UC-NRLF /i^4- $B 7M Dflb iii No. 1986 DIRECTIONS FOR USING, MOUNTING AND DISMOUNTING I-PDR. AND 2.95-INCH SUBCALIBER GUNS IN THE BORE OF SEACOAST GUNS AND MORTARS (7 PLATES) AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE RELOADING AND RESIZING OUTFIT FOR DRILL PRIMERS {2 PLATES) w R A P JANUARY 18, 1904 REVISED JANUARY 10, 1907 REVISED APRIL 14, 1910 REVISED AUGUST 8, 1914 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE J9i7 1 Ing from )ration No. 1986 DIRECTIONS FOR USING, MOUNTING AND DISMOUNTING I-PDR. AND 2.95-INCH SUBCALIBER GUNS IN THE BORE OF SEACOAST GUNS AND MORTARS (7 PLATES) AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE RELOADING AND RESIZING OUTFIT FOR DRILL PRIMERS {2 PLATES) JANUARY 18, 1904 REVISED JANUARY 10, 1907 REVISED APRIL 14, 1910 REVISED AUGUST 8, 1914 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 \j\ cs<^^ ^2 A^ /• 9 .»!• ») Wab Depabtment, Office of the Chief of Obdnance, Washington, August 8, 191//. This Manual is published for the information and government of the Regular Army and Organized Militia of the United States. By order of the Secretary of War: William Cbozieb, Brigadier General, Chief of Ordnance. (3) 3G3i76 DIRECTIONS MOUKTING AiND DISMOUiNTLNG 1-POUKDER SUBCALIBEH GUNS IN THE BORE OF SEACOAST GUNS. 6-INCH GUNS, MODELS OF 1900 AND 1903, AND 10 AND 12 INCH GUNS, MODEL OF 1900. DIRECTIONS FOR ASSEMBLING. Chamber and bore of subcaliber gun and of large gun must be perfectly clean. Remove blank plugs from mushroom head and put on obturator spindle plate with its two screws, tighten the screw heads up on the plate, using the securing screw wrench for the purpose. Insert loading tray, where provided, to prevent bruising the adapters on the breech threads. See that rear adapter wedge is all the way forward, and insert subcaliber gun, w4th adapters (wedge uppermost), into chamber of large gun, pushing it smartly forward with the handspike to cause the front adapter to seat firmly in slope of chamber. Supporting subcaliber gun with handspike, slip the bronze shoe under rear adapter. Having made sure that subcaliber gun is 'as far forward as it can go, remove handspike. Slip locating gauge over obturator spindle plate, leaving a space between gauge and spindle plate. Close breech gently. If resistance is encountered, the gun is too far to the rear. Open the breech and turn gun right handed. If no resistance is encountered in closing, open breech and note whether gauge has been pushed back against spindle. If it has not been pushed all the way back, turn the gun left handed one turn for each 0.1 inch. Con- tinue to try in this manner until the gauge is pushed just against the spindle plate when closing the gun. Having adjusted subcaliber gun until the locating gauge is pushed exactly against spindle plate by closing breech, tighten the wedge screw with clamping screw driver, setting the wedge firmly back against rear slope of chamber to prevent subcaliber gun from turn- ing. The gun is then ready for firing. (5) lUlUXTi.ON^ FOR DIS.MOCNTING. Insert io.nding tniy, if on OIL CAN. CLIP eXTRACTOl?. 