! -31747 A TAMIL VADE-MECUM, GUIDE TO UNGRAMMATICAL EXPRESSIONS USED IN OEDINARY CONVERSATION ; CONSISTING OF TlIK VULGAllISMS TAMIL LANGUAGE EXPLA.INED AND ILLUSTRATED BY COPIOUS EXAMPLES. FOR THE USE OF FOUEIClNERS. COMPII.ET) AND PUBLISHED BY P. SINGAUAPELAYANDERAM PILLAY. MADRAS: PrdNTED rOK THE EDITOR, AT THE PPvESS OF THE SOCIETY FOB PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE, CHURCH STREET ; VEPERY. 18 5 9. SS IIEJir^KKiirfa TAMIL ¥iDE-«Cei. OP. A GUIDE TO EXPEESSIONS USED IN ORDINARY CONVERSATION BUT UN-GRAMMATICAL. It is proposed to publish wliat may here generally be termed a Tamil Vade-Mecum. Considering the many publications connected with the Tamil Language which have been put forth to promote its study, some ex- planation seems necessary to show that the present work is not a mere compilation from other works, but that it is one whose place has never before been occupied, and also one which, when its object is miderstood, will be i3ronounced a desideratum. It is a well known fact that very few Europeans, however conversant they may be with Tamil Hterature, would be able either thoroughly to understand the language spoken by the Natives in familier intercourse with each other, or to make themselves understood by them. Even European Missionaries may be said to be no exceptions' to this rule. Tlie European residents in the country scarcely ever hear the Natives in familiar and unrestrained conversation among themselves, and it is on tliose occasions that they make use of words and phrases wholly imintel- ligible to foreigners. The consequence of this is, that the Missionary in conversing with the poorer and more ignoiant part of his flock, or the Civilian in the admuiistration of his political functions, often makes use of terms and illustrations which, though grammatically and idiomatically correct, are unintelligible to them ; when he might, were he familar with their every day language, run no risk whatsoever of being misunderstood- But the evil becomes one of serious magnitude when the interests of the 128 2 ^ lower orders in Courts of Justice are concerned, Tlie uneducated Xative js then left to the mercy of interj^reters, who alone can understand Id' vulgarisms. No blame is to be attached to Europeans on this account ; for the words and phrases to which we allude, are not to be found in books ; and their Moonshees and educated Natives never use them in their presence. Great is the discouragement of the Tamil learner, when, on mixing with the people, he hears numerous words to which his Dictionary gives liim no clue. It is this unavoidable ignorance of what is called Kucld Tamil, that renders the Europeons m respect of the Tamil language, so inferior to the East Indian and Native. It is the object of this book to set before Europeans the Tamil Language as it is really t^poken by the Natives themselves, so that a person may easily understand the meanest and most illiterate Native. The correct and grammatical terms and jjhrases are placed in juxtaposition with the vulgarisms and diiilogues ; original letters on all subjects, written by all classes of Natives ai'e also added to illustrate the use of the terms so unfamiliar to Europeans The work has been some tinae, under preparation, and is the production of the undersigned, whose long and familiar intercourse with European Gentlemen, in the capacity of a Tamil Teacher, has given him rare and ample opportunities of appreciating the difficvdties they have to contend ■with in endeavouring to master the Tamil Language. No labor has been spared, and for the convenience of intending purchasers, it will be published on the much approved plan of Numbers or j)arts, 1 of which will compose the whole publication, and each of which will consist of -40 Octavo pages priced 1 Rupee. A liberal support is solicited, as the work has entailed much labor, and can only be serviceable to Eiuopean Gentle- men. Subscribers are rctjuested to forward their names to the Proprietor, PursovaidvUiu Madras. P. fSl>'CARArEL.VVANDEKAM PiLLAV, MaDKAS, PrnsKVAUKUM, \ J' 3 T[EiT[]iryi]@[Fil[li^\Li. T have seen pa^t^^ of the book it is proposed to publisli, viz., the Tamil Vade-Mecum, and am of opinion that it will prove a most usefid work not only for beginners but also to those who are advanced in the knoAviedge of tlie language-in helping them to understand it as spoken by all classe.-i of Hindoos. The author of this work I consider to be entitled to great credit for originality of thought, and shall be most happy to see the idea he has conceived, carried into execution. (Signed) C. 8. Kohlhoff, ►Sullivan's Gardens, ) Miissionari/, S. P. G. F. P. Idih October, 1857. ) I have kno-vATi the Compiler of this work for many years, and have ^studied the Tamil Language with him. He appears to me to be master of his language, and from liis pursuits during the last fifteen years, namely the publication of Tamil works and the tuition of the language to Euro- peans, he must have that facility in his own tongue, as would render any of his productions valuable to less experienced students. The Avork he now projects, I conceive, to be one of great utility. (Signed) A. P. Simkins, Manager in tJie liis/iector Geiierars Office. Madkas, 28/A October, 1857 Frona tike comDicncexnent mp to S^ovemlber, 2.S39. The Plight Honorable Lord George Francis Piobert Harris, the Governor of Madras 5 Copies- 11)0 Right Reverend Lord Bishop/.. of Madras 2 do. The Honorable Walter Elliot, E^q. : 2 do. Copies, i Copies. '■ Copies, Armoitr, John Esq 1 : Digliton, D. C. P. Esq. l.Macligell, J. Esq Arbutlinot, W. H. Etiq. 1 Duiiliill, C 11. Esq 1 u^Ioberly, A. S- Lieut. 1 Molony,F.B. E,sq. 3 ]\Ioras, G. Lee Esq 1 Norman, M. Esq x\jbiithuot, W. R. E.sq. 1 : Dutliie. J. Rev.. Arbuthnot, W. U. Esq.. 1 EUiot. Wm. Esq, Alexander, A. Esq 1 Ellis, G. H. Esq. . Anderson, F. Esq 2 Faber, E. C. Col l^Neave, R. Esq, Arbutliuot, J. R. Esq. 1 jFirtli, R. Rev., A. M.... l;Newill,_H. Esq^.... Alveii, Stanely Ca]>t. 1 1 Forbes, L. Esq Angello, P. M. S. Esq. 1 : ForlDes, G. S. Es(i liNeild, H.S.J. Lieut... liNesbitt, W. S. Esq.. Blagrave, E. R. Lieut Bush, T. H. Esq.. Briggs, G. Major.. 1 i Farquhar, M. S. Esq. . . 1 ■ O'ConnellPP L. Capt. iFrere, H. Esq 1 Orme, F. P]sq li Graham, A. Esq l;Peele, F. Esq. Bell, J. H. Lieut. Col. 1 i Greufell, St. L. M. Esq. l iPycrof fc, T. Esq Burner, John Mr 1 1 Garrett, W. R. xMajor.. li Faulkner, G. B. Esq... Esq l^Gray, W. Rev ilParker, R. D. Esq tev 1 Gordon, P. B. Esq 1 ^ Plumer, C. G. Esc B Broadshaw, J Batclielor, P. Rev Bhch, J. T. Esq Biake, H. W. ?,Iajor Bayley, W. H. Esq.... ■ ' C. B.. 2 Garstiu, J. B. Esq llPowys, R H. Esq iGritton, John Rev i i Roberts, C. A Esq 1 Gabb, F. S. Major i: Richards, John Rev... Prfilfour,G.Col.C. B... liGoldingham,JohnEsq, lllose, W. H. Esq Bonlderson, J. C. Lt. l Guest, John Rev 1 Rendall, .J . Rev Colonel 1 Glover, W. Esq 1 . Royston, P. S. Rev Blacklock,A.Esq.,M.D. 3 Hudleston, W- Esq 1 Ritchie, A. Esq Braidwood, John Rev. 1 Hall, G. Rev 1 Ritchie, A. Md. Esq.... Burgess, John Rev 1 Hooper, W. S. Esq 1 i Reid, J. W. Esq Barlow, R. W. Esq 1 Hooper, G. S. Esq 1 .Sim,W. C. Esq Bourdillon, J. D. Esq. 1 Hutchins, A. R. Esq... iSmi, J. D. E.sq Brown, C A. Col 2 Hutclihis, P. Esq... l:8huldham, A J. Capt. 1 HiUyard, H. T. Major. 1 ' Shaw, John Esq 1 Heppel, J. M. Esq 1 Shaw, D. Esq i: Hill, John Colonel 1 StacliHn, W. Rev 1 : Hathaway, W F. Esq. 1 i Saunders, H. B. Esq.... liHall, Arthur Esq i;Saunder.s, R. C Esq.... 1 Horsley,W.H. Major.. liSliortt, H. G. Esq Chamier, C. F. Esq. Colheck, H. Lieut. Col. Craddock, L. Rev Cochrane, W. E. Esq. . . (larke, T. Esq.: Clarke, T.G. Esq Clair, J. C. St. Esq rHorgan, D. Esq ] : Stephenson, R Rev ■ ^~ " !S, L C. Esq jjSelvaroyah Pdlay, T.,. Carniichael, 1). F. Esq. 1 ■ Inues Campbell, E. C. Esq... l:J()luies, H^Esq. Cooper, J. G. Rev.... Crampton, J. T. Esq. Charlton, W. Esq.... Clan-ch,Horl)ert K K.sq i;Kohlh()ti;C. S. Rev. 1 ; Kerakoo.^e, M. E.sq.... 1 Key, J. B. Esq iKerr, W. H. E.sq... li Taylor, G. N. Esq..., Crocket, E. A. B. Esci. 1 Luslungton, F. Esq. . . Carstau-s, P. Esq 1 Law ford, A. C E.sq.. Crosse, M. Esq 1 Leggott. E. Es(| Court, J. B. ^!r 1 ; Little, John Rev Cotton, A. T. Col 1 Lyons, R. H. Mr (^orbett, J. W. E.sq 1 : MacC!alhun, A. Rev... Cosl)y, W. J. Es(i rMaltby, E. Esq Ch'gliorn.H.F.C.Esq., iMiller, Jolm Esq.^ M. j» 1 IMallR'Ws, .fdlin Esq... Cadell, W. M Esq 1 i Morgan, W.n. Rstj Dymefj, 1). 1). Jilsq liMorrison, H. Es»| Dyme.s, John Esq 1 i Macfarlane, S. M. Mr POINTED BY T.AUROKIASAWMY PiLLAY, AT THE CaXTON PKJSSS, EkUABAULOO ClIETTiT SXKEET, No. 28-MaDRAB. 1 1 Taylor, J. W. F. Capt ij Thompson, J. G. Esq.. lITurtm. J M. Mr llTradJ). ILLiout 1 -Underdowai, Esq^ 1 TTndenxood.W. E. Esq. 1 N'ukers, R. H. Rev 1 Winslow, M. Rev lAVilson. J. F. Lieut 1 ; Walker, A. Rov 1 ; Walker, G. E.s(i «.. i::\Vebster,A. M. C. Esq. 1 ! Whiteside, W. S. Esq. liWilUams, 1). Rsq.. 1 Wiuscom, G. V. Lieut. 1 ; Youuker, A. Rev. SECTION 1. DICTIONARY SHEWING THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CORRECT USAGE AND INCORRECT USAGE IN THE TAMIL LANGUAGE. Correct Usage. "Vulgar Usage. - ^sikairffLD, ^misiruLD or ^^Dsvih or ^tpeaLo or ^LfiiBsmsB or 6r(z^sroLD or ^^LD^s^^evth, pride : from ji/sih ; I myself : and BiTiriD, an act : This word is erroneously used j>iwld as : j^m^^^i^p QfLu^ ^UL^^aiua, a wilful mistake^ or ^^usij^^rre^ Qis'iLi^(^ppi}>, a sin committed from obstinacy or pride. j)/s/sisiTifl, ^iksiTifl; a violent^ a haughty man, or profligate woman. ^■<5(2Pero £_uj;r «i?r, ^Uiuesii—ujfreir, or ^LDLj€5iL-ujir COT", or ^,(LpruLjiftfs S'^iT, sem^^ireisT^ OsiTemL-dsirffek, &:c. jijBuuSiQp^, ^Lj®p^ ; or ^a3L9®/)j7, to be obtained or got, to be taken, caught, as : jti^sOanssrsstTuuLLi—^; I have got it, semeaoBiSlQeo ^ldlSI®jdjsi, to be caught in a net or gin QpiLeoL- j>i'LDU!—2oo, I cannot get eggs. ^susmu, ^uQu, or jijLpuQu, or jijicuemu Wooden Spoon ; Ladle, as : ^uQuQ^^eisr, or ji/LpuQuSj:^^^ei!r, the name of a Hindoo Philosopher, 3=ei!r'ijs(&^s(^ ^uQuujitso Qg=trju(ourr Lf.p^, or euLLi-^sSpjsi, or uiBldit^p^, to divide the rice for tlie people by a wooden spoon. jfjSuemuS'SiniiL], ^uQusitldlj, or ji/ipuQuSfruii-j or ^tpuetausiriML^ ; the handle of a ladle. jfjs^ or ^^ifi, ^Sije/,^f the ditch which surrounds a town or fort. j^sireiua, ^euaiTffith, from sireal time, jya/r «Oiii>, Negative, an unfit time as : jtjsireomffasiTLD or ^avervesi^^unresanh an untimely death or a sudden death ; jtjeusiT&dLDesiLp, or Q&(BaiT&i mmip, unseasonable rain. j^Qq^^^ujld, j^iQjT^^ujih, or j)/i(^(i}}Uii_i ; evil action, wickedness as : ^sQ[r;i^iuQp5neneiisisr, or j^L^iouek, a wicked man, ^dQff^^tuLDirujuu/^dSl/D^, to snatch or carry away unlaw- fully. ^isiriaT, j)/s£S3=S, or ^L£>ses>s, or jijuS, or ji/uu^^fTeh, or ^sema, an elder sister. ^fksuu^, j^i}^uL^; or jtjrBJssuL<^, a stirrup as : j^rsaeuLj^uSeo eire^cs>'S^;iQ;S£iip^, to mount a horse by the stirrup. ^ij2(B^®uum, j)irkQ'S^Qf)uS ; a tattler, a tell- tale ji/iiiQ® and ^(A)tJ(_/, a peel for stirring, one who is stirring here and there : ^'ejSI'S^q^ljlS, is more commonly used among the Na- tives : S ^uul^uulLi— j^ibSi^^q^uiSuQus's^uQus'itQ^, you nnu+ not talk such a flattering words. Flattery professes more than frie i- ship. ^ . ^ • T 1 ^5^^£)ujii, ^&^Siuw, or j>i®^&^Lo ■ disl , aversion, dread of any thing unpleasant or impure, disgust, uglin • ^. . _. j)ji. eu, or QS^^vneUj or Osir^ettaj ; pledge; as: ^i—e^mausSp^, or (^^etaeneasusSlp^, to pawn .syi.-«a/ euiT/EJ@p^, to receive a pawn. j^gB)i_.s?, ^^-^ or j^L^&uQuiT ; far fi ' ■ aside ; as : give away, make ro(| I-^. ji/i—»i the gerund of jtjmi—si-Sip^ ; ^u-QS(rf), the same as uS(75, (stlLi—uSIq^, eTLLi^i^QT), (Sj$^^uSl(7fi, £ifrffuSl(r^. The word of ^i_«= is an imperative, but it is commoulj used only in the Provinces of Madura and Pahamcottah. The people that live in Madras, Tanjore, Negapataui and Trichinopoly never use by such word ^i-*, but prac- tice as follows : eSlffd(^, f^^^, Sirfff^Q^, s^^^uQuir, ^me^.uQuir, ctlLu. siTs\\ or ffuuem-s£Eir<^, folded feet, the same as LDL^uwEisfreo, or j^lL i—essTssrreo QuirLL®dOa;rrem-Lp-(r^dSp^j or sfre^Qixsosireo QufnLQs OsiTismu^QTfsQp^ or '3'u u essrs S5 tT eoQu IT LLiBdOarr em i^(7^s< Si /D^, to sit putting one leg upon the knee or thigh of the other, or to sit by folding the legs. ^sasfiei) ov ^cSsfJpiSlen'Ssrr, ^eSuiSlsn'StsiT '^ squirrel. j^sssri— isjstr SLo, 01'^ emrt— El SITS ems, ^smL^issirsssnu • raven, the black crow. It differs from the common sirssiriLi whicli has an ash coloured ring round its neck. j^essressr/i^tr&Tj ^esw^ih^n-eh ; a kind of tor- ture. A cord being fastened round the neck and tied close to the great toe, while the hands are kept behind. In another sense ^eiki^/F^iTsir she lifted up her head ; erroneously used to above sense in common. j^ss»T^3.(^, 2-g3w-(CC3)i@ ; the little tongue from ^sssrsmuD, the palate QiDsisumu as : &.6ik(ess)S^ eumw^^^, the uvula in the mouth is enlarged. ^'PssTf^isiLi^v ^smT(^dsiSI^ or j^sssr^s s£i{£>i ; a rope which was twisted for the use of native males to tie up round their waists ; the same as ^sro/r^/reror : commonly, ^(^^s OsTLri, a girdle, this signifies the silver rope instead of thread. j>/esbT6dsrsir(o^sS, or ^smrsifsresr Quern S'fr^, ^smsresafl ■ the wife of an elder brother, but ji/emresifiujtriT or ld^o^, a respectful mode of address to females. jnememzsr, ji/em^, brother, the Madras people commonly use for Father by the term of ^eazrjOT) but other res- pectable Natives of adjacent countries call their fathers as : rg(^, ^u uir, jii'iuiuir, except the gentoo caste ; they use by the term of miruSl,^ father. In the Province of Palamcottah, they use most commonly for father by the word of ^ui3^&, but if any one use this word ^ui^^ to any of other countries, even the old women would laugh at him : be- cause this meants children's sweetmeat as: jfjuuir ^ipnQiB ^ul3<^Q suit siSl^^rrQ/rjesr, my darling, do not cry, you shall have the sweetmeat or I will buy and give you cakes. ^siji p ifi ih ^ (T ek L^esbT^ J j^iomOemiB(^3'iTsir Lissii(B ■ a little shrub : pedysarum beasticullation L. Rottler. ^^uiSujih, ^a^LJiSlijju) ; words not admit- ted in society, vulgarity, indecency ; ^■fuiSiuLh vulgar expression^ used by the lowest caste, as : j>/ff'ULSluj(^Qff=rreo/D^, properly, j)/^ ulSujiJ)Qu ; admiration, astonish- ment, as : @J3 ^pQffiui^irQ^, is this marvellous thing ? ^^Q is lower expression.) ^^siriiLD, jij^iurrCLD ; authority, power. In another sense j^^iufrirw chapter. ^^suiuu), jtj^ujuujLD ; exceeding fear. jt/^sufrjrw, jt/^ujuiTffLh ; a heavy load. ^^luir, ^^ujirsi ; common expression (a foreign word from the Arabic Iladiyah.) presents given to Kings or other great men as : jif^tunei) OsiT®sSp^ ; to bestow liberally, freely. The present given from one another is used thus : ercs^uoy Q^^ld^, ^juiQuuirir, jy^tf©uu/r/f ; press the sore from i 5 j)l^s,Slp^, to press softly, to mollify with fingers. In another criti- cal sense ^^dSuuir.r ; beyond to it. ^^^nuLQ, ^ifir.fQ. proof, evidence, tes- timony. In the same pronunciation of j>i^^ir^Q, gives another mea- ning for husband's eldest sister but to the youiigest, by the name of j>jLbLD!Tie(^ or j>/LDLDir^LLi-ci ; ^^ ^ fTS'Siosnus ■sh.uiSKS, Call yoLir husband's sister, or sister-in-law or cousin ; ^^^sTs^&iLjsm^Si, there is a proof, an argument. In critical sense, according to grammatical form of ^^ ^itlL& shows another meaning ; that deficience. ^^^sunsmiii ji/^euirem-ih ; wilderness, bad, cor- rupt, as : ^^ ^^su!rmQsiJsffLuiriS(iT)iiQ; This is like a plain wilder- ness. jijiErr^^LJD, ^ssr^^LD ; a word, or an expression without sense uujenBisiffon-aOs'rreo ; But if derived from ^it^^ld, wealth ; it signifies various meanings as : ^rsirs^^LDinuuQuaQsBTssr, common- ly jtissr^^LDniLQuuQasissr, I went there in vain or to no purpose ; jycw ^^LciTtLJs-O^si^iresr ; he died miserably, unhappily, wretchedly ; ^sm-^ ^LDuemp£s to hurt, to injure, to cause mischief, to make unhappy. ^fsir^fi3:frffOLh, jijesra^^eneoil) ; an unlucky, un- happy, unpropitious time. ^fBeuir^U), jtj'issr^iT^LDy or ^ScrrsSlir^Lh ; dura- tion, perpetuity, eternity the same as stuQuit^ld. ^S^LD, j^fBS^LD, or jijS'iLuiTLuu) ; injusticc the same as /i^nSlssresjLD. ^^UGULD, ^^(DUfToju) ; or s^j^uevQ^^^, ap- prehension, experience, as : ^uQufr^^Quirsij^i^d(&, sui^^, now I apprehend it ; now I experience it. ^^usv-s^rreQ, s^j^jQuireus^ireQ, a skilful, experi- enced man, one who is wise from experience. ^i^eb^, ^-i^eh^, state, condition ; as : ^m^i^eto^iQ^ QiurrsSajcDsdisy), this does not agree, or this is not consistent with your circumstances; ^^sSstt uj/p^emCo^/rCeL-eroo;, set these things in order. j^m^uL^fTLh, -gij'/i^uuFui ; a harem, the inner rooms or apartments for women in noble family or Kings palace, ^ifiiiiksLD, ^ih^ffluju) ; what is hidden, secret, a hidden place. It is principally used of persons, who speak together 6 privately: as ^uQuir^ ^ ir tr s^ it cijsSev sir ^i^ifluj^iSl(i^s§l(n^ssr ; the King is now conversing privately with him. ^/h^aesr, Jt/i^suek^ or ^/s^ear ; the Same as @(75i— 6w, blind man : commonly, r3(5— car, OuirtLeiDL-ujsir, a/£S(^g=s]jpsrj sQuir^, sQeuir^^ uiriTeiamjQsLLu.eusir ; but (^t^iSlip/s^eiisirj QmS^ULoppenskj jtjih^sshr, a respectful mode of address to blind men. jiji^LjOuirQ^jp, ^'f^u(?u/r^ ; evening time, jy/F ^s^is^ ; morning and evening. .5V '5^ J Ji/''^^^yi'^^ ; a small gray and winged insect that infests grain : as ^uSffdseo OmJoemaQsir^i^u l^ i-QujiriLi Q^!reisr^(^Qiu — you came to destroy him and all his posses- sions as the insect infests and destroys the thousand Kallum T^elloo. j)/uSiT^,9, jiisuSiT^^, j^wS^^, (from jt/u less and Hir^^ fame) an ill-name, infamy, ignominy. j)ju^£ij, ^'(ou^^ ; ill report, slander, scan- dal, infamy : as ^euiraOenek^sar lusu^^usmem^te^rrsiir • they used infamous words against me, they wound my character ; e^^t^euesrQLD&o j;fsu^^mri—(Ts/o^, to spread an ill-report of one. ^uiuii), ^suiuu}; (from unjui fear and the privative; jf-) complaint. In another scnsi'.5y5i;ajii),hatch, as : iBirmQuir enTsijfrjT^^So (tD) (7/3Ll6D)i_ ^iS5)ffl;iu,^^6E@ esiav^Q^esT, I kept ten eG;gs to be hatched on the last week. j>/uujiS(SiS/D^, jijaniuLB®^)^ ; to complain of des- titution, to call for succour and help, to cry for protection. jtjuinr^Lr), juieujirr^LD ; fine, amercement. j)jU!nT^LLQun(BSlp^, ^euinT^LoQun®p^ • to fine. ^uedLc, ji/svffou) ; (from uffOii produce, ad- vantage, and the ])rivntive ji/ ;) unprofitableness, uselessness ; j)/su(Ku:ir lu^Os^cucfSifiemuj, a vain, useless cmploynu'iit, unprofitable work. ^urremi—LD, ^' suit em t^m ; U\\sc accusation, as : 6p(5fflyeB?(?Lceo j»jeuiT€mi—U)Qun(B:p_^ ; to charge one falsely with a crime. ji/uirujLD, j^sjntuLo ; ill-luck, jeopardy ; COmp. jS;S^, eSu^j3. jtH^s^niB, j^us^iTift, j^'ajfirifl, or jt/sSg-irifl ; (from ^l9 and 5=/r/fl which joined with QurrQp^^ signifies, to walk abroad to go and to return) jii^^niB, or ^suffiTiH, a fickle woman as : jya5?<3=/r//?i(5 ^SsmuSlei&v.^(r^L^d(^^O^tijsvLSeo&o, a Prostitute never stand in oath, and a woman of theft also, never fear to God. ^LSQ&^^th, jticSQs^^euui, or ^cSl(2e>^sih ; the act by which any thing poured upon the head, so as to run down the whole body, which is seldom done to men, but often to idols : unc- tion, drink offering. Wils. S. D. p. 4-3, Abisheca. llottler. ^lSI/sluld, j)j£fBiuLD ; a gesture, pantomime. The indication of sentiment or passion by looks or outward gestures ; as : j>i^wluldlSl<}-s&p^, to gesticulate, to make a leaping motion with the eyes, to use many gestures in declaiming and singing. ^lSIulSjutiuu), ^sSuL3jrinuLD ; the inmost thoughts, the intention, cordial affection, opinion, allusion ; as LDm^eQQr^aSlp ji/eSuLSiriTuj^eiafis' Os^ireiip^, to speak from the heart, to disclose his thoughts, ^euek jt/eSuiSiriTuj^em^d sem^uSL^^Q^eir , 1 have discover- ed his intentions, (^Qhi^^mQuiii ji/cSluLSljririuLDrruSl(rT,sS/D^, to have a cordial affection towards one, or to have a sincere regard for one ; gL6(jr jt/sSuiSirtnu^ei!)^ 6T(TjP^ ; Write your opinion, @/5,s euirir^ssi^s ssSuLSljj-rrujOLDssresr^ to what does this word allude. ^iSLDiresni), ^fsSLDirsmil ; (from ^-lS and lditssfld lionour) as : ji/svQsa-eir^ jtjSL£iirs!Qeoe!Dsu^^tredr • he has shewn me every favor ; OTe3ri@^^2»/r jt/sSLotrsarQpsm® ; I enjoy the protection and favor of my lord or master. ^iSlcsfl, j}jSetfi, or ^dlsk, or ^lSbw-, or ^L5sa^Lo0/F^ ; opium. ^y,(5ffl/ii>, j^ev(r^avi}>, or ^eij^suub, or Jiju^ ULD ; (from uiQ^suu), antiquity and the privative ^.) a novelty what is new, strange : as L^tSuSCSsi) jtjw^suLDirssr airrflLu/Eis^u un-irdauL^pu u(Bp^; to travel in pursuit of curiosities. j)iuuesr, ^uus'Q ; father the same as Q^ir euusk or jijemt^ or ^suuussr or ^'iero^ or iSl^ir ; ^ifiuuek vulgar- ly, fotuiT &c. but the Madras people use this word ^ulSJ^Q for children's sweetmeat, see ji/ememdr. ^'dstrefT, j>/dsir, ji/uua;^ir, j^juS, jtjuurr^^sir ; an elder sister. The Madras people commonly use these words for ^isiTsn-, ^LDa^mm, ^lEiisaa, ^indesisiurrir. In Tinnevelly the Shanar castes will call by such terms as : ^isirS or ji/sQs. This is not elegant 8 way of talking one another in Southern parts'of Tranquebar, Nega- patam, Tanjore, and Cuddalorc, &c. but they all use thus : jyifi/rsrr ^uufT'L, ^juurruSl, a^uuiT^<2^, use for father's mother. Tinnivelly people use the word ^uuirib, or ji/uuiraS inelegant and outlandish way as : jijeuek ^uuiruSl ; he is a simpleton, or inno. cent man, the same as ^uiSlrrtTeadt, uitlLl^, and ^iiS use for male's and female^s Grandmothers generally. ji/ifuiS'ujir^u:), ^uSiuir^ih ; habit, ability acquir- ed by frequently doing a thing, practice, exercise; as sresrdsuLSujirs' iSsoSsd ; I have no practice'or experience, ^uiSiurro'iMirdjQuiTp^ ; to become acquainted, accustomed, habituated. jtjui-lpLJD, ji/uu/rLD, jij'UL^nu) J that side, farther, beyond, again : the same as LDSueuir;^Qf)iMU, ^uuire^, LSekdctsr, j)/^ii)uir, ^^iluff erroneously used amongst the vulgars instead of ^LDttdsenth, <^ loss err u> ; (from ^ldit a fight and aenuD, the field) commonly, tumult, confusion or field of battle. j)/LD(^S^ ji;(Lp(^9i, or j^LS(^Si ; compelled service : as j^(iP(^?iQeu2s\)Qs'u.ip^ ; to serve by compulsion, but the Natives generally talk these words about their servants when they are doing the works with displeasure. ^QpsS, ^lSsS ; from j^'QpdSp^ ; to press, In another sense jijlSsS or ji/SiS^onnB, fraudulent woman as : ^uir^ ^,H^i£l£3tpQ£ij eTeOffin-(r^LD ^(ips(^em(B^uiT(ev)itssiT ; f/s is transfigured) when the house fell down in the night, all the people were crushed. ®)isj>i(Lpd&io<^ujLjQLJ!rei iBirQ^rEi^^Louirirss^, I never saw such a cunning woman. Por male ^Qpiaek ; a rogue, while, meditating mischief feigns an appearance of unconcern as tho' he knew nothing the matter; a cunning fellow. /QPJ^, j>/lS^ ; boiled rice, food ; the same as C?5=/r^,u(75s»H)«,5=/r_LDn-movOurFliuwu>LLrreN] mother's elder brother. u>LDir ; madam ; This is a common and honorific title of an aged rich woman in all classes of the Natives but the expression QipeSI or ji/LhetDto or QaeSl is used vulgarly and discerned only to poor and rude people. The respectable old men and women are entitled thus : Qurfluj euir&isrr^ euuj^Qs'eiirpsu.'rseiT^ t^^^^iruLSiuiTseh-j evLUj^ffiT(^ffGuirsvrr^ uQp^^utpih, ^erTeirir^6uir<£en, ^ehetriretDLDUJfresnaiJiTAerr, /6u(r^dQ0LD^^ jtja^^ LDp^uLjsm®, he has much forgetfulness. ^uj&), jtjs^i^ ; neighbourhood, as : ^fg^ ffiresr, one of a different in neighbouring town or village ; ^eusirQ^iu LLjLD ji/L^LhiSlearsarO^^asr^u ji/S'eo&jareinL- Qp^eiiriLi^Q^iflLLjiTjs, even the neighbourhood, do not know what is his evil actions. ^uj/B^ or ^/5^, ^(^^^ ; a five, as : ^(^s^rnh or ^(^sireusj^ fifth, or ^t^s-Qp^jQpsmi—iTi^ei Si^iunuQuem^^msfB ujirdQiLh, even a young girl will be able to make a curry when she has the following three and five things, viz. t-jerU, tamarind, iBsn(^, pepper, ^ui-i, salt, s(B(^, mustard, and Qugld, cummin, which are the five; and the three are Or, water, O/bq^ul^, fire, and eS/pf^^ firewood. N. J3.— This adage is generally used only by native women when they are sulky with their husbands, perhaps in eating time, pecu- liarly in the time of distress. ^usldScst, jijiiLr'Ssisr ; the King's residence, ji/srchesyu, ^iruiziaUj or jnaoDu : fair woman 10 one of tlic four dancing girls in the world of the gods, Q^svQs^nacLo €S)u, ^tr&i. \\\\s. S. 1). P. 725 llAmb'ha. jijuiriSi—u:, mrsi'L-Lc ; the act of filing or po- lishing. ^!nreSlu.Qa>jSso^ nirwi—Qeuds^ ; politure. ^iBsuirsh-iDassBTj jijiBsmTLD^zmTj or ^ (0eiJ it LKSsm' ; a common tool used by the Natives : it consists of a piece of iron sharpened like a knife, wliich being fixed to a plank on which the person sits, is used for cutting fish, meat, kc. in pieces. j^(fh.5=s'Ssw, jijira'ffBowr ; adoration. ^QT)^^LD, jii'iT^sii ; the same as so^^^ design, the meaning of a word. ji/Q^LiGlurrQfiriTr, j>/(r^smLDUJiTewOuiT(fF,3rr -^ a COStly thing. uemui3sssrf^ ; disgust, aversion; as ^cosiuQirn^j^Q^ek, 1 have taken a dis- gust at it. ^eniEiQ^iTffOiij ^e'OfEiQsiTooO -J (from Qsirsiim, beauty, and ^efio, without,) disorder or confusion : as ^f5^<£LLL^Off06iEiQsndsoajiTuSQh,&(^ ; his clothes were huddled on, he was carelessly, slovenly dressed : in general he was quite bare of clothes. ^e^LDueOy eQfeusi) ; the act of washing : this "word signifies several meanings according the application, as : ^eoij>u ^uDe^a^u^u^ixutLQL-eisr ; I am vexed and troubled : (srearsQseSm^^ffOiJD ueo ; why am I so teased, so clogged, so encumbered with business? &^emQu.3=s^ jti'b'OLrueiirs's? ; thy character has been reported every where ; ';s)sujei:tMLS(^ujir ? Did you wash your hand ? ji/eoiLirrfly j>/&)6iJiTifl ; covetous man ; this is very common expression, often used by mothers as an implication when their children arc eager to cat more, thus : jiieimir.flQu, a ravenous devil. /§(Sujsor^eoLDiTifluL3^/r-3^inli—u)nujj);&vuS'Co^; why are you so much desirous to have a thing as a ravenous devil. 11 or jijZ\)<^u^uQ~i/Oj;$i, or ji/ffodsuSdp^ ; to disturb^ to delay the pay- ment for a long time ; ^eoisiiSip^ ; I'ariali expression, the same as euiTLuuuiuLh, plantam ixvni ; QsuS, a fowl, /is;ffir^^ffluS'ieiQssiL-LS.L^uurr6ir ; Pro. if a mean person has obtained wealth, he will hold an umbrella even at midnight. {j);uum is pariah expression.) ^eusi—ii, j^euQsi—LJD ; a wrong, a deception ; an impediment ; as ^endsi—uuemp^, to deceive, to impede, to cause quarrels. ^■eusira^LD, ^surr^u, ; way, means, power, abi- litv,as : j)jeussiQ(frfi}iu^eun3'(ip'SfrefT6usi!; he who possess much power and ability, ^^ffia/rew/r^i^iook;, there are no means of doing such a thing; j^LDLDiT^^ff^^s aiTtiufTs^LSe\i§5\), I liavc no so much possibility ; jif^ ^suirs-uiirear^LBip, that is a very bad Tamil ; ^aj/r/il>u ^su^ea^ or ^(SuerV'ciD^uuLLi^n'sm ; lie was afflicted much by that disease. ^snm^eisir, or ^uid3./J^<^ ; grass, as: ^qwie/slLodc- GnujuQuneo j)/ 3^ tr J, ^ uj u> ir uSi (^i (^li eS'iuiT^s(^ u)(r^ij3umT(millfli3(^pu61(^l£>uL^, j>i^i£6w^^ui^^ipuLi ; (lailv sub^ist- ance. 13 jtjpes)rdap-3ap, ^iea)^^ss^,Qns ; daily, the same as .g>i'«isir,'^L-siJD, ])xo])Cx\y jiici!T(njL-sil -J jijissi^suiS^emipuL^^ daily live- liliond. .sy^wL/, ^LDL^] the same as ^«^^ pi ^sueir ; he who is born as a man, as : ^(^uiSpfu^evdr ^uut^Qs'uJujdsh.i—ir^j he who is born as a man must not act thus. ^ ! QslLQl-Qsst, si, ! OlulLQl-Qsst ah ! I am undone. A lamentation, particularly of women, as if a husband had died or any thing happened suddenly, then they Aviil set their fingers upon their chins and say thus. ^@£/)si(7-eyi2), ■ ^fe^?sanLfu> ; or s^,€vLDLL(Sui ; so long as it lasts ; as : 0'J;^.?QpQp^iTti^23snL^u:, as long as the whole nights lasts ; eiQ^iBirerr QpQ^^^irii^dssriLjiJn Qsu'S3\)Q3'ujujQiTeijireisr, he is hated by every one; ^ja ^-mi^niiQLDir euiT^; this is good for nothing: M Os'iTemm^ eicsr^QsiiUueuir^ I cannot do what you have said. ^uirs'LJD, ^^euiTs'LO) ; disorder, irregularity : as (9)(BiluLDfreuiT3-LDiTiuQua^p^ ; a family is gone to destruction, or ruin, ^@Lo, .^fiy"> or ^iJo ; it will be done ; ^^LDS&irQLCiT or ^&^(2lcit p can this be of use to you? If c^oii) joined to a nyun or verb, it signifies : it may be ! expressing some doubt concerning a i)resent or past thing ; thus : @s^ jt/fiQujinc; this rice is agreeable, or he says that it is rice, he supposes that it is j^ajair6u/E_airfse)'}> ; it is said that he is come or is arrived, eu^oy/r^ti) perhaps he will come, or he or they say that he will come ; ^uul^ujitld it will be so ; j^^usk/Be^dOjiiJi^iMQuir^ or ^t-^'toCSuir^drSuuiBeuiregr, when 15 he becomes good, he will be happy ; /B.reir ji^eu^dSch^t^ixmiuL^ or ^Q3^LDuLf.QuifiQearssr, I spoke to him conformably to his wishes. ^i(^QtrtTo^w, ^^s/Sei^LT) ; angry, Avrath, vehe- ment anger as : j)jsueisrQ(ir^iMu ^s^Q^LDiriSl(rf)iS'(rr^ck ; he his very angry, (this is very common expression). ^lEiaireOLD, ^(■^-ki a it sold ; a proper time for bringing a thing to pass; ^®«/tsoJ), and uj iun9ifi &p^, to long for, to desire one's good or property. ^^irinSlQ^dS'p^, ^„^inTiSlQ?dp^ ; to be in readi- ness ; the same as ^uj^^U)iruSl(r^sSp^, or ^tufTun-iSiQ^sQ^^. ^s'lrifliuesr, ^'3'irfl, ov ^Qf'ium ; master, a priest. ^srv^rresTLD, s^iD^erLD, or ^uirff^esiu ; the roy- al audience as : ^©'(CCjeri'^/rear^i^sg ld^LD ; an asylum, a place of refuge or substance, solidity, strength ; thus they commonly say : ^mSmiueOs'DfTO^esrdi^S ^(C^s-LSeiSoO or ^'S3>l— dssdiSiscSffO ; I have no refuge but thee; ^ir^O/rs^s3(l0i)z^iT'3f>.(Sl^2sviLiLSeoS^ ; ox ^mu^qp iBeids^ ; there is no substance in this paddy, it contains no nourish- ment, nutriment. ^i^ijQ^iresii—, ^i_/rQ^/rsroi_ ; a mcdccinal shrub. jiIlLi-is>, ^sms^eij • motion, jog, agitation, as : ^is^^Q^n-eimfluSeo ^cSiS^suOLnii^, tliis boat rolls much or pitches ; /f Qeuifluj^LLL-Lo!TQu3f(!r^iij ; thou speakest like one, who is mad or drunk. ^(.oaievii, ^^6uu>; pride, arrogancy. ^sssremLD, ^tpesiix, or ^Qpea^ui; manfulness, courage ; the same as ^emSen'Seir^^eisrui, manhood : as ^ip'Stau, or ^ Q^es)u:u^shefreijeir ; a valient man, one behaving like a man. ^ipsaunu ^^uQufTp^ ; to loose one's manly strength or vigour. 16 ^^iTLD, ^^^ffLD ; haste, hurry, precipi- tation, necessity, distress ; as ^.k^inDQuiT^isLDirLLi—fnDpQs^ujQf.ek ; 1 have done it being compelled by incessant solicitation; ^^^uisirir gi;i(g lj^^9ldlL® or LD^^ujih ; a bustling or precipitous person has stupid sense in all his business. ^sktxir, ^i'MiT or ^,3^£iiLbiT ; the soul, ^ii: .^^^LD-iQ^iTipsk ; a bosom friend ; j^jsum ^sSllurruSlLL®^ ; he expired, or departed. ^ihe^^e^L^, ^kes)^Qpi^, or ^kesi^iBi^ ; the eye look or countenance of an owl, the look of simpleton or fool ; as ^i. is added, it has a general sense ; as ujiTQ^ui, all ; and witli a nega- tive ; as LuiTQT^LBsi>2o\i, o\' ^iT^iSSiSso ; no body, no one. (These two words are vulgar dialect.) ^^euein^, j)jsv£iir£^' ; an illname, or fame, or rumour, ignominy, slander, a scandal; as ^£ue\'iT^O(^ SjisiiQujixiTemsij&rT ; she is a great help to me, I cainiot be without her. ^■sSlesit—ujinr ^iijes)i—ujiTiT ; the Lingum or the figure representing by different sexes. ^srorcKL-i^^. ^emn—^& ; a mistress, governess, as : tEiTsk &.esrs(^ ^essrssii—'f9i0ujisrjjj0^ifltu[r^ir ? Dontyou know that I am a mistress to you? N. B. This word is fundamentally rectified only to the superior females of noble family by pariah caste • because they are considered to be the servants of other nations in India; ^gaarswL- male, a master of a family. All pariahs who are under the service of husbandmen, call their land lords ^ssaremi- ; they would receive as hire two measures of paddy every day after their hard labour in the fields. ^^ ^(^^Quir(n^cir ; he has tired much as he pulls out the Punkah all the day long. a burying place, a burning place. 18 ^®fjCsmi—Lh, s>i sSl s- IT iB d.Q 3;ssbT !