lE. Irving Stringham ncs. lis received ishers to onal ap- t unique, f calling isses of Each volume in the series is so constructed that it may be used with equal ease by the youngest and least disciplined who should be pursuing its theme, and by those who in more mature years and with more ample preparation enter upon tbe study. cP^^^^ >^^-^^^ Sheldon d: Company's Text-Sooks. SHAW'S NEW SERIES ON ENGLISH AND AMERICAN LITEEATUEE. Shaw's New History of English and Amemcan Lit- erature. This book has been prepared with the greatest care by Prof. Truman J. Backus, of Vassar College, using as a basis Shaw's Manual, edited by Dr. William Smith. The following are the leading features of the book : 1. It has been put into the tnodern text-book form. 2. It is printed in large, clear type. 3. Many parts of the book, wliich were not very clear, have been entirely retvrltten. 4. The history of great Authors is marked by the use of larger-sized type, which indicates to the scholar at once the Important names in English and American literature. 5. It also contains diaeraras, showing the easiest way to classify and remember the eras inJSnglish literature. We believe that this is the best text -booh on this important subject ever offered to the American public. II. Shaw's Specimens of American LiteratiirCf find Literary Header, Greatly Enlarged. By Prof. Benj. N. Martin, D.D., L.H.D., Professor in the University of the City of New York. 1 vol. 12mo. This book contains specimens from all the chief American writers. Espe- cially those authors who have given tone and character to American literature are so represented that scholars may obtain a just idea of their style. As a LITJ£RAltY READER for use in our Higher Seminaries, it is believed that no superior book can be found. III. Shaw's Choice Specimens of English Literature, A Companion Volume to the New History of Literature. Selected from the chief English writers, and arranged chronologically by Thos. B. Shaw and Wm. Smith, LL.D. Arranged and en'arged for American students by Benj. N. Martin, D.D., L.H.D., Prof, of Philosophy and Logic in the University of the City of New York. 1 vol. large 12mo. We shall still continue to publish Shaw's Complete Manual of English and American Literature, By Thos. B. Shaw, M.A., Wm. Smith, LL.D., author of Smith's Bible and Classical Dictionaries, and Prof. Henry T. Tuckerman. With copious notes and illustrations. 1 vol. large 12mo, 540 pp. A u:niyersity ALGEBRA COMPRISING I. -A COMPENDIOUS, YET COMPLETE AND THOROUGH COURSE IN ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA, AND II.— AN ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA, suppiciently extendbd to meet tub WAMT3 or OUB UKirEBSITlES, COLLEGES, AND SCHOOLS Of SCIENCE. EDWARD pLNEY, PROVE880R OP MATHBMATICS IN THK UNITERSITY OP MICHIQAN, AND AUTHOR OV A SERIES OF MATHEMATICS. NEW YORK: SHELDON & COMPANY, No. 8 MURRAY STREET. 1885. oj-e _?. PROF. OLNEY'S MATHEMATICAL COURSE. INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRA COMPLETE ALGEBRA KEY TO COMPLETE ALGEBRA --.--- UNIVERSITY ALGEBRA KEY" TO UNIVERSITY ALGEBRA A VOLUME OF TEST EXAMPLES IN ALGEBRA ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY AND TRIGONOMETRY, University Edition ELEMENTS OF GEOMETRY, separate ELEMENTS OF TRIGONOMETRY, separate GENERAL GEOMETRY AND CALCULUS BELLOWS' TRIGONOMETRY * ^ » m * PROF. OLNEY^S SERIES OF ARITHMETICS. PRIMARY ARITHMETIC ELEMENTS OF ARITHMETIC -------- PRACTICAL ARITHxMETIC SCIENCE OF ARITHMETIC - ^ Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1873, By SHELDON & COMPANY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. UN. A. The Author's Complete School Algebra was written to meet the wants of our Common and High Schools and Academies, and to afford adequate prepara- tion for entering our best Colleges, Schools of Science, and Universities. The present volume is designed for use in these advanced courses of training. Thus, while it is thought that the former affords as extended a course in Algebra as is expedient for the preparatory schools, it is believed that this will be found to contain all that these higher schools require. It was deemed necessary to make the work a complete treatise, including the Elements, for purposes of reference, and for reviews, and also in consideration of the fact that our higher institutions have various standards of requirement for admission. In fact, there are few students of Higher Algebra who do not find it necessary to have the Elements at hand for occasional consultation. This Elementary portion is embraced in the first 150 pages, and contains all the definitions, principles, rules, and demonstrations of the Complete School Algebra, with an abundant collection of Neio Examines ; but from it all ele- mentary illustrations, explanations, solutions, and suggestions, are omitted. The whole is so arranged as to secure readiness of reference and convenience of review by somewhat mature students. The subjects treated in Part III., which constitutes the Advanced Course proper, will be best seen by turning to the Table of Contents. In this place the author wishes merely to call attention to a few of the distinguishing fea- tures of this Part. 1, The conception of Function and Variable is introduced at once, and is made familiar by such use of it as mathematicians are constantly making. No one needs to be told that this conception lies at the foundation of all higher algebraic discussion ; yet, strangely enough, the very terms are scarcely to be found in our common text-books, and the practical use of the conception is totally wanting. 80054S iV PREFACE. 2. The first chapter in the Advanced Course is given to an olcmpntary and practical exposition of the Infinitesimal Analysis. Tlie autlior knows from liis own experience, and from tliat of many others, that tliis subject presents no peculiar diflBculties to ordinary minds ; and everybody knows tliat it is cmly by this analysis that the development of functions, as in the Binomial Formula, Logarithmic Series, etc., the general relation of function and variable, tlie evolution of many of the principles requisite in solving the Higher Equations, and many other subjects, are ever treated by mathematicians, except wlien thoy attempt to make Algebras. No mathematician thinks of using the clumsy and antiquated processes by which we have been accustomed to teach our i>upil3 in algebra to demonstrate the Binomial Formula, produce the Logarithmic Series, deduce the law of derived polynomials, examine the relative rate of change of a function and its variable, etc., except when he is teaching the tyro. Why not, then, dismiss forever these processes, and let tin; pupil enter at once upon those elegant and productive methods of thinking which he will ever after use ? 3. By the introduction of a short chapter on Loci of Equations, which any one can read even without a knowledge of Elementary Geometry, and which in itself is always interesting to the pupil, and of fundamental use in the sub- sequent course, all the more abstruse principles of tlie Tfieory of EqwUions are illustrated, and the student is thus enabled to see the truth, as well as to demon- strate it abstractly. How great an advantage this is, no experienced teacher to be told. 4. In the treatment of the Higher Epreciative reception which they have given my previous efforts, that this will not fail of a candid consideration. EDWARD OLXEY. Univeiisity op MmiKJAN, Ann Arbot'y July, 1873. ^ ONTIenTS')) INTRODUCTION. SECTION I. General Definitions, and the Algebraic Notation. PAGB Branches of Pure Mathematics: Pure Mutheiuatics. — Definitiou (1) ; branches enumerated (3, 3) 1 Quantity.— Definition (4) 1 Number. — Definition (5) ; Discontinuous and Continuous (6, 7, 8) 1, 2 Definition of the several branches. — Arithmetic (9) ; Algebra (10) ; Calculus (11); Geometry (12) 2 Lo^hco-Mathematical Terms : Proi)osition. — Definition (13) Varieties of Propositions. — Enumerated (14); Axiom (15); Theo- rem (16); Lemma (18); Corollary (19) ; Postulate (20) ; Problem (21). 2, % Definition of.— Demonstration (17) ; Rule (22) ; Solution (23) ; Scho- lium (24) 2,3 PART L— LITERAL ARITHMETIC. CTIAPTEU I. FUNDAMENTAL RULES, SECTION I. Notation. System of Notation.— Definition (25) 4 Symbols of Quantity.— Arabic (2G) ; Literal (27) ; advantages of latter (28). 4, 5 l^awH.— Of Decimal Notation (29) ; Of Literal Notation (30, 31) 5 Symlx)l 20 , and its meaning (32) «*> Symbols of Operation (33) 6 Definitions.—Exponent (e34); A Positive Integer (35); a Positive Frac tion (3G) ; a Negative Number (38) ; Radical Sign (37). . . fl via CONTENTS. PAOS Symbols of Relation.— Sign : (39); Sign .. (40); Signs =, : : (41); Sign a (42) ; Signs < > (43) 6, 7 Synilx)la of Aggregation , (),[], | 1 , | , (44, 45) 7 Symbols of (Continuation (46) 7 Syniber Fraction, Im])roper, Simple, Com- pound, Complex, Lowist Terms, Lowest Common Denomina- tor (137-146) 41, 42 Reduction.— Definition (147) ; Kinds of (148) 42, 43 Prop,. 1.— To lowest terms (149) ; Seh, 1. The use of the H. C. D.; Sc/t. 2. The converse process 43 Prop 2. — From improper to mixed form (150); Cor. Use of nega- tive exponents (151) 43 Prop. 3. — From integral or mixed to fractional form (152) 43 Prop. 4. — To common denominator (153) ; Cor. To L. C. D. (154). . 44 Prop. 5. — Complex to simple (155) 44 Addition : Prop. — To add fractions (150) ; Co7'. To add mixed nunilwrs (157). 44, 45 SURTRACTION : Prop.— To subtract fractions (158) ; Cor. To subtract mixed num- bers (159) 45 Multiplication : Prop. 1. — A fraction by an integer (100) 45 Prop. 2. — To multiply by a fraction (161); Cor. To multiply mixed numbers (162) 45, 46 Division : Prop. 1.— To divide by an integer (163) 46 Prop. 2. — To divide by a fraction (164) ; Reason for inverting the divisor ; Sell. To reverse the operation of multiplication ; Cor. Reciprocal, what (165) 46, 47 CONTENTS. XI PAGK Signs of a Fraction : Three things to consider (166) 47 Essential character (167) ; Examples 47-58 CHAPTER IV. POWERS AND ROOTS. SECTION I. Involution. General Definitions : Power, Degree (168) ; Root (169) ; Exponent or Index ; How to read an Exponent (170) ; Radical Number, Rational, Irrational, Surd (171) ; Radical Sign (172) ; Imaginary Quantity (173) ; Real (174) ; Similar Radicals (175) ; Rationalize (176) ; To affect with an exponent (177) ; Involution (178) ; Evolution (17i)) ; Cal- culus of Radicals (180) 54, 55 Involution : Pkob. 1. — To raise to any power (181) ; Cor. Signs of powers (182). 55, 56 Prob. 2.— To affect with any exponent (183) 5(» Pros. 3.— The Binomial Formula (184) ; Cor. 1. Wlien the series terminates (185) ; Cor. 2, Number of terms (186) ; Cor. 3. Equal Coefficients (187) ; Cor. 4. Sum of exponents in any tenn (188) ; Coi'. 5. Statement of the Rule (189) ; Cor. 6. Signs of the terms in the expansion of (a—b)'^ (190) ; Examples 57-60 SECTION II. Evolution. Prob. 1.— To extract root of perfect power (101) ; Sch. Signs of root (192) ; Cor. 1. Roots of monomials (193) ; Cor. 2. Root of Product (194) ; Cor. 3. Root of a Quotient (195) ; Examples 60,61 Prob. 2, — To extnu-t lootn whose indices are composed of factors 2 and 3 (196) 62 Prob. 3.— To extract the mih root of a number (197) ; Examples 62-67 SECTION in. Calculus of Radicals. Reductions : Pnow. 1 .—To remove a factor (198) ; Cor. To giniplify a fraction (190) 67 Pkob. 2.— When the index is a composite number (200/ 68 Prob. 3.— To any required index (201) ; Cor. To put the coefficient under the radical sign (202) 68 XH CONTENTS. PAQK Prob. 4.— To a common index (303) G8 Prob. 5. — To rationalize a monomial denominator (204) 69 Prob. 6. — To rationalize a radical binomial denominator (205).. ... 00 Prop. 1. — To rationalize any binomial radical (206) 69 Prop. 2.— To rationalize Va-\- Vb + Vc (207) ; Examples 70-72 SECTION IV. Combinations of Radicals. Addition and Subtraction : Prob. 1.— To add or subtract (208) 73 Multiplication : Prop. 1.— Product of like roots (209) 73 Prop. 2.— Similar Radicals (210) 73 Prob. 2.— To multiply Radicals (211) 73 Division : Prop.— Quotient of like roots (212) 73 Prob. 3.— To divide Radicals (213) 73 Involltion : Prob. 4. — To raise to any power (214) ; Cor. Index of power and root alike (215) 73 Evolution : Prob. 5. — To extract any root of a Monomial Radical (216) 74 Prob. 6. — To extract the square root of a ± n Vb, or mVa± 7it^(217); Examples 74-76 SECTION V. Imaginary Quantities. Definition (218) ; not unreal (219) ; a curious property of (220) 76 Prop.— Reduced to form m^^^^X (221) ; fkh, Tlie form mV^^l (222).. 77 Prob. — To add and subtract imaginary monomials of second degree (223); Examples 77, 78 Prop.— Polynomial reduced to form a±&^^l(224); Sch. Conjugate Imaginaries, Modulus (225) ; Examples 79 Multiplication and Involution : Prob.— To determine character of product (226) ; Examples 70, 80 Division op Imaginaries : Prob. — To divide one imaginary by another (227) ; Examples 80, 81 CONTENTS. XI 11 PART IL— ELEMENTARY COURSE IN ALGEBRA. CHAPTER I. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. SECTION I. Equations with one Unknown Quantity. Definitions : pagb Equation (1) ; Algebra (3) ; Members (3) ; Numerical Equation (4) ; Literal Equation (5) ; Degree of an Equation (6) ; Simple Equa- tion (7) ; Quadratic (8) ; Cubic (9) ; Higher Equations (10) 82, 83 Transformations : What (11, 12) ; Axioms (13) 83 Prob, — To clear of Fractions (14) ; Transposition (15) 83 Prob. — To transpose (16) 84 Solution of Simple Equations ; What (17) ; When an equation is satisfied (18) ; Verification (19). . . 84 Prob, 1. — To solve a simple equation (20) ; 8ch. 1, Kinds of changes which can be made (21); Car. 1. Clianging signs of both mem- bers (22) ; 8ch. 2. Not always expedient to make the transforma- tions in the same order (23) ; Sch. 3, Equations which become simple by reduction (24) 85 Simple Equations containing Radicals : Prob. 2.— To free an equation of Radicals (25, 26) 85 Summary of Practical Suggestions (27, 28) ; Examples , 86-88 Applications to the Solution of Exampi.es (29) ; Statement, Solu- tion (30) ; Knowledge required in making statement (31) ; Direc- tions to guide in making statement (32) ; Not always best to use X (33) ; Examples 89-92 SECTION IT, Independent, Simultaneous, Simple Equations with two Unknown Quantities, Definitions : Independent Equations (34) ; Simultaneous Equations (35) ; Elimi- nation (36) ; Methods (37) 93 Elimination : Prob. 1.— By Comparison (38) 93 Prob. 2.— By Substitution (39) 94 XIV CONTENTS. PAGE Prob. 3.— By Addition or Subtraction (40) 9 i PROB. 4. — By Undetermined Multipliers (41) 95 Prob. 6. — By Division (43) ; Examples and Applications 96-99 SECTION III. Independent, Simultaneous, Simple Equations with more than two Unknown Quantities. Prob.— To solve (43) ; Examples and Applications 1(X)-103 CHAPTER II. RATIO, PROPORTION, AND PROGRESSION. SECTION I. Ratio. Definitions — Ratio (44) ; Sign (45) ; Cor. Effect of Multiplying or Dividing the Terms (40) ; Direct and Reciprocal Ratio (47) ; Greater and I^ss Inequality (48) ; Compound Ratio (49) ; Du- plicate, Subduplicate, etc. (50) 104, 105 Examples 105, 106 SECTION II. Proportion. ^ Oepinitions.— Proportion (51) ; Extremes and Means (52) ; Mean Pro- portional (53) ; Third Proportional (54) ; Inversion (55) ; Alter- nation (56) ; Composition (57) ; Division (58) ; Inversely Pro- portional (59) ; Continued Proportion (60) 106, 107 Prop. 1. — Product of extremes equals product of means (61) ; Cor. 1. Square of mean proportional (62); Cor. 2. Value of any term (63) 107 Prop. 2.— To convert an equation into a projMjrtion (64) ; Cor. Taken by alternation and inversion (65) 107, 108 Prop. 3. — What transformations can be made without destroying the proportion (66, 67) 108 Prop. 4. — Products or Quotients of corresponding terms of two pro* portions (68) ; Cor, Like powers or roots (69) 108 Prop. 5. — Two proportions with equal ratio in each (70) 108 Prop. 6. — Taken by composition and division (71) ; Cor. Series of equal ratios as a continued proportion (72) ; Sch. Method of testing any transformation (73) ; Examples and Applications 109-113 CONTENTS. XV SECTION III. Progressions. PAGE Definitions. — Progression, Arithmetical, Geometrical, Ascending, De- scending, Common Difference, Ratio (74) ; Signs and Illustra- tions (75) ; Arithmetical and Geometric Mean (76, 77) ; Five things considered (78) .♦. 113, 114 Arithmetical Progression. — Prop. 1. To find the last term (79) ; Prop. 2. To find the sum (80) ; Cor. 1. These formulas sutE- cient (81) ; Cor. 2. To insert means (82) ; Formulae in Arith- metical Progression (83) ; Examples 114-117 Geometrical Progression. — Prop. 1. To find the last term (84) ; Prop. 2.— To find the sum (85) ; Cor. 1. These formulas suflS- cient (86) ; Cor. 2. Another formula for sum (87) ; Cor. 3. To insert means (88) ; Cor. 4. Sum of an infinite series (89) ; Geo- metrical Formulae (90) ; Examples 117-122 SECTION IV. Variation. Definitions. — Variation, directly, inversely, jointly, directly as one and inversely as another (91-93) ; Sign (94) ; Prop. Variation expressed as Proportion (95) ; Exercises 123-125 SECTION V. Harmonic Proportion and Progression. Definitions. — Harmonic Proportion (96) ; Harmonic Mean (97) ; Prop. Quantities in Harmonic Proportion, their Reciprocals in Arithmetical (98) ; Harmonic Progression (99) ; Derivation of the term Harmonic (100) ; Exercises 125, 126 CHAPTER III. QUADRATIC EQUATIONS. SECTION I. Pure Quadratics. Definitions.— Quadratic (101); Kinds (102); Pure (103); Affected (104); Root (105) 127 Resolution of a Pure Quadratic Equation (106) ; Cor. 1. A Pure Quadratic has two roots (107) ; Cor. 2. Imaginary roots (108). . 127, 128 Examples and Applications 128-130 XVI CONTENT& SECTION II. Affected Quadratics. PAGE Definition (109) 130 Resolution. — Commou Method (110) ; Sch. 1. Completing the Square ; Cor. 1. Two roots, character of (111) ; Cor. 2. To write the roots of x'^ + px = q, witliout completing the square (112) ; Cor. 3. Special methods (113, 114) ; Examples 130-134 SECTION III Equations of other Degrees which may be Solved as Quadratics. Prop. 1. — Any pure equation (115) 134 Prop. 2. — Any equation containing one unknown quantity with only two different exponents, one of which is twice the other (116). 135 Prop's 3-5.— Special Solutions (117-122) ; Examples 135-139 SECTION IV. Simultaneous Equations of the Second Degree between two Unknown Quantities. Prop. 1. — One equation of the second degree and one of the first (123). 140 Prop. 2. — Two equations of the second degree usually involve one of the fourth, after eliminating (124) 140 Prop. 3.— Homogenous quadratics (125, 126) 140, 141 Prop. 4. — When the unknown quantities are similarly involved (127). . 141 Examples, Special Solutions, Applications 142-147 CHAPTER IV. INEQUALITIES. Dephtition (128) ; Fundamental Principle (129) ; Members (130) ; Same transformations as equations (131) ; Same and opposite sense (132) 148 Prop. — Sense of an inequality not changed (133) 148, 149 Prop. — Sense of an inequality changed (134) ; Exercises 149, 150 CONTENTS. XVll PART IIL— ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. CHAPTER I. INFINITESIMAL ANALYSIS, SECTION I. Differentiation. PAG« Definitions.— Constant and Variable Quantities (135-137) ; Sch. Dis- tinction between constant and variable, known and un- known (138) ; Function (139) ; How represented (140) ; Inde- pendent and Dependent Variable (141); Infinitesimal (142); Consecutive values (143) ; Differential (144) ; Notation (14."j) ; To differentiate (14G) 151-153 Rules for Differentiating : Rule 1. — To differentiate a single variable (147) 154 Rule 2.— Constant factors (148) 154 Rule 3. — Constant terms (149) 151 Rule 4. — The sum of several variables (150) 155 Rule 5. — The product of two variables (151) 155 Rule C. — The product of several variables (152) 155, 15G Rule 7. — Of a fraction with a variable numerator and denomina- tor (153) ; Cor. With constant numerator (151) ; Sch. Constant denominator (155) 150 Rule 8 — Of a variable affected with an exponent (15G) ; Sch. Rate of change (157) ; Examples 156-158 SECTION II. Indeterminate Coefficients. Definition (158) 159 Prop.— In A ^^ Bx -\- Gx^ + etc. = ^'+ B'x -i- C'x"^ + etc., coefficients of like powers of x equal to each other (159) ; Cor. A, B, C, etc., = (160) 150 Development of Functions (161) ; Examples 159-10^ Decomposition of Fractions (163) ; Cme 1. When the denominator is resolvable into re(jl and unequal factors of the firrit de gree (164) ; Cane 2. Into real and equal factors of the first de- gree (165) ; Ca«e 3. \\\io real and quadratic factor^ (lOG) ; Sch. Forms combined (167) ; Examples 102-164 XVlll CONTENTS. SECTION III. The Binomial Formula. PAOB Binomial Theorem (168) ; Cor. 1. The general term (169) ; Scale of Relation (170) ; Cor. 2. Formula for scale of relation (171) ; Examples 165-168 SECTION IV. Logarithms, Definitions.— Logarithms, Base (172) ; Cor. Logarithm of 1 (173) ; Sys- tem of Logarithms (174) ; Two in use (175) ; Cor. Quantities that cannot be used as a base (176) 168, 169 Prop. 1. — Logarithm of product equals sum of logarithms (178) 169 Prop, 2. — Logarithm of quotient equals difference of logarithms (179). 170 Prop, 3. — Logarithm of a power (180) 170 Prop, 4,— Logarithm of a root (181) 170 Loirarithras of most numbers not integral (182) 170 ("liaructeristic and Mantissa (183) 170 Prop, — Mantissa of decimal fraction or mixed number (184) ; Cor. 1. Characteristic of any number (185) ; Cor. 2. Logarithm of 0(186) 170,171 Computation op Logarithms : Modulus (187) ; Prop. Differential of a logarithm (188) 172 Prob. — To produce the logarithmic series (189) ; Cor.\. Loga- rithms of same number in two different systems, as moduli (190); Cor. 2, To find logarithm of a number in any system know- ing the modulus, and also to find modulus (191) 173, 174 Prob. — To obtain series for computing Napierian logarithms (192) 175 Prob. — To compute Napierian logarithms of natural num- bers (193) 175 Prop, — Modulus of common system (194) 1 76 Tables of Logarithms.— What (195) 177 Prob,— To find the logarithm of a number (196, 197) 177, 178 Prob. — To find a number corresponding to a logarithm (198) . . . 178 Prop.— The Napierian base (199) ; Examples 179-181 SECTION V. Successive Differentiation and Differential Coefficients. Prop. — Differentials not necessarily equal (200) ; Cor. dy a varia- ble (201) ; Notation (202) ; dx constant (203) ; Second and Third Differentials (204) ; Examples 181-183 Differential Coefficients : First Differential Coefficient (205) ; Second Differential Coeffi- cient (206) ; Examples ; Successive coefficients written by in- spection (207) 183-185 CONTENTS. XIX SECTIC:^ VI. Taylor's Formula. PAGB Definition (208) : Partial Differential Coefficients (209) : Lemma. ^ and ~ equal(210) 185,186 Prob. — To produce Taylor's Formula (211) ; Sch. First, second, etc., terms (212) ; To develop a function of a variable witli an in- crement (213) ; Examples 186-189 SECTION VII. Indeterminate Equations. Definition, Nature, etc. (214-220) ; Examples 189-195 CHAPTER 11. LOCI OF EQUATIONS. Pkop. — Every equation between two variables may represent a line (221) 196 Definitions. — Axes of Reference, Abscissa, Ordinate, Co-ordinates (222) ; Locus, Constructing Locus (223) ; Examples 198-202 Prob. — To construct real roots of equations witli one unknown quan- tity (224) ; Examples 202, 203 CHAPTER HI. HIGHER EQUATIONS. SECTION I. Solution op Numerical Higher Equations having Commensurable OR Rational Roots. No general method of solution (226) ; Real, commensurable roots found with little difficulty (227) 203 Prop. — Transforming an equation into the form .t« -t- ^4.?"-' h- Bx!^-^ + Cx^'3 X = (228) ; Examples 204, 205 Prop. — Roots of an equation factors of absolute term (230) ; If <^ is a root, f{x) divisible by {x — a), and converse (231) 206 Prop.— Wliat equation can have no fractional root (232, 233) 206, 207 XX CONTENTS. TAan Prop. — Equation of nth degree has n roots (334) ; Cor. 1. /(i) = (x—a) {x — b){x — c) - • - • {x — n), when a, b, c - - - - n are roots of f{x) - (SJJo) ; Cor. 2. f{x) can have equal roots (236) ; Cor. 3. Imaginary roots enter in pairs (237) ; Cor. 4. Number of real roots in e(iuations of odd and even degrees (238) ; Limits of imaginary roots (239) ; Sch. 1. Proposition illustrated geome- trically (240) ; Sc/i. 2. Imaginary roots entering in pairs illus- trated (241) 207-209 Prop. — Method of finding equal roots (242) ; Sc7i. Sometimes conve- nient to apply process several times (243) 209, 210 Prop.— Cliange of sign in f{x) (244) ; How illustrated by loci (245) 211 Prop.— Clianging signs of roots of f{x) (246) ; Coi: Another method (247) 212 Prob.— To evaluate f(x) for x = a (248) 212, 213 Prob. — To find commensurable roots of numerical higher equations (249); Examples 213-216 To produce an equation from its roots (250) ; Examples 216 SECTION II. Solution of Numerical Higher Equations having Real, Incommen- surable, OR Irrational Roots. Typical form of equation (251) ; Best general method (252) 216, 217 Sturm's Theorem and Method : Definition and Object (253, 254) ; Sturmian Functions (255) ; No- tation (256) ; Permanence and Variation (257) 217, 218 Sturm's Theorem (258) ; Cor. 1. To find the number of real roots of f{x) (259) ; Cor. 2. To find the number of real roots of f{x) between a and b (260) ; Sch. Number of imaginary roots known by implication (261) 219-221 Prob. — To compute the numerical values of f{x), f\x), fi{x), etc. (262) ; Sch. 2. Usually unnecessary to find /n(t") (263) ; Sch. 3. Wlien the equation has equal roots (264) ; Sell. 4. Generally the change of sign in f{x) enables us to determine situation of roots more easily than Sturm's Theorem (265) ; Sch. 5. Not ne- cessary that the coeflficients should be integral (266) ; Exam- ples 221-228 Horner's Method of Solution : Object (267) 228 Prob. — To transform an equation into another with roots less by a (268) ; Sch. Signification of result (269) 229 Prob. — To compute the numerical values of f{a), /'(a), hf"{a), etc. (270) ; Examples 229-233 CONTENTS. XXI rXOB Prop. — Value of a;,, when a + x^ is a root of /(«) = (271) 23^235 Horner's Rule (272) ; jScJioliums (273-278) ; Examples 235-247 SECTION III. General Solution of Cubic and Biquadratic Equations. Cardan's Solution of Cubic Equations : Prob.— To resolve a;^ + px^ + ga; + r - (279) 248, 249 Prop. — Solution satisfactory and unsatisfactory, when (280) ; Scholium. Apparently 9 roots (281) ; Examples 249-251 Descartes's Solution of Biquadratics : Prob. -To resolve x^ + ax"" + bx^ + dx ■\- e = (282) ; 8ch. In- volves solution of acubic(283) ... 251, 252 Recurring Equations : Definition (284) 253 Prop. 1. — The roots reciprocals of each other (285) ; Sch. Recip- rocal Equations (286) ; Cor. 1. Corresponding coefficients with like or unlike signs (287) ; Cor. 2. Reduced to form having first coefficient unity (288) 252, 253 Prop. 2. Of an odd degree have roots — 1, and + 1, when (289). 253, 254 Prop. 3. — Of an oven degree have same roots, when (290) 254 Prop. 4. — Of an even degree above second reduced to one of half that degree (291) ; Examples 254, 255 Binomial Equations and the Roots of Unity : Definition (292) ; Examples and Scholium (293) 255, 25G lilXPONENTIAL EQUATIONS : Definition (294) 256 Prob. 1.— To solve a"" = m (295) 256 Prob. 2.— To solve x^ = m (296) ; Examples 256-260 CHAPTEll IV. DISCUSSION, OR INTERPRETATION, OF EQUATIONS. Definition (297) 260 Prop.— Statement of Principles (298) 260-262 Real Number or Quantity (299) 262 Imaginary Number (300) ; Examples 263-266 Arithmetical Interpretation of Negative and Imaginary Re- sults (301) ; Sch. Symbol ^ (302) ; Examples 267-271 XXU CONTENTS. APPENDIX, SECTION I. Series. PAOB Definitions.— Series, Tenn (303) ; Recurring Series, Scale of Rela- tion (304) ; Infinite, Convergent, Divergent (305) ; To revert a Series (306) ; Orders of Differences (307) ; Interpolation (308) ; Enumeration of Problems (309) 273-374 Lemma. — First term of any order of differences (310) ; Cor. Number of terms necessary (311) ; Examples 274, 275 Prob. 1. — To find scale of relation in recurring scries (312) ; Sch. De- pendence on too many or too few terms (313) ; Examples 275-277 Prob. 2.— To find the nth term (314) ; Examples 277, 278 Prob. 3. — To determine whether a series is convergent or divergent (315) ; Examples 278-280 Prob. 4.— To find sum of a series (316) ; Examples 280-285 Piling Balls and Shells (317) 285 Prop. — Number in triangular pile (318); Cor. Number of courses (319) 285, 286 Prop. — Number in square pile (330); Cor. Number of courses (321) 286 Prop. — Number in oblong pile (332) ; Examples 286, 287 Reversion of Series : Prob.— To revert a series (323) ; Examples 287, 288 Interpolation : To interpolate between functions (324) ; Sch. 1. Result correct when (325) ; Sell. 2. Another formula (326) ; Sch. 3. Used in Astronomy (327) ; Examples 288-291 SECTION II. Permutations. Depinitions.— Combinations (328); Permutations (329); Arrange- ments (330) 393 Prop.— Number of arrangements of m things n and n (331) ; Cor. 1. Permutations of m things (333) ; Cor. 8. When p things are alike, etc. (333); Cor. 3. Combinations of m things n and n (334) ; Examples 292-294 Probabilities : . Mathematical Probability and Improbability (335) ; Examples.. 294-398 (3 SECTION L GENERAL DEFINITIONS, AND THE ALGEBRAIC NOTATION. BRANCHES OF PURE MATHEMATICS. 1. Pure Mathematics is a generjil term applied to several branches of science, which have for their object the investigation of the properties and relations of quantity — comprehending number, and magnitude as the result of extension — and of form. 2. The Several Branches of Pure Mathematics are Arith- metic, Algebra, Calculus, and Geometry. 3. Arithmetic, Algebra, and Calculus treat of number, and Geo- metry treats of magnitude as the result of extension. 4. Quantity is the amount or extent of that which may be measured; it comprehends number and magnitude. The term quantity is also conventionally applied to symbols used to represent quantity. Thus 25, m, xi, etc., are called quantities, although, strictly speaking, they are only representatives of quantities. 5. Number is quantity conceived as made up of parts, and answers to the question, " How many ? " 6. Number is of two kinds. Discontinuous and Continu- ous, 7. Disco7itinuous Number is number conceived as made up of finite parts; or it is number which passes from one state of value to another by the successive additions or subtractions of finite units ; i. e., units of appreciable magnitude. 8^ Continuous Number is number which is conceived as composed of infinitesimal parts; or it is number which passes from 1 j2«;| f^] t' INTRODUCTION. one state of value to another by passing through all intermediate values, or states. 0, Arithmetic treats of Discontinuotis Number,— oi its nature and properties, of the various methods of combining and resolving it, and of its application to practical affairs. 10. Alf/ebra treats of the Equatioiiy and is chiefly occupied in explaining its nature and the methods of transforming and reducing it, and in exhibiting the manner of using it as an instrument for matliematical investigation.* H. Calculus treats of Contijiuous Niimher, and is chiefly occupied in deducing the relations of the infinitesimal elements of such number from given relations between finite values, and the con- verse process, and also in pointing out the nature of such infinites- imals and the method of using them in mathematical investigation. 12, Geometry treats of magnitude and form as the result of extension and position. LOGICO-MATHEMATICAL TERMS. 13. A I^roposition is a statement of something to be con- sidered or done. 14. Propositions are distinguished 2kS Axioms, Theorems, Lemmas, Corollaries, Postulates, and Problems. 15. An Axiom is a proposition which states a principle that is so simple, elementary, and evident as to require no proof. 10. A Tlieorem is a proposition which states a real or supposed fact, whose truth or falsity we are to determine by reasoning. 17* A Danonstration is the course of reasoning by means of which the truth or falsity of a theorem is made to appear. The term is also applied to a logical statement of the reasons for the processes of a rule. A solution tells hoiu a thing is done ; a demon- stration tells why it is so done. A demonstration is often called proof. * The common definition of Algebra, which makes its distin^nishing feature;* to be the literal notation, and the me of ttie signs, is entirely at fault. When Algebra firct appeared in Europe, it possessed neither of these features ! What was it then ? On the other hand, the signs are common to all branches of mathematics, and the literal notation is as prominent in the Calculus sm in Algebra, and is used, more or les?, in common Arithmetic and Geometry. LOGICO-MATHEMATICAL TERMS. 3 1S» A. Lemma is a theorem demonstrated for the purpose of using it in the demonstration of another theorem. 19, A Corollary is a subordinate theorem which is sug- gested, or the truth of which is made evident, in the course of the demonstration of a more general theorem, or which is a direct inference from a proposition. 20, A Postulate is a proposition which states that something can be done, and which is so evidently true a^ to require no process of reasoning to show that it is possible to be done. We may or may not know how to perform the operation. 21, A Prohletn is a proposition to do some specified thing, and is stated with, reference to developing the method of doing it. 22, A Rule is a formal statement of the method of solving a general problem, and is designed for practical application in solving special examples of the same class. Of course a rule requires a demonstration. 23, A Solution is the process of performing a problem or an example. It should usually be accompanied by a demonstration of the process. 24, A Scholiuin is a remark made at the close of a discussion, and designed to call attention to some particular feature or features of it. PART L* LITERAL ARITHMETICt CHAPTER I. FUNDAMENTAL, RULES. SECTION L NOTATION. 25. A System of Notation is a system of symbols by means of whicli quantities, the relations between tliem, and the operations to be performed upon them, can be more concisely expressed than by the use of words. Symbols of Quantity. 26, In Arithmetic, as usually studied, numbers are represented by the characters, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, called Arabic figures, or, simply, figures. 27* In other departments of mathematics than Arithmetic, num- bers or quantities are more frequently represented by the common letters of the alphabet, rt, &, c, . . . in, n, , . . x, y, z. These letters may, however, be used in Arithmetic ; and the Arabic figures ai-e used in all departments of mathematics. This method of represent- * Parts I. and IT. are a compend of the elements of the science, designed as a review for pupils who have studied some elementary treatise, or for the use of such teachers and classes as desire a text-book which contains a condensed treatment of the subject, to be filled ont by them- selves. In the author's Complete School Algebra, the topics here presented will be found fully amplified, illustrated, and applied. All the elementary principles are here stated, and are usually demonstrated. There are also numerous examples under every topic. The Key to the Complete School Algebra will furnish !idditi etc. The Greek letters are also often used both for known and unknown quantities. Second Law. 31. When letters are written in connection, without any sign between them, their product is signified. Thus abc signifies that the three numbers represented by a, h, and c are to be multiplied together. 6 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. 32, A character like a figure 8 placed horizontally, oo , is used to represent what is called Infinity, or a quantity larger than any assignable quantity. Symbols of Operation. S3. The Symbols of Operation used in Algebra are the same as those used in Arithmetic, or in any other branch of mathe- matics, and need not be recapitulated here. EXPONEIJ^TS. 34» An Exponent is a small figure, letter, or other symbol of number, written at the right and a little above another figure, letter, or symbol of number.* 35. A Positive Integral Exponent signifies that the number affected by it is to be taken as a factor as many times as there are units in the exponent. It is a kind of symbol of multipli- cation. 36, A JPositive Fractional Exponent indicates a power of a root, or a root of a power. The denominator specifies the root, and the numerator the power of the number to which the exponent is attached. 57. The Radical Sif/n^ >/, is also used to indicate the square root of a quantity. When any other than the square root is to be designated by this, a small figure specifying the root is placed in the sign. 38, A Negative Exponent, i. e., one with the — sign before it, either integral or fractional, signifies the reciprocal of what the expression would be if the exponent were positive, ?. e., had the + sign, or no sign at all before it. Symbols of Kelatioi^. 39, The Sign of Geometrical Matio is two dots in the form of a colon, : . 40, The Sign of Arithmetical Matio is two dots placed horizontally, •• . 41, TJie Sign of Equality is two parallel horizontal lines, = . Tlie double colon, : : , is the sign of equality between ratios. * In giving this definition, be careful and r/' add, "and indicates the power to whicli tho number is to be raised." This is false : an exponent docs not necessarily indicate a power. NOTATION. 7 42, The Sign of Variation is somewhat like a figure 8 open at one end and placed horizontally, a . 43, The Sign of Tnequality is a character somewhat like a capital V placed on its side, < , the opening being towards the greater quantity. Symbols of Aggregation?^. 44, A Vinculum is a horizontal line placed over several terms, and indicates that they are to be taken together. The paren- thesis, ( ), the brackets, [ ], and the brace, -j i , have the same signification. 4:5, A vertical line after a column of quantities, each having its own sign, signifies that the aggregate of the column is to be taken as one quantity. Thus, + a -b + c X is the same as (ft — ^ + c)x. Symbols of Continuation. 46, A series of dots, , or of short dashes, , written after a series of expressions, signifies " etc." Thus, a : ar : nr"^ : ar^ nr" means that the series is to be extended from ar^ to ar", whatever may be the value of w. Symbols of Peduction. 47, Three dots, two being placed horizontally and the thiru above and between, .*. , signify therefore, or some analogous expres- sion. If the third dot is below the first two, •.* , the symbol is read "since," "because," or by some equivalent expression. Positive and Negative Qiiantities. 48, I^ositit^e and Negative are terms primarily applied to concrete quantities which are, by the conditions of a problem, opposed in character. Ill, — A man's property may be called positive, and his debts negative. Dis- tance up may be called positive, aiid distance dotcn, negative. Time before a given period may be called positive, and after, negative. Degrees above on the thermometer scale are called positive, and below, negative. 40, The signs -j- and — are used to indicate the character of quantities as positive or negative, as Avell as for the purpose of indi- cating addition and subtraction. 8 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. 50, In problems in which the distinction of positive and negative is made, each quantity in the fonnulw is to be considered as having a sign of charade?' expressed or understood besides the plus or minus sign, which latter indicates that it is to be added or sub- tracted. The positive sign need not be written to indicate character, as it is customary to consider quantities whose character is not specified as positive. III. 1. — In the expression a'') + m — e.r, let the problem out of which it arose be such, that a, m, and x tend to a positive result, and 6 and c to an opposite, or a negative result. Giving these quantities their signs of character, we have ( + fl^) X (— &) + ( + wi) — (— c) X ( + 0-), which may be read, "positive a mult'- plied by negative b, plus positive m, minus negative c multiplied by positive x." Suppressing the positive sign, this may be written, a{-h) + m — { — c)x, by also omitting the unnecessary sign of multiplication. III. 2. — As this subject is one of fundamental importance, let careful atten- tion be given to some further illustrations. We are to distinguish between dis- cussions of the relations between mere abstract quantities, and problems in which the quantities have some concrete signification. Thus, if it is desired to ascer- tain the sum or difference of 4C8, or m, and 327, or n, as mere numbers, the question is one concerning the relation of abstract numbers, or quantities. No other idea is attached to the expressions than that each represents a certain num- ber of units. But, if we ask how far a n:an is from his starting point, who has gone, first, 468, or m miles directly east, a ul then 327, or n miles directly west ; or if we ask what is the difference in time between 468, or m years B. C, and 327, or n years A. D., the numbers 468, or m, and 327, or n, take on, besides their primary signification as quantities, the additional thought of opposition in direc- tion. They therefore become, in this sense, concrete. Again, a company of 5 l3oys are trying to move a wagon. Three of the boys can pull 75, 85, and 100 pounds each ; and they exert their strength to move the wagon east. The other two boys can pull 90 and 110 pounds each ; and they exert their strength to move the wagon west. It is evident that the 75, 85, and 100 are quantities of an opposite character, in their relation to the problem, from 90 and 110. Again, suppose a party rowing a boat up a river. Their united strength would propel the boat 8 miles per hour if there were no cur- rent ; but the force of the current is sufficient to carry the boat 2 miles per hour. The 8 and 2 are quantities of opposite character in their relation to the problem. Once more, in examining into a man's business, it is found that he has a farm worth m dollars, personal property worth n dollars, and accounts due him worth c dollars. There is a mortgage on his farm of h dollars, and he owes on account a dollars. The m, n, and c are quantities opposite in their nature to h and a. This apposition in cliaracter is indicated hy calling those quantities which con- tribute to one result positive, and those which contribute to the opposite result negative. 51, Purely abstract quantities have, properly, no distinction as positive and negative; but, since in such problems the plus or NAMES OF DIFFERENT FORMS OF EXPRESSION. 9 additive, and the minus or subtractive terms stand in the same relation to each other as positive and negative quantities, it is cus- tomary to call them such. III. — In the expression bac — Zed + %xy — 2ad, though the quantities, a, c, d, X and y be merely abstract, and have no proper signs of character of their own, the terms do stand in the same relation to each other and to the result, as do positive and negative quantities. Thus, 5ac and %xy tend, as we may say, to increase the result, while — 'dcd, and — 'iad tend to diminish it. Therefore the former may be called positive terms, and the latter negative. 52. ScH. — Less than zero. Negative quantities are frequently spoken of as ''less than zero." Though this language is not philosophically correct, it is in such common use, and the thing signified is so sharply defined and easily comprehended, that its use may possibly be allowed as a conventionalism. To illustrate its meaning, suppose, in speaking of a man's pecuniary affairs, it is said that lie is worth "less than nothing; " it is simply meant that his debts exceed his assets. If this excess were $1000, it might be called nega- tive $1000, or —$1000. So, again, if a man were attempting to row a boat up a stream, but witli all his effort the current bore him down, his progress might be said to be less than nothing, or negative. In short, in any case where quantities are reckoned both ways from zero, if we call those reckoned one way greater than zero, or positive, we may call those reckoned the other way "less than zero," or negative. 53. The value of a Negative Quantity is conceived to increase as its numerical value decreases. III. — Thus —3 > —5, as a man who is in debt $3 is better off than one who is in debt $5, other things l)eing equal. If a man is striving to row up stream, and at first is borne down 5 miles an hour, but by practice comes to row so well as only to be borne down 3 miles an hour, he is evidently gaining ; i. e., —3 is an increase upon —5. Finally, consider the thermometer scale. If the mercury stands at 20° below (marked —20°) at one hour, and at —10° the next hour, the temperature is increasing ; and, if it increase suHiciently, will become 0, passiiu/ ichich it will reach +1°, +2°, etc. In this illustration, the quantity passes from negative to positive by passing through 0. It appears in geometry, that a quantity may also change its sign in passing through infinity. Thus the tangent of an arc less than 90° is positive ; but if the arc continually increases, the tangent becomes infinity at 90°, passing which it becomes negative. Now, as we know of no other way in which a varying quantity can change its sign, it is assumed as a fundamental principle in mathematics that, if a vary- ing QUANTITY CHANGES ITS SIGN, IT PASSES THROUGH ZERO, OR INFINITY. NAMES OF DIFFERENT FORMS OF EXPRESSION. 54:» A I^olyiioinial is an expression composed of two or more 10 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. parts connected by the signs plus and minus, each of which parts is called a term. 5o. A 3Ionoinial is an expression consisting of one term ; a Binomial has two terms; a Trinomial has three terms, etc. 06, A Coefficient of a term is that factor which is considered as denoting the number of times the remainder of the term is taken. The numerical factor, or the product of the known factors in a term, is most commonly called the coefficient, though any factor, or the product of any number of factors in a term may be considered as coefficient to the other part of the term. tT7. Similar Terms are such as consist of the same letters affected with the same exponents. SECTION IL ADDITION. 58. Addition, is the process of combining several quantities, so that the result sliall express the aggregate value in the fewest terms consistent with the notation. 59* The Snm or Ainount is the aggregate value of several quantities, expressed in the fewest terms consistent with the nota- tion. 60, JProp, 1, Similar terms are united hy Addition into one. Dem. — Let it be required to add 4rt€, hac, — 2ac, and — dac. Now 4ac is 4 times ac, and 5ac is 5 times the same quantity {ac). But 4 times and 5 times the same quantity make 9 times that quantity. Hence, 4ac added to ryrtc make 9ac. To add — 2ac to 9ac we have to consider that the negative quantity, — 2ac, is so opposed in its character to the positive, 9ac, as to tend to destroy it when com- bined (added) with it. Therefore, — 2ac destroys 2 of the 9 fmes nc, and gives, when added to it, 7ac. In like manner, — Sac added to Tr^r, gives 4ac. Thus the four similar terms, 4nc, tiac, — 2ac, and — Sac, have been combined (added) into one term, 4ac ; and it is evident that any other group of similar terms can be treated in tlie same manner. xpress the addition, as 4ny2 -f ^(ih 4- (_ 2.ry). But since "2xy is nejjative, it tends to destroy the positive quantities and will take out of them Ixy. Hence the result will be 4c?/ '^ + 3«& — 2a;y. The effect of — mn will be the same in kind as that of — 2.r^, and hence the total sum will be \cy^ + Zcih — 2xy — mn. As a similar course 12 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. of reasoning can be applied to any case, the truth of the proposition ap' pears. Sen. — In such an expression as 4cy ' + dab — %vy — w;?,the — sign before the mil does not signify that it is to be taken from the immediately preceding quantity ; nor is this the signification of any of the signs. But the quan- tities having the — sign are considered as operating to destroy any which may have the + sign, and vice versa. Go, Cor. — Adding a negative quantity is the same as subtracting a numerically equal positive quantity ; that is,m + (— n) is m — w, shown as above. Dem. — Since a negative quantity is one which tends to destroy a positive quantity, — ii when added to /« (t. €. + m) destroys n of the units in m, and lience gives as a result m — n. 60, I^rob, — To add polynomials, RULE. — Combine each set of similar terms into one TERM, AND CON'NECT THR RESULTS WITH THEIR OWN SIGNS. ThE polynomial THUS FOUND IS THE SUM SOUGHT.* Dem. — The purpose of addition being to combine the quantities so as to express the aggregate (sum) in the fewest terms consistent with the notation, the correctness of the rule is evident, as only similar terms can be united into one (60, 64). 67, Prop, »?, Literal terms, which arc similar only toith respect to part of their factors, may be united into one term ivith a polynomial coefficient. Dem. — Let it be required to add 5ax, — 2cx, and 2mx. These terms are similar, only with respect to x, and we may say 5a times x and — 2c times x make {5a — 2c) times x, or (5a — 2c)x. And then, 5a — 2c times x and 2m times X make (o« — 2c + 2m) times x, or (5a — 2c + 2m)x. q. e. d. 68, Prop, 4, Compound terms which have a common compound, or polynomial factor, may be regarded as similar and added with respect to that factor. Dem. 5{x^ — y^), 2{:X- — y-) and — 3(j;^ — y^) make, when added with re- spect to {x^ — y-), 4(.r- — y-), for they are 5 + 2 — 3, or 4 times the same quan- tity {x- — y^). In a similar manner we may reason on other cases. Q. E. D. ♦ This is the proficient's rule, as exhibited on p^ge 45 of the Complete School Algebra, ScH. 2. ADDITION. 13 ScH. — The object and process of addition, as now explained, will be seen to be identical witli the same as the pupil has learned them in Arith- metic, except what grows out of the notation, and the consideration of positive and negative quantities. For example, in the decimal notation let it be required to add 248, 10506, 5003, 81, and 106. The units in the several numbers are similar terms, and hence are combined into one : so also of the tens, and of the liundreds. The process of carrying has no analogy in the literal notation, since the relative values of the terms are not supposed to be known. Again, there is nothing usually found in the decimal addition like positive and negative quantities. With these two exceptions the processes are essentially the same. The same may be said of addition of compound numbers. Examples. 1. Find the sum of 2a —3x^, bx^ — la, — 3« + z^, and a — Sx^, 2. Find the sum of a^ - b^ -h Sa^b - 5ab^, 3a^ - 4a^b + Sb^ - 3ab\ a^ +b^ + daH, 2a^ - U^ - 5ab^, 6aH + lOab^, and - (Ja^ - la^b + ^ab^ + 2b^. 3. Find the sum of bca^x^ + Ua^x^ + mx^y^, and lOca'-x^ — 2ba^x^ -f 67nx^y^. 4. Add 2x^ — 4:X^ + x^, bx^y — ab + x^, 4x^ - x^, and 2xi - 3 5. Add ^(x + y) and |(.t — y), 6. Add ax-\-2by + cz, ^x + Vy + Vz, Sy^'-2xi + Sx^, 4:cz - Sax — 2by, and 2ax - Wy - 2A 7. Add cz — 2ay, 2az — Say, my — az, with respect to z and y. 8. Add {a-\-b)Vx-(2-hifi)\/y,^y^ + (a + c)x^,3uVy—{2d-e)x^, —2nVx + 12a Vy, and (m + n)ij^-}-(b + 2c)\/x. 9. Add x^ + xy ■¥ y^, ax^ — axy + ay^, and — by^ + bxy + bx^, 10. Add a(x + y) + b(x — y), m{x i- y) — n{x — y). 11. Add 'SmVx — y + QnVx — y — ^^x -— y — Sn^Jx — y. 12. Add Sax'i -f hy~^ — 2c, — = 1- 8c, and — ^ax~^ — my^ Vx y -de. 13. Add i^/a^ - x^, -^^/^^^l^, and ^a^ - x^. 14 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. 14. Add J^-tA.-^, iL_-_iJ_^, and - 2a{x^ - 1)4. Vx^ - 1 {x- - ip 15. Add i(l/^2 - y-i + 2;-2), and |(a;t + -^- - :^). 16. Add (a - b + c)y/x^~Y^y {a + h - c) {x^ ~ ?/2)i and (b-{-c- a) Vx^ - yK 17. Condense tlie polynomial ^ax^ — 3?/« + %cz — 4:mVx i 3)ny^ ^2ax^ + Gcz, into 2(a — 2?7i)Vx +3(;?i — l)^^ + Scz. SECT/ON IIL SUBTRACTION. CO. Subtraction is, primarily, the process of taking a less quantity from a greater. In an enlarged sense, it comes to mean taking one quantity from another, irrespective of their magnitudes. It also comprehends all processes of finding the difference between quantities. In all cases the result is to be expressed in the fewest terms consistent with the notation used. 70, TJie Difference between two quantities is, in its primary signification, the number of units which lie between them ; or, it is what must be added to one in order to pi'odttce the other. When it is required to take one quantity from another, the difference is what must be added to the Subtrahend in order to produce the Minuend, 71. JProb, — To perform Subtraction, RULE. — Change the signs of each term in the subtra- hend FROM + TO — , OR FROM — TO +, OR CONCEIVE THEM TO BE CHANGED, AND ADD THE RESULT TO THE MINUEND. Dem. — Since the difference sought is what must be added to the subtrahend to produce tlie minuend, we may consider this difference as made up of two parts, one the subtrahend with its signs changed, and the other the minuend. When the sum of these two parts is added to the subtrahend, it is evident that the first part will destroy the subtrahend, and the other part, or minuend, will be the sum. SUBTRACTION. 15 Thus, to perform the example : From 5ax — 6^ — 3(f — 4m Take 2ax + 2b — 5d + Sm^ Subtrahend with signs changed, — 2ax — 2b -{- 5d — Sm Minuend, 5ax — &> — Sd — 4m If these three quantities are added together, the sum will Difference, Sax — 8& + 2d— 12m evidently be the minuend. If, therefore, we add the second and third of them (that is, the sub- trahend, with its signs changed, and the minuend) together, the sum will be what is necessary to be added to the subtrahend to produce the minuend, and hence is the difference sought. Q. E. D. 72, Con. 1. — When a parenthesis, or any symbol of like significa- tion {4:4), occurs in a polynomial, preceded by a — sign, and the parenthesis or equivalent symbol is removed, the signs of all the terms which were within must be changed, since the — sign indicates that the quantity tvithin the parenthesis is a subtrahend. 73, Cor. 2. — A7iy quantity can be placed ivithin a parenthesis, preceded by the — sign, by changing all the signs. The reason of this is evident, since by removing the parenthesis according to the preceding corollary, the expression loould return to its original form. Examples. 1. How much must be added to 8 to produce 12 ? What is the difference between 8 and 12 ? How much must be added to ^ax^ — 5^3 (the subtrahend) to produce ?>ax^ + 2^^ ? Aiistuer. — ^To Zax^ we must add bax^ ; and to — 5^' we must add + 7;y3. Hence in all we must add hax^ + '^y^- 2. From 3x^ - 2x^ - x - 7 take 2x^ - 3x^ + x + 1. 3. From a^ — x^ take a^ + 2ax -f x^. 4. From 1 + Sx^ + 3x + x^ take 1 - Sx^ ^-Sx- x^. 5. From x'^ + 2x^y'^ + y^ take x'^ — 2x'^y^ + y^. 6. From 7\/l + x^ - 3ay^ take - sVl + x^ + Say^. 7. From ay^ + 10 Vab take ay + x\/7ib. 8. From bx^ — 3\/m?i + 1 take b^x + (mn)^ — 1. 9. From a + b -h Va — b take b -\- a — (a — b)^ + VaK 16 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. 10. Remove the parentheses from the following: a- {{b-c) - d] ; la- j3a - [4a- (5« - "Za)]] ; ^a - b) - c + d - {a - b —'Z (c - d)] ; Z(U--b-c)-b {a- (U + c)\ + 3 \b-(c-a)\. 11. Include within brackets the 3d, 4th, and 5th terms of Zab — x^-hax — lOby + 50. Also the 4th and 5th. Also the 2d and 3d. Theory of Subtraction. — Subtraction is finding the difference between quantities, that is, finding what must be added to one quantity to produce the other. This difference may always be considered as consisting of two parts, one of which destroys the subtraliend, and the other part is the minuend itself. Hence, to perform subtraction, we change the signs of the subtrahend to get that part of the difference which dertroys the subtrahend, and add this result to the minuend, which is the other part of the difference. ^«» SECT/ON IV, MULTIPLICATION. 74. Multiplication is the process of finding the simplest ex- pression consistent with the notation nsed, for a quantity which shall be as many times a specified quantity, or such a part of that quantity, as is represented by a specified number. 7i>. CoK. 1. — The mtdtlplier must alioays be conceived as an ab- stract number^ since it shoivs how many times the multiplicand is to be taken. 76, Cor. 2. — The product is always of the same hind as the mul- tiplicand. 77, Prop, 1, — Tlie product of several factors is the same in whatever order they are taken. Dem. — 1st. a -K &, is a taken 6 times, 0Ta-\-a + a + a + a to 6 terms. Now, if we take 1 unit from each term (each a), we shall get & units ; and this process can be repeated a times, giving a times b, or b x a. .'. a x b = b x a. 2d. Wlien there are more than two factors, as abc. We have shown that ab = ba. Now call this product in, whence ftbc — mc. But by part 1st, mc = cm. .'. abc = bac = cah = cba. In like manner we may show that the product of any number of factors is the same in Avhatever order they are taken, q. e. d. 78, JProp, 2, — When two factors have the same sign their prod- uct is positive: when they have different signs their product is neg- ative. MULTIPLICATION. 17 Dem. — 1st. Let tlie factors be + a and + b. Considering a as the multiplier we are to take + b, a times, which gives + ab, a being considered as abstract in the operation, and the product, + «6, being of the same 'kind as the multipli- cand ; that is, positive. Now, when the product, + ab, is taken in connection with other quantities, the sign + of the multiplier, a, shows that it is to be added ; that is, written with its sign unchanged. .'. {+ b) x {+ a) = + ab. 2d. Let the factors he — a and — b. Considering a as the multiplier, we are to take — b,a times, which gives — «&, a being considered as abstract in the operation, and the product, — ab, being of the same kind as the multiplicand ; that is, negative. Now, when this product, — ab, is taken in connection with other quantities, the sign — of the multiplier shows that it is to be subtracted ; that is, written with its sign changed. :. {—b) x {— a) = + ab. 3d. Let the factors be — « and + &. Considering a as the multiplier, we are to take ■{■ b, a times, which gives + ab, a being considered as abstract in the operation, and the product, ■{- ab,heing ot the same kind as the multiplicand; that is, positive. Now, when this product, + ab, is taken in connection with other quantities, the sign — of the multiplier shows that it is to be subtracted ; that is, written with its sign changed. .•.(+&) x {— a) = — ab. 4th. Let the factors he + a and — b. Considering a as the multiplier, we are to take — b, a times, which gives — ab, a being considered as abstract in the operation, and the product, — ab, being of the same kind as the multiplicand ; that is, negative. Now, when this product, — ab, is taken in connection with other quantities, the sign + of the multiplier shows that it is to be added ; that is, written with its own sign. .*. {— b) x {+ a) = — ab. q. e. d. 70, Cor. 1. — The j^^'oduct of any riumher of positive factors is positive. SO, Cor 2. — The product of an even number of negative factors is positive. 81, Cor. 3. — TJie product of an odd number of negative factors is 7iegative. 