|ffnk <6. bocks arr m^ frirnils. 5r kinft tn thrm. THE LIFE AND WORKS OF JESUS ACCORDING TO ST. MARK The Life and Works of Jesus According to St. Mark WILLIAM D. MURRAY " Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard ; the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have the good tidings preached to them." NEW YORK THE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS 1906 COPYRIGHT, 1900, BY THE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS 5-0-PS4M-I-OC Introduction The primary aim of these studies is to present a sim- ple, vivid outline of the Life of Jesus, using St. Mark's record and emphasizing His mighty works. In the study of the last week of the Life portions of the other gospels are also used. An effort has been made at the same time to bring out the geography of Palestine, the manners and customs of its people, the various classes among them in short, to give the setting of the picture. The studies will be found also to form a study of the book of Mark, and for this purpose the characteristics of this gospel have been constantly pointed out. It has been thought wise, in connection with these studies, to suggest about twenty-five familiar Bible verses, which, together with their location, are to be memorized ; and also to ask the students to learn where to find certain well-known parts of the Bible i.e., the Commandments, the Lord's Prayer, etc. Other verses and chapters may be substituted for these to suit the needs of the class. There has been inserted at irregular intervals a num- ber of written prayers, not necessarily on the subject of the day's study, and not intended to form a liturgy, but to bring before the students the prayers of others in order to teach them to pray. In like manner meditations have been inserted on various days, designated " Thought for To-day." Through these it is hoped to guide the stu- dent's thought to the teaching of the lesson for that par- ticular day, with the hope that he will be induced to for- mulate and write out thoughts about the teachings for the other days. As the studies are intended to be devo- tional as well as historical, here and there various quota- tions of a devotional nature will be found. Like the other courses in the Bible Study Cycle these lessons have been arranged for daily study, and the most good will surely come to those who adopt this plan. To induce and assist in daily study space has been provided for written answers, and students are urged to answer 20243EO the questions in writing; and the studies are printed in a form and on paper which makes this work both a text-book and a note-book, so that, while for many rea- sons a note-book will be found useful, it will not be necessary. An outline map is also printed on which to trace the journeys of Jesus. The questions are based on the Revised Version, and some of them will be unintel- ligible without that version. Two books are recommended for use with these studies, and while they will be found very helpful they are not essential : 1. Life of Christ, by Stalker (50 cents). 2. The Gospel according to St. Mark, by Thomas M. Lindsay (75 cents). Besides the above Kephart's Chart of the Life of Christ (75 cents), gives a bird's-eye view of the events of the Public Ministry. The Twentieth Century New Testa- ment (50 cents) is a translation into modern English and often throws light on obscure passages. The Bible Study Manual (50 cents), published by the Bible Study Pub- lishing Company, Boston, Mass., contains many choice ex- tracts from most of the well-known writers on the Life of Christ. Stevens and Burton's Harmony of the Gos- pels would be found helpful, and those who expect some- time to study Sharman's Life of Christ ought to purchase this Harmony now. Some classes have found pictures very helpful. Blue print reproductions of famous paintings may be procured from Earl Thompson & Co., Syracuse, N. Y., at one cent each; the Perry Picture Company, Maiden, Mass., fur- nish prints of the same pictures at the same price. Either publisher will be glad to send a catalogue. For a helpful list of books consult pages 41 et seq. of the Prospectus of Religious Work (25 cents). Any of these helps will be furnished by the International Com- mittee. The following is suggested as a method of procedure in preparing and teaching one of these studies : I. PREPARING: J. Determine the topic of the study. (Is the one given in the text-book well chosen?) Make a sentence summarization. 2. Determine the connection of this study with the general development of thought and events preceding. (That is, make a brief review of vi past studies.) Occasionally read the Gospel of Mark through at one sitting. 3. Determine the principal questions to be asked upon each daily study. 4. Determine the points in each division to be looked up in outside literature (a) by the leader or (b) by members of the class ap- pointed beforehand. 5. Determine which of these divisions you will spend most time on in class, which next, etc. 6. Decide upon a few general questions, if neces- sary, upon the whole study that do not come under any special division. 7. Determine the principal religious truths and their bearing upon life. 8. Determine the main purpose underlying your whole presentation. (That is, what is the dominant thought of the study?) 9. Memorize the verse or chapter suggested, and be ready to review the class on verses and chapters already memorized. (Leaders will find much help in the general suggestions to leaders prepared by Mr. Sharman and Pro- fessor White to accompany their studies in this cycle.) II. TEACHING: The class hour might be used as follows : 1. Prayer. 2. Repeat the verses and chapters already learned. Let the leader repeat the verse and the class locate it, or vice versa. Do the same with the chapters. 3. Review the last lesson. Occasionally review the facts already learned about the country, people, etc. 4. Take up the lesson of the week as already de- termined upon in preparation. 5. Compare the answers of the various members of the class. Occasionally the leader should take the students' books and examine the writ- ten answers, and make such suggestions as may be necessary. 6. Make at least one teaching from the lesson so clear that every member will carry it away with him. Til 7. Suggest work for the next week. 8. Prayer. These studies are sent forth with the prayer that those who are beginning to study the Bible may be led into more thorough study, and that the picture of the won- derful Man of Galilee, the Mighty Worker, may be made so clear and beautiful that many will be drawn to Him, and will go out from Him preaching everywhere, " the Lord working with them." WILLIAM D. MURRAY. PLAINFIELD, N. J., August, 1900. Vfli The Life and Works of Jesus 1. Opening Events and Judean Ministry. 2. Preaching, Healing, Praying. 3. Travelling and Healing. 4. Popularity and Opposition. 5. Choosing His Helpers. 6. Teaching by Parables. 7. The storm at sea and insane on shore. 8. Days of Power. 9. His friends and His enemies. 10. Resting, Working, Praying. 11. Driven out of Galilee. 12. Journeys of Flight. 13. Teaching and Healing. 14. The Transfiguration. 15. The Close of the Galilean Ministry. 1 6. On the way to Jerusalem. 17. Teaching in Perea. 1 8. Close of Perean Ministry. 19. The beginning of the End. 20. Encounter with Priests and Scribes. 21. Last Teachings. 22. His last hours with the disciples. 23. Arrested, Tried, Denied. 24. Mocked and Crucified. 25. The End. 26. His Victory. An Outline of the Life of Jesus (Events in italics are not recorded by Mark.) I. THE BEGINNING. (Thirty years.) / Birth 2. Presentation and naming 3 Wise men ^ Flight into Egypt Return to Nazareth Childhood at Nazareth I j Visit to Jerusalem Luke i : 1-2 : 52. (Eighteen silent years at Nazareth.) II. THE PERIOD OF OBSCURITY. a. PREPARATION. (Two months, January, February, A.D. 27.) Ministry of John Mark i : 1-8 Baptism 9-1 1 Temptation 12, 13 b. JUDEAN MINISTRY John i : 19 4 : 42 (Nine months, A.D. 27.) First Disciples First Miracle at Cana First Cleansing of the Temple Talk with Nicodemus (Eight months of silence, John 3 : 22.) Talk with Woman of Samaria. (Jesus leaves Judea.) III. PERIOD OF POPULARITY. (Twenty-two months. Autumn, A.D. 27, to October, A.D. 29.) GALILEAN MINISTRY. Mark i : 14-9 : 50. Calls four disciples i : 14-20 A Sabbath day in Capernaum 2 1-34 Retirement to a desert place 35-39 Heals a leper 40-45 Cures a paralytic 2 : i-i 2 Calls Matthew 13-17 Blamed for not fasting 18-22 Reproved for gathering corn on Sabbath. . . .23-28 He cures a man with a withered hand 3 : 1-6 Crowds surround Him 7-12 SELECTS THE TWELVE APOSTLES 13-19 Sermon on the Mount Matt. 5, 6, 7 Heals centurion s servant. \ Raises widow of Nairis son V Luke 7 : 1-50 Is anointed in Simon's house ) Warns the Scribes and Pharisees 19-30 Who his real relations are 3 T ~35 Teaches by Parables 4 : 1-34 Into the Storm 25-41 The insane man 5 : 1-20 Raises the daughter of Jairus 21-43 Rejected at Nazareth 6 : 1-6 Sends out the Twelve 7-13 John's murder 14-29 FEEDS MORE THAN 5,000 30-46 Walks on the water 47-56 Eats with unwashed hands 7 : 1-23 First journey of flight 24-30 Through Decapolis 3*~37 Feeds four thousand 8 : 1-9 In Dalmanutha 10-13 Leaven of the Pharisees 14-21 Cures a blind man 22-26 THE GREAT CONFESSION 27-30 He foretells His death 8 : 31 9 : i TRANSFIGURATION 9 : 2-13 He cures the demoniac boy 14-29 Foretells His death again 30-32 Teaches disciples humility and tolerance. . . .33-50 IV. PERIOD OF OPPOSITION. PEREAN MINISTRY, Mark 10 : 1-52. (Six months, Autumn, A.D. 29 April, A.D. 30.) Teaching about marriage and divorce . . . . 10 : 1-12 Little children 13-16 Rich young man 17-22 The rich 23-27 Self-sacrifice 28-31 The journey to the feast of Dedication. . John, 10 : 22 Visits Mary and Martha at Bethany.. .Luke 10 : 38-42 Flight into Perea John 10 : 39-42 Parables Luke 14 : 1 17 : 10 Visits Bethany and raises Lazarus. John n Flight to Ephraim John n : 54, 55 Foretells His death again Mark 10 : 32-34 False Ambition 35~4S I Heals Bartimaeus 46-52 Anointed at Bethany 14 : i-n V. THE LAST WEEK. SUNDAY, APRIL 2, A DAY OF TRIUMPH. He enters Jerusalem 1 1 : i-io Back to Bethany at night 1 1 MONDAY A DAY OF AUTHORITY. He curses a fruitless fig-tree 12-14 He cleanses the Temple 15-18 Back to Bethany at night 19 TUESDAY A DAY OF CONFLICT. The withered fig-tree 20-26 His authority is challenged 27-33 Parable of wicked husbandman 12 : 1-12 Other parables Matt. 21 and 22 Three catching questions 13-34 His question , 35-37 Beware of the Scribes 38-40 The widow's mite 41-44 Greeks seek Him John 1 2 Prediction of destruction of Jerusalem and end of the world 13 : 1-37 WEDNESDAY A DAY OF RETIREMENT. (No record.) THURSDAY THE LAST DAY WITH His DISCIPLES. Preparation for Passover 14 : 12-16 Institution of Lord's Supper 17-25 At the Mount of Olives 26-31 Farewell John 13, 14, 15, 16 Intercessory Prayer John 17 FRIDAY A DAY OF SUFFERING. In Gethsemane 14 : 32-42 Taken prisoner 43-52 The Jewish trial 53-65 Peter's denials 66-72 The Roman trial 15 ; 1-14 Scorned and mocked 15-20 Crucified 21-41 Buried 42-47 xii SATURDAY THE DAY IN THE TOMB. He rests in the grave 16 : i THE FORTY DAYS April 9 May 18. Visit of Mary and others, who find He has risen 16 : 1-8 Appears to Mary Magdalene 9-11 Appears to the two on the way to Emmaus.. 12-13 Appears to the eleven 14 His last commands 15-18 The Ascension 19-20 The Life and Works of Jesus FIRST WEEK: OPENING EVENTS AND JUDEAN MINISTRY. FIRST DAY: MARK I :i. JESUS CHRIST, THE SON OF GOD. It has been suggested that this verse would be a good title for the book of Mark. A writer of the second century tells us that Mark did not hear Jesus nor follow Him, but that he wrote what Peter told him. In 2 Peter I :i5 Peter seems to express his intention of writing a Gospel. In Matt. 16:16 Peter uses these very words. It seems particularly appropri- ate for Mark, therefore, to begin his Gospel with this great confession of Peter. See Peter's outline of the life of Jesus in Acts 10 138-42. Consult the following references for information about Mark: Acts 12:12-25, 13:5-13, 15:39; I Pet. 5:13; Col. 4:10; 2 Tim. 4:11. What does the word gospel mean? What other expressions are used for gospel? 2:2; Acts 13:32. What does the name Jesus mean? Matt 1 :2I What does the name Christ mean? Which was His name and which His title? See use of the two words in Acts 17:3. " I have read that on one occasion of the gospel story a child was lifted up to see the portrait of Jesus. That youngest student in the art gallery had probably the view clearest of all. His sight was antecedent to all theory, to all argument. I should like to be that child. I shall try." 1 The Life and Works of Jesus FIRST WEEK: OPENING EVENTS AND JUDEAN MINISTRY. SECOND DAY : MARK 1 12-8. JOHN BAPTIST. Read also Isaiah 40:3; Mai. 3:1. Isaiah wrote more than 500 years before Christ. Kings when going on a journey sent messengers be- fore them to mend the roads. When the Emperor of Germany visited Palestine in 1898 the roads over which he was to go were repaired. Who was this messenger ? Mark 1 13. Wilderness, v. 4. " Rugged and dreary beyond de- scription; full of bare rocks, rich in hollows, full of sandy plains, with scarce a village or even a farm-house." Locate on the map Judea, Jerusalem, Jordan. John's clothing, v. 6. "A coarse kind of sackcloth, made out of the strongest hairs of the camel." It was the dress of a prophet. See 2 Kings 1 :8. Locusts were not unlike our grasshoppers; they were often used as food. It was customary for slaves to untie the fastenings of their master's sandals. " Make ye ready the way of the Lord." What one thing can I do toward it this year? Some one has said that John the Baptist was like " a sunken pier on which the light-house of the world might stand." (John 1:23, 3:30.) Mark 1 :2, 3. Here and in one other place are the only times Mark himself quotes the Old Testament. This in- dicates that he did not write primarily for Jews. (See Matthew's Gospel, 4:14, 15; 12:17, i&) 2 The Life and Works of Jesus FIRST WEEK: OPENING EVENTS AND JUDEAN MINISTRY. THIRD DAY: MARK 1 19-11. THE BAPTISM. THE BEGINNING OF CHRIST'S PUBLIC MINISTRY. Notice that Mark begins with Jesus full grown. He seeks to present Him in the fulness of His living energy. Jesus came from Nazareth, v. 9. What had He been doing there? Luke 2:39, 40. "The hidden years at Nazareth." It is thought that the place where Jesus was baptized was near Jericho ; locate it. Which John is this in verse 9? What did this voice from heaven say? What additional fact about Jesus is stated in Luke 3:21? Remember the three principal divisions of Palestine, west of the Jordan : Judea, in the south ; Samaria, in the centre; and Galilee, in the north. Perea was the great division east of the Jordan. Here again we have the idea of being clean before en- tering upon God's service. The symbolic washing with water is often referred to in the Old Testament. (See Ps. 26:6; Isa. 1:18; Zech. 13:1.) Stalker divides Christ's life into five parts: i. The Beginning, covering the thirty years of private life and entirely omitted by Mark. 2. The year of Obscurity, both because the records of it which we possess are scanty, and because He seems during it to have been only slowly emerging into public notice. It was spent, for the most part, in Judca. 3. The year of Popularity, spent almost wholly in Galilee. 4. The year of Opposition, spent partly in Perea, and 5. The End, which includes the events of the last week. Fix these divisions in your mind. 3 The Life and Works of Jesus FIRST WEEK: OPENING EVENTS AND JUDEAN MINISTRY. FOURTH DAY: MARK 1:12, 13. THE TEMPTATION. (Read also Matt. 4:1-11.) As soon as God says, " Thou art my beloved son," the devil says, " Are you ? " Compare this brief, vivid account with the same ac- count in Matt. 4:1-11. Picture the surroundings: wilderness, driveth him, with wild beasts, angels. What was the first temptation according to Matthew? What the second ? What the third? In what way does Christ answer the tempter? Memorize Ps. I. At what point in Christ's public ministry did the temp- tation occur ? Was He ever tempted again? See Luke 4:13, 22:28. Prepared for His work, He is now tested as to His fit- ness to undertake it. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : Luke 4 :3- " Spiritual evil always chooses a trifle, something from which it seems that no harm can possibly come, to win its victim to the first false step." The Life and Works of Jesus FIRST WEEK: OPENING EVENTS AND JUDEAN MINISTRY. FIFTH DAY : JOHN 2 113-22. HE CLEANSES THE TEMPLE. (THE JUDEAN MINISTRY, JOHN 2:13-4:42.) (As these studies are designed to give Mark's story of Christ's life, the Judean ministry, which Mark omits, is here briefly treated merely for the sake of completeness.) Immediately after the temptation, John Baptist pointed his disciples to Jesus, and five or six left John and be- came disciples of Jesus. (John 1 :29-5i.) Jesus then attended the wedding at Cana of Galilee (John 2:1-11) and performed His first miracle that of turning water into wine. The Passover, v. 13. Read Ex. 12:11-13, 23, 24, and write out its meaning. What did Jesus find in the temple ? What did He do? Why did He do this? Can you think of any temples that ought to be cleansed ? God's method seems always to have been first to make clean. In the days of Hezekiah, when the Temple had all kinds of filth brought into it, the priests came and cleansed it. (2 Chron. 29:16.) Later, in Nehemiah's time, when household goods had been stored in the tem- ple, Nehemiah came up and cast them out. ( Neh. 1 3 :8, 9. ) PRAYER : My Heavenly Father, I come to Thee now, as I enter upon the study of these holy things, asking that my heart may be thoroughly cleansed, that not one im- pure thought may find a place in my mind, and that every imagination of my heart may be such that I would be will- ing to have it known by my friends. Amen. 5 The Life and Works of Jesus FIRST WEEK: OPENING EVENTS AND JUDEAN MINISTRY. SIXTH DAY: JOHN 3:1-21. HE TALKS WITH NICODE- MUS. A Pharisee, v. I. A sect of the Jews. It was com- posed of those pious Jews who were especially exact about the interpretation and observance of the Old Testament ceremonial law. For another illustration, see Luke 18:10-12. Why do you suppose Nicodemus came by night ? John 3:2. See John 12:42, 43. What caused him to come to see Jesus? What did he say they knew about Jesus? Note that Jesus tells Nicodemus, a " teacher of Israel," that he needs a new life, not some conformity of the old ; he needs to be born into the spiritual life as he was born into the natural life. Memorize John 3 :i6. Luther called this verse the Lit- tle Gospel. It is the best known verse in the Bible. " I need not leave the jostling world, Or wait till daily tasks are o'er, To fold my palms in secret prayer Within the close-shut door. " There is a viewless, cloistered room, As high as heaven, as fair as day, Where, tho' my feet may join the throng, My soul can enter in and pray." 6 The Life and Works of Jesus FIRST WEEK: OPENING EVENTS AND JUDEAN MINISTRY. SEVENTH DAY: JOHN 4:1-26. THROUGH SAMARIA. Consult the map and tell why the word " must " is used. Vs. 3, 4- This is the last incident in His Judean ministry. His work from this time on was nearly all in Galilee. Eight months of His life are recorded in John 3 :22. Locate Sychar on the map. Sixth hour, v. 6. Noon, the warmest part of the day. What shows that Jesus had human needs ? Vs. 6, 7, 8. Remember that he had disciples now. How would the woman know that Jesus was a Jew? v. 9 . What did Jesus mean by verse 14? Where and how did Jesus say was the proper place to worship? Vs. 21-24. Who did Jesus tell this woman He was ? V. 26. This Judean Ministry is also called the Period of Ob- scurity. Very few events are recorded, although the time covered was about nine months. It was a period of ob- scurity, too, because Jesus did not show himself to mul- titudes, but to individuals. Contrast John 3 and 4 with the studies to follow in the Galilean Ministry. " At the well of Jacob He is a man^-a weary, lonely, wayfaring man not the benefactor but the benefited, not the donor but the suppliant, not the pitying but the pitied." 1 The Life and Works of Jesus SECOND WEEK: PREACHING, HEALING, PRAYING. FIRST DAY: MARK 1 114, 15. JESUS PREACHING. The beginning of the Galilean Ministry. In Mark's Gospel this covers Mark 1 114 9:50. The Period of Popularity. We read that He came into Galilee; where had He been? Why did He leave Judea ? Matt. 4 :i2. See John i :i i. " The extreme length of Palestine, from north to south, is about one hundred and seventy-five miles, and the aver- age width of it not more than thirty-five miles." What were the three principal divisions of Palestine ? Tell in your own words what Jesus preached. What was done with this John? See Mark 6:17, 18. Memorize Matt. 6:33. PRAYER : Lord Jesus, as I enter upon the study of Thy Life, give me power to understand Thy words and life ; help me to accept them as true, and to live as one should who knows that they are true ; help me to seek first Thy Kingdom. Amen. The Life and Works of Jesus SECOND WEEK: PREACHING, HEALING, PRAYING. SECOND DAY: MARK 1:16-20. HE CALLS His FIRST DISCIPLES. Sea of Galilee, v. 16. A pear-shaped sheet of water, " i2 l /2 miles long, 6^4 broad in its widest part. In our Lord's time, the western shore of the lake was the busiest and most populous part of Galilee, while the eastern was, for the most part, a solitude." Why is it called the Sea of Galilee ? What other names are given to it? Luke 5:1; John 21 :i ; Matt. 4:15. What four men are named here? How did He call them, and what were they doing ? Every man whom Jesus called to be an apostle thought he had made other arrangements for his life. When had He called them before? John 1:29-51. What does the fact that they had hired servants show as to their condition in life? V. 20. Fishers of Men, v. 17. They were fishermen, and if they went with Him Jesus would show them fishing that was worth while. Apply this to your own talents. Two pairs of brothers went after Him. Is there anything recorded here or in John 1 :4i that you can imitate? In answer to His call they left their relatives and pos- sessions to follow Him; to spend every day in the so- ciety of this one man, to go about with Him entirely at His direction, and, as it seems, to set no time limit to their absence from home. Would you be willing to do it ? 