University of California Berkeley THE PETER AND ROSELL HARVEY MEMORIAL FUND CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN A WISDOM SONG BY THOMAS LAKE HARRIS " Did not our hearts burn within us while He talked with us by the way." LUKE xxiv. 32. FOUNTAINGROVE Privately Printed 1894. DEDICATORY EPISTLE. TO W. R. STANDING to-day upon Time's utmost peak, As the discoverer once on Darien, The great south seas upon the vision break, The timeless Life World rounding to my ken. Truth is made on-sight ; each low wave, that swells To break beneath the feet, a mystery tells. Etheric roll the waters heaving far, All musical in wisdom's measured flow, Breathing to melodies that pregnant are With the New Life that folds us to bestow. Through each impregnate sense take form and wing Swift revelations ; to the heart they sing. Now, as my bosom draws the blithe, warm wind That leads me on the Godlands to explore, I waft such strains of poesies behind As serve to guide the feet to find the "Door," And show the "Way," that opens for release To Isles of Blessedness in seas of peace. DEDICATION. " Sweetheart," spake one who claims and comforts me, "A friend is at the call who feels akin." I opened and a Pilgrim, gallantly Equipped for daring travel, ventured in. Beholding him as " Christian" I inclined; Thence we embraced by sympathies entwined. 'Twas Bunyan of the " Progress"; now he dwells In England's Heaven and is a Bishop there. Upon mine ears grew chime of wedding hells ; The one oped full to twain, right blessed pair, "Christian" and "Christiana" one-in-twain, John Bunyan and his lady, beamed amain. Spake they in union, trumpet toned in lute, " Thou wert in Britain but the other day And clasped one there, a godly soul in fruit, Whose heart in thine and ours makes warm array : Bid him God cheer." William, of this I tell And dedicate the Song to thee as well. PART FIRST " Our Conversation is in Heaven ; from whence also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ : who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto His glorious body, according to the working whereby He is able even to subdue all things unto Himself." PHIL. in. 20, 21. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. UPLIFT, New Man, uplift in exultation ; Time's utmost mountain peak at last is scaled. Breasting all wraths, wrought to one desolation, Thou in God burdened hast by Him prevailed. Lift orient brow, full-bosomed meet the sun : Hail the new morn ; breathe full with heaven at-one. Height, length and breadth, these shape the third dimension Thou hast o'ercome, outfilled, transcended all : Thine is the throughness, organized extension, The wondrous fourth: reflect, repeat, recall; Collect thy thought in God through nature's round And time's abyss and mystery's dim profound. The path of Throughness opens : lo ! the gates Of the eternal are for touch ajar. 'Tis the concentered soul that contemplates, As through its system thinks the solar star. In the low minors of the opening third Pulse the freed octaves of the four-fold Word. 8 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. II. 1 "Man's an intelligence whom organs serve," Aquinas reasoned in his syllogism. Follow the thought^ the dimension's curve ; View it illumined in the mental prism. The quickened man, by feeling, thought and sense, Is organ for the Word's Intelligence. 2 The sentient crystal of the universe Is human ; its live molecules are men. Organs they are through whom the rays disperse From the True Light and flow to light again ; Yet thosie alone are men who feed on light And by it thrive and for its ends unite. 3 An atheist as to Theosocialism, Though seeming man, is but a shade, a shell, Whose hollow self builds up its blind abysm With magic forms grouped by an evil spell, And so is compassed with illusive gleams Whereof it rears the systems of its dreams. 4 He is a creature of enormous toil, And yet of all the creatures most infirm. Holding by organs in a triune coil, Three-score and ten is their persistent term. Though he by strength should linger past four-score, Death sounds his 'larum peal from door to door. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. III. 1 All sacred gifts await their opportune. The crowning gifts of God's new time await Till feeling, thought and sense in perfect tune Out-lift the organs through their three-fold state. The third dimension holds the worm in plan ; The fourth holds God, in fashion as the Man. Think to the fourth ; think faithly if at all. In the out-lift alone are safeties found. To think the third as final is to fall In sheer abasement to non-human ground. Faith leads the evolution from the mesh Of pictured nature to the Word made flesh. 3 The third is all a matrix and therein True man from seed of Word shapes on to grow ; Height, length and breadth by formal style to win ; Weaving the outness of his being so. Phrased in the natural scripture by his third, He fills its content from his Cause, the Word. 4 And this is life, true life, that he may know His God incarnate to extreme of needs, And put on God in fourths, and own Him so, And follow God in throughness, whence proceeds The pathway of pure being, made complete Where, in the Infinite, all finites meet. 10 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 5 Think thou to God to lead thy throughness on : Think that the forms that serve Him may transpose Think of thy being, made a daughter-son And led to new beginnings from the close : Think of thy form transcendent o'er the strife ; Throughness led forth by all the doors of life. 6 So is " Captivity led captive " ; so Death, "the last enemy," for thee shall fail, Dissolving in life's victory. The flow Of God in throughness rounds the mighty scale Of life's triumphant harmonies ; they blend For the "new song," the song without an end. IV. 1 There was a MAN who stood in Paradise : All names of worth are His in one great name. Morning Shone forth from His illustrious eyes. He spake, "By throughness unto thee I came, And with thee in this new dimension stand, That I may show thee of the glorious land." 2 Then came forth ladies, matrons virginal, Led by divine processions through His form ; For He is made their dwelling, and the wall Of their perfections. Blithe and sweet and warm They wove a dance of hymeneal choirs ; Then entered Him again by loves in fires. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 11 3 Thence issued knights, bridegrooms of such pure brides, And lo ! the Man, now Woman, beamed to greet Their righteousness. As waves to ocean glide, Melodious, worshipful they met Her feet. Soon, as their prayer-song found a blissful close, They entered Her, drawn on to love's repose. 4 Such follow Thee, our Lord ! where'er Thou goest, For they abide in and come forth from Thee ; And as the ocean Thou to fill them flowest : Thou art to them dimension, and the sea Of crystalline clear fire, by zone in zone, Tides from Thy shining as an orbed white throne. V. 1 Grasped in the infamy of life's repression, Earth's wasted peoples generate, disease : For immanation they have wrought obsession ; For emanation wrathful tyrannies ; A scientific magic ; the " black art" Bred- by the false mind in the evil heart. 2 As in the rivers minnows are to pikes, So on earth's range true saints to sinners are. The man who smites not, to the churl who strikes, As crystal mirror meets the iron bar. The evil harden on, blow after blow ; The good grow sensitive by worth in flow. 12 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN'. 3 The third dimension, as it narrows in, Contracts upon the generous ardent soul. Magic has wrought a wilderness of sin, Spaced in illusions that the sense control. Mind, that would fourth dimensioned truths declare, Meets death in life, obstruction everywhere. 4 " Earth is the limbo of the universe," Spake Fourier, Wisdom vocal on his lips. Her chariot of ascension shapes to hearse : Time is for her the shade of an eclipse. God is eclipsed, God is eclipsed in man ; Self, the gorged self-snake, rules the three-fold plan. 5 "Subversive evolution," note it well, This other fact of earthly time he said. Man, failing to shape heaven, creates his hell. Earth at the chariot wheels of death is led, A chained, dumb captive, urged by terrors on To cataclysm and oblivion. 6 "Impenetrable ignorance, this plea May save the soul from an eternal pain" : Thus Rome by a remains of charity Holds hope to man when other hopes were vain. Upon this generation, lingering yet Anigh the fated verge, such seal is set. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 13 Its ears are closed so that it cannot hear ; Its eyes are seared so that it shall not see ; Its brain, grown hollow, is a shadowed sphere Where the heart's hardness shapes vacuity To moving shapes, illusive, self-inwrought, Not thought but lifeless images of thought. 8 The seed of God is stifled from the root, But for it spectral nature seed has grown. Men breathe contagion from the dissolute Waste vapors, where the airy space is sown, From the accurst impure magnetic dust Of human ill, with microscopic lust. 9 Instead of God the swarmed bacteria come. Nature seven-fold has multiplied the curse Man casts into her : now it makes an home In him and generates, so to asperse The burdened organs, where he holds his breath, With fetid rains of generative death. 10 Woe then to prophets, in this evil time Of prescient doom, who prophesy smooth things. Woe to the seers who see no crime in crime, But progress climbing by ascensive rings. Woe to the priests, when God holds open door For coming truth, who cry "no more, 110 more !" 14 C O N V E R S A T I O N IN II E A V E N . VI. 1 The mortal brain, made by suppression massive, Resists the ardors of the Vital Sun. To base results grown by the self-will passive, Through all the reason, by result, is spun A clinging surface, that obstructs the ray Of wisdom's effluence from the Lord, our Day. Yet day-break is upon us : would men open Senses to God as they to nature ope, The bars of third dimension might be broken : Then in an hour the dark, wherein they grope, Stumble and perish, melt to royal light, So to restore the paradisal sight. 