WM ;:■!■;...!■ I. ■■ '■ ;'i' ''v.-' 1 THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES CHAEITY COMMISSION. THE CHAEITABLE TKIIST8 ACTS, 1853 TO 1894, (ANALYTICALLY ARRANGED). 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS. I.— Provisions as to Short Titles, Oonstniction and Extent of Acts, Interpretation of Terms, &c. {a.) SHORT TITLES AND CONSTRUCTION {b.) EXTENT OF ACTS - . . . (o.) INTERPRETATION OF TERMS ■ II.— Exemptions from the Jurisdiction created by the Acts, and Incidental Provisions III.— Constitution, Salaries, and Procedure of the Charity Commissioners, and their Officers, &c. ; Scale of Fees for Business ; Annual Report, (a.) CONSTITUTION- - - (6.) SALARIES ....... (c.) PROCEDURE, ^c. . . . . . (d.) SCALE OF FEES FOR B USINESS \e') ANNUAL REPORT - . IV.~Provisions conferring on the Charity Com- missioners, and their Officers, Powers of Inquiry, and of compelling Production of Accounts and Documents, and imposing on Trustees of Charities the Duty of keeping and rendering Accounts. (a.) POWERS OF INQUIRY, ^c. OF CHARITY COM- MISSIONERS AND THEIR OFFICERS (b.) DUTY OF TRUSTEES OF CHARITIES IN REGARD TO ACCOUNTS . . . . Page 7 9 9 10 13 14 15 17 17 18 20 v.— Provisions conferring on the Charity Com- missioners Powers of Advice, and Arbitration, and of authorizing the Compromise of Claims by or against Charities, the Acquisition of Land, the Appli- cation of Funds, and certain other Acts of Trustees. {a.) POWERS OF ADVICE - . - - . ARBITRAL POWERS - - . . (6.) {0.) POWERS OF AUTHORIZING THE COMPROMISE OF CLAIMS BY OR AGAINST CH.l If ITffSS, THE ACQUISITION OF LAND, THE APPLICATION OF FUNDS, AND CERTAIN OTHER ACTS OF TRUSTEES . . , 23 23 24 VT, — Provisions conferring on the Charity Com- missioners a control over dealings with the Real Estate of Charities, and facilitating those dealings - V 91117. 200. .-9/9.. W,,U2i9.. ,,,^j^ 2 AUSTRALIA 2(! VII.— Provisions as to the Preservatiou of Charity Propo ty by means of- (1.) TEE OFFICIAL TRUSTEE OF CHARITY LANDS, {a.) Comtitution of the Official Trustee - (b.) resting Laud in the Official Trustee {c.) Couditiom of Trusteeship of the Official Trustee (2.) THE OFFICIAL TRUSTEES OF CHARITABLE FUXDS. (a.) Constitution of the Official Trustees - {b.) Statutory Indi'tnnitij to the Official Trustees (c.) Provisions authorizing Transfers and Payments to the Official Trustees - - - (d.) Functions of the Official Trustees, and Provisions regulating the 3Iode in which the Business of the Official Trustees generally is to be conducted {e.) Exemption from Income Tax of Stock in the Public Funds held by the Official Trustees (./'.) Annual Account to be laid b(fore Parliament (3.) THE VESTING, OR TRANSFER OF PROPERTY, OTHER WISE THAN BY ORDER OF A COURT OR JUDGE. (a.) Charities generally - - . (b.) JIunicipal Charities- - . . . (4.) TITE DEPOSIT FOR SAFE CUSTODY, AND THE ENROLMENT OF DEEDS, WILLS, OR DOCL- MENTS . . - - . (5.) THE EXEMPTION FROM INCOME TAX OF DIVI- DENDS UPON STOCK IN THE PUBLIC FUNDS {%.) THE TAXATION OF BILLS OF COSTS VIII.— Provisions conferring on the Charity Com- missioners Powers for the Appointment and Removal of Trustees of Charities. (a.) AS INCIDENTAL TO ORDERS FOR APPORTION- MENT OF CHARITIES .... (6.) GENERALLY . - - . . IX.— Provisions conferring on the Charity Com- missioners Powers for, or in Relation to, the removal of School Masters, or other Oflacers, or Recipients of Charities -.-... X.— Provisions for the Administration of Charities, and for the Application of the Endowments and Income thereof by means of— iu.) SCHEMES ESTABLISHED BY THE ACTION OF PARLIAMENT , , . , Page (b.) SCHEMES ESTABLISHED BY THE CHARITY COMMISSIONERS .... ( NOTE.— Any section or portion of a section of the Chari- table Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894, which is now repealed, or for which any other provision is expressly nade by a subsequent Act, is printed in italics. The following abbreviations are used, viz. :— C. T. Act, 1853, indicates The Charitable Trusts Act, 1853, 16 & 17 Vict. c. 137. C. T. Act, 1855, indicates The Charitable Trusts Amendment Act, 1855, 18 & 19 Vict. c. 124. C. T. Act, 1860, indicates The Charitable Trusts Act, 1860, 23 & 24 Vict. c. 136. C. T. Act, 1862, indicates The Charitable Trusts Act, 1862, 25 & 26 Vict. c. 112. C. T. Act, 1869, indicates The Charitable Trusts Act, 1869, 32 & 33 Vict. c. 110. C. T. Act, 1887, indicates The Charitable Trusts Act, 1887, 50 & 51 Vict. c. 49. C. T. Act, 1891, indicates The Charitable Trusts (Recovery) Act, 1891, 54 Vict. c. 17. C. T. Act, 1894, indicates The Charitable Trusts (Places of Religious Worship) Amendment Act, 1894, 57 & 58 Vict. c. 35. l.—Provisions as to Short Titles, Construction and Extent of Acts, Interpretation of Terms, &c. (a.) SHORT TITLES AND CONSTRUCTION. [0. T. Act, 1853.] 68. This Act may bo cited as "The Charitable Short Title. Trusts Act, 1853." [O. T. Act, 1855.] 50. This Act may be cited as " Thc« Cliaritahle Short Title. Trusts Ameudiiu'ut Act, 1855." [O. T. Act, 1855.1 1. •' The Charitable Trusts Act. 1853," nercin-alter 16&_17 Vict, called " the principal Act," and this Act, shall l)t> construed tof::ither as One "^(^ '^I ""'^ Act, and any Provisions of the principal Act inconsistent with this Act are {^'construed hereby repealed. together. A 4 8 SHORT TITLES AND CONBTRUOTION. Short Title rC. T. Act, I860.] 25. This Act may be cited for all Purposes by the Short Title of " The Charitable Trusts Act, 1860. Thr Cl.ari- [Q T Act, I860.] 1. " Tlu' Charitable Trusts Act, 1853," and " The ubUTriHU churi'tai)ir Trusts AimMulment Act, 1855," ami this Act. shall be construed toi;(.'thcr as One Act, and any Provisions of the said former Acts inconsistent with this Act are liereby repealed. Acts to bo construed with this Act. Short Utie. [C. T. Act, 1869.] 1. This Act may be cited as " The Charitable Trusts Act, 1861)." [C. T. Act, 1869.] 3. This Act, so far as is consistent with the tenor thcn'of, shall he fonstrucd as one with the Charitable Trusts Act, 1853, the Charitable Trusts Amendment Act, 1855, and the Charitable Trusts Act, ISCO, and the Act of the session of the twcutij -fifth and twenty-sixth yeart of the rriiin of Her present Mojeniy, chapter one hundred and twelve, "for " estatilishiny the jurisdiction of the Charity Commissioners in certain cases" uo (irhich mai/ fie cited as the* Charitable Trusts Act, 1862), and those Acts, 25 «. 26 Vict, together ic'ifh this Act, mtty be cited as (he Chnritable Trusts Acts, 185'S to c. 112. iH(;y.* Act to I).' construed witli \6& 17 Vict. c. 1.17. 1«& mVict. <•. 124. 23 & 24 Vict. c. 136 Short title. [C. T. Act, 1887.] 1. This Act may be cited as the Charitable Trusts Act, 1887, and shall l)e construed as one with the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to IsGi), and, tot^ether with those Acts, may be cited as the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1887. Short title find con- struction. [C. T. Act, 1891.] 1. This Act, so far as is consistent with the tenor thereof, shall he construed together with the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to l!SG9, and those Acts and this Act may be cited together as the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1891, and this Act may be cited as the Charitable Trusts (Recovery) Act, 1891. Short title. [C. T. Act, 1894.] 1. This Act may be cited as the Charitable Trusts (Places of Religious Worship) Amendment Act, 189i. Construe- [C. T. Act, 1894.] 3. This Act, so far as consistent with the tenor tion. thereof, shall Ijo construed as one with the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1863 to 1891, and with the Places of Worship Registration Act, 1855, and this Act and the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1891, may be cited as the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 189-4. Citntion of [Short Titles Act, 1896, (59 & 60 Vict. C. 14)] 1. Each of the Acts mentioned in Acts in the First Sclieilulc to this Act may, without prejudice to any other mode of citation, be Schedule. cited by the short title therein mentioned in that behalf. Collective 2.— (1.) Eacli of the groups of Acts mentioned in the Second Schedule to this Act may, title.s. without prejudice to any other mode of citation, be cited by the collective title therein mentioned in that behalf. (2.) If it is provided that any Act passed after this Act may, as to the whole or any part tliereof, be cited with any of the yroups of Acts mentioned in the Second Schedule to this Act, or with any group ot Acts to which a collective title has been given by any Act passed before this Act, that group shall be construed as including that Act or part, and, if the collective title of the group states the first and last years of the group, the year in which that Act is passed shall be substituted for the last year of the group, and so on as often as a subsequent Act or part is added to the group. [• Repealed by the Statute Law Revision {No. 2) Act, 1893 (56 4- 57 Fid. repealing Act, t/ie section it by mistake referred to as section 2.] 54.). In the EXTBNT OF ACTS. — INTEKPRETATION OF TERMS. SCHEDULES. FIRST SCHEDULK. Short Titles. SeseisD and Chapter. Title. Short Title. 25 A 26 Vict. c. 112. • • . • An Act for establishing the Juris- diction of the Charity Commi.ssiunerg in certain cases. • • • . The Charitable TrusU Act, 18G2. • • SECOND SCHEDULE. Collective Titles. Session and Chapter. Short Title. CoUective Title. 16 & 17 Vict. c. 137 18 & 10 Vict. c. 124 23 A 24 Vict. c. 130 2.5 & 26 Vict. c. 112 32 & 33 Vic;. c. 110 50& 51 Vict. c. 49. 54 & 00 Vict. c. 17. 57 & 58 Vict. c. 35. The Charitable Trusts Act, 1853 The Charitable Trusts Amendment Act, 1855. The Charitable Trusts Act, 1860 The Charitable Trusts Act, 1862 The Chaiitable Trusts Act, 1869 Tiiu Charitable Trusts Act, 1887 The Charitable Trusts (Recovery) Act, 1891. The Charitable Trusts (Places of KeIi<;ious Worship) Amendment Act, 1891. The Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894. [C. T. Act, 1853.] Ireland. (b.) EXTENT OF ACTS. 67. This Act shall not extend to Scotland or [C. T. Act, 1869.] 2. This Act shall not extend to Scotland or Ireland. [0. "T. Act, 1891.] 7. This Act shall not extend to Scotland or Ireland. [C. T. Act, 1894.] 2, This Act shall not extend to Scotland or Ireland. {c.) INTERPRETATION OF TER3IS. [C. T. Act, 1853.] 66. In the Construction of this Act, except whore the Context or other Provisions of the Act may require a different Construction, (he E.fj)reiiii/oi/ " Court of Chitucenj " sliaU mean funl include the Mostcr of the Rolls and every Jndcfc of Iho Gonri (f Chanccnj in England;* the Expression "Lord Chancellor" shall mean and include the .Lord Chancellor of Great J^ritaiii and the Lord Keei)er and the Commis- sioners of the Great Seal of Great Britain for the Time heing ; the Expressions "District Court of Bankritptci/" and " District Court" shall mean and include every District Court of Bankruptcy established or to fje established under the Act of the Fifth and Sixth Years of the Reign of Der present 3/ajesty, Chapter Tirenty-tico, or under any other Act or Acts passed or to he passed for the Alteration or Amendment or the Extension of tlie same Act, or for the Establishment of any District Court or Courts of Bankruptcy in England or Jfalrs, and every Commissioner or Judge of every such District Court ;f the Expression " County Court " shall mean and include every County Court holden or established or to be holdcn or established under tlie Act of tfte Ninth and Tenth Years of Her Majesty, [• Repealed hi/ the Statute Law Revision Art, 1892 (55 x|.r.ssion "'Cliirirv" t>hall mt-jm cvtM-y eudowctl Foundation and Instiiution taking or to take IvH'wt in Englnnd or AValos, and corning within the Mi-aniiisr. Piirvioii, or Iiiter|»r.'tation of tne Statute of the Forty- third Y.-ar of (iueeri Hli/atn-tli. Cliaptcr Four, or as to which, or tlie Administration of the Kcvcnucs or Property whereof, the Court of Chancery has or may exercise Jurisdiction ; tlie Expression " Trustee" of any Charity shall mean and include everv Person .-ind Corporation seised or possessed of or entitled to any Heal or Personal Estate, or any Interest therein, in trust for or for the ]Jenefit of such Charity, or all or any of the Objects or Purposes thereof, nnd everv Member of any such Corporation; and tlie Expression " the Board" shaU moan the said Charity Commissioners sitting as a Board under this Act ; and the Expression " Endowment " shall mean and include all Lan.is and Real Estate wliatsoever, of any Tenure, and any Charge thereon, or Interest therein, and all Stocks, Funds, Monies, Securities, Investments, and Personal Estate ^^hatsoever, which shall for the Time being belong to or be ludd in trust for any Charity, or for all or any of the Objects or Purposes thereof ; and the Expression " Land " shall extend to and include Manors, Messuages, Buildings, Tenements, and Bereditatnents, corporeal and incorporeal, of erery Tenure and Bescription.-f [C. T. Act, 1855.] 48. In the Construction of the principal Act and this Act tlie Word " Ciiarity ■' shall include every Institution in England or Wales endowed for charitable Purposes, but shall not include any Charity or Institution expressly exempted from the Operation of the Act of 1853, and Words applying to any Person or Individual shall apply also to a. Corporation, whether sole or aggregate. [C. T. Act, 1891.] 2. In this Act, unless the context requires otherwise, — The expression " the Board " means the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales : The expression " prescribed " means prescribed by rules made under the provisions of this Act. II.— Exemptions from the Jurisdiction created by the Charitable Trusts Acts, and Incidental Provisions. Exemptions froai th(? OpcratioD of Act. [C. T. Act, 1853.] 62. This .Act shall not extend to the Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, London, or Durliam, or any College or Hall in the said Universities of Oxford, Cambridge, and I)urham, or to any Cathedral or Collegiate Church, or to any Building registered as a Place of Meeting for Keligious Worship with the llegistrar General of Births, Deaths, or Marriages in England and Wales, and bonfl, fide used as a Place of Meeting for Religious Worship; nor shall this Act, for the Period of Two Years from the parsing thereof, extend or be in any Manner applied to Charities or Institutions, the Funds or Income of which are applicable exclusively for the Benefit of Persons of the Boman Catholic Persuasion, and whie.h are vndcr the Superintendence or Control of Persons of that P^r-masiow, J nor shall this Act extend or be applied to the Commissioners of Queen Anne's Bounty, or to the British 5luseum, or to any Friendly or Benefit Society, or Savings Bank, or any Institution, Establishment, or Society for religious or other charitable Purposes, or to the Auxiliary or Branch Associations connected therewith, wholly maintained by voluntary Contributions, or any Bookselling or Publishing Business cairied on by or mider tlie Direction of any Society [• lUpealtd by the Statute Lav Revision Act, 1892 (55 Sr 56 Vict. c. 19.) ,- definition now supplied by the Interpretation Act, 1889, sect. 6 (52 t;oZ Vict. c. 63.).] [■f Repealed by the Statute Laic Revision Act, 1892 (55 <^- 56 ficl. c. 19.) ; definition now supplied by the interpretation Act, 1889, sect. 3 (52 & 53 Vict. c. 63.).] [J Repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1875 (38 Sr 39 Vict. c. 66.).] wtiolly or purtially exempted from this Act, so far as such Business is or shall be carried on by means of voluntary Contributions only, or the Capital or Stock of such Business ; and where any Charity is maintained partly by volun- Provisions as tary SubscriptionR and partly by Income arising from any Endowment, the *" Charities Powers and Provisions of the Act, shall, with respect to such Charity, extend ^^'f?®*^ and apply to the Income from Endowment only, to the Exclusion of voluntary volunta^ Subscriptions, and the Application thereof ; and no Doruition or Bequest unto Subscrip- or in trust for any such Charity as last aforesaid, of which no special t'ons. Application or Appropriation shall be directed or declared by the Donor or Testator, and Avhich may legally be applied by the governing or managing Body of such Charity as Income in aid of the voluntary Subscriptions, shall be subject to the Jurisdiction or Control of the said Board, or the Powers or Provisions of this Act ; and no Portion of any such Donation or Bequest as last aforesaid, or of any voluntary Subscription, which is now or shall or may from Time to Time be set apart or appropriated and invested by the governing or managing Body of the Charity, for the Purpose of being held and applied or expanded for or to some defined and sjjecihe Object or Purpose connected with such Charity, in pursuance of any Rule or Reso- lution made or adopted by the governing or managing Body of such Charity, or of any Donation or Bequest in aid of any Fund so set apart or appropriated for any such Object or Purpose as aforesaid, shall be subject to the Juris- diction or Control of the said Board or the Powers or Provisions of this Act ; and nothing in this Act shall subject the Funds or Property of any Missionary or other similar Society, or the Missionaries, Teachers or Officers of such Society, or of any Branch thereof, which Funds or Property shall not be within the Limits of England or TVales, to the Jurisdiction of the said Board : Provided always, that the said Exemption shall not extend to ajiy Cathedral, Collegiate, Chapter or other Schools. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 47. Neither this Act nor the principal Act shall. Acts not to tiriiil the First Dai/ of September One thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, appb' <" extend or he in any Manner applied to Charities or Institutions the Funds p°j'j|o|j„ or Income of ichich are applicable exclusively for the Benefit of Persons o/ charities the Roman Catholic Fersuasion, and which are under the Superintendence until 1st a7id Control of Fersous of that Persuasion,*' novs\\d\\ anything in this Act Sept. 1856. extend to any of the Cases which by the Sixty-second Section of the principal Act are excepted from the Operation thereof. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 49. Nothing in this Act or in the principal Act Act not to contained shall extend to the Colleges of Eton and "Winchester, or either of e^^tend to +'U««-. Eton or [C. T. Act, 1894.] 4. The exemption of any building registered as a Extension oi place of meeting for religious worship with the Registrar-General of Births, pxenii.tionin "Deaths, or Marriages in England and Wales, and bona fide used as a place ^y,),-'^ ({o' of meeting for religious worship, contained in the sixty-second st^ction of the i8 4 19 Vict'- Charitiiblc Trusts Act, 18.53, and in the nintli section of the Places of AVorship c 81. s 9, of Registration Act, 1855, shall extend, and shall, without ])rejudice to any places of order of the Charity Commissioners made before the passing of this Act, "eiJLio^ *^' be deemed to have always extended to — worship. («) any forccoiu't, yard, garden, burial-ground, vestry, or caretaker's house, in respect of situation connected with, and held upon the same trusts as, any building registered and bona fide used as aforesaid ; and (h) any Sunday-school house or other laiul or building which shall be certified by an order of the Charity Commissioners, made upon the application of one or more of the trustees or persons acting in the administration thereof, to be held upon the .same trusts as any building registered and used as aforesaid, or upon like trusts, and to be in respect of situation so connected with or held or used in connexion with such building that it cannot conveniently be se para ted therefrom : . . . . \^This section is printed in full at p. 39.] •■. ( ■ ■■ ...<,■> ' .\ [• Repealed by the StattUe ^jo ^^m^ft^i^m^^ t..3A,?^<5«:v66.).] ' B 2 12 EXEMPTIONS. Exempted ^C. T. Act, 1853.] 63. It shall be lawful for any of the Charities Chariit.-j. exeiti/itrd I'nnn tin- (Jj.fnition (f this Act, b>/ Order or Besnliitioii dull/ made in C^mmiy""" conformiti/ with the Comfitutiun or Utiles of »uch Charity {and lohich in giont^Hto that Case only shall be bindiny), to apply by Petition to the Commissioners hare IJeuefit to hare the Benefit of this Jet. either generally or as to any of the Provisions of Act, herein contained ; and such Petition shall be under the Seal of sjich Charity if inror/iorafed, and if not then under the JTands of the tnaj'or Part of the Trusters and governing Body tf such Charity ; and in such Case it shall be lawful for the Commissionersjf t/iey shall think fit, to make an Order in conformity trith such Applirtdiou, and such Charity shall thenceforth be entitled to and be bound by all the Provisions of this Act, if admitted generally thereto, or by such of the Enactments thereof, as shall be men- tioned and sperifted in such Order of the Commissioners, but in either Case in the same Manner as if sui-h Charity had not been exempted from t/iis Act, or such Exemption had not extended to the Enactments specified in such Order* Application [C. T. Act, 1869. J 14. Either tho trustees or the persons acting in by exempted the administnitlon of any charity exempted from tlie operation of tlie Charit- hive u-n,-ru "'''•^* Trusts Acts, ]H5.*i to lS()9/may apply to the Board to have the said Acts of Act. ' or any provisions thereof specified in the application extended to such See charity : Swell ajjplieation shall he made hy such of the said trustees or 16* J" Vict, persons as havini? regard to the value of the charity might under the c. 13<.8. 63. provisions of the said Acts, if the charity were not exempted therefrom, make an application for a scheme to a nj' judge or court or to i\v\ Board, and shall he made in the same manner and according to the same regulations as such application. On any such :ip|)lication the Hoard may make an order directing that the said Acts or any jirovisions of them s])ecili('d in the application shall extend, and such Acts or provisions shall then.'upon after the date of the order extend to such charity in the same manner as if it were not exempted therefrom. Before making any order under this section the Board shall cause such notices of the proposed order to he given as hy section three of the Charit- ahle Trusts Act. IStJO, as amended hy this Act, and by section six of the same Act are required to he given befoi'e the making of an order for establishing a scheme.f Xxtensioo of part of Acts to r«yistcred places of relipous worship. [0. T. Act, 1869.] 15. So much of the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1809, as authorises and relates to orders of the Board for the appoint- ment or removal of trustees of a charity, or for or relating to the vesting of any real or personal estate belonging thereto, or for the establishment of any scheme for the administration of any charity, shall extend to buildings registered as places of meeting for religious worship with the llegistrar General of Births, Deaths, or Marriages in England, and bona fide used as places of meeting for religious worship : Provided that no such order shall be made except upon the application of the trustees or persons acting in the administration of the charity, made in manner provided by section four of the Charitable Trusts Act. 18(50, or l)y this Act. J Save as provided by this section, such buildings shall continue exempted fi'om the Clmritable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 18(59. 32 & .33 Vict. c. 110. B. 15. [C. T. Act, 1894.] 4 Provided always that so much of the Charitable Trusts Acts, 18-53 to 1891, as by virtue of the fifteenth section of the Charitable Trusts Act. 1869, extends to buildings registered and used as aforesaid, shall also extend to the properties declared to be exempted by [• Pepealed bi/ the Charitable Trusts Act, 1869, sect. 17 {p. 72).] [t Fitr the section!, here referred to, viz., sections ^ and of the Charitable Trusts Act, I860, and section 4 of the Charitable Trusts Act, 18()9. see p. 55 and 75.] [t For the sections here referred to, viz., section 4 of the Charitable Trusts Act, 1860, and tection 5 of the Charitable Trusts Act, 1869, seep. 46.] OONBtlTUTION. rS this Act in the same manuer and subject to the same restrictions as the buildings rej^istered and used as aforesaid. [^Tkis section is printed in full at p 39.] III.— Constitution, Salaries, and Procedure of the Charity Commissioners, and their Officers, &c. ; Scale of Fees for Business ; Annual Report. («.) CONSTITUTION. [C. T. Act, 1853.] 1. It shall be lawful for Her Majesty and Ser Her Majesty Successors* by Warrant under the Royal Sign Manual, to appoint Four empowered Commissioners, f and also One Secretary and Two InspectorsX for the Purposes *^ appoint of this Act, and upon any Vacancy by the Death, Resignation, or llemoval Commfs- of any Commissioner, Secretary, or InspectorX under this Act, from Time to sioners, Time in like Planner to appoint another Person to succeed to such Vacancy, Secieury, and until a fresh Appointment shall be made it shall be lawful for the ^"'^ 3°- surviving or continuing Commissioners, in case of any Vacancy, to act as if no such Vacancv had occvirred ; and Three of the said Commissioners shall hold Office during good Behaviour; and the Fourth, and every Secretary and Inspector\ to be appointed under this Act, shall hold OflBce during the Pleasure of Her Majesty. [C. T. Act, 1853.] 2. The said Three Commissioners so holding Office Qualifica- during good Behaviour shall be paid as herein-after mentioned, and Two at tionofCom- least of the said paid Comndssioners for the time being shall be Barristers- ™'^'o°«". at-Law of not less than Twelve Years standiug at the Time of their respective Appointments, and One of such Barristers shall be the Chief Commissiouer, and shall be so called and distinguished in his Appointment. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 3. It shall be lawful for Her Majesty and Her Power to Successors, under the Royal Sign Manual, to appoint additional Inaprctors appcmt {not exceeding three in Number) for the Purposes of this Act and the j^^''"T*\ Charitable Trusts Act, 1S53, and such additional Inspectors shall hold office during Fleasure, and shall be possessed of the same Powers, Authorities, and Jurisdiction, and be entitled to the same Pricileges and Emoluments, as the Inspectors appointed under the said former Act of One Thousand eight hundred and fifty-three.^ [0. T. Act, 1887.] 2.— (1.) The Charity Commissioners for England Appoinx- and "Wales (in this Act referred to as " the Board ") may from time to time ment of with the approval in each case of the Commissioners of Her Majesty's ''^*^*'°* Treasury (in this Act referred to as the Treasury) apjioint assistant commis- sioners. sioners, and may remove any such assistant commissioner. (2.) The numbi>r [and salaries] of the assistant commissioners under this Act shall be such as tiie Treasury may from time to time sanction. (3.) Each assistant commissioner under this Act shall have the same powers as an inspector under the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1S53 to 1869, and the sections of the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to ISGS), specitied in the First Schedule to this Act, shall have effect as if "assistant commissioner" or "assistant commissioners " were therein substituted for 'inspector" or ''• inspectors," as the case may be, and each assisteo/y (he Statute Law Revision Act, 1875 (38 i^ 39 Vict. c. 66.) as being inconsistent nitti sect. !) of l/ie Jurors Act, 1870 (33 4- 31 Vict. c. 77.).] [t Jtepea/eil by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1892 (55 ^ .56 Vict. c. 19.).] [^ This section is wholly repealed by the Charitable Trusts Act, 1887, sect. 6 {p. 72).] PKOCBDURE. l!6' [0. T. Act, 1855.] 2. So mnnk of the jirinripal Act (Section TV.) m Provision a« provides that after the Thirty-ftrst Day of March One thousand eight hundred ^o the Salary and fifty-seven an annual Saltt.ry shall be paid to One only of the Commis- °' ^"® "'' sioners besides the Chief Commissid/ier is hereby repealed* mTsslon'ers rei>ealed. [C. T. Act, I860.] 22. There shall be paid to the Secre!ir Secretary, and eili^rod and all Copies purporting to he extracted from the Hooks of the sj\id Bt)ard, and Copi*» of to be certihod by their Secretary, of any such Minutes, Orders, Certificates, Entries [• Repealed hrj the Stntute Law Revision Act, 1875 (3H Sf 39 Viet. e. 66.).] 