82, Prop, 3, — Tlie product of two or more factors consisting of the same quantity affected with exponents, is the common quantity with an exponent equal to the snni of the exponents of the factors. That is a'" X a" = «'""^" ; or rt'"- a"- a* = «"*+"+*, etc., whether the expo- nents are integral or fractional, positive or negative. Dem. — 1st. Wlien the exponents are positive integers. Let it be required to multiply a"* by a"" and a\ a'^ = aaaa to m factors, a" = aaaaa io n factors, and a'' — aaaaa to a factors. Hence the i)roduct, being composed of all the factors in the quantities to be multiplied together, contains m + n A- s factors each flr, and hence is expressed «'"+ " + *. Since it is evident that this rea- soning can be extended to any number of factors, as «"• x a" x a" x a"", etc., etc., the proposition in this case is proved. 2 18 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. 2d. WJien the exponents are positive fractions. Let it be required to multiply mem a" by a* . Now a" means m of the ii equal factors into which a is conceived to be resolved. If each of these n factors be resolved into b factors, a will be re- m solved into bn factors. Then, since a" contains m of the n equal factors of a, and each of these is resolved into b factors, m factors will contain bm of the bn m bm c equal factors of a. Hence a" = «'"' . In like manner a^ may be shown equal to en m c t>m en a''* ; and a* x a^ = a^'^ x a^". This now signifies that a is to be resolved into m e ^ bn factors, and bm + en of them taken to form the product. /. a" x a^ = a*"* xa*" = a *" ,ora" *, which proves the proposition for positive fractional exponents, since the same reasoning can be extended to any number of factors, m e e as o" X a'* X a'', etc. 3d. Whe7i the exponents are negative. Let it be required to multiply «-"' by a—", m and w being either integral or fractional. By definition a—"^ x «— * = — X — . Now, as fractions are multiplied by multiplying numerators together a** a* and denominators together, we have — x — = -—7- by part 1st of the demon- ^ a"» a" «"• + " stration. But this is the same as a- (»« + ") or a-"'-". .'. a—"" x a-" = a-"'-'* Examples. 1. Prove as above that 81^ X 81* = 81^'" and that 81^ = 81^ 2. Prove that m" X vi"" = 7)1"+". 3. Prove that 16"* x 16"* = 16"*. 4. Prove that 25"* X 25* is 1. 5. Prove that a~' X a^ is a. ScH.— The student must be careful to notice the difference between the signification of a fraction used as an exponent, and its common signification. Thus I tised as an exponent signifies that a number is resolved into 3 equal factors, and the product of 2 of them taken •, whereas I used as a common fraction signifies that a quantity is to be separated into 3 equal parts, and the sum of two of them taken. S3, Proh, — To muUiiyly monomiaU. RULE. — Multiply the numerical coefficiej^ts as in the DECIMAL NOTATION, AND TO THIS PRODUCT AFFIX THE LETTERS OF ALL THE FACTORS, AFFECTING EACH WITH AN EXPONENT EQUAL TO THE SUM OF ALL THE EXPONENTS OF THAT LETTER IN ALL THE MULTIPLICATION. 19 FACTORS. The SIGN^ of the product will be + EXCEPT WHEN^ THERE IS AN ODD NUMBER OF NEGATIVE FACTORS; IN WHICH CASE IT WILL BE — . Dem. — This rule is but an application of the preceding principles. Since the product is composed of all the factors of the given factors, and the order of ar- rangement of the factors in the product does not affect its value, we can write the product, putting the continued product of the numerical factors first, and then grouping the literal factors, so that like letters shall come together. Finally, performing the operations indicated, by multiplying the numerical factors as in the decimal notation, and the like literal factors by adding the ex- ponents, the product is completed. 84, I^rob, — To multiply two factors together token one or hoth are polynomials, R ULE. — Multiply each term of the multiplicand by each TERM OF THE MULTIPLIER, AND ADD THE PRODUCTS. Dem. — Thus, if any quantity is to be multiplied by a -|- & — c, if we take it a times {i. e. multiply by a), then h times, and add the results, we have taken it a + h times. But this is taking it c too many times, as the multiplier required it to be taken a + h minus c times. Hence we must multiply by e, and subtract this product from the sum of tlie other two. Now to subtract this product is simply to add it with its signs changed {71). But, regarding the — sign of c as we multiply, will change the signs of the product, and we can add the partial products as they stand, even without first adding the products by a and h. Q. E. D. S5, Theo. — TJie square of the sum of two quantities is equal to the square of the first^ plus twice the product of the two, plus the square of the second. 80, Theo. — The square of the difference of two quantities is equal to the square of the first, ininus twice the product of the two, plus the square of the second. 87, Theo. — The product of the sum and difference of two quan- tities is equal to the difference of their squares. The demonstration of these three theorems consists in multiplying 2^ + y by ic + ^, a; — ^ by ic — y, and x + y hy x — y. 20 UTERAL AlilTHMETIG. Examples. 1. Multiply together Sax, — Sa^x^, 4:hij, — y^, and 2x*y*. 2. Multiply together 3x*, — mx^, 2m', x-% — 2, and 2a;"*. 3. Multiply together 40a;*, x^y and f A/^ ; also Sa^h^, and « _i _I i 4. Multiply m^ by m ^, a~* by a", aH'"" by a^ft*, m " by w*", V'rt by ^^, ^^3 by ^^. 5. Multiply '6a — 2hhy a + 4i. 6. Multiply a;2 + a;y + y^ by a;* — xy -{■ y^. 7. Multiply 7/1* + ?i* + 0* - 7)1^71^ — m^o^ — n^o^ by m^ + n» 8. Multiply a"' — «" + rt^ by ^T — a. 9. Multiply together z — a, z — b, z — c, z — d. 10. Multiply together x + y, x — y, x^ -\- xy + y^ and a;* — xy SuG. — Try the factors in different orders, and compare the labor required. m t m t_ nt. t 11. Multiply a^b' * - cl^f '' + 1 by a^'"^ + 1. 12. Multiply 2a^-''b^-'' 4- Sa^-^b"" by 10a''-^+^Z'" + » - oa'-'b-"^. 13. Square the following by the theorems (8S^ 86) : 1+a, x-2, 3/ +3^, a~i-a~^b^, a:" + a:, f±-, a;-* + .V, }rt^ - i^r^' Z/.c-i//~ n — ay-^xX 2a2J-(3-p) _^ Ja^^r*. 14. Write the following products by (87) : (1 + frt) X (1 - f«), (99ax 4- 9a/«^) X (99rta: - da^x^). 15. Expand (a + ^ + c) (a + b — c) {a — b + c) (— a + b + c). MULTIPLICATION. 21 MULTIPLICATIOIS' BY DeTACHED COEFFICIElsrTS. 88m lu cases in which the terms of both multiplicand and multi- plier contain the same letters, and can be so arranged that the ex- ponents of the same letters shall vary in the successive terms of each according to the same law, a simiUir laAV ^vill liold good in the product, and the multiplication can be efifected by using the co- efficients alone, in the first instance, and then writing the literal factors in the product according to the observed law. A few examples will make this clear : 1. Multiply 2a^ - 3a^x + ^ax^ — x^ by 2a^ — ax + 7x^. OPERATION. 2 - 3 + 5- 1 2-1+7 4 - 6 + 10 - 2 -2+3-5+1 + 14-21 + 35-7 4-8 + 27-28 + 36 Prod., 4«6 - 8a^x + 27a^x^ - 2Sa^x^ + SQax^ - 7a:« 2. Multiply a:3 + 2a; — 4 by rc2 — 1. SuG. — By writing these polynomials thus, x^ + Ox^ + 2x — 4, x^ + Ox — 1, the law of the exponents in each case becomes evident. Hence we have, 1 + + 2-4 1 + 0-1 1+0+2-4 _l_0-2 +4 1+0+1-4-2+4 Prod., a;' + Oa;* + x^ —4x^ — 2x + 4, or x'^ + x^ — 4x^ — 2a; + 4 3. Multiply 3«3 -j. 4:ax - ox^ by 2a^ - 6ax + 4x^. 4. Multiply 2^3 - 3ah^ + 5h^ by 2a^ - 6b^. Bug.— The detached coefficients are 2 + — 3 + 5, and 2 + — 5. 5. Multiply «3. -\-aix + ax^ ■}■ x^ hy a — x. 6. Multiply x^ - 'dx^ + 3a; - 1 by x^ - 2x -h 1. 22 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. SECTION F. DIVISION. SO, T>ivision is the process of finding how many times one quantity is contained in another. 00, The problem of division maybe stated: Given the product of two factors and one of the factors^ to find the other ; and the siiffi- cient reason for any quotient is, that midtiplied by the divisor it gives the dividend. 01, Cor. 1. — Dividend and divisor may both be multiplied or both be divided by the same number without affecting the quotient. 02, Cor. 2. — If the dividend be multiplied or divided by any number, while the divisor remains the same, the quotient is multiplied or divided by the same. 03, Cor. 3. — If the divisor be multiplied by any number while the dividend remains the same, the quotient is divided by that number / but if the divisor be divided, the quotient is midtiplied. 94:, Cor. 4. — The sum of the quotients of two or more quantities divided by a common divisor, is the same as the quotient of the sum of the quantities divided by the same divisor. 05, Cor. 5. — The difference of the quotients of two quantitie.\ divided by a common divisor, is the same as the quotient of the dif- ference divided by the same divisor. These corollaries are direct consequences of the definition, and need no demonstration ; but they should be amply illustrated. 96, Def. — Cancellation, is the striking out of a factor common to both dividend and divisor, and does not affect the quotient, as appears from {01), 97, Lemma 1. — When the dividend is positive, the quotient has the same sign as the divisor ; but when the dividend is negative, the quotient has an o2yposite sign to the divisor. 08, Lemma 2. — When the dividend and divisor consist of the same quantity affected by exponents, the quotient is the common quantity with an exponent equal to the exponent in the dividend, m.inus that in the divisor. DIVISION. 23 These lemmas are immediate cousequences of the law of the signs and exponents in multiplication. 99, Cor. 1. — An^/ quantity rcith an exponent is 1, since it may be considered as arising from dividing a quantity by itself. Thus, X representing any quantity, and m any exponent, a;"' -5- a;"* =: a;° = 1. 100, Cor. 2. — Negative exponents arise from division whe^i there are more factors of any number in the divisor than in the divi- dend. 101, Cor. 3. — A factor may be transferred from dividend to divisor (or from numerator to denominator of a fraction^ ichich is the same thing), and vice versa, by changing the sign of its expo?ient. 102 • J^rob, 1, — To divide one monomicd by another, RULE. — Divide the numerical coefficient of the divi- dend BY THAT OF THE DIVISOR AND TO THE QUOTIENT ANNEX THE LITERAL FACTORS, AFFECTING EACH WITH AN EXPONENT EQUAL TO ITS EXPONENT IN THE DIVIDEND MINUS THAT IN THE DIVISOR, AND SUPPRESSING ALL FACTORS WHOSE EXPONENTS ARE 0. ThE SIGN OF THE QUOTIENT WILL BE + WHEN DIVIDEND AND DIVISOR HAVE LIKE SIGNS, AND — WHEN THEY HAVE UNLIKE SIGNS. Dem. — The dividend being the product of divisor and quotient, contains all the factors of both ; hence the quotient consists of all the factors which are found in the dividend and not in the divisor. 103, Fvoh, 2, — To divide a j^olynomial by a monomial. RULE. — Divide each term of the polynomial dividend by THE MONOMIAL DIVISOR, AND WRITE THE RESULTS IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR OWN SIGNS. Dem. — This rule is simply an application of the corollaries {94, 95), 104, Dep. — A polynomial is said to be arranged with reference to a certain letter when the term containing the highest exponent of that letter is placed first at the left or right, the term containing the next highest exponent next, etc., etc. 24 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. 105, Prob. S, — To perform division when both dividend an^ divisor are polynomials. RULE. — Having arranged dividend and divisor with REFERENCE TO THE SAME LETTER, DIVIDE THE FIRST TERM OF THE dividend by the first TERM OF THE DIVISOR FOR THE FIRST TERM OF THE QUOTIENT. ThEX SUBTRACT FROM THE DIVIDEND THE PRODUCT OF THE DIVISOR INTO THIS TERM OF THE QUOTIENT, AND BRING DOWN AS MANY TERMS TO THE REMAINDER AS MAY BE NECESSARY TO FORM A NEW DIVIDEND. DiVIDE AS BEFORF, AND CONTINUE THE PROCESS TILL THE WORK IS COMPLETE. Dem. — The arrangement of dividend and divisor according to the same letter enables us to find the term in the quotient containing the highest (or lowest if we put the lowest power of the letter first in our arrangement) power of the same letter, and so on for each succeeding term. The other steps of the process are founded on the principle, that the product of the divisor into the several parts of the quotient is equal to the dividend. Now by the operation, the product of the divisor into the Jird term of the quotient is subtracted from the dividend ; then the product of the divisor into the second term of the quotient ; and so on, till the product of the divieor into each term of the quotient, that is, the product of the divisor into the \cholc quotient, is taken from the dividend. If there is no remainder, it is evident that this product is equal to the dividend. If there w a remainder, the product of the divisor and quotient is equal to the whole of the dividend except the remainder. And this remainder is not included in the parts subtracted from the dividend, by operating according to the rule. ScH. — Tliis process of division is strictly analogous to " Long Division " in common arithmetic. The arrangement of the terms corresponds to the regular order of succession of the thousands, hundreds, tens, units, etc., while the other processes are precisely the same in both. Examples. 3 1 ^» - 1. Divide m^ by w^, /i" by n'^y (ab)^'^ by (ab)" , a^ hy a^, a~* by «5, ;c 3 by x'^, x'^ by x~^, „ ^ «-2^2 2ar^x~^y , bcd-^bx-^ ^ 2. Free -37—,, » o -1 o - and -5-3^ — —- from negative expo- nents, and explain the process. 3. Divide 15ay« by 3ay, Sa^b^a^d by ^aH^c^, 3ah^ by a^b^, — doa*'bx^hy1a^bx,-20aJbh by ~-4.0ab^c, y" -by y", -?/ by y-^ na^b^-'y by -^a-'b'-Py-", -^a^b'^c^ by - 12a'^bc^-'', a'-'+^b'-'c^ m n by a*-^+i^''+Y'2, and xi>^j/~^ by a;«y"i. DIVISION BY DETACHED COEFFICIENTS. 7^ L Divide Ha^k- - l'2a^k^ +3a'k^ by dak, Ux^y^a^b + Ulx^y^ ~ -^ii^ifab- by Wx'^y^, Ibax^ — Iba^x -\- 'dax by — bax, i:a'^^ni^ - 12ri-i»//i8 4- 5280 by - 12«-i% '^Q^x^y'"' - 2Vixy'''+' by l^xy, y^ + 3^2/ - 2^^ by yK V^" - b'^'" - &'+'"- b'^*" by b'% ax^ - 2fla;"« ' + 3«.r by «2.-'+\ 5. Divide 4a;2 - 28z^ + 4%2 by 2.t - '7y. 6. Divide G2* — Idax^ + ISa^T^ — 13<«3a:-5rt* by 2a;2— 3aa:— a^. 7. Divide a;^ 4- ?/3 _{_ 3^^ _ 1 by ^ 4. 1^ _ 1. 8. Divide ««^i2 _ 54 by ab^ — 2, x — 4:J by x^ — 2«^. 9. Divide xy- ahy x^y^ — a^, 243^' + 1024 by 4 + Sa. 10. Divide ^8 - 1^^* + Uy' - fe^ - W^ + | by ^2 _ | + 5. 11. Divide 1 + 2x^ — 7x^ - 16x^ by 1 + 2.?: + 3x^ + 4rc3. 12. Divide {x^ - y^f by (x - «/)^ a^ + ^,-3 by « -j- b'K 13. Divide ?/* i^J !/ • 14. Divide 1 by 1 — x^, also by 1 + ^^, 1 + x, and by 1 — a;. 15. Divide «'+" + a^b + fli" + b'+" by ft" + b\ 16. Divide a'"'-'"'b^''c - a"^+'-'Z>'-V + a-^b-'c"^ 4- a"""" Z»'''+V'^ - «"«+«»- '^,3^.">-i + jp+x^.n.+«-i by «-»^-^-' + ^6''^-'. 17. Divide ?>i"'+' + a^w^i"" + n??!"" + aii'"'^'' by m + n. 18. Divide 7/m(a:« +l) + (w2 -\- m^) (x^+x) + {n^ +2nm){x^ +x^) by «a:2 4- /?z:c 4- n. 19. Divide Ma;* 4- 2(h - k)x^ - {h^ 4- 4 - h^)x^ 4- 2 (7i 4- h)x ^ Ilk by /l'a:2 — 7i 4- 2a7. 20. Divide x + y -{- z — 3 \/xyz by a;"^ 4- «/^ 4- ;z^ Division by Detached Coefficients, 106, Division by detached coefficients can be effected in the same cases as multiplication (88). The student will be able to trace the process and see the reason ji'oni an exampje. 26 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. 1. Divide 10a* — '^la^x + ^^^x^ - l%ax^ - 8a;* by 2a« - Soaj OPERATION, 2 - 3 + 4) 10 - 27 + 34 - 18 - 8 1 5 -6 -2 10 - 15 + 20 I 5a^ — Qax — 2a;» Qiwt, -12 + -12 + 14- 18- 18 24 4 + 4 + 6- 6- -8 -8 2. Divide re* - Zax^ - %a^x^ + 18«3:c - 8a* by x* + 2ax — 2aK 3. Divide 6a* - 96 by 3a - 6. SuG.— The detached coefficients are 6 + + + - 96 and 3 — 6. 4. Divide 3y^ + 3xy^ — Ax^y —4:X^ hy x -\- y. 5. Divide x'^ + y'^ hj x -h y ; »ilso re* — y* by a;^ — y*. Synthetic Division. 107, When division by detaclied coefficients is practicable, as in tlie examples in the last article, the operation may be very much condensed by an arrangement of terms first proposed by W. G. Hor- ner, Esq., of Bath, Eng., which is hence called Horner's method of synthetic division. A careful inspection of tlie operatiok under Ex. 1, in the last article, will acquaint the student with the process. Explanation of Operation. — Arrange the coefficients of the divisor in a vertical column at the left of the dividend, changing the signs of all after the first. Draw a line underneath the whole under which to write the coefficients of 5a'-^x-2x', Quot. the quotient. The first coefficient of the quotient is found evidently by dividing the first of the dividend by the first of the divisor, and in this case is 5. As the first term of the dividend is always destroyed by this operation, we need give it (10) no farther consideration. Now, multiplying the other coefficients after the first (t. e. + 3 and — 4) icith their sig-ns changed, by 5, we have + 15 and — 20, which are to be added (?) to — 27 and + 34. Hence we write the former under the latter. The first term* of the second partial divi- dend can be formed mentally by adding (?) + 15 to — 27, and the next term of the quotient by dividing this sum (— 12) by 2. Hence — 6 is the second term of * Strictly, the " coefficient of; " but tUis form is asedfor breyity. operation. 2 10-27 + 34-18-8 + 3 + 15-20 + 24 + 8 -4 -18-6 5 -6 -2 SYNTHETIC DIVISION. 27 the quotient. (We did not add (?) — 20 to + 34, because there is more to be taken in before the first term of the next partial dividend is formed.) Having found the second term of the quotient (— 6), we multiply the terms of the divisor, except the first, (with their signs changed) by — 6, and write the results, — 18 and + 24, under the third and fourth of the dividend, to which they are to be added (?). Now we have all that is to be added"* to +34 (viz., — 20 and — 18) in order to obtain the first term of the next partial dividend. Hence, adding, we get — 4. which divided by 2 gives — 2 as the next term of the quotient. Multiplying all the terms of the divisor except the first, as before, we have — 6 and + 8, which fall under — 18 and — 8. Now adding + 24 and — 6 to — 18, nothing remains. So also +8 — 8 = 0, and the work is complete, as far as the coefficients of the quotient are concerned. 2. Divide x^ - bx'^ + 15a;* - Ux^ + 21x^ - 13a; + 5 by aj* - 2x^ + 4a;2 - 2a; + 1. OPERATION. Quot, 1 + 2 -4 + 2 -1 1 -5 + 15 -24 + 27- 13 + 5 + 2- 4 + 2- 1 + 3- •5 6 + 12- + 10- 6 + 20 10 j_ -3 + _^ ^ a;' - 3a; + 5 3. Divide 4i/6 - Uy^ + 60y* - SOy' + my^ — 24y + 4 by %y^ -4^ + 2. 4. Divide x'^ - y'^ hj x — y ', also 1 by 1 — a;. 5. Will a; + 2 divide a;* + 2a;' — 7a;' - 20a; 4- 12 without a re- mainder? Willa;-3? 6. Will a; + 3, or a; — 3, divide a^ — 6a;* — 16a; + 21 without a re- mainder ? Will a; + 7, or a; — 7 ? ♦ The student will not fail to eee that this addition is equivalent to the ordinary subtraction since the signs of the terms have been changed. 28 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. CHAPTER n. FACTORING. SECTION I. FUNDAMENTAL PROPOSITIONS. 108, The Factors of a uumber are those numbers wliich mul- tiplied together produce it. A Factor is, therefore, a Divisor. A Factor is also frequently called a measure, a term ai'ising in Geome- try. 109, A Common Divisor is a common integral factor of two or more numbers. The Greatest Common Divisor of two or more numbers is the greatest common integral factor, or the product of all the common integral factors. Common Measure and Com- mon Divisor are equivalent terms. 110, A Common Multiple of two or more numbers is an integral number which contains each of them as a factor, or which is divisible by each of them. The Least Common Multiple of two or more numbers is the least integral number which is divisible by each of them. 111, A Composite Number is one which is composed of integral factors different from itself and unity. 112, A Prime N'umber is one which has no integral factor other than itself and unity. lis, Numbers are said to be Prime to each other when they have no common integral factor other than unity. ScH. 1. — The above definitions and distinctions have come into use from considering Decimal Numbers. They are applicable to literal numbers only in an accommodated sense. Thus, in the general view which the literal no- tation requires, all numbers are composite in the sense that they can be fac- FACTORING. 29 tored ; but as to whether the factors are greater or less than unity, integral or fractional, we cannot affirm. 114, Prop, 1, — A monomial viay be resolved into literal fac tors by separating its letters hito any number of groups, so that the sum of all the exponents of each letter shall fnake the exponent of that letter in the given monomial. 1 15, Prop, 2, — Any factor which occurs in every term of a polynomial can be removed by dividing each term of the poly^iomial by it. 116, Proj}, 3, — If two terms of a trinomial are positive and the third ter)a is twice the jyroduct of the square roots of these two, and POSITIVE, the trinomial is the square of the SUM of these square roots. If the third term is negative, the trinomial is the square of the DIFFERENCE of the two roots. 117, Prop, 4, — The difference between two quantities is equal to the product of the sum and difference of their square roots. 118, Prop, S, — When one of the factors of a quantity is givefi, to find the other, divide the given quantity by the given factor, and the quotient will be the other. 110, Prop, 6, — The difference between any two quantities is a divisor of the difference between the same powers of the quan^ titles. The SUM of two quantities is a divisor of the difference of the same EVEN jyowers, and the SUM of the same ODD powers of the quan- tities. DE\f. — Let X and y be any two quantities and n any positive integer. First, x — y divides a;" — y". Second, if n is even, x + y divides a^ — y". Third, if n is odd, X -\- y divides ic" + y*. 30 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. FIRST. Taking the first case, we proceed in form with the division, till four of the terms of the x — y)a;" — y* (a;"-' + a^-gy + a;"-^y2 + g^-ys + etc, quotient (enough to ^^^^-^^e^y_ determine the law) are x'^-^y — y" found. We find that each x^ '^y — x^-^y^ remainder consists of two terms, x'^-^y'^ — y" the second of which, — y", is the x*-^y^ — x'—'y^ second term of the dividend constantly a;"- "y 3 _ y» brought down unchanged; and the first x^-^y^ — x''-*y^ contains x with an exponent decreasing by a?"-*y*— y* unity in each successive remainder, and y with an exponent increasing at the same rate that the exponent of x decrecbses. At this rate the exponent of ar in the nth remainder becomes 0, and that of y, n. Hence the Tith remainder is y" — y* or ; and the division is exact. SECOND AND THIRD. X + y>r" ± y» (a;"-' - ar"-«y + ^"-'y^ - xr-*yi ,etc. a?- + a--V a--*y2 ± yn Taking x + y ar^-'ys + a;"-'yS for a divisor, we —a^-^y^±y^ observe that the exponent — x^-'y^ — x^'-^y^ of x in the successive re- a;"-*y4 ± y" mainders decreases, and that of y increases the same as before. But now we observe that the first term of the remainder is — in the odd remainders, as the 1st, 3d, 5th, etc., and + in the ceen ones, as the 2d, 4th, 6th, etc. Hence if n is emn, and the second term of the dividend is — y", the nth remainder is y"* — y" orO, and the division is exact. Again, if n is odd, and the second term of the dividend is + y» , the nth remainder is — y" + y" , or 0, and the division is exact, q. e. d. 120, Cor, — The last proposition applies equally to cases involv- ing fractional or 7iegative exponents. Dem. — Thus, x^—y^ divides x^—y^, since the latter is the difference between the 4th powers of x^ and y*. So in general a;" «♦ — y ' divides x »* — y ^ , a being any positive integer. This becomes evident by putting x «i=v, and y^r —qff. whence x^'^ = v', and y ^ = vf*. But «« — zo« is divisible by v~w, hence x~ » — y ~ is divisible by a; » — y ' . FACTORING. 31 121, JProp, 7, — A. trinomial can he resolved into two binomial factors, when one of its terms is the product of the square root of one of the other two, into the sum of the factors of the remaining term. The two factors are respectively the algebraic sum of this square root, and each of the factors of the third term. III. — Thus, in a;* + 7aj + 10, we notice that Ix is the product of the square root of x^, and 2 + 5 (the sum of the factors of 10). The factors of x- + Ix + 10 are 2; + 2 and x 4 5. Again, x^ — ^ — 10, has for its factors .t; + 2 and « — 5, — 3.C being the product of tlie square root of x- (or x), and the sum of — 5 and 2, (or — 3), which are factors of - 10. Still again, x^ +^x — 10 = (a; — 2) {x + 5), determined in the same manner. Dem. — Tlie trutli of this proposition appears from considering the product of X + ahy X + b, which is x^ + (a + b) x + ab. In this i)roduct, considered as a trinomial, we notice that the term (a + b)x is the product of fa;* and a + b, the sum of the factors of ab. In like manner (x + a) (x — b) z=x' + (a— b)x — ab, and (x — a) {x — b)=x^ — (a + b)x ■{■ ah, both of which results correspond to the enunciation. Q. E. D. [Note. — In application, this proposition requires the solution of the problem: Given the sum and product of two numbers to find the numbers, the complete solution of which cannot be given at this stage of the pupil's progress. It Avill be best for him to rely, at present, simply upon inspection.] 122, I*i*op, S, — We can often detect a factor by separating a polynomial hito parts. Ex. Factor x^ + 12a; - 28. Solution. — The form of this polynomial suggests that there may be a bino- mial factor in it, or in a part of it. Now a;* — 4c + 4 is the square of a; — 2, and (.c« - 4c + 4) + (16a;-32) makes a;« + 12aj - 28. But (a;'-4r + 4) + (16a;-32) = {x- 2) (a; -2) + (a; - 2)16 = (.i; - 2) (a; - 2 + 16) = (a: - 2) (.c + 14). Whence X — %, and aj + 14 are seen to be the factors of x^ + 12a; — 28. Miscellaneous Examples. 1. Factor Ifg^y - 2Sf^gy^ 4- i2pgy, ^x^y^ - Hx^y^ + UxyK 2. Factor ?>?> - n^, 1 - 2V~v + x, 256«* -f 544^2 + 289, 1 - c\ 3. Factor x^- x - TZ,y^- z^,a^ -^ b^,^ + ^ _2, a^ +23« + 22. 0^ a^ 4. Factor ^ - ---^ + 15., c« - d^, c^ - d-\ c^ - d-\ m* mx^ X*' ' ' S2 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. i .J ...4 K..-A « 5. Factor a' - m % 4:t-* — 5?/--*, — — Ji o, a;S 4- 22a: - 7623. 6. Factor a;" - 1, 507?n* + 13267^2,^1 ^ 867w3, Vrt - V^. 7. Factor x^-2ax — a^, a"" dt U^VcT^" + U^c"", x^-\-\^+2J^. 8. Factor A«*" - ^W"^'"+' + A^*"^', 3« + 3^ - 61/^. 9. Resolve x into two equal factors ; also two unequal factors. 10. Resolve dSx^y^z'^ — 3Vy*z into two factors of which one is 2y^Vz. 11. Resolve 121a^&^c^ into two equal factors ; also into four equal factors. 12. Remove the factor ^{ak^)^ from S^a^k*. w* 7c-2 49rf» 13. Remove the factor — ^ + — ^^^om m®w~* — ~K7r' 14. Remove the factor a* — a^b + a^b^ — aZ>^ 4- b^ from «* + b'. 15. Factor 15a + 5rta; — a; — 3, 21abccl—2%cdxy-{-\babmn—20mnxy, 21a:2 + 232:^ - 20^2, 12^20;* - 12rt2:2;} + 3a«. 16. Factor 3.c3 - 12^3^2 _ 4^2 + 1^ T2cd*m^ - Ucdhn* + 9Gc2r^2;,j2, 17. The terms of a trinomial are ZOab, 9^/a and 4. What must be the signs of the last two terms that the trinomial may be factored ? — 4 4- 19. Is « 5 — J'" exactly divisible hy a^ — b or dJ -\- b "i 20. Is m^ — n^ exactly divisible by Vm — Vn't by Vm + Vn'i by \/m ± ^7i ? 21. Is a;!*'! + y^^^ exactly divisible by x + ?/ ? by a; — y ? 22. Is .-^2019 _|_ ^20 79 exactly divisible by x'^ - y"^ ? by .t^ + y'^ ? 23. What is the quotient of (%J + mz^) -^ {k^ Vy + ^/m z^) ? HIGHEST COMMON DIVISOR. 38 24. What is the quotient of {x^ + y^) -f- (a^^V + ^tV) ? 25. Write the following quotients : (a^ + b^) -^ (a^ + ^2) ; (a;"" - ;2'''*) -^ (a; - z) ; {x"" - z'"") -f- (x + 2;) ; {x'"'+' + ^""+') -f- (:r + 2), m being a positive integer. 1 100 26. Factor x^ + ax -{- x + ay 1 — a, 1 + a, -[^ — —[-^ and x^ -X- 9900. ^lU yj 27. Factor 10rJ^+ |^] - 20«, 4a; + 4a;^ + 1 and Sda'^ - 5b\ 28. x^ -x^ -2x + 2, 6a;3 - 7«a;2 - 20a^Xy x'"^ + 31af* — 32. SECTION IL GREATEST OR HIGHEST COMMON DIVISOR. 123, Def. — It is scarcely proper to apply the term Greatest Common Divisor to literal quantities, for the values of the letters not being fixed, or specific, (jreat or small cannot be affirmed of them. Thus, whether « ' is greater than a, depends upon whether a is greater or less than 1, to say nothing of its character as positive or negative. So, also, we cannot with propriety call a^ — y ' greater than a — y. If a = i, and y =: \, a^ — y ' = ^4, and a —y = \ -^ .-.in this case ^ ' — y ' < a — y. Again, if a and y are both greater than 1, but a , ScH. — The difficulty of factoring renders this process impracticable in many cases. There is a more general method. But, in order to demon- strate the rule, we require three additional lemmas. 120. Lemma 2.— A poly?iGmial of the form Ax" + Bx"-' + Cx""'- - - - Ex -f F, which has no common factor in every term., has ow divisor of its own degree except itself Dem. — 1st. Such a polynomial cannot have one factor of the n\\\ degree — its own — with reference to the letter of arrangement, and another which contains the letter of arrangement, for the product of two siicli factors would be of a higher (or different) degree from the given polynomial. 2d, It cannot have a factor of the n\\\ degree with reference to the letter of arrangement, and another factor which does not contain that letter, for this last factor would appear as a common factor in every term, which is contrary to the hypothesis. Q. E. D. HIGHEST COMMON DIVISOR. 35 127 • Lemma 3. — A divisor of any number is a divisor of any multiple of that number. III. — This is an axiom. If a goes into 6, q times, it is evident that it goes into n times &, or n6, n times q, or nq times. 128, Lemma 4. — A common divisor of tioo numbers is a divisor of their sum. and also of their difference, Dem. — Let a be a C. D. of m and n, going into m, p times, and into n, q times. Then {m ± n) -i- a = p ± q. Q. E. D. 120. I^rob, — To find the H. C. D. of two polynomials without the necessity of resolving them hito their prime factors. RULE. — 1st. Arrangikg the polykomials with reference TO the same letter, and uniting into single terms the like POWERS OF THAT LETTER, REMOVE ANY COMMON FACTOR OR FACTORS which may appear in all the TERMS OF BOTH POLYNOMIALS, RE- SERVING THEM AS FACTORS OF THE H. C. D. 2d. Reject from each polynomial all other factors which APPEAR IN EACH TERM OF EITHER. 3d. Taking the polynomials, thus reduced, divide the one WITH the greatest EXPONENT OF THE LETTER OF ARRANGEMENT, BY THE OTHER, CONTINUING THE DIVISION TILL THE EXPONENT OF TH1E LETTER OF ARRANGEMENT IS LESS IN THE REMAINDER THAN IN THE DIVISOR. 4th. Reject any factor which occurs in every term of this REMAINDER, AND DIVIDE THE DIVISOR BY THE REMAINDER AS THUS reduced, treating THE REMAINDER AND LAST DIVISOR AS THE FORMER POLYNOMIALS WERE. CONTINUE THIS PROCESS OF REJECT- ING FACTORS FROM I:ACH TERM OF THE REMAINDER, AND DIVIDING THE LAST DIVISOR BY THE LAST REMAINDER TILL NOTHING RE- MAINS. If, at any TIME, A FRACTION WOULD OCCUR IN THE QUOTIENT, MULTIPLY THE DIVIDEND BY ANY NUMBER WHICH WILL AVOID THE FRACTION. The LAST DIVISOR MULTIPLIED BY ALL THE FIRST RESERVED COM- MON FACTORS OF THE GIVEN POLYNOMIALS, WILL BE THE H. C. D. SOUGHT. 3G LITERAL ARITHMETIC. Dem. — Let A and B represent any two polynomials whose H, C. D. is sought. 1st. Arranging A and B with reference to the same letter, for convenience in dividing, and also to render common factors more readily discernible, if any common factors appear, they can be removed and reserved as factors of the H. 0. D., since the H. C. D. consists of all the common factors of A and B. 2d. Having removed these common factors, call the remaining factors C and D. We are now to ascertain what common factors there are in C and D, or to find their H, C. D. As this H. C. D. consists of only the common factors, we can reject from each of the polynomials, C and D, any factors which are not common. Having done this, call the remaining factors E and F. 3d. Suppose polynomial E to be of lower degree with respect to the letter of arrangement than F. (If E and F are of the same degree, it is immaterial which is made the divisor in the subsequent process.) Now, as E is its own only divisor of ito own degree (Lem. 2), if it divides F, it is the H, C. D. of the two. If, in attempting to divide F by E to ascertain whether it is a divisor, fractions arise, F can be multiplied by any number not a factor in E (and E has no monomial factor), since the common factors of E and F would not be affected by the opera- tion. Call such a multiple of F, if necessary, F'. Then the H. C. D. of E and F', is the H. C. D. of E and F. If, now, E divides F', it is the H. C. D. of E and F. Trying it, suppose it goes Q times, with a remainder, R. 4th. Any divisor of E and F' is a divisor of R, since F' — QE = R, and any divisor of a number divides any multiple of that number (Lem. 3), and a divisor of two numbers divides their difference. The H. C. D. divides E, hence it di- vides QE, and, as it also divides F', it divides the difference between F' and QE, or R. Therefore the H. C. D. of E and F', is also a divisor of E and R, and can- not be of higher degree than R. 5th. We now repeat the reasoning of the 3d and 4th paragraphs concerning E and F, with reference to E and R. Thus, R is by hypothesis of-lower degree than E ; hence, dividing E by it, rejecting any factor not common to both, or in- troducing any one into E, which may be necessary to avoid fractions, we ascer- tain whether R is a divisor of E. If it is, it divides P', since F' = R -f- ^^ (Lem. 8, 4), and hence id the H. C. D. of E and F'. 6th. Proceeding thus, till two numbers are found, one of which divides the other, the last divisor is the H. C. D. of E and F, since at every step we sliow that the H. C. D. is a divisor of the two numbers compared, and the last divisor is its own H. D. 7th. Finally, we have thus found all the common factors of A and B, the pro- duct of which is their H. C. D. Q. e. d. Examples. 1. Find the H. C. D. of UaH^ + U^y^ - Ibah^y + 12^2^^ -f- Uy^ - Ibahy"-, and QaH^ - QaH^y - U^y'^ -^^ab^y^ + QaHy - 6««%« - 2hy* 4- 2aby\ HIGHEST COMMON DIVISOR. 37 OPERATION. 12a^b^ + db'y^ - l^db'-y + X'ia'hy + 36y ' - l^aby^ - - {A). 6ffl^6' - 6a-6^y - 26-.y » + 2ah'y- + Qa'by - 6g^-6y^ - 26y* + 2y^^ + ciby'- + Sa'y - 'da'y' -y' + ay' {D). (46 + ^y)a-' - {5by + by') a + (6^=^ + y') {E). (35 + ^y)a' - (Sby + dy')a' + {by' + y')a- {by^ + y*) {F), (5) W 4a' - 5ya + y-) da^ - 3^^^ + y'a - y=* ^ (/)---- 12(1' - 12y^^ + 4y'a - 4yX3a (70 - - - - 12fl^' - Wya' + 3y'a {L) ------ - 'dya- + yVt - 4y* £ (Jf) 12ya^ + 4y'a-Wy^{Sy (iV) ------ - 12yf<^ - 15y'fl^ -H by' (0) - - Reject 19y' - - - 19y=^a - 19y ' (7 (P) - - a — y)4a'—5ya + y^{4a-'i/, 4yg — 4yflg — ya + y' :. The H. C. D. of (A) and (B) is (6) (b 4-y) {a - y) = ab' + aby - b^y - by^. ScH. — It often occurs that one or more of the above steps are not required, especially the removing of a compound factor from the given iwlynomials. 2. Find the H. C. D., with respect to ar, of x* - %x^ + 2\x^ - 20» -h 4, and 2x^ - \%x^ + 21a; - 10. OPERATIOK. 2ic=» - 12«* -I- 21ar - 10)aj* - Sr' + 21a?« - 20tJ + 4 (C) - 2a!-' - lftc=* + 42.1"' - 40a; -I- 8(« 2a?'' - 12.g=^ 4- 2U'* - lOx - 4»'» -h 21^;'' - 3ac -f- 8 - 4g^ -f 24g^ - 42a; + 20 (D) Reject - 3 - ac'* + 12aj - 12 (^) cpi I'P A. A. x' - Ax + 4)2.c^ - nx' + 2\x - 10(2a; - 4 2^3 _ 8,^2 + 8.C - 4a;''^ + 13a; - 10 - 4a;2 + 16a; - 16 - Reject - 3 - - 3a; + 6 {E) x-2)x' -4x + i(x-2 x^ -2x -2a; + 4 -2a; 4- 4 Hence a; - 2 is the H, C. D. 38 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. 3. Find the H. C. D. of 2x^ + 5 - 8.r + x^, and 42:c8 + 30 - nx. 4. Find the H. C. D. of 2ax^ + 2a -{- 4a«, and 7b + 14^>.r + ^bx^ + UbxK 5. Find the H. C. D. of Ga^ + Hax - dx^, and 6a^ + llax + 3x^. 6. Find the H. C. D. of 4a3 _ 4«2 - ab* + b\ and 4^2 + 2ab 7. Find the H. C. D. of 12a;* - 2^x^ij + 12x*y^, and Sx^t/^ - 24a;2^3 ^ 24a;y* - 8y«. 8. Find the H. C. D. of 62ax^ - 2^ax*^ - Uax* - 12a + Sax^ + GOax, and Ua^b + 60a*bx* - 16a*bx^ + 2rt«Z>a;« - 74fl2^a; - 2aHxK ISO, I^vob, — To find the H. C. D. of three or more polynomials. RULE. — FiN'D THE H. C. D. of any two of the given poly- nomials JJY one of the foregoing methods, and then find thk H. C. D. of this H. C. D. and one of the remaining poly- nomials, and then again compare this last H. C. D. with another of the polynomials, and find their H. C. D. Con- tinue this process till all the polynomials have been used. Dem. — For brevity, call the several polynomials, A, B, C, D, etc. Let the H. C. D. of A and B be represented by P, whence P contains all the factors common to A and B. Finding the H. C. D. of P and C, let it be called P'. P', therefore, contains all the common factors of P and C ; and as P contains all that are common to A and B, P' contains all that are common to A, B, and C. In like manner if P" is the H. C. D. of P' and D, it contains all the common factors of A, B, C, and D, etc. Q. E. d. Examples. 1. Find the H. C. D. of x^ + Ux + 30, 2x^ + 21a; + 54, and 9a;3 H- h'^x* -^x- 18. The H. C. D. is x + Q. 2. What is the H. C. D. of lOa;^ + 10:^3^2 + 20a;*y, 2x^ + 2y8, and4y* + \2x^y^ + ^x^y + 12xy^ ? LOWEST COMMON MULTIPLE. 39 SECTION III. LOWEST OR LEAST COMMON MULTIPLE. 131* Def. — In speaking of decimal numbers, the term Least Common Multiple is correct, but not in speaking of literal numbers. For example, the numbers (« + h)'^ and («* — h'^) are both contained in {a -f h)'- x {a — h), and in any multiple of this product, as m{a + b)' (a — h). But whether 7?i{a + by- (a—h) is greater or less than {a + b)'^ {a — b) depends upon whether a is greater or less than b, and also whether m is greater or less than unity. In speaking of literal numbers, we should say Lowest Common Multiple, meaning the multiple of low- est degree with respect to some specified letter. 132, Pvoh, — To find the L. C. M, of two or more numbers. RULE. — Take the literal number of the highest degree, or the largest decimal number, and multiply it by all the factors found in the next lower which are not in it. Again, multiply this product by all the factors found in THE NEXT LOWER NUMBER AND NOT IN IT, AND SO CONTINUE TILL ALL THE NUMBERS ARE USED. ThE PRODUCT THUS OBTAINED IS THE L. C. M. Dem. — Let A, B, C, D, etc., represent any numbers arranged in the order of their degrees, or values. Now, as A is its own L. M., the L. C. M, of all the numbers must contain it as a factor. But, in order to contain B, the L. C. M. must contain all the factors of B. Hence, if there are any factors in B which are not found in A, these must be introduced. So, also, if C contains factors not found in A and B, they must be introduced, in order that the product may con- tain C, etc., etc. Now it is evident that the product so obtained, is the L. C. M. of the several numbers, since it contains all the factors of any one of them, and hence can be divided by any one of them, and if any factor were removed it would cease to be a multiple of some one or more of the numbers. Q. E. d. 1. Find the L. C. M. of {x^ - 1), (x'^ - 1), and (x + 1). Solution. — The L. C. M. must contain a;' — 1, and as it is its own L. M., if it contains all the factors of the other two, it is the required L. C'. M. The factors of a; ' — 1 are (x — l){x^ + x + 1). But this product does not contain the factors of («' — 1). which are {x + 1) {x — 1). Hence, we must introduce the factor {x + 1), giving (a;' — 1) (a; -I- 1), as the L. C. M. of .tr ' — 1 and x- — 1. Now, as this product contains the third quantity, it is the L, C. M. of the three, 2. Find the L. CM. of (^+ by,a^ -b^, {a- b)^,3Lnda^ + 3a'-b + dab^ -f ^. ^ LITERAL ARITHMETIC. 3. Find the L. C. M. of (x^ - 4), (x^ + 2), and (x^ - 2). 4. Find the L. C. M. of («* - 2a^ + 1), (1 + a), (a - 1), and 4. 5. Find the L. C. M. oVda^b^xy, 57ax^, 87y3, and 9a«6i G. Find the L. C. M. of (1 - 18a + 81^2), (3«2 + 1) (1 - SVa), and (27r7l-9rt - 3a/« + 1). Sen. — In applying this rule, if the common factors of the two numbers are not readily discerned, apply the method of finding the H. C. D., in order to discover them. 7. Find the L. C. M. of x^-2ax^ + 4a«a; - Sa^, x^ + 2ax^+ ia^x + 8a 3, and x- — 4a «. Solution. — The L. C. M. of these numbers must contain a;' — 2ax* + ^a^x — 8«^ ; and as it is its own L. M., if it contains all the factors of x^ + 2ax^ + Aa^x + 8rt ', it is the L. C. M. of thcsr two iK)lynomials. But as the common factors of these numbers, if they have any, are not readily discerned, we apply the nu'thod of II. V. D., and find that x^ + 4a* is the H. C. D. of the two. Since, then,.T' — '2 > ' - 4// ' r — 8a' contains the factor x^ + 4a* of the second number, it is only lu ( r-2-h 20^3. 11. Find the L. C. M. of x^- ^x^ + 2^x - 24, x^- Wx^ + 3lx — 30, and x^ - Ux^ + SSx - 40. 12. Find the L. CM. of a:*-10a;2 + 9, rr* +10a;3 +20.T»-10a;~21, and z* + 4a;3 - 22a;2 — 4a; + 21. FRACnONB. 41 OHAPTEE IIL jPJB^ cti on s. DEFINITIONS AND FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES. 133. A Fraction, in the literal notation, is to be considered as an indicated operation in Division. 134. ScH. — In the literal notation it becomes impracticable to consider the denominator as indicating the number of equal parts into which unity is divided, and the numerator as indicating the number of those parts repre- sented by the fraction, since the very genius of this notation requires that the letters be not restricted in their signification. Thus in -, it will not do to say, b represents the number of equal parts into which unity is divided, since the notation requires that whatever conception we take of these quantities should be sufficiently comprehensive to include all values. Hence h may be a mixed number. Now suppose ft = 4|. It is absurd to speak of unity as divided into 4} equal parts. 135. Cor. 1. — Since numerator is dicidend and denominator divisor, it follows from (01^ f)2, 03) that dirndincf or midtiply- ing both terms of a fraction does not alter its value ; that midti- plying or dividing the numerator multiplies or divides the value of the fraction ; and that multiplying or dividing the denominator divides or multiplies the fraction. 136. Cor. 2. — A fraction is midtiplied by its denominator by simply removing it. 137. The terms Integer or Entire Number, Mixed Number, Proper and Improper, are applied to literal numbers, but not with strict propriety. Whether m + n is an integer, a mixed number, or a fraction, depends upon the values of m and n, which the genius of the literal notation requires to be understood as perfectly general, until some restriction is imposed. As a matter of convenience, we adopt the following definitions : 42 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. 13S, A number not having the fractional /or»i is said to have the Integral Form ; as m + n, 2c^d — Sa'^x + Sx^y*. 139. A polynomial having part of its terms in the fractional and part in the integral form, is called a Mixed Wiunber, 140. A Proper Fraction, in the literal notation, is an ex- pression wholly in the fractional form, and which cannot be expressed in the integral form without negative exponents. By calling such an expression a proper fraction, we do not assert anything a with reference to its value as compared with unity. Thus -r- is a proper frac- tion, though it may be greater or less than unity. It may also be written 141. An Improper Fraction is an expression in the frac- tional form, but which can be expressed in the integral or mixed form without the use of negative exponents. 142. A Simple Fraction is a single fraction with both terms in the integral form. 143. A Compound Fraction is two or more fractions con- nected by the word of. This term is not generally applicable in the literal notation. Thus we may 3 3 a . m , , ^ . , write -^ of ^ with propriety, but not y of — , unless a and h are mtegral, so that the fraction -j- may be considered as representing equal parts of unity, as ^ does. If the word of is considered as simply an equivalent for x , the notation is of course, always admissible. But it is scarcely a simple equivalent. 144. A Complex Fraction is a fraction having in one or both its terms an expression of the fractional form. 145. A fraction is in its Lowest Terms when there is no com- mon integral factor in both its terms. 146. I7ie Lowest Comtnon Denominator is the num- ber of lowest degree, which can form the denominator of several given fractions, giving fractions of the same values respectively, while the numerators retain the integral form. 147. Heduction, in mathematics, is changing the form of an expression without changing its value. FRACTIONS. 43 Reductions. 14:8. There are five principal reductions required in operating with fractions, viz. : To Lowest Terms,— From Improper Fractions to Integral or Mixed Forms,— Front Integral or Mixed Forms to hn- iwoper Fractions, — To Forms haimig a Common Denominator,— and from the Complex to the Simple Form.. 14:9 • JProb. 1. — To reduce a fraction to its lowest terms. RULE. — Reject all common^ factors from both terms; or DIVIDE both terms BY THEIR H. C. D. Dem. — Since the numerator is the dividend and the denominator the divisor, rejecting tlie same factors from each does not alter the value of the fraction {fH). Having rejected all the common factors, or, what is the same thing, the H. C. D. (which contains all the common factors), the fraction is in its lowest terms {145). ScH. 1. — Since the H. C. D. is the product of all the common factors (109), the above process is equivalent to dividing both terms of the frac- tion by their H. C. D. Whenever the common factors of the terms are not readily discernible, the process for finding their H. C. D. (129) may be resorted to. ScH. 2. — The opposite process is sometimes serviceable, viz.: the intro- duction of a factor into both terms of a fraction, which will give it a more convenient form. It requires no special ingenuity to solve such problems, since, if the factor does not readily appear, it can be found by dividing a term of one fraction by the corresponding term of the other. ISO, Prob, 2, — To reduce a fraction from an improper to an integral or mixed form. RULE.— Ferfoiui the division" indicated {133), 1S1» Cor. — Bg means of negative indices {expo7ie7its) any fraction can he expressed in the integral form. IS 2, Pvob, 3, — To reduce numbers from the integral or mixed to the fractional form. RULE. — Multiply the integral part by the given de- nominator, and annexing the numerator of the frac- tional part, if any, write the sum over the given de- nominator. 44 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. Dem. — In the case of a number in the integral form, the process consists of multiplying the given number by the given denominator and indicating the division of the product by the same number, and hence is equivalent to multi- plying and dividing by the same quantity, which does not change the value of the number. The same is true as far as relates to the integral part of a mixed form, after which the two fractional parts are to be added together. As they have the same divisors, the dividends can be added upon the principle that the sum of the quotients equals the quotient of the sum {94). IS 3. Prob, 4,— To reduce fraction having differetU denomi- nators to equivalent fractions having a common denominator. RULE. — Multiply both terms of each fraction^ by the DENOMINATORS OF ALL THE OTHER FRACTIONS. Dem. — This gives a common denominator, because each denominator is the product of all the denominators of the several fractions. The value of any one of the fractions is not changed, because both numerator and denominator are multiplied by the same number {135). lo4, CoR. — To reduce fractions to equivalent ones having the Lowest Common Denominator.^ find the L. C. M. of all the denomi- nators for the new denominator. Then multiply both terms of each fraction by the quotient of that L. C. M. divided by the denomhiator of that fraction. ISS, Pvob, S, — To reduce complex fractions to the form of simple fractions. RULE. — Multiply numerator and denominator of the com- plex FRACTION BY THE PRODUCT OF ALL THE DENOMINATORS OF the partial FRACTIONS FOUND IN THEM; OR, MULTIPLY BY THE L. C. M. OF THE DENOMINATORS OF THE PARTIAL FRACTIONS.* Dem. — This process removes the partial denominators, since each fraction is multiplied by its own denominator, at least, and this is done by dropping the denominator. It does not alter the value of the fraction, since it is multiplying dividend and divisor by the same quantity. Addition. ISO, Pvob. — To add fractions. R ULE. — Reduce them to forms having a common denomina- tor, if they have not such forms, and then add the numera- tors, AND write the SUM OVER THE COMMON DENOMINATOR. * The pnpil Is snppoped to have obtained sufficient knowledge of fractions in common arith- metic to perform these operations. FRACTIONS. 4^ Dem. — The reduction of the several fractions to forms having a common denomi- nator, if they have not such forms, does not alter their values {135), and hence does not alter the sum. Then, when they have a common denominator (divisor), the sum of the several quotients is equal to the quotient of the sum of the sev- eral dividends divided by the common divisor, or denominator (f>i^). 1S7» Cor. — Expressio7is in the mixed form may either be reduced to the improper form and then added, or the integral parts may be added into one sum, and the fractional into another, and these restdts added. SUBTRACTIOK. IS 8, JPvoh, — To subtract fractions. RULE. — Reduce the fraction's to forms having a common DENOMINATOR, IF THEY HAVE NOT SUCH FORMS, AND SUBTRACT THE numerator of the subtrahend FROM THE NUMERATOR OF THE MINUEND, AND PLACE THE REMAINDER OVER THE COMMON DENOMI- NATOR. Dem, — The value of the fractions not being altered by the reduction, their dif- ference is not altered. After this reduction, we have the difference of two quo- tients arising from dividing two numbers (the numerators) by the same divisor (the common denominator). But this is the same as the quotient arising from dividing the difference between the numbers by the common divisor {95). ISO, Cor. — Mixed nmnbers may be subtracted by annexing the mbtrahend with its signs changed, to the minuend, and then combining the term^ as much as may be desired. The reason for the change of signs is the same as in whole numbers (71)- Multiplication. 160, I^rob. 1, — To midtiply a fraction by an integer. E ULE.— M.\JLTITLY THE NUMERATOR Oil DIVIDE THE DENOMI- NATOR. Dem. — Since numerator is dividend and denominator divisor, and the value of the fraction is the quotient, this rule is a direct consequence of {92, 93). 161, JProb, 2, — To multiply by a fraction. RULE. — Multiply by the numerator and divide by the DENOMINATOR.* * It is assumed that the pupil knows how to divide a fraction by an integer, from his study of arithmetic. Nevertheless the problem will b« introdaced hereafter for the purpose of famil- iarizing the pupil with the literal operations. 46 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. Dem. — Let it be required to multiply m, which is either an integer or a fra8 50 LITERAL AiarUMETIC. lo. Add -5 ■ — J, — — -, and ^— — -. ; « — ( -7- + 4a*a;^ ) 2i^ ^ A J J and Z> + — + 4a^a;^ c 16. Add -, — -, and — t 7 ; 1 r and a b~V b -\- I' I + X + X* 1 - X + x^ ' .T + Sa:— 4 ^ X + o — my Tyy and — ■— i-. 17. Add 7 r— , jr and 7 — ; — r-7 — . — ^v ; ^ — ^ — and y - emp y* . x _y_ ^^^^ ^' (3my« — a;)« ' y' a: 4- y' a;* + a;y' 18. Add -1^, ' _^-,andi^:^*i^4,i*-£^-±i£^^. a — — cc — a {a — 0} {0 — c) [c — a) 19. From ^ take -^; from i^^ take i^i^ ; a; — 3 a; + 3 ao ab from take x-7 a; -3* 20. From 7a; jj take x — ; from — 77^ take 3 2 ab{a — by ff ^ c, b a 21. From -n -r-^ — zttt-, tt take 2(a: + l) 10 (a:-!) 5 (2a: + 3)* 22. Multiply--- by --- ; -— -^ by -^-^ ; ^^^ 4a:2 - 12a: - 40 3a-2 - 18a: + 15 F1UCTI0N8. 51 23. Multiply ^^— by 4c; - ^x't by Jo; 2; - ||l' by 10^-2 1 + X . ^ o . 2 «^ I. <^'"" ^'^"^ t. 2/'^" a ^ "^ ^'"t 2a:^ + 1 x^ 1 a"" -\- b'' 2c'* 24. Multiply -J by ; „_,, — by the y^ ^yi^yt^l yi _ I « ^ (^2._.y2)2 ^2-1 gS - 1 by ^^2 _ y'zyz + (^2 + ^2^2 ' (a + l)2 by ^^g _ ^y 25. Multiply together -^, — ;^|^, and 1 + ^^. 26. Multiply a:^ — a; + 1 by a;-* + a;-i + 1 ; 1 ~-t by 2 + b a + b 2b a—b' *' ax 27. Divide -r- by -—- : — ?— rbym^w*; ^ „ by m^n^ : -r^- 2 -^ 13 m^n^ ^ ' m^n^ ^ ' ^ax 7^37,T^i -8- i. i 1 28. Divide -^^^-^^-4-^ by H^'^ V ^^ J ^^ _ ,^^, by 1 + 9a» ; — by a;-"- 29. Divide by 1 — a ; ^ by — ; ( ) by 1 + « ^ ' a +2b -^ 3a -h Qb ' \a x) ^ (rt + x)J^ / X 1 — a: \ / a; _ 1 — a; \ /c— <^ c ^^^s x ;^ ' vFT^ "^ "IT"; ^ \i + a; ic y ' Vc+* c^r^y 30. D,v,de ,«*-«-* by ,» + -; \^^^ by ^^^--p; a^-h^ -cs- 24, by '^-tii ; f L+_% + f ) by {^^^ ^). •'« + * — c'V a; + y y/ ' \ y x + yj 52 LITEKAL ARITHMETIC. 31. Divide {LpiL by 1 + ^ {^-y) 32. Divide — ^-^^ -r-ir^ ^^ "l ?• « + * «* + J* 33. Divide ^ +.i + ^ - 3«-'^>-V-' by - + ^ + -. rt3 ^' c' '' a c 34. Free . , -^-, , •' , !,-4 ■ ' ^ > ^^^ «^^ + ^~*rt of negative exponents. ^ ^r, , . ,, . , « 6' + ^/ /5a:3\^ ./m + n , 35. What IS the reciprocal of (^) ' '^^ _ > and 36. Is the fraction — ^-^ j-^ essentially positive, or negative, when a, in, x, and y are each negative ? Solution. — Since (— ay = n*, 4«' is essentially positive. Since (— m)(— a;) = 7WJ*, the term Smx, in itself, is positive, and the numerator becomes 4a* — (+ dmx), or 4a* — 3»w; (7^)- Now, whether 4a* — 3mx gives a + or a — result, depends upon the numerical values of a, m, and a;. If 4a* > 2mx,4a^ — Zmx is + ; but, if 4a' < 3inx, 4a' — Snix is — . Again, since (— a;)' = — i»^, the first term of the denominator, 2x\ is essentially negative. And since (— y)^ = y*, the term 4y- is essentially positive and the denominator becomes — 2x^ 4- ( + 4y'), or — 2j;* + 4y'. Whether this is + or — , depends upon the relative values of x and y. If we suppose 4a* > 3mx the numerator becomes + , and if 2^;"' be greater than 4y* the denominator becomes — , and we have — — , which gives a positive result. 37. What is the essential sign of r-^ j-, when «= —1, b=2, ° abxy — 4 x= —3, and y = — 4 ? 1 3^^^ 3 7J"3'|/ 38. What is the essential sign of — __ . , — -y when a = — 3, i = —B, 771 = —1, and y = I? FRACTIONS. 53 2a^x^ daJb 39. What is the essential sign of j j, when a= —32, h = — 2, 771 = — S, and x = —2? 40. Simplify X + 1 \ , 1 y{xyz + cc • + ^)' 1 y 1 1 X a — y + (^ • X J' a — - xY (a - ?/)' 1 1 (a 3 »;)» («-y)M« -X) 1 1 1 3- a and be ca (lb a + b -b*) 1. a — -1 64 LITERAL AlilTHMETIC. CHAPTER IV. POWERS AND BOOTS. SECT/ ON L INVOLUTION. Definitions. l^SS. A ^ower is a product arising from multiplying a number by itself. The Degree of the power is indicated by the number of factors taken. ScH. — It will be seen that a power is a species of composite number in which the component factors are equal. i(>.9. A Root is one of the equal factors into which a number is conceived to be resolved. The I^egree of the root is indicated by the number of required factors. 170. An Exponent or Index is a number written a little to the right and above another number, and 1st. If a Positive luteffpr. it indicates a Power of the number; 2d. If a Positive Fraction, the numerator indicates a Power, and the denominator a Root of the number ; 3d. If a Negative Integer or Fraction, it indicates the Reciprocal of what it would signify if positive. ScH, — It is obviously incorrect to read 4% "the f power of 4." There is no such thing as a 2-fifths power, as w^ill be seen by considering the defini- m ni 2. - m — - tion of a power. Read 4% "4 exponent | ; " also a" , "« exponent ^ ; " a " , "« exponent — ^." These are abbreviated forms for, "« with an exponent — ^, " etc. In this way any exponent, however comphcated, is read witliout difficuay. POWERS AND ROOTS. 55 17 !• A Radical dumber is an indicated root of a number. If the root can be extracted exactly, the quantity is cnlled Rational ; if the root cannot be extracted exactly, the expression is called Irra- tional, or Surd. 172, A Root is indicated either by the denominator of a frac- tional exponent, or by the JRadlcal Sigti, V. This sign used alone signifies square root. Any other root is indicated by writing its index in the opening of the v part of the sign. 173, An Imaginary Quantity is an indicated even root of a negative quantity, and is so called because no number, in the ordinary sense, can be found, which, taken an even number of times as a factor, produces a negative quantity. Thus V — 4 is imaginary, because we cannot find any factor, in the ordinary sense, which multiplied by itself once produces — 4. Neither + 2 nor — 2 pro- duces — 4 when squared. For a like reason V — da"^, V — 5x,ot >y/— 14^xy* are imaginaries. 174, All quantities not imaginary are called Real 17 5, Similar Radicals are like roots of like quantities. Thus A>/5a, ^y/5a, and (a* — x^)V5a are similar radicals. 176, To nationalize an expression is to free it from radicals. 177, To affect a number with an Exponent is to per- form upon it the operations indicated by that exponent. 178, Involution is the process of raising numbers to required powers. 179, Evolution is the process of extracting roots of numbers. 180, Calculus of Radicals treats of the processes of re- ducing, adding, subtracting, or performing any of the common arithmetical operations upon radical quantities. Involution. 181, I^rob, 1, — To raise a number to any required power, RULE. — Multiply the number by itself as many times, less ONE, AS THERE ARE UNITS IN THE DEGREE OF THE POWER. 182. Cor. — Since any nmnher of positive factors gives a positive product, all powers of positive monomials are positive. Again, 66 LITERAL AKITHMETIC. since an even number of negative factors gives a positive product^ and an odd number gives a negative product, it follows that even powers of negative numbers are positive^ and odd powers negative. 183, JProb. 2, — To affect a monomial with any exponent. RULE. — Perform upon the coefficient the operations INDICATED BY THE EXPONENT, AND MULTIPLY THE EXPONENTS OF THE LETTERS BY THE GIVEN EXPONENT. Dem. — iBt. When the exponent by which the monomial is to be affected is a positive n integer. Let it be required to affect ia^b" x- • with the exponent p; or in other words raise it to the pth power, p being a positive integer. The pi}\ power of * " " " ^"'b'^ x-^ is ia^b"^ x-" x 4a"'b' x-* x ^"^b"^ x-" to p factors. But as the order of the arrangement of the factors does not affect the product (77), this product may be considered as, p factors each 4, into p factors each a**, into p factors each b% into p factors each x-*. Now p factors each 4 give 4'' by definition. p factors each a"" are expressed a^'", since a* is m factors each a, and p factors con taining m factors each, make in the whole pm factors, or a^'"». Again, p factors £? * 1 each & ■■ are expressed b ^ , since 6 ' is n factors each b " , and p factors, containing n - — 1 11 factors each, are pn factors each 6 ' , or 6 »■ . And since xr*— — , p factors, or — x — Xf iff X* X _ . . . to p factors make — , as fractions are multiplied by multiplying numerators together for a new numerator and denominators for a new denomi- nator, and J?' X ar* X «»- - - to » factors are xf"". But — = x-p". Hence collect- n P* ing the factors we find that (4a"'yx~'')P = 4''a^"*&'^ x-"'. q. E. D. 2d. When the exponent is a positive fraction. Let it be required to affect 4a'^b'^ x-', with the exponent — . This means that Aa'^b'^x-* is to be resolved into q equal factors and p of them taken. Now, if we separate each of the fac- n tors of 4a"*6 ^ x-' into q equal factors, and then take p of each of these, we shall have done what is signified bv the exponent ~. 2 1 . /i m {m - 1) { m - 2) + 1 • 2 • 3"''' ^ m(m-l)(m-2)(m-3) .._ + 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 ^ ^ m (m - 1) (m - 2) (m - 3) (;// - 4) + 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 « ^, + etc. This is the celebrated Binomial Formula, or Theorem. Its demonstra- tion will be found in the subsequent part of the work. At this stage of his progress the student should learn the formula and become expert in applying it. 18o, CoR. 1. — T/te exjXf9isio9i of a binomial terminates only when the ex'ponent is a positive integer^ since only when m is a positive integer will a factor of the form in(m — 1) (m — 2) (m — 3), etc., become 0, as is evident by inspection. 