)earU2 ptMntcb Boohs nnh /(f^aiiuecripts in tbe O-iiy^ '[h^cfcrcncc 'iiibrar^ ;iHru-4o[ LIBRARY UNIVEftelTY OF CALIFORNIA r/ //-/> e^^jc* y^l^^* 0r^^>^ \ --• N. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/earlyprintedbookOObrisrich Plate i. Binding of "Promptorium Parvulori-m,'' &c. Earls iC^rinteb Boohs anb /Iftanuscripts In the Clt^ IRefetence Xibrar? Brtstol, b^ Borris /Iftatbews, ]f ,1R.t)i6t S* Xibratian />Wfe-r^<^I^ /W^/^^-wL/v^^- SSrietol : PRINTED FOR THE LIBRARIES COMMITTEE BY W. CROFTON HEMMONS. MDCCCXCIX. scwoo i Morks referreb to ot mabe U8e of in the following (Tatalogue* Ames, Herbert, and Dibdin, Typographical Antiquities. 4 vols., London, 1810-19. Bibliographical Dictionary. 8 vols., London, 1802-6. Bibliotheca Sunderlandiana. 5 vols., London, 188 1-3. British Museum Catalogues. Brown (H. F.) The Venetian Printing Press. London, 1891. Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Libraire. 6 vols., Paris, 1860-70. Cotton (Henry) Typographical Gazetteer. Oxford, 1831. „ „ Second Series. Oxford, 1866. Dibdin (T. F.) :— Bibliotheca Spenceriana. 4 vols., London, 18 14- 15. Introduction to the Greek and Latin Classics. London, 1827. Duff (E. Gordon) Early Printed Books. London, 1893. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Ninth Edition. Hansard (T. C.) Typographia. London, 1825. Heckethorn (C. W.) The Printers of Basle in the XV. and XVI. Centuries. London, 1897. James (M. R.) Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Fitz- william Museum. Cambridge, 1895. Library Association Publications. 1877-98. Lowndes (W. T.) Bibliographer's Manual. 6 vols., London, 1890. iii. 579 Maitland (S. R.) Early English Books in the Lambeth Library. London, 1845. Maittaire (Michael) Annales Typographici. 5 vols., 17 19-41. Milman (W. H.) Brief Account of the Library of Sion College, London. 1897. Proctor (Robert) An Index to the Early Printed Books in the British Museum, ist and 2nd Sections. London, 1898. Roberts (William) Printers' Marks. London, 1893. Sinker (Robert) A Catalogue of 15th Century Printed Books in Trinity College Library. Cambridge, 1876. Stevens (Henry) The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition. London, 1878. Thompson (E. Maunde) Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography, London, 1894. Winship (G. P.) Cabot Bibliography. 1897. IV Contents. Page Incunabula . . .. I Books printed later than 1500 . . ... II Manuscripts . . . . 59 Greneral Index • • • • • • 7» Index to Printers • • • - • • 79 Xist ot plates. 1. Promptorium Parvulorum, &c., shewing original binding. 2. Device of Richard Pynson in the same. 3. Corporation Bible. Fol. 33. 4. Ibid. Fol. 116 (slightly reduced). 5. Ibid. Fol. 257 (reduced to show the whole page). 6. Massbook of St. Austin's Abbey, Bristol. Fol. 67 (reduced). 7. Ibid. Fol. 78 (reduced). 8. Ibid. Fol. 95 verso. 9. Isidorus, De sumnio bono, etc. Fol. i. 10. Ibid. Fol. 85 verso. 11. Peter Lombard, Liber Se?iteniiarum. Fol. 41 verso. 12. Sermons of Abp. J. de Voragine. Fol. i. 13. Latin Dictionary. Fol. i. (slightly reduced). 14. De proprietatibus rerum. Fol. 57. 15. Ibid. Fol. 120 (slightly reduced). 16. Guy de Caulhiac, on Surgery. Fol. 16. 17. Ibid. Fol. 161 (slightly enlarged). Nos. 6 and 7 are from photographs taken by Major-General Moclder, Bombay Army ; and the others from photographs by Messrs. Villiers & Quick. VI. Plate 2. Device of Richard Pynson. preface. nPHE first reference to the foundation of the City Public Library at Bristol appears in the minutes of the Council as follows : — " Convocatio Domus Consilii yj die Decembris, 1613. It is this daye agreed that if Mr, Roberte Redwoode, will give his Lodge adjoyninge to the Towne Wall neere the Marsh of Bristol, to the Mayor and Commonalty to be converted to a Librayre, or place to put bookes for the furtherance of Leaminge, then the same shal be thankefuUy accepted, and that then there shal be a dore made through the wall there on such sorte as shal be thought conveniente by the Surveyors of the landes of the Cytie, and Mr. John Hopkins, Aldn. Mr. Robert Aldworth, late Mayor, and Hierome Ham, Towne Gierke, to passe from thence into the Marsh then, and that such bookes as shal be given to the Cytie by the reverende father in God the Lord Archbishop of Yorke, or any other well disposed pson for the fumishinge of a Librayre, shal be thankefuUy accepted and preserved in the place aforesayed." The city Annals for the year 1614 record also the fact that "this year was erected and builded the Library in the Marsh, Doctor Toby Mathews and Robert Redwood ' was ' the founders thereof and Richard Williams, Vicar of St. Leonard's was the first master or keeper thereof." The precise extent of the share that Archbishop Mathew then had in the foundation of the library is vii. not recorded, and the time has long passed when it would be possible to verify the history of every volume in the collection, or the actual date of its accession. It is however, safe to conclude, that the Books and MSS. now catalogued, were mostly given by Dr. Tobias Mathew, Archbishop of York, between 1613 and 1628, with the expressed condition that they were " for the benefit of his native city, by the dissemination of knowledge, and for the purpose of founding a library of sound divinity, and other learning, for the use of the Aldermen and Shop-keepers." * All books in the library printed up to the year 1628 are therefore included. The catalogue has been delayed for some months, as Dr. Cuthbert Atchley, who most kindly undertook the description of the MSS., was unable to give much time consecutively to that section of * Tobias Mathew was descended from the ancient family of the Malhew's in Wales, and was bom on Bristol Bridge in 1546, which at that period was covered with shops and dwelling-houses. He received his early educal ion at Wells, and matriculated at Oxford as a probationer of University College in 1559. He graduated B.A. in 1563, and proceeded M.A. in 1566, in which year he was ordained. When Queen Elizabeth visited the university in the same year, he took part in a " disputation in philosophy" before her in St. Mary's Church, and on her departure he bade her farewell in an eloquent oration. At this time "he was much respected for his great learning, eloquence, sweet conversation, friendly disposition, and the sharpness of his wit." In 1569 he was elected public orator of the university, and later appointed a Canon of Christ Church. In 1572 he was appointed Archdeacon of Bath, and subsequently Prebendary of Teynton Regis in the Cathedral of Salisbury, and " being much famed for his admirable way of preaching, he was made one of the Queen's Chaplains in ordinary." About the year 1576 he was appointed Dean of Christ Church, having previously taken the degrees of B.D. and D.D. In 1583 he was installed as Dean of Durham, when he resigned the Deanery of Christ Church. While Dean of Durham Dr. Mathew " acted as a political agent of the government in the north, and was a vigorous pursuer of recusants " ; and through him the Queen's advisers frequently received information on the condition of Scotland. He was none the less active as an orator, and his services as preacher were eagerly sought all over the county palatine. "Yet for all his pains in preaching he neglected not his proper episcopal acts of visitation, confirmation, and ordination, he confirmed sometimes five hundred, sometimes a thousand at a time; yea, so many, that he hath been forced to betake viii. the work. The probable dates and styles of ornamentation of the MSS. have been determined by the authorities of the MS. depart- ment of the British Museum, from photographs sent to them. In describing the Printed Books I have endeavoured to give the titles, with the contractions of the early printers as exactly as possible. As a basis of the work, the catalogue of the British Museum has been followed,* and every authority available has been consulted. The references to Hain (to which important work I was unable to obtain access) were kindly inserted by Mr. Gordon Duff, to whom my grateful thanks are due for reading the proof sheets of the incunabula, and aiding me with many valuable suggestions. In the arrangement of the entries a chronological order has been followed throughout, whilst the principle of giving too much, rather than too little description, has been observed both in regard to the MSS. and the Printed Books. This will account for much that to the specialist might be deemed superfluous. himself to his bed for refreshment." In 1595 he was promoted to the Bishopric of Durham. His services were recognised by James I. no less than by his predecessor ; he took a prominent part in the Hampton Court Conference, and preached at the close before the King, who greatly admired his sermons. In 1606 he was appointed Archbishop of York on the death of Dr. Matthew Hutton, whom he had succeeded also at Durham. He died in 1628, and was buried in York Minster, where his tomb stands on the south side of the presbytery. Though renowned in his day as a preacher and divine, Archbishop Malhew was a statesman quite as much as a prelate. The advisers of Elizabeth and James felt that they could rely upon him to watch and guard the northern shires. None the less was he a diligent bishop and pious man. " He had an admirable talent for preaching, which he never suffered to lie idle, but tised to go from one town to another to preach to crowded audiences. He kept an exact account of the sermons which he preached after he was preferred; by which it appears that he preached when Dean of Durham, 721 ; when bishop of that diocese, 550; when Archbishop of York, 721; in all 1992." • Where I have been unable to find a work mentioned in the Britbh Museum Catalogue, aa asterisk is prefixed to the entry. ix. It is necessary to point out that many of the works now catalogued, were previously mentioned in a list of " Books in the City Library," which formed part of the appendix of Mr. Tovey's well-known work, the "History of the Bristol City Library: its Founders and Benefactors," published in 1853. Subsequent cataloguers of the library, appear to have copied the entries from this informal list, without verification of the books themselves ; with the result, that very many works have been imperfectly recorded, or omitted altogether. As examples the following were formerly supposed to be wanting the first volume in every instance : — the works of Charlier de Gerson {Strasburg, 1494) ; the Latin Bible of Hugo de Sando Chara (Basle, 1503); Conciliorum Omnium (Cologne, 1567); and the works of 5. Ckrysostom (Basle, 1530), the first volume being mentioned separately as a distinct work. Similar errors were in many instances perpetuated in regard to the second volume of works, from the fact, apparently, of its having been bound up with the first volume. For example: — La Mer des Histoires (Lyons, 1506); works by Otto I. (Strasburg, 15 15); Bartolus de Saxo/errato (Lyons, 1527) ; S. Gregory (Paris, 1542) ; Paolo Giovio (Paris, 1553-4), amongst others. A work by Duns Scotus* (Venice, 1 506), in five volumes (complete), was imperfectly described as if wanting the tkird and fi/t/i volumes; and the fifth volume of a work by Nicolaus de ^Tudeschis (Basle, 1488), bound up with the fourth volume, was thought • In this work occur some interesting MS. notes, as follows : — In Vols I. and II., " Liber Johannis Tutyng monachi Duresmie " ; and on the fly-leaf of Vol II., " Amen, quod Johaimis Tutyng." In Vol rv., " Liber Johannis tutyng canonici ecclesie cathedralis dunelmensis." to be wanting. Many complete works have also been found bound up with others of the same size, the first work only being noticed. As examples : — ^the Theologia Naturalis of Raymonde Sebunde (Stras- burg, 1496) and Fasciculus Temporum, 1484, were both discovered with the Promptorium Parvulorum (Pynson, 1499). Vallensis Elegantice de Lingua Latina (Venice, 1496), was bound up with a work of Ciaro ; and the De Orbe Novo Decades by Peter Martyr (Alcala, 15 16), had been lost sight of amongst three earlier works in the same binding. The following works were not previously recorded, some being found in the basement of the Central Library, King Street, and in the lumber rooms of the Hotwells and the North District Libraries : — a medical work by yoannes Mestu. fDe Medicinis Uni- versalibicsj, printed at Venice in 1479 ; S. Augustine^s De Civitate Dei, printed at Beisle in 1479 ; works by Sallust (Venice, i486) ; ^gidius (Venice, 1500); Polybius (Paris, 15 12); Liutprandus (Paris, 15 14); Ajinius (Paris, 15 15); Pope Boniface VIII. (Paris, 1524); Ptolemy (Basle, 1545); Vergil (London, 1546); Suetonius (Venice, 1554); Lossius (Frankfort, 1559-62) ; Thomas a Kempis (? 1568) ; Baron (Day, London, 1579); Cw'^ (Leyden, 1590); with many others. Altogether the discoveries made whilst re-cataloguing this portion of the library amounted to 160 volumes. One of the most important was the fourth volume of the Complutensian Polyglot Bible, which was thought to be wanting. In a paper read by Mr. John Taylor, at the Congress of the Library Association of Great Britain, at Plymouth, in 1885, and subsequently pub- lished in pamphlet form, entitled: "The Earliest Free Libraries of England," it is stated on page 37 that " the Bristol copy unfortunately wants the fourth volume, which was stolen while the books were in charge of the Library Society."* Now, whatever may be said to-day of the policy of that private society, in appropriating for a long period, the entire building and books of the City Library, which rightfully belonged to the citizens, it is a relief to find beyond doubt, that no blame can be attached to its memory in this instance, as the volume in question was never lost. In conclusion I have gratefully to acknowledge the kindness of the Right Hon. the Earl of Crawford, President of the Library Association, 1898-9, in permitting me to lay before him the first proof copy of the incunabula portion of the catalogue. My thanks are due also to E. Gordon Duff, Esq. ; Dr. Richard Gamett ; Robert Proctor, Esq. ; Frank Pacy, Esq. ; and especially to Dr. Cuthbert Atchley. As we read of the wholesale destruction of libraries in the past, and wonder at the popular rage which at times exhausted itself on illuminated books and MSS., it is surely a matter for congratulation * This society was originally founded in 1772, as a subscription library, the Bristol Corporation permitting its members the use of the building until the year 1855. In this way the library was for a long time alienated to the use of a private society, and everything was done ' • that would exclude the poor student and the humble citizen from its use, and render it a public Ubrary to those only who could aflford to pay for its accommodation." (Tovey's History of the Bristol City Library, p. 22.) " So entirely did the society consider themselves owners of the property, that in 1826 they requested the Corporation to permit them 'to remove the city books from the city shelves, in order to make room for books belonging to the society ' ; but, although the citizens had been practically excluded for many years from their own property, the Common Council was offended at the impudence of the demand, and the application was ' laid on the table.' " (Latimer's Annals of Bristol in the Nineteenth Century, Bristol, 1887, p. 334.) xii. that one of the earliest of municipcd public libraries, with a collection possessing such peculiar interest and value should have been preserved to the City. I therefore, with much respect, dedicate this work to the Chairman, Mr. Alderman Fox, and Members of the Libraries Committee of the Corporation of Bristol. NORRIS MATHEWS. Bristol Public Libraries. xiiL PI.A.TK 3- on*^f6tntnf aaiMumur ftVOtnmO. ocuMo — oopco (immwc.Tnn«uf aMnojwi mi cuW ftftenf .