^m ar& % *ts 348 BIBLIOGRAPHY. [Clarke (Wm.)] Ke pertorium Bibliographicum, or some Account of the most Celebrated British Libraries, portraits, roy. 8vo, half morocco, t.e.y., 17s 6d H20) 1819 This Edition contains the Rare "Dialogue in the Shades," between W. Caxton aud W. Wynken ; j also a Ballad, entitled, " Rare Doings atBoxburRhe Hall." DIALOGUE IN THE SHADES, Between WILLIAM CAXTON, Fomus, a Bibliomaniac, and WILLIAM WYNKEN, Clerk, a descendant of WYNKEN DE WORDE: -To which is added, the Story of Dean Honywood 's Grubs. With explanatory Notes, by W. W. OLD Caxton, long of life bereft, This stage of mortal coil" had left^ To converse in the shades below us With Ulric Zell* or Mathew Goes : These kindred souls no more intent on The works they once were fully bent on, Now gaily pass their hours away, And blossom in perpetual day ; Ulric Zell, 8tc. eminent typographic brethren. A DIALOGUE IN THE SHADES. For here no anxious cares intrude To vex the wandering multitude. Wynken. Quoth Wynken to Lavagnian Philip, 1 see approaching yonder hill up, Sir Fodius, toiling with a pack Of letter'd lumber at his back ; Call Wolfgang Hopyl, Godfrey Back-stone, And bid 'em straight to Maister Caxton, Right glad he'll be to see this said man, .A fortieth Coz of Robert Redman. Fodius. Quick from th' Ebetian fc club last night By secret ways I took my flight ; My precious lore slung on my back, My lustrous tomes of U'tUr fclacfc, Unique and rare a store of wealth ! (Approaches Caxton who is seated in an arbour.) Father of Type, to thee all health ! Caxton. I grete you safe from the old monde ; What bokes and readers in Englonde Are moost renommed ; right joyous wo'd I Some ornate treatyse scanne or studie ; Con o'er a Legende of Dom Lapi-ence, Or rede a werke of wit and sapience Craftely wrote, or pleasaunt histrye Worthy of memory, tale or myst'ry ; For wis I well within your pokes, That you have no defaulte of bokes. Fodius. Right welcome, Sir, to see my store By Tilly f Troost, and fifty more, b Ebetian, not Hebetian, as it may be conjectured ; the word is probably abridged from Alphabetian ; tbe " Preatie Childe's Boke," being the first production imprinted under the auspices of the club for the instruction of the juvenile members. e Tilly, &c. worthy printers of rare small pieces. A DIALOGUE IN THE SHADES. Tom Gubbin, Higman, Lobley, Scott, John Jaggard, Keller, Adam Rot ; See here " Cocke LorelVs Bote,"*znd " Peter The Ploughman's Carol," both in metre, The " Galled Horse" that wants a plaister, " A Treacle Pill" by Andrew Hester; " A Curry combe for Coxcomb's Back ;" Of " Ancient Lullabies," and " Jacke The juggler's pranks with Madam Coye" And ballets eke of Mistress Toye, e With interludes of Jacky Drum," And mighty deeds of GREAT TOM THUMB ! (Producing a splendid folio reprint zcith engravings.) Caxton. What goodly preute ! so large and fayre ! In troth a coostely exemplayre, Fit torecorde in th' actes of Charlemayne, The valyaunte Emperour of Almayne, Or pious Godefroy's gloryous fayte, Written in volumes large and grete. Fodius. In stature small, some two feet three, The tiny hero's portrait see, W^ho twenty score of giants drubb'd, Was thence by Royal Arthur dubb'd d Cocke Lorell's Bote, &c. all uniques! Mrs. Toye was a courteous dame, and an eminent printer of baUett: the well known ditty of " Derry" and " DilF' is supposed to have had a complimentary allusion to two noted itinerants, good cus- tomers of Mrs. Toye, whose names echoed to the rhythm, and who charmed the ears of the lower orders in the time of Queen Mary I. Some copies of the original ballad, are in the possession of two living descendants of the Derry and Dill families, amateurs and first-rate collectors in Ihe ballad line. A DIALOGUE IN THE SHADES. THE GREAT! Indeed some authors say (Which we may rather doubt by th' way), That mighty Tom, yclep'd a long man, Was even Herculesj the strong man. Caxton Of Thumbe's empryse I ne'er yet list on, (impatiently.) And moche j feare t t at Tom's no Cristen. At Wynken here old Caxton took A sly significantish look, 'S much as to say, he's surely far gone To treasure up the silly jargon That's conn'd with stupid stare at schools, Or huckster'd out at fairs to fools. (Fodins retires.) Caxton. Pray tell me who yon wight may he, That stormed you and flurried me ; * His well stuff'd bagge I trowe conteyne Of sugred sentence not a grayne: Th' unconnyng clerke who'd best wyse lerne, he'll Finde moche chaffe and little kernel. Wynken. 'Tis Fodius, once a letter'd knight, Who delving deep brought forth to light Forgotten rhymes of early days, Madrigals, sonnets, virelays ; Words void of fire, yet brisk in tune, Cull'd for the coterie b of trenle-un. These Fust-y Guttenbergian wits Who " Prymers," Interludes," in fits, ' " Thomam ilium Thumbum non alium quam Herculem fuisse satis constat." Mart. Scriblerus. * Our doggerel maker lias in this line inadvertently fallen into an error, in representing Caxton, in his felicitous state, influenced by hu- man passions. h Coterie, or club, " an assembly of good fellows." Johnson. " A company or society of persons who meet together to drink." Bailey. A DIALOGUE IN THE SHADES. Old " Nursery Tales" of wizards, witches, " Blind pigs and cattle drown'd in ditches ;" ' 11 Hobgoblins, sprites, and fairy elves," Reprint to edify themselves. See Tubal k first with brazen throat, Sound forth his mighty deeds of note ; How when he rais'd a club at A'mack's } \ To draw in simple Bibliomacs ; Taught them with reverence to look On tatter'd scraps of ancient book ; A catchword seize as quick as Barto t And tell a folio from a quarto ; m Uniques with piercing eye to ken, Prize one of two leaves more than ten ; Old Homer, Pliny, Plato, Caesar, Discard for Tom, the courtly sneezer ; n " Joe Splynter's gestes" and *' Withers' crums," Prefer to Philo's axioms. : * The ruefull Tempeste: or, a full Accounte of the melancholy drowninge of Sarah Sawyer, a farmer's widowe of Floode-Bank ; who with her whole stocke of Horses, Cowes and Swine, were drowned on Monday the nineteenth of this instant November, 1602. 4to. PrintedforA. Winderain. k A trumpeter, a stirrer up, or whipper-in. ' Almacks, or Albans, probably at the former academy of dancing, where we are informed the merry members were wont to disport themselves in friskings, quippes, and crankes, long before and after pudding time. m See a case in point argued by two eminent bibliographical coun- sel, under a latin version of Diogenes Laertius, described in a cumbrous modern " Bibliotheca." " Sternutatorium hermicraniologicum; or, The Arte of Sneezing at will, and curing all sortes of megrims and disorders of the head : by Thomas WhisJie, practitioner extra to the Kinge's grace. U. lei. 4to. o date. A DIALOGUE IN THE SHADES. A Palmer whilom seeking food He bow'd to shrine of Hony wood,? Whose grubs," by forc'd, yet genial showers, Quickly assum'd aurelian powers ; And in the gairish face of day, Took sudden wing and flew away : Flutt'ring a while o'er lofty tower, Erst the Arch-fiend was wont to lour, Instinctively the little troop, With speed arrive at Tubal's coop, Are cocker'd, coax'd, and prun'd, and dress'd In saffron blue or rosy vest. Straight chronicled in ' * littel Tome " Forthwith admiring maniacs come : Barto, in haste, arriving post, Seiz'd Tapster Nick," r and Rule the Host;" The " Great Devourer,'" Red-cappe Pym."' " Fier a Bras," and " Haggey's Whim." o A pilgrim, in search of pabulum, or provender. p Dean Hony wood, who lived about the time of the Restoration ; he bequeathed his valuable library to the see of Lincoln. ' Grubs, alias Dean Honywood's " bokes in kivers of parchmente." Vide the Tenth Tale of Nidbid's Mereacdon, where the history of Dean Honywood's grubs breaks off abruptly. r The Lamentable Complaynts of Nick Froth the tapster, and Rule- rost the cooke, concerning the restraint set forthe against drinking, potting, and piping, on the Sabbath Day. ' " The monstrous dcvourer, or great feeder, being a true relation of a man that travels about Westminster, and the adjoining parts, feeding upon all sortes of garbage and ofl'al, gathered from butchers' stalls and cheesemongers' shops ; with an account of his narrow escape from smotherment by the falling of the main beams that supported his bed- chamber, with a wood-cut view of the overloaded apartment, and shewing the manner of his miraculous escape." ' " Pymlico, or runne red cap : 'tis a mad world at Hogsdon." ^'o. A DIALOGUE IN THE SHADES. The " Hunting Boke" with " Sloven's school"" Renardo gain'd ; while " Peerless-pool,"* " Lusty- Juventus," " Newb'ry ware," Fell to the gay old Romeo's share : Guiscardo ey'd " Fair Bristowe'-s Maid," " Tables for Pericranium's aid :" The grey " Owle's Almanack" J to Faulcon, A steady block to set a hawk on : " Chippes of Salvation" 1 " Maudlins new," " Ovidii Trist" to Dismae/u : Sir Tryamour " of lost Delites," " Juniper Lectures," Crab-tree rights : Spandrillo " Tales of Leonard Laekwit," And the sly jokes of " Thomas Tackwit." Conceal'd beneath these witty jokes Lay snug the " Arte of making Bokes;"* A lusty tome of noble size, Which Tubul seiz'd a glorious prize ! Within were plac'd with dext'rous care " Caveat of Coz'ners to beware," u " The School of Slovenrie: or Cato turned wrong side outward."4to. * " The Antiquities of Peerless Poole, with the Dangers of Rosa- mond's pond ; addressed to all serious young maidens." With the print. y " The Owle's Almanacke, found in an Ivy-bushe, now published in English by the painfull labours of Mr. Jeremy Muddybraines." 4to. 1 " Cbippes of Salvation hewed out of the timber of Faythe." 4 " The newe and admirable Arte of makynge Bokes, with all the necessarie Tooles." By Thomas Morecrafte, clerke. At the end is a wood-cut representing a portrait of the Author in his study, sitting in contemplation, with alighted candle burnt doivn to the socket; the gloomy effect of the dying taper on the surrounding objects is admirably ex- pressed : from a pile of books in a comer of the room a label is indis- tinctly seen, with the motto, " Magnus in minimis." A DIALOGUE IN THE SHADES. " Sharp humors let from head that's vayne," b " Strong yerkings of prolific brayne ;" These mix'd with " fangle" " quirke" and "quippe," And neat inventive workmanship, Restamp'd in Bulmer's glossy mint, A portion prove for Martha Stint. No trumpet, horn, nor lyre of Jubal Can sound a note as high as Tubal. (Here Wynken perceives Caxton awaiting from a reverie or sound nap.) Bald is the subject, bad my verse, Caxton. Ne grayne, ne kernel, werse and werse. (Ex.) b " Yong scholers now a days emboldened in the fly-blown blast of the moche vayne glorious pipplying wind whan they have delecta- bly lycked a lytell of the lycorous electuary of lusty learning, count themselves clerkes excellently informed and transccndingly sped in moche higli conyng." Shelton. c " No child can be said to be portionless whose father is an EBETIAN, as one of their Reprints will doubtless prove an ample provision !" FiVfethe Ninth Tale of Nidbid's Mereacdon. A BALLAD ENTITLED RARE DOINGS AT ROXBURGHE-HALL:' OR, THE TILTING SCENE BETWEEN EARL SPIRA AND LORD BLANDISH. LONG prosper James our noble King, Our lives and safeties all ; A woeful tilting once there did In Roxburghe-house befall. To win black-letter'd musty lore, Earl Spira took his way ; And many a Bibliomane may rue, The biddings of that day. The Baron of Wmn did A vow to Plutus make, His pleasure in Faldarfer's* tome On future days to take : * Roxburghe-Hall, imitated and modernized from an unique black letter tract, supposed to be written by Sir Robert Ker, gentleman of the bed-chamber to James I. Vid, W. W.'s address, prefixed to the Repertoriutn Bibliographieum. b The celebrated Boccaccio, printed by Valdarfer. RARE DOINGS AT ROXBURGHE-HALL. The chiefest books in Roxburghe-baM To buy and bear away ; These tidings to Earl Spira came, At Alprop where he lay. Who sent the Baron present word He would prevent his sport ; The valiant Peer not fearing this, Did to the Hall resort, With fifteen score of hounds so bold, All chosen dogs of might ; Who knew full well in time of need, To aim their barkings right. The hungry greyhounds loudly growl, Whene'er the game came on ; On Monday they began to hunt, Just as the clock struck one. The Baron hastened to the field, Well girt in front and rear; Quoth he, " Earl Spira promised, This day to meet me here." The Earl now enter'd as he spoke, Ev'n like the Baron bold ; The foremost of the company, His pockets lined with gold. These dogs are of the true sagacious black lettered breed described by Dame Juliana: there is a mongrel untrainable sort, denominated sad dogs,Moorfield-barkers,&c. RARE DOINGS AT ROXBURGHE-HALL. " Shew me," said he, " whose dogs you be, That bark so loudly here ; For I'm resolv'd your mouths to stop, I've neither dread nor fear." The man that first did answer make, Was noble Blandish he ; Who said, " We list not to declare Nor shew whose dogs we be. " But we will freely spend our cash, The rarest books to buy ;" Then Spira swore a solemn oath, Enrag'd at this reply. " Ere thus I will outbidden be, One of us two shall fly ; I know thee well, a Peer thou art, Lord Blandish, so am I. " Yet pity it were our trusty dogs, Of whom we stand in need, For they have yet no evil done, Thus uselessly should bleed. " Let thou and I the battle try, And set the brutes aside :" " Accurst be he," Lord Blandish said, " By whom this is denied." Up leap'd a brisk and gallant dog, Brag-deeptone* was bis name ; * Deep-tone Saxonife Deep- din; an excellent full-mouthed dog, sonorous and sagacious. RARE DOINGS AT ROXBURGHE-HALL. Who said, " I would not have it told, To my eternal shame, " That ere our noble chairman fought, And ' Vice' stood looking on ; While I have power of teeth and nails, 111 gore them to the bone." The Baron's huntsmen blew their horns, Loud blasts of deadly sounds ; With curling tails, and ears erect, /Approach'd th' intrepid hounds. The EarFs stout leaders now advance, In shining collars dight ; Onward they press with raging force; All eager for the fight. The crowds ppur in on every side, To view the coming storm ; And many a gallant Lilliput, Stood gasping on the form. See Hart o' Greece* with desp'rate thrust, Stout Dygore disarm ; " Launcelots" and " Tristrams" crouch beneath The vigour of his arm. With rav'nous maw full twenty knights, Caparison'd in steel, Like the great Boa, darting forth, He gorges at a meal. * Hart o* Greece, a long-legged and remarkably swift dog; named after the celebrated Westmorland stag mentioned by Caniden. RARE DOINGS AT ROXBURGHE-HALL. By way of coolers now he takes, The Belman" f andthe "Glutton;" The "Night Crowe Bird that breedeth brawles,' And "stealer of rank mutton." 8 These in a trice at once glide down, Like syllabub or jelly ; Hart now retir'd, with eyes half clos'd, Sat spinning his Ramelli. h Yawning he calls " Nic Froth" appears, With cheering cup of best-f- The foam puffM off, he gulp'd amain, ft And sank to drowsy rest. Brag straining now with all his might, ' & "Tom Hickathrift" attacks, " Honesta fraus" and " Coz'ners false," f With Mengrelle he goes snacks. :iA For " Gosson's Schoole" ' the contest fcy, 'Twixt Tryndk tayle and Wappe ; Brag twisting in drove Tryndle out A. And dealt his foes a rap. ' " Belman's Treasury " and " Glutton's Feaver'' uniques! * The History of Hendrik Durck Stecken, the noted sentimental sheepe stealer ; translated from the Base Almayne-tonge. h Ramelli is a Bibliomaniacal toy like a water wheel ; on the ledges books are fixed, which on turning round delight the eye of the spinner to admiration : it is named from the inventor, the celebrated machinist, and a view of it, with a Bibliomaniac " at work," may be seen in his book " Le Diverse Machine/' fol. 1588. 1 " Gosson's Schoote of Abuse." i i RARE DOINGS AT ROXBURGHE-HALL. " Westward for smelts," u Dame Haggey Horn," Tom Ladle," Seria Jocis," Were fought for desp'rately, as if Pro aris et profocis. Tim Clawback seiz'd old " Mother Hag," Clem Clank, the Turvey-tinkers ;" With Lurcher* sly, the Merry Dame," l March'd off without her blinkers." The battle's rage on every side Embrued the gory plain ; Spanker and Mengrelle, valiant dogs, Lay number'd with the slain. At last these noble champions met, Both maniacs in good plight, With lion-strength their blows laid on, And made a cruel fight. The golden prize expos'd to view, Their fierce desires provoke ; And massive blades of temper'd steel, Brought blood at every stroke. " Yield thee, Lord Blandish" Spira said, " By Guttenberg 1 swear, I will to thee a nymph resign, Than ' Gelders' maid " n more fair. h Lurcher, " less and shorter than the greyhound, of sullen aspect, dark and cunning in its habits." 1 The Wyddow Edyth, a dameof mcrric memory. m Blinkers, worn by ladies of character at the court of Charles II. " Gelders' maid " A doleful discourse of a Dutche dame dreadfully distraughte of hir willes." RARE DOINGS AT ROXBURGHE-HALL. Dear < Dinah Daftly' shall be thine; Of thee I will report, No man so gallant e'er was seen In city, camp, or court." " No, Spira" quoth Lord Blandish then, " Thy proffer I despise ; I will not yield to any man, The Lampolecchio prize." With that he rais'd his falchion high, And made so fierce a thrust, That would have thrown a weaker knight E'en prostrate in the dust. lulus now with speed advanc'd, To aid his ruffled sire ; A stouter weapon ne'er was borne, By knight or trusty squire : Hurling it struck the Baron's helm, Who startling at the sound, Call'd his laps'd courage quickly back, And boldly stood his ground. With sturdy arm he bent his bow, " Made of a trusty tree;" '* An arrow of a cloth-yard long" Straight at the Earl did flee ; Which glancing swiftly on the flank, His side-long pockets rent ; Lampolecchio The Tale of the Nuns and the Lampolecchio Gar- dener ispiquantly related in tbe Valdarfer edition. RARE DOINGS AT ROXBURGHE-HALL. In streams pactolian flowing down, His ammunition went. With heavy heart, his prowess gone, And put upon his trumps ; "Craven!" he cried, with fault'ring voice, As one in doleful dumps. Then leaving strife the Peers embrace, And vow eternal peace ; Grant that henceforth contention dire, 'Twixt Bibliomanes may cease I Printed by J. F. DOVE, St. John's Square. J. F. Dove, Printer, St. John'i Square. ifqm'torutm SOME ACCOUNT OP THE MOST CELEBRATED BRITISH LIBRARIES. EGREGIOS CUMULARE LIBROS PR&CLARA SUPELLEX. FETRARCHA. LONDON: WILLIAM CLARKE, NEW BOND STREET. MDCCCX1X. ADVERTISEMENT. IH E object of the present volume is to assist, in some de- gree, the collector in his pursuit of valuable editions of rare books. The Compiler has endeavoured, in the selections from the various libraries, to exhibit the prominent features of each : our old establishments, abounding in biblical and clas- sical literature, appear to be the models for several eminent private collections of the present day, some of which are so extensive as even to rival the ancient public foundations of the kingdom. iit It is the fate of many collections to sulfer dispersion at no distant period of time from their formation : at this moment the libraries of Bindley and North are passing rapidly into other hands; the curious volumes of the former, indeed, yielded most abundantly to their possessor, for he had the en- joyment of his books for more than half a century. Among the additions to individual libraries, made during the progress of this work through the press, an inestimable volume, from the undoubted hands of Albert Durer and Lucas van Leyden, now in the possession of Mr. Beckford, has a superior claim to notice in this place. The minia- tures, twenty in number, representing the Life and Passion of ADVERTISEMENT. Christ, the celebration of Mass, &c., are painted with pecu- liar delicacy and minuteness ; divested of the stiffness of the early German school, they possess much of the grace of the Italian. It is well known that these celebrated artists and friends, during the stay of Albert at Leyden, frequently ex- pressed their ideas upon the same pannel : it would seem that on this beautiful volume they had conjointly exerted their great powers, to produce a work, that should remain as an elegant and lasting memorial of their mutual esteem and regard. A genuine bibliophilist* will probably exclaim at our notices of black-- letter rarities; and that whole pages are filled with drossy matter, to the exclusion of better mate- rials : " Caxtons" to him may be matters of small curiosity or value ; but not so with some modern book-men : like de- faced and rusty coins to dabblers in vertu, their antiquity con- stitutes their only worth ; hence to " thorough-bred biblioma- niacs,' 1 they are pearls above all price. The occasional bibliographical notices in the subsequent pages relate chiefly to English productions ; those on foreign works are amply ^eated of in the volumes of De Sure, Brunei, &c., books that are in the hands of every collector. Since writing the above we are informed, that the valuable Oriental Manuscripts of the traveller Burchardt are now de- posited in the Public Library at Cambridge. A sober lover of books not a maniac, io hi APRIL 18, 1819. 1 HE REV. WILLIAM WYNKEN had, in his life time, com- posed a " Dialogue in the Shades," which, by the " kind par- tiality of friends," he was flattered would look well in print : he lived, however, to see that those friendly testimonies ge- nerally prove fallacious, and desired to revoke a promise he had made of attaching the t( Dialogue" to this volume. His dear cousin and executor, wishing to obey the injunc- tion of his deceased friend, and at the same time, desirous of ful- filling the prorfise of the publisher, intends to take off a small impression in a separate form, with a vignette engraving pre- fixed, to be given to such subscribers only as may apply for the same, on the 10th of June next, or within one month from that date. He hopes and believes the demand will be very inconsiderable, for he cannot reconcile it to his conscience even thus to make public what his dear cousin wished to sup- press. Should any copies remain uncalled for, beyond the time specified, they will positively be committed to the fiames* The late Mr. Wynken, in his last will and testament, be- queathed to his dear cousin, an unique black letter tract, en- a An ingenious Frenchman, whose neglected pieces remained on his hands, hit upon an expedient to make them sell ; he prefixed the following attractive title, " Pieces echappces du feu," and succeeded to his wish : this small volume is now become a very rare book. titled, " Rare Doynges at Roxburghe Hall" " printed by W. B., boke prynter to new fanglers, whose names be upon their bokes." This unknown curiosity is supposed to relate to a tilting scene at the castle of Sir Robert Ker, on the coro- nation of Queen Anne, consort to James i. Sir Robert was gentleman of the bed-chamber to the king, and a poet in high favour with his majesty, who was no mean smatterer himself. Sir Robert is supposed to have been the author of the piece, and it is believed the king also bore a hand in the composition. Should any worthy bibliomaniac yearn for the possession of this truly unique production, Mr. Wynken will part with it for the very inadequate sum of fifty-five pounds thirteen shillings and sixpence. He will treat with any printer or bookseller, who, by the purchase, may realize a handsome profit, by reprinting thirty-one copies -only of the same, on fine hot-pressed paper, for the select few, at the price of ten guineas each. APRIL 19, 1819. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page List of Book Sales - - - f - i' ~* * - xii Sketch of the Principal Foreign Libraries - - \\\iii PUBLIC LIBRARIES. LONDON, the Library of the BRITISH MUSEUM 3 j^^{ BODLEIAN LIBRARY, OXFORD - - - 65 The ARCHIEPISCOPAL LIBRARY, LAMBETH PALACE ,>..,, r - -;TV !*/" 93 CAMBRIDGE, Bene't College Library -^ to"*. " 1^7 , St. John's College. - -;(&%&* - 108 , the Pepysian Library T * ^^ t - 109 , Trinity College Library -^ ^ r - 1 10 ' , the University or Public Library -III CANTERBURY, Cathedral Church Library , - kl -,r 122 DUBLIN, Trinity College Library - 2 ;i 1; " -130 EDINBURGH, the Advocates' Library - - -137 ETON COLLEGE Library . - (f?.'\ fi* " C "7 134* GLASGOW, HUNTERIAN MUSEUM -^/Via^l ,,-r-140 LONDON, Library of the Society of Antiquaries - 145 , London Institution . .-.*.*? .. - 150 ~~~ * Royal Institution ^ ...^ ^ ^ ^ - ib. , RoyaJ Society - ,.. v _ 151 CONTENTS. Page LONDON, Sion College Library - ... 152 , the Tower - - - - - 153 MANCHESTER, the Chetham Library - - - 155 OXFORD, All Souls College Library -,/- - - 160 , Ashmolean Museum - 161 . , Christ Church Library - - - - 162 , Corpus Christi - - - - - 163 , Radcliffe Library ib. , St. John's College '- ' . " - - 164 WESTMINSTER, Chapter House - 175 PRIVATE LIBRARIES. THE KING'S LIBRARY 3 a# Ir^teu^l o.J;.v: . 17 - 191 MARQUIS OF BATH - =fJ. >f * / i Jrat ^ :f ni ^ ;i ^- - 196 WILLIAM BECKFORD, ESQ. - Jl'agW^r -203 ,^ MARQUIS OF BLANDFORD (now Duke of Marl- borough) ... ..>v4 < '* Q31 MARQUIS OF BUTE - - ''*''* ,-- ~-~ ~ . ggg JOHN DENT, ESQ. - fttl iM ^!U3.V if *iJt-Tir~ -241 DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE ^^J^tf-* * .265 RICHARD HEBER, ESQ. - " * - 1 - 1 * v - - 278 GEORGE HIBBERT, ESQ. - '" '* ' ; ' l ! : ; '' - 289 SIR RICHARD COLT HOARE, BART. - - 303 EARL OF JERSEY " # : i* ;i: . .' . . -312 v DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH - ; - - - 316 , JOHN NORTH, ESQ. (the late) - - ' - -325 CONTENTS. Page EARL OF PEMBROKE AND MONTGOMERY - 332 DUKE OF RUTLAND - - - - -341 EARL SPENCER ...... 345 MARQUIS OF STAFFORD - - * u& K . - 359 SIR MARK MASTERMAN SYKES, BART. - - 374 ROGER WJLBRAHAM, ESQ. - 383 MICHAEL WODHULL, ESQ. (the late) - - 390 LIBRARIES SOLD BY AUCTION. THOMAS ALLEN, ESQ. 1795-9 ) J '-i^ J - >I r ! f r . 393 DR. FRANCIS BERNARD, 1698' .- ***-- 1: 7 - 397 REV. JONATHAN BOUCHER, 1806-9 - - 403 REV. JOHN BRAND, 18Q7-8 .... 409 JOHN BRIDGES, ESQ. 1725-6 - 420 DR. CHAS. CHAUNCY AND NATH. CHAUNCY, ESQ. 1790 ' /-- ; ,, r -*,,.;>,-> - - -425 REV. THOMAS CROFTS, 1783 - ,-,.: -429 SIR KEN ELM DIGBY, 1680 - - - -439 JAMES EDWARDS, ESQ. 1804-15 >.- ... -, - 442 REV. DR. FARMER, 1798 ?*- ' --' - -447 SIR ROBERT GORDON, 1816 - 449* REV. DR. GOSSET, 1813 ,. * - -.-;> 465 RICHARD GOUGH, ESQ. 1810 ... -458 JOSEPH GULSTON, ESQ. 1783-4 ... 462 REV. DR. BENJAMIN HEATH, 1810 -* -466 ROBERT HEATHCOTE, ESQ. 1802-8 - - 470 JOHN HUNTER, ESQ. 1813 - -474 WILLIAM, MARQUIS OF LANSDOWNE, 1806 - 476 GEORGE MASON, ESQ. 1798-9 - - - 479 MONSIEUR PARIS, 1791 - ' r' ' - - 486 b CONTENTS. Page THOMAS PEARSON, ESQ. 1788 - - - -492 MAFFEI PINELLI, 1789-90 - - - 498 ISAAC REED, ESQ. 1807 - - ?: , .- -505 WILLIAM ROSCOE, ESQ. 1816 - - -, rrro- 511 JOHN, DUKE OF ROXBURGHE, 1812 !./. I 517 COLONEL STANLEY, 1813 .... 535 GEORGE STEEVENS, ESQ. 1800 - - - 543 JOHN TOWNELEY, ESQ. 1814-15 - - -551 RALPH WILLET, ESQ. 1813 - -' - -559 JOHN WOODHOUSE, ESQ. 1803 r .[1*T. ' -563 SELECT LIST of some rare books in minor sales, or in private collections - - , , ^ - - 569 INDEX of Books .--___ 603 Errata A 673 CONTENTS. LIST OF PLATES. Page Interior View of the Bodleian Library, from an ori- ginal drawing by J. C. Buckler, frontispiece. Portrait of Rev. Clayton Mordaunt Cracherode, copied from an original sketch, by Edridge, by the late W. Alexander 11 Joseph Planta, Esq. engraved by Sharp, from a model by Pistrucci ' ^ ' ' * ' ' - 20 Anthony Storer, Esq. (wood cut) - - 136* Francis I . King of France, engraved by W. Behnes, a from a miniature painting in a MS. in the possession of William Beckford, Esq. - C 2 14 Dr. Francis Bernard, from a rare portrait engraved by White or Vandrebanc - - 397 Rev. Jonathan Boucher, from a private plate in the possession of Mrs. Boucher - - 403 - Rev. Thomas Crofts, copied from a private plate engraved in 1787 a ^ ' .- , ' -429 Rev. Dr. Gosset, from a wax model by the late Mr. Gosset 455 John Vincent Pinelli (wood cut) - - 498 John, Duke of Roxburghe, from an original picture - - - - - - -517 John Towneley, Esq. from a bust - - 55 1 a This promising young artist excels in drawing, modelling, and sculpture : this first and only specimen of his engraving is equally creditable to his superior talents. LIST OF BOOK SALES, REFERRED TO IN THE INDEX OF BOOKS. Alchorne, Stanesby, of the Mint, (deceased) May 22, 1813. Evans, Pall Mall. Books printed in the fifteenth century by Caxton, W. de Worde, Fust, Gutenberg, fyc. ALLEN, THOMAS, June 1, 1795, (ten days;) April 8, 1799, (nine days.) Leigh and Sotheby, York-street, p. 393. Askew, Anthony, M. D. February 13, 1775, (twenty days.) Baker and Leigh, York-street. Greek and Roman Clas- sics, first editions ; critical books. Astle, Edward, January 10, 18 16, (two days.) Evans. MSS. illustrated books. Baber, John, Sunning-Hill Park, March 31, 1?66, (eleven evenings.) Samuel Baker, York-street. Classics and Italian books. (Barrett, T. Lee Kent) library of a gentleman deceased, De- cember 7, 1818, (three days.) Sotheby, Wellington-st. Old chronicles, English topography. Beauclerk, Hon. Topham, F.R.S. April 9, 1781, (fifty days.) S. Paterson, opposite Beaufort-buildings, Strand. Classics, poetry, the drama, books of prints, voyages and travels, history. Bennet, R. H. A. and the late Rich. Bull, of Ongar, Essex, (duplicates) March 8, 1810, (eight days.) Leigh and Sotheby, Strand. County history, antiquities. xii LIST OP BOOK SALES. BERNARD, FRANCIS, M.D. Little Britain, October 4, 1698, and following days, page 397. Berwick, Lord, (a portion) July 15, 1817, (three days.) Sotheby, Strand. Delphin classics. Bindley, James, F.S.A. Somerset-place, December 7, 1818, (twelve days;) January 11, 1819, (twelve days;) Feb. 16, 1819, (eleven days.) Evans. An extraordinary as- semblage of rare books, particularly in early English literature. Part iv. to be sold in May. (Bonelli, Sign.) May 11, 1813, (two days.) Leigh and Sotheby. Greek and Roman classics, antiquities. Borromeo, Count, of Padua, February 7, 1817, (two days.) Evans. Italian novels of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. BOUCHER, REV. JONATHAN, Epsom, Surry, February 24, 1806, (twenty-seven days;) April 14, 1806, (nine days;) May 29, 1809, (four days.) Leigh and Sotheby. p. 403. BRAND, REV. JOHN, M.A. Secretary to the Society of Antiquaries, May 6, 1807, (thirty-seven days;) February, 1808. Stewart, Piccadilly, page 409. Brander, Gustavus, F. R. S. Februarys, 1790, (six days.) Leigh and Sotheby. History, English antiquities, old chronicles, and MSS. Brassey, Mrs. Lower Seymour-street, December 23, 1814. Messrs. Bates. The Golden Legende by Caxton. BRIDGES, JOHN, of Lincoln's Inn, February 7, 1725-6, and following days. Mr. Cocks, page 420. (Bridgewater, Duke of,) duplicates of a nobleman, April 27, 1802, (two days;) June 8, 1802; May 26, 1804. King, King-street. Ancient English drama, old English poetry. (Bryant, William,) February 3, 1806, (eight days.) King and Loehee. British topography and history. LIST OF BOOK SALES. (Bryant, William,) March 23, 1807, (twelve days.) Stewart. ditto. February 22, 1808, (three days.) King and Lochee. English topography. Burrell, Sir William, Bart. May 2, 1796, (five days) at the Turf Gallery, Conduit-street. Greek and Roman clas- sics, Italian Collane, British history, topography, MSS. CHAUNCY, CHARLES, M. D. and NATHANIEL, April 15, 1 790, (fifteen days.) Leigh and Sotheby. page 425. CROETS, REV. THOMAS, A. M. April 7, 1783, (forty-three days.) Paterson, King-street, page 429. Daly, Right Hon. Denis, May 1, 1792, and following days. Vallance, Eustace-street, Dublin. Greek and Roman classics, first editions, books on vellum, antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland. Devonshire, Duke of, (duplicates) May 29, 1815, (five days.) Evans. Books in the infancy of printing, biblical and classical. < November 24, 1815, (six days.) Evans. Miscellaneous. (Dibdin, Rev. T. F.) library of an eminent bibliographer, June 26, 1817, (three days.) Evans. Bibliography and literary history. DIGBY, SIR KENELM, April 19, 1680, and following days, at the Golden Lion, Paternoster-row, page 439. (Dimsdale, Richard,) library of a gentleman lately deceased, July 14, 1813, (three days.) Leigh and Sotheby. Mis- cellaneous. Dunster, Rev. Charles, M. A. Rector of Petworth, Sussex, November 11, 1816, (six days.) Sotheby. Miscellaneous. Dutens, Rev. L. F. R.S. &c., February 8, 1813, (four days.) Christie. Belles Lettres, sciences, history, and voyages. LIST OF BOOK SALES. (EDWARDS, JAMES,) library of a gentleman of distinguished taste, April 25, 18O4, (four days.) Christie, Pall Mall, page 442. EDWARDS, JAMES, April 5, 1815, (six days.) Evans. page 442. FARMER, RICH. D. D. Master of Emanuel College, Cam- bridge, May 7, 1798, (thirty-six days.) King, page 447. Fenton, Ibbetson, of Wai worth, February 10, 1812, (three days.) Leigh and Sotheby. Natural history, Aldine classics, fyc. Fillingham, William, April 24, 1805, (three days.) Leigh and S. Sotheby. Old quarto plays, early English poetry. (Fonnereau, Martyn,) library, the property of a gentleman, March 8, 1810, (three days.) King and Loch6e. His- tory, voyages, books of prints. Gainsborough, Earl of, March 24, 18 13, (two days.) Christie. Natural history, books of prints and drawings. Goldsmid, John Louis, December 11, 1815, (six days.) Evans. Romances, scarce old novels andfacetia. GORDON, SIR ROBERT, of Gordonstoun, March 25, 1816, (twelve days.) Cochrane, Catherine-street, page 449-* GOSSET, ISAAC, D. D.June 7, 1813, (twenty-three days.) Leigh and Sotheby. page 455. GOUGH, RICHARD, April 5, 1810, (twenty days.) Leigh and S. Sotheby. page 458. (Grafton, Duke of,) library of a nobleman, June 6, 1815, (six days.) Evans. Greek and Roman classics, theology. Graves, Mrs. Lansdown-crescent, Bath; January 9, 1809. (three days.) Plura, Bath. Miscellaneous. Greville, Hon. C. F. Paddington-green, April 2, 1809, (two days.) Christie. Botany and the fine arts.** >fh| GULSTON, JOSEPH, May 8, 1783, (eleven days,) and May 26, 1784, (four days.) Compton, Conduit-st. page 462, LIST OF BOOK SALES. Hamilton, Sir William, K. B. and lord Viscount Nelson, June 8, 1809, (three days.) Christie. Antiquities, books of prints, prints and drawings. Harleiana Bibliotheca, remains of the Harleian library, No- vember 12, 1816, (five days.) Robins, Warwick-street. English history, miscellaneous books. HEATH, BENJAMIN, D. D. April 26, 1810, (thirty-two days.) Jeffery, Pall Mall, page 466. HEATHCOTE, ROBERT, April 8, 1802, (six days,) Leigh and Sotheby; and April 4, 1808, (six days,) Leigh and S. Sotheby ; and May 2, 1808, (two days,) Leigh and S. Sotheby. page 470. Henderson, John, late of Covent Garden Theatre, February 20, 1786, (six days.) Egerton, Scotland-yard. Old English poetry and the drama. Hodges, Christopher, Bramdean, Hants; March 25, 1814, (three days.) Evans. History, topography, books of prints. Hollis, Thos., and Dr. Disney, April 22, 1817, (eight days.) Sotheby. Historical and political tracts. Hope, Henry P. February 18, 1813, (eighteen days.) Leigh and Sotheby. Books' of prints, canon and civil law. Horsley, Samuel, Bishop of St. Asaph, May 4, 1807, (nine days.) Leigh and S. Sotheby. Classics, mathematics, divinity. (HUNTER, JOHN,) library of a well-known collector, Febru- ary 2, 1813, (three days.) Leigh and Sotheby. page 474. Hutton, John, late of St. Paul's Church-yard, October 15, 1764, (twenty-eight evenings.) Old English literature. Ireland, Samuel, of Norfolk-street, Strand, May 7, 1801, (eight days.) Leigh, Sotheby and Son. Shakesperian library, illustrated books, paintings and drawings. Kiug, Edward, F. R. S. author of the " Munimenta An- LIST OF BOOK SALES. tiqua" February 1, 1808, (eight days.) Leigh and S. Sotheby. Natural history, fine arts, English history, topography, missals. LANSDOWNE, WILLIAM, MARQUIS OF, January 6, 1806, (thirty-one days.) Leigh and Sotheby. page 476. Lort, Michael, D. D. April 5, 1791, (twenty-five days.) Leigh and Sotheby. Old English literature, poetry. Lloyd, John, Wygfair, near S*, Asaph, January 15, 1816, (thirteen days.) Broster of Chester. Early printed books by Caxton, Wynken de Worde, Miscellanies. (Macarthy, Count) books lately imported from France, May 8, 1789, (twelve days.) . Leigh and Sotheby. Greek and Roman Classics, first editions, French and Italian lite- rature, MSS. Maddison, John, of the foreign department in the Post Office, March 6, 1802, (twenty-two days.) King and Lochee. Miscellaneous foreign and English literature. MASON, GEORGE, part 1. January 24, 1798, (three days,) Part 2. May 16, 1798, (three days.) Part 3. November 27, 1798, (three days.) Part 4. April 25, 1799, (two days.) Leigh and Sotheby. page 479- Mead, Richard, M. D. November 18, 1754, (twenty-eight days,) and April 7, 1755, (twenty-eight days.) Baker, York-street. Greek and Roman classics, natural his- tory, medicine, arts and sciences, general foreign and English literature. Meyrick, John, F. S. A. April 2 1,1 808, (twelve days.) King and Lochee. county history, history and biography, books of prints. Mills, George Galwey, February 24, 1800, (thirteen days.) Jeffery. English history and topography, natural his- tory, MSS. Monro, John, M. D. April 23, 1792, (fifteen days.) Leigh LIST OF BOOK SALES. and Sotheby. Old English plays, Italian and French literature. (Montolieu, Lewis,) the library of a gentleman, December 13, 1809, (three days.) Christie. History and antiquities, chiefly on large paper. (Moseley, Benjamin, M. D.) library of scarce and curious books, March 16, 1814, (four days.) Stewart. Astrology, magic, facetiee. Nixon, John, late of Basinghall-street, May 27, 1818. Evans. Old poetry and plays. Palmer, Robert, late of Drury Lane Theatre, March 17, 1818, (two days.) Sotheby. Miscellanies. Palmer, Rev. S. late of Hackney, March, 1814. Divinity. PARIS, MONS. March 26, 1791, (six days.) Sold in Con- duit-street, page 486. PEARSON, THOMAS, (deceased,) April 14, 1788, (twenty- three days.) Egertons. page 493. Pellet, Thomas, M. D. (deceased,) January 7, 1744, and fol- lowing evenings. Exeter 'Change, by Samuel Baker. Greek and Roman classics, English topography. Peterborough, Earl of, (deceased,) July 13, 1815, (two days.) Stewart. Chronicles, history and voyages. Pinkerton, John, January 7, 1813, (seven days.) Leigh and Sotheby. Geography, voyages and travels. PINELLI MAFFEI, March 2, 1789, (twenty-three days,) February 1, 1790, (thirty-one days,) at the auction-room in Conduit-street, page 498. (Pitt, William,) library of a late well-known literary amateur, January 20, 1808, (four days.) Leigh and S. Sotheby. Books of emblems, English history, missals. Pollock, William, of the Secretary of State's Office, (de- ceased,) March 16, 1818, (three days.) Evans. History, voyages and travels. LIST OF BOOK SALES. Person, Richard, Greek Professor of the University of Cam- bridge, (deceased,) June 16, 1809, (seven days.) Leigh and S. Sotheby. Classical, critical, and philological books. Pulteney, Sir James, Bart, (deceased,) February 3, 1812, (eight days.) Christie. English history, antiquities, Greek and Roman classics. Randolph, Right Rev. Dr. Bishop of London, (deceased,) April 20, 18 14, (eight days.) Evans. Greek and Roman classics, Lexicographers. Raymond, Lord Chief Justice, (deceased,) April 29, 1808, (two days.) King and Lochee. Law, Hearne's Works, large paper. REED, ISAAC, of Staple Inn, (deceased,) November 2, 1807, (thirty-nine days.) King and Lochee. page 505. Rhodes, Abraham, F. S. A. February 20, 1817, (three days.) Sotheby. General and county history, several on large paper. Ritson, Joseph, of Gray's Inn, (deceased,) December 5, 1803, (four days.) Leigh, Sotheby, and Son. Old English literature, manuscripts. Roberts, J. Director of the East India Company, (deceased,) and a portion of the Collection of J. W. Dodd, Come- dian ; March 6, 1815, (twelve days.) Evans. Books printed by Caxton, W. de Worde, fyc. classics, miscel- laneous English literature. ROSCOE, WILLIAM, August 19, 1816, (fourteen days.) Winstanley, Marble-street, Liverpool, page 511. ROXBURGHE, JOHN, DUKE or, May 18, 1812, (forty- two days); July 13, 1812, (four days.) Evans, page 517. Saunders's Auction Room, Fleet-street. Bibliotheca Selecta ; Library of an eminent Collector, removed from the north LIST OF BOOK SALES. of England; Feb. 16, 1818, (six -days.) Old English poetry, history, topography, and illustrated books. Sebright, Sir John, Bart, of Beechwood, Herts ; April 6, 1807, (seven days.) Leigh and S. Sotheby. Early editions of the classics, monastic history, manuscripts of ancient charters, chronicles, fa. on vellum, collected by Sir Roger Twysden and Mr. G. Lhwyd. Sedgwick, William, April 27, 1811, (four days.) Leigh and S. Sotheby. Greek and Roman classics. (Singer, S. W.) library of a well-known Collector; April 3, 1818, (five days.) Evans. Early French and Italian literature. Smith, Joseph, His Britannick Majesty's Consul at Venice, (deceased,) January 25, 1773, (fourteen days.) Baker and Leigh. Early editions of the Greek and Roman classics, old English, Italian, and French literature. Smyth, George, June 2, 1797, (six days.) Leigh and Sotheby. Old^English poetry and plays. Smyth, Sir Robert, Bart. April 10, 1809, (six days.) Leigh and S. Sotheby. Classics, county history, manuscripts. (Spencer, Earl,) the duplicates of a nobleman's library ; May 16,1811. Leigh and Sotheby. Classics, history. (Stanhope, Earl,) duplicates of a nobleman's library ; July 14, 1818, (three days.) Sotheby. English history and miscellaneous literature. STANLEY, COLONEL, April 30, 1813, (eight days.) Evans, page 535. STEVENS, GEORGE, (deceased,) May 13, 1800, (eleven days.) King, page 543. Strange, John, His Britannick Majesty's Resident at the Republic of Venice, (deceased,) March 16, 1801, (tifty-six days.) Leigh, Sotheby, and Son. Classics, Italian books, natural history, voyages, travels, fa. xx LIST OF BOOK SALES. Sumuer, Rev. Dr. Provost of King's College, Cambridge, (deceased,) May 16, 1814, (four days.) Evans. Greek and Latin classics, English history. (Talleyrand, Le Prince de,) a splendid Library consigned from the Continent; May 8, 1816, (eighteen days.) Leigh and Sotheby. Greek and Roman classics, first editions, early printed books, and manuscripts. Thompson, Sir Alexander, Lord Chief Baron of the Court of Exchequer, (deceased,) December 1, 1817, (five days.) Sotheby. ' Lazv, classics, miscellaneous books. Thompson, Sir Peter, F.R.S. &c. (deceased,) April 29, 1815, (five days.) Evans. Old English literature, his- tory, manuscripts. Tooke, John Home, of Wimbledon Common, (deceased,) May 26, 1813, (four days.) King and Lochee. Early printed books, grammars, and dictionaries, with MS. notes. TOWNELEY, JOHN, part 1, June 8, 1814, (seven days,) part 2, June 19, 1815, (ten days.) Evans, page 551. Townshend, George, Marquis of, (deceased,) May 11, 1812, (sixteen days.) Leigh and Sotheby. History, topogra- phy) voyages and travels, heraldical manuscripts. (Treuttel and Wurtz,) Library of an Amateur of distinction ; June 12, 1817, (eleven days.) Sotheby. Early printed books, Greek and Roman classics, early French and Italian romances, natural history, antiquities. Tutet, Mark Cephas, February 15, 1786. Gerard. Early printed books. Tyssen, Samuel, Narborough Hall, Norfolk, December 7, 1801, (thirteen days.) Leigh, Sotheby, and Son. Books on coins, English history, manuscripts. Voigt, John, (deceased,) December 18, 1806, (ten days.) LIST OF BOOK SALES. Leigh and S. Sotheby. Old poetry, romances, French chronicles, voyages and travels. Wakefield, Gilbert, A.M. editor of Lucretius, &c. (deceased,) March 25, 1802, (seven days.) Leigh, Sotheby, and Son. Classical and critical library. Walker, George, February 22, 1814, (five days.) Philipe, Warwick-street. Prints, books of prints. West, James, President of the Royal Society, (deceased,) March 29, 1773, (twenty-four days.) Langford, King- street. Early printed books by Caxton, W. de Worde^ fyc. old English literature, British history, voyages and travels. Wilkes, John, Alderman and Chamberlain of London, Nov. 29, 1802, (seven days.) Leigh, Sotheby, and Son. Classics, French literature. WILLET, RALPH, Merly, Dorset, (de.ceased,) December 6, 1813, (seventeen days.) Leigh and Sotheby, p. 559. (Wodhull, Michael,) the duplicates of a distinguished Col- lector's library, March 24, 1803, (eight days.) Leigh, Sotheby, and Son. Greek and Roman classics. Woodford, Emperor John Alexander, May 11, 1809, (eleven days.) Leigh and S. Sotheby. County history, anti- quities, voyages and travels, natural history. WOODHOUSE, JOHN, December 12, 1803, (five days.) Leigh, Sotheby, and Son. page 563. Wright, Richard, M. D. April 23, 1787, (twelve days.) Egerton. Old English poetry and plays, novels and romances. xxii EXPLANATION OF THE ABBREVIATIONS INDEX OF BOOKS. Beckf. William Beckford, Esq. Bern Dr. Francis Bernard. |. Blandf. Marquis of Blandford (now Duke of Marlborough.) Bo'dl Bodleian Library. Bouch Rev. Jonathan Boucher. Br. M British Museum. Camb. Ben. . Cambridge, Bene't College Library. Pep. . Pepysian Library. St. Jo. St. John's College. Trin.. Trinity College. Un. . . University or Public Library. Cant Canterbury Cathedral Church Library. Chaun Dr. Charles Chauncy and Nathaniel Chauncy. Dev Duke of Devonshire. Dougl....... Marquis of Douglas (now Duke of Hamilton and Brandon.) Dub Dublin, Trinity College Library. Edinb Edinburgh, the Advocates' Library. Edw James Edwards, Esq. Farm Dr. Richard Farmer. Glasg Glasgow, the Hunterian Museum. Goss Rev. Dr. Gosset. Grenv Right Hon. Thomas Grenville. Gulst Joseph Gulston, Esq. Heathc Robert Heathcote, Esq. xxiii ABBREVIATIONS EXPLAINED. , Heb Richard Heber, Esq. Hibb George Hibbert, Esq. Hunt John Hunter, Esq. K The King's Library. Lamb The Archiepiscopal Library, Lambeth Palace, Lansd William, Marquis of Lansclowne. Manch The Chetham Library, Manchester. Marlb The Duke of Marlborough. Oxf. All S. . . Oxford, All Souls College Library. Chr. Ch. Christ Church. C. Chr.. Corpus Christi. Pears Thomas Pearson, Esq. Pembr Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. Pin Maffei Pinelli. Rose William Roscoe, Esq. Roxb John, Duke of Roxburghe. Rutl The Duke of Rutland. Spenc Earl Spencer. Soc. Ant The Library of the Society of Antiquaries. Staf. The Marquis of Stafford. Stan Colonel Stanley. Steev George Steevens, Esq. Town John Towneley, Esq. Westm Westminster, Chapter House. Wilbr Roger Wilbraham, Esq. Wodh Michael Wodhull, Esq. Woodh John Woodhouse, Esq. xxiv GENERAL INDEX. See Index of Books at the end of the Volume. A. Acuna (Christ, de) notice of, 206. . Alcborne (Mr.) rare books at his sale, 579, 587. 599. ALLEN (Tuos.) sale of his library, 393. Allen (Thomas) notice of, 440. n. ALTHORP, account of the library at, 345. ANTIQUARIES (SOCIETY OF) library, 145. Apocalypse (ancient French and Latin version of) at Lambeth, 96. Ashbumham House, 3. Ashmole's (Elias) collections, 161. Ashridge (the old Bridgewater library) remains of, 360. - History of the College of, com- piled by order of the Earl of Bridge- water, 360. Astle's (Thomas) collection, 151. - ' - Veronese Missal at his sale, 591. Athens (school of) executed on painted glass at Stourhead, 303. Aiibriet Claude, the French king's painter, 207. n. Audley-ende (the copper plate views of) sold to a brazier, 132. n. Aungerville (Richard) vid. Bury de. Bagford's (John) collections, 6. Baker (Samuel) his first auction book sale, 595, Baker (Thomas) notice of, 108. n. Balfour's(Sir James) MS. collections, 138. Bank notes and money found in books at Mr. Brand's sale, 410. n. BANKS'S (SiR JOSEPH) library, 191. Banks (Sir Jos.) presented Icelandic MSS. to the British Museum, 18. Bargrave (Dr. John) notice of, 123. BATH'S (MARQUIS OP) library, Beauclerk (Topham) rare books at his sale, 577. 590. Beaufort (Duke of) original Botanical drawings in his collection, 582. 590. notice of his library, 582. n. Becket (Thomas a) John of Salisbury a spectator of his murder, 322. n. BECKFORD'S (Mr.) library, 203. Bedford (the Regent Duke) his declara- tions for the government of France, 97. Bedford (Hilkiah) author of Harbin's " Hereditary Right," 169. n. Bedford (Lucy Countess of) Tom Coryat's address to, 212. BELVOIR CASTLE and LIBRARY, account of, 341. Bennet (Mr.) rate books at his sale, 581. 587. Bentley's (Dr>) classical collection, 9. correspondence edited by the late Dr. Charles Burney, 9. n. Berkeley (George Earl) a benefactor to Sion College library, 153. BERNARD (Da. FRANCIS) sale of his li- brary, 397. portrait and memoir of, 397, n, his address prefixed to the sale catalogue, 398. Berners (Dame July ana) notice of, 71. Berwick (Lord) Delphin Classics at his sale, 570. Bible (English) with a false date of 1520, 30. (Protestant) first edition of, 349, n. Bibles, Testaments, and Liturgies, nu- merous early editions of, in Mr. Slaney's collection, 572. d INDEX. Bigne (Gace de la) notice of, 264. n. Bindley's (Mr.) library, and fine collection of portraits, 578. n. Birch's (Dr. Thomas) library and MSS. 6. BLANDFORD'S (MARQUIS OF) now Duke of Marlborough, library, 231. BLENHEIM, account of the library at, 316. Bliss (Rev. Philip) editor of the new edi- tion of Wood's Athena, and of Hearne's Remains, 161. n. Bohemian Maiden, an enthusiast, 133. n. Bonelli (Mr.) " Disegni dell' Imperial Pa- lazzo S. Michaele," at his sale, 574. Books, destruction of, through ignorance, 366. n. BOUCHER (REV. JONATHAN) sale of his library, 403. _ . portrait and memoir of, 403. n. _ monument to his memory, 405. n. BRAND (Rsv. JOHN) sale of his library, 409. memoir of, 409. n. Brander (Gustavus) rare books at his sale, 586. 593. 596. Breviary, Bishop of Aberdeen's, 133*. of Francis de Roias, 243. Bridgewater (Duke of) rare books at the sale of his duplicates, 587. 590. 592. 602. library, 359. (Earl of) History of the College of Ashridge compiled by or- der of, 360. BRIDGES (JOHN) sale of his library, 420. memoir of, 420. n. BRITISH MUSEUM, library of, 1. Britton's (Mr.) antiquarian and topogra- phical collections, 571. n. rare books in his collection, 571. 573. 579, 580. 589. 599, 600. Brownlow (Earl) " House of Yvery," with additional rare portraits, in his collec- tion, 569. " Legende Doree," a valu- able MS. in his collection, 601. Bryant (Jacob) notice of, 321. n. presented a Caxton on vel- lum to the King's library, 184. (Win.) rare books at his sale, 570. 573. 590. bis. 592. Buckingham (George Earl of) rare por- trait of, by S. Passe, 577. n. Bulls, Papal, in the archiepiscopal li- brary, 96. xxri Bunyan (John) his pulpit Bible, 572. Burghley's (Lord) heraldical MSS. 97. Burrell ( Sir Wm,) rare books at his sale, 573. 594. 601. collections for Sussex, 18. Bury (Richard de) notice of, 350. n. BUTE'S (MARQUIS OF) library, 239. Caesar's (Sir Julius) MSS. 20. portrait of, by El- stracke, 71. CAMBRIDGE, BENE'T COLLEGE library, 107. , PEPYSIAN library, 109. , PUBLIC library. 111. , ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE library, 108. ,TRIN. COLLEGE library, 1 10. Canaletti, drawings by/at Stourhead, 304. CANTERBURY, CATHEDRAL CHURCH li- brary, 122. Capel's (Mr.) MS. transcripts of Shaks- peare, 116. . Capgrave's Commentary on Genesis, 174, n. Carve (Thomas) notice of, 32. Castell (Dr. Edmund) calamities and losses by the Fire of London, 34. destruction of copies of his Lexicon, 34. : his Hilary sold, 34- Caxton (William) specimen of his homely style, 36. n. , supposed portrait of, not genuine. 102. n. Chaloner (Sir Thomas) rare portrait of, by. Hollar, 552. n. Charles I. his copy of the second edition of Sbakspeare, 189. CHAUNCY (CHARLES and NATHANIEL) sale of their libraries, 485. (Dr. Charles and Nathaniel*) notice of, 425. n. 's (Sir H.) History of Hertford- shire, published at twenty shillings, 146. n. Chetham (Henry) founder of the Man. Chester library, 155. " Cheualrie," Roger Ascbam's opinion of books of, 351. n. Christe's Hospital library, 145. n. Christine de Pise, notice of, 37. Churchyarde (Thomas) notice of, 326. ti. INDEX. Classical books condemned as anti-christ- ian in the -time of Edward VI. 174. n. Clovio (Julio) splendid Missal by, hi the Towneley collection, 552. n. Cocke Lorell the tinker, 64. n. Codex aureus held in great veneration among the Spaniards, 43. . Codrington (Col. Christopher) a benefac- tor of All Soul's College, 160. Cole's (Rev. Wm.) MSS. 10. Colet (Dean) a note on, in Holland! He- roologia, 272. n. Colonna (Franc.) author of " Hypneroto- machia," 225. Comus (Milton's) origin of the plan of, 528. n. Coningsby (Thomas Earl of) his History of Marden, 50. Corvinus (Mat.) part of his fine collection brought to Sion College, 152. n. Coryat (Tom) notice of, 326. n. Cotton (Sir Robert) 2. Cotton House, Westminster, site of, 2. Cottonian manuscripts, 2. Cracherode's (Rev. Clayton Mordaunt) fine collecton of books and prints, 11. , notice and portrait of, 11. , ,classical lines addressed to, 13. Crichton (the admirable) his printed challenge, 575. Aldus Manutius's dedication of Paradoxa of Cicero to, 575. n. CROFTS ("R-EV. THOMAS) sale of his li- brary, 429. _ . portrait and memoir of, 429. n. Cromwell (Oliver) Fisher's panegyrics on, 367. n. patronized Dr. Walton, 29. Crynes' (Nathaniel) collection, 164. Cumberland's (Richard) remarks on the Greek poets, 9. n. Cuthbert's (SL) Manual, 44. n. D. Da Costa's (Solomon) Hebrew MSS. 10. Daly (Dennis) rare books at his sale, 577. 581. 590. Dampier's (Bishop) library, 249. Dartmouth (late Earl of) purchased Bald- ner's drawings at King's sale, 571. Dempster (Thomas) censured for his false- hoods, 459. n. DSNT'S (MR.) library, 241. DEVONSHIRE'S (DUKE OF) library, 249. Devonshire (Duke of) rare books at the sale of his duplicates, 575. 581. 593. Diana of Poictiers, her collection, after- wards the D'Urfe", 487. n. Digby (Lady Venetia) the beauty of her person, 579. her bust preserved at Gothurst, 530. DIGBY (Sin KEN.) sale of his library, 439. Dimsdale (Mr.) Carte's Hist, of England, L. P. at his sale, 575. Dorset (Thomas Sackville, Earl of) author of " Mirrour of Magistrates," 84. . DOUGLAS AND CLYDESDALES, Marquis of (now DUKE OF HAMILTON), library. Drabicius, an enthusiast, 133. n. Dress satirised in Stubbe's Anatomy of Abuses, 371. n. DUBLIN, TRINITY COLLEGE library, 130V Ducarel's (Dr.) account of the ancient Carte, 103. Missale Eborac. in his li- brary, 591. Dr. Stukeley's prints in his library, 599. Dugdale's (Sir Wm.) MSS. 161. Monasticon (very scarce leaf in) 482. Dutens (Rev. Mr.) Towneley's Hudibras at his sale, 587. E. Exeter (John Duke of) 210. EDINBURGH, THE ADVOCATES' library, 137. EDWARDS (JAMES) sale of his library, 442. notice of, 442. n. and M. Laurent, pro- . prietors of the Paris collection, sold in London, 486. n. Elizabeth (Queen) her prayer at the de- parture of the fleet, 106. Elstracke's Portraits in Baziliologia, 465. n. ETON COLLEGE library, 134.* Evans (Evan) his Welsh MSS. 173. Evelyn (John) assists in the formation of the library of Royal Society, 151. F Fagel collection, 130. Fairfax's (Bryan) library now at Osterley Park, 312. (Thos. Lord) a collection of MSS." 364.71. (Gen.) preserved the Bodleian" Library from destruction,- 66. . INDEX. FARMER (TUt. DR.) *al of his library, 447. : notice of, and epi- taph, 448. n. Fenton (Mr.) rare books at his sale, 571. 581. 589. 599. Ferrers (Earl) the works of Confucius in bis library, 578. Fillingham (Mr.) rare books at his sale, 568. 573, 574. 580, 581, 582. 597. 600. Flacton (Mr.) late bookseller, Canterbury. 366. n. 448. n. Fonnereau (M.) " House of Yvery," with arras emblazoned, at his sale, 569. FONTHILL ABBEY library, account of, 203. Fox (Richard) founder of Corpus Christi library, 163. Fragment of a tragedy acted at the British Museum, 15. Francis I. founded a library at Fontaine- bleau, 214. w. Greek characters cast by his order, 214. - a fine MS. formerly in his pos- session, 214. portrait of, 214. Franck (Richard) the peripatetic angler, notice of, 554. n. G. Gainsborough (Earl of) original drawings at his sale, 580. 594. Georgic (the old English) 194. n. Gibbon library purchased by Mr. Beck- ford, 205. Gibbs the architect, his books and draw- ings, 163. Gibson's (Bishop) collections, 95. Gidding, books executed by the puns at, 170. Giolito (Gabriel) notice of, 289. n. Glanvile (Bartholomew) notice of, 195. GLASGOW, HUNTERIAN MUSEUM, 140. Gloucester (Humphrey Duke of) 174. n Goldsmid (Mr.) rare books at his sale 570. 572. 584. 592, 593. 597. GORDON (Sin ROBERT) sale of his library 449.* Gosmond, a French artist, notice of, 41. GOSSET (REV. DR.) sale of his library 455. portrait and memoi of, 455. n. said, by the late Lore! Marchmont, to resemble Pope in bis person, 456. n. jxviii GOUGJI (RICHARD) sale of his library, 458. bequeathed his MSS. to the Bodleian Library, 67. notice of, 458. n. jower's Poems, account of a valuable MS. of, 364. r>. Grafton (Duke of) rare books at his sale, 572. 574. 594. 598. Granger's Biographical History, illustrated copy of, in the Towneley collection, 552. n. Green (Robert) notice of, 328. w. 523. n. Grenville (Right Hon. Thos.) commumS cation from, respecting Prynne's Re- cords, 254. n. RENVILLE'S (M K .) library, 265. Grollier, notice of, 11. n. Guildhall library, 146. n. : removed by the Pro- tector Somerset, 146. n. GULSTON (JOSEPH) sale of his library, 462. of, 462. a. (Mrs.) notice of, 462. n. Guise (Charles Duke of) a beautiful Mis- sal formerly in his possession,. 262. H. Halhed's (N. Brassey) oriental library, &. HAMILTON (DuKE or)t>id. DOUGLAS and CLYDESDALE. Harleian Manuscripts, particulars of, 4. Harrison (W.) his remark on " Heywood's Spider and Flic," 199. n. HEATH (Dn. BENJAMIN) sale of his li- brary, 466. Heathcole's (Mr.) library, 241. HEATHCOTE (ROBERT) sale of bis libraiy, 470. HEBEH'S (MR.) library, 278. : accumulation pf quadru- plicates, 27.8,. Henry V. MS. Life of Ckrist from kis library, 115. Hentzner's (Paul) Journey into England, published by the late Lord Orford, 435. Account of the Royal Library at Whitehall, 175. Herring (Arch bishop) recovers some MSS. by Laud, 102, n, HIBBERT'S (Mn.) library, 289. HOARE'S (SiR RICH. COLT) library, 303. Catalogue of his British Topography, 304. n. Catalogue of his. Italian History and Topography, 306. tf. INDEX. Hodges (Mr.) " Bibliotheca Topographi- ca" at his sale, 573. Hollar, the Towneley collection of, 551. n. Hollis (Thos.) Life of Cromwell, with por- traits, at his sale, 579. Hollis (Thos.) books and prints presented by him, 6. . anecdotes of, 7. . presented, Walton's Poly- glott to the Prince of Torremuzza, 29. n. Hollingsworth (Richard) a Presbyterian preacher, notice of, 156. n. Hope (Mr.) rare books at his sale, 572. 578. 584. Howard's (Lord Win.) Psalter, description of, 58. n. HUNTER (JOHN) sale of his library, 474. (Da. WILLIAM) his fine collec- tion, 140. I. " Incidis in Scyllam," &c. variations in this line, 244. n. Index of books with the names of the possessors, 603. Irejand (Sam.) rare books at his sale, 600, J. Jackson (Dr.) Dean of Christchurch, his copy of the first edition of Homer, 46 James (Haughton) his elegant library, 241. JERSEY'S (ARL OF) library, 312. Jesuits' collection at Holbeck in Yorkshire 153. Johnson (Michael) father of Dr. J. his sale Catalogue, and Address to his Cus- tomers, 588. n. Johnson (Joseph, the late) proprietor ol Dr. Heath's library previous to the sale 466. n. Julius de Medicis, a superb Missal exe cuted for, 261. Junot (Marshall) Fables de la Fontaine on vellum, at his sale, 582. Kennett's (Bishop) Historical collections 19. KING'S (THE) LIBRARY, 179. King Edward, Baldner's Drawings of N tural History at his sale, 571. L. LABETH PALACE library, 93. LANSDOWNE (War!. MARQUIS OF) sale o his library, 476. Lansdowne MSS.18. .angelande (Robt.) author of Pierce Plow- man's Vision, notice of, 87. n. Laud's (Archbishop) library plundered in 1644, 93. n. a great benefactor of St. John's College library, Oxford, 164. ^egends, monkish fables, 277. n, Legende d'Or, 373. n. .eland (John) notice of, 175. n. Leo X. lines prefixed to MS. of the Gos- pels presented by him to K. Henry VIII. 261. n. Letters (Original Royal) 20. 137, 138. jbraries, principal foreign,Sketch of, xxxiii. .ibrary (Royal) dispersed by Cromwell, 176. Aster's (Dr. Martin) library, J61. Loggan (David) intended a view of Wells Cathedral, 133. n. u>NDOJf INSTITUTION library, 15Q. L.ONGI.EAT HOUSE library, 196. Lort (Rev. Dr.) Dr. Johnson's Journey at his sale, 589. Lloyd (John) rare books at his sale, 571. 576. bis. 581. 594. 596, 597. Ludlow (Edmund) scarce portrait of, by- Hollar, 367. n. Lust (John) printer, anecdote of, 348. n, Luther's copy of the German Bible, 293. Lydgatp the poet patronized by Henry V. 84. . M. Mac Carthy's (Count) library, 249. Mackenzie (Sir Geo.) founder of the Ad- vocates' library, 137. Maddison (Mr.) Salesbury's Welshe Die-. tionary at his sale, 597. MANCHESTER, THE CHETHAM library, 155. Mani, a renowned oriental artist, 219. Marck Ausias, a Spanish poet, 387. n. MARLBOROUGH'S (DuKE OF) library, 316. Marye (the Ladye) daughter of Henry 7. festivals at her (intended) marriage with the Prince of Castile, 50. n. Mary (Q.) I. her Missal and Autograph, Mary, Q. of Scots, her Prayer Book, 596. MASON (GEORGE) sale of his library, 479. Masters (Rev. Robt.) Account of Bene'l College, 108. Maximilian I. supposed author of " Tew danncth," 144. Mencs trier Claude, 11. n. Mentz, tiie first book printed at, 324. INDEX. MERLY LIBRARY, 559. . A Description of, pub- lished by the late Mr. Willett, 559. n. Meyler (R.) Hogarth's Works at his sale 586. Middleton (Dr.) librarian Trin. Col. Cam- bridge, 112. n. Milles's (Dean) collection, 8. Milner (Rev. John) his ancient MS. of St. John's Gospel, 44. n. Mills (Galwey) Uie Sherburn Missal at his sale, 591. Milton, some MSS. of, 110. " Mirrour for Magistrates," writers of, 84. n. Monro (Dr.) rare books at his sale, 578. 591. Montolieu (Lewis) rare books at his sale, 593. 600. Moore (Bishop) anecdote of, 112. n. Moseley (Dr.) rare books at his sale, 586. bis. Mulled Sack, the chimney sweeper, por- trait of, 71. Mtisgrave's (Sir William) curious biogra- phical tracts and MSS. 9. sale of his por- traits, 9. n. N. Nashe (Thomas) notice of, 283. n. Nassau (Hon. Geo,) rare books in his col- lection, 569. 572. 580, 581. 587. 592. 599. 601. notice of bis library, 569. n. Newcastle family, proof print of, after Diepenbeke, 577. n. Nicol (Mr. Geo.) possesses a fine copy of the Mazarine Bible on vellum, 181. n. Nixon (Mr.) Shakspeare's Richard III. at his sale, 598. Norfolk (Henry Howard Duke of) 151. ' NORTH'S (MR.) library, 325. " Nut-browne Mayde," paraphrased by Prior, 361. n. O. Orrery (Charles Boyle Earl of) his library, 162. Orsino (Napoleone) remarkable lines un- der his portrait, 228. OXFORD, ALL SOUL'S COLL. library, 160. , ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM, 161. , BODLEIAN LIBRARY, with a view, 65. . , CHRIST CHURCH library, 162. xxz OXFORD, CORPUS CHHISTI library, 163. , RADCLIFFE LIBRARY, 163. , ST. JOHN'S COLL. library, 164. P. Paddy (Sir William) note on the last mo- ments of K. James I. 167. n. Palmer (Rev. S.) curious Bible at his sale, 573. Pamphlets, K. Charles the First's collec- tion of, 1. PARIS (MoNS.) sale of his library, 486. Parkhurst (John) Bishop of Norwich, 380. n. Paterson (Samuel) notice of, 130. n. Payne (Roger) notice of, 308. n. curious bills for binding books, 308. n. PEARSON (Tuos.) sale of his library, 492. memoir of, 492. n. Pellet (Dr.) Harduin's Pliny, on vellum, at his sale, 595. extract from his sale cata- logue, 595. n. PEMBROKE'S (ARL OF) library, 332. , (William, third Earl of) notice of, 332. of, 332. (Thomas, eighth Earl) notice portrait of, by Gribelin, 332. : (Henry) Lord Orford's notice of, 333. Pepy s (Samuel) his library and prints, 109. Petronius, Suppt. to, supposed to be spu- rious, 322. n. Pfister, origin of that name, 348. n. PINELLI LIBRARY, sale of, 498. Pinelli (John Vincent) memoir and por- trait of, 498. n. Pistrucci, a distinguished artist, 23. n. Pitt (W.) rare books at his sale, 570. 576. 599. Planta (Jos.) memoir and portrait of, 20. Poggius discovered a copy of Quintilian's Institutes, Valerius Flaccus, &c. in the monastery of St. Gall, 323. n. Postel (William) notice of, 57. rt. Prynne's Records, an additional volume f, hitherto unknown, 254. n. Psalter, the Louterell, at Mr. Weld's, description of, 58. n. Pulteney Library, rare books at the sale of, 596. 599. Purchas (Sam.) note on, 275. n. ' INDEX. RADCLIFFE Library, 163. Radcliffe (Dr.) 163. Randolph (Dr.) Aristot. Poet, at his sale, 570. Raymond (Lord Chief Justice) Hearne's Works, L. P. at his sale, 585. REED (ISAAC) sale of his library, 505. : notice of, 505. . Rennie (Mr.) notice of his library, 577. n. rare books in his collection, 577. bis. 590. 598. 601. Rembrandt's Works, a collection of, 111. Reviczky (Count) notice of, 346. n. Ritson (Joseph) rare books at his sale, 573. 584. bis. 595. 598. 601. Roberts (7.) " English Fortune Tellers," at his sale, 581. Robson (Messrs.) and Edwards, purchased the Pinelli collection at Venice, 499. n. Rogers (Mr.) Scogin's jests at his sale, 597. Booth (David) Bishop of Ossory, notice of, 266. ROSCOE (MR.) sale of his library, 511. ROYAL SOCIETY library, 151. ROXBUKGHE (JOHN DDKE OF) sale of his library, 517. notice of, and portrait, 517. n. ROYAL INSTITUTION library, 150. Rudbeck (Olaus) his " Atlantica'' des- troyed by fire at Upsal, 228. Ruddiman, 133.* RUTLAND'S (DUKE OF) library, 341. Rutland (Fras. Earl of) rare portrait of, 71. Ryvers (Erie) instance of his gallantry, 100. . SALES (MINOR) list of rare books in, 569. Sancroff s (Archbishop) library, 94 ? Shah-Aulum, splendid MSS. formerly in his possession, now at Fonthill Abbey, 205. Shrewsbury (Earls of) MS. Letters, 97. Singer (Mr.) rare books at his sale, 575. 585. SION COLLEGE library, 152. Skinner (John) of Plymouth, a dwarf, portrait of, noticed, 224. Slaney (Rev. R.) rare books in his col- lection, 572, 573. 596. bis. 600. tres. SLEDMERE, account of the library at, 374. Sloane's (Sir Hans) collections, 6. Smith's (Consul) library, 179. Smith (Margaret) rare portrait of, 'by Marshall, 411. n. (W.) and Webbe compiled "King's Vale Royal," 308. n. Smyth (Geo.) rare books at his sale, 587. 594. 598. tres. SPENCER'S (ARL) library, 345. -^^ Aldus Martial, on vel- lum, at the sale of his duplicates, 591. Stabili (Francesco) notice of, 259. n. STAFFORD'S (MARQUIS OF) library, 359. Stamford (Earl of) Hollar's Works, 10 vol. in Ms collection, 586. Stanhope (Earl) Hearne's Glaston. at lki sale, 585. STANLEY (CoL.) sale of his library, 535. STEEVENS (GEORGE) sale of his library, 543. notice of,. 543. n. note to Dr. Lort re- specting Shaksperiana, 110. n. Still (J.) author of Gammer Gurton's Needle, 315. n, Storer (Anthony) notice of, 134.* n. STOURUEAD library, account of, 303. Strange (John) rare books at his sale, 595. 598. Sunnier (Dr.) rare books at his sale, 586. 'i589. Sunderland (Earl of) Macky's Account of his library, 316. n. (Charles Earl of) his commis- sions at the sale of Freebairn's library, 316. B. Wanley's remarks on his death, 317. n. Sutherland (Mr.) Burnet's History of His Own Time, 574. and Clarendon's His- tory of the Rebellion illustrated, in his collection, 577. Sutton Manners (Archbishop) Manuscripts presented by, to the Archiepiscopal Li- brary, 95. SYKES'S (SiR M. M.) library, 374. T. Tailed men, account of a nation of, 386. n. Talleyrand (M.) rare books at his sale, 595, 596. 600. Taverner (Rich.) imprisoned by the popish bishops, 181. Taylor (Mr. Watson) 595. Thompson (Sir Peter) rare books at his sale, 579. 599. 601 . xxxi INDEX. Thynne (Francis) Lancaster Herald, S72.n. f odd (Rev. H. J. Todd) History of the College of Ashridge compiled by, 360. his Catalogue of the Archiepiscopal MSS. 97. Catalogue of the MSS. in the library of Canterbury Cathedral, 122. Tooke (Hbrne) Dr. Johnson's Dictionary, with his MS. Notes, at his sale, 588. Topham's (Richard) collection of MS. Bibles, drawings, &c. 134.* Totness (George Carew Earl of) his col- lections, 94. TOWNELEY(JOHN) sale of his library, 551. . portrait and notice of, 652. n. Townsehd (Marquis) Vere's Comment. L. P. at his sale, 601. TOWER RECORDS, 153. Tradescants, father and son, 161. n. Tusser (Thomas) notice of, 194. n. Tyndale (John and Wm.) notice of, 62. Tyrwhitt's (Thos.) library, 8. notice of, 8.n. Tyssen (Mr.) rare books at lib sale, 582. 692. 602. *S* V. Vaughan's, of Hengwrt, collection of Bri- tish MSS. Sil. n. Verdizotti, the friend of Titian, 230. n. Vicars (J.) note on, 276. n. Vigne (Gace de la) vid. Bigne. Voight (Mr.) Whetstone's Life of Gas- ' coigne at his sale, 602. W. Walden (John) a benefactor of Clmste's Hospital library, 145. n. Wake's (Archbishop) collection, 162. Walton's (Bishop) library, sale of, 28. n. (Dr.) petition to Cromwell, 29. n. Wanley (Humph.) at Brldges's sale, 420. n. Warburton (Mr.) Somerset Herald, a col- lector of MS. Plays, 366. n. Webb's (Philip Carteret) collection of Parliamentary History, 19. Webster (Dr. John) notice of his library, Webster (Dr. John) extract from hig MS, Catalogue, ib. West's (Jas.) collection of the Cecil Pa- pers, 19. WESTMINSTER, CHAPTER HOUSE Li- brary, 175. Weston (Rev. S.) possesses a first Justin, OH vellum, 187. . Whitbread (Mr.) the late, purchased John Buny an's pulpit Bible, 573. White-hall library consumed in 1698, 176. Whitlock (Bulstrode) scarce portrait of, 369. n. WILBRAHAM'S (RoOEii) library, 389. Wilkes's editions of Catullus and Theo- phrastuS, 357. ?i. Wilkes (John) " Orme's Hist, of Sevagi," at his sale, 592. WILLETT(RALPU) sale of his library, 559. sale of liis prints, 559. w. Willis Browne, notice of, 91. . advertisement from, re- specting his Survey of the Cathedrals, 92, .- WILTON, account of the library at, 335. Wither (George) notice of, 238. n. WODHULL'S (MICHAEL) the late, library, 390. Wodhull (Michael) 390. . " Dodwell de Parma,'' kc. large paper, at his sale, 680. Wolsey (Cardinal) founder of Christ Church Library, 162. > ordered the destruc- tion of some copies of Fabyan's Chro- nicle, 327. Wood's (Anthony a) collections, 161. Woodford (Emp.) a collection of Ornitho- logy at his sale, 593. WOODHOUSE (JOHN) sale of his library, 663. X. Ximenes (Card.) Mazarabic Missal, ex- pense of printing it, 354. n. y. York (Dean and Chapter of) " Caxton's Hors, Shepe, and the Goos," and " Chorle and the Birde," in the library of, 576. A SKETCH OF SOME OF THE PRINCIPAL FOREIGN LIBRARIES. 1 HE VATICAN LIBRARY founded by Pope Nicholas v. is supposed to be the most extensive of all existing pub- lic collections : it was enlarged by Sixtus iv., but suffered an almost total dispersion at the sacking of Rome, by the Duke of Bourbon, in the year 1527. Sixtus v., a zealous patron of the arts, and himself a learned man, rebuilt the ^library in 1588, and considerably augmented the collec- tion ; it was also greatly enriched by his successor, Pope Clement xi. with a great number of valuable Oriental MSS. Christina, Queen of Sweden, during her residence at Rome, conveyed thither the rich collection of Petavius, to which she added other valuable MSS., the spoils of her father, the great Gustavus Adolphus. At the Queen's death her library de- volved to the family of Ottpboni, the head of which, at that , time, was Pope Alexander vui. In 169J he placed nineteen hundred of these manuscripts in one of the galleries of the Vatican, and gave it the appel- ? lation of Bibliotheca Alexandrina in honour of the Queen, who had the additional name of Alexandrina given to her when she abjured the Lutheran religion. FOREIGN LIBRARIES. The Ottoboni Library contained the famous Theodosiau Code, several MSS., and about eighteen folio volumes of original letters of Queen Christina. 3 The famous collection of books and manuscripts taken by General Tilly at the capture of Heidelberg in 1622, and presented by Duke Maximilian, of Bavaria, to Pope Gre- gory xv., formed a particular division in the Vatican under the name of Bibliotheca Palatina. Thirty-eight of these volumes, being part of five hundred which the Papal Go- vernment ceded to the French Republic in 1797, were re- y -turned to the University of Heidelberg in 1815 ; among them is the celebrated Codex Palatinus of the Greek Anthology, '"' and four ancient and valuable manuscripts of Plutarch's works. All the MSS. anterior to the ninth century were taken away by the French, but the greater part have been restored. Among the most celebrated MSS. now remaining in the Vatican are two ancient codices of Virgil, one of which, in uncial letters, was supposed to be executed by command of the Emperor Alexander Severus, in the third century : it belonged to the learned Pontanus, afterwards to Cardinal "Bembo, and lastly to Fulvius Ursinus, who left it to the Vatican : the miniatures with which it is adorned were copied by Santo Bartoli, and are attached to an edition of .^ the Codex, published at Rome in 174.1. Terence, with miniatures executed in the same style, coeval with the s, Virgil, and from which the versions of Heinsius and Ma- a Upon the backs of some of these books is impressed the word MAKEAU2 : the Princess puzzled the learned exceedingly when she .The President de Thou died in 1617, and his eldest son Francois, then only nine years of age inherited the paternal charge. During his minority, the care of the library was y confided to Nicolas Rigault, known by many esteemed works. In the reign of Louis xiu., the only acquisitions were the MSS. of Philippe Hurault, Bishop of Chartres, in number about 418 volumes, and 110 beautiful oriental MSS. pur- chased, together with the font of Arabian, Persian, and Syriac characters, from the heirs of M. de Breves, who had been ambassador to Constantinople. Francois de Thou having suffered decapitation in 1642, the illustrious Jerome Bignou succeeded as librarian. The library was greatly indebted for many important ac- quisitions to that able minister, and great patron of learning, Colbert, who by his extensive correspondence in the East, and with all the courts of Europe, enriched it with the finest ma- nuscripts and printed volumes. After the death of that great man in 1683, the care of the library was bestowed on the Abbe^Louvois, who, like his predecessor, employed ambas- sadors at the foreign courts to procure the most valuable books. Under Louis xiv. the library received the collections of Fouquet, and Gaston d|Orleans ; among the books of the latter, were several volumes of plants and animals painted on vellum by that inimitable artist, Nicolas Robert. In 1697, Father Bouvet, a missionary Jesuit, brought from China forty- nine Chinese volumes which the emperor sent as a present to the king. The learned Mabillon collected more than fopr (thousand printed volumes during his travels in Italy: and Hippolyte, Count de Bethune, presented to the king a very curious collection of modern manuscripts relating to the His- tory of France. 3d FOREIGN LIBRARIES. The royal collection, which at the accession of Louis xiv. amounted to five thousand volumes, had increased at his death to more than seventy thousand, exclusive of the books of prints, many of which were executed by the great masters of his time, and at his own expense. Louvois, dying in 1 728, was succeeded by the Able Big- non, and the royal library was removed to the Hotel de Nevers, rue de ^Richelieu, into a suite of numerous apart- ments, decorated with great magnificence. The establishment of a printing press at Constantinople suggested to the Abb6 Bignon a desire to possess the books from that press through the means of the director Zaib Aga, of whom be had some knowledge when at Paris in the suite of his father, Mehemet-Effendi, ambassador from the Porte. The Abbes Sevin and Fourmont, both members of the Academy of Inscriptions, were charged with this commission. Fourmont travelled over Greece to collect inscriptions and medals, and Seisin fixed his residence at Constantinople ; and seconded by the interest of the Marquis de Villeneuve, am- bassador from France, [collected in less than two years more ^ v than six hundred oriental manuscripts. Very great acquisitions were made from many celebrated collections, particularly the MSS. of S. Martial de Limoges, those of the President de Mesmes, the cabinet of engravings of the Marquis de Bering- hen, and above all the MSS. ancient and modern, from the Colbert library, at that time the richest in Europe. c Dr. Martin Lister, speaking of the Colbert library, says, " The gallery wherein the printed books are kept, is a grand room, with windows on one side only, along a fine garden ; at the upper end is a fair room wherein the papers of state are kept. The manuscript li- " brary is above stairs in three rooms, and is the choicest of that kind iu Paris; it contains 6610 volumes." A portion of the Colbert library, in the possession of the Company f FOREIGN LIBRARIES. In subsequent years, the library continued rapidly to in- crease ; and at this period it is supposed to contain above 80,000 MSS. and more than 300,000 printed volumes. The building containing this immense collection is situated in the rue Richelieu : an elegant stair-case painted by Pelle- grini leads to the spacious apartments of the principal floor, which take up three sides of the large court, and, surrounded by light galleries, are entirely filled with books. In a small recess stands a groupe, called Parna&se Francois, erected in the time of Louis xiv., on which the several poets and wri- ters of France are represented as climbing up the steep as- * cent of the inspired mountain. In one of the wings, a very large perforation in the floor presents two "globes, celes- tial and terrestrial, about thirty feet in diameter, executed in 1683 by the Jesuit Coronelli for the Cardinal d'Est rees. There are also busts of celebrated French literati, and of others who have contributed to the improvement and augmentation of the library. Among the innumerable missals and books of devotion pre- served in the fine cabinets of MSS., the Psalter of St. Louis may be esteemed the most interesting ; it was lately presented to the King of France by Prince Michael Galitziu ; an au- thentic note written on a blank leaf at the beginning, shews that it was given to Charles v. in 1369, by Queen Jeanne d'Evreux, consort of Charles le Bel : passing afterwards into the hands of Charles ri. he presented it to his daughter, Madame Marie de France, one of the religieuses in the cele- brated monastery of Poissy, formerly a royal casde, and the birth-place of St. Louis. This venerable relic remained in holy seclusion upwards of three centuries, and was probably of the London Assurance, in Cornhill, was advertised for sale in tlic xfcewspapers, March, 1730. xlii FOREIGN LIBRARIES.' snatched from the altar by sacrilegious hands on the destruc- tion of the monasteries in the last revolution. Among the unadorned MSS. of a later date, are several French royal letters ; a curious volume of Epistles, written by our King Henry viii., and the correspondence of Colbert, in abouj sixty volumes*. Ta enumerate any of the printed volumes in a repository that contains all that is curious and valuable in the typographic art, is in this place superfluous : a British amateur of rare English books on vellum may, however, be desirous to know that there exists in the royal library of France, a copy of Barclay's Ship of Fooles, printed by ^inson, on vellum, a rarity, probably, not to be found in his own country/ 1 The Cabinet of Engravings consists of about five thousand volumes, divided into classes ; that of portraits, amounting to about fifty thousand of persons of all conditions and countries, includes a large collection of the most rare and beautiful specimens appertaining to the British series. A few descriptive pages only, by the most able hand, would convey but a very imperfect idea of the contents of this vast collection, which, for number, rarity, and splendour, may still rank, though recently shorn of its conquered spoils, as one of the first, if not the most extensive public library in Europe. The MAZARINE LIBRARY, one of the most splendid* collections in France, was sold by order of parliament 6 during * A list of the vellum books, in the royal ^library of France, may be seeii in Sir. Dibdin's Bibliographical Decameron, II. 373. ^C, Nautlc, in his deprecating letter to the parliament of Paris, re- presents the Cardinal's library as " the most beautiful and best fur- nished of any library in the world : for it is composed of more than "(orty thousand volumes collected by the care of several kings and princes in Europe ; by all the ambassadors that have set out of xliii FOREIGN LIBRARIES'. 7 the troubles occasioned by the Fronde : the manuscripts were transferred to the royal library ; and the remains of the collection were subsequently deposited in the College Mazarin in 1688. Naude, who was librarian to the Cardinal, travelled in Italy, Germany, Holland, and England, for the express purpose of /collecting books : the remains of the library at Philisbourg, dispersed during the siege, were by permission of the Bishops *of Spires and Treves removed to France: these, together with the library of the Cardinal Touron, and the large acqui- sitions made by Naude, in Italy, Holland, and England, formed a total of at least 30,000 volumes. At this time the Mazarin Library contains about 90,000 printed volumes and 3500 manuscripts. VIENNA. The imperial library, adjoining the palace of the emperor, occupies the whole of one side of the square of Joseph n. It was built in the reign of Charles vi. by John Bernard Fischer, who completed it in 1726. No library in Europe can equal it in point of elegance : in France these ten years, into places farthest remote from the kingdom. To tell you that I have made voyages into Flanders, Italy, England, and Germany, to bring hither whatever I could procure that was rare and excellent, is little in comparison of the care which so many crowned heads have taken to further the laudable designs of his emi- nence." After enumerating in abstract the volumes in the various faculties, and that all the treasures were " heaped together within the compass of seven chambers, filled from top to bottom, with a gallery twelve fathoms high,'' he concludes, " can you permit, gentlemen, the public to be deprived of a thing so useful and precious ? can you endure that this fair flower, which yet spreads its odour through all the world, should wither in your hands? Believe me, that the ruin of this library will be more carefully marked in all histories and calendars than the taking and sacking of Constantinople." xh'v FOREIGN LIBRARIES. the centre of the building is a cupola, supported by columns of scagliola, with an ample area and a gallery above; in the middle of the rotunda, which is nearly one hundred feet in dia- meter, is placed a marble statue of the Emperor Charles vi. ; the whole has much the air of a magnificent Grecian temple^ and is richly painted. The collection begun in 1498, under the Emperor Maxi- milian, was enlarged by his successors Rodolph n. and Fer- dinand in. In the reigns of Leopold i., Charles vi., and Maria Theresa, considerable additions were made, particularly of the fine library of Prince^ Eugene, which occupies the prin- cipal part of the great rotunda. Two rooms are appropriated to the MSS., which are supposed to exceed twelve thousand in number ; among the most valuable, are a Livy of the fifth X century, the oldest copy now extant of that author ; the Gos- pels of St. Mark and St. Luke; the Book of Genesis, in. Greek capitals, of the fourth century, ornamented with forty- ^ eight beautiful miniatures; Dioscorides, in Greek, with the figures of animals and plants, finely painted ; a Psalter, in letters of gold, written by a Frank named Dugulf, presented by Charlemagne to Pope Adrian i ., and the sixty-four first chapters of Tewrdanncth, in the hand writing of the Empero r Maximilian. The editions of the fifteenth century are supposed to amount to five or six thousand volumes, among which are some early block books, and German Bibles ; numerous first editions of the Greek and Roman Classics ; and the first Psalter of 1457, on vellum. The whole number of printed volumes in the im- perial collection are calculated at S00 5 000, the manuscripts at 12,000, and the series of engravings at 300,000 ; of the latter, Bartsch has given a detailed account in " Le Peintre xlv LIBRARIES. , THE ESCURIAL. The most beautiful library in Spain is that of the Escurial, founded by the Emperor Charles v., in .the monastery of St. Laurence. It is two hundred feet in length, and thirty-six in height. Its vaulted cieling is orna- mented with arabesques and colossal figures, by Tibaldi, the preceptor of Michael Angelo ; the book-cases, of cedar and other choice woods, are beautifully carved : the subjects of the paintings, in fresco, by Bartol. Carducci, are taken from sacred and profane history, and relate to the sciences treated of in the works ranged upon the shelves. Thus the Council of Nice is delineated above the books treating on theology ; the death of Archimedes, at the siege of Syracuse, is repre- sented above those relating to mathematics. In-the interme^ diate space, between the shelves, are the portraits of Charles v. and of the three Philips. The most remarkable MSS. are the Codex aureus, or Gos-. pels, on rellum, in letters of gold, with superb miniatures, exe- cuted by order of King Henry, son of the Emperor Conrad ; a Liturgy, in Greek, said to have been written by St. Basil. The library also contains an immense number of Arabic MSS. ; Bibles in various characters, particularly the Greek Bible of the Emperor Cantacuzenus ; and a fine collection of printed books in Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, and the modern languages. The books, according to anciejit custom, are placed the re^ verse way, with their titles inscribed on the edges of the leaves. Arias Montanus, whose library served as a foundation to. that of the Escurial, had arranged and inscribed all his books after this manner : he subsequently introduced his own method at the Escurial, which, for the sake of uniformity, has been followed with all the other books/ ' A common method in all the old libraries ; as in that of Lord William Howard, visible to this day in his study, at Naworth Castle, -* xlvi FOREIGN LIBRARIES. Curing the late peninsular war, a few precious MSS. dis- appeared from the Escurial ; two or three fine productions have since found their way into some private collections in tfcis country. STUTGAKD. The library, formed since the year 1768, now consists of more than 100,000 volumes. It comprehends every known translation of the Scriptures, Oriental as well as European ; these were chiefly collected by the late Gharle s Eugene, Duke of Wirtemberg, who purchased, in the year 1784, the immense biblical collection of M. de Lorch, at Copenhagen, amounting to 5 M6 editions, and subsequently N that of M. Panzer : the number, in more than fifty languages, exceeds QOOO volumes, and more than 3000 are still wanting ; but the editions of German Bibles are complete. Among the rarest is the Russian and Dutch Bible, in five volumes, pub- lished by order of the Czar Peter ; it is superbly printed in capital letters, and is of excessive rarity. There is in this library a considerable collection of manuscript memoirs of the sovereignties, or ancient noble German families. COPENHAGEN. In the sixteenth century a small collec- tion was made towards the establishment of a royal library, Avhich, at subsequent periods, was gradually augmented by those of Peter Scavenius, Laus Ulefeld, Joachim Gersdorf, and Just Hough, eminent literary noblemen ; by the library of Christian Reitzer, the works of Otho Sperling, and an im- mense variety of state papers, in 1712. After the time of Frederick in., it received very important additions by the in- corporation of other libraries, particularly that of the Chancel- lor Suhm, a celebrated collection, and rich in Icelandic manuscripts. Christian vi. purchased the superb collection of Frederick Rostgaard^ obtained during his literary travels on the continent ; and the MSS. taken in the ducal library of xlvii FOREIGN LIBRARIES. Gottorp, from the Swedes^ In the late reign, the manuscripts of the celebrated oriental traveller Niebuhr were added to the royal collection. The library adjoins the king's palace, and was constructed in the reign of Christian v. The principal room is two hun- dred feet long. Among the early editions are numerous Bibles, and Greek and Roman classics : the most remarkable manuscripts are a Livy of the tenth century, incomplete ; Virgil of the t^nth century, which was collated by Professor Heyne for his edition ; chronicles, and many fine oriental works, collected in the East by order of Frederick v. Heures de Francois /., finely illuminated, purchased at the Colbert sale; several fine missals, some of which belenged to the royal house of Denmark, the kings of France, 8cc. Heures of the Duke of Burgundy, who was slain at Nancy, finely il- luminated ; a Danish Chronicle, in verse, of the fifteenth cen- tury ; a very remarkable manuscript of Pliny's Natural His- tory, Galen, Hippocrates, &c. ; the works of Tycho Brahe, in his own hand-writing ; and several large volumes of original drawings of plants, on vellum, by Madame Merian. xlviii ilutilir LONDON. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. THIS magnificent collection of manuscripts and printed books may justly claim precedence of all the public libraries in the kingdom : it has been formed chiefly by the munificent grants of Parliament for the purchase of great collections, of royal donations, and numerous valuable be- quests of private individuals. His late majesty contributed the whole of the important library of printed books and manuscripts which had been collected by the preceding sovereigns from Henry xvn. to William in. The present king, in 1762, presented to the Museum a most valuable col- lection of pamphlets and periodical papers, in about 2000 volumes, relating to the civil wars, and which had originally been the property of King Charles i. The Museum contains also the libraries of Archbishop Cranmer, Henry Fitzalan Earl of Arundel, and his son-in-law Richard THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Lord Lumley, the learned Isaac Casaubon, and Major Arthur Edwards; the Cottonian, Har- leian, and Lansdowue collection of manuscripts; and the manuscripts and printed books of Sir Hans Sloane, purchased by Parliament in 1753, on the foundation of the establishment. It has also been enriched from the libraries of Dr. Thomas Birch, Mr. Thomas Hollis, the Rev. Dean Milles, Mr. Tyrwhitt, Mr. Halhed, Sir William Musgrave, Sir William Burrell, Rev. William Cole, and Rev. C. M. Cracherode, whose fine collection of early printed books forms a most valuable acquisition to the Museum. COTTONIAN MANUSCRIPTS, Collected by Sir Robert Cotton, 3 in the times of Queen Elizabeth and James I., consist of authen- tic documents relating to the history, antiquities, laws and constitution of the kingdom ; of many ancient biblical and liturgic volumes, chronicles and political tracts. This library was removed from Cotton House, b Westminster, in the year -io-ji MMI'*;U I- * It is greatly to be lamented that a life so meritorious as that of Sir Robert Cotton, should, towards its close, have been embittered by base calumny and arbitrary proceedings. See Preface to the Ca- talogue of the Cotlonian manuscripts : also an extract from Sir Sy- monds D'Ewes's Life (preserved among the Harleian MSS.) in Chal- mers's Biographical Dictionary, 1813, 8vo. vol. x. p. 326. b Cotton House was situated behind the House of Commons ; the residence of the chief clerk is built on the site, %\<\ THE BRITISH MUSEUM. 1712, to Essex House in the Strand ; but in 1730 it was conveyed back to Westminster, and placed vjn Ashburnham House; where, shortly after, a fire broke out, and destroyed several of the ma- nuscripts. After this unfortunate accident, the remaining part of the collection was removed into the dormitory of Westminster school, and re- mained there until the year 1753; when, by or- der of parliament, it was finally deposited in the British Museum. This library, originally consisting of 958 vo- lumes, was by the above-mentioned fire reduced to 861, of which 105 were considerably damaged. Fifty-one out of that number have by great care been restored, and are bound up in forty-four vo- lumes. Of the Royal Library of Manuscripts there is a catalogue compiled by Mr. David Casley, and printed in 1 734, in quarto ; and of the Cottonian Library there are three extant: the first by Dr. Thomas Smith in 1696, folio; the second in 1777, octavo; and the third, considerably enlarged, by Joseph Planta, Esq. principal librarian, in 1802, folio. c Ashburnham House, formerly so called, in Litlle Dean's Yard, was the residence of the late Dr. Bell, prebendary of Westminster. 3 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. HARLEIAN MANUSCRIPTS, Collected by Robert and Edward Earls of Ox-* ford, consist of about 7600 volumes. They may be divided into the following classes. 1. BIBLES and biblical books, upwards of three hundred copies in the Hebrew, Chaldee, Greek, Arabic and Latin ; many of them of great antiquity. 2. CABBALAS, Talmuds, Targums, Glosses, and Commentaries on the Pentateuch, and other books of the Old Testament, in Hebrew, Chal- dee, &c. 3. Near 200 volumes of the writings of the Fathers of the Church. 4. LITURGIES and books of devotion. 5. MISSALS, BREVIARIES, and HOURS of the Virgin, according to the Roman, English, and Gallican Churches, many of them curiously il- luminated and richly adorned with historical paintings. 6. LIVES and Canonizations of British, Saxon, and English Saints. 7. Many ancient copies of the Greek and La- tin Classics and Historians, particularly a frag- ment of Virgil's JEneid written in the ninth cen- tury; his Bucolics, Georgics, and part of the ^Eneid of the twelfth century; two copies of Livy of the tenth and thirteenth centuries; Ovid's Me- tamorphoses of the tenth century ; Quintilian of THE BRITISH MUSEUM. the ninth century ; Lucan of the eleventh cen- tury. 8. LEXICONS, Glossaries, and Dictionaries, in various languages ; particularly a beautiful copy in Greek and Latin, in capital letters, of the se- venth century. 9. CHOROGRAPHIES, Antiquities, Histories, Chronicles, &c. of France and other countries. 10. CHRONICLES, Topography, Antiquities, and Ecclesiastical History of Great Britain and Ireland. 11. HERALDICAL and Armorial Books, Cere- monials, Pomps, and Solemnities. 12. BOOKS of ARCHITECTURE, Geometry, Gun- nery, Fortification, Ship-building, and Military Affairs. 13. NATURAL HISTORY, Agriculture, Voyages, Travels, &c. 14. Many rare MSS. in Astronomy, Cosmo- graphy, and Geography. 15. POEMS, Essays, Ditties, Ancient Ballads, Plays, &c. in almost every modern language; many of them hitherto unpublished. 16. A great variety of Alchymical, Chymical, and Medical Tracts. 17. Original Letters written by eminent and learned men; a numerous collection. 18. A great variety of MSS. highly valuable on account of the many beautiful illuminations with which they are embellished. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. A catalogue of the Harleian MSS. was printed in 1759, two vols. folio, but the latter part of it being found defective, an improved edition be- came necessary; this was completed in four vols. folio, 18081812. SIR HANS SLOANE'S COLLECTIONS Are supposed to consist of about 50,000 volumes of printed books and MSS. including books of prints and drawings. A catalogue of the MSS., including other collections, was published by the Rev. S. Ayscough in 1782, two vols. quarto. JOHN BAGFORD'S Collections, made in the early part of the eight- eenth century, were designed as materials to- wards writing a general history of printing. Hs The Jesuits hearing of this collection sent to Zurich requesting that their answers, and other books written in their favour, might also be deposited in the same library, which was granted. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. REV. JEREMIAH MILLES, ... , ' DEAN OF EXETER. A collection in forty-seven volumes relating to the history of Ireland. THOMAS TYRWHITT, ESQ. f Bequeathed in 1786 a portion of his library, consisting of about 900 volumes, chiefly clas- sical. N. BRASSEY HALHED, ESQ. In the year 1796, the trustees purchased for the sum of 550, the oriental library of Mr. Hal- hed : it consists of ninety-three volumes, fourteen of which are in the Shanskrit language, and the rest chiefly Persian : to these have been added twenty-six volumes purchased of the late Col. Hamilton, the translator of the Hedaya ; and the four Vedas in the Shanskrit language presented by Col. Polier ; besides thirty-two volumes which came with the trophies of our Egyptian expedi- tion. ' Mr. Tjrwhitt was thoroughly read in the old English writers, and his critical efforts have eminently contributed to restore the genuine text of Shakespeare. The admirers of Chaucer are also greatly iii- dehted to him for elucidating the obscurities and illustrating the hu- mour of that ancient bard. 8 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. SIR W. MUSGRAVE, BART/ In the year 1800, bequeathed to the Museum nearly 2000 volumes of printed books, among which are many biographical tracts of great ra- rity and curiosity: also forty-four volumes of manuscripts, consisting of an obituary kept by himself, autographs, original warrants, catalogues of portraits, &c. DR. BENTLEY'S" Collection of ancient classics was added to the Museum in 1807; these volumes, eighty-four number, are enriched with the manuscript notes of that eminent and learned critic ; they were formerly in the possession of his grandson the late Richard Cumberland/ who received for them the sum of 400. s Sir William Musgrave's large collection of portraits, advertised for sale by public auction previous to his death (Jan. 3, 1800) was dis- posed of at Richardson's rooms in the months of February and March following; the produce amounted to nearly o5000. h Dr. Charles Burncy in 1807 edited a magnificent quarto volume of Bentley's correspondence, under the title of " R. Bentleii et doc- torum virorum Epistolae, partim mutuae, accedit Richard! Dawesii ad Joannem Taylorum epistola siugularis:" Groevius is Dr. Bentley's principal correspondent in this interesting volume; which was not printed for sale. * It may here be remarked, that the very learned papers in the fifth volume of the " Observer," on the Greek poets, published by Mr. Cumberland as his own, were chiefly taken from his grandfather's ma- nuscripts. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. REV. WILLIAM COLE'S Manuscripts, in upwards of 130 vols. folio, were bequeathed to the Museum with the condition that they should not be opened for twenty years after his death, which took place in 1782. He be- gan these collections during his residence at col- lege, about the year J742, intending to compile a work, in imitation of Anthony Wood's Athena? Oxonienses, containing the lives of the Cam- bridge scholars. He appears also to have had in view a History of the University and County of Cambridge. His topographical collections are illustrated by numerous drawings in rather a coarse style, but sufficiently illustrative of the subjects. Mr. Cole seems to have carefully re- gistered every anecdote he could pick up in con- versation, and to have freely characterized his contemporaries: his anecdotes are of that gossip- ing kind, on which a judicious biographer will not rely unless corroborated by other authority. His biographical researches display very exten- sive reading and great industry. MR. SOLOMON DA COSTA Presented to the Museum in 1759, 200 curious manuscript volumes in the Hebrew tongue, which were originally intended by the Jews as a pre- sent to King Charles u. 10 /> - ,WJ^k F.n?imrt ,-.>?; ,<)/'> i*pJj 'fa fofi VIG'-Vii TfiFjiflWU JOSEPH PLANTA, ESQ. Having, in the preceding pages, attempted a sketch of the principal benefactors to the Mu- seum, we may be allowed, in this place, to ex- 20 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. press the public esteem entertained for the im- portant services rendered to that institution by Mr. Planta. This consideration hath induced us to present our readers with a short memoir of that gentle- man, who has long, and honourably, presided over the great literary establishment of the king- dom. Mr. Planta is descended from a noble family in Switzerland; he received his academic edu- cation at foreign universities ; and having re- sided sometime in France, Italy, and Germany, he was, in the year J 773, appointed one of the librarians of the British Museum ; since which time he has risen to the highest station in that department. Being elected a member of the Royal Society, Mr. Planta had an early opportunity of being distinguished in that learned body : a version of the Bible in the Romansh tongue, now spoken in the Grisons, having been presented to the So- ciety, Mr. Planta wrote an historical account of it, which the Society ordered to be inserted in their Transactions ; x this account being thought to possess sufficient merit to induce them to de- viate from their usual custom of not admitting papers on philological subjecls. It may reasonably be conjectured, that the fa- Sec the Lxvith vol. of the Philosophical Transactions. 