1 1 Ilepsfj/'sf Treasury Treasury to may from time to time prescribe a scale of fees to be charged for any business li^ scale of done by tlie Board under this or any other Act, and maij direct ic'licther the ^^^'*- same shall be imposed hij stamps or otherwise, and bi/ ichom and in what manner the same sliaU be collected, accounted for, and appropriated ; J and before any such fees shall be taken or received by the said Charity Commis- sioners every such scale of fees shall bo published in the Loudon Gazette. The scale of fees shall be laid before both Houses of Parliaiuent within thirty Scale to be days after the same has been so prescribed if Parliament is then sitting, and •'!''• ij^'ore if not. within thirty days after the then next meeting of Parliament ; and if l''"'">'"<^°'' any such scale shall be disapproved of by both Houses of Parliament, within one mouth after the same shall have been so laid belore Parliament, such fees or such parts thereof as shall be disapproved of shall not be charged by the Board. {e.) ANNUAL BEPOBT. [0. T. Act, 1853.] 60. The said Board shall Ln the Month of Annual February in every Tear make a Report to Her Majesty of all their |iL'|.oit to bo Proceedings during the Pioceding Year up to the Thirty-first Hay of Heceui- p',',i,,'u,"e'nt her then last past, and such Beport shall, within Fourteen Hays after the ivliii-h ^^hall making thereof, be laid before both Houses of Parliament, if Parliament be "^et forth all then sitting, or otherwise within Foiu'teen Hays after the Meeting thereof ; '•>«> Si-hemus and in sueh Report the said Jinard shall specially distinguish aud set forth in "PI^''"^^' full all the Schemes (if any) approved by them under the Provisions lastly herein-before contained, § together withtlu! Grounds of such their Approval, and the Objectious (if auy) which have been made thereto, aud all Proceed- ings had in respect of such Objections and the Grounds on which any such Objections have been over-ruled ; \_This section is printed in full at p. 53.] [• i.e., the Charitable Trusts Act, 1H53.] [\ Rcfjeakil by the Statute Law Revision (AV. 2) Act, 1893 (5G ini|iiire into Condition and Mnnage- inont of Cliuritii's. Power (o refjiiire Ac- ««)unt.< mill iitatenients. Officers having Custody of Records to furnish Copies r.nd Extracts, if required by Board. [ C. T. Act, 1853. 1 9. It shall be lawful for tlie said Hoard from Time to Time, as they in their Discretion may see fit, to examine and inquire into all or any Charities in Iviii^laiid or AVales, and the Nature and 01)jects, Administmtiou, Management, and ll<'sults thereof, and th(! Value, Condition, Management, and Application of the Estates, Funds, Property, and Income hehinu'ini,' thereto; and the said ]?oard may cause Examinations and lu- {juiries in relation to the Matters aforesaid to be made and prosecuted by their /««7;^'c/or*,* actini^ tot,'ether or separately, in such Cases and at such Times as the said Board may tliink tit ; and all such Inspectors* shall from Time to Time re])ort their Proceeding's to the said Board. [C. T. Act, 1853. J 10. 'I'he said Board may require all Trustees or Persons aetint; or haviiiL'' any Conecrn in the ^fanagement or Administration of any Charity, or the Estates, Funds, or Property thereof, to render to the said Board, or to their Insprcfors* or eWhov o^ them, i\ccounts and State- ments in AVritin-g in relation to such Charity, or the Funds, Estates, Property, Income, or Monies thereof, or the Administration, Management, and Ap))lication thereof, and may also require such Trustees and Persons to return Answers in Writing to any Questions or Inquiries addressed to them by the Direction of the said Board relating to the IMatters aforesaid. [C. T. Act, 1853. J 11. All Officers having the Custody of Enrolments, Decrees, Bej)orts, llecords, and other Documents relating to or concerning any Charity shall furnish such Copies or Extracts as shall be required by the said Board ; and every Inspector * Secretary, and other Officer of tlie said Board for the Time being employed for the Purposes of this Act shall be at liberty, by the Authority and under the Directions of the Board, and subject to such Regulations as the Board ma^' make in that J?ehalf, to examine and search the Kegisters and lieeords of every Court of Law and Equity, and every Ecclesiastical Court, and every public Registry and Office of Records, and to take Copies of and Extracts from any Decree or Document recorded or registered or deposited therein resjiectively, for any Purpose contemplated by this Act, without Fee or other Payment in respect thereof. Inspector [C. T. Act, 1853. J 12. Any Inspector* acting under the Authority may examine (,f \\^q saiti Board may, by Precej)t under his Hand, subject to such Regula- ^^'oTl'^* tions as the said JJoard may make in that Behalf, require any Person, being a Trustee of any Charity or otherwise acting or having any Concern in the Management or Administration of any Charity, or of the Estates, Funds, or Property thereof, or in the Receipt or Payment of the Income or Monies thereof, or deriving any Income or Stipend therefrom, to attend before such Inspector* for the Purpose of being examined by him touching or relating to such Charity, or the Estates. Funds, Property, or Income thereof, at any Time and Place mentioned or appointed by such Precept, and to bring and produce any Deed, Paper, Writing, Instrument, or other Document, being in the Custody, Possession, or Power of such Person, and relating to such Charity, or the Estates, Funds, Property, or Income thereof and may examine upon Oath all Persons attending in pursuance of such Precept, [• Now "Assistant Commissioners" or -^ Assistant Commissioner," as context may require. See Charitable Trusts Act, 1887, sect. 2, subs. 3 {p. 13).] POWER? OF INQrlRT. ]9 and all Persons voluntarily attending before him, and may administer such Oath : Provided ahvays, that no Person shall be obliged to travel in obedience to any such Precept more than Ten Miles from his Place of Abode. [C. T. Act, 1853.] 13. If any Person wilfully give false Evidence ivrsons giving upon any Examination under this Act, every Person so offending shall be '»'«« Ev-idence deemed guilty of a IVIisdemeanor. Misdemewior. [C. T. Act, 1853. J 14. If any Person from wnom the said Board, or Person any Inspector,* is authorized to require any Account or Statement or Answers refubinf; to to any Questions or Incjuiries, or whose Attendance any Inspector* is ■'f' "'''" authorized to require, shall refuse or Avilfully neglect to render to the said ^''i',e"i'i!l?'m,.d Board such Account or Statement, or to make Answers to sucii Questions puiltyofa or Inquiries, or to attend in obedience to any lawful Precept of any Contt-mpi of Impector* or to give Evidence before him, or shall wilfully alter, destroy, *^''"""*- withhold, or refuse to produce any Deed, Paper, Writing, Instrument, or other Document which may be lawfully required to be ])ro(luc<'d before; any Inspector* or the said Board, every Person so offending shall be deemed and taken to have been guilty of a Contempt of the Higii Court of Chancery, and 'shall be liable to be attached and committed by such Court on summary Application by the Commissioners to the same, and shall pay the Costs of and attending such Contempt as the said Court shall direct. exteiuU'il. [0. T. Act, 1853.] 15. Provided always. That nothing herein con- Saving' for tained shall extend to give to the said Board or tlieir Iiisprclors* any Power -'«;|--""s of requiring from any Person holding or claiming to hold any J'ropcrty ^'"""'"7. ^ whatsoever adversely to any Charity, or free or discharged from any Cliari- charities, table Trust or Charge, any Information, or the Production of any Deed or Document whatever in relation to tlie Property so lield or claimed adversely, or any Charitable Trust or Charge alleged to affect the same. [C. T. P> Ct, 1855.] 6. The Board, or any Commissioner or Inspector* 'i'lio Powers such Inspector* acting under the Authority of the Board, may require °^.''"^ ^'"'"" written Accounts and Statenients and AnsAvers to Inquiries relating to any anj^i°n"pec- Charity, or the Property or Income thereof, to be rendered or made to them tors lo respectivily by all or any of the following Persons ; that is to say, inquire- into Trustees or Persons acting or concerned in the Administration of the ^l''.""','*^: Chai'ity, its Property or Income, or in the Receipt or Payment of any Monies thereof : Agents of any such Trustees or P(!rsous : Depositaries of any Funds or Monies of the Charity : Persons in the beneficial lleceipt of any Funds thereof, or of any Income or Stipend therefrom : Persons liaving the Possession or Control of any Documents concerning the Chai'ity or any Property thereof : And the Board or the Comniission(>r or Inspector* may require the Persons rendering or nuiking any such Account, Statement, or Answer to verify tiie same by Oatli or otherwise, and may administer such Oath : Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall extend to give to the said Board or their Inspector)!''-'- any Power of retpiiring from any i'l'rson holding or claiming to hold any ['roperly whatsoever adversely to any Charity, or free or discharged from any Cliaritable Trust or Ciiarg<', any Information, or the Production of any Deed or Document whatever, in relation to the Property so held or claimed adversely, or any Charitable Trust or Charge alleged to alfect the same. [C. T. Act, 1855. 1 7. The Board, or any Commissioui'r or Inspector* Power to acting as aforesaid, may require" all or any such Trustees and Persons ^^1"""^ as aforesaid to attend before them respectively at such Times and Places „,"i'odu.is as may be reasonably appointed, for the Purpose of being examined in to ntiin.l mi.l relation to the Charity, and to answer such Questions as may be proposed to be exiimined [• Now " Assistant Commissioners " or "Assistant Commistioner," at contcrt mat/ require. See Charitable Trusts Act, 1887, sect. 2, .tubs. 3 {p. 13).] C 2 20 POWERS OF INQORT. — AOOOtTNTS. Precepts or Orders for the priH-ed- iiif;i'iirposefi, how to bo made. Persons not coniplving Mrith Ileipii- sitions, &«■. t<> be ile«'iii('d jjuiltv iif ft Contempt of the Court of Chuncerv. them, and to prnduci" upon such Examination any documents in their Custody or Tower velatiiii? to tlie Charity or the Proi)erty thereof, and may examine ujx)n Oath or otherwise all such rersons and all Persons voluntarily attending?, aiul may ailminister such Oath : Provided always, that no Person sliall he ohli<,'ed to tmvel in obedience to any such Requisition more than Ten Miles from his Place of Abode. [C. T. Act, 1856.] 8. All Requisitions made under the foregoing Authorities shall he made respectively by the Order of the Board, or by Precept, under the Hand of the Commissioner or Inspector* making the pa me. [C. T. Act, 1855. j 9. Any Person refusing or wilfully neglecting to comply with any such Requisition, or with any Order of the Board, made under the Provisions of this Act or the principal Act,f or destroying or witiiholding any Doemnent re(iiiirc'l to l)o produced or transmitted by him, shall be taken to be guilty of a Contempt of the High Court of Chancery, and shall he liable to be attached and committed by such Coiu-t, on summary Application by the (commissioners to the same Court or to any Judge thereof, and shall pay such Costs attending such Contempt as the said Court or .Tudi,'e shall direct: Provided always, that the Court may at any Time dischari^e, on such Terms as it may deem just, any Person attached or committed on any such Application, or on any Application made under Section Fourteen of the principal Act.| [0. T. Act, 1869. 1 9. The Board, if they think it desirable, where the gross annual income of a Charity is in their opinion sufficient to bear the expense, may, upon th(^ application of the TrustcM's or of any other person or persons entitled to apply to them in that behalf, .... order the costs incurred .... upon any intjairy by an inspector,* .... to be provided in the same manner as if they were costs of a transaction mentioned in section thirty-six of the Charitable Trusts Act, 1855. § \^This section is printed in full at p. 26.] [C. T. Act, I860.] 19. The Board may require any Person having the Custody or Control of any Deed or Document in which any Charity or Charities shall be solely interested to transmit the same to the Office of the said Commissioners for Examination ; and where such Deed or Document shall not be held by any Person entitled as a Trustee or otherwise to the Custody theri^of, tiie Board may either retain the same, for the Security thereof, in the Repository provided by them under the Sixty-third || Section of "The Charitahle Trusts Act, 1853," or, as they may think most advan- tageous to the Charity, may thereupon, or at any Time thereafter, return or issue the same to the Trustees or Persons acting in the Administration of the Charity, for the Purposes thereof. Orders, to be [C. T. Act, I860.] 20. All Orders made by the said Board under enforceaV.le the Provisions of this Act shall be enforceable by the same Means, and shall as under ^^^ subject to the same Provisions, as are applicable under the Charitable Trusts Act, 1853, and the Charitable Trusts Amendment Act, 1855, respec- tively, to any Orders of the said Board made thereunder.^ Employment of persons to prepare nnd defend scheme. Power to re(|uire tlie Trnnt-niis- sion of Documents Monging to Charities. {!).) DUTY OF TRUSTEES OF CHABITIES IN BEGABD TO ACCOUNTS, ^c. Accounts of [C. T. Act, 1853.] 61. The Trustees or Persons acting in the Trustees ol Administration of cverv Charitv shall, in Books to be kept by them for that Chanties to * l j [• Xow " jissisfant Commissioners" or" Assistant Commissioner," as context may require. See Charitable Trusts Act. I8.S7, sert. 2, subs. 3 (p. 13).] [t I.e., llie Charitatilc Trusts Act, lb.53.] [J See preccdiny page.'] r§ For this section, see p. 29.] [|1 Should be "Fifty-third" {seep. 4-2).] [% See the Charitable Trtists Act, 1853, sect 14 {jJ. 19), and the Charitable Trusts Amend- ment Act, 1855, sect. 9 {supra).'] ACCOUNTS OF CHARITIES. 21 Purpose, regularly enter or cause to bo entered full and true Accounts of be delivered all Money received and paid respectively on account of such Charity,* (tad *° -^^ Clerki an or before the Twenty-fifth Day of March in every Year, or on or before q^^u!^^' such other Day as shall or ynay be fixed and apjwinted for that Purpose by Clerks of the the said Board, shall cause a Statement in Writing to be made of the I'eace, and to Income and Revenues, lohether actually paid or then due, and the actual ^^^ i*oard. Receipts and Expenditure of such Charity for the Year ending on the Thirty-first Day of December then next preceding, or on some other con- venient Day to be fixed and appointed for that Purpose by the said Board, and also a Balance Sheet containing a clear Statement of the Balance of such Account, tchich Statement and Balance Sheet respectively shall be certified tinder the Sand of some One or more of such Trustees or Persons {and audited by Ike Auditor rf such Charity, if any there be) ; and as to every Charity ichose gross annual Incotne for the Time being shall not exceed Thirty Pounds, every such Statement and Balance Sheet respectively, or a Duplicate or true Copy thereof respectirely, shall be delivered or sent by such Trmtees or Persons free of Charge to the Clerk of the County Court or some One of the County Courts {if more than One) to whose Jurisdiction such Charity may be subject under this Act {in case such Charily be subject to the Jurisdiction of any County Court under this Act), or if such Charity be not subject to the Jurisdiction of any County Court then to the Clerk of the County Court for the District or any One of the Districts {if more than One) wherein or nearest adjoining wliereto such Charity is established, or the Property thereof {in whole or in part) is situate or adnwmtered and distributed ; and as to every Charity whose gi-oss annual Income for the Time being shall exceed Thirty Pounds, every such Statement and Balance Sheet, or a Duplicate or true Copy thereof respectively {unless the said Board shall otherwise direct), shall be delivered or sent free of Charge to the Glerk of the Peace for the County or the Division of the County, or some One of the Counties or Divisions of Counties {if more than One) in which the Charity is established, or the Property thereof is wholly or jjartially situated or administered and distributed ; and every stich Statement and Balance Sheet, or a Duplicate or true Copy thereof respectively, shall be kept and registered without Fee or Beicard by the Registrar (f County Courts Judgments or tlie Clerk of such County Court, and the Clerk of the Peace of sucli County or Division respectively , and shall be open to the Inspection, of all Persons, at all seasonable Hours, on Payment of the Sutn oj' One Shilling to the Registrar or Clerk for every such Inspection ; and any Person may require and have a Copy of any such Statement and Balance Sheet, or of any part thereof, paying therefor to such Registrar or Clerk after the Rate of Twopence Jor every Seventy-two Words or Figures ; and a Duplicate or Copy of every sucli Statement and Balance Sheet to be made according to the foregoing Provision, so certified and audited as aforesaid, shall be delivered or transmitted, througli the Post or otherwise, free of Charge, by such Trustees or other Persons, to the said Board, on or before the Twenty-fifth Day of March in every Year, or such other Day as may be fixed and appointed by the said Board as aforesaid ; and the said Board may from Time to Time by any Order direct that the Statement and Balance Sheet, or a Duplicate or true Copy thereof respectively, of the Accounts of any Charity whose gross annual Income exceeds Thirty Pounds shall be delivered or sent to the Clerk of t/ie County Court in the same Manner as if tJie Income of such Charity did not exceed Thirty Pounds ; and the said Board may make and give such further and other Orders and Directions in relation to the Delivery and Publication of such Accounts, and the Form thereof, as they may think fit, which Directions and Orders shall be obligatory on and obeyed by all such Trustees and Persons as aforesaid. rC. T. Act, 1855. 1 44. Section !Sixty-one of " The Charifable Trusts Amendment Act, 1^5'i," excepf so much thereof as enacts that the Trustees or Persons "'.'^y^'';.''!; *»^ acting in the administration of every Charity shall, in Boohs to be kept by cl'13; /„nd*' thenifor that Purpose, regularly enter or cause to be entered J'ull and true other' Pni- AcGounts of all Money received and paid respectively on account of such vision mado as to the [• The rest of this section is repented hi/lhr Chnrilnhle Tnuts Amendment Act, 1855, sect. 44, infra, \ C3 9S kOCOVtitS OF CttARlTIRS. Annual Returns ot Accounts by Trust«>8 of Charities. C/Kirili/, hhiU be ,-eije(>m fit ; and any Person may require a Copy of every such Account, or of any Part thereof, on paying therefor after the Rate of Twopence for every Seventy- two ^A'ords (u- Figures. [Local Government Act, 1894 (56 & 57 Vict. c. 73.).] 14.— (C.) The accounts of all parochial eh;u-ities, not ticinfj ecclesiastical charites, shall annually be laid liefore the parish meetiiijj of any parish atfeeted thcreliy, and the Charitable Trusts Amendment Act, 18.55, shall apply, with tlio substitution in section foity- four of the parish meeting for the vestry, and of the chairman of the parish meeting for the churchwardens, and the names of the beneficiaries of dole charities shall be published annually in such form a.s the parish council, or where there is no parish council, the parish meeting, think fit. Board may make Orders aa to Delivery and Publication ot Account.s by Trustees, kc. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 45. The Board may from Time to Time make such Orders as they may think lit in relation to the Delivery or Transmission of the said Accounts, and the Forms of such Accounts, and such Orders shall be executed by all Trustees and Persons from whom the Accounts to which they may relate are required. [• Repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1875 (38 Sf 39 Vict. c. 66.).] POWERS OF ADVICE. AJiUVriiAL POWERS. 28 v.— Provisions conferring on the Charity Commissioners Powers of Advice, and Arbitration, and of autho- rizing the Compromise of Claims by or agaiiist Charities, the Acquisition of Land, the Application of Funds, and certain other Acts of Trustees. (a.) POWEBS OF ADVICE. [C T. Act, 1853.] 16. The said Board shall receive and consider all Board to - - ■ - " ~ ■ ~ entertain licatiODS Apiilications which may be made to them bv any Trustee or other Person entertam having any Concern in the Management or Administivitlon of any Charity, for their for their Opinion, Advice, or Direction respecting sucii Charity, or the Opinion or Management or Administration thereof, or the Estates, Funds, Property, or Advice. Income thereof, or the Application thereof, or any (Question or Dispute relating to the same respectively, and, if they so think fit, may, upon any such Application, give such Opiniim or Advice as they think expedient, subject to any .Judicial Order or Direction which may be sul)se([uently made or given by any competent Court or Judge; and such Opinion or Advice shall be in Writing, signed by Two or more of the said Commissioners, and sealed with the Seal of the said Commission;* and every Trustee and Persons other Person who shall act upon or in accordance with the Opinion or acting on Advice "iven by the said Board shall in respect of so acting be deemed and ^ i^.° u , , ^ r i 1 • T-. 1 jv, 1 1 ■ 1 Board to be taken, so far as respects his own Ilosponsibuity, to have acted \n accordance indemnified. with his Trust ; and no sucli .Judicial Order or Direction subsequently made or given by any Court or .Judge shall have any such retro.>< ;-\ eel-ding's where and the said Board may, in any Case wiiere they see fit, before acting upon the °" -''"'"* ''" .' ' .' , T-» ' 1 1 ■ 1 i> 1 1 T bieii gn en to Report ot any li/fip('c/or,j- cause sucli Eejmrt to be deposited for local Jns])ee- them, and mny tion, and give Notice of the same being so deposited, and consider any State- J^,°e"io^,^^u- raents or Objections which may be transmitted to them in relation thereto. .luirirs i>y their l^T/iis section is prhitQil in full al p. 60.] InsiiectiT. (/>.) ARBITRAL POWERS. [C. T. Act, 1853.1 64. Provided also, That if any Question or nispntes Dispute sliall arise ainonii' the Members of auv Charity creinntcd from the '""'^'"S Operation of lhii< Arl\ in relation to any Ollice, or the I'itness or Distjuulili- .'.i^mpied cation of any Trustee or Officer, or his Election or ileiiu)val, or generally in Chnriiles relation to the ManaLrement of the Charity, it shall he lawful for Two mayU- Thirds of the Meinhcrs present at any Sjitcial Meeting, duly convejied by '» "["^'^ Notice for the l^urpose in the sajuc Manner in which ^Meetings of such ofCom Charity are by the Utiles thereof appointed to be held and convened, to refer sioneni such Question or Dispute to the Aihitratioii of the Commissioners, who [* "But sec now Charitable Trusts .Inn mlmciit .id, IS.'i.j, .?<■(/. 1 ^ y>. l(i), ,tnu ( i>arilii()ie Trusts Act. 1887, sect. 3 (p. 16).] [f Note '^ Assixlant Coiiimissioner" or " .■Issistniif Commisiioilers," as context may require. See Charitable Trusts Act, 1887, sect. 2, subs. 3 (/'. 13).] [J Repealed by the Statute Law Bevision Act, 1875 (38 ^ 39 Vtct. c. 66.).j C4 ;1 to .\rbitnition onimis- u^ compbomisk; acquisition of land. Application of Sect. 64. of 16 & 17Tict. c. 137. Power to ascertain JiAIIllB charged with Kents to Charities. shall accept such Rcfercnt'C and act therein as Arbitrators, and their Award shall be final, and may be made a Rule of Uer Majesty's High Court of Chancery. fC. T. Act, 1855.1 46. The Sixty-fourth Section of the principal Act shall apply as well to Meml)ers of any Cliarity within the Operation of that Act as to Members of any Charity exempted from the Operation thereof. [C. T. Act, 1855. 1 33. Wliere there shall be Uncertainty as to the specilie I'art of any Lands out of which any Kent, Annuity, or other ])eriodieal Payment, not exceeding the yearly Sum of Ten Pounds, charged upon some part of the same Lands, for the Benefit of a Charity, shall be payable, it siiall be lawful for the Hoard, upon the Application of the Trustees or Persons acting in the Administration of the Charity, and with the Cons(>nt of the Persons interested, according to the aforesaid Definition of " Persons interested,""' in the same Lands, to determine by their Order t\w Ljind charged with sucli Rent, Annuity, or other periodical Payment, which siiall Ihcneefurtli stand eliargcd Avith sueli Rent, Annuity, or periodical Payment accordingly, to the Exoneration of the Residue of such Lauds therefrom. Ex]>enBe.s of Exclian{;es and Parti- tions, and determining Application of Charges. I C. T. Act, 1855. 1 34. The Expenses incident to the Application for and ])ro(,'iiring of any such .... Order determining the Land eliarged with any Rent, Annuity, or ])eriodical Payment, shall be ])aid by the Trustees or Administrators of the Charity, or by the other Parties to such Transactions, or by both, as the Board may direct. [Z7//« section is j)riiiie(l in full in Ai)petidix, No. 1, p- 71-.] Boanl may Banctiou Compromise of Clnims on behalf of Charity. (c.) POWERS OF AUTHORIZING TEE COMTROMISE OF CLAIMS BY OR AGAINST CHARITIES, THE ACQUISI- TION OF LAND, THE APPLICATION OF FUNDS, AND CERTAIN OTHER ACTS OF TRUSTEES. [C. T. Act, 1853. J 23. If in any Case it appear to the Trustees or Persons acting in the Administration of any Charity that any Claim or Demand or Cause of Suit against any Person in relation to such Charity may, with Advantage to the Charity, or should, under the special Circum- stances of the Case, be compromised or adjusted without taking or without continuing any ])roecedings at Law or in Equity, such Trustees or Persons may, or the Person against w^hom such Claim, Demand, or Cause of Suit exists or is alleged to exist, may, ^vith the Consent of the Trustees or Persons acting in the Administralicn of such Charity, submit to the said Board a Statement and Proposal for such Compromise or Adjustment ; and if it appear to the said Board after such Inquiry in relation thereto by one of tlicir Iiispfc/ors,-]- as they may deem requisite, or otherwise, that such i'rojjosal, either witli or without any ^Modification, is fit and proper, and for the Benefit of the Charity, it shall be laAA ful for the said Board to make such Order for and in relation to such Compromise or Adjustment as they may think fit; and upon the due Performance; of the Terms and Conditions of such Compromise or Adjustment as aforesaid, such Agreement J shaU be a final Bar to all Actions, Suits, Claims, and Demands by or on behalf of the Charity concerned therein, in respect to the Cause of Action, Suit, or Matter in respect to which such Compromise or Adjustment shall have been made. [• The Act contains no such '' aforesaid dtfinition." The definition referred to was contained in clause 41 of the Hill, as brow/ hi from the House of Lords, which was struck out in Committee of the House of Commons.] [t A'oio "Assistant Commissioners." See Charitable Trusts Act, 1887, sect. 2, subs. 3 (p. 13).] [% There ts no previous mention of an ''Agreement." The concluding paragraph of this section from " and upon the due performance," was not in the Bill as jjresented by the Lord Chancellor, but was introduced by a Select Committee of the House of Lords. The section, with this exception, was unaltered during the passage of the Bill through I'arliament,} AUTHORISING ACTS OF TRUSTEES. %i [C. T. Act, 1855.] 31. The Twenty-third Section of the principal Extension of Act shall extend to autliorize a Compromise or Adjustment of nnj Claim, |'<"»^ej- of Demand, or Cause of Suit against any Cliarity, or the Trustees or Adininis- Compromise trators thereof, and the Order of the Board in relation thereto shall have of Claims, the like Eff(!Ct as in the Case of any Compromise or Adjustment for which Provision is made hy the said Section. Er( Jrlay£,>v, ^. „,..>.. ....j,|,„x.^wi>,,.^, .,, iwi >,.iv. a.i..|^v7,^o wi «ii_> vji.a,i.i_y, .