SCLUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA FOR THE PHYSICIAN AND THE SURGEON DESK COPY c c I s r< a tc a. s* e: c< C'ol 1 enh ' on' of .athern U. communications relating to such special Work should be addressed: Executive Office, E. R. SQUIBB & SONS 80 Beekman Street, New York SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 1919 EDITION SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 1919 Edition A COMPLETE ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE SQUIBB PRODUCTS, includ- ing all the articles of the United States Pharmacopoeia (IXth Revision) and of the National Formulary (IVth, 1916, edition), to- gether with the Non-official Chemicals, Phar- maceuticals and Newer Remedies in general use; setting forth their Origin, Latin and English Titles, Synonyms, Physical and Chem- ical Characteristics, Incompatibilities, Antidotes, Therapeutic Indications, Doses, etc. ALSO A COMPREHENSIVE DESCRIP- TIVE LlST OF TABLETS for Internal and for Hypodermic Use; of BlOLOGICAL PRODUCTS, and of REAGENTS, including Test Solutions, Volumetric Solutions and Indicators. PUBLISHED FOR THE PHYSICIAN AND THE SURGEON BY THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT E RSQUEBB & SONS.NEWYORK MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION SINCE 1858. >* z 1 ,0 73 a 03 U -2 '3 cr cc / '/ DR. E. R. SQUIBB "The late Dr. Edward R. Squibb was a true gentleman of the older school, whose thoughts, words and actions were guided by those sterling qualities of principle, honor and integrity. One need but look at his photograph to discern that he was a good and noble man. His character is in his face. I honor and revere the name of this distinguished gentleman whose life work v/as devoted to the highest ideals in the practice of medicine and pharmacy. The house of E. R. Squibb & Sons stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder. The medical and pharmaceutical professions alike owe a debt of gratitude to Dr. Edward R. Squibb which they can never pay. Although Dr. Squibb passed on some few years ago, yet he still lives. In the business which he estab- lished half a century ago he lives. His rare skill, his honor, his integrity and his pride are there. The influence of his noble lire and character will never die; it will live on forever." WILLIAM MILLER BARTLETT The E. R. Squibb & Sons General Offices Squibb Building, New York City 473584 c 3 IH 85 o- 1/3 r/ M s a a T*J>B U, The One Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Doctor Squibb On July The Fourth, 1819, the forty-third anniversary of Our Nation's birth, was born of Quaker parents, in Wilmington, Delaware, Edward Robinson Squibb, who, as a man, was destined to stamp upon pharmacy and medicine an ethical imprint which time cannot efface. Re- ceiving good early education in the public schools of his native town, he served five years as appren- tice in pharmacy in the drug stores of Warder Morris and J. M. Sprague of Philadelphia, where he earned sufficient money to pay for a medical education. He graduated from Jefferson Medical College in 1845. During the two years he practiced medicine in Philadelphia he continued scientific investigation serving his alma mater as Clerk of Clinics, As- sistant Demonstrator of Anatomy and Curator of The Museum. In 1 847 he joined the U. S. Navy. On March 29, 1 847, Dr. Squibb reported at the Philadelphia Navy Yard for duty on board the U. S. Brig Perry; and on April 26, 1847, he received his appointment as Assistant Surgeon, his papers being signed by President Polk. Three weeks later he sailed on an expedition, the pur- poses of which were in connection with the Mexi- can War and the breaking up of the South Ameri- can slave trade as far as it was carried on in vessels owned in the United States. During July, 1 849, The Perry returned to Hampton Roads, dis- charged at Norfolk and was put out of commission. in iv SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA On -August 11, 1849, Dr. Squibb reported at the Brooklyn Navy Yard for duty on board the Store Ship Erie and on September 5 sailed for The Mediterranean. While on this cruise he was ordered to The Frigate Cumberland on which he returned to The Charlestown Navy Yard in July, 1 85 1 and left Boston, having been ordered to the Brooklyn Naval Hospital. Here he was assigned to temporary duty on the S. S. Mississippi, the Str. Allegheny and to Naval Rendezvous and finally was attached permanently to the Naval Hospital. During Dr. Squibb's active service at sea he had studied how the national medical service could be improved. Particularly, he had noted the poor quality of ammunition and of medicines furnished the Navy and it was largely through his influence that ammunition and medical supplies were exempted from competitive bids, quality be- ing given preference to price. But Dr. Squibb did more than this. Not only did he exert him- self to have good supplies obtained from outside sources but also he himself endeavored to produce trustworthy pharmaceuticals. Consequently he established a laboratory in an outbuilding belong- ing to the Naval Hospital, equipping it largely with apparatus of his own manufacture or of his own invention. In 1853, at this Naval Laboratory Dr. Squibb perfected the still which he had devised for the making of the Squibb Ether, whicK was soon rec- ognized to be and still is The Standard Anaes- thetic Ether. Here also he made the Squibb stills for the manufacture and purification of Chloro- form and his original process produces after all SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA v these years the best anaesthetic chloroform, one safer and otherwise better than that of the U. S. P. Here he devised also methods and apparatus for subliming benzoic acid and for making cal- cium chloride; also, he invented and built mills for powdering drugs of all sorts. He discovered and established suitable methods for producing phosphoric acid and for crystallizing ammonium phosphate. As today, so sixty years ago, Dr. Squibb's mercurials were unequalled ; and the pro- cesses worked out and perfected by Dr. Squibb for the making of extracts and fluidextracts have not been improved upon since his day. To men- tion the perfection of aconite and ergot prepara- tions, and of other pharmaceutical products and processes, all from Dr. Squibb's own brain and hands, while of great interest, would occupy a treatise by itself. From the start, then, Dr. Squibb was success- ful in producing pharmaceuticals and chemicals of the^ finest quality. The Historian in the U. S. Naval Medical Bulletin Vol. IX, No. 3, writes, "At first only a few standard mediums were pre- pared for themse of the Naval Hospital at Brook- lyn, but gradually, other hospitals were supplied until the value (of the Squibb Laboratory) be- ing recognized Congress authorized the Navy De- partment to establish a larger pharmaceutical lab- oratory for the manufacture of important articles on the supply table." In this new laboratory Dr. Squibb, the instigator and founder became the chief factor and here he worked until he entered civil life to establish his own laboratory. In 1857 Dr. Squibb resigned his naval posi- tion. Soon after its establishment Congress closed vi SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA the laboratory which had been established at the Naval Hospital. The War Department, how- ever, impressed with the utility of the laboratory as established by Dr. Squibb and with the un- equalled quality of the drugs produced by him, sought to re-establish it but failed on account of political opposition. It was then that Dr. R. S. Satterlee, Chief Medical Purveyor of the Army, persuaded Dr. Squibb to establish a labo- ratory of his own. Dr. Satterlee assured Dr. Squibb that if he would make drugs of as good a quality as he made in the Naval Laboratory, the U. S. Government would buy of him such prod- ucts as it might need. Consequently in 1 858 The Squibb Chemical and Pharmaceutical Labora- tories were established and The House of Squibb was founded. For nearly fifty years Dr. Squibb personally worked in his own establishment. Soon after be- ginning his work a fire which started in the ether house destroyed the laboratories and severely in- jured Dr. Squibb. However, he rebuilt his laboratories and although crippled and rendered a constant sufferer he continued to labor and toiled faithfully in the interest of scientific phar- macy and medicine until his death, which oc- curred on October 25, 1 900. Although Dr. Squibb is no more he lives in- the laboratories which he established, and those upon whom his mantle has fallen carry on the work as conscientiously as he did, being actuated by the same motives, governed by the same policy and making the same earnest effort to spread the influence which originated with Dr. E. R. Squibb. The Sixtieth Anniversary of the Founding of the House of Squjbh It is now sixty years since the House of E. R. Squibb and Sons was founded. Instituted not merely for business, the object of which is profit, it began its career with unique intentions. Its in- ception was in a sense of duty. The circumstances in which Dr. Squibb found himself when at the Brooklyn Naval Hospital made him realize that as a citizen and as a naval officer he owed to his country an effort to better certain conditions, and this obligation he immediately set about to fulfil. The integrity of the products made and offered by Dr. Squibb gained for the Squibb Labora- tories the confidence, not only of the United States Government, but of physicians and surgeons in civil practice as well. Quality, which to Dr. Squibb had always been first in importance, was appreciated by others. He had realized that in the treatment of the sick the physician was handi- capped unless he had at hand remedies which were true to their formulae and of known potency. And when the physician himself, by using the Squibb drugs, saw their effect, he, too, understood the necessity of trustworthy products. Thus the Squibb ideal proved a success. Because of this, it always has been a principle of the Squibb Laboratories to select, with the most scrupulous care, all crude materials used in manufacture and also to devise correct methods of manufacturing. In order further to assure perfect results, Dr. Squibb established a Control Laboratory, in which Vll viii SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA experienced chemists are employed to examine and test every lot of each product as soon as it is made and before it is put into stock. This was an additional check on the quality of the finished drug; therefore, each article which bears the Squibb label represented then, as to-day, a prod- uct in strict conformity with highest standards. The rapid and wide-spread demand for drugs of Squibb Quality soon made expansion impera- tive, so that to-day not only are the original labo- ratories enlarged, but new ones have sprung up in various parts of the Union. For instance, The Squibb Chemical and Pharmaceutical Labora- tories, located in Brooklyn, occupy an entire block with overflows in other parts of the city. The Squibb Chemical, Biological and Research Laboratories, located in New Brunswick, New Jersey, occupy over fifty-six acres. In these New Brunswick Laboratories are made the Squibb Biological and Bacteriological Products, including the Squibb Antitoxins, Serums, Vac- cines, Leucocyte Extract, etc., etc. Also the Squibb Mercurials including Mercury Bi- chloride, Calomel, etc. Also the Dakin Chlorinated Antiseptics and Disinfectants, in- cluding Chloramine-T, Dichloramine-T, Chlor- cosane, Halazone, etc. Further, in New Bruns- wick, N. J., is located the Squibb Ether Plant, whence comes the Squibb Ether, of one quality only, the best that can be made for anaesthesia. At Berlin, N. H., are the Laboratories for the manufacture of the Squibb Chloroform, located there because in Berlin, N. H., there is available the purest chlorine at the lowest cost. At Richmond, Cal., are situated the Labora- SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA ix tories for the purifying, testing, bottling and ship- ping of The Squibb Mineral Oil, known as Liquid Petrolatum Squibb, Heavy ( Calif ornian). These laboratories are located there because only in California is found the naphthene oil, a hydro- carbon superior not only to all other American mineral oils, but also to the Russian oils. From this Californian highest quality crude is specially refined under Squibb Control, for internal use, the unequalled Squibb Mineral Oil, which main- tains a high and correct viscosity in the intestine, where it does its work. That the Squibb policy of maintaining Uniform Purity and Efficacy and, therefore, Full Relia- bility directs all the activities of the Squibb Laboratories is apparent from what has been said above; it is evident also from the fact that when the Pure Food and Drugs Act was passed in 1906, The House of Squibb did not have to change any of its standards, and it is a matter of record that the products supplied under the Squibb Label always have been and still are of a quality better than that which is demanded by the United States Pharmacopoeia and by other recognized authorities. It must, therefore, be obvious that the Squibb Laboratories are devoted exclusively to the pro- duction of medicinal agents of the highest qual- ity, true to their name and their formulae, products the best that can be made for the purposes in- tended: and that in this way the Squibb Labora- tories are endeavoring to serve efficiently the medi- cal profession in whatever manner such service can be rendered most acceptably. E. R. SQUIBB & SONS. Foreword SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA is, in part, a conspectus of the products of the Squibb Labo- ratories. In addition, however, to descriptions of these Squibb products, which consist of prepara- tions of the U. S. P. and of the N. F. and also of many other approved medicinal chemicals, galen- icals, etc., there are given facts relating to a large number of non-official and newer remedies which are approved by the Council of Pharmacy and Chemistry of the American Medical Association, but which are not offered under the Squibb label. While the scope of SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA is very broad, it gives full yet concise information concerning each product. Of this it sets forth source; physical, chemical and phar- maceutical characteristics ; therapeutic uses ; doses ; incompatibilities; antidotes; etc. It is, therefore, a trustworthy compendium of the approved ma- teria medica of to-day and if kept at hand for ready reference, will prove to be a valuable aid to the physician in prescribing and of practical use to the pharmacist in compounding. This 1919 edition of SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA, in the character and the arrangement of its contents, is similar to its predecessors. How- ever, a large number of additions have been made to it, and the names of such products as have become obsolete, since the preceding edition was issued, have been omitted. All descriptive notes XI xii SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA have been revised carefully and those which con- cern official products now accord with the U. S.P. IXth Revision, which became official Septem- ber 1, 1916. The list of these is complete. As regards the preparations of the National Formulary, all are listed and described, but only those which are considered satisfactory from pharmaceutical and therapeutical standpoints, or which are in more or less common use by the medical profession, are made and sold by us. On the following pages the names of all prod- ucts which are made by us and furnished under the Squibb Label are printed in bold type, fol- lowed by the word Squibb thus : Bismuth Subcarbonate Squibb while the names of products not offered by us but which are included in the list in order that it may be complete, are printed in lighter face type, thus: BENZIN, PETROLEUM, PURIFIED. The description of an article of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia begins with its Latin title simply; the description of an article of the National For- mulary begins with its Latin title followed by N. F. ; while in the case of a product which is neither U. S. P. nor N. F. the Latin title is omitted. The chemical formula of the product described is given whenever possible. By "Average Dose" is meant the dose given in the U. S. P. IXth Rev. or in the N. F. IVth Ed. The word "Dose" alone indicates that no dose is given by the U. S. P. or the N. F. and SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA xiii that the dose suggested is that approved by those considered to be authority. It should be borne in mind while using SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA that each Squibb product is made from first quality crude material, selected in accordance with the Squibb standards for crude drugs, and is worked by experts who exercise the most scrupulous care in each step necessary to produce a therapeutically active product. Medicinal Tablets have become an essential part of the physician's armamentarium. The list of the Squibb Tablets comprises not only those composed of a single drug but also some approved combinations which are recommended and em- ployed by internists. In the manufacture of these Squibb tablets, only drugs of the Squibb quality are used and only expert, skill is employed in their production. Since experience has proved that in the majority of cases carefully controlled compression pro- duces the best tablet, we make use now of this method except in a very few instances in which the "moulded form" offers some advantage. The coating of the Squibb tablets, listed as "coated," completely masks the taste of the drugs contained in the tablet; prevents loss of volatile ingredients; and hinders chemical reaction be- tween ingredients which should be kept separate until in the stomach, e.g., Blaud's Tablets. Tab- lets Blaud Squibb are efficacious without excep- tion and, therefore, are preferred by all internists. The reason for this is, the iron and alkali car- bonate are so mingled and the tablet so coated xiv SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA that no combination of the two takes place until, after swallowing, the two chemicals are released and nascent ferrous carbonate is .formed in the gastro-intestinal tract. Because of the method of manufacture and the permanent solubility of the coating all Squibb Tablets, coated or uncoated, may be depended upon to disintegrate quickly and completely in the stomach, thus insuring speedy therapeutic action. This is true even of those tablets which contain insoluble medicaments such as acetanilid, bismuth salts, acetphenetidin, salol, and the like. The Titles of the Squibb Tablets deserve at- tention and study. In accordance with the ethi- cal principles formulated by the American Medical Association, we have adopted pharma- ceutical titles in all instances and have discarded from the labels titles derived from diseases for which the tablet may be used or which other- wise might be therapeutically suggestive. Biologkal Products, while comparatively new as remedial agents, are now recognized to be very valuable for the treatment of certain diseases. The Squibb list of Biologicals includes all that to-day are recognized to be of value and they are classed as Antitoxins; Serums; Bacterial Vac- cines (Bacterins) ; Haemostatics, as Thrombo- plastin; also Leucocyte Extract; Smallpox Vac- cine, and Pasteur's Anti-Rabic Treatment. Trustworthy Reagents are of prime impor- tance in any laboratory work. Therefore we have added to our list certain Analyzed Reagents. As the quantity of impurity in chemicals used for reagents is small, the amount taken for analy- SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA xv sis may not be sufficiently large to make the im- purity apparent. It is noteworthy then, that of the Squibb Analyzed Reagents, enough is analyzed to insure either the absence of any im- purity or an accurate determination of the amount present. On our labels either the absence or the exact amount of impurity together with the quantity analyzed is stated. No labels are kept in stock. New labels are printed for each lot of reagents analyzed. E. R. SQUIBB & SONS. January, 1919. PART I \ Drugs and Chemicals Comprising Drugs, Chemicals and Pharma- ceuticals of the United States Pharmacopoeia IXth Revision and the National Formulary IVth Edition, Together With Some Non- Official and New Remedies in General Use The DOSES are those for adults by the mouth, unless otherwise stated. Of the official products the average doses as published in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia IXth Revision and the National Formulary IVth Ed. are given. To determine the fraction of the adult dose suitable for children of different ages, divide the age (in years) by 12 plus the age. Thus: for a child 2 years old the proportionate dose is 2 divided by (12-)-2), or 1/7 that for adults. In the case of powerful narcotic drugs about one-half this proportion holds; whereas of cathartics two or three times this proportion is usual; and children also bear belladonna preparations, pilocarpine, arsenic and mer- cury well. The dose for hypodermic injection is ordinarily one- half to two-thirds, the rectal dose one and a half to double, that by mouth. "Av. Dose," or "Aver. Dose," stands for average dose; "Cc." for cubic centimeter; "Gm." for gramme or grammes; "gr." for grain or grains; "mil" (the new U. S. P. succedaneum for "Cc.") for milliliter; "min." for minim or minims; "g. s." for glass-stopper. The solubility statements apply at 25 C. An * indicates the form supplied on unspecified orders. Those products whose titles are preceded by an are included in "Useful Drugs," prepared under the direction and supervision of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry of the American Medical Association. A f means that the item is covered by the Harrison Law, and therefore must be ordered on the official nar- cotic order blank. xvi SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA I ABSINTHIUM. Absinthium, N. F.; Wormwood; Madderwort; Vermuth. Dried leaves and flowering tops of Artemisia Absinthium (Fam. Composite). Aromatic odor; very bitter taste. Ace. to Council on P. & C. of A. M. A., absinthium is an "obsolete aromatic bitter, without advantage over gentian." Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). Acacia, Squibb * Granulated or Powdered carton. lb. ; ]/ lb. Acacia; Gum Arabic; Gum Acacia. Dried gummy exuda- tion from Axacia Senegal and other African species of Aca- cia. Great care is exercised in selecting a good market grade. Dirt and pieces of bark and twigs, invariably present in the whole tears, are completely removed by a special process be- fore granulating or powdering the gum; hence the article here offered is exceedingly acceptable for pharmaceutical use. Solu- ble slowly and almost completely in 2 parts water; insoluble in alcohol, ether, oils. Demulcent; Vehicle for water-insoluble substances; Emulsifier; Adhesive. Incompatible with mineral acids, alcohol, ether, ammonia, tartar emetic, strongly alcoholic or ethereal tinctures, fluidextracts. ACETAMIDOSALOL. See Salophen. Acetanilid, Squibb * Crystals or Powdered carton, lb. ; % lb. Acetanilidum ; Phenylacetamide; Antifebrin. CgHgNO. Mon- acetyl derivative of aniline. 1 Gm. dissolves in 190 mils (Cc.) water, 3.4 alcohol, 3.7 chloroform, 5 glycerin, 17 ether. Antipyretic, Analgesic, Wound Antiseptic. Average Dose: 0.2 Gm. (3 grs.) When mixed with nitrous ether, acetanilid yields a solution turning yellow then red on standing. Antidotes : stimulants; atropine or strychnine subcutaneously ; oxygen. (See also Powder; Tablets [Part II].) Acetone, Squibb tin, lb. ; |4 lb. Acelonum; Dimethylketone. Not less than 99 percent. CsHfjO. Perfectly free from empyreumatic substances, and containing no weighable impurities. Sp. gr. about 0.790. Miscible with water, alcohol, ether, chloroform, most volatile oils. Inflam- mable. Keep protected from fire. Pharmaceutical Solvent, Reagent. ACETONE-CHLOROFORM. See Chlorbutanol (Chloretone). This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations ; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 2 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA ACETOZONE. Acetyl-benozyl Peroxide. Soluble in 1000 parts water, 20 oil, slightly in alcohol, moderately in ether or chloroform, but slowly decomposing in these solvents and on contact with alkalies and organic matter. Marketed only as 50 percent, mixture with inert absorbent powder. Antiseptic, Disinfectant. Dose: 3 to 5 grains (0.2 to 0.3 Gm.), usually in dilute solution. Acetphenetidin, Squibb carton, oz. Acetphenelidinum ; Acetparaphenetidin; Para- Acetphenetidin; Phenacetin. CioHisNOo. Monacetyl derivative of para- amidophenetol. White, shining, odorless, tasteless, crystalline powder. I Gm. dissolves in 1310 mils (Cc.) water, 15 alco- hol, 14 chloroform, 90 ether. Antipyretic, Analgesic. Average Dose: 5 grains (0.3 Gm.). Antidotes: same as of Atanilid. (See also Tablets [Part II].) ACET-THEOCIN-SODIUM. Soluble Theocin. White powder; 60 percent, theocin. Soluble in about 20 parts water; insoluble in alcohol, ether. Acids precipitate theocin. Diuretic. Dose: 3 to 5 gr. (0.2 to 0.3 Gm.). ACET-THEOPHYLLIN-SODIUM. Same as Acet-theocin-sodium. Acid Acetic, Squibb bottle, 5 Ibs., per Ib. ; Ib. ; ]4 Ib. AciJum Acelicum. 36 to 37 percent. CoH-jOo. Caustic, Rubefacient; in diluted form (vinegar), antidote to alkalies. Average Dose: 5 minims (0.3 mil [Cc.]), diluted. Acid Acetic Anhydride, Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). ACID ACETIC DILUTED. Acidum Acelicum Dilulum. Assays 5.7 to 6.3 percent. CjH-tOi;. Miscible with water or alcohol. Refrigerant, Astringent. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Acid Acetic Glacial, Squibb g. s. bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. ; oz. Acidum\ Acelicum Claciale. The strongest acid obtainable by redistillation is subjected to careful recrystallization, which raises its strength to 99.5 percent, (as against 99 percent, in U. S. P.) and shuts out impurities. Caustic, pure. Antidotes : magnesia, chalk, soap and water, or lime water; emetics; oil and demul- cents. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Acid Acetylsalicylic, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; |4 N>- ; oz. Acetylsalicylic Acid, CgHsO.^ is commonly known by the trade name " Aspirin." The article here offered is of high- est purity; free from uncombmed salicylic acid. White, odorless needles; acidulous taste. Soluble in about 300 parts water, 3 alcohol, 20 ether; readily in chloroform. Decomposed by heat, moisture, diluted acids, alkalies and their carbonates and bicarbonates. Antirheumatic, Analgesic, Antipyretic, like salicylic acid, but better borne it is claimed. Dose: 5 to 15 grains (0.3 to 1 Gm.). Should not be dispensed with quinine or its salts, lest poisonous quinotoxin be formed. (See also Tablets [Part II].) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 3 Acid Arsenous. See Arsenic Trioxide. Acid Benzoic, Squibb tin, lb. ; |4 lb. ; oz. Synthetic (from toluol). Solubility, dose, etc.: same as of following. Acid Benzoic from Benzoin, Squibb tin, lb. ; 14 lb. ; oz. Acldum B'enzoicum ; Flowers of Benzoin. CyHcOo. True or natural Benzoic Acid, obtained from gum benzoin by sublimation. White or yellowish, lustrous scales; pungent, acid taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 275 mils (Cc.) water, 2.3 alcohol, 4.5 chloroform, 3 ether, 23 oil turpentine; soluble in oils. Borax or sodium phosphate increases aqueous solubility. Anti- septic, Diuretic. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Keep well stoppered, in cool place. Readily volatilizes in warm room; darkens on exposure to light. Acid Boracic. See Acid Boric. Acid Boric, Squibb Granulated or * Impalpable Powder tin, lb. ; % lb. Impalpable Powder 3-oz. sifter top tins, per doz. Acldum Boricum ; Boracic Acid. HsBOs. Very high grade, carefully recrystallized and free from borax, chlorides, sul- phates, heavy metals, etc. Notwithstanding the well-known difficulty of pulverizing boric acid, due to the peculiarly slip- pery character of the crystals, the powdered acid here offered has ben reduced to an impalpable powder in chaser mills, being what is termed an 'air-floated" powder, the finest it is possible to produce. This form is very desirable for use as a dusting powder, for insufflation, for antiseptic dressings, in eye surgery and in prescription work generally. 1 Gm. dissolves in 18 mils (Cc.) waJer, 18 alcoSol, 4 glycerin. Mild Anti- septic and Astringent. Used in conjunctivitis, cystitis, wounds, etc. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). (See also Reagents [Part IV]; Tablets [Part II].) ACID BROMAURIC. AciJum Bromauricum, N. F. HAuBr4-5HoO. Dark red- brown, odorless crystals or granular masses; metallic, acid taste; 32 percent, gold. Melts at about 27 C. Very soluble in water, alcohol. Asserted Alterative, but employed principally for preparing Solution Gold and Arsenic Bromide. Average Dose: l/io grain (0.006 GM.). The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 4 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Acid Carbolic Crude, Solution. See Solution Acid Car- bolic. Acid Carbolic Crystals. See Phenol. ACID CARBOLIC IODIZED. See Phenol Iodized. ACID CHROMIC. See Chromium Trioxide. Acid Chromic Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). ACID CHRYSOPHANIC, so-called. See Chrysarobin. 0Acid Citric (Cryst.), Squibb bottle, Ib. ; J4 Ib. Acidum Ciiricum. C(jHgO7.H2O. Tribasic organic acid usu- ally obtained from juice of limes or lemons. Recrystallized. (99.5 percent.). 1 Cm. dissolves in 0.5 mil (Cc.) water, 1.8 mils alcohol, 30 ether; freely soluble in glycerin. Antiscorbutic; substitute for lemon juice, and for diluted hydrochloric acid in hypoacidity. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Used externally pure or in 5 to 10 percent, solutions. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Acid Cresylic. See Cresol. ACID DIETHYLBARBITURIC. See Barbital. ACID FORMIC. Acidum Formicum, N. F. 24 to 26 percent. HCOOH. Clear, colorless, strongly acid liquid; pungent odor; sp. gr. about 1.058. Miscible with water, alcohol, glycerin. Caustic irri- tant; Diuretic. Average Dose: 5 minims (03 mil). Acid Gallic, Squibb carton, Ib. ; J4 Ib. '> oz - Acidum Callicum; Trihydroxybenzoic Acid. CyHciO.-j.HoO. Prepared from tannic acid, of high purity, and free from tan- nin. 1 Gm. dissolves in 87 mils (Cc.) water, 4.6 alcohol, 10 glycerin, 100 ether; almost insoluble in chloroform. Astrin- gent. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Applied topically pure or in strong solution. Incompatible with ferric and silver salts, potassium chlorate or permanganate, lead acetate or opium in solution. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Acid Qallotannic. See Acid Tannic. Acid Hydriodic Diluted, Squibb g. s. bottle, Ib. 3 1 .25 mil ampuls, 2 in bdx, per box Acidum Hydriodicum Dilution. Contains 9.5 to 10.5 percent. HI. Made by process superior to official one, and insuring a much cleaner and more stable product. Colorless or pale-yellow, odorless liquid; sp. gr. about 1.100. Miscible with water and alcohol. Alterative, acting like potassium iodide. Average Dose: 8 minims (0.5 mil [Cc.]), well diluted, after meals. (See also Syrup.) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 5 Acid Hydrobromic, Squibb g. s. bottle, Ib. ; J4 lb. ; oz. Highly pure, made by special process, and adjusted to 34 per- cent. HBr, equivalent to just half the bromine strength of potassium bromide, in place of which it is quite generally used. It also serves for making official diluted hydrobromic acid by mixing 5 parts of it with 12 parts distilled water. Dose: 5 to 10 minims (0.3 to 0.6 mil [Cc.]), well diluted. Antidotes: magnesia or alkaline carbonates. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Acid Hydrobromic Diluted, Squibb paraffin s. bottle, lb. ; ]/4 lb. ; oz. Acidum Hydrobromicum Dilulum. Contains 9.5 to 10.5 per- cent. HBr. Colorless liquid, sp. gr. about 1.076. Nervine. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). This acid will be sent on orders for hydrobromic acid when no strength is speci- fied. Acid Hydrochloric, Squibb g. s. bottle, 6 Ibs., per lb. ; Ib. ; % lb. So-called "C. P." Acidum Hydrochloricum ; Concentrated Mu- riatic Acid. Contains 31 to 33 percent. HC1. An exceptionally pure quality. Sp. gr. about 1.155. Used pharmaceutically and technically. Antidotes: chalk, magnesia; emetics; albumin and demulcents. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) ACID HYDROCHLORIC DILUTED. Acidum Hydrochloricum Dilulum. Contains 9.5 to 10.5 per- cent. HC1. Sp. gr. about 1 .049. Digestive Acid, Antiseptic. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). Acid Hydrocyanic Diluted, Squibb ; oz. Acidum Hydrocyanicum Dilutum; Dilute Prussic (Cyanhydric) Acid. Contains 1.9 to 2.1 percent. HCN. The improved method of manufacture gives an acid which is not very prone to decomposition. But however made, the acid is liable to eventually become discolored, and is then unfit for use. Anti- spasmodic, Cough Sedative; Antipruritic (only on unbroken skin), in 1:8 to 16 lotions or ointments. Average Dose: UAj minims (0.1. mil [Cc.]). Antidotes: hydrogen dioxide freely by mouth and subcutaneously, or arsenic antidote with some iron sulphate, then emetics; ammonia or atropine; brandy later. Acid Hydrofluoric Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). jf difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 6 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA i Acid Hypophosphorous, Squibb g. s. bottle, Ib. ; 54 lb- ; oz. Acidum Hypophosphorosum. 30 to 32 percent. HPH2O2. Colorless, odorless liquid; sp. gr. about 1.130; miscible with water. Serves for preparation of diluted acid. Acid Hypophosphorous Diluted, Squibb g. s. bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. ; oz. Acldum Hypophosphorosum Dilulum. 9.5 to 10.5 percent, abso- lute acid. Used as Nerve Tonic; ingredient of compound hypophosphite preparations. Average Dose : 8 minims (0.5 mil [Cc.]). Incompatible with iodine, arsenical salts, cupric and ferric salts, and sulphuric and sulphurous acids. Acid Lactic, Squibb bottle, Ib ; % Ib. ; oz. Acidum Lacticum. High quality. 85 to 90 percent. CsHf.Os, as against 75 percent, in previous U. S. P. Colorless or faintly yellow, syrupy, nearly odorless liquid; acid taste. Freely miscible with water, alcohol or ether; insoluble in chloroform. Caustic in 50 to 80 percent, solution; Astringent internally; also Reagent. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]), well diluted. Readily absorbs moisture on exposure, thereby becoming weakened. ACID METHYLENECITRYLSALICYLIC. See Novaspirin. Acid Moiybdic Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Acid Muriatic. See Acid Hydrochloric. Acid Nitric, Squibb g. s. bottle, 7 Ibs., per Ib. ; Ib. ; ; ] A Ib. Acidum Nitricum; so-called "C. P'." Concentrated Nitric Acid; Aqua Fortis. 67 to 69 percent. HNOs- An especially pure product. Sp. gr. about 1.403. Caustic. Antidotes: magnesia, chalk, lime water, or soap and water; emetics; oil, demulcents. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Acid Nitrohydrochloric, Squibb g. s. bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. Acidum Nilrohydrochloricum ; Aqua Regia. A strong aqueous solution containing hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, nitrosyl chloride and chlorine. Yellow, fuming, very corrosive liquid. Caustic; also used as Hepatic Stimulant. Average Dose: 3 minims (0.2 mil [Cc.]), well diluted. Antidotes: magnesia, chalk, lime water, or soap and water; emetics; oil and de- mulcents. , ACID NITROHYDROCHLORIC DILUTED. Acidum Nilrohydrochloricum Dilulum. Two-ninths strength of preceding article. Usd in biliary calculi, dyspepsia, etc. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 7 Acid Oleic, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; |/ 2 lb- ; V* Ib. Acidum Olelcum ; Elaic Acid. Obtained from fats. CisH34O;>. Yellowish or brownish-yellow, oily liquid, becom- ing darker and absorbing oxygen on exposure. Sp. gr. about 0.895. Soluble in alcohol, chloroform and oils. Because of its freedom from stearin and allied fatty acids, it produces oleates which are more rapidly and completely absorbed than ordinary oleates, and are free from that greasy property which is so objectionable. Also Reagent. Acid Ortho=Hydroxybenzoic. See Acid Salicylic. Acid Oxalic, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. H^CoO.j^HoO. Of very high purity; specially recrystallized, free from calcium sulphate and chlorides. Transparent gran- ules; very acid taste. Soluble in water or alcohol. Emmen- agogue, Sedative. Dose: Yi to 1 grain (0.03 to 0.065 Gm.), in sweetened water. Antidotes: calcium saccharate, syrup lime, lime water, or magnesia, then emetics. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) ACID PHENYLCINCHONINIC. AciJum Phenylcinchor.inicum ; Phenyl-quinoline-carboxylic Acid; Atophan. White or yellowish white, crystalline, bitter powder. Insoluble in water; slightly soluble in alcohol, readily in alkali solutions. Uric-acid Eliminant. Average Dose : 8 grains (0.5 Gm.), with copious draught of water, liberal doses of sodium bicarbonate being taken simultaneously. Acid Phosphoric, Squibb g. s. bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. Acidum Phosphoricum ; Ortho-phosphoric Acid. Contains 85 to 88 percent. HsPO.^. Best syrupy acid. Sp. gr. about 1.72. Miscible with all proportions of water or alcohol. Antidotes: alkalies and their carbonates and bicarbonates. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) ACID PHOSPHORIC DILUTED. Acidum Phosphoricum Dilulum. Contains 9.5 to 10.5 per- cent. HsPO-i. Digestive, Refrigerant. Average Dose : 30 minims' (2 mils [Cc.]), diluted. Incompatible with ferric chloride, lead acetate, solutions soluble iron phosphate and pyrophosphate, and silver nitrate. Acid Phosphoric Glacial, Squibb (Sticks) bottle, Ib. ; !4 Ib. ; oz. Acid Metaphosphoric. HPOs. Transparent, highly deliques- cent solid. Soluble in water, alcohol. Urine-albumin test; also used pharmaceutically and technically. The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence theraupeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing medi- cinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 8 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Acid Phosphotungstic Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). ACID PICRIC. See Trinitrophenol. Acid Prussic Diluted. See Acid Hydrocyanic Diluted. Acid Pyrogallic. See Pyrogallol. Acid Salicylic, Squibb * Crystals carton, Ib. ; '/4 N>. ; oz. Powdered carton, Ib. ; 14 Ib. ; oz. Acidum Salicylicum; Orthohydroxybenzoic Acid. CjHgOs. Recrystallized. A high-grade medicinal acid. I Gm. dissolves in 460 mils (Cc.) water, 2.7 alcohol, 42 chloroform, 3 ether. Aqueous solubility increased by borax, potassium citrate, sodium phosphate or sulphite. Antirheumatic ; Antiseptic, Germicide, Keratolytic; also Reagent. Average Dose: 12 grains (0.75 Gm.). Incompatible with iron salts, spirit nitrous ether, lead acetate, potassium iodide, and quinine salts, in solution. Acid Salicylic Natural, Squibb carton, Ib. ; |/4 Ib. oz. The true, natural acid; from oil betula. Colorless crystals, with characteristic odor. Preferred by many physicians to, the synthetic acid, but, ace. to Council on P. & C. of A. M. A., not superior to latter. Dose : same as preceding. Acid Stearic, Squibb tin, Ib. Acidum Stearicum. CisHseOo. From tallow and other fats.- Especially adapted for the manufacture of stearates. Hard, white, nearly odorless, tasteless solid. 1 Gm. dissolves in 21 mils (Cc.) alcohol, 2 chloroform, 3 ether; almost insoluble in water. Uses technical and pharmaceutical; also Reagent. Acid Sulphuric, Squibb g. s. bottle, 9 Ibs. Ib. ; Ib. ; !4 Ib. Acidum Sulphuricum ; Concentrated, so-called "C. P." Sul- phuric Acid; Oil Vitriol. Contains 93 to 95 percent. H^.SO 4 . Sp. gr. about 1.83. Caustic, oily liquid miscible with water and alcohol with evolution of much heat. Antidotes: chalk, magnesia or albumin. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Acid Sulphuric Aromatic, Squibb g. s. bottle, Ib. ; J4 Ib. Acidum Sulphuricum Aromalicum; Elixir of Vitriol. Contains 19 to 21 per cent. HjSO}, with tincture ginger, oil cinnamon and alcohol. Intestinal Astringent, Stomachic; good solvent for quinine sulphate. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]), well diluted. ACID SULPHURIC Diluted. Acidum Sulphuricum Diluium. Contains 9.5 to 10.5 percent. H->SO4. Sp. gr. about 1.067. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 9 Acid Sulphurous, Squibb g. s. bottle, Ib. ; |4 N>. Acldum Sulphurosum, U. S. P. VHIth Rev.; dropped from the present pharmacopoeia. Contains about 6.5 percent. SOo. Exceptionally free from sulphuric acid. Colorless liquid; odor of burning sulphur, and sulphurous taste. Anti- septic and Antizymotic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]), well diluted. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Acid Tannic, Squibb cajton, Ib. ; '/*tt>- ; oz. AciJum Tannicum; Gallotannio Acid; Tannin. HCi^HgOg. A specially repurified, medicinal product; not the regular mar- ket grade. Bulky and light colored. 1 Gm. dissolves in 1 mil (Cc.) glycerin; very soluble in water, alcohol; almost insoluble in ether, chloroform. Prone to darken on exposure. Astrin- gent, Styptic; Antidote for certain alkaloidal and metal- lic salts. Used locally in hemorrhages, pure; in 1 to 10 percent, solutions as mouth wash, injections, lotions, collodion, etc.; internally, in diarrhea, night-sweats, diabetes, etc. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Incompatible with salts of antimony, copper, iron, lead, mercury and silver; with alkaloids, albumin, gelatin, iodine, iodoform; with permanganates, chlorates and other oxidizers. (See also Glycerite; Troches [Part II]; Reagents [Part IV].) Acid Tartaric, Squibb (Powdered) carton, Ib. ; % Ib. AciJum Tartaricum; Dioxysuccinic Acid. Contains not less than 99.5 percent. HoCiHiOe. White powder. 1 Gm. dis- solves in 0.75 mil (Cc.) water, 3.3 mils alcohol, 4 glycerin; slightly soluble in ether; almost insoluble in chloroform. Re- frigerant and Antiscorbutic. Average Dose t 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Incompatible with salts of calcium, lead, and mercury. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Acid Trichloracetic, Squibb g. s. bottle, oz. AciJum Trichloraceticum. HC2CI3O2. Colorless, deliques- cent crystals; pungent, suffocating odor. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.1 mil (Cc.) water; very soluble 1 in alcohol or ether. Caustic, Styptic, Astringent; in nasopharyngeal diseases, warts, etc. Applied pure or in concentrated solution, as caustic; in 1 to 3 percent, solution, as astringent. Used also as test for albumin. ACIDOL. Betaine Hydrochloride. Colorless crystals; 23.8 percent. HC1. Soluble freely in water. Substitute for diluted hydro- chloric acid as Digestive. Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.), in water. Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. \ 10 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Aconite Root, Squibb Ground for Percolation tin, lb. Aconilum; Monkshood; Wolfsbane. Best quality, dried root of Aconitum napellus (Fam. Ranunculacea) . U. S. P. re- quires not less than 0.5 percent, ether-soluble alkaloids. Physi- ologically assayed according to U. S. P. IXth Rev. and found to yield official preparations of not less than standard strength. Circulatory Sedative, Sudorific, Antineuralgic. Average Dose: 1/2 grain (0.03 Gm.). Antidotes: emetics; atropine, digitalis or ammonia; small frequent doses of stimulants; artificial respira- tion. (See also Extract; Fluidextract; Liniment; Tincture.) Aconitine Crystals, Squibb '/8-z. ;15-gr. vial Aconitina. Cs-jr-^OnN. Crystalline alkaloid from aconite root. Colorless or white, odorless crystals. 1 Gm. dissolves in 28 mils (Cc.) alcohol, about 65 ether; very slightly soluble in water. Antineuralgic, Sudorific, Circulatory Sedative. Average Dose: V-ioo 8 ra ' n (0.00015 Gm.), in pills or tablets. Used externally in 1 :2000 to 500 ointments, or 2 percent, oleate, in neuralgias. Antidotes : stimulants, atropine, digitalis or am- monia. Dangerous to use on abraded surfaces. (See also Tablets [Part II].) ADALIN. Bromdiethylacelylcarbamide. Nearly colorless, odorless pow- der. Readily soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform; sparingly in water. Nerve Sedative, mild Hypnotic. Dose: 5 to 15 grains (0.3 to 1 Gm.). Adeps Lanae. See Wool-Fat. ADONIS. Adonis, N. F.; Pheasant's F_ye. Dried, overground portion of Adonis vernalix (Fam. Ranunculacece) . Cardiac Tonic of digi- talis group, but ace. to Council on P. & C. of A. M. A. of unreliable activity. Average Dose: 2 grains (0.13 Gm.). \DRENALIN. See under Epinephrine. ACAR. A gar; Agar-Agar. Dried mucilaginous substance from marine algae growing along eastern coast of Asia. Odorless, tasteless shreds, or granular powder. Insoluble in cold water; slowly soluble in hot water, forming jelly when cool. Culture medium; mechanical Laxative. Used in chronic constipation; passes through intestines almost unchanged. Average Dose : 1 50 grains (10 Gm.). AGARIC. Agaricus, N. F.; White Agaric; Larch Agaric. Dried fruit body of fungus Polyporus officinalis (Fam. Po/pporaceHPO|. Colorless, odorless crystals; saline taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in about 4 mils (Cc.) water; insoluble in alco- hol. Similar in action to sodium phosphate, but used mainly as Antirheumatic and Alterative. Average Dose : 5 grain? (03 Gm.). (See also Reagents [Part IV].) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 17 Ammonium Salicylate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; '/$ lb. ; oz. Ammonii Salicylas. NH+CiHzOs. White, odorless, crystal- line powder; faintly saline, bitter taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 1 mil (Cc.) water, 3 mils alcohol. Antirheumatic, Analgesic, Expectorant. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Ammonium Sulphate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Ammonium Sulphocyanate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). AMMONIUM SULPHOICHTHYOLATE. See Ichthyol. Ammonium Valerate, Squibb g.s. bottle, % lb. ; oz. Ammonii Valeras; Ammonium Valerianate. NHiCsHgOo. White plates; valerian odor; sharp, sweetish taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.3 mil (Cc.) water, 0.6 alcohol; soluble in ether. Nerve Sedative in hysteria. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). SQUIBB'S AMPULS of Sterile Solutions for Hypodermic or Intramuscular Injection In response to a request from many physicians we have added to our list a number of sterile solutions for hypodermic or intra- muscular injection, and will add others as the demand arises. They are put up in hermetically sealed tubules or ampuls. For use, sterilize the syringe and the needle, break off the stem of the ampul at the file mark on the neck, turn the ampul up- side down, introduce the needle, withdraw the contents and inject. Caffeine Sodio=SalicyIate Contains about 50 percent, caffeine, and is soluble in 2 parts water, hence serviceable for hypodermic use (chiefly in acute articular rheumatism complicated with heart disease, and in threatened collapse in pneumonia). O.I Gm. (1]/2 gr-) i n 1 Cc. (mil) ampuls, box of 1 dozen. Camphor Is employed subcutaneously as a stimulant in sudden depression and collapse as seen in infectious diseases and. other exhausting affections and after operations. The ordinary dose is 8 grains per injection; however, in pneumonia larger doses are used up to 30 grains per day, smaller quantities having proved of no avail here. Supplies as solutions in expressed oil almond: 0.1 Gm. (1J/2 grs.) in 1 Cc. ampuls, box of 1 dozen, 0.2 Gm. (3 grs.) in 1 Cc. ampuls, box of 1 dozen. This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 18 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Squibb's Ampuls (Cont.) Ergot (Sterile). An aqueous solution containing the active constituents of ergot, free from inert extractive. Physiologically tested and stand- ardized; 1 mil (Cc. or 16 min.) equals 2 Gm. best Spanish ergot. Box of 6x1 Cc. ampuls, Box of 12 x 1 Cc. ampuls, IRON ARSENITE. And combinations. Discontinued in deference to the ruling of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry of A. M. A. IRON CITRATE GREEN. Discontinued; see under this title. Iron Cacodylate Is an arsenical compound of iron employed as an alterative and hematinic in chlorosis, leukemia, lymphadenitis, etc. The hypo- dermic dose is 0.03 to 0.1 Gm. (J/2 t 1J/2 grains) daily. 0.03 Gm. (J/2 gr.) in I Cc. ampuls, box of a dozen, Mercury Iodide Red Is a mercurial commonly employed hypodermically in syphilis. It is supplied in I percent, oily solution, in 1 Cc. ampuls, each thus containing 0.01 Gm. (!/ gr.) of the medicament. Per box of 1 dozen ampuls, Mercury Salicylate Is offered in sterile suspension in emulsion of wool-fat and almond oil. It is a favorite with many physicians in the sub- cutaneous treatment of syphilis. 0.065 Gm. (1 gr.) in 1 Cc. ampuls, box of 1 dozen, Quinine Dihydrochloride Contains about 75 percent, of quinine alkaloid, and is the most readily soluble simple salt of quinine. Hence it is well adapted for intramuscular injection as an anlipenodic in obstinate cases ' of malarial fever. Sizes: 0.25 Gm. ( 33/4 grs.) in 2 Cc. ampuls, box of I dozen, 0.5 Gm. (7]/2 grs.) in 2 Cc. ampuls, box of 1 dozen, 1 Gm. (I5J/2 grs.) in 2 Cc. ampuls, box of 1 dozen, box of six, Quinine and Urea Hydrochloride Also known as Carbamidated Quinine Dihydrochloride, contains about 70 percent, of alkaloidal quinine and is soluble in an equal part of water. Its 1 percent, solution is employed by injection as a local anesthetic, slower but more prolonged in action than cocaine, and non-toxic; in 10 to 20 percent, solution it is applied topically to mucous membranes and wound surfaces. As an antiperiodic it is injected deep into the gluteal or deltoid mus- cles. Offered in sterile aqueous solutions as follows: 0.25 Gm. ( 33/4 grs.) in 2 Cc. ampuls, box of 1 dozen, 0.5 Gm. ( 7'/2 grs.) in 2 Cc. ampuls, box of 1 dozen, 1 Gm. (15'/2 grs.) in 2 Cc. ampuls, box of 1 dozen, 1% solution, for local anesthesia, in I Cc. ampuls, box of 1 doz., 1 %, solution, for local anesthesia, in 5 Cc. ampuls, box of six. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 19 Squibb's Ampuls (Cont.) Silver Nitrate 1 % Solution box of 1 dozen, For preventing ophthalmia neonatorum, 1 or 2 drops being instilled into each eye. Sodium Cacodylate Though it contains 35 percent, of metallic arsenic (equivalent to 47 percent, of arsenic trioxide [so-called arsenous acid]), is regarded as a relatively non-toxic succedaneum for the ordinary arsenical preparations in skin diseases-, chlorosis, malarial cachexia, etc., and it has lately come to the in the treatment of syphilis, by intramuscular injection. For the latter purpose the ordinary dose is 0.45 Gm. (7 grs.) for men, 0.4 Gm. (6 grs.) for women, and 0.05 Gm. (24 r -) f r infants. 0.05 Gm. (% gr.) in 1 Cc. ampuls, box of 1 dozen, 0.13 Gm. (2 grs.) in 1 Cc. ampuls, box of 1 dozen, 0.2 Gm. (3 grs.) in 1 Cc. ampuls, box of 1 dozen, 0.45 Gm. (7 grs.) in 1 Cc. ampuls, box of 1 dozen, Amyl Acetate, Squibb bottle, Ib. CsHn.CiHsOo. Colorless liquid; agreeable, pear-like odor. Slightly soluble in water; miscible. with alcohol, ether. Solvent of resins; constituent of fruit essences and perfumes; Reagent. Amyl Nitrite, Squibb ampul, oz. ; 14 oz. covered tubules, 3 minims, box of 10, covered tubules, 5 minims, box of 10, Amylis Nitris. C-jHuNOo. Clear, yellowish liquid; ethereal, fruity odor; pungent aromatic taste. Contains when fresh 80 percent. C-,HiiNC>2. Is free from water and aldehyde, and contains much less than permissible limit of free acid. On keeping, it loses in strength and becomes more acid. Miscible with alcohol, ether; almost insoluble in water. Offered in tubules covered with tubular braid, which acts as absorbent and inhaler. For use, a tubule is broken between the thumbs and fingers and .the vapor inhaled from the -braid covering. Prompt Vaso-dilator; chiefly in spasms of angina pectoris, asthma, general convulsions, fainting, etc. Average Dose : 3 minims (0.2 mil [Cc.]), by inhalation. Antidotes: atropine; ergot or strychnine hypodermically. Keep in a cool place, and disturb as little as possible. Inflammable! Amylopsin. See Diastase from Pancreas. ANGELICA FRUIT. Angelica Fructus, N. F.; Angelica Seed. Ripe fruit of An- gelica Archangelica and other species of Angelica (Fam. Um- bellifera). Aromatic Stomachic, Carminative. Average Dose : 15 grains (1 Gm.). The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 20 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA ANGELICA ROOT. Angelical Radix, N. F. Rhizome and roots of Angelica atro- purpurea (Fam. Umbelli ferae) and other species. Stimulating Expectorant. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Cm.). Anise, Squibb Whole tin, 5 Ibs., per Ib. ; Ib. Anisum; Aniseed. Dried ripe fruit of Pimpinella Anisum (Fam. Umbellifera), obtained from cultivated plants only, of fine aromatic odor and taste. Aromatic Carminative. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Anodyne, Hoffmann's. See Spirit Ether Compound. Antidote, Arsenic, Squibb per set, Iron Hydroxide (Ferric) with Magnesium Oxide. In two bot- tles, one containing diluted solution of tersulphate of iron, the other a mixture of magnesia and water; all in such proportions that when combined there is produced official Hydroxidum cum Magnesii Oxido. Valuable for emergency use. Antifebrin. See Acetanilid. , Antilithic, Granular Effervescent. See Sodium Phosphate Compound, Granular Effervescent. ANTIMONY OXIDE. Anlimonii Oxidum, N. F. SboOs. White or grayish-white, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in ordinary solvents. Ex- pectorant, Emetic. Average Dose: 1 grain (0.06 Gm.). ANTIMONY SULPHURATED. Anlimonium Sulphuralum, N. F. ; Kermes Mineral; Red An- timony Sulphide. Chiefly SboSs, with small quantities anti- mony trioxide, sodium pyroantimonate and sulphur. Reddish- brown, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in usual solvents. Obsolescent Cathartic, Alterative, Emetic. Ordinary Dose: 2 grains (0.13 Gm.) ; emetic, 10 grams (0.65 Gm.). Antimony and Potassium Tartrate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. ; oz. Anlimonii ei Polassii Tartras ; Tartar Emetic; Tartrated Anti- mony. 2K(SbO)C4H4O gr. (0.005 Gm.), in pills or tablets. Keep from light. (See also Tablets [Part II].) Arsenic Trioxide, Squibb (Acid Arsenous Powdered) bottle, 14 lb. ; oz Arseni TrioxiJum; Arsenous Acid; As^GV Soluble in water, freely in glycerin, sparingly in alcohol or ether. Aqueous solubility is increased by tartaric or hydrochloric acid. Anti- periodic, Alterative, Caustic. Average Dose : !/3Q grain (0.002 Gm.). Antidotes: arsenic antidote, emetics; milk or eggs; magnesia in milk. Incompatible with tannic acid and infusion cinchona and other vegetable astringent infusions, tinctures and decoctions; also with salts of iron and magnesium, lime- water, etc. (See also Reagents, Part IV; Tablets [Part II].) ARSENPHENOLAMINE-S. See Neoarsphenamine. ARSEKOBENZOL. Brand of Arsphenamine (Salvarsan). ARSPHENAMINE. Name adopted by Federal Trade Commission for Diamino- dihydroxy-arsenobenzene Hydrochloride (first introduced as Salvarsar and also known as Arsenobenzol and Ehrlich's 606) as made in America. Yellow powder, containing about 31.5 percent arsenic. Readily soluble in water. Alterative and Antiluetic; succedaneum for arsenic, but used mainly in syphilis by intravenous, intramuscular or hypodermic injection. Dose (in lues) : men, 9 grains (0.6 Gm.) ; women, 6 grains (0.4 Gm.); children, 2 to 5 grains (0.13 to 0.3 Gm.). The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeuticallv dependable. When ordering cr prescribing med- icinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 24 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA ASAFETIDA. Asafoetida. Gum-resin obtained by incising rhizome and roots of Ferula Asaf&tida, F. fcetida, and other species of Ferula (Fam. Umbellifera). Soft mass; persistent, garlicky odor; bitter, acrid taste. Carminative, Sedative; in hysteria, asthma, etc. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Grn.). (See also Tablets [Part II].) ASARUM. Asarum, N. F.; Canada Snake-root. Dried rhizome and roots of Asarum canaJense (Fam. Arislolochiacete) . Carminative, Flavor; similar to ginger. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). Asbestos Wool Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). ASCLEPIAS. Asclepias, N. F.; Pleurisy Root. Dried roots of Asclepias luberosa (Fam. Asclepiadacece). Slight odor; bitterish, dis- agreeable, acrid taste. Domestic remedy for pleurisy; also used as Diaphoretic. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract.) ASPIDIUM. Aspidlum; Male Fern. Rhizome and stipes of Dryopteris Filix-mas or D. marginalis (Fam. Polypodiaceas). Anthelmin- tic. Average Dose: 1 drachm (4 Gm.). ASPIDOSPERMA. Aspic! osperma; Quebracho. Dried bark of Aspidosperma Quebracho bianco (Fam. Apocynacea). Respiratory Tonic. Antidyspneic ; ckiefly in asthma and emphysema. Average Dose: 1 drachm (4 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract.) ASPIRIN. Brand name for Acetylsalicylic Acid. ATOPHAN. See Acid Phenylcinchoninic. ATOXYL. Sodium Arsanilate. White, odorless powder; about 22 per- cent, arsenic. Soluble in water. Alterative, Antiluetic. Dose: J/3 to 3 grains (0.02 to 0.2 Gm.), hypodermically every second day. Atropine, Squibb J/g-oz. vial, ; 10-gr. vial, 5-gr. vial, Alropina. Cj^HosOsN. An alkaloid from Alropa Bella- donna and other plants of Solanacecs. White, odorless, bitter, acrid crystals. 1 Gm. dissolves in 455 mils (Cc.) water, 2 alcohol 27 glycerin, 1 chloroform, 25 ether. Respiratory and Cardiac Stimulant; Antispasmodic, Antihydrotic, Antisialagogue. Average Dose: 1/120 g r - (0.0005 Gm.). Acts within J/2 hour, eliminated within 3 hours. Applied locally as oleate. Anti- dotes: tannin, then emetics; morphine, pilocarpme, physostig- mme, aconitme. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 25 Atropine Sulphate, Squibb j/g-oz. vial, ; 10-gr. vial, ; 5-gr. vial, Atropinai Sulphas. (CiiHosOsN^.H^O.!. White, crys- talline, odorless, bitter powder. I Gm. dissolves in 0.4 mil (Cc.) water, 5 mils alcohol, 2.5 glycerin, 420 chloroform, 3200 ether. Uses same as alkaloid, but largely as Mydriatic, in 1/2 percent, solution. Average Dose: I /IOQ grain (0.0005 Gm.). BACILLUS BULGARICUS CULTURE. Offered in liquid and tablet forms. Antizymotic internally, Antipyic topically. Dose : liquid, 7 mils (Cc.) ; tablets, 1 or 2, after meals. Baking Powder, Squibb tin, Ib. ; % Ib. After a formula approved by the U. S. Government, but with slight modification to enhance its effectiveness. Free from all injurious substances, hence perfectly harmless to health. Owing to the fact that this powder is made from the purest materials and thoroughly dried before putting up, it should be used with moderation; it is more active than most powders a level 'tea- spoonful of Squibb's Baking Powder is equivalent to a heaping teaspoonful of the regular baking powders of the market. Keep the can well closed and in a dry place. BALM GILEAD BUDS. See Balsam Poplar Buds. BALSAM POPLAR BUDS. Pofiull GemmcE, N. F.; Balm of Gilead Buds. Air-dried, closed winter leaf-buds of Populus nigra or P. bahamifera (Fam. Salicacece). Anticatarrhal, Expectorant; similar to cubeb or turpentine. BALSAM COPAIBA. See Copaiba. Balsam, Friars' or Turlington's. See Tincture Benzoin Compound. Balsam Peru, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; ]/ 4 Ib. Bahamum Peruvianum. From Toluifera Pereirce (Fam. Leu- minoscE). Soluble in alcohol and chloroform with not more than slight opalescence; partly in ether. Contains 50 to 56 percent, cinnamem. Thick, dark-brown liquid; vanilla-like odor; bitter, acrid taste. Sp. gr. 1.130 to 1.160. Antiseptic, Alterative, Expectorant. Used chiefly externally, on wounds, ulcers, chilblains, etc.; internally, in chronic catarrh, asthma, phthisis, etc. Dose: 10 to 20 grains (0.65 to 1.3 Gm.). Incompatible with iodoform in substance, and hydrogen dioxide. Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 26 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Balsam Tolu, Squibb tin, Ib. Balsamum Tolulanum. From Toluifera Balsamum (Fam. Legu- minoste). Free from rosin and copaiba and in other respects fully U. S. P. Yellow-brown, plastic solid, becoming brittle when old or dried or exposed to cold; vanilla-like odor; mild aromatic taste. Soluble in alcohol, chloroform, ether. Expec- torant; used chiefly as its syrup, a pleasant vehicle. Dose: 8 to 15 grains (0.5 to 1 Gm.). (See also Fluid; Syrup; Tincture.) BAPTISIA. Baptisia, N. F.; Wild Indigo. Dried roots of Baplisia iinc- toria (Fam. Leguminos). Used as Astringent. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). 1 BARBITAL-SODIUM (SODIUM DIETHYLBARBITURATE) This is the name adopted by the Federal Trade Commission for the product known by various brand names, such as: Medi- nal, Veronal-Sodium, etc. White powder, of bitter-alkaline taste. Soluble in 5 parts water. Hypnotic; used also hypo- dermically and by rectum. Dose: 5 to 1 5 grains (03 to 1 Gm.). BARBERRY. See Berberis. BARBITAL. Name adopted by Federal Trade Commission for Diethylma- lonylurea or Diethylbarbituric Acid (first introduced under the trade name Veronal and also known as Malo-Urea) as made in America during the suspension of the German patents. White, crystalline, odorless, slightly bilter powder. Soluble in about 150 parts water, readily in ether, slightly in chloroform. Hypnotic. Dose: 5 to 15 grains (0.3 to 1 Gm.), with a hot drink. Barium Acetate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Barium Carbonate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Barium Chloride Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Barium Hydroxide Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Barium Nitrate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Barium Sulphate for X=Ray Work, Squibb carton, Ib. ; J/4 Ib. BaSO). White, odorless, tasteless, quite bulky powder. In- soluble in usual organic solvents. Barium Sulphate has come into use for X-Ray work on the stomach and intestines. In- sJances of poisoning that have occurred point out the necessity of employing only a perfectly pure grade free from soluble barium salts, which latter are the cause of toxic symptoms. The article here offered is perfectly free from these noxious soluble salts, and is especially prepared for X-Ray work. Being in- soluble in water, acids or alkalies, it passes through the system unchanged and unabsorbed. Hence no untoward action what- ever need be feared. Also suitable for use as Reagent. When ordering Barium Sulphate for X-Ray work specify "Squibb." Send for literature. BARKER'S POST-PARTUM PILLS. See Pills Laxative, Post-Partum. Bateman's Pectoral Drops. See Tincture, Pectoral. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 27 BAYBERRY BARK. Myrica, N. F.; Candleberry; Wax Berry. Dried bark of root of Myrica cerifera (Fam. Myricace- Benzoinum; Gum Benjamin; Gum Benzoin. Extra select Siam gum, in nice, clean tears; wholly different from the regular market article. Balsamic resin obtained from Styrax Benzoin and other species of Styrax (Fam. Styracacea-). Yields less than 2 1 /2 percent, ash, and especially rich in benzoic acid. Yellow- ish-brown, pebble-like tears; vanilla/-like odor; slightly acrid taste. Soluble in solution sodium or potassium hydroxide, in 5 parts warm alcohol. Wound Antiseptic, 1 :5 ointment; Ex- pectorant, in inhalations. Used mainly technically and phar- maceutical ly. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gnu). (See also Fluid; Tincture). Benzoinated Cream, Squibb small jars per doz. ; oz. jars, per doz. l/2-oz. tubes, per doz. This medicated Cold Cream has been supplied for many years as a special laboratory product. It has been proved a most valuable article in cases where the action of ordinary cold cream is insufficient to effect prompt relief. It differs from the ordinary article in being a therapeutic salve instead of a simple mechani- cal ointment. It is used for the same purposes for which cold cream is so generally employed, but being compounded with other remedial agents, it possesses valuable medicinal properties which permit of its wider and more beneficial use as a safe and healing application. It contains benzoin, camphor, expressed oil almond and natural beeswax. Emollient, Antiseptic and Antipruritic. Benzol (Benzene) Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Benzonaphthol. See Betanaphthol Benzoate. BENZOSALIN. Methyl Benzoylsalicylate. Fine, white crystals, of faint aro- matic odor. Soluble readily in chloroform, moderately in alcohol; insoluble in water. Intestinal Antiseptic. Dose: 8 to 15 grains (0.5 to 1 Gm.). BENZOSOL. Benzoyl-guaiacol; Guaiacol Benzoate. CoH^OCHsyCeHs- CO;>. White powder; slight odor and taste; 54 percent, guaia- col. Soluble in alcohol, chloroform; sparingly soluble in ether; insoluble in water. Intestinal and Urinary Antiseptic, Anti- diabetic. Dose: 3 to 10 grains (0.2 to 0.65 Gm.). BENZOSULPHINIDE. Benzosulphinidum ; Saccharin; Benzoylsulphonic Imide; Glu- side. CjHsOsNS. White, nearly odorless powder; intensely sweet taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 290 mils (Cc.) water, 31 alcohol; slightly soluble in ether or chloroform; easily in am- monia water, alkaline hydroxide or sodium bicarbonate solution. About 500 times as sweet as cane sugar. Non-fermentable sweetener; corrigent of bitter or acrid drugs. Rarely medicinally, as acidifier of urine in cystitis. Average Dose : 3 grains (0.2 Gm), well diluted. (See also Tablets [Part II].) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 29 BenzosuIphinide=Sodium. See Sodium Benzosulphinide. BERBERIS. Berberis, N. F. ; Barberry Root; Oregon Grape Root. Dried hrizome and roots of Berberis aquifolium and other species of Berberis (Fam. Berberidacets) . Bitter Tonic, like hydrastis. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract.) BESTUSCHEFF'S TINCTURE. See Tincture Iron Chloride, Ethereal. f BETAEUCAINE HYDROCHLORIDE. BetaeucaintB HydrochloriJum ; Trimethylbenzoyloxypiperidine Hydrochloride. Ci5H2iNOo.HCl. White, odorless powder. 1 Gm. dissolves in 30 mils (Cc.) water, 35 alcohol, 6 chloro- form. Incompatible with alkalies and their carbonates. Local Anesthetic; in 2 percent, solution for eye, 5 to 10 percent, solution for nose and throat. Betanaphthol, Squibb 1-oz. vial Betanaphthol ; Naphthol. CioHiOH. A monohydroxy- phenol occurring in coal tar, but usually made from naphtha- lene. Colorless or buff-colored, shining laminae; faint, phenol- like odor; sharp taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in about 1000 mils (Cc.) water, 0.8 alcohol, 17 chloroform, 1.3 ether; soluble in glycerin, olive oil, alkali-hydroxide solutions. Antiparasitic Dermic; Intestinal Antiseptic, Anthelminthic. Internally, in typhoid fever, chronic diarrhea, etc.; externally in psoriasis, scabies and other parasitic skin diseases. Also used as Reagent. Average Bose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Applied in 3 to 10 percent, ointment. Incompatible on trituration with antipyrine, camphor, menthol or phenol. Betanaphthol Benzoate, Squibb 1-oz. vial Benzonaphthol. CeHsCOo.CioHj. Creamy-white, nearly odorless and tasteless needles or powder; darkens with age. Soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform. Intestinal Antiseptic. Dose: 3 to 8 grains (0.2 to 0.5 Gm.). BETANAPHTHOL-EISMUTH. See Bismuth Betanaphtholate. BETH ROOT. See Trillium. BISMUTH BETANAPHTHOLATE. Bismuthi Belanaphiholas; Betanaphthol-Bismuth. Newly offi- cial. 15 percent, betanaphthol, 75 percent, bismuth oxide. Buff-colored to grayish-brown, almost odorless, tasteless powder, nearly insoluble in water, alcohol, chloroform, ether. Intestinal Antiseptic. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 30 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Bismuth Carbonate. See Bismuth Subcarbonate. Bismuth Citrate, Squibb bottle, oz. BiC 6 HoO 7 . Dropped from U. S. P. White, odorless, taste- less powder. When fresh or not too old, soluble in ammonia water and solutions alkaline citrates; insoluble in water and alcohol. Stomachic, Astringent; also Reagent. Ordinary Dose: 2 grains (0.13 Gm.). Bismuth Citrate Soluble. See Bismuth and Ammonium Citrate. Bismuth (iallate Basic. See Bismuth Subgallate. Bismuth Magma, Squibb bottle, pint Magma Bismulhi ; Milk of Bismuth. Yields 5.6 to 6.2 percent, bismuth oxide. Each fluidounce represents equivalent of about 40 grains bismuth subnitrate, suspended in plain distilled water. Antacid, Gaslro-intestinal Astringent and Sedative. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Keep protected against light; shake well before dispensing. Bismuth, Milk of. See Bismuth Magma. Bismuth Nitrate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Bismuth Oxide Hydrated, Squibb bottle, oz. Bi(OH)s. White, bulky, odorless powder. To make Cremor Bismulhi or Cream of Bismuth, mix 20 parts of this oxide with 80 parts water. Antacid, Gastric Protective, internally; As- tringent, locally. Also Reagent. Dose : 5 to 20 grains (0.3 to 1.3 Gm.). Bismuth Oxychloride, Squibb bottle, oz. Bismuthyl Chloride; Pearl White. Bi O Cl. White, odorless, lustrous powder. Soluble in acids; insoluble in water. Used in face powders, etc. Bismuth Oxyiodide, Squibb bottle, oz. Bismuth Subiodide. BiOI. Brownish-red, odorless, tasteless powder, insoluble in ordinary solvents. Antiseptic, Vulnerary. Dose: 3 to 10 grains (0.2 lo 0.65 Gm.). Bismuth Oxynitrate. See Bismuth Subnitrate. Bismuth Salicylate Basic. See Bismuth Subsalicylate. Bismuth Subcarbonate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; '/4 'b. ; oz. Bismuthi S ub carbon as ; Bismuth Carbonate (BiO^COs- Yields not less than 90 percent, bismuth oxide, and free from alkalies, arsenic, alkaline earths and heavy metals. White, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in water, alcohol, ether, etc. Protective Vulnerary, Gaslric Sedative, Intestinal Astrin- gent; also used as Reagent and in X-ray work. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Incompatible with sulphides, sul- phur, acids and acid salts. (See also Tablets [Part II].) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 31 Bismuth Subgallate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; |4 Ib. ; oz. Bismuth! Subgallas; Basic Bismuth Gallate. Bi(OH) 2 C 7 H 5 C>5. Yields 52 to 57 percent, bismuth oxide. Contains no free gallic acid. Bright-yellow, odorless powder. Soluble in solutions of alkali hydroxides; insoluble in ordinary solvents. Drying Antiseptic externally; Astringent internally. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Cm.). Applied pure or as 10 to 20 percent, dusting-powder or ointment. Incompatible with acids, alkalies, sulphides and sulphur. (See also Tablets [Part II].) Bismuth Subiodide. See Bismuth Oxyiodide. Bismuth Subnitrate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; J4 Ib. ; oz. Bismulhi Subnilras ; Magistery of Bismuth; Bismuth Oxy- nitrate. BiONO 3 .H 2 O or Bi(OH) 2 NO 3 . Pure, nice while and bulky. Not only fully meets the U. S. P. purity require- ments, but exceeds them. White, odorless, almost tasteless pow- der. Insoluble in ordinary solvents. Incompatible "with gallic, salicylic and tannic acids, solutions of alkaline carbonates, sul- phides and sulphur. Topical and Gastro-intestinal Astringent and Protective. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Cm.). (See also Reagents [Part IV]; Tablets [Part II].) Bismuth Subsalicylate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. ; oz. Bismuthi Subsalicylas ; Basic Bismuth Salicylate. Bi(OH)o- CjHoOs. Yields 62 to 66 percent, bismuth oxide. White, or nearly white, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in ord- inary solvents. External and internal Astringent and Anti- septic. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Topically used like iodoform. Incompatible with alcohol, alkali carbonates, and bicarbonates, tannin and iron salts. NOTE: The acid salicylate is nof official, and should not be dispensed when "salicylate" is called for in prescriptions. (See also Tablets [Part II].) Bismuth and Ammonium Citrate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; !4 Ib- ; oz. Bismuthi et Ammonii Cilras; Soluble Bismuth Citrate. A par- ticularly handsome and pure product, scaled with great care. Yields 46 to 52 percent, bismuth oxide. Shining, pearly, odor- less scales; metallic taste; very soluble in water, sparingly solu- ble in alcohol. Stomachic, Astringent. Average Dose: 2 grains (0.13 Gm.). Injected in urethritis in 1:500 solution. Keep well stoppered; becomes opaque, loses ammonia, and sacrifices its solubility on exposure. The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 32 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA BITTER APPLE. See Colocynth. BITTERSWEET. Dulcamara, N. F. Dried stems and branches of Solanum Dul- camara (Fam. Solanacece). Used as Alterative. Average Dose: 60 grains (4 Gm.). BLACKBERRY BARK. See Rubus. BLACK COHOSH. See Cimicifuga. BLACK DROP. See Vinegar Opium. BLACK HAW. See Viburnum Prunifolium. BLACK WASH. See Lotion, Black. BLADDERWRACK. See Fucus. BLANCARD'S PILLS. See Pills Iron Iodide. Blood, Occult, Test Tablets. See under Tablets (Part II). Blood=Root. See Sanguinaria. BLUE COHOSH. See Caulophyllum. BLUE FLAG. 7ns yersicolor, N. F. Dried rhizome of Iris \>ersicolor (Fam. Iridaceci). Cathartic. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). BLUE GUM TREE. See Eucalyptus. Blue Mass or Blue Pill. See Mass Mercury. Blue Stone or Blue Vitriol. See Copper Sulphate. BLUE VERVAIN. See Vervain. BOLDO. Boldo, N. F. Leaves of BolJu Boldus (Fam. Motiimiaceci). Aromatic, Mild Diuretic. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). BONESET. See Eupatorium. Borax. See Sodium Borate. BORNYL BROMOVALERATE. See Brovalol. Boroglycerin Glycerite. See Glycerite Beroglycerin. BRAYERA. Brayera, N. F.; Kousso; Cusso. Dried panicles of flowers of Haneiiia abyssinica (Fam. Rosaces). Teniacide. Average Dose: 240 grains (16 Gm.). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 33 BROMETONE. Tribrominated Tertiary Butyl Alcohol. C 4 H 7 OBr 3 . White crystals; camphor-like odor and taste. Soluble freely in al- cohol, ether, chloroform; slightly in water. Nerve Sedative, Antispasmodic. Dose: 5 to 10 grains (0.3 to 0.65 Gm.). BROMINE. Bromum, N. F. Br. Heavy, dark brownish-red liquid, evolv- ing reddish fumes highly irritating to eyes and lungs; peculiar, suffocating odor; sp. gr. about 3.016. 1 mil (Cc.) dissolves in about 90 mils water; freely soluble in alcohol, ether, chloro- form. Caustic (pure), Antiseptic Inhalant (1:500 water); used chiefly technically. Antidotes: ammonia by inhalation; sodium carbonate, albumen. Must be kept in cool place and handled with great care. Its vapor is very irritating to mucosae. BROMIPIN. Bromine addition products of fatty acids of sesame oil. Yel- low, oily liquids; 10 and 33J/3 per cent, bromine, respectively. Nervine. Dose: 10 percent., 1 to 4 fluidrachms (4 to 15 mils [Cc.]); 33|/$ percent., 20 to 60 minims (1.3 to 4 mils [Cc.]). BROMOFORM. Bromoformum ; Formyl Tribromide; Tribromomethane. CHBr3- Heavy liquid; ethereal odor, chloroform-like taste. Sp. gr. 2.595 to 2.620. Miscible with chloroform, alcohol, ether, oils; soluble in 80 parts glycerin; very slightly in water. Anti- spasmodic and Sedative, chiefly in whooping-cough. Average Dose: 3 minims (0.2 mil [Cc.]), in hydroalcoholic solution or emulsion. Antidotes: atropine or strychnine hypodermically ; amyl nitrite or ammonia by inhalation; oxygen. Bromoform is so extremely volatile that the vials are liable to lose in weight rapidly on keeping. It is hence best ordered in small quantities, and should be kept in cool place protected against light. BROMURAL. Monobromisovalerylurea. White, almost tasteless needles. Sol- uble readily in hot water, ether, alcohol or alkalies. Nerve Sedative, Hypnotic. Dose: 5 to 10 grains (0.3 to 0.65 Gm.). BROOM TOPS. See Scoparius. BROVALOL. Bornyl Bromovalerate. Colorless, oily, faintly aromatic liquid; 25.2 percent, bromine. Soluble in alcohol, chloroform or ether; insoluble in water. Analeptic, Nerve Sedative. Dose; 4 to 12 grains (0.25 to 0.75 Gm.), in capsules. This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations ; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 34 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA BRYONIA. Bryonia, N. F.; Bryony. Dried root of Bryonia alba or B. dioica (Fam. Cucurbitaceat). Drastic Resinous Cathartic; used in dropsies, pleurisy, etc. Average Dose: 1 Gm. (15 grains). (See also Fluidextract; Tincture.) Buchu, Squibb tin, lb. ; 1 4 lb. Bnchii. Dried leaves of Barosma beiullna (Short Buchu) or of B. serratifolia (Long Buchu). (Fam. Rulacece). The article here listed is short buchu of best quality; in odor, taste, and other characteristics satisfying the most exacting requirements. Diuretic, Anticatarrhal; chiefly in diseases of bladder and kidneys. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). (See also Fluid- extract; Tablets [Part II].). BuCKBEAN. See Menyanthes. BUCKTHORN BARK. See Frangula. BUCKTHORN BERRIES. Rhamnus Caiharlica, N. F. Dried, ripe fruit of Rhamnus calhartica (Fam. Rhamnacete). Purplish-black externally; faint, unpleasant odor; sweetish, then nauseating, bitter taste. Cathartic. Average Dose: 15 grains (I Gm.). BURDOCK. See Lappa. Burow's Solution. See Solution Aluminum Acetate. BUTTERNUT BARK. See Juglans. CACAO. See Cocoa. Cacao Butter. See Oil Theobroma. CACTUS CRANDIFLORUS. Cactus Crandiflorus, N. F.; Night-blooming Cereus. Fresh succulent stems of wild-growing Cactus grandiflorus (Cereus grandiflorus; Fam. Cociacece). Used in neurotic heart distur- bances; value doubted by many. Cadmium Iodide Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Cadmium. Potassium Iodide Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Cadmium Sulphate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Caffeine, Squibb carton, oz. Caffeina; Coffeine; Theine; Guaranine; Trimethylxanthine. CsHioO;>N4.H:>O. Base from leaves of Thea sinensis (Fam. Ternsircemlaceai), or dried seeds of Coffea arabica (Fam. Ru- biacece). White, silky,- bitter needles; efflorescent in dry air. 1 Gm. dissolves in 46 mils (Cc.) water, 66 alcohol, 5.5 chloroform, 530 ether. Aqueous solubility increased by potassium bromide, sodium benzoate, sodium salicylate. Diuretic; Cardiac, Res- piratory and Psychic Stimulant. Average Dose: 2]/2 grains (0.15 Gm.). See also Tablets [Part II].) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 35 Caffeine Citrated, Squibb bottle, oz. Caffeina Citraia. Unstable compound of caffeine and citric acid, containing when dried 48 percent, anhydraus caffeine. White, odorless powder; of slightly bitter, acid taste. Soluble in about 25 parts water, in mixture of equal volumes chloro- form and alcohol. Average Dose: 5 grains (0.3 Gm.). (See also Tablets [Part II].) CAFFEINE CITRATED, GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT. Caffeina Cilrata Effervescens. 4 percent, official citrated caf- feine. Average Dose: 60 grains (4 Gm.). Caffeine Hydrobromide, Squibb bottle, oz. ; J/g-oz. vial CgHioN4O2.HBr.2H2O. Large, white crystal*, turning red- dish on exposure. Soluble in water, with decomposition. Caffeine and Sodium Benzoate, Squibb bottle, oz. ; J/g-oz. vial Caffeina SoJio-Benzoas. Newly official. White, odorless, slightly bitter powder; assays when dried 46 to 50 percent, anhydrous caffeine. 1 Gm. dissolves in 1 .'1 mils (Cc.) water, some caffeine separating on standing; in 30 mils alcohol. Car- diac, Respiratory and Psychic Stimulant. Average Dose : hypodermically, 3 grains (0.2 Gm.) ; per os, 5 grains (0.3 Gm.) Caffeine Sodio=Salicylate, Squibb bottle, oz. ; |/g-oz. vial Caffeins Sodio-Salicylas, N. F. White, odorless, slightly bitter powder, containing about 50 percent, caffeine. 1 Gm. dissolves in about 2 mils (Cc.) water. Cardiac Stimulant, Analgesic; used mainly hypodermically, in rheumatism com- plicated with heart disease, and in threatening collapse. Aver- age Dose: 3 grains (0.2 Gm.). (See also Ampuls.) Cajuputol. See Eucalyptol. CALABAR BEAN. See Physostigma. CALAMINE, PREPARED. Calamina Prceparala, N. F.; Lapis Calaminaris. Native zinc carbonate, calcined; or calcined zinc carbonate containing small amount ferric oxide. Fine, pink, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in ordinary solvents. Protective, Siccative Dermic. Calcium Acetate. See list of Reagent Chemicals, under Reagents (Part IV). The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 36 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEPICA Calcium Bromide, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; oz. Calcii BromiJum. CaBr2-2HoO; not anhydrous salt formerly official. White, granular, odorless; sharp, saline taste; very deliquescent. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.7 mil (Cc.) water, 1 .3 mils alcohol; insoluble in chloroform or ether. Nerve Seda- tive, similar to but more irritant than sodium bromide. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Keep well stoppered, in dry place. Calcium Carbonate Precipitated. See Chalk Precipitated. Calcium Carbonate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Calcium Chloride, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; '/4 Ib. ; oz. Calcii ChloriJum. Hydrated form, containing about 2 mole- cules crystal water and assaying not less than 75 percent. Ca Clo. White, hard, odorless fragments or granules; sharp, saline taste; very deliquescer.t. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.62 mil (Cc.) water, 10 alcohol; insoluble in ether. Used as Hemostatic and An- tipruritic, internally, as Antiphlogistic externally; in chronic itching hemorrhagic conditions, uticaria, serum rashes, etc. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Incompatible with solu- ble carbonates, phosphates and sulphates, producing corre- sponding insoluble salts of calcium. Keep well stoppered in dry place. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Calcium Qlycerophosphate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. ; oz. Calcii Clycerophosphas. C3H,-,(OH) 1 >PO|Ca. Newly of- ficial. White, odorless, almost tasteless, slightly hygroscopic powder. 1 Gm. dissolves in about 50 mils (Cc.) water; citric acid increases solubility. Used as Nerve Tonic, especially in neurasthenia; generally in combination with other glycero- phosphates. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.) Solutions do not keep well; 1 minim chloroform to fluidounce retards change. Use cold, sterile, distilfed water only. (See also Tablets [Part II].) Calcium Hypophosphite, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; '/J Ib. ; oz. Calcii Hypophosphis. Ca^^PCXj)::. White prisms, scales or crystalline powder; nauseous, bitter taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 6.5 mils (Cc.) water; insoluble in alcohol. Used as general reconstructive tonic, largely in tuberculosis, usually in com- bination with other hypophosphites. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). NOTE: Caution should be observed in dispensing this salt as explos.on is liable to occur when it is triturated or heated with nitrates, chlorates or other oxidizing agents. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 37 Calcium Lactate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; 14 lb. ' oz- Calcii Lactas. Ca(C 3 H 5 O 3 ) 2 . 5H 2 O. Newly official. White, odorless, nearly tasteless granules. 1 Gm. dissolves in 20 mils (Cc.) water; almost insoluble in alcohol. Alterative, Anti- cachectic; latterly also Hemostatic, in conditions referable to defective blood coagulability, in operations about nose and throat to prevent postoperative hemorrhage, and in such blood dyscra- sias as boils, urticaria, hemoglobinuria, etc. Has characteristic action of calcium; less irritating and hence better adapted to hypodermic use than calcium chloride. Average Dose (ace. to U. S. P.) : 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) ; other authorities advise 1 5 to 20 grains (1 to 1 .3 Gm.) an hour before meals in solution. Incompatible with soluble carbonates, phosphates and sulphates, producing corresponding insoluble salts of calcium. Calcium Lactophosphate Soluble, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. ; oz. Calcii Laclophosphas, N. F. Granular combination of calcium lactate and calcinm phosphate. Soluble in water; almost in- soluble in alcohol. Alterative, Anticachectic; similar to cal- cium lactate, but not adapted to hypodermic use. -Average Dose : 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). CALCIUM MONOIODOEEHENATE. See Sajodin. Calcium Oxide. See Lime. Calcium Oxide Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Calcium Phenolsulphonate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % lb. ; oz. Calcium Sulphocarbolate. An exceptionally fine article, free from sulphates, chlorides and metallic impurities. Readily soluble in water. Used as Intestinal Antiseptic. Dose : 2 to 5 grains (0.13 to 0.3 Gm.), in solution or tablets. Calcium Phosphate Precipitated, Squibb carton, lb. Calcii Phosphas Prcecipilatus, N. F. Dropped from U. S. P. Caa(PO4) ; >. White, bulky, odorless, tasteless powder; insol- uble in water and alcohol. Reconstructive, like calcium sails in general; in malnutrition, rickets, osteomalacia, etc. Also Reagent. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). If difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 38 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Calcium Sulphide Crude, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. ; oz. Calcii Sulphidum Crudumj formerly officially called Sulphur- ated Lime. Not less than 55 percent. CaS. Pale-gray or yellowish powder; hydrogen-sulphide odor; nauseous, alkaline taste. Gradually decomposes on exposure to moist air. Slightly soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Antipyic, Alterative; in boils, scrofula, phthisis, etc. Also Depilatory. Average Doge: I grain (0.065 Gm.). Keep well stoppered. (See also Tab- lets [Part II].) CALCREOSE. Loose chemical combination of equal parts creosote and lime. Dark-brown powder; empyreumatic odor; sharp, phenolic taste. Form of creosote. Dose: 5 to 15 grains (0.3 to I Gm.). Calendula, Squibb , tin, Ib. Calendula, N. F.; Marigold. Dried ligulate florets of Calen- dula officinalis (Fam. Composites). Used externally, as mild Irritant. Calisaya Bark. See Cinchona. Calomel. See Mercury Chloride, Mild. CALOMELOL. Colloidal Calomel. Whitish-gray, odorless, tasteless powder; 80 percent, calomel, 20 percent, proteins. With water it forms an opalescent suspension; insoluble in alcohol or ether; precipi- tated by acids from its solutions, redissolved by alkalies. In- compatible with soluble hydroxides, carbonates, iodides ad oxidizing agents. Succedaneum for calomel internally and ex- ternally, in same doses and strengths. Calomelol Ointment con- tains 20 percent, mercury as calomelol. Calumba, Squibb Ground for Percolation tin, Ib. Calumba; Columbo. Dried root of Jaleorhiza palmala (Fam. Menispermaces). Simple Bitter, Stomachic. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract; Tincture.) CAMPHO-MENTHOL. See Menthol Camphorated. CAMPHOR. C 'amphora ; Gum Camphor. CioHiflO. Ketone obtained from Cinnamomum Camphora (Fam. Lauracece). Sp. gr. 0.990. Very volatile. Freely soluble in alcohol, chloroform, ether, oils; slightly soluble in water. Readily pulvenzable in pres- ence of little alcohol, ether or chloroform. Stimulant, Ana- leptic, Antispasmodic, Antipruritic, Rubefacient; in collapse, flatulence, cramps, spasmodic cough, asthma, neuralgia, etc. Average Dose: by mouth, 3 grains (0.2 Gm.).; hypodermic, ]]/2 grains (0.1 Gm.). (See also Ampuls; Spirit.) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 39 Camphor Monobromated, Squibb * Crystals or Powdered bottle ; 14 lb. ; oz. Camphora Monobromaia; Bromcamphor. CioHisOBr. Bro- mine substitution product of camphor. Colorless needles or scales, of mild camphoraceous odor and taste. Almost insol- uble in water. I Gm. dissolves in 6.5 mils (Cc.) alcohol, 0.5 chloroform, 1 .6 ether. Sedative, Antispasmodic, Antineuralgic, Average Dose: 2 grains (0.13 Gm.). CANELLA. Canella, N. F. Dried inner bark of Canella Winierana (Fam. Canellaceai) . Cinnamon-like odor; warm aromatic taste. Aromatic Bitter, Corrigent. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). CANNABIS. Canella, N. F. Dried inner bark of Canella Winlerana (Fam. saliva or of variety indica (Fam. Moraces). Physiological assay required by U. S. P. Sedative, Anodyne. (See also Extract; Fluidextract; Tincture.) Cantharides Powdered, Squibb tin, % Jb. Cantharis; Spanish Flies. The thoroughly dried beetle Canlharis vesicaloria. Best Russian beetle, assaying at least 0.6 percent, cantharidin, as officially demanded. Rubefacient and Vesi- cant externally; Genito-urinary Irritant internally. Antidotes: flaxseed tea, opium per rectum, morphine subcutaneously. Oils should be avoided. (See also Cerate; Collodion; Liniment; Tincture.) Capsicum. See Pepper, Red. CARAMEL. Caramel, N. F.; Burnt Sugar Coloring. Concentrated aqueous solution of product obtained by heating sugar or glucose until the sweet taste is destroyed and a uniform dark-brown mass results, a little alkali being added while heating. Thick liquid, odor of burnt sugar; pleasant, bitter taste; sp. gr. about 1.35. Mixes clearly with water, diluted alcohol. Coloring agent. CARAWAY. Carum; Caraway Seed. Dried fruit of Carum Carvi (Fam. Umbelliferas'). Aromatic Carminative; Condiment. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Carbon Disulphide Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Carbon Tetrachloride Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence theraupeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing medi- cinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 40 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Cardamom Seed, Squibb * Whole tin, lt>. ; 1/4 Ib. Ground for Percolation tin, Ib. Cardamomi Semen. Dried seeds of Eleitaria CarJamomum (Fam. Zingiberacea) . Free from twigs, leaves and other portions of plant, possessing a characteristic, agreeably aromatic odor and taste, yielding less than officially permitted quan- tity of ash. Carminative, Corrective; Flavor. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). (See also Fluid; Fluidextract; Tincture.) Cardamom Compound, Squibb Ground for Percolation tin, Ib. Mixture of cardamom, Saigon cinnamon, caraway and cochi- neal, intended for preparation of Tincture Cardamom Com- pound. CARCENTOS. Colloidal Silver Oxide. 50 percent. Ag. Odorless, tasteless black, shining scales. Forms colloidal suspension with water or glycerin. Antiseptic Astringent, in 5 to 25 percent, sus- pensions or 10 percent, dusting powder. CARMINE. Carminum, N. F. Aluminum lake of coloring principle of cochineal. Irregular, bright red, odorless, tasteless fragments. Soluble freely in ammonia water and alkaline liquids, slightly in water. Red coloring. CARRAGEEN. See Chondrus. Cascara Sagrada, Squibb Whole carton, Ib. * Ground for Percolation tin, Ib. Cascara Sagrada ; Sacred. Bark. Dried bark of trunk and branches of Rhamnus Purshiana (Fam. Rhamnacece) thor- oughly seasoned. In its selection it is carefully differentiated from barks of allied species. Being the best procurable and well seasoned, preparations made from it are of maximum efficacy. Laxative, acting mainly on colon; has but little tendency to produce secondary constipation. Average Dose : 15 grains (1 Gm.). (See also Extract; Fluid; Fluidextract. Tablets [Part II].) CASCARILLA. Cascarilla, N. F.; Sweet Bark. Dried bark of Croton Elu- teria (Fam. jEup/iorfciacece) . Clove-like odor; warm, aromatic, bitter taste. Aromatic Bitter, like gentian. Average Dose : 30 grains (2 Gm.). Cassia. See Cinnamon, Cassia. ^QUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 41 CASSIA FISTULA. Cassia Fislula, N. F.; Purging Cassia. Dried fruit of Calhar- tocarpus Fistula (Fam. Leguminous). Laxative, similar to Senna. Average Dose: 60 grains (4 Cm.). CASTANEA. Caslanea, N. F.; Chestnut Leaves. Dried leaves of Costarica Jentata (Fam. Fagacece). Astringent but used mainly in whooping cough. Average Dose: 60 grains (4 Cm.). (See also Fluidextract.) Cataplasm Kaolin, Squibb special tins, Ib. ; J/2 Ib. Cataplasma Kaolini, N. F.; Kaolin Poultice. Dropped from U. S. P. Consists of kaolin, boric acid, thymol, methyl salicyl- ate, oil peppermint and glycerin. A very smooth; homogen- ous mass, free from gnttiness and irritating properties, each of the ingredients being of selected quality. CATECHU. See Gambir. CATNEP. Cataria, N. F.; Catmint. Dried leaves and flowering tops of Nepela Cataria (Fam. Labiata), Aromatic, mint-like odor, bitter, pungent, aromatic taste. Aromatic Carminative, simi- lar to peppermint. Average Dose : 60 grains (4 Gm.). CAULOPHYLLUM. Caulophyllum, N. F.; Blue Cohosh. Dried rhizome and roots of Caulophyllum ihalictroides (Fam. Berberidacea) . Asserted Diuretic and Emmenagogue. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Caustic Potash. See Potassium Hydroxide. Caustic Soda. See Sodium Hydroxide. CELERY FRUIT. Apii Fructus, N. F.; Celery Seed. Ripe fruit of Apium Craveo/ens (Fam. Umbellifera). Agreeable odor; aromatic, warm taste. Domestic Emmenagogue. Average Dose : 30 grains (2 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract.) CENTAURY. Centaurium, N. F. Dried flowering plant of Erylhrtea Cen- taurium (Fam. Gentianacece). Faint odor; persistently bitter taste. Bitter Stomachic, similar to gentian. Average Dose : 30 grains (2 Gm.). Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 42 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Cerate, Squibb jar, lb. Ceratum; Simple Cerate. Made from white wax and ben- zoinated lard, modified as necessary for use in southern latitudes or during the hot season, by replacing a portion of the ben- zoinated lard by white wax. The several ingredients are all of pharmacopceial quality. Emollient, base for cerates. Cerate, Blistering. See Cerate Cantharides. CERATE CAMPHOR. Ceratum Camphors, N. F.; Camphorated Ointment or Cerate. Dropped from U. S. P. Contains 10 percent, camphor lini- ment, equivalent to 2 percent, camphor, in combination of white wax 7 parts, white petrolatum 3 and benzoinated lard 8. Anti- septic and Antipruritic. Cerate Cantharides, Squibb tin, lb. ; 14 lb. Ceratum Canlharidis; Blistering Cerate. 100 Gm. represent 35 Gm. best Russian cantharides, extracted with oil turpentine and a little acetic acid. As the active principle of cantharides is not soluble in water, a very thin film of water upon the skin will prevent blistering effect of the cerate. Therefore the skin should be thoroughly cleansed before applying. Soap and water are usually effective, but frequently it is necessary to resort to diluted acetic acid or vinegar, which not only removes the excretions from the skin, but is an excellent sol- vent of the active principle of cantharides. CERATE LEAD SUBACETATE. Ceratum Plumbi Subacetalis, N. F.; Goulard's Cerate; Lead Cerate. Combination of solution lead subacetate 20 percent., camphor 2 percent., with wool- fat, white wax and white petro- latum. Astringent, in inflammatory cutaneous lesions. CERATE ROSIN. Ceralum Resin re ; Basilicon Ointment. Combination of rosin 35 parts, lard 50, wax 15. Antiphlogistic, Discutient; to "draw." Cerate Rosin Compound, Squibb jar, lb. Ceraium Resince Composilum, N. F.; Deshler's Salve. Drop- ped from U. S. P. Combination of rosin 45 parts, yellow wax 45, suet 60, turpentine 23, linseed oil 27. Antiphlogistic, Dis- cutient; in external inflammations, to "draw." Cerium Oxalate, Squibb carton ; % lb. oz. Cen'i Oxalas. Natural mixture of oxalates of cerium, didy- mium, lanthanum, and other associated elements. The chem- ical formula cannot therefore be stated. White or pinkish- white, odorless, tasteless powder, insoluble in ordinary solvents. Gastric Sedative; in vomiting of pregnancy, seasickness, etc. Average Dose: 3 grains (0.2 Gm.). (See also Tablets CETACEUM. See Spermaceti. [Part H].) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 43 Chalk Precipitated, Squibb carton, Ib. CaCOg. Particularly acceptable for pharmaceutical purposes, dentifrices, etc. Nearly insoluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Carbonic acid and ammonium salts increase aqueous solubility. Antacid. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Offered in three densities; Light, Medium, and Heavy. On unspecified orders the medium grade is supplied. Write for quotations on bulk quantities. CHALK PREPARED. Creia Pr¶ia; Drop Chalk. CaCOs. Differs from pre- cipitated chalk, in that it is a native calcium carbonate freed from most of its impurities by elutriation. White to grayish- white, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in the ordinary solvents. Antacid. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Chamomile, German. See Matricaria. CHANNING'S SOLUTION See Solution Mercury and Potassium Iodide. CHAPMAN'S MIXTURE. See Mixture Copaiba and Opium. Charcoal Powdered, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. Carbo Ligni. C. Soft-wood charcoal, offered in fine powder. Antizymotic, Absorbent; in flatulent dyspepsia, fetid breath, etc. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). (See also Tablets and Troches [Part II].) CHEMICAL FOOD. See Syrup Phosphates Compound. CHESTNUT LEAVES. See Castanea. . CHIMAPHILA. Chimaphila, N. F.; Pipsissewa. Dried leaves of Chimaphila umbellala (Fam. Ericacea). Formerly used as Tonic, As- tringent, Diuretic. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). CHINOSOL. Oxyquinoline Sulphate. Yellow powder; saffron odor; astringent, aromatic taste. Readily soluble in water; sparingly in alcohol; insoluble in ether. Antiseptic (1:500 to 1:3000 solution), Antizymotic. Dose: 3 to 5 grains (0.2 to 0.3 Gm.). Incompatible with lead acetate, mercuric chloride, iron salts, etc. CHIONANTHUS. Chionanthus, N. F.; Fringe Tree Bark. Dried bark of root of Chionanlhus virginica (Fam. Oleacea). Characteristic odor; bitter taste. Used as Alterative and Aperient. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 44 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA CHIRATA. Chirala, N. F.; Chiretta. Dried plant of S&erlia Chlra^ila (Fam. Geniianaced), Bitter Stomachic, similar to gentian. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Cm.). Chloral Camphorated, Squibb bottle, oz. Chloralum Camphor alum, N. F. Equal parts chloral and cam- phor, liquefied. Transparent, colorless, oily liquid. Soluble in alcohol, ether, oils; insoluble in water. Topical Anodyne, in neuralgia, toothache, etc. ChIoramine=T, Squibb bottle, 6^/3 ozs. ; 582 grs. , Sodium Para-Toluenesulfonchloramine. CH3.C6H4.SOoNa:- NC1.3Hi>O. White powder; slight chlorous odor. Soluble in water; insoluble in oils. Introduced by Drs. Carrel, Dakin and colleagues as a water-soluble Germicide and Wound Disinfec- tant acting much like the hypochlorites but being less irritating and more stable. Used chiefly in 1 or 2% solutions; in nose and throat in Y^% solution. (See next title, and Tablets [Part II] ; also Dichloramine-T and Halazone Tablets.) Chloramine=T Surgical Paste, Squibb jar, Ib. '. /4 lb. ; 2 ozs. A white, odorless paste, of "vanishing cream" type. Contains 1% chloramine-T (Dakin), combined with a neutral base (sodium stearate) according to formula of Dr. Alexis Carrel. Introduced by Drs. Carrel, Dakin and colleagues as Germicide and Wound Disinfectant. Chloral Hydrate Crystals, Squibb g. s. bottle, oz. Chloralum HyJraium. CoHCIgO.HjO. Colorless, transparent, rhomboidal crystals; aromatic, penetrating odor; bitterish, caus- tic tasle. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.25 mil (Cc.) water, 1 .3 al- cohol, 2 chloroform, 1.5 ether; very soluble in olive oil; sol- uble also in glycerin. Hypnotic, Antispasmodic, Analgesic; also Reagent. Contramdicated in gastritis and fafty heart. Its continued administration is liable to produce a habit. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.), well diluted. Absorbed very quickly (5 to 10 minutes). Liquefies when triturated with about an equal quantity camphor, menthol, thymol, or phenol. Antidotes: cocaine, atropine oY strychnine, hypodermically; -stimulants; oxygen or amyl nitrite by inhalation. Incom- patible with alkalies and alkali carbonates. NOTE: When kept in cork-stoppered bottles Chloral Hydrate is liable to be- come discolored, from chemical action on the cork. Unless otherwise specified, we supply it only in glass- stoppered bottles. Because of its volatility it should be kept carefully stoppered, in a cool place. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 45 CHLORAZENE. Brand of Chloramine-T. CHLORBUTANOL. Acetone-Chloroform; Chloretone. White, volatile crystals; camphoraceous odor and taste. Soluble in alcohol, chloroform, glycerin, oils; in about 125 parts water. Local Anesthetic, Seda- tive, Antiseptic. Dose: 5 to 20 grains (0.3 to i.3 Gm.). Used locally in saturated aqueous solution. Chlorcosane, Squibb bottle, pint, ; % pint Chlorinated Paraffin. New oil-solvent for Dicbloramine-T, devised by Drs. Dakin and Dunham. Bland, tasteless, yellow, non-irritant, non-toxic, stable oil, which will hold 8 to 10 per cent. Dichloramine-T in solution. To prepare solutions, warm Chlorcosane, stir-in Dichloramine-T until dissolved, filter if de- sired (usually not necessary), and cool to suitable temperature for use. For wounds, 2 to 5 percent, solutions of Dichloramine- T are used, in nose and throat 1 percent, or weaker applied with swab, director or atomizer. While Chlorcosane solutions of Dichloramine-T keep for quite some time they should be dis- carded if they contain a precipitate that does not disappear on gently warming. CHLORETONE. Brand of Chlorbutanol. Chloroform, Squibb For Anesthesia. Ib. ; Y 2 Ib. ; |4 Ib. ; 2 ozs. ; oz. Dropping Ampul 50 Gm. ; 25 Gm. Chloroformum ; Formyl Trichloride. CHCls. Made and purified in the Squibb Laboratories by a process yielding a product above pharmacopoeial requirements; contains less than 1 percent, of alcohol, and is free from chlorides, free chlorine, chlorinated pyrogenous compounds, and all impurities decom- posable by sulphuric acid. Chloroform is soluble in about 210 times its volume of water, miscible with alcohol, ether, benzin and oils. Sp. gr. 1.474 to 1.478. General Anaesthetic; Analgesic, Antispasmodic. Used also pharmaceutically and as Reagent. Average Dose: (by mouth) 5 minims (0.3 mil [Cc.]), dissolved in elixir; avoid water. Antidotes: If venous engorgement of head and neck exists, artificial respiration (Schasfer's method). If cerebral anemia exists, inversion of patient, artificial respiration while inverted. Always first empfy the lungs of vapor. Atropine or camphor hypodermi- cally; amyl nitrite or ammonia by inhalation. Caution: Chloro- form vapor decomposes on contact with a flame or white-hot The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 46 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Chloroform, Squibb (Cont.) solids; chlorine, hydrochloric acid gas, phosgene and other intensely irritating products being produced. Therefore, chlo- roform should not be administered by artificial light unless the flames or wires are protected by a closed case. Heaters (grates, stoves, electric, etc.) should have all glowing surfaces enclosed. Always provide for the rapid escape from the room of all decomposition products. NOTE. Chloroform is not to be relied upon for anaesthesia after the container has been opened and the product exposed to the air for some time. CHONDRUS. ChonJrus; Irish Moss; Carrageen. Dried plant of ChonJrus crispus or of Gigarlina mamillosa (Fam. Cigartinacets). Demulcent, Lubricant. CHROMIUM TRIOXIDE. Chromil TrioxiJum; so-called .Chromic Acid; Chromic Anhy- dride. CrOg. Small, dark purplish-red crystals, deliquescent in moist air. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.6 mil (Cc.) water; de- composed by organic solvents. Caustic, Astringent; in ulcers, hypertrophic coryza, sweating feet, etc., as 5 to 20 percent, aqueous solution. Antidotes: magnesia or chalk; demulcents. Because of its activity as an oxidizing agent, great caution should be observed in bringing it into contact with organic substances, such as alcohol, ether, glycerin, cork, tannic acid, sugar and collodion. Disregard hereof is liable to result in dangerous accident. Chromium Trioxide Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). CHRYSAROBIN. Chrysarobinum ; often erroneously called Chrysophanic Acid. Mixture of neutral principles extracted from goa powder. Brownish to orange powder; tasteless, odorless; irritating to mucous membranes. 1 Gm. dissolves in 385 mils (Cc.) alcohol, 12.5 chloroform, 16 ether; very slightly soluble in water. Anti- parasitic, Afltiseptic, in 6 percent, ointment, in psoriasis, tri- chophytosis, alopecia areata, etc. Poisonous. No special anti- dotes known. CIMICIFUGA. Cimicifuga; Black Cohosh; Black Snakeroot; Macrotys. Dried rhizome and roots of Cimicifuga racemosa (Fam. Ranun- culacece). Used as Alterative, Sedative, Emmenagogue; in rheumatism, chorea, hysteria, dysmenorrhea, etc. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Cm.). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 47 Cinchona, Squibb Ground for Percolation tin, Ib. Cinchona; Calisaya Bark; Yellow Cinchona. Dried bark of Cinchona Ledgeriana, C. Calisaya, and of hybrids of these (Fam. Rubiacece). Special car* is observed in the selection to insure botanical authenticity. Assays not less than 5 percent, alkaloids. Antiperiodic, Bitter Tonic. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). (See also Extract; Fluidextract.) Cinchona Compound Ground, Squibb For Percolation tin, Ib. Mixture of 5 parts red cinchona, 4 parts bitter orange peel, and 1 part serpentaria, for preparing Tincture Cinchona Com- pound. Cinchona, Red, Squibb * Ground for Percolation tin, Ib. Powdered tin, Ib. ; !4 Ib. Cinchona Rubra; Red Bark; Red Peruvian Bark. Dried bark of Cinchona succirubra or its hybrids (Fam. Rubiaceai), assay- ing not less than 5 percent, alkaloids. Uses and dose, as cin- chona. (See also Fluid; Fluidextract; Tincture.) Cinchonidine (Alkaloid), Squibb bottle, oz. CigH22ON2. Alkaloid from cinchona. White crystals. Sol- uble in alcohol, chloroform, dilute acids; slightly in ether; insoluble in water. Bitter Tonic, Antiperiodic, like quinine. Dose: tonic, 1 to 2 grains (0.065 to 0.13 Gm.), in pills or syrup; antiperiodic, 15 grains (1 Gm.), between paroxysms. Cinchonidine Salicylate, Squibb bottle, oz. CigHosONo.CyHoOs. Colorless, microscopic crystals or needles. Soluble readily in alcohol, sparingly in water. Anti- periodic, Antirheumatic; chiefly in subacute ^and chronic rheu- matism. Dose: 15 to 30 grains (1 to 2 Gm.) per day. Cinchonidine Sulphate, Squibb bottle, oz. ; tin, 5 ozs., per oz. CinchoniJina: Sulphas. (Ci 9 H 22 ON 2 ) 2 H 2 SO 4 .2H2O. White, glistening, odorless, very bitter needles or prisms. 1 Gm. dis- solves in 65 mils (Cc.) water, 90 alcohol, 620 chloroform; nearly insoluble in ether. Antiperiodic, Bitter Tonic, like quinine. Average Dose: 2 x /2 grains (0.15 Gm.). The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 48 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Cinchonine Sulphate, Squibb bottle, oz. ; tin, 5 ozs., per oz. Cmchomna: Sulphas. (CwH^ON^o H 2 SO 4 .2Hoq. White, odorless, bitter crystals or prisms. I Gm. dissolves in 60 mils (Cc.) water, 12.5 alcohol, 47 chloroform, 3230 ether. Anti- periodic, Bitter Tonic. Average Dose: 2^2 grains (0.15 Gm.). Cineol. See Eucalyptol. Cinnabar, Artificial. See Mercury Sulphide Red. Cinnamon, Cassia, Squibb Powdered tin, lb. sprinkler-top tins, 4 ozs., per doz. ; 2 ozs., per doz. ; 1 oz., per doz. Cassia Bark; Chinese Cinnamon. Inner bark of Cinnamomum Cassia. Aromatic, Carminative; also used in perfumery and as flavoring. Ordinary Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Cinnamon, Ceylon, Squibb Powdered tin, lb. sprinkler-top tins, 4 ozs., per doz. 2 ozs., per doz. ; 1 oz., per doz. Cinnamomiim Zeylanicum. Dried inner ,bark of cultivated trees of Cinnamomum Ze\>lan:cum (Fam. Lauraceai). It is collected by stripping the bark from the shoots' and collecting it in bundles. It is then allowed to remain in this state for a while, to undergo fermentation, which makes the subsequent process of removing the outer bark more easy. 1 he bark then contracts, curling up into quills, which are wrapped around each other, the smaller inside, until six or eight layers are formed. Cassia bark is generally found less tightly curled up and each quill separate. It is redder and darker, and has a s'.ronger but less pleasant odor. It is also rougher than Ceylon. Cinnamon, Saigon, Squibb Ground fdV Percolation tin, lb. ; 14 lb. * Powdered tin, lb. sprinkler-top tins, 4 ozs., per doz. 2 ozs., per doz. ; 1 oz., per doz. Cinnamomum Saigonicum. Bark of an undetermined species of Cinnamomum (Fam. Lauracece). Same action and uses as Cassia cinnamon. Cinnamon, Sumatra, Squibb tin, lb. (Powdered) sprinkler-top tins, 4 ozs., per doz. 2 ozs., per doz. ; 1 oz., per doz. A high-quality Cinnamon of exquisite flavor and superior strength, practically equalling in these respects the more costly Saigon cinnamon. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 49 Citrine Ointment. See Ointment Mercury Nitrate. CLEMENS' SOLUTION. See Solution Arsenic, Clemens*. Clove, Squibb * Whole tin, Ib. Powdered tin, lb. sprinkler-top tins, 4 ozs., per doz. ; 2 ozs., per doz. ; 1 oz., per doz. Caryophyllus. Dried flower-buds of Eugenia aromalica (Fam. Mjjr/acece). Cloves are cultivated in the West Indies, Guiana, Cayenne, Sumatra, and Zanzibar, the Molucca Islands having been for a long time the chief source of the best clove's. The buds are at first white, then green and finally red, when they are immediately picked and dried by solar heat. The best cloves are large, dark, brittle, and exude oil on being scratched. The grade quoted is prime quality of most careful selection, and not deprived of any of its oil. Condiment; Aromatic, Carminative, Counter-irritant. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). COAGULEN. Extract from blood platelets, with milk sugar. 1 Gm. repre- sents 20 Gm. dried blood. Yellowish, granular powder; slight odor; sweet taste. Freely soluble in water. Coagulant, Hemo- static; usually in 5 percent, solution, locally, or by intramuscular or intravenous injection. (See also Thromboplastm.) COAL TAR. Pix Lilhanlhracis, N. F.; Pix Carbonis. Obtained as by- product in destructive distillation of coal. Nearly black, thick liquid or semisolid; naphthalene-like odor; sharp, burning taste. Soluble in chloroform, benzene; slightly soluble in water; par- tially soluble in alcohol. Antiseptic, Antiparasitic. Cobalt Chloride Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Cobalt Nitrate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). t Cocaine (Alkaloid), Squibb ]/g-oz. vial Cocaina; Methylbenzoylecgonine. C]7H2iO4N. Alkaloid obtained from coca. Colorless prisms; slightly bitter taste, pro- ducing on tongue temporary numbness. 