21 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. vourable impression made by this performance, contributed not a little to his unanimous election to the office of secretary to the Society on the death of Dr. Maty in the year 1776. At this time his official duty required him to make abstracts of all the papers read at their meetings, which he continued to attend during a period of nearly thirty years; the contempo- rary members, still living, can bear testimony to the accuracy and perspicuity with which these were digested. Before his promotion to the office of principal librarian in the year 1799, he superintended the department of manuscripts and medals : the ca- talogue of the Cottonian manuscripts, compiled by Dr. Smith, being found singularly defective, a new one, as we have already stated, was pre- pared by Mr. Planta; many valuable tracts and documents, before unknown, and which had es- caped the former compiler, were now brought forward to public notice. It may be proper here to observe, that literary men, and students, visiting the British Museum, are much indebted to the unremitting exertions of this gentleman; for to him may be ascribed many salutary improvements and facilities, adopt- ed by the trustees for their benefit. Mr. Planta is well known, in the republic of letters, as the author of the " History of the Hel-* retic Confederacy," a work of acknowledged 22 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. merit ; and which has passed through two edi- tions, in a quarto and octavo form. Two valua- ble reports to the commissioners on the records of the kingdom also bear his name. His anonymous contributions to periodical works, we believe, have been frequent ; and he is supposed to have translated from the German some of the works of Baron Haller. We forbear, for obvious reasons, from remark- ing on the moral and social features of a living character; and shall only observe, that Mr. Planta is highly and deservedly esteemed by all ranks ; and that during a long and active life, he has not been sparing in the exercise of his talents in the cause of literature/ A catalogue of the printed books in the Bri- tish Museum was published in 1787, two vols. folio : a new edition, very considerably enlarged, is now printing in octavo, arranged alphabetical- ly ; six volumes have already appeared. > The annexed portrait is from a model by MR. PISTRUCCI, an ar- tist who, during his short residence in England, has so eminently d x is- tinguished himself, as to have obtained an unrivalled rank in his pro- fession. 23 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Select List of some valuable and rare Books, and Manuscripts, in the BRITISH MUSEUM. \* C. MS. at the end of an article, implies that it is to be found among the Cottonian Manuscripts : CRA. in the Cracherode Collec- lection : and H. MS. among the Harleian Manuscripts ; the numbers attached refer to the articles in the Harleian Catalogue. ABU NASR. The Arabic Dictionary of Abu Nasr Ismael films Hemad al Farabi, Al Turki, with the supplement of Sherfo'ddin Al-Hassan filius Mohammedis r surnamed Al- Sagani; written in the beginning of the thirteenth century. H. MS. 3446. ^SOPI Vita et Fabulae, gr. 4to. ED. PR. absque ulla nota. (Sed Mediol. circa, 1480. Eximia: rar. liber) CRA. ALAMANNI la Coltivatione, 4to. Par. Rob. Steph. 1546. CRA. A rare and beautiful edition, corrected by the author, and dedicated to Francis I. ANACREONTTS Teii Odae, gr. Henr % Stephanus, 4to. R. Lutetia, 1554. CRA. in membranis, 12mo. Parma Bodoni. 1791. CRA. ANCIENT Terracottas in the British Museum, description of, with engravings, fol. London, Bulmer, 1810. ANCIENT Marbles in the British Museum, description of, with engravings. Parts I. II. fol. London, Bulmer, 1810. Of the above three volumes, twelve sets were printed in folio for presents to Royal Personages only. The Queen, the Princess Charlotte of Wales, and the Prince Regent, have received copies. 24 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. ANTHOLOGIA Epigrammatum Graecorum, gr. J. Lascaris. Lit. maj. inmembrauis, ED. PR. 4to. Florent. L. F. de Alopa. 1494. CRA. APOLLO MI Rhodii Argonauticon, gr. lit. maj. ED. PR. 4to. Florent. L. F. de Alopa, 1496. CRA. APULEII Metamorphoseos liber, ED. PR. fol. Rorn Szceyuheirn et Pannartz, 1469- L'ART de bien vivre et mourir. Paris, Verard, on vellum. L'ART et Science de Rhetorique. Paris, Verard, on vellum. AEISTIDIS Orationes, gr, ED. PR. fol. Florent. Phil. Junta, 1517. CRA. ARISTOPHANIS Comaediae novem, gr. (cum scholiis Mu- suri), ED. P^.fol. Venet. Aldus, 1498. CRA. ARISTOTELIS Opera; Theophrasti de historia plantarum lib. x. et de causis plantarum lib. vi. gr. ED. PR. 5 vols. fol. ^ y Venet. Aldus, 149598. CRA. The pieces of Aristotle de Rhetorica et de Poetica are omitted in this edition. AUGUSTIN, Lamentation de St., surles Pseaumes peniten- tiales. Paris, Verard, on vellum. AULI Gellii Noctes Atticae, ex recognitione Joan. Andreae. Roma:, 1469, fol. ED. PR. CRA. BE ATI A NO, Ag. Cose Volgarie latine. Svo. Venezia Gio- lito, 1538. Haym says the edition of 1551 is the same, with only a new title. BEMBO de jtna ad Angelum Chabrielem liber, 4to. Venet. Aldus, 1495. BENTLEII (Rich.) et doctorum virorum Epistolae, partim >K v/t mutuee. Accedit Richardi Dawesii ad Joannem Taylorum epistola singularis. Londini Eulmer, 4to. 1807. With THE BRITISH MUSEUM. portraits, and fac-simile autographs, of Bentley and Gr&- vius. An elegandy printed volume, edited by Dr. Charles Burney. One hundred copies were struck off on large paper ; and fifty on small paper, to be distributed to the national collections, and among the editor's private friends. BE A u CHAM P, Life and Acts of Richard, Earl of Warwick; with fifty-three excellent delineations which explain the cos- tume of the times, done by the hand of John Rons, the War- wickshire antiquary. C. MS. BIBLIA SACRA. Codex Alexandrinus, 4 vols. Sec. IV. MS. This fine manuscript, written in Egypt by a monastic lady named Thecla, was the property of the Greek pa- triarch of Alexandria, till it was taken by Cyrill to Con- stantinople, and by him presented to Charles the First, at the instance of Sir Thomas Roe. The letters are uncial and ranged in double columns. The Old Testament is comprised in the three first volumes, and the New Testa- ment in the fourth. The first five, and part of the sixth ^ .chapters, to the middle of verse 6, of St. Matthew are /.* wanting ; also from vi. 50 to viii. 53 of St. John, and from ,' iv. 13 to xii. 6 of 2 Corinthians. The bookbinder has pared the margin so close, as, in some instances, to have cut off part of the writing, and, in general, most of the red letter contents. In 1786, the late Dr. Woide published a fac-simile of a part of this ancient MS. in folio, containing the New^Tes- tament : the types, by Jackson, most faithfully express the transcript made from the original by Dr. Woide's own hand : of the common paper 450 copies were printed, and twenty- five on fine paper : ten were taken oft' on vellum, but of these no more than six had the notes and illustrations. 26 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. The vellum copies were distributed to the following per- sonages. 1. His Majesty. 2. Duke of Grafton. 3. Lord San- dys. 4. Mr. Peachey (late Lord Selsey). 5. Sir Wm. Burrell. 6. Rev. Mr. Cracherode (now in the Museum). 7. Rev. Mr. Rose. 8. Mr. Jackson (now the Rev. Ste- phen Weston's). Q. Mr. Nicol. 10. Dr. Lort, (pur- chased by the late Bishop Dampier, and now in the col- lection of the Duke of Devonshire.) The Rev. Henry Hervey Baber, keeper of the printed books, has undertaken to complete a fac-simile of the OLD TESTAMENT from the above ancient MS. He has al- ready made considerable progress in the work : 250 copies are printing, in royal folio, at the press of Richard and Ar- thur Taylor : one copy only, of the folio size, and ten in royal quarto, will be printed on vellum. BIBLE, Hebrew, several hundred years old ; with two re- markable drawings in gold, highly embossed, of the sacred vessels and utensils of the ancient Jews. H. MS. 1528. Latin, with St. Paul's Epistle to the Laodiceans, finely illuminated ; written in the eleventh century, and for- merly belonging to the Cathedral Church of Anjou. H. MS. 28334. with St. Jerom's Epistle to Paulinus, de omnibus divina Historic libris, his prologues and prefaces, and the Canons of Eusebius. Xllth century. In two pompous vo- lumes. H. MS. 2798Q. Vulgate edition, elegantly written in the thirteenth century, with.the Psalter of the Gallican version ; ornamented with most beautiful miniatures, executed in a taste far supe- rior to those usually found in manuscripts of that age. H.MS. 1297. in two pompous and illumined volumes, formerly 27 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. belonging to the Capuchin convent at Montpelier. H. MS. 47723. Two very noble BIBLICAL BOOKS of the thirteenth cen- tury, being part of a most richly illuminated manuscript, the first volume whereof, beginning at Genesis, and ending \vith Job, is preserved in the Bodleian library (Arch. A. 154). They consist of texts according to the vulgar Latin, selected from the books of the Maccabees and New Testament, with the subject of each text represented in a large circular illumina- tion. H.MS. 15267. BIBLIA Sacra Latina, 2 torn. fol. in membr. Mogunt. Joh. Fust et P. Schoi/her de Gernsheim, 1462. CRA. (Lamoignon's copy.) The first edition of the Rible with a date. ,, h BIBLIA Polyglotta, hebr. chald. gr. et lat. impressa sumpt. Fr. Ximenii de Cisneros, 6 vols. fol. In Complut. Univ. A. G.de Brocario. 1514 17. CRA. The Hebrew Chaldaic Lexicon in the sixth volume es often wanting. Six hundred copies were printed ; and three or four only upon vellum : one is in the royal library at Madrid; another at Turin ; and a third, which is supposed to have been Cardinal Ximenes' copy, was sold at the Pinelli sale, to Count Mac Carthy, for <483. BIBLIA Polyglotta, complectentia textus originales, hebrai- rum, cum pentateucho samarit., chald., gr. &.c. cum appa- ratu, appendicibus, tabulis, &c. ex editione BRIANI WAL- TON/ 6 torn, folio max. large paper, Londini, Th. Roy- croft, 165557. Vide Castelli Lexicon. I 1 From an advertisement in " L'Estrange's Obscrvator," 14 April, 1683, we find that " Bishop Walton's famous library will be exposed to sale by auction upon the 30th day of this present Aprill. By Sa- THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Tzceh-e. copies only are said to hate been printed on large paper. The Protector* Cromwell greatly encouraged Dr. Wal- ton's undertaking ; the council of state gave permission to v, import the paper duty free : and there is reason to suppose the protector and council contributed, out of the public money, one thousand pounds to begin the work. The first volume was put to press in October 1653, the whole work ' was finished in 1657, three years before the Restoration. The doctor's obligations to the protector and council, who had so nobly encouraged his work, are acknowledged in his preface, as it stood originally, in very handsome terms ; after the Restoration, the two last leaves of the preface were cancelled, and their places supplied with three others ; in those his obligations to the protector are very obscurely /^expressed. In the cancelled leaves, the epithets of rank, Serenissimus, Illustrissimus, et Honoratissimus, were not 'inserted, but they found their place in the substituted leaves : from the circumstances we have noticed, the co- imiel Carr, at his house at the King's-head in St. Paul's Church-yard, where catalogues of it will be distributed gratis." The bishop's collection contained the most valuable theological works, oriental books, and manuscripts. In the catalogues at this period of time, copies of the " Polyglott" frequently occur " bound in turkey leather, gilt and lettered on the back, and gilt on the leaves, and filleted with gold" Also, CRIT1CI SACRI, " curiously bound, lettered on the back, and filleted with gold" Mr. Hollis bought of Elmsly, 22 Nov. 1769, a very fine copy x)f Walton's Polyglott in sheets for ten guineas, which he presented to the Prince of Torremuzza, elegantly bound, together with CastelTs Lexicon. Mem. of Tho. Hollis, 424. KV, a Dr. Walton's petition to Cromwell, and other documents relative to the " Polyglott" may be seen in the Gent. Mag. 1794, part I. p. 513. - 29 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. pies which have the original leaves are called the Repub- lican, those which have the substituted leaves are called the Loyal copies ; but in the latter even some differences have been found. Copies with the dedication to Cromwell oc- "-cur but rarely ; those to Charles 1 1 . are less uncommon ; but the work is seen usually without any dedication. #',,#. The BYBLE, translated by Thomas Mathew. London, 1537, fol. One Thornton, by an artful counterfeit, sold a copy of this edition of the Bible, to the Duke of Lauderdale, for seventeen guineas, pretending that the Epistle to the Ro- mans began with " Paul an Kneawe," 8cc. which, as Mr. j-4- ,Wanley has informed us, he effected by the rasure of the true" words, " the servaunt," and the insertion of the false reading ; effacing also Mathew's preface, and all the dates except one, of which he erased the numerals xvu, at the end of MDXXX vi I, whereby the date stood thus, MDXX, which is earlier than that of any English Bible. It does not appear that the above false reading was ever printed. Vid. Bibl. Harl. i. No. 154. The BYBLE, with a prologe therein made by the reuerende father in God, Thomas ( Cranmer) Archbishop of Canterbury, fol. printed on vellum. BIBLK with Archbishop Cranmer's preface, bl. lett. folio. London, Graf ton, 1541. CRA. Miles Coverdale, 4to. And^Hester, 1550. CRA. Archbishop Cramner's, 2 vols. fol. Rich. Jugge, fr/512. CRA. ^vVMAA ffirfrl > U. with Notes by Bishop Wilson, large paper, 6 vols. 4to. Bath, Cruttwell, 1785. CRA. Six copies only were printed on large paper. BLUNDELL. Engravings and Etchings of the principal statues, busts, bas reliefs, sepulchral monuments, cinerary urns, 30 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. &c. in the collection of Henry Blundell, Esq. at Ince, 2 vols. imperial fol J809. Not published. This collection, purchased from the villas Mattel and Este, was transferred from thence by the late proprietor to Ince Blundell near Liverpool, where he erected, as a repo- sitory for them, a rotunda of great architectural beauty, upon the plan of the Pantheon at Rome. K. Twenty copies only are said to have been printed ; and but one has hitherto occurred for public sale. See Payne and Foss's Catalogue for 1815, p. 274, where it is marked at .73. 10s. BOCCACCIO, II Decamerone, 4to. Firenze, Giunti, 152J. CRA. A celebrated edition and now very rare. A copy on large paper is said to be in the collection of M. Gaetano Melzi at Milan. There is a spurious edition bearing the same place and date, printed at Venice in 1J2Q, with a more v extended margin. De Bure has minutely described the variations in the two copies ; but they are easily dis- tinguished by an experienced eye. BOCCACE. A Translation of Lydgate's Paraphrase into English verse of the treatise de OccasuJPrincipum, illuminated and embellished with historical miniature paintings ; being the author's presentation book to Humphrey Duke of Gloucester, \ by whose command he undertook the work. H. MS. 1766. BREYDENBACH (Bern.de) Sanctor. Perigrinationum in montem Syon, ad venerandum Christi sepulchrum in Jerusa- lem, Opusculum. fol. fig. lit. goth. In civitate Moguntina, ^ impressum per Erhardum Reuwich, 1486. The first edition. Fid. in Bib. Harl. iii. 3213, a copy on vellum and a full account of the book. Also, Bib. Spenceriana > \\i. 216. BISHOP Burnet's History of his Own Time, a remarkable 31 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. '-'but imperfect copy, differing in many respects from the print- ed editions ; and occasionally well illustrated by the remarks of Dr. Gifford. H. MS. 6584. CAIUS de Antiquitate Cantabrigiensis Academise; Ejusdem de pronunciatione, gr. lat. 4to. Londim, Jo. Day, 1 574. CR A . Formerly in Archbishop Parker's possession, and con- taining some of his manuscript notes. CALLIMACHI Hymni, gr. (cura Jo. Lascaris.) ED. PR. XX 4to. lit. maj. absque itlla nota. CUA. Printed in capital letters like the ANTHOLOGIA, and supposed to issue from the same press. CANTJCA Canticorum. Historia sen Providentia Virginis Marias ex Cantico Canticorum, sine anno, loco, et typog. fol. CRA. This is one of the early block books, executed before the invention of moveable types : it is attributed to Lau- rence Koster of Haarlem, between the years 1440 and 1450. The volume consists of sixteen leaves, each con- taining two subjects, impressed on one side only, having large scrolls, containing passages from the book of Canti- cles, fantastically dispersed amongst the figures. Fid. Heineken Collect, des Estampes, 1771, p. 374; Beloe's Anecdotes of Literature, i. 150; Ottley's History of Engraving, 1816, i. 138. -ft* y/ CARVE (Thomae) Itinerarium in Legione Walter! Deve- reux, cum Historia facta Butleri, Gordon, Lesley et aliorum. Mogunt. 1639, l6mo. Carve, a native of Ireland, in the latter part of his life was one of the Vicars Choral of the Cathedral at Vienna. In his earlier years he had been chaplain to a regiment, and travelled through many parts of Germany during the wars of Gustavus Adolphus, of which he hath given a short account. He died at Vienna in 1664, aged 70. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. CARVE, Lyra, sive, Anacephalaeosis Hibernica; cui acces- sere Annales Hiberniae, nee non, Rerum gestarum per Eu- ropatn ab anno 1148 ad annum 1666 Sulzb. 1666, 4to. se- cond edition ; (the first za'as published in 1660 \) at page 443 -.'is a scarce portrait of the author. CAS AS Fra. Bartolomeo de las, Brevissima relacion de la destruycion de las Indias, (Ed. orig. in lit. goth.) Sevilla 1552, 4to CRA. fa tr^ty All de las Casas' pieces on the subject of India, of the original editions, are extremely rare. This volume con- tains eight tracts, including the scarce part entitled " Pe- dago de una Carta y Relacion :" this is not noticed in De Bure's list of five tracts only. The castrated editions of the same place and date, are printed in the Roman letter ; these contain the " Pedaco," and five other tracts. See Mr. Seward's interesting account of the humane Bishop of Chiapa, in the fourth volume of " Anecdotes of distinguished Persons;" 1796, 8vo. p. 56. CASTELLI Edm. Lexicon heptaglotton, hebraicum, chal- daic. syriac. Samaritan. &c. cui accessit brevis grammatics delineatio, 2 torn. fol. CHART. MAX. Lond. Th. Roy- croft, 1669. v The presentation copy to King Charles the Second. Three more copies only are known on LARGE PAPER; they are attached to Walton's Polyglott in the libraries of St. Paul's Cathedral, Lambeth Palace, and St. John's College, Cambridge. /uW-M This grand work was attended with mostjnjurious con- sequences to the learned author; it cost him the assiduous labour of seventeen years, and ruined both his health and fortune. Some passages in his dedication to Charles II. most af- fectingly represent the calamities he had endured ; and which THE BRITISH MUSEUM. he appears to have born with most exemplary resignation. His library, household furniture, and three hundred co- * pies of the Lexicon perished in the tire of London " magna pars Biblioth&ca mea, cum multa supellectile et tricenis Lexici Heptaglotti exemplar ibus, in Jiammis pe- riit Londinensibus." To this misfortune were added several private accidents, " membrorum confractiones, luxationes, contusiones ," and from incessant study, an almost total blindness " ocu- lorum lumen, perpetuis atque indefessis vigiliis tantum non ademptum" The publication of his book procured him no compen- sation for his large expenses and his indefatigable diligence. At the time of his death, in 1685, about five hundred co- pies were unsold: these were placed by Mrs. Crisp, his niece and executrix, in a room of one of her tenant's houses in Surrey ; where, for many years, they lay at the mercy of the rats, who made such havoc among them, that when they came into the possession of this lady's executors, scarcely one complete volume could be formed out of the remainder ; and the whole load of learned rags sold only for seven pounds. What remained of Dr. Castell's library was sold bv auc- tion by Edward Millington, b at the Eagle and Child, op- posite St. Bennet's Church in Cambridge ; 30 June, 1686. CATULLUS, Tibullus,. Propertius, et P. Statii Sylvae, in membr. fol. Fenet. Find, de Spira, 1472. CRA. 8vo. in membr. cum lit. init. depictis. Fenet. Aldus, 1502. (Dr. Askew's co- py.) CRA. CAXTON. The monkish legends, and " meruellous histo- b Vide Anecdotes of Millington, who was originally a bookseller, y in Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, iv. p. 29. 34 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. ryes" of Caxton were suited to the popular superstition and credulity of the times he lived in ; they have now a certain va- lue only, as being the first productions in the art of printing in England : some of these, however, have lately sold at enor- mous prices, and a few ragged leaves of Macfc letter have produced sums that would purchase a moderate library : the " mania" for these precious scraps, is now, very properly, on the decline. We should probably be held inexcusable, were we to omit noticing some of the " werkes of maister Wylliam Caxton ;" a few specimens are therefore submitted for the gratification of amateurs. CAXTON. Ballad, a fragment of, unique. Boecius. The Boke of Consolacion of Phi- losophic ; whiche that boecius made for his comforte and con- solacion, &c. Atte requeste of a singuler frend and gossib of myne, 7 William Caxton have done my debuoir and pay ne tenprynte it in fourme as is here afore made, fyc. fol. no place. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, fol. second edi- tion. Book of the Ordre of Chyvalry or Knight- hode, fol. 1484. Supposed to be unique. Gower Confessio' Amantis ; that is to saye in Englisshe, The Confessyon of the Louer, maad and com- pyled by John Gower, Squyer, &c. fol. Enprynted at West- mestre, 14Q3 (by mistake for 1483). CRA. Continuation of Ranulph Hygden's Poly- 500. Every page of the sacred text, consisting of two se- parate columns, is enclosed within a broad and beautifully-illu- minated border. The pictures of the Evangelists, with their symbolic animals, are curiously painted in the front of their respective gospels ; the initial letter of each gospel is richly e The Spaniards hold the Codex Aureus in great veneration, and look upon it as the finest copy of the gospels now extant; it is never shewn but with lighted flambeaux and other ceremonies, 43 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. illuminated, and so large as to fill an entire page. H. MS. 2788. GOSPELS/ the four, of St. Jerom's version, with the Ca- nons of Eusebius, and the parallel passages, written in letters of gold in the xth. century. This MS. is most gloriously illuminated, and adorned with pictures of the Evangelists, &c. painted on purple grounds. H. MS. 2821. . /( . GOSPELS, the, of the fower Euangelistes translated in the olde Saxon tyme oute of latin into the vulgare toung of the Saxons, and now published for testimonie of the same by V JOHN FOXE, 4to. London, John Dm/e, 1571. CRA. This is the dedication book presented to Queen Elizabeth. f The Rev. John Milner, F. A. S. is iii possession of a very ancient MS. of St. John's Gospel, that had been buried with the body of St. Cuthbert, who died in 687. Simeon of Durham relates that St. Cuth- bcrt caused a beautiful MS. copy of the Evangelists to be executed by the monk Ealfrid, (who afterwards succeeded him in the see of Lindisfarne,) and that Ethelwald, who was placed in the same see, caused the MS. book to be illuminated with various figures in the in- side, and to be magnificently bound with gold and precious stones on the outside. It is supposed that this book was preserved in the trea- sury of Durham, till the dissolution of the monasteries, when, for the sake of its costly binding, or some other cause, it got into private hands, and became the property of the Lees, one of whom, in the reign of Charles the Second, became Earl of Litchfield. It was long preserved in that family as the undoubted manual or vade mecum of St. Cuthbert. The last Earl of Litchfield gave it to the Rev. Thomas Philips, author of the life of Cardinal Pole, who bestowed it on the college of Jesuits at Liege in 1769; from whence it was brought to England after the suppression of their order. The letters are all uncial or capital, being ;'for the most, part Roman, with a mixture of the Saxon : the size a * portable duodecimo. Vide ArcliaeoJogia, xvi. p. 17, &c. The disintermcnt, when the gospels were discovered, took place in the year 1104, at the removal of the body of the saint from the Old to the New Church. Vid. Lingard's Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church, 8vo. p. 207. 44 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. GOTSELINUS de Sancto -Bertino, (monk of St. Augus- tine's at Canterbury, in the time of St. Anselm,) Lives of the seven first Archbishops of Canterbury, finely illuminated. H.MS. 10.5. GOWER'S Latin Poems, on vellum, folio, C. MS. On the back of folio 8 is a curious painting of a man in the dress of the xvth. century, with a bow and arrow in his hand, ready to shoot at a sphere ; which Mr. Strutt con- ceived to be a portrait of Gower, and has engraved and published it as such in his Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiqui- ties, where he says, that the original is all of one colour, viz. dark-brown ; the fact is, as Mr. Planta has stated it, that the drapery is blue, and the other parts are of different colours. GOWER Confessio Amantis, a large and beautifully-illu- minated copy \ H.MS. 7184. HARDING'S Chronicle, finely illuminated, much more perfect than the edition published by Grafton, and containing the letter of defiance sent to King Henry tire Fourth, by v . the old Earl of Northumberland, &c. before the battle of Shrewsbury ; and sundry other matters omitted by Grafton. H.MS. 661. HERODOTUS, gr. EJD. PR. tenet. Aldus, 1502, fol. CRA. Some copies of this edition, and also of the Aldine Thu- cydides and Pausanias, were struck off on a superior and larger paper: these, in fine condition, are very rare. X HESIODUS, gr. lat. Th. Robinsoni, CH. MAX. fol. Oxon, 1737. CRA. Ten copies only were printed on the largest paper. HIGDEN'S Polychronicon, John de Trevisa's translation of, differing from the account given of that work by Bale and Pitts ; together with several other translations and composi- tions of Trevisa, not to be met with in any other book. H. MS. 1900. 45 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. HIG DEN'S Polychronicon, englished by Trevisa, black tet- < ter. Southzcark, Pet. Trevisa, folio, 1527. CRA. Higden is said to have pillaged from the Polycraticou Temporum of Roger Cestriensis, a contemporary work. Fid. Cat. of Harleian MSS. No. 1707. HOMEHI Batrachomyomachia, gr. 4to. I enet. Leon. Cre- tensis, 1486. CRA. -*- Maittaire edited, in 1721, a fac simile of this very rare book; 204 copies only were printed; of these 195 were subscribed for, at half-a-guinea in sheets ; eight were re- served by the editor for himself; and only one single copy remained for public sale. HOMERI Opera, graece, ED. PR. 2 torn. fol. Floreiit. * -1488. CRA. From the library of DE THOU. This copy was bequeathed by Mr. Cracherode to his < friend Dr. Jackson, late Dean of Christ Church ; the re- verend and venerable dignitary, in the most handsome man- ner, restored it to the collection. In a letter, attached to the first volume, the late dean has made the following re- mark : "There is a particular circumstance belonging to this copy, which I ought perhaps to mention. It seems to have been an imperfect copy in the hands of some former pos- sessor, who, to supply the imperfection had a transcript made of the pages (trco leaves) which were wanting. lie had afterwards the opportunity of completing his copy : but v illing to preserve the transcript as a curiosity, and such it certainly is, in a very high degree, he has bound it up at the end of the Iliad." HOMER'S Odyssey, collated by the late Professor Parson >' with great diligence for the Grentille edition. II . MS, o()74. .. IloRATits, ED PR. Mediol. A. Zarotus. 1474- CUA. 46 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. ISOCRATIS Orationcs, gra?ce, curante Demetrio Chal- condyla, ED. PR. folio, Mediolani, Hen. GermanuSy 1493. JoANNis.de Jantta Sumrn&quae vocatur Catholicon. Mo- gunt. Fustet Sc/ioyffcr, 1460, 2 totn. folio. CRA. John Balbus, or John of Genoa, the author of this an- cient Lexicon, bestowed many years in compiling it ; he fi- nished it, as he tells us himself, at the conclusion of his MS. I on the nones of March, 1286: this was one of the first fruits of the press after the invention of the typographical art*- JOSEPH of Arimethea, the lyfe of, in verse, 4to. Loffdon, Pinson, 1520. JOUVENCEL, le, (Roman) fol. Paris, Anth. Ferard, 1493, on vellum, ILLUMINATED. JUSTIN i Historic, ED^ PR. fol. Venet. N. 1470. CRA. JUVENALIS, ED. PR. (Tenet. Spira) 1470. CRA. LACTANTII Opera, ED. PR. fol. In Monast. Sublac, 1465. CRA. This is the first book printed in Italy with a date. LAMBETH PALACE, a Catalogue of the Archie pis copal Manuscripts in the library of, with an account of the Archi- episcopal Registers and other Records there preserved. (Com- piled by the Rev. Henry John Todd, F. A. S. &c.) folio, ^ London, 1812. Large paper, only twelve copies printed; and one hundred copies on small paper, for the use of public libraries, &c. LASCARIS, Byzantini (Constant ) Grammatica Gra?ca, gr. fol. ED. PR. Mediol. 1476. .CRA. The first book printed in the Greek language.^.. LEXICON, Greek and Latin, and Latin and Greek, beau- tifully written on vellum in capital letters, vnth century, folio. H. MS. 5792. 47 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. LITTLETON'S Tenores, fol. printed by Lettou and Mach- linia. (Mr. Hargrove's copy.) Machlinia alone. (Mr. liar- grave's copy.} LITURGY, Booke of Common Prayer, fol. Imprinted by . Whitchurche, 1549- The following royal order is on the concluding leaf; " The Kinges Majestic, by the aduyse of his moste deare uncle the Lorde Protector and other his highnes Counsell, streightly chargeth and commaundeth, that no maner of per- son do sell this present booke unbounde, aboue the price of ii. Shyllynges 8c n. pence the piece. And the same bounde in paste or in boordes, not aboue the price of three shyllynges and, vin. pence the piece." God saue the King." LORENZO* de' Medici Poesie volgari, Svo. Finegia, Aldo figl 1554. CRA. LORRIS, (Wm.) le Roman de la Rose, in French verse; richly ornamented with numerous miniature paintings, exe- cuted in the most masterly style: it is probably the copy which was presented to King Henry iv. his arms emblazoned being introduced in the illuminations on the first page. H. MS. 4425. On the death of William of Lorris, about the year 1260, the poem being left unfinished, it was completed by the ce- lebrated John of Meun. LORRIS (Guil.de) Roman de la Rose, kit. goth. etfg. en bois, edition ancien sans date. CRA. LORRIS Guil. de Romant de la Rose, fol. Paris, Ve- rard, on vellum, illuminated. * 9i i * See Mr. Roscoc's inquiry into the poetical character of Lorenzo, in his Life, i, 253 et seq. 4to. jdition, Liverpool, 1795. 48 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. :l*v LOYAULX Amans. Paris, Verard, on vellum. LUCIANI Opera, Gr. ED. PR, fol. Florent. 1496. CRA. It is a singular circumstance of the first edition of Lu- cian, that in the title-page the book is said to contain the Icones, as well as sundry works of Philostratus : but no- . thing of Philostratus is to be found in it, nor does the table of contents refer to any. Note from Count Reviczky's MS. mem. \<*-%K:- LYD GATE'S Poems in honour of St. Edmund, the patron of his monastery at Bury : folio. This splendid MS. was undoubtedly presented to King Henry vi. There are two portraits of the king, one of William Curteis, Abbot of Bury, and one of the poet Lydgate, kneeling at St. Ed- mund's shrine : it is also decorated with illuminated initials, and one hundred and twenty miniatures of various sizes, re- presenting the incidents related in the poetry, and exhibiting the habits, weapons, architecture, utensils, and many other curious particulars belonging to the age of the ingenious illu- minator. H. MS. 2278. MACROBII Expositio in Somnium Scipionis, M. T. Ci- ceronis; et Saturnaliorum, lib. vn. fol. ED. PR. Venet. NIC. Jenson, 1472. MALMSBURY, William of, elaborate Treatise de Gestis Regum Anglorum, which was formerly preserved with great religious care at Rochester. H. MS. 26 1. MARCHI (Fr.) della Architettura militare, libri tre, Jig. fol. Gr. Brescia Comino Presegni, 1599. A most magnificent edition of this very rare book, edited by L. Marini, was printed at Rome in 1810, five large folio volumes ; at the same time a quarto edition was published in 6 vols. with the plates in two folios. MARDEN. Collections concerning the Manor of Mar-* den, in the county of Hereford, folio. (Mr. Towneley's copy.) THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Thomas, Earl of Coningsby, who purchased the manor j of Harden in 1717, compiled this laborious history, and printed it at his own expense, with a view to support his right to the lands of Amberley, &c. which he conceived ought to have passed into his hands with the said manor. He had served ejectments against the several families hold- ing the lands ; but not meeting with the success he expect- ed, most of the copies of the History of Harden were destroyed. The volume contains authentic extracts and copies of inquisitions and other records, the originals of which are either scarce or not to be procured. The original copies have no title. The volume com- mences with signature B, page 1, and ends with 8 U 2, page 720, and an Index. Hr. Dent's copy, after page 720, contains a Supplement of 304 pages eight leaves E and * * page 1 to 26 D E F and * * five leaves, and Index. HARLBURIENSIS (G. Spencer, Dux,) Gemmarum An- tiquarum Delectus ; ex praestantioribus desumptus, quae in Dactyliothecis Ducis Harlburiensis conservantur. 2 vols. fol. mag. Lat'et Gall. Londini, 17811790. CRA. This copy contains several proof impressions of the gems, before the engraver's name was inserted, printed in red ink ; and also the Duke of Harlborough's note to Hr. Cracherode on presenting the book. One hundred copies only were struck off for presents. The Latin exposition to the first volume was written by Mr. Jacob Bryant, and translated into French by the late , Mr. Maty, assistant librarian in the British Huseum. The exposition to the second volume devolved on Dr. William Cole, late prebendary of Westminster, and chaplain to the . duke ; Hr. Dutens translated it into French. MARYE, THE LADYE.-" The solempnities and triumphes doon and made at the spousellz and manage of the Kyngz 50 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. (Henry vn.) doughter the Ladye Marye to the Prynce of Castile, Archeduke of Austrige." Above are the royal arms supported by angels, with the rose and portcullis beneath. At the end is the imprint of Richard Pinson, followed, on the last leaf, by his device. 11 h We subjoin the following account of this rare and interesting tract. On the reverse of the title it is said : " Hereafter folovve and ensue suche honourable and notable actz, solempnyties, ceremonyes, and triumphes that were lately doon, made, and sheued as well for the receyuynge of the great notable ambassade lately sent to the Kyngs hyghnes frome the moost excellent Prynce, his moost dere & enticrly beloucd brother and cousyn Themperoure, and his good sone Charles, the yonge Prynce of Castcll, Archeduke of Aus- triche, for the spousellz and manage to be had and made betwixt the said Prynce and the Kyngs right dere & noble doughter the Ladye Mary, nowe Pryncesse of Castyle, as also suche forme ordre and maner as was vsed and had in the solempnysation and contractynge of the sayd spouselles and mariage, with the cherefull and honourable entre- taignynge of the sayd Ambassadours duryngc their abode within this reame." The tract opens with the mention of the treaty concluded at Calais between the king's ambassadors and those of the Emperor Maximilian, followed by an enumeration of the principal personages sent by the emperor upon the mission. The narrative is continued in a conference at court (cither at Sheen or Greenwich) between the emperor's am- bassadors and the king, at the time the former delivered their creden- tials. Also an account of the entertainments given to the ambassadors immediately before their return to the emperor. An extract describing the " Justis" and " Banketts" exhibited on the occasion will be found interesting. " The Kings highncs caused the Lord of Barg and the Gouernoure of Bresse to dyne with hym at his owne table, th'othcr ambassadours departyng to a nothcr chambre next adioynynge where prouysion was made for them in moost honourable maner and there dyned, accompanyed with dj'uerse of the grettest lords spirit uell and temporell of the reame." " The dyner fynisshcd, there were dyuerse grete lords and valiaunt kuyghts armed and prcpayred to juste in the honoure of that fccst, which 51 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. MELA (Pompon.) de Situ Orbis. Solinus, &c. a Pris- ciano, 8vo. lit. init. aura exornatis. Venet. Aldus, 1518. CRA. to se tlie Kyng's grace with the sayde ambassadours reasorted to his galarye, beyngc richely hanged and appoyntcd, and whyther also came my saide lady Maiy Pryncesse of Castile, and the Pryncesse of Wales, accompanyed with a goodly nombrc of fayre ladyes. Howe well horsed and harneissed, howe richely appoyntcd were the said lords and knyghls, with pauylzons, trappers, bards, and other ornaments and appareyll of goldsmyth werkc, clothe of golde, silke, and other ryche garnysshynge, and with belles of siluer, and many diuerse deuiscs, it were to longe a processe to wryte. For by the space of thrc dayes these justis continued, and day by day every lorde and knyght had dyuersitie and chaungc of apparellls every day richer than other. " Thus w ith dyuerse and many other goodly sports passed the tyme by the day ; and at niglit sumptuous baukctts were made. Where at some tyme the kyngs grace hauynge the sayd ambassadours with liym accompanyed with a goodly nombre of ladyes were present. And at oon of the whiche banketts the sayde ambassadours delyuercd thrc goodly and right riche tokens and juclls to my sayd Lady Marye, oon from Th'emperoure, conteinynge an orient rubye and a large and a fayre diamond garnysshed with great perles, the other from the yonge Prynce, which was a K. for Karolus, garnysshed with diamondes and perles, wherein these wordes were written : Maria optimum partem elegit tjue non auferetur ab ea, and the thirde from the Duchesse of Sauoye, w herein was a goodly balas garnyshed w ith perles. Att whiche ban- ket there was no cuppe, salte,ne layer, but it was of fyne golde, nc yet noo plate of vessayll but it was gilte. " There lacked no disguysyngs, morisks, nor entreluds made and ap- parcillcd in the beste & richest maner." ' f It need hardly be added here, that the King of Castile mentioned in this tract was afterwards better known to Europe as the Emperor Charles the Fifth. For reasons, however, which arc not explained, the marriagp was x broken off. In 1513, the fifth of Henry the Eighth, ano^ier treaty was made in which the union was again proposed ; but that failed also : 52 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. MENINSKI Thesaurus linguarum orientalium, praesertim Turcicae, Arabicae, et Persicae, cum interpret. Lat. German. &c. 3 vols. fol. Vienna Austr. 1680. Complementum Thesauri linguarum orienta- lium, seu Onomasticon Latino-Turcico-Arabico-Persicum. fol. Vienna Austr. 1687. This great work having become extremely scarce, on ac- count of the destruction of a considerable part of the im- pression at the siege of Vienna by the Turks in 1 683, a /. design was formed, sometime since in England, by a so- ciety of learned men, of reprinting it, among whom wasx the late Sir William Jones. The expense attending such an undertaking having deterred them from proceeding, the Empress-Queen, Maria Theresa, who had heard of they plan, undertook to furnish every requisite for its completion ; it accordingly was republished at Vienna in 17<8Q*, in four volumes, folio. In this latter edition many Arabic and Per- sian words are added from their best lexicographers ; and several proper names and phrases are collected t from Her- belot. This edition, however, does not absolutely supplant the preceding ; as the Grammar, and Onomasticon, are reprinted in it. and in the same year Mary became the wife of Louis the Twelfth of v France. On the decease of her husband she returned to England, and in three months afterwards married Charles Brandon, Duke ofjsuflblk. < For very obvious reasons there can be little doubt that the tract here described was very carefully suppressed ; more especially as Mary is twice styled in it Princess of Castile. From a stain on the margin of the leaves there is every appearance of thqr having once formed the interior of a book-cover ; a circumstance to which it is probable we owe the preservation of this singular rarity. See*in Arehaeologia, vol. xvm. part \. 1815, p. 33 et seq. an account of this curious tract by Henry Ellis, Esq. from whence the preceding account is extracted. 53 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. MERLIN, les Faiz et Prophecies de, 2 torn, fol with illu- minations, on vellum, (absque ulla nota.) MILTON'S Paradise Lost, in ten books: Jlrst edition, 4to. 1669. CRA. Attached to the first edition appeared five title-pages, bearing the dates of the successive years of 1667, 1668, and 1669 : this expedient was used to force a circulation: the book, in small quarto, was advertised at the price of three shillings, plainly bound! The second edition, with the poem divided into twelve ./books, came out in l6?4, the year of the author's death. The sublime poem of " Paradise Lost," is said to have procured for the immortal author the sum of ten pounds only! MISSALE Augustine Ecclesiae, finely painted and illumi- nated. Of the xth. century. II. MS. 2908. MISSAL, the, of the church of Toul in Lorraine; with exquisite paintings ; it is remarkable for having in the Litany of Saints, afier the three holy archangels, one to the angel Uriel; notwithstanding several councils had strictly forbidden the invocation of more than the three first. H. MS. 2999- MISSAL, a, adorned with beautiful paintings, wherein the figures are represented of a larger size than usual ; with a Ca- lendar ornamented with several curious miniatures represent- ing the several labours of the farm and vineyard throughout the year. H. MS. 2936. MODUS et Ratio de divine Contemplation. Transl. de lat. en francois. Paris, J erard, on tell um, illuminated. MONSTRELET (Enguerrand de) Les Chroniques de France, d'Angleterre et de Bourgogne, &c. additionnces jusqu'en 1498 (par P. Desrey), 3 vols. fol. let. goth. PREM. ED. Paris, Ant. Verard. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. > , M UN DIN i Anothomia (Anatomia) fol. Papia, Anton, de Carcano, 1478. MUSICAL Compositions a very large collection, ancient and modern, with curious anecdotes relating to their authors ; written chiefly by Mr. Humphrey Wanley, who was a good judge of music, and an able composer. H. MS. NEPOS (Com.) folio, ED. PR. Venet. Nic. Jenson, 147J. CRA. NODAL. Relacion del Viage que per orden de sa magis- tad hizieron los Capitanes Bartholomeo Garcia de Nodal, y Gonsalo de Nodal, al descubrimento del estrecho nuevo di S. Vincente, y reconoscimiente de Magellanes. 4to. Madrid, 1 62 1 . With the geographical chart. OGIER le Danois, parlant de belles victoires et grandes pronesses qui'l eut, &c. on vellum, fol. goth. Paris, Ant. Verard. ' This book formerly belonged to King Henry VII. A copy also on vellum, with fifty-seven miniatures, was in the Valiere collection. ORATORES Grseci Veteres; Gr. folio. Venet. Aldus, 1513. CRA. L'ORDINAIRE des Chrestiens. Paris, Verard, on vellum. L'ORLOGE de Sapience. Paris, Verard, on vellum. Ottos.n (Pauli) Historiarum, lib. vn. ED. PR. folio, Augusta Schuszler, 1471. CRA. ORPHEI Argonautica, Hymni, &c. gr. ED. PR. 4to. Florent. Philip. Junta, 1500. CRA. PALLADIO, I quattro Libri dell' Architettura, Ediz. Orig. fol. Venet. 1570. CRA. PANEGYRICI Veteres, 4to. absque ulla nota. (Editio ea est quam Saxius in Hist. Typog. Medial, (p. 611.) Me- diolani proculdubio peractam esse ajfirmat). Accedit Dic- tys Cretensis, ex recensione Maselli Beneventani, 4to. sine 55 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. nomine Typographi (Saxius, p. 566). Mediolani, 1477. CRA. PARKER (Mat.) de Antiquitate Ecclesiae Britannicae. fol. Lond. Jo. Day, 1572. Twenty-five copies only are said to have been printed, and very few are extant in a complete state ; the lives of St. Augustine, Cardinal^ Pole, and Archbishop .Parker, are often wanting ; the latter only is not to be found in this fine copy which belonged to Queen Elizabeth : it is in em- broidered binding with the arms and initial letters illu- minated. X PAUSANIAS, gr. ED. PR. fol. Fenet. Aldus, 1516. . y/- // PENNANT'S (T.) History of London, illustrated Kith an immense number of additional prints,' and upwards of one hundred original drawings by Mr. John Thomas Smith, the present keeper of the Books of Prints, 14 vols. atlas folio, morocco ; bequeathed by Charles Croz&le, Esq. PETRARCA F. Rime, IN CARTA PECORA, 8vo. Fen. Aldo, 1501, CRA. (Bought at the sale of M. Paris, for jC5l.9s.Od.) PHILOSTRATUS de Vita Apollonii, lib. vni. gr. lat. fol. ED. PR. Fenet. Aldus, 1501, CRA. PHOTII Bibliotheca, in vols. formerly the property of Henry Stephens, and containing many annotations by him. H.MS. 55913. Pn ii. P. M. (seu ^Eneas Sylvius Card. Piccolom.) Epistplae in 4to. maj. (Edit. Mediol. secunda,) Mediol. X1481. Historia de duabus Amantibus Eurialo et Lucre- tia (Edit. vet. absque ulla not a,) 4to. CRA. (Fid. De Bure, 3736.) JEneas Sylvius, after he became pope, endeavoured to x suppress the gay productions of his youth : his expression 56 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. '* JEneam rejicite, Pium audite" is said to allude to those writings ; which, notwithstanding all his efforts, continued to be read and admired. PINDAR, a beautiful MS. made by Thomassin in 1724, in imitation of the Oxford edition. H. MS. 6611. PLATONIS Opera, gr. 2 vols. fol. Ep. PR. Fenet. Aldus, y 4^13^ CRA. PLAUTI Comaediae xx. ED. PR. Fenet. Find, de Spira, 1472. CRA. A copy on vellum is in the King of France's library. PLINII Sec. Epistohe, absque loci et typog. nomine, fol. 1471. CRA. Historia Naturalis, PRIMA OMN T IUM EDITIO, > cum front ispicio, ac singulis lit. init. depictis. fol. max. Fe- net. Jo. Spira, 1469. CRA. PLUTARCHI Opuscula, Gr. 2 vols. fol. ED. PR A Fenet. Aldus, 1509. CRA. A fine copy, printed on vellum, rcith the arms of Henry II. on the sides, is in the French royal library. POGGII F. Facetiarum liber. Edit, vetus, lit. quadr. ex- cusa, circa ann. 1470, fol. (per Find. Spirant) absque ulla nota. CRA. POLITIANI Opera omnia, fol. Aldus, 1498. CRA. POST ELL us (Gul.)' de Originibus, seu de Hebr. Linguae 1 The writings of Postel are numerous, and the contents of many of them wild and singular. By applying himself very earnestly to the study of the Rabbins, and of the stars, he turned his head, and gave way to the most extravagant notions ; such as that women at a certain period are to have universal dominion over men ; that the soul of A dam had entered into his body ; that the angel Raziel had revealed to him the secrets of heaven, &c. He pretended to be much older than he was ; and asserted that he had died and risen again ; which farce he supported by colouring his beard and hair, and even painting his face : in most of his works he styles himself, " Postellus restitutus." THE BRITISH MUSEUM. et genlis Antiquitate liber, 4to. Par. 1538. (Fid. De Bare 2195.) CRA. POSTELL (Guil.) les tres merveill. victoires des femmes du nouveau monde, &c. l6mo. Paris, 1553. CRA. de la loi Salique, l6mo. Paris, 1552. CRA. PSALTER,* a Roman, of St. Jerome, written about the time of our king Edgar, illuminated ; and each psalm elegantly embellished with a most curious historical drawing illustrating the text. H.MS. 603. PSALTER, King Henri/ in.'s, curiously illuminated ; and written for his use by Thomas de Langley. H. MS. 745. PSALTERIUM, Gr. et Lat. ED. PR. 4to. Milan, 148JL- PTOLOM^EI Cosmographia ; two very large and beautiful copies ; with the maps accurately laid down and coloured. The initial letter of Jacobus Angelo's dedication of the work to Pope Alexander v. in one of these copies, contains a fine miniature painting, representing Angelo on his knees, presenting his book to that pontiff ; and, in the initial of the book itself, is the portrait of Ptolemy in a graceful attitude, surveying the heavens. H. MS. 718295. k Mr. Weld, of Lulworth Castle, Dorsetshire, is in possession of the magnificent Loutcrell Psalter. It formerly belonged to Lord William VHoward, of Naworth, third son of Thomas, Duke of Norfolk. The borders of the volume arc decorated with an infinity of figures j some playing on musical instruments ; others engaged in uncommon games, and in \ arious feats of archery. At the end of the 108th Psalm is a fine painting representing a knight in complete armour, attended by two ladies, who are assisting him to prepare for a tournament. An- other painting represents the knight and the two ladies at a grand feast. By an inscription, above one of the illuminations, this Psalter ap- pears to have originally been the property of Geoffrey Louterell, son ^of Robert, and last baron of that ancient family, who died twenty-fifth of Edward i. 58 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. Geographia, cum tabulis Nic. German! nitido colore pictis, in membranis, fol. maj. Ulma, 1482. CRA. QUINTILIANI Institutionum Oratoriarum, lib. xn. ED. P^R. Roma, 1470. CRA. REI Rusticae Scriptores, Cato-Varro-Columella, fol. ED. PR. Fen. Jenson, 1472. CRA. RESPIT de la Mort. Paris, Ferard, on vellum. REWELACION of a Monke in the Abbey of Euishamme. Printed by Machlinia. Unique. (Fid. Dibdin's Ames, ii. 21.) RHETORES Grajci, Gr. 2 vols. folio, Fenet. Aldus, 15089. CRA. The second volume of this collection is very rare. RICHARD n. The History of the latter part of the reign of King Richard n. on vellum. This book, formerly in the library of the Count de Maine, was written by Fran. cis de la Marque, a French gentleman, who was in the suite of the king during his troubles. The several illuminations contained in it are extremely curious and valuable, not only for the exact display of the dresses, &c. of the time, but for the finished portraits of many eminent characters at that pe- riod. H.MS, 1319, RIVE (Jean Jos.) Essai sur Part de Verifier 1'age des mi- niatures peintes dans les manuscrits depuis le xiv e . siecle jusqu'au xvn e . with twenty-six illuminated plates, folio. The Abbe Rive proposed to give a dissertation on illumi- nated manuscripts to accompany these paintings, but never accomplished it: a Prospectus of the work appeared in 1782, in 1 2mo. (70 pages.) This is all that has been printed on the subject, A manuscript account of the designs is at- tached to this volume. Twenty-four copies only were taken off, at 600 livres each : the copper-plates were then gilded over, and deposited in the cabinet at Versailles, 5? THE BRITISH MUSEUM. ROMANCERO General, nuevamente anadido y emendado. Madrid, 1604, 4to. CRA. ROYAL LETTERS. Several large Collections of Letters by the royal family of England and other personages. These volumes afford interesting anecdotes, particularly relative to Queen Elizabeth, James I. Charles i. and Charles n. unno- ticed by the most elaborate writers of the English history. H. MS. 6986, 7, 8, 7007, 8. ROYAL VISIT. An Account of the Visit of His Royal Highness, the PRINCE REGENT, and their Imperial and Royal Majesties, the EMPEROR of RUSSIA and KING vof PRUSSIA, to the University of OXFORD; in June, 1814. Oxford: printed at the Clarendon Press, royal folio, 1815, on vellum. Of this volume (which was not printed for sale) twelve copies were taken off upon vellum, and distributed to the following great personages, and to the public libra- ries : 1. The Prince Regent. 