9 The Life and Works of Jesus SECOND WEEK: PREACHING, HEALING, PRAYING. THIRD DAY: MARK 1:21, 22. IN THE SYNAGOGUE AT CAPERNAUM. Can you locate Capernaum? What is it called in Matt. 9:1 ? Where did Jesus spend His boyhood? Why did Nazareth cease to be His home? See Luke 4:29. We believe that Jesus set a good example ; where did He go on the Sabbath? What did He do? Compare Luke 4:16, 17. Scribes, Mark i :22. Also called lawyers and doctors of the law. They explained the Jewish law the first five books of the Old Testament. As Jesus travelled about, was He alone? See Mark 15:40, 41; Mark 2:15; Acts 1:21. What two important events stand at the very begin- ning of Christ's public ministry? THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY: The more I contemplate this man, the more astonished I am, both at Him and at the people among whom He lived. Purity itself, able to heal all manner of sickness, speaking words of wonderful power, His own townsmen cast Him out and would have none of Him ! :o The Life and Works of Jesus SECOND WEEK: PREACHING, HEALING, PRAYING. FOURTH DAY : MARK 1 123-28. HE CURES A MAN WITH AN UNCLEAN SPIRIT. In which year of Christ's public ministry is this event ? A man with an unclean spirit was very much like an epileptic. How could such a man be in the synagogue ? Why do you suppose the man cried out when he saw Jesus ? What did the man say? Do you suppose Jesus told him to stop because He did not care for the testimony of the unclean? How does this apply to my life? How did this miracle affect the bystanders? What effect did it have upon spreading the knowledge of Jesus? 11 The Life and Works of Jesus SECOND WEEK: PREACHING, HEALING, PRAYING. FIFTH DAY: MARK 1:29-31. HE HEALS A WOMAN. How many timts so far has the word straightway been used? Mark uses it in all forty-one times. Notice that in the Revised Version it is always straightway; in the Au- thorized Version the same Greek word is translated by many English words. The same Greek word is used in each of the following passages: Mark 1 130; 1 129; 6:25. Mark usually gives the names of people, 1:29; 13:3; 15:21. Why would Simon and Andrew live in the same house ? What was Simon's other name? How and why was it given ? John 1 142. How did Jesus know that Simon's mother-in-law was sick? Is it a good thing to tell Jesus of our friends' needs ? Notice that Jesus went to her, and took hold of her. iated personal work. id she do after being healed ? He appreciated personal work. What did Saved to serve," is a good motto for a Christian. 12 The Life and Works of Jesus SECOND WEEK: PREACHING, HEALING, PRAYING. SIXTH DAY : MARK 1 132-34. HE HEALS MULTITUDES. What day of the week was this? The Jewish Sabbath ended at sun-down; at that time the Jews would feel free to carry their sick to Jesus. Try to picture this crowd of sick people jostling and pushing about the house where Jesus was. What did He do for these people? Read Luke 4:40 and state how He treated these sick people. Memorize Isaiah 55:1 and 7. PRAYER : Almighty God, the Lord of life and death, in whose hands are the issues of my life, grant that I may so care for this wonderful body with which Thou hast blessed me, may keep it so sweet and pure that it may indeed be a fit dwelling place for Thy Holy Spirit, and that it may be such that with it I can serve Thee fully. Amen. The Life and Works of Jesus SECOND WEEK: PREACHING, HEALING, PRAYING. SEVENTH DAY : MARK 1 135-38. JESUS AT PRAYER. " The closet is not only the oratory, but the observatory.' Mark gives notes of time, 1:35; 2:1; 4:35 ; 15 :25. .What time and place did Jesus choose for praying? Notice how busy He had been the day before. Why do you suppose He chose such a time and place ? How was He disturbed? What did He tell them He came for? The Lord's Prayer is recorded in Matthew 6 and Luke II. " By all means, use sometimes to be alone, Salute thyself, see what thy soul doth wear, Dare to look in thy chest, for 'tis thine own ; And tumble up and down what thou findest there." Jesus as a man of prayer : He made prayer the real battle-field of His life. Heb. 5:7, Luke 22:44, John 12:27. He followed up the battle with prayer. Mark 1 135. 14 The Life and Works of Jesus THIRD WEEK: TRAVELLING AND HEALING. FIRST DAY : MARK 1 139. " THE CHURCH ITINERANT." Read also the Traveller's Psalm. Psalm 121. Jesus spent much time journeying from place to place, preaching and healing. This was the first of these preach- ing tours. How did Jesus and His friends travel? See Luke 24:17; John 4:6. How extensive was this journey? Matt. 4:23. Beginning with Nazareth, Mark 1 19, and remembering the time in Judea, trace on the map the journeys of Jesus up to this time. How many miracles recorded in Mark had He per- formed up to this time? Into what five parts does Stalker divide Christ's life? "What did this supreme man dp with His life? He went about doing good. He spent it in the service of the criminal, the vicious, the outcast, the vast weltering masses of abandoned humanity. He took His life with its superlative wisdom and goodness from His baptism to His crucifixion, and gave it in one continuous sacrifice in attestation of His sense of the worth of a human soul." 15 The Life and Works of Jesus THIRD WEEK: TRAVELLING AND HEALING. SECOND DAY : MARK 1 140-45. HE CURES A LEPER. " There cometh to Him a leper." " Leprosy was noth- ing short of a living death, a corrupting of all the humors, a poisoning of the very springs, a dissolution, little by little, of the whole body." The leper had to keep far off from others, and make known his disease by crying out " Unclean." Memorize Psalm 51 17, 10. Read the whole Psalm. It is called the Penitential Psalm. Notice the vividness of Mark's picture: cometh, be- seeching, kneeling, saying. Mark gives vividness to his picture by using the present tense. See also 2:10. How many times is the word clean or unclean used ? Use marginal reference on Mark 1 :44 to show what Moses commanded. " Compassion, the keynote of Christ's ministry." Why did Jesus ask him to say nothing about his cure? What does verse 45 mean? Notice in verse 41 the detail of Mark's picture. See the same effect in Mark 1 113, 20; 3:5, 9. The Life and Works of Jesus THIRD WEEK: TRAVELLING AND HEALING. THIRD DAY: MARK 2:1, 2. IN CAPERNAUM AGAIN. " It was noised that He was in the house." Two women missionaries in China wrote these words over the front door of their home. Tell something about what such a house as the one mentioned in v. I was like. Picture the scene : Jesus in the house and great crowds thronging Him. What did He do? What does " word " mean? (2:2). Compare 1 132, 37, 45 ; 2 :2, and state whether Jesus was popular at this time. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY: Jesus had plenty of friends when people thought He could heal their sickness and give them food without their working for it, and make their nation politically great. They turned away from Him in disgust when they found that the kingdom He promised was that heaven should rule a man's personal life. 17 The Life and Works of Jesus THIRD WEEK: TRAVELLING AND HEALING. FOURTH DAY: MARK 2:3-12. THE PARALYTIC BORNE OF FOUR. Write out vs. 3 and 4 in your own words. They uncovered the roof, v. 4. " The roofs were made by laying first large beams, and then across them rude joists. On these were laid flat stones or slabs of tile or dried clay, on which was spread earth or gravel rolled hard with a stone roller kept on the roof for the purpose. The men first dug through the earth, as Mark says, and then pulled up the tile slabs, as Luke tells us. Luke 5 :ig." The bed, v. 4, was like a padded quilt. What kept the sick man from Jesus? What did the action of the four men show as to their regard for the sick man? What characteristics of a Christian Endeavor Society or a Young Men's Christian Association are found in v. 3? Would Acts 10:38 be fairly descriptive of Jesus's life up to this time : " God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power; who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil ; for God was with Him"? Mention four events occurring in the Judean Ministry. PRAYER : O Christ, may I have faith to see that in Thee dwells all power. May it be my privilege to bring my needy friends to Thee ; and may I also, Lord, be privileged to unite my efforts for the extension of Thy Kingdom with other men who have like desires. 18 The Life and Works of Jesus THIRD WEEK: TRAVELLING AND HEALING. FIFTH DAY : MARK 2 :3~i2. HE CURES THE PARALYTIC. What did Jesus first say to the sick man ? How did this miracle affect the Scribes? Do you think that they " who were all amazed " in v. 12 were different persons from the Scribes in v. 6? What reason did Jesus give for changing the form of words spoken to the sick man ? Memorize I John 1 :8, 9, 10. What does it mean to glorify God? See John 17:1. 2:11. Rise: the one impossible thing for him to do. Take up thy bed: make no provision for a relapse. Walk: use the power you have. The Life and Works of Jesus THIRD WEEK: TRAVELLING AND HEALING. SIXTH DAY: MARK 2:13, 14. HE CALLS MATTHEW TO BE A DISCIPLE. Why did Jesus so often teach by the sea-side ? The crowds still seek Him, 2:13. What other name did Levi have ? Matthew 9 19. What does Matthew call himself in his own list of the Apostles in Matthew 10:3? A publican was a local tax-gatherer. Publicans were hated all over the Roman Empire. Theocritus says that the worst kind of wild beasts were " bears and lions on the mountains, publicans and pettifoggers in the cities." Notice " Publicans and sinners," in 2 115, 16, 17. Matthew has sometimes been called, " The collector of the port of Capernaum." The place of toll was the custom-house of Capernaum. What did Jesus say to Matthew ? What did Matthew do? Christ cured the leper and called the hated publican to be an apostle. What do I need to have Him do for me ? Heaven's revelations nearly always come to men when engaged in their daily work. It was so with Moses, Gid- eon, Elisha, Cary, and many others. The disciples were called while fishing or sitting at the place of toll The Life and Works of Jesus THIRD WEEK: TRAVELLING AND HEALING. SEVENTH DAY: MARK 2:15-17. MATTHEW'S FEAST. Luke says that Matthew gave this great feast for Jesus to a great multitude in his own house. (Luke 5 :2Q. ) What would this show as to Matthew's financial condi- tion, and as to what he gave up in order to become a dis- ciple? What does v. 17 tell about Christ's mission in the world? Jesus attended this feast: what does this show as to His attitude toward such things? Jesus's answer to the Pharisee's question is, " I frequent the haunts of sinners, because I am a physician and they are sick." THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY: The ministry of Jesus was a ministry of human friendliness. He could enjoy the fes- tivities of a wedding (J onn 2:1). He did not feel that anything in His religion prevented Him from being a guest at a dinner given in His honor (Luke 5:29). Though they accused Him of unholy associations, He continued to eat with publicans and sinners. (Luke 15:1,2.) 21 The Life and Works of Jesus FOURTH WEEK: POPULARITY AND OPPOSITION. FIRST DAY: MARK 2:18-20. DISCIPLES BLAMED FOR NOT FASTING. Sons of the bride-chamber. V. 19. Guests, who ac- companied the bridegroom to the house of the bride, usu- ally the most intimate friends of the bridegroom. John Baptist called himself the friend of the bridegroom. John 3:29. What did Jesus mean by the term here, and why did He use it? Taken away, v. 20. The word implies a violent death. He always had the thought of His coming death before Him. What were the Pharisees, v. 16? .What was their attitude toward Jesus? Notice the use of the word fast in each verse. Of what was it a sign ? Is it true in your life that the only real sorrow for a Christian is separation from Christ? What two important events already referred to stand at the beginning of Christ's ministry? The public ministry of Christ covered a period of about three years. Most of His ministry was spent in three definite sections of Palestine. What is each of these three years called from the section in which the time was spent ? The Life and Works of Jesus FOURTH WEEK: POPULARITY AND OPPOSITION. SECOND DAY: MARK 2:21, 22. NEW WINE IN OLD BOTTLES. Wine-skins, v. 22. These were the bottles of that time and country. They were made of the skin of the goat. The figure here is that the piece of new cloth sewed on, when wet, would shrink, and in shrinking would tear the old cloth ; the new wine, put in the old wine-skins, in fermenting, would burst the weak skins. " For flying it is not an improved caterpillar that is needed, it is a butterfly ; it is not a caterpillar of finer color or more rapid movement, or larger proportions, it is a new creature." Gal. 6:15. Jesus was careful to use very simple comparisons. Who came as one preparing the way for Jesus ? How old was Jesus when He began His public min- istry ? Luke 3 123. PRAYER : My Lord, I come confessing that too often I have tried by patching to make the old garment appear new. I beseech Thee to help me to understand that I can- not be partly honest and partly dishonest ; that I cannot be partly pure and partly impure. May I see clearly that I should be completely what Thou wouldest have me to be. Amen. The Life and Works of Jesus FOURTH WEEK: POPULARITY AND OPPOSITION. THIRD DAY: MARK 2:23-28. ACCUSED OF BREAKING THE SABBATH. Through the corn-fields, v. 23. " The roads were nar- row foot-paths and the travellers had all the appearance of wading through the corn." As soon as the disciples began to pluck the ears, the Pharisees spoke to Jesus. What would this imply as to the attitude of the Pharisees to Jesus ? Corn, v. 23. This was very similar to our wheat. To pluck ears was to reap, and to rub ears in the hand was to thresh, and these actions were forbidden on the Sabbath. See marginal reference for explanation. What great principle did Jesus announce as governing in such matters ? What did He mean by verse 28? " His doctrine was this : the Sabbath was meant to be a boon to man, not a burden; it was not a day taken from man in an exacting spirit, but a day given by God in mercy to man God's holiday to His subjects." Memorize Ex. 20:8-11. 24 The Life and Works of Jesus FOURTH WEEK: POPULARITY AND OPPOSITION. FOURTH DAY: READ CHAPTER i. At what point in Christ's life does Mark begin his Gospel? How old was Jesus at that time? Write opposite these references the events referred to: 1:9-11. i :i2, 13. i :i4, 15. & : 16-20. I !2I, 22. i :23-28. '32-34- '.35-38- The Life and Works of Jesus FOURTH WEEK: POPULARITY AND OPPOSITION. FIFTH DAY : READ CHAPTER 2. During the time of the events recorded in this chapter where was Jesus working? Which period of His ministry was this? Obscurity or Popularity ? Mention anything showing that many sought Jesus at this time. Mention anything showing that opposition had been aroused. Write out the things Jesus did, as recorded in Chap. 2. " Strong Son of God, immortal Love, Whom we, that have not seen Thy face, By faith and faith alone embrace, Believing where we cannot prove; " Thou seemest human and divine, The highest, holiest manhood, Thou : Our wills are ours, we know not how ; Our wills are ours, to make them Thine." The Life and Works of Jesus FOURTH WEEK: POPULARITY AND OPPOSITION. SIXTH DAY: MARK 3:1-6. HE CURES A MAN WITH A WITHERED HAND. Notice the attitude of the persons referred to in v. 2. What answer would you give to His question in v. 4? Why did they not answer? Notice the anger and grief of Jesus and their silence. Herodians, v. 6. They were the political sympathizers with the family of Herod and were the natural enemies of the Pharisees. What does their joining with the Pharisees now indi- cate as to their feeling toward Jesus ? What did Jesus do, notwithstanding their attitude ? How would you describe the trait in Jesus's character shown by His action here ? What are we told was Jesus's feeling toward the Phari- sees? One who can be grieved and angered can sympathize with me. Mark is fond of using double terms, as in v. 5, " with anger, being grieved ; " 1 145, " publish and spread abroad ; " 5 13, " bind him, no, not with a chain." " The aim of Christianity is to have the deformed trans- formed." The Life and Works of Jesus FOURTH WEEK: POPULARITY AND OPPOSITION. SEVENTH DAY: MARK 37-12. GREAT POPULARITY. Jesus is still in Capernaum. Locate these places on the map. Jerusalem was eighty miles from Capernaum. Estimate the distances of the other places. What do these facts indicate as to the feeling of the people ? Note the use of " a great multitude " twice. As showing His popularity at this time, compare vs. 1:28,35-37,45; 2:1-4,15; 3:10,11,20; 5:31; 6:1,31; 8:2. What opinion did the sick have of Jesus? V. IO. The Life and Works of Jesus FIFTH WEEK. CHOOSING HIS HELPERS. FIRST DAY: MARK 3:13-19. HE CHOOSES TWELVE APOSTLES. This is one of the most important events in the life of Jesus. " Because Pharisaic hatred was becoming so threaten- ing and popular enthusiasm was opening opportunities which He singly could not utilize, He felt His need both of companions and messengers." " He appointed twelve that they might be with him and that he might send them forth." v. 14. Boanerges, which is sons of thunder, v. 17. What does this interpretation of Boanerges indicate as to the people for whom he wrote? Why did Jesus want these men to be with Him be- fore going out to work? How did He spend the night before choosing these men? Luke 6:12. Luke says He chose these from a larger number and gave them a new name. What was it? Luke 6:13. What does "disciple" mean? What does " apostle " mean ? Is there any reason why there should be twelve? What were their duties to be? PRAYER : Blessed Master, canst Thou not see in me something which led Thee to choose these men? Wilt Thou not give me the joy of being with Thee, and then when I have been taught by Thee, wilt Thou not send me forth to carry Thy message, and, like Thee, to bind up the broken hearted ? Amen. The Life and Works of Jesus FIFTH WEEK. CHOOSING HIS HELPERS. SECOND DAY: MARK 3:13-19. THE TWELVE APOSTLES. The list of apostles is given four times. Matthew 10:1- 4, Mark 3:16, Luke 6:14, Acts i :6$. Notice the name always first and the one always last. As far as you know what kind of men were they ? All but Judas were Galileans. It has been conjectured that half of the apostles were relations of Jesus, and that many were near relations of each other. Which of the twelve had been called before ? Read Matt. 26 :35, 70 ; 26:15; John 12:22; 20:24,25; 1 146, and try to form some idea of the kind of men Jesus chose. Which three were His most intimate companions? Mark 9:2, 14:33. " These fishermen of Galilee were originally united not by a creed, but by an ideal a standard of imitation. What they subscribed to was not an assent to certain doctrines ; it was a promise of certain actions. They began and they ended with faith ; but the beginning of their faith was not the signing of a confession ; it was the expression of a desire to follow Jesus." Have you not begun to see ; n Jesus one whom it would be safe for you to follow ? " Lord, speak to me, that I may speak In living echoes of Thy tone ; As Thou hast sought, so let me seek Thy erring children, lost and lone." 30 The Life and Works of Jesus FIFTH WEEK. CHOOSING HIS HELPERS. THIRD DAY: MATT. 5:1-12. THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT. Having chosen His apostles, Jesus delivered to them an inaugural charge recorded in Matt. 5, 6, 7, describing the kind of people who should be in His kingdom, their char- acter, privileges, and responsibilities, together with certain rules to govern their actions. Among them was included what we now call the Golden Rule, Matt. 7:12. Learn this verse. Remember that the Sermon on the Mount is recorded in Matt. 5, 6, 7. Its key-note is " Self-forget- fulness." The Beatitudes are recorded in Matt. 5. Read vs. i to 12 and write down the kind of people that are blessed or happy. Do you believe that Jesus knew best who were happy ? What effect did the address have on those who heard it? Matt. 7 -.28, 29. Having finished His sermon He and His disciples made another tour through Galilee, preaching, teaching, and healing. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : " A boy in front of a good din- ner has happiness of one kind. It is about the same grade of happiness that a dog has to whom you have just given a bone. So a boy with a good warm coat on, who is out in the storm, has a happiness somewhat like that of a cat lying in front of a warm fire. But is there no happiness higher than this? Surely. The boy who has mastered a difficult lesson, so that he feels he can pass a good examination, has a happiness far higher in grade than he who has only eaten a good dinner." What kind of happiness have you been seeking this last week? 31 The Life and Works of Jesus FIFTH WEEK. CHOOSING HIS HELPERS. FOURTH DAY: MARK 3:19-21. WHAT His FRIENDS THOUGHT OF HIM. "If the Master were beaten out of the world to-morrow, there are some Christian people who wouldn't lose a cent." " He cometh into a house," might read " He cometh home." It was His custom to escape the crowd by retir- ing to some home, 7:17, 28. Would He seek yours for this purpose ? Compare v. 20 with 6:31 and try to picture His sur- roundings at this time. Who is meant by " his friends ? " Read John 14 :2i and say whether by this test you would be classed among His friends. What does " lay hold on him " mean? " He is beside himself," means the same as " insane.' What does " it " in v. 21 mean? What made them think He was insane? The Life and Works of Jesus FIFTH WEEK. CHOOSING HIS HELPERS. FIFTH DAY : MARK 3 122-30. ACCUSED OF BEING HELPED BY SATAN. Beelzebub, v. 22. This was the title of a heathen deity to whom the Jews ascribed the sovereignty of evil spirits. How far and in what direction was Jerusalem from Capernaum ? What does the fact that the Scribes had come all that way show as to their feeling toward Jesus? Compare v. 30 and state what accusation they make against Him in v. 22. V. 23-27, " I can't use the power of Satan, for a kingdom divided against itself must fall. You don't ac- cuse your sons of being in league with the devil because they do such things ! If I do this by God's help, then the kingdom of God is here where I am. How could I enter Satan's kingdom unless I was stronger than he ? " Tell in your own words what these Pharisees thought of Him? What does Jesus teach us in v. 2 about the way we should resist Satan? Notice that Jesus was willing to meet them. They spoke insinuatingly to the people ; He boldly " called them unto him," v. 23. He never feared them. " By the prince of the devils he casteth out the devils," v. 22. " It was a lame theory, as Jesus showed ; but it was at least conclusive that devils were cast out and in great numbers." The Life and Works of Jesus FIFTH WEEK. CHOOSING HIS HELPERS. SIXTH DAY: MARK 3:31-35. THE REAL RELATIONS OF JESUS. Who was Jesus's mother? Who was her husband? Jesus had brothers and sisters. Mark 6:3. It is sup- posed that Joseph died when Jesus was a child, and He was left to be the head of the family. In v. 21 His friends seek to restrain Him; then His enemies accuse Him ; now His relations come. See John 7:5, and state what the attitude of His relations was. Who did He say were His real relations ? " Ye are my friends if ye do whatever I command you." John 14:21. Obedience is the great test. See how much depends upon it, John 15:10; I John 3:22; I John 2:3-4. God helps those who obey. John 7 :i7- Memorize this verse. The Life and Works of Jesus FIFTH WEEK. CHOOSING HIS HELPERS. SEVENTH DAY: MARK 3:1-35. In this chapter what is the attitude of the Pharisees toward Him? Give any reason you can think of for this attitude. What was the attitude of His friends and relations ? During this time and notwithstanding this feeling, what does Jesus do ? Vs. 5, 7, 10, 14. Are you ever discouraged because you have not been appreciated ? Notice His movements, vs. I, 7, 13, 19. Note the omission by Mark of the great discourse. Note the crowds, vs. 