—Lb: a penalty, line, as : ^'SffiriB^Ofestn—ijOsBir®ff>p^ : lo pay a fine for useless affairs. ^l^iIl^, ^^i^i-i ; contempt as : ^^ldl/ Qusrp^ : to speak arrogantl}', angrily. ^6S)L-(^3=&), ^i—(^ffei) ; an obstruction, a liin- (lerance as : ^i—f^a^sut^ ; a strait, a narrow way : /sirsBrjiiiSL-(^3'eoir tu/SesurQemeir ; I was a hinderance to it. g)£3)t_iiF£OT-L9KrS5r, @ i- .5= 3^ L£ iSl STT^ ; tllC SCCOncl cllil(l of a mother. ^i;!Di^(^LLQi—fT(TrirBfrerr^ e^esdr^sSLLOi—rrd^fBfTerr ; etery other (lay. ^lLl-u>, ^d^L—ih ; pleasantness as : ^O^ asrsQi:i^i—LDiru9(r?,s(^^i, this is pleasing to me, ^/sits^itP, Qeu^^Lo^ex^ireh; the same as dyi /Sliua^n-p, another or strange caste. (When a friend comes to pay a visit to another by night time, the latter will ask him, Avho you ? to which the former's reply would be thus : QeuJs^ix^&^ir6^iiiSo\) or ^(jjoS^^,) ^smsQ^f^Qs^rreis^uQufvair^, ^^Lhu^(^Qs=iTeOsOLjQurr6yir^ ; neither speak enviously nor endeavour to please at the expense of truth. ^/i^sS^U!, ^LLixiQ^siJiT^ ; mode, or this manner. ^oj^p^, Qmsiip^ ; (from ^lu^Spjji^ to be possible, to yield, to go fairly kc. as : ^O^ssrsQaeoir^ ; this thing is impossible to me. ^jsQiULD, irir9iuii> ; a secret, a mystery, [ireu&iuLD vulgar expression of low classes.) ^affOs^x-^iTLD, irs^Qii^irih ; a red powder made of Mercury. ^ffs^euir^LD, ffg^&nT^Lo ; chymistry, Alchymy. (^rjs-isnfT^, ns'eiiiT^ : an Alchyraist. ^ff^BstsrLuiriSl(rf)i@p^, • jjQ3sariuiTuSl(i^sp^j or (T^QturruSn^ apjs to be savoury, tastefnl. ^gi^uuifl/hf.&jni'ic, @^/f^ii) up/s^iS ; even that which you beg, sliare with bcggcrs. ^irs'/siTi^'euiT&Dip, jJeto^trerfJojireinLp ; a plantain tree producing fruits of a sweet (lavour. N. B. The Natives are very fond 19 of this fruit, tluiu any other plantains ; but few Europeans^ do not like this fruit as they are strangers to this country. ^ulLl^luit, QiTLLL^ssrr, or QiTLLuf.J'SfT^.Sefr j the third caste of the fourth tribes of Hindoos. ^jeadliuQf^jTLD, LcirTcoOLDS'fEJi^tMQtsiiLh ; the evening twilight, the time when ^ire^iuzhr was slain by SlL^s^ ; but in ge- neral U3/rSs\)U3 3'/a(^LhQfBfnD, or W!Teill'3'i^U-jlEI3k.(BiLQfBJJLD. ^frLL&ldSlp^,OY ^iTtSbs^dSp^, — QiTS'^dp^, Qirtl^sp^ , to save. ^itlL'K)l—^ Oiru--as)L-. ; the double QitiI.'sol-.u LSein-Ssrr ; twins. ^ffemi—SLD, OircmTi—euu) ; treachery, perfidy, as : QrTsmi—wLDUi-siTp^j to deal perlidiously. ^a'^^LJD, QfT^sui, Of5^s;LD ; blood N. B. The lower classes of the Natives will pronounce thus : Qm^,^LD ; the same as ^^^nin ; but the higher, elegantly speak ^it^^sld or s.^ JTih. General use OirJ^^uD -, (g) is dropped) as : Oir^ssQiMtr®^, l)lood runs. Oir^^dsffOuL^ ; consanguinity, relation by blood, Oir^^dseou iSlQffO OumrOsirenp^ : to take a wife from the nearest kindred. fissTLb : a jewel, a gem, any thing the best of its kind, or liguratively. ^iruLBajLD, QuldlBiuiIi : delight, pleasure, glad- ness, satisfaction, contentment. ^nsijdesiSj jieijaesis, ireSdesis, eosijdsuis; : a tucker, (Village people's expression is loOsijdssys.) ^ffe^uDua^ih, irfr£iiL£ui, Qirsij : a beach ; C/ray^^toTo/T is common usage. ^si)iau>, eodsu), or Oei^ddsu) : Ihe same as ermr, arithmetic, a immbcr. @sOffl;5=to, Oiueieus-LD : a free gift, gratituity as : MQLus!!rsQ)Qiuj€^eu3'LciirujQaudcdQffuj^irQujiT ? hast thou laboured me for nothing or gratuitously. ^ffiisuLDULD, @^^)a/, Oiu^osif, or OiusOsumiru) ; a cotton tree producing fine cotton, the fibres being thin and short, as : ersi>ex} eir^^&eiilQunei) /sireirsir^^Qfi/sQf^esr, I had attended you like a parrot waiting for the fruits of ersc<2/ or cotton tree : a Proverb exhibiting an instance of vain expectation upon any important thing. g)60«(w, Q&>d(^ ; a mark to aim at. ®jsOfEJS, OeOLifLD, fn)i_l^ti> ; a Lac. @6V»Ll©u-a), OoSieSliULDy &)3-Si'.uu> ; the same as 21 etzmsmm, esteem, respect, thus : ^snOemesr i(&)Q&).3-fflujLS>kidso, or &)3Si ujlSs^Ss\) ; I liave no regard for him. ^sdizmri—ek, eoemi—^; mas. ^^ir also means for a kick amongst the rakkish fellows thus : iBir^esraQ&irQf^iffi^^rrQsiT^uQuckj I will give you a kick, ^eoihm^, ereaiesis ; a tree, Zizyphus Jujuba L. Hottler P. 81. ^eOiiun-up.^ eOLoufrt^, or 0^!Tiluir ; the salt sea, Qs^ir^jna^^ &>susmu>Qufr/eusk <^(if,e^trea)suLD^i(Si^isk ; he is one kind of man ; cpQ^nixresisiuit ujQusfp^ ; to speak differently from other people or to show a dis- pleasure by speech, <^(iV)i^!Tee)euiurTiS(if/aSi/D^ ; to be out of humour, out of order, to be different from one's usual state. ^'o^suQ'oia^LJDj laxisuQ&i'ifLh ; a little, as : ^Q^, e^iri—uirssx:^ ; the language of the country of Ladam. N. B. Tliis expression exhibits in general the children's talk thus : ^ih^ui3s'n'haQu3?pj3 s^^irs—uir^e^ or eo/ssL-tr u!ree)Q^ujiru9(T^s(^^ ; This child's speech is unknown to man's un- derstanding : as the language of Ladam, but sometime people would say thus also : as ^/k^uLS.sh'Seir sle^ULSsn^f^efrjvt^uQuiTffO (^etrjpi^ . This child chatters like a parrot. S)sv)ffii), ffOirsiiesaf^ajLD ; commonly s?ihsffix, ^iP&y erroneously j>iip is most elegantly used.) ^,sQal^LD, e^S^Lo ; the art of writing as : ^iBS n^^ei erser^QSii-LU Qs^sreco^^S^iJoQuTLLQi—ek I did sign my name in that receipt : e^Q^i^ is vulgar dialect. @(s£iEisLD, c^iEJSLD ; a sign, or token. @-i), or eosOfTi^Coie^sjih ; plav, sport, a branch of feminine action proceeding from love. ^QffOSLh, or ^QeoSiuu), Qe^Qtuu), or Qeodliuii), Qeosun an electuary in medicine as : Q&osSiwwjh.tl/D^i, or uem/p^, to make ; to compound an electuary. (Qeosth, is the word of Sanscrit.) ^QffOuearii, Qffduesru) ; most commonly Qeou ussnTii ; (I) an aphrodisiac Medicine, Yenerem excitans (2) Cupiditas et habilitas ad coitum, erectiopenis, copulation. Rottler. Q^tSl ; exchange, barter the same as Osn^d'SSffieuir/Eiseo or ufu^^lu @2>-t), erSsd ; leaf of a tree or plant. ^3s\)sufrexiiiijssr^ toJOodsnirsssflujehr^ or eTeosvrresi£u.iS3r • one who sells the leaves of Banian tree. N. B. These leaves are very useful and clean plates to eat on for the Natives, and the above people sell four @fi»r«: ; tenderness, what is young, not fully grown, ^ ; to f^tumble^ aud fall^ to trip. ^j(ry, , (o^lL'S^ 3k.epQpja, ^empuSp^ ; to sprinkle, to scat- ter; in another sense ^es)iru9p^ to make a noise. @oro^ifflj . sTps^Q ; flesh fit for food, meat : as : ^LLi-^eoipff'Sl, mutton u>irLLu^f^pi&, beef. ^p^uQuirSlp^, ^pjjiuQu/reSlpja ; to split, to break asunder, to become separate or disjoined. g)CTru), iSTesrui ; a class of men or beasts. ^esr^^irem, erem^^ireir ; a kinsman. ^eBr(Lp(^3'esr(ipL0fniS(yi^sQp^t ^sS(^,iDSS(er^L£irTu9(ff)Spjs ; to have many relations and dependants, in one union or in one accord, (vulgar dialect Loii5(gi5LD, cjisrerjii).) ^&sTULD, ^'huLD ; delight, dcliciousness, pleasure. ^saruLniriud QslL@p^, ^ldulditujQs^p^ ; to listen with eagerness or delight. /Etrsir Qs&Qssk. (I ask you) is the language of unlearned people ia the Tinnevelly vicinity. ^ssr^, ^•ossr^j ; this day or to-day. SjciireiDpdQevQhQjn'ear , ^vsorSssvr dj^iauQ^euiTsir ', he Will come to-day. ®zisT£6)pissi^ujijQs(r(BLjQuek or ^Si}&ujip(iff2&jeJ!r, ^fioTckatrdss w^^uJiEjQairdlLjQueiir ; I will positively give you to-day ^gu&ujim i« FT-Qp^, FT-Spjsi ; to bestow. i^^sSiidsLD, (compound word) i^isBii&aui ; charitableness. FpOf&>, FF^eo, fT'Q^ ; the white ant when winged : (from /=f, and O^eo) Termes fatale ; comp. ^iapajirecr, Q^isje^ or Q'ffOy as : ^ps(9)iisireiU)^f(i^iTeo, iStpsQ^iS^pSpQ ; 26 the white aut gets wings, when the time of its death approaching. This is said of one who lias been undeservedly raised to a high station. In another sense pfs^i^'^^nLLp^, or pps'&OswLLp,^ -^ to whistle. Fr,f}^^uQun-Q/r>^, FriflisfuQuu p^ ; to be benumb- ed, stifi'eiied or deadened bj cold, to grow moist. ffH-, fpQ) ; a nit, the eggs of a louse. In another sense ft-^ (two) is an adjective prefixed to words which begin with a vowd tlvus : i^jL^uuiui^ujuQusr-p^, to use expressions contained in i^peh. /^/f>«@, , iT-ses)s ; cuhnus or straw for pick- ii^g the teeth. FPirsi^e'jfLDurr, prdisiDsS's^ii.ufr ; a variety of ory- za or Paddy, so called from its being very slender. ppiTi(^LLei'ic9es>s, Fr-ssiRsu.ir(B, a cow which has not a calf. &.ak^siiiJ!T, e.eij/5^eijesr ; a pleased, a favorite or confidential man. s.aiE^Offi^^, ^eum^Qs^^ ; pleasing intelli- gence, glad tidings. s.auD, p-euLD; the earth, the world as : t.euQpif./?:^iruQunQsi>Qu3^(npuJ, (^euu)up/3^fru(cuirei>(ous-r(f>j'eEr;) thou speakest, as if the world were at an end. p-euuiup/b^iruQuneo means as the world flies, peasant talk ^-euiQ^isiQ^uL^Qei) Qu6f(nj'iu. s.sSea^LOM'ii), p^(Si^ji^u>liLi) or s^i^sul^^S'lditlDj or LtidQesrLDjnh, or Q jr e-*/r, or £.©/r ; (vulgar dialect) properly, t-uS/f, life. tL&iiuL^Slp^, s-Sfu/D^ ; to incite, to stir up, to set on fdogs ;) to scare, to frighten away (birds.) ^7 s.uJiT^^, a_j .2^; height. ^^ci^i—easru), or ^LLL-.&r3rm, tLei^emu) ; heat^ warmth. ^i_ik, s.L-LDL^ ; the body : as uiftiurs^LD uf«u 28 u> ; an employment as : e-car s^i^ujOiMsisevr or MOiumevr tL-^^ojixussr Qp; what is your employiueut or on what employment did you engage now. s-us=irih^, ^eusirrs^-j palliation, calmness, patience, alleviation, tranquillity. ^uffffdssvr, ^eu^fudcsm ; civility, politeness, service, kindness, as : ^^sn ^rn a evr i (S)Q>^ ^ ^ tsiufDdcsmQffuj^n^ ; she lias made much politeness to me. e-uCc^^, &.eijQ d9\ ; catechist, e^'Juifliu^Tir used in Tinnevelly shanar christians like uneap for uirca^ way or road. ^uQ^ffLD, j^euQ^BuD ; instruction, informa- tion, doctrine. slu^^ju), s^oj^^ffLD or eLsu^^ireuih ; af- fliction, trouble as : e^eus^jraiLJu'^iEjaiTioCui, the time of fribulatioi;. S-Uir^trenriM, s^eij it ^ n em ih ; the same as liJiifsro.? ; (respectful mode of expression) a handful of grain given in charity. s.uir^, &.&iiT^; affliction, calamity. snLj^j,;iuD, &.iLj^^iijuD, oruL^^^u) ; War, battle the same as a^eareau.^ Quirir. tLuiTojuD. s-euTtuui ; a means, an expedient. s-uiruSl, &.£uiTuS ; an artful person. . &.uu^@pjs, ^up^ or s_lJl9,j3^, or esr^® p^ or 'ssL^-s-^spjp, or ^rrsAlsS^p^ to be pufled up by a swelling from sickness. ^uL-{La:r^'Sp^, e.uLfLCiiTjiip^ ; to sell salt. ^uLjuirirdQp^, s-uLjuirsp^ -^ to make an ex- periment in any new work before others. Note. The Native women taste the curry, usually when they dress it to know the defection either in Salt or Tiunarind. In another sense, ^ui^uirsp^ ; means to defile a girl as : ^a;«Jr ^«a/3srr /sei>s\'U(ir)6ijd^ei) e-ut^urrir^^iTear -^ ho has defiled her in her proper age or lie has seduced her chastity in her projjer prime. aSip'^ir, aSiSiJ, most commonly eri©^ €Ttftf6V), ciiCo^F, ersQ^eo-^ spittle, saliva. s^iBn^Bpjii or s-LS(ifS)pj3, p..lBSp^ ; most commonly ^u iSp^, or ^up^ ] to spit. g_ujir i^'^urrSpjj, ^.^.i^Quirp^ ; to grow high. a.i-'/:.'A.i(3-'^^, sL#/5^(»)6V)ii) ; .1 high caste, a no- ble tribe. 29 ^ir^siLeiDL-, %Lir&sLLea)L-. ; mortar, formed of a black wood;, applied inetaplioricall}! to a stout short man ; this would be ridiculous to use ^snsin e.jrssL~£s>i—Qurrei> eer^ p^^f8r^:/ £u,-Pse)3'(cujirQ:^Qu£s^pjp^ (an iu)- prication) to eat with relish and go to stool frequently. s^iBsoLD, e-(r^etDu> ; care, concern affection. e^iflSp,^, b-ifliSlpjs ; to flay, to strip ofl". ^q^sm^QutrSp^, s_Qh,6ssi(h,'Qufrpj^, to go round as a ball rolling. In another sense, means to die as : sm^uiJmsTLDiTiLjQffair® QufTp^, to die unnoticed, ^eusm^i^LLt—QmeisairLo s-Q^^iQQuir&s?, his whole family is exhausted /f itjQf^sesr^Quireuinu, mayest thou perish ' An imprication. e-f/juLo, (3^'^j (^suih ; form or shape. u-QiTirdsLD, QiTiTssui ; ready money, cash, as : 0;T!rssQiTira'dstsnLjsireiTSj&sr ; a money man. [metal. 2_60<5Lo, or P-Qeoirsth, QeoirevLD, or Qe^irsuj ; the world, s.eiiT^^Sp^, m.€^^p^ ; to make to d^-y by the heat of the sun ; as : rSi^eQCSffO it/eo^p^ to dry in the shade ; com- monly, i§Ilq jiiHssnT^^ffOiTtij S-bimr^p^. gL«\)««5)« ■asQpfhjs, ^ffoieeisd OfiTQ^.rs^ ; the top of the rice stamper or pestle Metaphorically said of him wlio is good for nothin"" as ; ©jsusstl^^^ ei^sddewsi Osn-(i.pi^(pU!r(sSQhd(^£j, his sense appears like the tender branch, of the rice stamper. ^siiri^dOiEire , avarice, niggardliness, stinginess. s.^i^sir, ^m^^sar ; a luiscr covetous man, niggard. e_Oei)irE,QSlpjsi, OffOtriar^p^, to below too humbly for the benefit of others. a.QffOirilu^rff'-j^'sS/D&jiir^ Oe^iTL!.LfQp(^S ; a drunkard. s-Oeixr'Eisir^eijsir, Oeoirisisn-^eii&sr ; a man who never craves one's favor. e.Os\)/r®ffi(g, 0&s^7(Ba(^ ; empty, not solid. This word is peculiarly applied to old woman. e. ffboV) E/« (75 51/ /r(i?, £.sv)6oi.s,^e-o ; thirst as : «7-0)r<5(g^ ^6meesF(fPiipLLL-eoiruSlQ^s(^, 1 am perfectly thirst : elegantly p_ipewp£ii3,Sp^, SLipsssiL-jjjdp^ ovs-uj6if»ri_jjidpj3 ; to become skilled or dexterous by practice, to labour hard. s-npQpjp, ^(ipsSp^, Qiu[n^dQp£3 ; to plough, to furrow. e.ipffl/CJ«/r6V), or ^tpaQsireOy cQ^^^inaQaiTio, or ^aijQaneo ; a goad used to drive oxen when ploughing. s-:rics}^s ; an inflammation in the breast or bowels, an incurable abscess in the body as: esTTLoni em^Osir/np^ (an imprication) to become consumptive. Note. Native women do use the word e.e(TUiir/EsiD^ whenever they have a little indiLCnation on anv one. 31 S-L-Qsirerriet^Sp^, &.s,Qsrrenpj^^ to swallow, io absorb, to take in, commonly euiriiSQsuQuiTLKBsQp^. s.iLs'LLetni—, ^eh-ff'LLes)!—, or ^£S)iTs=fLLeiDi— ; a waist coat. The people of QffirLg(S, in the southern part call for a long coat of Natives 3=Lles)t-. or ^liisudsir ; but in Madras, commonly 0^/r««/r. There is another sort of gown used among the Natives entitled ^isjS or Q/^(Si(^3=LLea)i— ; a long robe which covers the body ; (from jt/iiisw ; the body :) the name is now given to a long gown, reaching to the ankles, which is worn chiefly by Mussulmen. s.l1&2so, s,sn&&\) ; an under or inner cloth^ the lining of a coat. s.LLues)s, s.erruee)s ; a secret hatred or grudge. ^-lLl^uQsus^ld, s.^i3ir(2ajffLD ; the entrance. s.iDisj(:^Sip^, {s^piEj(Q. is an imperative and root of the Verb.) s-pijp^ ; to slumber. N. B. This is commonly used at the province of Palamcottah instead of ^rraQp^, &. as : e.pijQ LLi^tumSiohemnLj, did you sleep child ? ^/SQp^, SL/^uSpjsi ; to snuff up by the nose, to take in by draughts, to suck up, to absorb. s-pjadQ^u-Sip^, s-i=£3Qsi@p^ ; to hear Avith at- tention : the same as mmssflQsapj^ ; or sq^^^muQasp^. s.ppstriflujLh, s^^^siTifliuih ; the thing wliich is true ; as : ^^^^Qffireds^ ji/^^^Oun-Q^ijsni. Pro. by telling the truth what is discorded will be adjusted ; truth is the surest source through life. ^-PfSi—LC), ^^3;i5SL^Lc, or ji/es>i—dee\>u), p^ ^u> ; refuge. s-psun(BSp^, &-peijrrL^pj3 ; to behave towards one, trial one as a relation. ^peSeirQjiQapujiTeisr, ^pQp<3sipiu!Tm , or ^sjsr^^ir&sr ; a relation or a kinsman. ^j}isSi((rf(2ajir, ^j)is(iffQiuiT ? art thou threaten me ? or chastise me ? s-jiv^ujiriuaQsu-Qp^, ^^ii^Qs&p^ ; to solicit ur- gently, to enquire accurately. p.jIULJcin^, e.£}jLDfr&), or s^jvldit, or ^Ssosi^lI. ctnt— ; a cloth, which men tie round the head or carry in their hands ; ;m handkerchief. ^^3cViLf.(>?'ui(Toi-s.^JLDiT£\), is the proper name to tie round 3; the head. In the province of Qs^iri^^I^'fu), QeCf^^^r or ^jvLotr, is elegantly used for handkerchief, but Madras ])e()ple use ^lditsu Qi—erau., or sense, a sma m another of tank, a pool, stocks, prison for the h^gs. , ^^utSp^ ; to snarl as a do cat, to grumble. s-mpSp^ ; to curdle to congeal. p^s^ff-neuLD ; perseverance, encour- agement, fortitude, firmness, happiness, strenuous and continual exertion as ; joy. Pro. ^■f3'iTisijiEjOs[resBi(blLn3'0!i3'^frsij(n^m-^ he is transported uith ^^3=eou!rLL(B or &.i^euutTL ^LJu!T3L9.6isrL^LD ; Q. grcat wit. eijearenftuL^ ; act of attending to, or act of observing. g>6rr gj,s^iuL^ or uj,SuL^ ; a guess, cou- jectare. ^^(^■ff&i or s-(^3'si ; a swing, a song in swinging. setrs-ds/S ; curry grown naucious by keeping it till the next day. In another sense ^eajFuuL-u^snifluju) nsn'^uQuir^s? ; the thing which he desired he has not got. msLLKBSipj^, mzLLL^p^ or somLp^ ; to nurse by putting food into the mouth, to cherish, to suck when applied to beasts. ^aesdiL-iru-L^-io muLLu^esrc^L-L^iuiTi^sk he is like a kid that sucks two she-goats ; that is, he gets nothing by serving two masters. eenemuiri^, muluiric^ ; ]jctel-nut taken after dinner or supper : commonly Q::u^^Sc^uasya^, LSsrsij sq^&i, properly ^iTUiLj^eiiJi; is respectful mode of expression for betel-nut, (tiJarffl/ ^oja/) is vulgar dialect, mn: huirsOstrifiiu (^dknuirdsirevtr^ ; Betel-nut ought to be eaten after dinner or supper, at any other time it is impossible. esirjuS/D^, pssi^p^ ; to blow, to blow the fire, to kindle. esssmi—a>^uQuir&!UQ^^ir3^» ; all my days are lost, as the dream of one who it; dumb. 58 psmirSlp^, msLif^pjn ; to crawl as an iiifantj to creep as an ant or a snake as : (oT(rf)ihi^!is,seii(e^iLjiJa even a stone will waste by an ant continually creeping over it. Pro. Meta. Practice makes perfect. vciLirijaQuirSip^^ sssth^Qurpj^ ; to continue creep* ini?. ; a sparrow. •.esrpsSLi>SS/a^, CSfLzSirisLLp^^; to eclify. msiessBp^ ; to lean, to set. ssuzir fi sQ s lL@ p ^ , mnissfKSsdSlp^ ; to put many questions, to hear attentively. earsBT^Sffi/rei), s^^Q^n-eo ; a prop, a walking stick, a staft. esiLdr/£luQuiuSipjsi, msLcs^uQuuSp^s ; it rains inces- santly. QT sTsc^Qp^, GTsp^ ; to contract the belly. i-j, erJ^S^^Q^Loq ; a disease spread- ing over the body in itchy pustules. enJ-QsmL., sriSlssiu- ; as much space as a sesamum seed will cover. eTLL&auB, OTi^.fcxf?; the common name for 33 female fiends, attached to the service of Durga and frequently maintaining like a sylph or fairy an intercourse with mortals. Wils. S. D. P. 701. Bottler. erLLiSs'LctrsssTLh, ejchiSfinairesyrui ; one of the stan- 34 aards of measure with the Hindoos ; eight of the sesamum seeds make the length of a grain of Paddy, and eight Paddy seeds, that of an inch. B. D. page 2GG. ereme^snu)-, er(i^3^&iu^ ; an account book, the multiplication table. erc^Tuju, eriMu^; eighty or 80. eTe^ ULpuiQuiriijsvirisiQsijiT or stsSIlB 3^3=1}) u Lp unQ u .riusu IT /ij Si syir go and buy lemon fruit. er(ipuuiSlpj3, eTQ£up^ ; to awake, to rouse, to excite, [erii^up^ Pariah expression.) erQp^Qp^, eiQp^p^ ; to write, to paint, to draw. [sTiLj^p^ Pariah expression.) sT^irdSpj!), er^sp^ ; to oppose. In the same pronunciation sr^iSp^, to ejaculate. er^irs-iTLL^, sr^a^s^inLQ ; counter-evidence, contrary testimony. er^iT^^SpSp^, er^^jsSipjs ; to resist, to with- stand. (ST^iT/Eeau., €r^/56TOi_ ; acting perversely, or a small opposite hall in the native houses. eT^iTurriTdSlp^, er^uuir&Sp^ ; to look forward, to be in expectation as : e^^sfr{Baj.i^s Qa^uuir^jp^QanemTi^Q^sQ p^, to hope for a thing, to be in expectation of a matter. (sfk^ssir^i^nsil.(Bu>, eri/esir^fSneiJiKBu) ; whatever the wind mav be. (STLbQb-oiraiiM, ' efixiQffurexiLh, or ^U)(2sOfr£jLD ; the place of the deceased, the purgatory of the Hindoos, the kingdom of enoesr. N. JB. The Natives conimoniy talk sri/iGsv/rguo), in another sense, greatness, plenty, abundance as: weeiLD tJu^QsiiTe^iMQuirk'SUQh^ rain comes abundantly. sTiflSlp^, erifluSlinjii ; to burn as ; ss^ssar QwsisrOpiflQp^ to burn with excessive heat or ^(V^^OamO/DiflSfi^ to burn with crackhng noise ; ^suearuLLi—es)^ i^dssrssuQuirtsp^ii) evsij'^ir /fliL/ji7 it grieves me when I consider what he has suffered. sT(T^(LpLl€nL-., eSlffL-L.^, ov witlLl^ ; cow-dung dried by men or women in Solathcsura ; other places commonly s^jTrru-L^ but in Madras sr^LhilQi — iM ; the ripe fruit of the lemon tree. N. 13. Li : srefi, rat lBs^s^lo more, uipLD, the fruit {uSj^itld take care.) (sis^tB'fs^LDuipLDuii^irLb ; take care the fruit because there are plenty of rats in the house. This is a ridiculous expression among the Natives. srnomLiQp^, erQ^iiup^ or sri^ixup^ ; to arise. as; L^ em sO tu (i£ il i-j ^ 01' OiuiLjLLL^jp, the smoke rises, (^ilildl-i,^ ; the same as eriLjeij (A'ulgar dialect.) toTQ^u^, isTQ£&i^, or eriLjaj^ ; seventy gth^ eu^ ; vulgar dialect. ereti^esiLD, QuJi^ejsu) ; poverty,as : Q^/tlcQi^Ou} ^LpicmLaQuQs'i^, speak not of poverty even to a friend — ggOTcrooy. sTiuuu}-OujrEi(n^zk so he says ; [Gij)Sip^, e^ui^isQpsSlp^ ; to feign weep- ing. ^uL^ffeij, ^uujre^ ; obligation, duty associ- ation. e^^a^SiQpjj, i^f^Qffidp^ ; to leave a door a-jar^ a half opened. ^(e^3=fB^^uu®dSp^, e^i^^fflJ^si^u u'Ssp^ • to lie side- ways. e^QdQ^Qpj^, s^^spjn; straiten, to tighten, to compress. ^LLQuQufT(BSp^, isp'—(SuQurr®p^ ; to adjoin, to patch, to lie in wait. s^lLl-sw, fS^'-'SJiijjfjewisroL-; camel, (Madras expression gjsOTr^-roi- but in G^^/ripG^^^Lo, e^cLemi ) QLlesi— in another sense, measure, the length from the end of the thumb to the end of the forefinger extended. c^em®Sp^, ^emnlir^ • lean against, to ap- proach. e^9iULDfnj), or ^QtMuu), cp^ ; a tree : Odina pinnata. Note. This tree be converted to no use, whence it is proverbially said of those, vrho have a specious appearance, but are fit for nothing : ^^,Qu(rr,J:^>f^^Qi^'r ? llio' the Odiua tree grow ever so large, can a pillar be made of it ? (^^iejqQ/d^, or s^^jb'^p^ e^sp^ ; to retire, to give ^va^v to movC; to foaiiient; sji^CTDr-sQ^s/D^, or ^^^Qu/r(iip^, Tinucvellv people, use ^l-&Pj^ instead of e^^/D^. (see page. 2.) s^Q^ijcesnh, c^Q^Lcesrs? ; unanimity, concord. fi^j3 ; to leak, to drop through. 9Q£&^'r-^} <^Q£'^PS' ; to drop through the roof as rain ; to leak as a cask. ^skjULD^iuiT^SSUchr (^loisr ^''jldjB uj it ^en ek ; one who knows nothing, (exhibiting one who has no much wit.) ^L-LhsS®S/r)^^ ^i^u>e^Qus?p^. (jt/ffuiSlLULD, Pariah expression.) c^^Qp/uuQ^lSI is an iinpl)ing to a female sex, but ^irQiuirifi for males. An imprication. (SiS(T eis>'su , jijwmsu ; a reiiowiicd woman among the Hindoos lately performed a penance. sssih, j^iQsrr ; tlie armpit. sis^ih, sdS^u) ; difficulty, hardship. &s,(^Qros!, asSip^ ; to vomit, to have a hooping cougli. Commonly ss(^siitrsk. Note. The Natives are afraid much for this distemper which generally attacks the children ; i. e. an infectious sickness or a coutageon. sa^&Qp^, as'sp^, emsdklp^ ; to be bitter. s3'i(&)Qtp^, s.a'sp^ ; to rub with the hands, to work softly, to wring. SS-k^Q^^pSi, S&m^(l£eSlp^, or ^Q^aSdJQ^sSp ^ ; to weep bitterly. ss's'eiinLi-.Lh, Qs'QsotTLLi—LD ; a squabbling, a brawling, a quarrel, a chiding, or scolding, strife. ssufnii^^, eeuir^^ ; the same as ^ilj^uiB lIgtos^, Military exercise. SI— sua, SL-suLc ; bracelet of gold. at—(r<3iS-p^, @i—nsijp^j st-n&p^ ; to throw a stone, to drive a nail. st—uutresip, sLLt^uutreap ; an iron lever. si^irjJfBrrir^an^, Sli—irjTfsmr^es)^; a citron tree. sup-euireiTLb, &(B iik^^LLu^ed up.d9pss>ido (Xpsilcmeijsas3i.i-BM, I cannot bear the bad smell which u in thai house ; ss>jsi^9p^, to come to an ogrcement. 41 «Quir^u3, sui^^LD, ^Qeuir^u), or sQuir^ ; a dove, pigeon, simpleton, blind, stupid. This word is especially used for the man who neglects his business as: ^ih^ iDssH^icm ^iS&subQ^uit^ iMiTi^Qfji^ QeuSoOuiTiT^^ piB^ask, he has forgotten to tie the tally in the nuptial pomp. Tliis proverb is metaphorically used to him who is negligeucy in the affairs of im- portant. ssQiLjSLD, or aeiOL-iLj^LD, sehlsireOLD or s&i^wlh QiUSULD : th e iron age of the world, which, it is said will continue for 432,000 years. 11. a^suii, seowih ; a small grinding stone, a mortar used chiefly for drugs. ^^(^irenrLD, seoiSajiresrth ; arts and sciences, of which the Hindoos specify sixty-four. &&i^Sp^, Os2oo^ ^s@ emsv^Q^ek, I have set a stone upon the leaves which could be flown down (the leaf which would be thrown down in the sweepings of the streets after eat on :) Meta. I have protected him when he was in the state of forlorn. A word of reproach.— The word a^^, implies another meaning as : aeods^uuLLt-eusk- one who is defamed, or scandalized, ssa^Qs^iup^, to defame. spOufrsrflSlp^, se^QuiTL^uSp^, to pick a mill- stone, &c. spp'Bo^, or <5^^^j sp^^a'hff, .s^^^Ssrr ; a sea-fish : Joh- nius of Bloch. E. seucssflj S(Sjmsfl • a very fine sort of cloth or muslin of India. N. B. This word is only used at the Province of Palamcottah, but in other places s^itldu, iSeiai—esysu, lol^. senem, ssvsssn^ ; a sling as : ssueain^Oiu ^iSp^, to sling. seuir, «ffl;(g ; the same as LDirdQ^n-uL-i, a bifurcated branch as : ^^seuQ^ii'Sui-jLbfrssruijnh, tliis is a tree with forked branches. seun-Qp^, sw(tf)p^ ; to plunder, to steal, to lust after : as the meaning of usurpation. severTLD, seuirmLo ; a mouthful rice as : eTe3rdQsir(r^seijirm^p^, he has looseness. «(jp@, «Gpffl/ ; an eagle. s, or SG^euFLD, or seafiisS jTLD, or ■sffl'fesru: ; srfldSlp^, V. the same as ulL^im, love. smuGi^LDf «ev)aSQ^ii), sirtMei^u) • sin, dirt, foulness, derived from Calmasha. sskjv, aem^i] ; a young plant of any tree as : LDir/iisem^ a mango plant, &c. N. B. aek^u is used also for the calves of cows and buffaloes, which cannot by any means be called simply ©l^'-J^, but say thus : sek^ or semr^^i^ sshr ^S(^lLij^ or ss&hir^sd(^LLL^. — uar<^eisraeme^Qxu0r(^eisr aem^js(^LLL^. But of horses and asses, we may say either (Si'-^'-9- or w/S thus : ©^ miTLD/SI, s^es'^Lc-^. And for the young ones of harts, camels, and elephants, the following words (^lLl^, ssir^, sem^n, Lmresrsem^}], (^LLes)L^S£BssBr^ii,ujtr25ardrreir(^LLL^f &C. are used. A ridiculous poem, erroneously made by a boy of seven years old thus : j>/^ (n^eSiun-iT ^ski^/DiSlQeo ^e^uSearsesrjyj, tSleketDpOiuSieoir/i ^eirjjJ s'lrek a^stSsBrr^fTemihf s sir <^ lu rr ^ n" ear ih ; the act of giving a daughter in marriage without receiving the customary gift or dowery. 65 /r ffiTsl^u)^ siTuSI^LD ; a paper, a letter : S(n/Q is used by rustic. sirssiriLiuQuirm-, srrdsiruQuireiir ; brass-leaf, or gold-leaf, tinsel, glittering like gold. 40 sfra^irek sa^^smnrujsrsr ; watchman^ keep- er; the name of a demon worshipped by the low caste. (ji/uL^iair ^^rr^ ; a celebrated thief.) s!reiips!rjreir, . s it eu ijpQuirp^; to drv. striLii^Qs'iT/Sl, siT(^QffiTrS; tlic uamc of a plant. siTLui'si-LjLf, arrs=^ut-i • the same as -fsulKSu Lj, salt produced from the earth impregnated with soda. airujSlp^, siruSp^ ; to be hot or heated to be warm, to be red-hot. 47 .airi'ua^s'eo, sira^&e^; dryness, fever, dry weather, ^sussr urrQsirs^a^e^.T iSl(T^^ or 3'sosijiTss}^s(^LjQuir3,Quir^ Qs^^^irsir ; he died when he was very near to approach to that country. QLLt-ir^aQsi) OeuLL Qu-esTLop ; what cannot be bad, must not be desired — Avi. SlemQQmrek^QffQpSp^, &^iid(^9^js0sgsr,'S(i^LScD^, or (^^^(^;i^iSl(ff,LB/o^ ; to cough with a wheezing sound. Qesc,r®Sipjs, Qsmi—p^ ; to stir the pap with a ladle. Metaph. to search, to make diligent inquiry, to prompt. ^(snzhr ^uesdrQi—rrQF/eSzms^ ersij'Sssrd Si sm u^u uir dssn m ^ ir s'sr ; hc camc once or twice with a speculation of enquiring the matter. Qik^an-ffizhr, (^ih^sirsosk ; mal, (^k^^iTis^ fem. a hobbler. N. B. The Natives will cautiously examine the bride, before they could marry her, whether she has a hobble walk or not. If she has not it, they would gladly take the girl by wedlock ; and they observe excessively such as these bad signs, (like ^Q^sSevirei), a.(BiLj(r^aiih, kc.) in negotia- ting a Avifc cither for their sous or kindreds : fearing that a great danger just as death or penury would sur- render and ruin them bitterly — through this means, several daug-hter-in-laws, after having received cursing and imprecation by their mother-in-laws, had dared to give up their lives under the subjection of many revenges. This bad and wicked persistence produces from the false stories of Hindoo pooranams — Pro. ©i^ sirdl QufTpeSi^ui (^^esureoiriuLnuaip, wherever (Bride) the hobbler could go by marriage system, will not be prospered i. e. destruction will take place. Sinsth, SffeuLD • house, a planet, com- monly (^^jSvsnsij^ ^aD3=uJiTuQu/r(T^^, ^-iesiSj ^<35lx>, ^£ii, and j^sld. are used only by the Brahmins. QirQdSl/D^, QfFldlsQp^ ; to take, to seize, to receive, to accept, to comprehend, to conceive, to gain over a person. Qffujiii, QsmiriuLD ; price, value, sale : as OT6<5rfiS'Lls5)i_ airei)dSl^ff)iruj^^u.'jS!p^ to plait cocoa- nut-leaves. (3 (^s^L-QiTirsti^ (^eivi—QiTtreuu) ; leprosy. (gi_©, ©i-®/ ; Goorg country near Tellicherry. (^L^QiLij^Qp^, (^L^Quj^up^ ; to settle in a place. <^lL®Spjp, fS^P^ ; to buffet, to strike with the fist, to clout. @CT3r©i^rLltf , (^'smic^i—3'LLu). ; a round pan, a pan made like a ball. O^ero/r, (^^mir (gQen^ or o/f«o/r ; a horse, (^.Mxe^n-, Shauar^s speech. (5^/r, ©^/r, or 0^05 J (!5^ > recep- tacle for paddy or grain made of earthen hoops, (gjiyieroff, a very nice word used generally by Tinnevelly people. (Verbal noun.) @^^eco«, (^^^etneu ; rent, tenure, contract. m,^^®p^, (S^P^ '} to beat in a mortar. (^ih3;sui, (^ns^eiiu) ; hiudcrance, obstacle as : i^k^^se^iurrfmii (^i^^euLDirdjQurrs's^ ; the wedding has been ob- structed ; i9,'Sv«T^^siTiBiu^£ss(^ (^isiisiiLhsuija Qwi^^^ ; an obstacle occurred to the intended work. Q,/s^@p^, <^i^pjp ; to go a tip-toe, to sit upon the legs, (^LDiL®Sipjp, qixlLl^p^ ; nauseate, to loathe. ^isxotriMU n 3? , (^LL'uentsnTerv ; the name of a fish. (^iBefi, (^(LplS, (^(er^/s^eus^esrih; a friendly espres- sion. (^'SfrHrk^Qsirerefi]^ (^(er^/B^Qsirsrreffi-^ a cold fire or fire brand ; in another sense ^(^ih^QsireneB, one who slanders another by fair words with a kind of gentleness. (^efiir^ui, (^(^(oSiLD ; coolness, gentle, cold disease caused by cold. (^t&^ues^uQ^sU}, (^(6f^uss)UQpeui}i ; a swollen, puf- fed face. (S^eijSlpjjp, (^(i^i^p^ ; to be sad, melan- choly. (^^QslLQp^, (y^/BQss,Qp^ ; to consult a for- tune teller. This kind of custom is excessive whole India ; chiefly amongst the heathens, in order to observe, or ask signs or tokens in the pagoda of Deity : for any kind of their good or bad fortune. @/SluOuQ£^Qp^, (^,'SuQuQp^p^ -^ to abbreviate to abridge, to brief or shorten the words in writing. (9)^s(^uueisis>Sj i^^'d(^LjussicS)su ; a cross plank, (^^iiEisppSs)}, ■ (SFf^iis^^'^r -J a fish. (25^/5cro« or (^jjj/^SifluL{, (^(^QifluL^ ; a smile, simper. (^jruO/s/Tiu, OsiTiiOs!rir^^,QfB!rLu ; rice much bruised by beating. @(55)^0ir^eij Oesrsisr^ Qs'ireosoediriJo, we may freely say that he is shameless fellow by his evil deeds. sk.®2p^, eh.Lfp^ or -Sf^^p^'; to meet one, to join with another. ,9h.L-e^siJiTuj, .ffii-L-isOajj/r ; a gutter. ai,.LQ.suiTrw@p^, -sh^L^euirQpp^ or ■a^uf.eiJirL^p^ • to live well together. ■!}?ulL(BSip^, 3i^.LLp^ ; to join^ conjoin, to compound, to assemble, to bring together into one place. In another sense, means sweeping QuQr)S,p^, eSetrdp^^ mjiriBp^. e^CJBiStjh i^aiD, .sk-iL® eu it ^ ^eu i}) , or sh.LL(Bds3'-f 6VI-LO ; a trade in partnership. si^^iT, 3^^'k), or 'mis'^, ©i£rf?/fs, sk^ipaeisis ; maimed hand. Sr^&nipfSiB, (^ipiBiB, or (gjL^iBiB, or ^mipwffl ; a fox. S^QDLp(ipLLL-, ■5h.^(LpLLeS)L- OX 'Sh.QpiletSiL- ; a rotten egg. s^tpuLOiLu^, ^a^ipiTQpLLu^, .sk.LpfrLcuLLL^ ; a dull and coward man : N. B. This expression is often used among all the classes of the Natives by various terms, (see synonymous section) whenever they see a man who is unable to execute his business as simpleton. 54 Sf^ssrasLpwcsr ^ ~s^esrshr , or sh-SisraSlyjeusisr ; au old crook or huuch-backed raan ; A. Poem — «i.63r«S;pffl/iar 0«ff(S'i@ti) udsmiuiM^isf) fB!resr&(;^ipsO!TiLj fBeis>!TULfsssrQi—(r (^sS/Ds9£S(B£i/r^) is there gray hair in monev, which the old man could afford ? Qssse^Os!TLL®Spj^j O^d seS u LjOs fTLL/D^ ; to shout. OsiL^i^iflsip^, OsLLt—dcO(i^s^^^iBu^p^ ; to lead in lewd course of life. QSLJDLSiiOiE[TZSSr(BlQuiTQp^y Q/ELD iSl dSlctT^Q UfTp^ ; tO gO OU roaring- and raging, the same as ^uSi;Sli,0siT^T(£i2uiTpj2 : Qp^iiliSl ek ^Quirp ^^ the gate of a fort or fortified place. Qs Qsj^suir^, Qs>sij(Tf,j or QseSlq^ or Qsuu ; a grain : Cynosurus Coracan L. R. Qsi—sih, QsL-euLD ; a shield. QslLSIP^, Qadp^.ovQstpdSip^^ OV Qssk dp^ • to ask, to interrogate, to demand, to question. Qsexf), QeiSiT^ ; a small well : ^^ffl/ a large well; Qsassfi is general talk in Tanjorc. Qs(TF,Sp^j Qsdaifldp^, or Qs^iaiBdp^ ; to cackle as a hen, to cackle. QsLLufrirQud3?Qsu.Qp^, QsuusrirQudsi-Qsdp^ ; to be- lieve every report. Qa-isnS, Qsi^eS^Qs'^; questions, science, erudition, justice liearing the complaints of others, as : ^^ear Qsip (^uSei) l8s (Lpumpsuisk — this strophe, hath two sentiments, one, he is well versed; another, he is ready to open his ears as a chan- nel to the flatterers Q^tp^iuppuLLL-esiTLn, most commonly C^tpefl QpzsipiSleiiS'OrrsiuiLi—esdTix), a town without justice. (c«CTrffl/, QssmsS or QsL^iBj ; freight as : auui QsifiS}^sQfd ^irdQs^i^iTji ; to embark goods on board for freight ; @Lpa)Lyi(3(J/C?tj/rffl;i suud QsipeSOujeiiii^ ? What is the freight to go to Ceylon. esissiKBSp^, &,^ss,iLp^ ; to fold up the hands together. ' e!os^6^/r_4F^, S'S-fftrA^) an invoice^ n list of goods^ the same as ^^rrus:ir. e^sips'K^^'^p^, ecasfEfTL-p^, or cs)s;OujrrLJuixes)Su apsi ; to sign, most elegant for owner's signature QffiroD^eSSl/sui. Note. This mode is pretty indeed, however, is not very common in the vulgar language, except the writing a note of hand &c. ems^^sud(3j^ es^s^utrdSl, or €SisQ^n&fl^^esnh, siueurreflJi^ssrLh ; (v. d ) a great ■wickedness, or craftiness. €s>SLuir(ef^Qp^, eosuJiTL^p^ or (stsiSiurrlSp^ -^ to handle, to use, to practice upon; as: ^iL^^^£m^sea:Sjiieuei ; tenacity. es)siQsiT'crreu, suStsiQifluju) ', cliaritablc service, (a kind of secret association, amongst the vishnoo sects.) e!!)sujfnh^ses)fr, emsiun-ii^eoir ; medicinal plant ; Eclipta prostrata. L. R. etnfBLMLDiT^, su>LDir£i! ; a kind of betel leaf darken and stronger than the common one. Its juice is to be poured to the infants of 3 days : lest the cold might touch them. OsfraQsiTSLD, QairaseiJili ; a treatise in wluch four different characters of women and their behaviour are des- cribed. 