2. The Emperor of Russia. 3. King of Prussia. 4. King of France. 5. Prince of Orange. 6. Dutchess of Oldenburg. 7. British Museum. 8. The King's private Library. 9. Cambridge Public Library. 10. The Chancellor of Oxford. 11. Bodleian Library. 12. Ratcliffe Library. The volume is superbly printed, and contains, besides the engraved title, ninety-eight pages ; a ground plan of the Ratcliffe Library, where a sumptuous banquet was provided for the illustrious party : a view, in outline, of part of the interior of the theatre ; and a sheet containing specimens of the various types used at the Clarendon press ; copies of which were taken off in the presence of the royal visitors. SALLUSTIUS, ED. PR. 4to. Fenet. Find. Spira, 1470. CRA. 60 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. SOPHOCLIS Tragaediae, Gr. ED. PR. 8vo. Fen. Aldus, 1502. CRA. SENECA Opera omnia, ED. PR. fol. Neap. Moravus, 1475. CRA. Si LI us Italicus (ex recognitione Joan. Andreae Episc. Aleriensis) ED. PR. fol. Ronue, Sveynheim et Pannartz, 147K SIMPLICIUS in categorias Aristotelis, gr. fol. ED. PR. Fen. 1499- CRA. SPECULUM Humanae Salvationis, by Bishop Grosthead. Every page is decorated with admirable paintings explanatory of its contents. H.MS. 2838. STEPHANUS (Byzant.) de Urbibus, Gr. ED. PR. folio, Fen. Aldus, 1502. CRA. STRABO, Gr. ED. PR. fol. Fen. Aldus, 1516. CRA. SUETONIUS, Ep. PR. fol. Roma;, 1470. (Fid. Bnre,49\S.) CRA. TACITI Annalium et Historiarum Libri, &c. ED. fol. Fen. circa 1468 (1470). CRA. Opera, prima editio operum illius quae extant omnium, fol. Roma, 1515. CRA. Brotier, 4 torn. CH. MAG. folio, Paris, 1771. CRA. TESTAMENT, the New, translated by Willyam Tyndale. //. Printed at Antwerp, 1534, 8vo. on vellum. Queen Ann ^ Boleyn's copy. CRA. This book, which gave great umbrage to the popish cler- gy, was first printed in 1526; the impression, consisting of 1500 copies, was speedily bought up at Antwerp, by order of Bishop Tonstall, and publicly burnt in Cheapside. The rapid sale of this impression enabled the translator to print two more editions, in the two following years, each consist- ing of 5000 copies ; great numbers of these were imported 61 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. into England and sold : the importers, however, were per- secuted with great, though often ludicrous, severity. " John Tyndale, the translator's brother, and Thomas Patmore, merchants, were condemned to do penance by riding with their faces to their horses' tails, with the books fastened thick *about them, pinned, or tacked, to their gowns or clokes, to the standard in Cheap ; and there with their own hands, to fling them into the fire, kindled on purpose to burn them." Wm. Tvndale was burnt for a heretic^iear Brussels in 1536. " (^J-^WvJ y^ THEOCRITUS, &c. Gr. Ep. PR. folio, fen. Aldus, 1495. CRA. THESAURUS Cornucopias et horti Adonidis, gr. I'enet. Aldus, 1496, folio. CRA. A collection of grammatical tracts selected from the re- mains of thirty-four ancient grammarians, whose names are prefixed to the work : it is justly considered as one of the finest productions of the Aldine press. THOMAS (de Aquino) Summa de Articulis Fidei, &c. 4to. Editio antiquiss. absque ulla nota, sed char, got h. Catho/. Mogunt. 1460. CRA. VALENTYN (Franc.) Beschryving van Onde niew Ostin- dian, (Account of ancient and modern India, in Dutch,) 8 vols. with numerous plates and maps. Amst. 1724 26, large paper, fol. (Sir Hans Sloane's copy.) X The author resided above twenty years in India, and has given a very complete history, natural and civil, of that country. VALERIUS Maximus, ED. PB. fol. Mogunt. 1471. CRA. VARRO (Terent.) de Lingua Latina, ED. PR. 4to. CRA. Roma, (characters G. Later.) (Vid. Aitdifredi, p. 395.) VINCENT Mirroir Hysteria), 5 torn. fol. Paris, Verard, THE BRITISH MUSEUM, 1495 96, o/i vellum. With abundant illuminations; a most beautiful and splendid book ; it formerly belonged to King Henry VII. \ VIRGILII Opera Codex Membran. lit. init. et figuris miro artificio depictis deauratisq. exornatus. CRA. (Edit. l raa . Aid.) in membranis; lit. init de- pict, auroq. exornatis* Pen. Aldus, 1501. CRA. (Edit. 2 da . Aid.) in membranis, Ven. Aldus, 1505. CRA. VIRGILIUS Heinsii, 12mo. CH. MAG. Amstelod. Elze- vir. 1676. CRA. VIRGILIUS. " This boke treatetli of the lyfe of Virgilius, and of his deth, and many marvayles that he dyd in hys lyfe tyme by whychcrafte and nygromancye thorough the helpe of the devyls of hell. Emprinted in the cytie of Amvaxpe by one Johun Doesborcke, dwellynge at the earner porte." Reprinted by J. M'Creery, Black Horse Court, Fleet Street, 1812. Edited by E. V. Utterson, Esq. sm. octavo. On vellum, (the only copy,) ffty copies were printed on paper. WICLEFI (Joan.) Dialogormn Libri iv. 4to. 1525. CRA. V. The Court of Rome seized and burned every copy that could be procured ; the book is consequently extremely rare. > WORSLEYANUM, Museum, or a Collection of Antique Basso-relievos, Bustos, Statues, and Gems ; with Views of Places in the Levant, taken on the spot in the years MDCCLXXXV. vi. and vn. 2 vols. royal fol. London, 1794. (Trco hundred and Jifty copies printed,) In the early pan of the year 1 804, not more than twenty- seven copies had been presented by Sir R. Worsley to his friends. The expenses attending this publication, including those of his travels, are said to have amounted to upwards yof twenty-seven thousand pounds. 63 THE BRITISH MUSEUM. \V. DE WORDE JEsopi fabulae metrice, cum comm. 4to. 1503. W r . DE WORDE Cocke LorrelPs 1 Vote, 4to. bl. 1. no date, (imperfect,) in Garrick's collection; unique. A very curious and ancient satire in verse. W. DE WORDE Dives et Pauper, fol. 1496. W. DE \VORDE Hick-Scoraer, bl. 1. 4to. no date, (in the Garrick collection,) unique. This old Morality is reprinted in Hawkins'* Origin of the English Drama, i. p. 69. See also Percy's Reliques of Ancient Poetry, i. p. 136. Edit. 1812. W. DE WORDE' s " Boke of Keruynge and shewynge all the feestes in the yere for the seruyce of a prynce or any other estate." 4to. 1513 (second edit.) W. DE WORDE Vitas Patrum : or the lives of the holy fathers, folio, 1495. W. DE WORDE Boke named the Roy all, 4to. 1507. This was reprinted from Caxtons edition, icho tran- slated, it. ZENOBIUS vel Zenodotus Epitome Proverbiorum Tarrhaei et Didymi, &c. gr. ED. PR. 4to. Florent. 1497. CRA. Supposed to be the first book printed by Philip Junta, at Florence. 1 CockeLocll is represented, in a rare old tract, as the head of a gang of thieves iu tlic time of Henry the Eighth ; and his rule appears to have lasted twenty-two years : by trade he was a tinker, " often carrying a panne and a hammer for a show, but when he came to a good booty he would cast his profession in a ditch, and play the pad- der, and then would away ; and as hee past through the towne, would crie, ha you any worke for a tinker!" Vid. Bdoe's Anecdotes, i. 393. 64 THE 8* BODLEIAN LIBRARY, OXFORD, CONSISTS of three spacious and lofty rooms dis- posed in the form of the Roman H. Humphrey Duke of Gloucester, the founder, erected the li- brary over the Divinity School, which he fur- nished with many choice volumes of illuminated manuscripts, translations of the classics, &c. pro- cured from Italy; at his decease, in the year 1447, considerable additions were bequeathed to the collection. In the reign of Edward vi. the library was en- tirely despoiled of its contents, and the room continued empty until it was restored by SIR THOMAS BODLEY in the year 1597. An addi- tional eastern gallery was begun in 1610, and an- other gallery on the west, projected by him, was erected afterwards. He furnished the library with a numerous and choice collection of books, purchased in foreign countries at a great expense; and which, in a short time, became greatly en- larged by the generous benefactions of several noblemen and others : his great friend, Robert Devereux Earl of Essex, made him a present of m Sir Thomas Bodley wrote an account of his own life to 1609, which has been often quoted ; it may be seen in " Prince's Worthies of Devon." " In the ample provision he has made for literature, he stands unrivalled. In 1599 he opened his library, a mausoleum which will perpetuate his memory as long as books themselves endure." Ob. ^ 28 Jan. 1612. Granger. THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY. a considerable part of the very valuable library that had belonged to the celebrated Jerom Osp- rius, the Cicero of Portugal, successively Bishop of Sylvas and of Algarva, in which last see he died in 1580. This library had fallen to the earl's share, among the booty, which had been taken in the famous expedition against fadiz in 1596. Among the earliest benefactors were the Earl of Essex above-mentioned, Thomas Sackville, Lord Buckhurst, and Earl of Dorset ; Robert Sidney Earl of Leicester; George Carey Lord Huns- don ; William Gent, Esq. ; Anthony Browne Viscount Montacute; John Lord Lumley; Phi- lip Scudamore, Esq.; and Lawrence Bodley, younger brother to the founder. In 1601, collec- tions of books and manuscripts were presented by Thomas Allen, sometime Fellow of Trinity College ; Thomas James, first librarian ; Her- bert Westphaling Bishop of Hereford ; Sir John Fortescue, Knt.; Alexander Nowell Dean of St. Paul's; John Crooke Recorder of London and Chief Justice of the Common Pleas; and Nicholas Bond, D. D. President of Magdalen College. The most extensive and prominent collections, however, are those of the Earl of Pembroke, Mr. Selden, Archbishop Laud, Sir Thomas Roe, Sir Kenelin Digby, General Fair- fax," Dr. Marshall, Dr. Thomas Barlow Bishop n "When Oxford was surrendred (24. Junii 1616,) the first thing Geuerall Fairfax did was to sett a good guard of soldiers to preserve m THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY. \ of Lincoln, Dr. Rawlinson, Mr. S. Amand, Dr. Tanner, Mr. Browne Willis, Thomas Hearne, and Mr. Godwin, and many rare and curious volumes collected by Crynes, an esquire beadle of the University : also the library of the learned D'Orville, enriched with his numerous critical manuscript notes ; and the oriental, Greek, and Latin manuscripts collected by Professor Dr. Edward Clarke p in his travels through various parts of Europe and Asia, consisting of biblical, ecclesiastical, and classic authors. The last collection bequeathed to this great repository, that of the late eminent and learned antiquary, Richard Gough, Esq. q is perhaps the the Bodleian library. Tis said there was more hurt donne by the ca- valiers (during their garrison) by way of embezzilling and cutting-off chaines of bookes, then there was since. He was a lover of learning, and had he not taken this speciall care, that noble library had been utterly destroyed, for there were ignorant senators enough who would have been contented to have had it so." Aubrey's Letters, Vol. H. p. 345. A catalogue of tliis collection was printed at the Clarendon Press in 1806, folio. P In the year 1812, Professor Gaisford drew up a Catalogue of the first part of this collection ; " Catalogus sive Notitia Manuscriptorum qui a eel. E. D. Clarke comparati in Bibliothcca Bodleiana adservan- tur. Pars Prior. Inscruntur Scholia quaedam inedita in Platonem et in Carmina Gregorii Nazianzeni." Oxonii, e typograpkeo Clarendoni-^ ano. MDCCCXII. 4to. * By his last will Mr. Gough gave to the University of Oxford all his printed books and manuscripts on Saxon and Northern literature, " for the use of the Saxon Professor :" all his manuscripts, printed books, and pamphlets, prints, and drawings, maps, and copper-plates, relating to Brilish topography (of which, in 1808, he had nearly printed^ 67 THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY. most perfect series of topographical science ever formed, and is particularly rich in MSS. prints, drawings, and books illustrated by the manu- script notes of eminent antiquaries. A large and commodious room called the Auc- tarium, recently fitted up, contains the above manuscripts, the early printed books, and other valuable collections. The Bodleian r Library is supposed to contain upwards of 160,000 volumes, of which 30,000 are MSS. The oriental 8 MSS. are the most rare and beautiful to be found in any European col- lection ; and the Editiones Principes of the clas- sics, procured from the Pinelli and Crevenna libraries, rival those at Vienna. a complete catalogue); his interleaved copies of the " British Topo- graphy," " Camden's Britannia," and the " Sepulchral Monuments of Great Britain," with all the drawings relative to the latter work ; and all the copper-plates of the " Monuments" and the " Topogra- phy." And fourteen volumes of drawings of sepulchral and other monuments in France. All these he desired might be placed in the Bodleian Library. A catalogue of the whole collection, drawn up by Mr.' Bandinell, principal librarian, was printed at the Clarendon Press in 1814, form- ing a quarto volume of 459 pages. r A catalogue of the Bodleian Library of MSS., prepared by Dr. Thomas, was printed in 4to. Oxon. 1635. l, of the printedTbooks, by Thomas Hyde, fol. 1674. with additions, in two vols. fol. 1738. A new catalogue, very considerably enlarged, is preparing for pub- lication. * A catalogue of the oriental MSS. was drawn up by Professor Uric, and printed in 1787, fol. Select List of some valuable and rare Books in the BODLEIAN LIBRARY. ACTA APOSTOLORUM j CODEX ANTIOUISS. SJEC. vn. on vellum. This is supposed to be the book which the Venerable Bede made use of, because it hath all those irregular Latin readings which, in his Commentaries on the Acts, he says were in his book ; and no other MS. is now found to have them. Vid. Astle on Writing, 4to. 1803, p. 72. JEoiDius Rornanus de Peccato Originali, Oxonie absque typographi nomine, 1479, 4to. This book is of great rarity, and is supposed to be the >y second or third production of the Oxford Press, Vid. Ca- tal. Bibliotheca Harl. in. p. 379, and Herbert's Ames, in. p. 1391, (Vid. Aristotelis Ethica Jeronimi Exposi- cio. Printed at Oxford.) Anthony Wood says of these early specimens " Perspi- cuis magis et pulchrioribus quam recentiores nonnulli." jEsoPi VitaetFabulae, Gr. absque ullanota, ED. PR. 4to. ^ yt JEsoPi Fabulae Selectae, Gr. et Lat. Sonus Accursius Pisanus, absque anni nota. ALEXAJS T DRI de Ales Expositio super tres libros Aristote- lis de Anima, fol. Oxon. Theod. Rood de Colonia, 1481* - ALEXANDRE, Le Roman du boin Roi, qui fut perscrit xvin. jour de Decembre MCCCXXXVIII, Ce Livre fu, perfais de le enlumineure du 18 jour d'avril per Jean de Grise Van de Grace, MCCCXLIV. At the end is a history of the Grand Kaan de Tamba- luc ; and on the last leaf is written Explicit le Livre nom- me da grant Kaan de la graunte cite de Tambaluc. Many of the figures at the bottom of each page of the above volume have been copied by Strutt in his " Sports and Pastimes of the People of England," 4to. It is a superb MS. on vellum, and decorated with de- scriptive paintings and illuminations. THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY. AMMIANUS Marcellinus, ex recognitione Ang. Sabini. fbl. ED. PR. Roma, Geo. Sachsel et Bart. Golsch. 1474. AMMONII Herm.ze in V. voces Porphyrii Commentarius, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Vemt. impensis Nic. B/asti, 1500. ANACREON, Gr. Hen. Stephanas, 4to. ED. PR. Lute- tie, 1554. ANTHOLOGIA Epigrammatum Gra?corum, Graece; cura Lascaris, lit. majusc. ED. PR. 4to. Florent. L. F. de Alo- pa, 1494. APOLLONII Rhodii Argonauticon, lib. iv. Graece; lit. majusc. 4to. ED. PR. Florent. L. F. de Alopa, 1496. APPIANI Alexandrini Romanae Historiae, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Lutet. Car. Stephanus, 1551. Lat. interprete Petro Candido ; 2 torn, in 1 vol. Venet. Bern. Pictor et Erhard Ratdolt. APULEII Opera, ex recogn. Job. Andra Episc. Aleriensis ; fol. ED. PR. Rom I'enet. Aldus, 1503. EURIPIDIS Electra, Gr. (Victorii,) 8vo. ED. PR. Ro- \m(E, 1545. This play is not included in the above Aldine edition. EUTROPIUS, fol. ED. PR. Roma, (G. Laur.) FLO R us, (Luc. A.) 4to. absque ulla nota, cum Epigra- phe, " Florus habet parvo," &c. GALEOMYOMACHIA, cum praefatione, Gr. Aristobuli Apostolii, 4to. s. a. (Aldus circa 1496.) GAZ.E Theod. Grammatica et de Mensibus liber, Apollo- nius de Constructione, et Herodianus de Numeris, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Venet. Aldus, 1495. GEMINI (Thorn.) Compendiosa totius Anatomic delinea- tio, aere exarata, fol. Lortd. Jo. Hertforde, 1545. > ,hi This work is embellished with forty-one copper-plates, including the frontispiece, neatly engraved ; these are sup- posed to have been some of the first rolling-press work done in England. GERALDINORUM Familia?, Initium Incrementa, et Exitus 80 THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY. in Hybernia, ac persecutionis Haereticorum descriptio, 12mo. Ulyssipone, 1655. GESTA Historiae Notabiles collecte ex Gestis Romano- rum, ED.J?R.fol. lit. goth. sine anno aut loco, (circa y s 1473.) GNOMOLOGIA; acced. Musaeus, 4to. lit. majusc. Flo- rent, (circa 1496.) GOWER, Confessio Amantis. Three very rare and -valu- able manuscripts of this poem. GR ATI AN i Decretum, cum apparatu Barthol. Brixiensis; fol. Argentina, Eggestein, 1471. The first book printed at Strasburgh with a date. HARRISON'S (Steph.) Arch's Triumph, erected in honor of King James I. at his Majestie's Entrance and Passage through his honourable Citty of London : graven by William Kip, fol. Lond. 1604. HENRICUS vin. Assertio Septem Sacramentorum ad- versus Martin. Lutheriij aedita ab inuictissimo Angliae et Fran- ciae rege, et do. Hyberniae Henrico eius nominis octauo, 4to. Lond. in adib . Pymon. 1 52 1 . ^J^^f^ This title is in the compartment of Mutius and Por- senna, copied from a design of Holbein's used by Frobens. See Herbert's Ames, i. 268. HERODOTUS, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Vemt. Aldus, 1502. "A HERRERA (Anton.) Historia delo Succedido en Escocia e Inglaterra en 44 anos que vivio Maria Estuarda Reyna de Escocia, 8vo. Lisbon, M. de Lyra, 1590. HIEROCLES Lat. a J. Aurispa, 4to. ED. PR. Patai'ii B. de Val de Zoccho, 1474. HIERONYMI S. Epistolze cum praafatione J. AndreaeEpis- copi Aleriensis, 2 torn. fol. ED. PR. cum anni nota, Homes, (Szceynheim et Pannartz) 1468. HIPP ARC HI i Bithyni in Arati et Eudoxi Phasnomena THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY. libri in. Gr. fol. ED. PR. Florent. Junta Bernard! flii, 1567. HISTORIC Augusts Scriptores, 3 torn, in 1 vol. fol. ED. PR. Medial. 1475. HOMERI Opera, Gr. 2 vol. fol. ED. PR. Florentine; sumptibus Bern, et Nerii Nerliorum, opera Demetrii Choi- condyla, 1488.* cum commentariis Eustathii, Gr. 4 torn. fol. ED. PR. Roma, Ant. Bladus, 154250. A copy on vellum, we believe, remains in the King of France's library. graece; 2 torn. Svo. Venet. Aldus, 1504. Batrachomyomachia, Gr. cum glossis interim. charact. rubro distinctis, 4to. ED. PR. Venet. Laon. Cre- tensis, 1486. N^ HORATIUS, fol. sine ulla nota; ED. PR. juxta non- nullus. HORATIUS, 4to. ED. PR. cum anni nota, Mediol. Ant. Zarotus, 1474. ISOCRATIS Orationes, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Mediol. Hen. Germanus, Sfc. 14Q$~^ JERONIMI (Sane.) Exposicio in Simbolum Apostoloru, 4to. Impress. Oxonie, 1468 (1478). (Two copies; one of which is in the Archives.) The authenticity of the date of 1468 was questioned by Dr. Middleton/ in opposition to Richard Atkyns, in his * A fine copy of the first edition of Homer, on vellum, one of the Gallic Republican spoils, has, we believe, recently travelled back to ^Venice. At the sale of Sir Charles Scarburgh's library in February, 1694-5, a copy of the first edition of the Iliad, described in the Catalogue as wanting the title, was sold for fifteen shillings, f See Middletvn's MisceVaneoits Works, 8vo. 1755, vol. v. 324, &c. 82 THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY. tract on " the Original and Growth of Printing," 4to- 1664. The wavering opinions of some modern bibliogra- phers seem now to rest on the probability of the date being spurious, from the circumstance of the book having signa- tures, which, it appears, were not in use before the year 14*72. Jo ANN is de Janua Summa quae vocatur Catholicon, 2 torn. fol. Mogurtt. Fust et Schouffer, 1460. (Vid. p. 47.) JOB ANN is, (S.) Evangelists Historia; an early speci- men of wooden block printing) with manuscript description in German. Fid. Heine/ten, p. 334, &c. JOSEPHI, Flavii, Antiquitatum Judaicarum Libri xx. et de Bello Judaico Libri septem, latine. fol, Augusta, Johan. Schussler, 1470. JUVENALIS et Persius, fol. ED. PR. absque ulla nota.."^fi JUVENALIS et Persius, (Aldus) 8vo. in membr. sine / ulla Jiota. JUSTINUS, fol. ED. PR, Fenet. Nic. Jenson. 1470. LASCARIS Const. Grammatica, ex recens, Boni Accursii Pisani et cum interpr. Joh. Monachi Placentini, Gr. Lat. fol. Mediol. 1480. LASCARIS Const. Grammatica, Gr. Lat. 4to. Fenet. Al- dus Manutius, 1494-5. Thejirst book printed by Aldus with a date. LITURGY Booke of Common Prayer, fol. Imprinted by Ed. Whitchurche, 1549. (Fid. p. 48.) Li vii Historiarum Decades in. ex recognitione Jo. Ant. Campani, Roma, Udalricus Gallus, 2 torn. fol. (circa 1470.)^ Livius, 2 vols. fol. (Fenet.) Find. Spira, 1470. Luc AN i Pharsalia ex recensione Joan, Andreas Episc. Ale- riensis, fol. ED. PR. Roma, Stceynheim et Pannartz, 1469. LUCIANI Opera, Gr. ED. PR. fol. Florent. 1496. (Fid. > P- 4Q.) 83 THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY. LYDGATE (John) The Hystory Sege and Destruction of Troye translated by John Lydgate monke of Bury. Ele- gantly illuminated, with a portrait of the translator present- ing his book to the king, fol. MS. From the splendour of the decorations, it appears to be the copy which Lydgate gave to Henry v. z MACROBIUS, Venet. Nic. Jenson, fol.' ED. PR. 1472. MANILII Astronomicon, lib. v. fol. ED. PR. cum anni nota, Bononia, Vgo Rugerius et Dom. Bertochus, 1474. MARD EN. Collections concerning the Manor of Mar- den, in the county of Hereford, folio. This copy consists of 720 pages. (Fid. p. 50.) , x MARTIALIS Epigrammata ex recensione Georgii Alexan- drini Merulas; 4to. ED. PR. Venet. Find, de Spira } absque anni et loci nota, (circa 1470.) MAUROCENUS de aeterna temporalique Christi genera- tione, 4to. Patavii Barth. Campanus Ponticurvanus, 1473. MIRROUR* for Magistrates, (by Baldwyne, &c.) enlarged , by Higgins, 4to. 1587. 1 Lydgate was patronized by this sovereign, both before and after /his accession, and wrote his " Siege of Troy," and other poems, by his desire. Henry was fond of books, as is proved by a curious arti- ^cle in Rymer (vol. x. p. 317) of two petitions to the Council after his death, for the return of valuable books of history, borrowed by him of the Countess of Westmoreland, and of the Priory of ^Christchurch, Canterbury, and not, returned ; though one of them had been directed to be delivered to its owner by the king's last will. More writers than one were concerned in the execution of this piece j but its primary inventor, and most distinguished contributor, was Thomas Sackville, the first Lord Buckhurst and Earl of Dorset, About the year 1657, he formed the plan of this poem, in which all the illustrious, but unfortunate characters of the English history, from the Conquest to the end of the fourteenth century, were to pass in re- view before the poet, who descends, like Dante, into the infernal re- THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY. This collection, or set of poems, \vas printed in quarto in 155Q; and after passing through several intermediate editions, was reprinted with the addition of many new lives, by Higgins, in 1J587.. See Wart on' s History of English Poetry, in. 209, &c. A new edition of this work has lately appeared, edited by Mr. Haslewood. Miss ALE ad usum Ecclesie Eboracensis, optimis carac- teribus recenter impressum, folio, (Eboraci,) 1516. *> Aldus et Socems, 1513. PJNDARI Olympia, Pythia, Nemea, Isthruia, &c. Gr. 4to. Roma, Zach. Calliergus, 1515. PI.ATINA de Vitis Pontificum, fol. ED. PR. T enet. Joh. de Colonia, et Joh. Manthen de Gheretzen, 1479- PLATONIS Opera, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Venet. Aldus et >x Socerus, 1513. PLAUTI Comaediae, fol. ED. PR. f enet. Joh.de Colonia, y. >C et Find, de Spira, 1472. PLIMI Secundi (C.) Historia Naturalis, fol. ED. PR. Venet. Joh.de Spira, 1469, (wants the last leaf.) PLINII j unions Epistolaj, ex recognitione Lud. Carbonis, fol. ED. PR. 147J.. PLOWMAN Pierce. b The Vision of Pierce Plowman, bl. lett. 4to. London, imprinted by Robert^Crowley, 1J50. There are several editions of this book : one of which has recently been reprinted in the black letter. PLUTARCHI VIT.S:, Lat. ex editione Joh. Cainpani, ED. ^ y PR. Roma, Udal. Gallus, (circa 1470.) b The author was Robert Langelande, a secular priest, who flou- rished about the year 1350. His poem is a satire on the vices of al- most every profession ; but particularly on the corruptions of the cler- gy, and the absurdities of superstition. Our author became popular* about the time of the Reformation, and foretold, as was thought, the destruction of the monasteries by Henry vni. See an Essay on the Metre of P. Plowman's Visions in Percy's Reliques of Anc. Poetry, vol. n. p. 298, &c. edit. 1812. 87 THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY. POLYBII Historia, Lat. per Nic. Perotium, fol. ED. PR. ^X Roma, Szceynheym et Pannartz, 1473. POMPEIUS Festus, Roma, Joh. Reynardus de Enynghen, Constantiensis, 1475. PRISCIANI Grammatica, absque ulla nota, fol. PROPERTIUS et Tibullus, absque loci et typographi in- y^dicatione, 4to. ED. PR. 1472.._ PSALTERIUM, Gr. et Lat. ex recensione J. (Crestoni) y.. X .PJacentini ; 4to. Ep. PR. Mediolani, 1481. (Archbishop Laud's copy.) PSALTERIUM, Graece, 4to. Venet. I486* fifcfO ( PSALTERIUM Hebraeum, Graecum, Arabicum, et Chal- deum ; cum interpr. lat. et glossis, fol. Genua Petr. Paulas ft ft Porrus, 1516, in membr. Two thousand copies mere print- ed of this edition ; and fifty upon vellum. QUINTILIANI (M. T.) Institutiones Oratorias, (ex recens. VC/Joh. Ant. Campani) fol. ED. PR. Roma, in via Papa prope Sanctum Mar cum, 1470. RHETORES Graeci, 2 torn. fol. ED. PR. Venet. Aldus. 1508-9. REI Rusticae Scriptores, a Merula, fol. ED. PR. Venet. Nic. Jenson, 1472. ROYAL VISIT. An Account of the Visit of His Royal Highness, the Prince Regent, and their Imperial and Royal Majesties, the Emperor of Russia and King of Prussia, to the University of Oxford, in June, 1814, royal folio, on vel- lum, Oxford, printed at the Clarendon Press, 1815. (Fid. p. 60.) RYCHARDE Cure du Lyon, 4to. Imprynted at London, ^by Wynkyn de Worde, 1528. Fid. Warton's Hist, of Eng. Poetry, i. p. 119, &c. SALLUSTIUS; absque ulla nota, (sed Parisiis circa 1470) 4to. in membr. 88 THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY. SENECA (L. Ann.) Epistolae, fol. ED. PR. cum anni nota, Roma, Am. Pannartz, 1475. _ SENECA, (L. Ann.) Tragaediae, fol. ED. PR. sine anni vel loci nota; (sed Ferrarie 1481J Andreas Gallicus. SILIUS Italicus, ex recognitione Job. Andreae Episc. Ale- riensis, fol. ED. PR. Roma, Sweynheym et Pannartz, 1471. SIMP Lie ii Hypomnemata in Categorias Aristotelis, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Venet. Zach. Calliergus, 1499. SOLINUS (C. Jul.)fol. ED. PR. Venet. NIC. Jenson, 1473. STANBRIGI (Job.) Vocabula, 4to. Lond. Wynken de Worde, 1510. -- Parvulorum Institutio, 4to. ib. 1529. The author was one of the most considerable gramma- rians and best schoolmasters of his time. STATII Achilleidos, lib. n. 4to. Fenet. 1472. STRABONIS Geographia, Lat. ex versione Guarini Vero- nensis et Greg. Typhernatis, fol. Fenet. Vindel. de Spira, 1472. STUKELEY'S (Dr. W.) Itinerarium Curiosum, or an Ac- count of the Antiquities, &c. observed in travels through Great Britain, (Centuria prima,) Lond. 1724. This is Dr. Stukeley's own copy interleaved with his MS. notes, and also the notes of Maurice Johnson, transcribed from his copy, belonging to the Spalding Society,* 1 by Mr. Gough. SUETONIUS (C. T.) de Vitis xii. Caesarum, ex recogni- tione Job. Andreae Episc. Aleriensis, fol. Roma, Sreeynheym et Pannartz, 1470. SUIDJE Lexicon, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Mediol. impemis et "+**/. dejcleritate Demetrii C/ialcondyla, &c. 1499- c See an account of this eminent antiquary in Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, vi. p. 23. d See an account of this Society, ibid. p. 1. THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY. TACITI (Corn.) Opera j fol. ED. PR. (Fenet. Spira cir- ca 1468.) Rarus inter rarissimos P. (MS. note in this copy.) ., cum v. Libris noviter inventis, fol. Romee, Mag. Steph. Guilleretus de Lotharingia, 1515. TERENTIANUS (Maurus) de Litteris et syliabis et metris Horatii, fol. ED. PR. Medial. Ulderic. Scinzenzeler, 1497. TERENTII Comaediae, fol. ED. PR. cum anni nota, Fe- net. Joh. de Colonia, 1471. TERENTIUS, fol. sine ulla nota, (sed in Monasterio Sor- tensi, 1478.) TIBULLI Carmina, cum comment. Bernardini Veronensis, (Cyllenii,) 4to. Roma, G. Tibullus de Amidanis de Cremo- na, 1475. THEOCRITI Idvllia xvui. et Hesiodi Opera et Dies, ' >' Gr. 4to. Ep. PR. absque ulla nota, (sed Mediolani) circa 1493. Oj>era,^Gr. fivo. ED. PR. cum scholiis, Roma, Z. Calliergus, 1516. THEOCRITUS, Hesiodus et alii, Gr. fol. Fenet. Aldus Manutim, 1495. THESAURUS Cornucopias et horti Adonidis, Gr. fol. Fe- net. Aldus, 1496. (See p. 62.) THOMJE Aquinatis Secunda Secundae, fol. Mogunt. Schoyffer, 146J. v Y. THUCYDIDES, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Fenet. Aldus, 150^. THURLOE'S (Secretary) State Papers, in 67 volumes, fol. from December 1638, to April 1660. MSS. THURLOE'S (Secretary) State Papers, 6 vols. folio, (co- pied for the press.) In thejirst leaf is this memorandum, in the hand-writing of Dr. Richard Rawlinson: " These six volumes of State Papers were copied for the press, but the editors tind- 90 THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY. ing the work to swell to so great a bulk, omitted them in the impression, as they did many more preserved in the 67 vo- lumes in MS. R. R." MSS. ULPIANI Comment, in Demosthenem, et Harpocrationis Lexicon, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Venet. Aldus, 1503. VALERIUS Flaccus, fol. ED. PR. Bononia, Ugo Ru- gerius et Domin. Bertochus, 1474. VALERIUS Maximus, fol. ED. PR. sine ulla nota, (sed Argent. Meniel.) lit. goth. VALERIUS Maximus, fol. ED. PR. cum anni nota, Mo- gunt. Pet. Schoy/er, 1471. fol. Venet. Find, de Spira, 1471. VALLA (Laurentius) de linguae Latinae elegantia, fol. Ve- net. Nic. Jenson, 1471. VALTURIUS (Rob.) de Re Militari, fol. ED. PR. Joh. ex Verona, 1472. VETERINARIJE Medicinae, lib. n. Gr. 8vo. ED. PR. Basil. Valderm, 1537. VIRGILII Opera, fol. lit. goth. sine ulla nota. WICKLIF'S Translation of the New Testament. 4to. on parchment, 1563. MS. " This belonged to the Rev. John Lewis, Minister of Mergate in Tenet, Kent, from which he printed and pub- lished Wicklyffe's New Testament, and Mr. Lewis dyeing in 1746, it was purchased of his executors by me Ebene- zer Mussell." Manuscript note on thefirst leaf. WILLIS" (Browne) Collections for the County of Buck- ingham, in 44 vols. quarto, and 50 vols. octavo. MS. Browne Willis left all his manuscripts to the University of Ox- y_ ford, in fifty-eight volumes, including the above collections; they are preserved in the Picture Gallery. " When Mr. Willis (says T. Baker in one of his letters) complains his books stick upon his hands, I comfort him by saying he must be 91 THE BODLEIAN LIBRARY. ZEN OB ii Epitome Proverbiorum Tarrhaei et Didymi se- cundum ordinem alphabet!, Gr. 4to. ED. PR. Florent. Phil. Junta, 1497. content that his book will be valued and bear a price an 100 years ^hence." The " Survey of the Cathedrals" (with " Parocliiale Anglicanum") his great work, was published in three vols. 4to. 1727, 1730, and 1733. Some 'copies bear on the title-page the date of 1742 ; this is a booksel- ler's trick, in order to get rid of unsold copies : T. Osborne having ad- vertised this republication, in the first volume of Bibliotheca Harleiana, the author inserted an advertisement in the London Evening Post, Marcli 68, 1743, to the' following effect: " My bookseller, Mr. Francis Gosling, having left off that trade, he sold the copies of my Cathedrals to Mr. Osborne, who, to dispose of them, veryjinayishly ^ advertised in several papers that there is now repiiblished in three vo- lumes, 4to. (price two guineas gilt} a " Survey of all the Cathedrals," &c. this is to inform the publick, that the said Browne Willis has not published any account whatsoever of the following cathedrals, viz. Y Canterbury, Norwich, Salisbury, Wells and Exeter ; and that what he has published in relation to the four Welsh Cathedrals is in four sepa- rate volumes, printed about 20 years ago." Vid. An Account of his Life and Works in HutcMns's Hist, of Dor- setshire, I. p. 104, edit. 1796, and in Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, VI. 186, &c. 92 THE ARCHIEPISCOPAL LIBRARY, LAMBETH PALACE. THE library of printed books founded by Arch- bishop Bancroft in the reign of James i. occupies the four galleries over the cloisters ; the number of volumes is estimated at upwards of 25,000, many of which are of extreme rarity. In eccle- siastical history and biblical literature, few col- lections contain so large a number of rare and curious editions. The class of English topogra- phy is also extensive and valuable. During the civil wars the books were all seized by the parliament, and afterwards given to Sion College ; many of them, however, got into private hands, and the library was in danger of being dis- persed, when the learned Selden suggested to the University of Cambridge their right to the collec- tion under Archbishop Bancroft's will, and it was, pursuant to an order of parliament, in Fe-,. bruary 1647, delivered into their possession: at the Restoration it was demanded by Archbishop Juxon, and accordingly restored to his successor. Archbishops Abbot, Laud/ Sheldon, and Ten- f Archbishop Laud's entire library of books and MSS. was plun- dered by Col. Scott, in 1644: books to the amount of oflOO were be- stowed upon Hugh Peters out of this private collection : at the Resto- ration an ordinance of parliament was obtained that such part of the collection as was in private hands should be immediately delivered up; and that the volumes in the possession of John Thurloe and Hugh 93 ARCHIEPISCOPAL LIBRARY, ison, were distinguished benefactors. The pre- late Sancroft intended to have left both his books and manuscripts to his successors, and had actu- ally placed them in this library, but being offend- ed at his deprivation, removed them, and soon after presented the collection to Emmanuel Col- lege, Cambridge, where he received his educa- tion, and of which he had been master. During the primacy of the present archbishop very important additions have been made to the library ; the theological class particularly has been considerably augmented by his grace. The first catalogue of the printed books was drawn up by Bishop Gibson ; it was afterwards transcribed in a fair hand by Dr. Wilkins, in three folio volumes, and has been continued by his successors, to the present time. Other catalogues of separate parts have been made by Dr. Ducarel. Of the MSS. there are now seven sets or divi' sions distinguished in the following manner : *- 1. CODICES LAMBETHIANI, given by several archbishops. 2. WHARTONIANI, of Henry Whar- ton, purchased by Archbishop Tenison. 3. CAREWANI, those formerly belong- ing to George Lord Carew, Earl of Totness; purchased also by Archbishop Tenison. These Peters should be seized. It does not, however, appear, that any part of the stolen property was ever recovered. 94 LAMBETH PALACE. consist of forty-two volumes in folio and quarto, and relate principally to Irish history in the time of Queen Elizabeth; but contain some circum- stances of older times, particularly of the con- quest of Ireland. 4. CODICES TENISONIANI, those collected and given by the same archbishop. 5. GIBSONIANI. Many of the papers contained in this valuable collection formerly be- longed to Archbishop Tenison, who gave them to his librarian and chaplain, Edmund Gibson, after- wards Bishop of London. The bishop, in his life-time, directed his executors to deposit them in this library, to which he added many more col- lected by himself: they were methodised in 1758 by Dr. Ducarel at the desire of Archbishop See- ker, and bound in 14 vols. as they now appear. 6. MISCELLANEI, those given by va- rious benefactors. 7. MANNERS-SUTTONIANI, those pur-v chased and given by the present archbishop: they are principally the collection of the late professor Carlisle, brought from Syria; out of the Patri^ arch's Library at Constantinople ; or collected in the islands of the Archipelago; the rest have been presented to his grace, or have been ob- tained by the present librarian from the sales of the Sebright and other MSS. The accession of the preceding treasures makes the library, there- fore, rich indeed in copies of the sacred writings. 95 ARCHIEPISCOPAL LIBRARY, Among; the numerous Expositions of the Fa- thers of the Church, the most distinguished are, St. Augustine upon Genesis ; St. Chrysostom on the Gospel of St. Matthew; and the works of St. Cyprian: a volume of Saxon homilies, and the Epistles of Anselm Archbishop of Can- terbury, both written in the xnth. century; se- veral Expositions of Bede in fine preservation ; Hildebrand on the Gospel of St. Matthew; An- glo-Saxon Sermons of the tenth century, part of .which may be found in the printed history of Bede. Of Missals and Hours of the Holy Virgin may be noticed the very beautiful Missal of the Church of Limoges; and the elegant Missal of the Church of Sarum, once the property of Arch- bishop Chichele. Among Legends, Lives of Saints, and Martyrologies, the fine Mortilogium of the Church of Canterbury is extremely cu- rious. Perhaps two of the greatest curiosities in this library are the ancient French Version and Ex- position of the Apocalypse, ornamented with mi- niature paintings; and the Latin copy of the Apocalypse, also beautifully illuminated, which Mr. Astle admits to have been written in the thir t teen 1 1) century. Many papal bulls from Innocent in. to Ur- ban iv. ; various treatises of Wickliffe ; several royal letters to and from King Charles n. &c. ; ancient laws and constitutions of Scotland, and pe- 96 LAMBETH PALACE. digrees and genealogies of Scottish families ; with many interesting documents respecting Wales. The history of France is abundantly illustrated by MSS. in this library; there is one volume of singular curiosity containing declarations of the Regent of France, John Duke of Bedford, and instructions for the government of France given by Sir John Fastolfe to the regent and council. Manuscripts relating to the histories of other European nations are numerous in this collec- tion, particularly as to Spain, Germany, Poland, Italy, and Holland. Several MSS. on heraldry and genealogy in this collection were written or corrected by the great Lord Burghley. Seventeen volumes in folio of letters, written to and by the Earls of Shrewsbury and other per- sons, from the latter part of Henry vin.'s time to the beginning of James i. materially illustrate the history and manners of the times. A catalogue of these invaluable MSS. was print- ed in one folio volume in 1812, at the expense of^, his grace the Archbishop of Canterbury; it is' ably compiled by the Rev. H. J. Todd, keeper of \'. the Archiepiscopal MSS. and records. From the introduction to this catalogue the preceding no- tices have been chiefly extracted. Of the records preserved in this library, distinct catalogues are kept; they form nearly eighty fo- lio volumes. Select List of some rare and valuable Books in the ARCHIEPISCOPAL LIBRARY, LAMBETH PALACE. ACTES of the APOSTLES, translated into Englysh Metre, and dedicated to the Kynge's moste excellent Majestye, by Christofer Tye, doctor in Musyke, and one of the gentlemen of hys grace's most honourable Chappell ; with notes to each chapter to synge and also to play upon the lutte, very neces- sarie for studentes after theyr studye to fyle theyr wyttes, and also for all Christians, that cannot synge, to read the good and godlye storyes of the lyves of Christ hys aposlles. 12mo. Lon- don, printed by Nycolas Hill, for Wullyam Seres, 1553. This very rare and curious book K-as given to the libra- ry by the fate Sir John Hawkins. ALCORAN us Mohammedis, Arabice. This beautiful MS., ornamented with paintings and oriental enamel, Mas presented to the present archbishop by the College of Fort \Villiam in Bengal : it was written by the pen of the Sultaun Allavuddeen Siljuky, about 400 years since, and was found in the library of Tippoo Sultaun at Seringapatam on the capture of that place by the British armies : this is called the most va- luable Koran of Asia. MS. / ALDHELMUS de Virginitate, written in the eighth century; prefixed to the book is a curious delineation of the prelate in his episcopal chair, accompanied with the lady abbess and her attendant nuns ; this is one of the oldest specimens of art : a fac-simile of this valuable drawing forms a frontispiece to the catalogue of the Archiepiscopal MSS. Mr. Strutt has given in his " Dress and Habits" a representation of the bishop, larger than the original, but decorated in the coloured copies of his plates, with what the original never displayed, a gaudy exhibition of the habit and seat. MS. 98 LAMBETH PALACE. ARISTOTELIS Opera, &c. Gr. ED. PR. 5 vol. fol. / Fenet. Aldus, 149598, AUCTORUM Variorum Opuscula, 4to. some of which are inedited. MS. BACON, Lord Chancellor, the Letters of, which Dr. Birch has published. MS. BACON 7 , Anthony, the Correspondence of, from which the same industrious and learned writer has extracted many inte- resting memoirs of political and private character, 16 vol. MS, BIBLE Miles Coverdale, 4ta. And. Hester, 1550, BYBLE, translated by Thomas Mathew, fol. Lond. 1537, frj[( Fid. p. 30. BIBLIA Sacra S. Hieronymi, a beautiful copy, in 2 vols. ornamented with miniatures. MS. BIBLIA Sacra Polyglotta complectentia textus originales, Hebraicum, Chaldaic. et Graec. Pentateuchum Samaritanum : cum apparatu, appendicibus, tabulis, &c. studio et opera BRIANI WALTON; Londini, Roycroft, 1657, CHARTA MAGNA, bound in 12 vols. with the Dedication to King Charles II. lid. p. 28. BIBLTA Vulgata; a remarkable copy, in which the eighth verse of the fifth chapter of St. John's First Epistle precedes < the seventh. MS. BREY DEN BACH (Bern, de) Peregrinatio in Montem Syon, fol. goth.Jtg. Mog. 1486. Fid. p. 31. CANTICLES or Balades of Salomon, phraselyke declared in Englysh Metres, by Win. Baldwin, 4to. Imprinted 1549.,, CASSIODORUS'S Commentaries on the Psalms. MS. CASTELLI (Edra.) Lexicon Heptaglotton, Hebraicum, Chaldaicura, Syriacum, Samaritanum, &c. in 3 vols* fol. CH. MAG. Londini, 1669. (Fid. p. 33.) CAXTON'S Chronicle, from Brute to the beginning of the reign of Henry vi. folio. MS. 99 ARCHIEPISCOPAL LIBRARY, This differs greatly from the Chronicle of England print- )< ed by Caxton in 1480, and is much more diffuse. It is imperfect at the close, concluding with these words : " An after that ther bred a raven at Charyng Crosse at Louden, And never was seen noon brede there before. And after that came a gret dethe of pestilence that lasted iij yer. And peple dyed myhtely in every place man woman and divide. On whose soulys God have mercy. Amen." The date immediately preceding this passage is 1460. At the begin- ning is a drawing of Henry the vi. MS. CAXTON. The Chronicles of England, fol. Westm. 1480. Dictes and Sayinges of the Philosophers, translated out of frenshe into englysh by the noble and puissant lord Antone Erie of Ryuyers/ lord of Scales, &c. folio, enprynted by me William Caxton the yere of our lord 1477. - Gower Confessio Amantis, fol. Westm. 1493 (1483). Liber Festivalis ; or Directions for keeping Feasts all the year, fol. 1483. Speculum Vite Cristi; or the Myrroure of the blessyd Lyf of Jhesu Criste, fol. (no date.) s Lord Orford observes, that " the most remarkable circumstance attending this book, is the gallantry of the earl, who omitted to trans- late part of it, because it contained sarcasms of Socrates against the fair sex: and it is no less remarkable, that his printer ventured to translate the satire, and add it to his lordship's performance ; yet with an apology for his presumption." Oldys remarks, " if it is a piece of finesse it is artfully enough con- ducted, to expose them (the fair) more notoriously, under the notion of forbearing to* do it at all." Via. Brit. Librarian p. 66. Notwithstanding Caxton's acknowledged gravity on most occasions, a vein of raillery is apparent in, some passages of his apology, which Ihe reader may see in Herberts Ames, i. p. 15, and Brit. Librarian, }>, 66. 106 .7 LAMBETH PALACE. CHARLES i. (King) the Works of, fol. 1672. " This book, being seized on board an English ship, was delivered, by order of the Inquisition of Lisbon, to some of^ the English priests, to be perused and corrected according to the rules of the Index Expur gator ius. Thus corrected, < it was given to Barnaby Cr afford, English merchant there, and by him it was given to me, the English preacher resi- dent there in 1670 ; and by me, as I then received it, to the library at Lambeth, to be there preserved. November 1, 1678. Ita tester. ZACH. CRADOCK." Manuscript note at the beginning. The inquisitorial criticism is displayed, almost entirely, in ;. k furious flashings of the pen through the monarch's prayers, as well as through every expression respecting the advancer v ment of the Protestant religion. CICERONIS, M. T. Officiorum Libri tres, Impress. Mo-^ glint i(e a Joh. Fust, anno MCCCCLXVI. 4 die Februar. in membranis: cum manuscript, interlin. DANCE, La, Macabre, on vellum, printed at Paris in gothic types (probably by A. T erard, or Guyot Marchand), it contains thirty-five most curious, and highly finished illumi- nations, descriptive of each dialogue between Death and the character whom he addresses. \Varton, in his History of English Poetry, speaking of the Dance of Death, appears to have been unacquainted with this publication of it in French. DICTES and Sayinges of the Philosophers translated out of Latyn into Frenshe by Messire Johan de Teonville, and from thence rendered into English by Antony Wydville Earl Ry vers. with a beautiful illumination' 1 of the earl, &c. presenting the book to Edward the Fourth. MS. h Dr. Ducarel and Lord Orford have asserted, that the beautiful illumination prefixed to this work, represents the earl introducing 101 ARCHIE I'ISCOPAL LIBRARY, GIRALDI Cambrensis Opera nonulla, fol. on vellum, initial letters illuminated. MS. GOSPELS. The Codex Ephesinus, or Ephesius, contain- ing the four Gospels in Greek ; accompanied with the various ./readings beautifully written by the donor of the MS. the Rev. Philip Traheron, of which MS. Griesbach has observed, " Lectionea excerpsit Trahernius, publicavit Millius, I'idit Wetstenrus" MS. HENRY viu. Tracts on his Marriage and Divorce. KENNETT'S (White) Parochial Antiquities; attempted in the History of Ambrosden, Burcester, and other adjacent vil- lages in the counties of Oxford and Bucks, 4to. \C)Q5, large pr. LEGENDA Nova Angliae; per Capgravium ; fol. Loud. Wynk. de Worde, 1516. MARIANI Scoti-Chronicon ab initio mundi ad annum 1131, fol. beautifully K'rilten, containing more than tlie printed copies. MS. PAPERS, a Collection of, in a folio volume formerly be- longing to Archbishop Laud, many of them written with his own hand and endorsed by him ; together with others of Arch- bishops Sheldon and Sancroft, and Mr. Chillingworth. This .volume had been long lost, but was happily recovered by Archbishop Herring. The volume with some money and pa- pers, was found in a box which Archbishop Tenison directed his executors to bum without opening ; but the box bursting in the fire, the money and this book, which they supposed was Caxton the printer to King Edward iv. his queen, and his son, after- wards Edward v. The figure here introduced by the earl, x is evi- dently, by the tonsure and habit, a priest, which Caxton was not /Perhaps this kneeling ecclesiastic may be designed for the transcriber, Ihe books of this period being written and illuminated by thc'monks. The subject of this illumination, in an indifferent engraving, forms the frontispiece to Lord Orford's " Royal and Noble Authors." 102 . LAMBETH PALACE. forgotten by the archbishop, was taken out and preserved. Dr. Ducarel says, that Archbishop Herring made Mrs. Ibbot, the widow of Pn Ibbot, formerly librarian, a present of five guineas for it ; and that he had this information from his pre- decessor, Mr. Hall. MS. PARKER de Antiquitate Ecclesiae Britannica?, foh 1572. This exceedingly rare and valuable book is full of MS. notes and old deeds ; with a letter from Dr. DucareL to Archbishop Seeker, dated July 15, 1758, giving a particu- lar account of the ancient Cartae, &,c. He informs the archbishop that this copy formerly belonged to the MS. library at Lambeth, but had been missing ever since the year 1~ C 2Q: the then Bishop (Trevor) of Durham had the good fortune to recover it, and presented it to the library in 1757. It was printed at Lambeth by John Day, and the impression being limited, very few copies are extant in a complete state. A new edition was printed in folio at Ha- /jurors, were dispossessed of their fellowships. Mr. Baker retained a lively sense of his deprivation, and wrote on the blank leaves of all his books tocius ejectus. Still, however, he remained in College under the jurisdiction of the master who had expelled him, and dedicated many of his hours to the illustration of the history of his College ; this work was never published. 