3 Millions there are who grope and stumble so : All days hold pit-falls and all nights are snares : The third dimension will not have them go : Conflicts unknown inexplicable theirs ; For throughness, urging on to motions free, Is girt by anarchy and tyranny. 4 Thus the last struggle centers in the brain. The fourth dimensioned mind its organ forms, But growing on, its lucid orb to gain, Shapes its new motion through resistant storms Each sympathetic nerve is grasped in strain. Hold faithlv now ; hold to the Lord One-Twain. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 15 Here is Religion's last annunciation ; Lord Christus claims the mortal battle field ; By immanation moves to emanation ; Speeds on to evidence, our Sun and Shield. The fourth dimension, rounding through the third, Makes nature all an out-field for the Word. VII. 1 The fourth is nothing if not practical ; 'Tis order, law and service everywhere ; No place therein to dally or to fall. 'Tis Theosocialism fills the air ; Heart led through heart and hand led free through hand ; All throughnesses in throughness of God's land. 2 Upon the fact of throughness, interunion, Pivots the wheel that fashions all the space. Feeling, thought, passion, in divine communion Through all to each, find freedom and embrace, Repose and action are as night and day, All march of sun-force and all stars in play, 3 I saw a king, on earth a Methodist, The founder of such service, and he said, "I Wesley was; here twain-one I persist, Fulfilling that whereto my life was led When, in the wilds of labor-time below, I thought to plant for God and have it grow. 16 CONVERSATION IN H E A V E N . 4 " Now here, behold, is God-wrought Methodism In fourth dimension : to its kingdom feel. Stript of the limitations that make schism, I serve as pivot of its social wheel. The fourth, to the extreme in God, its wall, Is one in many kingdoms, each in all." A man of deeds, a Priest Napoleon, I read in Wesley to his Word-filled heart ; Read him in fact as now a king, twain-one By inter-througlmess with his counterpart. Tis through Religion, by its work of grace, Kingdoms are nurtured for celestial space. 6 True growth depends on order for its wheel : On ordered growth all human good depends : The laws of order in their course reveal The paths of order to creation's ends : The ends of order in result display The Word Twain-One, the Life, the Truth, the Way, 'Tis so mankind escapes its limitations ; By throughness finds the infinite career ; Led by continuous and discrete gradations, Throughness in throughness opening sphere by sphere. Man, who in order to result has trod, Dwells by full consciousness in God with God. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 17 8 Only the thorough may attain to througlmess. "Do what thou hast to do with all thy might" ; Move on thereby in the eternal newness, Led so to victor} 7 from sight to sight. "No age makes impotent, no custom stales"; The infinite variety prevails. 9 The third dimension lastly satiates ; It keeps no final good for man in store. The joy stood tip-toe ; through the opening gates It sped, to vanish and return no more : The blissful cup, from lip to lip that passed, But held and gave exhaustion at the last. 10 This is the bitterness that hides behind These mortal confines : Wordless shadows, dead To all but life's appearance, merely find Their third dimension to its vapor spread. To bleak old age, in impotency curled, Coils the man ego in the under world. VIII. 1 Come forth in this imperial warm July. The nation to the Twain-One bows no knee Constant it is to claim and glorify False ego's base non-human liberty : It grinds as Egypt did the serfs to dust : Its glaive is sharpened at the Word to thrust. 2 18 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. Its greatness is not substance, 'tis inflation, Herculean pride that mounts before the fall : Progress but seems, 'tis mere deterioration. Now, woven through glad sunshine, floats a pall. Falsehood and evil by rank commerce breed Swarmed spores, upon all mortal flesh to feed. 3 Man's form of volatiles must lose cohesion : "Dust that he is, to dust he shall return." Organs, that ope by many a sightless lesion, Hold secret wounds that bleed and weep and burn. The fetid generations of the spore Lead vegetative death from sore to sore. 4 Elijah had his ravens, and they fed him All the dread years when baal's priests held sway. The cave for shelter opened to bestead him, Holding a shadow wrought for kindlier day. The fourth dimension now gives open arms To shield God's prophets from the last alarms. Alone and still alone, amid the millions Who throng the parks, the avenues and drives, I hear the minstrels in the gay pavilions, But see the worm that in the players thrives. Reddens the gold that crowns on summer's brow, But death is harvest that is ripening now. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 19 6 Death has inclosed the planet, and it journeys Till all its multitudes in one are wound ; Till all are as the fuel in the furnace ; Till all are pierced into their inmost ground, And those who hold, from those who shun the fourth, Severed as babes are from the after-birth. Here is no hiding place ; all now who hide Must occultly in one vast plexus meet ; All men to reach the cliffs of one divide ; All from the planet's brow unto its feet. All men, all molecules of men, must feel And turn and change when God is made the Wheel. Heights of dimension, in surcharged increase, The ruinous and final fall precede ; All breadths of empires sunder piece by piece To the last broken wall and moldering weed ; All lengths of pleasures, at the fated spot, Dissolve as empires fail and ages rot. 9 Now Judgment, as the Mother, calls to me, And I must sit within Her awful doors, Till ends "the strange eventful history" Of time, and paradise its bloom restores ; Till the new lengths and breadths and heights, concealed In the Word's fourthness, show an open field. 20 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. IX. 1 Judgment, She sits apart in palace gardens, Throned in the true, the sacred, the sublime. Her holiness from brow to feet She hardens To breast and penetrate resistant crime. Her lips, whereto God's lips their seal have set, Hold silence ; there the dews of sleep are met. Silence and sleep ! sure-stepping, sweet and saintly, Divine Night-Walker, in a wondrous dream, Where the white stars like water-lilies faintly Ope their pale petals on the azure stream, She keeps the ways of the mysterious round, Circling the planet, feeling to its bound. 3 In the warm sun-sphere's glowing undulations She orbs Her presence as a lovelier moon. The interstellar ether leads vibrations, Born of Her motion, to a low sweet tune, A crooning melody, a flying charm Touching the sense to soothe its last alarm. 4 As the brook's waters in a summer spate The broidered meadow banks may overbrim, Judgment is gliding, kindly, delicate, Orbed in pure ether, wakening that sweet hymn ; Touching slow, surely, till by calm consent All human lives in one repose are blent. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 2l 5 Come forth with me again while heavens dissolve A dewy tenderness : a manifold, Ripe richness, that the pleasances evolve, Feeds the warm sense : men hearten blithe and bold. Nature has donned the matron ; she has pressed All living creatures to her flowing breast. 6 Yet see ! through all this bravery of apparel Nature is changing to another style. Heights, lengths and breadths the peoples hold in quarrel. This is a weary time ; beneath the smile Of solar lips that kiss the toiling race The secret pestilence makes eager pace. X. 1 The Holiness of holiness displays Beauties from Beauty in Her hallowed mart. Supreme arch-nature to its form arrays In the perfections of transcendent art. By change on change from scene to scene we pass, As living radiance through translucent glass. 2 "When the without shall be as the within The kingdom cometh " ; so the Master spake, Meaning the throughness, led the world to win, Throughness by throughness, till mankind awake ; While then the pure in heart, by faith who trod, Shall put on heaven and "in their flesh see God." 22 CONVERSATION IN 3 Heaven crowds not 011 mankind as to encroach. By the full being in full play we move, So keeping pace with the divine approach. Advance is in the sympathy of love ; God feeling forth in. us the more we feel, Till, life in life, all lives His Life reveal. XL 1 The house wherein we dwell is moving : see ! The interstellar ether breathes to fire : The spirits of the atoms, wondrously As living sparks, within their orbs respire. Feel to the motion ; feel and so behold ; The new-born order turns upon the old. The fourth dimension presses on the third That suffocates the just in living graves. "To resurrection!" calls the Bridal Word, In power that thrills and liberates and saves. It is the many who as one shall hear ; Then through that manifold the Word appear. 3 Here is no tumult of the throbbing drums, No sounding of the bugles for parade. Mute as the gathering snowfall Judgment comes In Her white livery is the world arrayed. The vast scene-curtain must remain intact Till expectation merges in the act. CONVERSATION IN HEAVED. 23 4 Men move with faces turned from one another. Judgment revealing shall the faces turn ; All Her elect, the world-wide sister-brother, Shall face to face with kindlier ardors burn, And see one face beaming through all at-one, God's face reflected through each daughter-son. 5 Men toil, worn swimmers in a ghastly torrent, Each striking out alone to breast the stroom. The whirling waves, drawn to an upward current, Shall lift them glowing o'er the watery doom ; Lift them on Judgment's breast in time and tone To Life's arisen land, their own, Her own. 6 Judgment involves man's fleshly particles : His atoms are in judgment and they know. The third dimension's movement stuns or kills Man's apprehensive sense ; he lieth low ; His prison overcomes him, and the maze Of memory, and its labyrinthine ways. 7 Earth stands in Judgment and it knows it not : Earth looks in Judgment and no sights aver ; Learning, grown magical, from time would blot Faith's last lone spark lit in the sepulcher ; Yet there it swims aloft o'er trance and swoon, Her sign in heaven, the cold, white Judgment moon. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. XII. 1 The path of years is by a single thread, Like the tense nerve that spans Niagara's chasm. Decisively in the brave prime we tread Till the worn line beneath us writhes in spasm. The steps at last are timorous, feeble, slow ; One inadvertence leads the overthrow. 2 The round of years is by a breadth that narrows ; We fasten then like limpets to the rock. Exultantly we raced as fiery arrows, Nor feared the piercing place, nor shunned the shock. Foot fast and hand fast, narrowed to the cell, Prisoned from spacial freedom we must dwell. The rise of years is by an height that climbs Upward still upward ; perilous the steep. Resistances increase with ageing times ; We chill and stiffen till we fall asleep. Ways that were wreathed with blossom wind in thorns Till death o'ertakes us on the silver horns. 4 Bounded, aye bounded by the fateful three, The weird three beldames of our mortal state, We still are subjects of uncertainty. Our nearing obsequies we celebrate ; Shrink from the sunbeam, cower before the blast, Till length, breadth, height for mortal aid are past. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 25 5 Yet "thoughts that wander through eternity" Should hold swift wings in us to aid the rise. Forces that but exhaust should multiply, Renewed in nervous power that never dies ; And joys, their organs that by use efface, Transform them fitly for the deathless race. 6 Two gravitations in the world persist, This to the center, that one to the sphere. Man has the loftier gravitation missed ; Both were his guerdon did the Word appear. The two when rightly found are twain-in-one : Their roimdings open from and to the sun. 7 A law exists that mortals do not know, Whereby two currents, moving equably And side by side in the same river flow, May lead the waters from or to the sea. The valley springs, when Wisdom comes to guide, May flow as brooks that climb the mountain side. 8 Loosen the reflex might in gravitation, Then, held obedient in the Master's hand, Swift powers, that hold the planets in their station, Will serve for motive force by sea and land. Wed science into God the Word, and then All heavens and earths will meet for mights in men. 26 c ok visits AT ioft IN JIEAVE&. 9 " Make nature plastic" ; this is the command : Loosen the vigor where it numbs and hides. Evolve the scheme the Sovereign Artist planned. Abide in Truth for powers that truth provides. Find Helios-Christus ; bid your hearts go still, Nerved and responsive to the Word, our will. XIII. 1 Science is turning slowly to retrace The stream that burst from eden's wounded side. Wallace owns truths that Darwin did not face, And Huxley laws that Spencer dare not bide. He who smites Word Incarnate as a stone Upon that rock is broken bone by bone. 2 No scientist of modern time has wrought Unwitting loss like that one ; he has led Learned multitudes to subterfuge of thought ; Fed them with dust, denied the living bread ; Clerkly in robes pontifical has trod, Intoning scriptures of the anti-god. 3 Needs must it be that time should breed offenses ; But woe to those by^ whom offense uprears, Who outrage the regenerative senses And steep the mind in ruins, faints and fears. The thinking ego, to dead thirdness grown, In nature thinks the throughness to disown. 27 Such hands have decked the glittering golden bed, Blazoned with seeming wisdom and renown, Where to the pleasurable fiction wed The cultured egoists in ease lie down, Lost to the Word -light and its life supreme, Lost in the evolution of a dream. The culture by whose outgrowth God recedes From apprehensive sense is but a cheat. Still 'tis the Spirit in mankind who pleads, Yet pleads no more when men with fiction meet, And woo her, and embrace her, and instill Her essences and with her body fill. 6 O, thou whose lips the Living Christ have kissed, Pure priest John Pulsford, dear and honored name,- Than Spencer thou art wiser scientist ; The Holy Ghost breathes in thee for a flame, And lo ! the fiery tongues have touched thy brow ; The quickening splendors through thy speech avow. XIV. 1 Mankind tends not to social unity ; Not here the people's paradise is found. The bases of divine community Are as a land beneath the deluge drowned. Those who for throughriess with each other dwell Live but as tenants of the diving bell. 28 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 2 So "Lool^ng Backward" is the scholar's dream, Like Campanella's " City of the Sun." The vultures of the press exultant scream O'er ruined nests of social doves undone. A fading mist of honors not to be Proves Mexico's feigned eden by the sea. 3 All progress in the third dimension tends To dissolution ; Spencer saw it well. All creatures who hold thirdness for their ends The substance of life's energy expel. All men, all worlds, from fourthness that recoil, Abide in death ; for death to death they toil. 4 The third dimension shapes an alphabet, Wherefrom the language of the fourth is woven ; A stone, for carving of the statue set ; A shell, that for the germ's young growth is cloven ; Dust, that for impregnation vainly plies, Till God shall breathe through it and heaven arise. 5 The fourth is fashioned in reality ; The wakeful substance of all glorious dreams, It floats, a deathless ideality, O'er nature's realm, and through its shadow gleams. Substance and seeming touch ; their lines are met ; Substance in seeming must its form beget. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 29 XV. 1 If e'er the fourth dimensioned man should stand Rounding the surface, cultured and equipped, All would be plastic to his vibrant hand : With justice hearted and with mercy lipped, His path would open swift and sure and clean By Worded force, owned as "the Nazarene." George Fox divined the truth in non-resistance. Fight not by methods that the third affords ; Feel to the force held in the Word's persistence. One man is mightier than unnumbered swords: If through his frame arch-stellar ether flows The world must yield, though all the world oppose. See Jiow the Lady Moon is stooping now, Vailing in human cloud Her argent breast. Feel to Her presence by the lifted brow, The bosom of impatience dispossest. God-time is still-time ; to the silence feel ; It holds for Truth a form of living steel. 4 Withdraw into the stillness, till the motion Of God in throughness tunes the mind aright. Lifting to ardors of serene devotion, The soul is energized by God in sight. Hold to the silence, so that Judgment glides To permeate the sense by flowing tides. 30 C O N V E R S A T I O X I N H E A . V E N . 5 So find the sabbath of the Lord thy God, The silence of the ages and their end. So hold through silence for a judgment rod, Meeting the foemen where they most offend. All roads of last advance to Judgment run ; Go clad with silence till the end is won. In the solemnities with Peace abide, Peace, the white harbinger who folds the pall, Vailing the planet, while the winds divide From azure air and voices fail and fall. Solemn and still and peaceful be our tread, Hearts to the heart of God in mercy wed. 7 See how huge unbeliefs mankind obsess, Soulless and shrineless, whilst the virgin Faith, Whose lips are pressed to God for holiness, Is counted as a void and wandering wraith. See, and while Faith to God thy sense attunes, Lead faith to throughness ere the planet swoons. 8 Faith is pavilioned in eternity ; There she inhabits God, her deathless prime. The fourth dimension shapes her liberty ; Thence rounds she to illuminate in time. All virtues are for stars in her right hand, And miracle is wrought her blossomed wand. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 31 9 Enter Religion as a secret door, And in Religion shrine thy vital prayers. So to Religion yield thy all for store, And for Religion bear thy constant cares. For thy old self, abolished and o'erthrown, Put on Religion's throughness, made thine own. XVI. 1 Carved are the starred and oriented cliffs With stately images of Truth sublime : Wisdom has traced in glowing hieroglyphs Her scriptures of the grand pre-mortal time. By throughness thought may open to behold, Reading the past whence futures are foretold. In simple Piety, through time who keeps A noiseless, humble and sequestered way, An influence presses from those upper deeps ; Opens, enlarges, quickens, as the day That glows through lowly corn-blades where they spring, Pregnant with gold grain for the harvesting. Sweet Piety, in purity who bides, Holding heart, sense, imagination clean, Es blest and nurtured by arch-stellar tides, Borne in the throughness of the Nazarene. The highest heaven, by ways no mortals ken, Touches to serve the lowliest of men. 32 CON V ERS AT I ON IN HEAVEN. 4 'Tis here the fourth dimension holds in store Faith's mightiest miracle ; through these may pass Powers that the ancient heavens to birth upbore ; God as clear light in many-colored glass ; Transfiguration led through soul to sense ; Man radiant in the Word's magnificence. Under time's wintry crust such summer sleeps As God for lowly meekness holds in trust. The fiery flood, mortality that steeps, Weaves immortality through human dust. She for the lilies' bloom who erst revealed In deathless blossom wreathes Her savior-field. 6 A quickening spirit in the verse is led. Souls in pure piety who feel the strains, Though stretched by age on time's procrustean bed, May find by faith a music in the veins. As the vibrations through the senses chord Their flesh will quicken, it has touched the Lord. XVII 1 The Suffering Master spake, " sleep on, sleep well," When those who should have watched for Him had slept, Such words through ages bear a burial knell. Woe to the city where no watch is kept, The city Man ; safety impinges still Upon the continuity of will. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 33 The tides will ebb that bore him to success ; Against the torrent he must swim or row. The seas will rise his foothold to possess ; He must build up to meet the overflow. Trust not in God to lift thee o'er the waves, Only as.JIe through thine own courage saves. 