Received .....
Accessions No. & Book No
Second Edition. In crown 8vo, cloth, price 6s.
P. G. TAIT, M.A., SEC. R.S.E.
The Right of Translation and Reproduction is Reserved,
IN the present edition this Treatise has been carefully
revised and considerably extended : special attention
having been paid to passages where a difficulty had
been found.
For one of the most important additions I am indebted
to M. Amagat, who has very kindly enabled me to avail
myself of some of his splendid but hitherto unpublished
results. These relate to the compression of fluids exposed
to enormous pressures ; and, when published entire, will
form a singularly interesting and practically new branch
of the subject.
To some of the scientific critics of the first edition I
am indebted for suggestions of real value, and I have
endeavoured to profit by them. I must except, however,
those which concern my treatment of the subject of Farce.
I have seen so much mischief done by this quasi-personi-
fication of a mere sense - impression that, even in an
elementary book, I am constrained to protest against it.
(See 15 of the text.) I feel assured that the difficulties
which are now everywhere felt as to the great scientific
question of the day, the nature of what we call electricity,
are in great part due to the way in which our modes of
thinking have been, by early training and subsequent
habit, encouraged to run in this fatal groove.
To some of my other critics, more aggressive because
less scientific, I have been indebted for genuine amuse-
ment. Nothing is, however, without its use in this
world, though it may occasionally be difficult to discover
that use. It would seem, then, that the function of the
unscientific critics of a scientific book is (like that of the
writers of slipshod English) to furnish examiners with
rich material for questions of the well - known kind :
"Point out all the errors in the following passage."
Nothing is more difficult than the attempt to make such
passages : and the results are usually forced and awkward.
From the critics I allude to they come in perfection.
There is one additional remark which I must make.
The majority of the illustrations in this work (whether
given in words or by diagrams) are, when the contrary is
not stated, to the best of my knowledge original. I make
the remark lest I should be supposed to have taken them
from some of the books in which they have been re-
produced without acknowledgment of their source. It is
flattering to have one's work thus appreciated, but the
honour has its little inconveniences.
July 1, 1890,
THE subject of this elementary work still forms in
accordance with tradition from the days of Robison,
Playfair, Leslie, and Forbes the introduction to the
course of Xatural Philosophy in Edinburgh University.
The work is (with the exception of a few isolated
sections) intended for the average student ; who is sup-
posed to have a sound knowledge of ordinary Geometry,
and a moderate acquaintance with the elements of
Algebra and of Trigonometry.
But he is also supposed to have what he can easily
obtain from the simpler parts of the two first chapters of
Thomson and Tait's Elements of Natural Philosophy, or
from Clerk -Maxwell's excellent little treatise on Matter
and Motion a general acquaintance with the funda-
mental principles of Kinematics of a Point and of Kinetics
of a Particle. To have treated these subjects at greater
length than has here been attempted would have rendered
it imperative to omit much of the development of im-
portant parts of preliminary Physics, of which, so far as
I know, there is no modem British text -book. The
work was peremptorily limited to a small volume ; so
that the parts of these auxiliary subjects which have
been admitted are mainly of two kinds: those which
are really introductory to the books just mentioned,
because treating of matters usually deemed too simple
for special notice; and a few which are in a sense
supplementary, because giving valuable results not usually
included in elementary books.
It is my present intention to complete my series of
text-books by similar volumes on Dynamics, Sound, and
Electricity. Should I succeed in bringing out such
works, I shall thenceforth be enabled to introduce
references to one or other, instead of the digressions
which are absolutely necessary in every self-contained
elementary treatise devoted to one special branch of
Physics only.
March 5, 1885.
MATTER V . . . . . 18
MATTER . . '. . . 25
TIME AND SPACE ...... 48
GRAVITATION . - .. . . 113
"ATOM" ...... 305
1. WE start with certain assumptions or AXIOMS, which
are not of an a priori character, but which the observa-
tions and experiments of many generations have forced
upon us :
(1) That the physical universe has an objective ex-
(2) That we become cognisant of it solely by the aid
of our Senses.
(3) That the indications of the Senses are always im-
perfect, and often misleading ; but
(4) That the patient exercise of Reason enables us to
control these indications, and gradually, but
surely, to sift truth from falsehood.
2. If, for a moment, we use the word Thing to denote,
generally, whatever we are constrained to allow has
objective existence : i.e. exists altogether independently
of our senses and of our reason we arrive at the follow-
ing conclusions :
A. In the physical universe there are but two classes
of things, MATTER and ENERGY.
B. TIME and SPACE, though well known to all (in
Newton's words, omnibus notissima), are not things. 1
likewise not things.
D. CONSCIOUSNESS, VOLITION, etc., are not physical.
3. So says modern physical science, and to its gener-
ally received statements we cannot but adhere.
Metaphysicians, of course, who trust entirely to so-
called " light of nature," "have their own views on this,
as on all other subjects; but the number and variety of
these views, some of which are entirely incompatible
with others, form a striking contrast to the general con-
sensus of opinion on the part of those who have at least
tried to deserve to know.
In the words of v. IIelmholtz 3 2 one of the chief living
authorities in science properly so-called :
"The genuine metaphysician, in view of a presumed
necessity of thought, looks down with an air of superiority
on those who labour to investigate the facts. Has it
already been forgotten how much mischief this procedure
1 "Space is . . . regarded as a condition of the possibility of
phenomena, not as a determination produced by them ; it is a
representation d priori which necessarily precedes all external
phenomena : "
" Time is not an empirical concept deduced from any experience,
for neither co-existence nor succession would enter into our per-
ception, if the representation of time were not given d priori."
KAXT, Critique of Pure Reason ; Max Miiller's Translation.
2 " Hier haben wir den achten Metaphysiker. Einer angeblichen
Denknothwendigkeit gegeniiber blickt er hochmiithig auf die,
welche sich um Erforschung der Thatsachen bemiihen, herab. 1st
es schon vergessen, wie viel Unheil dieses Verfahren in den
friiheren Entwicklungsperioden der Naturwissenschaften ange
richtet hat ? " Preface to the German Translation of the second
part of Thomson and TalCs Natural Philosophy.
wrought in the earlier stages of the development of the
sciences ? "
Clerk-Maxwell develops the contrast more elabo-
rately :
"... In every human pursuit there are two courses
one, that which in its lowest form is called the useful, and
has for its ultimate object the extension of knowledge,
the dominion over Nature, and the welfare of mankind.
The objects of the second course are entirely self-con-
tained. Theories are elaborated for theories' sake, diffi-
culties are sought out and treasured as such, and no
argument is to be considered perfect unless it lands the
reasoncr at the point from which he started. . . .
The education of man is so w r ell provided for in the
world around him, and so hopeless in any of the worlds
which he makes for himself, that it becomes of the
utmost importance to distinguish natural truth from
artificial system, the development of a science from the
envelopment of a craft."
Xi-wton, however, had long before expressed essentially
the same ideas. He said :
"To tell us that every species of things is endowed
with an occult specific quality, by which it acts and pro-
duces manifest effects, is to tell us nothing; but to
derive two or three general principles of motion from
phenomena, and afterwards to tell us how the proper-
ties of all corporeal things follow from those manifest
principles, would be a very great step in philosophy,
though the causes of those principles were not yet dis-
covered; and therefore I scruple not to propose the
principles of motion above mentioned, they being of
very general extent, and leave the causes to be found
Midway between Newton's time and our own, another
very great man, Young, spoke as follows of the pernicious
effects of metaphysics in the ancient world :
" None of the departments of human knowledge were
excluded from the pursuits ... of the Grecian sages,
until Socrates introduced, into the Ionian school, a taste
for metaphysical speculations, which excluded almost all
disposition to reason coolly and clearly on natural causes
and effects."
Quotations like these might be multiplied indefinitely.
But we have given enough to justify fully the statements
made in the opening section. These statements must be
our guide in all that follows.
4. A stone, a piece of lead or brass, water, air, the
ether or luminiferous medium, etc., are portions of
Matter; wound-up springs, water-power, wind, waves,
compressed air, hot bodies, electric currents, as w r ell as the
objective phenomena corresponding to our sensations of
sound and light, are examples of Energy associated with
5. All trustworthy experiments, without exception,
have been found to lead to the conviction that matter is
unalterable in quantity by any process at the command
of man.
This is one of the strongest arguments in favour of
the objective existence of matter. It was usefully
employed, at the very end of last century, by Rumford in
his memorable Inquiry concerning the Source of the Heat
excited by Friction. 1
It forms also the indispensable foundation of modern
chemistry, whose main instrument is the balance, used
to determine quantity of matter with great exactness.
1 Phil. Trans., 1798.
AVe may speak of this property, for the sake of future
reference, as the Conservation of Matter. It justifies one-
half of the statement in 2, A.
It is to be remarked here that the statements just
made, being the direct result of experiment, are strictly
applicable to gross matter only. The Ether or lumini-
ferous and electrical medium is certainly matter, in the
sense of having Inertia ( 9), but we have at present no
means of investigating its conservation.
6. So far the reader (if he resemble at all the average
student of our acquaintance) is not likely to feel much
difficulty. His every-day experience must have long
ago impressed on him the conviction of the objectivity
of matter, though perhaps he may not have learned to
express it in such a form of words.
lint it is usually otherwise when he is told that energy
has an objective existence quite as certainly as has matter.
He has been accustomed to the working of water-mills,
let us say, and he cannot but allow that a "head" of
water is something other than the water ; it is something
associated with the water in virtue of its elevation. He
sees and (if he be of an economic turn) he deplores the
terrible waste of water-power which is stupidly permitted
to go on all over the world. He allows that water-power
does exist, but the waste which he laments he looks
upon as its annihilation. Till within the last forty years
or so the vast majority even of scientific men held pre-
cisely the same opinion.
7. The modern doctrine of the Conservation of Energy,
securely based upon the splendid investigations of Joule
and others, completes the justification of our preliminary
statement. Energy, like matter, has been experimentally
proved to be indestructible and uncreatable by man. It
exists, therefore, altogether independently of human
senses and human reason, though it is known to man
solely by their aid.
One of the most curious passages in history is that
which describes the quest of The Perpetual Motion.
This was simply the attempt to discover a continuous
Source of fresh mechanical energy. In 1775 the Academy
of Sciences declined, for the future, to consider any
scheme which professed to furnish work without corre-
sponding and equivalent expenditure. But the race of
Perpetual Motionists is by no means even yet extinct.
The doctrine of the impossibility of the Perpetual Motion
is often valuable in modern physics (see, for instance,
139 below), as it furnishes simple ex absurdo proofs of
important fundamental theorems.
The objectivity of energy is virtually admitted in a
curious way, by its being advertised for sale. Thus in
manufacturing centres, where a mill-owner has a steam-
engine too powerful for his requirements, he issues a
notice to the effect, " Spare Power to let." But, of
course, the common phrase "price of labour" at once
acknowledges the objectivity of work.
8. There is, however, a most important point to be
noticed. Energy is never found except in association
with matter. Hence we might define matter as the
Vehicle or Receptacle of Energy ; and it is already more
than probable that energy will ultimately be found, in
all its varied forms, to depend upon Motion of matter.
This is advanced, for the moment, as a mere introductory
statement, instances of which will be discussed even in
the present work ; but its complete treatment would
require the introduction of branches of physics with
which we have here nothing to do. One great argument
in its favour is, that matter is found to consist of parts
which preserve their identity, while energy is manifested
to us only in the act of transformation, and (though
measurable) cannot be identified. For this is precisely
what we should expect to find if energy depends in-
variably on motion of matter.
9. Beside their common characteristic, conservation,
and in strange contrast to it, we have their characteristic
difference. Matter is simply passive (inert is the scientific
word) ; energy is perpetually undergoing transformation.
The one is, as it were, the body of the physical universe ;
the other its life and activity. All terrestrial phenomena,
from winds and waves to lightning and thunder, eruptions
and earthquakes, are transformations of energy. So are
alike the brief flash of a falling star, and the fiery glow
from the^nighty solar outbursts of incandescent hydrogen^
10. From the strictly scientific point of view, the greater
part of the present work would be said to deal with energy
rather than with matter. In fact, were we to speak of
weight as a property of matter, in the sense that a stone
of itself has weight, or even in the sense that the earth
attracts the stone, we should go directly in the teeth of
Newton's distinct assertion.
For such a statement (because confined to the attract-
ing bodies alone) implies the existence of Action at a
Distance, a very old but most pernicious heresy, of which
much more than traces still exist among certain schools,
even of physicists. (See Newton's words on this subject,
160 below.)
Gravitation, like all other mutual actions between
particles of matter, such as give rise to cohesion,
elasticity, etc., must, with our present knowledge, be
set down to the energy which particles of matter are
found to possess when separated. The intervening
mechanism by which this is to be accounted for has, as
yet, only been guessed at, and none of the guesses have
been successful. Clerk-Maxwell's success in explaining
electric and magnetic attractions by something analogous
to stresses and rotations in the luminiferous ether shows,
however, that we need not despair of being able to
explain the ultimate mechanism of gravitation.
But there is great convenience in separating, as far
as possible, the treatment of Mass, "Weight, Cohesion,
Elasticity, Viscosity, etc., which we range under the
general title, Properties of Matter, from that of Heat,
Light, Electric Energy, etc., which can all in great
measure be studied without express reference to any
one special kind of matter though, of course, as forms
of energ}^, they exist only ( 8 above) in association with
matter. Along with these forms of energy must of
course be treated the allied properties of matter, such
as specific heat, refractive index, conductivity, etc. Such,
therefore, are foreign to the present work. And it must
be remarked that, even in popular language, we invariably
speak of the hardness of a body, its rigidity, its elasticity,
as belonging to it in much the same sense as does its
density or its atomic weight and certainly in a much
more intimate sense than does its temperature or its
electric potential.
It is, therefore, on the two grounds of custom and
convenience that we use the term Properties of Matter as
the title of this work. The error involved is not by any
means so monstrous as that which all agree to perpetuate
by the use of the term Centrifugal Force.
11. The word Force must often, were it only for
brevity's sake, be used in the present work. As it does
not denote either matter or energy, it is not a term for
anything objective ( 2, A). The idea it is meant to
cxpivss is suggested to us by the "muscular sense," just
as the ideas of brightness, noise, smell, or pain are sug-
gested by other senses : though they do not correspond
directly to anything which exists outside us.
It is exceedingly difficult to realize fully the fact that
noise is a mere subjective impression, even when reason
has convinced us that outside the drum of the ear there
is nothing to correspond to it except a periodic com-
pression and dilatation of the air.
Still more difficult is it to realize that outside us all is
dark; and that the objective cause of even the most
gorgeous of optical phenomena is an excessively rapid
quivering motion of the ethereal jelly which extends
through all space.
"We need not, therefore, be surprised at the tenacity
with which the great majority, even of scientific men,
still cling to the notion of force as something objective.
But if it were objective, what an absolutely astounding
difficulty would have to be faced by one who tries to
explain the nature of hydrostatic pressure ; and who
finds that by the touch of a finger on a little piston
he can produce a pressure of a pound weight on every
square inch of the surface of a vessel, however large, if
full of water, and the same amount on every square inch
of surface of every object immersed in it, even if that
object consisted of hundreds of square miles of sheets
of tinfoil far enough apart to let the water penetrate
between them.
"When we communicate energy to a body, as in push-
ing or drawing a carriage, the impression produced upon
our muscular sense does not correspond to the energy
communicated per second, but to the energy communi-
cated per inch of the motion. For experiment has proved
that what appears to our muscular sense as a definite
tension (in a cord, let us say) is associated with the
communication of energy, to any mass of matter what-
ever, in direct proportion to the (linear) space through
which it is exerted, altogether independently of the speed
with which the mass may be already moving in the
direction of the tension ; so that in equal times energy
is communicated in direct proportion to that speed.
When there is no motion, no energy is communicated ;
and this would certainly not be the case if communica-
tion of energy corresponded to the time during which the
tension was said to act.
12. The muscular sense is far more deceptive than
any other, except, perhaps, that of touch. Conjurors,
ventriloquists, perfumers, and cooks make their liveli-
hood by practising on the imperfections of our senses
of sight, hearing, smell, and taste respectively. But he
who has tried the simple experiment of rolling a pea on
the table between his first and second fingers, after
crossing one over the other, will at once recognise the
extreme deceitfulness of the sense of touch. And the
muscular sense well deserves a place beside it. So, as
we know that there is but one pea, though the sense of
touch vividly impresses us with the notion that there
are two, we must be very wary when the muscular
sense plainly gives us the notion of force as an objective
1 3. Many of the terms which are now used in a strictly
scientific sense had a humbler origin, having been devised
entirely for the popular expression of common ideas. The
term Work is a specially illustrative one. Thus, in a draw-
well, the work done in bringing water to the surface would
be reckoned at first in terms of the quantity of water
raised : two raisings of a full bucket lifting twice as
much water as one. But then it was found that, for the
same quantity of water raised, the work depended on
the depth of the well : doubled depth corresponding to
doubled work. Again, if the bucket were filled with sand
instead of water, more work was required, in proportion
as sand is heavier than water. All these statements were
soon found to be comprehended in the simple form :
the work done is directly proportional to the weight
raised and also to the height through which it is raised.
Here the indications of the muscular sense stepped in,
and work came to have a general meaning, viz. the
product of the so-called force exerted, into the distance
through which it is exerted.
Had they not possessed the muscular sense, men might
perhaps have been longer than they have been in recognis-
ing the important thing potential energy ; but when they
had come to recognise it, they would have stated that
when water is raised it gains potential energy in pro-
portion as it is raised, and perhaps they might have
found it convenient to use a single term for the rate at
which such energy is gained per foot of ascent. This
would probably not have been the word " Force," but it
would have expressed precisely what the word force now
Then they would have recognised that when energy is
transmitted by a driving-belt, the amount transmitted is
(celeris parilms) directly proportional to the space through
which the belt has run. They might have invented a
name for the rate of transmission per foot -run of the
belt ; they might even have called it the tension of the
belt; but, anyhow, it would be precisely what is now
called force.
Let us look at the matter from another point of view.
14. A stone, if let fall, gradually gains kinetic energy,
or energy of motion, and experiment shows that the
energy gained is directly proportional to the vertical space
fallen through. Hence we have come to say that the
stone is acted upon by a force (its weight, as we call it)
whose amount is practically the same at all moderate
distances from the earth's surface.
But, so far as we know the question scientifically, we
can say no more than that the stone has potential energy
(just as water in a mill-pond has head) in proportion to
its elevation above the earth's surface ; and consequently,
by the conservation of energy, it must acquire energy of
motion in proportion to the space through which it
descends. Why it has potential energy when it is raised,
and why that potential energy takes the first opportunity
of transforming itself into kinetic energy : thus requiring
that the stone shall fall unless it be supported : are
questions to be approached later. (Chap. VII.)
15. That the statement above is complete, without the
introduction of the notion of force, is seen from the fact
that a knowledge of the kinetic energy acquired, after a
given amount of descent, enables us to determine fully
the nature of the resulting motion even when the stone is
projected, obliquely or vertically, not merely allowed to
fall. The question is easily reduced to one of mathe-
matics, or rather of Kinematics, and as such the non-
mathematical student must, for the present, simply accept
the statement as true.
And thus we have another of the many distinct and
independent proofs that Force is a mere phantom sugges-
tion of our muscular sense ; though there can be no doubt
that, in the present stage of development of science, the
use of the term enables us greatly to condense our
But it is a matter for serious consideration whether we
do not connive at a species of mystification by thus
employing, in the treatment of objective phenomena, a
term for a mere sensation, corresponding to nothing
objective : even although it be employed solely to shorten
our statements or our demonstrations.
Every one knows that matter (e.g. corn, gold, diamonds)
has its price ; so (as we saw in 7) has energy. We are
not aware of any case in which force has been offered for
gale. To " have its price " is not conclusive of objectivity,
for we know that Titles, Family Secrets, and even Degrees,
are occasionally sold ; but " not to have its price " is at
least all but conclusive against objectivity.
16. These introductory remarks have been brought
in with the view of warning the reader that we are
dealing with a subject so imperfectly known that at almost
any part of it we may pass, by a single step as it were,
from what is acquired certainty to what is still subject
for mere conjecture.
An exact or adequate conception of matter itself,
could we obtain it, would almost certainly be something
extremely unlike any conception of it which our senses
and our reason will ever enable us to form. Our object,
therefore, in what follows, is mainly to state experimental
facts, and to draw from them such conclusions as seem to
be least unwarrantable.
17. But, for the classification of the properties of
matter, whether our classification be a good one or not,
it is necessary that we should have a definition of matter,
From what was said in last section it is obvious that
no definition we can give is likely to be adequate. All
that we can attempt, then, is to select a definition which
(while not obviously erroneous) shall serve as at least a
temporary basis for the classification we adopt.
18. Numberless definitions of matter have been pro-
posed. 1 Here are a few of the more important :
(a) That which possesses Inertia ( 9).
(ft) The Receptacle or Vehicle of Energy ( 8).
(y) Whatever exerts or can be acted on by Force.
(8) Whatever can be perceived by our senses, especi-
ally the sense of Touch. This is closely akin
to the well-known definition of matter as a
Permanent Possibility of Sensation.
(c) Whatever can occupy space.
() Whatever, in virture of its motion, possesses Energy.
(77) Whatever, to set it in motion, requires the ex-
penditure of Work.
(0) [Torricelli, Lezioni Accademiche, 1715, p. 25.] La
materia altro non e, che un vaso di Circe incan-
tato, il quale serve per ricettacolo della forza, e de'
moment! dell' impeto. La forza poi, e gP impeti,
sono astratti tanto sottili, son quintessenze tanto
spiritose, che in altre ampolle non si posson
racchiudere, fuor che nell' intima corpulenza de'
solidi naturali.
(c) [The Yortex Hypothesis of Sir W. Thomson.] The
rotating parts of an inert perfect fluid; whose
motion is absolutely continuous, which fills all
space, but which is, when not rotating, absolutely
unperceived by our senses.
1 A remarkable collection of such (now historical) speculations,
due to Professor Flint, is given in Appendix I.
19. The mutual incompatibility of certain pairs of
these definitions shows that some of them, at least, must
be of the so-called metaphysical species ( 3).
(a), (/?), (), (77), above, have much in common, and,
with further knowledge, may perhaps be found to differ
in expression merely. At present, from want of informa-
tion, we cannot be certain that any two of them are
precisely equivalent.
Berkeley virtually asserted that all motion is produced
by the direct action of spirits on matter. Even then, the
statement (/?) that matter is the receptacle or vehicle of
energy holds good (but how then does energy exist in
the spirit 1).
But the statement that matter is whatever can exert
force (y) is to be rejected ; though it was virtually intro-
duced by Cotes in his Preface to the second edition of
the Principia.
(8) must be rejected, if only because there is another
tiling besides matter (in the physical universe) which we
know of, and of course only through our senses ( 1).
But this is not all the error ; for we get the notion of
force through our muscular sense ( 11), and force is not
matter, not even a thing.
Torricelli's language is poetical, and therefore his
statement (&) must not be taken too literally. In his
time, as in all subsequent time till within the last
quarter of a century, energy and force were very rarely
distinguished from one another. Even now they are too
often confounded.
(t), the most recent of these speculations, has the
curious peculiarity of making matter, as we can perceive
it, depend upon the existence of a particular kind of
motion of a medium which, under many of the defini-
tions above, would be entitled to claim the name of
matter, even when it is not set in rotation.
20. But as we do not know, and are probably incapable
of discovering, what matter is, we must content ourselves
for the present with a definition which, while not at
least obviously incorrect, shall for the time serve as a
working hypothesis.
We therefore choose (e) above, i.e. we define, for the
moment, as follows :
Matter is whatever can occupy space.
Experience has proved that it is from this side that the
average student can most easily approach the subject, i.e,
here, as it were, the contour lines of the ascent ( 80) are
most widely separated.
21. But this definition involves three distinct pro-
perties : (1) the Volume, (2) the Form or Figure, of
the space occupied ; and (3) the nature or quality of the
Hence the older classical works on our subject almost
invariably speak of matter as possessing (1) Extension,
(2) Form, and (3) Impenetrability. It is mainly for the
sake of the first of these, and the preliminary discussions
which it necessarily introduces, that we have chosen the
above definition as our starting-point.
22. Before we take these up in detail, however, it may
be useful to devote a short chapter to a digression on
some of the more notable of the hypotheses which have
been propounded as to the ultimate structure of matter.
We advisedly use the word structure instead of nature,
for it must be repeated, till it is fully accepted, that the
discovery of the ultimate nature of matter is probably
beyond the range of human intelligence.
Another chapter, of a very miscellaneous character, will
follow, devoted to the examination of some of the terms
popularly applied to pieces of matter, and a rapid glance
at the physical truths which underlie them. This is
introduced to give the reader, at the very outset of his
work, a general idea of its nature and extent.
23. THE hard Atom, glorified in the grand poem of
Lucretius, but originally conceived of, some 2400 years ago,
by the Greek philosophers Demokritus and Leukippus,
survives (as at least an unrefuted, though a very improb-
able, hypothesis) to this day. Newton made use of the
hypothesis of finite, hard, atoms to explain why the speed
of sound in air was found to be considerably greater than
that given by his calculations ; which were accurate in
themselves, but founded on erroneous or, rather, incom-
plete data. But in this problem Laplace found the vera
causa, and in consequence Newton's apparent support of
the hypothesis of hard atoms is no longer available.
Many of the postulates of this theory are with
difficulty reconciled with our present knowledge ; some
have been contemptuously dismissed as "inconceivable."
But any one who argues on these lines becomes, ipso
facto, one of the so-called metaphysicians.
Let us briefly consider the main statements of this
theory, but without regard to the order in which
Lucretius gives them.
24. Nature works by invisible things; thus paving-
stones and ploughshares are gradually worn down without
the loss of any visible particles.
Reproduction [i.e. agglomeration of scattered particles
so as to produce visible bodies] is slower than decay
[i.e. the breaking up of bodies into invisible particles], and
therefore there must be a limit to breakage, else the
breaking of infinite past ages would have prevented any
reproduction within finite time. Hence there exists a
least in things [i.e. unbreakable parts or Atoms, " strong
in solid singleness "].
But there is also void in things, else they would be
jammed together, and unable to move. Here Lucretius
takes the case of a fish moving in water, showing that
void is necessary in order that it may be able to move.
[Our modern knowledge of circulation, i.e. the motion of
fluids in re-entrant paths, shows that this reasoning is
There can be no third thing besides body and void.
For nothing but body can touch and be touched; and
what cannot be touched is void. [Here we have the germ
of the erroneous definition of matter (8) in 18 above.]
The atoms are infinite in number, and the void in
which they move [space] is unlimited.
They have different shapes ; but the number of shapes
is finite, and there is an infinite number of atoms of each
Nothing whose nature is apparent to sensfc consists of
one kind of atoms only.
The atoms move through void at a greater speed than
does sunlight.
Besides this, there is a great deal of curious speculation
as to how a vertical downpour of atoms [supposed to be
a result of their weight] is, in some arbitrary way, made
consistent with their meeting one another and agglome-
rating into visible masses of matter.
The basis of the whole of Lucretius' reasoning in
favour of the existence of atoms lies in the gratuitous
assumption that reproduction is slower than decay. This
is by no means consistent with our modern knowledge,
for potential energy of different masses [whether gravita-
tional or chemical] is constantly tending to the agglomera-
tion of parts, and on a far grander scale than that in
which any known cause tends to decay or breaking up.
But if there be hard atoms, they must (in all known
bodies) have intervals between them; for compressi-
bility : i.e. capability of having the component atoms
brought more closely together : is a characteristic of all
known bodies. [Contrast this mode of arriving at the
conclusion that "there must be void in things," with the
erroneous mode employed by Lucretius.]
25. A refinement of this theory, mainly due to
Boscovich, gets rid of the material atom altogether,
substituting for it a mere mathematical point, towards
or from which certain forces tend. It is supported by
the assertion that we know matter only by the effects
which it produces (or seems to produce), and therefore
that, if these effects can be otherwise explained, we need
not assume the existence of substance or body at all.
This theory was, at least in part, accepted by so great an
experimenter and reasoner as Faraday. It virtually
substitutes force for matter as an objective thing ( 2),
and it essentially involves the heresy of distance-action
( 10). But the fatal objection to which it is exposed is
that it does not seem capable of explaining inertia, which
is certainly a distinctive (perhaps the most distinctive)
property of matter.
This theory must be regarded as a mere mathematical
fiction, very similar to that which (in the hands of
Poisson and Gauss) contributed so much to the theory
of statical Electricity; though, of course, it could in no
way aid inquiry as to wliat electricity is.
26. A much more plausible theory is that matter is
continuous (i.e. not made up of particles situated at a
distance from one another) and compressible, but in-
tensely heterogeneous ; like a plum-pudding, for instance,
or a mass of brick-work. The finite heterogeneousness
of the most homogeneous bodies, such as water, mercury,
or lead, is proved by many quite independent trains of
argument based on experimental facts. If such a con-
stitution of matter be assumed, it has been shown l that
gravitation alone would suffice to explain at least the
greater part of the phenomena which (for want of know-
ledge) we at present ascribe to the so-called Molecular
Forces. But it does not seem to be compatible with
experimental facts; especially some of the simpler
phenomena presented by gases. ( 55, 322.)
27. The most recent attempt at a theory of the
structure of matter, the hypothesis of Vortex Atoms, is
of a perfectly unique, self-contained character. Its postu-
lates are few and simple, but the working out of anything
beyond their immediate consequences is a task to tax to
the utmost the powers of the greatest mathematicians for
generations to come. A vortex filament, in a perfect
fluid, is a true " atom ; " but it is not hard like those of
Lucretius; it cannot be cut, but that is because it
necessarily wriggles away from the knife.
The idea that motion is, in some sort, the basis of
what we call matter is an old one ; but no distinct con-
1 W. Thomson, Proc. R.S.E., 1862.
ceptions on the subject were possible until v. Helmholtz,
in 1858, made a grand contribution to hydrokinetics in
the shape of his theory of vortex motion. 1 He proved,
among other entirely novel propositions, that the rotating
portions of a continuous incompressible fluid, in which
there is neither viscosity nor finite slipping, maintain
their identity : being thus for ever definitely differenti-
ated from the non-rotating parts. He also showed that
these rotating portions are necessarily arranged in con-
tinuous, endless filaments : forming closed curves, which
may be knotted or linked in any way : unless they
extend to the bounding surface of the fluid, in which
alone they can have ends. Thus, to give ends to a
closed vortex filament (i.e. to cut it), we must separate
the fluid mass itself, of which it is a portion : so that
on Thomson's theory we must (virtually) sever space
Such vortex filaments (though necessarily of an im-
perfect character) are produced when air is forced to
escape from a box, through a circular hole in one side,
by sharply pushing in the opposite side. If the air in
the box be filled with smoke, or with sal-ammoniac
crystals, the escaping vortex ring is visible to the eye ;
and the collisions of two vortex rings, which rebound
from one another, and vibrate in consequence of the
shock, as if they had been made of solid india-rubber,
are easily exhibited. Experimental results of this kind
led Sir W. Thomson 2 to propound the theory that matter,
such as we perceive it, is merely the rotating parts of a
fluid which fills all space. This fluid, whatever it be,
must have inertia : that is one of the indispensable
1 Crelle, 1858. Translated (by Tait) in Phil. Mag., 1867.
2 Proc. R.S.E., 1867.
postulates of v. Helmholtz's investigation ; and the great
primary objection to Thomson's theory is, that it explains
matter only by the help of something else which, though
it is not what we call matter, must possess what we
consider to be one of the most distinctive properties of
28. But this theory is still in its infancy, and we can-
not as yet tell whether it will pass with credit the severe
ordeal which lies before it, when the properties of vortices
(which must be discovered by mathematical investigation)
shall be compared, one by one, with the experimentally
ascertained properties of matter. As we have already
said, this theory is self-contained ; no new hypotheses
can be introduced into it ; so that it possesses, as it were,
no adaptability, or capability of being modified, but must
fall before the very first demonstrated insufficiency, or
contradiction, if such should ever be discovered.
29. But the really extraordinary fact, already known in
this part of our subject, is the apparently perfect similarity
and equality of any two particles of the same kind of gas,
probably of each individual species of matter when it is
reduced to the state of vapour. Of such parts, therefore,
whether they be further divisible or not, each species of
solid or liquid must be looked on as built up. This
similarity of parts, very small indeed but still of essenti-
ally finite magnitude, has been so well treated by Clerk-
Maxwell that, instead of insisting upon it here, we give a
considerable extract from one of his remarkable articles
in Appendix II. below.
30. The further treatment of the subject of structure,
involving the question of how the component parts (be
they atoms or not) of bodies are put together, must be
deferred to the end of the work. What has been said
above must be looked on as a mere preliminary sketch,
not intended even to be fully understood until the
experimental data, on which all our reasoning must be
based, are brought before the reader as completely as our
limits permit.
31. BEFORE we proceed to a more rigorous treatment of
our subject, it may be well to consider what physical truth
underlies each of some of the many adjectives in common
use as applied to portions of matter, such as Massive,
Heavy, Plastic, Ductile, Viscous, Elastic, Rigid, Opaque,
Blue, Coherent, etc.
This course secures a twofold gain, so far as the
beginner is concerned, for, first, he is introduced by it, in
a familiar way, to some of the more important terms
which are indispensable in scientific description ; and
second, he obtains a glance here and there through the
whole subject of Natural Philosophy, because the pro-
gramme before us is so vague as to leave room for
innumerable digressions, each introducing some novel but
important fact or property. But we must endeavour to
be brief, for whole volumes would have to be written
before this subject could be nearly exhausted.
32. Every one who has used his senses to any purpose
knows, before he comes to the study of our science, a
great many of its phenomena, among them some of the
yet unexplained. But he knows, as it were, each by
itself, and only in its more prominent features; the
analysis of the appearances or impressions which he has
seen and experienced, and the explanation of the physi-
cal fact or process which underlies each of them, are
absolutely necessary before he can understand the mode
in which they must be grouped, and the reasons for such
33. Thus he knows that the moon keeps company with
the earth, never receding nor approaching by more than a
small fraction of the average distance. He also knows
that the earth keeps, within narrow limits, at a definite
distance from the sun. He has a general notion, at least,
that the state of matters on the earth would become
serious, as regards both animal and vegetable life, if we
were to approach to even half our present distance from
the sun, or recede to double that distance. But he would
require to be a Newton if, without instruction, he could
divine that these results are due to the very cause which
keeps the bob of a conical pendulum moving in a horizontal
He sees ripples running along on the surface of a pool,
but requires to be told that their motion depends upon
the cause which rounds the drops of water on a cabbage-
blade, or in a shower, and which renders it almost
impossible to keep a water-surface clean.
He sees what he calls a flash of lightning, but he
requires to be told that what he sees is mainly particles
of air heated so as to be self-luminous.
He looks at the stars and thinks he sees them as they
are, but he requires to be informed that he sees even the
nearest of them only as it was three years ago, and that it
may have changed entirely in the interval.
And he will certainly require to be informed, even
with patient iteration, that air is made up of separate and
independent particles : the number of which in a single
cubic inch is expressed by twenty-one places of figures, a
multitude altogether beyond human conception : a busy
jostling crowd, each member of which darts about in all
directions, impinging on its neighbours some eight thou-
sand million times per second.
But when he has got so far, and has been told that
this astounding information is as nothing to what we
feel convinced that science can yet reveal, he cannot help
marvelling alike at the arcana of physics, and at the
patient efforts of genius which have already penetrated so
far into the darkness shrouding its mysteries.
34. Take the terms Massive and Heavy as applied to a
piece of matter, or the corresponding substantives, the
Mass and the Weight of a body.
The terms are usually regarded as synonymous, but in
their origin they are completely distinct. The one is a
property of the body itself, and is retained by it without
increase or diminution wherever in the universe the body
may be situated. The other depends for its very exist-
ence on the presence of a second body, and diminishes
more rapidly than the distance between the two increases.
The destructive effects of a cannon-ball are due entirely
to its mass and to the relative speed with which it im-
pinges on the target, and would be exactly the same (for
the same relative speed) in regions so far from the earth,
or other attracting body, that the ball had practically no
weight at all.
When an engine starts a train on a level railway, or
when a man projects a curling-stone along smooth ice,
the resistance which either prime mover has to overcome
is due to the mass of the body to be moved. Its weight,
except indirectly through friction, has nothing to do with
it. So when we open a large iron gate properly sup-
ported on hinges, it is the mass with which we have to
deal ; if it were lying on the ground and we tried to lift
it, we should have to deal simultaneously with its weight
and with its mass.
The exact proportionality of the weights of bodies to
their masses, at any one place on the earth's surface, was
proved experimentally by Newton, and is thus no mere
truism, but an essential part of the great law of gravitation.
Thus a pound of matter is a definite amount, or mass,
of matter, unchangeable whithersoever that matter may be
carried. But the weight of a pound of matter, or a
"pound-weight," as it is commonly called, is a variable
quantity, depending upon the position of the body with
respect to the earth ; and changes (to an easily measurable
amount) as we carry the body to different latitudes, even
without leaving the earth's surface.
35. The common use of the balance as a means of
measuring out equal quantities of matter is justified by
Newton's result ; but the process is essentially an indirect
one, for the balance tells only of equality of weight. If
the earth were hollow at the core, the balance would cease
to act in the cavity. Bodies would preserve their masses
there, but would be deprived of weight.
To sum up for the present, the mass of a body is
estimated by its inertia, and is taken as the measure of
the amount of matter in the body ; while the weight is
an accidental property, connected with the presence of
another mass of matter. But it is a most remarkable
fact that under the same given external conditions the
weight depends upon the quantity only, and not on the
quality, of the matter in a body.
If a body, A, becomes heavy in consequence of the
presence of another body, B, so in like wise does B become
heavy in consequence of A's presence. And the weights
of the two, each as produced by the attraction of the
other, are exactly equal. Hence, if they be free to
move, the quantities of motion (i.e. the momenta) pro-
duced in a given time are equal and opposite. [Newton's
Lex iii. 128.] But as the momentum is the product of
the mass and the velocity, the parts of the velocities of
the two bodies, due to their mutual gravitation alone,
will be in amount inversely as their masses. Thus,
though the weight of the whole earth, produced by the
attraction of a stone, is exactly equal to that of the stone
produced by the attraction of the earth, the consequent
rate of fall of the earth towards the stone is less than
that of the stone towards the earth in the same ratio that
the mass of the stone is less than that of the earth, and
is therefore usually so small as to escape observation.
The moon, however, is a stone whose mass is not exces-
sively smaller than that of the earth, and the consequences
of the earth's fall towards the moon have to be taken
account of in astronomy.
36. To properties such as mass, which depends on the
size as well as on the material of a body, and weight
which, in addition, depends on a second body, there
correspond what are called specific properties, characteristic
of the substance and independent of the dimensions of the
particular specimen examined.
Thus the mass of a cubic foot of any kind of matter
may be called its specific mass. But this quantity, i.e.
the amount of matter in unit bulk, is usually expressed
by the term Density.
The weight of a cubic foot of each particular kind of
matter in any locality may be called the specific weight.
But as this varies, though in the same proportion for all
bodies, from place to place, we use instead of it the ratio
of the weight of a cubic foot of the substance to that of
a cubic foot of some standard substance. This is called
the Specific Gravity. Pure water, at the temperature
called 4 C. (its maximum-density point), is usually taken
as the standard substance.
Newton's experimental result shows that the density
and the specific gravity of any substance are proportional
to one another, so that if the density of water at 4 C.
be taken as unit-density, a table of specific gravities is
identical with a table of densities. But we must repeat,
the coincidence is an experimental fact, not as yet at
least in any sense a truism.
Specific gravity is, in general, much more easily
measured with accuracy than is density, so that it is
usually the property to be directly determined, the other
simply following from it in consequence of Newton's
37. To vary the subject widely, let us now consider
the term Viscous as applied to fluids. The contrasted
adjective is usually taken as Mobile.
When a liquid partially fills a vessel, and has come to
rest, it assumes a horizontal upper surface. If the vessel
be tilted, and held for a time in its new position, the
liquid will again ultimately settle into a definite position,
with its surface again horizontal. Practically it occupies
the same bulk in each of these positions. Hence the only
change it has suffered is a change of form.
But this change of form is much more rapidly attained
in some liquids than in others, even when they are of
nearly the same density. Some (such as sulphuric ether)
attain their equilibrium position so quickly that they
retain energy enough to oscillate about it for some time
before coming to rest ; others (such as treacle) attain it
only after a long time and, unless in great masses and
when violently disturbed, do not oscillate but gradually
creep to their final shape. Hence we call treacle viscous.
To analyse this result, let us consider (in a very ele-
mentary case, for the general analysis of the process
requires higher mathematical methods than we can
employ in a work like this) what is involved in Sliear :
i.e. change of form of a body without change of bulk.
38. When water flows, without eddies, slowly in a
rectangular channel of uniform width and depth, we
know, by observation of particles suspended in it, that
the upper parts flow faster than the lower, and (practically)
in such a way that a column of the water, originally
straight and vertical, inclines, as a whole, forwards more
and more in the direction of its motion. Hence in a
vertical section, along the middle of the channel, the
particles originally forming the line ab in the figure will,
after the lapse of a certain time, be found approximately
in the line a'b'. Similarly those which were originally in
1 1 1
/ /-*
/ /
/ /
b d, V d'
Fio. 1.
cd parallel to ab, will be found in c'd\ parallel to a'b', and
so situated that a'c' = ac, and of course also I'd' = bd. The
figures at?, a'd', are thus parallelograms on equal bases
and between the same parallels, and therefore equal in
area. This shows that the water enclosed between
vertical cross sections through ab and cd has the same
volume as that between inclined sections (perpendicular
to the sides) passing through a'b' and cd'. There has
thus been change of form only in this mass of water, and
we see that it has been produced by the sliding of every
horizontal layer of the water over that immediately
beneath it. [The same result follows even if a'b' be not
straight, for c'd' will necessarily be equal and similar to
it.] A good illustration of the nature of this kind of
distortion will be seen in the leaves of an opened book,
especially a thick one, such as the London Directory. It
is often well exhibited by piles of copies of a pamphlet,
or of quires of note-paper curiously arranged in a shop-
window. Now when there is resistance to sliding of one
solid on another we call it Friction. Thus the viscosity
of a fluid is due to its internal friction, just as the slower
motion at the bottom than at the top of the channel is
to be ascribed to the friction of the liquid against the
39. We now see wliy it is that disturbances of liquids
gradually die away : why the waves on a lake, or even
on an ocean, last so short a time after the storm which
produced them has ceased. Also why winds (for there
is friction in gaseous fluids as well as in liquids, though
the mechanical explanation of its origin may not be quite
the same) gradually die out. In either case the energy
apparently lost is, as in the case of friction of solids,
merely transformed into heat. "We also see why it is
that winds have the power of raising water-waves.
The stirring of water, or oil, and the measurement
of the consequent rise of temperature when the whole
had come to rest, the work done in stirring being also
determined, was one of the processes by which Joule
found, with great accuracy, the dynamical equivalent of
40. It is very instructive to watch the ascent of an
air-bubble in glycerine, and to compare it with that of
an equal bubble in water. The experiment is easily
tried with long cylindrical bottles, nearly full of different
liquids, but having a small quantity of air under the
stopper. When the bottle is inverted the bubble has to
traverse the whole column.
The (apparent) suspension in water of mud, and ex-
ceedingly fine sand (to whose presence the exquisite
colours of the sea and of Alpine lakes are mainly due) is
merely another example of viscosity. So is the suspen-
sion of fine dust, and of cloud particles, in the air.
Stokes l calculates that a droplet of water, a thousandth
of an inch in diameter, cannot fall in still air at a much
greater rate than an inch and a half per second. If it be
of one-tenth of that size it will fall a hundred times
slower, i.e. not more than one inch per minute ! This
result, viz. that the resistance in such cases varies as the
diameter, and not as the sectional area of the drop, is
very remarkable. (See 316.)