^mitnf in« gttittwttff Tbwjof fiiaCinwtntta fingfeiuni. : quuquis fcntf«tnsftt4»nt miwrfimoannoifii waomnmmuxtoJumfoauaMjrifrf-TtJUjaCTn t«ttfc^'r."{»fi'tn«>u; folaintclfitiuf (Unf>'^u.'^Jcut^!^na.'^fon ftliuf innmaMb^^c ■cUCaniAfilmfAmtut».T>cuwtwff«.$tmttl}cl ( I lict»n.l^unobrttffumynn ?> ft. ^a — pp, A — G, in tens excepting b— d, f— h, k, m — s, A — F, in sixes, e, i, 1, t, u, f, I};, pp, G, in eights, sig. G 7 is imperfect, and the last page is wanting. The initial letters are painted in red. (Hain,* 1 1 108). Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. Begin. Aurelij augustini . . . de eiuitate dei. (Sacre pagine pfesso^ ordinis pdicatorum Thome valois et nicolai triueth i libros beati augustini de eiuitate dei Comentaria feliciter inchoant). ©.X. ingenio z IduStria Mihahelis toenszler : in vrbe Basiliefi, [with the arms of Wenssler in red^. 1479. Fol. Contains 243 leaves, without signatures or pagination. Printed in double CQlumns, 56 lines to a full column. The Commentary is also printed in double columns, but in a smaller type, and has 73 lines to a full column. This copy is slightly imperfect at the beginning, and wants one page of the index. With ornamental painted mitial letters. (Hain,» 2058). Plinius Secundus (Caius). [Sig. a 2 has been placed at the end of the volume^ Caivs Plynivs Marco Svo Salvtem. [sig. a 3, rectoP)^ Caii Plynii Seevndi Natvralis Hystoriae Liber Primvs. End. [sig. ee 2, B 1481. 14^4- verso ."] Caii Plynii Secundi Naturalis hystoriae Liber tricesimus Septimus & ultimus Finit. opera & impesa Andrea Portilice: Parmm, 1481. Fol. Contains 260 printed leaves without pagination, 59 lines to a full page. Sig. a — z, &, A — G, aa — ee in eights, excepting b, f, i — 1, z, G, aa, in sizes, & in four, ee in two. A blank leaf at the beginning, and sig. c I are wanting ; sig. a 3 has been mutilated. The illumination on page a 2 consists of a floral design, with a shield on which are three red roses. The Royal Shield of France and England of that period, which contained the fleurs-de-lys in the first and fourth quarters, is included in the illumination on page a 3. The other initial letters are painted in red. The following note in MS. appears in the margin of page a 2, ' "Donum Rumoldi Schenckelii Mechliniensis, anno 1629, 12 Aprilis." (Hain,* 13094). Orosius (Paulus). Begin, [sig. a 2, recto:'] Pauli Orosii uiri doctissimi historiarum initium ad Aurelium Augoistinum. End. Pauli Orosii . . . Ad Aurelium Augustinum . . . libri septimi ac ultimi Finis. Impressi opera & expensis Octauiani scoti Modoetiensis : Venetiis, 1483. Fol. ContMns 78 leaves (the first of which is blank), 42 lines to a full page. Without pagination. Sig. a— n ; sig. a has eight leaves, sig. b— m in sixes, sig. n four leaves. The initial letters are painted in blue and red. Contains a few MS. notes in the margin. This work is bound up in the original binding with three others, which are now catalogued separately, (see Trogus Pompeius, p. 5 ; Sallustius Crisfus, p. 4; and Angler ius, p. 17J. (Hain,* 12 102). Turrecremata (Joannes de) Cardinal. [Quaestiones evangeliorum.J ©.X. [Attributed to Paffroet : Deventer. T. F. Dibdm, Bibliotkeca Spenceriana, London, 1814-22; Ko/./K.,/.S7i]. 1484. Fol. The prologue (which mentions the date 1480) occupies the first colunm of a ij, recto : (a i bemg blank), on the second column begins • Tabula thematum de tempore,' begins — with of kkk \ij, we read the colophon, thus : — Excellens opus dni Joha nis de turrecremata see sedis apo stolice cardinal' ordine pdicato rum tituli sancti sixti. questionu dignissima* cii solutionibo earu dem. circa text' Epistolaj> atq) euangelioi ta de tpe q3 de scis z festoi emergentiii toti'. anni I484< 1484. cu introductionibo thematu cla rissimis de qcunq} pdicare volen tibus applicabiliu. Cu etia tabu la alphabetica oftendente suo or dine z loca z materias i hoc egre gio ope cotentas Quod apud fi dei cultores dignissios sacre theo logie pfessores ppter sui excellen tiam flos theologie meruit nomi nari Anuo [sic] salutis. M.CCCC Ixxxiiij. Mensis nouembris die vicesima feliciter consumatii est. Quem nee larga ceres stringit neq3 dona liei. Egregium artis opus suspice quisquis amas Hoc tibi fundit enim dauantria menia fulgens Richardi manibus suscipe qso pium. The following leaf, kkk viij, is blank. The work consists of 440 leaves, is execnted in double columns, with 40 lines to a full coliunn, in a sharp middle-size gothic type, the initial letters being painted in blue and red. There is this peculiarity in the signatures — the Sth leaf being marked v only, except in the case of bb v. The signatures are in the following order: a — }, aa — 3}» ^laa — ^kkk, in eights, excepting 3, aa, ccc, eee, hhh in sixes, and bb in ten. There are a few MS. notes. (Hain, 15717). Fasciculus tepox omnes antiquorutn cronicas complectes. ©.X. mcccclrc [? 1484]. Fol. Contains 97 leaves. Sig. I, A — P in sixes, except A in eight, P $ is blank, and another blank leaf at the end is wanting. Illustrated with woodcuts. Contains MS. notes. This work is bound up in the original binding with two others of the i$th century, which are now catalogued separately, (see Promptorium parvulorum, p. 9 ; and Sabunde, p. 8). Petrus, Comestor. Scholastica historia magistri Petri comestoris sacre scripture serie breue nimis et exposita5 exponentis. [sig. K 5, verso .] Explicit Scolastica historia magistri Petri comestoris. i486. 1487- (3.1. Impressa Basilee An. doniini. i486. Finita post festutn Katherine. Fol. Contains 229 leaves, without pagination. Printed in double colunms, 46 lines to a full column. Sig. a — 3, A— I, II, K, in sixes, excepting a — c, e, g, k, m, o, t, y, A, B, and H, in eights. The last leaf is blank and sig. k 3 is wanting. The initial letters are painted in red. This work is thought to have proceeded from the press of M. Wenssler. C. W. Heckethom, The Printers of Basle in the XV. and XVI. centuries, London, 1897 ; The autograph of Archbishop Mathew is on the title-page, there are also copious MS. notes in the margin and on the title-page in the same handwriting. The original binding is preserved. (Hain, 5535). Sallustius Crispus (Caius). Begin, [sig. a ii. recto r\ Omnes homines qui sese student praestare caeteris animalibus, etc. End. [sig. e. iii. verso ;] Habes haec omnia uno uolumie complexa. Crispi Salustii Catilina & lugurtham. Catiliae defensione aduersus M. T[ullii] accusatione. Crispi Salustii uitam. Eiusdem in M. T[ulliumJ inuectiuam. Marci Tulii in Crispum Salustium responsum : siue niuectiuam \sic\ [Edited by Justinianus Romanus.'] [Joannes Rubeus Vercellensis aud Franciscus de Madiis : Venice, i486 ?]. Fol. Contains 28 leaves, without pagination, 55 lines to a full page. Sig. a — e in sixes, except e, in four. The first and last leaves are blank. Prmted in a Roman letter, with painted initials. Contains MS. notes in the margin. This work is bound up in the original binding with three others, which are now catalogued separately, (see Tragus Pompeius, p. 5 ; Orosius, p. 2 ; and Anglerius, p. i-j) . (Hain, 14193). Turrecremata (Joannes de) Cardinal. [Quaestiones evangeliorum.] Begin. [sig. I, recto ;] Cum ad pleniorem cognitione, etc. [sig. a I, recto ;] Incipit materia aurea enucleata ex originalibus virtutum et viciorum flos theologie nuncupata, etc. [sig. p I, recto -^^ Ques- tiones euageliorum ta} de tepore q} de Sanctis, etc. ©.X. [Argent., 1487 ?]. Fol. Contains 291 leaves, without pagination. Printed in double columns, 47 lines to a full column. Sig. 1—5, a—}, A— N, in eights, excepting 2, c, e, g, i, 1, o, q, s, v, y, A— E, G, I, in sixes. The last leaf is blank, and one leaf in the first section is wanting. Some of the initial letters are painted in red. There are a few MS. notes. (Hain,* 157 13). ¥ 1488. 1489* •Tudeschis (Nicolaus de) Cardinal, Archbishop of Palermo. [Siculi Abbatis lectura super V. libros decretalium.] Begin, [sig. A i, recto {\ De vita z honestate clericorum. End. Expiicita est lectura domini Nicolai abbatis siculi super tertio libro decretalium. (i.TL p magistrunt Joannem de Amerbach: Basilee, 1488. Fol. Contains 267 leaves, without pagination. Printed in double columns, 60 lines to a fill] column. Sig. A — Z, AA — KK, in eights, excepting II and KK in tens, sig. A 2 is wanting. The initial letters are painted in red. * Begin, [fol. i, verso .] Tituli quarti libri. End. Expiicita est lectura dni Nicolai Abbatis siculi super quarto libro decretalifl. 0.1. f magistrii Jodne de amerbach : Basilee, 1 488. Fol. Contains 52 leaves, without pagination. Printed in double columns, 60 lines to a foil column. Sig. a — f in eights, excepting e and f in tens. The initial letters aie painted in red. With this is also bound up vol. v., in the original binding. Begin, [fol. i, »«rw .-] Tituli quinti libri. End. Expiicita est lectura domini Nicolai abbatis siculi sup quinto libro decretalium. <3.I» p magistrum Joannem de Amerbach : Basilee, 1488. Fol. Contains 156 leaves, without pagination. Printed in double columns, 60 lines to a full column. Sig. aa — w in eights, excepting tt and w in sixes, the last leaf being blank. The initial letters are painted in red. This is bound up with vol. iv.^ in the original binding. *Aristotle. Omnia Aris. opera cQ Comgto Auerrois. 2 vols, bound together. ©.1. per Bernardinum de Tridino de Monteferato : Venetiis [with device'], 1489. Fol. Contains 548 leaves, without pagination. Printed in double columns. Sig (Vol. I.) a— q, A— Z, I — 13. (Vol. II.) aa— pp, aaa— mm, in eights, excepting e, g, i— m, F, K, N, P, R— T, 2, 6, 11, aa— ce, gg, kk, aaa— eee, ggg, kkk, in sixes, f, 13, hh, mm, fff, hhh, iii, nnn, in fours, q, I, Z, ii, in tens, X in 2 (i begins i"). Some of the initial letters are painted in blue and red. There are two illustrations added, and the printer's device in red is on the last page. At th* end of "de Sub- stantia orbis " is a page of manuscript. (Hain,* 1661). Trogus Pompeius. [Epitome historiarum Trogi Pompeii.] Begin, [sig. a ii, recto:'] Ivstini historici clarissimi in Trogi Pompeii historias exordivm. [sig. h iii, recto ;] Lvcii Flori gestorvm 1490. 1493- Romanorvm epithoma incipit. ^j^oannes Rubeus Vercellensis for Franciscus de Madiis : Venice, 1490 ?]. Fol. Contains 68 leaves, without pagination, 55 lines to a full page. Sig. a — 1, in sixes, except a, in eight. The first leaf is blank. Printed in a Koman letter, with painted ornamental initials. This edition has also been attributed to the press of^H. de Colonia, Sienne. There are a few MS. notes in the margin. This work is bound up in the original binding with three others, which are rum catalogued separately, (see Sallustius Crispus,p. 4 ; Orosius, p. 2 ; and Anglerius, p. 17J. Antoninus [Forciglioni], Saint, Archbishop of Florerue. Prima ( — Tertia) pars historialis venerabilis domini Antonini. (End. Perfectu . . . est opus . . . trium partiu historialiu seu Cronice dni Antonini, etc.) 0.1. 3 vols, p Nicolaum Kessler, in Basilea [with device'], i^gi. Fol. Contains (Vol. I.) 236 leaves, sig. A — Z, Aa — Pp, in sixes, excepting C — ^F, in eights, the last leaf is blank. (Vol. II.) 260 leaves, sig. a — ^r, %, f, s — 3> . 2, ?, I, a, aA — nN, in sixes, excepting c in eight, the last leaf is blank. (VOL. ni.) 276 leaves, sig. AA, BB, cc— 3}, ZZ, ??, 1% AA— TT in sixes, excepting cc in eight, and SS in ten, the two last leaves are blank. Printed in double columns, 66 lines to a full column. Some of the initial letters are painted in blue and red. There are a few MS. notes. The original binding is preserved. (Hain,* 1161). Schedel (Hartmannus) [Nuremberg Chronicle], [fol. CCLXVI., rectof] Complete in famosissima Nurembergensi vrbe Operi de hystoriis etatum mundi. ac descriptione vrbium. felix imponitur finis. Col- lectum breui tempore Auxilio doctoris hartmani Schedel. qua fieri potuit diligentia, etc. ©.X- [A. Koberger : Nuremberg], i493' Fol. Contains 296 leaves only, without signatures, illnstrated with numerous woodcuts. The initial letters of the "Tabula" are painted in blue and red. This is the first edition of the Nuremberg Chronicle, so celebrated for its spirited woodcuts by W. Pleydenwurff, and M. Wolgemuth— the master of Albert Durer. (Hain,* 14508). 1494- 1494- Vincentius, Bellovacensis. \Vincent of Beauvats] Speculum Historiale Vincentii. (5.1. Hermani liechtenstein : in iclita vrbe Veneitm, 1494. Fol. Contains 478 leaves. Printed in double columns, 74 lines to a full column. Sig. cc ccbb, c, cfl^-cc', ccf, cc»-cEgidius (Romanus) Expositio Egidii Romani supra libros elenchorum Aristotelis. Questio defensiua opinionis de medio demonstrationis eiusdem. ©•!• mandato t expensis dfii Andree Torresani de Asula. Per Simone de Lucre : Venetiis, 1500. Fol. Contains 71 leaves. Printed in double columns, 69 lines to a full column. Sig. 17 — 25 in eights. A blank leaf at the end is wanting. "Among the many names of distinguished printers that we meet with during this period [1470-1515], none is more famous than that of Andrea de Torresani of Asiila." — The Venetian Printing Press, p. 33. Contains a few MS. notes. With this work is bound up in the original binding another dated 1503, which is now catalogued separately, (see Burleus, p. 11). (Hain, 141). 10 I502. 1504. Books printed later than 1500. Hugo, de Sancto Chara, Cardirial. Prima (Quinta, Sexta, Septima) pars huius operis : contines textum biblie cu postilla domini Hugonis Cardinalis, etc. (Repertorium apostillarum . . . Hugonis Cardinalis {compiled by G. Epptus].) \Ediiedhy Conradus Lecmioritis.'