3 Great men, great ages, fail by drowsiness. Ne'er* must he slumber, though to sleep he seem, Who would by throughness his new earth possess. 'Tis continuity of will supreme, Held firm in ? God and to His purpose wed, That leads deliverance where hope lay dead. 4 For " thoughts that wander through eternity," Hold thought that clasps eternity in time. Build firmness through thy frame's infirmity ; Through age elaborate the vital prime. Call not on Jupiter to lift thy wheel, But heave till thou shalt Zeus within thee feel. Build firmness into throughness, till it breeds Through thy full bosom, fronts to orb the brain ; Build it in righteousness until it leads Motion before thee as a flying train ; Hold, till its outbirth makes thy sure, swift glance A splendor from the Infinite advance. 3 34 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 6 Take Purpose for thy watchful bedfellow ; Rest in her arms and rise in her embrace ; Shrine her within thy being till she go As Winged Victory before thy face. Make purpose final, shaping to a rod That smites earth's granite for the streams of God. This is the art of the true alchemist, Transmuting earth's dead dross to heaven's live gold Distilling from the vague aerial mist The interstellar ethers, till they hold And weave about thee for pure robes of flame, To show thee forth in Him who overcame. XVIII. 1 The revolution of the Infinite Is time ; and space the orbing of its whirl ; And nature in a motion of delight Originates, and thence its realms unfurl, ^f thou wouldst be true man, a godlike son, Think thou to nature as in God begun. 2 The universe found birth in a delight, And from delight and to delight it grows. Therein be thou persistent for the right, Till through thy throughness the delights unclose. Be thou delightsome, sense to spirit led : Think God's delight into thy purpose wed, CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 35 3 Serve thus the golden opportunity, Till God's rich opportune through time is wound, And heaven and earth in nuptial unity Meet the Twain-Oneness, and delight is crowned, And the Bride-Bridegroom, orbing here the shrine, Make earth-life God-life, humanly divine. 4 Await, await, await ! be temperate, Even in thought of such delight in store. Care for thy body, as made delicate By each advance to the transposive door. Think not to hasten movement by excess Of premature nerve-action, but repress. "Grieve not the spirit"; such command is kept. Grieve not the body by demands unwise, For thus the fervid animates are swept From the vibrations of their harmonies ; And on these harmonies, led to their ends, The re-creation of the flesh depends. 6 But think to rest in action, rest in thought, Rest in emotion, rest in soul and sense, Rest in all burden bearing, self as nought ; A quietude made more through loves intense And full and fruitful as the harvest noon. Hold coolness as the calm white Judgment moon, 36 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 7 So into Judgment let the mind be spaced, The heart determined and the motion timed, Till time's impatience gently is effaced, And the gross energy of will sublimed, That it may open sweetly to the tide Of the arch-stellar ether and abide. XIX. 1 From the electric man came man of stone ; From man of stone the man of flesh was led. By such descents, mysterious and unknown, Grew paradise, the soft primeval bed. The weakest of the races and their last, Our sires were offspring from the loftier past. 2 For still creations in their course declined, As heats decrease by distance from their flame, Till at the end man held a shadowed mind, In organs frail and senses that were shame. Decline led on in nature's three-fold mesh, Till the fourth opened in the "Word made flesh." 3 The world, the times, mankind were out of joint ; Light lessened on till darkness wove a span. He was the Point of turn, the Pivot-Point On whom the rounding of the race began. Here the "True Light" its blossomed rays unfurled ; Soft as the dawn of dawn He touched the world. CONVERSATION I NJlEAVEN. 37 4 And still the creature in the bondage held ; And still mankind, as death-doomed captives drest, Groped in the notional by magic spelled, Nor dwelling oped for Him nor wrought a rest. As the white dove, far flying from its mart, He came and met the arrow in His heart. XX. 1 God changes not, yet ever is in change, By aspect to His varied people seen ; Now in the near, now in the distant range, Now shown through tempest, now in calm serene. God changes not, so we do not consume ; Yet God is changed to us from bud to bloom. 2 The evolution in God's revolution Germs, blossoms, fruits; germs, blossoms, fruits anew. Crises that seem but fateful dissolution Hold the Divine, by throughness led to view. What though a universe should fade from sight? Still 'twould remain, transformed into delight. 3 These heavens may vanish as a flying scroll ; These earths mature from flower to fruit and cease ; Yet God through sense may form, as through the soul, And natural earth to human earth release. The flying wheels of time in Light conceal Their motion, but the Force will not repeal. CONVERSATION IN H is A V E N '. 4 So "God fulfills Himself in many ways." Through the past endings the new worlds began, He is the Ancient of eternal days, Yet evermore the Youthful Woman-Man. Formed unto us for righteousness, we dwell Of Him in Him for Him while times dispel. But of our wantness we are fullness made. God, being Fullness and to throughness led, Clothes us as lilies of the stream, arrayed In light and in its loveliness dispread. The man-seed, clad by Him with living dust, So finds the resurrection of the just. 6 Twain revelations wed by living thought ; The Infinite, that for its finite weaves Word into scripture, finely fitly wrought, Substance in seeming that the sense receives. The fourth dimension claims the third its own ; Truth is made flesh of flesh and bone of bone. XXI. 1 An occult shapes outside, did men but know ; An inner nature presses to enlarge. This nature that w r e meet will overgrow And senses outen on to find its marge ; Eyes ope from eyes and ears from ears emband, Heart duplicate on heart and hand on hand. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 39 2 This outness on man's outnesses will form From throughness of his innesses that weave ; Breath double for the doubled lungs, the warm Sweet ethers that by truth in joy receive. Growth is arrested in the three-fold lines ; Man in the sense of observation pines. 3 Man is the slave of his impediments ; The psyche sacrificed within its shell ; Organs, that should be four-fold implements Of thought and feeling, held in swoon arid spell. 'Tis as if man, from single-footed spine, Felt the bound complemental limb repine. 4 Man thinks to death as for a free escape ; Outward through inuess should his will revolve. God calls to outwardness : let chasms gape, To overbridge should be his last resolve. We must find God in nature, large and small. God outens to be made the All in all. 5 Nature and man are both in struggle now : Nature in man and man in nature nerves, Till the full throughness shall through both avow, And doubled man in doubled nature serves ; More valid than the ancient grecian dream, Divine olympus o'er his vision gleam. 40 CONVERSATION IN HfiAVEN, 6 "The expectation of the creature waits" Upon the hlanifest immortal men, To whom arch-stellar ether opes its gates. For death translation waiteth here and then. This is the earliest, latest Christian creed, Heaven formed in earth for men as deaths recede. Nature grows tenahtless of psychic lives ; The nymph and dryad vanished long ago; The fay, where yet his gentle race survives, Lingers in hidden haunts that men forego. A larvous world, bred from man's ills unclean, Infests the landscape, wrought in the obscene. Man is the slayer ; he depopulates The planet in his fierce pursuit of game. Where'er he moves or dwells he desolates ; His presence breeds a base magnetic flame. He generates the poison, swift or slow, - } Where the larves hide and generate and grow. 9 So in the venomed sweat and deadly spume Base minds grow pregnant, and the city's dust Is made a shadowy, sepulchral womb, Wherein the death-seed fashion from his lust. From nature's wounds in ceaseless torrents ply The spoilers of his flesh, the bacilli. N 1 fc tt E A V E N . -41 XXII. 1 "Awake, arise, my Love; the Spring has come : Summer her breasts of bounty will not vail. White doves shall coo where throbbed the murderous drum, And for the war-call chant the nightingale. Awake, arise, my Love, and come away"; The Bridegroom's voice : we hear as lovers may. 2 Nature and God, to man they both inure ; Nature for seeming, God for substance makes ; But man must hold the substance to endure. Seeming, a bubble, glistens, orbs and breaks. Yet substance that, through seeming, forms and plies Weaves man's new likeness lovely in God's eyes. 3 When thought is rising, as the billows roll In bosomed undulations of the sea, Hold thyself o'er it in a calm control, Like sun-lit heaven in pure tranquillity ; Then lead thy truths to heaven by steep on steep, As forms of gods ascending from the deep. 4 Lift, as the sun lifts waters to th3 cloud : The thought-sea round thy orbing space expands, But over it Intelligence is bowed To rule the waters and to loose their bands. Yea, in the fourth dimension Truth to thee May lead the human people of the sea. 42 CONVERSATION IN 5 The immortality that Christus taught, Divinely natural, when grown complete, With full redemption for mankind was wrought, Man's fleshness made its theater and seat. Its inner march the seer of Stockholm shows ; Its outer end by throughness must disclose. 6 'Tis victory o'er death, till death be slain : Tis victory for life, till life shall meet Its vast environment, led o'er the plane Of its organic space with winged feet. 'Twas through such outer heaven, His own, our own,- The Word made flesh ascended to enthrone. Think then, think faithly, to the splendid hours When man, his fourthness through the thirdness led, Shall climb the glorious ascension towers To float transfigured where his heavens dispread, Opening through radiant vistas, glowing floors, Ethereal seas, to paradisal shores. XXIII. 