1 Gm. dissolves in about 600 mils (Cc.) water, 6.5 alcohol, 0.7 chloroform, 3.5 ether, 12 olive oil; soluble in liquid petrolatum. Nerve Stim- ulant, Local Anesthetic, Mydriatic. Average Dose : 1/4 grain (0.015 Gm.). Antidotes: tannin, emetics; chloral hydrate: amyl nitrite by inhalation; morphine or caffeine hypodermically ; stimulants. This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. When prescribing, please specify SQUIBB'S. 50 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA t0Ccaine Hydrochloride, Squibb J/fc-oz.vial Large or * Small Crystals Cocaines Hydrochloridum. Ci7H2iO4N.HCI. Colorless prisms, flaky leaflets, or a white, crystalline, permanent powder; slightly bitter taste, and producing on tongue a tingling, followed by numbness. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.4 mil (Cc.) water, 3.2 alcohol, 12.5 chloroform; soluble in glycerin; insoluble in ether. Local Anesthetic, Nasal Astringent and Mydriatic, externally; Anti- emetic and Cerebral Stimulant, internally. Used in 1 to 4 per- cent, solution on mucous membranes, in 0.2 to 1 percent, solu- tion hypodermically. Average Dose: % grain (0.015 Gm.). (See also Tablets [Part II].). NOTE. Solutions of cocaine hy- drochloride after being kept long are partly hydrolyzed; they cannot be sterilized by boiling without some loss, but amount of decomposition is ordinarily insignificant. COCCULUS INDICUS. Cocculus Indicus, N. F. Dried fruit of Anamirla Cocculus (Fam. Menispermacece). Parasiticide. Cochineal, Squibb Powdered tin, Ib. ; % Ib. Coccus; Coccionella. Dried female insect, PseudocoCcus cacti (Fam. Cocci dee). Of best quality, and very satisfactory tinc- torial power. Its coloring matter is soluble in water, alcohol, or ammonia water; insoluble in oils, slightly soluble in ether. COCHINEAL COLOR. Liquor Cocci, N. F. 6.5 Gm. cochineal in 100 mils (Cc.), with potassium carbonate, alum, potassium bitartrate, glycerin, alcohol, water. Red coloring. COCILLANA. Cocillana, N. F. Dried bark of Cuarea Rusbyi (Fam. Me/iacece). Characteristic odor, astringent, nauseating taste. Nauseant Expectorant, similar to ipecac. Average Dose: 15 grains (I Gm.). COCOA. Cacao Prceparata, N. F.; Soluble Cocoa. Powdered roasted kernels of ripe seeds of Theobroma Cacao (Fam. Sterculiaceee) . Beverage and Flavor. f0 Codeine (Alkaloid), Squibb 1/8-oz.vial Codeina; Methylmorphine. CisHoiOaN.H^O. An alkaloid of opium, but usually obtained from morphine by methylation. White, odorless, faintly bitter crystals. 1 Gm. dissolves in 120 mils (Cc.) water, 2 alcohol, 0.5 chloroform, 18 ether. Seda- tive, Analgesic, Hypnotic, Sedative; in coughs, pains, mor- phinism, etc. Less constipating and less apt to induce habit than morphine. Average Dose : J/g grain (0.03 Gm.). (See also Tablets [Part II].) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 51 {Codeine Hydrochloride, Squibb J/g-oz. vial Ci 8 H2iO 3 N.HC1.2H 2 O. Small, white needles. Soluble in about 20 parts water. Action and dose, like codeine alkaloid. f Codeine Nitrate, Squibb J/g-oz. vial Action and dose like codeine alkaloid. f Codeine . Phosphate, Squibb j/8-oz. vial Codeina Phosphas. Ci 8 H2iO 3 N.H3PO4.2HoO. Fine, white, odorless, bitter needles or powder. I Gm. dissolves in 2.3 mils (Cc.) water, 325 alcohol, 4500 chloroform, 1875 ether. Pre- ferred for subcutaneous use. Average Dose: 1 /2 grain (0.03 Gm.). (See also Tablets [Part II].) t Codeine Sulphate, Squibb J/s-oz. vial *Crystals or Powdered Codeines Sulphas. (CisHsiOsNh.HoSO^SHoO. Long, glis- tening, white, efflorescent, odorless, bitter needles or prisms, or powder. 1 Gm. dissolves in about 30 mils (Cc.) water, 1280 alcohol; insoluble in ether or chloroform. Uses and dose same as codeine. (See also Tablets [Part II].) Colchicine, Squibb 5-gr. vial Colchicina. CosHonOf.N. Alkaloid from colchicum. Pale- yellow leaflets or powder, darkening on exposure to light, of peculiar odor and very bitter taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 22 mils (Cc.) water, 220 ether; freely soluble in alcohol or chloro- form. Antipodagric, Antineuralgic, Alterative; in gout, rheu- matism, sciatica, asthma, etc. Average Dose : 1 /i28 grain (0.0005 Gm.), two or three times daily. Antidotes: tannin, emetics; opiates; strong coffee and other stimulants. (See also Tablets" [Part II].) COLCHICUM CORM. Colchici Cormus; Colchicum Root. Dried corm of Colchicum autumnale (Fam. Liliaceet), Assays not less than 0.35 per- cent, colchicme. Antmeuralgic, Alterative; chiefly in gout. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract.) COLCHICUM SEED. Colchici Semen. Dried seeds of Colchicum autumnale. Assays not less than 0.45 percent, colchicme. Action as of colchicum root. Average Dose: 3 grains (0.2 Gm.). (See also Fluid- extract; Tincture; Wine.) The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 52 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Cold Cream, Squibb glass jar, 1 Ib. ; 3 ozs., 1-oz. collapsible tubes, per doz. This product has been added to our list in response to repeated demands from physicians. A superior product delicately per- fumed, and safe to use wherever cold cream is required. Perfectly harmless and free from irritating ingredients, hence may be freely applied even to the most tender skin. Does not cause growth of hair; does not become rancid on keeping. Cold Cream Benzoinated. See Benzoinated Cream. COLLARGOL. Colloidal Silver; Argentum Crede. " Black, crystalline sub- stance. Soluble in 20 parts water. Systemic Disinfectant, An- tipyic; largely intravenously or rectally in septicemia, pyemia, puerperal sepsis, etc.; internally in infectious gastric and intesti- nal diseases; externally in !/5 to ' percent, solution in pus cavities, etc., and as 1 5 percent, ointment (Unguentum Crede) by inunction in mild septicemia and in local infections. Dose: 1 to 2 grains (0.065 to 0.13 Gm.) every 12 hours. COLLODION, BLISTERING. See Collodion, Cantharidal. COLLODION, CANTHARIDAL. Collodium Cantharidatum ; Blistering or Vesicant Collodion. Represents 60 percent, cantharides extracted with acetone and a little glacial acetic acid, in flexible collodion. The skin must be thoroughly cleansed (with vinegar, preferably) and dried before applying this collodion, as the active principle of cantharides is not soluble in water. If this precaution is not observed, there is danger of failure to secure the full vesicating action. Keep well stoppered, away from flame. Inflammable! Collodion (Contractile), Squibb bottle, Ib. ; J/4 Ib. ; oz. vials, per doz. Collodium. Each 100 mils contains 4 Gm. pyroxylin dissolved in mixture of alcohol (1) and ether (3). Employed for draw- ing together the edges of incised wounds and for covering abraded surfaces. Incompatible with liquefied carbolic acid and water. Keep well stoppered, away from flame. Inflammable! COLLODION, CORN'. See Collodion Salicylic Compound. COLLODION CROTON OIL. Collodium Tiglii, N. F. 10 percent, croton oil. Counter- irritant. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 53 Collodion, Flexible, Squibb bottle, lb. ; |4 lb. oz. vials with glass rods, in cartons, doz. J/2-oz. vials with glass rods, in cartons, doz. Colloaium Flexile; Liquid Court Plaster. We have deviated somewhat from U. S. P. formula for sake of greater efficiency and reliability. The product here listed contains 6 percent, pyroxylin and 5 percent, castor oil, as against 4.85 percent, and 3 percent, respectively in official article, and the camphor has been omitted, because unnecessary. Being somewhat thicker than is customary, it gives a more satisfactory film. It may be distinguished from the cheaper and less satisfactory collo- dions of the market by its excellent odor and its freedom from acetone, amyl acetate, wood alcohol and other less expensive solvents which are frequently employed. This Liquid Court Plaster may be used in all cases where ordinary court plaster is employed and where an impervious covering is desired. Easy of application, and hygienic; its flexible nature prevents it from cracking or becoming detached; the film produced is al- most invisibles Keep in cool place, and from lights and fire. COLLODION IODINE. ColloJium lodi, N. F. 5 percent, iodine, in flexible collodion. Discutient, Antipruritic ; employed principally in chilblains. COLLODION IODOFORM. Collodiam lodoformi, N. F. 5 percent, iodoform, in flexible collodion. Collodion, Salicylic Compound, Squibb bottle, lb. ; 14 lb. oz. vials with glass rods, in cartons, per doz. ; J/2-oz. vials with glass rods, in cartons, per doz. Essentially ColloJium Salicylicum Compositum, N. F., but made with contractile collodion, which is better for the purpose in- tended than flexible collodion as called for in N. F. formula. Aside from the collodion base, it contains salicylic acid and fluidextract cannabis. Corn Cure. COLLODION, STYPTIC. ColloJium Styplicum, N. F. Contains 20 percent tannic acid in flexible collodion. Styptic; for wounds which have been partly closed by stitches, and for bleeding and ulcerated sur- faces. Keep in a cool place, remote from lights and fire. jf difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 54 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA COLOCYNTH. Colocynthls; Colocynth (Bitter Apple) Pulp. Dried pulp of fruit of Citrullus Colocynlhis (Fam. Cucurbitacece) . Drastic Hydragogue Cathartic; rarely used alone. Average Dose: I grain (0.065 Gm.). (See also Extract.) COLOGNE. See Spirit, Perfumed. COLTSFOOT. Farfara, N. F. Dried leaves of Tussilago Farfara (Fam. Composi/te). Faint odor; mucilaginous, bitter taste. Demul- cent Expectorant. Average Dose: 60 grains (4 Gm.). Columbo. See Calumba. Compound Alum Powder. See Powder Alum Compound. CONDURANGO. ConJurango, N. F. Dried bark of MarsJenia Condurango (Fam. Asclepiadacece). Bitter Stomachic, introduced especial- ly for cancer cachexia. Average Dose: 60 grains (4 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract.) CONFECTION ROSE. Confeclio Rosae, N. F. Red rose '','aves 8 parts, sugar 64 parts, clarified honey 12 parts and shonger rosewater 16 parts. Pill excipient. Confection Senna, Squibb jar, lb. ; % Ib. This confection enjoys a reputation for therapeutic efficiency of many years' standing, and is reliable as an effective Cathartic, especially in convalescence after child-birth. It contains senna (10 percent.), coriander, cassia fistula, tamarind, prune, and fig, with sugar and some water. Slightly different from N. F. Confeclio Senna. Average Dose: 60 grains (4 Gm.). CONIUM. Conium, N. F. Hemlock; Poison Hemlock. Dried, full-grown, unripe fruit of Conium maculaium (Fam. Umbelliferai). Assays not less than 0.5 percent, coniine. Deteriorates rapidly and is wholly unfit for use after two years. Antispasmodic, Sedative, Antineuralgic. Average Dose : 3 grains (0.2 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract.) Consumptive's Weed. See Yerba Santa. CONVALLARIA FLOWERS. CortvallaricB Flores, N. F.; Lily of the Valley Flowers. Dried inflorescence of Convallaria majalis (Fam. Liliaces). Odor agreeable; taste sweetish, then slightly acrid. Cardiac Tonic, similar to digitalis. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 55 CONVALLARIA ROOT. ConvallaricE Radix, N. F.; Lily of the Valley Root. Dried rhizome and rootlets of Convallaria majalls (Fam. Liliacece). Heart Tonic, similar to digitalis. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). 0COPAIBA. Copaiba; Copaiva; Balsam Copaiba. Oleoresin from South Anverican species of Copaiba (Fam. Leguminosee). Pale yellow to brownish-yellow, viscid liquid; peculiar, aromatic odor; bitter, acrid taste. Insoluble in water; partly soluble in alcohol ; completely soluble in chloroform or ether. Sp. gr. 0.940 to 0.995. Anticatarrhal, Diuretic, Expectorant, mainly im gonorrhea, cystitis, chronic bronchitis, etc. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). Copper Sulphate, Squibb Crystals bottle, Ib. ; V4 Ib. * Granular bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. Cupri Sulphas; Cupric Sulphate; Blue Vitriol; Blue Stone. CuSO-j.SHoO. An exceptionally pure product; free from alumi- num and heavy metals. Large, deep-blue, odorless, efflorescent crystals, or greenish-blue granular powder, of nauseous, metallic taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 2.5 mils (Cc) water, 500 alcohol, 2.8 glycerin. Escharotic, Astringent, Emetic, Nervine; externally in eye diseases, hypendrosis, bleeding, etc.; internally in ner- vous diseases and to produce vomiting. Average Dose : astrin- gent and nervine, i/6 grain (0.01 Gm.) ; emetic, 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Incompatible with fixed alkalies and alkali carbonates; with iodides, mercury bichloride, sodium borate, lead acetate, silver nitrate, and with tannin-containing infusions, tinctures, etc. Antidotes: milk and sugar, or white of egg freely; pure potassium ferrocyanide, 10 to 15 grains (0.65 to 1 Gm.). (See also Reagents [Part IV]; Tablets [Part II].) COPTIS. Copiis, N. F.; Gold Thread. Dried plant of Coptis irifolia (Fam. Ranunculacecz) . Faint odor; bitter taste. Bitter Stomachic, similar to gentian. Average Dose : 30 grains (2 Gm.). CORDIAL, GODFREY'S. See Mixture Opium and Sassafras. CORDIAL, NEUTRALIZING. See Mixture Rhubarb Alkaline. The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing med- icinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 56 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA CORIANDER. Coriandrum; Coriander Seed. Dried ripe fruit of Coriandrum saiivum (Fam. Umbelliferas). Aromatic, Carminative, Cor- rective of action of drastic purgatives. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). * CORN SILK. See Zea. CORNUS. Cornus, N. F.; Dogwood Bark. Dried bark of root of Cornus florida (Fam. Cornaceee) ; slight odor; bitter, astringent taste. Used as Astringent, Antiperiodic. Average Dose : 30 grains (2 Gm.). CORNUTOL. Brand name for aqueous fluidextract ergot. CORPUS LUTEUM, DRIED. From cow's or pig s ovaries. Alterative, in disorders following menopause, obesity with dysmenorrhea, etc. Dose : */2 to 1 grain (0.03 to 0.065 Gm.) two or three times daily. Corrosive Sublimate. See Mercury Chloride, Corrosive. CORYDALIS. Corydalis, N. F.; Turkey Corn. Dried tubers of Bicuculla canadensis (Fam. Fumariaceae). Nearly odorless; slightly bitter. Formerly used as Antiluetic, but now considered useless by scientific practitioners. Average Dose: 10 grains (0.65 Gm.). CORYFIN. Ethylglycolic Acid Ester of Menthol. Colorless, oily liquid, of faint menthol odor. Soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, oils; sparingJy soluble in water. Local Anodyne and Anti- catarrhal. Applied pure or with olive oil. COTARNINE HYDROCHLORIDE. Cotarninat Hydrochloridum ; Stypticin. Newly official. Ci^Hi^NOgCl. Salt of base obtained by hydrolyzing narco- tine. Yellow, bitter, odorless powder. Very soluble in water, alcohol. Used as Uterine Hemostatic and Sedative, internally; Styptic, externally. Average Dose : 1 grain (0.065 Gm.). GOTO. See Paracoto. COTTON, ABSORBENT. Cossppium Purificatum ; Purified Cotton. Hairs of seed from cultivated varieties of Gossypium herbaceum (Fam. Malvaceae). COTTON, STYPTIC. Gossypium Stypticum, N. F. Absorbent cotton impregnated with dilute solution ferric chloride. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 57 COTTON- ROOT BARK. Gossypii Cortex, N. F. Dried bark of root of Gossypium herbaceum (Fam. Malvaceae) and other species of Gossyplum. Used as Emmenagogue. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract.) COUCH-GRASS. See Triticum. COUMARIM. Coumarinam, N. F. Anhydride of ortho-oxycinnamic acid, occurring in tonka, melilot, etc., or prepared synthetically. Colorless crystals; fragrant odor; bitter, aromatic, burning taste. Freely soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, oils; sparingly soluble* in water. Flavoring. CRAMP BARK. See Viburnum Opulus. CRANESBILL. See Geranium. Cream of Tartar. See Potassium Bitartrate. CREOSOTAL. Brand of Creosote Carbonate. Creosote, Squibb bottle, % Ib. ; oz. Creosolum ; Wood-Tar Creosote; Beechwood Creosote. Mix- ture of phenols and phenol derivatives, chiefly guaiacol and creosol, obtained during distillation of wood-tar; preferably of that derived from beechwood. This official Creosote must not be confounded with the cheaper and dangerous so-called "creosote from coal-tar." The true is a valuable medicinal product; the imitation or coal-tar article is not only without the therapeutic action of the true drug, but liable to produce un- toward and dangerous results. The article offered here has been tested with extreme care, and responds satisfactorily to all official requirements. Yellowish, oily liquid, of penetrating, smoky odor, and burning, caustic taste. Sp. gr. not under 1 .078. Slightly soluble in water; miscible with alcohol, ether, chloro-, form and oils, and with up to 3 parts glycerin. Antitubercular, Antizymotic, Antiseptic. Used internally in phthisis, diabetes, intestinal fermentation; externally, in chilblains, burns, etc., like carbolic acid. Incompatible with acacia, ferric and cupric salts, silver salts and oxidizers. Average Dose: 4 minims (0.25 Cc.) well diluted, or in tablets or pills. (See also Tablets [Part II].) Sirice we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 58 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Creosote Carbonate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. ; oz. Creosoti Carbonas. Mixture of carbonates of constituents of creosote. Colorless to yellowish, thick, oily liquid; faint odor and taste of creosote. Sp. gr. 1.145 to 1.170. Insoluble in water; freely soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, fixed oils. Intestinal Antiseptic, Antitubercular, like creosote. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.), in milk, wine, coffee, etc. Also used by inunction. Cresol, Squibb bottle, Ib. Cresol. Often called Cresylic Acid. Mixture of isomeric cresols, obtained from coal-tar. Yellowish to brownish-yellow liquid, of phenol-like odor and darkening on exposure to light. Sp. gr. 1 ,030 to 1 .038. 1 mil (Cc.) dissolves in about 50 mils water; miscible with alcohol, ether or glycerin. Disinfectant and Antiseptic, like phenol. Average Dose: 1 minim (0.06 mil). (See also Solution.) CROCUS. Crocus, N. F.; Spanish Saffron. Stigmas of Crocus salivus (Fam. Iridaceai). Dark-red; strong aromatic odor; bitterish, aromatic taste. Domestic Diaphoretic and Antispasmodic ; used largely as yellow coloring. Cubeb, Powdered, Squibb tin, Ib. ; |4 Ib. Cubeba; Cubeb Berries. Dried, unripe but fully grown fruits of Piper Cubeba (Fam. Piperacece). Antiseptic, Diuretic, Stimulating Expectorant; in genito-urinary catarrh, respiratory diseases, etc. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract; Oleoresin; Troches [Part II].) Cudbear, Squibb Ground for Percolation tin, Ib. Coloring matter from various species of lichens. Purplish-red powder. Soluble in alcohol. Used pharmaceutically. (See also Tincture.) CULVER'S ROOT. See Leptandra. Cusso. See Brayera. CYMARIN. Neutral substance from Apocynum cannabinum and A. andro- scemlfollum. Colorless, bitter prisms. Readily soluble in alcohol or chloroform; slightly in ether or water. Heart Stimulant. Dose : 1/200 to 1 /100 grain (0.0003 to 0.0006 Gm.) ; by intra- venous or intramuscular injection half as much. CYPRIPEDIUM. Cypripedium, N. F.; Ladies' Slipper. Dried rhizome and roots of Cypripedium hirsutum or of C. parviflorum (Fam. Orchidaceae). Used as Nerve Stimulant and Tonic. (See also Fluidextract.) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 59 DALEY'S CARMINATIVE. See Mixture Carminative. DAMIANA. Damiana, N. F. Leaves of Turnera Jiffusa or of T. aphro- Jisiaca (Fam. Turneraceee). Aromatic odor; aromatic, resin- ous taste. Asserted Aphrodisiac. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract.) DANDELION. See Taraxacum. DECOCTION SARSAPARILLA COMPOUND. Decoclum Sarsaparillee Composilum, N. F. Each 100 mils (Cc.) represents 10 Gm. sarsaparilla and 2 Gm. each sassafras, guaiac wood, glycyrrhiza and mezereum. Antiquated Alter- ative. Average Dose: 4 fluidounces (120 mils [Cc.]). DELPHINIUM. See Larkspur Seed. Deshler's Salve. See Cerate Rosin Compound. DEWEE'S CARMINATIVE. See Mixture Magnesia and Asafetida. DEXTRIN, WHITE. Dexlrinum Album, N. F. Mixture of soluble carbohydrates and some unconverted starch, obtained by incomplete hydrolysis of starch by acids. White, amorphous, odorless, sweetish powder. Completely soluble in 3 parts boiling water. Substi- tute for acacia and other gums. f Diacetylmorphine, Squibb '/8-oz- vial, Diacetylmorphina. CziHzsNQz. White, odorless, bitter powder. 1 Gm. dissolves in about 1 700 mils (Cc.) water, 31 alcohol, 1.4 chloroform, 100 ether. Similar in action to morphine; considered more toxic than latter, also habit- form- ing. Average Dose: Vao grain (0.003 Gm.). Antidotes: potassium permanganate solution by mouth, apomorphine hypo- dermically as emetic; atropine, strychnine or caffeine; hot, strong coffee; flagellation; exercise. (See also Tablets [Part II].) f Diacetylmorphine Hydrochloride, Squibb !/g-oz. vial, DiacetylmorphincE Hydrochloridum. White, odorless, bitter powder. 1 Gm. dissolves in 2 mils (Cc.) water; soluble in alcohol; insoluble in chloroform, ether. Action, Dose, etc., as of preceding. (See also Tablets [Part II].). Diarrhea Mixture. See Tincture Opium Compound. The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 60 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA DlASPIRIN. Succinyl-disalicylic Acid. White, odorless, almost tasteless powder; 77 percent, salicylic acid. Soluble in alcohol; nearly insoluble in water or ether. Diaphoretic, Antirheumatic. Dose : 5 to 15 grains (0.3 to I Gm.). Diastase from Malt, Squibb bottle, |4 lb. ; oz. Diaslasum; Vegetable Diastase. Starch-digesting principle de- veloped in malt or germinated grain. 1 part converts 50 parts potato starch into sugar in 30 minutes. Creamy-white powder, tasteless, soluble in water, almost insoluble in alcohol. Starch- Digestant. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.), two hours after meals. Diastase from Pancreas, Squibb bottle, oz. Animal Diastase; Amylopsin. Starch-digesting enzyme of pan- creas in most hightly purified form. Active in neutral, feebly alkaline and feebly acid solution. 1 part transforms 125 parts potato starch into sugar in 30 minutes. Starch-Digestant. Dose: 3 to 5 grains (0.2 to 0.3 Gm.), two hours after meals. DichIoramine=T, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % lb. ; oz. Toluene - para - sulphondichloramine. CHs.CeH-t.SOoNCta. White powder; chlorous odor. Soluble in about 10 parts chlorcosane, in chlorinated eucalyptol or chloroform; insoluble in water. Introduced by Dr. H. D. Dakin and colleagues as powerful Germicide and Disinfectant for use in oily solution. Applied to wounds in 2 to 5 per cent, solutions, to nose and throat in 1 per cent, strength, and to eyes in 0.5 to 1 per cent, dilution. Solutions are best prepared thus: Warm chlorco- sane, stir in Dichloramine-T until dissolved, filter, if desired (usually not necessary), and cool to suitable temperature for use. While its solutions keep for quite some time they should be discarded if they contain a precipitate that does not disappear on gently warming. (See also Chloramine-T water-soluble), and Halazone Tablets [Part II].). DlETHYLMALONYLUREA. See Barbital. DlGlPOTEN. Mixture of digitalis glucosides in soluble form, diluted with milk sugar and standardized to activity of digitalis leaves. Dose: same as latter. DlGIPURATUM. Standardized, purified extract digitalis; 1 Gm. represents 1 Gm. digitalis; contains digitoxin and digitalin as tannates. Dose : same as of digitalis. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 61 Digitalin, Squibb Ya-oz.vial, ; 15-grain vial, Digitalin Germanic. Yellowish-white powder. Soluble in water and alcohol ; almost insoluble in ether or chloroform. Cardiac Tonic and Diuretic, like digitalis. Dose : VlO to !/2 grain (0.006 to 0.03 Gm.), in pills or tablets. Antidotes: tannic acid, emetics; nitroglycerin or morphine early; strophan- thin later; camphor and other stimulants. (See also Tablets [Part II].) Digitalis, Squibb * Whole tin, Ib. ; y 4 Ib. Ground for Percolation tin, Ib. Powdered tin, Ib. ; |4 Ib. Digitalis; Foxglove. First quality, carefully selected, dried leaves of Digitalis purpurea (Fam. Scrophulariacece) . Physiologically assayed according to U. S. P.; minimum lethal dose not more than 0.0006 Gm. per Gm. weight of frog. Also assayed by the "Cat Method" of Hatcher, for those who desire to administer it by Eggleston method. Direct Cardiac Stimulant, Diuretic. Used in cardiac decompensation; most efficient when heart is rapid and very irregular. Useful in edema only when latter arises from impaired circulation. Nat- urally apt to cause digestive disturbance. Average Dose : 1 grain (0.065 Gm.). (See also Extract; Fluidextract; Tinc- ture; Tablets [Part II].) DICITOL. Brand of Fat-free Tincture Digitalis. Dihydroxyphthalophenone. See Phenolphthalein. DllODOHYDROXYPROPANE. See lothion. DIISOBUTYLCRESOI, IODIDE. See Europhen. DlMAZON. Diacetylaminoazoioluene. Orange-colored powder. Insoluble in water; readily soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, oils and fats. Cicatrizant, Antipyic; in burns, chronic ulcers, etc., in 2 percent, ointment or 5 percent, dusting powder. DlMETHYLAMINOANTIPYRINE. See Pyramidon. Dimethylxanthine. See Theobromine. DIOMN. A brand of Ethylmorphine Hydrochloride. The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 62 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA DlPLOSAL. Salicylosalicylic Acid; Salicylic Ester of Salicylic Acid. White, nearly odorless, tasteless powder. Soluble in ether, dilute alkali solutions; almost insoluble in water. Antirheu- matic, Intestinal Antiseptic. Dose: 8 to 15 grains (0.5 to 1 Gm.). DlURETIN. A brand of Theobromine Sodio-Salicylate. Dobell's Solution. See Solution Sodium Borate, Compound. Doc GRASS. See Triticum. DOCWOOD BARK. See Cornus. DONOVAN'S SOLUTION. See Solution Arsenic and Mercury Iodide. Dover's Powder. See Powder Ipecac and Opium. Dover's Powder, Liquid. See Tincture Ipecac and Opium. DROSERA. Drosera, N. F. ; Sundew. Air-dried flowering plant of Drosera rolundifolia, D. intermedia, or D. longifolia (Fam. Drosera- ceat). Used in respiratory diseases. Average Dose: 60 grains (4 Gm.). DULCAMARA. See Bittersweet. DUOTAL. A brand of Guaiacol Carbonate. EASTON'S SYRUP. See Syrup Iron, Quinine and Strychnine Phos- phates. ECHINACEA. Echinacea, N. F. Dried rhizome and roots of Brauneria f>al- lida {Echinacea angusti folia; Fam. Composite). Faint, aro- matic odor; sweetish taste. Used as Alterative. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract.) Effervescent Granular Salts. See Granular Effervescent Salts. EHRLICH'S 606. See Arsphenamine. Eisenzucker. See Iron Oxide Red, Saccharated. ELATERIN. Elatennum. From elatenum, a substance deposited by juice of fruit of Ecballium elaterium (Fam. Cucurbllaceee) . White, odorless crystals; bitter, slightly acrid taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 325 mils (Cc.) alcohol, 15.5 chloroform, 450 ether; insoluble in water. Powerful Hydragogue Cathartic; in dropsy, convul- sions, eclampsia, etc. Average Dose: I /->Q grain (0.003 Gm.). (See also Tablets [Part II].) ELDER FLOWERS. See Sambucus. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 63 ELECAMPANE. See Inula. ELIXIR ADJUVANT. See Elixir Glycyrrhiza. ELIXIR ALMOND COMPOUND. Elixir Amygdalae Composition, N. F. Each 100 mils (Cc.) contains 0.05 mil oil bitter almond, 0.1 Gm. vanillin, 15 mils stronger orange-flower water, with alcohol, syrup and water. Vehicle. ELIXIR AMMONIUM BROMIDE, Elixir Ammonii Bromidi, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 40 grains ammonium bromide. Nerve Sedative, Anti- spasmodic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Elixir Ammonium Valerate, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Ammonii Vateratis, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 16 grains ammonium valerate, in aromatic elixir with tincture vanilla and a little chloroform. Nerve Sedative; chiefly in hysteria and alcoholism. Average Dose : 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR ANISE. Elixir Anisi, N. F.; Aniseed Cordial. Mixture of anethol, oil fennel, spirit bitter almond, deodorized alcohol, etc. Carmina- tive, chiefly in children. Average Dose (infant) : 1 5 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). Elixir Aromatic, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Aromalicum; Simple Elixir. Contains 1.2 volume per- cent, compound spirit orange. Aromatic Vehicle, Carminative. ELIXIR AROMATIC RED. Elixir Aromalicum Rubrum, N. F. Aromatic elixir colored red with cudbear. ELIXIR BISMUTH. Elixir Bismulhi, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 16 grains bis- muth and sodium tartrate. Stomachic. Average Dose: 1 fluid drachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR BITTER ORANGE. Elixir Aurantii Amarl, N. F. Replacing Elixir Curassao, N. F. III. Each 100 rails (Cc.) contains 0.4 mil oil bitter orange, 2 mils tincture bitter orange peel, 2 mils stronger orange-flower water, with alcohol, syrup, and water. Vehicle. The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 64 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA ELIXIR BLACKBERRY COMPOUND. Elixir Rubi Compositum, N. F. Each fluidounce represents 7J/2 grains each blackberry root, galls and cinnamon, 1% grains cloves, and 1 grain each mace and ginger, together with syrup blackberry fruit. Antidiarrheal, Carminative. Average Dose: 4 fluidrachms (16 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR BLACK HAW. See Elixir Viburnum Prunifolium. ELIXIR BUCHU. Elixir Buchu, N. F. Each fluidounce represents 57 grains short buchu. Diuretic, Urinary Anticatarrhal. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Incompatible with spirit nitrous ether or ferrous sulphate. ELIXIR BUCHU AND POTASSIUM ACETATE. Elixir Buchu el Potassii Acetatis, N. F. Each fluidounce rep- resents about 60 grains short buchu and 39 grains potassium acetate. Diuretic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Incompatible with spirit nitrous ether or ferrous sulphate. ELIXIR BUCHU COMPOUND. Elixir Buchu Compositum, N. F. Each fluidounce represents 7^/4 grains short buchu, and 14*74 grains each cubeb, juniper and uva ursi. Diuretic, Urinary Anticatarrhal. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR CALCIUM BROMIDE. Elixir Calcii Bromidi, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 39 grains calcium bromide. Nerve Sedative. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR CALCIUM HYPOPHOSPHITE. Elixir Calcii Hypophosphilis, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 16 grains calcium hypophosphite. Used as Reconstructive Tonic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR CALCIUM LACTOPHOSPHATE. Elixir Calcii Lactophosphalis, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 12 grains calcium lactophosphate. Used as Reconstructive Tonic, Anticachectic; in scrofula, caries, etc. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). Elixir Calcium and Sodium Glycerophosphates, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Calcii el SoJii Clycerophosphaium, N. F.; Each fluid- ounce contains about 8 grains sodium glycerophosphate and 4 grains calcium glycerophosphate, with glycerin, aromatic elixir and distilled water. Used as Nerve Tonic. Average Dose: I fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Elixir Calisaya. See Elixir Cinchona. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 65 Elixir Calisaya and Hypophosphites. See Elixir Cinchona and Hypophosphites. ELIXIR CALISAYA AND IRON. See Elixir Cinchona and Iron. ELIXIR CARDAMOM COMPOUND. Elixir Carclamomi Compositum. Each 100 mils (Cc.) contains 1 mil compound spirit cardamom, with alcohol, syrup and water. Vehicle. ELIXIR CASCARA SAGRADA. Elixir Cascarce Sagradai, N. F. Equal volumes aromatic fluid- extract cascara and aromatic elixir. Laxative. Average Dose: I fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR CASCARA SAGRADA COMPOUND. Elixir Cascara Sagradas Compositum, N. F.; Laxative Elixir. Each fluidounce represents 57 grains cascara, 34 grains senna and 30 grains juglans, in aromatic elixir. Laxative. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR CATHARTIC COMPOUND. Elixir Cathariicum Compositum, N. F Each fluidounce rep- resents 57 grains frangula, 45J/2 grains senna and 28'/4 grains rhubarb, with spirit peppermint, solution potassa, and elixir aromatic. Aperient, Cathartic. Average Dose : aperient, 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]); cathartic, 3 fluidrachms (12 mils). Elixir Cinchona Alkaloids, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Cinchona Alfyaloidorum, N. F. ; Elixir Cinchona or Calisaya, from alkaloids. Each fluidounce contains about I grain quinine sulphate and j/2 grain each cinchonine and cin- chonidine sulphates. Bitter Tonic, Antiperiodic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR CINCHONA ALKALOIDS AND HYPOPHOSPHITES. Elixir Cinchona Allfaloidorum el Hypophosphitum, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 8 grains each hypophosphites calcium and sodium, in elixir cinchona. Used as Tonic and Antica- chectic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR CINCHONA ALKALOIDS AND IRON. Elixir Cinchonas Alfyaloidorum el Ferri, N. F.; Ferrated Elixir Calisaya. Each fluidounce contains 16 grains iron phosphate, in elixir cinchona alkaloids. Bitter Tonic. Hematinic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. When prescribing, please specify SOUIBB'S. 66 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA ELIXIR CINCOHNA ALKALOIDS, IRON AND BISMUTH. Elixir Cinchonas Alkaloidorum, Ferri ei Bismulhi, N. F. Each fluiclounce contains 14 grains iron phosphate and 8 grains bis- muth and sodium tartrate, in elixir, cinchona. Bitter Tonic, Stomachic, Hematinic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR CINCHONA ALKALOIDS, IRON, BISMUTH AND STRYCHNINE. Elixir Cinchona AUfaloidorum, Fern, Bismulhi el Strychnines, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 0.08 grain strychnine sulphate, in elixir cinchona, iron and bismuth. Stomachic, Nerve and Blood Tonic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR CINCHONA ALKALOIDS, IRON AND PEPSIN. Elixir Cinchona AUfaloidorum, Ferri el Pepsini, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 7J/2 grains pepsin and 12 grains iron phos- phate, in elixir cinchona. Tonic, Hematinic, Digestive. Aver age Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). Elixir Cinchona Alkaloids, Iron and Strychnine, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Cinchona AUfaloidorum, Ferri el Slrychninte N. F. Each fluidounce contains 2 /25 grain strychnine sulphate and 16 grains ferric phosphate, in elixir cinchona. Hematinic, Nervine. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR CORRIGENS. See Elixir Eriodictyon Aromatic. ELIXIR CORYDALIS COMPOUND. Elixir Corydalis Composilum, N. F. Each fluidounce repre- sents 27J/2 grains each corydalis and stillingia, 13% grains xanthoxylum, 41 grains iris, and 23 grains potassium iodide, in aromatic elixir. Used as Antiluetic; ace. to Council on P. & C, of A. M. A., useless and therefore harmful. Average Dose: ! fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR CRAMP BARK COMPOUND. See Elixir Viburnum Opulus Compound. Elixir Digestive Compound, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Digeslivum Composilum, N. F. Ill; Compound Elixir Pepsin. Each fluidounce contains 4.6 grains pepsin, J/2 grain each pancreatin and diastase, j/j grain lactic acid and '/? minim hydrochloric acid, with glycerin and aromatic* elixir. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). (NOTE. Accord- ing to Council on P. & C., of A. M. A., "pepsin and pancreatin in solution are incompatible with one another. If the solution be neutral or alkaline, the pancreatin gradually destroys the pepsin, and if acid the pepsin destroys the pancreatin." We Coffer this Elixir in response to the demands made on us.) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 67 ELIXIR ERIODICTYON AROMATIC. Elixir Eriodiclyi Aromaticum, N. F. ; Aromatic Elixir Yerba Santa; Elixir Corrigens. Mixture of fluidextract yerba santa, syrup, and compound elixir taraxacum. Each fluidounce rep- resents 27J/2 grains eriodictyon and 211 minims elixir taraxacum compound. Pectoral and Alterative, but used chiefly as vehicle for quinine and other bitter medicaments. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR FORMATES. Elixir Formalum, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 23 grains potassium formate, 18 sodium formate, in aromatic elixir. Intended as Tonic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR FORMATES COMPOUND. Elixir Formalum Composilum, N. F. Each fluidounce con- tains about I 1J/2 grains sodium formate, 10J/3 magnesium formate, 13% strontium formate, 5J/6 lithium formate, 4 qui- nine formate. Asserted Tonic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). Elixir Gentian, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Geniiartce, N. F. III. Not present N. F. product; of same drug strength, but considered superior because thoroughly delannated. Each fluidounce represents about 16 grains gen- tian, with compound spirit cardamom and aromatic elixir. Bitter Tonic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR GENTIAN FERRATED. See Elixir Gentian and Iron Phos- phate. Elixir Gentian Glycerinated, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Cenlianee Glycerinalum, N. F. Each fluidounce repre- sents about 4J/2 grains gentian and 192 minims glycerin, with sugar, white wine and small quantities of fluidextract taraxacum, acetic ether, tincture sweet orange peel and compound tincture cardamom. Bitter Tonic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). Elixir Gentian and Iron, Squibb pint; ; gal. Elixir Centianos el Fern, N. F.; Elixir Gentian with Tinc- ture Iron Chloride; Elixir Gentian with Tincture Ferric Citro- Chlonde. Each fluidounce represents about 14J/2 grains gen- tian and 6 grains iron chloride. Bitter Hematinic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 68 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA ELIXIR GENTIAN AND IRON PHOSPHATE. Elixir Gentians el Ferri Phosphatis, N. F.; Elixir Gentian Ferrated. Each fluidounce represents 16'/2 grains gentian and 8 grains iron phosphate. Bitter Tonic, Hematopoietic. Aver- age Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Elixir Glycerophosphates. See Elixir Calcium and Sodium Glycerophosphates. Elixir Glycerophosphates Compound, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Glycerophosphatum Compositum, N. F. Each fluid- ounce contains about 7.3 grains calcium glycerophosphate, 13.5 grains sodium glycerophosphate, 0.9 grain manganese glycero- phosphate, 0.45 grain quinine glycerophosphate and 1 .35 grains iron glycerophosphate, with compound spirit cardamom, alcohol, glycerin and water. Used as Nerve Tonic and Hematinic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]), before meals. Keep in cool place. ELIXIR GLYCYRRHIZA. Elixir GlycyrrbizcE ; Elixir Licorice. Replacing Elixir Adju- vant U. S. P. VIII Rev. Each fluidounce represents 60 minims fluidextract licorice, with aromatic elixir. Vehicle for bitter and nauseous remedies. Average Dose : 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR GLYCYRRHIZA AQUEOUS. Elixir Glycyrrhizce Aquosum, N. F.; Aqueous Elixir Licorice. Each fluidounce contains 72 minims fluidextract licorice, 2]/2 compound spirit cardamom, 96 stronger orange-flower water, with glycerin, syrup, water. Lenitive and Pectoral, but used chiefly as vehicle for bitter remedies. Average Dose: 2 fluid drachms (8 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR LICORICE. See Elixir Glycyrrhiza. ELIXIR GLYCYRRHIZA AROMATIC, Elixir Glycyrrhizce Aromaticum, N. F.; Aromatic Elixir Licorice. Each fluidounce represents 60 minims fluidextract licorice, with oils of cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg and fennel, and aromatic elixir. Vehicle. Average Dose : 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR GUARANA. Elixir Guarance, N. F. Each fluidounce represents about 91 J/ grains guarana, with aromatic elixir and compound elixir tar- axacum. Sedative. Antineuralgic; mainly in nervous headache. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 69 ELIXIR HOPS. Elixir Humuli, N. F. Each fluidounce represents 57 grains hops, with tincture vanilla, compound elixir taraxacum and aromatic elixir. Bitter Stomachic, Sedative. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR HYPOPHOSPHITES. Elixir Hypophosphitum, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 24 grains calcium hypophosphite, and 8 grains each sodium and potassium hypophosphites, with hypophosphorous acid, glycerin, compound spirit cardamom and aromatic elixir. Used as Re- constructive Tonic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR HYPOPHOSPHITES WITH IRON. Elixir Hypophosphilum el Ferri, N. F. Each fluidounce con- tains about 4 grains each iron and potassium hypophosphites, and 8, grains each calcium and sodium hypophosphites. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR IRON HYPOPHOSPHITE. Elixir Ferri Hypophosphilis, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 8 grains iron hypophosphite, in aromatic elixir. Hematinic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR IRON LACTATE. Elixir Ferri Lactalis, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 8 grains ferrous lactate, in aromatic elixir, with 24 grains potassium citrate. Hemaiinic. Average Dose : 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]) Elixir Iron Phosphate, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Ferri Phosphatis, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 16 grains ferric phosphate, in aromatic elixir. Hematinic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR IRON PYROPHOSPHATE. Elixir Ferri Pyrophosphatis, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 16 grains ferric phosphate, in aromatic elixir. Hematinic. Average Dose: I fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR IRON PYROPHOSPHATE, QUININE AND STRYCHNINE. Elixir Ferri Phyrophosphaiis, Qui'mnee el Strychnines, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 16'/4 grains ferric pyrophos- phate, 4 quinine sulphate, Vltf strychnine. Hematinic, General Tonic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). If difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 70 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Elixir Iron, Quinine and Strychnine, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Fern, Quinine et Strychnines, N. F. Each fluidounce represents about 8 grains ferric chloride, 4 grains quinine hydro- chloride, and 0.08 grain strychnine sulphate. General Tonic, in debility, convalescence, etc. Average Dose: I fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Elixir Iron, Quinine and Strychnine Phosphates, Squibb pint, ; gal. Essentially Elixir Fern, Quinine et Strychnines Phosphalum, U. S. P. VHIth Rev., but by a laboratory improvement made of a nice green color instead of brownish-green. Each fluid- ounce represents about 8 grains iron phosphate, 4 grains quinine and J/8 grain strychnine. Hematinic and Nervine. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR LAXATIVE. See Elixir Cascara Sagrada Compound. ELIXIR LITHIUM BROMIDE. Elixir Lilhii BromiJi, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 39 grains lithium bromide. Nerve Sedative. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mil* [Cc.]). ELIXIR LITHIUM CITRATE. Elixir Lilhii Citratis, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 39 grains lithium citrate, in aromatic elixir. Systemic Alkali, Diuretic ; chiefly in gout and rheumatism. Average Dose : 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR LITHIUM SALICYLATE. Elixir Lithii Salicylalis, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 39 grains lithium salicylate, in aromatic elixir. Antirheumatic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). Elixir Pepsin, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Pepsini, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 7% grains pepsin, with hydrochloric acid, glycerin, aromatic elixir, etc. Digestive. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). Elixir Pepsin and Bismuth, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Pepsini et Bismuthi, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 4 grains pepsin and 16 grains bismuth and sodium tartrate, with glycerin, alcohol, syrup and aromatic elixir. Gastric Sedative, Digestive. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). Elixir Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnine, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Pepsin!, Bismulh'i el Strychnines, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 4 grains pepsin, 16 grains bismuth and sodium tartrate, and 0.08 grain strychnine. Digestive Tonic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 71 ELIXIR PEPSIN AND IRON. Elixir Pepsini el Fern, N. F. Each fluidounce represents 4 grains ferric chloride and 8 grains pepsin. Digestive, Hematinic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). Elixir Pepsin and Rennin Compound. See Essence Pepsin. Elixir Pepsin Compound. See Elixir Digestive Compound. ELIXIR PHOSPHORUS. Elixir Phosphori, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 1 /g grain phosphorus. Deteriorates rapidly. Bone reconstructive in rickets. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Antidotes: potassium permanganate; charcoal or lime water; then emetics. ELIXIR PHOSPHORUS AND Nux VOMICA. Elixir Phosphori ei Nucis Vomicat, N. F. Each fluidounce represents 16 minims tincture nux vomica and i/9 gram phos- phorus. Deteriorates rapidly. Used as Nerve Tonic and Aphrodisiac. Average Dose: I fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Antidotes: emetics; potassium permanganate; charcoal; lime- water. ELIXIR POTASSIUM ACETATE. Elixir Polassii Acetatis, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 39 grains potassium acetate, with aromatic elixir. Diuretic, Antacid; in dropsy, cystitis, rheumatic diathesis, etc. Average Dose: 4 fluidrachms (16 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR POTASSIUM ACETATE AND JUNIPER. , Elixir Potassii Acetatis el Juniperi, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 39 grains potassium acetate and 57 grains juniper, in aromatic elixir. Diuretic, Urinary Anticatarrhal. Average Dose: 4 fluidrachms (16 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR POTASSIUM BROMIDE. Elixir Potassii Bromidi, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 80 grains potassium bromide. Nerve Sedative, Antispasmodic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). Incompatible with alkaloidal salts. ELIXIR QUININE VALERATE AND STRYCHNINE. Elixir Quinines Valeralis el Strychnines, N. F. Each fluid- ounce contains 8 grains quinine valerale and 0.08 grain s'.rych- nine sulphate, in aromatic elixir. Used as Nerve Tonic ; in hysteria, nervousness, etc. Average Dose : 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing med- icinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 72 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Elixir, Simple. See Elixir Aromatic. Elixir Sodium Bromide, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir SoJH Bromidi, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 80 grains sodium bromide. Nerve Sedative, Antispasmodic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). Incompatible with alka- loidal salts. ELIXIR SODIUM HYPOPHOSPHITE. Elixir Sodii Hypophosphitis, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 16 grains sodium hypophosphite, in aromatic elixir. Used as Tonic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR SODIUM SALICYLATE. Elixir Sodii Salicylatis, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 40 grains sodium salicylate. Antirheumatic, Analgesic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Incompatible with ferric salts, solutions quinine salts and spirit nitrous ether. ELIXIR SODIUM SALICYLATE COMPOUND. Elixir Sodii Salicylalis Composilum, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 36 grains sodium salicylate, 1 5 minims fluid- extract condurango, 7J/2 minims fluidextract gelsemium, 6.8 grains potassium iodide; with aromatic elixir. Antirheumatic. Average Dose: I fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR STRYCHNINE* VALERATE. Elixir Srychnince Valeratis, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 0.08 grain strychnine valerate, with tincture vanilla and aro- matic elixir. Nervine. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Elixir Taraxacum Compound, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Taraxaci Composilum, N. F. Containing fluidextracts taraxacum, wild cherry, sweet orange peel and licorice, tincture cinnamon, compound tincture cardamom, and aromatic elixir. Each fluidounce represents 16 grains taraxacum, 9 grains wild cherry and 27J/2 grains licorice. Vehicle for bitter, saline or acrid substances. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). Elixir Terpin Hydrate, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Terpini Hydratis, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 8 grains terpm hydrate, with tincture sweet orange peel, spirit bitter almond, alcohol, glycerin, syrup and water. Stimulating Expectorant, Anticatarrhal; chiefly in chronic affections of res- piratory tract. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 73 Elixir Terpin Hydrate, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Terpini Hydralis et Codeines, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 8 grains terpin hydrate and 1 grain codeine, with tincture sweet orange peel, spirit bitter almond, alcohol, glycer- in, syrup and water. Stimulating Expectorant, Cough Seda- tive; chiefly in chronic pectoral affections. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]), Elixir Terpin Hydrate and Diacety (morphine, Squibb pint, ; gal. Elixir Terpini Hydralis el Diacetylmorphina, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 8 grains terpin hydrate and J/g grain diacetylmorphine hydrochloride, with tincture sweet orange peel, spirit bitter almond, alcohol, glycerin, syrup and water. Stim- ulating Expectorant, Cough Sedative; chiefly in chronic pectoral affections. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR THREE BROMIDES. Elixir Trium Bromidorum, N. F. Each fluidounce con- tains about 36 grains each ammonium, potassium and sodium bromides, in compound elixir almond colored red. Nerve Sedative. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR VANILLIN COMPOUND. Elixir Vanillini Compositum, N. F. Flavoring vehicle con- taining 2 vol. percent, compound spirit vanillin, with little glycerin, syrup and water. ELIXIR VIBURNUM OPULUS. COMPOUND. Elixir Virburni Opuli Compositum, N. F.; Compound Elixir Cramp Bark. Each fluidounce represents 34 grains cramp bark, 68J/2 grains beth root and 34'/4 grains aletris, with compound elixir taraxacum. Used as Uterine Tonic. Average 'Dose : 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELIXIR VIBURNUM PRUNIFOLIUM. Elixir Viburni Prunifolii, N. F.; Elixir Black Haw. Each fluidounce represents 57 grains viburnum prunifolium, with aromatic elixir and compound tincture cardamom Used as Uterine Sedative and Antispasmodic. Average Dose : 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Elixir Vitriol. See Acid Sulphuric Aromatic. ELIXIR YERBA SANTA AROMATIC. See Elixir Eriodictyon Aromatic. Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 74 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA ELIXIR ZINC VALERATE. Elixir Zinci Valeralis, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 8 grains zinc valerate, with ammonium citrate, spirit bitter almond and aromatic elixir. Used as Nerve Sedative. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). ELM. Ulmus; Slippery Elm. Bark of Ulmus fuha (Fam. Ulma- cete), deprived of outer corky layer and dried. Demulcnt. (See also Troches.) EMETINE HYDROCHLORIDE. Emetina: Hydrochloridum. CsoJ-L^^O^HCl-f 2H2O. Salt of an ipecac alkaloid. White to yellowish, odorless, bitter powder; darkens in light. Freely soluble in water, alcohol. Expectorant, Antamebic, Hemostatic; in bronchitis, amebic dysentery and pyorrhea alveolaris, hemoptysis, etc. Average Dose: Antamebic, !/3 grain (0.02 Gm.) hypodermically thrice daily for a week, then discontinued for a few days and resumed if necessary (injected into gums in 1 percent, solu- tion); expectorant Vl2 to 1/6 grain (0.005 to 0.01 Gm.) ; hemostatic J/2 to % grain (0.03 to 0.04 Gm.) subcutaneously. EMPYROFORM. Condensation product of birch tar and formaldehyde. Dark grayish-brown, nearly inodorous powder. Soluble in acetone or chloroform; insoluble in water, alcohol or ether. Antipruritic and Antiparasitic Dermic, in 5 percent, ointments, 10 to 20 percent, pastes or paints. Emulsions. No matter how well made, emulsions will not keep; hence, we do not carry them in stock, but we are prepared to supply trrem on special orders in quantities of 1 gallon or more. EMULSION ALMOND. Emulsum Amygdala?; Milk of Almond. 6 percent, sweet almonds, with sugar, acacia and water. Demulcent, Vehicle. EMULSION ASAFETIDA. Emulsum Asafcetidce; Milk of Asafcetida. 4 percent, asafce- tida, with water. Sedative, Carminative; in hysteria, asthma, convulsions, etc. Average Dose: 4 fluidrachms (16 mils). EMULSION CASTOR OIL. Emulsum Olei Ricinl, N. F. 35 percent, by volume castor oil, with tincture vanilla, syrup and water. Cathartic. Average Dose: \Y 2 fluidounces (48 mils [Cc.]). EMULSION COD-LJVER OIL. Emulsum Olei Morrhua. 50 volume percent, of oil, and hold- ing flavor which efficiently masks the taste. Alterative Tonic, Nutrient. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 75 EMULSION COD-LIVER OIL WITH CALCIUM LACTOPHOSPHATE. Emulsum Old Morrhua cum Calcii Lactophosphate, N. F. 50 volume percent, cod liver oil, with calcium lactophos- phate (23 grains per fluidounce), syrup tolu and flavoring. Alterative, Reconstructive, Nutrient. Average Dose: 4 fluidrachms (16 mils [Cc.]). EMULSION COD-LJVER OIL WITH CALCIUM PHOSPHATE. Emulsum Olei Morrhucs cum Calcii Laclophosphate, N. F. 50 volume percent, cod-liver oil, with calcium phosphate (16 grains per fluidounce), syrup tolu and flavoring. Alterative, Nutrient, Reconstructive. Average Dose: 4 fluidrachms (16 mils [Cc.]). EMULSION COD LIVER OIL WITH EGG. Emulsum Olei Morrhuas cum VHello, N. F. 50 vol. percent, oil, 17J/2 glycerite yolk of egg, 10 syrup tolu. Average Dose: 4 fluidrachms (16 mils [Cc.]). EMULSION COD-LJVER OIL WITH EXTRACT MALT. Emulsum Olei Morrhuae cum Malta, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 144 minims cod-liver oil and 260 minims extract malt. Nutritive, Tonic. Average Dose: 4 fluidrachms 16 mils [Cc.]) EMULSION COD-LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES. Emulsum Olei Morrhuee cum Hypophosphitibus, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 240 minims cod-liver oil, 4.6 grains cal- cium hypophosphite, 2.3 grains each potassium and sodium hypo- phosphites. Used as Reconstructive Tonic, Nutrient. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). EMULSION COD-LIVER OIL WITH WILD CHERRY. Emulsum Olei Morrhuce cum Prune Virginiana, N. F. 50 volume percent, cod-liver oil and 30 grains* wild cherry per fluidounce, with syrup tolu and flavoring. Alterative Tonic, chiefly in chronic respiratory affections. Average Dose: 4 fluidrachms (16 mils [Cc.]). EMULSION OIL TURPENTINE. Emulsum Olei Terebinlhince. Each fluidounce contains 72 minims rectified oil turpentine and 24 minims expressed oil almond. Anthelmintic, Diuretic, Antiseptic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]); as anthelmintic, J/2 to 1 fluidounce (15 to 30 mils). EMULSION PETROLATUM. Emulsum Petrolali, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 103 grains petrolatum, 108 minims expressed oil almond; with syrup, tincture lemon peel, and water. Protective, Lubricant, Laxa- tive. Average Dose: 4 fluidrachms (16 mils [Cc.]), between meals. The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 76 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA EPINEPHRINE. Active principle of suprarenal gland. Small, white crystals, sparingly soluble in water and prone to oxidize, hence supplied only in 1:1000 solution of its hydrochloride in normal salt solution and generally containing a preservative. Vasco-con- strictor, Hemostatic; Tonic to heart muscle. Dose: 5 to 30 minims (0.3 to 2 mils [Cc.]) of the 1:1000 solution; hypoder- mically, I to 1 5 minims (0.06 to 1 mil) diluted with sterile water. Applied in 1:1000 to 1:10000 solution. Epsom Salt, Pure. See Magnesium Sulphate. ERGOT. Ergola; Spurred Rye. Carefuly dried sclerotium of Claviceps purpurea (Fam. Hypocreacece), replacing the grain of rye, Secale cereale (Fam. Grammes). All the well-known ergot products offered by this firm are made from yearly importations of new-crop Spanish ergot, which is immediately extracted and made up into the various preparations before deterioration of the active principles takes place. (For full descriptions of the various preparations, see the respective headings in this list.) Emmenagogue, Hemostatic, Circulatory Equalizer. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.) (See Extract; Fluidextract; Sterile Ergot; Tablets [Part II].) Ergot, Sterile, for Hypodermic Use. See Sterile Ergot. ERGOTIN BONJEAN. Purified Extract Ergot, analogous to the Squibb extract ergot. ERICIN. See Mesotan. Eriodictyon (Yerba Santa), Squibb Ground for Percolation tin, Ib. Eriodictyon ; Mountain Balm; Consumptive's Weed. Dried leaves of Eriodictyon calif ornicum (Fam. Hydrophyllaceas). Expectorant, but used chiefly as taste corngent. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). (See also Fluid; Fluidextract; Syrup.) ERYTHROXYLON. See Coca. Eserine. See Physostigmine. Essence Peppermint. See Spirit Peppermint Essence Pepsin, Squibb bottle, pint, gal. Of same drug strength as Elixir Pepsini el Rennini Composilum N. F., but differs in flavoring and vehicle and the lactic acid has been omitted because it is apt to interfere with action of the pepsin. Each fluidounce contains 10'/4 grains pepsin, 7J/2 grains rennin. Digestive; Vehicle for iodides and bromides. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 77 Kther, Squibb (specially made for Anaesthesia). special tins, j/4 Ib. Squibb's Ether is furnished in tin cans of all the current sizes of the trade, but the smaller packages, such as the J/ Ib. are especially recommended. One such can contains a quantity sufficient for an ordinary surgical operation; and in opening an original package for each operation, the surgeon is absolutely sure of a fresh and otherwise correct supply. It is a de- plorable fact that in some instances our cans have* been refilled with inferior ether. Surgeons will therefore see that the sealing cap is still intact. ' /Ether; Sulphuric Ether; Ethylic Ether; Ethyl Oxide (CoHs^O. The high-quality Anaesthetic Ether here listed is made in the Squibb laboratories by the original process de- vised by Dr. E. R. Squibb in 1853, and by continuous im- provement long ago brought to practical perfection, thus insur- ing a product of uniform purity, strength and efficiency. From the beginning to the present day all Squibb Ether has been made only in the Squibb laboratories. We make no ether for technical uses. This is in order to safeguard both surgeon and patient. The Squibb Ether is superior in vital respects to U. S. P. Ether, and by both laboratory tests and clinical experiences extending over more than sixty years, it has been proved to be the purest, best, safest and most economical anaesthetic ether made. Squibb's Ether is put up only in soldered tins with soft metal caps, which can be readily cut out with a pocket knife and the tin then stoppered with a cork. These soldered cans are all carefully tested for leakage before they are sent out. Sometimes, however, a weak spot is not evident on testing, but yields to rough handling during transportation, and the can will leak and be found short or even empty when received. In any such case we gladly furnish the purchaser with a new package if he will send the defective one to us. Soluble in about 10 times its volume water; miscible in all proportions with alcohol, chloroform, oils, petroleum benzin and benzene. Inhalation Anaesthetic, Anodyne, Stimulant, Anti- spasmodic; also Reagent. Average Dose per os: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). Antidotes: artificial respiration; inversion of patient; ammonia; oxygen or fresh air. Ether is highly in- flammable. Its vapor, when mixed with air and ignited, ex- plodes violently. It should be kept in a cool place, and remote from lights and fire, and administered only by daylight or in electric light. (See also Inhaler; Spirit Ether Compound.) Ether Anhydrous, Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form hi the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 78 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Ether, Acetic, Squibb bottle, Ib. SElher Acelicus, N. F.; Ethyl Acetate. C 2 H 5 CoH3O 2 . Dropped from U. S. P. An exceptionally pure product pre- pared in special apparatus, from high-grade material. Coloness liquid; fragrant odor; acetous, burning taste. Sp. gr. 0.887 to 0.895. 1 Gm. dissolves in about 10 mils (Cc.) water; miscible with alcohol, ether, oils. Stimulant, Antispasmodic, Anodyne; in nervous affections, fainting, etc. Also Reagent. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil). Ether, Hydrobromic. See Ethyl Bromide. Ether, Sulphuric. See Ether. Ether Inhaler. See Inhaler. Ethyl Acetate. See Ether Acetic. Ethyl Bromide, Squibb ampul, oz. ; % oz. Monobromethane; Hydrobromic Ether. CoHjBr. Great care is exercised to insure a product of correct specific gravity and high purity, factors upon which the successful and safe use of this article depends. Colorless, inflammable, volatile liquid, of burning taste and chloroform-like odor. Sp. gr. 1 .433 to 1 .457. Soluble in alcohol, chloroform or ether. Inhalation Anaesthetic, Nerve Sedative; used mainly in minor surgery. Dose: by in- halation, 150 to 300 minims (10 to 20 mils [Cc.]); internally, 5 to 10 drops, on sugar or in capsules. On exposure to light it is likely to become discolored from liberation of bromine. Keep from light, air and fire. Must not be confounded with poison- ous Ethylene Bromide. (See also Inhaler.) ETHYL CARBAMATE. SEthylis Carbamas; Urethane; Ethyl Urethane. CsHrNOo. Ethyl ester of carbamic acid. Colorless, odorless crystals; cool- ing saline taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.45 mil (Cc.) water, 0.8 alcohol, 2.5 glycerin, 0.9 chloroform, 1 .5 ether, 32 olive oil. Mild and relatively harmless Hypnotic. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Incompatible in triturations with antipyrine, butylchloral hydrate, camphor, carbolic acid, menthol, naphthol, resorcin, salol or thymol; with acids or alkalies. Ethyl Chloride, Squibb 30 Cc. glass tubes with fine capillary delivery tube having auto- matic closing cap, for local anaesthesia, each 50 Cc. glass graduated tubes, with coarse capillary delivery tube having automatic closing cap, for general anaesthesia, each 60 Cc. glass tubes with fine capillary delivery tube having auto- matic closing cap, for local anaesthesia, each ///7p/is Chloridum; Monochlorethane. CoH-,Cl. Squibb's Ethyl Chloride is a true, pure Ethyl Chloride, eminently suited for General as well as Local Anaesthesia. Prepared and puri- fied in the Squibb Laboratories. Colorless, volatile, inflammable liquid, of agreeable odor and burning taste. Sp. gr. about 0.921 at 0C.; boiling-point 12 to 13C. Soluble readily in al- cohol or ether; slightly in water. Dose (by inhalation as gen- eral anaesthetic): 1 to 3 fluidrachms (4 to 12 mils [Cc.]). Keep from light and fire. Inflammable! SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 79 Ethyl Chloride Inhaler. See Inhaler. fETHYLMORPHINE HYDROCHLOR1DE. /EihylmoTphin& Hydrochloridum; Dionin. CigH^OsNHCl 2H 2 O. From morphine by ethylation. White or yellowish- white, odorless, bitter powder. 1 Gm. dissolves in 8 mils (Cc.) water, 22 alcohol; slightly soluble in ether, chloroform. Ocu- lar Lymphagogue; Analgesic, intermediate between morphine and codeine. Average Dose: |4 grain (0.015 Gm.) Ethyl Oxide. See Ether. EUCAINE. See Betaeucaine Hydrochloride. Eucalyptol, Squibb bottle, Ib. |4 lb. ; oz. Eucalyptol; Cineol; Cajuputol. CioHigO. From volatile oil eucalyptus and other sources. Colorless liquid, of aromatic, camphoraceous odor, and pungent, spicy, cooling taste. Sp. gr. 0.921 to 0.923. Miscible with alcohol, ether, chloroform and fatty oils; almost insoluble in water. Local Stimulant, Anti- septic, Deodorant; by inhalation, in diphtheria, asthma, etc. Average Dose: 5 minims (0.3 mil [Cc.]), in emulsion or cap- sules or on sugar. EUCALYPTUS. Eucalyptus; Blue Gum Tree. Dried leaves of Eucalyplus Clobulus (Fam. M^rtaces). Antiperiodic, Tonic. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract.) Eugenol, Squibb bottle, oz. Eugenol; Eugenic or Caryophyllic Acid. CioHjoOo. An un- saturated aromatic phenol obtained from clove oil, and other sources. Colorless or pale-yellow liquid, of strong clove odor, and pungent, spicy taste, and becoming darker and thicker on exposure. Sp. gr. 1.064 to 1.070. Miscible with alcohol, chloroform, ether or fixed oils. Antiseptic, Antitubercular, Local Anaesthetic (in dentistry). Average Dose: 3 minims (0.2 mil [Cc.]). EUMYDRIN. Methylatropine Nitrate. White, odorless, permanent crystals. Soluble in water or alcohol, sparingly in ether or chloroform. Mydriatic, Antihydrotic, Antispasmodic. Applied in */2 to 1 percent solution. Dose: Veo to Vso grain (0.001 to 0.002 Gm.). EUONYMUS. Euonymus, N. F.; Wahoo; Spindle Tree. Dried bark of root of Euonymus atropurpureus (Fam. Celastracece). Laxative;* uncertain as to absorption. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 80 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA EUPATORIUM. Eupatorium, N. F.; Boneset; Thoroughwort. Dried leaves and flowering tops of Eupatorium perfoliatum (Fam. Composite), Domestic Diaphoretic tea. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). EUPHORBIA PILULIFERA. Euphorbia Pilulifera, N. F.; Pill-bearing Spurge. Dried herb of Euphorbia pilulifera (Fam. Euphorbiacea) , collected while flowering and fruiting. Aromatic odor; faintly bitter, aromatic, acrid taste. Used mainly in asthma and chronic bronchitis. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). EUPHTHALMIN. Ci7H25NOs.HCl. Mandelic acid derivative of eucaine. White powder. Soluble readily in water or alcohol. Mydri- atic, in 5 to 10 percent, solutions. EUQUININE. Quinine Ethylcarbonate. Coar^s^O^ White, light, fleecy, acicular conglomerations, practically tasteless. Soluble readily in acohol, ether, chloroform; sparingly in water. Solutions are bitter. Succedaneum for quinine sulphate. Dose : 2 to 1 5 grains (0.13 to 1 Gm.). EUROPHEN. Diisobutylcresol Iodide. C22H29OoI. Bulky, yellow powder, of saffron odor; 28 percent, iodine. Soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, fixed oils; insoluble in water. Wound Antiseptic, Antisyphilitic. Dose: 2 to 5 grains (0.13 to 0.3 Gm.). EXTRACTS, SQUIBB The careful selection of prime drugs and the accurate prelim- inary assays to which they are subjected, combined with their complete exhaustion by the Squibb method, insure thoroughly reliable preparations. The solid extracts are made by evapora- tion at low temperatures, thus preventing the loss of the volatile constituents, chemical changes and the rendering insoluble of the active principles. These extracts will be found to be ex- ceptionally active, soluble and uniform in dosage. Those which are official in the pharmacopoeia are made to conform accur- ately and absolutely with U. S. P. standards. A number of * extracts not official are assayed and adjusted to a required strength. These instances are noted under the individual ex- tracts in the following list. All the solid extracts are put up in containers of the proper capacity, with sufficient room for ihe contents to expand under the ordinary changes of a tem- perate climate. They should not be sub'ccted tr> -n unusual heat, however. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 81 Extract Aconite Powdered*, Squibb bottle, oz. Exlraclum Aconiti.' Newly official. 1 Gjn. represents about 4 Gm. drug. Required by U. S. P. to assay 1.8 to 2.2 percent, ether-soluble alkaloids. Physiologically assayed by U. S. P. method; minimum lethal dose not greater than 0.00001 Gm. per Gm. weight of guinea-pig. Circulatory Sedative, Sudorific, Antineuralgic. Average Dose: J /c grain (0.01 Gm.). Anti- dotes: emetics; atropine, digitalis or ammonia; small, frequent doses of stimulants; artificial respiration. Extract Aconite Root Soft, Squibb glass jar, ]/4 Ib. ; oz. From dried tuberous root of Aconltum Napellus. Assays 1.8 to 2.2 percent, alkaloids. Dose : J/g to % grain (0.008 to 0.15 Gm.). Extract Aloes (Powdered), Squibb bottle, J4 Ib. ; oz. Exlraclum Aloes, N. F. Aqueous. 1 Gm. represents 2 Gm. drug. Cathartic; acts mostly on large intestine. Average Dose: 2 grains (0.13 Gm.). EXTRACT APPLES FERRATED. Exlraclum Fern Pomalum, N. F.; Crude Iron Malate. From fresh juice of sour apples and reduced iron. Contains about 10 percent. Fe. Mild Hematinic. Average Dose: 10 grains (0.65 Gm.). EXTRACT BEEF. Exlraclum Carnis, N. F. Residue left on evaporating fresh beef broth at low temperature. Yellowish-brown to dark-brown, pasty mass; meat-like odor and taste. Nutrient. Extract Belladonna Leaves Powdered, Squibb bottle, oz. Exlraclum Belladonna Foliorum. Assays 1.18 to 132 percent, alkaloids. Anodyne, Antispasmodic, Antihydrotic. Average Dose: j/4 grain (0.015 Gm.). Antidotes: emetics; morphine, pilocarpine, physostigmine or aconitine. Extract Belladonna Leaves Soft*, Squibb glass jar, '/^ Ib. ; oz. Exlraclum Belladonna Foliorum. From dried leaves and tops of Alropa Belladonna. 1 Gm. represents about 4 Gm. drug. Assays 1.18 to 1.32 percent, alkaloids. Anodyne, Antispas- modic, Antihydrotic. Average Dose: % grain (0.015 Gm.). Antidotes: emetics; morphine, pilocarpine, physostigmine or aconitine. This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 82 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA EXTRACT BLACK COHOSH. See Extract Cimicifuga. EXTRACT BLACK HAW. See Extract Viburnum Prunifolium. EXTRACT CALABAR BEAN. See Extract Physostigma. Extract Cannabis Powdered, Squibb 1-oz. vial 1 Gm. represents 4 Gm. drug. Dose: 1/3 to 1 grain (0.02 to 0.065 Gm.). Extract Cannabis Soft*, Squibb glass jar, oz. Exlraclum Cannabis. From dried flowering tops of pistillate planjs of Cannabis Saliva or C. indica. 1 Gm. represents about 8 Gm. drug. Physiologically assayed according to U. S. P. Incoordination produced by 0.004 Gm. per Kgm. weight of dog. Narcotic, Sedative, Anodyne. Average Dose: J/6 grain (0.01 Gm.). Antidotes: emetics; atropine, strychnine or caffeine, hypodermically; strong coffee. Extract Cascara Sagrada (Powdered), Squibb bottle, |4 lb. ; oz. Exlractum Cascars Sagradce (Rhamni Purshiante). 1 Gm. represents 3 Gm. thoroughly seasoned Cascara bark. Laxa- tive, acting mainly on colon; has little tendency to produce secondary constipation.' Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). (See also Tablets [Part II].) EXTRACT CIMICIFUGA (POWDERED). Exlraclum Cimifuga ; Extract Black Cohosh. From dried rhizome and roots of Cimicifuga racemosa. 1 Gm. represents about 4 Gm. drug. Used as Alterative, Stomachic and Anti- spasmodic. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). EXTRACT CINCHONA (SOFT). Exlraclum Cinchona, N. F. Yields 22 to 26 percent, alkaloids. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). EXTRACT COLCHICUM CORM (POWDERED). Exlraclum Colchici Cormi. Not the soft, acetic extract of U. S. P. Vlllth Rev. 1 Gm. represents about 4 Gm. drug. Assays 1 .25 to 1 .55 percent, colchicine. Average Dose : 1 grain (0.065 Cm.). Extract Colocynth (Powdered), Squibb 1-oz. vial Exlractum Colocynlhidis. From pulp of dried fruit of Cilrullus Colocyrilhis ; not from entire fruit. 1 Gm. represents 4 Gm. drug. Drastic Cathartic. Average Dose: ]/ 2 grain (0.03 Gm.). Extract Colocynth Compound (Powdered) Squibb bottle, ; !4 lb. ; oz. Exlraclum Colocynlhidis Composilum. From extract colocynth, aloes, cardamom, resin scammony and soap. Becomes impacted or caked on keeping, more rapidly when subjected to undue heat or moisture. When in this condition pressure of a spatula usually restores original powdered state, Drastic Cathartic. Average Dose: 4 grains (025) Gm.). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 83 EXTRACT CONIUM (SOFT). Extractum Conn, N. F. Assays 1 .8 to 2.2 percent, conine. Anti- spasmodic, Sedative, Anodyne. Average Dose: ]/ 2 g rain (0-03 Gm.). Antidotes: tannin, emetics; atropine, strychnine, caffeine. Extract Culver's Root. See Extract Leptandra. Extract Dandelion. See Extract Taraxacum. Extract Digitalis Powdered, Squibb 1-oz. vial 1 Gm. represents 4 Gm. drug. Dose: VlO to '/5 grain (0.006 lo 0.012 Gm.). Extract Digitalis Soft, Squibb glass jar, ; j/4 lb. ', oz. Exlractum Digitalis, U. S. P. Vlllth Rev.; Extract Foxglove. Prepared from fluidextract. 1 Gm. represents 2J/2 Gm. digitalis, the dried leaves of Digitalis purpurea. Heart Tonic, Diuretic. Average Dose: !/6 grain (0.01 Gm.). Antidotes: tannin, emetics; strychnine or alcohol; morphine; rest in horizontal position. Extract Ergot Soft, Squibb glass jar, % Ib. ; oz. in aseptic capsules holding 60 grs., 5 in a vial, per vial. Introduced over 30 years ago by Dr. E. R. Squibb, and since then the standard extract ergot of the world. Prior to U. S. P. Vlllth Rev. it was the official article, but for no satisfactorily explained reason the formula was changed in that revision and again in present edition. Almost entirely soluble in cold water. 1 Gm. represents 5 Gm. best Spanish ergot. Physi- ologically tested and proved of full activity, hence dependable. 5 Gm. dissolved in 20 mils (Cc.) water, filtered and made up to 25 mils by passing water through the filter, makes a solution of strength of official fluidextract and for many uses superior to latter, because free from alcohol and other irritating sub- stances. This solution is well adapted for hypodermic use and should be made up only as needed. Emmenagogue, Oxytocic, Hemostatic, Circulatory Equalizer. Average Dose : 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). (See also Sterile Ergot, for hypodermic use; Tablets.) Extract Ergot Powdered, Squibb bottle, oz., 1 Gm. represents 4 Gm. best Spanish ergot. Physiologically tested. Average Dose: 5 grains (0.3 Gm.). The prices of the Squibb Products are in al! instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 84 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA EXTRACT EUONYMUS (POWDERED). Exlractum Euonymi, N. F.; Extract Wahoo. Prepared from fluidextract. 1 Gm. represents 4 Cm. euonymus, the dried bark of root of Euonymus atropurpureus. Cathartic of uncertain absorption; hence inadvisable. Average Dose: 2 grains (0.13 Gm.). EXTRACT GELSEMIUM (POWDERED). Exiraclum Gelsemii. Newly official. 1 Gm. represents 4 Gm. Gelsemium, the dried rhizome and roots of Celsemium sem- pervirens. Antineuralgic, Nerve Sedative, Antispasmodic; in neuralgia, dysuria, hysteria, dysmenorrhea, delirium tremens, etc. Average Dose: i/6 grain (0.01 Gm.). Antidotes: tannin, emetics; atropine or strophanthin subcutaneously ; stimulants. Extract Gentian Powdered, Squibb bottle, ; 14 lb. ; oz. 1 Gm. represents 2 Gm. drug. Dose : 3 to 6 grains (0.2 to 0.4 Gm.). Extract Gentian Soft*, Squibb glass jar, ^ 14 lb. ; oz. Exiraclum Genliana. Aqueous. 1 Gm. represents 2]/2 Gm. gentian, the dried rhizome and root of Genliana lutca. Bitter Tonic; Stomachic; Pill Excipient. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Extract Glycyrrhiza Powdered, Squibb bottle, ; 14 lb. ; oz. Extract Licorice Powdered. 1 Gm. represents 2 Gm. drug. Lenitive, Demulcent. Ordinary Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Used chiefly to cover taste of bitter drugs. Extract Glycyrrhiza Pure*, Squibb glass jar, 14 lb. ; oz. Exlractum Glycyrrhiza Purum; Pure Extract Licorice. Pilu- lar. 1 Gm. represents 2.75 Gm. select licorice root. Demul- cent, Pectoral, Lenitive, sweetening agent, pill excipient. Or- dinary Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Keep cool; liable to get mouldy in warm place. EXTRACT GOLDEN SEAL. See Extract Hydrastis. Extract, Goulard's. See Solution Lead Subacetate. EXTRACT HEMATOXYLON (POWDERED). Exiraclum Hsmatoxyll, N. F.; Extract Logwood. Aqueous. 1 Gm. represents 16 Gm. hematoxylon, the heart-wood of Hcema- toxylon campechianum. Intestinal Astringent. Average Dose : 15 grains (1 Gm.). Extract Henbane. See Extract Hyoscyamus. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 85 EXTRACT HYDRASTIS (POWDERED). Exiractum Hydraslis ; Extract Golden Seal. Newly official. 1 Gm. represents about 4 Gm. Hydrastis, the dried rhizome and roots of Hydrastis canadensis; assays 9 to 1 1 percent, ether-soluble alkaloids. Hemostatic, Alterative, Bitter Tonic; in uterine hemorrhage, catarrhal jaundice, etc. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Extract Hyoscyamus Powdered, Squibb 1-oz. vial Assays about 0.3 percent, alkaloids. Dose: J/2 to 1J/2 grains (0.03 to 0.1 Gm.). Extract Hyoscyamus Soft*, Squibb glass jar oz. Extraclum Hyoscyami; Extract Henbane. I Gm. represents about 4 Gm. hyoscyamus, the dried leaves and flowering or fruiting tops of Hyoscyamus niger. Assays '0.22 to 0.28 per- cent, alkaloids. Antispasmodic, Sedative, Analgesic; in coughs, hysteria, emphysema, nervous headache, etc. Average Dose : 1 grain (0.065 Gm,). Antidotes: tannin, emetics; morphine, pilocarpine, physostigmine, aconitine. EXTRACT IGNATIA (POWDERED). Extracium Ignalia;, N. F. Yields 5.4 to 6.6 percent, alkaloids. Nerve Stimulant, Gastro-intestinal Tonic. Average Dose: J/2 grain (0.03 Gm.). Antidotes: tannin then apomorphine hypodermically; chloral with bromides per rectum; chloroform inhalation if necessary. Extract Jalap Powdered, Squibb bottle, ; % Ib. ; oz. From dried tuberous root of Exogonium Purga. Adjusted to strength of 60 percent, total resin by milk sugar, which serves to keep it in powder as long as undue heat and moisture are avoided. Hydragogue Cathartic. Dose: 2 to 5 grains (0.13 to 0.3 Gm.). Extract Jalap Soft*, Squibb glass jar, oz. Extraclum Jalaps, N. F. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). EXTRACT KRAMERIA (POWDERED).. Extractum Krameria, N. F.; Extract Rhatany. Aqueous. 1 Gm. represents 4 Gm. krameria. Powerful Astringent; ex- ternally in leucorrhea, spongy gums, etc., in 2 to 10 percent, solutions; internally in diarrhea. Average Dose : 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Jf difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 86 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Extract Leptandra (Powdered), Squibb bottle, oz. Extractum Leptandrs, N. F.; Extract Culver's Root. 1 Gm. represents 4 Gm. leptandra, the dried rhizome and roots of Veronica virginica. Cathartic, acting somewhat like resin podophyllum. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Extract Male Fern. See Oleoresin Aspidium. Extract Malt, Squibb pint, ; gal. Extractum Malti. Syrupy. 1 Gm. represents 1.5 Gm. drug. Tonic, Digestive, emulsifying agent. Average Dose : 4 drachms (15 Gm.). EXTRACT MUSK ROOT. See Extract Sumbul. Extract Nux Vomica (Powdered), Squibb bottle, ; !4 lb. 5 oz. Extraclum Nucis Vomicai. Assays 15.2 to 16.8 percent, alka- loids (equivalent to about 8 percent, strychnine). One and three-fifths times as strong as former official product. Bitter Stomachic and Tonic. Average Dose: J/4 grain (0.015 Gm.). Antidotes: tannin; apomorphine subcutaneously as emetic; chloral hydrate and bromides per rectum; chloroform by inhalation if necessary. f Extract Opium (Powdered), Squibb bottle, oz. ; J/2 oz. Extractum Opii. Aqueous. Assays 19.5 to 20.5 percent. . anhydrous morphine. Antispasmodic, Anodyne, Cerebrospinal Depressant. Average Dose: Y 2 grain (0.03 Gm.). Antidotes: potassium permanganate (2 grains in water), then emetics; hot strong coffee; atropine or strychnine; exercise. Extract Oxgall (Powdered), Squibb 1-oz. vial Extractum Fellis Bovis. Newly official. 1 Gm. represents 8 Gm. oxgall. Laxative, Cholagogue, Intestinal Digestive; in typhoid fever, intestinal indigestion, deficient biliary secretion, etc. Average Dose: lj/2 grains (0.1 Gm.). (See also Oxgall Purified; Tablets.) EXTRACT PHYSOSTIGMA (POWDERED). Exlractum Physostigmaiis ; Extract Calabar Bean. Assays 1.7 to 2.3 percent, alkaloids. Antitetanic, Antineuralgic, Peristaltic. Average Dose: J/g grain (0.008 Gm.). Antidotes: emetics; atropine or strychnine hypodermically ; pilocarpme; chloral hydrate; stimulants. EXTRACT PODOPHYLLUM (SOFT). Extractum Podophylll, N. F. Slow but effective and rather irritant Cathartic. Average Dose : % grain (0.015 Gm.). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 87 EXTRACT QUASSIA (POWDERED). Exlracium Quassia, N. F. Aqueous. 1 Gin. represents 10 Gm. drug. Bitter Stomachic. Average Dose: 1 grain (0.065 Gm.). EXTRACT RHATANY. See Extract Krameria. Extract Rhubarb (Powdered), Squibb bottle, oz. Extraclum Rhel. The new U. S. P. recognizes the pondered extract, as against soft in preceding edition. I Gm. represents 2 Gm. drug. Laxative. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Extract Stramonium Powdered, Squibb bottle, oz. Exlractum Stramonii. Assays 0.9 to 1.1 percent, alkaloids, Average Dose: !/G g ram (0-0' Gm.). Extract Stramonium Soft*, Squibb glass jar, ', ]/4 lb. ; oz. Exlractum Stramonii. From dried leaves of Datura Stramonium or of D. Tatula. \ Gm. represents about 4 Gm. drug. Assays 0.9 to 1.1 percent, alkaloids. Antispasmodic, Sedative, Analgesic. Average Dose: !/ grain (0.01 Gm.). Antidotes: tannin; apo- morphine hypodermically as emetic; morphine; ammonia by in- halation. EXTRACT SUMBUL (SOFT). Extractum Sumbul; Extract Musk Root. 1 Gm. represents about 4.5 Gm. drug. Used as Antispasmodic and Nerve Tonic, in hysterical conditions, etc. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Extract Taraxacum Powdered, Squibb. 1-oz. vial 1 Gm. represents about 3 Gm. drug. Dose: 10 to 20 grains (0.65 to 1.3 Gm.). Extract Taraxacum Soft*, Squibb glass jar, ; ]/ lb. ; oz. Extraclum Taraxaci; Extract Dandelion. I Gm. represents 3 Gm. Taraxacum, the dried rhizome and roots of Taraxacum officinale. Bitter Tonic, Mild Laxative. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Extract Valerian (Powdered), Squibb brittle, oz. 1 Gm. represents 4 Gm. valerian, the dried rhizome and root of Valeriana officinalis. Used as Antispasmodic and Nerve Sedative, in hysteria and other nervous excitations. Dose : 5 to 15 grains (0.3 to 1 Gm.). The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing med- icinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 88 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Extract Vanilla (Flavoring). See Tincture Vanilla. EXTRACT VIBURNUM PRUNIFOLIUM (POWDERED). Extraclum Viburni Prunifolii ; Extract Black Haw. I Gm. represents 5 Gm. of dried bark of Viburnum pruni- folium or of V . Lentago. Used as Uterine Sedative in dys- menorrhea and habitual abortion. Average Dose : 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). EXTRACT WAHOO. See Extract Euonymus. Fehling's Test Solution Elements, Squibb Copper Sulphate Solution 500 Cc. lOOCc. 50 Cc. Alkaline Tartrate Solution 500 Cc. Also supplied in a case, 50 Cc. of each lOOCc. solution, together with two test tubes and 50 Cc. a 1 Cc. pipette. Price, per set, $1.00 Fennel, Squibb tin, lb. Fceniculum. Dried ripe fruit of true Fcem'cu/um vu/gare (Fam. Umbelh ferae), carefully selected. Aromatic, Carminative. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). FERRIPYRINE. Ferropyrine. Compound of 36 percent, ferric chloride and 64 percent, antipynne. Yellowish-red powder, of acid-astrin- gent taste. Soluble in alcohol, 6 parts water; insoluble in ether, Hematinic, Styptic. Dose: 5 to 15 grains (0.3 to 1 Gm.). FlBROLYSIN. Sterilized 15 percent, solution thiosinamine and sodium sali- cylate. Resolvent, Discutient. Dose: by hypodermic, intramus- cular or intravenous injection, one 2.3 Cc. vialful ( = 0.2 Gm. [3 gr.] thiosinamine) daily or every second or third day. FIG. Ficus, N. F. Partially dried fruit of Ficus Carlica (Fam. Moraces). Nutrient, Laxative, FLAXSEED. See Linseed. Flowers of Sulphur. See Sulphur Sublimed. Flowers of Zinc. See Zinc Oxide. Fluid Aloes for Tincture, Squibb pint, ; J4 pint, Three times strength of Tincture Aloes U. S. P. 100 mils (Cc.) represent 30 Cm. purified aloes and 60 Gm. licorice root. For conveniently making Tincture Aloes take: Fluid Aloes Squibb, Alcohol, and Water, equal volumes; mix the alcohol and water, then add the fluid aloes. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 89 Fluid Bay Laurel, Squibb pint, ; |4 pint. A concentrated solution designed for the extemporaneous prep- aration of a superior bay rum. Take: Fluid Bay Laurel Squibb. 1 fl. oz.; Alcohol and Water, of each 32 fl. ozs. Mix the alcohol and fluid bay laurel, and add the water. Fluid Benzoin for Tincture, Squibb pint, ; |4 pi nf . From best quality Siam gum benzoin. Especially designed for convenient preparation of Tincture Benzoin, by mixing 4 fl % ozs. of it with 12 fl. ozs. alcohol. Fluid Benzoin Compound for Tincture, Squibb pint, ; ]/4 pint, Twice strength of U. S. P. Tincture Benzoin Compound. Designed for rapid and convenient preparation of latter, by mixing with an equal volume alcohol. Fluid Cantharides for Tincture, Squibb pint, ; ]/4 pint, Prepared from best Russian Cantharides (Cantharis vesica- iorid). 2 mils [Cc.]) represent 1 Gm. drug. Designed for convenient preparation of Tincture Cantharides by diluting it with 4 volumes alcohol. Antidotes: flaxseed tea or other demulcents, then emetics subcutaneously ; opium by rectum. Avoid oils! Fluid Cardamom Compound, Squibb pint, ; ]/4 pint, Designed for convenient preparation of Tincture Cardamom Compound as follows: Take Fluid Cardamom Compound, Squibb, 4 fl. ozs. or 125 mils (Cc.) ; Glycerin, 288 min. or 18.75 mils; Diluted Alcohol, to make 16 fl. ozs. or 500 mils. Mix; filter if necessary. Fluid Cascara Aromatic (Non=Alcoholic) Squibb pint ; 3-oz. An improved, non-alcoholic preparation of Cascara, made from best quality, well-seasoned Cascara Sagrada bark, I mil (Cc.) representing 1 Gm. of drug. An efficient, pleasant Laxative, with but little tendency to produce secondary constipation. Dose ! |/4 to 1 teaspoonful, after meals or at bedtime. Fluid Cinchona Compound for Tincture, Squibb pint, '; ]/4 pint, Each 100 mils (Cc.) represents 50 Gm. red cinchona, 40 Gm. bitter-orange peel and 10 Gm. serpentaria, and assays 2 to 2.5 Gm. of alkaloids. To reduce this product to strength of Tincture Cinchona Compound U. S. P., mix 200 mils of it with 60 mils glycerin, 540 mils alcohol and 200 mils water; filter if necessary. Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 90 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Fluid Eriodictyon Aromatic, Squibb pint, ; '/4 pint, Fluid Yerba Santa Aromatic. Each minim represents approxi- mately 1 grain Eriodictyon. Convenient for the extempora- neous preparation of Aromatic Syrup Eriodictyon (Syrup Cor- rigens) of National Formulary, by adding to 32 mils (Cc.) enough simple syrup to make 1000 mils. Fluid Gambir Compound, Squibb pint, ; '/4 pin'. So-called Fluidextract Catechu Compound. Specially intended for convenient preparation of compound tincture gambir. 100 mils (Cc.) represent 50 Gm. gambir and 25 Gm. Saigon cinna- mon. To conveniently make Tincture Gambir Compound take: Fluid Gambir Compound Squibb, 1 volume; Diluted Alcohol, 9 volumes. Fluid Ginger for Syrup, Squibb pint, ; '/4 pint. Made from best quality of Jamaica ginger. Clearly soluble in simple syrup. Intended for the convenient and rapid prepara- tion of Syrup Ginger, by adding 2% fluidounces to 29J/g fluid- ounces of simple syrup. Fluid Glycyrrhiza (Licorice) for Quinine, Squibb pint, ; 1/4 pint, Intended especially for masking the taste of quinine and other bitter or nauseating remedies. It produces clear mixtures with syrup, glycerin or water. It is incompatible with acids. For conveniently making Syrup Licorice, take: Fluid Licorice Squibb, 2 fl. ozs.; Syrup, 14 fl. ozs. Fluid Golden Seal Colorless, Squibb pint, ; YA P' n t. Containing in each 16 fluidounces 20 grains hydrastine hydro- chloride, in non-alcoholic menstruum. Astringent and Anti- phlogistic topically; Tonic and Hemostatic internally. Used externally in gonorrhea, leucorrhea, endometntis, etc., usually in 1 to 2 in 16 dilution; internally, in uterine hemorrhage, chronic dyspepsia, internal hemorrhoids, etc. Dose : 15 to 60 minims (1 to 4 mils [Cc.]). Incompatible with alkalies, borax or tannic acid. (1 he Squibb laboratories make also the official Fluidextract Golden Seal and Glycerite Hydrastis [so-called "non-alcoholic" fluidextract].) Fluid Hydrastis. See Fluid Golden Seal Colorless. Fluid Lavender Compound for Tincture, Squibb pint, ; J/4 pint, From oil lavender flowers, oil rosemary, Saigon cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg and red saunders. Eight times strength of Tinc- ture Lavender Compound. For conveniently making latter, take: Fluid Lavender Compound, Squibb, 2 fl. ozs.; Alcohol, lOj/2 fl. ozs.; Water, 3J/? fl. ozs. Mix th alcohol and water, then add the fluid lavender compound. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 91 Fluid Licorice for Quinine. See Fluid Glycyrrhiza. Fluid Rhubarb Aromatic for Syrup, Squibb pint, ; )/4 pint, For conveniently making Syrup Rhubarb Aromatic, take of this Fluid 1 fl. oz. and Syrup 19 fl. ozs. Fluid Rhubarb Aromatic for Tincture, Squibb pint, ; '/4 pint, For conveniently making Tincture Rhubarb Aromatic, take: Fluid Rhubarb Aromatic Squibb, 5 fl. ozs.; Alcohol, 5 fl. ozs.; Water, 4 fl. ozs.; Glycerin, 1 fl. oz. Mix the alcohol, water and glycerin, then add the fluid rhubarb aromatic. Fluid Rose Soluble, Squibb pint, ; '/4 pint, Designed for the extemporaneous preparation of rose water, by diluting it with 31 volumes distilled water. Fluid Tolu for Syrup (1:19), Squibb pint, ; Vi pi nl . Solution Tolu for Syrup. For the easy manufacture of Syrup Tolu, by diluting it with 19 volumes syrup. Fluid White Pine Compound, Squibb pint, ; YA pi"*. 1000 mils (Cc.) represent 340 Gm. each white pine and wild cherry barks, 40 Gm. each spikenard root and balm gilead buds, 32 Gm. sangumana. 28 Gm. sassafras and 24 mils chloroform. Specially designed for conveniently preparing Syrup White Pine Compound, by mixing 1 volume of it with 3 volumes syrup. To make Syrup White Pine Compound ivilh Mor- phine of N. F. strength, add 1/g grain morphine sulphate per fl. oz. syrup white pine compound. Fluid Wild Cherry for Syrup, Squibb pint, ; }/4 pint, Specially designed for the convenient and rapid preparation of Syrup. Wild Cherry, by mixing 1 volume of it with 3 volumes syrup. Fluid Yerba Santa Aromatic. See Fluid Eriodictyon Aromatic. The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 92 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA FLUIDEXTRACTS. The constantly growing recognition of the certainty of thera- peutic action of the officially made fluidextracts, from properly selected material, urges us to be more pressing in the presenta- tion of these products. In a fluidextract the active principles are directly available, so that the value of these preparations in medicine is not in doubt. A selection of the most active drugs offered by the market or obtained by direct importation from best sources, and a thorough exhaustion of the assayed and tested drug, assure the production of fluidextracts of a standard strength, containing the maximum amount of active principle and accurately representing the drug. The process of extrac- tion employed is the well-known repercolalion process, which originated in the Squibb Laboratories. The menstrua used are those which most effectively extract the medicinal ingredients of the drugs and thus are theoretically true solvents of them. The strength of the alcohol in these fluidextracts is fully equal to the requirements of the U. S. P., hence when deposits are discovered they may be considered as inert if all the self- evident precautions against evaporation, heat, etc., have been taken by the purchaser. In a considerable number of cases the pharmacopoeia prescribes a definite assayed alkaloidal strength of the fluidextracts, and to this standard they are therefore accurately adjusted. Otherwise, 1 mil (Cc.) repre- sents 1 Gm. of the drug. Fluidextract Cannabis is officially required to be assayed biologically; and we physiologically assay also those which the U. S. P. recommends being so tested. Fluidextract Aconite, Squibb pint, ; gal. Fluidextraclum Aconiii. From dried tuberous root of genuine Aconilum Napellus. Required by U. S. P. to assay 0.45 to 0.55 Gm. ether-soluble alkaloids per 100 mils (Cc.). Physiologically assayed by U. S. P. method ; minimum lethal dose not more than 0.0004 nor less than 0.00032 mil per Gm. weight of guinea-pig. Sedative, Febrifuge, Sudorific, Antineuralgic. Average Dose: '/2 minim (0.03 mil). Antidotes: tannin, then emetics; atropine, digitalis or ammonia; smalk often repeated doses of stimulants; artificial respiration, if required. FLUIDEXTRACT ADONIS. Fluidexlraclum Adonidis, N. F. ; Fluidextract Bird's Eye. From dried root of Adonis 'Vernalis. Cardiac Stimulant, of digitalis group. Average Dose: 2 minims (0.13 mil [Cc.]). Antidotes: emetics; stimulants; opium to control gastro-intestinal symptoms. Fluidextract Aletris, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidextractum Aletridis, N. F.; Fluidextract Stargrass or Star- wort. From dried rhizome of Aletris farinosa. Simple Bitter, also used as Uterine Tonic; in amenorrhea, rheumatism, flatu- lent dyspepsia, etc. Average Dose : 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 93 FLUIDEXTRACT ANGELICA ROOT. Fluid extractum Angelica Radicis, N. F. From dried rhizome and roots of Angelica alropurpurea (Fam. Umbelli feres). Stimulating Expectorant, like tolu. Average Dose : 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT APOCYNUM. Fluidextractum Apocyni, N. F.; Fluidextract Canadian Hemp. From dried rhizome of Apocynum cannabinum. Cardiac Tonic, of digitalis group; unreliable as to rate of absorption. Average Dose: 12 minims (0.75 mil [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT ARALIA. Fluidexlracium Aralics, N. F.; Fluidextract Spikenard. From dried root of Aralia racemosa. Used as Alterative, Dia- phoretic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT ARBOR VITAE. See Fluidextract Thuja. Fluidextract Arnica Flowers, Squibb pint, ; ]4 pint, Fluid ex iractum Arnica, N. F. From dried flower-heads of Arnica montana. Feeble Rubefacient externally; Alterative internally, in chronic rheumatism, catarrhs, nephritis, etc. Average Dose: 12 minims (0.75 mil [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT AROMATIC POWDER. FluiJexlracium Aromalicum. Each mil (Cc.) represents 1 Gm. of mixture of Saigon cinnamon (35), ginger (35), cardamom (15) and nutmeg (15). Aromatic, Carminative. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). Fluidextract Asclepias, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidextraclum Asclepiadis, N. F.; Fluidextract Pleurisy Root. From dried root of Asclepias tuberosa. Used as Diaphoretic; in pleurisy, bronchitis, colic, etc. Average Dose : 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Aspidosperma, Squibb pint, ; ]/4 pint, FluiJextractum Aspijospermalis ; Fluidextract Quebracho. From dried bark of Aspidosperma Quebracho bianco. Respira- tory Tonic, Antispasmodic; chiefly in asthma and emphysema. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 94 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA FLUIDEXTRACT BAPTISIA. Fluidextractum Baptisiee, N. F.; Fluidextract Wild Indigo. From dried root of Baplisia iinctoria. Astringent. Used ex- ternally in ulcers, sore throat, etc.; internally, chiefly in typhoid fever. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT BEARBERRY. See Fluidextract Uva Ursi. Fluidextract Belladonna Leaves, Squibb pint, ; |/4 pint, From dried leaves and tops of Atropa Belladonna. Assays about 0.35 Gm. alkaloids in 100 mils (Cc.). Anodyne, Anti- spasmodic, Antithydrotic. Dose: 1 to 2 minims (0.06 to 0.13 mil). Antidotes: tannin, then emetics; morphine; pilocarpine; physotigmine; aconitine. Fluidextract Belladonna Root, Squibb pint, ; 1 /4 pint, Fluidexiracium Belladonna; Radicis. Assays 0.405 to 0.495 Gm. alkaloids in 100 mils (Cc.). Average Dose: 1 minim (0.06 mil). Fluidextract Berberis, Squibb pint, ; '74 pint, Fluidextractum Berberidis, N. F.; Fluidextract Barberry. From dried rhizome and roots of Berberis Aquifolium and other species of Berberis. Used as Bitter Tonic and Altera- tive; in anorexia, general debility, jaundice, etc. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Beth Root. See Fluidextract Trillium. FLUIDEXTRACT BIRD'S EYE. See Fluidextract Adonis. FLUIDEXTRACT BITTERSWEET. Fluid extraclum Dulcamara:, N. F. From dried young branches of Solanum Dulcamara. Used as Alterative in skin diseases, leprosy, rheumatism, etc. Average Dose : 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT BLACKBERRY. See Fluidextract Rubus. Fluidextract Black Cohosh. See Fluidextract Cimicifuga. FLUIDEXTRACT BLADDER- WRACK. See Fluidextract Fucus. FLUIDEXTRACT BLOODROOT. See Fluidextract Sanguinaria. FLUIDEXTRACT BLUE FLAG. Fluidexlractum IriJis V ersicoloris, N. F. From dried rhizome of Iris versicolor. Cathartic, similar to podophyllum. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 95 FLUIDEXTRACT BOLDO. Fluid ex traclum Boldi, N. F. From dried leaves of Boldu Boldus. Aromatic, mild Diuretic. Average Dose : 8 minims (0.5 mil [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT BONESET. See Fluidextract Eupatorium. FLUIDEXTRACT BROOM TOPS. See Fluidextract Scoparius. Fluidextract Bryonia, Squibb pint, ; 14 pint, From dried roots of Bryonia alba. Drastic resinous Cathartic. Dose: 10 to 30 minims (0.6 to 2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Buchu, Squibb pint, ; |4 pint, Fluidexlractum Buchu. From best quality short buchu leaves (Barosma betulina). Diuretic, Anticatarrhal ; chiefly in urin- ary disorders. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Buchu Compound, Squibb pint, ; ]/4 pint, . Fluid extraclum Buchu Compositum, N. F. Each fluidounce represents about 285 grains short buchu and 57 grains each of cubeb, juniper and uva ursi. Diuretic, Urinary Anticatarrhal. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). _- Fluidextract Buckthorn Bark. See Fluidextract Frangula. FLUIDEXTRACT BUCKTHORN BERRIES. See Fluidextract Rhamnus Cathartica. Fluidextract Burdock. See Fluidextract Lappa. FLUIDEXTRACT BUTTERNUT. See Fluidextract Juglans. FLUIDEXTRACT CALENDULA. Fluidextraclum Calendula, N. F.; Fluidextract Marigold. From flowering herb of Calendula officinalis. Used externally, on bruises, wounds, etc. (pure or diluted). Fluidextract Calumba, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluid exlraclum Calumbce, N. F.; Fluidextract Columbo. Dropped from U. S. P. From dried root of Jateorrhiza pal- mala. Bitter Tonic, Stomachic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT CANADIAN HEMP. See Fluidextract Apocynum. The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 96 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Fluidextract Cannabis Squibb pint, ; J4 pint, Fluidexlractum Cannabis, From dried flowering tops of pistillate plants of Cannabis saliva or variety inJica. Physiologically assayed according to U. S. P.; incoordination produced by 0.03 mil (Cc.) per Kgm. weight of dog. Sedative. Anodyne. Average Dose: \Yi minims (0.1 mil). Antidotes: atropine; strychnine; caffeine; hot, strong coffee. Fluidextract Capsicum, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidextractum Capsici, U. S. P. VHIth Rev. From dried ripe fruits of Capsicum frutescens. Carminative, Stomachic; occasionally used externally (diluted, in sore throat). Average Dose: 1 minim (0.06 mil [Cc.]), well diluted. Antidotes: demulcents, antiphlogistics; morphine for pain. Fluidextract Cardamom Compound. See Fluid Car- damom Compound. pint, ; '74 pint, Fluidextract Cascara Sagrada, Squibb pint, ; '74 pint, Fluidextractum Cascarce Sagradce. From select, thoroughly seasoned, dried bark of trunk and branches of Rhamnus Purshiana. No additions or alterations have been made in this official fluidextract, for the purpose of enhancing its activity or maskin'g* or eliminating its characteristic odor and taste a not uncommon practice. Laxative, acting mainly on colon; has but little tendency to produce secondary constipation. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). Fluidextract Cascara Sagrada Aromatic, Squibb pint, ; ]/4 pint, Fluidextractum Cascarce Sagrada Aromalicum. From thor- oughly seasoned Cascara Sagrada bark, sweetened and flavored. While all the active constituents are preserved, the disagreeable bitter principles are eliminated. It has not had any other pur- gative agent added to it. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils). (See also Fluid Cascara Aromatic [Non-AIcohoiic] .) Fluidextract Castanea, Squibb. pint, ; 74 pint. Fluidexlraclum Castanece, N. F.; Fluidextract Chestnut Leaves. From dried leaves of Castanea dentala. Astringent, but used chiefly in whooping cough. Average Dose : 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Catechu Compound. See Fluid Gambir Com- pound. FLUIDEXTRACT CATNEP. Fluidcxtraclum Catariae, N. F. From herb of Nepela Calaria. Aromatic Carminative, similar to peppermint. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 97 FLUIDEXTRACT CAULOPHYLLUM. Fluidexlracium Caulophylli, N. F.; Fluidextract Blue Cohosh. From dried rhizome and rootlets of Caulophyllum lhaliclroides. Used as Diuretic and Emmenagogue. Average Dose : 8 minims (0.5 mil [Cc.]). Fluidextract Celery, Squibb pint, ; |4 P" 1 *. Fluidexlraclum Apii Fructus, N. F. From seed of Apium graveolens. Used as Emmenagogue. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Chestnut Leaves. See Fluidextract Castanea. FLUIDEXTRACT CHIMAPHILA. Fluidexlraclum Chimaphilee, N. F.; Fluidextract Pipsissewa. From dried leaves of Chimaphila umbellala. Used as Tonic, Astringent, Diuretic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT CHIONANTHUS. Fluidextraclum Chionanlhi, N. F.; Fluidextract Fringe Tree Bark. From dried bark of root of Chionanthus virginica. Used as Alterative and Aperient. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT CHIRATA. Fluidexlractum Chirala, N. F.; Fluidextract Chiretta. From dried plant of Swerfia Chirayila. Bitter Stomachic, similar to gentian. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). Fluidextract Cimicif uga, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidextractum Cimicif ugas; Fluidextract Black Cohosh. From dried rhizome and" roots of Cimicifuga racemose. Used as Alterative, Sedative, Emmenagogue. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). Fluidextract Cinchona, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidexlraclum Cinchona. Assays 4 to 5 Gm. alkaloids in 100 mils (Cc.) ; contains 10 vol. percent, glycerin. Antiperiodic, Bitter Tonic. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil). FLUIDEXTRACT CINCHONA AQUEOUS. Fluidexlraclum Cinchonce Aquosum, N. F. 100 mils (Cc.) yield about 5 Gm. alkaloids. Bitter Tonic, Antiperiodic. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 98 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Fluidextract Cinchona Red, Compound. See Fluid Cin- chona Compound. FLUIDEXTRACT COCILLANA. Fluidexlractum Cocillance, N. F. From dried bark of Guarea Rusbyi (Fam. Mellaceoi). Nauseant Expectorant, similar to ipecac. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.J). Fluidextract Coffee Roasted, Squibb pint, ; J/4 pint, Fluid exiractum Coffees, N. F. Designed for those desiring the Tonic and Stimulant effects of coffee in concentrated form. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Colchicum Root, Squibb pint, ; '/4 pint, Fluidexlractum Colchici Cormi, N. F. From dried corm of Colchicum aulumnale. Assays 0.31 to 0.39 Gm. colchicine in each 100 mils (Cc.) (about Vsoo grain colchicine in 1 minim). Antipodagric, Antineuralgic, Alterative. Average Dose: 3 minims (0.2 mil). Antidotes: lannin, then emetics; opiates for pain and diarrhea; hot, strong coffee and other stimulants. Fluidextract Colchicum Seed, Squibb pint, ; ]/4 pint. Fluidexlracium Colchici Seminls. Assays 0.36 to 0.44 Gm. colchicine in 100 mils (Cc.). Average Dose: 3 minims (0.2 mil). Antidotes: as of preceding. Fluidextract Columbo. See Fluidextract Calumba. Fluidextract Condurango, Squibb pint, ; % pint, FluiJextracium Condurango, N. F. From dried bark of Mars- denia Condurango. Bitter Stomachic; chiefly in ulcer and cancer of stomach. Average Dose : 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Conium, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidextraclum Conli, N. F.; Fluidextract Hemlock Seed. From fruit of Conium maculatum. Assays 0.35 to 0.45 Gm. coniine in 100 mils (Cc.). Antispasmodic, Sedative. Average Dose: 3 minims (0.2 mil). Antidotes: tannin, then emetics; atropine or strychnine hypodermically ; caffeine or other stimulants. FLUIDEXTRACT CONVALLARIA FLOWERS. Fluidextraclum Convallarice Florum, N. F.; Fluidextract Lily of the Valley Flowers. From flowers of Convallarla majalis. Cardiac Tonic, similar to digitalis. Average Dose : 8 minims (0.5 mil [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 99 FLUIDEXTRACT CONVALLARIA ROOT. Fluidextraclum ConVallarice Radios, N. F. ; Fluiclextract Lily of the Valley Root. Heart tonic, similar to digitalis. Aver* age Dose: 8 minims (0.5 mil [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT COPTIS. Fluidextractum Coptis, N. F.; Fluidextract Gold Thread. From dried plant of Coptis trifolia. Bitter Tonic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Corn Silk. See Fluidextract Zea. FLUIDEXTRACT CORN us. Fluidexlraclum Corni, N. F. ; Fluidextract Dogwood. From bark of root of Cornus florida. Astringent, Antiperiodic ; practically obsolete. Average Dose : 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT CORYDALIS. FluiJextractum Corydalls, N. F. , Fluidextract Turkey Corn. From dried tubers of Bicuculla canadensis. Used as Antiluetic, but considered useless and therefore harmful by Council on P. & C. of A. M. A. Average Dose: 10 minims (0.65 mil [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT GOTO. See Fluidextract Paracoto. Fluidextract Cotton Root Bark, Squibb pint, ; ]/4 pint, Fluid ex tracium Cossypii Corticis, N. F.; Fluidextract Gossy- pium. From dried bark of root of Cossypium herbaceum and other species of Cossppium. Used as Emmenagogue. Aver* age Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Couch Grass. See Fluidextract Triticum. Fluidextract Cramp Bark. See Fluidextract Viburnum Opulus. FLUIDEXTRACT CRANESBILL. See Fluidextract Geranium. Fluidextract Cubeb, Squibb pint, ; '/4 pint, Fluidexlraclum Cubebce, N. F. From dried fruits of Piper Cubeba. Diuretic, Sedative, Stimulating Expectorant. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT CULVER'S ROOT. See Fluidextract Leptandra. The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 100 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Fluidextract Cypripedium, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidextraclum Cypripedii, N. F.; Fluidextrat* Ladies' Slipper. From dried rhizome and roots of Cypripedium hirsutum and other species of Cypripedium. Used as Nerve Stimulant and Tonic; in hypochondriasis, neuralgia, etc. Average Dose: 15 minims (I mil [Cc.]). Fluidextract Damiana, Squibb pint, ; |4 pint. Fluidextraclum Damiante, N. F. From leaves of Tumera mi- crophylla. Used as Nerve Tonic and Aphrodisiac. Aver- age Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Dandelion. See Fluidextract Taraxacum. Fluidextract Digitalis, Squibb pint, ; '/ pint, Fluidextraclum Digilalis ; Fluidextract Foxglove. From best quality, select Digitalis, the dried leaves of Digitalis pur- purea. Physiologically assayed according to U.' S. P., and standardized; minimum lethal dose not more than 0.0006 mil (Cc.) per Gm. weight of frog. Also assayed by "cat method" of Hatcher, for those who desire to administer it by Eggleston method. Direct Cardiac Stimulant, Diuretic. Most effective when heart is rapid and very irregular; of avail in edema only when latter arises from impaired circulation. Naturally apt to cause gastro-intestinal disturbance. Average Dose: 1 minim (0.06 mil [Cc.]). Antidotes: tannin, emetics; nitro- glycerin, strychnine or alcohol; morphine; rest in horizontal position. Fluidextract Dioscorea, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidextraclum Dioscoreae, N. F.; Fluidextract Wild Yam\ From dried rhizome of Dioscorea villosa. Used in colic and other abdominal irritation. Average Dose : 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Dog Grass. See Fluidextract Triticum. FLUIDEXTRACT DOGWOOD. See Fluidextract Cornus. Fluidextract Dogwood, Jamaica. See Fluidextract Jamaica Dogwood. FLUIDEXTRACT DROSERA. Fluidextractum Droserce, N. F.; Fluidextract Sundew. From air-dried flowering plant of Drosera rotundifolia, D. intermedia or D. long! folia (Fam. Droseracece) , Used in respiratory diseases; no established indications for its use. Average Dose: 60 minims (4 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT DULCAMARA. See Fluidextract Bittersweet. Fluidextract Echinacea, Squibb pint, ; '4 pint, Fluidextraclum Echinacete, N. F. From dried root of Echin- acea anguslifolia. Used as Alterative and Antiluetic internal- ly, Antiseptic and snakebite antidote externally. Averag' Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 101 Fluidextract Ergot, Squibb pint, ; J4 pi Qt > oz. ; J/2 oz. The original Squibb Fluidextract Ergot, U. S. P., 1860. It has been proved that much of the value of fluidextract ergot depends upon the selection of the best ergot obtainable irre- spective of cost, its thorough cleansing and preparation, and care in percolation. Spanish rye ergot is very superior in activity to any other kind, and should be used exclusively. Ergot from barley, wheat or oats, although show- ing some activity, is much inferior to that from rye, and the peculiar atmospheric conditions of the Spanish peninsula tend to the more mature and better growth of this fungus. The cleansing of ergot is of greatest importance, since the bags or cases in which the drug is imported often contain wormeaten and absolutely worthless material and dirt, nails, tacks, and hair pins, dropped apparently by the women who pick the ergot. After the worthless and foreign matter is all removed, the ergot is ground and transferred to the percolators and the active prin- ciples extracted by the Squibb repercolation process, with men- struum of diluted alcohol and a little acetic acid, whereby a fluidextract is obtained which accurately represents the drug mil (Cc.) for Gm. Squibb's Fluidextract Ergot is physi- ologically tested by the method of Edmunds and Hale, and proved of standard activity; hence therapeutically dependable. Emmenagogue, Oxytocic, Vaso-constrictor, Circulatory Equal- izer. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils). Acts in 15 minutes; effect continues only about ]/2 hour. Fluidextract Eriodictyon, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidexiraclum ErioJictyi ; Fluidextract Yerba Santa. From dried leaves of Eriodiclyon calif ornicum. Used as Anticatarrhal, Expectorant; in coughs, genito-urinary inflammations, etc., but used chiefly to disguise quinine and other unpleasant drugs. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT EUCALYPTUS. Fluidextractum Eucalypti. From dried leaves of Eucalyplus Clobulus. Antiperiodic, Tonic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT EUONYMUS. FluiJextractum Euonymi, N. F.; Fluidextract Wahoo. From root-bark of Euonymus airopurpureus. Cathartic. Average Dose: 8 minims (0.5 mil [Cc.]). jf difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 102 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA FLUIDEXTRACT EUPATORIUM. Fluidexlracium Eupatoril, N. F.; Fluidextract Boneset. From dried leaves and flowering tops of Eupatorium perfoliatum. Used as Diaphoretic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 milt [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT EUPHORBIA PILULIFERA. Fluldexfractum Euphorbia Piluliferce, N. F. From dried herb of Euphorbia pilulifera (Fam. Euphorbiacece). Used mainly in asthma and chronic bronchitis. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT FALSE UNICORN. See Fluidextract Helonias. Fluidextract Foxglove. See Fluidextract Digitalis. Fluidextract Frangula, Squibb * pint, ; J4 pint, Fluidextractum Frangula; Fluidextract Buckthorn Bark. From dried bark of Rhamnus Frangula. Laxative. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT FROST- WEED. See Fluidextract Helianthemum. FLUIDEXTRACT Fucus. Fluiilextractum Fuci, N. F.; Fluidextract Bladder- Wrack, from thallus of Fucus vesiculosus. Used as Alterative in goiter and rurberculous glands chiefly. Average Dose : according to N. F., 10 minims (0.6 mil [Cc.]); other authorities state 30 to 120 minims (2 to 8 mils). FLUIDEXTRACT GALEGA. Fluid exlracium Calega, N. F. From dried flowering tops of Calega officinalis (Goat's Rue). Used as Galactagogue and Nerve Stimulant. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Qambir Compound. See Fluid Gambir Com- pound. Fluidextract Qelsemium, Squibb pint, ; % pint. Fluid exlractum Celsemii; Fluidextract Yellow Jasmine. From dried rhizome and roots of Gelsemium sempervirens. Assays 0.3 Gm. alkaloids in 100 mils (Cc.). Antineuralgic, Nerve Sedative, Antispasmodic. Average Dose: 1 /o minim (0.03 mil). Antidotes: tannin; emetics; atropine or strophanthin subcu- taneously; stimulants. Fluidextract Gentian, Squibb pint, ;%pini. Fluid extraclum Ccnliance. From dried rhizome and roots of Ccntiana lutea. Simple Bitter. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 103 Fluidextract Gentian Compound, Squibb pint, ; J/2 pint, ; '/4 pi nt > A concentrated form of the official compound tincture gentian, being made from the same ingredients and with same menstruum. It represents the official ingredients in the proportion of 1 Gm. of the compound powder in each mil (Cc.). Dose: 10 to 20 minims (0.65 to 1 .25 mils) . FLUIDEXTRACT. GERANIUM. Fluidextractum Ceranii, N. F.; Fluidextract Cranesbill. From dried rhizome of Geranium maculalum. External and Intes- tinal Astringent. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). Applied externally pure. Fluidextract. Ginger, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidexlractum Zingiberis. From best Jamaica Ginger, the dried rhizome of Zingiber officinale. Aromatic, Carminative, Gastro-intestinal Stimulant. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). Fluidextract Ginger, Soluble. See Fluid Ginger for Syrup. Fluidextract Glycyrrhiza (Licorice), Squibb pint, ; '/4 pint, Extractum Glycyrrhizce Fluidum, U. S. P. 1890. Considered superior to present official product. From dried rhizome and roots of C/pcprr/iiza glabra lypica or of C. glabra glandulifera, known in commerce respectively as Spanish Licorice and Russian Licorice. Demulcent, Expectorant. Average Dose : 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Incompatible with acids. FLUIDEXTRACT GOAT'S RUE. See Fluidextract Galega. Fluidextract Golden Seal. See Fluidextract Hydrastis. FLUIDEXTRACT GOLD THREAD. See Fluidextract Coptis. Fluidextract Gossypium. See Fluidextract Cotton Root. FLUIDEXTRACT GRANATUM. See Fluidextract Pomegranate. Fluidextract Grindelia, Squibb pint, ; Y^ pi nt > FluiJexlractum Grindelia. From dried leaves and flowering tops of Grindelia camporum, G, cunei folia or G. squarrosa. Antispasmodic, Antiratarrhal ; in asthma, whooping-cough, etc. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing med- icinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 104 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Fluidextract Grindelia Soluble, Squibb pint, ; '/^ pin'' The resinous matter has been rendered soluble by treatment with alkali, the finished fluidextract being miscible without precipita- tion with aqueous preparations, as syrups, elixirs, etc. Incom- patible with acids or acid salts. Same action and dose as preceding. Fluidextract Guarana, Squibb pint, ; J4 pint, Fluidexlractum Cuaranae. Assays 3.6 to 4.4 Gm. caffeine in 100 mils (Cc.). Nerve Stimulant, Analgesic; chiefly in head- aches and narcotic poisoning. Average Dose : 30 minims (2 mils). Fluidextract Hamamelis Leaves, Squibb pint, ; 1/4 pint, Fluidexlraclum Hamamelidis Foliorum, N. F.; Fluidextract Witch Hazel. Astringent. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT HELIANTHEMUM. FluiJextractum Helianthemi, N. F.; Fluidextract Frost-Weed. Astringent, Alterative, Emetic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT HELLEBORE. See Fluidextract Veratrum Viride. FLUIDEXTRACT HELONIAS. Fluidexiraci Heloniadis, N. F.; Fluidextract False Unicorn. From dried rhizome and roots of Chamalirium luleum. As- serted Uterine Tonic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Hemlock Seed. See Fluidextract Conium. FLUIDEXTRACT HEMP, CANADIAN. See Fluidextract Apocynum. Fluidextract Henbane. See Fluidextract Hyoscyamus. FLUIDEXTRACT HOPS. Fluid extraclum Humuli, N. F. From dried strobiles of Humulus Lupulus. Aromatic Bitter, Stomachic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT HORSE-NETTLE BERRIES. See Fluidextract Solanum. FLUIDEXTRACT HYDRANGEA. Fluidextraclum Hydrangea, N. F. From dried rhizome and roots of Hydrangea arborescent. Cathartic, Diuretic, Diaphor- etic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 105 Fluidextract Hydrastis, Squibb pint, ; |4 P" 11 - Fluidextractum Hydrastis; Fluidextract Golden Seal. Assays 1.8 to 2.2. Gm. ether-soluble alkaloids in 100 mils (Cc.). Hemostatic Astringent, Cholagogue, Antihydrotic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT HYDRASTIS, AQUEOUS. See Glycerite Hydrastis. Fluidextract* Hydrastis, Colorless, so-called. See Fluid Golden Seal Colorless. FLUIDEXTRACT HYDRASTIS NON-ALCOHOLIC. See Glycerite Hydrastis. Fluidextract Hyoscyamus, Squibb pint, ; % pint, FluiJexlraclum Hyoscyami; Fluidextract Henbane. From dried leaves and flowering tops of Hyoscyamus niger. Assays 0.053 to 0.075 alkaloids in 100 mils (Cc.). Antispasmodic Sedative, Analgesic; in coughs, nervous ailments, pains, etc. Average Dose: 3 minims (0.2 mil). Antidotes: tannin, emetics; morphine, pilocarpine, physostigmine, aconitine; stimulants by mouth. This fluidextract frequently deposits crystals of potas- sium nitrate, a salt always found in good hyoscyamus leaves. It is not a necessary element in the therapeutic efficiency of the preparation, and when found may be removed by decanta- tion, or by filtration. Fluidextract Ipecac, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidextractum Ipecacuanha. Assays 1.8 to 2.2 Gm. ether- soluble alkaloids in 100 mils (Cc.). Nauseant Expectorant, Emetic, and Antamebic. Average Dose : Emetic, i 5 minims (1 mil); Expectorant, 1 minim (0.06 mil). FLUIDEXTRACT IRIS. See Fluidextract Blue Flag. Fluidextract Jaborandi. See Fluidextract Pilocarpus. FLUIDEXTRACT JALAP. Fluidextractum Jalaps, N. F. From dried tuberous root of Exogonium Pura. Hydragogue Cathartic. Average Dose : 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). Fluidextract Jamaica Dogwood, Squibb pint, ; 14 pint, From root-bark of Piscidia Erylhrina. Hypnotic, Sedative, and dental Anodyne; in nervous insomnia, ovarian pain, toothache, etc. Dose: 1 to 2 fluidrachms (4 to 8 mils [Cc.]). Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 106 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA FLUIDEXTRACT JUGLANS. Fluidextractum Juglandis, N. F.; Fluidextract Butternut. From inner bark of root of Juglans cinerea. Obsolescent Cathartic, similar to cascara. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Juniper, Squibb pint, ; !4 pint, Fluid extraclum Juniperi, N. F. From dried ripe fruit (berries) of Juniperus communls. Irritant Diuretic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT KAVA. Fluidextractum Kav n *. Fluidextraclum Lobelice. The new U. S. P. has readopted the alcoholic fluidextract and dropped the acetic product of VHIth. Rev. From dried leaves and flowering tops of Lobelia inflata. Antispasmodic, Expectorant; in whooping-cough, asthma, etc. Average Dose: 2'/2 minims (0.15 mil [Cc.]). Anti- dotes: tannin, emetics hypodermically ; brandy or ammonia; morphine. FLUIDEXTRACT LUPULIN. Fluid ex tractum Lupulini, N. F. From glandular trichomes sep- arated from strobiles of Humulus Lupulus. Bitter Tonic, simi- lar to gentian. Average Dose: 8 minims (0.5 mil [Cc.]). Fluidextract Mandrake. See Fluidextract Podophyllum. FLUIDEXTRACT MARIGOLD. See Fluidextract Calendula. FLUIDEXTRACT MATICO. FluiJextraclum Matico, N. F. From leaves of Piper angusli- folium. Used as Genito-urinary Stimulant and Anticatarrhal; similar to buchu, cubeb, etc., Average Dose : 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT MEZEREUM. Fluid exlraclum Mezerei, N. F. Dropped from U. S. P. From dried bark of Daphne Mezereum, D. Gnidium or D. Laureola. Used as Antiluetic and Vesicant. Dose : 5 to 1 5 minims (0.2 to 1 mil [Cc.]), well diluted. Antidotes: demulcents; emetics. FLUIDEXTRACT MULLEIN LEAVES. Fluidexiractum Verbasci Foliorum, N. F. From dried leaves of Verbascum Thapsus and other species of Verbascum. Demulcent, Anticatarrhal. Average Dose : I fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 108 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Fluidextract Nux Vomica, Squibb pint, ; 1/4 pint, Fluid extractum Nucis Vomicat. From dried ripe seeds of Strychnos Nux-vomica. Assays 2.37 to 2.63 Gm. alkaloids in 100 mils (Cc.). Bitter Stomachic, Tonic. Average Dose: 1 minim (0.06 mil). Antidotes: tannin; apomorphine subcutane- ously as emetic; chloral hydrate with bromides per rectum; chloroform by inhalation if required. FLUIDEXTRACT ORANGE PEEL, BITTER. Fluidexlractum Auranlli Amari. From dried rind of fruit of Citrus Aurantium amara. Aromatic Bitter Stomachic, taste corrigent. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). Fluidextract Orange Peel, Sweet, Squibb pint, ; |/4 pint, From dried outer rind of ripe fruit of Citrus Auranlium. Flavoring ingredient. FLUIDEXTRACT PARACOTO. Fluid extractum Paracolo, N. F. From bark of an unidentified tree belonging to Lauracea. Intestinal Astringent. Average Dose: 5 minims (0.3 mil [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT PAREIRA. Fluidextraclum Pareirce, N. F. From dried root of Chondo- dendron tomentosum. Bitter Tonic. Average Dose: 30 min- ims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT PARSLEY ROOT. Fluidextractum Peiroselini RaJicis, N. F. Carminative. Aver- age Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Passion Flower, Squibb pint, ; '/4 pint, From dried leaves of Passiflora irtcarnata. Used as Nerve Sedative, in insomnia, restlessness, etc. Dose : 1 5 to 30 minims (I to 2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Phytolacca, Squibb. pint, ; !4 pint, Fluidextraclum Phytolacca, N. F.; Fluidextract Poke Root. From dried root of Phytolacca decandra. Used as Emetic, Alterative, Cathartic. Average Dose: emetic, 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]); alterative 1J/2 minims (0.1 mil). Fluidextract Pichi, Squibb pint, ; % pint, From dried leaflets and twigs of Fabiana imbricala. Diuretic, Urinary Anticatarrhal. Considered contra-indicated in or- ganic renal disease. Dose : 30 to 60 minims (2 to 4 mils [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 109 Fluidextract Pilocarpus, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluid extraclum Pilocarpi; Fluidextract Jaborandi. From dried leaflets of Pilocarpus Jaborandi or of P. microphyllus. Assays 0.55 to 0.65 Gm. alkaloids in 100 mils (Cc.). Sialagogue, Galactagogue, Diaphoretic; also used as stimulant of hair folli- cles. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils). FLUIDEXTRACT PINK ROOT. See Fluidextract Spigelia. FLUIDEXTRACT PIPSISSEWA. See Fluidextract Chimaphila. Fluidextract Pleurisy Root. See Fluidextract Asclepias. Fluidextract Podophyllum, Squibb pint, ; !4 pint, FluiJextractum PoJophylli; Fluidextract Mandrake (May Apple). From dried rhizome of Podophyllum peltatum. Cathartic. Average Dose: 8 minims (0.5 mil [Cc.]). Fluidextract Poke Root. See Fluidextract Phytolacca. FLUIDEXTRACT POMEGRANATE. Fluidextraclum Granaii. From dried bark of stems and roots of Punica Cranatum, and containing about 10 percent, glycerin. Anthelmintic, Astringent. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT PRICKLY ASH BARK. See Fluidextract Xanthoxy- lum. Fluidextract Prunus Virginiana. See Fluidextract Wild Cherry. Fluidextract Quassia, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluid exlractum Quassia, N. F. Dropped from U. S. P. From wood of Picrasma excelsa or Quassia amara. Bitter Tonic, Teniafuge. Average Dose: 8 minims (0.5 mil [Cc.]). Fluidextract Quebracho. See Fluidextract Aspidosperma. Fluidextract Queens Root. See Fluidextract Stillingia. FLUIDEXTRACT QUERCUS. Fluidexlractum Quercus, N. F.; Fluidextract White Oak. From dried bark of Quercus alba; 10 volume percent, glycerin. Tannin-bearing Astringent like krameria. Average Dose : 1 5 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). Fluidextract Red Clover. See Fluidextract Trifolium. The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 110 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA FLUIDEXTRACT RHAMNUS CATHARTICA. Fluideictractum Rhamni Calharticte, N. F.; Fluidextract Buck- thorn Berries. From dried, ripe fruit of Rhamnus cathartica. Cathartic. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). Fluidextract Rhamnus Frangula. See Fluidextract Fran- gula. Fluidextract Rhamnus Purshiana. See Fluidextract Cas- cara Sagrada. Fluidextract Rhatany. See Fluidextract Krameria. Fluidextract Rhubarb, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidextraclum Rhei. From prime quality Chinese root. Stom- achic, Laxative. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT RHUS GLABRA. Fluidextraclum Rhols Glabrce, N. F.; Fluidextract Sumach Berries. From dried fruit of Rhus glabra, and containing 10 volume percent, of glycerin. Tannin-bearing Astringent, sim- ilar to krameria. Average Dose: 15 minims (I mil [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT ROSE. Fluidexiractum Rosa. From dried petals of Rosa gallica, and containing 10 percent, by volume of glycerin. Mild Astringent; used chiefly as flavoring and for making syrup rose. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT RUBUS. Fluidexlractum Rubi, N. F.; Fluidextract Blackberry. Dropped from U. S. P. From dried bark of Rubus villosus, R. nigro- baccus or of R. cuneifolius. Intestinal Astringent. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). Fluidextract Rumex, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidexiractum Rumicis, N. F.; Fluidextract Yellow Dock. From dried root of Rumex crispus. Alterative, External As- tringent. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Ex- ternally pure (in ulcers and skin diseases). Fluidextract Sabal, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidexiractum Sabal; Fluidextract Saw Palmetto. From par- tially dried berries of 5erenoa serrulata. Used as Genito- urinary Anticatarrhal. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT SANGUINARIA. Fluidextractum Sanguinariae, N. F.; Fluidextract Bloodroot. Essentially the alcoholic product of U. S. P. 1890; not acetic, as per U. S. P. Vlllth Rev. From dried rhizome of San- guinaria canadensis. Expectorant; large doses are emetic. Average Dose: IJ/2 minims (O.I mil [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA lit Fluidextract Sarsaparilla, Squibb pint, ; j/4 pint, Fluidextraclum Sarsaparilla. From best grade of official Sarsaparilla. Used as Alterative; in chronic rheumatism, skin diseases, etc. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Sarsaparilla Compound, Squibb pint, ; ]/4 pint, Fluid extractum Sarsaparilla Composilum. Each mil (Cc.} representing 1 Gm. mixture of sarsaparilla, licorice, sassafras and mezereum, and carrying 10 volume percent, of glycerin. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils). Fluidextract Sarsaparilla Compound for Syrup, Squibb pint, ; ]/4 pint, For conveniently making Syrup Sarsaparilla Compound, take of this fluidextract 7 fl. ozs. and enough syrup to make 30 fl. ozs. Fluidextract Saw Palmetto. See Fluidextract Sabal. FLUIDEXTRACT SCOPARIUS. Fluidexlractum Scoparii, N. F.; Fluidextract Broom Tops. From dried tops of Cyiisus Scoparius. Diuretic. Considered contra-indicated in the presence of acute renal inflammation. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT SCULLCAP. See Fluidextract Scutellaria. FLUIDEXTRACT SCUTELLARIA. Fluidextracium Scutellaria, N. F.; Fluidextract Scullcap. From dried plant of Scutellaria lateriflora. Used as Nervine and Antispasmodic, chiefly in chorea and convulsions. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT SENECIO. Fluidextraclum Senecionis, N. F.; Fluidextract Life Root. From dried overground portions of Senecio aureus. Used as Tonic, Diuretic and Diaphoretic. Average Dose : 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Senega, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidexlractum Senega; Fluidextract Seneka Snakeroot. Pharmacists and physicians frequently complain that this fluid- extract becomes "worthless" or "spoiled" by gelatinizing. Good senega root contains a large amount of pectin, and the better the root the more it appears to contain. This physical property is necessary to its proper therapeutic effects, and therefore it would not be justifiable to select a root which is inferior in this property. Unless the gelatinized clot is of too long standing, warmth applied, or at times a few drops of ammonia water with agitation, will restore it to its original fluid condition. Nauseant Expectorant. Average Dose : 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). The Squibb Label on a package is a positive*guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 112 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Fluidextract Senna, Squibb pint, ; 14 pint, Fluidexiractum Sennas. From best quality senna leaves, the dried leaflets of Cassia acutifolia or of C. angusiifolia, known in commerce respectively as Alexandria Senna and India Senna. Cathartic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT SERPENTARIA. Fluidextractum Serpentarice, N. F.; Fluidextract Virginia Snakeroot. From dried rhizome and roots of Aristolochia Ser- pentaria or of A. reticulala. Bitter, like gentian. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT SOLANUM. Fluidextractum Solani, N. F.; Fluidextract Horse-Nettle Berries. From air-dried ripe fruit of Solanum carolinense. Used as Antispasmodic and Sedative; in convulsions, epilepsy, etc. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT SPIGELIA. Fluidextractum Spigeliae; Fluidextract Pink Root. From dried rhizome and roots of Spigelia marilandica, Teniafuge. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT SPIKENARD. See Fluidextract Aralia. Fluidextract Squill, Squibb pint, ; I 4 pint, Fluidextracium Scillce. From bulb of white variety of Urginea maritime. The new U. S. P. has dropped the acetic fluid- extract official in VHIth Rev., and adopted the alcoholic prep- aration. Physiologically assayed according to U. S. P. and standardized; minimum lethal dose not greater than 0.0006 mil (Cc.) per Gm. weight of frog. Expectorant, Diuretic; large doses are Emetic. Average Dose: 1J/2 minims (O.I mil). Fluidextract Squill Compound, Squibb pint, ; ]/4 pint, For Syrup. Each mil (Cc.) represents 1 Gm. mixture of equal parts each squill and senega, and 0.0125 Gm. tartar emetic. 160 mils with 840 mils syrup makes 1000 mils syrup squill compound. FLUIDEXTRACT STAPHISAGRIA. Fluidextractum Staphisagrite ; Fluidextract Stavesacre. From ripe seed of Delphinium Staphisagria. Antiparasitic, Rube- facient; in scabies, rheumatism, etc. Applied in 1:16 dilution. Antidotes: tannin, emetics; chloral hydrate; chloroform by in- halation; ammonia, digitalis, brandy. Fluidextract Star Grass. See Fluidextract Aletris. FLUIDEXTRACT STAVESACRE. See Fluidextract Staphisigria. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 113 Fluidextract Stillingia, Squibb pint, ; |4 pint, Fluidexlractum Stillingiai ; Fluidextract Queen's Root. From dried root of Stillingia sylvatica. Sialagogue, Expectorant, Alterative. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Stillingia Compound, Squibb pint, ; }/4 pint, Fluidextractum Stillingia Composiium, N. F. Each mil (Cc.) represents 1 Gm.. mixture of Stillingia, corydalis, iris, sambucus, chimaphila, coriander and xanthoxylum berries. Used as Alterative; in liver diseases, spring fever, etc. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT STRAMONIUM. Fluid extractum Slramonii, N. F. From leaves of Datura Stramonium or of D. Tatula. Assays 0.22 to 0.28 Gm. alka- loids in 100 mils (Cc.). Antispasmodic, Sedative, Analgesic. Average Dose: I minim (0.06 mil [Cc.]). Antidotes: tannin; apomorphine hypodermically as emetic; morphine; ammonia by inhalation. FLUIDEXTRACT SUMACH BERRIES. See Fluidextract Rhus Glabra. Fluidextract Sumbul, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidexlracium Sumbul; Fluidextract Musk Root. From dried rhizome and roots of Ferula Sumbul. Used as Antispasmodic, Nerve Tonic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT SUNDEW. See Fluidextract Drosera. Fiuidextract Taraxacum, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidextractum Taraxaci; Fluidextract Dandelion. From dried root of Taraxacum officinale. Bitter Tonic, mild Laxative. Average Dose: 2J/2 fluidrachms (10 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT THUJA. Fluidextractum Thuja, N. F.; Fluidextract Arbor Vitae. From recently dried, leafy young twigs of Thuja occidentalis. Used as Febrifuge, Expectorant, Anthelmintic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT THYME. Fluidexlractum Thyrni, N. F. From dried tops of Thymus vu/gan's. Antispasmodic, Carminative, Aromatic Stimulant. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 114 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Fluidextract Trifolium, Squibb pint, ; |4 pint, Fluidextractum Trifolii, N. F.; Fluidextract Red Clover. From dried flowers of Trifolium pratense. Used as Alterative, Expectorant. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Generally administered in combination with other drugs. Fluidextract Trifolium Compound, Squibb pint, ; '/$ pint, Each mil (Cc.) represents 1 Gm. of mixture of 8 parts red clover blossoms and 4 parts each of berberis, poke root, bur- dock root, cascara, stillingia, and prickly ash bark. Used as Alterative. Dose : 1 to 2 fluidrachms (4 to 8 mils [Cc.]). To prepare Syrup Trifolium Compound, take of this Fluidextract 4 fluidounces, Potassium Iodide 128 grains, and Simple Syrup 12 fluidounces. Fluidextract Trillium, Squibb pint, ; |4pint, Fluidextract Trillii, N. F.; Fluidextract Beth Root. From dried rhizome of Trillium ereclum. Used as Tonic, Astringent. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Triticum, Squibb pint, ; 14 pint, FluiJextractum Trilici; Fluidextract Couch Grass or Dog Grass. From dried rhizome of Agropyron repens. Diuretic, Demulcent; in cystitis and irritable bladder. Average Dose: 2/2 fluidrachms (10 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT TURKEY CORN. See Fluidextract Corydalis. Fluidextract Uva Ursi, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidextraclum Uva Ursi; Fluidextract Bearberry Leaves. From leaves of Arctostaphylos U\>a-ursi; 30 percent, by vol- ume of glycerin. Diuretic, Urinary Anticatarrhal; chiefly in vesical catarrh. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Valerian, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidextractum Valeriance, N. F. From root of Valtriana officmalis. Used in hysteria and other nervous excitations. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Veratrum Viride, Squibb pint, ; '/4 pint, Fluidexiractum Veralri Viridis. From rhizome and ror V 'eralrum "viride. Cardiac Depressant, Diaphoretic; em in acute febrile affections, puerperal convulsions, etc. ^ Dose: 1J/2 minims (0.1 mil [Cc.]). Antidotes: tannin, apo- morphine subcutaneously as emetic; then morphine with atro- pine ; stimulants. FLUIDEXTRACT VERBASCUM. See Fluidextract Mullein Leaves. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 115 FLUIDEXTRACT VERVAIN. Fluidextraclum Verbena, N. F.; Fluidextract Blue Vervain. From dried overground portion of Verbena haslala. Tonic, Expectorant, Diaphoretic. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). Fluidextract Viburnum Opulus. Squibb pint, ; ]/4 pint, Fluidexlraclum Viburni Opuli, N. F.; Fluidextract Cramp Bark. From dried bark of Viburnum opulus (Fam. Capn- foliacete). Used as Antispasmodic and Uterine Sedative. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Viburnum Prunifolium, Squibb pint, ; ]/4 pint, Fluid extra'ctum Viburni Prurtifolii ; Fluidextract Black Haw From dried bark of root of Viburnum prunifolium or of V. Lentago. Used as Uterine Sedative; chiefly in dysmenorrhea, habitual abortion, etc. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDEXTRACT WAHOO. See Fluidextract Euonymus. FLUIDEXTRACT WHITE OAK. See Fluidextract Quercus. Fluidextract White Pine Compound. See Fluid White Pine Compound. Fluidextract Wild Cherry, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidextractum Pruni Virginians, N. F. Dropped from U. S. P. From bark of Prunus serolina (P. virginiana). Con- tains 20 volume percent, of glycerin. Sedative, Expectorant, but mainly used as flavor. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Fluidextract Wild Cherry for Syrup. See Fluid Wild Cherry. FLUIDEXTRACT WILD INDIGO. See Fluidextract Baptisia. Fluidextract Wild Yam. See Fluidextract Dioscorea. Fluidextract Witch Hazel Leaves. See Fluidextract Hamamelis. FLUIDEXTRACT XANTHOXYLUM. Fluidexlraclum Xanthoxyli; Fluidextract Prickly Ash Bark. Fronv Xanthoxylum americanum or X. ClaVa-Herculis. Bit- ter, similar to gentian. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They inchjde containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 116 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Fluidextract Yellow Dock. See Fluidextract JRumex. Fluidextract Yellow Jasmine. See Fluidextract Gelsemium. Fluidextract Yerba Santa. See Fluidextract Eriodictyon. Fluidextract Yerba Santa Aromatic. See Fluid Eriodic- tyon Aromatic. Fluidextract Zea, Squibb pint, ; J4 P' nt > Fluidextractum Zees, N. F.; Fluidextract Corn Silk. From fresh styles and stigmas of Zea Mays. Used as Diuretic and Anticatarrhal, in inflammatory conditions of bladder. Average Dose: I Buidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). FLUIDGLYCERATES. A new class of N. F. preparations, of same drug strength a* fluidextracts (Cc. for Gm.), but containing about 50 percent, by volume of glycerin and no alcohol. The following are official: Fluidglycerate Cascara Sagrada, Squibb pint, ; 5/4 pint, Fluidglycerate Cascara Sagrada Aromatic, Squibb pint ; J/4 pint, Fluidglycerate Glycyrrhiza (Licorice), Squibb pint, ; J/4 pint, Fluidglycerate Krameria, Squibb pint, ; % pint, Fluidglycerate Rhubarb, Squibb pint, ; % pint, FORMALIN AND FORMOL. Brands of Solution Formaldehyde. FORMIN. Brand of Hexamethylenamine. FORMYL TRIBROMIDE. See Bromoform. Formyl Trichloride. See Chloroform. Formyl Triiodide. See lodoform. Fowler's Solution. See Solution Potassium Arsenite. Foxglove. See Digitalis. FRANCIS' TRIPLEX PILLS. See Pills Aloes, Mercury and Scammony Compound. FRANGULA. Frangula ; Buckthorn Bark. Dried bark of Rhamnus Fran- gula (Fam. Rhamnaccai). Laxative, similar to cascara. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm,). (See also Fluidextract.) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 117 Friars' Balsam. See Tincture Benzoin Compound. FRINGE TREE BARK. See Chionanthus. FROST-WEED. See Helianthemum. Fucus. Fucus, N. F.; Bladderwrack. Dried thallus of Fucus Vesicu- losus (Fam. Fucaceai). Alterative, Resolvent; in goiter, tuber- culous glands, etc. Average Dose: 10 grains (0.65 Gm.). GALANGA. Galangal, N. F. Dried rhizome of Alpinia officinarum (Fam. Zingiberacete) . Aromatic odor; hot, ginger-like taste. Aro- matic Carminative, resembling ginger. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). GALEGA. Calega, N. F. ; Goat's Rue. Dried flowering tops of Galeqa officinalis (Fam. Leguminoscs) . Indistinct odor; mucilaginous, slightly bitter, astringent taste. Used as Galactagogue, Nerve Stimulant. Average Dose: 1 drachm (4 Gm.). GALLS. See Nutgall. GAMBIR. Cambir; Pale Catechu. Dried extract prepared from decoc- tions of leaves and twigs of Ourouparia Cambir (Fam. Rub- iacea). Soluble in water to extent of 65 percent., in alcohol 60 percent. Odorless, brown powder; bitterish, very astringent taste. Intestinal Astringent. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). (See also Tincture.) GAMBOGE. Cambogia. Gum-resin obtained from Carclnia Hanburii (Fam. Guttiferce). Not less than 65 percent, soluble in alcohol. In- odorous, very acrid, cylindrical pieces; grayish-orange-brown externally, orange-red internally. The powder is bright-yellow and irritating to nasal mucous membrane. Hydragogue Cathar- tic. Average Dose: 2 grains (0.13 Gm.). GARANTOSE. Brand of Benzosulphinide (Saccharin). GARGLE GUAIAC COMPOUND. Gargarisma Guaiaci Composilum, N. F. Each 100 mils (Cc.) contains 10 mils each ammoniated tincture guaiac and com- pound tincture cinchona, 20 mils clarified honey, 4 Gm. potas- sium chlorate, 0.2 mil oil peppermint. If difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we Shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 118 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA GARLIC. Allium, N. F. Fresh bulb of Allium sativum (Fam. Liliaceet). irritant Expectorant, similar to senega. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). GELATIN. Celatinum. From animal tissues (skin, ligaments and bones) by treatment with boiling water. Insoluble in cold water (but swells and softens when immersed in it), alcohol, chloroform, ether, oils; soluble in hot water, acetic acid, glycerin. Coagu- lated by tannin, chlorine, bromine and corrosive mercury chloride; formaldehyde renders it hard and insoluble. Nutri- ent, but used largely pharmaceutically. GELATIN CHONDRUS. Celatinum Chondri, N. F.; Irish Moss Gelatin. Evaporated, scaled decoction of Irish Moss. Demulcent, Nutritive. GELATIN GLYCERINATED. Gelatinum Glycsrinatum. 50 percent, gelatin. Base for throat lozenges and medicated suppositories and bougies. GELSEMIUM. Celsemium; Yellow Jasmine Root. Dried rhizome and roots of Celsemium sempervirens (Fam. Loganiacea") . Pronounced characteristic odor; slightly aromatic, bitter taste. Antineuralgic, Antispasmodic, Nerve Sedative; in migraine and neuralgia, in ovarian, uterine and rheumatic pain. Average Dose: J/2 grain (0.03 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract; Tincture.) Gentian, Squibb Ground for Percolation tin, Ib. Cenliana; Gentian Root. Dried rhizome and roots of Cen- iiana lutea (Fam. Gentianaceae). Simple Bitter, Stomachic. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm). (See also Elixir; Extract; Fluidextract; Tincture.) Gentian Compound Ground, Squibb tin, Ib. Mixture of ground Gentian, Bitter Orange Peel and Carda- mom, in proportions given in U. S. P. formula for Tincture Gentian Compound, and used for preparing latter. GERANIUM. Geranium, N. F.; Cranesbill. Dried rhizome of Geranium maculatum, collected in late summer or autumn. Intestinal Astringent, like krameria. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gra.). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 119 Ginger, Squibb * Ground for Percolation tin, Ib. Powdered tin, Ib. sprinkler-top tins, 4-oz., per doz. 2-oz., per doz. ; 1 -oz., per doz. Zingiber, Dried rhizome of Zingiber officlnale (Fam. Zingberaceee), The chief sources of ginger are West Indies, Jamaica, Africa, Hindoostan and China. The rhizome is collected in the winter, cleaned, scalded and rapidly dried, and is then known as Black Ginger. The process of preparation is carried still further with Jamaica Ginger and some that comes from the East Indies, by the removal of this dark skin, thus leaving the roots yellowish-white in color. As this variety commands a higher price, the poorer qualities are sometimes made to resemble it by bleaching or covering with thin milk of lime or slaked lime. It has a warming, cordial effect when used as a condiment, and also tends to prevent flatulence. The article here offered is strictly pure and of best quality procur- able Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Cm.). (See also Fluid Ginger; Fluidextract; Oleoresin; Tincture.) Ginger Soluble, for Syrup. See Fluid Ginger for Syrup. Glauber's Salt. See Sodium Sulphate. GLUCOSE LIQUID. Clucosum. From incomplete hydrolysis of starch; consists chiefly of dextrose and dextrins. Nearly colorless, odorless, thick, sweet liquid. Very soluble in water, sparingly in alco- hol. Nutrient, but used largely pharmaceutically and techni- cally. GLUSIDE. See Benzosulphinide (Saccharin). GLUSIMIDE. Brand of Benzosulphinide (Saccharin). @ Glycerin, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; |4 Ib. C/pcen'num; Glycerol. CsH5(OH)3. A liquid obtained by hydrolysis of vegetable or animal fats, or fixed oils. Most care- fully selected and subjected in our laboratories to the severest tests for purity. It is of proper density, stands the rigid sul- phuric acid test, and is free from arsenic, mineral impurities and acidic radicles indicative of contaminating salts. An especially acceptable article for internal use. Clear, thick, sweet liquid. Sp. gr. not below 1 .249. Soluble in all proportions of water or alcohol; insoluble in ether, chloroform or oils. Used chiefly technically and as a solvent, but also internally in place of sugar in diabetes and as nutritive. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Incompatible with chromic acid and permanga- nates. (See also Suppositories.) The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence theraupeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing medi- cinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 120 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA GLYCERITE ACID CARBOLIC. See Glycerite PhenpL 0G!ycerite Acid Tannic, Squibb bottle, pint ; J4 P' n * G/pcen'/um Acid'i Tannici 20 percent, tannic acid. Antiseptic* Astringent paint, on fissured nipples, erysipelas, sores, etc.; rarely internally. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Glycerite Bismuth, Squibb bottle, pint ; % pint Glyceritiim Bismuthi, N. F. 1 fluidrachm contains about 16 grains bismuth and sodium tartrate; 100 mils (Cc.) yield about 12.8 Gm. bismuth oxide. Gastric Sedative, Intestinal Astrin- gent; used mainly for making elixirs. Ordinary Dose: 10 min- ims (0.65 mil [Cc.]). Glycerite Boroglycerin, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; 14 Ib. Glyceritum Boroglycerini U. S. P. is apt to become discolored during the process of making. We therefore increase the boric acid from 31 percent, to 35 percent, (equivalent to 56 per- cent, glyceryl borate or boroglycerin) and obtain a whiter and better article. Thick, sweet, colorless liquid. Soluble in water. Antiseptic. GLYCERITE EGG YOLK. Clyceritum Vilelli, N. F.; Glyconin. 45 percent, egg yolk, 55 percent, glycerin. Protective, Emulsifier, Vehicle. GLYCERITE GOLDEN SEAL. See Glycerite Hydrastis. GLYCERITE GUAIAC. Clyceritum Cuaiaci, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 40 grains guaiac, with 30 minims solution potassium hydroxide. Al- terative, Emmenagogue. Average Dose : 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Incompatible with mineral acids, ferric chloride, spirit nitrous ether. GLYCERITE HYDRASTIS. Glycerilum HyJrastis; so-called Fluidextract Hydrastis Non- Alcoholic. Assays from 1.12 to 1.37 Gm. ether-soluble alka- loids in 100 mils (Cc.). An alcoholic percolate is made from powdered hydrastis, the alcohol removed by distillation, and resultant thick extract incorporated with water and glycerin. Astringent, Antiphlogistic; topically and internally. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Glycerite Pepsin, Squibb bottle, pint ; % pint Glycerilum Pepsini, N. F.; Glycerol Pepsin. Each fluidounce contains about 40 grains of 1 :3000 pepsin and 5 minims hydro- chloric acid. Useful in making essence pepsin and where pepsin is desired in liquid form. Average Dose: 45 minims (3 mils [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 121 GLYCERITE PHENOL. Clyceritum Phenolis ; Glycerite Carbolic Acid. Mixture of 1 volume liquefied phenol and 4 volumes glycerin. External and internal Antiseptic, Antipruritic. Average Dose: 5 minims (0.3 mil [Cc.]), in water. Applied diluted with water, 1 :4 to 6. GLYCERITE STARCH. Clyceritum Amyli. !0 percent, starch well gelatinized. Vehicle for dermics; pill-excipient, etc. GLYCERITE TAR. Clyceritum Picis Liquids, N. F. 100 mils (Cc.) contain 6.3 Gm. tar, 'with glycerin, alcohol and water. Expectorant, Anti- septic. Average Dose: 1 flutdrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). GLYCERITE TRAGACANTH. Clyceritum Tragacanthas, N. F. 100 mils (Cc.) contain about 12.5 Gm. tragacanth, with glycerin and water. Pill excipient. GLYCEROGELATINS. Soft masses, melting at body temperature, composed of gela- tin, glycerin, water and a medicament employed in skin dis- eases, with or without the addition of zinc oxide. They are prepared with glycerinated gelatin (U. S. P.) as vehicle. The N. F. recognizes: Glycerogelaiin Salicylic Acid, 10%; C/p- cerogelatin lodoform, 10%; Clycerogelalin Zinc Firm., 10% zinc oxide; Glycerogelatin Zinc Soft, 10% zinc oxide. Glycerol. See Glycerin and Glycerite. GLYCONIN. See Glycerite Egg Yolk. GLYCOPHENO AND GLYCOSINE. Brands of Benzosulphinide (Sac- charin). Qlycyrrhiza Powdered, Squibb Clycyrrhiza. Licorice. Dried rhizome and roots of G/ycprr/iiza glabra glandulifera or of C. glabra lypica (Fam. Leguminosffl) ; known in commerce respectively as Russian Licorice and Spanish Licorice. Demulcent, Expectorant; also absorbent in pill making. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). (See also Extract; Fluidextract; Mixture; Powder; Troches [Part II].) Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification Squibb s is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 122 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA GLYCYRRHIZIN AMMONIATED. Clycyrrhizinum Ammonialum. Sweet principle of glycyrrhiza (licorice root). Dark-brown or brownish-red, odorless, swet scales. Freely soluble in water; soluble in alcohol. Taste corrigent; Expectorant and Demulcent, in pectoral affections. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Incompatible with min- eral acids. GODFREY'S CORDIAL. See Mixture Opium and Sassafras. Gold Chloride, Squibb 15-grain vial, AuHCl4.4H;>O. Reddish-brown, very deliquescent crystals; approx. 49 percent, gold. Soluble in water, alcohol, ether. Used medicinally as Alterative, mainly in dipsomania and tuber- culosis. Used largely in photography. Dose: I/QQ to Vis grain (0.001 to 0.004 Gm.) Keep well protected against air and light. Gold and Sodium Chloride, Squibb J/g-oz. vial, ; 15-gr. vial, Ann el Sodii ChlorlJum. Mixture of equal parts anhydrous gold chloride and sodium chloride, containing 30 percent, gold. Orange-yellow, deliquescent, odorless powder; saline, metallic taste. Soluble freely in water, partially in alcohol. Average Dose: */i2 grain (0.005 Gm.), in pills or tablets. Keep well stoppered, in dry place. (See also Tablets .[Part IIJ-) GOLD THREAD. See Coptis. GOLDEN SEAL. See Hydrastis. GOULARD'S CERATE. See Cerate Lead Subacetate. Granular Effervescent Salts, Squibb Grouped for convenience of reference. Skilfully made products, from purest ingredients, in accurate and proper proportions to secure the best results. They .dis- solve rapidly with brisk effervescence. For descriptions see re- spective titles. Antilithic. See Sodium Phosphate Compound. Carlsbad Artificial bottle, lb. 4 oz., per doz. Kissingen Artificial bottle, lb. Lithium Citrate bottle, lb. Magnesium Citrate bottle, lb. Magnesium Sulphate bottle, lb. Sodium Phosphate bottle, lb. Sodium Phosphate Compound Sodium Sulphate bottle, lb. Vichy Artificial bottle, lb. 4 oz., per doz. 4 oz., per doz. 4 oz., per cioz. 4 oz., per^doz. 4 oz., per doz. 4 oz., per doz. 4 oz., per doz. 4 oz., per doz. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 123 Crindelia; Gum-plant. Dried leaves and flowering tops of Crindelta camporum or G. cuneifolia or G. squarrosa (Fam. Composites). Balsamic odor; aromatic, bitter, resinous taste. Antispasmodic, Anticatarrhal. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract.) GRIFFITH'S MIXTURE. See Mixture Iron Compound. GRIFFITH'S PILLS. See Pills Iron Carbonate. Guaiac Resin, Squibb Whole tin, Ib. * Ground for Percolation tin, Ib. Cuaiacum ; Guaiac. Resin of wood of Cuaiacum officinale or of C. sanctum (Fam. Zygophyllacea) . Irregular, greenish-gray, brown masses or grayish powder, of balsamic odor and slightly acrid taste. Used as Alterative and Emmenagogue. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). (See also Tincture.) GUAIAC WOOD. Cuaiaci Lignum, N. P.; Lignum Vitae. Heartwood of Cuaiacum officinale or of C. sanctum (Fam. Zygophyllacece). Used as Alterative, Emmenagogue. Average Dose: 60 grains (4 Gm.) GUAIACOL. Cuaiacol; Methylpyrocatechin. Monomethyl ether of ortho- dihydroxybenzene, obtained from*wood-tar creosote or prepared synthetically. C7HgO2. Colorless, crystalline solid; or colorless to yellowish, oily liquid of aromatic odor, sp. gr. 1.110 to 1.114. 1 Gm. dissolves in 53 mils (Cc.) water; 6.8 mil glycerin; miscible with alcohol, ether, chloroform. Anti- tubercular, Intestinal Antiseptic; topical Antipyretic. Aver- age Dose : (of liquid form) : 8 minims (0.5 mil) ; topically, 1 5 to 30 minims (1 to 2 mils) with same quantity olive oil or glycerin. (See also Tablets [Part II].). GUAIACOL BENZOATE. See Benzosol. Guaiacol Carbonate, Squibb bottle, oz. Cuaiacolis Carbonas. (C7H-O)oCC>3. White, nearly odor- less and tasteless powder. 1 Gm. dissolves in 60 mils (Cc.) alcohol, I chloroform, 18 ether; slightly soluble in glycerin; in- soluble in water. Antitubercular, Intestinal Disinfectant. Aver= age Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). (See also Tablets [Part II].) The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 124 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA GUARANA. Cuarana. A dried paste consisting chiefly of crushed seeds of Paullinia Cupana (Fam. Saplndaced), a Brazilian plant. Yields not less than 4 percent, caffeine. Reddish-brown, coarse pow- der; slight odor; taste astringent, smoky, bitter, then sweetish. Nerve Stimulant, Analgesic, Tonic. Average Dose : 30 grains (2 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract.) Guaranine. See Caffeine. GUM ARABIC. See Acacia. GUM BENJAMIN or GUM BENZOIN. See Benzoin. GUTTA PERCHA. Cutta Percha, N. F. Purified, coagulated, milky exudate of various trees of genus Palaquium (Fam. 5apoap to limit the air for respiration, see Fig. 2. Onto this gauze ether is dropped only as fast as it Tvill evaporate. In order to prevent the dissipating of the vapor, the frame is covered with a Canton flannel hood which does not encroach upon the opening for the face and which is drawn up on top so as to leave an opening that will admit at least twice as much air as the pa- tient can use for normal breathing. Through this opening (see Fig. 1), the ether is dropped onto the gauze. This inhaler does not cover or in any other way interfere with the FIG. 1. FIG. 3. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 131 Inhaler (Cont.) eyes, and forcible closure of the jaws is not possible as it can- not go below the chin. It can be bent in any way required and thus made to fit any adult or juvenile face; but no fitting to the face of a very young child or infant is necessary since they require only very small amounts of ether vapor. Fig. I pictures the inhaler arranged for the administration of ether, ethyl chlo- ride or ethyl bromide, with or without oxygen. For administering ether with the < patient turned completely on the side or so it looks downward, a special hood with the only opening in the side should be used (Fig. 3). For a further description of the Ferguson Mask see the article by Dr. Ferguson in the /our. Amer. Med. Assn., 1905, Dec. 30. A reprint of this paper revised by the author in 1909 may be secured free by addressing us. Full directions for use accompany each instru- ment, which is put up in a neat box with gauze and four hoods (two for the supine position and one for the right lateral and one for the left lateral position). The instrument is small, light, simple, durable, inexpensive, and can easily be kept sterile. Price: Complete, $2.50. Single hoods for either position, each 20c. INULA. Inula, N. F. Dried rhizome and roots of Inula Helenium (Fam. Composite). Aromatic odor; acrid, bitter, pungent taste. Expectorant. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). INUNCTION MENTHOL. Inunctum Mentholis, N. F. 5 percent, menthol in wool-fat. Counter-irritant, Analgesic. INUNCTION MENTHOL COMPOUND. Inunclum Mentholis Composilum, N. F. 5 percent, menthol, 10 percent, methyl salicylate, in wool-fat. Counter-irritant, Analgesic. loDALBIN. Compound of iodine (21.5 percent.) with blood albumin. Red- dish powder, nearly tasteless, of peculiar odor. Soluble in al- kali solutions; insoluble in ordinary solvents. Succedaneum for alkali iodides. Dose : 5 to 15 grains (0.3 to 1 Gm.). Iodine Resublimed, Squibb g. s. bottle, oz. lodum. Heavy, bluish-black, friable plates, of metallic luster, distinctive odor, and sharp, acrid taste. Sp. gr. about 4.948. I Gm. dissolves in 2950 mils (Cc.) water, 12.5 alcohol, 80 glycerin; freely in ether or chloroform; in solutions alkali iodides. Discutient and Counter-irritant externally; Alterative internally. Average Dose : i/jo grain (0.005 Gm.), in dilute The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 132 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Iodine Resublimed, Squibb (Cont.) solution. Applied externally as tincture, ointment, etc. Incom- patible with alkalies, alkali carbonates, alkaloidal salts, tannin and tannin -bearing preparations, etc. Antidotes : starchy food in abundance; emetics. (See also Tincture; Reagents [Part IV].) loDIPIN. Iodine addition products of fatty acids of sesame oil; 10 and 25 percent, iodine respectively. Yellow, to brownish-black, thick, oily liquids. Alterative, like alkali iodides. Dose: 10%, 1 to 2 fluidrachms (4 to 8 mils [Cc.]); 20%, 30 to 90 minims (2 to 6 mils). IODOCHLOROXYQUINOLINE. See Vioform. IODOFORM, AROMATIZED. lodoformum Aromatisalum, N. F. lodoform with 4 percent, coumarin. lodoform Powdered, Squibb bot., Ib. ; % Ib. ; oz. ; 1/8 oz. lodoformum; Formyl Triiodide; Triiodonvethane. CHIs- Re-' purified, precipitated article of exceptional purity and excel- lence;" we continue the purification beyond the stage when the product is of the purity of the regular market article. Fine powder, much lighter and less gritty than ordinary iodoform (which is composed of minute crystal fragments), and prefer- able as a dressing for wounds and suppurating sores, and for making ointments, pills, etc. About twice as bulky as ordinary iodo^form.hence does not require as much to cover any surface. 1 Gm. dissolves in 60 mils (Cc.) alcohol, 80 glycerin, 10 chlo- roform, 7.5 ether, 34 olive oil ; nearly insoluble in water. Wound Antiseptic, Alterative, Antitubercular. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.) in coated pills. Applied pure, in oint- ments, paints, solutions, etc. Incompatible with calomel, silver salts, chlorates and nitrites.. Antidotes: emetics; sodium bicar- bonate, potassium acetate; chloral hydrate; morphine hypoder- mically. Keep well-stoppered, in cool place, protected from light. loDOTHYRINE. Thyroiodine. Lactose trituration of supposed active principle of thyroid gland; 1 Gm. contains 0.0003 Gm. iodine, and rep- resents 1 Gm. fresh thyroid. Yellowish-white, sweetish powder. Alterative and Anticachectic. Dose : 5 to 10 grains (0.3 to 0.65 Gm.). lOTHION. Diiodohydroxypropane. Yellowish, oily liquid, sp. gr. 2.4 to 2.5; 77 percent, iodine. Soluble in glycerin, oils, alcohol, ether, chloroform; insoluble in water. Incompatible with alkalies. Substitute for iodine and iodides for endermic medication. Ap- plied in 25 to 50 percent, ointments, or 5 to 25 percent, solutions in olive oil. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 133 Ipecac, Squibb Powdered for Percolation tin, lb. ; % lb. Ipecacuanha; Ipecac Root. Dried root of Cephaelis Ipecacu- anha (Rio Ipecac) or of C. acuminata (Carthagena Ipecac) (Fam. Rubiacece), assaying not less than 1.75 percent, ether- soluble alkaloids. Odor slight; taste bitter, nauseous, some- what acrid; powder sternutatory. Expectorant, Emetic, Ant- amebic,- Stomachic. Average Dose : expectorant, etc., 1 grain (0.065 Gm.) ; emetic, 15 grains (1 Gm.). (See also Fluid- extract; Syrup.) IRIS. See Orris Root. IRIS VERSICOLOR. See Blue Flag. IRISH Moss. See Chondrus. Iron Reduced, Squibb bottle, lb. ; J4 lb. ; oz. Ferrum ReJucium; Iron by Hydrogen; Quevenne's Iron. Fine, steel-gray, lustrous powder, containing not less than 90 percent. Fe. Hematinic; also Reagent. Average Dose: 1 grain (0.065 Gm.), in pills or tablets. Iron Albuminate, Squibb bottle, lb. ; % lb. ; oz. Brown, water-soluble scales, containing 25 percent, ferric oxide as albuminate. Hematinic. Dose : 3 to 5 grains (0.2 to 0.3 Gm). Also used for conveniently preparing Solution Iron Albuminate N. F. Iron by Hydrogen. See Iron, Reduced. Iron Cacodylate Ampuls. See Ampuls. Iron Carbonate Mass. See Mass Ferrous Carbonate. Iron Carbonate, Precipitated. See Iron Subcarbonate. Iron Carbonate Saccharated, Squibb bottle, lb. ; |4 lb. Fern Carbonas Saccharalus. 1 5 percent. FeCOg, Greenish- brown powder; odorless; sweetish then slightly ferruginous taste. Partially soluble in water. Chalybeate Tonic. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Keep well stoppered. If difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 134 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Iron Chloride (Ferric), Squibb g. s. botttle, oz. Fern ChloriJum; Ferric Chloride; Iron Per-^Tri-, or Sesqul- chloride. FeCls^H^O. Crystalline, deliquescent pieces, of orange-yellow color and slightly styptic taste, and upon solution and testing giving no evidence of oxychloride. Contains not less than 20 percent, iron. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.2 mil (Cc.) water; freely soluble in alcohol; also soluble in glycerin or ether. Styptic, Hematinic. Average Dose: 1 grain (0.065 Gm.). Keep securely stoppered. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) IRON CITRATE GREEN. A modification of U. S. P. Iron and Ammonium Citrate, con- taining slightly less iron, and more citric acid and ammonium citrate than does latter and acid in reaction. The Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry, of the American Medical Associa- tion, holds that th lower content of iron, as well as the acidity of the green salt would appear to be detriments rather than advantages. We have, therefore, discontinued its manufacture and no longer supply the ampuls formerly furnished, Iron Cyanide. See Iron Ferrocyanide. Iron Ferrocyanide, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. ; oz. Ferric Ferrocyanide: Insoluble Prussian or Berlin Blue; In- soluble Iron "Cyanide." Fe4Fe3.(CN(j)s. Dark-blue powder. Insoluble in ordinary solvents and dilute acids. Dose : 2 to 5 grains (0.13 to 0.3 Gm.). Iron Glycerophosphate, Squibb bottle, ; 1/4 Ib. ; oz. Fern Clycerophosphas, N. F. Greenish-yellow, odorless, nearly tasteless scales, containing a variable quantity of Feo(C3H7- O(;P)3, corresponding to not less than 14 to 16 percent. Fe. Slowly soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Used as Hema- tinic, Nervine. Average Dose: 3 grains (0.2 Gm.), in tablets or pills. Iron Hydroxide with Magnesium Oxide. See Antidote, Arsenic. Iron Hypophosphite, Squibb bottle, J/4 Ib. ; oz. Fern' Hypophosphis, N. F. Fe(PHoO L >)3. White or grayish- white, odorless, nearly tasteless powder. Soluble in about 2300 mils (Cc.) water, more readily in presence of hypophosphorous acid or alkali citrate. Hematinic. Average Dose: 3 grains (0.2 Gm.). IRON LACTATE. Fern" Lac las, N. F. Fe(C 3 H 5 O 3 )o.3H 2 O. Greenish-white powder or masses; slight odor; mild, sweet, ferruginous taste. 1 Gm. dissolves slowly in 40 mils (Cc.) water; soluble in solu- tions alkali citrates; almost insoluble in alcohol. Hematopoietic. Average Dose: 5 grains (0.3 Gm.). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 135 Iron Lactophosphate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; '/4 lb. ; oz. - Greenish-white powder. Soluble in acidulated water. Contains about 44 percent, ferrous lactate and 56 percent, ferric phos- phate. Hemarinic, Alterative. Dose: 2 to 5 grains (0.13 to 0.5 Gm.). IRON MALATE CRUDE. See Extract Apples Ferrated. Iron Oxide Saccharated, Squibb bottle, lb. ; '/ lb. Ferri Oxidum Saccharatum, N. F.; Soluble Ferric Oxide; "Eisenzucker" ; Iron Sugar. Reddish-brown powder; 2.8 per- cent, iron. Soluble in water. Mild Chalybeate. Dose: 10 to 20 grains (0.65 to 1.3 Gm.). Iron Peptonate, Squibb bottle, lb. ; % lb. ; oz. Brown, shining, odorless granules, containing about 25 per- cent, ferric oxide as peptonate. Nonastringent, easily assimilated Hematinic. Dose: 2 to 5 grains (0.13 to 0.3 Gm.). Convenient and very satisfactory for making Liquor Ferri Peplonati and Liquor Ferri Peplonati el Mangani. It yields perfectly clear, brilliant, palatable, and well-keeping preparations. Write for working formulas. (See also Solution Iron Peptonate; Solution Iron Peptonate and Manganese; Solution Iron Pep- tonate and Manganese, with Arsenic.) Iron Peptonate and Manganese, Squibb bottle, lb. ; % lb. ; oz. Yellowish-brown, freely soluble scales; 10 percent, iron and 3.5 percent, manganese. Especially designed for convenient preparation of Solution Iron Peptonate and Manganese; 35 Gm. suffice to make 1000 mils (Cc.). Iron Per=, Sesqui=, or Tri-chloride. See Iron Chloride, Ferric. Iron Phenolsulphonate, Squibb bottle, oz. Iron Sulphocarbolate. Highly pure; free from sulphates, chlor- ides and foreign metals. Readily soluble in water. Used as Intestinal Antiseptic and Astringent. Dose: 3 to l6 grains (0.2 to 0.65 Gm.). The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence theraupeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing medi- cinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 136 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Iron Phosphate, Squibb tin, Ib. ; 14 N>. '. z. Fern Phosphas; Iron Phosphate Soluble. Ferric Phosphate rendered soluble by sodium citrate. Slightly acid, green scales, containing not less than 12 percent, iron. Freely soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Hematinic, only slightly astrin- gent. Incompatible with acids, alkali carbonates and tannin- containing preparations. Averge Dose : 4 grains (0.25 Gm.) Iron Pyrophosphate, Squibb tin, Ib. ; % Ib. ; oz. Fern' Pyrophosphas, N. F.; Iron Pyrophosphate with Sodium Citrate. Apple-green, odorless scales; acidulous, slightly saline taste; 10 percent. Fe. Freely soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Hematinic; used largely in elixirs. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Iron Subcarbonate, Squibb carton, Ib. ; % Ib. Fern' Subcarbonas, U. S. P. 1870; Iron Carbonate Precipi- tated. Consists chiefly of hydrated oxide, with small quantities of ferrous carbonate. Reddish-brown, odorless, tasteless pow- der. Insoluble in ordinary organic solvents. Hematinic. Dose : 5 to 10 grains (0.3 to 0.65 Gm.). Iron Subsulphate, Squibb bottle, % Ib. ; oz. Basic Ferric Sulphate; Monsel's Salt. Fe4O (504)5. Light, reddish-brown, deliquescent powder; readily soluble in water, less irritating than normal ferric sulphate because of its defi- ciency in sulphuric acid, and possesses greater astringency. As- tringent, Styptic, Hemostatic. Dose: 2 to 5 grains (0.13 to 0.3 Gm.). Keep in dry place. Iron Sugar. See Iron Oxide Red, Sacrharated. Iron Sulphate (Cryst.), Squibb bottle, Ib. ; Y 4 Ib. Fern Sulphas; Ferrous Sulphate; Iron Protosulphate; Green Vitriol. FeSO}.7H L >O. Well-crystallized, and not less than 99.5 percent, pure. The crystals show no efflorescence and are free from uncombined acid and aikali metals. Bluish-green prisms; 3. White, light, odorless powder, of alkaline taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 78 mils (Cc.) water, 140 boiling water; more freely soluble in water saturated with carbon dioxide; almost insoluble in alcohol. One of the most commonly employed salts of lithium. Systemic Antacid. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Lithium Citrate, Squibb bottle, % Ib. ; oz. Lithii Cilras. LisCgHoOy^I-^O. White, odorless powder; slightly deliquescent; cooling, faintly alkaline taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 1.4 mils (Cc.) water; almost insoluble in alcohol or ether. Systemic Alkali, Diuretic. Average Dose : 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Lithium Citrate, Granular Effervescent, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; 4-oz. bottles, per doz. Sal Lithii Cilralis Effervescent, N. F. Dropped from U. S. P. 5 percent, lithium citrate. Average Dose: 120 grains (8 Gm.). Lithium Glycerophosphate, Squibb bottle, oz. C 3 H-O 3 PO(OLi)o. White water-soluble powder. Used as Nervine, chiefly in gout with nervous debility. Dose : 3 to 10 grains (0.2 to 0.65 Gm.). Avoid hot solvents. Aque- ous solutions do not keep well; 1 minim chloroform to each fluidounce retards deterioration. The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They inchjde containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 148 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Lithium Salicylate, Squibb bottle, \\ lb. ; oz. Lithii Salic\>la$. N. F. Dropped from U. S. P. LrC7H 5 O 3 . White or grayish-white, odorless, sweetish powder. Very solu- ble in water or alcohol. Antirheumatic, Intestinal Antiseptic. Average Dose: 15 grains (I Gm.). Lithium Tart rate, Squibb bottle, oz. LiaC-iH-iOe.HoO. White, crystalline powder. Soluble in water. Dose: 5 to 15 grains (0.3 to 1 Gm.). Litmus Paper, Squibb Blue, Red or Neutral. * strips, 100 in vial, ; box of 10 vials, sheets, 2 in tube, Liver of Sulphur. See Potassa Sulphurated. Lobelia, Squibb Ground for Percolation tin, lb. Lobelia; Indian Tobacco. Dried leaves and flowering tops of Lobelia inflala (Fam. Lobeliacece) . Antispasmodic, Ex- pectorant; mainly in pectoral affections. Average Dose: 2'/2 grains (0.15 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract; Tincture.) LOGWOOD. See Hematoxylon. LOTION AMMONIATED CAMPHOR. Lotio Ammoniacalis Camphoraia, N. F.; Aqua Sedativa, N. F. III. Each 1000 mils (Cc.) contains 60 Gm. sodium chloride, 60 mils ammonia' water, 10 mils spirit camphor, with water. Topical Anodyne and Sedative. Shake well before dispensing. LOTION, BLACK. Lolio Nigra, N. F.; Black Wash. Each 1000 mils (Cc.) contains 8.75 Gm. calomel, 1 5 mils water, lime water q. s. Antiseptic, Cicatrizant, Parasiticide. Shake well before dis- pensing. LOTION LEAD AND OPIUM. Lotio Plumbi el Opii, N. F. Each 1000 mils (Cc.) contains 1 7.5 Gm. lead acetate, 35 mils tincture opium, water q. s. Antiphlogistic. Shake well before dispensing. LOTION, YELLOW. Lolio Flava, N. F.; Yellow Wash. Each 1000 mils (Cc.) contains 3 Gm. corrosive sublimate, 35 mils water, lime water q. s. Topical Antiluetic, Vulnerary. Shake well before dis- pensing. LUGOL'S SOLUTION. See Solution Iodine Compound. Lunar Caustic. See Silver Nitrate Moulded. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 149 LuPULIN. Lupulinum, N. F. Dropped from U. S. P. Glandular trichomes separated from strobiles of Humulus Lupidus (Hops). Granular, brownish-yellow to brown powder, odor and taste of hops. Yields not less than 60 percent, of ether-soluble mat- ter. Bitter Tonic, asserted Antaphrodisiac. Average Dose : 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). LYCETOL. Dimethylpiperazine Tartrate. White, odorless powder. Sol- uble in water. Diuretic, Uric-acid Solvent. Dose: 15 to 30 grains (I to 2 Gm.), in carbonated water. LYCOPODIUM. Lpcopoc/j'um. Spores of Lycopodium clavatum (Fam> Lpco- podiacece). Fine, light-yellow, very mobile, odorless, taste- less powder. Absorbent Dusting-powder; in intertrigo, etc. Also used pharmaceutically and technically. Mace Powdered, Squibb tin, Ib. sprinkler- top tins, for table use, 4 oz., per doz. 2 oz., per doz. 1 oz., per doz. Macts, N. F. Being part of covering of nutmeg, it possesses similar properties. Yellowish-red; strong odor and taste; con- tains 7 to 9 percent, volatile oil. Condiment, Aromatic, Car- minative. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). MACROTYS. See Cimicifuga. Magma Bismuth. See Bismuth Magma. MAGMA FERRIC HYDROXIDE. Magma Ferri Hydroxidi, N. F.; Ferric Hydroxide, U. S. P. VHIth Rev. Freshly prepared, brownish-red magma; insoluble in water. For chemical or pharmaceutical use. Magma Magnesia. See Magnesia Magma. Magnesia Alba. See Magnesium Carbonate. Magnesia Calcined, Heavy, Squibb ; % Ib. Magnesii Oxidum Pond'erosum ; Ponderous Magnesia. MgO. A special, medicinal quality; not the regular market article, Action and dose as of following. If difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 150 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Magnesia Calcined, Light, Squibb tin, Ib. ; 14 Ib. Magnesii Oxidum; Magnesia; Light Magnesia; Magnesia Usta, MgO. A special medicinal quality; not the regular market article. Prepared by thorough ignition of light carbonate. Almost insoluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. White, very bulky, fine, odorless powder; earthy taste. Absorbent dusting powder; Antacid, Laxative. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Cm.) ; small doses are antacid, large ones laxative. Magnesia Magma, Squibb bottle, pint, ; J/2 pint Magma Magnesias; Milk of Magnesia. Completely hydrated magnesium hydroxide in aqueous suspension. Yields 6.5 to 7.5 Mg(HO)2l equivalent on average to 32 grains per fluid- ounce. Antacid, in conditions arising from gastric hyperacidity and in milk modification for infant feeding; Neutralizing Denti- frice; Vehicle for salicylates, iodides, etc. Average Dose: 2J/2 fluidrachms (10 mils [Cc.]). Magnesia Usta. See Magnesia Calcined, Light. Magnesium Carbonate, Squibb carton, Ib. Magnesii Carbonas; Light Magnesium Carbonate; Magnesia Alba. (MgCO 3 ) 4 .Mg(OH)2.5H 2 O. A specially repurified, medicinal quality; not regular market article, which is vastly less costly. Yields upon ignition not less than 39.2 percent, magnesium oxide. Very light, white powder. Odorless; slightly earthy taste. Practically insoluble in water; insolubL in alcohol. Dusting powder; Antacid, Laxative. Average Dose : 45 grains (3 Gm.) ; large doses are laxative. MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE. Magnesii Chloridum, N. F. MgClo.6HoO. Colorless, bitter, deliquescent crystals. I Gm. dissolves in about 0.6 mil (Cc.) water; readily soluble in alcohol. Saline Cathartic. Average Dose: 4 drachms (16 Gm.). Magnesium Chloride Reagent. See Reagenfs (Part IV). Magnesium Citrate, Granular Effervescent, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; 4-oz. bottles, per doz. Kach drachm contains about 10 grains anhydrous magnesium citrate. Mild Saline Laxative. Dose: 120 grains (8 Gm.). Magnesium Qlycerophosphate, Squibb bottle, oz. MgOo.C.sHyOsPO. White powder. Sparingly soluble in water; soluble in dilute acids. Employed in neurasthenia, rickets, difficult dentition, etc. Dose: 3 to 6 grains (0.2 to 0.4 Gm.). I Is solutions do not keep well; 1 minim chloroform to fluidounce is said to retard deterioration very, materially. Magnesium Hypophosphite, Squibb bottle, ; 1 /4 Ib. ; oz. Mg(H2PO 2 )o.6H 2 O. White crystals. Soluble in water. Used as Tonic. Dose: 3 to 10 grains (0.2 to 0.65 Gm.). Care should be observed in dispensing this salt, as explosion is liable to occur when triturated or- heated with nitrates, chlorates or other oxidizing substances. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 151 Magnesium Oxide. See Magnesia Calcined. MAGNESIUM PEROXIDE. Magnesium Dioxide. MgOo. White powder. Insoluble in water, but gradually decomposed by it into hydrogen peroxide and magnesium hydroxide and former then decomposed by lat- ter with liberation of oxygen. Gastro-intestinal Antiseptic, Antacid. Dose: 4 to 8 grains (0.25 to 0.5 Gm.). Magnesium Phosphate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; |4 lb. ; oz. Magnesium Phosphate Dibasic. MgHPOi-j-aq. White, crys- talline powder. Soluble in dilute acids; slightly in water. Alterative, Antirheumatic. Dose: 10 to 20 grains (0.65 to 1.3 Gm.). Magnesium Salicylate, Squibb tin, lb. ; ^4 lb. ; 1-oz. vial, Mg(C7H5O3).4HoO. White, crystalline powder, containing about 74 percent, of salicylic acid. Soluble in about 5 parts water. Antirheumatic and Antifermentative, like Sodium Sa- licylate, but latterly recommended especially as an intestinal Antizymotic. Dose: 5 to 30 grains (0.3 to 2 Gm.) three times daily, between meals. (See also Tablets [Part II].) Magnesium Sulphate, Squibb (Granular) tin, lb. ; ]/2 lb. ; |4 lb. Magnesii Sulphas; Epsom Salt. MgSC>4.7HoO. A recrys- tallized, distinctive quality, almost free from the bitterness usu- ally found in the regular market article. Repurified by recrys- tallization, to remove dirt and mechanical impurities unavoid- ably present in ordinary grade because of the crude method of its preparation on a large scale. It is carefully put up to pre- serve its cleanly condition, and will be found to make a clear solution wholly free from arsenic and heavy metals. Small, colorless, odorless, slowly efflorescent granules, of cooling, saline, bitter taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in I mil (Cc.) water; insoluble in alcohol. Active Saline Cathartic; latterly also used locally as an Antiphlogistic in erysipelas, ivy poisoning and cutaneous inflammation in general, a saturated aqueous solution being employed on compresses constantly kept moist with the lotion; also credited with Local Anesthetic and Antitetanic power when used by subarachnoid injection. Average Dose : 240 grains (16 Gm.). Acts in j/2 to 1 hour if taken before break- fast; in 2 to 4 hours if patient is in bed. (See also Reagents.) The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing med- icinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 152 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Magnesium Sulphate Exsiccated, Squibb carton, Ib. ; |4 lb. The foregoing crystalline magnesium sulphate deprived of its water of crystallization. Action same as preceding granular salt, but twice as strong. Used also as Reagent. Average Dose: 120 grains (8 Cm.). Magnesium Sulphate, Granular Effervescent, Squibb bottle, lb. ; 4-oz. bottles, per doz. Contains 50 percent, magnesium sulphate. Dose: V t I oz tr. (16 to 32 Gm.). Magnesium and Ammonium Phosphate, Squibb bottle, lb. ; |4 lb. ; oz. Mg(NH4)PC>4.6HoO. White, odorless, tasteless powder. Insoluble in ordinary organic solvents. Gastric Sedative and Protective, like bismuth salts; also used in gout. Dose: 10 to 30 grains (0.65 to 2 Cm.). MALE FERN. See Aspidium. MALLOW LEAVES. Mahee Folia, N. F. Dried leaves of Malva syhestris and M. rolundifolia. (Fam. Ma/vacece). Inodorous; mucilaginous, bland taste. Demulcent "herb tea." MALT. Maltum. Grain of HorJeum salivum (Fam. Cramineai), partly germinated artificially, then dried. Yellow or amber grains; agreeable odor; sweet taste. 1 Gm. converts 5 Gm. potato starch into sugars. (See also Extract.) MANDRAKE. See Podophyllum. Manganese Citrate Soluble, Squibb bottle, oz. Mangani Citras Solubilis, N. F. Pinkish, glistening, odorless, slightly hygroscopic scales; containing about 13.5 percent, man- ganese. 1 Gm. dissolves slowly in about 4 mils (Cc.) water; nearly insoluble in alcohol. Hematinic, but designed especially for use in'preparing Solution Iron Peptonate and Manganese, Manganese Dioxide Precipitated, Squibb oz. Mangani Dioxldum Pracipitatum ; Manganese Peroxide or Hyperoxide; Black Oxide of Manganese. Not less than 80 percent. MnOo, with small amounts of other oxides of man- ganese. Great care is observed in its manufacture, and it is proven to conform in all respects to U. S. P. requirements. Heavy, fine, black, odorless, tasteless, insoluble powder. Altera- tive and Emmenagogue internally; Dermic (10 to 25 percent, ointment) externally. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). (See also Reagents [Part IV]; Tablets [Part II].) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 153 Manganese (iiycerophosphate, Squibb bottle, oz. Mangani Glycerophosphas Solubilis, N. F. Yellowish to brownish or pinkish powder. Contains 70 to 75 percent. MnCsHyPOg, with citric acid. I Gm. dissolves in about 4 mils (Cc.) water. Used as Nerve Tonic; in neurasthenia, con- valescence, etc. Average Dose: 3 grains (0.2 Gm.). Its solutions do not keep well; 1 minim chloroform to each fluid- ounce retards their deterioration. Manganese Hypophosphite, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; 14 lb. . ; oz. Mangani Hypophosphis, N. F. Mn(PH2O 2 )2-H2O. Pink, odorless, nearly tasteless salt. Freely soluble in water; almost insoluble in alcohol. Hematinic. Average Dose : 3 grains (0.2 Gm.). Manganese Oxide, Black. See Manganese Dioxide. Manganese Sulphate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; J4 Ib. ; oz. Mangani Sulphas, N. F.; Manganous Sulphate. Dropped from U. S. P. MnSO4.4H9O. Colorless or pal-pink, trans- lucent, slightly efflorescent, odorless, bitter-astringent crystals. 1 Gm. dissolves in about 1 mil (Cc.) water; insoluble in alco- hol. Used as Hematinic and Alterative internally; Dis- cutient externally (10 to 20 percent, ointment), in stiff joints from gout, rheumatism, etc. Average Dose: 3 grains (0.2 Gm.). (See also Reagents [Part IV].) MANNA. Manna. Dried saccharine exudation of Frtixinus Ornus (Fam. O/eaceffl). Yellowish-white, irregular, elongated pieces or masses; slight, characteristic odor; sweet, slightly acrid taste. Mild Cathartic, Sweetener; usually prescribed with other purga- tives, and mostly for children. Average Dose: 4 drachms (16 Gm.). Marigold. See Calendula. Marsh Mallow Powdered. See Althaea Powdered. Mass, Blue. See Mass Mercury. MASS COPAIBA. Massa Copaibce, N. F.; Solidified Copaiba. 94 percent, copaiba, massed with 6 percent, magnesium oxide. Antica- tarrhal, Antiseptic, Cicatrizant. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S- 154 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Mass Ferrous Carbonate, Squibb jar, Ib. ; % Ib. Massa Ferri Carbonalis; Vallet's Mass. Containing not less than 35 percent. FeCOs. Hematinic. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Cm.). Mass Mercury, Squibb *Pilular jar, Ib. ; Y 4 Ib. Powdered bottle, Ib. ; J4 Ib. Blue Mass; Blue Pill; Mercury Pill. Made by a special - formula yielding a product superior to U. S. P. Massa Hydrar- gyri. Contains 33 percent, mercury, as officially demanded, but the althaea and glycerin are replaced by sugar which serves the purpose better. A specially devised shaker sub- divides the mercury until the globules are invisible under a lens magnifying ten diameters. Mercury mass has a tendency to harden on the surface by age, which, however, does not affect its efficiency. A small quantity of glycerin is placed on the surface to minimize this condition. If not too old the mass immediately under the surface will be found of the normal consistency. Cathartic, Antiluetic. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.), as pills or tablets. (See also Tablets [Part II].) Mass, Vallet's. See Mass Ferrous Carbonate. MASTIC. Mastiche, N. F. Concrete resinous exudation from Pistacia Leniiscus (Fam. Anacardiacece) . Pale-yellow or greenish- yellow, transparent, brittle tears; slight, balsamic odor; mild, terebinthinate taste. Carminative, Corrigent. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). MATICO. Matico, N. F. Dropped from U. S. P. Dried leaves of Piper angusti folium (Fam. Piperaceae). Genito-urinary Stimulant, similar to buchu. Average Dose: I drachm (4 Gm.). Matricaria, Squibb tin, Ib. M air tear ia; German Chamomile. Dried flower-heads of Mat- ricaria Chamomilla (Fam. Composites). Carefully differentiated from English chamomile and other allied species. Popularly used as a Bitter and Aromatic tea and poultice. Average Dose: 240 grains (16 Gm.) MAY APPLE. See Podophyllum. MEADOW SAFFRON. See Colchicum. MEDINAL. Brand of Barbital-Sodium. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 155 MELILOT. Melilotus, N. F. ; Yellow Sweet Clover. Dried leaves and flowering tops of Melilotus officinalis (Fam. Leguminosai) . Tonka-like odor; sweetish, slightly pungent taste. Emollient; also used as Stimulant and Antispasmodic, in neuralgia. Menthol, Squibb bottle, oz. Menthol; Peppermint Camphor. CioHigOH. A secondary al- cohol from oil peppermint. Colorless needles; strong peppermint odor; warm aromatic taste, followed by sensation of cold when air is drawn into mouth. Very slightly soluble in water or glycerin; freely soluble in alcohol, ether.^chloroform, or fixed oils. It liquefies when triturated with about an equal weight of camphor, thymol, chloral hydrate, phenol, betanaph- thol or resorcinol. Counter-irritant, Anodyne, Anesthetic, ex- ternally, in headache, toothache, skin diseases, coryza, etc.; Carminative, internally, in vomiting, colic, etc. Average Dose : 1 grain (0.065 Gm.). Menthol Camphorated, Squibb 1-oz. vial Menthol Camphoratum, N. F.; Campho-Menthol. Lique- fied mixture of equal parts camphor and menthol with 5 percent, alcohol. Local Anodyne, Counter-irritant. MENYANTHES. Menyanthes, N. F.; Buckbean; Marsh Trefoil. Dried leaves of Menyanthes trifoliafa (Fam. Centianacece). Bitter. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). MERCUROL. Mercury Nucleinate. Brownish-white powder; 10 percent, mercury. Soluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Astringent, Antipyic, Antisyphilitic. Applied in J/2 to 5 percent, solution. Dose: Y 2 to 2 grains (0.03 to 0.13 Gm.). Mercury Repurified, Squibb stone bottle, Ib. Hydrargyrum; Quicksilver. Hg. Sp. gr. 13.5. A very pure grade, practically free from foreign metals. Eligible for dental use and for all other uses demanding a highly pure product. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Mercury Ammoniated, Squibb (Powdered) bottle, Ib. ; Y 4 Ib. Hydrargyrum Ammoniatum; White Precipitate; Mercury and Ammonium Chloride; Sal Alembroth. HgNHoCl. White, amorphous, odorless powder; earthy, afterwards styptic, metallic taste. Insoluble in water or alcohol. Antiparasitic Dermic, in 1 to 10 percent, ointment. (See also Ointment.) The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 156 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Mercury Bichloride or Perchloride. See Mercury Chlo- ride Corrosive. Mercury Biniodide. See Mercury Iodide Red. Mercury Bromide (Mercuric) Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Mercury Chloride Corrosive, Squibb * Powdered or Granular bottle, Ib. ; 14 Ib. Hydrargyri Chloridum Corrosivum; Corrosive Sublimate; Mercuric Chloride; Mercury Bichloride or Perchloride. HgClo. Heavy, colorless, odorless granules, or white powder; acrid, persistent metallic taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 13.5 mils (Cc.) water, 3.8 alcohol, 12 glycerin, 22 ether. Antiseptic, Alterative, Antiluetic; wash for wounds, etc., in syphilis, skin diseases, chronic rheumatism, etc. Also Reagent. Average Dose: 1 /20 grain (0.003 Gm.). Incompatible with alkalies, alkaloidal salts; with copper, iron and zinc salts, hypo- phosphites; infusions cinchona, calumba, oak bark or senna. Antidotes: white of egg, or flour stirred in mflk; emetics; Dr. Fantus's antidote (6 grains sodium hypophosphite with 4 grains sodium acetate, or 1 5 grains sodium hypophosphite with 2*/2 fluidrachms water and 1J/4 fluidrachms solution hydrogen perox- ide. If amount of poison taken is known Dr. F. gives 10 times as much sodium hypophosphite, followed at once by copious gastric lavage with 3 percent, solution sodium bicarbonate to which may be added 8 grains sodium hypophosphite. The en- tire procedure is repeated every 8 hours until gastric contents are free from mercury by Vogel's test) ; castor oil. (See also Tablets [Part II]; Reagents [Part IV].) Mercury Chloride Mild, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; |4 Ib. Hydrargyri Chloridum Mite; Calomel; Mercurous Chloride; Mercury Subchloride or Protochloride. HgCI. Odorless, tasteless, impalpable powder. Insoluble in ordinary solvents. Cholagogue Cathartic, Antisyphilitic, Alterative, Intestinal Anti- septic; also Reagent. Average Dose: laxative, 2\/2 grains (0.15 Gm.); alterative, etc., % grain (0.015 Gm.). Incom- patible with iodine, soluble iodides and bromides, alkalies, al- kaloidal salts, etc. (See also Tablets Calomel [Part II] ; Reagents [Part IV].) Mercury Iodide Red, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. ; oz. HyJrargyri lodidum Rubrum ; Mercury Biniodide; Precipi- tated Mercuric Iodide. Hgls- Scarlet-red, amorphous, odor- less, nearly tasteless powder. 1 Gm. dissolves in 115 mils (Cc.) alcohol, .910 chloroform, 120 ether; also soluble in solutions of soluble iodides, mercuric chloride and sodium thiosulphate; almost insoluble in water or glycerin. Anti- syphilitic, Alterative; in syphilis, scrofula, obstinate skin dis- eases, etc. Also Reagent. Incompatible with alkalies, alkali carbonates, alkaloidal salts, etc. Average Dose : VOQ grain (0.003 Gm.). (See also Tablets [Part II].) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 157 Mercury Iodide Yellow, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; '/^ Ib. ; oz. Hydrargyri lodidum Flavum; Yellow Mercurous Iodide; Mer- cury Protiodide. Hgl. Yellow, odorless powder. Practically insoluble in water; insoluble in alcohol or ether. Antisyphilitic, Alterative. Average Dose: J/& grain (0.01 Gm.). Incompatible with alkali iodides, bromides and chlorides; with oxidizing agents, etc. (See also Tablets [Part II].) Mercury Mass. See Mass Mercury. MERCURY NUCLEINATE. See Mercurol. Mercury Oleate. See Oleate Mercury. Mercury Oxide Red, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. ; oz. Hydrargyri Oxidum Rubrum; Red Mercuric Oxide; Red Pre- cipitate. HgO. Heavy, orange-red, crystalline scales or pow- der; odorless; slight metallic taste. Almost insoluble in water; insoluble in alcohol. Used only externally, in j/2 to 10 per- cent, ointment, as Parasiticide and Antiluetic. (See also Re- agents [Part IV].) Mercury Oxide Yellow, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. ; oz. Hydrargyri Oxidum Flavum; Yellow Precipitate. HgO. Orange-yellow, amorphous, heavy, odorless, impalpable pow- der; slightly metallic taste. Almost insoluble in water; in- soluble in alcohol. Employed in 0.5 to 10 percent, ointment as Parasiticide, Cicatrizant, Antipyic; in ophthalmia, ring- worm, pediculi, chancre, etc. (See also Ointment.) Mercury Protiodide. See Mercury Iodide Yellow. Mercury Protochloride. See Mercury Chloride Mild. Mercury Salicylate, Squibb bottle, oz. Hydrargyri Sallcylas; Mercuric Salicylate. White or pinkish- white, odorless, tasteless powder ; 54 to 59.5 per cent. Hg. Nearly insoluble in water or alcohol ; soluble in solutions of fixed alkalies or their carbonates. Antiluetic, Gonococcicide (1:300 suspension), Antiseptic (10 percent, powder or oint- ment). Average Dose: VlO grain (0.004 Gm.); by intra- muscular injection, 1 grain (0.065 Gm.) in suspension every fourth to second day. Incompatible with iodides. (See also Ampuls.) The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 158 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Mercury Subchloride. See Mercury Chloride, Mild, Mercury Subsulphate Yellow, Squibb bottle, oz. Hydrargyri Subsulphas Flavus, U. S. P. 1890; Turpeth Min- eral; Basic Mecuric Sulphate. HgSC>4.2HgO. Heavy, yel- low, odorless, almost tasteless powder. Soluble in about 2,000 parts cold water, 25 hot water. Antiluetic, chiefly subcutane- Emetic; in syphilis, croup, etc. Dose: alterative J/^ * !/2 gram (0.015 to 003 Gm.); emetic (in children), 2 to 3 grains (0.13 to 0.2 Gm.). MERCURY SUCCINIMIDE. Hg[(CH;>.CO)oN] 2 . White powder. Soluble in about 75 parts cold water, 25 hot water. Antiluetit, chiefly subcutane- ously; said to be non-irritating. Dose: '/5 to 2/ grain (0.012 to 0.025 Gm.) daily. (See also Tablets, Hypodermic [Part II].) Mercury Sulphide Red, Squibb bottle, oz. Vermilion; Artificial Cinnabar. HgS. Bright-scarlet powder. Insoluble in water, alcohol or hydrochloric acid. Used mostly technically; sometimes by fumigation in syphilis, 30 grains (2 Gm.) on red-hot iron and fuirres inhaled. Mercury Tannate, Squibb bottle, oz. Mercurous Tannate. 2Hg2.3(Ci4H9Oo).OH. Greenish-gray powder; 50 percent, mercury. Insoluble in ordinary solvents. Antiluetic. Dose: 1 to 2 grains (0.065 to 0.13 Gm.). (See also Tablets [Part II]). Mercury and Ammonium Chloride. See Mercury Ammoni- ated. Mercury with Chalk, Squibb bottle, % Ib. ; oz. Hydrargyrum cum Creta; Gray pow-der. 38 percent, mercury, incorporated in a state of very minute subdivision with 57 per- cent precipitated chalk. We use latter instead of prepared chalk (officially prescribed), because it yields a better product. Light gray, rather damp powder; odorless, slightly sweetish taste. Intestinal Antiseptic, Mild Cathartic, Antiluetic. Aver- age Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). (See also Tablets [Part II].) MERGAL. Mixture of Mercuric Cholate 1 part, and Tannin Albuminate 2 parts, in capsule form. ^4 grain mercuric cholate equals in mercury content "/22 grain corrosive sublimate. Insoluble in water, readily soluble in digestive fluids. Antiluetic. Dose: 2K 2 to 5 grains (0.15 to 0.3 Gm.). MESOTAN. Ericin; Methyloxymethyl Salicylate. Yellowish, faintly aro- matic, oily liquid, sp. gr. 1 .2. Soluble freely in oils, alcohol, ether, chloroform; sparingly in water. Local Antirheumatic and Anodyne. Applied with equal volume olive oil. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 159 Methyl Acetate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. CsHijOo. Colorless, fragrant liquid; sp. gr. about 0.960. Mis- cible with alcohol or ether', moderately soluble in water. Used technically. METHYL AMINOXYBENZOATE. See Orthoform. Methylbenzoylecgonine. See Cocaine. Methyl Salicylate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. Methylis Salicylas; Synthetic (Artificial) Oil Wintergreen. CHaCTHaOs. Practically identical with oils gaultheria and birch. Colorless, yellowish or reddish liquid; wintergreen odor; sweetish, aromatic taste. Sp. gr. 1.180 to 1.185. Soluble freely in alcohol, ether, chloroform; sparingly in water. Anti- rheumatic, Antipyretic; Flavoring. Average Dose: 12 minims (0.75 mil [Cc.]). Methylene Blue, Medicinal. See Methylthkmine Chloride. Methylmorphine. See Codeine. Methylthionine Chloride, Squibb bottle, oz. M eihyllh'ionince Chloridum; Methylene Blue Medicinal. CieHisNgCISJHoO. Aniline derivative, free from arsenic, commercial dye and mineral impurities. Specially prepared for medicinal use. Ordinary methylene blue contains zinc chloride and arsenic, and is not eligible for medicinal use. Dark- green, crystalline powder, or crystals of bronze-like lustre. Readily soluble in water or alcohol; less freely in chloroform. Urinary Antiseptic, Antiperiodic, Anodyne; in malaria, gonorrhea, cystitis, carcinoma, etc. Also Reagent. Average Dose: 2'/-> grains (0.15 Gm.) ; by injection, 1 grain (0.065 Gm.). Urine becomes greenish-blue during use of this drug. Incompatible with potassium iodide and reducing agents. MEZEREUM. Mezereum; Mezereon. Dried bark of Daphne Mezereum, D. GniJIum or D. Laureola (Fam. Thymeleacece). Antiquated Antiluetic and Vesicant. MILK FERMENTED. Lac Fermenialum, N. F.; Kumyss. Cow's milk fermented with compressed yeast and sugar. Nutrient. Average Dose : 8 fluidounces (240 mils [Cc.]). MILK OF ALMOND. See Emulsion Almond. MILK OF ASAFETIDA. See Emulsion Asafetida. The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE'quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 160 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Magma Bismuth. See Bismuth Magma. Magma Magnesia. See Magnesia Magma. Milk of Bismuth See Bismuth Magma. Milk of Magnesia. See Magnesia Magma. Milk Of Sulphur. See Sulphur Precipitated. Milk Sugar. See Sugar of Milk. Mineral Oil. See Liquid Petrolatum. MIXTURE ALMOND. See Emulsion Almond. MIXTURE AMMONIUM CHLORIDE. Misiura Ammonii Chloridi, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 1 1 ]/2 grains each ammonium chloride and pure extract licorice, with water. Expectorant. Average Dose : 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). MIXTURE, ASTRINGENT. Mistura Adstringens, N. F.; Mixture Astringent and Eschar- otic; Villate's Solution. Prepared from solution lead sub- acetate, copper sulphate, zinc sulphate and diluted acetic acid; the resulting lead sulphate being removed. Astringent (diluted with 3 or 4 parts water) and Escharotic (pure). MIXTURE, BASHAM'S. See Solution Iron and Ammonium Acetate. Mixture, Brown. See Mixture Glycyrrhiza Compound. MIXTURE CAMPHOR ACID. Mistura C amphora Adda, N. F.; Hope's Mixture. Each fluid- ounce contains 8% minims nitric acid, 5^4 minims tincture opium, with camphor water. Intestinal Astringent. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). MIXTURE CAMPHOR AROMATIC. Misiura Camphors Aromaiica, N. F.; Parrish's Camphor Mixture. Each 100 mils (Cc.) contains 25 mils compound tincture lavender, 3.5 Gm. sugar, camphor water q. s. Aro- matic Carminative. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils). fMixTURE CARMINATIVE. Misiura Carminativa, N. F. ; Dalby's Carminative. Each fluidounce contains 30 grains magnesium carbonate, lj/2 grains potassium carbonate, 12 minims tincture opium, J/4 minim each oils caraway, fennel and peppermint, with syrup and water. Carminative. Average Dose: infants', 8 minims (0.5 mil). MIXTURE CHALK. Mistura Creta. Compound chalk powder 20 percent., cinna- mon water 40 vol. percent. Antacid, Antidiarrheal. Average Dose: 4 fluidrachms (15 mils [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 161 Mixture Chloral and Potassium Bromide Compound, Squibb pint, ; |4 pint Mislura Chloralis el Potassii Bromidi Composita, N. F. Each fluidrachm contains about 11% grains each chloral hydrate and potassium bromide, and j/g grain each extracts cannabis and hyoscyamus. Nerve Sedative, Hypnotic, Antispasmodic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). MIXTURE CHLOROFORM AND CANNABIS COMPOUND. See Mixture Chloroform and Morphine Compound. f MIXTURE CHOLOFORM AND MORPHINE COMPOUND. Misiura Chloroformi et Morphines Composila, N. F.; for- merly Mixture Chloroform and Cannabis Indica Compound. Each fluidounce contains about 60 minims chloroform, 89 minims tincture cannabis, 12 minims tincture capsicum, 15.6 minims ether, and l'/5 grains morphine sulphate. Analgesic, Carminative. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). MIXTURE COPAIBA. Mislura Copaiba. N. F.; Lafayette Mixture. Each fluid- ounce contains I fluidrachm each copaiba, spirit nitrous ether and compound tincture lavender, 15 minims solution potassium hydroxide, with syrup and mucilage acacia. Genito-urinary Anticatarrhal, Diuretic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils). MIXTURE COPAIBA AND OPIUM. Mistura Copaiba el Opii, N. F.; Chapman's Mixture. Each 100 mils (Cc.) contains 25 mils copaiba, 25 spirit nitrous ether, 6.5 compound tincture lavender, 3.2 tincture opium, 12.5 mucilage acacia, water q.s. Used as Genito-urinary Anti- catarrhal, Diuretic; mainly in gonorrhea. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils). Mixture, Diarrhea. See Tincture Opium Compound. Mixture Glycyrrhiza Compound, Squibb pint, Misiura Glycrrhizce Composita; Brown Mixture; Licorice Mix- ture. Containing pure extract glycyrrhiza, acacia, camphorated tincture opium, antimony and potassium tartrate ('/g gr. per fl. oz.), and spirit nitrous ether, in syrup and water. Expec- torant. Average Dose: 2J/2 fluidrachms (10 mils [Cc.]). MIXTURE, GRIFFITH'S. See Mixture Iron Compound. MIXTURE GUAIAC. Mislura Cuaiaci, N. F. Contains 12.5 volume percent, tinc- ture guaiac, with honey and cinnamon water. Alterative in chronic rheumatism, gout, etc. Average Dose: 4 fluidrachms (16 mils [Cc.]). This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. B 162 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA MIXTURE, HOPE'S. See Mixture Camphor Acid. MIXTURE IRON COMPOUND. Mi&lura Ferri Composita, N. F.; Griffith's Mixture. Should be freshly made when wanted. Contains nascent ferrous car- bonate suspended in myrrh emulsion. Only the green mixture should be dispensed; not when it has become darker, reddish- brown in color. Hematinic; in chronic skin diseases, chlorosis, and other chronic conditions attended by anemia. Average Dose: 4 fluidrachms (16 mils [Cc.]). MIXTURE, LAFAYETTE. See Mixture Copaiba. Mixture Licorice. See Mixture Glycyrrhiza Compound. MIXTURE MAGNESIA, ASAFETIDA AND OPIUM. Mislura Magnesia, Asafcstids el Opii, N. F.; Dewees' Car- minative. Each fluidounce contains about 23 grains mag- nesium carbonate, 36 minims tincture asafetida and 5 minims tincture opium. Carminative, Antidiarrheal. Average Dose : 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). MIXTURE OIL TAR. Mislura Olei Picis, N. F.; Tar Mixture. Containing oil tar (16.8 minims per fl. oz.), purified extract glycyrrhiza, sugar, chloroform, oil peppermint, alcohol and water. Expectorant. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). MIXTURE, OLEO-BALSAMIC. Mistura Oleo-Balsamica, N. F. 1000 mils (Cc.) contain 4 mils each oils lavendr, cinnamon, thyme, lemon and nutmeg, 4 eugenol, 16 balsam Peru, with alcohol. Carminative, Analep- tic. Dose: 10 to 30 minims (0.6 to 2 mils [Cc.]). MIXTURE OPIUM, ALKALINE. See Mixture Opium and Sassa- fras. Mixture Opium and Chloroform Compound. See Tinc- ture Opium Compound. f MIXTURE OPIUM AND RHUBARB COMPOUND. Mislura Opii el Rhei Composita, N. F.; Sun Cholera Mix- ture. Mixture of 1 volume tincture capsicum, 1 tincture rhu- barb, 2 each tincture opium, spirit camphor, spirit peppermint and alcohol. Intestinal Astringent, Carminative. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). MIXTURE OPIUM AND SASSAFRAS. Mistura Opii el Sassafras, N. F.; Godfrey's Cordial; Alkaline Mixture of Opium. Each fluidounce contains 1 .6 grains opium, 4 grains potassium carbonate and 0.5 minim oil sassafras. Car- minative, Sedative; in colic, diarrhea, etc. Average Dose : (in- fants'): 5 minims (0.3 mil [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 163 MIXTURE, PARRISH'S. See Mixture Camphor Aromatic. Mixture Pectoral (Stokes'), Squibb pint Mislura Pectoraiis Slopes, N. F.; Stokes' Expectorant. Each fluidounce represents 8 grains ammonium carbonate, 16 grains each senega and squill, and 84 minims camphorated tincture opium, with syrup tolu and water. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Mixture Rhubarb Alkaline, Squibb pint Mistura Rhei Al^alina, N. F.; Syrup Rhubarb and Potassa Compound; Neutralizing Cordial. Each fluidounce represents about 7J/2 grains each rhubarb and potassium carbonate, and 3|4 grains hydrastis, with tincture cinnamon, spirit peppermint, syrup and alcohol. Antacid, Stomachic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Incompatible with acids or alka- loidal salts. MIXTURE RHUBARB AND POTASSIUM COMPOUND. See Mixture Rhubarb Alkaline. Mixture Rhubarb and Soda. See Mixture Rhubarb Com- pound. Mixture Rhubarb Compound, Squibb pint, Mistura Rhei Composite, N. F.; Mixture Rhubarb and Soda. Each fluidounce contains about 16 grains sodium bicarbonate, 7.2 minims fluidextract rhubarb, 1 .4 minims fluidextract ipecac, 168 minims glycerin, 16.8 minims spirit peppermint. Incom- patible with acids and with solutions of alkaloidal salts. Stom- achic, Antacid. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). (NoTE. On request we will supply specially, in lots of 1 gal- lon or more Mixture Rhubarb Compound made in accordance with the original formula of Dr. E. R. Squibb. On such orders please specify "Original Squibb Formula.") MIXTURE SASSAFRAS AND OPIUM. See Mixture Opium and Sassafras. MIXTURE SODA AND SPEARMINT. See Solution Soda and Mint. MIXTURE TAR. See Mixture Oil Tar. Monobromethane. See Ethyl Bromide. MoNOBROMlSOVALERYLUREA. See Bromural. Monochlorethane. See Ethyl Chloride. Monsel's Salt. See Iron Subsulphate. The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 164 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Monsel's Solution. See Solution Iron Subsulphate. f0 Morphine, Squibb Y&-OZ. vial, Morphina. CiyHigOgN.r-^O. White, odorless, bitter prisms, needles or powder. 1 Gm. dissolves in 3340 mils (Cc.) water, 210 alcohol, 1220 chloroform, 6250 ether. Analgesic, Sedative, Hypnotic. Average Dose: ]/& grain (0.008 Gm.). Antidotes: potassium permanganate; apomorphine hypodermically as emetic; atropine; strychnine or caffeine; strong hot coffee; exercise. t Morphine Acetate, Squibb Y&-OZ. vial, Morphine Acetas, U. S. P. VHIth Rev. C 17 Hi9O 3 N.- C2H4Oo.3H2O. White or yellowish-white, bitter powder; faint acetous odor. Soluble in 2.25 parts water, 21.6 alcohol, 480 chloroform, 5.2 glycerin. Becomes less soluble ontexposure. Incompatible in solution with alkalies, tannin, borax, bromides, chlorates, iodides, spirit nitrous ether, or mercury bichloride. Average Dose: ]/4 grain (0.015 Gm.). Keep well stoppered. f Morphine Hydrochloride, Squibb |/g-oz. vial, Morphines Hydrochloridum. Ci7Hi 9 O 3 N.HC1.3H2O. White, silky, odorless, bitter needles, cubes or powder. 1 Gm. dis- solves in 17.5 mils (Cc.) water, 52 alcohol, 8 glycerin; insol- uble in ether or chloroform. t Morphine Sulphate, Squibb Morphine Sulphas. (CiTHigOsN^.HaSC^.SHoO. White, feathery, silky, odorless, bitter flakes or cubes. 1 Gm. dis- solves in 15.5 mils (Cc.) water, 565 alcohol; insoluble in ether or chloroform. Mountain Balm. See Eriodictyon. MUCILAGE ACACIA. Mucilago Acaciee. 35 percent, acacia. Demulcent, but used chiefly pharmaceutically. Incompatible with alcohol, ether, ammonia and strongly alcoholic or ethereal fluidextracts and tinc- tures. Average Dose: 4 fluidrachms (16 mils [Cc.)]. Readily becomes sour or mouldy, hence should be made frequently. MUCILAGE CHONDRUS. Mucilago Chondri, N. F.; Mucilage Irish Moss. 3 Gm. in 100 mils (Cc.). Emulsifier, Demulcent. MUCILAGE SASSAFRAS PITH. Mucilago Sassafras Medulla, N. F. 2 Gm. in 100 mils (Cc.). Emollient, Demulcent, Refrigerant. Average Dose: 4 fluid drachms (16 mils). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 165 MUCILAGE TRAGACANTH. Mucilago Tragacanthce. 6 percent, tragacanth, 18 glycerin. Excipient for troches, lozenges, etc. MULLEIN FLOWERS. Verbasci Flares, N. F. Dried corollas, with adhering stamens, of Verbascum phlomoides or of V '. thapsiforme (Fam. Scro- phulariacete) . Demulcent, Vulnerary. Average Dose: 2 drachms (8 Gm.). MULLEIN LEAVES. Verbasci Folia, N. F. Demulcent, Anticatarrhal. Average Dose: 1 drachm (4 Gm.). MULLS. Mulls; Salve Mulls. Ointments of high fusing points, spread on soft muslin or "mull." The following mulls are noted in N. F.: Acid Salicylic: 10%; Creosote Salicylated : 20% creosote, 10% salicylic acid; Mercuric Chloride: 0.2%; Zinc: 10% zinc oxide. MUSK. Moschus; Deer Musk; Tonquin Musk. Dried secretion from preputial follicles of Moschus moschiferus (Fam. Moschidcs). Irregular, blackish, shiny grains; peculiar penetrating, per- sistent odor; bitterish taste. Soluble in water to about 50 per- cent.; in alcohol, 10 percent. Antispasmodic, Analeptic; used largely in perfumery. Average Dose : 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). MUSK-ROOT. See Sumbul. Mustard, Powdered, Squibb tin, lb. sprinkler-top tins, 4-oz., per doz. 2-oz., per doz. Sinapis Alba; White, Yellow, or English Mustard. Ripe seed of Sinapis alba, carefully reduced to a coarse powder. Free from adulteration or added coloring-matter. Emetic, Counter- irritant; Condiment. Average Dose: 150 grains (10 Gm.), in lukewarm water. In making mustard plaster cold ivater, that is water at ordinary room temperature, should be employed to obtain satisfactory results. Boiling water destroys the enzyme which produces the useful volatile oil of mustard; hence a plaster made with it will not be active. For making table mustard, take: Squibb's Powdered Mustard, 3 teaspoonfuls; Table Salt, !/4 teaspoonful ; Powdered Sugar, 1 teaspoonful ; Cider Vinegar, 8 teaspoonfuls. Mix the first three ingredients well, then add the vinegar with constant stirring. If difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 166 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Myristica. See Nutmeg. Myrrh, Squibb Ground for Percolation tin, lb. Myrrha; Gum Myrrh. Gum-resin from Commiphora Myrrha and other species of Commiphora (Fam. Burseraceas) . Best quality, insuring perfect satisfaction in its use. Roundish or irregular, brownish-yellow to reddish-brown tears or masses; balsamic odor; aromatic, bitter and acrid taste. Astringent, Protective; Carminative. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). (See Tincture.) Naphthol, Beta-. See Betanaphthol. NEOARSPHENAMINE. Neosalvarsan ; Arsphenolamine-S. 3 Gm. equal 2 Gm. Arsphenamine in arsenic content. Orange-yellow powder; peculiar odor; unstable in air. Readily soluble in water. Dose: men, 12 grains (0.8 Gm.) ; women, 9 grains (0.6 Gm.) ; children, 2J/2 to 5 grains (0.15 to 0.3 Gm.) intravenously or by intramuscular injection. NEOSALVARSAN. See Neoarsphenamine. NickeUAmmonium Sulphate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Nickel Nitrate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Nickel Sulphate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). NlOFORM. See Vioform. NITROGLYCERIN SPIRIT. See Spirit Glyceryl Trinitrate. NOVARGAN. Silver Proteinate. 10 percent, silver. Yellow powder. Solu- ble in water. Astringent, Bactericide; like silver nitrate. Used in 10 to 20 percent, solutions. NOVASPIRIN. Methylenecitrylsalicylic Acid. White, odorless, acidulous pow- der. Soluble freely in alcohol; sparingly in chloroform, ether; almost insoluble in water. Antirheumatic, Antiseptic. Dose : 10 to 20 grains (0.65 to 1.3 Gm.). NOVOCAIN. See Procaine. NuCLEIN. A modified nucleoprotein obtained by peptic digestion or treat- ment with dilute acids. Grayish-white powder. Soluble in dilute alkalies, slightly in water; insoluble in alcohol. Systemic Bactericide, Leucocytotic, Alterative. Dose: 8 to 15 grains (0.5 to 1 Gm.), 3 times daily. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 167 NUTGALL. Calla; Galls. Excrescence on Quercus infecloria and allied species (Fam. Fasacece), caused by punctures and deposited ova of Cpnips tinctoria. Nearly odorless; strongly astringent taste. External and Internal Astringent. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Nutmeg, Squibb *Whote tin, Ib. ; % Ib. ; 2-oz., per doz. Powdered tin, Ib. sprinkler-top tins, 4-oz., per doz. 2-oz., per doz. 1 -oz., per doz. Myristica. Choice unsophisticated grade. Kernel of ripe seed of Myrlslica fragrans (Fam. Afpn'sficaceoe). Aromatic, Car- minative; Condiment. A method of adulterating nutmeg consists in extracting the oil by boring a hole through the middle, boiling with water and then closing the hole so carefully that the nut- meg may be sold without the fraud being detected. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). NUTROSE. Casein-sodium. Obtained from freshly precipitated casein by action of sodium hydroxide. Coarse, white, odorless, nearly -tasteless, alkaline powder. Soluble in water. Incompatible with acids. Nutritive. Dose: 2 to 4 drachms (8 to 16 Gm.). Nux Vomica, Squibb Ground for Percolation tin, Ib. Nux Vomica; Quaker Buttons; Poison Nut. Dried, ripe seeds of Slrychnos Nux-vomica (Fam. Loganiacea) . Assays not less than 2.5 percent, total alkaloids. Bitter Stomachic, Tonic. Average Dose: 1 grain (0.065 Gm.). Antidotes: emetics; chloral hydrate with bromides per rectum; chloroform inhala- tion and artificial respiration if required. (See also Extract; Fluidextract; Tincture.) Occult Blood Test Tablets. See under Tablets (Part II). OIL ALMOND EXPRESSED. Oleum AmygJalcs Expressum; "Oil Sweet Almond." Fixed oil from kernels of various varieties of Prunus Amygdalus (Fam. Rosaces). Clear, pale straw-colored, almost odorless liquid; bland taste. Miscible with ether, chloroform; slightly soluble in alcohol. Sp. gr. 0.910 to 0.915. Emollient, Demul- cent, Nutrient, Laxative. Ordinary Dose : 4 fluidrachms (16 mils [Cc.]). The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing med- icinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 168 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA OIL ALLSPICE. See Oil Pimenta. OIL ANISE. Oleum Anisi. Volatile oil from ripe fruit of Pimpinella Ani- sum (Fam. Umbelliferai) or of Illicium verum (Star Anise; Fam. Magnoliacece). Pale-yellow; characteristic odor; sweet- ish, aromatic taste. Sp. gr. 0.978 to 0.988. Solidifies at about 15 C. (59 F.). Soluble in about equal volume strong al- cohol. Aromatic Carminative; Flavor. Average Dose: 3 minims (0.2 mil [Cc.]). OIL BAY. See Oil Myrcia. OIL BENNE. See Oil Sesame. Oift BERGAMOT. Oleum Bergamottts, N. F. Volatile oil expressed from rind of fresh fruit of Citrus Auranllum Bergamia (Fam. Ruiacea), containing not less than 36 percent, ester calculated as linalyi acetate. Green or greenish-yellow oil; fragrant odor; aro- matic, bitter taste; sp. gr. 0.875 to 0.880. Soluble in 0.5 vol- ume alcohol, 2 volumes 80-percent, alcohol. Used principally in perfumery and toilet preparations. horl>iaceo grain (0.0005 Gm.). PHYSOSTIGMA. Physostigma; Calabar Bean, Dried ripe seeds of Physostigma "venenosum (Fam. Leguminosce) , yielding not less than 0.15 percent, alkaloids. Antitetanic, Peristaltic, Antifleuralgic. Average Dose: IJ/2 grains (0.1 Gm.). (See also Tincture.) Physostigmine, Squibb 5-grain vial Eserine. CisFfolOjjNg. Alkaloid from calabar bean. Color- less, very hygroscopic crystals, upon exposure to air turning to reddish mass. Soluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform. Antite- tanic, Peristaltic, Antineuralgic. Ordinary Dose: ViU grain (0.001 Gm.). Antidotes: emetics; atropine or strychnine sub- cutaneously; pilocarpine; chloral hydrate; stimulants. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 193 Physostigmine Salicylate, Squibb 15-gr. vial ; 10-gr. vial ; 5-gr. vial Physostigminai Salicylas; Eserine Salicylate. Ci.^HaiC^Ns.- C7H(jC>3. Colorless or faintly yellowish, odorless crystals; slightly bitter taste. Reddens on exposure. 1 Gm. dissolves in 75 mils (Cc.) water, 16 alcohol, 6 chloroform, 250 ether. Antitetanic, Peristaltic, Myotic; in tetanus, strychnine poisoning, neuralgia, torpidity of bowels, etc. Average Dose: i/64 grain (0.001 Gm.). Applied to eye in 0.2 to 0.5 percent, solution. Physostigmine Sulphate, Squibb 15 grains ; 10 grains *; 5 grains ; 3 grains, ; 2 grains ; 1 j/2 grains ; 1 grain Physostigmirue Sulphas, U. S. P. VHIth Rev.; Eserine Sul- phate. (Ci5H2iO 2 N3) 2 .H2SO 4 . White or yellowish white, odorless, bitter powder. Very deliquescent; prone to redden pn keeping. Soluble in 1200 parts ether; freely in water, alco- hol, chloroform. Action, uses, etc., like physostigmine alkaloid. Applied to eye in 0.2 to 0.5 percent, solution. PHYTOLACCA. Phytolacca, N. F.; Poke Root. Dried root of Phytolacca Je- candra (Fam. Phylolaccacecs) . Average Dose: alterative, l'/2 grains (0.1 Gm.) ; emetic, 15 grains (1 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract.) PILLS. We formerly offered a number of pills at the time used to some extent, but latterly they have been superseded largely by tablets, so that we have discontinued them in favor of the tablet form. Practically all of them will be found among the Tablets in Part II of this book. The following being official formulas, are here described for the sake of reference: PILLS, AIKEN'S ToNIC. See Pills Iron, Quinine, Strychnine and Arsenic, Mild. PILLS ALOES. Pilulai Aloes. 2 grains each aloes and soap. Cathartic. Average Dose: 2 pills. PILLS ALOES AND ASAFETIDA. Pilul grain (0.01 Gm.) ; hypodermic, VlU grain (0.005 Gm.). Antidotes: tannin, emetics; atropine; ammonia; brandy later. Keep well stoppered. PILOCARPINE NITRATE. Pilocarpines Nilras. C] iHnjO^No.HNOs. Colorless, odor- less, faintly bitter crystals. 1 Gm. dissolves in 4 mils (Cc.) water, 75 alcohol; insoluble in chloroform, ether. Dose: as preceding. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 199 PlLOCARPUS. Pilocarpus; Jaborandi. Dried leaflets of Pilocarpus Jaborandi or P. microphyllus (Fam. Rutacea). Assays not less than 0.6 percent, alkaloids. Diuretic, Diaphoretic, Galactagogue. (See also Fluidextract.) Pimenta. See Allspice. PlMPINELLA. Pimpinella, N. F. Dried rhizome and roots of Pimpinella Saxifraga or of P. magna (Fam. Umbelliferai). Aromatic odor; sweetish, pungent, acrid taste. Formerly used as Diur- etic Diaphoretic, Stomachic. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Cm.). PINEAL GLAND DRIED. Pineal gland of young cattle, freed from connective and other tissue, dried and powdered. 1 Gm. represents about 7 Gm. fresh gland. Used in backward mental development of chil- dren, mongolism, etc. Dose: 1/20 to 1/10 grain (0.003 to 0.006 Gm.) three times daily. PlNKROOT. See Spigelia. PIPSISSEWA. See Chimaphila. PITUITARY BODY DESICCATED. See Hypophysis Desiccated. PLASTER, ADHESIVE. See Plaster Rosin. PLASTER BELLADONNA. Emplaslrum Belladonna. Adhesive plaster carrying 30 per- cent, extract belladonna leaves. Assays 0.35 to 0.4 percent, alkaloids. Anodyne. PLASTER, BROWN, CAMPHORATED. Emplaslrum Fuscum Camphoratum, N. F.; Camphorated Mother Plaster. Red oxide lead, olive oil, wax and camphor. Anti- phlogistic, Discutient. PLASTER, BLISTERING. See Plaster Cantharides. PLASTER CANTHARIDES. Emplaslrum Cantharides; Blistering Plaster. Cerate cantharides spread upon rosin plaster. Epispastic. PLASTER CAPSICUM. Emplaslrum Capsici. Oleoresin capsicum spread over rubber plaster. Rubefacient, Counter-irritant. The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing med- icinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 200 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA PLASTER DIACHYLON. See Plaster Lead. PLASTER, ELASTIC. Emplaslrum Elastlcum; Rubber Plaster; Rubber Adhesive Plaster. Mixture of rubber, resins and waxes, with a filler of absorbent powder such as orris root or starch, mechanically mixed and spread upon cotton cloth or other fabric. PLASTER LEAD. Emplaslrum Plumbi; Diachylon Plaster. Now made from lead oxide, olive oil and lard, instead of lead acetate and soap, as previously officially directed. Antiphlogistic. PLASTER, MOTHER, CAMPHORATED. See Plaster Brown Cam- phorated. PLASTER MUSTARD. Emplaslrum Sinapis; Mustard Paper. Mixture of powdered black mustard and rubber solution, spread on paper, cotton cloth . Potassii Bicarbonas. KHCOg. A recrystallized, especially pure quality, for medicinal and pharmaceutical uses. White, odorless, granular salt; saline, slightly alkaline taste. 1 Gm. dis- solves in 2.8 mils (Cc.) water; almost insoluble in alcohol. Boiling changes it to carbonate. Mild Alkali employed in dys- pepsia, dropsy, jaundice, etc. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). (See also Tablets [Part II]; Reagents [Part IV].) Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 202 . SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Potassium Bichromate. See Potassium Dichromate. Potassium Binoxalate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; !4 Ib. Sal Acetosella; Salt of Sorrel. KHC 2 O 4 .HoO. White crys- tals. Soluble in water. Used for technical purposes. An m tidotes: lime water, magnesia; emetics. Potassium Bisulphate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Potassium Bitartrate, Squibb (Powdered) tin, Ib. ; |4 Ib. Potassii Bilarlras; Cream of Tartar; Depurated Tartar. KHC 4 H4O(j. This salt is frequently found largely adul- terated. The article here offered complies with the most rigid medicinal and pharmaceutical requirements. White, odorless powder; pleasant, acidulous taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 155 mils (Cc.) water, 8820 alcohol. Boric acid or borax increases aqueous solubility. Diuretic, Aperient, Refrigerant. Average Dose: diuretic, 30 grains (2 Gm.) ; aperient, 120 to 240 grains (8 to 16 Gm.). (See also Reagent [Part IV].) Potassium Bromate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Potassium Bromide, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; '/4 Ib. Polassii Bromidum. KBr. White, odorless, granular powder; very salty taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 1 .5 mils (Cc.) water, about 250 alcohol, 4.6 glycerin. Incompatible with mineral acids; with salts of lead, mercury and silver; etc. Nerve Seda- tive, Antispasmodic ; also Reagent. Average Dose: 15 grains (I Gm.). Absorbed and eliminated slowly, and when long continued should be omitted for a few days in every month. POTASSIUM BROMIDE, GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT. Sal Polassii BromiJi Effervescent, N. F. About 16.6 percent, potassium bromide. Average Dose: 90 grains (6 Gm.). POTASSIUM BROMIDE, GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT COMPOUND. Sal Polassii BromiJi Effervescent Composilus, N. F.; formerly official as Potassium Bromide Effervescent Granular, with Caf- feine. 8.3 percent, potassium bromide, 0.8 percent, caffeine, 4.2 percent. lithium carbonate. Average Dose: 90 grains (6 Gm.) Potassium Carbonate, Squibb (Powdered) bottle, Ib. ; |4 Ib. Polassii Carbonas; Sal Tartar. r^CO^. White, odorless, granular, very deliquescent powder; strongly alkaline taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.9 mil (Cc.) water; insoluble in alcohol. Caustic, Antipruritic, Antacid. Used in acid dyspepsia, lithiasis, jaundice, etc. Average Dose: 15 grains (I Gm.). (See also Reagents [Part IV].) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 203 Potassium Chlorate, Squibb (Granular) tin, lb. ; \/ 4 lb. Potassii Chloras. KClOs. A special Squibb product, repre- senting the U. S. P. market grade recrystallized and further purified; hence a distinctive product. White, odorless, gran- ules; saline taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 11.5 mils (Cc.) water; soluble in glycerin; almost insoluble in alcohol. Alterative, Antisialagogue, Antiseptic, Astringent. Average Dose : 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Applied externally in 3 to 5 percent, solution, cr ointment or dusting powder; as mouthwash and gargle, on ulcers, etc. Large doses are poisonous, causing disintegration of blood corpuscles. Incompatible with potassium iodide and tartaric acid. Dangerous explosions may occur when it is heated or subjected to concussion or trituralion with organic substances (cork, tannin, sugar, etc.) or with sulphur, antimony sulphide, phosphorus or easily oxidizable substances. Antidotes: emetics; diuretics; ice; opium; pilocarpine; caffeine subcu- taneously. (See also Tablets and Troches [Part II]; Re- agents [Part IV].) Potassium Chloride, Squibb bottle, % lb. Polassii Chloridum, N. F. KCI. White, odorless crystals or granules. I Gm. dissolves in 2.8 mils (Cc.) water; insoluble in alcohol. Uses technical. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Potassium Chromate, Squibb bottle, % lb. K2CrC>4. Yellow crystals. Soluble in water. Indicator in volumetric analysis. Antidotes: magnesia; emetics; alkaline carbonates. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Potassium Citrate, Squibb bottle, lb. ; % Ib. Potassii Citras. KsCeHsOy.r-^O. White, odorless, granular powder; cooling, saline taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.6 mil (Cc.) water, 2 glycerin; sparingly soluble in alcohol. Systemic Al- kali, Diuretic, Diaphoretic; in fevers, bronchial affections, rheu- matism, etc. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). POTASSIUM CITRATE, GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT. Polassii Citras Effervescens. 20 percent, potassium citrate. Average Dose: 1 drachm (4 Gm.). Potassium Dichromate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Potassium Ferricyanide Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Potassium Ferrocyanide Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 204 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Potassium Glycerophosphate, 75%, Squibb bottle, J4 Ib. ; oz. Concentrated aqueous solution of CsHyOgPC^OIQo- Yellow- ish, syrupy liquid. Soluble in water in all proportions. Used as Nerve Tonic. Dose: 4 to 10 grains (0.25 to 0.65 Gm.). usually in combination with other glycerophosphates. Potassium Hydroxide, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; |4 Ib. Polassii H\) droxidum ; Potassium Hydrate; Potassa; Caustic Potash. Assays not less than 85 percent. KOH. Small, crushed lumps; very acrid, caustic taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.9 mil (Cc.) water, 3 mils alcohol, 2.5 glycerin. Caustic, Antacid. Dose: 1/2 to 1 grain (0.03 to 0.65 Gm.), well di- luted. Antidotes: water, then vinegar or lemon juice, emetics; demulcents. NOTE: On exposure potassium hydroxide readily absorbs carbon dioxide and moisture, and deliquesces. Hence keep well -stoppered, in dry place. (See also Reagents, Part IV; Solution.) Potassium Hypophosphite, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; J4 Ib. Potassii Hypophosphls. KPHoC>2. White, opaque, odorless, deliquescent plates or masses, or granular powder; pungent, saline taste. I Gm. dissolves in 0.6 mil (Cc.) water, 9 mils alcohol; insoluble in ether. Used as Nerve Tonic. Average Dose : 8 grains (0.5 Gm.) . Avoid triturating or heat- ing with oxidizing agents, such as nitrates and chlorates, as explosion is liable to occur. Potassium Iodide, Squibb * Granulated or Crystals bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. ; oz. Poiassii lodidum. KI. Faint, iodine-like odor; pungent, saline, afterwards bitter, taste. I Gm. dissolves in 0.7 mil (Cc.) water. 22 mils alcohol, 2 glycerin. Alterative, Resolvent, Antiluetic, Saline Expectorant. Average Dose: 5 grains (0.3 Gm.). Incompatible with alkaloidal salts, chloral hydrate, min- eral acids, etc. (See also Tablets [Part II] ; Reagents [Part IV].) Potassium Nitrate, Squibb * Granulated or Powdered tin, Ib. Polassii Nitras; Saltpetre; Nitre. KNO.3. Colorless, odorless granules; or white powder; cooling, saline, pungent taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 2.8 mils (Cc.) water, 620 alcohol; soluble in glycerin. Diaphoretic, Diuretic; in fevers, asthma, dropsy, rheumatism, etc. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Anti- dotes: stimulants; ice water; opium. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 205 Potassium Permanganate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; |4 W>. ; oz. Potatsii Permanganas; Potassium Hypermanganate. KMnO4. An exceptionally pure salt; all large crystals, unlike regular so-called "large-crystal" grade. Slender, dark-purple, odorless prisms; sweet, afterwards disagreeable, astringent taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 13.5 mils (Cc.) water; decomposed by other sol- vents. Deodorant, Disinfectant, Emmenagogue. Used mainly externally, in gonorrhea, leucorrhea, ulcers, tonsillitis, etc.; in- ternally in amenorrhea, zymotic diseases, morphine poisoning, etc. Average Dose: 1 grain (0.065 Gm.), in tablets, or in pills made with kaolin and petrolatum or with cacao butter. Its stains can be removed with oxalic or hydrochloric acid. Either in dry condition or in concentrated solution it should not be brought into contact with organic or readily oxidizable sub- stances; organic solvents should be avoided. (See also Tablets [Part II]; Reagents [Part IV].) Potassium Persulphate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Potassium Phenolsulphonate, Squibb bottle, oz. Potassium Sulphocarbolate Powdered. An exceptionally pure article, free from sulphates, chlorides, and metallic impurities. Freely soluble in water. Used as Intestinal Antiseptic. Dose : 3 to 10 grains (0.2 to 0.65 Gm.). Potassium Sulphate, Squibb * Crystals carton, Ib. Powdered carton, Ib. Potassii Sulphas, N. F. KoSO4. White, odorless crystals or powder; bitter, saline taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 10 mils (Cc.) water; insoluble in alcohol. Saline Cathartic, like sodium sul- phate. Average Dose: ace. to N. F., 15 grains (1 Gm.) ; as cathartic, up to 240 grains (15 Gm.). (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Potassium Sulphide, so-called. See Potassa Sulphurated. Potassium Sulphocyanate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Potassium Sulphocarbolate. See Potassium Phenolsulphona'.e. Potassium Tartrate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. Soluble Tartar. 2K2C4H.iO(;.H2O. Colorless, odorless crys- tals. Soluble freely in water; almost insoluble in alcohol. Refrigerant, Diuretic, Laxative. Dose : diuretic and refriger- ant, 15 to 30 grains (1 to 2 Gm.) ; laxative, 60 to 180 grains (4 to 12 Gm.)- The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 206 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Potassium and Sodium I art rate, Squibb (Powdered) tin, Ib. ; '/ 2 lb. ; 14 lb. Potassii el Sod'ri Tarlras; Rochelle or Seignette Salt; Tar- tarated Soda. KNaC4H 4 O 6 .4H 2 O. A recrystallized grade, free from calcium salts, more pleasant to the taste than ordinary product. I Gm. dissolves in 0.9 mil (Cc.) water; almost in- soluble in alcohol. Saline Cathartic. Average Dose: 150 grains (10 Gm.). (See also Reagents [Part IV].) POULTICE, EMOLLIENT. Species Emollientes, N. F. Equal parts althaea leaves, mallow leaves, mlilot, matricaria and linseed, powdered. Mixed with hot water for use. POULTICE SPICE. See Powder, Rubefacient Spice. Powder Acetanilid Compound, Squibb tin, lb. ; % lb. Pulvis Acetanilidi Compositus, N. F. Acetanilid 70 percent., caffeine 10, sodium bicarbonate 20. Analgesic, Antipyretic. Average Dose: 5 grains (0.3 Gm.). POWDER ALOES AND CANELLA. Pulvis Aloes el Canella, N. F.; Hiera Picra. Contains aloes 80 percent., canella 20. Laxative. Average Dose: 5 grains (0.3 Gm.). Powder Alum Compound, Squibb per doz. tins, Surgical Powder. Introduced by Dr. E. R. Squibb in 1868, it has steadily grown in favor among the medical profession as an emergency dressing and wash. Efficacious and safe for external use. The ingredients are burnt alum, camphor and carbolic acid. Considered especially valuable as an Astrin- gent, Absorbent and Antiseptic dry dressing for wounds. The effect is sometimes a stinging sensation, but regularly followed by a rapid and continuous healing. It should be used freely, keeping the surfaces well covered with the powder as long as there is any discharge. Very useful also as a Styptic in bleed- ing cuts and wounds (dry powder) ; and as an Antiphlogistic in inflamed throat and other catarrhs of the mucous passages (strong warm solution). As the efficacy of this powder depends upon its perfect freedom from moisture, it is offered only in original, special tins, which should be kept well closed and in dry place when not in use. POWDER, ANTIMONIAL. Pulvis Anlimonialis, N. F. ; James' Powder. 33 percent, anti- mony oxide, 67 percent, precipitated calcium phosphate. Dia- phoretic, Alterative. Average Dose: 3 grains (0.2 Gm.). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 207 Powder, Antiseptic (Soluble), Squibb bottle, Ib. ; |4 Ib. Pulvis Antisepticus, N. F.; Soluble Antiseptic Powder. Powdered salicylic acid 0.5 percent., carbolic acid 0.1, eucalyptol 0.!, menthol 0.1, thymol 0.1, zinc sulphate 12.5, boric acid 86.6. Antiseptic; as dusting powder or in solution (5 percent.). Powder, Aromatic, Squibb tin, Ib. ; |4 Ib. Pulvis Aromaticus. 35 percent, each Saigon cinnamon and Jamaica ginger, 15 percent, each cardamom and nutmeg. Car- minative, Stomachic. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Cm.). POWDER BAYBERRY COMPOUND. Pulvis A/pricce Compositus, N. F.; Composition Powder. 60 percent, bayberry root-bark, 30 percent, ginger, 5 percent, each capsicum and cloves. Carminative. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.) POWDER CALOMEL AND JALAP. Pulvis Hydrargyri Chloridi Mills et Jalapa, N. F. Calomel 34 percent., jalap 66. Drastic Cathartic. Average Dose: 10 grains (0.65 Gm.). POWDER CHALK AROMATIC. Pulvis Crelcs Aromaticus, N. F. Cinnamon 8 percent., nut- meg 6, cloves 3, cardamom 2, prepared chalk 25, and sugar 56. Antacid Carminative, Antidiarrheal. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). f POWDER CHALK AROMATIC, WITH OPIUM. Puhis Crete ^Aromaticus cum Opio, N. F. Powdered opium 2.5 percent., aromatic chalk powder 97.5. Anti- diarrheal. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Powder Chalk Compound, Squibb tin, Ib. ; 14 Ib. Pulvis Crete Composi/us. Prepared chalk 30 percent., acacia 20, sugar 50. Antacid, in diarrhea. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). POWDER, COMPOSITION. See Powder Bayberry Compound. Powder, Dover's. See Powder Ipecac and Opium. Powder, Dover's, Liquid. See Tincture Ipecac and Opium. Powder, Effervescing Compound. See Powder Seidlitz. The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 208 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA POWDER, FOOT. See Powder Talcum Compound. POWDER GAMBIR COMPOUND. Puhis Cambir Composilus, N. F. Gambir 40 percent., kino 20, kramena 20, cinnamon 10, nutmeg 10. Antidiarrheal. Average Dose: 20 grains (1.3 Gm.). Powder Qlycyrrhiza Compound, Squibb. tin, Ib. ; 14 Ib. Puhis Glycyrrhizat Composilus, U. S. P. 1880; Compound Licorice Powder. Consists of licorice root 16 percent., senna 18, washed sulphur 8, ground fennel 8 and sugar 50. Considered therapeutically superior to present U. S. P. article, and also more stable and uniform. Laxative. Average Dose : 60 grains (4 Gm.). Powder, Gray. See Mercury with Chalk. POWDER, GREGORY'S. See Powder, Rhubarb Compound. f Powder Ipecac and Opium, Squibb tin, Ib. ; |4 N>. ' z- Puhis Ipecacuanha el Opil; Dover's Powder; Compound Ipecac Powder. Contains ipecac and powdered opium (each 10 percent.), but the potassium sulphate (in U. S. P. 1870 formula) is retained in place of the milk sugar now prescribed. Considered a superior preparation. Squibb's Dover's Powder has long been the standard, and is a product made by the exercise of greatest thoroughness and manipulative skill. Ano- dyne, Antispasmodic, Diaphoretic. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). Antidotes: potassium permanganate solution, emetic hypodermically; atropine or strychnine; hot, strong coffee; exercise. Powder Ipecac Compound. See Powder Ipecac and Opium. Powder Jalap Compound, Squibb tin, Ib. ; % Ib. Puhis Jalapa Compositus. Jalap 35 percent., potassium bitar- trate 65. Hydragogue Cathartic; in dropsy of hepatic causa- tion, obstinate constipation, etc. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). f POWDER KINO AND OPIUM COMPOUND. Puhis Kino el Opii Compositus, N. F.; Powder Kino Com- pound, N. F. III. Kino 75 c /c, powdered opium 5 f /c, Saigon cinnamon 20%. Intestinal Astringent. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Powder Licorice Compound, Squibb. See Powder Glycyrrhiza Compound. Powder Opium and Ipecac. See Powder Ipecac and Opium. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 209 Powder Pancreatin Compound, Squibb bottle, J4 lb. ; oz. Pulvis Pancreatinl Composiius, N. F.; Peptonizing Powder. Pancreatin 20 percent., sodium bicarbonate 80. 25 grains suffi- cient to peptonize 1 pint fresh cow's milk. Powder, Peptonizing. See Powder Pancreatin Compound. POWDER RHUBARB COMPOUND. Puhis Rhei Compositus; Rhubarb and Magnesia; Gregory's Powder. Rhubarb 25 percent., Jamaica ginger 10, magnesium oxide 65. Antacid, Carminative, Laxative; chiefly in children. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). POWDER RHUBARB AND MAGNESIA, ANISATED. Puhis Rhei el Magnesia Anisatus, N. F.; Compound Anise Powder. Rhubarb 35 percent., heavy magnesia 65, with anethol as corrective. Carminative, Antacid, Laxative; largely in infants. Average Dose (infants): 5 grains (0.3 dm.). POWDER, RUBEFACIENT SPICE. Puhis Aromaticus Rubefaciens, N. F. Replacing Aromatic Plaster, N. F. III. 30% clove, 30% cinnamon, 20% ginger, 20% capsicum. Rubefacient poultice material. Powder, Seidlitz, Squibb bottle, lb. ; % lb. This effervescent saline mixture is Seidlitz Powder mixed together into a single powder, the constituents being all sep- arately well dried before being mixed. It consists of potassium and sodium tartrate (Rochelle salt), sodium bicarbonate, tar- taric acid, and sodium chloride, the latter being added to en- hance its medicinal activity and palatability. As an Aperient the dose is one to three teaspoonfuls (5 to 15 Gm.) with or without sugar, stirred into three-fourths of a large glassful of cold water, and drunk at once while the powder is suspended in the water. For use as an alkaline mineral water, or as a substitute for Rochelle salt, about ]/2 teaspoonful, stirred into the same quantity of water as above, and taken two or three times a day, may be sufficient. In the use of this powder the effervescence is intentionally slight, or, if the water be very cold (as it should be), is hardly perceptible, as the liberation of the carbonic acid is intended to take place slowly internally where it may be of service. Dampness should be carefully excluded. Powder, Soluble Antiseptic. See Powder, Antiseptic. Powder, Surgical. See Powder Alum Compound. This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. When prescribing, please specify SQUIBB'S, 210 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Powder Talcum. See Talcum Powder. POWDER TALCUM COMPOUND. Pufais Talci Composites, N. F.; Powder Talc Salicylated, N. F. III. Salicylic acid 3%, boric acid 10%, talcum 87%. Antiseptic, Deodorant, Antihydrotic dusting powder. Powder, Veterinary, Squibb tin, perdoz. Used by the veterinary profession for many years, as an effica- cious, safe Antiseptic, Astringent and Absorbent dressing for wounds. The therapeutically active ingredients are burnt alum, camphor, carbolic acid and charcoal. It should be used in sufficient quantity to keep the wound surface dry. Serviceable also as a Styptic on incised and other bleeding wounds, applied freely in dry powder. Sold only in original tins, which should be kept well closed and in dry place when not in use. Precipitate, Red. Sec Mercury Oxide Red. Precipitate; White. See Mercury Ammoniated. Precipitate, Yellow. See Mercury Oxide Yellow. PRICKLY ASH BARK. See Xanthoxylum. PRICKLY ASH BERRIES. Xanthoxyll Fructus, N. F. Dried fruit of Xanthoxylum ameri- canum or of X. Clava-Herculis (Fam. Rulaceee). Faint odor; warm, aromatic taste. Used as Sialagogue, Carminative, Alter- ative. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). PRINCE'S PINE. See Chimaphila. PROCAINE. Name adopted by Federal Trade Commission for novocain as made in America. Para-aminobenzo methylaminoethanol Hydrochloride. Colorless needles. Soluble in 1 part water, 30 alcohol. Local Anesthetic, like cocaine; solutions are sterilizable. PROTAN. Compound of casein and tannic acid (50 percent.)- Light- brown, tasteless, water-insoluble powder. Intestinal Astringent. Dose: 15 to 30 grains (1 to 2 Gm.). Protargentum, Squibb 1 oz. vial Compound of silver and protein, containing about 8 percent. Ag. Chocolate-brown, odorless powder; taste bitter and metallic. Soluble rather slowly but freely in water; insoluble in alcohol or oils. Solutions not precipitated by usual silver reagents, nor affected by cocaine hydrochloride in weak solutions. Used in urethritis and inflammation of eyes and nose, in j/4 to 5 per- cent, solutions, which should preferably be made fresh as wanted. (See also Solargentum, containing 20 percent. Ag.) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 211 PROTARGOL. Silver-proteid. Light-brown, bulky powder; 8.3 percent, silver. Soluble freely in water or glycerin; not precipitated by alkalies, albumen or chlorides. Bactericide, Antigonorrheit, Antipyic. Incompatible in solution with lead acetate, zinc sulphate, copper sulphate, alum, or mercuric chloride. Its solutions should be made with cold water. Applied externally in acute cases in !/4 to 1 percent, solutions; in chronic cases, in 5 to 10 percent, strengths. Dose : 1 to 3 grains (0.065 to 0.2 Gm.). (See also Protargenrum.) PRUNE. Prttnum, N. F. Partly dried, ripe fruit of Prunus Jomeslica (Fam. Rosacece). Laxative Nutritive. Prussian Blue, Insoluble. See Iron Ferrocyanide. PULSATILLA. Puhatilla, N. F. Dried herb of Anemone Pulsalllla, A. pratensis or of A. Ludoviciana (Fam. Ranunculacece) . Nearly odorless; very acrid taste. Used as Alterative, Sedative, Anti- spasmodic. Average Dose: 5 grains (0.3 Gm.). PUMICE. Pumex, N. F. Combination of complex silicates of aluminum, potassium and sodium, of volcanic origin. Abrasive, Polishing material; also used chemically. PUMPKIN SEED. Pepo. Dried ripe seeds of cultivated varieties of Cucurbila Pepo (Fam. Cucurbitacece). Domestic Anthelmintic. Aver- age Dose: 1 ounce (30 Gm.). PUNICINE TANNATE. See Pelletierine Tannate. PYRAMIDON. Dimethylaminoantipyrine. Small, white, nearly tasteless crys- tals. Soluble in about 1 1 parts water; readily in alcohol or ether. Incompatible with ferric chloride and spirit nitrous ether. Anti- pyretic, Analgesic. Dose: 5 to 8 grains (0.3 to 0.75 Gm.). PYRETHRUM. Pyrelhrum ; Pellitory Root. Dried root of Anacydus Py- relhrum (Fam. Composite). Sialagogue, Stimulant Mastica- tory, Local Irritant. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 212 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Pyrogallol, Squibb (Acid Pyrogallic) tin, Ib. ; |4 lb. 5 oz. Pyrogallol; Trihydroxybenzene. CgHsCOHs). Light, white, odorless, bitter laminae or needles. I Gm. dissolves in 1 .7 mils (Cc.). water, 1.3 mils alcohol, 1.6 ether. Incompatible in trituration with antipyrine, camphor, carbolic acid, iodine, lead acetate or menthol. Antiparasitic Dermic, in 5 to 10 percent, ointment; also Reagent, and photographic developer. PYROXYLIN. Pyroxylinum ; Soluble Gun Cotton; Collodion Cotton; Colloxy- lin. Obtained by action of mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids on cotton. Consists chiefly of cellulose tetranitrate. Used for making collodion. Very inflammable! QUASSIA. Quassia; Bitter Wood. Wood of Picrasma excelsa or of Quassia amara (Fam., Jamaica and Surinam quassias. Bitter Tonic; infusion is used as enema as Vermicide. Average Dose: 8 grains (0.5 Gm.). QUEBRACHO. See Aspidosperma. QUEEN'S ROOT. See Stillingia. QUERCUS. Quercus, N. F. Dried bark of trunk and branches of Quercus alba (Fam. Fagacics), deprived of periderm. Distinct odor; strongly astringent taste. Tannin-bearing Astringent. Aver- age Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Quevenne's Iron. See Iron Reduced. Quicklime. See Lime. Quicksilver. See Mercury. QuiLLAJA. Qui//a/a, N. F.; Soap Bark. Dried bark of Quillaja Saponan'a (Fam. Rosacece), deprived of periderm. Slight odor; acrid taste. The powdered root is strongly sternutatory. Expector- ant, Antiparasitic Dermic. QuiNIDINE. Quinidina, N. F. CooHo-iOoN?. Alkaloid of cinchona, isomenc with quinine. White, odorless, very bitter crystals or powder. 1 Gm. dissolves in about 32 mils (Cc.) alcohol, 53 ether, 1.5 chloroform; almost insoluble in water. Action, Dose, etc., as of quinine alkaloid. At one time recommended as cheap substitute for quinine; inferior to it. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 213 Quinine Alkaloid, Squibb bottle, oz. Quinina. C2oH24OoN 2 .3H2O. White, odorless, bitter, slight- ly efflorescent powder. 1 Gm. dissolves in 1560 mils (Cc.) water, 0.8 alcohol, 1.1 chloroform, 1.9 ether, 150 glycerin. Anti- periodic, Bitter Tonic, Ecbolic, Antiseptic, Antipyretic. Aver- age Dose: Tonic lj/2 grains (0.1 Gm.) ; Antiperiodic, at least 15 grains (1 Gm.) daily. Contraindicated in ear diseases. Used externally on wounds. Quinine Bisulphate, Squibb bottle, oz. Quinines Bisulphas; Acid Quinine Sulphate. C2oH24C>2N2.- H2SC>4.7H2O. Colorless, transparent or whitish crystals or small needles; odorless; very bitter. Efflorescent, and turns yellow on exposure to light. 1 Gm. dissolves in 9 mils (Cc.) water, 23 alcohol, 15 glycerin, 625 chloroform, 2500 ether. Action and dose: as of quinine alkaloid. Used largely sub- cutaneously; also in coryza (0.2 percent, solution). (See also Tablets [Part II].) Quinine Dihydrochloride, Squibb bottle, oz. Quinines Dihydrochloridum. C2oH24C>2N2.2HCl. White, odorless, very bitter powder. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.6 mil (Cc.) water, 12 alcohol; slightly soluble in chloroform or ether. Dark- ened by light. Preferred for hypodermic use; used also in whooping-cough. Dose: as of quinine alkaloid. (See also Ampuls.) QUININE ETHYLCARBONATE. See Euquinine. Quinine Glycerophosphate, Squibb bottle, oz. Quinines Glycerophosphas, N. F. White, odorless, bitter pow- der; 68 percent, quinine. 1 Gm. dissolves in about 850 mils (Cc.) water, 75 alcohol ; slightly soluble in chloroform or ether. Used as Nerve Tonic, Antiperiodic; chiefly in malaria with nervous debility. Average Dose: tonic, P/2 grains (0.1 Gm.) ; antiperiodic, 15 grains (I Gm.). Quinine Hydrobromide, Squibb bottle, oz. Quinines Hydrobromidum; Quinine Bromide. C2oH94O2N9.- HBr.H2O. White, light, silky, odorless; very bitter, efflores- cent. 1 Gm. dissolves in 40 mils (Cc.) water, 0.9 alcohol, 7 glycerin, 0.6 chloroform, 23 ether. Action and dose: as of quinine alkaloid. Quinine Hydrochloride, Squibb bottle, oz. Quinines Hydrochloridum ; Quinine Hydrochlorate. CooHo4- O L .No.HC1.2H 2 O. White, silky, odorless, very bitter needfes. I Gm. dissolves in 18 mils (Cc.) water, 0.8 alcohol, 7 glycerin, 0.7 chloroform, 340 ether. Action and dose: as of quinine alkaloid. (See also Tablets [Part II].) If difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, olease notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 214 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Quinine Hypophosphite, Squibb bottle, oz. Quinin2. Grayish-white powder. Soluble in water, slightly in alcohol. Uses chiefly technical. Sodium Benzoate, Squibb *From Synthetic Acid tin, ^4 HJ. oz. .From Natural (True) Acid bottle, oz. Sodii Benzoas. NaCyHsC^. White, nearly odorless powder; sweetish taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 1.8 mils (Cc.) water, 61 alcohol. Mild Antiseptic; in cystitis, tonsillitis, colds, etc. Average ^Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Incompatible with mineral acids, ferric salts. Sodium Benzosulphinide, Squibb bottle, oz. Sodii Benzosulphinidum ; Soluble Saccharin; Sodium-Sac- charin. White, odorless, intensely sweet powder. 1 Gm. dis- solves in 1.2 mils (Cc.) water, 50 alcohol. Non-fermentable sweetener; taste corrigent for bitter or acrid drugs. About 380 times as swe'et as cane sugar. Sodium Biborate. See Sodium Borate. Sodium Bicarbonate, Squibb tin, lb. ; '/ lb. J4 N>. Sodii Bicarbonas. NaHCO,3. Conforming to the most rigid demands for purity. Uniformly fine, bolted powder. The absence of sodium carbonate renders it free from the bitter This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. When prescribing, please specify SQUIBB'S. B 226 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 0Sodium Bicarbonate, Squibb (Cont.) taste noticeable when even small traces of latter are present, as in the ordinary grades. 1 Gm. dissolves in 10 mils (Cc.) water (boiling water changes it to carbonate) ; insoluble in alcohol. Antacid; Antipruritic topically. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.) ; in iodism and diabetic coma larger doses (2 ozs. or more daily) are given. Incompatible with acids, acid salts, bismuth subnitrate, etc. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Sodium Biphosphate. See Sodium Phosphate, Acid. Sodium Bisulphate, Squibb bottle, IB. ; \/j, lb. NaHSO-j.HoO. Pure, colorless crystals. Soluble in water. Used largely in typhoid fever, and as purifier of drinking water in typhoid regions. Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.) every few hours, with water. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Sodium Bisulphite Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Sodium Bitartrate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; |4 lb. NaHC4H4Oe.H2O. Small, white crystals, or white crystal- line powder. 1 Gm. dissolves in about 9 mils (Cc.) water. Refrigerant, Aperient. Dose: 30 to 60 grains (2 to 4 Gm.). (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Sodium Borate, Squibb (Powdered) tin, lb. ; % lb. Sodii Boras; Borax; Sodium Biborate. NaoB^v.lOHoO. A special medicinal quality. I Gm. dissolves in 15 mils (Cc.) water, about I mil glycerin; insoluble in alcohol. Alkaline Antiseptic Detergent and Astringent, externally; rarely used internally, as Emmenagogue and Antiepileptic. Dose: 12 grains (0.75 Gm.). Incompatible with acids, alkaloidal and metallic salts in solution, mucilage acacia, etc. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) SODIUM BORO-BENZOATE. SoJii Boro-Benzoas, N. F. 43% sodium borate, 57 '/r sodium benzoate. Alkaline Antiseptic. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). Sodium Bromide, Squibb (Granular) bottle, lb. ; 1/4 lb. SoJi'i BromiJum. NaBr. White granular powder; saline, slightly bitter taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 1.1 mils (Cc.) water, 16 alcohol. Incompatible with acids, alkaloidal and metallic salts in solution. Nerve Sedative, Cerebral Depressant. Aver- age Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Absorbed and eliminated slowly, and where long continued should be omitted for a few days in every month. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 227 Sodium Cacodylate, Squibb oz. vial ; '/8 oz. Sodii Cacodylas; Sodium Dimethylarsenate. Na(CHs)2As- O2-3H2O. Small, colorless, hygroscopic crystals; faint gar- licky odor. I Gm. dissolves in about 0.5 mil (Cc.) water; 2.5 mils alcohol; sparingly in ether, chloroform. Contains 35 percent, arsenic (equivalent to 47 percent, arsenous acid). Alterative, Hematinic; like arsenous acid, but relatively non- toxic. Used mainly hypodermically in anemias, syphilis, chronic skin diseases, diabetes, etc. Average Dose: I grain (0.065 Gm.); in syphilis, 7 grains (0.45 Gm.), every second day or daily, by intramuscular injection or subcutaneously. (See also Ampuls.) Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous Reagent, and Sodium Carbonate Crystals Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV.) Sodium Carbonate Dried, Squibb tin, lb. NaoCOs^HoO. Contains about 75 percent, anhydrous sodium carbonate. Antacid, Antipruritic; used largely pharmaceutical- ly and technically. Dose: 5 to 10 grains (0.3 to 0.6 Gm.). Sodium Carbonate Monohydrated, Squibb bot., lb. Sodii Carbonas M onohydratus. Na2CC>3.H2O. White, crystal- line powder; odorless, strongly alkaline taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 3 mils (Cc.) water, 7 glycerin; insoluble in alcohol or ether. Antacid, Antipruritic, like sodium bicarbonate, but seldom used internally; also Reagent. Externally in 2 to 5 percent, solu- tions or 1 :8 ointment in skin diseases. Average Dose : 4 grains (0.25 Gm.), well diluted. Incompatible with acids, acid salts, heavy metals and alkaloids, etc. Antidotes: acetic acid or lemon juice; olive oil. Sodium Chlorate, Squibb (Granular) tin, lb. ; YA lb. ; oz. Sodii Chloras, U. S. P. Vlllth Rev. NaClOs. Colorless odorless, granular salt; cooling, saline taste. Soluble in 1 part water, 100 alcohol, 5 glycerin. Antiseptic, Astringent, Anti- sialagogue, externally; Alterative, internally, like potassium chlorate. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Explosion may occur when sodium chlorate is heated or subjected to concus- sion or trituration with organic substances (cork, tannic acid, sugar, etc.), or with sulphur, antimony sulphide, phosphorus, or other easily oxidizable substances. Antidotes: emetics, diuretics; ice; opium; pilocarpine; caffeine subcutaneously. (See also Re- agents [Part IV].) The prices of the Squjbb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture a I low. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 228 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Sodium Chloride, Squibb bottle, Ib. Sodii Chloridum. NaCI. Highly purified, for use in transfu- sion, hypodermoclysis, and other cases where an especially pure product is required. The chlorides and sulphates of calcium and magnesium, and other impurities, have been removed. 1 Gm. dissolves in 2.8 mils (Cc.) water, 10 glycerin; almost in- soluble in alcohol. Occasionally used as Emetic. Average Dose: 240 grains (15 Gm.). (See also Reagents [Part IV]; Tablets, Salt [Part II].) Sodium Citrate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; 14 Ib. Sodii Cilras. NasCeHsOy^HaO. White, odorless, granu- lar powder; efflorescent in dry air; cooling, saline taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in 1.3 mil (Cc.) water; insoluble in alcohol. Systemic Alkali, Diuretic. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). (See also Reagents [Part IV] ; Tablets [Part II].) SODIUM CYANIDE. Sodii Cyanidum. Newly official. NaCN. White, opaque pieces; or white, granular powder; odorless when dry, but ex- haling odor of hydrocyanic acid when damp. Freely soluble in water. Cough Sedative, Antispasmodic. Ordinary -Dose: Ve grain (0.01 Gm.). Antidotes: chlorine water or chlor- inated-soda solution, emetics; solution hydrogen peroxide hypo- dermically; ammonia; artificial respiration. Sodium Cyanide Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). SODIUM DlETHYLBARBlTURATE. See Barbital-Sodium. Sodium Dimethylarsenate. See Sodium Cacodylate. Sodium Glycerophosphate (Dry), Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. ; oz. Sodii Clycerophosphas. Hydrated Sodium Glycerophosphate containing not less than 68 percent, anhydrous NaoCsHjPOg. White, odorless powder; saline taste. Soluble freely in water; almost insoluble in alcohol. Used as Nerve Tonic, and usually given with other glycerophosphates. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). (See also Elixir; Solution; Tablets [Part II]). SODIUM GLYCEROPHOSPHATE 50%. See Solution Sodium Gly- cerophosphate. Sodium Glycocholate, Squibb 1 -oz. vial, ; '/g-oz. vial, One of the bile salts. Greenish-black, very bitter granules; peculiar odor. Soluble in water or alcohol with turbidity. Cholagogue. Dose: 5 to 15 grains (0.3 to 1 Gm.), as tablets. (See also Tablets [Part II].) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 229 Sodium Hydroxide, Squibb bottle, lb. ; J4 lb. Sodii Hydroxidum ; Sodium Hydrate; Soda; Caustic Soda. NaOH. Electrolytic; exceptionally pure, and assays higher than U. S. P. requirements of 90 percent. Small, white, crushed lumps. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.9 mil (Cc.) water; very soluble in alcohol. Caustic, Antacid. Dose: */2 * I grain 0.03 to 0.065 Gm.) well diluted. Antidotes: water, then vinegar or lemon juice, followed by emetics; demulcents. NOTE: On exposure sodium hydroxide deliquesces, absorbs carbon dioxide and becomes coated with carbonate. Hence keep well-stop- pered, in dry place. (See also Reagents [Part IV] ; Solution.) Sodium Hypophosphite, Squibb bottle, lb. ; % lb. ; oz. Sodii Hypophosphis. NaPHoO2.H2O. Small, colorless plates, or white granular powder; odorless; bitterish-sweet, saline taste; deliquescent in moist air. 1 Gm. dissolves in 1 mil (Cc:) water, 2 mils glycerin; soluble in alcohol; insoluble in ether. Ingredient of hypophosphite mixtures used as Tonics. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Care should be observed in dispensing this salt, as explosion may occur when it is tritur- ated or heated with nitrates, chlorates or other oxidizing agents. Sodium Hyposulphite. See Sodium Thiosulphate. Sodium Iodide, Squibb bottle, oz. Sodii lodidum. Nal. Made by a special Squibb process. White, odorless, crystalline powder; saline, slightly bitter taste; deliquescent in moist air. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.55 mil (Cc.) water, about 2 mils alcohol, 1 glycerin. Alterative, Resolvent, Saline Expectorant, like potassium iodide. Average Dose : 5 grains (0.3 Gm.). Incompatible with many alkaloidal salts, spirit nitrous ether, potassium chlorate, acids, bismuth and ferric salts, etc. Sodium Nitrate, Squibb bottle, lb. Chili Saltpetre. NaNO 3 . Dropped from U. S. P. Colorless, granular salt; cooling, saline, slightly bitter taste; hygroscopic in moist air. Soluble in about 1.1 parts water, 100 alcohol. Rarely used in human medicine, at present; in intestinal catarrhs, rheumatism, dropsy, etc. Ordinary Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.) well diluted. Externally (in rheumatism), in 1 :3 solu- tion. Antidotes: stimulants; ice water; opium. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) jf difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 230 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Sodium Nitrite, Squibb bottle, |4 ' b - ; 7 - Sodii Nitris. 95% NaNOg. White granules; odorless; mild, saline taste. I Gm. dissolves in 1.5 mils (Cc.) water; slightly soluble in alcohol. Vaso-dilator, similar to nitroglycerin but slower and more prolonged. Average Dose: 1 grain (0.065 Gm.). Incompatible in solution with acetanilid, antipyrine, hypophosphites, iodides, vegetable infusions, decoctions or tinc- tures, or mercury* salts. Keep well stoppered; on exposure it deliquesces and is oxidized to nitrate. (See also Reagents [Part IV] .) Sodium Nitroprusside Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Sodium Oxalate Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). SODIUM PERBORATE. Sodii Perboras. NaBOs^HoO. White, granular, odorless salt. Soluble in water, decomposing into hydrogen peroxide and sodium metaborate. Antiseptic, Deodorant, Bactericide; in 2% solution or as dusting powder, on purulent wounds, etc. Sodium Peroxide Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Sodium Phenolsulphonate, Squibb bottle, oz. Sodii Phenolsulphonas; Sodium Sulphocarbolate. CgHsO.- SOsNa.2H2O. It is a very difficult matter to make an article of correct chemical identity and satisfactory purity. The product quoted contains the officially required 99 percent, pure sodium paraphenolsulphonate. White or nearly white powder; cool- ing, saline, bitter taste; slightly efflorescent. 1 Gm. dissolves in 4.2 mils (Cc.) water, 140 alcohol, about 5 glycerin. Used as Intestinal Antiseptic; mostly internally in typhoid fever, fermentative dyspepsia, phthisical diarrhea, etc. Average Dose: 4 grains (0.25 Gm.). Externally in % to 1 percent, solution; in gonorrhea, putrid wounds, etc. Sodium Phosphate, Squibb (Granular) tin, Ib. ; l/ 2 lb. ; % Ib. bottle, lb. ; J/ 2 lb. I !4 lb. $odii Phosphas; Disodium Orthophosphate. NaoHPC^.^HoO. Much of the sodium phosphate on the market contains arsenic in quantities sufficient to render its use dangerous. The article here listed has been recrystallized and purified until no trace of arsenic can be detected in 5 Gm. by the Marsh-Berzelius test in l/o hour. Colorless; odorless; cooling, saline taste. Very efflorescent. 1 Gm. dissolves in 2.7 mils (Cc.) water; insoluble in alcohol. Incompatible with solutions of alkaloidal salts, and, on trituration, with antipyrine, phenol, chloral hydrate, resorcin, salicylic acid or sodium salicylate. Keep well closed, in cool place. Saline Cathartic, similar to magnesium sulphate (epsom salt). Average Dose: 60 grains (4 Gm.) ; as much as 240 grains (16 Gm.) is often given. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 231 Sodium Phosphate, Acid, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; |4 lb. ; oz. Sodium Biphosphate; Monosodium Dihydrogen Phosphate. NaHsPO-j-j-aq. Colorless, slightly hygroscopic granules; acid reaction. Soluble in less than 1 part water; insoluble in al- cohol. Urine-acidifier, usually given in conjunction with hexa- methylenamine as urinary bactericide administered two hours before latter drug. Dose: 15 to 20 grains (1 to 1.3 Gm.), in sweetened, flavored solution, as often as required to render urine acid. Sodium Phosphate, Granular Effervescent, Squibb bottle, lb. ; 4-oz., per doz. Sodii Phosphas Effervescent. 20 percent, exsiccated sodium phosphate. Average Dose: 150 grains (10 Gm.). Sodium Phosphate Compound, Granular Effervescent, Squibb 4-oz. bottles with dose-measures, per doz. Formerly called G. E. Antilithic. Suggested by Dr. H. H. Tinker, of New York, as an agreeable and efficient Eliminant in gout, rheumatism and all conditions connected with the uric acid diathesis. Each drachm contains 5 grains Dried Sodium Phosphate, and 1 grain each Sodium Benzoate and_ Sodium Salicylate True, all of the Squibb quality. Ordinary Dose: 2 drachms (8 Gm.). Sodium Phosphate Exsiccated, Squibb bottle, lb. ; |4 lb. SoJii Phosphas Exsiccaius; Dried or Anhydrous Sodium Phos- phate. Na^HPO4. Crystalline sodium phosphate is very apt to effloresce and become uncertain in dosage. This disadvantage, combined with the largeness of the dose, has created a prefer- ence for the dried salt, the dose of which is only one-half that of the granular salt. Exceedingly hygroscopic, hence must be kept well stoppered and in a dry place. Sodium Phosphate Liquefied. See Solution Sodium Phos- phate Compound. Sodium Pyrophosphate, Squibb tin, lb. ; % lb. ; oz. Sodii Pyrophosphas, U. S. P., VHIth Rev. Na4PoO 7 .]OHoO. Colorless, odorless, transparent prisms, or white powder, of cooling, saline, feebly alkaline taste; slightly efflorescent. Sol- uble in about 1 1 .5 parts water ; insoluble in alcohol. Laxative, similar to sodium phosphate. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). Sodium Salicylate, Squibb * From Synthetic Acid, Powdered tin, lb. ; % lb. ; oz. Sodii Salicylas. NaCyHoOa. White or faintly pinkish pow- The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing me- dicinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 232 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Sodium Salicylate, Squibb (Cent.) der; odorless or nearly so; sweetish, saline taste. 1 Gm. dis- solves in 0.9 mil (Cc.) water, 92 alcohol; soluble also in glyycerin. Antirheumatic, Antineuralgic, Antiseptic. Aver- age Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Incompatible with ferric salts, acids, and acid salts, quinine salts in solution, etc. (See also Tablets [Part II].) Sodium Salicylate from Natural (True) Acid, Squibb (Powdered) bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. ; oz. Prepared with natural (true) salicylic acid derived from pure oil betula. Believed by many physicians to be better borne and more efficient than sodium salicylate prepared from synthetic acid; according to Council on Ph. & C. of A. M. A., not superior to latter. (See also Tablets [Part II].) Sodium Sulphate, Squibb tin, Ib. ; % Ib. Sodii Sulphas; Glauber's Salt. Granular. Na2SC>4.10H2O. Colorless, transparent, efflorescent granules; odorless; of bitter, saline taste. 1 Gm. dissolves in about 1 mil (Cc.) water; soluble in glycerin; insoluble in alcohol. Saline Cathartic; more unpleasant than magnesium sulphate. Average Dose : 240 grains (15 Gm.). Keep well stoppered; very efflorescent. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Sodium Sulphate Dried, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % Ib. NaoSC^.HoO. The crystalline salt deprived of water of crys- tallization. Therapeutically twice strength of crystals or granu- lar salt, besides having the advantage of being more uniform and stable. Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous, Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). Sodium Sulphate, Granular Effervescent, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; 4 ozs., per doz. Contains 30 grains sodium sulphate per drachm. Dose: 2 to 8 drachms (8 to 30 Gm.). Sodium Sulphite Dried, Squibb tin, Ib. ; % Ib. Sodii Sulphis Exsiccatus. NaoSOs. Granular salt, made from high-quality crystalline sulphite by depriving it of its crystal water. Readily and almost perfectly soluble in water; very sparingly soluble in alcohol. Antiseptic, Antizymotic; used mainly as mouthwash in stomatitis, in 1:16 solution. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Incompatible with mineral acids. Keep well-stoppered, in cool place. Sodium Sulphocarbolate. See Sodium Phenolsulphonate. Sodium Tartrate, Squibb bottle, % Ib. White, odorless, almost tasteless crystals. Freely soluble in water. Succedaneum for Rochelle and Epsom salts. Dose: purgative, 4 to 8 drachms (15 to 30 Gm.) ; diuretic and refrig- erant, 15 to 45 grains (1 to 3 Gm.). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 233 Sodium Thiosulphate, Squibb tin, lb. Sodii Thiosulphas. N&^zOsSHzO. More commonly but in- correctly called "Sodium Hyposulphite." Colorless, granular salt; cooling, afterwards bitter taste; efflorescent in warm air, slightly deliquescent in moist air. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.5 mil (Cc.) water; insoluble in alcohol. Antiparasitic, Antizymotic, Cathartic. Used largely in photography; also to remove iodine and silver nitrate stains, etc. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Incompatible with acids, iodine, chlorine, solutions of nitrates, silver or lead salts. Keep can well closed, in cool place. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) Sodium and Ammonium Phosphate Reagent. See Re- agents (Part IV). Sodium and Potassium Tart rate. See Potassium and Sodium Tartrate. SOLANUM. Solanum, N. F.; Horse-nettle Berries. Air-dried ripe fruit of Solanum carolinense (Fam. Solanacets). Pepper-like odor; bitter, acrid taste. Used as Sedative, in convulsions and epi- lepsy. Average Dose: 60 grains (4 Gm.). Solargentum, Squibb bottle, lb. ; % lb. ; oz. Brownish-black, lustrous, odorless granules, containing 19 to 23 percent, silver in colloidal form^ associated with an organic protective colloid. Nonhygroscopic under ordinary conditions. Freely and quickly soluble in water; neutral and perfectly non- irritating in any strength; not precipitated from its solutions by sodium chloride, and does not coagulate albumin. Non-irritant Antiphlogistic and Germicide; in gonorrhea, and in inflammation of the eyes, ear, nose and throat. Used chiefly in I to 25 percent, or stronger solutions; also in bougies and suppositories. [CAUTION. There are a number of colloid silver preparations on the market, of dif- fering descriptions. It is therefore necessary to specify "Solargentum, Squibb" when this product is desired.] SOLUTION ACID ARSENOUS. Liquor Acidl Arsenosi ; frequently erroneously designated as "Solution Arsenic Chloride." Containing 1 percent, arsenic trioxide in solution with dilute hydrochloric acid and water. Alterative, Antiperiodic. Average Dose: 3 minims (0.2 mil [Cc.]), in water. Antidotes: arsenic antidote, or magnesia in milk; then emetics. Incompatible with iron in solution, with vegetable astringent infusions, tinctures- or decoctions. Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 234 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Solution Acid Carbolic (Crude), Squibb quart 2 percent, solution of crude 90 percent, carbolic acid. Used for general Disinfectant and household purposes. It may, with- out injury or staining, be freely sprinkled upon bedding, clothing, carpets, floors, furniture, etc., or, when further diluted, may be applied to the body. This dilute solution may be safely entrusted to hands unskilled . in the use of powerful medicinal agents, and yet is strong enough for most useful purposes. Antidotes: alcohol or whiskey freely at once; emetics hypo- dermically; raw white of egg, or other demulcents. Solution Aluminum Acetate, Squibb bottle, pint, Liquor Alumini Acetatis, N. F.; Burow's Solution; nol Solu- tion Aluminum Acetate, N. F. III. Made by interaction of lead acetate and aluminum sulphate.. Contains 4.5 to 5.5 Gm. neutral aluminum acetate in 100 mils (Cc.). External Antiseptic and Astringent; used diluted with 1 to 3 parts water. SOLUTION ALUMINUM ACETO-TARTRATE. Liquor Alumini Acetico-Tarlratis, N. F. Contains about 50 percent, aluminum aceto-tartrat* made extemporaneously. Ex- ternal Astringent, Antiseptic. SOLUTION ALUMINUM SUBACETATE. Liquor Alumini Subacelalis, N. F.; formerly officially known as Solution Aluminum Acetate. Contains 7.5 to 8 percent, basic aluminum acetate. External Antiseptic and Astringent; used diluted with 1 to 3 parts water. SOLUTION AMMONIUM ACETATE. Liquor Ammoni! Acelatis; Spirit of Mindererus. 7 percent. Clear, colorless liquid, of mildly saline, acidulous taste. Di- aphoretic, Diuretic. Average Dose: 4 fluidrachms (15 mils [Cc.]). Should not be dispensed unless recently prepared. SOLUTION AMMONIUM CITRATE. Liquor Ammonii Citratis, N. F. Each fluidounce represents about 72 grains ammonium citrate. Diaphoretic, Refrigerant. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Solution Antiseptic, Squibb bottle, pint We have not adopted the N. F. IV formula for Liquor Anli- seplicus, which yields an unsightly product, but have adhered to U. S. P. VHIth Rev. formula. Each 1000 mils (Cc.) contains 20 Gm. boric acid, 1 Gm. benzoic acid, 1 Gm. thymol, 0.25 mil eucalyptol, 0.5 mil oil peppermint, 0.25 mil methyl salicylate, 0.1 mil oil thyme, with alcohol and water. Used diluted with 1 to 4 parts water. Average Dose: 1 fiuidrachm (4 mils). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 235 Solution Antiseptic, Alkaline, Squibb bottle, pint Liquor Antiseplicus Alfyalinus, N. F. 1000 mils (Cc.) con- tain 32 Gm. each potassium bicarbonate and sodium borate, 8 Cm. sodium benzoate, and a little eucalyptol, oil peppermint, methyl salicylate and thymol, with alcohol, glycerin and water. Employed externally in nose and throat affections; as a mouth wash; in burns, insect bites, leucorrhea, etc.; internally as Anti- fermentative. Used diluted with 1 to 4 parts water. Dose: 1 to 2 fluidrachms (4 to 8 mils [Cc.]). SOLUTION ARSENIC, CLEMENS*. Liquor Arsenicalis Clemens, N. F.; Solution Potassium Arsen- ate and Bromide; Solution Arsenic Bromide. Contains equiva- lent of 1 percent, arsenic trioxide as arsenate and bromide of potassium. Alterative; also used in diabetes. Average Dose: 3 minims (0.2 mil [Cc.]). SOLUTION ARSENIC BROMIDE. See Solution Arsenic, Clemens'. SOLUTION ARSENIC CHLORIDE. See Solution Acid Arsenous. Solution Arsenic and Mercury Iodide, Squibb bottle, pint, ; ]/^ pint, ; oz. Liquor Arseni et Hydrargyri lodidi; Donovan's Solution. About I percent.. each arsenous iodide and red mercuric iodide, in aqueous solution. Alterative, Antiluetic. Average Dose : l*/2 minims (0.1 mil [Cc.]). Incompatible with alkalies and solutions alkaloidal salts. Antidotes: arsenic antidote, or milk and magnesia; then emetics. SOLUTION BISMUTH. Liquor Bismuthi, N. F. ; Liquid Bismuth. Each fluidrachm contains 2 gr. bismuth and sodium tartrate with alcohol, glycerin and water. Used as Gastric Sedative. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Solution Bismuth, Concentrated. See Glycerite Bismuth. SOLUTION BROMINE. " Liquor Bromi, N. F.; Smith's Solution Bromine. 25 percent. Br. with 5 percent, potassium bromide. Antiseptic. Antidotes: ammonia by inhalation ; sodium carbonate in dilute solution ; albumen. Solution Bromine for Urea Estimation. See Urea Ap- paratus. SOLUTION CALCIUM HYDROXIDE. Liquor Calcis; Lime Water. Contains not less than 0.14 per- cent. Ca(OH)o. Antacid. Dose: 4 fluidrachms (15 mils [Cc.]). The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 236 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA SOLUTION CARMINE. Liquor Carmini, N. F. Each 100 mils (Cc.) contains 6.5 Gm. carmine, 36.5 mils each ammonia water and glycerin, and water. Coloring. SOLUTION, CHANNING'S. See Solution Mercury and Potas- sium Iodide. SOLUTION CHLORINE COMPOUND. Liquor Chlori Composilus, N. F.; Chlorine Water. 0.35 Gm. chlorine in 100 mils (Cc.). Yellow liquid; strong odor and taste of chlorine. Disinfectant, Antizymotic; Reagent. Aver- age Dose: I fluidrachm (4 mils), well diluted. Very unstable; should not be dispensed unless recently made. SOLUTION, CLEMENS^ See Solution Arsenic, Clemens'. SOLUTION COAL TAR. Liquor Picis Carbonis, N. F. Each 100 mils (Cc.) contains 20 Gm. coal tar dissolved by aid of 10 Gm. quillaja. Stimu- lating Antiparasitic and Antipruritic Dermic. Solution Cresol Compound, Squibb bottle, pint Liquor Cresolis Compositus. 50 percent, pure cresol, held in solution by soap produced from' linseed oil and sodium hy- droxide. Light-amber liquid; phenol-like odor. Soluble in warm water in all proportions. Darkens with age, but this does not affect its antibacterial action. Superior succedaneum for carbolic acid (phenol), having carbolic acid coefficient of about 3, hence three times as powerful as latter. Powerful. Antiseptic, Disinfectant, Deodorant and Parasiticide. Does not precipitate albumen, attack instruments, nor stain linen. Used in 1 to 3 percent, solution, best made with warm water. Solution, Dobell's. See Solution Sodium Berate Compound. Solution, Donovan's. See Solution Arsenic and Mercury Iodide. Solution, Fehling's. See under Fehling's Test Solution Ele- ments. SOLUTION FORMALDEHYDE. Liquor FormalJehydi ; Formalin; Formol. Aqueous solution containing not less than 37 percent. CHi>O. Clear, colorless liquid; pungent odor; caustic taste; irritating vapor; sp. gr. 1.075 to 1.078; miscible with water or alcohol. General Disin- fectant, Deodorant, Antihydrotic ; hardener of microscopical specimens. Used in J/2 to 2 percent, solution medicinally; in weaker solutions for hygienic purposes. Incompatible with al- kalies, ammonia, and oxidizing agents. Antidotes: solution am- monium acetate; ammonia by inhalation. Solution Fowler's. See Solution Potassium Arsenite. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 237 Solution Glycerophosphates Compound, Squibb (No Sugar) bottle, pint, Each fluidounce contains 8 grains calcium glycerophosphate, 16 grains sodium glycerophosphate (75%); P/2 grains iron gly- cerophosphate, 1 grain manganese glycerophosphate, J/2 grain quinine glycerophosphate, and i/16 grain strychnine glycero- phosphate. Employed as Nerve tonic, where the correspond- ing elixir glycerophosphates compound is considered ob- jectionable on account of the sugar. Ordinary Dose: 1 fluid drachm (4 mils [Cc.]), in water, before meals. (See also Elixir; Tablets [Part II].) Solution Gold and Arsenic Bromide, Squibb g. s. bottle, pint, ; J/j pint, ; oz. Liquor Auri el Arseni Bromidi, N. F. III. Owing to the im- possibility of procuring bromauric acid, called for in present N. F., these laboratories continue to supply the N. F. Ill pro- duct. Each 10 minims contains i/32 grain gold tribromide and 1 /40 grain arsenous acid. Used as Alterative, Antidiabetic, Antiepileptic. Average Dose: 3 minims (0.2 mil [Cc.]). SOLUTION GUTTA PERCHA. Liquor Guiles Perches, N. F. ; Traumaticin. 15 Gm. gutta percha dissolved in 100 mils (Cc.) chloroform. Protective, like collodion. SOLUTION, HALL'S. See Solution Strychnine Acetate. SOLUTION HYDRASTINE COMPOUND. Liquor Hydrastincs Compositus, N. F.; Colorless Hydrastine Solution. Each fluidounce contains about ! 3 /g grains each hydrastine hydrochloride, aluminum chloride, calcium chloride, and magnesium chloride, */o grain potassium chloride, 240 minims glycerin, and water. Antiseptic Astringent externally; Tonic and Hemostatic internally. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Solution Hydrogen Peroxide, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; 1/2 Ib. ; |4 Ib. Liquor HyJrogenii Dioxidi ; Solution Hydrogen Dioxide. 3 percent. H2C>2, equivalent to 10 volumes available oxygen. Made by an improved process which insures high purity and excellent keeping properties. Free from acetanilid and alcohol. A harmless, non-staining Antiseptic, Disinfectant and Deodor- izer; on cuts, wounds, etc.; as an antiseptic mouth wash; de- odorizer of the body, utensils, etc. Used pure or diluted with 1 to 3 parts water. Used also as Reagent. Average Dose : 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Keep in cool place and quiet; occasionally remove the cork. The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering.. 238 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA SOLUTION HYPOPHOSPHITES. Liquor Hypophosphilum, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 16', i grains calcium hypophosphite, 9 grains sodium hypophosphite, 8Vs grains potassium hypophosphite, in water; unsweetened. Alterative Tonic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). (See also Syrup.) Solution Hypophosphites Compound, Squibb (No Sugar) pint, Liquor Hypophosphilum Composilus, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 4 grains each calcium and potassium hypophos- phites, 1 grain each sodium, quinine and manganese hypophos- phites, 2 grains ferric hypophosphite, and */32 grain strychnine hypophosphite. Used in place of Syrup Hypophosphites Com- pound where sugar is objectionable. Average Dose: 1 fluid drachm (4 mils [Cc.]), after meals. Solution Hypophysis, Squibb box of 6X1 Cc. ampuls, box of 6X0.5 Cc. ampuls, Liquor Hypophysis; Solution of Pituitary Body. Prepared under aseptic conditions from posterior lobes of fresh pituitary gland from cattle, and carefully standardized and sterilized. Stimulant and Constrictor of unstriped muscle, especially that of the uterus and blood vessels; used in second stage of labor, uterine atony with post-partum hemorrhage and other forms of uterine bleeding, shock and other conditions of low blood pressure, certain cases of pulmonary hemorrhage, post-operative intestinal paresis, etc. Average Dose: 16 minims (1 mil [Cc.]) hypodermically, repeated in 30 to 60 minutes if necessary. SOLUTION IODINE COMPOUND. Liquor lodi Composilus; Lugol's Solution. Aqueous liquid containing about 5 percent, iodine and 10 percent, potassium iodide. Alterative. Average Dose: 3 minims (0.2 mil [Cc.]), diluted. SOLUTION IODINE PHENOLATED. Liquor lodi Phenolalus, N. F.; Boulton's Solution. Each 100 mils (Cc.) contains 1 .5 mils compound solution iodine, 0.6 mil liquefied carbolic acid, 16.5 mils glycerin, water q. s. Antiseptic. SOLUTION IRON ACETATE. Liquor Ferri Acetalis, N. F. 31 percent, anhydrous ferric acetate, equivalent to 7.5 percent. Fe. Hematinic, Hemostatic. Average Dose: 5 minims (0.3 mil [Cc.]). Solution Iron Albuminate, Squibb pint, Of same Iron Albuminate strength as the Liquor Ferri Albu- minati, N. F., but made by a process yielding a better article. Each fluidounce contains 2.4 grains metallic iron as albuminate. Hematinic.' Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 239 Solution Iron Chloride, Squibb g. s. bottle, pint Liquor Ferri Chloridi. About 29 percent, anhydrous ferric chloride (equivalent to 10 percent, iron). Reddish-brown liquid; acid, strongly styptic taste; acid reaction. Sp. gr. 1 .29 to 1 .32. Astringent, Styptic, Hematinic ; but used mainly pharmaceutically. Average Dose: l'/2 minims (0.1 mil [Cc.]), well diluted. SOLUTION IRON CITRATE. Liquor Ferri Citratis, N. F. Aqueous solution containing ferric citrate corresponding to 7.25 percent. Fe. Hematinic. Aver= age Dose: 10 minims (0.65 mil [Cc.]). SOLUTION IRON HYPOPHOSPHITE. Liquor Ferri Hypophosphilis, N. F. Each fluidrachm contains about 10 grains iron hypophosphite, in glycerin and water. Hematinic. Average Dose: 15 minims (I mil [Cc.]). Solution Iron Iodide, Squibb 1 -oz. ampuls, 2 in box, per box, Designed for convenient preparation of Syrup Iron Iodide. Contains about 81 Gm. iron iodide (ferrous) in 100 mils (Cc.). Sp. gr. about 1.73. One volume with 11 volumes syrup makes syrup iron iodide of official strength. Solution Iron Nitrate, Squibb Ib. Liquor Ferri Nitralis, N. F. Contains about 6 percent, an- hydrous salt, or about 1 .3 percent, metallic iron. Clear, red- dish liquid; sp. gr. about 1,060. Astringent, Styptic, Hematinic. Average Dose: 5 minims (0.3 mil [Cc.]). Solution Iron Oxychloride, Squibb pint Liquor Ferri OxychloriJi, N. F. Contains ferric oxychloride corresponding to about 3 percent, metallic iron, dissolved in mixture of glycerin and water. Hematinic, Astringent, and Ar- senic Antidote, but used mainly for preparing Solution Iron Albuminate. Solution Iron Peptonate, and Solution Iron Pep- tonate with Manganese. Average Dose : 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). SOLUTION IRON OXYSULPHATE. Liquor Ferri Oxysulphaiis, N. F. 100 mils (Cc.) contain product of interaction of 16.5 Gm. each ferrous sulphate and nitric acid. Astringent. Solution Iron Peptonate, Squibb pint Liquor Ferri Peplonati, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 2J/4 grains metallic iron as peptonate. Hematinic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 240 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Solution Iron Peptonate and Manganese, Squibb pint, Liquor Ferri Peptonall et Mangani, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 2'/4 grains metallic iron as peptonate and '3 grain metallic manganese as citrate. Hematinic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]), after meals. Solution Iron Peptonate with Manganese and Arsenic, Squibb pint, Preceding article with addition of 1 /so grain arsenous acid per fluidounce. Hematinic, Alterative. Ordinary Dose: 2 fluid drachms (8 mils [Cc.]). SOLUTION IRON PROTOCHLORIDE. Liquor Ferri Protochloridi, N. F.; Solution Ferrous Chloride. About 30 percent. FeClo. Hemalinic, Astringent; also used pharmaceutically. Average Dose: 10 minims (0.65 mil. [Cc.]). SOLUTION IRON SALICYLATE. Liquor Ferri Salicylalis, N. F. Each 100 mils (Cc.) contains product of interaction of 12.5 Gm. sodium salicylate and 12.5 mils tincture iron citro-chloride, 17.5 mils glycerin, and 0.2 mil methyl salicylate as flavor. Used as Hematinic Anti- rheumatic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). Solution Iron Subsulphate, Squibb bottle, lb. J4 lb. Liquor Ferri Subsulphatis ; Monsel's Solution. 13 to 14 per- cent, iron. Dark, reddish-brown liquid, of strong, acid, styptic taste; sp. gr. about 1.548. Miscible in all proportions with water or alcohol. Liable to crystallize, and then becomes a dirty whitish, semi-solid mass. This does not injure the prep- aration in the least, and all that is needed to restore it to its original condition is to set it in a warm place until it melts. But even the unattractive-looking crystalline mass will be found to act as a styptic as effectually as the clear solution. Styptic, Astringent, pure or in strong solution; rarely used internally. Average Dose: 3 minims (0.2 mil [Cc.]), Solution Iron Tersulphate, Squibb bottle, lb. Liquor Ferri Tersulphaiis ; 36 percent, normal ferric sulphate; or 10 percent, metallic iron. Free from nitric acid and ferrous salt. Dark, reddish-brown, nearly odorless, acid liquid; strong- ly styptic taste; sp. gr. about 1 .432. Miscible with water or alcohol. Astringent, Styptic, like subsulphate solution, but less powerful and more irritating. SOLUTION IRON AND AMMONIUM ACETATE. Liquor Ferri el Ammonii Aceiatis; Basham's Mixture. Made from tincture ferric chloride, acetic acid, solution ammonium acetate, aromatic elixir, glycerin and water. Should be freshly made as wanted; spoils readily. Hematinic. Average Dose: 4 fluidrachms (15 mils [Cc.]). SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 241 Solution, Labarraque's. See Solution Soda Chlorinated. Solution Lead Subacetate, Squibb Ib. Liquor Plumbi Subacetalis ; Goulard's Extract. 25 percent, (equal to 18 percent. Pb). Clear, colorless, odorless liquid, of sweetish, astringent taste. Sp. gr. about 1 .245. Astringent and Antiseptic, but used chiefly pharmaceutically and as Reagent. SOLUTION LEAD SUBACETATE DILUTED. Liquor Plumbi Subacetatis Dilulus; Lead Water; Goulard's Water. 1 percent, lead subacetate. External Astringent and Antiphlogistic, undiluted. SOLUTION, LUGOL'S. See Solution Iodine Compound. SOLUTION MAGNESIUM CITRATE. Liquor Magnesii Citratis. 100 mils (Cc.) contain magnesium citrate corresponding to not less than 1 .5 Gm. magnesium oxide. Mild, pleasant Saline Laxative. Average Dose: 12 fluidounces (350 mils [Cc.]). SOLUTION MAGNESIUM SULPHATE EFFERVESCENT. Liquor Magnesii Sulphalis Effervescent, N. F. Each 12 fluid- ounces contains 385 grains magnesium sulphate, with syrup citric acid as flavor. Saline Laxative. Average Dose: 12 fluid- ounces (350 mils [Cc.]). SOLUTION MERCURY NITRATE. Liquor Hydrarstyri Nitralis, N. F. About 60 percent, mercuric nitrate, 1 1 percent, free nitric acid. Clear, nearly colorless liquid; faint odor of nitric acid; strongly acid reaction; sp. gr. about 2.086. Caustic. Antidotes: magnesia, chalk, or soap and water; emetics; raw eggs and demulcents. SOLUTION MERCURY AND POTASSIUM IODIDE. Liquor Hydrargyri el Potassii lodidi, N. F. ; Channing's Solu- tion; Solution Potassium lodohydrargyrate. 1 percent, red iodide of mercury, with 0.8 percent, potassium iodide. Altera- tive, Antisyphilitic. Average Dose: 3 minims (0.2 mil [Cc.]), after meals, diluted. Incompatible with alkaloidal salts or alkalies. Solution, MonsePs. See Solution Iron Subsulphate. SOLUTION NITROGLYCERIN. See Spirit Glyceryl Trinitrate. This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 242 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA SOLUTION PANCREATIN. Liquor Pancrealini, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 8|/g grains pancreatin, and about 23 grains sodium bicarbonate, with glycerin, compound spirit cardamom, etc. Digestive, in intes- tinal indigestion. Average Dose: I fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). SOLUTION, PEAKSON'S. See Solution Sodium Arsenate, Pearson's. SOLUTION PEPSIN. Liquor Pepsini, N. F. Each fluidounce contains 2 grains pep- sin, 4.8 minims hydrochloric acid, glycerin and water. Proteolytic. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). SOLUTION PEPSIN ANTISEPTIC. Liquor Pepsini Anliseplicus, N. F. Each 100 mils (Cc.) con- tains 5 Gm. pepsin, 0.05 mil each menthol, eucalyptol and glycerin, water. Antiseptic Solvent of false membrane, Stim- ulant of sluggish ulcers, etc. SOLUTION PEPSIN AROMATIC. Liquor Pepsini Aromalicus, N. F. Each fluidounce contains about 8J/g grains pepsin, 4.8 minims hydrochloric acid, with oils cinnamon, pimenta and cloves as flavor, alcohol, glycerin, water. Aromatic Digestive ; Vehicle. Average Dose : 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). SOLUTION PHOSPHATES ACID. Liquor Phosphatum AciJus, N. F. ; Solution Acid Phosphates. Acid solution of calcium and magnesium phosphates, extem- poraneously made. Bone Nutrient, Tonic. Average Dose : 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). SOLUTION PHOSPHATES COMPOUND. Liquor Phosphalum Compositus, N. F. Flavored, sweetened solution of phosphates of calcium, ammonium, potassium, sodium and iron; 16J/4 grains ferric phosphate per fl. oz. Anti- cachectic, Bone Nutrient, Hematinic. Ordinary Dose: 1 fluid drachm (4 mils [Cc.]). SOLUTION PHOSPHORUS. Liquor Phosphori, N. F.; Thompson's Solution Phosphorus. !/24 grain phosphorus in 1 fluidrachm, with alcohol, spirit pep- permint and glycerin. Stimulant of bone formation, in rickets, etc. Average Dose: 10 minims (0.65 mil [Cc.]). Antidotes: potassium permanganate; charcoal, or lime water; emetics. Solution Potassa. See Solution Potassium Hydroxide. SOLUTION POTASSA CHLORINATED. Liquor Polasste Chlorinates, N. F.; Javelle Water. Assays about 2 percent, available chlorine. Disinfectant, Antizymotic; used mostly externally (ulcers, aphthae, tonsillitis, etc., in 1:8 dilution). Dose: 5 to 10 minims (0.3 to 0.65 Cc.) well diluted. Antidotes: white of egg, then emetics; ammonia water. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 243 SOLUTION POTASSIUM ARSENATE AND BROMIDE. See Solution Arsenic, Clemens'. Solution Potassium Arsenite, Squibb bottle, pint ; oz. Liquor Potassti Arsenitts; Fowler's Solution (Arsenical). Con- tains potassium arsenite equivalent to about 1 percent, arsenic trioxide, with compound tincture lavender as flavor. Altera- tive, Antiperiodic. Average Dose: 3 minims (0.2 mil [Cc.]). Antidotes: arsenic antidote, or milk and magnesia; emetics. SOLUTION POTASSIUM CITRATE. Liquor Potassii Cilralis. Aqueous solution containing 8 per- cent, anhydrous potassium citrate. Clear, colorless, odorless liquid; mildly saline .taste. Systemic Alkali, Diuretic. Average Dose: 4 fluidrachms (15 mils [Cc.]). Should not be dispensed unless recently made. Solution Potassium Hydroxide, Squibb rubber-stopper bottle, pint Liquor Polassii Hydroxidi ; Solution Potassa. Carefully made from an exceptionally pure potassium hydroxide, of which it contains from 4.5 to 5 percent. Clear, colorless liquid; acrid, caustic taste, strongly alkaline reaction; sp. gr. about 1.046. Systemic Antacid. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]), diluted. Antidotes: lemon juice or vinegar; milk and eggs. SOLUTION POTASSIUM IODOHYDRARGYRATE. See Solution Mer- cury and Potassium Iodide. SOLUTION SALT, PHYSIOLOGICAL. See Solution Sodium Chloride. Solution Soda. See Solution Sodium Hydroxide. Solution Soda for Urea Estimation. See Urea Apparatus. Solution Soda Chlorinated, Squibb rubber-stopper bottle, per doz. pints Liquor Sods Chlorinaia (Chlorals), U. S. P. 1870; Labar- raque's Solution. A more satisfactory product than present official formula yields. Contains 2.5 percent, available chlorine. Pale-greenish liquid; faint chlorine odor; disagreeable taste; sp. gr. about 1.050. Disinfectant, Antizymotic. Ordinary Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]), diluted. Externally, diluted with 2 to 4 parts water. Antidotes : ammonia water, then emetics; milk and eggs. The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 244 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA SOLUTION SODA AND MINT. Liquor Soda el Menlha, N. F.; Mixture Soda and Spearmint. Each fluidounce represents 22J/2 grains sodium bicarbonate and 5 minims aromatic spirit ammonia, with spearmint water. Antacid, Carminative. Average Dose: 2 fluidrachms (8 mils [Cc.]). Incompatible with alkaloidal salts or acids. SOLUTION SODIUM ARSENATE. Liquor Sodii Arsenatis Pearson, N. F.; Pearson's Solution. O.I percent, exsiccated sodium arsenate. Not to be confounded with Solution Sodium Arsenate U. S. P. VHIth. Rev., which is ten times stronger. Alterative, Antiperiodic ; in chronic skin diseases, chorea, neuralgia, etc. Average Dose : 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Solution Sodium Borate Compound, Squibb pint Liquor Sodii Boralis Compositus, N. F.; Dobell's Solution. About 1 .5 percent, each sodium borate and sodium bicarbonate, 0.3 percent, carbolic acid, glycerin and water. Alkaline Anti- septic; in nasal and laryngeal affections chiefly. SOLUTION SODIUM CHLORIDE PHYSIOLOGICAL. Liquor Sodii Chloridi Physiologicus ; Normal Salt Solution. Sterilized. 0.85 percent. For venous transfusion, hypodermo- clysis, etc. SOLUTION SODIUM CITRATE. Liquor Sodii Citratis, N. F.; River's Potion. Each 100 mils (Cc.) contains product resulting from action of 2 Gm. citric acid on 2.5 Gm. sodium bicarbonate. Systemic Alkali, Diuretic. Average Dose : 2 fluidrachms (8 Cc.) . Should be freshly made as ordered. SOLUTION SODIUM CITRO-TARTRATE EFFERVESCENT. Liquor Sodii Cilro-Tartralis Effervescent, N. F. Each 350 mils (12 fl. oz.) contains product of interaction of sodium bicarbonate 26 Gm., tartaric acid 24 Gm., citric acid 2 Gm., with syrup citric acid 50 mils (Cc.) and water. Refrigerant, Laxative. Average Dose: 12 fluidounces (350 mils). Solution Sodium Glycerophosphate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; J4 Ib. ; oz. Liquor Sodii Clycerophosphaiis. Aqueous solution containing 50 percent, anhydrous Na2C3H7PO(j. Clear, colorless or yellow- ish, syrupy liquid. Used as Nerve Tonic. Average Dose: 6 minims (0.4 mil [Cc.]). (See also Sodium Glycero- phosphate.) Solution Sodium Hydroxide, Squibb rubber-stopper bottle, pint, Liquor Sodii Hydroxidi ; Solution Soda. Contains 4.5 to 5 percent, sodium hydroxide; sp. gr. about 1.056. Very acrid, caustic taste. Systemic Antacid. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]), diluted. Antidotes: lemon juice or vinegar; milk and eggs. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 245 Solution Sodium Phosphate Compound, Squibb pint Liquor Sodii Phosphatis Compositus, N. F.; Liquefied Sodium Phosphate. Made from sodium phosphate, citric acid, glycerin and water. 1 mil (Cc.) represents 1 Cm. sodium phosphate. Laxative. Average Dose: 2 fiuidrachms (8 mils). SOLUTION STRYCHNINE ACETATE. Liquor Strychnines Acetalis, N. F.; Hall's Solution Strychnine. ]/Q grain strychnine acetate in 1 fluidrachm, with alcohol, com- pound tincture cardamom and water. Nervine, Stomachic. Average Dose: 10 minims (0.65 mil [Cc.]). Antidotes: tannin, then emetics; chloral hydrate with bromides per rectum; chloro- form by inhalation if required. SOLUTION SULPHURATED LIME. Liquor .C aids Sulphurates, N. F.; Vleminckx's Lotion or Solu- tion. Each 100 mils (Cc.) represents product resulting from 16.5 Gm. calcium oxide and 25 Gm. sublimed sulphur. Depila- tory. SOLUTION TAR ALKALINE. Liquor Picis Alfyalinus, N. F. Each 100 mils (Cc.) contains 25 Gm. tar, 12.5 Gm. potassium hydroxide. Antiparasitic Dermic. SOLUTION, THOMPSON'S. See Solution Phosphorus. Solution Tolu for Syrup. See Fluid Tolu. SOLUTION, VILLATE'S. See Mixture Astringent. SOLUTION ZINC AND ALUMINUM COMPOUND. Liquor Zinc! ei Alumini Compositus, N. F. Each 1000 mils (Cc.) contains 200 Gm. zinc sulphate, 200 Gm. aluminum sulphate, 0.6 Gm. betanaphthol, 2 mils oil thyme. Astringent, Antiseptic ; externally. SOLUTION ZINC AND IRON COMPOUND. Liquor Zinci et Fern Compositus, N. F.; Deodorant Solu- tion. Each 1000 mils (Cc.) contains 200 Gm. zinc sulphate, 200 Gm. ferrous sulphate, 65 Gm. copper sulphate, 0.6 Gm. betanaphthol, 2 mils oil thyme, 4 mils hypophosphorous acid. Solution Zinc Chloride, Squibb bottle, Ib. Liquor Zinci Chloridi. 50 percent, anhydrous zinc chloride. Disinfectant, diluted, about 1 Ib. in 2 gallons water; Caustic, in concentrated form. Solutions, Test and Volumetric. See Reagents (Part IV). Spanish Flies. See Cantharides. If difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 246 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Sparteine Sulphate, Squibb J/g-oz. vial, ; 15-gr. vial, Sparleinai Sulphas. CisH26N2H.2SO4.5H2O. Salt of alka- loid from Scoparius (Broom). Colorless, odorless, crystals, or a white powder; saline, slightly bitter taste. I Cm. dissolves in 1.1 mils (Cc.) water, 3 alcohol; insoluble in ether or chloro- form. Used as Heart Stimulant and Diuretic. Average Dose: 1 /6 grain (0.01 Gm.) ; though as much as 2 grains has been recommended per dose, particularly for diuretic action. Anti- dotes: tannin, then emetics; cathartics; strong hot coffee; opium; brandy. (See also Tablets [Part II].) SPEARMINT. Mentha Viridis. Dried leaves and flowering tops of Mentha spicata (Mentha viridis; Fam. Labiate). Carminative Flavor- ing. Average Dose: 60 grains (4 Gm.). SPECIES, LAXATIVE. Species Laxatives, N. F.; St. Germain Tea. Senna 40%, elder flowers 25%, fennel 12.5%, anise 12.5%, potassium bitar- trate 10%. Average Dose: 20 grains (1.3 Gm.) in infusion. SPECIES, PECTORAL. Species Pectorales, N. F.; Breast Tea. Althaea 40%, colts- foot 20%, licorice 15%, anise 10%, mullein flowers 10%, orris 5%. Average Dose: 60 grains (4 Gm.) in infusion. Specific Gravity Apparatus, Squibb Consisting of a tested hydrometer, thermometer, and red and blue litmus paper. Complete, ; without thermometer, ; hydrometer alone, ; jar alone, SPERMACETI. Cetaceum. Concrete fat from head of sperm whale, Physeter macrocephalus (Fam. Physeterida). White, unctuous masses; faint odor; bland, mild taste. Sp. gr. 0.938 to 0.944. Soluble in ether, chloroform, oils; nearly insoluble in alcohol (cold); insoluble in water. Skin Protective and Emollient, but used mainly pharmaceutically. Spices. In response to the requests of physicians for powde*ed spices of unquestionable identity and purity, E. R. Squibb & Sons have for some years past supplied a line of absolutely pure, highest quality powdered spices, which are commended to all who desire condiments of distinctive quality and free from sophistication of any kind. The whole spices are selected with the greatest care and first assayed to make sure they come up to the high standards set by the Squibb Laboratories. Being absolutely pure and of exceptional strength, the Squibb spices are economical; a small quantity goes a great way. The list comprises: Allspice; Cinnamon; Cloves; Ginger; Mace; Mustard; Nutmeg; Paprika; and Pepper (Black, Red Spe- cial Blend, and White). See respective titles. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 247 SPIGELIA. Spigelia; Pinkroot. Dried rhizome and roots of Spigelia marilandica (Fam. Loganiacea) . Aromatic odor; pungent, bit- ter taste. Teniafuge. Average Dose: 60 grains (4 Gm.). SPIKENARD. See Aralia. SPINDLE TREE: See Euonymus.* SPIRIT ACID FORMIC. Spiritus Acidi Formici, N. F.; Spirit of Ants. 1000 mils (Cc.) contain 40 mils formic acid (25%), 735 alcohol, and water. Rubefacient externally; rarely used internally as diffusi- ble Stimulant. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils). SPIRIT AMMONIA ANISATED. Spirilus Ammonia Anisatus, N. F. 3 vol. percent, anethol, 20 ammonia water, alcohol q. s. Aromatjc Carminative, Ex- pectorant. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil [Cc.]). Spirit Ammonia Aromatic, Squibb g. s. bottle, pint ; J/^ P" 1 ' Spirilus Ammonia Aromalicus. 100 mils (Cc.) contain 3.4 Gm. ammonium carbonate and 9 mils ammonia water, with oils of lemon, nutmeg and lavender, alcohol and water. Sp. gr. about 0.900. Stimulant, Aromatic Alkali, Carminative. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils), diluted. SPIRIT ANISE. Spiritus Anisi. 10 volume percent, oil anise, in alcohol. Aro- matic Carminative; Flavoring. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). SPIRIT ANTS. See Spirit Acid Formic. SPIRIT BAY COMPOUND. See Spirit Myrcia Compound. SPIRIT BITTER ALMOND. Spiritus Amygdala Amara. 1 volume percent, true oil bitter almond, in alcohol (80) and water (19). Cough Sedative; Flavoring. Average Dose: 8 minims (0.5 mil [Cc.]). SPIRIT CAMPHOR. Spiritus Camphors; Tincture Camphor. 100 mils (Cc.) con- tain 10 Gm. camphor, in alcohol. Rubefacient; Antispasmodic, Stimulant. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil), diluted. SPIRIT CARDAMOM COMPOUND. Spirilus Cardamomi Compositus, N. F. 10 vol. percent, oil cardamom, 10 oil orange, 1 oil cinnamon, 0.5 oil clove, 0.5 anethol, 0.02 oil caraway, in alcohol. Carminative; Flavoring. The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing med- icinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 248 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA SPIRIT CHLOROFORM. Spiritus Chloroformi ; Chloric Ether. 6 volume percent, chloroform, in alcohol. Counter-irritant, Anodyne; Antispas- modic. Carminative. Average Dose: 30 minimi (2 mils [Cc.]), diluted. SPIRIT CINNAMON. Spiritus Cinnamomi. 10 volume percent, oil cinnamon, in alco- hol. Aromatic Carminative. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). SPIRIT ETHER. Spirilus dElheris; often erroneously designated as Hoffmann's Anodyne. 32% volume percent, ether, in alcohol. Carmina- tive, Antispasmodic, Stimulant. Average Dose: I fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Spirit Ether Compound, Squibb bottle, pint ; ]4 pint Spiritus /Elheris Compositus Hoffman's Anodyne. 2.5 vol- ume percent, genuine ethereal oil. Each 100 mils (Cc.) contains 2.5 mils (Cc.) ethereal oil, 32.5 mils ether, and alcohol. The ethereal oil used is a product made in strict accordance with N. F. directions; not the nondescript distillate from grapes, nor the indeterminate residue from the ether still often marketed as "oil of wine." Stimulant Antispasmodic, Carminative. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]), diluted. Spirit Ether Nitrous, Squibb bottle, pint, ; '/ pint, Spin /us /Etheris Niirosi; Sweet Spirit Nitre. Prepared at frequent intervals, to insure reliability in strength. A special laboratory process affords a product better than that produced by method described in U. S. P. It is more uniform in con- stitution, and the therapeutic results from its use are more gen- erally satisfactory. Assays about 4 percent, ethyl nitrite. Volatile, inflammable, clear liquid; pungent odor; sharp, burn- ing taste. Sp. gr. about 0.823. Mild Diuretic, Diaphoretic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Incompatible with antipyrine, acetanilid, acetphenetidin, fluidextract buchu, mor- phine salts, and iodides (when it is acid). Should be kept in dark-amber bottles, in cool place remote from lights and fire. SPIRIT GLONOIN. See Spirit Glyceryl Trinitrate. SPIRIT GLYCERYL TRINITRATE. Spirilus C/pcerji/is Nilratis; Spirit Glonoin; Solution Nitro- glycerin. Alcoholic solution containing I percent. CsHs- (NOs)-}. Vaso-dilator; slower than amyl nitrite. Average Dose: 1 minim (0.06 mil [Cc.]). Antidotes: atropine; extract ergot; strychnine; stimulants. NOTES: Great care must be exer- cised in handling and storing this spirit; dangerous explosion may result if any considerable quantity is spilled and the alcohol lost by evaporation. If spilled, pour solution potassium hydrox- ide over it at once. (See also Tablets Nitroglycerin [Part II].) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 249 Spirit Hartshorn. See Ammonia Water. SPIRIT JUNIPER. Spiritus Juniperi. 5 volume percent, oil juniper, in alcohol. Diuretic. Average Dose: 2J/2 fluidrachms (10 mils [Cc.]). SPIRIT JUNIPER COMPOUND. Spiritus Juniperi Compositus. 0.4 vol. percent, oil juniper, and 0.05 each oils fennel and caraway, in alcohol and water. Diuretic. Average Dose: 2*/2 fluidrachms (10 mils [Cc.]). SPIRIT LAVENDER. Spiritus LavandulcE. 5 volume percent, oil lavender flowers, in alcohol. Aromatic; Carminative. Flavoring. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Spirit Lavender Compound. See Tincture Lavender Com- pound. SPIRIT MINDERERUS. See Solution Ammonium Acetate. SPIRIT MUSTARD. Spiritus Sinapis, N. F. 2 vol. percent, volatile oil mustard, in alcohol. Counter-irritant. SPIRIT MYRCIA COMPOUND. Spirilus Myrcice Compositus, N. F.; Bay Rum. Each 1000 mils (Cc.) contains 8 mils oil bay, 0.5 oil orange, 0.5 oil pimenta, 610 alcohol, water q. s. Refreshing Ablution. Spirit Nitre, Sweet, or Spirit Nitrous Ether. See Spirit Ether Nitrous. SPIRIT NITROGLYCERIN. See Spirit Glyceryl Trinitrate. Spirit Orange Compound, Squibb bottle, pint ; J/ P m ' Spirilus Auraniii Compositus. 20, 5, 2, and 0.5 vol. percent, respectively of oils orange peel, lemon, coriander and anise, in alcohol. Flavoring. Spirit Peppermint, Squibb bottle, pint, ; % pint, Spirilus Menihce Piperits; Essence Peppermint. From bruised peppermint leaves and oil peppermint (10 percent, by volume). Aromatic Carminative. Average Dose : 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]), well diluted or on sugar. Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 250 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA SPIRIT, PERFUMED. Spiritus Odoratus, N. F.; Cologne. Each 1000 mils (Cc.) contains 15 mils oil bergamot, 8 oil lemon, 7 oil rosemary, 4 oil lavender, 4 oil orange flowers, 2 acetic ether, water 120, alcohol q. s. Refreshing, fragrant ablution. SPIRIT SPEARMINT. Spiriius Menthol Viridis; Essence of Spearmint. From bruised leaves and oil spearmint (10 vol. percent.), with alcohol. Aromatic Carminative; Flavoring. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). SPIRIT TURPENTINE. See Oil Turpentine. SPIRIT VANILLIN COMPOUND. Spin/us Vanillmi Compositus, N. F. Each 100 mils (Cc.) contains 20 Gm. vanillin, 5 mils oil orange, 1 oil cardamom, 0.5 oil cinnamon, in alcohol. Flavoring. SPRAY AROMATIC OIL. Nebula Aromallca, N. F. 100 mils (Cc.) contain 0.2 Gm. carbolic acid, 0.2 Gm. menthol, 0.1 Gm. thymol, 0.3 camphor, 0.3 Gm. benzoic acid, 0.2 mil eucalyptol, 0.2 mil oil cinna- mon, 0.2 oil clove, 0.5 mil methyl salicylate, liquid petrola- tum q. s. SPRAY EUCALYPTOL. Nebula Eucalyptolis, N. F. 5 vol. percent, eucalyptol in Kquid petrolatum. Antiseptic and Deodorant spray for chronic inflammations of respiratory musosit. SPRAY MENTHOL. Nebula Menlholis, N. F. 100 mils (Cc.) contain 2 Gm. men- thol, in liquid petrolatum. Nasal spray. SPRAY MENTHOL COMPOUND. Nebula Mentholts Composita, N. F. 100 mils (Cc.) contain 1 Gm. menthol, 1 Gm. camphor, 0.5 mil methyl salicylate, 0.2 mil eucalyptol, 0.2 mil oil cinnamon, in liquid petrolatum. Aro- matic, Antiseptic throat spray. SPRAY THYMOL. Nebula Thymolis, N. F. 100 mils (Cc.) contain 1 Gm. thy- mol, in liquid petrolatum. Antiseptic throat spray. SPURRED RYE. See Ergot. SQUAW ROOT. See Caulophyllum. Squibb's Diarrhea Mixture. See Tincture Opium Compound. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 251 Squill, Squibb Ground for Percolation bottle, lb. Scilla. Fleshy, inner scales of bulb of Urginea maritima (Fam. Liliacece), cut into thin slices and carefully dried, the central portions being rejected. Physiologically assayed by U. S. P. method. Expectorant, Emetic, Nauseant. Average Dose: 1 !/o grains (0.1 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract; Syrup; Vine- gar.) Stannous Chloride Reagent. See Reagents (Part IV). STAPHISAGRIA. Staphisagria ; Stavesacre Seed. Ripe seed of Delphinium Staphisagria (Fam. Ranunculacea) . Odor slight; taste in- tensely bitter, acrid. Antiparasitic Dermic, Alterative. Aver* age Dose: I grain (0.065 Gm.). Antidotes: tannin, then emetics; chloral hydrate; chloroform by inhalation; ammonia or digitalis. STAR GRASS. See Aletris. Starch, Corn, Squibb tin, lb. Amylum. Starch separated from grain of Zea Mays (Fam. Cramineas). Dusting-powder, Diluent. STAVESACRE. See Staphisagria. Sterile Ergot, Squibb box of 6x1 Cc. ampuls box of 12x1 Cc. ampuls A sterile, non-alcoholic, physiologically tested and standardized preparation of best Spanish ergot, intended for hypodermic or intramuscular use in uterine inertia, metrorrhagia, post-partum hemorrhage, collapse, etc. Each mil (Cc.) represents 2 Gm. ergot. STILLINGIA. Stillingia; Queen's Root; Silver Leaf. Dried roots of Stilllngia s'yhatica (Fam. Euphorbiacece) . Odor distinct; taste bitter, acrid and pungent. Used as Alterative, Expectorant, Siala- gogue. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). (See also Fluid- extract.) STOKES' EXPECTORANT. See Mixture, Pectoral, Stokes. STOKES' ST. JOHN LONG'S LINIMENT. See Liniment Tur- pentine, Acetic. The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 252 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA STORAX. Slyrax; Liquid Storax. Balsam from wood and inner bark of Liquidambar orientalis (Fam. Hamamelidaceai). Semihquid, grayish, sticky, opaque mass; agreeable odor; balsamic, acrid taste. Soluble in equal weight warm alcohol; almost com- pletely soluble in ether; insoluble in water. Antiparasitic Der- mic, Expectorant. Average Dose : 1 5 grains ( 1 Gm.) . STRAMONIUM. Stramonium; Thornapple Leaves; Jamestown, or Jimson, Weed. Dried leaves of Datura Stramonium or of D. Talula (Fam. Solanacece), assaying not less than 0.25 percent, alkaloids. Odor heavy, narcotic; taste nauseous. Nerve Sedative, Anti- spasmodic, Anodyne. Average Dose: 1 grain (0.065 Gm.). Antidotes: tannin; apomorphine hypodermically ; morphine; ammonia by inhalation. See also Extract; Fluidextract; Tincture.) Strontium Acetate, Squibb bottle, Ib. ; % lb. ; oz. Sr(CoH 3 O2)2. 1 /2HoO. White, crystalline powder. Soluble in water. Anthelmintic ; also Reagent. Dose : 40 grains (2.6 Gm.), in water and glycerin, twice daily for five days. Strontium Arsenite, Squibb bottle, oz. Sr(AsO 2 )2.4HoO. White powder. Soluble difficultly in water. Alterative, Antiperiodic; in chronic skin diseases, malaria, etc. Dose: Vso to Via grain (0.002 to 0.004 Gm.), thrice daily. Antidotes: arsenic antidote or magnesia and milk; emetics; stimulants. Strontium Bromide, Squibb (Crystals) bottle, lb. ; '/j lb. ; oz. Strontii Bromidum. SrBro.6H2O. Free from barium. Color- less, odorless, bitter-saline crystals. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.35 mil (Cc.) water; soluble in alcohol; insoluble in ether. Nerve Sedative, similar to sodium bromide ; also Reagent. Aver- age Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Incompatible in solution with mineral acids, alkaloidal salts, and salts of heavy metals. STRONTIUM CARBONATE. Strontii Carbonas, N. F. SrCOg. White, odorless, tasteless powder, insoluble in ordinary solvents. Used technically. Strontium Iodide, Squibb g. s. bottle, % lb. ; oz. Slronlii loJidum. Srl2.6H2O. Almost colorless, odorless, bit- ter-saline, deliquescent, hexagonal plates, darkening on expo- sure. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.2 mil (Cc.) water; soluble in alcohol, slightly soluble in ether. A deeply colored article should not be dispensed. Alterative, like potassium iodide; Expectorant. Average Dose: 5 grains (0.3 Gm.). Incom- patible in solution with alkaloidal salts, chloral hydrate, mineral acids, alkalies and metallic salts generally. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 253 Strontium Lactate, Squibb bottle, 14 lb. ; oz. White, granular powder; slightly bitter taste. Soluble in 4 parts water; in alcohol. Used as Alterative, Vermicide, Anti- catarrhal; in rheumatism, chorea, worms, nephritis, etc. Dose: 5 to 1 5 grains (0.3 to 1 Gm.) ; vermicide, 30 grains (2 Gm.) twice daily for 5 days. Strontium Salicylate, Squibb bottle, lb. ; % lb. ; oz. Stronlii Salicylas. Sr(C-H 5 O3)2.2H 2 O. White, crystalline, odorless, powder; sweetish, saline taste. I Gm. dissolves in 19 mils (Cc.) water, 61 alcohol. Antirheumatic, Intestinal Antiseptic. Average Dose: 15 grains (1 Gm.). Incompatible in solution with ferric salts, mineral acids, quinine salts, silver nitrate and lead acetate. Strophanthin, Squibb 5-grain vial Strophanihinum. Glucoside (or mixture of glucosides) from Strophanthus. Exceedingly powerful and poisonous, hence great caution should be used in handling it. White or faintly yellowish, crystalline, intensely bitter powder. Soluble freely in water or diluted alcohol; nearly insoluble in chloroform or ether. Heart Stimulant, like digitalis, but acts more rapidly and is excreted sooner; hence preferred in emergencies, used hypodermically. Absorption from alimentary canal variable, hence oral use inadvisable. Average Dose : by mouth, i/GO grain (0.001 Gm.) ; intravenously, I/go grain (0.00075 Gm.). Antidotes: emetics; atropine or pilocarpine subcutaneously; picrotoxin; camphor or brandy as stimulants. STROPHANTHIN CRYSTALLIZED OR G-STROPHANTHIN. See Ouabain. STROPHANTHUS. Strophanthus. Dried ripe seeds of Sirophanthus Kombe or of S. hispidus (Fam. Apocynanacea), deprived of their long awns. Action same as that of strophanthin. Odor slight, taste very bitter. Average Dose: 1 grain (0.065 Gm.). (See also Tincture.) Strychnine, Squibb * Crystals bottle, oz. ; J/g-oz. vial Powdered bottle, oz. ; J/g-oz. vial Strychnina. CoiJ-^OoNo. Alkaloid from Nux Vomica. Colorless, transparent, odorless, intensely bitter crystals, or white powder. 1 Gm. dissolves in 6420 mils (Cc.) water, 136 alcohol, 5 chloroform; very slightly in ether. Bitter Tonic; Nerve, Respiratory and Cardiac Stimulant. Average Dose : 1/40 grain (0.0015 Gm.), in pills or tablets. Antidotes: tannin, then emetics; chloral hydrate and bromides per rectum; chloro- form by inhalation if required. The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 254 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Strychnine Arsenate, Squibb I/8-oz. vial C2lH22O2N2.H3AsO 4 .l/2H2O. White, very bitter needles or powder. Soluble in about 70 parts water. Used as Alterative and Nerve Stimulant; in tuberculosis, skin diseases, obstinate malaria, nervous debility, etc. Dose: Veo to 1 /15 grain (0.001 to 0.004 Gm.); hypodermically, 3 to 10 minims (0.2 to 0.6 mil [Cc.]) of J/2 percent, suspension in liquid petrolatum once daily. Strychnine Arsenite, Squibb K-OZ. vial C^lt^OaNo-HAsOo. White powder. Sparingly soluble in water. Action and dose: as of preceding. Strychnine Glycerophosphate, Squibb bottle, oz. ; J/g-oz. vial Strychnines Glycerophosphas, N. F. White, very bitter powder. 1 Gm. dissolves in 350 mils (Cc.) water, 310 alcohol; slightly soluble in ether or chloroform. Average Dose: !/4o grain (0.0015 Gm.). Strychnine Hydrobromide, Squibb Ve-oz-vial C2iH22O2No.HBr. Small, white needles. Soluble in alcohol, about 55 parts water. Used chiefly in chronic alcoholism, insomnia from overwork, etc. Strychnine Hydrochloride, Squibb Y&-OT.. vial CoiH22OoN2.HCl.2H2O. White efflorescent needles. Sol- uble in about 50 parts water. Strychnine Nitrate, Squibb '/8-oz. vial Strychnine Nitras. C-n^oOoNo.HNOs. Colorles-s, glisten- ing, odorless, intensely bitter needles; or white powder. I Gm. dissolves in 42 mils (Cc.) water, 150 alcohol, 50 glycerin, 105 chloroform; insoluble in ether. Used chiefly in dipsoma- nia hypodermically. Incompatibles of strychnine salts in gen- eral: alkalies, alkali carbonates, iodides, bromides, arsenates, arsenites, etc. (See also Tablets [Part II].) Strychnine Phosphate, Squibb Y&-OZ. vial (Co 1 H22O 1 >N 2 )o.H;jPO4.9H 2 O. White powder or shining needles. Soluble slightly in water. Strychnine Sulphate, Squibb Crystals or *Powdered bottle, oz. ; |/-oz. vial Strychnin* Sulphas. (CoiHooOoNo^.HoSO^HoO. Color- less or white, odorless, intensely bitter, efflorescent crystals or powder. 1 Gm. dissolves in 32 mils (Cc.) water, 81 alcohol, 220 chloroform; freely soluble in glycerin; insoluble in ether. Action, dose and antidotes: as of strychnine alkaloid. (See also Tablets [Part II].) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 255 STRYCHNINE VALERATE. Strychnine Valeras, N. F. White powder; odor of valerian; intensely bitter taste. Sparingly soluble in water, ether ; soluble in alcohol, chloroform. Average Dose: ViO grain (0.0015 Gm.). fSTYPTlciN. Brand of Cotarnine Hydrochloride. fSTYPTOL. Cotarnine Phthalate Neutral. Yellow, bitter powder. Soluble freely in water or alcohol. Action and dose: as of cotarnine hydrochloride. SUET BENZOINATED. Sevum Benzoinatum, N. F. Prepared suet carrying 3 percent, benzoin. Ointment Base. SUET PREPARED. Sevu/n Praparatum. Internal fat of abdomen of sheep, purified by melting and straining. White, nearly odorless, solid fat; bland taste when fresh, becoming rancid on exposure. 1 Gm. dissolves in about 60 Gm. ether, 2 benzin; insoluble in water, cold. alcohol. Used in preparation of ointments and cerates. SUGAR. Saccharum; Sucrose. Ci^HtaOu. From cultivated varieties of Saccharum officinarum (Fam. Craminea), from Beta "vul- garis (Fam. Chenopodiacece), etc. 1 Gm. dissolves in 0.5 mil (Cc.) water, 170 alcohol; insoluble in chloroform, ether. Sugar of Lead. See Lead Acetate. Sugar of Milk, Squibb tin, Ib. ; !4 lb. Saccharum Lactis ; Lactose. Ci2H22Oll-H2O. Impalpable powder, having been bolted through a No. 120 silk bolting cloth. Unless properly purified, milk sugar contains small per- centages of other constituents of milk. The article here listed is distinguishable from other grades in being free from traces of casein and butter-fat that cause fermentation when the article is used to modify milk; also perfectly free from cane sugar, starch and other impurities. Hence of excellent purity, and especially adapted for use in milk modification and for compounding powders, etc. As Milk Sugar readily absorbs odors, and in consequence becomes contaminated, this firm supplies it only in tins, not in pasteboard boxes. It should be kept tightly closed and remote from odorous substances. White, odorless powder; less sweet than cane sugar, less liable to fer^ ment. 1 Gm. dissolves in 4.9 mils water; almost insoluble in alcohol; insoluble in ether or chloroform. Nutritive, Diur- etic; largely used to modify cow's milk in feeding of infants. Dose (diuretic) : 3 or 4 ounces per day. The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 256 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA SULPHONAL. Brand of Sulphonmethane. Sulphonethylmethane, Squibb bottle, oz. Sulphonethymethanum ; Diethylsulphonemethylethylmethane ; Trional. CgHi8S2O4. Colorless, odorless, bitter scales. I Gm. dissolves in 200 mils (Cc.) water; readily in alcohol or ether. Triturated with chloral hydrate, it yields a liquid or soft mass. Hypnotic, Nerve Sedative. Average Dose: 12 grains (0.75 Gm.), in hot water or tea. (See also Tablets [Part II].) Sulphonmethane, Squibb bottle, oz. Sulphonmethanum ; Diethylsulphonemethylmetnane; Sulphonal. C7HieS2O4. Colorless, odorless, almost tasteless crystals; or white, crystalline powder. 1 Gm. dissolves in 365 mils (Cc.) water, 60 alcohol, 1 1 chloroform, 64 ether. Hypnotic, Nerve Sedative. Average Dose: 12 grains (0.75 Gm.), in hot water or tea. (See also Tablets [Part II].) Sulphur Precipitated, Squibb carton, Ib. ; ]/4 Ib. Sulphur Pracipitalum ; Lac Sulphuris; Milk of Sulphur. S. Much of the precipitated sulphur of the market contains cal- cium sulphate due to use of sulphuric acid in the precipitation. The product here quoted is precipitated from lime solution by hydrochloric acid and the soluble calcium chloride thoroughly washed out. It will be found free from either acid or alkali. Fine, pale-yellow, odorless, tasteless powder. Soluble in car- bon disulphide, benzin, oil turpentine and many other oils; also in ether or chloroform. Mild Cathartic; Antipar- asitic Dermic. Average Dose: 60 grains (4 Gm.). Sulphur Sublimed, Squibb carton, Ib., Sulphur Sublimatum; Flowers of Sulphur. S. Fine-yellow powder; slight odor; faintly acid taste. Soluble same as precipitated sulphur. Used chiefly as Dermic, rarely as Laxa- tive. Average Dose: 60 grains (4 Gm.). Sulphur Washed, Squibb carton, Ib. Sulphur Lolum. S. Thoroughly washed with ammonia water and finally with water. Action and dose: as of preceding. (See also Reagents [Part IV].) SULPHUR IODIDE. Sulphuris lodiclum, N. F. Fused combination of washed sul- phur 20 percent, and iodine 80 percent. Grayish-black, brittle masses; iodine odor; acrid taste. Almost insoluble in water; soluble in about 60 parts glycerin; partially soluble in alcohol or ether. Obsolescent Antiparasitic Dermic. SUMACH. See Rhus Glabra. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 257 SUMBUL. Sumbul; Musk- root. Dried rhizome and roots of Ferula Sum- bul (Fam. UmbellifertE). Odor strong, musk-like; taste bitter. Used as Nerve Stimulant and Antispasmodic ; in hysterical conditions. Average Dose: 30 grains (2 Gm.). (See also Fluidextract.) SUN CHOLERA MIXTURE. See Mixture Opium and Rhubarb Compound. SUPPOSITORIES BOROGLYCERIN. Suppositoria Boroglycerini, N. F. 1.25 Gm. glycerite boro- glycerin, 1.25 Gm. glycerin, 1.67 Gm. glycerinated gelatin. Antiseptic. Suppositories Glycerin, Squibb bottles of 6, in boxes of 6 bottles, per doz. bottles bottles of 12, in boxes of 6 bottles, per doz. bottles Suppositoria Clycerini. Moulded recta! suppositories made with steanc acid and a little sodium carbonate monohydrated. Each contains 3 grammes (46 grains) glycerin ; cone-shape. Laxa- tive in action. Suppositories Glycerin, Infants' Long, Squibb bottles of 6, per doz. bottles bottles of 12, per doz. bottles Each contains 26J/4 grains pure glycerin ; special size for infants. SUPRARENALS DRIED. Suprarenalum Siccum. Suprarenal glands of the sheep (Ovi's aries) or ox (Bos taurus) freed from fat, cleaned, dried, and powdered. Contains about 0.5 percent, epinephrine. Light yel- lowish-brown powder, of slight odor; partially soluble in water; 1 part equals about 6 parts fresh gland. Alterative, Vaso-constrictor ; in Addison's disease, diabetes msipidus, Base- dow's disease, recurrent hemorrhages, etc. Average Dose : grains (0.25 Gm.). SYDENHAM'S LAUDANUM. See Tincture Opium with Saffron. SYKOSE. Brand of Benzosulphinide (Saccharin). SYRUP (SIMPLE). Syrupus ; Syrup. Aqueous solution of sugar, containing 85 Gm. of latter in each 100 mils (Cc.). Sp. gr. 1.313. Used pharmaceutically. This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 258 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA SYRUP ACACIA. Syrupus Acacia; Syrupus Gummosus; Syrup Gum. 10 per- cent. acacia. Best prepared extemporaneously in small quan- tities at a time, and kept well stoppered, in cool place. Vehicle Demulcent. SYRUP ACID CITRIC. Syrupus Acidi Cilrici; Syrup Lemon. 100 mils (Cc.) contain I Gm. citric acid in syrup flavored with tincture fresh lemon peel. Flavoring ingredient. Does not keep well. Syrup Acid Hydriodic, Squibb pint, Essentially official Syrupus Acidi Hydriodici. Contains 12.5 vol. percent, diluted hydriodic acid, or 1 .3 to 1 .45 Gm. HI in 100 mils (Cc.), but made according to an improved formula which yields a more stable product than U. S. P. process. Alterative; chiefly in chronic bronchitis, scrofula, rheumatic conditions, etc. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils). Keep in cool place, protected from sunlight, lest discoloration and odor develop. SYRUP Syrupus Altha n * Tinclura Aconili. Assays 0.045 to 0.055 Gm. ether-soluble alkaloids in 100 mils (Cc.). Also physiologically tested; min- imum lethal dose not greater than 0.0004 mil per Gm. weight of guinea-pig. Antipyretic, Circulatory Sedative, Analgesic, Average Dose: 5 minims (0.3 mil). Acts within 15 minutes, and is eliminated within 3 hours. Antidotes: emetics; atropine, digitalis or ammonia; small, frequent doses of stimulants; arti- ficial respiration. Tincture Aloes, Squibb pint ; 14 pint Tinctura Aloes. 10 Gm. aloes and 20 Gm. licorice in 100 mils (Cc.). Cathartic; acts mostly on large intestines. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils). Tincture Aloes and Myrrh, Squibb pint ; 14 pint Tinciura Aloes el Myrrhce, N. F. ; Elixir Proprietatis Paracelsi. Contains 10 Gm. each aloes, myrrh and licorice, in 100 mils (Cc.). Cathartic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils). In- compatible with water. Tincture Antiperiodic, Squibb *With Aloes pint ; 14 pint Without Aloes pint ; 14 pint Tinctura Antiperiodica, N. F.; Warburg's Tincture. (1) With Aloes. Made from extract aloes 175 Gm. in 100 mils [Cc.]), rhubarb, angelica, elecampane, saffron, fennel, gentian, zedoary, cubeb, myrrh, white agaric, camphor, black pepper, cinnamon, ginger, quinine bisulphate (9 grains per fl. oz.). Dose: I to 4 fluidrachms (4 to 16 mils). (2) Without Aloes. Like preceding, but without extract aloes. Tincture Arnica Flowers, Squibb pint ; 14 P' nt . Tinctura Arnicce. 20 Gm. arnica flowers in 100 mils (Cc.). Mild Rubefacient; rarely used internally, as Febrifuge and Alterative. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil). The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 272 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA TINCTURE AROMATIC. Tinclura Aromalica, N. F. Representing cinnamon, ginger, galangal, cloves and cardamom. Aromatic, Carminative. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). Tincture Asafetida, Squibb pint ; |4p> nt Tinclura Asaf&liJce. Representing 20 Gm. in 100 mils (Cc.). Used as Nerve Sedative, Carminative. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil). Tincture Belladonna Leaves, Squibb pint ; ]/4 pint Tinctura Belladonnas Foliorum. Assays 0.027 to 0.033 Gm. alkaloids in 100 mils (Cc.). Anodyne, Antispasmodic, Anti- hydrotic. Average Dose: 12 minims (0.75 mil). Antidotes: tannin, then emetics; morphine; pilocarpine, physostigmine, or aconitine, hypodermically. Tincture Benzoin, Squibb pint ; '/4 pint Tinctura Benzoini. 20 Gm. in 100 mils (Cc.). Vulnerary; rarely Expectorant and Anticatarrhal. Average Dose: 15 min- ims (1 mil). Incompatible with water. Tincture Benzoin Compound, Squibb pint ; ]/4 pint Tinctura Benzoini Composita; Friars's or Turlington's Balsam. 10 Gm. benzoin, 2 Gm. aloes, 8 Gm. storax and 4 Gm. balsam tolu, in 100 mils (Cc.). Anticatarrhal, Vulnerary. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils). TINCTURE, BESTUSCHEFF'S. See Tincture Iron Chloride, Ethereal. TINCTURE, BITTER. Tinclura Amara, N. F.; Stomachic Tincture; Bitter Stomach Drops. Representing gentian, centaury, bitter orang peel, and zedoary. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]). TINCTURE BITTER ORANGE PEEL. See Tincture Orange Peel Bitter. Tincture Bryonia, Squibb pint ; J4 P> nl Tinclura Bryonice, N. F. 10 Gm. bryonia root in 100 mils (Cc.). Hydragogu* Cathartic, Alterative. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). TINCTURE CACTUS GRANDIFLORUS. Tinctura Cacti Crandiflori, N. F. 50 Gm. drug to 100 mils (Cc.) ; mentsruum, pure alcohol. Used as Cardiac Stimulant; value doubted by many. Average Dose: 15 minims (1 mil). Tincture Calabar Bean. See Tincture Physostigma. TINCTURE CALENDULA. Tinclura Calendula, N. F. ; Tincture Marigold. 20 Gm. in 100 mils (Cc.). Mild Counter-irritant, Discutient. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 273 Tincture Calumba, Squibb pint ; 14 pint, Tinctura Calumbee; Tincture Colombo. 20 Gm. in 100 mils (Cc.). Bitter Tonic, Stomachic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils). Tincture Cannabis, Squibb pint ; % pint Tinctura Cannabis. Represents 10 Gm. cannabis in each 100 mils (Cc.). Physiologically assayed by U. S. P. method; incoordination produced by 0.3 mil per kilo weight of dog. Antispasmodic, Sedative. Average Dose: 12 minims (0.75 mil). Incompatible with water. Antidotes: emetics; atropine, strychnine, or caffeine hypodermically ; strong coffee. Tincture Cantharides, Squibb pint, ; % pint Of drug strength of U. S. P. Tinctura C antharidis ; Tincture Spanish Flies, (10 Gm. in 100 mils [Cc.]), but made by a different process which extracts the drug more satisfactorily and thus yields a tincture of greater activity. Counter-irritant and Hairgrowth Stimulant; Genito-urinary Stimulant. Average Dose : 1*/2 minims (0.1 mil), well diluted. Antidotes: emetics; flaxseed tea; morphine subcutaneously ; opium by rectum. Avoid oils. @ Tincture Capsicum, Squibb pint ; J4 P mt Tinctura Capsici; Tincture Cayenne Pepper. 10 Gm. in 100 mils (Cc.). Rubefacient, Carminative, Stomachic. Average Dose: 8 minims (0.5 mil), diluted. TINCTURE CAPSICUM AND MYRRH. Tinctura Capsici et Myrrhs, N. F.; Hot Drops; Thompsonian Numbei Six. I fluidounce represents about 14 grains capsi- cum and 55 grains myrrh. Carminative, Stomachic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils [Cc.]), in sweetened water. TINCTURE CARAMEL. Tinclura Caramellis, N. F. 10 Gm. caramel in 100 mils (Cc.). Brown coloring for liquids. Tincture Cardamom, Squibb pint ; ]/4 pint Tinctura Cardamomi. 15 Gm. in 100 mils (Cc.), as against 20 Gm. in U. S. P. Vlllth Rev. Carminative, Corrective, Aromatic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils). Tincture Cardamom Compound, Squibb pint ; 1/4 pint Tinclura Cardamomi Composita. 20 Gm. cardamom, 25 Gm. Saigon cinnamon, 12 Gm. caraway, 5 Gm. cochineal, together with glycerin and diluted alcohol to make 1000 mils (Cc.). Aromatic Carminative, Stomachic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils). This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 274 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tincture Catechu Compound. See Tincture Gambir Com- pound. Tincture Cimicifuga, Squibb pint ; ! 4 pint Tinctura Cimicifuga, N. F. ; Tincture Black Cohosh. Dropped from U. S. P. 20 Gm. in 100 mils (Cc.). Used as Alter- ative, Sedative, Emmenagogue; in rheumatism, chorea, dys- menorrhea, etc. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils). Tincture Cinchona, Squibb pint ; % pint Tinctura Cinchona. Assays 0.8 to 1 Gm. alkaloids in 100 mils (Cc.). Astringent Bitter Tonic. Average Dose: 1 fluid drachm (4 mils). Tincture Cinchona Compound, Squibb pint ; 14 pint Tinctura Cinchona Composite. 100 mils (Cc.) represent 10 Gm. red cinchona, 8 Gm. bitter-orange peel, and 2 Gm. ser- pentaria. Assays 0.4 to 0.5 Gm. alkaloids in each 100 mils (Cc.). Aromatic Astringent Bitter. Average Dose: 1 fluid drachm (4 mils). TINCTURE CINNAMON. Tinctura Cinnamomi. 20 Gm. Saigon cinnamon, and 7.5 Gm. glycerin in 100 mils (Cc.). Carminative, Antidiarrheal. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils). TINCTURE COCCULUS INDICUS. Tinclura Cocculi Indici, N. F. ; Tincture Fish Berries. 10 Gm. drug to 100 mils (Cc.) ; menstruum, diluted alcohol. External Parasiticide. Antidotes: none known. It is advised to give emetics, copious draughts of warm water and to treat symptoms as they arise. Tincture Colchicum Seed, Squibb pint ; % pint Tinctura Colchici Seminis, Assays 0.036 to 0.044 Gm. colchi- cine in 100 mils (Cc.). Antipodagric, Antineuralgic. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils). TINCTURE COTO. See Tincture Paracoto. TINCTURE CUBES. Tinctura Cubebce, N. F. 20 Gm. Cubeb in 100 mils (Cc.) Carminative, Expectorant. Genito-urmary Anticatarrhal. Aver* age Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Tincture Cudbear, Squibb pint ; 14 P' nt Tinclura Persionis, N. F. Coloring-agent where a bright-red tint is desired, particularly in acid liquids. Tincture Cudbear Compound, Squibb pint ; 14 pin' Tinctura Persionis Composita, N. F. Contains cudbear and caramel. Brownish-red coloring agent. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 275 TINCTURE DELPHINIUM. See Tincture Larkspur. Tincture Digitalis, Squibb pint ; 14 pint Tlnclura Digitalis. 10 Gm. digitalis in 100 mils (Cc.). Physiologically assayed according to U. S, P. and standard- ized; minimum lethal dose not more than 0.006 mil (Cc.) per Gm. weight of frog. Also assayed biologically by "Cat Meth- od" of Dr. Hatcher. Cardiac Stimulant, Diuretic; in cardiac decompensation; most effective when heart action is rapid and very irregular; effective in edema only when latter is due to impaired circulation. Average Dose: 8 minims (0.5 mil). Very slowly absorbed and eliminated. Shows no positive effect on circulation within 36 or 48 hours and no diuretic influence within 72 hours. Antidotes: tannin, emetics; nitroglycerin, strychnine or alcohol; morphine; rest in horizontal position. Tincture Digitalis Fat=Free, Squibb pint ; |/4 pint ; oz. From digitalis leaves deprived of their fat by a process which does not destroy or remove any proximate principles. Phys- iologically assayed and standardized by "Cat Method" of Hatcher; each mil (Cc.) represents 1 cat unit. Direct Cardiac Stimulant, Diuretic. Average Dose: 8 minims (0.5 mil). Tincture Dover's Powder. See Tincture Ipecac and Opium. TINCTURE ERGOT AMMONIATED. Tinclura Ergolce Ammoniala, N. F. 25 Gm. drug in 100 mils (Cc.). Menstruum, ammonia water (10%), alcohol and water. Vasoconstrictor, Parturient. Average Dose: 1 fluid drachm (4 mils). TINCTURE FERRATED EXTRACT APPLES. Tinclura Ferri Pomala, N. F. ; Tincture Iron Malate (Crude). 10 Gm. ferrated extract apples, 10 mils (Cc.) alcohol, 80 mils cinnamon water. Mild Hematinic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils), containing about |/g grain metallic iron. Tincture Gambir Compound, Squibb pint ; |4 P" 11 Tinclura Gambir Composite. 5 Gm. gambir and 2.5 Gm. Sai- gon cinnamon in 100 mils (Cc.). Intestinal and External As- tringent. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils). Tincture Qelsemium, Squibb pint ; % pint Tinclura Celsemii; Tincture Yellow Jasmine. 10 Gm. drug in 100 mils (Cc.) ; assays about 0.03 Gm. alkaloids in 100 mils. Antineuralgic, Antispasmodic, Nerve Sedative. Average Dose: 4 minims (0.25 mil). Antidotes: emetics; atropine or strophan- thin subcutaneously ; stimulants. The prices of the Squibb Products are irt alf instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 276 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tincture Gentian Compound, Squibb pint ; ]/4 pint Tinctura Gentiance Composita. 10 Gm. gentian, 4 Gm. bitter- orange peel and 1 Gm. cardamom, in 100 mils (Cc.). Bitter Tonic, Stomachic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils). Tincture Ginger, Squibb pint ; |4 P> nt Tinctura Zingiberis. 20 Gm. in 100 mils (Cc.). Made from best Jamaica ginger obtainable. Aromatic Carminative, Gastro- intestinal Stimulant. 'Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils). Tincture Golden Seal. See Tincture Hydrastis. Tincture Green Soap. See Liniment Soap Soft. Tincture Guaiac, Squibb pint ; |4 P' nt Tinctura Cuaiaci. 20 Gm. guaiac in 100 mils (Cc.). Altera- tive ; in chronic rheumatism, gout, etc. Average Dose : 1 fluidrachm (4 mils). Incompatible with water. Tincture Guaiac Ammoniated, Squibb pint ; }/4 pint Tinclura Cuaiaci Ammoniata. 20 Gm. guaiac with aromatic spirit ammonia to produce 100 mils (Cc.). Alterative, Em- menagogue. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils). Incompatible with water. TINCTURE GUAIAC COMPOUND. Tinclura Cuaiaci Composita, N. F.; Dewees's Tincture of Guaiac. Each fluidounce represents about 57 grains guaiac, 2 3 /4 grains potassium carbonate and 14.6 grains pimenta. Alterative, Emmenagogue. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils [Cc.]). Tincture Henbane. See Tincture Hyocyamus. TINCTURE HOPS. Tinctura Humuli, N. F. 20 Gm. hops in 100 mils (Cc.). Bitter Stomachic. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils). Tincture Hydrastis, Squibb pint ; |/4 pint Tinclura Hydraslis; Tincture Golden Seal. Assays 0.36 to 0.44 Gm. ether-soluble alkaloids in 100 mils (Cc.). Bitter Tonic. Astringent, Alterative. Average Dose: 1 fluidrachm (4 mils). Tincture Hyoscyamus, Squibb pint ; % pint Tinctura Hyoscyami; Tincture Henbane. Assays 0.0055 to 0.0075 Gm. alkaloids in 100 mils (Cc.). Sedative, Antispas- modic, Anodyne. Average Dose: 30 minims (2 mils). Anti- dotes: morphine, pilocarpine, physostigmine, aconitine; stim- ulants. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 277 TINCTURE IGNATIA. Tinctura Ignatite, N. F. Assays 0.18 to 0.22 Gm. alkaloids in 100 mils (Cc.). Nerve Stimulant, Bitter Stomachic; in chronic constipation, neuralgia, nervous depression, etc. Aver- age Dose: 10 minims (0.6 mil [Cc.]). Antidotes: tannin, then emetics; chloral hydrate with bromides per rectum; chloroform by inhalation, if required. Tincture Iodine, Squibb g. s. bottle, pint ; |4 P mt Tinclura loJi. 7 Gm. iodine and 5 Gm. potassium iodide in 100 mils (Cc.). Antiseptic, Discutient, Counter-irritant, Al- terative. Average Dose: l'/2 minims (0.1 mil). Externally undiluted or with equal volume alcohol. Antidotes: apomor- phine hypodermically; starch paste or flour in warm water; demulcents. Tincture Iodine Stronger, Squibb (Churchill's Tincture) g. s. bottle, pint ; % pint Tinctura lodl Forlior, N. F. 100 mils (Cc.) contains 16.5 Gm. iodine and 3.3 Gm. potassium iodide. Dose: \/2 to I minim (0.03 to 0.06 mil). TINCTURE IODINE DECOLORIZED. Tinclura lodi Decolorata, N. F. Practically an alcoholic solu- tion of sodium and ammonium iodides for external use as Discutient. Contains 8.3 Gm. iodine per 100 mils (Cc.) in combined form, no free iodine. t Tincture Ipecac and Opium, Squibb pint ; j/4 pint Tinclura Iftecacuanh an analgesic and nerve seda- Sodium Bromide 7*/2 g r - J live, chiefly in nervous head- ache. Dose: 2 tablets with a glass of water, repeated in four hours if required. Tablets Acetanilid and Cannabis Compound, Squibb (Neuralgic Improved) C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Acetanilid 2 gr. Ext. Cannabis 1/4 gr. Quinine Sulphate 2 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus l/o g r - Acid Arsenous 1 /100 gr- Strychnine Sulphate i/eo g r - This combination of anal- gesics and nervines has been employed with reputed suc- cess in the treatment of mi- graine and various other types of neuralgia, and it is said to be particularly useful in cases of a periodical character, whether due to malarial infection or to other causes. Care should be taken in those patients who do not tolerate acetanilid well or who show an idiosyn- crasy toward cannabis. Dose : 1 tablet, repeated in half an hour if required, then every two or three hours until the con- dition is relieved. Tablets Acetanilid and Qelsemin Compound, Squibb C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Acetanilid 2*/2 gr. 1 Antipyretic, Analgesic and Gelsemin l/io gr. [ Depressant. The well-known Caffeine Citrated 1 gr. J action of acetanilid is here augmented by gelsemin. The combination has been used with reputed success in neuralgia, pleurisy and pneumonia. In dysmenorrhea and ovarian neural- gia it is credited with good results, but is deemed especially useful in neuralgia affecting the dental branches of the fifth nerve. It should be cautiously administered, as certain patients show a peculiar idiosyncrasy to its depressant effects. Dose : 1 tablet every 2 or 3 hours, for not more than three doses. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 301 f Tablets Acetanilid and Morphine Compound, Squibb (Analgesic Compound) C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Acetanilid 2 3 /n gr. Morphine Sulphate 1 /20 gr. Sodium Salicylate 1 13 /22 g r - Caffeine 5/oo gr. Sodium Bicarbonate 10 /n gr. -apsicum 120 gr. Our Tablets Acetanilid and Sodium Salicylate Compound have generally been found use- ful in relieving pain of a re- flex or spasmodic character. In some cases, however, phy- sicians have found it advis- able to ado small doses of morphine sulphate, which increase the anodyne effect, and a little capsicum, to stimulate the mucous membrane of the stomach. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets with water every hour or two until relieved. (NoTE. These tablets should be used cautiously, and the possibility of the formation of^ the morphine habit guarded against.) Tablets Acetanilid and Quinine, Squibb C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Acetanilid 2!/2 gr. \ This formula has been found Quinine Sulphate 2 1 /o gr. j useful in the treatment of re- flex pains of neuralgic origin in sthenic patients where there is no cardiac weakness. It pos- sesses marked antipyretic and analgesic properties, and good results have been obtained with it in cases of migraine, influenza and other painful conditions. We call particular attention to the rapidity with which these tablets and similar combinations here listed disintegrate in water or in fluids of the body, thereby minimizing any possibility of cumulative action, as each dose promptly produces its effect. Dose : 1 tablet with water every two hours for three or four doses, then every four hours. f Tablets Acetanilid and Quinine Compound, Squibb C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) This is a combination of remedies that has been ex- tensively used in the treat- ment of grip and the early stages of colds. The usual precautions against the use of acetanilid must be observed in its administration, although the depressing effect is somewhat guarded against by the camphor and quinine. Its action as a sudorific will be greatly increased by hot drinks during the treatment. Dose : 1 tablet every 2 hours, but for not more than three consecutive doses. Acetanilid 2gr. Quinine Sulphate */2 gr. Camphor !/4 gr- Capsicum */4 gr. Podophyllin 1 /80 gr. Aconite. Root 1 !-M gr- Morphine Sulphate 1 /120 gr. . The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 302 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Acetanilid and Salol, Squibb C. T. Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 Acetanilid 2*/2 gr- \ The acetanilid acts as an Salol 2*/2 gr. ) Analgesic and Antipyretic ; . the salol as an Antirheumatic and Intestinal Antiseptic. Together they are commonly used in acute rheumatism, gouty attacks, myalgia, sciatica and neuralgic pains of rheumatic origin. In the early stage of grip and sudden colds they have been found to relieve pain and muscular sore- ness promptly, and usually without bad after-effect. Great care is observed in all of Squibb's tablets to prevent decomposi- tion, and to present the medicaments in their natural activity, unchanged by the process of manufacture; hence they can be relied on for prompt and uniform action. Dose : 1 tablet every hour or two until pain and fever are relieved. Caution : Tab- lets containing salol should not be exposed to direct sunlight or kept in a warm place, as the chemical melts at about 106 F. Tablets Acetanilid and Sodium Salicylate Compound, Squibb (Analgesic No. 2) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Acetanilid 2 1 /o gr. "1 This is a slight modification of Sodium Salicylate ! 3 /4gr. I the following formula, sodium Caffeine 1/4 gr. f sahcylate being substituted for Sodium Bicarbonate 1 gr. J the strontium salt. The indi- cations for its use and the dose are the same as those of the next combination. Tablets Acetanilid and Strontium Salicylate Compound, Squibb (Analgesic) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Acetanilid 2*/2 g r - 1 Neuralgic and rheumatic Strontium Salicylate 2 gr. I pains, the muscular soreness Caffeine */4 gr. j attending grip, headaches and Sodium Bicarbonate 1 gr. J reflex pains arising from de- layed digestion are usually relieved by these tablets. They act as an analgesic and anti- pyretic, and are rarely followed by bad after-effects. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets every three or four hours until relieved, but not oftener than four times in succession. Tablets Acetanilid Compound, Squibb (Migraine) C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Acetanilid 2 gr. ~| This formula is used in the Camphor Monobrom. 1 /o gr. j- treatment of neuralgic pains, Caffeine 1/4 gr. J particularly in pains of a re- flex or spasmodic character; hence it is most frequently employed for the prompt relief of SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 303 Tablets Acetanilid Compound, Squibb (Cont.) headache. The rapidity with which the tablets disintegrate in- sures prompt therapeutic action and prevents cumulative effect. Dose : I or 2 tablets with water, every hour if necessary, for four or five doses; it is deemed advisable to discontinue the tablets after the fifth consecutive dose. Tablets Acetanilid Compound No. 2, Squibb (Migraine No. 2) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Acetanilid 3 gr. "I This is a modification of the Camphor Monobrom. 2 gr. j- preceding formula, the quantity Caffeine 1 /2 gr. J of each of the ingredients be- ing increased. It is used under the same conditions. Dose: 1 tablet every hour for three doses, then every 2 or 3 hours until the condition is relieved. Tablets Acetanilid Compound No. 3, Squibb (Migraine No. 3) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Acetanilid 3 1 /2 gr. "j These tablets are used" for Caffeine 1/2 gr. J- promptly controlling reflex Sodium Bicarbonate 1 gr. J pains arising from disturbance of nerve function. They com- bine the analgesic and antipyretic action of acetanilid with the antacid properties of sodium bicarbonate. They have been found useful in nervous and sick headache due to mental strain or disordered digestion, and for the relief of neuralgia and reflex pains with fever. Dose : 1 tablet with water every hour if necessary for three doses. If not relieved after the third dose, it is advised to wait three hours before resuming. Tablets Acetanilid Compound No. 4, Squibb (Migraine No. 4) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Acetanilid 3 gr. 1 These tablets are more power- Caffeine 1/9 gr. 1 ful than those of the regular Camphor Monobrom. 1 gr. f Acetanilid Compound formu- Sodium Bicarbonate 1 gr. J la. They are used chiefly in the treatment of neuralgia and spasmodic pains in robust patients. Dose : 1 tablet with water every hour for three or four doses. The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for .the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 304 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Acetanilid Compound Improved, Squibb (Migraine Improved) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Acetanilid 2 l /2 gr. Camphor Monobrom. ^-{2 gr. Sodium Salicylate 1 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus 1 /s gr. Tincture Gelsemium 2 min. These tablets are employed to relieve headaches and neural- gic pains in gouty and rheu- matic subjects. Dose : 1 to 3 tablets with water, repeated in half an hour if not relieved; then 1 tablet every hour or two until pain is controlled. Tablets Acetanilid Compound for Children, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. For the relief of headache and neuralgia in children and weak individuals. Dose : I to 3 tablets every hour for four doses if needed. Acetanilid ?/io gr. Caffeine Citrated 1/10 gr. Sodium Bicarb. 1/5 gr. Saccharin VlOO gr. Wintergreen Flavor !/5o min. Tablets Acetphenetidin Igr., Squibb (Phenacetin) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Acetphenetidin is chemically and physiologically identical with Phenacetin. It reduces fever, allays pain and is widely used in headache, neuralgia and reflex pains generally. Although regarded as one of the safest remedies of its kind, occasionally it causes cardiac depression with cyanosis. Should this occur, the patient is placed in a recumbent position, stimulants are administered, and, if necessary, artificial heat applied. Tablets Acetphenetidin Squibb disintegrate more quickly than cachets, capsules, or pills, and they are more convenient than powders. Dose (for children) : 1 or 2 tablets every two or three hours. Tablets Acetphenetidin 2 gr., Squibb (Phenacetin) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets every two or three hours. Tablets Acetphenetidin 5 gr., Squibb (Phenacetin) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Dose : 1 to 3 tablets with water, repeated as necessary. In weak heart, brandy or whisky is usually administered if signs of depression occur. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 305 Tablets Acetphenetidin and Quinine, Squibb (Phenacetin and Quinine) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 1 00 C. T. Acetphenetidin 2 1 /o gr. 1 This combination is similar in Quinine Sulphate 2^/2 gr. j therapeutic action to Tablets Aoetanilid and Quinine. How- ever, acetphenetidin is generally regarded as being less liable than acetanilid to cause cardiac depression while fully as effi- cient. Dose : I or two tablets repeated in an hour if neces- sary, then at intervals of three or four hours until relieved. Tablets Acetphenetidin and Salol. See Tablets Salol and Acetphenetidin. Tablets Acid Acetylsalicylic 5 gr., Squibb (Aspirin) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Per 25 C. T. These tablets are carefully made in order to avoid decompo- sition of the chemical during manufacture. They disintegrate at once in water, and are free from any acetic odor (indicative of decomposition). They are used as an Antirheumatic, In- testinal Antiseptic and Analgesic, in the same classes of cases in which salicylic acid and the salicylates are indicated. Dose: 1 to 4 tablets with water, several times a day. Keep the bottle well stoppered and in a dry place. * Tablets Acid Arsenous 1/100 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Acid arsenous affects the blood, the nerves and the skin. Under its use nutrition generally improves, bodily weight increases, and the skin becomes soft and smooth. It thus acts as an Alterative and Tonic, and is employed in anemia, malarial cachexia, obstinate skin diseases, neuralgia and in controlling the nervous symptoms in epilepsy and chorea. Its use creates a tolerance, yet it is an active poison and should be administered with cau- tion. In case of reddening of the eyelids or pain or fulness of the stomach, it is advised to discontinue its use until these symptoms abate, and then resume it. Dose : 1 tablet after each meal, increasing gradually and cautiously until the desired effect is obtained. * Tablets Acid Arsenous 1/30 gr., Squibb T. T. Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose : 1 tablet three times a day, after meals, in skin diseases, neuralgia, epilepsy, chorea, etc., and as a tonic in debility and malarial cachexia. Squibb's Tablets are made from the Squibb quality of ingredients and by improved processes that insure accurate dosage and rapid and complete disintegration or solution in the system, hence prompt and full therapeutic effect. Specify SQUIBB'S. 306 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA f Tablets Acid Benzoic and Belladonna Compound, Squibb (Throat, Dr. Quinlan) C. T. "Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Acid Benzoic J /5 gr. 1 These tablets are employed in Tr. Bellad. U.S.P.*90 1 min. I irritated and congested condi- Paregoric 10 min. f lions of the pharynx and lar- Extract Licorice q. s. j ynx, where Joss of voice and cough are prominent symptoms. They are palatable and do not usually interfere with digestion unless they are taken in excessive quantities or for prolonged periods. Dose : 1 tablet allowed to dissolve on the tongue every two to four hours. Tablets Acid Boric 1 gr., Squibb (For Urine Preserving) T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 These tablets are made without sugar or any other base, and consist wholly of the Squibb quality of boric acid. They are designed for use in preserving specimens of urine intended for analysis, and are employed and recommended for this purpose by the medical staff of many insurance companies. In winter, 1 tablet added to 1 fluidounce of urine is ordinarily sufficient to preserve it, but in warm weather 3 tablets are usually required for each fluidounce of urine. Tablets Acid Boric 5 gr., Squibb C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Employed as an Intestinal and Vesical Antiseptic, in septic and catarrhal inflammatory conditions of the digestive and genito-urinary organs. In ammoniacal cystitis the internal ad- ministration of boric acid usually gives prompt relief, when employed in connection with irrigation of the bladder; in de- layed digestion with fermentation of food and diarrhea, it is aiso used for its mild antiseptic properties with good results. These tablets are prepared for internal administration, but they may be used also for making antiseptic solutions; they break up quickly in water, and yield a perfectly clear so- lution. Dose : 1 to 3 tablets three or four times daily. Tablets Acid Boric and Buchu Compound, Squibb (Cystitis) C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Acid Boric 2 gr. Extract Buchu 1 gr. Potassium Bicarbonate 2 gr. Extract Dog-Grass 1 gr. Extract Cornsilk 1/2 gr. Extract Hydrangea 1 /^ gr. Atropine Sulphate VoOO gr- Boric acid prevents fermenta- tion of urine. Potassium bi- carbonate neutralizes exces- sive acidity. Buchu acts as a stimulant to the mucous mem- branes of the genito-urinary organs, and in combination with dog-grass, cornsilk and hydrangea, is said to cause an increased flow of urine and to lessen the pain and frequent desire to urinate. Atropine acts as SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 307 Tablets Acid Boric and Buchu Compound, Squibb (Continued) an antispasmodic. These tablets are employed in cystitis, as well as in gonorrhea. Dose : 1 tablet every three hours, be- tween meals, with a large glass of water. Tablets Acid Boric and Zinc Sulphate, Squibb C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Acid Boric 5 gr. 1 These tablets will be found Zinc Sulphate */4 gr. j very convenient for use in ophthalmic and genito-urinary work. They disintegrate rapidly and yield a perfectly clear solution. An Antiseptic and mildly Astringent solution may be made by dissolving 2 to 4 tablets in 1 fluidounce of sterile water. Hot water hastens solution. Keep the bottle well- corked. Dispense in glass. Tablets Acid Salicylic and Colchicum Compound, Squibb (Antirheumatic No. 2) C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Acid Salicylic 3 gr. ] The acid salicylic and so- Wine Colchicum Seed 1 min. } dium bicarbonate in these Sodium Bicarbonate 2*/2 gr. J tablets have not interacted, but do so in the system, or when placed into water, with the production of nascent sodium sali- cylate. In dispensing these tablets if the effervescent nature of the mixture is deemed of any importance, they should be put up in glags only. Dose : 1 tablet after each meal and at bed- time in chronic cases; more frequently in acute cases. Tablets Aconite Fluidextract 1 min., Squibb T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Aconite is used to control inflammation with high arterial ten- sion, and to reduce fever. It quiets the heart, reduces the force and frequency of the pulse, lessens the number of respira- tions, increases the action of the skin, and allays restlessness. In the acute attacks of sthenic fevers, tonsillitis, ulcerative sore throat and sudden colds, it is regarded as a valuable and reliable remedy, but it must be used with caution. In overdoses it is an . active poison. Tablets Aconite Squibb represent the full po- tency of the best German aconite root, carefully assayed and standardized. Dose: 1 tablet dissolved in ten (10) tablespoon- fuls of water and 1 tablespoonful given every hour until symp- toms improve, stirring carefully before each dose. For the convenience of physicians who are accustomed to use Tincture Aconite in place of the fluid-extract, we would state that the latter is ten times stronger than the present official tincture. One tablet of Fluidextract Aconite 1 minim Squibb dissolved in 10 teaspoonfuls of water would represent the aconite strength of 10 minims of the tincture; of this, each teaspoonful would be equivalent to 1 minim of Tincture Aconite. This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification Squibb s is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB S. 308 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA " : Tablets Aconite and Belladonna, Squibb T. T. Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 Tr. Aconite U.S.P/90 !/2 min. | The recognized action of Tr. Bellad. UJS.P/90 i/2 min. ) belladonna in supporting the heart and stimulating the respiratory centers is here taken advantage of to lessen the de- pressing effect of the aconite. Together the two remedies should make an excellent combination in the treatment of inflamma- tory conditions, with rapid pulse, hurried respiration and fever. Prompt results usually follow their administration in sore throat and in fevers associated with bronchial inflammation. Dose: for children, 1 tablet dissolved in 10 teaspoonfuls of water, and given in teaspoonful doses every twenty minutes until fever abates; for adults, 1 tablet every hour. Tablets Aconite and Belladonna Compound, Squibb (Fever No. 2, Dr. T. G. Davis) T. T. Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 Tr. Aconite U5.P/90 Vs g r - 1 These tablets are carefully Tincture Bryonia Vio min. } prepared from the assayed Tr. Bellad. U.S.P.'90 1 /io min. J tinctures and represent all their potency in a convenient form. They are used in febrile conditions marked by rapid pulse and dry skin; in tonsillitis and bronchial inflammation; in the eruptive fevers (particularly in children); etc. Dose: for children, 1 tablet every 2 hours; for adults, 2 to 4 tablets at a dose. Allow the free use of water. % *Tablets Aconite and Belladonna Compound No. 2, Squibb (Bronchitis No. 2, Acute, Dr. T. G. Davis) T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Tr. Aconite U.S.P/90 l/ 5 gr. Tr. Bellad. U5.P'.90 1/10 mm. Tincture Bryonia 1 /ioo min. Antimony Sulphide VlOO gr. Potassium Dichrom. -Vioo gr- in the early stage of colds with fever and scanty expec- toration, this formula is said to be very efficient. Dose : 1 tablet every half hour until secretions act normally, then every two hours; in chronic bronchitis in delicate patients or in the aged, 1 tablet three or four times a day. f*Tablets Aconite and Belladonna Compound No. 4, Squibb (Follicular Tonsillitis) T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Tr. Aconite US.P.'90 l/ 5 gr. Tr. Bellad. US.P.'90 1/10 min. Tincture Bryonia ^Iw mm. Mercury Iodide Red Vioogr. Morphine Sulphate VlOO g r - Sodium Salicylate 1 gr. Wmtergreen Flavor l/^o mm. feet, and with bryonia, a mu- cous membrane stimulant, it is said to act remarkably well, allay- The power of aconite to con- trol inflammation and to sub- due fever is easily demon- strated in the early stage of tonsillitis. In combination with belladonna, which counteracts its depressing ef- SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 309 f*Tablets Aconite and Belladonna Compound No. 4, Squibb (Continued) ing the pain and inflammation, relieving the muscular soreness, quieting the heart and reducing the fever. Red mercuric iodide in small and repeated doses is believed to exert a positive influence over the mucous membrane in tonsillitis, and to re- lieve the inflammation, swelling and pain. Morphine acts as an anodyne and adds to the diaphoretic action of the aconite. Sodium salicylate serves to counteract the rheumatic tendency, which is often seen in recurrent attacks. Dose : 1 tablet, on the back of the tongue, every fifteen minutes for four doses, then every hour until relieved. * Tablets Aconite and Bryonia Compound, Squibb (Dr. Judd) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Tr. Aconite UJ5.P. '90 1 min. 1 This combination is Tr. Gelsemium U.S.P.'90 l 7 /gmin. V largely used in the Tincture Bryonia 1 ^/4 mm. J treatment of inflamma- tory conditions at- tended by dry, spasmodic cough ; in the early stage of fevers with high arterial tension and rapid, full pulse; in sore throat, acute bronchitis, pleurisy, etc. Dose: 10 tablets dissolved in 8 tablespoon fuls of water and a teaspoonful given every hour, carefully stirring the mixture before giving each dose ; children in proportion. These tablets are prepared so that they disintegrate quickly in water, and they will be found very convenient for use at the bedside. They represent the full potency of the standardized tinctures wholly uninjured by the process of manufacture. The tincture of aconite employed is 3 1/2 times, and the gelsemium tincture lj/2 times, the strength of the present U. S. P. articles. f Tablets Aconite and Calomel Compound, Squibb (Cold No. 5) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 1 00 T. T. Tr. Aconite U.S. P.'90 1 min. "I This is a favorite combination Calomel 1/6 gr. [ with many physicians in the Atropine Sulphate VoOO g r - f treatment of cold accompanied Morphine Sulphate ^-JZQ gr. J by fever and more or less bronchial and hepatic conges- tion. It induces free action of the skin, allays pain and rest- The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 3/0 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA f Tablets Aconite and Calomel Compound, Squibb (Continued) lessness, quiets the pulse, and relieves plethora. Its use in the early stages of cold will usually bring about a rapid ameliora- tion of the symptoms and frequently cut short an attack. As the morphine somewhat interferes with the laxative action of the calomel, in some cases it is well to follow with a saline laxative after the administration of the third tablet. Dose: 1 tablet every hour for two or three doses, then every 2 or 3 hours for three doses more. Continue in gradually decreasing doses until the nasal discharge ceases. (NOTE: These tab- lets should be used cautiously, and the possibility of the for- mation of the morphine habit guarded against.) f Tablets Aconite and Camphor Compound, Squibb (Cold No. 4, Dr. Coil) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Aconite i/lO gr. 1 These tablets have been found Camphor !/10 gr. [ useful in the early stage of Opium Powdred Vio gr< f "cold in the head" with Potassium Nitrate l/io gr. J coryza. Their action is sudo- rific, refrigerant and diuretic. Taken at the onset of an attack they usually cause an abatement of the sneezing and febrile symptoms and frequently abort the attack. Dose: 10 tablets in water at bedtime, or 1 tablet every hour for ten doses during the day. Quinine in tonic doses is reported often to be beneficial during the treatment. (NoTE: In the use of these tablets the possibility of the formation of the opium habit should be borne in mind and guarded against.) Tablets Aconite and Camphor Compound No. 2, Squibb (Rhinitis, Infants', Dr. R. B. Kimball) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Tr. Aconite U5.P/90 V-l m i n - ] Antierrhine. The well-known Camphor VlO g r - f antipyretic and sedative ac- Tr. Bellad. U.S.P.'90 1/4 min. J tion of aconite and bella- donna is here supplemented by the antispasmodic and sedative effect of camphor, which is held in repute in the treatment of coryza, especially at the onset. The tinctures of aconite and belladonna used in these tablets are prepared from the best quality of the ass_yed drugs and care- fully evaporated at low temperature; the resultant extract is mixed with sugar of milk and incorporated in the tablets. In this way the therapeutic action of the drugs is not changed or destroyed. Dose : 1 tablet with water or diffused in water to which about five drops of glycerin may be added, every hour until relieved. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 311 Tablets Aconite and Colchicum Compound, Squibb (Sciatica) T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Tr. Aconite U.S.P/90 3 /4 min. 1 Deranged functions of th Tr. Colchic, U.S. P. '90 3 /4 min. I nerves and secretory organs Tr. Bellad, U.S.P.'90 3 /4 min. f are the indications for these Tincture Cimicifuga 3 /4 min. J tablets, which act as a seda- tive to the nerves and relieve pain. By their action upon the circulation they tend to improve nutrition of the nervous system and aid in the elimination of waste products through the skin, the kidneys and the bowels. In sciatica their effect is usually prompt. Dose: 2 tablets every three hours until pain is relieved. * Tablets Aconite and Mercury Compound, Squibb (Tonsillitis) T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Tr. Aconite U5.P.'90 Vo min. 1 Aconite given in the early Mercury lod. Red VlOO g r - I stage of tonsillitis, when the Tincture Bryonia VlO min. f skin is hot and dry, causes a Tr. Bellad, U.S. P. '90 1 /io min. J copious perspiration, relieves the chilliness and muscular soreness, and reduces the inflammation and fever. Bella- donna lessens its depressant effect. Bryonia acts as a stimu- lant to the mucous membrane. Red iodide of mercury re- duces the swelling and inflammation. Dose: 1 tablet, on the tongue, every twenty minutes for three doses, then every half hour for two doses; afterwards at hourly intervals until the pain and inflammation are relieved. Tablets Aconitine 1/500 gr., Squibb C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Aconitine is used for neuralgic and sciatic pains, and is con- sidered especially useful in trifacial neuralgia. Some patients show an idiosyncrasy to its use, and it should therefore be given cautiously, more particularly where weak heart exists, beginning with the smaller dose and gradually increasing until the systemic effect is observed. Dose : 1 tablet every three or four hours until effective. Tablets Agaricin 1/10 gr., Squibb C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Agaricin (Agaricic Acid) appears to act directly upon the sweat glands and not through the nerve centers. It has been used for the excessive sweating of gouty patients, but it is prin- cipally employed to control night sweats in phthisis. The action of agaricin is slow, four or five hours elapsing before its effects are apparent; hence the dose should be timed accordingly. Dose: 1 tablet, after supper, repeated at bedtime if required. If difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 312 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Agaricin Compound, Squibb (Antihydrotic ; Night Sweat) C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Agaricin 1/12 gr- ] These tablets are used for Picrotoxm i/CO gr. V controlling excessive sweating 'Atropine Sulphate 1 /i20 gr. J in phthisis and in rheumatic and gouty subjects. Dose: 1 tablet at bedtime, repeated in two hours if required. Tablets Aiken's Tonic. See Tablets Quinine and Iron Comp. Tablets Aiken's Tonic Laxative. See Tablets Quinine and Iron Compound with Cascarin. Tablets Aloes and Mastic, Squibb (Dinner) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Aloes Purified 2 gr. 1 This is a favorite laxative in Mastic 1/2 gr. f dyspepsia with habitual con- Red Rose 1/2 gr. J stipation. Aloes acts chiefly upon the lower bowel and rectum; its action is slow, but not lessened by habitual use. Where not contraindicated by piles, these tablets are considered a useful laxative that may be taken as long as constipation exists. Dose : I or 2 tablets after dinner, or 1 to 3 tablets at bedtime. Tablets Aloes, Mercury and Podophyllin, Squibb (Triplex) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Aloes Purified 2 gr. 1 The same combination as the Mercury Mass 1 gr. f N. F. IV pills of the same Podophyllin ^4 g r - J name. It is used in constipa- tion with hepatic congestion. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets with water, after meals or at bedtime. * Tablets Aloin and Belladonna* Compound, Squibb T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Aloin 1/5 gr. "I Aloin is conceded to be a Extract Belladonna 1/g gr. > valuable remedy in constipa- Strychnine Sulphate 1/co gr. J lion, its action being almost wholly confined to the large intestine and rectum, but also possessing a slight stimulating effect upon the liver. The addition of the belladonna and strychnine serves to increase peristalsis, overcome muscular atony and pre- vent griping and tenesmus. The formula is deemed an excellent one in habitual constipation attended with indigestion and hepatic torpor; one particularly adapted for persons of seden- tary habit. Its use, it is maintained, may be continued without debilitating the bowels. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets at night, followed by a glass of water and repeated the following morning if necessary. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 313 Tablets Aloin and Belladonna Compound No. 2, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Aloin */5 gr- 1 This tablet is similar in corn- Extract Belladonna !/8 gr. j- position and action to the Strychnine Sulphate 1 /i20 g r - J preceding formula, but con- tains half as much strychnine. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets at bedtime, followed next morning by 1 tablet every three or four hours until effective. Tablets Aloin, Belladonna and Strychnine with Cas= cara, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Aloin !/5 gr. 1 This formula is a modinca- Extract Belladonna i/lG g r - I llon of ou " Aloin and Bella- Strychnine Sulphate i/eo gr- f donna Compound. The Extract Cascara 1/2 gr. J change consists in a reduction of the quantity of extract of belladonna and the addition of extract of cascara sagrada, a tonic laxative, the use of which is said not to cause habituation, but rather to tend to restore the normal functions. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets, at night, with water, repeated next morning if required. Tablets Aloin and Cascarin Compound, Squibb (Dr. Duncan) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Chocolate=coated (C. C. T.) Aloin !/s gr. 1 This Laxative tablet is very Cascarin 1/4 gr. I popular with physicians for Extract Belladonna 1 /g gr. f use in indigestion with slug- Strychnine Sulphate I/go g r J g'sh liver and habitual con- stipation. It acts pleasantly without griping, and its continued administration is not known to debilitate the bowel. It has proved very useful as a laxative in atonic conditions of the intestines. Dose : I or 2 tablets, at bedtime, with water, repeated the following morning if necessary. The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence theraupeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing medi- cinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 314 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Aloin and Podophyllin Compound, Squibb (Cathartic) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) These tablets are an active Cathartic, used in conditions where prompt and thorough action of the bowels is de- sired. They should not be used, however, where inflam- mation of the intestines is Aloin I/ ,'10 gr- Podophyllin l/io gr. Ext. Colocynth Comp. l/io gr Ext. Nux Vomica l/io gr- Croton Oil 1/30 gr. Oleoresin Capsicum 1/256 gr- Oil Peppermint 1 /i28 m in. present, as they are liable to increase the irritation. Dose : 1 tablet every two hours until bowels move; or 1 to 3 at bedtime. * Tablets Aloin and Strychnine Compound, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Aloin 1/5 gr. 1 In congested states of the Strychnine Sulphate I/GO g r - I system due to failure of the Extract Belladonna 1/g gr. f bowels to perform their nat- Ipecac 1/16 g r - j ura l functions this formula is used with good effect. It is said to act upon the entire alimentary tract; for while aloin alone affects the lower bowel almost entirely, the added bella- donna, strychnine and ipecac stimulate the peristaltic action and overcome the atonic condition of the intestinal tract and cause a more thorough evacuation of its contents. Tablets Aloin and Strychnine Compound Squibb are used in indigestion with hepatic congestion and constipation. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets, at bedtime, followed by 1 after breakfast and dinner the following day if required. Tablets Aloin and Strychnine Compound No. 2, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Aloin 1/5 gr. ] This formula is a modifica- Strychnine Sulphate !/(;o gr. 1 lion of the previous one, the Extract Belladonna Vin gr. f quantity of extract belladonna Ipecac 1/16 g r - J being reduced one-half. It is intended specially for those patients in whom an idiosyncrasy for this drug exists. Dose : I or 2 tablets, at bedtime, followed by 1 after breakfast if required. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 315 Tablets Aloin and Strychnine Compound No. 3, Squibb (Laxative No. 5, Dr. W. B. Pierson) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Aloin 1 /4 gr. "1 This is a slight modification Strychnine Sulphate Veo g r - I f our Aloin and Strychnine Extract Belladonna Vie gr. | Compound formula, adapted Ipecac 1/16 gr- J * those patients requiring a larger dose of aloin and who show an undue susceptibility to the action of belladonna. The tablets are used in cases of habitual constipation with hepatic torpor, usually the result of atony of the digestive functions. They act pleasantly without griping, and their continued use is not known to debilitate the bowels. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets at night, and I after breakfast next morning if needed. Tablets Aloin Compound, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Chocolate=coated (C. C. T.) Aloin t !/8 gr. { In sthenic patients where no Podophyllin Vs g r - ) inflammatory condition of the bowels exists, and where a decided stimulation of the liver is needed, these tablets have been found to act with decided benefit. Podophyllin is both cholagogue and cathartic, stimulating the flow of bile as well as producing free action of the bowels, but apparently acting chiefly upon the small intestine. The action of aloin is laxative or purgative, depending upon the dose, and seems to be exerted mainly upon the large intestine and rectum. These drugs usually act well together, but they have a tendency at times to cause griping. Dose: 1 to 4 tablets at bedtime, gradually decreasing the dose as the normal condition of the bowels returns. Tablets Aloin Compound No. 2, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Aloin V-i gr. 1 Dose t 1 or 2 tablets at bed- Podophyllin !/4 gr. ) time,, reducing the dose as the condition improves. Tablets Amenorrhea (Anemic). See Tablets Manganese Compound. Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 316 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Ammonium Bromide 5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. As is known, ammonium bromide efficiently acts as a Sedative in nervous excitement, whether caused by irritation of the brain, the sexual system or the spinal cord; it allays reflex irritability. It is used in epilepsy, mania, sexual excitement, seasickness, sleeplessness from overwork or worry and in various phases of nervous exaltation. It is believed to be less depressing than the sodium or potassium salt, yet, on account of its pungent and dis- agreeable taste, it is not so frequently employed. Long-con- tinued use often causes an acne-like eruption and a depressed mental condition; but these symptoms usually disappear upon withdrawal of the medicine. Dose : 1 to 3 tablets, with water, repeated in an hour or two if required. Tablets Ammonium Chloride 3 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Ammonium chloride is a stimulant expectorant, and is useful in bronchial catarrhs where the secretion is viscid, tenacious and difficult to dislodge, and also in intestinal catarrh, catarrhal jaun- dice and in certain forms of neuralgia. As a bronchial stimu- lant it is usually combined with other remedies, and usually given with some demulcent, as extract licorice, which modifies its unpleasant taste. Dose: as a bronchial stimulant, 1 or 2 tablets every two or three hours, allowed to dissolve in the mouth or taken with a wineglass of water or milk. For intes- tinal catarrh and neuralgia, 5 tablets dissolved in a wineglass of water, every three or four hours. Tablets Ammonium Chloride 5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Dose: as an expectorant, 1 or 2 tablets dissolved on the tongue every two or three hours; as a hepatic stimulant, 2 to 4 tablets in half a glass of water every three or four hours. Tablets Ammonium Chloride and Hyoscyamus Com- pound, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Ammonium Chloride I gr. 1 This combination is employed Extract Hyoscyamus !/(> 8 r - f as an Anodyne Expectorant, Tartar Emetic */24 gr. J in painful cough with absent or only scanty expectoration. Dose: 1 tablet after each meal, or every three or four hours if required. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 317 Tablets Ammonium Chloride and Licorice, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Ammonium Chloride 1 gr. "I These tablets represent an Extract Licorice 3 3 /4 gr. V agreeable and efficient remedy Oil Anise i/20 m i n - J m bronchial affections with hoarseness and thick, scanty sputum difficult of expectoration. Dose: I or 2 tablets every two or three hours. f Tablets Ammonium Chloride and Sanguinarine Com= pound, Squibb (Anodyne Expectorant, Dr. Bolton) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Ammonium Chloride 1 gr. Sanguinarine Nitrate VlCO 8 r - Tartar Emetic Vso g r - Morphine Sulphate ^-/so gr. In bronchial affections where the sputum is thick and scanty and expectoration is accomplished with difficulty and often painful, this combi- nation usually gives relief. Sanguinarine, although not now used as often as formerly, acts as a powerful stimulant to the bronchial mucous membrane, and where the dose is not excessive is not depressing. In combination with the well-known expec- torants, ammonium chloride and tartar emetic, it generally pro- duces a more fluid and copious secretion from the bronchi. The action of the morphine quiets the cough, relieves pain and soreness of the pectoral muscles, and contributes a sudorific action to the other remedies. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets every 2 or 3 hours. In the use of these tablets the possibility of the for- mation of the morphine habit should be borne in mind and guarded" against. Tablets Ammonium Chloride and Squill Compound, Squibb (Cough Persistent, Dr. Brewer) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Ammonium Chloride 2 gr. 1 These tablets are used in Ext. Squill Acetic 1/4 gr. 1 subacute bronchitis with thick, Ipecac */4 g r - J viscid mucus, difficult ex- Fluidext. Senega 1 min. J pectoration and obstinate cough, to stimulate the secre- tion of bronchial mucus, and to render it more fluid, less tenacious and more easily expectorated. Owing to the nause- ating tendency of the squill and ipecac, they are not adapted for patients with sensitive stomachs. Dose: 1 tablet every two or three hours. The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 318 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA f Tablets Ammonium Chloride and Squill Compound, with Heroin, Squibb (Cough Persistent, with Heroin) C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Ammonium Chloride 2 gr. Ext. Squill Acetic 1/4 gr. Diacetylmorphine (Heroin) 1/25 gr. Ipecac 1/4 gr. Fluidext. Senega 1 min. These tablets act as a stim- ulant Expectorant and An- odyne, and are deemed especially useful in subacute and chronic bronchitis when the cough is obstinate and painful and the expectoration scanty. Nausea is apt to be incited by these tablets at times. Dose : 1 tablet every hour or two, depending upon the severity of the symptoms. In the use of these tablets the possibility of the formation of the morphine habit should be borne in mind and guarded against. (NOTE. We also make this com- bination with Diacetylmorphine, the U. S. P. name for heroin, and can offer them at lower prices than those charged for the tablets containing the trademarked product.) Tablets Ammonium Chloride Compound, Squibb T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Ammonium Chloride 1/4 gr. } These tablets are generally - Extract Licorice !/io gr. > useful in the early stage of Cubeb 1/8 gr. J bronchitis, acting as a mild stimulating Expectorant. Dose: I or 2 tablets dissolved on the tongue every fifteen or twenty minutes until relieved. f* Tablets Ammonium Chloride Compound with Co= deine, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Ammonium Chloride 1/4 gr. 1 This formula acts as an Ex- Codeine 1/25 g r - I pectorant and mild Anodyne. Extract Licorice l/io gr. F It has been found useful in Cubeb 1/8 gr. J the early stage of bronchitis, with frequent and painful cough and before the secreting stage is well established. Dose: 1 tablet, dissolved on the tongue, every fifteen minutes to half hour until relieved. f* Tablets Ammonium Chloride Compound with Heroin, Squibb T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Ammonium Chloride 1/4 gr. Diacetylmorphine (Heroin) 1/100 gr. Extract Licorice l/io gr. Cubeb 1/g gr. This combination is employed in the early stage of coughs and colds, to relieve the irri- tation and soreness of the throat, facilitate expectoration, and allay cough. Dose : 1 tablet, dissolved in the mouth every fifteen minutes to half an hour until 4 have been taken, then every hour or two until relieved. The possibility of the formation of the morphine habit should be borne in mind when prescribing these tablets, and guarded against. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 319 f Tablets Ammonium Chloride Compound with Heroin, No. 2, Squibb (Cough, Infants') T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Ammonium Chloride 1/4 gr. Diacetylmorphine (Her- oin) Hydrochlor. 1 /200 gr- Fluidextract Ipecac 1 /s min. Tr. Belladonna 1/5 min. Licorice Oil Anise aa. q. s. The addition of ammonium chloride and ipecac serves to produce an increased secre- tion from the bronchial mucous membrane. Bella- donna, in addition to its anti- spasmodic effect, acts as a respiratory stimulant. The oil anise and licorice make the tablets palatable, and hence they are readily taken by children. Dose : for young children, a tablet may be dissolved in water before administering and given at hourly intervals until relieved; older children take 1 or more tablets at a dose. The bottle should be kept well corked and in a dry place. The possibility of the formation of the morphine habit should be borne in mind, when prescribing these tablets, and guarded against. f Tablets Ammonium Salicylate and Acetanilid Com- pound, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Ammonium Salicylate Acetanilid Dover's Powder Camphor Caffeine 2 gr. This formula is used in the early stages of coryza and grip. It usually acts promptly, allaying pain, controlling the febrile symptoms, and, if taken early enough, frequently 1 or 2 tablets every two or three Dose: aborting an attack, hours, with water. Tablets Analgesic. See Tablets Acetanilid and Strontium Salicylate Compound. Tablets Analgesic No. 2. See Tablets Acetanilid and Sodium Salicylate Compound. Tablets Analgesic Compound. See Tablets Acetanilid and Morphine Compound. Tablets Anemia. See Tablets Blaud's and Manganese Comp. Tablets Anodyne. See Tablets Morphine, Camphor and Hyoscyamus. Tablets Anodyne Expectorant (Dr. Bolton). See Tablets Ammonium Chloride and Sangumanne Compound. Tablets Anodyne, Infants' (Dr. Waugh). See Tablets Codeine and Nickel Compound. The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, genera) Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 320 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Anorexia. See Tablets Gentian and Nux Compound. Tablets Anorexia No. 2 (Dyspeptic). See Tablets Strych- nine and Ipecac Compound. Tablets Antiasthmatic. See Tablets Potassium Iodide and Belladonna Compound. Tablets Antiasthmatic No. 2. See Tablets Potassium Iodide and Lobelia Compound. Tablets Anticonstipation. See Tablets Cascara Comp. No. 4. Tablets Antidyspeptic. See Tablets Rhubarb and Sodium Bicarbonate Compound. Tablets Antifermentative. See Tablets Sodium Salicyl. Comp. Tablets Antihydrotic. See Tablets Agaricin Compound. Tablets Antimony and Ipecac, Squibb (Dr. Fowler) T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Tartar Emetic Vioo " j Tartar emetic in small and Ipecac VlOO 8 r - j repeated doses acts as an Expectorant and Diaphoretic ; in larger quantities it causes nausea, vomiting and great prostra- tion. It is deemed useful in the early stage of bronchitis before the secretion is well established. In combination with ipecac it is regarded as an excellent remedy in acute affections of the bronchi with hard, painful cough, deficient secretion and fever. Dose : 1 tablet every hour or two, stopping the remedy on the appearance of nausea. Tablets Antimony and Ipecac No. 2, Squibb C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Tartar Emetic VlOO gr- ) This formula is a modification Ipecac 1/4 gr. J of the prescription of Dr. Fowler; it contains a larger proportion of ipecac, which increases the expectorant action without producing subsequent depression. It is indicated in bronchial congestion with fever, where the cough is hard and painful and the secretion scanty. Dose : 1 tablet every hour or two as required. Tablets Antipyrine 1 gr., Squibb T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Pains of a reflex or spasmodic character as seen in locomotor ataxia, migraine, and neuralgia are commonly relieved by anti- pyrine. Good results have also been obtained in asthma and in whooping-cough. Its antipyretic properties are well known, but it should be cautiously used. (See note under Tablets Acetani- lid 1 gr.) Dose: for children, 1 tablet every hour until tem- perature falls, or pain is relieved; for whooping-cough I tablet every two hours. X SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 321 Tablets Antipyrine 5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Dose: as an Antipyretic, 1 tablet every two or three hours while fever is high; as an Analgesic, I every hour for three doses, or 3 at one dose, depending upon the condition. f Tablets Antipyrine and Heroin Compound, Squibb (Whooping-Cough) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Antipyrine 1/2 gr. Diacerylmorphine (Her- oin) Hydrochlor. */200 gr. Tincture Drosera 1 min. Tr. Bell. US.P. "90 1/5 min. Ipecac ^/200 g r Oil Anise q. s. Antipyrine is quite generally conceded to be a useful rem- edy in whooping-cough. It is combined in this formula with respiratory stimulants and antispasmodics, which increase its efficiency. The combination is palatable and readily taken by children. Dose: 1 tablet every hour or two until relieved, and then at longer intervals. Tablets Antirheumatic. See Tablets Potassium Iodide and Phytolacca Compound. Tablets Antirheumatic No. 2. See Tablets Acid Salicylic and Colchicum Compound. Tablets Antirheumatic No. 3. See Tablets Sodium Salicy- late and Colchicum Compound No. 2. Tablets Antiseptic, Bernays'. See Tablets Mercury Bi- chloride Compound, Bernays'. Tablets Antiseptic, Detergent. See Tablets Borax and Sodium Salicylate Compound. Tablets Antiseptic, Detergent, Improved. See Tablets Borax and Sodium Salicylate Compound, Improved. Tablets Antiseptic Intestinal. See Tablets Zinc Sulpho- carbolate Compound. Tablets Antiseptic, Wilson's. See Tablets Mercury Bi- chloride Compound, Wilson's. Tablets Aphrodisiac. See Tablets Nux and Phosphorus Comp. The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 322 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA f Tablets Apomorphine Hydrochloride 1/100 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Apomorphine hydrochloride, according to physiologists, at first stimulates the respiratory centers, and if the dose be sufficient to nauseate, causes marked depression; small doses given by the mouth act as an Expectorant and are useful in early stages of inflammation of the bronchi, where a hyperemic condition of the mucous membrane exists, and the secretion is viscid and difficult to expectorate. In larger doses it is an active Emetic, but must be given with caution, as it occasions marked depression. As an emetic it is used principally in case of poisoning and where a prompt and certain effect is wanted. For this purpose it is gen- erally given hypodermically. Dose : 1 tablet every three or four hours. f Tablets Apomorphine Hydrochloride 1/20 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Dose: 1 tablet as an emetic, repeated cautiously until effective. f Tablets Apomorphine Hydrochloride 1/10 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Dose : 1 tablet as an emetic in case of poisoning or choking due to presence of foreign body in the esophagus. Tablets Arsenates Triple. See Tablets Triple Arsenates. Tablets Arsenic and Iron. See Tablets Iron and Arsenic. Tablets Arsenic Iodide 1/50 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. This remedy is employed in cutaneous eruptions of a chronic character and some forms of malarial poisoning. Small doses are commenced with, and if gastric distress or reddening of the eyelids occur, the drug is withheld until the symptoms disappear and then resumed. Good effects have been observed in psoriasis, chronic eczema and other obstinate skin diseases. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets after eating. Dispense in glass. Tablets Arsenic Iodide 1/25 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Dose : 1 tablet with water after each meal. To be discontinued if pain or fulness of the stomach occur. Dispense in glass. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 323 * Tablets Arsenic Sulphide Red 1/50 gr., Squibb T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Arsenic Sulphide Red is used in acne, eczema, psoriasis, and in suppurative skin diseases. The effect of arsenic is observed in nutrition, the p'atient gaining in weight and the skin becoming soft and smooth. In combination with sulphur it is reported especially useful in suppurative skin diseases and excellent re- sults have been obtained in the treatment of boils and carbuncles. As with all arsenical preparations, its effect upon the system must be watched. The dose is generally increased to the point of toleration, when, if gastric symptoms or reddening of the eyelids occur, it is lessened or the remedy withdrawn for a short time and then resumed. Dose: 1 tablet, gradually increased to 3 or 4, after meals. * Tablets Arsenic Sulphide Red 1/30 gr., Squibb T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose : 1 tablet after meals, gradually increased. Tablets Arsenous Acid. See Tablets Acid Arsenous. Tablets Asafetida 2 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose: 1 or 2 tablets after meals and at bedtime. Tablets Asafetida 3 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose: 1 or 2 tablets after meals and at bedtime. Tablets Asafetida 5 gr., Squibb Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) These tablets act as an Antispasmodic and Nerve Sedative, and have been found useful in hysteria, hypochondriasis and other functional nervous disorders, as well as in flatulent dyspepsia. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets after meals and at bedtime. Tablets Asafetida and Nux Vomica, Squibb Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Asafetida Powdered 3 gr. \ The addition of nux vomica Extract Nux Vomica */4 gr. j to asafetida increases its value in atonic conditions of the alimentary tract. The combination has been found useful in hysterical and neurasthenic subjects who suffer much abdominal distress after meals, due to flatulence and fermentation. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets after meals and at bedtime. Squibb's Tablets are made from the Squibb quality of ingredients and by improved processes that insure accurate dosage and rapid and complete disintegration or solution in the system, hence prompt and full therapeutic effect. Specify SQUIBB'S. 324 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Asafetida and Valerian Compound, Squibb (Sedative No. 3, Dr. Baer) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Asafetida Powdered 1 gr. "1 These tablets are used as an Extract Valerian 1 gr. j- antispasmodic and sedative in Extract Sumbul 1 gr. J mild cases of nerve disorder accompanied by flatulence and intestinal disturbance. They are well adapted for relieving the nervous manifestations seen in hysteria and melancholia occurring specially in women. Of late years it has grown more and more difficult to secure asafetida of the proper stand- ard, and many samples have been condemned by our control laboratory. The asafetida used in these tablets is of the highest quality, and great care is exercised so that its properties are not impaired during the process of their manufacture. Dose: 1 tab- let after meals and at bedtime. Tablets Aspirin. See Tablets Acid Acetylsalicylic. Tablets, Astringent Gargle. See Tablets Hydrastis and Alum Compound. Tablets Astringent, Vaginal. See Tablets Zinc Sulphate and Tannic Acid Compound. Tablets, Astringent Wash. See Tablets Lead and Zinc Compound. Tablets Atropine Sulphate 1/200 gr., Squibb T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose : 1 tablet every hour until throat feels dry, but not for more than four consecutive doses. Tablets Atropine Sulphate 1/150 gr., Squibb T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose: 1 tablet every hour until dryness of throat occurs, but not for more than four doses in succession. * Tablets Atropine Sulphate 1/100 gr., Squibb T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Atropine is used as a cardiac and respiratory stimulant and for its effect upon the glands. It arrests and even suppresses the action of the mammary, sudoriparous and salivary glands. Ad- vantage of its action in controlling sweating has been taken in the treatment of night-sweats in phthisis, and of its effect of reducing the secretions of the mucous membrane in acute coryza. In addition, it possesses antispasmodic properties, which are shown in the relief afforded in spasm of the sphincter of the bladder, neuralgia, asthma and whooping-cough. Dose : 1 tablet every hour until throat becomes dry, but for not more than three doses. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 325 Tablets Atropine and Morphine. See Tablets Morphine and Atropine. Tablets Belladona and Aconite. See Tablets Aconite and Belladonna. Tablets Belladonna and Aconite Compound. See Tablets Aconite and Belladonna Compound. Tablets Belladonna, Nux and Cubeb, Squibb (Incontinence) C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Tr. Bell. U.S.P. '90 2 min. Tr. Nux Vom. " 1 min. Tr. Cubeb 2 min. Tr. Rhus Aromat. 1 min. Tr. Cascarilla 2 min. Incontinence of urine in chil- dren is often corrected by the administration of these tablets, especially when due to irritable bladder. To overcome the acidity and concentration which are often the exciting causes, considerable water should be taken during the day, but the quantity should be restricted towards evening. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets at night, for a child six to eight years. Tablets Betanaphthol Compound, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Betanaphthol 1 gr. 1 Betanaphthol is a reliable Bismuth Salicylate 1 gr. ? remedy in morbid conditions Aromatic Chalk Powd. 1 gr. J of the alimentary tract, as seen in diarrhea and dysen- tery, as well as in dilated stomach, where the contents of that organ are not completely emptied, and fermentation is a prom- inent symptom. Bismuth salicylate (subsalicylate) acts as a sedative and astringent to the mucous membranes; aromatic chalk powder as a carminative and antacid. Dose : 1 tablet, with a glass of water, half an hour before meals, repeated in two hours if required; for diarrhea 1 tablet every two or three hours until relieved. Tablets Bismuth and Cascara, Squibb (Dyspeptic No. 2) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Bismuth Subgallate 5 gr. } The tonic laxative effects of Extract Cascara 1 gr. j cascara are here combined with bismuth subgallate. The latter is considered an excellent remedy in flatulent dyspepsia, but at times it causes constipation. The cascara overcomes this objection and together they generally give marked relief. Dose: 1 tablet after meals, with water. This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. When prescribing, please specify SQUIBB'S. 326 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA f Tablets Bismuth and Cerium Oxalate Compound, Squibb (Nausea No. 2) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Bismuth Subnitrate 2 gr. 1 These tablets are used for the Cerium Oxalate 2 gr. V relief of vomiting in pregnacy. Cocaine Hydrochlor. 1/12 gr. J car sickness, seasickness, and nausea. On account of the contained cocaine they should be given with caution lest a habit be formed. Where the nausea is excessive and much liquid cannot be given, the tablet may be placed in a spoon with a few drops of water, when it will disintegrate at once. Dose : 1 tablet in a teaspoonful of water every hour. Tablets Bismuth and Magnesia No. 1, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Bismuth Subnitrate 15 gr. 7 This formula affords a corn- Magnesia Calcined lOgr. } bination having the properties of an Antacid, Stomachic, Gastro-intestinal Astringent and Antizymotic. It is a favorite with many surgeons as a means of preventing as well as com- bating the formation of flatus after operations. Dose : 1 tablet aboift two hours after meals, or every three or four hours. Tablets Bismuth and Magnesia No. 2, Squibb Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Bismuth Subnitrate 15gr, 1 Action and uses essentially Magnesia Calcined 5 gr. ) same as preceding; more Astringent and less Antacid. Dose : 1 tablet about two hours after meals, or every three or four hours if required. Tablets Bismuth and Magnesia No. 3, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Bismuth Subnitrate lOgr. | Dose: 1 tablet about two Magnesia Calcined lOgr. } hours after meals, or every three or four hours if required. Tablets Bismuth and Sodium Bicarbonate, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Bismuth Subnitrate lOgr. ) This combination is prescribed Sodium Bicarbonate 10 gr.) as an Antacid, Antizymotic and Gastrointestinal Astrin- gent, in acid dyspepsia, flatulence and diarrhea. Dose ! 1 tablet about two hours after meals, or every three or four hours if required. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 327 Tabfets Bismuth Compound. Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Bismuth Subcarb. 1 */5 8 r - Betanaphthol 3 /io gr. Salol !/2 gr. Creosote i/2 gr. Oil Cloves q. a. Astringent, Antizymotic, Pro- phylactic. Morbid conditions of the alimentary tract due to fermentative decomposition or to septic infection are indi- cations for the use of these tablets. They combine a number of well-known antiseptics, which, by preventing putrefactive changes, allow digestion to proceed in a normal manner. Dose : 1 or 2 before or after meals, repeated in two hours if required. For diarrhea and in typhoid, 1 every two or three hours. Tablets Bismuth Compound No. 2, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Bismuth Subnitrate 1/2 g r - \ This is a mild sedative to Cerium Oxalate 1/2 g r > } mucous surfaces, used in simple nausea, and in some cases of infantile diarrhea with nausea as a disturbing symptom. These tablets are so made that they disintegrate at once in water. Where a child or- older person cannot swallow a tablet, or where nausea exists, one or more may be placed in a spoonful of water, when they will instantly crumble to powder. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets repeated hourly until nausea is relieved. Tablets Bismuth Oxide Hydrated 5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. This addition to our list has been made at the request of many physicians who desired a tablet for the extemporaneous prep- aration of Milk of Bismuth (Magma Bismuthi). The tablets disintegrate at once in water, and eight tablets added to an ounce of water and shaken slightly form a milky mixture from which the bismuth oxide separates on standing, but quickly mixes again to a perfectly homogeneous liquid upon slight agitation. The bismuth oxide seems to possess the power of coating a much larger surface than the subnitrate or subcarbonate. The indi- cations for its use are the same as those for the subnitrate or subcarbonate. Dose : 1 to 3 tablets repeated every half hour until relieved, swallowed with a little water or diffused in a spoonful of water before taking. The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 328 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Bismuth Salicylate 1 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Bismuth salicylate (subsalicylate) acts as an Astringent and Sedative to the mucous membranes and possesses Antiseptic properties. It is found useful in all catarrhal conditions of the alimentary canal, checking fermentation, allaying inflammation and acting as a tonic and astringent. In diarrhea, dysentery and typhoid its use has been followed with good results. Dose: 1 - tablet every hour until symptoms improve. Tablets Bismuth Salicylate 5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Dose : 1 tablet with water every two or three hours until re- lieved. In fermentative dyspepsia, 1 tablet half an hour before meals and 1 tablet two hours afterwards. Tablets Bismuth Subcarbonate 5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Bismuth subcarbonate is preferred by som practitioners to the subnitrate. It acts as an Antacid and Astringent, and is con- sidered valuable in flatulent dyspepsia, diarrhea, pyrosis, nausea, vomiting and gastric pain and inflammation. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets, repeated every half hour or two until relieved, in nausea, flatulent dyspepsia, pyrosis and diarrhea. Tablets Bismuth Subgallate 1 gr., Squibb Pr1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Bismuth subgallate has been highly recommended in fermenta- tive dyspepsia. In addition to the Sedative and Antiseptic properties of bismuth, it has Astringent action owing to the pres- ence of the gallic acid. It has been used with advantage in the treatment of fermentative disorders of the stomach and bowels, accompanied with nausea, flatulence, pyrosis and diarrhea; in acute and chronic catarrhal conditions of the alimentary tract. Dose : for children, 1 tablet every hour or two, to control vomiting and diarrhea. Tablets Bismuth Subgallate 3 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Dose: for diarrhea, 1 or 2 tablets every two or three hours until relieved. As a gastric sedative, 1 or 2 tablets before meals, repeated in an hour or two if required. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 329 Tablets Bismuth Subgallate 5 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose : for gastric dyspepsia 1 tablet before meals, repeated in two hours if necessary; for diarrhea, 1 to 3 tablets every two or three hours until relieved, preferably in combination with betanaphthol or zinc sulphocarbolate. (See Tablets Zinc Sul- phocarbolate Compound.) Tablets Bismuth Subgallate Compound, Squibb (Dr. Aulde) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Bismuth Subgallate 5 gr. "1 In slow and imperfect gastric Pepsin 1 gr. ? digestion of food due to an Extract Nux Vomica */4 gr. J atonic condition of the sto- mach, these tablets have been found to give marked relief. Bismuth subgallate acts as a tonic and astringent to the mucous membrane; pepsin supplies the gastric ferment where that agent is deficient in quantity or weak in digestive power; nux vomica acts as a stimulant to the peptic cells of the stomach, and is considered one of the best remedies in enfeebled states of that organ, enabling the stomach to tolerate and digest food and affording relief in the various distressing symptoms arising from faulty digestion. Dose : 1 tablet with a swallow of water before meals, repeated after meals if required. Tablets Bismuth Subgallate Compound No. 2, Squibb (Dr. Aulde) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Bismuth Subgallate 3*/2 gr. "| The purpose of this formula Pancreatin l^gr- r is to assist the digestion of Extract Nux Vomica */4 r - J starchy and fatty foods. The pancreatin used in these tablets conforms to the U. S. P. requirements and is present in an active form. Fermentative dyspepsia with flatulence and diarrhea due to undigested food in the intestines, is the indi- cation for these tablets. Dose : 1 tablet before meals, repeated in two hours if necessary. f Tablets Bismuth Subgallate Compound No. 3, Squibb (Diarrhea Fermentative, Dr. J. W. Hyde) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Bismuth Subgallate 1 gr. Salol 1 gr. Cerium Oxalate 1 gr. Dover's Powder 2 gr. Oil Anise q. s. This has proved an excellent combination in acute attacks of summer diarrhea, with flat- ulence, fermentation, cramps and frequent discharges from the bowels. It arrests fer- mentation, allays the irritation and pain, and checks the dis- If difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 330 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA t Tablets Bismuth Subgallate Compound No. 3, Squibb (Cont.) charge. Its action is Antiseptic, Anodyne and mildly Astringent. Dose: for adults, 1 tablet, every two or three hours; for chil- dren, 1 tablet in a tablespoonful of water and a teaspoonful of the solution given every two or three hours, stirring well before each dose. Tablets Bismuth Subnitrate 1 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Bismuth subnitrate is used in dyspepsia, to control nausea and vomiting and to prevent flatulence and pyrosis. It is found use- ful in the chronic gastritis of alcoholics, in gastralgia and in ulcer of the stomach. It acts as a Sedative and Astringent in inflamed conditions of the mucosae of the stomach and the intestines, especially when of a catarrhal nature. Tablets Bis- muth Subnitrate Squibb disintegrate at once in the presence of water, and yield more rapid therapeutic effects than capsules or cachets. If, as sometimes happens in nausea, it is inad- visable to give much liquid, a tablet may be placed in a spoon and a few drops of water added. Dose : 1 tablet every hour or two, in diarrhea and vomiting in infants. Tablets Bismuth Subnitrate 2 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose: 1 tablet every half hour for three or four doses, in stomach and intestinal indigestion. Tablets Bismuth Subnitrate 5 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose: for nausea and indigestion, 1 or 2 tablets after meals; for diarrhea, 1 or 2 tablets every three hours until relieved. Tablets Bitter Tonic (Dr. Frank E. West). See Tablets Nux and Ipecac Compound. Tablets Blank, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 White, Pink or Yellow (T. T.) These tablets are made from Squibb's pure milk sugar. They contain no medicinal ingredient whatever. The pink and yellow tablets are prepared with vegetable colors which are perfectly harmless. Tablets Blaud's 1 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) The iron and alkali carbonate exist in these tablets in the un- combined state; in presence of moisture, as in the stomach, reaction takes place, which results in the formation of ferrous carbonate. Nascent ferrous carbonate is universally conceded to be one of the best forms in which iron can be administered; SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 331 Tablets Blaud's 1 gr., Squibb (Cont.) it is rapidly acted pon by the stomach, easily utilized, produces a marked increase in the quantity of hemoglobin and the red corpuscles, and rarely causes any constitutional disturbances; in anemia and debility its effects are soon apparent in the bettered nutrition and the altered state of the blood. Dose : for chil- dren, 1 or 2 tablets after meals, continuing the treatment as long as necessary. Tablets Blaud's 3 gr., Squibb Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose : 1 or 2 tablets three times a day, after meals, until the condition is improved. Tablets Blaud's 5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose : 1 tablet three times a day, after meals. Tablets Blaud's and Manganese Compound, Squibb (Anemia) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Blaud's Mass 3 gr. "I Experience has shown that of Manganese Dioxide 1 gr. r the many forms of iron intro- Acid Arsenous I/go gr. J duced to th medical pro- fession, ferrous carbonate in the nascent condition is one that is best borne and one that yields the most rapid results; its administration is rarely fol- lowed by headache or disturbance of the digestive functions. The arsenous acid and manganese are believed to enhance the therapeutic action of the iron. They are employed in ane- mia, debility and menstrual irregularities. Dose : 1 or 2 tab- lets with water, after meals. Tablets Blaud's Mass and Aloin Compound, Squibb (Blaud's Tonic Laxative) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Pink-coated (P. C. T.) Blaud's Mass 3 gr Aloin VlO gr Quinine Sulphate 1/2 gr Extract Nux Vomica 1 /io gr. These tablets have been used with good effect in anemic and chlorotic conditions with disturbance of the menstrual functions. The aloin serves to relieve the constipation present in certain patients. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets, three times a day, after meals. The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing med- icinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 332 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Blaud's Pill Compound, Squibb Per 1 000, Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Blaud's Mass 3 gr. ) 'The arsenous ackl in this Acid Arsenous */60 8 r< ) formula is added to increase its therapeutic value, the combination of the two remedies producing a more rapid and pronounced effect upon the blood. It is indicated in anemia, debility and chlorosis. Dose : 1 tablet three times a day, with water, after meals. Tablets Blaud's Pill Compound No. 2, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Blaud's Mass 5 gr. \ Same indications as preceding. Acid Arsenous i/40 gr. } Dose : I tablet, after meals, with water. Tablets Blaud's PHI Compound No. 3, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Blaud's Mass 5 gr. "1 These tablets are employed in Mercury Bichloride I/go gr. I anemia, chlorosis and general Strychnine Sulphate Voo g r - f debility. Dose: 1 tablet Acid Arsenous J /so gr. J three times a day, after meals, with a swallow of water or other beverage. Tablets Blaud's Pill Compound No. 3, Half Strength, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Blaud's Mass 21/2 gr. ] For indications, see preceding. Mercury Bichloride 1/ 100 gr. I Dose: 1 or 2 tablets three Strychnine Sulphate 1/ 120 gr. J lmies a d ay> a f ter mea l s . Acid Arsenous /100 r - J Tablets Blaud's Pill Compound No. 4, Squibb (Tonic, Children's) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Pink-coated (P. C. T.) Blaud's Mass 1 gr. 1 The effects of iron in anemic Quinine Sulphate VlC 8 r * I anc ^ debilitated conditions are Acid Arsenous 1 /500 g r - r nere intensified by alteratives. Strychnine Sulph. V.'iOO 8 r< an( ^ other tonic remedies, Corrosive Sublim. 1 /400 g r - J thereby effecting improvement of the appetite, assimilation and nutrition, while the anemic condition gradually disappears. Dose : I or 2 tablets, according to age of child, after meals. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 333 Tablets Blaud's Pill Compound Improved, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Blaud's Mass 5 gr. "1 As a well-made tablet con- Acid Arsenous 1/50 gr. 1 taining Blaud's Mass rarely Extract Nux Vomica Vg gr. f "produces constipation, the Extract Cascara Sagr. J/2 8 r> J addition of extract cascara sagrada in this formula might seem unnecessary. However, occasionally there are cases where obstinate constipation exists in anemic patients, and in such these tablets are used to special advantage. Dose : 1 tablet. Tablets Blaud's Tonic Laxative. See Tablets Blaud's Mass and Aloin Compound. Tablets Blue Mass 5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. These tablets are made from the Well-known Squibb Massa Hydrargyri, in which special care is taken to thoroughly sub- divide the mercury, and upon which the efficiency and uniform action of the product depend. The mass is in no way altered by the process of transforming into tablets. Squibb's Blue Mass Tablets are to be preferred to pills of blue mass because they do not harden with age; moreover, they disintegrate promptly in water, and retain their therapeutic action indefinitely. Dose : I or 2 tablets at night, followed next morning by a saline cathartic. Tablets Borax and Sodium Salicylate Compound, Squibb (Antiseptic Detergent) Bots. of 50 Per 500 Per 100 Per doz. C.T. These tablets are a convenient means for preparing antiseptic solutions. They contain sodium bicarbonate (4 1 /o gr.), sodium borate (4 1 /o gr.), sodium salicylate (Vll gr.), eucalyptol, men- thol and methyl salicylate. They are non-poisonous and when dissolved in the proportion of 1 tablet in 2 fluidounces of water, yield a bland detergent fluid with mild antiseptic powers, which is a slight modification of the solution originally proposed by Dr. Carl Seiler. They have been found very efficacious as a spray or douche in acute or chronic catarrh, as a gargle in sore throat, and as a mouth wash. Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 334 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Borax and Sodium Salicylate Compound, , Improved, Squibb (Antiseptic Detergent Improved) Bots. of 50 C.T. Per 500 Per 100 Per doz. These tablets are preferred where a slight astringent effect upon the mucous membrane is desired. They contain in addition to the ingredients of the preceding antiseptic tablets, sanguinarine nitrate (Veo gr.) and hydrastine hydrochloride ( 1 /]20 gr.) 5 these lend stimulating and astringent properties to the combina- tion. For preparing a spray, nasal douche or mouth wash, dissolve 1 tablet in 2 fluiclounces of water. Tablets Bromides Compound. (Dr. Hubbard). See Tablets Morphine and Hyoscine Hydrobromides Compound. Tablets Bromides, Triple. See Tablets Triple Bromides. Tablets Bronchitis. See Tablets Dover's Powder and Bella- donna Compound. Tablets Bronchitis No. 2 (Acute). See Tablets Aconite and Belladonna Compound No. 2. f* Tablets Brown Mixture, Squibb (One leaspoonful) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Extract Licorice 1 /io gr. Camphor 1/35 gr. Acid Benzoic */25 gr. Oil Anise 1/05 min. Opium Powdered 1/25 gr. Tartar Emetic i/GO gr. Brown Mixture has long been a popular remedy in treatment of coughs with hot, dry skin, scanty expectora- tion, hoarseness and difficult breathing. It owes its virtue largely to the small quantity of tartar emetic it contains, which by its action upon bronchial mucous membrane and the skin tends to relieve the cough and oppression and to increase expectoration. These tablets are used chiefly in children over two years old. Dose : 1 tablet every hour until the acute symptoms are relieved or slight nausea occurs, and then at longer intervals. f Tablets Brown Mixture Compound, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Brown Mixture I fl. dr. \ The addition of ammonium Ammonium Chloride 1 gr. ) chloride to this formula serves to increase its expectorant effect and to counteract in a measure the depressant action of the tartar emetic. It is considered an excellent remedy in coughs and colds with painful and scanty expectoration of viscid mucus. Dose : 1 tablet, allowed to dissolve in the mouth or taken with a swallow of water, every hour or two until symp- toms improve, and then at longer intervals. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 335 Tablets Buchu Compound, Squibb (Infusion Buchu Compound) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Each tablet represents*: Infusion Buchu 3 dr. Tr. Hyoscyam. UJS.P. '90 20 mm. Potassium Bicarbonate 6 gr. Irritable conditions of the bladder and urethra, and cystitis with acid urine, are reported to be markedly re- lieved by the use of these tablets; the bicarbonate of potassium neutralizing acidity, re- ducing inflammation, increasing the action of the kidneys and exerting a solvent action upon uric acid calculi. Hyoscyamus allays pain and tenesmus, and quiets the irritable state of the bladder. Buchu is regarded as a diuretic and stimulant to the mucous membranes of the genito-urinary organs. It is said to reduce inflammation, to increase the secretion of the kidney when scanty, and to render it bland and non-irritating. Tab- lets Buchu Compound Squibb have been found useful and to afford prompt relief in vesical and urefhral inflammation with strongly acid urine; in mild disorders caused by cold or disturbed digestion with painful and frequent micturition; in subacute gonorrhea and enlarged prostate; and in the atonic conditions of the bladder in elderly men, with incontinence or retention of urine. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets, with a glass of hot water, every three or four hours. Tablets Caffeine 1 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. ^ Caffeine is believed to strengthen the cardiac contractions and increase arterial pressure; also to act directly upon the kidneys. Hence it is used as a Cardiac and Renal Stimulant, as a stim- ulant to the cerebral functions, and also as an antidote in mor- phine poisoning. Dose : . 1 tablet three or four times a day. Tablets Caffeine Citrated 1 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Dose: 1 tablet three or four times a day, as a Cardiac and Renal Stimulant. The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 336 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Caffeine Compound, Squibb Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Caffeine Citrated I gr. \ This combination is used with Nitroglycerin ^/200 g r I good effects in cardiac dilata- tion and in affections of the kidneys. According to clinical observation, it supports the heart, lowers arterial tension and increases the urinary secretion, and is useful in relieving the headaches in contracted kidney and in increasing the flow of urine in acute parenchymatous nephritis. Dose : I tablet three or four times a day. Tablets Calcium Sulphide 1/20 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C.T.) Calcium sulphide (so-called; more correctly, sulphurated lime) is said to check suppuration and inflammation, and has been used in the treatment of boils, acne, carbuncles, discharges from the ear, conjunctivitis, enlarged glands, chronic bronchitis with purulent secretion, etc. As the drug is unpleasant to the taste and smell, the tablets are offered in chocolate-coated form only. Dose: 1 to 3 tablets after meals. Tablets Calcium Sulphide 1/10 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose: 1 or 2 tablets every two or three hours, for boils, car- buncles and other suppurative conditions. Tablets Calcium Sulphide % gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose: 1 or 2 tablets every two or three hours. Tablets Calcium Sulphide y z gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose : 1 tablet three or four times a day, for boils, carbuncles, etc. Tablets Calcium Sulphide 1 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose: 1 tablet three or four times a day, for boils, carbuncles, etc. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 337 * Tablets Calomel 1/100 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Small doses of calomel are regarded as valuable in disordered states of the alimentary canal, whether associated with diarrhea or with constipation. In diarrhea with clay-colored feces, di- geslive disturbance and febrile symptoms it has been found to act remarkably well, changing the color and character of the stools, relieving the dyspepsia, and allaying the restlessness and fever. Small doses repeated until the desired effect is obtained seem to accomplish as much as larger ones, with less systemic disturbance. Careful trituration is one of the prominent features of Tablets Calomel Squibb, resulting in accurate dosage and uniform therapeutic action. Dose: for an infant, 1 tablet every hour or two until symptoms improve. * Tablets Calomel 1/20 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Dose: 1 tablet every hour until bowels act and character of the secretions changes. Tablets Calomel 1/10 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. or C. T. ; Plain, Pink, Rose or Wintergreen Flavor Dose : 1 tablet every hour for adults or children, for ten doses or until the bowels move freely, as an Hepatic Stimulant and Corrective. * Tablets Calomel % gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T., Plain or Winter- green Flavor Dose : 1 tablet every hour until bowels move or until eight have been taken, followed by a saline cathartic. * Tablets Calomel 1/6 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T., Plain or Winter- green Flavor DOSE: 1 tablet every hour until six tablets have been taken; the last dose being followed by a saline cathartic. The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability, Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 338 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 'Tablets Calomel 1/5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T., Plain or Winter- green Flavor Dose: 1 tablet every hour until bowels move freely; the last . dose being followed by a saline laxative. * Tablets Calomel J4 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T., Plain or Winter- green Flavor Dose: 1 tablet every hour or two until laxative action is ob- tained, followed by a saline cathartic. In dyspepsia with coated tongue, 1 or 2 at night followed by a saline cathartic next morning. * Tablets Calomel ^ gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T., Plain or Winter- green Flavor Dose: 1 tablet every hour or two until effect is produced, fol- lowed by a saline cathartic. * Tablets Calomel 1 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T., Plain or Winter- green Flavor Dose : 1 tablet every two or three hours until laxative action is obtained, followed by a saline cathartic. Tablets Calomel 2 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T., Plain or Winter- green Flavor Dose : 1 or 2 tablets at night, followed next morning by a saline cathartic. Tablets Calomel 5 gr., Squibb C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose : 1 tablet at night, followed by a saline cathartic next morning. * Tablets Calomel and Bismuth Compound, Squibb (Corrective Infants', Dr. Ives) T. T. Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 Calomel 1/20 8 r - Bismuth Subnitrate 1 gr. Sodium Bicarbonate l/o gr. Ipecac _ VoO gr. Oil Anise q. s. Attacks of indigestion in chil- dren due to overeating, with coated tongue, foul breath and fever, have been quickly re- lieved by the use of this formula. Calomel and ipecac are intended to increase the activity of the liver, and by their SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 339 * Tablets Calomel and Bismuth Compound, Squibb (Cont.) action upon the bowels to relieve the overburdened system. Bismuth subnitrate and sodium bicarbonate tend to correct the dyspepsia and hyperacidity. Dose : 1 tablet in a teaspoonful of water every hour or two until relieved. f Tablets Calomel and Morphine Compound, Squibb (Diarrhea No. 2) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Calomel */8 gr. Morphine Sulphate Vie g r - Capsicum VlG gr. Ipecac 1 /32 gr. Camphor Vie 8 r - This formula has been in use many years in the treatment of summer diarrhea, especially where after expulsion of the exciting irritants, the discharge continues, and where a condi- tion bordering on dysentery exists. Dose : 1 tablet with water every hour for three or four doses, then every two or three hours until relieved. Tablets Calomel and Santonin. See Tablets Santonin and Calomel. Tablets Calomel and Soda, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Calomel l/o gr. ) The combination of calomel Sodium Bicarbonate 3 gr. j with an alkali is a favorite method of administering this remedy in attacks of diarrhea in children where the movements are slimy and green-colored. These tablets are used also as a stimulant to the liver in sluggishness of that organ in adults. Dose : for children with diarrhea, 1 tablet every two hours, until the character of the discharges changes; for adults, 1 or 2 tablets at night. * Tablets Calomel and Soda No. 2, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Calomel 1/4 gr. ) This formula is largely used Sodium Bicarbonate 1 gr. ) in deranged and congested conditions of the liver where the symptoms of poor appetite, coated tongue, bad breath, headache and constipation are present. Dose : 1 tablet every hour until laxative effect is produced. The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 340 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Calomel and Soda No. 3, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Calomel 1/g gr. \ Dose ! 1 tablet every hour Sodium Bicarbonate 1 gr. ) until bowels move. Tablets Calomel and Soda No. 4, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Calomel !/6 gr. \ Dose : 1 tablet every hour Sodium Bicarbonate I gr. } until bowels move, or until six doses have been taken, fol- lowed by a saline cathartic. Tablets Calomel and Soda No. 5, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Calomel Sodi ., a saline cathartic. lomel 1/5 gr. ) Dose : 1 tablet hourly for i'mm Bicarbonate 1 gr. } about five doses, followed by Tablets Calomel and Soda No. 6, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Calomel 1/2 gr. 1 Dose : 1 tablet every two Sodium Bicarbonate 1 gr. ) hours for three or four doses, followed by a saline laxative. Tablets Calomel and Soda No. 7, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Calomel l/o gr. 1 Dose : 1 tablet hourly for Sodium Bicarbonate 1/2 gr. j three or four doses, followed by a saline cathartic; or 2 to 4 tablets at bedtime, followed by a saline purge next morning. Tablets Calomel and Soda No. 8, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Calomel 2 gr. 1 Dose : 1 or 2 tablets at night, Sodium Bicarbonate 2 gr. } followed next morning by a saline laxative. Tablets Calomel and Soda No. 9, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Calomel 1/4 gr. ] Dose : 1 tablet every hour for Soduim Bicarbonate 1/4 gr. J four doses, or 4 tablets at bed- time, as above. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 341 Tablets Calomel and Soda No. 10. See Tablets Calo- mel Compound. Tablets Calomel and Soda No. 11. See Tablets Calomel Compound No. 2. Tablets Calomel and Soda No. 12. See Tablets Calomel Compound No. 3. * Tablets Calomel Compound, Squibb (Calomel and Soda No. 10) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Calomel Vio gr. j These tablets are liable to be- Sodium Bicarbonate 1 gr. j come discolored on exposure to dampness. The change, however, in no way affects the therapeutic value of the com- bination, and corresponds to the decomposition which occurs in the system. It may be retarded by keeping the bottle well corked and in a dry place. Dose : 1 tablet every hour until laxative action is obtained. * Tablets Calomel Compound No. 2, Squibb (Calomel and Soda No. II) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Calomel 1 gr. { Dose : 1 or 2 tablets, at night, Sodium Bicarb. 1 gr. 3 for several doses, gradually decreasing as symptoms im- prove. In torpid liver, coated tongue and jaundice in the early stages, the use of laxative mineral waters, or some saline laxa- tive dissolved in a large quantity of water, is continued during the treatment, a sufficient dose being given to move the bowels freely every morning. * Tablets Calomel Compound No. 3, Squibb (Calomel and Soda No. 12) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Calomel !/4 gr. 1 The favorite combination of Sodium Bicarbonate 1/2 g r - f calomel and soda is here Podophyllin 1/12 gr. J modified by the addition of podophyllin, which increases its cholagogue effect. The formula is indicated where a pro- nounced impression upon the hepatic function is desired, but it is not used where inflammatory conditions of the intes- Squibb's Tablets are made from the Squibb quality of ingredients and by improved processes that insure accurate dosage and rapid and complete disintegration or solution in the system, hence prompt and full therapeutic effect. Specify SQUIBB'S. 342 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA * Tablets Calomel Compound No. 3, Squibb (Cont.) tinal tract are present. In that state known as "biliousness," with coated tongue, bad breath, disordered bowels, flatulence, and nervous headache, it usually operates with benefit. In early attacks of jaundice it has been used with generally good results. Occasionally through exposure to dampness these tablets become discolored. However, this change, which is similar to that which takes place in the system, does not interfere with their therapeutic effect. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets at night, followed by a saline laxative next morning; or I tablet every 3 hours until they operate. * Tablets Calomel, Ipecac and Soda, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Calomel 1/5 gr. "1 The addition of ipecac to Ipecac i/io gr. > calomel is intended to increase Sodium Bicarbonate I gr. J its usefulness in disorders of the stomach, in that condition known as "biliousness." These tablets are employed in indi- gestion, with coated tongue, headache and constipation. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets, after meals, with an occasional dose of a saline aperient in the morning enough to produce a free movement, but not sufficient to purge. Tablets Camphor and Hyoscyamus Compound, Squibb (Nervine) Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Camphor 1 gr. 1 This formula acts as an Ano- Ext. Hyoscyamus 1/2 gr. > dyne and Sedative to the ner- Ext. Valerian l/o gr. J vbus system. It is used in controlling mild mental excite- ment, quieting the sexual system and for inducing sleep in in- somnia due to cerebral stimulation caused by overwork or worry; also to allay pain and restlessness due to vesical irritation. Dose: 1 tablet every half hour for three or four doses, then every two hours until effect is produced. Tablets Camphor and Opium. See Tablets Opium and Camphor. Tablets Camphor, Hyoscyamus and Sumbul Compound, Squibb (Sedative No. 2) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 White-coated (W. C. T.) Camphor I gr. ) For nervous and excited states Ext. Hyoscyamus 1 /o gr. ( of the system caused by over- Ext. Sumbul */2 gr. | work, loss of sleep or worry; Valerian 1/2 gr. J in mild forms of melancholia and hysteria; and to allay sexual excitement. Dose: 1 tablet after meals and at bedtime. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 343 Tablets Cannabis Extract % gr., Squibb T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Cannabis has been employed as a Sedative, Anodyne and Hypnotic, in cases where opium does not agree with the patient. Unlike the latter, it causes neither nausea nor constipation. It produces at first a mental stimulation, which is later followed by a calmer mood and finally by sleep. It is used in acute and chronic mental derangements, in neuralgia, migraine, gout and rheumatism. In combination with the bromides (see Tab- lets Triple Bromides and Cannabis Compound) it is employed in hysteria, delirium tremens and mild cases of mania. All patients do not respond to it alike; and while no doubt idiosyn- crasy plays a great part, yet the quality of the drug has much to do with its constitutional effect. In all our preparations of this drug the best quality of hemp is used. The results will be found uniform and reliable. Dose: 1 tablet every 2 or 3 hours. f Tablets Cannabis and Aconite Compound, Squibb (Neuralgic, Brown-Sequard) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate coated (C. C.T.) 2 /3 gr 2 /3 gr This is a combination of powerful antispasmodics and sedatives, and should be used with caution. All of the ex- tracts are accurately standard- ized and carefully incorpo- rated in the tablets which rep- resent the full therapeutic efficiency of the formula. Dose: 1 tablet cautiously repeated every three or four hours; to be discontinued after the third dose. Extract Cannabis Extract Aconite Extract Hyoscyamus Extract Conium Extract Ignatia Extract Opium Extract Stramonium Extract Belladonna f Tablets Cannabis Strength, Squibb (Neuralgic, Chocolate-coated Extract Cannabis Extract Aconite Extract Hyoscyamus Extract. Conium Extract Ignatia Extract Opium Extract Stramonium Extract Belladonna and Aconite Compound, Half Brown-Sequard, Half Strength) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 (C. C. T.) 1 /8 gr. These tablets are half the 1/6 gr. strength of the preceding and 1/3 gr. are intended for patients of Vs gr. less robust constitution. Dose : 1 /4 gr. 1 tablet every three or four 1/4 gr. hours with a swallow of water, !/10 gr. but to be discontinued after 1 /12 gr. J the third dose. This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 344 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA f Tablets Cannabis and Hyoscyamus Compound, Squibb (Croup, Spasmodic) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Extract Cannabis 1 /20 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus VOQ gr- Paregoric 5 mm. Syrup Ipecac 5 min. Ext. Licorice 2 gr. These tablets are employed for the relief of laryngeal spasm as seen in croup in chil- dren. The formula is an old one and has been added to our list in response to repeated demands from physicians who have used it with good results. Dose: 1 teaspoonful of a mixture of eight tablets diffused in twenty-five teaspoonfuls of hot water every fifteen minutes until relieved, for a child six month*; older children in propor- tion. Tablets Cannabis and Strychnine Compound, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Green-coated (G. C. T.) Extract Cannabis VlO gr. 1 This combination has been Strychnine Phosphate 1 /4o gr. I used largely as a nerve tonic Zinc Phosphide 1 /io gr. | and stimulant. It is indicated Avenin V200 g r - J ' n anemic and debilitated con- ditions of the system, accom- panied with lack of nervous energy and of vital powers. Dose : 1 tablet after meals and at bedtime. Tablets Capsicum and Nux, Squibb (Capsicum Compound, Dr. Lindsley) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Capsicum 1 /io gr. 7 Capsicum stimulates the mu- Nux Vomica */4 g r - j cous membranes of the mouth and the stomach. Nux vomica is of value in all atonic conditions of the alimentary canal. To- gether they are deemed an excellent combination for disordered digestion in persons of sedentary habits, and in gastritis due to abuse of alcohol. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets half an hour before meals, repeated if necessary at half hourly intervals for three doses after eating. Tablets Capsicum and Quinine. See Tablets Quinine and Capsicum. Tablets Capsicum Compound (Dr. Lindsley). See Tab- lets Capsicum and Nux. Tablets Cardiac (Dr. Waldstein). See Tablets Sparteine Comp. Tablets Cardiac Asthma. See Tablets Heroin and Digi- talis Compound. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 345 Tablets Cascara and Bismuth. See Tablets Bismuth and Cascara. Tablets Cascara Compound, Squibb C.T. Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Ext. Cascara Sagrada 2 gr. "| The laxative action of cascara Podephyllin 1/8 gr. > sagrada is here increased by Ext. Belladonna 1 /ie gr. J the addition of podophyllin, an active cathartic and hepatic stimulant, and modified by extract belladonna, which prevents griping. These tablets are employed as a Laxative in cases of constipation with inactive liver, where no inflammation of the bowels exists. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets at night. Tablets Cascara Compound No. 2, Squibb (Dr. Hinckle) C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Pink-coated (P. C.T.) Cascarin 1/4 gr. Aloin 1/4 gr. Podophyllin 1/e gr. Ext. Belladonna 1/g gr. Strychnine Sulphate 1/co gr. Gingerin 1/g gr. All parts of the intestinal tract are said to be acted upon by this combination; it stim- ulates the liver and the intes- inal glands; increases peris- taltic action and operates thor- oughly without griping or causing tenesmus. As a remedy in habitual constipation, with torpid liver and indigestion, it has proved very efficacious and its continued use is not known to debilitate the bowels. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets at bedtime, repeated after breakfast and dinner if needed; as the bowels resume their normal functions the intervals are lengthened. Tablets Cascara Compound No. 3, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Ext. Cascara Sagrada 1/2 gr. Aloin 1/g gr. Podophyllin l/io gr. Oil Peppermint q. s. Habitual constipation with hepatic torpor is usually cor- rected by this formula; the activity of the liver is in- creased by the action of the podophyllin, while all parts of the bowel are affected. At times griping is produced, although the carminative effect of the oil of peppermint tends to correct this. In many cases the addition of belladonna is an improvement, and the practitioner is directed to these various combinations under their several titles. Dose : 1 or two tablets at bedtime, repeated after break- fast if necessary. The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 346 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Cascara Compound No. 4, Squibb (Anticonstipation) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Ext. Cascara Sagrada 1 gr. 1 Cascara is regarded as a safe Ext. Nux Vomica !/8 gr- ad certain laxative, stimulat- Ext. Belladonna 1 /s gr. - ing the intestinal glands and Ipecac 1/8 8 r - increasing peristalsis. Its mild Podophyllin */8 gr. J action is here supplemented by podophyllin, an active chola- gogue and cathartic. Ipecac acts as a gastric and hepatic stimu- lant. Nux vomica and belladonna tend to prevent griping, to overcome muscular relaxation of the bowel and to render the laxative action of the other remedies more certain. Headache, dyspeptic symptoms and constipation are the indications for these tablets. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets at night. Tablets Cascara Sagrada Extract 2 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) These tablets represent about 8 grains of carefully selected and well-cured cascara sagrada bark. They have been found useful in the treatment of habitual constipation. Dose: 1 tablet after meals, or 1 or 2 tablets at night; decreasing the dose or taking less frequently as the constipation is relieved. Tablets Cascara Sagrada Extract 3 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) These tablets represent about 12 grains of cascara sagrada bark. Dose: 1 tablet after meals or 1 or 2 at night. Tablets Cascara Sagrada Extract 5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) These tablets are equivalent to about 20 minims of fluidextract cascara sagrada. Dose : 1 tablet after dinner or at bedtime. Tablets Cascara Fluidextract 5 min., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Cascara sagrada is considered a safe and certain Laxative, stim- ulating the intestinal glands, increasing peristalsis, and acting as a tonic to the intestinal mucous membrane. Its use, it is main- tained, may be continued as long as occasion arises, without en- feebling effect. In the majority of cases it has a tendency to act in decreasing doses and to gradually restore the bowels to their normal condition. As a laxative in chronic constipation it is deemed one of the best remedies thus far introduced. Tab- lets Cascara Fluidextract Squibb represent the active properties of 5 grains of carefully selected and well-seasoned cascara sagrada bark. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets at night or after meals, decreasing as the constipation is relieved. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 347 Tablets Cascarin Compound, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Cascarin 1 /4 gr. "1 Where a decided impression Aloin 1 /4 gr. |- is to be made upon the Podophyllin 1/4 gr. J bowels, this formula has proved very satisfactory. De- pending upon the dose, it acts as a Laxative or Purgative. It does not always produce griping, but where constipation is pro- nounced and the fecal accumulation solid, pain is sometimes produced. This may in a measure be prevented by copious draughts of water, and is not so liable to occur under the con- tinued and properly regulated use of the tablets. This formula is not considered eligible where an inflammatory condition of the intestines exists. Dose: 1 tablet after meals with water. Tablets Cathartic. See Tablets Aloin and Podophyllin Com- pound. Tablets Cathartic Compound, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Ext. Coloc'th Comp. l*/4gr. 1 This is a favorite and reput- Calomel 1 gr. I edly very efficient formula. Ext. Jalap !/2 gr. j Its action is directed toward Gamboge Powdered 1 /4 gr. J all parts of the intestinal tract and the organs tribu- tary to it. Dose: as a laxative, 1 tablet at night; as a cathartic, 2 or more, depending upon the effect desired. Tablets Cathartic Compound Improved, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Ext. Colocynth Comp. 1 gr. Podophyllin 1 /4 gr. Leptandnn 1/4 gr. Extract Jalap 1 /o gr. Extract Gentian */o gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus 1/4 gr. Oil Peppermint q. s. This combination of vegetable extracts and resins is claimed by some practitioners to be more satisfactory in its action than the official formula. It is offered here in response to a demand, and is made from carefully selected drugs, so that its merits may be more fully determined. Dose : as a laxa- tive, 1 or 2 tablets at bedtime; as a cathartic, 2 to 4 tablets. If difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 348 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Cerium Oxalate 1 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Cerium oxalate acts as a Gastric Sedative. It is used to allay nausea and vomiting due to inflamed conditions of the mucous membranes, and to control reflex vomiting as seen in seasickness and in pregnancy. Dose: for adults, 1 to 5 tablets; for chil- dren, to control nausea, 1 tablet every half hour until relieved. Tablets Cerium Oxalate 2 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose: 1 tablet every hour for four or five doses in nausea and seasickness; for vomiting in pregnancy, I to 3 tablets three or four times a day. f Tablets Cerium Oxalate and Cocaine Compound, Squibb (Nausea) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Cerium Oxalate 1 gr. Cocaine Hydrochlor ^40 g r Bismuth Subnitrate 1 gr. Menthol VlO gr. Acid Carbolic 1 /io gr. Tr. Nux Vomica */2 min. This formula is used to allay irritation of the mucous mem- brane, prevent fermentation and increase tolerance of food in nausea due to gastric inflammation, in seasickness, vomiting in pregnancy, etc. Dose: 2 tablets, followed by 1 tablet every hour for three or four doses. In the use of these tablets the possibility of the formation of the cocaine habit should be remembered and guarded against. Tablets Charcoal 5 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Charcoal is a well-known Absorbent and Antiseptic. It is used in dyspepsia with acid eructations, fermentation, nausea and vomiting; checking production of gas in the stomach and bowels, and relieving the various unpleasant symptoms arising therefrom. The best willow charcoal is used in these tablets, and they will be found pleasant to the taste; they may be eaten or swallowed with a little water, as preferred. Dose : 1 or more tablets after meals, or oftener if required. Tablets ChIoramine=T 4.6 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Convenient for preparing disinfectant solutions according to Dr. Dakin's method. 1 tablet dissolved in 1 fluidounce of water makes a 1 percent, solution, and 2 tablets in a fluidounce a 2 percent, solution; these are the ordinary strengths used for wound disinfection. In the nose and throat chloramine-T is employed in j/^ per cent, solution, obtained by dissolving I tablet in 4 fluidounces of water. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 349 f Tablets Chlorodyne, Squibb C.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Morphine Hydrochlor. 1/g gr. Extract Cannabis 1/4 gr. Nitroglycerin 1/300 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus !/2 gr. Oleoresin Capsicum l/io gr. Oil Peppermint l/io min. An active and well known combination of Antispas- modics and Anodynes is presented here. It is used in the treatment of cramps, colic and diarrhea, and for the relief of pain generally. In diarrhea produced by change of drinking water or by ex- posure to sudden reduction of temperature, with severe abdominal pains, it is reported to afford prompt relief. Dose : 1 tablet every hour if necessary for pain; discontinued after the third dose for three hours, and then resumed if not entirely relieved. For diarrhea, I tablet every three hours until effective. f Tablets Chlorodyne No. 2, Squibb Per 1000 C.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Morph. Hydrochlor. 1/12 gr. Extract Cannabis */ gr. Nitroglycerin Ext. Hyoscyamus Oleoresin Capsicum Oil Peppermint Per 500 Per 100 1 /600 V4 gr. a /20 gr. 1/20 min.' Dose: 1 for three for pain; every hour tablet doses if necessary discontinued after the third dose for three hours, then resumed. For diarrhea, 1 tablet every two or three hours until relieved. Tablets Cholera Infantum. See Tablets Zinc Sulpho- carbolate and Calomel Compound. Tablets Chromium Sulphate 4 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Chromium Sulphate has been introduced of late years as an Alterative and Nervine for use chiefly in the treatment of neuras- thenia, locomotor ataxia and exophthalmic goiter; and latterly it has also been proposed as a remedy in hypertrophy of the prostate gland. The reports are somewhat conflicting, but in response to a large demand we have added the tablets to our list. Dose: * 1 or 2 tablets three times a day after meals. The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing me- dicinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 350 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA f Tablets Cocaine Hydrochloride 1% 8T M Squibb (For Solutions) Per 100 Per tube of 25 C.T. These tablets are convenient for preparing solutions of any strength: 1 tablet dissolved in 1 fluidrachm of water yields approximately a two-percent, solution; dissolved in 2 fluidrachms of water a one-percent, solution. 2 tablets dissolved in I fluid drachm of water yield a four-percent, solution, etc. Distilled or sterile water should always be used in preparing solutions; and if for hypodermic use, the solution should be passed through absorbent cotton. Antidotes: Chloral hydrate; amyl nitrite by inhalation; caffeine or morphine; stimulants. f Tablets Cocaine Hydrochloride 2% gr., Squibb (For Solutions) Per 100 Per tube of 25 C.T. For Preparing Solutions: 1 tablet dissolved in 1 fluidrachm of water yields approximately a four-percent, solution. f Tablets Codeine J^ gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Codeine is used to allay pain, relieve restlessness and quiet cough; its action being that of a mild Anodyne and Sedative. The indications for its use are similar to those for morphine, but it is said to cause less nausea and not to create a habit, in view of which it is employed in place of the latter where pain is not too pronounced a symptom. Codeine is very frequently used in diabetes, to check the inordinate appetite, reduce the urinary secretion and allay the thirst. Dose : 1 tablet three or four times a day and 1 at bedtime. f Tablets Codeine 54 S r - Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose: 1 tablet every three or four hours, as a mild anodyne, to allay cough and to relieve symptoms in diabetes. Used also in combating the opium or morphine habit. f Tablets Codeine ^ gr., Squibb Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose: 1 tablet every three or four hours, to allay pain and restlessness, to relieve the cough of phthisis, to combat the opium habit and in diabetes. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 351 f Tablets Codeine and Nickel Compound, Squibb (Anodyne Infants', Dr. Waugh) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Codeine Sulphate !/67 gr- Nickel Bromide 1 /134 gr. Ipecac 1 /134 gr- Lithium Carbonate */25 gr- Oil Anise Vl34 gr These tablets are used to relieve colic and allay pain and restlessness in very young children. Dose: 1 or 2 tab- lets, dissolved in a little hot water, every fifteen to thirty minutes until relief is obtained. 7 Tablets Codeine Phosphate % gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets every three or four hours as a mild Ano- dyne, Cough Reliever and Nerve Sedative. f Tablets Codeine Phosphate y$ g r Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Codeine phosphate possesses the properties of the alkaloid, but is a very soluble salt, and probably is more readily absorbed. Dose : 1 tablet every three or four hours. f Tablets Codeine Phosphate y z gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose : 1 tablet every three or four hours, f Tablets Codeine Sulphate % gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets every three or four hours, as a mild Ano- dyne and Sedative, to allay cough, quiet restlessness, and to con- trol the unpleasant symptoms in diabetes. f Tablets. Codeine Sulphate % gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose and uses as of Tablets Codeine (alkaloid) 1/4 gr. f Tablets Codeine Sulphate y z g r -> Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose and indications similar to those of Tablets Codeine (alka- loid) 1/2 gr. Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 352 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA f Tablets Codeine Sulphate 1 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose: 1 tablet three or four times a day as required, as an Anodyne and Soporific. Tablets Colchicine 1/100 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Colchicine is largely used in gout and rheumatism. It is reported to act upon the nerves, the skin and the bowels; allaying pain, inciting free perspiration with a subsidence of the fever and inflammation, and producing free evacuations from the bowels. Some observers state that it acts also as a diuretic, but this is denied by Garrod and others. Certain patients show more susceptibility to its action than others, and it is hence deemed best to begin with small doses and gradually increase until the systemic effect is observed. Dose: 1 tablet every three hours until bowels move or symptoms are relieved. Tablets Colchicine 1/50 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose: 1 tablet three times a day; less frequently if the bowels move too freely. In overdoses colchicine is an active poison. Tablets Cold. See Tablets Dover's Powder and Aconite Comp. Tablets Cold No. 4. See Tablets Aconite and Camphor Compound. Tablets Cold No. 5. See Tablets Aconite and Calomel Compound. Tablets Colic No. 2, Infantile. See Tablets Sodium Bi- carbonate Compound. Tablets Compound Licorice Powder, Squibb Put up in 1 -oz packages containing 22 tablets, 16 packages to the carton, per Ib. A pleasant and efficient laxative confection containing the Squibb special compound licorice powder. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets at bedtime, eaten as a confection. Tablets Copaiba and Salol. See Tablets Salol and Co- paiba. * Tablets Copper Arsenite 1/200 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Copper arsenite is considered a valuable remedy in acute and chronic diarrhea in children or adults and as useful also in intestinal indigestion with flatulence, fermentation and disordered bowels. Dose: for children, I tablet every three or four hours until diarrhea is checked; for adults, 1 tablet every two or three hours. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 353 * Tablets Copper Arsenite 1/100 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose : for children, 1 tablet, dissolved in half a glass of water and a teaspoonful given every half hour until the symptoms improve; adults, a tablespoonful of the same solution. Tablets Copper Sulphate 1 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 These tablets are made from pure copper sulphate and hence dissolve completely and yield clear solutions with distilled water. They should be kept well stoppered as the salt is very efflorescent. They are employed for the preparation of astrin- gent and cicatrizant solutions for use on sluggish ulcerations, chancroids, etc. Directions: Dissolve 2 to 4 tablets in a fluid ounce of distilled water. Tablets Corrective. See Tablets Strontium Salicylate and Charcoal Compound. Tablets Corrective, Infants'. See Tablets Calomel and Bismuth Compound. Tablets Corrosive Sublimate 1/100 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose : in diarrhea and dysentery, 1 tablet every hour or two until the discharges change in character or are controlled; as an Antiluetic in children, 1 tablet after each meal. Tablets Corrosive Sublimate 1/60 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose : in diarrhea and dysentery, 1 tablet every hour or two until the character of the discharges changes; as an Antiluetic, 1 tablet three times a day. Tablets Corrosive Sublimate 1/50 gr., Squibb PerlOCO Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose: as an Intestinal Antiseptic, 1 tablet every two hours; as an Antiluetic, 1 tablet three times a day. Tablets Corrosive Sublimate 1/30 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose: 1 tablet after meals, gradually increased until systemic effect is observed, in syphilis and scrofula. The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." B 354 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Corrosive Sublimate and Ammonium Chloride. See Tablets Mercury Bichloride Compound, Wilson's. Tablets Corrosive Sublimate and Citric Acid. See Tablets Mercury Bichloride Compound, Bernays', Tablets Coryza. See Tablets Quinine and Camphor Com- pound No. 3. Tablets Coryza No. 2. See Tablets Quinine and Camphor Compound No. 4. Tablets Coryza No. 3. See Tablets Quinine and Camphor Compound. Tablets Coryza No. 5. See Tablets Quinine and Camphor Compound No. 2. Tablets Coryza Modified. See Tablets Quinine, Camphor and Hyoscyamus Compound. Tablets Coryza with Heroin. See Tablets Quinine and Camphor Compound No. 5. Tablets Cough, Infants'. See Tablets Ammonium Chloride Compound with Heroin, No. 2. Tablets Cough, Persistent. See Tablets Ammonium Chlo- ride and Squill Compound. Tablets Cough, Persistent, with Heroin. See Tablets Ammonium Chloride and Squill Compound with Heroin. Tablets Cough Sedative. See Tablets Terpin Hydrate and Heroin Compound. Tablets Creosote 1 min., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Creosote has been used with good results in chronic bronchitis and in phthisis, also as an intestinal antiseptic. It is reported to improve nutrition, increase appetite, diminish expectoration and cause an increase in weight. It is recommended to give the remedy in gradually increasing dose until the point of toler- ance is reached. Should, however, gastric disturbances arise, its use is discontinued or the dose reduced until the irritation subsides. Tablets Creosote Squibb are made from the purest wood creosote, and are prepared so that they disintegrate quickly in the stomach and cause little or no gastric irritation. Dose : 1 tablet immediately after meals, with water or milk, gradually increased as tolerance is established. Tablets Creosote 2 min., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose: 1 or more tablets after meals; in chronic bronchitis, phthisis, tuberculous diarrhea and as an intestinal antiseptic generally. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 355 Tablets Croup, Spasmodic. See Tablets Cannabis and Hyoscyamus Compound. Tablets Cystitis. See Tablets Acid Boric and Buchu Compound. f Tablets Diacetylmorphine 1/24 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Diacetylmorphine is considered a remedy of much value, as a stimulant to the respiration in dyspnea and emphysema and as a sedative in the treatment of bronchial and tubercular cough, and to be preferable to morphine as a cough sedative because it does not disturb digestion readily. In asthma its action is reported to be prompt and prolonged, not only diminishing the severity of the attacks, but preventing their recurrence. Com- bined with expectorants it is deemed useful in bronchitis, pneu- monia and grip, and it is also used as a mild anodyne. Accord- ing to some authorities, diacetylmorphine (or heroin) is more toxic than morphine and less valuable for the relief of pain; it is equally habit forming. Antidotes: Same as of morphine. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets after meals and at bedtime, for the relief of and pain. f Tablets Diacetylmorphine 1/12 gr., Squibb T T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose : 1 tablet after meals and at bedtime. f Tablets Diacetyimorphine 1/6 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose : 1 tablet as required, cautiously repeated. f Tablets Diacetylmorphine Hydrochloride 1/24 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets after meals and at bedtime, for the relief of cough and pain. f Tablets Diacetylmorphine Hydrochloride 1/12 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose : 1 tablet after meals and at bedtime. f Tablets Diacetylmorphine Hydrochloride 1/6 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose: 1 tablet as required, cautiously repeated. The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 356 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Diarrhea (Dr. Sullivan). See Tablets Opium, Cam- phor and Lead. Tablets Diarrhea No. 2. See Tablets Calomel and Mor- phine Compound. Tablets Diarrhea Fermentative. See Tablets Bismuth Subgallate Compound No. 3 Tablets Digestive. See Tablets Pepsin and Pancreatin Compound No. 3. Tablets Digestive Absorbent. See Tablets Papain and Charcoal Compound. Tablets Digestive Aromatic. See Tablets Pepsin, Pan- creatin- and Lactic Acid Compound. * Tablets Digitalin (German) 1/100 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. According to authorities, digitalin is a direct Cardiac Stimulant and Diuretic, particularly useful in cardiac decompensation, where the heart action is rapid and very irregular (auricular fibrillation). Its effects are produced slowly, but they are prolonged and cumulative, especially where the urinary secre- tion is not increased. The direct diuretic action of digitalin is stated to be small, and the drug to be effective in dropsy only when the latter is due to impaired circulation. Dose : I tablet every three or four hours. * Tablets Digitalin (German) 1/60 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose : 1 tablet every three or four hours, as a Renal and Cardiac Stimulant. If headache or digestive disturbance occur, the in- tervals between the doses are increased. Tablets Digitalis Fluidextract 1 min., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Digitalis strengthens heart action. It increases the force of the contractions, reduces the frequency of the pulsations, and over- comes irregularity. It raises arterial tension partly by increased muscular contraction of the heart, but chiefly, according to Brun- ton, by contraction of the artenoles. It is used as a Heart Stimulant in all cases of weak, irritable or intermittent heart action. The direct diuretic action of digitalis is small, but ifS cardiac disease it has been found to produce marked diuresis and therefore to prove of value as a rule in cardiac dropsy. Dose : I tablet three or four times a day, reducing the dose if nausea, flushing of the face, or headache occur. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 357 Tablets Digitalis and Buchu Compound, Squibb (Diuretic) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Digitalis 1 gr. ] These tablets are employed in Extract Buchu i gr. I cardiac and renal dropsy. It Potassium Nitrate 1 gr. | is maintained that digitalis Squill I gr. J does not cause any stimula-' tion of the epithelium of the kidney, but by its action on the heart in disease, it causes diuresis by increasing the blood supply to the kidneys. Squill has been found useful in passive forms of dropsy where the heart is obstructed and the pulse weak; but its use is avoided when an irritable condition of the kidney exists. Buchu stimulates the mucous membrane, and with the nitrate of potassium increases the diuretic power of the combination. Dose : 1 tablet three times a day, between meals, with a large glass of water. Tablets Digitalis and Cactus Compound, Squibb (Heart Tonic No. 2, Dr. Pultz) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Tr. Digit. U.S.P.'90 1 min. Tr. Cactus Grandifl. 1 min. Tr. Stroph. U.S.P.'90 1 min. Sparteine Sulphate VlCO g r - Nitroglycerin i/100 gr. Although many consider the combination of a number of heart remedies unscientific, this formula enjoys consider- able use in cases of weak, irregular and irritable heart action. Dose : 1 tablet after meals or of tener if required by the exigencies of the case. Tablets Digitalis and Calomel Compound, Squibb (Diuretic No. 5) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Digitalis 1/9 gr. Calomel Vo gr. Squill !/ 2 gr. Caffeine 1/4 gr. Digitalis, calomel and squill in combination are recom- mended by Ringer and other authorities in the treatment of renal and cardiac dropsy, Caffeine adds additional value to the formula by its stimulation of the secreting structures of the kidneys and by increasing the flow of blood through the kidneys. Dose : 1 tablet every three or four hours with a glassful of water. The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 358 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Digitalis and Iron Compound, Squibb (Heart Tonic, Dr. Gordinier) C.T. PrlOOO Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Fluidextract Digitalis 1 min. 1 While combining several Iron Reduced I gr. I heart drugs in one prescrip- Nitroglycerin ^/200 g r - r hon has been condemned by Tr. Stroph. U.S.P/90 3 min. I many practitioners, these tab- Strychnine Sulph. 1/60 g r - J lets enjoy considerable use in functional disturbance as well as organic disease of the heart accompanied by anemia. They are prescribed as long as improvement continues; should, how- ever, flushing of the face or nausea or headache occur, they are discontinued for a while. Dose: 1 tablet after meals. Tablets Digitalis and Strophanthus Compound, Squibb (Heart Tonic and Stimulant, Dr. Da Costa) T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Tr. Digit. U.S.P.'90 2 min. "1 Though objection has been Tr. Stroph. U.S.P.'90 2 min. I (made, on scientific principles, Tr. Bell. U.S.P/90 */2 min. f to combining a number of Nitroglycerin VlOO gr. J heart remedies, these tablets are a favorite with many physicians. They are made from carefully prepared tinctures and may be relied upon for prompt therapeutic action. Dose : as a cardiac stimulant in collapse and angina, 1 or 2 tablets, repeated as necessary; for palpitation, smoker's heart and as a cardiac tonic, 1 tablet every three or four hours. Tablets Dinner. See Tablets Aloes and Mastic. Tablets Dipsomania. See Tablets Gold and Sodium Chlo- ride Compound. Tablets. Diuretic. See Tablets Digitalis and Buchu Compound. Tablets Diuretic No. 5. See Tablets Digitalis and Calomel Compound. f Tablets Dover's Powder 5 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 These tablets represent 5 grains of Squibb's Ipecac and Opium Powder. They combine convenience with accuracy of dose and certainty of therapeutic effect. Dover's powder is known to relieve pain in inflammatory condilions with dry skin and fever, where no nausea exists, and has hence proved an excellent rem- edy in the early stage of a cold, taken at bedtime and its dia- phoretic action increased by a hot drink. Dose : 1 tablet every three hours, to quiet the nerves, and 2 tablets at bedtime, with a hot drink, in the early stage of cold. Used also in diarrhea, generally combined with small doses of calomel. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 359 f* Tablets Dover's Powder 2J^ gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Opium Powdered */4 gr. 7 Each of these tablets is Ipecac 1/4 gr. j equivalent to 2*/2 grains of Dover's powder, the milk sugar being omitted in order to make the tablets of convenient size. Dose: for children, 1 tablet; for adults, 1 tablet every hour in sudden cold, for four doses, or 4 tablets in one dose. f Tablets Dover's Powder 1 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Opium Powdered VlO gr. \ Dose : 1 tablet every hour in Ipecac VlO g* ) phthisis; 1 tablet every half hour for three or four doses as a Diaphoretic and Nerve Sedative in febrile diseases. f Tablets Dover's Powder % gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose: 1 tablet every hour for four doses, for children; as a Sudorific in the early stage of a cold. f Tablets Dover's Powder and Aconite Comp., Squibb (Cold, Dr. Gage) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dover's Powder 2 gr. Tr. Aconite US.P.'90 1 min. Quinine Sulphate 2 gr. Capsicum l/ Small doses of aconite and Dover's powder reputedly act very well together in the early stage of colds; inducing a free action of the skin, relieving muscular pain and soreness, allaying cough, quieting arterial excitement and favorably affecting the bronchial secre- tions. Quinine acts as an antipyretic. Capsicum stimulates the mucous membrane of the stomach and serves to cause a more rapid absorption. Dose: 1 tablet every three or four hours until the fever and oppression are relieved. Two or three tablets at bedtime with a hot drink will frequently abort a coid. Squibb's Tablets are made from the Squibb quality of ingredients and by improved processes that insure accurate dosage and rapid and complete disintegration or solution in the system, hence prompt and full therapeutic effect. Specify SQUIBB'S. 360 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA f Tablets Dover's Powder and Belladonna Compound, Squibb (Bronchitis) T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dover's Powder VlO gf 1 Bronchial cough, with insuffi- Ext. Belladonna 1/40 g r - I cient secretion and painful Ipecac 1 /20 gr. | and difficult expectoration, Quinine Sulphate */4 gr. J is mentioned' as the indication for the administration of these tablets. Dose: 1 tablet every hour for four or five doses, then I every two or three hours until relieved. Tablets Dyspepsia, Absorbent. See Tablets Pepsin and Charcoal Compound. Tablets Dyspeptic (Dr. E. Haworth). See Tablets Strych- nine and Ipecac Compound. Tablets Dyspeptic No. 2. See Tablets Bismuth and Cascara. Tablets Eisenzucker 3 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Eisenzucker is a palatable form for administering iron to chil- dren and delicate women. It contains about 3 percent, metallic iron in the form of saccharated oxide. It is readily absorbed and rarely causes any constitutional disturbance. Squibb's Eisenzucker Tablets are pleasant to the taste, and may be eaten as a confection. Dose: 1 to 3 tablets after meals. Tablets Eisenzucker 5 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose: 1 to 2 tablets after meals. Tablets Elaterin 1/10 gr., Squibb T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 So many demands have.been made upon us for a reliable prep- aration of elaterium that we have decided to list the tablets of the active principle. These are employed as a Hydragogue Cathartic in ascites, as well as in the dropsy of kidney and heart disease. Their administration occasionally causes vomiting. Dose: 1 tablet every three hours for not more than three doses in succession. Tablets Elaterin % gr., Squibb T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose : 1 tablet with water, cautiously repeated in three hours if required. Tablets Emmenagogue. See Tablets Ergot and Manganese Compound. Tablets Endometritis. See Tablets Viburnum Compound No. 2. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 361 Tablets Epileptic. See Tablets Triple Bromides and Physo- stigma Compound. Tablets Ergot and Hydrastine, Squibb (Uterine Tonic) T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Extract Ergot */4 g r - } Ergot causes a contraction of Hydrastine 1 /100 gr. 1 'he non-striated muscular fibers, acting directly upon the muscular coat of the small arteries and arresting bleeding, hence used in menorrhagia and metrorrhagia, and in polypi and fibroid tumors. Hydrastine acts as an astringent and tonic to the mucous membranes, and also causes contraction of the mus- cular tissue of the vessels. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets three or four times a day. Tablets Ergot and Manganese Compound, Squibb (Emmenagogue) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Ext. Ergot !/2 g r - Manganese Dioxide */2 gr. Ext. Cotton Root Bark J /2 gr. Ext. Black Hellebore 1/2 gr. Iron Sulphate Dried 1/2 gr. Aloes Purified 1 /2 gr. Oil Savine 1 /s min. This combination of uterine remedies is reported to have proved useful in ammenorrhea and dysmenorrhea. Dose: 1 tablet three times a day a week before the expected period, gradually increasing to I tablet every two or three hours, and then reducing the frequency of the dose as the effect is produced. It is advised to supplement the treatment with hygienic measures and generous diet. * Tablets Euonymin Compound, Squibb (Hepatic, Dr. Kenyon) T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Euonymin */g gr. Podophyllin 1/20 gr. Ipecac 1/8 r- Calomel 1/g gr. Aloin 1/12 r. These tablets are employed in that condition known as "bil- iousness," with mental hebe- tude, coated tongue, bad breath, dyspeptic symptoms and constipation. Dose: tablet after supper and 1 at bedtime; or 1 or 2 at night, followed by 1 after meals every second day until the conges- tion is removed. This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 362 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Expectorant, Anodyne. See Tablets Ammonium Chloride and Sanguinarine Compound. Tablets Extract Cannabis. See Tablets Cannabis Extract. Tablets Extract Cascara. See Tablets Cascara Sagrada Extract. Tablets Extract Ergot Y^ gr. Squibb T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Squibb's fluid and solid extracts of ergot have been the reliance of the medical profession for many years. Tablets Extract Ergot Squibb represent all the medicinal virtues of the best Spanish Erg'ot in an active form. If kept in well-corked bottles they retain their therapeutic properties indefinitely. Each tablet represents 1 1/4 grains of Ergot. Dose : 1 to 4 tablets every three or four hours, to control internal bleeding and as a nervine. Tablets Extract Ergot 1 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Each tablet represents 5 grains of the best Spanish Ergot. Dose: 1 tablet every hour, to control internal hemorrhage; 1 to 4 tablets after parturition, to contract the uterus and control bleeding. Tablets Extract Ergot 2 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Each tablet represents 10 grains of the best Spanish Ergot. Dose : 1 tablet every two or three hours, to cause uterine con- traction, to control hemorrhage, in the treatment of fibroids and as a nerve tonic. Tablets Extract Nux Vomica. See Tablets Nux Vomica Extract. Tablets Fever No. 2 (Dr. Davis). See Tablets Aconite and Belladonna Compound. Tablets Fluidextract Aconite. See Tablets Aconite Fluid- extract. Tablets Fluidextract Cascara. See Tablets Cascara Fluid- extract. Tablets Fluidextract Digitalis. See Tablets Digitalis Fluid- extract. Tablets Follicular Tonsillitis. See Tablets Aconite and Belladonna Compound No. 4. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 363 Tablets Gargle Astringent. See Tablets Hydrastis and Alum Compound. Tablets Gastritis. See Tablets Silver Nitrate Compound. Tablets Gentian and Nux Compound, Squibb (Anorexia) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Ext. Gentian I gr. Ext. Nux Vomica Vio g r - Ext. Hydrastis !/4 gr. Capsicum 1/10 g r - Ext. Rhubarb I gr Ipecac i/10 gr. Loss of appetite depending upon an atonic state of the digestive organs is usually cor- rected by these tablets. They stimulate the salivary glands and the gastric mucous mem- brane, increase their secretions, excite peristalsis, and thus aid in the process of digestion. Their action being also slightly laxative, congestion of the system is relieved and H normal desire for food created. They have been found useful in habitual indigestion with loss of appetite, coated tongue and constipation. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets, shortly before meals, repeated in an hour or two if required. Tablets Glycerophosphates Calcium and Sodium, Squibb C. t. Calcium Glycerophosph. 1 gr. ? Clinical observation has dem- Sodium Glycerophosph. 1 gr. { onstrated that organic diseases due to defective metabolism, as well as functional disturbances of the nervous system, are benefited by the use of the glycerophosphates, the administra- tion of which tends to cause improvement in nutrition of the nerves and in the organic functions, and to stimulate the processes of repair by their effect upon oxidation and absorption. They are employed in all cases where phosphorus is indicated; in neurasthenia, impaired vitality and depressed mental states, in wasting diseases, phosphatuna, locomotor ataxia, functional impotence, etc. Dose : 1 to 3 tablets after meals and at bed- time. Tablets Glycerophosphates Compound, Squibb C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Sodium Glycerophosph. 1 gr. T The addition of strychnine to- Calcium Glycerophosph. 2 gr j- the glycerophosphates of so- Strychnine Nitrate 1 /64 gr. j dium and calcium is asserted to increase their efficiency in disorders of the nervous system with muscular weakness and functional disturbance. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets, after meals. The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 364 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Glycerophosphates Compound No. 2, Squibb (Dr. Wm. S. Gordon) C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Each tablet represents: Sodium Glycerophosph. 1 gr. Calc. Glycerophosph. 2 gr. Tr. Nux Vomica, U.S.P.'90, 71/2 min. Elix. Gentian Comp. q. s. ad 2 drs. This combination has been used with asserted good re- sults in the weakened and depressed condition of the system following attacks of grip, in neurasthenia, melan- cholia, tuberculosis and loco- motor ataxia. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets. Tablets Gold and Sodium Chloride 1/10 gr., Squibb C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Gold salts are prescribed for their Nerve Tonic and Altera- tive effects in exhausted states of the system following sexual excess or abuse of alcohol or tobacco; in anemia, syphilis, in diseases of the kidney with malnutrition and albuminuria, etc. Dose : 1 tablet after meals and at bedtime. Tablets Gold and Sodium Chloride Compound, Squibb (Dipsomania) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Gold and Sod. Chlor. 1/24 gr. Strychnine Nitrate 1 /<;o gr. Nitroglycerin V-iOO gr- Atropine Sulphate 1 />oo g r - Tr. Digit. US. P. '90 3 min. Oleoresin Capsicum Vs gr. Gold and sodium chloride as in combination with the heart and nerve tonics in this for- mula, is reported to have given good results in the treatment of the alcohol habit. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets every two hours, increased (cautiously) if necessary. Tablets Guaiacol 1/2 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Guaiacol was introduced into the materia medica by Professor Mueller as being superior to creosote. Wood creosote owes its therapeutic value largely to the guaiacol it contains. However, the beneficial effects that might be derived from the use of guaia- col in tuberculosis are often not obtained on account of its disagreeable odor and taste and the dyspeptic symptoms which its administration sometimes causes. These objections are al- most entirely overcome in Squibb's tablets; the coating covers the taste and smell, and the guaiacol is presented to the stomach in such a finely divided state that it rarely causes any digestive disturbance. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets with water or milk every two or three hours or thrice daily. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 365 Tablets Guaiacol 1 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose: 1 to 3 tablets after meals and at bedtime, with water. Tablets Guaiacol Carbonate 1 gr., Squibb T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Aside from its recognized therapeutical value, Guaiacol Car- bonate owes its popularity as an Intestinal Antiseptic and Anti- tubercular remedy to its freedom from unpleasant taste or odor and the absence of digestive disturbances or other bad after- effects from its continued use. Dose: 1 to 5 tablets three or four times a day, with water. Tablets Halazone 1/16 gr., Squibb per 1,000 ; per 500 ; per 100 Halazone (Para-Sulphondichloraminobenzoic Acid) was intro- duced by Drs. H. D. Dakin and E. K. Dunham for the con- venient sterilization of drinking water. It is a powerful disin- fectant, acting like chlorine but having the advantage of being stable in solid form. The tablets contain, besides the halazone, sufficient anhydrous sodium carbonate and sodium chloride to render them quickly soluble. (Dr. Dakin.) For use, 1 tablet is added to a quart of water, and the latter set aside for about an hour. (Write for literature on Chloramine-T and other recent chlorinated products.) Tablets Headache, Neuralgic (Dr. Myers). See Tablets Acetanilid and Bromide Compound. Tablets Heart Stimulant (Dr. Durant). See Tablets Nitro- glycerin, Digitalis and Strychnine. Tablets Heart Tonic (Dr. Gordinier). See Tablets Digitalis and Iron Compound. Tablets Heart Tonic No. 2 (Dr. Pultz). See Tablets Digitalis and Cactus Compound. Tablets Heart Tonic and Stimulant (Dr. Da Costa). See Tablets Digitalis and Strophanthus Compound. jf difficulty is experienced in prpcuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 366 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA C. T. Ext. Helonias Ext. Witch Hazel Ext. Hyoscyamus Fl. Gold. Seal Colorl. Alum Acid Tannic Acid Boric Eucalyptol, Thymol, Menthol, of each Tablets Helonias and Witch Hazel Compound, Squibb (Leucorrhea) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 1 gr. These tablets act as an As- 1 /2 gr- tringent and Antiseptic. They 1 gr. are used in leucorrhea, in sub- 1 min. acute gonorrhea and as a I gr. prophylactic of contagion; 1 gr. either as a douche made by 8 gr. dissolving 1 or 2 tablets in a pint of hot water, or in sub- stance inserted into the vagina q. s. J at bedtime, as high up as pos- sible, and allowed to remain over night, using a douche of at least a quart of hot water the following morning. In severe cases the treatment is re- peated at mid-day and the douche taken before retiring. Tablets Hepatic (Dr. Kenyon). See Tablets Euonymin Comp. Tablets Heroin. See Tablets Diacetylmorphine. f Tablets Heroin and Digitalis Compound, Squibb (Cardiac Asthma) T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Fid. Ext. Digitalis 1 min. "1 According to the testimony of Professor Leo and other com- petent observers, heroin is a good remedy for asthma, not only exerting a decided influ- ence over the paroxysms, but rendering the attacks less frequent. This combination is reported to give good results in relieving dyspnea and emphysema depending upon cardiac or pulmonary obstruction. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets every two or three hour's until relieved. Tablets Heroin and Terpin Hydrate See Tablets Terpin Hydrate and Heroin. . . Diacetylmorphine (Heroin) 1/24 gr. Strychnine Sulphate !/48 g r - Tablets Heroin Hydrochloride. phine Hydrochloride. See Tablets Diacetylmor- Tablets Hexamethylenamine 5 gr., Squibb C. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Hexamethylenamine has be'en used to render the urinary secre- tion aseptic. Its action depends upon the fact that it is decom- posed in the system into formaldehyde, which being largely ex- creted by the kidneys, has the effect, it is claimed, of making the urine aseptic. Advantage is taken of this action in minor surgery of the genito-urinary organs, the remedy being admin- istered several days prior to the intended operation. In cystitis, with alkaline urine, heavily charged with pus and phosphates. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 367 Tablets Hexamethylenamine 5 gr., Squibb (Cont.) it frequently restores the acid reaction and clears the urine. Lat- terly die simultaneous use of sodium acid phosphate has been recommended for the purpose of rendering the urine acid or in- creasing its acidity and thus to enhance the antiseptic action of the hexamethylenamine by favoring its decomposition and the liberation of formaldehyde. For this purpose the sodium salt is given at least 2 hours before the hexamethylenamine. In sub- acute gonorrhea, pyelitis and catheter fever, good effects have also been observed from hexamethylenamine. Occasionally it causes hematuria. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets every three or four hours and at bedtime, with a large glass of water. Tablets Hexamethylenamine 7 1/2 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets every three or four hours, and at bedtime,, with a large glass of water. Tablets Hydrastis and Alum Compound, Squibb (Gargle Astringent) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Fl. Golden Seal 1 A useful gargle in relaxed and (Colorless) 1 min. inflamed conditions of the Alum 3 gr. ! throat may be readily pre- Acid Tannic 2 gr. I pared with these tablets. They Oil Wintergreen q. s. J dissolve quickly, yielding an Astringent and Antiseptic fluid which has been found to relieve pain and ulceration in ton- sillitis and pharyngitis. Occasional use of this gargle in per- sons exposed to contagion will tend to keep the mucous mem- brane of the mouth and throat in a healthy condition, constring- iig the parts and restoring the tonicity of the adjacent muscles. In loss of voice from strain or following acute throat affec- tions, these tablets are employed with benefit. For use, 1 or 2 tablets are dissolved in a glass of water and the solution used as a gargle every half hour or hour, warm if preferred. [NoTE: These tablets do not yield a clear aqueous solution, and if such is desired, the liquid should be strained through absorbent cotton.] The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Qualffy Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing med- icinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 368 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Hydrastis Compound, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Ext. Hydrastis 1/4 gr. Ext. Gentian I gr. Ext. Taraxacum 1/2 gr. Ext. Cascara Sagrada */2 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica */8 gr- Capsicum */8 gr. before or after meals. Gastric and intestinal atony are said to be relieved by these tablets. They have been found beneficial in atonic dys- pepsia with loss of appetite, slow digestion, and disordered bowels. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets * Tablets Hyoscine (Scopolamine) Hydrobromide 1/200 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. According to clinical observation, hyoscine acts as a Sedative and Hypnotic; it quiets delirium, induces sleep and is a valu- able remedy in mania. It has also been used with good results in sleeplessness caused by worry or great mental activity. Dose: I tablet every hour or two until effective. * Tablets Hyoscine Hydrobromide 1/100 gr., Squibb T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose: 1 tablet every hour until relieved, but for not more than three doses. Tablets Hysteria. See Tablets Sumbul Compound No. 2. Tablets Ignatia and Nux Compound. See Tablets Nux and Ignatia Compound. Tablets Incontinence. See Tablets Belladonna, Nux and Cubeb. Tablets Infusion Buchu Compound. See Tablets Buchu Compound. Tablets Intestinal Antiseptic. See Tablets Zinc Sulpho- carbolate Compound. Tablets Iodides, Three. See Tablets Three Iodides. Tablets Ipecac and Rhubarb Compound. See Tablets Rhubarb and Ipecac Compound. Tablets Iron and Arsenic, Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate'coated (C. C. T.) Iron Reduced 1 gr. ) This combination has proved Acid Arsenous 1/40 gr. j a valuable remedy in anemia; the presence of the arsenic in- creases the hematinic effect of the iron, and the union of the two remedies often accomplishes results that could not be brought about by either agent used separately. Particular at- tention is paid to the careful trituration of the remedies, so that SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 369 Tablets Iron and Arsenic, Squibb (Cont.) uniform and accurate dosage is obtained; and the tablets dis- integrate rapidly in the system, hence prompt therapeutic results may be looked for. In many cases the addition of strychnine is of-advantage, and such tablet combinations are offered under the title of Iron, Arsenic and Strychnine. Dose: 1 tablet after meals, with water. Tablets Iron and Arsenic No. 2, Squibb T. T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Iron Reduced 1 gr 7 This is a modification of the Acid Arsenous 1/eo gr. ) foregoing formula, the amount of arsenous acid being re- duced. Dose: 1 tablet three or four times a day, after eating. * Tablets Iron, Arsenic and Strychnine, Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Iron Reduced 1 gr. 1 These tablets are used with Acid Arsenous VlOO gr. r good results as a tonic in de- Strycnine Sulphate VeO gr- J bilitated conditions of the sys- tem, with loss of appetite, anemia and debility. They represent three of the best systemic remedies, reputed to improve digestion and nutrition and over- come depraved states of the blood. In patients where consti- pation exists an occasional dose of Tablets Rhubarb and Ipe- cac Compound No. 3 Squibb is recommended. Dose : 1 tablet before or immediately after meals and at bedtime, with water. * Tablets Iron, Arsenic and Strychnine No. 2, Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Iron Reduced 1 gr. 1 Dose : 1 tablet before or mi- Acid Arsenous 1/50 gr. > mediately after meals and at Strychnine Sulphate 1/60 g r - J bedtime, with water. Tablets Iron, Arsenic and Strychnine No. 3, Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Iron Pyrophosphate 1 gr. 1 These tablets are a modifica- Acid Arsenous 1/50 gr. r lion of our Iron, Arsenic and Strychnine Sulphate VGO i r - J Strychnine formula, pyro- phosphate of iron being used in place of reduced iron. In weak and impaired digestion the substitution of the more readily assimilable salt is an advantage, supplying an added element of nutrition phosphorus. Dose: 1 tablet before or after meals and at bedtime, with water. Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 370 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Iron and Mercury. See Tablets Mercury and Iron. Tablets Iron and Strychnine Compound, Squibb (Dr. Morrill) Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) The alterative and tonic effect of iron, arsenic and strychnine is here increased by small doses of quinine. Anemic and Iron Reduced */2 g r - Strychnine Sulphate 1 /i20 g>^ Quinine Sulphate !/2 8 r - Acid Arsenous VlOO 8 r - debilitated conditions due to malarial influences, with loss of appetite, impaired digestion, and faulty assimilation, are benefited by these tablets, and in chloro- sis and anemic amenorrhea, as well as in neuralgic affections depending upon defective nutrition, they have also been used with good results. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets with water, after meals. Tablets Iron Peptonate with Manganese, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Pink-coated (P. C. T.) Iron Peptonate */4 8 r - Manganese Dioxide 1/10 " Quinine Sulphate !/4 gr. Strych. Phosphate 1 /250 g r - Strontium Arsenit* 1/250 r - Use is made in these tablets of one of the organic salts of iron, which is claimed to be readily absorbed by the stom- ach without disturbance, and to produce a rapid and perma- nent effect upon the blood. Strontium arsenite adds an altera- tive effect, and the hematinic action of the iron is intensified by the manganese. Strychnine and quinine act as digestive and systemic tonics. Dose for children: I tablet after meals. Tablets Iron Pyrophosphate Compound, Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Iron Pyrophosphate I gr. "1 In cases of lowered vitality Quinine Sulphate */o gr. I where a tonic is needed to Strychnine Sulphate 1 /i;o gr. j stimulate metabolism, this Acid Arsenous 1/30 gr. J formula .will be found ser- viceable. It contains four of the most efficient systemic tonics, and favorable results may be looked for in anemia, convalescence from disease, cachexia, and in all cases where, through defective metabolic action, the con- dition of the system is below normal. Occasionally in some patients, after the continued use, reddening of the eyelids and epigastric pain are experienced, due to the arsenic. If these symptoms arise, it is advised to discontinue the tablets for a few doses. Dose: I tablet with water after meals and at bedtime. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 371 Tablets Iron, Quinine and Strychnine, Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Iron Reduced 1/2 gr. "I This formula is universally Quinine Sulphate */2 gr. V recognized as an excellent Strychnine Sulphate 1 /i20 g r - J tonic in all debilitated con- ditions; loss of appetite, anemia and failing strength being corrected by its use. It is deemed an effective combination in the enfeebled state of the system following acute illness, or due to malarial poisoning, poor food or improper surroundings. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets after meals, with water. Tablets Iron, Quinine and Strychnine No. 2, Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Iron Reduced 1 gr. 1 Quinine Sulphate 1 gr. j- Dose : 1 tablet after meals Strychnine Sulphate I/go gr. J and at bedtime, with water. Tablets Laxative, Children's (Dr. E. Chapin). See Tablets Sodium Phosphate Compound. Tablets Laxative No. 5. See Tablets Aloin and Strychnine Compound No. 3. Tablets Lead, Opium and Camphor. See Tablets Opium, Camphor and Lead. f Tablets Lead and Zinc Compound, Squibb (Astringent Wash) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Lead Acetate 2 gr. 1 Dissolved in water, these Zinc Acetate 2 gr. I tablets yield an astringent Berberine Hydrochl. 1/20 g r - f an l sedative lotion. Ap- Morphine Acetate 1/32 gr. J plied to indolent sores and ulcers and in moist skin diseases, they tend to allay inflammation, and itching and to promote healing. As an injection in gonorrhea and leucorrhea they have also given excellent results. The rapidity with which they disintegrate renders them very convenient for preparing such quantities of lotion as may be needed without delay. They do not yield a clear solution, and if the slight precipitate which is present is objectionable, it may be removed by straining the liquid through a little absorbent cotton. As a lotion or injection 1 tablet is dissolved in 2 to 4 fluidounces of water. Keep the bottle well corked, and dispense in glass. The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 372 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Leucorrhea. See Tablets Helonias and Witch Hazel Compound. Tablets Licorice and Ammonium Chloride. See Tablets Ammonium Chloride and Licorice. Tablets Licorice Powder Compound. See Tablets Com- pound Licorice Powder. Tablets Lime Water, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. These tablets are offered for the convenient extemporaneous preparation of lime water. One tablet added to 4 fluidounces of water in a clean bottle and allowed to stand until it dis- integrates, and the bottle shaken for a few minutes and then placed in an undisturbed position until all the lime subsides and the liquid above is clear, will yield a solution of calcium hydrate corresponding in strength to lime water of the U.S. P. The resultant lime water may be decanted from the precipitate as wanted, or it may be poured off into a clean bottle, which keep well corked. Tablets Lithium Effervescent 3 gr., Squibb Doz. bots. of 50 Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 1 00 C.T. These tablets dissolve with rapid effervescence and produce a perfectly clear solution, free from opacity and oily appearance. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets, dissolved in a glass of water and taken an hour before meals and at bedtime. Tablets Lithium Effervescent 5 gr., Squibb Doz. bots. of 50 Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 1 00 C.T. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets dissolved in a glass of water three or four times a day, an hour before meals and at bedtime. Tablets Macrotin Compound, Squibb (Dr. John Stevens) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Macrotin VlO gr. Bryonia */20 r - Strychnine Arsenate Vl2."> gr. Fl. Ext. Rhus Tox. i/L'O m ' n - This formula is used in the treatment of rheumatic and sciatic pains. Macrotin is a resinoid derived from black cohosh, and, like it, reputed to be a nervine and antispasmodic. Bryonia acts as a hydragogue cathartic. Strychnine arsenate is used in rheu- matic and neuralgic pains, often of obscure malarial origin. Poison oak acts as a stimulant narcotic and has been found useful in the pains of chronic rheumatism. Dose : I tablet every 2 hours; in severe pain, 1 tablet hourly until relieved. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 373 Tablets Magnesia Aromatic, Squibb Perl 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Each of these tablets represents a teaspoonful of milk of mag- nesia in palatable and convenient form. They contain a small quantity of aromatic! to overcome the flat alkaline taste usually attending the liquid preparation. They act as an Antacid, and in large doses possess also Laxative action. Tablets Magnesia Aromatic Squibb are employed for correcting acid conditions of the mouth as well as gastric hyperacidity; and they may be used also for the extemporaneous preparation of milk of mag- nesia by the physician. Dose: 1 or more tablets as occasion requires, swallowed with a little water or diffused in a spoonful of water. Tablets Magnesia and Sodium Bicarbonate. See Tab- lets Sodium Bicarbonate and Magnesia. Tablets Magnesium Oxide Hydrated. See Tablets Mag- nesia Aromatic. Tablets Magnesium Salicylate 5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. With Cacao The physiological action of magnesium Salicylate is essentially the same as that of sodium salicylate, but it has latterly been warmly recommended by Prof. I. Boas, of Berlin University, a recognized authority on gastroenteric diseases and their treat- ment, as an Antifermentative, presenting as it does a happy combination of the antizymotic salicylic acid and just sufficient of the laxative magnesium oxide to counteract the constipating and consequently the cumulative by-effect of the acid. Boas uses it in flatulence and fermentative dyspepsia and as a general Intestinal. Antiseptic. Dose: 1 to 6 tablets three times daily, with water, after meals. Tablets Manganese and Blaud's. See Tablets Blaud's and Manganese Compound. Tablets Manganese and Ergot. See Tablets Ergot and Manganese. The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIbB'S when prescribing or ordering. 374 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Manganese Compound, Squibb (Amenorrhea, Anemic) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Manganese Dioxide 1 gr. Iron Reduced I gr. Ext. Gentian 1 gr. Ext. Cascara l/o gr. Ext. Nux Vomica Ve gr- Capsicum 1 /g gr. Acid Arsenous ^50 gr. This combination of tonics tends to reestablish the men- strual functions when their ab- sence is due to an anemic or cachectic state of the system, as seen in poorly nourished patients. The gentian and nux vomica serve to increase the appetite and improve digestion. The iron, arsenic and manganese, by their hematopoietic action tend to cause a marked improvement in nutrition. Capsicum acts as a gastric stimulant; cascara removes tissue waste. Dose: 1 tablet, with water, three or four times a day. Tablets Manganese Dioxide 2 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Manganese Dioxide is used principally for its Emmenagogue and Hematinic effects in amenorrhea and anemia. It acts very much like iron, and usually improves nutrition, as shown in the increase of red corpuscles and hemoglobin in the blood, and in cases of amenorrhea frequently by the return of the suspended function. It has also been recommended, in larger doses (10 grains three times a day), in gastrodynia and pyrosis. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets three times a day after meals, with water; in amenorrhea the treatment is begun four or five days before expected period. Tablets Mass Blue (Mercury) See Tablets Blue Mass. Tablets Mercury Bichloride. See Tablets Corrosive Subli- mate. Tablets Mercury Bichloride Compound, Bernays', Large Squibb (Antiseptic, Bernays', Large) Bots. of 25 Per Per Per Per doz. 1000 500 100 T. T., Blue or White Mercury Bichloride 7 3 /iogr. 1 For external use only. One Citric Acid 3 4 /sgr. ) tablet dissolved in a pint of water yields a solution con- taining one part of corrosive sublimate in one thousand. These tablets are poisonous and are intended only for preparing anti- septic solutions. They should be kept in a safe place. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 375 Tablets Mercury Bichloride Compound, Bernays', Small, Squibb (Antiseptic Bernays', Small) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T., Blue or White Mercury Bichloride ! 3 /4gr. 1 The addition of citric acid Citric Acid 87 /100 gr- ) to mercury bichloride pre- vents precipitation of the mercury as an albuminate, when used as an antiseptic on open wounds or mucous surfaces. The tablets offered here are ex- tremely soluble and very convenient for preparing antiseptic solutions. Dissolved in water in the proportion of 1 tablet to 4 fluidounces, they yield a perfectly clear solution containing about one part of corrosive sublimate in one thousand. These tablets are poisonous and should be kept in a safe place. Tablets Mercury Bichloride Compound, U.S.P., Squibb Coffin-shape, Blue or White Bots. of 25, Per doz. Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 1 00 Mercury Bichloride 0.5 Gm. ) Toxltabellcs Hydrargyri Chlor- Sodium Chloride 0.5 Gm. 3 idl Corrosivi. Used like pre- ceding formula. Tablets Mercury Bichloride Compound, Wilson's Squibb (Antiseptic, Wilson's) ' Bots. of 25, Per doz. Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 1 00 C. T., White or Blue, or Coffin-shape Mercury Bichloride 7 3 /io gr. j These tablets are intended Ammonium Chlor. 7 7 /iogr. 3 for preparing antiseptic solu- tions. They are made with- out the addition of any foreign matter and yield perfectly clear solutions with distilled water. 1 tablet dissolved in a pint of water makes a solution of about 1:1000. When "hard" water (due to presence of lime salts) is used a precipitate is occasion- ally produced. Under these conditions Tablets Mercury Bi- chloride Compound Bernays' may be used to advantage. These tablets are now furnished coffin-shaped, with skull and cross- bones and stamped "Poison." Tablets Mercury Iodide Red 1/100 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. As an Alterative and Antiseptic red iodide of mercury has proved useful in diseases of the blood and of the absorbent and glandular systems. In syphilis and scrofula it is employed The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 376 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Mercury Iodide Red 1/100 gr., Squibb (Cont.) to improve nutrition and overcome the anemic conditions; as a Cholagogue in disordered states of the liver; and as an Anti- septic in some forms of diarrhea. In tonsillitis and quinsy it has been found to allay the inflammation and in the early stages frequently to abort an attack. Dose: 1 tablet every two or three hours. Tablets Mercury Iodide Red 1/25 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose: 1 tablet every three or four hours. Tablets Mercury Iodide Red 1/16 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose: in hepatic torpor, 1 tablet every three hours; in con- stitutional treatment, I tablet three or four times a day. Tablets Mercury Iodide Red 1/12 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose: 1 tablet after meals and at bedtime, as an Antiluetic. Tablets Mercury Iodide Red 1/8 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Chocolate-coated (C .C. T.) Dose: 1 tablet three or four times a day, for constitutional treatment in syphilis. Tablets Mercury Iodide Red 1/6 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose: 1 tablet three or four times a day, after meals, in rather refractory cases of syphilis. Tablets Mercury Iodide Red 1/4 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose : 1 tablet three or four times daily, in obstinate cases of syphilis. Tablets Mercury Iodide Yellow 1/50 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Yellow iodide (protiodide) of mercury exhibits the same con- stitutional effect as the red iodide, but its action is less severe. It is used to produce mercurialization with little systemic dis- turbance. Dose : 1 tablet every two hours as a Cholagogue and Intestinal Antiseptic; as an Antiluetic, 1 or 2 tablets three or four times daily, after meals. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 377 "Tablets Mercury Iodide Yellow 1/25 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose : 1 tablet every two or three hours as a Hepatic Stimu- lant and Intestinal Antiseptic. *Tablets Mercury Iodide Yellow 1/8 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose : 1 to 2 tablets every 2 or 3 hours as an Antiluetic, dimin- ishing the dose as the symptoms ameliorate. "Tablets Mercury Iodide Yellow 1/6 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose : 1 tablet every 2 or 3 hours, in the treatment of syphilis. "Tablets Mercury Iodide Yellow 1/5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose : 1 tablet every two or three hours, to produce mercuri- alization; reduce the dose as the effect is observed. "Tablets Mercury Iodide Yellow 1/4 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose: 1 tablet every two or three hours, to produce the con- stitutional effects of mercury. Tablets Mercury Iodide Yellow 1/3 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Her 100 T.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose : 1 tablet every three or four hours, to produce the con- stitutional effects of mercury, the dose being lessened as the symptoms improve. Tablets Mercury Iodide Yellow 1/2 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000* Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose : 1 tablet every three or four hours as an Antisyphilitic in severe cases, the dose being diminished as soon as the con- stitutional effects of mercury show themselves. Squibb's Tablets are made from the Squibb quality of ingredients, and by improved processes that insure accurate dosage and rapid and complete disintegration or solution in the system, hence prompt and full therapeutic effect. Specify SQUIBB'S. 378 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Mercury Tannate 1/2 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Antisyphilitic; not affected by the juices of the stomach, decom- posed in the intestinal tract. Dose: 1 tablet every two hours; less frequently when the desired effect is produced. Tablets Mercury Tannate 1 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose : 1 tablet three or four times a day. Tablets Mercury and Iron, Squibb (Ferruginous Alterative) T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Merc. Iodide Yellow 1/4 8 r< \ The administration of iron Reduced Iron 1 gr. j with mercurous iodide has been found useful in anemic and cachectic conditions following syphilis. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets after meals, with water. Tablets Mercury and Potassium Iodide. See Tablets Potassium Iodide and Mercury. *Tablets Mercury with Chalk 1/2 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. This is a favorite method of administering mercury, especially in children's practice. It is used in congenital forms of syphilis, and as a hepatic stimulant to correct disturbances of digestion with clay-colored stools and constipation. In tonsillitis in chil- dren and in mumps it is also employed with great benefit. Dose: in diarrhea, 1 tablet every two hoars until relieved;, in tonmlitis, 1 tablet every hour until symptoms improve; for constitutional treatment, 1 tablet three or four times a day. *Tablets Mercury with Chalk 1 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose : 1 tablet every three or four hours for adults, as a Hepatic Stimulant and Alterative. Tablets Migraine. See Tablets Acetanilid Compound. Tablets Migraine No. 2. See Tablets Acetanilid Compound No. 2. Tablets Migraine No. 3. See Tablets Acetanilid Compound No. 3. Tablets Migraine No. 4. See Tablets Acetanilid Compound No. 4. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 379 Tablets Migraine Improved. pound Improved. Tablets Milk, Squibb C.T. Milk Sugar 26 gr. Calcium Lactophosph. 1/g r - Calcium Carbonate 1 1/2 gr. Sodium Bicarbonate 1/2 gr. Potassium Bicarb. 1/12 gr. Sodium Chloride 1/6 gr. See Tablets Acetanilid Com- Per 250 Per 100 These tablets supply the necessary salts and the milk sugar wanting in cow's milk; and experience has shown that cow's milk modified in this way makes an acceptable food for young children. In the majority of cases children thrive upon the milk so prepared Cleanliness is necessary in connection with the nursing bottles, nipples, etc. For use, 1 tablet is crushed and added to each eight ounces of milk, the number being increased as the con- ditions warrant. Tablets Milk of Bismuth. See Tablets Bismuth Oxide Hydrated. Tablets Milk of Magnesia. See Tablets Magnesia Aromatic. Tablets Mixed Treatment (Orthodox, Dr. Sherwell). See Tablets Potassium Iodide and Mercury Compound. fTablets Morphine, Camphor and Hyoscyamus, Squibb (Anodyne) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Morphine Sulphate Camphor Extract Hyoscyamus Oleoresin Capsicum fiO g r ' 1 /S gr. 1 /g gr. 1/60 gr. These tablets exert a Sedative and Hypnotic action and are used for the relief of pain and to induce sleep. They should not, however, be given for prolonged periods lest there be danger of fastening the morphine habit upon the patient. They are considered an ex- cellent anodyne, usually affording prompt relief in sleepless and restless, conditions accompanied" by pain. Dose: 1 tablet every half hour for three or four doses until relieved. fTablets Morphine Compound No. 3, Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Morphine Sulphate 1 /4 gr. ) Anodyne, Antispasmodic and Atropine Sulphate Vl50 r. } Hypnotic; contra-indicated in Bright's disease. The addition of atropine lessens nausea and depressing effect. Dose : 1 tablet, cautiously repeated. This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 380 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA f Tablets Morphine and Hyoscine Hydrobromides Compound, Squibb (Bromides Compound, Dr. Hubbard) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T. T. Morph. Hydrobrom. VlO gr. 1 This formula is an Anodyne Hyoscine Hydrobr. 1 /200 8 r - f Hypnotic, and has been Camphor Monobrom. !/2 gr. J found useful in nervous con- ditions, with pain and in- somnia, also in mild cases of mania. Dose ; ! tablet every three or four hours, cautiously administered, in excited states of the system with pain which prevents the patient from sleeping. fTablets Morphine Sulphate 1/16 gr., Squibb Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets, cautiously repeated every three or four hours for pain. Antidotes: evacuation of the .stomach by means of an emetic or by the stomach pump or apomorphine hydrochloride hypodermically ; hot, strong coffee, stimulants; cold water dashed into the face; keeping the patient awake by moving him about; atropine hypodermically, and the galvanic current if required. t Tablets Morphine Sulphate % gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets, cautiously repeated as occasion requires. f Tablets Morphine Sulphate 1/6 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose : 1 tablet, cautiously repeated as necessary. fTablets Morphine Sulphate 1/4 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose : 1 tablet, cautiously repeated as may be required. fTablets Morphine Sulphate 1/2 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose : 1 tablet, cautiously repeated as occasion requires. fTablets Morphine Sulphate 1 gr., Squibb Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose: 1 tablet only as needed, and cautiously administered. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 381 Tablets Naphthol and Bismuth Compound, Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Betanaphthol 3 /s gr. Bismuth Subcarb. 2 2 /s gr. Salol 1 gr. Creosote 1 min. Oil Cloves q. s. These tablets are intended to arrest fermentation, both gas- tric and intestinal. They are used in catarrhal conditions with flatulence, pyrosis and disordered secretions, and in the many reflex conditions arising from delayed or imperfect digestion; also in typhoid and tuberculous diarrhea. Betanaph- thol in combination with bismuth subcarbonate acts as an ener- getic antiseptic and sedative; creosote and salol aid in over- coming the morbid conditions of the intestinal canal; and oil of cloves helps to disguise the taste of the creosote. Dose : in intestinal indigestion, 1 tablet before meals, repeated two hours afterwards if necessary; in tubercular diarrhea and typhoid, 1 or 2 tablets every two or three hours, depending upon the severity of the symptoms. Tablets Nausea. See Tablets Cerium Oxalate and Cocaine Compound. Tablets Nausea No. 2. See Tablets Bismuth and Cerium Oxalate Compound. Tablets Nerve Tonic No. 5. See Tablets Zinc Phosphide, Cannabis and Nux. Tablets Nervine. See Tablets Camphor and Hyoscyamus Compound. Tablets Neuralgic (Dr. Kenyon). See Tablets Zinc Phos- phide and Cannabis Compound. Tablets Neuralgic Brown=Sequard. See Tablets Cannabis and Aconite Compound. Tablets Neuralgic Brown=Sequard, Half Strength See Tablets Cannabis and Aconite Compound, Half Strength. Tablets Neuralgic Headache (Dr. Myers). See Tablets Acetanilid and Bromide Compound. Tablets Neuralgic Improved. See Tablets Acetanilid and Cannabis Compound. Tablets Neutralizing. See Tablets Rhubarb and Magnesia Compound. Tablets Night Sweat. See Tablets Agaricin Compound. The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When, ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB S. 382 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA *Tablets Nitroglycerin 1/200 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Nitroglycerin controls spasm and paroxysmal pain, and lessens arterial tension by the relaxation which it produces upon the whole arterial system, but mainly by its dilatation of the arteri- oles. It thus reduces the work of the heart and under its influ- ence the beat becomes full and regular. It is deemed a valuable remedy in angina pectoris, syncope, asthma, epilepsy and the headaches of Bright's disease, and it is employed to increase the flow of urine in chronic parenchymatous nephritis. If the face is flushed it is not given. Dose: 1 tablet, repeated in an hour if necessary. *Tablets Nitroglycerin 1/100 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 T.T. Per 100 Dose: 1 tablet, repeated in an hour if necessary. Not given if the face' is flushed. *TabIets Nitroglycerin, Digitalis and Strychnine, Squibb (Heart Stimulant, Dr. Durant) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Nitroglycerin VlOO gr. 1 Dose : 1 tablet three or four Fluidextract Digitalis 1 min. j- times a day, wherever digi- Strychnine Sulphate i/SO gr. J talis appears to be indicated in chronic valvular disease. Tablets Nux and Asafetida. Nux Vomica. See Tablets Asafelida and Tablets Nux and Ignatia Compound, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 C.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Tr. Nux Vom. US. P. '90 1 min. Tr. Ignatia Tr. Cinchona Tr. Matricaria Tr. Gentian Comp. Tr. Calumba Phosphorus Per 100 This formula has proved serviceable in the treatment of atonic dyspepsia. The tablets here offered are made from carefully pre- pared tinctures skilfully treated, and represent the Aromatic Powder 1 gr. J formula in its original potency minus the alcohol. Dose: I tablet three times a day, before meals, with a swallow of water. I mm. 5 min. 1 min. 1 min. 1/2 min. 1 /300 gr. Igr-J SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 383 Tablets Nux and Ipecac Compound, Squibb (Bitter Tonic, Dr. Frank E. West) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Tr. Nux Vom. US. P. '90 5 min. Wine Ipecac 1 min. Tr. Capsicum 2 min. Tr. Gentian Comp. 5 min. Nux vomica stimulates the functional activity of the peptic cells; in combina- tion with ipecac, capsicum and gentian this 'effect is still further increased, and many cases of digestive and intes- tinal torpor are corrected by their administration. This formula has been found useful where the symptoms of coated tongue, loss of appetite, more or less gastric distress and headache occur after eating. Dose : 1 tablet before meals, with water. Tablets Nux and Pepsin, Squibb (Dr. Skiff) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Nux Vomica VlOO & } Nux vomica and pepsin con- Pepsin 1/10 g r - ) stitute a useful combination in the treatment of atonic dyspepsia. The dose of each ingredient being small, admits of its use in a large range of cases. We also offer this combination in a more concentrated form. (See below.) Dose: 1 tablet every two hours or 2 tablets after meals, repeated as needed. Tablets Nux and Pepsin No. 3, Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Nux Vomica VlO 8 r> 1 This combination stimulates Pepsin 1 gr. j the gastric secretions and hastens digestion. It has been found useful in atonic dyspepsia. On account of the small quantity of nux vomica in the formula, the tablets may be given to either children or adults, in. appropriate dosage. Dose: 1 or more tablets after meals, repeated in an hour if necessary. Tablets Nux and Phosphorus Compound, Squibb (Aphrodisiac, Dr. Landers) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate=-coated (C. C. T.) Extract Nux Vomica */8 gr. "I This formula is credited with Phosphorus VlOO gr- I the power to correct lowered Extract Damiana V4 gr. [ vitality of the system as seen Gold and Sod. Chlor. I/go gr. J in debility, neurasthenia and sexual exhaustion. Dose : 1 tablet after meals and at bedtime. Jf difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 384 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Nux Vomica Extract 1/4 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Nux vomica is considered a valuable remedy in atonic dys- pepsia, stimulating the appetite, overcoming gastric atony and increasing intestinal peristalsis. It acts as a tonic upon the heart and vasomotor centers. In functional paralysis, neuralgia, im- potence, incontinence of urine, and as a general nerve tonic it has also been used with good results. The tablets offered here are made from an assayed extract; and the alkaloidal content being always the same, uniform and reliable therapeutic effects may confidently be expected. Dose: I tablet after meals. Tablets Occult Blood Test, Squibb per package containing 5 x 20 tablets and a dropping bottle of glacial acetic acid, It is essential that any test for occult blood be accurate, and important that it be simple in its technic. After considerable experimenting, Dr. Dudley Roberts, of Brooklyn, N. Y., worked out an extremely satisfactory benzidin tablet, and in both private and hospital work he has come to use it to the exclusion of other tests. This tablet is composed of 1 part benzidin to 20 parts of sodium perborate triturated with great care and made up into a 5-grain tablet. The specimen to be tested, either a weak emulsion of the stool or the stomach con- tents or urine, is placed either in a small saucer, pus basin or porcelain dish in sufficient quantity to wet the tablet thoroughly, but not to entirely immerse it. A drop or two of glacial acetic acid on the tablet if blood be present gives rise to a more or less immediate change in the tablet to a greenish blue. Experi- ence with its use gives a fairly accurate idea of the amount of occult blood present, depending on the extent and quickness of the color change. If the amount of blood is small, only the edge of the tablet may turn. Such is th simplicity of this tablet test for occult blood that a nurse or intelligent patient may watch t-he appearance or disappearance of occult blood without laboratory apparatus of any kind, with merely a small dish and the handle of a spoon with which to make a thin emulsion. f Tablets Opium (Powdered) 1/4 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Hypnotic, Sedative and Anodyne. These tablets are made from Squibb's powdered opium, and contain all of its properties in an unaltered form. Dose: 1 to 4 tablets repeated as required. f Tablets Opium (Powdered) 1/2 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose : 1 or 2 tablets, repeated as required. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 385 {Tablets Opium and Camphor, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Opium Powdered i/4 gr. \ Anodyne, Antispasmodic and Camphor */4 gr. j Intestinal Astringent. Opium and camphor represent a favorite combination for the relief of pains of a spasmodic character; also used in diarrhea accompanied by cramps. The tablets are supplied coated only to prevent loss of camphor by volatilization. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets every 3 or 4 hours. fTablets Opium and Camphor Compound, Squibb (Sun Cholera) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Tincture Opium ] It will be noted that this Spirit Camphor formula is equivalent to Tincture Rhubarb 1 5 minims of the mixture, Tincture Capsicum publicly exploited as the Sun Spirit Peppermint aa 3 mm. J cholera mixture. Sudden attacks of cramps and diar- rhea are usually relieved by these tablets. They represent the full therapeutical activity of the formula in a convenient and permanent form. In chronic diarrhea, Tablets Zinc Sulpho- carbolate Compound Squibb are considered more useful. Dose: 2 tablets, with water, followed by 1 tablet after each loose movement until relieved. fTablets Opium, Camphor and Lead, Squibb (Diarrhea, Dr. Sullivan) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Opium Powdered */4 gr. 1 Lead acetate acts as an intes- Camphor 1/4 gr. 1 tinal astringent, opium as an Lead Acetate !/6 8 r - f antiperistaltic; in colliquative Ipecac !/8 gr. J diarrhea, camphor serves to check vomiting, to prevent cramps, and, by its stimulating effect upon the circulation, to restore warmth to the extremities; ipecac tends to quiet the stomach if nausea exists and to increase the activity of the liver. Dose : 2 tablets, followed by 1 tablet every hour for five or six doses; then 1 tablet after each loose movement. The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing med- icinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 386 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Orthodox. See Tablets Potassium Iodide and Mercury Compound. Tablets Oxgall Compound, Squibb (Dr. Wm. H. Porter) Per "1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Oxgall Purified 1 gr. Pancreatin 1 gr. Ext. Colocynth Comp. */4 gr. Quinine Hydrochlor. !/2 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica 1 /g gr. Ext. Taraxacum 1 gr. Oxgall favors the assimila- tion of fats, tends' to prevent intestinal fermentation, in- creases the peristaltic action of the bowels and hence acts laxative; pancreatin assists in the digestion of fatty and starchy food and improves nutrition; quinine and nux vomica remove the atonic conditions; extract of colocynth com- pound and taraxacum stimulate the liver and overcome hepatic torpor. The combination is a favorite remedy in intestinal indigestion in women and persons of sedentary habits, acting remarkably well in neurasthenic patients. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets before meals, repeated in two hours if required. Tablets Papain and Charcoal Compound, Squibb (Absorbent Digestive) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Papain 1 gr. Charcoal 2 gr. Sodium Bicarbonate 2 gr . Ext. Nux Vomica VlO gr. Ipecac !/io gr. Wintergreen Flavor q. s. Antacid, Corrective, Digest- ive. Papain is a digestive ferment, and is active in alkaline as well as acid secre- tions. In combination with charcoal and sodium bicar- bonate it has been found useful in delayed digestion, accompanied with fermentation, flatulence and pyrosis. Ipecac and nux vomica stimulate the peptic cells and hence overcome gastric atony. Tablets Papam and Charcoal Compound are used with generally good results in chronic indigestion, in acute indigestion the result of over- eating or imperfect mastication of food, or where, from de- bilitated conditions, the secretion of gastric juice is deficient in amount or weak in digestive power. Dose : ordinarily 1 or 2 tablets are given immediately before meals or after each meal, with water, and repeated in an hour or two if required; some- times, however, 4 to 6 tablets are administered for one dose, with a glass of moderately hot water, for the relief of acute dyspepsia. It is maintained that the use of these tablets may be continued for prolonged periods without thereby weakening the digestive functions. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 387 Tablets Papain Compound, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Papain 3/ 4 g r , ~| This is considered an excel- Charcoal 3 /4 gr. ! lent combination, agreeable to Sodium Bicarbonate 2 gr. [ the taste and usually afford- Wintergreen Flavor q. s. J ing prompt relief in gastric indigestion, by virtue of its Antacid, Digestive and Corrective properties. It has been added to our list in response to repeated demands from physicians and to take the place of a popular proprietary remedy. Dose : 1 to 3 tablets after meals, repeated in an hour or two, if required. f * Tablets Paregoric 10 min., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Opium Powdered !/25 g r - 1 Each tablet is equivalent to Camphor 1/05 gr. I 10 minims of Tinctura Opii Acid Benzoic */25 gr. f Camphorata U. S. P. IXth Oil Anise 1/35 gr. J Rev. Useful as a mild Ano- dyne in relieving pain and colic, and in allaying restless conditions in young children. The effect is more promptly produced if the tablets are given in hot water. Dose: 1 to 6 tablets according to the age. Tablets Pepsin 1 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. The pepsin here used has a digestive strength of 1 to 3000. These tablets are indicated where gastric secretion is scanty or weak in digestive strength. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets after meals. Tablets Pepsin 3 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Dose: 1 tablet after eating, repeated in an hour if necessary. Tablets Pepsin 5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Dose : 1 tablet after meals, repeated in an hour if necessary. Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 388 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Pepsin, Bismuth and Charcoal, Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Pepsin 2 gr. 1 These tablets possess Digestive, Bismuth Subnitrate 2 gr. j- Sedative and Absorbent prop- Charcoal 2 gr. J erties, and are employed chiefly in indigestion due to overeating, with acid eructations, pyrosis and flatulence. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets immediately after meals and repeated in an hour or two if required. Tablets Pepsin and Charcoal Compound, Squibb (Absorbent Dyspepsia) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Pepsin 1 gr. 1 Absorbent, Digestive and Charcoal 2 gr. j- Antizymotic; in flatulence, Sodium Bicarbonate 2 1 /2gr-J indigestion, acid eructations, pyrosis, fermentation, etc. Our process of manufacture prevents decomposition of the pep- sin, and our tablets will be found therapeutically active and free from the disagreeable odor common to most brands of this combination. Tablets Pepsin and Charcoal Compound are used in all types of simple indigestion due to overeating, improper mastication of food, or to weakened conditions of the digestive organs. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets before or after meals, repeated in an hour or two if required. Tablets Pepsin and Nux. See Tablets Nux and Pepsin. Tablets Pepsin and Pancreatin Compound, Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Pepsin 1 gr. Pancreatin 1 gr. Celery Seed 1 /4 gr. Calcium Lactophosph. 1 /4 gr. Used in delayed or imperfect digestion, supplying the gas- tric and pancreatic ferments necessary for the elaboration of food. The calcium lacto- phosphate is split in the stomach, producing lactic acid. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets after meals, repeated in an hour or two if required. NOTE. Combinations of pepsin with pancreatin have been criticized in some quarters, it being maintained that in solution these ferments destroy one another, and that under physiologic conditions they are chemically impossible. This and the fol- lowing three formulas have been added to our list in response to many demands from physicians. In. this connection we might state that we do not approve of all the formulas contained in this list, from a strict therapeutic standpoint, but our position as purveyors to the medical profession demands that we sup- ply those combinations of remedies which the experience of many of our patrons seems to indorse; and the fact that we offer such combinations in response to an existing demand in no way implies any discourtesy to contrary opinions. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 389 Tablets Pepsin and Squibb C.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Pancreatin Compound Per 1000 Per 500 No. 2, Per 100 Pepsin Pancreatin Bismuth Subnitrate Ext. Nux Vomica Sodium Bicarbonate Ginger 3 /4 gr. 3 /4 gr. VlO gr. 2gr. x /2 gr- quired. (See Note at end and Pancreatin Compound.) of Employed for relieving gastric and intestinal dyspepsia, and preventing acid eructations, flatulence and fermentation. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets after meals, repeated at hourly in- tervals for two doses, if re- discussion of Tablets Pepsin Tablets Pepsin Squibb and C.T. Pepsin Pancreatin Ipecac Ginger Bismuth Subnitrate Ext. Nux Vomica Wintergreen Flavor Pancreatin (Digestive) Per 1000 Compound No. 3, Per 500 Per 100 2 gr. A combination of digestives 1 gr. and stomachic tonics is here VlOgr- presented. (Dose: 1 or 2 4 /5 gr. tablets with water after 2 gr. meals, repealed in an hour or 1 /10 gr- two if required. (See note q. s. J at end of discussion of Tab- lets Pepsin and Pancreatin Compound.) Tablets Pepsin, Pancreatin and Lactic Acid Com- pound, Squibb (Digestive Aromatic 5 gr.) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Pepsin Saccharated 80 parts 10 parts 1 part 1 part 3 parts 6 parts This combination is said to exert a beneficial effect in cer- tain forms of dyspepsia. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets imme- diately before or after meals, repeated in an hour or two as required. (See Note at end of discussion of Tablets Pepsin and Pancreatin Compound.) See Tablets Soda Mint Pancreatin Acid Lactic Diastase Acid Hydrochloric Aromatic Powder Tablets Pepsin and Soda Mint. and Pepsin. Tablets Phenacetin. See Tablets Acetphenetidin. Tablets Phenacetin and Salol. See Tablets Salol Acetphonetidin. and The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 390 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Phenolphthalein 1 1/2 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Pink-coated (P. C. T.) Phenolphthalein has been extensively used as a laxative and with generally good results. Its freedom from bitter .taste, absence of unpleasant after-effects and small dose recommend its use for children and delicate women. Clinical reports have demonstrated its value as a safe and reliable remedy. Taken at bedtime it usually produces an evacuation the next morning, although in obstinate cases, two doses during the day are some- times required. Dose : for adults, I to 3 tablets at bedtime, repeated if necessary after breakfast the following morning; for children, 1/g to 1 tablet, reducing the dose as the bowels resume their normal functions. Tablets Phenolphthalein 5 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Intended for more resistant cases of constipation. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets at bedtime; in the beginning of the treatment and in obstinate cases, I or 2 tablets after supper, repeated at bedtime, reducing the dose as the bowels resume their normal functions. Tablets Phenolphthalein with Chocolate, Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Phenolphthalein 1 */2 8 r - \ The addition of chocolate to Chocolate q. s. j phenolphthalein affords an agreeable method of admin- istering this remedy to children and delicate women. The tablets are entirely free from disagreeable taste and may be eaten as a confection. Their action has been found prompt and certain and no disagreeable after-effects have been noticed. These tablets are offered to offset the many secret preparations of this remedy. Dose: 1 to 3 tablets at bedtime; children, !/4 to 1 tablet. Tablets Phosphorus and Nux Vomica. See Tablets Nux and Phosphorus. Tablets Physostigma and Triple Bromides. See Tablets Triple Bromides and Hyoscyamus Compound. Tablets Podophyllin 1/8 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Cathartic and Cholagogue, stimulating the liver, causing an increased flow of bile and producing free action of the bowels, appearing to act principally upon the small intestines. Podo- phyllin is used in jaundice and congested states of the system, with headache, sluggish liver and disordered bowels, with flatu- lence and colicky pains. In small doses it operates with little disturbance; but larger doses often cause griping, which may be overcome by combination with other agents. (See Cascara combinations.) Dose : 1 tablet after meals; or 1 or 2 tablets at bedtime. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 391 Tablets Podophyllin 1/4 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Dose: 1 tablet after meals; or 1 tablet at bedtime. Tablets Potassium Bromide 5 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Potassium bromide acts as a Cerebral and Spinal Sedative, in small doses lessening nervous excitement, quieting the brain, the sexual system and the reflex centers of the spinal cord; in large doses it paralyzes the cerebro-spinal centers. Hence it is used in excited states of the nervous system, to allay reflex irritabil- ity; it is said to be contra-indicated in excitement due to nerve exhaustion. It is given with good results in wakefulness caused by overwork or worry, in the convulsions of epilepsy, Bright's disease, and the convulsions of children, whether of centric origin, or depending upon other causes. In sexual excitement, threatened abortion, nervous headache, hysteria and delirium it is also deemed valuable. Dose: 1 to 3 tablets, dissolved in water, repeated every hour for two doses if necessary, to quiet the nerves and induce sleep; for convulsions, 3 to 6 tablets in water, repeated if necessary. Tablets Potassium Bromide 10 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose : 1 to 3 tablets in water, as required. Tablets Potassium Chlorate 5 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Screw-cap pocket vials, per doz., Potassium chlorate is used in affections of the mouth and throat, to allay inflammation; it is a popular remedy in acute sore throat, with huskiness of the voice. In aphthae, ulcerative stomatitis and mercurial salivation it is used with good results; also in diphtheria and scarlatina. It is also employed to over- come the vocal fatigue of speakers and singers. Dose: 1 tablet, dissolved in the mouth, every two qr three hours. Tablets Potassium Iodide 1 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Used in syphilis, where the periosteum or fibrous portions of the softer organs are affected, and also where the more important organs have been attacked; in diseases of the glandular system, and to cause absorption of inflammatory effusions, as in pleurisy and pericarditis; for the relief of syphilitic and rheumatic pains; and in asthma and lead poisoning. Dose: for children, 1 tab- let every hour with water. Dispense in glass. The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 392 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Potassium Iodide 2 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose : 1 tablet every hour or two with water, for syphilitic skin diseases, glandular enlargements and chronic rheumatism. Tablets Potassium Iodide 5 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose : for asthma, 1 tablet every three or four hours with water. For secondary syphilitic disease and chronic rheumatism, 1 tablet with water, increasing to 4, after meals. yTablets Potassium Iodide and Belladonna Compound, Squibb (Antiasthmatic) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Potassium Iodide 2 */2 gr. 1 Heroin (diacetylmorphine) Heroin Hydrochlor. !/25 gr. j- acts as a respiratory sedative Ext. Belladonna VlO gr. J and antidyspneic ; belladonna is an antispasmodic and stimu- lant to the respiratory centers; potassium iodide affects the secre- tions. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets, with water, every two or three hours. (NOTE. The possibility of habit formation from the prolonged use of this combination should not be overlooked.) Tablets Potassium Iodide and Lobelia Compound, Squibb (Antiasthmatic No. 2) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Potassium Iodide 2 gr. Fluidextract Lobelia 2 min. Potassium Bromide 2 gr. Fl.Ext.Euphorb.Pilul. 3 min. Nitroglycerin 1 /200 gr. This formula, a slight modifi- cation of the prescription of Dr. Hare, has been used in the treatment of bronchial asthma and dyspnea with apparent success. It has been used for many years by a large class of physicians, and the repeated demands have seemed to us sufficient reason for adding it to our list. Tablets containing potassium iodide are liable to become damp and to discolor on exposure to air, hence they should be kept in well-corked containers and in a dry place, and they should be dispensed in glass only. Dose: I or 2 tablets every three or four hours with water. Tablets Potassium Iodide and Mercury, Squibb (Syphilis) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Potassium Iodide 2 */2 gr. ] Employed in syphilitic diseases Corrosive Sublimate !/4o gr. j in the later stage, and in those cases where the iodide alone does not control the symptoms. Its use is usually per- sisted in and gradually increased to the point of tolerance, or until an improvement of the condition occurs. Dose : 1 tablet, with water, after meals. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 393 Tablets Potassium Iodide and Mercury Compound, Squibb (Mixed Treatment; Orthodox, Dr. S. Sherwell) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Potassium Iodide 2 gr. Syrup Iron Iodide 5 mm. Mercury Bichloride */64 gr. Donovan's Solution 2 mm. Tr. Nux Vomica 2 min. These tablets act as an Alter- ative Tonic. Their effect is a stimulation of metabolism, resulting in improved nutri- tion with an increased ex- cretion of the products of tissue waste. Upon the blood, the lymphatic system and the skin, their action is said to be marked; in syphilitic and scrofu- lous diseases, chronic rheumatism, glandular enlargements and certain skin diseases they have been used with much benefit. They rarely interfere with digestion, and they may be admin- istered for long periods it is claimed. Owing to the hygro- scopic nature of potassium iodide the tablets should be kept in well-corked bottles and in a dry atmosphere; and they should be dispensed in glass. Dose: 1 to 3 tablets immediately after meals, with a glass of water. Tablets Potassium Iodide and Phytolacca Compound Squibb (Antirheumatic) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Potassium Iodide 2 gr. Ext. Phytolacc 1 gr. Resin Guaiac 3 gr. Colchicine VlOO gr. Digitalin i/100 gr. These tablets are employed in acute and chronic attacks of rheumatism. They should be preserved in well-corked bot- tles and dispensed in glass. Dose: 1 tablet with water every two hours in acute attacks until the symptoms are re- lieved, then I every four hours for not more than three doses. In chronic cases, 1 tablet three or four times a day. Tablets Potassium Permanganate 1 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Prepared from the Squibb special quality of large crystals of permanganate, and loosely compressed in order to dissolve quickly. Disinfectant and Deodorizer. Applied as a wash to sloughing ulcers and as an injection in gonorrhea; given inter- nally in diphtheria, eruptive fevers, puerperal fever and ery- sipelas. Most frequently employed at present internally in amenorrhea. Dose : in zymotic diseases, 1 tablet with water every three hours; in amenorrhea, I tablet after meals; as an injection, 2 to 4 tablets in a half-pint of water. The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 394 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Potassium Permanganate 2 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Dose: as an Emmenagogue, 1 tablet three times a day after meals with water; as an injection, 2 to 4 tablets in a pint of water. Tablets Potassium Permanganate 3 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Dose: 1 tablet three times a day. For disinfectant solutions, 1 to 3 tablets in a pint of water. Tablets Potassium Permanganate 5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. For disinfectant solutions, 1 to 2 tablets in a quart of water. Tablets Powder, Dover's. See Tablets Dover's Powdr. Tablets Powder Licorice Compound. See Tablets Com- pound Licorice Powder. Tablets Powder, Tully's. See Tablets Tully's. Tablets Quinine and Acetanilid Compound. See Tab- lets Aeetanilid and Quinine Compound. Tablets Quinine and Acetphenetidin. See Tablets Acet- phenetidin and Quinine. ; Tablets Quinine and Camphor Compound, Squibb (Coryza No. 3, Dr. Henry J. Kenyon) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Quinine Sulphate !/2 gr. 1 A favorite remedy in the treat- Camphor 1/2 gr. ment of acute coryza with Morphine Sulphate 1 /(i4 gr. j- violent sneezing and itching Atropine Sulphate 1 /2000 8 r - f 'he nostrils. It is a modi- Milk Sugar q. s. J fication of the rhinitis for- mula, atropine being substi- tuted for belladonna, and a small quantity of morphine added. It is administered in repeated doses until the systemic effect of atropine upon the throat and the nasal discharge is observed, and then at less frequent intervals. Dose : 1 tablet every hour until the throat feels dry, then every 2 to 4 hours until symptoms improve, continuing the treatment in decreasing doses a day or two after the discharge has ceased. (NoTE. These tablets should be used cautiously, and the possible formation of the morphine habit guarded against. For those physicians, who on general principles, object to the administration of morphine or heroin, Tablets Quinine, Camphor and Belladonna are sug- gested.) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 395 {Tablets Quinine and Camphor Compound No. 2, Squibb (Coryza No. 5, Dr. S. MacCuen Smith) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Quinine Sulphate Camphor Morphine Sulphate Atropine Sulphate Acid Arsenous Strychnine Sulphate J /240 gr. VlO gr. V4 gr- 1 /100 gr- Veoo gr. 1 /24a gr- These tablets have been used with good effects in recurrent attacks of coryza. They are given until the systemic ef- fect of atropine is apparent, and then at longer intervals. For those physicians who ob- ject on general principles to the administration of morphine, Tablets Quinine and Camphor Compound No. 5 are recommend- ed. Dose: 1 tablet every 2 or 3 hours until the symptoms im- prove, or 4 tablets at bedtime, with plenty of water. (See Note under Tablets Quinine and Camphor Compound, above.) fTablets Quinine Squibb and Camphor Compound No. 3, (Coryza) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Quinine Sulphate Camphor Opium Powdered Ammonium Chloride Ext. Belladonna Ext. Aconite V2 gr. Va gr- VlO gr. V2 gr- VlO gr. VlO gr. Very generally regarded as an excellent combination for averting attacks of acute coryza, the usual symptoms of muscular soreness, chilli- ness, hot, dry skin, sneezing and excessive nasal discharge being promptly arrested if the tablets are taken in the early stage. Dose : 2 tablets every hour or two until relieved. (See Note under Tablets Quinine and Camphor Compound, above; also Tablets Quinine, Camphor and Hyoscyamus Compound). tTablets Quinine and Camphor Compound No. 4, Squibb (Coryza No. 2) Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Quinine Sulphate Vs g r - Vs gr- Vir, Camphor Opium Powdered Ammonium Chloride */3 gr. Ext. Belladonna 1/15 gr. Ext. Aconite i/15 gr. Dose : for sudden colds, 2 tablets, then 1 every hour until the acute coryza dis- appears. (See Note under Tablets Quinine and Camphor Compound above.) Squibb's Tablets are made from the Squibb quality of ingredients and by improved processes that insure accurate dosage and rapid and complete disintegration or solution in the system, hence prompt and full therapeutic effect. Specify SQUIBB'S. 396 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA t Tablets Quinine and Camphor Compound, No. 5, Squibb (Coryza with Heroin) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Quinine Sulphate 1/10 gr. Camphor */4 8 r - Heroin Hydrochlor VlOO g r - Atropine Sulphate Veoo gr Acid Arsenous */240 8 r - Strychnine Sulphate V240 g r - These tablets are commonly employed in recurrent attacks of coryza with severe parox- ysms of sneezing and itching of the nostrils. They are taken until the systemic effects of atropine are observed, and then at longer intervals. Atropine, by its inhibitory action upon the nerves of the sensory glands of the nasal mucous membrane, arrests the discharge from the nose. Arsenic is highly recommended by Ringer for patients who suffer from frequent attacks of cold in the head. Camphor and quinine act as mild antipyretics. Heroin serves to allay cough and inflammation. Dose: 1 tablet every hour, for colds in the head, until the throat feels dry, then every two or three hours, continuing for a day or two after the acute coryza disappears. (See Note under Tablets Quinine and Camphor Compound, above.) Tablets Quinine, Camphor and Belladonna, Full Strength, Squibb (Rhinitis, Full Strength) C.T. Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Quinine Sulphate 1 /2 gr. "| These tablets are just twice Camphor */2 gr. > the strength of the half- Fluidext. Belladonna 1/4 min. J strength tablets regularly supplied, and are intended for use particularly in robust patients. Dose : 1 tablet every half hour for 3 or 4 doses, or until the throat becomes dry, then in diminishing doses until the nasal discharge ceases. * Tablets Quinine, Camphor and Belladonna, Half Strength, Squibb (Rhinitis, Half Strength, Dr. Lincoln) T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Quinine Sulphate */4 gr. "I Acute attacks of rhinitis are Camphor 1/4 gr. } as a rule markedly benefited Fluidext. Belladonna 1/8 min. J by these tablets, it is claimed. Taken at the onset and per- sisted in until the throat becomes dry, these tablets have been found to check the sneezing and discharge from the nostrils and frequently to cut short the attack. Dose: 1 tablet every half hour for four doses, then every hour or two until the constitu- tional effect of belladonna is observed, when the interval is lengthened to three hours and the tablets continued until the discharge from the nose disappears. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 397 Tablets Quinine, Camphor and Hyoscyamus Com- pound, Squibb (Coryza Modified) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Quinine Sulphate J/2 gr. Camphor J/2 gr. Ext. Hyoscyamus !/io gr. Ammonium Chloride J/2 gr. Ext. Belladonna 1/10 g r - Ext. Aconite i/lO gr. This is a modification of Tab- lets Quinine and Camphor Compound No. 3 (Coryza), the powdered opium, being re- placed by an equal quantity of extract hyoscyamus for the benefit of those physicians ob- jecting to the use of opium. Dose: 2 tablets with water, every hour or two until the coryza symptoms are relieved. Tablets Quinine and Capsicum, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Quinine Sulphate 2 gr. 1 The addition of capsicum to Capsicum 1 /4 gr. j quinine increases its physio- logical action, making a com- bination useful in malarial affections where the digestive action is weak and assimilation imperfect. Capsicum acts as a salivary and gastric stimulant, improves the appetite, hastens digestion, and increases the stomach's power of absorption. Tablets Quinine and Capsicum Squibb are used in the treatment of malaria, and also as a prophylactic in patients exposed to malarial influences. Dose: 1 to 3 tablets, with water, every three or four hours. Tablets Quinine and Capsicum No. 2, Squibb (Dr. Wm. F. Kier) ' White or Pink-coated Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 (W. C. T. or P. C. T.) Quinine Bisulphate 3 gr. 1 These tablets contain more Capsicum 1 /4 gr. j quinine than Tablets Quinine and Capsicum and are hence more active as an Antiperiodic. Dose: 1 to 3 tablets with water every 3 or 4 hours. Tablets Quinine and Iron Compound, Squibb (Aiken's Tonic) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Quinine Sulphate 1 gr. Iron Reduced 2 /3 gr. Acid Arsenous 1/50 gr. Strychnine Sulphate VoOgi"' Extract Gentian */4 gr. This combination is consid- ered an excellent tonic in all weakened conditions of the system overcoming anorexia, improving nutrition, stimu- lating metabolism and pro- ducing a general improvement in health. It is used in simple This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 398 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Quinine and Iron Compound, Squibb (Cont.) anemia, debility, and convalescence from acute disease. Special attention is given to the trituration of the ingredients so as to insure thorough subdivision and accurate dosage. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets three times a day, ten minutes before meals. Tablets Quinine and Iron Compound with Cascarin, Squibb (Aiken's Tonic Laxative) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Quinine Sulphate 1 gr. Iron Reduced 2 /s gr. Cascarin 1 /2 gr. Acid Arsenous VoO gr. Strychnine Sulphate Vso gr. Extract Gentian !/4 gr. This is a modification of the time-honored Aiken's Tonic formula, and is adapted to those cases where the patient habitually suffers from con- stipation, or where the re- duced iron in the formula produces this effect. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets three times daily, before meals. Tablets Quinine and Salol, Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Quinine Sulphate 2J/2 gr. 1 Quinine and salol have long Salol (Phenyl { been used in combination in Salicyl.) 2J/2 gr. J the treatment of acute and chronic rheumatism, for the re- lief of neuralgic pains, and as a safeguard against infection in malarial climates. As it is of the utmost importance that tablets of this nature break up readily in the system, special pains are taken to cause these tablets and others of similar composi- tion to disintegrate at once in the presence of moisture. This can readily be demonstrated by dropping a tablet in a spoonful of water at body temperature; should the tablet not readily respond to this test it should be condemned as being unfit for use. Dose : as an Analgesic or Antipyretic, 1 tablet every half hour for three doses, then every two to four hours; as a prophylactic, 1 tablet after meals and at bedtime. Tablets Quinine, Strychnine and Iron. See Tablets Iron, Quinine and Strychnine. Tablets Quinine Bisulphate 1 gr., Squibb C.T.OfC.C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Quinine bisulphate is usually preferred to the sulphate where the acid secretion of the stomach is deficient, its more rapid absorption compensating for the lesser quantity of quinine alka- loid it contains. Employed as a tonic in debilitated conditions of the system, and for its antiperiodic and antipyretic action in sufficient dosage in malarial affections. Dose: 1 tablet after meals for Tonic and Antiperiodic effect; as an Antipyretic in children, 1 or 2 tablets every two hours. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 399 Tablets Quinine Bisulphate 2 gr., Squibb Pr1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. or C. C. T. Dose: 1 tablet after meals, as a Tonic; in malarial affections and as an Antipyretic in fever, 1 to 5 tablets every th*ee or four hours. Tablets Quinine Bisulphate 3 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. or C. C. T. Dose: 1 tablet every two or three hours, as an Antipyretic; as an Antiperiodic, 1 tablet after meals. Tablets Quinine Bisulphate 5 gr., Squibb Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. or C. C. T. Dose: as an Antipyretic, 1 tablet every two or three hours; in ague, I tablet six, four and two hours before the expected paroxysm. Tablets Quinine Sulphate 1/10 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. or C. C. T. Antiperiodic and Bitter Tonic, for children. Dose: 1 tablet three or four times a day, as a tonic; as an Antiperiodic, 1 tablet every hour. Tablets Quinine Sulphate 1/2 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. or C. C. T. Dose: 1 tablet every hour for malaria in children. Tablets Quinine Sulphate 1 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T., C. C. T. or P. C. T. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets every two hours, in malarial fevers, de- creasing as symptoms improve or if ringing in the ears occurs. Tablets Quinine Sulphate 2 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T., C. C. T., P. C. T. or W. C. T. Dose: as a general tonic, 1 tablet after meals and at bedtime; for malaria, 1 to 5 tablets, every three or four hours; for sudden colds, 1 to 5 tablets at bedtime with 10 grains Dover's powder. The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 400 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Quinine Sulphate 3 gr., Squibb C. T. or C. C. T. Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 1 00 Dose : as tonic, 1 tablet after meals and at bedtime ; in malaria, 1 to 3 tablets every 3 or 4 hours; in colds, I to 3 tablets at bed- time, with 10 grains Dover's powder. Tablets Quinine Sulphate 5 gr., Squibb C. T. or C. C. T. Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 1 00 Dose : for malaria, 1 tablet six, four and two hours before the expected attack. Tablets Rheumatism. See Tablets Sodium Salicylate and Colchicme Compound. Tablets Rhinitis, Full Strength. See Tablets Quinine, Camphor and Belladonna, Full Strength. Tablets Rhinitis, Half Strength. See Tablets Qui- nine, Camphor and Belladonna, Half Strength. Tablets Rhinitis, Infants'. See Tablets Aconite and Cam- phor Compound No. 2. Tablets Rhubarb Compound, Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Rhubarb 2 gr. 1 For the treatment of habitual Myrrh 1 gr. 1 indigestion with constipation. Aloes Purified 1 */2 8 r - f Rhubarb is a tonic laxative. Oil Peppermint l/io mm< J ^ mav be gi ven f r l n g pe- riods, it is said, without weak- ening the bowels. It acts pleasantly without griping and without tenesmus. Combined with aloes, which acts upon the lower bowel and the rectum, it stimulates all parts of the intestinal tract. Myrrh acts as a mild astringent and peppermint modifies the laxative action. Dose : 1 tablet after meals. Tablets Rhubarb and Ipecac Compound, Squibb (Roosevelt Hospital) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Rhubarb 1 gr. 1 Special attention is given to Ipecac 1/g gr. I all our rhubarb combina- Sodium Bicarbonate 5 gr. | tions, and they will be found Oil Peppermint I/OQ min. J superior products. Not alone is the rhubarb used of best quality, but in the manufacture decomposition of the ingredients is prevented and the tablets present a handsome appearance and are very acceptable to the taste. This combination is used in habitual indigestion with loss of appetite, coated tongue, bad breath and constipation, stimulating digestion, preventing fer- mentation, correcting acidity and relieving constipation. The cutaneous eruptions observed on the faces of patients with chronic dyspepsia are said to be greatly reduced, often cured, by treatment with these tablets. Dose: 1 tablet after meals. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 401 Tablets Rhubarb and Ipecac Compound No. 2, Squibb (Roosevelt Hospital) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Rhubarb Ipecac Sodium Bicarbonate 2gr. 1/0 A modification of Tablets Rhubarb and Ipecac Com- 5 gr. I* pound Squibb; the quantity Oil Peppermint !/20 min. J of rhubarb being doubled. Preferred where the constipa- tion is more pronounced. Dose: 1 tablet after meals. Tablets Rhubarb and Ipecac Compound No. 3, Squibb (Roosevelt Hospital) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Rhubarb Ipecac Sodium Bicarbonate 2gr. A modification of the Rhu- barb and Ipecac Compound formula, the change consist- ing in the increase of the quantity of rhubarb and ipecac and the addition of tincture of nux vomica, thus increasing its laxative effect, and rendering the combination of much more service in dyspepsia. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets with meals or immediately after. 5gr. Tr. Nux Vom. US.P. '90 5 min. Oil Peppermint I /OQ min. Tablets Rhubarb and Ipecac Compound No. 4, Squibb (Dr. M. L. Goodkind) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Rhubarb Ipecac Sodium Bicarbonate Extract Nux Vomica Oil Peppermint Vs 5gr- Fluidext. Cascara lO mn. 5 min. This formula is a modifica- tion of our Rhubarb and Ipecac Compound, 1/4 grain of extract of nux vomica and 5 minims of fluidextract of cascara being added. The tablets are thereby increased proved an excellent remedy in an atonic condition of the ali- mentary canal. Cascara sagrada acts as a tonic laxative and its continued use is not known to debilitate the bowels. In constipation attended by flatulence, headache and indigestion these tablets usually give satisfactory results, it is reported. Dose : 1 tablet just before meals, decreasing the frequency of the dose as the case requires. in laxative action and have constipation dependent upon If difficulty is experienced In procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 402 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Rhubarb and Ipecac Compound No. 4, Half Strength, Squibb (Dr. M. L. Goodkind) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Rhubarb */2 gr. Ipecac Vl6 gr- Sodium Bicarbonate 2^2 g r - Extract Nux Vomica */8 gr. Oil Peppermint !/2o min. Fluidext. Cascara 2^2 min. This formula is the same as the preceding one, with all the ingredients reduced one- half. Dose: I or 2 tablets immediately before meals with water. Tablets Rhubarb and Magnesia Compound, Squibb (Neutralizing) PrlOOO Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Rhubarb Igr- Magnesia Calcined Igr. Sodium Bicarbonate I 38 '' Cardamom Oil Peppermint q. s. This formula is a mild Ant- acid, Laxative and Corrigent used in dyspepsia attended with constipation, fermenta- tion and flatulence, in chil- dren or in adults. In case the tablets cannot be swallowed, they may be crushed to a powder and given with a swallow of water. We call attention to the quality of the rhubarb contained in these tablets; it is the best Shensi rhubarb obtainable. Dose : I or 2 tablets after meals, repeated in an hour or two if required. Tablets Rhubarb and Soda, Squibb Per 1 000 Per 500 -Per 100 C.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Rhubarb 1 */2 gr Sodium Bicarbonate 1 */2 gr. Oil Peppermint q. s An Alkaline Laxative and Stomachic, employed in indi- gestion with constipation, and the usual accompanying symptoms of loss of appetite, coated tongue, foul breath and headache. Also as laxative for children or adults; acting upon the bowels without griping. Their continued use does not debil- itate the intestinal functions, it is claimed. Dose: for children, depending on age, I to 2 tablets; for adults, 2. to 5 tablets at bedtime or in divided doses after meals. Tablets Rhubarb and Soda No. 2, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 C.T. 3gr. Per 100 Rhubarb Sodium Bicarbonate Oil Peppermint q. s. These tablets are just twice the strength of the preceding; their action and uses are the same. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets after meals, or 2 tablets at bedtime, with water. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 403 Tablets Rhubarb and Soda No. 3, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Rhubarb 2 */2 gr. ] These tablets contain the Sodium Bicarbonate 2 */2 gr. ? same ingredients as in Tab- Oil Peppermint q. s. J lets Rhubarb and Soda, but in larger quantities, and their uses are the same. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets after meals. Tablets Rhubarb and Sodium Bicarbonate Compound, Squibb (Antidyspeptic) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Extract Rhubarb */4 gr. Sodium Bicarbonate 2 gr. Strychnine Sulphate i/GO gr. Ipecac VlO gr. Capsicum */4 gr. Extract Gentian 1/2 gr- Anorexia, faulty digestion and hepatic torpor with con- stipation are the indications for these tablets. The union of gentian, a pure bitter tonic, capsicum, a salivary and di- gestive stimulant, and ipecac, a gastric and hepatic corrective, makes a tablet which improves the appetite and digestive action. Strychnine is known to act as a stimulant to the peptic cells, to overcome muscular atony and increase peristalsis. Rhubarb is both tonic and laxative. Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes hyperacidity. Tablets Rhu- barb and Sodium Bicarbonate Compound are used in atonic dyspepsia, in gastritis from abuse of alcohol, and in acute at- tacks of indigestion due to overeating or imperfect mastication. Dose : 1 tablet half an hour before meals, followed by 1 half an hour after meals if required. Tablets Saccharin (Soluble) Y 4 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Each tablet equals a lump of sugar in sweetening power. Con- venient for use in the army, on the battlefield and other places where sugar is difficult to obtain. Used medicinally in diabetes and obesity, and in dyspeptic condition where sugar is contra-indicated. Tablets Saccharin (Soluble) 1/2 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Screw-cap pocket vials per doz. The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing med- icinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 404 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Saccharin (Soluble) 1 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose: 1 tablet for a cup of coffee or tea. Tablets Salol (Phenyl Salicylate) 1 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Salol is regarded as a safe and efficient Intestinal Antiseptic. It is not affected by the gastric juice, but is decomposed by the alkaline secretions of the small intestine into salicylic acid and phenol, which products tend to correct morbid conditions of the intestinal tract. It is also used in the treatment of acute and chronic rheumatism, lumbago and sciatica. Owing to the fact that salol is largely excreted by the kidneys as salicyluric acid, it is used in chronic inflammation of the bladder, gonorrhea and catheter fever. It rarely produces nausea or gastric dis- turbance it is stated; but where the renal functions are im- paired or constipation exists, toxic action may manifest itself. Tablets Salol Squibb disintegrate rapidly, and are the best method for administering this remedy. Dose : 1 to 4 tablets every two or three hours. [NoTE: Tablets containing salol should not be exposed to direct sunlight or kept in a warm place, else they will not disintegrate quickly.] Tablets Salol (Phenyl Salicylate) 2% gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose : as an Intestinal Antiseptic, 1 or 2 tablets an hour before meals and two hours afterwards; for rheumatism, 1 or 2 tablets every hour until relieved; for catheter fever, gonorrhea and inflammation of the bladder, 1 tablet every two hours. Tablets Salol (Phenyl Salicylate) 5 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose: as an Intestinal Antiseptic, 1 tablet every three or four hours; in acute rheumatism, 1 to 4 tablets every two or three hours. Tablets Salol and Acetanilid. See Tablets Acetanilid and Salol. Tablets Salol and Acetphenetidin, Squibb (Salol and Phenacetin) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Salol (Phenyl This tablet is a favorite com- Salicyl.) 