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 32. An advance step in organization is described in vs. 13, 14. What was it? Mark is fond of recording groups of miracles. See 1:32-34; 1:39; 3:10. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : In Jesus Christ I see one who knows how to teach and who knows what I need to learn. " In him are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." O ! that I might realize this to-day, for I am seeking wis- dom and knowledge and come to Him with the prayer of the Psalmist, " Show me Thy ways, O ! Lord ; teach me Thy paths." The Life and Works of Jesus SIXTH WEEK. TEACHING BY PARABLES. FIRST DAY: MARK 4:1-9. THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF SOIL. Picture the scene in v. I ; the sea-shore, the boat, the crowd. Parable, v. 2. An earthly story with a heavenly mean- ing. H ow does a parable differ from a fable ? This is a method of teaching Jesus has not used hitherto. As He sat there by the sea-shore, Jesus may have pointed to a man actually sowing seed. Jesus mentions four kinds of soil : V. 4. Way-side beaten path. V. 5. Rocky thin soil over underlying rock. V. 7. Thorns occupied by other growths. V. 8. Good ground. What happened to the seed in each case ? V.4- Vs. 5, 6. V.7- V. 8. While you were reading the above passage which kind of soil would represent the condition of your heart ? The Life and Works of Jesus SIXTH WEEK. TEACHING BY PARABLES. SECOND DAY: MARK 4:1-9. THE DIFFERENT KINDS OF SOIL (Continued). Write out vs. 3 to 8 in your own words. This parable is a sort of review of His ministry up to this time. His words had fallen upon all sorts of soil. In what we have studied can you remember illustrations of this? Notice the words used to describe the contact of the seed with the soil in each case : V. 4. Some fell by the wayside. V. 5. Fell on rocky ground. V. 7. Fell among the thorns. V. 8. Fell into the good ground. " Thy word have I hid in my heart." Can you remem- ber occasions in your own life when God's word fell thus into your heart? Memorize Gal. 6:7. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : Who hath ears to hear let him hear, v. 9. The teachers of the time used this phrase to call their scholars' attention to something especially im- portant. O ! may I hear the words of the great teacher as He asks me to listen to Him, and, listening, may I heed the gentle warnings that fall from His lips; and in these lessons day by day may I take into my heart the words He speaks to His disciples. The Life and Works of Jesus SIXTH WEEK. TEACHING BY PARABLES. THIRD DAY : MARK 4 : 10-20. THE PARABLE EXPLAINED. Mark here, contrary to his custom, records at length the words of Jesus. It must have been because of their importance. In the explanation of the parable which Jesus gives, He compares the different soils to hearers of God's word. (Luke 8: 12.) Explain in your own words the kinds of hearers in- tended by the following: Wayside, v. 15. See v. 4. Rocky places, v. 16. See v. 5. Among thorns, vs. 18, 19. See v. 7. Good ground, v. 20. See v. 8. Which class of hearers would you say you are usually in? What characteristics of seed make it a good symbol of God's word? Do you hear the word, accept it, bear fruit? V. 20. Are these lessons seed ? Vs. n, 12. As His enemies grow stronger Jesus veils the truth in parables, so that those who wanted to learn it could. " He sifts and winnows his audience." It was like the pillar of fire : useful to the Israelites, but a hinder- ance to the Egyptians. The lesson of this parable is of universal application. It is true of my study of any subject. If my mind is beaten hard by thoughts of games, or, if, instead of taking the subject I study deep down into my heart, I merely cram it, or if my mind is saturated with trashy stories, and literature worse than useless, there will be no fruit in after years my school days will be wasted. May I receive my daily instruction " in an honest and good heart," " hold it fast and bring forth fruit with patience." The Life and Works of Jesus SIXTH WEEK. TEACHING BY PARABLES. FOURTH DAY: MARK 4 121-25. WARNINGS. Jesus again uses the phrase, "If any man hath ears to hear let him hear." V. 23. Lamp, v. 21. Shaped like a small plate or saucer with edge turned up at one side to hold the wick, containing a spoonful of oil. Bed, v. 21. This is not the same Greek word as in 2 :i I. Here the word means couch ; a lamp could not be put under the ordinary bed or mat. Bushel, v. 21. Found in every Jewish house; it held about a peck. See how much clearer v. 21 is in the Revised Version than in the Authorized Version. In Matt. 5 113, 14 what did Jesus call His apostles? The thought in Mark 4 :2i is that they, having the light, were bound to let it shine. " If we do not use, we lose." Can you remember some time when your light was shin- ing? Compare v. 25 with Luke 8:18 and tell what Jesus meant ? " Take heed what ye hear," v. 24. Do the things which I heard to-day and yesterday and last week make my heart like the wayside soil ? The Life and Works of Jesus SIXTH WEEK. TEACHING BY PARABLES. FIFTH DAY: MARK 4:26-29. THE BLADE, THE EAR, AND THE FULL CORN. Jesus had selected His apostles and had given them their instructions. This and the next parable were spoken to them by way of encouragement. This one seems to have been intended to teach them humility, dependence, faith, and patience. What three stages of growth does Jesus mention? Are you ever impatient with your slow progress in the Christian life? What does He say is the attitude of the farmer after sowing the seed ? Are you satisfied to leave the result of your Christian work with God? No one expects a seed to become a great tree as soon as planted : it takes time to become a mature Christian. Begin the day with God, He is thy Sun and Day ; He is the radiance of thy dawn, To Him address thy lay. Take thy first meal with God, He is thy heavenly Food ; Feed with and on Him, He with thee Will feast in brotherhood. Thy first transaction be With God Himself above ; So shall thy business prosper well, And all the day be love. 40 The Life and Works of Jesus SIXTH WEEK. TEACHING BY PARABLES. SIXTH DAY: MARK 4:30-32. THE PARABLE OF THE MUSTARD SEED. Read also Matt. 13:33. Notice Mark's graphic touches " less than all seeds that are upon the earth," " greater than all herbs," " put- teth out great branches." Mustard seed, v. 31. "As small as a grain of mustard seed " was a proverb of the time. Matt. 17 :2O. Don't be discouraged if in the beginning your faith seems to be small. From what you know of God's kingdom in the world tell how the mustard seed is an appropriate symbol of its beginning in numbers, in character of adherents, in the place of its origin. What lesson is there here for us as to our spiritual life? PRAYER : " O Lord, our Heavenly Father, almighty and everlasting God, who hast safely brought us to the be- ginning of this day, defend us in the same with Thy mighty power; and grant that this day we fall into no sin, neither run into any kind of danger; but that all our doings, being ordered by Thy governance, may be righteous in Thy sight ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." The Life and Works of Jesus SIXTH WEEK. TEACHING BY PARABLES. SEVENTH DAY: MARK 4:33, 34. JESUS'S METHOD OF TEACHING. Read also John 16:12-15. Jesus showed His wisdom by leading His hearers from material things to spiritual. He has now used as illustra- tions in His talks : seed, various kinds of soil, the well- known gradual growth of plants, a lamp, a couch, and a measure. The great rule in teaching was followed by Him, " From the known to the unknown." What lessons in God's goodness can we learn from the things about us? He suited His teachings to His hearers' ability, v. 33. " The main object of the parable was to wake their wonder . . . not to conceal, it was to reveal that there was something hid." " To His own disciples He expounded all things." See Ps. 25:14, and ask yourself: Is my life such that God would choose me as one to whom to tell His secrets ? " Speak to me by name, O Master, Let me know it is for me, Speak, that I may follow faster, With a step more firm and free, Where the shepherd leads his flock In the shadows of the rock." The Life and Works of Jesus SEVENTH WEEK. THE STORM AT SEA AND INSANE ON SHORE. FIRST DAY: MARK 4:35-41. INTO THE STORM. Mark is careful to note the time. " When even was come," v. 35. See also 1:35; 2:1; 6:2; 11:11. Unto the other side, v. 35. Other side of what? The cushion of v. 38 was a leather seat used by the steersman. Why do you suppose He wanted to cross the sea ? What does " even as he was " in v. 36 mean ? What does the fact that He was asleep show as to His humanity ? What was Jesus's attitude during the storm? Why was it that He could be so ? What was that of His disciples ? THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY: Many rich experiences come to us in our daily life. These men were fishermen, ac- customed to the sea; they were as familiar with this crossing as with crossing the street. Before being sent forth, however, they must learn their own helplessness and learn it on their own element, where they thought they were strongest. How often we boast of our own strength ! " As a mother stills her child, Thou canst hush this ocean wild ; Boisterous waves obey Thy will When Thou sayest to them, ' Be still.' Wonderous sovereign of the sea, Jesus, Saviour, pilot me." The Life and Works of Jesus SEVENTH WEEK. THE STORM AT SEA AND INSANE ON SHORE. SECOND DAY: MARK 4:35-41. INTO THE STORM (Con- tinued). Read the account and write down the details given by Mark. He addressed the wind and sea as if He were their mas- ter, v. 39. To Mark, Jesus is the one who speaks and it is done. See 1:18,20; 2:14; 3:5; 4:35. What did He say to His disciples ? Remember they had already seen many miracles. What effect did the whole event have on the disciples? v. 41 Notice that they were astonished not so much because He was able to still the storm, but that He did it with such evidence of authority. Compare v. 39 with Psalm 106:9. "He rebuked the Red Sea also and it was dried up." Surely we have here the same God who centuries before led the children of Israel out of Egypt by his mighty power. But notice that Jesus manifested the power in gentleness and love. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : " Jesus of Nazareth is some- thing more than the Christ of history a blessed memory ; or the Christ of prophecy a sublime hope; He is the Christ of to-day, and of every day, a living reality in our lives, a very present help in time of need. Faith lays hold upon Him as one who is ever with us in the Church, in the household, and in the world. He is the close com- panion of our daily lives. We walk the hard hillroads of life with burning hearts because He bears us com- pany. We pass through valleys or death shades with fearless step led by His invisible hand. In the glory of His presence toil and pain are transfigured." The Life and Works of Jesus SEVENTH WEEK. THE STORM AT SEA AND INSANE ON SHORE. THIRD DAY: MARK 3:19-4:34. ONE DAY IN JESUS'S LIFE. " They take Him with them even as He was" v. 36. " I take this to mean that He was not in a condition for physical exertion, for rendering nautical help. One of His human hours was upon Him; He was weary with the burden of the day. Almost immediately after start- ing, nature asserts itself and He slept." Try to realize what a day this had been. The swarming crowds, 3:20, 32; 4:1. The wrong ideas entertained about Him, 3:21, 22, 31. His wearisome defences, 3:23. His preaching, 4 :2~33. His personal interviews, 4:10, 34. The misunderstanding disciples, 4:40. He suggests that they leave the crowd, 4 :35. Truly this was the mighty worker. PRAYER : " Glorify Thy Holy name, O God, through us in a fruit-bearing day. Help us to abide in Christ that we may share His life and do His work. If the channels of our thought and our desire are choked with sin, purge us that we may bring forth more fruit. In morning hours of toil, in noontime rest, in the works that draw to an end with the sun setting, and in our evening thoughts or cares abide Thou with us and make our hearts glad in Thee. The night's rest and the new strength the morn- ing brings for soul and body are from Thee, and Thine shall be our praise in every gain and effort, in every joy and grief, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." The Life and Works of Jesus SEVENTH WEEK. THE STORM AT SEA AND INSANE ON SHORE. FOURTH DAY: MARK 5:1-5. HE MEETS AN INSANE MAN. What sea was this ? Why had they crossed the sea ? The Country of the Gerasenes, v. I. In the district called Gaulonitis on the eastern side of the lake. See vs. ii and 13 for further details of the place. See map. Describe, in your own words, the condition of the man mentioned in v. 2 as given in vs. 2-5. See also Matt. 8 :28 and Luke 8:27 for further details. What does the word " tame," v. 4, show as to the man's condition ? Out of the Tombs, v. 2. "These tombs were either natural caves or recesses hewn by art out of the rock. Such places were regarded as unclean because of the dead men's bones which were there. Such tombs can still be traced in more than one of the varines on the eastern side of the lake." "Amid all the boasted civilization of antiquity, there existed no hospitals, no penitentiaries, no asylums ; and unfortunates of this class, being too dangerous and des- perate for human intercourse, would only be driven forth from among their fellow-men, and restrained from mis- chief by measures at once inadequate and cruel." Try to imagine what the world would be without Chris- tianity. The Life and Works of Jesus SEVENTH WEEK. THE STORM AT SEA AND INSANE ON SHORE. FIFTH DAY : MARK 5 -.6-14. THE INSANE MAN. What did the man do when he saw Jesus ? Why do you suppose Jesus asked the man's name ? What did the answer " My name is Legion " mean ? What request was made in v. 10? See also Luke 8 131. Swine feeding, v. n. Although the Jews did not eat pork, the Romans did, and these pigs may have been kept to supply the Roman soldiers stationed in the coun- try. Why Jesus permitted the evil spirits to enter the swine we do not know. Some part of the reason may be found in the fact that if the owners were Jews the trade was illegal; if heathen, they insulted the national religion. In any event the destruction of the 2,000 swine was a striking proof of the power which Jesus must have pos- sessed and of the terrible power from which He had been able to deliver the man. What happened to the keepers? How did the news affect the inhabitants? Are men possessed of evil spirits now ? The Life and Works of Jesus SEVENTH WEEK. THE STORM AT SEA AND INSANE ON SHORE. SIXTH DAY: MARK 5:15-20. THE EFFECT OF THE MIRACLE. What effect did the miracle have on the people? Vs. 15, 17, 20. On the man? Vs. 15, 18, 20? Try to picture the scene of v. 16: the few who wit- nessed the event telling the crowd about it. Why did they want Jesus to leave their country ? Can you think of any business to-day where the pro- prietors would not care to have Jesus? Why would not Jesus let the man go with Him ? Have you ever felt uncomfortable in the presence of a man of evident spiritual power ? Mention what the man gave up and what he received. What did the man want to do? What did he have to do? Locate Decapolis, v. 20. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : " Go to thy house and to thy friends and tell them." To be a missionary at home where one is well known is sometimes harder than to follow Jesus into unknown regions. The light must shine first at home. We must be Christians among our friends. The Life and Works of Jesus SEVENTH WEEK. THE STORM AT SEA AND INSANE ON SHORE. SEVENTH DAY: MARK 5:1-20. THE INSANE MAN. Why was it that Jesus crossed the sea? Apparently, did He get much rest? Compare " in his right mind," v. 15, with the first sen- tence in Luke 15:17. Why can such similar phrases be used of this man in Mark and the man in Luke? When the people from the city came out where did they find the man? See Luke 8:35. Why do you suppose he wanted to be there? Memorize Matt. 1 1 :28, 29, 30. PRAYER: "Possess my soul, O Christ! I feel that something must possess me. My heart cannot be its own master; it must be ruled either from above or below. Come and take the place from which my higher self has fled. Come and restrain the advance of the lower man. Come and make me Thy captive forevermore. I shall own no other Master when I am possessed by Thee. Amen." The Life and Works of Jesus EIGHTH WEEK. DAYS OF POWER. FIRST DAY: MARK 5 121-24. THE APPEAL OF JAIRUS. Ruler of the Synagogue, v. 22. Each synagogue had a college of elders who conducted the worship and ex- ercised discipline. Jesus now goes back to the populous side of the lake. What shows that the people expected His return? The words / pray thee, v. 23, are in italics. Words printed in italics in the Bible are not in the original text, but are inserted in the English translation to give the sense. What does v. 23 show as to Jairus's attitude toward Jesus ? Believe in prayer and you will pray believingly. What brought him to Jesus ? What did he think it necessary for Jesus to do? V. 23. What did Jesus do? What may we learn from the fact that here He left the great crowd to go to help one little girl ? The Life and Works of Jesus EIGHTH WEEK. DAYS OF POWER. SECOND DAY: MARK 5:25-29. THE WOMAN IN THE CROWD. Notice that Jesus was on His way to the home of Jairus. " Such overflowing grace is in Him the Prince of life, that, as He was hastening to accomplish one work of grace and power, He accomplishes another, as by the way." A woman, v. 25. Her disease made her ceremonially unclean. She could go to no social gathering, to no synagogue ; her friends would think her a sinful woman justly punished. Notice Mark's details in v. 26. Luke says she had spent all her money trying to be cured. Luke 8 :43. Why did she come to Jesus ? Do the things which you have heard about Him draw you to Him? Why " in the crowd behind " " garment? " V. 27. What does v. 28 show as to her faith? Ignorant faith is better than no faith. How did her faith differ from that of Jairus? V. 23. How does this miracle differ from all others that we know about? The Life and Works of Jesus EIGHTH WEEK. DAYS OF POWER. THIRD DAY: MARK 5:30-34. THE WOMAN IN THE CROWD. " For if our virtues did not go forth of us, 'twere all alike as if we had them not." How did Jesus know someone had touched Him ? Com- pare Luke 8 -.46. It costs something to do good. Does v. 31 indicate to your mind that the disciples did not like the interruption ? Notice that when Jesus stopped the woman was already cured. Why did He stop? Describe the scene in your own words. Mention some of the hindrances in the woman's way. Did it pay her to overcome them ? Jesus always stops at the cry of a sinner. Luke 18 140. ' Many thronged, but one touched." How did her touch differ from the touch of others ? Are you merely among a crowd of followers of Jesus, or are you in personal contact with Him ? The Life and Works of Jesus EIGHTH WEEK. DAYS OF POWER. FOURTH DAY: MARK 5:35-43. HE HEALS JAIRUS'S DAUGHTER. The scene in the home. V. 38. " The Jews, like other Eastern nations, hired professional mourners whose duty it was to indulge in signs of grief ; to beat on their breasts, to utter loud groans, and to shed false tears." What do vs. 35 and 40 show about their idea of Jesus's power ? Why did He take only the disciples mentioned in v. 37 ? How many were in the room with Jesus? V. 40. Is there anything in v. 40 that indicates why He turned them all out? Talitha cumi, v. 41, is Aramaic; Mark tells what it means ; what does this show about the people for whom he wrote? These are the very words Jesus spoke. They help, therefore, to determine the language He used. " It is al- together probable that in His common dealings with men, and in His teachings, Jesus used this language [Ara- maic]. Greek was the language of the Government and of trade, and in a measure the Jews were a bi-lingual peo- ple. Jesus may have had some knowledge of Greek, but it is unlikely that He ever used it to any extent, either in Galilee or in Judea, or in the regions of Tyre and Sidon." How did this miracle affect those who saw it? Remember that some of them had already seen the mir- acle in Luke 7:11-17. Why did this one affect them in this way ? " That no man should know this," v. 43. Compare with 5:19 and state why one command was the opposite of the other. 