3477 Gibson Conscience THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES FREDERIC THOMAS BLANCHARD ENDOWMENT FUND UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL I ' *s / P L?t* CONSCIENCE POETICAL ESSAY, By WILLIAM GIBSON, M. A. O F PEMBROKE HALL, CAMBRIDGE. CAMBRIDGE, Printed by J. ARCHDEACON Printer to the U NIVERS I T Y; For J. WOODYER, in Cambridge; and fold by J. BEECROFT, Paternofter-Row, J.DODSLEY, Pail-Mall, and T. CADELL, the Strand, inLodon; D. PRINCE, at Oxford; and W. CHASE, at Norwich* M.DCC.LXXII, 3+77 A Claufe of Mr. SEATON's Will, Dated Ofl. 8. 1738. T Give my Kijlingbury Eftate to the Univerfity of Cambridge for ever: the Rents of which Jhall be difptfed of yearly by the Vice- Chancellor for the time being, as he the Vice-Chancellor ; the Majler of Clare Hall, and the Greek ProfeJJor for the time being, or any two of them Jhall agree. Wliich three perfons aforefaid Jhall give out a SubjecJ, which SubjecJ flail for the Jirjl Tear be one or other of the Perfections or Attributes of the Supreme Being, and Jo the fucceeding Tears, till the SubjecJ is exhaujled-, and afterwards the Subject Jhall be either Death, Judgement, Heaven, Hell, Purity of Heart, &c. or whatever elfe may be judged by the Vice-Chancellor , Majler of Clare Hall, and Greek Profejfbr, to be moft conducive to the honour of the Supreme Being and recommendationvf Virtue. And they flail yearly difpofe of the Rent of the above Eftate to that Majler of Arts, whofe Poem on the SubjecJ given Jhall be bejl approved by them. Which Poem I ordain to be always in Englifl, and to be printed', the expence of which Jhall be deduced out of the product of the Eftate, and the rejidue given as a reward for the Compofer of the Poem, or Ode, or Copy of Verfes. WE the underwritten do aflign Mr. SEATON's Reward to W I LLI AM G I B S O N, M. A. for his Poem on onfcience, and do direft the faid Poem to be printed according to the Tenor of the Will. y. Brown, Vice-Chancellor. P. S. Goddard, Matter of Clare Hall. y. Lambert y Greek Profeflbr. 858561 CONSCIENCE: A POETICAL ESSAY. SILENCE, to thee, beft nurfe of ferious thought ! From Courts, from Camps, and bufy Fa&ion's din, From Trade's throng'd walks, and Pleafure's gay parade Thy Vot'rift gladly turns. - O! thither lead, Where far fequefter'd from the frequent haunts Of men, thou lov'ft in fecret cell to live With Solitude thy fifter : there with you, All abfent elfe, along the pathlefs wood Oft let me devious range; or by the brink Of fame lone fountain laid, from morn to eve, In Meditation pafs the peaceful day A In f 2 ) In Meditation, fuch as to the Mind Opes her own ftores exhauftlefs ; and unfolds Pow'rs fo diftincr, fo wonderful, and vail, As -loudly fpeak her origin divine. But chiefly on thy myftic properties, CONSCIENCE! in folemn mufmg let me fit, Till the flame kindle in my raptur'd breaft, And from my tongue unwonted numbers glide. NOR in fuch hour, thou watchful Sentinel ! Unfeen of mortal eye that ftand'ft aloof Lift'ning the bufy Mind, attentive flill To all her various workings, and on leaves Firmer than flint, with filent ftroke and deep, Graving each fecret thought : Nor in fuch hour, "With the dread outcry of remember'd 111, Difturb the flowing {train j for Thee which flows In artlefs meafures, haply fuch as thefe PAST was the reign of Chaos, and of Night j The groves of Eden bloom'd ; and Man arofe Lord of the rich Domain of form erect, Comely, majeftic; and with Paflions fraught Warning to fhun, or prompting to purfue The ( 3 ) The painful, or the pleafing. High o'er thefc, A band rebellious, Reafon fat fupreme, Skill'd to collecl:, arrange, compare, combine Ideas, as they rife ; and thence infer The fitnels, or the turpitude of things. YET left too pow'rful Paflions flbould propel Headlong to ac~ls immoral, nor alfow Time for flow Reafon to deduce a rule To curb their mad career 3 CONSCIENCE kind Heav'n Appointed her a (Tiftant j CONSCIENCE quick To heed the call of Duty, to difcern 'Twixt right and wrong, and bias to the befh ON Man, -to fuch a Monitor confign'd, How rlrft advanc'd Iniquity ? how firft Stole in Corruption? flept the Sentry then, To ^hom his God had left him ? Ah ! not fo She fail'd her mighty truft$ but wide awake, And thrill'd with horror for an act, might plunge Each unborn Age. in everlafting woe, Ev'n when his trembling hand was ftretch'd to take The fair forbidden fruit, . defift, She cried, Defift, and fin not! fpeechlefs he and pale A 2 Awhile ( 4 ) Awhile flood falt'ring, till by Eve beguil'd, Rebel to CONSCIENCE he did take and eat, THERE perifh'd Innocence; an injury there CONSCIENCE fuftain'd of dire event to Man! Weaken'd fhe rofe, and feebler from her fall With feebler efforts from the human heart Repell'd infurgent Vice j till by degrees Her voice was fcarcely heard; till Abel's blood Cried from the ground, and God condemn'd the world. Since when, with feeming unconcern, fhe oft Sees her prime laws infring'd; and oft obferves Reafon's frail bark by boift'rous Paflions driv'n Far from its courfe, nor bids the itorm be Hill. YE ! who abftrac"led from fuch common cares As catch the Vulgar: Ye! who leave alike Folly's fantaftic train, and Comus' crew Unwifely mirthful, to their midnight glees, By the pale lamp to ply your fludious toil In fome lone chamber, till the fhrilling cock Warn of approaching day, ye beft can tell, Vers'd in the hoary regifters of Time, Each ancient ill invading hence the world. Not ( 5 ) Not Ifrael's race, the chofen charge of heav'n ; Nor Aaron's felf their leader, and their prieft; Nor JefTe's Son, whom God approv'd, and took From tending on the wade the teeming ewes To rule his own cleft, untainted Tcap'd, IF, CONSCIENCE! quickly from thy ruins rofe Evils like thefe, o'er-fhadowing ev'ry plant Pleafing to heav'n, or good for mortal man; And in an age too when the Will divine By Prophets oft, and oft by Signs was fhewn : Lefs wonder if, fuch warnings heard no more, Succeeding ages deeper funk in fin ; Lefs wonder, if Philofophy in vain EfTay'd with friendly, tho' with feeble hand, To raife fall'n Virtue, and reflore thy fway* O ! what a lift might ancient Greece, or Rome, Ev'n when Refinement threw her brighteft rays Around their rival ftates ; and Wifdom's voice Oft by their favour'd Sons along the banks Of cool IlifTus, and the green retreats Of Tufculum was heard, afford of names Odious to Virtue flill but why recur To ( 6 ) To periods flown or wake remembrance up Of long-forgotten guih, when modern times By Heav'n's own light illum'd, and taught to aim At nobler ends than ancient ages knew, Teem with furpaffing -crimes > when ev'ry ill Which hell gave birth to, and the bad adopt, Thrives in our ftreets, and taints the paffing gale. Lo ! where regardlefs of her plighted vows, Her hufband's peace, her hoary parent's pang, Her infant's future fame, in the broad fun The bold Adultrefs hades to meet her fhame. Leagu'd with Injuftice, lo ! where Av'rice burfts Through ev'ry moral tie ; and grafping frill At treafures not her own, from pole to pole Braves the hoarfe billow, and defies the ftorm Not Afric's fatal heats, nor fcorpion brood, Nor howling defarts can protect her Sons From Rapine See ! on Guinea's glowing coafts She pours her greedy legions j to their woods, Their rocks, their caves the frighted Ethiops flee Swift, but in vain thence ftruggling torn, behold ! Far from their friends, their babes, their frantic wives, From ev'ry fond connexion of the foul, To dwell with Darknefs in the central mine, And ( 7 ) And bear the iron flripes of men more fell Than all the monfters of their native wilds, She drags them fome difdainful of her chains Rufli refolute on death; lefs defp'rate fome, Not lefs determin'd, fcorn the proffer 'd food, In tears diflblve, and figh their fouls away. See ! too the Fiend, o'er Afia's wafted plains, Array 'd in terrors, hideous Jftalks along From Ganges' hallow'd flream with hafty (hide Turns the feared Pilgrim, he whofe pious care Hither his fainting dying Sire had borne To heave his lafl breath on its facred fide, And in its waves be walh'd of ev'ry ftain Whence are his fears ? fee ! where the reeking flood, In cryftal eddies curling once along, Now glows with human blood, the blood of thofe, His kindred haply, who to fave the Land From lawlefs. Spoilers bravely fighting fell. Still as he flies he cafts a lingering look To PlafTey's purple field, and fobbing cries Ye Sons of Albion ! madly who exchange ' Cool temp'rate airs for India's fultry gales In fearch of gold, may ev'ry ill, which gold * Gendecs fo plenteous, vex your fordid Ifle 'Fad ( 8 ) < Fafl by your Sea-beat fhores may Matrons Jit, 1 Watching thofe fails they ne'er (hall fee again 3' ' While thronging Widows, to your chalky cliffs ' Lament their abfent Lords, on yonder plain * Who glut the vulture, and manure the foil * May Luxury unnerve, and Difcord tear ' Your weaken'd ftate, and Fa<5tion threat the throne, * Till, no more patient of increafing