2]/2 8 r< f bination for reflex neuralgic Acetphenetidin 2J/2 gr. J and for rheumatic pains, as well as in the febrile stage of grip, in intercostal neuralgia, headache due to intestinal fermen- tation, and in acute attacks of tonsillitis, allaying pain, quieting restlessness and subduing fever. Dose: 1 tablet every half hour for two or three doses; then every two or three hours until relieved. These tablets should be kept in a cool place, as salol melts at about 106 F. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 405 Tablets Salol and Copaiba Half-Strength, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Salol (Phenyl Salicyl.) 1 gr. Copaiba 1 gr. Pepsin !/4 gr- Extract Kava i/2 gr. in combination with Oleoresin Cubeb, Oil Sandalwood and Oil Wintergreen. These tablets are used in catarrhal and infectious con- ditions of the urinary organs. They are skilfully prepared and represent the full thera- peutic activity of the formula, and the coating retains the volatile ingredients unaltered. They should be kept in a cool place. Dose : 2 or 3 tablets after meals, with plenty of water, three or four times a day. Tablets Salol and Phenacetin. See Tablets Salol and Acetphenetidin. Tablets Salol and Quinine. See Tablets Quinine and Salol. Tablets Salt 24 gr., Squibb Per 500 Per 100 C.T. These tablets are intended for preparing normal physiological salt solution. Dissolved in water in the proportion of 2 tablets in one pint, they yield a solution containing about six-tenths (0.6) of one percent, of pure sodium chloride; 2 tablets dis- solved in 12 fl. ozs. of water make about 0.85 percent, solution. Distilled or sterile water should be used in preparing the solu- tion, which should be strained through absorbent cotton. Tablets Santonin 1/10 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Santonin is employed for the destruction of round and thread worms. It is considered one of the best remedies, but in poorly nourished children must be given with caution, as it occasionally causes vomiting, headache, etc. It is preferably given in the morning on an empty stomach, and followed in about four hours by a dose of castor oil or some other purgative. Dose: 1 to 5 tablets, depending on the age of child. Tablets Santonin 1/4 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets, according to age, every two hours for not more than four doses, followed by a cathartic. Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification 'Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 406 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Santonin 1/2 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose: For older children, 1 or 2 tablets, according to age, every two hours, for not more than four doses, followed by a purgative. Tablets Santonin and Calomel, Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Santonin 1/2 gr. j Calomel increases the an- Calomel !/2 gr. } thelmintic action of Santonin, and increases its efficacy as a purgative. These tablets are used against round and thread worms. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets every two hours for not more than four doses. If bowels do not move after the last dose, a dose of castor oil or a saline cathartic should be given. Tablets Santonin and Calomel No. 2, Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Santonin 1 gr. { Dose : 1 tablet repeated after Calomel 1 gr. } two hours if necessary. Tablets Sciatica. See Tablets Aconite and Colchicum Com- pound. Tablets Sedative. See Tablets Triple Bromides and Cannabis Compound. Tablets Sedative No. 2. See Tablets Camphor, Hyoscyamus and Sumbul Compound. Tablets Sedative No. 3. See Tablets Asafetida and Valer- ian Compound. Tablets Silver Nitrate 1 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 These tablets are made from pure silver nitrate by careful com- pression and without undue exposure; they dissolve readily in distilled water, yielding a clear solution. One tablet dissolved in an ounce of water yields about a 1 : 500 solution. They are used for the extemporaneous preparation of collyria or injections, for which purpose they are admirably adapted. They darken by exposure to light, and are therefore furnished in black bottles. A slight blackening of the surface of the tablets, which is liable to occur in process of manufacture, should not condemn the tablet, as it usually occurs on the surface only and is diffi- cult to prevent. Directions: For solution, 1 tablet dissolved in 100 minims of water or 5 tablets to 1 fluidounce yields about a 1 percent, solution, and 1 tablet in 50 minims of water about a 2 percent, solution; these are used for instillation into the eyes of newborn infants to prevent gonorrhea! ophthalmia. Only distilled water should be used and the solution protected from light. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 407 f Tablets Silver Nitrate Compound, Squibb (Gastritis) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Silver Nitrate */4 gr- ELxt. Opium 1/g gr. Ext. Nux Vomica !/4 gr. Ext. Belladonna Vs gr- Potassium Nitrate Nitrate of silver is a power- ful Astringent to mucous surfaces. It has been found useful in inflamed conditions of the stomach and intestines, as in gastritis, chronic ulcer and diarrhea. The pain often produced by its ingestion is here guarded against by the opium and belladonna present. Pigmentation of the skin sometimes follows the continued use of these tablets, as it does with silver salts generally. Dose: 1 tablet with water an hour before eating; as an intestinal astringent, 1 tablet one or two hours after meals. Tablets Soda and Rhubarb. See Tablets Rhubarb and Soda. Tablets Soda=Mint, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Screw-cap pocket vials per doz., Sodium Bicarbonate 4 3 /4 gr. 1 This is an agreeable Antacid Ammonium Carbonate 1 /4 gr. j- and gastric stimulant, employed Oil Peppermint q. s. J in nausea, hyperacidity, flat- ulence and indigestion. Squibb's highly purified sodium bicarbonate is used in these tablets, and they will be found more palatable than similar preparations. The presence of ammonium carbonate in the formula adds very much to their prompt therapeutic action, especially in cases where f aintness is a symptom. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets repeated as required, allowed to dissolve in the mouth or taken with a swallow of water. Tablets Soda=Mint and Pepsin, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Sodium Bicarbonate 4^/2 g r - Ammonium Carbonate 1 /4 gr. Pepsin 1 gr. Oil Peppermint q. s. This combination at times gives relief in some forms of indigestion where there is an excessive secretion of hydro- chloric acid. In these cases the tablets are administered directly after meals. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets, repeated as required. The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 408 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Sodium Benzoate 5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Sodium benzoate is employed as an Antiseptic and Anti- rheumatic: in rheumatism, cystitis, gout, follicular tonsillitis, coryza, etc. Dose: 1 to 2 tablets three or four times a day, with a glass of water, between meals; in tonsillitis and thrush, 1 tablet allowed to dissolve slowly in the mouth every two hours. Tablets Sodium Bicarbonate 5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. These tablets are made from Squibb's high quality sodium bicar- bonate, which is perfectly free from carbonate and hence with- out the bitter taste common to the regular market article. They are used for correcting acidity of the stomach, heartburn, and allied disturbances. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets after meals, or as required, to be repeated if necessary in half an hour. Tablets Sodium Bicarbonate and Bismuth. See Tablets Bismuth and Sodium Bicarbonate. Tablets Sodium Bicarbonate and Magnesia, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Sodium Bicarbonate lOgr. ) A favorite Antacid and Magnesia Calcined Light 10 gr. j Antizymotic, with mild laxative action when given in large doses. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets about two hours after meals, or every three or four hours if required. fTablets Sodium Bicarbonate Compound, Squibb (Colic No. 2, Infantile) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Sodium Bicarbonate 1 gr. 1 These tablets are used in Paregoric 2 min. [ fermentation, colic and rest- Oil Fennel q. s. J lessness in young children. As they are not unpleasant to the taste, children do not, as a rule, object to them. They dissolve readily in warm water, and the dose may be easily regulated to suit the age of the patient. Each tablet contains 2 minims of paregoric, equivalent to 1/125 grain of powdered opium. Directions: Dissolve 10 tablets in 10 teaspoonfuls of warm water, and give 10 to 20 drops every ten or fifteen min- utes until relieved. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 409 Tablets Sodium Bromide 5 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 Sodium bromide is the salt most frequently employed in nerve sedation, as it is less unpleasant to the taste and its continued use is said not to cause such marked depression as the potas- sium salt. It is used in epilepsy, mania, and excited states of the nervous system with loss of sleep and reflex irritability. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets, with water, every hour or two until relieved. Tablets Sodium Bromide 10 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per fOO Dose: 1 tablet every hour for three doses, as a Hypnotic; 2 or more tablets three times daily in epilepsy. Tablets Sodium Citrate 2 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 These tablets are intended for use in the modification of cow's milk for infant feeding according to the method elaborated* by Drs. A. C. Cotton, Allin and J. W. Vanderslice. The sodium citrate is said to inhibit dense coagulation of the milk and thus render it more digestible. Directions: A concentrated aqueous solution is made with one or more tablets and added to the bottle of food at the time of feeding in quantities repre- senting 1 to 3 grains of the citrate to each fluidounce of pure milk in the feeding mixture; the amount varies with the con- ditions, the object being to attain complete digestion of the milk as shown by the absence of curds in the stools. Tablets Sodium Citrate 5 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Used the same as the preceding tablets. Tablets Sodium Glycocholate Compound, Squibb (Dr. A. C. Croftan) Pink=coated (P. C. T.) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Sodium Glycocholate 1 gr. 7 Glycocholate of sodium is Acid Salicylic Natural 1 gr. j indicated where the biliary secretion is deficient. It is regarded as an ideal, true Cholagogue, increasing the secre- tions from the liver where the secreting cells are intact. It has been observed to increase the flow of bile to a very large extent and to be of value in cholelithiasis. Rutherford estab- lished the cholagogue effect of sodium salicylate, and the union of the two remedies is here offered for clinical trial, as has been suggested by Dr. A. C. Croftan. Dose: 1 tablet before meals, with abundant water. The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 410 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Sodium Phosphate 10 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Sodium phosphate acts as a Saline Cathartic. It is used mainly in the treatment of habitual constipation with hepatic torpor and mental hebetude. Dose: 1 to 3 tablets before breakfast, in a glass of hot water, to produce a natural movement of the bowels without debilitating effect. The sodium phosphate in these tablets is free from arsenic and their use may therefore be continued as long as necessary without danger. Tablets Sodium Phosphate Compound, Squibb (Laxative, Children's, Dr. E. Chapin) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Sodium Phosph. Dried 1 gr. 1 This is an agreeable Laxative Rhubarb Powdered VlO gr. I for young children. The ac- Sulphur !/5 gr. [ tion of the sodium phosphate Oil Peppermint q. t. J is supplemented by rhubarb , and sulphur. For use in very young children the tablets are crushed and mixed with a little water in a spoon. Dose: for infants, 1 to 3 tablets a day; for children one year or over, 3 tablets three times a day, in- creasing or reducing the dose as effect is produced. Tablets Sodium Salicylate 3 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Sodium salicylate is an Antiferment and Antirheumatic. It increases the excretion of urea and uric acid and corrects gastric and intestinal fermentation. In acute rheumatism it commonly allays pain and fever, reduces the swelling and inflammation and prevents cardiac complications. It is deemed useful also in chronic rheumatism and for the relief of neuralgic and sciatic pains. Its administration occasionally produces nausea, and it should not be given during the process of digestion. Strontium salicylate is usually substituted where the sodium salt disagrees with the patient. Dose : 1 tablet every two or three hours, with water. Tablets Sodium Salicylate 5 gr., Squibb C. T., Plain or Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Wintergreen Flavor Dose : 1 to 3 tablets every three or four hours, with water. Tablets Sodium Salicylate from Natural Acid, 5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. By some practitioners sodium salicylate prepared from natural salicylic acid (so-called "true" salicylic acid) is claimed to be better borne by the stomach and to be therapeutically more active than that made from the synthetic acid. While this may be true when impure salicylic acid is used in the preparation of the sodium salicylate, it is extremely doubtful whether the natural product offers any advantages over a properly made SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 411 Tablets Sodium Salicylate from Natural Acid, 5 gr., Squibb (Cont.) and pure synthetic preparation. As there exists, however, a demand for this article, we have added these tablets to our list. Dose : 1 to 3 tablets every three or four hours, with water. t Tablets Sodium Salicylate and Colchicine Compound, Squibb (Rheumatism, Dr. Liggett) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Sodium Salicylate 5 gr. 1 Sodium salicylate is generally Colchicine 1 /120 gr. f conceded to be an efficient Codeine Sulphate Vl6 gr. J remedy in articular rheuma- tism, relieving pain and in- flammation and reducing the fever. Colchicine favors elimi- nation of effete material, and frequently aborts an attack. Co- deine contributes a mild anodyne effect. These tablets have been found efficient in the treatment of acute and chronic at- tacks of rheumatism and gout. Dose: 1 tablet every three or four hours, with water, unlit the pain abates or the bowels move freely. f Tablets Sodium Salicylate and Colchicum Compound, No. 2, Squibb (Antirheumatic No. 3) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Sodium Salicylate 7 */2 g r - Wine Colchicum Seed U.S.P/90 21/2 min. Sodium Bicarbonate 2 gr. Wintergreen Flavor q. s. These tablets have been found useful in acute and chronic rheumatism, arthritis, and rheumatic pharyngitis. They contain a larger dose of sodium salicylate than other combinations listed, while the presence of sodium bicarbonate tends to lessen gastric irritation and correct hyperacidity. The addition of wintergreen renders them more palatable. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets every three or four hours. Tablets Sodium Salicylate Compound, Squibb (Antifermenta-tive) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate*coated (C. C. T.) Sodium Salicylate 2 gr. } These tablets are used for Ginger Powdered 2 gr. I their Carminative and Anti- Capscium Powdered Vio gr. [ zymotic action in attacks of Cardamom Powdered 1 /4 gr. J digestive disturbance attended by flatulence, pain and diarrhea. Dose : in flatulence or colic, 1 tablet, in water, one to two hours after meals, followed by 1 at bedtime, if necessary. In diarrhea, 1 or 2 tablets every two or three hours. The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 412 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Sodium Succinate 5 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Sodium Succinate has latterly come into vogue as a Cholagogue and Alterative for use in the treatment of cholecystitis, choleli- thiasis and catarrhal conditions of the gall bladder and bile duct. Clinical experience seems to prove that often under its prolonged use paroxysms of biliary colic become less frequent and less intense and sometimes cease entirely. By virtue of its cholagogue action, it tends to limit the formation of calculi and to aid in their elimination. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets three or four times a day. A saline cathartic should occasionally be given. f Tablets Sparteine Compound, Squibb (Cardiac, Dr. Waldstein) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Sparteine Sulphate 1 /io gr. ~| These tablets are used in Codeine !/2Q gr. rapid heart action with irreg- Tr. Strophanthus > ular pulse, hurried respiration U. S. P. '90 3 min. and derangement of the func- Caffeme Citrated */2 gr. J lions of the kidneys. Dose : 1 tablet every 3 or 4 hours, with water. Tablets Sparteine Sulphate 1/10 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Sparteine sulphate is considered by many physicians to be a useful Heart Tonic and Regulator in the incompetency of chronic valvular disease and in cardiac arhythmia; others em- ploy it mainly for its diuretic effects in cases of cardiac dropsy. It is believed to be free from cumulative action. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets three or four times a day. (NoTE. The dose of sparteine sulphate is variable. Some observers claim to ob- tain results from as little as 1/20 grain, while others recom- mend it to be given in 2-grain doses. It is probably best to begin with a small dose, say 1/10 grain, and rapidly increase it until effective.) ^* Tablets Sparteine Sulphate 1/4 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose : I tablet every three or four hours, in irregular heart action and in dropsy. Tablets Strontium Salicylate 5 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Highly recommended by Dr. H. C. Wood as an Intestinal Antiseptic for gouty and rheumatic patients, and for its Anti- rheumatic effect in all cases where the salicylates are indicated. As an intestinal antiseptic, it is preferred by Dr. Wood to salol, naphthol, etc. Dose : 1 to 3 tablets with water every three or four hours; for fermentation and flatulence, 1 or 2 tablets before or immediately after meals. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 413 Tablets Strontium Salicylate and Charcoal Compound, Squibb (Corrective) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Strontium Salicylate 2 gr. 1 Strontium Salicylate acts as Charcoal 2 gr. an Antizymotic similar to so- Gingerin Vs 8 r - f dium salicylate; in combina- Oleoresin Capsicum VlOO g r - *i n with charcoal and car- Oil Cloves q. s J minatives, as in this formula, its value is increased. These tablets have been found useful in gastric and intestinal indi- gestion with flatulence, fermentation, pain and diarrhea. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets before meals or immediately after, repeated in two hours if needed; for diarrhea, 1 tablet every two or three hours. ^Tablets Strophanthus Compound, Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Tr. Strophan. U .S. P. '90 2 min. 1 The action of digitalis is Tr. Digitalis U. S. P. '90 3 min. 3 here reinforced by that of strophanthus, this union, according to some authorities, producing a more regular action of the heart. Strophanthus is said to act on the heart in a manner similar to digitalis, but to be more rapid and less per- sistent. The careful selection of drug and the skill with which these tablets are prepared guarantee a prompt and uniform ther- apeutic action. Dose: 1 tablet every two hours, decreasing dose as the heart action becomes stronger and more regular. *Tablets Strophanthus Compound No. 2, Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Tr. Stroph. U.S.P."90, 2 min. 1 Although many consider the Tr. Digit. U.S.P.'90 2 min. j- combination of a number of Nitroglycerin VlOO gr J heart remedies unscientific, this formula enjoys consider- able use. The addition of nitroglycerin lessens arterial ten- sion and reduces the work of the heart. This tablet is em- ployed where the cardiac action is rapid, feeble or irregular, with pallid countenance and neuralgic pains. Dose : 1 tablet three times a day. , Tablets Strophanthus Compound No. 4, Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Tr. Stroph. U.S.P.'90 2 min. "I Although objection has been Tr. Digit. U.S.P.'90 2 min. > made on scientific grounds to Strychnine Sulphate 1 /ioo g""- J combining several heart drugs in one mixture, this formula is a favorite with many physicians. It is a modification of our Tablets Strophanthus Compound, the difference consisting in the addition of VlOO grain of strychnine sulphate. Dose: 1 tablet three or four times daily. Squibb's Tablets are made from the Squibb quality of ingredients and by improved processes that insure accurate dosage and rapid and complete disintegration or solution in the system, hence prompt and full therapeutic effect. Specify SQUIBB'S. 414 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Strophanthus and Digitalis Compound. See Tab- lets Digitalis and Strophanthus Compound. Tablets Strychnine, Digitalis and Nitroglycerin. See Tablets Nitroglycerin, Digitalis and Strychnine. Tablets Strychnine and Ipecac Compound, Squibb (Anorexia No. 2; Dyspeptic, Dr. E. Haworth.) Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Strychnine Sulphate !/40 gr. ] This combination has been Ipecac !/8 gr. I used in certain conditions of Rhubarb 1 /4 gr. f the system where the desire Capsicum !/8 8 r - J f r food is below normal, and where digestion is faulty. It represents a combination of digestive stimulants and tonics, which, by increasing the secretion from the salivary and peptic glands, promote the elaboration and elimination of the contents of the stomach, with consequent returning appetite. Dose: 1 tablet before or immediately after meals, repeated in an hour if necessary. Tablets Strychnine, Iron and Arsenic. See Tablets Iron, Arsenic and Strychnine. *Tablets Strychnine Nitrate 1/60 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. C. T. or P. C. T. Strychnine strengthens the action of the heart, excites the flow of the gastric juice, stimulates the peristaltic action of the in- testines and is deemed a good tonic in atonic conditions of the system. It stimulates the motor and vasomotor centers of the cord; according to Ringer, it lessens resistance of the cord and increases the diffusibility of impressions. It is used in muscular atrophy, neuritis, gastralgia, atonic dyspepsia, as a heart tonic, in neuralgic affections, in combating chronic alcoholism, and as a general tonic in anemia and debility. Dose : 1 tablet after meals in dyspepsia and as a general tonic. *Tablets Strychnine Nitrate 1/50 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. C. C. T. or P. C. T. Dose: 1 tablet three times a day as a Stomachic Tonic in dys- pepsia; 1 tablet every three or four hours in the treatment of the alcohol habit, and as a general Tonic and Aphrodisiac. Tablets Strychnine Nitrate 1/40 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. C. C. T. or P. C. T. Dose : 1 tablet after eating, with a swallow of water. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 415 Tablets Strychnine Nitrate 1/30 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. C. T. or P. C. T. Dose: 1 tablet every four hours, in atonic conditions of the bladder; I tablet after meals in dyspepsia with anorexia and gastralgia; in alcoholism, 1 tablet every four hours in combina- tion with other tonics. (See also Tablets Gold and Sodium Chloride Compound, Squibb.) Tablets Strychnine, Quinine and Iron. See Tablets Iron, Quinine and Strychnine. Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 1/100 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. C. T. or P. C. T. Dose : As a general Tonic, 1 tablet three times a day, directly after meals. Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 1/60 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. C. T., R. C. T. or P. C. T. Dose: 1 tablet after each meal, as a Digestive and general Nerve Tonic. Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 1/50 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. C. T. or P. C. T. Dose : I tablet after meals and at bedtime as a Nerve and Gas- tric Stimulant. Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 1/40 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. C. T., R. C: T. or P. C. T. Dose : 1 tablet after meals as a Cardiac and General Tonic and as a Digestive Stimulant. Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 1/30 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. C. T., R. C. T. or P. C. T. Dose : 1 tablet after meals and at bedtime as a Cardiac and General Tonic, Aphrodisiac, and Digestive Stimulant. Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 1/20 gr., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. C. T. Dose: I tablet after meals as a Nerve Tonic. f This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 416 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Sulphocarbolates Combined, Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Zinc Sulphocarb. ' 1 1/2 gr. 1 These tablets are used as an Sodium Sulphocarb. l*/28 r *f Astringent and Antiseptic in Calcium Sulphocarb. l^/28 r> J intestinal fermentation, typhoid and tuberculous diarrhea, in- testinal catarrh, etc. Dose : 1 tablet, with water, before meals, repeated in two hours if necessary. Tablets Sulphonethylmethane 5 gr., Squibb (Trional) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. For sleeplessness caused by mental excitement or worry, where pain is not a symptom, trional is considered" 1 a safe and reliable hypnotic, reported to be noncumulative and usually free from bad after-effects, except where constipation exists, which con- dition is overcome by the use of alkaline mineral waters. Dose: I tablet every hour for three doses before retiring; or 3 at a dose, taken in soup, beef tea, hot milk or water. Tablets Sulphonethylmethane 5 gr., Squibb (Trional) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Hypnotic. Dose : 1 tablet every hour for three doses before retiring, or 3 tablets at one dose at bedtime, taken in hot tea, beef tea or hot milk. During its continued use, as with Tablets Sulphonmethane, it is advised to give alkaline waters freely and to avoid constipation. Tablets Sulphonmethane 5 gr., Squibb (Sulphonal) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Hypnotic, in simple insomnia and in sleeplessness present in mental diseases attended with excitement and delirium; also a Sedative in neuroses with a spasmodic element. Dose : 1 tablet every hour for three doses before retiring, or 3 or 4 tablets at one dose with a hot drink on retiring. Tablets Sulphur Compound, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Chocolate*coated (C. C. T.) Sulphur 5 gr. Cream Tartar 1 gr. Ext. Ipecac Vino g r - Ext. Capsicum Vsoo gi^ Acid Arsenous VlOOO gr- Calcium Sulphide i/8 g r - These tablets are used in the treatment of boils, acne and pimples, with indigestion and constipation; also in pityriasis and chronic eczema. Dose : I tablet three times a day, af- ter meals and at bedtime. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 417 Tablets Sutnbul, Camphor and Hyoscyamus Compound. See Tablets Camphor, Hyoscyamus and Sumbul Compound. Tablets Sumbul Compound, Squibb (Dr. Goodell) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Extract Sumbul 1 gr. "] These tablets possess Hema- Iron Sulphate Dried 1 gr. I tinic and Antispasmodic prop- Asafetida 2 gr. f erties. They appear to give Acid Arsenous V40 gr. J best results in anemic patients with nervous or hysterical symptoms. The flatulence and distress after eating which us- ually cause so much disturbance in this class of patients are as a rule also corrected. The asafetida used in these tablets is of the highest quality, while its disagreeable odor and taste are completely masked by the very soluble coating. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets after meals and at bedtime. fTablets Sumbul Compound No. 2, Squibb (Hysteria) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Extract Sumbul 1 gr. Iron Sulphate Dried 1 gr. Asafetida 2 gr. Acid Arsenous VlOO 8 r - Apomorphine Hydrochlor. VoO g r - The nervous manifesta- tions grouped under the title of hysteria are fre- quently relieved and their further development ar- rested by the use of this combination of tonics and antispasmodics. Asafetida and sum- bul have been found useful in spasmodic conditions, the former relieving the tympanites and colic. Ringer mentions the useful- ness of apomorphine hydrochloride in hysteria; iron and arsenic, by improving the condition of the patient, tend to remove the cause and often prevent recurrent attacks. Dose : 1 tablet hourly for three or four doses, with a glass of water. Tablets, Sun Cholera. See Tablets Opium and Camphor Compound. Tablets, Syphilis. See Tablets Potassium Iodide and Mercury. Tablets Tannic Acid and Zinc Sulphate Compound. See Tablets Zinc Sulphate and Tannic Acid Compound. Tablets Terpin Hydrate 3 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Terpin hydrate is considered a valuable Antiseptic Expectorant, free from disagreeable taste, not readily disturbing digestion, and in proper doses not causing constitutional disturbances. Three to five grains repeated every three or four hours produce in- creased secretion of bronchial mucus and facilitate expectoration. Terpin hydrate is insoluble in water, and unless tablets made from it disintegrate quickly in the stomach its efficiency is les- B 418 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Terpin Hydrate 3 gr., Squibb (Cont.) sened or altogether destroyed. Tablets Terpin Hydrate Squibb break up at once in the system, as may be readily proved by dropping a tablet into water, or holding one on the tongue for a few minutes. Dose : 1 tablet every three hours with water. Tablets Terpin Hydrate 5 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose: I tablet every three or four hours, with water. Tablets Terpin Hydrate and Creosote Compound, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Terpin Hydrate 2 gr. ) This formula has won favor Creosote 1 min. I in the treatment of tubercu- Strychnine Sulph. 1/eo gr. [ losis. It is said to arrest Eucalyptol 1/2 min. J morbid pathological changes in the alimentary canal and thus allow digestion to proceed in a natural way, with an im- provement in nutrition and increased resistance to the infection. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets after meals with water. f Tablets Terpin Hydrate and Creosote Compound No. 2, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C.T. Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Terpin Hydrate 2 grs. Creosote 1 min. Diacetylmorphine Hydro- chloride 1 /4s gr. Strychnine Sulph. I/HO gr. Eucalyptol 1/0 min. Iron Carbonate Sacch. 1 gr. This formula is a modifica- tion of the preceding one, to which an iron tonic and a cough sedative have been added. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets every three or four hours. NOTE. These tablets should be used cautiously and the possible formation of the morphine habit guarded against. {Tablets Terpin Hydrate and Heroin, Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Terpin Hydrate 2J/2 gr. "1 This formula is used to con- Diacetylmorphine > trol cough in acute and (Heroin) 1/50 gr. J chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, grip and phthisis. Terpin hydrate is a stimulating expectorant, with antiseptic properties. In moderate doses it causes increased secretion of bronchial mucus, facilitates expectoration, and may be continued without interfering with the appetite or digestion. Diacetylmorphine serves to allay cough, deepen respiration and quiet the pulse. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets every two or three hours until the cough is quieted, then at longer intervals. NOTE. These tab- lets should be used cautiously and the possible formation of the morphine habit guarded against. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 419 {Tablets Terpin Hydrate and Heroin Compound, Squibb (Cough Sedative, Dr. F. W. Shaw) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Terpin Hydrate 2*/2 gr. 1 This combination is Diacetylmorph. (Heroin) 1 /so gr. I found useful in cough Pilocarpine Hydrochloride VlOO gr- [ with irritated throat Potassium Dichromate ^200 gr- J a d painful expectora- tion. Dose: 1 tablet every two or three hours until the cough abates, then at longer in- tervals. NOTE. These tablets should be used cautiously and the possible formation of the morphine habit guarded against. Tablets Three Iodides, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Mercury Iodide Red Vso gr- 1 Cutaneous diseases of a scaly Arsenic Iodide 1 /40 r - f nature, chronic rheumatism Iron Iodide 1/12 8 r - J an< ^ tertiary syphilis are indi- cations for the use of this formula. It represents three of the most powerful alteratives, which act upon the blood and absorbent system, increase elim- ination of waste products, and by overcoming the impoverished state of the blood, tend to bring about a restoration of health. Dose: 1 tablet, with water, three or four times a day. Tablets Three Valerates, Squibb (Three Valerianates) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Iron Valerate 1 gr. 1 For the relief of the nervous Quinine Valerate 1 gr. > symptoms usually seen in , Zinc Valerate 1 gr. J hysterical subjects, these tab- lets are often used with decided beneficial results. They act as an Antispasmodic, Ner- vine and Tonic. The disagreeable odor of the ingredients is well masked by the coating, and patients as a rule do not object to their administration. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets after meals, with water. Tablets, Throat (Dr. Quinlan). See Tablets Acid Benzoic and Belladonna Compound. Tablets Thyroid Gland 2 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 These tablets are prepared from the thyroid glands of sheep, freed from fat, carefully cleaned and dried at low temperature. Each tablet represents 10 grains of the fresh gland in the state of full therapeutic activity. Thyroid glands have been used as an Alterative, Hemostatic and Antifat, in myxedema, obesity, struma, obstinate hemorrhage and cretinism. Dose : 1 tablet 3 times a day, gradually increased in accordance with the tolerance of the patient. The prices of the Squibb Products are in aH instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 420 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Thyroid Gland 5 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Dose : 1 tablet 3 times a day, gradually increased and adapted to the tolerance of the patient. Tablets Tincture Nux Vomica 1 min., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) For indications and uses, see Tablets Nux Vomica Extract !/4 gr. One minim of tincture nux vomica corresponds in strength to 1 /(;4 grain of extract nux vomica. Dose : 1 or 2 tab- lets after meals. Tablets Tincture Nux Vomica 5 min., Squibb T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Five minims of tincture nux vomica corresponds in strength to Vl2 grain of extract nux vomica. Dose: 1 tablet after meals. Tablets Tincture Warburg's. See Tablets Warburg's Tinc- ture. Tablets, Tonic, Aiken's. See Tablets Quinine and Iron Compound. Tablets, Tonic, Bitter. See Tablets Nux and Ipecac Comp. Tablets, Tonic, Children's. See Tablets Blaud's Pills Com- pound No. 4. Tablets, Tonic Laxative, Blaud's. See Tablets Blaud's Mass and Aloin. Tablets, Tonic, Uterine. See Tablets Ergot and Hydrastine. Tablets, Tonsillitis. See Tablets Aconite and Mercury Comp. Tablets Trional. See Tablets Sulphonethylmethane. Tablets Triple Arsenates, Squibb (Dr. G. H. Hill) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Iron Arsenate 1 /3o gr- ] These tablets have been used Quinine Arsenate 1 /ao i r - f with reputed success in ob- Strychnine Arsenate l/oo gr. J stinate malarial affections, anemia and general debili- tated conditions. They possess Tonic and Alterative properties, and by their action upon the blood and nutrition have been shown to overcome the depraved state of the system. By thorough trituration accurate dosage is assured; and as the tablets are prepared so that they rapidly disintegrate in the stomach, prompt and uniform therapeutic effects may con- fidently be expected. Dose : 1 tablet with water after meals. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 421 Tablets Triple Bromides, Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Sodium Bromide 2 1 /2 gr. ") The bromides are employed Potassium Bromide 2*/2 gr. f in nervous excitement due to Ammonium Bromide 2*/2 gr. J nerve irritation, but not when caused by derangement of nerve function due to exhaustion. This tablet is employed in wakefulness and nervous conditions from overwork or worry, hysteria, chorea, epilepsy, tetanus, nausea, seasickness, and as a Nerve Sedative generally. Dose : 1 to 4 tablets, dissolved in water, every three hours until effective. Tablets Triple Bromides No. 2, Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Sodium Bromide 5 gr. "I These tablets are just twice Potassium Bromide 5 gr. [ the strength of the preceding. Ammonium Bromide 5 gr. J Dose : 1 or 2 tablets, dis- solved in water, three or four times daily, as a Nerve Sedative in epilepsy, etc. Tablets Triple Bromides Effervescent, Squibb C.T. Bottle of 25, ; bottle of 100, Ammonium Bromide 3 gr. 1 This formula represents a Sodium Bromide 6 gr. > pleasant, effervescent combina- Potassium Bromide 6 gr. J lion of the three commonly prescribed bromides, twice the strength of the regular formula. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets with water, taken while effervescing, three or four times a day. Keep the bottle well corked and in a dry place, and dispense the tablets only in bottles. Tablets Triple Bromides and Cannabis Compound, Squibb (Sedative) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Sodium Bromide 2^/2 gr. Potassium Bromide 2 1 J2 gr- Ammonium Bromide 2 1 / gr. Tr. Cannabis U.S.P. '90 5~min Tincture Hyoscyamus 5 min. Where the use of the bro- mides must be continued for any length of time this com- bination is said to exert a bet- ter sedative effect and cause less systemic disturbance than the individual doses of the separate salts. Tolerance is still further assisted by the modifying action of the hyoscyamus and the cannabis. These tablets, are used in excited and irritable states of the nervous system, in wakefulness caused by over- work or worry, in hysteria, epilepsy, delirium, and to control seminal emissions and sexual excitement generally. Dispense in glass. Dose : 1 tablet every half hour or hour for three or four doses, dissolved in water. If difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 422 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Triple Bromides and Hyoscyamus Compound, Squibb (Triple Bromides and Physostigma Comp.; Epilep- tic, Dr. Batton) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 C. T. Sodium Bromide 3 gr. Ammonium Bromide 3 gr. Potassium Bromide 3 gr. Extract Hyoscyamus J/2 gr. Tincture Physostigma 2J/2 min. Used mainly in epilepsy with reputed success. Dose : 2 tab- lets three times a day, with water. Dispense in glass. Tablets Triplex. See Tablets Aloes, Mercury and Podophyl- lin. fTablets, Tully's, 2 1/2 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 T.T. Morphine Sulphate 3 /go S*. 1 These tablets represent the Camphor Powdered 4 /s gr. j active ingredients of Tully's Powder (Powder Morphine Compound), part of the licorice root and all of the chalk being omitted, however. They are used for their Diaphoretic and Soporific effects in the early stages of bronchial attacks, similarly to Dover's Powder, the therapeutic action of the two prepara- tions being alike. Dose: 1 tablet every two or three hours until relieved; or 4 tablets at bedtime, with a hot drink. Tablets Urease, 0.1 Qm., Squibb Per 100 For the rapid estimation of urea in urine, blood, etc. (See Urease [Part I]). Write for complete literature. Tablets, Uterine Tonic. See Tablets Ergot and Hydrastine. Tablets, Vaginal Astringent. See Tablets Zinc Sulphate and Tannic Acid Compound. Tablets Valerates, Three. See Tablets Three Valerates. Tablets Viburnum Compound, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Ext. Viburnum Prunifol. 1 gr. Ext. Viburnum Opulus 1 gr. Ext. Aletris Farinosa 1 /o gr. Ext. Helonias Dioica !/o gr. Ext. Mitchella Repens */2 gr. Calophyllin */4 gr. A combination of several drugs, believed to act as a tonic to the uterine organs, al- lay inflammation and pain and relieve congestion. In pain- ful menstruation and where the flow is scanty or too pro- fuse they are said to be of benefit Dose: 1 or 2 tablets every two or three hours with a swallow of hot tea, beginning the treatment several days before the expected period. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 423 Tablets Viburnum Compound No. 2, Squibb (Endometritis) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Ext. Viburnum Prunifol. 2 gr. Ext. Hamamelis 1 gr. Ext. Ergot !/ 2 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica Vl2 gr. Hydrastin This formula is used in re- laxed and painful conditions of the uterine organs; in en- dometritis, alone or in con- junction with topical applica- tions; in dysmenorrhea and metrorrhagia. The extracts in this formula are carefully pre- pared at our own laboratories, and are incorporated into tablets without heat, so that none of their therapeutic properties are destroyed. Dose: 1 tablet 3 or 4 times a day. Tablets Warburg's Tincture, Squibb (With Aloes) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) These tablets are prepared by careful evaporation of Warburg's Tincture at low temperature, and possess the full therapeutic activity of the preparation. Each tablet represents one tea- spoonful of the tincture. They have been used in malarial dis- orders with much benefit, but at times under their continued ad- ministration the laxative effect may be too great. Dose : 1 or 2 tablets 3 or 4 times a day, decreasing the dose or alternating with Tablets Warburg's Tincture without aloes if the bowels move too freely. Tablets Warburg's Tincture without Aloes, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Warburg's Tincture is often effective in chronic malarial con- ditions, where the usual remedies are of no avail. The tincture used in these tablets is carefully evaporated at low temperature, so that none of the volatile ingredients are lost. The tablets represent the full potency of the formula in an active and sol- uble form. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets three times a day, after meals, preceding the treatment by an active cathartic. Tablets Warburg's Tincture Improved, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Warburg's Tincture "I The addition of arsenous (without aloes) 1 fl.dr. \ acid to Warburg's Tincture Acid Arsenous VlOO g r - J serves to greatly improve its Antimalarial effect. Dose: 1 or 2 tablets three times a day, after meals. Tablets Wash Astringent. See Tablets Lead and Zinc Compound. The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing med- icinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 424 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Whooping-Cough. See Tablets Antipyrine and Heroin Compound. Tablets Witch Hazel and Helonias Compound. See Tablets Helonias and Witch Hazel Compound. Tablets Zinc Phosphide and Cannabis Compound, Squibb (Neuralgic, Dr. Kenyon) T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Zinc Phosphide i/16 gr. ] These tablets are employed in Extract Cannabis */8 gr. pains caused by derangement Strychnine Sulphate 1 /eo gr. r of nerve functions. In neu- Sodium Arsenite 1 /20 gr. ralgias, sciatica, and spas- Aconitine 1 /400 gr- J modic pains generally, they lessen nerve irritability and excitement, and, by improving the nutrition of the nerves, tend to prevent a recurrence of the neuralgic attacks. Dose : 1 tablet every two hours for three doses, then every three or four hours. Tablets Zinc Phosphide, Cannabis and Nux, Squibb (Nerve Tonic No. 5) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Chocolate-coated (C. C. T.) Zinc Phosphide 1 /g gr. 1 The action of these tablets is Extract Cannabis */8 gr. r that of a Nerve Tonic and Ext. Nux Vomica */8 g r - J Stimulant. They are used mainly to control nervous irritability. Dose : 1 tablet with water after meals. Tablets Zinc Sulphate 1 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 These tablets contain only the Squibb quality of pure zinc sulphate, hence dissolve freely and yield a clear solution in distilled water. They are intended for the convenient prepara- tion of astringent solutions. Directions : Dissolve 1 to 3 tablets in 1 fluidounce distilled water, for use as a collyrium, injection or local astringent application. Tablets Zinc Sulphate and Tannic Acid Compound, Squibb (Vaginal Astringent) C.T. Per 500 Per 100 Zinc Sulphate 2 gr. Acid Tannic 2 gr. Alum 3 gr. Acid Boric 6 gr. FI. Gold. Seal, Colorl. I min. For preparing vaginal douches that are used as an Astringent and Tonic to the vaginal mucous membrane, arrest dis- charge, and lessen inflamma- tion. These tablets dissolve quickly in water and are very convenient. They are said to restore tonicity, remove foul odors, lessen discharge and to be useful also in septic conditions and relaxed states of the mucous membrane. Directions: 1 or more tablets, depending upon the symptoms, are dissolved in a quart of hot water and employed as a vaginal douche. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 425 Tablets Zinc Sulphocarbolate 2 gr., Squibb C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 This formula is used for its Astringent and Antiseptic effect in intestinal catarrh attended with flatulence, fermentation and inflammation. In typhoid fever, enteritis, tuberculous diarrhea and dysentery it is also said to act well. Dose: 1 tablet every two hours with water. * Tablets, Zinc Sulphocarbolate and Calomel pound, Squibb (Cholera Infantum, Dr. Fenwick) T.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Zinc Sulphocarb. 1/20 gr. Calomel 1 /eo gr. Salol l/io gr. Bismuth Subnitrate 1/2 gr. Pepsin 1/4 gr. In the treatment of fermenta- tive diarrhea in children, this formula has proved very fective, acting as an Anti- septic, Sedative and Astrin- gent. Dose: for infants six months to one year old, 1 tablet every ten minutes for the first hour, then every* half hour or hour until relieved. Tablets Zinc Sulphocarbolate Compound, Squibb (Intestinal Antiseptic) C.T. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Zinc Sulphocarbol. 1/2 gr. Bismuth Subgallate 2 gr. Betanaphthol 1/2 gr. Copper Arsenite 1/200 gr. Oil Cinnamon q. s. Disordered digestion, coated tongue, flatulence and intes- tinal catarrh are the indica- tions for the use of this formula. Copper arsenite acts as an alterative and antisep- tic and is ranked among the best remedies in intestinal indigestion and diarrhea, acting equally well in acute or chronic cases. Betanaphthol is considered a reliable antiseptic. Zinc Sulpho- carbolate and bismuth subgallate tend to overcome atonic con- ditions of the mucous membrane and to allay the irritable and inflammatory state of the alimentary canal. Dose: 1 or 2 tab- lets with water every three or four hours until relieved; then 1 tablet after meals. HYPOPERMIC TABLETS Bottle Tube of 100 of 25 fApomorphine Hydrochloride 1/20 gr., Squibb fApomorphine Hydrochloride 1/10 gr., Squibb Atropine and Morphine. See Morphine and Atropine. Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 426 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA (Hypodermic Tablets, Conl.) Bottle Tuba of 100 of 25 Atropine Sulphate 1/200 gr., Squibb Atropine Sulphate 1/150 gr., Squibb Atropine Sulphate 1/100 gr., Squibb Atropine Sulphate 1/50 gr., Squibb Caffeine Citrated 1/4 gr., Squibb Caffeine Citrated 1/2 gr., Squibb Caffeine and Sodium Benzoate, 1/4 gr., Squibb Caffeine and Sodium Benzoate 1/2 gr., Squibb Caffeine and Sodium Benzoate 1 gr., Squibb fCocaine Hydrochloride 1/10 gr., Squibb fCocaine Hydrochloride 1/4 gr., Squibb fCodeine Phosphate 1/8 gr., Squibb fCodeine Phosphate 1/4 gr., Squibb fCodeine Phosphate 1/2 gr., Squibb fCodeine Phosphate 1 gr., Squibb fCodeine Sulphate 1/16 gr., Squibb fCodeine Sulphate 1/8 gr., Squibb fCodeine Sulphate 1/4 gr., Squibb fCodeine Sulphate 1/2 gr., Squibb fCodeine Sulphate 1 gr., Squibb fDiacetylmorphine Hydrochloride 1/24 gr., Squibb f Diacetylmorphine Hydrochloride" 1/12 gr., Squibb fDiacetylmorphine Hydrochloride 1/6 gr., Squibb Digitalin 1/100 gr., Squibb Digitalin 1/50 gr., Squibb Digitalin 1/25 gr., Squibb Digitalin and Strychnine, Squibb Digitalin !/100 gr. Strychnine Sulphate 1 /eo gr- SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 427 (Hypodermic Tablels, Con/.) Bottle Tube of 100 of 25 Digitalin and Strychnine Compound, Squibb Digitalin 1 /100 g r - Strychnine Nitrate 1 /eo gr. Nitroglycerin VlOO gr- Eserine Salicylate 1/100 gr., Squibb Eserine Salicylate 1/60 gr., Squibb Eserine Salicylate 1/50 gr., Squibb fHeroin Hydrochloride 1/24 gr., Squibb fHeroin Hydrochloride 1/12 gr., Squibb j-Heroin Hydrochloride 1/6 gr., Squibb fHubbard's Bromides No. 1, Squibb Morphine Hydrobromide 1 /.j gr. Hyoscine Hydrobromide 1 /ioo g r - fHubbard's Bromides No. 2, Squibb Morphine Hydrobromide !/8 gr. Hyoscine Hydrobromide VlOO gr. Hyoscine (Scopolamine) Hydrobromide 1/100 gr., Squibb Hyoscine Hydrobromide 1/50 gr., Squibb Mercury Succinimide 1/5 gr., Squibb fMorphine Sulphate 1/16 gr., Squibb fMorphine Sulphate 1/10 gr., Squibb fMorphine Sulphate 1/8 gr., Squibb fMorphine Sulphate 1/6 gr., Squibb fMorphine Sulphate 1/4 gr., Squibb fMorphine Sulphate 1/2 gr., Squibb fMorphine Sulphate 1 gr., Squibb Morphine and Atropine No. 1, Squibb Morphine Sulphate 1/2 gr. Atropine Sulphate Vl20 8 r - fMorphine and Atropine No. 2, Squibb Morphine Sulphate 1/4 gr. Atropine Sulphate ' VlSO gr. The founder of the He;use of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 428 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA (Hypodermic Tablets, Con/.) Bottle Tube of 100 of 25 fMorphine and Atropine No. 3, Squibb Morphine Sulphate !/g gr. Atropine Sulphate fMorphine and Atropine No. 4, Squibb Morphine Sulphate !/g gr Atropine Sulphate 1 /150 gi". fMorphine and Atropine No. 5, Squibb Morphine Sulphate 1/g gr. Atropine Sulphate Vl50 g r f Morphine and Atropine No. 6, Squibb Morphine Sulphate */2 gr. Atropine Sulphate "VlOO fMorphine and Atropine No. 7, Squibb Morphine Sulphate 1/4 gr. Atropine Sulphate VlOO g r fMorphine, Atropine and Strychnine, Squibb Morphine Sulphate !/8 gr. Atropine Sulphate 1 /150 gr- Strychnine Sulphate IJQQ gr. Nitroglycerin 1/100 gr., Squibb Nitroglycerin and Strychnine, Squibb Nitroglycerin VlOO 8 r - Strychnine Nitrate ^50 g r Nitroglycerin and Strychnine Compound, Squibb Nitroglycerin VlOO g r - Strychnine Nitrate I/QQ gr. Atropine Sulphate 1 /100 8 r Physostigmine. See Eserine. Pilocarpine Hydrochloride 1/20 gr., Squibb Pilocarpine Hydrochloride 1/10 gr., Squibb Potassium Permanganate 1 gr., Squibb Scopolamine Hydrobromide 1/200 gr., Squibb Scopolamine Hydrobromide 1/150 gr., Squibb Scopolamine Hydrobromide 1/iOO gr., Squibb t Scopolamine and Morphine No. 1, Squibb Scopolamine Hydrobromide 1 /ir>0 g""- Morphine Hydrobromide 1 /e gr. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 429 (Hypodermic Tablets, Conl) Bottle Tube of 100 of 25 t Scopolamine and Morphine No. 2, Squibb Scopolamine Hydrobromide Vi50 gr. \ Morphine Sulphate I /Q gr. j f Scopolamine and Morphine No. 3, Squibb Scopolamine Hydrobromide VlOO gr. Morphine Sulphate fScopolamine and Morphine No. 4, Squibb Scopolamine Hydrobromide 1/150 Morphine Sulphate Sparteine Sulphate 1/10 gr., Squibb Sparteine Sulphate 1/4 gr., Squibb Sparteine Sulphate 1/2 gr., Squibb Strychnine Nitrate 1/100 gr., Squibb Strychnine Nitrate 1/60 gr., Squibb Strychnine Nitrate 1/50 gr., Squibb Strychnine Nitrate 1/30 gr., Squibb Strychnine Sulphate 1/400 gr., Squibb Strychnine Sulphate 1/200 gr., Squibb Strychnine Sulphate 1/100 gr., Squibb Strychnine Sulphate 1/60 gr., Squibb Strychnine Sulphate 1/50 gr., Squibb Strychnine Sulphate 1/40 gr., Squibb Strychnine Sulphate 1/30 gr., Squibb Strychnine Sulphate 1/25 gr., Squibb Strychnine Sulphate 1/20 gr., Squibb Strychnine and Digitalin. See Digitalin and Strychnine. Strychnine and Digitalin Compound. See Digitalin and Strychnine Compound. Strychnine and Nitroglycerin. See Nitroglycerin and Strychnine. The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 430 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA DISPENSING TABLETS For the convenient preparation of stock solutions. Bottle of 100 Acid Arsenous 1/4 gr., Squibb Acid Arsenous 1/2 gr., Squibb Acid Arsenous 1 gr., Squibb Atropine Sulphate 1/2 gr., Squibb Atropine Sulphate 1 gr., Squibb Corrosive Sublimate 1/4 gr., Squibb Corrosive Sublimate 1/2 gr., Squibb Corrosive Sublimate 1 gr., Squibb Strychnine Sulphate 1/4 gr., Squibb Strychnine Sulphate 1/3 gr., Squibb Strychnine Sulphate 1/2 gr., Squibb Strychnine Sulphate 1 gr., Squibb OPHTHALMIC TABLETS While we do not offer a complete line of so-called "Ophthalmic Tablets," we do make a number of tablets that are eligible for use in ophthalmic practice, as collyria. For convenience of reference we will repeat them here. Acid Boric 5 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Acid Boric and Zinc Sulphate, Squibb Acid Boric 5 gr. Zinc Sulphate 1/4 gr. fCocaine Hydrochloride 1 1/8 gr., Squibb Tube of 25, Copper Sulphate 1 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Eserine Salicylate 1/100 gr., Squibb Bottle of 100, Tube of 25, Eserine Salicylate 1/60 gr., Squibb Bottle of 100, Tube of 25, Eserine Salicylate 1/50 gr., Squibb Bottle of 100, Tube of 25, Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Silver Nitrate 1 gr., Squibb Zinc Sulphate 1 gr., Squibb SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 431 SQUIBB'S TABLET CASES Squibb's Emergency Pocket Case No. 1 Of black sole leather, with hand-stitched corners and spring-button catch, and containing 24 filled vials. Squibb's Emergency Pocket Case No. 5 Of black sole leather and containing twenty 6-drachm screw-cap vials filled. Squibb's Emergency Pocket Case No. 8 Of genuine black grain leather, with spring-button catch, and containing 24 filled vials. Squibb's Hypodermic Tablet Case No. 2 Flexible; made of black morocco leather, and con- taining 6 tube-vials, each holding 25 Hypodermic Tablets. Squibb's Hypodermic Tablet Case No. 3 Of grain leather, and containing 90 tubes of Hypo- dermic Tablets representing a comprehensive assort- ment for stock. LOZENGES Lozenges Acid Carbolic and Menthol, Squibb (Antiseptic Mouth and Throat) Per 1000 Per 500 Acid Carbolic Menthol Oil Sassafras Sugar Acacia, of each I/. 40 gr. . a /30 gr Per 100 onditions Useful in inflamed of the mouth and throat, for correcting bad breath due to decayed teeth, in catarrh and disordered stomach, and as a prophylactic against con- tagion. Dose: 1 lozenge dissolved in the mouth at frequent intervals until relieved. Lozenges Astringent Throat. See Lozenges Benzoic Acid and Catechu Compound. fLozenges Benzoic Acid and Catechu Compound, Squibb (Astringent Throat) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 1 /5 g r - 1 Local Astringent and Seda- 1/4 gr. | live, in sore and inflamed throat with cough and hoarse- ness. Dose : 1 lozenge on the tongue every half hour Acid Benzoic Catechu Opium Powdered Camphor Ext. Yerba Santa Sugar and Aromatics X /20 gr- q. s. J or hour for four or five doses, then at longer intervals until relieved. The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 432 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Lozenges Bronchial. Compound. See Lozenges Cubeb and Hyoscyamus fLozenges Brown Mixture 7 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Opium Powdered 1 /20 gr. Acid Benzoic 1 /20 gr. Camphor Powdered J /20 gr- Tartar Emetic x /40 gr. Oil Anise Licorice Sugar, of ach q. S. Bronchial irritation and cough are allayed by these lozenges. They are of con- venient size for holding in the mouth and very palat- able, and the small dose of medicament admits of their frequent use. Useful in re- lieving inflammation of the mucous membrane, hoarseness, and oppression of the chest, and in facilitating expectoration. Dose : 1 lozenge every half hour or hour allowed to dissolve upon the tongue. Stopped when secretion is well established or slight nausea occurs. fLozenges Brown Mixture with Ammonium Chloride* 7 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 The preceding, with 1 grain ammonium chloride added. Lozenges Brown Mixture 20 gr., Squibb (75 min. Brown Mixture) bottle, lb., screw-cap vials containing 35, per doz. Opium Powdered 3/ 80 g r> Acid Benzoic 3 /80 gr. Camphor Powdered 3 /so gr. Tartar Emetic 3 /i60 gr. Oil Anise, Licorice, Sugar of each q. s. Dose : 1 lozenge every half hour or hour, allowed to dis- solve on the tongue; to be dis- continued when expectoration is well established or nausea Lozenges Brown Mixture with Ammonium Chloride, 20 gr., Squibb bottle, lb The preceding, with 3 grains ammonium chloride added. Lozenges Cubeb and Hyoscyamus Compound, Squibb (Bronchial) Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 These lozenges act as a stim- ulating Expectorant and mild Anodyne. They may be used freely without disturbing the stomach, it is said, and have been found useful in allaying bronchial irritation and cougFu Dose : 1 lozenge dissolved on the tongue every half hour or hour until relieved. Oleoresm Cubeb l/ 3 gr . " Hyoscyamus Ammonium Chloride Ext. Licorice V.3 gr. Balsam Tolu Senega Ipecac v,^: Vo gr. 1 /50 gr. . SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 433 tLozenges Menthol and Cocaine Compound, Squibb (Mentholated Throat) Per 1 000 Per 500 Per 100 Menthol i/ss gr. Cocaine Hydrochl. 1 /280 g"- Oil Anise i/SO min. Acid Benzoic 1/12 gr. Eucalyptol ^15 gr. Sugar q. s. Used in vocal fatigue of pub- lic speakers or singers. They are said to act as a stimulant to the vocal cords, overcome irritation and strengthen the voice, and, in sore throat, to relieve the soreness and pain. Dose : 1 lozenge dissolved in the mouth every fifteen minutes or half hour as necessary. Lozenges Orthoform 1/4 gr., Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Orthoform is a local anesthetic which has been recommended in lozenge form to relieve the pain of swallowing in ulcerated and tuberculous sore throat. It is claimed to be non-poisonous, and to be without any effect upon the mucous membrane save that of a powerful anesthetic wherever nerve endings are exposed. In dysphagia, if taken about ten minutes before meals, it usually relieves the pain of swallowing and enables the patient to take food without discomfort. Dose: 1 or 2 lozenges allowed to dissolve in the mouth as occasion requires. Lozenges, Throat, Mentholated. See Lozenges Menthol and Cocaine Compound. TROCHES 1 4 grainseach, 500 to the pound. Troches Acid Tannic, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Trochisci Acidi Tannici. Each containing 1 grain (0.065 Gm.) tannic acid. Astringent, in mouth and throat troubles. Troches Ammonium Chloride, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Trochisci Ananonii Chloridi. 1 1 /2 grains pure ammonium chloride, with extract licorice, tragacanth, sugar and syrup tolu. Expectorant, Antiseptic; in throat and bronchial ailments. Troches Catechu, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Trochisci Cambir, N. F. Dropped from U. S. P. 1 grain in each. Used in mouth and throat inflammations. Squibb's Tablets are made from the Squibb quality of ingredients and by improved processes that insure accurate dosage and rapid and complete disintegration or solution in the system, hence prompt and full therapeutic effect. Specify SQUIBB'S. 434 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Troches Charcoal, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Trochisci Carbonis Ligni, N. F. About 4.6 grains wood char- coal. Absorbent, in fermentative conditions of the gastro- intestinal tract. Troches Cubeb, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Trochisci Cubeba. 0.3 grain (0.02 Gm.) oleoresin cubeb. Used in bronchial troubles and throat irritation. Troches Cubeb Square, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 One-half strength of preceding. fTroches Cubeb Compound, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 0.3 grain oleoresin cubeb, 1 /4o grain each of tartar emetic and morphine sulphate; thus having the medicinal constituents neces- sary to give a further expectorant and alterative together witb sedative effect in cases requiring such. fTroches Cubeb Compound Square, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 One-half strength of preceding. Troches Elm, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Trochisci Ulmi, N. F. About 3 grains slippery elm bark, flavored with methyl salicylale. Demulcent. Troches Gambir. See Troches Catechu. fTroches Qlycyrrhiza and Opium, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Opium Lozenges; Wistar's Cough Lozenges. Formerly official. Vl2 grain powdered opium, with extract glycyrrhiza, acacia, sugar and oil anise. Troches Krameria, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Formerly official. 1 grain extract krameria. Astringent; in mouth and throat inflammations. Troches Magnesia, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Containing magnesia, nutmeg, sugar and tragacanth. Antacid, Carminative. Dose: 2 or more. Troches Peppermint, Squibb Per 1000 * Per 500 Per 100 Trochisci Menthce Piperiice. */(; minim oil pepoermint in each. Used as breath perfume and carminative. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 435 Troches Phenolphthalein, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Trochisci Phenolphthaleini, N. F. About 1 grain phenol- phthalein. Laxative Confection. Average Dose : 1 troche. Troches Potassium Chlorate, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Trochisci Potassii Chloratis. 2!/2 grains potassium chlorate. Used mainly in aphthae. Troches Quinine Tannate, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Trochisci Quinince Tannatis, N. F. About 1 grain quinine tannate. Nonbitter form of quinine medication, especially in- tended for use by children and others having a repugnance for the bitter taste of quinine sulphate. Average Dose : 1 troche. Troches Santonin, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Trochisci Santonini, N. F.; Worm Lozenges. 1 /2 grain san- tonin. Dose : I or 2. Troches Santonin Compound, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Trochisci Santonini Compositi, N. F. About 1/3 grain each santonin and calomel. Vermicide. Average Dose : 1 troche. (See also Tablets.) Troches Sodium Bicarbonate, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Trochisci Sodii Bicarbonatis. 4*/2 grains sodium bicarbonate. Antacid. Dose: as needed. Troches Sulphur and Cream Tartar, Squibb Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Trochisci Sulphuris el Potassii Bitartralis, N. F. About 4J/2 grains washed sulphur and 1 grain cream of tartar. Alterative and Antipyic, used chiefly in chronic skin diseases. Average Dose : 1 troche. (See also Tablets Sulphur Compound.) PART III Biological Products THE Squibb Line of Antitoxins, Serums and Bac- terial Vaccines is a comprehensive one, yet it does not include any article of doubtful or unapproved efficiency. The products are made in our new Research and Biological Laboratories at New Brunswick, N. J. These are elaborately equipped and thoroughly up to date in their scientific appointments and apparatus, and are under the personal direction of Dr. John F. Ander- son, formerly Director of the Hygienic Laboratory of the U. S. Public Health Service. The Squibb Serums are small in bulk, high in potency, and low in total solids. They have been carefully tested by laboratory biological tests and the clinical effect of each has been noted on the specific disease for which it is of value. They have been especially treated to elimi- nate serum sickness and anaphylaxis. The Squibb Vaccines are prepared according to the most improved methods. Many strains of each organism are used in preparing the stock vaccine. The Squibb Antitoxins, Vaccines, and Serums, except the Anti-Meningitic, are distributed in our special aseptic syringes, which may be depended upon to give excellent service. The Vaccines are furnished also in aseptic am- puls accompanied by a syringe to each package. Squibb's Anti-Meningitic Serum is distributed in our special Grav- ity Apparatus, which has the advantage of supplying the serum in sterile container ready for use by the gravity method, by which latter the danger of causing shock through the injection is much minimized. The directions, as furnished with each Squibb product, are comprehensive and indicate as accurately as possible the exact specific indications for use of the same, and point out the conditions under which it may be success- fully employed. Complete literature on our Biological Products sent to physicians on request. 436 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 437 ANTITOXINS Diphtheria Antitoxin, Squibb In a special aseptic Syringe, containing: 1000 Units. Immunizing Dose (Code Word: Abide) 3000 Curative Dose (Code Word: Accident) 5000 " (Code Word: Address) 10000 " (Code Word: Affluence) Serum Anlidiphlhericum Purificatum. Refined and concentrated; small in bulk, high in potency and low in total solids. Curative Dose: 5000 units in ordinary cases; 10,000 units in croup and where treatment is begun late; 20,000 to 40,000 units in severe cases repeated if required in 12 hours. Immunizing Dose: 1000 to 2000 units; protection lasts 2 to 4 weeks. Tetanus Antitoxin, Squibb In a special aseptic Syringe, containing: 1500 Units. Immunizing Dose (Code Word: Admit) 3000 " Curative Dose (Code Word: Advance) 5000 " (Code Word: Affair) Clear, very concentrated product. Curative Dose: initial, 10,000 units, intravenously, with 5000 to 10,000 units intra- spinally; later injections at 12 to 24-hour intervals as necessary. Immunizing Dose: 1000 to 2000 units, repeated in very suspi- cious cases once or twice at 8-day intervals. Swab wound freely with tincture iodine. SERUMS Anti-Qonococcic Serum, Squibb In a special aseptic Syringe: 2X10 Cc. (Code Word: Afternoon) Carefully standardized by opsonic complement fixation tests, and by protection tests, and proved of very high potency. Indi- cations: Acute gonococcic arthritis and endocarditis and gen- eral sepsis complicating gonococcic urethritis. Dose : 20 to 100 Cc., hypodermically, every 24 hours as needed. This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 438 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Anti=Meningitic Serum, Squibb In a special Gravity Container complete with needle, rubber tubing, etc.: (Code Word: Agent) 2xl5Cc. Indications: Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis due to meningo- coccus infection. Dose: subdurally, after withdrawal of cere- brospinal fluid: 1 to 5 years, 3 to 1 5 Cc.; 5 to 10 years, 5 to 15 Cc.; 10 to 15 years, 10 to 20 Cc.; 15 to 20 years, 15 to 30 Cc.; 20 years and over, 20 to 40 Cc. Anti=Pneumococcic Serum, Squibb Type I 50 Cc. Vials (Code Word: Aggressive). Indications : Acute lobar pneumonia. Dose : Subcutaneously, 2 to 4 hours before intravenous injection, 0.5 Cc.; intravenously, 50 to 100 Cc., preferably mixed with equal quantity of sterile physiological salt solution, every 6 to 8 hours until crisis is past. Inject slowly and preferably by gravity. Warm serum to body temperature before use. Anti=Streptococcic Serum, Squibb In our special Syringe: 2XlOCc. ' (Code Word: Air) 20 Cc. Vials, without syringe, for local use, (Code Word: Alloy) Indications: Subcutaneously and intravenously, postpartum sepsis, scarlet fever, spreading erysipelas, etc.; locally, sup- purating streptococcic wounds, puerperal sepsis, etc. Dose: 20 to 200 Cc., repeated daily if needed. Anti=Streptococcic Serum, Rheumatic, Squibb 20 Cc. Vials, without syringe (Code Word: Allure), 50 Cc. Vials, without syringe (Code Word: Alma), Indications : acute sepsis produced by streptococci and mani- fested by swelling of the joints, fever, angina and cardiac complications. Dose: intravenously (by preference), or intra- muscularly or subcutaneously, 20 Cc. to 50 Cc. repeated in 24 hours or oftener, according to the severity of the disease and the response. Normal Horse Serum, Squibb In our special Syringe: 2XlOCc. (Code word: Alter) 20 Cc. Vials, without syringe, for local use. (Code Word: Amalgam) Indications: Subcutaneously and intravenously, hemophilia, melaena neonatorum, purpura haemorrhagica, persistent epistaxis, typhoid hemorrhage, gastric and duodenal hemorrhage, and general hemorrhages in leukemia and other blood diseases; also in septic diseases for which no immune serums have been made, etc. Locally, puerperal sepsis as a uterine pack, in chronic suppurating wounds or sinuses. Orally, pain and hemorrhage in gastric ulcer. Dose: Subcutaneously 20 to 30 Cc., repeated daily and increased if necessary; Orally, 30 to 100 Cc. every 12 to 24 hours as needed. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 439 BACTERIAL VACCINES All the Vaccines listed below are also prepared by us, upon request, in special doses that may be required. Such extra doses are supplied without extra charge. Acne Vaccine, Squibb In fully assembled aseptic Syringes, containing: 25, 50, 100, 200 million killed bacilli box of 4 Syringes (Code Word: Amaze) 50, 200 million killed bacilli, box of 2 Syringes (Code Word: Amber) In Ampuls: 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500 million killed bacilli, box of 6 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Amiable) 50, 200 million killed bacilli, box of 2 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Amorous) Indications: Non-pustular acne vulgaris where comedones pre- dominate. Dose: 5 to 10 million bacilli, gradually increasing to larger doses, injected every three to five days. Squeezing out comedones, hot applications, massage and suitable dietetic meas- ures should not be neglected. (See Staphylo-Acne Vaccine.) Bacillus Coli Communis Vaccine, Squibb In fully assembled aseptic Syringes, containing: 100, 200, 500, 1000 million killed bacilli, box of 4 Syringes (Code Word: Analysis) 100, 500 million killed bacilli, box of 2 Syringes (Code Word: Ancestor) In Ampuls: 2X100, 2X500. 2 X.I 000 million killed bacilli, box of 6 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Adducing) 100,. 500 million killed bacilli, box of 2 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Afflict) Indications : Wounds and abdominal or pelvic abscesses due to B. Coli Communis, cystitis and pyelitis from same cause, etc. Dose: 100 million bacilli, rapidly increesed to 500 or 1000 million bacilli, subcutaneously every three to five days. The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They include containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 440 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Bacillus Pertussis Vaccine, Squibb In fully assembled aseptic Syringes, containing: 25, 50, 100, 200 million killed bacilli box of 4 Syringes (Code Word: Anchor) 50, 200 million killed bacilli, box of 2 Syringes (Code Word: Andante) In Ampuls: 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 500 million killed bacilli, box of 6 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Andrew) 50, 200 million killed bacilli, box of 2 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Anecdote) Indications: Prophylactic and curative of pertussis (whooping- cough). Dose: Prophylactic, 20, 50, and 100 million bacilli injected at five-day intervals; curative, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300 and 500 million bacilli, every day if needed, according to the response and reaction. Gonococcus Vaccine, Squibb In fully assembled aseptic Syringes, containing: 100, 200, 350, 500 million killed gonococci, box of 4 Syringes (Code Word: Annual) 100, 500 million killed gonococci, box of 2 Syringes (Code Word: Angel) In Ampuls: 50, 100, 150, 350, 500, 1000 million killed gono- cocci, box of 6 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Angllfy) 100, 500 million killed gonococci, box of 2 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Anthem) Made from cultures of many different strains. Indications: Subacute and chronic gonococcus infection (urethritis, epididy- mitis, prostatitis, pyehtis, cystitis, arthritis, vulvovagmitis, salpin- gitis, iritis, endometritis, etc.). Dose: 100 million gonococoi, increased if necessary to 500 or even 1000 million, every three to five days. Meningococcus Vaccine Curative, Squibb In fully assembled aseptic Syringes, containing: 100, 200, 400, 500 million killed meningococci, box of 4 Syringes (Code Word: Appeal) 100, 500 million killed meningococci, box of 2 Syringes (Code Word: Apply) In Ampuls: 2X100, 2X500, 2X1000 million killed meningo- cocci, box of 6 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Approve) 100, 500 million killed meningococci, box of 2 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Apron) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 441 Meningococcus Vaccine Curative, Squibb (Cent.) Indications: Adjunct to anti-meningitic serum in persistent subacute or chronic epidemic meningitis. Dose: 100 million bacteria, increased until a decided response is had, every three to five days. Meningococcus Vaccine Immunizing, Squibb Assembled Syringes, containing: 100, 500, 1000 million killed meningococci, box of 3 Syringes (Code Word: Answer) In Ampuls: 100, 500, 1000 million killed meningococci, box of 3 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Arch) Indications: Prophylactic against epidemic meningitis; affords a high degree of immunity. Dose: 500, 1000 and 1000 million bacteria, hypodermically, at intervals of a week to ten days. Pneumococcus Vaccine, Squibb In fully assembled aseptic Syringes, containing: 100, 200, 400, 500 million killed pneumococci, box of 4 Syringes (Cod Word: Arrest) 100, 500 million killed pneumococci, box of 2 Syringes (Code Word: Arrive) In Ampuls: 2X100, 2X500, 2X1000 million killed pneumococci, box of 6 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Arsenal) 100, 500 million killed pneumococci, box of 2 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Artful) Indications : Lcbar pneumonia, unresolving pneumococcic pneumonia, empyema, pyorrhea alveolaris, chronic rhinitis, sinusitis, etc., caused by pneumococci. Dose : In acute pneu- monia, 20 to 100 to 500 million bacteria, every three to five days; in chronic cases, larger doses are given (100 to 500 to 1000 million). Smallpox (Variola) Vaccine, Squibb Glycerinated. Each dose in separate aseptic sealed glass tube. With bulb and needles. Box of 5, (Code Word: Brave) Box of 10, (Code Word: Brook) If difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us ; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily 442 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Staphylo-Acne Vaccine, Squibb In fully assembled aseptic Syringes, containing: 100, 200, 400, 500 million killed staphylococci ; and 25, 50, 100, 200 million killed acne bacilli box of 4 Syringes (Code Word: Attach) 100, 500 million killed staphylococci; and 50, 200 million killed acne bacilli, box of 2 Syringes (Code Word: Attendance) In Ampuls: 2X100, 2X500, 2X'000 million killed staphylo- cocci; and 2X20, 2X50, 2X100 million killed acne bacilli, box of 6 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Attractive) 100, 500 million killed staphylococci; and 50, 200 million killed acne bacilli, box of 2 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Attribute) Indications : Acne, particularly pustular. As acne infection is almost always associated with the Slaphylococcus albus, the joint use of staphylococci and acne bacilli usually gives prompter results than acne vaccine alone. Dose: 100 to 1000 million staphylococci with 25 to 200 million acne bacilli, every three to five days. (See also Acn Vaccine.) Staphylococcus Vaccine, Squibb In fully assembled aseptic Syringes, containing: 100, 200, 500. 1000 million killed staphylococci, box of 4 Syringes (Code Word: Author) 100, 500 million killed staphylococci, box of 2 Syringes (Code Word: Automat) In Ampuls: 100, 250, 2X500, 1000, 2000 million killed staphy- lococci, box of 6 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Automobile) 100, 500 million killed staphylococci, box of 2 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Autopsy) Containing the Staphylococcus albus, S. aureus, and S. cilreus. Indications: Chronic furunculosis, carbuncle, chronic sinuses, sycosis, psoas abscess, persistent cutaneous abscess, impetigo, acne, chronic suppurating glands, otitis media, osteomyelitis any persistent infection due to staphylococci. Dose: 100 mil- lion, quickly increased to 500, 1000 or even more million bac- teria, according to the response, every three to five days. Streptococcus Vaccine, Squibb In fully assembled aseptic Syringes, containing: 100, 200, 500, 1000 million killed streptococci, box of 4 Syringes (Code Word: Avoid) 100, 500 million streptococci, box of 2 Syringes (Code Word: Avowing) SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 443 Streptococcus Vaccine, Squibb (Cont.) In Ampuls: 2X100, 2X500, 2X1000 million killed streptococci, box of 6 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Avulsion) 100, 500 million killed streptococci, box of 2 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Away) Indications: Indolent subacute and chronic suppurations of the skin, mucosae and joints, due to streptococci abscesses, cellu- litis, otitis media, chronic mastoid suppuration, oral suppuration, chronic puerperal sepsis, chronic streptococcic endocarditis, recurrent erysipelas, scarlet fever, articular rheumatism, etc. Dose: Curative, 100 million streptococci, rapidly increased to 1000 million, subcutaneously, every three to five days;' prophy- lactic of scarlatina, 250, 500 and 1000 million bacteria, at weekly intervals. Typhoid Vaccine, Squibb In fully assembled aseptic Syringes, containing: 100, 200, 500, 1000 million killed bacilli, box of 4 Syringes (Code Word: Azure) 100, 500 million killed bacilli, box of 2 Syringes (Code Word: Babble) 500, 2X1000 million killed bacilli, box of 3 Syringes (Code Word: Availing) In Ampuls: 2X160, 2X500, 2X1000 million killed bacilli, box of 6 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word : Bear) 100, 500 million killed bacilli, box of 2 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Bedding) 500, 2X1000 million killed typhoid bacilli, box of 3 Ampuls with Syringe (Code Word: Blacken) Dose: Curative, 500 million bacilli as initial, repeated at four- day intervals as long as required, each dose increasing by 500 million over preceding dose unless too great local or general febrile reaction ensue; usually two to four injections are re- quired. Immunizing, men of 150 to 200 Ibs., 500 million, 1000 million and 1000 million bacilli, at intervals of seven to ten days; women and children less in proportion to their weight. Note. AH the above Vaccines are also supplied, upon re- quest, in vials containing 20 Cc., without syringes, at per vial. Write for Complete Literature. The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing med- icinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 444 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Autogenous Vaccine, Squibb Prepared from samples of pus or cultures submitted. Twelve doses if necessary, in aseptic Ampuls Pasteur AntiRabic Vaccine, Squibb 21 treatments, each in an aseptic sealed Ampul, with Syringe, ready for use, packed in Caloris container (Code Word: Abandon) The Pasteur Treatment for prevention of rabies is an established success. Almost complete protection may be expected if the full course of treatments be instituted promptly after the bite of the rabid animal. The Squibb Treatments are so prepared that they may be administered by the physician at his office or at the house of the patient. The doses of Anti-Rabic Vaccine will be sent daily by special delivery mail and numbered in the order in which they are to be administered, commencing with dose No. 1 and continuing in regular sequence to the end of the treatment, usually 21 doses. The doses should be kept in a cool place until used. Doses Nos. 1 and 2 are given the first day, doses 3 and 4 the second day, and then one dose daily to the end of the treatment. Leucocyte Extract, Squibb 10 Cc. in our special aseptic Syringe (Code Word: Boating) Prepared from healthy leucocytes of the horse, according to the method of Hiss. Indications: acute infectious diseases where accurate bacteriological diagnosis cannot be made erysipelas, meningitis, pneumonia, septicemia, pyemia, acne, carbuncle, furunculosis, etc. Also used in conjunction with specific serums and vaccines where positive diagnosis cannot be made. Solution Hypophysis (Solution Pituitary Body.) See Part I of this book. Thromboplastin, Squibb. 20 Cc. vial, Made according to the method devised by Dr. Alfred F. Hess of the Research Laboratory of the New York City Department of Health. A true physiological Hemostatic, acting by supplying normal properties to the blood stream, and not chemically. Of uniform activity; safe, efficient, non-irritating and easily applied. It represents the thromboplastic substances contained in ox brain, carefully tested physiologically and standardized, and kept aseptic by addition of 0.3 percent, trikresol. Has been used v.'ith uniform success in controlling hemorrhage after removal of adenoids and other nose and throat surgery; rectal bleeding, hemorrhage after removal of hemorrhoids, and after circumcision; in melaena neona- torum, dental bleeding, old ulcers, etc.; by mouth in gastric or intestinal hemorrhage. Considered indicated in all types of hemor- rhage from small veins and capillaries. Applied direct to the SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 445 Thromboplastin, Squibb (Cont.) bleeding surface by means of cotton, gauze or tampon, kept in place a few minutes. Dose : by mouth in gastric or intestinal hemorrhage, 20 mils (Cc.), with a glassful of water, several times daily, if necessary. Keep in ice box. NOTE: For subcutaneous and intra- muscular infection, to increase the coagulability of the blood, Throm- boplastin Hypodermic should be used, in doses of 10 to 20 Cc. every 24 to 72 hours, according to indicaions. Urease. See Part I of this work. THERAPEUTIC INDEX Squibb's Biological Products Abscesses: Bacillus Coli Communis Vaccine, Staphylococcus Vaccine, Streptococcus Vaccine. Acne: Acne Vaccine, Staphylo-Acne Vaccine, Staphylococcus Vaccine, Leucocyte Extract. Adenitis: Staphylococcus Vaccine, Streptococcus Vaccine. Anthrax: Staphylococcus Vaccine, Leucocyte Extract. Arthritis: Anti-Gonococcic Serum, Anti-Streptococcic Serum Rheumaticus, Gonococcus Vaccine, Streptococcus Vaccine. Bleeding: Normal Horse Serum, Thromboplastin. Boils: Staphylococcus Vaccine, Leucocyte Extract. Carbuncle: Staphylococcus Vaccine, Leucocyte Extract. Cell u! it is: Streptococcus Vaccine. Cerebro=spinal Meningitis: Anti-Meningitic Serum, Menin- gococcus Vaccine. Conjunctivitis, Qonorrheal: Anti-Gonococcic Serum, Men- ingococcus Vaccine. Cystitis: Bacillus Coli Communis Vaccine, Gonococcus Vac- cine. Dental Bleeding: Thromboplastin. Diphtheria: Diphtheria Antitoxin. Duodenal Hemorrhage: Normal Horse Serum, Thrombo- plastin. Eczema: Staphylococcus Vaccine. Empyema: Pneumococcus Vaccine, Leucocyte Extract. Endocarditis: Anti-Gonococcic Serum, Gonococcus Vaccine, Streptococcus Vaccine. Since we make only one quality of each, product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 446 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Endometritis Gonorrhea): Gonococcus Vaccine. Epididymitis: Anti-Gonococcic Serum, Gonococcus Vaccine. Epistaxis, Persistent: Normal Horse Serum, Thromboplastin. Erysipelas: Anti-Streptococcic Serum, Streptococcus Vaccine, Leucocyte Extract. Felon: Streptococcus Vaccine. FistuIOUS Sinuses: Anti-Streptococcus Serum, Normal Horse Serum, Pneumococcus Vaccine, Staphylococcus Vaccine, Strep- tococcus Vaccine. Furunculosis: Staphylococcus Vaccine, Leucocyte Extract. Gastric Hemorrhage: Normal Horse Serum, Thromboplastin. Gonorrhea: Anli-Gonococcic Serum, Gonococcus Vaccine. Gonorrheal Rheumatism: Anti-Gonococcic Serum, Gonococ- cus Vaccine. Hematemesis; Hemophilia; and Hemorrhage: Normal Horse Serum, Thromboplastin. Hydrophobia: Pasteur Anti-Rabic Vaccine. Impetigo: Staphylococcus Vaccine. Infected Wounds: Anti-Streptococcic Serum, Bacillus Coli Communis Vaccine, Staphylococcus Vaccine, Leucocyte Ex- tract. Iritis, Gonorrheal: Gonococcus Vaccine. Ischio=rectal Abscess: Bacillus Coli Communis Vaccine. Staphylococcus Vaccine, Streptococcus Vaccine. Leukemia: Normal Horse Serum, Thromboplastin. Lymphadenitis: Staphylococcus Vaccine, Streptococcus Vaccine. Mastoiditis: Staphylococcus Vaccine, Streptococcus Vaccine. Melasna Neonatorum: Normal Horse Serum, Thromboplastin. Meningitis, Epidemic: Anti-Meningitic Serum, Meningo- coccus Vaccine, Leucocyte Extract. Meningitis, Subacute or Chronic: Meningococcus Vaccine, Leucocyte Extract. Metrorrhagia: Normal Horse Serum, Thromboplastin. Middle Ear Disease: Staphylococcus Vaccine, Streptococcus Vaccine. Orchitis: Anti-Gonococcic Serum, Gonococcus Vaccine. Osteomyelitis: Staphylococcus Vaccine. Otitis Media: Staphylococcus Vaccine, Streptococcus Vac- SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 447 Peritonitis: Bacillus Coli Communis Vaccine. Pertussis: Bacillus Pertussis Vaccine. Phlegmon: Streptococcus Vaccine. Pneumonia: Pneumococcus Vaccine, Leucocyte Extract. Postoperative Bleeding: Normal Horse Serum, Thrombo- plastin. Prostatitis: Gonococcus Vaccine. Psoas Abscess: Bacillus Coli Communis Vaccine, Staphy- lococcus Vaccine, Streptococcus Vaccine. Puerperal Sepsis: Anti-Streptococcic Serum, Normal Horse Serum, Streptococcus Vaccine. Purpura Haemorrhagica: Normal Horse Serum, Thrombo- plastin. Pustular Acne: Staphylo-Acne Vaccine. Pustular Rosacea: Staphylo-Acne Vaccine. Pyelitis: Bacillus Coli Communis Vaccine, Gonococcus Vaccine. Pyelo=nephritis: Bacillus Coli Communis Vaccine, Gonococcus Vaccine. Pyemia: Leucocyte Extract. Pyorrhoea Alveolaris: Pneumococcus Vaccine. Rabies: Pasteur Anti-Rabic Vaccine. Rectal Abscess: Bacillus Coli Communis Vaccine, Staphylococ- cus Vaccine, Streptococcus Vaccine. Rheumatism: Streptococcus Vaccine, Anti-Streptococcic Ser- um Rheumatic. Rhinitis, Chronic: Pneumococcic Vaccine. Salpingitis: Bacillus Coli Communis Vaccine, Gonococcus Vaccine. Sapremia: Leucocyte Extract. Scarlet Fever: Anti-Streptococcic Serum, Streptococcus Vaccine. Sepsis, Gonococcic: Anti-Gonococcic Serum, Gonococcus Vaccine. Sepsis, Post=partum: Anti-Streptococcic Serum, Leucocyte Extract. Septicemia: Anti-Streptococcic Serum, Normal Horse Srum, Leucocyte Extract. The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 448 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Sinuses, Suppurating: Anti-Streptococck Serum, Normal Horse Serum, Pneumococcic Vaccine, Staphylococcus Vaccine, Streptococcus Vaccine. Smallpox (Variola): Smallpox Vaccine. Sore Throat, Septic: Streptococcus Vaccine. Suppurating Wounds or Sinuses: Anti-Streptococcic Serum, Normal Horse Serum, Streptococcus Vaccine. Sycosis: Staphylococcus Vaccine. Tetanus: Tetanus Antitoxin. Tonsillitis: Staphylococcus Vaccine. Typhoid Fever: Typhoid Vaccine. Ulcers, Old. Thromboplastin. Urethritis: Anti-Gonococcic Serum, Gonococcus Vaccine. Vaginitis, Qonorrheal: Gonococcus Vaccine. Variola: Smallpox Vaccine. Vesiculitis: Gonococcus Vaccine. Vulvo=vaginitis, Qonorrheal: Gonococcus Vaccine. Whooping Cough: Bacillus Pertussis Vaccine. Wounds, Infected: Anti-Streptococcic Serum, Bacillus Coli Communis Vaccine, StapKylococcus Vaccine, Leucocyte Ex- tract. PART IV Squibb's Analyzed Reagents, Reagent Chemicals, Test Solutions, Volumetric Solutions, and Indicators FOR many years the Squibb standard of quality has stood for the best that can be produced in the line of drugs and chemicals. To these lines we have added a list of Reagents, prepared from our regular stock of high-grade chemicals by repeated purification. Each lot of chemical is first sampled in order to determine its suitability for reagent purposes. If accepted, all possible impurities present are carefully determined by check analyses. Since the impurities of reagent chemicals are present in very small amounts, we employ quantities suffi- ciently large to insure accurate quantitative results. The usual procedure consists in applying tests on a quantity of from 10 to 20 Gm. of the reagent chemical, and if no appreciable reaction is obtained "none" present is reported. If, however, there is the slightest indication of a reaction, then a suitably large quantity of the material is taken in order to obtain a satisfactory weighable result. With such reagents as are employed in relatively small quantities, we usually take 10 Gm. of the sample; while with others, such as sodium carbonate or ammonium ox- alate, which are used in larger amounts in analyses, we take from 25 to 1 00 Gm. for each determination. The average percentage of impurity found is expressed on the label in the nearest higher round number. For foreign metals, such as react with hydrogen sulphide or ammon- ium sulphide, samples ranging from 5 to 1 Gm. are tested, and if an appreciable reaction is noted a suffi- ciently large quantity is taken and the impurities de- termined and stated on the label. 449 450 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA At the foot of this page we show an illustration of our Reagent labels; and after that we present a list of the Reagents now available, together with the Test Solutions, Volumetric Solutions, Indicators, and Test Papers offered under the Squibb label. We shall be glad to prepare any additional ones for which there may be a demand. Prices are omitted. Owing to the disturbed condition of the chemical market, prices are changing constantly. We shall be glad to receive your want lists, showing the quantities and subdivisions desired, and to submit our quotations. NOTE. In addition to the list of Reagent Chemi- cals, we offer a full line of chemicals of a degree of purity usually exceeding the standards of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia and adapted for all lines of chemical work where the highest purity Reagent is not required. Write for quotations. SQUIBB'S REAGENT Ammonium Carbonate Approx. NH 4 HC0 3 NH4NH 2 C02 CONTAINS: PERCENT.: Non-volatile Matter (20 Gm.) none Chloride (20 Gm.) none Sulphate (20 Gm.) none Thiocyanate (20 Gm.) none Calcium (20 Gm.) none Iron (1 Gm., colorimetric) none Tar Bases (S Gm.) none The figures in parentheses express the quantities taken for each determination. LOT 14741 E-RiSoyiBB &.SONS. NEWYORK MANUEACTURING CHEMISTS TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION SINCE 1858 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 451 SQUIBB'S ANALYZED REAGENTS Acid Acetic Glacial, Squibb's Reagent g. s. bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances-HCl-SOs^SO^HCOOH- Ca Fe Empyreumatics Heavy Metals. Acid Acetic Anhydride, Squibb's Reagent g. s. bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 .oz Tested for: Non- volatile substances HC1 Heavy Metals. Acid Arsenous. See Arsenic Trioxide. Acid Boric (Crystals), Squibb's Reagent g. s. bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: CI-SO 3 -Ca-Alkalies-3iO 2 -Fe-Pb. Acid Chromic. See Chromium Trioxide. Acid Citric, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib I oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances-SO 3 -Ca-Fe Pb. Acid Gallic, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances-Cl-SO 3 -Fe-Ca-Mg- Tannin. Acid Hydrobromic (34%), Squibb's Reagent g. s. bottle : 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances HCl-SO 3 -Ca Fe Heavy Metals-HPH 2 O 2 . Acid Hydrochloric Cone. (36%), Squibb's Reagent g. s. 'bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances-Chlorine-SOs-SO^As- Fe-Heavy Metals. Acid Hydrochloric (25%), Squibb's Reagent Same as above. Acid Hydrofluoric (42%), Squibb's Reagent ceresin bottle : 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances-HCl-SO 3 -SOo-H2SiF6- Ca-Mg-Al-Fe. Acid Molybdic (85%), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: MoO 3 -Cl-SO 3 -P 2 O 5 -NO 3 -As-Fe-NH 3 -InsoI. in NH 3 . Acid Nitric Cone. (69%), Squibb's Reagent g. s. bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib l/ 4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances-HCl-SO 3 -As-HIO 3 -Fe- Heavy Metals. The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 452 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Acid Nitric (25%), Squibb's Reagent Same as above. Acid Oxalic, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib 1/4 lb ! oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances-Cl-SO 3 -NO 3 -NH 3 -Ca- Fe-Pb. Acid Phosphoric (88%), Squibb's Reagent g. s. bottle: 5 Ibs 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Halogen Acids-SO 3 -NO 3 -As-Ca-Mg-Fe- "Ous" Acids-Heavy Metals. Acid Phospho-Tungstic, Squibb's Reagent 1-oz. bottle: Tested for: P-NH 3 -WO 3 . Acid Sulphuric (98%), Squibb's Reagent g. s. bottle: 5 Ibs 1 lb 1/4 lb Tested for: Non-volatile substances-HCl-NO 3 -NH 3 -As-Fe- Pb-Heavy Metals. Acid Sulphurous, Squibb's Reagent g. s. bottle: 1 lb J4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Non -volatile substances-As-Fe-Heavy Metals- Assay. Acid Tannic, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances-Metals-Moisture. Acid Tartaric (Pb Free), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb l/ 4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances C1-SO 3 Ca Fe Pb. Alcohol, Anhydrous (99.97% by vol.), Squibb's Re- agent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb Tested for: Gravity-Residue-Fusel Oil-Aldehyde-Furfural- Oxidizable impurities. Alcohol, Methyl (99.5% by wt.), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb Tested for: Residue- Acetone-Empyreumatics Oxidizable im- purities. Aluminum Ammonium Sulphate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Cl-Ca-Mg-As-Fe-Heavy Metals. Aluminum Nitrate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb -.1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: C1^3O 3 -Ca-Mg-Fe-Heavy Metals. Aluminum-Potassium Sulphate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 lb l/ 4 lb 1 oz Tested for: CtCa-Mg-As-Fe-Heavy Metals. Ammonia Water Cone. (28%), Squibb's Reagent g. s. bottle: 5 Ibs 1 lb 1/4 lb Tested for Non-volatile substances-Cl-SO 3 -Tar Bases-Fe- Heavy Metals. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 453 Ammonium Carbonate (Cubes), Squibb's Reagent bottle: I Ib l/ 4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances-Cl-SOs-CNS-Ca-Fe-Tar Bases-Heavy Metals. Ammonium Chloride, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs Mb 1/4 lb loz Tested for: Non-volatile substances-SOs CNS Ca-Fe Tar Bases Heavy Metals. Ammonium Chromate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: !/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: C^SO 3 -Ca-Mg-Al-Fe-Alkalies. Ammonium Molybdate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: MoOa-Cl-SOs-NOs^CVForeign Metals. Ammonium Nitrate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances Cl-SOs Ca-Fe As- Heavy Metals. Ammonium O \alate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances-Cl-SOs-Ca-Fe-Heavy Metals. Ammonium Persulphate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4- lb 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances-Cl-Ca-Mg-AloC>3-Fe- SiC2-Heavy Metals-Free Acid-Assay. Ammonium Phosphate (Dibasic), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SCVj-NOs-COo-Ca-As-Fe-Salts of Alkalies. Ammonium Sulphate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 lb l/ 4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances-Cl-CNS-Ca-Fe-Heavy Metals. Ammonium Sulphocyanate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances Cl-SOs-Fe Heavy Metals-Insoluble in Alcohol. Antimony=Potassium T'artrate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Cl^SO 3 -Ca-Fe-Pb. Arsenic Trioxide, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances Cl-S-Ca-Mg-Fe. Asbestos Wool Purified, Squibb's Reagent Selected, long-fibre, for Gooch Crucible Work. The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 454 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Barium Acetate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Foreign matter not ppt. by HaSC^ Cl NO 3 -SO 3 Sr-Ca-Fe-Heavy Metals. Barium Carbonate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Alkalies-Cl-SOs-Ca-Sr-Fe-Heavy Metals, Barium Chloride, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Foreign matter not ppt. by Ca-Sr-Fe-Heavy Metals. Barium Hydroxide, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb Tested for: Alkalies-CI^S-CO 2 -Ca-^Sr-Fe-Heavy Metals. Barium Nitrate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb l/ 4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Foreign matter not ppt. by H2SO4 Cl-Sr Ca-Fe Heavy Metals. Benzol (Benzene), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb Tested for: Gravity Boiling-point-Non-volatile substances- Thiophen CS2- .Bismuth Nitrate (Crystals), Squibb's Reagent g. s. bottle : I lb 1/4 lb I oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -As-Fe-Pb-Cu-Ag. Bismuth Subnitrate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb l/ 4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Cl^SO 3 -CC>2-Ca-Mg-Alkalies-As-Fe-Pb-Cu. Cadmium Iodide, Squibb's Reagent bottle: I lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: SO 3 -Zn-Fe. Cadmium Potassium Iodide, Squibb's Reagent 1-oz. bottle: Tested for: SO 3 -NO 3 -IO 3 -Fe. Cadmium Sulphate, Squibb's Reagent 1-oz. bottle: Tested for: Cl-Zn-Fe. Calcium Carbonate (Precipitated), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb .'.I/} lb Tested for: SO 3 -Mg-Sr-Ba-Al-Fe-Heavy Metals. soluble salts. Calcium Chloride (Crystals), Squibb's Reagent bottle: I lb 1/4 lb I oz Tested for: SOs-Mg-Sr-Ba-Al-Fe-Heavy Metals. Calcium Oxide (From Reagent CaCO 3 ), Squibb's Re= agent Mb bottle: Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -NO 3 -CO 2 -P 2 O 5 -Mg-Al-SiO 2 -Fe- Alkalies. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 455 Carbon Disulphide, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib Tested for: Non-volatile substances-SO2-SO8-Foreign Sul- phides. Carbon Tetrachloride, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz.. Tested for: Non-volatile substances-Cl-HCl-Organic impuri- ties-Aldehydes-CS2. Chromium Trioxide (Chromic Acid), Squibb's Reagent g. s. bottle : 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: SO 3 -HNO 3 -Ca-Mg-AlkaIies. . Cobalt Chloride, Squibb's Reagent g. s. bottle:, 1/4 Ib 1 oz. Tested for: SO 3 -NO 3 -Alkalies-Ca-Ni-Cu-Pb-Zn-Fe. Cobalt Nitrate, Squibb's Reagent g. s. bottle: 1/4 Ib I oz. Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -AlkaIies-Ca-Cu-Ni-Zn-Fe. Copper Sulphate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-Alkalies and Alkaline Earths-SiO^Fe-For- eign Metals. Ether, Anhydrous, Squibb's Reagent soldered tin: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib Tested for: Sp. Gr .-Residue-Aldehydes-Vinyl Alcohol-Thio- compounds Ferric=Ammonium Sulphate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-NO 3 -Alkalies-Cu-Fe. Ferric Chloride, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib l/ 4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: HCI-Basic Salt-Fe-SO 3 -NO 3 -P 2 O 5 -As-Ca- Pb-Cu-Alkalies. Ferrous Sulphate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: I Ib l/ 4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-Alkalies-Cu-Pb-Free Acid. Iodine, Resublimed, Squibb's Reagent g. s. bottle : 1 Ib J /4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances-Cl-CN. Lead Acetate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-NO 3 -Al-Fe-Foreign Metals-Ca-Mg- Alka- lies-Basic Salt. Lead Nitrate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: CI-SO 3 -Al-Fe-Foreigg Metals-Ca-Mg-Alkalies. This house supplies only one quality of each product: that best suited to the purposes intended. The specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations; it has a plain, posi- tive meaning. Therefore, when prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. Lead Oxide Red, Squibb's Reagent bottle: I Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -NO 3 -Ca-Alkalies-SiO2-Fe-Pb metal. Lead Oxide Yellow, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-CO-j-NOs^SiO^Ca-Mg-Al-Fe-Cu-Insolu- ble in Acetic Acid. Lead Peroxide (Manganese=free), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl^SO 3 -NO 3 -Mn-SiO 2 -Water-soluble salts- Assay. Litmus Paper, Squibb In vials of 100 strips and in tubes of 2 sheets. We prepare Litmus Paper of three different degrees of sen- sitiveness. Our regular red or blue quickly responds to N/250 alkali or acid V. S. Our^ neutral responds to either N/1000 alkali or acid V. S. Our dark-red or dark-blue, for technical purposes, responds quickly to N/100 alkali or acid V. S. We supply regular "red" or "blue" paper on unspecified orders. Magnesium Chloride, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: SO 3 -P 2 O 5 -As-Ca-B a -Al-Fe-Heavy Metals. Magnesium Sulphate, Squibb-'s Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: CI-P 2 O 5 -Ca-Sr-Alkalies-As-Fe-Heavy Metals. Manganese Dioxide (Precipitated), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-NO 3 -SO 3 -SiO2-Ca-Mg-Fe-Alkalies-Assay. Manganese Sulphate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: CI-NO 3 -Ca-Mg-Fe-Alkalies. Mercuric Bromide, Squibb's Reagent 1-oz. bottle: Tested for: Non-volatile substances-Fe-As-Foreign Metals. Mercuric Chloride, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances-SO 3 As-Fe-Calomel and Basic Salt-Foreign Metals. Mercuric Oxide, Red, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib l/ 4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances-CI-SO 3 -NO 3 -Fe-Pb~Cu. Mercury, Squibb's Reagent stone bottle: 5 Ibs., 1 Ib 1/4 Ib I oz Non-volatile substances-Fe-Foreign Metals. NickeI=Ammonium Sulphate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: I Ib l/ 4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-NO 3 -Pb-Cu-Fe-Co. Nickel Nitrate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -Fe-Cu-Co-Alka!ies. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 457 Nickel Sulphate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-NO 3 -Co-Fe-Pb-Cu-Alkalies. Potassium Acetate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl^SO 3 -Ca-Fe-Heavy Metals. Potassium Bicarbonate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib l/ 4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -NO 3 -Ca-AI^SiC>2-Fe-Heavy Metals- Residue on ignition. Potassium Bisulphate (Crystals), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib I oz Tested for: Cl-NOs-As-Ca-Mg-Al^SiCVHeavy Metals-- Assay. Potassium Bitartrate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -Ca-NH 3 -AI-Fe-Pb. Potassium Bromate, Squibb's Reagent 1-oz. bottle: Tested for: Cl-Bromide-SO 3 -Heavy Metals. Potassium Carbonate (Anhydrous), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -NO 3 -Ca-Mg-Al-SiO2-Fe-Heavy Metals Potassium Chlorate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: C1^5O 3 -NO 3 -Ca-Mg-As-Fe-Heavy Metals. Potassium Chloride, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib l/ 4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: SO 3 -NO 3 -Ca-Mg-I-Fe-Heavy Metals. Potassium Chromate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -Ca-Mg-Al-Fe. Potassium Dichromate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -Al-Alkaline Earths-Heavy Metals. Potassium Ferricyanide, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib l/ 4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: C1^SO 3 -CO 2 . Potassium Ferrccyanide, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: C1-SO 3 -CO 2 . Potassium Hydroxide (by Alcohol), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SOs-NOs-COo-^SiOo-Ca-Al-Fe-N-Heavy Metals. The prices of the Squibb Products are in all instances as low as the quality and quantity of ingredients and the expense of man- ufacture allow. They incrude containers, packing and boxing. When ordering or prescribing medicinal products, specify SQUIBB'S. 458 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Potassium Iodide, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-CN-SOs-NOs-CO'j-KOH'-IOs-Fe-Heavy Metals. Potassium Nitrate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -NO2-ClO 3 -Ca-Fe-Heavy Metals. Potassium Permanganate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib l/ 4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -NO 3 -ClO 3 -C a -Fe. Potassium Persulphate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib l/ 4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SiCVFe-Pb-Mn-NHs. Potassium-Sodium Tartrate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: I Ib 1/4 Ib I oz Tested for: Halogens-SO 3 -NH 3 -Ca-Fe-Pb. Potassium Sulphate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 lb.......l/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-NO 3 -As-NH 3 -Ca-Mg-Fe-Heavy Metals. Potassium Sulphocyanate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: CkSO 3 -NH 3 -Fe. Silver 1 Nitrate (Crystals), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-Cu-Bi-Pb-Fe-SiO^Ca-Alkalies. Sodium Acetate (Crystals), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib l/ 4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -Ca-Fe-Heavy Metals. Sodium Acetate Anhydrous, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib 1/4 Ib I oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -Ca-Fe-Heavy Metals. Sodium=Ammonium Phosphate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib 1/4 Ib..,....1 oz Tested for: Cl-^3O 3 -NO 3 -CO2-As-Ca-Fe-Heavy Metals. Sodium Bicarbonate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: CI-SOs-Mono-carbonate-NHs-Ca-NaoSoOa- CNS-P 2 O 5 -Al-SiO 2 -Fe-Heavy Metals. Sodium Bisulphate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-As-SiO^Ca-Mg-Al-Fe-Heavy Metals- Assay. Sodium Bisulphite, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-Ca-Mg-As-Fe-Pb-Insoluble matter-Heavy Metals Assay. Sodium Bitartrate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -Ca-Fe-Pb. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 459 Sodium Borate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs .1 Ib l/ 4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -CC>2-Ca-Fe-Heavy Metals. Sodium Carbonate (Crystals), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -NO 3 -P 2 O5-NH3-Ca-Mg-Al-SiO 2 - Fe-NaOH-Heavy Metals-Loss at 120 C. Sodium Carbonate Anhydrous, Squibb's Reagent bottle: I tt> 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Cl^SO 3 -P 2 O5-SiO2-Ca-NH 3 -Mg-Al-Fe-H 2 O- Heavy Metals. Sodium Chlorate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -NO 3 -Ca-Mg-Fe- As-Heavy Metals. Sodium Chloride, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: SO 3 -NH 3 -Ca-B a -Mg-I-Fe-Heavy Metals. Sodium Citrate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -As-Ca-Fe-Metals. Sodium Cyanide, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SOs-COa-Fe-CNS-Ferrocyanide-HCN. Sodium Hydroxide (by Alcohol), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Cl^SOs-COs-Ca-Al^SiCVFe-N-Assay. Sodium Nitrate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -Ca-Mg-Fe-NO2-IO 3 -ClO 3 -Heavy Metals. Sodium Nitrite, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -Fe-Assay. Sodium Nitroprusside, Squibb's Reagent 1-oz. bottle: Tested for SO 3 . Sodium Oxalate (Soerensen's Salt), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb 1 oz Tested for: C1-SO 3 K-Fe-Organic Foreign compounds- Hygroscopic Moisture-Neutrality (Bureau of Standards). Sodium Peroxide, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 lb 1/4 lb Tested for: Cl-SO 3 -P 2 O 5 -SiO 2 -Al-Fe-Heavy Metals- Assay. jf difficulty is experienced in procuring any Squibb product, in the original packages here listed, please notify us; we shall see that your wants are met promptly and satisfactorily. 