0siT-3?siM, QstTiuffSU), ■ t^s'suessTih, Osir^euessnh, (^s'suim ; the folds or plaits of a woman's cloth. 56 Osirs^eii ; a musquito, raoschetto, a gnat. QsiTL^^, 0sir(Bl3^, Q SIT 1-^-9? ; the joint of the jaw bones, as: ^^Q^nQs^w^^uQutra's^, your jaw bones became very thin. Qsir^eurriuilsk, OsiT®euiTLEs3r • a fish ; Port. Peixe Nairo. R. QarTLLmi—S&9l, 0an-LLt—ir(^9l, or OsirLLi-iiBiTa' Q QsirLLu.(Bis3'&, QiTLLeiai—, QsFiTLLeint— • the shell of a cocoanut. In Palamcottah, people commonly say SliTLLeisL- ■ the use of OsitlL L.iEisiT3^&, would be very filthy indeed. OstrCi-SLD, Qsn-LLi—euLD, OsinLi—L^P^irQ^euLo ; a cow house. OssnLL-iruSL^ or OstnLi—irut^e^, Qainl-L—iruiS ; a beater, an instrument for beating — OsiTLLi—irLDULLL^, a country in southern parts, where common sheets, are woven for the use of natives. u/_L^ — a village of 10 or 15 huts. Qs!rL:.ei5)i-s^p®{D^, OsiTLLmLsirip^ ; to spin cot- ton. Qsirem^an^, (^ak^^s^f) ; tale bearer, one who brings an officious or malicious intelligence. Osiri^^/D^, OsiT/h^rp^ ; to gnaw as a rat or squirrel &c. Metaph ; Osirk^p^s, to make trouble with urgent request. OairiMU, QsiTuLj; a branch of a tree. In another sense, it implies a kind of jewel or ornament for the upper of the ear, worn by women. 0«/r^L/, renders the various meanings according the application, as : Osirihuj, stick, alcl/, raggy ; this should be known by pronunciation. OainhLDLlt^, (SlolLl^ ; watcr-mclon. Osire^S^SljD^, or Osir^QffiLQp^, Osireip^ ; to kill, to slav. N. B.—O^i-LQSp^, j)/l^s3/djs, j>/£usSlp^, OsireosniSnr)^, although these are the verbs of transitive, yet the beginners should carefully judge what verb might use in the sentences as; If you say M fBirf&Ts^ 9(5 ^i-LsOTi_« QsrTcsd03=iuu.iQeuesi>r®ui ; means you must murder a sheep to-morrow ; therefore the participle verb j>i^^s, should be used instead to O^/r^O^uJi/j, then it will indicate the meaning to cut otf a sheep for eating ; Vulgarly, /f /E/rSsirio 55(5 57 Os/rgvoSi—ii), QsirsrroTL-Lh, or 0«/ren-(Srfli_ii> ; the river Collarum, Colroom, lit. Qsireo kill, ^(—ih a place — Qsirsh- (e^^Qsireh- the liguminous plant ; this word is not authorized to speak whatever with the women of Tinnevelly ; — they say it is a scurri- lous and immodest word to be heard amongst them, and, kindly advice to use sirem-LD instead o{ Osirshi&t) ; ssfrL^ or Qsn-npQstruiu a prop for supporting vines &c. In another sense QsrrQ^Q^iruu; indulgence, condescension, as; L?eirrSsr7-«@a; QsrrQ^QsirihL^ Qsn®^s P(gB)6b ^^ e^'^mu-uiSN p^sip, Qarr?&T ; phlegm, thick phlegm, the same as sirs^th, suih : a timid, a pusillanimous person, N.B. — ■ The people of Soleythesum, repeatedly say the word Qsneaip but in other places use as follows : Q6sir2siT, as : s-eusQsir'^&T, one timid in speaking before an assembly. QssfTssj3£iiu2, seij^^si'Lh ; the same as Qajirfih, deceit, danger, '^smk (oTuQun-^jib siBj^ieu&srrijm ; he is always a deceiver, or a double dealer, ^jQ^eoeOT'Sj seij^eusuipd^ ; all these cases are barratry. — Qaswi^Lcear is the name of a ]\loonee, who cursed Indra (the king of god>; for stealing his wife. OsmiSssTLD, QsiT£U6oe!Lb ; commonly; Qsitld emtl), i^QSsi^, u>L^9, two is fortune, a;Ll:_LD,ij^>?r Lciraj^sLD, five is best, euuQsuQff-ni-o^ 0LDir(r^'BiT6k(^, _ fourth is arrival, &iLksi!T^, eighth and seventh arc bad, 50 ^^j^m^£ ^gu .oeht (n^(^iJc, sixth is goodj s'LLL-Qpi—Qesr Qpsffr^vO^-irew^ih ) and three, is the surest 7 s" itQ au Q ^ rr &)£!::] fB fiuun'Q^. ) of death. j s^stELDsnTLD, 9. 1— 'Ej 3^ iLes) L-.(? oj IT eo ; the burning of a woman with the corpse of her husband. This is postponed in the parts of India^ by the favourable preservation of the English Government. ff-ss'LD, ffojs'Lh, or s'sffiM ; the natural state, or disposition, as : ^su^sS^ s'ss^ixurujQufrs'c^ ; this is be- come habitual or natural to him ; (^^a/j^ii). is low expression) — see syno : section, j)ji^^^€ss?les)UJ s-sg^Londj or a^nsfLLtVLu gj^aS^ Os^frea eSdQstr®, tell a reduced price to that clothes. s's^eaek, or ffsuiru^^ s^ssisk, or j L^eQd(^(^ 0.fi/EiTujd(^ SeirQpu./rd(^ij) (^rre£d(^Ll) Li^d(y^L})i£LL, OL—^ ff-EiSir^^ QpsiwQL-ir Oeusrr'ScrT/sir&j eQ(rfjUusxjQe^^d ^euiriuLLinu euiriaSQeareir ; I have bought it for a cheap price. ^SldSlp^, ffiiSldp^ ; to suflTer, to bear, to endure, to undergo, to pardon ; commonly, Qun^dp^, ^/s^iBdp ^j ^i^<^p^, &c. as: ^eueiir (^essr aes) if, d ffi^dauUL-ir^ ) his temper cannot be endured or borne with ^cet^u Quirjpidsd L-i3eii^ or fflS^eoSi), uj'SiJirss)UJffsup^ ; to be on the point of speaking without doing so. N. The Tamulians,have no regular verb for smoking the cliooroots,or cegars. Madras usage, is going on by the word #(5i_L®«@tf iS^jj ; lit: drinking the chooroots ; but in the side of Jaft'ana, by the \\ox(i3r(rT)il.(B3-uLj&p^, lit; smok- ing the chooroots or cegars. -s'LDiT^^eir, ffLD^k^^ek', an accomplished, qua- lified, capable man. ffLDif^^, ^LD^^ ; fern. a^Lorr^^, or s'lrLon-^^iuLo, ffiok^, or ff^ruar ^-.^luuiy or a ^.(7^€S)LD ; it is difficult to have the Presence of a king. ^^LoS/Djij, ^ss>LDuSir^ ; to'^be made, to get ready or make ready, or to grow marriageable fit fur wedlock ; as: ee!3LL(^&(i^iQnr) QuesdT^ a marriageable girl, sfflQiuffOeoiTi^ ^etsims^s^ira^ •5?, properly s/3Qajs0Bi)ir(^ &j(r^®(njsk isvlLl^so Os^mQu e\}eoirL£) e^^ui^pLDijiLi eoisuiLj/Eissrr (A word of reproach) keep aside all the brass vessels into the house, because the thief who feigns himself honestly is coming. ffixu.i^iT, s^u>Lci^ir ; the name of an illus- trious person, of whom many marvellous stories are related. s'LJDuih, ^LLUih, (^(nj'ui-i ; ostentation, pomp, pride, as : ^ or Sevir^ih ; the pearl fishery; commonly Qp^^s^^ieoneuLo. ^eQems, eu sn-LLL^iQenek® euib^irshr, he brought a protector along ■with him. ffeuirrfl, (is derived from the Persian Sauvari.) ^wsuirfi ; a con- veyance, a promenade. ^^iMUireaia^, Od^-^ Lnuireis)*^, or ^irojuirct^c^ • the mother language. Sanscrit, is highly estimated in India as llie langunge of gods. (H°^''?'^) 05 Note. — " It may be necessary here, to say something of the " origin of language, connected with the study of Indian verna- '* culars. On this subject, we will quote from Dr. Adam Clarke. " The proper names, and their significations given in the Scripture, " seem incontestable evidences, that, the Hebrew was the original " language of the earth — the language in which God spake to man, " and in which, He gave the revelation of His will to Moses and " the Prophets. It was used, says Mr. Aiusworfh, in all the world " for 1,757 years, until the captivity into Babylon, when the holy " tongue ceased from being commonly used, and the mixed Hebrew " (or Chaldee) came in its place.'' " The Arabic, Cltaldee, Syr'iac, " and Ethiojuc, still bear the most striking resemblance to their " parent, the llebre^v. It is very likely that the original language " was composed of monosyllables, that each had a distinct, ideal " meaning, and only one meaning. The Chinese is exactly such "■ a mono.si/llabic language, — and the Hebrew, if stripped of its *•' vowel points, and its prefixes, suffixes, and postfixes, would near- *' ly answer to this character even in its present state.""^ To *' Clarke and Ainsworth, we shall add the testimony of Mr. Wm. " Banks. " An examination of any language will show, that, in " adapting it to the progress of knowledge, men have more fre- " quently had recourse to a change of termination than to invention. " The radical words of all languages are comparatively few. Evea " in the Greek, which, of ancient languages, has generally been " thought the most copious and the most elegant, some graramari- " ans affirm that the primitives do not exceed 300. This however, " is perhaps, below the truth, if we consider that nearly SO words *' are required to name the different external parts of the human " body. Whilst men continued to form one Society, they Avould, '' of course, enr» ploy the same words, but, when their numbers " greatly increased, (as at the building of Babel) they must have " separated, for their mutual convenience— as they gradually ad- '' vanced in Arts and knowledge, new words would be introduced, " and even those which they possessed originally, would probably " be pronounced so differently by succeeding generations, in the " different places, that they would no longer be recognized as " Adam Clarke's Comraeniarv. ^■otcs on Gfiiesis xi. 1—6. I 66 " having the same origin:— thus, the German, the Butch, the Danhh " the Sioedish, the Icelandic, and the Anglo Saxon, are only differ- " ent dialects of the Gothic, a language of Asiatic origin. In like " manner, the languages at present spoken in Italy, Spain, Protu- "gal, France and the South of Europe, are modifications and com- " binatious of the Latin. The Latin, is in a gi-eat measure de- ** rived from the Greek, and the Greek can be traced to Asia : — ■ " the language of Ancient l^ritain, is a dialect of the Celtic, a lan- '' guage of very high antiquity^ which though now confined to " Wales, to Ireland, to the Highlands of Scotland, and to Brit- " tany in France, was once spoken over the greater part of the '* West of Europe.* The language of the Saxons was a dialect of " the Gothic or Teutonic, a language which ol)tained among the " nations bordering on the Baltic, and the North of Europe. The " language now spoken in England, is not a primitive, but a com- '" pound language, consisting of the ancient Gothic or Teutonic, " variously modified by the Saxons, Danes and Normans, with a " mixture of Greek, Latin, Celtic, and modern French.^'t An Essay of the Ver. L. p. 3, 4. 5. s^ssTLDurrevLD, Os'uLDuuireiiLD ; original sin, ffm-inuuenis, Oa^ixLDuusasu ; inveterate enmity, hereditary feud ; also, hatred between very near relatives ; as : jy^w eesrejsr ^Lci3^n(Sesr Os'UDLSuuemsuujiTs^ ; properlv jtjissressr^ ssiliS^ir QssiOa'sirtjouuemsajirertl, brothers only are indeed the inveterate enemies one to another— ^«/rG.^ is a particle here, figuratively joined with nouns — ^/rsar for singular, and ^fTij> for plural, should be carefully used in classical Tamil. * Amongst the Cimbri, Finni,Teutones, Jutes, Celta, Aquitani, Belgre, ,J'c. EssayisL + Of the Hebrew, the Chaldee itnd Syriac arc dialects. Tlie original European ones were thirteen, viz. Greek, Latin, Dutch, Sclavonian, (spoken in the East :) "Welsh, Eis- cayan, (spoken in Spain ;) Irish, Albanian, (in tlie mountains of Epirus,) Tartarian, (the old lUyrian,) the Jazagian, (remaining yet in Liburnia ;) the Chaucin, (in the North of Hungary;) and the Finnic, (in East Friesland.) Arabic, is the mother-tongue of Africa. From the Latin, sprang the Italian, French, and Spanish; and from the Spanish, the Portuguese. The Turkish, is a mixed dialect of the Tartarian. From the high Dutch or Teutonic, sprang the Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English, Scotch, &c. Tiiere are 3,664 known lftnguage:< now used in the world. Of this 037 arc Asiatic ; 587 European ; 276 African ; and 1,62+ American lang\iac:es ,uid dJalccts, Fiofessor Arlrlnrj, 67 LDir LC:dsJii9 ej^en ,'u uir S ^^(oS)Q.iFLhu:iQu:>'S^i^u LS/D/B^rrQiLirr O^.fliuSs)) \ abba, I do not know by what birth you was born i. e. Your manners and customs are despicable to others. LD, ^ rr Lu s 2so ; there is no respect in one's native country. ^earcsr^^u), 5=carsB^^u)j possession by a good or evil spirit, oracular fury, commonly <^(?a/^^!Ba--iTimjiiLDir SQf)iQ^zk ; I did not sleep, I was waking last night. ^irSip^, s'lrdlp^ ; to die, to lose life ; elegantly ^^«S/r^, Lotflsp^ Q^cu^sLD/rQp^, &c. see. sy : sec. as: ^susBT j>isiJ6rr(Suifl(Siso <5'irS(n^sir ; he is passionately enamoured of her; s'tTeu^^m^(^3'eij^siQ.3'ff(Lp^^au> (LpLpiEisirSdLDu-® ; to one who risks his life, the sea is only knee deep. Pro. i. e. at the commencement of an undertaking difficulties are depreciated. s^iTafTsu/n}), ^ireurreuifu) ; the gift of immor' tality. ffiresis, ^iremeu^ or s/Tftcs ; a place, or station, where travellers make a short stay : ^trsosu is used by rustic. Jageh, Hind. SFirfEjQaiTuiT/asui, s^irsnn-rksLD ; (from •s'"', with jtiii SLD, bodily member and ■^uiniisih, the subordinate members, i. e. the body with all its members in a perfect state : B.) perfection, or completeness, generally as: .^aysw- ereisr^L^esnus^ e^ireu/r/Eisuiiraj Os (B^^fT&sTj most commonly ji/wssr eresri^LfLeaius: ^evtrssTLCiriu or ^^itld uiTLoiruj Q&Q^^irek ; he has ruined me entirely : s^irisuiTEisQpLh iQiu Qu^)itse)Si) s.s!!rdairtr ^ff^ffeij QsirfSsp^ ; If you relate whole stories without paying the attention of others, who will be able to answer you ? the same as ^^^ssr^ an oath or jijus^i^dsssr an order a decree of a king, or a written gift or grant bestowed upon Bramins, temples, poets, &c. thus: ^eoiTS'iT^csnh, ^(TLCLSrrffir^ssru), ^/ijss'iT^esru} ; Inscrip- tions, or grants, engraven on stone, copper, or gold. ^fTi^sv^u), s^Tisrvu^LD ; immutabihty, end- less, duration as : s^sns-Js^ijjlI) ^mir^s^ir&ou^LDir ? do the situation continue for ever ? ^sksinuLh, Os^eoeuLa, uQT^enLOj ■iffr&vu^LotT ? do the body, prosperity, and youth continue for ever? eviTj^QsinQpOi-Dsisr^ LDQtpei!!L£ismeiiiT^Sj(&T,Ui As the palm of the hand may readily be turned outwards in the open air, so quickly mutable is domestic life. — Say not we shall live for a term. — The days of our life are as the flowers of the Pulei, Note.— Pulei is Illecebrum Javanicum — of which the soft and downy flowers are scattered by the wind. ^dsoiBeisiS's QsiresiTL- Qeat—tuir — iBsiiLBetna'^ ^@^e5) OirearO/D®^^^ ^ppuuLLi—irffsosoir Even of the lords of the umbrella held over the head of the ele- phant like the moon when seeu over the hills, none are left in this 69 world without being proclaimed on earth that they have died. Naladiyar. ffn®Qp^, s^tTL^p^ • to rush on, and beat one : to reprove by speaking as : ^a/sar uemi^iSlikLj&ii^ uztnexiujirei^ .sSsrr /ssm^iiis^irL^^ek ; he rushed into the battle, and defeated the enemies; ji/s^j^odl^uj ^ ^ m ^iSl &;>€ en OsFiu^^n-so ji/suOmskSsBr wemTi^uj^n-L^ao^Gir ; he severely reprimanded me as I have done this without his knowledge. In another sense (^eussrCoLDQso ^^^^ar s=it(S^£Qso^^) means he is not so much suspected but the suspicion falls upon the other. erri—i—ei); a gesture^ a wink, a hint ; a slight or faint notice as : ems' ■masiriLiD^i to convey an intimation or ^/reoi—, or s^Sadser sitlI. u^s, a-^ufSp^j to beckon ji/£u^srsarSssr s^mdmOffuj ^semip^g^ireir ; he has beckoned me by a motion of the head or eyes. s^irssiLS'sr&at^ajir lu ^u-fo^; to give a hint without naming the person ; ^/B^ssuifl uj(s^ Spirent— iLnnuQuirSp^ ; the thing passed without special notice. 3=inL(BQp^, or s'lrir^^'Sp^, fftnLp^, (rr)S?usmp^^ Qiceiiseiu emp^, i—ap^, ^srrsrfl>^i®p^j Qp^eSsp^^^ Q.a^aeOsQ£S(B)p^ QldsoQuulKSsp^ ; to transfer a debt, a charge, as : j>isj&sr eresrsi;^ tLQi—ioa-, or QLDj^eo U6-ihre!!sf)eSLLQL-.isar^ or (f^'dfueminfssflisSLLQcssr Suc. I have left the money, which he had to pay to me, to be given to such one, commonly Qujfri^dOsirenp^ ; wireirji/isusarsi—Ssar Qiuir ^^s,Qis!ressrQt—issr; I have taken his debt upon me; /§ ^sussr 3=itlL L-iriu zi/uu^^s sLp(s^^§s))iS/D^ ^eusksrir^suixtrS QT)S<^Si} It Js a natural disposition to him to wound his character for triflings; s?(r^'—(S(^L^sp^ sresr/eudr iBiTssr^Q'juQ'S!rff/aSsm-Q,'E!ri}i, (^rfliueir LDSsvsijn-aSlfTO i>S(ipu:>Q.'Firuiy &c. Vulgarly Ouire^triueuT^ (in this,two letters Q£ and ^ are entirely dropped) come in the evening. t-rrek ; from v. a. s^srujiQp^, to incline or bend a thing as : ^ibs Qu!T or s'lrssesiL—; a drain as; s^ireoeuAesy^^^ ^^iiQ^sirjx-(Q 3?^^LDU€SBr^,c\e2in the drain every day, ^ire^emeu .ffr&^ssyeu ; a shawl, especially Cashmscr shawl. Pers. ffirssurrffih, or s^soJiT^LD ; ff it &i it 3= ld ; leisure, Opportunity, friendship, company, familiarity, as : ffps^ms^nenirfft^Q^iLi^ ^iTtp eust^i—isQ^iTQ^UJ ^pa-m&'iTisiJiTS'^Qs'iu^ ^ujir/h'^^irQfLSsiSoO ; those who converse with good men will not be inhumiliated or reduced, and those who associate with the wicked are not (truly) great. 3^!TQsfr3?ULD, s^irQei^iTLD ; dimness of sight, a feeble sight. s^j^'S(i^ ^nQeos^mJo euk^^ ; the sight is turned to dim. QsffLo, QeuffLD ; a peak of a mountain or ridge. QsitQldit^iju), ^dsirQiDir^irui ; or sessrsniri^ QiDiT^nuD ; a seal ring. 9^^Slpj3, &^^p^ ; to spill, to disperse as: ^mrsstfecT'T sT/ii(^(^ to^<^(^(?^,(©/j,cF/rG,^)do not spill the water every where ; ji/evesr up, the crescent moon — the eyes Q&ieo, a lauco or javelin — the face, Q^r-^ moon, — the hands, 73 u^LDiM, lotus ilower~and so on : for all the members of their bodies. — Oue of the stanzas out of Naidatham, jijm-m^esi^^^^ (v.iSi^LB'^s^Lo^i^ (^asiipQiu^iTiBL-fB^ Osfrck)3.0^irLBsk m/veSesytu Q^iriLi/hjD — SLDSoQicsifrLDeOeiBfr ajewiML^(^^^ujQeijp s sm ^Ssasr ld n sisr lo (Thfo^isik — ^ixQ^&srisimjiriB^ OsfrcsiTi— Q suit ldi—llit sir pL-fEJaeusBek The sentiment of this stanza, represents the beauty of the eyes of^tDUj^P wifeof Nalen, — and is compared to the power of Ema, — (the king of death) to the eyes of fearful decrs, and to the piercing arrows &c. Qi^nu), Os^i^Tiriii ; the colour red, Ver- million. &LDTe(TU), & LDLD IT sfT Lo ;m\vth, play, gaicty ] ^euek QiiLDirerrQui®^^ ^i-.LDn(B(fr^&sr, he is leap for joy. @/5^ ">Tt3 SthLDn-sfrilQuirLLiSsSeir^ |B®^ ; vulgarly (^ilLDirsntb. QiSlip, SIlScit or Q(Lpsh- ; a small box, commonly, i—ulS, uuSsm. &u)UjSlp^, Quaup^, to tustle, to pull about another, as in sport or wrestling. Sle^iriQajLD^ ffeoirsSiuLo, excellency, dignity, erdrssfiesiiLD /§ j)/^s QenirsQiuQieu)? art thou better than I am? &sQiT3@p^, Qsiii'ip^, or Qje^a^^uQun-p^ ; to have the hair standing on end. Note. — Vulgarly and badly ^sai^^ and, is used for QeSir^^, as : a.i_iz)OLjff06O/r^ 9i^\^^sQsiTsm®^ ; the whole body was trembling with fear or cold. mesiipSeirB'Bserih^ s-t—Lhi-jSe)^^^dOsiremO^ • the body trembled with cold from being wet with rain. ^ ffsiffijar uu QpskQissr semu^£5emCSLD60 sS^^S^uLf eu/hj^^. after cold the fever-heat followed. QsvsSlp^, or Os'eudQp^, Qevsp^ orOs'isudp^ ; the same as Qsuui-i or Os^euut^ ; to be red, to become red. Note.— The proper derivation of this word, and of all following words connected with it, is O^^su ; but some poets having taken license to write the past tense, and past participles, with &, it has in consequence become customary to write many of the derivative words with that letter. R. K 74 • ^^s, 9l^eu ; a little, somewhat, spar- ingly : QsiT(i^^u>. — Vvov. 9i£iieiji{ELLL<^uQu(rT)msijn-ip ; having built a small house, live happily therein &^su Q^^^^smrp^j to eat every now and then a little ; Q^sus^Sirueu j^£tiip^ ; li. to cut little by little i. e. to receive the money gradually. Q£2iiiT, Qs'^iiT, Qp^^jiu) ; urine, rao- deste dictum : Q^niSirdKilSlp^ ; to make water ; also to mix urine with ingredients for external cataplasms : vulgarly, ^^^irthQuiBp Si ; school boy's talk ^sarsar s'isim!T^-k(^uQu{Tp^ or e^sm^!jd(^u Quirpjsi. Tinnevelly shanar's use QiDire^p^. QjjjsuLh, or SjuLjuLD, &j)i^Lc> ; iufaucy, the age of young children, Sljpj^u^^Qeo ^susSi, from infancy, a word much used, but not classical. ^eu^/Btresi &^eu^^(o0!>jP'sueSQ£Qp^, &^u}(^Q£>. p^ ; to plaster with chunam : commonly eosijdsiTifusmp^. er^iS^0'3=iLipj3 ; to cleanse. stshQs'^ ; good news. sFeniruih ; natural disposition. 9iLB^es>ir or s^Qp^i^ssiir ; accu- Sumitra, a wife of D. p. 1000 R. g)a/ ^^^Off'tuSlp^^ SrUtraUUly racy, exactness, correctness, justness, probity Dasaratha and mother of Lacshmana. Wils ea eruuL^ QL9^^3aiTajiTuju2u3?Si(f!j'^ , how she speaks accurately, being prostitute? jj^iMUiirUiy Qllldit® ; a pad for the head, to aid in carrying burdens, ^nesBi®sp^, s-nessfiLp^ ; to scratch, to scrape a wall. 3^(t^lL®Sp^, si-QT^iLp^ ; to roll up ; s-rQ^iLu^s Qek^Quirp^ ; to Steal. e^s^uLD or 3?3uis ; this system is easily to be learned, and understood (^^m(£2s\}LSls&ji^Q3^ireouu>, this price is very low, Qo'iruuii, v. d. <9Pfflj/f<5F«ii, Qs'irirdsui • the[paradise of Indra. sf-enm^t}), Oa'n&o^LD ; healthy, sound, cuii- 76 valescent, the natural state of any thing, eresrsSiremS/siTefriruj s.i-u) L/ Og^ir&u^LSiG^dso, I am unwell about these two days. s^eu^Sp^, €fen£vp^ ; to dry up, to grow dry as a river. &-(EUfrmesru3^Q3^(rmssnjD, O 3^ ir jb sar ih , Qs^irpeasTLD, s^pessrih^ or Offtrir essTLD ; gold : as Q'SfiriremLDiuLDiriij Qa^irfluSp^, to distribute gold abun- dantly, li. to rain gold. The use of /» though now considered to be obselete, yet need- ful to be retained in grammatical use, owing to the frequency of its occurrence in books written before the establishment of the College of Fort St. George. K. sj-i^S^Sl/v^, ^i^eop^; whirl, to twirl around as : 3^Lpii&!r^^L^is.k ei l^s^Qs^q^ldi^q^^ , dust raised by a whirl wind, ^eviohr ^LQikO^ifliuiTLoeo ^uL-QaQsneseiQi—eir, I have entang- led without knowing his tricks. s?etT(ff;, 3?sneij ; a sort of scuppcr, a fan, to winnow corn with. This word is used in western side, but in Madras oppio. o (^uL^Qp^, (^ui3p^ ; to suck out the sub- stance of a thing, the juice of a fruit &c. (^ulS ; the prepuce, of infant's sweetmeat ; a mean expression used by Mahomedans, and little children. (^^sssiTff}, (a5«ffl/««n-//? ; a raenstruous wo- man, vulgarly (^i_l®i(g,ijiri7'"'/r«3raysTr; ^:co-\)iuQ^sQesirrfl. see, sy. sec. (^ip9p^, or (^0^9 p^, (BifiP^ ; to environ, to sur- round, to encompass. (^smuisuiS!^, (^^iMsviu^, a potbelly in chil- dren. Natives dress the curry of crow and give to eat such diseased children. SUIT diss: iTff^ IT i^^srsi^ iomLDj-,^S!irird(^ i^iBl^^iTu3 QursuOu(n^evuSl0'L}) L9(srrierTUjp(j^-^uirs(^. Os'iTiflSp^, Os'irrfluSlp^ ; to flow down, to pour, to shower down as rivers from an eminence, rain from the clouds, milk from the breast, tears from the eyes, fruit from a tree. Meta. j)/LhL^u)frrH^uj3' Os=rrffl/5^ireiir, he poured in a shower of arrows. ^-enQm Q/v(r^uQuffluj ^^(Bi uip(^Q to eat. Qs'niisuu'^crsr, Q^irssuurrScsr ; a festival in honor of LDfTeusQJ^a'dsjreuif^^ Mahabali,'^ celebrated in the month * We travelled all night, a practice which I am not fond of, but which circumstances rendered desirable, and, exactly at day-break, reached the rocky beach below the seven pa- godas, and where the surf, according to the Hindoos, rolls and roars over "the city of the great Bali." One very old temple of Vishnu stands immediately on the brink, and amid the dash of the spray, and there are really some small remains of architecture, among which a taU piUar, supposed by some to be a lingam, is conspicuous, which rise from amid the waves, and give a proof that, in this particular spot, (as at Madras,) the sea has encroached on the land, though in most other parts of the Coromandel coast it seems rather receding than advancing. There are also many rocks rising through the white breakers, which the fancy of the brahmins points out as ruins, and the noise of the surf, the dark shadow of the re» maining building, the narrow slip of dark smooth sand, tlie sky just reddening into dawn and lending its tints to the sea, together with the remarkable desolation of the surrounding scenery, were well calculated to make one remember with interest the description in Kehama, and to fancy that one saw the beautiful form of Kailyal in her white mantle pacing sadly along the shore, and watching till her father and lover should emerge from the breakers. In two points the picture only fails ; the caverns in which she was to lodge at night are, at least, a mile from high-water mark, and in tliis climate it is at noon-day only, not as a bed- chamber, that a cavern will be preferred to the open air. I made a sketch of the scene ; but it is one of those which is nothing except in the hand of a painter. The case is otherwise with the real city of Malia Bali-poor, whose ruins stand among the cliffs at the distance of a short half mile inland. This has really been a place of considerable impor- tance as a metropolis of the ancient kings of the race of Pandion, and its rocks, which within themselves are pretty and picturesque, are carved out into porticos, temples, bas reliefs, &c. on a much smaller scale, indeed, than Elephanta or Kennery, but some of them very beautifully executed. They differ from those of the north and west of India, (which are almost all dedicated to Siva or Kali,) in being in honor of Vishnu, whose different avatars are repeated over and over in the various temjilcs, while 1 only saw the solitarj- lingam, if it be one, which 1 have mentioned, in the sea, and one unfiuisiied cave \Uiich struck me as intended for a temple of the destroying power. Many of the bas-reliefs are of great spirit and beauty ; there is one of an elephant with two young ones strikingly executed ; and the general merit of the work is superior to tliat of Elcpiianta, though tlie size is extremely inferior. 1 liad heard much of the lions which are introduced in different parts of tlie series, and tlie execution of which was said to be more remarkable because no lions are known to exist in the south of India. But I apprehend that the critics who have thus praised them have taken their idea of a lion from tiiose noble animals which hang over inn-doors in England, and which, it of November by lighting lamps and piles of palmyra leaves.— On the sea coast opposite of Chingleput there are the ruins of a number of very old Pagodas and many carved stones. It is said that a great many years ago there was a large town at this place, which is now covered by the sea. This place is called the seven Pagodas. The Native name for it Mavulivurum : u^ it usQlj it ii. F. G. OiFfreo^Sp^, Oa^srsop^; to speak, to tell. Qs^n-etns, Qs^nmsu ; Leucophlegmatia, a kind of jaundice, a swelling or watery intumescence. L3^, urBstrnapetT^fr^ &Jini/B^&srdssoifl QueirLL^ssiresr N. B. Some Poets have composed their works jvs.- as is the set of 100 Stanzas. 82 THE ANOINTING DAY. If 3'ou bathe on Sunday, death Avill seize you, If on Monday, you cannot gain the favor of god, If on Tuesday, you will fall sick ; If on Thursday, sorrow will oppress you ; If on holy Friday* you will lose your property ; Avoid all these, O Punueivan, thou guardian of our land, And anointing bathe on Wednesday and Saturday. Ey the word here rendered bathe, more is meant than we usually imply by that word. It means, to smear the head with /feoOi^czrar Oemuj rapeseed oil and sometimes other substances mixed and after- ward to affuse water. The Hindoos arc very superstitious respect- ing days Avhieh are deemed to be lucky or unlucky. It would greatly amuse the English reader if instances could be cited, but they would be out of place here. It is worthy of note that Satur- day is regarded by most of the Hindoos as a holy day. Many fast on this day especially in the month Puratasi. A. A. A. This is related on the Rules of Brahmin's Bathing. w pi uSi ssri ei IT(^ (Lp)€5BreS>L£)QlJU. ^^mOuiTQTfen, — LSlinncie!!er^d(^ /E^efoitncsnh ^^rriTLo^ (^erreivFrrearLD LD^^uWy QnseKrEirevrijD j^^lclc, uiressii—rBiretorBiTesrih UJiTeu/b/SQi'U} jij.'Bir ^g^iruQi-oehfu^irLc. tivisiJuu'L^, sfo-Lcu ; Bclf-existencc. 0<^^fnjiu:, ff^ULo; sliaving ; vulgarly ,«2w ffeunLDueatsfnofliSeisra^uJiT or sos\^QcmiT i-sf aSew (^^ lu ir ? have you done your shaving. N.B.— The Bridegrooms get their shaving, before the * So called it is a day kept ns sacred Lachmi and Panatlii by many of the women. 83 liour of their marriiigc ; tliis is very common tliio\\2;liout in India ; a little rcremony also, is observed in (hat time. This is ca lied 5 /3ii^emfaQ); and the meanings of such as these, would riot be distinctly known without the addition of a vowel as : <^mraiLo;Si^<^sriBi(^, kc. — "Avviar most probably flourished in the reigns of the three celebrated kings, Ukkiraperu- varhuthi Pandian and the monarchs of the Seran and Sorhan kingdoms who were his cotemporaries. In her history as still transmitted by oral tradition, there are many references to these kings, and to the fabulous miracles she performed before them : as for instance the following : Avviar one day having been caught in the rain, entered the house of Angavey and Sangavey, two women of low cast iu Ceylon. I5ecausc they shewed her much respect, and furnished her with 84 clothes and food and other things to her satisfaction, she said '' I will give you in raarriage to the divine lung of Tirucovaloor." She ■went to that king, and on her making mention of them he said, " If Seran Sorhau and Pandian give me these women in marriage, I will receive them forthwith." Having invoked Pillyar, thus : OiiSUGSSlUiT . 65(75f?D<5 U^(TfiLC(r^ULI QpLDLO^^i^ IBaeOSUITLU 65 eifliLjfic'S)UJS e/asnenear Qs'ihine^, siBQpseusk, eeSiuiremT (csuirSsod sc^Q^Qp^ eunciiQem eo ^ejsr(^dsm ^iruueisr s'lS^ ^. " Oh ! thou who hast the head of an elephant with its long trunk, one handed, double-dusked, " secreting the three fold mucus, offspring of the god Sivan who wears the skin of an cle- " phant, if having swiftly come thou dost not write a wedding invitation on an olei I will " assuredly curse thee :" he wrote the wedding invitation on an olei, and she sent it by the god of the winds to the King before mentioned. Immediately on seeing it, they came and entered the marriage saloon which she had called into existence by her power, and seeing her said '' mother ! Lo here is a piece of a palmyra tree, if you make it become a tree, put forth leaves, form its young fruit, bring it forth, and wiil present to us three specimens then we will do according to your wish. She consented to do so. Accord- ingly on her reciting the folio vving verse : Lodi€S)3id <5j23/i-'L_ eui^Slsk (njiTLopmr euirsrs^Qffi * ^lEjQsirds eiissx(a^(n)i ^ sk £ii u i- Ctf/r^ aeOifsoi>^ KATTALEY KALIT THUREY. Seran, Sorhan and Pandian, bearing an umbrella white as the moon, having come to put consecrated ointment on the bride, stood in the marriage hall and said, you must make this palmyra stick put forth its sprout like a white shell, unite its green leaves, set crude fruit, and then bear it fully ripe, black below and rosy above, and must give one speciinrn alike to each of us. Because it happened according to their request, they were much afraid, and obeyed her, giving the women in marriage to the before mentioned divine king according to her desire. 85 Beside this there are yet many mu'iicles toid about licr. But they are to be regarded just like the trumped-up miracles of the Roman Catholic Saints. Her father seems to have been a Brahmin and her mother an outcast, who were united to each other without being aware of the wide difference in their caste. Afterward however, on finding it out, the Brahmin determined as tlie only condition on which they should live together, that any children who might be born to thera should be deserted immediately on their birth. Avviyar was their second female child, and was born, reared, and educated at a village inhabited by Panars. (The business of the Panars was to attend on Kings and celebrate their praises. But the race is now almost extinct.) If we may judge from her character and writings, Avviyar was educated by a Panar with great care and talent. One thing is very evident, she must have possessed eminent natural abilities. From the numerous fables respecting her, we may gather that she was not only clever, but that she exerted herself to do good. The excellent moral maxims she has left, tend for the most part to the promotion of good sentiments and good conduct. Her principal productions now extant are as follows, Atthi-soodi, Kondrey-Venthan, Moothurei (or Vakkundam), Nal-Varhi, Kalvi, Orhuk-kam, Avviy-kural, Avviy-Kovey, Pilair-agaval, Ganapa- thi-Asiria-^' irutham, and a number of detached versos : but proba- bly some of her productions liave been lost; she is reputed to have been very clever in chemistry and medicine, and to have dis- covered the fabled panacea (or sputh) by eating which she lived to the age of 210 years. Her fame became widely spread abroad, and wherever she went, kings, and nobles, the learned and the ignorant, alike shewed her the highest respect. Her productions are universally read. Some of them are not only among the very first reading books put into the hands of children in alm.ost every Tamul school, but are also greatly and deservedly esteemed ; and it should be a source of great satisfac- tion to those who desire the welfare of Tamil youtli that such works are in general use in schools, since in the Tamul there are SB not wanting many sensual, improper hooks wliieli might liave been found in use iu their stead.'