1 Needs must it be, when thought awakes to double And in a larger throughness to expand, That sense should be in fear and mind in trouble, And airs bring burden that once gently fanned. Vale of death's shadow, fashioned in dismay, Through this the dread, unknown transition way. CONVERSATION IN HE A YEN. 48 2 To reach the Motion whereby time was wrought, To find the Substance whereof space is made, We toil by nobler will in nobler thought, Yet penetrate where light is lost in shade, Where respiration by its thirdness ends. The vail is reached ; that vail, it lifts, it rends. 3 We touch the limit of free will's persistence, As realizable in third dimension ; Yet here God meets us by a new existence, Wrought from the Word in humanly extension. The bosom opes ; a warm sweet vapor lyres ; The breath of God inflows, illumes, inspires. 4 Borne into combat by the breath in birth, Old forces fail, then rise in nascent powers. Farewell the sensitive delights of earth, Save as the life-stalk buds for heavenly flowers. Farewell the homes that flesh and blood made sweet ; Our frames re-fashion in God's furnace heat. 'Tis a dread dying of man's mortal soul, Led for re-birth in an immortal germ, Whilst yet the fleshly form, in fixed control Of fourth dimensioned will, holds sure and firm. To this, by calm advance of powers that rise, We haste, nor pause ; who pauses falters, dies. 44 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 6 Yet the new natural soul, at first a seed Sown in the old effete infirmity, Must that infirmity absorb, implead, Lead through its timeness timed eternity. Years waste, a generation fades to dust, The man's "I will" held firm in God's "thou must." Here ages concentrate to mold the years : Time whirls, space flies ; the man of anguish, led Through toils that ope as on envenomed spears, Must feed on agonies as Christus fed ; Must "live the Life," must hold a secret care For all in all who strive the life to share. 8 More than the patriot, prophet, bard or seer, Concentered ever to economize, He must build road-ways as the pioneer, Nor any toil of any use despise ; For vital health bound in the wasting stand, Yet move by occult skill from land to land. XXIV. 1 The strong man of the third dimension narrows To rule, a chief; the weak to crouch, a slave. The weak pipe feebly as the thieving sparrows ; The strong cut keenly as the sharpened glaive. So egosocialism plumes its hordes, As flights of sparrows, hurled upon the swords. CONVERSATION IN HE A YEN. 45 Man from his wolfness changes to a lamb, Owning the "Lamb of God" by sinners slain. To bless is dangerous, more safe to damn, Where, in the third, Power rules by arts profane. To "turn the other cheek" when evil smites Provokes contempt from the shrewd knave who fights. That God should see His Word-Form crucified, Scourged, buffeted and trampled to the grave, Is all incredible ; but as allied To this, that He arose in might to save. By this that resurrection proves its worth, The third dimension lifted in the fourth. 4 Saint Paul spake true ; this is the crucial fact. Else were our faith, our wounds, our labors vain. Most miserable we, in frauds compact, If He arose not who to save was slain. He freed the psyche to its utmost floor, Led heaven through earth ; His body made the door. To the learned greek such faith was foolishness ; A stumbling block to gentile, as to jew. Vague spiritism from the flesh may press, Denying, failing where the Word forms through. Outward our movement to the many-one, Heaven's luminous orbed angels of the sun. 46 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. XXV. 1 Thousands of generations now look down Upon us from time's shattered pyramids : Cycles of ages now look up and frown Through stony eyeballs from their coffin lids. To breast the third dimension's battling storm, We bear the banners, hol'd the fourth in form. 'Tis the world's crisis, pregnant all with fate : The hours haste, lifting silence on their wings. The powers that desolate or consecrate Encompass or incompass ; shadow fling^ A death-cloud o'er us to envail the scene : Judgment stoops low the orb to overlean. In the deep night-time, when the specters pass, Specters of mortals that go forth in sleep, E'en now are some who wail " alas, alas ! Our city's gates are broken, and the steep Of its proud vantage, where the thrones are gilt For splendor, drips with blood our princes spilt. 4 "And many captives, who to build its mansions Spent their chained lives in agonies and fears, Whose life-blood fertilized the rich expansions, Crying ' O Lord ! how long ? ' through martyred years, Are hushed to silence ; but their hearts the more Heave to an earthquake 'neath the city's floor. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. "And see ! where we with blackened hands have blotten Our names from somewhat named the ' book of life,' And thought 'no god/ since godness was forgotten, A silence falls through feastings that were strife. Let us unto the rocks and mountains call, That they may hold and shield ere ruin fall." XXVI. 1 There comes an hour when the importunate And grasping ego, never satisfied, Is conquered, and its cruel jaws, that ate Into the soul's new substance, are denied, And it lies down to impotent decease ; From structures free its molecules release. Thence, caught to fourthness in the flying whirl, The atoms to the human posture rise ; A radiant image, glowing boy or girl, Formed to the soul for its new destinies ; A double, that reflects, repeats, obeys The Worded man, and serves for all his ways. "Peace give 1 you," the Holy Master said ; "Not as the world, to you I give My peace." He held such unself for an outer-stead, Likeness in image, doubled for increase Of power and grace in fourth dimensioned worth, Wrought as a vital-form of heaven in earth, 48 CONVERSATION IN 4 So we, in Him who conquer, may receive ; For the unself is in His shadow risen, To brighten in His shining and to weave Swift, wings for fetters that did erst imprison. Henceforth reigns peace ! let all within us chord, For all within is union with ihe Lord. This is nirvana by its form and fact : The de\v-drop glides into its vital sea ; A unity of unities compact, Orbed in the flow of Orbed Infinity ; Led in the bright processions of the stars, The incarnations and the avatars. 6 But so our fleshiiess may revive anew, In a regeneration from its first ; Mankind reenter by the four-fold clue, And stand to serve and bless to last and worst ; ....... By a circumference the planet feel, . ; . Soft as the dewdrop, firm as living steel. 7 Such the New Life i Thence we are heart-fasted To God Twain-One by constant rites divine, Whereof the world' knows not, till earth is wed To heaven : the Cross, this is our sacred sigh ; _ By this we conquer: when all force had failecl The MASTER came, breathed in us and prevailed, ;. PART SECOND "When this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swal- lowed up in victory." i COR. xv. 54. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN, XXVII. 1 EARTH is the world of the unfortunates. Judgment I saw as Fortune on Her ball : Her countenance to heaven illuminates ; Earthward it wears the shadow of a pall. 'Tis so Her shadow, weaving to a robe, Electric, penetrative, folds the globe. 2 An hand She dipped into Her roseate breast And from it flung .aloft a silver swan ; It floated to tlx-e heaven above the west, Then met t|ie California!! horizon. There the swan jested, crimsoning, made vast; The wings were sunset, folding at the last, 3 Judgment, Her home She in the sunset makes, For She is Sunset and the west Her own. Beneath Her breast profound Pacific wakes ; The waters quicken, rounding to Her throne. So Judgment waits * the moment of incline ; So orbs a presence,--Iortune, made divin% ; 52 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 4 The planet lost its Fortune in the past ; Grown mortal and unfortunate since then. Judgment, transformed to Fortune at the last, Wings the divine prosperities again. Cleave thou to Judgment and thy Fortune find ; From Her full bo^om life's full gifts unbind. Judgment has cleft Her winged caduceus ; From either branchlet blooms a blossomed rod : Her flower of grace by throughncss drips to us Rock honey, where we journeyed sorrow-shod. We built for Her like swallows in the cliff ; We carved its lines to shape Her hieroglyph. 6 Now the sad planet's piercing miserere, Borne to the heart of Judgment, silenced there, Leaves a dull ache through nations, chilled and dreary As frore december, broken, bruised and bare. Heartache, numbed in heart hunger, grieves to sleep ; To frozen seas the stormy passions heap. So Judgment feels, the planet's heart to find, To hold and fill and form a silence there ; But o'er the west Her odorous breaths unbind, And through the sunset streams Her golden hair. Lo, there ! aloft, while yet the mists conceal, Waits Judgment, Fortune, leaning on her wheel ! CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 53 XXVIII. 1 The fourth dimensioned man, as tiineness narrows And panic in the Commonwealth anears, Feels the advance ; 'tis as if living arrows By throughness pierced the earthly, atmospheres ; While the swift darts, illumined as they pass, Burn as clear sunbeams borne through tinted glass. Man is in wound, encompassed by vibration ; In time and tone he labors, thinks and feels, The motion of the Word his habitation. Judgment is turning by Her wheel in wheels : Fortune, aggressive, mailed in breathing balm, Uplifts the spear, the lily and the palm. Her occult wave, ethereal yet oceanic, Swims through all avenues of trade and strife ; 'Tis realized first as industrial panic, A causeless tremor of the public life. More, more ! man's molecules are set a-flow : The breathful doom-trump circles Jericho. 4 Such quivering, through the molecules led on, Precedes the march of the celestial host. That sign in western heaven, the crimson swan, Heralds advance through continent from coast. Judgment is heavened to breath of breast and brow Judgment, when earthened, will by this avow. 54 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. Men lean upon each other, in surprise That panic should o'er-ride where wealth ahode. Men hold to men for strength to energize, Feeling the mutual safeties overflowed. The sense of common peril thrills the mart, Where they to spoil each other strove apart. 