-/<« purchase the Trudlecs of the Cluiritif shall be legally aulhorized to purchase and hold Sites for such Land* hut by reason of the Disability of any Person having an Estate Building or Interest in such Laud, or of any Defect in Title thereto, a valid and [T" ^";°«'s perfect Assurance of the same J^and cannot be made to the Trustees of ability, &c. the Charity in the ordinary Manner, it shall be lawful for the Trustees of according to tlie Charity, with the Sant-tion of the said Board (such Saiiction to be the Pro- certified under the Hand of their Secretary-}-), to take and purchase such j'^'"!'* "' Land according to the Provisions of " The Lands Clauses Consolidation Act, ciausL Con- 1846 ; " and for that Purpose all the Clauses and Provisions of the last- solidation mentioned Act with respect to the Purchase of Lands by Agreement, and -A-ct, 18-45. with respect to the Purchase Money or Compensation coining to Parties having limitc^d Interests, or prevented from treating, or not making a Title, and also with respect to Conveyances of Lands, so far as the same Clauses and Provisions respectively are applicable to the Cases contemplated by this Provision, shall be incorporated in lliis Act ; and in all Cases contemplated by this Provision, the Expression '"the Special Act" used in the said Clauses and Provisions of the said " Lands Clauses Consolidation Act" shall be construed to mean this Act; and the Expression " the Promoters of the Undertaking," used in the same Clauses and Provisions, shall be construed to mean the Trustees of the Charity in question. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 41. Section Twenty-seven of " Tlic Charitalde Construction Trusts Act, 1853," shall be construed and operate as if the AVords "and ^'.^'-''^rj-of " the Trustees of the Charity shall be legally authorized to purchase and ,.''13-' ""'' " hold such land " had been omitted therefrom; and incorporated Trustees of any Cliarity shall bo competent to purchase and hold Lands for the Purposes mentioned in the same Section without Licence in Mortmain. or Partition, J or in Payment of any Expenses incident thereto, or may jv,|'"i'i"v ^f authorize the Trustees to raise any Money for such Purposes by Mortgage Kxolmn'<;i- or of any Land acquired on such Exchange or Partition,! or belonging to tlie Partition, Charity. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 35. Any incorpomtod Cliarity, or the Trustees of incorporated any Charity, whether incorptn-ated or not, may, with the Consent of the Clmntios Board, invest Money arising Irom any Sale of Land belonging ♦!> the Cliarity, j"" (^•i|a"*[i^g* or received by way of Equality of Exchsinge or Partition, j in the Purchase of „my r.'-invcst Land, and may hold such Land, or any Land acquired by way of Kxclian-jce or in Land. Partition,! for the Benefit of such Charity, without any Licence in Mortmain. [0. T. Act, I860.] 15. The Power vested in the s:iid Hoard by tli.- .-...i.-i.of Tweuty-first Section of "Tlie Charitable Trusts Act, lSr.;5,"§ of authorizing 16.*:j7Vici tho Application of Clonics belonging to any Charity or to be rai.^-ed on the Security of the Properties thei-eof, to the Improvement of such Pi-operties, [* Repealed by i/iv Sluliitc Ltnr /{irisioii Act, 1S7.'> (.38 .V M I'ict. r. <>(>.).] if JJiit set' now Cliaritablc Trusts AnwiidiHcnt Act, ISoo, sect. 4 (p. \\i), and Charitable Triiffs Act, 1887, sect. 3 (p. 16).] [■*■ Xcitlicr this Act nor the Act of ISo."? contains any section empoiccrinif the Commission to authorize partitions. Clauses ninnbcrcd 39, M,and\'l were iiUrodiicrd for t/iat piirpo.<:e i the Hill of \^ho, as presented by the Lord Cliancellor. Iiut iccre struck out in Committee of nm House of Commons. As rcyards E.rchanijes, see Charitable Trusts Act, \^b,\, sect.2\ (/), 2.S).J [§ For this section see p. 27. J U 91117. D c. 137 extended. . Cliaritable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1809, Willi respect Id such charity, or to make or assist in any survey or local inquiry with reference thereto, and may order the costs incurred imder this section or ujion any inquiry by nil hiltpector* or in consequence of tlie employment of any person to appejir on l)eliall"of the respondent upon any appeal ai^ainst any scheme or order, to be ])rovided in the same manner as it" they w-ere costs of a tmnsaction mentioned in section thirty-six of the Charitable Trusts Act. lS55.t VI.— Provisions conferring on the Charity Commis- sioners a control over dealings with the Real Estate of Charities, and facilitating those dealings. Kestrictions of Clini^es and Leivies 1)1' UUiirity Estates. No ProTJ-Hion in liny Act of Pnr- liiiment, or Docroo rolatinjr to any Cli&rity under any OnJer of the Court of Chancery, to exclude any Jurisdiction [C. T. Act, 1855. 1 29. If. shall not be lawful for the Trustees or Persons acting in tlie Administration of any Charity to make or grant, other- wise than witli the express iVutliority of Parliament, under any Act already passed or which may hereafter be passed, or of a Court or Judge of com- petent .Jurisdiction, or according to a Scheme legally established, or Avith the Approval of the JJoard, any Sale, ]Mortgage, or Charge of the Charity Estate, or any Lease thei-eof in reversion after more than Three Years of any existing Term, or for any Term of Life, or in consideration wholly or in part of any l*'ine, or for any Term of Years exceeding Twenty-one Years. LC. T. Act, 1862.1 AVJIEREAS by the Acts relating to the Charity Commissioners for J-^ngland and AVales, Authority has been given to the Commissioners to make Orders for various Purposes in Charity Cases upon summary A])])lieation, and [laiticularly in relation to ... . the Sale, Exehange, Leasing, and Improvement of the Property of Charities : And whereas in various Private Acts of Parliament and Decrees and Orders of the High Court of Chancery relating to Charities such Powers and Authorities are often given or reserved, with Directions that the same shall be exercised by the said Court, or with its Sanction or Approbation and Doubts are entertained whether in such Cases the Authority given to the Charity Commissioners can be validly exercised : Be it therei'oi'e enacted and declared by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and loiih the advice and consent oj tlie Lords ISjii ritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by llic authority of I he sanieX as follows : 1. No Provision contained in any such Act of Parliament or Decree or Order as aforesaid .... for or relating to the Sale, Exehange, Leasing, Disposal, or Improvement of any Property, by or under the Order or with the Approval of the Court of Chancery, sliall (in the Absence of any express Direction to the contrary, to be contained in any future Act of Parliament, [• Now " Assistant Commissioner." Sec the Charitable Trusts Act, 1887, sect. 2. sub-sect. 3 {p. 13).] [f For t/iu! sectwii see p. 29.] ll Repealed by t/ie Statute Law Jievision Act, 1893 (56 Vict. c. 14.).] DEALINGS WITH KEAL ESTATE. fff Order, or Decree,) exclude or impair any Jurisdiction or Authority' which whjchni,ght might otherwise be properly excicised for the like Purposes by the Charity «e?dSfb^ Commissioners for England and Wales. " cim''m«mS^en. [This section and the preamble are printed in full in Appendix, No. 1, p. 76.] [C. T. Act, 1853.] 21. If in any Case it appear to the Trustees or Bourd may Persons for the _Tirae being acting in the Administration or Management s»°ction of any Charity, or the Estates or Property thereof, that any part of the l"^!^^"^ Charity Lands or Estates may be bcnelicially let on iJuildiug, Repairing, working Improving, or other Leases, or on Leases for working any Mine, or that Mine:?, doing the digging for or raising of Stone, Clay, Gravel, or other Minerals, or li*^P''iis "u*! the cutting of Timber, would be for the Benefit of the Charity, or that it ^•"P'"^'-'- would be for the Benefit of such Charity that any new Iload or Street should be formed or laid out, or any Drains or Sewers made through any Part of the Charity Estates, or that any new Bitilding should be erected, or tliat any existing Building shouUl be repaired, altered, rebuilt, or wholly removed, or that any other Improvements or Alterations in the State or Condition of the Lands or Estates of such Charity should be made, it shall be lawful for such Trustees or Persons to lay before the said Board a Statement and Proposal in relation to any of the Matters aforesaid ; and it shall be la^-f ul for the said Board, if they think that the Leases or Acts to which the Statement and Proposal relate (with or without Modifications or Alterations) would be beneficial to the Charity, to make such Ordi-r under their Seal for and in relation to the granting of such Leases, or the doing of any other such Acts as aforesaid, and any Circumstances connected therewith, as they may think fit, although such Leases or Acts respectively shall not be authorized or permitted by the Trust ; and the said Board, by any such (Jrder, may » "1 may authorize the Application of any ]\lonies or Funds belonging to the Charity ""'h"""'z« tl>o for any of the Purposes or Acts aforesaid, and, if necessary, may authorize onh^" '**° the Trustees to raise any Sum of Money by ^Icirtgage of all or any Part of Cliarity the Charity Estates ; provided that compulsory Provisions be reserved in Funds or the every s/tch Mortgage for the Paymrnt of the Priticipal Money borrowed !^'|"*"'K of by annual Instalments, and for the liedempfion and Re-conveyance of the Mortga°P mortgaged Estates, within the Period of not more than Thirty Years. for those Pur|)oses. [C. T. Act, 1855. J 30. So much of Section Twenty-one of the principal Sinking Act as requires a comj}n/sory Provision to be inserted in every Mortgage for I*""'|'<'be the Payment of the Principal Money borrowed by annual Instalments, and pavln'r'^oir*''^ for the liedempfion and Reconveyance of the mortgaged l^stafe-i nithin the Mortgages Period of not more than Thirty Years, in hereby repealed; hut* the ]?oard .'"''';"'. "f. authorizing anv Mortgage to be made of anv Charity Estate shall make such ;'""'"*'f" "> Provisions, by the same or any other Orc'tM-, as to them may seeni necessary, Doi-dl. for directing the Trustees or Persons administering the Charity to discharge the Principal Debt or any Part thereof by such yearly or other Instalments within 'lltirty Years from the Date of the Security as to the said Board may seem fit ; or to form an Accumulation or Sinking Fund out of the Income of the Charity for discharging the Principal Debt or any Portion thereof within the same Period, and shall give Directions as to the Investment and Accumulation of such Fund, and the Trustees for the Time being, or Persons administering the Charity, shall carry such Order into elfect. [C. T. Act, 1860.J 15. The Power vested in the said Board by the Siti. 21 d Twenty-first Section of " The Charitable Trusts Act, 1858," of authorizing th.- ^'[•'^i^^'*-'^- Application of Monies belonging to any Cliarity or to be raised on the Security of the Properties tln-reof, to the Improvement of such Projierties, shall extend to authorize the Application of any like Monies to any other Purpose or Object which t lie Board shall consider to be beneficial to the Charity or the Estate or Objects thereof, ami wlii li sh.iil vnt !).• inconsistent witii the Trusts or Intentions of the Foundation. [• Repealed by the Statulr f.aw Revision Act. 1875 (38 & ."^f) I'irt. c. if. i D 1 oztended. S8 DEALINGS WITH REAI. ESTATE. UoMnl raiiy Scheiiii's for lettin-; Chiiritablo Property. Hoikrd, under sitecial Circiini- sUtni-vs, mny authoriiiv Sale or En-hnii'je of Cli:iril_v Lands. IC. T. Act, 1855.! 39. It shall bo lawful for the Board to prepare, and iiiuli-r th.'ir seal to api)rovc of, any Scheme for the letting of the Property or any Part of the Property of any Charity ; and all Leases granted by any Tnistees or Persons acting in the Management of any Charity, pursiumt to or in conformity with such Scheme, shall be valid. I C. T. Act, 1853.] 24. Upon Application to the said Board by the Trustees or Persons acting in the Administration of any Charity, representing to the said Poanl that, nnder the s])ecial Circumstances of any Land belongiui,' to the Charity, a Sale or Exchange of such Land can be ellected on such Terms as to inc'reasc the Income of the Charity, or would otherwise l)e advantageous to the Charity, .«uch Board may, if they think lit, inquire into such Circumstances, and 'if after Incpiiry they are satisfied that the propo.sed Sale or Exchange will be advantag(;ous to the Charity may authorize the Sale or Exehans,'P, and give such Directions in relation thereto, and for securing the due investment of the Money arising from any such Sale, or by May of Equality of Exchange for the Benefit of the Charity, as they may think lit. Board may [ C. T. Act, 1853.J 25- The said Board shall have Authority, upon autliorizo the sucli Application as aforesaid, to authorize the Sale to the Owners of the Rodempiion j^,j,j cliari,'ed tlierewith of any llentcharge. Annuity, or other periodical chargS" Pavment charged uiH)n Land 'and i)ayable to or for the Benefit of any Charity, or applicable to Charitable Purposes, upan such Terms and Conditions as they may deem beneficial to the Charity, and to give such Directions for securing* the due Investment of the Money arising from such Sale for the Benefit of the Charity, or for securing the due Application thereof to such Charitable Purposes, as they may think fit ; and in like IManner the Trustees of any Charity, with the Consent of the Board, may purchase any Hentchnrge "or other yearly Payment to which the Charity Estate is or siiall be liable. Leases.Salcs [C. T. Act, 1853.] 26. Tiic Leases, Sales, Exciianges, and other &c.8iitho- Transactions authorized by such Board under the Powers of this Act shall rizedby the 1^,^^.^ ^|,p jji-g j^jVcct and Validity as if thev had been authorized or directed BmvA to be ^^^ ^^^^ express Terms of the Trust affectiAg the Charity. Leases, &c. to be viilid, not wit li- sfnnding disabling Acts. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 38. All Leases, Sales, Exchanges, Partitions,* and Transactions authorized by the Board under the principal Actf or this Act sliall be valid and effectual, notwithstanding tlie Act of the Thirteenth Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, Chapter Ten, the Acts of the Fourteenth Year of the same Queen, Chajjters Eleven and Pourteen, the Acts of the Eighteenth Year of the same Queen, Chapters Six and Eleven, the Act of the Tliirtv-ninth Year of the same Queen, Chapter Five, and the Act of the Twenty-first year of the Reign of King James the First, Chapter One, or any disabliiig Act ai)plicable to the Charity the Estates Avhereof shall be the Subject of any such Transaction. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 32. The Board may authorize the Application of any Funds belonging to any Charity in i'ayments for Equality of Exchange P-iymeut for oi-^pj^rtition,* or in Payment of any Expenses incident thereto, or may Excbiliffe or authorize the Trustees to raise any Money for such Purposes by Mortgage of Partitiou. any Land acquired on such Exchange or Partition,* or belonging to the Charitv. Board may authorize Expenses of Exchanges and Parti- tions, and determining Application of CharKea. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 34. The Expenses incidental to the Application for and procuring of any such Order of Excliange or Partition* .... shall be paid by the Trustees or Administrators of the Charity, or by the other Parties to such Transactions, or by both, as the Board may direct. [T/j/« section is printed in full in Appendix, No. 1, ])■ 74.] [* Xcil/icr this Act, nor the Art of 1853 contains any section empoioering the Commissioners to aiilhorisr partitions. C/auses numbered 39, 41, and 42 were introduced for that purpose into the Bill of 1855, as presented btj the Lord Chancellor, but were struck out in Committee of the House of Comynons.] [t i.e., the Charitable Trusts Act, 1863.] DEALINGS WITH REAL ESTATE. 29 [C. T. Act, 1855.] 35. Any incorporated Charity, or the Trustees Incorporated of any Clmrity, whether incorporated or not, may, with the Consent of the J^lwrities aud Board, invest IMouey arising- from any Sale of Land helonging to the Charity, ci',a|'{**'* "'^ ities or received by way of Equality of Exchange or Partition,* in the Purchase of mayrp-invest Land, and may hold sucli Land, or any Laud acquired by way of Exchange or iu Land. Partition,* for the Benefit of such Charity, Avithout any Licence in ^Mortmain. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 36. All Orders of the Board for the Investment Or.ier of of Monev coming to any Ciiaritv or the Trustees thereof on any Sale, j^°'"''* ^'"" Exchange, or Partition* sliall be carried into effect by the Trustees or Jo bT(^S Persons administering the Charity ; and all Monies which the Board shall i„to effect, order to be provided out of any Income or Property of a Charity for the and Cost to Payment of the Costs of any such Transaction sliall be provided or raised by ^® ra'sed. the Trustees or Administrators of the Charity, and applied accordingly. [0. T. Act, 1855.] 37. It shall be lawful for the Board to authorize Board may or order aiul direct the Oflicial Trustee of Charity Lands .... to directOfficial Trustees to convey \_T/us section is printed in full in Ai)pendix, No. \, p. 74.] Lands, &c. convey Lands as the Board shall think expedient. convey [C. T. Act, 1855.] 16. The acting Trustees of every Charity, or the Power to Majority of them, provided that such ^Jajority do not consist of less than noting Three Persons, shall have at Law and ia Equity Powx^r to grant all such ,o ^^,^t* Leases or Tenancies of Land belonging thereto, and vested in the OlTicial Leases. Trustee of Charity Lands, as they would have Power to tri-int in the due Administration of the Charity if the same Land were leijallv vested in themselves ; and all Covenants, Conditions, and Remedies contained in or incident to any Lease or Tenancy so granted shall be eiiforceable by and against the Trustees or Persons acting in the Administration of ihe Charity for the Time being, and their Alienees or Assigns, in like Manner as if such Lands liad been legally vested in the Trustees granting such Lease (jr Tenancy at the Time of the Execution thereof, and had legally I'emained iu or luid devolved to such Trustees or Administrators for the Time being, their Alienees or Assigns, subject to the same Lease or Tenancy. [C. T. Act, i860.] 16. A Majority of Two Thirds of the Trustees A Majority of anil Chitritii assembled at a Meeting of their Bodti dulii constituted, and <'f Trustees 7 • D tit ■ i< 1 n I -r> ft- tr 1 to have legal liamng rower to determine on any oate, ±jxcliange, Fartilwn, Murlyaye, po„erof Lease, or other Dii^positioji of any Property of the Charity, shall also hace dealing with a legal Power, on behalf of themselves and their Co-trustees, and also of the the Charity Official Trustee of Charity Lands, where his Concurrence would be otherwise ^'''*'®*- required, to do, enter tnto, and execute all such Acts, Deeds, Contracts, and Assurances as shall be requisite for carrying any such Sale, Exchange, Partition, Mortgage, Lease, or Disposition into legal Effect, and all such Acts, Deeds, Contracts, or Assurances shall have the same legal Effect as if the same were respectively done, entered into, or executed by all the acting Trustees for the Time being, and by the said Official Trustee. ^ [C. T. Act, 1869.] 12. Where the trustees or persons acting in the Leyal power administration of any charity have power to determine on any sale, exchange, °|! "">jof'tj partition, mortgage, lea.-e, or other disposition of any pro])erty of the charity, to.l.ai with a majority of those trustees or persons who are present at a meeting of their e Imrity body duly constituted and vote on the question shall have and be deemed to estates, have always had full power to execute and do all such assurances, acts, .•ind things as may be re(iuisite for carrying any such sale, exchange, partition, mortgage, lease, or disposition into effect, and all such assurances, acts, and thinijs shall have the same effect as if they were respectively executed and done by all such trustees or persons for tlic time brinu'' nnd liv i]i(> itllicial trustee of charity lands. [• Neither t/iit Act, nor the Act of IS.'iS contains ant/ section empotrcring tlie Commissiontr* to aiilhori\c piirfitions. Clnusfs iiiiinbrred XK 41, and V2 irere intriidiiirit for iliat purpose hit a the Hill of ISi'iJ, ns presented hy the Lord Chaiiretfor, tint were ttriick out in 1't.minitttr <;/' ihc House of Ci'ihiitonsA [t JUpcakd by C/taritablc Trusts Act, 1860, stcl. 17 (p. 72).] D3 80 PRESERVA.TION OF CHABITY PEOPKRTT. VII.— Provisions as to the Preservation of Charity Property by means of— (1.) THE OFFICIAL TRUSTEE OF CHARITY LANDS; (2.) THE OFFICIAL TRUSTEES OF CHATilTABLE FUNDS; (3.) THE VESTING OR TRANSFER OF PROPERTY OTHER- WISE THAN BY ORDER OF A COURT OR JUDGE; ^4.) THE DEPOSIT FOR SAFE CUSTODY AND THE ENROL- MENT OF DEEDS, WILLS, OR DOCUMENTS ; (5.) THE EXEMPTION FROM INCOME TAX OF DIVIDENDS UPON STOCK IN THE PUBLIC FUNDS. (6.) THE TAXATION OF BILLS OF COSTS. (1.) THE OFFICIAL TRUSTEE OF CHARITY LANDS. {(1.) Coustitntion of the Official Trustee of Charity Lands. S..crotnry to [C. T. Act, 1853.] 47. The Secrctaiy for the Time being of the said bi; Tmi>nrer Board shall In virtue of his A])])ointment be the Treasurer of Public of fhiiriiies ; Charities ; and such Treasurer shall for the Purposes of taking, holding, *urei- loTc « eonveyinsr, assigning, transferring, and transmitting Ileal Property, including Corporation Leaseholds for Lives or Years, be a Corporation Sole by the Name of " The Treasurer of Public Charities," and by that Name shall have perpetual Succession, and plead and be impleaded before all Courts, .Justices, and others. The Officinl 'Irustcf of Charitj LddiI.s con- Htituted. [C. T. Act, 1855. J 15. Tbe Secretary for the Time being of the Board shall be a Corporation Sole by the Name of " The OflBcial Trustee of Charity Lands," for taking and holding Charity Lands, and by that Name (instead of the Name of " Treasurer of Public Chaiuties ") shall have perpetual Succession ; and all Land, or Estates or Interests in Land, now vested in the "Tnasurer of I'ublic Charities" by that Name shall become, upon the passing of this Act, and by virtue thereof, vested in like Manner and upon the same Trusts in " The Official Trustee of Charity Lands," and all Provisions of the principal Act which have reference to the Treasurer of Public Charities shall operate as if the Name of the " Official Trustee of Charity Lands " had been used therein instead of the Name of " Treasurer of Public Charities." [C. T. Act, 1887.J 5. The official trustee of charity lands shall be autliorised and be ileemed always to have been authorised to take and hold all such land and estate or interest in land, as, in pursuance of an order of the chTrhy kn.is Board, is conveyed to or vested in liim by any deed or assurance or to take and Otherwise. liold land. {b.) Vesting Land in the Official Trustee of Charity Lands. [C. T. Act, 1853.] 48. Where any Land, or any Term or Estate therein, holdeu upon trust for any Charity, shall be vested in any Persons other than the Persons acting in the Administration and Application of the llents ; or where tliere shall be no Trustees thereof, or the Trustees, or any of them, shall be unwilling to act, or it shall be uncertain in whom such Land, Term or Estate, shall be vested, or all, or any of the Persons in whom such Land, Term or Estate, shall l)e vested, cannot be found, or shall be under Age, lunatic, or of unsound mind, (whether found such by Inquisition or not,) or otherwise inctipable of acting, or shall be out of the Jurisdiction or not- amenable to the Process of the Court of Chancery, or where by reason of Dorlar.ll ion as to pyuer of offipial trustee of Land lioldan upon trust for a Charity, subject to •Jurisdiction of Court of Chancery and of Judge, may be vested in Treasurer. The official trustee oi charity lands. 3i the reduced Number of Trustees or other Causes a valid Appointment of new- Trustees cannot be made, or where by reason of the Expenses incident to the Appointment of new Tmstees, and the Conveyance or Assignment of such Land, Term or Estate, to such new Trustees, it shall appear to the Court of Chancery, or to any Judge of such Court or of any Court having Jurisdiction with respect to such Charity under this Act,* desirable so to do, such Court or Judge may Order that such Land, Term or Estate, be vested in such Treamre);f and thereupon the same shall vest in such Treasio'erf and his Successors for all the Estate and Interest holden in trust for the Charity as aforesaid, without any Conveyance or Assurance thereof ; but no such*^Vesting Order Proviso, as aforesaid, shall be made in respect of any Land, or Term or Estate as aforesaid, holden in Trust as aforesaid, vested in a Corporation, without the Consent of the Corporation ; and no such Vesting Order shall take effect in respect of any Copyhold Land without the Consent of the Lord of the !Manor ; and the Court of Chancery, or sucli Judge, may direct such periodical or other Payment, as such Court or Judge may think fit, to be made to the Ijord of the Manor, in compensation for Fines or other Profits which would have become due upon Death or Admittance of Tenants. [Local Government Act, 1894 (56 & 57 Vict. c. 73).] 52. (4.) Where the legal estate in any propertj' ip vestcil in the churchwardens and overseers of any parish \>y virtue of the Poor Relief Act, 1819. nothing in the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1891, shall be deemed to require the consent of such churchwardens and overseers in their capacity as a corporation under that Act, or of the pari-h council as their successors, to a vesting order under those Acts dealing with the said legal estate. Provided that nothing in this section shall art'ect any rights, powers, or duties of the churchwardens and overseers or the parish council, in cases where they have active powers of management [C. T. Act, 1853.] 49. It shall be lawful for any Court or Judge by Orders may whom respectively any such Vesting Order may have been made, or for ^ '"'""''^ '"•-" any other Court or Judge having Jurisdiction in the Matter, if it shall LamH^ctcin so seem fit to such Court or Judge, from Time to Time to order that all or any the Trustee, Part of the Land, Term or Estate, wliieh shall for the Time being be vested of tin; in the said Treasurer-f by virtue of any sucli Vesting Order as aforesaid, shall '-''^'"""y- be devested, and that the same shall be vested in the acting Trustee or Trustees for the Time being of the Charity ; and such last-mentioned Order siuill operate to vest such Land, Term and Estate, in the Trustees or Trustee therein named witliout any Cojiveyance or Assurance. [C. T. Act, I860.] 2. Tlie Board of Charity Commissioners for Certain England and Wales, subject to the Ilestrictions and Riglits of Appeal herein- *fl°""'*"""- after provided, shall have Power from Time to Time, upon the Application to^ewT"^ [•xer- Couimis- sioiKT:). of any Person or I'crsons who, under tlie Forty-third Section of "The ei sable by Chaiitable Trusts Act, 1853, might be authorized to apply to any Judge or tbe Charity Court for the like Purposes, to make such effectual Orders as may now be made by any Judge of the Court of Chancery sitting at Chambers, or by any County Court or District Court of Baii/cruptci/ X [for the appointment ur removal of Trustees of any Ciiarity .... or] for or relating fo the .... vesting of any Real .... Estate belonging thereto,§ .... [^This section is printed in full in Appendix, No. 1, p. 75.] (c.) Conditions of Trmtceship of the Official Trustee of Charity Lands. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 37. It shall be lawful for tlie Board to authorize iwni maj- or order and direct the OOlcial Trustee of Charity Lands .... to :|4';j^j^^,^*j'='' convev Ijauds . . . . as the Board shall think expedient. conTey Lamu, \_Thi8 section is printed in full in Appendix, No. \, p. 74.] &c. [• Fill the jurisdiction under the Charitable Trusts Arts (1) of a Judr/v of the Chancer;/ Division of tlie Hiijh Court of Justice at Chambers, srr p. 61; (2) of the Chancer;/ Court of the County Palatine of Lancusirr, sec />. rniit tlie Persons acting in the Administration of the Charity to liave the Possession, Management, and Control of the Trust Estates, and the Application of the Income thereof, as if the same had been vested in thorn. fC. T. Act, 1855.] 