41. Bodies are called Elastic or Non-elastic. Compare,
for instance, the properties of a wire of steel with those
of a lead wire ; or of a piece of india-rubber and a piece
of clay or putty. But the popular use of these terms is
generally very inaccurate. The blame rests mainly with
the ordinary text-books of science, which are (as a rule)
1 On the Effect of the internal Friction of Fluids on the Motion
of Pendulums. Camb. Phil. Trans, ix. (1851), eq n - (127).
singularly at fault with regard to the whole of this
special subject, including even its most elementary parts.
Elasticity, in the correct use of the term, implies that
property of a body in virtue of which it recovers, or tends
to recover, from a deformation.
The phrase " tends to recover " is scarcely scientific ;
we should preferably say " requires the continued applica-
tion of deforming stress ( 128) to prevent recovery,
entire or partial, from deformation."
Kinematics shows us that any deformation, however
complex, is made up of mere changes of bulk and of form.
A distortion may therefore be wholly Compression, or
wholly Shear ( 37), or made up of these in any way.
Hence there are two distinct kinds of Elasticity, viz.
Elasticity of Bulk and Elasticity of Form. The former
is possessed in perfection by all fluids, while the second
is wholly absent. In solids both are present, but neither
in perfection.
Thus we see that, as a necessary preliminary to in-
vestigations on elasticity of bodies, we must study their
capabilities of being distorted: a whole series of pro-
perties, such as compressibility, extensibility, rigidity, etc.
This investigation is given in Chap. VIII., and its
applications in Chaps. IX., X., XI. below.
42. In popular language, bodies are said to be White,
Black, Blue, Red, etc. The investigation of the under-
lying scientific facts, on which these depend, is partly
physical (and therefore within our scope), but also partly
physiological. The subject is thus a somewhat complex
What do we mean by White Light ? This is a question
much more physiological than physical; dealing, as it
does, with phenomena which are subjective rather than
objective. Probably the true answer to it depends upon
circumstances, or conditions, which may be varied in-
definitely, and with them, will, of course, vary what is
described in terms of them.
Thus, in a room lit by gas, a piece of ordinary writing-
paper, or of chalk, appears white : at least if we have
been in the room for some little time. But if, beside it,
there be another piece of the same paper or chalk on
which, through a chink, a ray of sunlight is allowed to
fall (weakened, if necessary, so as to make the two appear
of nearly the same brightness), we at once call the first
piece of paper or chalk yellow, allowing the second to be
white. Here we enter on a purely physiological question.
In fact, if we accustom ourselves, for a sufficiently long
time, to the observation of bodies in a room lit up only
by burning sodium (which gives almost homogeneous
orange light), we may ultimately come to regard bright
bodies such as chalk, etc., as being white : others, of
course, being merely of different shades, or degrees of
blackness. This, therefore, is foreign to our present
subject. For all that, it furnishes us with the means of
answering an important question somewhat different from
that proposed above, but now a physical question : viz.
What do we mean by a white body ?
43. Suppose two sources to exist in the room, giving
different kinds of homogeneous light; one being incan-
descent sodium as before, the other incandescent lithium,
which (at moderate temperatures) gives a homogeneous red
light. Chalk and ordinary writing-paper will still appear
as white bodies to an eye which has become accustomed
to the light in the room ; other bodies appear darker, but
some are reddish, some of an orange tint.
And thus we obtain the idea that what we call a white
body is one which sends to the eye, in nearly the same
proportion as it receives them, the various constituents
of the light which falls upon it; while a black body
sends none ; and coloured bodies send back light which,
while (in general) necessarily made up of the same con-
stituents as the incident light, contains them in different
proportions to those in which they fell upon it. [It
would only confuse the student were we here to refer to
44. Thus white light would seem to be a mere relative
term. It is conceivable that the inhabitants of worlds
whose sun is a blue star, or a red star (and there are
many notable examples of such stars), may have their
peculiar ideas of white light, formed from their own
circumstances ; as ours is formed from the light of our
own sun, which is what, in contrast with these, we must
call a yellow star.
However this may be, the discussion above has shown
what is meant by a white body. A blue body is, by
similar reasoning, one which returns blue rays in greater
proportion than it does those of other visible light. It
is therefore said to absorb the other rays in greater pro-
portion than it absorbs the blue rays.
Now we are in a position to understand why blue and
yellow pigments, mixed together, give green : while a
disc, painted with alternate sectors of the same blue and
yellow, appears of a purplish colour when made to rotate
rapidly. For the light given out by the rotating disc is
a mixture, in the proportion of the angles of the sectors, of
the kinds of light returned by the blue and yellow separ-
ately. But that which the mixed pigments send back
has in great part penetrated far enough into the mass to
run, as it were, the gauntlet of absorption by each of the
separate components in turn, and therefore is finally mado
up of those rays alone which are not freely absorbed by
To this discussion we need only add, in illustration of
the conservation of energy, that a body is always found
to be heated in proportion to the amount of light-energy
which it absorbs.
45. Shifting our ground again, we next take the words
Malleable, Ductile, Plastic, and Friable, as applied to
solid bodies.
All of these refer specially to the behaviour of solids
under the action of forces which tend to change their
form; for the change of volume of solids, even under
very great pressures, is usually very small. The first
three indicate that the body preserves its continuity while
yielding to such forces, the fourth that it breaks into
smaller parts rather than change its form. And, in
popular use at least, the terms imply in addition that
the body is not sensibly elastic.
46. The most perfect example of a malleable body is
metallic gold. The gold leaf employed for "gilding," as
it is called, is prepared by a somewhat tedious process,
which requires a high degree of skill in the workman.
The gold is first rolled into sheets thinner than the thin-
nest writing-paper (thus already showing a high amount of
plasticity) ; next it is beaten out between leaves of vellum,
till its surface is increased, and therefore its thickness
diminished, some twenty-fold. A small portion of this
fine leaf is then placed between two pieces of gold-
beater's skin ; and a more skilful workman, with a lighter
hammer, again extends its surface twenty-fold. This
operation can be repeated without tearing the thin film of
metal, so great is its tenacity.
Here we have one dimension (thickness) diminished
in a marked manner, but the product of the other two
dimensions (the surface of the leaf) is of course pro-
portionally increased.
47. The action of the hammer may be practically
viewed as equivalent to that of an intense pressure exerted
through a very small volume, thus at every stroke apply-
ing a finite amount of energy. One portion of this is
changed into heat in the hammer, the anvil, and the
gold leaf ; the rest is employed in doing work against the
molecular forces of the gold, and thus altering its form.
To show that this is the true explanation of the
observed effect, we may vary the experiment by subject-
ing a leaden bullet to the action of a hydrostatic press.
A few strokes of the pump suffice to bruise the bullet
into a mere cake. The process is essentially the same as
that of gold-beating, but lead is by no means so malleable
as gold.
48. This leads us, in our present discursive treatment
of parts of our subject, to inquire how it is, that by
means of such a machine as the Bramah press, a man
can apply pressure sufficient to mould a piece of lead,
whose shape he could scarcely alter to a perceptible
amount by the direct pressure of the hand.
Here we have a first inkling of the Function of a
Machine. A machine is merely a contrivance by which
we can apply work in the way most suitable for the
purpose we have in hand. Work (as a form of energy)
is a real thing, whose amount is conserved. But we
have seen that it can be measured as the product of
two factors the (so-called) force exerted, and the space
through which it is exerted. Hence, because even when
a machine is perfect it can give out only the energy
communicated to it, if there be but one movable part
to which energy is supplied and another by which it is
given off, the simultaneous linear motions of these two
parts must be in the inverse ratio of the forces applied to
them, or exerted by them, in the direction of these
motions respectively. Thus we are not concerned with
the interior structure, or mode of action, of a perfect
machine : all we need to know is the necessary relation
of the speed* of the two parts or places at which energy
is taken in and given out. This is a matter of kinematics,
and can be made the subject of direct measurement when
the machine is caused to move, whether it be transmitting
work or not.
The statement just made is embodied in the vernacular
What is gained in power is lost in speed.
Objections may freely be taken to this form of words,
but it is meant to imply precisely what was said above
as to the action of a perfect machine.
If the machine be imperfect, as, for instance, if there
be frictional heating during its working, the heat so
produced represents some of the energy given to the
machine, and the remainder of it is alone efficient.
49. A substance is said to be ductile when it can be
drawn into very fine wires i.e. when it admits of great
exaggeration of one of its three dimensions (length) at
the expense of the product of the other two (cross
section). Wire - drawing is, essentially, a very coarse
operation, for it has to be effected by finite stages, the
wire being drawn in succession through a number of
holes in a hard steel plate, in which each hole is a little
smaller in diameter than the \ receding one. The more
nearly continuous the operation is made, the more tedious
and therefore the more costly it becomes.
The associated tenacity and plasticity of silver render
it one of the most ductile of metals. And an ingenious
idea of Wollaston's enables us, as it were, to impart to
other metals much of the ductility of silver. His idea
may be briefly explained by analogy as follows. Suppose
a glass rod, whose core is coloured, be drawn out while
softened by heating, the diameter of the core is found to
be reduced in the same proportion as is that of the rod.
Thus, to obtain platinum wires much finer than could be
procured by direct drawing, "Wollaston suggested the
boring of a hole in the axis of a cylindrical rod of silver,
plugging the hole with a platinum wire which just fitted
it, and then drawing into fine wire the compound
cylinder. When this operation has been carried to its
limit, practically determined by the ductility of the
silver, the diameter of the platinum has been reduced
nearly in the same proportion as that of the silver ; and
the silver may be at once removed from the fine platinum
core by plunging the whole in an acid which freely
attacks silver but has no effect on platinum.
50. Plasticity is shown, on the large scale, by many
substances which, in hand specimens, appear fragile in
the extreme. Glacier-ice is one of these, but its behaviour
is so closely connected with its thermal properties that
we can only mention it here.
The whole earth, though its rock-structure appears so
rigid, has been found to be more plastic (under the tidal
attraction of the moon) than a globe of glass of the same
size would have been.
But it is specially under the action of small but
persistent forces that bodies, which are usually regarded
as brittle or friable, show themselves to bo really plastic.
A good example of this is given by an experiment due
to Sir W. Thomson. Cobbler's wax is usually regarded
as a very brittle body ; yet if a thick cake of it be laid
upon a few corks, and have a few bullets placed on its
upper surface (the whole being kept in a great mass of
water to prevent any but small changes of temperature),
after a few months the corks will be found to have forced
their way upwards to the top of the cake, while the
bullets will have penetrated to the bottom.
51. For variety, let us next take the terms Trans-
parent, Translucent, and Opaque.
These refer, of course, to the behaviour of a substance
with regard to the passage of light through it. In
common speech, a pane of ordinary window -glass is
called transparent, while a piece of corrugated or of
ground glass is translucent : the latter transmits rays,
no doubt, but with their courses so altered that they are
no longer capable of producing distinct vision of the
source from which they come. Consistency would require
that the term translucent should also be applied to
irregularly-heated air, or to a mixture of water and strong
brine before diffusion has rendered it uniform throughout.
Translucent is hardly a scientific word, unless we
choose to limit its application to heterogeneous bodies.
In science we speak of the degree of transparency of a
homogeneous substance ; as, for instance, water more or
less coloured, and employed in greater or less thickness.
In such cases, besides the inevitable surface-reflection,
there is more or loss absorption ; and the percentage of
any definite kind of incident light which unit thickness
of the substance transmits is called its transparency for
that kind of light.
Opacity may arise from either of the two causes just
mentioned. Light may enter a body, and be unable to
proceed farther, as is the case with lamp black. Or it
may fall on a highly polished surface, such as thinly
silvered glass, and be in great part reflected without
In the former case it is said to be absorbed ; and, when
this happens, the absorbing body is raised in temperature.
The incident energy is converted from the light form into
that of heat.
In the latter case part only can enter the body ; and, if
it meet in succession other reflecting surfaces in sufficient
number, practically the whole of it may be reflected.
This is the case with a heap of pounded glass, a cloud,
a mass of snow, or of froth or foam. All of these
materials are transparent, but they reflect some of the
incident light ; and, in consequence of the multiplicity
of surfaces which the light has to encounter, the greater
part of it is reflected before it has penetrated deeply into
the mass. Hence the whiteness and brightness of snow
and clouds in full sunshine.
52. We have here an excellent opportunity of calling
the student's attention to the distinction: a very pro-
found one : between Heat and Temperature.
For we have seen that energy, in the form of light,
when absorbed, becomes heat in the absorbing body, and
thus raises its temperature. But if the same quantity of
heat had been given to a body, of the same nature but
of twice the mass, the rise of temperature would have
been only half as great. The very form of words here
used shows at once how different are the meanings of
the words temperature and heat. For the quantity of
heat (so much energy, a real thing) is perfectly definite,
but the effect it produces on the temperature (a mere
state) depends on the quantity and quality of the mass
to which it is communicated.
Heat is therefore a thing, something objective ; tem-
perature is a mere CONDITION of the body, with which
the heat is temporarily associated; a condition which
in certain cases determines the physical state of the body
itself, and in all cases determines its readiness to part
with heat to surrounding bodies or to receive it from
Heat may, in this connection, but only for illustration,
be compared with the air compressed into the receiver of
an air-gun ; temperature would then be analogous to the
pressure of that air. Neither of two receivers would
(except by diffusion, with which we are not at present
concerned) give air to the other, when a pipe is opened
between them, if the pressure were the same in both ;
but air would certainly flow from the receiver in which
the pressure is greater to the other ; and this, altogether
independently of the relative capacities of the two receivers,
or the consequent amounts of their contents.
53. As another example, take the terms Cohesive, In-
coherent, Repulsive.
A lump of sandstone has considerable tenacity, which,
of course, is to be ascribed to those molecular forces of
which we spoke in 26. But when, in virtue of its
friability, it has been pounded down into sand, it becomes
an incoherent powder. And we know that it must at
some time previously have been in this form, for it often
contains fossil plants or fish, and it may even have pre-
served (perhaps for a million or more of years) records of
surface-disturbance in the form of dents made by rain or
hail, or by the feet of birds or reptiles.
The graphite, or plumbago, which forms the material
for the finest drawing-pencils, is a somewhat rare and
valuable mineral. In cutting it up into "leads," however
carefully, a considerable portion is reduced to powder
i.e. sawdust. But if this powder be exposed, in mass, to
pressure sufficient to bring its particles once more within
the extremely short mutual distance at which the molecular
forces are sensible, these forces again come into play, and
the powder becomes a solid mass, which can in turn
be sawn into "leads" for a somewhat inferior class of
The whole of this part of the subject, especially as
regards liquids, will be fully treated later, so that we need
not further consider it here.
54. But let us contrast, with the behaviour of the
particles of a solid or a liquid, that of the particles of a
gas or vapour. Such substances require to be subjected
to external pressure in order to prevent their particles
from being widely scattered. When a small quantity of
air is allowed to enter an exhausted receiver it dilates so
as to occupy with practical uniformity the whole interior
of the receiver, however large that may be.
This result was, naturally enough, at first ascribed to
a species of repulsion between the various particles ; but
the notion was found to be an erroneous one. For the
effects of a true repulsion, capable of producing the
practically infinite dilatation already spoken of, could not
all be consistent with the corresponding observed results.
The mode of departure from them depends upon the law
according to which the repulsion may be supposed to vary
with the distance between two particles. Some assumed
laws would give as a consequence that the particles would
all be driven to the sides of the vessel, leaving the interior
void. Others would require that the pressure should
change in value if we were to take half the gas and con-
fine it in a vessel of half the content. Others would
make it different at different parts of the surface unless
the vessel were truly spherical, etc. etc.
The true explanation of the phenomenon becomes
obvious to us when we apply heat to the gas. For it
then appears that the pressure requisite to maintain the
whole at a constant volume increases as the temperature
is raised ; and thus that heat is, in some way, the cause
of the pressure.
55. Hence we are led to what is called the Kinetic
Theory of gases, whose fundamental assumption is that
the particles dart about in all directions (with an average
speed which is greater the higher the temperature),
impinging on one another, and also upon the sides of the
containing vessel. This continued series of very small
but very numerous impacts (each, by itself, absolutely
escaping observation) is perceived by our senses as the
so-called " pressure " exerted by the gas. Experiment
shows that, when a gas is confined in a vessel of definite
size, the changes of its pressure- are nearly proportioned
to the changes of temperature, as measured by a mercury
thermometer, whether these changes be in the direction
of a rise or a fall. If we assume, for a moment, that
this statement is true for all ranges of temperature, even
beyond those attainable in experiment, it leads us to the
very important question : At what temperature does the
pressure of a gas vanish ?
Calculations carried out in the above way showed that,
under the assumption just mentioned, all gases cease to
exert pressure at one comnon temperature (about - 273
C.) Thermodynamical theory comes to our assistance
and shows that the above guess is not far from the truth :
that a body, cooled to- 274 C., cannot be cooled any
farther ; that it then is, in fact, totally deprived of heat.
We might, therefore, fancy that a gas, if it could be
brought to this temperature, would be reduced to a mere
layer of incoherent dust or powder, deposited by gravity
on the lower surface of the containing vessel. But
experiment has shown that gaseous particles, even while
in motion, if only close enough together, exert mutual
molecular forces, so that the result (on the gas) of the
conditions above specified would probably be its assuming
a liquid or even a solid form.
56. We speak of bodies as Hard and Soft. These are
barely scientific terms ; because, unless they are strictly
defined, they may bear a great variety of meanings.
Thus, for instance, we have the mineralogist's Scale of
Hardness , which is often of great practical value in field-
work. For there are numerous instances in which two
quite different minerals (sometimes a very valuable and a
very common one) are almost undistinguishable from one
another so far as colour, density, and crystalline form are
concerned. Chemical tests (even the comparatively coarse
blowpipe tests), though they would settle a question of
this kind at once, are not readily applied in the field.
Hence the use of the scale of hardness, in which minerals
are so arranged that every one can scratch the surface of
any other which is lower in the scale. By carrying a set
of twelve small specimens only of selected minerals, the
finder of a doubtful crystal can readily determine its rank
among them as regards scratching; and can thus often
settle in a moment what would otherwise require some
time, even with the facilities of a laboratory.
In such a scale diamond, of course, stands at the top,
while native copper, one of the toughest of substances, is
fur below it.
But if we were to test relative hardness by some other
method, say by blows of a hammer, we should be led to
arrange our specimens in a very different order. The
scale above spoken of is, therefore, by no means a
scientific one; though, as we have seen, it may often
give easily some useful information.
57. WE begin with an extract from Kant, who, as mathe-
matician and physicist, has a claim on the attention of
the physical student of a very different order from that
possessed by the mere metaphysicians.
" Time and space are two sources of knowledge, from
which various ct, priori synthetical cognitions can be
derived. Of this pure mathematics give a splendid
example in the case of our cognitions of space and its
various relations. As they are both pure forms of
sensuous intuition, they render synthetical propositions &
priori possible. But these sources of knowledge a priori
(being conditions of our sensibility only) fix their own
limits, in that they can refer to objects only in so far as
they are considered as phenomena, but cannot represent
things as they are by themselves. This is the only field
in which they are valid ; beyond it they admit of no
objective application. This peculiar reality of space and
time, however, leaves the truthfulness of our experience
quite untouched, because we are equally sure of it,
whether these forms are inherent in things by themselves,
or by necessity in our intuition of them only. Those,
on the contrary, who maintain the absolute reality of
space and time, whether as subsisting or only as inherent,
must come into conflict with the principles of experience
itself. For if they admit space and time as subsisting
(which is generally the view of mathematical students of
nature), they have to admit two eternal infinite and self-
subsisting nonentities (space and time), which exist with-
out their being anything real only in order to comprehend
all that is real. If they take the second view (held by
some metaphysical students of nature), and look upon
space and time as relations of phenomena, simultaneous
or successive, abstracted from experience, though repre-
sented confusedly in their abstracted form, they are
obliged to deny to mathematical propositions A priori
their validity with regard to real things (for instance in
space), or at all events their apodictic certainty, which
cannot take place & posteriori, while the A priori concep-
tions of space and time are, according to their opinions,
creatures of our imagination only." 1
On matters like these it is vain to attempt to dogma-
tise. Every reader must endeavour to use his reason, as
he best can, for the separation of the truth from the
metaphysics in the above characteristic passage.
58. "We must now take up, as indicated in 21, the
property Extension, which is one of those expressly in-
cluded in our provisional definition of matter.
It implies that all matter has volume, or bulk. The
thinnest gold leaf has finite thickness, the finest wire has
a finite cross section.
In popular language this is recognised by the use of
the associated terms length, breadth, and thickness.
In other words, the term extension recognises the
essentially Tridimensional character of space.
1 Critique of Pure Reason. Max Miiller's Translation.
"Why space should have three dimensions, and not
more nor less, is a question altogether beyond the range
of human reason. Only those who fancy that they know
what space is, would venture (at least after well con-
sidering the meaning of their words) to frame such a
59. The proof that our space has essentially three
dimensions is given in its most conclusive form by the
statement, based entirely upon experience, that
To assign the relative position of two points in
space, three numbers (of which one at least must be a
multiple of the unit of length) are necessary, and are
It is an easy matter for us, accustomed to tridimen-
sional space, to imagine one or more of its dimensions
to be suppressed. In fact so-called Plane Geometry is
the geometry of one particular kind of two-dimensional
space ; Spherical Trigonometry that of another. We
cannot well speak of the geometry of space of one,
or of no dimensions; but the idea we should thus
attempt to express is a correct one, though the term is
When, however, we try to conceive space of four or
more dimensions, we are attempting to deal with some-
thing of which we have not had experience ; and thus,
though we may by analogy extend our analytical and
other processes to an imagined space, in which the
relative position of two points depends on more than
three numerical data, we can form no precise idea of how
the additional dimensions would present themselves to
our senses or to our reason.
A few remarks on this subject will be made at the
end of the chapter.
GO. Space of no dimensions is a geometrical point, of
which nothing further can be said.
61. Space of one dimension : let us call that dimen-
sion Length : is a mere geometrical line which may bo
curved or straight. But to be sure of the existence of
this characteristic, and to understand its true nature, we
must have cognisance of space of two dimensions if it be
a plane curve, of three if it be tortuous. The study of
all the properties of space of one dimension, though an
excessively simple affair, is of very great intrinsic import-
ance, besides being a necessary step towards that of the
higher orders. We will, therefore, treat it so fully that a
far less amount of detail will be necessary when we come
to two and to three dimensions.
62. Every one, whether he be aware of the fact or not,
is acquainted by experience with at least the elements of
this subject. Suppose, for instance, we take as our one-
dimensioned space any one of the roads or railways lead-
ing from Edinburgh to London ; which we will, for the
moment, suppose to be straight, and to run due south.
The mile-stones, set up at equal distances along the road,
mark the positions of various points in terms of the one
dimension, length, which is alone involved, or, rather, to
which for the present we restrict our consideration. And
a Gazetteer or a Eailicay Guide gives us the positions of
the towns or stations along the road or line : the position
of each being fully described by a single number, under-
stood as a multiplier of a mile or of some other specified
unit of length, and with a qualification which will
presently be introduced.
But these numbers refer to the distance from some
assumed starting-point, or Origin as it is technically
called ; say, in this case, London. Thus we find in an
old Eoad Guide, for the particular one-dimensioned space
called the East Coast Route, a column of data from which
we extract the following :
London .........
York 196
Berwick 337
Edinburgh 395
Fractions of miles are omitted, to avoid mere arithmetical
From this table, by ordinary subtraction, we form a
list, as below, of the lengths of what we may call the
various stages of the route. Thus
London to York 196
York to Berwick 141
Berwick to Edinburgh 58
It will be seen that, in this list, the origin from which
each number is measured is the first named of the two
corresponding places, and the number itself is found by
subtracting, in the first list, the number corresponding
to the first of the two places from that corresponding to
the second.
63. Now let us at once take the only step which
presents any difficulty. Choose York as our origin, and
boldly apply the rule just given, no matter what the
consequences may be. The result is
London . . . . . . . . . - 196
Berwick 141
Edinburgh 199
Here there is no difficulty whatever in understanding the
numbers for Berwick and for Edinburgh. They are, as
before, the numbers of miles by which Berwick and
Edinburgh are separated from York. Also the number
for London, when York is the origin, differs from that
for York, when London is the origin, only by change of
So that we at once recognise the meaning of the
negative sign as applied to a length in our one-dimen-
sional space : it measures the length in the opposite
direction to that in which a positive length is
The necessity for this convention, and its extreme
usefulness, were early recognised in Cartesian geometry,
but they had long before been applied in common arith-
metic as well as in algebra.
Perhaps the simplest view we can take of the subject
is that afforded by a man's " balance " at the bank. So
long as this is on the right side (i.e. positive) he can draw
any less amount and still be on the credit side; if ho
overdraws (i.e. takes more out of the bank than his
balance), the difference is negative, and he is to that
amount indebted to the bank.
64. In the first of the three little tables above, all the
places involved lay to the north of the origin (London),
and were all therefore affected by the same sign (which
we happened to take as + ). When York was taken as
origin, Berwick and Edinburgh were to the north, and
their numerical quantities were still +. But London,
being to the south, had a - number.
It would be easy to give multiplied examples of this,
but they are unnecessary. The only additional com-
ments which we need make are these :
(1.) When the northward direction along a line was
called +, the southward necessarily became -. Simi-
larly had we chosen southward as + , northward would
have become .
(2.) We chose for our special example a northward-
running line, hut we might equally well have chosen an
eastward one, etc. Hence pairs such as lS r . and S., E.
and W., up and down, etc., must he regarded as having
their members contrasted exactly as are the 4- and of
Algebra or of Analytical Geometry.
And, just as a displacement in either direction along a
line may be regarded as +, while a displacement in
the opposite direction must then be regarded as - , so it
is with rates of motion, i.e. Speeds, in space of one
Thus the relative speed of two trains running north-
ward, A at GO miles an hour, B at 40, is 20 miles an
hour northward as regards A seen from B, and 20 south-
ward as regards B seen from A; so if A be moving
southward, at 60 miles an hour, and B northward at
40, the speed of A with regard to B is 100 miles per
hour southward, and of B with regard to A 100 miles per
hour northward.
The idea of speed, as so many units of linear space
described per unit of time, is a complex one : involving
both of the fundamental ideas. We express this by
saying that its Dimensions are
This implies that, in whatever proportion we increase
our unit of length, the measure of a speed is diminished
in that proportion : while it is increased in the same
proportion as that in which the unit of time is
Thus. a speed of 5280 feet per second is but 1 mile
per second ; while a speed of 1 foot per second is 60
feet per minute.
65. A precisely similar distinction (as to + and - ) is
observed when our one-dimensional space is a curved
line; take for example the orbit of a planet. To
describe fully the position of the planet, when the orbit
is given, one number alone (say the angle-vector , the
angle which the radius-vector, or line joining the centres
of planet and sun, makes with some fixed line in the
plane of the orbit) is required. This, however, must
again be qualified as + or . (In the case of angles, we
agree to call them + when they are measured in the
opposite direction to that of the motion of the hands of a
watch ; that is, when they are described in the same
sense as that in which the northern regions of the earth
turn about the polar axis.) Angular velocity in one plane
(i.e. rate at which the radius-vector turns) is similarly
In all cases where motion is restricted to one line the
same thing holds. Thus the position of a pendulum is
at every instant completely assigned by the angle the
rod makes with the vertical, provided we are also told on
which side the displacement is.
The record kept by a self-acting tide-gauge gives at
any instant the elevation or depression (again + and - )
of the water above or below the mean level. Similarly
with registering barometers, thermometers, etc. But,
for the full appreciation of the indications of these
records, they are usually made in two dimensions by the
use of an important principle which will presently be
explained. ( 68.)
66. In what precedes we have been dealing with a
kind of space in which the only displacements are
forward or backward ; nothing is possible (nor even con-
ceivable) sideways or upwards.
This characteristic applies to Time, as well as to space
of one dimension, and therefore we should expect to
find, as we do find, that (with the necessary change of
a word or two) all that has just been said with reference
to relative position is true of events in time, as well as
of points in one-dimensional space. There is 110 such
thing as motion or displacement in time, so that this part
of the analogy is wanting. Every event has its definite
epoch, for ever unalterable. And of course there is no
going sideways or upwards, as it were, out of the one-
dimensional course of time.
Thus we find that to assign definitely the position of
an event in time, provided our origin is assigned, all
we need know is a single number (a multiplier of the
time-unit) with its sign, + or - , signifying time after or
time before that origin.
Our usually adopted origin is the Christian era, and
we speak of 1890 A.D. as the present year, while the date
of the battle of Marathon is recorded as 490 B.C. The
difference between the characteristics A.D. and B.C. is
of precisely the same nature as that between north and
south, or + and .
Hence, if we wish to find the interval between the
present time and the battle of Marathon, we have to
subtract + 1890 (the position of the new origin) from
- 490. The result is - 2380, i.e. Marathon was fought
2380 years ago. Thus to change the origin, or epoch,
we must perform precisely the same operation as that
which gave us the table in 63, from the first table in
62. Similarly, to change our system of chronology to
the year of the world (designated by A.M.) or to the old
Roman (marked A.U.C.), all we need do is to subtract
from each date (A.D. or B.C., regarded as -f and - respect-
ively) the assumed date of the creation of the world
(4004 B.C.) or of the foundation of the city of Rome
(753 B.C.).
"We need say no more on such a matter. Every intel-
ligent reader can make new and varied examples for
67. Passing next to space of two dimensions, whether
plane or spherical, we see at once from a map, or a globe,
that the position of a place is given by two numbers, its
Latitude and Longitude. But each of these has to be
qualified for definiteness by the + or sign, or something
equivalent. Thus we have N. or S. latitude, and E. or
W. longitude.
But there are two methods, specially applicable to the
plane, which deserve closer attention in view not only
of their intrinsic usefulness, but also of their bearing
on the general question of tridimensional space. These
are known in geometry as Rectangular and Polar co-
68. In the first we assume two reference lines at right
angles to one another, both passing through the origin,
and assign the position of a point by giving its distances
from these two lines. These distances are looked on as
drawn towards the point from either line, and each there-
fore changes sign when the point is taken on the other
side of the corresponding reference line. This is symbol-
ised in the cut. Ox, Cty are the two reference lines, the
origin. The perpendiculars PM, PX, let fall from P on
these lines, completely, and without ambiguity, define its
position. For if we know OM or NP, the x of P, i.e. its
distance from O//, that condition alone limits our choice for
P to points lying in PM, a line drawn parallel to Oy and
everywhere at the assigned distance, x, from it. Similarly,
Fro. 2.
y being given as ON or MP, the choice of points is limited
to those on the line NP, all of which have this property.
But two lines at right angles to each other must inter-
sect, and in one point only. Thus the point P is deter-
mined by the conditions without ambiguity.
If P lie to the left of O?/, its x is negative ; if below
Ox, its y is negative. The lettering in the cut, at the ends
of the lines bounding the four quadrants, shows at a glance
the signs of x and y when P is situated in any one of them.
In general, any given relation, between the x and y of
a point, limits its position to a definite Curve in the plane
of the reference lines. It is often very convenient to
represent such a relation by a curve ; and, in fact, most
self-registering instruments actually trace such a curve
for us. Thus, if intervals of time (as OM) measured
from a definite instant (represented by 0) be laid off
along Ox, with the corresponding heights of the thermo-
meter, barometer, tide, etc., erected as perpendiculars
(MP) at their extremities, we have (as the Locus of P) a
curve showing the mode in which temperature, pressure
of the atmosphere, etc., change as time goes on. But
such curves can be traced by a pencil attached to the
instrument, or by photographic processes, on a long band
of paper which is drawn horizontally past it, at a uniform
rate, by clockwork.
69. In the second method mentioned in 67 the data
are the length of OP (the radius-vector), and the magni-
tude of < MOP (the angle-vector), 65. These are usually
denoted by r and 0, respectively. Here r is always
taken as a positive (or rather a signless) quantity, while
is positive if it be measured round from Ox counter-clockwise.
This is the method adopted by a surveyor when, with
a chain and a theodolite, he measures a field. His
reference line, Ox, is usually given by a magnetic needle
attached to the theodolite. He measures the angle arOP
and the distance OP, P being a corner (let us say) of the
field. These two data, determined for each prominent
part of the boundary, enable him to plot the field ; and
therefore contain all the necessary numerical data for
calculating its area, etc.
It is also the method usually employed in dealing with
orbital motion of any kind in one plane.
Comparing the two methods, we see that the directed
line OP may be resolved (as it is called) into OM and
MP, lines in directions perpendicular to one another.
Also that this resolution, in any direction, is effected by
means of the cosine of the angle involved.
For x - OM = OP cos arOP = r cos &,
y - MP = OP cos yO P = r sin 6.
It is clear that, though we have hitherto spoken of
and P as the simultaneous positions of two points, we
may look on them as successive positions of one (moving)
point. If we look on the displacement as having been
produced uniformly, and in one second, it represents in
magnitude and direction the Velocity of the moving
point ; and OM, MP represent, on the same scale, its
resolved parts or components, parallel to Ox and Qy.
70. As examples, we give one or two results which
will be specially useful to us in later chapters.
If a point be moving, in any manner whatever, we may
consider its velocity alone, independent altogether of the
actual path pursued. Here we are introduced to a new
idea, that of Acceleration. For, as velocity is rate of
change of position, acceleration is rate of change of
Take any fixed point, 0, and let OP represent, in
magnitude and direction, the velocity of the moving
point. After one unit of
time let the velocity be
represented by OP X ; after
two units, by OP 2 ; and
so on. It is clear that all
the points P, P v P 2 , etc.,
lie on some definite curve,
Fia - 3> which will be the more
accurately traced the greater the number of points we
obtain in any assigned portion of it ; i.e. the smaller we
assume our unit of time. If the motion whose properties
are thus studied be that of a particle of matter, this
curve (which is called the Hodograpli) is necessarily
continuous, for the velocity cannot alter by starts ( 120)
either in magnitude or in direction. And, as OP passes
to a proximate position, OQ, by having a velocity PQ
compounded with it, the Acceleration of OP is the
velocity with which P moves in its curve. If the path
be a plane curve, the hodograph is also plane.
This construction enables us at once to solve a number
of elementary problems in kinematics, which will be of
great use to us in the sequel.
In 64 above, we showed that the dimensions of speed
(V) are
In precisely the same way we see that those of accelera-
tion (A) are
. .....
Thus the numerical measure of acceleration is diminished
in proportion as the unit of linear space is increased :
but is increased in the duplicate ratio of that of the time
An acceleration of 1 foot per second, per second, is
obviously the same as 3600 feet per minute, per minute.
71. Suppose a point to move uniformly, with speed V,
in a circle of radius R. OP in the hodograph (Fig. 3)
has constant length V, and its direction rotates uniformly.
Hence the hodograph is another circle, also uniformly
described in the same sense (i.e. clockwise or counter-
clockwise), and in the same period of time. Hence the
speed of P must be such that it describes a circle of
radius V, in the time that a point whose speed is V takes
to go round a circle of radius R. It must, therefore, be
V 2 /R. Also the direction of this speed is perpendicular
to OP, and therefore along the radius of the first circle.
And its direction is towards the centre of that circle,
because both circles are described clockwise, or counter-
Let, now, the figure repre-
sent the circle of radius R,
and draw any diameter, ACA'.
Then N" moves round with
speed V, and the acceleration of
its motion is V 2 /R along NC.
Remembering that accelerations
and velocities are resolved like
FlG<4 ' lines, we see that if JS T M be
drawn perpendicular to AA', the speed of the point M
alon MC will be
and its acceleration along MC, and towards C, will be
V 2 CM V*
CN = R 2 M '
The motion of M, thus defined, is called Simple Har-
monic. It obviously consists in a vibration back and
forward along the line AA', the speed being greatest at
C, and vanishing at A and A'. The special characteristic
is that the acceleration is always directed towards C, and
is proportional to the displacement of M from that point.
72. If we use Newton's Fluxional Notation, in which
the rate at which a quantity increases per unit of time
is expressed by putting a dot over the symbol for that
quantity, a second dot placed over it will signify the rate
at which that rate increases, and so on.
Thus, if CM above be denoted by z, the speed of M is
x, and its acceleration is x. And we see at once from the
result of last section that
.. _ V 2
X ~ X
the negative sign being prefixed because while x is
directed to the right in the figure, the acceleration is
directed to the left, and conversely. Whenever, in
future chapters, we meet with a relation of this kind, we
will, therefore, interpret it as expressing simple harmonic
motion. The multiplier of the right-hand side depends
only on the ratio of V to R : what is called ( 65) the
angular velocity of the radius-vector CN. If we denote
this by o>, the equation may be written
a?= - tfx;
and this belongs to all simple harmonic motions, whatever
be their range of vibration, provided the angular velocity
in the corresponding uniform circular motion be o>, or the
period of a complete revolution 27r/w. Any such motion
is fully described by
x = a cos. (at -j- a),
where a and a are absolutely arbitrary.
73. The result above was obtained by projecting
uniform circular motion on a diameter of the circle, or,
what comes to the same thing, on a plane perpendicular
to the plane of the circle.
But an exceedingly interesting result is obtained by
projecting the circular motion on any other plane. In
orthogonal projection equal areas are projected into equal
areas, and a circle is projected into an ellipse whose centre
is the projection of the centre of the circle.
Hence the projection gives motion in an ellipse, the
radius- vector drawn from the centre of the ellipse tracing
out equal areas in equal times, and the acceleration being
still directed inwards along the radius-vector, and still
bearing the same proportion to it.
74. Another extremely useful result may be obtained
by supposing the uniform angular velocity in the circle
to be maintained, but with a continual shrinking of the
radius at a rate measured (per second) by K times its
length at each instant.
The velocity of the moving point is thus made up of
two components, one along the circle, the other along the
radius, each proportional to the radius. Hence the path
is a spiral which makes a constant angle with the radius,
what is called the Equiangular, or Logarithmic, Spiral.
The radius-vector still revolves uniformly. 1
Let PR be the spiral, SP any radius. Then, if PT be
FIG. 5.
the velocity of P, and a the (constant) angle between its
direction and that of PS, we see at once that
PT sin a = 6SP, PT cos ex, = xSP,
whence * = *> cot .
If SQ be equal and parallel to PT, Q is a point in the
hodograph. But as PT, and therefore SQ, is proportional
to SP, and the angle QSP is the supplement of a, the
hodograph is the same spiral rotated through a given
angle, and altered in its linear dimensions by the factor
(^ \ Thus the hodograph of the hodograph is another
\sm at/
similar spiral, again turned through the same angle, and
with its radii altered in the ratio ( -r^ ) . If PU be
\sm oe,/
1 Proc. R.S.E., December 19, 1867.
drawn, making an angle a with TP produced backwards,
and meeting QS in U, it will therefore be the direction of
acceleration at P.
But PU may be resolved into PS, SU, the first of
which is along the radius-vector, the second parallel to
the tangent at P. The parts of the acceleration in these
directions are, respectively,
vsm /
The latter of these, by the first equation above, may bo
written as
sin ct cos a, __ 2 ^ cot ^ p^ __ 2 x jyp
.-in ec>
Hence the motion of P is due to an acceleration along,
and proportional to the length of, PS, and another along,
and proportional to the length of, TP.
And of course the resolved part of the motion along
any line in the plane possesses the same characteristics.
If x represent the distance between the projections of S
and of P, on such a line, we see at once that we have
cot at . x
or, introducing the value of K above,
=-2*i- (* 2 + *>.
This differs from the equation for simple harmonic
motion ( 72) by the term involving x. But the preceding
investigation shows us that an equation of this form
represents the resolved part (in some definite direction)
of uniform circular motion with angular velocity o>, the
radius of the circle shrinking in each second by the
fraction K of its amount. (This is the same thing as
saying that its logarithm diminishes by K in unit of time.)
Or we may call it simple harmonic motion whose scale is
constantly diminishing at a definite rate.
This special case of motion is fully described by the
x = at ~ *"* cos (at -\- at).
Compare the result of 72.
75. The step to three-dimensional space is now easy.
"We will take it from a somewhat altered point of view.
Our reference system is now three planes at right angles
to one another; say the floor, the north wall, and the
west wall of a room, the corner in which these three meet
being for the time our origin.
And the position of a point is determined without
ambiguity if we know its distances from these planes,
with the proper sign of each.
For, knowing only its distance from the floor, we limit
it to the horizontal plane which is everywhere at that
distance from the floor. Similarly the second condition
limits it to a definite plane parallel to the north wall.
These two conditions together limit it to a certain hori-
zontal line lying east and west. The third condition
limits it to a certain plane parallel to the west wall ; and
this is intersected in one point, and one only, by the east
and west line just mentioned. That one is the sole point
which satisfies all three conditions.
Thus, let represent the origin, yOz the north wall,
zOx the west wall, and xOy the floor. The figure is
drawn as seen by an eye equidistant from these three
planes, and in the room, i.e. on the positive side of each
of them. And it will be noticed that the lettering, #, ?/,
z of the ends of the edges, which meet in 0, is so applied
that rotation from Ox to Oy, from Oy to Oz, and from
Oz to Ox again, will all alike appear to be counterclock-
Fio. 6.
The position of any point, P, is then found thus :
Draw PX perpendicular to the floor, meeting it in N;
thence NM perpendicular to Ox. Then OM = x is the
distance of P from the north wall ; MN = y is its distance
from the west wall ; and NP = z is its distance from the
If P assume a new position which requires it to pass
through any one of these planes, the corresponding co-
ordinate changes sign ; if it pass through an edge (i.e.
the intersection of two of these planes) two co-ordinates
change sign ; and if it pass through (where the three
planes meet) all three co-ordinates become negative.
This is illustrated by the negative lettering at the (dotted)
prolongation of each edge through 0.
76. But, in analogy with the second method of 69,
we see that the position of P will be fully specified if
we know the vertical plane through O in which it lies
(i.e. the plane zON), the angle NOP in that plane, and
the length of OP. The first is determined if we know
the angle xON. Hence we determine P by its distance
from 0, and two angles which (together) enable us to
assign the direction of OP. The angle xON is called the
Azimuth of the plane zON ; let us denote it by 0. The
angle NOP is called the Altitude of P, as seen from ;
let us denote it by >. Also let the length of OP be, as
before, called r.
Comparing, as before, the results of the two methods,
we see that ON = r cos >, and therefore
o: = OM = ON cos 6=r cos tp cos d,
y=MN=ON sin 6=r cos
The elements of spherical trigonometry show that the
multipliers of r, in the values of x, y, z respectively, are
the cosines of the angles between the line OP and the
lines Oe, O?/, Oz. Hence the more symmetrical method,
in which these cosines are represented by /, m, n respect-
ively, gives
x=rl, y=rm, z=rn,
with the condition
It is easy to see that the remark in 69, as to resolu-
tion of a velocity in two dimensions, holds with respect
to three.
Then Newton's Second Law of Motion (Chap. VI.) at
once extends these conclusions to Forces.
77. A remark of great importance must be made here.
We saw in 68 that a point was determined, in x, y co-
ordinates (i.e. plane space of two dimensions), as the
intersection of two straight lines, to one of which it was
confined by its x being given in value, to the other by
the value of its y. But any two independent conditions
connecting x and y will, also, determine their values. A
single condition connecting x and y is known as the
Equation of a Curve, and, when given, limits the position
of P to that curve. Two such conditions, therefore, give
P by the intersection of two curves, on each of which it
must lie. Such a condition applied to a physical particle
is called a Degree of Constraint. In two-dimensional
space a free particle has but two Degrees of Freedom, one
of which is removed by each degree of constraint to
which it is subjected.
78. Similarly we saw that, in three dimensions, the
point given by x, y, z is determined as the intersection
of three planes, on each of which it must lie. But any
one condition connecting the values of a*, y, and z is the
Equation of a Surface, and, when it is given, a particle
at the pointT is subjected to one degree of constraint.
When free, it has but three degrees of freedom ; and thus
three degrees of constraint, by completely determining
its x, y, and z, fix its position.
We should arrive at the same result by considering
relations among the r, 0, co-ordinates. But it suffices
to consider merely what species of constraint each of
these imposes when its value is given. All points for
which r has a given value lie on a sphere whose centre is
at O. When is given, the point must lie somewhere
in the vertical plane zON. When < is given, it must lie
somewhere on a right cone of which is the vertex and
Oz the axis.