\ ©.X. 4 vols. Johdnes Amerlach: BasilieH, 1504, 1502. Fol. Pt. I. is dated 1503. The leaves are numbered in folio consecutively from 2 to 435, and the "Repertorium" which precedes it consists of 34 leaves unnumbered, and is dated 1504. Pts. V. and VI. are undated and without pagination, and probably belong to the 1498-1502 edition. Part VII. bears the date 1502. The first part is illastrated with woodcuts. It is said that for these editions of the Bible, Koberger provided the money. Part of the original binding is preserved. Burleus (Gualterus) Burlei super artem veterem Porphirii z Aristotelis, 7' This work is bound up with three others from the same press, which are rum catalogued separately, [see Warnefridus, p. 15 ; Liutprandus, p. 15; and Annius,p. 16). Liutprandus, Bishop of Cremona. Liutpradi . . . rerum gestarum per Europam ipsius praesertim temporibus Libri sex. Venundantur ab Jodoco Badio Ascensio & Joanne Parvo : [^Paris, with the device 0/ Petit], 15 14. Fol. The titlepage is ornamented with a woodcut border. There are three other works from the same press bound up with this, which are now catalogued separately, (see Warne/ridus, p. 15; Polybius, p. 14; andAnnius,p. it). Warnefridus (Paul us) Diaconus. Pauli Diaconi Ecclesise Aquilegiensis . . . de origins et gestis Regum LangobardorQ Libri VI. cum indice et argumentis. Venudatur ab Joanne Parvo et Jodoco Badio Ascensio : [Paris, with the device o/Petif], 15 14. Fol. The titlepage is ornamented with a woodcut border. There are three other works from the same press bound up with this, which are now catalogued separately, (see Liutprandus, p. 15; Polybius, p. 14; and Annius,p. \t). Bible {Polyglott, 1514-17]. Vetus testamentu multiplici lingfua nuc primo impressum. Et imprimis Pentateuchus Hebraico Greco atq} Chaldaico idiomate. Adiucta vnicuiq3 sua latina interpre- tatione. {That of the Hebrew being the Vulgate. — Vol. 2-4:] Secuda, Tertia, Quarta pars Veteris testamenti Hebraico Grecoqj idiomate nunc primum impressa : adiuncta vtriq) sua latina interpretatione. {Vol. 4 end:] Explicit quarta et vltima pars totius veteris testameti . . . impressa . . . de mandato ac sumptibus . . . Francisci Ximenez de Cisneros . . . presbyteri Cardinalis, etc. [ Vol. 5 :] Nouum testamentum grece r latine, etc. [ Vol. 5 end .] Ad perpetuam laudem . . . dei z . . . iesu christi hoc sacrosanctum opus noui testamenti . . . grecis latinisq} characteribus nouiter impressum . . . absolutii est, etc. {After the colophon of vol. 5, and some Greek and Latin verse, follam : — ] Incipiunt interpretationes hebreorum chaldeorum grecorumq} nominum noui testameti, etc. {and] Intro- ductio qua breuissima ad grecas litteras. {The Greek arid Latin Vocabulary occupies the last 38^; the Appendix and two leaves in the Gospel of St. Mark are wanting.] Industria Arnaldi Guilieltni de Brocario : in Academia Complutensi, {Alcald de Henares], 1514-17. Fol. 15 I5I5- I5I5- The titlepage of each volume commences with the following : — " Haec tibi pentadecas tetragonon respicit illud Hospitium petri z pauli ter quinq3 dienun. Namq3 instrumetum vetus hebdoas innuit : octo Lex noua signatur. ter quinq3 receptat vtrunq}." Under these lines are the arms of Cardinal Ximenez, and then the special title of the volmne. The titlepage of the fifth volume differs slightly from the others, the Cardinal's hat in the centre being printed in black instead of red. In the first line of Leo X.'s letter in Vol. I. occurs the misprint — Dilfcte. TAe New Testament portion was printed in 1514, and the Old Testament in 15 1 7 ; hut though printed at these dates, the sanction of Pope Leo X. (see Vol. I.) was not obtained till 1520, and the work was probably not in circulation until the year 1522. Dibdin states that the entire cost of the work, which amounted in English money to between ;^ 11,000 and £12,000, was defrayed by the Cardinal. In order to become better acquainted with the more learned parts of the Polyglot, Cardinal Ximenez undertook to make himself master of the Hebrew tongue, though he was upwards of sixty years of age. He employed a large number of learned men, and gave 4,000 crowns for seven MSS. of the Hebrew Bible. The interest of the work is not merely from its being a superb example of the early printing, but because it is the first Polyglot edition of the Bible, and the first printed edition of the New Testament in the original tongue. The original binditig has been carefully restored. Annius (Joannes) Viterbensis. AntiquitatQ variaru volumina XVII. . . . Contentorum in aliis voluminibus. Liber primus. Insti- tutionum Annianarum de aequivocis, Liber II. Verturaniana Propertii, Liber III. Xenophontis Aequivoca, Liber IIII. Fabii Pictoris de aureo sseculo, Liber V. Myrsili, Liber VI. Catonis fragmentum. Liber VII. Itinerarii Antonini fragmentum, Liber VIII. Sempronii de Italia, Liber IX. Archilochi de temporibus, Liber X. Metasthenis, Liber XL De Hispanis, Liber XII. De Chronographia Etrusca, Liber XIII. Philonis, Liber XIIII. Berosi, Liber XV. Manethonis, Liber XVI. Anniarum, XL. quaestionum, Liber XVII. [With the commentary ofy.A.'j Venun- datur ab Joanne Parvo ^ Jodoco Badio : [Paris, with the device of Petif], 15 15. Fol. This work is bound up with three others from the same press, which are now catalogued separately, (see Warnefridus, p. 15 ; Liutprandus, p. 15; and Polybius, p. 14J. 16 Otto I., Bishop of Frisingen. Ottonis Episcopi Frisingensis rerum ab origine mundi, ad ipsius usque tempora gestarum. (De gestis Friderici primi ^nobarbi Caes. Augusti, libri duo. Radevici Phrisingeri Ecclesiaa Canonici libri duo, prioribus additi, de ejusdem Friderici Imperatoris gestis). 2 vols, bound together. Ex adibus MatthicB Schurerii: Argentorati, \ivith device'], 15 15. Fol, The titlepage of Vol. I. is wanting, that of Vol. II. is ornamented with a woodcut border. •Anglerius (Petrus Martyr) De orbe nouo Decades, [sig. a, u, verso :] P. Martyris Angli. Mediol. . . . oceaneae decadis liber primus ( — decimus.) [iig. A, a verso :] Crediti continentis . . . de orbe nouo secunda decas, . . . liber primus ( — decimus) [sig. f, ii, verso .] Crediti continentis . . . de orbe nouo tertiae decadis, liber primus ( — decimus.) [sig. j.iiii, recto .■] Ad lectorem de quibus- dam locis leviter depravatis. [after sig. ».iiii. is a blank leaf, then foUows the " Vocabula Barbara," at the end of which is the colophon.—] Cura & dtligentta uiri Celebris Magistri Antonii Nebrissensis htstortci regii fuerunt h(B Ires protonotarii Petri martyris decades ImpresscB in contubernio Arnaldi Guillelmi in Illustri oppido carpetance pulcicB coplulo quod uulgariter dicitur Alcala ^fectu est nonis Nouebris An. 15 16. Fol. Contains 68 leaves, 49 lines to a full page. Signatures a — i in eights, except sigs. a and h in sixes. The titlepage is ornamented with a border. " This account by Martyr is the earliest which we have of the printed narratives of Cabot's Voyages." — G. P. Winship, Cabot Bibliography, 1897 ; p. 30. It is bound up tn the original binding with three other works, which are now catalogued separately, (see Trogus Pompeius, p. 5 ; Sallustius Crises, p. 4 ; and Orosius, p. 2). *Coccius (Marcus Antonius) Sabellicus. Posterior pars ejusdem rapso- die historiaru M. Antonii Coccii Sabellici contines sex Enneades reliquas cu earundem repertoriis et epitomis. Venundatur . . . ad Joanne Parvo & Jodoco Badio Ascensto, [Paris, with tlie device of J. Petit], 15 16. Fol. The titlepage is ornamented with a woodcut border. Two pages of ancient MS., probably used by the first binder, are preserved inside the cover. The original binding is preserved. Richerius (Ludovicus Coelius) Rhodiginus. Sicuti Antiquarum lec- tionum commentarios concinnarat olim vindex Ceselius, ita nunc eosdem per incuriam interceptos reparavit L. C. Rhodiginus, in corporis unam velut molem aggestis primum linguae utriusque 17 C i5»6. 1522 floribus, ... ex qua velut lectionis farragine explicantur linguae latinae loca, etc. XVI. lib. In mdibus Aldi, et AndrecB Soceri : Venetits, [with device], i^ib. Fol. The titlepage is printed in red. This edition is dedicated to John Grolier. " The Aldine family comes at the head of the Venetian \imAets." — Printers' Marks, p. 218. " The Italic type . . . was introduced by Aldus Manutius of Venice." — Encyclopedia Britannicay 1875-89. Vol. XXIII., p. bf)^. The original binding, with gilt tooling and edges, is preserved. Testament. Novum Testamentum omne, multo quam antehac diligentius ab Erasmo Roterodamo recognitu, eraedatum, ac translatum, etc. Gr. & Lat. In cedibus Joannis Frobenii : Basilece, [with device], 15 19. Fol. The titlepage is ornamented with a woodcut border. " The first edition was no sooner published, than Erasmus saw all the errors of it ; and, consequently, in \>is second oi 1519, he has presented us with a purer text, and more valuable readings. Joseph Scaliger, who was never a very favourable critic towards the works of the learned, had the highest veneration for this second edition of Erasmus." — T. F. Dibdin, Introduction to the Greek and Latin Classics, London, 1827 ; Vol. I., p. 109. *' Frobenius became one of the most learned printers on record. . . . Erasmus tells Herwagen, in a letter -(vritten to the latter in 1531, that Frobenius benefits the public more than himself, and that he wiU leave his heirs more fame than money. For Froben spent enormous sums on the getting up of his impressions ; even the titlepages were to excel in beauty of execution those of other printers ; he employed Holbein, the painter, and Urs Graff, a then famous engraver, whom he paid liberally. The retimis of his sales did not cover the cost of production." — The Printers of Basle, in the XV. and XVI. Centuries, pp. 87 and 90. Contains MS. notes. The original binding is preserved. Pius II., Pope. [Enea Silvio Piccolomini?\ Commentariorum Aeneae Sylvii Piccolominei Senensis, de Concilio Basileae celebrato libri duo . . . nunc . . . primum impress! . . . Cum multis aliis nunquam antehac impressis, etc. [Cologne? 152 1 ?] Fol. A remnant of the original book-chain is still attached to the binding. *Calepinu8 (Ambrosius) Dictionarium. Impressi per Thomam Anshelmum Badensem : Hagenoa, [with device], 1522. Fol. The titlepage is wanting. " Thomas Anshelm (or Anshelmi Badensis) is perhaps the most eminent of the early Hagenau printers." — Printers' Marks, p. 155. 18 1522- 1524. Erasmus (Desiderius) Des. Erasmi ... in Novum Testamentum. ab eodem tertio recognitum, annotationes item ab ipso recognitae, & auctario neutiq} poenitendo locupletatae. John Froben, Basil. \yoith device], 1522. Fol. The titlepage and two others are ornamented with woodcut borders. Ccmtains a few MS. notes. The original binding is preserved. *Nannus Mirabellius (Oominicus) Polyathea. Opus suavissimis Floribus exornatu, etc. 0.X. In mdib Joannis Moylin al's de Cdbray : Lugduni, 1522. 4to. The titlepage contains a fine woodcut design, which is ornamented with a border. Justinian 1., Emperor of the East f527-565]. Digestum Vetus, quin- quaginta libroru padectarQ primus tomus xxiiii libros cotinens, etc. — Digestum Novum. 0.X. 2 vols. Joannis Petit: Paris, 1523 and 1525. 4to. Printed in black and red, the text is in short double columns, with marginal commentary. The device of Petit is on the titlepage of the " Digestum Vetus." The titlepage and preliminary leaves of the " Digestum Novum ' ' are wanting. The original binding is preserved. Boniface VIII., Pope. [Liber Sextus Decretalium, cum apparatu ex Johannis Andree ; extravagantes Johannis XXII., etc^^ C-X- {J. Petit: Paris, 1524?] 4to. Printed in black and red ; the text is in short double coliunns, with marginal cotnmentaiy. The titlepage is wanting, begins fol. IX. Cyril, Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria. Divi Cyrilli ... in Evangelium Joannis commentaria . . . recogTiita. In quibus multa habentur adjecta . . . per J. Clichtoveum . . . Opus insigne, quod Thesaurus inscribitur, de consubstantialitate Filii & Spiritus Sancti cum Deo Patre . . . Georgio Trapezontio interprete. Insuper in Leviticum libri XVI. 2 pts. bound together. In officitia Andrea: Cratandri : Basilece, {with device], 1524. Fol. "Cratander, whose real patronymic was Hartmann, began printing at Basle in 1518. He was a man of great learning, and the friend of learned men. CEcolampadius for some time lived in his house as his guest. Like Froben, Cratander printed chiefly learned works, and embellished them as much as possible with elaborate illastratioas. 19 1525- 1527- He printed up to the year 1536, when, at the instigation of his wife, who would no longer allow him to go on with the " dirty work," he sold his office and plant to the partnership concern, Winter. Oporinus, Platter, and Lasius. But he died soon after, and not in prosperous circumstances, viz., in 1540. . . . Cratander's device was the Goddess of Opportunity — according to the Romans a female, but according to the Greeks a male, deity."— Tke Printers of Basle in the XV. and XVI. Centuries, pp. 167-8. Contains MS. notes. Ptolemaeus (Claudius) Claudii Ptolemaei Geographicae enarrationis libri octo Bilibaldo Pirckeymhero interprete. Annotationes Joannis de Regio Monte in errores commissos a Jacobo Angelo in translatione sua. Johannes Grieningerus : Argentoragi, 1525. Fol. There is a separate titlepage to the Index. Illustrated with woodcuts, maps, etc. " John Gruninger . . . issued some beautifully illustrated books. ... He and another later Strasburg printer, Knoblochzer, share with Conrad Zeninger, of Nuremberg, the doubtful honour of being the most careless printers in the fifteenth century." — Early Printed Books, p. 43. Hieronymus (S. Eusebius) Opera. Tom. IV.-X., bound in 5 vols. Apud y. Frobenium : BasilecB, [with device'], 1525-26. Fol. The titlepages and preliminary leaves of Vols. V. and VI. are wanting, aad all S. after 107 of Vol. VII. There are duplicates of Vols. IV. and X. Contains MS. notes. *Bartolus, de Saxoferrato. Bartoli . . . prima (et secunda) super digesto novo. . . . Commentariojj Bartoli de Saxoferrato : que {z merito quide) juris vocitant Lucernam : super digesto novo : ad vetustissimo^ simul ac emendatissimo^ exeraplarium fidem recognita z emaculata, et compluriii doctissimoru viroru addi- tionibus ^ apostillis illustrata. Summariis item z concordantiis cotrarietatum Bartoli minime pretermissis. In.super z repertorio singularium materiarum in ordinem multo 43 hactenus commo- diorem redacto. Additiones huius operis, Alexandri Imolensis, Andree Barbatie Siculi, Andrea de Pomate de Basignana, Christophori de Nicellis. 0.1. z vols, bound together. Ex offi,cina . . . Sebasiiani Gryphis Germani : Lugduni, i^z-j. Fol. The titlepage of each part is illustrated. Two pages of ancient MS., probably used by the first binder, are preserved inside the cover. 20 '529- I530. *Platina (Battista) Cremonese. Platinae . . . de vita & moribus sum- morum Pontificum historia, cui aliorum omniu, qui post Platinam vixerunt ad haec usque tempora, Pontificum res gestae sunt additae, nunquam antehac in vulgiis datae, etc. (De falso et vero bono dialogi tres. Contra amores. De vera nobilitate. De optimo cive. Panegyricus in Bessarionem doctiss. patriarcham Con- stantin. Oratio ad Paulum. II. Pon. Max.) 2 pts. bound together. Impensa & are M. Godefridi Hittorpii civis Colonten. 