16. Tin- Actinir Trustees of every Charity, or the :M;iJorily'of them, ])r(>vided tlint such Majority do not consist of less than Three Persons, shall have at Law and in Equity Power to grant all such Leases or Teiumcies of Land holonging tlioreto, and vested in the Official Trustee of Charity Lands, as they would have Power to o-rant in the due Administration of' the Charity if the same Land were legally vested in them- selves ; and all Covenants, Conditions, and l^emedies contained in or incident to any Lease or Tenancy so granted shall be enforceable by and against the Trustees or Persons acting in the Administration of the Charity for the Time being, and their Alienees or Assigns, in like Manner as if such Lands had l)een k-gally vested in the Trustees granting such Lease or T(Muincy at the Time of the Execution thereof, and had legally remained in or liad devolved to such Trustees or Administrators for the Time being, their Alienees or Assigns, subject to the same l^ease or Tenancy. [C. T. Act, 1860. 1 16. A JL'jori/,/ of Two Thirds of the Trustees of any Charitif asscnifjlcd at a Jleetiiit/ of their Body duly constituted, and having Vovcr to determine on any .Sale, Exchanye, Partition, Mortgage, Lease, or other J)isj)OHition of any Property of the Charity, shall also hace a legal Puircr, on behalf of themselves and their Co-ti-ustees, and also of the OJjicial Trustee of Chart fy Lands, tchere his Concur re ,ce would be other- wise required, to do, enter into, and execute all such Acts, Deeds, Contracts, and Assurances as shall be requisite for carrying any such Sale, Exchange, Partition, Mortgage, Lease, or Disposition into legal Effect, and all such Acts, Deeds, Contracts, or Assurances shall have the same legal Effect as if the same were respectively done, entered into, or executed by all the acting Trustees for the Time being, and by the said Official Trustee.X [C. T. Act, 1869.] 12. Where the trustees or persons acting in the administration of any cliarity have power to determine on any sale, exchange, partition, mortgage, k\'\sc, or other disposition of any property of the charity, a majority of those trustees or persons who are pi'esent at a meeting of their body duly constituted and vote on the question shall have and be deemed to have always had lull power to execute and do all such assurances, acts, and things as may be requisite for carrying any such sale, exchange, partition, mortgage, lease, or disposition into eifect, and all such assurances, acts, and things shall have the same effect as if they were respectively executed and done by all such trustees or persons for the time being and by the official trustee of charity lands. (2.) THE OFFICIAL TB USTEES OF CHARITABLE FUNDS. («.) Constitution of the Official Trustees. [C. T. Act, 1853.J 51. The Secretary for the Time being of the said aJ'tenglnKto Board, and such other public Officer or Officers as the Lord Chancellor shall 'oSIifjuma^i'-^' ('Itpoint, shall be official Trustees of Charitable Funds,\ .... iJSSeto'omriM \This section is printed in full in Appendix, No. 1, p. 74.] Tnulces. Judfte ir«.v order Trust© s. Ac. Appoint- nienti ot Olficial Trustees of Charitable Funds regulated. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 17. The Lord Chancellor may from Time to Time Ity Writing under his Hand appoint any Persons to be, jointly with the Secretary for the Time being of the said Board, the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, and remove any such Trustees, and every such Ajijjointment or Bemoval shall be 2->ublished in the London Gazette.^ • See section 49 of the Charitable Trusts Act, 1853 {p. 31).] t Now '' The Official 'J'rustee of Cliarity Lands."] 'i Jicjiealed by the Charitable Trusts Jet, 18G9, sect. 17 (p. 72).] § liepealed by the Charitable Trusts Act, 1887, sect. 6 [^p. 1'2).~\ The official TRUStEES OF CHAftiTAfeLE FUNDS, 83 [C. T. Act, 1855.J 18. The present'' Official Trustees of Charitable Such Tms. Funds, and their Successors, to he so oppointed,* shall have perpc tual 't" to have Succession by the Xame ui" " The Official Trustees of Cliaritabk- Funds," P^-T'etuul and may hold by that Xame Stock in the Pul)lic Funds, and Stock and and may hold Sliares of any Public Company, Securities, and Monies, which shall Funds in that resj)cetive]y devolve to tlieir Successors, the Official Trustees of Charitable ^"^e. Funds for the Time being, Avithout Transfer or Assignment. [C. T. Act, 1355.] 19. -/// Stock in the F>'blic Funds vested In the Funds lo joint Names of Henry 2Ior(j(tn Vane, Thomas Hare, and jrall,er Skirrow, vest in tho Esquires, the present Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, shall upon the P"''^''*' pa.s-.sinfj of thin Act he transferred hj the Governor and Compaiiij of tlie Bank i^cT\m^°^ 'if Fnyland from tlieir Names to tlie Account of the OJJicial Trustees of behig!™^ Charitable Funds.'f [C. T. Act, 1887.] 4.— (1.) From and after the date fixed by a Ara.^ndment regulation under tliis section,J such officers of the Board as the Board with oft^'lixniahlo tho approval of the Treasury from time to time appoint shall, in lieu of the aJ^tfoffidal pers(ms mentioned in the Charitable Trusts Amendment Act, LS'i."), be tlie t"nisn>ps of* official trustees of charitable funds : thariiable Provided that any inspector or officer of the Board, who at the passino- of ^"°''*- tliis Act is official trustee of charitable funds, and is not, after the passin" of tills Act, appointed to be official trustee shall, Avhile he continues to hold his inspectorship or office, receive not less salary than he received while official trustee l^This section is printed in full in Appendix, No, 1, p. 76.] (/>.) Statutory Indemnity to the Official Trustees. [C. T. Act, I860.] 17. No Official Trustee of Charitable Funds, oiR.ial appointed under or in pursuance of the first or second li/ recited Act, ^ shall 'i'lu^tee not be chargeable with or accountable for any Loss or Misappliciition of tiie '"'"-' "l^- said Charitable Funds, or the Dividends, Interest, or Income thereof, unless Lq"" uaW^a' the same shall have been occasioned by or through his own wilful Neglect occnsioncd or ])efault. > l>y '''■* own Ne"lect. (c.) Provisions authorising Transfers and Payments to the Official Trustees. [C. T. Act, 1853.] 51. • ; ■ • Where Trustees or other Persons having in their Names, or in the Name of any deceased Person of whom they are Re[)resentatives, in the Books of the Bank of England, or of the East India or South Sea Company, or of any other public Company, any Annuities, Stock or Shares, or holding any Government or Parliamentary or other Securities in trust for any Charity, shall b(; desirous to transfer or deposit the same to or with the said official Trustees in trust for such Charity, or where any Persons shall be desirous of transferi'ing or depositing as aforesaid any Aniuiitie>, Stocks, Shares, or Securities, for discharging any Legacy or Charge given or made to or for the Beneht of any Charity, or where it shall apjjcar to the Coiu-t of Chancery, or to any -Judge of such Coitrt, or of any District Court of Bankruplci/, orj| County Court having Jurisdiction under this Act,^ that any Annuities, Stock, Shares, or Securities, iield in trust for any Charity ought, for the Purpose of Security or convenient Administration, to be transferred or deposited as aforesaid, it shall lie lawful for such Court or .Judge to order the Transfer or Deposit ol' such Annuities, Stock, Shares, or Securities to or with such official Trustees. [This section is printed in full in Appendix, No. 1, p. Ti.] [* TJv pealed In/ the Charitiible Trusts Act, 1887, sect. (! {p. 72).] [| liepealetl hi/ the Sliitiitr J.itw /{cvin'im Act, 187.") (.'W >y .!!> I'ict. c. Gt!.).] [I 1st April ISSO. See Treasuri/ lief/nliitions of'l'tli March \iMi9, clause 1 (yi. ;>()). j [^ Itr/H'i/ri/ hi/ the Charllahle Trusts Art, IsSj", sect, (i (/». 7"J).j I il i:, prilled hi/ the S/atiite Line /iVi'^.km Art, 1^;)2 (55 .V .")(! I'ict. c. 11).).] \*\ For the JiirisdictioH under the (hriritahle Trusts Acts (1) of a Judiic of the Chancenj Diriuuu if the Ilfjh Ciiurt of Ju.^/icc at Chniilirrs, see p. 61 ; (2) , subject to the Restrict icms and Riglits of Appeal herein-after provided, shall have Power from Time to Time, upon the Application of any Person or Persms Avho, under the Forty-third Section of "The Churitahl(> Trusts Act, 1853," might be authorized to api)]y to any .Tiulge or Court for the like Pur])oscs, to make such effectual Orders as may now be made by any Judge of the Court of Chancery sitting at Chambers, or by any County Vonrt or JJ/.'ifricf Com-/ of Bankriiptct/* [for the appoint- ment or removafof Trustees of any Charity . . . . or] for or relating to the Assurance, Ti-ansfer, Payment, or vesting of any .... Personal Estate belonging thereto, or entitling the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds ..... to call for a Transfer of and to transfer any Stock belonging to such Estatef .... [This section is printed in full in Appendix, J^o. 1, j). 75.] [C. T. Act, 1860.J 12. Any Court or Judge, or the said Board, having Jiu-isdiction to authorize the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds to call for a Transfer of and to transfer any Annuities, Stock, or Securities, may cmpo'n'er the?n also to receive and recover, in trust for the Charity to which the same shall belong, all Dividends, Interest, and Income accrued from any such Annuities, Stock, or Securities respectively, and Avhich shall for the Time being be in arrear. (f/.) Functions of the Official Trustees, and Provisions regulating the Mode in lohirh the Business of the Official Trustees generally is to he conducted. Secretary to [C. T. Act, 1853.] 52. The Secretary of the said Board shall keep keep sppiinitc f^p ^,„ ra ( e yJccounts (f tlic Annuities, Stock, Shares, and Securities belonging Fuiids'of ** ^^ ^^'^^' *'^/''"''«'^ Charity, andX the said official Trustees shall pay the Dividends each Charity. Or Interest or Income thereof to the Trustees or Persons acting in the Administration of such Charity, or otherwise dispose thereof, and transfer such Annuities, Stock, Shares, or Securities (when Occasion shall require), as the Court of Chancery, or any Judge of such Court, or of any District Court of Bankruptcy, or^ County Court having Jurisdiction under this Act, || or other lawful Authoritv, shall direct. Board may direct Official Trustees lo •onvey Lands, &c. [C. T. Act, 1855.J 37. It shall be lawful for the Board to authorize or order and direct .... the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds .... to assign, transfer, and pay over Stocks, Funds, Monies, and Sccixrities, as the Board shall think expedient. {^This section is printed in full in Appiendix, No. 1, p. 74.] [• Repealed by the Statute Laic Revision Act, 1875 (38 ^ 39 Vict. c. 66.).] [t For l/ic jfrovifions of the Cliarituble Trusts Acts, u-hich regulafe the exercise bij the Charity Commissioners of their jurisdiction Miller this section to make orders for the transfer, t^c. of personal eitatr l>clo?n/inf/ In Charities, see p. 38.] [J Repealed by the Charitable Trusts Act, 1887, sect. 6 {p. 72).] § Repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1892 (55 ^-56 Vict. c. 19.).] Il See footnote % on preceding page-l THE OFFICIAL TRUSTEES OF CHABITABLE FCND8, 35 [C. T. Act, 1855.] 20. Tlio OfTicial Trustees of Charitable Funds The Official shall, for the Purposes of their Trust, keep a Banking Account in tlieir 'Irustees official Name in the Books of the Govornor and (Jompintij of* the Bank of 'o '^e*!' England, and the Secretary of the Board shall keep separate Accounts ^^^coun^ of the Monies held upon such Account, and ttelonging to each separate Char it I/. i [C. T. Act, 1855.] 23. All Principal Monies belonging to any Charity As to Uis- directed to be paid to the Official Trustees of Ciiaritable Funds shall be P°-"' ."^ paid to their Accoimt at the Bank, and, subject to any Order of the Coiu-t f''"^?'P'^' T 1 p ji -ry 1-1 1 • 1 i- 1 ,1 *^i. 1 11 1 Jjouieg paid or J udgc or ot the Board by which resjjcctivcly the Payment shall have to thera. been authorized, shall be forthwith invested in the Public Funds in the Names of the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, for the Benefit of the Charity to which they shall belong. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 24. The Diridends arising from all Stock in All Divi- tbe Public Funds standing in the Name of the Official Ti'ustees of 'leuds and Charitable Funds shall from Time to Time be received by the Governor and J^'^'^q^"* Company of* the Bank of England, under the Authority of this Act, for the cial Trustees Credit of the said Official Trustees, and shall be placed to their JBanking of Charitable Account accordingly ; and all Dividends and Interest arising from any Funds to l.e other Stock, Shares, or Securities standing in the Name of or held by the ^,'".^''1/" . , Official Trustees of Charitable Funds shall be paid only to the Governor and ;„„ Account. Company of* the Bank of England for the Account of the same Trustees ; and the said Trustees shall from Time to Time execute to the said Governor and Company all such Powers as shall he found necessary for enabling them to receive and give effectual Discharges for the last-mentioned Dividends and Interest.-}; [C. T. Act, 1855.] 21. All Orders for Payment of any Money held Mode of upon such Banking Account shall be signed by One at least of the Official 'i>"wi°? "n Trustees of Charitable Funds, not being the Secretary of the Board, and also Account '°^ by the Secretary, and shall be countersigned by One of the Commissioners, or shall be otherwise signed or authenticjited in such Maimer as the Lord Chancellor shall from Time to Time by Order under his Hand direct ; and such Orders shall be a sufficient Authority to the Bank payuig the same for all such Payments. J [C. T. Act, 1855.] 25. No Transfer of any Stock, Shares, or Securities For the shall be made to the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, nor shall any K'^ulation Money, other than the Dividends or Interest of any such Stock, Shares, aLn'aT-^" or Securities as aforesaid, be paid to their Account, except in pursuance* „„.nis to of an Order of the Court of Chancery, or of some Judge thereof, or of or !>>• the a District Court of Bankruptcy or\ County Court, or of the Board ; and O'^'c""' no Transfer of any such Stock, Shares, or Securities shall be made Ijy the ''"•■^*^^=* Official Trustees, except under the Order of such Court or Judge, or under the Order of the Board signed by Two Commissioners, or authenticated in such Manner as the Lord Chancellor from Time to Time by any Order under his Hand direct ;|| and no Transfer to or by the Official Trustees shall be |)ormitted by the Governor and Company of* the Bank of England or any other Company contrary to this Provision. [0. T. Act, 1855.1 26. Copies of all Orders made by any Court or Copies of Judge for any Transfer, Deposit, or Payment of Stock, Shares, Securities, or ^TZ'^a^'' Monies to or by tlu^ Official Trustees of Charitable Funds shall be forthwith .oumofih* transmitted to the Board by the Parties obtaining siieli Orders. I^I'lo t^cnt [* Repealed by (lie Statute Law Revision .tet, 1892 (55 & 56 Virt. c. 19.).] [t liepealeil b;/ the Cliiiritiihle Tni>:ts Art, 1S87, .w/. t> (p. 72).] \X But sec now the Ciiaritable Trusts Art, 1SS7, sert. 4, sub-sects. 2 (b.) and 1 ( />. .Ifi), and Treasurij licf/idafioiis oj'iltli March 18S0, clause 4 {p. 37).] [§ Repealed b>i the Statute Law Rerision Act, 1S7.5 (."IS .V 30 Vict. c. W.).] [\\ But see now the Charitable Trusts Act, 1SS7, -feet. 4, .tub-sects. 2 {b.) and 4 (/». ,3fi), and Treasury Regulations of 21th March 1889, clauses 4 and 9 {p. 37). J E 2 to the Board. 3^ THE OFFICIAL TRUSTEES OF CHARITABLE FCNDS. Indemnity ^Q rp j^qI^ 1855. i 27. Kvorv Or(lts Act, 18X7. sha'l be the Orficial Trustees <. 1-2.] Income Tax. (/".) Annual Account to lie laid before Pa7'liament. I C. T. Act, 1860. 1 18. Tho Official TrusU-es of Charitable Funds Accounts sliall lay bcfore'rarliament annually, on or lieforo tlu> Fourlf.Mith Day "f j^f^fj"'"' February, or as soon as ])racticable after I'arliamcnt shall b(> sitting, .nn p^rHamen,, Account of the total Amount of the Capital Stock, Shares, and Securities [• Repealed by t/ie Staiule Law Itcvitton Act, 1S92 (55 4r 66 Vict. e. 19.).] 3g VKSTING PKOPEKTY. transferred to them iu the Year endini: the Thirty-first Day of December precediii", and of the total Amount ol' Monies, other tlian Dividends or Interest, \n\\d to them or to tlieir Aeeount durinij; the same J'eviod, and of the Investment thereof , and of the Capital Stock, Shares, and Securities sold or retransferred by tlicm durin^f the same Period, and of the aggregate Anicnint of the Capital Stock, Shares, Funds, and Securities, and the Bahii of Cash, held by them on such preceding Thirty -first Day of December. ;ince Official Thustees of Ciiaiutable Funds. Regulatious mode by the Treasury uuder Section 4 of the Charitable Trusts Act, 1887 (50 & 51 Vict. c. 49). 8. Tlio annual account to be laid before Parliament under section IS of tlic Charitable Trusts Act, 1S60, shall be prepared in such form as the Treasury may from time to time prescribe or approve. [jFbr oilier Treasunj Regulations, see p. 36.] (3.) THE VESTING OR TRANSFER OF PROPERTY, OTHER- WISE THAN BY ORDER OF A COURT OR JUDGE. {a.) Charities generally. Certain [C. T. Act, 1860. | 2. The Board of Charity Commissioners for administra- England and Wales, subject to the Restrictions and flights of Appeal hercin- to'be e":^"** ^'^•^'' V^'ovided, siiall have power from Time to Time, upon the Apj)lication of cisablcl.ytlie any Person or Persons who, under the Forty-third Section of "The Charitable Charit) Com- Trusts Act, 1853," might be authorized to a])ply to any Jiulge or Coiirt for miseioners. |.]„. jjj^p Purposes, to make such elfectual Orders as may now be made l)y any Judge of the Court of Chancery sitting at Chambers, or ])y any County Court or District Court of Batikntptcy* [for the appointment or removal of Trustees of any Charity .... or] tor or relating to the Assurance, Transfer, PaymtMit, or A-esting of any Real or Personal Estate belonging thereto, or entitling the Ofiicial Trustees of Charitable Funds, or any other Trustees, to call for a Transfer of and to transfer any Stock belonging to such Estate,f .... [This section is printed in full in Appendix, No. 1, p. 75.] By whom [C. T. Act, 1853.] 43. Every application to any Judge or Court Applications under the .Jurisdiction created or conferred by any of the Provisions of this may e ma e. ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ made by Her Majesty's Attorney General, or, subject to the Provision.s aforesaid, by all or any One or more of the Trustees or Persons administering or claiming to administer, or interested in, the Charity wliich shall be the Subject of such Application, or any Two or more Inhabitants of any Parish or Place within which the Charity is administered or applicable ; {^This section is printed in full in Appendix, No. 1, p. 74.] The Powers [C. T. Act, 1860. J 4. Tile said Board shall not make any Order, to be cxer- under the Jurisdiction vested in them by this Act, with respect to any no Charities Charity of which the gross annual Income, exclusively of the yearly Value of which the of any Buildings or Land used wholly for the Purposes thereof, and not gross Income yielding any pecuniary Income, shall amount to Fifty Pounds or upwards, SO/^wilhout ^'^^''I'^ "P"" ^''*" -^ppli^^'^tion of tiie Trustees or Persons acting in the Admiuis- Applkililon* fration of the Charity, or a :Majority of them, to be made to th(> said Board cf Trustees, in AVriting under their Hands if they shall be unincorporated, or under their Common Seal if they shall be incorporated, .... \^This section is printed in full in Appendix, No. 1, p. 75.] [• Repealed hi/ the Statute Late Eevhinn Act, 1875 f38 S, 39 Vict. c. 66.).] [^ For the jurisdiction under the Charitable Trusts Acts (1) of a Judye of the Chancery Division of the Hicjh Court of Justice at Chambers, srr p. 61 ; (2) of the Chancery Court of the County Palatine of Lancaster, see p. 64 ; and (3) of the County Court, seep. 65.] VESTING I'UOPKKTY. 3y [C. T. Act, 1869.] 5. An application to the Board of Charity Com- Mode of missiuucrs Jor Jiiigluud and Wales, lur the purposes of the Charitable Trusts "ppl'tation Acts, 1853 1o 1S69, when made by the trustees or persons acting in the ^° "'"^ " administration of the charity, may be made in writing signed by any person authorised in tliat behalf by a resolution passed by a majority of thost; trustees or persons who arc present at a meeting of tlieir body duly constituted and vote on the question. [C. T. Act, I860.] 10. The Jurisdiction vested by this Act in the said Powers to be Board shall be exercisable with reference to Charities vested in any Cor- »Pi>l>^'''e to poration Sole or Aggregate^ wlio, either solely or jointly with any other ^pg"[.|i'in Person or Persons, shall also l)e the Recipients of the Benefit thereof. Corpora- tionf, &c [C. T. Act, 1869.] 15. So mueh of tlie Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 Extmsion to 1869, as authorises and relates to orders of the Board [f-.r the appointment ''l,^^\l°^ or removal of trustees of a charity, or] for or relating to the vesting of any ,e;;'istered real or personal estate; belonging thereto, .... shall extend to places of buildings registered as ])laces of meeting for religious worship with the relit^ious Registrar General of Births, Deaths, or Marriages in England, and l)ona fide ""''''"'P- used as places of meeting for religious worship: Provided that no such order shall be made except upon the applicafion of the trustees or jxM-sons acting in the administration of the Charity, made in manner provided by section four of the Charitable Trusts Act, 1S60,* or by this Act.f Save as" provided by this section, such buildings shall continue exempted from the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 18Urtitled by an order of the Charity Commissioners, made upon the application of one or more of the trustees or persons acting in the administration thereof, to be held upon the «ime trusts as any I)\iihling registennl and used as abu-esaid, or upon like trusts, and to he in respect of situation so connected with or held or used in connexion with such buildinir that it cannot conveniently be se])ai'ated therefrom : Provided always that so much of llu^ Charitable Trusts Acts. 1853 to 1891, as by virtue of the fifteenth section of the Charitable Trusts .Vet. 18(5!). extends ;!•_'& ;w Vict, to buildinu-s re^■istered and used as aforesaid, shall also extend to iho c. lU. :<. l.). properties declared to be exempted by this Act in the sjime manner and subject to the same restrictions as the l)uildings registered and used as aforesaid. rC. T. Act, 1860.1 5. Tlie said Board also shall not exercise the The is.Mir.l Jurisdiction hereby vested in them in any Case whii-h. by reas(.n of its "^J^ Contentious Character, or of any special Questions of Law or of Fact w Inch j,„.isdiciion [• See preceding page] [t Sect, b, see supra.] [tp.lO.] E 4 40 Vli: '"' deposited with the Trustees of any Charity, or the Official Trustees of Charitahh' Funds, .shall alford a complete Indemnity to the Governor and Company of the Bank of Eiii^land, and to all Companies and Perscms by whom respectively any such Transfer, Payment, or Deposit shall be permitted or made, for [)ermittini; or making the .same, and the .said Governor and Company and other Com])anies and Persons shall be required to give eff(>ct or to conform to such Order, and it shall not be necessary for them to incpiire concerning the I'ropriety of the same Order, or the Jmisdiction under which the same shall jnu'ijort to be made. I'owprto [C. T. Act, 1860. J 8. The Attorney General, or any Pcr.son authorized a;.|ieal |)y liim or by the said Board, in the Case of any Charity, whatever may be (f' i""! f ^'''^ yearly Income of its Endowments, and any Trustee or Person acting in U'l'ard^ the Administration of or interested in any Charity of whieh the gross yearly Income; to be calculated in manner aforesaid'"' shall exceed Filty Pounds, or any Two Inhabitants of any Parish or District in which the same shall l)e specially applicable, may, within Three Calendar Months next after the definitive Publication of any Order of the said Board .... for or relating t > the Assurance, Transfer, Payment, or vesting of any Peal or Personal Estate, .... present a Petition to the Iligli Court of Chancery in a summary Way, appealing against such Order, and praying such Uelief as the Case may require ; . . . . and the Court, upon or before the Hearing of any such Petition of Appeal as aforesaid or at any Stage of the Proceedings, iOay require, if it shall think fit, from the said Board, their Picasons lor making tlu; Order appealed against, or for any Part of such Order, and may remit the same to the Board for Peconsideration, with or without any Declaration in relation thereto, or may make any sul)stitutive or other Order in relation to the Matter of the Ap))eal, as it shall think just; and the Court may make any Order respecting tlie Costs, Charges, oi- Expenses incident to the -Vppeal, and may also, before hearing or proceeding with the same, require from any Apj)ellant. other than the Attorney General, proper Security lor such Costs, Charges, and Expenses as may be eventually payable by him; but no such Petition of Appeal shall be presented by any Person, other than the Attorney General, before the Expiration of 'JVenty- one Days after written Notice, under the Hand of such Appellant, of his or licr Intention to i)resent such Petition, shall have been delivered to the said Board at their Ollice. IThis section is priiiled in full in Appendix, Ko. 1, })■ 75.] Appeals [C. T. Act, 1869.] 10. A petition to the Court of Chancery under under section eight of the Charitable Trusts Act, 18G0, may be presented' in the ease of all charities by the same persons only as in tKe case of a chaiity the gross annual iucom'e of which does not exceed fifty pounds. 23 & 24 Vict c. 13G [• See sect. 4 of the Charitable Trunts Act, 1830 (/). 38).] VESTING PROPERTY. 41 [C. T. Act, 1869.] 11. A petition shall not be presented to the Court Service of of Chauceiy by any person under section eight of the Charitable Trusts Act. Attorney 1860, before tlic expiration of twenty-one days after written notice under the ^'^^''^^ ^7 hand of the appellant of his intention to present such petition has been served ^d^r on the Attorney-General by delivering the same to the solicitor who acts for sect, h of him in ex officio proceedings relating to charities. 23&24Vict. c. 136. [C. T. Act, I860.] 9. The Attorney General, if he shall think fit, or Who may be any Person authorized by him or by the said Board, may appear as the the K.-.spon- Respondeut upon any such Appeal, and the Court may make any Order ^^°^ *'" respecting the Costs, Charges, and Expenses of the Attorney General or -^•P''^'''- other Defendant. [0. T. Act, 1869.] 9. The Board, if they think it desirable, wliere the Employment gross annual income of the cliarity is in their opinion sufficient to ])ear the °^ persons to expense, may, upon the api)lication of tlie trustees or of any other jjcrson or l"'*:''"^'' ""'' persons entitled to ai)ply to them in that l)ehalf, . . . I order the costs scheme, incvu-red .... in consequence of tlie employment of any person to appear on behalf of the respondent upon any appeal against anv .... order, to be provided in the same manner as if they were costs of a transaction mentioned in section tiiirty-six of the Charitable Trusts Act, 1855.* [^This seel ion is piHiiietl in full at p. 26.] (6.) Mtmicipal Charities. [C. T. Act, 1853.] 65. ■\The loyal Estate in all La mis u-hlch at the L<-.il Estate Time of the passing of the Aet of the Session holden in, the Fifth and Sixth oi Lands Years of King William the Fourth, Chapter Seventy -six teas tested in the ^"^^ ^•^^."'.'