58 The Life and Works of Jesus EIGHTH WEEK. DAYS OF POWER. FIFTH DAY: MARK 4:35-5:43- ANOTHER DAY IN JESUS'S LIFE. A day of power. At what point in His ministry is He now? Make a list of the miracles of this day. In these miracles over what did Jesus in each case ex- ercise His power? Notice that He was able to heal mental and bodily ills. What was the effect of each miracle on those who saw ? Has Jesus this same power to-day ? What can you say about the faith of those who this day sought His help? Notice the direct discourse in each case, 4 139 ; 5 :8 ; 5 =34, 4i. PRAYER : " O God, whose mercy makes each morn a new beginning of opportunity and strength, so uphold and strengthen us in Thine infinite compassion that we may serve Thee this day in child-like love and glad obe- dience. If we have sinned and awake to consciousness with shame and contrition of heart, bring to our thought the sense of Thy long-suffering pity, and the promise of Thy aid. Out of the wreck of larger hopes and forfeited occasions enable us to build our lives as a temple to Thine honor. In the hour of temptation be Thou our shield. In the uplifting of our joy be Thou our deepest satisfac- tion. Teach us the lesson of self-forgetfulness that we may lose our gloomy fears in thoughts of Thee and in happy service to others. So may our day be spent in quiet work and restful faith, to Thine eternal glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." M - The Life and Works of Jesus EIGHTH WEEK. DAYS OF POWER. SIXTH DAY: MARK 6:1-3. AT HOME AGAIN. He went out from thence, v. i. Whence? His own country, v. I. What place does this indicate? What did He do on the Sabbath? V. 2. What was it that astonished them? Do the questions in vs. 2, 3 come from one or a num- ber of people? What did they mean by " these things " in v. 2 ? What was their opinion of Him? What do we learn here about His family life and His occupation ? THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : " The greatest being, confess- edly, that ever appeared on this earth, was Jesus of Nazareth ; and yet all that we are told of eighteen years of His life is that He was a carpenter. He is an ex- ample to us of virtuous, self-denying, persevering in- dustry. He ennobled all toil by becoming Himself a toiler. There is many a foolish youth who deems labor degrad- ing and idleness respectable. Let the lesson be impressed upon the mind of such, that occupation, however lowly, is beneficent and noble." The Life and Works of Jesus EIGHTH WEEK. DAYS OF POWER. SEVENTH DAY: MARK 6:4-6. How UNBELIEF AF- FECTED HIM. Read in connection with this week's study " The Honor Roll of Faith." Heb. n. What did He mean by v. 4 ? What was a prophet ? V. 4. See Matt. 13 158 and state why " He could there do no mighty work." Does this explain some of your unanswered prayers? What caused Him to marvel ? Why do you suppose He marvelled ? Is the reason of Matt. 13:58 applicable in your life to-day? THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : " Christ never failed to dis- tinguish between doubt and unbelief. Doubt is can't be- lieve; unbelief is won't believe. Doubt is honesty; un- belief is obstinacy. Doubt is looking for light; unbelief is content with darkness." Memorize John 3 :36. " Born within a lowly stable, where the cattle round me stood, Trained a Carpenter in Nazareth, I have toiled and found it good. " They who tread this path of labor follow where my feet have trod ; They who walk without complaining do the holy will of God." The Life and Works of Jesus NINTH WEEK. HIS FRIENDS AND HIS ENEMIES. FIRST DAY: MARK 6:6. READ ALSO MATT. 9:35. A PREACHING TOUR. Rejected by the people of His own village, He starts out to tell the good news of salvation to others ! How often is it recorded so far that Jesus went about preaching? These tours were a sort of training of the disciples in their future work. What would He preach? Who would be with Him on these journeys? See Mark 15 :^i ; Acts 1 :2i. Where would they lodge? What does He want His disciples to do in the world ? PRAYER : " O Lord God, strong and mighty, we would draw near to Thee confessing our weakness, beseeching Thee to make us strong. We would be strong in body, that we may do our work in life well and cheerfully. We would be strong in heart, full of courage, holding pain and danger cheap when they lie in the way of duty. We would be strong in love; make us warm-hearted, true friends, loving our neighbors as ourselves and loving Thee with all our heart and soul and strength. We would be strong in faith, ever trusting in the victory of good over evil ; strong in hope, undaunted by seeming defeat, al- ways looking beyond the mists and clouds of time into the clear shining of the eternal life; strong in patience, bearing our burdens, suffering our pains quietly and with- out reproach toward men or rebellion against Thee. Hear our Prayer, O Lord, who art our strength and our Re- deemer, for Christ's sake. Amen." 57 The Life and Works of Jesus NINTH WEEK. HIS FRIENDS AND HIS ENEMIES. SECOND DAY: MARK 6:7-11. HE SENDS OUT THE APOSTLES. They have had their training, now they are sent out. It seems sometimes as if we wanted to spend all our lives in training. Jesus wants, us to go out. Wallet, v. 8. Used specially to carry food. Money, v. 8, literally brass. See marginal note in Au- thorized Version for explanation. Purse, v. 8. The girdle which held the tunic was wound round the body below the breast, one of its ends having been turned up and stitched in such a way as to form a convenient pocket for carrying coins and other small articles. Two coats, v. 9. " Take no extra clothing, go as you are." Shake off the dust, v. u. This was regarded as a com- plete renunciation of all further responsibility. For illus- trations see Acts 13:51 and 18:6, How did He send them out? Give some reasons why it would be advisable to send them out in this way. Eccl. 4:9-12. What authority did He give them? V. 7. See also Luke 9:1. What kind of a man must He have been to give such authority ? Notice that Mark omits nearly all of the commission given them at this time just as he omits the Sermon on the Mount. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY: "The only religion that can do anything for me is the religion that makes me want to do something for you. The missionary enterprise is not the Church's afterthought. It is Christ's forethought. It is primal and vital." The Life and Works of Jesus NINTH WEEK. HIS FRIENDS AND HIS ENEMIES. THIRD DAY: MARK 6:12, 13. THE APOSTLES AT WORK. The apostles were not advocates, they were witnesses. What did they do in obedience to the command ? What success did they have ? See Luke 9 :6. What does the first part of Mark 6:14 show about the measure of their fame? Do you imagine that they were able to do these things because Jesus told them to? How is it to-day ; does His command enable us to do what He commands? Anointed with oil, v. 12. " Anointing the sick with oil has always been a favorite remedy in the East. And in the hot climate it serves certain purposes not thought neces- sary in colder regions." Memorize Rom. 1:16. The Life and Works of Jesus NINTH WEEK. HIS FRIENDS AND HIS ENEMIES. FOURTH DAY: MARK 6:14-16. HEROD. King Herod, v. 14. He was not a king, in the sense in which the word is ordinarily used, but was the ruler of a fourth part of the country ruled by his father, Herod the Great, that is, over Galilee and Perea. " The country was completely under the mighty Roman power, which had extended its sway over the whole civilized world. It was divided into several small por- tions, which the foreigners held under different tenures, as the English at present hold India. Galilee and Perea were ruled by petty kings, sons of that Herod under whom Jesus was born, who occupied a relation to the Roman Emperor similar to that which the subject Indian kings hold to the Queen." What was it Herod heard ? V. 14. What made him think John had risen from the grave ? Who was meant by " it " in v. 15? What made them think it was Elijah? Why would they think it was a prophet ? What was it that was troubling Herod ? Compare vs. 16 and 20. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : " It is John, whom I be- headed." Not simply " It is John." What was it, Herod, that made you think of the beheading, while others thought of John ? How was it that when you heard of Jesus you thought of this man whom you had be- headed? The Life and Works of Jesus NINTH WEEK. HIS FRIENDS AND HIS ENEMIES. FIFTH DAY: MARK 6:17-29. JOHN'S MURDER. Who had killed John? V. 16. How do you reconcile this statement with that in v. 20? What did Herod think of John? What is the meaning of the expression, "When he heard him he was much perplexed?" V. 20. Have you ever heard things that have caused this state of mind in you ? From v. 20 what kind of a man would you say John was? Why did Herodias hate John? A birthday supper, v. 21. This would not be favored by the Jews, but Herod imitated the Roman Emperors. Would you rather be upstairs with Herod, or downstairs with John? THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY: The Revised Version has in the margin " He did many things," instead of " He was much perplexed," v. 20. But he did not do the one thing. How easy it is sometimes to act as Herod did ; how hard to do the one thing! Having found the one thing I lack, help me, O Master, to do it ; may I not try to smother my conscience in a multitude of duties. 61 The Life and Works of Jesus NINTH WEEK. HIS FRIENDS AND HIS ENEMIES. SIXTH DAY: MARK 6:17-29. JOHN'S MURDER (Con- tinued). Did Herod want to kill John? V. 26. Tell the story of how he happened to do it? She pleased Herod, v. 22. " The man who surren- ders himself to his sensuous nature lets the horses get the bit between their teeth and is sure to come to grief." See what Paul did, I Cor. 9 126, 27. See also the effect of being in the hands of a wicked woman. Notice in v. 25, " straightway," " with haste," " forth- with," why all this hurry ? If Herod knew it was wrong to kill John, why did he doit? Are there any Herods in your school or among your friends ? What did John's disciples do? See also Matt. 14 :ia. John's epitaph might be, "Here lies one who never feared the face of man." The Life and Works of Jesus NINTH WEEK. HIS FRIENDS AND HIS ENEMIES. SEVENTH DAY: MARK 6:1-29. Where was Jesus now? Write opposite these references the events referred to: 6:1-3. 4-6. 7-1 1. 12, 13. 14-16. 17-29. " I trust I have not wasted breath : I think we are not wholly brain, Magnetic mockeries ; not in vain, Like Paul with beasts, I fought with death. " Not only cunning casts in clay : Let Science prove we are, and then What matters Science unto men, At least to me ? I would not stay. " Let him the wiser man who springs Hereafter, up from childhood shape His actions like the greater ape, But I was born to higher things." The Life and Works of Jesus TENTH WEEK. RESTING, WORKING, PRAYING. FIRST DAY: MARK 6:30-33. THE FIRST MISSIONARY CONFERENCE. Where did they go now ? This portion of His ministry is characterized by certain journeys of flight. This is the first one. Why did Jesus go to the other side of the lake? See Matt. 14:13; Mark 6:31. Into what kind of a place did they go ? Where had the disciples been ? V. 7. From what were they trying to escape? V. 31. What did the people do? How did Jesus take the interruption? See Luke 9:11. Compare Mark 4:38, John 4:6, and Mark 6:31, and state what these verses show about the humanity of Jesus. Memorize Psalm 23. The tenth chapter of John has been called the Shepherd Chapter. 64 The Life and Works of Jesus TENTH WEEK. RESTING, WORKING, PRAYING. SECOND DAY : MARK 6 134-44. HE FEEDS MORE THAN FIVE THOUSAND. This is the only miracle recorded by all four gospels; is there any reason for this ? At what time of the day was it? The presence of Jesus will turn a wilderness into para- dise. About how many were there ? When Jesus saw the people how did the sight affect Him? V. 34. How did it affect the disciples? See Matt. 14:15. How often is it true that this is the way we treat those in need when the Master welcomes them. See Matt. 15:23; Mark 10:13, 14. What reason can you give for His refusal to make bread, in Matt. 4:3, 4, and His willingness here? Mark makes his account vivid by noticing the gestures and movements of Jesus; as in Mark 6:41. See also 3:534; 5:30-32; 7:34; 10:23; n:ii. " The restless millions wait The light whose dawning maketh all things new : Christ also waits, but men are slow and late. Have we done all we could ? Have I ? Have you ? A cloud of witnesses above encompass, We love to think of all they see and know ; But what of this great multitude in peril, Who sadly wait below ? Oh, let this thrilling vision daily move us To earnest prayer and deeds before unknown, That souls redeemed from many lands may join us, When Christ brings home His own." 65 The Life and Works of Jesus TENTH WEEK. RESTING, WORKING, PRAYING. THIRD DAY: MARK 6:34-44. HE FEEDS MORE THAN FIVE THOUSAND (Continued). " If I feed a destitute crowd in Galilee, it is because I myself experienced destitution at the well of Jacob." Write out the story of vs. 35-42. How did it happen that there was such a crowd there? John 6 '.4. Before breaking the bread what did Jesus do ? Mark 6:41. Are the suppers which you attend like the one in v. 21, or in v. 41 ? In what respect is this miracle an argument for foreign missions ? Give ye them to eat, v. 37. Duty is not measured by ability. How much did each of the five thousand get? V. 42. How much did each disciple ? V. 43. Does this illustrate Acts 20:35? The Life and Works of Jesus TENTH WEEK. RESTING, WORKING, PRAYING. FOURTH DAY: MARK 6:45, 46. PRAYING. " The picture given is a beautiful one. The disciples leave the shore in their boat to row across the lake ; the crowds gradually disperse, returning on foot, for the most part, across the plain to regain the western shore by going round the north margin of the lake. Jesus retires to the high ground to spend the calm eastern night in solitary communion with His Father in lonely prayer for the dis- ciples on the sea and the crowds on the land. He who had constant communion with the Father even in the most crowded throng, was yet so much man that He yearned for silent prayer and lonely fellowship. He who was in- capable of distraction went aside to pray." What did the disciples want to do with the people ? V. 36. :Who really went away first? What did Jesus do when He was alone after the people went away ? What effect did this miracle have upon the people? John 6: 14, 15. How did it affect the disciples ? Mark 6 152. The Life and Works of Jesus TENTH WEEK. RESTING, WORKING, PRAYING. FIFTH DAY : MARK 6 147-52. WALKING ON THE WATER. Fourth Watch, v. 48. " The proper Jewish reckoning recognized only three watches : ( i ) The first or beginning of the watches from sunset to 10 P.M. (Lam. 2:19) ; (2) the middle watches, from 10 P.M. to 2 A.M. (Judg. 7:19) ; (3) the morning watch, from 2 A.M. to sunrise (Ex. 14:24; i Sam. ii :n). After the Roman supremacy the number was increased to four, sometimes called first, second, etc., as here; sometimes by the terms even-*, clos- ing at 9 P.M. ; midnight; cock-crowing, at 3 A.M. ; morn- ing, at 6 A.M." Who had persuaded the disciples to go into the boat? What was their condition and how long had it been so ? Does God put His children into places of danger ? Why do you suppose He would have passed them by ? Compare Luke 24:28. What does v. 52 mean ? Why does Mark omit the story of Peter's effort to walk on the water, although Matthew gave it? " So I am watching quietly every day, Whenever the sun shines brightly I rise and say, Surely it is the shining of His face And look unto the gates of His high place Beyond the sea; For I know He is coming shortly To summon me. And when the shadow falls across the windows Of the room Where I am working my appointed task, I lift my head and watch the door, and ask If He is come And the angel answers sweetly, in my home Only a few more shadows and He will come." The Life and Works of Jesus TENTH WEEK. RESTING, WORKING, PRAYING. SIXTH DAY: MARK 6:53-56. GREAT CROWDS SEEK HIM. Gennesaret, v. 53. " A crescent-shaped plain on the northwest shore of the lake, about two miles and one- half in length and about one in breadth." Locate it on the map. What did the people do? What led them to act in this way? Why do you suppose they thought they would be healed by touching His clothes? John tells us that Jesus spoke to the people and showed them that He came not to supply bodily wants, but to be the bread of life. (John 6:52-59.) This caused many disciples who had been looking for an earthly kingdom to desert Him, so that He said pathetically to the twelve chosen ones, " Would ye also go away ? " PRAYER : " O God, our Heavenly Father, who hast taken thought for us in the night watches, bless us also in the opportunities of this new day. Help us with willing hearts to spend its moments in Thy service. In coming and in going, in labor and in rest, in care and pleasure, grant us Thy companionship for sympathy and aid. If the day in its unvarying course brings no changes, through the still hours may the sunlight of Thy presence glow. Help us to bear true witness in simplicity of heart to find our joy in little things, to help men toward the Christ- like life in kindly service, and to cherish high ambitions of obedience to our Lord. So crown our days with strength and peace, O God, through Jesus Christ, Thy Son. Amen." The Life and Works of Jesus TENTH WEEK. RESTING, WORKING, PRAYING. SEVENTH DAY: MARK 6:1-56. FRIENDS AND ENEMIES. Trace on the outline map the journeys of Jesus as re- corded in this chapter. What is said in the chapter about the feeling of dif- ferent ones toward Him? Vs. 2, 3, 15, 16, 50, 51, 56. What is said about Jesus's opinion of others ? Vs. 4, 6, 31, 34, 46, 48, 50. Who would you say received the greatest blessing in the feeding of the five thousand Jesus, the crowd, or the disciples? Why? The loaves and fishes belonged to a little boy and were all he had. (John 6:9.) But he gave his all to Jesus, and received a blessing. It was so with the widow who " cast in all her living " two mites. Is it so to-day? THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : " That the period immediately after rising should be scrupulously consecrated to God ; that the earliest thoughts of tfie day should be filled with God; that the homage of self-dedication should be re- newed before starting on another pilgrimage; that we should listen to His small voice of warning or encourage- ment as it issues from His written word, or from the inner consciousness, or from the outer world all this is so essentially bound up with the peace and holiness of the day that one might almost say that the two are in- separable." 70 The Life and Works of Jesus ELEVENTH WEEK. DRIVEN OUT OF GALI- LEE. FIRST DAY: MARK 7:1-4. THE PHARISEES. What were the Pharisees ? Where were Jesus and His disciples now? John 6:24. Mark explains the meaning of " defiled hands," v. 2. See a similar explanation in v. n and in 12:18. What does this indicate about the people for whom he wrote ? Tradition of the Elders, v. 3. " The unwritten law, which they said God delivered orally to Moses, who trans- mitted it orally to the elders." The elders were the lead- ing Jewish teachers. What were they trying to do by all this washing? Why should they wash on coming from the market place? Have you ever been content with mere external ap- pearances ? PRAYER : " O Lord, who hast given us these treasures of earth's strength and opportunity in earthen vessels that we might learn the need of trust in Thee, help us so to use and cherish our frail bodies that they may be most effective for the work which Thou hast given us to do. Pardon our transgressions and shortcomings. Make us strong to labor, patient for endurance, filled, as becometh temples of Thy Spirit, with all purity, girded and ready for all service. Preserve us from the shame and folly of idleness and from the temptations to presumptuous overwork for merely earthly gains. And when these earthen vessels of our sense and strength are broken, re- ceive our spirits. Amen." 71 The Life and Works of Jesus ELEVENTH WEEK. DRIVEN OUT OF GALI- LEE. SECOND DAY: MARK 7:5-13. PHARISEES ACCUSE THE DISCIPLES. What was the Pharisees' charge against the disciples? What did Jesus call the Pharisees? What does " hypocrite " mean? What did Jesus mean by His quotation from Isaiah ? How long before Christ did Isaiah write these words? Vs. 11-13. " If a man shall say to his mother or father when one of them applies to him for assistance, ' That which would have helped you I have given to God, and, therefore, I cannot take it back and use it for you/ you thus enable a man by following tradition to avoid help- ing his parents, and God's own word is rendered idle." " The parish priest of austerity, Climbed up in the high church steeple, To be nearer God, so that he might Hand down his word to the people. And in sermon script he daily wrote What he thought was sent from heaven ; And he dropped it down on the people's heads Two times one day in seven. In his age God said, ' Come down and die; ' And he cried out from the steeple, ' Where art thou, Lord ? ' and the Lord replied, ' Down here among my people.' " The Life and Works of Jesus ELEVENTH WEEK. DRIVEN OUT OF GALI- LEE. THIRD DAY: MARK 7:14, 15. REAL DEFILEMENT. To whom had He been speaking in vs. 6-13? Whom does He address now? What reason is there for the change? What does He mean by v. 15 ? " Whatever weakens your reason, Impairs the tenderness of your conscience, Obscures your sense of God, Takes off the relish for spiritual things; Whatever increases the authority Of your body over your mind That thing is sin to you, However innocent it may be in itself." Notice the omission in the Revised Version of v. 16 and see marginal note. Our Authorized Version, called also the King James Version, which was itself a revision of the existing Bibles, was translated in 1611. The Re- vised Version of the New Testament was published in May, 1 88 1. At this later date scholars had access to a great many more manuscripts than in 1611, including the three oldest and best. The Life and Works of Jesus ELEVENTH WEEK. DRIVEN OUT OF GALI- LEE. FOURTH DAY: MARK 7:17-23. REAL DEFILEMENT. " By no political alchemy can we get golden conduct out of leaden instincts." What was the Jewish idea of clean and unclean meats ? What do vs. 17 and 18 show as to the disciples' under- standing of Jesus? Where did Jesus say evil originates? Compare Matt. 5:27,28. Judged by this standard have you broken this com- mandment ? Jesus put His hand on the source of evil the heart. We see the outside, He sees the inside. As sweet water cannot come from a bitter spring, so clean thoughts can- not come from an impure heart. It is the thoughts of our hearts that we need to watch ; it is the vile pictures that form themselves in our imagination that we must guard against. How ashamed we would be if our friends and companions could see the images that we create in our hearts. God sees them. Memorize Psalm 19:14. 74 The Life and Works of Jesus ELEVENTH WEEK. DRIVEN OUT OF GALI- LEE. FIFTH DAY : MARK 7 -.24. BEGINNING OF SECOND JOUR- NEY OF FLIGHT. Locate Tyre and Sidon on the map. This is the second journey of flight. See how it dif- fers from the preaching tours mentioned in 1 139, 6 :6, et al. .What caused Him to withdraw at this time ? Why " would have no man know it?" What was the result of His effort to remain hidden? THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : From the beginning to the end of His life He was despised and rejected of men (Isaiah 53 : 3)- There was no room for Him in the inn (Luke 2:7). No room for Him among His own (John 1:12). And now they drive Him out of Galilee. " Behold I stand at the door and knock" (Rev. 3:20). Shall we not open and bid Him welcome into our hearts ? " Room for pleasure, room for business, But for Christ the crucified, Not a place that He can enter In your heart for which He died." 75 The Life and Works of Jesus ELEVENTH WEEK. DRIVEN OUT OF GALI- LEE. SIXTH DAY : MARK 7 125-30. IN TYRE AND SIDON. How do you suppose this woman had heard of Him? See Mark 3 :8. A Syro Phoenician, v. 26. A Phoenician living in Syria. A Greek, v. 26. A Gentile, not a Jew. What did the disciples want to do with her? Matt. 15:23- , What did Jesus mean by v. 27? Why did the words of the woman in v. 28 please Jesus so much? Compare Matt. 15:28. The Life and Works of Jesus ELEVENTH WEEK. DRIVEN OUT OF GALI- LEE. SEVENTH DAY: MARK 7:31. HE AVOIDS GALILEE. Read also Matt. 15 129-31. Locate Decapolis on the map. Trace this journey from Tyre to the borders of De- capolis and notice that He avoided Galilee. Why was this? What does Matthew tell us happened here? What does the last part of Matt. 15 131 mean? What have you done this past week to glorify God ? What does Paul want his hearers to do when he says, " that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things ?" Tit. 2:10. The Life and Works of Jesus TWELFTH WEEK. JOURNEYS OF FLIGHT. FIRST DAY: MARK 7:32-37. HE CURES A DEAF AND DUMB MAN. Where was Jesus now ? What did Jesus do? Why did Jesus do the things mentioned in v. 33? Ephphatha, v. 34. Helps us to know what language Jesus spoke : this word is Aramaic. Why the sigh? V. 34. Notice that He looked up to Heaven. Compare in 2 Kings 4:34 a similar method to the one employed here. Wouldn't this be a good method in our Christian work? Do you try to get close to those whom you wish to win to God? When Jesus was in this region before, what had He said to the man He cured? Mark 5 :ig. Had the man obeyed? Mark8:i. What effect did the miracle have upon the people? Have you a tongue that Jesus might cause to " speak plain " for Him ? Read the Tongue chapter, James 3. 