1529. Fol. There is a fine woodcut titlepage in compartmeats. Contains a/exv MS. notes in the margin, and the name " John Heylyn " is written inside the cover. Seneca (Lucius Annaeus). L. Annei Senecae opera, et ad dicendi facultatem, et ad bene vivendu utilissima, per Des. Erasmum Roterod. ex fide veterum codicu, turn ex probatis autoribus, postremo sagaci non nunqua divinatione, sic emendata, ut merito priore aeditione, ipso ab.>ente peracta, nolit haberi pro sua. Confer & ita rem habere coperies. Adjecta sunt ejusdem scholia nonnulla. Per Hiero7iymum Frobenium & Joannem Hervagium : Basilece \with device'\, 1529. Fol. Dibdin, in reference to this (the second) edition states that it " professes to correct four thousand errors of former impressions. . . . The second edition is so greatly superior to the first, that it is said Erasmus would have willingly withdrawn his name from that of 1515." — Introduction to Greet and Latin Classics, 4/A ed., vol. II., p. 395. Hieronymus . . . the eldest son of John Froben . . . began his actual work as a printer in 1528, after his father's death. . . . John Her\vagen, who married the widow [of John Froben] entered into partnership with his stepson. — The Printers of Basle in the XV. and XVI. Centuries, p. 113. Co7itains the autograph and MS. notes of Archbishop MatJww, The original binding is preserved. *John Chrysostom, Saint, Patriarch of Constantinople. D. Joannis Chrysostomi . . . opera. 5 vols. In officina Frobeniaiia, per Hieronymum Frobenium, Joannem Hervagium, & Nicolaum Episcopium : Basilea [with device'], 1530. Fol. The titlepage of Vol. I. is preceded by a general index to the work. All pp. after 598 are wanting in Vol. II. "In 1529, Nicolaus Episcopius, who had married the aister of Hieronymus [Froben], joined the other two. This threefold partnership was partially dissolved in 1531, when Herwagen went out." — The Printers of Basle, in the XV. and XVI. Centuries, p. 113. There are a few MS. notes. A remnant of the ancient book- chain is attached to the cover of Vol. II., and in this Vol. are also preserved some pages of MS., doubtless used by the first binder. 2\ '53°. 1533- *Origen. Origenis Adamantii Operum tomi duo priores, cum tabulis & indice general! proxime sequetibus. (Tertius et Quartus tomi, etc.) 4 vols, bound in 2. Vamcut . . . Joanni Parvo, & Jodoco Badio : \Paris^ [with the device of J. Petit.'] 1530. Fol. The titlepages are ornamented with woodcut borders. There are duplicates of Vols. I. and II., with the title and preliminary pages wanting. The original binding is preserved. *Dionysius de Rickel. D. Dionysii . . . , insigne commentariorum opus, in psalmos omnes Davidicos. [On the verso : of fol. cccx.— " Commentariorum in psalterium finis," then follows, with separate pagination — " Com- mentarius in Canticum II. feriae." etc., ending with fol. XLU.— all ff. after are wanting.] Per me Petruni Quentell : Colonix, \^j,\. Fol. A woodcut representing a Cardinal's hat, &c., is on the titlepage. Contains a MS. note of Archbishop Mathew. A remnant of the ancient book-chain is attached to the original binding. Pellicanus (Conradus) [fol. i. recto:] Commentarium breve simplex et catholicum in Sacrosanctos viginti quatuor veteris instrument!, Canonicos libros, cum interpretatione vulgata quidem, sed ab Hebraicae veritatis sensum diligenter emendata per Chuonradum Pellicanum Rubeaquensem, imprimis autem in librum Geneseos, qui h. primae distinctionis initio Hebraice Bresith dicitur. Vols. /., //., ///., IV. bound together. Aptid Christophorum Froschoverum, Tiguri \with device], 1532-4. Fol. The titlepages of vols. I. and III. are wanting. " Christopherus Froschover, 1513-48, was by far the most eminent and prolific of the early Zurich printers." Printers' Marks, p. 175. Contains the navie " John Pities, Feb. 1579," '^'^ ^^- notes. *Cicero (Marcus Tullius) Tusculanarum quaest. libri quinque, cum P. Beroaldi Bononiensis, et G. Vallae Placentini commentariis. Apud Michaelem Vascosanum, Parisiis, 1533. Fol. Contains copious MS. notes, and a pen and ink drawing. The initials " I. B." are stamped upon the cover. With this work is bound up another, which is now catalogued separately, [see Quintilianus p. 24). 12 1533- >538. Luther (Martin) Enarrationes doctissimae & lectu utilissimae Doctoris Martini Lutheri incoparabilis Theologi, in Quintu, Sextum, & Septimum capita Matthaei pro concionibus pro nflciatae & exceptse. Per V. Obsopcetim . . . traductae. Ex officina Seceriana : Haganow, 1533. 4to. The titlepage is ornamented with a woodcut border. There is a MS. note, and the name " Guil: Arnold" on the titlepage. Testament, \Vulgate editiori]. Sanctum Jesu Christi Evangelium. Secundum Matthaeum, Secundum Marcum, Secundum Lucam, Secundum Joannem, Acta Apostolorum. (Pauli Apostoli Epistolae, Epistolae Catholicae, Apocalypsis Beati Joannis.) 2 w/y. bound together. [i)Apud Hieronymum Gormotium: Parisiis, [2)Franciscus Gryphius: Parisiis, 1533-34. i6mo. Brentz (Johann) the Elder. In Acta Apostolica homiliae centum viginti duae. Ex officina Petri Brubacchii : Haganoce, anno XXXV. [1535]. Fol. Contains aferdo MS. notes. The original binding is preserved. Brunfels (Otto) Annotationes O. Brunfelsii, ... in quatuor Evangelia & Acta Apostolorum, etc. Imprimebat Georgius Ulricher A ndlanus : Argentorati [with device\ 1535. Fol. On the reverse of the titlepage appears a fiill-page woodcut of the author. The original binding is preserved. Dante Alighieri. Comedia del divino poeta Danthe Alighieri, con la dotta & leggiadra spositione di C. Landino : . . . nuovamente corretta & emendata, etc. Per Bernardino Stagnino : In Vineggia \with device'], 1536. 4to. The titlepage contains a portrait of Dante, there are also numerous woodcuts. The name " John Heylyn " is written inside the cover. Elyot {Str Thomas) Dictionary (Lat. Eng.), J5.X. [In . 1515] . . . Extraicts de la Biblioth^que Historiale de N. V. . . . Avec un traicte de I'origine, estat & demeure des Fran9ois. Chez Sebastien Nivelle : a Paris [with device], 1579. Fol. Contains a book-plate hearing the name "George Courtenay." Ludolphus, d.e Saxonia. Vita Christi . . . repurgatis quamplurimis mendis . . . per J. Dadrseum. Apud Michaelem Sonnium, Parisiis [with device], 1580. Fol. Plinius Secundus (Caius) Historia mundi naturalis C. Plinii Secundi . . . in libros XXXVII. distributa, vivisque imaginibus illustrata . . . His breves eruditaeque in margine doctissimorum virorum castigationes : S. Gelenii quoq} perspicuae atq3 perutiles animad- versiones accesserunt Cum indice rerum et verborum locuple- tissimo. Ex officina M. Lcchleri, impensis S. Feyerabendii : Francoforti cut Mcenuni [with device], 1582. Fol. The " Animadversiones," and the Index, which has a distinct titlepage, are without pagination. Illuslrated with woodcuts. Contains MS. notes. 34 1584. '586. Bible \Polygloit\. Biblia Hebraica Eorundem Latina interpretatio X. Pagnini Lucensis, Recenter B. Ariae Montani, etc. (Novum Testamentum Grsecum, cum vulgata interpretatione Latina Graeci contextus lineis inserta, etc.) 2 vols, bound together. Ex officina, Christophori Plantini : Antverpia [with device^ 1584. Fol. " Among the printers who have done honour to the town of Antwerp, must be reckoned tne justly celebrated Christopher Plantin, the beauty and correctness of whose workmanship is attested by numerous publications in almost every branch of literature." — Typographical Gazetteer, 1st series, p. 15. Herodotus. Herodoti Halicamassei Historiae libri IX. : et de vita Homeri libellus. lUi ex interpretatione L. Vallae adscripta, hie ex inter- pretatione C. Heresbachii : utraque ab H. Stephano recognita. Ex Ctesia excerptae historiae. Apologia H. Stephani pro Herodoto. Apud haredes Andrece Wecheli : Francofurti \wtth device'], 1584. 8vo. There is a MS. note at the end of the volume. Thomas Aquinas, Saint. S. Tho. Aquinatis in libros Aristotelis de genera- tione et corruptione castigatissima commentaria, etc. Apud hceredem Hyeronimi Scoti : Venetiis, 1584. Fol. This work is bound up with another dated 1595 by the same author, which is now catalogued separately (see p. 38.J Bible \Polyglott\ Biblia Sacra, Hebraice, Graece, & Latine. Latina inter- pretatio duplex est, altera vetus, altera nova : cum annotationibus F, Vatabli . . . Omnia cum editione Complutensi . . . collata, etc. 2 vols. Ex officina Sanctandreana : \^Heidelberg\ 1586. Fol. The two vols, are divided into four parts with separate pagination. "The New Testament was not published in this edition." — British Museum Catalogue. Contains the autograph and MS. note of Archbishop Mathew in both vols. Holkot (Robertus) M. R. Holkoth ... in librum sapientiae . . . Salomonis praelectiones ccxiii. Quae . . . nunc . . . cum inserto Graeco textu , . . k multis mendis . . . repurgatae 35 1586. I590- . . . in lucem prodeuntes Ist'c.'] His . . - ejusdem autoris Moralizationum historiarum . . . liber est adj actus, e^. [Wtlh the text, Gr. and Lai. Edited by J. Ryterus]. [Basle?'], 1586. Fol. Contains the autograph of Archbishop Mathew on the titlepage. Archimedes. [G. e Marchionibus Montis in duos Archimedis aequeponderan- tium libros paraphrasis scholijs illustrata.] Apud Hieronymum Concordiam : Pisatiri, 1588. 4to. The colophon bears the date 1587. The titlepage is wanting. Testament. Testamentum Novum sive noviim foedus Jesu Christi, D. N. cujus Graeco contextui respondent interpretationes duae : una, vetus : altera, Theodori Bezae, nunc quart6 diligenter ab eo recognita. 2 vols, bound together. [ With the device of Stephens], 1588. Fol. *Cyprian, Saint, Bishop of Carthage. C. Cypriani . . . Opera . . . quam accuratissimfe recognita . . . Adnotationes J. Pamelii . . . Ab eodem . . . adjecta D. Cypriani Vita h scriptis ipsius collecta, & Scripturarum citatarum index. (Vita Cjrpriani per Pontium, etc^ 3 vols, bound together. In adibus Petri Belleri : AntverpiElius Antonius) ^lii Antonii Nebrissensis grammatici chronographi regii, imo recens accessio facta ad quadruplex ejusdem antiqui Dictionarii supplementum, etc. 2 pts. bound together. En casa de Melchior Rodriguez Mercader : Granatae [with device], 1589. Fol. Ovidius Naso (Publius) Pub. Ovidii Nasonis Fastorum, Libri VI. (Tristium libri V. ; De Ponto, Libri IIII. ; In Ibin ; Ad Liviam). 2 pts. bound together. Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Franciscum Raphelen- gium : Lugd. Batavorum [with device], 1590. i6mo. pp. II to 14 are in MS., 44 lines to each page. Another work by the same author is bound up with this, and is now catalogued separately (see the following entry) . 36 I590 '595- Ovidius Naso (Publius) Pub. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon Libri XV. Ex officina Planiiniana, apud Franciscum Raphelengiutn : Lugd. Bafavorum \wtlh device], 1590. i6mo. This work is hound up with another by the same author, which is now catalogued separately (see the preceding entry) . *Kis (Stephanus) Szegedmus. Theologiae sincerae loci communes de Deo et homine, cum confessione de Trinitate, perpetuis tabulis explicati, & scholasticorum dogmatis illustrati. . . . Praemissa est historica commonefactio, de Ecclesiae palingenesia saepius repetita. Editio tertia cum . . . vita auctoris (auctore M. Scaricaeoj. \With a prefcu:e by y. J. Grynaeus.] Per Conrad Waldkirchium : Basilea; [with device], i«)<)i. Fol. The titlepage is ornamented with a border, there is also a portrait (woodcut) on the reverse of the titlepage. *Scaliger (Joseph) De emendatione temporum. Apud Joannem Wechelum : JFranco/urti [with device], 1593. Fol. Contains the following iiote — "Exdono Edw. et Elizab. Blount." Concordance. Concordantiae Testamenti Novi Graecolatinae. Ex typo- grapheio Henr. Stephani [Paris. — with device], 1594. Fol. The name — " John Heylyn " is written inside the cover, and there is a MS. note on the titlepage. Whitaker (William) D.D. Adversus T. Stapletoni . . . Defensionem ecclesiasticae authoritatis, quam ipse luculentam & accuratam inscripsit, tribusque libris digessit, duplicatio, pro authoritate atque avroTrisi^ S. Scripturae. Excudebat Joannes Legatus : Canta- brigice, 1594. Fol. Calvin (John) J. Calvini in quinque Libros Mosis Commentarii . . . Ejusdem ... in Librum Josue Commentarius. [With the text, Lat.] 3 pts. bound together. In officina Satutandreana : [Heidelberg. — with device], 1595. Fol. 37 1595- '598. Lipsius (Justus) J. Lipsii de Cruce libri tres . , . cum notis. Secunda editio correctior. Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Vtdtiam, & Joannem Moretum : Antverptce [with device], 1595. 8vo. This work is illustrated with numerous woodcuts. Thomas Aquinas, Saint. S. Thomae Aquinatis in octo physicorum Aristotelis libros commentaria, etc. Apud hcsredem Hieronymi Scoti : Venetiis, 1595. Fol. TAe following note appears on the titlepage : — " £x dono Edw. et Elizab. Blount." With this work is bound up another by the same author, which is now catalogued separately {see p. 35). Calvin (John) J. CalviniTractatusTheologici omnes, . . . altera editio, emendatior, cui accesserunt ejusdem Calvini in libros Senecae de dementia Commentarii. 2 pts. bound together. Apud Petrum Santandreanum : Genevce [with device], 1597. Fol. Bauhinus (Joannes) Historiae Fontis et Balnei admirabilis BoUensis. Lib. IV. [only]. Apud Jacobum Foilletum : Montisbelgardi, 1598. 4to. Contains numerous woodcuts. ^Lipsius (Justus) J. Lipsii Admiranda, sive de magnitudine Romana libri quattuor. Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Joannem Moretum : AntverpicE [with device], 1598. 4to. ^Lipsius (Justus) J. Lipsii de Militia Romana libri quinque. Commentarius ad Polybium. Editio nova. (J. Lipsii Analecta sive observationes reliquae ad militiam et hosce libros.) Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Joannem Moretum : Antverpia [with device], 1598. 4to. Contains several plates. *Lipsius (Justus) J. Lipsii de Amphitheatro liber. Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Joannem Moretum : A ntverpice [with device], 1598. 4to. Contains several plates. This is bound up with two other works by the same author, which are now catalogued separately [see p. 39). 38 1598- 1599- Lipsius (Justus) J. Lipsii Satumalium sermonum libri duo, qui de gladia- toribus. Editio ultima et castigatissima. Ex officina Pkmtiniana, afmljoannem Moretum: Antverpia; [with device], 1598. 4to. This is bound up with two other works by the same author, which are now catalogued separately (see the preceding entry, and p. 39J. Mornay (Philippe de) Seigneur du Plessis Marly. De I'lnstitution, usage, et doctrine du Sainct Sacrement de I'Eucharistie, en I'Eglise ancienne. Ensemble : Comment, quand, & par quels degrez la Messe s'est introduite en sa place, etc. Par Hierosme Haultin : a la Rochelle [with device], 1598. 