186, Cor. 2. — lV7ie7i m is a positive integer, that is when a bino- mial is raised to any power, there is one more term in the develop- ment than xinits in the exponent. Since the first coefficient is 1; the 2d, m\ the 3d, ^ ~ ; the 4th, mim, —!)(»» — 2) ^, ^,, w(w — l)(m — 2) (w — 3) . ^. ^. ^ ^- ^ — ^-^— ■' ; the 5th, — '— - , / . ; etc., we notice that the 3 * O i ' O ' '*■ last factor is m — (the number of the term — 2) ; and the number of the term, therefore, which has m — m as a factor is the (w + 2)th term. But this is 0. Hence the {m + l)th term is the last. 187, Cor. 3. — When m is a2)ositive integer, the coefficients equally distant from the extremes are equal. Thus {a + ft)* = (6 + a)"*; the former of which gives a"' + ma'"-^b + ffl(m - 1) ^^_2^8 _j_^ g^p^ ^^^ ^j^g j^^^^,j. j« ^ mb'"-'a + ^^^~ ^V "-V +, etc. Whence it appears that the first half of the terms and the last half are exactly- symmetrical. 188, Cor. 4:. — The sum of the exponents i7i each term is the same as the expo7ient of the power. Sen. — The last two corollaries- apply to the form {x + yy\ and not to such forms as (2a' — 35-)'", after the latter is fully expanded. POWERS AND ROOTS. ^ 1S9, Cor. 5. — A convenient rule /or writing out the poioers of binomials may be thus stated: \st. There is one more term in the development than there are units in the exponent of the power. 2d The FIRST contains only the first letter of the binomial^ and the last term only the second^ while all the other terms contaiji both the letters. 3d. T/ie exponent of the first letter of the binomial in the first term of the development is the same as the exponent of the required power and DIMINISHES by unity to the right, xchile the exponent of the second letter begins at unity in the second term of the ex^^ansio?! and INCREASES by unity to the right, becouiing, in the last term, the same as the exponent of the power. 4tth. The coefficient of the first term of the expansio7i is unity ; of the second, the exponent of the required poyner ; and that of any other term may be found by mxdtiplying the coefficient of the preceding term by the exponent of the first letter in that term, and dividing the product by the exponent of the second letter + 1. 190, Cor. 6. — If the sign betweoi the terms of the binomial is jninus, as (a — b)°*, the odd terms of the expansion are + and the eve7i ones — . This arises from the fact that the odd terms involve even powers of the second or negative term of the bhiomial, and the even terms invclve the odd powers of the same. Examples. 1. What is the square of 3^3 ? Of -2fAc ? Of ^x~^^ Of -^a^x ? Oi^^/x'i OfiV2? Of-^? 2. What is the square of 1 - x + x'- ? Of 2a - 3x^ ? 2 3 , 3 3. Expand the following: (3-1x-x^) , {3x^ - 1) , {x-y + z) , {l~x^), {x^-yh'- 4. Aifeofc 3rAr« with the exponent 4; ^a^x^ with tlie exponent 2; a'^x with the exponent ~m,vi'\t\\ the exponent J, f ; bx^y with the exponent |, ^, — 3. 00 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. 5. Perform the following operations and explain each as a process 3 8 ^ of factoring, according to (De^h.ISS): (12ba^x^)^, (Ua^xy, -4 3 -4 4 1-4-1^ •*_'_" 6. Expand the following by the Binomial Formula: (x -\- yY, {x-yY, (3«2-.t)3, {x + y)-^, (^-y)"*, (5 + :c2)* (a:^-^^)'^ 77(free results. \/«* — a^e^= rtVl — «- = ^(1 —U^ — ,r--;g* — »- . ^ e«— etc.) \ » 2*4 2 '4 '6 ' (1 — .T«)'^ = 1 + ^a:2 +lx*' + A^« + i%a:8 ^^ etc. (fl?« + hx^y =a + — — 4- z^—. -, etc. 7. Write out by Cou's. 5 and 6, the expansions of the follow- ing: (a + l)y,{a-by,{a^'-b'^)\ (x^ -y^Y,(a^ ^y^)\ {x'^ -y^y. SECTION II. EVOLUTION. 191, I^rob, 1. — To extract any root of a perfect power of that degree. RULE. — Kesolve the number into its prime factors, and SEPARATE THESE INTO AS MANY EQUAL GROUPS AS THERE ARE UNITS IN THE DEGREE OF THE ROOT REQUIRED; THE PRODUCT OF ONE OF THESE GROUPS IS THE ROOT SOUGHT. 192, Sen. — The sign of an even root of a positive number is ambiguous (that is 4- or — ), since an even number of factors gives the same product whether they are positive or negative (79 f 80). The sign of an odd root is the same as that of the number itself, since an odd number of j^ositive factors gives a positive product and an odd number of negative factors gives a negative product (80, 81). 193, Cor. 1. — The roots of monomials can be extracted by extracting the required root of the coefficient and dividing the expo- nent of each letter by the index of tfie root^ since to extract the square POWERS AND ROOTS. ^1 root is to affect a number with the exponent \^ the cube root ^, the nth root i, etc. (183). 104, Cor. 'Z. — 71ie root of the product of several numbers is the same as the product of the roots. Thus, "Vobcx = "Va ■ 'Vb Vc • V.T, since to extract the mih root of obex Ave have but to divide the exponent of each letter by m, which gives, ILil _ _ _ _ a"'b^c^x"^, or Va ■ Vb ■ Vc ■ Wx. IQS, Cor. 3. — The root of the quotient of two numbers is the same as the quotient of the roots. Thus, 4/' — is the same as _^, since to extract the rih. root of — we liave but to extract the 7*th root of numerator and denominator, which operation is performed by dividing their exponents by r. Hence a/'HI — — r ::= !^. r n — W^ nr >^^ Examples. 1. Extract the square root of each of the following numbers by resolving them into their factors, i. e. by (191) : 222784 ; 2131G ; and 5499025. 2. Extract the square root of each of the following, as above : 81«*a:-'?/V% a^c^-\-2a^bc^ +a^b^c^, m^—2m*x + 7n*x^. 3. Extract as above : V^oa^b'*, V G4rr«ic% y49a;y% \^lUa^m^f '49rt ^, yHJn ^7/8, ^125m».Ti«, yiTZSx^y^, ^/ -'d'Za^^y-K y 36m2/i 4. Solve exercises 2 and 3 also by (193)- 5. Show as in (194) that >v^8 x 27 = V^xv^27; also that 6/ \_ . 5/ 1_ y a-'^b* = ya"" x -(/ i". 6. Is V«±^= V«±V^? Is i /^=-i? Is Vab=VaVb? y ^ Vb Why does the reasoning in the cases which are true not apply to the others? State the true propositions ; also the false assumption. ScH. — The extraction of roots by resolving numbers into their factors according to ihi» rule, is limited in its application for several reasons. In 62 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. the case of decimal numbers we can always find the prime factors by trial, and hence if the number is an exact power, can get its root. But in case the number is not an exact power of the degree required, we have no method of approximating to its exact root by this rule, as we have by the common method already learned in arithmetic. In case of literal numbers the diffi- culty of detecting the polynomial factors of a polynomial is usually insuper- able. Hence we seek general rules which will not be subject to these objections. 196 • JProb, 2, — To extract roots whose indices are composed of the factors 2 and 3. Solution. — To extract the 4th root, extract the square root of the square root. Since the 4th root is one of the 4 equal factors into which a number is conceived to be resolved, if we first resolve a number into 2 equal factors (that is, extract the square root) and then resolve one of these factors into 2 equal factors (that is, extract its square root) one of the last factors is one of the 4 equal factors which compose the original number, and hence the 4th root. In like manner the Gth root is the cube root of the square root, etc. 107. JProb. 3, — To extract the mth {any) root of a number. Solution. — Instead of giving in detail the demonstrations of the processes for the extraction of roots, we assume that the student is familiar with the subject as presented in common arithmetic,* and propose here to show him how to see a rule for the extraction of any root of a decimal number, and of a polynomial, in the expansion of a binomial. Thus For the Square root (a + 6)* = a' + (2a + 6)6 gives the rule ; Cube " (a + &)^'=«=' + (3a«+3a6 + 62)6 " " " Fourth " (a + &)*=a* + (4a« + 6a«6 + 4'^ + 6*)6 " " " etc., etc., etc. In all cases a represents the part of the root already found, and h the next figure or term of the root ; observing that in decimal numbers, a is tens with reference to b. The method of pointing off decimal numbers into periods, and the reason, are shown for the square and cube root in common arithmetic ; and the same reasoning extends to other roots. A polynomial must be arranged as for division, since this is the form which, a power takes when the root is similarly arranged. The solution of a few examples will familiarize the student with this method. ♦ The wh(rie subject is fully presented in the Complete School Aloebba. powers and roots. Examples. 1. Extract the square root of 7284601. SOLUTION. The fonnula is (a -f &)* = n^ + {2a + b) b. At first a^ = the greatest square in 7. .". a = 2. I 7284601 12699 4 2f(, = 2(20) = the Trial Divisor 40 j .•. 328 -f- 40 = 8 is the jJi'obaJde* second root figure, (2ti + 6) = 40 + 8 is the True Divisor if 8 is the second root figure. But 48 x 8 = 384. .-. 8 is too large. We will try 6 as the second root figure 6 Whence (2a + 6) = the True Divisor 46 328 276 J!^otc, 2a = 2 (260) = the 2Hal Divisor 520 j 5246 .'. 5246 -h 520 = the probable next root figure 9 I {2a + 6) - 520 + 9 = the True Divisor 529 I 4761 Again, 2a = 2 (2690) = the Trial Divisor 5380 I 48501 .-. 48501 ■+■ 5380 = the probable next root figure 9 {2a + b) = 5380 + 9 = the True Divisor 5389 I 48501 2. Extract the cube root of 99252847. SOLUTION. The formula is {a + b)^ = a^ + (3a« + Sab + b*)b. At first a' = the greatest cube in 99. .'. a — 4. 3a* = 3 (40)* = the THal Divisor 4800 .-. 35252 -4- 4800 = 7, Wxa probable next root figure. (3a* + 3rt6 + &*) = 4800 + 840 + 49 = 5689, the True Divisor if 7 is the next root figure. But, as this does not go 7 times in 35252, 7 is too large ; and we try 6. Noic, the corrections to be added to the trial divisor to make the true divisor, are 3a6 = 3 (40) 6 - 720 and b' = (6)^ - 86 992528471463 64 35252 Hence the true divisor is 5556 j 33336 New THal Divisor, 3a* -= 3 (460)* = G348(X) i 1916847 j3a6:=3(460)3 = 4140 ! Corrections:^ &^ == (3)* = _ 9! True Divisor 638919 I 1916847 * The new root figure cannot be larger than this quotient. It is often not eo large, and the probability of its being considerably less increases with the degree of the root wc arc extracting,. ^ LITERAL ARITHMETIC. 3. Extract the 5th root of 30036242722357. SOLUTION. Formula : {a + by = a' + 5a*b + 10«='6« + 10^*6=' + Bab* + ft» = a^ + [5a* + lOa'^b + lOa'b' + Bab'' + b*]b. At first a* = the greatest 5th power in Trial Divisor : 5a* = 5 (50)* = 1st. lOa'ft = 10(50)' X 1 = . 2d. 10rt«6* = 10(50/ X 1^ = 3d. 5a*^ =5(50) x !=» = .... 4th. b* = V = Corrections : - Tnie Divisor 31250000 1250000 25000 250 1 ¥2525251 36936242722357|517 3125 56862427 32525251 Ti-ial Divisor : 5a* - 5 (510)* = 338260050000 1st. 10a '6 = 10 (510) ' X 7 = . . . 9285570000 2d. 10a«6« = 10 (510) « x 7' = . 127449000 3d. Bab' = 5 (510) x 7» = 874650 4th. 6* = 7* = 2401 Tnie Divisor : 847673946051 Corrections : - 2433717622357 2433717622357 4. What is the 7th root of 1231171548132409344 ? SOLUTION. Formula: (a + 6)^ = a'+7a«6 + 21a»6* + 9Ba*b' + SBa^'b* + 2U^b'' -h 7ah^ + b' = a' + I7a« + 21a»6 4- dBa*b' + SBa'b^ + 21a*6* + 7a*' + b^]b. 1231171548132409344|384 2187 Trial Divisor : 7a6 = 7 (30)^ = 5103000000 .. fist. 21a»6 = 21(30)» X 8= 4082400000 2d. 35a*6* = 35(30)* x 8* = . 3d. SSrrVy^' = 35(30)-' x 8^ = . 4th. 2la^b* = 21 (30)* x 8* = , 5th. 7aA«=:7(30) x 8^ = L6th. 66 = 8'^ = , 1814400000 , 483840000 77414400 0881280 262144 11568197824 101247154813 92545582592 Trial Divisor : 7a«* = 7 (380)*^ = . . .21076564688000000 87015722212409344 .. f 1st. 21a'b = 21 (380)' x 4 = . . . Ga557541 1200000 02 2d. Soa^y- = 35 (380)* x 4« = . 11676761600000 *■? 3d. 35a^'6-^ = 35(380)=' x 4=' = 122913280000 g 4th. 21a'6* = 21 (380)« x 4* = 776294400 o 5th. 7a*' = 7 (380) x 4' = . . . 2723840 6th. 56 ^ 4<5 ~ 4096 2i7o3930o53102336 87015722212409344 POWERS AND ROOTS. 6© 5. Extract the square root of each of the following numbers : 7225, 9801, 553536, 5764801, 345642, 2, .5, 3, 50, 1.25, 1.6. 6. Extract the cube root of each of the following numbers : 74088, 122097755681, 2936.493568, 61234, 12.5, .64, .08, 2, 5. 7. Extract the 4th root of 52764813. (See 196.) 8. Extract the 6th root of 2985984. (See 196.) 9. Extract the 8th root of 1679616. (See 196.) 10. Extract the 5th root of 5. \/5"= 1.37974 -. 11. Extract the 7th root of 2. -^^2 = 1.104 + . 12. Extract the square root of 49a:8|/« — 30a;3y + 16y*— 24a;y» ■f 25a:*. SOLUTION. Formula : {a + hy =a' + {2a + h)b. :. a=^x* 25«^ 2a= Trial Div. = 10;c'' -'dOx'y + AQx'y^ b= -30^^^-f-lO.c' = -3.ry .-. True Div.:=10.c- — Sxy -30x'*p+ 9a;'.?/ i^it 2a= Trial Div. = 10.c* — 6.r^ 4Qx'y'-24xy' + lQy* .-. *=40j;V«-4-10.c*= 4y2 and True Div.=iac«-6a^ + 4y' 40;rV-24i:y^ + 16y* CONDENSED SOLUTION. 25a;* -30a; 'y + 49a;'y« -24^2/=' + 16y* |5a;^-3a^ + 4y* 25x* " 10x^-3x1/ ■30a;V + 49a;V' -30.2; '.v+ 9a;«.v« lOx'— 6a^ + 4^/• 40a;V'-34a^'+16y^ 40a;^y«-24a;y=» + 16y* 66 LITERAL AlUTHMETIC. o o E2 (S <§ 1 CO 1 •• M ^^ S s 4e + c« S 5 M 1 « + tH w + 3 TO 1 1 + •< 1 1 1 + .« g 4^ e ^ II ^ 00 s m « ■* « rCS Cf-I o 1—1 + 1 + 1 e*-. n o S -^j Ci 1 o ?2 2 1 CD ^ 1 e« 1 s e *» r »o cr T— t ^ CO + Oi ta ^' o CO 1 C3 1 5^ ^ CD CD ^ r-l ^ ^: 1 eo '^ '** e >i rH TiH CO I rH f POWERS AND ROOTS. 67 15. Extract the cube root of each of the following: a^ -- Sb^ + VZab^ — 6a^b, 5^:3 — 1 - Sx^ + x^ — ^x, 66x* + 1 — 63a;3— 9a; + Sx^ - 36a:« + 33a;2, mc^x^ + ^^cx^ - %lc^ + lO^o^x - '^{)c^x^ + 8a;« — 806'3a;3, 204:C^x^ — lUc^x + 8a;6 - 366-^«- 171c^x^ + 64.a^ + 102c^x^, 27a; - 8a;* - 36 + 362;^ + 12a;-^ - 54a;* + 9a;"* + 27a;* 4-a;-"— 6a;'*. 16. What is the 4th root of 16«* - 96^3:2; + 216«2a;2 - 216aa;3 4- 81a;* ? 17. What is the 6th root of 729 - 2916a;2 + 4860a;* - 4320a;« + 2160a;8- 576a;i«+ 64a;i2? [Note.— Solve the 16th and 17th both by {197) and {196)1 18. Find the fifth root of 32a;5- 80a;4 + 80a;3- 40a;2 + 10a; - 1 ; also of a;-" + 15a;-"-5a;-'* + 90a;-"-60a;-'» + 280a;-'-270a;-« + 495a;-* - 550a;-' + 513 - 465a;2 + 275a;* - 90a;« + 15a;8 -xAK 19. Find the 6th root of ««- 6a^b + 15a*^2- 20^3^3 4. 15^2^4 -6a*6+J«by (196). SECTION IIL CALCULUS OF RADICALS. Reduction. 19S, Pvob, !• — To simplify a radical by removing a factor, RULE. — Resolve the number under the radical sign into TWO FACTORS, ONE OF WHICH SHALL BE A PERFECT POWER OF THE DEGREE OF THE RADICAL. EXTRACT THE REQUIRED ROOT OF THIS FACTOR AND PLACE IT BEFORE THE RADICAL SIGN AS A COEFFICIENT TO THE OTHER FACTOR UNDER THE SIGN. Dem, — This process is simply an application of CoR., Art. 194:, 199, Cor. — The denominator of a surd fraction can ahcays be removed from under a radical sign by multiplying both terms of tha fraction by some factor which icill make the denominator a perfect, power of the degree required. BS LITERAL ARITHMETIC. ScH. — A surd fraction is conceived to be in its simplest form when the smallest possible wfiole nwnber is left under the radical sign. 200, I^rob, 2, — To simplify a radical^ or reduce it to its lowest terms, when the index is a composite number, and the number under the radical sign is a perfect poioer of the degree indicated by one of the factors of the index. RULE. — Extract that root of the number which corre- sponds TO ONE OF THE FACTORS OF THE INDEX, AND WRITE THIS ROOT AS A SURD OF THE DEGREE OF THE OTHER FACTOR OF THE GIVEN INDEX. Dem. — The mnXh. root is one of the mn equal factors of a number. If, now, the number is resolved first into m equal factors, and then one of these m factors is again resolved into n other equal factors, one of the latter is the mni\\ root of the number. 201, JProb, 3, — To reduce any number to the form of a radical of a given degree. RULE. — Raise the number to a power of the same degree AS the radical, and place this power under the radical sign WITH THE REQUIRED INDEX, OR INDICATE THE SAME THING BY A FRACTIONAL EXPONENT. Dem. — That this process does not change the value of the expression is evi- dent, since the number is first involved to a given power, and then the corre» spending root of this power is indicated, the latter, or indicated oi^ersiimn, being just the reverse of the former. 202, Cor. — To introduce the coefficient of a radical under the radical sign, it is necessary to raise it to a power of the same degree as the radical ; for the coefficient being reduced to the same form as the radical by the last rule, we have the product of two like roots, which is equal to the root of the product. 203, Proh, 4, — To reduce radicals of different degrees to equiv- alent ones having a common index. RULE. — Express the numbers by means of fractional in- dices. Reduce the indices to a common denominator. Per- form UPON THE NUMBERS THE OPERATIONS REPRESENTED BY THE CALCULUS OF RADICALS. 69 NUMERATORS, AND INDICATE THE OPERATION SIGNIFIED BY THE DENOMINATOR. Dem, — The only point in this rule needing further demonstration is, that mul- tiplying numerator and denominator of a fractional index by the same number a ma n does not change the value of the expression, i. e., that x^ = x"'". Now, x'^ signi- fies the product of a of the b equal factors into which x is conceived to be re- solved. If we now resolve each of these b equal factors into m equal factors, a of them will include ma of the mb equal factors into which x is conceived to be resolved. Hence ma of the mb equal factors of x equals a of the b equal factors. [The student should notice the analogy between this explanation and that usually given in Arithmetic for reducing fractions to equivalent ones having a common denominator. It is not an identity.] 204, JProb, S, — To reditce a fraction having a monomial radi- cal denominator, or a monomial radical factor in its denominator^ to a form having a rational denominator. RULE. — Multiply both terms of the fraction by the radi- cal IN THE DENOMINATOR WITH AN INDEX WHICH ADDED TO THE GIVEN INDEX MAKES IT INTEGRAL. 20S» I^vob, 0. — To rationalize the denominator of a fraction when it consists of a binomial, one or both of whose terms are radi- cals of the second degree. RULE. — Multiply both terms of the fraction by the de- nominator WITH one of its signs CHANGED. Dem. — In the last two cases the student should be able to show, 1st. That the operation does not change the value of the expression ; and, 2d. That it produces the required form, [This is the substance of all demonstrations in Me- ductions.] 206, I^rop. 1, — A factor may be found which will rationalize any binomial radical, Dem. — If the binomial radical is of the form V(a -F fc)'", or {a + by , the fac- n — m tor is (a + &) " , according to {204). L. ]L 1 If the binomial is of the form "VaF + Vft*^, or «"' + 6". Let a'" = x, and 1 LI b'^=y; whence a"* = a;* , and b"* = y ^ ^jgo j^t p be the least common multiple up rp of m and n, whence x"" and yp are rational. But x^ = a"\ and y""" = b". If now we can find a factor which will render x^ + y^, as»P ± y""", this will be a fac- Vo LITEBAL ARITHMETIC. L L 1!L ^ tor which will render a" + &*, «"'± 6" which is rational. To find the factor which multiplied by x^ + y" gives afp ± y'T, we have only to divide the latter by the former. Now ^— = x^p-^) — x^p-2) «»• + x ^^so ^3, Vo ; also \/2x, \^3x^f ^x, and ^/%x^ ; also 2\/c, 3v^, and jVo; also ^t's/hax, 2^2xy, \/\^x\ also a; — y and {x + yy. Explain each operation upon the principles of factoring as in {203). 7. Prove upon the principles of factoring that ^2 — VS ; also that \/h = \/25 ; also that \/3 = ^21. 8. Reduce the following to equivalent forms having rational de- . ^ 2a\/5l' 5 ^/a "s/ X \^x 1 1 nominators: ■ , --7==, —;=, -tj= ^ -Tr ^ -J-y "vh- ' V^x 2Va^ Vb vy Vy V2 V2 Jl_ VI \^ \^ V'o' V^' 2 4_^3 4rt^,y<{, 2ab + b^ a'^ — b-' 6. Multiply v^3 by V^-* Multiply V^^" by v^a Multiply VT by ^|, V^2a^ by \^ax^, 2\/^ by 3\^x^y, a/1 + ^ by \/rTx^, vTby -v/j, 2A/i by 3a^2; 2^25 by 3V5, v^24 by e-^S, 7. Multiply 9 + 2\/r0 by - 2\/l0, v'^^ - A^iiJ^ + \/]f^ by \/x+\/y, 3\/5 + 2a/6-2 by 2^5 + 18^/0, v^5-2v^6"by 3^4- v^36. 8. Divide ^v^byiv^, 8\/9 by2\^, a/6 by v^, i\/5by-jViO. 9. Divide 2 a/32 + 3 a/2" + 4 by 4a/8^ 4a/? by 2a/^, 6 + 2a/3 - ^8 byA/6, V^^^^a; - ^»2^-:r by Va'^, /) \/(a + 1)2, « + ^ - c + 2a/«^ by V^+ V^- V,I I !^l±^^ _ f^W^S I by 4|/-^. - lx^-\/x^-a^ x'^ + Vx^-a^ ) f x^-i-a^ * It is of the utmost importance that the pupil be able to give a complete analysis of such examples. Thus, \/ 2 = >/ S, since the former is oneoi the two equal factors of 2, and the latter is three of the six equal factors of 2. In like manner VS = V 9. Consequently v/2 X V'3= V^ X ■n/Q. Now since the jjroduct of the same root of two numbers is equal to the like root of the product, VS x v/9 = V72. 76 LITERAL ARITHMETIC. 10. Raise 3 v^2a;« to the second power. Raise ^ \/)lax^ to the 5th power. Cube — fVf Square \/3 — V^. Cube 'dVa—x. Cube 11. Extract tlie square root of 27 \^VS6x^y^ ; the cube root of ,».riP*Vy; the4throotof 25^*Vy; the 5th root of 224 v^3^; the cube root of (1— a;)Vl— ^; the cube root of vi/-; the square 5 1/ X root of iVi- 12. Extract the squai:e root of 49+12a/5'; of 57 + 12a/15"; of {a^-ha)x-2axVa; x-2\/^x^; of VI8-4; of -^+-|Va«- c«. (See ;^ir.) SECT/ON F. IMAGINARY QUANTITIES. )^18. ^n Imaginary Quantity is an indicated even root of a negative quantity, or any expression, taken as a whole, which contains such a form either as a factor or a term. Thus >/ —x,\/ —y* , S^—x*, 24^^^— 4, V— 6, 3— V—1, etc., are imaginary quantities. 219, ScH. 1. — It is a mistake to suppose that such expressions are in any proper sense more unreal than other symbols. The term Impossible Quantities should not be applied to them : it conveys a wrong impression. The ques- tion is not whetlier the symbols are symbols of real or unreal (imaginary) quantities or operations, but what interpretation to put upon them, and how to operate with them when they occur. 220. Sen. 2. — A curious property of these symbols, and one which for some time puzzled mathematicians, appears when we attempt to multiply y/—xhY\/—X' Now the square root of any quantity multiplied by itself should, by definition, be the quantity itself ; hence V—xx \/—x= —x. But if w^e apply the process of multiplying the quantities under the radicals, we have v/^ x\/^ =Vx^ = + a; as well as — x. What then is the pro- duct of v/3^ W^^ ? Is it —a-, or is it both + x and —x ? The true product is —x ; and the explanation is, that v/a;* is, in general., +x and —x. But when we know what factors were multiplied together to produce a;*, and the nature of our discussion limits us to these, the sign of \/x^ is no longer ambiguous : it is the same as was its root. CALCULUS OF IMAGINAKIES. 77 221. Prop. — Every imaginary monomial can be reduced to the form ni V — J^j ^'^ which m is real (not imaginary), m may be rational or surd. p Dem. X V —y, p being an even number, is the general symbol for an imagin- ary monomial. Now if p is a power of 2, we may write at once p = 2», whence p 2" 2" 2" 2" 2" - .f V — i/ = :v V—i/ — X V(/{~1) =x Vy V— 1 = m V—1. If p contains other factors than 2, let r represent their product, and 2» the product of all the factors of 2 contained in p ; whence p = r2", in which r is odd, since the product of any p. r2*!^ rS" number of odd factors is odd. We then have x V—y = x V —y = x Vy{—V) z= X V y V — 1 — X yy y V—1 = x Vy V—1, since any odd root of — 1 is — 1. Putting X V y = m, this becomes m V—1- 222, ScH. — When n—1^ i. e., when there is but one factor of 2 in the index of the root, the form becomes m V—1. This form is called an imagin- ary of the second degree ; m r — 1 is of the fourth degree, etc. In this dis- cussion we shall confine our attention mainly to imaginaries of the second degree. 223, I^vob, — To add and subtract imaginary mo7iomials of the second degree^ or such as may be reduced to this degree. RULE. — Reduce them to the form mV— 1? and then com- bine THEM, CONSIDERING THE SYMBOL V— 1 AS A SYMBOL OF character.* Examples. 1. Add \/^=T and ^/~^. Operation. V~^4: = V^{ - 1) = 2 V^^, and V^^ = 3 V^. .-. V^^4: + V^^9 = 2 V^l + 3 V^^l = 5 V^^l. Sen. — The last operation should not be looked upon as taking the sum of 2 times a certain quantity (represented by \/—l) and 3 times the same quantity, but ns 2 of a certain character added to 3 of the same character. ■* St-e (■!*, 49 f 50). Wc mean to pay that, as a qnantity (considered numerically), m and m V— 1, are exactly tlie same, just as is the case in the expreseions + m and — m ; but that the eynibol $/ — i gives* gome peculiar or concrete significance to m, as does the sign +, or — , or f. What, this concrete pigniflcance is, we cannot here say. It has its clearest interpretation in the Co-ordinate, or General Geometry. 78 LITERAL ARITHMBTia Thus the operation of reducing ^/ —^ and ^ —^Xa the forms %^^\ and 3^/— 1 is to be looked upon as rendering the expressions homogeneous. It is, however, to be observed that the symbol ^ —\ is subject, also, to the ordinary laws of number, and may be operated upon accordingly. Thus it has a double significance. 2. Add 4V -%n and 3V - 16; also ^a^^^lib and %a^/~^^', also ^V^^^ and c\/"^. V^f^^ + cv/^^ = {W + 3c)V^. 3. Add V- 1024 and V-729. Opkration. ^-1024 = ^i^ \/^' and ^-729= ^729 aJ~^\. .-. ^^^=^024 + >v/- 729 = 59 v^^. 4. Show that in general v^ — a; ifc "s/ — y = {\/ x dc \^)V^ — 1, ■when ^t is any integer. 5. From V^^ take \/"^4. From 4a/^=^7 take 3V^^6. From 3fl\/ — 25 take 2rt V — 4. Show that aV — 6 — cV — d 6. From V- ^090 take V - 9. i^cw. ClV— "L 8cH. — It would seem improper to onrft the 1 before the symbol /y/— 1 in such a case as the last, thougli it has been customary to do so. If we arc to consider \/— 1 as a sign of character ("affection," as some say), there is no more reason for omitting the 1 in such a case, than there is in such as 4 — 5 = — 1. That is, if we write 4^^/^ — S^y/^ = 'y/^, we ought to write 4 — 5 = —, or $5 — $4 = I, to be consistent. 7. Show that V^S + V~-^l^ = 5 V^^ = bV^V - 1 ; also that 4:\/~^^ 4- 2V'^^^^n = 16 a/3 V^^ ; also that a/~^=1g — \/ — 1 = 1 \/ — 1 ; also that 2\/ — a — \/ — a = \^\^ — 1. 224, JPt*op, — Evert/ polynomial coiitainiiig some real, and some imaginary terms of the second degree, or such as can he re- duced to this degree, can he reduced to the form adbbv — 1» **'* which a and b are real, a and b may he rational or surd. Dem, — This is evident from the fact that all the real terms can be combined into one (it may be a polynomial) and represented by a, and the imaginary terms being reduced to the form m V^ 1 can also be combined into one term repre- sented by ± & V^. CALCULUS OF IiMAGINARIES. 79 225, ScH. — The form a±h^ — l is considered the gcncnil form of an imaginary quantity of the second degree. Wlien « = 0, it becomes tlie samo as m^/—l. The two expressions a + h\^—l and a — h\/ — l arc called Con- jugate Imaghmries. Hence tlie sum of two conjugate imaginaries is rcil (3a). Also the product of two conjugate imaginaries is real [{a + h\/ — \) X (a — J^— 1) =: a'^ + Jr^ as will appear hereafter]. The square root of the product of two conjugate imaginaries, taken with the 4- sign, is called the Modulus of each. Thus + /y/^"^ + b^ is the modulus of both a + 'b^^ —I and a - h^/^. Exs. — Fi lid the sum, and the difference of 2 + V^ and 3 — V— 04 ; also of a + \/ — d and a+V—o. Last results^ 2a + ( V^ + Vc) V' — i , Multiplication and Involution. 220, I* rob, — 7b determine the character of the product of sev- eral imaginary monomiaX factors of the second degree. Solution. — Letting n represent any integer, including 0, 47i, 4w4-l, 4n + 2, and 4/2 + 3 may represent all integral exponents, so that all the forms to be treated are (^"1^, (V^)'"^', (^=1)"''". ^"^ W~^T'" - Thus, if n = 0. 4// +1 =: 1, 4/1 + 2 = 2, and 4n4-3 - 3. If n = 1, 4m = 4, 4r.+ 1 = G, 4;^ + :? = C, and 4n + 3 = 7. If n = 2, 4n = 8, etc. We shall now show that (V~0^' = 1» _ and _^ (.y/3i)*^+' ^ _^Z:i. (v^ir = ( v^i v^i ^ v^i v^i)" = [(-1) X (-1)]" = i« = 1, since y'— 1 ^/^l = —1 by {220\ (—1) (—1) = 1, and any power of 1 is 1. (a/~1)'*^' = (V=ir X V^l - V=l = a/-1. since (y— 1^ = 1. (V=i)"^' = (V~i)" X ( V-iy = 1 X (-1) = -1. (y^— 1)^-+^ ^ {^~\)'^^ X V-^1 = (-1) V=^ = - V=T = - V~,. III. — To find what (-\/— l)* is, we have but to observe that if 7i=l, 471 + 1=5, and (vri/ = (y— l)^«^^y'i:i. ^ Again, (-y/^)' = (V-^^""' = - a/-^. ^i^^cc, if 7i = 0, 4/i + 3 = 3. Once more, {\^\Y^ = {\^~\Y"^'^ = —1, since, if ti = 2, 4n + 2 = 10. In like manner, {^/—\Y = {\^—l) " = 1, since, if n = 1, 4//. = 4. SCH. — In the above we have confined ourselves to the powers of the posi- tive square root, sinca — \/ — 1 may be understood to be — 1 V — ^ ' ^^-^ ^^^^ factors -1 bo treated separately. Thus, (- ^/'-^Y" r= (-l)'" (^/-lY" = ( V"' )** =- 1. So also (- V~0'"'' = (-1)*"' X (V-iy-i = (-1)a/-1 = So LITERAL ARITHMETIC. — \/^^, etc. Or, in other words, giving the — sign to ^/—l simplj changes the signs of the odd powers. In examples we shall confine attention to the + root of ^Z — 1. Examples. 1. Multiply 4\/^=^ by 2V~^^. Operation. 4 V^ = 4 Va V^, and 2 V^ = 2 V2" V^. .'. 4 V^ X 2 V^ =aVs V^ X 2 V2 V^ = 8 V^{^^^= -SVQ. 2. Show Unit V—x^ X \/ — 7j^ = —x)/; also tliatSV— 5x4^— 3 = —12 Vl^ What is the product of ~2V~-^ by -3 V^^ ? 3. Show that V— 2 x V— 8 = W— 1; also that V— 256 x V'^^27 = 48\/3 V^^^; also that \/^^ x W'^^ = W^ V^- 4. Show that 4a/— T + V— ^ multiplied by 2a/— 1 — V— 3 equals a/O + 4a/3 — 2\/2 — 8. 5. Show that J — iv^^^ squared equals — J(l + V— 3). 6. Showthat(3-2A/^^)x(5 + 3A/- 4)=39-2a/- 1 ; also that (i+v^=nr)x(i-A/'^=n:)=2. 7. Sliow tliat 2 is the modulus of V2 -\- V~^^ and a/2 — a/^^- What is the modulus on]i-2V'^^> and 3-2a/^^? Ofo-SV-i^ 8. Show that (a/^)''i= _ 75a/^=3; also that (V^^Y^^S^ 0. AVhat is the 5th power of 2V~-^? Of 3 a/^^^ ? 10. What is the product of a/— a;^, a/-^/-, a/— ^S and V—w^? Division" of Imaginaries. 227, I* rob. — To divide one imaginary of the second degree by another. RULE. — Reduce tfie imaginary term, or terms, to the form m\/ — 1. or mW — l)", AND DIVIDE AS IN DIVISION OF RADICALS, OBSERVIXG THE PRINCIPLES OF {220) TO DETERMINE THE CHARAC- TER OF THE QUOTIENT OF IM AG IN ARIES. CALCULUS OF IMAGINARIES. 81 Examples. 1. Divide \/- 16 by V - 4. Operation. V— 16 = 41^^, and V^^ = 2V^; .-. V^^^ -^ V^IIl = 44/31 -^ 2f^^ = 2( V=l)°. But by (226) {V^^lY = + 1 ; hence the quotient is 2. ScH. — A superficial view of the case might make the quotient ± 2. Thus, as the radicals are similar it might be inferred that V^l -^ V^^ = 4/ 3_ = \^ = ±1. (See 220,) 2. Show that 6V - 3 -4- 2 V"^^ = iV~S ; also that - V~^^ -^ - 6\/~^^ = t^a/3; also that 1 -^ V - 1 = - V"^ ; also that 6 ^ 2^^^ = - 3 V^^. 3. Divide 2^/- 1 by V -2; also 3V - 16 by - 12; also Va by V^^' SuG's. 2 v^ -^ V:i2 = V 16 VFi? - V^ V^i = V^ V^. 4. Show that sV^^H:^ -^ 2 v""^^ = 4v^2'>/^=l. 5. Show that (1 + V"^^) -^ (1 - V"^^) = V^^; also that (4 4. ^/~Ir2) -^ (2 - V"^^) = 1 + V^a/""^ ; also that 1 ^ (3 _ 2V - 3) = — ^^^ — - — ; also that 1 -4 21 a + V - .^• a^ — X -\- 2aV — X. , ^1 i. ^^ + V — ^ , a — V — : ■ > also that 7== + y= a'^ + X a — ^/ — h a ■\- \ —h 2ia^ - b) '' a^ + b ' 6. Simplify {a + bV -if + (g-^V-l)^ [Note. — Here ends the subject of Literal Arithmetic. The student is now prepared for the study of Algebra, properly so-called ; i. e., The Science of the Equation.] PART IL AN ELEMENTARY COURSE IN ALGEBRA. OHAPTEE I. SIMPLE EQUATIONS. SECT/ON L EQUATIONS WITH ONE UNKNOWN QUANTITY. Definitions. 1. An Equation is an expression in mathematical symbols, of equality between two nnmbers or sets of numbers. 2. Algebra is that branch of Pure Mathematics wliich treats of the nature and properties of the Equation and of its use as an instrument for conducting mathematical investigations. 3. The First Member of an equation is the part on the left hand of the sign of equality. The Second Member is the part on the right. 4. A ^tnnerical Equation is one in which the knoivn quantities are»represented by decimal numbers. 5. A Literal Equation is one in which some or all of the known quantities are represented by letters. 6. The Degree of an Equation is determined by the liighest. number of unknown factors occurring in any term, the equation being freed of fractional or negative exponents, as affecting the un- known quantity. 7. A Simple Equation is an equation of the first degree. 8. A Quadratic Equation is an equation of the second degree. 9. A Cubic Equation is an equation of the third degree. TRANSFORMATION OF EQUATIONS. 8^' 10. Equations above the second degree are called Higher Equations, Those of the fourth degree are sometimes called Biquadratics. Transformation of Equations. 11, To Transform an equation is to change its form without destroying the equality of the members. 12, There are/owr principal transformations of simple equations containing one unknown quantity, viz : Clearing of Fractions, Trans- position, Collecting Terms, and Dividing by the coefficient of the unknown quantity. 13, These transformations are based upon the following Axioms. Axiom 1. — Any operation may be jyerfornted upon any term or upon either member^ which does not affect the value of that term or member^ without destroying the equation. Axiom 2. — If both members of an equation are increased or di- rninished alike, the equality is not destroyed. 14, JProb, — To clear an equation of fractions. RULE. — Multiply both members by the least or lowest COMMON MULTIPLE OF ALL THE DENOMINATORS. Dem. — This process clears the equation of fractions, since, in the process of multiplying any particular fractional term, its denominator is one of the factors of the L. C. M. by which we are multiplying ; hence dropping the denominator multiplies by this factor, and then this product (the numerator) is multiplied by the other factor of the L. C. M. This process does not destroy the equation, since both members are increased or diminished alike. III. — An equation is aptly compared to a pair of scales with equal arms, kept in balance by weights in the two pans. Transposition. IS, Transposing a term is clianging it from one member of the equation to the other without destroying the equality of the members. 64 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 16, Frob, — To tra?ispose a term, RULE.— DllOV IT FROM THE MEMBER IN WHICH IT STANDS AKD INSERT IT IN THE OTHER MEMBER WITH THE SIGN CHANGED. Dem, — If the tenn to be transposed is +, dropping it from one membcir diminishes that member by the amount of the term, and writing it with the — sign in the other member, takes its amount from that member; hence both members are diminished alike, and the equality is not destroyed. (Repeat Axiom 2.) 2d. If the term to be transposed is — , dropping it increases the member from Avhich it is dropped, and writing it in the other member with the + sign i7i- creases that member by the same amount ; and hence the equality is preserved. (Repeat Axiom 2.) 17, To Solve an eqiuitioii is to find the value of tlie unknown quantity; that is, to find what yaliie it must have in order that the equation be true. 18, An equation is said to be Satisfied for a value of tlie un- known quantity which makes it a true equation ; i. e., which makes its members equal. 19, To Verify an equation is to substitute the supposed value of the unknown quantity and thus see if it satisfies the equation. Sen. 2. — The pupil must not understand that the verili cation is at all necessary to prove that the value found is the correct one. This is demon- strated as Are go along, in obtaining it. Tlie object of the verification is to give the pupil a clearer idea of the meaning of an equation, and to detect errors in the work. 20, Proh, 1, — To solve a simple equation with one unknown quantity. R TILE. — 1. If the equation contains fractions, clear it of THEM BY Art. 14. 2. Transpose all the terms involving the unknown quan- tity to the first member, and the known terms to the second member by Art. 16. 3. Unite all the terms containing the unknown quantity into one by addition, and put the second member into its simplest form. 4. Divide both members by the coefficient of the unknown quantity. SOLUTION OF SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 86 Dem. — The first step, clearing of fractions, does not destroy the equation, since both members are multiplied by the same quantity ^^AxiOM 2). The second step does not destroy the equation, since it is adding the same quantity to both members, or subtracting tiie same quantity from both members (Axiom 2). The third step does not destroy the equation, since it does not change the value of the members (Axiom 1). The fourth step does not destroy the equation, since it is dividing both mem bers by the same quantity, and thus changes the members alike (Axiom 2). Hence, after these several processes, we still have a true equation. But now the first member is simply the unknown quantity, and the second member is all known. Thus we have ichat the unknoicii quantity is equal to ; i. e. its value. 21, Sen. 1. — It must 1)6 fixed in the pupiVs mind that lie can make htt two ■classes of chwiges upon an equation: viz., Such as do not affect the value OF the members, or such as affect both members equally. Every opera- tion must be seen to conform to these conditions. 22, Cor. 1. — All the si(/ns of the tenuis of both members of an equation can be changed from + to —,or vice versa, without destroy- ing the equality.^ since this is equivalent to midtiplying or dividing by -1. 23, ScH. 2. — It is not always expedient to perforin the several trans- formations in the same order as given in the rule. The pupil should bear in mind that the ultimate object is to so transform the equation that the un- known quantity will stand alone in the first member, taking care that, in doing it, nothing is done which will destroy the equality of the members. 24, ScH. 3. — It often happens that an equation which involves the second or even higher powers of the unknown quantity is still, virtually, a simple equation, since these terms destroy each other in the reduction. Simple Equation's containing Radicals. 25, Many equations containing radicals which involve the un- known quantity, though not primarily appearing as simple equations, become so after beinsr freed of such radicals. 26, JProb, 2, — To free an equation of radicals. RULE. — The common method is so to transpose the terms THAT the radical, IF THERE IS BUT ONE, OR THE MORE COMPLEX radical, IF THERE ARE SEVERAL, SHALL CONSTITUTE ONE MEMBER, 86 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. AND THEN INVOLVE EACH MEMBER OF THE EQUATION TO A POWER OF THE SAME DEGREE AS THE RADICAL. If A RADICAL STILL RE- MAINS, REPEAT THE PROCESS, BEING CAREFUL TO KEEP THE MEM- BERS IN THE MOST CONDENSED FORM AND LOWEST TERMS. Dem. — That this process frees the equation of the radical whicli constitutes one of its members is evident from the fact that a radical quantity is involved to a power of the same degree as its indicated root by dropping the root sign. That the process does not destroy the equality of the members is evident from the fact that the like powers of equal quantities are equal. Both members are increased or decreased alike. Summary of Practical Suggestions. 27, In attempting to solve a simple equation, always consider, 1. Whetlier it is best to clear of fractions first 2. Zook out for compound negative terms. 3. If the nnmerators are polynomials and the denominators mono- mials, it is often better to separate the fractions into parts. 4. It is often expedient, when some of the denominators are mono- mial or simple, and others polynomial or more complex, to clear of the most simple first, and after eacli step see that by transposition, uniting terms, etc., the equation is kept in as simple a form as pos- sible. 5. It is sometimes best to transpose and unite some of the terms before clearing of fractions. G. Be constantly on the lookout for a factor which can be divided out of both members of the equation, or for terms Avhich destroy cacli other. 7. It sometimes happens that by reducing fractions to mixed num- bers the terms will unite or destroy each other, especially when there are several polynomial denominators. 28. When the equation contains radicals, specially consider, 1. If there is but one radical, by causing it to constitute one mem- ber and the rational terms the other, the equation can be freed by involving both members to the power denoted by the index of the radical. SOLUTION OF SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 8? 2. If there are two radicals and other terms, make the more com- plex radical constitute one me!uber, alone, before squaring. Such cases usually require two involutions. 3. If there is a radical denominator, and radicals of a similar form occur in the numerators or constitute other terms, it may be best to clear effractions first, either in whole or part. 4. It is sometimes best to rationalize a radical denominator. Examples for Practice in Solving Simple Equatioists. 1. Solve and verify the following : (1.) 40— 6a:— 16=120— l4;r. X X x_ a: - 3 a; _ ^^'-19 /.w^+S a; <^-) 2~3'^4-^^- (^'^ "2~'^3-^^~^- (^•)"T~'^3 . «— 5 /^x 9.T + 20 4a:— 12 x ,„. lOic + 17 12a: + 2 5a:— 4 ,^. ax—h a hx hx—a ,_ . aih^+x^) cix (9.) 3:2^3 = ax + bx + ex. (10.) 2.04 - 0.68y - 0.02y = 0.01. (11.) 8.4a: - 7.6 = 10 + 2.2a:. o o 1 /i \ 1 , 1 1 tc,\ AQ .'i'2a:-.05 2. Solve (1.) -T \- 1 r- — • (^O 4:.8a; — ^ ' ah— ax be— ox ac—ax ^ ' .5 = 1.6^ + 8.9. (3.) ^±^'^11^ = li^lZ^. (x = ^ifc^). (4.)^ ^ ' p—q m \ m J ^ ' 2h—a (Sbc + mVjx _ bah _ {Uc-a(l)x _ 6a(2b —a) / _ 5^h-a)\ ~ 2ah(a + h) ~ 3c^ " 2ab(a-h) ^^~h^' V~ 'Sc-d J' ax ^j _ ex ( _ ^ah^+4.h^~Ua^b \ Am(K^-bx') ^""'^ ^{Zr^'^'^^-^da + b' V" '6a^+ab-ac + be)' ^^^ %x -imp^ 4 ' V-^^p^-bg^y ^^'Hx^dx^fx^hx-"' 8.5 .2 1 - .Ix 2 -3a: 5a: 2a:-3_a:-2 (10.) 5-a:(3i-?)=ia:- 3a: - (4 - 5a:) ^ ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 3. In solving the following be careful to observe the suggestions in,.,,: (..,|H)-JH)*K-~i)-»- »•¥-' _x—5 x—6 ~ x—(j x—7' 4. Solve the following, giving special heed to the suggestions in ^ ^ it (28) : (1.) V^^=^ = 16 - V^. (2.) ^ — = 6-. (3.) Vx Vb^ +x—b -^Va; — 7= — . (4.) — ==::= 1 = . (o.) ^ a-VV x \^x-l \/5x4-3 2 + Vrt_V^=V^. (6.) V(l+rt)* + (l-a)a:4-V(l-«)' + (l+rt)i =2fl. (7.) V!l3 + V'[7 + A/(3 + V.r)]!=4. (8.) ^^^lTV(3 -f V6a.-) ... (9.) Vjng^^VO^-Q^ (10.) ^^^+^^\^=1G.-8V3^ V(3;c + 2 4V««+6 16a;-3 + 3. (11.) ^^-^^"^^^ = ^. (12.) "f_-^ =4 + ^^'-' f? 4- V«* — X* 's/ax +1 ^ nq\ 3V^— 4 _ 15 + \/9^ a/^ + V^ _ Va 4- a/^ 2 + a/^ 40 + a/^ ' V«^ — V^ V^ /i-\ a/« — '^rt— a/<^* — «a; ., ,.^. V in ^ \/ m — y 1 (lo). =r = 0, (lb.) — — = ;z=^ = — • ^/liJ^W a-^ni^-ax V m - ^/ m - y ^ (17.) ^ + ^+V'j^tf! = J. (18.) ^^^^-^^-^ = i. rt + .T — A/2rta; + x^ yx + 1 + V a; — 1 /^ci\ J/~~r- . .V 7. ,^_ . l+a;+ a/2^+^ a/^ + sj+a/^ (19.) A/rt + .y + Va—x = b. (20.) =rt — — . 1+x— V^'^x + x^ V^-hx—Vx (^l.)^S±^=4. (22.) -^=3 - + J -. \/ox-\-l—\^'6x Va — x + Va ^/ a — x — ^ a _ A^ ~ X [Several of these equations cau be noro eb^aatly reduced by the method given on p. 138» Ex. 47.] APPLICATIOKS OF SIMPLE EQUATIONS. Applicatioks. 29, x^ccording to the definition (2), Algebra treats of, 1st, The nature and properties of the Equation ; and 2d, the method of using it as an instrument for mathematical mvestigation. Having on the preceding pages explained the nature and proper- ties of tlie equation, we now give a few examples to illustrate its utility as an instrument for mathematical investigation. 30, The Alf/ebraic Solution of a problem consists of two parts : 1st. Tlie Statement^ which consists in expressing by one or more equations the conditions of the problem. 2d. The Solution of these equations so as to find the values of the unknown quantities in known ones. This process has been explained, in the case of Simple Equations, in the preceding articles. 31, The Slateinent of a problem requires some knowledge of the subject about which the question is asked. Often it requires a great deal of this kind of knowledge in order to "state a problem." This is not Algebra ; but it is knowledge which it is more or less important to Ixave according to the nature of the subject. 32, IPirections to guide the student in the Statement of Prob- lems : 1st. Study the meaning of the problem, so that, \fyou had the answer given, yon could prate it, noWcmg csLTGinWy just what operations you would have to perform upon the answer in proving. This is called. Discovering the relations between the quantities involved. 2d, Represent the unknown (required) quantities (the answer) by some one or more of tlie final letters of the alphabet, as t, y, z, or w, and the known quan- tities by the other letters, or, as given in the problem. 3d, Lastly, by combining the quantities involved, both knoiun and vnknown^ according to the conditions given in the problem (as you would to prove it, if the ahsAver were known) express these relations in the form of an equation. mi. Sen. — It is not always expedient to use x to represent the number sought. Tlie solution is often simplified by letting x be taken for some number from which the one sought is readily found, or by letting 2x, Sa;, or some multiple of x stand for the unknown quantity. The latter expedient is often used to avoid fractions. 90 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Problems. 1. A's age is double B's, B's is triple C's, and the sum of their ages is 140. Required the age of eucli. 2. A's age is m times B's, B's is n limes C's, and the sum of their ages is s. liequired the age of each. 3. The sum of two numbers is 48, and their difference 12. What are the numbers? 4. The sum of two numbers is «, and their difference d. What are the numbers ? 5. Having the sum and difference of two numbers given, how do you find the numbers, arithmetically ? G. A post is -Jth in the earth, ^ths in the water, and 13 feet in the air. What is the length of the post ? 7. A post is -itli in the earth, ^ths in the water, and a feet in the air. What is the length of the post ? 8. What fraction is that, whose numerator is less by 3 than its denominator; and if 3 be taken from the numerator, the value of the fraction will be J? 9. G'wQ i\\Q general &o\\\i\on of the last; /.c, the solution when the numbers are all represented by letters. Then substitute the above numbers and find the answer to that spetial problem. SuG. — Letting the numerator be a less than the denominator, and -^ be the am + bn fraction after b is taken from the numerator, the fraction is t-it- an + bn 10. A man sold a horse and chaise for 1200 ; J the price of the horse was equal to \ the price of the chaise. Required, the price of each. Chaise, $120 ; horse, $80. Generalize and solve the last, and then by substituting the numbers given in it find the special answers. Treat in like manner the next nine problems. 11. Out of a cask of wine which had leaked away a third part, 21 gallons were afterward drawn, when it was found that one- half re- mained. How much did the cask hold ? J «.s., 126 galls. 12. A and B can do a piece of work in 12 days, but when A worked alone he did the same work in 20. How long would it take B to do the same work ? Ans.^ 30 days. APPLICATIONS OF SIMPLE EQUATIONS. 91 13. A cistern ctui be filled by 3 pipes; by the first in IJ hours, by the second in 2J hours, and by the third in 5 hours. In what time will the cistern be filled, when all are left open at once ? 14. Four merchants entered into a speculation, for which they subscribed 4755 dollars; of which B paid tiiree times as much as A; C paid as much as A and B ; and D paid as much as C and B. What did each pay ? 15. A and B trade with equal stocks. In the first year A tripled his stock and had $'27 to spare ; B doubled his stock, and had 1153 to spare. Now the amount of both their gains was five times the stock of either. What was that ? 16. A and B began to trade with equal snms of money. In the first year A gained 40 dollars, and B lost 40; but in the second A lost one-third of what he tiien had, and B gained a sum less by 40 dollars than twice the sum that A had lost; when it appeared that B had twice as much money as A. What money did each begin with ? Ans., 320 dollars. 17. What number is that to which if 1, 5, and 13 be severally added, the first sum divided by the second shall equal the second divided by the third? 18. Divide 49 into two such parts that the greater increased by 6 divided by the less diminished by 11, shall be 4|^. 10. A cistern which contains 2400 gallons can be filled in 15 minutes by three pipes, the first of which lets in 10 gallons per minute, and the second 4 gallons less than the third. How much passes througli each pipe in a minute? 20. Find a number such that, if from the quotient of the number increased by 5, divided by the number increased by 1, we subtract the quotient of 3 diminished by the number, divided by the number diminished by 2, the remainder shall be 2. 21. Divide a into two such parts, that one may be the ^th part of the other. 22. Divide a into two such parts, that the sum of the quotients which are obtained by dividing one part by m, and the other by n, shall be equal to b. The parts are —^ , and — . ^ ^ n—m 7)1— n 92 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. J33. Letting p represent the principal, i the interest for time 7, a the amount, and r ihe per cent, for a unit of time, produce the fol- lowing formnlcB, and give their meaning : (2.) a=p^-i=p ^^^ 100' 100 + tr rp (5.) p = (6.)p tr ' 100^, 100 + tr 24. In what time will a given principal double, triple, or quadru- ple itself, at 5^? at 6^? at 7^? 25. What is the worth of a note of 1500 Nov. 2d, 1872, which is dated Feb. 23d, 1870, bears 12^ interest, and is due Jan. 1st, 1875, money being worth 7^ ? A ns., $087.23 + 26. On a sum of money borrowed, annual interest is paid at 5^. After a time 1200 are paid on the principal, and the interest on the remainder is reduced to i^. By these changes the annual interest is lessened one-third. What was the sum borrowed ? 27. An artesian well supplies a manufactory. The consumption of water goes on each week-day from 3 a.m. to 6 p.m. at double the rate at which the water flows into the well. If the well contained 2250 gallons of water when the consumption began on Monday morning, and tlie well was just emptied at 6 p.m. on the next Tliurs- day evening but one, how many gallons flowed into the well per hour ? 28. The hind and fore wheels of a carriage have circumferences 16 and 14 feet respectively. How far has the carriage advanced when the fore wheel has made 51 revolutions more tlian the other? 29. A merchant gains the first year 15^ on his capital; the second year, 20^ on the capital at the close of the first; and the third year, 25^ on the capital at the close of the second ; when he finds that he has cleared $1000.50. Required his capital. Capital |;1380. 30. A man had 12550 to invest. He invested part in certain 3^ stocks, and part in R. R. shares of $25 each, wjiich pay annual divi- dends of $1.00 per share. The stocks cost him $81 on a hundred, and the R. R. shares $24 per share ; and his income from each source is the same. Huw many R. R. shares did he buy ? SIMPLE EQUATIONS WITH TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 93 SECTION II, INDEPENDENT, SIMULTANEOUS, SIMPLE EQUATIONS WITH TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. Definitions. 34. Independent Equations are such as express different conditions, and neither can be reduced to the other. 35. Siinultiineoiis JEquatlons are those wliich express dif- ferent conditions of the same problem, and consequently the letters representing the unknown quantities signify tlie same things in each. All the equations of such a group are satisfied by the same values of the unknown quantities. 36. Eli^ninatlon is the process of producing from a given set of simulran^'ous equations containing two or more unknown quantities, a new s^^t of equations in which one, at lejist, of the un- known quantities shall not appear. The quantity thus disappearing is said to be eliminated. (The word literally inean.s j^utting out of doors. We use it as meaning causing to disappear.) 37. There are Five Methods of Elimination, viz., by Cowpariso7i, by Substitution, by Addition or Subtraction, by Unde- termitied Multipliers^ and by Division. Elimination by Comparison. 38. I^VOb. 1. — Having given two inde]?endent, simidtaiieous^ simple equations hetioeen ttoo tenknown quantities, to deduce therefrotn by Comparison a new equation coiitaining only one of the unknoicn quantities. RULE. — 1st. Find expressions for the value of the same UNKNOWN QUANTITY FROM EACH EQUATION, IN TERMS OF THE OTHER UNKNOWN QUANTITY AND KNOWN QUANTITIES. 2d. Place these two values equal to each other, and the RESULT WILL BE THE EQUATION SOUGHT. Dem. — The first operations being performed according to the rules for simple equations with one unknown quantity, need no further demonstration. 94 ELEMENTAIiY ALGEBRA. 2d. Having formed expressions for the value of the same unknown quantity in both equations, since the equations arc simultaneous this unknown quantity means the same thing in the two equations, and hence the two expressions for its value are equal. Q. e. d. ScH. — The resulting equation can be solved by the rules already given. Elimination by Substitution. 39^ JProh, 2, — Having given two independent^ simidtaneous, simple equations, between two unknown quantities, to deduce there- from by Substitution a single equation with btU one of the unknown quantities. RULE.— 1st. Find from one of the equations the value OF the unknown quantity to be eliminated, in terms of the other unknown quantity and known quantities. 2d. Substitute this value for the same unknown quan- tity IN the other equation. Dem. — The first process consists in the solution of a simple equation, and is demonstrated in the same way. The second process is self-evident, since, the equations being simultaneous, the letters mean the same thing in both, and it does not destroy the equality of the members to replace any quantity by its equal, q. e. d. Elimination by Addition or Subtraction. 40, I^vob, 3, — Having given two independent^ simultaneous, simple equations betwee^i two unknown quantities, to deduce therefrom by Additioji or Subtraction a single equation with hut one unknown quantity, RULE. — 1st. Reduce the equations to the forms ax + by = m, AND ex -[• dy = n. 2d. If the coefficients of the quantity to be eliminated are not alike in both equations, make them so by finding their L. C. M. and then multiplying each equation by this L. C. M. exclusive of the factor which the TERil TO BE eliminated already contains. 3d. If the signs of the terms containing the quantity to be eliminated are alike in both equations, subtract onk SIMPLE EQUATIONS — ELIMINATION. 95 EQUATION FROM THE OTHER, MEMBER BY MEMBER. If THESE SIGNS ARE UNLIKE, ADD THE EQUATIONS. Dem. — The first operations are perfQrmed according to the rules already given for clearing of fractions, transposition, and uniting terms, and hence do not viti- ate the equations. The object of this reduction is to make the two subsequent steps practicable. The second step does not vitiate the equations, since in the case of either equation, both its members are multiplied by the same number. The third step eliminates the unknown quantity, since, as the terms containing the quantity to be eliminated have the same numerical value, if they have the saitie sign, by subtracting the equations one will destroy the other, and if they have different signs, by adding the equations they will destroy each other. The result is a true equation, since. If equals (the two members of one equation) are added to equals (the two members of the other equation), the sums are equal. Thus we have a new equation with but one unknown quantity, q. E. D. Elimination by Undetermined Multipliers. 4:1. I*VOb, 4, — Having given two indepe7ident, simultaneous, simple equations between, two unknown quantities^ to deduce therefrom by Undetermined Midtipliers a single equation with but one unknown quantity. RULE. — 1st. Reduce the equations to the forms ax -f by = m, AND ex + dy = n, 2(1. Multiply one of the equations by an undetermined FACTOR, AS /, and FROM THE RESULT SUBTRACT THE OTHER EQUA- TION, MEMBER BY MEMBER. 3d. In the resulting equation, place the coefficient of THE UNKNOWN QUANTITY TO BE ELIMINATED EQUAL TO 0; FROM this equation find the value of /, ANP SUBSTITUTE IT IN THE OTHER TERMS OF THE EQUATION. Dem. — [Reason for the first step, same as in the last method.] Now multiply one of the equations, as «cj + by = m, by /, and subtract tlio otuer, member by member, giving (af— c)x + (&/— d)y = mf— n. To eliminate y, put bf—d = 0, giving f = -. This value of / substituted in {af — c).v + (V— d)y = mf— n, will cause the term containing y to disappear by making its coefficient 0, and there will result an equation containing only the unknown quantity x, and known quantities. Q. E. d. 96 ELExMENTAKY ALGEBRA. Thus, given 3^ + 7^ — 33, and 2.f + 4y =20. Multiply the 1st by/, 3^iP + 7/y = 33/ Subtract the 2d, 2x' + Ay = 20 And we have (3/- 2)* + (7/- % = 33/- 20. Putting 7/ - 4 = 0, / = f . Substituting, (3 x ^-2)j! = 33 x * - 20. Whence, In like manner, putting 3/ - 2 :=i 0,/= f. And (7 x ^ - 4)y = 33 x ^ - 20- Whence y = 3. Elimination by Division. 42, Proh, S» — Havmg yioen t%co independent^ sinndtaneoiis, equations of any decp'ee^ betireen two tmknown quaiitities^ to deduce therefrom by Division a sinyle equation with but one unknown quantity. RULE. — Clear the equations of fractions, and transpose ALL the terms TO ONE MEMBER. TrEAT THE POLYNOMIALS THUS OBTAINED AS IN THE PROCESS FOR FINDING THE HIGHEST COM- MON Divisor, continuing the process until one unknown QUANTITY DISAPPEARS FROM THE REMAINDER. PUTTING THIS RE- MAINDER EQUAL TO 0, WE HAVE THE EQUATION SOUGHT. Dem. — Since each of the polynomials is equal to 0, any number of times one subtracted from the other (t. c. any remainder) is 0. Examples. [Note. — Tlie pupil should solve the following by each of the preceding methods, so as to make all familiar, and in each instance notice what method is most expeditious.] (1.) 2x4-7j/=41, (2.) a: + 152/ = 49, (3.) Qx+ 4y=236, 3a: + 4?/=42. 3a;+ ltj=n, 3.r + 15y=573. (4.) %^x^\1b = Uy, (5.) 188-5.r-9!/=0, (6.) bx-A=Zy, 87a;-56y=497. 13a:=57 + 2y. 10 + 7a;- 12?/= 0. (7.) 5i/-21= 2rc, (8.) 72/-3a:=139, (9.) ^^-\lx= 103, 13a;-4?/=120. 2x-Vhy= 91. Ux-l^=-4:l. (10.) ?Z:?-l^- = ?^, (11.) ab. + ccly=% %y+i_ix+y + 13 d-h -3- 1 -. ax-cy=-^. SIMPLE EQUATIONS — ELIMINATION. 97 (12.) T^=u-^, (13.) {b + c){x+c-b)+a(y-\-a)=2a^, b-\-y '6a + x ax-\-%hy=d. ay _ {h + cY {b-c)x ~ fl2 • (15.) 2.4.+.32,-:?^^p!^=.8. + ?:^±^, My^^^n^^ "2x by ^x y i^a^ "^~i^ T~3 ^ , x-y 1 (16.) — --T — = 2, and — -^ = -. 4 T (17.) i + |- = 5, (18.)^+-=19, (19.) -^+^=m +71, ^ ' ax by ^ ' X y ^ ' nx my ' 5 3 „ 8 3^ w ?;i „ . ^=2. =7. - + - =m2+7z«. ax by ^^ y ^ y [Note. — Solve the following by {42).] 20. Eliminate x between the following: 5x-{-y=106 and x + Sy =35 ; also i(2a: + 3y) = 8-^:1' and U+y=l(7y-dx) ; also iiy-2) -i{^0-tj)={(z-10) and i(2z + A)-i{2y + z) = i(y+13); also x^+6xy=U4: and 6a-?/ + 36y2=432 ; also a:3 4-?/3=:2728 and x^-xy +^2 — 124; iilso x^+x^yi-x^y^ -\-xy^ -\-y^ = la,jid.x^ -{-y^=2; also x-\-y + xy=M and a;2+?/2 = 52. SOLUTION OP THE LAST. x-{-y + xy-34: ) a;^ +i/g-52| a:4-34-y (l+y)a: + y-34 ) (l+y).r2 + (l+i/)^2_52(i+y) (1 -\-y)x^ -\-xy—'d4:X (34-7/)a;+(:?/«-52)(l + i/) (l+y)(U-y)x + {y^'-o2)(l+yY (l+y){U-y)x-m-yy Equation sought, (34-?/)2 + (;//2-52)(l + ?^)2=0. [Note. — The equations resulting from the elimination in several of the above cases are of degrees higher than the first, and hence their reeolutipn is not to be expected at this stage of the student's progress.] 7 98 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. Applications. 1. A wine merchant has two kinds of wine, one worth 72 cents a quart, and the other 40 cents. How. much of each must he put in a mixture of 50 quarts, so that it shall be worth 60 cents a quart? 2. A crew that can pull at the rate of 12 miles an hour down the stream, finds that it takes twice as long to row a given distance up stream as down. What is the rate of the current ? 