^ Ti. Av. S. ^3i(B, ;sexj® ; a thin flat piece of ructal, a plate. Vulgarly Quirek^su'^ properly Ouirpps®^ a golden plate. ssuum, O^rrauwchr, or Q^iruusk or ^ay uussr ; father; commonly Ql^^uuek, properly Qppuu^ or Si^iu fisuuek, the father's younger brother; commonly Ourffujuujir, properly Ou.flLu^^-suussr, the father's elder brother. 3BS!rtr^, ^euiririr ; hindering, letting, belaying one's vA'ay, thwarting one's design as: ^i^^asmBuji ^euffirfruLLi—^, this thing was thwarted, ^sbit^ ; Hind. — fff:^ QffujQpjS) is used in cutchcry. ^u^Q^uj'Spja, to sequester. ^semir, ■ ^«ffljcw/r ; a plant : Cassia Tora. L. ^sirdSp^, ^sdp^, ov ^3L'sp^ ; to break in pieces as : fUirser &_eiirueiSs\)s c^sii^Ou IT u^iu IT 'JJ ^ ^^35^l.>Qu!t'SI''^o1] ear, I will knock out all your teeth into small pieces. ^sffissLL(BiSp^, f^sneoisiLp^ ; to cheat any one by selling a bad for good article. ^&&)U!TS^i Q, ■sieiieOuuiTS'^i ; a d eceiver, a se- ducer. Hind. A word of frequent occurrence. ^seuffo, ^^au6\) ; a quotation in proof, an example or L—(Ti3:ei>Qs(TQdS)pju. £F,SSlJSiOsiT(SlsQp^, ^i^eUffi>0siTfSs3pj;jj or Q-9-(7^di^-f ffeusjir^Qs^ir OsiT®iQp^, to adduce a proof. ^QiSip^ or ^s<5Ss,@p£3, 0,6U6Sip^ ; to burn a corpse, &c. commonly ^(Bpjp, Osir(Gr^i.p^, ^npC-p^, kc. ^(^p, ^sij^ ; fitness, conveuience, a crowd or company of people as : ^eii^^eij^ujiTiu su^i^p^, to pro- ceed with a large train of attendants or followers. sso^^^ajJ; ^sij^ ajmu ap/)(rFiS:Sp^ ; to be sutficiently instructed. uireufEiSt^s(^;i jgeu^ojiTiLj /lesiTi—SssT QstriElasuuLLL^Q^dp^ the punishment has been given according to our sins. ^^LD, {,^e)^LD ; is the fut. of the root /?©) it is proper as : jt/^Qs^ujiu^^e^iasirSajLo, a thing proper to be done or possible to be done, i^ir srsw^Q^irsk^^i ^syti) ; whatever vou say is right ; ironically submissive. 87 ^^■^s,s,Sp^, ^eayj^dp-^j^ ; to forbid, to inter- dict, to stop; to detain as : jij&jcw ^h it s^.s^SimuS lL® ^ ^^iss^Lpm^iTek, lie has hindered or arrested Ity the king's name. fip^, implying to grow fatigued, or tired ; vulgarly ^sSlip^^ as : ^a;dr evL^SQeo su(i^txQurrQ^s ^cSi^uQuiriesjeir, he grew tired' vA'heu he M'as coming on the road. ^^ljl^, sSsw, ^eSuuj, ^jujits'lc^ and ^su LLesiL- Qs^ireuiletDL-, kc are elegantly used by the Tamulians for the word of weariness. — e^'7iLD!T,'EiQ&€>s}ir S-ee)^d(&,LDir/Ei(^^e!orr, ^mr c^fieeiiu&aemL-iTe:) ^€SdQLLiT/ij(v^,^eis)iT. — Although a horse possess the ability of running and kicking, yet he will weary if he would meet water in his path— children's riddle for shoe. ^^Ei(^Sl/D^, ^ikp^ ; to stay, to tarry, to sojourn, to lodge somewhere as : j^sushr icT6mQ(€e)Qu. wi—asLDfrCi^ir LUffo ^'wSi^.wQuQu 17(0^ sir, he lags, and cannot keep pace with me. iir ^rrsm®Qp^sii^/EJsQe the penalty of saving a person or nnjust seizure of an innocent person. And in another sense, Q^ ckri—s'Qs'iT^ fftTu^peijeisr, means a sluggard, a drone, the same as e£ssBi(o3=irjpi ^/siSpeuzir, QeutLu^s^CSs'tr^ ^ikQpedsk, 0.jsemi—Lo im- plies also saluting thus: ^eu(TF)S.(^ ctott O^.sssri-iihQ^iTso^ ; ele- gantly, /5/rsar Od;(^u:i3LLQi—^ j this word is used by IMusselmen : because they do not know how to speak Tamil clearly. ^^.sm(BQp^, ^eesnLp^ ; to gather or collect tribute, rents, de])ts ; or to exact, as : Lcir^ir/s^iru) s-GSBn—enuusmiM er eueueuQen'rN^ otot«o# O&ire^Qeaek ^ tell me how much money did you collect per mensem ? j:ieuskmniQQeo f^LLc-mcsi) u>(f^/b^3=iru i3iLL-!Teisr ; hc swallowcd medicine without its touching his tongue. ^uu)i fle^u), ^ff.eua- ) penitence, pcnancCi mortification done to one's self, an austere life. G&iiJ^ ; the name of a cere- mony performed for a deceased person to the performance of which the Darbha, or cusa grass (Poa cyuosuroides) is necessary. The rite however does not derive its name from the grass ; but itself denotes the religious rite of presenting water to the manes 90 of the deceased. Wils. S. D. P. 365. Tarpana. This word is often used by Brahmins when they perform the rite of the same. ^230£irinrQeo/5siT/s^ s_uSlQinrL^(T^sSlpisiTOsn0i6^irLh westirdsm^^ekuiTuj ; (because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle.) Upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life. (Scripture.) ^S(B, ^&}'Si ; bran. ^a/tlOi (S) young fry (of fishes) larv;c (of insects) and the like. ^eijiKBui^il®, a friable ball ; made of bran ^eiji:.(BuQucisr ; knits as : rsirsisrOs^irek esruuf-Qiffuj ^eOeoiTu-L-ireo erek ^&jLL(Buui(n;sij/B ^emesifuLjik (5® or aGiiLL®dOsiT(wssLLiSB>i—iLjib ^ementfiiLjik Osir® ; li : do as I bade, otherwise, give my turtle dove and water. This refers the meaning as : Do conformable to my order, if not, return my money. ^es>ips@p^, ^e>Bipdp^,ejiTL^p^,Qu(r^eSp^; to shoot by vegetation ; to gerrpinate as : ^enQunei^eisip^^, ^jua^ 91 This is a blessing used for Bride and Bridegroom by their parents and old folks, when they go to live separately : after having been married together — thus: may you both prosper, by spreading like the Banyan tree (Fecus rel.) having roots not to be eradicated like the (agrostis) grass, surrounded with supports as the Bamboo (Bambusa arundinacea) and never fade away. (A form of com- plimentary benedictioiij addressed to newly married persons.) ^sfruu^^ileory ^^uiSitlL^l-. ; the name of a fish. ^emli-iQp^i ^etTLCL^p^ ; to shake as water in a vessel? to fluctuate? as : iSee}/D(^i-/B^sfnj)uiT^ (^es^pi^i—zs^mui l^ld ; the water in a full jar does not shake? as it does in one partly filled. Prov. equivalent to, " the full ear bends." spp^suiriT sessri— ^iss Loi—isstr^ir /r ^eSilTS ffOQffSS UJlcS!!flL£8s\) IB IT £_ iB'oS)iT(^i-. i§ir^(^LDU eQ eo. — Pazamozhi. This is an instance given to such that boasteth himself more than his rank or situation. Self-restraint is known only to the wise. Those who are des- titute of self-restraint praise themselves even unwittingly. king of the country whose mountains are ornamented by clear water gushing from the rocks ! the water in a full pot is not subject to agitation. ^rrm^etnJbuik iSpQ^d s^^Qaireo ; he stumbles himself, and is a staff to others. Prov. medece curateipsum. ^(ol- ^ihi^ /f Qujeir ^mwdQp brother! why do you trouble yourself? ^irsiM, ^sirsvu) ; thirst, desire as : fsirdr ^rrsLaiTuS!(T^sQ(Sp£sr • I am thirsty : ji/sutsk uem^^ekQiosi} eruQuir ^,i ^siTisuLDirS(r^iSi(ir;ek, he is always thirst in procuring money. u& ^irevm ; hunger and thirst. ^iTiEi(^Slp^, ^iTisp^ ; to support, to assist, to bear up, as the walls bear the roof, to ward off, to guard, to protect, as : ^•sum- j^su^^ ^/rE/S(2?^ ; he flatters another to gain his own ends. erLDiT^^ir/Ej0.sir(Sld<3:s ^iriEi.£ir^ ; I cannot afford to give so much — s.esrQiMQe^ ^irrwaea Qld^s^ ; he is much grieved with thee, ^ir/siseo euQ^^sjp^dpjp, to cause pain or 92 indiguation. ^i^QpLiemL—^rds ereki^Q^ ^rriassirj^ -^ I cannot carry away the load. Lossr^^irisiaeo; a want of good understanding with another, a deficiency of cordial feeling. Besch. Luaar^tr/EjSluuffoesysu ; vulgarly ujrut^ ; a board which supports the wall over a door, gjo Qeu'SefT jijO^ms^^ ^iT/ii(^u), perhaps it will touch me, affect or hurt me : u^^uusssr^^Q eresrdi^^ ^itek^llit ? will ten Fanams be enough for me ? LD^es^iu u>dso^irfEisQeii^iiu>j LDssiT^rEJSLLu^iuiT ^nra QUi; a mountain must support another mountain, can a clod of earth do this ? Pro : Ironically said of him who resist against with rich people. ^irem(BQp^, ^nsewiLp^ ; to pass over a river, or a hill, &c. si—dQ/D^ ; to escape, to hop off, to jump as : j}/suesr jifiB^^P'ssip^ ^iT^TL^uQuir(^€Br, he has passed away that river, j^/s ^^^^QiuireiiLD ^iremu^uQuiT^^] that vacancy is supplied, ^iss ^sfreijdQ^ Qiu/bp^^^trLLQiumij ^rrsmL^iSl(i^s(^u) ; this measure will be about excessive or lesser to tliat. ^/r^/r, .str^jsir ; a donor, or a liberal man ; grand father. Note. — This term is peculiar to Madras people -. in other places, uirLLi—sk is usual ; the word uitlLi—it, is Vocative.-Datha is common- ly used for a charitable person among the Telungians. — rper°s, ^ir^^uQuiT®Q/D^, ^iT^^uQun(Bp^ or ^sr^ro^ • to separate different kinds of grain, or to separate grain from any extraneous mixture, to get rid of old, or damaged, goods by contrivance. copper. ^rTLBffUQ^essfl, ^iTiMLSureurressf^ ; the name of a river near Palaracotta : said to be contained with copper, if melt out the water in heat. Several porches, are built up in the bed of the river for the celebration of idols. ^/roS^, ^/ra/Ssrr ; any thing better than another; corrupted from jSir^sif, and @6\3^, in comp. with the Dative, it signifies, better, as : jDjaj^sSeu^ ^^eu'Seir ; this person is better than that one. /^/f grgar-s^ e^^s^irea.fuuirseuib^iTeo^iTeu'Seir. It would be better, were you come to assist me. Beschi. ^iT&jS/Djp, ^iie^p^; stretch forth or lift up arms, to extend ; to rusii, as: ^rr^piSlsrroefTesiiuQuj^dstQevssgiiLD, you 98 must take up tlic child that stretches forth its hand to come ; ^eum eTssrQu)so ^iT<£^iT:^su[r(nj>sm ; he rushes upon me. ^^irdlpiScn^en&siuu Quj/isu^s(^^^trLLQujiru9(ffidS (ffj'sir ; in learning he is inferior to him ; ^susk^/s^ ^ ja/a/^o uiras^ euiis^eo ^iTLL&uSlffi3s\) ; he is not dificient, or wanting in his duty : i'eu^sQsirsm-^(^6Sip eu!iuSi(2)S(&,^ ; one thing is wanting or lacking to him. ^iTipisut—Lsi, ^ireuL.u>, LDfrSso • a garland, as : s-^^ffsTLLffJscBiTeiiL-u) ; a garland of the nut of the tree Eloeocarpus, Qfi^^^^ireui—Lb ; a garland of pearls. K. ^iTifieuiTffLD, ^irenrrinh ; a verandah, or slo- ping front of a house. ^tTifisiJiTiusSLL and fried with em— 6UIM (Vadavam) i. e. seasoning stuff, consisting of pulse, onions, cumin, mustard and garlic, &c. as : ^ireSls^^ms/Siuir^iso qQuj/tiiS (r^s(^u} ■ meat so prepared will be tasted. 94. PsjTih, ^duffu), or lSulSul^ ; affliction, anxiety, weariness: ^suinosTiiSlqrfap^; to be troubled with an Asthma. ^eas ^ ^ (ff)S p ^ , or ^^laiE^^&QsiTemuf.q^sp^.—^eus'SlQ^sp^j or ^eiaeiis'si-iSiskei^qffsp^ ; to stagger, to vacillate; to be at a stand, not knowing which way to go; to be astonished or stunned as : ^^evuu^sm(BiB^s'ffevek ; one who is confused or embarrassed by trampling such kind Lf^em® ; properly ^st!)sui-^em®LS^fifssuar ■ one who tread such a plant: said to cause confusion of mind, per- plexity when trodden upon. ^d(^Sp^, 0ldp^ ; to stutter, to hesitate or faulter in pronunciation ji/eusir^sS^ ^a@euir9ii@(irf^ ; he reads falteringly : ^s^euirium, a stammerer; a stutterer; vulgarly, O^^^euiTujehr. raas. Q^a^^eufTiLisFQi^ fem. Genders form feminine in Tamil by joining it^^ — ^a^ L^Bi-stp^ ; to waive certain things or camphor, by the hand, around another therein, in order to remove such evil influence aeoQsorSs^ ji^uL9(eB)£iiiLD sssiTQ&^uf.si^^^^uusdh.i-.iT^ ; thou cannot be escaped to a harsh look of malice, though thou hast been escaped to the pelting of stones. ^tLQSp^, ^tLp^, aoevuSpja, &s?pjsi • scold, to revile, to abuse, to curse as : ^QuSi—eQeQi—iTiZsm Qp^iiiSesr ^ Qus^iii^^iuTek^eun-jr^ ; to come with a great attendance. ^LBir^^iQsiT ; an extensive country, inclusive of five nations and languages : 1. ^jr 6i):_ii> ; pure Tamil. 2. ^'^^/r^i ; Telugu. 3.sdr^<-ii; Canarese 4. u^s/nrmJ-L^ffiJi ; Mahratti and 5. s^irs^e^Jiii ; Gujratt— Sat. Some follow a different arrangement, which includes the Malayalam and Cingalese. In Wils. S. D. Dravida is defined to be the country from Madras to Cape Comerin ; a definition too limi- ted, according to usage in the Peninsula. R. ^jrLL(S@p^, ^iTilp^; to make round, to join, to unite. ^ff^Qp^, ^ir<^p^; to become round, to coalesce, to grow as marriageable : commonly ^^LouSp^, or myii). Means.— The beauty of the ear of ^^ffsrouj Panicum, and the 06 blooming age of a chuckler's (shoe-maker's) damsel, will be haud- some in proper time. a town : Trichinopoly ; so called from ^ifl&ueisr^ a racsbasa, who is said to have had three heads ; who first dwelt in the place. ^(rF)'/SJS(^ Qs'niflQp^em^ (LpLLetoL-OiushrQpsLneosj siTQi—^ui<5kem(^ Qpsirei^ismdOffa SQ^st^mpQiCj The dwelling of him who fixes his foot on the cow, puts the moon on his head, and holds the skull of Brahma in his hand? is Karzii-Kundam or (eagle mountain) of which town the husband- men having cut their sheaves? and the shell fish having deposited its pearls therein, the answer (swan) dwelling in the pond of lotos- flowers, mistaking them for her eggs, broods over them with her wings. sQ£SQeh\ puiirdoo^ — Poem made by j)/i^ss£BsSi£ir/rirsi commonly Qs^.i^fTuiSio ; Scanda-mali or Sicandcr-mali near Madura. 2. ^(5 J^^^fiw/ruJ, commonly '^(5-^0^/5 ^7- /r ; Trichendoor. 3. P(5ei//rfflS63r6Br(5/-j!,connnonly uipm^ or uiuei^^u en es^-^utpdHY* yne\. 4. ^(/ffoeunsLCy or ©zrau) ; Triuvcragam. 5. Qesrj3jsLD ; an evil, misfortune, mourn- ing as ; j^suesr/ssireoLD ^{mmaQU) eii IT irQ ^Q u n (^eisr , he did not come either to funeral nor wedding. ^Q/D^, or ^iLiQp^f ^iSp^, eiBuSp^ ; to be scorch- ed, to be singed, or to be scorciied by the heat of the sun as grass. ^(^sf^t-eOfTujQuirjD^ ; to grow scorched and barren ; to be destroyed by the heat of the suu, in time of draught. Vulgarly ^ujff3^em(}iQp^, ^vusffn-emCp^ ; to seethe or boil away ; to inspissate by boiling. ^6m(SiSp^, ^esirilp^ ; to touch, to infect by touching, to contaminate as : jje/csr tSpi^i^nmru^^Qe'^^dGsr, he died of a venomous bite. ^uiTtB, or ^uiTtuerfl, ' ^miireffl ; literally a row of lights ; 09 This used in the Peninsuhi to designate a festival celebrated with liglits, to commemorate the killing of Narcasura by Crishna; and in Hindoostan proper, the word is used for the festival commemo- rating the birth of Carticeya. W. R. ^ifds^fflS, ^iTss^O^tfl^ ; a prophet, one who sees a tiling long before. ^ir^^(s^3=irui3.(SQp^, ^ir^^i^.fn-u(Sp^ ; to drink the ■water with which an idol has been washed. ^§dliru), ^svffui, ^ffl^iM ; haste, hurry, speed. ^pruiaei, ^iKBdee^; a rubbing stone. ^aoojiuffo, Q^iremeuiuio ; a kind of seasoning with food. The Natives make this kind of seasoning in different sorts thus : 1. i^eifl^^esieijujeo ; a kind of seasoning with Tama- rind. 2. siTeu{—^^meuiuSi> or eiJL-6ij^^'SS)sisr ; he leaps like a fish, i. e. he is unsettled, continually in motion. ^esuflSp^, ^essfluSp^ ; to clear up doubts to venture, to hazard, to presume, to act boldly to be petulant as : ^iT6u^ ^'mfiih^(su^a(^3' s^opp^nio QptpiEiaaeosneuirm ; to him who dares to die, the sea is only knee deep. Pro. He is reckless of danger. -s'lreijsQtii Quitq^s^ld &jLps(^e(^ih ^mfliSp^, i. e. to venture on death, to venture on a battle, to hazard a law s,uit. 100 ^uLjSpji', ^Lj/Djii ; to spit, to throw out spittle. ^ihi-iQ/Dji or ^'LLOpSpj^, ^tliBp^; to sneeze as : £iiti> wpaiT^ Qffieikrss:!f^LjuiTiTsSp^, to pi'Of^nosticate by sneezing: ^imldiso s^ireK^iTLD, the art divination by sneezing. ^uSeiSp^, ^S'c9p^ ; to sleep, eamisissip^ ^ijS!Oe:>Q£>. Rise from sleep at day break. " For is there aught in sleep to charin the wise ? To lie in dead oblivion losing half. The fleeting moments of too short a life, Total extinction of the enlightened soul." Climate and con- stitution will doubtless make a ditlerence, and claim considerable allowance. A. A. S. jSio-^^Slp^, ^p^p^ ; to make one go, to expel? to drive or chase away. ^iB^S'eOy ^ifl(CT)S=eo, OeuffneurreO-^ a bat. ^QT^SLD, ^Qf)isuLc, ; a liill fort, or place of difficult access. ^(T^sstr, ^^dsiT ; (some say juSssit) Mahomedans, reside in the Peninsula of India. In another sense ^ja/ssCTT one affecting a lofty mien — jssadSl; fem. a woman affect- ing the lady or giving herself airs — ^juiiSl^^sniQ /51—sp^ ; to aflect a proud mien in walking. or ^QKuiyLSf-^^a'^siTem^i rnqr^wp^. ) p^ ; to hunt out a thief, or theft, or to explore any thing very difficult. ^^(-LDi^L^dp^. See ^t-u). ^QirirsLo, ^QiriTisuu); treachery, perfidious- nes9, betrayal. There are five different kinds of ^QirireuiJa treachery as follows : 1. ^em^jsQirireuLD ; treachery towards relatives. 2. (^(Tf)f,^QiriT(cvii) ; treachery to a spiritual guide. 3. ffm^^QiTireuLL ; treachery towards any one's own people, tribe, or nation. 4. ffirs^jiiQiTiKsuLD ; high treason. 6. eFiTi£l/r,^QiTiT(mju>, treachery towards a master, or lord. These despicable dispositions still exist among the most part of the mankind, and it is rare avoid their ill-customs as follow? :— 101 esr ; he is as lean and feeble as the stalk of the water- lily; jji/i^^dsiTifluj^^Qiso QLD;k^^ £jeijemL^(f^d(n^ek- ; he is much in- clined to that thing ; he applies himself to it diligently. ^jp^, ^Sp^ ; to scatter about, or abroad, to strew. bird that makes hanging nests very skilfully : Loxia philippina L. The Loxia-bird teaches a moral to a monkey as follows : ^iresTQpiEi ssisSiLjui /BsSlesrp,^0'3S(emu) A literal translation of the said Stanza. That is, — In a rainy ]i)2 weather, a monkey took a shelter under the root of a tree, wliere a nest of Loxia-bird was hanging; then, the bird seeing the wretclied monkey being wet entirely by rain? advised why do you never build a proper house for your residing against the day of winter ? upon hearing this, the monkey having given room to his rage, climbed over the tree and made the nest into pieces,-^ So, thou wilt be damaged, if thou wfiuldst give advice to a person who hath no learning and wisdom. — Should a poor but wise man admo- nish a powerful and wicked person, ruin would be tiie consequence. ^6m-(SQ/D^, ^smiLp^ ; to stir the fire, to irritate, to incite, to entice : ^(rF,iivekQffuj^ 6uuj^ein^^^d(^u> ; he who fills up a well goes about to starve himself — moral for lavishing the valuable days in idleness. ^sueiiLLemLpj ^euirear ld ; rain driven by the wind, through the doors or windows as ; LoemLpeSltLS/h^eiJiregruii^i— eSsiSsv ; it ceases to rain, but drizzles still. Pro. that is, there are some remain of a grievance,still. — In Jaft'ana ^susa usesfor pen. But in Madras, use the same English word pen, Qu^ : — meaus a mad dog. — §)fo(^ is known to be used in Tran(|uebar. 0^^fflSi/D£ii, O^ffluS^^ ; to be seen, to be known, to be clear, and plain, to perceive, to understand^ as : ^Sso QfBiTsijwsiTtLi'a'S'st!'^ ^ema(^ru}, ^dlLl^'S sSaummrLD ; consum- miiting marriage ceremony. O^^&SIlL®, ^eiii^essr ® QiDLLlUUlTQ^LBek^ isS SV ifl ^ ^ ffl ILf ^ QiMiuuuirQ^QpsnrL—iTUJ Qen^u-jiMi—iEiSi^ ^eBr ; he hides what he gets, and begs in the streets, Prov. Q^LLemu., Qs5lLl-u) ; appetence, longing, acquisition as: GTesrd(^J^ s^nuuirLLu^ehQiMQei Q^LLi—LBeoSsd ) \ have no appetite, no desire of food. Q^LLi—iresm&DLD, Q^L-(-.ires)LD ; aptness at acquir- ing, as: aiTu-L—tr'Scsr^etsrp asi^CSurr&ieutri^QLD, Q^iiLLi—irsfTeisr Q.i&d^sin-ui ; the wealth of a miser (in an unpropitious time) may become like the empty shell of the wood apple (Feroniaj after having been eaten, and voided by an elephant. Avvy. Q^iuseai—uessiLD, (c^(^^uei!srij}^ or Q sALKsnes^i^uem LD ; a small silver coin, worn smooth by use : commonly Os^e^eoiru uesBTU), or ep^d(^Qp%T or Os'sieHfrisire? as : jfjeu^s^ Qs'tDUire^L^s' Os^eieorr&siTirrQp^e^auj sf^(S^^iiS!ei2so ; I have no profit by him even a copper coin, which worn smooth by use. Q^iueuniBJ^, C?^ffl//r/E/(^; the sloth, or bradypus 103 an animal that moves very slowly, ns : j>j&!m^iE}Qf['<^s Sstisr^ s£IlL®3 Qgsu(T,ij(&fSu!r^.((T)a(it;eisr ; he is lean like a sloth? notwith- standing his eating. j^snOa^ tr(i^ Q^euiT'ijQLSishdsir Our(^i:rr ; she has borne a mis-shaped child ; a monster. Q^wfBiTiusBdTULLL-sSdrLD, Q^eui^LcuLiu-fmLD ; a town near Karical; Davanampatam, or Fort. St. David. R. Q^/bjvSipjD, Q^^p^\ to comfort, to con- sole, to strenjrthen, to confirm, to refresh one's self. ^suj&), fiuiueij a wife, beauty, a seam^ a suture as : s-(S<5r^uJiuei) i^ifli^Qutri's^, your seam is ripped up; s:iijujeiJlLL(Bu Quir-fs?; the same. — (^LL®^<5iuujso^ a patching, a mending; QsiLi^^^ujiuffO, a. double seam. — em^^ujffiQs'irp'^sQsrriso. Do not listen to the words of women : Though a woman versed in the science of the learned, she will remain a silly woman still. Prov. Note. — " Though the sentence reflects so strongly on the Tamil ladies it was written by one of themselves. What makes the mat- ter still worse, it appears that the true meaning is. " Do not listen to the words of your wife." So the A. S. V. ^Q^Gi^^fBes)^iusi Q^trpQsQen&). {Q^^ffiT'EjSlses)^.) It is difficult, satisfactorily to account for this maxim. The mind almost instinctively reyerts to Hindoo polygamy and the household ion strife necessarily consequent upon it, as t/ie original cause; but it is not impossiblfj that our Hindoo friends, with hcallicn benevolence? first consign their women to perpetual ignorance, and then reflect on them for it. Thus : Quaa^emuQiu^aru^ u> ir ^ ir dsa^s (!'-'' ll. — OstT.-ehr . "Ignorance is an ornament to women.'' Ko. V. mtLi iTiT(3^6S)jr>QpLj^ujirir /Bear (f>j'/b(^iT fs siir ^ ^ si t lL " The man wlio acts not according to his own opinion but according to that of his wife, cannot discharge the necessary duties connected with this world or the world to come." ^siHEirei eSet^^esy^tLifSLhuffOir LL!rpes)puL^ix> Ou(jr,iij sirpeio/nLiWuyu usoir/EJ, sfTsi^iTcS'LLu- ,^^eainsu>ue!)iT:m .S'SnsrrnQsut—ir ixpsuaair /Sihusirr^, Qs'Sc'OslLl^uj LCiiT^Qs>irrBilt3<^p ^qF)^! esU m ^i ^ lu sj (^eu " One may trust deadly poison, a river, a hurricane, the beauti- fully-large fierce Elephant, the Tiger come for prey, the angels of death, a thief, a savage, a murderer, but if one trusts a petticoated woman, without doubt he must \Tander about in the streets (i. e. as a beggar.")* ^esrOuQ^smLoQjfireisQCoiu ^sinBssruL^sipi^u^ir s'LDirQsirssinOL—ire/i) di^Lhu^iTy ^dixOuifiQujiriii-i^^ Qa:iVj that it is not a result d^-voutly to be wislird? T;.\lor's Orimi Hisf. 1U7 This stauzahas been consecrated by a Poet ©(^u/r^^-r-f/f, on a god Comarasa who lives in a Mountain. The subject of which, cer- tifies that the person who is against the law of the down mentioned rules, is like to a chaff which is emptied without its grain : as 1. He who brags himself before the people, 2. He who conceals in war or struggle, 3. He who is unwilling to hear the advice of his elders, 4. He who expostulates with his inferiors opening his secrets, 5. He who rejoices himself, accusing others behind their faces, 6. He who observes his own healtb,while his parents are in misery, 7. He who listens the advice of women, 8. He who begs, while he has golden money in possession, 9. He who bears false witness, 10. He who refuses the system of the worldly people, 11. He who reveals the intimacy of his own wife with others, 12. And he w^ho commits adultery with a prostitute, are these (12 persons) likened, compared or reckoned to a chaff or husks among the Society of men. " So barely stated, the above maxim is a bad one." " A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband." The words of such a woman should be listened to with love and deference. The intellectual moral and religious state of women is, in general, a good index of the true state of the Society in which they live. The intelligent Hindoos acknowledge themselves degraded by the customs and prejudices of their people on this point. Till very recently it was deemed disgraceful to teach their women to read. The maxim of Menu is still law ; " A woman must never seek independence." c. V. 141. The Vishnu Purana says. "Let not a man treat woman with disrespect, nor let him put entire faith in them. Let him not deal impatiently with them, nor set them over matters of importance." The days of ignorance are however sealed ; the direct and indirect influence of Christianity is very powerful in respect of the Social and moral elevation of woman ; and the day is not far distant, when, if she could rise from the tomb, Avvyar would be the. first to reverse this sentiment. At present however, in Hindoo society instead of many wise women professing godliness, we know that there are many illustrations of the scripture sentiment." A. A. A. S lOS j63ax)r:'.''Cpro'T°c«j, .^.^i^j^^ :-o,^da:i-* cess's, 9 oJ ' s^ (f) '•^-^ ' Bv Tamil, ^slol/.e^ sfs^^etsff^sij, Q(TfL^^^iTeS(D j>/su^i(^i 0^it(Sul^ ; he in- trigues with her. Q ^ n- S! u ljs s ir ir sk ; a, \echer O^^irOuL^iairifl, i'cm. 0^a(BuQuiiQs, where is thy paramour ? O^irdsoSlp^, jg7^aS/r^; to be finished, to come to an end, to leave, to forsake, to go off, to be freed as : erek doSTi^LL®^ ^S^(^ffir€sr ; he has left me. j>/^Quirsfs ^ds\)(^(FiT&> ^efl tp^LD {^strei^^ua) us9s(^,u> ; if suHcring (the consequence of evil done in a former state) be accomplished, the medecine will take effect. O^^tr^vOsuC®, afar off; QuauQu^^ etJL^O^irSsvu^Lh ; by walking with conversing, the journey will easily come to cud. ji/i^^euipdi^^ Q^iTdsC(cr)3fQuiiiLj ^ScviLjQfiQpcSQznr^. i. e. I am exceedingly glad that the law-suit or process, is ended, nsirsir Qu^^j^l^s^Qd^iw ; I have finiylied speaking. Q^tTiL^^eo, Q^siTfffSi; a dipping, a soaking, a tempering of iron. ^siriQ^^r^ffei) ; a partial curdling, or tem- pering; uiT!TScrr ; they are very intimate friends. jr^aun-eh &2em-s^sisi^uiSLLL—iT^uD lS-ssuul-it^, you caunot break (or destroy) their friendship, though you would endeavour to discord it; Qibs.s's^p/SljpuulL® isu(rf^^;3uu(B^^^, I suffer much by a whitlow : commonly miirs?^^, a whitlow. fBaQ^Qp^, !Bsii(fT)p^ ; to creep, to crawl, to crawl as children do, as : ^esr&^^ QsiirmffesTLDtL'^'Ej Qsir®^^ mnj^^uQun-LLi—truj, iro. thou hast sent me away with a gift, ^l^iuit Qso weu^^uQutr'Sip^, to shove a thing aside with a stick. IBSS)SSL.'U, !ESS>SULJLj, IB iU iU IT SSiT Ll^ , ^lflui-j, Qadl; a laugh scorn as : GncNs^s' &ifluLjaji^j^ ; it made me laugh. /£ ; a laughable, or ridiculous thing. rsffsi-uQuiru^j ■si^izsii—ssLLL^'si^OuaLsjL • very small fishes: @/J^ /d 3= a^ uu So s^sn 03= it ein i^nr^ ji/si^sSem-^ §)-^'3''3^^ ; the word of one who has poisoned teeth surely effected : that is, one whose words are ill omened, or venomous. In another sense ^i* eufTLusisi ; a blab, or babbler : commonly Q^iresruusir. lEL-dsd, iBu.eoLD ; derision, petulancy ; irrcverance, incivility, deceit, as : ^siafBi—edLD Oev(j^iBn'Seni(^Sso0oiT^ ; the trickery will not last long, irn-tsossirnsk a petulant, or insolent, fellow : s-^iBi— e^ if) iSiih^fB lLu.it p/BQe^'^u IT suTTiu mayest thou, with thy petulancy, be cast into the midst of the stream ! R. rnQSoHwek, rB(Sisu'Lh, you will require a golden shoe if your coudition be of a little highest. /5Llt_/ru)i-LLji, [6LLt—!TQpiLL^ ) middle rate? me- diocrity, meanness; Avhat is niiddliui;, or common, as: ^suew- srssr ffi(5 WLLi—iT(ipLLi-^L£(rri/Bji]Oair(b>^£i;iTeisr, he gave a conimon medicine to my sickness — i7>lLi—!T(lplLl^uSi(oS\) Ou'SssrOim-'S^p^ /S'Jos^sEe^eO, It is not right to take a girl by marriage in the middling sort, li rtLLi—iTQpiLujL Quff^Qu^nQ^, do not speak nonsensical word. r6smT(B^ &,su, lu, made into the technical word, Namasivayi. A devout Saiva, to whom the latent' import is un- known, is instructed by his spiritual guide to cover one of his hands with a cloth, and bowing his head, softly to repeat these letters, numbering the repetitions of each letter by touching with the thumb on the joints and tip of (jacli finger, and then with one finger the joints and tip of the thumb. J^laeh index gives one repetitiiin, and the whole hand five repetitions ; the greater the number of repetitious the greater the act of virtue : they are also Ill preceded by meiiLioning the mystic, syllable aum, or o'ra, coin- mou to all classes of Hindus. In the opus operaium of this ave and pater system consists the merit: though the meauing be to the devotee unknown. But the recondite sense, it is beheved, may with .some confidence be stated to be the following. The five letters have a reference to the five senses, and also to the supposed five elements ; akash, or ether, being added to the four elements, heretofore of western philosophers. Now as the five senses are to the human body and soul, so are the five ele- ments to the corporeal substance and incorporeal pervading Spirit or soul of the universe." T. O. W. Instead of these mystical five letters, separately composed by late learned and talented F. W. Ellis Esq. C. S. as follows: ^fr(jlf-Q<3ilTdF3':3asypeiiiBiijeiju./eu esrsrr/flujLJD rsiluifl^iruS^sp^, It is dfficult to feel confidence, concerning- his state, or situation, jt/zro^wiiueinreufr^ ; it is not to be believed. /5JTSLD, fSFBjLD ; hell ; /^irsud(&)LSiSlQsi «^'(i£P^: to fall into the pit of hell : to suffer perdition.— /5ir« J), «T ; the seven hells of the Hindus. J. ^eh&reo. 2. ^Qirefr jrevii. 3. (^uaSuirsLr. 4. '0^i—fPiTei>ih. 5. O^ii^^^irem-u). 6. uS and 7. LDiTLi^. Sat. R. — mnsi ^mojirosuj^ ^pmfslQ^aQpOfs^^ luirsuQfjiJD /5esr(/r^uj/S!mf5l^uuiTiTS0TriTiSleBr un^ih ^GmOsirOis^iosi^LLi—iT^, Tf all would have known perfectly that the hell hath opened his mouth, sin will not stretch forth its sting. ^L^^i^(BeiJiT (r^L—enueto^uuir QiDiTP'B^ipavmr sfLpeoSlpunir LfuetreuirnO/siTib ^Q^eiifrnQs'iriTvuirir SL^^0l(SevtriT ^^ixQpu.^ Qpei^euir fffriruunir 113 inuir/sQ^fSjQ^ ^luiEK^Qpuirir ^luiflesTQeu^efno This is said concerning the sufferings and torments of sinners in hell. am grown gray as : /5«o/riri-L(BsQan'(^(^^ -^ one word to a good woman ; one cauterizing to a good cow. — ^eoeoQ^ (oSsososusmr uyiremuinss) ^insnenQ^ What is deficient with a virtuous wife ? If in the wife defect, then what is all This world can give ? Ousmresef^p Ou(r^/B^ss luireijsrr spQusir^fS Than virtuous woman what more excellent, Who, firm in mind, her wedded faith maintains ? C. S. E. ^mBsar^esiiuiLj LLu^iuirefTUQsuP.iLjLiieoirLJ Qun'^e!^Z!5rip(9fiJb Lj^uQuireapiLjih — eu sir esr QpSso Qsu&^uSs^Lo eSpeSTLD/B^rFlLD^lLlU) Qu&sQ0nsiJU-jSiTiL-UJiT(^ ir-of^iBsi^s^ Qu^iBiko30 ; Qps s n- lL(B s sir^sr^ Oiii'iesS(ipLBsiSs\), properly, QpQpju'kQsL.i—Qi^.i;^ Qsl^ e^Soo; one well drenched no longer shuns a little moisture and so there is notliing evil to a hardened rogue. R. ^(b)fBds!iriLj^esi^(Ssiri^tu^(ip^^iriM; Pro. the Avolf exclaims that the sheep is wetting by rain i. e. those who mind their own interest, will not pay attention for other matters. JB(T /strsLh, rBireuii) ; Ileavcn, paradise, ether, sky, a snake in general : especially the Cobra-capella ; witsus^itS ; a medicinal plant useful against a serpent's bite : Cucumis anguinus L. iBireuiB^smLLpjSi to be bitten by a snake. wtrsuu.Lb, ear-rings worn by female, with the figure of a serpent: commonly iBireut^u). /E/raswfr, rrroneously /zr/rgi/f ; Nagoreatown near ^'egapatam.— /5T«ii) efliiwr (^ffiEi(^'-\si!Tdoisr fspM^r LD2»\)uuin}>i3ujiT2jBr — the word /Birau) lib renders the meaning for heaven, monkey, a kind of l^s^Sw tree, nice cloth, mountain-snake and elephant.— Neguodoo. ir,iTdsuL^3^9, or iBirik3k.Lp^ ns!TB(^uL^kQ ; a ground or earth worm, a belly worm. fsm^su), fsiTL-euw ; a play, a ballet, a drama, as : fsiru.ev.ff'rrSMuOuem, an actress, a danseuse ^/ri_sssr^ir i3skuL^is!T^ii euirir, those who are afraid of infamy will slight voluptuousness. 13. Oisjss^ QdsLD /sfremisj QsLLi—eum (an imitative) an impudent, or bold faced woman. — There are 4 dispositions belonging to women called ti!s®s^(^essru}. I. /sir em li, modest j ; 2. ^oi—ii', simpli- city ; 3. ^a^s'ts, fearfulness ; 4. utSlirui-j, imitation, mirak) means a cord and bow. jt/sanr/stressr, or (c^mm, erroneously j>/(rri(^s0.sBirL^ or ^sasTi^asLu^^ a waist cord ; miremsflpaQp^, to slacken the bow. See ^em(Gss)ieuSl^ — /srreenTujih ; an honesty, /Biremujui money; Teloogoo. fBiresrih musk. /siriSlf mtreS, o9(ajj.ti), /p,^* ; an active vegetable poison: wa^e^iBin^ and erroneously uars^g^rsir^, or ens^fsirdl^ a strong poison, said to be produced from the root of the Acorus Calamus: u sheas' if n<^0atu tLjuL^uuiriruuiriTsemr? do people taste tlie relish of the poison ? that is, they do not : it is not to be tasted. Four antidotes to this poison are enumerated : 1. ji/i^emwiTiSl or i3ini>rBiTi3, the sacerdotal antidote; 2. 