4to. Contains a MS. note on the fly-leaf. With this work is bound up another by the same author, which is now catalogued separately (see entry below). *Calepinus (Ambrosius) A. Calepini Dictionarium octo linguarum, in quo primis & praecipuis dictionibus Latinis, Hebraeas, Grsecas, Gallicas, Italicas, Germanicas, Hispanicas, nunc Anglicas dictiones propriis, etc. AptidGuillelmum Chaudiere: Parisiis\with device], i^()<). Fol. ♦Calvin (John) The Institution of Christian Religion, written in Latine by John Calvine, and translated into English according to the Author's last edition, ... by Thomas Norton. Printed by Arnold Hatfield \wifh device] for Bonham Norton : London, 1599. 4to. Lipsius (Justus) J. Lipsii Poliorceticfln sive de machinis, tormentis, telis, libri quinque. Ad historiarum lucem. Editio altera . . . aucta. Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Joannem Moretum : AntverpicB [with device], 1599. 4to. Contains several plates. With this work are bound up two others by the same author, which are now catalogued separately (see pp. 38 and 39J. *Mornay (Philippe de) Seigneur du Plessis Marly. Response i I'Examen du Docteur Boulenger ; par laquelle sont justifiees les allegixations par lui pretendues faulses, & verifi^es ses calomnies contre la Preface du Livre de la Saincte Eucharistie. Par Hierosme Haultin : a la Rochelle [with device], 1 599. 4to. This work is bound up with another by the same author , which is now catalogued separately (see entry above) . 39 i599> i6oi< Musculus (Wolfgang) In Davidis Psalterium sacrosanctum Commentarii [ Wt'^/i the text^ in quibus et reliqua Catholicse religionis nostras Capita passim, non praetermissis orthodoxorum etiam Patrum sententiis, ita tractantur . . . per Wolfgangum Musculum. Editio postrema. . . . Accessere etiam de Juramento et Usura appendices duae. Per Sebastianum Henricpetri : Basilece [with device'], 1599. Fol. Musculus (Wolfgang) Loci communes Theologiae Sacrae, ut sunt postrem6 recogniti & emendati . . . editio ultima. Per Sebastianum Henricpetri: Basilece [with device], 1599. Fol. Calvin (John) J. Calvini commentarii in omnes Pauli Apostoli Epistolas, atque etiam in Epistolam ad Hebraeos. Adjunximus ejusdem authoris commentarios in omnes Epistolas Canonicas. [ With the text.] 2 pts. bound together. Apud Haredes Eustathii Vignon : Geneva \with device], 1600. Fol. Guarini (Giovanni Battista) II Segretario, dialogo . . . nel quale non sol si tratta dell' ufficio del Segretario, et del modo del compor lettere, ma sono sparsi molti concetti alia retorica, loica, morale, & politica pertinenti. Appresso Ruber to Megietti : In Venetia [with device], 1600. 410. The name, " John Heylyn," is written inside the cover. *Musso (Cornel io) inzces&ncXy Bishop 0/ Forlimpoli z.nA of Bitonto. Prediche sopra, il Simbolo de gli Apostoli, Le Due dilettioni, di Dio, e del Prossimo, il Sacro Decalogo, & La Passione di nostro Signor Giesu Christo, descritta da S. Giovanni Evangelista. . . . Seconda editione. Appresso i Giunti: In Venetia [with device], 1601. 4to. Illustrated with woodcuts. Contains an autograph of "Antonio Scatter good, 1645," and the name " John Heylyn," is on the flyleaf. With this work is bound up another, which is now catalogued separately (see Baron, p. 34). Pico della Mirandola (Giovanni) Cmmt delta Concordia, the Elder. J. Pici Mirandulae . . . item tomo secundo J. F. Pici . . . opera quae extant omnia . . . Editio . . . locupletior. 2 vols. Per Sebastianum Henricpetri : Basilea [with device], 1601. Fol. 40 i6o2. 1603. Bible [Spanishy La Biblia . . . Segunda Edicion, revista y conferida con los textos Hebreos y Griegos y con diversas translaciones, por Cypriano de Valera. ff. 268. 67. 88. Lorenpo Jacobi : Amsterdam \yoith device], 1602. Fol. Another edition of the Bible of 1569. This book is in the original binding, attached to which is a fragment of a book-chain. On the titlepage is written — " Liber Martini Pring" and a vianuscript entry of Nathaniell Pownoll in Spanish appears on the fly leaf. The following is a translation : — " This book belongs to the Library, and Mr. Martin Pring, merchant of this city of Bristol, gave it, being witness Nathaniel Po7vnoll of the English nation, native of this city of Bristol, and son of Mr. Richard Pownoll fiow living in this Library, whom may our Lord Jesus Christ preserve for very many happy years. Dated, January &th, 1647. Nathaniell PoTvnoll." \_The Rev. Richard Pownoll held the ofiu of City Librarian, 1631 — 1671.] Salmeron (Alphonsus) A. Salmeronis . . . Commentarii in Evangelicam Historiam, & in Acta Apostolorum (in . . . Epistolas B. Pauli & Canonicas). Vols. I. — V., XIII. and XIV. bound in 3. Apud Antotiium Hierat, &" Joannem Gymnicum : Colonice Agrippince, 1602-4. Fol. The titlepages of Vob. I. and III. are wanting. Contains the autograph of Archbishop Mathew on the tttkpage of Vol. 1 V. ; and a coat of arms on the corver of Vol. I. (the arms of Archb. Mathew). Ariosto (Lodovico) Orlando Furioso di L. A. Tutto ricorretto e di nuove figure adomato. (Annotation! . . . di J. Ruscelli. La vita deir Autore, descritta dal Signor G. Pigna. . . . Dichiaratione . . . da N. Eugenico, etc.) Appresso Felice Valgrisi : In Venetia [with device], 1603. 4to. Upon the undated titlepage of the " Cinque Canti," appears the name and dcTice of the printer—" Nicolo Moretti." The first titlepage is ornamented with a woodcut border, there are also several full-page illustrations. On the flyleaf is the Tiame " John Heylyn." 41 1603. i6o5. *Bellarmino (Roberto Francesco Romolo) Cardinal, Archbishop of Captui. Disputationum Roberti Bellarmini . . . de controversiis Christianas Fidei, adversus huius temporis haereticos, quatuor tomis comprehensarum. Editio ultima ab auctore recognita et aucta Opusculis, suis quaeque locis insertis, cum indicibus locu- pletissimis. 4 vols. Apyd Societatem Minimam: Veneiiis, ibo^. Fol. The titlepage of Vol. I. is ornamented with a woodcut border ; and the fourth vol. bears the date 1602. The name " Edmundus Gains/ord," is written on each titlepage. Bible [Latin']. Testamenti Veteris Biblia sacra . . . Quibus etiam ad- junximus Novi Testamenti libros . . . Quarta cura F. Junii ante obitum. Cum indice. 4 pts. bound together. Typis Wechcliaitis, apud C. Marnium & haredes J. Aubrii : Harwvia: \imth device], 1603. Fol. There is a duplicate copy containing a fragment of book-chain, but the title, and last page of the index are wanting. Gruterus (Janus) Inscriptiones Antiquse, etc. (Inscriptionum Antiquarum appendix. — Notae Romanorum Veterum.) 3 pts. bound together. In Bibliopolio Commeliniano : {Heidelberg. — with device], 1603. Fol. The first titlepage is wanting. Bible \Latiri\. Biblia sacra vulgatae editionis Sixti V. Pont. Max. jussu recognita, etc. [Revised by authority of Clement VIII., 1592.] (Romanae correctionis in Latinis Bibliis editionis vulgatae, jussu Sixti V. Pontif. Max. recognitis, loca insigniora, observata i F. Luca, etc., i6o8.) Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Joannem Moretum : Antverpice [with device], 1605. 4to. The titlepage is engraved. The name " "John Heylyn " is written on the fly-leaf, and that of "John Doody, 1707," on the titlepage. •*Cornacchini (Donnenlco) Gl'Inganni Commedia. Appresso Roberto Meg- lietti : In Veneti a [with device], 1605. i2mo. 42 i6o5. 1609, James (Thomas) D.D., Sub-Dean of Wells. Catalogus Librorum Biblio- thecae publicae quam . . . T. Bodleius ... in Academia Oxoniensi nuper instituit, etc. Apud Josephum Barnestum : OxontcB, 1605. 4to. Lucas (Franciscus) Brugensis. In Sacrosancta quatuor Jesu Christi Evan- gelia F. Lucae . . . Commentarius. 3 vols, bound together. Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Joannem More turn: Antverpice [tvith devue], 1606 and 1612. Fol. The titlepage of the first vol. is wanting, there is a separate titlepage to the second vol., but the pagination continues. Vol. HI., dated j6i2, bears the imprint, — £x Officina Plantiniana, apud Vidtiam &• Filios joannis Moreti : Antverpia. Camden (William) the Antiquary. Britannia: sive florentissimorum reg- norum Angliae, Scotiae, Hibemiae, et insularum adjacentium ex intima antiquitate chorographica descriptio. Impensis G. Bishop & y. Norton : Londini, 1607. Fol. ninstrated with maps. Jesuits. Regulae Societatis Jesu. pp. 258. and index. Ex typographia Jacobi Roussin: Lugduni, 1607. i2mo. Calvin (John) Institutio Christianae Religionis . . . cum indicibus locu- pletissimis. Apntd Johannem le Preux [? Geneva], 1609. Fol. The titlepage contains a portrait (woodcut) of Calvin. • Calvin (John) J. Calvini commentarii integri in Acta Apostolorum. [ With the text.] Excudebat Joannes Vignon : Geneves [with device], 1609. Fol. This is bound up with another work by the same author, which is now catalogued separately {see p. 48). ♦Flacius (Matthias) Illyricus. Clavis Scripturae S., seu de Sermone sacrarum literarum, . . . Editio ultima. 2 pts. bound together. Per Sebastianum Henricpetri : Basilccs [with device], 1609. Fol. Homer [Iliad. — Greek and Latin.] Coluthi Thebaei Helenas raptus. Tryphio- dori .^gyp. Ilii excidium. Omnia versione Latina & expositione M. Neandri illustrata. 2 vols. bound togetfter. [? Geneva, i(>o<).] i6mo. The titlepage of the first volume is wanting. 43 1609. >6»o Polanus (Amandus) Syntagma Theologise Christianiae. {? Basle, 1609 or 161 2]. Fol. The titlepage is wanting. Camden (William) the Antiquary. Britain, or a chorographicall description of the most flourishing Kingdomes, England, Scotland, and Ireland, . . . Translated newly into English by P. Holland, , . . amended and enlarged, etc. Impensts G. Bishop &" y. Norton: Londini, 16 10. Fol. Illustrated with maps. There is a second titlepage engraved. A few pages of the " Table " at the end of the book are wanting. Senensis (Sixtus), a Dominican Monk. Bibliotheca Sancta, k F. Sixto Senensi ... ex praecipuis Catholicae Ecclesise auctoribus coUecta, et in octo libros digesta, . . . Ab eodem auctore, . . . recognita et aucta, atque nova chronographica tabula, . . . locupletata. Nunc ver6 k I. Hayo ... 4 mendis expurgata, atque Scholiis illustrata, etc. Ex typographia Rohm Theodorici : Parisiis {with device], 1610. Fol. Whitaker (William) D.D. G. Whitakeri . . . opera theologica . . . Subjuncta est . . . de auctoris vita et morte descriptio \by A. Assheton\. 2 vols. Sumptibus Samuelis Crispini : Geneva [with device], 16 10. Fol. The following entry appears in MS. on the flyleaf of each vohime : — " Ex dona Hugonis Saxey de Bruton in Com : Som : Armigeri: A° D" 1615." Bible \EnglisK\. The Bible, eA:. 3 pts. R. Barker: London, 1610-11. 4to. A reprint of Tomson's Genevan Bible as printed in 1599. — The colophon bears the date 161 1. Each part has a distinct pagination. Interleaved with MS. notes throughout, in the second and third parts are also some MS. notes relating to a " Getheridge " family. ■*8aravia (Hadrianus) Diversi tractatus theologici, ab Hadriano Saravia editi: quorum titulos sequens pagina indicabit. (De diversis gradibus Ministrorum Evangelii. — De honore Praesulibus et Presbyteris debito. — De Sacrilegiis et Sacrilegorum poenis.— 44 i6ii. i6it. Defensio Tractatus de diversis Ministrorum gradibus. — Responsio ad convitia quaedam Gretseri Jesuitae, in quibus Hadriani Saraviae nomine abutitur. — N. fratri et amico. — Examen Tractatus D. Bezae de triplici Episcoponim genere. — De imperandi authoritate et Christiana obedientia libri quatuor.) Ex Typographia Soctetatis Siaitonartorum, Londtni [with device], 16 ii, 10. Fol. *Cowper (William) Heaven opened. . . . First written, and now newly amended and enlarged, by Mr. William Cowper, Minister of God's word. 2 pis. bound together. Thomas Snod/iam, for Thomas Archer, LondoTty ibii. 4to. Probably by William Cowper, Bishop of Galkrway. Florio (John) Queen Anna's new World of Words ; or, Dictionarie of the Italian and English tongues, collected and newly much aug- mented by J. F. . . . Whereunto are added certaine necessarie rules and short observations for the Italian tongue. 2 pts. bound together. W. Stansby, for E. Blunt and W. Barret: London [with device'], 161 1. Fol. Contains a portrait of the author, also " the names of the Authors and Books that have been read of purpose for the collecting of this dictionarie." The first titlepage is wanting. Musculus (Wolfgang) Commentarii in Matthseum evangelistam tribus tomis digesti : quibus non solum singula quaeq} exponuntur, sed & quid singulis Marci & Lucae differentibus locis notandum sit, diligenter expenditur per Wolfgangum Musculum, etc. Per Sebastianum Henricpetri : Basilece [with device], ibii. Fol. The three vok. are in one, the pagination being continuous. Pescetti (Orlando) Proverbi Italiani . . . Di nuovo ... coretti, e ristampati, etc. Appresso Giacomo Sarzina : Vinetia [with device\, 1611. i2mo. The name " John Heylyn " is written inside the cover. 43 t6ii. 1612. Rainolds (John) Censura Librorum Apocryphorum Veteris Testament!, ad- versum Pontificios, imprimis R. Bellarminum, etc. [Edited by C. Decker}. 2 vols. E CoUegio Musarum H. Galleri, Sumtibus Vidua L. Huhii, & H. Laurentii : In nobili Oppenheimio [with device'], 161 1. 4to. The titlepage of Vol. I. is wanting Toletus (Franciscus) Cardinal. R. P. F. Toleti . . . commentarii in Sacrosanctum Jesu Christi D. N. Evangelium secundum Lucam, etc. Typis Arnoldi Kempensis : Colonice AgrippiruB, \t\\. Fol. Contains the following MS. note : — " T/t€ gift of Mr. Jhon Pearce Draper, to y^ Librarie of Bristol. Festo Annunt: B. MaricB, v. 1620. *Eusebius, Pamphili, Bishop of Casarea in Palestine. Historiae Ecclesiasticae Scriptores Graeci . . . Graecolatin^ nunc primum editi, ex interpretatione J. Christophorsoni, etc. 2 vols, bound together. Excudebat Pelrus de la Roviere : Colonia Allobrogum [with device'], 1612. Fol. Pineda (Joannes de) of Seville. J. de Pineda commentariorum in Job libri tredecim. [With the text, Latin.] 2 vols. [Antwerp, 1612 r] Fol. Both titlepages are wanting. Shute (W.) The generall Historie of . . . Venice . . . Englished by W. Shute, Gent. 2 vols, bound togeifier. G. Eld and W. Stansby : London, 16 12. Fol. Theri is a view of Venice on the titlepage, and the work contains a few other woodcuts. Suarez (Franciscus) Granatensis, e Societate Jesu. Opera omnia. (De Deo, Uno & Trino. — De Angelis. — De opere sex dierum — De ultimo fine hominis, etc. — De necessitate Divinse Gratiae. — De habituali Gratia. — De virtute et statu religionis (3 vols.). — Mysteria vitae 46 i6i2. 