- LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER — AREA BOUNDARY CAMPHOKA-GREENFIELD SHEET WELL LOCATIONS AND 5 OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER FALL OF 1944 I Vi LEGEND 20- LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER AREA BOUNDARY CAMPHOKA-GREENFIELD SHEET PLATE 9 WELL LOCATIONS AND LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER FALL OF 1944 LEGEND — 20 LINES OF EQUAL DCPTHS TO WATER • AREA BOUNDARY CAMPHOKA-GREENFIELD SHEET -' « I ^ l\y WELL LOCATIONS AND 5 OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER FALL OF 1944 LEGEND 20 LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER -^-. AREA BOUNDARY KING CITY SHEET WELL LOCATIONS AND 5 OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER FALL OF 1944 LEGEND 20- LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER -^■«>._ AREA BOUNDARY KING CITY SHEET PLATE 10 WELL LOCATIONS AND LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER FALL OF 1944 LEGEND • — 20 LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER —^ AREA BOUNDARY KING CITY SHEET ^#^ WELL LOCATIONS AND 5 OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER FALL OF 1944 LEGEND 20 LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER ^ AREA BOUNDARY SAM LUCAS- SAN AROO SHEET ..( ^^^ WELL LOCATIONS I AND 5 OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER FALL OF 1944 20- LEGEND — LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER — AREA BOUNDARY SAM LUCAS- SAN ARDO SHEET PLATE 11 WELL LOCATIONS AND LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER FALL OF 1944 LEGEND -20 LINES OF EQUAL DEPTHS TO WATER .-- AREA BOUNDARY SAW LUCAS- SAN AROO SHEET I « Tisni THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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