crimes, c Heav'n from your hands refume the regal Rod, * And bid fome diftant Colony be Queen.' Nor were his vows in vain, the Pow'r who favv His bleeding heart, with pity faw, and faid, * None but thy laft petition be delay'd/ i THE SE,CON SCIENCE! are the crimes, and more than thefe, Which from thy fall o'er all the peopled earth, Flow far and wide ; as o'er the Belgic plains, Its bound'ries broken, flows the Ocean's tide. YET dread ye Guilty 1 dread the coming hour, When like a Lion with his noon-tide fleep Refrelh'd, and rulhing furftms from his lair, CONSCIENCE (hall roufe her; when no more content Silent to lit whhin, or whilper low Her ( 9 ) Her dilates, through the foul her flern rebukes Loud (he (hall thunder, terrible, and fierce. Yes ! as the Plund'rer with his prey returns, The ewe-lamb ravifh'd from the poor man's bread, The orphan's portion, and the widow's mite, Thou on the way (halt meet him meet him then, When lead expefted, and when welcome leaft From thy upbraidings to convivial crowds, To dulcet meafures, and enliv'ning draughts Of gen'rous nectar 'tis in vain he flies j Still (halt thou haunt him at the genial board, Still like the night-bird fcream amid the fong, And daih thy bitt'reft poifons in his bowl-. Nor (halt thou fail when Darknefs. o'er the world Draws her dun robej and not a found is heard,. Save of the beating (how'r, or hollow guft,. That groans around the roof, then paufing (inks, And groans again anon j or the due beat Of fome (low-fweeping Pendulum, which marks, The momentary march of Death on man ; Nor (halt thou fail with fudden-flafh to fling The Ruffian's curtains back appall'd he flarts,. And glares upon the gloom j till as the Moon Gleams through the.filver crevice of a cloud, B A thoufand hagard Forms, at Fancy's call, Rife round his bed, and fweep along the floor, And (hew their yawning wounds, and yell their wrongs. BUT chiefly then, when Sicknefs plants her thorns Beneath his pillow, and in toflings wild From fide to fide he feeks repofe in vain ; When the World's boafted pleafures to his view Grow lefs, and lefs, and lefs, and the tir'd Soul Forth-peering from her crumbling cottage fpies Another fhore of being after death, Then chiefly (halt thou fpring to due revenge ; Arm'd with the mem'ry of each pracTis'd crime, Or ev'n in thought projected, then alarm The flumb'ring legions of Remorfe, urge on Defpair's fell band, and harrow up his foul. THEN too to vengeance horrible arous'd, And clad in tenfold fiercenefs (halt thou fland Befide the Atheift's bed; by his who oft With wit profane, and poignant blafphemy, And fpecious (how of argument hath fcoff'd Each awful truth, and ridicul'd his God. Not the pale Trav'lkr on the fleeting fands Of (f ) Of Araby, who marks the fallen fhades Of night defcend, and hears the whirlwind howl, And all the famifh'd foreft roar around, Feels what he feels 3 no nor Prometheus' felf Raving and fhiv'ring on the frofty ridge Of Caucafus, as fabling bards have fung, While vengeful Furies (hake their fcorpion whips Shrieking aloud, and gory Vultures tear His bleeding entrails, growing to be torn. NOR gently, CONSCIENCE! fhall thy chidings fall> When of omitted duties to the mind Thy lift lies fpread in burning characters Where firft fhall fland fuch charitable deeds As never were perform'd the hours, the days> The months, the years, for noblefl ufe defign'd, In dull inaction loft the talents, given Alike to blefs their owner and mankind, Left unemploy'd, ufelefs alike to both. TIMELY be wife then, Ye who carelefs drive With Paflion's rapid ftream j or fondly feek Felicity by other paths than thofe Prefcrib'd by CONSCIENCE, timely then be wife ! Still Still as alluring profpe&s win you on To faults from errors, and from faults to crimes, Heed well your fteps, and hear her whifper'd laws -^- So ever and anon around your hearts Such joys ferene (hall fpring, and pleafures play, As for the gold, and glifl'ring gems of Ind, Grandeur's rkh robe, the unfading wreath of Fame, Or boundlefs Empire, were unwifely fold So through a world, where many a net is fpread For Virtue's foot, and harlot Vice awaits To tempt th' unwary Pafienger aftray, Still fhall ye fafely pafs fo unappall'd, And fmiling at the dart of Death, defcend, By Hope attended, to the filent grave. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. RECTD LI teen OTO m 1990 LIBRARY r OF CALIFORNIA ANGELES .PAMPHLET BINDER ^^^ Syracuse, N. Y, Stockton, Calif. PR 3U77 UC SOUTHERN REGIONA