1613. Christi. — De Sacramentis. — De Poenitentise . . . extremse unctionis, de Purgatorio, eU. — Disputationum de censuris, eic. — Defensio Fidei Catholicae . . . adversus Anglicanae sectae errores. — Varia Opuscula Theologica. — Questionum ejus partis expositionem complectens — Metaphysicarum Disputationum, (tomus prior ei posterior)). There arc 19 vols, bound in 15. Ex- cudebat Balthasar Lippius : Moguntice [The three vols, of the " Virtute et Statu Religionis," bear the imprint—" Hermannus Meresius : MogunticE " ; and the " MeUphysicse," — " franciscus Helvidus : Genevi 9-20, and several other works which are now catalogued separately (see the following and the two preceding entries, also Sternhold, p. 54^. Speed (John) The Genealogies recorded in the Sacred Scriptvres, according to euery Familie and Tribe. With the line of ovr Saviovr lesus Christ, observed from Adam to the Blessed Virgin Marie. [B. Norton and J. Bill: London, 1620 (?)]. 4to. This ts bound up with the Bible of 1619-20, and several other works which are nam catalogued separately (see the three pre- ceding entries, and Sternhold, p. 54J. Buxtorfius (Joannes) the Elder. J. B. Lexicon Hebraicum et Chaldaicum . . . Accessit Lexicon breve Rabbinico-Philosophicum. . . . Editio tertia . . . recognita. Typis Ludovici Konig : Basilece, 1621. 8vo. Castelnau (Michel de) Seigneur de Mauvissiere. Les M^moires de M. de C . . . ausquelles sont traictees les choses plus remarquables, qu'il a veues et negoti^es en France, Angleterre, et Escosse, soubs les Rois Fran9ois II. et Charles IX. tant en temps de paix qu'en temps de guerre. {Edited by J. de Castelnau.'] Chez Sebasticn Chappelet : a Paris, 1621. 4to. Contains a portrait of M. de Castelnau. The name " John Heylyn " is written inside the cover. 53 i62i. 1621. ^Lapide (Cornelius a) Commentaria in Danielem Prophetam, etc. \With the text.! Apud Martinum Nuttum, & Fratres : Antverpice, 1621. Fol. Contains a full-page woodcut — " Effigies Danielis." This work is bound up with two others by the same author, which are now catalogued separately (see the two following entries). *Lapide (Cornelius a) Commentaria in Ezechielem Prophetam, etc. [With the text.'] Apud Martinum Nutium, &f Fratres: Antverpice, 1621. Fol. Contains a full-page woodcut — " Ezechielis Prophetae Effigies." This work is bound up with two others by the same author, which are now catalogued separately (see the preceding and follcno- ing entries). *Lapide (Cornelius a) Commentaria in Jeremiam Prophetam, etc. [With the text.] Apud Martinum Nutium,& Fratres: AntverpicB, 1621. Fol. Contains a full-page woodcut — " Effigies Jeremise Prophetse." With this work are bound up two others by the same author, which are now catalogued separately (see the tivo preceding entries). Reading (John) The Old Mans StafFe, Two Sermons \m Prov. xvi. 31]. B. Alsop, for J . Hodgets : London, 1621. 4to. Sternhoid (Thomas) The whole Booke of Psalmes, collected into English Meeter, by Thomas Stemehold, John Hopkins, and others, . . . with apt Notes to sing them withall. aS.X. Printed for the Company of Stationers : London, 1621. 4to. All pp. after 74 are wanting. This is bound up with the Bible of 1619-20, and several other works, which are now catalogued separately (see Bible, Herrey, Prayer-book and Speed, pp. 52-3^. 54 l622. 1624- Estius (Gulielmus) Chancellor of the University of Douay. In D. Pauli Apostoli Epistolas . . . commentariorura, tomus unus. [Douay, 1622 (?).] Fol. *Lapide (Cornelius a) Commentaria in quatuor Prophetas Majores, etc. [ With the text.'] Aptid Martinum Nutium, & Fratres: AntverpicHy 1622. Fol. With engraved titlepage. Scharpius (Joannes) Cursus Theologicus, in quo controversiae omnes de fidei dogmatibus, hoc seculo exagitatae, nominatim inter nos et Ponti- ficios, pertractantur et ad Bellarmini argumenta respondetur. . . . Editio postrema, ab authore recognita . . . nee non locis aliquot aucta. 2 vols, bound together. Apud Franciscum Nicolaum: Aurelice-Allobrogumy 1622. 4to. '*Lapide (Cornelius a) Commentaria in Pentateuchum Mosis, etc. \With the text.] Apud Marttnum Nutium, et Frat. : Antverpice, 1623. Fol. With engraved titlepage. •Thomas Aquinas, Saint. S. Thomas Aquinatis Summa Totius Theologise, etc. 3 pts. bound together. Apud Baptistam Bellagambam: Ant- verpice, 1623. Fol. Marlorat (Augustin) A. Marlorati . . . Thesaurus Sacrae Scripturae Propheticae et Apostolicae . . . ordine alphabetico digestus, etc. Apud Petrum & Jacobum Chouet: [Geneva], 1624. Fol. The titlepage is damaged. A MS. note, dated 1629, appears on the fly-leaf, and the name " John Heylyn " inside the cover. Marlorat (Augustin) Novi Testament! catholica expositio ecclesiastica. [i624(?)]. Fol. The titlepage is wanting. 55 I 624* 1628. Stranguage (William) The Historie of the Life and Death of Mary Stuart, Queene of Scotland. 'John Haviland: London, 1624. Fol. The titlepage is ornamented with a woodcut border. Lapide (Cornelius a) Commentaria in duodecim Prophetas Minores, etc. [ With the textP^ 2 vols, bound together. Apud Martinum Nutium : AntverpicB, 1625. Fol. The titlepage is engraved. Nettles (Stephen) An answer to the Jewish part of Mr. Selden's History of Tithes. J. Lichfield, and W. Turner : Oxford, 1625. 4to. This work is bound up with several others which are now catalogued separately (see Rainolds, pp. 47-8^. *W., R. A Receyt to stay the Plague, delivered by R. W. to his Parishoners. Printed for Matthew Lanv : London, 1625. 4to. Ovidius Naso (Publius) Ovid's Metamorphosis englished [in verse'], by G[eorge] Slandys]. William Stanshy : London [with device], 1626. 8vo. The titlepage is wanting. Eusebius, Pamphili, Bishop of Ccesarea in Palestine. EY2EBI0Y TOY nAM$IAOY EHISKOnOY TH2 EN nAAAI2TINH KAISAPEIAS, AnOAEISEfiS BIBAIA AEKA. Eusebii Pamphili . . , de demon- stratione evangelica, libri decern. Quibus accessere nondum hactenus editi nee visi contra Marcellum Ancyrae Episcopum libri duo : de Ecclesiastica Theologia tres : omnia studio R. M., Latin^ facta, notis illustrata, etc. 2 pts. bound together. Sumptibus M. Sonnii, S. Cramoisy, et C. Morelli: Parisiis [with device], 1628. Fol. Each part has a separate pagination, as also have the Annotationes. Eusebius, Pamphili, Bishop of Casarea in Palestine. EY2EBI0Y TOY nAM*IAOY Eni2K0n0Y TH2 EN nAAAI2TINH, KAI2APEIA2, nP0nAPA2KEYH EYArrEAIKH. Eusebii Pamphili . . . prae- paratio evangelica. F. Vigerus . . . recensuit, Latinfe vertit, Notis illustravit. Sumptibus M. Sonnii, S. Cramoisy et C. Morelh : Parisiis [with device], 1628. Fol. The Notes at the end of the volume have separate pagination. 56 i628. 1628. Martialis (Marcus Valerius) M. Val. Martialis ex Museo P. Scriverii. Apud Joann. Janssonium: Amstelodamt [with device], 1628. i6mo. The titlepage is engraved. Tassoni (Alessandro) Count. Dieci libri di Pensieri diversi . . . Ag- giuntovi-nuovamente il decirao libro del paragone de gl'Ingegni antichi, e modemi con altri varii quisiti. Corretti, ampliati . . . in questa ultima impressione, etc. Per Gio. Battista Bidelli: In Milano [with device\ 1628. 8vo. Note. — The Library of John Heylin contained also a portion of that which he had inherited from Dr. Peter HeyHn. The combined Collections came by gift in 1766 to the Corporation of Bristol for public use. 57 Plate ■tia»t- tf\rte Wtfet [|.i Sa«nJ^at.fe^iea^5«s<»^aU^t^lkn-Tr BgiAii u ii.M iuu iaiTijmatattiiteftoP't'^'Vufe !T«&66i«-imtrtWJi«»nc unnt i y * rn w (MonBU»-t.1«r.vhm5wVr .,\M»Wl»i-{ci«twi.trBX&Uil:«r»».'raitk. cc.trB-fil6a>CTndtnt«mi)tviftuiVty.sn )Sfl;(t.,»m-64uue»m.<.itn.fil« <*«>.■«• '^wm.<«^lT**«te*l«•>»mmas^l«M-To:• Wi'Sii ssjnaaatMii-fiUKJirBBlwm.' « irtr.i: im;tC tbtIk- «- I'lui-im: iar.^.iii (o^^^ An Initial I in the Corporation Biblk. Plate 5. my « tiiwilll m«- ^ Miiiiiiiii—»* llanyftfiMmifaiK tuncjpnrO Hrt ipi l l>|n ( %i |ii ii< taiaairaHtniM ^» llfufliwlh 111 w a i f m .M «| ^ ■iw r iiii fft *»» fi w i m n* A m ^ w f a ilfcai MteAM^wi^tfintti J- i.llll*l' *» "'i'"i'" " ' 'L * "" ' " »'— T— « iii l «*«ii««lii- «|iaiar*i » ii i il i i nr . cr L Corporation Bibi.k : Beginning of St. John's GospeL /Iftanusccipte. 1. BiBLiA Sacra. Vellum, size 43 cms high x 29 cms across, ff. 279, in double columns of 58 lines each. Circ. 1200. Contents : " In nomine domtni nostri ifusu christi. yncipit liber genesis. Frater ambrosius michi " etc. (Epbtola Hieronymi Paulino) fa I " Desiderii mei desideratas accepi epistolas" etc. (Fraefatio Sancti Hieronymi presbyteri in Pentateuchum Moysi ad Desiderium) fo. 2 vetso Sommaiy of Genesis fo. 3 Geaesis (In principio creavil deus etc.) fo. 3 verso Exodus (Nomina filiorum israel etc., no title, only marked from end of Genesis by a space of 12 mm., and a blue H) fo. 15 verso Summary of Leviticus fo. 25 verso IjernXicas {VOCAV/T autem moysen et locutus est etc.) ibid. Summary of Numbers fo. 33 Numbers (LOCVTVS EST dominus etc.) ibid. Summary of Deuteronomy fo- 43 Deuteronomy {HEC SVNT verba que etc.) 'o- 44 "TANDEM finito pentatheuco moysi velud " etc. (Praefatio Sancti Hieronymi in Josue) fo. S3 Summary of Joshua ibid. Joshua (ETFACryAfESTposi mortem moysi etc.) fo. 53 verso Summary of Judges fo. 59 verso Judges {POST MORTEM iosueconsuiuerunt etc.) ibid. Summary of Ruth fo. 66 Kuth (IN D7EBVS ILL/S unius iudicis etc.) ibid. " UIGINTI ET & duas litteras esse " &c. (Hieronymi prologus Galeatus) . . fo. 67 Summary of I Kings (= I Samuel) fo. 67 verso 1 Kings (=1 Samuel. FF/T VIR VNVS de ramatkaim sophin etc.) . . . fo. 68 Summary of 2 Kings (=2 Samuel) fo. 76 verso 2 Kings (=2 Samuel. FACTVM EST A VIEM postquam mortuus est etc.) . ibid. Summary of 3 Kings (=1 Kings) fo. 83 verso 3 Kings (= I Kings. VT REX DAVW senuertattc.) ibW- 59 Sommaiy of 4 Kings (=2 Kings) .... fo. 91 verso 4 Kings (=2 King?. PREVARICATl^S EST autem ate.) ibid. " SI SEPTVAGINTA inteqiretum pura " etc. (Hieronymi in Ubnim Paralipomenon praefatio) fo. 99 Summary of I Chronicles fo. 99 verso 1 Chxomc\es {ADAM SETHenos eic.) ibid. Summary of 2 Chronicles fo. 106 2 ChmmcXes (CONFORTATVS EST ergo salamon eic.) fo. 106 verso Prayer of Mannasses (continuous with 2 Chron. XXXVI., but differenced small red capital) fo. 115 " VTRVM difficileuis (sic) sit facere "etc. (Hieronymi ad Domnionem et Rogatianum in Esdram et Nehemiam praefatio) ibid. Summary of Esdras fo. 115 verso I 'Eiixaa (IN ANNO PR/MO cyHregis eic.) fo. 116 2 Esdras (=Nehemiah. V\erba\ neemie filii ate.) fo. n8 3 Esdras (=1 Esdras. ET FECIT iosias pascha eXc.) fo. 121 verso " CHRAMATIO et helyodoro episcopis ieronymus presbyter in domino salutem. Mirari non desino " etc. (In Tobiam) fo. 125 verso Summary of Tobit ibid. Tobit (TOBIAS ex tribu et civitate e\c.) ibid. "APUD HEBREOS liber iudith inter agyographa " etc. (Hieronymi praefatio in librum Iudith) io. 128 Simimary of Judith ibid. "iMeiilh. (ARPHAXAT ITAQVE rex eic.) fo. 128 verso " LIBRUM HESTER uariis translationibus constat " etc. (Hieronymi in librum Esther praefatio) fo. 131 verso Summary of Esther ibid. Esther (IN DIEBVS ASSVERI qui regnauit ete.) . . . . . . fo. 132 " COGOR per singulos scripture " etc. (Hieronymi in librum lob praefatio) . . fo. 135 " Si aut fiscellam iunco " etc. (alia eiusdem praefatio) ibid. Summary of chapten, to Job fo. 135 verso Job ( VIR ERA T in terra hus etc.) ibid. Psalms (see below) fo. 140 " Jvngat epistola quos iungit " etc. (Hieronymi praefatio in libros Salomonis) . . fo. 147 Summary of Proverbs ibid. Proverbs (PARABOLB salomonis filii etc.) fo. 147 verso Ecclesiasticus (see below) fo. 150 " NEMO cum prophetas uersibus " etc. (Ad Paulam et Eustochium in translationem Isaiae ex hebraica veritate, Hieronymi praefatio) fo. 159 verso Summary of Isaiah ibid. Isamh (VISIO ysaie filii a?nos etc.) fo. 160 verso " JEPLEMIAS proph«ta cui hie " etc. (Hieronymi in leremiam praefatio) . . fo. 172 verso Summary of Jeremiah ibid. Jetemiah (VERBA ieremie filii elchie etc.) fo. 173 verso Lamentations (differenced from Jeremiah by large coloured initial capital) . . fo. 187 60 Plate 6. [uiii$raod?flramrei) i fans mamas, uifnpro r«rtfin*iittmeo6aijiiD inUtiimjaggitpcnif "llaurcmtgiiffluudig lie mrif till, ^cqtiir. itrvcfpuRmr^ujarisiif t rgipn pnafU aiuEra fe t . '.; I'uias . m$ fime^ro "vttg.jgfaie vuiioaalis miftttr :i6i«.<2jim t!)MHttp.lrtntum ^ ^pimamu$*raminante ftr.mmm tiain (atus ops iccmfeUjflUiHtw). .„ tiWs.js? tustrus.Ciiuiul ^m fatnr Wjt lunn ftucp ojs : n ttummnt mm ftttttti 6: f«u tiu twa» uiuln «nini6 ft .aa.ftirto mmop vmto a\ fiilc fi BW inoi VCi^ftT ^lantcfljfcialU ifl tf Trhgiuuununsniif r gliofi.i i'rgm^ omma. Otano. 5|^|«lpuf fim$ WicfujJ IiHUc r tmeiirilffflirnouDuljitaiur mamlHtminiujfmainn.taii QffirtmrtDiramtu.Cimtml. :ita5r:r. cflllaml(flIut',l!tSJ ^tIm6l^-'5«ttHto iuiflii'iattjf ; lofttriictratttocmnouiigirie. i (gpntjirlmftnitto crm inr tnote. " cteitoi crultcnt|mmig tmflma ttpiolaiiti itgis buttuanilH ra - '^»~*r" T 1'»t" — i — ,: ;*»%•• _u_5lJ5-h^-^_ hie taimg trpunataai fitlgosdK ff , i»'"'i '^^Z*^ « ^ ttiaxigcUjie ffgnn -r- t-r- ■"' '^'' ir **v M" IB » ^ «) ^ ■ From the " Bristol Massbook." Plate 7, ^'^n^^^^-m Itu&nl »'• -:tmlDmuirau,fiqptut8U) r: igmuuearrninuisimar .* /^tqrtalfca0il)tit)im0.liriro t>U iia.ucr ' uuuina..l)cr'r 'A<#[aDfm fRmftaail UlHta . .■jtuynmieaurnijioro ^imisyiDcnlcfiatiiflfta -^ iratlioUm.wfluilHnfirair. ■/i'i?aiftiJUur.amuiHir,cr rcgr y^irrUigiime tmu ottr mmv mmmmfenuilomosiy* . ^uflftiB.o.ctaunQitrua. ;^ Oat r:4jnaD.0.cr owuu icS Mi oiltiotoBS Htq? fdtllO -!ny ; iwrctapoftolucfitnmtto *,. * .^jpjtinuncfauuiloi: mimuanuuqmiannn. I jp.cfouimmunmiuiRfta |- mmiquonimtilnfitte mgiur.icft-cruotarmDCD. .vqiiil)U6til]iof&muu$ \jcimuniJioffnimriior fewfinumianDieviofc fiiiIn?oiumbu$^ntcmp nouf mmuanim fiianuu. piofpcfaUitifi.imnrtuun tnti5&ic.tU]iit0Dimruo t^OiacftiotEoiimoiumj. A^nmuouaniumf nofcfamrrunpusma- ncgtmrnnBtacriDnm raiuni^i.^ CO ctttatD tumflviijnuuarmflmy tiionim*.>ctii;/^ > aiiU. feOUj!£erx:aiDtn.:x.o ijaura6;c;i}omc.'::]^a tDDw ' biUipia3arnio louia,u>attia.