^ Body Corporate of any Boroiiyh ichich became subject to the Provisions of Corporadoos the said Act, or in any One or more of the Members of such Body Corporate, on Charitable in his or their corporate Capacity, solely or together with any Person or Trusts to be Persons elected solely by such Body Corporate, or solely by any particular ,^'f'***^'' '" Number, Class, or Description of 3Ie)nbers of such Body Corporate, in whole 5 &'^,; w, 4. or in part in trust or for the Benefit of any Charitable Uses or Trusts what- c 7U. soever, and which legal Estate shall not have been since duly conveyed or assured to and vested in the Trustees appointed by the Lord Sigh Chancellor under the Provisions of the said Act, or such of them as shall be surviving a)id continuing Trustees, or otherwise lawfully conveyed, aliened, or disposed of by such Body Corporate or Member or Members thereof, shall from and immediately after the passing of this Act, and without any actual Conveyance, Assignment, or other Assurance thereof, be vested in the. Trustees so appointed, or such of them as shall be surviving and continuing Trustees under such appointment as aforesaid, according to the respective Estates and Interests therein, and subject to suck and the same Charges and Incumbrances and upon such and the .same Trusts as the same were respectively subject to jjreviously to such vesting ; and in every Case, upon the Death, liesignation, or Removal of any of the Trustees, and upon any Appointment of any new Trustee or Trustees respectively, the legal Estate in th<' same Lands, and in all other Lands subject to any such Charitable Uses or Trusts which may for the Time being be vested in the Trustees or any of them, or in any Persons or the W'irs or Devisees of any Person who may hare died, resigned, or been removed, shall vest in the Persons who after such Death, Resignation, or Removal, and such Appointment of such new 2'rustee or T/-u.stt'cs respectively, shall continue or be the Trustees for the Time being, without any Conveyance or Assurance whatsoever. [Municipal Corporations Act, 1882 (45 & 46 Vict. c. 60.).J Charitable 133. — (1.) Where at the passin>,' of the Municipal Corponitions Aet, 1835, tiie Ixxly I rusts. corporate of a borough, or any one or more of the nionibers thereof, in his or "TT" tlieir corporate capacity, stood soioly 01 together with any person or persons ,'j^',^"f""'"' elected solely 6y that body corporate, or solely by any particular number, class, (^•luu-it^ble [• See p. 29.] [f Tlie whole of t/iis scrlion is rcpcalid hi/ the Miinnipai Corporations Act, 1R82, icct. 5 (45 S- 16 I'ict. c. 50.) ; other provisions substituted by section 133 of that Act, see infra.] U 91117. F 42 OD'STOnX OF t>F.EDS, SuV. — INCOME XAX. TrusU and vfsliiif; of legal extate. or description of meiubere thereof, seised or possessed for any estate or interest of land in whole or in part in tnist or for the l>enetit of any charit^ible uses or trusts, an.i the Ugal estate in that hind was. at the passing of the Municipal Corporations Act, I SS5, vested in thf hociy corporate or person or persons so seised or possessed thereof, and was, l)y the ( 'liarital.k- Tnists Act, 1853, vested in the trustees appointed by the Lonl Chaucollur iimler tlie Municipal Corporations Act, 1835, or such of them aa sliould be surviving and continuing trustees under that appointment, accordini: to the ^»■^pective estates and interests therein, and subject to such and the same charges and incumbrances and on sueli and the same trusts as the sume was subject to before such vesting, then in every ease on the deatli, resignation, or removal of any trustee, and on any ap|K)intment of a new trustee, the legal estate in that land and in all other lands subject to any such charitable uses or trusts for the time being vested in the trustees or any of tiiem, or in any person, or the heira or devisees of any person deceaseor does not for the Time being P""'*'''-'*- exceed Thirty Pounds, may apportion the Bimefit of the Charity between each new Parish or District, or any Portion tlu>reof taken from the Parish or District originally entitled to the whole Benefit, and the Remaiuder of such last-mentioned Parish or District, in such Planner and such Proportions as, upon a Consideration of the Purposes of the Charity, the Population of eaeli Parish or District, and other Cireumstanecs, they may think lit, and may also apportion the principal Endowments between such Parishes or Districts, if it be thought fit, and may appoint separate Trustees of any Part of the Endowments. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 11. The Certilicate of the Board, that according Evi.Wnce aa to their .ludgment tlie gross yearly Income of the Charity does not for ihe |o »"""»' Time being exceed Thirty Pounds, shall be sullieient Kvidenee of the Amount anvT'hiuity of such annual Income for the Purpose of determining the Jurisdiction under uot cxceeJ- the foregoing Provision. inar 3o/. [C. T. Act, 1855.1 13. No Order lor apportioning the Henetits of any Notit-*.-* to Charity shall be made by the Hoard until after such public Notices shall have •»<' pi'^p" of been given of the Proposal lo make the same as the Board n\u\ i-onsider J!^""*"'" expedient for insuring Publicity ui each Parisli or District in whicii the ^^J^^^ " Charity is or ought to lie applied, or an ong all Persons interested therein, nor until after the Expiration of One Month from the Publication of such Notice ; aad every such Notice shall contain (so far as conveniently may V 2 44 APrOlNTMENT AND REMOVAL OF TRUSTEES. ProceoJing!* upon the Uecoii)t of Objoi'lioiisor Suggestions. ho) sufficient Particulars of the ])ropose(l Order to show tlie Ol)jccts thereof, and shall proseril)e a Time within which any Ohjections thereto may be stated or transmitted to the Board. [C. T. Act, 1855. 1 14. All Objections which may be made to any proposed Order shall he considered by the Board, who may suspend the makin? thereof for further Inquiry, or may modify the same, as may be found "expedient ; and a Coi)y of every such Order Avhen made shall, in the Case of any local Cliarity. be deposited for the Space of One Month in some convenient Place within the Parish or One of the Parishes or the District in which the Charity is api)licable, and also be open to Inspection at the Office of the Conunissioners, and such Publicity shall be given thereto among all P(>rsons interested in tlie Charity as the Board shall consider exped'icnt; or if the Charity be not local, then a Copy of such Order shall be open to Inspection at the Office of the Commissioners, and public Notice thereof shall be given in such Manner as to the Board shall seem fit, and in Cases where there is a special A'isitor, Notice shall bo given to him. (b.) GENETiALLT. Certain [C. T. Act, I860.] 2. The Board of Charity Commissioners for aiiuiiui.^tra- England and Wales, subject to the llestrictions and Bights of Apjjeal live Powers herein-after provided, shall have Power from Time to Time, upon the Applica- iiLlblehvVlie *'0" "f ^"y Person or Persons wlio, under the Forty-third Section of " The Ct^rityCom- Charitable Trusts Act, 1853," might be authorized to apply to any Judge or missione.-s. Court for the like Purposes, to make such effectual Orders as may now be made by any .Judge of the Court of Chancery sitting at Chambers, or by any County'Court or JHsfricf Court of Jicitkriiplci/* for the Appointment or llemoval of Trustees of any Charity, .... \_T/ii8 section in printed in full in Appendix, Xo. 1, p. 7.">.] [C. T. Act, 1862.] Whereas by the Acts relating to tlui Charity Commissionei's for England and Wales, Authority has been given to the Commissioners to make Orders for various Purposes in Charity Cases upon suuunary Application, and particularly in relation to the Appointment and Removal of Trustees, . . . . : And Avhereas in various Private Acts of Parliament and Decrees and Orders of the High Court of Chancery relating to Charities such Powers and Authorities ore often given or reserved, with Directions that the same shall be exercised by the said Court, or with its Sanction or Approbation, and Doubts are entertained whether in such Cases the Authority given to the Charity Commissioners can be validly exercised : Be it therefore enacted and declared Ijy the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, 1)1/ and with the arlrice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in t/iis present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same,f as follows : 1. No Provision contained in any such Act of Parliament or Decree or Order as aforesaid for the Appointment or Removal of Trustees of any Charity, .... by or under the Order or with the Approval of the Court of Chancery, shall (in the Absence of any express Direction to the contrary, to be contained in any future Act of Parliament, Order, or Decree,) exclude or impair any Jurisdiction or Authority which might otherwise be properly exercised for the like Purposes by the Charity Commissioners for No proTision in any Art of Par* liani, when made by the trustees or persons acting in the ^° ^°"'""'" administration of the Charity, may be made in writing signed by any person authorised in that behalf by resolution passed l)y a majority oF those Trustees or persons Avho arc present at a meeting of their body duly constituted and vote on the question. [C. T. Act, I860.] 10. The Jurisdiction vested by this Act in the Power* to be said Board shall he exercisable with reference to Chari'lies vested in anv "I'l"''^"*'''' •* Corporation Sole or Aggregate, who, either solely or jomtly with any otiier vcsii-d iu Person or Persons, shall also l)c the iiecipients of the Bcaetit thereol". Corpora- tions, &c. [C. T. Act, 1869.] 15. So much of the Charitable Trusts Acts. 1853 Extension to lS(iO, as authorises and relates to orders of the Board for the appointment ^'f p»r' of or removal of trustees of a chai-ity, .... shall exttmd to build in irs ^^^!^*^ , i-egistered as places of meeting for religious worship ^ith the IJegistrar places of General of J5irtlis, Deaths, or Marriages in England, and bona fide used as religious places of meeting of religious worship : Provided that no such order shall be worship, made except upon the application of the trustees or persons acting in the administration of the cliarity, made in manner provided by section four of the Charitable Trusts Act, 1860,* or by this Act.f Save as provided liy this section, such buildings shall continue exempted from the Charitable Trusts Acts, 3853 to 180!). [T/iis section is printed in full at j). 12.] [C. T. Act, 1894.] 4. The exemption of any building registered as a Extension of place of m"eting for religious worship with the Begistrar-General of Births, exemption in Deaths, or Marriages in England and Wales, and bond tide used as a place of ^''*i"^''*^J- meeting for religious worship, contained in the sixty-second section of the i8&'l9Vie7 Charital)le Trusts Act, 1853, and in the ninth section of the Places of c. t(l.8. 9, of Worship Registration Act, 1855, shall extend, and shall, without prejudice to pl'ioes of any order of the Charitv Commissioners made before the passing of this Act. '"''?''!"P ^°^ be deemed to have always extended to — worshin. (rt) any lorecoiu-t, yard, garden, burial-ground, vestry, or caretaker's house, in respect of situation connected with, and held upon tlie same trusts as, any building registered aud bon;\ tide used as aforesaid ; and {!)) any Sundav-school house or other land or building which shall be certiiied by an order of the Charity Commissioners, made upon the application of one or more of the trustees or persons aetini; iu the administration thereof, to be hiild upon the s;ime trusts as any building registered and used as aforesaid, or upon like trusts, and to bo in respect of situation so connected with <.r held or used in [• ^pe .««|)ro,] rt *'<''''< ^ ^** vipra,'] 46 APPOINTJrEKT AND REMOVAL OF TKl'STEEP. 32 & 33 Vict, c. 110. s. 15. connexion witli such building that it cannot conveniently be separati (1 tlienfrom : rrovulod always that so much of the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1891, as by virtUL' of thu lit'teenth section of the Charitable Trusts Act, 1869, extt'uils to buildings registered and used as aforesaid, shall also extend to the ])roperties declared lo be exempted l)y this Act in the same manner and subject to th'- s:im(> restrictiims as itiie buildings registered and used as aforesaid. Ues.'n»iion [Q_ T- Act, 1853.] 46. Nothing herein contained shall diminish or of Kiiilit.- an.l (ipt,..,^.t from any I'.ight or Privilege which by any Rub- or Practice of the rhurcho^f" Court of Chancery, or by the Construction of Law, now subsists for the EiixUnd Preference or the exclusive or special B(Miefit of the Church of England, or with i.vspect the -Members of the sjvme Church, [in .settling any Scheme for the Regulation to t'lmriiies. ^^j- ,^^^^. ('|,;,,.ity, or] in tlie Appointment or Removal of Trustees, [or generally in the Application or ^lanagement of any Charity]. [C. T. Act, I860.] 4 And the Board shall not make any Order lomoving any Trustee on the Ground only of his Religious Belief. [^This section in printed in full in Appendix, No. 1, j). 75.] The Board .•(liall not exercise Juri.siliction over Cou- tentious Cases. Boanl to notify to Trustees of Charity their Inten- tion of exer- cising Juris- diction. Amenilment of sect. 3 of 23 & 21 Viet, c. 136, I C. T. Act, I860.] 5. The said Board also shall not exercise the .Jurisdiction hereliy vested in tliem in any Case which, by reason of its Contentious Character, or of any special Questions of Law or of Fact which it mav involve, or for other Reasons, thev mav consider more tit to be adjudiciited on by any of the Judicial Courts. [C. T. Act, I860.] 3. The said Board, previously to making any Order under the .Turisdiction vested in them by this Act, shall notify to the Trustees or Administrators (if any) of the Charity to be efi'ected thereby their Intention of exercising such Jurisdiction, by Notice in "Writing, to be delivered to them, or sent to them by the Post at their last known Place of Abode in Great Britain or Ireland. [C. T. Act, 1869.] 4. A notice under section three of the Charitable Trusts Act, IbOO, need not l)e sent by the Board of Charity Com- missioners for England and "Wales to any trustee or administrator of a charity who has been jiarty or privy to the aj)plication to the Board upon which they exercise their jurisdiction. Notices to be given of certain <')riotice, under the Hand of such Appellant, of his or her Intention to present such Petition, shall have been delivered to the said Board at their Office. [^Thin section is printed in full in, A/ipendix. Xo. 1, /i. 75.] [C. T. Act, 1869.] 10. A petition to the Court of Clianccry under Apponls section eight of the Charitahlc Trusts Act, IMU), may be presented in the case under of all charities bv the same i)ersons only as in the case of a charitv the irross ^-^^^ 2i\ict. annual income of which does not exceed fifty pounds. [C. T. Act, 1869.] 11. A petition shall not be presented to the Court Sorviiooi of Chancery by any person under section eight of the Charitable Trusts Act, Aitomov 1860, before the expiration of twenty-one days after written notice under the ^"""ji''' I'- "hand of the appellant of his intention to j)resent such petition has been s'-v.-I ,„,;i,.r [• Scrsfctiou I oft/ic C/idrlftililr Trx.ilt U-f, 18C0 (p. 45).] 48 TRUSTEES. — REMOVAL OF SCHOOLMASTERS, &C. sect. 8 of on the Attorney-Geneml by deliveriug the same to the solicitor who acts for 23 & 24 Vict, liiiu in ex-oflicio proceedings relating to charities. c. 136. Who may be [C. T. Act, 1860. | 9. Tlio Attorney General, if he shall think fit, or the Respon- any Person autliorized I)y him or by the said Board, may appear as the 1 _. ._ Respondent upon any such Apjjeal, and the Court may make any Order respecting the Costs,* Charges, and Expenses of the Attorney General or other Defendant. dent on Apiwals piv|inif niid ilcli-nd Bchenu' Employment [C. T. Act, 1869. J 9. The ]ioard, if they think it desirable,whcrc the of iK-iToiis to . 71.] [C. T. Act, I860.] 4. The said Board shall not make any Order, under The Powers the Jurisdiction vested in them by this Act, with respect to any Ciiarily of «o be exer- which the gross annual Income, exclusively of the yearly Value of any '^'^'/.'^ "^ ^ Buildings or Land used wholly for the Purposes thereof, and not yielding „{ wiiidi the any pecuniary Income, shall amount to Fifty Poimds or iipwards, except gross income upon the Application of the Trustees or Persons acting in the Administration *j'"" fxivwl of the Charity, or a majority of them, to be made to the said Board in \ , ,|)^4,i°"' "Writing under their Hands if they shall be unincorporated, or inuler their of Trustees. Common Seal if they shall be incorporated, .... \_This section is printed in full in Appendix, Nu. 1, i>. 75.] [C. T. Act, 1869.] 5. An apidication to the Board of Charity M.-lo oE Commissioners for England aiid Wales, for the purposes of the Charitable 'M'^'^""''"" Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1^(50, when made by the trustees or persons acting in the " ""'^' ' administration of the charity, may be madi' in writing signed l)y any person authorised in that behalf by a resolution ))assed by a majority of those trustees or persons who are present at a meeting of their body duly eonstiluted and vote on the question. [C T. Act, I860.] 10. The .lurisdietion vested by this Act in the said Towers to bo Buavu shall he e.\.ercisahle Avith reference lo Charities vested in any "l'l'li|'|''^^' lo Corporation Sole or Aggregate, who, either solely or jointly with any other J^l'lX^ i'erson or Persons, shall also be the llccipients of the Benefit thereof. Coriwmtions, _ Ae. [• Jiepcnled by the Statute Law Rermon Act, 1875 (38 ^ .lO Vict. c. G6.).] [■f For tlujurixJiction under llie ClturltiiUt Trusts Acts (\) of a Judije of the Chancer// Dieisiou of the High Court of .fust ice at Chambers, sec p. 61 ; (2) of the Chancery Court of the County r'ahtlinc of Lancaster, sec j). G4 ; and (3) of the County Covrts, sec ji. G5.j U y'.UT. "■ 50 REMOVAL OF SCHOOLMASTERS, OB OTHER OFFICERS. The Board shall not exerci.s*' Jurisdictiou over CoD- tcntious Cases. fC. T. Act, 1860. 1 5. 'i'lx- '^aid Board shall not exercise the Jurisdic- tion herc'l'v vcst.ul in thorn in any Case which hy reason of its Contentious Character,' or of anv spiK-ial (^)uestions of Law or of Fact which it may involve, or for other 'Reasons, tliey may consider more fit to he adjudicated on hy any of the Judicial Courts. [C. T. Act, 1860. J 3. The said Board, previously to making any Order uniler tlit' Jurisdiction vested in them hy this Act, shall notify to the Trustees or Administrators (if any) of the Charity to heelfected tlierehy their Beard to notify t« Trustees of inlenlfonof' fntcntion^of exercising such j'urisdiction, l)y' Notice in Writing, "to he exercising Jurisdietion. Amendment of sect. 3 ol '2ii&2\ Vict c. 136. Notices to be given of ccrtiiin Orders, nnd 01>jt'ction>' or Sugfies- tions to be received. Power to appeal against Orders of Board. delivered to them, or sent to them by the Post at their last known Place of Ahode in Great Britain or Ireland. [C. T. Act, 1869.] 4. A notice under section three of the Charitable Trusts Act, 18(i0, need not be sent by the Board of Charity Commissioners for England and Wales to any trustee or administrator of a charity who has been party or privy to the application to the Board upon which they exercise their jurisdiction. rC. T. Act, I860.] 6 and no Order removing a . . . . School ]\Iasl or or Mistress or other Officer of a Charity who shall have any known Place of Eesidence in Great Britain or Ireland, and who shall not be consenting to be discharged, shall be made before the Expiration of One ("aleiular i\Ionth after Notice of the Proposal to make such Order shall have also l)een delivered to him or her, or sent by the Post or otherwise to such his or her Place of Residence, and until after sufficient Hearing of the Matter before the said Board, or some ;Member thereof, or One of their Iiitipectoi's* ; and every Notice hereby required shall contain (so far as conveniently may be) sufficient Particulars of the Objects of the proposed Order, and shall ])roscri1)e a reasonal)le Time within which any 01)jections thereto or Suggestions thetaon may be made or transmitted to the Board ; and the said Board shall receive and consider all such Objections and Suggestions, and inay withhold, suspend, or modify their proposed Order, as they shall tlicreuiion, or in the Result of further Inquiry, or otherwise, think expedient. [T/z/s section is printed in full in Apjienclix, Xo. l,p. 75,] [C. T. Act, I860.] 8 ; and any Schoolmaster or Schoolmistress or other Officer removed by Order of the Board, without the Concurrence of the Trustees or Persons acting in the Administration of the Charity, or a Majority of them, and without the Approval of a Special Visitor, if any,* of the Charity, may, within Two Calendar Months (next after his or her Removal), appeal in like Manner-j- against the Order of Removal; and the Court, xipon or before the Hearing of any such Petition of A])peal as aforesaid or at any Stage of the Proceedings, may require, if it sliall tliink fit, from the said Board, their Reasons for making the Order appealed against, or I'or any Part of such Order, and may remit the same to the Board for Reconsideration, with or without any Declaration in relation thereto, or may make any sul)stitutive or other Order in relation to the Matter of the Appeal, as it shall think just; and the Court may make any Order respecting the Costs, Charges, or Expenses incident to the Appeal, and may also, before hearing or proceeding with the same, require from any Appellant, other than tlie Attorney General, proper Secui-ity for such Costs, Charges, and Expenses as may be eventually payable by him ; but no such Petition or Appeal shall be presented by any Person, other than the Attorney General, before the Expiration of Twenty-one Days after written Notice, under the Hand of such Appellant, of his or her Intention to present such Petition, shall have been delivered to the said Board at their OfOice. [T/i/s section is printed in full in Appendix, No. \, i). 7o.] [• Now " Assistant Commissioners." Seethe Charitable Trusts Act, 1887, sect. 2, sub-sect. 3 (p. 13).] [| The mo e of Schomcj. («.) SCHEMES THE A CTION OF ESTABLISHED B Y PARLIAMENT. I C. T. Act, 1853.] 54. Where upon the Application of any Trustees or ot Iter Persons concerned in tlie ^fanai^eraent or Administration of any Cliarity, or interested in the Benelils tliereof (and after such Examination or Inquiry as the Board may think necessary in relation thereto,) or upon any Eepnit of on lufiprcfor* or Information otherwise obtained by the said Board under this Act, mth relation to any Charity, it shall ai)pcar to the said Board to he desiral)le to have a new Scheme for the Application or Management of the Charity, and such new Scheme as contemplated or considered desirable by the Board cannot be, or it shall in the Opinion of the Board be doubtful whether it can be carried into complete effect by the Court of Chancery, or by any Di.'ih'int or f County Court under the Jurisdiction created by this Act, or otherwise than by the Authority of Parliament, it shall be lawful for the siiid Board in every such Case provisionally to approve and certify such new Scheme in the Manner and subject to the Regulations herein-after mentioned. [C. T. Act, 1853.J 55. One Month at least before any such new Scheme shall be so ])rovisionally approved, Notice thereof shall be given in such Manner as the Board may in each Case consider proper or expedient for ensuring due Publicity, and every such Notice shall contain such Particulars of the proposed Scheme as the said Board think fit, and as shall be deemed by the said Board sufficient to show the Nature of such Scheme, and where the Nature thereof cannot conveniently be shown in the said Notice, such Notice shall refer to some convenient Place within the Parish or District, and to Ihc Office in London of the Registrar of Countij Courts Judgments, where a Copy of the proposed Scheme shall be deposited and m;iy be inspected, and every such Notice shall require any Objections to such Scheme to be slated or transmitted to the said Board or their Secretary Avithin One Month from the Time when the Notice shall have been given. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 43. The Fifty-fifth .... Section(s) of the principal Act shall be construed and ojierate us if the Words " The Office of the Board " had been inserted tbereiu in the Place of the Words " the Office in London of the Registrar of County Courts Judgments." l^T/iis section is printed in full at p. 72.] [C. T. Act, 1853.] 56. If after such Notice as aforesaid any Objec- tions or Suggestions shall be made, the Board shall consider the same, and mny tbereujion, if to them it shall seem fit, alter or modify the Scheme according to any such Objections or Suggestions ; and after all such Objec- tions and Suggestions, if any, have been disposed of, or if no such Objections or Suijgesiions shall have been made, the Board, in case they shall not think lit to refer such Scheme to an Inspector* under the Provision next herein-after contained, may proceed to approve such Scheme, and to certify the same in manner herein-after mentioned. [• AoiP " Asxis/ant Commissioner," or *' Assistatit Commissioners," as context may require. .See the Chaiiliihlr Tritxfs Jet. 1SS7. sref. 2, s'lh-srct. 3 (p. l.'Vi.] It Jirpca/ril hii the Statute Ll Noiice shall state the Intention of the Board to proceed with the Scheme thereby *='**■"• certified. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 43. The .... Eifty-ninth Section(s) of Constnu-ii.m the principal Act shall be construed and operate as if the Words "The ",'„J''^;|'';,f"'" Ofiiee of the Board" had been inserted therein in the Place of the Words m.^'i; viut. " the Office in London of the Registrar of County Courts Judgments." .■ i;!7. [77?/.9 section is printed in full ut />. 72.] [C. T. Act, 1853.1 60. Tbo said Board shall in the Month of Ecbruary .Vnn.iul in CAcry Year make a Rej)ort to Her .Majesty of all their Proceedings durinu; |',',J'',",'^!,j,".'"" the preceding Year up to the Thirty-first Day of Deeeuiber then lust past, i",','rlimm-nt. and such Pvei)ort shall, within I'ourteen Days after the making thereof, be which ^lmll laid biMore both Houses of Parliament, if Parliament be then sitting, or s.-t r.nh all otherwise within Fourteen Days alter tbc Meeting thereof; and in siieli ^, ''j.^'^'.^X'^^'' Report the said Board shall specially distinguish and set forth in full all the Scheuir.-s (if anyj approved by them under the Provisions lastly herein- before contained, together with the (irounds of such their Ai)pi()val, and the Objections (if anv) which have been made thereto, and all Proceedings had in respect of such ( )bjeetions and the Grounds on which any such < )bj>cct. .1 (y». 13>.1 G 3 54 SCHEMES, CHARITY COMMISSIONERS. Certain aduiinist ra- ti VI' Powt'i-g to bf I'xcr- cisahli- hy the t'liiiritv Conimis- sionei-s. liy wliom Ai>|>lioationR may Ix' made. The Powers to l>c exer- cisable over no C'liiirities of whieli the gross Income bliall exceed ■50/. ^vitilulIt Appliealion of Trustees. Mode of application to Board. Powers to be applicable to Charities vested in Coriiora- tious, &c. Extension of part of Acts to rej;isten d places of reiigiou.s "S'orship. take oirei't, either with or Avithout any Alterations or [Modifications thereof respect ively, every .siicli -Vet sliall be deemed a Public General Act. (h.) SCHEMES ESTJBLrsUEB BY TSE CUABITY COMMISS 1 (JSEBS. [C. T. Act, 1860. J 2. The Board of Charity Commissioners for Enijland and Wales, subject to the llestrictions and Rights of Appeal heirin-after provided, shall have Power from Time to Time, u])on the Application of any Person or Pcraons who, under the Porty-third Section of " The Charitable Trusts Act, 1853," might be authorized to apply to any Judge or Court for the like Purjjoscs, to make such effectual Orders as 'may now be made by any Judge of the Comt of Chancery sitting at Chambers, or by any County Court or Distnct Court of Bankntptc;!* for* the Establishment of any Scheme for the Administration of any such Charitv.f {This section is printed in full in Appendix, No. 1, p. 75.] [C. T. Act, 1853.] 43. Every Application to any Judge or Court under the' Jurisdiction created or conferred l)y any of the Provisions of this Act, may be made by Her Majesty's Attorney General, or, subject to the Provisions aforesaid, by all or any One or more of the Trustees or I'ersons administering or claiming to administer, or interested in, the Charity which shall l)e the Subject of such Application, or any Two or more Inhabitants of any Parish or Place within which the Charity is administered or applicable ; [^This section is printed in full in Apjiendix, No. 1, p. 74.] [C. T. Act, I860.] 