78 The Life and Works of Jesus TWELFTH WEEK. JOURNEYS OF FLIGHT. SECOND DAY : MARK 8:1-9. HE FEEDS FOUR THOUSAND. How long had the people been with Jesus? From Mark 3:5, 6:6, 7:34, 8:2, 10:14, and 10:21, write down the human elements mentioned. Mention the points in which this miracle differs from the feeding of the five thousand. What was the result to the four thousand of being with Jesus ? If we stay with Him to-day He will fill us. Memorize Rev. 22:17. The Life and Works of Jesus TWELFTH WEEK. JOURNEYS OF FLIGHT. THIRD DAY: MARK 7:24-8:9. THE SECOND JOURNEY OF FLIGHT. Read these verses and trace this journey on the outline map. Where did it begin? What sections of the country and what towns are men- tioned ? How does this illustrate John I :i2? What was His own feeling toward the people during this time? THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : The loneliness of Jesus in the great world which He came to save appeals to me to- day ; the solitude in which He lived even when surrounded by crowds. And even to-day in the busy world He must often be alone. " Thou art all alone. Bid me come to Thee, O Lord ! I have followed Thee in joy, I have been with Thee when the multitude thronged and pressed. I have heard Thy voice in majesty on the Mount. I have seen Thy hand of beneficence break bread in the desert, whenever I have been in want. I have sought Thee." In Thy loneliness bid me come to Thee. 80 The Life and Works of Jesus TWELFTH WEEK. JOURNEYS OF FLIGHT. FOURTH DAY: MARK 8:10. IN DALMANUTHA. Where was Dalmanutha? Notice how often the sea of Galilee has been the scene of His life so far. He often retired in this way to be with His disciples, that He might train and teach them, the future apostles. What were they to do ? 3 114, 6 7, 8. What leads us to think they were not apt scholars? Are you in the habit of being alone with Jesus every day? THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : " The subject was ' What in my life has helped me most toward Jesus Christ ' ? One man rose and said: 'The one thing which has helped me most in my Christian experience is this: for many years I have been in the habit of getting up half an hour earlier than necessary in order that I might spend that half hour in prayer and reading God's word and in medi- tation.' That man is a car conductor and is obliged to rise every morning at three o'clock, and in order to spend a little time with God he gets up at half past two. I went home feeling that I was not fit to preach to that man," The Life and Works of Jesus TWELFTH WEEK. JOURNEYS OF FLIGHT. FIFTH DAY: MARK 8:11-13. THE PHARISEES TEMPT HIM. With what intent did the Pharisees ask Him questions ? What does it mean to tempt Jesus? With which of the three temptations (Matt. 4:3-6) does this scene correspond? Have you ever asked for a sign? See the answer to such a question that came to Zacharias. Luke i : 18-20. Notice how short a visit this was ; and that here be- gins the third journey of flight. 8:13. PRAYER: "O God, our Father, whose will it is that none should perish, but that all should live, enable us so to use Thy gift of freedom that it shall prepare us for the eternal life of holiness with Thee. When in the temp- tations of the world we are sifted as wheat, grant us that our faith fail not. When we are in peril from the lusts that war against the soul, be Thou our guard. For Thine own pity and for the love of those who need us and who suffer when we fall, preserve us in the hour of weakness. For the love wherewith Christ loved us grant us the fel- lowship of His Spirit when we are tried in the likeness of His temptations. And Thou who hast helped us to the victory of faith shalt receive our grateful service ever- more through Christ who for our redemption was tempted and overcame. Amen." The Life and Works of Jesus TWELFTH WEEK. JOURNEYS OF FLIGHT. SIXTH DAY : READ ISAIAH 53. Into what five parts did we divide the life of Jesus ? What was each of the three years of His public ministry called? Mention the principal events of the Judean ministry? Why is it called the period of obscurity? How does it differ from the Galilean ministry? Upon what part of the life of Jesus does Mark dwell ? The Life and Works of Jesus TWELFTH WEEK. JOURNEYS OF FLIGHT. SEVENTH DAY : READ ROMANS 8. When His work increased what did He do for helpers ? What kind of men did He select? What new mode of conveying truth did He adopt soon after? What was the effect of His miracles upon the crowd? Upon those who were healed? Why do we think that the feeding of the five thousand was a crisis in His career? What did He do as soon as He had sent the five thou- sand away? Why did He leave Judea? What caused Him to leave Galilee? $4 The Life and Works of Jesus THIRTEENTH WEEK. TEACHING AND HEALING. FIRST DAY: MARK 8:14-21. A LESSON IN FAITH. How long had these men been with Him now? Tell in your own words what Jesus said to them in vs. 17, 18. What did they think He meant? Why did He mention Pharisees and Herod? What use does Jesus here make of His miracles? What lesson does He try to teach them? What lesson is here for us? What did He mean by His question ? V. 21. How would you answer it ? " The heart that trusts forever sings, And feels as light as it had wings; A well of peace within it springs ; Come good or ill, Whate'er to-day, to-morrow brings, It is His will." The Life and Works of Jesus THIRTEENTH WEEK. TEACHING AND HEALING. SECOND DAY : MARK 8 122-26. HE HEALS A BLIND MAN. Where was this miracle performed? Notice the details in v. 23, " took hold," " by the hand," " brought him out," " laid His hand on him." This is characteristic of Mark. See the same thing in 1 113, 35, 2:2, 4, 23, 4:36, 38, 5:4, 6:39, 40. How does the method of this cure differ from most of the others ? Notice how much more vivid v. 24 is in the Revised Version than in the Authorized Version. What did Jesus say to the man after He was healed ? Why was this ? THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY: I ought not to expect to see everything at the beginning of my Christian life as clearly as I shall see it later. Paul had to go away into solitude for three years while God was revealing Himself fully to him. Help me, my Heavenly Father, to patiently await Thy good time for letting me see all things clearly. If now I see in a mirror darkly, hasten the glad day when I shall see face to face ; if now I know in part, let me some day know even as I have been known. May I live in the radiance of Thy presence, Thou blessed Christ. The Life and Works of Jesus THIRTEENTH WEEK. TEACHING AND HEALING. THIRD DAY : MARK 8 -.27-30. THE GREAT CONFESSION. Locate Csesarea Philippi on the map. What question did Jesus ask His disciples? Did He not know what people thought of Him ? Why would some say John the Baptist? Why Elijah? Why one of the prophets? Why would He expect a different opinion from His disciples ? Was there something pitiful in His voice as He asked the question of v. 29? Have you a different opinion of Him than the people of those days? What was Peter's answer? It has been called The First Apostle's Creed. Compare the three accounts, Mark, Matt. 16:16, Luke 9:20, and write it out. Why the words in v. 30? Who do you say the Son of Man is ? Memorize I Peter 3:15. 87 The Life and Works of Jesus THIRTEENTH WEEK. TEACHING AND HEALING. FOURTH DAY : MARK 8 131. HE ANNOUNCES His DEATH. As soon as they recognize His Messiahship He begins to teach them that He must suffer and die. Compare this first clear announcement with former in- timations of His coming death, in the following order: John 2:19, 3:14; Mark 2:20; Matt. 10:38; John 6:51, and see how it was ever on His mind. What had they just called Him? What does He tell them the Son of God is to do? Mention the four things He specifies in this verse. PRAYER: "Almighty God, who canst give the light that in darkness shall make us glad, the light that in gloom shall give us joy, and the peace that amidst dis- cord shall bring us quietness, let us live this day in that light, that life, that peace, so that we may gain the victory over those things that press us down and over the flesh that so often encumbers us and over death that seemeth for the moment to win the victory. Thus we being filled with inward peace and light and life, may walk all the days of this our mortal life doing our work as the business of our Father, glorifying it because it is Thy will, know- ing that what Thou givest, Thou givest in love. Bestow upon us the greatest and last blessing that we, being in Thy presence, may be like unto Thee forever more. These things do we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." The Life and Works of Jesus THIRTEENTH WEEK. TEACHING AND HEALING. FIFTH DAY : MARK 8 132, 33. HE REBUKES PETER. Christ's motto, " Deny thyself." V. 31. Satan's motto, " Spare thyself." V. 32. Which shall if be? This is the first clear prediction of His death. Notice the time in His life when it was made. How did this announcement affect Peter, and why? Openly, v. 32. Plainly. He had intimated it many times. See John 2:19; 3:14; Mark 2:20. What did Jesus mean by calling Peter " Satan "? What did Peter mean by his words? Are there any people who say the same thing to-day? Can you remember any time when He might have called you by this name? What does the last part of v. 33 mean? The Life and Works of Jesus THIRTEENTH WEEK. TEACHING AND HEALING. SIXTH DAY: MARK 8:34-9:1. REAL LIFE. A missionary in Africa wrote : " Lost lives ! as the words re-echo I see the Saints of God, who of old, de- claring plainly that they seek a country, have cheerfully gone forth on pilgrimage not knowing whither they went ! Abraham is among them, Paul is among them, and the heroes of our Century of Missions. Livingstone is there, Krapf is there, and William Carey; Allan Gardiner, starved to death on the desolate Fuegian shore; James Gilmour, tramping with bleeding feet the frozen Mongo- lian uplands ; Graham Brooke, dying alone on the Upper Niger; John McKitterich, sleeping in the first white man's grave in distant Lololand they are all there, all part of the eternal. And Jesus's life is there." What does Jesus say the man must do who wants to fol- low Him? What kind of a life would the principle of v. 34 require me to live to-day ? What does He mean by v. 35 ? What is the answer to v. 36? What answer would you honestly give to v. 37 ? What is it to be ashamed of Jesus? What is it to have Jesus ashamed of us? " Measure thy life by loss instead of gain, Not by the wine drunk, but by the wine poured forth For life's strength standeth in life's sacrifice, And who gives the most has most to give." 90 The Life and Works of Jesus THIRTEENTH WEEK. TEACHING AND HEALING. SEVENTH DAY: MARK 8:10-9:1. Notice that in the Revised Version 9:1 is rightly con- sidered a part of the eighth chapter. See the same thing in Gal. 5 :i ; I Cor. n :i. The original manuscripts were not divided into verses and chapters. The present ar- rangement of chapters was made by Cardinal Hugo in 1250. The present division into verses was made by Rob- ert Stevens in 1551, it is said, as he was riding on horse- back. Notice that the Revised Version is arranged in paragraphs rather than verses, the sense being the basis of division and not the mere desire to break up the text into small parts. With what purpose are you studying these lessons ? What phase of the character of Jesus has most im- pressed you so far? Can you see any change in your own daily life because you have followed these studies thus far? Examine the following references and say whether you have followed the example of the men referred to: Lam. 3:23; Psalm 5:3, 57:8; Psalm 92:2. 91 The Life and Works of Jesus FOURTEENTH WEEK. THE TRANSFIGURA- TION. FIRST DAY: MARK 9:2-8. JESUS is TRANSFIGURED. Where was Jesus and His disciples at this time ? A high mountain, v. 2. " Probably one of the spurs of the magnificent snow-clad Hermon, the most beautiful and conspicuous mountain in Palestine." Locate it. For what purpose did He go to this mountain? Luke 9:28. Who went with Him? Why do you suppose He selected these men and left the others behind? Do you believe that He would select you for such a purpose now ? Read the three accounts, Mark 9:3, Matt. 17:2, and Luke 9 :29, and write down what occurred. What was Jesus doing when He was thus glorified? Luke 9 129. Memorize Daniel 12:3. PRAYER : " O Father of lights and Giver of all perfect gifts, we beseech Thee to give all things that are good for us, even such things as we have not yet learned to ac- knowledge and desire as good ; but above all give us Thy- self, who art the eternal and highest Good of all Thy creatures. O Lord, Jesus Christ, be Thou now and for- ever more, by Thy deliverance from all sin, our mighty helper ; by Thy word of wisdom, our Master and Teacher ; and by Thy spiritual advent, our ever present Emanuel and our living Saviour. Transform our hearts into Thine image of gentleness and humility ; and let us ever bear Thee and Thy love to us in mind. O Holy Spirit, lighten our darkness, purify our impurity, strengthen our weak- ness, comfort us in sorrow." 92 The Life and Works of Jesus FOURTEENTH WEEK. THE TRANSFIGURA- TION. SECOND DAY: MARK 9:2-8. JESUS is TRANSFIGURED (Continued}. Who appeared to Jesus now ? They were the representatives of the Law and the Prophets, and answered the charge that He was destroy- ing the law. They were also the two greatest men of Old Testament times. What was the subject of their conversation? Luke What does this indicate as to its importance? What does this show us as to the purpose for which Jesus came into the world? What does it show as to where that purpose originated ? What was the condition of the disciples at this time? Luke 9 :32. What was the significance of the transfiguration as re- gards the apostles ? As regards Jesus ? Notice two changes from this time on : Miracles, which had hitherto abounded, well-nigh cease; Teachings, be- fore public as a rule, now become rare and few, and con- fined to the apostles. The Life and Works of Jesus FOURTEENTH WEEK. THE TRANSFIGURA- TION. THIRD DAY: MARK 9:2-8. ON THE MOUNTAIN. How did the scene affect the disciples ? What was Peter's proposition? Tabernacles, v. 5. There were little booths or huts made of bushes or branches of trees such as were made when the people were at the feast of Tabernacles. What thought did Peter have when he made this state- ment? Why would it not have been good for them to stay there? What experiences in our Christian life are like the ex- perience of these three apostles at this time? What did the voice from the cloud say ? When had this voice spoken before ? After the cloud, what did they see ? It is important to notice the time in the life of Jesus when He was transfigured. It was a time of depression ; His enemies were aroused (8:11) ; nobody really under- stood Him (8:28) or His mission (8:32). Then it was that the heavens were opened and He was glorified when God the Father spoke to Him. The Life and Works of Jesus FOURTEENTH WEEK. THE TRANSFIGURA- TION. FOURTH DAY: MARK 9:9-13. THE PERPLEXED DIS- CIPLES. As they came down from the mountain what charge did Jesus give the disciples? What light do we get upon the question of the disciples' real knowledge of Jesus from v. 10? And they kept the saying, v. 10. See how Peter after- ward delighted to tell about it. 2 Peter I :i6, 17. What did Jesus mean by v. 13? Do you not think that this same Jesus who endured the doubts and questions and misunderstandings of these men will be patient with yours ? The Life and Works of Jesus FOURTEENTH WEEK. THE TRANSFIGURA- TION. FIFTH DAY: MARK 9:14-18. IN THE VALLEY. What were the other disciples doing when Jesus was in the mountain? In what region were they now ? Master, v. 17. Make a list of th< to Jesus as recorded by Mark. Mark 8 138, 8 129, 15 126. Master, v. 17. Make a list of the different names given Remember He had brought His disciples into this region to be alone with them and not for the purpose of working miracles or teaching the multitude. The enmity of the people of Galilee had caused Him to withdraw. Describe the situation of the disciples as Jesus found them on His return. What effect did the appearance of Jesus have upon the people? Notice the point at which Jesus appeared on the scene and compare it with Mark To whom did the father intend to bring the boy? To whom did he bring him? With what result? The Life and Works of Jesus FOURTEENTH WEEK. THE TRANSFIGURA- TION. SIXTH DAY: MARK 9:19-27. THE DEMONIAC BOY. j What was the eff ect upon Jesus of the disciples' failure ? V. 19. How long shall I bear with you? V. 19. What did Jesus mean by this question? Can you think of a time when He might have asked it of you ? Describe the boy's condition. Vs. 20-22. Notice the father says, "Have compassion on us." How much our fathers and mothers suffer with us! What did Jesus mean by the expression " If thou canst " ? ,What was His statement as to those who believe Note the vividness of the direct discourse in v. 25. Compare 4:39; 5:8, 12; 6:31. This is characteristic of Mark. What did Jesus do when the boy seemed to be dead? What was the effect of the miracle? Luke 97 The Life and Works of Jesus FOURTEENTH WEEK. THE TRANSFIGURA- TION. SEVENTH DAY: MARK 9:28, 29. THE POWER OF PRAYER. What question did the disciples ask? See Matt. 17:19. What was Jesus's answer? Matt. 17:20. What did this answer imply as to the prayer-life of the disciples ? How long had they been with Jesus? Do you not suppose the apostles prayed? What was their difficulty ? THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : " I come to my devotions this morning on an errand of real life. This is no romance and no farce. I do not come here to go through a form of words. I have no hopeless desire to express. I have an object to gain. I have an end to accomplish. This is a business in which I am about to engage. An astronomer does not turn his telescope to the skies with a more reason- able hope of penetrating those distant heavens, than I have of reaching the mind of God, by lifting up my heart at the throne of Grace." The Life and Works of Jesus FIFTEENTH WEEK. CLOSE OF GALILEAN MINISTRY. FIRST DAY: MARK 9:30-32. HE ANNOUNCES His DEATH AND RESURRECTION. Trace on the map His movements. " And He would not that any man should know it," v. 30. Why? V. 31. How near His death was He now ? He taught, v. 31. The sense here is that He kept teach- ing. His great public ministry was over. The little time that remained He would spend in instructing the men who were to carry on His work after He was gone. What particulars about His death does He tell them in v. 31? What effect did the announcement have upon them ? What kind of a kingdom were these men always look- ing for? See Acts i :6. What danger is there that people to-day will have the same conception of the kingdom which these men had ? The Life and Works of Jesus FIFTEENTH WEEK. CLOSE OF GALILEAN MINISTRY. SECOND DAY: MARK 9:33-35. JEALOUSY AMONG THE DISCIPLES. See how often He returns to Capernaum. John 2:12. This city has been well called His headquarters. What does v. 33 teach as to His divine insight? See John 2 125. Why did the disciples hesitate about answering His question? Sat down, v. 35. This was the usual posture in teach- ing. Mark notes the movements and gestures of Jesus. See 7:33, 8:33, 9:35, 10:16. This adds vividness to the picture and is characteristic of Mark. What rule did He lay down for those who wished to be great? What does the word minister in v. 35 mean? Judged by this test, are you a minister? " Happiness lies in what you are, not where you are ; what you are, not what you have." Memorize Prov. 22:1. 100 The Life and Works of Jesus FIFTEENTH WEEK. CLOSE OF GALILEAN MINISTRY. THIRD DAY: MARK 9:36, 37. REAL GREATNESS. " The measure of a man is not what he does, but what he thinks ; not what he is, but what he would like to be." Notice the movements of Jesus in v. 36. Read also Matt. 18:1-5 and Luke 9:47, 48, and write down the rule which Jesus laid down here. " True religion is to know the greatness of the great and the smallness of the small, and to act on that knowl- edge." What was the attitude of Jesus toward children ? What are we taught in vs. 33 to 37 as to any difference of authority among the twelve apostles? Give an illustration of what Jesus meant by v. 37. PRAYER : " O Lord, my most loving Saviour and merci- ful Redeemer, who commandest that little children should come unto Thee, and didst take them up in Thine arms, lay Thy hands upon and bless them ; look graciously upon me who am one of Thy children devoted to Thy service. Have compassion on the weakness of my tender years, and keep me from all evil and danger both in body and soul. Make me always mindful of my Creator in the days of my youth and of that baptismal vow that was made in Thy name. Make me dutiful to my parents, loving to my associates, obedient to my governors and instructors, and courteous and humble to all, that as I grow in years I may grow in grace and wisdom and be in favor with God and man. Guide and sanctify me by Thy Holy Spirit that the longer I live the better I may be, to the comfort of my parents, the honor and glory of Thee, my God and my own happiness, both here and hereafter; and this I beg, for the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen." 101 The Life and Works of Jesus FIFTEENTH WEEK. CLOSE OF GALILEAN MINISTRY. FOURTH DAY: MARK 9:38-41. A LESSON IN TOLER- ANCE. What do vs. 38 and 39 teach us about judging others? What did Jesus mean by v. 40? Compare v. 40 with i Cor. 12:3 and Matt. 7:22, 23. What should be our attitude toward the servants of God? What have you done during the last week to entitle you to the reward mentioned in v. 41 ? Read the Psalm of Love, i Cor. 13. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : " When Christ showed us God, then man had only to stand at his highest and look up to the infinite above him to see how small he was. And al- ways the true way to be humble is not to stoop until you are smaller than yourself, but to stand at your real height against some higher nature that shall show you what the real smallness of your greatness is. The first is the unreal humility that always goes about deprecating human nat- ure; the second is the genuine humility that always stands in love and adoration, glorifying God." The Life and Works of Jesus FIFTEENTH WEEK. CLOSE OF GALILEAN MINISTRY. FIFTH DAY: MARK 9:42-50. WARNINGS AGAINST STUMBLING. Great millstone, v. 42. It was a Roman punishment to drown criminals by tying a great stone to the neck and throwing them into the sea. It was considered almost as degrading as crucifixion. Notice how much clearer v. 43 is by the change from offend to stumble in the Revised Version. Notice the disappearance of vs. 44 and 46 in Revised Version, and read the explanation in the marginal note. What three members does Jesus say may cause them to stumble ? What does He mean by stumble ? Into hell, v. 43. The marginal reading is Gehenna. This was a ravine on the south of Mount Zion. There the idolatrous inhabitants of Jerusalem used to cast their children into the red-hot arms of a monster brass idol. It became later the common cesspool of the city, and the Jews regarded it with such horror that they applied the name to the place of torment. Worm, dieth not, v. 44. Symbol of an everlasting de- caying process. Have you anything in your possession which would cause you to stumble through the eye ? 