3. A man sculls a certain distance down a stream which runs at a rate of 4 miles an hour, in 1 hour and 40 minutes. In returning it takes him 4 hours and 15 minutes to reach a point 3 miles below his starting place. How far did he scull down the stream, and at what rate could he scull in still water? 4. A man puts out $10,000 in two investments. For the first he gets 5^ and fur the second 4j^. The first yields annually $50 more than the second. What is each investment? [Note. — Generalize the statement and solution of the preceding problems.] 5. AVhat fraction is that whose numerator being doubled and de- nominator increased by 7, the value becomes f; but the denomina- tor being doubled, and the numerator increased by 2, the value be- comes I ? 6. There is a number consisting of two digits, which is equal to four times the sum of those digits ; and if 18 be added to it, the digits will be inverted. What is the number? 7. A work is to be printed, so that each page may contain a cer- tain number of lines, and each line a certain number of letters. If Ave wished each page to contain 3 lines more, and each line 4 letters more, then there would be 224 letters more in each page; but if we wished to have 2 lines less in a page, and 3 letters less in each line, then each page would contain 145 letters less. How many lines are there in each page ? and how many letters in each line ? 8. A sum of money put out at simple interest amounted to $5250 in 10 months, and to $5450 in 18 months. What was the principal, and what the rate ? SIMPLE EQUATIONS WITH TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 99 9. In an alloy of silver and copper, — of the whole + i? ounces was silver^ and — of the whole — q onnces was copper. How many ounces were there of each ? 10. When a is added to the greater of two numbers, it is m times the less; but when h is added to the less, it is n times the greater. What are the numbers ? 11. When 4 is added to the greater of two numbers, it is 3;^ times the less ; but when 8 is added to the less, it is J the greater. What are the numbers? Solve by substituting in the results of the pre- ceding. 12. There is a cistern into which water is admitted by three cocks, two of which are of exactly the same dimensions. When they are all open, five-twelfths of the cistern is filled in 4 hours ; and if one of the equal cocks be stopped, seven-ninths of the cistern is filled in 10 hours and 40 minutes. In how many hours woifld each cock fill the cistern ? 13. A banker has two kinds of change ; there must be a pieces of the first to make a crown, and h pieces of the second to make the same : now a person wishes to have c pieces for a crown. How many pieces of each kind must the banker give him ? Ans., —, of the first kind, -\ of the second. o—a h—a 14. An ingot of metal which weighs 7i pounds loses jy pounds when weighed in water. This ingot is itself composed of two other metals, which we may call M and M' ; now n pounds of M loses q pounds when weighed in water, and 7i pounds of M' loses r pounds when weighed in water. How much of each metal does the original ingot contain ? Ans., — ^ pounds of M, -^ — ^ pounds of M'. r — q ^ r — q ^ 100 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. A SECTION III. INDEPENDENT, SIMULTANEOUS, SIMPLE EQUATIONS WITH MORE THAN TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. 43, Prob, — Having given several independent^ simultaneous, simple equations^ involving as many unknown quantities as there are equations, to find the values of the unknown quantities. RULE. — Combine the equations two and two by any of THE METHODS OF ELIMINATION, ELIMINATING BY EACH COMBINA- TION THE SAME UNKNOWN QUANTITY, THUS PRODUCING A NEW SET OF EQUATIONS, ONE LESS IN NUMBER, AND CONTAINING AT LEAST ONE LESS UNKNOWN QUANTITY. COMBINE THIS NEW SET TWO AND TWO IN LIKE MANNER, ELIMINATING ANOTHER OF THE UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. REPEAT THE PROCESS UNTIL A SINGLE EQUATION IS FOUND WITH BUT ONE UNKNOW^N QUANTITY. SOLVE THIS EQUATION AND THEN SUBSTITUTE THE VALUE OF THIS UNKNOWN QUANTITY IN ONE OF THE NEXT PRECEDING SET OF EQUATIONS, OF WHICH THERE WILL BE BUT TWO, WITH TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES, AND THERE WILL RESULT AN EQUATION CONTAINING ONLY ONE, AND THAT another of the unknown quantities, the value of which can therefore be found from it. substitute the two values now found in one of the next preceding set, and find the value of the remaining unknown quantity in this equation. Continue this process till all the unknown quantities are determined. Dem. — 1. The combinations of the equations give true equations because they are all made upon the methods of elimination already demonstrated. 2. That the number of equations can always be reduced to one by this pro. cess, is evident, since, if we have n equations and combine any one of them with each of the others, there will be ?i. — 1 new equations. Combining one of these 71 — 1 new equations with all the rest there wiU result n — 2. Hence n—\ such combinations will produce a single equation; and as one unknown quan- tity, at least, has disappeared from each set, there will be but one left. q. e. d. ScH. 1. — If any equation of any set does not contain the quantity we are seeking to eliminate, this equation can be Avritten at once in the next set, and the remaining equations combined. ScH. 2. — ^In eliminating any unknown quantity from a particular set of SIMPLE EQUATIONS WITH SEVERAL UNKNOWN QUA^TJTJ!ES. 101« equations, any one of the equations may be combined with each of the others, and the new set thus formed. But some other order may be prefer- able as giving simpler results. ScH. 3. — It is sometimes better to find the values of all the unknown quantities in the same way as the first is found, rather than by substitution. Examples. 1. 2. 3. x + y + z = 31, X+ y + z = 9, 2x + dy -h 4:Z =. 29, X + y — z = 25, X -i- 3y —dz= 7, dx + 2y + 5z = 33, x — y — z= 9. ic — 4y + 83 = 8. 4^; + 3y + 2^ = 25. 5. 6. \x + \y + iz=Q2, a;+i^=100, >! a:=64; ?^±?^ + 2^=8, 1 a:=3; -^ I ^^+iy + -i^=47, ;y + l^ = 100, i-^+iy+i^=38. z-\-\x=\0^. y=72', x + 2y-oz=2, > y=2; 7. y + z 2 X -{- z x-h- y- 3 , + ^ = 85. 85, 85, 8. ay + bx = c, ex + az = b, hz +cy = a. 2 1_3 X y~ ^ y i + i = *. X z 3 10. 11. y-{-z=2yz, x-{-z=3xZf x + y=4:xy. ^4-V=l. bcx -\- cay + abz=l. 13. xyz=a{yz—zx—xy)=b{zx—xy—yz)=c(xy—yz—zx). 12. a b ^ -+-=1, o;+y + z=0, b c - + -=1, (b-hc)x-\-(c-}-a)y + {a-{-b)z=0, y ^ Z X 'ttfjt^'ti i •*A > ELEMENTABY ALGEBRA. 14 15. 16. 5x—'7z=n, dx—5y + 2z— 4:21 = 11, n-\-v-{-x + z = ll, 2a; + 3y=39, lOy-Sz -\-3u-2v=i 2, 2c + v + i/-\-z=12, 4y+32=41. 5z-{-4:U-\-2v—2x= 3, u-{-x-\-y + z=13, 6ic—3v+4:X—27/= 6. i; +.T + ?/ + ;?=: 14. 17. x+y + z=a-\-b + c, hx-\-cy + az=cx^-ay + hz=a^ +J)* -\-c^. Applications. 1. Three persons, A, B, and C, were talking of their guineas; says A to B and C, give me half of yours and I shall have 34; says B to A and C, give me a third part of yours and I sliall have 34; says C to A and B, give me a fourtii part of yours and I shall have 34. How many had each ? Ans., A 10, B 22, C 26. 2. For $8 I can buy 2 lbs. of tea, 10 lbs. of coffee, and 20 lbs. of sugar, or 2 lbs. of tea, 5 lbs. of coffee, and 30 lbs. of sugar, or 3 lbs. of tea, 5 lbs. of coffee, and 10 lbs. of sugar. What are the prices ? 3. A person possesses a certain capital which is invested at a certain rate per cent. A second person has £1000 more capital than the first and invests it at one per cent, more; tlius his income exceeds that of the first person by £80. A third person has £500 more capital than the second, and invests it one per cent, more advan- tageously ; and thus receives £70 more income. Find the capital of eacii and the rate of investment. 4. Find four nnmbers, such that the first with half the rest, the second with a third the rest, the third with a fourth the rest, and the fourth with a fifth of the rest shall each be equal to a, 5. A number is represented by 6 digits, of which the left-hand digit is 1. If the 1 be removed to units place, the others remaining in the same order as before, the new number is 3 times the original number. Find the number. 6. A man has £22 14,? What the tripli- cate ? What the subduplicate of 25 : IG ? of 3 : 7 ? of m : ^i ? What the subtriplicate of 729 : 1728 ? of .r : y ? 5. AVhich is the greater, the compound ratio of |:f and 5:4, or the inverse triplicate ratio of 3:2? 6. Prove that a ratio of greater inequality is diminished by adding the same number to both its terms. How is it with a ratio of less inequality? How with equality? 7. If 5 gold coins and 30 silver ones are worth as much as 10 gold coins and 10 silver ones, what is the ratio of their values ? 106 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 8. Prove that a^ — x^ia^-hx^y a—x:a-\-x. Is x^ -\- y^ :x^ +y^ greater, or less, than x* + i/^ : x -\- y? 9. Prove that 4:a^—3a^x — -kax^ + 3x^ : da^— 2a^x — 3nx^ + 2x^ is equal to 4^ — 3x : 3a — 2x. 10. Prove that, if a: be to ^ in the duplicate ratio of a to J, and a to b in the subduplicate ratio o^ a + x to a — y, then will 2x : a ^x-y:y. SECTION If. PROPORTION. 51, Proportion is an equality of ratios, the terms of the ratios being -expressed. The equality is indicated by the ordinary sign of equality, =, or by the double colon, : : . ScH. — The pupil should practice writing a proportion in the fonn r = ~,, still reading it "a is to & as c is to rf." One form should be as familiar as the other. He must accustom himself to the thought that a :b :: c : d means .- = -- and nothing mare. a 52, The Extremes (outside terms) of a i)roportion are the first and fourtli terms. The Means (middle terms) are the second and third terms. 53, A Mean Proportional between two quantities is a quantity to which either of the othtr two bears the same ratio that the mean does to the other of the two. o4, A Tfiird Proportional to two quantities is such a quantity that the first is to the second as the second is to this third (proportional). SS. A proportion is taken by Inversion when the terms of each ratio are written in inverse order. SO, A projwrtion is taken by Alternation when the means are made to change places, or the extremes. S7. A proportion is taken by Cotnjyosition when the sum of the terms of eacli ratio is compared with eitlier term of that ratio, the same order being observed in both ratios ; or when the sum of PROPORTION. 107 the antecedents and tlie sum of the consequents are compared with either antecedent and its consequent. S8. If the difference instead of the siim he taken in the last defi- nition, the proportion is taken by Division. SO. Four quantities are Inverseh/ or Reciprocally Proportional wlien the first is to the second as the fourth is to the third, or as the reciprocal of the third is to the reciprocal of the fourth. 60. A Continued Proportion is a succession of equal ratios, in which each consequent is the antecedent of the next ratio. Thus \i a-.b :\ b'.c '.: c. d '.: d: e, we have a continued proportion. (il» Prop. 1. — In any proportion the product of the extremes equals the product of the means. Dem. — If a:b :: c:d then ad = be. For a:b :: c:d is the same as - = -, which b d cleared of fractions becomes ad = be. Q. E, d. 62, Cor. 1. — The square of a mean proportional equals the pro- duct of its extremes, and hence a mean proportional itself equals the square root of the product of its extremes. If a:m :: m:d,\)y the proposition m* = ad. Whence extracting the square root of both members, m ~ Vad. 63. Cor. 2. — Either extreme of a proportion equals the ^^roduct of the means divided by the other extreme; and, in like manner, either mean equals the product of the extremes divided by the other mean. 64. Prop. 2, — Ty the product of two quantities equals the pro- duct of two others, the two former may he made the extremes, or the means of a p7'oportion, and the tioo latter the other terms. Dem. — Suppose my = nx. Dividing both members by xy, we have — = -, i. e.,m'.x :: n:y. In like manner dividing by w;i we have - = — , i. e., y.n 11 TTh Deduce each of the following forms from the relation my = nx 1. m : X : ; ??. : y. 2. m : n :: X : y. 3. y : n •.: X : m. 4. X : y :: m: n. 5. y X : : n m 6. X m: • y n. 7. n m : •• y X. 8. n y- : m X. 108 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 6S» Cor. — If four qumitities are in proportion^ they are in pro- portion by alternation and by inversion. (jQ, Prop, 3, — If four qua7itities are i?i proportion, the propor- tion is not destroyed by taking equal multiples of 1st. 77/e ie7')ns of the same couplet, 2d. 7%e antecedents, 3d. The co7isequents, 4th. All the tei-ms. Demonstrate these facts from the nature of a proportion as an equality of ratios. 07» Sen. — Observe that such changes, and only such, may be made upon the tenns of a proportion without destroying it, jis 1st. Do not change the vdlues of the ration, 2d. Change loth ratios alike. Query. — If the first term of a proportion be divided by any number, in what ways may the operation be compensated for so as to preserve the proportion ? 08, JProj), 4, — The products or the quotients of t/ie corrtspond- ing terms of two {or more) proi)ortions are proportional to each other. Demonstrated on the axioms that equals multiplied by equals give equal products, and that equals divided by equals give equal quotients. 09. Cor. — Like powers, or roots, of proportionals are propor- tional to each other. How does this corollary grow out of the proposition ? 70, Prop. S. — If two proportions have a ratio in one equal to a ratio in the other, the remaining 7'atlos are equal and may form a p>ro2yo7'tion. Demonstrated on the axiom that things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each other. Kl. Pvop. 0, — Afiy proportion may be takeii by composition, or by division, or by both at once, without destroying it. PROPORTION. Dem.— If a:b'.:c.d, a + h : h : : c + d : d, (1) We may write by a + b : a : : c + d : c, (3) composition. a + c : a : : h + d : b, (3) . a + c : c : : b + d : d. (4) 10^ By division, we may write the same forms with the — sign instead of the + . By composition and f a + b : a - b : : c + d : c - d, division at the same < ., \ a + c : a — c : : b + d : b — d. time, we may write, v. These forms may all be verified by representing the ratio of « to 6 by r, a whence -r = r, or a = I'b, and since the ratio of c to d is the same as that of a to b, - = r, orc= dr, and then substituting in each of the above forms these d values of a and c. Thus, the Ist becomes br + b : b :: di' + d : d, which ratios are equal, smce each is r -i- 1 . Let the student verify the other forms in the same way. Queries. — If a : b : : c : d,\s a±b : a :: c±d :bt Is a-\-b : c + d : : a—c : b—dt 72, Cor. — If there be a series of equal ratios in the form of a conti I med proportion^ the sum of all the antecedents is to the sum of all the consequents, as any one antecedent is to its consequent, Dexi. — If a :b : : c :d : : e :f: : g : h, etc., a + c + e + g + etc. : b {-d +/-I- h + etc, : : a : &, or c : d,or e :f,OT g : h, etc. Substitute for a br, for c dr, for e fr, for g hr, and we have br + dr+fr + hr + etc. : b + d+f-\-7i + etc. : : h' : b, in which the ratios are seen to be equal, since each is r. 73, ScH. — TJie method pursued in tlie demonstration of the preceding propo- sition wUl be found sufficient in itself to test any projwsed transformation of a propoHion. We will give a few examples : 1. l{ a : h : : c : d, prove as tibove that ad = be. SUG. — By substituting as above we have the identity brd = bdr. 2. l^ (I : b : : c : d, prove as above that a :c :: b : d, and b : a:: d : c. 3. If a : b :: c : d, and m : n :: x : i/, prove as above that am : bn : : ex : dy. Sug's, — Let — = r, whence — = r; and — = r' , whence _ = /. Substitut- b d n y ing for a br, for c dr, for m nr' , and for x yr' , in the proportion to be tested, it ie shown to be true. 110 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 4. If ^a — X : ^a + X : : b — 1/ : i) -\- J, show that 2x : y '.: a : b. Sug's. — From! = r find x in terms of a and r, and from . — ^ = r find « ia + a; & + y in terms of & and r. 5. Ua:b::p: q, prove that a^ _|_ ^2 . _fL_^ ..2^2 + ^72 ; _P , fl^ + ^^ p -^ q 6. Four given numbers are represented by a, b,Cyd; what quantity added to each will make them proportionals? . be — ad A71S., -_ a — — c -h d 7. If four numbers are proportionals, show that there is no num- ber which, being added to each, will leave the resulting four num- bers proportionals. 8. If a : b :: c : dy show that via :mb :: c:d; a :b :: mc : md', ma : b :: mo : d; a : mb :: a : md ; and ma :71b:: mc : nd. Applications. [Note. — The first five of the following examples should be solved without converting the proportions into equations.] 1. A merchant having mixed a certain number of gallons of brandy and water, found that if he had mixed 6 gallons more of each, there would have been 7 gallons of brandy to every 6 gallons of water, but, if he had mixed 6 gallons less of each, there would have been gallons of brandy to every 6 gallons of water. How much of each did he mix ? Solution, a; + 6 : y + 6 : : 7 : 6, and a; - 6 : y - 6 : : 6 : 5. Ilencc « - y : y + 6 : : 1 : 6, and a; — y : y — 6 : : 1 : 5. Hence y + 6 : y - 6 : : 6 : 5, or 2y : 12 : : 11 : 1, or y : 66 : : 1 : 1. Substituting, « + 6 : 72 : : 7 : 6, or « + 6 : 6 : : 14 : 1, or .t : 6 : : 13 : 1, or a? : 1 : : 78 : 1. 2. Find two numbers, such, that their sum, difference, and pro- duct, may be as the u umbers 5, d, and;j, respectively. Solution, x + y : x — p :: s : d, and x — y:xy::d:p. Hence m? When if M < m ? When will they pass if the first starts / seconds later than the second and M > m ? When if M < m ? When will they meet if tliey start at the same time and move toward each other, or over tlie distance a, first ? If they move from each other, or over the arc s — a first ? When will they meet if ihi^ first starts / seconds before the other, and they move toward each other, or over the distance a first? If they move from each other, or over the arc s — a first? If they move in opposite directions, and the first starts t seconds later than the second? When they move over the arc a first? When they move over the arc s — a first ? PROGRESSIONS. 113 19. The force of gravitation is inversely as the square of the dis- tance from the centre of the earth. At the distance 1 from the centre of the earth this force is expressed by the number 32.16. By vrhat is it expressed at the distance 60 ? Ans., 0.0089. 20. If the velocity of one body moving around another is propor- tional to unity divided by the duplicate of the distance, and the velocity be represented by v when the distance is r, by what will it be expressed when the distance is r' ? Ans., -Tiv SECTION III, PROGRESSIONS. 74, A JProgvession is a series of terms which increase or de- crease by a common difference, or by a common multiplier. The former is called an Arithmetical, and the latter a Geometrical Pro- gression. A Progression is Increasing or Decreasing according as the terms increase or decrease in passing to the right. The terms Ascending and Descending are used in the same sense as increasing and decreasing, respectively. In an Arithmetical Progression the common difference is added to any one term to produce the next term to the right. If the progression is decreasing the common difference is mimis. In an increasing Geometrical Progression the constant multiplier by which each succeeding term to the riglit is produced from the preceding is more than unity; and in a decreasing progres- sion it is less than unity. This constant multiplier in a Geometrical Progression is called the Ratio of the series. t5. The character, ••, is used to separate the terms of an Arith- metical Progression, and the colon, : , for a like purpose in a Geo- metrical Progression. ILLUSTRATIONS. 1 •• 3 •• 5 •• 7, etc., etc., is an increasing Arithmetical Progression with a common difference 2, or + 3. 15-10-5 -O" — 5, etc., etc., is a Decreasing Aritnmetical Progression with a common difference — 5. a '• a ± d •• a ± 2d ■• a ± M, etc., etc., is the general form of an Arithmetical Progression, ± d being the common difference. 2 : 4 : 8 : 16, etc., etc., is an increasing Geometrical Progression with ratio 2. 12 : 4 : ^ : ^ : jV, etc., etc., is a Decreasing Geometrical Progression with ratio i 8 114 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. ai ar : ar^ : ar^ : ar^, etc., etc., is the general form of a Geometrical Progres- sion, r being the ratio, and greater or less than unity, according as the series is increasing or decreasing. 76. When three quantities taken in order are in arithmetical pro- gression, the second is t^e Arithmetical Mean between the other two, and is equal to half their sum. III. — If « •• & •• c, 6 is the arithmetical mean between a and c ; and since h — a = c — b, b = \{a + c). 77, When three quantities taken in order are in geometrical pro- gression, the second is the Geometric Mean between the other two, and is equal to the square root of their product. Let the student illustrate. 78. There are Five Tilings to be considered in any progression ; Tiz., the first term, the last term, the common difference or the ratio, the number of terms, and the sum of the series, any three of whicli being given the other two can be found, as will appear from the sub- sequent discussion. Arithmetical Progression. 79, I^rop. 1, — The formula for finding the nth, or last term of an Arithmetical Progressio7i ; or, more properly, the formula express- ing the relation between the first term, the nth term, the common dif- ference, and the 7iumber of terms of such a series, is 1 = a + (n - l)d, in which a is the first term, d the common difference, n the number of terms, and 1 the nth or last term, d being positive or negative according as the seHes is increasing or decreasing. Dem. — According to the notation, the series is a '■ a + d ■' a + 2d •• a + dd - a -!- Ad •• a + M, etc., etc. Hence we observe that as each succeeding term is produced by adding the com- mon difference to the preceding, when we have reached the nth term, we shall have added the common difference to the first term n—1 times ; that is, the nth term, or I = a + {n — \)d. q. e. d. Sen. — As this formula is a simple equation in terms of a, I, n, and r - - {a + l) + {a + l)-^{a + l). If the number of terras in the series is n, there will be n terms in this sum, each of which is ('fc + ^) ; hence 2« =(«4-0''. or « = "o" "• ^' ^' ^* ScH. — This formula being a simple equation in terms of «, a, Z, and n, any one of the four can be found in tenns of the other three. 51, Cor. 1. — Formulas (1) l=a + (n-l)d, and (2) s =1^*— ~Jn, being two equations between the five quantities, a, 1, n, d, and s, any two of these five can be found in terms of the other three. 52, Cor. 2. — The formula for inserting a given number of arith- metical means between two given extremes is d=: -, in which m represents the number of means. Froyn this d, the common differ- ence, being found, the terms can readily be written. Dem. — If a is the first term and I the last, and there are m terms between, or m means, there are in all m. + 3 terms. Hence, substituting in the formula I — a l—a-\-Oi-l)d,ior ;?, m + 2, wc have l-.-a + {in+'l)d. From this ?}, ^- 2 + 2d ' S=\n{2l-{n'-l)d\. 9. 10. 11. 12. d, n, I d, n, S d, I, S n, I, S a a=l-{n-\)d, ^_S_{n-l)d n 2 ' a-^d±^{l+id)^-2d^, a= — —L n 13. 14. 15. 16. a, n, I a, n, S a, I, S n, I, S d l-a 2(S-aw). ^- n{n-\) 2(nl-S) 17. 18. 19. 20. a, d, I a, d, S a, I, S d, I, S n l-a ^ ± \/{2a-dY + M^-2a + d ""= 2d 2S 2l + d±^{2l + dY-M^ ^- 2d GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 117 Examples. 1. Find the 21st term of 3 •• 7 •• 11 •• etc., and the sum of these terms. 2. Find the 24th term of 7--5--3-- etc., and the sum of these terms. 3. Find the nth term of |..|..f.. etc., and the sum of the n terms. 4. Find the ?ith term of ^^—~ •• -^^- -^^•. etc., and the sum n n n of the n terms. 5. Insert four uritlimetical means between 193 and 443. 6. Prove that tlie sum of 7i terms of 1 •• 3 •• 5 •• 7 •• etc., is to the sum of m terms as n^ : 7)i^. .7. What is the first term of an arithmetical progression whose 59th term is -:l\, aiidGOth -If? Whose 2d term is i, and 55th 5.8? 8. How many terms in the progression wliose common differ- ence is 3, first term 5, and last term 302 ? 9. Insert three arithmetical means between w? and n. 10. Produce the formula for inserting m arithmetical means be- tween a and h, viz., am + h am — a -i- 2b bm — h-\-2a bin + a , d . . . . _----_ . . . . . ^. VI + 1 m + l VI + 1 m + 1 11. If a body falling to the earth descends a feet the first second, Sa the second, 5a the third, and so on, how far will it fall during the ^th second ? Ans., (2t — 1 )a. 12. If a body falling to the earth descends a feet the first second, 3a the second, 5a the third, and so on, how far will it fall in t seconds? Aois-^at^. Geometrical Progression. 84, JPrO]}, 1, — The formula for finding the nth, or last term of a f/eowetrical prof/ressio7i ; or, more properly, the formula ex- pressinr/ the relation between the first term^ the wth term, the ratio, and the number of terms of such a. series, is 1 =:ar°~\ in which, 1 is the last^ or nth term, a the first term, r the ratio ^ and n the number of term^. 118 KLEMENTAKY ALGEBRA. Dem, — Letting a represent the first term and r the ratio, the series is a : ar : «;•- : ar^ : ar^ : etc. Whence it appears that any term consists of the first term multiplied iuto the ratio raised to a power whose exponent is one less than the number of the term. Therefore the ni\\ term, or I =. ar'*~ \ Q. e. d. 83, J^i'Op. 2 ,— The formula for the sum of a geometrical j^ro- gresslon, or exjjressvig the relation between the sum of the series, the frst tei')n, the ratio, and the number of terms is ar" — a ^ = T3T' in which s represents the sum, a the first term, r the ratio ^ and n the number of terms. Dem.— The sum of the series being found by adding all its terms, we have, » = a -\- ar -\- at* ->r ar^ -v - - ar*-* + ar»-' + ar"-', and multiplying by r, r8 = ar + ar* + ar' + . . ar"-» + gr"-* -f- ar*-^ + «?•*. Subtracting, rs — s = ar* — a, or {r — i)s = ar* — a, and s — — -. q. e. d. T — 1 ^6*. Cor. 1. — Formulas (1) 1 = ar»-*, and ar" —" '1 (2) s = — ; -^ being two equations be- tween the five quantities, a, 1, r, n, and s, are sufficient to determine any two of them when the others are given. 87, Cor. 2. — Since 1 = ai-""*, lr=ar", which substituted in (2) Ir — a gives s — -; — -; which formula is often co7ivenient. 88, Cor. 3. — The formula for inserting m geometrical means heticeen a and 1 is x = y -. ^ a 89, Cor. 4. — The formula for the sum of an iiifinite decreasing geometrical progression is s = . Dem. — Since in a decreasing progression the ratio is less than unity, the last term, ar"-^, is also less than the first term, and numerator and denominator of the value of s, , become negative. Hence it is well enough to write the formula for the sum of such a series s = zr— — , that is, change the signs of 1 — r both terms of the fraction. Now, if the terms of a series are constantly decreas- ing, and the number of terms is infinite, we can fix no value, however small, which will not be greater tlmn the last, or than some term which may be reached and passed. Hence we are compelled to call the last term of such a series 0, which makes the formula s — . Q. E, D. GEOMETRICAL PROGllESSION. 119 90, Geometrical Formula. [In a review, after the pupil has been through the hook, it will be a good exer- cise for him to deduce the following formulas from the two fundamental ones?. It is not necessary to memorize these,] 10. 11. 12. GIVEN. a, r, n a, r, S a, 11, S r, n, S a, r, 7i a, r, a, n, r, n, r, n, r, n, S r, I, S n, I, S REQUIRED. I = «?•»-', ^ a + (r-l)S ~" r I (s - 1)n-^ - «(S - a)"-' = 0, ^^ (r-l)S7 -'>-' r» — 1 S: S: a(r» — 1) rl — a r-1* .-I - n-l V ^" — V *** ^r" — ; (r - 1)S r»-l ' rl - (?• - 1)S, = 0. 13. 14. 15. 16. a, n, I a, n, S a, I, S 71, I. S ?•«■ — r + = 0, a a S-a S ? s - r ^ s-i 17. 18. 19. 20. a, r, I a, r, S a, I, S r, I, S log r log [g + (r — 1)S] — log a log r log I — log a + 1, log (S - a) - tog (S - /) logl-log[lr-{r-\)S-] ^ ^ log r 120 ELEMENTARY ALGEBBA. Examples. 1. In a geometrical progression the first term is 3, the ratio 5, and the number of terms 7. What is the last term ? What the sum ? 2. Insert 5 geometrical means between 2 and 1458. 3. Find the llth term of -^ : ^^ : ^ : etc., and the sum of the 11 terms. 4. Find the 7th term of - | : J : ~ J : etc., and the sum of the 7 terms. 5. Insert 4 geometrical means between ^ and ^^. 6. Find the sum of 3 : J : ^ : etc., to infinity. Also of ^i —J •.etc., to infinity. Also of .54. Also of .836. 7. If a body move 20 miles the first minute, 19 miles the second, 18^ the third, and so on in geometrical progression forever, what is the utmost distance it can reach ? A?is., 400 miles 8. What is the distance passed through by a ball, before it comes to rest, which falls from tiie height of 50 feet, and at every fall rebounds half the distance, the time of ascent equalling the time cf descent? Ans., 150. 9. In the preceding problem, suppose the body falls 16^ feet the first second, 3 times as far the next second, and 5 times as far the third second, and so on, how long will it be before it comes to rest ? Ans., 3V^V'579(4 + 3\/2) = 10.27657 + seconds. 10. Find the sum of the following series : i—i + i—-^+ etc., to n terms. l+i + i + ^+ etc., to 10 terms. Also to infinity. l|^ + .5+ etc., to 12 terms. Also to infinity. 11. To find what each payment must be in order to discharge a given principal and interest in a given number of equal payments at equal in tervals of time. Solution. — Let p represent the principal, r tlie rate per cent., t one of the equal intervals of time, n tlie number of payments (i. e., nt is the whole time), and X one of the payments. There will be as many solutions as there are different methods of computing interest on notes upon which partial payments have been made. 1st. By the United States Court Mule. — As the payments must exceed the GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION. 121 interest in order to discharge the principal, this rule requires that we find the vt amount of p, for time t, at r per cent. This is done by multiplying by 1 + ~ — , 100 and gives |>(1 + ■ — )• From this subtracting the payment r, the new prin- cipal is j?{ 1 + — ) —X. Again, finding the amount of this for another period of time, t, and subtracting the second payment, ^\ 100/ V 100/ In like manner, after the third payment there remains After the 4th payment, the remainder is ^\ 100/ \ 100/ V 100/ \ 100/ Finally, after the ni\\ payment, we have •^V 100/ V 100/ \ 100/ V 100/ -x(l+lL\-x = 0. \ 100/ Whence This denominator being the sum of a geometrical progression whose first term (\ + ^V / rt\ ^ 100/ - 1 is 1, ratio ( 1 + — ), and number of terms n, its sura is - V 100/ 100 \ ^ 100/ 100 Hence x = (-^r- 2d. By the Vermont Rule. — The amount of the principal for the whole time 122 ELEMENTAKY ALGEBRA. The amount of the 1st payment is xVl -f- _-(7j, — 1)1 " Sd " x[l+Jl{n-2)], L 100 J "3d « ........ x\l+ Ii(n-d)], L 100^ U' etc., etc., ........ etc. The ?ith payment (with no interest) is x. The sum of the amounts of these payments is ''"' + ]^*[('^- 1) + 0^ - 2) + (^ - 3) 1]. The series in the brackets being an arithmetical progression whose first term is {n — 1), common difference — 1, last term 1, and number of terms {n — 1), its )n. Hence the sum of the payments ie tix + ^^x (^ ~ iw.. 2 / ^ ^ 100 \ 2 / sum IS nrt (n-l)- r 100^ n or a; L^ H o -• • ^^* ^^ *^® condition this sum equals the amount of the principal ; consequently ScH. — If the payments are made annually, t = l. And letting r'= — , i. e., letting the rate per cent, be expressed decimally, the formulas become. By the U.S. Rule, ^^?>r'(l + rr (1 +r')"— 1 By the Vermont Rule, x = ^^(^ +/'^) . 2n + rn{n—t) 12. Whafc must be the annual payment in order to discharge a note of $5000, bearing interest at 10^ per annum, in 5 equal payments ? Ans., By the U. S. Rule, $1318.99 within a half cent. By the Vermont Rule, $1250. Query. — What occasions the great disparity between the payments required by the different rules ! VARIATION. 123 SECTION IV. VARIATION. 91, Variation is a term applied to the consideration of quan- tities so related to each other that any change in one makes the others change in the same ratio, 4ii*ect or inverse. One quantity varies directly as another, when any change in the latter makes the former change in the same {direct) ratio. One quantity varies inversely as another, when any change in the latter makes the former change in the corresponding inverse ri^tio. Ill's.— The amount earned by a laborer in a given time varies directly as his daily wages. The time required to earn a given amount varies inversely as the daily wages. 92, One quantity wsines joiiitly as two others, when any change in the product of the latter two makes the former change in the same ratio as this product. III. — The amount a laborer receives varies jointly as his daily wages and the time of service. 93, One quantity varies directly as a second and inversely as a third, when it varies as the quotient of the second divided by the third. III. — The time required to earn any amount varies directly as the amount, and inversely as the daily wages. 94, The Sign of variation is a. III. — If X varies directly as y, we write x cc y, and read " x varies as y." If x varies inversely as y, we write a? a - , and read " x varies inversely as y" If x y Y&Ties jointly as y and z, we write x a yz, and read " x varies jointly as y and z." If X varies directly as y and inversely as z, we write a; a — , and read ** x varies directly as y, and inversely as z." 95^ Prop, — Variation may always be expressed in the form of a proportion. Dbm. — 1st. The expression x ex. y signifies that if x is doubled y is double 1, if X is divided y is divided by the same number, etc. ; i. e., that the ratio of x to y is constant. Let m be this ratio, so that — = m. Therefore x : y : : m : 1. 124 ELEMENTAllY ALGEBRA. 2d. The expression a; a — signifies that if y is multiplied by any number, x is divided by the same, and if y is divided by any number x is multiplied by the same. Hence the product of x and y is constant. Let this product be in. Then xy = m,ov x:l :: m:y. 3d. X (X yz signifies that the ratio of x to yz is constant. Let this be m. Then — = m, OT x:yz :: mil, or x : y : : mz : 1, or x : z : : my :l,or x :y :: 2 : — . yz Wi 4th. X cx^ signifies that the ratio of x to -^ is constant. Let this be m. Then z z x: ^::m:l, or x:y::m:z z . Exercises. 1. If a: a y. and y (x z, show that x a z. Dem. — If X (X y, the ratio of a; to y is constant. Let this ratio be m. Then X = my. In like manner let n be the ratio of y to z. Then y = nz. Hence X = mnz. That is, the ratio of .r to z is constant, or x a z. 2. If a; a -, and y a -, show that x (x z. y ^ z Sug'8.— We may write a; = — , and y — —. Hence x-=''^z. That is, the ratio of a; to 2 is constant, or a; a z. 3. If o; a z, and ?/ a -, show that x _ x^-4: Va^x+V~a Va-^x—Va x 3 4 7. x^—ax-hb=ax{x—l). 8. 8-^'Sx^ = 6 + 2x^, '■ f1?^-|/?^=*- 10. * + ^ ' 4 + 9?j~2-.t' 11. 12 + 4(.'r2 + 12) = (2-a:)(2 + a;)-16. 12. xV6Tx^=l+x^. ._ ax + l + Va^x^ — l ,_ _ a + x-{-\/2ax-j-x^ ^ 13. =:=ibx. 14. — =b' ax-\-l — ya^x^ — l a-hx—V2ax + x^ Applications. 1. Fiiul two numbers which shall be to each other as 3 to 5, and the ditiercncc of whose squares shall be 25G. PURE QUADRATICS. 1'20 2. Find a number such that if the square root of LIio diiference between the square of the number and a^, be successively subtracted from and added to a, the difference of the reciprocals of these results shall be equal to a divided by the square of the number. 3. Find three numbers which shall be to each other as m, 7i, and p, and the sum of whose squares shall be s. 4. An army was drawn up with 5 more men in file than in rank, but when the form was changed so that there were 845 more in rank, there were but 5 ranks. How many men were there in the army? 5. From two towns, m miles asunder, two persons, A and B, set out at the same time, and met each other, after travelling as many days as are equal to the difference of miles they travelled per day, when it appeared that A had travelled n miles. How many miles did each travel per day ? 6. For comparatively small distances above tlie earth's surface the distances through vviiich bodies fall under the influence of gravity are as the squares of the times. Thus, if one body is falling 2 seconds and another 3, the distances fallen through are as 4:9. A l)ody falls 4 times as far in 2 seconds as in 1, and 9 times as far in 3 seconds. These facts are learned both by observation and theoret- ically. It is also observed that a body falls 16^ feet in 1 second. How long is a body in falling 500 feet ? One mile (5280 ft.) ? Five miles ? 7. The mass of the earth is to the mass of the sun as 1 : 354930, and attraction varies directly as the mass and inversely as the square of the distance. The distance between the earth's centre and eund centre being 91,430,000 miles, find the point between the earth and sun where the attraction of the earth is equal to that of the sun. The earth's radius being 3,962 miles, where is this point situated with reference to the earth's surface ? 8. A certain sum of money is lent at 5^ per annum. If we multiply the number of dollars in the principal by the number of dollars in the interest for 3 months, the product is 720. What is the sum lent ? 9. The intensity of two lights, A and B, is as 7 : 17, and their dis- tance apart 132 feet. Where in the line of the lights are the points of equal illumination, assuming that the intensity varies inversely as the square of the distance ? 130 ELElrtfil^fAltt ALGfi^'TtA. 10. The loudness of one church bell is three times that of another Now, supposing the strength of sound to be inyersely as the square of the distance, at what place on the line of the two will the bells be equally well heard, the distance between them being a ? SECTION IT. AFFECTED QUADRATICS. 109, An Affected Quadratic equation is an equation which contains terms of the second degree and also of the first with respect to the unknown quantity, x* —ox= 12, 4.^ + ^ax^ = - 5 2^8 a*x and -j-^ — 4:ax + 3J* = are affected quadmtic equations. 110, Prob, — To solve an Affected Quadratic Equation. RULE.— I. l^EDUCE THE EQUATION TO THE FORM X^ -^ OX = h, THE CHARACTERISTICS OF WHICH ARE, THAT THE FIRST MEMBER CON- SISTS OF TWO TERMS, THE FIRST OF WHICH IS POSITIVE AND SIMPLY THE SQUARE OF THE UNKNOWN QUANTITY, ITS COEFFICIENT BEING UNITY, WHILE THE SECOND HAS THE FIRST POWER OF THE UNKNOWN QUANTITY, WITH ANY COEFFICIENT (a) POSITIVE OR NKGATIVE, INTEGRAL OR FRACTIONAL; AND THE SECOND MEMBER CONSISTS OF KNOWN TERMS {b). 2. Add the square of half the coefficient of the second term to both members of the equation. 3. Extract the square root of each member, thus producing A SIMPLE equation FROM WHICH THE VALUE OF THE UNKNO^V:?^^ QUANTITY IS FOUND BY SIMPLE TRANSPOSITION. Dem. — By definition an affected quadratic equation contains but three kinds of terms, viz : terms containing the pquare of the unknown quantity, terms con- taining the first power of the unknown quantity, and knoicn terms. Hence each of tht three kinds of tenns may, by clearing of fractions, transposition, and uniting, as the particular example may require, be united into one, and the results arranged in the order given. If, then, the first term, i. e. the one con- taining the square of the unknown quantity, has a coefficient other than unity, or is negative, its coefficient can be rendered unity or positive without destroy- ing the equation by dividing both the members by whatever coefficient this term may chance to have after the first reductions. The equation will then take the AF^cfflS QUADRATICS. 131 form x^ ± ax = ± b. Now adding ( -^ ) to the first member makes it a perfect square (the square ot x ± ~j , since a trinomial is a perfect square when one of its terms (the middle one, ax, in this case) is ± twice the product of the square roots of the other two, these two being both positive {110, Part I,). But, if we add the square of half the coefficient of the second term to the first member iaZZZ make it a complete square, we must add it to the second member to preserve the equality of the members. Having extracted the square root of each member, these roots are equal, since like roots of equals are equal. Now, since the first term of the trinomial square is x^, and the last f — | does not contain x, its square root is a binomial consisting ot x ± the square root of its third term, or half the coefficient of the middle term, and hence a known quantity. The square root of the second member can be taken exactly, approximately, or indi- cated, as the case may be. Finally, as the first term of this resulting equation is simply the unknown quantity, its value is found by transposing the second tenn. Sen. 1. — This process of adding the square of half the coefficient of tlie first power of the unknown quantity to the first member, in order to make it a perfect square, is called Completing the Square. There arc a variety of other ways of completing the square of an affected quadratic, some of which will be given as we proceed ; but tliis is the most important. This method will solve all cases: others arc mere matters of convenience, in special cases. Ill, Cor. 1. — An affected quadratic equation has two roots. These roots may both be positive, both be negative, or one positive and the other negatiiie. They are both real^ or both imaginary, Dem. — Let x"^ + j).r = q be any affected quadratic equation reduced to the form for completing the square. In this form p and q may be either positive or V) negative, integral or fractional. Solving this equation we have a? = — ^ ± \ -r- ■\- q. We will now observe what different forms this expression can take, depending upon the signs and relative values of 'p and q. Ist. Wke)i\} and q are both positiDC. The */////« will then stand as given ; i.f., 9^— —~ ± i/^ + q. Now, it is evident that 4/ ^'- + «/ > V' ^^^ V + 7 IS the square root of something more than ^-. Hence, as ^ < 4/ -r- + q, 4 ,0 ' 4 V / v'^ "0 / 'ft' — ^ + y -^ + o* Moreover, the positive root is numerically the greater. .'. When p is negative and q positive, one root is positive and the other negative ; but the positive root is numerically greater than the negative. 3d. When p and q are both negative. We then have x— ^ ± y ^—?— + (— y) =z ^± y — — q. In this \i ^ > q, y j^ — q '^s real, and as it is less than — , 3 ' 4 4 4 2 V' / P* both values are positive. It ^ = q, y t — g = and there is but one value of X, and this is positive. (It is customary to call this two equal positive roots for the sake of analogy, and for other reasons which cannot now be appreciated by the pupil.) If ^ < g, y L-. — q becomes the square root of a negative quantity and hence imaginary. 4th. When n is positive and q negative. We then have x = — ~ ± y K — q. As before, this gives two real roots when g < 4- ^^'^^^ ^^^Js is the case both roots arc negative. [Let the pupil show how this is seen.] When q:=~, the roots are equal and negative ; i. e., there is but one. When ^ ?, becomes, by multiplying by 7, 40.c'^— 98.r = — 40. Hence, completing the square as in the last, 49x-— 9Sx + 49 = 9. dx^ - 13.C = 10, multiplied by 3 and by 4 becomes mx^ - 156a; = 120. Hence, completing the square as b(!fore, 36^''— 150.1' + (13)*= 289. [Note. — Solve the following by any of the preceding methods, according to taste or expediency.] 11. (2.r + 3)^x(3a;4-7)*=12. 12. 3:^:2+2^^=85. 13. a^l+b^x^) = b(2a^x^{-b). 14. 5x^ -~9x-^2i=0. 15. 3Vll2-8.2; = 19 + \/3:c + 7. 16. 7a;2-lU = 6. 134 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 17. (x-c)Vab-(a-b)\/(^=0. 18. 3x^+x=\L 19. 5(?£Z1) ^ l^=Wx, 20. ^^V-'-l^^_^ l + sVa^ Va x—Vx^—a'^ ^ 22. ^-^^^ '^ 1 + Vl+^ l-Vl-a;* .r+V.'c+i 11 /,,_j ,\fa-U ,\ ^2 90 90 27 25. 4/4 + V2a-3+a:«=^. 26. 2V^+ -— ^5 ■} 5 x—'Za x + a 29. 31. X + V a:^ — 9 2Vx + ^4a:+VV^T~2=l. 30. ;;'^ ^ ■" = (:. -2) »> x^ , 4 ,4. 1 -(a^-b^)x= a^ + h^ («*«)'* + (a«6)"i SECTION IIL EQUATIONS OP OTHER DEGREES WHICH MAY BE SOLVED AS QUADRATICS. 115^ Vrop^ l*^Anii Pare Equation (i. e., one containing the finknoicn quantiti/ affected i/^ith hxtt o?ie exponent) can be solved in a manner sindkir to a Pure Quadratic. Dem.— In any such equation we can find the vahie of the unknown quantity affected by its exponent, as if it were a pimple equation. If then the unknown quantity is affected witli a positive integral exponent it ran be freed of it by evolution ; if its exponent be a positive fraction it can be freed of it by extract- ing the root indicated by the numerator of the exponent, and involving this root to the power indicated by the denominator. If the exponent of the unknown quantity is negative it can be rendered positive by multiplying the equation by the unknown quantity with a numerically equal positive exponent. Q. K. D. HIGH]- 11 EQUA'JIONS SOLVED AS QUADRATICS. 135 Hff, I*rop, 2\ — -^^'y equation containing one imknoicn quan- tity affected with only tico different exponents, one of rohich is twic^ the other, can be solved as a)i Aff'ected Quadratic. Dem. — Let m represent any number, positive or negative, integral or frac- tional ; then the two exponents will be represented by m and 2m ; and the equation can be reduced to the form x^"' + px"^ = q. Now let y = x'", and y'^=x^", whatever m may be. Substituting we have y^ + py — q, whence y = — ^ ^_1 ir4/— + q. But y — a;"*; hence ^ = (— f ± y x "^ *^) ' Q- ^- ^ 117. Prop, fV. — Equations may frequently he put in the form of a quadratic by a judicious grouping of terms containing the unknown quantity, so that one group shall be the square root of the other. Dem. — This proposition will be established by a few examples, as it is not a general truth, but only points out a special method. lis. Cor. — The form of the compound iiY.wsi may sonieUmes be found by transpositig all the terms to the first member, arranging them with reference to the unknown quantity, and extracting the square root. In trying this expedient, if the highest exponent is not eve?i it must be made so by midtiplying the equation by the unknown quantity. In like mariner the coefficient of this term is to he made a perfect square. When the process of extracting the root terminates, if the root found can be detected as a part, or factor, or factor of a part of the remainder, the root may he the polynomial term. 110, Prop, 4, — Wheji an equation is reduced to the form x" + Ax"~* + Bx"~' + Cx"~' f- L = 0, the roots xcith their signs changed are factors of the absolute {knoion) term L. Dem. — 1st. The equation being in this form, if rt is a root, the equation is divisible by x — a. For, suppose upon trial x — h (read " a greater than h ") is an inequality ; also a^x — 3 < 5 + 2 (read " a^x - 3 less than 5 + 2 "). (See Part I., 43,) 129, Fnndamental Princijfle. — In comparing two posi- tive numbers, that is called the greater which is numerically so. Tlius 5 > 3. But, in comparing two negative numbers, that is called the greater which is numerically the less. Thus — 5 < — 3. Of course any negative number is less than any positive number. In general, we call a>h when a — h \s positive, and a , or <, is called i\\^ first memher^ and the part at the right, the second mem- ber of the inequality. 131, For the purposes of nuithematical investigation, inequali- ties are subjected to the same transformations as equations, but with certain characteristic diiferences in the results, which will be pointed out in the following propositions. 132, If, in transforming an inequality, the same member that was the greater before the transformation is the greater after, tlie inequality is said to continue to exist in the same sense ; but, if tlie transformation changes the general relation of the members, so that the member which was the greater before the transformation is the less after, tlie inequality is said to exist ill an opposite sense in the two inequalities. 133, JPvop, — The sense in which an inequality exists is not changed., 1st. By adding equals to both member Sy or subtracting equals from both; INEQUALITIES. 149 2d. By multiplying or dividing the members by equal positive numbers ; 3d. By adding or multiplying the corresponding members of two inequalities which exist in the same sense, if all the members are essentially positive / 4tli. By raising both tnembers to any power whose index is an odd number ; 5th. £y raising both members to any power, if both members are essentially ]?ositive ; 6 th. By extracting the same root of both members, if when the de- gree of the root is even, only the positive roots be compared. III. and Dem. — The 1st is, in general, an axiom. Thus if a > h, it is evi- dent that a ± c > h ± e. When c> a, & it is evident that ma > mb, and that m m' . 3d. This, too, is an axiom. \i a >b, and c> d, a, b, c, and d being each + , it is evident that a + c > b + d; and that ae > bd. 4th. This becomes evident by considering that if a > b, raising both members to any power whose degree is odd will leave the sigiis of the members as at the first, and also the sense of the numerical inequality the same. 5th. This appears from the fact that neither the signs nor the sense of the numerical inequality of the members is changed by the process. Cth. This is evident from the fact that the greater number has the greater root, if only positive roots are considered. 134, Prop, — The 8e?i8e in %ohich an inequality exists is changed^ 1st. By changing the signs of both members ; 2d. By mxdtiplying or dividing both members by the same negative quantity ; 3d. By raising both members to the same even power, if the members are both negative in the first instance / 150 ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA. 4th. By comparing the negative even roots (the members^ in the first instance, being both essentially positive), III, and Dem.— The first is evident, since Si a>h, —aK — hhy {129). That is, of two negative quantities the numerically greater is really the less. 2d. These operations do not change the numerical relation of the members, Ijut do change the signs of the members ; hence it falls under the preceding. 3d. and 4th. Essentially the same reasoning as in the last. Exercises. 1. When a and b are unequal, show that «* + b*>2ab. Solution. — Let a>h; whence a—b>0, or a*—2ab + b^>0,oTa* + b*>2ab. Similarly if a ab •{■ be -\- ac. How if a=b—c? G. Which is greater, 2x^ or .c + 1 ? Solution.— 1st. If x>l, a;*> 1(?), 2x^>2x{1); but 2aj>« + l(?). ,-. 3a;' > X + 1. If X <1, a similar process shows 2a;'* < a; + 1. 7. From 5a; — 6 < 3a: + 8, and 2a; 4- 1< 3a; — 3, show that x may have any value between 7 and 4 ; i. e., that the limiting values are 7 and 4. 8. What are tlio limiting values of x determined from the con- ditions 3a; —2 > ^x — ^, and J — Ja; < 8 — 2a; ? 9. The double of a iiuml)er diminished by o is greater than 25, and triple of the number diminished by 7 is less than tlie double increased by 13. What numbers will satisfy the conditions? PART III. AN ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. CHAPTER I. INFINITESIMAL ANALYSIS. SECTION I. DIFFERENTIATION. 135, In certain classes of problems and discnssions the quantities involved are distinguished as Constant and Variable. 136, A Constant quantity is oric wliich maintains the same value throughout the same discussion, and is represented in the notation by one of the leading letters of the alphabet. 137, Variable quantities are such as may assume in the same discussion any value within certain limits determined by the nature of the problem, and are represented by the final letters of the alphabet. III.— If X is the radius of a circle and j/ is its area, p = 7tx^, as we learn from Geometry, 7t being about 3.1410. Now if a', the radius, varies, y, the area, will vary ; but it remains the same for all values of x and y. In this case x and y are the variables, and ;r is a constant. Again, if y is the distance a body falls in time x, it is evident that the greater X is, the greater is y, i. e., that as x varies y varies. We learn from Physics that y — lQ^fX'^, for comparatively small distances above the surface of the earth. In the expression y = 16,^^3;'^, x and y are the variables, and 16,\- is a constant. Once more, suppose we have y^ = 25x^ — 3.^;* — 5, as an expressed relation between x and y, and that this is the only relation which is required to exist 152 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. between them ; it is evident that we may give values to x at pleasure, and thus obtain corresponding vahies for p. Thus if x = l, y = ± V\l, if x = %, y = ± Vi88, etc., etc. In such a case x and y are called variables. But we notice that if we give to x such a value as to make ^x^ + 5 > 25^'^ (as, for example, ^, \, etc.), y will be imaginary. This is the kind of limitation referred to in our definition of variables.* 138, ScH. — The pupil needs to guard against the notion that the terms constant and vnriaUe arc synonyms for known and unknown^ and the more so as the notation might lead him into this error. Tlie quantities he has been accustomed to consider in Arithmetic and Elementary Algebra have all been constant. The distinction here made is a new one to him, and pertains to a new class of problems and discussions. 139, A Function is a quuntit}', or a mathematical expression, conceived as depending for its valne upon some other quantity or quantities. III. — A man's Avages/o?" a given time is a function of the amount received per day, or, in general, his wages is a function of the time he works and the amount he receives per day. In the expression y = 16,V-c* {Vi7), second illustration, y is a function of x, i. e., the space fallen through is a function of the time. The expression 2«x* — 3a; -:- 5&, or any expression containing x, may be spoken of as a function of x. 140, When we wisli to indicate that one variable, as y, is a func- tion of another, as x, and do not care to be more specific, we write 9/ =f(x), and read "?/ equals (or is) a function of x" This means nothing more than that i/ is equal to some expression containing the variable x, and which may contain any constants. If we wish to indicate several different expressions each of which contains a:, we >vrite/(.T), (p{x)y orf'{x), etc., and read "the /function of x,'* "the (p function of .r,"' or " the/' function of a*." III. — The exprestion /(«) may stand for x^ —2x + 5, or for 3(a' — x^), or for any expression containing x combined in any way with itself or with constants. But in the same discussion f{x) will mean the same thing throughout. So again, if in a particular discussion we have a certain expression containing x (e. {x). ., 141, In equations expressing the relation between two variables, as in ?/2 =: 3ax^ — x^, it is customnry to sjuak of one of the variables, as ?/, as a function of the other .r. Moreover, it i^ convenient lo think * The limits of this vohime do not permit the interpretation of imaginnrics a«^ other than im- po?siblo quantities, i. e., inconsistent with tiic restricted view talicn of the particular problem which may be under conbidcration. DIFFERENTIATION. 153 of X as varying and thus producing change in y. When so con- sidered, X is called the Independent and y the Dependent variable. Or we may speak of ^ as a function of the variable x, 142, An Infinitesimal is a quantity conceived under such a form, or law, as to be necessarily less than any assignable quantity. Infinitesimals are the increments by. which continuous number, or quantity (S), may be conceived to change value, or grow. III. — Time affords a good illustration of continuous quantity, or number. Thus a period of time, as 5 hours, increases, or grows, to another period, as 7 hours, by infinitesimal increments, i. c, not by liours, minutes, or even seconds, but by elements which are less than any assignable quantity. In this way we may conceive any continuous, variable quantity to change value, or grow, by infinitesimal increments. 14:3, Consecutive Values of a function, or variable, are values which differ from each other by less than any assignable quantity, /. e., by an infinitesimal part of either. 144=, A Differential of a function, or variable, is the difier- ence between two consecutive states of the function, or variable. It is the same as an infinitesimal. III. — Resuming the illustration y=r»6-,Vc' (IST)* let x be thought of an some particular period of time (as 5 seconds), and y as the distance through which the body falls in that time. Also, let x' represent a period of time infini- tesimally greater than x, and y' the distance through which the body falls in time x'. Then x and x' are consecutive values of .r, and y and y' are consecutive values of y. Again, the difference between x and x', as x' — .?■, i., a differential of the variable x, and y'— y is n differential of the function y. 145, W^otation,— A differential of x is expressed by writing the letter d before x, thus dx. Also, dy means, and is read ^* differen- tial yr Caution. — Do not read dx by naming the letters as you do ax ; but read it •' differential x." The d is not a factor, but an abbreviation for the word differ- ential. 146, To lyifferentiate a function is to find an expression for the increment of the function due to an infinitesimal increment of the variable; or it is the process of finding the relation between the infinitesimal increment of the variable and the corresponding increment of the function. 154 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. Rules for Differentiating. 147, RULE 1. — To differentiate a single variable, sim- ply WRITE the letter cl BEFORE IT. This is merely doing what the notation requires. Thus if x and x' are conse- cutive states of the variable x, i. e., if x' is what x becomes when it has taken an infinitesimal increment, «'— x is the differential of x, and is to be written ci«. In like manner, y'— y is to be written dy, y' and y being consecutive values. 148. RULE 2. — Constant factors or divisors appear in THE DIFFERENTIAL THE SAME AS IN THE FUNCTION. Dem, — Let us take the function y = ax, in which a is any constant, integral or fractional. Let x take an infinitesimal increment d.r, becoming x -f dx ; and let dy be the corresponding * increment of y, so that when x becomes x + dx, y becomes y + dy. We then have 1st state of the function - - - - y = ax ; 2d, or consecutive state y + dy = a(x + dx) = €ix + adx. Subtracting the 1st from the 2d dy = adx, which result being the difference between two consecutive states of the function, is its differential {144:), Now a appears in the differential just as it was in the function. This would evidently be the same if a were a fraction, as — , We should then have, in like manner, dy — —dx as the differential oi y = —x. Q. E. D. 149, RULE 3. — Constant terms disappear in differen- tiating; OR THE DIFFERENTIAL OF A CONSTANT IS 0. Dem. — Let us take the function y =z ax + h, in which a and h arc constant. Let X take an infinitesimal increment and become x + dx ; and let dy be the increment which y takes in consequence of this change in x, to that when x becomes x + dx, y becomes y + dy. W^e then have 1st state of the function y = flW! + &; 2d, or consecutive state - - . . y + dy = a{x + dr) + & = ax + adx + h Subtracting the 1st from the 2d - - - - dy z= adx, which being the difference between two consecutive states of the function, is its differential {144). Now from this differential the cons^tant h has disappeared. We may also say that as a constant retains the same value, tlu ro is no differ- * The Word "contemporaneous"' is often ueed iu this cunncction. DIFFERENTIATION. 