6 Judgment is fourth dimensioned, is celestial. Behold Her in such glorious biding place : Her motion rules there, not in our terrestrial. Heaven sleeps, wakes, rests in the divine embrace. Now, as by throughness manifesting here, Heaven meets the Earth to weave one common sphere. 7 See now ! the Judgment moon is disappearing, Mid clouds of eve in fading colors drest. The atmosphere we meet is rising, nearing The sovereign ether, folding on to rest. Now lift the bosom, fill for life's increase : We shall breathe heaven from Judgment's lips of peace. XXIX. 1 'Tis written in a prehistoric book, Whereof a symbol to us is unsealed, "When I as O-I shall through o-i look, World-I as O-I shall in fji sun-shield. I trace this cryptograph upon the page The book may open for a coming age. C O N V E & S A T I O N IN HEAVEN. 55 2 God shapes in man a moving vehicle, To bear Him through the thought-ways of mankind. To-day one may be here, a miracle ; To-morrow where his heavenly life is shrined ; Now, as a golden child, his form condense, Then rise, meridian man, to visioned sense. 3 Man by corporeal receptivity May hold of God to his extreme degree ; Standing so wrought in formed plasticity ; Transposing hence in fourths from thirds to be. The organs that imprison may enthrone, When God adopts the plastic form His own. 4 Man may from fourths evolve to thirds again ; His fourthness thirded, statue-like and firm ; To the last sense a worlded citizen, Complete in organs to the final term. See, touch and handle him, this is the same Who seemed to perish, but who overcame. 5 One with his brethren, simple as a child, Humanly genial in all his ways ; First of new men, therefore as primate styled ; Holding his orbing round through earthly days ; All in disguise, yet never in disguise ; Time for him opes, to shape new paradise. 56 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 6 For the new vital frame is of the mind, And of the fourthness, germed to fill the third. New body, that its outwardness would find, Is fashioned in the concept of the Word. If nature's men grew forth from adam-eve, Of Christus-Christa we our forms receive. Think Christus for the Sire to flesh and bone ; Think that we are re-wrought through Christa's womb. Think of such incarnation, made our own To resurrection o'er the mortal doom. Think that we, fragile creatures of the sod, Take in, take on the human form of God. 8 Think that the miracle must in us grow Through mind to sense, its generating field ; Yet be not curious to probe and know ; Infants know not whilst in the womb concealed. The first revealment, fitly to be styled, Is when man finds himself a little child : 9 A wise child, such as holy angels are, Conscious of breathing in the Mother-Sire ; Conscious of touching, inly from afar, To God, the Fount and Fullness of desire. Formed in unself to feeling, thought and aim ; Living alone by Christus-Christa's flame. C ON VfiRSATIONlfr HEAVEN. 5? 10 Into such state of blissful innocence The flood of transubstantiation flows ; Childlike humility its evidence, And perfect faith and sweetness its repose. Then, if the crystal truths within us gleam, They are as gems that sparkle in the stream. 11 In God made flesh so let our flesh respire, Till transformation rounds its perfect play, And Helios-Christus through arch-solar fire Is felt in Helia-Christa day by day ; While nature, realized as seeming, wears A tremulous live glory that is Theirs. XXX. 1 The lungs of all mere egoistic men Conspire against the children of God's breath The organized brute passions of the den Combine to slay the seed of Nazareth. Our breathings flow more free in hours of light, But murder and disaster haunt the night. 2 The rise is that of Ixioii on the wheel, The round as the descent of Ixion. Slowly one climbs, by gathering mights to feel, Then slowly sinks the nightly round upon ; Thence forces upward, battling all the way, Against the world-storm that awakes with day. 58 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 3 . This is a spectacle in occult space Unknown, unheard in history before ; A man whose motion turns against the race, Grasping the power, from earth that passed of yore. He breasts the ruin, hurled the sense to fill, From time's surcharged heredities of ill. 4 I saw a man, a Swedenborgian chief; He swung, suspended in an easy chair, O'er the swoll'n cataract of human grief, Asleep, clairvoyant, seeking to declare ; Then, looking down to the abysmal whirl, Espied One battling where the surges curl. A spark of human pity lit his eyes ; He cried, "throw bladders to him lest he drown"; Then shuddered and began to terrorize, Hiding his face within a priestly gown. One spake, "ascend ; see you, the easy chair Sinjcs ; 'tis suspended by a single hair." 6 Now fears overcame him, grew to a collapse. Pity was given ; drawn shoreward he arose ; Then, on the sward, exclaimed, "perhaps, perhaps, His fiend drew that man downward by the toes ; Whilst I, his angel, putting forth a thumb, Held him from doom by equilibrium." CONVERSATION I N a E A V E N . 59 7 A bird of morning nigh awoke to crow ; He named it " correspondence ; Peter's cock " ; Nursed tenderly a swoll'n discolored toe, Crying "'tis here I met that devil's shock" ; Then sniffed a scroll he held, for perfumed smells, To "antidote the poison of the hells." 8 But one like Peter made to overlean, And gravely answered, "hear the morn bird's call. The Man who struggles is the Nazarene, Turning His wheel 'gainst the abysmal wall. His the uplifting force, the single hair, That drew you shoreward in the easy chair." 9 "Alas, poor Yorick!- where the quips and cranks That used to set the table in a roar"? Pure wit, wise humor, on the blossomed banks Of paradise, serve Truth for evermore. The humor of the situation tells 'Gainst the false learning that the fact misspells. 10 Humor exists in God : be humorous, Merry and sportive ; such the lesson, meant For all who, in the mortal fret and fuss, Hold heartily to serve the Word's intent. Full oft full Truth, pursuing for the best, Pierces offence by arrow-points of jest. 60 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 11 The Holy City, howsoever spacious, John the divine was quickened to espy, Can have no place therein for the mendacious, For those who fashion and who serve a lie. Pure truth, full truth, by varied colors shown As emerald, ruby, sapphire, forms the stone. 12 "They jest at scars who never felt a wound" ; They jest at wounds who can efface the scar. That man who holds the One-Twain Word his ground Owns healing where society is war. Plumes the white dove upon the hurricane, Breasting such wrath its home, heaven's heart, to gain. 13 He beams as if he never knew a care, Yet cares for men consume his days and nights. In the New Life we learn to hold and bear, Vailing a breast that breeds and broods delights. We conquer sorrows, that the world overwhelm, As those who in the tempest rule the helm. XXXI. 1 The eyes of man are in his purposes ; In fourthriess we behold as we should see. Saved from the optical uncertainties, We move at ease, from accident full free. Hence holy scripture of the just averred, That "all his steps are ordered of the Lord/' CONVERSATION J N H E A V E N . 61 The roving habitudes no more exist. "Just men made perfect" are as doves in flight ; They for the purpose of the way persist, Since God is ever made the point of sight. In seeing God the visual sense discerns The pathway of the round and the returns. Some query, "did you meet with so and so, Outward or inward ? tell us of their news." We hint not what is seen, nor where we go, Yet never by a churlishness refuse. On sight and speech the sacred shadows fall, Save for a purpose that holds God in all. 4 Sufficient for the day the toil thereof ; Sufficient for the service is the dav. The "tangled net" of seemings "blindly wove'' We ravel not, save as it bars the way. In the cool waters where we make our stand The flowing Truth holds wells on either hand. Pure wisdom's way is not to right nor left, Seeing no cause to vary or digress. Straightforward ! 'tis for this the rocks are cleft ; Thus far, no farther but as ends confess. Clear Truth, that couches the dense, clouded sight, Makes mind its eye-ball for the living light. 62 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 6 To serve the great as if it were the small ; To serve the small as if it were the great ; To be in each the servant of the all ; To move as lightning, or to stand and wait ; To hold each point just as the ends require, Such grows to habit from the fixed desire. The martinet, in stark stiff rigidness, Is custom's manikin, a blind machine; The pious ego, numbed to frigidness, But a dry shell, masked in a wintry screen ; 'Tis pageant, pretence, mimicry, so thin That all may see who glance beneath the skin. Nature through nctionists great fiction spins ; Nature through ego masses egoism ; From her dark cabinet the " psyche" wins Ghostly illusions for his magic prism. Fool-time for senile age must last avow, Sign of the Coming, it is fool-time now. i 9 Earth bows in worship to the " sacred ass/' The donkey ego, land to land that brays ; Sees its own image through illusion pass, And makes the world its temple of self-praise. Old Superstition felt to heavens and hells ; New Fantasy in spectral vacuum dwells. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 63 10 But so the end is vacancy ; the void Rounds, doubles to without from the within Ego in crass, crude selfness, self-deployed, Shows as mere surface, proud inflated skin. Hence the result, moving through ages on, Is silence, vanishing, oblivion. XXXII. 1 Sweet is the Loneliness with God that dwells, And, in a calm seclusion, gently keeps Its faith, amid the partings and farewells, When hope goes clad in autumn's robe and heaps The graves that hold the hours with precious dust. God is the tabernacle of our trust. 