103 The Life and Works ot Jesus FIFTEENTH WEEK. CLOSE OF GALILEAN MINISTRY. SIXTH DAY: COL. 1:9-20. REVIEW OF GALILEAN MIN- ISTRY. Test these statements of a recent writer as to the Gali- lean ministry, giving any references you may find : " The months of toil in Galilee show results hardly more significant than the grain of mustard seed or the little leaven. Popular enthusiasm had risen, increased, reached its climax, and waned. Official opposition had early been aroused, and had continued with a steadily deepening intensity. The wonderful teaching with au- thority, and the signs wrought on them that were sick, had been as seed sown by the wayside or in thorny or in stony ground, except for the little handful of hearers who had felt the personal power of Jesus and had surrendered to it, ready henceforth to follow where He should lead, whether or not it should be in the path of their choice. They, however, were the proof that those months had been a time of rewarded toil." During this period notice the preaching tours: 1:35, 4:1,6:1. Also the journeys of flight: 6:30, 7:24, 8:i/. How long was this ministry? What has the period been called and why? 104 The Life and Works of Jesus FIFTEENTH WEEK. CLOSE OF GALILEAN MINISTRY. SEVENTH DAY: PHIL. 2:5-11. REVIEW OF THE GALI- LEAN MINISTRY. Who were some of the different classes with whom Jesus came in contact during this ministry, viz. : 1. Mark 2:6; 3:22. 2. 7:1. 3- 37,8; 1:45. 4. 3:11; 1:24. 5- 3:6. 6. 1:32; 6:55,56. During this ministry what did Jesus teach upon the fol- lowing subjects? (And any other references you may find.) Sabbath observance, 2 :2/, 3 -4. Faith, Mark 8: 14-21. } His purpose in coming into the world, 8:31, 9:31. Unselfishness, 8 :34. Prayer, 1:35,6:46, 9:29. True greatness, 9 :35. Purity, Matt. 5:8; 7:15,21. 105 The Life and Works of Jesus SIXTEENTH WEEK. ON THE WAY TO JERUSALEM. FIRST DAY: MARK 10:1. HE LEAVES GALILEE FOREVER. THE PEREAN MINISTRY. Mark 10:1-52. The Period of Opposition. He no longer shuns publicity : crowds now seek Him. Where did Jesus go now ? What was the purpose in His heart? Luke 9:51. How near His death was He? How did His feeling toward the people differ from that of the disciples ? Luke 9 154, 55. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY: What a trial it is sometimes to turn from the work we want to do to the work we must do; and how much harder it is if those in whose behalf we have been working compel us to turn from our chosen task. But even our blessed Lord, striving with all His great heart to win the people of Galilee at last had to leave them forever, and turn to other fields. Let us believe that God rules, and where He leads it is for us to follow willingly, trustfully. 106 The Life and Works of Jesus SIXTEENTH WEEK. ON THE WAY TO JERUSALEM. SECOND DAY: LUKE 10:1-12. HE SENDS OUT THE SEVENTY. (Between Mark 9 :5o and 10 :2 Mark omits many events recorded in Luke, Chs. 10 to 18, and John, Chs. 9 to n. This covers a period of not less than three months of which Mark makes no mention. So many of these events are necessary to the story of the life of Jesus that some of them are treated in the following studies of this week.) How many does Jesus now send out? For what were they sent? What prayer did He ask them to make? How many times in the last month have you prayed thus? Compare their commission with that given to the twelve. What caused Him to send out so many just now? 107 , The Life and Works of Jesus SIXTEENTH WEEK. ON THE WAY TO JERUSALEM. THIRD DAY: JOHN 9:1-41. HE RESTORES SIGHT TO A BLIND MAN. When did this miracle occur and on what day of the week? What did the people think was the cause of the man's blindness ? Describe the miracle, vs. 6, 7. How did it affect his neighbors ? Why did they bring the Pharisees? What caused a division among them? Who did they ask about the miracle ? What answer did the man make ? V. 25. What did the people say Jesus was ? Why were they so much excited ? What did they do to the man? What did Jesus do for him? Can you say with this man, " Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not ; ONE THING I KNOW, that whereas I k was blind, now I see " ? 108 The Life and Works of Jesus SIXTEENTH WEEK. ON THE WAY TO JERUSALEM. FOURTH DAY: LUKE 13:10-17. HE HEALS A WOMAN ON THE SABBATH. What did Jesus do on this Sabbath Day? How does this miracle differ from many others? How did this affect the ruler of the synagogue? Whom did he address and what did he say? What did Jesus mean by His answer in vs. 15, 16? What effect did it have? The Life and Works of Jesus SIXTEENTH WEEK. ON THE WAY TO JERUSALEM. FIFTH DAY: LUKE 15:11-24. THE PRODIGAL SON. This parable has been called Evangelium in Evangelic; also an Epitome of the Gospel. Study it to-day as the history of a sinner. 1. His sin, 12, 13. In what did it consist? He becomes " Lord of himself, that heritage of woe." Sin is going away from God. 2. His misery, 14-16. In what did it consist? How does it illustrate Jer. 2:13? Memorize this verse. No mars gave unto him, v. 16. What had become of his friends ? Compare Matt. 27:24. 3. His penitence, 17-20. What do the first few words of v. 17 show as to a sinner's condition? What does he do? 4. His forgiveness, 20-24. Who seems to be most eager, the father or the son ? What does the father do ? What does the son do? What does the father say about the son in v. 24 ? The Bible often speaks of the sinner as dead. See Rev. 3:1; Eph. 2:1, 5:14. 110 The Life and Works of Jesus SIXTEENTH WEEK. ON THE WAY TO JERUSALEM. SIXTH DAY: JOHN 11:17-44. HE RAISES LAZARUS. Where did Lazarus live ? How did Jesus know he was sick ? How did Jesus regard this family? V. 5. From the account describe the difference in disposition of Mary and Martha. What did Martha say? V. 21. What did Mary say? V. 32. Did Jesus intend to convey any special comfort to Mar- tha when He said, " Thy brother shall live again " ? What further revelation did Jesus make in v. 26? Do you believe it ? Before performing the miracle what did Jesus do? Vs. 41, 42. Take ye away the stone, v. 39. Our part in bringing dead sinners to life. Lazarus, come forth, v. 43. " He called him by name lest all the dead should arise." The Master is here and calleth thee, v. 28. Will you hear His voice and arise quickly and say, " Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth ? Ill The Life and Works of Jesus SIXTEENTH WEEK. ON THE WAY TO JERUSALEM. SEVENTH DAY: LUKE 17:11-19. HE HEALS TEN LEPERS. Where was Jesus going now and for what purpose? Try to imagine what a day it must have been for these ten men when Jesus came their way. Has He ever come your way ? What command did Jesus give them? | Do you suppose it seemed reasonable to them? What did they do and what was the result? How many thanked Jesus? Do you ever forget to thank Jesus? What was peculiar about the one who returned? Mention some incidents in your every-day life when Jesus would say the words of v. 18. US The Life ana Works of Jesus SEVENTEENTH WEEK. TEACHING IN PEREA. FIRST DAY: MARK 10:2-12. CONCERNING DIVORCE. Where was He now? What does " by the farther side of Jordan " mean? Remembering that Jesus was now in the country of Herod Antipas, who had divorced his wife, does this help us to realize the purpose of the Pharisees in asking this question ? Notice that Matthew adds to the question the words " for every cause." Matt. 19 13. What rule of married life did Jesus lay down? " The interval between the final departure from Gali- lee (10:1) and the public entry into Jerusalem (11:11) was given to three different tasks : the renewed proclama- tion of the coming of the Kingdom; further efforts to win acceptance in Jerusalem, if perchance she might learn to know the things that belonged to her peace ; and con- tinued training of the disciples." Give a reference to each of these three. PRAYER : " Grant, Almighty God, that our meditation of Thee this day may be sweet ; that pondering upon Thine unchangingness we may the better bear the changeful- ness of our lives ; thinking of Thy constancy we may the better bear the fickleness of our feeling ; meditating upon the largeness of Thy love we may the better bear our own coldness. Whatsoever there is evil in us, forgive. What- soever there is in us that is good may the circumstances of our life, the friends of our soul, the meditations of our heart, foster and enlarge ; so that knowing that which is good in time we may better hope for that which is good in eternity, and rise through the poor goodness of mortal man to the understanding of the infinite goodness of the Lord our God. Amen." 113 The Life and Works of Jesus SEVENTEENTH WEEK. TEACHING IN PEREA. SECOND DAY: MARK 10:13-16. LITTLE CHILDREN ARE BROUGHT TO HIM. " If you reveal a truth to the rational inquirer you re- veal it to the comparatively few ; but if you reveal it to babes you tell it to all." What did they want Him to do to the children? How did the disciples feel about it? How did their actions affect Jesus ? What did He say to His disciples ? How did Jesus say we must receive the Kingdom? Compare John 3 13. What did He mean by this statement in v. 15? Are you willing to receive the Kingdom in this way? How had the leaders among the people received Him? What did He do to the children? Memorize Mark 10:14. 114 The Life and Works of Jesus SEVENTEENTH WEEK. TEACHING IN PEREA. THIRD DAY: MARK 10:17-22. A RICH YOUNG MAN SEEKS HIM. " True wealth is not what my estate amounts to, but what I amount to." The young man ran and kneeled; what does this imply as to his sincerity? , How did Jesus regard him? What was his condition in life? \ What did Jesus tell him to do? What was the young man's answer? What one thing did he lack? How did Jesus's words in v. 22 affect him? Contrast 2:14. Considering your own heart, which of these men would you imitate? Memorize the Ten Commandments. Exodus 20. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : " Life is not as idle ore, " But iron dug from central gloom, And heated hot with burning fears, And dipt in baths of hissing tears, And batter'd with the shocks of doom " To shape and use. Arise and fly The reeling Faun, the sensual feast; Move upward, working out the beast, And let the ape and tiger die." 115 The Life and Works of Jesus SEVENTEENTH WEEK. TEACHING IN PEREA. FOURTH DAY: MARK 10:23-27. CONCERNING RICHES. " No man is able to keep in the Christian life anything that he does not give away." What was it caused Jesus to use the words in v. 23 ? What did He call His disciples here? See also John 13:33; 21:5; Mark 5:34. What did He mean by v. 24? " For a camel to go through the needle's eye " was an oriental proverb for something impossible. How did these sayings affect the disciples ? Vs. 24, 26. How did Jesus explain the difficulty? 116 The Life and Works of Jesus SEVENTEENTH WEEK. TEACHING IN PEREA. FIFTH DAY: MARK 10:28-31. THE REWARD OF SELF- SACRIFICE. What did Peter mean by his words in v. 28? Compare i :i8, 20 and 2:14. For whose sake must they leave these things in order to get the blessing? What were they to receive with the blessing? What did Jesus mean by v. 31 ? Read the parable in Matt. 20:1-16. 117 The Life and Works of Jesus SEVENTEENTH WEEK. TEACHING IN PEREA. SIXTH DAY: MARK 10:32-34. HE FORETELLS His DEATH. Where were they now ? Notice v. 32. " There are few pictures in the Gospels more striking than this of Jesus going forth to His death, and walking along the path into the deep valley, while behind Him in awful reverence and mingled anticipations of dread and hope, their eyes fixed on Him, as with bowed head He preceded them in all the majesty of sorrow ; the disciples walked behind Him and dared not disturb His meditations." They were amazed and afraid, v. 32. What caused this? What things did He tell them would be done to Him ? What additional particulars about His death did He tell them now ? See 8 131, 9 :3O-32. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : " Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." 116 The Life and Works of Jesus SEVENTEENTH WEEK. TEACHING IN PEREA. SEVENTH DAY : PSALM 90. CHARACTERISTICS OF MARK'S GOSPEL. Notice the following characteristics which have been referred to in the studies : i. Impetuous activity : 1:12,21,29; 2:13; 3:i7l3 et al. Constant use of word " straightway." 2. Realistic details: Looks of Jesus: 3:5, 34; 5:30-32; 6:41, et al. His gestures: 7:33; 9:35; 10:16; 8:33. 3. Direct discourse : 4:39; 5:8; 6:31,1*0?. 4. His human qualities: 3:5; 8:33; 10:14; 10:21; 6:34; 6:6; 7:34; 8:12; 4:38; 11:12. 5. Mark describes the effects of Jesus's words and deeds: 4:41; 6:51; 10:24,26,32; 1:22; 6:2; 1:27; 2:12. 6. The crowds: 2:2; 3:10,20; 5:31; 6:31, *f a/. 7. Minute details : 1:13,25; 2:2; 4:38; 5:4,1*0?. 8. Mark gives names, numbers, places, and time : 1 :29, 36; 10:46; 13:3; 5:13; 6:40; 14:30; H35; 2:1; 4:35; 2:13; 37i 5^o; 12:41. 119 The Life and Works of Jesus EIGHTEENTH WEEK. CLOSE OF PEREAN MINISTRY. FIRST DAY : MARK 10 :35~4o. THE AMBITION OF JAMES AND JOHN. What had Jesus said to the disciples in 10:14, 15? What request did they make now? What was wrong with this request ? What reply did Jesus make? Do men ever make such a request now? What did Jesus mean by " drink this cup," " be bap- tized"? Did they drink His cup and were they baptized with His baptism? Acts 12:2. What does this request of the disciples show as to then- motive in following Jesus ? Have you ever feared such a motive was yours? THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : " What would ye that I should do for youf " What a wonderful opportunity ! The Son of God asking mortal man to tell Him something to do for him! And yet Jesus Christ stands and asks that ?uestion to-day as truly as when He spoke to James and ohn. Are the things I really want Him to 'do for me, deep down in my heart of hearts, such that I need not be ashamed to tell Him ? 120 The Life and Works of Jesus EIGHTEENTH WEEK. CLOSE OF PEREAN MINISTRY. SECOND DAY: MARK 10:41-45. How TO BE GREAT. How did the others feel when they discovered what was going on ? What does this show as to the feeling among the apos- tles? V. 42. " You know that among the heathen their su- preme rulers exercise severe despotic power over their subjects, and these in turn tyrannize over those under them." How did Jesus say it must be among His followers ? How is it in your life? What great announcement did Jesus make in v. 45 ? What is a ransom? What was it He was to give? Compare Rom. 5 :io, II. PRAYER : " We bless and praise and magnify Thee, O God of our fathers, who hast led us out of the shadows of night once more into the light of day. Unto Thy loving kindness we make our entreaty ; be merciful to our mis- deeds; accept our prayers in the fulness of Thy com- passion, for Thou art our refuge from one generation to another, O merciful and almighty God. Suffer the true Sun of Thy righteousness to shine in our hearts, enlighten our reason, and purify our senses ; that so we may walk honestly as in the day, in the way of Thy commandments, and reach at last the life eternal, where we shall rejoice in Thy inaccessible life. For Thou art the Fountain of Life, and in Thy Light shall we see light. Amen." Memorize Mark 10:45. 121 The Life and Works of Jesus EIGHTEENTH WEEK. CLOSE OF PEREAN MINISTRY. THIRD DAY : MARK 10 146-52. HE RESTORES SIGHT TO BARTIM^US. Locate Jericho on the map. Why would Jesus be apt to meet a great multitude at this time? What did Bartimseus cry out? How did his crying affect the crowd? How did it affect Jesus? What message did they carry to the blind man? How did he respond? What was his request ? Rabboni, v. 51. The highest title he could give Him. Having received his sight, what did the beggar do? 122 The Life and Works of Jesus EIGHTEENTH WEEK. CLOSE OF PEREAN MINISTRY. FOURTH DAY: ISA. 11:1-9. His MIRACLES AND PAR- ABLES. Make a list of the miracles recorded by Mark, arrang- ing them to show his victorious power over 1 i ) Nature, (2) The spirit world, (3) Disease, (4) Death. (Only one miracle is recorded at length in the part of the gospel not yet studied, viz.: 11:12-14.) Make a list of the parables recorded by Mark. Would the ratio between Jesus's words and works hold in your life? 123 The Life and Works of Jesus EIGHTEENTH WEEK. CLOSE OF PEREAN MINISTRY. FIFTH DAY : MARK 14 :3-o,. HE is ANOINTED AT BETH- ANY. (This is the proper place chronologically for this scene.) Locate Bethany on the map. Simon the leper, v. 3. A leper who had been cured. A woman, v. 3. Mary, sister of Lazarus. John 12:3. . Cruse, v. 3. A small flask manufactured in Alabastion in Egypt. Spikenard, v. 3. " One of the costliest ointments known to the ancients." Poured it over his head, v. 3. Compare Luke 7:46. This was a mark of respect shown to a guest. Who was it that thought this use of the ointment was wasteful? John 12:4. " At thirty pence he did Christ's death devise, Who at three hundred did the ointment prize." What was Judas's motive in saying this? John 12:6. Pence, v. 5. See marginal note on Matt. 18:28 What did Jesus think of Mary's act? 134 The Life and Works of Jesus EIGHTEENTH WEEK. CLOSE OF PEREAN MINISTRY. SIXTH DAY: 2 PETER 1:12-21. FOR WHOM DID MARK WRITE? Remembering Peter's intention expressed in 2 Peter 1:15 and the statement made in the Study for the first week, first day, form an opinion from evidence already adduced as to the people for whom the Gospel of Mark was originally written: See the following references : i. First week, second day. Fifth week, first day. Eighth week, fourth day. 7:11, 10:46, 12:42, 14:36, 15:34. 2. First week, third day. 3. Eleventh week, first day. See also 15:42. 4. Mark uses many Latin forms which do not occur in the other gospels. 5. Mark only mentions that Simon was the father of Alexander and Rufus, 15:21. Was this because Rufus was well known in Rome? Rom. 16:13. 6. Notice Mark's omissions: (a) Discourses; (b) parables with Jewish signifi- cance; (c) no genealogy. 7. Mark presented Jesus not as fulfilling prophecy ; not as satisfying human yearning; not as the foundation of the Church, but " as the personal embodiment of the Son of God in the fulness of His present, living energy, demon- strating Himself the Son of God by His divine working." 135 The Life and Works of Jesus EIGHTEENTH WEEK. CLOSE OF PEREAN MINISTRY. SEVENTH DAY: MARK 10:2-52. THE PEREAN MIN- ISTRY. Briefly outline the Perean ministry. How long was it and where was it mostly spent ? What were its characteristic features ? How did it differ from the Galilean ministry ? Why is it called the Period of Opposition ? "What were the thoughts and feelings of Jesus Him- self during this year? To Him also it was a year of sore trial. Now for the first time the deep lines of care and pain were traced upon His face. During the twelve- month of successful work in Galilee, He was borne up with the joy of successful achievement. But now He became, in the truest sense, the Man of Sorrows. Behind Him was His rejection in Galilee. The sorrow which He felt at seeing the ground on which He had bestowed so much labor turning out barren, is to be measured only by the greatness of His love to the souls He sought to save, and the depth of His devotion to His work. In front of Him was His rejection at Jerusalem." 126 The Life and Works of Jesus NINETEENTH WEEK. THE BEGINNING OF THE END. FIRST DAY: MARK 11:1-3. HE PREPARES TO ENTER JERUSALEM. THE LAST WEEK, 11:1-16:1. SUNDAY THE DAY OF TRIUMPH. We come now to the last week of the life of Jesus. From the fact that Mark devotes 233 verses to this week and only 425 verses to the other three years of His pub- lic life, we may judge something of the comparative im- portance of the events of this week. In Matthew, seven chapters, Luke, five, and John, eight, record the events of this last week. It has been estimated that if the rest of the life of Jesus on earth were as fully described as this last week, it would take eighty books the size of our Bible to contain the record. Locate Bethphage and the Mount of Olives on the map. Where were Jesus and the disciples coming from ? The village that is over against you, v. 2. Probably Bethphage. Notice how Mark gives vividness to his narrative by using the present tense, draw nigh, he sendeth, saith. Remembering from whom Mark got his material and the minuteness of the detail here, can we imagine who was one of the two disciples in v. I ? Colt, v. 2. Matthew tells us it was the colt of an ass. " In the East the ass is in high esteem. In contrast to the horse which had been introduced by Solomon from Egypt, and was used especially in war, it was the symbol of peace." It was peculiarly the national animal. See i Samuel 25:20, Numb. 22:21, Gen. 22:3. See the prophesy in Zech. 9:9. On what mission were the two sent? What were they to say to anyone who interfered ? What is the meaning of the words " and straightway he will send him back hither," in v. 3 ? 127 The Life and Works of Jesus NINETEENTH WEEK. THE BEGINNING OF THE END. SECOND DAY: MARK 11:4-11. HE ENTERS JERUSALEM. What did they find? Notice the vividness of vs. 4 and 5. Who were the " certain of them that stood by " ? See Luke 19:33. What did the disciples do? What did the people do? Read also Luke 19:37. What had brought this crowd out of the city? Jonn 12:12-19. What did the people say? 'Hosanna, v. 9. This is the first word of Psalm 118:25. Hosanna in the highest, v. 10. In the highest heavens. As He approached Jerusalem what were His feelings ? Read Luke 19:41-44. Where did He go in Jerusalem? Where did He go at evening? 