[The two latter statements are easily illustrated by
means of a telescope, mounted (in the common way) on
a stand which allows it to rotate either about a horizontal,
or about a vertical, axis. Place it in any azimuth, and
vary its altitude, it turns in a vertical plane about the
horizontal axis. Place it at any altitude, and vary its
azimuth, it rotates conically about the vertical axis.
Hence, by means of these co-ordinates, or conditions,
each definite point in its axis is constrained to lie on a
sphere, a plane, and a cone, simultaneously.]
79. Two devices are in common use for enabling us
to represent, on a plane (or other space of two dimen-
sions) the third dimension.
Thus, in an Admiralty chart, we find the sea-area
marked over with figures denoting Soundings: i.e. the
average ,depth of the water at certain places is written
in in fathoms. These soundings are of course more
numerous in regions where there are shoals or intricate
channels. But it is obvious that, if they were numerous
enough, they would enable us to construct a model of
the sea-bottom. The soundings,* therefore<*supply, as it
were, the necessary third dimension. But this process,
though usually sufficient for purposes of navigation, is at
best a rude and incomplete one.
The other method, however, rises to a very high order
of scientific importance, not merely from the point of
view for which it was originally devised, but on account
of the extent to which its essential principles are now
applied throughout the whole range of physics. "We
therefore devote some space to its full explanation.
80. This is called the method of Contour Lines, and is
employed with great effect in the best maps, such as those
of the Ordnance Survey.
A contour line passes through all places which are at the
same height above Hie sea-level.
Thus the sea-margin is itself the contour line of no
elevation. Suppose the water to rise one foot (vertically).
There would be a new sea-margin, in general encroaching
more on the land than the former ; encroaching most at
places where the beach has the gentlest slope, not
encroaching at all on a perpendicular cliff, and thrust
out (seawards) from an overhanging cliff. This is the
contour line of one foot elevation. It is clear that by
supposing a gradual rise of the sea, or subsidence of the
land, foot by foot, we could obtain a series of curves
(each in its turn a sea-margin) gradually circumscribing
the uncovered portion of the land, and finally closing in
over its highest peak. We require no such natural
convulsion as that just imagined. Cloud strata, or fog-
banks, with definite horizontal surfaces, constantly show
us these appearances in hilly countries. But it is a
simple matter of Levelling to trace out contour lines, and
to draw them on a map of the district. For practical
purposes it is usually sufficient to draw them for every
50 or 100 feet of additional elevation above the sea-level.
The celebrated Parallel Roads of Glen Roy are merely
contour lines, etched on the sides of the valley by long-
continued but slight agitation of the margin of the water
which filled the glen to various depths in succession, as
the barriers which dammed it up were, at intervals,
broken down.
Referring to 78, we see that a surface can be fully
described in terms of one relation between x, y, and z.
Let the plane of Ox, O?/, be that of the sea-level, and let
the relation expressing the surface of the land be
Then the contour lines, as traced on the (two-dimension)
map are the curves
f(x,y, 100) = 0,
f(x t y t 200) = 0, etc.
81. To familiarise the student with the general appear-
ance of contour lines, and their relation to the form of the
FIG. 7.
corresponding surface, we give those of a right cone whose
axis is vertical, of a hemisphere, and of a fusiform or
spindle-shaped body.
The fusiform body, whose contour lines are drawn, is
formed by the rotation of a quadrant about a vertical
tangent, the point of contact being the apex. And the
contour lines are drawn, in each case, at successive heights
increasing by one-fifth of the whole height of the figure.
Thus the distances between successive contours, in the
two last figures, form the same series of values, but in
opposite order.
The equality of distance between the successive contour
lines of the cone indicates uniform steepness throughout.
In the hemisphere the lines are closer together near the
boundary of the figure, in the spindle they close in on one
another towards the centre; the hemisphere being steepest
at its edges, and the spindle surface steeper towards the
82. In fact, the Gradient of a surface in any direction
(i.e. the amount of rise per horizontal foot) is obviously,
at any point, inversely as the distance in that direction
between successive contour lines, for they are traced at
successive equal differences of level ; and thus the dis-
tance between them, along any line drawn on the map,
is the space by which we must advance horizontally
along that line while ascending or descending vertically
through 100 feet.
83. The line of steepest slope, at any point of a surface
is, of course, perpendicular to each contour line where it
meets it. For the contour line is horizontal, i.e. has no
slope. And in the projection on a horizontal plane this
perpendicularity remains. Thus the line of greatest slope
at any point is represented on the map by the shortest
line which can be drawn from that point to the nearest
contour line. It is the path along which a drop of water
would trickle down. It is therefore called a Stream-line.
84. If the surface be like that of a saddle (concave up-
wards along the horse's back, convex upwards across it),
we have at the middle of the saddle what is called, in
geography, a Col or mountain-pass : the lowest point
of the ridge between two neighbouring summits. The
characteristic of the col is that, at such a point, a contour
line intersects itself. The following sketch shows the
general form of the contours near such a point.
FIG. 8.
In the shaded regions depicted to the right and left of
the col the ground rises, in the unshaded regions depicted
above and below it falls. [The figures on the contour
lines show their order of altitude above the sea-level.]
Other very special peculiarities might be mentioned,
but they are not necessary for the beginner; and the
more mathematical reader can easily work them out for
himself. 1
85. If we draw, by the help of the contour lines, the
stream-lines (which, 83, cut them at right angles), we
find that they have the following property. In regions
1 See Cayley, Phil. Mag., XVIII. 264 (1859) ; Clerk-Maxwell,
Ibid., December 1870.
above the level of a col, they fall away on both sides from
that particular one of their number which passes from a
mountain Summit down to the col, and thence up to the
neighbouring summit. This particular line, then, is the
Watershed, separating two valleys or drainage areas. If
we follow the course of the stream-lines into regions beloio
the col, we find that they usually approach to the special
stream-lines drawn downwards from the col on opposite
sides. These will therefore be fed by all the little rills
in succession, and thus they become the Watercourses.
A watercourse is thus the stream-line drawn from a col so
as to -pass through an Imit t or lowest point of the surface.
If we were to take a cast from a model of a surface
(with its contour lines) and treat it as a model of another
surface, contour lines would remain contour lines, and
stream-lines stream-lines ; but summits would become
imits, and imits summits, while watercourses would
become watersheds, and conversely.
86. So far, we have been dealing with contour lines in
the ordinary sense of the word. But essentially the same
sort of thing is presented by the meteorological curves
Called Isolars, and by Isotliermals, Lines of Equal Magnetic
Variation, of Equal Dip, etc. etc. In each case the lines
are drawn, on a two-dimension map, so as to pass through
all places where the barometer, or the thermometer, stands
at a given reading or level, where the compass deviates a
given amount from true north, etc. etc. Thus they have
a characteristic similar to that of contour lines, viz. that
all points on any one line possess some definite property
to exactly the same amount. These applications of the
principle are of great importance, but they do not belong
so immediately to our subject as do others, of which wo
will now give an example or two.
87. Just as water trickles from places at higher, to
others at lower, level, and as heat flows, in a conducting
body, from places of higher, to others of lower, tempera-
ture, so electricity is said to flow from places of higher, to
places of lower, potential. Hence, to study the flow of
electricity in a sheet of metal, we require to know the
lines of equal potential.
The first investigation of this subject, by Kircbhoff, 1
supplies an exceedingly simple and beautiful example.
Putting the wires attached to the ends of a galvanic
battery into contact with a very large sheet of uniform
tinfoil, at points A and B, (Fig. 9) we establish and main-
tain a definite difference of potential between those points
of the sheet. Hence there is a steady flow of electricity
from the one to the other; and it must take place, at
every point, in a direction perpendicular to the equi-
potential line passing through that point. Thus, to find
the lines of flow of electricity, we must have* a means of,
as it were, contouring the plate electrically, and finding
its lines of equal potential. This is furnished by a
galvanometer, for that instrument indicates at once any
current passing through its coil of wire. But, if the
ends of its coil be kept at equal potentials, no current
will pass. Hence, if we put one end of the galvanometer
coil in contact with the tinfoil at any point, P, and move
the other end about on the foil until no current passes,
the point, Q, with which it is then in contact, is at the
same potential as P. By fishing about, therefore, we
can, point by point, trace out the equipotential line PQ
passing through P. And the same may be done for
other points, till we have covered the tinfoil with as many
lines of this kind as we desire.
1 Fogg. Ann., 1845, Ixiv.
Fio. tf.
In the special case which we have taken, it was found
that when the plate of tinfoil is very large in comparison
with the length AB, these lines are circles, whose centres
lie in the line AB, and in each of which the ratio
BQ/AQ is the same throughout (see 141); though of
course its values are different for different circles of the
series. A few of these circles are given (in full lines)
in the figure. [To ensure proper contact with the battery,
little circular discs of copper (indicated in white) are
attached to the tinfoil at A and B. The edges of these
(on account of the superior conductivity of the copper)
are equipotential lines. The points A and B are not
exactly at the centres of these discs.]
Now geometry tells us that the lines, which cut at
right angles all circles drawn according to the above
law, belong to another series of circles : viz. those
which are determined by the condition that each passes
through the two points A and B. These circles (some
of which are represented by the dotted lines in the
figure) are therefore the current lines along which the
electricity passes in the tinfoil.
The full circles are drawn for successive equal changes
of potential ; and the dotted circles which are drawn
are so selected that the amount of electricity which
flows in a given time through the space bounded by
portions of each contiguous pair is the same. If the
full lines be regarded as contour lines of a surface, and if
A be connected with the positive pole of the battery, the
left hand side of the figure represents a hill, and the right
hand an exactly equal and similar hollow; so that the
halves, as separated by the single straight contourline, would
exactly fit into one another if the whole could be folded
along that line. [This illustrates the last paragraph of 85.]
If both A and B be connected with the positive pole
of the battery, and its negative pole be connected with
a massive ring of copper, or other good conductor, which
borders the sheet of tinfoil all round at a very great dis-
tance from A and B, the equipotential lines are what
mathematicians call Cassini's Ovals. One of them is the
Lemniscate of Bernoulli, and its double point corresponds
to a col. The figure resembles in general form that of
84, and the current lines are a series of rectangular
88. As a final example, somewhat more pertinent to
our present work, take the relation between the pressure,
volume, and absolute temperature, of a given mass of air.
Experiment has proved that when any two of these
three quantities are given, the third is determined.
Calling them p, v, and t respectively, the relation between
them is (nearly enough for our present purpose) found
to be represented by the expression
pv Rt (1)
where R is a known constant quantity. [In a later
chapter we will study the precise relation. What we seek
at present is an illustration of method, not a specially
exact representation of fact.]
Now we may treat p, v, and t just as we treated #, y t z
in 80 above. In this statement lies the essence of the
value of the contour-line idea as applied to questions of
general physics.
Thus the experimental relation among p, v, t, (1) above,
may be looked on as the equation of a surface. Let us
draw its contour lines on the plane in which p and v are
Equation (1) shows that these lines (three of which are
marked in the figure with their temperatures t lt t^ 3) ) are
all rectangular hyperbolas, of which the asymptotes are
the axes of volume and pressure, Ov and 0^. Any line
of equal pressure Av^v^ is divided by them so that
FIG. 10.
Av 3 , etc., are proportional to the absolute
temperatures. So with a line of equal volume
And one special advantage of this mode of representation
is, that the work required to compress the gas at any con-
stant temperature, as t v from volume OB' to volume OB,
is given by the area B'j/^B, which is contained between
the curve t jt the axis of volume, and the lines of equal
volume Bj/p Bp r This follows at once from the fact
that the work done during an elementary change of
volume dv, under pressure p t is represented by pdv ; a
little element of area bounded by the curve, the axis of
v, and two contiguous ordinates.
Draw a tangent PT to one of these curves at a point
P, and draw PQ parallel to Ov. The compressibility of
a gas, at constant temperature, is the fractional change
of volume per unit increase of pressure. It is therefore
represented by
QP l or l
QT'OM' Qf'
or (by a property of the hyperbola) pM ,
i.e. it is inversely as the pressure.
The expansibility, at constant pressure, is found simi-
larly by producing QP to cut the proximate curve t 2 in
R ; for it is expressed by the fractional change of volume
per unit rise of temperature, that is
PR 1 (k-O OM 1 1
This is a mere portion of what is called, in Thermo-
dynamics, Watt's Diagram of Energy, the whole of which
is an application of the contour idea.
89. We must now, as promised in 59, say a few
words as to a (possible ?) fourth dimension of space.
Let us treat this from the point of view of what we
may imagine would be the experience of beings, endowed
with something corresponding to human reason and
human senses, but inhabiting space of one or of two
In one-dimensional space the inhabitants can have
length only, and have absolutely no hint from experience
of what another dimension could be. Yet we might
imagine them, if they were not mere points, to experi-
ence some perfectly novel, and to them unaccountable,
sensation in passing from part to part of their space
if its curvature were not everywhere the same. Suppose,
for instance, their space to be a line with knots on it.
Similarly, an inhabitant of two-dimensional space (a
bookworm, as Sylvester once called him) might, even if
his dimensions were both finite, pass from place to place
in a plane or a spherical space without feeling any new
sensation. But, if a part of his space were creased or
folded, he might be imagined to feel some strange sensa-
tion while he passed through such a part. This is a
question of surface-curvature, which would be totally
unintelligible to a being whose experience (limited to
two dimensions) had not prepared him for it.
So, if there should be a fourth dimension, our three-
dimensioned space may appear to a four -dimensional
observer to have something analogous to curvature or
creasing ; and if, in the course of our solar system's rapid
progress through space, we should come to a region of
that kind, we may fancy that some absolutely novel form
of experience would be the result.
90. Speculations of this nature, however, though based
to a certain extent on scientific facts, necessarily involve
the question of sensation or perception ; and, in so far as
they do so, they pass from the domain of physical science
into the realms of Physiology.
91. OUR working definition of matter ( 21) involves
another property besides those discussed in last chapter
viz. Impenetrability. The sense in which we are to
understand this term depends upon the use of the word
occupy as applied to space.
On the theory of ultimate atoms, whether the old
hard atom ( 23) or the vortex atom ( 27), the occupa-
tion of space is complete so far as each atom is concerned.
Where one atom is, it fills space to the absolute exclusion
of every other. But space is not continuously filled by
the atoms of any portion of tangible matter ( 24) ; hence
there may be mixtures of atoms of different kinds, which
will be the more perfect and intimate the smaller we
suppose the individual atoms to be. But there is no use
in discussing questions of this kind, at least until we
prove the existence of atoms. Thus the strictly scientific
use of the term impenetrability need not occupy us.
92. There is, however, a semi-scientific use of the
word which is of some importance. For, whether matter
be impenetrable in the strict sense or not, we may use-
fully discuss the consequences of its not being penetrated.
Thus the hollow of a mould, and only the hollow, is
accessible to the liquid metal poured into it. Otherwise
" casting " would be impossible.
One of the most important of these consequences was
long ago given by Archimedes, viz. a mode of easily
comparing the volumes of bodies of shapes so irregular or
complex as to defy the powers of calculators working
from mere linear measurements. All that is required is
to immerse them successively in a vessel partly filled with
water, and to note the amount by which the level of the
water is disturbed, i.e. (in the usual phrase) the amount
of water displaced. Bodies which, when thus tried,
displace equal amounts of water have equal volumes,
however different may be their figures.
93. Hence, to measure the volume of an irregularly-
shaped body : a lump of stone or coal, for instance :
grease it or varnish it all over, to prevent water from
entering its pores, i.e. to secure non-penetration; and
immerse it completely in a vessel partly filled with water.
Mark the height to which the water-level rises. With-
draw the stone, and pour in mercury until the same
disturbance of water-level is again produced. The volume
of the mercury is the same as that of the stone. The
mercury has the advantage of taking at once the form of
any vessel in which it may be placed, so that its volume
may be promptly determined by pouring it into a properly
graduated beaker.
This simple consideration forms one of the bases of
the common method of measuring specific gravity ( 36)
by weighing a body, first in air, and then when it is
suspended in water.
94. But it is not solids (such as the stone above) or
other liquids (such as mercury) alone which can thus
displace their own bulk of water. Air will do equally
Thus a diving bell is merely an open-mouthed
vessel, inverted and let down into water. The air it
contains is not penetrated by the water, and thus dis-
places (just as a solid or a liquid would have done) its
own volume of water. Its volume, no doubt, becomes
less as the bell descends under the water, but this is
due to the increase of hydrostatic pressure to which it
is subjected. Still, however it be compressed, as it is
not penetrated it displaces at every instant its bulk of
95. When one liquid mixes with, or when it combines
with another, it does not usually displace its own bulk
of the other. In such cases there is interpenetration.
Thus, when twenty-seven parts (by weight) of water
are mixed with twenty -three of alcohol, the volume of
the mixture is less by 3 '6 per cent than the sum of the
volumes of the constituents.
When an alloy of tin and copper, such as used to be
employed for the specula of large reflecting telescopes,
is formed, the joint bulk may be as much as 7 or 8 per
cent less than the sum of the bulks of the constituents.
And Faraday showed that, when potassium is oxidised,
the resulting potash has a less volume than either of the
96. But, as a rule, in these cases of contraction, other
physical phenomena present themselves. Thus the
mixture of alcohol and water above described becomes
more than 8 C. warmer than the components, if both
were taken at the same ordinary temperature. A rod
of tin dipped into melted copper (at a very dull red heat)
produces vivid incandescence as it melts and is alloyed.
And the combination of oxygen and potassium develops
kinetic energy at an almost explosive rate.
There are other cases, which we need not treat of here
(especially as they belong properly to Heat and to
Chemistry), in which the volume of a mixture is greater
than the sum of the volumes of its constituents.
97. These examples show that Archimedes' notahle
process might altogether have failed in its application.
Tor he is said to have been asked to find whether the
votive crown made for Hiero of Syracuse really consisted
of the amount of gold furnished for its manufacture, or
whether a part of the gold had been abstracted, and its
place supplied by an equal weight of silver.
He procured lumps of silver and of gold, each equal in
weight to the crown. These he immersed successively in
a vessel filled to the brim with water, measuring in each
case the amount of overflow, which he found to be greater
for silver than for gold. The vessel being once more filled,
the crown itself was immersed, and was found to displace
more water than did the gold. Hence, by calculation,
Archimedes found how much silver had been substituted
for an equal weight of gold. 1 This calculation, of course,
must have proceeded on the supposition that the bulk of
the alloy was equal to the sum of the bulks of the com-
ponent metals.
But interpenetration, of which he had no knowledge,
might have completely baffled the great mathematician.
If a similar question were raised now, it would of
course be decided at once by the processes of the chemist,
not by those of the physicist.
98. We have seen ( 24) that, on the hypothesis of
hard atoms, there must necessarily be interstices between
them, else bodies could not be compressible.
But it is an experimental fact, independent of all
1 The original passage is given as Appendix III.
hypotheses, that bodies in general are Porous. By the
term pores we do not refer to visible channels, such as
those which run in all directions through a piece of
sponge, but to microscopic channels, which pervade even
the most seemingly homogeneous and continuous sub-
stances, such as solid lead, silver, gold, etc.
The proof that such channels exist was given experi-
mentally by Bacon, who tried to compress water by
squeezing or hammering a leaden shell filled with water
and closed. The water exuded like perspiration through
the pores of the lead. The Florentine Academicians tried
the same experiment with a silver shell, but obtained the
same result. They then tried to prevent the escape of
the water by thickly gilding the shell, but again in vain.
99. When a corner of a piece of blotting-paper, or of
a lump of loaf-sugar, is dipped in water, we see (especially
if the water be coloured) the rapid entrance it effects
into the pores. Why it enters, under these conditions, is
another question.
The porosity of wood, necessary for the circulation of
the sap, is beautifully shown by the fact that, from
microscopic examination of a thin slice of a fossil tree, a
botanist can tell at once the species to which it belonged.
The greater part of the material of the wood has dis-
appeared for it may be millions of years, but its micro-
scopic structure has been preserved by the infiltration of
silicious or calcareous materials which, hardening in the
pores, have thus preserved a perfect copy of the original.
The rapid passage of gases through unglazed pottery,
iron and (hot) steel, etc., shows the porosity of these
bodies in a very remarkable manner. So does the strange
absorption of hydrogen by a mass of palladium. (See
Chapter XIII.)
Another beautiful instance is afforded by the silieious
concretion, TabasJieer^ found in the joints of sugar-canes.
It is opaque when dry, but when immersed in water for
a short time becomes transparent. Certain agates, called
Hydrophanes, exhibit the same property.
100. No decisive proof of the porosity of vitreous
bodies, such as glass, seems yet to have been obtained.
That they form almost a solitary class of exceptions to an
otherwise general rule seems highly improbable. And
instances, such as those given below, seem to indicate that
these vitreous bodies have not yet been proved to be
porous solely because we have not discovered the proper
mode of testing them.
When polished marble is wetted with water, very little
enters the pores ; while oil, on the contrary, is rapidly
A bag of cambric or gauze, the holes in which are
visible to the eye, holds mercury securely, until sufficient
pressure is applied to force out the liquid. ( 288.)
Glazed pottery-ware, which is practically impervious to
hydrogen and to pure water, is rapidly penetrated by a
strong aqueous solution of bichromate of potash. This
solution, crystallising in the pores, disintegrates the
whole, just as water, freezing in the pores of a rock,
gradually breaks its surface-layers into small fragments,
to be afterwards washed down to the plain as alluvial
The question of the porosity of colloidal bodies, such as
gelatine, albumen, and, from some points of view, india-
rubber, is somewhat puzzling. We will refer to it in
Chapter XIII.
101. The Divisibility of matter, in the strict scientific
sense, at once raises the question of the existence of finite
atoms. For, if there be such atoms, division has them
for its limit, whatever processes may be employed. 1 We
are not prepared to face this aspect of the question, and
must, therefore, confine ourselves to examples of extremely
minute Division.
An " impalpable " powder is one which gives no gritty
sensation when we rub it between the thumb and fingers.
The process of Levigation, depending on fluid friction
( 38), is employed for the assortment of solid particles into
packets of different degrees of fineness. Thus, if ground
emery be thrown into a tall vessel full of water, we may
remove from the bottom of the vessel successive crops, as
it were, of gradually increasing fineness. Yet even the
finest of these powders can be used for grinding metallic
or glass surfaces, showing that its particles still possess
the same properties as do those of the coarser.
Silica may be thrown down, by chemical processes,
in such an extreme state of division that when it is dried
and poured into a trough it behaves almost like a liquid.
Especially when it is heated, we observe that, like a liquid,
it is capable of propagating gravitation-waves. Calcined
magnesia and other very fine powders show similar
102. Even the rough process of scratching the
polished surface of glass with a diamond point can be
carried out by machinery to such an extent of delicacy
that groups of equidistant parallel lines may be traced,
some of which can only be " resolved " into their com-
ponents by the very best microscopes ; others, which we
have every reason to believe capable of resolution, have
not yet been resolved. These pieces of ruled glass are
known to microscopists as Robert's Test.
1 See again Appendix II.
Ordinary gold-leaf, though prepared by a very rough
process, has a thickness of about 1/300, 000th of an inch
only. But, as Faraday showed, it can be rendered very
much thinner by immersion in a solvent such as cyanide
of potassium. And, by a species of inversion of Wolla-
ston's process ( 49), i.e. drawing into very fine wire a
silver rod thickly gilt, we obtain a continuous film of gold,
whose thickness is estimated at less than 1/4, 000, 000th
of an inch.
103. The average size of the particles of water in a
light cloud is easily estimated from the diameter of the
coloured rings, or Coronce, which it produces when it
covers the sun or moon. 1 If the radius of the innermost
ring be 15, the diameter of the particles must be about
1/1 3, 000th of an inch. Such must have been the average
size of the dust particles from the recent Krakatao erup-
tion which produced the remarkable sunsets, as well as
the corona seen about the sun when no cloud was visible.
The length of time these particles remained in suspension
is accounted for in 40 above.
104. Leslie, in his Natural Philosophy (1823), says:
" A single grain of musk has been known to perfume a
large room for the space of twenty years. Consider how
often, during that time, the air of the apartment must
have been renewed and have become charged with fresh
odour ! At the lowest computation the musk had been
subdivided into 320 quadrillions of particles, each of
them capable of affecting the olfactory organs." Leslie
does not tell us how the computation was made, nor even
what we are to understand by quadrillions.
[The usual British reckoning gives a quadrillion as a
billion billions, each billion being a million millions,
1 Tait's Light, 2nd ed., 180, 246.
while the French reckoning makes it only a thousand
million millions. This confusion is entirely removed
by the modern mode of writing large numbers, which
we know only in rough approximation. We write the
first two or three significant figures, and indicate the
number of the remaining ones by the corresponding
power of 10.]
Thus Leslie may have meant either 320xl0 24 , or
320 x 10 15 . If, as is most probable, lie meant the former
of these numbers, the result of his computation has been
singularly verified by recent discoveries, some of them
apparently altogether unconnected with the question
before us.
105. One of the most striking instances of division is
that furnished by holding, in an otherwise slightly
luminous flame, a particle of common salt or of some
other metallic chloride. Fox Talbot, in 1826, wrote :
" A particle of muriate of lime on the wick of a spirit-
lamp will produce a quantity of red and green rays for a
whole evening without being itself sensibly diminished."
Swan traced the source of the peculiar orange ray which
appears in the light of almost every flame to the wide
diffusion of exceedingly small quantities of common salt.
These phenomena are nowadays known to all in connec-
tion with Spectrttm Analysis. The quantity of common
salt which, for a considerable time, will continue to give
the orange tinge to the flame of a large Bunsen lamp is
minute in the extreme. The effect is now proved to be
due to vapour of sodium.
106. A conviction of the practically infinite divisi-
bility of matter must be held by all who believe in the
" dilutions " which are at least popularly supposed to bo
one of the main characteristics of homoeopathic medicines.
When a single grain of atropine is dissolved in a gallon
of water, and one drop of this is added to another gallon
of water, we have what is called the first dilution. Add
a drop of this to a third gallon of water, and we have the
second dilution. And so on. Tenth dilutions are said
to be sometimes administered. If we take the diameter
of a drop as about 1/Sth of an inch, we find, by an easy
calculation, that (as there are 277 cubic inches in a
gallon) the tenth dilution should contain about 2/10 60 of
a grain of atropine per drop ! If that drop were magnified
to the size of the whole earth, the atropine in it (magni-
fied, of course, in proportion,) would correspond to a
particle of somewhere about one three-billionth of an
inch in diameter ! !
107. The kinetic theory of gases informs us that, in
a cubic inch of any gas at atmospheric pressure, and at
ordinary temperatures, there are somewhere about 3 x 10 20
detached particles absolutely similar and equal to one
another. These cannot be Lucretian atoms, for they
have each many different modes of vibration, even when
they belong to a simple and not to a compound gas.
Here we reach the limit of our present knowledge as to
division of matter. What is the structure of these
gaseous particles on which their vibrations depend ( 29),
and how far further divisible each particle must be
supposed in consequence, are matters beyond our know-
ledge. [These results of the kinetic gas theory are con-
firmed by altogether independent lines of physical
reasoning with which we are not concerned here.]
We may take, as a rough approximation, that the
grained structure ( 26) of the most nearly homogeneous
solid or liquid bodies is of the order of 5 x 10 8 to the
inch linear. To give a notion of the amount of division
which this indicates, suppose we magnify a cubic inch of
such a substance to a cube whose side is the diameter of
the earth. The earth's diameter is 5 x 10 8 inches, very
approximately. Thus, in the enormously magnified cube,
there is one particle in every cubic inch or so. We say
nothing, it is to be noticed, as to the size of the particle
or granulation itself. [The estimates hitherto made of
this quantity can hardly be called even rough approxi-
mations. But probably the particle does not occupy so
much as 5 per cent of its share of the whole content.]
All that can be said of the estimates above is that
they are, at least nearly, of the proper order of magni-
tude. And it is curious to find that the result of Leslie's
old "computation" ( 104) agrees fairly enough with
our present knowledge.
108. WE commence with New ton's
Every body perseveres in its state, of rest or of uniform
motion in a straight line, except in so far as it is compelled
ly forces to change that state.
The property, thus enunciated as belonging to all
bodies, is usually called Inertia. And it is clear from the
statement above that it may be described as passivity, or
dogged perseverance, but in no sense whatever as
revolutionary activity. This consideration will be found
presently to be of great importance.
Matter is, in Newton's system, regarded as the play-
thing of force ; submitting to any change of state that
may be imposed on it, but rigorously persevering in the
state in which it is left, until force again acts upon it.
109. The state referred to is one of rest, or of uniform
motion in a straight line (of wliich rest is a mere particular
case). Here we meet with a serious difficulty.
All translatory motion (including rest, or null motion)
is, from the very nature of space, essentially relative.
Relatively to ivhat, then, are we to say that a body not
acted on by force moves uniformly in a straight line?
The answer, so far as we can give it, is
Relatively to any set of lines drawn in a rigid body, of
finite dimensions; which is not acted on by force, and which
has no rotation.
As will be seen later, ( 131) Xewton has pointed out a
physical test, by which it can be ascertained whether a
body has rotation or not.
But questions of this kind can only be alluded to,
certainly not fully discussed, in an elementary work.
110. The grand proof of the truth of the first as well as
of the other Laws of Motion is furnished by the celestial
motions. So irregular is the motion of the moon, when
considered carefully, found to be, that no amount of the
most exact observation alone (i.e. unaided by physical
investigations) could enable us to predict its place, even
twenty-four hours beforehand, with anything like the
accuracy with which it is predicted four years before-
hand in the Nautical Almanac. So convinced have
astronomers become of the truth of the laws of motion,
which are necessarily involved in all their lunar and
planetary calculations, that when a discrepancy between
prediction and observation is found to occur no one now
questions the bases of the calculation. The discrepancy
is used to correct our previous estimates of the elements
of the lunar or planetary orbit; or, as in the notable
case of Uranus, it is employed as an indication of where
to seek for some undiscovered body whose influence has
not been taken into account.
111. Familiar instances of Inertia present themselves
in all directions. When a railway carriage is running
uniformly on a straight piece of road, we become uncon-
scious of the motion unless we look out at external
bodies; but we detect at once any sudden change of
speed. If the motion of the train be checked by a sudden
application of the brake, their inertia (which really
maintains their motion) appears to urge the passengers
forwards. A sudden starting of the train produces the
opposite effect. While the steady motion continues a
conjuror can keep a number of balls in the air just as
easily as if the carriage were at rest. But these things
need not surprise us. Our rooms are always like perfect
railway carriages in respect of their absolutely smooth,
but very rapid, motion round the earth's axis. The
whole earth itself is flying in its orbit at the rate of a
million and a half of miles per day ; yet we should have
known nothing of this motion had our globe been per-
petually clouded over like that of Jupiter. The whole
solar system is travelling with great speed among the
fixed stars, but we know of the fact only from the
minutely accurate observations of astronomers, aided by all
the resources of the Theory of Probabilities.
112. When a bullet is dropped from a definite point in
a uniformly running carriage, it strikes the same point of
the floor whatever be the speed of the motion ; for, by its
inertia, it preserves while falling the forward motion of
the carriage which it obviously had while it was held in
the hand. But, if the bullet be dropped from the yard
of a vessel to the deck, it will not fall always on the
same spot, however uniform be the ship's progress, if
there be any pitching. For, when the vessel pitches, the
yard moves forward alternately faster and slow r er than
does the deck.
Now the top of a tower (unless it be at one of the
poles) is farther from the earth's axis than is the foot, or
the ground on which the tower is built ; and, therefore,
as both complete their revolution in twenty-four hours,
the top of the tower moves permanently faster than does
the base. Hence even a truly spherical bullet, dropped
from the top, does not fall vertically. It deviates to the
east of the vertical, because it preserves while falling its
superior eastward speed. In this way we obtain one
physical proof of the earth's rotation.
113. The upsetting of buildings by an earthquake
furnishes a striking instance of inertia. So does the
almost perfect immunity we experience from the millions
of meteoric stones which are constantly encountering the
earth with planetary velocities. This is due to the
inertia of the air, which, in its turn, is one indispensable
cause of the destructive action of a tornado ; just as, on
a smaller scale, a cannon-ball would be harmless without
inertia, while an earthwork, without inertia, would afford
no defence. But we need give no more instances the
reader will easily supply others from his own experience.
114. So far, we have been speaking of inertia as mani-
fested by the tendency of a body to persevere in its
motion with unaltered speed. But we must carefully note
that this is only one part of Newton's Law. The state
in which he tells us that bodies persevere by inertia is
not one of uniform motion merely, but of motion in a
straight line. The preservation of the rectilinear path is
quite as essential a part of the functions of inertia as is
the preservation of the uniform speed. Hence, just as we
attribute any change in the speed of a body to the action
of force, so, if its line of motion be not straight, (whether
the speed be unaltered or no) its curvature also must bo
due to the action of force.
115. How the force must be applied which causes a
body, in spite of its inertia, to move in a curve is easily
understood from some common instances, though it is
pretty obvious that it must be in a direction perpendicular
to that of the motion ; and, of course, in the plane in
which the curvature takes place. For any force in the
direction of motion must tend only to increase or to
diminish the speed.
It is found that, at a curve on a railway line, it is the
outer of the two rails which is most worn (i.e. that one
which forms the convex side of the track). And, when
a sharp curve has to be taken rapidly, the outer rail has
generally to be laid a little higher than the other. But
(except when the brake is on) the pressure is mainly
perpendicular to the rails. Hence the force which causes
the carriages to move in a curved path must be directed
inwards to the centre of curvature.
When we whirl a sling with a stone in it, we feel the
tension of the cord (which is constantly pulling the stone
from its natural straight path in towards the hand)
increased as we cause the sling to rotate faster.
A bullet, suspended by a string, forms what we call
a simple pendulum. It can, by proper initial projection,
be made to revolve uniformly in a horizontal circle. Here
the tension of the string may be resolved into two parts ;
one vertical, which supports the weight of the bullet, the
other horizontal, which continually deflects the bullet
from its natural rectilinear path. If the string could be
made long enough, the time of revolution might be made
twenty-four hours ; and if the pendulum were then set up
at the north pole, and made to describe its circle in the
positive direction ( 65), it would appear to remain sus-
pended at rest in the air, the supporting string not being
vertical ! If it were made to revolve in the negative
direction, it would appear to complete a revolution in
twelve hours.
The moon is caused to move in an (approximately)
circular path about the earth by the same attraction
which causes stones to fall vertically downwards.
116. One of Newton's remarks on the First Law of
Motion runs thus :
" A hoop, whose parts by their cohesion perpetually
draw one another aside from rectilinear motions, does
not cease to rotate, except in so far as it is retarded by
the air."
Thus the uniformity of the earth's rotation about its
axis, which is the basis of our measurement of time, is
merely an example of the First Law of Motion.
But when a fly-wheel, or a grindstone, is made to
rotate so fast that the cohesion of its parts is no longer
capable of supplying the forces requisite to keep them
moving in their circular paths, it bursts (this is the tech-
nical word), and the fragments fly off in paths which are
tangential and rectilinear, except in so far as gravity
modifies them.
If the rotating body be plastic, as must have been
the case long ago with the earth as a whole, its form
will be modified by the tendency of every particle to
preserve its rectilinear path. Thus it swells out in all
directions perpendicular to the axis of rotation. Jupiter
and Saturn, being much larger than the earth, and also
rotating more rapidly, show this effect in a much greater
A beautiful example is furnished by suspending an
endless chain by a cord, and (by very rapidly twisting
the cord by means of multiplying gear) throwing it into
rotation. When the rotation of the whole is sufficiently
rapid it assumes almost exactly the form of a horizontal
circle, all its links being equidistant from the (vertical)
axis of rotation.
117. The old notion, probably suggested by such
instances as the pull which the stone in a sling seems to
exert on the hand, was that bodies have a tendency to
/?/ outwards from the centre about which they are revolv-
ing. Hence they were said to exert Centrifugal Force,
and a Centripetal Force was of course required to balance
this. The term Centrifugal Force has become rooted
in our scientific language. It is a convenient enough
expression, provided we do not split it up, thus taking
it to imply force, and flying from a centre ; but interpret
it merely as indicating that, to keep a body moving in
a curve instead of in its natural straight line, a force
directed towards the centre of curvature is always
required. But, as the third law of motion ( 1 28) tells
us, a force is only one-half of a stress, so that when force
is exerted to pull the body inwards from the tangent, an
equal force must be exerted at the centre tending outwards
from it.
"VVe might quite as justly speak of the Onward Force
of a cannon-ball, which requires a resistance to check it ;
as of the centrifugal force (understood not as a single
term but as two words, each with its ordinary meaning)
which must exist because it requires centripetal force
to balance it.
118. Calculating (as in 71) from the earth's mean
equatorial radius, 3962 miles, and the number of seconds
in a sidereal day, 86164, we find that the acceleration of
a point on the equator is about 0'1116 feet per second,
per second. Thus about ^| th of its weight is required
merely to keep a body on the earth's surface at the
equator. By this amount its weight (as indicated by a
Spring-lalance, 165) would be diminished.
If the earth had been revolving seventeen times faster
than it does, this apparent diminution of weight would
have been 17 2 (or 289) times greater than it is, i.e. bodies
at the equator would have shown no apparent weight,
provided they moved along with the same velocity as
the ground below them.
119. As is pointed out in the preceding extract from
Newton ( 116), a wheel or other body, rotating about
an axis and not acted on by forces, perseveres by inertia
in its uniform rate of rotation. But it does more; it
preserves (even when acted on by small forces) the
direction of its axis of rotation, provided at least that it
be rotating about its axis of greatest or of least moment
of inertia ( 132). It is for this reason that rifling of
the bore of a gun has been introduced ; and also that a
skilled player, when throwing a quoit, gives it rotation
in its own plane.
The rotation of the earth about its axis is a more
complex phenomenon, because it takes place under the
action of considerable forces which tend to make the earth
revolve about axes lying in the plane of its equator. Yet,
because the moments of inertia ( 132) about all such
axes are approximately equal, the period of the daily
rotation is not altered, though the direction (in space) of
the polar axis is affected by Precession and by Nutation.
We cannot, however, do more than allude to matters of
this order of difficulty. They are all beautifully illus-
trated by means of Gyroscopes, Gyrostats, etc., but the
full study of the phenomena requires higher mathematics
than we can introduce here. These are properly questions
of Abstract Dynamics.
120. Newton's SECOND LAW OF MOTION is as follows :
Change of momentum is proportional to force, and takes
place in the direction in which the force acts.
Thus, according to Newton, a force always produces
change of momentum. Hence there is no balancing of
forces, though there may be balancing of the effects of
Every force (however small) produces its proper change
of momentum. This used to be stated, under the name
of Mobility, as a characteristic property of matter.
This change is always gradual, never abrupt. An
infinite force would be required to produce a finite change
of momentum abruptly.
As change of momentum alone is mentioned, it is clear
that Newton means that the effect of a force is independent
of the state of motion of the body to which it is applied.
Hence if a force be uniform, as for instance is practically
the case with the action of gravity upon a falling body,
the additional momentum produced by it in each and
every second will measure its amount. But if it be
variable, we must measure it by the rate at which
momentum, is produced by it instead of the momentum
produced by it in one second. Thus the true measure of
a force is the rate of change of momentum ; or, to use the
kinematical term, the product of the mass of a body into
the acceleration of its velocity.
121. Two special cases, of great importance, must now
be treated : uniform acceleration in the direction of
motion, and uniform circular motion.
It is found that, in vacuo, all bodies acquire, per
second, an additional vertical velocity of about 3 2 '2 feet
per second. This quantity (which varies with the latitude
height above sea-level, etc. 165) is usually denoted by
the letter g. Hence, if M be the mass of a body, its
weight (i.e. the force which accelerates its fall) is measured
by the product M#.
Kinematics (as we saw in 71) shows us that when a
point moves uniformly in a circle, the acceleration is
directed inwards to the centre, and its magnitude is the
square of the speed multiplied into the curvature of the
path. Hence to keep a body, of mass M, moving with
uniform speed V in a circle of radius R, a force whose
magnitude is MV 2 /R, directed towards the centre of the
circle, must constantly act upon it. As M# is the weight
(\V) of the body, we may express this force as
If o> be the Angular Velocity in the circular path, i.e.
the angle described in unit of time by the radius drawn
to the moving body, we have obviously
and the expression for the requisite force takes the form
MR* 2 , or ?^W.
and the kinetic energy of rotation (half the product of
each part of the mass into the square of its speed) is
half the product of the moment of inertia into the square
of the angular velocity.
Again, the Moment of the momentum of a particle about
an axis is defined as the product of its momentum by the
shortest distance between the axis and the line of motion
of the particle. Hence the moment of momentum of m
about the axis is mrw.r, and the whole moment of
momentum of the body is
SCwr 2 ). a = I*;,
the product of the moment of inertia into the angular
133. It is shown in treatises on Dynamics that the
effect of a pair of equal and opposite forces, whose lines
of action are different (called by Poinsot a Couple) is to
produce moment of momentum in proportion to the time
it acts and to the moment of the couple. Hence, if Q
be the (constant) moment of the couple, o> the angular
velocity it produces in time /, when its plane is perpen-
dicular to the axis above spoken of,
la = 2(ror> = Q,
where a is the angle through which the body has turned.
For CD grows uniformly, and therefore its average value
during the time t was o>/2, so that the whole angle
described is orf/2.
But if a (constant) force P act on a particle, of mass M,
and produce in time t a speed v, we have
Mt> = Tt.
The speed increases uniformly, so that its average value
is v/2, and therefore the space described is 8 = vt/2.
Hence, by multiplying both sides by v/2, we get
Pltr 5 = Ps.
It is obvious that in the former pair of equations the
quantities I and Q, to and a, play exactly the same parts
as do M and P, v and s, respectively, in the latter
This analogy shows, at least in part, the great con-
venience of the idea of the moment of inertia.
For special purposes we often write I in the form M/s 2
k being then the common distance from the axis at which
every one of the particles must be placed, so that the
whole may have the same moment of inertia as before.
It is called the Radius of Gyration.
134. As an illustration of the application of the two
interpretations of the third law, suppose a fly-wheel to be
carefully mounted on friction rollers, and set in rotation
by the descent of a weight attached to a string wound
round its axle.
Let co be the angular velocity produced in the fly-
wheel when a length x of the cord has been unwound, a
the radius of the axle, M the mass of the appended
weight, I the moment of inertia of the wheel, and T the
stress in the cord.
Then the rate of increase of momentum of the mass
M is M.B (with Newton's notation, 72). This must be
the measure of the force producing it, so that
M = M0-T . , . . (1.)
The rate of increase of moment of momentum of the
fly-wheel is Ito, which must measure the couple produc-
ing it. Hence
I = Ta . f , . . (2.)
But ato is the amount of cord unwound per second,
i.e. the rate of descent of the weight. Thus
a, and T are to be found from the three. They give
If the wheel had no moment of inertia this would
the ordinary equation of acceleration of a free falling body.
Hence, the only effect of the fly-wheel is to diminish
the effect of gravity on the weight in the proportion
a 2 : (a? + k-). The measure of the stress on the cord is
and it therefore remains the same throughout the motion.
It increases with increase of the radius of gyration of the
wheel, but not indefinitely. Its utmost value, as was to
be expected, is (M#) the weight of the appended mass.
135. But the solution of the same problem, by the
help of Newton's second interpretation of the third law,
is far more simple.
The rate at which the agent (the weight of the falling
body) is doing work is, at any instant,
The rate at which energy is being gained by the falling
body is Mix. The rate at which energy is gained by the
fly-wheel is
cr by (3), our kinernatical condition,
M0a 2 = Ma*x + Ix, . . . . (4.)
which is the same equation as before.
136. But, instead of reckoning rates of transference of
energy, we may still more simply proceed by expressing
the conservation of the whole amount of energy in the
system ( 7).
The falling body has lost Mgx, and has gained
The fly-wheel has gained |Io> 2 . Hence
or by (3)
which is the fluent, or integral, of (4) when multiplied
137. If we consider these three solutions of the same
problem, we see that, while the stress between the
members of the system plays a prominent part in the
first, it is altogether unnoticed in the two latter.