155 ence between its consecutive states (properly it has no consecutive states). Hence the differential of a constant may be spoken of (though with some lati- tude) as 0. q. E. D. 150, RULE 4. — To differentiate the algebraic sum of SEVERAL VARIABLES, DIFFERENTIATE EACH TERM SEPARATELY AND CONNECT THE DIFFERENTIALS WITH THE SAME SIGNS AS THE TERMS. Dem. — Let u=ix-'fy — Zy u representing the algebraic sum of the variables X, y, and —z. Then is du = dx ■\- dy — dz. For let dx, dy, and dz be infinitesimal increments of x, y, and z ; and let du be the increment which u takes in conse- quence of the infinitesimal changes in x, y, and z. We then have 1st state of the function w = a; + y — 2; 2d, or consecutive state u ->t du — x -v dx ^- y -v dy — {z -\- dz), Or u + du — x + dx+y+dy—z — dz. Subtracting the 1st state from the 2d - - - du = dx + dy — dz. q. e. d. ISl, RULE 5. — The differential of the product of two VARIABLES IS THE DIFFERENTIAL OF THE FIRST INTO THE SECOND, PLUS THE DIFFERENTIAL OF THE SECOND INTO THE FIRST. Dem. — Let u = xy be the first state of the function. The consecutive state is u + du = {x 4- dx){y + dy) = xy + ydx + xdy + dx dy. Subtracting the 1st state from the consecutive state we have the differential, i. e., du — ydx + xdy + dx dy. But, &s dxdy is the product of two infinitesimals, it is infinitely less than the other terms (ydx and xdy), and hence, having no value as compared with them, is to be dropped.* Therefore du = ydx + xdy. q. e. d. 1S2, RULE G. — The differential of the product of sev- eral VARIABLES IS THE SUM OF THE PRODUCTS OF THE DIFFER- ENTIAL OF EACH INTO THE PRODUCT OF ALL THE OTHERS. Dem. — Let u = xyz ; then du — yzdx + xzdy + xydz. For the 1st state of the function is w — xyz, and the 2d, or consecutive state, u + du = (x + dx) {y + dy) (z + dz), or u + du = xyz + y^dx + xzdy + xydz + xdydz + ydxdz + zdxdy * It will doubtle«K appear to the pnpil, at first, as if this gave a rcsuU. only approodinaleJy rnr- rcct. Such is not tli? fdct. The result is absoMdy correct. No error is introduced by dropping dx dy. In fact this term mt'sf. be dropped according to the nature of infinitesimals. Notice that by definition a quantity which is iiidni^c^invil with respect to another is one which has 710 assignable magnihidc with reference to that other. Hence wo must so treat it in our re isoiiing. Now dxdy ie an iufinitesimal of an infinitcs'mnl (t. e.. two infinitesimals multipl'el together), and hence is infinitesimnl with reference to ijdx and x "y. and mu^t be treated as having no as- signable v,ilnc with respect to them ; that is. it must bo dropped. I5(j ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGERRA. ■\- (Udydz. Subtracting, and (Iroi)ping all infinite»im-ila of infinitesimala (see preceding rule and f(x>t-note), we have du = yzdx + xzdy + a-ydz. In a similar manner the rule can be demonstrated for any number of varia- bles. Q. E. D. 153. RULE 7.— The differential of a fraction having A VARIABLE NUMERATOR AND DENOMINATOR IS THE DIFFEREN- TIAL OF THE NUMERATOR MULTIPLIED BY THE DENOMINATOR, MINUS THE DIFFERENTIAL OF THE DENOMINATOR MULTIPLIED BY THE NUMERATOR, DIVIDED BY THE SQUARE OF THE DENOMINATOR. X vdx xdv Dem. — Let u = - ; then is du = :t — ~ . For, clearing of fractions. y y* ^ yu = X. Differentiating this by Rule 5th, we have udy + ydu = d.r. Substi- tuting for u its value '-, this becomes' — - + ydu = dx. Finding the value of - , _ ydc — xdy du, we have dn = , -. o. e. d. 154, Con. — Tlie differential of a fraction having a constant numerator and a variable denominator is the product of ths numera- tor with its sign changed into the differential of the denominator, di- vided by the square of the denominator. Let u = ■-. Differentiating this by the rule and calling the differential of the constant (a) 0, wo have du = -— — ^^— — . o v: D liio. Sen. — If the numerator is variable and tlie denominator constant, it falls under Rule 2. 150. RULE 8.— The differential of a variable affected WITH AN exponent IS THE CONTINUED PRODUCT OF THE EXPO- NENT, THE VARIABLE WITH ITS EXPONENT DIMINISHED BY 1, AND THE DIFFERENTIAL OF THE VARIABLE. Dem.— 1st. When the exponent is a positive integer. Let y = of", m being a positive integer ; then dy = ntV'-^dx. For y = x"^ - xxx-x- to m factors. Now, differentiating this by Rule G, we have dy = (xxx - - to m - 1 factors) dx + (xxx . . to m — 1 factors) dv + etc., to m terms ; or dy = .T^'-'dr + x'^-^dx + x"'-^dx + etc., to m terms. Therefore dy = mx^-^dx. m 2d. When the cxjyoncnt i^ a positive fraction. Let y = x'^,'^ being a positive 7)1 fraction ; then dy = ^.i" dx. For involving both members to tlie nth power wo have y" = x'". Differentiating this as just shown, we Ijave ny^-'^dy == mx"i~'^dx. DIFFERENTIATION. 157 ^ win— m Now from y = ic» we have y^-' = x~^ . Substituting this in the last it be- comes wic " dy = mx"'-Hx ; vfhence dy = '^x" n dx = ^x^ dx. q. e. d. • 3d. When the exponent is negative. Let y = .'c-'», n being integral or fractional ; then dy — — nx-'*-^dx. For y = a;-'* = — , which differentiated by X" •' Rule 7, Cor., gives dy = — — = — nx-^'-^dx. q. e. d. Examples. 1. Differentiate // = 'Sx- — 2x -{- A. Solution.— The result is dy = 6vdx - 2dx. Which is thus obtained : By Rule 1, the differential of y is dy. To differentiate the second member we dif- ferentiate each term separately according to Rule 4. In differentiating 3.i;^ we observe that the factor 3 is retained in the differential, Rule 2, and the differen- tial of .1* is, by Rule 8, 2xd.r. Hence, the differential of dx'^ is 6xdx. The differ- ential of — Zv is — 2dx. By Rule 3, the constant 4 disappears from the differen- tial, or its differential is 0, 'Z. Differentiate y = 2ax^ + 4:Clv^ — x + m. Result, dy = ^axdx + VZax^dx — dx> 3. Differentiate y = Ur? — 30.?:' + 4.t. 4. Differentiate y = Ax' + Bx' + Cx\ 157. 'ScH. — It is desirable that the pupil not only become expert in writ- ing out the differentials of such expressions as the above, but that lie know what the operation signifies. Thus, suppose we have the equation y = ^x. This expresses a relation bctAvcen x and y. Now, if x changes value, y must change also in order to keep the equation true. In this simple case it is easy to see that y must change 5 times as fast as x in order to keep the equation true. This is what differentiation shows. Thus, differentiating, we have dy = bdx. That is, if x takes an infinitesimal increment, y takes an infinitesi- mal increment equal to 5 times that which x takes; or, in other words, y increases 5 times as fast as x. Now let us take a case which is not so simple. Let y=Bx'^—2x+4:, and let it be required to find the relative rate of change of x and y. Differentiating, we have dy = 6xdx — 2dx — (6x — 2)dx. This shows that, if x takes an infini- tesimal increment represented by dx, y takes one (represented by dy) which is 6a; — 2 times as large ; /. e., that y increases Qx — 2 times as fast as x. Notice that in this case the relative rate of increase of x and y depends on the value of x. Thus, when x=l, y is increasing 4 times as fast as x \ when x=2, y\s increasing 10 times as fast as a;; when a; =3, y is increasing Iff times as fast as x ; etc. 158 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. 5. Differentiate ^ = r* — ic^, and explain the significance of the result as above. Result, dij — (5.r* — Zx^)dx, 6. In order to keep the relation "ly — 3.c* true as x varies, how- must y vary in relation to a; ? What is the relative rate of change when a; = 4 ? When a; = 2 ? When a; = 1 ? When a; = J ? When Anstvers. When a: = 4, y increases 13 times as fast as x. AVhen X = i, y increases at the same rate as x. In general // increases 3x times as fast as x. Wlien x is less than |, y increases slower than x. 2x^ X* — 1 7 to 12. Differentiate the following: u = -— ; u = ^ ; 3y x^ -\- I ^ y = x^z^] n = xhf 4- 6a;; ^ = .-c* - 3a^ + 4a:» - a;' + 1 ; and 2/ = K - K + ^• 13 to 17. Differentiate y=(«2 4-a;3)5 ; ^=(a + a;«)*; 2^=(3a;-2)^; 2/ = (2 - .r2)-2 ; and ?/ = (1 + x)~^. Sug's. — Such examples should be solved by considering the entire quantity within the parenthesis as the variable. This is evidently admissible, since any expression which contains a variable is variable when taken as a whole. Thus a. to differentiate y — {a + cc*) , we take the continued product of the exponent {%), the variable {a + x^) with its exponent diminished by 1, [t. e., {a + x^)~^], and the differential of the variable {i. e., the differential of a + x*, which is 'Zxdx). _i _i 4xdx This gives us dy = §(a + x') ^2xdx, or dy = ^iX(a + x') ^dx = — ^ 'dVa + x^ 18 to 22. Differentiate^ ; ^^ r:; : — -: —m- i + x' (1 + xY' (1 +xy' "\i -i-xY and — in —— — r^ . (1 -f xY 23. In the expression Ga:^, when x is greater than 1 does the func- tion (Ga;^) change faster or slower than x ? How, when ,r is less than ^? What does the process of differentiating eaj* signify 'f Answer to the Inst. Finding the relative rate of change of 6.c ' and x, or find- ing what increment 6.r' takes when x takes the increment dx. Or, in still other words, finding the difference between two consecutive states of 6a;^ and hence the relation between an inflnitesimal increment of x and the corresponding increment of Qx\ INDETERMINATE COEFFICIENTS. 159 SECTION IT. INDETERMINATE COEFFICIENTS. 158, Indeterminate Coefficients are coefficients assumed in the demonstration of a theorem or the solution of a problem, whose values are not known at the outset, but are to be determined by subsequent processes. 159. Prop— If A + Bx + Cx'+ Dx^ + etc. = A' + B'x + CV -f D'x'+ e^c, in which x is a variable* and the coefficients A, B, A', B', etc. are constants, the coefficients of the like poicers of x are equal to each other. That is, A = A' (these being the coefficients ofx^), B = B', C = C, etc. Dem.— Since the equation is true for any value of w, it is true for x=0. Substi- tuting tliis value, we liave^ = ^'. Now as A and A' are constant, they have the same values whatever the value assigned to x. Hence for any value of x, A — A'. Again, dropping A and A', we have Bx + Cx^+ I>x^+ etc. = B'x + C'x^-j- D'x'^ •f etc., which is true for any value of x. Dividing by x, Ave obtain B+C.v+Dx'' + etc.=B' + C'x + D'x^+ etc., likewise true for any value of x. Making x = 0, JB = ^', as before. In this manner we may proceed, and show that C=C B = D' , etc. Q. E. D. 160. Qo^.—If A + Bx -I- Cx'^ + Dx' + etc. - 0, is true for all values of x, each of the coefficients A, B, 0, etc.^ is 0. For we may write A + Bx + Cx^ + Bx^ + Ex* + Fx^ ■+- etc. = + 0.c + Ox- + Ox^+ Ox*+ Oir'+ etc. Whence by the proposition ^ = 0, ^ = 0, C= 0, etc Development of Functions by means of Indeterminate Coefficients. 101, A Function is said to be Developed when the indicated operations are performed; or, more properlv, when it is transformed into an equivalent series of terms following some general law. Ill's, — Division affords a method of developing some forms of functions, ♦ Saying that r it a variable, is eqnivalent to saying that tlie equation must be true for any value of X. Thii? it? an cssontial thing in this discussion. The members of such an equation are somsiimos said to be Identically equal. 160 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. Thus y = when developed by division becomes y = \ + x + x^ + x^-^ etc. The binomial formula (Complete School Algebra, 195, or 168 of this treatise) is a formula for developing a binomial. Thus y — (a-\- xf when devel- oped becomes y = a^ -\- ba\T -\-\Oa^x- -^-Kki^x^ -^ ^nx* + x^ . The subject is one of great importance in matliematics, and the method of Indeterminate Coeffi- cients forms the basis of most that is valuable upon it. Examples. \-x 1. Develop r- into a series by the method of Indeterminate ^ l-{-x-\-ar Coefficients. 1-3 Solution. — Assume of fractions, \-^x-\-x^ A + Bx + Cx^-ir i).c ' + Ex^± etc. Clearing A+n ■¥A +B ^A x'+B + C x' + E +B 4-6' etc. etc. etc. Equating the coefficients of the corresponding powers of x by {l/>0),xve have the following equations from Avhich to find the values oi A, B, C,'B, etc. : A=l', A+B=-l; A-hB+C==0; B-hC+B = 0; C-\-B+E=0. Solving these, we have ^ = 1, B=—2, C=l, D=l, and i^= — 3. Substituting these in the assumed development, we have \—x ^ = l—2x+x^+x^~2x*+ etc. 1+x + x* This can readily be verified by actual division. 2. Develop, or expand into a series (a'— x^y by means of Inde- terminate Coefficients. Solution. — Assume {a- - x^)^= A+Bx+Cx* +Bx^-hEx* +Fx'^ -^Gx'^ + etc. Squaring both members and expanding {a^—x^y, we have a' -da'x'-+daKi*'-x'^A^+AB x+ACx''\^AD .v*+AEx*'{-AF,c' + AG A"" 4- etc. +AB +-B* '¥BC -^BD +BjJ -\-BF -fete. +AC -\BC +C' i -hcn +CE +etc. \ ■¥AD +BD\ +CD -f/;* 4- etc. ■\-ABi\ -^BE -^VE -l-etc. -^Ali', +BF +etc. +A0 +etc. Equating the cOefficiefits of the cOri-espOndhig powers of .t, wc find A^ — a^, OtA- tt ' ; 2AB s 0, whence ^ =: ; 2^C -h -B^ = - 3a^ whence f = - ^n ; 2Ui) ^ SO) « 0, whence 2) = 2(AS -h BB) + C^ = 3a ^ . whence E^^\ , indeter:minate coefficients. 161 2[AF-irBE-\- CD)=0, whence F—0 ; and in like manner G = -„ etc. (If the feipansion of the second member had hern carried farther, each of the succeeding co- efficients would be equated with 0, as there are no terms in the first member contain- ing higher powers of a; than the Ctli.) Substitutingthe values of y1, B, C, jD^ etc, as now found, we have (a^—x^)'=a^— ^ax-+ -^ — f- v;r-5 + etc. 3. Expand, or develop (1 —x^)^ by meciiis of Indetenniuate Coeffi- cients. Also — -, .; , and x + V b-ax' (i_.c)i* SuG. — To expand the last, put the expression equal to the usual series, square both members, and then clear of fractions. 102, ScH. — In using the method of Indeterminate Coefficients, as the series A + Bx+ Cx' -\- etc., is merely hypothetical at the outset, we must carefully observe whether the subsequent processes develop any inconsist- ency. For example, perhaps a particular expression will not develop in the form assumed. If so, some inconsistency will appear in the process. Thus, 2 2 were we to attempt to develop -j~ — -^ by assuming ~, .^ — A -\- Bx -}- Cx'^ + Dx'*+ etc., we should find, after clearing of fractions, that the first mem- ber had only tl:e term 2, which is 2x" ; and as there would be no correspond- ing term in the second member, we should have to write 2 = 0, which is absurd. In general, we observe that, when we equate the coefficients, the second, or assumed member, must have a term containing as low a power of the variable as the lowest in the first member. This may be secured either by putting the expression to be developed into a proper form before assum- ing the scries, or by assuming a series of proper form. Thus, in the above 2 12 2 case, we may write for — , — - • , and then develop by x^ — x^x*l—x 1—x 2 assuming ■ -- = A + Bx + Cx^+Bx"^ + etc., and finally multiplying by 1 2 — ; or it may be developed by assuming — ^ = Ax~^+Bx-^+Cx^+ Bx -f Ex^ -+- etc. lT — "ix •+- Z 4. Expand — , — r- by the method of Indeterminate CoefR- 'X — ~ iC ~r X .- 1-1- 2a: ., l-x cients. Also ^r^. . Also 3:r* 2x' + ^x^ 5. Expand y"! -x.. Also (1 + x)^. 11 162 ADVANCED COUKSE IN ALGEBKA. Decomposition of Fractions by means of Indeterminate Coefficients. 163. For certain purposes, especially in the Integral Calculus, it is often necessary to decompose a fraction into partial fractions. There are three principal cases. 104:, Case 1. — A fraction which U a function of a single varia- ble^ whose numerator is of lower dimensions than its denominator, and whose denominator is resolvable into n REAL and unequal fac- toi's of the first degree^ can be decomposed into n partial fractions of , ^ A B C N the form 1 r ^ • > x + a, x + b, '' x + ax + bx + c x+n X + c, - - - - - x+n being the factors of the denominator. M* ABC N . Dem.— Assume ---^ = + r + , in q){u-) X + a X + b x + c x + n which f{x) is of lower dimensions f than q){z), and 4- 3)'-'* a:*— 2a; + 3 3ar^— a^- 10.^*+ 15a;»4- 2a; — 8 12 to 18. Decompose (a;« + l)' ' a-(a;^-2)'(a;-l) a;'-a; + l 1 1 1 ^ 6a;2-4a;-6 and x'ix + 1)' ^- 1' a'-a;*' x'- (a+b)x-{-ay ar^- 6a;H lla:-6 THE BIKOMIAL FOKMULA. 165 SECTION IIL THE BINOMIAL FORMULA. 108, Theove^n, — Letting x and y repi'esent any quantitiea whatever (i. e. he variables) and m any constant, Dem. — We may write (r+y)"* = a;"* ( 1 + - ) . Now put '- = s and assume (1 + 2)» = .4 + Z?z + Cfe' + Dz^ + ^2^ + Fs** + etc., (1) in which A, B, C, etc., are indeterminate coefficients independent of z {i. e. con- stants), and are to be determined. To determine these coefficients we proceed as follows : Differentiating (1), we have m{\ +z)'''-^dz=Bdz+2Czdz-\-SDz'^dz+iEz^dz+5Fz*(k-\- etc. Dividing by dz, we have m(l+zr-'=B+2Cz + 3i)2= + 4Ez'+5FY+ etc. (2) Differentiating (2) and dividing by dz, we have mim-l){l+zr''=2C+ 2 - 32)2 + 3 • AEz'-\- 4 - 5i^='4- etc. (3) Differentiating (3) and dividing by dz, we have 7n(7/i-l)(m-2Xl+2)'"-'=2 ■ 32) + 2 • 3 • 4£fe + 3 - 4 - 5^'' + etc. (4) Differentiating (4) and dividing by dz, we have m(m-lXw-2)(w-3Xl+2)"-^=2 • 3 - 4^ + 2 - 3 - 4 Si^^s + etc. (5) Differentiating (5) and dividing by dz, we have w(m-lXw-2Xm-3Xm-4Xl+2)'"-'=2 - 3 ■ 4 • 5F+ etc. (0) We have now gone far enough to enable us to determine the coefficients A, B, C, D, E, and F, and doubtless to determine the law of the series. As all the above equations are to be true for all values of z, and as the coeffi- * This form is read " factorial 3," " factorial 4," etc. ; and eignifiee the product of tlic nat- ural numbers from 1 to 3, 1 to 4, etc. 100 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. cients A,Ii, C, etc., are constants,/, e., have the same values for one value of z as for another, if we can determine their values for one value of z, these will be their values in all cases. Now, making 2=0, we have from (1) A = l ; from (2), B = 711 ; from (3), C = — (the factor 1 being introduced into the de- nominator for the sake of symmetry) ; from (4), D = -p ; from (5), 11 IL = p ; from (6), F= ^ . These values substituted in (1) give m{ m — 1) , w(m - \){m — 2) , m(m— l)(m— 2)(m— 3) ^ -j2— ^ + [3 ' + ji ' yn(m-l)(7n-2)(7n-3)(7n-4) _, -\ j^j z -+- eic. Finally, replacing e by its value -, we have m{m — \)(m - 2){m — 3) y* m(,m - \\m — 2)(m — 3)(m - 4) y' ) -*■ [4 ^^ + j5^ ^ +•^^^•1 =af' +rnx-'2,+ ^^^i)r"-y+ m(m-lXm-2)^.3^_^m (m-1) (m-2)(m-8) LI I?. li ^ ^ rw(m-lKm-2Xwi-3)(m-4) af-V + -^^ ^ -^aJ— V + etc. 109, Cor. 1. — Tlte nth, or general term of the series is m(m — 1) (//; — 2) {in — n + 2) ^,_ \n-l af'-*+^y*-\ For we observe that the last factor in the numerator of the coefficient of any particular term is m — the number of the term less 2, i. e., for the nth term, m — {n—2), or 771 — n + 2 ; and the last factor in the denominator is the number of the term — 1, i. e., for the ri SuG.-The general term is ^^ - D (m-n + 1) ^.„_.+, ,_, i^ ^his [n — 1 case m = i, n. = 4, a; = a*, y — z. Whence the 4th term is — 16a' 23. What is the 7th term of (a'^-h^)^'t The 10th term? SECTION IV, LOGARITHMS. ^7^. A Logarithm is the exponent by which a fixed number is to be affected in order to produce any required number. The fixed number is called the Base of the System. III.— Let the Bate be 3: then the logarithm of 9 is 2 ; of 27, 3 ; of 81, 4 ; of 19683, 9 ; for 3*= 9 ; 3=^= 27 ; 3*= 81 ; and 3^= 19683. Again, if 64 is the base, the logarithm of 8 is i, or .5, since 64% or 64''= 8; i.e., |, or .5 is the exponent by which 64, the base, is to be affected in order to produce the num- j. ber 8, So, also, 64 being the base, i, or .333+ is the logarithm of 4, since 64^, LOGARITHMS. 169 or 04'"^— 4 ; i. e., }i, or .333+ is the exponent by which 64, the base, is to be affected in order to produce the number 4. Once more, since 64^, or 64*^^^+=16, §, or .666-1- is the logarithm of 16, if the base is 64. Finally, 64~^ or 64—^ = -}, or .125 ; hence — ^, or —.5 is the logarithm of \, or .125, when the base is 64. In like manner, with the same base, — ^, or —.333+ is the logarithm of \, or .25. 173, COH. — Since any number icith for its €xpo7ient is 1, the logarithm of 1 is 0, in all systems. Thus 10^= 1, ichence in the logarithm of 1, ^V^ a system in \chich the base is 10. 174, A System of Lof/aritluns is a scheme by which all numbers can be represented, either exactly or approximately, by exponents by which a fixed number (the base) can be affected. 175, There are 7\vo Systems of Logaritlims in common use, called, respectively, the Briggean or Common System, and the Na- pierian or Hyperbolic System.* The base of the former is 10, and of the latter 2.71828 +. In the present treatise we shall confine our attention to systems whose bases are greater than 1. 176, Cor. 1. — Neither 1 7ior any iiegative number can he used as the base of a system of logarithms. For all numbers cannot be represented either exactly or approximately by ex- ponents of such numbers. Thus with 1 as a base we can represent no other number than 1 by its exponents, for 1 with rt?i454l 86 2845.673, 102.454185 _ 384.5673, 101.464185 _ 38.45673, JO**-***' 85 __ 3.845673, 384567.3 = 5.454185, 38456.73 = 4.454185, 3845.673 = 3.454185, 384.5673 = 3.454185, 38.45673 = 1.454185, LOGAHITHMS. 171 Dem.— It will be found hereafter that log 3845673=6.454185. Now this means that 10^ • ^ ^ 4 1 8 s -2845673. Dividing by 10 successively we have 10«-45 4i85 ^ 284567.3, or log or log or log or log or log or log 3.845673 = 0.454185. Now if we continue the operation of division, only writing 0.454185 — 1, 1.454185, meaning by this that the characteristic is negative and the mantissa positive, and the subtraction not performed, we have IOT.45 4 1 85 _ 2845673, or log .3845673 =1.454185, 10^.454 186 _ 02845673, or log .03845673 =3.454185, 107.46 4 185 ^ 003845672, or log .003845673 = 3.454185, etc., etc. Q. E. D. 185. Cor. 1. — TTie characteristic of the logarithm of an integral number, or of a mixed integral and decimal fractional yiumher^ is one less than the number of integral places in the number. The characteristic of the logarithm of a number entirely decimal fractional is negative and numericaUy one greater than the number of O'j immediately following the decimcd point. Thus the characteristic of the logarithm of any number between 1 and 10 is 0, between 10 and 100 1, between 100 and 1000 3, etc. Or let it be asked, " What is the characteristic of the logarithm of 5136? " Now this number lies between 1000 and 10000, hence its logarithm lies between 3 and 4, and is, there- fore, 3 and some fraction. Again, as to the numerical value of the characteristic of the logarithm of a number wholly decimal fractional, consider that 10~* = /j=.l ; 10~2=yiij=.01 ; 10-3 = j-ij- = .001. Thus it appears that any number between 1 and .1, i. e., any number expressed by a decimal fraction having a significant figure in tenth's place, as .3564, .846, .1305, etc., will have its logarithm between (the logarithm of 1) and —1 (the logarithm of .1), Hence such a logarithm will be —1 4- some fraction (the mantissa). In like manner, any number between .1 and .01. *. e., any decimal fraction whose first significant figure is in lOOth's place, as .03568, .0956, .01303, etc., will have for its logarithm —3 + some fraction. 186, Cor. 3. — The common logarithm ofO is — oo. Since a number less than unity has a negative characteristic, and this char- acteristic increases numerically as the number decreases, when the number decreases to 0, the logarithm increases numerically to oo. Hence log 0=— oo. To illustrate, log .1=1, log .01= 3, log .001 = 3, log .0001=4. Hence when the number of O's becomes infinite, and the number therefore 0, we have log = —00. •■ 172 ADVANCED COUIISE IN ALGEBRA. Computation of Logarithms. 187 » Tlie Modulus of a system of logarithms is a constant factor which depends upon the base of the system and characterizes the system. 188 » IProp* — The differential of the logarithm of a numher is the differential of the number mtdtiplied by the modulus of the system, divided by the number ; Or, in the Napierian system, the modulus being 1, the differential of the logarithm of a number is the differential of the number divided by the number. Dem. — Let X represent any number, i. e. be a variable, and n be a constant such that y=oe*. Then log y=n log x {180). Differentiating y=x'*, we have dy=nx'*~^dx; whence dy n=-^—= ^ = ^=JL /IN ^*"'^^ "^dx y-dx '^' XXX Again, whatever the differentials of log y and log x are, n being a constant factor, we shall have the differential of log y equal to n times the differential of log X, which may be written rfdog y)=/i . ff(log X), whence n = |}^. (3) Now equating the values of n as represented in (1) and (2), we have "; ^ ' dy = -~. Whence d{log y) bears the same ratio to — , as d(log x) does to — . Let X ni be this ratio. Then + 3 4i^.c + 2 3 5F«2 + etc. (4) (1 + xY Differentiating (4), and dividing by 3 and dx, we have _ m ^ — - --=: 4JS; + 4 5iP!c + etc. (5) (1 ^-xY ^ ' Differentiating (5), and dividing by 4 and dx, we have We have now gone far enough to enable us to determine the coefficients A, B, C, D, E, and F, and these will probably reveal the law of the series. As all the above equations are to be true for all values of x, and as the coeffi- cients A, B, C, etc., are constant, t. e., have the same values for one value of x as for another, if we can determine their values for one value of x, these will be their values in all cases. Now, making x = 0, we have, from (1), A — log 1=0; * Whftt the relation of the modiiln? to the base is, we are not now concerned to know ; it will be determined liereaftcr. t The numb<'r is 1 4 a; ; hence tiie differential is m times tlie differential of 1 + a^ divided by the number \-^x. X Of course the student will observe what forms the sncceedinir t- rms in this and the other similar cases would have. Thus here we should have 5-F + 6 • 6C?iC 4 3 5 • T/Zr' + etc. 174 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. from (2), B — m\ from (3), C= — \m ; from (4), D — ^m ; from (5), E= ~ \m; from (6), F= im. These values substituted in (1) give ^^ 0*y^ Ct^ 3?'' log (l + x)= m{x — ^ + -__ + -_ etc.), the law of which is evident. This is the Logarithmic Senes, and should be fixed in memory. ScH. — The Napierian system of logarithms is characterized by the modu- lus being 1 (m = 1). Hence the Napierian logarithmic series is .... x^ X* x^ a-' log(l+ar)=«-- +-3-J+5- etc. 190, Cor. 1. — The logarithms of the same number in differoit systems are to each other as the moduli of those sy steins. This is evident from the general logarithmic series. Thus the logarithm of 1 + « in a system whose modulus is m, is expressed log„(l +x)« = m(;r-^ + ^'-?j? +^-etc.): Ss o 4 a and the logarithm of the same number in a system whose modulus is m' is ex- pressed log«.(l + X)* = m'{x -^ + ^-^4-^- etc.). Now, as the number (1 + x) is, by hypothesis, the same in both cases, x is the same. Hence, dividmg the members of the first by the corresponding members of the second, we have logmd + x) ^ _m ^ logaiXl + «) m' 101, Cor. 2.-^JIavin(/ the logarithm of a number in the Napierian system, ice have but to multiply it by the modulus of any other system to obtain the logarithm of the same number in the latter system. Or, the logarithm of a number in any system divided by the loga- rithm of the same number in the Napierian system, gives the modidus of the former system. 102, I^voh, — To adapt the Napierian logarithmic series to nu- merical computation so that it can be conveniently used for comjyuting the logarithms of numbers. /J.8 ^3 ^4 /j»5 Sol. — That log(l -v x) = x— — + — — t'^~F — ^^^-> ^^ ^°* ^" ^ practica- 2 o 4 o ble form for computing the logarithms of numbers will be evident if we make the attempt. Thus, suppose we wish to compute the logarithm of 3. Making * The subscripts m and m' are need to distinsrnish between the system?, as log (1 -t O") is not the sann in one syptem as in the oihcr. Ilead log»»(l + a;), "logarithm of \-^x in a system whose modulus is m.^'' etc. COMrUTATION OF LOGARITHMS. 175 2* 2'* 2* 2' a: = 2, we have ]og(l + 2) = log 3 = 2 — — + tt — r + ^ — etc., a series ,6 o 4 5 in which the terms are growing larger and larger (a diverging series). We wish a series in which the terms will grow smaller as we extend it (a converging series). Then the farther we extend the series, the more nearly shall we approximate the logarithm sought. To obtain such a series, substitute —x iorx in the Napierian logarithmic series, and we have , ,. . x'^ a?' X* x^ logil-x)=-x--- ------ etc. Subtracting this from the former series, we have '1+x (1 +3'\ — — j =2{x + ^x^ + W +^x^ + etc.). Now put x = - -, whence l+ic=l + ir ^ 224-1 2s+l 2g + 2 22+1 l-x = 2z 22 + 1 , and posmg, l0g(l+2) = l0g2 + 2(^ = . Hence, as log ( j = log (1 + 2) — log 2, substituting, and trans- This series converges quite rapidly, especially for large values of 2, and is convenient for use in computing logarithms. 103, I^rob, — To compute the N'apierian logarithms of the natural numbers 1,2, 3, 4, etc.y ad libitum. Solution. — In the first place wo remark that it is necessary to compute the logarithms of prime numbers only, since th3 logarithm of a composite number is equal to the sum of the logarithms of its factors {17 S). Therefore beginning with 1, we know that log 1=0 (173). To compute the logarithm of 2, make 2=1, in series (A), and we have log (1 + 1) - log 1 = log2 = 2(g + 3^.+5^> + 74'' + 9ir" + TT^- + i3^ + i5V'+^''')- The numerical operations are conveniently performed as follows : 3 2.00000000 .GG6G6G67 1 .07407407 3 .00823045 5 .00091449 7 .00010161 9 .00001129 11 .00000125 13 .00000014 15 .66660667* .02469136 .00164609 .00013064 .00001129 .00000103 .00000009 .00000001 log 2 = .69314718* * Thongh the decimal part of a logarithm U generally not exact, it is not customary ta annex the + «»ign. 176 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. Second. To find lo^ 3, make s = 2, whence log 3 = log 2+2(1+ Jg-.+gl^.+Jj,+ J5j+ etc). Computation. 5 25 25 25 25 2.00000000 .40000000 1 .01600000 3 .00064000 5 .00002560 7 .00000102 a .40000000 .00533333 .00012800 .00000366 .00000011 .40546510 log 2 = .69314718 /. log 3 = 1.09861228 Third. To find log 4. Leg 4 = 2 log 2 = 2 x .69314718 = 1.38629436 Fourih. To find log 5. Lei z = 4, whence log o = log 4 + 2(1 + ^. + ^, + ^,+ etc.). Computation. 9 81 81 81 2.00000000 .22222222 .00274348 .00003387 .00000042 .22222222 .00091449 .00000677 .00000006 .22314354 log 4= 1.38629436 .-. log 5 = 1.60943790 In like manner we may proceed to compute the logarithms of the prime num. bers from the formula, and obtain those of the composite numbers on the prin- ciple that the Ic^rithm of the product eqaals the sum of the logarithms of the factors. Thus, the Napierian Ic^rithm of the base of the common system, 10, = log 5 + log 2 = 2.30258508. 194, Prop, — The modithts of the common system is .43429448 + . Dem. — Since the logarithm of a number, in any system, divided by the Na- pierian logarithm of the same number is equal to the modulus of that system (191), we have — — '■ — ?- — = modulus of common system. Nap. log 10 TABLES OF LOGARITHMS. 177 But com. log 10 = 1, aucl Nap. log 10 = 2.30258508, as found above. Hence, ModtUus of common system = -^r^f^^^-^iTx = .43429448. Tables of Logarithms. 19S, As one of the most important uses of logarithms is to facilitate the performance of multiplication, division, involution, and evolution, when the numbers are large, according to (178-lSl), it is necessary to have at hand a table containing the logarithms of numbers. Such a table of common logarithms is usually found in treatises on trigonometry and on surveying, or in a separate volume of tables.* These tables usually contain the common loga- rithms of numbers from 1 to 10000, Avith provision for ascertaining therefrom the logarithms of other numbers with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes. Four pages of such a table will be found at the close of this volume. 196, J^vob, — Tofiiid the logarithm of a number from the table. Solution. — The logarithm of any number from 1 to 100 inclusive can be taken directly from the first page of the table. Thus log 2 = 0.301030, and log 21 = 1.322219.t To find the logarithm of any number from 100 to 999 inclusive, look for the number in the column headed N, and opposite the number in the first column at the right is the mantissa of the logarithm. The characteristic is known by {185). Thus log 182 = 2.260071 ; log 135 = 2.130334. To find the logarithm of any number rej^resented by 4 figures, find the first 3 left-hand figures in column N, and opposite this at the right in the column which has the fourth figure at its head, will be found the last four figures of the niau- The other two figures of the mantissa will be found in the column, oppo- * Mathematicians and practical computers generally use more complete and extended table:* than those found in connection with such elementary treatises. The common tables give five places of decimals* in the mantissa. Those in connection with this series give six. Callet's tables edited by Haslcr are standard eight-place logarithms. Vega's tiiblcs are among the best. Dr. Bremiker's edition, translated by Prof. Fischer, is a favorite. KOiilcr's edition of Vega's contains Gaussian logarithms. Vega's tables are iseven-place. Ten-place logarithms arc neces- sary for the more nccurnto astronomical calculations. Prof. J. Mills Peirce, of Harvard, has re- cently issued nn elegant little folio edition of tables containing among other tilings a table of three-place logarithms whicli is very convenient for most uses. t This page is really unnecessary, since nothing ran be found from it which cannot be found with equal case from \\\^ succeeding part of the table. Thus, the mantissa of log %i& the eamo as the mantissa of log 200 ; and the mantissa of log 21 is the same as thai of lo^ 210. 12 178 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. Bite the first three figures of the number or just above, unlesd heavy dots have been passed or reached in running across the page to the right, in which case the first two figures of the mantissa will be found in the column just below the number. The places of the heavy dots must be supplied witli 0'.-;. The charac- teristic is determined by {183). Thus log 1316=3.119250 ; log 2012=3.310056 ; log 1868 = 3.271377. To find the logarithm of a number represented by more than 4 fignres. Let it be required to find the logarithm of 1934261. Finding the mantissa correspond- ing to the first four figures (1934) as before, we find it to be .286456. Now in the pame horizontal line and in the column marked I), we find 225, which is called the Tabular Difference. This is the difference between the logarithms of two consecutive numbers at this }X)int in the table. Thus 225 (millionths) is the difference between the logarithms of 1934 and 1935, or, ns we are using it, between the logarithms of 1934000 and 1935000, which differences are the same. Now, assuming that, if an increase of 1000 in the number makes an increase of 225 (millionths) in the logarithm, an increase of 261 in the number will make an increase of -|2i|i,V,, or, .261, »)f 225 (millionths) in the logarithm,* we have .261 X 225 (millionths) = 59 (millionths), omitting lower orders, as the amount to be added to the logarithm of 1934000 to produce the logarithm of 1934261. Adding this and writing the characteristic {185) we have log 1934261 = 6.28G515. In like manner the logarithm of any other number expressed by more than four figures may be found. 197, Sen. — As the mantissa of a mixed integral and decimal fractional number, or of a number entirely decimal fractional, is the same as that of an integral number expressed by the same figures {184), we can find the man- tissa of the logarithm of such a number as if the number were wholly inte- gral, and determine the characteristic by {185). 198, I^rob. — To find the number corresponding to a given logarithm. Solution. — Let it be required to find the number corresponding to the log- arithm 4.2vJ4567. Ix)oking in the table for the next kfss mantissa, we find .234517, the number corresponding to which is 1716 (no account being taken as to whether it is integral, fractional, or mixed ; as in any case, the figures will be the same). Now, from the tabular difference, in column D, we find that an increase of 253 (millionths) upon this logarithm, would make an increase of 1 in the number, making it 1717. But the given logarithm is only 50 greater than the logarithm of 1716 ; hence, it is assumed (though only approximately correct) that the increase of the number is -/s^ of 1, or .1976 f . This added (the figures annexed) to 1716, gives 17161976 -\- . The characteristic of the given logarithm being 4, the number lies between the 4th and 5th powers of 10, and hence has 5 integral places, .*. 4.234567 = log 17161.976 +. In like manner the number corresponding to any logarithm can be found. * This atsir.i ption, thotig'i not et iitly correct, is snfficluntly accurate for all ordinary purposes. COMPUTATION BY LOGARITHMS. 179 199. JProp.— The rnqyierlan base is 2.718281828. Dem. — Let e represent the base of the Napierian system. Then by {190) com. log e : Nap. log e : : .43439448 : 1. But the logarithm of the base of a system, taken in that system is 1, since a' = a. Hence, Nap. log e = l, and com. log e = .43429448. Now finding from a table of common logarithms the number corresponding to the logarithm .43429448, we have e = 2.718281828. Examples. 1. If 3 were the base of a system of logarithms, what would be the logarithm of 81 ? Of 729 ? If 5 were the base, of what number would 3 be the logarithm ? Of what 2 ? Of what 4 ? 2. If 2 were the base, what would be the logarithm of J ? Of ^ ? 3. If 16 were the base, of what number would .5 be tlic logarithm ? Of what .25 ? 4. Ill the common system we find that log 156=2.193125. Show I.JLJL3126 that this siguifies that 10^«"«^" =156. 5. Log 1955=3.291147. To what power does this indicate that 10 is to be raised, and what root extracted to make 1955 ? 6. Find from the table at the close of the volume what root of what power of 10 equals 2598. 7. Multiply 1482 by 136 by means of logarithms, using the table at the close of the volume. (See 178,) 8. Perform the following operations by means of logarithms: 116.8 X 1879; 2769 -r 187; 15.13 x 1.3476; 257.16 -^ 18.5134; .126 H- 6.1413; .11257 x .00126; (1278.6)'^; (112.37)'. 9. Perform the following operations by means of logarithms: ^2 to 5 places of decimals ; y 5 to 3 places of decimals ; y 2341564273 to two places of decimals ; a/3015618 to 4 places of decimals. 10. Perform the following operations by means of logarithms: V^.01234 to 4 places of decimals; a/.03125 to 5 places of decimals* V^0002137 to 5 places of decimals. SuG's.— Log .01234=2.091315. Now to divide this by 3. we have to remember that the characteristic alone is negative, i. e. that 2.091315 =- 2 I-. 091315, ox 180 ADVA^'CED COUKSE IN ALGEBUA. — 1.908685, whidi is all negative. Dividing this by 3, we have —.636228, or 0— .636228=1.363772. But a more convenient way to effect the division is to write 2.091315 = 3 + 1.091315, and dividing the latter by three we obtain 1.363772, in which the characteristic alone is negative, thus conforming to the tables. To divide 13.341652 by 4, we write for 13.341652, -16+3.341652, and dividing the latter obtain 4.835413. 11. Divide as above 11.348256 by 3; 17.135421 by 5; 1.341263 by 6. 12. Given the following to compute x by logarithms : 201.56 : 134.201 : : 18.654 : x; 2350.64 : .212 : : 1.1123 : x ; X : 234.008 : : 15.738 : 200.56 ; 123 : a: : : 2.01 : .03. /fit /pt 13. Having i/ = A/ — — — to express the equivalent operations in losrarithms. — rt) (« — h) (s — c) SuQ'8. y = V{a - X) {a + .t)-i-(1 + x). .-. log y= \ [log {a - x) + log {a+x) -\og{l+x)l 2 1 14. Given y=x^ (l—.v^)^ to express the equivalent operations in logarithms. Also // = A/ j-. Also // = A/ ■ Also 1/ = rir— • Also ^ = i / — - . Also giveu Ti •• -7 : : \/m^—X' : y to express log y. 15. Differentiate y = \og{a^ —x*), Sug's. — Write y =± log (a + a^) + log (a — x). Then differentiating, we have mdx mdx _ ,._ ^. ^. .^i x^ _^ • t j d{a*~x^)* dy = . Or differentiating without factoring, we have ay =—^-5 5- (ti -k' X a — X a — X iimxdx = — --i 5. WHien reduced the results are the same, but the former is usualh' «'— a;* the more elegant method. 16. Differentiate the following: y = log (1 — a:) ; y — log ax; y =z log x^ ; y = \o^ ; // = log v^l + .r. ♦ This form signifies that a' -x^ is to be differentiated. The operation is only indicated, r.ot performed. SUCCESSIVE DIFFEKENTIATION. 181 Sug' 8.— Remember that log x"^ = 3 log a; ; and also that log /y/l -\- x — Hog(l+a). 17. Find from the table at the close of the volume that Kap. log 1564=7.3550018. Find in like manner the Napierian logarithms of 5, 120, and 2154372. 18. Knowing that the Napierian logarithm of 22 is 3.0910425, how would you find the common logarithm of 23 from the logarithmic series {192) ? 19. The common logarithm of 25 is 1.39794. What is the modu- lus, and what the base of a system which makes the logarithm of 25 2.14285? Query. — How do you see at a glance that the required base is a little less than 5 ? SECTION V. SUCCESSIVE DIFFERENTIATION, AND DIFFERENTIAL COEFFICIENTS. 200, JProp, — Differentials^ though itifinitesimah, are not neces- sarily equal to each other. Dem. — ThuB, let 11— ^x"^. Then dt/=6x^dx. Now, for all finite values of x, dy is an infinitceinial, Binco no finite number of limes ibe infinitcf^imal dx can make a finite quantity, and dy is 6x'* times dx. But for ,^'=l, dy is G times dx ; for x=2, dy is 24 times dx; for a;=8, dy is 54 times dx. 201* Coil. — When y = f(x), dy 18 got er ally a variable, and hence can he differentiated as any other variable. 202. NoTATiO]!?. — The differential of dy is written d^y, and read " second differential of y." The differential of d^y is written d'^y, and read "third differential of y," etc. The superiors 2 and 3 in such cases are not of the nature of exponents, as the t? is not a symbol of number. 203, In differentiating y=:f(x) Bticcessively, it is customary to regard dx as constant. Tliis is conceiving x to change (grow) by equal infinitesimal increments, and thence ascertaining liow y raries. In general, y will not vary by equal inciements when x does, as appears from the demonstration above. 182 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. 204, A Second differential is the difference between two consecutive states of n first differential. — A Third Differential is the difference between two consecutive states of a second differ- ential, etc. III.— In the function y-2.c',if x passes to the next state, we have dy—Qx^dx. Now dy, though an infinitesimal, is still a variable, for it is equal to Qdx times a-*, and ^ is a variable. Hence if ,r takes an infinitesimal increment, di/ will pass to a consecutive state. In other words, we can differentiate di/=Gdx.v^, just as we could It = j?ix^, dy being a variable function. M.v a constant factor, and x the variable. Representing the differential of dy by d-y, wo have d'^y = 6d?; 2.idx, or d^y=l'ixdx', dx- being the square of dx, not the differential of x\ To indi- cate the latter we would write rf(.r*). JEXAMPLES. 1. Given y = Sj^ — 2a^ to find the third differential of i/, or (Py. Solution. — Differentiating y=3.r'— 2.r*, we have rfy=15.c*rfx— 4r(f.c. Now, regarding dx as constant, and differentiating again, we have d^y=60x*dx' —Adx^* Differentiating again in like manner, we obtain d*y=180x^dx^, the second term disappearing, since 4dx* is constant. 2. Given y = 2a^ — Sx -{- 5 to find the second differential of ?/, t. c. d^y. 3. Given y = [x — af to find the third differential of ^. SuQ'8. dy=3(x-aydx. d*y=6(x-a)dx', d^y=Ux^. 4. Given y = Ax + Bx" + Cct" + Dx\ to find the 4th differential of y, J, B, C, and D, being constiint. (ty = 4 • 3 • 2 Ddx*. 5. Differentiate y =: A + Bx + Cj^ -{- Dx" + Ea^ -\- Fa^ -\- etc., 5 times in succession. G. Differentiate y = {x — \){x — 2) (a: — 3) (a: — 4) twice in suc- cession without expanding. SoG'8. dy = {x-%){x-Z){x-^)dx + {x-\){x-S){x-^)dx+{x-l){x-2){x-A) dx-{-{x-\){x-2){x-'S)dx. = [(.r-2) {x-2) (3--4) + {x-\) ix—Z) {x-i) + ix-\) {x-2){x-'i) ^{x-\){x-2){x-2,)]djc. d'^y = \{x-Z){x-\)dx+{x-2){x-^)dc^{x-'^){x-Z)dx + {x-Z){x-^)dx + {x-\) (x-^)dx + {x-\) (a;-3) dx-^{x-2) (.r-4) dx+{x-\) (.r-4) dx+{x-\){x-2) dx +{x-^) {x-'S) (ic+(.c-l) (.r-3) dxH-t-X) (.c-2)dc]dr. * To differentiate \bx*dx. calling dx constant, we may write 15cto x*. Now 15dx is con- stant. Hence differentiating a;4,we have Ax^dx, which multiplied by the constant 15tfx, gives, ai above, BOx'ctr^. The dx^ is " the sqnarc of rfr," not t'ac cliflfereniial of x"^. DIFFERENTIAL COEFFICIENTS. 183 = [(^-3) (^-4) + {.v-2) (,i--4) + (.c-2) (x-'S) + (x-d) (x-i) + (x-l) {x-4) + (^-1) (^-3) + {x-2) (x-i) + (x-l) (x-i) + (x-l) {x-2) + {x-2) {x-3) + (x-l) {x-'S) + {x-l){x-2)]dx'. 7. As above, differentiate y = (x — a){x — b)(x — c) twice in suc- cession without expanding. Differential Coefficients. 205. The First Differential Coefficient is the ratio of the differential of a function to the differential of its variable. Thus, if y=f(x), and (lij=f'{x)dx, ^-^ = f'(x), and ^, or its equivalent f'{x), is the first differential coefficient of ;y, oy f(x). III. — The meaning of this is simple. Thus, if y = 2x^, -~- = 8x^ ; that is, if X takes an infinitesimal increment dx, y takes an infinitesimal increment dy, which is to dx, as 8.i' ' is to 1, or the ratio of dy to dx is 8.f '. In still other words, y increases 8.c ' times as fast as x. The reason for calling this a differential coefficient, is that it is the coefficient by which the increment {dx) of the variable must be multiplied to give the increment {dy) of the function. 206, The Second Differential Coefficient is the ratio of the second differential of a function to the square of the differential of the variable. Thus, if y—f{x)y dy=f{x)dx, and d'^i/=f"{x)dx'^, — ^=/"(rc), -y^ or its equivalent /"(a:), is the second differential coef- ficient of //, or f(x). In like manner Third, Fourth, etc., differential coefficients are the ratios respectively of the third, fourth, etc., dif- ferentials of a function, to the cube, fourth power, etc , of the dif- ferential of the variable. Thus, if y=f(x), dy=f\x)dx, dhj—f'ix rZr 2, d^y=^f"'(x)dx^, and d'^y =/'" {x)dx^, the successive difCercntitil coclli- cientsare f=} {x), J=/ (x), ^=f ix), and ^,=/'\.r). III. — Too much pains cannot be taken by the student in order to get a clear conception of the meaning of the various symbols f{x), f'{-i'), /"(•')» f"'i-^)' ^^^- To illustrate, suppose we have y = 2.c^— a;'H-C, whence -p = 8.i;'—C.t;'-, - -— * To produce the pnccessive differential coefBcients wc maj' produce the corrcspnndin;? guc- cessive differentials as in the preceding example?, or wc may proc.;c 1 thn^*: ■_='\r3-3x2 can be differentiated, remembering that dy is variable and dx constant, and it gives ^— =24x2(/a? (fiu -%xdx, whence ;i-^'=24a:'-6a:. 184 ADVANCED COUKSE IN ALGEBRA. d ii d^ 7/ = 24c*— dr, -r-^ = 48a'— 6, and -j— =48. Now in this case y =f(x), i. e., v is a dv function of .r ; so -r^ is also a function of x, being equal to 8^''- 3a'' ; but, as it is not the same function of r that y is, we call it the / prime function, and write diJ ft i/ ft^ fj ~ = f'U). In like manner -~^ =f"(x) means that -~ is some function of ar, dx ^ ^ ' dx* '' ^ ' dx* but a different one from either y,oT~ . It may be observed that, in t?iis example, d*y 3-j is not a function of x, and hence the inquiry arises as to the propriety of the d*u notation ^-^ =/'* (x). It must be remembered that this form of notation is the d*v general form, and it is the general fact that -j-^ is a function cf .r, though in special cases it may not be. Examples. 1. Produce the 1st, 2cl, 3(1, and 4th differential coeflRcients of y=a:»— 3a:» + .T— 10. Operation, dy = 5x*dx — Qx'dx + dx, whence ■— = 5x* — 9a;* + 1. Differ- dx entiating the latter* -r^ = 2(te^da5 - 18a-da?, whence -^ = 20x^ - ISa-. Again ax (tx differentiating, ^ = (60a;* - 18)dc, whence ^ = OOc* - 18. Finally, ^ ax ax' ax = 12ar. 2. If y =00:*— 3a;, what is the ratio of the increase of y to that of a;, in general ? What is it when x=-\ ? When a:=2 ? AVhen a:=3 ? Ans, In general, y increases 10a:— 3 times as fast as x. When a:=l, y is increasing 7 times as fast as x. When a:=2, y is increas- ing 17 times as fast as x, 3. If 7/=x*4-2a:*— a: + 10, what is the ratio of the 3d differential of ?/ to the cube of the differential of .^• ? WHiat is it when .^=1? When x=^ ? ATlien a:=| ? What is the name of this ratio ? 4. If ?/=(rt + a:)'% what is the 1st differential coefficient of tlie func- tion? What the 2d? What the 3d? AVhiit the 5th? What the 11th? ^ = j»(M-l)(?;i-2)(m-3)(m-4)(^<-f-a:)'"-». * See foot-uote on preccdliis paje. Taylor's formula. 185 5. Produce the first 5 successive differential coefficients of 207, Sen. — The successive differential coefficients of a function of the form A+Bx+Cx--\-Dx^-\- etc., or .^«^-^a;«-^ +^a;"-2+ etc., are readily writ- ten by inspection. Thus, CfxW x* —2x^+bx^ +x—\2,f{x). Let /'(.!•) mean the first differential coefficient, f"{x) the second, f"'{x) the third, etc. We have f{x) = x^ - 2^=' + 5.r^ + X - 13. /'(.r) = 4c' - 6a;2 + lOi; + 1. f"{x) = 12.C2 _ 12^ ^ 10. /'"(.y) = 242; - 12. /'^(i) = 24. /v(.r) = 0. Here the processes terminate. Each of the above is produced from the preceding by multiplying the coefficient of x in each term by the exponent of x in that term and diminish- ing the exponent by 1. 6. According to the method indicated in the last scholium, write out the successive differential coefficients of the function 2x^-\-Sx* -5a:' + 10. Also of 2^-32:'"' + ^''. Also of 3 + 2:c-4a;H3^. SECT/ON VL TAYLOR'S FORMULA. 208. Def. — Taylor^s Formula is a formula for developing a function of the sum of two variables in terms of the ascending powers of one of the variables, and finite coefficients which depend upon the otlier variable, the form of the function, and its constants. 209, Def. — If n —fix + y), i- e., if u is a function of the sum of the two variables x and y, and we differentiate as though one of the variables, as x or y, was constant, the differential coefficients thus formed are coW^di. Partial Differential Coefficients, The partial differential coefficients of u, when x is considered variable ^ ^ ^, du cl^u cfu (fn and y constant, are represented thus: t-, ^, -r^, -7^4, etc. When y is considered variable and x constant, we write the coeffi- . , du d\i d^u dSi , cients v", 3—2, -7-1, -J-., etc. dy dy'' df dy* 186 ADVANCED COUllSE IN ALGEBRA. 210. Lemma. — If u = f(x + y), the partial differential coeffi- cients T- and T- are equal. dx dy Dem. — Having u =:J{x + y), if x take an increment, we have u + dxU* =J[z + dx + y) = /[(.c + y) + dx] ; whence d^u = f [{x + y) + dx] - f{x + y), eince a differential is the difference between two consecutive states of the func- tion. Again, if y take an increment, we have u + dyU = J\x + y + dy) =/[(« + y) + ^y] ; whence d„w =/[(-» + y) + dy] - f{x + y). Now the foi'm of the values of drU and dyU, as regards the way in wliich x and y are involved, is the same ; hence, if it were not for dx and dy, they would be absolutely equal. Passing to the differential coefficients by dividing the first by dx and the second by dy. we have "-^ =/[<^-*-y'+'^]-«^+y) . and 'Jl! =M^+y)+dl/]-Al±^) , '' " dx dx dy dy But, in differentiating, the differential of the variable enters into every term ; hence /[(j; + y) + dx] —f[x + y), as it would appear in application, would have & dxin each term which would be cancelled by the dx in the denominator in the coeflBcient, and — would be independent of dx. In like manner — is independ- ent of dy. Hence, finally, as these values of the partial differential coefficients are simply functions of ( c + y), of the same form, and not involving dx or dy, they are equal, q. e. d. III. — To make this clear, let u = (x + yy. Then dxU = 3(.c + yfdx, or — =S{x + y)*. Again, dyU —8(x -\- y)*dy, or ^ — 3(.r+ y)". Hence we see that dx dy _ ... , , . du 1 . du 1 - So, agam, \t u = log (x + y), -r — . ^^^ t- = 5 hence ' ^ ^^ '^^' dx x+y dy x + y' du dx'~ du ~dy- du dx du ~ dy' 211. I*rob. — To produce Taylor^ s Formida, SOLIJTION. — Let u =f{x + p) be iHie function to be developed. It ie proposed to discover the law of the development when the function can be developed in the form u =J{x + y) = A + By + Cy'' + Dy' + Ey* + etc., (1) in which A,B, C, etc., are independent of y, and dependent on x, the form of the function, and its constants. Supposing X constant and differentiating with reference to y as variable, re- membering that, as A, B, (7,-etc., are functions of x, and not of y, they will be considered constant, we liave ^ =B-^2Cy + SDy' + 4^» + etc. (2) ay * As we are to consider the effect produced npon u by an increment in x. and al?o by an in- crement in y, we adopt a form of notation to distinguish between the increments of //. Thus rfj-»/ means the increment which w takes in consequence of a; having talvcn the increment dx, whMc y remained constant. So cfy?< represents the increment of m consequent upon the incre- ment dy of y. Taylor's formula. 187 Again, differentiating (1) with respect to x, y being supposed constant, and re- membering that A, B, C, etc., are functions of x, wc have dx dx dx dx dx dx Hence by {210) B+2Cy + dDy' + ^W\ etc. = ^ + ^^ + ^2/' + ^2/^ + ~P'+ etc. (4) Now, by the theory of indeterminate coefficients, the coefficients of tiie like powers of y are equal, and we have B = ^, 2(7=^, 3i)=^. 4:E=^, etc. dx dx dx dx But as (1) is true for all values of y, we may make y = 0; whence A =f(x) = u' ; letting u' represent the value of the function u, when y = 0. Now, as A is independent of y, it will have the same value for one value of y as for another ; hence A =f{x) = u' is the general value of A. dA du' Aeain, B — — . But as J. = w', a function of x, dA — du' , and B = —-. ^ dx dx In like manner 2C = — . But as B = —, dB = dl-—) = --—, and dx dx \dx/ dx So, also,as3D= -. and^(7 = ^^(-,) = -^^,,i) = j^^. 1 d^u' Similarly we find E = — ^ > and the law of the series is apparent. Finally, substituting the values of A, B, C, etc., in (1), we obtain , du y d^u'y"^ d'^u' y'^ d*u' y* ^ ,^, „=/(. + y)=«+^f+^| + ^|+^^+etc., (5) which is Taylor's Formula. 212, SCH. — Taylor's Formula develops u — f (x + y) into a series in which the jirst term is the value of the function when y = ; the second term is the first differential coefficient of the function when ^ = 0, into y ; the third term is the second differential coefficient of the function when y = 0, into ^ ; etc., etc. If. As u' is f(x+y) when y = 0, we may write /(a;) for u', and for — , f'{x) ; for ^^» f"{x) ; for ^» /'"(«); etc., as before explained. The formula then be- ClX (IX * Tne>«e forms arc indicated operations. Thus, as ^ is a function of x. when we difTerentiatc With re?pcct to x wc write dA, and to pass to the differential coefficient have to divide by dx. 188 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. u=f{x.^y) =/(.r)+/'(.r) | + f\x) '^ ^f"\x) ^' +/- {x) 'j^' + etc. (6) This is a very important method of writing Taylor'a Formula, and should be clearly understood, and firmly fixed in memory. Examples. 1. Develop (x-\-yY by Taylor's Formula. Solution. — Putting u = {x+yf, we have u' = .t', —t- = 5x*, -^ = 20a;', — ^ = 60^ — — = 120a;, and — - = 120. Here the coefficients terminate, as dx> ' dx* dj* the differential of a constant is 0. Substituting these values in (5) {211), or {%).{212), we have u = (a;+y)»= a;»+ 5x*y + 10a;='y«+ 10a;*y'+ 5ay*-}-y«. The same as by the Binomial Formula. 2. Develop (x—yY by Taylor's Formula, and compare the result with that obtained by means of the Binomial Formula. Also {x + y) ^. Also {x—y)~\ Also (x-^y) '. 3. Show that n = log(. + y)=loga:+|-£ + g-£ + etc. 4. Develop (x+y)" by Taylor's Formula, thus deducing the Bi- nomial Formula. 213» Taylor's Formula is much used for developing a function of a single variable after the variable has taken an increment. When so used the increment may be conceived as finite or infinitesimal, only so that it be regarded as a variable. Ex. 1. Given y = 2x^ — x* -\- 6x — 11, to find y', which represents the value of the function after x has taken the increment Ji. Solution. — In the function as given, we have p = fix), and are to develop ^'=zf{x + //). By Taylor's Formula we have dv d^v From y = 2x^—X' + 5a; — 11, we have -f- — (ix- — 2x + 5, ~ = 12a; — 2, dx ux INDETERMINATE EQUATIONS. 189 — ^ = 12, aud subsequent differential coefficients 0. Substituting these valuei in the formula, we obtain 2 2 3 = 2^''-.i'2+5«-ll +(6x2-2^+5)7i+(6a; -l)h^+2h\ This result is easily verified by substituting x+h for x in the value of y, as given in the example. Thus, y'=%i:+hf-{x+hf-^b{x+h)-n; a result which will reduce to the same form as the other. 2. Given y=^x^—2x^, to develop y\ the value of y when x takes the increment h. SECTION VII, INDETERMINATE EQUATIONS. 214. An Indeterminate Equation between two quan- tities, as X and y, is an equation which expresses the only relation which is required to exist between the two quun titles. III. — Suppose we have 2a;+8y=7, and that this is the only relation which is 7-equired to exist between x and y. Then is %x-\-Zy=l an indeterminate cqua- X Cion. So also, if 6=:cy is the only relation required to exist between x and y, 0/ this is an indeterminate equation. In like manner y- = 2x-^ — 'dx is an in- determinate equation if it expresses the only relation which is required to exist between x and y. The propriety of the term indeterminate is seen if we observe that such an equation does not fix the values of x and y, but only their relation. Thus, in the equation 2.7; + % = 7, ar may be 2, and y 1, and the equation be satisfied. So x may be 3, and y ^, and the equation be satisfied. In fact, any value may be assigned to one of the quantities and a corresponding value found for the other. Hence the equation does not determine the values of the quantities. 2 15. An equation between three quantities is indeterminate if it expresses the only required relation between the quantities, or if there is but one otlier relation required to exist. III. — Thus, if 2x + Sy—5z—10 is the only relation which is required to exist between x, y, and z, it is evident that the equation does not determine particular, definite values for x, y, and z. So also if, in addition to the relation expressed by this equation, it is required that 2x shall equal fSy, or 2a;— 6y, these two 190 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. equations will not fix tlie values of .i; y, and z. For if 2.r=6y, the former equation becomes 9^—52=10, which may be satisfied for any value of z, and a corresponding value of y, as shown above. 216* In general, if there are n quantities involved in any number of equations less than n, and these are the only relations required to exist between the n quantities, the equations are in- determinate. 217> In indeterminate equations the quantities between which the relation or relations are expressed are properly variables, i. e., they arc capable of having any and all values.