3';S^ifluj/sinSf or ^n^^minS, the royal antidote ; 3. esieu&ujfsiTL3, the merchant antidote ; 4. (^^^o'^iTL^y the servile antidote ; To these are ascribed the following colours : 1. to ^fB^estrfSiriS, white ; 2. to s=^^(BujrBin3, red; 3. to (zmeii9iujiBni3, blue, and 4. to (^^^ir/smS, black. R. 117 £)i!6iiiTisrr, I doubt not but she will surely kill her husband by said poison : — uiTLhuirQiii su tr em Lp ill uipil). The contents of this stanza, reveal that the plantain fruit, pos- sessing the quality like the snake Cobra-capella by the usage of peel- ing its skin &c. is(^3? denotes in Tamil, both for poison and supple. s3=QQ^s(^iii uirioS(TF,d(^LD 6Siri}>iS!(r^u- miruiU), a large mark worn by some Vaishnavas ostentatiously. ^pj^fffTLDCLps^sCSs^ s^pjlisSQpe!frssQs^} (c&ipjpnnnDQpeer «Cp«^ SsSLL®^u.?;^^ujir (^aearuQuemQem. — Evangelical Poet. ir.ndj(G(if)<^f fBiTiLj(rF)cS ; a plant : Achyran- thcs aspera. L. /Birtuda,®^, /B/ria®6j/j a plant ; Cleo)nc. li. 119 j^irdrjuO'Sfrshief^Qp^f /stT^jiOsir^rr/Djii • (o hang one's self j^sucar siu^an^uQuinKS rssT'Sasfis'Slssr^ Os'^^aek ; he liang by a cord, or rope. See /^n^jSjp^. f5iT£iiSip^, miT/SlpD^i ; to yield a smell, good or bad, but commonly stink as : rBirp&iirium, one who emits a bad smell out of his mouth : Meta. one who speaks filthy words ^sijpih^QssiO€srek(n^ QesreaQf^esTd SdjaSi^ireS^etr^ ]fl iBsiTiB^i—.!T^sisa&-ujp OJ^eir u&)^ uQuciau euSlir/i^i—T^^^eir QpoiriBiLj-Bi(^Qf,d€^s euQ^^^eS^ ^(SlQu>ssmues>iT.5 sirir. ^LjS(^ifif§e^^LL U)L0LDi^iDLl.L^rrsu Ouitq^ix'SOit ^'essri^lSsardOsireirsjrr QajLB(^Qipesr63fl es9^esrisuuSleiSiTf,/iO^(Sds£i{u> ULLL^dsmoj seiir * <3'ITlS(^L£)^ISSO^ u9,SaSllQujff0friEian./S^ ^fBludoBT sSl uLl—Sek peurQ IT, QiDiLiLDuiemp^d^Ei—iTSLh — eSSsm iLjjj;ut—0OLD. S QT/eu IT essfi , Sireviresufiy ^uatMesuriii ; a naked person, emancipation from matter, and re-union with the divine nature, perpetual rest, or calm. It is used in this last sense by Hindoo writers but especially by the Buddhas, and Jainas, and has been mis-represented by some European writer as being the idea denoted by the atheistical term annihilation. R, iSsir^'STQ^^jSip^, iSesdiOemQ£^p^ ; to write stan- ding. rSsirj;iji§oiir£iJ,'5i—dSp^, iSem^jjiBem^v^Quirp^ or ^iejSI^ ^laQuQuirp^ to make stops in walking. /^ SiB^'Sp^, /§is^p^, i(^dp^ ; to swim : as SlSsosSLLL-freoSds^ ; if the footing be lost, nothing remains but to swim ; q. d.he whoieaves his proper business, gets into difficulties. l£^(^(^s^s(^ !§s--3^uuips(g)W!TQrimrQi^iT ? will any one teach a young fish to swim i. e. will any one persuade to wise men, to manage their business in order. ids^ifl^iruS^iEj &pu^^ds\}Quj. Tliough it be difficult to swim in the ocean of learning still stedfastly learn. liireS'SetrujirQi—ffi). Do not play in water, Avvi. * Q^3^euiT^Qs;eii0e^vsr^uiQufr(r^i?rr 122 N. " This precept implies that it is improper for young people to play in tanks and other similar dangerous places. By so doing they cause great anxiety to those who love them, and run immi- nent risk of losing their lives. The temptation to do so is strong when under the excitement of company and enjoyment.'' S. MrrsssreSlj lj^wbitS ; a reddish color, in cotton cloth, produced by frequent dipping, or washing in water only, without soap, or similar materials. R. — This is very common custom to all the Bramins and noble Soodras. iSiT^^uQuirssrff'rr^LD} /§ ^ _^ uQ u it sar Q 3" rr jjji , or ^eseresyfl ^lLl-s^it^ud, or FP,'BJ'^^ir^LD ; rice become like starch, from being allowed to remain long after having been boih'd. N. This rice will cause sickness to old people. /?/ry,LlLp.(£zir#/r^Lo is elegant talk in Southern side. /f/r^C?tf/r^, Ms-Qffrrjpj, or uemupuj^, or s(^&; boiled rice, kept over night in water for breakfast. N. Natives are very fond of this rice and eat it with puSir, curdled milk ; then the taste will be agreeable. Q.^iu, uneo, ^iSlir, Qldi ^euirirs^ s^itulS i_ s-i—ihiSsir eSu-'ir^iujuLh^ ghee, milk, curdled milk and buttermilk are very healthy to the body : as iSir^r^dS QiDiTiiQu^r^dS Omiuui-jQ^i'S u^fmr^jLosviT Qun^eairdau Quit QldlSI^ ; he who drinks water that has been boiled, he who di- lutes well with water his curdled milk, he Avho uses ghee instead of butter, his name is an antidote to sickness; lit. will enjoy health. R. J^'^'^, QviTiij(^ ; the unripe pulpy sub- stance of a palmyra fruit : as Qairemu.sir&o^^'s^ 0/siTiEi;^^iruL9LLu.(r eo Oexi(V)(^(&^^^^ ; by eating the said fruit in the summer, it will afford much healthiness. — This is very common food to Indians. Jfi^ui3sh'2end(^ eutu s^irQsi) O/K/r 357(45 Q/Brr/aaiTiu eSQpeiij^ ; that child has looseness like pulp, spoken of a lax state of the bowels, j^ifjDipSv^, j^^LpuS/D^ ; to go in with diffi- culty, to creep in, to enter, to penetrate : as essz^H^Q^trfenuSeo jsireo jpss)ifiiu tended; the thread docs not pass into the needle's eye : ^i fi^Qs'irei ermLDear^Qff!) jpis^ipujeS^^ ; the word not enters (that is not impressed itself on} my mind. erjuLOL^jpsiDLpuj ^i^iBQ^i^nii 123 ff^iT^ti); if a place an ant be free to enter then the fly will enter into it 1. e. eieOo^nriM ^stsitpi^^ ajneiLDir^^ULh ^emLpuj^siSo\) H. Whole entered into the hole, except the tail. — N. This was answered, by a scholar who paid his deep attention on a rat which was enter- ing in a hole : during his priest's instruction ; his priest interro- gated him on the conclusion of his doctrine; did all my advice entered in your mind ? ^r ^pQp^, .^sp^ ; to spin, ^so^ap^ to spin cotton thread, i^srek^^^^^,^^^ sstmrdQuirifdQdp what you count as to spin cotton thread. ^^^^iQLo (,^pjj/d(^Lb) eem dr^s'O.firdip^ ; to give a reason for a hundred things; that is, to know how to speak with propriety of many things, .^^^igti* (j^pj:vd(^ij>) usisfi:sei!)S (ua!sf^s^)0^frSopj^ • to censure a hundred things, that is, captiously to find fault. jiiT^^d(^uL3domuLLQL-.Q(^ ? have I engaged for a hundred things ? An answer given to one who did not content with what he has received. jbtt^ssi^sO^®^^^ @(753^ ; the measure that has spoiled a hundred i. e. a little thing spoiled a great. Qi^SipQp^y Q/EsSi^p^^ ^erQ^p^ ; to be- come loose, to become forsaken, to grow lean and weak : as Jgjafl^so/TLog^) Om^ip&&iajfriiS(Tf)'Sp^ to be not close, but loose and wide : STiuO/^SliQrrQpsiirj ssssrstLi Sit'Sjd^, (Q/s(rf,(BlSp^) to pick, or search the head, to pick out the louse ; properly ^^Os^i^L/Gu/rS 0>siT ; vulgarly ;s^u^i—;S uQuir(rffis5r , Meta. he is about his vile business. O/ejj®, what is written indistinctly, and difficult to be read ^sveh O^a^ixu QitiTL^, she is a very stingy. QfBsfiSpjD, O.'s&fluSp^ ; to come forth crawling, and wriggling as: SQiuewem i-i(ipO,^eiflu3(iyLjQu.Tsi> O/ee^ uSQ/D, what you crawl like the worm crawls i. e. what you are like lukewarm. O-^erfl^^* 0it^0'O.3'iij ; pay a vow. ^/f^ulSowSsit miTtGrr.s^^rineir Q.'Bk_^'^uiT arrived at manhood, having learned the particulars of his birth, and the place of his mother's abode, goes thither : the mother is delighted ou again beholding her son, vrhom she now finds of ripened yearsj and renowned for his military exploits, and in a transport of joy- affection, immediately accosts him thus : ujirrfio^LDuaLD. a-@-«sff. You are come, O Lord Sivagen, whose breast (beams with mild splendor) like the rising sun, to visit me ill-omened, (wretch), who quitted in the field of battle the king (thy fatlier) valiant in war, and abandoned you in the burning place of the dead, (you are come) paining your feet, which are as the red Taraarei imbued with the (rich) colour of the lac that it has sucked up. B, QmiT(^sSp^, (o.'S!TeS/r>^ ; to pain, to smart to ache : as MOs'iu^euQi^Qp ^uL^^esBn^irQiUj&^id^^ O^lLhsu^ss)^ Q.^it&i Qeii^iiQixiUJsosoiTLDeo s-oor family. 0/srrijiQuirc3iQfiTjjj; spoiled rice, by being kept in a vessel without water, {lEs^mff^-^dQ-a^irn-) srssrCc/pff-a/io £5(7505(75/5 _^0<2/r©IBjQ'ilU) ^ifj^^^ffQuiSCT^QlMl! IT LD(!f)fs^p(njQ^'^Lti. Q i .S IT LD€S!^ . This is said of a meanest fellow's wealth, when he is so proud as to not think his former condition ; the remedy of making humble, is to turn liini again to his last poverty. QnirekLjQiBirp'Sp^y QisitlcljlSIl^sp^ ; to fast, to mortify the body, by religious abstinence.. — Virgins in India continue in this kind of fasting, once in a year : for the purpose of obtaining prosperity in future time. u useioL-Sui3pj?i, ueuetDL—auSuQuiTS-^ ; it was a narrow miss, or escape— <2/5««sB5L_^uLSi^«^. This word was heard when two boys were playing marbles ; this gave confusion to a learned also (as said) by its cloudy meaning ; by analysis, 0/e£i> paddy, «s!Dt_ last, ^ui^a^s?, having escaped. Properly QrBs^sesiu- suL3u(cuiruSp£ii or OfBisi)s9irpa;es>t— ^ui3uQunuSlpjpi — means the tip of a paddy length, has not touched (for striking your marble.) ^(rpLOizm'uOuessrLsi(i^ni s sir ;ef^ fa sen jilt's ^Q^isSUULlL—ITir O^ITL—ITLf. (S^pe'lT . The double minded woman, the intoxicating and the practice of dicing are the intimate companions to those that have deprived the blessing of Holy. usffi uweo, LDi^tuiresTLD : the day time : iD^s9iuiTserLD means mid-day time, the same as s-Q^Lcti or , ussieuuJiTafl ; a liater, an enemv, u foe ; us usDevujirsiiQffiuSi^ tS/buemasS'SsmLjLi^ he who^^hates will be hated in return. us"^, uff&v ; spinach ; Portulaca ole- racea ; In another sense, a young boy; as §}iiJcer ^skeeruD 0(n^LLuu3' ?enujiTesr^iTSi L^i^uSsieofTLDeo Os^uj^ireir • lie did foolishly because he is very young. In poems eviuSso, or euLuSoodQsiTL^. Qu!r(Sp^ ; to eat, to consume, to devour ; as usu^s^^^it^ld j^euirurr ffLb ^[rassOsiT(r^OsiT(y>daLLes)L^Quj, though the poor maid-servaut beat flour ever so hard, she has but a small cake to expect. u(sS^, usmr^ ; an ornament, a trinket, iewelry. GuireinOi^ssrjij usm^uso ; golden ornaments are various, but gold is one substance ; used to signify, the existence of one God under many forms, or manifestations. R. /5ero«, FPa^s^uiS^s?, e.eTOt_OTti3, &c. common for jewels. ^<^sijuLD(r€srJ:^3iT(Sei>Smiu s^u^iu ^Q cs IT IT LDjbeo/DLuQ^ suits'^ OujiT(7r,Qu(iT)iijBL.sijQsfnT(B/uQLi>iSla;^ eSojrr^ ik^^pei eu'SoffiJji)S/b(^t}> ei!)eua3r^/b(^0i-D^^eir€S)LL^(Sf.iT en^g^esretDLD^^/r QlLLeSm'^- — 'STu0^ir(S Osn-^^zkeioLD^^mSl^ LDuOuiTQ^sm- OldujuQuit Q^sh- sirmrU^/Seij. ^(Tf/Sijehi&^eiJiT. u^uO^mec, U'^uQi-esr^ ; the sound caused by a swift motion, or struggle as : OT£sri@ wms^ ul-uOlsn-jtv ^u^ e,p^-> my mind is struggling or labouring in difficulties, or fears, &c, Q^nLuiLiisS^/b L^aj ui—uQt—einjj' ^ijid/D^, the vform is moving, or struggling, in the heat of the sun. .gyayssr ua^u^^uLf ^L-djSu Quiri^ff?, his arrogance is now discontinued. 130 uflih, UQh^euLL, or uJi^euu, ^^ ', tl'^ same as sirsniM time. ui(^suLDrrsms(rsi>Lly reasonable time, as : Thoi\gh you exert yourself to the utmost, the acts you may have undertaken will not come to pass before the appointed time : none of the lofty trees of lengthened form bear fruit except in season. Mudurie. u^uiuiTsp^, to explore, or to examine whether the proper temperature has been observed, to taste meat, in order to see whether it is properly cooked. R. uQ^evih, 3h- ; six seasons of the year are reckoned : 1. s/r/f, 2 sfu^ir, 3. QpmusS, 4. lS^wuooS, 5. ^'^QsueSs^, and 6. Qp^nQsueSei)- u(rf,suL£, <9= ; four degrees of the age of women ; by derivation from the Sanscrit : 1. 6urr3s\), uiroso, a child, under 5 years, and also up to sixteen. 2. /s(rf,eB^, a young woman from 16 to 30 years of age. 3. iS.QiTerresii—, a matron, a woman from 30 years of age to 55. 4. eff(75^i«ro5r an old woman. Wils. R. The distinction in the use of these terras is not always accura- tely observed ; uQ^euLD-cr ; seven degrees of the age of women ; in Native Tamil usage. 1. Quea^, a girl from 5 to 7 years; 2. Ou^ihiXDu, a girl from S to il years ; 3. LniEJ6S)s, a girl from 12 to 13 years ; 4. LDi^tBes)^, a young woman from 14 to 19 years; 5. ji/iflemevf a woman from 22 to 2o years ; 6. Q^ifl^su, a woman from 26 to 31 years; 7. QuiflsrrdQuemr^ a woman from 32 to 40 years. Sanscrit. R, u.3jiiSp^, uj-jpi/r^ ; to be over-hasty, to be precipitate, u^^iOir/r^i/r^, to speak precipitately, in too great haste, rashly, unadvisedly. u^s(ir^f,sirifluj^',ifl^i(n;^y a well meditated matter will not miscarry. uk^psirso, ' ui^sairei ; a pole : ui^isire^ {BinLpja, to fix a pole, of a booth, attended with some ceremonies when a marriage or a festival, is to be celebrated, /sir^ii'srr^ineiki—ir 1.11 (W)^ e^(ff)U(h^ei)1u^i-eifnJD, uiien tliere are four poles, a booth can be made— that is, any needful thing can be made wlien the materi- als are ready. R. In another sense ^snm eurriuireo u/s^&dQuir(S(nj'ssr ; he speaks proudly, but to no purpose. umQ, euifl'5S)ffj i^QffiKi^, uffl/(^jsu^Quem3'ir^s(^ Quj^jiQm^ aiTinresr ; he speaks with partial afTcction, in favour of his wife. eLeke^[TLDOeu(^^^ cpQT^udsrLpi^ Offe-iffOiflds. An iniprecation. Note.— Rut this is altogether inelegant; and although indeed the above denominations are borrowed from the elegant dialect, 13;2 yet they are so common, that even the women are in the habit of using them. uffl/s^QuQiu uiTjpsu^iBssiQ^, It is much better to hear the word of a sensible boy ; than to Lear the speakings of an ignorant ; and it is more better to hear the Divine word ; than to repose our trust on the story of vain fabri- cations belonging to this iniquity workl. Ou^ ; ^u-rrsLh. ufisiTffihy uifluj/rffLD ; entire destruction, abolition , abrogation, atonement ; from Sans. Cara, destroying and Pari, intensitive prefix. " The sans-word Parihara, disrespect, which, if used, must be spelt the same way, in Tamil is not in usage. Its derivation is from Pari intensive particle, and Hri to take, to take away, en- tirely to remove ; which notwithstanding may possibly be the derivation of the word in its Tamil acceptation. R.^' ^euesruji ^ujLD uifliun-iTLSeii^TLDei i^eaip^ffjreir, he has cured from his sickness without diet, and medicine. u^^nuQuesiirs [Osirm peuek) Osrrem cmevesr ufliuiTift, he who has killed ten persons is a perfect physician. uifls^ii, urflujih ; gift, donation ; in usage a nuptial present. utfltLnhQu^sf-p^ ; to arrange the nuptial present. Though a girl of wiflow, should try to bestow a proper donation or the nuptial present as usual. ufl^tM, means in another sense, one of the five senses, that is, feeling or touching ^easn^e^. sans. avuiHs^ti). uifl^iruii, uff^^irsviJ},uff^iTuu) ; excessive pain, anguish ; (from uiB intensitive and ^tuu) burning.) Wils. S. D. In Tamil usage, pity, commiseration ; as : j)in5fjuiriBiu(^(BixiiS u^ajjfiiB ^Qunesrffi Otti^^uuiT^^nuLo. It is more pity that the ruination took place in that large family. uQf)tMuipLD, OuQf)iluifiLo ; a large fruit. un^iluL^ujmus^Qffiu^(SeuSs\}, OuQ^tluL^^iruj O ff iLi ^Q 6iids\} , or (Ju>/rtl(_n-<2»i/^ ; a work very rudely or coarsely, done ; Ouq^ldul^ tuiTiuQuffhp^, to speak rudely ; and roughly commonly (geroz-^croL- 133 he is a stout or bulky~man ; in another sense : he is a man of igno- rant for honesty. OuQ^iliSlL^iSiLjLd/D^, to be avaricious, ^Meta. to insist upon. ueo^fB^msoTj OuenQavii^jif^ ; one who excels in strength; a brave^ or valiant, person. usossesj/D, u90eji^dsssr, Qffirifi, usvff&^m \ small shells cowries ; used in some places in lieu of small coin. u&>is6is, usi)Q!)^ ; a board, a plank. UbVir^sirjTLD. (ueoiTQ^L^ujih) ueo^w^ii, eueossLLL—friuui ; vio- lence, forcible detention : as sLLi—irnjilsirffOuemih ^eoixi^QjijeisnTu emiM. This uses for forcing a person to do a work for nothing. LJcVeoi(5, LjQ)s\)/ri@ ; a palanquin, or litter. A Telugu word, remotely derived from Sans. Palyauca : elegantly ueijiTessPiiS, uevjrSsstff- ; the full moon. ueij^^uQuitr^irLD, Ouir^^QiDir^ffUi ; a kind of ring esteemed pure, used in the second ring finger, ue^j/j^juj means a disease in the anus. uipQeupsa®, uLpenssn® ; the name of a town, (from Qeueo, a tree : Mimosa.) utpQ@p^, uipeS/D^ ; to be used to, to be accustomed, uipmjtr^eusk, one who is ignorant and unskilful, not familiar. ufncQuiT®uipQwSo have nothing to do with a snake. Aw. upuu6sr, ^^^iissiTffeir ; a hasty, rash, person : ufouuekueoeSifiib^iTasr, an hasty person, has lost his benefit. eviu^^uupuL^Qe^ ^ifluSp^ ; to seek after the means of living, or the necessaries of life, with great labour and pains. ueapujioisipQp^, usiSbrSii>^, the speech of a Pariah, and the flower of a Pumpkin, are both destitute of fragrance. Prov. R. ^even u^spQiDentD, she is a vain talkative re- porter. There are thirteen distinctions among the Pariahs. uppetoeudSlp^i u^^emsusp^^ 03fr(ar^^^i£l(Sp^^ QptLL^sSKSlp^ ■ to kindle afire i. e. to incite by a secret notice, 134 to rouse one. ^£usir^(Su}uija^ds(a>^i}) ^ffisoir^en^uu^^eiDeusSQjLi) Qsilu^iarriBj she is a very clever to destroy tlie peace of a family and to incite a rebellion by a secret notice. u/p£2j'lLDfr, us'^Qldit • will it be sufRcieat ? '-'jbjjjLD, commonly u^^^lc, it is sufficient or Qutr^LD enougli. u£mLhuiT(^., ussnlunsij -J syrup, or boiled juice of the palmyra-tree, ussrujuik^sfai^, the fibrous web, Avhich sur- rounds the stalk of palmyra-leaves. u^iulL®, u^lL® ; au inspissated extract of ripe fruits, and sap, of the palmyra-tree. — This kind of living with the enjoyment of Palmyra tree, is very excessive chieflv in the east side of Palamcotta ; great many productions are producing from the tree just as : ULLss)i—fBirir.LDLL&5)L--€^db\)-0iBiTiBi(^-usmiJDULpLD- ^'£SsriEia!riu-BefT-usm(i^ffirjx or UcSi§iT-uesrOaULL®-S(ffiULjs-ifiuu^cS, &c. ussrjBf uemcssfl ; a hog, or swine. ^.sm- uemes!^} a boar, OuLLT(5!^p^ ; to speakj to be gar- rulous, to be pressed, or plagued, to card cotton with the fingers /§ GT esr ^u smcsflu sin etsflQu-si-Qpf what you speak a long story over and over. UIT uirsLD, uirajih ; a portion, a share, cooking. uirSi^QstiiSp^, to dress curry (means for parting also) sfisndj utr&LDfTiu s-es)LDa 3ir3 3-r, food sufhciently cooked, uiraihusedip^, to cook provisions. aifl&aiiriu OuiriBAs^/Siuiruj s i^ cA 3; s ir u'j J- ^luec.riu uiBsaiTiLi uS^s-L^iundj Uessr^^sir — Q&iBe.miTLDei) j^ui-fdsaiTfu Gi-buj^oulLl- eitrdSl^ eir^dsia^dLcssir a.uiJ?ffi}'k)>9- &^^ s-lS . — Cumben. The words a'/7.siW53F,u//?-.j!j'L'L/i«/riu. arc meant in this Stanza, for Currv. 135 siTS^ism^ eSLLQi—sQ ujireS^s s^icSsflSbur sp^MsrOfftLi ^irs^es)^ /§d8L— QtmriT^csrl c^fiflScffr/; ^./i^u/iir Qssi^eBi^ (ourrdS®u) CoswSsrrtfSsi) eui^^iSlsisr ^cijiueu-^u uiTS^ssi^ ujiTuSl^i ^fS^L— QiavesiT'^Oosresr uffLjQuiT(rrjQd(^LD lu IT ehr u IT L^ — sSiflds-QtcinQ QuQa(B^'2;SQesrjldssis(tld Qto-s^dQi-.'S ©J?, there is nothing in that house but the dancing and singing. uiTLLL-frefij a laborious man, or an industrious man? <^(r^u[rLLLs^Qoi Qss>i-.iju!TLuSi—sQ/D^, to recline on one side. ^;^ssu. [uiTiu'Sii—re^ ■s'em^qiTem®^, the body has been injured by a strain. uiri—rrsEl^^ uiTi—ir ; lapse, sin, crime. uiT^aui, (® ; or u^^ixrrufrssu), five especial crimes. '[.'OsiT&^, murder; 2. OuiTuj, falsehood ; 3. seir&j, theft ; 4. sehenQ^i^eo, a drinking any intoxicating liquor. 5. g(V5^/EOT>^, continually to a spiritual superior. Fn€fir(n^mf (ips^Q^iq iSsisn^^ST OeOskicp^^sF ffiT^Q(rrfiT QpS^^s sefl. — (^peir. sskas)LD^(S^tr Owesru^iTLD. uiT^&iLD, er ; the seven sins. 1. &^^, making tight. i3(^£ij, i3,suSs's(^ ffl7/ruLS5=«(g"araT®, for every one will have a little slip either in hand or in tongue, ^•up.^uuirujeo or iS'fss.ircLeo /ui—sQp^- to behave ■without fault, miresrk^^qfii'^ euL^Ss^aQiisiirLDei^ QuijQzmm, I went to that country without missing the way. i^g^zBTiflffi, 3'(ijsijiB& ; a glutinous kind of reddish rice ; said to be imported from Assam. S$i(ev);S, com- monly, or properly iS'SiQsmfi ; a tenacious man, a miser. E. L9y a tritle and be excused." Taylor's Orl. Work. lSjj-U(^3=i1>, i3ffen(^3'LD ; extent, extension, expanse, the world as : ^^i3[f'sij(^a^^^eo eijip'sisir^suipisu>ir u3(rF,s Qp^, this is a thing unusual, or uncommon, in the world. duueoLD, or i3iru&)sSujLD, Snwe^ih, or i^neueoujui ; fame, renown, strength, power as: ^q^Qot/s^^© s'LDmQQ^^t^iTstSQiLuek^u Qu!Tsr(B^^(Tf)iQ(ir/ssr, he is a man famed for wisdom, of Sanscrit. ^esr^m^^irQesr LSliTsueoeSujLDirdp^, to make one's self. great and renowned. ^eu&srQuir s.eosQmiii(^Lh LSljieiis^6QujLDtTtjSQ^s(^^, his name is renowned throughout the whole world. OuiHajdlL-iSekSp Quit iSlireijeoQiDQujirL^uj Q^itiKS^Q^/SHSI/d eutpsscBsi:^. There is no charitable action to allow a goodness to others though one has a great name in this world. The following phrase is commonly used among the Tamulians thus : QuQ>)Qu^i^Qu(i^ ^iT(^MsnQei^, your name is great, but there is no profit to expect from you. iSjrtDO-inL^F^esr, iSliTLnirirs'&^ek ; a goblin, or savao-e, who, in a, former birth having been a Brahmin, in this state has to expiate some sin in the former one ; vulgo, a huge fellow. This word still exists among the Natives, they use especially to those who are raged by anger as a title of iSiirwarj'LLff^m male i3iru:)(nj'SS!rQ, female. LSiTLDeSliJ, or e^eom—eSLS, iSlirtcOeix^, eS^, ^^Quj(i^3^ ^ t£i6S!>TeiDL-0ujQp^^ ', thc writlug of Brahma, in the forehead of men ; fate ; desthiy. The word eoeotri—eSLSl is derived from eo&nn-u), the forehead as : 0&>^fjuuiT^, Brahma's writing never fails as : dl^dl^ujiTLu ojm^^, it happened so by fate, vulgarly euL^ wifiiumu QufTtmei) eS^i^^ujiTiu exiks;^, LD^eacu Oisue^ieoeirrLo eSSleauj Osudoeods^ i__/r^, oue may conquer the sense but it is impossible to conquer the fate. " er(i£^ajeijir0' OtLcisf ^jiruii— OfS(^(S'S^ a(rh^uj'S)JiT(fffEiTs s(ff,LDiEi — aQfj^uQuniLs This stanza shows every thing will happen according the writings of Brahma in the head. ^LiL-Qpi—Osm cirp3s>)u9 eQekmuL^Oujsi'OpQ^^ ^l—L~U 141 Has the God who in love wrote my destiny upon my head ceased to exist ? Even in the time of great famine the burden (of preserv- ing) will fall on him alone, therefore O mother, do not grieve." A. A. S. The following verses are the refutation of fatalism. Q0Oir(SlisuQ(6a) QevfTi—^Qium (^(n^iTiQppih — Q^l^i^ OeBTLL&irLDmQ^ i§u>eOie^iT i§^ijjpp siJ-t—^QuJir Os=tL!siJirssr SQ^^iii. Note. The heathen superstition describes destiny or decree of fate as the happiness or misery entailed upon a person according to his works done before his soul transmigrated from his body into another. LSllTLDiressn—iif iSQ^Ln/resBrL—LD ; the globe ; the world, also of loose usage, like the word, world : as ^smi—ULSlir lL 1-60)1 i(^e^(7Fii_j^irs0u:)L9.L^sp^ ; to trouble, to insist upon vehemently. iSleOiSOs'ieirjjiiSiJQ^Slp^, i3&si3e^^^SL^&3rap^ ; to run upon one, with a great multitude, and noise. iSl&i)(s9(^6!SujL£iee)eusQp^, eioeuLJL^esieiJsp^^s, uiriremsnuiTirdS p^ ; to lay magical materials in any place. iSiQpaiciDs, uQpdms ; the dung of goats, sheep, rats, &c. slave : as l^q^s^s i^Q£iaLD^Luir^ lS^^^Sstt ibit^&>nuji3asreSQeisresr. I Hogged him severely. ^esrssjeotSekesreiiruj s.efrjjjsrj3, to speak confusedly. ibiTu-it iSdrffjn to plait the tape. t3 iSir&s^Qif^, L^&PiUjsj ; to squirt, to syringe ; as siiTdairiL ^ujiji^((f)ifijii[S»n^, the cruw squirts its cxcrenients downwards; commonly eid^iS^p^. 143 JT^ ; to enter, to get in, particularly to enter a bole or narrow place ; Meta. to enter into a mean and object condition ; as ^emuju LuiTuui^i^irsisr ; lie became a heatlien monk @s^LDi^id^!Tioiir, be has entered a caste, spoken in contempt of those who become Christi- ans. R. (y)ei)LDL^/F^'/ii(^m/D^ir3i,v (^ireSeiSsd) though a man entered into a Christian family the nick name would still remain SQlu ^^5= Ooew^ jil€S)i—sa0OLDL^(rf,/r^, to enter into a place of refuge, ^/s^ uiTsp^ to look down into a hole, or narrow place Meta. to meditate, or consider profoundly. L-ics)3;j L/ana/; smoke, vapour. L-iifl(^LQ0O L^ei)!reurr3'LJ L^^Lci-jeiss iy,Ll.ij^, ^eusus^, ^£vsu0i), ^sir^so, udSl^^isi), UQf,c^^&}, uirirednrLD, Quit ffesTLD, iM!Tiha,ei), LBsma^^ei), QiDiu^eo — All these verbal nouns are used for eating ; These must be used in proper sentences, as : Did you eat, /f ff^s^/^/r/r ? is right; Qwiuk^na ? means, did you graze. usir, Lj^^iTir ; a thicket, a thick tuft of trees or shrubs. i^^n-QFiS^isrr Lj^ih^aQairen-p^ to hide (one-self) within a thicket. l^itlKSSIp^, i3rrLLp^ ; to turn about, to turn upside down, as the ground is turned by ploughing, to wrest or distort a word, to pervert the true sense of saying. lSplL^q^i^i-it usmp^, to distort, or wrest from the true meaning ; commonly ufFli^iflujiTUJu QuiT(hiSp^, iSlffiLSiBujnuj Qun(Bp^ ; to lay rope-strands iu rows. — properly LjiflcDSsm ; commonly iSiBin'SsoTr ; a twisted rope of straw, upon which earthen vessels arc placed, &c., as : ®jisiim OumT(B6^iT0LDinua'Sl, L/sos\)/ra)y,iff) ; a grassy place. jfesrfEJs'SetTu L/sV)gO/ra)^i©aSC?6U e.(er^ssirffeaeu, tell the people to sit down in a grassy phee. 145 L^m^etS^Q LDe^ IT QuireSdffdiuiremui QiuekQipsesremB iSsk(it^s!^(T^fS^iT^ QL-ih^irekpek Qserreops^ Perform ye acts of virtue now, acknowledging the instability [of the present state] which is as the dew-drop on the points of the grass. For it is [daily] said : This very moment, he stood, he lived, he lay down, and amidst the cries of his relations he departed. — Naladiyar. Corn has its husk, water its foam, the flower bud a canker? Prov. i. e. whatever is useful, or agreeable, will have its defect ; but is not therefore to be rejected. R. uipeOj L^LpffOLDir^evinh, or QumSl&\}LDir^ euirih ; a place or village, near Madras ; hodie the red hills. L/tpeo Qss IT ileal-., a Curumba-fort ; now not existing, but remarkable in the history of the Tondamandalam. E. i-\Q£fk(^Qp^, L^QpiEjp^, Osxii^Quirp^, ©J2/S ewLjopiEip^ &c. li. to be boiling, or preparing in water, by means of fire ; meta. to be stewed, the body, by heat and perspiration in a close, sultry state of the atmosphere, to be growing warm : ^/s^ 6§® lBs&jld LiQ^isLDiruSQ^dQj^, this house be very close, and hot having no air. ersariQ; ^ih^d(oafres}!-.siTeo^^si) Qsnik^Quireijsi or ^juiau:>L^Q£>iEJ(^^. It is very hot in this summer. ujss)Lpd^eiBi-f Sipsseat-, Qs.TeoSsv ; a back- yard, as : <^Qf),iSl ^^ssQaL-iuirenQuiri^eo LDpO(n^Q^^^ LiLpss(cS)t^[uireo evQhsurr-cir, li. if one woman went away by the entrance, or princi- pal door of a house, another will come down by yard i. e. if one's wife died, he will marry a woman as a wife. i_jefi(^L^dQp^, L^(s^(^L^3,p^, or (Vj'sB(^L^sp£3; to drink the sour, i. e. to be delivered of a child improperly for ^(sBi^e^ip^ ; i-i^(eUJirf vyilt thou attempt 146 to add flavour to the Tamannd ? Pro. wilt thou teach one already learned ? cTesrs@u L{e^QuJuuiEJsir^p^^ 1 have eructate or belch, sour. qsrJ5i^.?^@^ or i-lffiit iLi—Lh ■ flimsy work, any thing unsubstantial: L^LLi—enssinrssr, a boaster, a bragger ; y.L-i-eiit5Q^(BujtnDS(rr)iSpsuek, a man without vain pretension. Mersk^ss) QurriimffOirLLt—ihuemCcp, what you pretend vain things. s-m^ssii^iuCoeudcsoGujeoffOfrih Lj^LLLSLDiresrQajdso, all your work is humbug or any work, or thing which is not lasting or may be easily broken ; as glass &c. also a work, which has only the appearance of being good ,- but is not so in reality. l^lL®^^,^ to lock, or shut ; vulgo Lj^LLp^.—^LLt^meusSpaa, to fasten for a time, to tie beasts to a yoke, a stake, to adorn one with jewels. Q^iX)irs'Scirff^^^Q, those who shut up the door, he ought to open it i. e. those who have related the riddle, he ought to explain the meaning of it. LjjiTcmLOy LjjSiS'Cmii) ; mould LlQ^emiiiSL^ &p^, to got mouldy ; ^LOL^!Tessru>, abundance, uiByiiTemi}), comple- tion, uiesruL^nemLD, willingness, readiness, cheerfulness. ^Qins^, Lj^^jjuiinJD, or ^hs^lditui ,• a tree or Porcher tree Hibiscus populneus. L... R. » j^ijCoojir^^jru), ^(rf)Qmn-^^in}i f the beginning 147 and the end C. T. D. Purvvottara (from s^f^^ffLo North, and Liir&itx). ^jcugnmL-iu L^ir^wiT^^ffOLnffO&)inhsTst!rd(^^iOs}ffliLjii, I know all about liim ; or from the beginning to the end. Qu QulL(ss)l.., QutTLLc^u, ; the female of bird QuiTiLss)i_sQsiTL^ ■ a hen. — QuLLeaL-LDir^, a cuckold, one who ex- changes his wife. OuesurBsmeurriuek or OuLLssyi—iueiir, a hermaphrodite ,• a eunuch ,- a womanish or effeminate man. QuirLLea^L-, a blind man. Quu-L-s'EiOsiTLl.QSp^i OulLu.L^uSOm(t^uL^ the death of a peaceable woman is like a fire' in the (husband's) bowels ,• or by another rendering, a litigious wife in the time of trouble, is a fire in the (husband's) breast- ^/b^vmQusmL&ir s^p Op^^^'^LD, women who blame or slander their husbands, are to them like the messenger of death ,• or are deadly enemies. Qwom (BadJbSp^i, to reproach with a criminal intercourse in reference to either sex. LDa^sQ&maswu Ousssi(SisLLL^(^eisr ; he has accused me of having a criminal connexion with my own son. Qsusmuir. OusmL^iTL-Uf.'^S^LDLL'BLD iSiek'^ 3?® sd® iMLL(!ji ua &.es3rL—rr6m(cuirsfruj Qp'srren ldlL'A Ei — St^n—TiLi/a uirmsdQp Offdj^^irLDLJo un(SiJLB0n Oev^t'Siiupe^s^so Qs^iuiLitrQir LDprSekuua Q6u/eij(s^so ie/tot OuppQ-Mirm-jii'-S^^Sso, I have profiteth nothing by him. ^snsk sppimji^ev)ffi}i'jD OuppLcsQ^'sk^iiseiisiiT&ir, though he was a learned man, yet his son, whom he begot knows nothing. @^ u^uaStirajiTS'^etn^su Ou(/i}>jjj, it is not worth the trouble. Beschi. ji/aieir OujV(^, they do not speak with one another through enmity. R. isTsin-S(^uQu3^<3^s ^Se^uSsiieOirLrieo e^mrL^iijn'uS0sQQ I live alone without a companion, one to talk with. Quiua(^LDQu3=- Q^trQ^SsBsrQisv^LD. Even a devil needs a companion. Prov. Qu^Qp^i, QumfJp^ ; to take care of, to honor • (^(Si>srv^ifl^eku3^iraDSiJiLjLD uiTsh^ifl^drQices^aotuii-jLh Qu^ (SUIT ; a married wife honours and cherishes her husband ; but a strange woman her own body. ^ihe^^^inLiQue^ ■ honour father and mother ; Aw. QussaffsusmrdQiv^ ; to bring up with great love, and care. ^evsBrenmjisuemsijLh Qutsscfluutrssn LDeoQusr(()^ ; Do not associate with children. Avvi. Note. — " This saying is unworthy of Avveyar, who must have been a keen observer. It tempts one to think of the admirable woman as a petulant old maid. Beside it is not, like most of her remarks, truly philosophical ,- there is much to be learned? even 152 from a child, though folly is hound up in his heart, and time can- not he better employed than in teaching children useful knowledge and in learnhig from them." A. A. S. Quit QuiTik^Qp^, OurriEifD^ ; to boil over, to bubble up? to cook rice, to boil with anger. B. as : wtrek j^/ssLu p-mL^iflui-HDrks, may thou not prosper by your joy, or mirth OuirtEJsiriuQus^p^, to speak joyfully. Ouir/Ei(^iE)sireiiu> Lyerfl LDfk^'EiaiTs^m LLirisjsiTiu, Prov. In propitious times the Tamarind ; in unhappy times the Mango : an excessive abundance of either of those fruits is so interpreted, in popular usage. OuiTiksei); a great festival, in honor of the sun, on its en- tering the sign, Capricorn ,• when rice is boiled and from its bub- bling up the name is popularly derived. OuirnhssoiremrL^, Meta. a bachelor ,• one who leaves his family, cooks his own meals, and renders no aid to his relatives. R. (aj/^i^em/oii^ sT^sufnuiTi^e^ Ouink ssSLL'SOuirsSiLjijOsirSLjCoueir ; if the reservoir be full, will sacrifice with boiled rice, i. e. without straining off the water in which it has been boiled. Ou/TLli-g^ii, OuiTLLt-emui • a leaf, or paper, folded up ,• generally, in a square form for holding, or containing any thing : fomenting medicine, made up in a bag. R. fseoffo^err OuirLLLssdrLDiTLusuirfEjSoJir, go and buy a good snuff leaf bag contain- ing snuffs. Ouir^s^Sp^, Outr^p^' ' to cover, to" flog, or beat, to botch, as ,- j^sDfeeruOuir ^^^ lLu.it irseir ■ ironically they have flogged him* well, er ^ ^2m fBiT%ra(^u Ouirfj^csieu^^iOsiremTL^Q^u uniii ; how long wilt thou conceal the thing ? ojirtuQuir^^p^ ,- to cover the mouth witl^the hand which is commonly [done as a sign of reverence, .