This might, at first sight, tend to induce us to ignore
stress altogether ; and, undoubtedly, we can do so in all
cases, except when we study the condition of the intervening
medium, while energy is stored in any part of it ; or while
energy is being transferred through it from one part of the
system to another. The consideration of this view of the
subject is deferred to our chapters on Elasticity. See,
especially, 169.
138. WITHOUT preface we simply give a statement,
compounded from various parts of the Principia (espe-
cially the Third Book), which comprehends all the essen-
tials of Newton's great generalisation.
Every particle of matter in the universe attracts every
other particle with a force whose direction is that of the
line joining the two, ami whose magnitude is directly as the
product of their masses, and inversely as the square of
their distance from each other.
This statement is made in terms of attraction : i.e.
force. Such a form is convenient for our present pur-
pose. But it will be shown later ( 159) that all we
know on the subject can be expressed (and still more
simply) in a form which ignores even the very name of
It divides itself, for proof, into a number of separate
heads ; as follows :
(a) The Universality of Gravitation.
(b) The direction of the force between two particles.
(c) The proportionality of the force to the product of
the masses.
(d) The law of the inverse square of the distance.
Besides these more immediate assertions the statement
also raises the questions
(e) What do we mean by " attraction " 1
(/) What is the cause of gravitation 1
And other matters of great importance naturally
present themselves, such as, " What is the mass of the
Earth," etc. 1
These questions must be kept before us, so that we
may give to each of them (so far as our knowledge yet
extends, and so far as is consistent with the scope of this
work) a sufficient answer. (/) is still an open question,
for the attempts at answering it have not yet been very
successful, (a) of course can only be answered either in
an approximate or in an indirect manner, because we cannot
(by our most delicate instruments) even prove the exist-
ence of gravitation-attraction between two particles of
matter. Here, however, we tread (as will be seen) on
comparatively safe ground.
And the same may be said for (b), (c), and (d), because
the reasoning and experiment which sufficiently answer
(a) will be found here even more complete, (e) will be
discussed along with (/).
139. (a) One strong argument for the universality of
gravitation is that the weight of a body is the sum of the
weights of its parts. This is, of course, a matter which
can be tested to a very great degree of accuracy by means
of the balance. Thus each particle of the body con-
tributes its share to the weight of the whole.
And the weight of a given quantity of matter does not
depend upon its form. A mass of gold retains exactly
the same weight when it is beaten out into the finest leaf,
or dissolved in any quantity, however great, of an acid.
Thus terrestrial gravity acts as freely upon the particles
when they are surrounded on all sides by the solid mass, as
when they are directly exposed by the beating, or solution.
In fact, it is quite easy to see that, were this not the
case, were it, in fact, possible to find a screen through
which gravity could not act, i.e. were it possible to inter-
fere with the universality of gravitation, we should also
be able to produce The Perpetual Motion : an inexhaust-
ible source of new energy. This we know ( 7) cannot be.
To show, however, that the above hypothesis would
lead to this result, we have only to think of a fly-wheel,
one part of which shall be screened from the earth's
attraction, the rest unscreened. Every part loses weight
as soon as it enters the shadow, as it were, of the screen,
and gains it again when it emerges. Thus the wheel,
being constantly heavy on one side and weightless on the
other, constantly gains energy from nothing.
The wheel would in fact become a tread-mill : work-
ing of itself, instead of by the hard labour of a gang of
convicts climbing, without mounting, up one side.
140. (a) continued. Newton attacked the question by
assuming the law of gravitation for the separate particles
of a body, and thence finding what should be the law of
attraction towards the body as a whole. He thus arrived
at two exceedingly beautiful theorems. The first is as
follows :
A spherical shell of uniform gravitating matter exerts no
attraction on a particle within it.
[For the proof of this, and of the succeeding proposi-
tion, we assume the following results of pure mathe-
matics :
The area of a transverse section of a cone of small
angle is proportional to the square of its distance from
the vertex.
The measure of the spherical opening of such a cone is
the area it cuts off from the unit sphere whose centre is
its vertex ; which is the same as the area of the transverse
section at unit distance from the vertex.
An oblique section has greater area than the transverse
section, at the same distance from the vertex, in propor-
tion to the secant of their inclination to one another.]
Take any point B, within the spherical shell, and let it
be the vertex of a double cone of exceedingly small angle.
This cuts out two minute areas on the spherical surface,
obviously at equal inclinations to the axis of the cone.
Hence their areas, and therefore their masses, are as the
squares of BP, BQ. But their attractions on B are
inversely as the squares of BP, BQ. Thus these attrac-
tions balance one another. And
the whole shell may thus be divided
into pairs of parts, whose attrac-
tions exactly balance one another
on B. Hence the proposition,
which is obviously true of any
uniform shell, however thick, if
only bounded by concentric spheres.
And it is true, if the shell be made
up of concentric layers of different
densities, provided the density of each layer be uniform.
No other law than that of gravitation is capable of
giving this result.
141. The second of Newton's theorems is :
A spherical shell of uniform gravitating matter attracts
an external particle as if its whole mass were condensed at
its centre.
Let A be the external particle, C the centre of the
shell Cut off CB, a third proportional to CA, CD ; and
divide the shell by small double cones whose vertices
are at B. Let PBQ be such a cone. Then if o> be its
spherical opening, the areas of the sections at P and Q are
BP 2 < sec CPB, BQ 2 * sec CPB,
and their attractions are
BP 8 . sec CPB
-AP >'" -A >'
where p is the surf ace- density, i.e. the mass per unit area.
FiO. 12.
But the geometry of the figure shows us at once that
is the area of the
surface of the unit hemisphere, i.e. %TT. Hence the whole
attraction is
Now 4?rCP 2 is the surface-area of the shell, so that the
above expression is merely
Mass of shell
Square of distance from centre *
and the proposition is proved.
It can at once be extended, as the former was, to a mass
made up of concentric shells of different densities, pro-
vided each have the same density throughout.
No other law of force, except the law of the direct
distance, gives this result.
142. Hence a uniform spherical shell, or a mass made
up of uniform concentric shells, has a true Centre of
Gravity, so far as bodies external to it are concerned ; for
it attracts, and therefore is attracted by, all external
bodies, as if it were condensed in its centre.
It is only a limited class of bodies which have a true
centre of gravity in the sense just explained. When such
a point exists, it always coincides with the centre of
inertia, as we see at once by supposing the attracting
body to be so distant that its action on different parts of
the attracted body is in parallel lines, and proportional
simply to the relative masses : and, for many purposes,
it is sufficiently accurate to assume that the centre of
inertia of a body may be treated as a centre of gravity.
But we must beware of making too free a use of this
hypothesis. If, for instance, the earth had a true centre
of gravity, and were rotating about its axis of greatest
moment of inertia (through that point), there could be
neither Precession nor Nutation.
143. (a) continued. Armed with these results, Kewton
was justified in dealing with masses approximately
spherical, such as those of the sun and planets, as if each
had been a mere particle, condensed at its centre. And
here he had the benefit of the altogether extraordinary
labours of Kepler ; who, by sheer guessing, often of the
wildest kind but followed up by persevering calculation,
had reduced to a few simple statements the chief kine-
matical results deducible from the observations of Tycho
Brahe. These were given in Kepler's work, De Motilus
Stellce MartiSj Prague, 1609, and are now universally
Kepler's Laws.
I. Each planet describes an Ellipse (with comets this
may be any Conic Section) of which the Sun occupies ono
II. The radius-vector of each planet describes equal
areas in equal times.
III. The square of the periodic time (in ail elliptic
orbit) is proportional to the cube of the major axis.
144. (b) Newton showed that, as an immediate conse-
quence of Kepler's Law II. above, the direction of the
attraction of the sun for a planet must be that of the line
joining their centres.
In fact, double' the area described by the radius-vector
of a planet in one second is the moment of its velocity
about the sun's centre. But the moment of the resultant
of two velocities is the sum of their separate moments.
Hence, as the moment of the planet's velocity remains the
same, the moment of each successive increment which it
receives must be nil, i.e. these increments (i.e. the accelera-
tions) must be directed towards the sun's centre.
We may prove this part also of the law of gravitation
by showing that, were it not true, The Perpetual Motion
would be attainable. But the reader may easily make out
this proof for himself.
145. (c) That the attraction varies directly as the
product of the masses will be proved at once if it be
shown to be proportional to one of the masses while the
other remains constant. For it must be remembered
that, by the third law of motion (see 128), gravitation-
attraction is mutual ; each of the two attracting bodies has
as much of a share in producing it as has the other. It is
clear, then, that the proof of this part of the law will be
obtained at once if we can show that the weights of bodies
are, in any and every one locality, proportional to their
masses ( 34).
AYe have seen that the measure of a force is the
momentum it produces in one second. Submit a number
of bodies to the action of their own weights alone, each
will acquire in one second a momentum proportional to
its weight. But if the weight be proportional to the
mass, the momentum must also be proportional to the
mass, and thus the speed acquired must be the same for
all. That is, if they be under the action, each of its own
weight alone, they will fall side by side through any space
whatever. Now this is known to be very nearly the case
when we let stones or bullets, or even lumps of wood,
fall ; while it is obviously not so with feathers, paper, or
gold leaf. But these exceptions show at once why the
trial is not a fair one. The falling bodies are all resisted
by the air, some only slightly, others with forces not much
less than their whole weights. Hence, to make the
experiment as nearly as possible free from such interfer-
ing causes, Newton made the fall extremely slow, but in
such a way that it could be repeated over and over again
under precisely similar circumstances, and therefore its
period could be measured very exactly. He used, as the
bob of a simple pendulum, a light hollow shell which
could be filled successively with different kinds of matter.
In Book II. sec. vi. prop. xxiv. of the Principia, he
proves that the mass of the bob of a simple pendulum of
given length is directly as its weight and as the square of
its time of oscillation in vacuo. And, in the 7th Corollary
to this proposition, we read :
" Hence appears a method both of comparing bodies one
among another, as to the quantity of matter in each, and
of comparing the weights of the same body in different
places, to know the variation of its gravity. And, by
experiments made with the greatest accuracy, I have
always found the quantity of matter in bodies to be
proportional to their weight."
Thus gravity depends on the quantity, but in no way
on the quality, of the matter in a body ; and it is in all
cases attractive. In these respects it stands in marked
contrast to magnetic forces.
146. (d) An immediate deduction, from the first two
of Kepler's Laws, is that the Hodograph ( 70) of a
planet's orbit is a circle. For (see Fig. 13) the moment
of the velocity, V, of P, about the sun, S, is constant
( 144). And, by Kepler's Law I, the orbit ABA' is an
ellipse of which S is one focus. Let fall the perpendicular
SQ on the tangent a,t P, then Q lies on the circle whose
diameter is the major axis A A' of the orbit. Thus V.SQ
is constant. But if QS cut the circle again in R, SR.SQ
is constant. Thus SR is proportional to V. Hence SR
is drawn from a fixed point S, in a direction perpendicular
to that of the motion of P, and its length is proportional
to the speed of P. The locus of E, the auxiliary circle,
is therefore a curve similar to the hodograph, but turned
through a right angle.
The tangent at K, which is the direction of the accelera-
tion of the velocity SE, is therefore perpendicular to SP.
[In fact CE is parallel to SP, by a property of the ellipse.]
The magnitude of the acceleration of P is proportional to
the speed of E, i.e. proportional to the angular velocity of
CE ; i.e. to the angular velocity of SP. But the moment
of P's velocity,, about S, which is constant, can also be
expressed as the product of SP 2 into the angular velocity
FIG. 13.
of SP. Hence the angular velocity of SP, and therefore
also the acceleration of P, must be inversely proportional
to SP 2 . Thus we have the law of change of attraction
with distance.
147. The detailed investigation is easily given: thus,
if SP = r, < A'SP = 6, and if li be twice the area de-
scribed by SP in unit of time,
But SQ.V = h,
while SQ.SR = AS. S A' = BC 2 ,
where BC is the semi-axis minor of the ellipse.
Thus SR = ^.V.
But, on the same scale, the acceleration of P is measured
by the velocity of K, which is CR.0, or CA.0.
Hence the actual acceleration of P is
* CAS- 7i
BC* "
Now twice the area of the ellipse is 27rBC.CA; and,
if T be the periodic time, it must also be h. T. Hence
Acceleration of P = ^ " -3 .
Kepler's Third Law tells us that CA 3 /T 2 is the same
for all the planets. Hence we conclude that it is the
same gravitation, diminishing as the square of the distance
increases, which acts on each one of the planets.
148. The result of 146 might at once have been
obtained from Kepler's third law. For if we suppose the
orbits of the planets to be circles (which they are approxi-
mately), that law gives
T 2 oc RS,
where T is the periodic time, K the radius of the circle.
But, if V be the planet's speed in its circular orbit, we
have the Idnematical result
V 2 !? oc R 2 .
From the two we obtain
V 2 1
i.e. (see 121) the accelerations are inversely as the
squares of the distances.
But it is better to derive, as Xewton did, the law of
inverse square from the two first of Kepler's laws ; and
then the third gives us the further information that every
planet behaves exactly as any other would do if substituted
for it, i.e. that the sun's gravity pays no attention to the
quality of matter.
149. Having found that, in these general matters at
least, the assumed law of gravitation is in agreement with
the planetary motions, Newton turned to particulars, and
the special one which he took as a test Avas the moon's
revolution about the earth. He says :
" That the circumterrestrial force likewise decreases in
the duplicate proportion of the distances, I infer thus.
"Let us then assume the mean distance of the moon
60 semi-diameters of the earth, and its periodic time in
respect of the fixed stars 27 d 7 h 43 m as astronomers have
determined it. And a body revolved in our air, near the
surface of the earth supposed at rest, by means of a
centripetal force which should be to the same force at the
distance of the moon in the reciprocal duplicate propor-
tion of the distances from the centre of the earth, that is,
as 3600 : 1, would (secluding the resistance of the air)
complete a revolution in l h 24 m 27 8 .
" Suppose the circumference of the earth to be
123,249,600 Paris feet, as has been determined by the
late mensuration of the French, then the same body,
deprived of its circular motion, and falling freely by
the impulse of the same centripetal force as before,
would, in one second of time, describe 15 T V Paris
" This agrees with what we observe in all bodies about
the earth. For by the experiments of pendulums, and a
computation raised thereon, Mr. Huyyem has demonstrated
that bodies falling by all that centripetal force with which
(of whatever nature it is) they are impelled near the
surface of the earth, do, in one second of time, describe
15 T \ Paris feet."
The comparatively accurate measurement, of the length
of a degree of latitude on the earth, by Picard was un-
doubtedly the cause which ultimately led to the publica-
tion of the Principia, of which the fundamental proposi-
tions had been obtained nearly twenty years before.
For Newton, using the rough estimate of 60 miles to
a degree, had found that the moon's deflection by gravity,
in one second, from a rectilinear path, was not ^^V^ n ^
the space through which a stone falls in one second at
the surface of the earth, and had in consequence put his
investigations aside, until he was led to resume them by
hearing the result of Picard's measures.
150. Having thus established the law of gravitation by
calculations founded mainly on Kepler's laws, Newton
proceeded to show that these laws could not themselves
be accurate. For a single spherical planet, revolving
about a spherical sun, the first two laws would still be
true, but a second planet would at once interfere with
this state of matters : the orbits would no longer be
ellipses, and equal areas would no longer be described
in equal times. Again, the third law could never be
exactly true, even if the planets did not attract one
another, unless they contained each the same fraction of
the sun's mass. But the consideration of questions like
these belongs to Physical Astronomy, with which we have
nothing to do here. Suffice it to say that Newton's own
magnificently-extended deductions, supplemented as they
have been by those of successive generations of illustrious
mathematicians, have verified already to a very high
degree of nicety the competence of the law of gravitation
to account for the excessively complex motions and
perturbations observed in the solar system.
151. We have already ( 118) adverted to the apparent
loss of weight by bodies at the equator. This loss, due
to the so-called Centrifugal Force, is, of course, directly
proportional to the mass of each body. But experiment
with the most delicate balances has shown that bodies
of any kind which equilibrate in one latitude equilibrate
in all. Hence their weights remain equal when, from
that of each, is subtracted an amount proportional to
the mass. This can only be if the weights are them-
selves proportional to the masses. Thus we have an
independent experimental proof of the truth of clause (c)
of Newton's statement.
152. We can scarcely yet be said to have proof that
gravitation exists, as we know it, in stellar systems. For
the data, from which to calculate orbits of double stars,
have to be obtained under circumstances which do not
admit of more than rude attempts at approximation. We
know that there are hundreds of systems in which two or
more stars revolve about one another in a way which
leaves no doubt that they are physically connected. But
the observations which have as yet been made have been
applied, not to prove that the relative orbits are consistent
with Kepler's laws but, to find the approximate dimen-
sions of the orbits, and thence the amounts of matter in
the mutually influencing bodies, on the supposition that
Kepler's laws hold even in these remote systems.
Thus we cannot, at least for the present, look for proof
of the universality of gravitation in this direction. But
we have ample direct proofs that parts of the earth, and
not merely the earth as a whole, exert gravitating force.
Some of these will be considered in the immediately
succeeding sections.
153. The most direct of these (though not the earliest)
is what (though devised by Michell) goes by the name of
The Cavendish Experiment.
In this, by means of the elasticity of a wire or fibre, the
attraction between two spheres of manageable size is not
only demonstrated, but measured. The following sketch
shows a horizontal section through the main parts of the
Two small balls, A and B, an inch or two in diameter,
are connected by a stiff, but very light, horizontal girder
or tube, which is suspended at its middle point (E) by a
long fine wire. The whole of this part of the apparatus
is enclosed in a case, carefully coated with tinfoil or gold-
leaf, to prevent (as far as possible) irregular heating and
consequent currents of air ; perhaps, also, slight electrifi-
cation. To the girder is attached a small mirror, whose
plane is vertical. A little glazed window in the case
allows any motion of the mirror to be measured by the
consequent deviations of a ray of light reflected by it.
Outside the case are placed two equal, but much more
massive, spheres, usually balls of lead a foot or more in
diameter, so mounted that they can be made to move
(without jerk of any kind) from the positions C 1? D l to
the positions C 2 , D 2 and C 3 , D 3 , or back again, at will.
[In Cornu's recently-constructed apparatus there are four
spherical iron vessels, of equal size, placed once for all at
FIG 14.
C 1} C 3 , D x , D 3 , and so connected, two and two, that Cj
or D 3 , and simultaneously D x or C 3 , may be filled with
mercury, the other of each pair being left empty. All
four can be left empty when required.]
Cavendish, and all who have since made the experi-
ment, found that the apparatus was never at rest. In
order to determine the equilibrium position it was
necessary, therefore, in all cases to measure the limits of
successive oscillations, and to compare the mean of two
successive deflections to one side, with the intervening
deflection to the other side. The time of each oscillation
was also carefully measured.
When the large masses were placed at C^ D 2 , "* a ^ nc
perpendicular to the girder (i.e. each half-way between
its extreme positions), the oscillations were due practically
to torsion alone, and the couple required to twist the
suspending filament through a given angle could be
determined from the period of free oscillation, taken
along with the length of the girder and the masses of
the two small balls.
When the masses were placed at Cp Dp within a
couple of inches of the small balls, the range of the
oscillation was completely altered. From the observa-
tions (made as before) the new position of equilibrium
could be calculated. A fresh set of observations was
then made with the balls at C 2 , D 2 , and then they were
shifted to C 3 , D 3 . Thus is determined the deflection
which would have been produced if the sensitive part of
the apparatus could have been reduced to rest.
But from this deflection, and the ascertained coefficient
of torsion of the wire, the force acting on each of the
small balls can be calculated. This is to be compared
with the weight of one of the small balls, and then the
question is, " What must be the mass of the earth when
it attracts a mass at its surface (i.e. 4000 miles from its
centre) with a force greater in a known ratio than that
with which the same mass is attracted by a given
spherical mass of lead, whose centre is placed at a given
distance 1 " The law of gravitation at once enables us to
write the requisite condition. The mass of the earth,
thus found, has only to be divided by its volume ( 126)
to give the mean density.
The quantities compared in such a case, i.e. the attrac-
tions, may be taken as approximately in proportion to
the radius and the mean density of the earth, and of the
leaden sphere, respectively. They are, therefore (as the
density of lead is double that of the earth), in the ratio
4000 x 5280 : 2 ; or 10 7 : 1 roughly. Hence, to estimate
correctly, to two significant figures only, the earth's
mean density, we require to measure a force of the order
of the hundred-millionth part of the weight of the small
ball. This rough calculation gives some idea of the
delicacy of the experiment.
154. The details of the necessary precautions, as well
as of the results of various repetitions of this experiment,
do not suit a work like this, and must be sought in the
original descriptions. 1
Cavendish's result for the mean density of the earth
was 5'48 (the density of water being taken as unit) ;
Reich obtained 5 '49; Baily 5 '67, since reduced (by the
recalculations of Cornu) to 5*55. Cornu's own result
is 5-50.
It is very remarkable that Newton, in Book III. of
the Principia, prop, x., made the following guess :
" Since the common matter of our earth, on the surface
thereof, is about twice as heavy as water, and a little
lower, in mines, is found about three, four, or even five
1 Cavendish, Phil, Trans., 1798. Baily, Mem. Ast. Soc., 1843.
Reich, Abhand. d. K. Sacks. Ges., 1852. Cornu, Comptes Rendus,
times more heavy, it is probable that the quantity of the
whole matter of the earth may be five or six times greater
than if it consisted all of water."
Every one of the experimental results, above given,
lies almost exactly half-way between the limits thus
assigned, and published, more than a century before even
the earliest attempt at direct determination was made.
155. Good results have been obtained by a modifica-
tion of this experiment, which enables the experimenter
to employ an ordinary balance; an attracting sphere of
considerable mass being applied beneath a sphere attached
to one arm of the balance, and already counterpoised
(at a different level) by weights in a scale-pan. Thus the
uncertainties of torsion arc avoided. Of late, however,
fibres of quartz have been drawn, which seem to be
singularly certain in their working, so that the form of
the Cavendish apparatus may perhaps be retained, and
its scale very considerably reduced. 1
156. Other methods, which have been employed for
the determination of the mean density of the earth,
depend upon the comparison of the attraction exercised
by a mountain, or by some other part of the earth, with
that of the whole earth, when these act simultaneously,
but in different directions, on the same body. The first
recorded trial of this method was made by De la Conda-
mine and others, among the Andes. It was first carefully
worked out by Maskelyne on a prominent EertlTsnl
mountain, and has consequently been called //+?
The Schehallien Experiment. \ ^
By geodetic measures, altogether uninfluftn'oetT -Jby
gravitation, the actual distance between two
1 Boys, Nature, xxxix., 65, 1889.
one north the other south of the mountain, can be found,
and from it can be calculated the difference of their
(geographical) latitudes. But the true latitude of each
station separately can be determined by the usual astro-
nomical methods, depending on the observed meridian
altitude of a star. The difference between the geographi-
cal and the true latitude of each station depends upon
the attraction of the mountain for the plumb-line, or
the trough of mercury, which is used to determine the
vertical. The station south of the mountain (in the
northern hemisphere) has its latitude made less than
the geographical, that to the north made greater by this
action. Hence, if everything were symmetrical on the
two sides of the mountain, the difference of the astro-
nomically determined true latitudes at the two stations
would be greater than that of their geographical latitudes
by double the deviation produced in the plumb-line by
the mountain.
The mountain must now be contoured ; then studied
by a geologist, so as to enable him to decide on the most
probable distribution of matter in it ; then the specific
gravities of samples of these kinds of matter must be
determined. Next a laborious calculation, of the species
called Quadrature, must be gone through to find its action
on the plummet, taking account of the form and density
of the mass. Finally, the deflection of the plumb-line is
calculated from this result, in terms of the (unknown)
mean density of the earth, and compared with the
measured deflection.
Maskelyne's 1 observations, developed successively by
Hutton 2 and by Playfair, 3 gave as result for the earth's
mean density 4 '48 and 4*86. The great objection to this
1 Phil. Trans., 1775. 2 Ibid., 1778. 3 Ibid., 1811.
method is the uncertainty under which we must remain
-as to the internal structure, not only of the mountain
itself but of the whole crust of the earth in its neighbour-
hood. This cannot be got over completely, so that the
result is liable to considerable error.
157. The Harton Experiment was made by Airy in the
Hartoii pits. It consists in comparing the intensity of
gravity at the earth's surface with that at the bottom of
a mine : the same pendulum being used successively at
the two stations; or, still better, two pendulums being
made to vibrate simultaneously, one at each station, but
now and again interchanged. This method, with the
help of modern electrical processes for comparing the
behaviour of the pendulums, is probably (so far as exact-
ness of measurement is concerned) a really good one.
The intensity of gravity at the bottom of the mine differs
from that at the surface on two accounts. Suppose a
surface drawn inside the earth, but everywhere at a depth
equal to that of the mine ; so as to divide the earth into a
core, enclosed in a uniformly thick skin, as it were.
Gravity at the top of the pit depends on the combined
attractions of these parts. At the bottom of the pit the
skin ceases to attract (by Newton's proposition, t40) ;
but we have come nearer' to the core. Hence the observa-
tions enable us to compare the attraction of the core with
that of the skin. Now we know the volume of the skin,
but it has to be assumed (and this is the fatal defect of
the method) that the skin is evert/where of the mean
density determined from examination of the various strata
passed through in sinking the pit.
It is not, therefore, surprising that the result of this
experiment, 1 viz. 6'56, should differ very materially from
1 Phil. Trans., 1856.
the consistent results obtained by the various workers at
the Cavendish experiment.
158. It was suggested by Robison 1 that the alternate
filling and emptying of an estuary or bay, at different
states of the tide, might supply an excellent mode of
measuring the earth's mean density by means of observa-
tions of the consequent twelve-hourly periodic changes of
latitude. The contouring required would be very easy ;
the density of sea- water is practically uniform, and there
are places where the whole rise of the tide sometimes
amounts to 120 feet or so. But this promising method
seems not to have got beyond the stage of suggestion.
Yet it is the only one, besides the Cavendish method and
its mere modifications, which has not some inherent and
fatal weakness.
159. (e) and (/) of 138 above. That two pieces of
matter behave as if they attracted one another according
to Newton's law, is certain. But it by no means follows
that they do so attract. All that we are entitled to say,
from the facts given above, is as follows :
The part of the energy of a system of two particles of
matter, of masses m and m, which depends upon their
distance, r,from one another, is measured ly
and this is not altered ly the presence of other particles.
This, taken along with the conservation of energy,
enables us fully to investigate the motions of any system
of gravitating masses. It represents, in fact, our whole
knowledge on the subject. And it is important to
observe that the statement is altogether free from even
1 Elements of Mechanical Philosophy, 1804. p. 339. See also
Forbes, Proc. R.S.E., II. p. 244.
the mention of the word attraction or force. [See, again,
15, 137.]
160. We may, however, briefly notice some hypotheses
which have been framed as to the mechanism on which
gravitation depends. For Newton, in his celebrated
Ldters to Benttey, expressly says :
"You sometimes speak of gravity as essential and
inherent to matter. Pray do not ascribe that notion to
me ; for the cause of gravity is what I do not pretend to
know, and therefore would take more time to consider of
" It is inconceivable that inanimate brute matter should,
without the mediation of something else which is not
material, operate on and affect other matter without
mutual contact, as it must do if gravitation in the sense
of Epicurus be essential and inherent in it. ... That
gravity should be innate, inherent, and essential to matter,
so that one body may act upon another at a distance
through a vacuum, without the mediation of anything
else, by and through which their action and force may be
conveyed from one to another, is to me so great an
absurdity, that I believe no man who has in philosophical
matters a competent faculty of thinking, can ever fall into
it. Gravity must be caused by an agent acting constantly
according to certain laws; but whether this agent be
material or immaterial, I have left to the consideration of
my readers."
161. When we come to deal with molecular forces we
shall find that small bodies, such as sticks, straws, air-
bubbles, etc., floating on water, are made to aggregate
themselves into groups by molecular tension in the water-
surface ( 288). Hence the idea that stress, in a medium
tilling all space, might account for the apparent mutual
attraction between bodies entirely surrounded by this
Newton, in the Queries at the end of his Optics, speaks
of a possible explanation to be obtained by assuming that
dense bodies rarefy the ether surrounding them, to an
amount which is less as the distance is greater.
Clerk-Maxwell says on this point : 1
" To account for such a force by means of stress in an
intervening medium, on the plan adopted for electric and
magnetic forces, ... we must suppose that there is a
pressure in the direction of the lines of force, combined
with a tension in all directions at right angles to the lines
of force. Such a stress would, no doubt, account for the
observed effects of gravitation. We have not, however,
been able hitherto to imagine any physical cause for such
a state of stress. It is easy to calculate the amount of
this stress which would be required to account for the
actual effects of gravity at the surface of the earth. It
would require a pressure of 37,000 tons' weight on the
square inch in a vertical direction, combined with a
tension of the same numerical value in all horizontal
directions. The state of stress, therefore, which we must
suppose to exist in the invisible medium is 3000 times
greater than that which the strongest steel could support."
162. Other attempts have been made, with the view
of showing that waves, or pulsating motion, in a medium,
would have the effect of drawing immersed bodies
together. Again, Sir W. Thomson has shown that if
space be filled with an incompressible fluid, which comes
into existence in fresh quantities at the surface of every
particle of matter, at a rate proportional to its mass,
and is swallowed up at an infinite distance, or, if each
1 Ency. Brit., ninth ed., Art. "Attraction."
I.H tide of mutter constantly swallows up an amount
proportional to its mass, a constant supply being kept
up from an infinite distance, in either case gravitation
would be accounted for. This is, however, virtually
a suggestion of a dynamical mode of producing the
diminution of pressure required in Newton's attempt at
163. An attempt at explanation, from a totally different
point of view, was made by Le Sage in 1818. The
following account of it is taken from Clerk-Maxwell's
article, " Atom," already referred to :
"The theory of Le Sage is that the gravitation of
bodies towards each other is caused by the impact of
streams of atoms flying in all directions through space.
These atoms he calls ultramundane corpuscules, because
he conceives them to come in all directions from regions
far beyond that part of the system of the world which
is in any way known to us. He supposes each of them
to be so small that a collision with another ultramundane
corpuscule is an event of very rare occurrence. It is by
striking against the molecules of gross matter that they
discharge their function of drawing bodies towards each
other. A body placed by itself in free space and exposed
to the impacts of these corpuscules would be bandied
about by them in all directions, but because, on the
whole, it receives as many blows on one side as on
another, it cannot thereby acquire any sensible velocity.
But if there are two bodies in space, each of them will
screen the other from a certain proportion of the corpus-
cular bombardment, so that a smaller number of corpus-
cules will strike either body on that side which is next
the other body, while the number of corpuscules which
strike it in other directions remains the same.
"Each body will therefore be urged towards the other
by the effect of the excess of the impacts it receives on
the side farthest from the other. If we take account of
the impacts of those corpuscules only which come directly
from infinite space, and leave out of consideration those
which have already struck mundane bodies, it is easy to
calculate the result on the two bodies, supposing their
dimensions small compared with the distance between
"The force of attraction would vary directly as the
product of the areas of the sections of the bodies taken
normal to the distance and inversely as the square of the
distance between them.
" Now, the attraction of gravitation varies as the pro-
duct of the masses of the bodies between which it acts,
and inversely as the square of the distance between them.
If, then, we can imagine a constitution of bodies such
that the effective areas of the bodies are proportional to
their masses, we shall make the two laws coincide. Here,
then, seems to be a path leading toAvards an explanation
of the law of gravitation, which, if it can be shown to be
in other respects consistent with facts, may turn out to be
a royal road into the very arcana of science.
"Le Sage himself shows that, in order to make the
effective area of a body, in virtue of which it acts as a
screen to the streams of ultramundane corpuscules, pro-
portional to the mass of the body, whether the body be
large or small, we must admit that the size of the solid
atoms of the body is exceedingly small compared with
the distances between them, so that a very small propor-
tion of the corpuscules are stopped even by the densest
and largest bodies. We may picture to ourselves the
streams of corpuscules coming in every direction, like
light from a uniformly illuminated sky. "We may
imagine a material body to consist of a congeries of
atoms at considerable distances from each other, and wo
may represent this by a swarm of insects flying in the
air. To an observer at a distance this swarm will be
visible as a slight darkening of the sky in a certain
quarter. This darkening will represent the action of the
material body in stopping the flight of the corpuscules.
Now, if the proportion of light stopped by the swarm is
very small, two such swarms will stop nearly the same
amount of light, whether they are in a line with the eye
or not, but if one of them stops an appreciable proportion
of light, there will not be so much left to be stopped
by the other, and the effect of two swarms in a line
with the eye will be less than the sum of the two effects
"Now, we know that the effect of the attraction of
the sun and earth on the moon is not appreciably
different when the moon is eclipsed than on other
occasions when full moon occurs without an eclipse.
This shows that the number of the corpuscules which
are stopped by bodies of the size and mass of the earth,
and even the sun, is very small compared with the number
which pass straight through the earth or the sun without
striking a single molecule. To the streams of corpuscules
the earth and the sun are mere systems of atoms scattered
in space, which present far more openings than obstacles
to their rectilinear flight.
"Such is the ingenious doctrine of Le Sage, by which
he endeavours to explain universal gravitation. Let us
try to form some estimate of this continual bombardment
of ultramundane corpuscules which is being kept up on
all sides of us.
u We have seen that the sun stops but a very small
fraction of the corpuscules which enter it. The earth,
being a smaller body, stops a still smaller proportion of
them. The proportion of those which are stopped by a
small body, say a 1 Ib. shot, must be smaller still in an
enormous degree, because its thickness is exceedingly
small compared with that of the earth.
" Now, the weight of the ball, or its tendency towards
the earth, is produced, according to this theory, by the
excess of the impacts of the corpuscules which come
from above over the impacts of those which come from
below, and have passed through the earth. Either of
these quantities is an exceedingly small fraction of the
momentum of the whole number of corpuscules which
pass through the ball in a second, and their difference
is a small fraction of either, and yet it is equivalent to
the weight of a pound. The velocity of the corpuscules
must be enormously greater than that of any of the
heavenly bodies, otherwise, as may easily be shown, they
would act as a resisting medium opposing the motion of
the planets. Now, the energy of a moving system is
half the product of its momentum into its velocity.
Hence the energy of the corpuscules, which by their
impacts on the ball during one second urge it towards
the earth, must be a number of foot-pounds equal to the
number of feet over which a corpuscule travels in a
second, that is to say, not less than thousands of millions.
But this is only a small fraction of the energy of all the
impacts which the atoms of the ball receive from the
innumerable streams of corpuscules which fall upon it in
all directions.
"Hence the rate at which the energy of the corpus-
cules is spent in order to maintain the gravitating pro-
perty of a .single pound, is at least millions of millions of
foot-pounds per second."
164. One common defect of these attempts is, as Clerk-
Maxwell points out, that they all demand some prime-
mover, working beyond the limits of the visible universe
or inside each atom : creating or annihilating matter,
giving additional speed to spent corpuscles, or in some
other way supplying the exhaustion suffered in the pro-
duction of gravitation. Another defect is that they all
make gravitation a mere difference-effect as it were;
thereby implying the presence of stores of energy abso-
lutely gigantic in comparison with anything hitherto
observed or even suspected to exist, in the universe ;
and therefore demanding the most delicate adjustments,
not merely to maintain the conservation of energy which
we observe, but to prevent the whole solar and stellar
systems from being instantaneously scattered in frag-
ments through space.
In fact, the cause of gravitation remains undiscovered.
165. The ordinary balance, as we have already seen,
merely tests equality of masses. To find the icciyht of a
body we must measure directly the earth's attraction for
it. This can be done, perfectly in principle but only
with a rude approximation to accuracy in practice, by
means of a Spriiuj-JBalance, or by some other contrivance
which depends on the elastic resilience of a special kind
of matter.
By far the most accurate instrument for measuring the
intensity of gravity, from which, of course, the weight of
any body (whose mass is known) may be immediately
calculated, is the pendulum.
A simple pendulum ( 115) exists, of course, only
in theory ; but by means of a theorem of abstract
dynamics we can calculate the length of the simple
pendulum which will vibrate in the same period as does
a mass, of any form and dimensions, freely supported in
any assigned way on a horizontal axis. This the reader
must take for granted. 1 Hence we can reduce observations
made with any pendulum to those with the corresponding
simple pendulum.
The following expression, whose form is suggested by
the theory of the Figure of the Earth, and whose constants
have been determined and verified by pendulum observa-
tions made all over the world, gives approximately the
value of g ( 120) at sea-level in any latitude X,
32 -088(1-1-0 '00513 sin?X).
166. We conclude the chapter with a small table of
(approximate) Specific Gravities, or what is the same thing
( 36), Densities, and a few remarks suggested by it.
^one of the numbers for solids can be given with any
great accuracy, (except perhaps those for natural crystals) :
for, even if the substance be pure, its density may be
altered to a considerable amount by the processes through
which it has passed in assuming the state in which it is
tested. Such a table as the present must be looked on as
affording materials for rough calculations only. When
better results are required, special determinations must be
made for each substance dealt with.
Hydrogen '000089
Steam 0'0006
Nitrogen '00125
Air 0-00129
Oxygen '00143
(The above are at 1 atmosphere ; steam (of course) at 100 C.,
the others at 0C.)
1 Thomson and Tait's Elements of Nat. Phil., Appendix, y.
Cork 0-24
Lithium . . . . . . 0'59
Potassium . . . , 0'86
Gutta Percha . ' ''. . . . 0'98
Water .... . 1 '00
Magnesium . . . - . . 175
Quartz . . . . . 2'65
Aluminium . . . . . 2 '67
Granite, Marble, Slate . . 27
Glass . . ' . . . 27 to 4 "5
Basalt . . . . .2-9
Bromine . . . . .3*0
Zinc . . ... 7-2
Tin 7'3
Iron 7'8
Nickel 87
Copper 8'9
Silver 10 '6
Lead 11-3
Mercury . . . . . 13'6
Gold . . . . . . 19-4
Platinum 21 '5
Iridium . . . . ! 22 '4
[It is well to note that these numbers, each multiplied by 1000,
give in ounces (avoirdupois) very nearly the mass per cubic foot
of the corresponding substance.]
The chief additional remark suggested by the table is
that, not only are there bodies which, though liquid at
ordinary temperatures, are denser than the great majority
of solids, but that a comparatively moderate pressure,
such as a few hundred atmospheres, would (without
producing liquefaction) make the density of air or oxygen
greater than that of some solids ; so that, for instance, if
chemical action could be prevented, we might easily have
solid lithium floating upwards in compressed oxygen, as a
cork rises in water.
The ratio of the densities of iridium and of hydrogen,
as given in the table, is about 250,000 : 1. But, by means
of a Sprengel pump, the density of the hydrogen might
easily be reduced to a four-thousandth of its former value.
Thus we can place beside one another specimens of
matter, one of which has one thousand million-fold the
density of the other. Such a comparison may help us to
understand the possibility of the existence of the lumini-
ferous medium ; which is certainly matter, yet of a
density perhaps smaller in comparison with that of
attenuated hydrogen, than is the latter in comparison
with the density of indium. In the present work the
ether does not come in for treatment. "We know it only
in so far as it is the vehicle of radiation and electrical
energy : so that it is to works on Light and Electricity
the student must be referred.
167. By considering the earth, for a moment, as a
liquid mass, it is easy (on hydrostatical principles) to
calculate the whole pressure across any plane section of
it. 1 This is, of course, the resultant gravitation attraction
between the parts separated by the plane of section.
Assuming the result of 154 for the mean density, we
lind that the average attraction, per square foot, across a
diametral plane is about 18 x 10 s Ibs. weight. The
tenacity of sandstone is about 72 x 10 3 Ibs. weight per
square foot. Thus gravitation is 25,000 times as effectual
in keeping the earth together, as would be its cohesion
if it were solid sandstone. Even if the earth were as
tenacious as steel, its cohesion across a diametral plane
would be only about 1 per cent of the attraction across it.
Since the cohesion between two halves of a globe is,
ceteris paribus, as the area of a diametral plane, i.e. as the
square of the radius, while the gravitation attraction is
1 Tait, Proc, H.S.E., 1875.
as the sixtli power of the radius directly, and as the
square of the radius inversely, a sphere of the earth's
mean density and of the tenacity of sandstone would
require to be of about 25 miles radius only, in order that
cohesion may be as effective as gravity in keeping two
hemispheres together. If the tenacity were that of steel,
the radius would be about 400 miles.
Hence the earth's strength depends almost wholly on
gravitation, while that of a stone, less than a mile or so
in diameter, depends almost wholly on cohesion, and the
more completely the smaller it is.
168. A SUBSTANCE is said to be elastic when, on being
left free, it recovers wholly or partially from a deforma-
tion ( 41).
This definition is sometimes given in another form :
a substance is said to be elastic when it requires the
continued application of stress to keep it deformed. But
this is by no means an equivalent of the former state-
ment ; and, besides, it usually introduces complications ;
for in many substances the force requisite to maintain a
distortion becomes less and less with the lapse of time ;
and the continued application of a given distorting force
often produces a constantly increasing distortion. To
this, and to another curious property called the Fatigue
of Elasticity, we will recur, but we will for the present
adhere to the first definition given above.
Hence, as an introduction to this part of the subject,
we must inquire into the nature and mechanism of the
simpler kinds of deformation.
169. The term usually employed for deformation of
any kind is Strain. The treatment of strains is an
entirely geometrical, or (more properly) kinematical,
question. But when we inquire how a strain is produced
in a given piece of matter, the question becomes a
dynamical one, and we are led to the notion of a system
of equilibrating forces, called a Stress. (See, again,
137.) 4- n( l we figure to ourselves that every stress
produces a corresponding strain, which will be of greater
or less amount as the specimen of matter operated on is
of more or less yielding quality.
It is sometimes convenient to speak of the property of
yielding to a particular stress, as when we speak of the
Compressibility of a substance ; sometimes it is more con-
venient to speak of the property of resistance to a stress,
as when we speak of a body's Rigidity. But the resist-
ance to a stress is measured by the reciprocal of the
amount of yielding (just as the electric resistance of a
wire is the reciprocal of its conducting power), so that
either of these numerical quantities is immediately
deducible from the other.
It will be seen shortly that if P be the measure of
any one kind of stress, and p that of the corresponding
strain (supposed small), experiment points to a general
relation of the form
P = Op,
where C is a constant depending on the special substance,
and the special form of stress. C is obviously greater,
the smaller is the strain for a given stress ; and it there-
fore measures the resistance of the substance to the
particular kind of stress denoted by P.
As stress is force per unit of surface, while strain has
no dimensions, the dimensions of C in the above expres-
sion are
Hence the numerical value of C changes, in passing
from one system of units to another, directly as the unit
of length and the square of the unit of time are increased,
and inversely as the unit of mass is increased.
170. We shall not require for our elementary treat-
ment of the question more than the simplest portions of
the subject of strains, and shall therefore be concerned
with Homogeneous Strain only.
By this term it is implied that all originally similar,
equal, and similarly situated portions of a substance
remain after the strain similar, equal, and similarly
situated, however their forms and dimensions may be
changed. Hence points originally in a straight line, or
in a plane, remain in a straight line, or in a plane. Also
equal parallel lines remain equal parallel lines. There-
fore a parallelogram remains a parallelogram, an ellipse
remains an ellipse, a parallelepiped remains a parallel-
epiped, and an ellipsoid remains an ellipsoid.
171. Now suppose small, equal, and similarly situated
cubes to be traced in the unstrained body. This will be
effected by three imagined series of equidistant parallel
planes, those of each series being perpendicular to those
of the other two. After the strain the cubes become
equal, similar, and similarly situated parallelepipeds.