4. The said Poard shall not make any Order, under the .lurisdietion vested in them by this Act, with respect to any Charity of wliieh the gross annual Income, exclusively of the yearly Value of any Buildings or Land used wholly for the Purposes thereof, and not yielding any pecuniary Income, shall amount to Fifty Pounds or upwards, except upon the Application of the Trustees or Persons acting in the Administration of the Charity, or a Majoiity of them, to be made to the said Board in Writing under their Hands if they shall be unincorporated, or under their Common Seal if they shall be incorporated, .... [^This section is printed in full in Appendix, No. 1, ]}. 75.] [C. T. Act, 1869.] 5. An application to the Board of Charity Com- missioners for England and Wales, for the purposes of the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1S(>!), when made by the trustees or persons acting in the administration of the cliarity, may be made in writing signed by any person authorised in that behalf by a resolution passed by a majority of those trustees or persons who are present at a meeting of their body duly constituted and vote on the question. [C. T. Act, I860.] 10. The Jurisdiction vested by this Act in the .said Board sliall be exercisable with reference to Charities vested in any 'Corporation Sole or Aggregate, who, either solely or jointly with any other Person or Persons, shall also be the Kecipients of the Benefit thereof. [C. T. Act, 1869.] 15. So much of the Charitable Ti'usts Acts, 1853, to ]b(5!), as autlicjrisos and relates to orders of the Board .... for the establishment of any scheme for the administration of any charity, shall extend to buildings registered as places of meeting for religious worshi]) with the Registrar General of Births, Deaths, or ^Marriages in England, and bona fide used as places of meeting for religious worship : Provided that no such order shall be made except upon the api)lication of the trustees or persons acting in the administration of the Charity, made in manner provided by section four of the Charitable Trusts Act, 1860, J or by this Act.§ Save as [• Repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1875 (38 Sf 39 Viet. c. 66.).J [•f For the jurisdiction under the Charitable Trusts Acts (1) of a Judge of the Chancery Division of the High Court of .Tustice at Chambers, see p. 61 .• (2) of the Chancery Court of the County Falatine of Lancaster, see p. tJ-i ; and (3) of the County Courts, see p. 65.] \X See sujyra.} [§ Sect. 5, stipra.] SCHEMES, CHARITY COMjriSSIOyEBS. 56 provided by this section, such huildini^s shall continue exempted from the Charitable Trusts Acts, 18")3 to 1809. [^This section is printed in full at p. 12. J [C. T, Act, 1894.] 4. The exemption of any building registered as a Extension of place of meeting for religious worship with the Registrar-General of Births, exemption in Deaths, or Marriages in England and Wales, and bona fide used as a place 16 1**! 7 Vict, of meeting for religious worship, contained in the sixty-second section of 'i's'-fcl-rvict the Charitable Trusts Act, 1853, and in the ninth section of the Places of c. si.. s. 9, of Worship Registration Act, 1855, shall extend, and shall, without prejudice places of' to any order of the Charity Commissioners made before the imssing of this "'feting for Act, be deemed to have always extended to — religious • worship. {a) any forecourt, yard, garden, burial grourd, vegtry, or caretaker's house, in respect of situation connected with, aiid held upon the same trusts as, any building registered and bona fide used as aforesaid ; and (6) any Sunday-school house or other land or building which shall be certified by an order of the Charity Commissioners, made upon tlie application of one or more of the trustees or persons acting in the administration thereof, to be held upon the same trusts as any building registered and used as aforesaid, or upon like trusts, and to be in respect of situation so connected Anth or lield or used in connexion with such building that it cannot conveniently be separated therefrom : Provided always that so much of the Charitable Trusts Acts, 185.3 to 1891, as by virtue of the fifteenth section of the Charital)le Trusts Act, 1869, 32 & 33 Vict. extends to buildings registered and used as aforesaid, shall also extend to <• ' i^ s. 1.5. the properties declared to be exempted by this Act in the same manner and subject to the same restrictions as the buildings registered and used as aforesaid. [C. T. Act, 1853.] 46. Nothing herein contained shall diminish or Resm-ntion detract from any Right or Privilege which by any Paile or Practice of the ofR'^h'sand Court of Chancery, or by the Construction of Law, now subsists for the (jcVirJif of*^ Preference or the exclusive or special Renetit of the Church of England, or Knj.'liiiiil the Members of the same Church, in settling any Scheme for the Regulation "iiii respect of any Charity, [or in the Appointment or llemoval of Ti'ustces, or generally in the Application or Manageiuciit of any Charity]. to Cli.-irities. [0. T. Act, I860.] 5. The said Board also shall not exercise the The ii.mrd Jurisdiction hereby vested in them in any Case which, by reason of its ■''''"" ""t Contentious Character, or of any special Questions of Law or of Pact which ||'^,',.[j,'i^',!,i„„ it may involve, or for other Reasons, they may conyider more fit to be over Con- adjudicated on by any of the Judicial Courts. tentious [0. T. Act, I860.] 3. The said ]?oard, previously to making any iJom-.l to Order under the .Turisdietion vested in them by this Act, shall notify to the ;""'0' '<» Trustees or Administrators (if any) of the Ciiarity to be affected therei)y their /•|"Jr||y'' " Intention of exercising such Jurisdicti(m, by Notice in Writing, to be ,i,eir intcn- delivered to them, or sent to tiiem Ijy the Post at their last known Place of lion of exer- Abodc in Great Britain or Ireland. " '•'/ '"^' •'""=*- diction. [C. T. Act, 1869.] 4. A notice under section three of the Charitable Amendment Trusts Act, 18()0, need not be sent by the Board of Charity Commissioners o^5'^'*o',\"^^j for England and Wales to any trustee or administrator of ;i charity who has "^ J3J been party or privy to the application to the Board upon which they exercise their jurisdiction. N'otic<*s to bo [C. T. Act, I860.] 6. No Order .... establishing a givm of Schemc for the Administration of any Charity, shall be made by the .siid >••''.'!" Botud before the Expiration of One Calendar .Mouth after publie*Notice of J >;'•.'-•'•'. '""' t \ y^ 11111 1 • 1 "1 J "^ 1 1 us the Proposal to make sucli Order shall have l)een given, as tliey may consider or Sn^'pe-s- most expedient aud cll'cctual for ensuring the Publicity thereof, in each tions to bo (J ^ received. B6 actitmis, cuauitV oOMMiseioASuits/ Parish or J)istrii.'t in v>h\c\i flu' Charity, if of a local Character, shall bo applicahlo. or anioiiij all Ptnsons intcrostcd Ihorcin ; .... ; and every Notice hereby requireu shall contain (so far as conveniently may be) sutlicient rarticnlai's of tli(^ Objects of the proposed Order, and shall prescribe a n-asonable 'i'ime witliin wiiieh any Objections thereto or Suggestions thereon may he made or transmitted to the Jioard ; and the said iioard shall receive andconsider all such Objections and Suggestions, and may withhold, susjtend, oi- modify their jn-oposed Order, as they shall thereupon, or in the Result of further Inquiry, or otherwise, think expedient. [T/iis section in jmnted iu full in Appendix, No. 1, p. 75.] [Local Govornment Act, 1894 (56 & 57 Vict. c. 73.).] 14. -("..) The draft of « \i:i-y .seliunie n-liitiiig to a ( harity.iiiH hciug an ecclesiastical charity, which affects a rural jmiisih, sh.ill. on or befon the publication of the notice of the proposal to make an D'lk-r for suchsdieini' in acconluuce with section six of tlie Charitable Triists Act, 1860, be eouiinunicated to the council of the parish, and where there is no parish council, to the chairman of tlie parish meeting, and, in the ca.se of a council, the council may, subject to the provisions of this Act with respect to restrictions on expenditure, and to the consent of the jiarish nie'.'ting, either support or op]iose the scheme, and sliall for that purpose have tlte same right as any inhabitants of a place directly affected by tlie scheme. Noiioo of [C. T. Act, 1B69.] 7. Nothing in the Charitable Ti'usts Acts, 1853 to «'i'V"'MV ■^^*'^' ^^^^^^ ^^^ deemed to require or to have required the Board, upon c.l'aJ. s iT' modifyintr a pro])osed order in manner provided by section six of the Cliaiitable Trusts Act, 18(30, after the publication thereof, to give public notice of such modilied order in the manner provided by that section with resneet to the order originally proposed, unless they think further notice desirable. PiiMirvitioii [C. T. Act, I860.] 7. A Copy of every such Order when made shall, 01 .!-.-iiiiitive jp ji,^. (^'jjsp ,,f ^y^y i„pal Charity, be deposited for the Sjiace of One Calendar ""■"'■ Month in some convenient Place within the Parish or One of the I'arishes or in the District in which the Charity shall be ap]ilical)le, and shall be open to public In'JTJection there at all reasonable Hours during the same Period; and a Co])y also •:i. '"very such Order relating to any Charity, Avhether local or general, shall be kcpi,, c|)eu lo public Inspection at all reasonable Hours, at tin- Office of the Commissioners, during a like period of One Calendar ]Month; and in each Case efl'ectual Publicity shall be given to the making of 'ho Order by such Means as the Poard shall consider most expedient for thai J.' -^ -- Ti.w.T to [C. T. Act, 1H60.] o. riie Attorney General, or any Person authorized 111')'.'"! h'. him or by the said Board, in the Case of any Charity, whatever may be ""';"''- , the yearly Income of its Endowments, and any Trustee or Person acting in Bo'iiur"' ^^"^ Administration of or interested in any Charity of which the gross yearly lucom'^ tn be calculated in maimer aforesaid* shall exceed Fifty Pounds, or any Two Iaha')itants of any Parish or District in which the same shall be specially applicable, may, mthin Three Calendar Months next after the delinitive Publication of any Order of the said Board .... establishing a Scheme for the Administration of the Charity, present a Petition to the High Court of Chancery iu a summary AYay, appealing against such Order, and praying such Belief as the Case may require . ; and the Court, upon or before the Hearing of any such Petition of .Appeal as aforesaid or at any Stage of the Proccediiigs, may require, if it sliall think tit, from the said Board, their Reasons for making the Order appealed against, or for any part of such Order, and may remit the same to the ]?oard for Beconsideration, with or without any Declaration in i-elation thereto, or may make any substitutive or other Order in relation to the ^Matter of the Appeal, as it shall think just ; and the Com-t may make any Order respecting the Costs, Charges, or Expenses incident to the Appeal, aiul may also, before hearing or proceeding with the same, require from any Appellant, other than the Attorney General, proper Security for such Costs, Charges, and Expenses as may be eventually payable by him ; but no such [♦ See sect. 4 of the Charitable Trusts Act, 1860, (p. 54).] SCHE31KS, CIUKII'Y COMsiISiilOJfEBSf J7 i'otitionof Appeal shall be presented by any Person, other tlian the Attorney General, before the Exph-ation of Twenty-one Days after -written Notice, under the Hand of such Appellant, of his or her Intention to present such Petition, shall have been delivered to the said Board at their Office. \_Thls section Is printed in full in Appendix, Xo. 1, p. 75.] [C. T. Act, 1869.] 10. A petition to the Court of Chancery under Appeals section eight oT the Charitable Trusts Act, 1860, may be presented in the """Jer case of all charities by the same persons only as in the case of a charity the 23 & 21 Vict, gross annual income of Avhich does not exceed fifty pounds. '^' ^^^' [C. T. Act, 1869.] 11. A petition shall not be presented to the Court Semceof of Chancery by any person under section eight of the Charitable Trusts Act, ocncran, 1860, before the expiration of twenty-one days after written notice under the app°1™ut under hand of the appellant of his intention to present such petition has been 's^'^lfvict served on the Attorney-General by delivering the same to the solicitor who c. no. acts for him in ex officio proceedings relating to charities. [C. T. Act, I860.] 9. The Attorney General, if he shall thuik fit, or Who may be any Person authorized by him or by the said Board, may appear as the 'he Kespon- Respondent upon any sueli Appeal, and the Court may make any Order t""' "!' respecting the Costs, Charges, and Expenses of the Attoraey General or '^ other Defendant. [C. T. Act, 1869.] 9. The Board, if they think it desirable, where the Employment gross annual income of a charity is in their opinion sufficient to bear the of persons to expense, may, upon the application of the trustees or of any other person or prei'aro aad persons entitled to apply to them in that behalf, employ or 'may authorise the ^^t^^ trustees or persons acting in the administration of such charity to emplov skilled and competent persons to prepare any scheme, order, statenient, or other proceeding for the purposes of the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1S53 to 1869, with respect to such charity, or to make or assist in any survey or local inquiry -with reference thereto, and may order the costs incurred under this section or upon any inquiry by an insjjector* or in consequence of the employment of any person to appear on behalf of the respondent upon any appeal against any scheme or order, to be provided iu the same manner as if they were costs of a transaction mentioned in section thirty-six of the Charitable Trusts Act, ISoS.f (c.) OBDEllS JIAJ)E BY THE CHARITY COJfMJSSIOXERS FOB THE AFPOBTIOXMEXT OF CHARITIES: [C. T. Act, 1855.] 10. Where any Parish or Ecclesiastical District Power to entitled to the Benefit of a Charity has or shall have been divided into separate "pportion Pavislios or Ecclesiastical Districts, and no Apiiortionment of Charities J'""""?*?'*' originally applicable to the Parish or District so divided shall have l)een made afur Divi- by Parliament or other competent Authority, the Board, in respect of all sioa of Charities the gross aimiial InewUie whereof does not for tiie Time being exceed I'"' i''l>»'''' Thirty Pounds, may apportion the Benefit of the Charity between each new Parish or District, or any Portion thereof taken from the Parish or District originally entitled to the whole Benefit, and the Bemainder of such last- mentioned Parish or District, in such Manner and such Proportions as, upon a Consideration of the Purposes of the Charity, the Po])uIation of each Parish or District, and other Cireunistances, they may think fit, and may also apportion the principal ]']iul()wments between such Parishes or Districts, if it be thought fit, and may appoint sepanite Trustees of any Part of the Endowments. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 11. The Certificate of the Board, that aceonling Evidence as to their Judgment the gross yearly Income of the Charity does net for the tonnnnal '_ '_ __^ Incumo of f* Xotc "Assistant Commissioner." See Ctiaritable Trusts Act, It^S', seel. 2, tubs. 3. (ji. 13).] [I For //(IS section, sec p. 29.] U 91117. n 58 APPORTIONMENT Ol' CHARITIES. — LEGAL PROCEDURK. nD>- Charity lime being exceed Thirty Pounds, shall be sufficient Evidence of the Amount not .xc. It!- of gm;)^ annual Income for the Purpose of determining the Jurisdiction under '"^ the foregoing Provision. Notices to be {riven of ccrtuin [C. T. Act, 1855.] 13. No Order for apportioning the Benefits of any Charity shall be made by the Board until after such public Notices shall have been given of the Proposal to make the same as the Board may consider Oldorsofthe expedient for Insuring Publicity in each Parish or District in which the Charity is or ouglit to be ap])liecl, or among all Persons interested therein, nor until after the Exi)iration of One Month from the Publication of such Notice ; and every such Notice shall contain (so far as conveniently may be) suffieient Particulai-s of the proposed Order to shoAv the Objects thereof, and sliall prescribe a Time within which any Objections thereto may bo stated or transmitted to the Boai'd. Proceedings [C T. Act, 1855.] 14. AH Objections which may be made to any upon the proposed Order shall be considered by the Board, who may suspend the Receipt of making tlicroof for further Inquiry, or may modify the same, as may be Objectionsor fuumi exjjedient ; and a Copy of every such Order wheu made shaU, in the huggestious ^^^g ^j ^y j^^^j Charity, be deposited for the Space of One Month in some convenient Place within the Parish or One of the Parishes or the District in wliich the Charity is applicable, and also be open to Inspection at the Office of the Commissioners, and such Publicity shall be given thereto among all Persons interested in tlie Charity as the Board shall consider expedient ; or if the Charity be not local then a Copy of such Order shall be open to Inspection at the Office of the Commissioners, and public Notice tliereof shall l)e given in such Manner as to the Board shall seem fit, and in Cases where there is a special Visitor, Notice shall be given to him. XI.— Amendments of Legal Procedure and Creation of Summary Jurisdiction over Charities. (a.) INSTITVTION BY THE CUABITY COMMISSIONERS, IN THE NAME OF TEE BOABD, OF LEGAL PBOGEEDINGS FOB THE BECOVEBY OF PBOBEBTY BELONGING TO CHABITIES. Interpieta- [C. T. Act, 1891.] 2. In this Act, unless the context requires i»o"- otherwise, — The expression " the Board " means the Charity Commissioners for England and TVales : The expression " prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under the provisions of this Act. Power to [C. T. Act, 1891.] 3. Where it appears to the Board that any action, Boaiil to sue petition, or other proceeding should be instituted for the recovery of any p7pro'i!|.rt7 P^"'^!''^^"*'^'' ^^^ a^'*^^^ annual income of which docs not, in the opinion of the Board, exceed twenty pounds a year, and Avhich appears to the Board to belong to a charity, the Board may itself, with the sanction of the Attorney General, institute such proceeding on behalf of tlic Charity; and the expenses of the Board of and incidental to such action, petition, or proceeding shaU be paid in like manner as if they were costs of the Attorney General in a charity matter. belonging to charities Mode of procedure by Board. [C. T. Act, 1891.] 4.— (1.) When the Board is authorised to make any application to or appear in any court, or to institute any action, petition, or other proceeding, such ap])lication or appearance may be made, and such action, petition, or proceeding may be instituted, in the name of the Charity EECOVERT OF PROPERTY. 59 Commissioners for England and Wales, and not in the names of the persons who are the Commissioners. (2.) Any action, petition, application, appearance, or oiher proceeding instituted or made by the Board shall not abate or become defecti^-(; by reason of any change in the persons wlio are the Commissioners, but the Commissionei's for the time being shall he deemed to be parties tliereto. (3.) For the purposes of any such action, petition, application, appearance, or other proceeding, any document may be sei>A-ed on the Board by being addressed to the Board and delivered at or sent by post to the office' of Ihe Board, oi- by being served on the Secretary to the Board. (L) Any application by the Board to the Court in pursuance of tliis Act may be made in manner for the time being directed by rules of court.* [C. T. Act, 1891.] 5. For the purposes of any action, petition, or •^peci:.i proceeding instituted by the Board under this Act the' following provisions r.'noaS.'^'"" shall have effect : — (1.) The printed reports of the Charity Commissioners appointed under an OM nports Act passed in the fifty-eighth year of the reign of His Majesty George °f Charity the Third, and intituled " An Act for appointing Comnciissioners to ^"°™"""; li • • • 1 -x- ■ -n 1 1 /■ i? , ,• n 1 ."loners to be mquu'e concerning chanties in England for the education of the ovidence. " poor," and imder other Acts for inquiring into Charities, shall be 58 Goo. 3. admissible as primA, facie evidence of the documents and facts therein ^- ^'• stated ; provided that either party intending to use any such report as evidence shall give notice of such intention in the prescribed manner to the other party : (2.) Where any yearly or other periodical j)ayment has been made in Payment for respect of any land, to or for the benefit of any charity or charitable twelve years purpose, for twelve consecutive years, such payment shall be deemed, ^° e pre- subject to any evidence which may be given to the contrary, prima hvcie evidence, evidence of the perpetual liability of such land to such yearly or other periodical payment, and no proof of the origin of such payment shall be necessary. [C. T. Act, 1891.] 6. Rules for practice and procedure under this Rules. Act, including fees and costs, whether in the Supi-eme Court of Judicature or in the county court, may from time to time be made by the authority and in the manner l3y and in which rules may he made for regulating the jn-actice and procedure in such Supreme Court or county court, as the c- obtainincr any Relief, Order or Direction, concerning or ri^latin'- to anv ^^•^''"'g^ Charity, or the Estate, Funds, Property, or Income thei-eof, shall be ci.ariiv w commenced, presented, or taken, by any Person whomsoever, there shall be any Person, transmitted by such Person to the said Board, Notice in Writing of such <'x>'^pt tl"' nroposed Suit, Petition, or Proceeding, and such Statement, Tnlonnation. and ^V'*"'"^7 XL i . , 1 • -i ■ 1 ■ 1 •• ,ii- . Itenerttl, to Particulars as may be requisite or proper, or may be required troin Tunc to be );iveii to Time, by the said Board, lor explaining the Nature and Objects thereof; and the Ikmnl. the said Board, il" upon Consideration ol' th(^ Circumstances they .so think (it, may, by an Order or Certificate signed by their Secretary,-}- authorize or direct any Suit, Petition, or other Proceeding to bo commenced, presented, or taken with respect to such Charity. (Mther for the Olijeets and in the Manner specified or mentioned in such Notice, or for such otluT Objects, and in such I^Ianner and Form, and subject to such Stipulations or Provisions [• For rulex regtilathirf the pmrediirr utidrr fhix Art (1) ih the High Court ofJtufirr, mv " Thr Rules of t lie Siiprriiir Court ((Vuiritiili/r Trii.tt.i /iirnrrri/), 1X92," mtidr on 27th Mny 18'.)2, aiitl ('2)'in a Cotin/i/ Court, srr Count;/ Ciiiirl lliilci (July) 1.S92.] [•(• But lie HOW Cliaritahic Trusts Amendment Act, ISoo, svet. 4 (p. 16), and Charitalde Trusts Act, 1887, sect. 3 (p. l(i).] H 2 60 1N>T1TLTI0N or LEGAL PKOCrEDINOS. for securing the Charity against such other Stipulations ur Provisions Charitv, as the said Board may Liahility to any Tor the think j)r()i)er; Costs or Ex])cuses, and to Protection or l^encflt of the and such Poard, if it seem Courts not to entertiiiii Froceoiliii;;* a-H to C'hiiri- tie.s, oiccpt upon Cfrti- licalo of the Board. proper to them, may hy such Order or Certiticate as aforesaid requii-e and direct that any Proceeding so authorized l)y them in respect of any Charity, shall he delayed during sueh Period as shall seem proper to and shall ho directed hy such Board ; and every such Order or Certiticate may he in such Form and luay contain such Slatenients and Partieulars as such Board shall think lit ; and (save as herein otherwise provided^') no Suit, Petition, or other Proceeding for obtaining any such Relief, Order, or Direction as last aforesaid shall he entertained or ])roceedcd with hy the Com-t of Chancery, or by any Court or J udgc, except upon and in conformity Avith an Order or Certificate of the said Board : Provided ahvays, that this Enactment sliall not extend to or affect any such Petition or Proceeding in which any Person shall claim any Property or seek any llelicf adversely to any Charity. aclin;; cx>of]icio. Savin- for [C. T. Act, 1853.] 18. Provided always, That it shall he lawful for the Auorney Ilcr ^Majesty's Attorney General acting cx-olhcio to make such Applications, Gcneml j^^,] ^^j^g and prosecute such Proceedings with respect to any Charity, in the Court of Chancery or otherwise as to him may seem fit, as if this Act had not been passed; and that nothing in this Act contained shall ho construed as dispensing with the Fiat or Allowance of Her Majesty's Attorney General, with respect to any Proceeding not being an Application under the Jurisdiction created by this Actf where such Fiat or Allowance was necessary before the passing of this Act. IJoarti may, upon the IJeport of" an Inspector, authorize Proceedings where no Notice has been piven to tliem, and may in otlicr Cases cause local In- quiries by their Inspector. Legal pro- ceedings by trustees of charities for protection of charity property, &c. [C. T. Act, 1853.] 19. Provided also, That where upon any Eeport of any ImpectorX under this Act or otherwise it appears to the said Board that anv Suit, Petition, or other Proceeding concerning or relating to any Charity, or the Estate, Funds, Property or Income thereof, would be proper or expedient, it shall be lawful for the said Board by their Order to authorize or direct such Suit, Petition, or Proceeding to he commenced, presented, or taken, and to give such Directions in relation thereto as the said Board may think proper; and thereupon such Suit, Petition, or Proceeding may be connnenced, ])resented, or taken accordingly, without any such previous ]S'otic(> in AVriting as herein-before mentioned ; and the said Board, before [giving any such Opinion, Advice, or Direction upon any such Application as aforesaid or] making any such Order or Certificate after Xotice to them as aforesaid, may, whei'C local Inquiry appears to them to be requisite, cause such Inquiry to be made by One of their Inspectors ;J and the said Board may, in any Case where they see fit, before acting upon the Report of any Inspect or, X cause such Report to be deposited for local Inspection, and give Notice of the same being so deposited, and consider any Statements or Objections which may be transmitted to them in relation thereto, [C. T. Act, 1869.] 13. The majority of the trustees of any charity, if authorised by thel^oard, may institute and maintainauy action, suit, petition, or other proceeding in the same manner in all respects as if they were the sole ti'ustees of the charity. "^Viiere the trustees, or the majority of the trustees, of any charity, institute and maintain any action, suit, petition, or other proceeding under the authority of the Board, such action, suit, petition or other proceeding shall not abate or become discontiimed or of no effect by reason of the death or removal from office of any of the trustees, or of the addition of any new trustee, but shall continue and have effect for and against the trustees for the time being of the chai'ity, in the same manner as if they were actually named therein. [* See last paragraph of sect. 28 (p. 62), a7id so far as regards procetdinr/s hy the Attorney General, stcls. 18 (infra). 20 (p. 61), 28 (/). 61), 32 (p. 65), ay {p. 69), 43 '(;;. T4).J [f For the jurisdiction conferred by the Charitable Trusts Acts (1) iipou Judges of the Chancer;/ Division of' the High Court of Justice at Chambers, see p. 61 ; (2) upon the Court of Chancery of the County Palatitie of Lancaster, see p. 64 ; and (3) upon the County Courts, see p. P5.] [J Now '• Assistant Commissioner," or " Assistant Commissioners," as context may require. See Charitable Trusts Act, 1887, sect. 2, sub-sect. 3 (p. 13).] rai raoy tion r ATTORNEY-GENERAL —JURISDICTION AT CHAMBERS. 61 [C. T. Act, 1853.] 20. In any Case in wliicli it shall appear to tlie Power for said Board that the iiisliLuliou of kgal Proceeduigs is requisite or dcsirahle l^'^rd to with respect to any Charity, or the Estates, Funds, Property, or Affairs ''"'^'^■•' p, thereof, and that under the Circumstances thrjreof it is desirahle that sucli Z^lh!' "^^ Proceedings should ])e instituUd by the Attorney General, it shall be lawful Attorney for the said Board, if they so think lit, to certify such Case, in AYriting under C'«n>;ral. the Hand of the Secretary of the said Board,* to Her Majesty's AUornev General, together witli such Statements and Particulars (if any) as in the Opinion of the said Board may be requisite or proper for the Explanation of such Case ; and thereu[)on the said Attorney Genc-ral, if upon Considei-acion of the Circumstances he tliiiik fit, shall institute and prosecute such le(>.).] § For the jurisdiction under the Chiiritplicahle to or for Objects or Purposes within the City of London the gross annual Income whereof does not exceed Thirty Pounds, in like Manner as if such Income exceeded that Amount. [C. T. Act, 1853.] 