2 Sweet are the hours, when Resignation bows Beside us with the God-book on her knee ; Then folds within our being, so to house Our sadness in her sweet sobriety! Resigned to every change that may befall, 'Tis this extracts the sting, unweaves the pall. " Lover and friend Thou hast put far from me ; I am acquaint with darkness " of life's woe. I enter the last time's vacuity ; Still, though in vacancy, content to go. Am I in shadow, chill, funereal, vast? "God makes the dark His covering," at the last, 64 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 4 The gold sand, sifting from time's crystal glass, Spins into shadow, caught in death's dim hand. Vision is lost as if it never was ; "In the sixth hour a darkness filled the land, And many saints who slept in dust arose " : This may befall us in the coining close. "lie put away the hyssop and the gall," Holding full consciousness. I will abide The hour, nor shall the opiates enthrall, Though lethe mingle with the airy tide. Though God forsake in seeming, as He will In the time's ending, hold, thou heart, be still. 6 That " God forsake," I know its meaning soon ; 'Tis but the change of attitude : toils change ; God changes with them, as the waning moon Glides through eclipse, o'er orient heights to range, Till her new crescent greets the morning star ; Reborn through vanishing to avatar. XXXIII. 1 Where are the scriptures and the hierographs ? They show but as dim tracings on the wall Of failing consciousness ; unreason laughs, To see the God-prints fading, one and all. The lights, that served for time's historic way, Melt to a vaporous haze in mild decay. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 65 The ego's mind, grasping to things unseen, Projects its own illusion o'er the marge, Reflects its thought upon the magic screen, Then thinks a " spirit-world," its own discharge ; Its natural law but doubled to a scheme Of reflex time, a dream led through a dream. Ego is in the flurry ere it drown, Gasping up bubbles through the watery glare The flame of its intelligence dies down To broken hues of glamour in the air. Ego in fantasy its content yields, As dying Falstaff " babbled of green fields." 4 Ego dies as the fool dies, as the brute ; Having no Word-sense, so it hath 110 care ; . 'Tis dissolution of the dissolute, The snarer dazed in pitfalls of the snare. The spectacle expires to close the play ; The breath of Judgment blows its cloud away. By night the living ethers are astir To lead a languorous, dreamy, easeful swoon, That ego feels in its self-sepulcher, Greeting the flowings for a breathing boon : They touch the lips for sweetness, they exhale As odors of the vintage ere they fail. 5 66 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 6 The goblet of the air, for such libations, Fills with the wine of God, ethereal wine ; But ego, led to doom by delirations, Quaffs it, in heart denying the divine. 'Tis bread in wine, transubstantiated clean, Substance in essence of the Nazarene. So Judgment lifts the urn for sacrament. See how Her cup has grown, the holy grail ; It holds the interstellar floods unspent ; Ethereal seas flow from it to prevail. " Henceforth with you I taste no cup again, Until the Father's kingdom comes to men." XXXIV. 1 The sons of craft, of usury and trade, In the great city hold their splendid feast. 'Tis here my silent solitude is made, A man unnoted, or esteemed the least ; Yet here, while millions toil in sorrows clad, I find the grail, serve as Sir Galahad. 2 The Latin Church is pageant, symbolism, Yet weaves a truth as Hellas did of yore. The fourth dimension shines to touch its prism; Christ, to fill all things, may its worths restore. In hours when first his papacy began, I met kind Leo in the Vatican. CONVERS ATION IN HEAVEN. 67 3 One, as a fellow servant, touched his bosom, That oped a little for such sacred spell ; Then the White Lady from Her rod in blossom Shed incense there, for lo ! he loves Her well ; Loves Her in symbol as celestial queen, Feeling, not knowing, what the symbols mean. 4 Thence in his secret crypt he knelt adoring, Awed as by presence of the Paraclete, And rose, new vigors through his bosom pouring, Serving in thought at the White Lady's feet. The poor, Her poor, he loves them as his own; Loves them in spirit, loves to flesh and bone. 5 He grasps a socialism made divine, Grandly though in a mantle of disguise ; He would undo the pact of Constantine, And shape Christ's church for people's paradise. He would have prelate, king and kaiser all Servants of God, the great to lift the small. 6 He seeks to re-instate the latin mythe, As Julian. to save Olympus fought ; Would raise from dust Democracy, alive As Lazarus, with ma.nly vigor fraught, To serve with Christ at table, at His feet, Feeding the brethren Avhere they sit at meat. 68 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. "Let there be justice done though heaven should fall" : * Let there be judgment won and earth must rise. Judgment, impartial, generous, will disthrall Saints from their fantasy : God's hand supplies The magnet that shall draw from land to land, Till all are knit in one fraternal band. 8 Hold Leo for an object lesson thus, To show the old in turn toward the new. We are "God's heretics"; he kin to us, Beloved of Adonai and the few Whose lips are pressed to the White Lady's vail, Known as the "Brethren of the Holv Grail." XXXV. 1 The interstellar ether rounds in systems Of realms, capacious, exquisite, twain-bne, Held in the Solar Word's divine persistence, The circumsphere orbed on from sun to sun. 'Tis fourth dimensional, outwound, in wound, To shrine the belted planets in its round. One God, one life, one law, one ordered scheme Divinely natural, its all is shown ; Nature of nature, positive, supreme, Infmiverse in universe ; 'tis known As "Theosocia," in godness shrined ; Home of God-Man in universed mankind. CONVERSATION IN k E A v E & . 69 3 The Infinite, in timeless revolution, Is there for times and seasons, orbs and spheres. From inmost outmosted for evolution, In all, through all, the God One-Twain endears, Inspires, illuminates, intones, imparts ; - MAN, motived into all through hearts in hearts. 4 Conceive of this by a simplicity, A truth-point led into the reasoning sense. In fourth dimensioned wisdom rise and see ; Put on a thoughtness from Omniscience ; Exalt the Word-breath till it rules the frame, Then feel the universal by its flame. So, as the Word-ways open in the brain, This realm a fourth dimensioned space is found. If the ways open not, 'tis the profane In ego and its lusts that bars the round. To-day the men of Jupiter and Mars Might touch the sense, but that earth's ill debars. 6 When open earth shall touch the open sky And open sky with open earth achord, The lustful ego in its wrath must die ; As failed the tempest when it met the Lord, And the coiled whirlpools folded to a glee, And thefe was breathful rest on Galilee. 70 C O N V E R S A T I O N I N H E A V E N . XXXVI. 1 Learned ego, " psychic," thinks o'er earth's frontiers, To fancy there a reflex natural law. The "medium" spiritist reveals the "spheres" ; The same old world, blown by a windy flaw, Through death's dim outlet, to a second state ; A "summer land" where pastimes never sate. 2 Tis natured thought, in third dimension yet ; The funeral banquet hashed for birth-time feast ; A spectral show in lavish splendor set, To a perpetual festival released ; The tree of old self-wisdom fruited rife, The coiled snake hissing, "this the tree of life." Ego thinks ether as fluidity ; A superserviceable fund of force ; A fierier flowing of the nature sea, Waiting his summons for the onw r ard course ; To waft his chariots through lucid air ; To glorify the feast and charm him there ; 4 Perchance to lengthen on the span of years ; To renovate for age its dry remains ; Arrest the planet's crisis that anears ; Lead fresh fertility o'er wasted plains ; Enarm the sciences with magic might, And spin the planet in his self-delight. CONVERSATION IX HE A YEN. 5 Ego has reaped the globe ; its barns are full, And now he whets the scythe for larger swing ; Has roused the doom-storm, and its wrath w r ould lull ; For safeties thus the " second sphere " would bring. Ego, like conquering Alexander, sighs New worlds to ravish ; in his dream he dies. 6 I saw a ghost ; he lived for self-applause And in a dream of battles bowed the head. Bound by the dread, inexorable laws, He haunts the plains that reddened for his tread. As the " red specter, " dripping through and through With sanguine stains, he wails o'er Waterloo. He was a psychic too ; a star, " his star," Fixed in imagination, lured him on. Europe was chained to his triumphal car, And the' wild war-fiends crowned Napoleon. There's an astrology that coils in fate ; A star that falls, a mill-stone for its weight, 8 And by its fall it crushes. Howsoe'er The man who serves the star may rule and rise, His feet are fast within the evil snare ; He haunts the wrecks of his dead empirics ; For all the wrong he wrought, the blood he spilt, Flames wreathe, his heart shows but the dagger's hilt. 72 CONVERSATION JN HEAVEN. XXXVII. 1 We who are of the Nazarene creation, Mortals conserved to immortality, Own the Divine in natural operation, So daily quickening as we daily die. We touch men outly by the four-fold feel ; Truth dwells in us, in effort to reveal. 2 Nature's revealment, by its lines, is writ In the three kingdoms that from time began. The Nazarene revealment, subtly fit, Thence re-creates creation into man. Word-man in man, the God Twain-One lifts free ; Brahm in the lotos of the human sea. 3 Judgment, when full, is opening, is emergence. The Word that grew in flesh, the term fulfilled, Lifts, by an infinite proceeding urgence, The twain-one life, where nature pierced and killed. Christ, the God Bridegroom, to the nuptials glides, And all his own arise as bridegroom-brides. 4 See how the symbols open into fact ; How the obscure shines in the God-light clear. Man, scriptured in the Nazareniaii pact, Finds the full re-creation fashioned here. All things are wrought as prophecies foretold ; The Woman's kingdom breasts, mankind to fold. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEfr. 73 Christ leads forth Christa, whom mankind's offense Rejected, held from manifested sight. Folding the Woman's Word from sense to sense, She orbs humanity in Love's delight. Hence avatar ; the Nazarenian reign ; One-twain humanity in God One-Twain. 6 Old scripture grew from fourth, but vailed in third, Vailed in the partial; therefore "known in part." New scripture, flowing in the Bridal Word, Leads the completeness on through heart to heart. Henceforth no possibility of fall ; The heart-united race ; God all in all. See how the Infinite is leading through The finites, touching even to a verse ; Sprinkling, by fervid airs, Life's honey-dew, For resurrection o'er the planet's hearse. Let us abide in hope, in God full strong, Thrilled by glad preludes of the Lord's new song. XXXVIII. 1 The attitude of time is drifting, drifting. Now Peoples in calamity array, While secretly moves on the final sifting. Souls feel the treacherous ooze through nature's play Stupidity encroaches on the sense : Oppressive ego turns on the defense. 74 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEJN. 2 Where, heretofore, we dwelt in worldly angers, Pressing as combatants on hostile spears, To-day we toil grasped in a belt of languors ; Hot were the enmities, now chill the fears. Men, while they crowd each other to the wall, Quiver as forest leaves about to fall. 3 The airs are dense with palpable oppression ; A yellow vapor clouds the jaundiced skin : Life ebbs away in languid, slow repression ; Death too is languid, death and pain and sin. The winding streams of thought and feeling, slow, Wearied and darkling, on to Lethe flow. 4 The /est of vice is palling in the vicious ; Ego, the snake, embeds his coil in slime ; The impiously gay, the meretricious, Feel in self-motion that is losing rhyme. Judgment, exacting to the final coin, Confronts mankind to penetrate the groin. Of old, men thought to sex by upward lift, But now approach it by the downward tread. God-life and sex-life are in fatal rift ; Chasm twixt heaven and nature's procreant bed Here the last profanation of the race ; Here the coiled dragon in Life's holy place. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 75 6 Here 'tis that Judgment touches to unseal. The Awful Woman who is rohed in doom Pierces the sexual sense, the feel of feel, To quench the fever-blaze that fed the tomb. 'Tis here at last that Judgment lifts Her vail. Hail, Helia-Christa ! so shalt Thou prevail. XXXIX. 1 Men strive to ward off doom by devious arts ; To baffle God the Twain-One by a jest ; Blaspheme the gospel of the counterparts ; War by the dragon's naming coil and crest. Sex-falsehood in sex-evil, mightening still, Defies the Judgment, dares the Woman's will. 2 In the dim night I crossed the sex frontiers, Led in the motion of the Nazarene. Ego has champions, ghostly cavaliers, Myriads in one, the common libertine ; Massed to a common purpose, common lust, For war against the Woman's Word they thrust. 3 God-sex or ego-sex, such is the issue ; All causes merge into the final cause. Ego would penetrate the gauzy tissue Of the new flesh : the sexual vortex draws Its myriads to weave a common whirl. Judgment now enters as a Fair Young Girl. 76 CONVERSATION IN it 4 The Protestant denies the Word in sex ; The grim agnostic follows in his train ; The Romanist strews time with marriage wrecks, Taking the nuptial name of God in vain. Creedless meiirapes and zealots of the creed Are one, to serve sex-ego in its need. 5 All sexual crimes are one by last resort, And with all ills to common ends unite. All criminals hive in the common " scort," And by its lust-fire nerve their veiiomed might, Here the dehumanizing powers agree, Chaining mankind in common anarchy. 6 But Judgment enters anarchy. How still, Sweet and yet awful is that Woman Grace ! The chalice that She lifts, no drop to spill, Holds life or lethe, led to all the race. Her feet are on the whirlpool, and the rain Of odors from Her bosom falls amain. XL. 1 Explore Chicago's Exposition grounds. For this the lavish millions were bespent. A pallid ring the multitude surrounds, On spoilage, luxury or learning bent. The vapor-cloud of Judgment, white and thin, Weaves o'er the hair, it gathers on the skin. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 77 The chirping crickets fail before the frost, Whose pallor in the air weaves pestilence ; So the sex-insects, myriads, are crost Through all their pastime by a chilling sense, Which, to the lusts of life within their "hold, Instills the feeling, that the last is told ; 3 That autumn is upon them with its blasts. But that eyes close in glamour, they would spy Shade from the rising World-Soul, that o'ercasts The proud pavilions of their harlotry. Mark there the shadow of the Fateful Hand, Fingers that ply the sex-sense to disband. 4 Thousands on thousands, fairy violins, Lutes, trumpets, drums ! the fairy song-horns blow. Now fairyland is loosed ; the music spins Into a blithe refrain, "home, home we go.'' The breast of the World Mother has set free The Word-seed of the new humanitv. And quiet folk of Mars and Jupiter, From space-ways of the sun's etheric flow, Charmed by the melody to follow Her, Vibrate into the World-Soul, winding so A motion that is populous with lives ; Fairies that swarm as bees to summer hives. 78 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 6 Be not thou by the murmurous motion vexed If it should wind fay-bugles in thine ear. " Motion that breeds to song," so saith the text In Wisdom's book, " bespeaks the Coming near.' 'Tis from the Small in germ great acts proceed ; God's kingdom grows from viewless human seed. The bubble city, with its bubble show, Whirls in a common panic of mistrust. Guests on the golden mendicants bestow, Then turn aside in sorrow or disgust. Sex-lust in lust of coin the bubble bred ; The World-Soul through it hath her shadow led. 8 Advance again, but now to Notre Dame, The proud cathedral lofty o'er the Seine ; See o'er it streaming heaven's broad oriflamme, Starred all with golden lilies : Judgment came, And flung Her ensign free upon the breeze, O'er the gorged city of time's harlotries. 9 Blood spatters the gay boulevards ; through the stone Clear eyes may still glimpse where the Commune bled. Judgment stood silent, but She heard the groan Of the chained People, She drew home their dead. Yet lo! Her dead, all, all whose lives were spent To pave Her pathway, serve the last event. CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. XLI. 1 Men catch at straws to battle with the storm, To shield them from flame-tempest and white rain Their futile schemes for corporate reform Are wattled huts against the hurricane : They brood o'er serpents' eggs, within the bed Of the slain dove, to hatch young snakes instead. 2 i The bankrupt planet swings to liquidation : Let us praise God for penetrative light. Ego has held and ruled the situation, Claiming inversive progress for its right ; Doing its worst, it hastes to coin a worse. The plague-spot festers jn Life's universe. 3 I saw by night a worn old ruin fall, Built by inversive morals long ago. The tremors of the Judgment touch the ball Of Ego's sex-force ; there's a sudden throe Of human earthquake in the quivering soil, As if the world-snake rounded to uncoil. 4 But, moving on, there was a stranger sight ; A lire like blazing oil before me ran ; Fierce winds, that kindled ego to his might, Took fire to penetrate his organcd van. In every spark thereof a fairy drew His bow, to wing a piercing arroAV through. 80 CONVERSATION IN HEAT E N . 5 Woman is ego's point of last objective ; Tis by the ego that the matron breeds. Woman, subservient, is yet protective, Shielding the man-snake, on her life who feeds. Woman, her sense of sense in common rape, Wings the destroyer for the last escape. 6 A fairy sped into my nerve of vision, Naked, rose-crowned, as cupid with his bow : Never did paradise or fields elysian A lovelier image to the sight bestow. His arrow sang true to a blessed aim, A warbling melody its flight became. Judgment begins in littles ; first a point, Small as such fire-point, in the world's huge sphere ; Yet it has power to loosen, joint by joint, Man's bulky frame, till ego disappear. Such Word-motes, arrowing the polar ice, Dissolve time's glacier ; then blooms paradise. XLII. 1 Judgment grows sensible, to touch the sense, For sense of coming throughness, all Her own : Herein is met the dawn of evidence. By hues in hues, to mortals all unknown, Sunrise and sunset through each other burn, With colors from the God-rise in return. C N V E R S A T I O X I N H E A V E N . 81 The permanent invades the transitory, With lusters that from love the tints distrain ; A glory and a glory and a glory, Bride, Bridegroom and the beauteous nuptial train ! When Judgment lifts to God-light on the brow, Aurora coronalis will avow. 3 Sit with me in this cloistered nook awhile. Now listen ; 'tis the Light that in thee sings. There is an archway to this hallowed pile, Fronting full east, named as "the door of kings." 'Tis to receive the magi of the star, Wise men who come to hail the Avatar. 4 In such tremendous confluence of fate, Wings of pure flame, from shoulders and from brow, Lift tremulous ; the body slips from weight. Into the weightless ether ; while the prow Of the first music-breathing argosy Slides into sight from heaven's ethereal si. From weight to weightlessness ! the skylark fails, And the empyrean eagle droops his wings. Judgment, by weightlessness, o'er weight prevails ; This is a gift that full deliverance brings. Her own, who serve the Word's imperial gate, "Run and not weary, walk and never faint." 6 82 CONVERSATION IN HEAVEN. 6 Yet, ere the new born east begins to dapple, The chanting stars shall hail Love's prime reborn ; And blithe fay minstrels, in their bosom chapel, Wake orisons for God -rise in the morn ; Then all the nerves at-one as lyre-strings play, Attuning so for God-time in the day. Soft, soft ! bid Promise fold glad wings in prayer, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done below." Change must avow by weightlessness from care ; The bosom blest by lips from Lilimo'. Weights of the spirit, mind and sense release To final weightlessness: the End is peace.