And it is clear that if one of the cubes, and the corre-
sponding parallelepiped, be given, everything else can be
But there is one special set, of three series of rect-
angular planes, with which it is best to commence. For
it is clear from what precedes that all originally spherical
portions of the body will become similar and similarly
situated ellipsoids. Also, if tangent planes be drawn to
a sphere, at the extremities of three diameters at right
angles to one another, i.e. so that any one of the tangent
planes is parallel to the plane containing the other two
diameters, this parallelism will be maintained after
deformation. Thus, every set of three mutually perpen-
dicular diameters of the sphere becomes a set of conjugate
diameters of the ellipsoid, and conversely. Hence the
principal cues of the ellipsoid, which are conjugate
diameters perpendicular to one another, were also origin-
ally perpendicular to one another. This elementary
consideration produces a marvellous simplification of our
172. For we now see that every homogeneous strain
may be looked on as having been produced by uniform
extensions, or compressions, parallel to three mutually
perpendicular lines (the amounts parallel to these being
generally different), and a subsequent rotation of the
whole as if it were rigid. We shall not require to
consider the rotation, for we are concerned only with the
deformation which each small part suffers.
Thus, taking account of these permissible simplifica-
tions, we need only inquire into the circumstances under
which an originally cubical portion of the substance
becomes in general brick-shaped, without change of the
directions of its edges. The investigation presents no
grave difficulties when the strains are of finite magnitude,
but we will, for simplicity as well as convenience
( 174, 177), consider them as small.
173. There is one elementary form of strain which we
must specially consider, viz. that of the brick shape,
formed from a cube by lengthening in a given ratio one
set of parallel edges, sliortening a second set in the same
ratio, and leaving the third set unaltered. Here it is
obvious that the volume also remains unaltered. Let
the ratio of extension be 1+1:1, that of contraction will
be !/:!, on account of the smallness of the fraction I
FIG. 15.
in all the cases which we have to consider. Let the
figure represent one of those faces of the cube, of which
all the edges have been altered. The square inscribed
in that side is obviously distorted into a rhombus, of
which two of the angles are greater, and two less, than
right angles, by the same amount, suppose.
1 -/
, = tan
so that, as is very small,
1 - tan H
1-1- tan
174. Every equilibrating system of forces (i.e. every
stress) can be reduced to simple stresses, each consisting
of equal and opposite forces in the same line, that is,
ihrwfa t or tensions. Thus we have now to inquire what
thrusts or tensions will convert a cube of deformable
matter into an assigned brick shape. These must
evidently be spread uniformly over each of its surfaces,
for every one of any number of smaller equal cubes, into
which it may be supposed to be divided, suffers precisely
the same proportionate deformation.
And as ( 172) we confine ourselves to very small
deformations, any number of them may be superposed,
without interfering with one another i.e. they may be
successively inflicted in any order, with the same final
result. It is mainly for this reason that we restrict
ourselves to small strains.
175. The problem is too difficult for an elementary
work, unless the portion of matter dealt with be isotropic,
i.e. unless it possess exactly the same properties in all
directions, so that the effect of a given stress on a cube
of it is exactly the same however the cube be cut out of
the original material.
Hence we see that, for cubes which become brick-shaped,
without change, of direction of the edges, the thrusts or
tensions must each be perpendicular to the face on which
it acts. And ( 169) we measure each by its amount per
unit area.
[It is most particularly to be remarked that, in all that
follows on this subject, it is understood that the body
operated on is kept at a definite temperature, alike through-
out its substance and throughout the whole period of the
The study of the heat developed by sudden applica-
tions of stress belongs entirely to Tliermodynainic*, upon
which we do not enter in this work. In fact, we here
confine ourselves to Isothermals, and have nothing to do
with Adiabatics.~\
176. The simplest case of all, and that which alone
we require when we deal with fluids, is when the pressure
or tension is the same on each face of the cube. Here
the cube obviously remains a cube, but its edges are
diminished or increased in length. Let unit of edge
become 1 / (where / is very small) under pressure P
per square unit of each face ; what is called hydrostatic
pressure, pressure the same in all directions, and always
normal to the surface. Then the volume of unit cube
becomes 1 - 3/.
The compressibility of an isotropic body is measured by
the ratio of the compression per unit volume to the hydro-
static pressure applied.
Hence the compressibility is 3//P, and the Eesistance
to compression ( 169), usually called k, is P/3/, so that
177. When we deal with solids, in which the stress is
not necessarily of the nature of hydrostatic pressure, some
further considerations must be attended to.
We now assume, consistently with experiment (as will
afterwards be shown), that, if the strain produced by any
stress be small, the reversed stress will produce exactly
the reversed strain. This is another reason ( 172) for
confining our work to small strains.
Suppose the pairs of opposite faces of a cube be called A,
B, and C; the edges joining the corners of each pair a, I,
c, respectively. Then a tension P, per unit of area, on the
A faces will increase a in some definite ratio 1 +p : 1, and
diminish b and c in some common ratio 1 q:l. Now
superpose a pressure P, per unit area, on the B faces.
This will compress b in the ratio 1 p : 1, and extend a
and c in the ratio 1 + q : 1 . Hence the result of tension
P on the A faces and pressure P on the B faces is that a
is extended in the ratio l+p + q:I, bis compressed in
the ratio 1 -p-q : 1, while the length of c is unaltered.
The effect is, therefore, (as in 173) to change the
form of each section of the cube parallel to the C faces,
but to leave the area of that section and the volume of
the cube unaltered. This strain is called a Simple
Shear, and the corresponding stress is called Shearing
178. It is usual, in defining Rigidity, to consider the
deformation produced in the unit cube by equal tangential
forces, applied to two pairs of its sides, in directions
parallel to the thirt}, pair of sides, as indicated in the
diagram below. These forces, as shown in the figure,
obviously constitute a balancing system, or Stress. But
it may be analysed into a much simpler one. For, if we
draw either diagonal in the figure, the resultant of the
forces applied to either pair of faces on one side of it is
easily seen to be P J'2, in a direction perpendicular to
the diagonal. But the length of the diagonal is J2.
Hence the stress perpendicular to either diagonal plane is
P per square unit. And it is clearly a pressure perpen-
dicular to one diagonal plane, and a
tension perpendicular to the other.
It is therefore the system already
studied in 177, and the effect on
the cube above is that studied in
We now define as follows :
The rigidity of an isotropic solid,
(I.e. the resistance to change of form
under a stress such as that in the
above figure) is directly proportional to the tangential
force per unit area, and inversely as the change of one of
the angles of the figure.
Hence, using the common designation, w., we have
Rigidity = n = P/*,
r, by 173, 177, p (n
/' + '/ = * '
1 ^ 1 2n
179. But, by 177, the effect of pressure P, applied
simultaneously to all the sides of the cube, would be to
reduce the lengths of the edges in the common ratio
or (approximately)
Hence ( 176), _ 2 ! . . . . (2.)
P ' q '6k
180. From (1) and (2) we have at once
These represent respectively the extension of one set of
edges of the unit cube, and the common contraction of the
other two, when it is subjected to tension P parallel to
the former set.
[These results might have been obtained, perhaps even
more simply, by assuming the existence of compressibility
with absolute rigidity, then assuming pliability with
absolute incompressibility, and superposing the effects.
But the logic of this process is more likely to puzzle the
181. Hence the extension, per unit of length, of a rod
or bar, under tension P per square inch of its cross-
section, is
The corresponding diminution, per unit area, of cross-
section is
And thus the increase per unit volume is P/3A', a result
which we might have obtained directly in many other
Thus, in pulling out an india-rubber band with a given
tension, we increase its volume by one-third of the amount
by which it would be-diminished by hydrostatic pressure
of the same value.
Also by pulling out a truly cylindrical and uniform
tube, filled to a definite mark with a liquid, we may
measure directly the value of k for the matter of the
182. From the foregoing formulae the result of the
application of any stress to an isotropic body can be
As an example, suppose we desire to find what stress
will produce extension of an isotropic bar or cylinder
unaccompanied by lateral change of any kind.
If we have tensions, P along, and P' in all directions
perpendicular to, the axis of the bar, we have for the
longitudinal extensions ( 177)
and for the extension in any radial direction
Vp P + P
T> " P
The latter must vanish, by our assumed condition, so that
Pg M-2n
~ p-q~
which gives the required relation between P' and P ; and
thus the extension is
'6k -f- 4/t
bo. In the chapters which immediately follow, it
will be seen that to determine the compressibility of a
fluid we require (at least in all the ordinary modes of
experimenting) to know the distortion produced in the
vessel which contains it.
When the same hydrostatic pressure is applied simul-
taneously to the outside of the vessel and to its contents,
the correction for diminution of the interior volume is of
course, 176, 212, PV/fr: where P is the pressure per
unit surface, V the interior volume, and k the reciprocal
of the compressibility of the material of the vessel. This
is to be added to the apparent compressibility of the
But when the pressure on the vessel is mainly internal
(as in Andrews' experiments on carbonic acid, 205),
or wholly external (as in glass manometers, 233), the
correction is not so simple. It can, in every case, be
determined by means of the equations of 180 ; but the
investigation even of symmetrical cases is beyond the
limits here imposed on us. We therefore merely state
the results for the forms of vessel most commonly used,
viz. tubes and bulbs. For simplicity we assume the
tubes to be cylindrical, and the bulbs to be spherical,
each being of uniform material and of uniform thickness
throughout. The internal and external radii are, in
both cases, denoted by a^ and rt x respectively ; and the
cylinders are supposed free to alter in length as well as
in cross-section.
Then the diminution per unit of content, by external
hydrostatic pressure P, is
In cylinders P -L (\ + - Y
i - \* ' /
In spheres
The increase per unit of content, by internal hydro-
-tatic pressure P', is
In cylinders F -"- 2 ( J + ^ - V
a^ -a\k^an)
In spheres F _-.?_, (1 + < A \
i ~ o V* o 4w /
When there are simultaneous hydrostatic pressures out-
side and inside, the corresponding results, calculated
from these expressions, are to be simply superposed
(3 "4). _
Thus, if P and P' be simultaneous and equal, we have,
alike in cylinders and spheres, for the diminution of
unit internal content, P/& as above.
When an exceedingly thick vessel is exposed to
internal pressure only, the effect on unit of its content
practically depends on its rigidity only, and is ~P'/n for
a cylinder, and 3P'/4n for a sphere. This is a very
striking result.
WTien such a vessel is exposed to external pressure
the result is
For cylinders P ( 1 _|_ i Y
For spheres P(J + )
This shows the fallacy of the too common notion that,
by making the bulb of a thermometer thick enough, we
enable it to " defy pressure "; as, for instance, when it is
to be employed to measure temperatures in a sounding
of 3000 or 4000 fathoms.
184. It is very interesting to study the cases of
heterogeneous strain presented by the walls of cylinders
and bulbs when the internal and external hydrostatic
pressures are different. The following data will show
the student the form and volume of the strain-ellipsoid,
i.e. the ellipsoid into which a very small part of the wall,
originally spherical, is distorted. We give the formula
for a cylinder under external pressure. Let the original
position of the centre of the little sphere be at a distance,
r (intermediate, of course, between a and o^), from the
axis. Then it is deformed into an ellipsoid, whose axes
are (1) radial, (2) parallel to the axis of the cylinder,
(3) at right angles to these two. If we denote by 1 the
original radius of the little sphere, the semi-axes of the
ellipsoid are
m i - p a i 2
w - p re-
These are, in order of increasing magnitude, (2), (3), (1).
The axes (2) and (3) are always reduced in length, but
the radial axis (1) will be increased in length by the
strain provided r 2 < ^a \
In ordinary flint glass this condition becomes, approxi-
So that the interior layers of a glass tube, exposed to
external pressure only, are always extended in the radial
direction. This extension is greatest at the interior
surface, and vanishes in the layer whose radius is about
l-6a . If the external radius be greater than this, the
outer layers are radially compressed, and the more the
farther they lie beyond the limit of no extension.
185. The theory of the propagation of Waves, whether
of compression or of distortion, in an elastic body, is
beyond our limits; l)ut we may make the statement
that, if we could set aside the effects of sudden stress
in producing changes of temperature, and thus altering
the coefficients of compressibility and rigidity (for this
question belongs properly to Thermodynamics), the rates
of propagation of waves of different kinds depend only
upon one or both of these coefficients (k and n), and
upon the density of the body. When the coefficients
are measured in terms of the weight of unit bulk of
the body, they are called Moduli. Hitherto we have
measured them in terms of pressure or tension, i.e. force
per unit area. But, if we measure the force by the
length of the column of the substance, of unit section,
whose weight it can just support, we obviously take
account of the weight of unit bulk. Now 'the theoretical
result (under the conditions above specified) is that the
speed of a wave is that which would be acquired by
a free body falling, under uniform gravity, through a
height equal to half the length of the modulus corre-
sponding to the particular kind of distortion which is
propagated. Thus the speed of sound in air or water
depends upon the value of k alone ; that of a shearing
wave, such as light and some forms of earthquake, on n
alone. When a wave of extension is sent along a wire,
as (for instance) to set a distant railway signal, Young's
modulus ( 224) comes in; and, when we deal with
plane sound-waves in a solid, we must take the corre-
sponding modulus as given in 182.
186. A VERY general proof of compressibility and of
elasticity of bulk is afforded at once by the fact that the
great majority of bodies are capable of transmitting
sound-waves. For the propagation of sound consists
essentially in the handing on by resilience, from layer to
layer of the medium, of a state of compression or dilata-
tion ; the (small) disturbance of each particle taking
place to and fro in the direction in which the sound is
travelling. All ordinary sounds are propagated in air.
But the rate of passage of sound has been measured in
the water of the Lake of Geneva and elsewhere ; and
miners are in the habit of signalling to one another by
the sounds (of taps with a pick) conveyed through solid
187. Compressibility, elasticity, and inertia of air
are all demonstrated by the action of an air-gun. Its
reservoir is charged, by means of a pump, with some
forty or sixty times the quantity of air which it would
contain at the normal pressure and temperature; the
moment the valve is thrust down, by the fall of the
hammer, a portion of the air is forced out by its elas-
ticity ; and this rapid stream, by its inertia, communi-
cates motion to the bullet. The same thing is shown,
in a very beautiful form, by allowing the compressed air
to escape in a fine jet; for a ball of cork can be sus-
pended in the jet, as a metal shell is suspended in a
fountain-jet of water, but in this case without any visible
188. In 1662 Robert Boyle published his Defence of
Hie Doctrine touching the Spring and Weight of the Air.
The following extract, especially, is still of great interest.
It occurs in Part II. chap. v.
11 We took then a long Glass - Tube, which by a
dexterous hand and the help of Lamp was in such a
manner crooked at the bottom, that the part turned up
was almost parallel to the rest of the Tube, and the
Orifice of this shorter leg of the Siphon (if I may so call
the whole Instrument) being Hermetically seal'd, the
length of it was divided into Inches (each of which was
subdivided into eight parts) by a straight list of paper,
which containing those Divisions was carefully pasted all
along it : then putting in as much Quicksilver as served
to fill the Arch or bended part of the Siphon, that the
Mercury standing in a level might reach in the one leg
to the bottom of the divided paper, and just to the same
height or Horizontal line in the other ; we took care, by
frequently inclining the Tube, so that the Air might
freely pass from one leg into the other by the sides of
the Mercury, (we took (I say) care) that the Air at last
included in the shorter Cylinder should be of the same
laxity with the rest of the Air about it. This done, we
began to pour Quicksilver into the longer leg of the
Siphon, which by its weight pressing up that in the
shorter leg, did by degrees streighten the included Air :
and continuing this pouring in of Quicksilver till the Air
in the shorter leg was by condensation reduced to take
up but half the space it possess'd (I say, possessed not
fill'd) before ; we cast our eyes upon the longer leg of the
Glass, on which was likewise pasted a list of Paper care-
fully divided into Inches and parts, and we observed, not
without delight and satisfaction, that the Quicksilver in
that longer part of the Tube was 29. Inches higher than
the other. Now that this Observation does both very
well agree with and confirm our Hypothesis, will be easily
discerned by him that takes notice that we teach, and
Monsieur Pascliall and our English friends Experiments
prove, that the greater the weight is that leans upon the
Air, the more forcible is its endeavour of Dilatation, and
consequently its power of resistance, (as other Springs
are stronger when bent by greater weights.) For this
being considered it wil appear to agree rarely-well with
the Hypothesis, that as according to it the Air in that
degree of density and correspondent measure of resistance
to which the weight of the incumbent Atmosphere had
brought it, was able to counterbalance and resist the
pressure of a Mercurial Cylinder of about 29. Inches, as
we are taught by the Torricellian Experiment; so here
the same Air being brought to a degree of density about
twice as great as that it had before, obtains a Spring
twice as strong as formerly. As may appear by its being
able to sustain or resist a Cylinder of 29. Inches in the
longer Tube, together with the weight of the Atmo-
spherical Cylinder, that lean'd upon those 29. Inches of
Mercury ; and, as we just now inferr'd from the Torri-
cellian Experiment, was equivalent to them.
" We were hindered from prosecuting the tryal at that
time by the casual breaking of the Tube. But because
an accurate Experiment of this nature would be of great
importance to the Doctrine of the Spring of the Air,
and has not yet been made (that I know) by
any man ; and because also it is more uneasie
to be made then one would think, in regard
of the difficulty as well of procuring crooked
Tubes fit for the purpose, as of making a just
estimate of the true place of the Protuberant
Mercury's surface ; I suppose it will not be un-
welcome to the Reader, to be informed that
after some other tryals, one of which we made
in a Tube whose longer leg was perpendicular,
and the other, that contained the Air, parallel
to the Horizon, we at last procured a Tube of
the Figure exprest in the Scheme ; which
Tube, though of a pretty bigness, was so long,
that the Cylinder whereof the shorter leg of
it consisted admitted a list of Paper, which
had before been divided into 12. Inches and
their quarters, and the longer leg admitted
another list of Paper of divers foot in length,
and divided after the same manner: then
Quicksilver being poured in to fill up the
bended part of the Glass, that the surface of
it in either leg might rest in the same Hori- B
zontal line, as we lately taught, there was
more and more Quicksilver poured into the
longer Tube; and notice being watchfully
taken how far the Mercury was risen in P. 17.
that longer Tube, when it appeared to have ascended
to any of the divisions in the shorter Tube, the
several Observations that were thus successively made,
and as they were made set down, afforded us the
ensuing Table.
6 2
29* 29*
so* ; so*
31H 31H
33* 331
41 T V
63 T T
82 ! 82- t V
A. A. The number of
equal spaces in the
shorter leg, that con-
tained the same par-
cel of Air diversel} 7
B. The height of the
Mercurial Cylinder
in the longer leg,
that compress'd the
Air into those
C. Theheight of a Mer-
curial Cylinder that
counterbalanc'd the
pressure of the At-
D. The Aggregate
of the two last
Columns, B and C,
exhibiting the pres-
sure sustained by
the included Air.
E. What that pressure
should be according
to the Hypothesis,
that supposes the
pressures and ex-
pansions to be in
reciprocal propor-
1 89. The form of apparatus employed by Boyle is still
recognised as by far the best for the purpose. With a
few necessary modifications, to adapt it to difference of
circumstances, it was employed by Amagat l in the most
important recent experimental determinations of the
effects of great pressures on the volume of a gas.
Its action depends on the two hydrostatiral principles
1 Annahs de Chimie, 1880.
.-luted below, the truth of which we are here content to
In a mass of fluid ^ at rest, the pressure (per square inch)
is the same at all points in any horizontal plane.
The change of pressure from one honzontal plane to
another is equal to the weight of a column of the fluid, one
t'/uare inch in section, extending vertically between these
From these it follows that the pressure of the gas
operated on, i.e. the pressure on the mercury surface at
A (Fig. 17) is the same as that at the same level, B, in
the other branch of the tube : and this, again, exceeds
the pressure at C (the atmospheric pressure), by the
weight of a column of mercury of square inch section and
of height BC.
190. In his comments on this experiment Boyle
says :
" For the better understanding of this Experiment it
may not be amiss to take notice of the following particu-
lars :
"3. That we were two to make the observation to-
gether, the one to take notice at the bottom how the
Quicksilver rose in the shorter Cylinder, and the other
to pour it in at the top of the longer, it being very hard
and troublesome for one man alone to do both accurately.
"6. That when the Air was so compress'd, as to be
crouded into less than a quarter of the space it possess'd
before, we tryed whether the cold of a Linen Cloth dipp'd
in water would then condense it. And it sometimes
1 See, for instance, Thomson and Tait, Elements of Natural
Philosophy, 692, 694.
seemed a little to shrink, but not so manifestly as that
we dare build anything upon it. We then tryed likewise
whether heat would notwithstanding so forcible a com-
pressure dilate it, and approaching the flame of a Candle
to that part where the Air was pent up, the heat had a
more sensible operation than the cold had before ; so
that we scarce doubted but that the expansion of the Air
would notwithstanding the weight that opprest it have
been made conspicuous, if the fear of unseasonably
breaking the Glass had not kept us from increasing the
" And there is no cause to doubt, that if we had been
here furnished with a greater quantity of Quicksilver and
a very strong Tube, we might by a further compression of
the included Air have made it counterbalance the pres-
sure of a far taller and heavier Cylinder of Mercury.
For no man perhaps yet knows how near to an infinite
compression the Air may be capable of, if the compress-
ing force be competently increast.
" And to let you see that we did not (a little above)
inconsiderately mention the weight of the incumbent
Atmospherical Cylinder as a part of the weight resisted
by the imprisoned Air, we will here annex, that we took
care, when the Mercurial Cylinder in the longer leg of
the Pipe was about an hundred Inches high, to cause
one to suck at the open Orifice ; whereupon (as we ex-
pected) the Men'cury in the Tube did notably ascend. . . .
And therefore we shall render this reason of it. That
the pressure of the incumbent Air being in part taken
off by its expanding it self into the Sucker's dilated chest ;
the imprison'd Air was thereby enabled to dilate it self
manifestly, and repel the Mercury that comprest it, till
there was an equality of force betwixt the strong Spring
of that comprest Air on the one part, and the tall Mer-
curial Cylinder, together with the contiguous dilated Air,
on the other part."
It is 'scarcely necessary to call attention to the truly
scientific caution with which Boyle thus gives his con-
clusions from this notable experiment.
191. Boyle's Law (as it is called in Britain) is now
stated in the extended form :
The volume of a given mass of gas, kept at a given
temperature, is inversely as the pressure. 1
In symbols this is merely
pv=C . .... (1.)
where C is a quantity depending upon the mass of gas,
and on its temperature. [This law is only approximately
true. In 196-207 below the relation between pressure
and volume will be more exactly stated.]
From the definition of density as the quantity of
matter per unit of volume, we see at once that Boyle's
Law may be stated in the form
The density of a gas, at constant temperature, is propor-
tional to the pressure.
192. The compressibility follows at once. For a
small increase, ?r, in the pressure, corresponds to a small
diminution, o>, in the volume, such that we still have
Neglecting the product of the two small quantities we
7TV pO = 0.
1 This Law usually goes by the name of Mariotte in foreign
books. See Appendix I V.
Here the change, per unit of volume, is w/y, so that
the compressibility ( 176) is
The resistance to compression is therefore proportional to
the pressure. This result was obtained by a graphic
process in 176 above.
193. So closely does air follow Boyle's Law through
all ordinary ranges of pressure, that it is constantly used
in Manometers for the direct measurement of pressure.
The manometer is, in its elements, merely a carefully
calibrated tube containing dry air, from whose volume
(when it is kept at constant temperature) the pressure is
at once calculated.
The chief defect of such manometers is that successive
equal increments of pressure produce gradually diminish-
ing effects on the volume of the gas; and thus the
inevitable errors of observation become more serious, in
proportion to the quantity to be measured, as higher
pressures are attained. Various ingenious devices, such
as tubes of tapering bore, have been devised to remedy
this defect. In all such modifications most careful
calibration is essential.
194. All gases, at temperatures considerably above
what is called their critical point ( 206), follow Boyle's
Law fairly through a somewhat extensive range of pres-
sures. But a gas, at a temperature under its critical
point, is really a vapour, and can be reduced (without
change of temperature) to the liquid state by the appli-
cation of sufficient pressure, at least if nuclei be present.
The compression of vapours will be treated farther on.
195. So far, we have been dealing with the effects of
increased pressure. But Boyle carried his inquiry into
the effects of diminution of pressure also. His apparatus
was of a very simple kind, though still useful, at least
for class illustration. The following extract, while highly
interesting, sufficiently describes his results and method :
1 1
27 i
A. The number of eciual spaces
at the top of the Tube, that
contained the same parcel of
B. The height of the Mercurial
Cylinder, that together with
the spring of the included
Air, counterbalanced the
pressure of the Atmosphere.
C. The pressure of the Atmo-
D. The Complement of B to C,
exhibiting the pressure sus-
tained by the included Air.
E. What that pressure should
be according to the Hypo-
" To make the Experiment of the debilitated force of
expanded Air the plainer, 'twill not he amiss to note some
particulars, especially touching the manner of making the
Tryal ; which (for the reasons lately mention'd) we made
on a lightsome pair of stairs, and with a Box also lin'd
with Paper to receive the Mercury that might be spilt.
And in regard it would require a vast and in few places
procurable quantity of Quicksilver, to employ Vessels of
such kind as are ordinary in the Torricellian Experiment,
we made use of a Glass-Tube of about six foot long, for
that being Hermetically seal'd at one end, serv'd our
turn as well as if we could have made the Experiment in
a Tub or Pond of seventy Inches deep.
"Secondly, We also provided a slender Glass-Pipe of
about the bigness of a Swan's Quill, and open at both
ends ; all along which was pasted a narrow list of Paper
divided into Inches and half quarters.
"Fourthly, There being, as near as we could guess,
little more than an Inch of the slender Pipe left above
the surface of the restagnant Mercury, and consequently
unfill'd therewith, the prominent orifice was carefully
clos'd with sealing Wax melted ; after which the Pipe
was let alone for a while, that the Air dilated a little by
the heat of the Wax, might upon refrigeration be reduc'd
to its wonted density. . . .
"Sixthly, The Observations being ended, we presently
made the Torricellian Experiment with the above mention'd
great Tube of six foot long, that we might know the
height of the Mercurial Cylinder, for that particular day
and hour ; which height we found to be 29 J Inches.
"Seventhly, Our Observations made after this manner
furnish'd us with the preceding Table, in which there
would not probably have been found the difference here
set down betwixt the force of the Air when expanded to
double its former dimensions, and what that force should
have been precisely according to the Theory, but that the
included Inch of Air receiv'd some little accession during
the Tryal ; which this newly-mention'd difference making
us suspect, we found by replunging the Pipe into the
Quicksilver, that the included Air had gain'd about half
an eighth, which we guest to have come from some little
aerial bubbles in the Quicksilver, contained in the Pipe
(so easie is it in such nice Experiments to miss of
196. We must now state how far these results of
Boyle have been verified by modern experimenters, and in
what direction they are found to deviate from the truth.
But before we do so we must introduce a definition.
The unit usually adopted for the measurement of
pressure is called an Atmosphere, roughly 14'7 Ibs. weight
per square inch.
Its definition is, in this country, the weight of a column
of mercury at C., of a square inch in section, and
29*905 inches high; the weighing to be reduced to the
value of gravity at the sea-level in the latitude of London.
(See 165).
The value of an atmosphere, in C.G.S. units, is about
1,014,000 dynes per square centimetre.
197. It is to Regnault that we owe the first really
adequate treatment of the subject, but the range of
pressures he employed was not very extensive.
Regnault showed that air and nitrogen are, for at least
the first twenty atmospheres, more compressed than if
Boyle's Law were true, but that hydrogen is less
Then Xatterer made an extensive but rough series of
experiments at very high pressures (sometimes nearly
3000 atmospheres), whose result showed that air and
nitrogen, as well as hydrogen, are less compressible than
Boyle's Law requires, and deviate the more from it the
higher the pressure.
198. Andrews, 1 in his classical researches which
established the existence of the critical point, first gave
1 Phil. Trans., 1869.
the means of explaining this very singular fact. We
will recur to it when we are dealing with vapours, but
we give a few of Andrews' data here. The way in
which the compressibility varies with pressure is obvious
from the curves in the diagram ( 205), when interpreted
as in 176. But from Andrews' tables of corresponding
volumes of air at 13'l, and carbonic acid at 35"5,
subjected simultaneously to each of a series of increasing
pressures, we extract the numbers in the two first
columns :
pv for Carb. Acid.
Andrews points out that the deviation of air from
Boyle's Law is, even at the highest of these pressures,
inconsiderable. Taking the reciprocals of the volumes
of air, therefore, as measuring pressures with sufficient
accuracy, we form the third column of the table. This
shows that in carbonic acid, a few degrees above its
critical point, the deviation from Boyle's Law is like
that in air and nitrogen for the first 90 atmospheres,
and, after that, resembles that in hydrogen. Unfor-
tunately the bursting of the tubes prevented Andrews
from carrying the pressure beyond 108 atmospheres.
199. The remarkable researches of Amagat already
alluded to ( 189) were carried out in a gallery of a deep
coal-pit, where the temperature remained steady for long
Recip. of Vol.
of Air.
Recip. of Vol. of
Carbonic Acid.
periods. The shorter branch of his apparatus, that which
contained the gas whose compression was to be measured,
terminated in a very strong glass tube of small bore, care-
fully calibrated. The longer branch was made of steel,
and extended to a height of 330 metres (about 1000 feet)
ii]) the shaft of the pit. A small but powerful pump was
employed to force mercury into the lower part of the
apparatus until it began to run out at one of a set of stop-
cocks which were inserted at measured intervals along the
tall tube. Then a measurement of the volume of the
compressed gas was made, the stopcock closed, and that
next above it opened in turn for a measurement at a
higher pressure.
200. The following short table gives an idea of
Amagat's results l for air at ordinary temperature :
Pressure in Atmospheres. pv.
1 -00 1 '0000
31-67 '9880
45-92 '9832
59-53 -9815
73-03 -9804
84-21 -9806
94-94 -9814
110-82 -9830
133 -51 -9905
176-17 1-0113
233-68 1-0454
282-29 1-0837
329-18 1-1197
400-05 1-1897
[As Amagat's pressure data were obtained direct from a
column of mercury, they supply by far the most accurate
1 Ann. de Chlmie, 1880 ; supplemented from Complex Rendiw,
means of finding the unit for pressure gauges. Hence it
may be well to note that, at ordinary temperatures, for a
pressure of 152 '3 atmospheres, or one ton- weight per
square inch, dry air almost exactly follows Boyle's Law,
i.e. it is reduced to 1/152-3 of its volume at one atmosphere.
Hence, practically, when dry air is compressed to anything
from 1/140 to 1/160 of its bulk under one atmosphere,
Boyle's Law may be used to calculate the pressure.]
It is very difficult to assign with exactness the position
of the minimum value of pv, as inevitable errors of
observation rise to considerable importance when a
quantity varies very slowly ; but it may be put down as
corresponding to about 78 atmospheres.
201. Amagat's direct measures with the mercury
column were made on the volume of nitrogen. But
when these had been carefully made, once for all, the
nitrogen manometer was used in connection with a similar
instrument filled with some other gas. Thus the relation
of pv to p was determined with accuracy for hydrogen,
oxygen, air (as above), carbonic oxide, carbonic acid,
ethylene, etc. In a later paper l Amagat has extended
these results through a considerable range of temperatures.
For the numerical data we must refer to the paper itself ;
but we reproduce three of the most important of his
graphic representations of the results.
The diagram opposite consists of two parts. The upper
part shows the relation of pv to p, through a range of
about 80 C., for nitrogen, whose behaviour is typical of
that of a large number of gases. The minimum value of
pv is distinctly shown at every temperature. The lower
diagram exhibits the exceptional case of hydrogen, where
all the curves are, practically, straight lines. The
1 Annaks de CMmie, xxii. 1881.
FIG. 18.
pressure unit is a metre of mercury, i.e. 100/76 atmo-
The diagram on the next page shows the corresponding
relations for carbonic acid, at temperatures above its
critical point; as well as for liquid carbonic acid at 18 0> 2
C. In this last case the curve is given only for pressures
from 80 to 260 metres of mercury. This diagram gives
very valuable information. Especially it shows the
marked influence of change of temperature on the pressure
corresponding to the minimum value of po. Ethylene
gives a diagram somewhat resembling this, but the changes
in the value of pv are so disproportionately greater that
its behaviour could not be satisfactorily exhibited on a
scale so restricted as a page of this book.
The reader should be reminded that, had the law of
Boyle been accurate, all of these curves would have been
simply horizontal straight lines.
Still more recent researches of Amagat * have extended
this enquiry to the results of very much higher pressures,
such as 3000 atmospheres, under which the density of
gaseous oxygen becomes greater than that of water. The
exact measurement of these great pressures was effected
by means of an exceedingly ingenious instrument, the
Manomktre a pistons libres, which Amagat constructed
for the purpose. In this instrument there are two
pistons, of very different sectional area, subjected to the
same total thrust. Thus the pressure (per square inch)
on each is inversely as its section. The pressure on the
smaller piston is that of the substance compressed, that
on the larger is measured directly by means of a column
of mercury. The unit for graduation (which of course
depends on the ratio of the effective sections of the
1 Comptes Rendus, Sept. 1888.
pistons) was determined, once for all, by comparison with
the nitrogen gauge. The special feature of this instru-
ment, on which its precision depends, is that the pistons
fit all but tiglitlij in their cylinders ; a very thin layer of
viscous fluid passing with extreme slowness between each
piston and its cylinder. Exact adjustment is secured by
giving slight rotation to each piston in its bearings. For
the larger piston castor-oil is used, for the smaller treacle.
But each piston, before being inserted, is most carefully
lubricated with neats-foot oil. We have been thus
particular in describing the main characteristic of this
instrument, because it meets efficiently what has long
been felt as an extremely serious want in the physical
The pressure which reduced the gas to a given volume
was determined by an electrical method which will
.presently be described (211). -In the table below, the
volume of each gas at one atmosphere is taken as unit ;
and the temperature throughout was maintained at 15C.
Pressure in
Amagat has since found the compressibility of the glass
employed to be about '000002 3 per atmosphere. Hence
at 1000 atmospheres, say, the numbers given in the table
must be multiplied by (1 - 0-0023, = ) O9977 to reduce
them to true volumes. Thus, at 3000 atmospheres,
oxygen is reduced to about '00 12 26 of its volume at
one atmosphere. Its density is therefore increased 815
fold and (the temperature being 15 C) is thus about I'l.
(See 166.)
202. There is, unfortunately, a considerable variety of
statement as to the relation between pressure and volume
in air and other gases, when they are considerably rarefied.
This is not to be wondered at, for the experimental
difficulties are extremely great.
The experiments of Mendeleeff gave a gradual descent
of value of pv, in air, from
1-0000 at -85 atm.
0-9655 at 0'019 atm.
These would tend to show that, at pressures lower than an
atmosphere, air behaves as hydrogen does for pressures
above an atmosphere.
The experiments of Amagat do not show this result.
They rather seem to indicate that pv remains practically
constant for air, from one atmosphere down to at least
^Jjjth of an atmosphere.
203. But the real difficulty in all such experiments
arises from the shortness of the column of mercury by
which the pressure must be measured. It is not easy
to see how this difficulty can be obviated without intro-
ducing a chance of graver errors of another kind, due
for instance to vapour-pressure or to capillary forces.
We shall find, later, that a fair presumption from
Andrews' investigations would be that, in air and the
majority of gases, pv should increase (of course very
slightly) with diminution of pressure from one atmo-
sphere downwards ; while (possibly) hydrogen may give
values of pv diminishing to a minimum, and then in-
creasing as the pressure is still farther reduced.
204. Passing next to the compressibility of vapours,
it would appear natural that we should specially consider
aqueous vapour, which is constantly present in the
atmosphere as superheated^ sometimes even as saturated,
steam. And we have for it the splendid collection of
experimental results obtained by Regnault. But the
critical point of water vapour is considerably higher than
the range of temperature in Regnault's work ; so that
we will deal chiefly with carbonic acid, for which we
have Andrews' data both above and below its critical
point, and which may be taken as affording a fair
example of the chief features of the subject.
205. Without further preface we give Andrews' dia-
gram, which will be easily intelligible after what has
been said in 88. It shows, in fact, how the figure in
that section, which is drawn from Boyle's Law, is
modified in the case of a true gas, and of a true vapour,
each within a few degrees of the critical temperature.
[To save space, a portion of the lower part of the
diagram (containing the axis of volumes) is cut away,
so that pressures, as shown, begin from about 47 atmo-
spheres. The dotted air-curves are rectangular hyper-
bolas, as in 88, but the (unexhibited) axis of volumes
is their horizontal asymptote.]
The critical temperature of carbonic acid is about
30*9 C., so that the isothermals indicated by full lines
in the figure, and marked 13*1 and 21 '5 respectively,
belong to vapour, or liquid, or vapour in presence of
liquid, the others to gas.
FIG. 20.
Let us study, with Andrews' data, the values of the
product^??; for the isothermal of 13'l C. The following
table is formed precisely on the same principle as that of
198 for the isothermal of 35 -5 C.
pv. for Garb. Acid.
206. Near to 49 atmospheres liquefaction commences,
the vapour being condensed to g^st of its volume at one
atmosphere, and we see that an exceedingly small increase
of pressure produces a marked change of volume. Had
it been possible to free the carbonic acid perfectly from
air, no additional pressure would have been required till
the whole was liquid, at about T J^d of its original volume,
The numbers pv diminish, as in the case of air (but much
more rapidly), till the liquefaction begins : then they
ought to diminish exactly as the volume diminishes (the
pressure b.eing constant) till complete liquefaction : after
which, of course, they begin to rise rapidly, as it is now
a liquid which is being compressed.
We need not give the experimental numbers for the
isothermal of 21*5 C. ; but the cut shows that the stages
Recip. of Vol.
of Air.
Recip. of Vol. of
Carbonic Acid.
of the operation were much the same, only that the pres-
sure had to be raised over 60 atmospheres before liquefac-
tion began, andliquefaction was complete before the
volume had been reduced so far as at the lower temper-
ature. Thus the range of volume in which the tube
was nsibly occupied partly by liquid, partly by saturated
vapour, and therefore (but for the trace of air) necessarily
at constant pressure, was shortened at each end. The
dotted line in the lower part of the figure, introduced by
Clerk-Maxwell, bounds the region in which we can have
the liquid in equilibrium with its vapour. This region
terminates at the critical isothermal, for above that
there can be neither vapour nor liquid.
But the properties of the gas, above the critical point,
maintain a certain analogy to those of the vapour and
liquid below it. For moderate pressures the gas has
properties analogous to the superheated vapour, i.e. pv
diminishes with increase of pressure. For higher pres-
sures its properties are analogous rather to those of the
liquid, and pv increases with increase of pressure. Thus
there is in each isothermal of the yas a particular pres-
sure, for which jw is a minimum. This feature of the
isothermal becomes less marked as the temperature is
raised. [This, however, has been already exhibited
more fully on Amagat's diagram, p. 177.] We might
introduce a continuation, beyond the critical point, of
tin- left-hand portion of the dotted curve, which should
pass through the points on each isothermal at which pv
is ;i minimum. This line would divide the wholly gaseous
region into two parts; that to its right, in which the
gas has properties somewhat resembling those of super-
heated vapour; to the left, that in which its properties
resemble rather those of a liquid.
An ingenious suggestion of J. Thomson substitutes
for the horizontal part (liquid in presence of vapour) of
Andrews' curves (p. 181) the continuous curve shown (by
dashes) on the isothermal of 2l'5 C. The middle portion
of this curve (where pressure and volume increase together)
is physically unstable, but the other parts can be, to
some extent, realized. The subject properly belongs to
Heat. It is known that liquids may, in certain cases,
be raised considerably above their boiling points without
boiling ; and Aitken has proved that a nucleus of some
kind is necessary for the condensation even of super-
saturated vapour. The first of these phenomena may
account for a portion of the new part of the curve
near the liquid region, the second for that near the
vapour region. The rest, belonging to an essentially
unstable condition, cannot be realized experimentally.
The apparently anomalous behaviour of hydrogen is
now to be explained by the fact that, at ordinary tem-
peratures and pressures, it is in that region of its gaseous
state which has more analogy with the liquid than with
the vaporous state. Thus it is probable that if hydrogen
be examined at sufficiently low pressure, and temperature
not far above its critical point, it also will show a mini-
mum value of pv.
207. The reduction of various gaseous bodies to the
liquid form was one of the earliest pieces of original
work done by Faraday. Some of them he liquefied by
cooling alone, many others by pressure alone ; and he
pointed out that, in all probability, every gas could be
liquefied by the combined influences of cooling and pres-
sure, provided these could be carried far enough.
Thilorier prepared large quantities of liquid carbonic
acid, and took advantage of the cooling produced by its
rapid evaporation, at ordinary pressures, to reduce it to
the solid state.
Cagniard do la Tour succeeded in completely evaporat-
ing various liquids (including ether, and even water) in
closed tubes, which they half-filled while in the liquid
It was Andrews' work, however, which first cleared up
the subject, and, as an early consequence of it, several of
those gases which had resisted all attempts to liquefy
them were, at the end of 1877, liquefied : hydrogen, it
is stated, was solidified. These important results were
obtained by Pictet ; and some of them, simultaneously
and independently, by Cailletet and v. Wroblewski.
Van der Waals, Clausius, and others, working from
various assumptions, have given formulae which accord
somewhat closely with the observed phenomena, and with
J. Thomson's suggested modification of the diagram. I
One of the simplest expressions of the kind (which
takes the place of (1) of 191) is of the form
p - C A
Here C is as before, and A, a, ft are parameters depending
on the properties of the substance as well as on its
temperature. The " critical point " is determined by the
condition that the three values of v, given by this
equation, shall be equal.
Uut the full treatment of such matters belongs to
Thermodynamics, and is not for a work like this. Nor
have we anything here to do with the employment of
these liquefied gases for the production of exceedingly
low temperatures ; though, from the experimental point
of view, this application promises to be (for the present
at least) their most valuable property.
208. A GLIMPSE at the negative results of the early
attempts to compress water was given in 98. The
problem is a difficult one, because (at least in the best
methods hitherto employed) the quantity really measured
is the difference of compressibility of the liquid and the
containing vessel. Hence it involves the compressibility
of solids also : and this, as we shall find ( 231) is a very
difficult problem indeed. The first to succeed in proving
the compressibility of water was Canton, 1 the value of
whose work seems not to have been fully appreciated.
His second paper, in fact, has dropped entirely out of
Noting the height at which mercury stood in the
narrow tube of an apparatus like a large thermometer,
immersed in water at 50 F., the end of the tube being
drawn out to a fine point and o/>e??, he heated the bulb
till the mercury filled the whole, and then hermetically
sealed the tip of the tube. When the mercury was
cooled down to 50 F. it was found to have risen in the
capillary tube. This was due partly to expansion of
mercury, released from the pressure of the atmosphere,
1 Phil. Trans., 17 &2.
partly to the compression of the bulb, due to one atmo-
sphere of external "pressure. Then he filled the same
apparatus with water, performed exactly the same opera-
tions, and obtained a notably larger result. This, of
course, proves that water (if not also mercury) expands
when the pressure of the atmosphere is removed from it.
To get rid of the effect of unbalanced external pressure,
and thus (as he thought) to measure the full amount of
expansion, he placed his apparatus (with its end open) in
the receiver of an air-pump. He could also place it in a
glass vessel, in which the air was compressed to two
atmospheres. He observed that, on the relief of pressure,
the water rose in the stem, while on increase of pressure
it fell. He gives the fractional change of volume per
atmosphere, at 50 F. (10 C.), as 1/21740 or 0'00004G.
He applied no correction for the compressibility of glass,
giving the completely fallacious reason that he had
obtained exactly the same results from a thick bulb and
from a thin one. [This, however, proves the accuracy of
his experiments.] His result, considering its date, is
wonderfully near the truth.
209. In a second paper, 1 published a couple of years
later, Canton made some specially notable additions to
our knowledge. For he says, referring to his first paper :
" By similar experiments made since, it appears that
water has the remarkable property of being more com-
pressible in winter than in summer, which is contrary to
what I have observed both in spirits of wine and in oil of
olives ; these fluids are (as one would expect water to be)
more compressible when expanded by heat, and less so
when contracted by cold."
By repeated observations, at " opposite " seasons of the
1 Phil. Trans., 1761, vol. liv. 261.
year, -he found that the effect of the " mean weight of the
atmosphere "was, in millionths of the whole volume
At 34 F. At 64 F.