* III. — Thus in the indeterminate equation 5y — Sx= 12, any value may be assigned to x, and a corresponding value found for y; or any value may be assigned to y, and a corresponding value found for x. 218, There are, however, many classes of problems which give rise to equations which are called indeterminate, although they are not absolutely so: in such problems there is some other condition imposed than the one expressed by the equation, but which con- dition is not of such a character as to give rise to an independent, simultaneous equation. Such an equation may have a number of values for the variables, or unknown quantities, involved, but not an unlimited number. III. — Let it be required to find the podtite, integral values of x and y which will satisfy the equation 2x +3y = 35. Now, if 2a; + 3y = 35 were the only rela- tion required to exist between x and y, there would be an infinite number of values of each which would satisfy the equation, as shown above. But there is the added condition that x and y shall be positive integers. Tliis greatly re- stricts the number of values, but does not furnish another equation between x and y. We may usually solve such a problem by simple inspection. Thus, in this case, we have y = — ~ . Now, trying the integral values of x till 2x be- 3 comes greater than 35, t. e. till x = 18, we can determine what integral values of X give positive integral values for y. For x=l, y = ll. For x = 2, y = lOi ; hence a; = 2 is to be rejected. For a? = 3, y = OJ, and a; = 3 is to be rejected. For a; = 4, y = 9 ; hence aj = 4 and y = 9 are admissible; etc, [Note. — This subject is not of sufficient importance to justify our going into a general discussion of it. We sliall content ourselves with a few practical examples concerning simple indeterminate equations between two or three quantities, and these restricted to positive integral solutions. The chief thing of importance is t?uit tlie student comprehend the nature of an indeterminate equa- tion.l * This statement requires us to iuclnde imaginary values. INDETERMINATE EQUATIONS. 191 Examples. 1. What positive, integral values of x and // will satisfy the equa- tion 5:i;+ 7//= 29 ? Solution.— We inuy write x = — -— ^ = 5—^4- —~ -— 5— y+ -^-- . Now O i) O to make a; positive we must have 7y<29; and as y is to be an integer it can 2 .. only have values less than 5. Again, to render x integral — — ^ must be integral, 2—v or 0. Finally, as no value for y less than 5 will render — — - integral or 0, ex- o cept y=^2, this is the only value of y wiiich fulfills the conditions. Hence the answer is y=2, x='d. 2. What positive, integral values of x and y will satisfy the equa- tion ll:?:-17y=5? Solution. — We have x = — j^ — =y-r -^^ — . From this we see that any pos- itive value of y which will render -^ — integral, will meet the conditions. Put 6y+5 / . X ^ 1 llw— 5 ^m—1 _, i ^i . , -^ — =7U (an mteger) ; whence y = — - — =m-f 5 — - — . To make this value 11 Go of y integral — — must be integral. Put — ^p- = s (an integer) ; whence m =Qs+l. Now any positive integral value for s will fulfill the conditions. Thus, put 8 = 0;* whence m=l, y — \, and x = 2. Again, put 5 = 1; whence m = 7, y=12, and a;=19. For « = 2, m:=13, y— 23, and j^^: 36, etc. Hence there is an infinite number of positive, integral values of x and y which satisfy the equation. 3. What positive, integral values of x and y will satisfy the equa- tion 21a: +17^^=2000? ^ , 2000-17y . ,,^ , . 2000-17iy ^^ 5-17y SuG's. x = — ^ . .'. y is < 118. Again x = ^ — - =95h g— , J 5— 17y . ^. , 5— 4m ,,„ 5— Am and — — — = m. .'. m is negative, and y= — m H p=— . Whence — ^n — ~ **' and m = — z — = 1 — 4« H — 7- . .*. « is +, and any value of » which renders 4 4 - — , or integral, and gives y < 118, will meet the conditions. 8= 1, gives w=— 3, y= 4 and a; = 92. 8=5, " m= —20, y= 25 and a; = 75. * = 9, " m= —S7, y= 46 and x = 58. » = 13, " m= —54, y= 67 and x — 41. » = 17, " m = -71, y= 88 and x = 24. 4 = 21, " m=-88, y=109and.r= 7. * is considered an iulcger. 192 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. Since any greater value of s makes y > 118, these are all the values of x and y which fulfill the conditions. 4. Find the positive, integral values of x and y which satisfy the following : (a) 5.r + Uy = 254; (b) 7a: + 13?/ =71; (c) dx + 13y = 2000; {d) ITx = 542 - 11^; (e) Ux + S5y = 500; (/) 19:c - 117.V = 11; (g) 117.T - 128^ = 95; (//) 39.r + 29?/'= G50; (i) 5x ± 9y = 40 ; (k) 6x ± Oy = 37. Applications. 1. In how many ways can I pay a debt of $2 with 3-cent and 5-cent pieces ? Sug's, — Let X = the number of 3-cent pieces and y = the number of 5-cent pieces required. Then we are to determine in how many ways the equation 3iF-|-5y=200 can be satisfied for positive, integral values of x and y. We find it to be in 13 ways, as follows : y = 11 4 1 7 I 10 I 13 I 16 I 19 I 22 I 25 I 28 I 31 I 34 I 87 2; = 65 I 60 I 55 I 50 I 45 I 40 I 35 I 30 I 25 I 20 I 15 I 10 I 5 This means that 1 5-cent piece and 65 3-cent pieces will pay the debt, or 4 5-cent and 60 3-cent, or 7 5-cent and 55 3-cent, etc. 2. A man hands his grocer 15 and tells him to put up the worth of it in 11-cent and 3-cent sugars. Can the grocer do it in even pounds? If so, in how many ways? What is the greatest number of pounds of the poorer sugar that he can use ? AVhat the least ? 3. In how many ways can a debt of £50 be discharged with guineas and 3-shilling pieces? ^1 ??.ositive exponent equal to the numerically largest negative exponent. Then unite the terms with reference to the unknown quantity, and write them in order with the term containing the highest exponent, at the left, and so that the exponents shall diminish toward the right, transposing all the terms to the first member. The most complicated form which can then occur is m r ^y" +^y' +yy' - - • • i = o, (i) Tfi r in which any or all of the exponents may be fractions ; and —>-><, etc. n 8 is supposed. 2d. To free the equation of fractional exponents, substitute for the unknown quantity a new unknown quantity with an exponent equal to the least common multiple of the denominators of the exponents in the equation. Thus, in (1) m r put y — z"' , whence y " = af", y ' = z"', and y' = 2"*'. These values substituted in the equation, will evidently give an equation of the form !^r' + -«"->+ 42*-''' - - - - ^ = 0, (2) 0(1 J in which all that is essential concerning the exponents is that they should be all positive integers, decreasing in value from left to right, since iji (1) m r — > - > ^ etc. n H 3d, Now divide by the coefficient of z*, and let the resulting equation be represented by 2"+ ^,2-' +-6--^ . . . . ;'=0. (3) d f Finally, put z = — , and substitute in (3), thus obtaining r-^^nF---'^fi^^ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' = »• (*) Multiplying (4) by k", and representing the absolute term by L, we hare NUMERICAL HIGHER EQUATIONS. 205 If now k be so taken that these numerators will be divisible by the denomina- tors, and the quotients represented b^ A,B, C, etc., we have a;»4-^a;~-i-|-i?a;'»-2-f Caj^-a .... Z=0, the form required. Examples. 1 1 2 K Q 1. Transform - + ^x-' + ^x^ = 2x^ + iz~^ i-~-2, into a form having positive integral exponents and coefficients, and having the coefficient of the highest power 1. Solution. — Multiplying by x^, we have x+%v-^-\-^x^=2J-hhic~^+d-2xK (1) Multiplying (1) by x"^, we have x* + i+^^x^^z=2x^+{x^+3x'-2j*. (2) Putting x=y^ , there results y''+h+^f'=^'*+\y''^^t'-2f\ Arranging with reference to the highest power of y, 23/"-^y"-2/"-/*+3y"'+iy"-J=0, or z Finally, put y = -r, whence Now, if A; be made 12, this equation will be of the required form * Z 2* Notice that as ic = y', and y — :r^,x = -r^ ; so that, if the value of z could be found, the value of x would be known by implication. 2. Show as above how to transform the following: {a) Sy-"^ + iy-i + ^ - if^ = ^ + if- ^Vi (b) --Zx + ix^-l = l; X (e) Vl-ar'=l~3a:i; (/) ^2^ 3? -- a: = a/T^. ♦ This substltntion would be tedious, and as it is our present purpose simply to show the poefibUify of the traneformation, and the method of making it, the enbetitutlon 1» iinnfce*fary. 206 ADVANCED COURSE IX ALGEBRA. ^*?.9. — Since every equjiiion with one im known quantity, and real and rational coefficients, can be transibrmed into one of tlie Ibrm ar-^Ax^-' + Bx^-'-j-Cx"^-' L=0, (I) this will be taken as the typical numerical equation whose solution we sliall seek in this and the succeeding sections; and we shall frequently represent it by/(.r) = 0, read *' function x equals 0." The notation/(a:) signifies in general, as has been before explained, simply any expression involving x. Here we use it for this particular form of expression. We shall also use f'{x) as the symbol for the first differential coefficient of this function. 230, J*V02>» — W/t€7i an efjuafion is reduced to the form x" 4- Ax"-' -\- Bx-' + Cx°-' L = 0, t/ie roots, with their slgiis changed, are factors of the absolute {knotcn) term, L. Dkm. — 1st. The equation Ix-inrr in this form, it a is a root, the function is divisible by ar—a. For, sui)Jkks«.' ui>on trial x—n goes into the polynomial xn + J.r"-' + , etc., Q times \cith a remainder 11. {Q represents any series of terms wliicli may arise from such a division, and JR any remainder.) Now, since the quotient multiplied by the divisor + the remainder, equals the dividend, we liave (t— a) Q + R=je* + .4.r"-> + 2?.i'"-'^ + Cx'-^ L. But this polynomial = 0. Hence {x—a) Q + R—O. Now, by hyjwthesis a is a root, and consequently a;— a =0. Whence B=0, or there is no remainder. 2d. If now z—a exactly divides x" + A.r"-'^ + Bx'*-^ + Cz"-^ L, a must exactly divide Z, as readily appears from considering- the process of division. Hence —a is a factor of L, a being a root of the equation, q. e. d. 23 !• Cor. 1.— T/'a is a root o/f(x) = 0, f(x) is divisible by x— a/ and, converselt/j if f(x) is divisible by x — a, a is a root of f(x)=0. Dem. — The first statement is demonstrated in the proposition, and the second is evident, since as^a*) is divisible by;r— r/, let the quotient be q>{x)\ whence (r— «) ^.r)=0. Now x—a will satisfy this equation, since it renders a*— a=0, and does not render (r), x=a would render it oo, and (x-ay^P (a-) would bv X ae. which is iiuleterminatc. since x«=Ox ^^J}. NUMERICAL HIGHER EQUATIONS. • 207 Dem.— Suppose in tliis equation x = p ^ being a simple fraction in its lowest terms. Substituting this value of (v, we have gn ,^.n-l *"-2 on- 3 Multiplying by <"-' we obtain Now, by hypothesis, all the terms except the first are integral, and the fiist is a simple fraction in its lowest terms, as by hypothesis s and t are prime to eacli other. But the sum of a simple fraction in its lowest terms and a series of in- tegers cannot be 0. Therefore x cannot equal -, a fraction. t 233, Scu. — Tliis proposition does not preclude the possibility of surd roots in this form of equation. These are possible. 234. ProiK—An equation f (x) = (229) of the nth degree, has n roots {if it has any *), and no more. Dem. — Let rt be a root of f{x) = 0, which is of the 7ith degree. Dividing f(x) hy X — a {231), we have " {x) = {x- a) {x-h){x - c) (^ - ^) - ; %. e., f{x) is resolvable into n factors, of the form x — m. * Wc shall assume that every equation has a root real or imasjinary ; i. e., that there is some form of exprcpgion which substituted for the unknown quantity will satisfy the equation. It is shown in works treating more largely upon the theory of equations, that the general form of a root is a + /? |/ — 1. When /^ = 0, the root is real. The general demonstration of this propo- sition is loo abstnisc for an elementary treatise. That every equation of the form a-"+ Ax^'-^ + Bx"^~'i+ Cz"-3 - - - - Z=0 {229) has a real root when n is an odd number, and also when n is an even number if L be negative, is very simidc. Thus, if n is odd, and L +, when x is made - oo the value of the first memb'T is - ; and when x is 0. tlie value is -t . Hence while X passes from - oo to 0, the function changes sign, and hence must pass through : i. e., for Bome value of x between - oo and 0, the equation is satisfied. In like manner, if L is -, when sc - 0, the function is -, and when ar = ^ oo the function is + . Hence some value of x between -0 and + (X, satisfies the equation. It follows from this that in an equation of an odd degree, If the absolute term is +, there is at least one real, negative root ; and if the absolute term is -, there is at least one real, jwsidve root. If n is even and Z, -, cc = makes the function - , and x= ±ra makes it +. Hence while x passes from - oo toO, the function changes sign from 4- to -, and there is at least one real, negative root; also, while x passes from to + 00, the function changes sign from - to + , and there is at least one real, positive root. Therefore every equation of an even degree in which the absolute term is -, has at least two real roots, one negative, and one positive. The difficulty occurs in proving that an equation of an even degree has a root when Z, is + . The roots of such an equation may be all imaginary. t This i? read " the nth cp function of x." 208 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. Now, as x= a, or x = b, or .r — any one of tlu' qmintitu*s a,b, e - - - - I, will render /(j) equal to 0, each one of the.se will ^utit^fy the equation /(.r)=0. Therefore this equation has n roots. Again, since it is evident that we have resolved /(.r) into its j^rimc factors with respect to x, there can be no other factor of the form x — m in J\.v), hence no other root of /(t)=0, and this whether m is equal to one or more of the roots a,b,c - ■ - - n, or not. Therefore /(.r) = has only n roots. 233. Cor. 1. — T/ie j^oli/nomial x°+ Ax"-'+ 13x"-'+ Cx""' L, or f (x), = (x — a) (x — b) (x - c) - - - - (x — 1), in which a, b, c - - - - 1 (fre the I'oofs of f (x) = 0. 23H, Cor. :2. — The equation f (x) = may have 2, 3, or even ii equal roots, as there is no inconsistence/ in supposing a = b, iv = b = c, or a = b = c = - - - - \^in the above demonstration. 237* Cor. 3. — Imaginary roots enter into equations having only real coefficients, in conjugate pairs (22a ^ Part I.)y that is, (/'f(x)=0 has only real coefficients, if it has one root of the form a + /JV— 1, it has another of the form a — ^V — 1 ; or, if it has one of the form /^V— 1, it has another of the form — /SV — 1- Tliia ia evident, since only thus can /(ar)=(ar— a) (a:— &) (.T—c) - - - - {x—n); that is, if one root, a for example, is a—/iV—\, there must be another of the form a+fi V—\, in order that the product of these two factors shall not involve an imaginary. Thus, [T-{ix+ft V^)] x [x-{a-/S \^-l)]=x*-2ax+{a^+ ft'), a real quantity. So also (x — ft V'— 1) {x +ft V—l) = x*+ ft*, a real quantity. But if the assumed imaginary roots be not in conjugate pairs, the product of the factors (x — a) (.c —&) (i^ — c) • - - - {x — /) will involve imaginaries. 238, Cor. 4. — Hence an equation of an odd degree must have at least one real root ^ but an equation of an even degree does not 9ieces- sarily have any real root. 230* Cor. 5. — If an equation has a pair of imaginary roots, the known quantities entering into the equation mag be so varied that the two imaginary roots shall first give place to two equal roots, and then these to two real and unequal roots As shown above, imaginary roots arise from real quadratic factors in /(.p). l^t x^—'Zax + & be such a quadratic factor, whence .t*— 2ax + 6 =: satisfies fix) = 0, and a ± Va* — b are the corresponding roots of f{x) = 0. Now, if h > n-, these roots are imaginary. If, however, b diminishes or a increases (or lH)th change thus together), when h = a^ the two imaginary roots disa])pear and we have in their place two real roots, each a. If the same change in a and b NUMERICAL HIGHEU EQUATIONS. 203 continues, so that a^ becomes greater than h, the two real, equal roots in turn give place to two real, unequal roots. Now as a and b are functions of the known quantities of the equation f{.i) = 0, such changes are evidently possible. 240, Sen. 1. — That an equation has a number of roots equal to its degree, is illustrated geometrically by the fact, that, if we write y =f{x) and construct the locus, we shall always find that a straight line can be drawn so as to cut the locus in 1 point and only 1, if /(a.) is of the 1st degree (Ex's. 1-13, CiiAr. II.); in 2 and only 2 points, \i f{x) is of the 2d degree (Ex's. 15-18, Chap. II.); in 3 and only o points, if f{x) is of the 3d degree (Ex's. 19-23, Chap. II.); in 4 and only 4 points, if /(.<) is of the 4th degree (Ex's. 24-28, CuAP. II.), and specially illustrated by the line X/ X„ {Fig. 20), etc. 241, Scir. 2. — The fact that imaginary roots enter real equations in pairs is also beautifully illustrated by the loci of equations. Thus the equa- tion ^^— 3a; + 5=0 has two imaginary roots, and no real roots. Now, by ref- erence to Fig. 9 of the preceding chapter, we see that the locus of y='x'^—'dx + 5 does not cut the axis of abscissas at all ; i. «., that no real value of x will giveyi;a-)=0. But, if the equation were so modified as to make each ordinate only "V" less than it now is, /. ^., if y=x'^—Zx+"i^ we should have the same locus, but changed in position so as just to touch the axis of a*, as in c, thus giving f{x)—0 two real and equal roots. If, again, we wrote y—x:^—^x—"d, we should have the locus referred to the axis A"X", and /(ic) = would have two real and unequal roots. Thus we see, conversely, how two real, unequal roots can pass into two real and equal roots by a proper change in the equation, and how by a further change ttco equal real roots dlHajypear at a time, passing into two imaginary roots as the equation changes form. All that is necessary in this change in the form of the equation is a pro- jier change in the absolute term. Fig 32 Again, consider Fig. 14, and the corresponding equation y=a;''— 6.r*+ll.T— G. First we observe that as this locus cuts the axis of x three times, there are three real roots. Now cliange the absolute term —6 by allowing it to increase gradually, becoming —51, — 5^, —5, etc. We shall find that the axis of x moves down, and the two roots A d and A/ approach equality, first becoming equal Avhen the axis just touches the lowest point e of the curve, and tlien hoth hecoming imaginary together. Or, in conclusion, this matter is illustrated by the fact that whatever the degree of the equation /(.r)=0, if we construct the locus of y=f{x), we shall find that we can draw a straight line which will cut the curve in a number of points equal to the degree of the equation, and that if tlie line gradually moves from this positi(m so as to cut the curve in any less number of points, it will always be found first to run two intersections together, corresponding Y •\ J A X A X Y' 210 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. to a change of two unequal roots into two equal roots, and then drop out hoth these intersections, corresponding to the introduction of two imaginary- roots at a time. 24:2, I^rop. — If the equation f(x)=:0 has equal roots, the highest common divisor of f(x) and its differential coefficient* f (x), being 2nit equal to 0, co?istitutes an equation which has for its roots these equal roots, and ?io othe^ roots.\ Dem. — Let a be one of the m equal roots of f{x)=0, and let the other roots be b,c I; then/(a-)=(a'-rt)'" ix-b){x^c) . • . . {x- l){235). Differentiating (152) and dividing by dx, we have f\x)=m{x-aY'-^{x-b){x-c) - - - - {x-l) + {x-n)"' (x-c) (x- I) + - • . . . - + (x—a)" (x—b) (x—c) - - . . + etc. Now (a?— a)*-' is evidently the highest common divisor of f{x) and f\x), and {x—a)r~^ =0 is an equation having a for its root, and having no other. In a similar manner, if f{x)=0 has two sets of equal roots, so that f{x)=(r-a)'"{x-hyix~c){x-d) (x-l), diflFerentiating and dividing by dx, we have f'{x)=m{T-a)'--^x-by{x~c){x-d) {x-l)+{x-a)'^r{x-^by-\x-c) (x-d) (x-l) +(x-a)'^ (x--by (x-d) - ' ' - («— n)+(a;-rt)*(ar-6)''(«-c) - - - - {x-l)+-- • ^{x—ay"{x—by{x—c){x—d)- - - - 4- etc. Now the highest common divisor of /(x) and /'(a?) is evidently (x—a)"'-^{x—by-^. Putting this equal to 0, we have {x—a)''-^{x—by-^=0, an equation which is sat- isfied by x=a and x=b, and by no other values. Thus we may proceed in the case of any number of sets of equal roots. 243, ScH. — In searching for the equal roots of equations of high degree, it may be convenient to apply the process of the proposition several times. Thus, suppose that /(.r)=0 has m roots each equal to a, and r roots each equal to b. Then the highest common divisor of /(r) and f\x) is of the form {x—a)'*~^{;t^by~^\ whence (jr_a)'"~'(j?— &)'-'=0 is an equation having the equal roots sought. Therefore we can find the highest common divisor of {x—aT'^^x—bY'^ and its differential coefficient which will be of the form {x—a)''~^{x—by~^i and write {x—nY'~^(x—by-^z=0, as an equation containing the roots sought. This process continued will cause one of the factors (x—a) or (x—b) to disappear and leave ix—a)'*~'=Q, when m>r; {x—by~"'—0, when r> m ; or {x—a)(x—b)=0, when m—r. From any one of these forms we can readily determine a root. * The differential coefficient of a fnnrtion is sometimes called its first derived polynomial. t The student most not suppose that the roots o{J\x)=0, and its first differential coefficient /'(j')=0, are necessarily alike. f'(x)=& series of temu some of which may be + and some - , and which may destroy each other, so as to render/'(T)=0, Ibr other values of x than such as render /{z)=0, and not necessarily for any which do render /(aj)=0, except the equal roots of the latter. NUMERICAL HIGHER EQUATION?. 211 , 244, JProp. — In an equation f(x)=:0, f(x) icill change sigyi when X passes through any real root, if there is but one such root, or if there is an odd number of such roots ; but if there is an even number of such roots, f(x) will not change sign. Let a, b, r . • . . e hv the roots of f{T)=0, so that f{.i)={.v—n) (x—b) (x—c) (x—e)=0 {23t>). Conceive .i- to start with some value less than the least root, and continuously increase till it becomes greater than the greatest root. As long as .r is less than the least root, all the factors .v—a, x—b, etc., are nega- tive ; but w^hen = 0, we have a^—Aa*-\- Ba^— Cu-\- 1) = 0. Now changing the signs of the terms containing the odd powers of x, we have x^— Ax*— Bx^-\- Cx -\- D — 0. This is satisfied by a; = — a, if the former is by x = a. For, substituting — a for x, we have a^—Aa*+Ba^— Ca + D = 0, the same as in the first instance. 247* Cor. — Changing the signs of the terms containing the eve?i powers will answer equally well, since it amounts to the same thing; and if tee are careful to put the equation in the complete fortn, changing the signs of the alternate terms xciU accomplish the purpose, III. — The negative roots of a;^ — 7a; 4- 6 = 0, are the positive roots of — a;' 4- 7a; + 6 = 0, or of a;'— 7a; — 6 = (0 being considered an even exponent) ; or, writing the equation a;' ± Ox*— 7a; + 6 =0, changing the signs of alternate terms, and then dropping the term with its coeflBcient 0, we obtain the same result. Again, the negative roots of x*"— Ix^—rtx^-h 8a;'— 132a;* + 508a; — 240 = 0, are the positive roots of x'^+ Ix^—^x*— Sx^— 132a;*— 508a; — 240 = 0, or of - x^- 7x' + 5a;*+ 8a;'+ 132a;*+ 508a; + 240 = 0. 248. Prob. — To evaluate * f (x)/or any particular value of x, cw X = a, more expeditiously than by direct substitution. Solution.— As f{x) is of the form a?» + ^a?»-' + 5a;"-' + Ca;«-« - - - - L, let it l>e required to evaluate x* + Ax^-if Bx^+ Ox 4- D for x = a. Write the detached coefficients as below, with a at the right in the form of a divisor : thus 1 +^ +B +C +D \a_ a a*+Aa a^+Aa^+Ba a*+Aa^+Ba'^ + Ca a+A a* + Aa+B a*-\-Aa* -{-Ba+C a*+Aa^-]-Ba^ + Ca+l) * This means to find the value of. Thus, snppose we want to find the value of a;6-53?'' + 8iC*-8a?»+ 6a;«-x- 18, fora; = .5. We might pubptitnte 5 forr, of conrpc, and accomplish the end. Bui there is a more expeditious way, as the solution of ihis probletn ^ill show. NUMERICAL HIGHER EQUATIONS. 213 Having written the detaclied coefficients, and the quantity a for which f{x) is to be eviiluated as directed, multiply the first coefficient 1 by a, write the result under the second, and add, giving a + A. Multiply this sum by a, write the product under the third coefficient B, and add, giving a^ + Aa + B. In like manner continue till all the coefficients (including the absolute term, which is the coefficient of x^) have been used, and we obtain a^+ Aa-^+ Ba^+ Ca + D, which is the value of f{x) for x = a. Illustration.— To evaluate x^—5x'^+ 2x^— 3x^+ Qx^ — x — 12, for x = 5t -5 +2 -3 +6 -1 -12 1 5 5 10 35 205 1020 2 7 41 204 1008 he value of x^ — ■5x'+2x*- .'dx'+Qx^-x- 12, for a; =.5; and it is? easy to see that much labor is saved by this process. "We arc now prepared for the solution of the following important practical problem : 240, I^vob, — To find the commeiimirahle roots of numerical higher equations. The solution of this problem we will illustrate by practical examples. Examples. 1. Find the commensurable roots of re*— 2a;''— 15.r^+ 8a:'+ 68a; + 48 = 0, if it has any. Solution. — By (232), if this equation has any commensurable roots they are integral : — it can have no fractional roots. Again, by (230), the roots of this equation with their signs changed are fac- tors of 48. Now, the integral factors of 48 are 1, 2, 8, 4, C, 8, 12, 16, 24, 48. Hence, if the equation has commensurable roots, they are some of these num- bers, with either the -f or — sign. We will, therefore, proceed to evaluate fix) (t. e., in this case x'^-2x*- 15.r '-l- Sx^+ (iSx + 48), ior x= + l,x= — 1, x= -\-2,x= —2, etc., by {248), as follows : 1 -2 -15 + 8 +68 +48 [ +1 1 _ 1 _16 - 8 60 -1 -16 - 8 60 108 Hence we see that for x= + 1, f{x) = 108, and +1 is not a root of f{x) = 0. Trying x = — 1, we have 1 -2 -15 + 8 +68 +48 | -1_ -1 3 12 -20 -48 -3 -12 20 48 Thus we see that for a; = — l,f{x) — 0, and hence that — 1 is a root of our equ*. tion. 214 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. We might now divide /(a*) by .r-t-1 {2:il) and reduce the degree of the equa- tion by unity. But it will be more expeditious to proceed with our trial. Let us therefore evaluate/(.r) for .v= +2. Thus : 1 _2 -15 +8 +C8 +48 I +2 2 -30 -44 +48 -15 -22 24 9G Hence for x= +2, f{x)=dQ, and +2 is not a root. Trying x=—2, we have 1 -2 -15 + 8 +08 +48 I -2 -2 8 14 -44 -48 -4-7 22 24 Hence for x- —2,f{x)=0, and —2 is a root. Trying x=+S, we have 1 _2 -15 + 8 +08 +48 1 +3 8 3-30 -84 -48 1 -12 -28 -10 Hence for x = +o, f{x)=0, and +3 is a root. Trying x= —3, we have 1 -2 -15 + 8 +08 + 48 1 -3 -3 15 -24 -132 -5 8 44 - 84 Hence for x= -S,f{x)zz-S4, and -3 is not i !i root. Tryi ing ar=4, we 1 1 _2 -15 + 8 +08 + 48 1 4» 4 8 -28 -80 -48 2 - 7 -20 -12 Hence for x=4,f{x)=0, and 4 is a root. We have now found four of the roots, viz., —1, —2, 3, and 4. Their product with their signs changed is 24. Hence, by {2:i0) 48-s-24=2 is the otlier root with its sign changed, i. e. there are two roots —2. That our equation had equal roots could have been ascertained by the princi- ple in {242) ; but as the process of finding the H. C. D. is tedious, it is generally best to avoid it in practice. 2 to 12. Find the roots of tlie following : (2.) 0^ - rc» - 39.7-' + Ux + 180 = ; (3.) x" + ox' - 9x- - 45 = ; (4.) a:* + 2a:* - 23.r - 00 = ; (5.) a^ - 3.4-^ - Ux' 4- 48.T - 32 = ; (6.) x' -Sx' + 13.7:- G = 0; * Of course it it* not iieccHsary to relaui the -f- sign, as we have done in the preceding opera- tions: it has been done simply for emphasis. NUMERICAL HIGHEIi EQUATIONS. 215 (7.) a;^ - Ux' + 18a; - 8 = ; * (8.) x^ - Sx' + 6.r^ -3x^ — Sx -\- 2 = 0; (9.) x' — I'dx* + Glx"" - 171a;' + 21Ga; — 108 = ; (10.) x' - 45ar^ - 40a; + 84 = ; (11.) x^ — 3:c* - 9a;^ + 'ilx' - 10a; + 24 = ; (12.) x'-W + 11a;* - Tx' + 14a;^ - 28a; + 40 = 0. 13 to 20. Apply the process for finding equal roots (242 ^ 243) to the following : (13.) x"" + S.c' + 20a; + 16 = 0; (14.) x" - a;'- 8a; + 12 = ; (15.) x' - ox' - 8a; + 48 = ; (16.) u^ - lla;^ + 18a; - 8 = •, (17.) X* + 13x^ + 3dx' + 31a; + 10 = ; (18.) x' - 13x* + 67a.'=* - 171a;^ + 216a; - 108 = 0; (19.) x' + 3ar^ - 6x* - Gx^ + 9a;^ + 3a; - 4 = ; (20.) a;'+ 5a;''4- 6ar^- Qx'- lox'- 3x'+ Sx + 4 = 0. (See 243.) 21 to 27. Having found all but two of the roots of each of the fol- lowing by (248), reduce the equation to a quadratic by (231), and from this quadratic find the remaining roots : (21.) u^ - Qx' + lOa; - 8 = ; (22.) a.-* - 4a;^ - 8a; + 32 = ; (23.) ar' - 3.a;2 + a; + 2 = ; (24.) x' - (jx^ + 24a; -16 = 0; (25.) x' - 12ar' + 50:c^ - 84a; + 49 = ; f (26.) a-* - 9ar» + 17a;^ + 27a; - 60 = ; (27.) x' - 4a;* - 16:6-^ + 112ar' - 208a; + 128 = 0. 28 to 34. Apply the processes of (228) to reduce the following io the form x* + Jia;""* + Bx""^ + (7a;"~^ L = 0, before searchmg for roots : {^^^j 2ar^ - 3a;' + 2a; - 3 = ; t * In order to apply the process of evaluation, the coofflcieuts of the missing powers must be Bupplicd. Thus we have 1 +0 - 11 + 18 -S. t Apply the method for fliiding equal roots. The method of trial based upon {230) as applied by {248) is likely to lead to much unnecessary work when there are several equal roots, and all the others incommensurable. $ Wehavea:»-|ar2+ar-^=0. Putar=|, whence l^-gj^y* + ^y-g=0,orya_ — y2 +^2y - — = 0. If now i=2, we have y3 -3y«-f 4y-12=0, which can be solved as before, for one value, of y.and the equation then reduced to a quadratic and solved for the other values. Finally, remembering that a:= , J y, we have the values of a; required. 216 ADVANCED COUKSE IN ALGEBUA. (29.) 3a:* — 2ar' _ 6a; + 4 = ; (30.) 8^ - 2Gx' + 11a; + 10 = 0; (31.) .r* — ia; + 3^ = ; (Look out for equal roots.) (32.) x'-63^+ OJa;'' - 3a: + 4i = ; (33.) X 19a; (34.) / ■y-?- 403a;- a;' - 3a; + 22 ~i = n- + ^) 250. By means of the ])roperty exhibited in (235) produce the equations whose roots are given in the following ex^jimples : 1. Roots 1, -3, 4. 2. Roots ^2, —a/2, —1, 3. 3. Roots 1, 2, 2, -3, 4. 4. Roots -3, 2 + \/^, 2-a/^1. 5. Roots 3, —2, —2, —2, 1. 6. Roots |, J, -|. 7. Roots l=b\/i:2, 2=fcA/^. 8. Roots li, 2, ^3, -V3. 9. Roots a/— ^, — a/^, a/5, 10. Roots 10, -13, i, 1. 11. Roots 3-2a/3, 3 + 2a/3", 2-3a/^, 2 + 3a/^, 1, -1. SECTION IL SOLUTION OF NUMERICAL HIGHER EQUATIONS HAVING REAL, INCOMMENSURABLE, OR IRRATIONAL ROOTS. 251. As all equations having real roots have real coefficients* (237), and as all such can be reduced to the form a;" + ^af"* + i5af "' + Ca;""' - - - - 2/ = 0, which we represent by f(x) = (229), we shall consider this as the typical form. Moreover, since, if an equation of this character has equal roots, they can be deter- mined by (242, 243), and the degree of the equation depressed by (231), we need only to consider the case in which /(a*) = has no equal roots. * This Is evident from the fact that f(x)={x-a) (x-b) (x—c) - - - - (a*-n)=0. In which if a, 6, c, - • - - n are real, no ima]^nary quantity will be fonnd in the product of the binomials. 217 2S2, The best general method of approximating the real, incom- mensurable roots of such equations, is : 1st. To lind the number and situation of such roots by Sturm's Theorem and the method based on it. 2d. Having found the first figure or figures of such a root by Sturm's method, to carry forward the approximation to any re- quired degree of accuracy by Horner's method of approxima- tion. These methods we will now proceed to develop. Sturm's Theorem and Method. 253, Sturm's Theorem is a theorem by means of which we are enabled to find the 7iumher and sitiiatwn of the real roots of any numerical equation with a single unknown quantity, real and rational coefficients, and without equal roots.* III. — Thus, if we have the equation a;^— 7a; + 7 = 0, Sturm's Theorem enables us to determine that it has three real roots, i. e., that all its roots are real. It also enables us to ascertain that one root lies between 1.3 and 1.4, anotlier between 1.6 and 1.7, and the third between —3 and —4. Hence it shows us that the roots are 1.3+ , 1.G+, and —3. with a decimal fraction. 254, ScH. — Of course it follows from the above that if the equation has commensurable (227) roots, Sturm's Theorem will enable us to find them, or even when the roots are not commensurable, it will enable us to find any number of initial figures. Thus in the equation x^ — Ix + 7 = 0, we might by Sturm's Theorem find that the first root is 1.35689+ ; but it would be too tedious an operation to be of any practical utility, as will appear hereaf- ter. Wc use this theorem only to find one or two of the initial figures, or, enough of the figures to enable us to distinguish between (separate) the roots. Thus, if wc had an equation /(a) = 0, of which two roots were 2.356873+ and 2.3569564, we might use Sturm's Theorem to find the first five figures of each root, i. €., to distinguish between (separate) the roots; but this is not the l>e8t practical method, as will appear hereafter, 255, The Sturmian Functions of /(.r) = (v/hich has no equal roots) are functions obtained by treating f{x) and its first differential coefficient f'{x), as in the process of finding their H. C. D., except that -in the process we must not multiply or divide by a negative quantity, and the signs of the several remainders must be * If the equation which we wish to solve has equal roots, Ihoy can be discpverpfl by {242, 34itj, and the degree of the cqiiatiou reduced by (liyi.>^ipji. HM advanced coukse in algebra. changed before they are used as divisors. These remainders with their signs changed are the Sturmian Functions.''^ III.— Let the equation f{x) = be *^ — 4x* — a; + 4 = 0. The first differential coefficient of ;c^ — 4.«* — .c + 4 is 3x* — 8^- — 1. Dividing x^ — Ax'^ — .r -f 4 by 3.g«_ 8i^ _ ]^ first multiplying the former by 3 to avoid fractions,! exactly as in the process of finding the H. C D., we find the first remainder of lower degree tlian our divisor to be — XSix + 16, Hence 19jj — 16 is the first Sturmian Fhinc- tion of x^ — 4j:* — x-\-A. Again, dividing '6x^— 8aj + 1 by 19a; — 16 (introducing puch constant factors as necessary), we find the next remainder to be — 2025. Hence 2025 is the second Sturmian Function of x^— Ax* — x + 4. 2oG, Wofation, — As the function which constitutes the first member of our equation is represented by f(x), and its first differ- ential coefficient by f'{x), we shall represent the Sturmian Func- tio7is by fi(x)f /i(:i')> /3(^)> ^tc, read "/sub 1 function of x" "/sub 2 function of ar," etc., or simply " function sub 1," " function sub 2," etc. 2S7> In any series of quantities distinguished as + and — , a succession of two like signs is called a Permanence of signs, and a succession of two unlike signs a Variation. III. — In the function x^ — 3j''' — 2j-* + a'' + x* -\- fix — A, the signs of the terms are + -- + + + -. The first and second constitute a variation ; the second and third a perma- nence ; the third and fourth a variation ; the fourth and fifth a permanence ; the fifth and sixth a permanence ; and the sixth and seventh a variation. Thus, in this case, there are three permanences and three variations of signs. So also if we have f{x) = a;' - Ix*' + 13ar3+ ^* _ i^jj + 4, fix) = 5a;* - 28a;-»+ 39a;«+ 2a; - 16, /,(ar) = 1 l.c^ - 4ac« + 51a; + 2, /,(a;) = 3a;='-8a: + 4, /3(a-) = a;-2, A{x)=0. For X = 0, fix) = + 4, or f{x) is + ; f\x) is - ; /.(a-) is + ; /,(a;) is + ; fi{x) is — ; and f^{x) being 0, its sign is not considered. Hence the series of signs of these functions, for a; = 0, is + — + + — ; and has three variations and one permanence. * I have thought it best not to include /(x) and f'{x) under the term- Sturmian Functions. There seems to be no propriety in iiidudini,' them, ina:*much as they are not peculiar to Stnnn's method ; and by excluding them an important distinction is marked. t We introduce or reject constant factors, just as in finding the H. C. D., only vvc may not introduce or reject n^^o^tu^ factors, since the su/ns are an essential thinj; in these functions, and to multiply or divide by a negative number would change the signs of the functions. STURM S THEOREM AND METHOD. 219 For ar = 1, we find f{x), - ; f\x), + ; f,{x), + ; f,{x), - ; and f^{x), - ; the series of signs being - + h . This gives two variations and two per- manences. 258. Prop.—Li the series of functions f(x), f'(x), f,(x), f,{x), f3(x), f4(x), f5(x) f„(x), when f (x) — has no equal roots, if X be conceived to pass through all possible real values, that is, to vary continuously, from — oo to +qo , there loill be no change in the number of variations and permanences in the signs of the functions, except when X jxJ^ses through a root of f{x) =0; and when it does pass through such a root, there loiU be a loss of one variation, and only ojie,* Dem. — 1st. Any change in x which does not cause some one of the functions to vanish, cannot cause any change in the signs of the functions ; for no function can change its sign without passing through or oo , and from the form of the functions which we are considering, they cannot be go for any finite value of x. (These functions are all of the form Ax'' + Hx"-'^ + Cx~'^ L.) 2d. No tijoo consemitive functions can vanish, i. e., become 0, for the same value of J.. For, in the process of producing the Sturmian functions f rom /(.t) and f\x), let the several quotients be represented by q, q', q", q"\ q^^, etc. ; whence, by the principles of division, we have f{^)=f'{^)q -Mx), (1) f'{x)^f,{x)q' -f,{a^ (2) A(^)=A{-i')q" ~f.(^), (3) A{^)=fA^yr-A{x), (4) Ux)=f\{x)q^--f,{x), (5) etc., etc., etc. Now, if possible, suppose that some value of x, sls x = a, renders two consecutive functions, as fii-i-) and fi{x) each ; that is, that they vanish simultaneously. Then, since from (4) we have f^ix) =fAx)q"' — fi{x), fi{x) = 0. So, also, from (5), fsix) =f*{x)q''' — fi{x), and f^ix) = 0. Thus, as a consequence of the simul- taneous vanishing of any two consecutive functions, we could show that all the functions would vanish. But as, by hypothesis, f{x) and /'(•'') have no common divisor containing x, the last remainder found by the process of finding the H. C. D. cannot contain x, and hence cannot vanish for any value of x. It is therefore impossible that any two consecutive functions of the series should vanish for the same value of x {i. e., simultaneously). 3d. }V7i€n any one of the functions, except f (x), vanishes for a particular value * This is the sabstancc, though not the exact form, of the celebrated theorem discovered by M. Sturm in 1829, and for which he received the mathematical prize of the French Academy of Sciences in 1S34. It is certainly one of the most elegant discoveries in algebraic anal}>is made iu modern times. It is a masterpiece of logic, and a monument to tlie sagacity of its di>coverer. The original memoir containing this theorem is found in the "Memoires prescntes par divert Bftvants a 1' Academic des Sciences," Tom. VI., 1835. 220 ADVANCED COUKSE IN ALGEBRA. of X, the adjacent functions have opposite signs for this value. Thus, if f^ix) is for X = b, we have, from {i),fs{i) = — /4(-f). *• «•» the adjacent functions, neither of which can vanisli for tliis value (2d), liave opposite signs. 4th. When any value of x, as x = c, causes any function except f (x) to vanish, the number of variations and peiinanences of the signs of the functions is the satne for the jtreceding and the succeeding values ofs.,!. e.,for x = c — h and x = c + h, h being an infinitesimal. Tlius, let x = c render fi{^) — ; then, since the adja- cent functions liave opposite signs for this value of x, we have either +fi{x), 0, — /4W. or —fi{x), 0, +f4{x), i.e., +, 0, — , or — , 0, -t- (3d). Again, as neither of tliese adjacent functions vanishes for x = c (3d), neither of them can change eign as x passes through e (1st). But fzix) may or may not change sign as x passes through c {244) ; hence its signs may be 4^, =, ± , or T , the upper sign representing the sign of /3(.e) just before x reaches c, and the lower its sign just after it passes, i. c., for x = c — h, and x=z e+ h, re8i>ectively. Hence all tlio clianges in signs which can occur are represented thus: + ^ —, -\- = —, + ± — , 4- T — , — ^ +, — = +, — ± +, and — T +. These taken in any way give simply one permanence and one variation. Jlenee there can he no change in the number of variations and permanences of the signs of t?ie functions, consequent upon the vanishing of any intermediate function. 5th. We are ixott to examine what changes, if any, arc; produced in the num- ber of variations and permanences by tlie vanishing of an extreme function. And in the first place we repeat that the last function cannot vanish for any value of X, as it does not contain x. We have then to examine only the case in which /(r) vanishes, i. e., when x passes through any root of f{x) = 0. For this purpose let us develop f(x + h) by Taylor's Formula, considering 7i an infinitesi- mal. Thus, fix + h) =f{x) +fXc)h +/"(^) Y 4- /'"(.r) ^^ 4- etc. Now let r be any root of f{x) = 0, and substitute in this development r for x ; whence /(r + h) =/(r) +r{r)h ^f'\r) ^ + f"\r) ^ + etc. As r is a root of f{x) = 0, /(?•) = ; and as h is an infinitesimal, the terms con- taining its higher powers may be dropped {lUlf and foot-note). Thur we have /(r 4- A) = f'{r)h. Hence, as A is 4-, we see that f{r 4- h), that is the function just after x passes a root, has the same sign as f'{r), i. e. f'(x) when a; is at a root. But as /'(r) does not vanish when x = r (3d), f'{r — h), f'{r), and fir 4- A) have the same signs.* Again, since, by hypothesis, f{x) = has no equal roots, it changes sign wlien x passes through a root {244), i. e., f{r — h) and f{r 4- /<) have different signs. Thus, as f{x) and f'{v) have like signs just after x has passed a root, and /(/) changes sign in passing, while f'{x) does not, these functions have unlike signs just l^efore x reaches a root,f and what was a variation in signs becomes a permanence ; that is, a variation is lost. * That 18, the first differential coefficient of /(r) docs not change sign when x pasecs through arootof /(x)=0. t From this we see that the roots of /'(x)=0 are intermediate between those of /(a;)=0, BJncc if a, 6, and c arc roots of fix)—'), in the order of their niaguitudcs, just before x reaches^* Sturm's theorem and method. 221 Finally, as we have before shown that as x passes through all values from — 00 to 4- oo , there can be no change in any of the functions except /(.i) which will affect the number of variations and permanences in the signs of the func- tions, there is only one variation lost when x passes through any root of /(.*■).— 0. 250. Cor. 1. — To ascertain the number of real roots of the equa- tion f (x) = 0, ice substitute in f (x), f '(x), f,(x), i,{x) f„(x^),* — 00 for X, and note the number of variations of sig^is. Then sub- stitute + CO for X, and note the number of variations. The excess of the 7iumber of variations in the former case over that in the latter indicates the number of real roots of the equation. This is a direct consequence of the proposition, since as x increases from — oo , there is no change in the number of variations of the signs of the functions ex- cept when X passes through a root ; and every time that it does pass through a rrmt one variation is lost, and only one. But in passing from — oo to + x> , x l)asses through all real values. Hence the excess of the number of variations for a; = — 00 over the number for a; = -+- oo is equal to the total number of real roots. 200* Cor. 2. — To ascertahi how many real roots of f (x) = lie between any two numbers as a and b, substitute the less of the two numbers in f(x), i'{\), f)(x), f.(x), etc., and note the number of vari- ations of siyns. Then substitute the greater and note the nxmiber of variations. The excess of the number of variations in the former case over that in the latter indicates the number of real roots betioeen the numbers a and b. This appears from the proposition in the same manner as Cor. 1. 201, Sen. — Since the total number of roots of an equation corresponds to the degree of the equation (234), if we ascertain as above the number of rml roots in any given equation, the number of imaginary roots is known by implication. 262, JProb. — To compute the numerical values of f (x), f '(x), fj(x), f2(x), etc.^ i.e., of any function of x for any particxdar value of X, when the function is of the form Ax" + Bx""* + Cx""' 4- Dx"-' P. Solution. — Of course this can be done by merely substituting the proposed value of X in the function. But there is a more elegant and expeditious way, which we proceed to exhibit. root rt, /(J?) and /'(x) have different signs, and just ajttr, they have like signs. But just before X reaches 6, /(x) and /'(r) have unlike t?igns, and as /(x) cannot have changed sign, the sign of /'(r) must have changed; i.e., x must have passed through a root of /'(a;)=0, in passing from a to h. In like manner it may be shown that a root of fm lies between each two com- secntive roots of /(j-)=0. This makes f'{x)^^ have one root les>^ than /(a;)=0, as it should. * By this notation Is meant the wth or last of the Stnrmian Juncticms, in which x does not appear; or, what is the same thintr, that in which the exponent of x \> 0. ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. Thus, let it be required to evaluate Ax'^ -\- Bx* -\- Cx^ + Bx^ -\- Ux + F for X = a. Multiply A hy a and add the product to B. Multiply this sum by a and add the product to C. Multiply this sum by a and add the product to J). Continue this operation till all the coefficients have been involved and the abso- lute term added. The last sum is the value of the function when a is substi- tuted for X, as will appear from considering the following : a Aa + B a Aa* + Ba+ ... a Aa' + Ba* jfVa + D a Aa* + Ba* + C'a* -\-lJa + B a Aa"- + Ba* + (Ja^ + Ba* -\- Ea + F. This is evidently the value of the function when a is substituted for x. N. B. — 1. If the function is not complete, i. e., if it lacks any of the succes- sive powers of r, rare must be taken to supply the lacking coefficients with O's. Thus the coefficients of x* — 2j** -+- 5 are to be considered aa 1 , 0, — 2, 0, and 5 (which may be called the coefficient of a*"). 2. When the numbers involved are small the operation can be performed mentally. Ex. 1. Evaluate 'ZbW - 312a:» + 1553x - 5247865 for x = 342. OPERATION. 175164 350328 262746 29953044 1553 29954597 342 59909194 119818388 8980 3791 10244472174 - 524786.5 10239224309 The value required. Sturm's method. 223 Ex. 2. Evaluate a^ — Sx" + bx — 20 for x = 2, performing the operation mentally. Examples of the Use of Sturm's Method. 1. Find the number and situation of the real roots of a;' — 4:X* - 6a; + 8 = 0. Sug's. — If the student has attended carefully to what precedes, he will have no difficulty in determining that f(x) = x^ — 4x^ -Qx + S; fix) = Sx^ -Sx-Q; /.(rc) = 172^-12; and /j(a;") = 1467. Now, for ;r = - 00 , we have /(a?) -, f'(x) +, /,(.t) -, and fi(x^) +; i. c.,the signs of the functions are 1 h. There are therefore three variations. Again, when x= + oo , the signs are + + + +, giving no variations. Hence the number of real roots is 3 — = 3 ; i. e., they are all real. To find the situation of tfiese roots we observe that for x = 0, the signs of the functions are H h, giving two variations, or one less than — c- gives. Hence there is one root between — oo and ; i. e., one negative root. The other two must of course be positive. We will first seek the situation of this negative root. Evaluate by {2G2). For X = 0, the signs of the functions are H 1-. " x= -\, « " " " " -f. 4- _ 4-. " a; = - 2, " " " " " - H +.* Hence, as one variation is lost when x passes from — 2 to — 1, there is one root between — 1 and — 2 ; i. c, the negative root is — 1 and a fraction. In like manner seeking the situation of the positive roots, evaluating the functions by (202), we have For X = 0, the signs -\ (- , 2 variations. '* x=l, " " + +, 1 « x = 2, " " 4- +, 1 « a; = 3, " " + +, 1 " a; = 4, " " — + + +, 1 " .r = 5, " " -f- + + +, * The evaluation of thcpc functions is most elegantly and oxpeditiouply cfTected by (262). Thus for x=-2 we have 1 -4 -0 + 8 1^ 3 - S -6 I -2 -2 Vi -U - 6 28 -6 6 - 4=f(x) -14 a2=/'(a;) When the value of x for which we arc cvalnatina is small, and the coefficients also small, this process can be carried on mentally without writing, and should be so done. 224 ADVANCED COURSE IN AL(;EEKA. Therefore, as ono variation is lost wlien x passes from to 1 , there is one root between and 1, ?*. e., an incommensurable decimal. Again, one variation is lost when X passes from 4 to 5 ; lience the other root lies between 4 and 5, or is 4 and an incommensurable decimal. 2(iS, Sen. 2. — It is usually unnecessary to find fn{x") (the last of tlie Stunniun functions), since its sign, which is all that is important, can be detennined by inspection from tlie next to the last function and the pre- ceding divisor. Thus, if we were to divide ar' -h 22.C — 102 by 122x — 393, first multiplying the former by 122, it would be clear that the remainder would be —, .without going through the operation. Hence /«(«") would be +. 2 to 7. Find the number and situation of the real roots of the following : (2.) a:' -f 6a:' + 10a; - 1 = 0; (5.) ar* - 2a;^ + a:^ - 8a; + 6 = 0; (3.) ar' - 6a;' + 8a; 4- 40 = 0; (6.) .a;^ - 4ar' + a;' + 6a; + 2 = 0; (4.) a;* _ 4a;» - 3a; + 23 = 0; (7.) a;* + 2a;' + 17a;' - 20a; + 100 = 0. 264, ScH. 3. — In case the equation has equal roots, we shall detect them in the process of producing the Stumiian functions, since in such a case the division will become exact at some stage of the process, and the last Stur- mian function will be 0. Having thus discovered that the equation has equal roots, we might divide out the factors containing them, and then ope- rate on the depressed equation as above for the unequal roots. But it is not necessary to depress the degree of the equation, since the several Stur- mian functions will have the same variations of signs in either case for any particular value of a*. This arises from the fact that the common divisor of f{x) and f'{x)y which contains the equal roots, is a factor of each of the Sturmian functions, and hence its presence or absence will not affect their signs for any particular value of x if the common factor is -H for this value, and will change the signs of all if it is — ; but in either case the variations of signs will not be affected. 8. Find the number and situation of the unequal real roots of ar* — 6a;* -f 7.r* + 22a;' — GOx -f- 40 = 0, without depressing the equa- tion. Bug's. — Forming the required functions, we have f{x) = ar» - (xc* + Zv^ + 22j;* - OO.r + 40 ; / '{x) = 5x* - 24e=» H- 21«* + 44c - CO ; fi{x) = dlx^ - 228aJ« + 4C8a; - 320 ; fi{x) = a;* - 4a? + 4 ; Now fii^x) is a factor of f{x), /'(«), and fi{x), and removing it from fUl, we STURM'S METHOD. 225 shall have the following functions, which nxay be used instead of the Sturmian functions derived from the depressed equation : f\a:) = 6x'' - 4x-15; /,(«) = 37a; -80; Hence, since the signs of these two sets of functions evaluated for any particular value of X will be the same, either set may be used at pleasure. Thus either set gives For X z= — CO , 1 \-; and for a* = + 00 , + -f- + -)_. Therefore there are two unequal real roots of f{x) = ; and from the existence of the factor {x —2)* mf{x) and /'(a;), we know that there are three equal roots, each 2. The situation of the unequal roots can now be found as before. 9 to 12. Find th6 number and situation of the real roots of the following : (9.) x^ - "^x* + ISar' + Ux' _ 66a; + 72 = 0; (10.) a^ - ISx" - 28a;'^ + 2^x -f 48 = 0; (11.) a^ - 4.0^ -h x' + 'ZOx + Id = 0; (12.) a^ - lOa^ + 6x -{- 1 = 0. 265, ScH. 4. — Elegant as the method of Sturm is, and perfectly as it accomplishes its object, the labor of producing the functions required and evaluating them, especially wlien the roots are large and widely separated, is so great as to deter us from its use when less laborious methods will serve the purpose. In a great majority of practical cases in which there are no equal roots^ the 2>rinciple that f (x) changes sign when x passes through a root of f (x) = wiU enahle ns to determine the situation of the roots with far less bdior than Stui^i^s Theorem. Often a simple inspection of the equation will determine the near value of a root. Methods are usually given for ascertaining the limits (as they are improperly called) of the roots of an equation, from the coefficients. But these are of little practical value.* ♦ For example, the two following, which are most frequently given : 1. In any equation the greatest negative coefficient •i'Vh Hs dan changed and ina^ased by unity is a auPERion limit of (he roots. 2. In any equation unity added to that root of the greatest v>egatlve coefficient with its sign changed, whose index is equal to the difference of the expomnts of the first term, and the first nega- tive term is a pupkuior limit. Now consider tho equation x''^ j- a?' -500=0. By the fir.-'t rule the superior limit of a root is 501, and by the second v/50b + 1, or 23 + . Now the fact is, the greatest root is 7.6 + . Again, by 1, the superior limit of the roots of a;* -3a;« -48x-72=0 is 73 ; and by 2 it is the same. But the greatest root is 9. 4-1 7 56 -500 392 ij: 8 56 -103, i.e., fix) is-. +1 8 72 -500 j 576 _8 9 72 76, i.e., /(aj)is-f. 22*5 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGKBIIA. 13. Find by inspection, and also by Sturm's method, ilie situation of tiie roots of the equation a:* + a;* — 500 = 0. Sug's. — Ijet the student apply Sturm's method. The following is a solution by inspection : 3 3. Since x = r 500 — x^, there is a + root less than r 500, or less than 8. Now, trying 7, we have Trying 8, There is therefore a root between 7 and 8. Also from the "elation t = r 500— .«*, or from the operations above, we see that there is no other positive root ; since fix) evaluated for any positive quan- tity less than 7 would certainly be — , and for anything greater than 8, -f. Finally, that there can be no negative root is evident, since r 500— «' cannot be negative until sc' > 500, but then r 500— «• < y—x*, and v—x* is always < X. Hence for x negative we can never have x = y 500 — «*. Tlierefore our equation has one real and two imaginary roots. Note.— The advantage of this method of inspection over Sturm's method, in this case, will not be fully seen unless the student observes that all this can be done mentally, without writing a single figure. 14. Find by inspection, and also by Sturm's method, the number and situation of the real roots of a:' + a;' + rr — 100 = 0. Suo's. — A mere glance should show that there can be but one positive root, and that that is less than 5. In like manner writing x-^ — x* + x + 100 = 0, or X* + X + 100 = ar*, we see that no positive value of x can satisfy the equation; for when x is less than 1, of course the first member is greater than the second, and when x is greater than 1, x* itself is greater than «*. 15. Find, by inspecting the changes of sign of f(x) for varying viilues of X, the situation of the roots of ar' — 3:r — 1 = 0, and also by Sturm's method. 16. Find by inspection the situation of the roots of ar' — 22a; - 24 = 0. Sug's. — Writing x{x^ — 22) = 24, we see that any positive value of x which satisfies this must make x^ > 22, that is, must be greater than 4. But 5 makes x(x* — 22) = 15, and 6 makes it 84. Moreover, it is evident that no number STURM'S METHOD. 227 greater than C will satisfy the o<] nation. Seeking for negative roots, we write x^-22x + 24: = 0; and then x{.ir - 22) = - 24. To satisfy this, x^ must be less than 22, or ^ < 5. For x = 0, f(x) is +; for « = 1, /(x) is +; for a; = 2, /(.r) is — . Hence a root of the given equation between — 1 and —2. Finally, for x — 'd, /(.r) is — ; but for x = 4, f{x) = 0. Hence a root of the given equation is —4. 17. Determine the situation of the roots of x'— 10a;' -f- C)x + 1 = 0, by examining the changes of sign of f{x). SuG's.— For a; r= 0, f(x) is +; for a; = 1, f{x) is -; for a; = 2, f{x) is -; for ^ — 'S, f{x)ia — ; for a; = 4, f(x) is +; and will evidently remain +, as x ad- vances beyond 4. This is seen from the following : 1 -10 +6 +1 I 4 4 16 24 +96 408 4 ^ 24 102 409 Now any positive number greater than 4 would destroy the —10 in this pro- cess, and give the sum at that point greater than 6, and hence the aggregate would rapidly increase. Thus notice, when 3 is substituted, we have 1 -10 +0 +1 |_3^ n 9 -3 -9 -9 3 _ 1 _3 __:] _8 Now 3 is not large enough to destroy the —10; but every number larger than 4 will destroy it. To examine for negative roots we write x^— 10a; '4- 6a; — 1 = 0. In this, for x = 0, f{x) is -; for x= 1, f(x) is — ; for x = 2, f{x) is -; for a; = 3, /(a-) is — ; but for a; = 4, and all numbers greater than 4,/(.r) is +. We have now found that there are certainly three roots between — 4 and -4- 4, and none beyond these limits either way. But it is not safe to conclude that the other tioo roots are imaginary. The fact is, they are not. How, then, are we to find them ? Sturm's method is thought to possess particular advantage in saving us from such erroneous conclusions, and enabling us to find the eituation of all the real roots with infallible certainty. And certainly it does do this ; but let us see if we cannot do it, in this instance at least, as readily without that method. It will be observed that wo know only that — 3 is the initial figure of one root, and + 3 of another. The initial digit of the root between and -(- 1 we have not found. Let us seek it. For a; = 0, f{x) is + ; and by trying a; = .1, x = .2, we should at once see that /(a;) changes very slowly, and as when a; = 1, f{x) is only — 2, we should be led to try numbers near 1. Trying x =.8, we would find that f{x) is +, and for x =.9, /(a?) is — . Hence .8 is the initial figure of the root lying between and + 1. We now know the initial figures of three of the roots. But where are the other two roots ? If they are real we know that they lie between — 4 and + 4. as we have seen above that no root can lie beyond these limits. Moreover, aa the function changes value rapidly beyond 1, and slowly between — 1 and 1. i« 228 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. would naturally Ik^ suggested that there may be two changes of sign between and + 1, or and — 1. Evaluating f{x) = x'^ — 10^ ' -t- Oc + 1 for .1, .2, .3, etc.. we soon see that it will not change sign for values of x between and + i. Evaluating f{x) = x^ — 10.f' + ftr — 1 for .1, .2, .3, etc., we find that the other roots are between and — 1, and that their initial digits are —.1 and —.6. 18 to 23. Find by inspection, by the change in sign of /(x), or by Sturm's method, the number and situation of the real roots of the following : (18.) .r'- ^x'- 4tx + 11 = 0; (19.) ar'-2a:-5 = 0; (20.) X* - 4.r' - 3.r + 23 = ; (21.) .r'' + 11a;' - 102.c + 181 = 0; (22.) x'-llx' -^ 54.r = 350 ; (23.) x^ + 2x' + 3.r - 13089030 = 0.* 206. Sen. 5. — If we have an equation in which, when cleared of frac- tions, the coefficient of the highest power of ac is not unity, it may be trans- formed by {22S) into one having such coefficient. But thi^ it not necessary in order to the application of Sturm's method^ as it is not required by anything in the demonstration of that theorem that the coefficients should be integral, 24 to 31. Find l)y Sturm's method the number and situutiou of the real roots of the following: (24.) 2.r' + 3a:'- 4a: - 10 = ; (28.) 3.*:*- 4.c' + 2x - 1000 r^ ; (25.) x"- 18^.c + 20,5^3^ = ; t (29.) Ix'- 83:c + 187 = ; (26.) %3^- 36a:' + 4G.c -15 = 0; (30.) x"- lf.6'- Ifa: = 440 ; (27.) 4a:'- 12a:' -h 1 l.r - 3 = ; (31.) x^- \x'- |a: = 312. Horner's Method of Solution.^ 207, Horner's method of solving numerical equations is a method of finding the incommensurable roots of such equations to any re- • Observe that neglecting the termei 2a:' + Sx, which, since x is larjjc, arc small as compared with x', we liavu x3 = 1.3089030, or x lics> between 200 and 20k) probab'y. t Clear of fractions first. X Among the manj methodp dis^covcred. and ("loiibtlc.-s to be discovered, for (his purpose, it is scarcely pos?