138 The Life and Works of Jesus NINETEENTH WEEK. THE BEGINNING OF THE END. THIRD DAY: MARK 11:12-14. THE BARREN FIG-TREE. MONDAY. THE DAY OF AUTHORITY. What was His physical condition? Where had He spent the night? Is it probable that He could have spent it at the home of Mary and Martha and been hungry in the morning? If not at their house, where might He have been? A fig-tree having leaves, v. 13. "The fig-tree does not usually send forth leaves until the fruit is ripe ; this tree, therefore, which was seen afar off among the leaf- less fig-trees, seemed according to the nature of the tree to be an early fruit-bearer." Of what was such a tree a symbol ? What did He say to the tree? Notice this was His only miracle of judgment, and it was performed on an inanimate object. Memorize 2 Tim. 2 :i5. The Life and Works of Jesus NINETEENTH WEEK. THE BEGINNING OF THE END. FOURTH DAY: MARK 11:15-19. HE CLEANSES THE TEMPLE A SECOND TIME. (Compare this account with the first cleansing recorded in John 2:13-22.) Why did the money changers and dove sellers frequent the Temple? To what did Jesus appeal in v. 17? See marginal refer- ences. How did this affect the people? How did this affect the priests and scribes? Why did they fear Him? PRAYER : " O God, who hast redeemed us by the gift of Thine own Son, so cleanse and purify our hearts by the indwelling of Thy Spirit that we may always live to Thee. Keep us ever on the higher levels of desire that the evil in our thoughts may find no room to work, and that the good by practice may grow strong. -May we go from strength to strength thinking Thy thoughts and growing in the image of our Lord. Reveal to us the meaning of this life of trial, with its joys and sorrows and perplexities, and let us spend its years with Thee as learn- ers in Thy school of righteousness. Help us to love our neighbor as ourself. In all ministry of truth and kind- ness be our inspiration and our guide. And may the just and loving life of Jesus move us to joyful emulation day by day. Amen." 130 The Life and Works of Jesus NINETEENTH WEEK. THE BEGINNING OF THE END. FIFTH DAY: MARK 11:19. WHERE HE SPENT His EVENINGS. Read also Psalm 91. Where did He spend the evenings of this week ? Matt. 21 117. With whom probably ? How did He regard these friends? John II :5. What do you suppose led Him to seek this home each night ? If your home had been in that neighborhood would He have sought it? THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY: What a joy it would be to know that my home would be a welcome place to Him; that the pictures on the walls and the books on the shelves would be pleasing to Him ; that the conversation of the inmates and the intercourse of the members of the house- hold would be such that He would delight to have a part in it. Help me, O Lord, to make my home and all its surroundings such that Thou canst come there and abide. 131 The Life and Works of Jesus NINETEENTH WEEK. THE BEGINNING OF THE END. SIXTH DAY : MARK 1 1 -.20-23. THE LESSON OF THE FIG- TREE. TUESDAY. THE DAY OF CONFLICT. As they went to Jerusalem in the morning what at- tracted their attention? How did the sight affect the disciples? Matt. 21 120. What did Jesus mean by " have faith in God " ? Mention anything showing that they needed this in- junction. Whom does Jude intend to describe by his words? Judc 12. Is there any lesson of warning in these verses in Mark ? 182 The Life and Works of Jesus NINETEENTH WEEK. THE BEGINNING OF THE END. SEVENTH DAY : MARK 1 1 124, 25. A LESSON ON PRAYER. What has become of v. 26? What two conditions does Jesus lay down here for pre- vailing prayer? Read also Matt. 6:14, 15. Has the failure to meet these two conditions had any- thing to do with your unanswered prayers? What is it to forgive? The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTIETH WEEK. ENCOUNTER WITH PRIESTS AND SCRIBES. FIRST DAY : MARK 1 1 127-33. His AUTHORITY QUES- TIONED. Where was He now? What was He doing? Luke 20:1. The chief priests, the scribes, and the elders, v. 27. The three classes who composed the Sanhedrin, the highest ecclesiastical court, but the whole life of the Jews was so governed by theocratic ideas that it became the supreme civil court. What did they mean by " these things " in v. 28? What was their question? How did Jesus answer their question? It is still customary in eastern countries to answer one question by asking another. How did Jesus's question puzzle the deputation? What answer did they make? 134 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTIETH WEEK. ENCOUNTER WITH PRIESTS AND SCRIBES. SECOND DAY: MARK 12:1-11. THE PARABLE OF THE VINEYARD. Hedge, v. i. Probably some sort of stone wall. Wine press, v. I. Often these were cut out of the solid rock. The grapes were placed in them and the juice squeezed out by trampling. (See Judges 9 :27, Isa. 16 :io, Jer. 25:30.) It was usually a time of great rejoicing. Tower, v. I. " Every vineyard in Palestine has a tower or stone building about twenty feet high with a flat roof, on which sits a watcher to guard the fruit." What is the subject of this parable? What suggested it to Jesus ? Who is represented by " a certain man ? " Whom did He mean by the servants of vs. 2, 4, 5 ? How had the people treated these servants? Who did He mean by son, v. 6? What did they do with the Son? What have you done with Him ? What would be the result to the husbandmen? What lesson is there for us in this parable ? 136 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTIETH WEEK. ENCOUNTER WITH PRIESTS AND SCRIBES. THIRD DAY: MARK 12:12. THEY WANT TO ARREST HIM. What did the Scribes want to do? Why did they not? What did they do? In what respect was the parable spoken against them? PRAYER : " Eternal God, who hast never dawn nor even- ing, yet sendest us alternate mercies of the darkness and the day, there is no light but Thine, without or within. As Thou liftest the curtains of night from our abode, take also the veil from all our hearts. Rise with Thy morning upon our souls ; quicken all our labor and our prayer; and, though all else declines, let the noontide of Thy grace and peace remain. May we walk, while it is yet day, in the steps of Him who, with fewest hours, fin- ished Thy divinest work. Amen." 138 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTIETH WEEK. ENCOUNTER WITH PRIESTS AND SCRIBES. FOURTH DAY: MARK 12:13-17. THE TRIBUTE MONEY. Who were sent to Jesus now ? The Pharisees would represent the religious party; the Herodians the government; note again the union of these natural enemies against Jesus. (See 3 :6.) What does Luke say about them in 20 :2O ? What did they say to Jesus when they came to Him? .14. What was their question? " Jewish patriots denounced the payment of tribute (l) because the Roman money, stamped with the image of the emperor, was idolatrous; (2) because no Gentile had a right to impose a yoke on the people of God. If Christ said Yes, His accusers would denounce Him to the peo- ple as an oppressor ; if No, they could accuse Him to the Romans as a rebel." Notice how Jesus looked into their hearts, Matt. 22:18, Mark 12:15, Luke 20:23, and remember His eyes never grow dim. What question did Jesus ask? What was His answer? What effect did it have upon the people? THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : " Whose is this image and superscription? V. 16. As He looks at your home, your ambitions, your possessions to-day, and asks of you this question, what answer will you give? Whose image do they bear? 187 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTIETH WEEK. ENCOUNTER WITH PRIESTS AND SCRIBES. FIFTH DAY: MARK 12:18-27. WHOSE WIFE is SHE? Sadducees, v. 18. They disregarded all the traditions and unwritten laws which the Pharisees prized so highly, and professed to consider the Scriptures, especially the Pentateuch, as the only source and rule of the Jewish re- ligion. They belonged chiefly to the upper and wealthy classes. " They were sceptical, cold-hearted men." Were they honestly seeking light ? From what do they quote in v. 19? What twofold reason did Jesus give as the cause of their error? V. 24. What does He mean by " the power of God "? What does Jesus quote in v. 26? Why does He quote that particular part of the Old Testament ? The Bush, v. 26. This was a portion of Exodus (3:1-6) called by this name. What does the general statement about God in v. 27 teach on the subject of immortality? 138 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTIETH WEEK. ENCOUNTER WITH PRIESTS AND SCRIBES. SIXTH DAY: MARK 12:28-34. WHAT COMMANDMENT is FIRST? Christ's Creed Love. What was the Scribe's question? What induced him to ask it? What did Jesus say was the first commandment? What the second ? Where were these commandments written? (See marginal references.) " The Jews divided the Pentateuch into 613 precepts, 365 prohibitions, as many as there were days in the year, and 228 commandments, as many as there were parts in the body. They distinguished between greater and lesser, and had many disputes about the greatest. Among the greater commandments they reckoned Sabbath observ- ance, circumcision, rules of sacrifice and offering, and rules about fringes and phylacteries." What was the Scribe's reply ? What did Jesus mean by His answer to the Scribe? How did the discussion end? Memorize Mark 12:30, 31. V. 30. Love seated in the HEART rules the LIFE, in- spires the MIND, and imparts STRENGTH to the whole man. 139 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTIETH WEEK. ENCOUNTER WITH PRIESTS AND SCRIBES. SEVENTH DAY: MARK 12:13-37. THE THREE QUES- TIONS. What three questions were asked of Jesus? i. 2. 3- Who was it that asked them? What was the purpose of each in asking? Do you know of people who ask similar questions now? Read Matt. 22:41, 42 and state the question here asked by Jesus ? What does the last clause of Mark 12 137 tell us about the words of Jesus ? What element in the character of Jesus is disclosed by this record? 140 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FIRST WEEK. LAST TEACHINGS. FIRST DAY: MARK 12:38-40. HE DENOUNCES MERE EXTERNAL PIETY. Read the address in full in Matt. 23. What does the fact that Mark reports the address so briefly, while Matthew gives it in full, show as to the people for whom Mark wrote ? To whom did Jesus speak at this time? Matt. 23:1. Long robes, v. 38. What kind of people would be designated in this way to-day ? About whom was Jesus speaking? Matt. 23:1. What does Mark 12:39 tell of their character? What does v. 40 tell? What does Jesus call them in Matt. 23:13, 15, 23, and 39? Point out where in verses 13 to 40 in Mark the evangelist shows us the (i) ambition, (2) avarice, and (3) hypocrit- ical external piety of the Scribes and Pharisees. The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FIRST WEEK. LAST TEACHINGS. SECOND DAY: MARK 12:41-44. THE LIBERAL WIDOW. Where was Jesus now ? After the strife and worry of the questions see Him calmly sitting down and watching the people pass in and out and make their offerings. Does He watch my gifts to-day ? Treasury, v. 41. Thirteen brazen chests standing in the central court of the Temple. Two mites, v. 42. " The smallest copper coin in use among the Jews, two of which was the smallest offering allowed to be given into the Treasury." What did He say the widow had done? V. 44. Note the change in the Revised Version of the word abundance in v. 44. Why did He think the widow had done better than the others? V. 44. What principle of giving is Jesus emphasizing here? Am I willing to give Him all I have? 142 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FIRST WEEK. LAST TEACHINGS. THIRD DAY: MARK 13:1-13. HE FORETELLS THE DE- STRUCTION OF JERUSALEM. He went forth out of the temple, v. I. He never re- turned to it. The beauty of the temple attracted the eyes of the Galilean fishermen and they called His attention to it. What did Jesus predict of the temple? Trace their journey out of Jerusalem. Mount of Olives, v. 3. A ridge rather more than a mile long, running north and south, covering the whole eastern side of the city, and separating and screening it from the wilderness, which lies beyond it. Where were they going? Mark 11:19. What questions did the disciples ask ? See Matt. 24 :3- Notice that Mark gives the names of the disciples (see the same thing in i :2Q, 36 ; 10:46; 15:21; 15:40). This is characteristic of Mark. Write out vs. 5 and 6. State the substance of vs. 7 to 9. What did Jesus say must first happen? V. 10. What advice did He give them in v. 1 1 ? What did He tell them was to be the condition of the world? Vs. 12 and 13. Who should be saved? V. 13 143 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FIRST WEEK. LAST TEACHINGS. FOURTH DAY: MARK 13:14-23. THE DAYS OF DE- STRUCTION. Read Luke 21 :2O to explain v. 14. Josephus, describing the siege of Jerusalem, declares that " the misfortunes of all men from the beginning of the world, if they be compared to those of the Jews, are not so terrible as theirs were," " nor did any age produce a generation more fruitful in wickedness from the begin- ning of the world. The horrors of war and sedition, of famine and pestilence, were such as exceeded all example or conception. The city was densely crowded by the multitudes which had come up to the passover. Pestilence ensued and famine followed. Acts of violence and cruelty were perpetrated without compunction or remorse, and barbarities enacted which cannot be described. Mothers snatched the food from the mouths of their husbands and children, and one actually killed, roasted, and devoured her infant son. (Compare Lev. 26:29, Deut. 28:56, 57.) The besieged devoured even the filth of the streets, and so excessive was the stench that it was necessary to hurl 600,000 corpses over the wall, while 97,000 captives were taken during the war, and more than 1,100,000 perished in the siege." What do you think of one who could thus foretell com- ing events ? 144 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FIRST WEEK. LAST TEACHINGS. FIFTH DAY: MARK 13:24-27. THE SIGNS OF THE END. Read also 2 Peter 37-13, Rev. 21. What does Jesus teach here about His own return ? What does He teach about a separation to be made among the people on the earth? What does He teach about the extent of His kingdom upon the earth? PRAYER : Almighty and most merciful Father, we have erred and strayed from Thy ways like lost sheep. We have followed too much the devices and desires of our own hearts. We have offended against Thy holy laws. We have left undone those things which we ought to have done ; and we have done those things which we ought not to have done ; and there is no health in us. But Thou, O Lord, have mercy upon us, miserable offenders. Spare Thou those, O God, who confess their faults. Restore Thou those who are penitent, according to Thy promises declared to mankind in Christ Jesus our Lord. And grant, O most merciful Father, for His sake, that we may hereafter live a godly, righteous, and sober life, to the glory of Thy holy name. Amen. 146 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FIRST WEEK. LAST TEACHINGS. SIXTH DAY: MARK 13:28-37. THE RIGHT ATTITUDE OF DISCIPLES. What lesson does Jesus teach by the parable in v. 28 ? What does He say about the truth of His words? What does He say about the knowledge of the time of His return ? In view of this what does He say we should do? In what state of mind should we live ? V. 37. V. 35. These are the Roman modes of reckoning time. See Tenth Week, Fifth Day. " The four moral keynotes of this discourse on the last things are Beware, Watch, Endure, Pray." The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FIRST WEEK. LAST TEACHINGS. SEVENTH DAY: MARK 11:20-13:37. TUESDAY OF THE LAST WEEK. Make a list of the events of this day. Someone has said, " Tuesday, the last day of His pub- lic activity, exhibits Jesus in four different lights accord- ing as He had to do with His critics, with the devout widow, with the inquiring Greeks (John 12:20, 21), and with His own disciples." What are these four different lights ? 147 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-SECOND WEEK. HIS LAST HOURS WITH THE DISCIPLES. FIRST DAY: MARK 14:1, 2, 10, n. JUDAS ARRANGES THE BETRAYAL. (This event took place late Tuesday night.) What was the feast of the Passover? What did Jesus tell His disciples ? Matt. 26 :2. What detail did He add here to His previous predic- tions of His death ? Who sought Him at this time? Why did they not want to seize Him just now? With whom did the idea of betrayal originate'' How did his offer appeal to the enemies of Jesus? How much did they give him? Matt. 26:15. A piece of silver was a shekel ; thirty shekels was the price of a slave. From this time what was Judas seeking to do ? 148 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-SECOND WEEK. HIS LAST HOURS WITH THE DISCIPLES. SECOND DAY : WEDNESDAY, THE DAY OF RETIREMENT. Of this day we have no record. From Mark 1 1 119 try to form an idea of what Jesus was doing and from Matt. 26:16 of what Judas was doing. Judas Iscariot. By what words is he always described in the lists of the disciples ? From John 12:4, 6, Matt. 27:3-10, and Acts 1:18, 25 give your estimate of the character of Judas. What was his great defect? To find the wickedest man in the world we have to look among the apostles. PRAYER : " O Thou who art the everlasting light, in our times of trouble, brighten the daily path of Thy children with the shining of Thy face. Let the sense of Thy pres- ence, like the shining of the sun, be always about us and within us. We ask not for Thy coming, our Father, as if Thou wert afar off and needed our entreaty, but for the grace of hospitality in our own hearts whereby they may be open doors for Thy waiting visitations of love and light. So may we come into those great communions of spirit which bring strength and quietness to our lives. Hear us, O Lord, in this deep wish of our souls, that we may be conscious of Thy companionship, in the night watches, in the hour of temptation and in our seasons of loneliness and sorrow, for the sake of Jesus our Shepherd and our Saviour. Amen." 149 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-SECOND WEEK. HIS LAST HOURS WITH THE DISCIPLES. THIRD DAY : MARK 14:12-15. HE TELLS THEM WHERE TO PREPARE THE PASSOVER. THURSDAY. THE LAST DAY WITH His DISCIPLES. " On this morning He awoke never to sleep on earth again." The first day of unleaven bread, v. 12. To the Jews leaven symbolized (i) The haste with which they fled from Egypt (Exodus 12:34, 39); (2) Their sufferings in Egypt (Deut. 16:3) ; (3) Their purity as a consecrated nation, leaven being a symbol of impurity. What was the disciples' question ? Whom did He send ? Luke 22 :8. A man bearing a pitcher, v. 13. This would be unusual, as women usually did this work. What were they to say to the householder? The Master saith, v. 14. Is this reason enough for you in your life every day ? Why this apparent secrecy? Furnished and ready, v. 15. The house had to be care- fully purged of leaven ; this the master of the house would do and so the room would be ready. Where wilt Thou that we make ready f V. 12. What answer would you make if Jesus asked you this question to-day? 150 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-SECOND WEEK. HIS LAST HOURS WITH THE DISCIPLES. FOURTH DAY: MARK 14:16, 17. THEY PREPARE FOR THE PASSOVER. The obedient disciples found that Jesus had spoken the truth. They made ready, v. 16. " This would include besides the lamb, the provision of the unleaven cakes, of the bit- ter herbs, the four or five cups of red wine mixed with water, of everything in short necessary for the meal." Where had Jesus been all this day? V. 17. " It was probably while the sun was beginning to de- cline in the horizon that Jesus and the disciples descended once more over the Mount of Olives into the Holy City. Before them lay Jerusalem in her festive attire. White tents dotted the sward, gay with the bright flowers of early spring, or peered out from the gardens and the darker foliage of the olive plantations. From the gorgeous Temple buildings, dazzling in their snow-white marble and gold, on which the slanting rays of the sun were re- flected, rose the smoke of the altar of burnt offering. . . . The streets must have been thronged with strangers and the flat roofs covered with eager gazers, who either feasted their eyes with a first sight of the Sacred City for which they had so often longed, or else once more rejoiced in view of the well- remembered localities. It was the last day-view which the Lord had of the Holy City till His resurrection ! " 151 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-SECOND WEEK. HIS LAST HOURS WITH THE DISCIPLES. FIFTH DAY: MARK 14:18-21. HE ANNOUNCES THE l BETRAYAL. Sat, v. 18. Reclined. Compare John 13:23. It is supposed John sat next to Jesus, with his back to the Lord, " lying on Jesus's breast," so that by bending his head back he could whisper to Him (John 13 125) and that Judas was on the other side, so that Jesus could whisper to him (Matt. 26:25). What did Jesus tell His disciples now ? What was their question? Did Judas also ask this question? What was Jesus's answer? In what relationship to Jesus did the traitor stand ? In what ways is it possible for friends to betray Jesus to-day? Memorize I Cor. 10:13. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : " To be true true in word, scorning a lie; true in act as disciples of Him who is the Truth ; true in thought, hating pretence and dishon- esty; true of heart, in all constancy of obedience to the Father of our spirits this is the ambition and endeavor of every child of God." 158 The Lite and Works of Jesus TWENTY-SECOND WEEK. HIS LAST HOURS WITH THE DISCIPLES. SIXTH DAY: MARK 14:22-26. HE INSTITUTES THE LORD'S SUPPER. Read also Matt. 26:26-30, Luke 22:19-22. As they were eating Jesus took bread; what did He do then? As He gave them the bread what did He say? Luke 22:19. See also i Cor. 11:25. What did He mean by the words, in Luke, " which is given for you " ? What did Jesus do next ? Mark 14 123. What did He say? Luke 22:20. What did He mean by the words in Mark 14:24? Is there anything in v. 24 that shows that this blood was shed not for the twelve apostles only ? How did they close the supper ? V. 26. Where did they go? What do we have in our worship corresponding with this supper? Do you observe the command of Luke 22 119? 153 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-SECOND WEEK. HIS LAST HOURS WITH THE DISCIPLES. SEVENTH DAY: MARK 14:27-31. HE FORETELLS THEIR DESERTION. What did Jesus now tell His disciples? What relationship did He here say He bore toward tfa. disciples? See also John 10:11-18. What did He tell them they would do? ,What did Peter say? What did Jesus tell Peter? What did all the disciples say? " Forsake the Christ thou sawest transfigured, Him Who trod the sea and brought the dead to life, What should wring this from thee ? Ye laugh and ask What wrung it ? Even a torch-light and a noise, The sudden Roman fasces, violent hands, And fear of what the Jews might do ! Just that, And it is written, ' I forsook and fled.' There was my trial and it ended thus." 154 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-THIRD WEEK. ARRESTED, TRIED, DENIED. FIRST DAY : MARK 14 132-36. His AGONY IN THE GAR- DEN. FRIDAY. A DAY OF SUFFERING. Read also Christ's intercessory prayer, John 17. (Mark omits the farewell discourse and intercessory prayer recorded in John, chaps. 14-17.) Gethsemane, v. 32. The oil-press. What does John tell us about the place in 18:1, 2? Read John 13 130 and tell who went to Gethsemane with Jesus. What was Jesus's mental condition at this time ? Mark I4:33> 345 Luke 22:24. For use of word amazed see 9:15; 16 15, 6. What did He tell His disciples He was about to do? V. 32. See Matt. 17:1 ; Mark 5 137. Which of them did He take further into the garden with Him? What did He say to these three and what did He mean by what He said? What was His prayer at this time ? What answer came to His prayer? Luke 22:43. What does His posture show as to His earnestness? How did He qualify His request? Mark 14:36. Can you find any human cause for this scene ? Do you think that this scene is explained at all by the words in Luke 4:13? With which temptation did it correspond ? 