Water . . 49 44
Spirit of Wine * . 60 71
He also gives a table of compressibilities in millionths
of the volume, per atmosphere of 29-5 inches, and of
specific gravities ; for different liquids, at 50 F. ; as
follows :
Compressibility. Spec. Gravity.
Spirit of Wine . . ... 66 846
Oil of Olives . . - . 48 918
Rain Water . . . 46 1000
Sea Water . . <-. 40 1028
Mercury , . . 3 13595
and he observes that the compressions are not "in the
inverse ratio of the densities, as might be supposed."
He calculates from the result for sea water that two
miles of such water are reduced in depth by 69 feet 2
inches; the actual compression at that depth being 13 in
1000. This, of course, assumes that the compressibility
is the same at all pressures, which, as we shall see
immediately, is by no means the case.
210. Perkins, in 1820, made a set of experiments on
the apparent compressibility of water in glass, of a some-
what rude kind; but in 1826 1 he gave some valuable
determinations, unfortunately defective because of the
inadequate measure of the pressure unit. Thus he did
not give accurate values of the compression, but he intro-
duced us to a higher problem : how the compressibility
depends upon the amount of pressure. Perkins' results
1 " On the Progressive Compression of Water by high Degrees of
Force." Phil. Trans.
are all for 50 F. (ID C.), and are given in figures, as
well as in a carefully-executed diagram plotted by the
graphic method. His measurement of pressures depended
upon an accurate knowledge of the section of a plunger :
an exceedingly precarious method : and he estimated
an atmosphere at 14 Ibs. weight only per square inch. It
is not easy to make out his real unit, especially as we
know nothing about the glass he used, but it seems to
have been about 1*5 times too great; i.e. when he speaks
of the effect of 1000 atmospheres he was probably apply-
ing somewhere about 1500. Hence it is not easy to
deduce from his data anything of value as to the amount
of compression. But the novel point, which he made out
clearly, is that (at 10 C.) the compressibility of water
decreases, quickly at first, afterwards more slowly, as the
pressure is raised. We obtain from Perkins' diagram the
following roughly approximate results, in which we have
made no attempt to rectify his pressure unit :
Pressure Compression of Water Average Com- True Corn-
in iu Millionths of possibility per possibility per
Atmospheres. Orig. Vol. Atmosphere. Atmosphere.
150 10,000 66 51
300 17,500 58 48
900 43,400 48 39
and from a further isolated statement we obtain
2,000 83,300 42
In this paper Perkins mentions a remarkable experi-
mental result he had obtained : viz. the solidification of
acetic acid by pressure. Amagat has recently succeeded
in solidifying tetrachloride of carbon by pressure. 1
211. Orsted's improvement in the experimental method
(1822) consisted chiefly in applying pressure, as in Canton's
1 Comptes Rendus, 1887.
process, in such a way that the effects of pressures up to
40 or 50 atmospheres can be read off at every stage of the
The liquid operated on fills the bulb and the greater
part of the stem of the apparatus (called a Piezometer), and
is separated by mercury contained in a U tube from the
water - contents of a strong glass
cylinder, in which the pressure is
produced by forcibly screwing
in a piston or plug. As in
Canton's apparatus, the stem of the
piezometer is carefully calibrated and
divided into parts corresponding to
equal volumes, and the cubic content
of the bulb is determined. Hence
the ratio of the content of one
division of the tube to the whole
content of bulb and stem is found.
When pressure is applied, the
mercury is seen to ascend in the
stem to an amount nearly in pro-
portion to the pressure. The press-
ure is roughly calculated (by Boyle's
law) from the observed change of
volume of air contained in a very
uniform tube, closed at the top, and
Fl0 ' 21 ' immersed along with the piezometer,
in the water of the compression vessel.
The only serious defect of this apparatus, besides the
inadequate measurement of pressure, is the limitation of
the pressure to what the exterior vessel can resist, some
50 or 60 atmospheres only. When higher pressures are
to be applied, iron or steel must be used for the compres-
sion vessel ; and then the piezometer must be made, in
some way, to record the change of volume of its contents.
The most common device is to have (as in a maximum
thermometer) a little index resting on the mercury and
prevented, by attached hairs, from moving too freely. It
contains a small piece of iron, so that it may be adjusted
from without by a magnet. Cailletet gilt the inside of
the stem, and the eating away of the film of gold showed
the height to which the mercury had risen. An exceed-
ingly thin film of silver, deposited by sugar of milk, has
also been employed. But all such devices are very trouble-
some, for the compression vessel has to be opened after
every experiment. Hence Tait 1 suggested the sealing of
a number of fine platinum wires into the stem of the
piezometer, and by an obvious electrical method detecting
the instant at which the mercury reached one of them.
Thus, instead of measuring the compression produced by
a given pressure, we measure the pressure necessary to
produce an assigned compression. This method was
employed by Amagat in his later experiments ( 201,
217), and he says of it elle ne laisse rfallement presque rien
a ili'-xim:
212. Orsted verified Canton's result that the compress-
ibility of water diminishes with rise of temperature, and
suspected that the rate of diminution becomes less as the
temperature is raised; but he did not obtain Perkins'
result. In fact he states that at any one temperature the
compression is the same, per atmosphere, up to 70
Orsted, and too many who have followed him, held the
opinion that, if the walls of the piezometer were very
thin, its internal volume would suffer no perceptible
1 Proc. R.S.E., 1884.
change under equal interior and exterior pressures.
That this (like the somewhat similar notion of Canton)
is a fallacy, we see at once from the consideration of the
effect of hydrostatic pressure on a solid (176). If we
suppose the solid to be divided into an infinite number
of equal cubes, these would be changed into equal but
smaller cubes, in consequence of compression. The
strained and the unstrained vessel may therefore be com-
pared to two vaults of brickwork, similar in every respect
as to number and position of bricks, but such that the
bricks in the one are all less in the same ratio than those
in the other. From this point of view it is clear that the
interior content of the bulb is diminished just as if it
had, itself, been a solid sphere of glass.
Thus the numbers obtained from the piezometer must
all be corrected by adding the compression of glass under
the same pressure.
Another fallacy much akin to this, and which is still
to be found in many books, is the notion that by filling
the bulb of the piezometer partly with glass, partly with
water, and making a second set of experiments, we shall
be able to obtain a second relation between the compress-
ibilities of glass and of water; and that, therefore, we
shall be able to calculate the value of each by piezometer
experiments alone. What we have said above shows
that this process comes merely to using a piezometer w r ith
a smaller internal capacity ; and therefore gives no new
If we had a substance which we knew to be incompress-
ible, and were partly to fill the cavity of the piezometer
with this, we should be able to get the second relation
above spoken of.
In fact the piezometer gives differences of compress-
ibility only ; so that, for absolute determinations with
it, -we must have one substance whose compressibility is
known by some other method.
When very great pressures are applied, the correction
of the apparent compressibility is not quite so simple,
If e be the true compressibility of the liquid, e that of
the piezometer, the ordinary formula is
where m is the fractional diminution of volume. It is
easy to see, however, that the exact relation is
e = e (1 w) + wi/p.
213. Regnault's 1 apparatus, though managed by a
master-hand, was by no means faultless in principle.
For pressure was applied alternately to the outside and
to the inside of his piezometer, and then simultaneously
to both. There are great objections to the employment
of external or internal pressure alone, at least in such
delicate inquiries as these. For, unless a number of
almost unrealisable conditions are satisfied by the appa-
ratus, the theoretical methods (which must be employed
in deducing the results) are not strictly applicable. They
are all necessarily founded on some such suppositions as
that the bulbs are perfectly cylindrical, or spherical, and
that the thickness of the walls and the elastic coefficients
of the material are exactly the same throughout. These
requirements can, at best, be only approximately fulfilled ;
and their non-fulfilment may (in consequence of the
largeness of the effects on the apparatus, compared with
that on its contents) entail errors of the same order as
the whole compression to be measured. Jamin has tried
to avoid this difficulty by measuring directly the increase
1 Mem. de I'Acad. des Sciences, 1847.
of (external) volume, when a bulb is subjected to internal
pressure ; but, even with this addition to the apparatus,
we have still to trust too much to the accuracy of the
assumptions on which the theoretical calculations arc
Finding that he could not obtain good results with
glass vessels, Regnault used spherical bulbs of brass and
of copper. With these he obtained, for the compress-
ibility of water, the value
0-000048, per atmosphere
for pressures from one to ten atmospheres. The temper-
ature is, unfortunately, not specially stated.
214. Grassi, 1 working with Kegnault's apparatus, made
a number of determinations of compressibility of different
liquids, all for small ranges of pressure.
He verified Canton's specially interesting result, viz.
that water, instead of being (like the other substances,
ether, alcohol, chloroform, etc., on which he experimented)
more compressible at higher temperatures, becomes less
compressible. Here are a few of his numbers.
Te m peratu r eC.
0'0 0-0000503
1'5 515
4'0 499
10'-8 480
18'0 462
25"0 455
34V5 453
53-0 441
These numbers, when exhibited graphically, show
irregularities too great to be represented by any simple
1 Ann. de Chimie, xxxi., 1851.
(Irassi assigns, for sea-water at 17'5 C., 0'94 of the
compressibility of pure water, and gives 0*00000295 per
atmosphere as the compressibility of mercury. But lie
asserts that alcohol, chloroform, and ether have their
average compressibility, from one to eight or nine atmo-
spheres, at ordinary temperatures, considerably greater
than the compressibility for one atmosphere. As this
result was shown by Amagat to be erroneous, little
confidence can be placed in any of Grassi's determinations.
Amagat 1 gave, among others, the following numbers
for ether :
Temnorature C Pressure in Average Compression
Atmospheres. per Atmosphere.
13 8 7 11 0-000168
13-7 33 0-000152
100 11 0-000560
100 33 0-000474
Thus the diminution of compressibility with increase of
pressure is always considerable, and it is more marked
the higher the temperature.
215. A very complete series of determinations of the
compressibility of water (for a few atmospheres of
pressure only), through the whole range of temperature
from C. to 100 C., has recently been made by Pag-
liani and Vincentini. 2 Unfortunately, in their experi-
ments pressure was applied to the inside only of the
piezometer, so that their indicated results have to be
diminished by from 40 to 50 per cent. The effects of
heat on the elasticity of glass are, however, carefully
determined, a matter of absolute necessity when so large
a range of temperature is involved. But in these
experiments one datum (the compressibility of water
1 Ann. de Chimie, 1877.
- Xidla Compressibilita dei Liquidi, Torino, 1884.
at C.) has been assumed from Grassi. The results
show that the maximum of compressibility, indicated by
Grassi as lying between C. and 4 C., does not exist.
The following are a few of the numbers, which show a tem-
perature effect much larger than that obtained by Grassi :
Temperature C.
0'0 0-0000503
2'4 496
15 '9 450 ^
49 '3 403
61'0 389
66 0> 2 389
77'4 398
99'2 409
Thus, about 63 C. water appears to have its minimum
compressibility. The existence of a minimum does seem
to be proved, but the remarks above show that its position
on the temperature scale is somewhat uncertain.
216. Tait 1 has given the following determinations of
the average compressibility of cistern water, for pressures
up to 450 atmospheres, and temperature from to 15 C.
The compressibility of the glass of the piezometer was
found by direct experiment ( 232) to be 0-0000026. The
hair-index ( 211) was employed in the piezometer, so
that the results are probably somewhat too small.
. Avera * e Compressibility.
1 to 2 10 7 (520 - 3 "55t -f '03< 2 )
1 to 153 504 3-60 0'04
1 to 306 490 3-65 0'05
1 to 458 478 370 0'06
where t is temperature Centigrade.
1 Phys. Chem. Ckall. Exp., vol. ii. part iv.
The experiments were confined to the three last ranges,
BO that the data in the first line were obtained by extra-
polation. They agree, however, fairly well with two
isolated results given by Buchanan, 1 viz. :
0-0000516 at 2'5, and 0'0000483 at 12'5 C.,
and they would have agreed almost precisely with the
results of Pagliani and Vincentini ( 215) had these
experimenters taken, as their sole datum from Grassi,
the compressibility at 1'5 instead of that at C.
The temperature of minimum compressibility for 1
atmosphere appears to be about 60 C., and is lowered by
increase of pressure.
All the numbers in the above table are fairly
represented by the approximate formula
0-00186 / 31 . t- \
364-PV 400 ' 10, 000 /
Here the unit for P is 152 '3 atmospheres, or one ton-
weight per square inch.
The corresponding formula for sea-water is
0-00179 / _ t . t- \
38-fM 150 "^10,000 A
The results have been put in the above form for the
sake of comparison with the following expression for
the compressibility, at C., of solutions of common
salt, viz. :
In this formula s represents the weight of salt dissolved
in 100 of water.
Tait gives the average compressibility of mercury for
1 Trans. K.S.E., 1880.
pressures up to 450 atmospheres as about 0-0000036.
This is probably a little too small, as Amagat l makes it
0-0000039 for the iirst 50 atmospheres.
217. Very few of the results of Amagat's recent
extensive researches on the compressibility of liquids at
enormous pressures have, as yet, been published. But the
extremely interesting figure opposite gives some idea of their
nature and importance. It represents the isothermals of
water and of sulphuric ether, up to pressures of 3000
atmospheres, and for temperatures from to 50 C.
From a figure on so small a scale general notions only
can be derived. But we see clearly through how small
a range of pressures and temperatures the peculiarities
connected with the maximum density point of water
remain sensible. The quasi - hyperbolic form of the
isothermals enables us to make approximate estimates of
the utmost compression which these two liquids would
suffer under unlimited pressure. More precise informa-
tion is contained in the following numerical data.
Sulphuric Ether.
Atmospheres. C.
10 I
20 "2
500 -97672
1000 -95649
1500 -93927
2000 -92396
2500 -91067
3000 "89871
A convenient and fairly close approximation, deduced
from these numbers, gives the following expression for
1 Comptes Rendus, 1889.
the average compressibility of water at 0C., from 1 to p
atmospheres :
6000 -fp
Flo. 22.
This would indicate that water at C. cannot be
reduced to less than about 0'7 of its original volume by
any pressure, however great.
The apparatus which gave these magnificent results
was, of course, specially adapted to the effects of extreme
pressures, and was therefore not qualified to give precise
values for moderate pressures.
218. From the results of Andrews already given
( 205) we find the following roughly approximate
values of the
Pressure in True Compressibility
Atmospheres. per Atmosphere.
50 0-0059
60 0-00174
70 0-00090
80 0-00066
90 0-00044
showing very great, but very rapidly decreasing, com-
pressibility. As already explained, Andrews has pointed
out that part of this, especially for the lower pressures
in the table, is due to the trace of air which, in spite
of every precaution, was associated with the carbonic
219. It has long been known that, when the Torricellian
experiment is performed, the mercury will sometimes not
descend until the tube is sharply tapped. In such a
case the portion of the column which stands above the
barometric height must be in a state of hydrostatic tension.
And, as in the case of solids, ( 177) we conclude that its
volume is increased to the same extent as it would have
been diminished by an equal hydrostatic pressure.
A very interesting experiment on this subject was made
by Berth elot. 1 A strong glass tube, sealed at one end
and drawn out very fine at the other, was filled to a
1 Ann. de Chimie, xxx. 232 ; 1850.
definite mark with water. By immersing the whole in
warm water the contents were made to expand nearly to
the point, which was then hermetically sealed. A very
slight additional heating, slowly and cautiously applied,
caused the water in time to dissolve the small remaining
bubble of air, so that the tube was absolutely full of
liquid. When slowly cooled to its original temperature
it remained full of water. By the help of the mark
(checked if necessary by calculation from the temperature
of the warm water) the increase of volume could be
estimated, and thence the tension to which the water
was exposed. In this way pure water was found capable
of bearing some fifty atmospheres of tension, while ean
sucrfa bore nearly one hundred. It is clear that the
adhesion of the water to the glass is an indispensable,
circumstance in this experiment. And as the equilibrium
is essentially unstable, throughout the whole contents, it
is remarkable that so large an effect can be obtained :
though, of course, it is far below what might (tbeoretically
at least) be supposed possible.
220. IN the two preceding chapters we had to deal with
bodies practically homogeneous (except in the special case
of vapour in presence of liquid) and perfectly isotropic ;
bodies, moreover, which are devoid of elasticity of form,
while possessing perfect elasticity of volume. Hence the
determination of (apparent) compressibility for any definite
substance of these kinds depended for its accuracy solely
on the care and skill of the experimenter, and on the
adequacy of the process and the apparatus employed.
When we deal with solids the circumstances are very
different. It is rarely the case that we meet with a solid
which is more than approximately homogeneous. Some
natural crystals, such as fluor spar, Iceland spar, etc., are
probably very nearly homogeneous ; so are metals such as
gold, silver, lead, etc., when melted and allowed to cool very
slowly. To produce homogeneous glass (especially in large
discs, for the object-glasses of achromatic telescopes) is one of
the most difficult of practical problems. On the other hand,
crystalline bodies are essentially non -isotropic ; so is every
substance, crystalline or not, which shows " cleavage."
And further, very small traces of admixture or impurity
often produce large effects on the elastic, as well as on
the thermal and electric, qualities of a solid body. Think,
for instance, of the differences between various kinds of
iron and steel, or of the purposely added impurities in the
gold and silver used for coinage. Very slight changes, in
the manipulation by which wires or rods are drawn from
the same material, may make large differences in their
final state : differences by no means entirely to be got
rid of by heating and annealing, etc. The whole question
of " temper " is still in a purely empirical state. Besides,
we must remember that every solid has its limits of
elasticity, to which attention must be carefully paid.
Thus we can give only general or average statements as
to the amount of compressibility or rigidity of any solid,
in spite of the labour which Wertheim and many others
have bestowed on the subject.
221. In an elementary work we cannot deal, even
partially, with the properties of non-isotropic bodies. The
necessary mathematical basis of the investigation, though
it has been marvellously simplified, is quite beyond any
but advanced students. And the experimental study of
the problem has been carried out for isolated cases only.
Hence we limit ourselves, except in a few special instances,
to the consideration of homogeneous, isotropic, solids.
On the other hand, the compression or distortion
produced in a solid by any ordinary stress is usually very
small. This consideration tends to simplify our work; for,
as a rule, small distortions may be regarded as strictly super-
posable. Thus we may calculate, independently, the effects
of each of the simple stresses to which a solid is subjected.
Our warrant for this must of course be obtained experi-
mentally. It was first given by Hooke.
In 167G 1 he published the following as one of " a
decimate of the ccntesme of the Inventions, etc."
1 A Description oj Helioscopes, Ac., made by Robert Hooke,
Postscript, p. 31.
" 3. The true Theory of Elasticity or Springiness, nnrl a
particular Explication thereof in several Subjects in which
it is to be found : And the way of computing the velocity of
Bodies moved by them, ceiiinosssttuu."
The key to this anagram was given by Hooke himself
in 1678, 1 in the words :
"About two years since I printed this Theory in an
Anagram at the end of my Book of the descriptions of
Helioscopes, viz. ceiiinosssttuu, id est, Ut tensio sic vis ;
That is, The Power of any Spring is in the same propor-
tion with the tension thereof : That is, if one power stretcli
or bend it one space, two will bend it two, and three will
bend it three, and so forward. Now as the Theory is
very short, so the way of trying it is very easie."
He then shows how to prove the law in various ways :
with a spiral spring drawn out ; a watch spring made
to coil or uncoil ; a long wire suspended vertically and
stretched ; and a wooden beam fixed (at one end) in a
horizontal position, and loaded.
The above extracts sufficiently show in what sense
Hooke intende'd the words Tensio and Vis to be
understood : and his law is now usually stated in the
(somewhat amplified) form,
Distortion is proportional to the distorting Force,
or, still more definitely,
Strain is proportional to Stress.
In the latter form we have made anticipatory use of it
in Chap. VIII. and elsewhere.
1 Lectures de Potentla Restitutiva, or of Spring, p. [1]. This is
a very curious pamphlet, containing some remarkably close antici-
pations of modern theories, especially Synchronism and its results,
and the Kinetic Theory of Oases. The first is foreign to our present
subject, the second will be considered later ( 322).
222. A very general proof of the accuracy of this law
is easily to be obtained in the case of bodies which can
be made to produce a musical sound : a timing-fork, for
instance. For, if the pitch of the note (i.e. the number
of vibrations per second) do not alter as the sound grows
fainter, the vibrations must be isochronous, and the
clastic resilience therefore proportional to the distortion.
(Sec 72.)
223. The ordinary experimental illustrations of
Hooke's Law are given, very much as he originally
gave them, by :
1. A rod or wire, fixed vertically and stretched by
appended weights; or a rod or column compressed by
weights laid on its upper end.
2. A wire stretched horizontally and extended by
weights suspended at its middle point.
3. A bar or plank fixed horizontally at one end and
loaded with weights at the other.
4. A plank with its ends resting on trestles and loaded
at the middle.
5. A spiral spring, forming a helix of small step,
compressed or extended by weights.
6. A wire or rod, fixed at one end and twisted at the
The mere mention of these methods is sufficient, with-
out further illustration, to suggest the means by which
the requisite measurements can be carried out. They
will be considered in detail, but not in the above order.
In all these cases experiment shows that (within
certain limits, which will be afterwards discussed) the
distortion is proportional to the distorting force.
1 and 2 are mere varieties of one experiment. The
same may be said of 3 and 4, which arc examples of a
somewhat more complex form. And 5 and 6, though
at first sight very unlike, are practically one problem.
Besides, they are of a simpler character than either of
the other pairs, for they involve the coefficient of rigidity
alone ; the others involve both coefficients. But 1 and 2,
on the other hand, are simpler than the rest, on a different
account, viz. that they involve homogeneous strain.
224. Youn(js Modulus, as it is called, is determined
from the stretching of a rod or wire by appended weights.
As defined by Young, its measure is the ratio, of the
simple stress required to produce a small shortening or
elongation of a rod of unit section, to the fractional
change of length produced. Its value is expressed, as
we see by 181, in terms of the rigidity and the resist-
ance to compression, by the formula
For bodies like india-rubber, in which Jc is large in
comparison with n, its value is nearly 3w. Hence the
pulling out of an india-rubber band is almost entirely
due to change of form, and therefore the area of a cross
section is diminished in nearly the same proportion as
that in which the band is lengthened.
A piece of good cork suggests, though it does not
realise, the conception of a solid in which n shall be very
large in comparison with k ; and for such a body Young's
modulus would be nearly 9/u Traction or pressure, in
any direction, would expand or contract a body of this
kind nearly equally in all directions. In cork the effect
is confined mainly to the dimension operated on.
From such considerations we see that Young's modulus,
though comparatively easy of measurement, is not the
simple quantity which it at first appears to be ; and that,
in fact, it may have the same numerical value in each of
two bodies which differ widely from one another, alike
in rigidity and in compressibility.
225. The following table gives approximate values
( 166) of Young's modulus for some common materials;
the unit being 10 7 grammes' weight per square centi-
metre :
Young's modulus, . |5L. Tenacity.
Gold ... 86 . . 0-27
Silver . 76 . . 0'3
Copper (hard) . 125 . . 0'4
Copper (annealed) 110 . . 0'3
Iron ... 180 .. 0'6
Steel. . . 240 . . 0'8
Oak ... 10 .. O'l
Teak . 17 . . O'l
Fir ... .12 . . 0-07
Glass . 40 to 60 . . 0'06
To convert these numbers (as they stand in the table)
into the common reckoning of pounds' weight per square
inch, it suffices to multiply them by about 142,000 instead
of by 10 7 . To convert to C. G. S. units, i.e. dynes per
square centimetre, multiply by 9 '81 x 10.
226. A second column (in terms of the same units)
has been added to the above table, to give an indication
of the Tenacity of each of the materials specified. This
means the utmost longitudinal stress which (when
cautiously applied) a rod or wire can endure without
rupture. It has no direct connection with Young's
modulus, nor with either of the coefficients of elasticity,
for a substance has usually to be strained far beyond its
limits of elasticity before rupture takes place, and the
dimensions of the cross section are also much reduced.
The uncertainty of the amount of this quantity, even in
different specimens taken from the same piece of matter,
leads to our giving it usually to one significant figure only.
227. Young's treatment of the subject of elasticity is
one of the few really imperfect portions of his great
work. 1 He gives the values of his modulus for water,
mercury, air, etc. ! It is not easy to understand what
he really meant by speaking of " the " modulus of
elasticity : unless, as Lord Rayleigh suggests, he meant
that which (whatever be, in each case, its real nature)
is involved in ordinary sound waves, whether in air or
along wires. Young's modulus is, no doubt, a quantity
of great value in practical engineering: in many cases
the only elastic datum required. Yet he speaks of
rigidity, etc., in a way which is scarcely compatible with
the idea of one modulus only. But the subject was in a
state of great confusion till long after his time, mainly
in consequence of an unwarranted conclusion (deduced
by Navier and Poisson from a species of molecular
theory) that there is a necessary numerical ratio between
rigidity and resistance to compression. In fact, what
was called Poisson's ratio, that of the lateral shrinking,
to the longitudinal extension, of a bar or rod under
tension, was supposed to be necessarily equal to 1/4.
This gives ( 180) p = 4& or 3/j = 5n.
The erroneousness of this conclusion was first pointed
out by Stokes, 2 and his paper has put the whole subject
in a new and clear light. We have already given, in
224 above, some of his illustrations, which ' show
that there is no necessary ratio, or even relation, between
n and A:
1 Lectures on Natural Philosophy) 1807.
2 Camb. Phil. Trans., 1845.
De St. Venant 1 has given complete solutions of a
number of interesting cases, such as the torsion of prisms
of different forms of cross-section, many of which are
very valuable in practical applications. Sir W. Thomson, 2
besides giving the theory with extreme generality, has
also specially developed the application of TJiermo-
(hjnamics 3 to the subject.
In spite of Stokes' exposure of the inaccuracy of the
so-called Uni-constant Theory, it has still determined
partizans. They may profitably consult the following
data, given by Amagat ; 4 though we quote these for their
intrinsic value, not for the purpose of further " slaying
the slain."
per Atmosphere.
The unit for Young's modulus, which was determined
directly, is a kilogramme weight per square millimetre,
so that the numbers in the last column must be divided
by 100, to reduce them to the unit employed in the
table of 225.
The numbers in the first two columns are the means
of closely accordant results derived, one set from the
change of contents of a cylinder under longitudinal
traction ( 181), the other from the similar change under
1 M&m. des Savons Etrangers, 1855. See also Thomson and
Tait's Nat. Phil., 699, etc. ' 2 Phil. Trans., 1854.
3 Quarterly Math. Journal, 1855. 4 Comptes Rendus, 1889.
external pressure alone ( 183). Along with each of
these data the value of Young's modulus, as given in the
last column, was employed.
228. We will now consider the pure Torsion of a
cylindrical rod or wire, as employed, for instance, in the
Cavendish experiment ( 153).
This is a very simple prohlem if the cylinder be truly
circular, and of perfectly homogeneous isotropic material.
For it is clear from what follows that equal and opposite
twisting couples, applied at its ends, will simply make
successive transverse slices, of equal thickness, rotate
about the axis each by the same amount less than the
one before it.
The length of the cylinder cannot increase under
torsion, for a reversal of the couples (which is practically
the same arrangement) would shorten it ( 177), and
vice versd. Neither can its radius change, for exactly
the same reason. Nor can a transverse section become
curved at any part. Thus the volume remains unchanged,
and therefore the coefficient of rigidity alone is involved.
Consider a thin annular portion of the solid bounded
by transverse sections at a very small distance, t, from
one another, and by concentric cylinders of radii r, and
r + t. We may subdivide this into cubes, of side t, by
planes through the axis, making angles /rwith one another.
Let q> be the twist per unit length of the cylinder, tq>
is the angle by which one of our
parallel sections has rotated rela-
tively to the other, and r.t(p/t, or
rcria!c ties Sciences de St. Petersbvury, 3833.
Sudden application of pressure produces temperature-
changes which affect especially the volume of the liquid
contents by means of which the distortion is usually
measured. But these instruments (in Parrot's form at
least) may be made practically insensible to such changes
by the simple expedient of nearly filling the bulb (which,
for this purpose, should be cylindrical) with a piece of
glass tube closed at each end. 1 The mercury in the bulb
is thus greatly reduced in quantity, and therefore the tem-
perature effects in the stem are very small, while the instru-
ment is still as ready as ever to indicate changes of volume.
The dimensions and thickness of such an instrument,
for any special purpose, can be easily calculated from the
formulae of 183 ; and the unit of pressure can be deter-
mined for it, by a single comparative experiment, with
the aid of Amagat's table of compression of air ( 200).
There is great advantage in using simultaneously two
instruments of this kind, in one of which the thickness is
considerably greater (in comparison with the diameter)
than in the other. For, so long as their indications agree,
&o/nnaybe trusted as folio wing Hooke's law very accurately.
234. The limit of pressure measurable by means of
these instruments depends upon the resistance of a glass
or steel tube to crushing by external pressure. From a
series of experiments, made for the purpose, 2 Tait has
calculated that ordinary lead glass (in the form of a tube
closed at each end) gives way when the distortion of
the interior layer amounts to a shear of about 1 ^J^,
coupled with a compression of about -^J^. Hence even
a very thick tube of such glass cannot resist more than
1 Tait, Report on the Pressure Errors of the Challenger Ther-
mometers, 1881.
2 Proc. R.S.E., April 18, 1881,
about 14 tons' weight per square inch (2130 atmospheres)
of external pressure. No corresponding experiments seem
yet to have been made for steel
235. We now come to the case of bending of a rod or
bar. Here we have no such simple problem as in the
case of the torsion of a cylinder, and must consequently
assume the solution as given by mathematical investiga-
tion ; based, of course, on the principles already ex-
plained This shows us that, so long as the radius of
curvature is large in comparison with the thickness of
the bar in the plane of bending, the line passing through
the centre of inertia of each transverse section, the elastic
central line as it is called, is bent merely, and not ex-
tended nor shortened.
The fiexural rigidity of the bar, in any plane through
the central line, is directly as the couple, in that plane,
which is required to produce a given amount of curvature
in the central line. Its amount may easily be calculated
by means of the following considerations. Let the
figure represent a transverse
section of the cylinder, C its
centre of inertia, CD a line in
it perpendicular to the plane
of bending, and let the centre
of curvature of the bending
lie towards E. Then obvi-
ously all lines parallel to the
axis of the bar on the E-ward
side of CD are compressed, FIG. 20.
all towards the other side extended ; each in proportion
to its distance from CD and to the curvature. If we
contemplate a transverse slice, of small thickness /,
we see that its thickness remains unchanged along
CD, is diminished on the E-ward side of that line,
and increased on the other. The thickness at the small
area A becomes t \^~* r ~^~), where r is the radius of
A T>
bending. This requires a tension A m, where m is
Young's modulus. The moment of this about CD is
Hence the sum of all such, i.e. the moment of the
bending couple, is multiplied by the moment of inertia
of the area of the section about CD. Now through C
in the plane of the section, there are two principal axes
of inertia, in directions at right angles to one another.
Hence, except in the cases of "Kinetic Symmetry" of
the section (as when it is circular, square, equilateral-
triangular, etc.), there are two principal flexural rigidities,
a maximum and a minimum, in planes (through the
axis) perpendicular to one another. If the rigidities in
these planes be called Ej and K 2 , the flexural rigidity in
a plane (through the central line) inclined at an angle
to that of Rj is
R cos 2 J R sin 2 .6.
[Compare 228, in which the corresponding case of
torsion-rigidity was shown to depend upon the moment of
inertia of the area of the section about the elastic central
line. This is the third principal axis of the transverse
sectional area at its centre of inertia.]
236. It appears from last section that flexure (within
moderate limits) is, practically, as regards any very small
portion of the substance, the same thing as longitudinal
extension or compression, and thus cannot give us any
simple information as to the clastic coefficients of tin-
substance. But it lias very important practical appli-
cations, and therefore we devote some sections to the
more common cases.
The principal moments of inertia of the area of a
rectangle, sides 2a and 2b, about axes through its centre
and in its plane, are 4a 3 &/3 and 4& 3 /3. Multiplied by
m, they represent the flexural rigidities of a plank in
planes parallel to its broader, and to its narrower faces
respectively. These rigidities, multiplied by the bending
curvature, give the couple required to produce and to
maintain the flexure.
237. The Elastic Curve of James Bernoulli, celebrated
in the early days of the differential calculus, is a particular
case of the bending of a wire or plank, in which the
flexural rigidity in the plane of bending is the same
throughout, and a simple stress ( 128) alone is applied.
The obvious condition is that the curvature at each
point is directly proportional to the distance from the
line in which the stress acts. For the investigation of
the equation of the curve from this condition, and for
drawings of its various forms, the reader must be referred
to works on Abstract Dynamics; 1 but we figure here the
1 Sec, for instance, Thomson and TaiCs Nat. Phil., vol. i.
part ii. p. 148.
special case which corresponds to a stretched uniform
wire, of infinite length, with a single kink upon it. This
will be referred to in 289 below.
The investigation of the bending of planks, variously
supported, and under various loads, is a somewhat
generalized form of the question of the elastic curve.
The principles involved in its solution are simple, and
almost obvious ; but the mathematical treatment of it
would lead us too much out of our course. So would
that of the problem of the effect of a couple applied
anyhow to one end of a cylindrical or prismatic wire,
of any form of section, the other end being fixed. The
wire, in such a case, takes generally the form of a circular
helix. The extreme particular cases are (1) when the
wire is in the plane of the couple, and there is bending
only ; (2) when the wire is perpendicular to the plane
of the couple, and there is twist only.
238. The results hitherto given are all approximate
only, and depend upon the radius of bending being large
compared with the thickness of the wire or bar in the
plane of flexure. Those given in 228, for torsion, may
be applied, under a similar restriction, to cases in which
the section of the wire or bar is not circular. The mathe-
matical treatment of the exact solution of such problems
is of too high an order of difficulty for the present work ;
but some of its results, alike interesting and important,
may be easily understood. A few of them will now be
given, but the reader must be referred to the, works
already cited ( 227) for a more complete account.
239. Thus, in the flexure of a uniform bar into a
circular arc, we saw ( 235) that each fibre is extended
or compressed to an amount depending on its distance
from the plane passing through the centres of inertia of
its transverse sections (while it is straight), and per-
pendicular to the plane of bending. But this involves
( 177) compression or extension of the transverse section
of the fibre, uniform in all directions, and to an amount
proportional to the extension or shortening of its length.
Hence, if the section of the unbent bar be divided into
equal indefinitely small squares, each of these will remain
a square after bending. From this we can obtain an
approximate idea of the change of shape of the trans-
verse section.
Consider the annexed figure, which represents parts of
a series of concentric circles, whose
radii increase in a slow geometrical
ratio, intersected by radii making
with one another equal angles such
that the arcs into which any one
circle is divided are equal to the
difference between its radius and
that of the succeeding circle. When
the circles and radii are infinitely
numerous, all the little intercepted
areas are squares. The sides of
the squares along CD are obviously
greater than those of the squares
along AB by quantities proportional
to AC. Those of the squares along
EF are less than those of the squares
along AB by quantities proportional
to AE. The figure CDFE must therefore represent the
distorted form of the cross section of a beam, originally
rectangular, and bent in a plane through OG (and perpen-
dicular to the plane of the figure). The side of the beam
which is concave in the plane of flexure is convex in a
direction perpendicular to the plane of flexure ; that which
is convex in the former plane is concave in the latter. The
cause is, of course, the transverse swelling of the fibres
on the side towards G, the centre of bending, and the
diminution of section of those on the other side of the
bar. It is sufficiently accurate to assume that AB, which
is unchanged in length, was originally midway between
the faces of the bar.
If OG be the radius of flexure, the ratio of the
extension of one of the fibres which pass through a point
of EF to its original length is AE/OG. Its lateral con-
traction in all directions must therefore be ( 180)
But it is obviously AE/OH. Hence
Thus the point H is determined, and the approximate
solution is complete. A square bar of vulcanised india-
rubber shows these results very clearly.
240. In the case of torsion of a cylinder whose section
is not circular, plane transverse sections do not remain
plane. The following figure gives de St. Tenant's result
Fin. 20.
for an elliptic cylinder. It represents the contour lines
of the distorted section made by planes perpendicular
to the axis. They are equilateral l^'perbolas (as in 88),
the common asymptotes being the axes of the section.
The torsion is applied in the positive direction to the
end of the cylinder above the paper; and the full
lines represent distortion upwards; the dotted, down-
241. Coulomb, who first attacked the torsion problem,
was led (by an indirect and unsatisfactory process) to the
result above ( 228), viz. that the torsional rigidity is pro-
portional to the moment of inertia of the area of the
transverse section about the elastic central line. This is
true only in circular cylinders or wires. It gives too
large a value for all other forms of section. From de
St. Tenant's paper we extract the following data. The
first numbers express the ratio of the true torsional
rigidity to the estimate by Coulomb's rule. The second
numbers show the ratio of the torsional rigidity to that
of a cylinder, of the same sectional area, but circular.
Equilateral Triangle. Square.
0-600 0'843
0-725 0-883
The torsional rigidity of an elliptic cylinder, a and b being
the semi-axes of the transverse section, is
When I = a we have, of course (as in 228),
242. From these and like results we are led to see
that projecting flanges, which add greatly to the flexural
rigidity of a rail or girder, are practically of no use as
regards resistance to torsion.
Another of de St. Venant's important results is that
the places of greatest distortion in twisted prisms are the
parts of the boundary nearest to the axis.
Near a re-entrant angle in the boundary of the section
there are usually infinite stress and infinite strain, whether
the stress be such as to produce torsion or bending.
Hence the reason for the practical rule of always rounding
off such angles, when they cannot be entirely dispensed
243. Still keeping to statical experiments, we have to
consider briefly the limits of elasticity.
When a solid is strained beyond a certain amount,
which depends not merely on its material but upon its
state and the mode of its preparation, one of two things
occurs. Either it breaks, and is said to be brittle, or it
becomes permanently distorted, and is said to be plastic.
Different kinds of steel, or the same steel differently
tempered, give excellent instances. Some have qualities
superior to those of the best iron, others are more brittle
than glass.
244. When a body has been permanently distorted,
as, for instance, a copper wire which has received a few
hundred twists per foot, it has new limits of elasticity
(within which Hooke's law again holds, though with
altered coefficients) ; but the elasticity, at all events for
distortions of the same kind, is usually of a very curious
character, inasmuch as the strain produced by a stress
will, in general, no longer be exactly reversed by reversal
of the stress. In fact the body has been rendered non-
isotropic ; and, so far as this problem has yet been treated
(though that does not amount to much), it is of the
order of questions which we cannot enter on in this
The limits of elasticity vary so much, even in different
specimens of the same material, that no numbers need
here be given. Every one who has occasion to take
account of these limits must determine them for himself
on the materials he is about to employ.
245. A curious fact, showing that elasticity may remain
dormant, as it were, is exhibited by sheet india-rubber.
When it has been wound in strips, under great tension,
on a stout copper wire, and has been left in that condi-
tion for years, it appears to harden in its state of strain,
and can be peeled off like a piece of unstretched gutta-
percha. But, if it be placed in hot water, it almost
instantly springs back to its original dimensions. The
experiment may be made, but with less perfect results,
in a few minutes, by merely putting the strained india-
rubber into a mixture of snow and salt.
246. Excellent instances, illustrative of the possibility
Fio. 30.
Fio. 31
of arrangements giving peculiar kinds of non-isotropy,
are furnished by many manufactured articles, such as
woollen or linen cloth, wire-gauze, etc., in which Young's
modulus is large for strips cut parallel to the warp or
woof, but small for strips cut diagonally. Still more
curious is a special kind of wire-gauze in which the
meshes are rhombic. Another suggestive instance is a
strip formed of wire knotted as in Fig. 30, in which the
flexure and torsion rigidities for any bending or twist,
and its reverse, are in general markedly different.
Similarly a coat-of-mail made of rings, each three joined
as in the first figure (31 above), is perfectly flexible; as
in the second figure, nearly rigid. 1
247. Kinetic processes for determining coefficients of
elasticity are often based upon the pitch of the note
given out by a vibrating body. We do not give any of
these, as they belong properly to the subject of SOUND.
All require an exact determination of pitch, and (except
in the very simplest case, that of stretched wires, as those
of a piano) require, for their comparison with the other
experimental data, higher mathematics than we can
introduce here.
248. There is, however, one kinetic process of a very
simple character (we have already adverted to it while
describing the Cavendish experiment, 153) by which
the rigidity of a substance is determined from torsional
The wire to be experimented on is firmly fixed at its
upper end, and supports a mass whose weight is suffi-
cient to render it straight, but not so great as to produce
any sensible effect on its rigidity. The moment of
inertia of this mass may be caused to have any desired
value by making the whole into a transverse slice of a
hollow circular cylinder of sufficient radius, which can
be very accurately turned and centred on a lathe. The
1 On Knots. Trans. R.S.E., 1877,
wire must be attached to a light cross bar, so as to lie
in the axis of this cylindrical vibrator.
If N represent the torsional rigidity of the wire, I its
length, and
.AB = ;>.R0;
which, when 6 is very small, becomes
Thus the band requires, for its support in the cylindrical
form, an excess of pressure on the concave, over that on
the convex side, amounting to per unit of surface.
273. In the case of a soap-film, or of the surface-film of
a liquid generally, there may be simultaneous curvatures in
two planes at right angles to one another and to the tangent
plane. The effects of these are to be simply superposed, as
they are independent. Let R x be the radius of the second
curvature, then, as the film exerts equal tension in all
directions, the difference of pressures on its sides is, per
square unit,
This expression must be doubled in the case of a soap-
bubble, for ( 265) it has two surface-films.
This expression may easily be obtained in another way,
viz., by expressing the work done during an infinitesimal
normal displacement of each point of the film : first, as
the product of the difference of external and internal
pressure into the increase of contained volume, and second
as the product of the surface-tension into the increase
of the film. This, however, we leave to the reader. He
will easily find that if t be the normal displacement of the
element, dS, of surface, and p the difference of pressures,
we have
whatever be the value of f, the integral being extended
over the whole surface.
By a well-known geometrical theorem, due to Euler,
the quantity multiplied by T, i.e. the sum of the curvatures
in two planes at right angles to each other, and both
passing through the normal to a surface at a particular
point, is independent of the aspects of these planes.
Hence it is convenient to choose R and Rj as the principal
radii of curvature of the film.
When, as a purely mathematical problem, we seek the
characteristic of the surfaces of least area which satisfy
given boundary conditions, we are led to the condition
that the sum of the curvatures at any point is constant.
This agrees with the physical result.
274. Thus, when a soap-film is exposed to equal
pressures on its two sides, it must satisfy the given
boundary conditions, and possess the further property
that, at every point of its surface,
i.e. whatever be its curvature in any normal section, it
must have an equal and opposite curvature in the normal
section perpendicular to the first.
Such must, therefore, if we neglect the (very slight)
disturbing effects of gravity, be the form of a soap-film
exposed on both sides to the air. Thus if we lift such a
film on a flat loop of wire it assumes a plane surface ; but,
by bending the boundary, we can make it assume forms
of marked curvature. In all its forms, however, the sum
of the curvatures at each point is nil. And the same is
the case, however ramified, linked, or knotted the wire
frame may be, provided only that there is no air imprisoned
at any place.
275. If we imprison a quantity of air by the film, as,
for instance, by forming it between the rims of two equal
funnels, and closing the neck of each with a finger, we
have in general different pressures outside and inside ;
and then we have ( 265)
-1 + 1
2T~R~ t ~R 1
where p is the constant difference of pressures. By
altering the relative position of the funnels, as by shift-
ing one sidewise out of the line of symmetry, or by
making it rotate (otherwise than
about its axis of symmetry), we
can throw the film into extra-
ordinary shapes ; all of them, how-
ever, possessing the fundamental
property of constant sum of the
curvatures at each point But we content ourselves with
a brief notice of the results of gradually withdrawing the
funnels from one another, while keeping their axes of
symmetry in one line.