108 THE PEPYSIAN LIBRARY. queathed all such books, printed or manuscript, that he had, and were wanting in this library. Here are also the collections of the celebrated Matthew Prior, the late Dr. Gisborne, &c. THE PEPYSIAN LIBRARY, MAGDALEN COLLEGE. Samuel Pepys, Esq. Secretary to the Admi- ralty in the reigns of Charles n. and James n. left to this College his valuable library, together with his prints and drawings. The collection of old English Ballads, in five volumes folio, begun by Mr. Selden, and continued to the year 1700, with other very rare pieces of ancient poetry, have often been consulted with advantage by many of our eminent critics, for the purpose of elucidating the writings of Shakspeare, and some of the early poets. Dr. Percy in his " Reliques" has made a judicious selection from them. Two volumes of Scottish poetry, called the Maitland Collection, consist of the works of Gawin Doug- las, Dunbar, Lindsay, Drummond, James i. and other writers. Mr. Pinkerton made copious ex- tracts from these volumes, which he published in 1776. Mr. Pepys' large collection of prints and draw- ings to illustrate the History of London, and his rare British portraits, are particularly valuable, . NC 109 TRINITY COLLEGE LIBRARY. TRINITY COLLEGE LIBRARY, Built by Sir Christopher Wren, is a very grand structure, being two hundred feet in length, forty feet in breadth, and thirty-eight in height. The collection is separated into thirty classes, and dis- posed in cases of oak ; and the books are both numerous and valuable. Some curious and interesting manuscripts in the hand-writing of Milton, in a thin folio volume, were discovered among the papers of Sir Henry Puckering, by the learned professor Mason : they consist of the original copy of the Masque of Co- mus, several plans of Paradise Lost, composed at the period when he intended to have made that subject the ground-work of a tragedy ; the poems of Lycidas, Arcades, and several smaller pieces. Here are also the Arabic MSS. left by Dr. Gale, and the collection relating to English antiquities by his sou, Dr. Roger Gale; Sir Isaac Newton's own copy of the Principia, with his MS. notes, and his letters to Roger Cotes; the voluminous Shak- sperian k MSS. and printed books of Edward Ca- pell ; of which collection Mr. Steevens printed a catalogue. 1 -NIT' T j *' If* -.-'f- ,,. frf>'' T -; / HiV5 *><'''!* Vff-.t*"! '*!. k A list of these Shdkspeariana was given in the xuxtli. volume of the Critical Review. 1 In a copy presented to Dr. Lort is the following note : " Dear Sir, As some of my friends have been desirous to borrow Mr. Capell's ca- 110 THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. THE UNIVERSITY on PUBLIC LIBRARY Occupies the whole quadrangle of apartments over the schools. The original building was erected at the charge of Rotheram, Archbishop of York, and Tunstall, Bishop of Durham, about the year 1480. The east front, containing what is denominated the new library, was rebuilt by subscription in 1775 : the entire collection is said to consist of more than 00,000 volumes. Among the oriental manuscripts is a beautiful Koran, and a finely illuminated Persian MS. executed in 1388; a MS. in Coptic, written with an ancient stylus on papyrus, in long narrow slips, connected at the ends by a frame; the Syriac MSS. presented by the Rev. Dr. Buchanan ; and some Chinese print- ed books given by Dr. William Burrell about thirty years since. Here are some of the rarest pieces of Rembrandt and his school, preserved in a folio volume ; and a good collection of the old German masters. George^i. bought, for six thousand guineas, the valuable library of Bishop talogue, to save trouble I have printed a few copies of it, and intrcat your acceptance of one of them. Let me beg you will keep it from the sight of any bookseller, for otherwise it may prove the means of raising Shckspeariaua above ,100 per cent. " I am most faithfully yours, ' Hampstead Htatli, Jan. 4, 1780. G. STEEVENS." Ill CAMBRIDGE. > Moore," 1 which he gave to the University; it had been previously offered to Lord Oxford, who de- clined the purchase. This fine collection con- tains many early editions of the Greek and Latin classics, and several productions of our first Eng- lish printers. The well-known, valuable, and an- cient MS. of the Gospels, called the Beza Codex, is deposited in this library. Select List of some valuable and rare Books in the PEPYSIAN, and UNIVERSITY or PUBLIC LI- BRARIES ; and of BENE'T, ST. JOHN, and TRI- NITY COLLEGES ; CAMBRIDGE. JEsopi Vita et Fabellae, Gr. et Lat. fol. Fenet. Aldus, 1505, ST. Jo. AGIAIEB Elmakloucat: i.e. Mirabilia Rerum Creatura- rum. Auctore Zacharia Ben Mohammad Elcasuini natus in urbe Casbin. The leaves are of cotton paper and contain nu- merous drawings of various animals in square compartments. According to Sir William Jones this splendid volume was executed A. D. 1388. It was purchased in the city of Cas- bin, in Persia, and given to the University in 1770, by the sou m It was said the bishop had collected this noble library by plunder- ing those of the clergy in his diocese : some he paid with sermons, or more modern books ; others with Quid illiterati cum libris 1 . This stig- ma on the prelate's character appears to have been unfounded. Upon the enlargement of the Public Library, by the addition of Bishop Moore's collection, the office of principal librarian was conferred upon Dr. \1 ill. Hi Ion, who drew up a plan for disposing of the books toge- ther in the new building, inlitled u Sibliotheca ordinandce Methodus" It is printed in his Miscellaneous Works, iv. p. 53. Octavo edition. 112 CAMBRIDGE. of Dr. George Lewis, late archdeacon of Meath, who was himself a considerable benefactor. UNIV. ALDHELMUS de Virginitatis laude: a very ancient manu- script. BENE'T. APOLLONIUS Rhodius, Gr. lit. majusc. ED. PR. 4to. Florent. 1496. ST. Jo. APULEIUS, fol. ED. PR. Roma, 1469. (Fid. p. 70.) >") ST. Jo. ARISTOPHANES, Gr. Musuri, fol. ED. PR. Fenet. Al- \c dus, 1498. ST. Jo. ARTICLES. The Thirty-nine Articles; two originals: the first, in Latin, is signed by the bishops and clergy of the lower house of Convocation; the second, in English, is signed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and ten suffragans. The ingrossed copies w r ere burnt in the fire of London. MS. BENE'T. ASCONII Pediani commentarii in Ciceronis Orationes, fol. ED. PR. Fenet. Jo. de Colonia et J. M. de Gerretzem, 1477. ST. Jo. BERNARDUS de Parentibus Lilium sive Elucidarium difficultatum circa Officium Misse (authore B. de Parent. 1442,) fol. Impress. Colon. 1484. ST. Jo. BERNERS (Jul.) The Bokys of Haukyng and Hunting, fol. St. Albons, 1486. (Wm. Burton's copy.) (Fid. ^L p. 71.) UNIV. BYBLE, in Englyshe, by Archbishop Cramner, fol. print- ff/( ed on vellum. ST. Jo. " In this copy is inserted a specimen of Saxon poetry, full of Latin and Greek words. William of Malmsbury, in his life of Aldhelm, cen- sures an affectation in the writers of that age, that they were fond of introducing in their Latin compositions a difficult and abstruse word, Latinized from the Greek. Bede says, that Aldhelm wrote this book, which is both in prose and Terse, in imitation of Sedulius. Vid. War- tffti's Second Dissertation. CAMBRIDGE. BYBLE, fol. imprinted by John Daye, 1549. ST. Jo. yC Bi BLE, in Englyshe, printed at Rouen, 1566, at the charges of Richard Carmardeu : " this volume contains the Old Tes- tament, with part of the Liturgy, varying from all copies I have yet seen: it is a scarce book, and hard to be met with. Richard Carmarden was an officer belonging to the customs, and of good /epute. At the end of Job in this book is the following printed note : " At the cost and charges of Richard Carmarden, 1566;" which, perhaps, may intimate, that here was an end of Mr. C.'s proper expense, the rest being sup- plied by the contributions of his friends." Mr. Wanley's note. The above remarks are in the hand-writing of Thomas Baker. ST. Jo. {1$ BIBLIA Latina, 2 torn. fol. Paris, Gering) Crantz, et Friburger, 1475. UNIV. BIBLIA Polyglotta studio et opera, Br. Walton, 6 torn, fol. CH. MAG. Lond. 1655 57. ST. Jo. (Fid. p. 28.) BIBLIA Polyglotta, Waltoni, 6 torn. fol. blue morocco, Londini, 1655 57. A republican copy. TRIN. BOCCACCIO II Decamerone, fol. An early edition, print- ed in columns in an old character, with a MS. title, bearing the date of 1470, and said to be printed by Valdarfer; it is, however, evidently not from his press. The first, and some concluding leaves, being wanting, it is probably one of the very early dateless editions that may claim the rank of . P. but to which of them we can assign that honour is still doubt- In this edition the Canticum Canticorum, is called the Ballet of Bal- lets ; a ballet, however oflcnsive in sound to a modern ear, was at this period a very serious and instructive song. In Samuel, ch. vi. some curious variations are noticed, in a MS. note, between this edition and Coverdalc's translation of 1535. 114 CAMBRIDGE. ful. The edition of the Decameron p lately in the Borromeo collection, is probably earlier than the far-famed Valdarfer, printed at Venice in 1471. UNIV. BOETIUS de Consolatione Philosophic, ED. PR. fol. goth. Nuremb. A. Coburger, 1473. . ST. Jo. BONAVENTURA'S (Card.) Life of Christ ; a French trans- lation, by John Galopes, Dean of the Collegiate Church of St. Louis of Salsoye, ip Normandy; dedicated to Henry y, , above which is an illuminated painting of the king crowned and seated on his throne of azure blue, fringed with gold, and powdered with the gold text letter S. which perhaps may mean Soverayne. On. his right hand stand two ecclesiastics; on the other side a, courtier, holding in his hand a mace of office. Before the king, in a kind of doctor's robes of h'ght purple, kneels John de Galopes, the translator, offering his book, co- vered with crimson velvet. The back ground of the painting is adorned with a rich arras of blue and gold. At the end of the book, in a round hand of the time of Henry vm. or Queen Elizabeth, is written this entry : (f This wasse sumtyme Kinge Henri the fifeth his booke, which containeth the lyfe of Christ, and the psalmes of the patriarches and prophetes ; the psalmes of the prophet David omitted: Mani excellent notes, thoughe some thinges waienge the tyme may be amended. Rede judge and thank God for abetter light," BENE'T. MS. Fid, an account of this book by Mr. Tyson, in Archaeologia, u, 194. BRUNO (Jordano) Spaccio della Bestia trionfante, 8vo. Parigi, 1584. (Fid. p. 74.) TRJN. CAESAR (C. J.) fol. ED. PJI. Roma y Sweynheim et Pannartz, 1469. ST. Jo. P Some deficient leaves in this copy are supplied by MS. It wap ' purchased for Lord Spencer at the sale of the Borroraeo collection, ' Feb. 7, 1817, for ,121. 16*. Vid. Sale Catalogue, No. 21. 115 CAMBRIDGE. CAPELL's q (Edw.) M S. copies of Shakspeare and Milton, 10 vols. 4to. TRIN. CASTELLI (Edm.) Lexicon Heptaglotton, in 3 torn. fol. CH. MAG. Lond. 1669, bound in morocco. (Vid. p. 33.) ST. Jo. CAXTON. The Book of good maners translated out of frenshe, fol. 1487. UNIV. The Boke called Caton translated out of frenshe, fol. 1483. UNIV. The chastising of Goddes Chyldren, a book prouffytable for mannes soule and right comfortable to the body and specially in adversite, fol. no date. UNIV. , Chaucer's and Lydgate's minor Poems, 4to no date. Fid. Dibdin's Ames, i. 306. UNIV. The Game and Playe of the Chesse, fol. 1484, (some leaves MS.) UNIV. r The Chronicles of Englond, fol. 1480. < Descripcion of Britayne and Irlond, fol. 1480. (_ UNIV. The Boke named Cordyale or Memorare No- vissima, fol. 1480. UNIV. Dictes and Sayinges of the Philosophers, tran- slated by Antonie Erie of Ryuyers, fol. 1477. (Vid. p. 100.) UNIV. Directorium Sacerdotum sive ordinale secun- dum usum Sarum, fol. no date. UNIV. The Doctrinal of Sapyence, fol. 1489. UNIV. Fayte of Armes and Chyvalrye, fol. 1489. PEPYS. UNIV. Mr. Capel spent a whole life on Shakspeare, and it is said that ho transcribed the works of that illustrious poet, ten times, with his own hand! 116 CAMBRIDGE. CAXTON. Godefroy of Boloyne; or the last Sege and Conqueste of Jherusalem, fol. 1481. UNIV. The Golden Legende, fol. 1483, (three co* pies.) UNIV. Gower Confessio Amantis, fol. Westm. 1493 (1483). UNIV. The Knyght of the Toure, folio, 1483. UNIV. The Myrrour of the Worlde, translated from the Frenshe, fol. 1481, PEPYS. UNIV. Ouyde his Booke of Metamorphose, tran- slated by Caxton, folio, MS. (PEPYS.) This translation is said to be in the hand-writing of Caxton : a fac-simile specimen is given in Dibdin's Ames, i. p. 84. Polycronicon, fol. 1482. UNIV. The Ryal Book, or a Book for a Kyng, fol. 1484. UNIV. Speculum vite Christi, or the myrroure of the blessyd lyf of Jhesu Chryste, fol. no date. UNIV. The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye, fol. 1471. UNIV. - Tullius of Old Age ; or, de Senectute, fol. 1481, two copies. ST. Jo. Tullius of Old Age ; or, de Senectute, fol. 1481, three copies. UNIV. Virgilius, the Boke of Eneydos, fol. 1490. (Fid. p. 36.) UNIV. CHALCONDYLJE Demetrii Erotemata, &c. Gr. fol. ED. PR. absque ulla nota, (sed.MedioL circa 1493). ST. Jo. CHAUCER'S Canterbury Tales, with illuminated capital letters, on vellum, xvth. century, folio, MS. THIN. CHAUCER'S Troilus and Cresseide; a beautiful MS. on vellum. BENE'T. 117 CAMBRIDGE. CICERONIS (M. T.) Epistolze ad Familiares, fol. Venet. Nic. Jenson, 1471. S T . J o . . CICERO de Natura Deorum, &c. fol. ED. PR. Venet. V. de Spira, 147 1. ST. Jo. CICERONIS Officiorum, libri HI. et Paradoxa, fol. Mo- gunt. Jo. Fust, 1466. ST. Jo. UNIV. CICERONIS Officia Paradoxa, &c. fol. Argent. lien. Eggesteyn, 1472. ST. Jo. CICERONIS Orationes, fol. ED. PR. Venet. Chr. Val- darfer, 1471. ST. Jo. CICERO de Oratore; Brutus sive de claris oratoribus, fol. Roma, Petr. de Maxim. 1469. ST. Jo. .& CICERONIS Rhetorica et de Inventione, fol. ED. PR. Venet. N. Jenson, 1470. UNIV. CORONATION, office of the, beautifully written, used by King Charles i. at his coronation; the parts relating to the queen are scored out, as she was not crowned with the king, bound in blue morocco. MS. ST. Jo. the same used by Archbishop .Laud at the coronation of Charles i. MS. ST. Jo. DIVES et Pauper, folio, Pinson, 1493, (Vid. p, 41.) UNIV. GOWER (Jo.) Poemata Anglica Gallica et Latina, on vel- lum, large folio. MS. TR i N . This volume was presented by Dean Nevile, the mu- nificent master of Trinity in the time of Elizabeth and James i. ..aU The whole of the first book, and part of the second of the Confessio Amantis are wanting in this noble -copy. ><^4 GOSPELS, and Acts of the Apostles, in Greek and Latin, written on vellum. This is the famous Codex Bezte, sup- posed to be the most ancient manuscript of the Gospels ex- tant : Dr. Kipling fixes the period of its execution in the se- ns CAMBRIDGE. cond century ; Dr. Marsh, the present Bishop of LandaflF, in his notes to Michaelis (n. 708), clearly demonstrates that it was not written beyond the fifth century. In 1787, the Uni- versity appointed the Rev. Dr. Kipling to superintend the publication of a fac-simile of this valuable manuscript ; the types were cast for the purpose in alphabets of various forms, that they might be varied with the manuscript, and represent it more exactly : this splendid work appeared in 1 793, in two volumes folio* The Latin epistle which Beza sent with this MS. in his own hand-writing is prefixed to it; and is dated from Geneva, 8th of December, 1581. This venerable MS. of the quarto size, is carefully preserved in a black leather case. UNIV. HIERONIMI S. Epistolas, &c. 2 torn. fol. ED. PR, cum anni nota, Roma (Sweynheim et Pannartz), 1468. A fine copy in morocco t with the initials illuminated. ST. Jo. HISTORIC Augustae Scriptores; fol. ED. PR. MedioL 1475. ST. Jo. HOMERI Opera, Gr. 2 vols. fol. ED. PR. Florent. 1488. ST. Jo. ISOCRATIS Orationes, Gr. fol. ED. PR. MedioL 1493. ST. Jo. JOANNIS de Janua Summa qua? vocatur Catholicon, 2 torn. fol. Mogunt. Fust et Schoyffer, 1460. (Fid. p. 47.) UMV. JUVENALIS et Persius, 4to. Ferraria, Andr. Gallicus, 1474. ST. Jo. LACTANTII Opera, fol. Roma, Sweynheim et Pannartz, 1470. ST. Jo. LETTERS, Original, of Henry viu. Edward vi. Queen Elizabeth, and of many noblemen of those times. MS, PEPYS. 119 CAMBRIDGE. Livil Historia, Campani, 2 torn/ fol. Roma, Ud. Gal- Itts, 1470. UNIV. -< LUCANVS, fol. ED. PR. Roma, Sweynheim et Pan- nartz, 1469- ST. Jo. LYDGATE (John). The Hystory Sege and Destruccyon ofTroye, fol. Emprynted by Richarde Pynson, 1513. On vellum, a most beautiful copy. PEP vs. MISSAL; in Norman French, with numerous illumina- tions, xith. cent. fol. MS, Presented by Edward Ben- loweSj Esq. a poet in the time of the Interregnum . This cu- rious volume is preserved in an appropriate modern russia leather binding. ST. Jo. MISSAL; on vellum, with several grotesque paintings on the borders, 4to. MS. THIN. NONIUS Marcellus de proprietate Sermonis, fol. Venet. N. Jenson, 1476. ST. Jo. NORTHAMPTON (Earl of), Letters from, to the Earl of Somerset, filled with the most abject flattery, and relating to the scandalous transaction of the divorce between the Earl of Essex and Lady Catharine (Frances), and the imprison- ment and death of Sir Thomas Overbury. Without date. MS. UNIV. ORPHEUS, Gr. 4to. ED. PR. Florent. 1500. ST. Jo. OVIDII Opera, fol. Venet. 1474. ST. Jo. PARKER (Math.) de Antiquitate Ecclesize Britannicae, fol. Long. -1572. (Vid.p.56.) BENE'T. ^ PLATONIS Opera, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Venet. Aldus, 1513. ST. Jo. PLAUTI Comajdiae, fol. ED. PR. Venet. r The first volume, which had been separated from the second, pro- bably for a century, was purchased by Mr. Nicol at Hoblyn's sale, and through his means restored to its fellow-tome. 120 CAMBRIDGE. PLINIO (C.) Historia Naturale tradotta da C. Landino, fol. Venet. Nic. Janson. 1476, on vellum. UNIV. PSALTERIUM D. Hieronymi triplex Latinum, with several^ .\ other sacred poems taken chiefly from the Scriptures ; and versions of them in the Saxon and Norman languages. By EADWIN/ a monk of Christ-church, the cathedral of Canter- bury. Illuminated and adorned with many historical figures. With his portrait drawn by himself; round the edge of the drawing are some Latin verses written in capitals. On vel- lum, MS. xnth. cent. TRIN. Presented by Dean Ne- vile. RADEGUNDE, Saynt, the lyfe of, imprinted by Richard Pynson. Presented by Dr. Farmer, who says in a note that he does not know of another copy. JES. REVELATIONS, Commentary on, with numerous illumi- nations, on vellum, large folio, MS. Presented by Mrs. Ann Sadleir. TRIN. THEOCRITUS, Hesiodus et alii, Gr. fol. Venet. Aldus, 1495. ST. Jo. WORDE, W. de. The Chorle and the Byrde, 4to. UNIV. WORDE, W. de. The book of keruinge and shewinge all the feestes in the yere for the seruyce of a prynce or any other estate, 4to. (first edition,) 1508. UNIV. WORDE, W. de. The Boke of the Recuyles or gaderige to gyder of the hystoryes of Troye, fol. 1503. PEPYS. " This edition is of such extreme rarity that I know not --.^ where to refer the reader for a copy of it." Dibdin's Ames, ii. 115. * An engraving by Vertue from this drawing forms the xvitli. plate in the first volume of " Vetusta Monumenta" CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL CHURCH LIBRARY, , FORMERLY the Prior's Chapel, was built about the time of Archbishop Winchelsey, in the four- teenth century; it is rich in materials relating to the civil and ecclesiastical history, of the country. In " Dart's History" (Appendix, p. xxxi.) we have an account of the MSS. that were in the old library. A catalogue of the printed books appeared in 1743, but it contains merely an alphabetical list .without any dates ; that of the MSS. drawn up by 'the Rev. H. J. Todd, was printed in 1793, at the end of his account of the Deans of Canterbury: v this was followed by another catalogue in 1802, by the same able hand, of the entire collection, which had, in the interval, been considerably aug- mented by the dean and chapter. Of this cata- logue 160 copies were printed for the use of pub- lic libraries, &c. but not intended for sale. Many interesting and useful notes were added by Mr. Todd; the reader will judge of their value from the extracts attached to some of the following articles. 122 CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL CHURCH LIBRARY. ALEXANDRI vn. Papae et Cardinalium Effigies per Joan. Jacob, cle Rubeis, fol. Romce, 1608. This volume is one of the many curious and valuable presents made to this library by Dr. John Bargrave, pre- bendary of the Cathedral : he had been a great traveller ; and lived chiefly in Italy during Cromwell's usurpation. On ''' the margins and backs of the engravings in this volume, he has written many curious remarks from printed books and manuscripts, and has added several pleasant and interesting anecdotes, the fruits of his own observation. On the mar- gin of the Pope's picture he has remarked, that this picture, and all the rest following, are extraordinarily like the per- sons, drawn and cut by excellent hands ; I knowing them /, all by sight (and some by discourse) as well as J knowe any of my brethren the canons of Chr. Church Canter- bury. BELLE N DEN i (GulJ Ciceronis Consul, Senator, Sena- tusque Romanus, 8vo. Paris, 16 12. Of the rarity of this book see Dr. Parr's admirable pre- face to his republication of it, in 1787. This copy, how- ever, appears to have escaped the notice of the very learn- ed editor. BIBLE, the Great Englishe, fol. 1540. ft M.. CALLIS, Siege of. " 1. The Names and Armes (emblazoned) of the Princi- pall Captains as well of Noblemen as of Knights that were with the Victorious Prince King Edward the third at the Siege of Callys 1346, . " 2. An Account of how many Ships and Mariners every Port sent throughout England to that Siege. Also the sup- ply of Ships and Mariners from Bayou, Spayne, Ireland, Flaunders, and Gelderland. 123 CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL CHURCH LIBRARY. " 3. An Account of all the Princes and Noblemen Fo- jeigners that served at that Siege with their pay and of the whole charge of that Siege. " The Prince of Wales had by the day for his diet - - - xx sh. " A Duke, not of the Blood Royal - vin sh. mid. " An Earle --____-_ vi sh, vnid. " A Viscount -------- vsh. " A Baron - -------- inish. " A Knight ii sh. " An Esquier xvind. " A Gentleman for him and his servant n sh. " Archers on foot - ------ md. " Archers on horse ------ mid. " A Welshman on foote ----- nd. " A Mariner -------- md. &c. &c. folio. MS. CASAUBONI (Tsaaci) Ephemerides, fol. MS. This is the diary of the life of that eminent scholar and J^ritic, Isaac Casaubon, prebendary of this church, written in Latin with his own hand, commencing in the SQth year of his age, and in the year of our Lord, 3597. He died in 1614. The curious and learned critic will be highly gratified by several circumstances, recorded in this volume, respecting classical authors, in the illustration of whom Casaubon had been engaged. Bentley, it has been said, was indulged with the use of this volume. v It was probably the gift of Meric Casaubon, son of Isaac, and also a prebendary of this church. From a pas- sage in this diary we learn, that Isaac Casaubon, being a s^layman, received the royal dispensation to hold this pre- bend. 124 CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL CHURCH LIBRARY. CICERONIS, (M. T.) Epistolae, fol. MS. At the beginning of this MS. is the following note: " This booke I Edmond Witherpoll found in the lybrary off owre ladye's churche in Bulleyn the xxv. day of Sept. Anno Domini 1544." E. W. probably accompanied Henry the Eighth in his expedition against Boulogne; and brought away this literary treasure with him. It is beautifully written. It was the gift of Dr. Kings- ley, archdeacon and prebendary, in 16C3. DRAWINGS, a folio, containing " 1 . The shapes and formes of divers beasts, foules, and birdes ; fyshes, monsters, and serpents, trees, herbs, plants, and flow-res, with divers accidents of Antiquity and Armory; the dollors and silver coynes of all the contreyes, and free cytties in Europe ; the triumph of death over all estats ; the signs before the day of judgment, and the works of Chris- tian charitie. " 2. The Armes and Names of all the Nobilitie, Piivi- Councelers and chiefe Officers of England, in 1588. 11 3. A learned remembraunce from antiquitie in vers of the Commendacon of the most auncient and learned art of Ghymistrie. " 5. An Abstract of the Chiromantia with the 7 Planets, &c. whereby you may.judg of events according to that arte. " 6. The fall of Antichrist, and the day of judgment. " 7. Chronographye of the most notable things from the beginning of the world to the year 159 2, by John Nettle- ton, Gent, my master, and writ by me Wm. Byrche." W. Eyrche appears, by a very curious anecdote which he gives of himself in the volume, to hate been an apprentice to Mr. Nettleton. " 8. Of Blazoning. 123 CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL CHURCH LIBRARY. "9. The Wheele of Mr. George Ripley Channon of Bridlington in Yorkshire, mentioned in his book called the 12 gates of Alcumye ;" with his " Vision, preface, and re- capitulation of his work; to which are added, Verses of Sir Edward Kelley, and Sir Geft'ray Chaucer on the Philoso- pher's Stone." This singular book was the labour of William Byrche in 1590 and \5Q\. Among the drawings, many Latin and English verses also are interspersed; some of which are from curious books of that period, now very little known. MS. EPIGRAMMASATIRON; English Poetry, 4to. MS. This very curious manuscript is entitled, " The times whistle or a newe daunce of seven Satires, whereunto are annexed divers other poems comprising things natural, morall, and theological, compiled by gent. Septem compacta cicutis Fistula" The name of the compiler is, in this first title, erased. He announces the design of these Seven Satires in a long Introduction, " From the Rhamnusian goddesse am I sent, " On Sinne t' inflict deserved punishment : " All-seeing Sunne, lend me thy searching eye, " That I may finde, and scourge impietie," &.c. To these Satires are added " Certaine Poems," com- prising things naturall, morall, and theological/. Writ- ten by R. C. gent. From an address prefixed to the Satires, and from an- other prefixed to the " Certaine Poems," it is evident that they were intended for, if not committed to, the press. The former appear, from various allusions in Marston's 126 CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL CHURCH LIBRARY. Scourge of Villanie, published in 1598, to have been writ- ten near that period : probably they might be suppressed, in consequence of the order towards the close of Elizabeth's reign, signed by the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London, that Marston's Pigmalion's Image and Certaine Satyres, HalCs Satires, Snarlinge Satires, &c. should be burnt; and u that no satyres or epigrams be printed hereafter." LAUD. Harangue prononcee en la chambre de 1'estoille, a la censure de Jehan Bastwick, Henry Burton, and Guil- laume Prinn. Juin 14. 4to. 1637. This is Archbishop Laud's speech, translated into French, , concerning pretended innovations in the church ; of which only twenty-five copies in our language are said to have been printed. Vid. Harleian Catalogue, n. p. 669. V- LETTERS concerning state affairs in the time of Queen Elizabeth. Some of these Letters are originals, and are subscribed VV. Burghley, F. Walsingham/Chr. Hatton, H. Hunsdon, T. Sussex, R. Leycester, F. Bedford, J. Bromley, E. Lyn- coln, F. Knollys, C. Howard, John Abp. Cant., Thomas Bp. Winton, and other distinguished personages. They are dated between the years 1569. and 15j9|^and contain many curious circumstances relating to the alarm occasion- ed by the Spanish Armada ; and more particularly respect- ing the county of Surry. MS. PSALMS, the, in English metre, 4to. London. This translation is assigned to Archbishop Parker. These Psalms were finished in 1557, and a few years afterwards printed. They are supposed by Mr. Warton never to have been published, but that the archbishop permitted his wife to present the book to some of the nobility. See Hist* of Bug. Poetry, in. 182, &c. 127 CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL CHURCH LIBRARY. This copy, very curiously bound, was probably given by ,/ her to the church of Canterbury. The book is extremely scarce. Strype, the ecclesiastical historian, relates, that he could never obtain a sight of it. At the sale of the books, belonging to the late Dr. Far- mer, in 1 798, a copy of this work was sold for three pounds six shillings. (Fid. p. 86.) RECORDS, large collections out of, relating to churches and church lands, from the ledger books of abbies ; from the Rolls in the Tower; from the first fruits, augmentation, and tally offices. MS. . Collections out of, relating to the courts of the High Constable and Earl Marshal of England. MS. Magna Chai ta ; Charter of the Forest ; Saxon Laws of Canute, &c. ike. MS. Besides the Records contained in this library, there are eighteen folio volumes of curious and important manuscripts preserved in the Chapter Room : they consist of papal bulls, endowments of livings, &c. SHAKSPEARE'S Comedies, Tragedies, &c. fol. Lond. Imprinted by J% Jaggard, 1623. SOMNER'S, Will. Antiquities of Canterbury, 4to. Lond. 1640. This volume is interleaved, and contains the curious and important manuscript additions, made by Somner himself to his history ; which Battely afterwards admitted into his Antiquities of Canterbury, published in 1703. SOMNER'S Observations upon the Commissary of Canter- bury's Patent, fol. MS. Mr. Battely, in his preface to the Antiquities of Can- terbury, supposes this discourse to have been the first fruits of those labours which Somner devoted to the study of an- tiquity. It was composed soon after the death of King 128 CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL CHURCH LIBRARY. James i. upon the patent of commisaryship granted to Sir Nathaniel Brent. It treats of ecclesiastical titles, and of the privileges and jurisdictions of spiritual courts. Great part of it has been published in his own Antiquities of Canterbury. His information relating to ecclesiastical courts, officers, &c. he acknowledges to have derived from Archbishop Parker's Antiquities of Britain. DUBLIN. TRINITY COLLEGE LIBRARY "WAS erected in the year 17.32; it is a magnifi- cent room of stately dimensions, Jbeing upwards of 200 feet in length, and of a proportionate width and height. The numerous volumes collected by the Greffier Fagel, purchased in 1802; and the Taluable classical and Italian books of the late ft * Mr. Quin, are important additions to the original collection; and form together a library of the first order. The Fagel collection being intended for sale by public auction, a classed catalogue, by Mr. Sa- muel Paterson, 1 was printed in the beginning of -x* Mr. Paterson's catalogues are justly regarded as superior models of judicious classification: in addition to the above, we may enume- rate, by his hand, those of West, Beauclerk, Crofts, Strange, and the " Bibliotlieca Universalis Selecta:" all tlicse are excellent specimens of his bibliographical knowledge. The English edition of the Pinelli catalogue, generally attributed to Mr. P. was not digested by him ; in consequence of some disagree- ment with the proprietors of that collection, he soon declined the co- cera with some degree of chagrin : in a note addressed to them he 130 DUBLIN, TRIN. COLL. LIBRARY. the year 1802: from the preface \ve extract the following notice : "It is one genuine library which has been accumulating in the family of Fagel, a name of the first respectability, and which has born in succession the highest civil offices' in the United States of the Netherlands upwards of one him- . dred and twenty years. It abounds in many of the choicest books in theology and ecclesiastical history in classical and philological learning, and in most branches of polite literature, arts and sciences ; it includes almost all the great Corpora of history, antiquities and diplomatic science; the books of prints, archaiological, numismatical, and topographical (which are very numerous) are commonly of the best impressions : as an histori- cal, geographical, genealogical, and statistical li- brary, it may justly rank among the most distin- guished." says, " Had I been allowed to have proceeded in classing the Pinel- linn Library in my own way, I have no doubt but that, in a reasonable time, I should have produced something that would have done credit to the collection, have been of considerable advantage to the proprie- tors, and highly gratifying to the curious. But as so many difficulties and objections are started, which it is out of the power of man to an- swer, I beg leave to decline a task, where there is ho likelihood of sa- tisfying my employers." 131 DUBLIN, TRIN. COLL. LIBRARY. BERGOMENSIS (Jac. Phil.) Opus de claris selectisque Mulieribus, lit. goth. cum Jig, fol. Ferrarie, L. de Rubeis de Falentia, 1497. BRETAGNE, Gr. Nouveau Theatre de la Grande Bre- tagne, avec le Supplement et 1'Atlas Anglois, 6 torn. fol. Gr. Pap. (Amst.) Lond. Dav. Mortier, 1716 18. This set contains upwards of 400 plates, including Henry WinstanleyV twenty-one plans and prospects of Audley End, and his draught of the Edystone Light House. CAMPO (Ant.) Historia di Cremona, con le veri Ritratti de' Duchi e Duchesse di Milano (including the portraits of Queen Mary of England, and both those of King Philip n. of Spain, with and without the Bonnet,) fol. Cremona, in Casa deWAutore, 1585. The plates to this work were drawn and engraved by Agostino Carracci. CAS AS (Bart, de las) Narratio Regionum Indicarum, et Crudelitates Hispanorum in Indiis ; cum jig. fratrum de Bry, 4to. Franco/. 15Q8. CHINESE. A Chinese Work, containing several hundred small scenographic representations of arts, exercises, amuse- ments, &c. of the Chinese, large 8vo. CICERONIS (M. T.) Opera edid. Jos. Olivetus, 9 torn. CH. MAG. Pam, 1740, 1, 2. FRANCE. Memoires sur plusieurs Provinces, Villes, Ge- u The plans and prospects of Audley-ende, twenty-five in number, were engraved in 1676. The copper-plates were, it is said, sold to a brazier in Cambridge as old copper, and beaten to pieces; the prints are consequently become extremely scarce. Dr. Mead's copy was sold for .60. by a mistake of the person employed to bid for it. See in G&tgKs Topography, i. 357, account of Audley Inn, and anecdotes of the family of the Winstanleys. 132 DUBLIN, TRIN. COLL. LIBRARY. neralites, &c. de la France, 32 torn. fol. avec 40 grandes Cartes. MSS. FRANCE. Recueil de Pieces en Prose et en Vers, tres rares et curieux, touchaut les Troubles en France, pendant les Annees 1648 et 1649, 12 torn. 4to. FUGGERORUM et Fuggerarum quae in familia nataa quaeve in familiam transieruut, quot extant expressae Imagines 127 ; CH. MAG. fol. Aug. Find. 15Q3. The first edition, Kith eleven additional portraits, mak- ing together 158. The plates are chiefly engraved by Wolff. Kilian. HALL, in Saxony, The Grand Festival at, anno I6l6; the Procession, &c. represented in seventy copper-plates, by C. Grahle; the description in German, fol. Halle, 1617. KOTTEB* (Chiistoph.) Lux e Tenebris, hoc est clivina- Revelationes Christinae Poniatoviae et Nic. Drabicii, cum Jig. et iconibiiSy 4to. 1665. LOGGAN* (Dav.) Cantabrigia Illustrata, CH. MAG.\( \ 34 plates, fol. Cantab. Oxouia Illustrata, CH. MAG. 40 X plates, fol. Oxon. 1675. x This false prophet and visionary enthusiast, with his coadjutors, x^ Drabjciu* and the Bohemian maiden, attracted considerable notice in their day : they prophesied that the Turks were to ruin the House of Austria; when Vicuna was besieged in 1683, this book was prodi- giously sought after, and sold at a very high price. Had the Turks made themselves masters of that city, new editions would have multi- plied considerably. See an account of these fanatics in Gen. Diet. vi. p. 567, &c. y David Loggan distinguished himself by the accuracy and execu- tion of his views of the buildings in both Universities ; fine impressions of these works are now scarce. From the advertisement below, it appears, that he intended to en- grave a view of the Cathedral of Wells; but this was never published 133 DUBLIN, TRIN. COLL. LIBRARY. LOTICHII (Jo. Pet.) Res Germanicae sub Matthia, et Ferdinandis n. et 111. Imper. ab anno 1617 ad ann. 1643, Jig. de Math. Merian, 2 toin. fol. Franco/. 1646 50. The second volume comprehends a particular account of the troubles in England, and the breaking out of the civil war temp Car. i. v.ilh a view of the trial, and another of the execution, of Lord Strafford. MAIERI (Mich.) Atalanta frigiens, hoc est, Emblemata nova de Secretis Naturse Chymica cum Jig. J. T. De Bry, 4to. Oppenh. 1618. MANNUCCI (Aldo) Vita di Cosimo de' Medici, primo Gran Duca di Toscana, fol. Bolog. 1586. MESS EN 11 (Jo.) Scondia Illustrata, sen chronologia de rebus Scondiae, hoc est, Sueciae, Daniae, Norvegiae, &c. ob- servationibus aucta a Joan. Peringskiold, 10 torn, in 1 vol. fol. Stockholm. Olavus Mnam, 1700 1703. The second and best edition of a most learned and exact work. Fid. Cat. de la Valliere 5372 : or Dufresnoy. MONTMORENCY. Deduction de 1'Innocence de Messire Philippe, Baron de Montmorency, Conte de Hoorn, &c. 8vo. Imprime au mois d'Avril, 1579- M UN TING (Abr.) Herbal in Dutch, 2 vols. fol. large paper, Jig. Leyde, Vander Aa, 1696. Thefgures of plants are coloured in the style of highly finished drawings, and bordered with gold; the title-pages, head and tailpieces, and the capital letters, richly illumi- nated. v- " Lost, a large draught of the Cathedral Church of Wells, with pen and Indian ink, in order lo be engraven ; whoever shall bring the said draught to David Loggan, next door to the Golden Head, Leicester Fields, shall receive a reward of forty shillings." London Gazette, March 15, 19, 1G7G. 134 DUBLIN, TRIN. COLL. LIBRARY. ORB INI (Mauro) 11 Regno degli Slavi, oggi detti Schia>- voni, della loro origine sino all 1 anno 1370, fol. Jig. Pesaro, 1601. PLUTARCH i Vitae Lat. diversorum Interpretum, 2 torn, fol. in mernbr. J enet. Nic. Jenson, 1478. Thejirst page of each volume, and the capitals through- /. out, are illuminated. Roo de, (Gerardi) Annales Rerum ab Austriacis princi- pibus gestarum ; a Rudolpho i. ad Carolum v. fol. CEni- ponti, 1592. RUDBECKII (Olavi) Atlantica, sive Manheim, Suec. et Lat.^'g. cum Olai Verelii Indice Linguae Vet. Scytho-Scan- dicae, sive Gothicae; 3 torn. fol. Upsal. 1675 8998. RVELLE (Claude de la) Pourtraicts des Ceremonies, Honneurs et Pompe Funeb. faitz au Corps de feu Prince Charles in. Due de Lorraine, &c. avec plus de 60 planches, par Fr. Brentel; Lat. Fr. folio; Nancy, Polaise Andre, 1608. SANDFORD'S (Fr.) Genealogical History of the Kings of England ; plates by Hollar, fol. large paper, 1677- SEPULVEDA (Jo. Genes.) Liber Gestorum jEgid. Al- bomotii viri przeclarissimi, &.c. fol. Bonon. Hier. de Benedic- tis, 1521. SUECIA Antiqua et Hodierna, with upwards of 400 plates by Vanden Aveeler and others, 3 vols. fol. obi. Holmice, 16911702. TRACTS A Collection of Historical and PoliticalTracts, upwards of ten thousand in number ; comprehending the rise, progress, and political efforts of the United Provinces of the Netherlands in the 16th and 17th centuries ; in Latin, French, Flemish, and Dutch ; in about 250 volumes sm. 4to. with a catalogue of the contents. 135 DUBLIN, THIN. COLL. LIBRARY. VALENTYN (Fr.) Oud en Nieuw Cost Indien, 8 torn, fol. fig.Dord. 1724 26. VANDER Stil (Heer Simon) Journal of a Voyage to the Cape, Anno 1685, in Dutch, with seventy-two coloured drawings of various animals, plants, Sfc. MS. VELDENAR'S Chronyk, 4to. large paper, Utrecht, 1480. " The cuts (and, if I mistake not, the first book printed with cuts) armorial bearings and circles are coloured. An extra-fine copy of a very rare book." S. Paterson. WILSON (Marc) Theatre d'Honneur et de Chevalerie, ou le Miroir Heroique de la Noblesse, ^/g. 2 torn. fol. Paris, 1638. With the plate of the grand Carousel at Paris, 5, 6, 7, April 1612, which is often wanting. WIRTEMBERG A. The Grand Festivals at Stutgard in the Duchy of Wirtemberg in the years 160Q and ]6l6; the pro- cessions represented in upwards of 3QQ plates : the descriptions in German, 2 vols. fol. obi. 136 EDINBURGH. THE ADVOCATES' LIBRARY. THE celebrated Sir George Mackenzie, Lord Advocate of Scotland, had the merit of project- ing this institution and of founding it in 1682. In addition to the printed books, the Faculty are in possession of a valuable collection of MSS. con- sisting of the registers of many of the Scottish monasteries, of illuminated Missals, and volumes of original papers relating to the affairs of Scot- land, as well as copies of others which have been preserved by Sir Robert Cotton, or are extant in. the public offices in England. Among the Scottish historical records the most remarkable are, Letters from James v. and the Earl of Arran, governor of the kingdom in the in- fancy of Queen Mary, to the Kings of England, France, Norway, and Portugal, to the Duke of Guise, Earl of Suffolk, &c. &c. from 1539 to)C 1542. EDINBURGH, THE ADVOCATES' LIBRARY. Original Letters by Anne of Denmark, Queen of James vi. ; by Prince Henry and Prince Charles, his sons ; by the Princess Elizabeth, his daughter ; by the Elector Palatine, and his son, to King James vi. entirely of a familiar nature. In 1698, the Faculty purchased, at a considera- ble expense, all those scarce and curious MSS. which had been collected by Sir James Balfour, Lyon King at Arms. In 1707 they received a large donation of books in Natural History, to which many of the most costly and magnificent works on that branch of science have since been added. Frequent contributions increased the collec- tion, and a settled fund for its benefit was at length established ; every advocate on his admis- sion to the honours and profits of the profession, is obliged to pay a certain sum ; a part of which is appropriated to the augmentation of the libra- ry. Though abounding with valuable editions in every class of literature, it contains but an incon- siderable number of those exceedingly rare books of a higher class that are to be found in many of the English collections. In 1700, the room where the library was kept being nearly destroyed by fire, it was removed to the place which it at present occupies, the ground- floor of the Parliament House. The first volume of the catalogue, begun in <<1735, was printed in 1742, under the care of the 138 EDINBURGH, THE ADVOCATES' LIBRARY. learned Ruddiman,* and Mr. Walter Goodall, the keepers ; the second, consisting of later acquisi- tions, was compiled by Mr. Alexander Brown," 1 ' the librarian ; this was followed by a third volume in 1807. The first production of the Scottish press, pre- served in this library, should not here pass un- noticed : it is a Breviary composed by the Bishop of Aberdeen for the use of his cathedral, and printed in the year 1509 ; it consists of two vo- lumes in small octavo; the title-page of the first, and some leaves at the end are wanting. The second volume, printed in 1510, has at the begin- ning a calendar, and at the end these words : - " Opido Edinburgensi impresso jussu et impensis honorabilis viri Walteri Chepman ejusdem opidi Mercatoris quarto die Junii milessimo ccccc deci- mo;" on the outside of this leaf is a wooden en- graving representing a man and woman, clothed with skins of beasts, their shoulders bare, and their heads adorned with wreaths of flowers : between them stands a tree, upon which is sus- pended a shield with W. C. in Cypher. Vid. Herbert's Ames, in. 1468. * Ruddiman retaiued his situation of Keeper of the Advocates' Library nearly fifty years : he was, on his resignation, succeeded by the celebrated Da\id Hume. 133* ETON COLLEGE LIBRARY Is a noble room about ninety-seven feet long, yet forming three distinct apartments, with galleries above, and an ante-room ; it was erected in the early part of the last century. The Collection has at various times been en- riched by munificent bequests. Dr. Waddington, Bishop of Chichester, gave numerous volumes of theological, historical, and political tracts. Sir Henry Savile, Dean Godolphin, and Nicholas Mann, Esq. Master of the Charter-House, were benefactors. The late Richard Topham, Esq. formerly Keeper of His Majesty's Records in the Tower, bequeathed his Collection of MS. Bibles; theological and classical authors, mostly fine copies, and of the best editions ; drawings by Bartoli of the Antiquities of the Tyrol, &c. exe- cuted from the originals at Rome, and other parts of Italy. Mr. Pote, of Bengal, presented to the library about 260 volumes of Persian manuscripts. The late Mr. Anthony Storer* gave to the * Mr. Storer was educated at Eton, with Mr. Fox and Earl Fjtz- william ; and at Cambridge with the Earl of Carlisle. Having finished his academic course, he became a leader of fashion, and for many years figured in the circle of bon ton. He was an accomplished, po- lite, and elegant man ; but influenced, at times, by a state of health 134* ETON COLLEGE LIBRARY. College his elegant and curious library of Italian and classical books ; among the latter are several Aldine editions, and large paper Maittaires ; Old Plays, Topographical and Historical Works, and a series of Prints and valuable Portraits, particu- larly his illustrated copy of Granger's Biographic cal History, in sixteen large folio volumes : the whole were estimated at about 8,000/. Many of highly bilious ; be occasionally assumed a brusque demeanour, ap- proaching to rudeness ; this would be apparent from the querulous tone of his voice, and the strongly distorted lines of his sickly coun- tenance. He had an extensive knowledge of the editions and relative value of books, and was well conversant iu portraits and prints : a cheap purchase was at all times a source of infinite gratification to him. His volumes were select, and great assiduity and care were bestowed in acquiring them. Mr. Storer died at Bristol Hot Wells, July 5, 1799, in his 54th year. The following Inscription to his memory, written by a fellow student, is placed in Purley Church : H. S. E. ANTOMUS MORRIS STORER, Vir sui temporis multo elegantissimus, Et centum amator artium in plurimis facile princeps. A secretis Comitis de Carlisle Americam visit, Legationis a secretis ad Regem Christianissimum missus est. Domi Senator fuit. Notus interim animi fundatoris, In Collegium Henrici Sexti, Id omne quod alii amico genio, Haeredi largitus est. Obiit anno aetatis suae LIV. Hoc manner testament! curatores Faciundum jusserunt. Inscripsit Stephanus. 155* ETON COLLEGE LIBRARY. his books are adorned with prints and drawings by various artists. This munificent benefaction is commemorated by the following elegant and classical inscription, placed in the library, under a portrait of the donor, in his academic dress. " Libros hosce perelegantes, judicio suo subtili, nee mediocri suinptu undique conquisitos, ANTONIUS MORRIS STORER, de Purley in agro Berkiensi arm 1 .; Liberalium artium Cultor egregius, pueritiae hie actae memor, Collegio Etonensi pie et munifice testamento legavit, A. D. MDCCXCIX. Dona haec, subsidia literarum pulcherrima, Nostrum erit grate commemorare, fideliter tueri." 136* ETON COLLEGE LIBRARY. ASHMOLE'S (El.) Antiquities of Berkshire, 3 vols. in 2. L. p. 8vo. 1719, with additional plates. BIB LI A Hebraica, 2 vols. fol. Neap. 1487. Impress, in Membr. " This very curious edition has many words different from all the Hebrew copies printed afterwards, and contrary to the Masora. This is probably one of the reasons for which the whole edition may have been destroyed, except this copy.*" " Hoc exemplar unicum et flammis ereptum ubi pars est credere et solo raritatis nomine estimandum." Bibliotheca Coll. Reg. Eton, donavit Tho. Pellet. MS. note. De hoc libra vide Biblioth. Ebr&a Wolfii. BIBLIA Hebraica pars tertia quam Cethubim vocant Hap- brei, cum comment Rabb. Liberari, 2 vols. 4to. Neap. 1487. Liber valde pretiosus. Hibernice, 4to. Lond. 1685. X Islandica, sen Runica juxta vers. Lutheri ; jussu Friderici II. Daniae Regis publicata, fol. Holm. Island. 1584. BURNET'S (Gilb.) History of his Own Time, 2 vols. fol. L. P. 1724. Illustrated with many fine and rare portraits, and bound in 4 vols. CECCO d'Ascoli (Franc, de Stab.) de I'ordine de Cieli, 4to. Vm. 1478. \\&.T, CLAVEL (John) His Recantation of an ill-led Life, 4to. 1634, with the Life and Death of Capt. G. Cusack, Capt. James Whitney, and the Rebel Stenko Razin. CLITI A Veronese, Finfelice Amore di Giulia e Romeo, in ottava rima, 8vo.'- Vineg. 1553. CORYAT'S (Thos.) Crudities. 4to. l6ll, with additional plates. "* Four or 0vc more copies are supposed to exist in other collections. 137* ETON COLLEGE LIBRARY. GASCOIGNE (Geo.) The Droome of Doomesday, 4to. 1576. GRAMMONT (Comte de) Memoires du, par Antoine Ha- milton, 4to. Strawb. Hill, 1771, with additional portraits. GRANGER'S (Jas.) Biographical History of England, il- lustrated with numerous portraits, in 16 vols. folio, bound in Russia leather. Original Letters to Richard Bull, Esq. &c. MS. 4to; H ADDON i (Gualt.) Orationes, Epistolae, &c. Hatcheri, S 4to. Lond. 1567. See an account of this Author in Beloe's Anted. V. 217. JASON, Histoire de, fol. s. a. et I. said to be unique. LUCRETIUS, 4to. Vemt. Aldus, 1500. The Colbert copy in ornamented binding. La plus belle exemplaire que n'ai jamais vu. MS. note. LUDUS Scacchiae, Chesse Play, 4to. H. Jackson, 1597. Mis SALE Romanum Enchiridion preclare ecclesie Sa- rum. 8vo. printed on vellum, with illuminations, Paris, Har- douyn, 1530. This book belonged to Queen Mary I. , The following sentence, in her hand-writing, is said to have been ad- dressed to her Lord Chamberlain, when on her death-bed ; " My Lorde, I shall desire you to pray for me. Mary the Queene." This volume afterwards came into the possession ' of Mary of Este, Queen of James II. and subsequently into the hands of a London bookseller, from whom it was purchased for fifty-three shillings, by Bishop Fleetwood, and presented "7io the College Library. MONTE Santo di Dio, composta da Antonio da Sienna, fol. Fir. 1491. In l\ie first edition of this book, printed at Florence in 1477, we have some of the earliest specimens of copper plate engraving extant, supposed to be executed by Baccio Baldini. Vid. Ottley's Hist, of Engraving, I. 375. 