35. It shall be lawful for the said Board to direct that any Application as to any Charity within the Jui'isdiction of awj District Court of Bankruptcy or J County Court§ shall be made before a Judge of the Court of Chancery, or as to any Charity within the Jurisdiction of the Court of Chanceiy of the County Palatine of Lancaster, either before the Chancellor or the Vice Chancellor of the same County Palatine, or before a Judge of the High Court of Chancery, according to the Provisions herein contained applicable to a Charity the gross annual Income whereof exceeds Thirty Pounds, and in such Case such Application shall be made and may be heard and determined accordingly, in like Manner as if the gross annual Income of such Charity exceeded 'J'hirty Pounds ; and upon the Production of the Order or Certificate containing such Direction, or of a Copy thereof, the Application with respect to which such Order or Certificate shall have been made shall not be entertained or proceeded with by such DistHct orX Countv Court. Board, if dissatisfied with the Order of District or CountyCourt may remit the Case for Reconsidera- tion, or ma)' transfer the Matter to a Judge of the Court of Chancery. [0. T. Act, 1853.] 37. In case any such Order or Decision as last aforesaid of any District Court of Baitlcriiptey orX County Court shall not be approved by the said Board, it shall be lawful for such Board to remit the same for Reconsideration and Decision by such District orj County Court, with such Remarks and Recommendations thereon (if any) as shall seem fit and expedient to such Board, or, in the Discretion of the Board, to order, and direct that the Subject ]\[atter to which such Order or Decision relates, together with such Order or Decision, shall be submitted to the Consideration and Decision of a Judge of the Court of Chancery, and in such last-mentioned Case no further Proceedings shall be bad or taken in the District orX County Court with respect to the Matter in question ; and in case the Order or Decision of the District orX County Court, on the Reconsideration of any Order or Decision so remitted for Reconsideration, be disapproved as afore- said by the said Board, such Board shall refer such Orders and Decisions, [• The huxincss in Chambers of the Judges of tlic Charwery Division is noie regulated hy tli.c Rules of th( Supreme Court, 1 8!S3, OrV 60 Viet. c. 3!).).] [■f The increase of the limit if the Count i/ Court jurisdiction under the Charitable Trusts Acts from ;iO/. to 50/. (C. T. Ac!, 18G0, a. 11, /). ()7) has not iijftclid the jurisdiction of the Judges of the Chancery Division in Chambers over any Charity the i/ross income of trhich exceeds IK)/, bnl is less than 50/.] [X liepeuledby the Statute Law Jlieision Act. 18912 (55 ^J- 5G Vict. c. 19.).] n i «i4 CHAN'CKHY JtJnlSDICTlOX Ai' CQAMBEIi-., l^rdri«d as to pttrticulnr Emlow- iueut». By w!i nil Apjiliiiitions may be niailu. Notice to be puhlislu'il of Application for Sclieiuos or Appoint- ment or Removal of Trusties under this Act. Lord Clian- cellor, with the Advice of Master of the Rolls and Vice Chancellors, or Two of them, to make Gene- ral Onlers. the Trustees thereof, in addition to the principal Endowment for its general Obiects and Purposes, shall be possessed of or entitled to any other Endow- ment for any particular or special Olijeet or Purpose arising out of or in its Isatui-f or Applieation connected with the general Objects or Purposes of such Charity, it shall be lawful for tlio said Board, having regard to the circuiustancos of each such Case, and to the Object and Extent of the prtiposc'd A])plK'ation and Litigation, to determine ^vhother such Endowment tor such particular or special Object or Purpose should, for llie Purposes of Jurisdiction and Proceedings under this Act, be considered and treated as forn^inl; Part of the general Endowment of the Charity, or as a separate or independent Charity, and such Eoard shall frame their Certificate or Order accordingly. rC. T. Act, 1853.] 43. Every application to any Judge or Court under the Jurisdiction created or conferred by any of the Provisions of this Act, may be made by ller Majesty's Attorney General, or, subject to ths Provisions aforesaid, fiy all or any One or more of the Trustees or Persons administering or claiming to administer, or interested in, the Charity which shall be the Subject of such Application, or any Two or more Inhabitants of nv\ Parish or Place within which the Charity is administered or applicable; [This section is printed in full in Aj^pendix, No. 1, ^j. 74.] [C. T. Act, 1853.] 42. n?efore any Application shall be made to any .ludge of the Court of Chancery, .... under any of the Provisions herein contained for the Establishment or Alteration of a Scheme or the Appointment or liemoval of any Trustees or Trustee, Notice in "Writing of such intended Ap]ilication shall be given in such Form and Manner as the said Eoard shall have directed ; and if the Order be that such Notice be affixed to or near the Door of any Parish or District Church, the Incumbent and Churchwardens of such Parish or District are hereby respectively required to ollow such Notice to be affixed and to remain so affixed during such Period, not less than Fifteen Days, as the said Board shall have ordered ; and in any Case in which the Order shall be that such Notice shall be affixed to any Place, Evidence that the same has been so affixed shall bo deemed and taken as prima, facie Evidence that it has remained affixed during the Period prescribed by the Board. \_This section is 2^'>'i>ited in full in Apjpendix, No. l,p. 74.] [C. T. Act, 1853.] 31. It shaU be lawful for the Lord Chancellor, with the Advice and Consent of the Master of the lloUs and Vice Chancellors, or any Tm'o of them, to make and issue General Kules and Orders for regulating the Mode and Form of Applications at the Chambers of the Master of the Eolls and Vice Chancellors respectively under this Act, and the Proceedings thereon, and for determining in what Cases and under what Conditions and Restrictions the Determinations of the Master of the Rolls and Vice Chancellors respectively upon or in relation to such Applications shall be subject to Appeal, and the Fees and Allowances to Solicitors of the Court of Chancery, and the Fees to be payable in Money or by Stam])s to the Officers of the said Court in respect of such Applications and Proceedings thereon ; and such Rules and Orders may from Time to Time be varied by the like Authoi'ity, and all such Rules and Orders shall be deemed General Orders of the said Com't.* (plication, as might now be made or j^iven by the Court of Chancery or by the Lord Chancellor, intrusted as aforesaid, in a suit regularly instituted, or upon Petition, lis the Case may require ; and the Clerk of such County Courtf shall transmit a Copy of sucli Order or Direction to the OflBec in London of the Registrar of County Courts Judgments, to be there enrolled; Provided always, that no Judge of any District or* County Court shall be autliorized to vary any ])ecree, Order, or Direction of rhe Court of Chancery, or of any Judge thereof, or to make or give any Order or Direction incon- sistent or conflicting with any such Decree, Order, or Direction : Provided also, that where Two or more District or* County Courts shall have concurrent Jurisdiction witli respect to any Charity under this Act, no Application in respect of such Charity shall be made to or entertained by more than One of such District or* County Courts at the same Time. No Chancery Judge, or District or County Court, ill Proccc. CA.] r^ Now " I' iff;/," so far (ts regards the jurisdiction of the County Courts. See sect. 1 1 of C. T. Act, 1860, supra.] I i 68 Jl'UlSDICTION OK COINTY COIKTS. Proviso u to Provided alwavs, that where any Charity, or the Trustees thereof, in addition particular to tho ])rini-ii)al Endowment for its general 01>ject» and Purposes, sliall be Endow- pn88tvs8ed of or entitled to any other Endowment for any particular or special '"'"''*■ Object or Purpose arising out of or in its Nature or Application connected witli the 1,'eneral Objects or Purposes of such Cliarity, it shall be lawful for the said Board, having regard to the Circumslanees of each such Case, and to the Object and Extent of the proposed Application and JJtigation, to determine whether siieb Kndowment for such particular or special Object or Purpose should, for the Purposes of Jurisdiction and Proceedings under this Act, be considered and treated as forming Part of the general Endow- ment of the Charity, or as a separate or independent Charity, and such Board shall frame their Certilioate or Order accordingly. [T/iis sec f ion is printed in full at j). 63.] By wlioni [C. T. Act, 1853.] 43. Every application to any Judge or Court A'|.|)lic«iioiis under the Jurisdiction created or conferred by any of the Provisions of this may bo made, j^^.^ j^jjy ),^ made by Her Majesty's Attorney General, or, subject to the Provisions aforesaid, by all or any One or more of the Trustees or Persons administering or claiming to administer, or interested in, the Charity which shall be the Subject of such Ajjplication, or any Two or more Inhabitants of any Parish or Place within which the Charity is administered or applicable ; . . . . [This section is printed in full in Apjjendix, No. 1, p. 74.] Notice to he publislu'il of AppliciLtion for Schemes or Appoint- ment or Removal of Trustees under this Act. [C T. Act, 1853.] 42. Before any Application shall be made .... to any JJitili-icl Court of Bankruptcy or* County Court, under any of the Pro- visions herein contained for tlie Establishment or Alteration of a Scheme or the Appointment or Removal of any Trustees or Trustee, Notice in A\'riting of such inteiuled Applifation shall be given in such Form and Manner as the said Board shall have directed ; and if the Order be that such Notice be affixed to or near the Door of any Parish or District Church, the Incumbent and Churchwardens of such Parish or District are hereby i-espcctively required to allow such Notice to be affixed and to remain so affixed during such Period, not less than Fifteen Days, as the said Board shall have ordered; and in any Case in which the Order shall be that such Notice shall be affixed to anv Place, Evidence that the same has been so affixed shall be deemed and taken as prima facie Evidence that it has remained affixed during the Period prescribed by the Board. \This section is printed infill in Apjiendix, No. 1, p. 74.] No Order of District or CountyCourt for the Appointment or Removal of Trustees or Approval of n Scheme to bo valid unless confirn)e p. 06.] [X But lee now C/uiritable Trusts Amendinetit Act, 1855, sect. 4 ( ». 16), and Charitable Trusts Act, 1887, sect. 3 (;>. 16).] JURISDICTION OF COHNTT COUBTS. 60 approved by the said Board, it shall be lawful for such Board to remit the same Order .-.f for Becoiisideration and Decision by such Bintrict or* County Court, with District or such Remarks and Tieeonimendations thereon (if any) as shall seem lit and <^' f^'"'^ direct that the Subject .Matter to whicli such Order or Decision relates, u.^on^fidera- together witli such Order or Decision, shall l)e sul)niitted to the Consideration tioo, or may and Decision of a .)udu:e of the Court of Ciiancery, and in such last-mentioned t'""'*'"er t'le Case no further Proceedings shall be had or taken in the JHatrict o7-* County ]uj"^.Vf° k Court Avith respect to the Matter in question ; and in case the (Jrder or Coun of ' ^ Decision of the JJish-ict or* County Court, on the Becoiisideration ol' any Chaucery. Order or Decision so remitted for Reconsideration, he disapproved as aforesaid by the said Board, such Board shall reftn- such Orders and Decisions, and the Subject Matter thereof, to a Judge of tlie Court of Chancery, or, as to anv Charity within the Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery of the County Palatine of Lancaster, cither to the Chancellor or the Vice Chancellor of *the same County Palatine, or to a -Judge of the High Court of Chancery ; and where any Order or Decision is referred to a Judge of the Court of Ciiancery, or of the Court of Chancery of the said County Palatine of Lancaster, und'cr this Provision, such .Judge shall have and exercise all such Jurisdiction, Power, and Authority in relation thereto as in the Case of a Charity the gross annual Income whereof exceeds Thirty Pounds,t and may make such Order in relation to the Matter of such Order or Decision as to him may seem proper. [C. T. Act, 1853.] 38. Subject to any Orders to be made by the Lord How Orders Chancellor as herein-after mentioned, and to the other Provisions of this Act, o^ I^»s*"" all Proceedings to be taken in any District Court of Bankruptcy or* County Cour" under Court, and all Orders and Directions to he made or given by any such District tliis ,Vct to Court or* County Court iiy virtue of the Jurisdiction hereby created and con- be enforced, ferred on such Court, shall rcsjjectively be subject to the same Rules and Regulations, and have the same Effect, and be registered, enforced, and executed in the same Manner, as the other Proceedings, Ortkn's, Judgments, and Directions of the same Court under its ordinary Jurisdiction, and it shall be lawful for any such District Court or* for any County Court, with the Consent of the Board, to rescind or vary any Order which shall have been previously made l)y such Court, without I'rcjudice to any Act or flatter in tlie meantime done under such Order ; and for executing and putting in force any Order to he niadi; by any County Court under tliis Act, every Judge of any such Court shall and may have and exercise all such Powers cKiIiii(>. [C. T. Act, 1853.] 39. AVIiei-e any Persim authorized to make any Appeal. A])plication under this Act, (other than Her Majesty's Attorney CJeneral acting ex-otHcio,) or any other Person who may have been made a Party to anv Proecedini,' u|>on any A])plication under Ibis Act, is aggrieved by or dissatisfied with any Order made by any J)lstrict Court ol JJankru/itcy or* County Court upon any such Application, or any Proceeding thereon, ho may, within One Calendar ^[onth after tlie making of such Order, give [• Repealed by tite Statute I.aio Revision Act, 1S92 (55 \ 5ti I'irt. e. 19.). J [f As to this proceittirr, sec ante, p. (>!.] [J For t/ie Alt liere cited, read ' Counti/ Courts Act, iSt^H : '" »<»■ .z-. ' 1SS, ,u/,.,rrt .T, «f rhit latter Act (51 ^ 53 Vict, c, 43.).] I a 70 JtrRISDICTION OF COUNTY COURTS. Noticp in Writing to the said Court, and also to the said Hoard, that he is desirmis tf) jipiteai ai^aiiist the same; and if the said Board think it reasonable and proiuT that such A])pe:il should he entertained, and ijive a Certificate to that Etlccr, such District or* County Court shall suspend any Procoedings u])on the Order ap])ealed as^ainst during such Time as the Circumstances may require ; and the said Board, if they so tliink fit, may require the Person givinir any such Notice of Appeal to become bound with Two suflicient Sureties, to be approved by the Deputy Registrar of such District Court, or* by the Clerk of the County Court, f on the C<(se may be,* to tlie Treasurers of the said Courts respectively, or such other Person as the said lioard may sec fit, in such Sum as to the said Board shall seem reasonable, to pay sueli Costs of the Proceedings on the Apjxal as shall be ordered to bo j)aid by such Appellant, and also (if the said Board so think fit) to indemnify the Charity against the Costs and Expenses of or attending smdi Appeal; and every Bond executed under this Provision shall b»- exenii)t front Stamp Duty : Provided always, that it shall be la^v^ul for Iler ^lajesty's Attorntsy General, (acting ex-oflBcio,) at any Time within Three Calendar Months after %t lie making of any Order by a District Court or* County Court under this -Vet, to lodge and commence and jtrosecute an Appeal against such Order, without giving any such jSotice or becoming bonnd as af>ires;xid, and (>very such last-mentioned Appeal shall thereupon 1)0 allowed by the Order of such District or* County Court, and shall have such other Etfect as any other Appeal under this Act. Proci'edings on Appeal. Bond to prosscnte Appeal may be put iu Suit. and upon the or reverse the District Court [C. T. Act, 1853.] 40. Where any Order allowing an Appeal has been made as aforesaid, the Person thcrel)y allowed to appeal shall within Three Calendar ]\tonths present a Petition to the Court of Chancery, sotting fortli the Order appealed against, and the Order allowing such Ajjpeal, and praying such llelief as the Case may require hearing of such Petition the Court may confirm, vary, Order appealed against, or may remit such Order to tlie of Bdnkruptcy or* County Court by whicii the same was made, with, or without any Declaration or Directions of the Court of Chancery in relation thereto, or may proceed in relation to the Charity to which such Order relates as in the Case of an Application under this Act to a Judge of the Court of Chancery at Chambers, and any Judge of such Court sitting at Chambers or in open Court may make or give any such Orders or Directions in relation to the Matter of such Order as he may see fit, or the Court may make such other Order in relation to the Matter of any such Appeal as to the Court may seem just, and as might be made in the Case of a Suit regularly instituted, or a Petition, as the Case may require ; and in case the Party allowed to appeal do not within Three Calendar Mouths present sucli Petition of App' al, the Order against which such Appeal was allowed shall be final ; and m case any Costs adjudged on any sucli Appeal to be paid by the Party allowed to appeal be not paid, such Bond as aforesaid may be put in Suit, and the ^loney to be recovered on every such Bond shall be applied to indemnify the Cliarity Estate or the Person damnified, or otlierwisc in such Manner as the Justice of the Case may require, and the Court or J udge by whom such Appeal may have been heard shall think fit. (A.) RECOFEBY, UNDER WARRANT OF JUSTICES, OF POSSESSION OF CBARITY PROPERTY HELD OVER BY OFFICER OR ANY RECIPIENT OF CBARITY. I'owor for [C. T. Act, I860.] 13. Where any School Master or Mistress or other Magistnites Ofiicer, or any Pecipieut of the Benefit of a Charity, being in possession by '^ssi'on ^r ^^'"^^^ ^^ ^^^^ °*" ^^^" Office, or as such Becipient, of any House, Buildings, Laud, [• Repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1892 (65 Sf 56 Vict. c. 19.).J [t Now "t/ie Registrar:' 'See footnote + on p. 66.] RECOVERY OF POSSESSION'. — REPEALS. 71 or Property of the Charitj, shall Iiuve Ijoeii removed from or shall cease to School hold such his or her OUice, or his or her Place as such Recipient, but he or Buiiainss she, or any Person claiming under liim or her, shall refuse or neglect to ji'«l ProiM^rty relinquish the Possession of such House, Buildings, Land, or Property within ofi'icei^ or'^ One Calendar Jlonth next thereafter, to his or her Successor, or to the Kt-cipients of Trustees or Persons acting in tlie Administration of the Charity, or as they Charities. shall direct, it shall he, lawful for any Two or more Justices of the Peace acting for the District, Division, or Place in which such House, Buildings, Land, or Property sliall be situate, in Petty Sessions assembled, and they are hereby required, on the Complaint of the said Trustees or Administrators, and on the Production of an Order of the said Board certifying such School Master or Mistress or other Officer or Recipient to have been duly removed from or to have ceased to hold his or her Office or Place, (which Order under the Seal of the said Commissioners shall be conclusive Evidence of the Facts tlicreby certilied, and of tlie Jurisdiction of the said Commissioners to make such Order for all the Purposes of this Eaactment and shall aiford a complete Indemnity to all persons acting thereunder,) to issue a Warrant under the Hands and Seals of ^uch Justices to any Constables or Peace Officers of the same District, Division, or Place, commanding them, witliin a Period to be thereby appointed, not being less than Ten or more than Twenty-one clear Days thereafter, to enter into tlie Premises, and deliver Possession thereof to the said Trustees or Administrators, or their Nominie or Agent, and to remove therefrom such former School Master or Mistress, or other Oiiicer or Recipient, aiid all Persons claiming in his or her Right, as fully and elTectually, and subject to the same Provisions, as nearly a> the Case will permit, as Justices of the Peace are empowered to give Possession of any Properties to the Landlord or his Agent upon the Determination of the Tenancy thereof, under an -\.ct passed in tlie Pirst and Second Yeai's of the Ueign of Her Majesty, Chapter Seventy-four, for facilitating the Recovery of Possession of Tenements after the Determination of the Tenancy. XII.— Provisions as to Repeals. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 1. " The Charitable Trusts Act, 1853," herein-after 16& 17 Vici. called "the principal Act," and this Act, shall be construed together as One J'-.'^'^J^"^^ Act, and any Provisions of the principal Act inconsistent with this Act arc {,^.'^y„^tVir«l hereby repealed. to-ifthtr. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 2. 'SVy miiefi of the priiiriptil Jet {Scc/ioii IT.) an IVovision as procklcs' lluit oft*-''- the Tliir hi -first 'ihuj of Morcli One tlionmiid eight ^^^^^l^'^'"'- hundred and fifty-seven an annual Salari/ shall be paid to One only of the [*^^. ^^^^ Commissioners besides the Chief Commissioner is hereby repealed* mis-sioncre roiK-aled. rC T Act 18551 30. So mueh of Section Tmenfy-one of the prineipal i^i' Charity, shall be repealed as to all Accounts which such Trustees or Ad- TruMce. of' niinijit rators shall not have been bound to render before the passing of this ChTiti... Act ; ^ . . . . [This section is printed in full at p. 21.] Tho Clmri- [C. T. Act, I860.] 1. " The Charitahle Trusts Act, 1853," and " The Act's to"!r Cliaritahle Trusts Amendment Act, 1855," and this Act, shall be construed con^tiueif toilet her as One Act, and any Provisions of the said former Acts inconsistent with this with this Act are hereby repealed; Act. Repeal. [C. T. Act, 1869.] 17. II The enactments described in the schedule to this Act are hereby repealed ; provided that, (1.) This repeal shall not affect anijthing already done and suffered, or any right acquired or order made, under such enactments : (2.) Any proceedings already commenced under the enactments hereby repealed shall be proceeded icith in the same manner as if this repeal had not been made. SCHEDULE. Date. Title. 16 4- 17 Vict. c. 13:. 23 4- 24 Vict. c. 136. An Act for the better administration oJ"\In part ; namely, section Cliaritable Trusts - - - J si.rti/-tliree. An Act to amend the law relating to the ad- I In jnirt ; namely, section ministration of Endowed Charities. -J sixteen. ^Pe"'- [C. T. Act, 1887.] 6. The Acts specified in the Second Schedule to this Act are hereby repealed to the extent in the third column of ihat schedule mentioned : Provided that (a) this repeal shall not affect anything already done or suffered, or the tenure, salary, or power of any officer holding office at the passing of this Act ; (6) this repeal, so far as regards the official trustees of charitable funds, shall take efiect on tlie date on which regulations under this Act in relation to such trustees come into operation.^ [• P- 52.] [t P- 53.] [t p. 20.] [§ Repealed by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1875 (38 4 39 Vict. c. 66.).] [J Repeated by the Statute Law Revision Act, 1883 (45 ^ 47 Vict. c. 39.).] [f Ut April 1889.] liErKAt?. SECOND SCHKDULE. Enactments Uei-ealed. Session and Chapter. Title of Act. I'art repealed. 16 & 17 Vict. c. 137. 18 A 19 Vict. c. 121. The Chiiritiiljle Trusts Act, 1853 Tlic Cbaritiibii! Trusts Auieiid- meut Act, 1855. I 23 & 24 Vict. p. 136. TlieCliiuilabloTrusts Act, 1860 So much of section one as relates to the inspectors; section four, section lifly- one down to " clmritablc funeloni.'in<; to a ('Ii:irity ■iuhject to his .liirisiliction to transfer same to OlKcial 'I'riutees. [C. T. Act, 1853.] 51. Tke Secretary for the Time being of the said Board, and such other public Officer or Officers as the Lord Chancellor shall appoint, shall be official Trimtees of Charitable Funds, and whore Trustees or other Persons having in their Names, or in the Name of any deceased Pei'son of whom they are Representatives, in the Books of the Bank of England, or of the East India oi- South Sea Company, or of any otiier public Company, any Annuities, Stock or Shares, or holding any Government or Parliamentary or other Securities in trust for any Charity, shall be desirous to transfer or deposit the same to or with the said official Trustees in trust for such Charity, or where any Persons shall be desirous of ti-ansferring or depositing as aforesaid any Annuities, Stocks, Shares, or Securities, for dischar'ging an}- Legacy or Charge given or made to or for the Benefit of any Charity, or where it shall apjiear to the Court of Chancery, or to any Judge of such Court, or of any District Court of Bankruptcy, or County Coui-t having Jurisdiction under this Act, that any Aimuities, Stock, Shares, or Securities, held in trust for any Charity ought, for the Purpose of Security or ccmvenient Administration, to be transferred or deposited as aforesaid, it shall be lawful ibr such Court or Judge to order the Transfer or Deposit of such Annuities, Stock, Shares, or Securities to or with such official Trustees. Expenses of Exchanges and Partitions, and determining Application of Charges. Board may direct Official Trustees 10 convey Lands, &c. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 34. The Expenses incident to the Application for and procuring of any such Urder of Exchange or Partition, or Order determining the Land charged with any Rent, Annuity, or Periodical Payment, shall be paid by the Trustees or Admiiiistratoi-s of the Charity, or by the other Parties to such Transactions, or by both, as the Board may direct. [C. T. Act, 1855.] 37. It shall be lawful for the Board to authorize or order and direct tiie Olhcial Trustee of Chnrity Lands and the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds respecii\ ely to convey Lands, and tu a-sign, trjinsfer, and pay over Stocks, Funds, Monies, and Securities, as the Board shall think expedient. APPENDIX XO. 1. 75 [C. T. Act, I860.] 2. The Board of Cliarity Commissioners for Enrjland ami Walts, Ceitain suliject (o the Rfsti-ictiuiis and Rights of Appeal hereiu-after provided, shill have administrative Power from Time to Time, upon tiio Api)lication of any Person or Persons who, under ixJre"able''b the Forty-third Section of " The Charitable Trusts Act, 1853," might be authorized to the Charity ' apply to an}' Judge or Court for the like Purposes,, to make such effectual Onk-i-s as fr"™"''*- may now be made by any Judge of the Court of Chancery sitting at Chambers, or by *""^'^"' any Countj' Court ur District Court of Buiikru/itci/, fur the Appointment or Reiiiovill of Trustees of any Charity, or for the Removal of any Sciiool Master or Mistress or other Officer thereof, or for or relating to the Assurance, Transfer, Payment, or vesting of any Real or Personal Estate belonging thereto, or entitling the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, or any other Tnistees, to call for a Transfer of and to transfer jiiiy Stock belonging to such Estate, or for the Establishment of any Scheme for the Administration of any such Charity. [C. T. Act, 1860.] 4. The said Board shall not make any Order, under the Jurisdiction vcsteil in them bj^ this Act, with respect to any Charity of which the gross annual Income, exclusively of the yearly Value of any Buildings or Land used wholly for the Purposes thereof, and not yielding any pecuniary Income, shall amount to Fifty Pounds or upwards, except upon the Application of the Trustees or Persons acting in the Administration of the Charity, or a Majority of them, to be made to the said Board in Writing under their Hands if they shall be unincorporated, or under their Common Seal if they shall be incorporated, and the Board shall not make any Order removing any Trustee on the Ground only of his Religious Belief. The Powers to be exercisable over DO Charities of which thegroKs Income shall exceed So/, without Appli- cation of Trustees. [C. T. Act, I860.] 