Thus we may begin with the film as a quasi-spherical,
or even spherical surface, having both its curvatures
FIG. 34.
moderate (Fig. 1). As we withdraw the funnels from
one another the longitudinal curvature diminishes, and
the transverse increases to the same amount, till at last
the longitudinal curvature vanishes altogether, and the
film becomes cylindrical (Fig. 2). Still further separat-
ing them, the film takes an hour-glass form as in Fig. 3,
where the increasing curvature of the transverse section
is now balanced by a gradually increasing negative curv-
ature in the longitudinal section. At a certain limit
this state of the film becomes unstable, and the positive
and negative curvatures near the middle both rapidly
increase, till the walls at that part collapse into a mere
neck of water, which is ruptured, and leaves a pro-
tuberant film on each of the funnels. By a little
dexterous manipulation these may easily be made to
reunite into the original form.
276. The facts we have just described show us the
nature of the process by which a complete soap-bubble
is detached from a funnel, always leaving a film on the
funnel ready to produce a second bubble. This process
can easily be studied by completing the blowing of the
bubble with coal-gas, after it has been commenced with
air, and watching it detach itself in virtue of the light-
ness of its contents.
Even so dense a liquid as mercury can be formed into
a bubble. We have merely to shake a glass bottle filled
with water and clear mercury. The bubbles which form
on the mercury (often detached) are full of water. Some
times we see others coming up from the interior of the
mercury. These are water-skins full of mercury.
277. When two complete soap-bubbles are made to
unite, the tendency of the liquid film is to contract, that
of the (compressed) air inside is to expand. It becomes
a curious question to find which of these actually occurs.
Let their radii, when separate, be R and R 15 and let
them form, when united, a bubble of radius r. Then, if
II be the atmospheric pressure, the original pressures in
the bubbles were
4T 4T
while that in the joint bubble is
By Boyle's Law the densities are as the pressures.
llonco, expressing that no air is lost, we have
If V be the diminution of the whole volume occupied by
the air, S that of the whole surface of the liquid film,
this condition gives at once
3nV-l-4TS = 0.
As II and T are both essentially positive, this condi-
tion shows that V and S must have opposite signs.
Hence both tendencies are gratified, the surface, as a
whole, shrinks, and the contained air, as a whole, increases
in volume, simultaneously. But the work done by the
expanding gas is only about two-thirds of that done by
the contracting film.
It is worthy of notice that, as is easily proved, the air
in a soap-bubble of any finite radius would, at atmo-
spheric pressure, fill a sphere of radius greater than
before by the constant quantity 4T/3EL.
278. As a practical illustration of the use of these
formulae, let us apply them to a stationary steam-boiler
of the usual cylindrical form, with the ends portions of
spheres. If R be the radius of the cylinder, Rj that
of each end, and P the excess of internal over external
pressure, the tension is
Across a generating line, RP,
Parallel to a generating line, =RP,
Across any line on the end, |RjP.
Thus, if the boiler-plate be equally tenacious in all
directions, there is no danger of the ends being blown
off, for the boiler will rather tear along a generating line.
And, to make the ends as strong as the sides, they
require only half the curvature.
Thus, also, we see why stout glass tubes, if of small
enough bore, are capable of resisting very great internal pres-
sure, when, as in Andrews' experiments ( 198) on carbonic
acid, they are exposed only to atmospheric pressure outside.
In what precedes we have neglected the weight of the
soap-film, and have consequently taken its tension as
being constant throughout. But a moment's considera-
tion of the equilibrium of a plane vertical film shows
that the tension must increase from below upwards.
This gives an immediate explanation of the difficulty
presented by the fact that bubbles cannot be blown with
pure water, though its surface-tension is much greater
than that of a soap-solution. The soap-solution is, as
Marangoni has pointed out, an excessively heterogeneous
liquid, and (within limits) can and does adjust its surface-
tension to the value required at each point. The slowness
with which the film becomes gradually thinner, so as to
display in succession the various interference colours of
thin plates, is to be ascribed to the viscosity of the liquid. 1
279. "We are now prepared to consider the phenomena
properly called Capillary, as having been detected in
tubes of very fine bore.
When a number of clean glass tubes, each open at
both ends, are partially immersed in a large dish of
Fio. 35.
water, we observe that (in apparent deviation from the
hydrostatic laws, 189) the water rises in each to a
higher level than that at which it stands outside. Also
we notice that this rise is greater the finer the bore of
the tube. The cut shows the phenomenon in section.
1 Lord Rayleigh "On the Superficial Viscosity of Water," Proc.
/?.., 1890.
Perform the same experiments with mercury instead
of water, and we find that the liquid stands at lower
levels inside than outside each tube, and that this
depression is greater the finer the bore of the tube.
Turn the above cut upside down, and it will correspond
to this effect.
280. But a closer inspection at once shows the
immediate cause of the phenomena. The water surface
inside each tube is always concave outwards, that of the
mercury convex ; and the curvature of either is greater
the finer is the bore of the tube.
Remember the surface-tension of the liquid, and the
consequent excess of pressure on the concave side, over
that on the convex side, which is necessary ( 272) for its
equilibrium, and we see at once that the water immedi-
ately under the surface-film must have a less pressure
than that of the atmosphere to which its concave side is
exposed. Thus, hydrostatically ( 189), it belongs to a
higher level than the undisturbed water, whose surface
is plane, and the pressure in which (immediately under
the surface) is equal to the atmospheric pressure. 1
As the surface curvature is greater in the finer tubes,
so the higher rise of water in these is a direct hydrostatic
consequence of the greater relief of pressure.
The convexity of the mercury surface, on the other
1 In some theories of capillary action, especially those of Laplace
and Poisson, it is supposed that the interior of a mass of liquid,
even when it is free from atmospheric pressure or gravitation
action, is necessarily at a very high pressure in consequence of
molecular action. This supposition appears to be based on a
fallacy ; a confusion of two senses in which the word pressure may
be used. But even were it correct, it would not alter the conclusion
above, as this part of the pressure does not depend on the form of
the liquid surface,
hand, requires immediately under the film a pressure
exceeding that of the atmosphere by an amount propor-
tional to the sum of its curvatures. Thus we see why the
mercury stands at a lower level in the tube than outside it.
281. It only remains that we should account for the
concavity of the water surface, and the convexity of that
of the mercury.
In the annexed sections of a concave and of a convex
surface, in which a tangent, BA,
is drawn to the liquid film, where
it meets the side of the tube at B,
the angle ABC of the wedge of
liquid is obviously less than a right / K 1 B
angle for the concave surface, and
greater than a right angle for the
convex. Hence the problem is FIG. 36.
reduced to the determination of this angle, called the
Angle of Contact.
That this angle must have a definite value for each
liquid, in contact with each particular solid, appears at
once from the consideration that, in the immediate neigh-
bourhood of B, the gravitational or other external forces,
acting on a very small portion of the liquid, are incom-
parably less intense than the molecular tensions. Hence
the equilibrium of that portion (tangentially to the solid)
will depend upon the surface- tensions along BA, BC, BD
alone. The directions of two of these, and the magnitudes
of all three, are determinate, whatever two fluids (even
when one is gaseous) are in contact with each other and
with the solid ( 263). BA, therefore, will ultimately
assume such a direction that the surface-tension along it
will, when resolved in CD, just balance the difference
between the tensions in BD and BC. Hence, if that
in BD is the greater, the angle of contingence will be
acute ; if that in BC be the greater, it will be obtuse.
282. In the case of mercury and clean glass, exposed
to air, the angle of contact is
140 (Young), 135 (Gay-Lussac), 128 52' (Quincke), 132 2'
With water and clean glass in air the angle vanishes
entirely, in fact of the three tensions that in BD exceeds
the sum of the other two; but when the glass is not
clean it may reach (and even surpass) 90. When it is
exactly 90 there is no curvature of the water surface
inside the capillary tube, and it therefore stands at the
level of the undisturbed water outside. 1
283. We may now complete the explanation of the
behaviour of a liquid in a capillary tube as follows :
When the rise (or depression) exceeds several diameters
of the tube, the curvature is practically the same over
the whole free surface, which is therefore approximately
spherical. In mercury, because of the finite angle of
contact, it forms a segment less than a hemisphere ; in
water it is a complete hemisphere.
In the former case the radius is directly proportional
to that of the tube, in the latter it is equal to it. In
both cases, therefore, the relief or the increase of pressure,
and consequently the rise or depression of the liquid,
is inversely as the radius of the tube. This agrees with
the (long-known) results of experiment.
1 One of Gay-Lussac's ingenious methods for determining the
angle of contact when it is finite must be at least indicated here.
If the liquid be introduced gradually into a small glass sphere
(from below) there will be one position in which its surface is
throughout plane. By measuring this position the angle can be
at once calculated.
284. We may make, in a very simple manner, due to
Dr. Jurin, a calculation of the capillary elevation, which
is applicable to wider tubes than those spoken of in last
section. Suppose the radius of the tube to be r, p the
density of the liquid, a its angle of contact, T the tension
of the surface-film, and li the mean height to which it is
elevated. [This mean height is taken such that the
volume of the liquid actually raised woidd, if the surface
were not curved, fill the length h of the tube.] Then
the vertical component of the whole tension round the
edge of the film is obviously
2?rrT cos .
]>ut this supports the weight
of liquid, (virtually) filling a length h of the tube.
Equating these quantities we obtain, after reduction,
_ 2T cos
When a> g, h is negative, and the liquid is depressed.
All the quantities here are easy to measure except T
and a. Hence, if a can be found by a separate process,
T is at once determined. In the case of water in clean
glass we have cos a = 1, so that the above relation gives
T directly.
285. The following values of T are given by Quincke.
Each datum in the table belongs to the film at the
common surface of the substances whose names are in
the same line and column with it.
Air. Water. Mercury.
Water 81 .418
Mercury . 540 . 418 k
Alcohol 25-5 399
The unit here is one dyne per (linear) centimetre. To
reduce to grains' weight per inch divide by 25. Thus we
may easily calculate, from the formula of last section,
that water rises a little more than half an inch in a glass
tube whose bore is T V^h inch in diameter.
286. In the Atmometer, which is merely a ball of un-
glazed clay luted to a glass stem, the whole filled with
water and inverted in a vessel of mercury, not only is
the reduction of pressure by the fine concave surfaces of
water in the pores sufficient to keep a column of 3 or 4
feet of water supported, but, as evaporation proceeds,
mercury rises to take the place of the water, sometimes
to 23 inches or more. The process has not, so far as we
know, been pushed to its limit. Thus these pores can
sustain (virtually) a column of some 26 feet of water.
It is easy to put the Atmometer directly into this con-
dition, and the consequent great concavity of the surface
of the water in each pore renders it eminently fit ( 291)
as a nucleus for the deposition of vapour. 1
287. The data of 285 enable us easily to calculate the
force with which a boy's " sucker " is pressed against a
stone. Suppose we have two plates of glass, 6 inches
square, with a film of water between them whose thick-
ness is -2tio tn f an i ncn - The force required to pull one
perpendicularly from the other, in which case the free
water surface round the edges will take a (cylindrical)
curvature of radius ^J^th of an inch, would be the
weight of a six-inch square prism of water about 5
inches high, i.e. between 6 and 7 pounds' weight. If
the film were of half that thickness (at the edges) the
force required would be double. Thus, as J. Thomson
has pointed out, two flat slabs of ice, hanging side by
1 Proc. R.S.E., February 16, 1885.
side on a horizontal wire, with a film of water between
theru, are pressed together with a force which may much
exceed the weight of either : and may therefore freeze
together even in a warm room. When a mere drop of
water is placed between two very true glass planes
the relief of pressure produced enables the atmospheric
pressure to force them closer together, and this effect
increases, not only by the enlargement of the wetted
surfaces, but by the increase of curvature round the
edges. The pressure producible in this way is very
great, and may crack large glass plates (if they be not
very true) where they are laid on one another with a
drop of water between them. On the other hand, a
few small drops of mercury, interposed here and there
between the plates, form an exceedingly perfect elastic
288. There are many common phenomena whose
explanation is easily traced to the action of capillary
forces. Thus air-bubbles, sticks, and straws floating on
still water, appear to attract one another; and gather
into groups, or run to the edge of the containing vessel.
This is always the case with any two bodies, each of
which is wetted by the water, and it is also true when
neither is wetted. But when one of the bodies is wetted,
and the other is not, they behave as if they repelled one
another. The explanation is easily given : either from
the point of view of the various forces called into play
by the displacement of the water, or (more simply) by
the consideration of the whole energy of the liquid as
depending on the relative position of the floating bodies
( 263) and the consequent displacement of the surface.
A needle, or even a (very small) pellet of mercury,
may easily be made to float on water. The hydrostatic
condition requires merely a depression of the surface,
so that the water displaced may be equal in weight to
the floating body ; but, that this displacement may take
place, the angle of contact must be made greater than
90, which is at once ensured if the needle be very
slightly greased. Thus we explain how water-flies run
on the surface of a pool.
In the same way we can explain why a piece of wood
is not wetted when it is dipped into water whose surface
is covered with lycopodium seed ; and why mercury can
be poured in considerable quantity into a bag of gauze or
cambric without escaping through the meshes. ( 100.)
An air bubble in water assumes a spherical form, even
when it is in contact with the side of a glass vessel, and
a very small globule of mercury laid on glass becomes
almost spherical. But an air-bubble on the side of a
glass vessel containing mercury is flattened out, while a
drop of water on clean glass spreads itself out indefinitely.
In all these cases the angle of contact at once explains
the result.
The difficulty of obtaining a clean surface of water or
mercury depends upon the great surface-tension of these
liquids relatively to that of the majority of other sub-
stances. From the reasoning of 281, and the data
of 285, we see that water ought to spread indefinitely
over a clean surface of mercury.
289. The form of section of a (cylindrical) liquid
surface, in contact with a plane solid surface, is easily
deduced from the hydrostatic principle that the elevation
(or depression) at any point is proportional to the relief
(or increase) of pressure, i.e. to the one curvature. Hence
it must be the curve of flexure ( 237) of a very long
uniform elastic wire, with a kink in it, under the action
of tensions at its ends ; for at every point of that curve
the curvature is proportional to the distance from the
line in which the stress acts. Hence we can at once
find the form in which the liquid surface meets a plane
solid face, whether it be vertical or not, by drawing
the corresponding elastic curve and taking account of the
inclination of the plate and of the angle of contact.
When the liquid surface is between two glass plates,
inclined at any angles to the vertical, but having their
line of intersection horizontal, the form of the cylindrical
surface is given by one of the more complex forms of
the elastic curve.
290. The surface-tension of liquids diminishes with
rise of temperature. And Andrews showed that, as
liquid carbonic acid is gradually raised to its critical
temperature, the curvature of its surface in a capillary
tube gradually diminishes.
291. W. Thomson 1 showed that there is a definite
vapour-pressure, for each amount of curvature of a liquid
surface, necessary to equilibrium. It is less as the sur-
face is more concave, greater as it is less concave or more
convex. Hence precipitation of water-vapour will, cetcrin-
parilint, take place more rapidly the more concave (or
the less convex) is the surface of that already deposited.
Thus, as Clerk-Maxwell pointed out, the larger drops
in a cloud must grow at the expense of the smaller ones.
The explanation of these curious facts is given by the
kinetic theory much in the same way as is that of the
effect of the curvature of the discs of a Radiometer.
So great a pressure of vapour would be necessary for
the existence of very small globules of water (in the
nascent state of cloud, as it were), that, as Aitken has
1 Proc. R.S.E., 1870.
shown, condensation cannot commence in free air without
the presence of dust-nuclei. The more numerous these
are, the smaller is the share of each, and thus we have
various kinds of fog, mist, and cloud.
292. Many extremely curious phenomena, due in great
part to surface-tension, have been investigated by various
experimenters, especially Tomlinson. Thus different
kinds of oils can be distinguished from one another,
or the purity of a specimen of a particular oil may
be ascertained, by the form which a drop takes when
let fall on a large, clean water surface. In some cases
a drop of oil does not spread entirely over a liquid
surface, but forms a sort of lens. The angles at which
its faces meet one another, and the surface of the liquid,
are then to be determined from the respective surface-
tensions by the triangle of forces, as in 281.
Again, when a drop of an aqueous solution of a salt,
say permanganate of potash or some other highly -
coloured substance, is allowed slowly to descend in
water, it at first takes the form of a vortex-ring, bounded,
of course, by a film of definite surface-tension. But, as
diffusion proceeds, it would appear that this film becomes
weaker at certain places (just as in the case of wine,
269), and consequently unstable. Be this as it may, the
ring breaks into segments, each of which is (as it were)
a new drop, which behaves as the original drop did,
though somewhat less vigorously. Thus we have a very
curious appearance, almost resembling the development
of a polyp ; the number of distinct individuals being
markedly greater in each successive generation. With
a drop of ink these developments take place so fast that
the eye can scarcely follow them.
The phenomena of surface-tension were found by
Bosscha to be exhibited, in some forms, by smoke. And
Van der Waals showed that smoke stands lower in the
moistened branch of a U-tube than in the dry one, ex-
hibiting a convex surface like that of mercury.
293. We may now say a word or two as to the ex-
treme limits at which the molecular forces are sensible.
It is not at all remarkable that the various estimates
differ widely from one another, for they are all obtained
by processes more or less indirect. They all agree, how
ever, in giving small values. Experiments of Plateau
on soap-films, and of Quincke on the behaviour of water
and thinly-silvered glass, give only about 1/500,000 of
an inch. It is probable that the limits vary somewhat
with the nature of the substance experimented on ; and
the question is certainly connected, in no remote manner,
with the differences in the critical temperatures ( 194)
of various substances.
294. The separation into drops, of a liquid column
slowly escaping into air from a small hole in the bottom
of a vessel, can be studied by examining it by the light
of electric sparks rapidly succeeding one another. It is
a phenomenon similar to that which we have described
in 275, when a cylindrical film is drawn out between
two funnels. When the liquid is a very viscous one, as
treacle or Canada balsam, especially if its surface-tension
be small, the viscosity greatly retards the development of
this effect of instability ; and such liquids can, like melted
glass, be drawn into fine continuous threads. This pro-
perty sometimes gets the special name of Viscidity.
295. The propagation of ripples, as Sir W. Thomson
showed, 1 is also due mainly to surface-tension. The ex-
perimental proof is given by the fact that the shorter
l Phil. Mag., 1871, ii. p. 375.
are the ripples the faster they run, while ordinary
oscillatory waves in deep water, propagated by gravita-
tion, run faster the longer they are.
[This affords a good example of the application of what
is called the principle of Dynamical Similarity ; i.e. the
effect of scale upon physical phenomena. It is, of course,
merely a question of Dimensions as in 64. Various
instances of the application of this principle have already
been given, e.g. 40, 167, 228, 284, etc.]
In two similar ripples, of different wave-lengths, the
forces are independent of the lengths, the ranges are
directly as the lengths, and the masses of water are as the
squares of the lengths, of the ripples. Hence the rates
of propagation are inversely as the square roots of the
lengths. In similar oscillatory gravitation waves, on the
contrary, the forces are as the squares of the lengths, the
ranges as the lengths, and the masses as the squares of
the lengths, and the rate is directly proportional to the
square root of the wave-length.
Thus very short ripples run almost entirely by surface-
tension, while long ripples and short waves run partly
by gravity partly by surface-tension. Thomson has
shown that the limit between waves and ripples in water,
which is the slowest-moving surface disturbance, has
about 2/3 inch as its wave-length, and runs at a speed
of 9 inches per second. Every shorter disturbance runs
mainly by surface-tension, and may be called a ripple ;
every longer one runs mainly by gravitation, and may be
called a wave. Fairly accurate determinations of surface-
tension have been obtained by measurement of the
lengths of ripples produced when a vibrating tuning-fork
(of known pitch) rests against a trough containing a liquid. 1
1 C. M. Smith, Proc. R.S.E., 1890.
296. When a solid is exposed to a gas or vapour, a
film is deposited on its surface which, in many cases,
introduces confusion in weighings, etc. Thus, if a dry
platinum capsule he carefully weighed, then huated to
redness and weighed again immediately after it has
cooled, it is found to he lighter. If left exposed to the
air it gradually recovers its former weight. In so far as
this effect is a purely surface one, it is increased in pro-
portion as the surface of a given mass of the solid is
increased. Thus " spongy " platinum, as it is called i.e.
platinum in a state of very minute division (obtained by
reducing it by heat from some of its salts) exhibits the
phenomenon to a notable extent. Dobereiner showed
that a jet of hydrogen can be set on fire, by the heat
developed when it is blown against spongy platinum
which has been exposed to the air. The platinum is
heated to redness by the combination of the oxygen film,
already condensed on its surface, with the hydrogen
which suffers condensation in its turn.
Another remarkable form of experiment, analogous to
this, consists in heating a helix of platinum wire to
incandescence in the flame of a Bunsen lamp, turning off.
and then immediately turning on again the supply of
gas; for the wire remains permanently red-hot in the
explosive mixture of air and coal-gas; without, how-
ever, reaching a high enough temperature to inflame it
The amount of surface really exposed by finely porous
bodies, especially (as Hunter l showed) cocoa-nut charcoal,
is enormous in comparison with their apparent surface ;
and in consequence they are able to absorb (as it is called)
quantities of gas altogether disproportionate to their
1 Chtm. Soc. Journal, 1865-72.
volume. Even ordinary charcoal, when heated red-hot
(to drive out the gases already condensed in its pores)
and allowed to cool in an atmosphere of carbonic acid
gas, absorbs from sixty to eighty times its volume of the
gas. If it be then introduced into a tube full of mercury
it can be made, by heating, to disgorge this gas, which
it reabsorbs as it cools. This property has been utilized
for the production of very high vacua; as much as
possible of the gas being removed by an air-pump while
the charcoal is hot, and the greater part of the remainder
being absorbed when it cools. 1
The student may easily understand the immense addi-
tion to the surface of a body, which is caused either by
pores or by fine division, if he reflect that a cube, when
sliced once parallel to each of its pairs of faces, obviously
has its whole surface doubled.
297. There is another form of action, analogous to this,
produced by certain substances, such as peroxide of
manganese, when in a state of fine division. When a
stream of oxygen, containing ozone, is passed through the
powder it emerges as oxygen alone. The ozone has been
reduced to the form of oxygen by what is called Catalysis ;
the oxide of manganese is practically unaltered.
298. What is called the solution of a gas in a liquid is,
in many respects, analogous to the condensation on the
surface (or in the pores) of a solid.
The empirical laws of this subject, originally given by
Henry and by Dalton, have been verified for moderate
ranges of pressure by Bunsen.
According to Henry, when a solution of a gas is in
equilibrium with the gas itself, the amount dissolved in
unit volume of the liquid is proportional to the pressure
1 Dewar and Tait, Proc. R.S.E., 1874.
of the gas. The coefficient of proportionality diminishes
rapidly with rise of temperature.
To this Dalton added that each constituent of a gaseous
mixture is dissolved exactly as it would have been had
the others not been present.
It appears that the heat disengaged in solution is
always greater than that due to the mere liquefaction of
the gas. Hence the phenomenon is, to a considerable
extent, of a chemical character ; and thus we are prepared
to find great differences in the absorption of the same gas
by different liquids. Thus carbonic acid is 2 '5 times
more soluble in alcohol than in water ; while it is 1 '8
times more soluble in water at C. than in water at
15 C. -
299. THOUGH we cannot mark a special group of the
particles of any one liquid or gas, so as to enable us to
see how they gradually mix themselves with the others,
we have almost perfect assurance that they do so. This
assurance is based partly upon the relative behaviour of
two miscible liquids, or two gases, put in contact with
one another ; partly upon the results of the kinetic
theory, which have been found fully to explain at least
the greater number of the phenomena ordinarily exhibited
by gases. Thus, altogether independent of the convec-
tion currents due to differences of temperature, there
goes on, in every homogeneous liquid or gas, a constant
transference of each individual particle from place to
place throughout the mass. In homogeneous solids, .at
least, it seems probable that there is no such transference,
but that each particle has a mean, or average, position
relatively to its immediate neighbours, from which it
suffers only exceedingly small displacements.
300. True diffusion, which is much more rapid in
gases than in liquids, is essentially a very slow process
compared with those convection processes which are
mainly instrumental in securing the thorough inter-
mixture of the various constituents of the air or of
dissolved salts with the ocean water. For its careful
study, therefore, great precautions are required, with a
view to the preservation of uniformity of temperature, as
the only mode of preventing convection currents. We
will suppose that these precautions have been taken.
If, by means of a tube (fitted with a stop-cock) which
is adjusted at the bottom of a tall glass cylinder nearly
full of water, we cautiously introduce by gravity a strong
solution of some highly-coloured salt (such as bichromate
of potash), the solution, being denser than the water,
forms a layer at the bottom of . the vessel. If we watcli
it from day to day we find that, in spite of gravity,
the salt gradually rises into the water column, which
now shows an apparently perfectly continuous gradation
of tint from the still undiluted part of the solution up
to the as yet uncontaminated water above. The result
irresistibly suggests an analogy with the state of
temperature of a bar of metal which is exposed to a
source of heat at one end. The analogy would be almost
complete if we could prevent loss of heat by the sides
of the bar; for experiment has shown that, just as the
flux of heat is from warmer to colder parts, and (ceteri*
l>aribus) proportional to the gradient of temperature,
so the diffusion of the salt takes place from more to less
concentrated solution, and at a rate at least approximately
proportional to the gradient of concentration. This is,
possibly, not quite the case at first, when there are
exceedingly steep gradients of concentration, for then
(see 292) there is probably something akin to a surface-
film which for a time behaves somewhat like that between
two liquids which do not mix. This is forcibly suggested
by the result of rough stirring of the contents of a vessel
with parallel glass sides, in which there is a layer of strong
brine with clear water above it ; especially if a horizontal
beam of sunlight, from a distant aperture in the shutter
of a dark room, be made to pass through the vessel,
and be received on a sheet of paper placed a few inches
behind. However rough the stirring, if it be not too
long continued, the mixture is soon seen to settle into
layers of different densities ; and time is required before
diffusion does away with the steep gradients of concen-
tration which have been produced between the layers.
These effects can be produced again and again in the
same mixture, and show how very much more rapid is
the mixing when aided by rough mechanical processes
than when left entirely to the slow but sure effects of
diffusion. The effect of the stirring is to produce im-
mensely extended surfaces of steep gradient of concen-
tration all through the mixture, and thus greatly to
accelerate the natural action of diffusion, to which the
final result of uniform concentration is really due.
301. The first accurate experiments on this subject
are due to Graham, 1 who employed various very simple
but effective processes. He showed that while the rate
of diffusion varied considerably with the substances
employed, these could be ranged in two great classes,
Colloids and Crystalloids, the members of the first class
having very small diffusivity compared with those of the
second. Thus he found that the times employed for equal
amounts of diffusion in water were relatively as follows :
Hydrochloric Acid ..... 1
Common Salt . . . . . . 2 '33
Sugar 7
Albumen . . . , . . 49
Caramel . . ... . .98
1 Chemical and Physical Researches, collected and reprinted, 1876.
He also verified that the rate of diffusion of any one sub-
stance is proportional to the gradient of concentration,
and added the important fact that rise of temperature
has a marked effect in accelerating the process.
302. The subject has since been elaborately investi-
gated by various experimenters, and absolute values of
diffusivity have been calculated from their experiments
as well as from those of Graham.
Following the analogy with heat-conduction, we may
define, after Fourier's method, as follows :
The diffusivity of one substance in another is the
number of units of the substance which pass in unit of
time through unit of surface, when the gradient of con-
centration perpendicular to the surface is unit of substance
per unit of volume per unit of length.
If we use the C. G. S. system, in which unit of length
is a centimetre, unit of mass a gramme, and unit of time
a second, the numbers obtained would be exceedingly
small, so that the C. G. S. system is departed from in
practice to the extent of making a day the unit of time.
With this we have, according to Stefan's calculations
from Graham's results :
H) T drochloric Acid .
Common Salt .
Temperature C.
5 174
. ,- . 5 076
10 0-91
Sugar . . .
( aramel .
. . 9 0'31
. 13 0'06
10 0'05
The meaning of this is that, for instance at 10 C., in
water which so holds common salt in solution that there
is one gramme per cubic centimetre more in each hori-
zontal stratum, than in the stratum one centimetre above
it, the upward progress of the salt is at the rate of O91
gramme through each square centimetre per day. [Solu-
tions of common salt differing by whole grammes of salt
per cubic centimetre are, of course, only a pleasant fiction
of the C. G. S. system.]
303. Fick, Yoigt, Hoppe-Seyler, H. Weber, and many
others, have greatly extended Graham's work ; some
using his process (with slight variations), others employ-
ing processes depending upon special physical results
(such as rotatory polarisation or electromotive force) due
to the salt which is diffusing. It is probable that very
good measures may be obtained, though the method
would be laborious, by using a narrow tank with parallel
glass sides (as in 300), and observing, from time to
time, the greatest refraction suffered by any part of a
horizontal beam of sunlight transmitted through the
heterogeneous liquid, the tank having been originally
half filled (as in 300) with a strong solution of a salt,
under pure water. 1 Sir W. Thomson introduced a
rough - and - ready method by letting down into the
diffusion column a number of glass beads, containing
more or less of air, and therefore having, each as a whole,
different mean densities, and observing from day to day
the position of the stratum in which each floated in
equilibrium. This method would probably be the best
of all, could we only make the beads small enough, so
as not to trench upon too many strata at once, and could
we also make certain that neither air-bubbles nor crystals
should develop upon them. The latter condition, how-
ever, is practically unattainable.
304. It seems that the idea of comparing diffusion
with heat-conduction was originally propounded by
1 Tait, "On Mirage," Trans. R.S.E., 1881.
Berthollet before Fourier published his great investiga-
tions on the latter subject ; but Tick was the first to
revive and develop it in more recent times.
The physical explanation of the cause of diffusion of
liquids in one another, or of solids in a liquid, is vastly
more complex and difficult than that of the diffusion of
gases, though, in some of their coarser features, the
first two of these are closely analogous to the last. In
the words of Clerk-Maxwell : " It is easy to see that if
there is any irregular displacement among the molecules
of a mixed liquid, it must, on the whole, tend to cause
each component to pass from places where it forms a
large proportion of the mixture to places where it is
less abundant. It is also manifest that any relative
motion of two constituents of the mixture will be
opposed by a resistance arising from the encounters
between the molecules of these components. The value
of this resistance, however, depends, in liquids, on more
complicated conditions than in gases, and for the present
we must regard it as a function of all the properties of
the mixture at the given place that is to say, its tem-
perature and pressure, and the proportions of the
different components of the mixture."
305. The interdiffusion of gases is thus, theoretically,
a simpler question than that of liquids; and has been
developed, from the basis of the kinetic theory of gases,
into an almost complete explanation of the observed
phenomena. We cannot here introduce the mathematical
part of the investigation, as it involves analysis of a kind
foreign to the range of an elementary book ; but we
simply state that the equations ultimately arrived at are,
in their simplest form, closely analogous to those obtained
by Fourier for heat-conduction in a homogeneous isotropic
solid. This part of the theory we owe mainly to Clerk-
Maxwell. The experimental part has been well supplied
by Loschmiclt. 1 The following numbers give an idea of
his values of interdiffusivity of pairs of gases, in a
mixture at a pressure of one atmosphere. We have
preserved only two significant figures, though the
measures (which are in C. G. S. units) were given to
Carbonic Acid and Air 0'14
Oxygen and Hydrogen 072
Carbonic Acid and Hydrogen . . .0*55
Carbonic Acid and Carbonic Oxide . . . 0'14
Carbonic Oxide and Hydrogen . . .0*64
According to the theory, as given by Maxwell, these
quantities should be nearly in inverse proportion to the
geometrical mean of the densities (at one atmosphere)
of the two gases. The higher parts of the theory of this
subject are very complex and difficult, and cannot yet be
considered as at all satisfactorily developed.
306. Returning to the consideration of liquids, we
meet with certain very curious phenomena when two
miscible liquids are separated by a membrane such as a
diaphragm or septum of bladder, or of parchment paper.
These are usually arranged under the general title of
Osmose, sometimes pedantically divided into endosmose
and exosmose. The first careful examination of them
we owe to Dutrochet, but the earliest observation
recorded is due to Nollet in the first half of last
The main phenomenon, of which all the others are more
or less complicated varieties, is simply that different
1 Sitzungs-Berichte d. Kais. Ac. zu Wien, 1870.
liquids pass at different rates through a porous membrane.
Thus Nollet immersed in water a vessel full of alcohol,
tightly closed by a piece of bladder, and was surprised to
find that the contents soon increased to such an extent
as almost to burst the bladder. He then filled the
vessel with water, tied on the bladder, and immersed the
whole in alcohol, when the reverse effect was obtained ;
the contents of the vessel diminished and the bladder
was forced inwards. Strange to say, after so good a
commencement, he contented himself with recording the
two observations.
307. The phenomenon is so obviously connected with
many processes which go on in living bodies, whether
vegetable or animal, that it has attracted the attention
of physiologists as well as of physicists, and an immense
mass of observations on various forms of it has already
been accumulated.
Its theoretical explanation is much more complex than
that of ordinary liquid diffusion, because it is found that
the material of the septum plays an important, often a
paramount, part in determining the rate, and sometimes
even the direction, of the osmose in a trial with two given
Osmose is undoubtedly a case of ordinary diffusion,
complicated by the molecular actions between the material
of the septum and the various liquids employed. Thus
there need be no more reason for surprise that a liquid,
such as the sap in plants, should be osmotically raised
to great heights against gravity, than that water should
rise in a capillary tube, or that bichromate of potash
should ( 300) diffuse upwards in a column of water.
308. Something very similar to osmose can be obtained
by ordinary diffusion, when horizontal strata of two
liquids are separated by a stratum of a third liquid of
intermediate density. Sometimes one or other of the
extremes alone passes through the intermediate layer,
sometimes both diffuse into it. A beautiful method of
gradually developing chemical actions which, on the
large scale, would produce dangerous explosions, is thus
suggested. When nitric acid, water, and alcohol are
the three liquids, the chemical action takes place slowly
where the two extreme liquids meet, as they diffuse
towards one another through the water-septum.
309. Though the theory is but imperfectly understood,
the practical applications of osmose have been developed
to an important extent. Of these we need here mention
only the process of Dialysis, due to Graham. The dis-
tinction between Colloids and Crystalloids, in their
behaviour as regards a porous septum, is even more
marked than in direct liquid diffusion. Hence, when a
mixture of colloids and crystalloids, in solution, is placed
on one side of a bladder or a piece of parchment paper,
and pure water on the other side, it is practically the
crystalloids alone which pass through the septum into
the water. If the colloids be originally in enormous
excess, one repetition of the process on the mixture
which has passed through the septum is sufficient to
separate the crystalloids almost entirely from the colloids.
This process is of very great importance as an auxiliary
to chemical analysis in medico-legal questions : for the
more common of the violent poisons are with few excep-
tions crystalloids, and can be easily and almost com-
pletely separated, by dialysis, from the large admix-
ture of colloids in which they are usually found in the
310. Graham, in his extensive series of experiments
on the passage of gases through various solids with holes
or pores, recognised several quite distinct processes, each
with its own laws.
When a gas is maintained at constant pressure on one
side of a very thin non-porous plate, which has a small
hole in it, there being vacuum at the other side, the
process of passage is called Effusion. This may be
looked on as at least roughly analogous to the passage of
a liquid through the orifice. The closer consideration of
it belongs to Thermodynamics. The work done on unit
volume as it passes out is directly as the pressure, the
kinetic energy acquired is measured by the density and
the square of the speed of effusion conjointly. Hence,
under the same pressure, the speed of effusion is inversely
as the square root of the density. This result was very
nearly realised in Graham's experiments; witness the
following :
Time of Effusion. Theoretical Time.
Air . . . .' 1-0 I'O
Nitrogen . . . 0'984 0'9S6
Oxygen . . . 1'050 T051
Hydrogen . . 0'276 0'263
Carbonic Acid . . 1'197 1'236
The only discrepancies which call for notice are with
hydrogen and carbonic acid. But Graham was able to
show from the results of another of his series of experi-
ments, that these discrepancies are due to the fact that
the perforated plate was not infinitely thin, and that the
aperture therefore behaved like a very short capillary
tube. This explanation is fully borne out by the fact
that the discrepancies are in opposite directions for these
two gases, and that this characteristic difference is required
by the mode of explanation.
From these experiments Graham concluded that the
law of this process is analogous to that of diffusion with-
out a septum. Bunsen has applied the result to the
construction of a very excellent instrument for measuring
the density of a gas.
311. Transpiration is the name given by Graham to
the passage of a gas under pressure through a capillary
tube. The results obtained were of a much more complex
character than in the case of effusion ; and the law of
the process, so far as it could be ascertained by experi-
ment alone, was of a different form. Capillary tubes,
varying in length from 20 feet down to a few inches,
were employed. It was found that the material of the
tube had no influence ; hence it has been suggested that
the tube becomes lined with a film of the gas, and that
tfye key to the difficulties of the problem is to be sought
mainly in connection with viscosity. The rate of trans-
piration of hydrogen is only double of that of nitrogen,
while that of carbonic acid is much greater than that of
oxygen :
Limiting Transpiration Times
in very fine Capillaries.
Oxygen. ~ I'OOO
Air 0-901
Nitrogen and Carbonic Oxide . 0'875
Hydrogen 0'437
Carbonic Acid .... 0727
The two last results show the foundation of the explana-
tory remark towards the end of last section.
The following are some of Graham's comments on
this very curious subject :
"The times of oxygen, nitrogen, carbonic oxide, and
air, are directly as their densities, or equal weights of
these gases pass in equal times. Hydrogen passes in
half the time of nitrogen, or twice as rapidly for equal
volumes. The result for carbonic acid appears at first
anomalous. It is that the transpiration time of this gas
is inversely proportional to its density, when compared
with oxygen. It is to be remembered, however, that
carbonic acid is a compound gas, containing an equal
volume of oxygen. The second constituent carbon
which increases the weight of the gas, appears to give
additional velocity to the oxygen in the same manner
and to the same extent as increased density from pressure,
or from cold (as I believe I shall be able to show), in-
creases the transpiration velocity of pure oxygen itself.
A result of this kind shows at once the important bear-
ing of gaseous transpirability, and that it emulates a
place in science with the doctrines of gaseous densities
and combining volumes.
"The circumstance that the transpiration time of
hydrogen is one-half of that of nitrogen, indicates that the
relations of transpirability are even more simple in their
expression than the relations of density among gases.
In support of the same assertion may be adduced the
additional fact ; that binoxide of nitrogen, although
differing in density, appears to have the same transpira-
tion time as nitrogen. Protoxide of nitrogen and
carbonic acid have one transpiration time, so have
nitrogen and carbonic oxide, as each pair has a common
312. When one gas is separated from another, or from
a vacuum, by a septum of compressed graphite ( 53), the
law, and even the rate, of passage come to be very nearly
the same as those of ordinary gaseous diffusion. Thus
gases pass through such a septum at rates inversely as
the square roots of their densities, as in effusion. If the
septum is made of plaster of Paris, the results become
partially complicated by transpiration. This source of
confusion is practically non-existent when the septum is
made of "biscuit-ware," as it is technically called; and
the same may be said of all the finer kinds of unglazed
earthenware. Here the pores are so fine that, as Graham
says, the action ceases to be molar and becomes molecular.
Each particle acts, as it were, on its own account. Hence,
when a mixture of two gases of different densities is
placed on one side of such a septum, the less dense gas
passes in greater percentage than the denser, and we
have Atmolysis: a mode of separating different gases
somewhat akin to dialysis (309). There are few physical
experiments more striking and suggestive than the simple
one of surrounding, with an atmosphere of coal gas, the
bulb (made of unglazed clay) of an arrangement like a
large ordinary air-thermometer. The rapidity with which
the gases pass through the bulb is extraordinary.
313. But when the septum is made of caoutchouc the
process of penetration is quite different. The septum
now acts as a colloidal body, not as a porous one ; and
the gas combines in an imperfect chemical manner with
the matter of the septum, in which it diffuses (in the
ordinary sense of the term), until it reaches the other
side and is set free. Thus the small toy-balloons of thin
india-rubber, when originally filled with hydrogen, soon
collapse. On the other hand, when they are blown with
air and then immersed in an atmosphere of hydrogen,
they rapidly swell and burst.
The same phenomenon is beautifully shown by blow-
ing a soap-bubble with carbonic acid gas. For the gas
dissolves in the liquid film, diffuses through it, and
escapes into the air, so that the bubble soon collapses.
Similarly, an ordinary soap-bubble made to float on
carbonic acid gas expands, gradually sinks, and finally
A good instance of gaseous diffusion is afforded by
evaporation of water, or other liquid, at temperatures
below the boiling point, when air is present. For the
process goes on until the vapour in contact with the
liquid has a pressure determined solely by the tempera-
ture, and by the curvature of the liquid surface. When
a layer of vapour of the proper pressure has once formed
at the surface, the resistance to its diffusion is so con-
siderable that, unless there be wind or convection-currents,
the rate of evaporation is reduced to that of diffusion ;
and vapour is formed (at the liquid surface) only as fast
as that which is already formed is able to get away. By
weighing, from time to time, a test-tube of known length,
which has a layer of liquid at the bottom and is open at
the top, fair measures of the rate of diffusion in air, of
vapours heavier than air, can be obtained.
314. Very curious results have been obtained by
Deville and Troost with reference to the rapid passage
of various gases through heated cast-iron. Carbonic
oxide is one of these, and as this is a highly poisonous
gas, the matter is one of great importance in relation to
the heating of rooms by stoves. They also showed that
highly heated platinum is freely pervious to hydrogen.
Graham's researches on the behaviour of palladium with
respect to hydrogen have afforded the means of obtaining
similar effects even at temperatures far below red-heat ;
and, quite recently, v. Helmholtz and Koot have proved
that platinum is pervious to hydrogen even at ordinary
temperatures. Thus the question is one of importance,
not alone from the sanitary point of view, nor from the
point of view of its purely scientific explanation, but
also from the very important point of view of the con-
struction of gas-thermometers for the measurement of
high temperatures, in which the recipient must necessarily
be made of some practically infusible metal. The whole
of this part of the subject, however, has a specially
chemical interest, so that we are not called on to discuss
it further.
315. We have already employed the word Viscosity in
two somewhat different applications. In our general
discussion of common terms ( 37) we spoke of it as
applied to liquids, and also, by parity of results, to gases.
But in 249 we used it as denoting a property possessed
even by the most elastic of solids.
We must now consider, more carefully, its application
to fluid motion.
And, first, as regards liquids. Questions such as were
briefly touched upon in 37 belong, in their full develop-
ment, where eddies present almost insuperable difficulties,
to Hydrokinetics, and are therefore not to be treated
farther in this work. But the passage of a liquid, under
pressure, through a capillary tube, is (so far as it is
amenable to elementary mathematical treatment) part of
our subject. So is the torsional vibration of a disc, in
its own plane, when it is suspended by a wire and im-
mersed in a fluid, especially when, as in Clerk- Maxwell's
experiments on gases, other two discs are fixed near and
parallel to it, on opposite sides. So far as liquids are
concerned, these forms of experiment were carefully
worked out by Poiseuille and by Coulomb respectively,
and have since been extended, with various modifications,
by v. Helmholtz, 0. E. Meyer, etc. Later, Graham (as
we have just seen), Clerk-Maxwell, and many others,
have applied one or other of these forms of experiment,
more or less modified, to the determination of the
viscosity of gaseous bodies.
316. Before going farther, we must define precisely
what we mean by viscosity ; and the definition will, of
course, show how it is to be measured.
Suppose a layer of fluid, of unit thickness, to fill the
interval between two plane surfaces of indefinite extent to
which the fluid adheres. When one of these surfaces is
made to move in a given direction parallel to the other,
with unit speed, the tangential force on eitheT per unit of
surface is the measure of the viscosity.
Hence, if, in Fig. 1, 38, v be the speed at depth //,
the tangential stress per unit surface of the layer at that
depth is
where K is the viscosity. The dimensions of Viscosity,
therefore, differ from those of Rigidity ( 1 78) simply by
the time unit; i.e. as the dimensions of velocity differ
from those of acceleration. This may be seen at a glance
from the equation of 250.
The establishment of a simple working definition, such
as that above, leads at once to the formation of the proper
equations of motion in all problems of this kind. The
process is precisely the same as that adopted by Fourier in
his definition of Heat Conductivity ; and it is curious to
see how all who have, in modern times, treated viscosity
without using Fourier's method, have fallen into the vague
and misleading methods of Fourier's predecessors.