[or respect, er/HiQsuir^^ir^u) ] ^eucpi^uQurr^i ^ei>iruS(T^i(j^js,hQ is in debt everywhere, Quir^fBsieoL^aQp^ ; 153 to meud, to patch, to repair a roof; Metaphorically, to pay off debts, to cover a flaw, to make sham excuses s-m^eiDt-uj Ouir^^Sso OiusdeniTih ^ires)t-uuiriTssir ? who will be able to pay all your debts ? a.e3ri@ QuiOsoiE/i^LhQuir'S^ffO QiDsSOiueosiiTii^ s'&ieoir, Prov : you are heavily iu debt. Ou/Trfidlerr/EJ.sinu, Quir(f^sSsrT/Eismij, same as OfSiii iLjsssrssiL- ; a ball of baked meal, &c. of the size, and appearance, of the apples of the '£<^rks^dj or Feronia. p^ ; to join as two board?, or planks ; to agree. j3/susir jijm^ ereisreS u-^^&iQ(Bi(^LDuL£LLuiTiu Qu frQf,i ^^SiLL-iTshr , he agreed to pay it to me. ^pp^Q^irski^e^iM j)/pp^Qu!r(r^'h^ui Prov : if the real truth be owned, the past will be forgiven ffrmdQuOuir(j^/B^^ir^ ; it does not please, or suit me. L^(G{^£Si^^t}> OuirQ^i^ui^i^wQeu^u:) ■ if you would wish to tell a lie, you must lie consistently. Ouir(rf,/s^rr u^eoQuireSp^ ; not tn approve, to disagree. wn-esr^iruLSli-. jya7g^i@ LoesrLhQu!TQf,i^!r^y this man does not like to give food to me. OuirifiSp^, OuiTL^uSp^ ■ to pour down, to pour out : as ^sussr ss^^iQ^ikaTH-fu:) seifs^u^^^iruQuirsk Quitl^S ^537-, he speaks fluently as if a stone and cocoanut were striking against one another. mesiifiQurrL^uSlp^, to rain, LosmLpQudjQp^. QuirL^uSl(^esr properly Gu!rL^S(Of£ar ,. he is very charitable ; he is very verbose. cSl!—irLDS-o(ou<3?Q(/r^6sr. j^smk^^iirQuirL^isisuu u[riTsS(nj'esr • ho is interested, he looks after his own interest. entrir^aD^s^iuQuiTLfi Sp^ ; to speak copiously. Li^uLDirflQuirt^-isiiriTSerr ; (the gods) poured down flowers. QuirehOmsisr^, Qu/rdQaesr^ ■ swiftly, with great speed. " OuirsrrQsfrssreufriiiQs uipihQisuiTiTirsireOihuiTiT^ ^snQeuiruu Oirirsrre&liuaiJif. Prudent men show not their anger on a sudden, but conceal it in their mind, observing the time. ^SQsn^errQ^esfi eop^^es)^ujird(^ s Q/Bird^imj^ fffrO^^ffi (£^iresrQ/3rrs(^ s sirs(^si]^etT0^6!^&i eSF^'Eisrrds. . . .Q&J. If tbere be aught worthy to be done — do charity. If there be aught that should be avoided— avoid anger. u 154 If there be aught that should be regarded — regard science. If there be aught that should be observed — observe rites." B. QuiT€3r(^/Eisem&sflf or Quirsisri^inisiTQSi^ , Ousreisr^'Ei'Semc^ ,■ a medicinal plant ; Illecehrum sessile. R. OuiTsk(€a)iEiSiemessf^s(^u t-jeSl uSlLL®dses)!—/B^ir0i> j)/sm(^dQseoeoir/h^^^^3'03'iuLuuQurr(iijehr, he is about to do it, he is going to do it. ji/uuL^u QuireuuQuaemr^ ■ you cannot pass there, that is not a thorough fare. QuirSpQun-^ O.ff:iTff0sSLL(Bu(SuiTti ,• when you are going, let me know. QuirBuui^ir^y commonly QunsuuuL—tr^, it is not proper to go. Quir®@rD^, Qurr®p^; to put, place, to throw, to cast forcibly ,. ^ps/SQe^QuiTu^p^, to cast in the river,- ^p^Qeo QuiTLLi—rre^LD ^srr.i^QuirQ, though you cast into the river, yet keep a reckoning. Prov. implying the need of care in all that concerns domestic management, uir-^smtu^ ^BsisiSQe^Qurruf..p^, to put a turband upon the head. ei})UiLi—LhQuir®p^, to stamp metal for money, to coin. Qfdirjj/iSluQufrSlp^, to bruise? or grind to pow- der ; metaph : to eat eagerly. QuirirdSp^, Qusra^p^ • to cloak, to cover : iSlsh^-netDiu&'ff^p/iSI^Lh eii&o^ir^^rreoQuir^,^ ei]en^^eijsp^ ■ to wra[) a child in clothes, and lay it down. Quir^^^iO'sireh-p^, to put a cloth over one's own head, and shoulders. L^sug/i^irsarru Qua^.^ euirip : praise those that praise thee ,• and prosper. Avval. QuirsQsfrLLdiSp^, QuirSsvssirLLp^ ; to pass off bad wares for good ones ; to show pride. Quirearsu), qesruireju}, ^frffdsth ■ boiled rice, food. QuiresrsQiDssru^ ^ir^siv^eswemi^y food is that which is eaten gladly. LD UiSfh^^ LDeaijii ; that which is great or large ; as Lceu^ji^treareSliuiT^, a great sickness, i^su-i^oj^O-sffrenp^y to celebrate any one's greatness. 155 uisrr.i^LDiT^ LceuiTf.^LDn- • literally a great soul, that is, an excellent man, magnanimous and liberal ; a per- son of religious or moral eminence. LDsirQ^eusk • an epithet of God among various votaries ; commonly a name oi ffs^wii^ or Siva. LDsirusQ, or L£i6Bfrue8s'3'isjrisuir^^, LDireueQa^s-aeireuir^^ . Malid- lali a celebrated ruler, dethroned in the V dmand- avatar a ; and made sovereign of Pdtala. LD'SiLpLDffih, LDiQL—LDiTii^ Q ui IT t— LL ff ui ■ (and in the south LoSleh, or iMQerrunnh) a tree, 3Iimusoj)s Elengi. Lin. ldSlp^9, Lo^tp^S ; joy, mirth, gladness, ^skuidlip.s'QLDsssn^Quirisj, may thy mirth become as sand ! an imprecation. LDEisdlujil, ldejQsQluld, ^trdl, QuitlL'SI . the marriage-token ,- an ornament of gold, tied round the neck with a cotton string, LD/EiSeSiutSls^es}^ ; the prayer or petition, which a woman addresses to God, to a judge, or to a king for her husband; thus she savS; LDiEiseSujULSlLLsin&' QsiT®.isQ^6e!ir(Sliii, i. e. ersar^ireQ 5rssrsQ£^^ (sQ(f^d^LhuL9. usssrsssrQeu^ssr&'ih ■ grant that my £irreQ may remain on my neck. ^ekcisaruQu^/D^i^irerr ^iT6Qi33'icto3'QaLLQ(n^(siT ^iwm'3'ffiQurreir(es)Q(o!) ^irsui—Lhusmeasf} Q^iriiissSL-s'Q.rirffOs^^fn}). Her mother's petition is to recover her husband from his sickness^ but her sister prays for a garland of pearls. iri©«srs'9im3^!fl • Pro. A poor man's wife is exposed to the rude familiarity of all who call her cousin. LDs^'SsnrQpesypaDLD Qsirmri—ir'SQp^, to behave as intimately to one, as if such relationship existed. LDi^-a^uLsiTLDiTasii, iii(cf,s=ssir LDirdso ■ a kind of jaundice. i£)(^(i^ffeei^!T or saffron water is used in the ceremony of adoption. LDL^Qpjfs, Lcu^iSlp^ ; to be killed, or slain to perish, to wither away, as standing corn : Lodf-m^Quirp^, to be destroyed, as clothes, grain, &c. LoswLDL^e^, despondency, indiffer- ence through indolence, apathy. Qua^saff- mi^se'j^&Qp^, to alter one's tone or language. Lnu^^^^'^a^sp^, to hem, to enclose with a hem. ^eusisr ji//5 3=u(ou3=?s)^Quj iLL^s'SrL£iL^03-ruQu3?(fff6k , he spcaks over and over the same subject. Q£Frru>s?ih^ir(Lf'^si^uj!T(Tf)i}> QsuEir^Qp ^seSiufTQ^LD LDL^fB^Quir^iraerr, Somasundara Mudallyar and Tengu Mudaliydr are dead. L£>iLi-fEJ'SLL(BSp^, u^lLi-iejslLp^ : to build exactly by line and level. LCLLi—i^Cpj^, properly ^tLQSp^ ; to cut or break off what is irregular in building a wall ,• to strike a level j to frustrate any one's scheme,- Metaph. to keep down, to repress through jealousy. QauSj\)eiT(B sQp^i or iDuLL-iriLiOstr^dSpjsi or LB^LLiniiQsir(Bs@ip^^ to give but little ,• ^siierrj^.f6finLLu.LiQuiTsSl(Tf,dSl(nj>eTry she is as handsome as an Acheen pony, istrpu^ eudna^iQsiTQ^uaLLi—LDeufTfaQQuj^eijQfjQ Qps;r, I am accustomed to ride a pony which I bought for forty pAgodas. /sirLL®LDLLL-.iii, a country pony ,• es)u(Ssiru>LLL-Lc, a Pegu- pony. R. i:)7 U'sssri^p^, Lcems(&,^ ; to yield a fragrant odour, as : ^,.if^u<^ fBssej<^ujuem&^^^ this flower yields a pleasant smell. LDmrsQsire^LbeuiTir^, to come in a wedding procession, ldsjsti^ Gs^LuSlp^, to marry; uD&nrQpLh i^smofithQuirSp^^; a common sti'eet, both for wedding-, and funeral processions,- a phrase used in strong affii-mation, as> iMsssrQpu)i3;sssr(LpiJDQuirsip <£^iSlsQQmjijQu3?SQ/Desr, good, or evil, may happen to me, I assert it as a truth. R. The Natives elegantly use LDemeomp for the room where the bridegroom and bride, sit on their wedding ^.a-y .ux^lLl^ opp. to eaeuuuiTLLL^ . the bride, the wife ; ld^sSI, G^-sS?, Quems^ir^, &c. uhssstld also means a pleasant odour, commonly wirs-^ssr^ ei-Blk^\l>. LOLL(^Q.p^^ Li,s(^Qp_^ . to vanish away, to disappear as a colour, to grow dirty, rusty, or mouldy, as ixdQs Qi-ip^, to be in a damaged or perishing state, /dirm-LDdS LLmisi (^3o\)(^s- LDsmiioN)UjQL-.&Qpsir, I am grieved and full of sorrow and am as it were sand. LDcmi_ Qs'rrLpiBtnLQiL-isiiejsia Oiusors'Os'iTei). The sea to the east, to the south the Velldi- to the west Kullal karai, to the north as far as lla being twenty-four hidanis is the boundary of the Sozan country. Osuemuir. Supposed to be by Avva'ij/ar. (J^incj3Q^psiT(^ C/LD/rO/r«Jr u^iEisir^(e^ Q3=i7/sai-LO(—0i)SB)sQiuesrd Qs^ut-j. The northernmost place is Pazani, the most eastern is Chcvgodn fTric/ie)imir(B@p_^, LLessnLp^ . to be pressed, urged ; to come in great parties or flocks ; as enemies, flies, &c. To snatch away any thing as meat, to steal. To lie with, to commit whoredom. To spread as smoke. /Birmea^sQsLlL-n-ei LDemu^si^ua, if I attempt to enquire into the matter, a quarrel will take place. LDuj!ii(^Qp^, Lbiuihjipsi ; to be confused, or 160 perplexed, to be drowsy, to be infatuated, to be touched or smitten with the love of a thing. LDuSirsufTQ'Sip^, 9ui3L.®£F&e£l;r)^ ; to comb tlie hair. esuTLh, commonly ^QffemkpuSi^i^ LDiressTLh if the leap fail, death ; Prov : i. e. a precarious affair must be managed skilfully. B. LOlBiUIT^LD, LDlflUJIT£t5)^, LDffluJirfB, LD(I^WIT^ ■ prOpriCty of conduct, respect, as eTSJsri(^ LDiB'jjn-ssi^u^sxfl^Qua'3'iTsk, he has treated me courteously. w(iT)3QsirQ£>,i^, iDifldQsfTQ^i^ ; an odoriferous plant : Artemisia. L. R. LDQT^SijeebrQp^, LD(T^&ij,wsp^- to dine and receive presents (as a bridegroom in the house of the bride's parents). The entertainment or ceremony called ldq^ lasts for 3 days and is conduct as follows: — ssssrL-G3j'—{m<3'frir 0u!iusi^i^eSp %(5£i^^<9='s^QirT^siuu)(DUireo^ QstsTtsQ^nrLD Ou(r^emLD(^ss>pu-j'Ei3friffuj,'EJSimj^ Qa^liiijemuj^esiSQfi^ et^Qe^fTiTy jifesTLji—mO'frrearenrui^ Qsse(rrrsifl^ires)sujrr eiir^Oujtr(T^s e)jn'sfrf5iTJT!ruj and ^euessB. iD^^, Qss)iTuusi>ee>s ; a churning stick. In the South Qeanuueo^as is used. LDeSSp^, LDbSuSl/D^, fsaju.iTioSlp^ ; to in- crease, to abound, to be overstocked, or glutted: Q^pajsOsrressr® LDeStu^^^T^ ('s9p(2^so) i5e^i—iM IT LD , to buy when scarccj and to sell when abundant, is loss, tj/nsfl Osir&rsnuQuir^ik ^ctDpu^ti, eSis (s9ilild, if a wicked person go to buy, it is dear; if he go to sell, it is cheap. Prov. 161 LD^u, @srorg3>yo2^ ; a mountain : Lods^ ^<3=nff0O, a cold wind, or a misty rain, from neighbom'ing lulls. B. m^Qurrenejinr^, to come like a mountain, used respectfully with reference to persons of rank, honour, or power. u^dsoQutrea Guib^^ uei^Quirea Quir^s^^, that which approached as a mountain (evil or danger,} departed as the dew. OsireoeiiSLD/risSsirLLujiSjQs^ Sl/SujirirOsireiisrL- O^iTi—iTLSl/b In plain Tamil : Qs'eiisijiEJss'SefTijLjQSL-QajinT ldsst ^ss>^uQutrs^ (cLnOeo Qutreod(oSire3sBu(£UiTiu /§'3=iT&(o€sra^ss)^LjQuir0Ou QuirsLjQuirss(^b-s)p k^euQ^ui wL^ajiTe^LDSs\)es)ujs'Qs=iT/s^iT€3r. He approached the mountain by a road soaring as the mind of the wealthy, dark at midday as the heart of the indigent, level as the petals of a flower, winding like a deadly serpent, lessening in progress as the friendship of the mean. B. ineOffOiTQ^S/D^j LDisi0i>ir(i^/Dj5i ; to lie upon the back : meixs^irss^^^psi^ to thrust one down backward to the ground. Lnei&iiTSSLju®^^^fr€oreSQ^LD (^LDiTiTL9m-QLD!S0!sS(i£iu:>')Vrov. if one spit upwards lying upon the back, it will fall upon oneself, i. e. to blame a rela- tive is to blame one's self. Lciei&>iTisuu(B^^sp^ (u^^^sOsirshi^ ®p^) to lie upon the back, Meta. to trifle, to play tricks when a creditor demands payment ; to be backward in doing a thing. R. iBiBi^p^f iM^Ssp^, ;SSB>Lg>iSlp^ ; to stop, to arrest, to detain on the road ; to watch a herd of cattle, in order to prevent them from going astray : wjB^^'so transitive, an arrest- ing ; a stopping up a water channel. LDjjjQpsLh, LD^vQpeuLD ] anothcr face, on, that difl'ers from that of a husband, or wife : a strange man, or a strange woman. LD^(LpeuLDuirap£3^ to commit adultery. LDtsmsfQisirSlp^) Loiru>su>y LDirinfTSLD, u> IT ui IT /El s iM ; a festivalj celebrat- ed every 12 years at the full moon of February at Kumhhakonam when multitudes flock thither to bathe in the LDiTuiiTrE}iES(^efrui or flrtham, a sacred reservoir. The name is derived from imslb, Magha the 10th lunar mansion in the sign Leo, wherein the moon and Jupiter then appear in conjunction. It is used as a chronological epoch J e. g. jj^enskOs"^^ Qpssi^LDirLDiriiisLLiruSmjv, he died 3G years ago. B. LDiru>ir/ijsu>fr(eF)/buinTssssh.L-ir£s{a. phrase) sisters and brothers who live at a great distance, and have not seen each other for of 13 yearsj cannot again meet without an intervening ceremony. Ed. R. WIT iDfT, to/rai/ ; meal, flour, ground corn ; ^uf.^s,ixir, corn pounded in a mortar, lot, a mango, slKBldit ; a tree which bears a fine species of Mango which arc usually tied up to preserve them. erLLi^iSlQeo aLLQLDirLDULpQpmri—irQLDn ? will the €!lLl^, a bitter poisonous tree (strychnos) produce Mangoes ? j/jsussr eLL(BLBiT(Si]S(^i- s?^/S(Lpeh(^(DUirLL!—iruQurrsi)Sirpuu^iBr^(ip(Lpj3t}> ^Qjck QsiT^^ He is fasting without even Qp^^iQsirdsMiuirLL s^Q^dQc^sk. tasting a drop of water the whole day. uo it6k-;BLi>fDlBj<50 Do not for get a kindness. jMotk. — " The memory of a kindness is pleasant, and tends to keep alive friendly feelings in the heart. They who best re- member benefits, will be the most ready to shew them. The " Tamil poet has sung" " The wise will remember, throughout their seven -fold births, the love of those who have wiped away the falling tear from their eye." S. p^s^iriTLM. f5ITLUS(3^ QfiQ£'-D ^iElSiTaJ^SiEIT£3. ^(f^LD/B -LjlOu ja^s'ssaiTinr (Oram's iir(B euiriraicfr . L? J5=/rra 0.5/rerreifl, ^iiisu(G^s'Ssar uSIs^soirLDeo, or ulLs^ XTLDiriU O^/TffO^. ai—QeuiTLD. Though he be a man of es- teem, he must follow or rather submit to his destiny. The mind conformable to condition and regard is si^ -.ible to the tribe. A cocoanut is not a fit present for a dog ; that is parva parvis or great things do not suit little mind. Rectitude will preserve the head : that is the life. To this woman by her chari- table disposition and benefici- ence, is natural to her, (as if born especially to exercise be- nevolence.) A flatterer has a venal tongue. A timorous fellow, lie fears much as soqn as he saw me. Judge impartially. [contempt. Too much f\imiliarit.y breeds Let us act according to cir- cumstances. A hostile inhabitant feigning intimacy (you) must destroy r. [ov you must destroy the 241 L/s^i-iJif ^_^n-«ar,properly Quits SL^ LSlL^^^irear. QuiT^Qiuir® aDsi}^^sQSL3(^3' emeus ssoiTS IT ^, s.U'sQffOsuuLLi—^&.ffOseiDSSi^^ ^uL^ixir ? Qpsk(ot^LLLS!T'8s\)u i^ekei^LL®^ ^esresipssn'euLL(SLD /sir'Sotritsiraj lL® Qld^J}] @Q£SSL^d(rt^dr or jy mt—S@pQeii3so eTuuL^ULjiM iBi—s ©">• QsQsurrevrsijL-Qssr Qiuskj^'OS)^^ j^eusrr QsuifleO (oTQ^^esr Q^^IFld QuiT&i> a^^^LD j^aas'iuiTLD&i) i§leirj)i habitation of an enemy by feigning friendship, and so making him secure or confident.] A dancing cow you must milk dancing ; R. and a singing cow you must milk singing, i. e. (you must adapt yourself to people's humour.) When the stick dances, the monkey dances. He followed his tract {Quit «©> csy^!- the step in which (he) went. It is like the man who stored up his wealth in sacks and yet went a begging. If you preserve it — a tuft ; if you shave it — baldness : i. e. I am in your power. Don't be angry with me. Although you allow fire to increase don't allow hatred to increase. Can the things which have got into the mortar escape the pestle ? He drew back the foot that he had advanced and turned back. To-day To-morrow ! saying he causes me to dance attend- ance. An affair which is predestined will happen any how. Why did not you redeem it as soon as the date was expired ? Like a picture painted oii a wall, not moving in the least, T 1 242 jtjS^^ etflsQp -si-ui3i(f, ^uj/s ^ireu)isvu^esdn—ir ? she sang so that a stone even would be melted. Is there any tax on rubbish ? a) 5^3 fT a^ 3 « (5 ^ jfi/ u sjDi-/ i_/ y, 1000 times -^=Q2\. Many littles make a mickle. Prov. The iluppie Hower is sugar, to the village where there is no sugar-cane press. Even an Elephant may suffer or [Even an Elephant may be slipping away.] I am like the parrot that wait- ed for cotton pods to ripen. S /bu S ^ _a (T^eaSU ■fS' IT IT /S^ SirSQfiLDLSir^QpsSST^DLD eS'bucsrisSQediru}&> [Qlditl^. jaffQSQeoQuiTi^^ LDSues>uujes)tTS sira^^asTQw eotrirQsnefreiiiTQfr. uip ^u^^&C^u uirojLD @e^3s\). Necessity knows no law. easfs^iBjSl, OLnuOiun(BiiQ, euir With trembling hand, and ii^&rif\ i^i-flu-L-Q^^irerr. trembling body, and stammering lips, she screamed aloud and wept. 243 ® /h^irssirio ersir <^@ii) ? h. cSn'e^£s@QL£nr(r^sihirS(nj'ssr. euujJ^QP'SSi>TL-iTuSq^S(^^, eoSso. sefr!T^s(oSmDffO:^LL®dQSlJUJ^Q^ e^Qf^eudsar /BiijujirfBiLiiutrOeusir^ fs When the vessel of gold ia broken — it is gold. When the vessel of earth is broken — what is it? All may be accomplished by stratagem. He eats blanc-mange with his fingers. Will a dead cow eat grass ? to be helpless, defenceless, speech- less. The belly is big, i. e. there is no hunger. Look at him, he has endea- voured to deceive me two annas yesterday. W^e must recompense to those who paid the money and mourn to those who are dead. If you have bought it who will take the trouble with it. There is no means for food to-day. He has the name of being a rich man, but in his house there is want and misery. Prov. To render like for like. A small and good price, or to spend the money strictly in the economy. In another sense an assembly before whom dancers, players, and singers exhibit. You come very seldom - We know not what shall be on tlie morrow. To follow one, for some object. 2U O^iLiisu Man proposes, God disposes. U)irQssrek/o evLp-Qsu®^^ LDtr^s^ear QuiriuLDL^fSfsireir LOirdrnQsusmL^^ euirQ^ek^u uin'^ipis^ir aSirir6ijessr^ih^£mL-3si>ujiTirix)Sse)LnuJsgrQ(nj' [Gear. Q^iri—iTdjLCi!T^^p t-Knj'QrremL^Q^i^i—^ ^pojsemCSi—QeijQsiiek eSmi—in^QLDQ&d QlUQ£Lhl3L^ffiU^UU^p QSi) Sl^ IT IT ^ IT iZTfi.!jfx. L- Suumruupih^QisiTemr Ql-^iBujqjuQuit^ (Sia^^^Qdsti QevL-earL^iSlii) Qfft—iTs eij&)isSlei^!B ^emL-Qsu ajeuegreSip3= QSxuSp 0(^(il^^suire^ Qs'm^lJiTS^treBQLatu aa^^^ (sS^a/sO (^(T^&en>puuj(rr^suiTiJE>^06vsiirQ(nj> euiTi—iriX) (sSle!aeijQuJ(SOir(^ QsvesrO^ftUffOsefreOeOir^eiir LoesrshQs^tuisSl ^£^ld l^etTiuiT® (^sCoenrL-jsi) eviuis^diLD^QLnsii (^ldQ ir s^Q esr . ^euQ^foLcfr Is he who has drawn water all night unto the dawning to be compared with him who came at day-break, and broke the water bucket"? Prov. Hast thou found what thou didst seek ? A fine expression, empty or- nament in language. His former sickness has again seized him, he has relapsed. R. Provocation causes excite- ment. R. If you continually tease one who is quiet, will not anger fol- low ? Lit. The hand that tickles is it not the angel of death ? There is a quarrel in your house at all time. The features of his face altered from sluunc. tU6iJli^'fn'^ioS)L^^^(SlJ^'(^fflfl(^UJlT? &IEJSITJTu(oU3''9?. OsirmrL^(r^s(^^. LSeuarsi^sSli—iM. s?LaLDir ^Qf)S'(spQeuiT? e.iaseir ^Lli.jj.e\) eruQuir^(^ Q eoirJTiru3(rf)i(^^. 245 QjiiesiLLiLjil QuQ^^LDiLjih j^suesT Morul exccllence, or moral de- fiuear Q3^dj^'3canu!re\) (2j(rf,u). gradation; is according to the nature of moral or immoral conduct. ^euehwiosi QesipujfruSiQf)iQ(ir^'srr . She is an handsome woman. Note. — This word and phrase are not of honest, or respectable, usage ; denoting only a meretricious woman. /f Qlu^ Qdjffrru^statpffs? (i^) Why do you take a hard labour QiUfB^jrLDiTuj Q^LueuirQesT^. ^en'SsfTuurrir Q(frfiJbu i§ lds s w ir tli uu^^^u UL^^^s' Qs'ireo^S ^^ ST'ckLD0sr^sQs (it) ss or e^^^iTuQuirei or uLrLih^auQufrs^ iSlir^mstsfiiLjis] sireo^^i^eo ^ulSIit like a plough and mill-stone, i.e. AVhy do you trouble yourself on. account of a worthless object ? I know all your tricks well. To be honest. Behold how plausibly she speaks and yet she is a liar. To tell again and again or over and over. This is made exactly to my mind. fl^^aQsircsBru^(T^'is'^isuem(Bui, askeSiuLD. Q^ffiiu Q^ifiiui' 06 rsL—di^uiir? ^lEiQsirs'U) liLu-irp 3=iE3esisiLjLSl A prime minister may be un- prime minister by time. We ought continually to con- sider how great our strength is. Respect, regard, reverence. Though this is said to him re- u(Duir6Q peatedly, it is just as when the chank is sounded in the ear of a deaf man. Where there is a just Govern- ment can a seditious assembly take place ? (properly s^ieiQs^ld engagement, agreement, condi- tion.) Where there is no modesty^ there is no honor. 240 .iSia;seisu(^ Qs-iuQp^. SoLDi (BuuiriT. (oriEj(Ssi-jss)Siqem(2L-ir ^ijQsQiB Q^ui-je r®. (5^^ SI— IT iSizireuirEi^Sp^ uinui'ir- ^daemi—ujiremJD. To make a disturbance or tu- mult in the family. He spoke without respect. To be desirous to see any thing. In another sense 1. the sin of kiUing a brahman, 2. its punishment in the visitation by an. evil spirit, causing loss of self-command. R. D. p. 366. Favor, kindness. Is an}"- one living by his favor ? A common field. Prov. (If you Avish to know one's good qualities) try him by living with him or by having a field in common with him. A fencing player is unfit in battle, i. e. a novice is unfit for managing a business. Is he a friend who helps not in adversity. Wherever there is smoke, there is fire. Is it necessary to add acid to the lemon ? The learned fool will lose his wealth, Learn even to thieve but forget it. What the eye has seen the hand may do. The retrocession of the goat is the sign of attack. If the ass be beaten with a bundle of sugar-cane will he thereby taste its sweetness ? 217 j^sn^sv^s Osinl.(aQ^ir. ^^fBiYvh i3sisr'SsijnLjLD u^^rsirsir. \cJsr^'cS)^Lj Quei^p psu^^ss ^ Q'S!TsssrL. QeuLLL^^^trQpek -s^ekiQ^^enQerresr Oisui^Oso/^, I will cut in bits and give the ginger, and areca-nut shine briskly and be warm — jiji^s's^dsssr s^sn^sf^OerreisrJji u^^sQcisresr^ (up/HdOsiremc-j^) that fibrous down (of nettles, &c.) causes irritation of skin — wu)S'^Oeo\SdSjT^^,@cm6sr(^'9?£irerrauL]QuirL-€SJi2s\}, vulgo. there is no sun yet. ^pj:)idsireSLL(B^^ifluS [©] p^. To wait upon, or dance at- tendance, to court ; to importune QpSU («) Foyr(ST5 249 in order to obtain some prospec- tive advantage. 8.«3r«@ii sr(S3ri(5/5 ^irixi. We quite differ in opinion in dignity ; that is I have nothing to do with you, ^£>i^^s Qsir®s (Si) psi* To stuff food, into a child's mouth. ^mm Q^ir^es)^^jji^^s(Osfr He came after he had eaten. iQus's?. Vulgar and vernacular language as : ues>/Des)ujLJU€Tre^s(^en)eu^^n-epQu3''S?i(^(^ s?€sijruL^s>^s(^Lo LoesunB SoSso, the speak of a Pariah, and the flower of a pumpkin ; are both destitude of fragrance. Prov. ^ehrssruQuir^^, Teloo. A glutton, lit. a well fed buffalo prop. ^mrSuQuir^^. ^ssr/SuiSinnDmrcir, a well fed Brahman. ^sQeasB ^s(^es^ujmu Qsir®d To give little by little. )/u^ua!}uuj^s(^^ ^(Bs(^ Qua This boy is very insolent, or saucy* To know ways and means, to have capacity ; to know how to disclose hidden or concealed things. k^s^eijs(^^ PfoiQs/r&iQ^ To seek the key when the door open. Prov. to act foolishly. ^ps^Q^iBiuinaeo QushQp^. To know not what to do, to be out of his wits. LDsatpiLfth L3srr2ctTuQujjiui instr Eain, and child-birth are mys- Q^su(T^s^ii Qfiffliun-^. teries, even to the gods. Qps-Ss\) QiuqpulS iBirdj QurrQso The dog that started a hare (JuAri^^. slunk aside : Prov. used to Gl 250 Qeu^np^Q^iT iSlm'^Qp^Q^tr. (LpipiBi Qujeheir OLD&reir euiriEJS QaicmiaLD. ^iT& LDm^ir3^inQ LDiQ(5eiirui3(Bisi(§ Qp.sFiruL-jemriEi(^isp^y or iLfS^ir jrLoeu!rsj(^Qp^, ojiresTQ^LLu-iMlTuSQTfsSip^ Gt Qp ff'truuirS(TT,sQp£3. pLpiris^Ui (ipj!£Ss\)iLj IS Qsireesrc—. designate a work well begun, but with a sorry ending. Which is most acceptable, di- ligent work or indolent girl ? The arm alone does not mea- sure out a cubit i. e. t/ie subject is required as imich as the hi-stru- mental cause , or ^natter as well as an agent. Remove carefully the cloth put upon a thorn-bush, i. e. handle prudently a dangerous business. Prov. Thorns put for hedging in a field are become hurtful to the foot : i. e. one who was expected to be a help, has become an evil, or a plague. Prov. Prov. Though the king, or great man, be liberal, the porter will be surely? or will want a bribe. God being before us, will there be any thing which we may not perform ? AVhat a foe can be able to do when a man is in the power of king. The heavy clouds are dispers- ed ; the term is applicable to a peculiarity of tropical rains when cloudsy surcharged toith rain, ra- pidly approach, and pass away. The sky is overcast or cloudy. An obstinate man, and a cro- codile, will not leave that which is seized. ;^5I 9/s^irQ^s 9^(^(S^0uj(Sld@p^. To take away without spil- ling. ■9=^0!uju) uemia^L-s=3i-LL(Bs Qsiril.es}L-.uffu To burn down a house, and ujSf)^. sow upon the spot the seed of E/icinus : i. e. entirely, to ruin a family. ^jTss/ijOsfressri—Quix^ir Sleosijs;-® The moon's rays burn the las- Qp^. civious person. s?L—^&'i—Q^LDQurr<0srQurr OeO(retflehl(B/B ^eku(^ A.S gold is purified by passing through the furnace, so austerity, by degrees, purifies one performing penance. Ti. C. Qg^ujQujrreirSllTem- lSs^ ^^itQld — 0.suiuajs^ir ersiCosorr'ckQnessrs O^/flA'ssf^^gu; OLDcmemnBeiwir (^- Qpt—irQff'iTeo jt/weSirem® Qs^freOeQ^^LD jij^aLD!TS3's;(Bi}>. /5iTe9^p 3rLLi-.eu(£), (^psir. s?pp^^i sip(^ (^ip(B LoesypsQp^, QpQpuuiTius^Q^LLi^ erroneously Qp^Loirsi-Q^LLu^ ; Metaph. a swindler, a cheat ; one like Heranyacsha, who folded up the earth and decamped. jy6ug!/i@iry ^ersir^^Qi^Q^sija^SoeoiniKoirQfissr Q3=m/Sl®ih ^irSzmiuih ^irSsssnufrCoLDiT) (^mefnr^QuiTBLB&ieOir^QuewiiQLDeisuQ^ eSQ^uurLpui <^0uuLDir(cLDir, Qsu(^ssL-iriTsSeiruLjSffi>^ L^6me!!sflujL£leo8s\}Oujssr£}!Ui snh^iujS(Tf)LDL8SoSoO a^iQup6ui^iLjiB/B£se!^ps=(e^-3=iriru i3Qir^sLoiruj^^iB(^si]trQiT. ^(T^uiULjf.s9n:)dli-^^Qffo minus What business has a dog at a iron shop? Prov. that is, what has such a one to do here. To fit things up in a good order, or neat style. He finds fault with the house now that it is built, said of a supei'cilious critic^ whom nothing ioill please ; and who finds fault merely because the doing of any work has not been confided to himself. 257 0sirpp6iJesr/S^£i^p/6!i-.^^fisS. He speaks with partial affec- tion, in favour of a wife. By haste, he lost the benefit. To seek the means of living, or the necessaries of life, with great labour and pains. When the cat is pleased it will scratch a torn mat. Give me any thing, said un- willingly. A king should acknowledge the assistance received from a low man even in danger. To give food as big as the fruit of Cratseva religiosa, the same as, .s^dldsfr (a word of respect.) "If thou eatest the fresh and tender leaves of the ak.<£ tree ; then the heat will certainly be removed and the body refreshed ; thou hast nothing more to fear ; beautiful will be thy body and full of strength." ^Q^Lo/h^jnl) by ^Q^Qpeiiir. Qp£u is^£>(fri>ii9(T^d@p^. To be striped, streaked ,• Qp^ ■ssireOf a chapped foot : Qp^ssire^QstT® Qrs^^^rflicSirsirerr f§p£MuuiT6^fBj)i 0/duju£lL-eueO(c9Q(rp Qs^p^U^^iTLO'smirs' Os^&jeSl^QLpiTSQQu}, <' Ye who limp about with a chapped foot, there is no other foot to be given you, but take ye chunamj salt and the tender shoots of the Banian-tree, and mix them with fresh butter, and apply them to the foot, and it will become like the flower-leaf, of the water-lily or Nelumbiam." Theranar. H 1 )8 udssruiifsi ^u^kstr E^mi ssrrQcrreiruiTiTserr. Qsrr(Gi^sSes)inuinu SSssr^^uQu^ To speak meanly, contempti- bly. Prov. If when sitting under a palmyra-tree you drink milk, they will say it is palm-wine. e{r&)3sarOiSiJsi>^£^L-3oViumrexisrrfoiTLLL^p ssfTSijQ.ifujQisuirn- ^Lhss)LD3'Q3-iBeO ^ireOeiimii/ (^q^SI/sio-s)^ iLjL-a!r(os@ Ui^s^uir^sLSO^eirjjJ uireSl^Quj i^L^^^ire^fEJ sisrrQerresTLiirQir^(^Q^ireoss)siiuuujis^;£iTQs3r. uirnpiTS(^ mifffffTS'ir. In a ruined town, the jackal is king. fBfrdr Quemdsmu uiTL^Qeo ^err I have cast my daughter into €7flC?£3r£si)isi(^;B(^& /sri—frLD(r^^meO^ QeuuiUirds^Ssisr (^CL^pOpiueursi Qsn'L-trsiT'shr (suQf,tsmsi!r(^sisSii^lli^ sh-wa^psas Luiri—iruJiTiSiSTiT (^peDQr/tpsuiT iDpsnitaiQsrr. " The forest is thorny groimd, its inhabitants herdsmfin, its deity Kni/'na.'' The sea-shore is salt ground, its inhabitants fishermen, its deity Varunen. The mountain is bleak, its inhabitants are Kuraver, its deity Sxihramimyen% The level country is fertile, its inhabitants are ploughmen, its deity Indren. The barren land is alkaline, its inhabitants Mar aver its deity Durga. 260 IDJJ/QPOJU). eiiQpeij^eiisvsrirLDeouirir. ei}!r(T£@p£3. )LDirsiresr. )r6^^Q^trL^e<) eresr st^eu ml L- IT L-irek. eauDeBLBuJirirLol Another face i. e. one that differs from that of a husband or wife ; a strange man, or a strange woman, y To seize by the throat and kill ; as a lion or tiger. He who bestows too much care on his body, is like one who attires a corpse. The nature of the harvest is known by the germ, i. e. the disposition of the child prog- nosticates the manners and behaviour of the man. Thou shalt be, or mayest thou be, struck down or as the brown stork is struck by the hawk. See that the thing may not meet with bad success. To live prosperously. If a man be ruined, he will be of less worth than a potsherd This employ, or office, does not suit me. He has laid a trap forme, he intends my ruin. He has overset the project, as if he had dashed against a trap. Avoid the house of those (mere- tricious women)who blacken the lower eye-lids : eB)LC(aSlL^ujirir.sui esiLD aD«uj«eOTG)(vj?(Tf(5 ; shun a brother. * " The Kuruver and Maraver arc wild tribes or people less civilized than others. By alkaline laud is meant that which produces a.au/ru3«s«), or fuller's earth. This popular idea of the qualities of dillercnt soils may perhaps illustrate the parable of the sower iu the gospels ; and renders it probable that same popular saying of the kind existed amongst the more ancient inhabitants of Palestine. The sea-shore may not be included, because ludia was an inland conutrv," T. O. W. 2Qi easedKSi—Qearewuus'ULS-ssehefrQeijems'j 6iiiriem)'SffiTisuiTisj(^wirerTsiidoir(sSlLl.(Bl un'^euuSlp^. unrest ui (^i—rr^. The loranthus is running, or spreadino; itself over the branch- es of valuable trees to their hurt ; said of a mischievous per- son, who hurts, and destroys, a whole family. I am to him like Cayenne pepper, thatis,he cannot bear me. An irregular penitence is im- perfect. Prosperity without sickness ; wealth without deficiency : a form of well-wishing. A burnt cat will not come near the hearth, that is " a burnt child dreads the fire." To-day a merchant, to-mor- row a peon. Prov. A fire burning within, while the lips pour forth fruits i. e. one who speaks sweetly Avhile his heart full of tricks. The mouth is plantain fruit and hand is a fleshy root of Dra- contium, said of the nature of the stingy. He came to inquire the mat- ters of the house. My belly is in disorder. This is become habitual or natural to him. To abuse in general, without naming the person. Though the ascetic has relin- quished all other things, yet he will adhere to his caste and sect. 263 Stanza by Athivira-ratna Pandian. QL-iTL-ir/B^QpLhLOSi) Qp(r^sSiQ£uixuGussu- 0(trf'SsvaJS si^th^QeniTiTSi^iEJ si—uuQiTirLCidsessjQujp Bir^ei). srrssBn—Si^U), uirir^^LDird^U'^^^f ji/tpeQ^thf ^uSl.sSi-L!—, QuDQpQei, Qu3Qp(^QufreOy s^&rTerruD, (^/sstr LDSSirifiT^^eiat—uj) S-errenLDiresrjiif £_S!»i_ LDeOQpLc ^ssbreuui uiires>uj sinSiuQiuiskp Qpsk^LLisi>^, QpQ^sS, Qs(B^^yQeiJtM, QsiTL^iiJ, uaudsi-^ei), ^/Ef5<3=nsir^6S)^, OcSit&vuj, Miiis^ st-.!h^Qsnirirs(Sf^LOy M^Q^iTira(e(Emj mssssdrQiDisiy L3sn?