-il)le that Homer's should be Hiperceded, since the solution of pucli an equation will certainly require the extraction of a root corresponding to the defrree of the equation ; iind the labor required by Horner's method is not greater than that required lo extract this root. Nor is this merely a method of approximation, except as any mcthfti for inrommensurafjle roots is necessarily a method of approximation. If tlie nK>t can be expressed exactly in the decimal notation, or by means of a repealing decimal, this process tffects it. The method was first published by W. G. H<»rncr. Etq., « f Bath, England, in 1819, about fifteen years before Sturm'* Theorem wis published. HOKNEIIS METHOD. quired degree of approximate accuracy. It is based upon the two following problems and proposition : 208, JProb, — 7h transform mi equation, as f (x) = 0, into another whose roots shall be a less than those of tJie given equation. Solution. — Let x=a-\-Xi, whence a?, —x—a, and we hare f{x)=f{a+Xi)=0, or 0=f{a + Xi). Deyeloping the latter by Taylor's Formula, we have 0=f{a + x,) = fia)+ f'{a)x^+f"{a)~ + /"'{«)p + /*M«)^ + etc.. or =/(«) +f'{a)Xx +f"{a)'^ +/'"(«) j3 +/''^(«) i^ > etc., as the required equa- tion. 209, Sen. — The meaning of this may be stated thus : The absolute term of the transformed equation is the value of /(r) when a is substituted for a?; the coefficient of the first power of the unknown quantity, ;r,, in the new equation is the first differential coefficient of f{x), when a is substituted for X in this coefficient ; the coefficient of the second power of X\ is ^ the second dif ferential coefficient of f(x), when a is substituted for x ; etc. Ex. — From 5x* — 12.c^ + 3aj' + 4x + 5 = deduce a new equation whose roots shall be each less by 2 than the roots of this. SOLUTION. f(x) = 5x* - nx^ + 3a;2 + 4a? + 5 =9 =f{a). x=a=2* f\x) = 20a;' - C().r ' + G.c + 4 =83 =f\a). x=Z f%r) = 60x' - 73 r + 6 =102 =f"a. /. \f'\a) = 51. a:=2 f'"(x) = 120^ - 73 =108 =f"\a). .'. X f"'{a) = 28. f^r^T) = 130 = 120 =/•%). .'. ,-i /'%) = 6. x=2 Hence = + JJ3r, + 51.?,*+ 2a»t'+ 5.p,\ or Sv,^ + 28.c,^-t-51a;i''+32a;i+ = 0, is an equation wluwc roots are 2 less than the roots of the given equation, since a;, = j; — 2. 270* IPvob, — To compute the numerical values of f (a), f '(u), if "(a), jj-f '"(a), jf f^(a), etc., from f(x), when f(x) has the form Ax"+ Bx"-' -f Cx'"-'+ Bx"-^ P. Solution -—Let /(.t) = Ax^+ Bx^+ Cx^ -i- Dx + E; whence, forming f'{x), f'\x), f"'{x), and /""(.f), and substituting a for x, we have ♦ TTi" meaning of lhi» Hotatlon ii» Ihat X i* made eqnal to 2 In the function whence rei^«lt» the following value. 2ae ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. /(«) = Aa* + Ba^ + Ca^ + Da + E; f'(a) = 4Aa^ + 3Ba' + 2Ca + I) ; if"{a) = QAa^ + 'dBa+ C; ^hf"'{a) = ^Aa + B; ,i/-(a) = A. Now, we may compute these as follows + + w c^ + + M 1 5 3 + + + •4 M •« e « e ^ O) + + rt •0 « e ^ CO t H 3 k 6 .-S 6 3 !». « Si = 5 -a '5 ^ ^ be ca "^ ''^ p s c - = "^ c ^ -^ '^ C ac a '^ ^ '^ z: '§ % I i 2 I ^ S s S;'i -- .2 H H '3 r.^ fi o s C-'S ho ■^ S5 ■a 3 c o ^ § S I I i' 7 ® + c O + cS ri '^ O .^ ♦* be 5 I-? O n XI o Examples. 1. Transform 3a^— 42:* + Ta;*^ + 8a:— 12=0 into another, equation each of whose roots shall be 3 less than the roots of this. Solution. — Arranging the coeflBcients and proceeding as in the above solu tion, we ha i the following : OPERATION. + 7 +8 -12 1 3 15 66 222 22 74 210 = = /(3) 42 192 64 266 = = /'(3) 69 133 = i/"(3) Horner's method. 231 s -4 _9 5 _9 14 Jl 23 _9 32 = \hf"'{S). Hence the transformed equation is dxi^+^zi' + 133a; ,2 + 266a;, +210 = 0. 2. Transform Sa^ — 13.^' + 7a:' — 8a: — 9 = into another equation wliose roots shall be less by 3 than the roots of this. The new equation is 3a:' + 23^'" + 52a:'' + 7a:— 78=0.* 3. Transform x^ + 2x'' — 6a:'' — 10a: + 8 = into another equation whose roots shall be 2 less than the roots of this. I 2 PROCESS. + 2 -6 -10 + 8 2 4 12 12 4 2 6 6 2 12 2 8 28 68 4 14 34 70 2 12 52 6 26 86 2 i? 8 42 _2 10 .'. The equation is aj" + 10a;* + 42a;^ + 86a;* + 70a; + 12=0. 4. Transform x' - Gx" + 7.4a:' + 7.92a:' - 17.872a:-.79232 = into another equation whose roots shall be each less by 1.2 than the roots of this. 5. Transform a:^— 2a:' + 3a: + 4=0 into another equation whose roots shall be 1.7 less than the roots of this. 6. Transform a^H Ha:'— 102a: + 181=0 into another equation whose roots shall he 3 less than the roots of this equation : transform the ♦ For convenience in reading and writing, it is customary to omit the subecripts which dis- llnjfuis'h y Sturirv • Tlicoreni. HOliNERS METHOD. 237 274, Sen. 2.— Since hy {271)x,= - J^, if both /(«) and f\a) have the same sign at amj time^ this quotient will be — , and hence the value thus found for a-, will not be the amount to be added (annexed) to the por- tion of the root already found, for the assumption is that this portion is 1er» than the root of the equation which we are seeking. 27''>. Sen. 3.— That the figure of the root found by dividing/(«) by/'{«) is liable to be too large is readily seen when we consider that instead of /'(«)^i= — /(^) (in Dem. of 271)1 we should have, if no terms were omitted, /'(«>», +i/"(«)^,' + i/"'(r«).c,'+etc. = -/(«). Now a value of .r, which satisfies the former may evidently be quite too large to satisfy the latter. Thus consider .t;^ + 10.?^ -i-5j;— 2600=0. Neglect- ing x^ and lO-c*, we have 5ar=2600, or a=520. But this will by no means satisfy the equation when x^ and 10a;* are not neglected. Again, the figure found by dividing/(a) hy f'{a) may be too small. Thus, if we have .c^ — lO-c^ +12.^—3=0, and neglect .c*', and — 12.6% we have 12.r-3 =0, or x=\. But this is too small a value to satisfy the equation, since for x=\, — 12j;* will be numerically much larger than x*^ and hence retaining these terms will diminish the function, thus making \ too small to satisfy the equation. 270, Sen. 4. — From Sen. 2 it appears that f{(i) cannot change sign in the process unless f'{a) also changes sign. But when f{a) changes sign, we know by (244) that we have passed a root of the equation ; if, however, f'{a) also changes at t!ic same time, our work may still be right. In such a case there are two roots having tlicir initial figure or figures alike, e. = 0, whence z = — ^p. Tlien will this value of z substituted in (1) give y' + (7 - ip')y + (rrP' -ipq + r) = 0. (2) 2. Since the above transformation can always be effected, a solution of y"" + my + 11=0 (3) will include the solution of all cubic equations. Our second step is to trans- form this equation into one which can be solved as a quadratic. To do this we put y = u + V, which gives (3) the form u* 4- Su*v -f 3mo' -f- v^ -4- m{u -+- 1;) + 72, = 0, or, u* + Sut{u + t) + v'-^ -h v\{u + t?) 4- 71 = 0, or, u* -k-v* -\- (3mp -h mXu + t) + n = 0. (4) Now, as we have but one condition expressed between u and v, viz., u+v=y, we are at liberty to impose another. Let us put Zuv + m = (i, whence v = — — ; and (4) becomes u^ ->t- v^ + n =z 0, ou or by substituting the value of t, - m^ » -27^ + '' = "*' whence we have u^ -\- nu* = /rm\ (5) 3. Solving this quadratic we obtain and as tj' = — {\l^ 4- w), v = 4/—^^ T -v/jV^*^ + 4^*. CARDAk's SOLUTION' OF CUBIC EQUATIONS. 249 Finally, taking the square root as + for the value of u, and - for the value of V, since these are to -responding values, we have y = 1^ - i^ + V-^7^' + in^ + ^ ~\n- A^-hm^ + \nK (6) 280. Vrop. — 1. In the equation y^ + my + n = 0, when m ii positive, and when m is negative and ^m^ < ^^n'^ the equation has one real and two imaginary roots, and GardarCs formula (6) gives a satisfactory solutloti, 2. When m is negative and ^m^ = Jn', tico of the roots are equal, and Cardan^s method is satisfactory.* 3. But, when m is negative and ^m^ > Jn^ all the roots are real and unequal, while Carda?i*s method makes them apparently imagi- nary, and the solution, is unsatisfactory. Dem. — A cubic equation must have at least one real root {238). Let this be a. Now conceive the equation reduced to a quadratic by dividing /(.i) by x—a, and let 6 + /y/ c, and b — ^^ c be the roots of this quadratic, these being the general forms of the roots of a quadratic, in which if c is + the roots are real, if c is — they are imaginary, and if c is these two roots are equal. Now, a, b + ^Z c, and b — \/ c being the roots of the equation, we have by (235) (x-a) (x-[b+'^c]) {x-[b-^c])=x^-{a+2b)x^+{2ab+b^-c)x-a{b^-c)=0. To transform this into the form y^ + my + n = 0, we must put a + 2b = 0; whence a = —2b, and we have y-« - (3^2 + c)y + 2b{b^ - c) = 0. Comparing this with Cardan's formula, we see that Hence we see that if c is +, that is, if all the roots of a cubic etiuation aro real and unequal, Cardan's method gives a result apparently imaginary. But if c is — , that is, if two of the roots are imaginary, Cardan's method gives s^real form. Also when c = 0, that is, when the roots are a, 6, and 6, the form is real, since Now by inspecting the quantity -y/ -.lim' + W we see that it is real when m is positive ; and also when m is negative if ^m^ < {n"^. Hence in these » If flW the roots aro equal, the equation talcos the form {x - a)3 =x^ - 3a.r;2 ^ Za"'X - a^ = 0, a being the value of one of the equal iO'>tB C-iSn). In Miis case the transformation which makes the term m z"^ disappear gives y' = 0, since a; = y - ip = y + a, and y = x - a = 0. 25© Anxk^cKV coyr^SE in ^lqecra. cases there are one real &ix(\ two imaginary roots, and Cardan's inethod,-giving a real form, enables us to determine one of them, and hence to solve the equation. 2d. We have also seen above that when c = 0, that is, when two of the roots are equal (and not all three), 'y/Aw* + \n* = 0, in which case m must be nega- tive and -^rm^ = in*. 3d It has also appeared above that when all the roots are recU and unequal, Car- dan's method gives an apparently imaginary result. But this can only be the case when rfi is negative, and -^Sm^ > \n*. 28 1, ScH. — Cardan's method would seem to give a cubic equation nine roots instead of three, since as there are three cube roots of any number, a/ — in+ \/-A»»"* + i"-* would liave three values, and 4/-7W- -y/ A"*^ + \n* would have three other values. Now combining each of the former, in turn, with each of the latter, we should have vitte results. In order to ex- plain this seeming paradox, let us find the form of the three cube roots of a number, as of a'. To do this we have but to solve the equation x'^ =a^. Thus x^ —a^ = {x — a){x*+ax-{- a*) = 0. Whence x — a = 0, and x'+ax+a* =0. From these we have x = a, —^aCi + 's/— 3), and — ^a (1 — /y/ — 8). Now let the roots of a/ ^\n-\- ^J^-m* + \n^ be r, — ir(l-f \/— 3), and — ir(l-V^^); and the roots of k/ -\n - V^Vw* + \n^ be r' , -\r' (1 + -y/ — 3), and — \r' (1 — y'--3). It will be remembered that we assumed «« = — —; that is, the products of the admissible roots must be real. o Therefore we can use for the parts of the root r and ?•', — \r{\ + >y/ — 8) and — \t' iX — 'v/ — 3), and — \r{\ — ^ — \) and — ir'(l 4- -y/ — 8); and we can use these parts in no other combination, as any other would not give a real quantity. Thus we cannot have y —n -k- t — r -\r {\ 4- y' — 3), since wo would then be — r[|r(l -f- y^ — 3)], which is an imaginary quantity, and hence fix not equal to — — , as it should be. o We will give a few examples to which the student may apply Cardan's pro Examples. Solve the following, finding one of the roots by Cardan's process, and then depressing the equation by division, solve the resulting quadratic. DESCARTES* S SOLUTION OF BIQUADRATICS. 25X 1. a^ - 9x + 28 = 0.* 2. a:f^ — 3x^ + 4: = 0. (See first step in general solution.) 3. a^ — Gx + 4: = 0. 4:, x" + 6x~2 = 0. 6. X + b + 3 \/^ = a. Q. x" + 3x' + dx - 13 = 0. Z a^-9x' + 6x-2 = 0. 8. x' — 6x' + 13a; - 10 = 0. 9. x^ - 48a; = 128. 10. x' + 2z = 12. 11. z' -3:^- 2z' - 8 = O.f 12. 13. 2:^ 7? - - Qy' + 13?/ = - 12a:^ + 36a: 12. = 44. 11 1 + X ^ a + X ^/x 15. a '^ X - '^x' + \^X ~ 12 = c : 0. SuG. — An attempt to solve the last by Cardan's process will give roots apparently imaginary, although it is easy to see that the roots are all real, and commensurable. Descartes's Solutioj^ of Biquadratics. 282, Prob. — To resolve the general biquadratic equation x* + ax' + bx'' + dx + e = 0. Solution. — The first step in the process is to transform the equation into one wanting the 3d power of the unknown quantity. This is done in the usual way (see Cardan's method of resolving cubics) ; i. e., by putting x=y -{-z, substituting, collecting the coefficients with reference to y, and, putting the coefficient of y ' equal to 0, finding the value of z. This value of z substituted in the given equation will give the form y* + my"^ + iiy + r = 0. 2. Assume y* + my^ + ny + r = (y^ + cy + /) (y^ + ey + g), and deter- * It is bttlcr for the ptudent to use Cardan's processXhan to substitute in the formula. Tliii« for JC» - Ox + 28 = 0, we have, by putting a = y + s, y' + 8^ + (%2 - 9) (2 + y) + 2S -.r o ; 3 27 3 and making; Zyz - 9 = 0, or 2 =-, i/S + -? + 28=0. Whence y= -1, and -3, and 2 = - = -3, and y y* y - 1. .'. X = y + 2 = - 4. Then {x^ - 9x + 28) ■+■ (a:f 4) .- a;^ - 4a; + 7 = ; whence a-=\!± |/^. t An equation of the form x'^"^ + ax'i"^ -\ bx'» +c = can be reduced to a cubic of the form y»+my+n=0, by putting x»t=y- ^5. Trying 5.1 we have 5.1 log 5.1=3.608607, .-. X < 5.1. Therefore we try 5.05. 5.05 log 5.05 = 3.55161955, which coincides so nearly with the required value of x log x, that undoubtedly the lOOths figure is 4. Again, for a nearer approximation try 5.049, as the value of x is very near 5.05. 5.049 log 5.049 = 3.550482. Hence we see that x = 5.049 + . 8 to 15. Solve the following as above : af =100; of = 7 ; of = 21; ar^ - 402f = 200; 3^^ + 3^ = 100; a^ -.% = 2b; a'^-' = c; tr^b'^' 16 to 21. Solve the following: x^ = f, and ^=y^; x" = if, and af^zy"; m'-' = n, 2i\\ii x + ij = q; 2^ 3" =: 500, and 2x = dy', h'"-' = 256 ; (a' - 2a'¥ + h'y-' = {a - b)'' {a + b)-\ VIZ 22. Given the fundamental formiilse of Geometrical Progression, 7 I = ar''-\ and 8 = t^:^^ , to find the following : n = ^Qg ^ -• ^Q? ^ ^ 1 . ^ ^ log [a -]- (r - 1)S] - log a ^ log /• ' log r ^ '*-log(^^-«)-log(.V-0 ^^'^""^ ^- -]^ -^1- 23. Given the two fundamental formulas of Compound Interest, viz., a = p{l + r )',* and i = a — p, to find the following : _ log(;j + t)-log/? . _ log ^ -log J?? ^ ^ - l^fiTTf) ' ^ - log (1 + r) ' ^^^ (^ + ^) ^ log(;7 + 0- log;7, ]^g (1 ^ ^) ^ log ^ - log p , ? t _ log »! - log {a - i) . _ log « - log {a ~ i) '- log (1 + r) ' log(l + »)- ^ . Note. — Many problems in Compound Interest, Annuities, and kindred sub- jects are most expeditiously solved by means of logarithms. The student who has not a table of logarithms at hand may either omit the following examples in this section, or content himself with selecting the proper formula and telling how it is applied to the solution of the particular example. 24. What is the amount of $100 at Hfo annual compound interest * This formula is obtained thus : letting r represent the rate for time 1, expressed decimally, i. e., if the rate is 7 per ct., r=.OT, or — - , we have for time 1 (as 1 year), a=:p+pr=p{i-\-r) ; fortimeS, a=;>(l + r)+7?r(t + r)=i)(l+r)z ; for time 3, a-p(l jr)2 +pril '^r)2=:p{l-\-ryi \ there- fore for time <, a=p(l+r)'. 258 ADVANCED COUHSE IN ALGEBIIA. for 10 years? What if the interest is compounded semi-annually? What if quarterly ? What in each case if the rate is 10^ ? If 6^ ? If 3^ ? Sug's, — We have a =p{l + rY, whence log a = log p + t log (1 + r) = log 100 + 20 log 1,035, for interest at 7% compounded semi-annually. 25. In what time will a sum of money double itself at 10^ com- pounded semi-annually? At 7^ compounded annually? In what time triple ? Quadruple ? SUG. a=z2p=p{l +ry, whence 2 = (1 -H r)', and ^ = —i^— . log(l+r) 26. In what time will 110 amount to $100 at 8^ compounded annually ? '27. What is the present worth of $2000 due 3 years hence, without interest, if money is worth 10^ compound interest ? SuG. — The present worth is a sum which, put at compound interest at 10^, will amount to $2000 in 3 years. Hence 2000 = p (1.1) *, p standing for present worth. Whence log p = log 2000 — 3 log (1.1). 28. A soldiers pension of 1350 per annum is 5 years in arrears. Allowing o^ compound interest, what is now due him ? Sug's. — The 5th, or last year's unpaid pension has no interest on it, as it is just due. The 4th, or next to the last, has 1 year's interest due, and hence amounts to 350 (1.05) . The 3d year's pension has 2 years' interest due, and hence amounts to 350 (1.05)*. Thus the total is found to be 350 +350 (1.05) + 350 (1.05)- + 350(1.05)' + 350(1.05)\ or 350 { 1 + (1.05) + (1.05)^ + (1.05) ' + (1.05)* \ 29. Letting S represent the amount of an annuity a, in arrears for t years, compound interest being allowed, at r^, show that r 30. What is the present worth of an annuity of $200 for 7 years, money being worth 5^ compound interest ? SuG. — Evidently, a sum which, put at 5% compound interest, will amount to the same sum in 7 years, as the annuity will. 31. Letting P be the present worth of an annuity «, for time /, at r^ compound interest, show that P= -» ^— - — --^f — . Also, that if the annuity is perpetual (runs forever), P = -. EXPONENTIAL EQUATIONS. 259 ScG.-men * = oc , P =: - . -^.^^ = - . ^j^ = -. a* it evident!,. should, since such an annuity is worth a present sum which will yield aii annual interest equal to the annuity. 32. What is the present worth of a perpetual annuity of $350, money being worth Ty^^ compound interest ? If money is worth 10^ compound interest ? 33. What is the present worth of an annual pension of $125, which commences 3 years hence * (first payment to be made 4 years hence), and runs 10 years, money being worth 10^ compound interest.^ SuG. — Evidently, the difference between the present worth of such a pension for 13 years, and for 3 years. 34. An annuity a, which commences T years hence, and runs / years at r^ compound interest, gives ^ a j (l+rr--l _(l_+_r)^l ) « j .^ . ._._ a + ,)-<..o I AVhen the annuity is perpetual after the time T, we have P = ^ (1 + r)- ''. Student give proof 35. Two sons are left, one with the immediate possession of an estate worth $12000, and the other with a perpetual annuity of 1800 in reversion after 7 years: money being worth 5^ compound in- terest, which has the more valuable inheritance, and how mucli ? 3G. What annual payment will meet principal and interest of a debt of $2000 at 8^ compound interest in 5 years? Sug's. — The amount of $3000 at 8^ compound interest for 5 years = the amount of the annuity a for the same rate and time. 37. Show that if Z) is a debt at compound interest at rfo, h an annual payment, and i the number of years required to liquidate thedebt,^^ ^^g^-\^fi^-^^) . log(l + r) 38. The debt of a certain State is $20,000,000, bearing annual interest at 4^^. A sinking fund of $2,000,000 annually is set apart to meet it. How long will it require to extinguish the debt ? How long if instead of paying the $2,000,000 annually on the debt, it is invested at 6^ compound interest? * An annuity which commences after some epecificd time is said to be in reversion. 260 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. 39. A fanner lius paid !&10 per annum for newspapers, whicli he considers liave increased his net annual income at least ^. For 10 years during which his net income has been $500 annually, money lias been worth lOj^ compound interest. What is the total net gain to be credited to his investment in neAvspapers? 40. A boy commenced smoking when 15 years old. For the first 5 years he smoked 2 5-cent cigars each day. For tlie next 20 years, 3 10-cent cigars per day. Now had he abstained from smoking and invested at the end of each six months the amount thus saved, at 10^^ annual compound interest, how much would he have accumulated from this source at the age of 40 ? 41. A man pays a premium of 45104 per annum on a life policy of *4200 for 20 years before his death. Money being worth 10^ com- })ound interest, does the insurance company gain or lose, and how much ? CHAPTEK IV. DISCUSSION, OR INTERPRETATION, OF EQUATIONS. 207, To DisciittSf or Interpret , an Equation or an Algebraic Exiyression, is to determine its significance for the various values, absolute or relative, which may be attributed to the quantities entering into it, with special reference to noting any changes of values which give changes in the general significance. Such discussions may be divided into two classes : 1st. The dis- cussion of equations or expressions with reference to their constants ; and 2d. The discussion of equations or expressions Avith reference to their variables. The following principles are of constant use in such discussions : * 208, JProp, — A fraction^ when comjyared with a finite quantity^ becomes : * Those principles, and in fact most of this chapter, have been considered previously, but »re collected here for review and connected study. INTERPRETATION OF EQUATIONS. 261 1. Equal to 0, lohen its numerator is and its denominator finite, and when its numerator is finite and its denominator oo. 2. Equal to od , when its numerator is finite and its denominator 0, and when its numerator is go and its denominator finite. 3. It assumes an indeterminate form when numerator and dejunn- inator are both 0, and when they are both co .* Dem, — These facts appear when we consider that the value of a fraction de- pends upon the relative magnitudes of numerator and denominator. 1. Let a be any constant and x a variable, then the fraction - diminishes as a X diminishes, and becomes when x is 0. Again, the fraction - diminishes as X X increases, and when x becomes oo , i. c, greater than any assignable magni- a tude, — becomes less than any assignable magnitude or infinitesimal, and is to X be regarded as in comparison with finite quantities. (See 14:2 and 151^ Dem., and foot-note.) 3. As X increases, the fraction - increases, and hence when x becomes infinite a the value of the fraction is infinite. Also as x diminishes the value of - in- x creases ; hence when x becomes infinitely small, or 0, the value of the fraction exceeds any assignable limits, and is therefore oo . X 3. Finallv, if x and y are variables, - diminishes as x diminishes, and increases y as y diminishes. What then does it become when x = 0, and y = ? i. e., what is the value of - ? Simple arithmetic would lead us to suppose that - was abso- lutely indeterminate, i. e., that it might have any value whatever assigned to it, for - = 5, since = 5x0 = 0; - —7, since = 7 x = 0, etc. But a closer inspection will enable us to see that the symbol - is not necessarily indetermi- nate, or rather that the expression which takes this form |or particular values of its components, has not necessarily an indefinite number of values for these X values of its components. Thus, what the value of — will be when x and y each y diminish to will evidently depend upon the relative values of x and y at first, and which diminishes the faster. Suppose, for example, that y — Tix; X X then - = — . Now, suppose x to diminish ; the denominator will diminish 5 y 5x * By this is meant that ;: and — may have a variety of values, not that they necessarily 00 do have. 262 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. X or - = - y 7x 7' or times as fast as the liuiitterAtor, Arid whatever the value of x, the value of the fraction will be i. So if y = Tar, - = — , which is \ for any value of x. Hence y 7^ x X \ when .T = 0, and y = 0, we have - = - = — = - y 5^ 5 X a ... - = - = any other value depending upon the relative values of x and y. So, a; 00 iC 00 a; also, if a; = 00 , and y = oo , - = — ; but if y = Qx, we have - = — = — y <» y 00 6a: 1 a; 00 a; 1 = - . And so if y = 10^, we have - = — = -— - = — . Thus we see that the 6 y 00 l(te 10 mere fact that numerator and denominator become 0, or become oo , does not de- termine the value of the fraction, i. e., gives it an indeterminate form, 299. A Meal dumber or Quantity is one which may be conceived as lying somewhere in the series of numbers or quantities between — oo and + oo inclusive. III. — Thus, if we conceive a series of numbers varying both ways from 0, i.e. positively and negatively to oo , we have -4,-3,-2,-1, 0, +1, +2, +3, + 4, — 00 - - - + 00. Now a real number is one which may be conceived as situated somewhere within these limits; it maybe +, — , integral, fractional, commensurable, or incommensurable. Thus + 15624 and — 15624 will evidently be found in this series. + ^i- may be conceived as somewhere between + 5 and + 6, though iti exact locality could not be fixed by the arithmetical conception of discontinuous number. So, also, — ^3^ is somewhere between — 5 and — 6. Again 4- Vs is somewhere between 4- 2 and + 3, though, &s above, we cannot locate it exactly by the arithmetical conception. The following Geometrical Illustration is more complete than the arithmetical. Thus let two indefinite lines, as CD and AB, intersect (cross) each other, as at 0, Now let parallel, equidistant lines be drawn between them. Call the one at a """-^ f' t-»-T -•-»-•» -Is -1 »--^ + 1, that at 6 will be +2, at <; +3, etc. So, also, the line at a' being —1, that at b' will be —2, at c' —3, etc. Xow conceive one of these lines to start from an infinite distance at the left and move toward the right. When at an infinite INTERrEETATION OF EQUATIONS. 203 distance to the left of its value would be — go , and in passing to it would pass through all possible negative values. In passing it becomes at O, changes sign to + as it passes, and moving on to infinity to the right, passes through all possible positive values. Hence we see how all real values are em- braced between — oo and + oo inclusive * 300. An Imaginary Wuniher or Quantity is one which cannot be conceived as lying- anywhere between the limits of — GO and + 00 , as explained above. The algebraic form of such a quantity is an expression involving an even root of a negative quan- tity.f (See Part L, 218.) Examples. 1. What are the values of x and y in the expressions x = — ^^^ , a — a aV — a'h , , ,, , , , y — 3~"r- i when b = o and a and a are unequal ? When h^V and a — a!'i When a — a and I and b' are unequal ? What are the 8\(jns of X and ?/ when b>h' and a > a!, the essential signs of «, a\ h, and b' being + ? When h> b' and a /5 (Geom., Part I., 110). This line he can locate between +2 and + 3, and also between - 2 and - 3, since y/b is both + and -. t Tran?cendental functions afford other forms of imaginary expressions ; for example, gin~^ 2, i«cc~' }4, log (-130), log (-m), etc. But our limits forbid the consideration of the iii- tcrprctarioi: of imaginaric!*, except in the most restricted sense, as indicating incompatibility with the arithmetical sen^c of the problem. 264 APVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBRA. riid . = — ; = -, wliich can only be when a = oo. Therefore the 1 + aa aa a particulnr values a = co = a = cc , render = ; but no genend values do. a! — (i Again, in order that j = cc , wo must have 1 -+- aa' = 0, and a' — a finite or infinite ; or else we must have a' — ^ = oo , and 1 + aa' finite or 0. a'+i T.T . . , n • la—a a' a'^ +1 «'« + 1 ^low 1 + aa =0 gives a = ; ; r = = — = = oo a 1 + aa ^ "' a — a a' for any value of a! finite or infinite. Therefore the general relation a= a' — a between a and a' renders ;; , =oo .+ Let us now see if the relation a'— « = 00 1 + aa ' will do the same. Now if «' — a = 00 , one or the other (a' or a) must be 00 . Let a'= 00 . We then have , = — > = -, which can only be 00 when a=0. \ -\- a^i aa a Hence the particular values a'= oo and « = render ; = 00 , but no gen- eral values meet the requirement unless a = ;. 3. What general relation between a and a renders — ; = 0? ° a -\- a AVhat renders it 00 ? 4. In the expression y = — 2a: + 4 ± ^x^ — 4.r — 5, how many values has y, in general, for any particular value of x ? For what value or values of x has y but one value ? For what values of x is y real? For what imaginary? For what values of x is y iH)sitive? For what negative? SonjTiON. — Writing the expression thus, y — — (2j; — 4) ± ^/x'^ — Ax — 5, we see that the value of y is made up of two parts, viz., a rational part — (2.t— 4), and a radical part \/x^ — 4x — 5. But the radical part may be taken with either the + or the — sign. Hence, in general, for any particular value of x there are two values of y. 2d. But if such a value is given to x as to render the radical part 0, for this value of x, y will have but one value, viz., the rational part. But the condition /y/aj' — 4a: — 5 = gives x — ^ and — 1. Thus for * This redaction i? made by dropping a and 1, since the subtraction of a finite from an in- finite, or the addition of a finite to an infinite, does not change the character of the infinite. Thus, in this case, to assume that dropping a and 1 aflTected the relation between numerator and denominator, would be to assign to a and 1 some values with respect to tlic infinite a'. But this is contrary to the definition of an infinite. t It is to be observed th^t the relation a = - — requires that a and a' have difterent essen- tial signs; while the relation a' =a requires that they have the same essential signs. INTERPRETATION OF EQUATIONS. 265 i* = 5, y = — C, but one value ; and for a; = — 1, y = + C, also but one value, od. To ascertain for what values of x, y is real, we observe that y is real v/hen x^ — 4» — 5 is positive, and imaginary when x^ — 4.t; — 5 is negative. Now for X positive x^ — (4c + 5) is -f- when x^ > 4j + 5 ; and for x negative, we have 05* -H 4e — 5, which is positive when x^ 4- 4.c > 5. The former inequality gives a?' — 4« -F 4 > 9, or x > ^ \ and the latter gives a;^ + 4i» + 4 > 9, or .^ > 1. Hence for positive values of x greater than 5, y is real, and for negative values of X numerically greater than 1, y is real. The 4tli inquiry is answered by this: y is imaginary for all values of x between —1 and +5. 5th. To ascertain what 4- values of x render y +, and what — , we observe that — (3a;— 4)± y^a?^^^^^ can only be 4- when the + sign of the radical part is taken and when ^x^ — 4aj — 5 > 3a; — 4. This gives a; < 3 ± ^— 3, t. e., an imaginary quantity. Hence y is never + for a;+. Taking the negative sign of tlit; radical we see that both parts of the value of y are — , and consequently y is ^ real and negative for all + values of x which render y real, i. e., for values greater than 5. Finally, for x — we have y = 3a; + 4 ± y^a;^ -f- 4a; — 5. Now when we take the + sign of the radical both parts are + ; hence this value of y is always +. When we take the — sign of the radical y is negative if 2a; + 4 < \/x^ + 4a; — 5. But this gives a; < — 3 ± '\/— 3. Hence y is never negative for any negative value of x. Therefore both values of y are positive and real for all negative values of x numerically greater than 1. 5 to 22. Discuss as above the values of ?/ iu the following ; i. e., Ist Show how many values y has i)i geiieral, and whether they are equal or unequal ; 2(1. For what particular value or values of x, y has but one value ; 3d. For what values of x, y is real, and for what imaginary ; 4th. For what values oi x^y \B +, and for what — ; 5th, Also determine what values of x render y infinite ; (5.) y' + 2xy - 2:r'- - 4^ - a; + 10 = 0; * (6.) y — 'Zxy + 2:c' — 2?/ 4- 2.r = ; (7.) y' + 2xy + x' - 6?^ + 9 = ; (8.) y"" + 2xy + 3./;* - Ax ^ ; (9.) y' - 2xy + 3.6-^ + 2y -^ Ax --3 = 0; (10.) y' + 2xy -^ 3^-^ - 4.c - ; (U.) y' — 2xy + x^ -^ xz:zO; (12.) y' - 2xy + x' - 4y ^ x -^ A - 0-, (13.) / -^ 2xy + ar* -f 2.y 4- 1 = ; (14.) f - 2x' - 2y + 6a: - 3 = ; (15.) f - 2xy - ix' - 2?/ + 7a; -- 1 = 0; (IG.) y' ^2xy-2^0; (17.) y' - 2xy + 2?/ 4- 4.?; -8 = 0; ♦ In all cases solve the eqnation for y in the first place. In this exaropl© SI66 ADVANCED COURSE IN ALGEBllA. (18.) Af + 4:x' -h 2y - 3a; + 12 = 0; (19.) Sy'-S3^=12; (20.) 12/ + 4a:* = 20; (21.) x'-^/=16; (22.) x' -y' = 20. 23. Discuss the equation ay^ — x? + {h — c) a:' + hex = 0, as above, ■when ^ > c ; also when a > b. SUG '8. y = ± -7 \^x'^ — {b — c)x*— hex. Whence we see that y has two values a* for every value of x, numerically equal, but with opposite signs, y is 0, when ar' — (& — e)x* — bcx = ; t. e., when a; = 0, ar = 6, and — c. Again 1/ is real for z +, when a;-* > (6 — c)a;* + ftca;, or a:* > (b —c)x +bc; which gives x > b. For a?—, we have y = ± —r^^— x^ — {b — c)x* -\-bcx, which gives y real when a?' + (6 — c) a;- < bcx, which gives x numerically leas than c, i. c, greater than — c. Hence y is imaginary for all values of x between and + b, and real for all values of x from + 6 to +qo . So also y is real for all values of x from to — c, and imaginary for all values of x from — c to — oo . X — b 24. Discuss us above y^ = {x — a)* , showing that in general X y has two values numerically equal but with opposite signs ; that it is for X = «, and x= b\ is imaginary from x = Q io x=.h (except when x=z a, b being greater than a) ; real from x = b to a:= + <», aud rcal for all negative values of x, i. e., from a: = Otoa;= — 00; and that for a: = 0, y = ± go , and for x=. -^cOf y = zh 00 ; also for x= — 00, y = -±1 cc. 25. Show from the equation y + x^y = x, that y = when a; = 0, + 00, and —00 ; also that y has but one value for any particular value of a:; that it is -f when x is +, and — when a: is — ; and that y increases numerically as x pjisses from to +l,and from to —1, but that it diminishes numerically as x passes from + 1 to -f 00 , and filso from — 1 to — oo . 26. Discuss y^x = 4a' (2a — x) with reference to y as a function of X, as above. 27. Show that in the equation y^ — 3axy + x^ = 0, y has tliree real values between the limits x = 0, and x = a\/^, and only one real value between the limits x = a\/ 4: and a; = + qo , and also be- tween the limits a: = and a; = — 00 . Sue. — This is done by means of Cardan's formula. (See 280, ) INTERPllETATION OF EQUATIONS. 267 301, Arithmetical Interpretation's of Negative axj) Imaginary Solutions. 1. A is 20 years old, and B 16. When will A bo twice as old asB? SuG's.— We have 20 + ic = 2 (16 + «) ; whence x — — 12. The arithmetical interpretation of this result is that A will never be twice as old as B,but that he teas twice as old 12 years ago, i. e., when he was 8 and B 4. 2. A is rt years old, and B,J. When will A be n times as old as B ? For 71 > 1 what are the possible relative values of a and h con- sistently with the arithmetical sense of the problem? Interpret for a > nh, a = nh, a < nh when n > 1. Also for ?i = 1, « > nb, a < nh, and a = nh. 3. Two couriers, A and B, are traveling the same road in the same direction, the former at rate «, the latter at rate K They are at two places c miles apart at the same time. Where and when are they together ? Solution and Discussion. — Let XY represent the road which the couriers are traveling in the direction from X to Y, and A and B the stations which they t pass at the same time, A being at A when B is at B, and D or D' the place at which they are together. Call the distance from B to the place at which they are together ±x, + x when D is beyond B, and —x when it is on the hither side of A and B, as at D'. Then the distance from A to the point at which they are together is c 4- (± a;). Now disregarding the essential sign of x, and leaving it to be determined in the sequel, we have Distance A travels from kr=c -\- x, Distance B travels from B = x; Time from passing A and B to the time they are together —^ and - . But these are equal. Hence we are to discuss the equation C A- X X ^c , . oc ^ ^ = _ , or a; = r , and c-\-x= a b' a-b a -b The points to be noticed in the discussion are, (1) when a>b, (2) when a but riot oo . We have, for a > b,x positive, which shows that the point at which they ar# i:68 ADVANCED COtRSE IN ALGEBRA. together is at the right of B, i. e., in the direction which they are travelmg. The time, r ( or — ^ )> ^^ positive, which shows that they are together qfter passing A and B. For a c. d MTi ». he he -, ae ac ,.,.,. When a = 0,x— r = — =oo , and c + a? = j- = -77- =ao ; which mdi. a—b - a—ft cates that they are never together. When c = 0. In this case x = r = 0, and c + a? = r = 0, for a and 6 unequal, indi- a — b a — b * ^ eating that they are together when they are at A and B. This is evidently cor- bc rect, since A and B coincide in this case. When a =zb, x — = - , and a — b c -f a; = — , which shows that they are always together, - being a symbol of iu- determination which in this instance may have any value whatever, as we see from the nature of the problem. 302, ScH. — The student should not understand that the symbol - dlway» indicates that the quantity which takes this form has an indefinite number of values. It is frequently so, but not necessarily. The indeter- mination may be only apparent^ and what the value of the expression is must be determined from other considerations. The Calculus affords the most elegant general methods of evaluating such expressions. But the simple processes of Algebra will often suffice. Thus for a; = 1, -r— - — = -. 1 — a;^ \ — x^ But -zr = 1+ a; + a;*, which, for a; = 1, is 3. Hence -z = 3, for a;=l. 1 —X ' ' ' 1 — a; ' Here the apparent indetermination arises from the fact that the particular assumption (that a; = 1) causes the two quantities between which we wish the ratio, viz., the numerator and denominator, to disappear. Let the 1 _ 3.5 student find that z ^ j = 2^ for x = \, (See also 298, 3d part of A — aj-j-a? "~"a5 demonstration.) 4. Two couriers starting at the same time from the two points A au(l B, c miles apart, travel toward each other at the rates a INTERPRETATION OF EQUATIONS. 269 and h respectively. Discuss the problem with reference to the place and time of meeting. (Consider when a> h,a 1, n <1, n =1, n — 0. 6. Divide 10 into two parts whose product shall be 40. Solution and Discussion. — Let x and y be the parts, then a; + y = 10, xy = 40, and x = 5 ± -y/— 15, y = 5 T \/— 15. These results we find to be imaginary. This signifies that the problem in its arithmetical signification is impossible : this indeed is evident on the face of it. But, although impossible in the arithmetical sense, the values thus found do satisfy the formal, or alge- braic sense. Thus the sum of 5 + /y/— 15 and 5 — ^y/— 15 is 10, and the product 40. 7. Tlie sum of two numbers is required to be a, and the product b: what is the maximum value of b which will render the problem possible in the arithmetical sense? What are the parts for tliis value of Z* ? 8. Divide a into two parts, such that the sum of their squares shall be a minimum. Suq's. — Let X and a—x be the parts, and m the minimum sum. Then x* + (a — xY = 2x^ — 2ax + a^ =m; whence x = ^a ± ^ '\/ 2m — a^. From this we see that if 2m < a^, x is imaginary. Hence the least value which we can have is 2m = a^^ or m = \a^. 9. Divide a into two parts, such that the sum of the square roots shall be a maximum. 10. Let d be the difference between two numbers : required that the square of the greater, divided by the less, shall be a minimum. 11. Let a and h be two numbers of which a is the greater, to find a number such that if a be added to this number, and h be sub- tracted from it, the product of this sum and this difference, divided by the square of the number, shall be a maximum. Sug's.— Let n be the number, and m the required maximum quotient. Then n^ -\-(a — b)n — ah . ^ , by the conditions ^ ^^^ - m, whence we fand n' a-b \/a^ -h 2«* + 6* — ^ 0. 1. When a>b, x=e J — >ic, since "^ ^ > ^ for ^ > &. Tliis is as it should be, since for a> b the point of equal illumination will evidently be nearer to B than to A. Again, the other value of x gives x = c — ^ r > c, -' — is + and > 1, when a> b. Hence we learn that there is a point beyond B, as at D', where the illumination is the same from each light. If we assume y^=2>^/T, AD = ^ c, and AD' = 2c. 2. It is evidently unnecessary to consider the case when rt < ft, since this Avould only situate the points of equal illumination with reference to A as the j)reced- ing discussion does with reference to B. INTERPRETATION OF EQUATIONS. 271 3. When a = b,x = c-^^^^^^ = j^c, since 'S^-^= ^ =l This is as it should be, since it is evident that in this case the point of equal illumina- tion is midway between the lights. Again, for tlie second value of w, we have A/a x = c — — — = GO , This is also evidently correct ; for when the lights ar« ^J a— ^ b of equal intensity there can i>e no point beyond B, for example, at which the illu- mination from A will be equal to that from B, except wlien a; = co , for which the illumination is for each light, [Let the student give the reason,] II. When c = In this case the original equation —x = ;; ^-r becomes -J = -^ , whence a—b. We then have x=c — ^ — = ; and x =c — ~— — :::. ^ ^ ^a+^b \^a—^/b c-v/ a = — ^rr^ — = -. The former shows that there is a point of equal illuniina- ^ a-^yb tion where the lights are (when c = they are together), and the latter shows that any point in the line is equally illuminated by each light. Both these con- clusions are evidently correct * • In discussing this problem, some have committed the error of considering Hint, 8ince fo c = and a and b unequal, x = c — — r = 0, therefore there i? a point of equal illumi nation \^ a± \^b at the i)oint where the lights are situated ! This is evidently absurd, since the hypothesis is that the lights are of uneqiiul intensitj'. The error consists in not perceiving that the hypothesis, c -0, excludes the hypothesis, a and h unequal. That the hypotheses a ^ b are excluded by the hypotheses <^= and that there ia a point of equal illumination, is self-evident. Perhaps the student may think that these conditions are no more inconsistent than those in I. %, above, viz,, c finite, a=ft, and a point of equal illumination ; and that, if in the former case we in- terpret a = c '^-- = 00 as indicating a point of equal illumination at a^ = oo, we should in ^ a- ^ b this interpret x = M— -r = as indicating a point of equal illumination at the place where the light? are situated. But the closing remark in I, 3 will clear up this difficulty. ilr, ^ PPJ^IVDIX SECTION L SERIES. 303 • A Series is a succession of related quantities each of which, except the first or a certain number of the first, depends upon the next preceding, or a certain number of the next preceding, according to a common law. Each of the quantities is called a Term of the Series. III. — A Progression, as 1, 3, 5, 7, etc., or 3, 6, 12, 24, etc., is a series in which each tenn after the first depends upon the next preceding according to a common law. The numbers 1, 3, 7, 11, 21, 39, 71, 131, etc., constitute a series in which oach term after the third is the »um of the three next preceding. The numlK;rs 2, 3, 5, 17, 88, 1513, etc., constitute a series in which each term after the first three is the product of the two next preceding + the third preceding. 304. A Mecurring Series is a series in which each term after the first n is equal to the sum of the products of each of the n preceding terms multiplied resiTCctively by certain quantities which remain the same throughout the series. These multipliers with their respective signs constitute the Scale of Relation. III. 1, 4c, 9j;*, 16j;', etc., is a recurring series whose scale of relation is x'\ -3jj*, 3.r, since {I x x*) + (4e x [ - 3:r*]) + (9x* x 3.r) = lCx^ The next term after 16.i; ' would be (4c x z*) + (9x* x [ - 3a;']) + (16a;' x ar) = 25a;\ The next would be 36a;' . 305. An Infinite Series is one which has an infinite number of terms. Such a series is said to be Convergent when the successive terms decrease according to such a law as to make the sum finite ; otherwise it is called Divergent. III. -^, T*^, j-^a, jji^-fra, etc., to infinity, is an infinite, converging series whose sura is ^, That -?,-, + joff + to^itt + ToJinr + etc., to infinity *= i is evi- dent, since by division we liave ^ =.3333 + = -i% + too + ro^oo + etc. * The expression " to infinity " is usually omitted, as being sufficiently indicated by " etc.; ** and. In fact, either the + sign at the end or the " etc." may be omitted. SERIES. 273 306. To Hevevt a Series involving an unknown quaufcity is to express tlie value of that unknown quantity in terms of another quantity which is assumed as the sum of the first series, or as involved in that sum. Thus the general problem is, having given /(y) = ax-\- hx" + ex" + etc., to express x in terms of y, i, e., to find ic =/(?/). III.— Tims to revert the series x 4- Saj^ + ^x^ + 7a;* + Oa;' + etc., is to express the value of x in another series involving y when g^ = x + 3aj* + 5a;^ + 7a;' + 9a;« + etc., or when 1 - 2y + 5y-' = a; + 3a;=* + 5.c» + 7a;* + 9a;'* + etc., etc. 307. TJie First Order of Differences of a series is the series of terms obtained by subtracting the 1st term of the given scries from the 2d, the 2d from the 3d, the 3d from the 4tli, etc. The Second Order is obtained from the first as tlie first is from the primitive series. The Third Order is obtained in like manner from the second ; etc. These several series are called the Successive Orders of Differences. III. — Having the series 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, etc., we obtain 1st order of diff's, 7, 19, 37, 61, etc., 2d " " " 12, 18, 24, etc., Cd " " *' 6, 6, etc., 4th " " " 0, etc. 308. Interpolation is the process of finding intermediate functions between given non-consecutive functions of a series, Avithout the labor of computing them from the fundamental formula of the series. III. — The logarithms of the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, etc., con- stitute a series of functions. Now knowing these, interpolation teaches how to find intermediate logarithms, as log 4.3, 4.5, 4.6, etc., or 2.7, 2.72, 3.102, 7.025, etc., without the labor of computing them from the fundamental formula of the series {192). [Note. — The student must guard against the notion that every series is a recurring series. Any snccesnon of numbers related to each other by a common law, as, for example, the logarithms of the natural numbers, is a series, as well as the more simple arithmetical, geometrical, and other recurring successions.] 300. Some of the more important problems concerning infinite series are : To find the scale of relation of a series; To find the nth (any) term of a series ; To determine whether a scries is convergent or divergent ; To find the sum of a convergent series, or of n terms of any series ; To revert a series ; and, To interpolate terms between 274 APPENDIX. given terms. To these problems we shall give attention after having demonstrated the following lemm*, which is of use in the solution of several of them. 310, Lemma, — The first term of the nth order of differences , n(n-l) n(n-l)(n-2) ^ , , . tsa — nb -\ — ^—- -c ^ -.^^^ ^ d + etc, ir/ten n is even, and n(n — 1) n(n — l)(n — 2), , , . ,, — a -f nb ^c-l — ^^ ,^ -a— etc., when n u odd; a, b, c, d, etc., being successive terms of the series. Dem. — Letting a, b, c, d, e, f, etc., be the series, we have 1st Order of diflf's, h — a, c — h, d — c, e — d, f— e, etc., 2d " " " c-2b + a, d— 2c ■hh,e — M->rC,f—2e + d, etc., 3d " " " d — 3c + 36 — a, e — 3(i + 3c — 6,/— 3e + 3rf— c, etc., 4th " " " g _4^ + 6c — 46 + a,/— 4c + 6rf — 4c + &, etc., 5th " " " /- 5c + \M - 10c + 56 - a, etc. Now by inspection we observe that, numerically, the coefficients in these terms follow the law of the coefficients in the development of a binomial. Thus the coefficients in any term of the 2d order of differences, as in c~2b + a, are the same as in the square of a binomial ; those in any term of the 3d order, as in d—3c -f 36— a, are the same as in the cube of a binomial, etc. Hence, revers- ing the order of the simple terms in the first terms of the successive orders, and representing the first term of the first order by i), , the first term of the 2d order by Di, the 1st term of the 3d order by Dj, etc., we have, for the even orders, Bi =a — 2b + c, D4 = a — 4b + Qc — 4d + e. Hence, by induction, we have, for the 1st term of the nth order, when n is even, ^ , n(n — 1) n{n — l){n — 2) ^ Bn =a-nb + -^ — '-c p^ ' d + etc. Again, for the odd orders, we have Bx = — a + b, i>3 =z - a 4- 36 - 3c h d, B^ = - a + hb - 10c + lOrf - 5c + /. Hence, by induction, when n is odd, the first term of the 7ah order is -r. . n(n-\) 7i(n — 1) {n - 2) ^ Bn= — a + nb —- — - c + -^ 4 d - etc.* * The author does not deem it expedient to take the time and ej)ace to demonHtrate more rigorously thii? law ; nor does he fully sympathize with the idea thai induction is in no case n eatiefactory mathematical argument. SERIES. 275 311, Cov, — It will be observed that in order to find the \st tenn of the first order of differences, we must have 2 terms of the series given ; to find the \st term of the 2d order, 3 terms ; to find the \st term of the 3c? order, 4 terms ; and, in general, to find the \st term of the nth order we must know n + 1 terms of the series. Examples. 1. Find the 1st term of the 3d order of differences in the series 7, 12, 21, 36, 62, etc. Also the 1st term of the 4th order. Sug's. — For the 3d order we have i)3 = - a + 3& - 3c + + 12.c*;t ; whence m—(ix*, iind w=.T. Now, as 120c* = Gx* ■ 12x* + x- 48x*, we conclude that the scale of relation is + 6.c*, + t. 3. Find the scale of relation in the series 1, 4.c, C)x\ lla:*, 28:c*, 63.T*, and extend the series two terms. Scale of relation, +3ar', — .r^ +2.c Next two terms, 131.r*, 283.r'. 4 to 11. Find the scale of relation in the following, and extend each series 2 or 3 terms : (4.) 1, X, 2x% 2x\ S:c*, 3.c\ 4x\ Ax\ etc. (5.) 1, 3, 18, 54. 243, 720, 201G, 8748, etc. (6.) 1, X, bx\ 13:r\ 41.^^ 121.r', d(jbx\ etc. (7.) 1, 4, 12, 32, 80, etc. (8.) 3, bx, l7^, \^T?, 23 A 45a;', etc. ,^. a ac ac? ., a& , . SERIES. 277 (10.) 1, 4, 10, 20, 35, 56 84, 120, etc. (11.) 1, 4, 8, 13, 10, 26, 34, etc. 814, JProb, 2, — To find the nth tenn of a series when a svf- ficient number of terms is given, Soi.UTiON. — Tlie best method of doing this depends upon the chara<'ter of the series. We give the following : 1st. Tlie formula I z=: a -\- {ii — \)d, and I = ar^-^, resolve the problem for arithmetical and geometrical series, I being any tenn. 2d. Tlie scale of relation may be determined by Puou. 1, and the series extended to the nth term by means of it. 3d. But the first tenns of the successive orders of differences afford one of the most elegant and general methods. Thus from {310) we have J)j——a+b; .'. b=a+I>i ; 2),— n—2b+c; /. c=a+2D,+T)z ;* i?3 = -rH-;3Z»-3c+rf ; .-. d=a+SDi -hlWz+Di', f Dj= n+Ab-C)c+4d—c; .'. e=a+4n, +01)2+41) ,+1)^ ; i>, = -/H-;V>-10c+10ff-5«+/; .*. f=a+5Di +10i>2 + 102>,,+5i)4 + Z?5. etc., etc., etc. Whence, by induction, we have, in general, the 72th term ~ a + {n — \)D, (n - IXw - 2) ^ (n - l)(7i - 2){7i - 3) ^ .„ , 4- ^^ S ^2 + ... ' D3 + etc., till the term containing « I o D,_i is reached, or till an order of differences is reached of which each term is 0. It is only in the latter case that the method is practically useful, since to determine the first terms of the n — 1 successive orders of differences, requires that n terms of the series be known. Examples. 1 to 5. Solve the following by means of the scale of relation : (1.) Find the 8th term of 1, 2x, Sx\ 28r', 100.9.^ etc. (2.) Find the 9th term of 1, 3«, 6x% W, W, XW, etc (3.) Find tlie 10th term of 1, 3.r, 2.r', - .r', - 3.r*, — 2r?;», etc. (4.) Find the 12th term of 3, 5, 7, 13, 23, 45, etc. (5.) Find the 11th term of 1, 1, 5, 13, 41, 121, etc. 6 to 12. Solve the following by means of the successive orders of differences : (G.) The 12th term of 1, 5, 15, 35, 70, 126, etc. * c = - tt + 2ft + 2)3 = - a f 2(a 4 X>,) + 7)2 = a + 22), -t /),. t d = a - 3ft f ;ic + /), = o - 3, =* a ^ 3/), \ 3/J, t />,. 278 APPENDIX. (7.) The 15th term of 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, etc. Also the nth, (8.) The ?^th term of 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, etc. (9.) The 12th term of 1, 4a:, 6x\ ll:r^, 28a;*, GSx\ etc.* (10.) Solve the first five given above by this method, when it will apply. Also determine the scale of relation in (6) to (9) in cases in which the series is recurring. (11.) Find the wth term of 1, 2*, 3', 4^ etc. (12.) Find the 9th term of 70, 252, 594, 1144, 1950, etc. 13. Extend the following to 10 terms by the metliod of differences*. 1, 4, 8, 13, 19, etc Also x% 4x\ Sx\ ISa^, ldx'% etc. Also 1, 6, 20, 50, 105, 196, etc, SIS, JProb, 3» — To determine whether a series is convergent or divergent. Solution. — 1st. When theternu are nil -\- . If the series is not decreasing, of course it cannot be convergent. Thus a^-b + c + d + e + etc., \i n a oo . I^t us then consider the case wlieu the terms are all + , and a > b > c> d> e, etc. We have S=a + b + c + d + e + etc. = a(l+-+ -+- + - + etc. ) \ a a a a / (b cb deb edcb \ l + - + i-+^-+ :r-r + etc. ). a ba cba dcba / Now if -, -, -, -, etc.<.p, S < n{\ + p + p^ + p'^ + p* + etc.), which, if a b G a ;>a — b. Again, (6 — c), {d — e), etc., are + , and 8 < a. Therefore, Any series of decreas- ing terms, which ttrms are alternately + and — , w convergent. 3d. When the terms are alternatdy + and — , and increasing, we have 8=ia — b-\-c — d + e —f + g — etc. = a — {b — c) — {d — e)— {f — g) — etc. Now, since the terms are increasing, b — c, d — e, f — g, etc., are essentially negative. Representing these differences by — d, —d^, —d^, etc., we have * It is evident that the 12th term involves x to the 11th power, or contains a:". I.cncc we have only to find the coefficient, or the 13th term of the scries 1, 4, 6, 11, 28, 63, etc. SERIES. 279 S = a + d + d^ + di + etc., a series which can be examined by the first process given above, 4th. The process of grouping the terms and thus forming a new series, as in the last case, is frequently serviceable in other cases than that there specified.* Examples. 1. Determine whether 1 -f - + — - + _-_ + + etc., is a convergent series. Sug's. — Here - = 1, t = ^, - = o> -t= t> etc. : whence we see that each a b 2 c d d 4: of the ratios after the second is less than ^, which is itself less than 1. Hence the series is converging. 2. Determine whether l+J + ^ + j^- etc., is a converging series. 3 to 6. Determine which of the following are converging : (3.) i + i + i + iV + etc. (4.) 1 + - + — 2 + -3 + etc., r being > 1, i. e., any decreasing geometrical progression. . . _3_ 4 5 ^ ^^ 1.2.2 "^ 2.3.2'^ "^ 3:4:2^ ^ ^*^- 2^' iC^ (K^ S^ 3^ 7. For what values of a; is x r + — — — -f-^ 4- etc., 2 3 4 5 6 convergent, and for what divergent ? Bug's.— For a; ~ 1 we have a series with the terms alternately 4- and —, and decreasing. Hence, by (t/iJ, 2d), the series is convergent, /gain, to examine the series for «> 1, it may be written x — — + x^\- ~) 2 \ 8 4 / + a^ |— —I + x^ I— —j + etc. Now, for ic > 1, some one of the factors (-Q-~x)' \6~~q)' (t"^)' ^*^"' ^"^ ^^^ following it 8 \ X will become negative. Thus, if a? = ^, all following ^ — 5 will be negative. 7 7 8 * This is confessedly quite an imperfect presentation of this prohlem ; but it is eufficient for most purposes, and i» as fUIl as our limits will allow. 280 APFKNDTX. The sum of that portion of the series preceding this first negative factor will be finite, since it will be composed of a finite number of finite terms. Let us now examine the infinite series which is composed of negative terms. Let a be the value of x for which we are examining the series, and y the exponent of x in the first negative term. This term is therefore (ffy \ . Now this may be taken as the general term of this portion of the series if we understand that a is constant and y variable. As y increases by 2 in each successive term, the first two terms of this series are api ; ) , «"+'( r •— ., | ; and the ratio of the second to the first is a^ \l±lr^y:Z^ x J^^-^lJ- ( (y + 2) (y + 3) y + \-(iyS — ^ ] 7V^ — r-7^ /o .. ^ * /i/ — n ^ n [ > the limit of which, as y in- creases to infinity, is a*. But as /7 > 1 , n^ > 1, and this negative series is diver- gent and its sum is infinite. Hence the given series is convergent for « ~ 1, and for all values of a; > 1 it is divergent. 316» JProb, 4. — To find the sum of n terms of a series. This problem, like many others concerning series, does not admit of a general solution. We specify the following cases : ar convergent, for n finite, 8=in[2a + (n — l) d], or S = __ — . For an Case 1. — W^ien the series is Arithmetical or Geometrical, either divergent convergent, for n finite, 8 = in[2a + {n — 1) d] infinite geometrical convergent series we have S = 7~~' • Case 2.— When the series is an infinite, decreasing, recurring series, to find the sum of the series (t. e., n being oo). Let the series be a + b + c-¥d + e+ etc., and m, n the scale of relation, the dependence being upon two terms. Whence we have a = a, b =b, c = am + bn, d =: bm + en, e = ofn + dn, f = dm + en, Putting S=a + b + e + d^ etc., and adding, this gives 8=a + b + 8m + {8— a)n. Solving for 8, we hava 8 = ^'^^"'^ . (1) SERIES. 2S1 When the scale of relation consists of three terms, as m, n, r, '.vo i:av« a := n, b =b, c = c, d = am + bn + cr, e = bm + en + dr, f z= cm + dn + er, g = dm + en + fr. Whence 8= a ^-b -v c -v Sm + {S — a)n + {S — a — b)r. .,,..„ ^ a + b + c — an — {a + b)r And solving for S, S = :; — . (2^ 1 —m — n — r ^ ' When the scale of relation consists of four terms, as m, n, r, », we can write from analogy, n ->rb->r e ■¥ d — an — {a + byr — {a ^-b + e)8 ,_. ^ — z . (o) l—m—n—r—s Case 3. — To find the sum of n terms of a series by the method of differ- ences. — Let the series be a, b, c, d, e,f, etc., which we will call {A). Now if we write the series (B) 0,a,a+b, a + b + c, a + b + e + d, a + b + c+d + e, etc., of which the scries (A) is the first order of differences, it is evident that the (71 + l)th term of (B) is the sum of 71 terms of the given series (.4). By tho formula for the nth term {314:, 3d), which is The nth term = a + („-l)Z), + f!^!^ D, + („-lX»-2)(n-3) ^^^ ^^ ^ A jo noticing that a, the first term, in series {B) is 0, that D^ of series (J5) is a of series {A), D^ of series {B) is Di of series (-4), etc., we have, for the sum oi n terms of (A) n(n - 1) _. n{n — Vj{n - 2) ^ S=na + -^-- — -' Dy + -5^ 1^^ ' I>i+ etc. On this formula we observe that when the orders of differences do not vanish, if the series is extended to the (;i + l)th term the coeflBcient of that term will become 0, and the series will terminate. Moreover, in cases in which the nth order of differences vanishes, the same number of terms of this formula will give the sum of any number of terms of the series above the nth. Case 4. — Upon the principle that any fraction of the form — — ^ — c n{n+p) = - ( ~ — ) ,* many series of fractional terms of the form — — - — r p\n n + p/ n{n + p] may be summed. * This is evident since ^ - -^ = ^ ^^ " "^ = -^l~. n n+p nin-i-if) n{n + p) ^Bj^ appendix. Also many series of fractional terms of the form — f r— ; may be ^ n{n + p)(n + 2p) summed from the fact that n{n + p){n + 2p) = ii_5 ? I. 2p ( n{n + p) (n + p){n + 2p) ) When the fractional terms are of the form — ^ ^ .^ -—., the n{n + p){n + 2p){n + dp) summation may often be effected upon the principle that 9 _ 1 i 9 —1 L in + 2o)(n + 3») ) n{n + ^X^ + 2;))(w 4- 3p) Sp ( 7i{n + p){n + 2p) (n + p){n + 2p\n + '6p) The practicability of this method depends upon our ability to find the differ- ence between two series. Tims, when the terms of the given series are of the form , — r- , if we can find the difference between two series whose terms n{n + p) are of the form - , and — - — respectively, we can find the sum of the given n n ■¥ p ^ series. But the method will be more readily comprehended in connection with its application. (See Ex's 15-30, ) Examples. 1 to 7. Find the sum of the following recurring series : (1.) 1 + 2a; + 8a:» + 28x^ -f lOOx^ + etc. (2.) 1 + 2a: + 3ar 4- Sa:" 4- 8ar* 4- etc. (3.) 1 + 3^; + 5ar« -H T-c* + etc. (4.) 3 4- 5a; + 7a:' + 133:^ + 23a:< -f- 45a:5 + etc. (5,) 1 + 1 + 5 4- 13 + 41 + 121 4- etc. (6.) 1 4- a: + 2a;» 4- 22^* 4- 32:* 4- 32:* 4- 4.c' 4- 4a:' 4- etc. ,^. a ac a(? , ^' , (7.) j-jr^+-jr^--jr^ + etc. 8 to 14. Find the sum of the following by the method of differences : (8.) 1 4- 3 4- 5 4- 7 4- etc., to 20 terms ; to n terms. (9.) 14-24-3 + 44-5 + etc., to 50 terms; to n terms. (10.) 14- 5 4- 15 4- 35 4- 70 4- 126 + etc., to 30 terms; to w terms. (11.) 70 + 252 + 594 + 1144 + 1 950 etc., to 25 terms; to ^ terms. (12.) 1 + 2* + 3* + 4* + etc., to 12 terms; to n terms. (13.) 1 + 2' + 3' + 4' + etc. , to n terms. (14.) 