138* ETON COLLEGE LIBRARY. NANTEUIL (Rob.) Les Ouvrages de, 2 vols. fol. a fine Collection of Portraits by this celebrated Engraver. PARKER (Mat.) de Antiquitate EcclesiaB Britannicse, fol. 1572, with the Archbishop's MS. corrections of the proof sheets, in his own hand-writing. Mr. Tutet's copy, complete, collated by Dr. Rawlinson, and also by Dr. Drake for his new edition. PORTRAITS, British, a large Collection of, arranged ac- cording to Bromley's Catalogue, in 1 1 vols. atlas fol. REYNOLDS (Sir Josh.) A Collection of Portraits after this Master, in 3 atlas folio vols. SHAKSPEARE'S Works, fol. first edit. 1623. illustrated with prints. SMITH'S (Capt. John) History of Virginia, fol. L. p. This copy belonged to K. James I. " The arms pasted in- side were part of the original binding when I bought the book : 1 met with it at Derby, at a dirty bookseller's in that town." A. Storer. MS. note. Rebound in green morocco^ by Roger Payne. THUANI Historia, cunl Buckley, 7 torn. fol. in 14, the second large paper. Lond. 1733. Illustrated with portraits. WALPOLE'S (Hor.) Anecdotes of Painting and Engraving in England, 5 vols. 4to. Strazvb. Hill, 1762, &c. with addi- tional portraits. Noble Authors, 2 vols. small 8vo. Strawb. Hill, 1758. Illustrated with prints, and bound in 2 vols. fol. WILLIS'S (Browne) History of the Town of Buckingham, &c. 4to. 1755. with additional plates. WRIGHT'S (Jas.) Antiquities of Rutlandshire, L. p. fol. 1684, with additional plates. 139 GLASGOW HUNTERIAN MUSEUM. DR. William Hunter, one of the most eminent collectors of his time, like his predecessor, the munificent Mead, expended large sums in enrich- ing his Museum with the most valuable treasures of ancient learning. This library of printed books comprises more than twelve thousand volumes, among which are many of the rarest specimens of early typogra- phy ; considerable additions to the ancient clas- sical department were made at the sale of the celebrated Askew collection : some of the copies on vellum, from the presses of the early Venetian and Florentine printers, are of unrivalled splen- dour. Among the English printers we may enumerate several productions by Caxton and Wynken de Worde ; and some of the Chronicles in black letter. The manuscripts, exceeding six hundred vo- lumes in number, form a splendid collection ; se- veral are written on vellum, and beautifully illu- minated : there are many superb Missals, oriental 140 GLASGOW, HUNTERIAN MUSEUM. manuscripts, both ancient and modern, original historical documents, and several pieces of old English and Scottish poetry. The department of MSS. has, since its arrival at Glasgow, been augmented both by purchase and donation. Captain J. Laskey, in his account of the Hun- terian Museum, printed at Glasgow in 1813, has briefly enumerated the titles of several of the early editions of the classics, &c. that are to be found in this collection. JEsopus, Gr. 4to. ED. PR. absque ulla nota (sed Me- y^y. diol. circa 1480). AMMIANUS Marcellinus, fol. ED. PR. Roma, 1474. ANTHOLOGIA Epigram matum Graecorum, Gr. ED. PR. in membr. Florent. 1494. APOLLONIUS Rhodius, Gr. ED. PR. 4to. Florent. 1496. APPIANUS, Lat. interp. Pet. Candido, fol. (Yen.) V. de Spira, 1472. APULEIUS, ED. PR. fol. Roma;, 1469. ARISTOPHANES, ED. PR. fol. Vend. Aldus, 1498. ARISTOTELIS Opera, Gr. ED. PR. 6 vols. fol. Venet. X- V Aldus, 14958. ASTRO NO MI Veteres, Gr. Lat. fol. Venet. Aldus, 1499. AUGUSTINUS (S.) de Civitate Dei, fol. Roma, 1468. AUSONH Epigrammatum liber, et alia opuscula, ED. PR. fol. (Fenet.) 1472. BIB LI A Latina, fol. Mogunt. P. Schoiffer, 1472. && BIB LI A volgare historiata (per Nicolo de Malermi) 2 vols* fol. Fenezia, 1471. 141 GLASGOW, HUNTERIAN MUSEUM. BUR LEY (Walt, de) liber de vita ac moribus philosopho- rum poetarumque vet. 4to. Colon. CJESAR, Ep. PR. fol. Roma, 3469- CATULLUS, Tibullus et Propertius, ED. PR. fol. Fenet. . de Spira, 1472. C AX TON. The Boke called Caton, fol. 1483. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. The Cronicles of Englond, fol. 1480. Godefroy of Boloyne, fol. 1481. The Golden Legende, fol. 1 483. Thymage or Myrrour of the Worlde, fol. 1481. Myrrour of the blessyd Lyf of Christe, fol. (no date.) Polycronicon, fol. 1482. . Virgilius, the Boke of Eneydos, fol. 1490. CELSUS (Corn.) de Medicina, 4to. ED. PR. Florent. 1478. CICERONIS Officiorum, lib. in. ED. PR. Mogunt. 1465. in membr. ib. 1466. CLARENDON (Lord), Letters to, by the most celebrated characters of his time. MS. CLAUDIANI Opera, ED. PR. fol. Ficent. 1482. DANTE, col comm. da Imola, fol. Fen. Spira, 147*1. DEVONSHIRE (Duke of), Cabinet of Gems, engraved by Gosmond, 4to. S9 plates, (Fid. p. 41.) DIVES et Pauper, fol. Pynson, 1493. s ELIZABETH (Q.) Original Proclamations by, a large vo- lume. They are fairly written, and all signed by her majes- ty's own hand, many of them are countersigned by her lord chancellor, and other great officers of state. They are of dif- ferent years of her reign, and relate to Spanish, Irish, and Scotch affairs, War, Treaties, and Peace, Traytors, Par- 142 GLASGOW, HUNTERIAN MUSEUM. dons, and Commissions, Coin, Mint, Wines, Wood, Woollen Cloth, &c. MS. ESTHER, the Book of, in the Hebrew language. MS. The margins are ornamented with figures of birds and flowers, drawn in Indian ink. EUTROPIUS, fol. ED. PR. Roma (G. Laur.) HERODOTUS, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Venet. Aldus, 1502. HOMERI Opera, Gr. in 3 vols. fol. ED. PR. 1488, ISOCRATES, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Medial. 1493. JOHANNIS (S.) Evangelists Historia; an early specimen of wooden-block printing. JOSEPHUS, Latine; fol. ED. PR. Augusta, 1470. y*V LEGEND, the Golden, fol. Empr. by Jul. Notary, 1503. .*/- LUDOLPHI Carthusiensis, Vita Christi, translate en fran- cois de Touvrage latin, par le Grand. On vellum, with illu- minated miniatures; in the ancient red velvet binding, 4 vols. fol. MS. (From the collection of M* Gaignat.) LYD GATE'S Sege and Destruccyon of Troye, fol. Pyn- son, 1513. MACROBIUS, fol. ED. PR. Venet. N. Jenson, 1472. MUNDINI Anatomia, fol. Papia, 1478. NEPQS (Corn.) fol. ED. PR. Venet. 1471. OVIDII Opera, fol. ED^PR. Bononia, Balth. Azogui- y^f dus. The first book printed at Bologna. Ov i DII Opera, 2 torn. fol. Roma, Szceynh. et Pann. 147 1 . PLATONIS Opera, Gr. 2 vols. fol. ED. PR. Venet. Al- dus, impress, in membr. 1513. This fine copy of the Aldine Plato, on vellum, was pur- chased by Dr. Hunter, at Askew's sale, for fifty-three gui- neas; it was Lord Oxford's copy, and cost him \Q5. PLIKII Historia Naturalis, foL ED. PR. Venet. 146Q. PLUTARCH i Vitae, Latine, ED. PR. lloma (circa 1470). 143 GLASGOW, HUNTERIAN MUSEUM. POGGII Facetiae, fol. absque ulla nota, (1470.) PRISCIANI Grammatica, fol. ED. PR. cum anni nota; (Fenet. V. de Spira,) 1470. PROMPTORIUS Puerorum, fol. Imp. per Rich. Pynson. 1499. > \; SALLUSTIUS, fol. ED. PR. cum anni nota; (Fenet. Find, de Spira,) 1470. SCOTI (Mich.) phisionomiae liber, 4to. 1477. TAMBACO (Joan, de) Consolationes Theologize, fol. This work, printed in imitation of MS. about 1475, has not the printer's name or residence. It bears the date of 1 366. TERENTIANUS (Maurus) de Litteris et syllabis etmetris Horatii, fol. ED. PR. Medial 1497. TEWRDANNCTH (illustria facta clarissimi Herois et Equi- tis) Poema Germanica lingua conscriptum a Melchior Pfintz- ing, decano Norimbergensi, cum 118 pulch. tab. ligno incisis ornatum; (per Hans Scheffelein) impress in membr. fol. Norimb. 1517. This allegorical poem was composed in honour of the ( marriage of the Emperor Maximilian the First, \vith the Princess Mary of Burgundy ; and some authors affirm that it was written by the imperial bridegroom himself. THESAURUS Cornucopia?, &c. Gr. fol. Fen. Aldus, 1496. VALERIUS Maximus, fol. ED. PR. cum anni nota, Mog. 1471. WORDE (W. de) Exornatorium Curatorum, 4to. WORDE (W. de) The Kalendar of Shepeherdes, 4to. 1528. WORDE (W. de) The Myracles of our blessyd Lady, 4to. 1530. WORDE (W.de) The Ordynarye of Crysten Men, 4to, 1506. 144 LONDON.- LIBRARY OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES. A CATALOGUE of the printed books, drawn up by Nicholas Carlisle, Esq. secretary, was printed in 1816, in 4to. A catalogue of the manuscripts, prepared by Henry Ellis, Esq. secretary, is attached to the . above volume. a The beautiful library at the Gray Friars in London, called Christe's Hospital, was built by the celebrated Sir Richard Whitington, thrice Lord Mayor of London. Stow informs us, that " Richard Whiting- ton in the yeere 1429 founded the library, which was in length one hundred twenty and nine feete, and in breadth thirty one; all seeled with wainscot, having 28 deskes, and eight double settles of wainscot; which (in the next yeere following) was altogether finished in build- ing, and within 3 yeeres after furnished with bookes, to the charges of five hundred fifty five pound tenne shillings, whereof Richard Whit- ington bare foure hundred pound, the rest was borne by Doctor Tho- mas Winchelsey, a frier there: and for the writing out of D. Nicholas de Lira his workes in two volumes to be chained there, 100 markes," Sec. Stow's Survey of London, 4to. 1618, p. 590. Leland (Collect. HI. p. 52) relates that John Wallden, a learned carmelite, bequeathed to the same library as many MSS. of approved authors, written in capital Roman characters, as were then estimated LONDON, LIBRARY OF THE BARBARO (Daniel), Relazione fatta nel Serenissimo Se- nato dopo la sua legazione d'Inghilterra, ove fu Ambasciatore per la Serenissima Republica, in tempo del Re Odoardo vi. nel 1551, 4to. Londra. BLUNDELL (H.) Engravings of Statues, Busts, &c. in the collection of Henry Blundell, Esq. 2 vols. imp. fol. 1809. (Fid. p. 30.) CARVE (Tho.) Lyra, sive Anacephalaeosis Hibernica ; 4to. Sulzb. 1666. CHAUNC* b (Sir H.) The Historical Antiquities of Hert- fordshire; with plates; fol. Lond. 1700. at more than 2000 pieces of gold. He adds, that this library, even in his time, exceeded all others in London for multitude of books and antiquity of copies. "Adjoining to the chapel (of Guildhall) on the south side, Mas sometime a faire and large library, furnished with bookes, pertaining to the Guildhall and Colledge. These bookes, as it is said, were in the reign of Edward the 6. sent for by Edward Duke of Somerset, lord protector, with promise to be restored shortly: men laded from thence 3 carrtes with them, but they were never returned. This li- brary was builded by the executors of R. Whithigton, and by W. Bury." Stow (ut tupra), 494. An account of the public and private libraries in London, in the be- ginning of the last century, extracted from Bagford's papers in the British Museum, may be seen in the Gent's Mag. for the months of Sept Oct. Nov. and Dec. 1816. In the same magazine for July, 1790, Mr. Henry Lemoine had pre- viously communicated many of the preceding accounts, without ac- knowledging the name of the writer. b " In the Portledgc Library was found a proposal, dated 1697, by four booksellers of London, for printing the above book, in which they apologize to the nobility and gentry, that on account of the dearness of paper, and higkprice of printing, they shall be under the necessity of charging the subscribers twenty shillings for each book; which would 146 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES. COINS. A Book in folio, written in different hands; chiefly relating to Coins and Coinage ; and including nume- rous Deeds on vellum, and printed Proclamations respecting Money. MS. CROMWELL (Ol.) Letters, Addresses, Petitions, &c. to Oliver Cromwell, between the years 1650 and 1654. Ori- ginals, on Paper. At the beginning of the volume is a table of contents, with the names of the writers and the dates of the different letters, folio. MS. DARNLEY (Hen. Lord). A thin volume in quarto, con- taining an Account of an ancient Picture, representing the Death of King Henry Darnley of Scotland, brought to Eng- , land by the Duke of Richmond, from his Castle of Aubign6. At the end of the account is the signature of Martin Folkes. P. R. S. MS. EDWARD vi. 1. A Short Abstract of the Manner and v/ 1 Forme of Coronation of King Edward the sixt, with the Pompe, Services, and Ceremonies therto of Antiquitie belong- ing and still vsed. 2. An older and more detailed Account of the Accession and Coronation of the King: with a minute Description of the Pageants. 3. The Order directed to be preserved in the Procession both at the coming from the Tower and the Coronation of v Queen Mary, folio. MS. HENRY vm. " The ffirste Part of the Inventory of the Juelles, Plate, Stuff, Ordenaunce, Munition, and other goods be a large folio, on fine paper, of 110 full sheets, including five maps and thirty-Jive elegant engravings of the seats, monuments, &c. of the nobility and gentry of that county. Of this work 500 copies were printed, and lately a copy was sold in London for upwards of forty 147 LONDON, LIBRARY OF THE belonging to our late Souerayne Lorde King Henry theight, pervsed and examyned by certeyne Commissioners apointed by the Kinges Maiestie that nowe is by his Highnes Lettres Patentes." 1 Edw. vi. folio. MS. HENTZNER (Paulus), J. C. Itinerarium Germanise, ;' Gallia?, Angliaa, et Italiae; cum indice, 4to. Bresla, 1617. HOWARD (Lord). "The Boke of dayly percellis be- gonne the xx n yere off Kyng Edward the iiij th and the xxiij* day of Feuerer wyche lastyth vnto the xiiij. day off Octobre in the xxij" yere off the Rayng off the sayde Kyng Edward ; & /also Rekenyngis for the goyng into Skotlande." Folio. An original book of the domestic and other expences of John Lord Howard, afterwards Duke of Norfolk. MS. JAMES I. (K.) Ordinances for the Government and Or- dering of the Household of King James the First. On tt-Z- lum. An original book, signed by the king at the beginning and the end. At the end are Declarations respecting Diett for the different departments, folio. MS. KEIMHAION Supellectilis Antiquariae penes Christopho- rum Wren C ri . fil. MDCC.XXIX. quo continentur Marmora, Statuae, Gemmae, Numismata Graeca et Romana, aliaque Vetuslatis Monumenta. Tomi duo, folio. MS. Ox FORD. -^-Collections relating chiefly to the University of Oxford ; extracted from the several public libraries there by "William Smith, senior fellow of University College, and rec- tor of Melsonby in the county of York." Making 27 vols. in 4to. An elaborate table of contents occurs at the begin- ning of each volume. MS. STATE PAPERS, various, of the time of King Charles the First. MS. WEEVER (John). " The Rul'd Paper Booke;" contain- ing numerous collections from books and manuscripts in the hand-writing of John Weever the antiquary. At the begin- 148 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES. iiing is an Index which does not appear to refer to this vo- lume, but to Stow's Annals, &c. fol. MS. WEEVER (John) "A Discourse of Funerall Monuments, of Burialls, and Kind of Buriall, of the Foundation and Fall of Religious Houses, of Religious Orders, and of other oc- currences touched vpon in the whole passage of these intend- ed Labours." In folio. The original MS. of Weever's Fu- neral Monuments. Together with the rough draft for the Index to his printed work, fol. MS. WIN TON DOMESDAY. This volume, which is of the small foiio size, and apparently in its original covers, is written upon thirty-three leaves of vellum, and is divided into two parts or portions. The first is entitled, "Liber de terris Regis reddenti- bus," &c. The second, " Inquisitio de terris Winton." The former part of this MS. appears to have been com- piled in the time of King Henry i. Prefixed to the MS. are some remarks on its history and contents in the hand- Writing of Bishop Lyttelton. It is also accompanied by twenty-six leaves of vellum, the remains of a Latin Service- Book of the Saxon period, which were taken by a former possessor from within the ornamented covers. This MS. is said to have been formerly in the possession of Dr. Young, Dean of Winchester in the time of King James I. It was afterwards purchased at the sale of the library of James West, Esq. by Mr. Brander. MS. WORSLEYANUM, Museum, or a collection of antique Basso-Relievos, Bustos, &c. &c. 2vols. fol. London, 1794. (Fid, p. 63.) 149 LONDON. BRITISH MUSEUM: (Vid. p. 1 04.) LONDON INSTITUTION "WAS established in the year 1805, by the exer- tions of a few spirited individuals ; one of the principal objects is the formation of a valuable and extensive library; works on the sciences, ge- neral history, and particularly topography, are both numerous and valuable in this collection; it contains also many of the best authors in classical, Italian, and Spanish literature. A splendid edifice is now erecting in Lower Moorfields for the purposes of this establishment; the library is ninety-seven feet long, and forty-two feet wide; with a gallery on each side, and light- ed by a double range of windows. A catalogue of the library of the London In- stitution, arranged in alphabetical order, was printed in 1813; it forms an octavo volume of 750 pages. ROYAL INSTITUTION " Was founded by the liberality of a few noblemen and gentlemen for the immediate use of the sub- scribers to that establishment. It contains the best and most useful edition of every Greek and 150 LONDON, ROYAL SOCIETY. Roman classic author, with the best translations in English, and some in other modern languages. The class of mathematical science, in all its branches, is very full, with the best scientific journals and transactions of learned and philoso- phical societies. The historical class, particu- larly the English, will be found very interesting. Towards the formation of the library a purchase was made of the entire collection of the late Tho- mas Astle, Esq. author of the " Origin and Pro- gress of Writing:" which library was chiefly col- lected by the Rev. Philip Morant, author of the y History of the County of Essex. Many of the books are enriched with his manuscript notes, particularly those relating to Biography." Pre- face, p. v. to A Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Methodi- cally arranged, with an alphabetical index of au- thors. By William Harris, keeper of the library. 8vo. 1809. ROYAL SOCIETY. Lord Henry Howard, afterwards Duke of/ Norfolk, and grandson of that eminent virtuoso, Thomas Earl of Arundel, gave his noble library to the Royal Society soon after its formation in ' 1662: this gift was obtained through the influ- ence of the celebrated John Evelyn, a most zea- lous promoter of that establishment : it is a repo- 151 LONDON, SIGN COLLEGE LIBRARY. sitory chiefly of books of science and general li- terature; and has been considerably enlarged by the donations of private individuals; these are usually reported in the annual volumes of the Philosophical Transactions. Of this collection no catalogue has been published since the year 1(38 l. d SIGN COLLEGE LIBRARY Was built about the year 1630, at the expense of John Sympson, rector of St. Olave's, one of the executors of Dr. Thomas White, the founder, for the benefit of the London clergy. The books were furnished by various benefactors, whose names were preserved in a large vellum register; and the library was much augmented by the re- moval of the collection from the old cathedral of X St. Paul's to the College in 1647. " d Marmaduke Foster, according to Bagford, took a catalogue of this library in 1687; but, before it was printed, it was curtailed by some who knew nothing of the matter. This valuable library, great part of which came out of that of Matthew Corvinus, King of Hun- gary, at Bud&, belonged to Bilibaldus Pirkcimerus, counsellor to Charles v. whose great learning and extensive abilities, both in the y field and cabinet, were equal to his piety and probity. A considerable part of the collection, particularly such books as related to their branch of study, were given by the Duke of Norfolk to the College of Hc- - raids in 1678, and are now in their library, marked H. D. N. Later benefactions making a more full and perfect catalogue necessary, one was prepared for the press, but never printed. Vid. Gougk's Topog. 1.662. LONDON, THE TOWER. Part of the building, with several books, being destroyed in the great fire of London, the whole edifice was soon afterwards rebuilt, and the col- lection enlarged. George, Earl of Berkeley, in 1682, bestowed the very valuable library of Sir Robert Coke, son *. of the lord chief justice ; and, at his death, in. 1698, he bequeathed his own library to the College. In the year 1679, a collection belonging to the Jesuits was seized at Holbeck, in Yorkshire, con- fiscated to the crown, and, through the media- tion of Archbishop Saricroft, was granted by the king for the use of the College. Other benefac- tors were Dr. Lawson, Mr. Thomas James, print- er ; the Rev. Mr. Waple; Henry Compton, Bishop of London, &c. &c. A large proportion of the collection consists of the sacred writings and their commentators ; ec- clesiastical history, and polemic writers. A classed catalogue, with an alphabetical in- dex, compiled by Wm. Reader, Library-Keeper, was published in folio, 1724. THE TOWER. The RECORDS preserved in Wakefield Tow- er, and in the White Tower, commonly called Caesar's Chapel, are of various kinds. In the former are deposited the ROLLS OP PARLIAMENT, Writs of Summons, and Returns to LONDON, THE TOWER. Parliament: CHARTS ANTIQUE, or Inrolments of Grants and Charters from William i. to Hen- ry in. These are the most ancient Records ; of which a Calendar, with an index " Locorum" was printed in 1772. PAPAL BULLS and LETTERS. These begin in the reign of King John, in the pontificate of In- nocent in. and end in that of Martin v. who was contemporary with Henry vi. of England. Wakefield Tower is a magnificent room of an octagon form, twenty-three feet in height ; the walls are ten feet thick. In the White Tower, or Casars Chapel, which is sixty-four feet long, and thirty-one wide, are deposited Sills, Answers, Depositions, and other Proceedings in the Court of Chancery, from the reign of Queen Elizabeth to that of Queen Anne ; Warrants of Privy Seal, Signet Bills, fyc. In the Office Room are placed the calendars to the Records, amounting to 102 volumes; also the Book of Common Prayer, or Liturgy, of the Church of England, as established by law soon after the Restoration, with the great seal of Eng- land appendant thereto, and certified to be a cor- rect copy under the hands and seals of eight learned persons appointed by the king the first day of November, 1662. The book is printed on vellum, and has several corrections in manu- script. Large folio. London, 1662. 154 .; : ,i MANCHESTER. THE CHETHAM LIBRARY. HUMPHREY CHETHAM, Esq. of Clayton, in 1051, founded and endowed an hospital and library at Manchester: a thousand pounds were given at the commencement to be expended in the pur- chase of books ; and considerable sums were af- terwards bequeathed for the augmentation of the library. The catalogue, published by Mr. Rad- cliffe, the late librarian, in two vols. 8vo. 1791,7 consists of more than 6700 articles; the Theolo- gical Class contains about 1900; Ancient and Modern History, Geography, ^c. 1700; Arts and Sciences, 1600; Poetry and Belles Lettres, 1200; and Jurisprudence, 300. Prefixed to the cata- logue is a portrait of the founder; he died in 1653, aged 73. JEscHYLi Tragaediae vi. Graec, 8vo. ED. PR. Aldus, 1518., ANACREON, Gr. et Lat. 4to. ED. PR. Lut. H. Steph. 1554. 153 MANCHESTER, THE CHETHAM LIBRARY. AUCTORES Classic! in usum Delphini, 58 torn. 4to. Pa- risiis, 1674, &c. AULUS Gellius; cum illuminalionibus, fol. Venet. Nic. Jenson. 1472. BACON'S (Roger) Myrrour of Alchimy, &c. 4to. Print- ed by Creede, 1597. (Imperf. to p. 5.) BARBARI (Francisci) De Re Uxoria liber, ad Laureu- tium de Medicis Florentinum, cum epistola prefatoria Pog- gii, 8vo. MS. BONAVENTURA (S.) The Merour of the blisside Lyfe of Jesus Chi iste, made English ; with several tracts of Rich- ard the Hermit, 4to. MS. CAVAZZI (Giov. Ant. di Montecuculo) Istorica Descri- zione di Congo, Matatnba et Angola : fol. con Jig. Bologna, 1687. DIOMEDES, Phocas, Caper, Agroetiits, &c. de Arte Grammatica. ED. PR. cum illuminationibus, fol. sine anno aut loco (Nic. Jenson). DUNKELD. Records of Dunkeld, from the year 1560 to 1649 ; or (according to the printed copy), Memoirs of Henry Guthry, late Bishop of Dunkel, in Scotland, wherein the Conspiracies and Rebellions against Charles i. are re- lated. This copy varies from the printed one. 8vo. MS. GORIBAY (Estevan) D'El Compendio Historial de las Chronicas y universal Historia de todos los Reynos de Espa- uia XL. libros, 4 torn. fol. En Amberes, por Christ. Plan- tino, 1571. The best edition, superintended by the author. HEARNE'S (Thomas) Histories and Antiquities, 59 vols,. V^fivo. Oxon. 1709, Sec. HOLLINGSWORTHV (Richard) Mancuniensis, or an His* c Hollingsworth was an active Presbyterian preacher in the begin- ning of the civil wars, author of a curious piece of divinity, called 156 MANCHESTER, THE CHETHAM LIBRARY. tory of the Towne of Manchester, written in the beginning of the civil wars, fol. MS. KNYVETTV (H.) Project for the Defence of England against Foreign Invasions, addressed to Queen Elizabeth, 4to. 1596. MS. KOTTERI (Christ.) Prophetia?, &c. 4to. fig. sine /oco, Anna inchoanda hbertatis, 1657- (Vid. p. 1J3.) KUERDEN'S ('Richard) Collections for an intended His- tory of Lancashire, 2 vols. fol. MS. LAN DO Relationi del' Viaggio fattodal Signer Girolamo Lando di Venetia in Inghil terra, 4to. MS. LINDSAY, History of Scotland from the year 1436, fol. This is the original MS. and was given to the P. Library at Manchester, by William Stirling, of Ereskin-House, -J near Glasgow, Esq. " The Holy Ghost on the Bench, and other Spirits at the Bar; or, the Judgment of the Holy Spirit of God upon the Spirits of the Times, 1657." f " Of this writer I can find nothing, except what he says of him- self in his dedication of this treatise to Queen Elizabeth, (which, from its being bound in red velvet, the illuminations of the capital letters, and the singular beauty of the penmanship, I should judge to have been presented to her ;) wherein he mentions, ' yett if it male please your Ma tif - not toforgett that at the sfege of Lieth, 1 had the charge of A hnndereth horse, and after the siege ended (where I lost both Urn and Hood) I had the charge of two hundereth foote in the garrison of Har- wich, which u-ere fiftie more than tJie eldest Captayne there had, and was tu-ise after that ymployed in your Ma tis - service in Scotland under the Lord Scroope that last died, and the Earl of Sussex, then your Majesties President at Yorke.' From this hint I found in Ridpath's Border His- tory of England and Scotland, p. 600, his name, which is there spelled Knevet, mentioned among others as displaying great bravery in a i skirmish between the English forces quartered at Barwick, and the Scotch, being in the corps of Lord Scroope, Lord Marshall." Note by Mr. Radcliffe. 157 MANCHESTER, THE CHETHAM LIBRARY. fl LITURGY (the first) in King Edward vi. reign, fol. Lon- y don, 1549. MARMOL Caravajal (Luys del) Historia del Rebellion y castigo de los Moriscos del Reyno cle Granada, fol. En Ma- laga, 1600. O CAMPO (Florian) et Ambrosio de Morales, La Coro- nica General de Espana, 4 torn. fol. Medina del Campo, fyc. en Cordova, 1553, 1586, &c. PEMBROKESHIRE. Visitation of, with Arms blazoned, and pedigrees, fol. MS. PENTATEUCHUM Hebraicum, sive Quinque Libri Mosis, tribus voluminibus comprehensum ; charactere perpulchro, sed ut videtur, manus recentioris, superque pellem. MS. It does not appear to have been collated by Dr. Ken- nicott. PLUTARCHI Vita? Latine, 2 torn. fol. E S D. Pn. Venet. 'Nic. Jenson. 1478. ^ PRIMER, the, set furth by the Kinge's Majestic and his. Clergie, to be taught, lerned, and red : and none other to be used thorowout all his dominions, 8vo. Imp. at London by Ric. Graf ton, 1546. RAMELLI (Agostino) Le diverse et artificiose Machine ; composte in lingua Italiana et Francese, Jig. fol. Parigi, 1588. SAN DR ART (Joach. de) Opera, 9 torn. fol. Germanic^ ct Lat. cum Jig. Norimb. 1675, &c. SCHEDEL (Hartman) Liber Chronicorum de Historiis ^Etatum Mundi, cum descriptione urbium, cum multis figu- m, fol. mag. Nurimbergi, 1493. " There is no doubt, but there was a great number of copies printed of this book, that so the charges of the im- pression might be the better countervail'd by the sale. They were greedily bought up, and in a little time the book grew 158 MANCHESTER, THE CHETHAM LIBRARY. scarce, which caus'd a new edition, but in a less folio, with worse types (notwithstanding both editions are of the black kind) and without most of the cuts, which omission of the cuts made this edition, therefore, much less valued by curious and critical men than the first." Hearne's Preface to Ro- bert of Gloucester's Chronicle, p. xxxi. SILVII (Enee) Epistole, 4to. Noremb. Koberger; 1496. SMITH (W.) his Visitation of Lancashire, an. 1599, fol. MS. STRADANI (J.) Venationes ferarum, avium, piscium, Pugna? Bestiariorum et mutuae Bestiarum depictae: edente Philippe Galleo: fol. sine anno aut loco. TEWRDANNCTHS, Poema Germ. Lingua conscriptum ; fig. fol. Norib. 1517. (Fid. p. 144.) THESAURUS Cornucopias et Horti Adonidis, Gr. fol. J'enet. Aldus, 1496. TYNDALL, (Wm.) John Frith, and Robert Barnes, their whole works, fol. London, J. Day, 1573. VISITATION of various Counties, by Flowre, and Glover his Marshall, in 1580, and the following years, particularly Cheshire and Lancashire, with blazons ; transcribed from a book of parchment in the hands of Robert Cooke, Claren- cieux King of Armes in 1583, fol. MS. WICLEPHUS, or Wicklyff, (John) his Translation of the New Testament, according to the Vulgate, 8vo. MS. WYNKEN DE WORDE. Fyssher's (Johan) Byshop of Rochester, Exposycion of the vii. penytentyal Psalmes, vyded in Seven Sermons, 4to. 1508. W. DE WORDE. Higden's Polycronicon in English, by J.^Trevisa: fol. 1495. W. DE WORDE. Rychard Whytford's Martyloge after the use of the Chirche of Salysbury, and as it is redde in Syon, with addycions, 4to. 1526. 159 OXFORD. ALL SOULS COLLEGE LIBRARY Is a magnificent room 198 feet long, 32 broad, and about 40 feet high. The book cases, supported by pilasters of the Doric and Ionic orders, consist of two grand ranges ; above those in the gallery are placed the busts of many eminent persons formerly fellows of the College. In the area of the central recess / is erected the statue of Col. Christopher Codring- ton, g the founder, who bequeathed the sum of 6000 for building this noble library, 4000 to purchase books, and his own valuable collection, worth not less than 6000. Here are contained the best works upon archi- tecture, books of prints relating to antiquities, and works of art; numerous topographical works, many of which are on large paper ; and an exten- sive collection on civil law. * Sec an account of Col. Codrington in Aubrey's Letters and Lives, 8vo. 1813, Vol. I. p. 133, note. 160 OXFORD, ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM. ASHMOLEAN MUSEUM Was erected in 1682 by the University, at the re- quest of Elias Ashmole, Esq. Windsor herald to King Charles u. who placed here all the rarities he had collected and purchased, particularly from the two Tradescants. h In this building are three small libraries ; the first, called Ashmole's study, contains his print- ed books and manuscripts relating to heraldry and antiquity, and the MSS. of Sir William Dug- dale. The second contains Dr. Martin Lister's library. The third that of Antony a Wood, with his laborious and learned collections, 5 relating chiefly to this University and city. Here will be found a numerous collection of historical and biographical tracts, old ballads, trials, dying speeches, &c. These are carefully preserved in the original parchment covers, and the copies are uncut. h The Tradescants were horticulturists at Lambeth, and the first , collectors of natural curiosities in the kingdom. The contents of the collection were described in a small volume, entitled " Museum Tradescaiitianum," &c. with the portraits of the two John Tradescants, father and son, engraved by Hollar. This is now a rare book. See a notice of these botanists in Walton's Angler, by Hawkins, edit. 1808, 8vo. p. 107. 1 The papers of Anthony Wood have been examined with due at- tention by Mr. Philip Bliss, Fellow of St. John's College, who is now republishing the " Atlienas Oxonienses." This gentleman is also preparing for publication the Genuine Re- mains of Hearne, the celebrated antiquary. OXFORD, CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY. BODLEIAN LIBRARY: ( Vid. p. 65 92.) CHRIST CHURCH LIBRARY. Cardinal Wolsey, the founder, intended, in es- tablishing this library, to have added to it copies of the most valuable MSS. in the Vatican : but it does not appear that any progress was made in this liberal undertaking. The first benefactor wasOtho Nicholson, one of the examiners of chan- cery at the beginning of the seventeenth century, Mho gave 800 for books and repairs. Bishop Fell, DeanAldrich, Dr. Mead, Dean Atterbury, also contributed books : but the most extensive and valuable collections were left by Charles Boyle, Earl of Orrery, whose library amounted to ten thousand volumes. Archbishop Wake gave his ample collection of printed books and MSS. and 1000 towards building anew library. The whole of this liberal benefaction was estimated at 10,000. These important additions rendered a new library necessary, and Peckwater Court was chosen for the site. The present library, 141 feet by 30, occupies the east side of the quadrangle, and was begun in 1716, from a design by Dr. George Clarke, but it was not completed till the year 1761. 162 OXFORD, RADCLIFFE LIBRARY. CORPUS CHRISTI. The library on the south side of the quadran- gle, is, in its ancient state, a building rather com- modious than elegant. The screen over the door is curiously ornamented with the arms of Richard Fox, the founder, and at the upper and lower ends are two ancient portraits of him. The li- brary is enriched with a valuable collection of the early editions of the Greek and Roman classics, collected by the founder ; with many manuscripts and printed books on vellum of great rarity ; and the MSS. of Twyne and Fulman the Oxford anti- quaries. RADCLIFFE LIBRARY. Dr. Radcliffe, the celebrated physician, one of the most munificent benefactors of modern times, left 40,000 towards the erection of this superb building, with an endowment of 150 per annum to the librarian, and 100 per annum for the pur- chase of books. This magnificent structure is 140 feet high, and the cupola 100 feet in diame- ter; it was begun in 1737, and, being completed in 1749, was opened on the 13th of April in that year with great solemnity. Gibbs, the architect, published a description, with views, of the seve- ral parts of this singular edifice ; and at his death bequeathed to it all his books and drawings. 163 OXFORD, ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE LIBRARY. The library contains a good collection of works in natural history, medicine, books of architec- ture and antiquities ; and some oriental manu- scripts. ST. JOHN'S COLLEGE LIBRARY Consists of two spacious and handsome rooms ; the first, or outer, library, erected in 1596, was completed by benefactions from the Merchant Tailors' Company, and those of several members of the society ; besides a considerable sum from the funds of the College itself. The second, or inner, library was built about the year 1635 by Archbishop Laud, \vhogave a valuable collection of books and MSS.; and the king bestowed timber from his forests of Shotover and Stow: this room, by the disposition of the richly-ornamented book-cases, forms a gallery of some extent. The following persons were consi- derable benefactors The Lady Mildred Bur- leigh, widow of the lord treasurer; Dr. John Case ; Sir Thomas Tresham ; Sir William Pad- dy ; Dr. Richard Rawlinson; John Buckeridge, Bishop of Ely; and Nathaniel Crynes, M. A. who gave a most extraordinary collection of rare and valuable books in history and philology. This library contains many of the finest copies of the early editions of the classics, and the old 164 OXFORD. English chronicles, as Hollinshed, Rastell, Graf- ton, Harding, Fabyan, Lord Berners's Froissart, &c. &c. several productions by Caxton ; some of the early Bibles; the publications of Hearne, and a large collection of historical tracts. ALEXANDRI de Ales Expositio super tres libros Aristote- /'X^ ' lisdeAnima, fol. Oxon. 1481. A ST. JOHN'S. AMMONII Parvi Hermise comment, in Porphyrii Isago- gen, fol. ED. PR. Venet. 1500. A fine copy in yellow morocco ; presented by Sir Wil- liam Paddy. ST. JOHN'S. APOLLONIUS Rhodius, Gr. lit. maj. 4to. ED. PR. Flo- rent. 1496. CORP. CHR. AQUINO, (Carolus de) Sacra Exequialiain Funere Jacobi ^ ii. Mag. Brit. Regis, exhibita ab Eminent. Card. Barberino, fol. Rom&2_ 1702.. ST. JOHN'S. " This book was printed, and its beautiful copper-plates engraven, at the charge of Cardinal Barberini, then Pro- tector of the English nation at Rome ; and never published, but given away." Rawlimojis Catalogue of Historians, p. 542. ARISTOPHANES, Gr. ED._PR. fol. Venet. Aldus, 1498. y-X ALL SOULS CORP. CHR. ARISTOPHANES, Gr. ED. PR. fol. Venet. Aldus, 1498. y, y A fine copy presented by Sir William Paddy, 16 13. ST. JOHN'S. ARISTOTELIS Ethica Nicom. lat. per Leon. Arretinum, 4to. Oxon. 1479, (bound with " Expo^ S"- Jeron.") A fine copy in blue mor. ALL SOULS. ARISTOTELIS et Theophrasti Opera, Gr. 5 vols. ED. v.,\; PR. Vmet. Aldus Manut. 14958. ALL SOUL! ' CORP. CHR. 165 OXFORD. ARISTOTELIS Theophrasti et Galeni Opera, Gr. Venet. Aldus, 1497, on vellum. CORP. CHR. A volume wanting to complete this fine book is in the Bodleian Library. BASIL (St.) on vellum, an ancient Greek manuscript. CORP. CHR. BIB LI A Polyglotta, Waltooi, 6 torn. fol. ruled, in blue morocco. Lond. 1655 57. Bishop Wilde's copy. ST. JOHN'S. BIBLIA Sacra, fol. _Lugd. Anton. J'icent. loG6, cum jiotis MSS. copiosissitnis viri revcrendiss. GuL Laud. Ex dono viri pranob. Comitis de Pembroke, 1729. ST. JOHN'S. BIBLE, Histoire de la, on vellum, with fine illumina- tions, 2 torn. fol. MS. Presented 'by Gen. Oglethorpe. CORP. CHR. The portrait of Cardinal Borromeo is represented in the scene of the death of Jacob. '$* BIBLE, by Miles Coverdale, first edition, fol. 1535. (Wants the title.) ALL SOULS. f^ --- -- fol. 1537, a complete copy. V- ALL SOULS. by Taverner, fol. printed John Day, 1549. ALL SOULS. BRUNONIS (Episc. Herbipol.) Psalterium ex doctorum dictis collectum, 4to. impress, per Ant. Koburgcr, 1494. Of extreme rarity: purchased by Mr. Cry nes from the Harleian Collection for 15s. ST. JOHN'S. CAXTON (W.) Descripcion of Britayne, 8cc. fol. 1480. ST. JOHN'S. - The Booke called Cathon, fol. 1483. ST. JOHN'S. - Chato Parvns, fol. no date. ST. JOHN'S. - Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, fol. second edi- tion. ST. JOHU'S. 166 ly OXFORD. CAXTON (W.) The Game and Playe of Chesse, fol. no date. ST. JOHN'S. The Chronicles of Englond, fol. 1480, (im- perfect at the beginning). CORP. CHR. The Chronicles of Englond, fol. 1480. ST. JOHN'S. The Werke, or Court, of Sapience, by John Lydgate, fol. no date. ST. JOHN'S. . Pilgremage of the Sowle, fol. 1483. ST. JOHN'S. Polycronicon, fol. 148*2. ST. JOHN'S. Troylus and Creside, fol. ST. JOHN'S. Virgilius, the Boke of Eneydos, fol. 14QO. ST. JOHN'S. CICERO de Officiis, fol. ED. PR. Mogunt. Joh. Fust, y \/ 1465, in membranis. ST. JOHN'S. CICERO de Officiis, fol. ED. PR. in memb. Mogunt.^^ 1466. CORP. CHR. v COMMON PRAYER, the Booke of, k fol. London, Robert Barker, 1615. ^ In the original yellow morocco binding; the royal arms and crest richly stamped on the sides and back. ST. JOHN'S. k At the end of this volume are five pages of manuscript containing divers sentences from the Holy Scriptures used by King James the First immediately before his dissolution. And last of all, the follow- ing note in the hand-writing of Sir William Paddy: " Beyng sent for to Thibaults butt two daies before the death of my^ soueraigne lord and master king James : I held it my Christian duetie to prepare hym telling that ther was nothing left for me to doe (in the afternoone before his death the next daie att noone) but to pray for his soule. Whereupon the Archbyshop and the Lord Keeper, byshop of Liticolne demaunded yf his Maiestie wold be pleased that they should praye with hym, wherunto he cheerfullie accorded. And after 167 OXFORD. DEFENCE of Peace: lately translated out of laten into englysshe. With the kynges moste gracyous priuelege, fol. London, Robert Wyer, 1535. ST. JOHN'S. DIOSCORIDES, Nicander et Aratus, Gr. fol. Venet. Al- dus, 1499- CORP. CHR. / ) FOXE (John) Acts and Monuments of these latter and peryllous days touching matters of the Churche, bl. let. fol. X" 1 563, first edition, (impt.) CHR. CH. This volume, which relates chiefly to the history of mar- tyrdom in England, was afterwards enlarged to two, and at last to three volumes folio. The early editions contain numerous wood-cuts ; in some of which are real portraits. 1 This book was, by order of Queen Elizabeth, placed in the common halls of arch- bishops, bishops, deans, heads of colleges, &c. for the use of the common people, who looked upon it with a vene- ration next to the Scriptures themselves. The first edition ^yis one of the rarest books in our language. GOWER'S (Jo.) Latin Poems, including " Vox daman- tis" A most beautiful copy. Prefixed is a dedication in Latin verse, addressed by Gower, when he was old and blind, short praier theese sentences were by the Bishop of Lincolne distinctlie puounced unto hyin, who with his eies (the messengers of his hart) lyfted up unto heaven, att the end of euery sentence, gave to us all therby, a godlie assurance of those graces and liuelie faith, wherwith he apprehended the merits of our Lord and onelie Saviour Christ Je- sus, accordinglie as in his godlie life he had often publiquelie profess- Ced. WILL. PADDY." 1 Sir John Harrington tells us that " when Bishop Bonner was shewn his print (whipping Thomas Hinshawe) in the Book of Mar- tyrs, on purpose to vex him, he laughed at it, saying ' a vengeance on the fool, how could he get my picture drawn so right ?' '' Granger's Biog. Hitt. i. 160. 168 OXFORD. to Archbishop Arundel. This poem exists only in MS. Fid. Mr. Todd's Illustration of the Lives and Writings ofGow- er and Chaucer, 8vo. 1810, p. 112. ALL SOULS. HARBIN (Geo.) The Hereditary Right of the Crown of England asserted, &c. folio, London, 1713. ST. JOHN'S. This volume was given by Dr. Rawlinson on account of the tract to be found at the end, " A Vindication," &c. M'hich was originally intended as a part of the work, but is very rarely attached to it. Hilkiah Bedford has been gene- rally reputed the author, and suffered imprisonment as such. The introduction was written by Theophilus Downes, M. A. of Baliol College, Oxford. ( Fid. Nichols' Lit. Anecd. i. p. 168.) HEY WOOD (John), The Play of the Wether, or a new and very mery Enterlude of all maner of Weathers, 12mo. sup- posed to be unique. ST. JOHN'S. HIERONYMI S. Epistolae, 2 torn. fol. with illuminations, ED. PR. Roma, 1468. CORP. CHR. HISTORIC Augustas Scriptores, fol. ED. PR. Mediol. Philip de Lauagna, 1475. The first leaf highly illuminated given by Archbishop Laud, 1638. ST. JOHN'S. H-OMERI Opera, Gr. ED. PR. 2 torn. fol. Flor. 1488.V.X. CORP. CHR. JERONIMI (S.) Exposicio in Simbolum Apostoloru, 4to. Oxonitc, 1468 (1478), (Fid. p. 82.) ALL SOULS. LATTERBURIUS (Joh.) in Threnos Jheremie prophete, fol. Oxon. 1482. Ex dono vcnerabilis viri Richardi Butler Archidia- coni Northamp. procurante R. in Christo P. Johanne Ep. Roffens. 1613. ST. JOHN'S. LAUD'S (Archb.) Speech in the Star Chamber at the cen- y. OXFORD. sure of Bastwiclc, Burton, and Prinn, Lond. 1637, reprinted on vellum, 4to. (Fid. p. 127.) LAW of God as it is deliuered in the fiue Bookes of Moy- ses methodically distributed into three great classes morall, ce- remoniall and polyticall, &c. To which are added sundry Pictures, &c. done at Little Gidding, an. 1640. This is one of the illustrated books executed by the nnns V at Gidding of whom see Hearne's Chronicle of Peter Langtoft, i. p. cxxv. and Cough's Topog. i. 436. LUDOLPHI de Saxonia Vita Chrisli, on vellum, the ini- tials illuminated, large fol. MS. CORP. CHB. MARIANI Scoti-Chronicon, with rude drawings at the end of the MS. CORP. CHR. 3 4 q ,/^MAUNSELL'S (Andr.) Catalogue of English printed vK Bookes, both parts, fol. Lond. Jof^nWindet^.l^Qo. ST. ' " MaunselVs Catalogue (says Hearne, Append, ad praef. Abbatis Benedicti, p. 54,) is a very scarce, and yet a very useful book." ORATORES Graeci Veteres, Gr. fol. Fenet. Aldus, 1513. CORP. CHR. OR DO in Synodo Herbipolensi probably printed at that place. Tom Hearne says it is very rare. ALL SOULS. ' v PLATO, Gr. ED. Pu. folio, J'enet. Aldus, 1513. CORP. CHR. X^ PLAUTUs,fol. ED. PR. Venet. Spira, 1472. CORP. CHR. POSTILLES, Les, et expositions des epitres et euangilles domlcales auecques celles des festes solleneiles enssemble aussy celles des cinq festes de la glorieuse et tressacree vierge marie, &,c. fol. Imprimees a Troyes par Guil. le rouge, 1492. An extremely Jine copy with the plate at the end. ST. JOHN'S. PRYNNE'S (Win.) Records, 3 vols fol. with the fron- OXFORD. tispiece, London, 1665 6 70. (Fid. p. 104.) ALL SOULS. PRYNNE'S (William) Records, 3 vols. folio, London, 1665670. ST. JOHN'S. This copy was bequeathed by Mr. Crynes. Prefixed is a letter from a Mr. William Saunders, stating that he had been to Osborne's sale, " where I saw the three volumes of Prynne's Records, which were bound very neat in red turkey and gilt, as indeed they ought, according to the price he had fix'd on 'em which is thirty pounds." This letter is dated Nov. 6, 1737. (Fid. p. 104.) PRYNNE (Wm.) A collection of rare Tracts, in several volumes, in fine condition. Presented by Judge Blackstone. ALL SOULS. PSALTERIUM Hebreum Grecu, Arabicu, et Chaldeu, cum interp. et glossis, fol. Medial. 1506, in membr. ST. JOHN'S. > RHETORES Graeci, Gr. 2 torn. fol. Fenet. Aldus, 1508, 9- CORP. CHR. SIMPLICII comment, in decem Categorias Aristotelis, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Fenet. 1499. A fine copy in old yellow morocco ; presented by Sir William Paddy. ST. JOHN'S. SPECULUM Humana? Salvationis, with rude drawings, MS. CORP. CHR. SPECULUM humane vite. ad sanctissimu et beatissimu dnm dominu Paulu secudii pontifice maximu. Sine loco aut anno. Cum notis MSS. Gulielmi Laud. ST. JOHN'S. STEWARDS. A Trewe Description of the nobill Race ofx the Stewards ; succedinge lineallie to the Crown of Scotland unto this day: and now this yeir 1603 unto the Crown of England : with thair lyvelie portraturs, declaring exactlie what tyme thay begane to reigne how lange thay reigned, and of what qualities thay were. Containing the title and ten heads 171 OXFORD. of the Scottish sovereigns, from Robert n. to James vi. and his Queen Anne, foK Printed in Amsterdam, at the expense of Andro Hart Buikseller in Edinburgh, anno 1603. ST. JOHN'S. This very rare book belonged to Archbishop Laud, who has added to it seven portraits of great value : these are 1. The high and mighty monarch Charles, &.c. four lines " Was Charles the First call'd great," &c. 2. The most renowned most mightie and most excel- lent Henretta, &c. four lines " Copesmale to croze ned Charles." 3. The most illustrious and renowned Prince Charles, &c. Tho. Jenner, exc. whole length, broad brimmed hat, right hand on a table, on which is a cloth icith the prince's crest. 4. " The most excelent Princess Mary y e . only daugh- ter, &c. I. V. L. sci/7. Sold by Thomas Jenner, whole length, flowers in her hair, fan in her left hand: a bridge, fyc. very faint in the back ground. 5. " The Purtrature of the high borne Prince James," &c. Sold by Tho. Jenner at the Royal Eichannge, I. V. L. f. whole length, close cap, with a border of lace: a ball in his hands; chairs and a stool in the back ground. 6. " The Pourtracture of the lady Elizabeth," &c. Ro. Vauglian, sculp, sold by Tho. Jenner; whole length, in right hand a handkerchief, the left a rose. A squirrell on the table. 7. "The Effigies of Lady Anna," &c. eight lines^ " What doth kingdomes happifie," fyc. She is seated on a cushion; above are two angels hold- ing the portrait of a child, apparently asleep, in a mail' tie " Charles Prince of Great Britain, borne, baptized, 172 OXFORD. and buried May if 13, 162Q." In their hands are also suspended the obverse and reverse of a medal struck (pro- bably) in honour of the prince. A copy of this rare and curious book was in the y Harleian collection. (I id. Catalogue, Vol. in. No. 348.) TESTAMENT, N. on vellum, zcith illuminations. MS. CORP. CHR. THEOCRITUS, &c. Gr. ED. PB, fol. Venet. Aldus, ^y^ 1495. A fine copy, in old ornamented binding. ALL SOULS. THOMJE (S.) Vita et Processus Sancti Thomae Cantua- rensis martyris super libertate ecclesiastica, 4to. Paris, Joh. Philip Alemanus, 1495. ST. JOHN'S. WELSH Bards, the Works of, called the " Red Book," a large folio, on vellum. MS. JESL T S COL. WORDE (W. de) The Contemplacyon of Synners, 4to. 1499- CORP. CHR. m Specimens from this MS. with translations and a " Dissei-tatio de Bardis," were published by Evan Evans in 1764 ; the copy-right of which procured him from Dodsley ^20. Mr. Evans translated and left behind him about 100 volumes of "Welsh MSS. He was an excellent Greek scholar, and late in life made a proficiency in the Hebrew language. Dr. Warren, Bishop of St. David's, allowed him a handsome annuity ; and Paul Panton and Thomas Pennant, Esqs. succeeded in raising an annual subscription for his support. Mr. Panton, to secure the labours of so ingenious a man, settled on him an annuity sufficient to secure him from absolute want, but which he did not long enjoy. Poor Evans, in return for his beneficence, left him his collection of MSS. Mr. E. died at his bro- ther's house in August, 1789, aged 58. In his person he was tall, athletic, and of a dark complexion. From his height he obtained the appellation of Prydydd-hir, or the tall poet, by which lie was generally known. Vid. Mey rick's Cardiganshire, 1808, 4to. p. 325. 173 OXFORD. WORDE (W. de) Legenda Nova Anglic, fol. 1516. ST. JOHN'S. Purchased by Mr. Crynes for 10s. 6d. from the Har- leian collection. WORDE (W. de) Thordynary of Crysten Men, 4to. J50G. A fine copy. ST. JOHN'S. WREN'S (Sir Christ.) Original Designs for rebuilding St. Paul's Cathedral, with the king's warrant signed H. Co- ventrie ; Plans and Elevations for an intended palace in St. James's Park, Greenwich Hospital, Sic. &c. in 3 large folio volumes, bound in Russia. These invaluable drawings were discovered by the late Judge Blackstone, and presented by him to the library of ALL SOULS. Among the books destroyed, or removed, by the pious visitors of the University in the reign of Edward vi. a groat number of classics were condemned as anti-christian ; some of these, according to Le- land, had been before stolen or mutilated. la the library at Oriel College was a MS. Commentary on Genesis, written by John Capgrave, a monk of St. Austin's Monastery at Can- terbury ; a learned theologist of the xivth. century. The superb ini- tial letter of the dedicatory epistle contained a curious illumination of the author, humbly presenting his book to his patron, Humphrey Duke of Gloucester; and, at the end, this entry in the hand-writing of the duke: " C'est livre est a moy Humfiey due de Gloucestre du don dc frere .1 < hati Capgrave, quy le me fist presenter a inon nianoyr de Penshurst le jour de Tan MCCCXXXVJII." 