155 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-THIRD WEEK. ARRESTED, TRIED, DENIED. SECOND DAY : MARK 14 :37~42. THE DISCIPLES' SLEEP IN THE GARDEN. " He who had promised to die for Jesus could not keep awake for Him ; small temptations are often harder than great ones." Who is designated by " them " in v. 37 ? Whom did Jesus address and by what name? Why should He say these words especially to Peter? How many times did Jesus leave the three disciples, and how did He find them each time He returned ? What was His prayer each time? Why did Jesus tell the disciples to pray? What did He say to them in v. 41 ? What did He mean by " the hour is come "? How did He know the traitor was at hand ? "Prayer without watching is hypocrisy; watching without prayer is presumption." 158 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-THIRD WEEK. ARRESTED, TRIED, DENIED. THIRD DAY: MARK 14:43-52. THE BETRAYAL AND ARREST. How did Judas know where Jesus was ? A multitude, v. 43. Partly regular guards of the Tem- ple and partly from the Roman soldiers quartered there. Who led the soldiers ? John 18 :3, Luke 22 -47. What sign had Judas agreed upon? Kissed Him, Mark 14 :45. " Kissed Him fervently or repeatedly." For the full meaning of the word see its use in Luke 7:38, Luke 15:20, and Acts 20:37. How did Jesus address Judas? Matt. 26:50. How did Jesus's presence affect the multitude? John 18:6. Who is the certain one of Mark 14 147 ? John 18 :io. What did he do? ' " An attempt to make up for lack of character by out- ward service." What did Jesus do? What did Jesus mean by the words in vs. 48, 49 ? What did He mean by v. 50? How long before this was it that they had used the words of v. 31? V. 5i> 5 2 - " Some have conjectured he was the owner of the garden of Gethsemane; others Lazarus; others Jesus, the brother of the Lord ; others a youth of the family where Jesus had eaten the Passover. It is far more prob- able that it was St. Mark himself, the son of Mary, the friend of St. Peter." 157 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-THIRD WEEK. ARRESTED, TRIED, DENIED. FOURTH DAY: MARK 14:53-59. THEY SEEK FALSE WITNESSES. From John 18:13, I 9~ 2 4 we l earn that Jesus was taken first to Annas the high priest according to Jewish law. Annas sent Him to Caiaphas. It is hardly the function of a judge and jury to seek witness against the one they are set to try. To the high priest, v. 53. Caiaphas. V. 53 describes a hastily convened meeting of the San- hedrin. It was not lawful to try a capital case at night. In what part of the house was this trial held? See 14:66. Where were His disciples at this time ? See John 18 115. What was Peter doing? What leads us to think that the council was not seek- ing to give Jesus a fair trial ? What did some testify against Him? Tell how it is possible for a Christian to be a false wit- ness without saying anything? Compare John 2:19 and say whether their testimony was true. See Deut. 19 :i5 for the requirement of the law. 168 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-THIRD WEEK. ARRESTED, TRIED, DENIED. FIFTH DAY: MARK 14:60-64. BEFORE CAIAPHAS. Notice how the high priest addresses Him in Matt. 26 :63. This was the legal formula for administering an oath. What did Jesus do when the high priest asked his first question ? What was the high priest's second question? Jesus answers plainly and positively, " I am the Christ." What did Jesus mean by the rest of His answer? Rent his clothes, v. 63. Of what was this a sign? What was the blasphemy ? John 10 136. Compare Lev. 24:16. What judgment did they render? 159 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-THIRD WEEK. ARRESTED, TRIED, DENIED. SIXTH DAY : MARK 14 :6s. THE PEOPLE MOCK HIM. What did they do to Him now? Read also Luke 22 163-65. What kind of a trial do such incidents show it to have been? What did they mean by covering His face and calling upon Him to prophesy? How did the officers treat Him? PRAYER : " Speak to us, O God, in words of calm and power that the troubled sea of our desires and griefs may be at rest. We have striven and failed. We have climbed and fallen. We have hoped and been disap- pointed. Yet we have never sought for Thee with our whole hearts but we have found Thee close at hand. So hold us, Lord, above the level of our doubts and fears, so quicken us to child-like trust, so glorify Thyself in us through work and pleasure, life and death, that we may share the peace of God that passeth understanding. Amen." 160 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-THIRD WEEK. ARRESTED, TRIED, DENIED. SEVENTH DAY: MARK 14:66-72. PETER DENIES HIM. V. 67. " How many thousands of Christians have grown cold trying to warm themselves at the world's fires." Compare with these verses Matt. 26:69-75, Luke 22:55-62, and John 18:25-27, and write out briefly this occurrence. Beneath in the court, Mark 14:66. See Third Week, Third Day, where such a house was mentioned. How did Peter get in here? John 18:16. Who accused Peter of being a disciple? How many times was he thus accused? What did Peter answer the first time? Where did Peter go then? What was Peter's second answer? What was it that made them think that Peter was a follower of Jesus ? Do people who talk with you know from your speech that you are one of His followers? What was Peter's third answer? How did Peter feel then? What brought about this feeling? Luke 22:61. Memorize Matt. 10:32, 33. 161 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK. MOCKED AND CRUCIFIED. FIRST DAY: MARK 15:1-5. BEFORE PILATE. In the morning, v. i. This morning meeting of the whole council was to give legal sanction to the action of the night. The powers of evil were active enough in the morning. Bound Jesus, v. i. To show that He had been con- demned. Pilate, v. i. The Roman governor of Judea and Samaria. From what you have learned of Him, make a study of his character. What was the great weakness in his character? Why did they bring Jesus to the Roman governor ? What three charges did they bring against Him? Luke 23 :2. What word describes the third charge? How did this differ from the previous charge? Mark 14 :62. What did Pilate think of this action on their part? V. 10. Why did Pilate ask the question he did ? What was the effect upon Pilate? What was Pilate's decision? Luke 23:4. 109 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK. MOCKED AND CRUCIFIED. SECOND DAY : LUKE 23 14-7. BEFORE HEROD. V. 9. "Jesus was silent that the voice of the dead Baptist might be heard." To whom and why did Pilate send Jesus ? Luke 23 7. Read Luke 23 :8-i2 and write out the scene. Pilate again announces that he finds no evidence against Jesus and offers to whip Him and let Him go. (Luke 23 :i6.) What does this indicate as to Pilate's character? He was desirous to see Him, Luke 23 :8. Was Jesus any more to Herod than a curious juggler? PRAYER : " Almighty God, the Fountain of all holiness, make us perfect in Christ Jesus ; out of His fulness may we all receive, and rest in Him forever more. May His passion be our deliverance ; His wounds be our healing ; His cross our redemption ; and His death our life. With His righteousness may we be clothed ; by His Spirit may we be sanctified ; in His blood may we be cleansed ; and to His image may we be conformed. As He died, may we also die Unto sin ; as He rose again, may we rise into newness of life ; suffering with Him here, may we reign with Him hereafter; and bearing now His cross, may we hereafter wear His crown. Amen." 163 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK. MOCKED AND CRUCIFIED. THIRD DAY: MARK 15:6-15. PILATE DELIVERS HIM TO BE CRUCIFIED. What feast was this ? Barabbas, v. 7. A notable prisoner, Matt. 27:16. What was his crime? What was Pilate's offer? What did the priests do? What should Pilate have done? Describe the scene in vs. 11-14. What did Pilate mean by his use of the words " King of the Jews " ? What did Pilate do and why? i Before releasing Jesus how did Pilate treat Him ? Why, what evil hath He done? V. 14. This was the third time Pilate had expostulated with the Jews by de- claring the innocence of Jesus. " It is noteworthy that he took step after step to secure the acquittal of Jesus : ( I ) He emphatically and publicly announced His perfect in- nocence; (2) he sent Him to Herod; (3) he made offer to release Him as a boon ; (4) he tried to make scourging take the place of crucifixion; (5) he appealed to com- passion. John shows still more clearly how, in succes- sive stages of the trial, he sets aside (i) the vague gen- eral charge of being an evil doer (18:30) ; (2) of being in any seditious sense a king (18:39) > (3) f an y guilt in His religious claims (19:12). He only yields at last through fear, which makes him release a man guilty of the very crime for which he delivers Jesus to a slave's death." IN The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK. MOCKED AND CRUCIFIED. FOURTH DAY: MARK 15:16-21. To CALVARY. Read also Luke 23 126-32. Read again Isa. 53. What did Pilate do and say as recorded in Matt. 27 124 ? What answer did the people make ? Matt. 27 125. Notice what the people said to Pilate, John 19:12. Pretorium, Mark 15:16. The Governor's palace. Cyrene, v. 21. A town in North Africa. What did they mean by the actions described in vs. 17, 18, 19? The cross, v. 21. The condemned were compelled to carry the cross on which they were to be crucified. See John 19:17. Simon was impressed, probably, when Jesus, exhausted as He must have been, began to waver under the load. A service rendered to Jesus is the one thing for which Simon is remembered. What did Jesus say to the women who followed Him ? Luke 23 :28. What did He mean? What is meant by the expression " in the green tree " ? Luke 23:31. Memorize Isa. 53:6. 166 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK. MOCKED AND CRUCIFIED. FIFTH DAY: MARK 15:22-27. CRUCIFIED. Golgotha, v. 22. The Hebrew word. Calvary, the Latin word, used in Luke in the Authorized Version. Both words mean skull-shaped. The place cannot be identified. See John 19:20, 41, Matt. 27:39, and write down all we are told about it. Wine mingled with myrrh, Mark 15 :22. A stupefying drink often given to those about to be crucified. Why do you suppose Jesus refused it? Who were crucified with Him ? Luke 23 133. His garments, Mark 15:24. See John 19:23, 24. At what hour was He crucified ? What was written above the cross ? Why was this written in three languages ? John 19 :2O. Why did the Jews object to this writing? John 19 :2i. The groups around the cross : Soldiers apathy. Sanhedrin antipathy. Women sympathy. In which group are you to-day? 166 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK. MOCKED AND CRUCIFIED. SIXTH DAY: MARK 15:29-32. MANY MOCK HIM. What four different classes mocked Him, and what did each say? V. 29. Vs. 31, 32. Luke 23:36, 37. Matt. 27:44. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY: Himself He cannot save, v. 31. This, though said in mockery, was literally true. He came not to save Himself, but to save me. Not only His death, but His whole life taught this and showed this to be His great purpose in coming into this world " to give His life, a ransom." The grain of wheat must fall into the earth and die. " May this poor self grow less and less ; Be Thou my life and aim ; Oh, make me daily, through Thy grace, More worthy of Thy name. " Daily more filled with Thee, my heart Daily from self more free ; Thou, to whom prayer did strength impart, Oh, my prayer-Hearer be." The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FOURTH WEEK. MOCKED AND CRUCIFIED. SEVENTH DAY: LUKE 23:39-43. THE Two THIEVES. Describe the attitude of each of these two malefactors toward Jesus ? What did the first one say to Jesus? What was this man's sin as shown by these words ? What did the other say to Jesus? What did Jesus answer? "Did ever the new birth take place in so strange a cradle?" What are we taught here about our life after death? How was Jesus's answer to the thief better than his request ? 168 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK. THE END. FIRST DAY: THE SEVEN WORDS FROM THE CROSS. Write down the seven expressions used by Jesus on the cross : 1. Luke 23:34. 2. Luke 23 :43. 3. John 19:26, 27. 4. Mark 15:34. 5. John 19:28. 6. John 19:30. 7. Luke 23 -.46. Which were for others ? Which describe His own suffering? Could you make the prayer of Luke 23:34 your own to-day ? The seven words : 1. A prayer: invocation, petition, argument. 2. The life of Christ in miniature. 3. Thinking of others. 4. A word of astonishment, but of victory. 5. He had offered to quench the thirst of the world. 6. The worker's cry of achievement ; the sufferer's cry of relief. The greatest single word ever spoken. 7. A prayer. A quotation from Scripture. The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK. THE END. SECOND DAY: MARK 15 :33~37. DEAD. Between what hours, according to our method of com- puting time, was it dark ? What did they think Jesus said? What did they do? Why might they think that He was calling Elijah? Three of the evangelists note that He cried with a loud voice. Try to realize the suffering which wrung this cry from the Son of God. PRAYER : " O Thou Saviour of the world, all things are in Thy hand or under Thy hand. Thou didst die for us ; Thou didst rise again ; and now our prayers are a part of Thine. Thou dost take them up and refine them ; give them meaning and wisdom, and return them to us in large answers of love. Great is Thy love; infinite in tenderness Thy compassion. We call Thee man because then we can touch Thee ; we call Thee God because then Thou canst lift us beyond all mortal strength and fix us in absolute security. Thou art Immanuel God with us never to be explained, always to be felt ; a living pres- ence. May we find in Thy cross the centre and sum of all things, the beginning and end of the rest which is Thy righteousness, and may we lean our little crosses, so small, against Thy infinite woe. Amen." 170 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK. THE END. THIRD DAY: MARK 15:38. EFFECT IN NATURE. Read also Matt. 27:51-53. The veil, Mark 15 :38. Separated the Holy place in the Temple from the Holy of Holies. What happened to it? Of what was this a symbol? Heb. 10:19, 2O - Describe what happened according to Matthew. " I have a friend so precious, So very dear to me, He loves me with such tender love, He loves so faithfully, I would not live apart from Him, I love to feel Him nigh, And so we dwell together, My Lord and I. " Sometimes I'm faint and weary, He knows that I am weak, And as He bids me lean on Him, His help I'll gladly seek ; He leads me in the paths of light Beneath a sunny sky And so we walk together, My Lord and I." 171 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK. THE END. FOURTH DAY: MARK 15:39-41. EFFECT UPON CEN- TURION. What was the effect upon the Centurion? What was there in the dying Christ that caused the centurion to use these words, and the thief to speak as he did in Luke 23 142 ? Who watched from afar? What had their part been in the life of Jesus? Where were the men? Memorize Zech. 4:6. The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK. THE END. FIFTH DAY: MARK 15:42-47. BURIED. What day of the week was this ? Why did the Jews want the bodies taken from the cross? John 19:31. Joseph, Mark 15:43. Tell all you can about him. See also Matt. 27:57, Luke 23:51, John 19:38. Who else came at this time? John 19:39. Why did they go to Pilate? What caused Pilate to marvel? What did they do with the body? Who else saw the burial? Where were the disciples? 178 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK. THE END. SIXTH DAY: MATT. 27:62-66. SEALING THE SEPUL- CHRE. What precautions did the chief priests and the Phari- sees take? What did they think had become of Jesus? Did anyone have any different opinion? What was Pilate's answer ? What did they do? What evidence does all this contribute to the truth of the resurrection? 174 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-FIFTH WEEK. THE END. SEVENTH DAY: i PETER 2:21-25. Write down the events recorded in the following pas- sages : Mark 15:16-20. Luke 23:26-32. Mark 15:22-27. Mark 15:29-32. Luke 23:39-43. Mark 15:33-37. Mark 15:38. Mark 15:39-41. Mark 15:42-47. Matt. 27:62-66. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : " Christ is the world's life. Passing centuries, however many their number, could not erect an exalted ethical character into the Christ of to-day and forever, and the study of that character is largely profitless save as it leads men and nations to hear the voice of Jesus as on the last day, the great day of the feast, He stood and cried, saying, ' If any man thirst, let him come unto Me and drink. He that believeth on Me as the Scripture hath said, out of the depths of his life shall pour torrents of living water.' " 175 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK. HIS VICTORY. FIRST DAY: MARK 16:1-8. HE RISES. The great chapter on the resurrection is I Cor. 15. What day of the week was this? What has this day been called ever since ? Who were first at the tomb and at what time of the day did they come? Why would Mary Magdalene be FO constant in her love? For what did they come? What would this imply as to their real knowledge of Jesus ? What shows that they did not expect Jesus to rise ? Describe the scene of vs. 5 and 6. What did the angel command ? Why "and Peter"? V.?. Do you suppose the angel had any special object in us- ing the words, " as He said unto you " ? What effect did the whole scene have upon the women ? Memorize i Cor. 15:58. Noting the use of wherefore, W The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK. HIS VICTORY. SECOND DAY: MARK 16:9-13. His FIRST APPEARANCE. (See note in margin of Revised Version on vs. 9-20.) To whom did Jesus first appear ? What were the disciples doing? What was the effect upon them of the woman's mes- sage? How do you explain this in view of 10:34? What effort did the chief priests make to conceal the fact of the resurrection? Matt. 28:11-15. Afterward He appeared to two others and these told the disciples ; what was the effect ? " Jesus draws near to commune with those who com- mune of Him." THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : Luke tells us that He said to the two on the way to Emmaus, " What communications are these that ye have one with another as ye walk ? " Does Jesus draw near to me sometimes as I talk with my companions and wonder at what we talk about ? How embarrassing it would be at times. Oh Thou blessed Son of God, give me a mind that turns gladly and naturally to the things that pertain to Thy kingdom so that I may talk more about these things. 177 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK. HIS VICTORY. THIRD DAY: MARK 16:14. HE APPEARS TO THE ELEVEN. Read also John 20:19-28. The disciples still continued together. When He appeared to them what did He do ? What was Thomas's difficulty ? John 20 125. How did Jesus convince him? What was Thomas's confession? Can you to-day truthfully use these words which Thomas used ? 178 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK. HIS VICTORY. FOURTH DAY: MARK 16:15-20. His LAST WISHES. " ' Every citizen a soldier,' is the true watchword of the Church." What command did He give His disciples? This is called " The Great Commission," also " The marching orders of the Church." Notice we are not com- manded to bring the world to Christ, but Christ to the world. " The army that remains in its entrenchments is al- ready beaten." Are you willing to obey His last command ? Where did Jesus go? What did the disciples do? Notice this last verse of Mark's Gospel, how to the very end Mark sets forth the living energy of Jesus. What was the effect of the resurrection on the disciples? Compare 14:50; 16:11, 13, with Acts 2:14, 36; 3:15. Memorize Mark 16:15. PRAYER: " Thou Light and Desire of all nations, watch over Thy messengers both by land and sea. Prosper the endeavors of all Thy servants to spread Thy gospel among heathen nations. Accompany the word of their testimony concerning Thy atonement with demonstra- tion of the Spirit and of power. Bless our and all other Christian congregations gathered from among the heath- en. Keep them as the apple of Thine eye. Have mercy on Thy ancient covenant people, the Jews ; deliver them from their blindness and bring all nations to the saving knowledge of Thee. Give to Thy people open doors to preach the gospel and set them to Thy praise on earth. Hear us, gracious Lord and God. Amen." 179 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK. HIS VICTORY. FIFTH DAY: ACTS 1:1-11. In which part of Palestine did Jesus spend most of His life? Where was Jesus bora? Where did He grow up ? What city afterward became His home? Why did He leave Judea? Why did He leave Galilee? What was His method of work? What two important events stand at the beginning of His public ministry? Mention three events in the Judean ministry. Mention the three events in the Galilean ministry which seem to you to be most important. Mention three events in the Perean ministry. What portion of His life does Mark give most fully? What event in His life was the greatest? 180 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK. HIS VICTORY. SIXTH DAY: ISA. 61:1-3, LUKE 4:16-21. State briefly how Jesus fulfilled this prophecy. In what ways did Jesus show Himself to be unselfish? In what ways did He show that He was courageous ? Mention instances of His patience. Tell how He illustrated friendship. What did He think of God's word? What did He think of prayer? THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY : " ' Behold, the Man ! ' was Pilate's jeer. That is what all the ages have been doing since, and the vision has grown more and more glorious. As they have looked, the crown of thorns has become a crown of golden radiance, and the cast-off robe has glis- tened like the garments He wore on the night of His transfiguration. Martyrs have smiled in the flames at that vision, sinners have turned at it to a new life, little children have seen it and have had awakened by it dim recollections of their heaven-home, and toward it the souls of men yearn ever." 181 The Life and Works of Jesus TWENTY-SIXTH WEEK. HIS VICTORY. SEVENTH DAY: REV. 22:10-21. Farrar says Mark's "object was to represent Jesus as He had been in the present, in daily, actual life; Jesus living and working among men in the fulness of His en- ergy ; Jesus in the awe-inspiring grandeur of His human personality as a man who was also incarnate, the wonder- working Son of God." From whence did Jesus come? What did He do on earth? What is His present position? From your study of His life what do you think of Him? Can you sign these words: I hereby accept Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as my own personal Saviour, and consecrate my life to His service. Dated OUTLINE MAP. On this map the student should trace the Journeys of Jesus as suggested in the Introduction, and in various lessons in the course. Coovrieht. 1806. br THB BIBLE STUDY PUBI.ISUIKKJ Co. University of California IN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY SOUTHERN REGI 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. DC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILI iiiiili A 000025026