3G-/C-2.J PL/I TEH. / Pd/^, Saa CAL/BER GUN. ADAPTED TO 4^ 'DS, AND ^^Z/iA/D 6 'A/fMST/fOA/Q Gl/Af\ CLEANING 5P0NQE. GUKi. STORAGE eH£ST"B" 2C a SPONGE. ROD. GUN t-XTRACTOR, ETZbtiz^ HANDSPIKE. & HAND EXTRACTOR. CLIP EXTRACTOR, a OIL CAN. iJ6 -/6 -Z4- PL/ITEJZL /ID/IPT£/?S. SrO/?A6£: G//£ST "C"/im 700L6 FOK 3. /O /lA/D /S-/N. 6(/A/S, MODELS OF /a68 &/89S, y^A/D /^-/M GUNS /ILL MODELS. REARAOAPTCA}. CENTER SUPPORT. FPOhfT ACV^PTEP. e ^ /XOAPTEf? CHECir«.ATC. AO>»PTER CLAMP VVCO^e. CLAMP t^CMC eo^VN. STORvAGC CHEST "c!* 0BTUR>rrD9~3PINDL£ PUtTC. OkAMPIMG WRCNCH. scctfRiN« aoffov. SECUKTiNC «Cf7K>V »V^KNCH' FRONT AOAFTCR. lO-IN. 1689 ^1890. r|?ONT ADAPTER. d-IN. 1809. PRIMER PLAME B/tFFLE. 36-/i- t« PL/ITEIV. /ID/4PTEf?S^ STOP/IGE GPEST 'V''MD TOOLS FOR /O /t//D /e-ZM GUA/S, MODEL OF /900. 4^ STOP PtATC. /IDAPTCR CLAMP HTCOOC- REAR AOAPTen. FRONT ADAPTER. RCAl? ADA PTCR SHOr. AOAPTCR CHECK fl.Ant. pRiMcir FLAMc eAPrte. OBTURATOR «PIMOkC PLATE . OCAMPlN€ MrpcNCK SEOURIN« SCREW. ^ BECURINO ^GRCyy WRCMCH. 5^-^6 -a.^ "s FL/1TE 1/: ADAPTERS, 8T0/?AG£ CHEST "G"/JA/D TOOLS FOP 5-/N. GUNS. MOD£LS OF /897 <£. /900, AND 6-/N. eUNS, /ILL MODELS. EXR4NOINO scf?ew. ®) MUZZLE euppotn- SET SCRCW. fRONT AOAPTER. MUZZLE SUPPORT. REAR ADAtn-eR lVCOO£. WEOCE. SCREW FOR 6"flUN6. FOR 6" GUNS. RCAlf ADAPTER. REAR AOAPTER Shoe.' rRom CENTCf? ADA PTCR . SUPPORT. /ADAPTER SHOE AOi^PTCI? SHOE. ADAPTER SHOE KVEDtfE. ff-fQCO. IVEOe^ screw; (YEOtfC S-1900. Rt4ll ADAPTK.R. 3'''1900. STORAGE. CHCST "C? SECVRtNC SCREW, OBTURATOR SPINDI-E PLATE. DISMOUNTING PIN. cr PfflMCfT FLAME BylFPLC. CLAMPiNG SCREW DRIVER. PMTEW. /1D/IPT£/?S, STOP/JGEO/ZEST 'C'MD TOOLS FOP ^-/M D^/eSS'SO^^O£D£/?, ^.72 /lA/D ff-ZM AiPA4ST/^ONG Gi/A/S. EXBANOtNC 8Crvei¥. CENTER SUPPOfTT. hAVTZLfL Sl/PPOfiT. STORAGC CHEST "C. DtSMOUNTTIMO PIH. rr =--UJL-^ CLAMPING SCREW DmVe.19. ja.aS /N. SUBCAL/BER GUA/. ADAPTSO TO /Z /fif. MORTAfiS, MOOSLS Of= fSOe, /ae6-'90Mt, /aso, /eaoMi, /90s /i/vo/9/2. C GUN. REAR ADAtnEH. FROWT ADAPTER. THREAD CLAMP SCREW. ADAPTER CLAMP WEOQkt. CLAMP W£OaE SCREW. LOCATING GAUGC. CLEMMING SPONGE., SPONGE ROD. 3Dr GUN EXTRACTOR. IPIKE HANDSPIKE HEAD. ADJUSTING WRBNCH, 3 1) CLAMPING WRENCH. HAND EXTRACTOR (® ° q) W'ENT CLEANKR. 3^ eSr/zicTOR. 3°«;;^5>«r,»«£. - «,«c«chV ' »5Si;5!«c 5 ETC (/R I WC 5 CREW ~ OILCAN. SGREV\/. 36-y6-zz OR/LL PR/MER. £r/VD CLOS/NG CUP EM^ I : i^^m^-/mmk 2Z m^2