|^uuo tijOCoiurin.o ipnauu mjQJijamuerr > m li.CXofmf.croaiuia lUjeffoinwiwiCamtDJt tuommqiunumiunTtie picuiniaq^nmirtas.iirm ounul)^ piotnboms tiic :, muuurauitauHiio.per aoUCFpra Onm unu.um. Unrigmiroblaoo ^i s The Beginning of the "Canon Missae" in the Bristol Massbook. " Liber iste qui baruch nomine prenotatur " (short preface) fo. 188 Baruch (ET HEC VERBA libri gue etc.) ibid. " EZECHIEL propheta cum ioachim " etc. (Hieronymi in Ezechielem praefatio) fo. 190 Summary of Ezechiel ibid. -Ezechxcl (ET FACTVM EST in tricesimo anno, e\z.) fo. 190 verso " DANIELEM propheta iuxta. bcx interpretes " etc. (Hieronymi in Danielem praefatio) fo. 202 verso Summary of Daniel fo. 203 Daniel (ANNO tercio regni etc.) ibid. " NON IDEM ordo est. xij. prophetamm " etc. (Hieronymi in XII. prophetas praefatio) fo. 2o8 " Temporibus ozie et ioache. achaz et ezechie regum iuda : et ieroboam filii ioe regis Israelis. Osee filius beeri " etc. (another preface of 32 lines) .... ibid. Hosea {VEJiBVM domini quod /actum est, etc.) ibid. " SANCTUS lOHEL apud hebreos post osee ponitur" etc. (preface of 25 lines) fo. 209 verso "lohel fatuel (ilius describit terram duanim tribuum " etc. (a second preface of 21 lines) fo. 210 Joel (VEUBVAf domini guod /actum est etc.) ibid. " OZIASRER cum dei religionem " etc. (preface of 20 lines) fo. 210 verso " Amos propheta et rustiois & ruborum " etc. (another, 19 lines) .... ibid. " Hie amos propheta uero(?) fuit pater ysaie " etc. (another, 23 lines) . . . ibid. Amos (VERSA AMOS gui/uit etc.) fo. 2li " lacob patriarcha fratrum habuit esau " etc. (preface of 30J lines to Obadiah) . fo. 213 OhAdiah (V/S/0 ABV/E. Hec dicit &c.) ibid. " SANCTVM ionam hebrei " etc. (preface of 28 lines) fo. 212 verso " Zona columba et dolens " (another of 1 1 lines) ibid. Jonah (ET FA CTVM EST uerbumdomini etc. ibid. " TEMPORIBVS ioache et achaz. & et ezechie " etc. (preface of 15 lines) . . fo. 213 Michah ( VERBVM, domini quod /actum etf.) ibid. " NAVM prophetam " etc. (preface of 20 lines) fo. 214 'i^i!B.Mia(ONVS niniue liber etc.) . ibid. " QVATVOR prophete in. xii. prophetarum " etc. (preface of 79 lines) . . . fo. 214 verso 'RsHo^iiki^ (ONVS quod uidit etc.) fo. 215 " TRAD VNT hebrei cuiuscumque prophete " etc. (preface of 37 lines) . . . fo. 215 verso Zephaxdaix (VERBVM Domini quod /actum etc.) ibid. "lEREMI AS PROPHETA" etc. (preface of 44 lines) fo. 216 Haggai (IN ANNO SECVNDO dat regis etc.) fo. 216 verso " ANNO SECVNDO darii regis medorum " etc iWd. Zacharah (IN MENSE OCTAVO in amw etc.) fo. 217 " DEVS PER moysen populo Israeli " etc. (preface of 18 lines) . . • . fo. 219 Mahcld (ONVS VERBI domini ad israel etc.) ibid. " DOMINO excellentissimo" etc. (preface of 39 lines) fo. 219 verso " REVERENDISSIMO et omni caritatis officio dignissimj geroldo sacri palatii archidiacono rabanus " etc. (another of 38 lines) ibid. 61 " Machabeorum libri duo " etc. (another of 9 lines) . . ... . . . fo. 320 Summary of i Maccabees ibid. 1 Maccabees (ET FACTVM est postguam etc.) fo. 220 verso Summary of 2 Maccabees fo. 228 2 Msiccuhees {FRATRES gui sunt etc.) fo. 228 verso " MATHEVM ex iudea sic in ordine " etc. (Preface of 29 lines) .... fo. 234 " Matheus cum prime predicasset " etc. (another of 24 lines) ibkL Summary of St. Matthew's Gospel ibid. St. Uatihev/ {L/BER GENESATWN/S ihesuchrisii etc.) . . . . fo. 234 verso " MARCHVS euuangelista dei electus " etc. (Preface of 33J lines) . . . fo. 242 verso Summary of St. Mark's Gospel ibid. St. Mark {IN/TIVM euuangelii i/iesv christi, etc.) ibid. •'QVONIAM quidem raulti " etc. (St. Luke, i. verses 1-4 inc.) . . . . fo. 247 verso " Lvcas syrus natione et antiochenus arte " etc. (Preface of 36 lines) . - . ibid. Summary of St. Luke's Gospel ibid. St. Luke (from verse 5. FVIT in diebus Herodis etc.) fo. 248 verso " HIC EST iohannes euuangelista unus " etc. (preface of 29 lines) . . . . fo. 257 Summary of St. John's Gospel ibid. St. John (IN PRINCIPIO erat uerbum etc.) ibid. Summary of the Epistle to the Romans fo. 263 verso 'Roradus {PAVLVS seruus ihesu christi etc.) fo. 264 *' Corinthii sunt achaici " etc. (Preface of 6 lines) fo. 267 Summary of i Corinthians ibid, 1 Corinthians {PA VL VS vocatus apostole (sic) etc.) ibid. "Post actam pemnam(?) consolatoriam" etc. (Preface of 3 J lines) . . . . fo. 270 Summary of 2 Corinthians ibid. 2 Q,oTai.^^a3:as,{PAVLVS apostole (Ac) christiihesu etc.) fo. 270 verso Summary of Galatians fo. 272 verso ■Galatians [PA VL VS apostolus non ah hominibus etc.) ibid, ■" Ephesi stmt asiani " etc. (Preface of 3 lines) fo. 2-3 verso Summary of Ephesians ibid. 'Ephesians {PA VLC/S apostole christt ihesu etc.) ibid. " Phylipenses sunt macedones " (preface of 5 lines) fo. 274 verso Summary of Philippians ibid. Pinlippians {PA VL VS et timotheusserui etc.) fo. 275 " Colosenses et hi sunt, laodicenses " etc. (preface of 6 lines) fo. 275 verso Summary of Colossians ibid. ■Co\ossi3X\s {PAVLVS apostole christi ihesu etc.) ibid. " Thessalonicensis sunt macedones " (preface of 6 lines) fo. 276 Summary of i Thessalonians ^o- *"& verso I Theisayonia-as {PA VLVS et silttanus et timotkeus etc.) ibid. " Ad thessalonicenses secundam " etc. (preface of 4J lines) fo. 277 Summary of 2 Thessalonians ibid. 62 Plate 8. e. * * •K^ « • •. % , ^ "3nfefpttlcroflt$ri)«inum. pltmtoitauf iiiuifllla.ct borttudtiamti nctmunialJa enni^atEtuo fipamit mnma au$'. ifegiantq ottnmtcura afiaoe flus. ^oiaao^ HiaonctDnnflitBiioini m CDttra fpurata fepof *iefl? CnnB amttlaaouf piilnt.jyx TD.)ttwnlatttmfitui Cpte, s^ i !i WcmuromplnramrDiaim, J 'litSftiB'.aanrommsiJiwpli. :,> icfttqmitltfaflfcmistaiuim J |«moimm$^'cuciicmam$ * 1 i ttaplcwI'lotamtDtttwui). mSS.aic|ildiauir frames GniGsndoisiiemmrlaqinm niebuQuitjpmi^ueiinutus jMrtieloqm tiUS-Ctantmite micr(iiii»attnt«Tuttiuinir fcnofi'.ffomwnaiumcqitf i ffibttloab.tlaitaHutmiiiat\o itriDmimtMmUntiitD^ram The Beciinning of the Mass for Whitsunday, in the Bristol Massbook. Plate umrntlboraitft'f:' (|tmajnmrabtit(f rrrterumpioTJint fioripoccft-(rr."ini -•..;. mufiDbotiii fftiri -ftiimim ffb- cpTmicabimrfb.f cdimi (ir quite bomi r'mm mm cflfc pooifiimti. , 'QuiridtctainnwjmfttainrftntttnnM- taoiumf.'^am jpgrfiiilntmf/mmi»liiHfr[)wl imv^pffr-Imwitrunrdtnftn )frmiiKiir> «(jtiro!rtini«r m dro Ir mpiin (nnpiin cafiiiUiqhdfp(hilnft.» i nrtl-.^irf iftrt BO . ftima (trnvltrmrt t • 1 1 trui Mw njiu y:iKt^iaiftmh\n(ti flint :il.-Htp^ itfo fdii 1 tuimnn^Vrt'dt il di ticjmicunrnifutnpftJ ;,v ^ pixfjnncatrriibfo.D(Tf.).)ru (M(flinnd5mrp(cr«u-.t!aiftr«t tin" utotcprntrirtbronrflloTiTrapiinTiih' cft-cff roojl i OTtnduc o^tni^ • (VitiiHVotnToa dtuinf inA ttflatrfoiuthi prwfbnf futDttfifimw 3dudtt.t>ftcu: nTu«.-'urjiKttc(tIicnp« majmKKbfljf (ucmtntewt oia amdudacptd^ ato! eft-; flffbndif # ctwro! . p^mf inno2ciV:'3p&vxitoiadniianrtr
  • ostoUchristiihesu etc.) ibid. " Titnra commouefadt," etc. (preface of 4 lines) fo. 279 Summary of Titus ibid. Titus (PA VL VS seruus dei apostoU, etc.) ibid. " Phylemoni familiares litteras " etc. (preface of 2 lines) fo. 279 verso Summary of Philemon ibid. 'P\aiem.on (PAVLVS uinctus chrisH etc.) ibid. "JN primis dicendum est" (preface of 12 lines) ibid. Beginning of summary of Hebrews ibid. 2 Esdras xiij is divided in the MS. at v. 15 to make a fourteenth chapter, and followed without interval by 3 Esdras. The chapters of Esther are numbered III.=3 + 4 ; IIII.= 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 ; V.= 8 + 9 + 10 to verse 4; VI. =10 verse 4 to end ; but there is a space of 12 cms between the end of cap. 15 and beginning of cap. i6. Job ends, fo. 139 verso, et letatum est cor Tneum in abscondito. et (xxxi. 27) ; fo. 140 commences stributionis. Et habitare fecit tn tabernacula eorum (Ps. Ixxvij. 54). Proverbs ends, fo. 149 verso, qui se corripit. nee ad saprentes graditur (xv. 12) ; fo. 150 begins et profunduni abyssi. quis (Ecclus. i. 2). Daniel ends, fo. 208, in momento coram eo (xiv. 41). On fo. 268 verso against i Cor. x. (15-18), in a 17th century hand, is written sacramentum Eucharistiae, and on the next folio against i Cor. xi. (23-27), Verba Christi de sanguine & corpore suo haec sunt. The book of The Acts does not appear to have been contemplated by the scribe, as St. John's Gospel is immediately followed on the same page by the summary of Romans. These summaries are written in redoubled columns, four to the page. There are no catchwords or signatures, and the book has been bound so tightly that one cannot see the strings. This is known as the Corporation Bible, and was handed over to the Library in 1785. The city records contain the following : — May I2th, 1785.— On the motion of Mr. Harford it is unanimously agreed and ordere»- |m4ii - X^.11 niSi(;»'i',tr'li\'?|ffi-.l.j'.|Tii TnllClitt-, _£^ .f 1TMUl^1i^lY.1^.|\;|^)^S^u,'^^•T^^Tl|'|t^T 7»'l'»'}»»0nN-i.'>ittiMvCr; •*!'•?[ 'W'*'' i^V- 'I i^li^lr \ ^jiitrnrf .l^Kl«uit'i«l;'.m\^ i'|"*>*'«^-l||^-R:i,.(;tB^ # Ivvii .lliif il^N|l.l.• 43 " Liber quaitus "............. fo. 61 The initial capitals are in red, without ornamentation. 5. A VOLUME OF HOMILIES OR SERMONS, formerly belonging to Glastonbury Abbey, by Abp. Jac. de Voragine of Genoa (1230- 1298). Vellum, 30 cms high X 20 cms across, if. 103, in double columns of 48 lines each. Circ. 1400 A.D. In quires of 8 leaves, except those commencing- fo. 89 and fo. 96 which have only 7, each having lost a leaf; and fo. 103 which is by itself. Fo. 2 is headed " If liber monasterii beate marie glastonie," and on fo. 9 " liber glastonie." This series of sermons is on the various gospels from Ash Wednesday to Easter Tuesday : except the first which is on Jeremiah vi. 26, and the second on Job vi. 19. The use closely follows that of Paris, but the gospel for Thursday after Invocautt x?, Si vos manscritis : and on " Feria tertia secunde ebdomade passionis domini," the first sermon is on Jeremiah xl. 19 (the lesson for the day) and the second on Good Friday is on Exodus xxv. 40. On fo. 103 is an Inspeximus by Thomas, Archbishop of Canterbury, of a charter granted by William Courtenay his predecessor, settling a dispute between the rectors and vicars of the diocese on the one hand, and their parishioners on the other, concerning tithes and offerings. Dated at Lambeth, 25 July, 1408, the 1 2th year of his translation. A leaf is lost between if. 90-91: ff. 25 52 inclusive have their outer m.urgins cut away close to the text, and the outer columns of fo. loi are entirely gone. There are numerous marginal notes. 6. Collection of miscellaneous treatises, written at the House of St. Mark, Bristol. Vellum, 23 cms high X 16 cms, ff. 140, single column, 30 lines to a page. A.D. 1502. 66 Plate 12. W f pw , iCtitliiD'i^ tVK»rt»«B/h lOrt^Vutlt*^ f - ' Mv t , ,a;^ Hufto: niirtW ijoaujs 1. Oj?f?^,r«.-iM> [H {{»t^ ytt^myto fauctft itintia .^■'^ Sermons of Abp. J. ue Voragine, Formerly Belonging to Glastonbury Abbey. Plate 13. ilfl/f» mm y tttnae i{iuupii iniiAMBur (i^mi u aUit JicJT^t /tramil .jTOiie JOif tnjju trtn* nilrau* <(m Istig* !«o ,r•ltll)^l 1". tnJijiint umi ? ijno ttoM ui iiwSua iDinraiiPiwin fiijjfir rpUv imir tyUa ma»iu){D MbAie feo jt»rtr'^fmf{(UirCM .^*qtn qtii Wii^-wrtSr ! "" j'; K m urthav n>s>>x^ >«' »" T*"* f!x«m imf j ,; Mint .iluf^iinin* no ttfimt nrfirWn^ft'lU'tr k-' (ui Mnw " .iJ^Jftntf rwtCurniiS itlittu teiimf I * iUiqttrim lOltrtiir^tnoni'e! 'fmiJ'i'e nA"* . ounLirtoJtUiir'Cl.ltn ifhfcil Cttana'>*i*»a III ,.,r('>'^Mn>"'«'*»'''*4M).n«f ten ai^s ffiTtm 4> j \ rf imfio >irf am«9aKlr^p fami (Mntr iU>}: ifi^ni ^llhtlcJtu•e Nii.i , i j *tm clwiiii (i^x* ^ | miiina lll^l ^ortimCrtMiltf-jium lJ4>mir'fiiiUii »l«ta1^ 46111* (Oifn ntvitwrflf^fii alHiicnnliV •Kl(rt*ir''l(j;igni>ftpV**f t'iciiw».t)'ili<»MlH';.f :(iii<»l« li Wgji ^jftgqM li'riicf ic>si»4!f"«nS(^ ti cnmi ^nrt!r ^lnMcq2t6'1> fuifiMir niu*!* uarftn »"i.i>iT*»iiii«)' dUniOO r^ "Uli" iifu»^>ani /^iqft fntfr I' >>ftf nuif^iirt* '^"vn^> A-' t"'r-^inC-4- UoiM rM t^ ni jjoinb.- fi » fiine 1' x-jiiioit]- lufieti ■ r uitie Ttfl iic-foiiime ft ?" aliifJ6irlh'(y<-.Ulift«m<-^ri(i Clin torn)* •■ ( MflWnt: ' ui'l' iflx'J' ""pi^m Jiirtim fiiu^rtiiSI rf ^l jpifr^t i iiU) au^n nre flirei-toi6 .lii^i num (qin Mmtfi~-. 'WIW-0C0' <><><1 i'tAii- i-ampti fi c*« ■ 1- Jii^ni Ml*' ^ re l)tf ji^ctoz-i' jM^'icacm rtafc^oi ■{' .v-»f- mi ii#fi^4iiwimi- -r- AiO^iaiCm' >;?« ^nifFlirfr \>t (d c- ^ m IiVli.limw f >i' iUr^In>Jim'na JrfniiiAr .J- jfltM^ulm tcfnn /■ .iw' < \nAgittf. fcSmr *'4iiBS««lfni nufm/V'gilii'i'?- luraiT^Wn^Vt* OrtmrViliiiojW qili^ut !«• litt-niul da ^lU- ? in(r»' #r 4l>4ttR!t4y (>(f ^nfmi iftitar*!) .iiioqrmw ■>' r(ft' ttliut ijp' 4iiitmir*iil'Au4»ai( crrtt • »r Kosemarye fill prrcyous " fo. 140 verso On fo. 119 is " Explicit exposicio verhorum difficiliu^/ toci«j psalterij Deo gract'as Jn domo Sanci'x Marci euangeliste iuxta Bristoliam. xxxi°. die Mensis OcXabris. Anno damini, 1502." This House or Hospital of St. Mark was, according to a charter in DugdaXe's Monash'con Angh'canum (London, 181 7- 1830; vol. vi., p. 687), dedicated to Deo et beata Maria et beato Marco. In " fasting and other things to be observed " they followed " the custom of the friers of Lechlade ; but in divine offices according to the custom and order of Sarum" (Wm. Barrett, Hist, and Antiq. 0/ Bristol, Bristol, 1789 ; p. 362]. The expositions on the sequences of St. Thomas M., fo. 5 verso, and fo. 54 have been vigorously erased : and those for the Visitation, the Trans- figuration and the Holy Name are ignored. The ending of the form of confession, after concluding in English, is " Jdeo -precor sanctam mariaw omwes sanctos dei et vos orare prat ther was- a vial chef cite* Jn al |>at regne- moste of dignite* " etc. There are occasional illuminated initials. On the margin of p. 53 in similar hand to that of the scribe is "Edmude . . . " : the rest has been cut away. At the foot of fo. 118 verso is " ff) y» in the towne of Bouetry in the charterhousse Housse ther remayneth euydence confermyng the inherytance off thomas vaulx lord haraddon Jrrather (?) corbett esquer off shroppshyre the land deuydyd the euydenC nott." At the foot of fo. 119 is " ff) y' in the monasterye off pipwell in the contye off northhampton remaynyth a chest of euydenc^ conferyng the inherytance off s' thomas grene knyght / which inherytance apud deyfoye (?) betwene the to doughters off the sayd s' thomas grene the one off them maryed to s' nyctoles Danby lat* Lorde haro . . . (?) the other off them thomas to s' parr knyght baron off . . . (?) . . . (?) in the contye off West- moreland." The last two extracts are in a hand of about 1600 A.D. 68 Xr^ Plate 14. ^^ ;» Alt' KfetfH'**»m»t%Jd ftd rt-i^JJftr.«t k'i«i l*-^^. I :• htm N>h«ti JniviWu f^tt-tti JTrr* y iija From "De proprietatibus rerum." 1 Plate 15. r hi ti^iHi'ifkAftifitffif — ^ Ktpt Ard^A^hitftne-fttifr ^ «* 111 I? p(»irtf /h ^t H- Imflf V ttt^ From "De proprietatibis rerum.' 9. Bartholomew, the Englishman, De proprietatibus rerum ; trans- lated into English by John of Trevisa. Vellum, size 40 cms high X 28 cms across, fF. 137 : in double columns of 58 lines each. Cent. xv. In quires of 8 : many of which have lost one or more leaves. The MS. is much damaged and mutilated, many of the illuminated initials having been cut out. At the head of fo. 116 verso is "To salamon my sone I leue my kyngdon wiche shall byld the temple of John Jerusalem the veri ground oml my age and the stafe my " : and at the head of the opposite folio is " To my most Harsie ffirynd mast' thoms anderows dellinge in the medle temple in . . . geue theis wyth sped " : there is some more in the margin which has been rendered hardly decipherable by the greater part having been cut away. The later part of the work is not in the same hand as the earlier. 10. Jnuentariuzw seu collectariuw in parte cirurgie ali medi- cine COMPILATUW ET COMPLETUWZ' AnNO DomINI MiLLESIMO Tricentesimo sexagesimo tercio' Per Guidonem de Caul- hiaco cirurgicu»/ magistrum in medicina in preclaro studio montispessulam' Quodquid inuentariuw/ seu collectariuw FECIT SCRIBI ET TALITER ORDINARI' VENERABILIS VIR MaGISTER Johannes Tourtier Magister in cirurgia* Ad requestam altissimi excellentissimjque et pote«tis principis Domini JOHANNIS DUCIS DE BEDFORD ReGENTIS REGNUW FRANCIE ET PROTECTORIS ReGNI ANGLIE. Paper, size 28*5 cms high x 21 cms across, ff. 288, in double columns of 45 lines each. Cent. xv. In quires of 16 leaves. Ff. 6-15 blank, except for MS. notes on fo. 8 and 15 recto and verso. Contents : Practica astolabij. De nomi'nibus instmmeDtor»m astrolabij fo. I vetso "Jn dei nomine Jncipitjnuentariiun" etc. (see title) fo. l6 Jncipit liber primus huius opens fo. iS Via seu sentencia tholomei in suo centilogio etc. ....... fo. 280 Glossary (latin-english) fo. 382 69 There are some interesting miniatures in grey-brown ink, and some illus- trations of various surgical instruments. 