SHE n sfmWmlX MAX PEMBERTON "NOTICE TO PURCHASER" " This copyright volume is offered for sale to the public only through the authorized agents of the publishers, who are permitted to sell it only at retail and at fifty cents per copy, and with the express condition and reservation that it shall not, prior to August 1st, 1907, be resold, or offered or advertised for resale. The purchaser from them agrees to this condition and reservation by the acceptance of this copy. In case of any breach thereof, the title to this book immediately reverts to the publishers. Any defacement, alteration or removal of this notice will be prosecuted by the publishers to the full extent of the law. " THE AUTHORS AND NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION " She was aware instantly that the strangers were speaking of her." Chap. 6. The Lady Evelyn A Story of To-day By MAX PEMBERTON Author of "The Hundred Days," " Doctor Xavier,' "A Gentleman 1 s Gentleman" "A Puritan's Wife," Etc. Illustrated in Water-Colors by ARTHUR WILLIAM BROWN POWERS' SPECIAL EDITION, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. NEW YORK AND LONDON THE AUTHORS AND NEWSPAPERS ASSOCIATION 1906 Copyright igo6 by Max Pembcrton Entered at Stationers' Hall rights reser-ved Composition and Electrotyping by J. J. Little & Co. Printed and bound by the Manhattan Press, New York. CONTENTS BOOK I. THE ESCAPADE. THE FACE IN THE RIVER A TELEGRAM TO BUKHAREST - n. ETTA ROMNET is PRESENTED - III. SUCCESS AND AFTERWARDS IV. Two PERSONALITIES - - V. THE LETTER - - - - - VI. STRANGERS IN THE HOUSE - VII. THE NONAGENARIAN VIII. LADY EVELYN RETURNS - - - IX. THE THIRD EARL OF MELBOURNE X. THE ACCIDENT UPON THE ROAD XI. A RACE FOR LIFE - - - XII. THE UNSPOKEN ACCUSATION - XIII. THE INTERVIEW - - - XIV. INHERITANCE - - - - - XV. THE PRICE OF SALVATION XVI. A GAME OF GOLF - - - 5 19 24 31 45 53 60 68 76 85 95 100 108 118 126 134 146 BOOK II. THE ENGLISHMAN. XVII. GAVIN ORD BEGINS His WORK - 155 XVIII. A DUEL OVER THE TEACUPS - - - - 164 XLX. FROM THE BELFRY TOWER - - - - 174 XX. LOVERS ---- _ _ _ 134 XXI. ZALLONY'S SON ------ 193 XXII. A SPY FROM BUCHAREST ----- 202 2137827 CONTENTS BOOK III. THE LIGHT. CHAPTER XXIII. BuxHAREST - - - - XXIV. THE PRICE OP WISDOM - XXV. THE HOUSE ABOVE THE TORRENT XXVI. THROUGH A WOMAN'S HEART - XXVII. ETTA ROMNEY'S RETURN- - XXVIII. THE IMPRESARIO'S PRAYER - XXIX. THE PRISONERS AT SBTCHEVO - XXX. THERE is No NEWS OF GAVIN ORD XXXI. THE HOUSE AT HAMPSTEAD - XXXII. A SHOT IN THE HILLS - - XXXIII. DJALA ----- XXXIV. THE SHADOW OP THE RIVER - Epilogue. THE DOCTOR DRINKS A TOAST PAGE 212 218 227 236 244 251 260 289 274 287 295 306 315 PAGE "She was aware instantly that the strangers were speaking of her -------- Frontispiece " Oh, please let me go; your hands hurt me "- - - - 145 " As you came in folly, so shall you go "- - - 243 "Evelyn, beloved, I am here as you wish" - - - - 314 :