1 + 2' + 3' + 43 + etc., to n terms. 15. Find the sum of — ^ + ^r-r + r-j + — ^ + etc., by the method x'tii Z'O 0''± 4'0 given in Case 4. SERIES. 283 Sug's. — If we put p = l, q = l, and n = 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., successively, the general form of the term in this series is , — . Thus we have n{n+p) For the Ut term. ^_ = j^_ = -^ (j - ^1--)*= 1 (l - ^ ) For the 2d term. ^^^^ = ^-^- = ^ (1 - ^-3)*= 1 (i - 1 ) For the 3d term. ^-^ = __L_ = ^ (^ _ ^).= 1 (^ _ 1 ) For the 4th term, -— ^^^ = ,,/ ,, = 1(1- 7"^-?)*= ^ (^7 - ^ ) w(;i + p) 4(4 + 1) 1 \4 4 + 1/ \4 5 / etc. , etc. , etc. Putting S for the sum of the series and adding, we have _ (l+i + i + i + etc. ) _ ~i -i-^-i-etcf ~ ^• Note, — It will be seen that this method is only an ingenious device for de- composing the given infinite series into two infinite series, one of which destroys all but a finite portion of the other. 16. Find the sum of — x + r-r + ;=-^ + l^r-^ + ^^c- l«o O'D 0*7 7*y 17. Find the sum of 7i terms of each of the two preceding series. SuG. — We have for the 7ith term of the last series q = l, p = 2, 7h = 2n — l, since 2n — 1 is the nth odd number. Hence for the nth term = 77 1 s T — s 7 ) • ^^ therefore have 3 \2n — 1 271+1/ -^ .111 1 1 + ^ 4- -;r + ^ 3 5 ■ 7 2n-l 111 11 8 6 7 2n - 1 2n + 1 _ ^ ~ 2n + 1' 2\ 2n + lJ 18. Find the sum of— 7 + --^ + 7— ; + — -+ etc. Also of n terms 1'4 2'0 d-6 4-7 of the same. 19. Find the sum of— r — 773 + — — — - + etc., to n terms. 15 60 63 99 Since by Case 4, -^^— =l.(t- -^'^-). n{n + p) p \,i n . pj 284 APPENDIX. SuG's.— It will be seen that this series is the same as r— — — - + =-r- — ^—rr + etc. Hence by making q=2,S, 4, 5, etc., successively, n = S, 6, 7, 9, etc., successively, and p = 2,vre have ii(5 - f) - a - f) + (f - I) - (f - A) + etc.}, or i!l - a + f) + (f + ^) - (^ + t) + W + etc.} = ili-l + l-l+-A- + etc.}. Now the form of this last term is -r ; and if an even number of terms of 2n + 6 1(2 n + 1 ) the criven series is taken, we have ;r ■{ t — 1 + s r^ c . ^^^ *l^e intermediate ^ 2 id 2n + 6) terms destroying each other. But if an odd number is taken, we have l/2n + l\^. „ n + 1 1 1 , . — ( — — ). Fmallv, as ^ = -^ — ^-7^7 77, , we have for an even 2\ 3 2/1 + 3/ • 2/1 + 3 2 2(2/i + 3) number of terms i || - [ - ^^^^ [ > <- ^ - J^"?, = -<» for an odd number. ||| - ^ + 2^-3,} - <>' jV Sca^T^T)" '"''''^ "=*•'"' ''*'" = ; whence the sum is 4(2/1 + 3) 12 20. Find the sum of :j-^ + — r + 5— + etc 1*0 Z'^ iJ'O 21. Find the sum of ^r-s — -t-t + jr-;^ — etc. I'O Z-i O'O 22. Find tlie sum of -— + — — + — — + etc. O'O D'l>i y«l0 8uo.-Tbi8 equals i(j-L + _!- + _L + etc.). 23. Find the 8um of ji + ^ + ^ + jgi-^ + etc. 24. Find the sum of — — - + ^r-5-7 + 5-7-^ + etc. I'ii'O 4-6-4: 6'4:-0 Sdg's. — By putting p = 1, q = 4, 5, 6, etc. , successively, and 71 = 1 , 2, 3, etc., successively, these terms take the form —7 ^7 7.-^, , and since 71 {n + p) {n + 2p) -^ ^-— = ;r- ^ ^ — -, V . we may write the given //(/I + p) {)i + 2p) 2p in{n + p) (w + p){n + 2p)) series thus : 1 1 (ri - 2^3) + (2^3 - 3^4) + (3-4 - 4-5) + '=*^- \ PILING BALLS AND SHELLS. m 4 5 6 2 3 3-4 etc. = l(^ + 2^ + 5^4 + «*"•) - 1(2 + i) (^- E'^- 1^ = li- 25. Find the sum of 15 5.8.11 8-11.14 ' 11.14.17 + etc. 36. Find the sum of ^2^^ + ^^ + _A- + etc. 1 4 7 10 27. Find the sum of ^^ + ^^^ + .-^^ + ^:^^ + etc. 28. Find the sum of ^-:^.t-. + :rJ^— + .-r-rV-r + etc. ' 3.4.5. G SuG. — Consider that I ? I {n + p) {n + 2p) {n + 'Sp) f n (n + p) {11 + 2p) {n + 3^) 'dp ( n {n + p)(n + 2p) 29. Find the sum of + - -f etc. 30. Find the sum of r^ + 6-9.12.15 y. 12. 15-18 + etc. Note. — The above examples are taken from Young's Algebra, an excellent »>ld Englisli work to which American editors are much indebted. Piling Balls an^d Shells. 317* In arsenals and navy-yards, cannon-balls and shells are piled on a level surface in neat and orderly piles of three different forms, viz., triangular, square, and ohlong. The figures below will sufficiently illustrate these forms : _? ^^ (2)® {?!)"<§ fiM'&. OBItOKG PILB. TRIANGULAR PILE. SQUARE PILK. 318, I^rop. — The formula for the number of halls or shells in a triangular pile having n balls or shells on a side of its loioest Jn (n + 1) (n + 2). course IS 286 APPENDIX. Dem. — The student will be able to discover that, beginning at the top, the number of balls or sheila in each course is as follows : ], 1+2, 1+2 + 3, 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, etc., or 1, 3, 0, 10, 15, 21, etc. Summing this series to n terms by the method of differences he will obtain the formula. 3 If), Cor. — The number of courses in a triangular pile is equal to the number of balls or shells in one side of the lowest course ; and the number of balls or shells i7i the lowest course is 1 + 2 + 3-1-4 n, or J(n' + n). 320, Prop, — The formxda for the number of balls or shells in a square j^Hc having n balls or shells on a side of its lowest course is |n(n + l)(2n + l). The student should be able to demonstrate tliis as above. 321, Cor. — 7'he number of courses in a square pile is equal to the number (f balls or shells in one side of the lowest course ; and the number of balls or shells in the lowest course is 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 2n — 1, or n*. 322, Prop, — Tfie formula for the number of balls or shells in an oblmig jnle having m balls or shells in the length of the base and n in the width is in(n + 1) (3m -11 + 1). Dem. — Observe that there are as many courses as there are balls in the width of the base. Let m be the number in the top row, whence we have for the number in the successive rows from the top downward, w', 2i + ^^ ^ B^ 4- ^^ , ^ • i>3+etc. But for our present purpose it is more convenient to replace the {n—1) of the formula, where n represents the number of the term sought, by - , a fraction which indicates the distance of the term sought, from the first term used, this distance being measured by calling the distance between any two given terms 1. Thus in the series a, b, c, d, e, etc., a term i^ of the way from & to c, would be reckoned at a distance \%, or '3 from a, i. c, - would be § in this case. , + ^^(^-1\D2+^ ^(^ -l) (^-2\d 325. ScH. 1. — On this formula we observe that when the series of func- tions is such that the differences vanish, i. e., D^, D^, D^, or some order becomes 0, the formula gives an absolutely correct result. But when the differences do not vanish, the result is only an approximation. However, such is the closeness of approximation, that for practical purposes only second differences are usually needed, although sometimes third and fourth become necessary. Examples. 1. Finding from the tables the logarithms of 232, 233, 234, 235, to be 2.365488, 2.367356, 2.369216, and 2.371068, required to inter- polate the logarithm of 233.4. SOLUTION. ARGUMENTS.* FUNCTIONS. 1st diff's. 2d diff's. 3d diff's. .000000 232 233 234 235 2.365488 2.367356 2.369216 2.371068 .001868 .001860 .001852 -.000008 -.000008 * In such acas« the number is called the -4 rflrt»we»e, a^4 \X» logaritl^m Ihp A^nptipn. This means simply that the logarithm is f^ fuuctjon of ^lie number (or argumppl). 290 APPENDIX. In this case a = 2.3G5488, Bi = .001808, B^ = -.000008, D^ = 0, and ^ = p q 5 Ilcnce we have log 232 = a = 2.365488 ^ i>, = I (.001868) = .002615 q 5 .'. log 233.4 = Mctly as it is in the tables. 2.368101, which is ex- 2. Finding from the table the logarithms of 61, 62, etc., interpo- late the logarithm of 62.23. S26, ScH. 2. — When second differences only are to be used, and four functions of the series are known, a convenient and excellent formula is ol>tainecl thus: Let the four functions be a, 6, c, d^ and let it be required to v' interpolate between 6 and c. Let —, be the interval from h to the place of the term to be interjiolated. Now if we compute from ft, instead of from a, the ])receding formula will become The interpolated function =b + ^\ Di +2W~^)^M' in which Z), is the second of the first differences, i. «., the one which falls between b and c ; or, in general, if we tabulate the differences as above, it is the first difference which falls in the same horizontal line with the func- tion to be interpolated. Again, as the second differences are supposed to be different, it is best to take the arithmetical mean of the two, which mean will also fall in the same horizontal line with the interpolated function. 3. Find by (326) the logarithm of 68.53 from the logarithms of 67, 68, 69, 70. (See table.) ARGUMENTS. FXJNCTIONS. IST DIFF'S. 2d diff'b. MEAN OF 2d diff's. 67 68 * 1.826075 1.832509 .006434 .006340 .006249 -.000090 -.000091 - .0000905 69 70 1.838849 1.845098 Z), = .006340, and Here we have & = log 68 = 1.833509, ^ = ^ Df = — .0000905. The student should make the substitutions and compare with the table. INTEUPOLATION OF SERIES. 291 327 - ScH. 3. — But it is not for interpolating logarithms that this method is chiefly used. For this purpose the method given in {196) is preferable. The student will readily discover that the method of {106} is identical with that just given if only first differences are used. When great accuracy is required, and the tables used give the logarithms to 8 or 10 places, it sometimes becomes necessary to use mean second differences, as above. It is, however, in Astronomy that Interpolation has its most im- portant applications. Thus, suppose the Right Ascension (analogous to terrestrial longitude) of a planet has been observed four times at intervals of, say one day. By interpolation we may find its Right Ascension at each interme- diate hour, or point of time. In this problem the Right Ascension is t^e function, and the time ia the argument. 4. Tlie Right Ascension of Jupiter to-day, July 1st, at noon, is 10h.5m. 38.6s.; July 2d, at noon, it will be lOh. 6m. 18.86s.; on July 3d, lOh. 6m. 59.41s., and July 4th, lOh. 7m. 40.24s. What will it be July 2d, at midnight ? SOLUTION. ARGUMENTS.* FUNCTIONS.* 1st diff's. 2d diff's. MEAN 2d diff's. July 1. July 2. July 3. July 4. lOh. 5 m. 38.6?. lOh. 6 m. 18.86 s. lOh. 6 m. 59.418. lOh. 7 m. 40.24 s. 40.26 s. 40.55 s. 40.83 s. 0.29 s. 0.28 s. 0.285s. »' 1 In this case -, = x , & = lOh. 6m. 18.86s., Di = 40.55s., and Dj = 0.285s. q Z The answer is lOh. 6m. 39.1s. 5. To-day, July 1st, at noon, the moon's declination (distance from the celestial equator) is 6° 38' 10".8 north ; at 4 o'clock it will be 5° 45' 51".3 ; at 8 o'clock, 4° 53' 7".8 ; at midnight, 4° 0' 2".8 ; and at 4 o'clock in the morning it will be 3° 6' 38".7. Interpolate for the intermediate hours. ♦ In tliis oxamplethe argument is the time, and the function is the Right Ascension, i. «., the Right Ascension id a fuuction of the time. 292 APPENDIX. SECTION 11. PERMUTATIONS. 328. Combinations ure the different groups which can be made of m things taken n in a group, n being less than m. III. — Taking the 5 letters a, h, c, d, e, we have the 10 following cojnbi nations when the letters are taken 3 in a group, or, as it is usually expressed, taKen 3 and 3 : abc, abd, ahe, acd, ace, ode, bed, bee, bde, ede. Taken 2 and 2, we have the following 10 combinations : ab, ac, ad, ae, be, bd, be, cd, ee, de. It is to be notieed that no tico combinations eontain tlie same letters; t. e., they are different groups. 329, J^ermutations are the different orders in which things can succeed each other. III. — Thus the two letters a, b have the two permutations ab, ba. The three letters a, b, c have the 6 permutations abc, acb, cab, bac, bcu, cba. 330. Arrauffenients are permutations of combinations. III. — Taking the 10 combinations of 5 letters taken 3 and 3, and permuting each combination, we get the arrangements of 5 letters taken 3 and 3. Thus the combination abc gives the C arrangements abc, acb, cab, bac, bca, cba. In like manner each of the 10 combinations of 5 letters taken 3 and 3 will give 6 arrange- ments ; whence, in all, 5 letters taken 3 and 3 have 60 arrangements. 331, I^roiJ. — The number of Arraiigements of m things taken n and n is m (m - 1) (m -■ 2) (m - 3) (m - n +1). Dem. — Let us consider the number of arrangements which can be made of the m letters a, b, c, d, etc., taken 2 and 2. Letting a stand first, we can have ah, ac, ad, etc., to w — 1 arrangements. Letting b stand first, we can have ba, be, bd, etc., to w — 1 arrangements. Thus taking each of tlie m letters in turn we can have m — 1 arrangements in each case, or m (m — 1) arrangements in all. Again, eac7i of these m(m — 1)2 and 2 arrangements will give m — 2 arrange- ments 3 and 3, by placmg before it each of the letters not involved in it. Thus we have m{m — l){m — 2) arrangements of m letters taken 3 and 3. Once more, ea^ih of these m{m — 1) {m — 2) 3 and 3 arrangements will give m — 3 arrangements 4 and 4, by placing before it each of the letters not involved in it. Thus we have m{m — 1) {m — 2) {m — 3) arrangements of m letters taken 4 and 4. Finally, we observe the law ; i. e., the number of arrangements is equal to PERMUTATIONS. 293 the continued product of m{m — 1) {m — 2) {m — S) - - - - {m — (n — l)} or m(m — 1) (m — 2) (m — B) - - - - {jn^n + 1). 332, Cor. 1. — The number of Permutations o/m. things is m. This is evident since arrangements become permutations when the number Tn a group is equal to the whole number considered ; i. e., when n = m. 333, Cor. 2. — If' p of the m letters are alike {as each a), q otKefs alike, r others alike, etc., the number of permutations is 1.2.3-4 m |p X [q X [r X etc. * Thus consider the permutations of a, b, c, d, viz., abed, bacd, acdb, bcda, acbd, bead, aMc, bade, adcb, bdca, etc. Suppose b to become a, then since for any par- ticular position of c and d, as in abed, there are as many permutations of the foifr letters as there can be permutations of the two letters a and b, viz., 1 x 3 ; if & becomes a there will be 1 x 2 fewer permutations when these two letters are alike than when they are different, i. e., ~' — . So, in general, if p of the letters are alike, there will be 1-3 -3 - - - - jp, or [p fewer permutations than if they are all different, etc. 334, Cor. 3. — T7ie number of Com,binations of m things taken n and n is m (m — 1 ) (m — 2) (m — 3) (m — n + 1) _________ . Since arrangements are permutations of combinations, the number of ar- rangements of w things taken n and n is equal to the number of combinations of ni things taken n and n multiplied by the number of permutations of n things. Hence the number of combinations is equal to the number of arrange- ments of m things taken n and n divided by the number of permutations of n things. Examples. 1. How many permutations can be made of the letters in the word marble? Of those in A o m e .^ 0^ iho^Qmlog arithms? 2. How many arrangements can be made of 10 colors taken 3 and 3 ? Of 7 colors taken 2 and 2 ? Taken 3 and 3 ? 4 and 4 ? 5 and 5 ? 6 and 6 ? 7 and 7 ? How many mixtures in each case, irre- spective of proportions ? 3. How many different products can be made from the 9 digits taken 2 and 2 ? 3 and 3 ? 4 and 4 ? 5 and 5 ? 6 and 6 ? 7 and ? 8 and 8 ? 9 and 9 ? 294 APPENDIX. 4. How many different numbers can be represented by the 9 digits taken 2 and 2 ? 3 and 3 ? 4 and 4 ? etc. 5. In a certain district 3 representatives are to be elected, and tliere are 6 candidates. In how many different ways may a ticket be made up? 6. There are 7 chemical elements which will unite with each other. How many ternary compounds can be made from them ? How many binary ? 7. How many different sums of money can be paid with 1 cent, 1 3-cent piece, 1 5-cent piece, 1 dime, 1 15-cent piece, 1 25-cent piece, and 1 50-cent piece ? SuQ. — If taken 1 and 1, how many ? If 2 and 2, how many ? If 3 and 3, etc.? How many in all ? 8. In how many ways can 13 ladies and 12 gentlemen arrange themselves in couples ? 9. If you are to select 7 articles out of 12, how many different choices have you ? 10. How many different sums can be made from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, taken 2 and 2 ? 11. How many permutations can be made from the letters in the word possessions? (See 333,) How many from the letters in the word consistencies? 12. How many different signals can be made with 10 different- colored flags, by disi:)laying them 1 at a time, 2 at a time, 3 at a time, etc., the relative positions of the flags with reference to each other not being taken into account ? Probabilities. 335. TJie Mathematical I^rohdbility of an event is the number of favorable opportunities divided by the whole number of opportunities. TJie Mathematical Iniprohahility is the number of un- favorable opportunities divided by the whole number of opportunities. III. — A man draws a ball from a bag containing 5 white and 2 black balls ; the opportunities favorable to drawing a white ball are five, and the whole num- ber of opportunities is seven ; hence the mathematical probability of drawing a white ball is \. The mathematical improbability of drawing a white ball is \. PROBABILITIES. 295 Examples. 1. I learn that from a vessel on which my friend had taken pass- age, one person has been lost overboard. There were 40 passengers, and 20 in the crew. What is the probability that my friend is safe ? "What the improbability ? If I learn that a passenger is lost, what then is the probability that my friend is safe? What that he is lost? 2. A man fires into a flock of birds of which 6 are white, 4 black, 5 slate-colored, and 3 piebald. If he kills one, what is the probability of its being a black bird ? What the improbability of its being pie- bald ? How much more probable is it that he will kill a white than a piebald bird ? A black than a piebald ? 3. Twenty- three persons sit around a table. What is the proba- bility of any given couple sitting together ? III.— Call the two persons A and B. Then wherever A may sit, there are 22 others who may sit beside him in one of two places (on his right or left). There are therefore 2 favorable and 20 unfavorable opportunities. 4. What are the odds against the fourth of July coming on Sun- day in any year taken at random ? SUG, — The odds against an event is the ratio of the unfavorable to the favor- able opportunities. 5. The moon changes about once in 7 days. What is the proba- bility that a change of weather will come within 3 days of a change in the moon ? 6. The letters a, e, m, n, can be arranged so as to form four words, viz., mane, mean, name, amen. If they are arranged at random, what is the probabihty of their forming a word? What the "odds against " their forming a word ? 7. Show that the probability that a leap-year will contain 53 Sun- days is f . 8. Three balls are to be drawn from an urn which contains 5 ])lack, 3 red, and 2 white balls. What is the probability of drawing 2 black balls and 1 red ? SuG's.— The first question is, How many opportunities in all ? That is, how many different groups {combinations) can be made of 10 balls taken 3 and 3. Second, How many opportunities favorable to drawing two black balls and one 296 APPENDIX. red at the same time ? There are 5 black balls, and these can be combined 2 and 5 4 2 in r-s , or 10, ways ; and as one of the three red balls can be obtained in 3 1 • /* ways, each one of these combined with one of the 10 ways of obtaining the black balls will give 10 x 3, or 30, favorable opportunities for selecting the balls as desired. The probability is therefore -,^^o> or *• 9. If from a lottery of 30 tickets, marked 1, 2, 3, etc., 4 tickets are drawn, what is the probability that 3 and 5 are among them ? What are the odds against it ? Sug's. — From 30 how many combinations of 4 and 4? From 28 how many combinations of 2 and 2 ? Odds against drawing 3 and 5, 143 to 2. 10. A bag contains a $5 bill, $10 bill, and 6 blanks. What is the expectation of one drawing ? That is, what is one drawing worth ? SUG.— The probability that one draught will take the $5 bill is \, and hence is worth $^. The probability that the $10 note will be drawn is also i, and hence this expectation is %^^. The entire expectation is therefore $\-, or $1.87^. Hence a gambler who should sell such chances at $2 each, would in the long run make money. 11. What is the expectation of a draught from a bag containing 5 $2 bills, 4 $5 bills, 'Z $10 bills, 1 $100 bill, and 50 blanks? 12. In a given bag are 5 $2 bills, 3 $5 bills, and 6 blanks. What is the expectation of 2 draughts ? Suo's. — There are - ' ■ = 91 opportunities, or ways in which 2 things can 1 • »j be drawn from 14. 5-4 . ' There are :j — - ways in which $2 bills rnay be drawn. Hence the probability of drawing 2 $2 bills is ^", and this expectancy is $if. In like manner the probability of drawing 2 $5 bills is /, , and this expect, ancy is $3?. The probability of drawing 2 blanks is ^f , and this expectancy 0. The probability of drawing 1 $2 and 1 $5 bill is ^\, and this expectancy is $W- The probability of drawing 1 $2 bill and 1 blank is ^, and this expectancy i8$l?- The probability of drawing 1 $5 bill and 1 blank is ^ ?, and this expectancy is $1^. The entire expectancy, or worth, of 2 draughts is therefore ^1 + l^+^^-i- + f?- -f 1^ dollars, or $3.57f . Observe that the sum of all the probabilities, i. 6., \^ + g^ -H i } + i.f + y^ + at, is 1, as it should be. PROBABILITIES. 297 That the probabilit}^ of drawing 1 $3 bill and 1 $5 is ^f, is seen thus : There are 5 opportunities favorable to drawing 1 $2 bill, and with each of these there arc 3 opportunities favorable to drawing 1 $5 bill. 13. There are 4 white balls and 3 black ones in one bag, and 2 white ones and 7 black ones in another bag. What is the probability of drawing a white ball from each bag at the first draught from each ? Solution.— There arc in all 7 opportunities of drawing a ball from the first bag, and with each one of these there are 9 opportunities from the second bag ; hence there are 7 x 9, or C3 opportunities in all. Again, there are 4 favor- able opportunities for drawing a white ball from the first bag, and with each of these there are 2 favorable opiwrtunities for drawing a white ball from the Eccond bag; t. e., there are in all 4 x 2, or 8, favorable opportunities. Hence the probability is -^.i. Notice that this compound probability is the product of the two simple probabilities. 14. The probability that A can solve a problem is f, and that B can do the same is \, what is the joint probability ? Sug's. — The student will observe that there are 4 possible results, viz. : 1. Both may succeed, of which the probability is -^- ; 2. A may succeed and B fail, of which the probability is f,! ; 3. 5 may succeed and A fail, of which the prob- ability is -/a-; and 4. Both may fail, of which the probability is \%. Now either the first, second, or the third result will give a solution. Hence the probability of success is ^ + H + a*s = §f . or \. This result may be more expeditiously obtained by considering that they will succeed if both do not fail. The probability of J.'« failure is |, and of B's y. Hence the probability that both will fail is ^ x f , or ?^; and the probability of success is 1— f, or y. 15. It may be said that on an average 10 persons will die during the next 10 years Out of every G2 whose present age is 30, « a 45 a a 40, «« « 35 " '' 50, « « 25 " " 60. What is the probability Unit a person who is 30 will live till he is 60 ? What that a person who is 40 will live till he is 70 ? StjG's.— Let ua examine the probability that the man who is 30 will die before he if OJ. The probability that ho dies before 40 is |i^, and that he lives to 40 f |. Now the probability that a man who is 40 dies before 50 is ii Hence the; probability i.i -^^ of §i that this man lives to 40 and dies between 40 and 50, or it Is 5i of ^^1 that ho lives to 50. Finally, ^le probability that he dies between 298 ATPLNDIX. 50 and 60 is ^ of ^ of H, or »t is U of H of B ^liat he lives from 50 to 6a Hence the probability that a man who is 30 will die before he is 60 is i^ + B X -L^ + B X ^^ X H,ori^g; and, consequently, the probability that he will live is 1 — ^^, or i^§; i. e., it is a little more probable tliat a man who is 30 will die before he is 60, than that he will live to 60. 16. What is the probability that two persons, A and B, aged re- spectively 30 and 40, will be alive 10 years lience ? SUG'S.— Chance of A's being alive ^, of B'a U, of both ^ x J^, or ^^. LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. N. Log. 1 N. Log. N. Log. N. Log. 1 O'OOOOOO 26 I. 414973 51 1.707570 7(] 1-880814 2 0'3oio3o 27 i.43i364 52 1.716003 U 1-886491 8 0.477121 23 1.447158 53 1-724276 73 1-892095 4 o.6o2o6o 2'J 1.462393 54 1.732394 79 1.897627 5 0-698970 80 i-477'2i 55 1-740363 SO 1-903090 6 0.778151 0.845098 81 1.491362 56 I -748188 81 1-908485 7 82 i.5o5i5o 57 1.755875 82 i-9i38i4 8 0.903090 83 I.5i85i4 58 1-763428 83 1-919078 9 0.954243 84 1.531479 59 1.770852 84 1-924279 10 I'OOOOOO 85 1.544068 60 i-778i5i 85 I -929419 11 i.o4i3o3 1-079181 I- 1 13943 86 I -556303 61 1-785330 86 1-934498 12 37 1.568202 62 1-792392 87 1-939519 13 88 1-579784 63 I -799341 88 I-9444C3 14 1.146128 89 1-591065 64 1-806180 89 1-949390 15 1-176091 40 1-602060 1 g:> 1-812913 90 1-954243 IG 1-204120 41 1-612784 I 66 1-819544 91 1-9590:1 17 1-23044Q 1-255273 1-278754 42 1-623249 1 67 1-826073 92 1.963783 18 43 1 -633468 i 68 1-832509 !3 1 .968483 19 44 1-643453 i 69 1-838849 1-845098 94 1.973128 20 I -301030 45 1-653213 70^ 95 1.977724 21 1-322219 46 1-662758 71 1-851258 96 I -982271 22 1-342423 47 1-672098- 7-J 1-857333 97 1.986772 23 1.361728 43 1-681241 73 1.863323 9^ I -991226 24 1.3802 1 1 49 1-690196 74 1-869232 99 1-995635 25 1.397940 50 1.698970 75 1 1-875061 100 2-000000 Remark. — In the following Table, the frst two fgurea^ in the first column of Logarithms, are to be prefixed to each of the numbers, in the same horizontal line, in the next nine columns; but when a point (•) occurs, a is to bo put in its place, and the two initial fjurcs are to be taken from the next line below. SCO LOGARirnMS cir numbers. K. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I). 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 4321 86oo 012837 7o33 021180 53o6 o384 033424 7426 0434 4751 9026 3259 745 1 i6o3 57.5 nit 7S25 0868 5i8i 9451 368o 7868 2016 6i25 •195 4227 8223 i3oi 98^ 4100 8284 2428 6533 •600 4628 8620 1734 6o38 •3oo 452. 8700 2841 6942 1004 5029 9017 2166 6466 •724 4940 91 16 3252 7350 1408 5430 9414 2598 6894 1147 536o 95J2 3664 1812 583o 981 1 3029 7321 1570 5779 9947 4075 8164 2216 623o •207 3461 7748 1993 6197 •36 1 4486 8571 2619 6629 •602 3891 8174 24i5 6616 8978 3o2i 7028 •998 4.12 428 424 419 4.6 412 4o3 404 400 396 110 111 112 lid 114 115 116 117 lis 119 041393 5323 9218 053078 6905 060698 44^8 8186 071882 5547 1787 5714 0606 3463 7286 1075 4832 8557 225o 59.2 2182 oio5 7666 1452 5206 8928 2617 6276 2576 6495 •380 423o 8046 1829 558o 9298 2983 6640 688? •766 46i3 8426 2206 5953 7004 3362 ml 2582 6326 ••38 3718 7368 3755 7664 1538 5378 9185 2g58 6699 •407 4o8d 7731 414S 8o53 1924 5760 9563 3333 7071 2t 8094 4540 8442 2309 6142 0942 3709 7443 1145 4816 8457 4932 8b3o 2C94 6524 •320 4o83 7.S.5 i5.4 5.82 8819 393 389 386 382 l]l 32 369 366 363 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 138 134 135 106 137 133 139 140 141 142 143 1:4 U5 1-16 147 143 U9 079 1 81 082785 636o 0905 093422 6910 100J71 38o4 7210 110590 o543 3i44 6716 •258 3772 7257 0715 4146 7549 0926 7071 •611 4122 7604 1059 4487 7^88 1263 •266 3861 7426 •963 4471 79^1 i4o3 4828 b2 27 1599 •626 4219 4B20 82 >8 1747 5169 8563 1934 XI 8i36 1667 5169 8644 2091 55io 8903 2270 1347 4934 8490 2018 65i8 8990 2434 585, 9241 26o5 1707 5291 8845 2370 5866 9335 2777 6191 9579 2940 2067 5647 9198 2721 62i5 0681 3119 653i C916 3275 2426 6004 9552 3071 6:62 ••26 3462 6871 •253 3609 36o 357 355 35i 34? 343 340 338 335 113943 7271 120574 3852 nio5 i3o334 3339 6721 i43oi5 7603 0903 4178 0655 3858 7037 •194 3327 4611 7934 I23l 45o4 7753 0977 4177 -354 •5o8 3639 4944 i265 1:60 41 3o 8076 .298 4496 7671 •822 3951 5278 8:95 18.^8 5i56 fc3v9 1619 4814 7987 ii36 4263 56ii 8926 2216 5481 8722 83o3 1450 4574 5,43 9256 2)44 5bo6 9045 2260 5451 8618 1763 4885 6276 9586 287I 6i3i 9368 258o 5769 8934 2076 5196 6608 9915 6456 9690 2900 6086^ 9249 2389 5507 6940 •245 3525 6781 ••.2 3219 64o3 9564 2702 58i8 333 33o 328 325 323 321 3i8 3i5 3i4 3u 146128 152288 5336 n^a i6i3o8 4353 7317 170262 3ifc6 6438 9527 2594 6640 8664 1667 465o 7^1 3 0^35 3473 6748 9S35 2900 6943 8965 1967 4947 7908 0^48 3769 7o58 •142 32o5 6246 9266 2266 5244 8203 1141 4060 7367 •449 35io 6049 9:67 2564 5541 8497 1434 435i 76:6 •7^^6 38i5 6S52 9^-68 i863 583S 8792 1726 4641 79S5 io63 4120 7'54 •i63 3i6i 6.34 9086 2019 4932 IJ70 4424 7457 0469 3460 643o 9380 23 II 5222 86o3 1676 4728 7759 •769 3758 6726 9674 26o3 55i2 891 1 1982 5o32 8061 1068 4o55 7022 9968 2895 58o2 309 307 3o5 3o3 3oi 299 297 295 293 291 150 151 152 153 154 1.-5 156 157 158 159 176091 8977 181844 4691 7521 190332 3.25 5899 8657 201397 633i 9264 2129 4975 7fco3 0612 34o3 6176 8932 1670 6670 9552 240 5259 8084 0802 368 1 64^3 9206 1943 6959 9S39 2700 5542 8366 39^9 6729 9481 2216 7248 •126 2985 5825 8647 I45l 4237 7co5 9755 2488 7536 •4i3 3270 6108 8928 1730 4314 7281 •C29 2761 7825 «-699 3555 tlgl 9209 2010 •3o3 3o33 8m3 •985 3839 6674 9490 2289 5069 7832 •577 33o5 8401 1272 4.23 6936 977 • 2D67 5346 8107 •85o 3577 8689 1558 4407 7239 ••5 1 2846 5623 8382 1 1 24 3846 2P9 287 285 283 281 279 276 274 272 N. 1 1 2 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 D. LOGATJTmrS OF KTTMBERS. 301 N. 1 ?. 3 4 5 6 y 8 9 D. 160 304130 4391 4663 4934 5204 5475 5746 6016 6286 6556 271 161 6826 7096 7J65 i 76J4 7904 8173 8441 8710 1121 i383 8979 9247 269 162 95i5 978J ••5i I •J 19 •586 •853 ;654 1921 267 163 312188 2454 ! 2720 29% 3252 35iS 3783 1 4049 i 43i4 1 4379 266 164 4844 5109 ; 5373 1 5b J 3 5902 6166 6430 6694 6957 7221 264 165 7484 7747 8010 8273 8d36 8793 9060 9323 9585 9846 262 166 320108 0370 o63i 0892 n53 1414 1675 1936 2196 2456 261 107 2716 5309 ^9"^^ 3236 3496 3755 4oi5 4274 4533 4792 7372 5o5i 259 168 5D68 5826 6084 i 6342 6600 6858 7.15 763o 258 169 7887 8144 8400 8657 8913 9170 9426 9682 9938 •193 256 170 230449 0704 0960 I2l5 1470 1724 :?;? 2234 2488 2742 254 171 325o 35o4 3757 4011 4264 4770 5o23 5276 253 173 5d28 5781 6o33 6285 6537 6789 7041 7292 7544 7795 252 173 8046 8297 8548 8799 T5tl 9299 9550 9800 ••5o •3oo 25o 17t 340349 0799 1048 1297 1795 2044 2293 2541 2790 1% 175 3o38 3286 3534 3782 4o3o 4277 4525 4772 5019 5266 176 55i3 5759 6006 6252 6499 8934 1395 6745 6991 7237 7482 772S 246 177 173 7973 25o420 8219 0664 8464 0903 8709 Ii5i Vefs 9443 1881 9687 2125 l^ll •176 2610 243 243 179 2853 3096 3333 358o 3822 4064 43o6 4548 4790 5o3i 242 180 255273 55i4 5755 5996 6237 6477 6718 6958 9355 7198 7439 241 ISl 7679 70.8 o3io 8i58 83o3 8637 8877 1263 91 16 9594 9833 239 183 260071 0343 0787 1025 i5oi 1739 1976 4346 2214 233 183 245i 26S8 2925 3i62 3399 3636 3873 4109 4582 237 1S4 43i8 5o54 6290 5525 5761 ^t 6232 6467 6702 6937 235 185 7172 7406 7641 7875 8110 8578 8812 9046 9279 234 1S6 95i3 9746 9980 •2l3 •446 •679 •912 1144 1377 1609 233 187 271842 2074 23o6 2533 2-'70 3ooi 3233 3464 360 3927 232 183 4.58 4389 4620 485o 5o8i 53n 5542 5772 6002 6232 23o 189 6462 6692 6921 7i5i 7330 7609 7838 8067 820 8525 229 H'O 278754 8982 0211 9439 9667 9895 •123 •35i 0578 •806 223 191 28io33 1261 14S8 1715 1942 2169 2396 2622 2849 3075 227 226 193 33oi 3327 3753 3979 42o5 443i 46D6 4882 5 1 07 5332 103 5557 5782 6007 6232 6456 663 1 6905 7i3o 7354 7573 225 194 7802 8026 8249 8473 8696 8920 9143 9366 f,l 9812 223 105 2QOo35 0257 2478 0480 0702 0925 1147 3363 1369 i59t 2o34 222 106 2256 2699 2920 3i4i 3584 3jo4 4025 4246 221 107 4466 46S7 4907 6127 7323 5347 5567 5787 8198 6226 6446 220 103 6665 68S4 7104 7542 7761 7979 8416 8633 219 199 8853 9071 9289 9507 9725 9943 •161 •378 •595 •81 3 218 217 200 3oio3o 1247 1464 1681 1898 2114 233i 2547 4706 2764 2980 201 It 34. i 3623 3 84 4 4059 4275 4491 4921 5i36 216 203 5566 5781 5996 6211 6425 6wJ9 8778 6854 7068 72S2 2l5 203 7496 7710 792 i 8137 835i 8364 8991 9204 9417 2l3 204 030 9843 ••56 •263 04S. •693 •906 1118 i33o 1 542 212 205 311754 1966 2177 2389 2600 2812 3o23 3234 34 ',5 3656 211 206 3J67 4078 4289 4499 47«o 4920 5i3o 5340 555i 5760 7854 210 207 5970 6180 6390 nv. 6809 8893 7018 7227 7436- 764^ 209 203 8o63 8272 8481 0106 9314 9522 973 d 9933 203 209 320146 o354 o562 0769 0977 Ti84 1391 1598 i8o5 2012 207 210 322?I9 24^6 2633 2839 3046 3252 3458 3665 f^l j'^V 306 £11 42';2 44.3 4694 '^?o 5io5 53io 53i6 5721 5926 6i3i 2o5 £12 6336 6541 6745 7155 If^ 7563 7767 7972 8176 204 213 833o 85:^3 8787 8991 9194 9601 9805 •••3 •211 203 214 33o4i4 0617 0819 1022 1225 1427 i63o i832 2o34 2235 202 215 2438 2640 2842 3o44 3246 3447 3649 385o 4o5i 4253 202 216 4434 4655 4856 5o57 52 57 5453 5658 58 "9 6059 8o53 6260 201 217 6460 6660 6860 7060 7260 7459 7659 73:3 8257 200 213 8456 8656 8855 9054 9253 945i 96:50 9849 ••47 •24'^ 199 219 340444 0642 0841 io39 i[237 1435 1632 i83o 2023 2225 193 N. i ^ 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 H 3C2 LOGARITHMS OF NUMBERS. N. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 I). 220 221 222 228 224 225 226 227 £28 229 342423 63?3 83o^ 35o24S 2i83 4ioS 6o25 '^1 2620 4589 5549 85oo 0442 2375 43oi 6217 8l2D ••25 2817 47M 6744 869i 06J6 2568 4493 6408 83i6 •2l5 3oi4 4981 ^l 0829 2761 4685 Its •404 3212 5178 7t35 9083 1023 2q54 4S76 6790 8696 •593 3409 5374 7330 9278 1216 3i47 5o68 6981 8886 •783 36o6 5570 7525 9472 1410 3339 5260 7172 9076 •972 3802 5766 7720 9666 i6o3 3532 5432 7363 9266 1161 3999 59^2 9860 1796 3724 5643 V5i 94j6 i35o 8110 ••54 ,980 3916 5834 774 i 9646 I539 ;^ 193 194 193 193 192 19. :?; 230 1 231 1 232 ! 253 2.i4 i 235 23ti 237 238 239 361728 36i2 5488 7356 Q2l6 37io68 2912 4748 5675 7542 0401 1253 3oq6 4932 2io5 3988 5862 7729 9587 1437 3280 5ii5 6942 8761 2294 4176 6040 79i5 9772 1622 3464 5298 8943 2482 4363 6236 8roi 9958 1806 3647 5481 7306 9124 2671 455 1 6423 8287 •143 3?3i 5664 7488 9306 2859 4739 6610 8473 •323 2.75 401 5 5846 7670 9487 3048 4926 6796 236o 4198 6029 7832 9668 3236 5. .3 6983 8845 •698 2344 4382 62.2 8o34 9849 3424 53oi 7169 9o3o •883 2728 4565 6394 8216 ••3o .837 3636 5428 72.2 8989 :?^? 4277 6025 7766 188 ii .S5 .84 184 .83 182 181 240 t 211 i 242 243 2u ; 24-, ! 246 247 1 24^ ; 249 380211 2017 3Si5 56o6 9166 390935 :% 6199 0392 ^ 5785 7568 9343 1112 2873 4627 6374 0573 2377 5^64 7746 9520 1288 3048 4802 6548 III', 4353 6142 9^>98 1464 3224 4977 6722 0934 2737 4533 6321 8101 9875 1641 3400 5i52 6896 iii5 2917 4712 6499 "^? 53a6 7071 1296 3097 4891 6677 8456 •228 It 55o. 7245 1476 3277 D070 6856 8634 •4o5 2169 3926 5676 7419 1 656 3436 5249 7034 8^1. •582 2343 4101 585o 7592 .81 .80 '79 178 .78 177 .76 .76 175 174 250 ' 251 252 258 2.54 256 256 257 ! 2--.a ; 25D 397940 9674 401401 3l2I 4834 6540 8240 9933 411620 3300 8114 is? 6710 8410 •102 1788 3467 8287 ••20 1745 3464 5176 6«8i 8579 •271 8461 •192 Zl 5346 7o5i 8749 •440 2124 .'Wo3 8634 •365 2089 3807 55.-! 7221 89.8 •600 2293 3970 8808 •538 2261 3978 5688 7301 2* 2461 4137 8981 •711 2433 4149 5858 756. 9257 •946 9154 •883 26o5 4320 6029 7731 9426 1114 2796 4472 9328 .056 2777 4492 6.99 5i 2964 4639 95oi .228 2949 4663 6370 8070 9764 145. 3.32 4806 .72 171 .71 .70 169 !^ 167 260 i 2»il 262 2«8 264 ; 265 265 267 263 269 414973 6641 83oi 9956 421604 3246 4882 65ii 8i35 9752 5i4o 6807 8467 •121 1768 3410 5o45 6674 8297 9914 5307 6973 8633 •286 52o3 6836 2i?? 5474 9. Si •236 5641 73o6 2261 7.61 6783 •398 58nR 7472 2426 4o65 5697 7324 8944 •i59 5974 7638 9295 4228 586o 7486 9106 •720 6141 7804 9460 mo 2754 4392 6023 7648 9268 288. 63o8 lilt .275 2918 4555 6186 78.. 9429 1042 6474 8i35 979' 1439 3o82 4718 6340 7973 9591 I203 .65 .65 .64 .64 i63 162 .62 161 270 , 271 £72 278 274 275 276 277 278 ' 279 1 43 1 364 616? 4045 .56o4 i525 3i3o 4729 6322 7909 9491 1066 2637 4201 5760 i685 3290 4888 6481 8067 9648 1224 2793 4357 59.5 1846 345o 5048 6640 8226 9806 T381 2950 4Di3 6071 2007 36io 5207 nt 3io6 4669 6226 2167 3770 5367 6957 8542 •122 1695 3263 4825 6382 2328 7II6 8701 •279 i852 3419 49B1 6537 2488 4090 5685 &59 •437 2009 3576 5.37 6692 2649 4249 5844 7433 2166 3732 5293 6848 2809 4409 6004 7592 9.75 •732 2323 3889 5449 7003 .6. 160 ,59 .59 i58 i58 ■H i55 |. 1 2 8 ' 5 6 7 8 9 1). ' ANSWERS. PARTI. [Note.— The full-faced figures in connection with the nnniber of the page refer to theArti- eles in the text. The numbers in parenthesis in the paragraph refer to the particular Example. * * * indicate that it is not thought expedient to give the anewer.] ADDITION. (Page 13, 68.) (1.) -la. (2.) Aa^-b--^a'^b^ab'-^'Zb'-^a\ (3.) 15ca^x^-^2ba^x^-h Irnx'^y^. (4.) Az^-x^-^-bx^+Tyx^y-db-x^-^. (5.) x. (6.) hcz~-x^-\-2z^. (7.) {a^c)z-\-{m-ba)y (8.) (2rt+2&+8c-2^+^-2»>zj^+(13rt-4-4;i-f-2^yi (9.) {a-^b+\)x*-¥(J>-a-^\)xy+{a-b+\)y\ (10.) {a+m){x-^y)+{h-n){x'-y). (11.) 8(m+n-2)V^^. (12.) «.T;"^-H(3-m)^-i + 3c. (13.) ^Va'-x'. (U.) 0. (15.) lx^+\y'^-h^--'. (10.) ia+b+c) V^^^^. (17.) 2(«-2m).r^ +3(m— l)y*+8c2. SUBTRACTION. (Page 15, 7^.) (2.) ic3+a;«-2aj-a (S.) -2(a;«+flw). (4.) 6.#+2;t5^. (o.) 4»V^. (0.) 10 ^T+x^-QayK (7.) rt(^«-^)+(10-;r) 4^. (8.) bx{X'-h)-4: ^^-f 2. (9.) 2 4/«j^-Va6. (10). a-^b+c-fd', 5(t; a-'b+c-d-, and 8rt+9A, (11.) « # # 30 1 ANSWERS. M ULTIBLICATION. (Page 20, 87,) (1.) na^bx'^y^. (2.) 24»i'+>r''^"^--\ (3.) lOOx^^'^y^ ; and - ^ah^ (4.) w" ; 1; a« ; w"^^; rt^^; c''^*. (5.) 3a*-+-10a6-86*. (6.) a;*+a;'y«+y^ (7.) m^' — rw'^t'o' + ^i^+o^. (8.) rt^— «"'+»+«"•+«- a^+'+r^^+'—tt*. (9.) «* — ('^+6+c+f02'' + (nh+ac+lK-\-ad+hd-{-cd)z'' — {abc + abd + acd + 6crf)2 + abed. (10.) x^-ys. {\\.) a^b i*+\. (12.) 20«6«+30a''--^^»&'^+»+> — 10a^-*+r-»y-«-'--15a*+/'-t-'. (18.) * * ♦. (14.) * * * (15.) -a*+2rt'6*-&<+2(a«+6«)c'-6*. (Page 21, 88.) (3.) 0«^-10a='a;-22^*«x«+46aiJ»-20t*. (4.) 4^«-16a'»6* + 10«^6'-f 15«6* -C5&*. (5.) a*-.T*. (6.) a;»-r,x*+10a;»--10j;«+5a;-l. DIVISION. (Page 24, J05.) (1.) mvV /-^; (^)^; 1,; 1,; .J; J,. (2.) ^; -^^^ ; ^!^. (3.)***. (1.) Last two, //-«"~;/-''-/,-/>i+'';a:^~'^'-2--i--%-3,t.-.. (5 to II.) * •:> ». (12.) (.r+y)«. (18.) * •" «. (14.) * * * (15.) a + b. (16.) te'-- ••^r>+'f-rt««+2"-'^*o''+6''6"«. (17.) ?;»*+««•*. (18.) m^'4-??.a;*.-H »/i- + m. (10.) ;i,B«— 2.T + A-. (20.) a>^— «'y^+y^— ajV-yM-f 3^. (Page 20, 100.) (2.) a;«-5^.r+4ri«. (3.) 2rt''4-4rt«4-8«+16. (4.) %y*^AxK (5.) aj"-*"^ (Page 27, i07.) (8.) 2y^~8y^'4-12v«-8y+2. (4.) :f.'^-^x'y'¥x*i/+:thf^x^y^+i'y''+y^\ 1 + ar -f x« -f- .r ' + .e^ 4- »^ 4- x^ -I- a;^ +0?^ ct-. (5.) * ♦ * ''-' > * * *. (7.) • ♦ ♦. ANSWERS. 305 FACTOniNG. (Page 31, 122. Examples in factoring are, in general, of such a nature that the answers can- not be giveu without destroying the utility of the problem ; hence only the fol- l.»wing are given: (23.) k'y^—l^m^yh^+k'm^yK^-k^m^y^^-k^m^y^z^ -k'myH + mz". (24.) aj^— a;' V^^ +^' V— -^'V'^ + ^ V— ^' V'^* +y^ • (26.)***; l-a=(l+ i/«)(l-|/«); l+«isdivisiblebyl+ t'a, 1+ '^, GREATEST OR HIGHEST COMMOX DIVISOR, (Page 34, 124,) (1.) 12. (2.) 12. (3.) 3. (5.) 2kH'mK (6.) 2a'b. (7.) x^Y^z\ (S.) Q?y. (10.) Ah^x-AbK (Page 38, 120.) (3.) x-1. (4.) x+\. (5.) 2a+3x. (G.) 2«-6. (7.) 4(ar»-2ary+y'). (8.) 2aa;=»-6ax*+10«a;-2«. (Page 38, i50.) (1.) 2+6. (2.) 2(a;+y). LOWEST OR LEAST COMMOX MULTIPLE. (Page 39, 132,) (2.) («+&)Ma-&)^ (3.) a-'^-4. (4.) 4(a^-2a^+l). (5.) 49r)9«-'&^'j:V^. (6.) 1-I8a4-81«^ (8.) (a;^-39x+70)(.i:-10). (0.) (x-l)(.i-+2)(a:-3). (10.) («='-4^^6+9aft*-10&')(a+4^). (11.) ir^-Ur'+71a:«-154a;+123. (12.) 2?''+7x*-10x'-70x*4-9.i- + 03. 306 ANSWERS. FRACTIONS. (Page 48, 167.) (1.) ♦ * * (2.) ♦ * *. (3.) \+x+x^ +ir'4- etc. ; iC^+lO- ~, ; m-\-n 2 4 8 16 4- etc.; a+x\ x»+l+ar-*+iC-'»H-a;-'"-h etc. ; 1— wa-''»+w2a-4»— r^-^a-S" + /i*a-8»-;t»a-i""+ etc. (4.) 3 • 7-»a- V ; (m + ^iy+s . c'^rf-'-z*'' ; \+x ' ^^^ ' ^*'^ ' ^^-^ x{a*-x') ' x(a'-x')' T(a+x) {x-yY xix-y) a;' (\+x^)(\-x^) x{a*-x*) ' ^•'•^ {x-yy ' {x-y)^ ' {x-y)' ' ^ ^^ {l+xV {i-x') ' 2(0.7;' -1 6) fl.r«(ar-4) 3T(2+3i ,) ^^ a+6. ec ^*-^ ar(9j;«-l(>)' ik(9j;^-l«)' 32(9j;'-16) * ^ ' abc ' 10a* X* adfh—hcfh m'^+mn*—m*n afd+ae 20b*y^+7c*x* ' 9 + Sxy^ ' bdeh + bdfg' m-ii ' bdf+be+cf ,,., 886a 6(x-7) 2 t5x + l . c4■&^c-2c"-^» 1 1.2 1_1. 1 .;^*_i3;s_a..5. (,^A«-«)ft?(«-/<))(2a'«_36)' ' i*' a2"*"ac'^ c* &' ' ' ''" ' 91a« 1 Ta^i^ 1 J}_ ^^'•^ "66^ ' ^;r^ ' ^ ' *• ^^^-^ 121^ ' 1^81^"" ' a:'^'*" * ANSWERS. 307 (29.) ! + ..' + «- 3(a + J); ^Z^; -J_; bcic-W_ -mhi-^^mn-^^n-^; -^f^-y a^-2ac + c^-b^ ; 1. (31.) 1. (32.) 1. (33.) a-^-a-^b-^+b-^-a-^c-^-b-^c-^ + c-^. (34 ) ^'^'^' +^''''^' . , /m—n (wi + ;?)« INVOLUTION. (Page 59, J»0.) ,^ X « « . ? , 9 9 ,25 1 7»* (1.) 9a6; 4a«a;2; ^^-;j7^ ; ly^*' ; J-^; g^ "f- (2.) l-2a; + 3a;«-2a5» + a5*; 4a2-12^za;i + 9x'5. (3.) 9 - 1.2a; -2.^2 ^ 4c' + a?*; 27a;6 -27a;* +9x^-1 ; l-2a;^ + ar; a;^— 3x^^^-3a;-y-y^ (4.) Sla^a;^ ; IGaV^ ; a-^"'x-'^', aW ; a-a;^'; 125a; V^* «"'^" (1681) V T^' -^r- (^ '■'2"T5i 8":?^;^~l"^r^^^^ i.^2.^+8.-'' ^10.' +128.3 + etc.; l-4.^ + 6.-4.c^.«; -*; l^{l^^^^^^^^ 4- etc. ) • * * * • * * *^ (7 \ 4f * * * *^ (Page 61, W.'j,) (1.) 2 - 2 - 3 . 59 = 472 ; 2 ■ 73=146 ; 5 • 7 • 67=2345 ; * * *; ± {a - c • (»+&)} = ±(«'c+a/>c) ; * *. (3 to 6.) * * * * 308 ANSWEIIS. (Page Co, J97.) To give the roots in problems in evolution would be to destroy the benefit of the exercise ; hence they are omitted. REDUCTION OF RADICALS, (Page 70, 20^,) (1.) *•*». (2.) *; ^Vl8; *; *; *; Vl ; —{a^-h^)^ ; **»***. a—b — rT—^— T — Vl^x*—y*). In such examples be careful to leave only integral forms under the radical sign, in the reduced expression. (3 and 4.) * * * *, V\ = V\. (5.) * * *, a'A -^y=ia*-b*)^. (6.) V^ and Vd ; 2« 4/T« . • * ♦ • . ^"'^' »*»♦. 4/^:^11^ and V7+]^. (7.) *♦*. (S.) ^VTS;**** o if aj-y ' 2 . ' g«+a; a' + a;« ^^ 2a;« + l-2^ i^a;« + l ; -(«+ VS^^l) ; a;*+a;+ VJ^+W+aj«--l; a* 2(_ V6+ V2 + 2) ; 2»^ 3^i^30- .^>^2 . (lo.) a^V^/Zy^+^^/^/ay + j; =* 2/'^ + .r 'y + x 'y^ + x^y^ + .c*y' + .-c^y' + ar'y* + ^y ^ + ar 'y * + a;^y " + y '^ ; ,r ^ ia 1 1 14 ^ 11 Ji IXt g 1 21 . ^ 4 21 2 15. + X ^ y* 4- aj^'y* + .t ' y* + a; * y ' + a;^y * + a; 'y* + x^i/ * + x^y^ + x-^y * + .x'y * +y"; (i/8+ V^- Vs) (3-24/c). (11 to 18.) » * * COMBINATION OF RADICALS. (Page 74, ;^77.) (1.) * * *. (2.) * * *; ^ ; — . (3, 4, 5.) * * *. (6.) 4^864; X X fi 19, 10 f, iV ^151875; .V^'x''; QxVxy' -, Vl+5a;« + l(te* + 10a;«+5a.' + 2;W ANSWERS. 309 i'i'W^:^; dVWZ; 30; 12 Vi. (7.) 41 ; x+y; 246+581^ -11/^-36 i^d; 3'1^30-12V'3 - V180 + 12. {S.)lViO; AVd; Vdi^; IV'IO. {d.)\^~i-kV2; 2xi^x; iVQ + V2; b Vx ; f-' (a-/*) (a -hi) ^V4«*x; ^A.Vl5; 5-2 VQ; 27{a-x)Va-x; J-3ab^+dah-b^. (11.) 9^ V5P ; ia;2 VJ ; by 5 \^y ; 2 j/7a; V'sT ; Vl^x; i 1^3125^ ; i^3; (12.) 2+31/5"; 2V3+34^; ^V^-i^^; ***. IMAGINARY QUANTITIES. (Page 78, ;^;?,!/.) (2.) ISC^^+l)^^^; 19a V^; (463+3c)|/rT. (4.) (4^± V"^) ^^. (5.) 1 V^ ; 12( V3~- 1) V~^ ; 11a V^ ; {a Vb - c Vd) V^. (6.)1^^- (7.) 5^2 1^^; IQV^V^', \'V^', P7ii^^. (Page 79, 225.) 5-7 V^, and 9 V^-1 ; 2a+( Vb+ V7) i^^, and ( VT- V7) i^^. MULTIPLICATION ANB INVOLUTION OF IM AGIN ARIES. (Page 80, 226.) (2.) *, *, -6>v/6. (7.) *, 3, V^. (9.) 278'v/^, or 278^3 V"^ 972 V^, or 972v'2 y/^, (10.) icy^M'. DIVISION OF IMAGINARIES. (Page 81, 227.) (3.) ^iV4 4/~l; -i^aV-l. («•> -TI3)^- 310 ANSWEllS. PART IL SIMPLE EQUATIONS. (Page 87, 28.) 3& b a+h+c (l.)12; 24; 23i; 3.S; 8; 4; -; -; —7^; 2.9; 2|f ^Q>> J 6c-&*_ ^. n(9'-;)) 5rt(26-«) 8«6*+46»-12a2i 2k« a m "6c— d Sa'^-hab—ac+bc ' 2Sp+6g'^ 4; 4i ( 2«Vli 81 ^p^^ ; 8; 0; 3. (Ji) --, 4; 4; 4^ (4.) 81 c«-2/>c; 16; 5; 4(a-l); 8;1;6;6;3; ± 6+1 a \ a ) \ \ft + l/ j ' (w+l)«' 26^ ^ ' r ^ \ 36 / ' 2a ' 16 ' 4 • APPLICATIONS OF SIMPLE EQUATIONS. (Page 90, S3.) (1.) ^'8 84, J5's 42, (Ts 14. (2.) ^'s^— ^^-, 5's ""* 1 + n + mn' 1 + n + mn' (7.) :rr^-. (8.) i (9.)?-"^|?. (18.) m of an hour ; '""* mn—m—ns ^ an + bn ns + ms+mn (14.) 317.951,1268,2219; ^V- ?^ • f-T™^ ^'-- ^S-) 90; ^ ' 3 + 4m 3 + 4w 3+4w 3 + 4m ^ g + 6 .- ^ V ^^^ mpa—pa + mb—na + mc ^ ^ b'—ac p + 2—m—n' ' m + n—mp+p ' ' ' a—2b + c' (18.) 19, 30; 2±^,^, 2!!t^i. (19.) 73, 77; ^=^ , ^ ' m + 1 7W + 1 2m 2m ^ m + n m + n 33i 50; 14f, 28i, 42?. (26.) 1200. (27.) 50. (28.) 5712. (30.) 50. ANSWERS. 311 SIMPLE EQUATIONS WITH TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. (Page 96, 4=2.) (1.) aj=10,y=3. (2.)19,2.t (3.) 16, 35. (4.) 7, 2. (5.) 7. 17. (6.) 2, 2. (7.) 12,9, (8.) -2, 19. (9.) -2, 1. (10.) ^J, ^. („.)i, i (12,)?^^+^, 2^^!+!'. (13.) ,-21, ''1-^. ab cd da * '6b ^ ' b+c a (14.) (a+by, {a-h)\ (15.) 10, 5. (16.) 18, 12. (17.) i , - . a ^^^•^%' WV ^^^■'^\' li- (20.) 20, 5; 6.8; 7.10; 8^^-72=0; y«-22y+120=0; y^-Ay^ ^ 14^4 _. 203,2 +9=0. APPLICATIONS. (Page 98, 42,) (1.) 18f , 31^. (2.) 3. (3.) 20, 8. (4.) 5000, 5000. (5.) ^. (6.) 24. (7.) 29, 32. (8.) 5000.0. pm^gn-qmn pmn-gn-pm ^ mn—m—n mn—m—n (10.) ^±^-, ^t?. (IX.) 48, 16. (12.) 24, 32. mn—\ mn—1 \ / » \ 1 > SIMPLE EQUATIONS WITH MORE THAN TWO UNKNOWN QUANTITIES. (Page 101, 43.) (2.) 4, 3, 2. (3.) 2, 3, 4. (4.) 24, 60, 120. (5.) 64, 72, 84. (6.) 3, 2, 1. (7.) 2.), 5.,. 65. (8.) 26c— ^ 2ac ' 2a6 ' ^^^ -Q ' -h W ^l^-^l' I' ^' (n.)2a,2b,2c. (12.)^^!^, 1 1 (13.) -f-^. -^. -M. (14.) 12, 5, {b—a){b—c)' {c—a){c—b)' ^ '' 6-f-c' a+c' a+&* 7. 4. (15.) 2, 1, 3, -1, -2. (16.) 3, 4. 5, 1. 2. (17.) h }-c-a, a-hc-b, a + b—c. t The valacB of the unknown quantities are given in tlie order x, y, Zy etc. 312 ANSWEUS. APPLICATIONS. (Page 102.) (2.) |2, 20 cents, 10 cents. (3.) £3000 at 4%, etc. (4.) ^ , ^, ^, o7 ot o7 2Sa — . (5.) 142857. (6.) 26, 9. o. (7.) 140, 00, 45, 80. (8.) 18,«^j, 34f, 23/i , 80. BATIO, (Page 105, 50.) "•'^=^ 1= 7=--r„^ S— <■■ ^^ 4 3 ' 3 5a' .W- 9= Z' .i*- (*.)5:n;l:«'+6.;2(a x):(««). (4.) 9 :25; a«:6«; 27:125; a^zft^ 5:4; V^iVl; Vm.Vn; 3:4; ^7: ^-y. (5.) The former. (7.) 4:1. rROPORTION.—APPUCATlONS. (Page 111.) (8.) 13,26. 39. (4.) 8,0. (5.) ^^ + |-^ , 2^-|i. (G.) 120, 160, 200. (7.) 8:9. (8.) 252. (9.) 56,84, 70. (10.) 20. (11.) 150. (12.) 300. (14.) 3h. 49j\m., 3h. 32i\m., • 3h. lOAm. (15.) Every h\ hours, A hours, and 1 ,\ ; or 11 times in 12h., 22 times, and 11 times. (1(».) No ; since it talces the minute hand 1-^- hours to gain a round, and ^ to gain half a round. (17.) 8:45 A.M. (18.) 1st. ^-^. -^. etc.; 2d. -i=-^, |^-^, etc.; M—m M—m m—M m—M a+mt s+a + m t 2s+a+int s—n—mt 2s—a—mt 9—a+Mt 2s—a -\-Ml M—m ' M—m etc. ABITHMETICAL BROGBESSION. (Page 117, 8:i,) (1.) 83, 903. (2.) -39, -384. (3.) ^-^ , ^^^ . (4.) 0, "^ ANSWERS. 313 (5.) 193 243 . • 293 • 343 • • 393 • • 443. (7.) -46, | . (8.) 100. (9.) ^^^, tn+n m+Sn GEOMETRICAL PROGRESSION, (Page 120, 90.) (1.) 46875, 58593. (2.) 6, 18, 54, 162, 486. (3.) 16384, 21845^. (4.) —h, -hh (5.)il.n,§i (6.)¥; .3; ^g; If. (10.) -A[(-^3)»-iJ ; nm; I; Wo\%^; i VARIATION. (Paoe 124, 95.) (6.) «az. (12.) 18. (13.) «=i/i*. HARMONIC PROPORTION AND PROGRESSION. (Page 126, 100.) (6.)i,TH-,T»J. PURE QUADRATICS. (Page 128, iO«.) (1) ±4. (2.) ±5. (3.) ± V2a^ - &». (4.) ± V6. (5.) ±i^»V3. (6.) ± 6. (7.) ± j/^. (8.) ± V:^. (9.) ± ^ V5. (10.) ± 3 V=^. ai.) ^|V-io. (12.) ±f (13.) vffi^p. (1^-) - -S;:;^""- APPLICATIONS. ± w l^i (1.) 12, 20. (2.) ± ia VS, (3.) -^^====^^^ . V^nJT^^' ' ±pV7 /4X4K^ /K^ ■ - — _^^-IL-. (6.) 5.57+, 18,12_, 40.51 + . (7.) 149,247.2 + miles from the surface of the earth (8.) 240. 132 VL from A. (10.) -^ from the louder bell. 314 ANSWERS. AFFECTED QUADRATICS. (Page 133, 114.) (1.) 8, -2. (2.) 6, 2. (8.) o(2± Vn). (4.) 8, -1. (5.) 2 ± V^^. (6.)1. -a. (7.) 2.-1. (8.)7,i (9.)-,-. (11.) 3, -6g. (12.) 5. -^h (13.) ^^ . (14.) t, A. (16.) Wm, 6. (16.) 2, -?. (17.) ~. ^ . (18.) i(-l ± i^l33). (19.) 4. i. (20.) ia(-3 ± V-?)- (21.) ± k ^^. (22.) 8, -%. (23.) ^^^ . &. (24.) 4, -i (25.) 12, 4. (26.) 4, i (27.) 7.12+, -5.73+. (28.) ia(l±3 V^). (29.) 1, gV. (80.) 5, 3. HIGHER EQUATIONS SOLVED AS QUADRATICS. (Page 136, 122.) (1.) ± 3, ±3 V^. (2.) 2 ; the other four roots not required. (3.) ± m^. (4.) 27. (5.) 121. (6.) 64. (7.) b^. (8.) ± 8. (9.) ± V^, ± V2. (10.) V'K-I ± Vl^i). (11.) 4, M (12.) I ^ (-^ =t V4^+T«) [ ^• (18.) V'C/z ± V}^^T^\ (14.) 243, (-28)1 (15.) 16, ^^^^i. (16.) |^(J± i/ft^Ti^i;;)} '. (17.) 8,^. (18.) ^,|/I^. (19.) 1. 1, 1 ± 2 1^15. (20.) 0, -12. (21.) 3. -i, i(5 ± Vl329). (22.) 4, 69. (28.) i(l ± V5). (24.) |(l ± i/5). (25.) 3, h U-8 ± i^55). (26.) 2, H. i(7 ± Vm. (27.) |7^^- (28-) 5, -1, 2 ± i^^H: (29.) 5. -2, i(3 ± /=15). (30.) 2, 3, 1. (31.) 2. -|, i(l ± V^Z). (32.) 1, -3, -3. •(33.) 2, 2 ± V^. (34.) 5, 4 ± V^ (35.) -2, -1, -5. (36.) 6, 20, 3. (37.) 6, 4, 5. (38.) 1, 1, -2, -2. (39.) 4, 1, 3, 2. (40.) 3, -1, 1 ± i^^. (41.) 5, -4, 3, -2. (42.) 3, -3, i(-13 ± V^ISS). (43.) 4, 3, i(7± V69). (44.) 9, 4. i(-3± V^l (45.) + 1, -1, ± V^^i: ; -1, Kl ± ^^) ; ^ ±1, v^. ANSWERS. V2 315 i(± Va ± i^2 ± V-2 ± V2). (46.) 2a±V2{l 2(1 ;?(1±^) ± A/( ^^^^a+<^) Y_r (48.) i(a ± V7^-4\ -a) ^ \ 2(l-«) J (49.)^± iV-3±i^8(^). (50.) i(l ± VE). (51.) 2, -K i(3 ± I^SOS)- (52.) 1, 1, -2, -2. (53.) I (-1 ± V~^). (54.) ± -^ i -^^^^ + V^6t^T2 [ , V a ( ^ 4 , . \ , (55.) ±-|(Vl + a8-l)(Vl-a2 + l)'f^ 4,i. (56.) 0,i,f -1, +2, -2. (57.) h i(-l± ^-35), ±1, ±Vi(-ll±v«5). SIMULTAJSTEOUS QUADRATICS. (Page 142, J;37.) (1.) x=%, -I? ; y=-4, W. (2.) a;=± t'f ; ?/=2t V i (3.) a!=2 ; y=2. (4.) «=±7, ±4; y=±4,±7. (5.) a?=±3, ±11^2; y=±2,±\V2, (6.) a;=±2, ±i 4^10 ; y=±i, =Ff i^. (7.) .x-±3, t8 ; 2/=±5. (8.) a;=±f i^li; y^ilVTi. (9.)a;=±f4^; y=±|4/2i. (10.) a-=±l. ±V-4^^; y=±2, +^4/^=5. (ll.)a;=±2, i^i^jT; y=±6, ± ^i^ i^. (12.) a; = ± 10, ± H 4^"=^ ; y= ± 3, =F ^ 4^^=47. (13.) aj = 4, 2, i(-13 ± V377); 2^ = 2, 4, i(-13 T I^^TT). (I4.)a;=4, -2,0; y=2, -4, 0. (15.)a; = 2,3; y = 3, 2. (16.) a; = ± 3 ^2 ; y = ± V2. (17.)a; = 9, 4; y = 4,9. (18.) a; = 11, i(l ± V^^l) ; y = 3, i(- 15 ± V=^l). (19.) a; = 15, ; y=45, 0. (20.)a;=±V2; y = 2^V2. (21.) a; = 0,2; ^ = -2,0. (22.) a; = 1,4; y = 4, 1. (23.) ar = 1, 3, 2 T 5 f'^; y = 3. 1,2±5V^. (24.) a; = 5, -2, K3±V^^67); y = 2, -5, K-3 ± V'^^)' (25.) a;=±3, ±2; y=±2. ±3. (26.) x= ±2, ±1, T 2 4^^, ± V^ ; y=±l, ±2, ±4/31, ^2^^=!. (27.)a; = \^K^2-l); y= ^ 2(V2-^ ' 2abc 2€ihc 2ahc (28.) X = y = 7 7, y--j— 7 , ---r T-- (29.)a;=±3, ac+bc—ab ab+bc—ac ab+ac—bc y=±2, s = ± 1. (30.) a; = ± 2, y = ± 4, 2 = ± 6. (31.) a; = 1, 2/ = 2 2 = 3. (32.)a;=±V, T %^ ^^, ±5, ^4^/^; y = ± ^sS ± ¥ ^^ ± 4, ± 5 i^^. (33.) a; = ± f 1^2, ±3, ±3 V^ ; y = ± '1^2, ± 1, ± /Zn:. (34.) a;=8,0;y=8,0. (35.) a;=2, 8 ; y=8, 2. (36.) x=10T4.Vn, (37.) a;= ±||/±15, ±^V±3a: *0 T I Vl5 ; y = 10 ± 4 V6, 1*0 ± | VI5. 316 ANSWERS. ±aVWl', y=:±yV±3,0. (38.) ^ = 4, 9, -3T44^iO; y = 9, 4, -3±4iC:iO. (39.) a? = 2^(15 ±6 1^^,5,1; y = M^S ± 10 V^\ 3, I (40.) «= f ; y=16. (41.) a;=4, 1.0; y=8,0. (42.) 25=2744, 8 ; ?/=9r>04, 1. APPLICATIONS. (1.) 3. (2.) 18, $20. (3.) 10 and 3 days, 120 and 36 miles. (4.) 12, CC. (5.) 14. 10. (6.) 6 miles an hour. (7.) 4 and 5. (8.) J ^(^^-l)P _^jy\ \ Vm—1 / VVj^P^Tj^Y ,9)j^.^(5^^) (10.) 1,3,5,7. (11.) 2, \ Vm—1 / 3, 4, 5, 6. (12.) 3, 6, 12. (13.) 2, 4, 8. (14.) 5, 10, 20. 40. (15.) 2, 4, 8. (16.) 6, 8, 10, 12. (17.) 1, 2, 4, 8. (18.) 108, 144, 192, 256. (19.) 72, 63, 66. (20.) 7, 3. (21.) 25. (22.) $960, $1120. (23.) 248. (24.) 6 and 7 per cent. (26.) 3 and 14. IJS^EQ UA LI TIES, (Page 150, 134.) (8.) H and V- (9.) Any number between 15 and 20. PART III. DIFFERENTIA TION. (Page 157, 156,) (3.) l^bx^dx - mxdx -H 4rfj-. (4 ) 2Axdx + ZBx^dx + ^Cx'dx. +Qdx; (5.7;*-12.c='+12a;*-2a;)rf«; {x-2x^ + l)dx. ilSton.)15{a^+x')'x'dx ; ^{Zx-2)^dx ; i{2-x'y^xdx ; -—. . (18 to 22.) - -r-^ . 2(1 +a;)^ ^^"^^'^ ' — t:, T^i : — 75 rr; ts rs .* Ti a • (23.) When x > 1, faster; also {1+xy (!+«)* (l+ar)« ' (l+x)* faster when x . When x = = , they both change at the same dV2 SV2 nte. When x < , y changes slower than -a;. 3^2 ANSWERS. 317 INDETERMINATE COEFFICIENTS.— DEVEhOPMENT OF FUNCTIONS. (Page 161, 161,) (3.) l-ia;«-ia5*-etc. ; x-^^+x^-x^+etc, ; ^ + ^x+^x^ + ^x^ -»-etc. ; l4-ia;+t«2_|_.i.a.3^.;^4^et(,^ (4.) S+Saj-ac^-Saj^'-aj^-etc; l + 2x + a.» + te'+9.V4-etc.; ^ - |^ + ^ _ g, + ^,._et. (5.) 1— 4iC— ^a;2— 8^5^— etc.; l+^x—^^+-^^x^—eic. DECOMPOSITION OF FRACTIONS. (Page 164, 167.) 5 3 3 15 4 7 (2 to 6.) 3(a;-2) 3(a;+l) ' 2(a;-2) 2a; ' a;-4 a;-3 ' 2(a;-4) _ 1 ^ _J ^ 9 _2 1__ _3_ 2(aj-2) ' 2(a;+l) a;+2"^ 2(a;+3) * ^ ** ^^ (aj-l)^ (a;-l)=^ "^ a;-l ' 2 3__ _1_ . 1 _ J^ 2 _J 1 !___ {x+ZY (a?+3)* "^ aj+3' a;* jc* + 3. + /^\-x) 2{l+x)'^ 4(l+a!)' 1 1 \__ , 1 2__ 1__ 2__ 4(a;-l) 4(a;+l) 2(a;«+l)' 25(a;-2)2 125(aj-2) "^ 25(a5+3)2 "^ 125(a;+3)* ft^ 1 2^-2 ! 3(a; + 4) 1 1 J^ _ 2 _3_ (12 to 18.) ^e:^^ (a;2+l)2' a; "^ (aj'^-2)=^ "^ a!2-2 "^ a;-l ' a;=^ a; "^ a;+l ' 1 (_2_ _ _1_ g-2 _ a;+2 j 1 1__ elaj-l a;+l "^ a;*-a!+l x'+x+l) ' Aa\a+x) 4ta\a-x) 1_ 1 !____. J.? ? 12_ ■^2a«(a*+a;«)' (a-6)(a;-a) (a-6)(a;-6)' a;-3 a;-l a;-2* tjtje: binomial formula. (Page 167, i7J.) (1 to 6.) a^-Qa'h-'rl^a^h^-'ZOcL'h'-^X^a^h^-Qab'+h^ ; a;^-7a;6y+21a;«2^« - 35ajV* + 35a;'y* - 2\x^y' + Ixy^ - y' ; a» - na**"* aj + ^^^^— ^"~' «^ ^ M^-l)(^-g)^n-3^. ^^(^-l)(^-2)(^zi)^.-4^4_etc.; l4-4.+6.^-f4.^ ^ if W^_l) w(7l-l)(7l-2) +«*; 1-5^4- 10y2_l0yJ+5y4-2^« ; l-ny+ —3 — 2/' jg y' _^ ^^-l)(n 2)(7^- j)^^_^^^^ (7 to 11.)*****. (13, 14 to 17.)**** fl8to20.) a^-\a H^-^a ^x'-ha ^a;6-etc.; ^-5 + ^^ + gj-^ 818 ANSWERS. i(V|.6 i a _3, + i^29^ + etc. ; a'+4a^c''+6a*c+'ia'c'-\-c\ (28.) -^Siia ^ b'\ LOGARITHMS, (Page 179, 199.) (1.) 4, 6, * * * (2.) -2, * * *. (3.) 4, * *. (5.) To the 3291147th power, and the 1000000th root extracted. (G.) The 1000000th root of the 3414639th power, (7 to 9.) * * * *. (10.) .23108, .17677, * *. (11.) 4.449419, 4.637084,1.890210. (12.) 12.42, .00010031, 18.3625, 1.8358. (14.) flog aj 4-i[log (l+ir)+log (l-«)], Klog rt+log .^■- log 6-log y), ^[log («-«)+log {s-b) +log («— c)— log *], ^[log ar+log (1— .r)] — J log y; - {m log a+p log 6- Hog c), i log c— - log (f-H - [log(7/t-har)+log (w— .t)]— w log a+n log 6. (16.) — z r; a; x 2{l + ir) SUCCESSIVE DIFFERENTIATION, (Page 182, 204,) (2.) 12a;da;«. (6.) * * ♦. (7.) 2[{x-h)-\-{x-c)+(z-a)]dx*. DIFFERENTIAL COEFFICIENTS, (Page 185, 207.) (6.) 10**4-12aJ*-l(te, 40«»-f36x«~10, 120x«+72ar, 2405+72, 240; ****. TAYLOR'S FORMULA. (Page 188, J^i;?.) 4-2aJ-»y+3ar-V*+4ar»y3^.5a^6y4^({,,-7y5^_e^c. ; a;~^-p"^y+t«"V _|^^-V'y3+^a;*'^2/*-^f«"^^'^^/' +etc. Page 189, (2.) 3aj«-2aj2+(15aj4-4c)A +(30ic3-2)A2 + SOar^A' + l&r^^ + ZhK ANSWERS. 319 INDETERMINATE EQUATIONS. (Page 192, 218.) Sy= 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59, 68, 77,86,95,104,113,122,131,140,149. U=215, 202, 189, 176, 163, 150, 137, 124, 111, 98, 85, 72, 59, 46, 33, 20, 7. . Sy=2^, Q. ,^. (y= 8. (2^= 9, 28. 47, etc. (y =2, 119, 236, etc. ^ i x=Vll, 28. ^ ' ( a;=20. ^-^ ^ { x=ZQ, 173, 290, etc. ^^^ \ a;=3, 131, 259, etc. i^)\ll\ »5.+9.=40. None. 5.-9.=40, |fl,?; ^J J -• APPLICATIONS. (2.) Yes ; 15, 163, 9. (4.) No ; yes, in an infinite number of ways ; 4 3-shil- Img pieces and 192 guineas ; possible ; possible ; possible. (5.) 190. INDETEBMINATE EQUATIONS BETWEEN THREE QUANTITIES. (Page 194, 219,) (z= 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 11, 12, 13, 14. (2.)]y=ll, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1, 8, 6, 4, 2. (3.) 59 sets of values. (a;=10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1, 2, 3. 4. (A)z-l\^=^' 4' ^'8' 10-^ 2-2^^^='^' 3,5,7,9.) (y= 2,4,6,8. ^*-^ '-^ U=15,12,9,6, 3.) <.r=rl4, 11, 8, 5, 2. f U-=; (a;=r9,6,3.f f;r=5, 2.1 ]a;=4, l.f :10,7,4, 1. (Page 194, 220.) (1.) «=7,y=2,a;=10. (2.) e=15, 30, ^^=82, 40, a; =15, 50. (8.) None. APPLICATIONS. (1.) 8 of 1st, 6 of 2d, 2 of 3d, and in 9 other ways ; 23 and 2, 10 and 5, 9 and 8, 2 and 11. (2.) $4, $2, $7 ; infinite variety of prices. (3.) 6, 3, 1, 16. (4.) Nuniber of the 3d kind equals twice the number of the 1st kind, plus tlie number of the 2d kind ; 1 of 1st, 6 of 2d, 8 of 3d kind. (5.) 40, 60, 24. (6.) 55, 10, 85 is one result in integers. There are an infinite number of other ways. (7.) * *. (8.) s :=. 10, y = 1, x = 13. 320 ANSWERS. LOCI OF EQUATIONS. A LAROE number of these constructions are exhibited in the text, and to give taore would be to destroy the possibility of the student's deriving any benefit from the exercise. HIGHER ^0 17^ TJOJV^S.— TRANSFORMATION. (Page 205, 228.) (2.) Multiply by y*, and then put y=x^°. Finally put x= — , etc. It is not deemed expedient to give farther explanations. (Page 214, 249.) (2 to 84.) To give the roots of these equations would destroy the practical Talue of the examples. (Page 216, 250.) {1.) x^-2x*-Ux+12=0. (2.) x*-2x^-5x'+4x+Q=0. (3.)***. (4.) x^-x*-7x+15=0. (5.) » * * (6.) d0x'-nx'-l]x+6=0. (7 to 10.) *****♦. (11.) x^-\0x''+dSx*-5Qx^-7Sx^+66x~\-S9=0. EQUATIONS WITH INCOMMENSURABLE ROOTS. (Pages 216-247.) To give the answers to these examples would be to destroy their value to the student. CARDAN'S rROCESS. (Page 251, 281.) (2.) -1, 2, 2. (3.) 2, -1 ± Vs. (4.) V'i - '^'2. and the roots of w^ -^.{i^-l^)x + {i^i-i^)\e.= 0, which are -^{i^i-h) (0.) 1, -2 ± 3 V^. (7.) * * *. (8.) 2, 2 ± V^. (9.) 8. -4, -4. (10.) * * *.• (11.) * * *. (12.) * * *. (13.) One root is 2.32748+ AN8WEKS. 321 VESCABTES'S FMOCESS. (Page 252, 283.) Ex. 4, -2, -1 + V^, and -1 - V^. MECUBBING EQUATIONS. (Page 255, 291.) (1.) 2 ± V3, ^ (1 ± V^). (2.) - 1, ^ (9 ± V77), ^ (3 ± V5). (3.) 1, 3, l+4a±V5 + 20a i — 2, — f (4.) — 1, ^m ± V|^m2 — 1, in which m = „ .. . ^ (.1— «) (5.) -1, 1, I, -1, -1, 1 (1 ± V:^). (6.) 2, ^, ^m ± V^m^ - 1, in which m = 1 (- 5 ± V5). (7.) 2, ^, 2, i, ^ (1 ± V-"3. (8.) |(3 ± VS), | (-7±3 VS). (9.) i(V5- 1 ± V- 10-2 \/5), _ ^ (V5 + 1 T V- 10 + 2 V5). (10.) ^rti ± \/^rn^ _ 1^ in which m = 2 (1 ± V3). BINOMIAL EQUATIONS. (Page 255, 292.) (1 to 6.) See answe^' to (45), page 138, and multiply them respectively by \^5, \^^, fe, ^, V'n. (7.) See as above. EXPONENTIAL EQUATIONS. (Page 256, 206.) (2 to 6.) 3.0957+, 11.384+, 3.292+, 0, 0. (8.) 3.597+. (9.) 2.316+ (10.) 2.879+. (11.) 3.233+. (12.) 2.001+. (13.) ^"^ i^g/'"^ / 2Jo|a+log_c^ lo|c (ie.)2i,3|. (17.) (^)""^^ ^ ^ Mogflj ^ ' w log a+7i log 6 \o/ ( jj . (18.) ^[q + 1^^;. .|? - i^^j. (19.) 3l^^_p3 i„g 3 2(2+log5)_ 243 _^ 42^ J I'^S- (24.) $196.71 2 log 2+3 log 3 Mog(r?+6) $198.98, $200.17, $259.37, $265.33, $268.51, $180.61, $181.43, $134.83 322 ANSWERS. (25.) 7.13, 10.24, 16.23, 20.48 years. (26.) 29.91 years. (27.) $1502.6a (28.) 11933.97. (30.) $1157.28. (32.) $4794.52, $3500. (33.) $577.06- (35.) The former by $629.03. (36.) $500.91. (38.) 13.58 years. (39.) $796.87. (40.) $8229.70. (41.) Gains $1756.60. APPENDIX. SJEBIES. (Page 275, 311.) (2.) 12, 6, 0. (3.) 8, 32. (4.) -3^. (5.) 1. (6.) -14. (Page 276, 313.) (4.) -ar', +««, +x. 5x\ 5x^. (5.) -27, +9, +3. 32805, 98415. m +3x\+2x. 1093aJ^ 3281a;«. (7.) -4, +4. 192,448. (8.) -2.7;*, +.r^ +2x. 87aj», 173x^. (9.) -jx. ^x\-^ x\ (10.) -1. +4, -6, +4. 56, 84, 120. (11.) +1, -3, +3. 26, 34, 43. (Page 277, 314.) (1.) 4516a;'. (2.) 17a;». (3.) -x\ (4.) 2733. (5.) 29525. (6.) 1365. (7.) 20. '^1\ (8.) n(n + l). (9.) 6396a;" (10.) +1, -5, + 10, -10, +5. +1, -3, +3. +1, -3, +3. +3a;', -x^ , +2x. (11.) »«. (12.) 8694. (13.) 26. 34, 43, 53, 64. 26a;", 34a;", 43a;», 53a;", 64a;". 196, 336, 540, 8:5, 1210, 1716. (Page 279, 315.) (2.) No. (8 to 6.) Yes. (Page 282, 316.) ^'-f l_3a;_2a;2 • ^-'' l-x-x"^ ' ^^'^ {\-xY ' ^ '' l-2a;-a;«+2a 5fctl) . (10.) S78256 ; «°+10"'+35";'+50»'+jjg . („., 103155O ; i 120 3 . (12.) 60710; _+--+_- -^. ANSWERS. 323 KV^-^-^-^)- (20.) i (21.) i. (22.)-A-. (23.) 1. (25.) ^i^, (26.) i. (27.) A-. (28.) -h (29.) f,. (30.) r^,-^. PILING BALLS AND SHELLS. (Page 287, 322.) (i.) 1540, 13244, 903. (2.) 9455, 4324, 35720, 465, 276, 1128. (3.) 7490, 3880. (4.) 624. (5.) 2730. (6.) 36256. REVERSION OF SERIES. (Page 288, ^323.) (2.) a; = y - y« + y' - y* + etc. (3.) a; = y -^ 3y« + 13y^ - 67^/* + etc. (4.) a; = y + 4y' + hy^ + -j^sV'' + etc. (5.) « = iy - Ay"'' + f Ay*" - etc. (6.) a;=(y-l)-i(y-l)2 4-^(y-l)-'-i(y-l)* + etc. (7.) x^^ + {am^-r>) y^ [hm * — mp —2in{am * — n)']y ^ + . — + etc. INTERPOLATION. (Page 290, 325.) (2.) 1.794. (5.) (♦ * *). PEJRMUTATIONS. (Page 293, 334.) (1.) 720, 24, 3,628,800. (2.) 720, 42, 210, 840, 2520, 5040, 5040. 120, 21, 35, 35, 21, 7, 1. (3.) 36, 84. 126, 126, 84, 36, 1. (4.) 72, 504, 3024. (5.) 20. (6.) 35, 21. (7.) 127. (8.) 479,001,600. (9.) 792. (10.) 15. :il.)166,320. 64,864,800. (12.) 1023. PROBABILITIES. (Page 295, 335.) (1.) U, -h ; n, 4^. (2.) f, f, 2:1, 4:3. (4.) 6 to 1. (6.) (* * *> (6.) i 5toi. (11.) mh THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. 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