317. If, with this definition, we investigate the motion
of a liquid in a capillary tube, when it has become steady,
we are led to the result (fully borne out by the experi-
merits of Poiseuille l ) that, ceteris paribus, the discharge
in a given time is proportional to the fourth power of the
radius of the bore. (Compare 228.)
For the solution of the problem we assume that the
motion is everywhere parallel to the axis of the tube, and
with speed dependent only on the distance from it. Let
K be the viscosity, and consider the tangential stress (per
unit length of the tube) on the surface of a cylindrical
layer of liquid of radius r, concentric with the tube. If v
be the speed of that layer, the amount of the stress is
(by the definition above)
Hence the difference of the tangential forces on the surfaces
of a cylinder of liquid of thickness 8r is
2 rf
But, as the motion is not accelerated, this must be equal
and opposite to the difference of the pressures on the ends
of the cylinder, which is (per unit length)
where x is measured parallel to the axis. This must
obviously be independent of x, and, as the motion is
always very slow under the conditions, p is approximately
independent of r. Hence
a constant, whose obvious value is the difference of
pressures at the ends, divided by the length, of the tube.
1 Mim. des Savans Etrangers, IX., 1846.
, ETC. 285
Thus we have the very simple equation
matter are indivisible
points without extension, but surrounded by spheres of
attractive and repulsive force which alternate according
to the distance of these points up to a certain degree of
remoteness. Hypothesis of Boscovich.
17. The physical universe is constituted by the un-
conscious perceptions of a vast collection of unextended
spiritual forces or monads, endowed with a power of
spontaneous development and with something of the
nature of desire and sentiment : and the properties which
physical science ascribes to the ultimate elements of
matter are the modes under which the reciprocal actions of
the monads appear to sense. The hypothesis of Leibnitz.
18. Matter is a mental picture in which "mind-stuff"
is the thing represented, and mind-stuff is constituted by
feelings which can exist by themselves, without forming
parts of a consciousness, but which are also woven into
the complex form of human minds. The hypothesis of
19. Matter apart from perception has no existence;
physical phenomena are essentially sensations or ideas;
"bodies" are groups or clusters of actual or expected
sensations arranged according to so-called laws of nature
in which is manifest the working of the divine mind.
Berkeley's hypothesis.
29. Matter is simply an appearance to sense, without
anything real in it. The Hindu hypothesis of Maya, the
Eleatic hypothesis of non-being, etc.
21. Matter is "the permanent possibility of sensa-
tions." J. S. Mill.
22. "Die Materie ist Dasjenige, wodurch der Wille,
der das innere Wesen der Dinge ausniacht, in die Wahr-
nehmbarkeit tritt, anschaulich, Sichtlar wird. In diesem
Sinne ist also die Materie die blosse Sichtbarkeit des
Willens, oder das Band der Welt als Wille mit der Welt
als Yorstellung. Die Materie ist durch und durch
Causalitat." Schopenhauer.
23. Matter is constituted by forces which are out-
goings or manifestations of the Divine Will.
24. Matter is not objectified Will but objectified
25. Matter is Nature's self -externality in its most
universal form with a tendency to self-internality or
individuation shown in the nisus of gravitation, and
nature is the Idea in the form of otherness, or self-
alienation. Hegel.
APPENDIX II. ( 29, 101).
From the article " Atom," by Clerk-Maxwell,
Ency. Brit., 9th ed.
ATOM (aro/xos) is a body which cannot be cut in two.
The atomic theory is a theory of the constitution of
bodies, which asserts that they are made up of atoms.
The opposite theory is that of the homogeneity and
continuity of bodies, and asserts, at least in the case
of bodies having no apparent organisation, such, for
instance, as water, that as we can divide a drop of water
into two parts which are each of them drops of water,
so we have reason to believe that these smaller drops
can be divided again, and the theory goes on to assert
that there is nothing in the nature of things to hinder
this process of division from being repeated over and
over again, times without end. This is the doctrine of
the infinite divisibility of bodies, and it is in direct con-
tradiction with the theory of atoms.
The atomists assert that after a certain number of such
divisions the parts would be no longer divisible, because
each of them would be an atom. The advocates of the
continuity of matter assert that the smallest conceivable
body has parts, and that whatever has parts may be
There are thus two modes of thinking about the con-
stitution of bodies, which have had their adherents both
in ancient and in modern times. They correspond to
the two methods of regarding quantity the arithmetical
and the geometrical. To the atomist the true method
of estimating the quantity of matter in a body is to count
the atoms in it. The void spaces between the atoms
count for nothing. To those who identify matter with
extension, the volume of space occupied by a body is the
only measure of the quantity of matter in it.
Of the different forms of the atomic theory, that of
Boscovich may be taken as an example of the purest
monadism. According to Boscovich matter is made up
of atoms. Each atom is an indivisible point, having
position in space, capable of motion in a continuous path,
and possessing a certain mass, whereby a certain amount
of force is required to produce a given change of motion.
Besides this the atom is endowed with potential force,
that is to say, that any two atoms attract or repel each
other with a force depending on their distance apart.
The law of this force, for all distances greater than say
the thousandth of an inch, is an attraction varying as the
inverse square of the distance. For smaller distances
the force is an attraction for one distance and a repulsion
for another, according to some law not yet discovered.
Boscovich himself, in order to obviate the possibility of
two atoms ever being in the same place, asserts that the
ultimate force is a repulsion which increases without
limit as the distance diminishes without limit, so that
two atoms can never coincide. But this seems an
unwarrantable concession to the vulgar opinion that
two bodies cannot co-exist in the same place. This
opinion is deduced from our experience of the behaviour
of bodies of sensible size, but we have no experimental
evidence that two atoms may not sometimes coincide.
For instance, if oxygen and hydrogen combine to form
water, we have no experimental evidence that the mole-
cule of oxygen is not in the very same place with the
two molecules of hydrogen. Many persons cannot get
rid of the opinion that all matter is extended in length,
breadth, and depth. This is a prejudice of the same kind
with the last, arising from our experience of bodies con-
sisting of immense multitudes of atoms. The system of
atoms, according to Boscovich, occupies a certain region
of space in virtue of the forces acting between the com-
ponent atoms of the system and any other atoms when
brought near them. No other system of atoms can
occupy the same region of space at the same time,
because, before it could do so, the mutual action of the
atoms would have caused a repulsion between the two
systems insuperable by any force which we can command.
Thus, a number of soldiers with firearms may occupy an
extensive region to the exclusion of the enemy's armies,
though the space filled by their bodies is but small.
In this way Boscovich explained the apparent extension
of bodies consisting of atoms, each of which is devoid
of extension. According to Boscovich's theory, all action
between bodies is action at a distance. There is no such
thing in nature as actual contact between two bodies.
When two bodies are said in ordinary language to be in
contact, all that is meant is that they are so near together
that the repulsion between the nearest pairs of atoms
belonging to the two bodies is very great.
Thus, in Boscovich's theory, the atom has continuity
of existence in time and space. At any instant of time
it is at some point of space, and it is never in more than
one place at a time. It passes from one place to another
along a continuous path. It has a definite mass which
cannot be increased or diminished. Atoms are endowed
with the power of acting on one another by attraction
or repulsion, the amount of the force depending on the
distance between them. On the other hand, the atom
itself has no parts or dimensions. In its geometrical
aspect it is a mere geometrical point. It has no exten-
sion in space. It has not the so-called property of
Impenetrability, for two atoms may exist in the same
place. This we may regard as one extreme of the
various opinions about the constitution of bodies.
The opposite extreme, that of Ariaxagoras the theory
that bodies apparently homogeneous and continuous are
so in reality is, in its extreme form, a theory incapable
of development. To explain the properties of any sub-
stance by this theory is impossible. We can only
admit the observed properties of such substance as
ultimate facts. There is a certain stage, however, of
scientific progress in which a method corresponding to
this theory is of service. In hydrostatics, for instance,
we define a fluid by means of one of its known pro-
perties, and from this definition we make the system of
deductions which constitutes the science of hydrostatics.
In this way the science of hydrostatics may be built
upon an experimental basis, without any consideration
of the constitution of a fluid as to whether it is mole-
cular or continuous. In like manner, after the French
mathematicians had attempted, with more or less in-
genuity, to construct a theory of elastic solids from the
hypothesis that they consist of atoms in equilibrium
under the action of their mutual forces, Stokes and
others showed that all the results of this hypothesis, so
far at least as they agreed with facts, might be deduced
from the postulate that elastic bodies exist, and from the
hypothesis that the smallest portions into which we can
divide them are sensibly homogeneous. In this way the
principle of continuity, which is the basis of the method
of Fluxions and the whole of modern mathematics, may
be applied to the analysis of problems connected with
material bodies by assuming them, for the purpose of
this analysis, to be homogeneous. All that is required
to make the results applicable to the real case is that the
smallest portions of the substance of which we take any
notice shall be sensibly of the same kind. Thus, if a
railway contractor has to make a tunnel through a hill
of gravel, and if one cubic yard of the gravel is so like
another cubic yard that for the purposes of the contract
they may be taken as equivalent, then, in estimating the
work required to remove the gravel from the tunnel, he
may, without fear of error, make his calculations as if the
gravel were a continuous substance. But if a worm has
to make his way through the gravel, it makes the greatest
possible difference to him whether he tries to push right
against a piece of gravel, or directs his course through
one of the intervals between the pieces ; to him, therefore,
the gravel is by no means a homogeneous and continuous
In the same way, a theory that some particular
substance, say water, is homogeneous and continuous
may be a good working theory up to a certain point,
but may fail when we come to deal with quantities so
minute or so attenuated that their heterogeneity of
structure comes into prominence. Whether this hetero-
geneity of structure is or is not consistent with homo-
geneity and continuity of substance is another question.
The extreme form of the doctrine of continuity is
that stated by Descartes, who maintains that the whole
universe is equally full of matter, and that this matter
is all of one kind, having no essential property besides
that of extension. All the properties which we perceive
in matter he reduces to its parts being movable among
one another, and so capable of all the varieties which we
can perceive to follow from the motion of its parts
(Principia, ii. 23). Descartes' own attempts to deduce
the different qualities and actions of bodies in this
way are not of much value. More than a century was
required to invent methods of investigating the con-
ditions of the motion of systems of bodies such as
Descartes imagined.
A cube, whose side is the 4000th of a millimetre,
may be taken as the minimum msibile for observers of
the present day. Such a cube would contain from 60
to 100 million molecules of oxygen or of nitrogen ; but
since the molecules of organised substances contain on an
average about 50 of the more elementary atoms, we may
assume that the smallest organised particle visible under
the microscope contains about two million molecules of
organic matter. At least half of every living organism
consists of water, so that the smallest living being visible
under the microscope does not contain more than about
a million organic molecules. Some exceedingly simple
organism may be supposed built up of not more than
a million similar molecules. It is impossible, however,
to conceive so small a number sufficient to form a being
furnished with a whole system of specialised organs.
Thus molecular science sets us face to face with
physiological theories. It forbids the physiologist from
imagining that structural details of infinitely small
dimensions can furnish an explanation of the infinite
variety which exists in the properties and functions of
the most minute organisms.
A microscopic germ is, we know, capable of develop-
ment into a highly organised animal. Another germ,
equally microscopic, becomes, when developed, an animal
of a totally different kind. Do all the differences, infinite
in number, which distinguish the one animal from the
other, arise each from some difference in the structure of
the respective germs 1 Even if we admit this as possible,
we shall be called upon by the advocates of Pangenesis
to admit still greater marvels. For the microscopic
germ, according to this theory, is no mere individual,
but a representative body, containing members collected
from every rank of the long-drawn ramification of the
ancestral tree, the number of these members being amply
sufficient not only to furnish the hereditary characteristics
of every organ of the body and every habit of the animal
from birth to death, but also to afford a stock of latent
gemmules to be passed on in an inactive state from germ
to germ, till at last the ancestral peculiarity which it
represents is revived in some remote descendant.
Some of the exponents of this theory of heredity have
attempted to elude the difficulty of placing a whole
world of wonders within a body so small and so devoid
of visible structure as a germ, by using the phrase
structureless germs. 1 Now, one material system can
differ from another only in the configuration and motion
which it has at a given instant. To explain differences
of function and development of a germ without assuming
differences of structure is, therefore, to admit that the
properties of a germ are nqt those of a purely material
Coincidences observed, in the case of several terrestrial
substances, with several systems of lines in the spectra of
1 See F. Galton, " On Blood Relationship," Proc. Roy. Soc., June
13, 1872.
the heavenly bodies, tend to increase the evidence for
the doctrine that terrestrial substances exist in the
heavenly bodies, while the discovery of particular lines
in a celestial spectrum which do not coincide with any
line in a terrestrial spectrum does not much weaken the
general argument, but rather indicates either that a sub-
stance exists in the heavenly body not yet detected by
chemists on earth, or that the temperature of the heavenly
body is such that some substance, undecomposable by
our methods, is there split up into components unknown
to us in their separate state.
"We are thus led to believe that in widely-separated
parts of the visible universe molecules exist of various
kinds, the molecules of each kind having their various
periods of vibration either identical, or so nearly identical
that our spectroscopes cannot distinguish them. "\Vc
might argue from this that these molecules are alike in
all other respects, as, for instance, in mass. But it is
sufficient for our present purpose to observe that the
same kind of molecule, say that of hydrogen, has the
same set of periods of vibration, whether we procure the
hydrogen from water, from coal, or from meteoric iron,
and that light, having the same set of periods of vibra-
tion, comes to us from the sun, from Sirius, and from
The same kind of reasoning which led us to believe
that hydrogen exists in the sun and stars, also leads us
to believe that the molecules of hydrogen in all these
bodies had a common origin. For a material system
capable of vibration may have for its periods of vibration
any set of values whatever. The probability, therefore,
that two material systems, quite independent of each
other, shall have, to the degree of accuracy of modern
spectroscopic measurements, the same set of periods of
vibration, is so very small that we are forced to believe
that the two systems are not independent of each other.
When, instead of two such systems, we have innumer-
able multitudes all having the same set of periods, the
argument is immensely strengthened.
Admitting, then, that there is a real relation between
any two molecules of hydrogen, let us consider what this
relation may be.
We may conceive of a mutual action between one
body and another tending to assimilate them. Two
clocks, for instance, will keep time with each other if
connected by a wooden rod, though they have different
rates if they were disconnected. But even if the pro-
perties of a molecule were as capable of modification as
those of a clock, there is no physical connection of a
sufficient kind between Sirius and Arcturus.
There are also methods by which a large number of
bodies differing from each other may be sorted into sets,
so that those in each set more or less resemble each
other. In the manufacture of small shot this is done
by making the shot roll down an inclined plane. The
largest specimens acquire the greatest velocities, and are
projected farther than the smaller ones. In this way the
various pellets, which differ both in size and in round-
ness, are sorted into different kinds, those belonging to
each kind being nearly of the same size, and those which
are not tolerably spherical being rejected altogether.
If the molecules were originally as various as these
leaden pellets, and were afterwards sorted into kinds,
we should have to account for the disappearance of all
the molecules which did not fall under one of the very
limited number of kinds known to us ; and to get rid of
a number of indestructible bodies, exceeding by far the
number of the molecules of all the recognised kinds,
would be one of the severest labours ever proposed to a
It is well known that living beings may be grouped
into a certain number of species, denned with more or
less precision, and that it is difficult or impossible to find
a series of individuals forming the links of a continuous
chain between one species and another. In the case of
living beings, however, the generation of individuals is
always going on, each individual differing more or less
from its parents. Each individual during its whole life
is undergoing modification, and it either survives and
propagates its species, or dies early, accordingly as it is
more or less adapted to the circumstances of its environ-
ment. Hence, it has been found possible to frame a
theory of the distribution of organisms into species by
means of generation, variation, and discriminative destruc-
tion. But a theory of evolution of this kind cannot be
applied to the case of molecules, for the individual mole-
cules neither are born nor die, they have neither parents
nor offspring, and so far from being modified by their
environment, we find that two molecules of the same
kind, say of hydrogen, have the same properties, though
one has been compounded with carbon and buried in the
earth as coal for untold ages, while the other has been
" occluded " in the iron of a meteorite, and after unknown
wanderings in the heavens has at last fallen into the
hands of some terrestrial chemist.
The process by which the molecules become distributed
into distinct species is not one of which we know any
instances going on at present, or of which we have as
yet been able to form any mental representation. If
we suppose that the molecules known to us are built up
each of some moderate number of atoms, these atoms
being all of them exactly alike, then we may attribute
the limited number of molecular species to the limited
n limber of ways in which the primitive atoms may be
combined so as to form a permanent system.
But though this hypothesis gets rid of the difficulty
of accounting for the independent origin of different
species of molecules, it merely transfers the difficulty
from the known molecules to the primitive atoms. How
did the atoms come to be all alike in those properties
which are in themselves capable of assuming any value ?
If we adopt the theory of Boscovich, and assert that
the primitive atom is a mere centre of force, having a
certain definite mass, we may get over the difficulty about
the equality of the mass of all atoms by laying it down
as a doctrine which cannot be disproved by experiment,
that mass is not a quantity capable of continuous increase
or diminution, but that it is in its own nature discon-
tinuous, like number, the atom being the unit, and all
masses being multiples of that unit. We have no evidence
that it is possible for the ratio of two masses to be
an incommensurable quantity, for the incommensurable
quantities in geometry are supposed to be traced out in a
continuous medium. If matter is atomic, and therefore
discontinues, it is unfitted for the construction of perfect
geometrical models, but in other respects it may fulfil its
But even if we adopt a theory which makes the
equality of the mass of different atoms a result depending
on the nature of mass rather than on any quantitative
adjustment, the correspondence of the periods of vibra-
tion of actual molecules is a fact of a different order.
We know that radiations exist having periods of vibra-
tion of every value between those corresponding to the
limits of the visible spectrum, and probably far beyond
these limits on both sides. The most powerful spectro-
scope can detect no gap or discontinuity in the spectrum
of the light emitted by incandescent lime.
The period of vibration of a luminous particle is there-
fore a quantity which in itself is capable of assuming any
one of a series of values, which, if not mathematically
continuous, is such that consecutive observed values differ
from each other by less than the ten-thousandth part of
either. There is, therefore, nothing in the nature of time
itself to prevent the period of vibration of a molecule
from assuming any one of many thousand different
observable values. That which determines the period of
any particular kind of vibration is the relation which sub-
sists between the corresponding type of displacement and
the force of restitution thereby called into play, a relation
involving constants of space and time as well as of mass.
It is the equality of these space and time-constants
for all molecules of the same kind which we have next
to consider. "We have seen that the very different cir-
cumstances in which different molecules of the same
kind have been placed have not, even in the course of
many ages, produced any appreciable difference in the
values of these constants. If, then, the various processes
of nature to which these molecules have been subjected
since the world began have not been able in all that
time to produce any appreciable difference between the
constants of one molecule and those of another, we are
forced to conclude that it is not to the operation of any
of these processes that the uniformity of the constants
is due.
The formation of the molecule is therefore an event
not belonging to that order of nature under which we
live. It is an operation of a kind which is not, so far
as we are aware, going on on earth or in the sun or the
stars, either now or since these bodies began to be formed.
It must be referred to the epoch, not of the formation of
the earth or of the solar system, but of the establishment
of the existing order of nature, and till not only these
worlds and systems, but the very order of nature itself is
dissolved, we have no reason to expect the occurrence of
any operation of a similar kind.
In the present state of science, therefore, we have
strong reasons for believing that in a molecule, or if not
in a molecule, in one of its component atoms, we have
something which has existed either from eternity or at
least from times anterior to the existing order of nature.
But besides this atom, there are immense numbers of
other atoms of the same kind, and the constants of each
of these atoms are incapable of adjustment by any process
now in action. Each is physically independent of all the
Whether or not the conception of a multitude of
beings existing from all eternity is in itself self-contra-
dictory, the conception becomes palpably absurd when
we attribute a relation of quantitative equality to all
these beings. We are then forced to look beyond them
to some common cause or common origin to explain why
this singular relation of equality exists, rather than any one
of the infinite number of possible relations of inequality.
Science is incompetent to reason upon the creation of
matter itself out of nothing. We have reached the
uj/most limit of our thinking faculties when we have
admitted that, because matter cannot be eternal and
self-existent, it must have been created. It is only when
we contemplate not matter in itself, but the form in
which it actually exists, that our mind finds something
on which it can lay hold.
That matter, as such, should have certain fundamental
properties, that it should have a continuous existence in
space and time, that all action should be between two
portions of matter, and so on, are truths which may, for
aught we know, be of the kind which metaphysicians
call necessary. We may use our knowledge of such
truths for purposes of deduction, but we have no data
for speculating on their origin.
But the equality of the constants of the molecules is
a fact of a very different order. It arises from a
particular distribution of matter, a collocation, to use
the expression of Dr. Chalmers, of things which we
have no difficulty in imagining to have been arranged
otherwise. But many of the ordinary instances of
collocation are adjustments of constants, which are not
only arbitrary in their own nature, but in which varia-
tions actually occur ; and when it is pointed out that
these adjustments are beneficial to living beings, and
are therefore instances of benevolent design, it is replied
that those variations which are not conducive to the
growth and multiplication of living beings tend to their
destruction, and to the removal thereby of the evidence
of any adjustment not beneficial.
The constitution of an atom, however, is such as to
render it, so far as we can judge, independent of all the
dangers arising from the struggle for existence. Plausible
reasons may, no doubt, be assigned for believing that if
the constants had varied from atom to atom through any
sensible range, the bodies formed by aggregates of such
atoms would not have been so well fitted for the con-
struction of the world as the bodies which actually exist.
But as we have no experience of bodies formed of such
variable atoms this must remain a bare conjecture.
Atoms have been compared by Sir J. Herschel to
manufactured articles, on account of their uniformity.
The uniformity of manufactured articles may be traced
to very different motives on the part of the manufacturer.
In certain cases it is found to be less expensive as regards
trouble, as well as cost, to make a great many objects
exactly alike than to adapt each to its special require-
ments. Thus, shoes for soldiers are made in large
numbers without any designed adaptation to the feet of
particular men. In another class of cases the uniformity
is intentional, and is designed to make the manufactured
article more valuable. Thus, Whit worth's bolts are made
in a certain number of sizes, so that if one bolt is
lost, another may be got at once, and accurately fitted
to its place. The identity of the arrangement of the
words in the different copies of a document or book is a
matter of great practical importance, and it is more
perfectly secured by the process of printing than by that
of manuscript copying.
In a third class not a part only but the whole of the
value of the object arises from its exact conformity to a
given standard. Weights and measures belong to this
class, and the existence of many well-adjusted material
standards of weight and measure in any country furnishes
evidence of the existence of a system of law regulating
the transactions of the inhabitants, and enjoining in all
professed measures a conformity to the national standard.
There are thus three kinds of usefulness in manufac-
tured articles cheapness, serviceableness, and quantita-
tive accuracy. Which of these was present to the mind
of Sir J. Herschel we cannot now positively affirm, but
it was at least as likely to have been the last as the first,
though it seems more probable that he meant to assert
that a number of exactly similar things cannot be each
of them eternal and self-existent, and must therefore
have been made, and that he used the phrase "manu-
factured article " to suggest the idea of their being made
in great numbers.
TUM vero ex eo inventionis ingressu duas dicitur
fecisse massas sequo pondere, quo etiam fuerat corona,
imam ex auro alteram ex argento. Cum ita fecisset, vas
amplum ad summa labra implevit aqua ; in quo demisit
argenteam massam : cuius quanta magnitude in vase
depressa est, tantum aquae effluxit. Ita exempta massa,
quanto minus factum fuerat, refudit sextario mensus, ut
eodem modo, quo prius fuerat, ad labra aequaretur. Ita ex
eo invenit, quantum [ad cerium] pondus argenti ad certain
aquae mensuram responderet. Cum id expertus esset,
turn auream massam similiter pleno vase demisit, et ea
exempta, eadem ratione mensura addita invenit ex aqua
non tantum defluxisse sed \tantuni\ minus, quanto minus
magno corpore eodem pondere auri massa esset quam
argenti. Postea vero repleto vase in eadem aqua ipsa
corona demissa, invenit plus aquae defluxisse in coronam,
quam in auream eodem pondere massam : et ita ex eo,
quod plus defluxerat aquae in corona quam in massa,
ratiocinatus deprehendit argenti in auro mixtionem et
manifestum furtum redemptoris. Vitruvius, De ArcM-
tecturd, Lib. IX., Pr&fatio.
APPENDIX IV. ( 191).
By Professor Tait. 1
IN the remarkable Scholium, appended to his chapter
on the Laws of Motion, where Newton is showing what
Wren, Wallis, and Huygens had done in connection with
the impact of bodies, he uses the following very peculiar
language :
"Sed et veritas comprobata est a D. Wrcnno corain
Regia Societate per experimentum Pendulormn, quod etiam
Clarissimus Mariottus Libro integro exponere mox dig-
natus est."
The last clause of this sentence, which I had occasion
to consult a few days ago, appeared to me to be so
sarcastic, and so unlike in tone to all the context, that
I was anxious to discover its full intention.
Not one of the Commentators, to whose works I had
access, makes any remark on the passage. The Trans-
lators differ widely.
Thus Motte softens the clause down into the trivial
remark " which Mr. Mariotte soon after thought fit to
explain in a treatise entirely on that subject."
The Marquise du Chastellet (1756) renders it thus:
". . . . mais ce fut Wrenn qui les confirma par des
Experiences faites avec des Pendules devant la Societe
Royale : lesquelles le celebre Mariotte a rapportees depuis
dans un Traite" qu'il a compose" expres sur cette matiere."
Thorp's translation (1777) runs :
" which the very eminent Mr. Mariotte soon after thought
fit to explain in a treatise entirely upon that subject."
1 Proc. R.S.E., January 19, 1885.
Finally, Wolfers (1872) renders it thus :
" der zweite zeigte der Societat die Richtigkeit seiner
Erfindung an einem Pendelversuclie, den der beriilimto
Mariotte in seinem eigenen Werke aus einander zu setzen,
fiir wiirdig erachtete."
Not one of these seems to have remarked anything
singular in the language employed. But when we con-
sult the " entire book " in which Mariotte is said by
Newton to have " expounded " the result of Wren, and
which is entitled Traitt de la Percussion ou Choc des
Corps, we find that the name of Wren is not once
mentioned in its pages ! From the beginning to the end
there is nothing calculated even to hint to the reader
that the treatise is not wholly original.
This gives a clue to the reason for Newton's sarcastic
language ; ' whose intensity is heightened by the contrast
between the Clarissimus which is carefully prefixed to the
name of Mariotte, and the simple D. prefixed, not only
to the names of Englishmen like Wren and Wallis, but
even to that of a specially distinguished foreigner like
Newton must, of course, like all the scientific men of
the time (Mariotte included), have been fully cognisant
of Boyle's celebrated controversy with Linus, which led
to the publication, in 1662, of the Defence of the Doctrine
touching the Spring and Weight of the Air. In that tract,
Part II. Chap, v., the result called in Britain Boyle's Law
is established (by a very remarkable series of experi-
ments) for pressures less than, as well as for pressures
greater than, an atmosphere ; and it is established by
means of the very form of apparatus still employed for
the purpose in lecture demonstrations. Boyle, at least,
claimed originality, for he says in connection with the
difficulties met with in the breaking of his glass tube,
" .... an accurate Experiment of this nature would
be of great importance to the Doctrine of the Spring of
the Air, and has not been made (that I know) by any
man. ..."
In Mariotte's Discours de la Nature de VAir, published
FOURTEEN years later than this work of Boyle, we find
no mention whatever of Boyle, though the identical form
of apparatus used by Boyle is described. The whole
work proceeds, as does that on Percussion, with a calm
ignoration of the labours of the majority of contemporary
This also must, of course, have been perfectly well
known to Xewton : and we can now see full reason for
the markedly peculiar language which he permits himself
to employ with reference to Mariotte.
"What was thought of this matter by a very distin-
guished foreign contemporary, appears from the treatise
of James Bernoulli, De Gravitate ^Etheris, Amsterdam,
1683, p. 92.
' Yeritas utriusque hujus regulse manifesta fit duobus
curiosis cxperimentis, ab Illustr. Dn Boylio hanc in rem
factis, quse videsis in Tractatu ejus contra Linum, Cap. V.,
cui duas Auctor subjunxit Tabulas pro diversis Conden-
sationis et Rarefactionis gradibus."
In order to satisfy myself that Newton's language,
taken in its obvious meaning, really has the intention
which I could not avoid attaching to it, I requested my
colleague Professor Butcher to state the impression which
it produced on him. I copied for him the passage above
quoted, putting A. for the word Wrenno, and B. for
Mariottus ; and I expressly avoided stating who was the
writer. Here is his reply :
" I imagine the point of the passage to be something of
this kind (speaking without farther context or acquaint-
ance with the Latinity of the learned author) :
" A established the truth by means of a (simple) ex-
periment, before the Royal Society ; later, B thought it
worth his while to write a whole book to prove the same
" I should take the tone to be highly sarcastic at B's
expense. It seems to suggest that B was not only clumsy
but dishonest. The latter inference is not certain, but
at any rate we have a hint that B took no notice of A's
discovery, and spent a deal of useless labour."
This conclusion, it will be seen, agrees exactly with the
complete ignoration of Wren by Mariotte.
When I afterwards referred Professor Butcher to the
whole context, in my copy of the first edition of the
Principia, and asked him whether the use of Clarissimiis
was sarcastic or not, he wrote
" I certainly think so. Indeed, even apart from the
context, I thought the Clarissimus was ironical, but there
can be no doubt of it when it corresponds to D. Wren."
In explanation of this I must mention that, when I
first sent the passage to Professor Butcher, I had copied it
from Horsley's sumptuous edition ; in which the Ds are
omitted, while the Clarissimus is retained.
Alike in France and in Germany, to this day, the Law
in question goes by the name of Mariotte. The following
extracts, from two of the most recent high-class text-
books, have now a peculiar interest. I have put a word
or two of each in italics. These should be compared with
the dates given.
"Diese Frage ist schon friihzeitig untersucht und
zwar fast gleiclizeitig von dem franzosischen Physiker
Mariotte (1679) mul dem englischen Physiker Boyle
(1662)." Wiillner, Lehrbuch der ExperimentalpKysik
1882, 98.
"La loi qui regit la compressibilite des gaz a tem-
perature constante a e"t6 trouve"e presque simultanement par
Boyle (1662) en Angleterre et par Mariotte (1676) en
France ; toutefois, si Boyle a public le premier ses ex-
pe"riences, il ne sut pas en tirer l'6nonce" clair que donna
le physicien fran^ais. C'est done avec quelque raison
que le nom de loi de Mariotte a passe dans 1'usage."
Violle, Cours de Physique, 1884, 283. 1
On this I need make no remark further than quoting
one sentence from Boyle, where he compares the actual
pressure, employed in producing a certain compression
in air, with " what the pressure should be according to
the Hypothesis, that supposes the pressures and expansions
to be in reciprocal proportion." M. Violle has probably
been misled by the archaic use of " expansion" for volume 1 .
It must be said, in justice to Mariotte, that he does
not appear to have claimed the discovery of any new
facts in connection either with collision or with the
e.ftect of pressure on air. He rather appears to write
with the conscious infallibility of a man for whom nature
has no secrets. And he transcribes, or adapts, into his
writings (without any attempt at acknowledgment) what-
ever suits him in those of other people. He seems to
have been a splendidly successful and very early example
of the highest class of what we now call the Paper-
Scientists. Witness the following extracts from Boyle,
1 Even in the latest edition of Jamin's Cour* de Physique we
find the statement : " Les experiences de Boyle se rapportent
seulement aux pressions superieures a la pression atmospherique."
Compare this with Boyle's own words, in 195 above.
with a parallel citation from Mariotte of fourteen years
later date at least. The comparison of the sponges had
struck me so much, in Mariotte's work, that I was
induced to search for it in Boyle, where I felt convinced
that I should find it.
" This Notion may perhaps be somewhat further ex-
plain'd, by conceiveing the Air near the Earth to be such
a heap of little Bodies, lying one upon another, as may
be resembled to a Fleece of Wooll. For this (to omit
other likenesses betwixt them) consists of many slender
and flexible Hairs ; each of which, may indeed, like a
little Spring, be easily bent or rouled up ; but will also,
like a Spring, be still endeavouring to stretch itself out
again. For though both these Haires, and the ^Ereal
Corpuscles to which we liken them, do easily yield to
externall pressures ; yet each of them (by virtue of its
structure) is endow'd with a Power or Principle of Selfe-
Dilatation ; by virtue whereof, though the hairs may by
a Mans hand be bent and crouded closer together, and
into a narrower room then suits best with the Nature of
the Body, yet, whils't the compression lasts, there is
in the fleece they composeth an endeavour outwards,
whereby it continually thrusts against the hand that
opposeth its Expansion. And upon the removall of the
externall pressure, by opening the hand more or less, the
compressed Wooll doth, as it \vere, spontaneously expand
or display it self towards the recovery of its former more
loose and free condition till the Fleece hath either regain'd
its former Dimensions, or at least, approached them as
neare as the compressing hand, (perchance not quite
open'd) will permit. The power of Selfe-Dilatation is
somewhat more conspicuous in a dry Spunge compress'd,
then in a Fleece of Wooll. But yet we rather chose to
employ the latter, on this occasion, because it is not like
a Spunge, an intire Body ; but a number of slender and
flexible Bodies, loosely complicated, as the Air itself
seems to be."
And, a few pages later, he adds :
" . . . .a Column of Air, of many miles in height,
leaning upon some springy Corpuscles of Air here below,
may have weight enough to bend their little springs, and
keep them bent : As, (to resume our former comparison,)
if there were fleeces of Wooll pil'd up to a mountainous
height, upon one another, the hairs that compose the
lowermost Locks which support the rest, would, by the
weight of all the Wool above them, be as well strongly
compress'd as if a Man should squeeze them together in
his hands, or employ any such other moderate force to
compress them. So that we need not wonder, that upon
the taking of the incumbent Air from any parcel of the
Atmosphere here below, the Corpuscles, whereof that
undermost Air consists, should display themselves, and
take up more room than before."
Mariotte (p. 151). "On peut comprendre a peu prs
cette difference de condensation de PAir, par Pexemple
de plusieurs Sponges qu'on auroit entasse"es les unes sur
les autres. Car il est Evident, que cellcs qui seroient
tout an haut, auroient leur e'tendue naturelle : que
celles qui seroient immC-diatement au dessous, seroient
un pen moins dilates; et que celles qui seroient au
dessous de toutes les autres, seroient tre's-scrre'es et con-
dense"es. II est encore manifeste, que si on otoit toutes
celles du dessus, celles du dessous reprendroient leur
e'tendue naturelle par la vertu de ressort qu'elles ont, et
que si on en otoit seulement une partie, elles ne repren-
droient qu'une partie de leur dilatation."
Those curious in such antiquarian details will probably
find a rich reward by making a careful comparison of
these two works ; and in tracing the connection between
the Liber integer, and its fons et origo, the paper of Sir
Christopher Wren.
Condorcet, in his Eloge de Mariotte, says : " Les lois
du choc des corps avaient etc" trouvees par une m6ta-
physique et par unc application d'analyse, nouvelles
Tune et 1'autre, et si subtiles, quo les demonstrations de
ces lois ne pouvaient satisfaire que les grands mathe-
maticiens. Mariotte chercha a les rendre, pour ainsi
dire, populaires, en les appuyant sur des experiences, etc."
i.e. precisely what Wren had thoroughly done before him.
"Le discours de Mariotte sur la nature de 1'air ren-
ferme encore une suite d'experiences int6ressantes, et qui
e"taient absolument neuves." This, as we have seen, is
entirely incorrect.
But Condorcet shows an easy way out of all questions
of this kind, however delicate, in the words : "On ne
doit aux morts que ce qui peut etre utile aux vivants, la
verite et la justice. Cependant, lorsqu'il reste encore
des amis et des enfants que la verite pent affiiger, les
egards deviennent un devoir; mais au bout d'un siecle,
la vanite" peut seule etre blessee de la justice rendue aux
Thus it is seen that even the turn of one of Newton's
phrases serves, when rightly viewed, to dissipate a wide-
spread delusion : and that while Boyle, though perhaps
he can scarcely be said to have been "born great," cer-
tainly " achieved greatness " ; the assumed parent of La
loi de Mariotte (otherwise Mariottesclies Gesetz) has as
certainly had " greatness thrust upon " him.
NOTE. The figures Mow refer- to sections, not
Adiabatics, 175.
Altitude, 76.
Angle of Contact, 281.
Angular Velocity, 65, 72.
Annealing, 220, 324, 333.
Atmolysis, 312.
Atmometer, 286.
Atmosphere, 196.
Atom, 23 ; also Appendix II.
vortex, 18, 27.
Axioms, 1.
Azimuth, 76.
BALANCE, 35, 127.
spring, 118, 165.
Billion, 104.
Boiler, strength of, 278.
Bookworm, 89.
Casting, 92.
Catalysis, 297.
Cavendish experiment, 153-155.
Centre of inertia, 129.
of gravity, 142.
Centrifugal Force, 117, 151.
Cleavage, 220, 324, 332.
Clouds, suspension of, 40.
Cohesion, 53, 258-297.
Col, 84.
Collision, 254-256.
Colloids, 100, 301, 324.
Colour, 42.
Compressibility, 88, 169.
measure of, 176.
of gases and vapours, 186.
of liquids, 208-218.
of solids, 220, etc.
Condensation, surface, 296.
Conservation of matter, 5.
of energy, 7.
Constraint, 77.
Contact, angle of, 281.
Contour lines, 80-88.
Coronse, 103.
Corpuscules, ultra - mundane,
Couple, 133.
Critical temperature, 194, 198,
206, 323.
Crystallisation, 324.
Crystalloids, 301.
Crystals of cubic system, 326.
Curvature, 89.
Curve, 68.
equation of, 77.
elastic, 237.
mean, 126.
mean, of earth, 153-158.
surface, 141.
Diagram of Energy, 88.
Dialysis, 309.
Diffusion, 299-309, 313.
Dilution, 106.
Dimensions, 64.
Distance-Action, 10.
Diving-Bell, 94.
Divisibility, 101-107.
Ductility, 35.
Dynamical similarity, 295.
Dyne, 124.
EARTH, rotation of, 112.
mean density, 153-158.
figure of, 165.
how kept together, 167.
Effusion, 310.
Elastic curve, 237.
recovery, 252-253.
Elasticity, 41, 168, 221.
dormant, 245.
fatigue of, 168, 251.
, limits of, 219, 233, 243.
Elaterometre, 233.
Energy, 4, 6.
conservation of, 7, 130.
diagram of, 88.
kinetic, 14, 132.
potential, 13, 14, 263.
transformation of, 9.
Equation of a curve, or surface,
77, 78.
Equilibrium, stable, 263.
Equipotential, 87.
Expansibility, 88.
Extension, 21, 58.
FATIGUE of Elasticity, 158, 251.
Fluxions, 72.
Force, 11.
centrifugal, 117.
parallelogram of, 122.
measurement of, 123.
unit of, 124.
activity of, 130.
molecular, 26, 258.
resolution of, 76.
Freedom, 77.
Friction, 38.
OASES, compressibility of, 186.
Gases, liquefaction of, 207.
kinetic theory of, 55, 207,
Glen Roy, Parallel Roads of,
Gold-beating, 47.
-leaf, thickness of, 102.
Gradient, 82.
Grained structure, 26, 107.
Gravitation, 138-164.
universality of, 139 - 143,
energy of two masses, 159.
cause of, 160-164.
Gravity, 138.
centre of, 142.
measure of, in different lati-
tudes, 165.
specific, 36, 166.
HARDNESS, Scale of, 56.
Harmonic Motion, 71.
Harton experiment, 157.
Head, 6, 14.
Heat, 52.
Herniheclry, 326, 331.
Hodograph, 70.
of planet's orbit, 146.
Homogeneous, 219.
Hydrophane, 99.
Hydrostatic Laws, 189.
pressure, 176.
IMIT, 85.
Impact, 254-6.
time of, 257.
Impenetrability, 21, 91-97.
Impurities, purposely added,
Inertia, 9, 108.
moment of, 119, 132.
centre of, 128, 129.
Isobars, 86.
Isothermals, 86, 175.
Isotropic, 175, 219.
KINK, 230, 237.
Kinetic theory, 33, 55, 107, 322.
LATITUDE, 67, 156.
Law, Boyle's, 191.
Hooke's, 221.
Laws, Kepler's, 144.
Nt-wton's, 108, 120, 128.
Lfinniscate, 87.
Levelling, 80.
I. eviration, 101.
Lightning, 33.
Limits of elasticity, 233, 243.
Liquefaction of gases, 207.
Liquids, compressibility of, 208-
Locus, 68.
Longitude, 67.
Malleability, 45.
Manometer, 193, 201, 233.
Mass, 34.
Mass, measurement of, 123.
unit of, 123.
Matter, 2, 4.
conservation of, 5.
- definitions of, 18. Also
Appendix I.
Million, 104.
.Mobility, 120.
Modulus, 185.
Young's, 224.
Molecular forces, 26, 258.
limit of, 293.
Moment of Inertia, 119, 132.
of momentum, 132.
of couple, 133.
Moon, 33, 35, 110, 149.
Motion, First Law of, 108-119.
Second Law of, 120-127.
Third Law of, 128-137.
proof of Laws of, 110.
the Perpetual, 139.
Musk, 104.
Nutation, 119, 142.
OBJECTIVITY, 2, 5, 6, 7, 15.
Opacity, 51.
Origin, 62.
Osmose, 306-308.
PARTICLE, of matter, 29.
Pendulum, 115.
of gas, 33, 55, 107.
Perpetual Motion, the, 139.
Piezometer, 211.
Plasticity, 35, 50.
Porosity, 98-100.
Potential, 87.
Pound, 123.
Precession, 119, 142.
Pressure, 55, 88, 189, 280 (foot-
Properties, specific, 36.
Radius of gyration, 133.
Registering instruments, 68.
Restitution, coefficient of, 255.
Rigidity, 169, 178, 229.
flexural, 235.
Ripple, 33, 295.
Rotation, 116, 119.
absolute, 131.
SCHEHALLIEN experiment, 156.
Senses, 1.
muscular, 12.
Shear, 37.
Shell, attraction of spherical,
Similarity, dynamical, 295.
Slope, 83.
Soap-bubble, 270-277.
Sodium vapour, 105.
Solution of gas, 298.
Sound, 186.
Soundings, 79.
Space, 57.
tridimensional character of,
of no dimensions, 60.
of one dimension, 61-65.
of two dimensions, 67-74.
of three dimensions, 75-88.
of four dimensions, 89.
Specific Properties, 36.
Speed, 64.
Spiral, logarithmic, 73.
Stars, 33.
Strain, 169.
homogeneous, 170-175.
of spheres and cylinders by
pressure, 183-184.
Stream-line, 83.
Stress, 128, 137, 169, 177.
Structure, grained, 26, 107.
Sucker, 287.
Summit, 85.
Surface, equation of, 78.
-condensation, 296.
-density, 141.
-tension, 261-278, 290.
Tears of strong wine, 269.
Temper, 220.
Temperature, 52.
absolute, 55.
critical, 194, 198, 206,
Tenacity of liquids, 219.
of solids, 226.
Tension, surface-, 261-278.
Time, 57, 66.
Torsion, 228, 240.
Transformation of energy, 9.
Translation, absolute, 131.
Translucency, 51.
Transparency, 51.
Transpiration, 311, 314.
Tridimensional character of
space, 58.
surface, 291.
Vector, Radius, 65, 69.
Angle, 65, 69.
Velocity, 69.
angular, 65, 72.
components of, 69, 76.
Viscidity, 294.
Viscosity of liquids, 37, 315.
of solids, 249.
of gases, 320.
Volume, 58.
measure of, 93.
Vortex atom, 18, 27.
Watershed, 85.
Waves, 185, 295.
Weight, 14, 34.
Wire-drawing, 49.
Work, 13, 88.
rate of doing, 130.
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