&Tse'frQu:e^sinou ^^f sfr^0O, ^,T Qesr ujrtrsSiruiuufrmTL^ujesi i-jSes)Lpu us/jO(Sxi(crri(S^iTeuLhLDfr. . . , G^w. O lady, the Tamil language of Agasfi/ar Avas not born from (Colie) but from Potheiya. The sixty-four Tiruvillaiadeh did not take place in Uriur. The Nedumal (Vishnu) was never born as a tiger. Is the sun fixed on the top of Siva's crown of hair ? The bank-destroying Caveri never saw any writing ascend up against the stream. The Attl garland is not so heroic as that of the Veppa flower. Did the sea ever submit at the feet of the Soren ? Is the praise of the heroic Pandions a light thing ? [If not deeply tinctured with mythological belief, it will per- haps be acknowledged by the reader, that the Soren panegyrists have the best of it. lie will remember that Jgastyar, the father of the Tamil language, lived on Potheiya mountain ; that Vislimt was a ce qu'on dit incarnate as a fish ; that saiva is represented as wear- ing the crescent in his tuft of hair, the Paudion being also of the lunar pedigree ; that a writing was said to ascend the Fai^ai, ia the time of Kuua-Pandion ; that the sea submitted to JJkrama- Pandion^ and he may need to be informed, that when a troop of * " Ukrama-Pandion made a great sacrifice of niuety-six aswamedha-yugams, at which Itidren becoming jealous, since his rule was endangered, went to liie king of the sea Varunen and told hiin to destroy that eountry. Accordingly the sea suddenly came with great noise in the middle of the night to the gates of Madura, wlien the king, U/crama- Pandion, was awakened by Shm, in the guise of a religious ascetic, informing him of the circumstance, and attendant dangers ; the king, being astonished aud without iircsence of jnind, was urged by the vision to lose no time, but employ the vel as he had been directed and accordingly he went and cast the spear (or javelin) at the sea, which immediately lost its force, and" retired, because Vaninen recognized the weapon of his superior. The king then went to the temple, and adoring the god, promised tliat as far as the sea had come, much land would he give to the temple : and thus he righteously protected (or governed; the kiugdom." T. 0. W. I 1 266 Hindoo warriors put on a Veppa garland, tliey thereby made a public vow to conquer or die.] a em t—^sarQ iu IT euirt^ si—eo. In plain Tamil : gs, evirip(Bjss)L-ujsu.Q60f i§iLiuaj(rr)&(nj>aj, QutrQ(n?uJ, CoSSirem^esitussemri—iTQuJir. " prosperous Ocean ! thou also (like myself) comest and goest, thou art troubled lliou dost not sleep ; thou beatest (the shore) and roarest, when (I) consider (thee) thou art not as formerly. Hast thou (perhaps) seen the strong shouldered kiug of Malayalum." R. ff(ip3'/rir(^ ff^^^ffirsiTLc. «?j7Ji/r J32;«@ LB(^Q^3r S'lTGfO The matrimonial state is full of vexation and sorrow ; match- es are crosses. The usual existence of all be- ings, things is from generation by seed. There is no greater art than Qpui Q^iTerrf^^ireosffld^^ iBfi^fflssr ffir^ffo and no incantation pre- U>lh^gQpLBsi)d^, ji/eucir s'-emossrOffirsieQ ersinostjrjf ^eu^i(^ ffUQfii^Q UL-L^(i^i ferable to Oferrfs^^jeosS. . Give after abate some part of interest. On my manifesting a little displeasure he immediately sliew- cd signs of submission. 15. To disentangle, to wind up on accounts. His intermeddling is not good. This affair is intricate or in- volved. lie made a wink by the head or hand and called me. He has a deadly pale face. 267 O/E/remt-^s (^^0aiT&(^s- ff^dQ Stumbling is the excuse of mQ^iB3=irs(^. lame horse. ji/suek (Su-L^pL^ih^ s'lTL^^eir. He rushed into the house and defeated the people. i§ ^mj^irs tBsoeair {iBek(n^dj) You must give him a sound s^iT^^xiTuL^ Q §(r^is^^^L^d ToU and porridge thicken by ^^, ' too long keeping, Prov. that is troublesome business had better be speedily despatched. s^uj&!T(Biu ^Di^^neisr LKppsnnsn- Prov. One who takes good fliu wipei'ipihr. care of his own concerns, and is negligent of those of others, that is, a selfish man. Qffu>iiLjd@^^^iru>^^prEj(^. Though you go into a cove to repose, sleep only for one watch of 3 hours. Aww. Prov. fofTG^cTD^suuiriTds <^u^daw!iQu!{ What can 1 do more than G^i-Jr. this. 268 1S(^ ^£VLI>ITS a.68r ^n'UJiresiiTtt-i'B ^suui^es>ir An unfortunate person, v/ho brings or is the cause of, mis- chief and destruction. For a helpless widow the cere- mony -will take place for the period of 6 months : implying the scanty means of the poor virgin. It is a long time since I saw iLifBissm(BQsv(^!BiraTiT{uSp^)&3r^. your father and mother. e-drQuxso ermSQOLD^^ ji/itlIl^ I am always doubt in you, i. e. I never trust you. [scm. What you will get per men- Abide according to the direc- tion of the superiors. Prov. Death is certain, time uncer- tain. PlB^^uuiB. uirQuiLL-ireo uso^ssxdl. No pains, no profit. O^irQpsehefrdr. A hypocritical rogue; there are live sorts of hypocritical rogues as follows : — OffonijSGfreffieSesipQffir^^ ^ss!>rL-&\)ujirir^(TfiUuejsBd(^ uf.(^L!^sQs!Tmr Ql— cTnawaerrefTiT lEsinoO&efTsrrir OuireisOir^aen-sfrjeu QireuQiraOsum&ineii, '■anir O^irnp/hiserTetrir, ^s^irjT&seiremfleu eair&iir^irQLD. U6'i0^ireiOSiHUlTu9(T^S'Sp^. uiresaresii— uf,rEJ(^os^(^3=^ui ueur (CT)iS!OL_ 9(iQlUppjpU:, OiClITLLeiDt-. (^Qajeirp)uScsretsiULLi-.ih(2uiraj (ip^ To be distracted by too much trouble and care. Proverb of contemptuous ap- plication. There is no one believe mc as I am now in the state of distress. 2G9 ^s^as)uj j)jL^^^u uq^'^sl- 3- ^s^jirsQarrpQsirssBn—UiueoQLDp e&DipQui'Si- j^iiueoQu^QLDiT? essri—iT^. ^esTLcsm^sOjtjQ^sQe^isciTQ^Qusr JiS^ri There are many children to you. lie has lost my valuable book. This term is peculiar to the Madras : at south the usual name is QuTd^L^dSp^ or sir^tsip QunQp^. To beat a poor man asking tribute of him. Live in a place where the ■water agrees with you. Avvw. Live in a place where there is one whom you can trust. Aww The cat of the temple fears not the gods: i.e. Familiarity breeds contempt. Prov. Can a business, which is not fully explained, be brought be- fore the assembly for their discussion ? Will the poor be heard in the court ? Justice is over-ruled by power. Would you be adorning your hair with flowers, while your bel- ly is craving for food. Prov. He who covets not ; will not weep i.e.if desire or lust approach thee not, neither will weeping. Prov. If you have not a guilty con- science? youhave nothing to fear. If nothing be taken nothing will be wanting ; if nothing be spoken nothing will be rumour- 270 * . ed ; i. c. there i3 no rumour however vague, but has some truth ill it. What bolt can love restrain ? What vail conceal ? One tear-drop in the eye of those tliou lov'st. Will draw a Hood from thine. Cural. ^ff<)LL(B^z!!re!ifi^uirffO0i)LL(SSl(nj'edr. He is very troublesome like the vexatious saturn. jijeuireuirOs'tu^ ^cS2mpih^pQ pilosis jD/osresTLDUJ LDsk/Sl L^cisr'BosrLDiuiM ^sarssTQpLLL^ie^so etsi>ffi(rQpLl.(BLD, fBITek ^ei/gr«(5 ^si^L—LDITlluL^ QajsveiinhQuQQ&sreBT. ersk<€G)6^iTserLDLL(Bih uirirai. car : or OTS!Jr(65)o\) 3h.L^ lULDtT^piTLD uirirsSQpeir. ^susk ^dsmiuiraSldssrs^u uiu uuu.iT^ ullLOLjQun''sSl(f^s@(fr^si!r, ^srsQiDiT ? If you squander away, wliat you have not acquired, you will suffer for it. With tlie appearance, sem- blance of much understanding, he is a great blockhead. Prov. Where a good man is me- diator no dispute happens Avhich may not be decided by him. To tell occurrences how they are and how they are not : viz. to relate circumstances as they oc- curred. As the public tank in a city is full of general use, so is the wealth possessed by men of great know- ledge profitable to all. Tiruwall. Food is the principal means of existence. When food is wanting, nothing else is of any value ; or want of food is the greatest of all wants. I spoke to him conformably to his wishes. I take care, I look, inquire af- ter it as much as lies in my pow- er. He, like an adder, which will not hearken to the voice of the charmer, follows his own will, heedless of the most solemn warnings. Will a timber tree grow from the seed ofthe oil plant ? a pro- verb meaning: whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Gal. 6 : 7. (year. L^s^^ ^uSjit ((^;Siuu>) ^irujLc. StoSiniiSp LjsieitriuS/D^. LcempD'^^irp/SQ'Sii&eisiiTujQp^. lie acts as he is actuated by him, he dances as the other pleases, i. e. he is entirely under the other's control. He always speak firmly, strongly. Li. The pot supports the cur- dled milk and the curdled milk the pot, that is : from its solidity it prevents the pot from falling to one side. To pick grass out of pot herbs when boiled and dished : Prov. to act preposterously, or fool- ishly. Prov. Children's play sand be- ing made to represent rice, and from which the stones are select- ed : to act foolishly, Prov.Encourage yourself when you are performing a difficult work, by reflecting on the bene- fit which you will derive from it. Food and raiment are not suffi- cient. As the splint of the Banian tree,or oisQffceueo, A.cacia Arabcia gives strength to the teeth when cleaned by one of them, so mireuLs^ lunir and (^perr, the moral poems, give slrongtli to the speech. 11. There is none who comforts^ who cheers. He who lives on flattering is little better than he who lives on begging. 373 jOsLLi—Qu&^-s^QuffirQ^. j^w^k^^o iSIl—^uQuitB/d^. Do not speak an unseasonable, unsuitable speech, words spoken without, regard to person or place. His head is trundling ; a punish- ment inflicted upon malefactors, is by being buried in the ground up to the neckj and an elephant dashing his foot against the head severs it from the body, when it is said to trundle or (Sji-^uQuir /S0O6Qei!srdsLDS^ffO£ES\)eopu®^£SL}>. l9^ CSTL/L "^ L^SSTLD.' 5w ^-soi—KOLD nfT^^iEis eiir properly tBc^Sessri—Loirn-^^ I have given enough,- I will in- cur no more expense, all that I have done being in vain. ^ Where there is no woilhy friendship, there will be sorrow. When the back of the hips and the shins swell;, there is little hope of recovery. The offerings presented to her may not be kept until the morn- ing. Note. — 1, @(5^ to an evil goddess, rice and milk and bloody sacrifices are offered to her. 2. A woman unfit for marriage, desti- tute of breasts and the menstrual flow. R. LD2soii9/b£v u>u3ifi(S&)Q^ir/EiSlp^ When the mountains are loos- QuirQffO u3(r^dSljD(ceijceiTuSQei) ff^Q ened and hanging as if by a ^^iresr. hair, he assisted him : Prov. i.e. giving assistance when all seems Prov. She has secretly slan- dered me ; Li. having put a wet cloth, with a wet (bloody) knife with a wet reaping hook she has cut my throat. To cultivate the ground, and live by it, is more satisfactory, K 1 274 than to get maintenance and food from others by serving them. Aww. He is an intimate friend and yet a rogue. Prov. Tho' he be a man of esteem, he must follow or rather submit to his destiny. Prov. By telling the truth, misunder- standings are adjusted ; truth is the surest resource through life. No relationship can subsist? without occasional entertain- ments. Come soon to dinner but be slow in battle. Though a sparrow fly up on high, will it become a kite? Prov. i, e. Every one should be content with his condition. uiriT&(^srr/3 ^Q/s^^iTeiSLh UL^^^SfT^iEi QslLl-IT^iI) ue!:!Bw_^Qeu/s Qs-si^i ^enenQeu Is it necessary for the whole assembly of a city to turn tlic oil-man's press ? Prov. A trilling matter does not require a con- course of people. The more you dig in a sandy soil,the more water springs forth, so the more you apply to science, the more your knowledge will increase. Tiruwal. Water issues from the springs of a well constantly drawn, but from one not drawn it ceases to ^(3 t(Bu)ir. eT£}r(er^,if.smcmF(TF, tSsia/DdQp^* (Druire3iiMem-/z Solitude is preferable to bad society. Burnt earth v.ill not adhere to fresli. Prov. Assist your relations to the best of your ability. This secret has been divulged by you in the whole town. It is difficult to leave off an old habit. It is not good to speak rigor- ously, without clemency. The rectitude of actions is the measure of a man's dignity. "When she saw the sufferings of her son, she pined away fo^' grief. White ants make the nest, and snakes live in it : Prov. what has been made for the i.-, ^A one, is often enjoyed by another. Will a corpse which has been carried to the place of b'uiuini:; return ? i. e. what ' cannot be undone. Ilis understandijic lad know- ledge are more and i!iire dimi- nishing. The cat has pass»-u aun road as a bad omcu, i business which I hc\ been obstructed as fo]iu ffiUJiuun'ii^Guir3=- LOLLesji—QujeQLjesr ■sterna: Q&npQuQffS l •'( ^ ■ OeiJ/D(t^fSsiieisiiGO Qsijesrui'r(ip0QiijfriruirQesruj(f^e>nLCLD^Qsijeir, see. sipLJU6^iF?ir3=s5Su:), 63, and 64. Verses. ^(^■gfS!Tj>6sr. having gone to a playj the blind blamed the dance and the deaf the music : a foolish blame. One who is the ruin of his fa- mily: like a handle of an axe which is destructive to its kind, namely without the handle the axe is of no use, but with it the tree is cut down. ^■strL-irLcpQuiPiiueijiTQuir wt—uuQsijisieiiiTik^ppLDsi^c-thesipQ^djflfTQir 27S Qsiri—ir(sQssiru:iL^Qt5(BliEiQei)^^^a(osQsL^(resr0sirmsB)sQuir6i!rQp, A door which does not bark )sruSsi)Ss\}. OsiTLLL^^(Si)Q^err Qsiru-i—iTLDp OsirLl.i—rT^cSlLLu.^(cUfreo ■sh.jb pzksvQ^ilQurr^ (sSlLl^it^ Quireu ^(oaj Oldilj. ^irsur. but bites the heel. The figures painted on the floor have been effaced. Does it rain drops as big as a large mortar in order to fill a tank ? i. e. a man may become rich by gathering small sums. Dwarfs are of bad omens, bet- ter is it to follow a thief than a dwarf. What have you eaten with your meat to-day ? Li. Canst thou by doing it join a couple of clasp" "^ ^ " '-"w<- thou by doing it business. There is no marriage betweej Prov. If you like a scorpion ; give the injury, /iiinuless insect, It is certain th soul leaves the bol manner as breatl When, he hea; hot or violent. As the flyini know the branch may sit : so the not know the [ila may rest. 279 Osirppeus^^ ^s^p:,/SlL-^^^iSi. ^Sil.®uD SL.stirQsirQ£ucau Quj s'TTSHLDnuJ QuiLiSlesr resolved never to ^su^OiuiTQ^ s^BssiTiu erem^ euirirsQismT ? U(Tek. ^eouLj] 0^isi)Q£u&)uuir u9(T^s3p empty air ? To rain plentifully, in abun- dance. A proverb ; one pre-eminent, as Narkiren in the College at Madura, and as Virseren among the kings of the Sera-desam. Will tlfey think any thing of him ? He will even twist a rope of sand : (not ironical,) he is very skilful. Ke is not of our caste. To shoot arrows at any one, that is, to impute faults. Ang- lic e to cast dirt enough. R. Do you consider my words as ^suek s^e^eSuOurTpiui^dSpeuecir, He is a lying rogue ,• literally, a bag full of lies. The price of this merchandise is fallen. To be proud ; to carry one's self proudly to go in a tawdry dress ; to shine. • 373 ^L-IB0sLLi—Qu3'-S^Qu3'lfQ^. ^/w^^dsd u^i—^uQuirQpjji. Do not speak an unseasonable, unsuitable speech^ words spoken without regard to person or place. His liead is trundling ; a punish- ment inllictcd upon malefactors, is by being buried in the ground up to the neck, and an elephant dashing his foot against the head severs it from the body, when it is said to trundle or ^u./^u(2uir LSski-jLLi—QpLh t^piEJssirei^Lh I have given enough,- I will in- cur no more expense, all that I have done being in vain. Where there is no worthy friendship, there will be sorrow. AYhen the back of the hips and the shins swell, there is little hope of recovery. The offerings presented to her LDBiT^^ may not be kept until the morn- ing. 2-C!53i_C55U3 fflT^^IES GOT str^: properly iflci^LSli Note. — 1. ^(5® to an evil goddess, rice and milk and bloody sacrifices are offered to her. 2. A woman unfit for marriage, desti- tute of breasts and the menstrual flow. R. w^iiSp£u LDiSliBQeoQ^iTfsiSl/D^ When the mountains are loos- QuirQea uSl(r^dSlpQeij2aTii3QioO irir u3 fLpipi sm.emppQun(o^ s.p&ipp^. 5G£ r®i © than to get maintenance and food from others by serving them. Aww. He is an intimate friend and yet a rogue. Prov. Tho' he be a man of esteem, he must follow or rather submit to his destiny. Prov. By telling the truth, misunder- standings are adjusted"; truth is the surest resource through life. No relationship can subsist? without occasional entertain- ments. Come soon to dinner but be slow in battle. Though a sparrow fly up on high, will it become a kite? Prov. SLiuffuup/E^sir^ g/3i(5(75aS? uq^ i. e. Every one should be /h^iTtxiT. content with his condition. L—e8n—ibs,iTei)'(^ Q/^ujeuiT^Q,u QuiBiueufr^LDSemLDU^eihijQL-ir IT c^iuffuupif^iveisua UQf)ih^trsn'^ei!BT&!iii>^iTQesr. Is it necessary for the whole assembly of a city, to turn the oil-man's press ? Prov. A trilling matter does not require a con- course of people. The more you dig in a sandy soil,the more water springs forth, so the more you apply to science, the more your knowledge will increase. Tiruwal. "Water issues from tlie springs of a well constantly drawn, but from one not drawn it ceases to LLiriTsSQpL '-jh-U-L^ Os-Si^^ ^ehefrQeu iBta^Biair, 275 esfEssirfeirp) dOsiT(B^^^LjL eresr &.'3''(ficsnu &.emL-& SiJff^3:sS!!rSQS)L-(SSaj\DUjpSSL-L^ ©« Q^iripQ.^Q QiDipefT^LDQuQ^^ei. do so. Prov. The more one gives, the more will be given unto him. LukeVL 38. The staff which I gave him to lean upon, breaks my head; i.e. the good I have done him has turned out evil. Will one who cannot separate small stones from rice, be able to bear the stones that support a tower ? Prov. One that is unqua- lified for a small matter, must never attempt a weightier one. To a person whoj rather than doing any thing for himself, has men even so much as to raise and support him, any business willcausewearinessaud faintness. Prov. A person always accustom- ed to have his business trans- acted by another, when com.pel- led to do himself, will find great difficulty. To offer to the manes of the deceased auy thing mixed with sesanium and water. To make a mountain of a sesa- mum seed. Prov. to exaggerate. If you are desirous to better your condition, become a hus- band man. Aww. The merchant has shut up his shop in order to raise the price of his commodities. Speak not of thy poverty even to a friend. 376 semirtuiTck L-ip^emn. ST® uxcsrtBJS Solitude is preferable to bad society. Burnt earth will not adhere to fresh. Prov. Assist your relations to the best of your ability. This secret has been divulged by you in the whole town. It is difficult to leave off au old habit. It is not good to speak rigor- ously, without clemency. The rectitude of actions is the measure of a man's dignity. When she saw the sufferings of her son, she pined away fo"^ grief. AVhite ants make the nest, and snakes live in it : what <5F'2r«/ri_l®«(g;iJ Quires iSemk p has been made for the use of one, is often enjoyed by another. Will a corpse which has been carried to the place of burning return ? i. e. what is once done cannot be undone. His understanding and know- ledge are Uiore and more dimi- nishing. The cat has passed across my road as a bad omen, i. e. the business which I began, has been obstructed as follows : Oajei)(oii^ujsj€aiirO-!fuSlmBjOuj(S0iru) wedtBQTj/B^L-iheuiflsoQajih^^iLiviari—Ps.'effiiiiirw, Lj^Ssar (s^jhsQl 377 LD&}0OpQ^fSsO&)Sii& QauesruiTQp^lQiuirn'uireij LCLDeoQemuj(i^'eS)L£LD^Qsijerrj ^^^esTQfLDiem^csiidssr ^Q^s'^irQifleiiefrrrpuuiolf<3?liQ^ev'2egr, see. ^puue^si-ffs^psLD. 63. and 64. Verses. jiKE^'SsiT^Oups (^^'SDiriL^uiQev He wants a horse that can do ^Lo ^jhsmpasL-sau uiriucijuiQai wonders for nothing : &c. &c. ^iith or U(5m(Lpu> jt/(^<3=iTuS(y^ds Qsu^jLD Qusm^jLD Qp^^uQuir Q^^^^i @^^^ LD!T£u^^^ir Though the poor maid-servant j\i/LD L/(7^i6B3affiOs/r(T5 QstTQ£&SLL beat flour ever so hard, she has 0S)L—QiU. 9(5 ■nifa QeuSodliDS^ QuireSlQ^&Sp^. ©C5^ ^,©C5 ^(75 <3 ]r6^eijrrSLD^Te'iuL but a small cake to expect. Prov. To find always a fault in any work. She sings as a cuckoo. As if two blind men began to play blind man's buff they will fall into the ditch. ^(if)-^dmuSskuuj£iT^iun'ir^(frjSsQenekQpiLjuQ^3'QuisuiTs(^3'Qa'iLeuair (^0L—^s(^d'^(T^i~ekQsn'e^QsiT(B^^eui^siTLl.L^evQ^'wQs!r {OsTsh'Ssnujrrss smu^^£^). A king should acknowledge the assistance received from a low man even in danger. Wait I shall make thee humble and submissive. Prov. A lean person in the hand of a fat man, is like a straw ; i. e. a poor man is no- thing before a rich man. The house will scarcely hold or contain them. Through him I have brought this business about. God and children will like to be with those who love them. He alone was speaking for aa hour. I have alledged or proposed a doubt to what he has said. Cat beaten with a fire-brand will be frightened away even by the sight of a glow-worm. This tree has produced a great many fruits. Back-bitings and the ear which listens to it, are as a fire accom- panied with a violent wind. Aww. She is not a match for him. Prate is poison to the poor ; empty talk is very hurtful to them, for by it they are prevent- ed from doing their necessary business. Beschi. vulgo. ss--uu3Qffo/cpSpdr s^n®Q&)i£p Q.a'jreir, ^aj^Oajr(75 ■3'assiruj eremr^ urresr. I am ■within the line you drew ; that is .' I obpy your order. He has made sport by many strange and indecent gestures. There arose some disseiision or disagreement between this man and that man. Have you resolved never to go to his house ? To rain plentifully, in 'ahun- dance. A proverh ; one pre-eminent, as Narkiren in the College at Madura, and as Virscren among the kings of the Sera-desam. Will they think any thing of him ? He will even twist a rope of sand : (not ironical,) he is very skilful. He is not of our caste. To slioot arrows at any one, that is, to impute faults. Aurj- /?V(/ to cast dirt enough. U. Do you consider my words as empty air ? He is a lying rogue .• literally, a bag full of lies. The price of this merchandise is fallen. To be proud ; to carry one's self ])roudly to go in a tawdry dress ; to shine. 281 @ffl;063r63)«j3 LLS^^s^ffst^QutT He is to me a great enemy. jveueiirCcLDQffO jtjiss^ ^rr^^eQ He is not so much suspected, eb^v, ^suewQtDQffo jFn(BQ/r}£ii. but the suspicion falls upon the other. K* ^weSi—^^ffO ^euek LueaL-iuek He stands here like a fool. firiuffiiTLu i^psl((rfek, ^sueisi se^t^uSQei) ^irjT^irLDutrerrir He is a Sarasvati in learning ; a5(75«©(5>6ijrj that isj he is very learned. ^euek ^^^^Sosr s'lrsoOLDsoffiinh He speaks with a pretence Qusi-Q(oifek. only, and deceitfully. s-eh-Qsrruirir^^ireiie^asiTerrLD Oeu Prov. Nauseous within^ beau- eflQiu QiiisiTffLh. tiful without. g)ffljgj/ffi@^^«« Qets:£sf.u6m^ Without suitable correction toffo s^L-rkisLDiTLLL-irek. he will never be obedient. greari^u l^^^ ®^;8uS(i^sQesr My mind is bewildered. ^(75^^ejr(?LD6V) (ipffifr(^ff3sifr eaeu To Confer a favor on one. sn-essfiLD/h^di Qsin^^dsLD. Little laziness may cause great sorrow. umiEisinLQpBiB s^e^s'snuLjss^s^ir^. A jackal which roves among Palmyra trees^ is not afraid of their rustling noise : that is one who is acquainted with hardship will not be perplexed when he meets with unforseen calamities ; or more generally, familiarity with any object, removes diffidence or fear. u>&oee>ajuuirir^^ /sinu(^&o^^ir If a dog bark at a mountain, €0 u)&»S(^3'(Sd^^Quirr ? rBnihs^s^ which will suffer, the mountain Qs^^Qllk. or the dog ? Prov. that is, It is folly in low people to oppose the great. Lesson. I. sesreariEisifluj, Very black. [sekim-iEiasj}!^^) ^esiesrii^s^Quj, Quite alone. (^earear/s^eD)?^^) SidresTf^Q^uj. Very little. {&e!iresr(^Qj3/^^) QuekesTLoQuiBiu. Very great. {OuekesnhQuQ^is) L 1 282 This and similar forms are in constant nse. No rule can be laid down for their formation. Either the Adjective is used as sifltu. Exercise. 1^ 6sr ear (S^Q/iSuj ITS loir Qs'iiiiB U!icmrjb(oUL^^^QiM!TLfis^f OuirearearLhOuQ^^^QpSoO euearesniisj^^^^^ipe^ Qsk£ar^&j)i^^'^es)L-Ou em. eTeiirQear(^Sr^ssei'p(o>ffiU^ ^fiu j^(OT)s\3 ^uuiTLDp s ^ S pu3^^(^u>-eiieQiueu6k srerfl lueii'Bsisr LS(BeQ tuu^dQp^ei' QpektSieisr uiTirssLDiruu-irear-Qps^^ds^Q Q^^^iTQiTaQi—Qurr(ea)ei> ^so^^sQseieOiriSemii) - ^eueir ^nOew(B/^^ siTifltu^ee>^eSlLL(au iSsistenirraSsar^^iTeo ^eug^piisiDi—UJ ^iSlsS(f^iQp eiQ^eu^sersemaQiu® s^^^iQQp^ OuiBiui-jessr L^trek. To enable any one to support his family is an act of great merit. He Avill not be able to do so, Avithout their assistance. 5. OfVf'Lhu^^srrefriTQ^. lit. Do not jump too much, i. e. Do not speak too much, as: ^ sresresr ^^^iOs!r(^ff^damfluj^^isrrs 0(0/1}) US^iSTTiff^Q^iii ^uuLf. ^em^iLjLD ^s>i'/SliuiTLDisi^erriorrfr(n^. Why do you speak so much about this trifling matter? you speak of matters you do not understand. 6. /Birdr Qs'irekesrevn-ir^em^esiUJ S-^/S^ek. lit. He has shaken my word, i. e. he has not attended to what I said as : ^uQuitqp^ mrr (m^eiJ^s(^s;es>uj sl-^^uQuitlL® ^met^&^i—uuL^ iBL-iaQeiisssrestii^iS(rf)GQQjm, lie has utterly rejected my advice and means to take his own course. 284 7. jijisiiek(ip£>>i0s(Bl^^a0sircssrL~iT6k. lit. He has taken to twist, i.e. he is very ant^ry as : isirm ^snekQffLusu^ iteasisiriBiULaeisoOeu^jpi t—irek. Because I told him that his conduct was not good, he got angry and went away. 8. ^/Dss^^e^0sQ'^^.\it. To be in a lower place, i, e. his busi- ness is not prospering, or his duty is not going on well or he lost the favor of his master, as: @eusk ^i39isS(rf,s,Qp Qmsan-esr ^^^ QuiTQp^ ^pss^^dli^sQp^, Because he has displeased his superiors in the office, his affairs are now at a low ebb. 9. lEirek &.e3r&sr ^ps(^Qeusisr. lit. I will put you in a lower place i. e. I will disgrace you,' as : M Q urfiuj suits en i^^u>lL®l£: ^uSik son- LDffi Qu^QpUL^ujtrio ^s^^tuii) iBirek ^skSosr^psi^a^Q^ssr , or isn&!r s.eirS5ar ^psSeSuL® LDjuQeuSsouiriTuQuew-. Because you do not pay- proper respect to your superiors, I will disgrace you — I will attend to the business, after I have thus disgraced you. 10. j^suekQui's^ ^asresnJa ^(ipuuiruS(!T,d(^^. lit. Ilis words still are procrastination, i. e. he is an inconstant fickle man as : /ftcbt @(LpuuiruSl(rf,d3p^iTuj QseneSluuLLQi-eir. "When I investigate his matters, I find him to be an inconstant and fickle man. 1 1. ^ayCTT @^^uQurrQ(n^uQuiTei>QuerQ^a!r. lit. He speaks as if he were breaking any thing i. e. he speaks severely, as : jijeuekumrssirfluj^^eOUiiTe^^jiu, Loei^^iTs'SetrLD^ujirLDeO ^^^uQunQ (o^uQuireo Q us? en IT (Sir, When one speaks to him on money matters he behaves with rudeness and asperity. He is not so in other matters. 12. ^k^uQusFSi- aiT^eoji/L^ui—iuQuJ'^ erihj^iEi siT^ei ^L^u®Sp ^auj.? OffiTeki^ek. The man who yesterday came from Tanjore says that every one is speaking of this gentleman. 13. j^L^uu€S)i-Qun(BQpjp, or QuiT(BSpai€k . lit. Ee who begins to pnt a foundation i. c.hc who begins to speak of an important mat- ter, as : ^6ueiraj/s^eiTifiuj^es>^uuirir^fiiTed ^Qflir j>ii^uues)i—QuiTL- €ij/s^iru(SijireQ(rf;s(^^. "When I looked into the cause of his coming it appeared that it was on some urgent affair of his own. 14. easujjTiSSp^. lit. To shake the hand i. e. to use or to make a practice? as: /f s.£w- 3'irLDiT^csrsss>siuiTi^T(BQs!TesBr®euiB^iTeo jti^OsiL euffQeuessr^LD. If you make a good use of your property, it be none the worse, but much improved by it — you must your learning and ability in practice, by making proper use of them. 15. jtjsuek'^smesri^dsosiTLLi—Qsij^iidso. lit. He is still his head will not shew i. e. still he does not come and see me as : jyeucar^oQ/s Although he has arrived in Tinnevelly so long ago, he has not yet come to see me. 16. ji/svcisr ^emL—tdli—irLDOffieirScsr ^ifl^^u Qu!r®Sl(n^ek. lit. He having constantly sifted me with some speculation i. e. he vexes me incessantly to perform the promise to him or troubles me con- stantly with some speculation as : i6irshr@sij^iQ)&0siT(i^3=LD s-^aS LD6i) j)jiB^i^uQu(T®Q(nj'si!r. I promised to render him some little assistance ; but he gives me no rest and incessantly troubles me. 17. s-smiDesr^eo jij-^sQ&isinrLDeoQuiTi^io e^eir^sQih uiuuui—irQ^, If there is no filthiness in your mind be not afraid, i. e. if you iiave no guilty conscience you need not fear, as : ^-ekiDesr^ea ji/Qps (^uuiu.i^ LDssrfa(^smes3BiSl(i^uuirQ6srsir. AVhile you are free from a guilty conscience, why should you be troubled in mind, being afraid of others on account of what you have done. 18. ^6ij&fT^dsojii(ipssrruS(rF)sQ(2;eir. lit. Her head is filthy i. e. she has her menses as: j;fsvsrru}ir^L£iunr^LD ^2s^ji/(ipssiTiSl(T^dS/DUL^ujiT0i) ^Ll.(BQrrL3(r^sQ(n^sh-f 01' [i^ff^^QujSiDiT^Qr^m^ (wpsYT.) lit. She is afar from home, i. e, she has her menses, as : ji/sush- i—itQ^.) Touch her not, as she is still in her iincleanuess. 21. j)j63j(er^s(^^fi2so(ipQfd(^euip(T^sSp^. lit. She is bathing, i. e* she has her menses as : unuuir^^s(&^sQ^3!2o))(rpQ£id(^eii/i^(r^i^iTffO £.i_(?SOT- (SlLQssui-IPuulI.® ^LLQ^^emrSssuruSlffi) s.nj'SjSdlQpfS^Qsiremr L^QfjUuir/rserr. Braminy females during their uncleauness leave the house and sleep in the verandahs. 22. j>jsiiekQir!nx>uj>jQ£,ssnuS(if)sSi((rj'(ck. lit. He is very filthy, i. e. lie is very stingy, as ; j)/auesiQujsBiips(e^ujds^^e^suuLL(Bji/(ips(^uuLL(t!uQurr(ee)€rr. Mrs. S. who was before chaste, being deceived by Mr. S. was defiled by him. 23. ^'ffl;^i(5 ^Q£^^mQiM^^. lit. He have got much tight i. e. he is a great miser? as : ji/eueir ^uSr[QuiTe^03 srcir see}Unu^d(^(Lp6ssrL—iTSluj (^ujir-a'&iu^e'n^uurrjTULL.fLBeOGOiruisO ^.£Uf^^ u<2uiTi—Qeiism(BLh. You must decide the dispute between me and my brother without partiality. 25. ^'ba;uQu'3'3r ^LussLLu.rruS(r^d(^^. lit. This speech as the deceit of the people who are sitting in the toll, i. e. this is a de- cielful fabrication or to speak nothing but fiilsewood as : ji/evsiiQu shSip'^Ljd&ei) Sl3-OLDiTckjpiLBffiTLDeo eTffi)0OtTLh^ujdsi-ii—iruSQf)d(^^, There is no truth in what he states, it is all false. 20. Qp^a.'Ss^aujiTrijxSipjii. lit. To loose what was too tight, i. e. to appease anger, as : er sm sua uS(^ so GuirirJ:es)^iSl(f^s(y)U>Quir(cf; jijeusir QpjpjdOs^^^sOsiresKri-neir, He got angry and went away before I opened my mouth ; or jt/euoin s?uiuirraSi(rf)d(^uiQuiTQ^ /§ (tp^sOs® ^^sOairemi—siTfffmOweireor'i Whcu he is quietj why should you get angry ? 287 27. jijeiimQsiii^ ^3'(suiriij(ous?Sl(f>;sir. lit. He speaks very well i. e. he speaks cunniugly? as : ji/suek ^iriun-u^Qr^i^rr^nuoi L3snds{TUJiTuS(TT,iefirr saih Qaur^ ^s=6ii!TujQi-ts?si]iT6k. Though I am as it were like a raother or a child to him ; yet he speaks to me in a deceitful manner. 28. ^sussrO(o^u)u ^se)L-.sQismri3'3'&3. lit. He is very light weight, i. e. he is of an inferior caste or he is an illegitimate as : ^suear /SffO'SO3=irPujtru3(7^fS^ir0O ^uuL^OiueieOrrLD Qus^iMiriLL-iTek ^euesr^mi—S @s!»^ erssresr ^i—iEiQsiLi— Qu3's?(Sus?Q(fr)>tu. Why do you make use of unsuitable words, and say what you have to say in an improper manner. 30. MQ((r^i}>u^t—(nj'Q^, lit. Do not stumble too much, i. e. do not speak so proudly as : ^■ssrd(^srdjsnmisij ^&!\)^i3(ir)i5^(r£^La ereSiueuirs 'SenQiu(S^uiU€m^ssu^so^u-(i^Q^. How rich soever you. may be, if you mock the poor, it Avill be your ruin. 31. j^su^s(^^L^3i^ssiT6Sbn3. lit. Knock him down and show the thing, i. e. give him a reasonable argument or relate all the adventures from the beginning to the end or satisfy him by your reason, as : fsirek OTOTSBrQ^^/rear^jjj/ii) j>isv^a(^es)pss<^si3s\), Mtuirsu^ ^sv^d(&)UUL- ^L^^^s SfTsmi^ ^eOffOiTiaSLLt—irdo j;feu^d(^6!!srir^^isu F!T^. He regards not anything I say to him, give him some satis- factory reason, or else you will make no impressions upon hira. 32. OsiT(^3=^^i(^u uiT'kLLir/Si^siQ(nj't}iuQaj^6uQf,u3. lit. The less milk we draw from the cow the more work will require i. e. if you try to save money in little things,you shall have much loss of it as: /? j>//h^(c^(B e^LLemi^a^il) SL.es>i—3=^LD(ritS(tf)i(g,LoQunQ^s Os'iistDLDU When the house is a little out of repair you do not at once repair it, but procrastinate, it will cause you much work hereafter. 33. @(^i«4i<5©^ji7. lit. To put off the time of payment as; 288 jyffl;swOTear«(5« OstrQassQevesurL^ujuem-^iea^ ^ujitiullituj Qsfn—tnDeiajir tLj^^iMusisrewfi ^QpseLf-^^sQaitremSieiiirffirek, He does not justly repay me the money he owes, but gives me much trouble by con- stantly putting me off. 34. ^isnOesresrs'ir^d Q(ips(^uirn-^j3dQ;(rf)ee)LDUJire!irOuir(rT)'SsiT ^L^^jps Osirem-lSQuirs ^miiiutrir^^sQisiTisi}mFFiruueia3'tLjsfTefTeuem. lit. He who has possess wet paste i. e. he who is rich, as : ^aiiskQ^sBuu!nTesisus(^ Qujsmic>QuiTe8(r^d Q(n^ck ^(^^. lit. To sell the salt i. e. to cheat the thing of others or to destroy the property of others ; as : ^ajdosreSLlL^ei Q^ t^uL^iMirrSlSLLi—irek. In recompense for my receiving him into my house and providing for him, he has destroyed all my property. 39. ^eu^ejm^dsos(^ ^^smnsusQcfr^ek . lit. He has put a rice pot on my head i. e. he endeavours to do evil at all times as : j^a/gv d^uuixi erek ^dsoi^ eL.^&s> eMureun'issiuJQpts^^QpL^iSiisoSsd, However you may hide the matters you cannot shut the mouth of the people of the Town. 4-1. ^sir^ms'mL&udusTs's?. lit. Your desire lias become nauseous, i. e. you have not obtained your desire as : S ^ih^uOuemcissirrs sC Your desire of espousing that female which you have so long entertained, has not been gratified. 42. mffewsQsn^^si^u^ srek ^fSesiia 2.6joi_d5(^^. lit. The staff which I gave him to lean upon, breaks my head. Prov. The good I have done him has turned out evil to me, as : srsf'ujeui^ffQs^- iSlsmip.^^LjQurrsLL'SOLDSBr^ ^dsi^Ouj(B^^(^LLQi-.eht ^(S^&i musssrsQair (S^^^L^ ersisr^s-QssiUj ^es>i—d(^^. Seeing that he was poor ; I as- sisted him to better his circumstances ; he has broken my head, with the staff which I gave him to lean upon. 43. ji/eu^dSm^Os'ireo^ snli—eSi®. lit. Permit to reach this word to him, i. e. communicate this news to him, as: ^i^ Qus?3 (n^ssr. He being very rich, treats others with contempt and insult. 