174 FIT . WESTMINSTER. CHAPTER HOUSE. 1 HE Royal Libraries of the Kings of England, originally existing in the old palace at Westmin- ster, received considerable additions of valuable MSS. on the dissolution of the monasteries in the reign of Henry YIII. The celebrated antiquary, John Leland, n was constituted royal librarian '' about 1530, and ransacked most diligently the monastic repositories: the collection of MSS. and printed books, thus amassed, was of the most splendid description. Under the reign of Elizabeth, Hentzner, the German traveller, who saw the royal library at Whitehall in 1598, says, that it was well fur- n John Leland had a commission from King Henry vm. to visit all libraries whatsoever, in order to collect the records and monuments of English history. In doing this he spent several years, and a much longer space in compiling them. In the middle of his labours he fell distracted, who before was esteemed the soundest head in his age. He was committed to the care of his eldest brother, and some years after died in that sad state. 175 WESTMINSTER, CHAPTER HOUSE. nished with Greek, Latin, Italian, and French books, all bound in velvet of different colours, yet chiefly red, with clasps of gold and silver, and that the covers of some were adorned with pearls and precious stones. Among them was a small book in French, upon parchment, in the hand-writing of Elizabeth, thus inscribed: " To the most high, puissant, and redoubted prince, Henry vin. of the name, King of England, France, and Ireland, Defender of. the Faith Elizabeth his most humble daughter sends health and obedience." Part of the royal library, which had been re- moved to St. James's by King James i. was sold and dispersed during Cromwell's usurpation : many of the valuable articles that remained at Whitehall, were destroyed by the fire that con- sumed the old palace 5th Jan. 1698. MANUSCRIPTS. (Vid. Report on the Public Records, p. 37.) ABBIES and Monasteries, Surveys of, under the value of c200, made by commissioners 28th of Henry \ in. DOMESDAY BOOK, in two volumes, containing a general survey of England, made in the time of William the Con- queror. One contains the counties of Essex, Suffolk, and Norfolk ; and the other, all the remaining counties in Eng- land, except Durham, Northumberland, Cumberland, and Westmoreland. It is often referred to in the oldest records 176 WESTMINSTER, CHAPTER HOUSE. for proof of lands being ancient demesne, and for other pur- poses, and is frequently quoted by the early historians, as well as by the writers on our law. The work was ordered for publication by the House of Lords, and was completed in 1783, 2vols. folio; printed with types resembling the original, at the press of Mr. J. Nichols. HENRY vn. Several books respecting the foundation of Henry viith's Chapel, magnificently covered and gilt. HENRY vn. Instructions from, to the persons whom he sent to treat for his marriage with the young Q. of Naples. HENRY vin. Proceedings respecting his divorce from Queen Catharine. Letters and Cyphers of ambassadors and public ministers to Hen. vn i. Car. Wolsey, and to the council. LANDS and Manors, Surveys of, which, in different times, have been in the possession of the crown, in the reigns of Ed- ward vi. Queen Mary, Elizabeth, and King James i. LIBER REG A LI s a large and curious Missal, which, by the arms emblazoned in it, seems to have been presented by Nicholas Lytlington, who was abbot from 1362 to 1386. Be- sides the usual calendar, rubric, and offices of those times, it contains an exact ordinal of the service and ceremonies then used at the coronation of the kings and queens-consort ; toge- ther with the chants and anthems performed on the occasion. The illumination prefixed to this ceremonial, bearing a near resemblance to the portrait of Richard the Second, in ^ the choir of Westminster, renders it highly probable that this curious book was provided for the direction of the pre- lates and nobles who assisted at that prince's coronation, July 16, 1377, and thence acquired the name of Liber Regalis. MONASTERIES and other Religious Houses, surrenders of, and enormities committed therein ; stated in Letters to Lord Cromwell, temp. Hen. vin. POPE'S BULLS a considerable number; one of Clement 2 A WESTMINSTER, CHAPTER HOUSE. vn. confirming the title of " Fidei Defensor" to Henry vm. with a seal of solid gold. ROLLS OF PARLIAMENT from 18th to 21st Edward i. These are the most ancient and original Rolls of Par- liament existing : they were printed under the care of the Rev. Dr. Strachey, with all the other Rolls of Parliament. REQUESTS, COURT OF, sometimes called the Court of Whitehall, proceedings in, frora 9th of Henry vn. when it was created, to 17th of Charles I. when it was discontinued. SIGNS MANUAL, in the reigns of Henry vn. and viu. Philip and Mary, and Elizabeth: there are others at the Tower and in the Rolls chapel. STAR CHAMBER Proceedings from 3rd of Henry vit. when the court was erected, to 16th of Charles I. when the proceedings in it ended. TREASONS a bag so called; containing papers relating to the insurrections in Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, and the Duke of Richmond's matters in the north, in the reign of Henry vm. TREATIES with foreign countries. The most curious of these are printed in Rymer's Faedera. (To a treaty between Henry vn. and Francis i. the seal is contained in a large gold case of very curious workmanship.) TREATIES and TRANSACTIONS with Scotland from 1st of Richard i. 1 189, to 29th of Elizabeth, 1586; among which are all the proceedings between Robert Bruce and other com- petitors for the crown of Scotland, 19 and 20 Edward i. WARDS and LIVERIES, Courts of, all the proceedings in, from the erection of the court by statute 32 Hen. vm. 1540, to 12 Charles n. 1660, when it was abolished. WILLS of Rich. n. Hen. v. Hen vn. and Hen. vm. WOLSEY, (Card.) Account of Pensions to hipi from the Pope, the French King, &c. and a Book of Enormities re- specting him. 178 JJvtbatr lltiirauco. THE KING'S LIBRARY. FROM the number and rarity of its volumes, this great collection may be considered one of the most distinguished of the present time. As the private library of the sovereign, it far exceeds, in importance and value, many of the ancient pub- lic foundations. In the early part of his reign, the king pur- chased the valuable library of Mr. Joseph Smith, the British consul at Venice, containing a consi- derable number of the early printed books of the fifteenth century, consequently including most of the first editions of the classics : a detailed cata- logue of it by Pasquali, printed at Venice in 1755, forms a thick quarto volume. At the sale of Mr. West's fine collection in 1773, many of the best productions of our first English printers were purchased for his majesty ; and two years after some of the finest specimens, from the grand classical stores of Dr. Askew, were transferred to the royal library. The king's munificent intention of forming a library worthy of his name and rank, appears to 179 THE KING'S LIBRARY. have been carried into effect with much ability and good taste by those entrusted with his commands. However we may deplore the awful visitation that has denied to our venerable sovereign the enjoyment of his mental powers, we have the sa- tisfaction to know that the same anxious endea- vours to improve his invaluable collection still continue to be successfully exerted. ABA NO, vel de Apano (Petrus de) Conciliator differen- tiarum philosophorum et precipue Medicorum, ED. PR. fol. Mantue, 1472. .ZENE.S: Sylvii (postea Pii Papa? n.) Epistolae Familiares, fol. Ed. perant. sine loco et anno (sed Colon. 1468.) TEsopi Vita et Fabulae, Gr. 4to. ED. PR. APOLLONIUS Rhodius, Gr. lit. maj. ED. PR. 4to. in memb, Flor'ent. 1496. APULEIUS, ED. PR. fol. Roma, Szceynh. et Pan. 1469. ARETINI (Leon.) Epistolae Familiares, ED. PR. fol. absque loci et typog. nomine (Vineg.) 1472. ARIOSTO Orlando Furioso, da Dolce, 4to. in curta pe- cora, Venezia, Giolito, 1542. This copy was supposed to have been presented by Giolito to the Dauphin of France, to whom it is dedicated. ARTUS (le Roi) Roman, et des compagnons de la Table Ronde, fol. Rouen, 1488. AUFFRET Quoatqueueran. Le Catholicon ou Diction. Breton Francoyset Latin, fol. Autreguier, 1499- AUGUSTINUS (S.) de Civitate Dei, fol. ED. PR. (in Monast. Sublac.) 1467. in memb. fol. Fen. Spira, 1470. THE KING'S LIBRARY. BARTHOLOMJEUS (Angl.) de Proprietatibus Rerum, fol. goth. absque ulla nota. BASSI (Pietro Andr.) Le Fatiche d'Ercole, ED. PR. fol. Ferrara, Aug. Carnerius, 1475. This exceedingly rare book has erroneously been attri- buted to Boccaccio. Fid. " Boccacio Teseide." BEN EDICT us Paeantius (Alex.) Diaria de bello Caro- line, 4to. Fenet. Aldus (1496). BERGOMENSIS (Jac. Phil.) de claris mulieribus opus, fol. goth. fig. 170. Ferrarite, L. de Rttbeis, 1497. BERLINGHIERI (Fr.) Septe Giornate della Geographia, fol. Firenze, Nic. Todesco (circa 1478.) BIBLIA Latina, 2 vols. fol. Mogunt. Guttenberg, (circa 1455.) This is the famous Mazarine Bible. (Fid. De I/C Bure, No. 25.) BIBLIA Latina Vulgata, 2 torn. fol. absque ulla nota, 7^ / (sed Bamberg. A. Pfeister circa 1460.) BIBLIA Sacra Latina, 2 torn. fol. in memb. Mogunt. Joh. Fust et P. Schoiffer, 1462. BIBLIA Latina, 2 torn. fol. (Argent. Eggestein circa ft J/f 1468.) BIBLIA Hebraica, fol. Soncini, 1488, (Fid. p. 72.) BIBLIA Pauperum,^zg. lig. 40 tabulis, fol. BIBLIA in lengua Espanola, fol. goth. in per gam. Fer- rara, 1553. BIBLE, by Richard Taverner, fol. black letter, 1539. This edition is a correction of Mathewe's Bible ; it was dedicated to the king, and allowed to be read in churches : but in 1543, on the death of his patron Lord Cromwell,-/ the popish bishops caused Taverner to be imprisoned iu X Mr. George Nicol possesses a fine eopy on vellum in the original ancient binding. 181 THE KING'S LIBRARY. the Tower ; he was, however, soon after released, and re- stored again to the king's favour. BLONDI (Flav.) Italia Illustrate, sive descriptio xiv. re- gionum Italia?, fol. ED. PR. Roma, 1474. A copy on vellum is in the King of France's li- brary. JK* BOCCACCIO (Jo.) L'Amorosa Fiammetta, 4to. ED. PR. Patav. 14J3. The first look printed at Padua. La Teseide, colle chiose di Pietr-An- drea del Bassi, fol. Ferraria, Aug. Carnerius, 1475. This copy was bought at Dr. Askew's sale, with Tliis magnificent EDITIO PRINCEPS of the Psalter, on vellum, and the first book printed with a date, was procured for his majesty from the library of the University of Got- tingen. THE KING'S LIBRARY. It is superbly bound in garter blue velvet, with embossed gold corners and clasps ; the title, the royal crown and cy- pher, in solid gold, are impressed on the sides. PSALTERIU.M Latine, fol. in membr. Mogunt. 1459. PTOLOM^EI (AI. Cl.) Cosmographia Lat. Bonon. J462 (1482). RASTALL (John) The Pastyme of People. The Cro- nicles of diners realmys and most specially of the realme of Englond, fol. 1529' A perfect copy. RODERICI (Episc. Zamor.) speculum vitae humana?, ED. PR. fol. Romas, Petr. de Maxim. 1468. SABBADINO (Giov.) Settanta Novelle, dette le Porret- tane, fol. PR. ED. Bologna, 1483. These tales are entitled h Porrettane because they were written for the amusement of the ladies and gentlemen who attended the baths of Porretta in the vicinity of Bologna. SALLUSTIUS, fol. En. Pm. in membr. (Fenet. V. deyL, Spira) 1470. SAONA Rhetorica Nova fratris Laurentii Gulielmi de Saona,4to. St. Album, 1480. The first book printed at St. Albans. Dr. Mead's copy was sold for two shillings. SHAKSPEARE, second edition, fol. 1632. In this book is the autograph of King Charles I. and X underneath the motto, " Dum spiro spero." The volume was presented by the king, just before his execution, to Mr. Herbert, (author of " Travels in the East,") who attended^ him in his last moments. It was bought by Mr. Steevens, at Askew's sale, for iIT CATALOGUS Bibliothecse Historico-Naturalis Jo- SEPHI BANKS, Regi e consiliis intimis, Baronetti, Balnei Equitis, Regice Societatis Praesidis, &c. Auctore JONA DRYANDER, A. M. Regise Socie- tatis Bibliothecario. Tomus 1. SCRIPTORES GENERALES, Londini, Bulmer, 1798, 8vo. II. ZOOLOGI, ib. 1796. III. BOTANICI, ib. 1797. IV. MINERALOGI, ib. 1799. V. SUPPLEMENTUM et INDEX AuCTO- RUM, ib. 1800. In this catalogue are enumerated all the popu- lar writers in the various branches of science and philosophy : as an extensive private collection it has long been eminently conspicuous; the books are methodically classed, and numerous refer- ences are made to the authors of memoirs and 191 SIR JOSEPH BANKS, BART. papers in all the Transactions of the learned So- cieties throughout Europe, America, and the East; of these there appears to be a complete collection. The number of pages and plates in the respective volumes, beji^mdicated in the ca- talogue, renders it particularly valuable. The German, Swedish, and other northern writers named in the catalogue, are extremely rare in this country; our very confined selections, chiefly from the Latin and English works, will give but a very imperfect idea of this scientific collection. BERT (Edmund) A treatise of Hawkes and Hawking, London, 1619, 4to. BIRINGUCCIO (Vannoccio) De la pirotechnia libri 10, dove ampiameute si tratta non solo la diversita delle minere, ma anco quanto si ricerca & la prattica di esse, &c.fig. Fene- tia, 1540, 4to. BUTE (John, Earl of) Botanical Tables, containing the different families of British Plants, distinguished by a few obvious parts of fructification, ranged in a synoptical method : some observations on the terms employed in botany, and par- ticularly on those borrowed from the anatomical descriptions of animals : and a glossary explaining botanical terms, 9 torn. 4to. with numerous figures. Of this work, which is more splendid than useful, sixteen copies only were printed. (See Dntens' Mem. 1 1. 25'J.) CLEF des champs, pour trouver plusieurs animaux tant bestes qu'oyseaux, avec plusieurs fleurs et fruitz. Imprimc aux Blackefriers, (London) pour Jaques le MOYNB, dit dc Morgues, Paintre, 1586, fol. obi. SIR JOSEPH BANKS, BART. EDEN (Rich.) The history of travayles in the West and East Indies, and other countreys, gathered in parte, and done into englyshe by Richard Eden ; newly set in order, augment- ed, and finished by Richarde Willis, London, 1577, 4to. HUBERT (Rob.) alias Forges. A Catalogue of many natural rarities, daily to be seen, at the place called the mu- sick house, at the Miter, near the west end of St. Paul's Church, Lond. 1664, 8vo. LATHAM (Simon) Faulconry, in two books, London, 1658, Svo. LINSCHOTEN (J. H.) Discours of voyages into the Easte and Weste Indies, Lond. 1598, fol. MARKHAM (Gervase) Hungers prevention, or the whole arte of Fowling by water and land, London, Svo. no date. Another edition, 1655, Svo. x MARTYR (Peter), The decades of the new worlde, or West India, translated from the latine by Richarde Eden, London, 1555, 4to. MUSEI Imperials Petropolitani, res naturales et artificiales, mimmi antiqui et recentiores, Petropoli, 1742 45, 2 torn, in 6 vols. Svo. This is a complete set, and extremely rare. OVIEDO (Gone,. Fern.) Sumario de la natural istoria de las Indias, Toledo, 1526, foi. lit. goth. certeyne notable thynges gathered owte of G. F. Oviedus his booke intiteled the summarie of his general hystorie of the West Indies, by Richarde Eden, printed with his translation of Peter Martyr's decades, London, 1535, 4to. PLINII Historia Naturalis, ED. PR. Venet. Jo. Spira, y, p< 1469, fol. SCHMIDEL (Hulder.) Vera Historia, admirandze naviga- tionis, quam Huldericus Schmidel, ab anno 1534 usque ad 2 c SIR JOSEPH BANKS, BART. annum 1 554 in American*, juxta Brasiliam et Rio della Plata confecit, Noribergcc, 1599> 4to. TELLER (Balth.) Historia general de Ethiopia a Alta, tirada deque mas largamente compos na India o P. Manoel d' Almeida, Coimbra, 1660, fol. TURBERVILLE (Geo.) the Booke of Falconrie or Hawk- ing, with rcood cuts, London, 161 1, 4to. TUSSER (Thos.) q Five hundreth points of good husbandry united to as many of good huswiferie, first devised, and nowe lately augmented with diverse approved lessons concerning hopps and gardening, London, 1573, 4to. VALENTYN (Franc.) Oud-en nieuw Oost Inclien, Dord- recht et Amsterdam, 1724 6, 5 vols. fol. VARTHEMA (Lud.) Itinerario ne lo Egypto, ne la Suria, '< This old English Gcorgic, says Warton, has more of the simpli- city of Hesiod than of the elegance of Virgil : it is without invoca- tions, digressions, and descriptions ; no pleasing pictures of rural imagery are drawn from meadows covered with flocks, and fields waving with corn, nor are Pan and Ceres once named : yet it is va- luable as a genuine picture of the agriculture, the rural arts, and the domestic economy and customs of our industrious ancestors. Tusser received an academical education at Cambridge ; was after- wards retained in the family of William, Lord Paget; but being dis- gusted with the vices, and wearied with the quarrels of courtiers, he retired into the country and embraced the profession of a farmer in Sussex and other places ; but having too little experience to succeed in the business of agriculture, he returned to London ; but the plague drove him away from town, and he took shelter in Trinity College, Cambridge. Fuller (Worthies, p. 334) says, " that his stone, which gathered no moss, was the stone of Sisyphus." His plough and his poetry were alike unprofitable. He was by turns a fiddlr-r and a farmer, a grazier and a poet, with equal success. He died very aged in London in 1580, and was buried in St. Mildred's Church in the Poultry. See his Epitaph in Stowe's Survey, p. 474, 1618, 4to. 194 SIR JOSEPH BANKS, BART. lie la Arabia Deserta et Felice, ne la Persia, ne la India (1503), Fenezia, 1517, 8vo. WALTON (Isaak) The complete Angler, or the contem- plative man's recreation, being a discourse of fish and fishing, plates, London, 16,53, sm. 8vo. first edition. The beautiful plates of this edition were supposed to have been engraved on steel by Lombart. WILLIAMS (Edvv.) Virgo triumphans, or Virginia richly and truly valued, more especially the south part thereof, viz. the fertile Carolana, and no lesse excellent isle of Roanoak, London, 1650, 4to. WORDE, W. de. Bartholomaeus de Proprietatibus Re- rum (anglicc), folio, (Lond.) This is a general history of nature, composed in Latin by Bartholomew Glanvile, an English Minorite or Fran- ciscan, of the family of the Earls of Suffolk. He flou- rished about the year 1360, and appears to have been the Pliny of his time. The English version was made by John Trevisa, a Cornish man, and vicar of Barkley in Glouces- tershire, and first printed by W. de Worde. (I id. Douce s Illustr. ofShaksp. 11. p. 278.) 195 rif -. - MARQUIS OF BATH, LONGLEAT, WILTS. IJONGLEAT House, one of the most magnificent structures in England, exhibits a very perfect example of the fine style of architecture of the time of Elizabeth. It has lately undergone con- siderable alterations and improvements under the direction of Mr. Jeffry Wyatt ; who, by adapting the style and ornaments of the interior to those of the exterior, and uniting at the same time splendour with convenience, has rendered this grand edifice, in its general appearance, per- fectly uniform and accordant. The original library, being very inconveniently situated in the upper story, some of the more cu- rious and valuable books have been selected and removed from thence to the new library on the ground floor, a spacious room forty-nine feet by twenty-six. A part of the collection is also placed in the ante-library. The book-cases in the principal 196 MARQUIS OF BATH. room are of oak, and of a moderate height; above are several fine' old portraits. This hand- some apartment contains but a small propor- tion of the family library ; the remaining vo- lumes still retain their former exalted situation in a part of the old gallery, occupying a space of more than one hundred feet in length, and twen- ty-five in breadth. This gallery originally ex- tended upwards of three hundred feet on the south and east sides of the house. The library contains many of the early theolo- gical and classical writers, printed in the fifteenth century, several of which are from the Aldine press ; some by the first English printers, Caxton and Wynken de Worde ; the old English chro- nicles and monastical historians, including about forty volumes of Hearne's pieces on large paper; a collection of rare historical tracts and old po- etry, published in the reigns of Elizabeth and James i.; triumphs, masques, &c. in the time of Charles i.; prophecies, wonderful relations, and several curious pamphlets relating to the great fire of London. Many of these valuable pieces, which had long remained neglected, have been gleaned from the general mass, and appropriately bound up by order of the present marquis. MARQUIS OF BATH. APPARITION True Relation of an Apparition in the likenesse of a Bird with a white brest, that appeared hovering over the death beds of some of the children of Mr. James Oxenham, of Sale Monachornm. Devon. Gent. 4to. 1641. ARTHUR (Kynge) The story of the most noble and wor- thy kynge Arthur, fol. printed by William Coplande. Asc HAM'S (Rog.) Toxophilus, the schole, or partitions of shooting, 4to. printed by T. Marshe, 1571. AUBREY'S (John) Natural History and Antiquities of Surrey, 5 vols. 8vo. large paper, 1719. AYE CJESAR, God save the Kinge the joyfull Echoes of loyall English Hartes entertayning his majesties late arrivall in England : with an Epitaph upon the death of her Majestic our late Queene, 4to. 1603. BOCHAS The tragedies gathered by Jhon Bochas, trans- lated by John Lidgate, fol. printed by John Way land > 1558. BOECIUS de Consolatione, translated into englesse-tongue, emprented in the exempt monastery Tauestok in Denshyre by me Dan Thomas Rychard monk of the sayd monastery, 4to. 1525. BVBLE, fol. black letter, London, R. Graftoi), 1541. CATALOGUE of the Libraries of Sir William Coventry and the Hon. Henry Coventry, sometime Secretary of State to King Charles n. with the prices and purchaser's names, folio, 1687. CAXTON. Boecius, the Boke of Consolacion of Philo- sophic, fol. no date. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, fol. no date. Polycronicon, fol. 1482. The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye, fol. 1471. The Boke of Eneydos by Vyrgyle, translated by Wm. Caxton, fol. 1490. CIIARTLLARIUM Glastoniense, fol. MS. MARQUIS OF BATH. CRONICLES of Englode with the Frute of Timis, fol. S ttu - Albanm, (1483). CUNIN CHAM'S (Wm.) Cosmographical Glasse, conteyn- ing the pleasant principles of Cosmographie, Geographic, Hydrographie, or Navigation, fol. 1559. With a portrait of '/ the author. The map of Norwich, belonging to this book is curious and finely executed. ELIZABETH, Q. The Royall Passage of her Majesty from the Tower of London to her Palace of Whitehall, with all the Speaches and Denises both of the Pageants and other- wise, together with her Majesties several answers, and most pleasing Speaches to them all. JOHN BUSBY. HALSTEAD (Rob.) Succinct Genealogies of the noble and ancient houses of Alno, or de Alneto, Broc of Shephale, Latimer of Duntish, Dray ton of Drayton, Vere of Adding- ton, Fitz-Lewis of West Horndon, Howard of Effingham, Mordaunt of Turvey, justified by public Records, ancient and extant Charters, &c. fol. London, 1685, on thick paper. This book was drawn up by Henry, second Earl of Pe- " terborough, with the aid of his chaplain Mr. Rans, rector of Turvey Co. Bedford, and printed at the charge of this nobleman. Only twenty-four copies were printed. The name of the compiler is fictitious. (Vid. Censura Lite- raria, 11. 373.) HEY WOOD (John)/ A parable of the Spider and the Flie, 4to. Imprinted by Tho. Pozcell, 1556. r Harrison, in his Description of Britaine, prefixed to Hollinshed's Chronicle, has left a sensible criticism on this poem : " One hath made a boke of the Spider and Flie, wherein he dealeth so profoundly and bej-ond all measure of skill, that neither he himself that made it, neither any one that readeth it, can reach unto the meaning thereof/' > Hollingshed's Chron. fol. i. 226. (See also Warton's Hist, of Poetry, Hi. p. 87, &c.) 199 MARQUIS OF BATH. On the back of the title is the author's portrait : several wooden prints of him are repeated at the beginning of each chapter. INTRODUCTIONS in frensche for Henry the yonge Erie of Lyncoln (childe of great Esperaunce) sone of the moost no- ble and excellent pryncesse Mary (by the grace of God) quene of frauce, &c. LUMINALIA, or the Festivall of Light, personated in a masque at court, by the Queene's Majestic and her Ladies, on Shrove-Tuesday Night, 4to. 1637. LITERARUM Graecarum, Latinarum Anglo Saxonicarum Exempla ; ad fidem vetustissimorum Codd. exscripta ab Humfredo Wanley e Coll. Univ. Oxon. folio, MS. MARDEN Collections concerning the Manor of Marden, in the county of Hereford, fol. (Fid. p. 49, 50.) MARLBURIENSIS (G. Spencer, Dux,) Gemmarum An- tiquarum Delectus, Lat. et Gall. 2 torn. fol. Lond. 1781, 1790 (Vid. p. 50). MORE (Sir Thos.) The Workes of Sir Thomas More, Knyght, sometyme Lord Chauncellour of England, wrytten in the Englyshe tonge, fol. Printed by John Cawood, 1557. MUN DAY'S (Antony) Chrysanaleia : the Golden Fishing : or the Honour of Fishmongers ; applauding the aduancement of Mr. John Leman to the dignitie of Lord Maior of Lon- don, 4to. 1616. Mirrour of Mutabilitie, or princi- pal part of the Mirrour for Magistrates, 4to. London, John Allde, 1579- w^' OLIVABIUS Prot. Parallelum Olivae necnon Olivarii Se- renissimi, celsissimi, potentissimique Anglia3 Scotia? Hyber- niaeq. Dei Gratia Protectoris, &.c. studio et expensis D. Lu- dovici de Gand Domini de Brachey, et de Romccour, fok X 1656. 200 MARQUIS OF BATH. This book contains a fine equestrian portrait of the Pro- y tector by Faithorne. PASQUILLORUM, tomi duo; quorum primus versibus ac rhythmis, alter soluta oratione, conscripti, &c. 8vo. Eleuthe- ropoli (Basil.) 1544. This collection contains a great number of pieces com- y posed at different times, and by different authors, against the popes, cardinals, &c. These PasquiHades are not a Roman publication, but a collection made by some of the Reformers, and supposed to have been printed by Opori- s nus at Basil. Daniel Heinsius, in two verses written in his copy, describes its rarity and the price it cost : " Roma meos fratres igni dedit, unica Phoenix " Vivo, aureisque veneo centum Heinsio." (Fid. De Sure, No. 2868, Curios, of Lit. i. p. 359, 1807, and Roscoe's Catalogue, 1816, No. 1494.) PAUSANIAS, Gr. ED. PR. foL Fenet. Aldus, 1516. PLATONIS Opera, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Fenet. Aldus, 1513. PLOWMAN Pierce, the Visions of, 4to. 1550 (Fid. p. 87). POLIPHILUS' Hypnerotomachia, the strife of Love in a Dreame, translated by R. D. 4to. 1592. SANDFORD (Fras.) Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England, by Sam. Stebbing, large paper, fol. 1707. SLATY ER (Wm.) Pala?-Albion, the History of Great Britaine from the first peopling of this Island to the Reign of King James, fol. 1621, in Latin and English verse, with mar- ginal notes. SPECULUM XPRISTIANI (Christian!), 4to. Impress, me Will, de Machlinia. TAYLOR'S (John) Three Weekes, three Daies, and three Houres Observations and Travel from London to Hamburgh in Germanie, 4to. 16.17. 2 D MARQUIS OF BATH. THOMJB (S.) Cantuarensis Vita et Processus, 4to. Paris, THUCYDIDES, Gr. et Lat. cum notis Hudsoui et Wasse, Dukeri, CH. MAG. Amst. 1731. TURBERUILE (Geo.) The Booke of Faulconrie or Hauk- ing, with the noble Arte of Venerie or Hunting, 4to. //. Bynneman, 1575. These treatises are adorned with several neat wooden cuts, in some of which the queen is introduced on horseback. . TYNDALL (Wm.) John Frith, and Dr. Barnes, their whole workes, fol. Printed by John Day, 1573. VIRG ILL'S Boke of Eneados translated by Gawin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkel, 4to. bl. lett. 1553. VITI (White Rich.) Basinstochii Comitis Palatini His- toriarutn Libri ; 1. Ab origine ad Brutum. 2. Ab illo ad Mulmutium. 3. Ab hoc ad Helium. 4. Ab isto ad Lucium. 5. Ab eo ad Constantium, cum notis antiquitatum Britannicarum, 12mo. Atrebati. 1597. WORDE, (W. de) The crafte to lyue well and to dye well, fol. 1505. WORDE, (W. de) Cronycle of Englonde with the Frute of Tymes, fol. 1497. WORDE, (W. de) The Floure of the commaundements of God, fol. 1505. WORDE, (W. de) Polycronycon, 1495. WORDE, (W. de) Stambrigi Vocabula, 4to. 1525. WORDE, (W. de) Stambrigi Vulgaria, 4to. WORDE, (W. de) Whitinton (Rob.) de octo partibus ora- tionis, 4to. WORSLEYANUM Museum, or a Collection of antique Basso-Relievos, Bustos, &.c. &c. 2 vols. fol. London, 1794. (Vid. p. 63.) WYRLEY'S (Wm.) True Use of Armorie, 4to. 1592. 202 WILLIAM BECKFORD, ESQ. FONTHILL ABBEY/ WILTS. THIS grand edifice, from its commanding situa- tion, excites the attention of every traveller ; being built in the form and on the scale of a gothic ca- thedral, it is consequently of very stately dimen- sions. An octagon tower, two hundred and se- venty-six feet high, and seventy feet in diameter, stands in the centre of this immense pile; two very extensive galleries, branching from it, form a part of the principal library ; that extending to the south is one hundred and forty feet long, the ceiling is of the richest fan work, having for corbels angels bearing emblazoned shields. The windows of stained glass, contain armo- rial bearings and the figures of St. Augustine, St. Athanasius, St. Jerome, St. Ambrose, St. Co- lumba, St. Ethelreda, the Venerable Bede, and Roger Bacon. In the spaces between the book- cases, on each side of the gallery, are placed twelve ebony cabinets on tables of oriental 1 Vid. A Description of Fonthill Abbey, with eight Views ; super royal octavo, published in 1812, WILLIAM BECKFORD, ESQ. alabaster, porphyry, and verd-antique ; these are filled with rare books. The northern, or King Edward the Third's gallery, is a continua- tion of this library ; the book-cases are ranged on the eastern side only: in this stately apart- ment are seven lofty windows ; opposite to them are the portraits of Henry the Seventh, Edward the Fourth, John of Gaunt, the Constable Mout- morency, Alphonso King of Naples, and John of Montfort Duke of Brittany. Facing the cen- tre window is a chimney-piece of alabaster, com- posed of an arch resting upon columns, with vine-leaf capitals. Above is a whole length por- trait of Edward the Third, copied from a pic- ture in the Chapter-House of St. George's Cha- pel, Windsor. Near the fire-place stand two grand cabinets of oak, richly carved ; in these are deposited some of the precious manuscripts be- longing to the collection. Adjoining the first or southern gallery is a very splendid apartment containing, amongst other literary curiosities, a long series of Spanish and Portuguese Chronicles. Two more prin- cipal rooms in the second story also have dis- tinct libraries; in the first, which is pannelled with oak, are placed the most valuable works on art; several folio volumes of prints of the old masters, all choice impressions. Marc Antonio, Julio Romano, Baccio Bandinelli, Parmegiano, Polidoro, &c, in the Italian school ; Albert Du- 204 WILLIAM BECKFORD, ESQ. rer, M. Schoen, Israel V. Meek, Kilian, Sadeler, Wierix, &c. in the German ; Rubens, Vandyck, Rembrandt, Flamen, Visscher, Waterloo, Swane- velt, Breughel, in the Flemish and Dutch ; Cal- lot, Delia Bella, Et. de Laune, Mellan, Le Sceur, Seb. Bourdon, Sylvestre, Nanteuil, Edelinck, &c. in the French ; Hollar, Faithorne, &c. in the English, and Bartolozzi, Strange, Morghen, &c. of the modern school. The glazed cabinets of this apartment, contain a collection of Elzevir classics, some of the rarest facetice, history, po- etry, &c. in all languages and in the most beau- tiful condition. Nearly adjoining is the upper gallery, vaulted by an obtuse arch ; it is entirely filled with those peculiarly fine and chosen copies of Voyages and Travels which distinguish this extensive collection. Among the manuscripts may be particularly noticed the splendid volumes formerly in the possession of Shah-Aulum : they exhibit an as- semblage of portraits of illustrious persons, cos- tume, grand ceremonies, perspective views, &c. Some particulars of these extraordinary speci- mens of oriental art will be detailed under the article " Indian miniature paintings." The valuable Gibbon library was purchased < some years since by Mr. Beckford : it includes the historians of the early and middle ages, fa- thers of the church, classical writers, lexicogra- phers, &c. 20d WILLIAM BECKFORD, ESQ. ACUNA (Christ, de) Nuevo Descubrimiento del gran rio de las Amazonas, 4to. Madrid, 1641. The author, a Spanish Jesuit, was sent on a mission to the American Indians : but the projects expected from his discoveries respecting the great river, were discountenanced afterwards by the House of Braganza ; and Philip iv. or- dered all the copies of this curious work to be destroyed, so that for many years two only were known to exist ; one in the Vatican library, and another in the possession of M. de Gomberville, who translated it into French under the title of " Relation de la riviere des Amazones" Pa- ris, 1682, 2 vols. I2mo. ^SOPI Fabelle translate e greco a Laurentio Vallcnsi. Subnectitur Boccatii Hist, de Guiscardi et Sigismunclse Amore, a Leon. Aretino in latinum sermonem conversa an. 1438, edit. I a * 4to. sine anno aut loco. AGRESTO Commento di Ser Agresto da Ficaruolo (An- iiib. Caro) sopra la prima Ficata del Padre Siceo. Stampata in Baldacco, per Sarbagrigia da J3engodi : con gratia a privilegio della bizarrissima Academia de' Ver- tuosi. et con expresso protesto loro, che tutti quelli, che la ristamperanno, o' ristampata la leggeranno in peggior forma di questa ; cosi stampatori, come Lettori, s'intendano infami, et in disgratia delle puttanissime, et infocatissime Lingue, et penne loro. Uscita fuora co' Fichi alia prima acqua d'Agosto. I'anno MDXXXIX. 8vo. grande, IN CARTA PE- COBA. ANDREINI (Giov. Batt.) 1'Adamo, sacra representatione, 4to. fg. Milano, 16} 3. (The Faliere copy.) The curious plates are by Cesare Basani. ANGELS and Devils, a Treatise of, in the Arragouian Dia- lect, fol. MS. 206 WILLIAM BECKFORD, ESQ. ANTECHRIST La Vie du trs unique et pervers Ante- christ et de ses horribles et hideux traffiques, lesquels il ac- coinplira,^/zg. en bois, 8vo. Anvers, 1560. ANTONIO (S.) Vita e li Miracoli del glorioso confessore Sancto Antonio de Padoa, 4to. lit. got/i. absque ulla nota. }Vith a zcood cut of the saint preaching to thejishes: the city of Ravenna represented above. APOCALYPSIS insignium aliquot Haeresiarcharum, in qua\ visiones et insomnia ipsis per somnia patefactae, blasphemiaa pur inauditae, ac deliramenta Enthysiastica revelantur, cum iconibus, 12mo. Lug. Kat. 1608. APULEIUS, 8vo. Aldus, 1521. A beautiful Grolier copy, with the initials illuminated; and Thuanus's autograph. ARETINUS (Leon.) de Bello Italico adversus Gothos, fol. Venet. Nic. Jenson, 1471. The first page and the initial letters finely illuminated. ARIOSTO Orlando Furioso, con Jig. di Gir. Porro, fol. renetia, 1584. This fine copy, bound by Padeloup, contains the 34th plate in a perfect state : a duplicate of the 33d is usually substituted in its place. AR LOTTO Facezie, Motti, Buffonerie, et Burle del Pio- vaiio Arlotto, 12mo. Firenze, Giunti, 1568. ARMATURA Equest. Diversarum Gentium Armatura Equestris, ubi per Europag Asia; atq. Africa? regiones equi- tandi ratio propria expressa est, Jig. 8vo. 1575. ARTEMIDORI de somniorum interpretatione libri quinque, Graece, 8vo. Venet. Aldus, 1518 First edition, the title, fyc. illuminated. AUBRIET' (Cl.) Plantes peintes a gouache sur velin trh blanc, et rel. en mar. r. 1 Claude Aubriet accompanied Tournefort in his voyage to the Lc- ^207 WILLIAM BECKFORD, ESQ. AUGURELLI (J. Aur.) Poemata, 8vo. Aldus, 1505. a* -, A beautiful Grolier copy, with the initials illuminated. BANDELLO Canti xi. composti de le lodi de la S. Lu- cretia Gonzaga di Gazuolo, e del vero amore, col tempio di pudicitia, e con altre cose per dentro poeticamente descritte, Le in. Parche da esso Bandello cantate ne' la nativitd del S. Giano primogenito del S. Cesare Fregoso, e de la S. Gos- tanza Rangona sua consorte ; 8vo. Agen, 1545. BARTOLI, Recueil de Peintures Antiques, 3 torn. fol. Paris, Didot, 1783. Printed on vellum ; the subjects finely painted, BEMBI (Petri) de JEtna ad Angelum Chabrielem Liber; 4to. Venet. ap Aldum, 1495. The first Latin book print- ed by Aldus in the Roman character. BIBLIA Sacra ad LXX. Interpretum fidem diligentissime tralata, (sic) fol. Basile torn. n. 1689, torn. in. 1698. A fourth volume of this very rare work was put to press in 1 702 ; the printer had completed the third sheet of the * A species of writing between the round and the Italian hand. z The aim of the author, in this laborious and singular performance, was to prove that all nations derive their origin from the North of Eu- rope, Sweden in particular; that this latter place had been the scat of the terrestrial paradise, and the source of all learning. WILLIAM BECKFORD, ESQ. second alphabet, \vJien a dreadful fire at Upsal consumed the printed copies, together with the author's MS. A small number only of the third volume, and three or four copies of the fourth part escaped the conflagration. SABBADINO (Giov.) Le Porettane, 8vo. Verona, 1540. SADELER Vitae Patrum Eremicolarum Vitae Foemina- rum Anachoritarum per Sadeler et Collaert. All the parts complete (Mariettas copy), oblong folio. SANDYS'S (Geo.) Travels through Turkey, Egypt, the Holy Land, Greece, &c. LARGE PAPER, J&15. SANSOVINO (Fr.) L'Historia di Casa Orsina Venetia, 1565 fol. De Gli Huomini lllustii della Casa Orsina con rittratti ; fol. Fenet. 1565. a - SCHEUCIIZERI (Jo. Jac.) Physica Sacra, iconibus illus- Irata; procurante Joh. And. PfefFel. 5 torn, fol, August. VindeL 173135. a The following Hues, at p. 69, under the portrait of Napolconc Orsino are curious. NAPOLEQNE ORSINO Gonfaloniero di S. Chicsa. Di M. PIETRO BART. Vivi immortale o gran Napolconc, Poi cue 1'opcre tuc sono immoi tali. Tu padre dc soldati, il buon Fedrigo, Ch'i popoli domo soura il Metauro, Destaste col tuo nome a gloria, a honore, Et mcntrc ch'ambcduc con 1'armi illustri Vi festi, surse in quest' alma Prouincia La militia gik spcnta dc' Romani. ' Ti dee dunquc non pur Bcllona, e Martc, Ma il sommo Gioue, ne' futuri tempi, Conseruar immortal : dunquc immortale Viui o Napoleon padre dell' armi. WILLIAM BECKFORD, ESQ. The first edition in German, on fine paper ; with the best impressions of the plates. SILVATICI (Matth. med. de Salerno) Liber Cibalis et medicinalis pandectarum, ex emendatione Angeli Catonis Su- pinatis de Benevento, fol. ED. PR. Neapoli, 1474. SIPTABINA Itinerario Asyatico di Siptabina Pesano Poeta celeberrimo, 12mo. Jig. 1526. SMITH'S (Capt. John) History of Virginia, fol. 1624. LARGE PAPER, with the portraits of the Duchess of Rich- mond and Hiatoaka, by W. and S. Pass: this copy was presented by the author to the Duchess of Richmond, to whom it is dedicated: the book is bound in old morocco, beautifully tooled all over, with the duchess's arms impressed on the sides. TABLE RONDE Les Noms Armes et Blasons des Che- valiers et Compagnons de la table Ronde avec figures des harnois de teste, de corps, et de bras; d.es gantelles: la ma- niere de lespee et de la masse, 4to. MS. on vellum, with paintings and ornamented borders. TABLEAUX des guerres civiles depuis 1551 jusqu'a 1581, obi. fol. With numerous engravings in the style of Brent el. TAILLEYAT grant cuysinier du Roy de France. (Charles Sept) 12mo. Imprime a Paris par Guillaume Niverd. TAMO RL AN Historia del Gran Tamorlan, fol. Sevilla, 1582. TELLEZ (Balth.) Historia general de Ethiopia a Alta, tirada deque mais largamente compos na India O. P. JManoel d'Almeida, fol. Coimbra, 1660. TERENTII Comoedia?, 4to. MS. on vellum. Each play is decorated with a miniature, and the initial letters are illuminated. The notes, with which several pages are filled, are written in characters astonishingly minute atid elegant. 229 WILLIAM BECKFORD, ESQ. THESEUS de Coulogne Hystoire tres recreative, traictant des faictz et gestes du noble et vaillant Chev. Theseus de Coulogne, &c. hit. goth. Jig. 4to. Paris, Jehan Bonfons, sans date. " Roman estimc, recherche effort rare" THUCYDIDES, Gr. et Lat. cum et cum anhnadvers. C. A. Dukeri, CH. MAG. fol. Amstelod. 1731. URRETA Historia Ecclesiastica, Politica, Natural, y mo- ral de los grandes y remotos Reynos de la Etiopia, 4to. Va- lencia, 1610. VARTHEMA Itinerario nello Egypto, &c. Roma, 1510, 4to. VERDI zoTTi b (Gio. Mar.) Cento Favole Morali de i piu illustri antichi, e modern! autori Greci et Latini, con fig. 4to. Venetia, '1577. From the collection of Henry in. of France, zeith the arms of France and Poland impressed on the sides. WEEVER'S (John) Funeral Monuments in Great Britain, fol. LARGE PAPER, 1631. With the autograph of Sir Robert Naunton. ZIEGLERI (Jac.) Terras Sanctag, quam Palestinam no- minant, Syrise, Arabia;, JEgypti et Schondae doctissima de- scriptio : cum tab. topogr. Terras Sanctae altera descriptio, authore Wolffgango Weissenburgio, fol. Urgent. Wendel. Rinelius, 1536. Liber rarissimtis, Relando ignotus. De Autore vide Schelhornium. Amaenit. Hist. Eccl. et Liter, torn. n. p. 210. T. C. MS. note by Mr. Crofts. b " G. M. Vcrdizotti, cittadino Vencto, illiistre non solo per Ic belle lettere come per la Pittura, fft amico di Tiliano, e da quello imparo di dijiiugerc." Ridolfi Vite de Pittori, n. 132. 230 MARQUIS OF BLANDFORD, (NOW DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH,) WHITE KNIGHTS, BERKS. THE Blandford Library, remaining distinct from the great family collection at Blenheim recently devolved to his grace, is here noticed in the or- der in which it will probably continue to be de- signated. A classed catalogue was privately printed in 1812, 4to. to which considerable addi- tions have since been made. Old romances, early poetry, celebrated works in natural history, and a very complete graphic series of emblems, are its leading contents : some specimens from the presses of Caxton and W. de Worde, rare histo- rical tracts, early travels, accounts of royal en- tertainments, and choice manuscripts, form no in- considerable portion of this valuable collection; the principal part of which is deposited in an elegant Egyptian room 50 feet by 26. The early romances, &c. are placed in the ante-library. 231 MARQUIS OF BLANDFORD. AYMON (Les Quatre Filz) Hystoire du noble et vaillant Chevalier Regnault de Montaubon, &c. fol. sine anno. BALE (Johan) A Brefe Chronycle concerning the exami- ""liationand death of Sir John Oldcastle, Lord Cobham, ISmo. no date. BERNERS (Juliana) Treatyses of Hawkynge, Huntinge, and Coot Armuris, fol. first edition, Seynt Albanes, 1480^ BLUET (Bern, de) Intitulation et Recueil de tous les Oeuvres que Bernard Bluet Darberes, Conte de permission ; vous advertis, qu'il ne sgait, n'y lire, n'y escrire, et n'y a ja- mais aprins, &c. 18mo. sine anno. Livre bizarre d'un visionnaire. (voy. De Sure Bibliog. No. 3990.) BOCCACCIO (Giov.) II Decamerone, fol. Venet. Christ. J'aldarfer, 1471. This is usually styled the first edition of the Decamerone; it has a most distinguished claim to our attention from the circumstance of its containing the whole of the original text unmutilated. The MS. of Boccaccio was probably used for this edition ; subsequent editors principally followed that in the hand-writing of Manelli. This is the celebrated copy purchased at the sale of the Duke of Roxburghe's library in 1812, for ,s2260 by much the largest sum ever given for any book, either print- ed, or in MS. (Fid. Roxbitrghe Catalogue, No. 6292.) An imperfect copy of this edition is in the library at Blenheim. BOCCACCIO, II Decamerone, 4to. Firenze, Giunti, 1527. (Fid. p. 31.) BOCCACCIUS (Job.) De Montibus, Sylvis, &c. ED. PR. fol. Venet. 1473. Bo ecus (King) and Sydracke, History of, how he con- founded his lerned men, and in ye syght of them dronkc 232 MARQUIS OF BLANDFORD. stronge venym in the name of the Trinitie, and dyd hym no hurt, translated by Hugo de Caumpeden out of frenche into Englyshe, 4to. London, no date. BOECE (Hector) Heir beginnis the Hy story and Croni-, klis of Scotland, folio, Edinburgh, Thomas Davidsone. BRUSONII (Domitii) Libri Facetiarum, fol. ED. PR. (in- castrata) Roma, 1518. CASAS (Fra. Bartol. de las) Relacion de la destruycion de las Indias, (nix tracts) Sevilla, 1552. (Fid. p. 33.) CAXTON, W. The Arte and Crafte to knowe well to dye, fol. 1490. . The Chastysing of Goddes Chyldern, fol. 1493. Chaucer (Geff.) The Book of the Tales of Cauntyrburye, first edition, fol. no date. Chaucer's Troylus and Creside, fol. no date. The Game and Playe of the Chesse, fol. 1474, first edition. The Lyft' of our Lady, Mayde, Wyf and Moder of our Lord Jhesu Christ, fol. no date. The Pylgremage of the Sowle, fol. 1483. Russell (Johan.) Propositio ad illustriss. principem Karolum ducem Burgundie, super susceptione Ordinis Garterii, &c. sine anno. CHRONYCLE of Englond (Fructus Temporum) fol. St.^ ^ Jlbans, 1483. DECOR Puellarum, zoe honore delle Donzelle, 4to. Nic. Jenson. (1461) 1471. DIRECTORIUM humane Vite, alias Parabole antiquorii Sapientu, fol. sine anno et loco. FiERaBras,leGeant, (Roman)fol. PR.ED. Geneve, 1478. FLO D DEN Hereafter ensue the trewe Encountre or Bat- ayle lately don betwene Englade and Scotlande. In whiche 2 H MARQUIS OF BLANDFORD. Batayle the Scottsche Kynge was slain, 4to. Lond. Rich. Faques, no date. GALTHERI (Phil.) Alexandi eidos Libri x. nunc primum in Gallia gallicisque characteribus editi, 4to. Lugd. 1558. Editio singularis, typis cursivis impressa. GUERINO, detto Meschino. In questo libro vulgarmente se tratta alcuna ystoria breve de re Karlo iniperatore, fol. f e- nexia. 1477. HOMERI Batrachomyomachia, Gr. ED. PB. 4to. Venet. 1486. (Fid. p. 46.) HORATII Opera, MS. in membr. fol. SJEC. x. JERONIMI (S.) Exposicioin Simbolum Apostoloru, 4to. Oxon. 1468 (1478). Purchased at a public sale in Feb: 1812 for .91. LITURGY Booke of Common Prayer, fol. first editioi 1546."/ f ? I LODGE (Thos.) Catharos. Diogenes in his singulartie, christned by him " A Nettle for Nice Noses," 4to. 1591. LUCRETIUS, in pergam cum lit. depictis et avro exornat. fol. MS. S^EC. xv. MANDEVILLE (Jhan de) Voyage de Hierusalem, 4to. goth. Paris, sans date. MARY of Nemegen Here begynneth a lyttell story tlu Mas of a trewthe done in the Land of G elders, of a may( that was named Mary of Nemegen, yt was the Dy veil's Ps ramoure by the space of vn. yere long, 4to. Imprynted Amcarpe by me John Dubrowghe, no date. MASUCCIO II Novellino, fol. Fenetia, 1492. MEDICI s A Mervaylous Discourse upon the Lyfe, Deedes, and Behaviour of Katherine de Medicis, 12mo. X Het/delberge, 1575. Miss A Romana, 8vo. A beautiful MS. on vellum, adorned with numerous illut/iinalions. SJEC. xiv. MARQUIS OF BLANDFORD-. This fine Missal belonged to the Count d'Angouleme ; who, at his death, the 22nd of September, 1531, left it to his wife Louisa of Savoy. It afterwards came into the pos- session of her daughter, Margaret of Valois, Queen of Na- varre ; and subsequently into the hands of Anne of Austria, who bestowed it on Madame de Chevreuse. Miss A Romana, on vellum, 32mo. MS. This beautiful little Missal, by the letter and the abbre- viations, we may conjecture was written about the middle of the fifteenth century : being in the white letter renders it a great curiosity. The arms on the shield at the bottom of the first leaf after the Kalendar, favours a presumption that the book was written for the family of our famous poet Chaucer. MISSAL THE CELEBRATED BEDFORD MISSAL, ex- ecuted for John, Duke of Bedford, Regent of France, vid. MISSAL under the article EDWARDS (JAMES). MODUS Le Liure du Roy, etde la Royne Racio, lequel fait mention comant on doit deuiser de tous lez manieres de chasses, Jig. en bois, fol. PR. ED. Chambery, 1486. PHYLIPPE of Spayne The copie of a Letter sent in to Scotlande of the arrivall and landynge and most noble mar- ryage of the most Illustre Prince Phylippe, Prince of Spayne, to the most excellent Princes Marye, Quene of Englande, solemnizated in the citie of Winchester, &c. 12mo. no date. PLANTS, Drawings of, by H. C.Andrews, J. Aubriet, F. Bauer, the Marchioness of Blandford, J. Bolton, J. Ehret, T. Martyn, W. Miller, &c. &c. 1? vols. folio. Drawings of, by the Native Indians, under the direction of Dr. Bruce during a residence of nine years in In- dia, 12 vols. folio. PRECES Pia3, cum Calendario (Bijoux Indiscrets) MS. on vellum. (From the library of the Duke of Orleans.) PRIERES Chrestiennes, Fan 1640, MS. on vellum, with miniatures. This book, written by the famous Jarry, be- longed to Madame Royal of France. 855 MARQUIS OF BLANDFORD. RAPPRESENTAZIONI Sacre Cento, di varie edizioni, contenute in due volumi, Fioren. 1558, &c. These rare pieces are detailed in the London edition of the Pinelli Catalogue (No. 3576). REYNARD the Fox, history of, 4to. no date. Original Drawings by Everdingen for the History of, oblong fol. Etchings by Everdingen for the same. ROY, W. " Rede me and be not wrothe. For I say no thynge but trothe." :l2mo. no place or date. This is the first edition of Roy's satire on Cardinal Wolsey. SABBADINO (Giov.) Settanta Novelle, dette le Porret- tane, fol. PR. ED. Bologna. 1483. SACERDOTALE Volumen, fol. MS. This exquisite MS. written on the finest vellum, and adorned with an immense number of beautiful drawings, was executed at Lisbon, in the year 1557, for John in. King of Portugal. SAGARD (Gab.) Le Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons, ou il est traictij de tout ce qui est du Pays et du Gou- vernement des Sauvages, avec un Dictionnaire de la Langue Huronne, 8vo. Pan's, 1632. (The Dictionary is often wanting.) SALTWOOD (Dan. Rob.) a comparyson betwene 4 Byrdes the Larke, the Nyghtyngale, ye Thrushe, and the Cucko, for theyr Syngynge, who should be Chauntoure of the Quere. Canterbury, John Mychel, no date. SCACCHI Libro da imparare giochare & Scacchi, 12mo. sine anno et loco. SOMERSET (Ed.w. Duke of) The Expedition into Scot- lade of the most woorthely fortunate Prince, set out by way of Diarie by William Patten, Londoner, 12mo. London, V Ri. Graf ton f 1548. 