6. No Order appointing or removing a Trustee, or establishing Notices to be a Scheme for the Administration of any Charit}', shall be made by the said Board lie fore given of certain the Expiration of (»nc Calendar Month after public Notice of the Proposal to make such otijeci'i'ons or Order shall have been given, as they may consider most expedient and etfectual for Suggestions to ensuring the Publicity thereof, in each Parish or District in which the Charity, if of a *"-■ received, local Charactci-, shall be applicable, or among all Persons interested therein ; and no Order removing a Trustee or School Master or Mistress or other Officer of a Cliarity who shall have any known Place of Residence in Gre.at Britain or Ireland, and who shall not be consenting to be discharged, .shall be made before the Expiration of One Calendar Month after Notice of the Proposal to make such Order shall have al.so been delivered to him or her, or sent by the Post or otherwise to such his or her Place of Residence, and until after sufficient Hearing of the Matter before the said Board, or some Member thereof, or One of their Inupccturs ; and every Notice hereby required shall contain (.so far as conveniently may be) .sufficient Particulars of the Objects of the proposed Order, and shall prescribe a reasonable Time within which any Objections • thereto or Suggestions thereon may be made or transmitted to the Board ; and the saiil Board shall receive and consider all such Objections and Suggestions, and may withhold, suspend, or modify their proposed Order, as the}' shall thereupon, or in the Result of further Inquiry, or otherwise, think expedient. [C. T. Act, 1860. j 8. The Attorney General, or any Person authorized by him or Power to by the said Board, in the Case of any Charity, whatever may be the yearly Income of apij''"' "P"'"' its Endowments, and any Trustee or Person acting in the Administration of or interested jjoar,]" in anj' Charity of which the gross yearly Income to be calculated in manner aforesaid shall exceed Fifty Pounds, or any Two Inhabitants of any Pari.sh or District in wiiich the .same shall be speeiall}- applicable, may, within Three Calendar Months next after the definitive Publication of any Order of the .said Board appointing or removiug a Trustee or Trustees, or for or relating to the A.ssurance, Transfer, Payment, or vesting of any Real or Pei-sonal Estate, or establishing a Scheme for the Administration of the Charity, present a Petition to the High Court of Chancery in a summary Way, apjH'aling ag:iinst such Order, and praying such Relief as the Citso may require ; and any Schoolma-ster or Schoolmistress or otlier Officer removed by the Order of the BoaiHl, without the Concur- rence of the Trustees or Persons acting in the Administration of the Charity, or a Majority of them, and without the Approval of a Special Visitor, if any, of the Charity, may, within Two Calendar Months (next afti-r his or her Removal), appeal in like Manner against the Order of Removal ; and the Court, upon or U'tore the Hearing of any such Petition of Appeal as aforesaid or at any Stige of the Priiceedings. may require, if it shall think tit, from the said Board, their Reasons for nniking the Order appealed against, or lor any Part of such Order, and may remit tiie same to the Board for Reconsideration, with or without anj- Declamtion in relation theret<\ or may make any substitutive or other Order in relation to tlif .Matter of the Appeal, lus it .shall think just ; and the Court may nuike any Order respectinj^ the Costs, Charges, or Exjx'nsos incident to the Appeal, and may also, before hearing or proceeding with the .same, require from any Appellant, other than the Attorney General, proper Security for sucli Costs, Charges, and Ex|ienses as may be eventually payable bj* him; but no such Petition of Appeal shall be presented by any Pei-son, other than tiie Attorney Genenil, before the expiration of Twenty-one Days after written Notice, under the Hand of such K •_> A1'1'KM>IX NO. 1. Nt> Prnvision in at>r Act of VarlinmtMiI, or D'l-nft' n>lalliig In any Clnnty liniicr nny llrd«»r rttho C.iurl cif ClumriTV. to vx- cliid« miy Juris- diction which mifcht otherwise be eicrciwd liy ttic Charily C'om- iniss loners. Amendmont lit Charitable Trusts .\cts as to olHciuI trustees of charitable funds. Ai)[.clliint, of hi^i or her Intention to present such Petition, shall have been delivered to tlie saiil Boanl at their Office. |C. T. Act 1862.] Whereas hy the Acts relating to the Chai-ity Commissioners for Kii{,'lHn(l" and Wales, Authority has been given to the Coniinissionei-s to make Orders ior^arlous Purpose.s in Charity Cases upon sunnnary Application, and particularly in reiiiiion tst Eirdlent Miijexty, h)j avd ivith the advice and consent of the Lords Splritiud and Temi>oval, and Comnwtis.in this present Parliament assembled, and by thi- authority of the same as follows : 1. No Provision contained in any such Act of Parliament or Decree or Order as aforesaid for tJie Appointment or Removal of Trustees of any Charity, or for or relating to the .Sale, Exchange, Leasing, Disposal, or Improvement of any Property, by or under the Order or with the Approval of the Court of Chancery, shall (in the Absence of any express Direction to the contrary, to be contained in any future Act of Parliament, Order, or Decree,) exclude or impair any Jurisdiction or Authority whieii might otherwise be properlj' exercised for the like Purposes by the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales. [C. T. Act, 1887.] 4. — (1.) From and after the date fixed by a regulation under this section, such officers of the Board as the Board with the approval of the Treasury fram time to time appoint shall, in lieu of the persons mentioned in the Charitable Trusts Amendment Act, 1855, be the official trustees of charitable funds: Pi-ij\-ided that any inspector or officer of the Board, who at the passing of this Act is official trustee of charitable funds, and is not, after the passing of this Act, appointed to be official trustee shall, while he continues to hold his inspectorship or office, receive not less salary than he received while official trustee. (2.) From and after the said date, notwithstanding anything in the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 18(39, the Treasury niay, by regulations to be made or approved by them, from time to time prescribe : ((() the accounts to be kept by the said official trustees and the mode in which and the persons by whom such accounts and the banking accounts, and any other accounts retpiired by the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1869, to be kept by or on behalf of the official trustees of charitable funds, are to be kept ; {h) the mode in winch orders authoiised l)y law for the payment of any nsoncy to or by the saiil official trustees or held upon their banking account, or for the transfer of any stock or securities to or by the said official trustees, are to be signed, authenticated, and carried into eflect ; and ((•) the mode in which the business of the said official trustees generally is to be conducted : Provided that separate accounts shall continue to be kept for each charity. (3.) The accounts of the said official trustees shall be audited by such person and in accordance with .such regulations as the Treasury from time to time appoint or prescribe. (4.) A regulation under this section, or any order made under any such regulation, shall be a complete indemnity to the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and all companies and pcr.sons. for any act done pursuant to such regulation or order, and the siiicl Governor and Company, and other companies and persons, shall conform to such regulation or order. AIM'EN'UIX XO. 2. 77 APPENDIX :\o. 2. The Endowed Schools Act, 1874 (37 & 38 Vict. c. 87.)- 2. Her Majesty and her successors may at any time ofter the jMssivif uf this Act, by i'o»i.r to add warrant under her sign in.iiiuai, f.oin time to lime ap[>oint .-my numbtr uf persuns not tu ciinriy exceeiling two to be paid Cbarity Commissionprs for Eiiglatid and Wult-s and a iierson to •""""""- be Secictary in addition to ilie tbree paid Charity Con.niissionfrs and Socretjiry capalih- of being appointed under tlie Cliaritsible Trusts Acts, 18.5;{ to 1.S09. The two ad(hti(iiial Commissioners and additional Secretary .ipjjoiiited in pin-suance of this Act shall hold olHce during Her Majest3''s jdeasure and their salaries .shall, uiiles.-> otherwise directed by Parliament, cease to be paid after the expiration of five j-ears from the sa'd thirty- first day of December one tliousaml eij^ht hundred ami S!?ventv-four. Save as in this section mentioned, the alditional Commissioners sha'l have the same powers, p -rform the same duties, and stimd in all respects in the same position as the other paid Ch.-irity Oomiiiissioiiers with the exception of the Chief Comnds- sioner. The Commissioners of Her Mojesiif.s Treasury niMv allow the Charity Conmdssionei's to employ such ninnber of a^sist:lnt commissioners, officers, and clerks as the Commis- sioners of Her Majesty's Tieasury may think liecessary for the purpose of enabling the said Charity Commissioners to jierform the additional duties imposed upon them by this Act. K 3 INDEX TO SECTIONS OF ACTS. INDEX TO SECTIONS OF THE CHARITABLE TRUSTS ACTS, 1853 to 1894. The Charitable Tri'slt Act, 1853 Pau-f Scciioii 1 - - i;j It 2 ■i - • • 13 14 »» 4 - . 14 14 I'l . - - 15 7 - - 15 " s 9 - - * 15 18 10 . - - IS 11 - - 18 12 - - - 18 *) l.T - - 19 14 . - - 19 1.-, - - 19 ff u; - - - 23 17 - - 59 18 . - - 60 1!) - - 23. 00 •1 20 - - - 61 21 - - 27 If 22 - - - 48 tf 23 - - 21 24 - - - 28 25 - - 28 26 - - - 28 9t 27 28 _ . " . ■ ■ 25 61 29 - - 61 »» 30 - - - 62 *} .SI - - 64 a2 - - - 65 JJ 33 - - 67 34 - - - 67 ft 35 - 62, 65, 67 It 36 - - - 68 11 37 - 62, 65,68 t* 38 - - 69 39 - - 69 l» 40 - - - 70 41 • 63, 66, 74 )f 42 - 64, 68, 74 43 38, 44, 49, 54, 61, 64, 68, 74 44 - - 63,67 I* 45 - . 69 4G - - 46, 55, 63, 66 .^ 47 - • 30 »» 4K - • 30 40 - . 31 50 - - . 32 -^ 51 - 32, 33, 74 52 - 34 IV 53 - . 42 „ 54 - - . 52 55 - - . 52 -J 56 - - . 52 ,, 57 - - - 53 )» 5>< - - - 53 »» 50 - - - 53 »» 60 - - - 17, 53 »> 61 - - - 20 62 - - . 10 »> G3 - - - 12 r.i - - . 23 »» 65 - - - 41 66 . . 9 ,. 67 - - - 9 7'^r C/iaritahle Trusts Amendment Act, 1S55. Section 68 1 2 :{ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Papc - 7,71 - 15, 71 - 13 - 16 - 16 19 - 19 - 20 - 17, 20 - 43, 57 - 43, 57 - 31 - 43, 58 - 44, 5S - 30 - 29, 32 - 32 - 33 - 33 - 35 - 35 - 34 - 35 35 - 35 - 35 - 36 - 37,42 - 26 - 27, 71 - 25 - 25, 28 - 24 24, 28, 74 - 25, 29 - 29 29, 31, 34, 74 - 28 - 28 - 43 - 25, 71 - 42 52, 53, 72 - 21,72 - 22 - 24 - 11 10 - 11 The Charitable Trusts Act, 1860. Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 U 12 13 14 15 - 8, 72 31, 34, 38,41, 49, 54, 75 40, 46, 50, 55 38, 45, 46, 49, 54, 75 39, 46, 50. 55 - 46, 50, 55, 75 - 47, 56 40, 47, 50, 56, 75 41,48,51,57 - 39, 45, 49. 54 - 67 - 34 51, 70 - 48 - 25,27 INDEX TO SECTIONS OF ACTS. 79 The Charitable Tnutt Act, 1860- cont. Section 16 »? 17 »» ly 19 )» 20 ?> 21 I) 22 » 23 )» 21 2o Page 29, 32 33 37 20. 42 17 20 Id 15 30, 40 14 8 The Charitable Trusts Act, 1862 Section 1 - - - 2G, 44, 7G The Charitable Trusts Act, 1869. Section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 It 15 8 • , - ^ 40, 40, 50, bo 16, 39, 45, 49, .M 16 - 47, 50 16 20,20,41,48, 51, 57 40, 47, 57 - 41,47,51,57 - 29, 32 - 00 12 - 12. 39, 45, 54 The Charitable Trusts Act, 1869— conl. Page Section 16 • - 17 ., 17 - 72 The Charitable Trusts Act, 1887. Section 1 S 9 - 13, 15 „ 3 16 „ 4 - - 33. 36, 76 „ 5 - 30 „ 6 - - 72 The Charitable Trusts (Recover}/) Act, 1891. Section 1 „ 2 - „ 3 - „ 1 - ., 5 - „ 6 - „ 7 - 8 10, 58 58 58 59 59 9 The Charitable Trusts (Places of Religious Worship Amendment) Act, 1894. Section 1 9 ,. 3 ., 4 8 9 8 11, 12, 39, 45,55 Ki 80 OBKERAL IS'DEX. GENERAL INDEX. Subjoct. Page. ACCOUNTS OF CHARITIES : Parish Mec'tini>-, when to be laid before, - Pciiiilty for refusing to render _ - . - Requisition of, by Board, &c. _ - . IVustees to render ------ Vestry, when to be laid before, ADVERSE CLAIMS, saving of - - - - ADVICE, effect of when given by Board - ANNUAL REPORT to the Queen, by Board APPEALS against Orders of Board APPLICATION : Board, to, Chai'itable Trusts Act, 1860, under, by whom to be made Exempted Charities, for extension of Acts to, by whom to be made . . - - - General, how to be made . - - . Places of Religious "Worship, for appointment of Trustees, &c., of, by whom to be made - _ . Judge, or Court, to, AttoiTicy-General, by - Board, by, under Charitable Trusts (Recovery) Act. 1891, how to be made . - - . Charitable Trusts Act, 1853, under jurisdiction created by, who may make ..... APPOINTMENT of Trustees, by Board APPORTIONMENT OF CHARITIES ARBITRAL POWERS of Board ASSISTANT COMMISSIONERS : Appointment of - - - - - Attendance of persons, powers of, to require In(|uirics, power of, to make . - . - Numl)er, and salaries of, - . - - . Powers of, general - . . - ATTENDANCE : Of persons, requisition of mode of limits of distance for ATTORNEY-GENERAL : Appeals against Orders ot Board under Charitable Trusts Act, 18t50, may make and may authorise - - - Application to Board, may make - - „ County Court, may make „ Judge at Chambers, may make 22. 19, 20. 18. 19, 22. 20-22. 22. 19,60, 63, 66. 23. 17. 40. 47, 50, 56. 38, 44, 49, 54. 12. 16. 12. 60, 6] , 64, 68. 58. 64, 68. 43-48. 43, 57. 23, 24. 13. 18, 19. 18, 19. 13. 13. 18, 19. 18,20. 19,20. 40, 47, 56. 38, 44, 49, 54. 60, 68. 61,64. GEXiiRAL INbfiX. hi Subject. IVe. ATTORNEY-GENERAL— con^. Certificate to, by Board . - - . . Charities Procedure Act, 1812, may present petition under, Bx-officio, saving of power of, to proceed Recovery of charity property, sanction of, required to institution by Board of proceedings for - AUTHENTICATION of Documents by Board BENEFIT SOCIETIES, exemption of, from Acts BOARD, Charity Commissioners to sit as - - BRITISH MUSEUM, exemption of, from Acts BUILDING LEASES, Board may sanction - BUILDING. Sites for, acquisition of, - CAMBRIDGE, University of, exempted from Acts - CAPITAL FUNDS, application of, Board may authorise CATHEDRAL SCHOOLS, not included in exemptions from Acts --.... CERTIFICATE OF BOARD : To Attorney-General ..... Authorising application to Judge at Chambers - „ „ County Court ... „ legal proceedings generally Parliamentary Schemes, when approved, to be embodied in CHAMBERS : Application to Judge at. Board may authorise Jurisdiction of Judge at, ... „ „ Board may determine limits of, „ „ Notice of application under, to be given CHAPTER SCHOOLS, not included in exemptions from Acts - CHARGE upon Charity Estate, sanction to, required CHARGEABILITY of lands. Board may determine CHANCERY DIVISION: Application to Judge of, at Chambers, notice of, when to be given - - - - - - - ' Application may be required by Board to be made to Judge of, at Chambers, instead of to County Court Approval of, requirement of, not to exclude jurisdiction of Board ..... County Court, decision of, may be referred by Board to Judge of, at Chambers - - - - Juri.sdiction of Judge of, at Chambers, under Charitable Trusts Act, ] .^53 " CHARITY," definition of - - - - CHARITY COMMISSIONERS: Appointment of - - - - - Commons, House of, disqualified for seat in Procedure of . . . . - Qualification of - Quorum of - Salaries of - Stylo of ----- - Tenure of ofiico by - - - - - U 9U17. L Gl. 01. 60. 58. 15,16. 10. 10, 15. 10. 27. 25. 10. 25, 27. 11. 61. 61. C6. 59, no. 5:3. Gl. 61-4. 63. 64. 11. 26. •24. 64. G2. 26, 44. (')!». 61-64. 10. 13. 1-1. i:.-i7. 13. 15. 14.15. 1.5. 13 82 GENERAL INDEX. Subject. PBge. CHUIU'II OF ENGLAND, saving of rights of, in certain cases CHURCHWARDENS AND OVERSEERS, Vesting of land, legal I'state in which is held by, • - - - CLAIMS adverse to Charity, saving of - COLLEGIATE SCHOOLS not within exemptions from Acts - COMPROMISE OF CLAIMS . - - . - CONSTRUCTION of Charitable Trusts Acts CONTENTIOUS CASES not to be determined by Board under Charitable Trusts Act, 1860 - - - COPi'HOLDS, Vesting of, in Official Trustee of Charity Lands CORPORATION : Application to Board by, when to be under seal J urisdiction of Board over Charities vested in - - " Trustee," definition of expression, in Acts, includes Vesting in Official Trustee of Charity Lands of real estate vested in - - - - - - - Words applying to any person, or individual, to apply to - COSTS: Of Order for determining chargeability of land, provision for Of Inquiry, Appeals, &c., provision for - - - Taxation of- COUNTY COURT : Jurisdiction of __.... ,, limits of, to be determined by Board „ notice of application under, to be given „ Order made under : „ Appeal against . . _ . „ Approval of, by Board - - - - „ Remission ol", to Court by Board - „ Submission of, to judge at Chambers, by Board - .... DEEDS, Enrolment of, by Board .... DEPOSIT OF DEEDS, DOCUMENTS, &c. DEFINITIVE PUBLICATION. {See Publication of definitive order). DEVESTING of land vested in Official Trustee of Charity Lands DIVIDENDS on stock held by Official Trustees of Charitable Funds to be paid to administering Trustees DOCUMENTS : Deposit of, provision for - - - _ - Production of, power of Board, &c., to compel 'J'ransmission of, power of Board to compel, and to retain DURHAM, University of, exemption of, from Acts ENDOWMENT, definition of ENROLMENT of Deeds, &c. by Board 46,55,63, 66. 31. 19, 60, 63, 66. 11. 21,25. 7,8. 39,16, 50, 55. 31. 38,45,49, 54. 39,45,49, 54. 10. 31. 10. 24. 26. 43. 65-70. 67. 68. 69-70. 68. 69. 69. 42. 42. 31. 34. 42. 18, 19. 20, 42. 10. 10. 42. GENERAL INDEX. 83 Subject. f^.f,'.. ETON COLLEGE, exemption of, from Acts - EVIDENCE : False, penalty for giving, on examination Eefusal to give, penalty for - . _ . EXCHANGE : ^ Board may authorise - _ _ Cost, &c., of, Board may authorise payment of Majority of Trustees may carry into effect Money received for equality of, may be re-invested in land EXEMPTED CHARITIES : Extension of Acts to - - - - - Notices of Order extending Acts to, to be given EXEMPTIONS FROM ACTS - . - . . EXPENDITURE of income for special purposes. Board may sanction - - . _ . EXTENT OF ACTS FEES, Scale of, for business ... FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, Exemption of, from Acts - F UXDS, Capital, Board may authorise application of, for benefit of Charity . . . - . GENERAL MINUTES. [See Minutes.) IMPROVEMENTS, Board may sanction expenditure upon INCIDENTAL PROVISIONS, Board may insert, in Order INCOME TAX, Exemption from : Of Dividends upon Stock in Public Funds held by Official Trustees of Charitable Funds - - Of Dividends upon like Stock in other names INDEMNITY : To Bank of England, and other Companies, acting on Orders relating to transfers or payments, . . _ To Official Trustees of Charitable Funds ... INQUIRY: Costs of, provision for . - . - . Powers of - - - - - INSPECTORS, appointment and tenure of office of INTERPRETATION of terms in Acts INVESTMENT : Orders of Board as to, to be carried into efifect Power to Board to authorise . . . _ JUDICIAL COURTS, cases more lit to bo determined by. not to be dealt wiih by Board under Charitable Trusts Act, 1860 LANCASTER, Coun.ty Palatine of, jurisdiction conf.^n'.l on Court of Chancery of - - - " LAND, power to invest in • - - - - LANDS, chargeability of, power to determine L 2 II. 19. 19, 20. 28. 25, 28. 29. 25, 29. 12. 12. 10-12. 26. 9. 17. 10. i 25, 26, 27. 27. 16. 37. 42. 36. 33. 20. lS-20. 13, 14. 9, 10. 29. 25, 28. 29. 35. 39, 46, 50, 55. 64. 65. 25, 29. 24. S4. GENERAL INDEX. Subject. I'ace. LEASE of Charity Estate : KiVoct of, when aanctioned liy Board Majority of Trustees may carry into effect Sanction to, may be given by Board ,, when required - LEGAL PROCEEDINGS : By Board ----■■ Institution of. sanction of Board, when required to Majority of Trustees may institute LETTING of Charity Property, Board may sanction Scheme for - - - - * - MAJORITY OF TRUSTEES : Le^al proceedings, empowered to institute - - - Sales, leases, mortgages, &c., empowered to execute MIXING LEASES, Board may sanction - MINUTES, Board to make - . - - - MINUTES, GENERAL : Board to frame . - - - - Parliament, to be laid before .... MISREPRESENTATION, discharge of Order made on MISSIONARY SOCIETIES, exemption of certain funds of, from Acts . . - . - MISTAKE, discharge of Order made by, - - - J^IODIFIED ORDER, republication of, not required - MORTGAGE of Charity Estate : Board, sanction of, when required to - - - ,, ,, effect of . - . Board may authorise : I'or beneficial purposes - - „ cost of improvements, &c. - - . - ,, payment of equality of exchange or partition, &c. Majority of Trustees may execute - - - - Replacement of money raised by, provisions for MUNICIPAL CHARITIES, vesting of property of NOTICE : Of application to judge at Chambers, to be published „ ,, publication of, enforced - ,, ,, „ evidence of - Of application to County Court to be published - Of Order for ; Apportionment to be published ... Exempted Charities, extension of Acts to, to be given - Scheme, establishment of, to be given to Trustees, and to be published ..... Schoolmaster, &c., removal of, to be given to Trustees, and to person to be removed Trustees, appointment, or removal of, to be given to Trustees, and to Trustee to be removed, and to be published .--... Vesting, to be given to Trustees - - Of Parliamentary Schemes . •. . . OFii'ICERS, of Charities removable by Trustees in certain cases (and see Schoolmasters, &c.) - . . _ 28. 29, :}2. 2G,27. 2G. 58, 50. 59, (50. GO. 28. GO. 29, 32. 27. 15. 15. 15. IG. 11. 16. 47, 56. 26. 28. 27. 27. 28. 29, 32. 27. 41,42. 64. 64. 64. 68. 43.58. 12. 55, 56. 50. 46, 47. 40. 52, 53. 48. GENERAL INDEX. Sahjcct. Page. OFFICIAL TRUSTEE OF CHARITY LANDS: Bare Trustee, is a - - . . Constitution of ----- - Conveyance of land to. Board may authorise „ „ by, „ direct - Devesting of land vested in- vesting land in ----- - OFFICIAL TRUSTEES OF CHARITABLE FUNDS : Annual accnunt to be laid before Parliament by - Assignment by, Board may direct Banking Account : To be kept by - Dividends on stock held by, to be paid into - Constitution of ----- - Dividends on stock held by : Banking account, to be paid into- - - - Trustees of Charity, to be paid to - - - Functions and procedure of - - - - - Income Tax, exemption from, of stock held by - Indemnity to. Statutory - - - - - Payments by. Board may direct, ,, to, provisions authorising - - - Perpetual succession, to have .... Principal monies, to invest . - . - . Procedure, and accounts of, regulations as to 'J'l'ansfer of stock, when empowered to call for Transfers by, ]5oard may direct - - . - ,, to, provision authorising ... OPINION, effect of, given by Board - - - . ORDER: Discharge of - - - - - - - Effect of ------ - Enforcing, provisions for - - - . . Incidental provisions may be inserted in - Investment and application of funds, for, to be carried into effect - - - - - - - Puljlication of ----- - Transfer or payment to Trustees, or to Official Trustees of Charitable Funds, directing, to atVord indemnity to Bank of England, and Companies or persons acting on it OVERSEERS. (See Churchwardens.) OXFORD, University of, exemption of, from Acts PARLIAMENTARY SCHEMES. {Srr Schemes.) POSSESSION of building or property held over by School- master, &c., provisions for giving . - . - PROCEDURE of Charity Commissioners • PUBLICATION OF NOTICE : Of application to County Court .... ,, Judge at Chambers - Of modified Order not required .... Of Order for ;n)poiiituient or removal of Trustees „ apportionment ,, establishment of Scheme Uf Parliamentary Schemes . . . - . L3 32. 30. 30. 31. 31. 30,31. 37,38. 34. 35. 35. 32-33. 35. 34. 34-37. 37. 33. 34. 34. 33. 3,0. 34-37. 34. 34. 33, 34. 23. IC. 10. 17. 10. 29. 14, 17, 56, 58. 30, 40. 10. 51,70. 1.0-17. OS. 04. 47. .■)0. 10. 43. .OS. r.li, 33. 86 GENERAL IN'DEX. Subject. Page. PUBLICATION OF DEFINITIVE ORDEE FOR : Apportionment ----- 44,58. Scheme, establishment of - - - - - 66. Trustees, appointment or removal of, - - - 47. QUEEN ANNE'S BOUNTY, exemption of, from Acts - 10. QUORUM of Charity Commissioners - - - 15. REAL ESTATE of Charities, control by Board over dealings with . - . - - . . 26-29. RECIPIENTS of Charities. {Sec Schoolmasters, &c.) RECORDS, &c., Board may require copies of - - - 18. RECOVERY of property of Charities, proceedings by Board for ..-.-- 58, 59. RELIGIOUS BELIEF, Trustee not to be removed on ground of 46. REMOVAL : Of Schoolmasters, Officers, and recipients of Charities - 48-51. Of Trustees . . - - . 44-48. RENTCHARGE : Lauds charged with, Board may determine as to - - 24. Purcha.se of, Board may authorise - - - - 28. Sale of. Board may authorise . . - . 28. REPLACEMENT of money raised by mortgage - - 27. REPORT, Annual, by Board, to the Queen - - - 17. REPUBLICATION of Notice of modified Order, not required - 47, 56. REVERSIONARY LEASE, sanction to, when required - 26. SALE OF LAND : EfFect of, Avhen sanctioned by Board - - - 2S. Investment in land of proceeds of - - - 25, 29. Majority of Trustees may carry into effect - - - 29, 32. Sanction to, may be given by Board - - - 26, 28. „ , when required .... 26. SCHEME : Appeal against Order establishing - . . 56, 57. Application for, to Board, by whom to be made - - 54. ]?oard may establish . - - - 54. Notice of application to County Court for, to be published - ' 68. „ ,, Judgeat Chambers for, to be published 64. „ Order of Board establishing, to be given to Trustees and to be published - . - - 55^ 56. Parliamentary, procedure for establishing - - 52-54. Publication of definitive Order of Board establishing - 56. Worship, places of, may be established for, in certain cases- 54, 55. SCHOOLS not included in exemptions from Acts - - 11. SCHOOLMASTERS : Removable by Trustees in certain cases - - 48. Removal of, by Trustees, with sanction of Board - - 48. GENERAL INDEX. 87 Subject. Page. SCHOOLMASTERS. OFFICERS, AND RECIPIENTS OF CHARITIES : Appeal against Order removing - « _ Application for Order removing, how to be made Notice of Order remuviug, to be given to Trustees, and to person to be removed - - . . Possession of buildings, &c. held over by, when removed, to be given ----_.. Kemoval of, by Order of Board ... SEAL: Board may use, for authenticating documents, &c. - Corporation to make application under, when SECRETARY OF CHARITY COMMISSION: Appointment of - Authentication of Acts of Board, by signature of Authentication by, signature of oflBcer duly authorised to be equivalent to - Commons, House of, disqualified for seat in - - Official Trustee of Cliarity Lands, to be Salary of- Tenure of office, by - - - - SHORT TITLES of Charitable Ti-usts Acts SITES, for buildings, acquisition of - - - TREASURY : Assistant-Commissioners, appointment, number, and salaries of, to be sanctioned by - Clerks, and Messengers, appointment of, to be sanctioned by Fees, may prescribe scale of - Official Trustees of Charitable Funds : Appointment of, to bo approved by - - - Annual Account of, to be laid before Parliament, power to prescribe form of - Audit of Accounts of, power to prescribe regulations for, Business of, power to make regulations for conduct of, - Regulations as to, made by - - - - Salaries, to determine . . . . TREASURY REGULATIONS in regard to the Official Trustees of Charitable Funds -.-.-. "TRUSTEE," definition of . . - - . TRUSTEES : Appointment of, by Board, as incidental to Orders for the apportionment of Charities . . - Appointment, or Removal of: Board, by, (under C. T. Act, 1860) Appeal against Order for Application for Order for, how to be made - Notice of proposed Order for to be given to Trustees ... „ „ „ Trustee to bo removed to be published Order for, when made, to be published Religious belief, trustee not to be removed by Boaid on ground of - - - - Worsbip, Places of Religious, when Order for, may bo made in case of - L4 50-1. 1.9. 50. 51. 49. 15, 16. 38, 45, 41), 54. 13. 10. 16. 14. 30. It, 15. 13. 7-9. 13. 14. 17. 33. 38. 36. 36. 30, 38. 15. 36, 37, 38. 10. 13. U-4S. 17, IS. 44, 45. 46. 46. 46. 17. 10. 15. .8ij titKEHAL lXt)l-X. Subject. TRUSTEES— co»/. Appointment, or removal of — cont. Church of Euglaiul, reservation of rights of, with i-egard to be Page. County Court, b}' - Notice of Application to, for Order for, to publishe