45. sriij^svGi^Q^ss jijLDissiuQwrTsuaQsmi^. lit. ^\ bile the archer is the cause, why do you blame the arrow ? as : fBirssr &.LDs,(^i-QffLLj<5 QufrsS'i(r^i(^jj. Your not being angry with me who has done you the injury, but with him who advocated, my cause? is like blam- ing the arrow, instead of him who shot it. 46. erpLTLsSopSp^. lit. To fall down by stumbling, i. e. to extol one's self. — ■sTp'^^LpiT(2^ ; do not speak so proudly as : j>/svdr ^irek (Lp6sreSQT,i^ -SdoOisi) ^uQurr ^J^^dsuS^^dsQivcsrjj/ er/a L^^:Q£Q(irj'm. He is quite unmindful of his former condition and is puffed up with pride. M 1 ^90 47. j>/eueisT ^ems(^QujppiBes)puu!rei!r. lit. lie is as your Picota shali draw water for you, i. e. he will cheat you as : ^suskeufffnrijpGuifi When he grows up to manhood, he will supplant you. 48. (^uLjisQ^Qp^. lit. To feign weeping, i. e. to perform a duty with carelessness as: ^(^jsSlL—^^eoiaij/B^QFisQnDeuirsOefTisosoirih cjul^^s The mourners who came here to weep, wept hypocritically and •without feeling. — The servants do not discharge their duty faith- fully hut unfaithfully as : /Birek i§ iBt}>(ipicmu.iusuOmsk£ii mixtS QeuSso ee>iu p^mei^L-d^^ii) e^uLj<^d^^s£Sp(^ (^uL^-i^^Lniriru^sQpeijdsaruQuireii Q^ uj^eiaeu^ssiruj. I entrusted the business to you, thinking that you would care for my interests, but you have performed it in a very careless manner : /f e^ut^i^unrin^ds^^iresr s-^SssrdsLLL^sQsir €m(Bj)j(i^QQpek. You are not faithful, I am sorry I have taken you into my service. 49. ^su^LD jijeu^iM ^QT)ies)L-L^0uppsQ£3'€ii>L-uj!ruj ^dsoQiuei eifTiii ^[iLLi-^ucmew)]Q(nj>m. lie is a good for nothing son of a widow and speaks only false and scurrilous words. 57. ^(ssr. He does not wish to be under the control of any of the family, but is desirous to be a water pot heavier than the head can bear. 58. siTs^d^^suiT^ 03=Q^u!S!ius sipp^ Qiij/Sluj(Dev£m(SiLD. Throw away the shoe that is of uo use to the foot; i. e. discharge a 292 servant who is useless to yoiij as : £ uGm,T^skeisrQmjmj;u QslLi—Quit When I asked the cook, why he had not bought some iish for sup- I)er he replied ; there was nothing at all for sale in the bazaar. G2. <5iaa3k.i^!r^sirffliULDiTS(Tf)ih^LL QuQffeiDLDeuQriUi. Though he do not succeed in his enterprise, yet he will obtain glory, i. e. al- though this thing should be unattainable yet glory will accrue to him as : /§ es)cB'3i>.Q})QLDejrQpem-jsusir s-i—LDL^eufeiT^s^uirirsQ/D^ffoSso. lit. He does not search with bended body, i. e. he never gives his mind to his work as : /e/r ear ^a/gi/^OsgarearO^^ffeiJr^jjj/Lo jijausk si Q^emL—irifo^. lit. To put a piece of wood for the sup- port of a broken wall, i. e. to cause auger, or to provoke any one as : msrek ^mia<&f,s'^sirn-^&irifliu^<5s>^i-Qaiij^^iTei)^iEissier^sQseisrQufisi ^aiEJseoQsijessn-iTU). xVlthough I should do something displeasing to them^ yet they ought not to be angry with me. 204 70. siu'£,i(^ixT!ru^AS/r)^. lit. To feigu beating on breast for hire, \. e. to beat the breast, to pretend to perform one's duty with neg- lio-ence as : ^skQeuSo^i&'Setr 0uj.ff' Q3'ujSl(^QuJUJ&dsifrLD&i Q6uQ(n^ e>sr0npuLj!Eis,nQ(^ui. I have watched your work a long time; and can see nothing but carelessness and negligence in it. 71. i^£ii^Lji3ewQu^&-u(2ua'iTQ^. lit. Speak not like one in his dot- age or like one who has lost his gums, i. e. do not indulge in bad lano-uage, as : ^ LLifliutrem^ uSeOsorrwso fFju^utSlesr Qus'ai- Qua^irQ^. Speak not abusively or obscenely. 73. &.ei!r. He pretending tO be an intimate friend, has spent all my money, like the fox. 73. ^dsduSiQeosLLp^. lit. To bind on the head, i. e. to put any thing down to another man's account, as : (^^siSdsirirssrsufrwSleu.'s^ S'lTs^s^iSissiT^iutT^ajiTuSlQfjUu^iTffi. Ml'S. S. (ST esTuevskji/suek ^Ss\)uSl(DffO sLLL^eSlLiL-irerr. Since the cook has charged most exorbitantly for what he brought, Mrs. S. has left them on his hand. 74. Qi5iTem(BQp^. lit. To dig, to make a hole in the ground, to extract the wax out of the ear or that which sticks between the teeth, i. e. to enquire into the case particularly as : mtrehr ^it^is^ es)iru9L-.d^«^ QuirSlpQuirOf^iceinruj, LDppsv/rsshQg'iL'^s'SerT QmiTu^u)i£l^!a&n0^m^ SlScarsalQpsar. 1 think that because you are wicked, no business which you may undertake will prosper. 295 77. ^euesreSisrr/iisixiTLLL-iTesr. lit. He will never ho fortunate at any time as : @a/OT2/«@4:.r fBS!>/§2ssruL92s\). Since he has no good principles or intentions he Avill never prosper. 78. S /u<^eojifL^ji/L^s;Sl(o;'OujdrjjiQsipeSiJULLQL-e3r. lit. I have heard that you strike a good strike i. e. I have heard that you have ac. cumulating much v^^ealth as : /f ^^eirsfrso^ieia^i^emQufrd'Ssiruild rBei)&> ji/L^jyL^dS^^Otui^irjiJ &s^iriT0O(Ssi^L^^L^6''sj-uQuir(^LhQun-il.(BsTsi)Sia(^ 9QiueisrO(nj'L^^^i^LLQL-&sr. Why? 1 have become old, I have re- nounced all worldly desires, and have entirely forsaken them. 80. P-e^a(^3!-^s^Q^iBiLiLDir. lit. Do you know to make round the wire ? i. e. do you know how to cheat every body so that you may not be found out ? as : mireisr SLhuxsiOs'iuti-jLcuL^ OsiT®^^^ OuirsmeaP.si) €T oj su etr (Sijffr^,^u(Su!rLLL-nQtu IT (olisi]im£ii ^einQurfleo 3'ihQ^su>iruS(rf)S(^^. I am very suspicious of you, lest you should cheat me out of some of the gold, I have given you to make a female earing. 81. ^su^u LSlL^&'Sf-s;QLL(S) fSsOffOirLLjG>sU(srjj,s^LL(SL—soT. lit. I have bleached him well, i. e. I gave him a rebuke or 1 remonstrated with earnestly on account of his evil deeds, as : jfjevekOs'iijssssuL^S ^■sem Qi—esr. I bore for some time with all his faults. He one day came to me, I then earnestly remonstrated with him. 82. /F/rear ^drs^irLu^etD^OiuQuQusar. lit. I shall take away your colour i. e. I shall disgrace you, as : £ srssrdssrLDLLQixa^ijQzsr/SlLjCou Since you have spoken to me without any respect and have grieved me much, I will most certainly disgrace you. 200 83. j>isueks.e!!rsi^j^3;^4^iu'Ei(^i^QwLL'B^irsar. lit. He shall certain- ly dig a pit for you, i. e. he will do certainly some injury to you, though he professes close friendship to you as : j^'w^smi—iu metDL-d eBiSsOsneoeosTii ^fr£ULDir(nj'LU s-!)ses)UjJ} 0^es»TL—d^d(^^ Q/jsmau iLKTUjQuinKSlssysijJs^ QajQ^^irQ^Oisusisr/^Qfjm^iTsm. AVhcn I went to his house he carelessly put before me food grudgingly given, and did not further trouble himself. about me. N. B. This word is not at all understood by Europeans but is a common expression for one who feeds auotiier with carelessness. 87. HQuiret^sirifliuui uLpinir ? siriuir ? lit. Pid the matter about on which you went turn out to be a ripe fruit or one unripe fruit ? i. e. Did the affair which you went about succeed or not? as : li seu I'nsBiQLDsmLL ^i^Sl&> s,^^Qiu!TSLSqf)d9p^irujQutr^(2iu ji/^uipLDiT? aiTujir ? Did you succeed in obtaining that situation in the Govern- ment Ollice or not ? 297 88. ^li^uQui'esiSF ^iremTemt^tLjLL^mL-s&Qeijessn—iTU). lit. You need not break this word to any one, i. e. you must not report this mat- ter to any one as it is a secret, as: ^ihs^^s^iEis^ ^ekesruaOeue^st^ euireSdoSso ^Q^^^isar ^em^uQusi-iMQuiT^ tBireir e^uKBaQsLLL^Q^/hQ ^esr /§ ^smss ^(r ®(n^ek. He is a mere child, and being desirous that others should flatter him, he emits from his mouth, many and useless subjects. 91. @s3r«3r/EyQs/r(g5sijQ3'ujujQsiism(Bui ^^et Our expences must be according to our income, he is very anxious to buy every thing he sees, though unable to do so. 93. ^su^Si^Qpop/EiSLDir^^JT/sQ^ifiiLjU} i3em0^asr^ihQ^iBuJ[r^. lit. He only knows how to swallow his food, i. e. to understand nothing else but eating, as : (^fiuSerriS^'SavSsrr (ipQ^iEisuiiTai^ir(6^ ^pSsmu^QT^s Nl 29S cares only about eating from time to time ; but kuows not how to luaintain himself. 9'j;. Qsirsmi—LDiKBi) Qsirf^^iSiQeo s6i)Ss\)uQuml.® ^L^s9((rf^. lit. He fills his gunny bag with stones as much as it will hold and throws it, i. e- he utters whatsoever comes into his mind or one who tries with his utmost endeavour, as : MQs^trekesr^si^ isnm iSujiruj(^ ^L^G@(r>piu. I have answered all your objections ; but you go one just speaking what comes uppermost m your mind. /? &.mi^so iu j^/su QetTirQL-Qa'iTickesr^diQuir^u:) ersDrSjar.? g'u-L^iSQei)es>sud'£'r3£usucuJsujiis Qp^LctQuirj^ih. In ignorance while I was mentioning this atfair to her, she commenced to abuse me in a shameful manner. 96. M er'S^^QsuSs)) ^i^LDirLLi—ixQuiTiffisirmii^. lit. It appears that the work which you took in your hand has all got into confusion i. e. you have not succeeded in your undertaking, as : /f Oa/Q tlolSs es^aOstrem® (or®<^^(?a;&« ^L-LD{rLLi—LDir(SD)uQutreil(i^d(^^. It appears that the work which you took in hand with so much confidence, has altogether failed. 67. s-esriQuQuiT ^L-tDinLi-iMiresr sirei/h^^irek. lit. It is a time of perplexity to you, i. c. you cannot manage your business on account of j'our declining age, as: e-diQ(SijSs\)&OcfTeoeoiJ'5 fiirj3iLcrr0'uS(tT)Uu ^ireo Z-esraSuQutr ^i^LD/TLii—LDireiir sfre^tjD'3ufTe9(r^d^r^. Since at this time all your all'airs are in confusion, it appears that it is the time of dotage to you. 98. @^ eussrsQsseikrQ^aiflujfr^ ^st—UiirLLi—Lcirm strenw^ireir. lit. It is a time of confusion in whicli you cannot distinguish any thing i. e. your riches have made you not to know your former friends and to forget your former condition, as : s.e!jrd(^s)i/s^(rf)dSp ea>eu 299 s.net^(!f)ar(^LD. I am sure that your riches have njade you not to know your former friends, &c. lit. He loves his pottage and also he loves his mustachio, i. e. what- ever gifts may be given to him, he still wishes for more, as : jy0(S33)5= j—uuiffeiTiLi^^ Q^irw^SiiSi (s) Q^it(Bu> wfriEiQeuitQ^esr. ^(Tj^a^sou) 3?^nniQLDiTiss)£F c^apfsiaiTiSlnFm^ ^eNQeiJ?e\}s?ens QijLCLDiriuQffdj^ sn'e\)/sisi^tuirLcSi) uS(rF,dSl(Sfiu. Instead of remaining quietly in one place, and pass- ing your time in transacting your business in an orderly mannei*, why do you wander from place to pkce, and try to serve two mas- ters at once. 103. ^im/iraeh- loTeinSsm- ^/h^d(I^tr^3^m-ciS mdcs^fiiU'SUfrLLi^i^iTSeh-. lit. They scorched me well in tliis examination, i. e. they have examin- ed me in every subject? as : ^ih^e^Qs'tr^dsardi^ 8smvS)6ijd.sd OsiL L^ssn-iremQufr. Because I promised to do something for you, you trouble me continually so much that I cannot endure it. 108. jf/bu^^d e,Lpei{(^^@p^. lit. For a trifle you destroy the beauty of a thing, i. e. to ruin cue's afi'airs for the sake of trille.s. 301 as : /Bircir s.esrd(^ /Bemee}LCiQ^tLJUjQwesiiT®OLCisirOpsm€SsBtSlQ^.is /f^/rCew j>ipu^^s sLp(^Q,^/B^QuiT@0'tu. While I was inteiidiug to render you some assistance, you have ruined yourself for the sake of a trifle. 109. ^euek euw^LDLL®(^ ^p/^iQsireik® Qu friLidiLLi-.fr dr. lit. He went round about ; he takes away every thing comes to hand i. e. he will not leave you empty handed but he will take what he can get and run away, as : jt/eutdr &.6mre!i^LDu^err£rr QQirm^ doaruQu!Te9(n)!B^£5!Te!> ereir3=u)Uir^^uj^es)^QajeoeOiTLD ^eu^dQ^s ji/Q£ Q^ehr , ^(OT)ffO jijeusm ei]k^es)^a''3?p^aQsirem® siMLSsirLLL^sSLLi—ireir. Because he appeared to be a respectable man, I gave him all my profits ; but he stole all that came into his hands and went away. 110. S-m2sarssLLLs^&QaiTem® u)irir'-f.sSlpe!D^eSLL&d (^il.L^s'^sij/fleO QpLLL^aQsmsfretreoiTLb, lit. It is better to dash one's head against the wall than taking hold of you and beating the breast, i. e. it is better to be silent than to reprove for your improper conduct, as : rsirek ^^^6iaujiJLJUL^03'iijujQeiiim(BQuiesr^^eN-'S(^sr^^&m-^ffQLr>iTQ\ usmesaflQsur&^r ^wek(5!LD!rm^irsOj^L^^^aOaiTemQiQuiT@p (ipn£LD(TSf(w,Ll. L^ujiruSI(rj^3@(if^£sr. As I supposed him to be a clever man, I entrusted the whole of my household expences to him. But if I relax in my vigilance, he will steal and cheat in every possible way. 112. un-u>i-ju&les)ujSlSssr^;S^Q^ea}frj>ir, lit. This gentleman goes about his business with his eyes shut, i. e. this gentleman has no confidence in himself but trusts his busi- ness to the management of others. 119. ^eua^uupp^es)^iuirs^^iTei) 0ufFlijj^i^(Sujirseiv^irs6n3'UiUJL£) utnT^^^sijir^2cOu96^seoSsdLjQuir(SwfrtTssrr. lit. Because he is an ineffi- cient gentleman his officials look out for an opportunity of putting u stone upon his head, i. e. when the head of an office is mefficient his subordinate will lose no opportunity of ruining him. 1^0. j>jih^uOuessri3eiTh QuitlKBs Osirerren-uuiriTiS(n;srr, lit. That woman wants to reduce him to powder and make him into a paste in order to put him into her lap, i. e. she wants to mould him to her will and pleasure and bring him under her own power. 121. sQf^&jai^rreiiiiEJsirjnhQuiri^ixir? lit. Though mustard seed be small does it lose its pungency, i .e. a man of noble birth though greatly reduced in circumstances loses not his dignity. 123. iSTsk(oU3=<3?s'sSl(LpiSeioiuuQu(rffi>^ir(osfi0iQLb. My word is like a flint, i. e. my words are very severe. 123. /srresr esssn—Qpih^mri—QpLo ^nemi—frdjQuTQi^uQurrei Qu.-jj- Qeuem. lit. I will speak as though I cut the lump into two pieces, i. e. I will speak so severe or without respect of persons. \^i,. 3^iTsSies)L-.fB!rdjs(^uQuirs,®i-i^eodM, lit. The dog that dwells in the drain has nothing abiding place, i. e. the married woman has no other home but her husband's house. 125. OupQ((i^iTssiT L3sh^s'^fBdr(n^iLjs3--is(veu^jLe. lit. Parents must squeeze their children, i. e. they must bring them under proper discipline. 304 126 /BiTeir ^esrs(^3'Q.3^irssra!r£3 /SsmT^iL(oUJ/Di£lffdSs\)QuirsQ>7^d(^^. lit. It appears what I have said to you has not gone up, i, e. Avhat I have said to you appears to have no effect upon you. 127. @£K^ sS(frj-uQu(r60 j>/tfldS(n^6ir, lit. He wound me like a shrimp eats the ship, i. e. he is constantly troub- ling me. 131. @/5^Q^/f CosipeSQpaDjDuSleo&iiir^ ^airuSQFf^Qj^. lit.. This place is without any investigation or decision for the people^s petition, i. e. there is no proper government in it. 132. OT6V)«V)/r(75S@ii) euiTuSQeoueO ^emi(^ei]uSp;SQeiu0O. Every body has got tooth in his mouth, but you have got a tooth in your belly, i. e. one who is constantly devising injury to others, or one ■who uses flattering speech before a person but speaks evil after his absence. 133. eTesrS(^^uQuiT S-L-LoOueieiiiri^ Quir^^e^inSQr^s^v^, lit. Now is my body full of holes, i. e. I am now greatly in debt, 1-34. 2_63riOffi63r63r05^ffoa)ffi@6B):_. lit. What is it that you have got a very gorgeous umbrellah, i. e. he is a man who enjoys great property. 135. M (oTekesr eruQuir^U) LDS6'Ssri^ffrr^&--3?aQsiTemQi—iS(Tf)sSl(tt/'iij. lit. What you are constantly silent, i. c. a man who is not able to give a proper answer to any question that may be put to him. U)iT®si}ii3QeDiu ssxsjs^iOstrs^L—fteo easio7)iJjdsL^d(^ Qiosk^ uujuu(BQQpek, lit. I am afraid if you begin to build the Jiouse, it will bite your hand? i. e. it will take more money to com- plete the -work than you are able to pay. 130. e_OTL9srrSOT<55orr2_OTS)»r05^isi/erosyaj/7'iL;5'a;irc35^S2orU£zo^ i^jfjQ dSimw^^^^trdr sumzpeumL'. If your child takes proper care of you, you may flourish piling one cooking pot upon another, i. c. if your child are provided properly for you, you will be in a prosperous condition. 140. ^siJ6wf5!r^^QSi!TLBifl3'3' suiSlOujicirjiisi . lit. He is a puily strong enough to enable people to pass over four fords i. e. he has the great many wives and has a man great experience in polygamy, or one who has much experience in every business by a long travelling to many places. 141. ^fiugyiQ ^Lpeijs^Q^sij^ iE!TS(g)ma^^. [a toord of contempt.) lit. His beauty drops away from him and his tongue licks, i. e. lie is exceedingly deformed and ugly. — j^ifiS(S0iL8(^^S,3uisijLpdG£EiT^n.. Ke is as beautiful as a coral necklace, i. e. he is very ugly. i.42, wirekQs^ireisresrsrrfBuj^^ssiTs crm-Smd(^,0SL-/i^'isSLLi—.ireir. On. account of what I said to her, she seize at me and hallowed me out, i. e. she abused me very greatly on account of what I told her. 143. /f erQp^a,Oair(Sl^^^LL(B mrrseaseuifia^iB^iT^s.^'SijLD. lit. Th6 note of hand which you have Avritten will serve only to scrape the tongue, i. e. the document which you have written will be of no use at all as there is no any proper method in it, 144. (susijs^3;a&LLL!^ eufTba^iudeLlL^ Q^irs^saeu^^d seiac-QuSiisii eui^jS&)QunQpsu^d(^^^n-esn-ajn-irrrL$iSlp^. 4. e.&Dirsp_^. 5. ^(ir)u^p^, 6. ■3'ir^p^. 7. t-iejssp^, 8. eSQ^vpjs. 9. eusjJip ^. 10. Q^ifieSdp^. 11. QsfTL^sp^. 12. Qs'up^. 13. i3^^p^.\4i. O^ireurup^. 15. euirajirn^LiQ^isp^. 16. j^aarruSlp^. 17. euiriueSdiQlsi] ekpL^^^s O^sirekp^, 18. ^^. 8. ^/rrf?. 9. wi—iken)^. 10. UDiEiaas. 11. tfcaiB- essH^ir. 12. <£/rei/eO/f, 13. ^iiSeoLp. 14. Q^sisiQiDiTL^i. 15. QuessressrHSf, 16. ^eOEJSiriTLh. 17. OLDeoeQujiren. 18. es)u/EjQ^&!r 303 p^. to eat rice slowly by little and little. SO. ffei'&p^. 27. e^/J. Aiiffer : 1, Qsiruth. 2. sitsbbi(B. 3. •sSuLy. 4. ^sk^. 5. Qtsiruuir^rruD. 6. nppui-l. 7. Qsjuuue^. 8. Q)cfr(^L^^(^. — Qer^i^'ArOsfTsisr^Qus^'Slp SI ; to prattlcj to chatter. 9. (^sm-d(^ ; displeasure lit. curvation. 10. (dumLu-u:. 11. (2/)/)««zi). 12. Qp^i(^ or (Xf-£)iS(^k^(T^uL^, 13. (jor^@p^ ; to provoke, to anger, with the Dative. To rail? to abuse ; to talk obscenely : 1. ^LL(BSpjsi. 2. 'Sjs-r'Sp^. 3. eaeuiiSp^. 4. eurrajirQeOLjQpdSlp^. 5. ^■sQ^s-LDaiu Quff^Sp^. 6. euQ^i^a^irniBioeoniSiSiiQuaiSp^. 7. ^L^n-'LorrajQus^Sp^ : ^L'^ujld bawdy talk. S. j>i^ui3LULDQu3?Qp^. 9. Q(nj>iim>^Q(njihs6)fiujiTuj^Llp^. 10. ^L-ir^-l—LDlTUJ Qu<9?p^. 11. 61JU)L^/h^U>LjLcQu'5?p^. 12. (^®(^U-niU QuiR-Qp£l. 13. eu'Suui—uQug?Qp^. 14. G(/r^uj(I(nj'UJLjQu<9?Sp^. 15. ersa'B''5'SSLD!TUjQuS?@p^. Come soon: 1. inu^L^£uir. 22. streo^inoj^LD u^t^LDeoeuir. 23. ff^aSeargi/fiw/r. 24. ff-LLsireSQeieutr. 25. S^' tLu^sesiss uSQeOsuir. 2G. ifiLu^eisr^siiiT. 27. ^i^Oi—esrjjJwrr. 28. ^®^©0i_c3br®aii;>r. 29. unuffuuniLisuir. 30. uirseuf-aQp^df^eneuir. Come early in the morning. 1. OojerrOetreBreuir ; this term is used at Palamcottah. 2. eSLf-tudsfreoweuir. 3. sireowuireuir, ^LOuirQp^eSlif. fjiojir. 8. sTQ^uusiitr. 9. QsiTL^.3;^eti6iiir. 10. j^^sirf^QiDSvir. 11. ^S'O^ GOO ^euir or StLSi-LL^dSeN-gxwir. 14. Q^^Q^LLL^QeOtsuiT. Jo. (^ffltuesrsirsjr l3pU IT'S SUIT. 18. QallSfrij-/f](lp'Soir'f3' iSl /D U IT (B taU IT , 19. SLpS(^(o>SX](Sf^SaiSiliT . 20. (^{-ffieS^^Q/ffly/T. To vex, to weary, to delay to put one off with empty words. 1. euiTiuiTisO uiE^s)iQuiTrLf.(T^sp^. 15. ^ewrsOs® or ^^£bsQs®es}(Sjap^. 16. /siriuiTi-Li^LniTujSsMtLKoiawdp,^, 17. QwiTiTd Qp^. 19. ^eu^BiLp^. 20. ^irauixiTifiswui^T^Qp^^ 21. sitlLQl-it LLL-LDU(siisr^]Qp^. %'.Z. lau&iisOiTeiBLDiuirujifirerrdSL^dp^. A glutton or a worthless I'ellow who does nothing but eat. }, Qumis^^neuireBT. 2. eucujjj^iTffl. o. •fiiuuiiLL'SjiinjDear- one who likes good victuals? au epicure? or gourmand. 4. Q&iTjjiOsiTe\)5uek. 6. Qui^injiiSiiJsk . 7. QuiTses: UL^ifliuek . 8. icsi) ^i:tftlL^. g. ^zisieBruQuu^^ffiTLDdk. 10. ULf.uj.fls^SsmTt—sar. H. ^ctt esrdsireuL^. 12. QuiTiEis^f^iJ-L^, 13. Quir/EisuuLLL—esr or C^/t^^ljlj tLi—dr. 14. unsuiT^. 15. .=gye^)EU/r^. 16. Qs^ir^^si^irs'aihfiiTUJLb. 17. Qs'iT^^uuirdssiQ'SFinT&sQe'dir&Lo siBs'S'lLl^ siSl6\)iTg^QL£)£ir/S(v^ii£ip,susiT. 18. Q3=SSlTUJL^^ffemi—iTerfl. 14. ^skmiiQ^LLL^. 15. uisssr^Q^LLi^. 16. semi—^^^ evIT/ElSl^SSUL-jlEl SUiL-JQ^lLl^, 17. ^d!!0Quj(BsSIT;S6U&-, 18. &-emes>i—LDiT ^dserristfl. 19. OisiT£}ieiosiisseh6dirdQ. 8. a/eosfiSsS, 9. £u&)ei>irense^ri-^. 10. 0mi6i)soi3=^ifl. 11, jtjL^scsmuj^. \2. /^ul3^cs9. 13. ^(z^si^. 14. ^ Q^^^di. 15. j^JTirssileaL-. 16. ^(f^S(^u>si5>3^iuir^ j>iQp^^ssLL6n>L.. 17. ffi5=ii). 18. FrOLDiT^a^iBiTffl. 19. sirsfdf^QffOiTLS. 20. ^eairdsiT'^Si^ ^Q£^ uiTiT.i'Qpeueh.22. siLi-uusre^p. 23. ueo&\)s(^i^lQtMirih^ufriTsSp£iJ6ir. To fare sumptuously, to feast : 1. s^LDLSuLDmrruja^ a^irui^^Qp^, 2. ^0^^uJiruJ aiTu®p^. 3. ^L-t—Lj^c^i ^/r u(Bp^, 12. suLUjjiiSsopuJs QsirLLLf.dpj3. 13. LDmii(^(sfr)ffs^3^iTu(BpJi. Qffir&Q ; an infantine expression for Qs-ir^, boiled rice as : Qs^iri® ^sir8€s>paJiT? dost thow eat rice? Lj/ri^S5^4i<5»K/r>aj/r ? dost thou drink milk ? R. Habit, practice, exercise. 1. ui^dsLD. 2. s^ss^ld. 3. tajL^isic. 4. eu/rtf ssios. 5. ^"3i>siJ it lL® . G. ^u Juj/r^^ii). 7- LSliflojih. 8. L^pi^Qwiri^ ^s^anaienirLLL-LL. 9. /J'/rtl^ii). 10. eSi-iruuipdsLh. 11. (^. 13. iSs's^^ssuiTiLi—LD. 14. £Fa^siBu> ', natural disposition as : ji,ffl;|gi«F,(i)uufTir. 5. ^Oire^il. 6. .sc^ir^jBuiJo. 7. Quir^uupp^.^emw. 8. siri^irifl sdesTLc. 9. (^^-h^f'iiSLKBQss^dsasuiriT^^^ffi). 10. @JJ/ loitulj. 11. C^e® ffi-Tgyjii). 12. g)<-«(3 i-'-i-ic?. 13. GojL-^iicojLJCJu/rLl^. 14. ^i_ii?. 1<3. 311 Os'H^^. 16. /EiTffsn-eoS^uLj. IT. ji,'L^€S)L-iuek. To depart, to die. 1. Lns^^iruSLLi—irek. 2. Qs'^^uQuir^ehr. 3. 2.(5 esbT®Qun'^eisr, 4. LLiB^^uQuiTi^esr, 5. ^pi^QuiTi^skt 6. Quirdsi^ ^!rsuniTu^ujir^ek, 26. 0^iU(^SLDfriev)€3r, 27. s'lriLi^Se Qun^shr, 28. ^LLQi—ek^es^L-is^irm, 29. 6ro«s=i^3'!rL^£sii She heats the paddy very ^d(n^srr. Carefully with great noise. ^eueir u-irsL-ira^cir^ fEi-ij^ She walks in a proud manner. jijsusk eijQf)W^a(^u ueiJ--s=irs!ir. coming. jij/d^d&iSljbem/Da- S«@iSig er Did you disentangle that O^^iLirr ? String. &.2so^srr^srr<5Tsk^Osfr^QdQjDjs. The rice-pot hoils with a buh- bling sound. ji^/s^i5inu duir&i&JirQarcisrj^ s^ That dog keeps up a howl. e^sss^s!^^ Q^SO/Dsiir^ -s^ips He turned round the wheel. (JerT-SoTTs^ Q^(^Oscisrj^ siriLid The child has a strong fever. ^mTcmFi'T(^i^(^0€fTsir ^(n)Sp^. The ^yater is icy "cold. ^iSsf^uunSoaretDuj u L^Ssur ldi—ld The cat rolled over the pile Qi—esr^ ^qtilLl^sSIlLi—^. of pots with a crash. ^■semieBsFn- LDi-u:>QL-mQ(^'Sj3. Thc water runs on with a murraering sound. ji/susir ixsiTLcQcrTcsrjpt QuQt^esr. He spokc vcry loud. euirojdsireQQ&a .s^emcs^^ir &^& The water runs in thc channel Qeoek^ ^(SSjDjp. with a gurgling sound. ci—iiOuffoeD/Tii) eSi-cSOL-ew^ Thc body trembles all over. ^eueffit—Zf^^x 'ciJiTujQmT(ii^i^ir&) If you let her talk she will 3i;} Ollit ^OinirOsis^ ^ 5:^rorGrot_LSif LJ get up a terrible quanel. iJirerr. i_jsssri Quej-ioiiirew. chatter. ssmaQemsbrj^ ^uui-^&(n;sk. He keeps up a drumming noise. s-i_ii)£-/ sumsOemearjjj siriuSp The body is hot with fever. ^. or {0a/r^0«/r0^«6sr^<5/r^^.) 0[B(^e^ui—uOi—&srra ^uj.sp^. The heart palpitates violently. ^(T^fB^fTuQuireQ^w^ LoewL^uL- The rain came pattering down uGii—earjn eu/h^eiilLLu.^. suddenly, other things continu- ing as they were. uirir^^ih ufTFiTLDeo uL-uOc-dr He seeing saw not and spoke ^QuQiSiLi-aek, rashly. iSish'bcaseiT secaOensBTjv ui^i( st-sQi-mjpi QuirSl The bandy goes rattling along. p^» 065(S/eif? (Oserreffi) ueduOeossr^u The lizard is chirping. uejusp^, srrSo&naOujffO&JiTLD OweijQsi'Qso The arms and legs are all m/S(r^sp^. cramped. dD^dQ^LDiT^ OLDirOpm/SlQ^i The thin biscuit is very p^. crisp. s-L-ffQu.mjpi LD0s>jp^!<^&p^. The rain beats in violently. p 1 314 ^L-tlOueiiei>irw w^TevOpek/SQ^ The \vholo body is parched up. 0,srressrcir>L-spsO/Dsw/S!(r^d;r>^. The throat is parched. euojp^Qi^Qei) Osit^sqOssit^ The bowels are violently dis- sQsm^ QuirQp^. turbcd. Qsuiiir Oen^QeuQ^ek f^Q^i The Iftt water is steaming. eSstriTmuLpiJD @®@Qi_63r (nj'i^Q Tiie velam fruit rattles in its P^. shells. 6ru(Surr^LDj)/svekOsrr(BQsirQL- He always speaks hastily. erekSsarsse^sTL-ireo &(BQQu.sirjii lie always falls foul of me ^Q^Q(n^m. when he sees me. euir.LpuuipLD OsiripOsiripOevdr The plantain has gone quite £11 €B)fEi^QuiriSlp£u {QuiT'fsi-.) bad. ^w^uulKS eutpenOt^esr jSl(rT^& That silk is very soft. p^. ^eusirarrtBujLD erL/ er ck cjstQ u: n S His body is somehow rather £i<£Qp6sr/SlQdpjp. fat (he wants a thrashing— is insolent.; 315 ^/r/RiemsuSlQffO uis^Ss'j Oibq¥)QiisQit He griuds his teeth in his ear^ si-^sfn^esr. sleep. (STsimsrs^LDLDir Ostrs^OsirQ^'icisr^ii What ! He is always whisper- [(^ff?(^9tm^) O3'iT0oei£Si((r^m. ing somewhat (buzzing in one's ear.) ereieoirQfjLD Qtorr&'QLDirOffeirjriJ eu They all came clustering to- /5^ OLDiriu^^eO^fremL-iTirash-, gether thickly, ^Q^t-SsBTuduiTeo ^QF,^QiTeir£)i He looks askance like a thief. ^L-LDLj O^fT^uQe^aQpsm- rSo^s The body is all rough. jijeu'^Lj u/DuOpssr ^(Lp^^s They dragged him away vio- Osn-ioSsr(B(Suir^irserT. lenlly. sT6k(S!srQiMiT (Lp^jQpOsmm^ ns They talked about something ^LULDadj QuQi^irsBerr, or other in a low mysterious way. ^rrGm^iBiri^ce>si£LL®iJi O^rresr For two hours he talked on 0^newQei/ici!r^sSL-inDsoQuSlm)dr. incessantly. iciesresrQLDir QpsLhiB^iB^Qousir The face is somehow glister- rBQrfSp^- ing. Qsiressr QsiremOisijeir^ Qu<3^Q He talks thickly (as one who (n^sir, has a cold). j)l!s^-sSjD(Sj s?£us?0 /D sir jji uj&jiTu3Qei>QuirLLi—ir If you put tobacco into your ei) /BirsQSJ-L^Qp She is weeping abundantly. 317 (£OL^0OGOiri}) Qsirs^OsfrOffim-jru The house is all trembling to UQ^^iTiLQuiri's?, ruin. s?^Ofrs\)0OirLh &.uuL^i^u Quit The whole wall is crumbling e^QuireifOeusk^u s-^Qf^Sip^s. awav with the salt air. ji/iTS(Sfr. jijiBsiBssis ^sciQsm^ uSdr^ That jewel shines very bright- Qp^. ly j)jeuzm- (5reisrdssrss€SiTu-iTs(i //5 i@ Lnd(vQs(^ (3u/ri_lLf(T5i@^/r — ^su^d(^ LDdQ^Sld(^dlLl.L^ujir — ^is 3eisr — jijw^s(^ iod(^u(ouird(^^ Q^iflujeSeo2o\). Lesson II. ©IlLls.it Sisrr IT? — ^eu^s{^ sstL'Bed UEi;^,Qfij(^ ^(f^dSp^tr? — /§ erskssr SsrrffrAu uiTiKirs,Sfnj( 318 qQiej(^ Qa'uj.siriTsenir? Lesson III. iDiruSl(7^S(^cin' ? cSy'S^@2''S@=5<5E6»L_©6roi_ eSi^^n'ffLDn'uSQ^d(^^, — ^eueir uSls^ S nPSiL^Si5S>l—.QuJITITetTLDinuei)ld^QrjSQp^lTUjQsi^^ SQlUSSr Qn le^i tuir? — ^i^u uirLDi-is(^^^'^'cS)L-QsaLSU-up. uSiTFiUuiriT^eh — j>/ev^sQs ear ear i3to!o:Ses)i— i^L^^^QfjiQpQ^sir'? — ^isu^S(^ sBireai—QetDL- (£ieiSuS Qp 3^ffS(^s'Sen eviriEiSleujrQeuismi—iTi}) — s^eueir •ssetau.QesiL—Oujeiis^n'/E ^ut SfTffiTfijQuirijSl/bjji — jijeuerr^n'es)i—S'iriss)L—iijfr'SLjQu,^S(Oj>'orr — j^eueirso j>j&]3usit Lesson 1Y. r&'cQTiiSQei ss\''£)iiQe^£iij ^,uu®LDrr — Lasssn^Sso 0,'Bisi>^Q(so_§^i srs^fjit ^ffl/^ffi@ isSleoeiiiSlsOffinsrijjiud.O^flu-jLDiT? — ,§ ^fs^sairifliu^s^eo ^Ss^juSlL lL(S1 Qe0ffiiit})L9(S'0_^Lh usssr(^Q^ — (^^<5s>iTd(^u lSsti) jij; s si) jjjf OailesiLDiuir Uj(oUirLLL^(TF,dSl(')/'ir'SSmT? QfB€i)&i}§lSi&:i(S'3iJ^S'S^J^<30SUlTLLL^lSQ^sS^IIS etrirl — M ^djjSuui£lLoir'i — (^fSeusk^ ilu^eo 3^iT_§^Q^ @CB)L-d(9)iDiT ? — QsiTi^d(^ euiTj)ii^^ (3p35yr^'ruSl(njdQ) — o^mQiriEJ^ Slir/wQssi£sr — j>/.i^ ^crr^nSls^^eikrSSisFlT €i-[J k^SlII ih^QsfTeSST L^Q^d&p3,ST t — ^ib^Lb'Sssr sui^/s 0iirLDamOsLLLp.dsinrOssremjruL£>(y)m^Sl(^/s^(DUirsirQ^ — Qa'irjn LD(j^fB^ Lesson VIL jtlauej^i—ds^eo s^essresiL—QsmemL- (ouiri—Qeusesri—inD — g_s3r LDzmsmi—Q (^LD — <«/r^'<5@,iJ ^sm0DLS(cih!Teir>i^LSl(r^d(^^ir? — jiiiBsQ^Sliu^Go^ ^^ssr es)i—SlsmeoL—Lun'uj^(ir,'^L^ uSQ^dSp^ir? — s^-ihp^^esireafifleOLEid-s'LDiriu en riss)!^ j)j^ ^■LDiTiu QuiTLLL^QhdSp^n'? — ji/®d(^urrSsi!rs(er^d(^ j>jGmes)iSecBreiaL-LDU.LDQt—eisiQ(fij>Lf.eSLLL-ireBr or @®@ Oi_^(S(fr/L^<^LLi—iTesr — ji/eussr eriBf3)uQu3'3fS(^(^ ^(SS^Qu-esrjjj eSljipQ plQr)f(n/em. Lesson X. esSSei) nppnppuL^iBi'&LD — sirS^ih ■srrp3rpuuiTuS(f^S(^£3 — SF^nQuieii to^iTLD ii^poSpuuiTu9(rF,d(^j0 — ^i^ULSarSsrr ^Q^^Qiresr^Q^dp^ — jifeu esrusiidso f5irfBQn'esr^sij^a(^sar — jt/ih^sseo so sOirem^u s^iDiT/s^(cufrs^ SrjH — ffirs'OiTsirjv fSQ^isSleSlLLu-iresr — ^li^isiohetrek Q(i^(^Oir^^(ipy^s (mek — ^Ss\)(Lpy)Sir^^iTeo s.i—LhQueiei)iTu> eunwQirek^Qfi&pjp — j>jsii&sr LitrLxQir^jpiu iSleSlLLi—irssr, End of section V. LJ ip Q La IT i^ S' Q S' ^ p Lp!^mi—\USIS>'B^Q^^^' LDSDlTl^LJrreij^ils.f^ Ul^QlJ^'^L^&^JTd.mL.UU21S(^ c£>i'S^l^Ll:^^S=S--(Ssil epL^tllGLJnCSlSL}^&(^ (^mTUp^l^l—^^^HtT^Tt ^^asisSlQ^^ s(r,m)^BGn^p(S^ Qtl.L_mfoSiiTS)Q4}LLu.uuss),a. ^(asrTj-^L-j&eSltJ^^^U&xjTfOf, mS^ui^'cSlL.!r, ^■SS[T;^.p(Sll(li LL\5'S'ITi--crLJSl?>£;iL!LE>r. ■^ .5 cS fT Jisrr rs=a>GLj'T;€y,z°r. ^'&Qij9 eo)J(Lp!i3§ii',(B l9 &=€&£= ^& IT JTisbj-, •=^1 'ff y iiS) (o >Si) (d U IT ^_^U0>^> 3 ill US) U^ctS>(T^Sfr£f, ^J(^Q^s06v?/SiTun-^^6OLliuflQedsL'/ /Bujirilj'''o! L-!<:^ san-rrtt^^ajiliQLj'iJiQrrobTT' Qor ^(^ffGtsrss(T!r^(y:^jFfsQGs^ ai ^,fF^'5sr £l i^e ''f^Q iJ^iT (m <^ 'B^ hsa ji^' ol LDrr(7F,cu) s . ■=^ ^ u "■ .jS oj/r @ Lj ^ Sj (T ^ . 4fi Ul^Q'-tir L^ ^303- iL'J). ^■S^^JsOp^tLl-nill^QLJlTSd. ^'d ^ ^ ccr p aSOL.'JS'r'IllUi. ePy CKJ? cocr /T ^ (i5) iT tls Q LJ/r 5W g-c^ j<2; ^'^ '^ scar 3" ep ^ -ffi «©• vo .iJ (5bi5T @ "r ^V- 322 H [9 G cO ^' err erf] :q 3 5WS aril ^'^ =^ (If :^ ''" Jj2; !^ aj iT /r(SS)a^ c5ya/i(GT,^q«S3I (o L-.ir^LJi-IJS'^iU&BQiT. ^^■■Lf,ii-(Li::isSsQpSLiirtJiTG\:^j .2JGit a/ rn ^LJLjrr^, ajy T 'S= fec^ ^ ii t^ lI' L^ (5 €jS &257 ■« --^C) <3 ^ i— /U ^ 5^° /_J fT si) . «^ 3- -5^ S^n .-J iO r lI/ (._/ o2) C Q 3J t_ V^ LQ T , jjl !T .5= jgp S3-^Q s)j(iQ u!T iT sren) u ■''■ ir s^^uh. sOis^rrQp^. »?5f iT ^^l Tisi j} SIT dsrQlct.aii{jS} a ^c!ii£ sjuSI I (iiQ prr0 Q^3(fl^s,'3fr:^J ^^BfruLh uc^:cz:sTsO!riX, «^-i9Q o)sTc&T BjiissrareS^il-ij^p^u ^ufreVijCa ^ar Ir. LJlTifljUj^LQ I'gsi) ^ ifl ;3 'ri ^ «iv 35 ^'3'Q-^.s^ 3K1T rr,i,^ jo ng>/(7^^sT^:^3,T^/7" ^ . ^^^Lffdrn-euTieSSies'L-lSpQLjniLL-'TisfiiTija. ^s:^<^.i^n M^ZG" ^(r^{£l£^^Q ^l^^^^^Q) ^gjis^LS-^^:^, t^ isi^ <£F iT 'ljpQ^mt(o^ ^(^w^f^Qiji'L^Q^ =^' (-LQ .'i>JtT rr p piQ OSS (LfiU^ c^ fi ^'^'^ S ir^P i^.s(rLL''BS!pj^CSufro)>. ^ <5iT ko :S s' :^'^ 0u:> -j^ C(T Qj rB ^ ^Q i^'isi^Q & iUiuQ 6}i^irpiriusi0srsQ&b^QpecTsr^iu>tru:i. ^p3Ut,^^^(yi'sbQfffr^S!ri^Ljut!^o!STllS}^Si9nnu:i. ^muQuQ^psiJ!TL^Qs <5^ "" ^ ^ 'Sor ^ J?.' ^(k'sirr ^s'l—QF^L^dor&h^L^ LJ^s^nSJi^QuQuQ ^tr^^ ^ c^Slj)£=S. ' £(DiLj/3-G'fc7M (3*007. ^SC>^<3=QLJ!flQ^.f:(TLXiSsi)Qu[BG;Bir. i^j, cOiS'tUGUffa Gi-XiGediun'^iprrajLjij ;/j GloGo^, ^eias=iliuil.GL..(xiQ£!LQuGuQi- ck.it ih, c^i-^3sfrp^G^'ji9oi)6ULhu(^s-TUpfi^_^Quirey ■^^'BGpiQpijsfTil.mL^ ^L^SSp^-&(oSljd6l(Bih UlT IJ^^ii lj p a'd i^ uyn'iL&s^L.u u^L^^sp^^GisLidix'^Cci*^ ' ■ • . . •^^ LJi^QLC>!rLB^^irLl.'d, ^Q £:cij'jbn- (p^nhseQcnQsfr Louii^ctTiIou/S ^ miffs' ^s^(y:i'jbrruci. «^i ® Q « '7' t™ /T" ^ ^ ss) t_ o eoT ^ .JB) sJ ffi 3 ,6 /: 'ii' lj i_j /r i^ . e?^ HS i_ u9 GO oO fT ^ a/ cS; ^' sc"j /r 1X5 ssfi ^ r, ^95^7 Q^^t^S iD, ULQ, =.?>l(B bQ &fT(S L.QQid'S'®LCi, P^WIXJ .^feT^Lp./'^SUClT QuCorsr^^JSSTuQLJfTm^SsiJQT, [f_/r^. ^L,e£^il'^& ^iiSl n is^Si> p iS'f ^°id^-u f>Q pir L^ sdtr sir ^j>. ^'jSlg-Lo^'mir^^tr^UGj^ili. • [_s(^uiT>sci-ta^Sps,(ro €^iq,SUrrii^^s'UjjB^^su(odr^!Tp/B-o!(Sdn-(^eJiQT. t^jT p)Q^(lSDt-.&srQprrrriTpQj€s!a!(Bij:it ^jQ^u:ippQ^^(T!jLL^SLu\Q^iT'(^'^Q(^Q^!rij^QQj^ up Q ! JST l5! i ^5-xl9^ ^ ?o£>a'^c^ jOSG>SiJ,s B^ uiT if s^ rrrj'sSr. ^pS'3soQuirQp^^E§s>GG^ds>7^Juir(^L^^iu'r;'^i^, ^pS Jsdi£UiriLi-.(r ^LB^istr ^ ^Qurr L^' ^ siJ ,cs' J h. k^p^s(^ULj(rS-^U!r.^^'^issa-u!rCDa'ffpJ)is^j'^^LJ^(2^ijsrr:u3 ^kjtsr^JbsOiTLBso^siJ^^ijiSGuryGinr. [_pluj!r ^^'SC;^&QQs^Siiuii&Q,Qpm ^si^ '^il-i^a q\:lR i-^(t e9.(o sbcjn [t s'^ ^ ■3^6ST'oi^iLI&J^SS)^lUiT^Q,Sirmi(B'^UITQp^ ^ gS^] LC^5 ^ ST ■": OJ Smf ^ ScOT (o (U^ iq (25 ^ ^^XSS! £S) OJ &<£!: l^ L^ frn^QQ^sSr, 1^ Sot cs, =5^Co^^/r u^ftCT^ i;0)^a5)ilt_^ Glj;/ c3. ^'^i3rs9 Q^ B ^^ pQ &{T i^L^L^(S^B ns^^ ptT pQ ^ro(^. ^ci-st G oi ^ ,« /r sj5r, ^(B SU 17 fr iQ ■3' eS! 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B^^} U!^Q ^-^ir ip. ,:! ^' JlL'Jj. £n^(S>{3''^iBppioi£$juQufr,s. 'Bp^^u^e\'^(LpSsOeQsjp)L£iir. 'Sps^i^i,^Qptumnn-3^rr^iimsssi(^pSi6i3rL-.f^f.^Qs=iTcO^. ^pi5^£(^L£i!r. '^pes)saS\pe^'sBss'UU]Bpp£lc<.TLj^iQsi}^ic^LJL^t <&pp aS)£_^^) so j-Q?]^ cK^ «D iuseiril/jjQp^, '*'pp^.-'SiGaj6iT&iSi^i^i{r^^:>;Si:rreij. ^pjOi&Q(^'B ^^rr^Q Lc,'^ 3(^ii(fij!r ruJ ;^, tBrr^^On^^'SJ'sar Qu<^L^rrLlL§L'ci^iu Q^p^ en^^mm QasressiB « J" UJ ;5 ;5 cC £r (t» S a) sO ip- LJ (ill lb . ^^rrirJiLJ&m-s 'muL^Gd^LDau)p0^3h'^^^p(^se?isfr[ULn'rLD. &iT (ft crib's pj2' & si^G)&!iJiUirQ^. [^ss^tqL^JbSyJ. •5 /r S0_^ ^ ^ Q LJ aJ^ LQ gp! Lg, (^LJ T J;). •SiTtoi)^^ iffi G> ullj)l^.^^^fS!sr(S. ^iUaujB»tf0LJ t_;sO;5/r5<5rrCpfflj3ff») ^if^tUL^asiTrr^fr^js QsfrQn£L8*i% (^jfrp)(B(e^Q^s^i(BiiJc6isinij^^6SiQp^, (Wj!X>pQi^dsdSSiUS(r^rjF)'S^(Sf^SQ!SiSIItLL~eOlT&!r^. (^mpfU&QdPffi^GBi^^'^^'-U^efr. 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L. Qujjr (L/ttJ (u^(Cffi © (2/r *5r . Url€iTS--jifULJ'^(»urg-^iA(^ e'pGpan^LCLj^fi^irQsaQLJf m jy(iLo /r efer l9 lj G? LJ Rsr tx Lo (T . e/ jBsB}jipQsa>pQiJsoei>ir{^ Qj-unmLDCUinu uTn-^^^iJ&Q^ir ^tt)^ ^^ f^u su tr p f3 ff ;i^ s'!^ tu :. fiv. p^ar (psijdsOLnir^^(rLb cwCptjQfft) 0(Vj>'hLji3lii^iuuu(Bsijniis ^uuu^ ^saiDS^uCouTp tBiBtlQuir^j asetsft^^^ Ujpp'2eii^oflu9i>o sessi 3=nmu.!UfTiiSl(!r)p ear Qj^Qi—iT(mp"^iSf!^'^£in(^QsiiZ30 6osa[r^s'^ssiski^-Q(i^p^ ^sv^semreo j^pGuQ^(B)e^ (LpeiTiG'LJ'i £^ fV-pif- ffi)s^ p(-.0Q^b^j)]Qs'T>@t tax iiS)j(Tf)^'S ^CjS€(sr Qo^ i_//7£_'l0&nSX}^ e.-Lb aj(mLJL-j. 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