460 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Sodium Phosphate (Dibasic), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib l/ 4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-SOs-NOg-CCVAs-Fe-Heavy Metals. Sodium-Potassium Tartrate, Squibb's Reagent See Potassium-Sodium Tartrate. Sodium Sulphate (Crystals), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-Ca-Mg-Fe-As-Heavy Metals. Sodium Sulphate Anhydrous, Squibb's Reagent bottle: I Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Cl-Ca-Mg-Fe-As-Heavy Metals-H 2 O. Sodium Thiosulphate, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: SOs-SOo-S-CO^Ca-Free Alkali-Fe-Heavy Metals-Assay. Stannous Chloride, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib 1/4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: SO 3 -NH 3 -As-Fe-Pb-Alkalies-Foreign Metals. Sulphur Washed, Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib l/ 4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Non-volatile substances Alkaline Earths-SiO2~Fe- Free Acid. Tin (Mossy), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 1 Ib l/ 4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: Fe-Pb-Cu-Zn-As. Uranium Nitrate, Squibb's Reagent 1-oz. bottle: Tested for: SO 3 -Fe-Alkalies-Alkaline Earths-Uranous Salt. Zinc (Mossy), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib 1/4 Ib Tested for: As-Fe-Pb-P^S. Zinc Sulphate (Granular), Squibb's Reagent bottle: 5 Ibs 1 Ib l/ 4 Ib 1 oz Tested for: CI-NO 3 -NH 3 -As-Fe-Foreign Metals. SQUIBB'S REAGENT CHEMICALS The following chemicals are of a degree of purity usually exceeding the standards of the U. S. Pharmacopoeia and adapted for all lines of chemical work where the highest purity Reagent is not required. Acetone Aluminum Sulphate Acid Lactic Ammonia Water (10%) Acid Oleic Ammonium Benzoate Acid Pyrogallic Ammonium Citrate Acid Salicylic Ammonium Iodide Acid Stearic Amyl Acetate Acid Trichloracetic Amyl Nitrite Aloin Barium Dioxide SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 461 Reagent Chemicals (Continued) Barium Sulphate Benzaldehyde Betanaphthol Bismuth Citrate Bismuth Oxide Hydrated Bismuth Subcarbonate Calcium Acetate Calcium Phosphate Chloral Hydrate Chloroform Ether Ethyl Acetate Ferrous Sulphate Dried Gold and Sodium Chloride Gold Chloride Hydrogen Peroxide Solution Iron Reduced Kaolin Lead Subacetate Solution Magnesium Sulphate Exsiccated Mercuric Chloride Mercuric Iodide Mercuric Oxide Yellow Methylene Blue Phenol Phenolphthalein Potassium Binoxalate Potassium Bromide Potassium Oxalate Magnesium-Ammonium Phos- phate Potassium Phosphate Dibasic Resorcin Sodium Arsenate Sodium Bromide Sodium Carbonate Mono- hydrated Sodium Hypophosphite Sodium Iodide Sodium Phosphate Acid Sodium Salicylate Sodium Tartrate Strontium Acetate Strontium Bromide Strontium Iodide Sugar of Milk Zinc Acetate Zinc Carbonate Zinc Chloride Zinc Iodide Zinc Oxide Zinc Sulphate Dried SQUIBB'S TEST SOLUTIONS Below we list the Test Solutions, Volumetric Solutions, and Indicators, as demanded for the reactions, tests and assays prescribed by the U. S. Pharmacopoeia Ninth De- cennial Revision. We use the familiar abbreviations "T. S." and V. S." for "Test Solution" and "Volu- metric Solution," respectively; N/2, N/10, N/50 and N/100, for "Half-Normal," "Tenth Normal," "Fif- tieth-Normal" and "Hundredth-Normal," respectively. In glass-stopper bottles. Ammonium Carbonate T. S. 500 Cc. lOOCc. Ammonium Chloride T. S. 500 Cc. 100 Cc. Ammonium Molybdate T. S. 500 Cc. 100 Cc. Ammonium Oxalate T. S. 550 Cc. lOOCe. Ammonium Sulphide T. S. 500 Cc. 100 Cc. Aniline Sulphate T. S. 500 Cc. 1 00 Cc. The Squibb products are recognized everywhere as the Quality Standard. They are of uniform purity and strength, hence therapeutically dependable. When ordering or prescribing me- dicinal products, you will do well always to specify SQUIBB'S. 462 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Squibb's Test Solutions (Continued) Arsenic Acid T. S., Concentrated 500 Cc. Barium Chloride T. S. 500 Cc. Barium Hydroxide T. S. 500 Cc. Barium Nitrate T. S. 500 Cc. Bromine T. S. 500 Cc. Cadmium Chloride T. S. 500 Cc. Calcium Chloride T. S. 500 Cc. Calcium Hydroxide T. S. 500 Cc. Calcium Sulphate T. S. 500 Cc. Chlorine T. S. 500 Cc. Cobaltous Chloride T. S. 500 Cc. Cobaltous Nitrate T. S. 500 Cc. Cupric Acetate T. S. 500 Cc. Cupric Ammonium Sulphate T. S. 500 Cc. Cupric Sulphate T. S. 500 Cc. Diphenylamine T. S. 500 Cc. Esbach's Reagent 500 Cc. Ferric Ammonium Sulphate T. S. 500 Cc. Ferric Chloride T. S. 500 Cc. Ferrous Sulphate T. S. 500 Cc. Gold Chloride T. S. 500 Cc. Gold Chloride T. S., Diluted 500 Cc. Haines', for Glucose 500 Cc. Hydrogen Sulphide T. S. 500 Cc. Indigo T. S. 500 Cc. Indigo-Carmine T. S. 500 Cc. Iodine T. S. 500 Cc. Iodine T. S., Alcoholic 500 Cc. lodo-Bromide T. S. 500 Cc. Lead Acetate T. S. 500 Cc. Lead Acetate T. S., Alcoholic 500 Cc. Lead Acetate Basic T. S. 500 Cc. Manganese Sulphate T. S. 500 Cc. Magnesia Mixture 500 Cc. Magnesium Sulphate T. S. 500 Cc. Mercuric Bromide T. S., Alcoholic 500 Cc. Mercuric Chloride T. S. 500 Cc. Mercuric Chloride T. S., Alcoholic 500 Cc. Mercuric Nitrate T. S. 500 Cc. Mercuric Potassium Iodide T. S. 500 Cc. Mercuric Potassium Iodide T. S., Alkaline 500 Cc. Mercurous Nitrate T. S. 500 Cc. Naphthylamine Acetate T. S. 500 Cc. Naphthylamine (Alpha-) Hydrochloride T. S. 500 Cc. Obermayer's Reagent 500 Cc. Oxalic Acid T. S. 500 Cc. Palladous Chloride T. S. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 25 Cc. 100 Cc. lOOCc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. lOOCc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 25 Cc. 100 Cc. 25 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. lOOCc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. lOOCc. 100 Cc. lOOCc. lOOCc. lOOCc. 100 Cc. lOOCc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 25 Cc. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 463 Squibb's Test Solutions (Continued) Phenoldisulphuric Acid T. S. 500 Cc. Phenolphthalein T. S. 500 Cc. Phloroglucinol T. S. 500 Cc. Picric Acid T. S. 500 Cc. Platinic Chloride T. S. Potassium Carbonate T. S. 500 Cc. Potassium Chromate T. S. 500 Cc. Potassium Cyanide T. S. 500 Cc. Potassium Dichromate T. S. 500 Cc. Potassium Ferricyanide T. S. 500 Cc. Potassium Ferrocyanide T .S. 500 Cc. Potassium Hydroxide T. S. 500 Cc. Potassium Hydroxide T. S. .Alcoholic 500 Cc. Potassium Hydroxide T. S., Special 500 Cc. Potassium Iodide T. S. 500 Cc. Potassium Permanganate T. S. 500 Cc. Potassium Sulphate T. S. 500 Cc. Potassium Sulphocyanate T. S. 500 Cc. Pyrogallol T. S., Alkaline 500 Cc. Resorcinol T. S. 500 Cc. Silver-Ammonium Nitrate T. S. 500 Cc. Silver Nitrate T. S. 500 Cc. Silver Sulphate T. S. 500 Cc. Sodium Acetate T. S. 500 Cc. Sodium Bisulphite T. S. 500 Cc. Sodium Bitartrate T. S. 500 Cc. Sodium Carbonate T. S. 500 Cc. Sodium Cobaltic Nitrite T. S. 500 Cc. Sodium Cyanide T. S. 500 Cc. Sodium Hypobromite T. S. 500 Cc. Sodium Nitroprusside T. S. 500 Cc. Sodium Phosphate T. S. 500 Cc. Sodium Phosphotungstate T. S. 500 Cc. Sodium Sulphide T. S. 500 Cc. Sodium Tartrate T. S. 500 Cc. Sodium Thiosulphate T. S. 500 Cc. Stannous Chloride T. S. 500 Cc. Stannous Chloride T. S., Acid 500 Cc. Stannous Chloride T. S., Saturated 500 Cc. Sulphanilic Acid T. S. 500 Cc. Tannic Acid T. S. 500 Cc. Tartaric Acid T. S. 500 Cc. lOOCc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. lOOCc. 25 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. lOOCc. lOOCc. 100 Cc. lOOCc. 100 Cc. lOOCc, lOOCc. lOOCc. lOOCc. 100 Cc. lOOCc. lOOCc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. lOOCc. lOOCc. lOOCc. lOOCc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. lOOCc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. 100 Cc. SQUIBB'S VOLUMETRIC SOLUTIONS Alkaline Cupric Tartrate V. S.(Fehling's Solution) 500 Cc. Barium Hydroxide V. S. N/l 500 Cc. Since we make only one quality of each product, that best suited to the purposes intended, the specification "Squibb's" is not open to various interpretations, but has a plain, positive meaning. When ordering or prescribing, specify SQUIBB'S. 464 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Bromine V. S. N/10 (Koppeschaar's Solution) 500 Cc. Hydrochloric Acid V. S. Normal 500 Cc. Hydrochloric Acid V. S. N/2 500 Cc. Hydrochloric Acid V. S. N/l 500 Cc. Iodine V.S. N/10 500 Cc. Oxalic Acid V.S. N/10 500 Cc. Oxalic Acid V. S. Normal 500 Cc. Potassium Dichromate V. S. N/10 500 Cc. Potassium Hydroxide V. S. Alcoholic N/2 500 Cc. Potassium Hydroxide V. S. Normal 500 Cc. Potassium Hydroxide V. S. N/l 500 Cc. Potassium Hydroxide V. S. N/5 500 Cc. Potassium Hydroxide V. S. N/2 500 Cc. Potassium Permanganate V. S. N/l 500 Cc. Potassium Sulphocyanate V. S. N/10 500 Cc. Silver Nitrate V. S. N/l 500 Cc. Silver Nitrate V. S. N/l 00 500 Cc. Sodium Chloride V. S. N/l 500 Cc. Sodium Hydroxide V. S. Double Normal 500 Cc. Sodium Hydroxide V. S. Normal 500 Cc. Sodium Hydroxide V. S. N/l 500 Cc. Sodium Thiosulphate V. S. N/1 500 Cc. Sodium Thiosulphate V. S. N/200 500 Cc. Sulphuric Acid V. S. Normal 500 Cc. Sulphuric Acid V. S. N/2 500 Cc. Sulphuric Acid V. S. N/l 500 Cc. Sulphuric Acid V. S. N/50 500 Cc. SQUIBB'S INDICATORS Azolithmin T. S. 500 Cc. 100 Cc. Brazil-Wood T. S. 500 Cc. 100 Cc. Cochineal T. S. 500 Cc. 100 Cc. Congo Red T. S. 500 Cc. 100 Cc. Hematoxylin T. S. 500 Cc. 100 Cc. lodeosin T. S. 500 Cc 100 Cc. Litmus T.S. 500 Cc. lOOCc. Methyl-Orange T. S. 500 Cc. 100 Cc. Methyl Red T. S. 500 Cc. lOOCc. Phenoldisulphonic Acid T. S. 500 Cc. 100 Cc. Rosolic Acid T. S. 500 Cc. 100 Cc. Turmeric Tincture 500 Cc. 100 Cc. PART V Veterinary Products VETERINARY HYPODERMIC TABLETS IN response to a demand, we have added the follow- ing Veterinary Hypodermic Tablets to our list, and we shall increase the number from time to time as, the occasion demands. These tablets contain the Squibb products of recog- nized quality. They are made with every possible care and attention to detail, and may be depended upon for prompt, certain and full therapeutic action. Squibb's Veterinary Hypodermic Tablets are put up in tubes of 10 tablets and in bottles of 100 tablets. Special formulas in lots of 1000 or more will be made to order at short notice. In making hypodermic injections, care should be taken to sterilize the syringe, needle and site of opera- tion, so as to avoid infection ; and all air-bubbles should be forced out of the syringe before injecting. Only freshly boiled distilled water should be used as solvent. Tablets Aconitine Crystals 1/40 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Tablets Aconitine Crystals 1/30 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Tablets Aconitine Crystals 1/20 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Aconitine is used as an Antineuralgic, Cardiac Sedative and Sudorific. Antidotes: emetics; atropine, digitalin or ammonia. fTablets Apomorphine Hydrochloride 1/10 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Used as Emetic in dogs and cats. The founder of the House of Squibb, Dr. Edward R. Squibb, not only had high ideals, but lived and labored for them; and, in the words of William Miller Bartlett, "the House of Squibb stands today as a living monument to the honor, integrity, zeal and devotion of its founder." 465 466 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Atropine Sulphate 1/4 gr., Squibb lube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Tablets Atropine Sulphate 1/2 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Tablets Atropine Sulphate 1 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Respiratory and Cardiac Stimulant; Analgesic and Antispas- modic. (NOTE: We also make hypodermic tablets Atropine Sulphate 1 /200 gr- 1 /150 gr.. 1 /100 gr., l /50 gr. See Part II.) Tablets Barium Chloride Compound, Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Barium Chloride 7 gr. 1 A prompt Cathartic in colic Digitalin !/12 gr- J of horses. Dose : 1 tablet per injection, not to be repeated before lapse of 24 hours. fTablets Cocaine Hydrochloride 1 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, fTablets Cocaine Hydrochloride, 1 1/2 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, fTablets Cocaine Hydrochloride 2 gr., Squibb rube of 10, ; bottle of 1 00, Antidotes to Cocaine: chloral hydrate; amyl nitrite by inhala- tion; caffeine hypodermically. (NOTE: We also make hypodermic tablets Cocaine Hydro- chloride Vio gr. and */4 gr. See Part II of this book. See also Tablets Cocaine Hydrochloride IJ/g gr. and 2^/4 gr., for preparing Solutions, further on.) Tablets Colic. See Tablets. Eserine and Pilocarpine. Tablets Digitalin 1/4 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Tablets Digitalin 1/2 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Digitalin (Germanic) is used as a Cardiac Tonic and Diuretic; it increases the force and diminishes the frequency of heart action. Injections usually given at intervals of 12 to 24 hours. Antidotes: apomorphine hypodermically as emetic; nitroglycerin or morphine early, strophanthin later; camphor and other stimu- lants. Tablets Eserine Salicylate 1/4 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 467 Tablets Eserine Salicylate 1/2 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Tablets Eserine Salicylate 1 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Eserine Salicylate has been found a serviceable Intestinal Peri- staltic and Evacuant, and is largely used in colic of horses. The following is a favorite combination: Tablets Eserine and Pilocarpine, Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Eserine Salicylate */4 gr. \ Commonly called "Colic Pilocarpine Hydrochlor. 1 1/2 gr- ) Tablets," because of their specific use in colic of horses. The pilocarpine enhances the peristaltic action of the serine. Dose : 1 tablet, every four hours if needed. (NoTE: We also make hypodermic tablets Eserine Salicylate VlOO gr., 1 /60 gr. and Vso gr. See Part II of this book.) {Tablets Morphine Sulphate 1 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, fTablets Morphine Sulphate 1 1/2 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, {Tablets Morphine Sulphate 2 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Antidotes to Morphine: apomorphine hypodermically as emetic; atropine, strychnine or caffeine; exercise. (NoTE: We also make hypodermic tablets Morphine Sulphate, % gr., y gr., Vogr-, % gr., VlO gr. and 1/iegr. See Part II.) fTablets Morphine and Atropine Comp. No. 1, Squibb Morphine Sulphate Wagr. ) tube of 10, Atropine Sulphate */4 gr. ] bottle of 100, {Tablets Morphine and Atropine Comp. No. 2, Squibb Morphine Sulphate U/2 gr. j tube of 10, Atropine Sulphate */2 gr. j bottle of 100, (NoTE: We also make hypodermic tablets Morphine Sulphate 1 /2 gr. and Atropine Sulphate Vl20 gr-; Morphine Sulphate i/4 gr. and Atropine Sulphate VlfX) gr.; Morphine Sulphate Vs gr. and Atropine Sulphate ^OO gr-; Morphine Sulphate !/8 gr. and Atropine Sulphate Vino gr. ; and Morphine Sulphate 1 /r, gr. and Atropine Sulphate VloO gr. See Part II of this book.) The Squibb Ideals have taken concrete form in the Squibb Products; these are universally recognized as standards of uniform Purity and Efficacy, that is, general Excellence and Reliability. Specify SQUIBB'S when prescribing or ordering. 468 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Nitroglycerin 1/10 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Antispasmodic and Vasodilator. Antidotes: atropine, extract ergot or strychnine hypodermically; cold to head. Tablets Physostigmine Salicylate. See Tablets Eserine Salicylate Tablets Pilocarpine Hydrochloride 1/2 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Cathartic. Antidotes: apomorphine as emetic; atropine; am- monia. Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 1/4 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Antidotes: apomorphine as emetic; chloral with bromides per rectum; chloroform by inhalation if required. Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 1/2 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Tablets Strychnine Sulphate 1 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, (NoTE: We also make hypodermic tablets Strychnine Sul- phate V400 gr., 1 /300 gl"-. 1 /200 gr., 1 /100 gr., VfiO gr., ] /. r >0 gr., V40 gr-. 1 /30 gr., 1 /25 gr., and VOQ gr. See Part II of this book.) Tablets Veratrine Hydrochloride, 1/2 gr., Squibb tube of 10, ; bottle of 100, Cardiac Sedative and Antipyretic, in horses and cattle. Should be injected well diluted, and its effect carefully watched. Anti- dotes: apomorphine as emetic; morphine with atropine; stimu- lants. SOLUTION TABLETS We append a list of a number of tablets used by Veteri- narians for preparing solutions : fTablets Cocaine Hydrochloride 1 1/8 gr., Squibb tube of 25, ; bottle of 100, 1 tablet dissolved in 1 fluidrachm of water yields approximately a 2-percent, solution ; 1 tablet in 2 fluidrachms of water a 1 -percent, solution; 2 tablets in 1 fluidrachm of water a 4- percent. solution, etc. Distilled or sterile water should always be used in preparing solutions; and if for hypodermic use, the solution should be passed through absorbent cotton. fTablets Cocaine Hydrochloride 2 1/4 gr., Squibb tube of 25, ; bottle of 100, 1 tablet dissolved in 1 fluidrachm of water yields approximately a 4-percent, solution. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 469 Tablets Mercury Bichloride Compound Bernays', Small Perlb. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Blue or White Mercury Bichloride ! 3 /4gr. } The addition of citric acid to Citric Acid 87 /100 gr- ) mercury bichloride prevents precipitation of the mercury as an albuminate, when used as an antiseptic on open wounds or mucous surfaces. The tablets offered here are extremely solu- ble and very convenient for preparing antiseptic solutions. Dis- solved in water m the proportion of 1 tablet to 4 fluidounces, they yield a perfectly clear, light-blue solution containing about one part of corrosive sublimate in one thousand. These tablets are poisonous and should be kept in a safe place. The fc/ue tablets will be supplied on unspecified orders. Antidotes: as in Part I under Mercury Chloride Corrosive. Tablets Mercury Bichloride Compound Bernays', Large Perlb. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Blue or White bottles of 25, per doz., Mercury Bichloride 7^/io gr. | For external use only. One Citric Acid 3 4 /s gr. } tablet dissolved in a pint of water yields a solution con* taining one part of corrosive sublimate in one thousand. These tablets are poisonous and are intended only for preparing anti- septic solutions. They should be kept in a safe place. The blue tablets will be supplied on unspecified orders. Tablets Mercury Bichloride Compound, Wilson's Perlb. Per 1000 Per 500 Per 100 Blue or White bottles of 25, per doz., Mercury Bichloride 7 3 /io gr. j These tablets are intended for Ammonium Chloride 7 7 /io gr. j preparing antiseptic solutions. They are made without the ad- dition of any foreign matter and yield perfectly clear solutions with water. 1 tablet dissolved in a pint of water makes a solu- tion of about 1 :IOOO. These tablets, being poisonous, should be kept in a place apart from the usual internal remedies. The white tablets will be supplied on unspecified orders. (NoTE: With hard water, that is, water containing considera- ble lime salts, Wilson's Tablets are apt to give rise to precipita- tion. This cannot be avoided ; and in such instances they should be replaced by Bernays' Tablets, the citric acid in which tends to prevent precipitation.) The Squibb Label on a package is a positive guaranty for the uniform Purity and Reliability of the product. We make only ONE quality: the SQUIBB quality; and our prices are as low as they can be made for that quality. Specify SQUIBB'S. 470 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Tablets Potassium Arsenite, Squibb tube of 10, ;boHleoflOO, For preparing Foroler's Solution (Solution Potassium Arsenite). One tablet dissolved in V fluidounce of distilled water makes a preparation of the strength of Liquor Potassii Arsenilis U. S. P., but without compound tincture of lavender. Tablets Potassium Permanganate 5 gr., Squibb Per 1000, ; per 500, ; per 100, For preparing disinfectant solutions. Dissolve 1 to 2 tablets in a quart of water. These tablets are made from the Squibb dis- tinctive quality of all large-crystal permanganate, and dissolve quickly in water. (Also supplied in 1, 2 and 3-gr. sizes.) fVeterinary Hypodermic Tablet Case, Squibb containing 12 tubes, Anti=Hog=Cholera Serum, Squibb 250 Cc. bottle. Clear, potent, free from irritating foreign bodies and from dis- ease-producing bacteria. Affords positive protection against Hog Cholera. Write for complete literature. Ophthalmic Mallein, Squibb For conjunctival test for Glanders. 5 capillary tubes, sufficient for 5 tests, 10 capillary tubes, sufficient for 10 tests, 1 Cc. vial, sufficient for 50 tests, Torrey's Canine Distemper Vaccine, Squibb 5 Cc. vial (1 treatment), An effective prophylactic measure against Distemper in dogs. Torrey's Distemper Serum, Squibb 20 Cc. vial. For the efficient treatment of cases of Canine Distemper. Com- plete literature sent on request. Veterinary Tetanus Antitoxin, Squibb In special aseptic Syringes: 500 Units, Immunizing Dose, 1 500 Units, Immunizing Dose, 5000 Units, Curative Dose. Veterinary Tuberculin, Squibb For diagnosis of Tuberculosis in cattle, hogs and other animals. 2 Cc. vial, sufficient for 1 test, 20 Cc. vial, sufficient for 10 tests, Veterinary Mallein Solution, Squibb For subcutaneous test for Glanders. 2 Cc. vial, sufficient for 1 test, 20 Cc. vial, sufficient for 10 tests, PART VI MISCELLANEOUS Glossary of Therapeutic Terms Used Throughout This Book Absorbents are products that absorb moisture, wound secretions, or gas, and render them inert. Alteratives are agents which in some way not yet un- derstood alter the processes of nutrition and excretion and thereby cure many diseases of a chronic type. Amylolytics are starch-digestants. Analeptics are reviving, restorative medicines or agents. Analgesics or General Anodynes are internal remedies relieving pain, either by direct impression of the nerve cen- ters in the brain or by diminishing the conductivity of the sensory nerve fibers. Anaesthetics, Inhalation, are volatile substances produc- ing narcosis or general insensibility when inhaled in suffi- cient quantity. Anaesthetics, Local, are agents producing local insen- sibility on topical application. Anaphrodisiacs. See Antaphrodisiacs. Anhidrotics or Anhydrolics. See Antihydrotics. Anodynes or Local Anodynes are preparations relieving pain on local application ; they act by depression of the terminal nerve filaments in the skin or by impairing the conductivity of the sensory nerves. Anodynes, General. See Analgesics. Antacids are substances neutralizing acidity, forming salts with the acid present. Antaphrodisiacs, or Anaphrodisiacs, depress the sexual function and diminish sexual desire; they act by lessening the excitability of the nerves of the genital organs, by de- pressing the genital centers in the brain and spinal cord, or by decreasing the circulation in the genitalia. Anthelmintics are agents destroying or expelling worms inhabiting the intestinal canal ; usually tapeworm remedies. Anticachectics are remedies opposed to cachexia (de- praved condition of general nutrition). Anticatarrhals subdue inflammation of the mucous membranes (of the bladder, bronchi, nose, etc.). 471 472 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Antidiabelics are preparations used in diabetes. Antiemetics are medicines arresting vomiting (emesis). Antiepileptics are agents employed in epilepsy. Anlierrhines are drugs diminishing nasal discharge. Antifats are medicines reducing obesity. Antigalactics, or Anlilactagogues, lessen the secretion of milk. Antigonorrheics are preparations used in gonorrhea. They act either by retarding the action of the sweat glands, or by depressing the excitability of the perspiration centers, or by diminishing the cutaneous circulation. Aniihydrotics, or Anhydrotics, check excessive pers- piration. Antilithics are agents tending to prevent the formation of and to dissolve uric acid calculi. Antiluetics are agents used in syphilis (lues). Antimalarials. See Antiperiodics. Antineuralgics are preparations relieving or curing neu- ralgia. See also Analgesics. fAntiparasitics, or Parasiticides, inhibit the growth of or destroy the animal or vegetable parasites on the body. Antiperiodics, or Antimalarials, are remedies for pe- riodic or intermittent fever (malarial fever) ; they act by arresting the development in the blood of successive crops of the plasmodium malariae. Anlif>hlogistics are preparations reducing inflammation. Antif)odagrics are gout remedies. Antipruritics relieve itching (pruritus). Antipyics, or Antisuppuratives, are drugs opposed to the formation of pus (suppuration). Antipyretics reduce elevated temperature (pyrexia), either by lessening the production of heat or by promoting the loss of heat. Antirheumatics are rheumatism remedies. Antiscorbutics are employed in scurvy (scorbutus). Antiseptics prevent the development of microorganisms causing sepsis or infection. Antiseptics, Intestinal, prevent or check intestinal sepsis or putrefaction. Antisialics, or Antisialagogues, are agents lessening the secretion of saliva. Antispasmodics overcome spasm of the muscular system. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 473 Antitabetic, an agent, used in tabes dorsalis. Antitetanics are antispasmodics employed in tetanus. Antitoxins are substances developed in the body and counteracting specific toxins. Antituberculars are agents used in the treatment of tuberculosis, local or general (phthisis, consumption). Antizymotics, or Antifermentatives, prevent or check fermentative processes (zymosis) in the digestive tract. Aperients are mild cathartics, producing softened stools \vithout irritation. Aphrodisiacs are agents stimulating the sexual desire and power. Appetizers are medicines improving appetite. Aromatics and Condiments are spicy, stimulant drugs. Astringents contract organic tissue and thereby lessen- ing or arresting discharge. Bactericides are products that kill bacteria; analogous to disinfectants. Bitter Tonics are vegetable bitter drugs improving ap- petite and imparting tone to the digestive organs. Cardiac Depressants, or Cardiac Sedatives, lessen the force and the frequency of the heart's action, and sub- due cardiac excitement. Cardiac Stimulants increase the force as well as the frequency of the heart's action in depressed conditions of the circulatory apparatus. Cardiac Tonics are drugs which stimulate the cardiic musculature, slowing and strengthening its contractions and imparting tone to the weakened organ. Carminatives promote the expulsion of flatus (gas) from the gastrointestinal tract by increasing peristalsis, re- laxing the orifices of the stomach, and stimulating circula- tion ; they correct the tendency of certain drugs to gripe. Cathartics are agents which increase or hasten evacua- tion of the bowels. According to their respective intensi- ties or direction of action, they are classified as: Aperients or Laxatives, which excite only moderate intestinal peris- talsis and produce softened passages without irritant ac- tion; Cathartics are Simple Purgatives, causing active peristalsis by their slightly irritant action and their stimu- lating effect upon the intestinal secretions ; Drastic Cathar- tics are still more drastic in their action, producing violent peristalsis and watery stools, usually with tenesmus and 474 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA griping, and decidedly irritating the intestinal mucosa; Hydragogue Cathartics especially produce watery dis- charges and include most of the drastic and saline purga- tives; Cholagogue Cathartics stimulate the flow of bile and produce purgation in consequence, the stools being green-colored after full doses; Saline Cathartics stimulate the intestinal glands and by dint o-f their slight diffusibility cause an accumulation of fluid in the intestines, and this in turn produces the catharsis partly from the effect of gravity and partly by mild peristaltic stimulation. Caustics, or Escharotics, are substances used to de- stroy pathologic organic tissue, either by abstracting water, or by uniting with the albumin, or by converting the tissue into carbon or gaseous substances. Cerebral Depressants depress or temporarily suspend the functions of the cerebrum. Cerebral Excitants or Stimulants increase the functional activity of the brain, partly by increasing the rapidity of the circulation and in part by a direct action upon the gray matter. Chalybeates are ferruginous hematinics. Cholagogues are agents promoting the secretion of bile. Cicatrizants are vulneraries bringing about healing by cicatrization. Circulatory Equalizers are medicaments restoring the equilibrium of the circulatory apparatus. Condiments are spicy preparations stimulating digestion. Corrigents are products employed to correct the taste, or to overcome untoward action such as griping, etc. Counter-irritants are used to produce superficial irrita- tion in order to exert a good effect upon a deeper-seated, diseased part or organ. Demulcents are mucilaginous or oily preparations sooth- ing and protecting the parts with which they come into contact, generally the mucous membranes: Deodorants are substances correcting foul odors. Depilatories are means of removing superfluous hair. Depressants diminish functional activity. Dermics are agents used in skin diseases. Diaphoretics and Sudorifics produce increased per- spiration (diaphoresis) the latter being the more energetic. Digestants or Digestives, are medicaments that digest food or aid functional digestion. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 475 Discutienls are local agents favoring the disappear- ance of tumors and inflammatory exudates. Disinfectants are agents destroying disease germs and noxious products of decomposition or fermentation. Diuretics increase the excretion of urine, either by rais- ing the blood-pressure and thereby increasing the renal secretion, or by stimulating the secretory cells or the nerves of the kidneys. Drastics, or Drastic Cathartics, are very energetic pur- gatives, producing violent peristalsis by their irritant action on the intestinal mucous membrane. Ecbolics are agents promoting parturition or producing abortion, by stimulating the gravid uterus to contraction. Emetics are substances causing vomiting (emesis), either by irritating the terminations of the gastric, pharyn- geal, or esophageal nerves, or by action through the blood upon the vomiting center, or by reflex action from peri- pheral sources. Emmenagogues are used for restoring or stimulating the menstrual function, either by direct action upon the uterine musculature or indirectly improving the blood and nerve system. Emollients soften and soothe irritated or tense skin. Epispastics are blistering agents ; vesicants. Errhines are drugs increasing nasal secretion, usually without causing sneezing. Escharotics. See Caustics* Excitomotors are agents exciting nerve activity. Expectorants are remedies which promote expectora- tion by modifying the secretion of the respiratory mucous membranes and facilitating its expulsion. Febrifuges are fever-dispellers ; antipyretics. Calactagogues are agents increasing the secretion of milk. Castric Tonics are preparations that tone up the stom- ach and improve digestion. Germicides are agents that kill disease germs. Hematinics improve the quality of the blood by in- creasing the proportion of hematin (coloring matter). Hematopoietics promote the processes of blood-making. Hemostatics are agents arresting internal hemorrhage. Hypnotics are drugs producing sleep without suspend- ing the consciousness of pain. 476 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Intestinal Astringents constrict the intestinal mucous membrane and in consequence arrest or diminish diarrhea. Laxatives are mild cathartics. See under cathartics. Lenitives are gentle laxatives; aperients. Lithonlriptics are agents supposed to promote the solu- tion of concretions in the excretory passages. Masticatories are drugs intended for chewing to in- crease the secretion of saliva. Motor Depressants decrease the functional activity of the spinal cord and other motor centers, and in sufficiently large doses paralyze them. Motor Excitants increase the activity of the spinal cord and other motor centers, producing disturbances of motility, increased reflex excitability, and tetanic convul- sions when given in large doses, the end effect being motor paralysis from overstimulation. Mydriatics cause dilatation of the pupils (mydriasis). Myotics produce contraction of the pupils (myosis). Narcotics are drugs that produce stupor, coma, in- sensibility, and finally death from paralysis of the medul- lary centers, according to the doses given. Nervines are remedies used in nervous diseases. Nutrients are nutritious substances or foods. Oxytocics are drugs promoting uterine contractions and thus hastening parturition. Parasiticides inhibit the growth of or kill parasites found upon the body; Antiparasitics. Parturients or Parturifacients induce or facilitate birth. Peristaltics are agents stimulating or increasing the vermicular action of the intestines. Proteclives are substances spread over an injured part or other lesion, mechanically protecting it from the air, moisture, or friction. Proteolytics are solvents or digestants of proteins. Purgatives are rather powerful cathartics. Reconstructives or Restoratives, aid in the rebuilding of lost tissue, by promoting constructive metamorphosis. Refrigerants are agents having cooling and slightly febrifuge properties. Resolvents are systemic remedies favoring the absorp- tion of exudates or tumors. Respiratory Depressants lower the activity of the res- SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 477 piratory center, rendering the respirations slow and shallow. Respiratory Stimulants increase the activity of the res- piratory center, accelerating and deepening the res- pirations. Rubefacients redden the skin and hence act as counter- irritants. Sedatives are medicaments allaying irritability of an organ or nerve center. Slalagogues are drugs increasing the secretion of saliva. Soporifics are mild hypnotics. Sternutatories are drugs that produce sneezing when applied to the nasal mucous membrane. Stimulants increase functional activity or some trophic or functional process; alcoholics are commonly called stimulants in a general sense. Stomachics are medicaments which stimulate gastric digestion and restore tone to the stomach. Styptics are agents arresting bleeding by their local application. Sudorifics are drugs that induce profuse perspiration ; energetic diaphoretics. Teniacides and Teniafuges are worm-destroyers and worm-expellers respectively. Tonics (General) are remedies improving the general condition of the system. Uterine Tonics are supposed to impart tone to the uterine system. Vasoconstrictors contract the bloodvessels, lessening the circulation therein and raising blood pressure. Vasodilators produce dilatation of the peripheral bloodvessels and increase the circulation therein, thus tending to relieve internal congestions. Vermicides are worm annihilators. Vesical Sedatives lessen irritability of the bladder, quiet pain in that organ and lessen desire to urinate. Vesical Tonics improve the tone of the bladder by in- creasing the contractile power of its muscular fibers, thus preventing both retention of urine and incontinence. Vesicants are blistering agents ; epispastics. Vulneraries are agents employed for healing wounds. 478 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA The Metric System In view of the fact that the metric system of weights and measures is now used in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia and the National Formulary, to the exclusion of all others, a brief description of the system, supplemented by tables of equivalents, will no doubt be of interest to many who are unfamiliar with it. The starting point of the metric system of weights and measures is the meter, the unit of linear measure, repre- senting one ten-millionth of the polar quadrant of the earth that is, the distance from the equator to the poles and equivalent to 39.37 English inches. The gramme is the unit of weight. It is derived as follows: the meter is divided into one hundred equal parts (centimeters) ; upon one such part, or centimeter, as a base a cube is erected having for its three dimensions one centimeter each. The contents of this are one cubic centi- meter, which quantity of distilled water at its maximum density and 30 inches barometric pressure weighs one gramme, or 15.432 grains; and 1000 cubic centimeters (or mils) make one liter, or 33.81 fluidounces. One liter of distilled water at its maximum density and 30 inches barometric pressure weighs 1 000 grammes, or one kilogramme, or 2.2 pounds avoirdupois. The denominations representing the subdivisions of any unit are expressed by prefixing the Latin numerals deci, centi, and milli to the unit meaning respectively one- tenth, one-hundredth, and one-thousandth. The multi- ples are expressed by prefixing the Greek numerals delfa, hecto and i'/o meaning respectively ten, one hundred and one thousand. For the use of those not familiar with the metric or decimal system, as it is also called, we append a few tables of equivalents. The values given in these tables are necessarily approximate, and hence should not be taken as units from which multiples can be made at liberty and exact results obtained. For instance, 0.2 gramme is given as the equivalent of 3 grains; 300 grains, how- ever, would not be quite 1 00X0.2 gramme or 20 grammes, but 19.43 grammes. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 479 The usual abbreviations and exact equivalents of the metric units are as follows: M. =meter = 1 . 09361 yards = dm. = decimeter = 0.10936 " = cm. = centimeter = 0.01093 " = mm. =millimeter = 0.00109 ' 3.28083ft. =39.37 0.32808 " = 3.937 0.03280 " = 0.3937 0.00328 " = 0.03937 in. Kg. =kilogramme = 1000 Gm. Gm. = gramme = 1 dg. =decigramme = 0.1 eg. = centigramme = 0.01 mg. = milligramme = 0.001 " = 15432.356 grains 15.4324 " 1.5432 " = 0.1543 0.01543 " 1. =liter =1000 mils. =2.1134 pints = 33. 8148 fl. ozs. dl. = deciliter = 100 " =0.2113 " = 3.381 ml. =milliliter or mil = 1 mil. =0.03381 fl. oz. = 16. 231 min. (formerly cubic centimeter or Cc.) Metric Weight and Apothecaries' Equivalents Gramme Grain Gramme Grains Grammes Grains Grammes Grains 0.001 ta 1/64 0.04 _ 2/3 0.6 9 10. = 154.3 0.0015 r* 1/40 0.05 = 3/4 0.65 10 15. = 231.3 0.002 = 1/32 0.065 = 1 0.7 = 10.8 20. = 308.6 0.003 = 1/20 0.08 =3 H/4 0.8 = 12 25. = 385.8 0.004 = 1/16 0.1 = H/2 1.0 = 15.432 30. = 463 0.005 = Vl2 0.15 = 21/4 1.5 tm 23 40. = 617.3 0.006 = 1/10 0.2 = 3 2. = 30.8 50. = 771.6 0.008 = 1/8 0.25 = 4 4. 83 61.5 60. = 926 0.01 = 1/6 0.3 = 41/2 5. = 77 0.015 = 1/4 0.4 = 6 6. = 92.5 0.03 _ 1/2 0.5 = 71/2 8. = 123.4 Metric Weight and Its Avoirdupois Equivalents Grammes Grammes Grammes 25. = 385.8 grs. (approx. 7/g oz.) 28.35=1 oz. =437.5 grs 30. = 1 oz. + 25 grs 32. = 1 oz. + 56 grs 33. =1 oz.+ 72 grs 34. = 1 oz. + 87 grs 35. =loz.+103 grs 36. =loz.+118 grs 40. =loz.+180 grs 45. =loz. +218 grs 50. = loz.+334 grs 60. = 2 oz. + 50 grs. 70. = 2 oz. + 205 grs. 75. = 2 oz. + 282 grs. 80. = 2 oz. + 360 grs. 90. = 3 oz. + 76 grs. 100. = 3 oz. + 231 grs. (approx. 31/2 oz.) 120. = 4 oz. + 102 grs. 125. = 4 oz. + 179 grs. 150. =5 oz. + 127 grs. 200. = 7 oz. + 24 grs. 250. = 8 oz. + 358 grs. 300. =10 oz. +255 grs. 400. = 14 oz. + 48 grs. 500. =17 oz. +279 grs. (approx. 1 ft., 1% oz.) 600. =21 oz.+ 72 grs. 700. =24 oz. +303 grs. 750. =26 oz. +198 grs. 800. =28 oz. + 96 grs. 900. =31 oz. +326 grs. 1000. =35oz. +120 grs. (approx. 21 la Ibs.) 480 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Metric Measure and Its Equivalents in Apothecaries' Measure Mils Mils Mils 0.06= 1 minim 6 = 1.62 fluidrachms 120 = 4 fluidouncet 0.1 = 1.5 minims 8 = 2.16 150= 5 0.2 = 3 10 = 2.71 200= 6.75 0.3 = 5 15 =4 300=10.14 0.4 = 6 20 = 5.42 400=13.53 0.5 = 8 25 = 6.75 473=16.00 "(Ipt) 0.6 =10 30 = 1 fluid ounce 500=16.90 0.7 =11 40 =1.3 fluidc unces 600 =20.30 0.8 =12 45 = 1.5 700 =23.67 0.9 =14 50 = 1.7 750=25.36 1 =16.23 60 = 2 800 =27. " 2 =32.46 70 = 2.3 900=30.43 3 =48.69 75 = 2.53 1000 =33.81 4 =64.92 90 = 3. (= 1 liter) 5 = 1.35 fluidrachms 100 = 3.38 Apothecaries' Weight and Metric Equivalents Gramme Grammes Grammes I'lOO grain = 0.0006 2 grains =0.13 11 '2 drachms = 5.85 1/64 = 0.001 3 = 0.2 13/4 = 6.81 1/50 = 0.0013 4 = 0.26 2 = 7.78 1/40 = 0.0016 5 = 0.32 21/2 = 9.72 1/32 = 0.002 6 = 0.39 3 = 11.65 1/20 = 0.003 8 = 0.52 4 = 15.55 1/16 = 0.004 10 = 0.65 5 = 19.43 1/12 = 0.005 12 = 0.78 6 = 23.3 1/10 = 0.006 15 = 0.97 loz.'480grs.) = 31.1 1/8 = 0.008 15.4 = 1. 2 ounces = 62.2 1/3 = 0.011 20 = 1.3 3 = 93.3 Vo = 0.012 24 = 1.55 4 = 121.4 1/4 = 0.015 30 =1.94 6 = 186.6 1/3 = 0.022 to = 2.6 8 =248.8 1/2 = 0.032 15 =2.92 10 = 311. 3/L. - = 0.048 50 o OQ i>.i,o 12 = 373.2 1. = 0.065 60 grs. or 1 dnn. =3.S9 Apothecaries' Measure and Metric Equivalents 1 minim =0.06 mil 60 minims or 1 fluidrachm = 3.70 mi 2 minims =0.12 11/4 fluidrachms 4.65 3 = 0.18 1 "2 = 5.60 4 = 0.25 13,4 6.50 5 = 0.31 2 = 7.50 6 = 0.37 3 11.25 7 = 0.43 4 1 5.00 8 = 0.49 8 fluidraohms or 1 fluidounce = 30.00 9 = 0.55 (more exactly, 29 57) 10 = 0.61 2 fluidounces = 59.15 15 =0.92 - 3 " 88.72 20 = 1.23m is 4 fluidounces = 118.29 25 = 1.54 8 " = 236.59 30 = 1.84 16 fluidounces or (1 pint) 473.17 40 = 2.45 32 f'.uidounces = 946.33 45 = 2.79 128 fluidounces or 1 gallon = 3785.33 50 " =3.08 ' SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 481 Avoirdupois Weight and Metric Equivalents 1 AT. Oz. - 437.5 Grains 1/8 oz. = 3.54 G 1/4 oz. = 7.09 1/2 oz. = 14.17 1 oz. = 28.35 2 ozs. = 56.70 3 ozs. = 85.05 4 ozs. = 113.40 5 ozs. = 141.75 6 ozs. = 170.10 m. 7 ozs. = 198.45 G 8 ozs. = 226.80 9 ozs. = 255.15 10 ozs. = 283.50 11 ozs. = 311.84 12 ozs. = 340.20 ' 13 ozs. = 368.54 14 ozs. = 396.90 15 ozs. = 425.25 m. 1 Ib. = 453.60 Gn 2 Ibs. = 907.18 2.2 Ibs. = 1000.00 3 tbs. = 1360.78 4 Ibs. = 1814.37 5 Ibs. = 2267.96 6 Ibs. = 2721.55 8 Ibs. = 3628.74 10 Ibs. = 4535.92 Thermometric Equivalents Fahrenheit and Centigrade Scales RULES. To reduce Centigrade degrees to those of Fahrenheit, multiply by 9, divide by 5, and add 32. To reduce Fahrenheit degrees to those of the Centi- grade scale, subtract 32, multiply by 5, and divide by 9. 1 of the Centigrade scale is equal to 1.8 of the Fahrenheit scale, and 1 of the Fahrenheit scale is equal to 0.555 or 5/9 of the Centigrade scale. C. F. C. "P. C. C F. C. P. i C. F. j C. F. -25 -13.0 - 1 30.2 23 73.4 47 116.6 71 159 8 95 203 -24 -11.2 32 24 75.2 48 118.4 72 161 6 96 204.8 -23 - 9.4 1 33.8 25 77 49 120.2 73 163 4 97 206.6 -22 - 7.6 2 35.6 26 78.8 50 122 74 165 2j 98 208.4 -21 - 5.8 3 37.4 27 80.6 51 123.8 75 167 99 210.2 -20 - 4 4 39.2 28 82.4 52 125.6 76 168 8100 212 -19 - 2.2 5 41 29 84.2 53 127.4 77 170 6 101 213.8 -18 - 0.4 6 42.8 30 86 54 129.2 78 172 4 102 215.6 17 1.4 7 44.6 31 87.8 55 131 79 174 2 103 217.4 -16 3.2 8 46.4 32 89.6 56 132.8 80 176 104 219.2 -15 5 9 48.2 33 91.4 57 134.6 81 177 8 105 221 -14 6.8 10 50 34 93.2 58 136.4 82 179 6 106 222.8 -13 8.6 11 51.8 35 95 59 138.2 83 181 4^107 224.6 -12 10.4 12 53.6 36 96.8 60 140 84 183 2 108 226.4 -11 12 . 2 13 55.4 37 98.6 61 141.8 85 185 109 228.2 -10 14 14 57.2 38 100.4 62 143.6 86 186 8 110 230 - 9 15.8 15 59 39 102.2 63 145.4 87 188 6 111 231.8 - 8 17.61 16 60.8 40 104 -64 147.2 88 190 4 112 233.6 - 7 19. 4j 17 62.6 41 105.8 65 149 89 192 2 113 235.4 - 6 21.2 18 64.4 42 107.6 66 150.8 90 194 114 237.2 - 5 23 19 66.2 43 109.4 67 152.6 91 195.8115 239 4 24.8 20 68 44 111.2 68 154.4 92 197 6 116 240.8 - 3 26.6 21 69.8 45 113 69 156.21 93 199 4117 242.6 - 2 28.4 22 71.6 46 114.8 70 158 94. 201 2 118 244.4 482 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Practical Urinalysis For the Medical Practitioner We give below a short practical talk on the every-day analysis of urine which the practicing physician is regularly called upon to perform. We have selected only such tests as a-re easy of application and reliable. Normal urine has an amber color, a slight acid reaction, a peculiar nondescribable odor, and a bitter saline taste. Its specific gravity varies from 1.010 to 1.030 at 25C. and the average quantity excreted in twenty-four hours is 1,500 mils or Cc. (about 50 fl. ozs.), 1,000 parts of healthy urine contains about 40 parts of solid matter, con- sisting chiefly of urea (23 parts), sodium chloride (1 1 parts), phosphoric acid chiefly as phosphates (2.3 parts), sulphuric acid mainly as sulphates (1.3 parts), uric acid (0.5 part), hippuric acid, leukomaines, urobilin, and or- ganic salts. The specific gravity of any specimen of urine can be conveniently and accurately determined by the use of Squibb's Specific Gravity Apparatus. This is supplied in a case containing a certified hydrometer, a thermometer, a glass jar and a tube of litmus paper. The amount of total solids can be roughly estimated by Haser's method. This consists in multiplying the last two figures of the specific gravity by 2.33. For example, if the specific gravity is 1.020, multiply 20 by 2.33, which gives 46.6 Gm., the amount of total solids in each 1 ,000 mils (Cc.), of the urine. If a person voids 1,500 mils (Cc.) of urine daily the total amount of solids eliminated therewith is 46.6 x 1 .5, or 69.9 Gm. The quantity of urea eliminated can be quickly and accurately estimated by the use of Urease Squibb. Com- plete information on this product will be found among the scientific notes at the end of this book. Squibb' s Urea- Apparatus will also be found convenient for the purpose. Complete directions accompany the out- fit. The abnormal constituents found in various patholog- ical urines are albumin, sugar, acetone, bile, indican, blood, casts, pus, spermatozoa, and epithelial cells. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 483 In testing urine clean test tubes and fresh reagents are essential. A separate pipette should be used for each solution employed. (See list of Test Solutions, Part IV of this book.) Albumin Tests If the urine is cloudy, it should be filtered through filter paper not talcum, fuller's earth, magnesium carbonate or charcoal; before testing it for albumin freshly voided urine should be allowed to cool, and no specimen of urine to which the heat test' has been applied should be used for the nitric acid contact test. The first two tests are approved by the Association of Life Insurance Med- ical Directors and employed by the medical examiners. HEAT TEST If the urine is acid, take one-half test-tube of the filtered urine, add one-sixth of its volume of saturated salt solu- tion (five ounces to the pint), hold the tube by the lower portion and boil the upper one-third. If a cloud forms it consists of either albumin or earthly phosphates. Add two or three drops of diluted nitric acid, boil again, and add three drops more of the acid; if the cloud remains albumin is present, but if the cloud entirely disappears the precipitate is phosphatic and albumin is absent. If the urine is alkaline or neutral, take one-half test- tube of the filtered urine, add one-sixth of its volume of saturated salt solution and then a sufficient number of drops of diluted nitric acid, or of 33 per cent, acetic acid, to render faintly acid. This must be done in all cases where the urine is alkaline or neutral, for albumin will not be precipitated from such urine by heat. When this has been done apply heat as directed in the preceding paragraph. NITRIC ACID CONTACT TEST (HELLER'S TEST) Take a perfectly clean and dry test-tube having caliber of about one inch (a conical wineglass is preferable), and place into it about one inch of urine; allow concentrated rtitric acid to flow slowly from a pipette down the side of the inclined test-tube underlying the urine. Wait five min- utes. By use of. dark background look very closely for 484 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA white band or cloud of albumin just above junction of acid and urine. Or, place into a test-tube of large diameter about one inch of concentrated nitric acid, then incline the tube and from a pipette allow an equal volume of urine to flow slowly down the side of the tube, carefully overlaying the acid. If albumin is present, by the use of a dark back- ground a zone will be seen just above the point of contact of the urine and the acid, the intensity of the cloud de- pending on the amount of albumin present. If no cloud is seen, the tube should be set aside, and re-examined in one-half hour, because the reaction for albumin is some- times slow. (NOTE: U rates and copaiba and some other resins may give a white ring. The former are dissolved on heat- ing; the latter, by the addition of alcohol. Albumin is not affected by either treatment.) ESBACH'S PICRIC ACID TEST Drop the urine into a clear quantity of Esbach's re- agent made as follows : Picric Acid 1 Gm. Citric Acid 2 Gm. Distilled Water q. s. ad 1 00 mils A white precipitate or cloud forms if albumin is present. For the quantitative estimation of albumin, an Esbach's albuminometer proves very serviceable. It is inexpensive and simple of manipulation. Tests for Sugar In testing for sugar, if the urine has been found to con- tain more than a faint trace of albumin the latter should first be removed by boiling and filtering. FEHLING'S TEST Mix equal parts of the copper sulphate and alkaline tartrate solutions in a test tube and add a quantity of water equal to the combined volume of the two reagents used; the total quantity to prepare for a test need not exceed 5 mils (Cc.). Boil the mixture. If it remains clear, it SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 485 shows that the Fehling's solution is in good condition. Now add a few drops of the urine; warm the mixture but do not boil, and add a few more drops of the urine ; warm again, and so on until the amount of urine added equals one-half the volume of test solution used. If the specific gravity of the urine to be tested is below 1 .020 the urine may be added in equal volume to the test solution. If sugar is present, a yellow or red precipitate of suboxide of copper appears. This occurs quickly if much sugar is present. If the amount of sugar is less than one percent, the reduction will not appear until after several minutes five to thirty. If a reduction does not take place in thirty minutes sugar is absent; if, on the other hand, the result of the test is still doubtful, the test tube should be set aside from twelve to eighteen hours and then the sediment ex- amined to see if there has been any deposit of the suboxide of copper. (NOTE. We also furnish Fehling's Test Solution Elements complete for executing the test, and for the ap- proximate quantitative determination of sugar.) HAINES'S TEST Put 1 fluidrachm of Haines's Test Solution Squibb into a test tube and boil gently ; add 8 to 1 drops of the suspected urine and again boil gently. If sugar is present, a copious yellow or yellowish- red precipitate of copper suboxide separates; if the amount of sugar in the urine is small the reduction may require from five to thirty minutes, but if no change has taken place in thirty minutes sugar is absent. If the result of the test is still doubtful, the test tube should be set aside and allowed to stand from twelve to eighteen hours and then the deposit examined for the presence of a suboxide of copper. (NOTES. A grayish or greenish precipitate of phos- phates which almost always forms through the action of the alkali in Fehling's or Haines's solution, should not be mistaken for a deposit of suboxide of copper, which is al- ways yellow or red. Simple decolorization of either Feh- ling's or Haines's solution by the urine should not be con- sidered a positive reaction for sugar, for sometimes a con- 486 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA centrated and strongly acid urine which is sugar-free, will decolorize the copper; on the other hand, a decolorization may indicate a beginning reduction of the copper, particu- larly when only a trace of sugar is present. Under such circumstances it is advisable to let the test tube stand for twelve to eighteen hours, before arriving at a definite conclusion. In testing for traces of sugar, when the tube is set aside it is well to dilute the contents with about 2 volumes of water. This reduces the density of the solu- tion, and enables any cuprous oxide to subside that might otherwise remain in suspension. Tests for Acetone LANGE'S TEST Mix 15 mils (Cc.) of the urine with 0.5 to 1 mil of acetic acid, and add a few drops of freshly prepared con- centrated solution of sodium nitroprusside. Overlay with ammonia water. At the point of contact a violet ring forms. LIEBEN'S TEST Distill a portion of the urine after adding a few drops of phosphoric acid. To the distillate in a test tube add a few drops of compound solution of iodine (Lugol's solu- tion) and then sufficient solution of potassium hydroxide to render the mixture decidedly alkaline. A yellow pre- cipitate consisting of iodoform will at once form if acetone is present. Tests for Bile Pigments GMELIN'S TEST Add fuming nitric acid to the urine contained in a test tube, by inclining the same and pouring down the side slowly; the acid will form a layer under the urine. If bile pigment is present colored rings form near the junction of the two liquids ; a green ring above, and under this a blue, violet-red, and reddish yellow. If the green and violet red rings are wanting, it indicates the probable presence of lutein. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 487 (NOTE. Fuming nitric acid may be prepared by add- ing a few drops of formaldehyde solution to regular nitric acid and carefully warming until it assumes a red color.) ROSSBACH'S TEST Filter the urine through filter paper. After it has all passed through, apply a drop of nitric acid to the filter. A pale-red spot will be formed, surrounded by red, violet, blue, and green circles. HELLER'S TEST Pour about 5 mils (Cc.) of concentrated hydrochloric acid into a test tube and add enough urine to impart a color to it. Then carefully pour nitric acid down the side of the tube so as to form a layer on the bottom. A play of colors at the junction of the two layers indicates bile pigments. Tests for Indican MCMUNN'S TEST Boil about 5 mils (Cc.) of the urine with an equal volume of hydrochloric acid and a few drops of nitric acid. Allow to cool, then shake with 2 or 3 mils of chloroform. The latter becomes colored violet. JAFFE'S TEST Mix 10 mils (Cc.) of the urine with an equal amount of concentrated hydrochloric acid and 2 or 3 mils of chloroform ; add solution of chlorinated soda drop by drop, shaking after each addition. The chloroform will gradually become colored blue. Slight excess of the soda solution will cause no harm, but a large excess may inter- fere with the test. Blood Tests ROBERTS'S OCCULT BLOOD TEST Blood may be conveniently detected by means of Dr. Dudley Roberts's Occult Blood Test Tablets, described in the Tablet section of this book. The microscopic and spectroscopic tests are also very satisfactory. 488 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA GUAIAC TEST Mix equal volumes of fresh tincture guaiac and "ozon- ized" oil of turpentine (that is, old turpentine oil that has been exposed to the air and sunlight for some time), and cautiously overlay the mixture on the urine contained in a test tube. At the junction of the two layers a grayish precipitate forms and immediately above it a blue ring if blood is. present. On agitation the entire mixture turns blue. Pus may give the same reaction, but the blue ring disappears on boiling ; not so with blood. Detection of Pus The best means of detecting pus is the microscope. However, the following test is often employed: Let the urine settle in a conical graduate. Pour off the superna- tant liquid from the sediment. Add to the latter a few drops of concentrated solution of potassium or sodium hydroxide, and stir. Pus becomes colored greenish, and gelatinizes to a tough mass. (Mucus is partly dissolved by this treatment, with the formation of a flocculent pre- cipitate.) Uric Acid and Urate Tests Strongly acidulate the urine with hydrochloric acid and set aside for 24 hours. Yellowish-red crystals of uric acid will deposit on the bottom and sides of the test tube. By comparing this tube with one containing a similar quantity of normal urine treated in the same manner, an approximate idea may be obtained of the amount of uric acid in the abnormal specimen, sufficiently accurate for ordinary practical purposes. The murexide or Weidel's test is conducted by evap- orating to dryness a few drops of the urine in a watch glass or porcelain capsule, adding a drop or two of nitric acid, again evaporating carefully and then adding one or two drops of ammonia water. Murexide (ammonium purpurate) will be formed, and be shown by a purple coloration. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 489 a: S co rH CO OOO OOCOrHOOTtl P> rH CO co * Tt ft CO CO CO CO t^ t* 'O *O GO ^ C oi OJ rH El o . . 1 1? r bU : : : : - & 5 i & . O ~ s U ' t^ a G> C . i_ ' * Q3 Si ^ -13 -H (D ^ w -S - >S ^ 03 C Q lj H ^ O 1 "3 S I It jjJS^^^oo ,5 fe^ S >iHHrHHH 3 -S3 S 4 S" P! c c Srtrt&3-.2.22 | 3 C 3 C 3 _3 a c h-1 C! 2 i i CO a> = ~ _= PQOOPHH'g-g-g-g "5 "3 ~^ 3 ^3 c w ~ s s OOCOCP^cococo c "A C OD C DC _C o DO s: 3 CO N oc S2 CO GO t^ Ci CO oc X ^f CM rc -o t^ co CO CM CO * X OCOt^CO^OClO^ -r- I- CO cH CM a h 3 i- .2 : : 2 : ; : a- : :::::: OD : r-4 s o ^ ro 3 : O : jd o : 3 h fe : 3 ^^ W W . ^ . _| ,J ft X | Acid Sulphur Alcohol J^^ Hs^S : 2 -S ^ || s M 'o o o S-3 t o'^'-5'o ^ C C rt ^ ** r^ n r -^ 1 1 1| |j|| 1 ^ < < KU d 6 d "c /. CO i~ in r-4 9 rH CO IO CO r ^ O! ji >o * THCOrH^COTfCO^(N * 1- 'S, rH CO o J ^^^^-g-sll 3 || HI o |.2 rt >i>>!>>!>>>>>5>> OS^HHHrMHHHHrMr-l Ti^'^Tj'Tj'^'C'^'T^ := id Nitric Diluted. -idOleic.. 'Ad Phosphoric . . . >id Phosphoric Dil ud Sulphuric 490 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA "1 1 a ^2 a '1 jintii s -it iifoiiji if I^!i4 g& I& A l|rfl3&i{^ s s& & &lfs'M! B nu'ljul i^-sti* -111^11! 3 IWrfltfel 1 ' |'*3J 1 s&i 1 ! |||l -S| M!iii!?5 .s | ^-|S W<5 5*11^1* 1 1.1 11 -l "I'S- - PI il a Js2g C *! ..lili It A Hi i^l 1* i g -^ 1^1 S^l-'^l 2 f 1 -l!t-i.-f 81 111 life 1-8 |1 a S > u t< C nJ O O O III 5 Js o g^& os-g g-i s 5 a >'I a if cS c a 01 ac^d 'So' |.9|| i^'lill :f a c .2 .2 C3*o ^ J 1 i ^-s S ^ *. il ^^ |J ._. || fe .|^ J igS6-& l-flfe-a Duration - of Eruption S. 5? e? m Is si 1 c tc o > **- P^ "S -i: E~" Character of Eruption "2 Si .2 c J-J* H^-o lolsf ilgi Is- |fl| .3*0 'a 1 s^i 1 Is! v *> J 3 SPcu * J >-, -S e ^H 13 fc. ? r- " . ^- 4) ? Ofe3|L-3> KGJ^*> ttfS.-^ 5 fiJj^J-a nS-^ wl-S 1 , o g , S "o - "c3 S "07 ^ o'a.a i, 1 ^ g 'g o'&s-a s-t s PS SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 491 |iltlJJ!| || |I||-flf|l "ill si^s lo s -i . i^ J3 > S g^ ** g 1 ^ _ *" > .5 S S ** S'g gj.fl S g.jf* ... o> SP-iMH S -+? _, |l-* x g ||p s|| ||| H|^ a 2 "Si ?5' S : 3- 2 -a a-^*S '3""''|-a-G'-g ing the suggestions i " extermination of ve: '. J. A. M. A., 1917, f Q Il g- -13 l?| ..JJI sSI^ : B I* !||i J^I*S S-g . gK|3-s * a a S |-<|ja ro _rt O 3 o ll-llir. oo E &^ ^_ 0^3-"^ orH-^-c.S ja C g "S glL .2 ^ y -< S B S 3T3^ M"O ffiS g * I |a s li^* s | ^o - "~-Sg i-i'i ilii W J c"S.f lfll-86 ihtil a I c Ij^Jf I'S-S-S ^J^^-ifs Sf-^-a iJ^s ."S Q, 'W B S a jj 53 cS oo ^ w d^ 6 1 ;a -g^-gfl^gl & ^i'S-JaJflt C'O ^""Tj Qo5'S ^ 4 '-2 ; |.OJI|li^| f o. E o o-t --' .2 g^ | g. i*a|l s&s^| || MM H 14 i i .2 2 s i >> >, s >. O j g 8-i p a 35 i =1 o ^-^ 1 1 gl EH.S.W S E-S.S S H3 s H fc fcnSca S= s ^ ^>> g Ifin.B-w ^ ^ S o "ica * ro OT o !>4 "S >"c - "S i 1 o^llll O2 O T) o rt O y CC JD c C B3^ Q^5'ET3 -a S .. AS a S CJ S *-* o c ^ "** ^3 g s s a C to o *- ^ "p-l-^ ^J * no 2 u > clJl-S ig-i-gsJ o-slllll ini , g|gu-s_| -t S J'f g o g 3^ g o > > G>> 7! g >>" fe-g'^ 3 1 o> _>J >> ^^ g "" ^" >"o g o S, tgS-2-S (^-^1.5 SJ^ta g 6:S:S'3 ; 5 E-s-5 H 5*-S 3 .48 0*3 M >, -S \ & s Is 2 "S -g Je.l .s.a == "TO m" -^ ^ fc, *3 tn s'3 a"S OSa "I =11 3 S lltl^lll J a It c >> _a ^J3"S ^ a ID >> tS IH "^ 2 c ID 'iO" Q *-"o~-T3 S~ a ^ 2 c > >> ^5l^ o a cc-a tS=^BSS '^B-g^l^ cS-c g >. M "If .11 |. o m - rt* O-S^-^i boS'o-a E-3 c.3~>-T3 HT3 . _ O a B o g *"" ID _>> ** o h-P to S g S a >. >.i3 o >> 5 ^ ^* S 3 >. 3 >> c4 -0 fi.~m;-a fc-a fe>S-a SSc- T3 C3 'o 3 05 cS -5 j. t. "3 "5 a D, 5 i.i *" o H^ * > 492 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Obstetric Calendars To use this obstetric calendar of Dr. WlLLIAM L. CANTON, New York City, take the date of the beginning of the last menstruation, add to it the number in the circle which accompanies the name of the month in which it oc- cucred, and to the sum prefix the name of the month next occurring in the same circle, going around the circle in the direction taken by the hands of a watch. This date is the day on which labor should occur. For example: May 20+4=24+Feb.=Feb. 24 Sept. 4+7=ll+June=June 11 If the sum of the numbers carries the date over into the succeeding month, use such succeeding month to de- termine the month of labor. Mar. 30+5=April 4+Jan.=Jan. 4 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 493 SCHULTZE'S MODIFICATION OF NAGELE'S METHOD Subtract three months from the date of the beginning of the last menstruation, then add to this date the number occurring in the segment of the circle bearing the name of the latter month. If the year is a leap year add the number in parentheses. The resulting date is that on which labor is due. May 20 3 mo. = Feb. 20 + 4 = Feb. 24 September 4 3 mo. = June 4 -|- 7 == June 1 1 Mar. 30 3 mo. _ Dec. 30 + 5 = Jan. 4 494 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Drugs that Affect the Color of Urine Carbolic Acid (Phenol) may cause it to be brown. Diuretics and copious quantities of water and other bever- ages cause urine to become lighter in color. Methylene Blue turns it green if acid. Renal Irritants render it darker. Santonin makes it more yellow if acid, purple if alkaline. Senna may render it red if acid, yellow if alkaline. Sulphonmethane (Sulphonal) may turn it very dark. Drugs That Color the Stools Bismuth salts color them black or very dark gray. Colchicum and its preparations tint them greenish. Iron and its salts color them black. . Mercury and its compounds make them green. Purgatives cause them to be darker. Drugs Excreted With the Milk Arsenic and its compounds. Opium and its preparations. Bromides. Quinine and its salts. Hexamethylenamine. Sulphur. Iodine and Iodides. Vegetable Cathartics. Lead salts. Volatile Oils. Mercurials. Drugs That Often Cause Cutaneous Eruptions or Itching Antitoxins and Sera. Copaiba. Arsenic and its compounds. Iodine and Iodides. Belladonna and its prepa- Opium and Opiates. rations. Quinine Salts. Bromides. Salicylic Acid and its Chloral Hydrate. salts. Volatile Oils. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 495 GRAINS OF DRUG TO MAKE A SOLUTION CONTAINING S; 00 CM CM 10 TtH 1-H OS 00 CD CO i-H CM co 1-H CD CO : H 1 S- w Rj 4 l- t' I c I . f, . w ~ J= 49 a' L \ . c i, A e 3 c 9 4J 10" CM g CM iO i-H S CO I GO c4 1-H C3 CD i-H CM 1-H oo d co !M 1 S i-H i-H 06 CM CM CO CO 00 CO CM OS CO CD CO" 1 1 00 i-H 1-H co iO (M CO S CO i-H o i-H 05 1-H 10 i-H CO CM o CM 03 CO o co C Carrel, Dehelly and Depage. After a careful surgical preparation of the wound at the primary dressing, and excision of all foci of infection arid of devitalized tissues, the solution is applied on surface wounds with an atomizer in the form of a spray. In deep wounds the cavities are filled with the liquid. When depen- dent drainage exists because of the location of the wounds, or when it has been made purposely, the lower opening is temporarily closed with gauze and then the cavity is filled with the oil, thus covering all the wound surfaces. The 'Dakin and Dunham, Handbook of Antiseptics. 2 Dakin, Lee, Sweet. Hendrix and Le Conte., J. A. M. A., LXIX, No. 1, 1917, July 7, p. 29, col. 2. SURFACE AND DEEP WOUNDS DEPENDENT DRAINAGE SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 515 dependent drainage is then re-established by removing the temporary gauze obstruc- tion. This privilege of depen- dent drainage cannot be prac- ticed with the use of aqueous solutions and the Dakin-Carrel-Dehelly-Depage technic in which the wound must act permanently as a basin to hold the weak solution. We believe that too much stress cajmot be laid on this advantage. We have found that it is necessary to apply the oil but once in twenty- four hours, and the wounds should be covered with only a few layers of gauze to avoid the absorption of the oil by the dressings." CHLORCOSANE SQUIBB (THE ONE SOLVENT FOR DICHLORAMINE-T) Chlorcosane 1 is prepared from paraffin wax by replac- ing part of the hydrogen with chlorine. It is a bland, almost tasteless oil, of high viscosity and in itself inert. Chlorcosane, when at ordinary room temperature, dis- solves Dichloramine-T only very slowly. "To prepare solution warm NATURE OF CHLORCOSANE HOW TO DISSOLVE DICHLORAMINE-T IN CHLORCOSANE about one-quarter of the amount of Chlorcosane required to about 80 Centigrade, add the Dichloramine-T, stir or other- wise agitate the mixture until a solution is had, then add the remaining three-quarters of the Chlorcosane, which should be at room temperature, and if necessary filter the whole solution through dry fluted filter paper. Chlor- cosane will hold from 8 to 1 per cent, of Dichloramine when the solution is at ordinary room temperature." "Solutions of Dichloramine-T in Chlorcosane are re- markably stable considering the high reactivity of Dichloramine. Light is the greatest cause of deterioration. STABILITY OF SOLUTION Solutions should be kept amber (or, preferably, black) 1 The substance of what is here said concerning Chlorcosane is taken from Major E. K. Dunham's Hertcr Lectures, New York, 1918, January. HOW TO USE SOLUTIONS OF 516 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA bottles and protected from heat and moisture." As a rule a solution properly made will keep under favorable conditions for several weeks. Decomposition should be distinguished from the formation of precipitate on account of chilling the solution. If a solution of Dichloramine-T in Chlorcosane is chilled to a certain degree, Dichlora- mine-T will be thrown out of solution. By gently warm- ing the solution this precipitate will be dissolved. For application to wounds a solution stronger than 5 per cent, of Dichloramine-T should not be used. "The solution may be applied directly to the surface of the wound by any convenient way, spraying being considered the best." Since 5 per cent, and stronger solutions are too viscous for use in a hand atomizer, a power apparatus is necessary with a pressure of from 15 to 20 pounds. It is better not to thin the solution by a diluent. If a suitable atomizer is not available, "a grooved director, cotton swab, medicine dropper or a glass syringe may be employed. ... In ordinary wounds the application may be once in 24 hours and the dressings very light. For gangrenous or for foul wounds a more frequent application should be made, as the active chlo- rine is consumed more rapidly" (by such wounds). For spraying the naso-pharynx a 1 per cent, or a 2 per cent, solution is best. HALAZONE SQUIBB (FOR THE DISINFECTION OF SMALL QUANTITIES OF WATER) Dakin calls attention to the unsuitableness of chlorine gas, bleaching powder or sodium hypochlorite for the dis- infection of small quantities of water. Also to the fact that while the acid sulphates of the alkali metals are "undoubtedly useful," the taste imparted by these salts is quite disagreeable to some persons, the solutions of them attack metallic water bottles, and chiefly they do not possess the potency or security afforded by a disinfectant of the chlorine group. Therefore the difficult problem of readily sterilizing small individual quantities of water was SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 517 carefully studied by Dakin because of its importance. As a result he found "the most suitable substance that we have as yet is parasulphondichloraminobenzoic acid." Halazone is a short term for parasulphondichloramino- benzoic acid, Cl2N.SO2.C6H4.COOH. It is a white powder, "sparingly soluble in water and in chloroform and insoluble in petroleum." It is best kept and used in tablet form. Dakin's experiments 1 show that "a concentration of 1 : 300000 will sterilize an ordinarily heavily contami- nated water (e. g. containing coli, typhoid or cholera organisms) in about thirty minutes." It has little or no action on ordinary metals, a "slight action . of no practical moment on aluminum and imparts 'a just perceptible' but not disagreeable taste to water. Tea brewed with or without the addition of Halazone to the water cannot be distinguished. Even in larger doses Halazone is not toxic." For use Halazone should be combined with dry sodium carbonate or with dry borax as such increases its solu- I-IAT A7ONF bility in water. Dakin consid- T-ADI tr-rc ers the best form in which to lABLLlb TJ , ,, use Halazone is tablets. "The practical success of the disinfectant depends very largely on the stability of the tablet." If properly made "tablets are quite stable enough for practical use.' 2 Dakin and Dunham 3 write, "The problem of steriliz- ing small individual quantities of water . is much more difficult (than of large quantities), and up to the present it has not been perfectly solved. The use of hypochlorites for such purposes is difficult, owing to the instability of small tablets containing the minute quan- tity of active disinfectant. In their place acid sulphates of the alkali metals have been extensively used in tablet form, but the superior potency of many chlorine com- pounds would indicate that a stable potable chlorine dis- infectant suitable for the sterilization of small quantities ^Handbook of Antiseptics, Dakin and Dunham. 2 Ibid. 'British Medical Journal, 1917, May 26, I, p. 682. See also British Medical Journal, 1916, Jan. 29, Proc. Roy. Soc. B. 89, 1916, p. 232. 518 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA of water is desirable. With this end in view, we have made a number of experiments with various types of substances, one of which we believe to be worth practical application. . . . The substance which is the most suitable that we have yet found is parasulphondichlora- minobenzoic acid . . . and appears to be effective and reasonably stable. The presence of the COOH group confers a slight but definite degree of solubility in water, which is increased by dispensing it with alkaline salts such as sodium carbonate or bicarbonate, borax or sodium phosphate. . . . Since the synthetic name of the disinfectant is inconveniently long for ordinary use, we propose to apply the name 'Halazone' to the tablets containing it. ... From the results (of experi- ments) it appears that a concentration of 1 : 300000 is sufficient to sterilize an ordinarily heavily contaminated water in about thirty minutes. Such a concentration could be relied upon to remove colon, typhoid, or cholera organisms. Special experiments showed that the sub- stance in tablet form was efficacious when acting on water contained in aluminum bottles, although a very trifling action on the metal may be observed if tablets are allowed to remain undisturbed in long contact with the metal. We believe such action to be of no practical moment. The concentration of disinfectant given above is just perceptible to the taste, especially in warm water con- taining little organic matter, but the water is perfectly palatable. One point of advantage possessed by the present disinfectant over most hypochlorite preparations is the fact that the active chlorine is less rapidly used up so that the process of disinfection continues for a con- siderably longer period." The various Squibb chlorinated products are obtain- able in convenient packages, as follows: Chloramine-T Squibb Powder Amber vial, 582 gr. Amber bottle, 6^ oz. Surgical Paste, 2 oz. tube, |/t lb., 1 lb. bottles. Tablets, 4.6 gr., in bottles of 100, 500 and 1 ,000. Chlorcosane Squibb, |/4 pt-> 1 pt- bottles. Dichloramine-T Squibb, 1 oz., '/} lb., 1 lb. bottles. SUPERIORITY OF SQUIBB'S TABLETS SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 519 Squibb's Tablets The great European war has again demonstrated the value of tablet medication. Tablets have the approval of the Medical Department of the U. S. Army and Navy, and have been used in the service almost to. the exclusion of pills or capsules. Squibb's Tablets differ from all others; they contain the Squibb quality of ingredients, the formulas are more scien- tifically studied, they are ac- curate in dosage, and because of rapid disintegration, produce prompt and definite therapeutic effects. The rapidity with which the tablet responds in the presence of watery fluid, such as the saliva or gastric secretion may be demonstrated by dropping a calomel or bismuth tablet in water and noticing the result. Ad- vantage may be taken of this fact in treating children or adults who cannot swallow a tablet. If the tablet is put into a spoon and a little water added the tablet breaks down to a powdery condition at once. The coating used on the Squibb Tablets is freely soluble, and applied only in sufficient quantity to mask the taste during the process of swal- lowing; it does not harden by age, and only momentarily hin- COATED TABLETS NOT AFFECTED BY AGE ders the disintegration of the tablet, at the same time it masks all disagreeable odor and taste, prevents decompo- sition, and retards loss of volatile ingredients. Examinations in our Control Laboratory of some chocolate-coated Strychnine Sulphate Tablets Squibb over twelve years old, demonstrated the coating to be freely soluble, the disintegration very rapid and the med- ical content as active as when the tablets were made. Squibb Tablets containing such insoluble medicaments as TABLETS OF INSOLUBLE MEDICAMENTS Acetanilid, Aspirin, Calomel, Bismuth salts, Salol, etc., dis- integrate at once in the presence of water, in the saliva, or in the digestive secretions. 520 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Squibb's Superior Botanicals All the botanical and other crude drugs used in the Squibb Laboratories are obtained from the best known sources and only those of first quality are employed. Ship- ments are accepted by us only after they have been examined and passed by our expert ONLY FIRST QUALITY DRUGS ACCEPTED pharmacognosists, and by our Control Laboratories where they are tested chemically ; and in many instances they are subjected to additional tests in our Physiological Laboratories. Each drug is first examined macroscopically and microscopically, to establish its identity. Then it is thor- oughly garbled to remove any foreign drugs or parts of the plant which may have been included in the harvesting and CAREFULLY EXAMINED FOR FOREIGN MATTER which are not included by the official definition. For example: If the bark of the root is the part which the Pharmacopoeia directs to be used, we exclude all bark of the stem and all undue quantities of woody material. Likewise, when leaves are officially specified, stems, etc., must not be present. Also inspection must show plainly that the drug, after collecting, was promptly and carefully dried and kept in a clean place ; and there must be no evidence of fer- mentation or of dirt accumulated during the drying. Fer- mentation caused by packing drugs before they are per- fectly dry is one of the chief causes of change in the active principles. Drugs for which the Pharmacopoeia prescribes a definite alkaloidal strength, are assayed carefully to make sure they are at least of that strength ; and in those instances where biological assay is offi- cially suggested, the drugs are subjected to the proper tests at our Physiological Laboratories. Furthermore, we also physiologically test and standardize our ergot prepara- tions, as well as a number of other potent drugs for which there is no chemical assay established. ASSAYED CHEMICALLY AND PHYSIOLOGICALLY SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 521 Squibb's Pure Spices The purity of spices is a matter of as great importance as is the quality of the food to which they are added. In the popular mind the sole SPICES ARE value of spices lies in their prop- vJr LMt, 1 EL 1 I\- r . 11 IMPORTANCE ert y Ar> ATM/ according to the method of PREPARATION i_r D -i Hiss, by injecting a sterile veg- etable protein into the pleural cavities of rabbits or other animals, a purulent exudate is incited, which, when collected, centrifuged, purified, extracted, and proved bacteria free, constitutes Leucocyte Extract Squibb. It should not replace specific vaccines, specific serums INDICATIONS or specific antitoxins. It is of FOR use in connection with the indi- ' cated vaccine or serum in acute constitutional infections, such as pyemia, septicemia, and sapremia. Distinct improvement has also been shown to follow its use in labor and post-influenza pneumonia. Equally good results are obtained in erysipelas. It may be used alone while an autogenous vaccine is in prepara- tion or may be used by itself when it is impossible to obtain a satisfactory diagnosis, i. e., impossible to deter- mine what microorganism causes the infection. In such cases, as a rule, Leucocyte Extract Squibb is more desirable than a stock vac- cine, and its use is always more COMPARATIVE VALUE rational than that of a mixed vaccine. Leucocyte Extract Squibb is put up in syringes of 1 mils (Cc.) each, which is the average dose to be given one to three times daily. After thorough sterilization at the point of injection the extract is injected subcutaneously. The most desirable sites for injection are the abdominal wall and the loose tissues of the back. Complete literature will be sent physicians on request. 528 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Squibb's Assayed Tinctures The physician when prescribing an alkaloidal tincture, should know, and has a right to demand, that a product be dispensed from which he may obtain prompt action and definite results. The Squibb Assayed Tinctures are made from the best selected drugs, in strict accordance with the official formulas and processes, and are carefully assayed and accurately standardized. In the case of the potent tinctures for which the Pharmacopoeia demands or merely recommends physiological assays, those prep- arations are tested by the methods therein outlined and proved to be of standard activity. Uniformity of strength may therefore be depended upon. The following list comprises the tinctures to which assay processes are applied according to the latest revision of the U. S. P. A comprehensive description of each, giving its prop- erties, uses and doses, is given under the respective titles of these tinctures in Part I of this book. We here append a list of them: Tincture Aconite Root Squibb (Tinctura Aconiti). Tincture Belladonna Leaves Squibb (Tinctura Bel- ladonna Folium). Tincture Cannabis Squibb (Tinctura Cannabis). Tincture Cinchona Squibb (Tinctura Cinchona). Tincture Cinchona Compound Squibb (Tinctura Cin- chona Composita). Tincture Colchicum Seed Squibb (Tinctura Colchici Seminis) . Tincture Digitalis Squibb (Tinctura Digitalis). Tincture Digitalis Fat-free Squibb. Tincture Hydrastis Squibb (Tinctura Hydraslis). Tincture Hyoscyamus Squibb ( Tinctura Hyoscyami) . Tincture Nux Vomica Squibb (Tinctura Nucis V om\c&) . Tincture Opium Squibb ( Tinctura Opii) . Tincture Opium Deodorized Squibb (Tinctura Opii Deodorati) . Tincture Physostigma Squibb (Tinctura Ph\isosiig- matis) . Tincture Stramonium Leaves Squibb (Tinctura Stramonii) . Tincture Strophanthus Squibb (Tinctura Strophanthi) . SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 529 Physiological Standardization Physiological standardization is the application of quantitative physiological methods to medicinal products in order that they may be uniform in potency. The idea of such standardization is not new, nor are the methods employed new, but are such as have been in constant use for some of the finer work of physiology and pharmacol- ogy. One great value of physiological standardization is the determination of the potency of certain drugs of therapeu- tic importance which do not, however, lend themselves to assay by chemical or by physical methods. This may be because the active principle is unknown or because the chemical reactions or the physical properties revealed are not sufficiently distinctive to be of value. Further, the active principle, although known, may be present in such a very minute amount that assay by chemical or physical methods can not be accurate. Also, in drugs in which there are several active principles, chemical and physical analyses may for many reasons be impractical. If, therefore, such drugs can be standardized physiolog- ically, that is to say, be made in such a way that a cer- tain bulk of them will always produce a certain physiolog- ical effect, a condition most valuable for clinical medi- cine has been established. The United States Pharmacopoeia, IXth Revision, has provided physiological assay for certain drugs. All these drugs are assayed by the Squibb Laboratories ac- cording to the U. S. P. method, the details of which can be learned from the Pharmacopoeia. Furthermore, this standardization has been extended to other drugs by the Squibb Laboratories and additions to the list will be made as rapidly as processes can be devised for such standardization. Thus the Squibb Laboratories constitute one of the effective means by which knowledge of drugs, the science of pharmacology, is advancing and by its contributions lo general knowledge assume a share in the establishment of medicine as an exact science. Brochures on the sub- ject of physiological standardization may be had by physicians upon application. 530 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Sodium Phosphate Squibb Sodium phosphate is now prescribed extensively by the medical profession and is also used by the laity as a laxative and mild purgative. It is also said to regulate the secretion of bile and is, therefore, a very important article. Much of the sodium phosphate of the market contains arsenic. This poisonous impurity is due to the sulphuric acid used in the process of manufacture. Medical literature describes numerous instances of serious arsen- ical poisoning which it attributes to the use of sodium phosphate containing this impurity. In many cases, although the quantity of arsenic* was comparatively small, the accumulation of arsenic in the system from repeated doses of the sodium phosphate produced dis- tressing and in several cases disastrous results. Believing, therefore, that the physician- should have at hand and that there should be available for the public a sodium phosphate that is free from arsenic, the Squibb Laboratories furnish a product that fully meets such a demand. All of Squibb's sodium phosphate is tested for arsenic by a method that is far more delicate than that suggested by the U. S. P., IXth Revision, and in all analyses large quantities of the sodium phosphate are used in order to be sure that Sodium Phosphate Squibb can be considered arsenic-free even when used in very large or in often repeated doses. Furthermore, because of the process of recrystallization which it has undergone, Squibb's Sodium Phosphate is free from all other objec- tionable impurities. It is colorless, odorless, and has a cooling, saline taste. The finished product is granulated to permit of more convenient dispensing and dosing than is obtainable with the ordinary crystalline variety. It enjoys appreciative use among those who realize that quality in medicine is the first consideration. Because sodium phosphate is normally a very efflorescent chemical the Squibb product is placed on the market only in 1 Ib. and '/4 Ib. sealed tin containers and not in the cheap paste-board cartons in which so great a part of the sodium phosphate of commerce is found. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 531 Squibb's New Silver Preparations: Solargentum and Protargentum Solargentum Squibb (sol=colloid, a-rgentum=sil- ver) is a true colloid of metallic silver; and Protar- gentum Squibb (prot=protein, argentum=silver) is a ^^ true colloid of a salt of silver. NATURE OF c- u r n L iiach possesses in rull the prop- erties of its respective class. See "Silver Preparations, Colloidal" and "Silver Protein Compounds" in New and Nonofficial Remedies, 1919. These Squibb silver preparations are of use whenever colloidal silver or silver protein is indicated: for instance, INDICATIONS FOR for P^phylaxis or for the treat- ment or gonorrhea and other in- fections of the urethra ; for con- junctivitis and other infections of the eye, including ophthalmia neonatorum ; and for infections of the ear, nose, throat, etc. Both Solargentum Squibb and Protargentum Squibb are freely soluble in either cool or warm water. For - SOLUTIONS OF making , "wj*." &^d water should be used. 1 he temperature of the water pref- erably should be low, and even for use cool "solutions" are more efficacious than warm. They should never exceed 37 C (98.6 F). When made properly, "solu- tions" of Solargentum Squibb are stable. "Solutions" of Protargentum Squibb, however, are not stable and there- fore they should be made only as wanted. A prescrip- tion for Protargentum Squibb should call for a "fresh solution" and for only enough to last the patient three days or less. In making aqueous "solutions" of Solargentum Squibb, the entire quantity of the flakes may be put into the re- quired amount of water and the whole stirred or shaken. For a "solution" of Solargentum Squibb in glycerin, first moisten the required quantity of flakes with a few drops of cool water (only enough to moisten them and make them into a very thick paste), then add the glycerin (cold), in which the pasty Solargentum Squibb will dissolve quickly. Colloidal silver is insoluble in 532 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA glycerin alone. Caution. It has been recommended to heat the glycerin in a mortar and grind up the colloidal flakes while heating. Such a procedure almost invariably will destroy the colloid and render the "solution" irri- tating and less active as an antiseptic. As this heating process is often used by pharmacists, care should be taken that only the "cold water-glycerin" process be used. To make a "solution" of Protargentum Squibb it is best to sprinkle the required amount of the powder upon the surface of the water and allow the Protargentum Squibb to dissolve itself gradually, which it does in a very short time. If simple stirring is attempted, the wet powder, will mass itself on the stirring rod and time and patience will be lost. If preferred the Protargentum Squibb may be triturated with water in a mortar. Solargentum Squibb contains from 1 9 per cent, to 22 per cent, pure silver, and is an antiseptic and an effective germicide. When mixed with water it will not ionize, PROPERTIES OF therefore it will not precipitate or coagulate protein. Conse- quently in any strength "solu- tions" it is non-caustic, non- astringent, non-irritating. The usual strengths of "solu- tions" of Solargentum Squibb for clinical use are from 1 per cent, to 25 per cent., or even 50 per cent. Protargentum Squibb contains about 8 per cent, of pure silver. Upon mixing with water the disperse phase ionizes while in colloidal suspension. Its "solutions," therefore, are not permanent, are slightly irritating and somewhat astringent. The usual strength of "solutions" of Protargentum Squibb for clinical uses are from '/4 per cent, to 5 per cent., an average strength of 2 per cent, being ordinarily preferred. It should be borne in mind that a colloid of metallic silver always can be used in a "solution" of much greater strength than can a silver pro- SOLUT1ONS' IMPORTANT NOTE tein, notwithstanding that the actual silver content of the col- loid is -much greater than that of the protein. Further, for equal antiseptic and germ- icidal action, greater strength of the metallic colloid is SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 533 necessary. For instance, although Solargentum Squibb contains about 20 per cent, of silver, two-and-a-half times as much as Protargentum Squibb contains, the strength of clinical "solutions" of Solargentum Squibb are from 1 per cent, to 50 per cent, as against an average strength of 2 per cent, for Protargentum Squibb. RV i T d M The United States Navy t> I U. o. IN. AND U. S. A. 11 1 . i has been and is purchasing Solargentum Squibb in very large quantities for general distribution to their medical stations, both on land and sea, at home and abroad. Also the Medical Department of the United States Army has been and is using Solargentum Squibb in rapidly increasing quantities. Further, it has adopted Protargentum Squibb for the prophylactic treatment of venereal diseases, the strength of "solution" authorized being 2 per cent. Squibb's Fluidextracts These are manufactured from the most active drugs obtainable on the market or possible to procure by direct importation. Thorough exhausting of the assayed and otherwise tested drug assures the production of fluid- extracts of a standard strength. These all contain the maximum amount of active principle and accurately repre- sent the drug. The process of extraction employed is the well-known repercolation process, which originated in the Squibb Laboratories. The menstrua are those which most effectively extract the medicinal ingredients of the drugs, and thus are theoretically true solvents of them; and the strength of the alcohol employed is fully that prescribed by the U. S. P. In all instances in which the U. S. Pharmacopoeia prescribes a definite alka- loidal strength for the assayed fluidextracts, the Squibb products are accurately adjusted to that standard; and where the Pharmacopoeia requires or merely recom- mends a p/7psio/ogfca/ assay process the Squibb fluid- extracts are carefully tested and standardized thereby. DEVELOPMENT 534 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Squibb's Biological Products The production of antitoxic serums, bacterial vaccines and similar biological products, for the immunization and RAPID specific treatment of certain highly infectious diseases, has made rapid development dur- ing the past two decades. Ac- tive immunization with bacteria, or their products, has come into general use, not only as a preventive measure, but as a cure of infectious diseases. To-day the rationale of vaccine and serum therapy has become so firmly established that a large number of biological products find a place in the armamentarium of the pro- gressive physician. The Squibb Biological prod- THE SQUIBB BIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES ucts are scientifically prepared in the new Squibb Research and Biological Laboratories at New Brunswick, N. J. These are elaborately equipped with the most up-to-date ap- paratus, and the scientific appointments, under the direct supervision of Dr. JOHN H. ANDERSON, formerly Director of the Hygienic Laboratory, U. S. Public Health Service, are second to none in the country. The Squibb Vaccines are prepared under the most im- proved scientific methods. The stock vaccine is a prod- uct of many strains of each organism. Vaccines are of the greatest value in localized infections. Their action ex- tends to cells remote from the seat of infection, stimu- lating them, too, to generate antibodies, which the blood current brings to the area of infection. The Squibb Serums are of THE SQUIBB SERUMS high concentration, small in ANH v Arr IMF* bulk ' and high in P tenc y and AINU VALClINtLD rf ji i- j erhciency and low in solids. They are all tested with the most meticulous care by biologic laboratory experts. The clinical effect of each physiologically tried out on the specific disease for which it is prepared as a curative agent. The Squibb Vaccines are marketed in aseptic ampuls, accompanied by a syringe for each package. The antitoxins and serums, with the exception of the SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 535 anti-meningitic serum, are distributed in special aseptic syringes. The Anti-Meningitic Serum ANTI-MENINGITIC SERUM SQUIBB IN GRAVITY APPARATUS is prepared for administration in a special gravity apparatus, which has the advantage of supplying the serum in a sterile container always ready for use by the gravity method which lessens the danger to shock. Specify "SQUIB BS" when ordering biological prod- ucts, and thus insure results. Food Allergens Squibb Allergy is hypersensitiveness of the system to some material introduced into it. Al- DEFINITION r j e j lergy to roods, or rood poison- ing, or food idiosyncrasy, as it MANIFESTATION is sometimes called, is a hypersensitiveness to the proteins which enters into the ordinary diet of the individual. It is due, probably, to a previous sensitization of the individual by certain proteins, and thus is a form of anaphylaxis. Food allergy may manifest itself in a great many ways, ~ e.g., by the appearance of eczema, asthma, urticaria, complicated vasomotor dis- turbances of the larger air passages, cardio-vascular con- ditions involving the kidneys, and in many other ways. It has been known for some time that egg white, shell- fish, pork, cow's milk, woman's milk, strawberries, barley, oatmeal, and a large number of other food substances cause, in some persons, a disturbance sufficiently marked to demand remedial attention. In the treatment of food allergy the first important step rMA^M^cic i s to determine what food or DIAGNOSIS r j ..L j- roods cause the systemic dis- turbance. This can be done by inoculating the patient with several possible food allergens and the specific food protein will manifest itself by a reaction at the site of inoculation as described below. Of course, the food protein used for diagnosis must be pure. 536 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA To make the inoculation it is necessary only to wash the inner surface of the fore- arm with sterile water or physi- ological salt solution, avoiding the use of alcohol, ether, or HOW TO INOCULATE any other antiseptic solution. A slight scarification should be made, which should penetrate only the outer layers of the skin, great care being taken not to draw any blood. If now upon the scarified spot a small amount of the offending food protein be placed, together with a drop of sterile water, a reaction will take place at the site of the inoculation, which will manifest itself by the appear- ance of a distinct urticarial wheal within five minutes to half an hour. It is always best to make a control scarifi- cation on which merely the physiological salt solution or the sterile water should be placed. No untoward results follow such inoculation if it is made properly. To remove the hypersensitiveness to a protein, either the specific protein may be elim- inated from the diet, or immuni- zation may be brought about by feeding the patient with small amounts of the anaphylac- togenic substance until he becomes fully desensitized. The Squibb Laboratories now produce potent food allergens in large variety, the r 11 . 1 . .-I]'. following being a partial list. A complete list may be had upon application. TREATMENT ALLERGENS Cow's milk (all proteins) , cow's milk casein, cow's milk albumin, cow's milk globulin, human milk. Egg Egg (all proteins), Egg white (all proteins), egg albumin, egg yolk (all proteins), egg yolk globulin. Cereals Barley, rice, wheat, corn, rye, oat. Beverages Coffee, tea, cocoa. Vegetables Navy bean, lima bean, pea, asparagus, spinach, white potato, sweet potato, carrot, turnip, tomato, squash. Fruit Orange, strawberry, blackberry, raspberry, cherry, peach, plum, prune, banana, watermelon, canteloupe. Meat Beef, lamb, mutton, veal, pork, chicken, horse. Sea Foods Cod- fish, salmon, lobster, crab, oyster, clam. Nuts Peanut, chestnut, English walnut, black walnut, hickory nut, pecan, almond, butternut, Brazil nut. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 537 Squibb's Anaesthetics The Squibb line of anaesthetics include Ether, Chloro- form, Ethyl Chloride, and Ethyl Bromide. Each is made in one quality only, the best possible for anaesthesia, so when "Squibb's" is had, there is no danger from an inferior product. Ether Squibb is made only in the Squibb Labora- tories by a process devised by Dr. E. R. Squibb and long since brought to practical perfection. Its physical and chemical characteristics were determined by exhaus- tive clinical experimentation. Thus the Squibb Ether has always proved itself the best for anaesthesia and been recognized as the standard. Chloroform Squibb is made in the Squibb Labora- tories by the Squibb process and purified by a special process devised by Dr. E. R. Squibb. The outcome of these processes is a chloroform in vital respects superior to the chloroform of the U. S. P. No better chloroform for anaesthesia can be made than Chloroform Squibb. Ethyl Chloride Squibb is pure. This is necessary if it is for anaesthesia by inhalation. In order that no mistake be possible, Ethyl Chloride Squibb, like all other products of the Squibb Laboratories, is made in one quality only. This is put up in glass tu-bes to prevent decomposition, which invariably takes place in a metal container. 'These tubes are of two kinds: one delivering a quantity of ethyl chloride sufficient for producing gen- eral anaesthesia, but too large a quantity for freezing; the other delivering a quantity the most economical and other- wise the most satisfactory for freezing as a local anaes- thetic, but too small an amount for general anaesthesia. In ordering, the purpose for which the product is intended should be mentioned, although the quality of ethyl chlor- ide is the same in both cases. Ethyl Bromide Squibb is made with the same care as are the other Squibb anaesthetics, and requires no more extended description than is found on page 78 of this Materia Medica. The Medical Department of E. R. Squibb & Sons has prepared several monographs on inhalation anaesthesia, copies of which may be had by physicians upon their request. FEEDING 538 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Squibb's Milk Sugar Specially prepared and purified for the home modifica- tion of milk for infant feeding. It is obvious that for so FOR INFANT important a purpose as infant feeding, nothing but the very highest quality of Milk Sugar should be used; and such is Squibb's. It is added not merely to sweeten the food and render it more palatable, but to furnish the proper proportion of soluble carbohydrates necessary for the infant's nutrition and growth. Cow's milk contains between 2J/2 and 4 per cent, of proteins, and about 4^/2 P er cent, of milk sugar; woman's milk contains only 1 j/2 per cent, of proteins and 7 per cent, of milk sugar. Hence in cow's milk there is an excess of proteins and a deficiency of milk sugar. It is therefore necessary to dilute the cow's milk, in order to diminish the protein content (for it is the proteins that cause much of the trouble to the infant's digestion) ; but this dilution also lowers the percentage of milk sugar, thus further increasing the original deficiency of this constituent. Hence the necessity for the addition of milk sugar. Squibb's milk sugar is perfectly free from FREE FROM BUTTER-FAT, STARCH AND CANE SUGAR butter-fat, starch and cane sugar, which are very liable to produce gastric fermentation ; and it is also free from acids and other foreign substances that might prove in- jurious to the infant. Squibb's Milk Sugar is in the form of an impalpable powder, having been bolted through a No. 120 silk bolting cloth; and it exceeds the most exacting recognized tests for purity. Inasmuch as milk sugar readily absorbs odors and moisture, and in consequence hereof becomes contaminated and unfit for use, the Squibb product is offered only in sealed tins, in 1 -Ib. and |/4-lb. sizes, and not in paste- board boxes. Directions for preparing modified milk are printed on the cans. Specify Squibb's when ordering milk sugar, and thereby insure obtaining a product of the greatest merit and reliability. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 539 Squibb's Digitalis Products The Squibb Laboratories make use of only the choicest and most carefully cured Digitalis leaves. This is evi- denced by the beautiful green color of the Squibb fluid- extract and tinctures. Each shipment of leaves is care- fully examined by our expert pharmacognosists, and its freedom from admixture with foreign leaves and other adulterants is assured. After the leaves have passed this examination, a liberal sample of it is made into the official tincture and is then tested physiologically according to the method outlined in the U. S. P. If the finished drug does not admirably come up to the official standard in every respect, the entire lot of leaves is rejected. As a rule, the leaves accepted by the Squibb Laboratories are much more active than the Pharmacopoeia demands and the preparations made from them are carefully adjusted to a potency of 25 per cent, above the official standard. In this way full activity and uniformity of strength are assured for such an important product as Digitalis. Tincture Digitalis Squibb is assayed not only by the U. S. P. method, as mentioned above, but its activity is also determined by the "cat method" thus giving a double check on its physiological activity. Fluid Extract Digitalis Squibb is biologically assayed by the same double checking system as the tincture just mentioned. A Fat-free Tincture Digitalis is supposed to be borne better by the stomach than is the ordinary tincture, there- fore the _ Squibb Laboratories make a fat-free tincture, which should be specified if desired. It is prepared from leaves from which the fat has been removed by a method which does not extract or otherwise interfere with any of the proximate principles. It is of the same strength as the U. S. P. tincture, and is physiologically tested by the Hatcher "cat method" and adjusted so that each mil (Cc.) represents one cat unit (Hatcher's standard). Whole, Ground, or Powdered Digitalis leaves, and a Soft and a Powdered Extract Digitalis, are also offered under the Squibb label. For complete descriptions see Digitalis, Extract Digi- talis, Fluidextract Digitalis and Tincture Digitalis titles in Part I of this MATERIA MEDICA. 540 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Squibb's Household Products There are many articles of a medicinal and semi- medicinal nature for which employment is found in every household. For the toilet there are numerous articles whose quality should be of the best; while for general household purposes cooking, milk modification, disin- fection, etc. the purest and best articles are needed. The following products are well known for their purity, uniformity and efficiency: Squibb's Baling Powder. Absolutely pure, very ac- tive, hence economical to use. Squibb's Cold Cream. A superior product, safe to use wherever Cold Cream is required. Squibb's Milk Sugar. Exceptionally pure; fine pow- der. Especially designed for milk modification. Squibb's Olive Oil. Best Virgin; free from adulter- ants; brilliant, and of most agreeable taste. Squibb's Pure Spices. Of absolute purity, hence of unusual strength. Squibb's Castor Oil. Scarcely any unpleasant taste because of its punty ; well borne, effective. Squibb's Cod Liver Oil. Cold pressed "shore" oil; almost free from disagreeable odor and taste. Squibb's Benzoinated Cream. A healing salve for chafed surfaces, sunburn, cracked lips, etc. Squibb's Flexible Collodion. Liquid Court-Plaster. Impervious coating for cuts; does not crack. Squibb's Magnesium Sulphate. Repurified; a distinc- tive quality with hardly any bitterness. Squibb's Sodium Bicarbonate. Highest purity, hence bitterless and efficient. Squibb's Sodium Phosphate. Arsenic-free, therefore may be taken freely and often, without harm. Squibb's Solution Hydrogen Peroxide. Of excep- tional strength and keeping qualities. Squibb's Talcum PoTvder. Of correct composition ; free from starch, chalk, and other foreign substances; impalpable, neutral, non-irritating. Squibb's Zinc Stearate. Antiseptic, water-shedding dusting powder for infants as well as adults. Scarcely visible when applied. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 541 Squibb's Olive Oil It is not generally known that much of what is sold as "Olive Oil" or Salad Oil is nothing but cotton-seed oil without' even a trace of olive oil in it; and mixtures of olive oil with cotton-seed or peanut oil are brazenly offered as pure olive oil. Squibb's Olive Oil is guar- anteed absolutely free from adulteration and meets the most ABSOLUTELY PURE VIRGIN OIL rigid known tests for perfect purity as well as regards physical characteristics. It is the very best quality of what is known as Virgin Olive Oil; that is, the first oil that exudes on subjecting the olives to gentle pressure, this portion representing the best, the most palatable and the most nutritious oil. Only the full grown, perfectly sound olives of the proper blackish- violet color are used, all bruised, decayed or otherwise unsound fruits being rejected. Squibb's Olive Oil is therefore a brilliant oil of greenish-yellow color, and most pleasant, nutty taste. Recently olive oil has come into prominence as an efficient means of quickly restoring the PROMPT RESTORER OF THE OPSONIC INDEX opsonic index after surgical anaethesias. For this important purpose only a perfectly pure quality such as Squibb's answers; an article laden with stearins and other heavy impurities is but slowly absorbed ancl therefore means loss of precious time. Why take any risks? Squibb's Olive Oil is put up in special bottles of 1 pint, |/2 pint and '/^ pint full measure, and can be obtained in these original packages at all first class drug stores. It should be kept in a cool place as all pure olive oil solidifies at 0C. ; gentle heat will restore its fluidity. An interesting monograph en- titled "Surgical Anaesthesia in its Relation to Immunity," giv- ing a statement of recent find- ings concerning olive oil as a speedy restorer of the patient's power to resist infection, will be mailed to physicians on application. AN INTEREST- ING TREATISE 542 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Barium Sulphate Squibb For X-Ray Work Formerly Barium Sulphate was used only in the arts, and not in or on the human body. However, latterly it has been brought forward for use in taking X-Ray pic- tures of the stomach and of the intestines. Of course, for this purpose only a specially prepared quality is eligible, one of which is absolutely free from soluble barium salts so as to be wholly without toxic action. Such a product is Barium Sulphate Squibb for X-Ray work. This is pre- pared from highly pure materials and most carefully tested chemically and spectroscopically for perfect free- dom from soluble barium salts and other possibly harmful impurities. Barium Sulphate Squibb for X-Ray Work occurs as an extremely fine, white, odorless, tasteless and relatively light powder, which is insoluble in water and the organic solvents as well as in acids and in dilute alkalies. It therefore passes through the system wholly unchanged and unabsorbed, and as it is absolutely free from soluble salts there is no possibility of untoward action. Barium Sulphate Squibb is used in 1 to 50 per cent, mixtures for X-Ray esophogeal and gastro-intestinal ex- aminations. A suitable test meal for examination of the stomach and intestines consists of a mixture of Barium Sulphate Squibb 5 oz., sugar J/2 oz., cocoa ^3 oz., cornmeal J/2 oz. and water 7 fl. oz. The sulphate may be considerably increased if necessary. It is also employed in opaque enemas where shadow pictures of the colon and intestines are desired. Such an enema should be non-irritating to the bowel ; sufficiently large to fill the entire bowel ; fluid enough to flow freely and fill recesses, yet sufficiently thick to hold the barium in good suspension. In view of the fact that many grades of Barium Sul- phate on the market contain soluble barium salts and are hence dangerous to use, care should be taken to clearly specify and accept only Barium Sulphate Squibb for X-Ray work. SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA 543 Squibb's Magnesia Magma (MILK OF MAGNESIA SQUIBB) Squibb's Magnesia Magma is an official product con- taining only the pure magnesium hydroxide, in the per- centage specified in the U. S. P. suspended in water and conforming in all respects to the chemical and phy- sical tests laid down by that authority, but is superior to the U. S. P. and most magnesia magmas as shown below. The Squibb Magnesia Magma is made from the highly purified Magnesium Sulphate Squibb while the U. S. P. product is made from U. S. P. grade Mag- nesium Carbonate. Both processes produce the hydrated magnesium oxide but the Squibb product finishes velvety smooth while others are distinctly gritty. Again, the Squibb product has but a slight alkaline taste while the U. S. P. article and most other market varieties have a pronounced alkaline taste. Two promi- nent factors contribute to these distinct advantages of the Squibb Magnesia Magma over others. In its manufac- ture only chemicals of Squibb purity are used and, again, the process is carried out under the- most exacting condi- tions and with complete control from first to last. The elegance of the product shows the result. It is much used by adults for fermentative dyspepsia, quickly correcting conditions arising from excessive acid- ity, and for the colic of infants it is almost a specific. It will maintain a continuous- alkaline condition in the mouth and -hence is much in favor as a dentrifice overcoming any acidity present in the mouth and dental interspaces, and thus protecting the teeth against untimely decay. There- fore in rational therapeutics it is indicated in erosion, for gingival caries, in tooth caries of pregnancy, and all oral pathological conditions due to hyperacidity of the mouth secretions, whether of local or systemic origin. Squibb's Magnesia Magma is offered in |/2 pint and in 1 pint bottles, its continued use will demonstrate that it is a highly superior product. 544 SQUIBB'S MATERIA MEDICA Squibb's Testing Apparatus It does not seem to be generally known that E. R. Squibb & Sons make several convenient and inexpensive pieces of apparatus for use of physicians and pharmacists. They are briefly described below. This apparatus stand has been in use in the Squibb Labo- ratories for years and has proved very satisfactory. It consists of a nickel-plated up- right rod, secured in an iron cylinder base. Its advan- tages are its stability, neat appearance and compactness. The usual attachments are supported by the rod. Price $2.30. Supplied in a neatly packed SQUIBB'S IM- PROVED AP- PARATUS STAND SQUIBB'S SPE- CIFIC GRAVITY APPARATUS case and consists of a thermom- eter, hydrometer (urinometer), urine jar or tube, and litmus paper. The urinometer is ad- justed to read accurately without corrections at the con- venient temperature of 25 C. Temperature corrections can easily be made however as shown in the accompany- ing directions. The complete outfit is supplied for $2.25. This consists of the necessary SQUIBB'S SUGAR TEST- ING OUTFIT solutions, tubes and pipette for performing Fehling's sugar test usually used on urine sam- ples. It comprises 50. mils (Cc.) each of copper sulphate .solution and alkaline tar- trate solution, together with two test tubes and a 1 mil pipette ; all packed in a pasteboard case. Full directions are enclosed. The set supplies sufficient fluid for several tests and extra solutions can be obtained of E. R. Squibb & Sons as found necessary. Price $1.00. SQUIBB'S UREA This a PP ara ' us consuls of APPARATUS l " e necessary pieces and solu- tions for the quantitative estima- tion of urea by the hypobromite method (or hypochlorite method if preferred). The parts are complete and compact and sufficient solution is supplied for several tests. Extra solutions may be ob- tained of E. R. Squibb & Sons if desired. Price $2.45. Squibb f s mat aria 356 medic a, 1919 RS 356 S77 1919 That the SQUIBB products cost no more than other makes, except in very few instances, where a slight advance over ordinary market prices is charged for the reason that it is impossible to furnish the Squibb Quality at a price lower than that we make at time of delivery. That the SQUIBB products are readily obtainable under the original Squibb label in all parts of the United States at the prices and in the subdivisions named in the foregoing pages. That the SQUIBB products are carried in stock by wholesale houses every- where, and can be supplied by the jobbers as promptly as any other brand. , A Therefore, if you prefer SQUIBB'S to other makes, do not hesitate to demand it, wherever you may be located; and see to it that your specification is obeyed. Your active coopera- tion will be greatly appreciated by E. R. SQUIBB & SONS THE LIBRARY . UNIVEi OF CALIFORNIA S A1MOFJLFA UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY III I I I || | | HI A 001416847 o CONTENTS Part I -Drugs and Chemicals Official Products, and Non-Official Chemicals, Phar- maceuticals and Newer Remedies. Arranged in Alphabetical Order 1-297 Part II Medicinal Tablets Mouth Tablets, Hypodermic Tablets, Dispensing Tablets, Ophthalmic Tablets, Tablet Cases, Lozenges and Troches % *... 29cM35 Part III Biological Products Antitoxins, Serums, Vaccines, Leucocyte Extract and Thromboplastin ; also Biological Therapeutic Index. . 436-^448 Part IV Reagents, Test Solutions, Etc. Analyzed Reagents, Test Solutions, Volumetric Solutions and Indicators 449-464 Part V Veterinary Products Hypodermic Tablets, Solution Tablets, Tablet Case, Arrfi-Hog Cholera Se'rum, Mallein, Distemper Vaccine, Distemper Serum, Tetanus Antitoxin and Tuberculin 465-470 Part VI Miscellaneous Glossary of Therapeutic Terms 471 The Metric System, with Table of Equivalents 478 Thermometric Equivalents 481 Practical Urinalysis, with Tests Commonly Employed. . 482 Volume at 25 C. of 1 Ib. Av. of Soirfe Liquids 489 Chart of Eruptive Fevers 490 Obstetrical Calendars 492 Drugs That Affect the Color of Urine 494 Percentage Solution Table- . . .. . . ; . . ; ; 495 Part VII Scientific Notes Detailed Information Concerning a Number of Important Squibb Products 496-544