1 . Two pictures side by side. Dexter : a man in a long gown, tippet and hood, and scull-cap, presents a scroll to the Duke of Bedford (?), behind whom are three f)ersons and a dog. Sinister : the same man in same costume sitting at a ectem on which rests an open booli (u-5 X 17 8) fo. i6 2. A demonstration in anatomy : demonstrator sits on chair sinister, pupil kneels on cushion dexter ; skeleton lengthways across foot of picture (9'4 X 9) • • fo. 25 3. Surgeon kneeling on left knee on cushion dexter, operating on tumour in right groin of patient sitting on fourlegged stool sinister ; latter also has tumour in right axilla : an empty box for instruments, etc., behind surgeon (9-3 x 7'S) . fo. 41 verso 4. Surgeon kneeling dexter, binds patient standing sinister with narrow strapping ; latter is nude except for short drawers, and marked all over with red lines to represent wounds : behind him a large pail in whicli is a broad bandage half unrolled ; behind surgeon an empty box above and below a four-legged stool on which several instruments are laid out (7*5 X 87) fo. 83 5. Surgeon kneeling on cushion dexter, dresses wounds of patient sitting on four- legged stool sinister : some wounds have been sutured : an empty box behind surgeon (8x8) fo. 123 verso 6. Surgeon kneeling dexter, bandages patient's leg set in splints : box, bason, etc , ^ behind surgeon (8x8) fo. 149 7. Surgeon kneeling dexter behind four-legged wooden stool on which stands a bason, prepares to treat right leg of patient suffering from enlarged joints sitting on cushion sinister with crutch under right arm : box and flagon behind. 8. Phlebotomy. Surgeon standing in centre, grasps right arm of patient with both hands : latter sits on four-legged stool sinister, grasping staff m right hand, and holding bason in left : box, stool with instruments, and bason behind surgeon (7-2 X 7) fo. 230 verso On fo. 287 ,verso, partly cut away, is a long MS. note, from which the following is taken (begins 1. 5). " B7 almonde & lye a clene paper leve on yt & wrytte Jhu [xp crossed through] fuit raitis (?) & saye Jn b« werssepp" of xpt v pater nesters & v aues & a crede {>" ij daye wrytt on a nod^ almonde lykwysse Jhu fuit Mortuas est J>» almonde }>• iij tak anod^r & wrytt Jhu [resserextaj crossed out] resurect«j When J>» prayer es sade cast );• wrj-ty«ge Jn b' ferre holde renat (?) fro iij aft«r Mednygt on to V of }>• clok Jn J>* Momynge etc., etc. 70 Plate i6. From the Work on Surgkry. Plate 17. From thk Work on Surgery. Jnbey. PAGE ^gidius (Romanus) . . 10 Alberti (Leandro) . . 27 Ambrose, Saint 12,27 Anglerius (Petrus MartyrJ 17 Annius (Joannes), Viterheiisis . . 16 Antoninus [Forciglioni], Saint 6 Archimedes 36 Aretius (Benedictus) 32 Ariosto (Lodovico) . . 41 Aristotle . . . . . . 5 Augustine, Saint . . I, 26 Balbus (Joannesj . . 12 Baron (Peter), Stempanus 34 Bartholomew, Anglicus 69 Bartolus, de Saxoferrato 20 Basil, Saint 26 Bauhinus (Joannes) 38 Bellarmino (R. F. R.), Cardinal 42. 5> Bembo (Pietro), Cardinal 26, 29 Bernard, Saint . . 49 BIBLE :— Polyglott : — i5i4-«7 15 1568 32 1584 35 1586 35 1618-19 52 Latin : — 1 200, MS). {The CarporattoH Bible] .. 59 1502-4 — see Hugo II 1532-4 — see Pellicanus (Conradus) . . 22 1539 24 1542 24 1556 28 1603 42 1605 42 71 BIBLE (continued): — English : — i6io-ii 1617 1619-20 . . . . . . Spanish : — 15*^ •• "• •• •• 1602 . . . . . . . . NEW TESTAMENT:— Greek and Latin : — i5^Q •* ** ** ** 1 ^OQ .. •• •• •• Latin : — 1533-34 English : — 1557 •• •• •• •• Blanchinus (Joannes) . . . . • . Blondus (Flavins) . . . . . . Bonaventura, ^aint , . Boniface VIII., Pope . . . . . . Brentz (Johann), the Elder Bristol :— Collection of treatises written at the House of St. Mark Corporation Bible Massbook ( Victorine Canons of Bristol) Brunfels (Otto) Budaeus (Gulielmus) Burleus (Gualterus) Buxtortius (Joannes), the Elder FAOE Calepinus (Ambrosius) Calvin (John) Camden (William), the Anttquarv Candalla (Franciscus Flussas) — see Foix Castelnau (Michel de) Caulhiac (Guy de) . . Charlier de Gerson (Jean) Chemnitius (Martinus) Cicero (Marcus TuUius) Coccius (Marcus Antonius) Concordantiae Bibliorum, 1555 Concordantiae Testamenti Novi, 1594 Cornacchini (Domenico) Cowper (William) . . (F' 29, 30, 37, 38, 39. de) • • 44 • • 50 • • 52 • • 32 • • 41 18 36 23 28 27 13 14 8 19 23 66 59 63 23 31 II oi 18, 39 40, 43, 48, 50 43. 44 30 53 69 7 48 . . 9, 22, 25 13. 17 27 37 42 45 72 Cyprian, Saint . . . , Cyril, Saint Dante Alighieri . . . . D'Aubign? fXh^odore Agrippa) Diaconus (Paulus) — see Wamefridus (P.) Diodorus (Siculus) . . Dionysius, de Rickel Dominis (Marco Antonio de) . . Du Jon (Fran9ois), the Elder . . Duns (Joannes), Scotus Elucidarius Carminum Elyot {Sir Thomas) Erasmus (Desiderius) Estius (Gulielmus) . . Eusebius, Pamphili, Bishop of Ccesarea Faber (Jacobus), Stapulensis Fasciculus Temporum Flacius (Matthias), Illyricus Florio (John) Florus — see Trogus Pompeius Foix (Fran9ois de) . . Frauncis (Richard) — see Promptorium Parviilorum PAGE 36 19 23 50 15 33 22 50 47 12 13 23 19. 27 55 46, 5& 14 3 30.43 45 5 30 9 Grerson (Joannes) Gesner (Conrad) Giovio (Paolo) Gregory I., Saint Grruterus (Janus) Guarini (Giovanni Battista) Guicciardini (Francesco) Herodotus Herolt (Joannes) Herrey(R. F.) Hieronymus (S. Eusebius) Hilary, Saint Holkot (Robertus) . . tlomer . . Hugo, de Sancto Chara, Cardinal 7 26 27 24 42 40 3i» 32 35 14 53 20 25 35 43 II 73 niescas (Gonzalo de) Ingegneri (Giovanni), Isidorus, Hispalensis Bishop of Capo d' 1 stria Jacobus, de Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa James [Dr. Thomas) Jerome, Saint — see Hieronymus (S. E.) John Chrysostom, Saint Jovio (P.) — see Giovio (P.) Junius (Franciscus) — see Du Jon (F.) Justinian I., Emperor of the East Justinus — see Trogiis Pompeius Juvenalis (Decimus Junius) Keckermannus (Bartholomaeus) Kempis (Thomas i) Kis (Stephanus), Szegedinus Lapide (Cornelius a) Latin Dictionary, MS. Lesina . . Lipsius (Justus) Liutprandus, Bishop of Cremona Livius (Titus), Patavinus Lombard (Peter) Lopes de Castanheda (Femam) Lopez (Juan), Bishop of Monopoli Lorinus (Joannes) . . Lossius (Lucas) . . ' . . Lucas (Franciscus), Brugensis . . Ludolphus, de Saxonia Luther (Martin) Lydgate (John) Marlorat (Augustin) . . Martialis (Marcus Valerius) Martyr (Peter) — see Anglerius (P. M.) Massbook ( Victorine Canons of Bristol) Mauburnus (Joannes) Melanchthon (Philipp) Mer des hystoires , . Mesue (Johannes) — see Yuhanna Ibn Masawaih Meteren (Emanuel van) II PAQK 33 49 65 66 43 20 21 27 47 19 5 26 50 31 37 50, 54. 55, 56 68 47 38. 39 15 8,33 65 33 48 50, 52 29 43 34 23 68 32, 55 57 17 63 14 30 13 I 51 74 Minsheu (John) Mirabellius (D. N.) — see Nannus Mirabellius Mirandula (J. P.)— -see Pico della Mirandola Momay (Philippe de) Musculus (Wolfgang) . . . . Musso (Comelio) . . . . . . rAOB 5* 19 40 39 30, 40, 45 40 Nannus Mirabellius (Dominicus) Nebrissensis (^lius Antonius) Nettles (Stephen) . . Nuremberg Chronicle — see Schedel (Hartraannus) 19 36 56 6 Oecolampadius (Joannes) Origen . . Orosius (Paulus) Oswald (Erasmus) . . Otto I., Bishop of Frisingen Ovidius Naso (Publius) Panormitanus (Nicolaus) — see Tudeschis Paynel (Thomas) . . Pellicanus (Conradus) Perionius (Joachimus) Pescetti (Orlando) . . Petrus. Comestor Philo, Judctus Piccolomini (Enea Silvio) — see Pius II. Pico della Mirandola (Giovanni) Pineda (Joannes dej Pius II., Pope Platina (Battista), Cremonese Plato . . Plinius Secundus (Caius) Plutarch Polanus (Amandus) Polybius, Ihe Historian Porphyry, the Philosopher Porta (G. B. della) of Naples Promptorium parvulorum Ptolemaeus (Claudius) Quintilianus (Marcus Fabius) (N. de) 26 22 2 28 36, 37, 56 33 22 31 45 3 47 18 40 46 18 12, 21 28, 29 i> 34 34 44 14 3* 49 9 20, 25 24 n Rainolds (John) Reading (John) Regulae Societatis Jesu Reneccius (Jacobus) Richerius (Ludovicus Coelius), Rhodiginus PAGE 46, 47, 48 54 43 51 17 Sabellicus (M. A.) — see Coccius (M. A.) Sabunde (Raymundus de) Sallustius Crispus (Caius) Salmeron (Alphonsusj Saravia (Hadrianus) Saxo Ferrato (Bartolus de) — see Bartolus Scaliger (Joseph) . . Scharpius (Joannes) Schedel (Hartmannus) Scotus, Doctor Suhttlis — see Duns (Joannes) Seneca (Lucius Annaeus) Senensis (Sixtus) . . Shute (W.) Soto (Domingo de) • . Speed (John) Stemhold (Thomas) Stranguage (William) Suarez (Franciscus), Granatensis Suetonius Tranquillus (Caius) Suidas Surius (Laurentius) Szegedinus (Stephanus) — see Kis (S.) Tacitus (Caius Cornelius) Tassoni (Alessandro) Tertullianus (Quintus Septimus Florens) Thomas Aquinas, Saint Toletus (Franciscus), Cardinal. . Trog^s Pompeius . . Tudeschis (Nicolaus de). Cardinal Turrecreraata (Joannes de), Cardinal Valla (Laurentius) . , Vergilius (Polydorus) Vignier (Nicolas), the Elder Vincentius, Belliruacensis 13. 29i II •7 8 4 4» 44 20 37 55 6 12 21 44 46 32 53 54 56 46 27 52 3« 37 52 57 25 35, 38, 49. 55 46 5 5 2, 4 9 25,28 34 7 76 AAr ., R. . . . . • • Wamefridus (Paulus), Diaconus Wecker (Hanss Jacob) Whitaker {Dr. William) Yuhanna Ibn Masavvaih Zanchius (Hieronymus) PAGS • • 56 • • 15 • • 33 • • 37>44 • • 1 • • 48 77 IMaces of Ipttnting, printers, or publishers. Alcala de Henares, Cotnplutum ; — PAGB Amaldo Guillen de Brocar 15,17 Amsterdam, Amstelcsdamum : — Loren90 Jacobi 4» Joan. Jansson 57 Antwerp, An vers, Antverpia: — Baptista Bellagamba .. 55 Petrus Bellerus 36 John van Keerberghen 48 John Moretus 38, 39, 42, 43 Martin Nutius ; Heirs of, and Joannes Meursius 50 Martin Nutius and brothers • . 54, 55. 56 Christopher Plantin . . 35, 38, 39, 42, 43 Jan Steels 24 \without name of prinier] 46 Basel, B4le, Basilea:— John Amerbach 5, 1 1 Andreas Cratander . . 19 Eusebius and Nicolaus Episcopius 33 John Froben .. 18, 19, 20 Hieronymus Froben and John Herwagen . . 21 Hieronymus Froben, John Herwagen, and Nicolaus Episcopius 2 1 Hieronymus Froben and Nicolaus Episcopius 27,29 Henricpetri (Henry Petri) . . 25, 28, 33 Sebastian Henricpetri . . 40, 43, 45 John Herwagen 27, 30 Michael Isengrin .. 28 Nicolaus Kessler 6 Ludovicus Konig 53 John Oporinus 30 Peter Pema 3» Conrad Waldkirch 37 Michael Wenssler 1, 3-4 \without name of printer^ 12, 26, 32, 35-6, 44 79 Burgos, Burgt, Bravum Burgi : — Martin of Vitoria 33 Cambridge, Cantabrigia : — John Legate . . . . , . . . jy Cologne, Koln, Colonia Agrippina: — G. Calenius and J. Quentell 3» Bernard Gualther . . . . 5» Antonius Hierat and John Gymnicus 41 Antonius Hierat 50, 52 Godef. Hittorp 21 Amoldus Kempensis . . 46 Melch. Novesianus 26 Peter Quentell 22 [without name of printer] 18 Deventer, Daventria : — Richard Paffroet, or Faffroed Douay, Dtuicum : — Mark Wyon \wifhout name of printer] Frankfort, Francofurtuvi ad Mcenum : — Christian Egenolph, Heirs of Johann and Sigismond Feyerabend M. Lechler and S. Feyerabend . . Andreas Wechel, Heirs of John Wechel Geneva, Aurclia Allobrogum : — Conrad Badius Jacques Bourgeois Peter and Jacob Chouet Samuel Crispin Stephanus Gamonetus Franciscus Helvidus . . Jean de Laon Jean Le Preux. Franciscus Nicolaus . . Pierre de la Rovi^re . . Peter Sanctandreanus Eustathius Vignon, Heirs of 49 .. 55 29 33 34 35 37 . . 28-9, 29 32 . . 47.52,55 44, 47 48 46-7 30 43 55 46, 52 38 40 80 Geneva, Aureha Allobrogum (continued) : — John Vignon John Vignon, Peter and Jacob Chouet \7vtth0ut name of printer^ Granada, Granaia : — Melchior Rodriguez . . . . PAOX 43,48 30, 43. 47 36 Hagenau, Hagenoa: — Thomas Anshelm Petrus Bnibacchius . . Ex Officina Seceriana Hague, The, La Haye: — Hillebrans Jacobz Hanau, Hanovta: — Petrus Antonius W^chel, Marnius, and Aubrius Heidelberg, Heidelherga : — Petrus Aubertus Bibliopolio Commeliniano Officina Sanctandreana • ■ • • 18 • • • • 23 • • • • 23 • • • • 5» • • , , 50 • • • • 42 • • • • 48 • ■ • * 42 • • • • 35,37 Leyden, Lugdtmum Batavorum: — Francis Raphelengius . . . . . . 36, 37 London, Londinum : — Bernard Alsop, for John Hodgets 54 Robert Barker 44, 50 Thomas Berthelet , . 23 George Bishop and John Norton 43, 44 ■ bhn Browne 5» , ohn Day 34 Frederic Egmondt 9 George Eld and William Stansby 46 Richard Grafton 25 Arnold Hatfield, for Bonham Norton 39 John Haviland 56 William How, for Abraham Veale 33 Matthew T .aw 56 Bonham Norton and John Bill . . 52, 53 Julian Notary 14 Petrus post Pascha . . 9 Richard Pynson 9 81 London, Londinum (continued) : — Thomas Snodham, for Thomas Archer William Stansby Stationers' Company, The Thomas Vautrollier . . Lou vain, Lovanium : — ^without name of printer] Luynes, Mai Hi : — Jean Moussat Lyons, Lugdunum : — Claude Davost Sebastian Gryphe or Gryphius . . Jean Moylin, alias de Cambray . . Jacob Roussin . . . . J. Tomesius . . . , Mainz, Mayence, Moguntia : — Belthasar Lippius Hermannus Meresius. . Milan, Mediolanum : — Gio. Battista Bidelli . . Montbeliard, Mons-Belligardus : — Jacobus Foyllet Nuremberg, Niirnberg: — Anthony Koberger . . Oppenheim, Oppenheimium : — Hieronymus Gallerius Oxford, Oxonia, Oxonium : — Joseph Barnes J. Lichfield and W. Turner Paris, Parisii, Lutetia Parisiorum : — Ascensian Press Thomas Brumen Sebastien Chappelet , . Gulielmus Chaudi^re . . Hieronymus Gormontius Franciscus Gryphius . . Carola Guillard « • PAOB 45 45»56 44-5. 54 32 50 • • ", 13 • • 20 • • »9 • • • • 43 28 • • 46-7 46-7 • • 57 • • 38 6, 9 46 » » • • 43. 47. 48 • • • • 56 12, 13. 14 15. 16, 17. 22 31 53 39 23 23 24. 25. 26 82 rAOK Paris, Parisii, LtUetia Parisiorum (continued) : — Sebastien Nivelle • • • • 34 Jean Petit. . 12, 13. 14, «5» «6, 17, 19, 22 Jacques du Puys • • • • 34 Jean Roigny • • • • 24 Jean Royer, and J. du Puys • • • • 30 Societas Bibliopolarum • • • • 49 , Michel Sonnius • • ■ • 34 M. Sonnius, S. Cramoisy, and C. Morel • • • • 56 Henricus Stephanus . . • • • •' • • »4. 37 Robertus Stephanus . . » « • • • • 24» 27 Rolin Theodore • • • • • • 44 Michel Vascosan • ■ • • , ^ 22, 27 [wiihout name o/prtnier] » • • k • • »3 Parma :— Andreas Portilia • ■ • • • ■ 1-2 Pesaro, Ptsaurum : — Hieronymus Concordias • • • • ■ • 36 F^ochelle, La Rupella : — Hierosme Haultin 39 Salamanca, Salmantica : — Joannes Baptista of Terranova Joannes Moreno Strassburg, Argentina : — Georgius Andlanus . . Martin Flach Martin Flach and M. Schurer John Griininger Math. Schurer [without name of printer\ 32 29 23 7.« 7 20 «7 4,8 Venice, Venezia, Venetice : — Aldus Manutius and Andreas Torresanus Francesco Bindoni and Mapheo Pasini Giovan. Maria Bonelli Baldassare Constantini Gabriel Giolito Giunta Press Hermann Liechtenstein Roberto Megietti 17-8 26 27 27 32 8,40 7 40, 42 Venice, Venezia, Veneti