336 MARQUIS OF BLANDFORD. SPECULUM Humanae Salvationis, fol. Tliis first edition of the " Speculum" may be accounted one of the most interesting and curious, as well as one of the rarest Xylographic books in existence. The printer, probably Coster, evidently became acquainted with move- able types in the progress of the impression, the text of one third of the book being executed with blocks, and the re- mainder with rude moveable types. (Vid. Heineken Idee d'une Collect. d'Estampes, p. 432 et seq.) SUCH EN (Ludolfi de) Libellus de itinere ad Terrain sanc- tam, 4to. sine anno. TABLE RONDE Recueil des Romans des Chevaliers de la Table Ronde, viz. San Greal, Merlin, et Lancelot du Lac, 3 torn. fol. MS. on vellum, enriched with 747 miniatures. Les Blasons des Chevaliers de la Ta- ble Ronde, MS. on vellum, with the arms emblazoned. TESTAMENT (the New) translated by W. Tyndalle, 12mo. 1528. The first edition in English. in latin and english after the vulgare texte, translated by Myles Couerdale, 8vo. Rich. Graf ton, no date. TURPIN Chronique de Turpin, contenant les provesses et faictes d'armes du Roi Charlemaigne, et de son nepheu Raouland, 4to. Paris, 1527. VARIBEMO, Itinerario nelle Paesi Oriental], 12mo. lit. goth. Roma, 1517. VARTHEMA (Lod. de) Itinerario nella India, ISmo. Roma, 1517- VIRGILIUS, Thelyf and Deth of Virgilius ; the original edition, 4to. Anrcarpe, (Vid. p. 63.) WICKLIFFE (John) Here bigyne ye apoclips, 8vo. MS. This MS. of the Revelations of St. John is on vellum in English, with Saxon abbreviations, and has an inter- MARQUIS OF BLANDl'ORD. pretation of each chapter intermixed with the text. It is the identical MS. from which Mr. Lewis copied the Apo- calypse for his edition of Wickliffe's Testament, published in 1731, and is quoted in the preface to that work. WITHER C (Geo.) Abuses Stript and Whipt; or Satyrical Essayes, 12mo. 16 15. WORDE (W.de), Disputacyon or Complaint of the Herte, thoroughe perced w ith the lokynge of the Eye, 4to. no date. WORDE (W. de), The Life of Edward the Confessour, Kinge of Englande, 4to. 1533. WORDE (W.de), Fyssher (John) A Morninge Remem- brace, had at the moneth mynde of the noble Pryncess Mar- garete, Countesse of Rychemonde and Darbye, &c. 4to. 1509. WORDE (W.de), Fyssher's (John) Sermon in the cathe- drall Chyrche of Saynt Poule, the body beynge present of the moost famouse Prynce Kynge Henry the vii. &c. 4to. 1509. WORDE (W. de), The Kalender of Shepeherdes, 4to. 1528. WORDE (W. de), Myrroure of Golde for the Synfull Soule, 4to. 1526. WORDE (W. de), The xn. Profytes of Tribulacyon, 4to. 1530. ZAMORENSIS (Rod.) Speculum Vitaj Humanaj, ED. PR. fol. Roma, Szveynheim et Pannartz, 1468. c The author was imprisoned for the above popular satire, his first M'ork : during the whole course of his life he was a persevering writer, having generally for opponent, Taylor the water-poet. A list of his numerous works may be seen in " Wood's Athena," n. p. 391. 238 MARQUIS OF BUTE, LUTON-HOO, BEDFORDSHIRE. .[HE library at Luton is divided into three noble rooms extending one hundred and forty-six feet in length. The collection is particularly rich in old Italian and French poetry, classical and dra- matic. The English drama also forms an exten- sive class, including many of the early editions of the plays of Shakspeare. The volumes of topography, voyages, and tra- vels, subjects on painting, engraving, &c. are said to be select and numerous. As we have not had the advantage of a per- sonal examination of the contents of this library, our notices of books are necessarily very limited. ARIOSTO (L.) Orlando Furioso, 4 torn. fol. in carta pe- cora, I enezia, Ant. Zatta, 1772. Supposed to be the only copy struck off" upon vellum. AUBREY'S (John) Natural History and Antiquities of Surrey, 5 vols. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, 1719. BERNERS (Jul.) The Bokys of Hauking and Huutyng; &c. fol. St. Albons, I486, (imperfect.) BOCCACCIO II Decamerone, 4to. Firenze, Giunti, 1527. BUTE (John Earl of) Botanical Tables, 9 vols. 4to. on common paper, and on fine paper. (Vid. p. 192.) DUDLEO (Rob.) Del Arcano del Mare, 5 torn. fol. Fi- renze, 1647, &c. This very scarce work is full of schemes, charts, plans, &c. and is chiefly valuable for the author's projects to- MARQUIS OF BUTE. wards the improvement of navigation and the extending of commerce. GEOGRAPHIC veteris scriptores graeci (et arabici) Mi- nores, cum annot. Dodwelli Hudsoni et Wells, 5 torn. 8vo. CH. MAG. Oxonii, 1698, 1703, 1712. GIG ANTE A con la Nanea, 4to. Firenze, 1566. GRANGER'S (Jas.) Biographical History of England, il- lustrated with numerous valuable portraits, in 50 volumes, folio. This fine collection, originally formed by the late Richard Bull, Esq. was sold by him to the late Marquis of Bute, when Lord Mountstuart. GRAZZINI (Ant. Franc.) detto II Lasca, La Guerra de' mostri, 4to. Firenze, Manzani, 1584. ITALY, Views in, Drawings by Zuccarelli, &c. 15 vols. atlas folio. PETRARCA (Fr.) Sonetti, Canzone et Trionfi, fol. Roma, 1473. RAMUSIO (Giov. Bat.) Terza edizione delle navigation! e viaggi raccolti gia da Gio. Bat. Ramusio, 3 vols. fol. T'e- nezia, Giuntiy 1563-83-65. The above invaluable work was several times reprinted : in order to complete the best edition, a supplement from the third volume of the year 1606, should be added; con- taining " Viaggio di M. Cesare de' Federici" &c. p. *386 430. Ramusio died in July 1557, and left mate- rials for a fourth volume, but the manuscript was destroyed ^yin a fire at the printing-house of the Giunti in November of the same year. SANNAZARO, Arcadia, 12mo. in cart a pecora, Finegia, Aldo, 1514. THUCYDIDES, Gr. Lat. curd Dukeri, CH. MAG. Amst. 1731. 240 JOHN DENT, ESQ. HERTFORD STREET. THIS gentleman formerly acquired an important addition to the classical part of his collection by a purchase of the fine library of Mr. Ro- bert Heathcote, part of which was originally formed about thirty years since, by the late Haughton James, Esq. who possessed at that time the most elegant cabinet library in the king- dom. The finest productions of the presses of Aldus, the Giunti, and the Elzevirs, were here to be seen in spotless perfection ; on large paper, or on vellum, and in the chaste costume of Grollier. Mr. James highly regretted the loss of these matchless treasures, which he had transferred in a convivial moment, without a due consideration of their true value, or the improbability of again acquiring such inestimable volumes. This library also contains some valuable MSS., fine specimens of early printing, many of the mo- dern editions of the Greek and Roman classics on large paper, old Italian poetry and romances, French and English history, a complete series of British topography, chiefly upon large paper, and an extensive collection of works on natural history. JOHN DENT, ESQ. JEsciiYLi Tragaediae vn. 4to. CH. MAG. H. Stepha- mts, 1557^- AGRICOLA (Geo.) de mensuris et ponderibus Romano- rum atque Graecorum, folio, Basil. Froben. 1550. Two copies, both from the Grollier collection, one of which belonged to Thuanus. AN T HO LOG i A Epigrammatum Graecorum, ED. PR. in membr. 4to. the first leaf finely illuminated, and with the original Latin Epistle of Lascaris at the end, which is often tcanting. Florent. 1494. Bound by Roger Payne. ARTHUR (K.) The Story of the most noble and worthy Kynge Arthur the whiche was fyrst of the worthyes christen, and also of his noble and valyaunt knyghtes of the Round Ta- ble, newly imprynted and corrected, black letter ; first leaf emblazoned, fol. London, Will. Copland, 1557. (From the Lansdoione collection.) Another Copy, folio, printed by Thomas East, no date. BALFOUR (Sir Jas.) Annals of, MS. These annals have never been printed : another copy only exists, and which is in the Library of the Advocates, Edinburgh. BARNABY'S (Drunken) Four Journeys, first edition, with a frontispiece by Marshall (circa 1640^.__ BIBLIA Graeca. Sacrae Scripture, Veteris Novasque om- nia, grascS, fol. Venet. Aldus, 1518. This is considered as the first edition, for the Greek text of die New Testament to the Complutensian Polyglott, though printed in 1514, was not published till 1520. BIBLE, with Notes by Bishop Wilson, large paper, 6 vols. imp. 4to. Bath, Cruttwell, 1785. BLOND (Chr. Le) Coloritto, or the Harmony of Colour- ing in Painting reduced to Mechanical Practice, under easy Precepts and infallible Rules, 4to. coloured plates. BOCCACCIO, II Decamerone, 4to. Firenze, Giunti, 1527. 242 JOHN DENT, ESQ. BRANDON (Rich.) The Confession of Richard Brandon the hangman (upon his death-bed) his beheading his late ma- jesty Charles i. and printed in the year of the hangman's downfall, 1 649, with wood-cut vignette of the execution of Charles i. BREVIARIUM ROMANUM, 4to. MS. This most magnificent manuscript, executed by Flemish painters in Spain in the xvth. century, contains upwards of 600 leaves of the purest vellum, interspersed with numerous miniature paintings most inimitably executed : the borders of each page exhibit a variety of flowers, fruit, and grotesque figures, in the most picturesque forms, on an opaque gold ground. This splendid Breviary was presented by Francis de Roias to Isabella Queen of Spain, whose portraits are introduced in the miniatures : it was valued at the rate of one guinea per leaf, and which sum has been refused by the present proprietor. BRUN (Le) Galerie des peintres flamands, hollandois et allem. 3 torn, en 2, fol. Paris, 3792. Genuine proof impressions on fine paper, Le Brun's copy. Not more than four or five copies are supposed to exist in this state. CARTER'S (Edm.) History of the County of Cambridge, 8vo. 1753. CHANDLER (Ric.) Marmora Oxoniensia, with the ori- ginal drawings, and some additional plates, fol. Oxon. 1763. CHAUNCY'S (Sir H.) Antiquities of Hertfordshire, fol. uncut t London, 1700. CICERONIS Officiorum, lib. in. ED. PR. fol. i partly illuminated, Mogunt. Joh. Fust, 1465. CICERONIS Opera cura Oliveti, CH. MAX. 9 torn. fol. Pam, 174042. DEVONSHIRE (Duke of) Cabinet of Gems, engraved by Gosmond, 4to. a complete copy. (Fid. p. 41.) 243 JOHN DENT, ESQ. DICK (SirW.) The lamentable estate of the deceased Sir William Dick, of Braid, Knight, containing an account of his sufferings; with prints of him on horseback, arrested, and dead in prison, engraved by Vaughan, fol. (Fid. Granger, ii. 279.) DRURY'S (D.) Insects; the original drawings^ on vel- lum, 3 vols. fol. EDWARDS'S (Sidney) Miniature Paintings of the Duck and Swan tribe, most exquisitely finished. EIKON Basilike, 4to. a MS. written in imitation of print- ing by J. Thomason of Chester, 1713. EVANGELISTARIUM ; a most beautiful and perfect ma- nuscript, on vellum, with Jive large miniatures and numerous small single figures most highly finished ; the capital letters illuminated. This book was written in the tenth century, and is supposed to be superior, in point of execution and con- dition, to any MS. of coeval date in this country. It was purchased from an aid-du-camp of General S. , and brought from Paris in 1814. It was offered to the British Museum, and rejected ; as it was supposed to have been improperly ob- tained from the Escurial. GALTHERi d (Phil.) Alexaudreidos libri x. 4to. Lug- duni, 1558. Editio typis singularibus cursivis excusa. HARRISON (Steph.) The Archs of Triumph erected in d There arc variations in the famous disputed line in different edi- tions of this poem. In the first, without date, (circa 1490,) possessed also by Mr. Dent, it stands thus : " Corruis in Syllam cupiens vitare carildim." In the Lyons edition, noted above, AVC read " Incidis in Scyllam wipiens vitare CharyMiin." Pasquicr, in his " Recherches de la France," fol. 1621, p. 265, has " Decidit in Scyllam," &c. Vid. Steevens't note in " Merchant of Venice" Jor tin's Life of Eras- mus, 8vo. Vol. ii. 1808, p. 285 ; and Menagiana, torn. 1. 1729, p. 173, 4. JOHN DENT, ESQ. honor of King James the First at his Majestie's Entrance and Passage through his honourable Citty of London upon the 15th day of March, 1603. Graven by William Kip; with descriptive letter-press and a duplicate set of plates with some variations, fol. Loud. 1604. HOMERI Opera, Gr. cum com. Eustalhii, CH. MAG. 4 torn. fol. Roma, 154250. HOMERI Ilias et Odyssea, Graece, 4 torn. 4to. CH. MAG. '; r \ Oxonii, 1800. This is the splendid edition of the Grenville Homer print- ed at the expense of three brothers of that noble family, the late Marquis of Buckingham, Lord Grenville, and the Right* Hon. Thomas Grenville : the late professor Person assisted in superintending the edition. Twenty-five sets only were printed on large paper for presents ; these contain three en- gravings not in the small paper copies. Parson's copy. HOMERI Odyssea, Graece, Ep. PR. in membr, Florent. 1488. (Ex Bibliotheca Laurentiana.) IRELAND (Sam.) Vortigern and Rowena, Kynge Leare, &c. The original forged manuscripts, drawings, the lock of hair, and all the printed controversy. JON SON'S (Ben) Masques at Court, Triumphs, &c. twelve in number, original editions, 1614, &c. JONSON'S (Ben) Works, fol. Jirst edition, Lond. 1616. A presentation copy from the author. KINGS of England. A Booke containing the true Por- traiture of the countenance and attires of the kings of England from William the Conqueror unto our Soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth now raigning, with a brief account diligently collected by T. T. 4te*-London, sold by John de Beau- chesne, 1597, -Extremely rare. LAMENTACIONS of Queen Catherine, bl, lett. LA SCAR is Erotemata cum interpretatione latina, 4to. J'e- net. Aldus, 14945. 245 JOHN DENT, ESQ. LATHAM'S (John) Birds, with Supplement, coloured by Miss Stone, 7 vols. 4to. 1781. Only four copies extant. N^ LUCANUS, ED. PR. fol. Roma, Sweyn. et Pan. 1469. LUCRETIUS cur& Lambini, CH. M. 4to. Paris, 1563. Extremely rare on large paper ; cost the proprietor 40. Copies on small paper are not uncommon. LUMISDEN'S (And.) Remarks on the Antiquities of Rome, with original drawings by Du Cros, 4to. 1797. MAC CURTIN (H.) The Elements of the Irish Language grammatically explained in English in fourteen chapters, by H. Mac Curtin, 8vo. Printed at Lovain by Martin f an Orerbeke, near the Halls, 1728. - -> " This book is so exceeding scarce, that during the period of thirty years 1 have never found it in any of the London or Oxford catalogues. T. B. R." (Thomas Bryan Richards.) MS. note. " There is another copy of this book in the Charter House V library, and it is not known that there is a third copy in this kingdom, in any of the libraries, public or private. From the information of Mr. Wilson. T.B. R." 315. note. >< MAITTAIRE Auctores Classici cura, Maittaire, CH. -MAG. 26 torn. 8vo. Lond. 1713, &c. MAR DEN Collections concerning the Manor of Mar- den, in the County of Hereford, folio, a complete copy. (Vid. p. 50.) MYRROU R and descrypcyon of the worlde with many mer- uaylles. as Gramayre Rethorryke Logyke Geometrye Ars- metryke Musyke Astronomye, &c. sm. folio, Laurence An- drezce, no date. (From Mr. Woodhouse's collection.) K^ NEPOS (C.) fol. ED. PR. Venet. N. Jenson, 1471. NOR DEN'S (John) Historical and Topographical Descrip tiou of Cornwall, 4to. on tellum, Lond. 1728. OFFICE de la Vierge escrit par N. Jarry 1'an 1656, con- 246 JOHN DENT, ESQ. taming 95 leaves of pure vellum, and eight beautiful minia- tures by Petitot. This incomparable MS. was made for Anne of Austria : at her death it passed into the hands of the great Duke of Burgundy, who gave it to Madame de Maintenon. ORNITHOLOGY, a magnificent collection of, consisting of eighteen hundred Drawings and Prints of Birds by Lewin, Sydney Edwards, and Reinagle, in 12 large volumes folio. From Mr. Emperor IVoodford's collection. OVIDIUS Burmanni, 4 torn. 4to. CH. MAX. Amst. 1727. The Books of the Metamorphoses are embellished with fifty-seven beautiful drawings in Indian ink, executed byy John Claudius Cock, 1704. PHILELPHI (Fr.) Epistolas ad Familiares, fol. Fen, Greg. de Gregoriis, 1502. A superb copy from the Grollier coll. PLATO, Gr. 2 vols. fol. ED. PR. Venet. Aldus, 1513. PLATO, Gr. Lat. Serrani, 3 torn. fol. CH. M. in orna- mented binding, II. Steph. 1578. PRYNNE'S (Wm.) Records, 3 vols. fol. LARGE PA- PER, with frontispiece, and the printed explanation, 1665 670. (Fid. p. 104.) PSALTERIUM, Gr. et Lat. ED. PR. 4to. Medial. 1481.> PSALTERIUM, Gr. e Cod. MS. Alexandrine, cura H. H. Baber, 4to. in membr. Lond. 1812. RAPIN'S History of England with Tindal's Continuation, 4 vols. printed on large writing paper, Lond. 1743. ROY (W.) Rede me and be not wrothe, For I say no thynge but trothe. 12mo. no place or date. (Fid. p. 236.) SANNAZARO (Act. Syn.) Arcadia, Sonnetti e Canzone, 8vo. Aldo, 1534. Grollier^s copy. SANNAZARII Opera, Svo. Fenet. Aldus, 1535. lier's copy. 247 JOHN DENT, ESQ. SHAKSPEARE'S Seven Plays, the original editions in 4to. . Plays, all the folio editions. STEPHANI (H.) Thesaurus linguae Graecze, CH. M. 4 lorn. fol. //. Steph. 1572. SUFFOLK, Sepulchral Monuments in, ancient and modern; original drawings by Isaac Johnson, Land Surveyor, Wood- bridge, 4to. TABLE-RON DE Les Noms Armes et Blazons des com- pagnons de la Table Ronde, MS. With coloured effigies of the Knights. Supposed to be written in the time of Henry v 1 1 . La Devise des Armes des Chevaliers de la Table-Ronde, 32mo. lett. goth. on les vend a Paris en la rue St. Jaques a I'enseigne de Telephant devat les Ma- thurins. TERENTIUS, in membr. 8vo. Fenet. Aldus, 1521. . TESTAMENTUM Novum Graecum, e Codice MS. Alex- andrine, cur& Woide, in membr. 4to. Lond. 1786. With the Latin Dissertation prefixed. (Fid. p. 26.) THUCYDIDES, Gr. Lat. Dukeri, Cn.M. fol. Amst. 1731. VITRUVIUS de Architectura, in membr. 8vo. Florent. Phil, de Giunta, 1513, unique. WINSTANLEY'S (Hen.) Views of Audley End, Wimble- don, Longford, Rycott, Tythrop, 8tc. fol. W. DE WORDE. Jul. Beniers Bokys of Haukyng and Huntyng, fol. 1496. (Fid. p. 71.) W. DE WORDE. Hampole's (Richard de) Devoute Me- dytacyons, on vellum, 4to. 1508, unique. WORSLEYANUM Museum, or a Collection of antique Basso-Relievos, &c. 2 vols. fol. Lond. 1794. (Fid. p. 63.) XENOPHONde Cyri Institutione, Gr. et Lat. cura Th. Hutchinson, Oxon. 1727. Ejusdem de Cyri Expeditione, Gr. et Lat. cura, Th. Hutchinson, Oxon. 1735. CH. MAX. in 4 vols. fol. Of extreme rarity on large paper. Count Mac-Carlky's copy sold for 2550 francs. 248 DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE, DEVONSHIRE HOUSE, &c. THE present Duke has recently made very con- siderable additions to the old Cavendish Library; some valuable acquisitions were obtained at the sale of the Roxburghe collection, and a part of the library of the late Bishop Dampier, containing some very early editions of the classics and old English typography, was lately purchased by his Grace : the collection is rich in these two classes, many of the Editiones Principes are superior co- pies and in splendid bindings. The Duke's liberal offer to the executors of the late Count Mac-Carthy for his valuable library was, unfortunately for the proprietors, rejected ; y had the terms been accepted, his Grace's collec- tion would have rivalled even that of his noble relative. It is, however, pleasing to relate, that many of the valuable and important Mac-Carthy volumes are now in some of the best collections in this country. DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. JEsoPi Fabulse, cum ejusdem Vita per Max. Planudem. Gr. Lat. edente Bono Accursio, 4to. ED. PR. Mediol. (circa 14800 Eximiee raritatis liber. APULEIUS, ED. PR. fol. Romee, Sweynh. et Pannartz, 1469. ARIOSTO, Orlando Furioso, con molta diligentia da lui corretto, 4to. Ferrara, 1528. Extremely rare, purchased at the Stanley sale for 63. (Fid. Biblioth. Stanleiana, 1813, No. 257.) / AUGUSTINUS (S.) de Civitate Dei, fol. ED. PR. (tn Monast. Sublac.) 1467. AUGUSTINUS (S.) de Civitate Dei, fol. in membr. Fe- net. Spira, 1470. BIBLIA Germanica, 2 torn. fol. sine ulla nota. BIBLIA Sacra Latina, 2 torn. fol. impress, in membr. Fe- Kntt. Nic. Jenson, 1476. # BIBLIA Gra?ca, fol. Fenet. Aldus, 1518. BIBLIA Polonica, 4 Pinczowianis edita, et a Socinianis publicata, cura et sumptibus Nicolai Radzivillii, fol. Brestic -in Lith. 1563. (Prince RadzivilFs Bible.) This book, usually denominated " the Phoenix," is ex- tremely rare even in Poland. .ii BYBLE, translated by Mathew, fol. 1537. (Fid. p. SO.) ' ,if by Richard Taverner, fol. 1539- (Fid. p. 181.) BOCCACCIO, L'Amorosa Fiammetta, 4to. PR. ED. Pat. 1472. II Libro del Philocolo, &c. fol. Milano, Domen. da Fespola, 1476. BREYDENBACH, (Bern, de) Voyage et Pelerinage d'oultremer au saint sepulchre de Jerusalem, jig. fol. Lyon, 1488. 250 DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. CASTI (Giamb.) Novelle Galanti, in ottava rima nuova edizione, in cartel pecora, 8vo. Lond. (Parigi) 1793. CATONIS Ethica, seu Disticha de Moribus, fol. ED. PR. Augusta, 1475. CAXTON (W.) The Book of Faits of Armes and Chival- rye, fol. 1489. A Book for Travellers, folio, no date. The Game and Play of the Chesse, fol. second edition, no date. The Chronicles of Englond, fol. 1480. Dictes and Sayinges of the Philosophers, translated by the Erie of Ryuers, fol. 1477. (Pid. p. 100.) The Doctrinal of Sapyence, ryght vtile and prouffytable to alle crysten men, translated out of frenshe in to englysshe, fol. 1489. The Golden Legende, fol. 1493. Liber Festivalis, fol. 1483. The Lyf of Saint Katherin of Senis, and the Revelacions of Saynt Elysabeth the Kynges Doughter of Hungarye, fol. no date. Thymage or Myrrour of the Worlde, fol. 1480. The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye, fol. 1471. This matchless copy of the first book printed in the Eng- lish language, belonged to Elizabeth Gray, Queen of Ed- ward IV. (From the Roxburghe collection.) The Ryal Book, or a Book for a Kyng, fol. 1484. Tullius of Old Age; or, de Senectute f fol. 1481. CERVANTES Saavedra (Miguel de) II Ingenioso Hidalgo 251 DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. Don Quixotte dela Mancha, 2 vols. 4to. PRIM. EDIC. En Madrid, 16051615. CICERO de Finibus bonorii et maloru, 4to. lit. goth. sine ulla nota ; caract. Ulr. Zell. y y^ CICERONIS Officia et Paradoxa, fol. ED. PR. Mogunt. Joh. Fust, 1465. DANTE La Divina Comedia, cioe Inferno, Purgatorio e .X- Paradise, PR. ED. fol. Joh. Numeister, 1472. DEMETRII Chalchondylae Erotemata, fol. ED. PR. ab- sque ulla nota (sed Mediol. circa 1493). DEVONSHIRE (Duke of) Cabinet of Gems, engraved by Gosmond, 4to. (Fid. p. 41.) DIALOG us Creaturarum optime moralizatus, jucundis fa- bulis plenus, ED. PR. fol. goth. jig. Gouda, Ger. de Leeu, 1480. DIVES et Pauper, fol. Pynson, 1493. (Fid. p. 41.) DURANDI Rationale Divinorum Officiorum, fol. ED. PR. in membr. Mogunt. Fust et Schoyjfer, 1459. )C^ EUCLIDIS Elementa, latiue, fol. goth. ED. PR. Venet. Erhard. Ratdolt, 1 482. GALEOMYOMACHIA, tragoedia sic dicta, Gr. 4to. s. a. (Aldus.) GOUERNAUNCE of Kings and Princes, fol. Richard Pynson, 1511. HIERONYMI Epistola?, cum prcefat. Joan. Andrea? Episc. Aleriensis, ED. PR. cum anni nota, 2 torn. fol. Roma:, Sweynh. et Pannartz, 1468. HISTORIC Augusta? Scriptores, 3 torn, en 1 vol. fol. ED. PR. Mediol. Phil, de Lavagnia, 1475. X* HOMERI Opera, Grace, ED. PR. 2 torn. Flor. 1488. ^^ HOMERI Batrachoniyomachia, Gr. 4to. Venet. Leon. Cretensis, 1486. .(Fid. p. 46.) ^ INGHILTERRA, Historia delle cose occorse, in materiadel 252 DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. Duca di Notomberlan, &c. Nell'Acad. Fenet. (da Aldo,) 1558 (Fid. p. 220). INTRATIONUM Excellentissimus Liber, fol. Pynson, 1510. JESUS Christ. Le Mystere de la Vengeance de Notre Seign. J. C. 2 torn. fol. MS. sur velin decore avec beaucoup des plus belles miniatures. Ceci est le plus superbe MS. de ce genre. (From the Roxburghe collection.) JoANNisde Janua Summa quae vocaturCatholicon,2tom. fol. Mogunt. Fust et Schoy/er, V 1460 (Fid. p. 47.) JONES, (Inigo) Several Original Architectural Drawings containing the studies made by him in Italy, the sketches from which he painted the scenes for the Plays acted at the Ban- quetting House, &c. &c. This long-hidden treasure was recently discovered in one of the cabinets at Chiswick. JUSTIN us, fol. Roma, Sweynh. el Pann. 1472. KALENDAYR of the Shyppars, folio; prentyt r parys, 1503. LACTANTII Opera, Ep. PR. fol. In Monast. Sublac. ":' '. 1465. LITTLETON'S Tenores, first edition, fol. printed by Let- ton and Machlinia, (1480.) LUCIANUS, Gr. ED. PR. fol. Florent. 1496. (Fief. A"' p. 490 MENDO$A (Hurtado de) Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes, y de sus fortunas y adversidades, 12mo. PRIM. EDIC. Bur- gos, 1554. PAINTER'S Palace of Pleasure, with plesaunt Histories and excellent Novelles, 2 vols. 4to. 1566. PARIS et Viena Historia de li nobillissimi amanti Paris etVie, la) 4to. rorrft. 1488. DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. v PLINII Sec. (C.) Historia Naturalis, fol. ED. PK. T'e- net. Jo. de Spira, 1469- PLINII Sec. (C.) Historia Naturalis, fol. in membr. I e- net. Nic. Jenson, 1472. POLIPHILI Hypnerotomachia, &c. fol. in membr. Venet. Aldus, 1499. The only copy printed on vellum. PRYNNE'S (Wm.) Records/ S^vols. fol. 1665, 1666, 1670. (Pid. p. 104.) c We arc indebted to the Right Hon. Thomas Grcnville for the fol- lowing communication respecting an additional volume of Prynne's Records, hitherto unknown, and which exists in the library at Stowed At page 1 of the first volume, the author says of his work " A la- borious work, consisting of sundry volumes, not hitherto undertaken by any ; which I intend, God willing, to preface with a large Intro- duction (of kings and supreme magistrates soveraign ecclesiastical ju- risdiction from the creation, till above a thousand years after our Sa- viour's ascention) not yet compleated swelling to an entire tome." The three volumes being described as they are found when com- plete ; Mr. Grenville observes, " But this copy has an addition to it J^of another volume which I have never seen except at Stowe: it is evidently that Introduction which Prynne describes as not yet com- ^pleated stcelling toltn entire tome." The volume has no title-page, the first leaf is not paged, but under a wood-cut ornament begins with ft " An exact Chronological History and full display of Popes intol- lerable usurpations upon the anticnt just rights, liberties, of the kings, kingdoms, clergy, nobility, commons of England and Ireland :" the text then commences " The design of this Chronological History," &c. &c. The signature of this leaf is B. the next, and second leaf, is paged p. 1, and on the middle of p. 2 begins " The first Book." That this was intended as such cannot be doubted, for on a reference to the first volume it will be found that the second page of the first tome be- gins with Book n. Chap. I. The pages of this volume arc carried on to 400 inclusive, wliit h page of Book I. Chap. v. ends with " Coepiscpi>i tut et coma.'' Ohlys 254 DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. PSALTERIUM, Gr. et Lat. Ep. JPR.^to. Medial. PSALTERIUM Grzecum e Codice MS. Alexandrine cur& H. H. Baber, 4to. IM membr. Lond. 1812. (Fid. p. 6.) Seventeen copies only were printed on vellum, and one in the folio size in the possession of Mr. Baber. RHETORES Graeci, Gr. 2 vols. fol. Aldus, 1508 9. SAONA (Gul. de) Rhetorica Nova, 4to. ap. Villa Sancti Albani, 1480. (Fid. p. 189-) Si LIL s Italicus, fol. ED. PR. Roma:, Sweynheim et Pan- nartz, 1471. SPECULUM Christiani, 4to. Will, de Machlinia (West's copy). STATII Achilleis, 4to. sine loco, 1472. TERENTIUS, The Andrean, a Comedy, attempted in English metre, (by Sir H. C. Englefield, Bart.) (not pub- lished) LARGE PAPER, fol. Bulmer, 1814. Eight copies only printed on large paper. VALERIUS Maximus,fol. (Fenet.) Find, de Spira, 1471. VINCENTII burgundi Speculum quadruplex, naturale, doctrinale, morale et historiale, 10 torn. fol. Argentorati, J. Mentel 1473. WORDE (W. de), The moost pytefull Hystory of the No- ble Appolyn, Kyng of Thyre, 4to. U10. Bartholomaeus de Proprietatibus Re- ruin (anglice) fol. (Fid. p. 195.) in lu's British Librarian, p. 15, speaking of Prynne's Introduction to his second volume, says, " It was to supply the want of his larger In- troduction comprised in the first book of the first tome not yet com- pleated and over-large to be annexed to this as he at first designed." But neither Oldys nor any other bibliographer seems to have known that 400 pages of this larger Introduction had been actually printed. ^ 255 DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. WORDE (W. de), Berners (Jul.) The Treatyses perteyn- ynge to Hawkynge, Huntynge, &,c. fol. 1496. The Chorle and the Byrde, 4to. The Coplaynte of a Lover's Lyfe, 4to. The Contraverse bytwene a Lover and a Jaye, by Thomas Foylde, 4to. ' The Floure of the Commaundementes of God, &c. fol. 1521. Hylton Scala Perfeccionis; the Lad- der of Perfection, fol. 1494. A Lytyll Treatise of the Horse, the Sheep, and the Goos, by John Lydgate, 4to. Lydgate's Temple of Glas, 4to. no date. The Crete Shyppe of Fooles of this Worlde, 4to. J517. The Noble and amerous aucyent hys- tory of Troylus and Cresyde, by Chaucer, 4to. 1517. Valentine and Orson, fio date. 256 MARQUIS DOUGLAS & CLYDESDALE. THE valuable manuscripts and printed books collected for the Marquis of Douglas in Italy and in various parts of the Continent, are estima- ble from their great antiquity, rarity, and fine condition. The Greek and Latin manuscripts obtained by his Lordship when on his diplomatic mission to Russia, are unrivalled specimens of early art. Some articles noticed in the subjoined list will be found superior to many in the best public or private collections in this country. ALAIN Chartier, Poesies, MS. Kith illuminations, fol. xv. SIE'CLE. ALEXANDRE, Histoire du Roi ; MS. sur velin du xiv. Siecle ; avec miniatures. ANNE de Bretagne Entree de la Royne Anne de Bre- tagne, et Nopces avec Charles vm, 4to. MS. on vellum, zcith three fine illuminations. ANNE Entree et Sacre de la Royne Anne de Bretagne, 4to. with three large miniature paintings, representing her Entry into Paris, her Coronation } and the Banquet. 2 L MARQUIS OF DOUGLAS AND CLYDESDALE. ANNE Les Funerailles de Anne de Bretagne Royne de France, fol. MS. on vellum, with ten beautiful minia- tures. APULEIUS, fol. ED. PR. Roma, Szeeynh. et Pannartz, < 1469. ARETINUS (Leon.) de Bello Italico adversus Gothos, fol. Penet.Nic. Jenson, 1471. ASTRONOMICON Libri Macrobius in Somnium Scipi- onis, fol. MS. SJEC. xiv. AUGUSTIN (S.) de la Cite de Dieu, a most beautiful MS. on vellum, with miniature paintings and illuminated initials, 2 vols. large folio. BEDJE (Venerab.) Historia Ecclesiastica, fol. Codex An- tiquissimus. BESSARIONIS Card, libri v. adversus calumniatores Pla- tonis, 4to. a most beautiful MS. bound in crimson velvet. SJEC. xiv. BIBLE, traduction de Guyard des Mouiins, 1'an 1291, 2 vols. fol. MS. on vellum, with illuminations. The first translation of the Bible into French ; it contains some curious y readings, and was printed in 1490, in two folio volumes, by order of Charles vin. BIBLIA Sacra, MS. circa an. M. folio max. BIB LI A Sacra, Italice, anno 1396, folio, with the Papal arms on the sides, MS. BIBLIA Sacra, Latino, in membr. Venet. Nic. Jenson, 1476. BOCCACCIO (Giov.) L'Amorosa Fiammetta, 4to. Ep. PR. Patav. 1472. BOCCACCII (Jo.) Genealogia Deorum gcntilium, ED. PR. fol. Venet. V. de Spira, 1472. BOCCACCIUS de Montibus, Sylvis, Foutibus, Fluminibus, &c. fol. Venet. (V. de Spira,) 1473. 258 MARQUIS OF DOUGLAS AND CLYDESDALE. BON DEL MONTH (Chr.) Insularum Venetarum Historia, foi. MS. on cotton paper, 1420, with drawings of the is- lands. Only a part of this work is printed in Du Fresne " II- lyricum Fetus et Novum." The Epigrams in the beginning are written by various literary men of the timej one by Bembo is in his own hand-writing. "* $*"' BREVIARIO Graeco, with illuminations, 4to. MS. on vellum. C;ESAR, fol. MS. STEC. xv. The first leaf elegantly ornamented, and the initial let- ters illuminated. CARRACCI (Ag.) II funerale d'Agostin Carraccio fatto in Bologna, &c. 4to. Bologna, 1605. (Fid. p. 211.) CASTIGLIONE (II Conte Baldes.) II Cortegiano, PRIM. EDIZ. fol. Venetia, Aldo, 1528. A beautiful Grollier copy. CECHI' de Asculis Liber, Codex super membr. fol. 1375. x CICERONIS Epistola?, Codex, 1472, folio. A MS. of great beauty ; on the first leaf are the arms of Ferdinand vi. CICERONIS (M. Tull.) Orationes, fol. MS. on vellum. SJEC. xv. CICERO'S various works, in several volumes, in fine pre- servation, MS. CNUTIONIS Magni Gesta. A MS. of great antiquity: f The author's real name was Francesco Siabili, a native of Ascoli: this book treats of the heavens, the elements, virtues, vices, love, ani- mals, minerals, and religion : it contains numerous drawings of birds, quadrupeds, &c. The writer having published a book on astrology, was condemned by the Inquisition to bo burnt, and suffered that hor- rible death at Florence in 1327.--' 259 MARQUIS OF DOUGLAS AND CLYDESDALE. it is dedicated to Queen Emma, the widow of Canute, and is supposed to have been written about the year 1030 : prefixed is a drawing of the author presenting his book to the Queen. COLUMELLA (Jun. Mod.) de Re Rustica, folio, with numerous miniatures in circles representing the labours of husbandry. MS. DANTE, with miniatures, fol. MS. SJEC. xiv. DANTE Alighieri, La Commedia, MS. on vellum, ob- long folio. S.EC. xv. This fine MS. written about the year 1450, contains the entire poem, with the exception of some Cantos of the " Inferno." It is ornamented with eighty-eight original designs supposed to be executed by the hand of Sandro Botticelli) or some other eminent Florentine artist. DANTE col commento di Christophoro Landino, Firenze, 1481, fol. gr. (Fid. p. 40.) ECCLESI.K Concilia: CODEX ANTIO. fol. EC H ECS, Jeu des, MS. on vellum, illuminated, 1375. EVANGELI, Concordia degli, 1398, MS. on vellum, the drawings, on a green ground, are elaborately finished ; at the end of the volume are the arms and genealogy of the fa- mily of the Gradenigi. EVANGEX.IA Quatuor Grace : a magnificent MS. upon vellum : the subject of each page is designated at the top in letters of gold: it is one of the Jinest Greek manuscripts ex- tant : bound in blue velvet Kith bronze-gilt medallions of the birth of our Saviour and the adoration of the Magi on the sides, fol. SJEC. x. EVANGELIA Quatuor, LatinS, S^;c. x. 4to. A most beautiful MS. the capital letters in gold. Bound in velvet, with an ancient diptych in ivory of the crucifixion on the side. EVANGELIA Quatuor Latine, fol. S^EC. xiv. 260 MARQUIS OF DOUGLAS AND CLYDESDALE. This beautiful MS. containing the four gospels in Latin, is written on purple vellum, in capital letters of gold. It appears from the Latin verses e prefixed to the book, that it was transmitted to King Henry vm. by Pope Leo x. when he conferred upon him the title of " Defender of the Faith." FABLIAUX et Poesies des xn. et xm. Siecles, MS. fol. Bound in crimson velvet. GASTON Histoire du Comte Gaston de Foix, par Ar- naud Squerrer, MS. du xv e - Siecle. fol. HORATIUS, S^EC. xv. A most splendid MS. executed for Ferdinand i. King of Naples, folio. HUON Le Roman du Loyal Comte Huonecriten 1341, fol. MS. on vellum, with miniature paintings on everu page. JOSEPHUS, Latine, MS. with miniature paintings, 2 vols. fol. KORAN, The A most superb MS. enriched with bril- liant illuminations : it was a present from Maulowa Mo- hammed Achmed to Nijul al Dowlah, folio, in oriental binding. LIVIUS, 1416, fol. A most beautiful MS. the first leaf elegantly ornamented, and the initial letters illuminated. LUCANUS, Codex Antiquissimus, small folio. MAYCOES et Ypocras, le Livre de, 4to. MS. with nu- merous botanical drawings. MISSAL, a superb, executed for the Cardinal JULIUS * Underneath the arms of King Henry vm. are the following lines in, capital gold letters : Fato servatus. tibi. sum. ter. Maxie P'nceps. Te quoq, servarut. aurea. Fata Michi Instaurata Nitet. te sacra Dogmata Peri Aureus. est. Author Christus ubiq, Mcus. 261 MARQUIS OF DOUGLAS AND CLYDESDALE. de MEDICIS, afterwards POPE CLEMENT vn. Painted in a most masterly style, and bordered with figures of birds, Jiozcers, fyc. in the most perfect preservation. The arms of the Cardinal Julius appear at the bottom of each page, and in several of the initial letters. On the last leaf is the follow- ing inscription : Sedente Leone x. Pont. Maximo Ludouicus Vicentinus scribebat Romae An. Sal. MDXX. MISSALE Romanum, 4to. With 29 large and upwards of SO small miniatures; the borders contain numerous fi- gures, many ofiehich are singularly grotesque. This beautiful Missal belonged to Charles of Lorraine, Duke of Guise ; it is in old ornamented binding, zcith the arms of Lorraine impressed on the sides. MISSEL d'Angiers, MS. on vellum, zcith illuminations. MODUS (Le Roy) sur la Venerie et des Gens de divers Etats. MS. de Van 1380 3 tres precieux, conten. 78 minia- tures. MORUKKA, a most splendid oriental MS. fol. NICEPHORI Gregorae quaedam Inedita, fol. A fine MS. on stout oriental paper. PAULI (S.) Epistolae A very ancient Greek MS. on cotton paper, folio. PELERINAGE, Le, de la Vie Humaine, avec belles mi- niatures; MS. du xv e - Siecle, fol. PLINII Historia Naturalis, SJEC. xi. fol. A fine MS. bound in crimson velvet. PRUDENTIUS, MS. super per gam. SJEC. x. PSALTERIUM Graeco-Latinum, MS. super per gam. In this curious MS. which was written in the ninth cen- tury, the Greek is exhibited in Roman characters, by which means we learn the exact pronunciation of the Greek lan- 262 MARQUIS OF DOUGLAS AND CLYDESDALE. guage as it was spoken, at that period, in the Byzantine empire. PSALTERIUMJ S*' Salabergas Fundatricis et primze Ab- batissae hujus monasterii S j< Joannis Laudunensis, (ob. anno x- 655,) folio. The writing, and particularly the initial letters, are singu- larly curious : the book is quoted, and a fac-simile of it given, in " Mabillon de lie Diplomatica," fol. p. 358 PTOLOMJEI (Al. Claud.) Catalogus fixarum stellarum, fol. MS. ou vellum, with curious paintings. REGIME des Princes translate de latin en francois a la requeste de treshault et puissant prince mon tres redouble seigneur Mons. le Comte d'Angoulesine Charles premier de ce nom. A beautiful MS. in long lines, with a fine illumination representing the translator presenting his book to the king. folio, in old morocco binding, catered withjieurs de Us. REGISTRUM Sanctae Mariae Furnesii, per Abbate Guill. Dalton, fol. A most perfect MS. written about the year 1412: the capital letters are ornamented with the portraits of some of our kings: their arms also and those of the nobi- lity, form embellishments to many of the initial letters. RENE' d'Anjou Traite d'une Ame Devote par le Roi Rene d'Anjou, Roi de Sicile ; fait en 1455, MS. on vellum, with miniature paintings, fol. RHETORIOUE, La, des Dieux ; on Principes de Mu- sique. Ornamented with the original drawings of Bosse, Nanteuil, and Le Sueur, oblong 4to. bound in black sha- green, with siher gilt ornaments. From the collection of Girardot de Prefond. (See a very elaborate description of this curious MS. in De Sure Bibliographic, No. 2048.) 263 MARQUIS OF DOUGLAS AND CLYDESDALE. ROMAN de la Rose, MS. with illuminations, 4to. ap- parently coeval with J. de Meun. RON SARD, (Pierre) La Franciade Poeme; the first look is written in gold letters on purple vellum ; the second in sil- ver letters on dark green vellum, dated 1570. SALLUSTIUS, fol. ED. PR. Fenet. (F. de Spira) 1470. STATIUS, CODEX ANT. SJEC. xi. fol. TABLE Ronde, Chevaliers de la; a beautiful MS. the pages embellished with elegant borders, fol. THEOCRITUS Hesiodus, &c. Gr. fol. Fenet. Aldus, 1495. TRIOMPHE d'Honneur et d'Amour, 4to. with tzeo fine miniature paintings : in old ornamented binding. TROYE Historic de la Destruction de Troye, translate de latin en francois, fol. MS. de I'an. 1289. VIGNE Le Roman des Oyseaulx en vers francois par Gace de la Vigne : h a beautiful MS. in fine preservation, with an elegant miniature of the author presenting his book to the king, folio. VIRGILIUS, a very ancient MS. small folio. v VIRGILIUS, Cod. ant. qui mine Florentiae in bibliotheca Mediceo-Laurentiana adservatur, 4to. in membr. Florent. typ. Mannianis, 1741. \^ This edition is afac-simile of the Medicean Codex. h Gace de la Bigne (not la Vigne as he is usually^catted) was chap- lain to King John, and followed that prince into 1 England after the battle of Poicticrs. His poem on the Chase, entitled as above, was written by command of the king, for the instruction of his son Philip, Duke of Burgundy. Bigne is supposed, from some passages in his work, to have been living in 1375. 264 j ' THE RIGHT HON. THOMAS GRENVILLE, "V CLEVELAND SQUARE, ST. JAMES'S. IN the formation of libraries we rarely observe the good taste, judgment, and bibliographical knowledge which is apparent on a view of this su- perior collection. It contains a large proportion of what is valuable in almost every class, and in- cludes many of the best productions of our early printers; among these are some fine specimens of the Aldine press, and numerous rare volumes in classical, critical, and biblical literature. To these may be added, the historians of the early and middle ages, English and Spanish chroni- cles, monkish historians, curious historical tracts, old English poetry and biography, Italian and Spanish romances, and a fine collection of voy- ages and travels. Many of the volumes are on large paper, and the whole collection is in the best condition. 2 31 RIGHT HON. THOMAS GRENVILLE. ANALECTA Sacra Nova et Mira de Rebus Catholicorum in Hibernia pro fide et religione gestis, diuisa in tres partes. Collectore et Relatore T. N. philadelpho, 8vo. Colojiia, Steph. Rolinus, 1617. The author was David Rooth, Bishop of Ossory : he is much praised by Usher, to whom he supplied some docu- ments for the Primordia. He wrote also the " Answers to Queries concerning the Lawfulness of the present Ces- sation," first printed at Kilkenny, 1648, and reprinted by Walsh, 1G73, in his scarce work of " History of Remon- strance, 1661." An answer to Rooth's Anakcta was pub- lished by Ryvius, and is now extremely scarce : its title is " Regiminis Anglicani in Hibernia Defensio, adversus Analectem" 4to. Londini, 1624. I do not recollect to have seen any copy of this answer except my own." MS. note by Mr. Grenville. ANTHOLOGIA Graeca, ab Hug. Grotio lat. carmine red- dita ab Hieronimo de Bosch, 4 torn. fol. CH. MAX. Ultraj. 17951810. Twelve copies only were printed on the largest paper. :*"/ APULEIUS, ED. PR. fol. Roma, Srceynh. et Pan. 1469. ARISTOPHANES, Gr. ED. PR. fol. Venet. Aldus, 1498. ARNOLD'S Chronicle, or the Customs of London, fol. Without the printer's name or date. ARSENIUS Preclara dicta Philosophorum, imperatorum et poetarum, ab Arsenio archiepiscopo Monembasia? collecta, Graece, &c. 2 torn, in 1, 8vo. sine ulla nota (sed ante an. 1522.) ASHMOLE'S (Elias) Antiquities of Berkshire, large pa- per, with the portrait, 3 vol. 8vo. 1719- ATI LA Flagellum Dei, 4to. Fen. 1507. AUBREY'S (John) Natural History and Antiquities of the County of Surry, large paper, portrait, 5 vols. 8vo. 1718. 266 RIGHT HON. THOMAS GRENVILLE. AUSONIUS cura Avantii, Rvo. Fenet. Aldus, 1517. Exemplar non sciss. in margine. BALDWIN (Wm.) The Funeralles of King Edward the Sixt. anno 1553. wherein are declared the causers and causes of his death, with the king's head finely cut in wood, 4to. Thomas Mar she, 1560. BAETOLOMEO (Zamb.) Carte del Mare Egeo, in rime, fol. 1532. BAUDOIN L'Hystoire et Cronique du Baudoin Cote de Fladres, 4to. lit. goth. Lyon, sans date, tres rare. " Cette piece qui regarde la fin du regne de Louis xn. etoit apparamment satyrique. Le P. le Long ne Pa pas connue." BEMBI (Pet.) de jEtna ad Angelum Chabrielem liber, 4to. Fenet. Aldus, 1495. BEMBI (Petri) Cardinalis Historiae Venetae Libri xil. fol. Fenet. Aldus, 1551. A beautiful copy on thick paper; it belonged to Henry ii. of France, whose arms are impressed on the sides, with the device of Diane de Poitiers. BERLINGHIERI (Franc.) Geographia in terza rima, con Tavole in rame, PRIM. EDIZ. fol. Firenzeper N. Todesco (1480) Libra di gran raritd. (V. Cat. de la Falliere 3641 et BibL Spencer, iv. 64.) BIB LI A LATIN A, 2 vols. fol. Mogunt. Guttenberg (cir - ca 1455.) This copy of the famous MAZARINE BIBLE is printed upon vellum, and was lately purchased at the sale of the Mac Carthy Library. BIB LI A Sacra, 2 torn. fol. Mogunt, Fust et Schoyffer t 1462. 2 torn, in 1 vol. Mogunt. Schoyffer, 1472. BLARRORIVO (Petri de) insigne Nanceidos opus de bello 267 RIGHT HON. THOMAS GRENVILLE. Nanceiano: cum fig. in ligno incis. fol. Impress, in Lotho- ring. pago divi Nic. de Portu, 1518. BOCCACCIO (Giov.) 11 Decamerone, 4to. Firenze, Gi- unti, 1527. C Fid. p. 31.) BRANDT (Seb.) Stultifera Nauis : The Shyp of Folys of the Worlde, fol. Latin and Engl. Ri. Pynson, 1509. A copy of this edition on vellum is in the French royal library. BRANDT (Seb.) Stultifera Nauis: The Ship of Fooles, wherein is shewed the folly of all States, with divers other workes adioyned unto the same, very profitable and fruitfull for all men. Translated out of Latin into Englishe by ALEX- ANDER BARCLAY, priest, in Latin and English, fol. J. Ca- wood, 1570. BRY (De) et Merian, Collectiones peregrinationum in Indiam Orientalem et Indiam Occidentalem, 13 torn. fol. Franco/, adManum, 1590 1634. A complete set, containing also the English part of Vir- ginia, dedicated to Sir Walter Raleigh by De Bry; it is prior to the Latin part of the same date. Franco/. 1590. This edition is not noticed in Camus " Mcmoire sur les Grands et Petits Voyages," 4to. Paris, 1802. CAMPO (Ant.) Cremona rappresentata in disegno col suo Contado, et illustrata d'una breve historia della cose piu nota- bili appartenenti ad essa, et de i Ritratti de Duchi et Duch- esse di Milano, fol. Cremona, in casa deW autore, 1585. (Vid. p. 132.) The head of Philip n. with the bonnet, at page 112, is found in that state in ihejirst impressions only. CARTER'S (Edm.) History of the County of Cambridge, 8vo. 1753. CARVE (Thomae) Lyra, sive Anacephalaeosis Hibernica; with the portr. 4to. Suhbaci, 1666. ( Fid. p. 33.) RIGHT HON. THOMAS GRENVILLE. CASAS (Fr. Bartol.) Relacion de la destruycion de las ludias, Edic. orig. 4to. Sevilla, 1552. This volume contains fae tracts. (Vid. p. 33, and Bill Croftsiana, No. 8148.) CATECHISM us, that is to say, a short Instruction into Christian Religion for the synguler commoditie and profyte of childre and yong people. Set forth by the moost reuerende father in God Thomas (Cranmer) Archbyshop of Canterbury,^ 8vo. Nicholasjfcttj 1548^ (imperfect.) CATULLUS Tibullus et Propertius Mureti, 8vo. CH. MAG. Venet. Aldus, 1558. CATULLUS Tibullus et Propertius cum comment. Vulpii, 4 torn. 4to. CH. MAG. Patavii, 17374955. Brunei seems to doubt the existence of the large paper Catullus and Tibullus. (Vid. " Manuel," i. 278.) CAXTON, \V( The Morale Prouerbes of Chrystine (of Pyse,) fol. Enprinted infeuerer the colde season, (1478.) CELLINI (Benven.) Due Trattati delle arti deH'Orificeria e della Scultura, 4to. Fiorenza, 1568. This first edition, printed in the life-time of Cellini, con- tains several pieces omitted in the edition of 1731. CHALCONDYL^E (Demetr.) Erotemata synoptica octo partium orationis : Manuel Moschopulus de Prosodia, &c. Grace, fol, ED. PR. absque ulla nota (sed Mediolani cir- ca 1493.) CICERONIS Officia et Paradoxa, fol. ED. PR. in membr. < Mogunt. Joh.Fust, 1465. j n membr. ib. 1466. /X CLOVIO (Giulio) Aquila del Carlos v e . Twelve fine mi- niatures by GIULIO CLOVIO in perfect preservation, repre- senting the victories of the Emperor Charles v. Some of the scenes represented in these inimitable paintings are The surrender of Francis the First at the battle of Pavia. 69 RIGHT HON. THOMAS GRENVILLE. The sacking of Rome in the year 1527. The pope (Clement vn.) and cardinals shut up in the Castle of St. Angelo. The Duke of Saxony, wounded, approaching the em- peror. Tunis (anno 1535) prisoners devoured by African can- nibals. The title of each piece is placed in the centre of an or- namented frame adorned with elegant figures. Oblong folio, bound in crimson velvet, in a case. DANTE, colcommento di Christ. Laudino, fol. Fir. 1481. D ARC IE (Abr.) Annales of the famous Empresse Eliza- beth, Queene of England, &c. translated out of French, 2 vols. 4to. LARGE PAPER, London, Benj. Fisher, no date. The large paper differs from the small in many respects ; it has no date in the title, which in the latter is 1625 ; be- hind the print of Elizabeth are fourteen verses in colour, and in the small paper only the two last verses in common print ; the Dedication to Prince Charles is in gold letters ; and on the last leaf of vol. 2, is a fine portrait by Delaram of Darcie, which is not in any copies except the Marquis of Stafford's and General Dowdeswell's. The portrait has been copied. ERCILLA y Zuniga (Alonso) La Araucana, IBino. An- vers, 1575. A prior edition to any knozvn : at the end is a curious testimonial by Juan Gomez. This edition contains only the first part which the author printed as complete, but afterwards added a second and a third part. In Croft's Catalogue (No. 4546) an edition of 1578, in two parts, is called iliejirst ; extremely rare. FABRITII, Libro della Origine delli volgari proverbi, fol. Finegia, 1526. (Fid. p. 216.) 270 RIGHT HON. THOMAS GRENVILLE. FORBES (Patrick) Bishop of Aberdene, Funerals of, con- sisting of Sermons, Epitaphs, Fun. Orat. &c. by most of the poets of the time, 4to. dberdene, 1635* Mr. Bindley gave six guineas for a copy. GEOGRAPHIC veteris scrip tores grzeci (et arabici) mi- nores, cum annot. Dodwelli Hudsoni et Wells, 4 torn. Svo. CH. MAG. Oxonii, 1698,170312. Porson's copy. GNOMOLOGIA et Musaeus, 4to. Florent. (circa 1496.) GUEKINO Meschino. Ystoria breve de Re Karlo Impe- ratore ; et opere di quello Cavalieri nominate Guerino e pre- nominato Meschino. EDIZ. PR. fol. Padua, Earth, de Fal- dezochio, 1473. The rarest of the early romances. HARUEII (Gabr.) Gratulationum Valdinensium Libri quatuor, ad illustriss.Princip. Elizabethan! Angliae, &,c. Re- ginam longe serenissimam. 4to. H. Bynneman, 1578. HASTED'S (Edw.) History of the County of Kent, 4 vols. folio, large paper , 1778. Eight copies only were printed on large paper. HENRICUS vin. Assertio Septem Sacramentorum ad- versus Martin. Luther u, 4to. jR. Pynson, 1521^- \ HESIODUS, Gr. Lat. Robinsoni, fol. CH. MAX. Oxon. 1737. Ten copies only were printed on the largest paper : (from the Duke of Grafton's collection.) Hi G DEN'S (Ralph) Polycronicon, Englished by Trevisa, bl. lett. fol. Southward, Pet. Trevisa, 1527. HOLLANDI (H.) Herwologia Anglica: hoc est clarissi- >* morum et doctissimorum aliquot Anglorum qui floruerunt ab anno X u * M. D. usque ad presentem annum M.DCXX. Viva? Effigies, Vitae et Elogia. Impensis Crispini Pass&i, fol. A presentation copy from the author to Sir ^Thomas Holland: with the original Index of Plates, and the ad- 271 RIGHT HON. THOMAS GRENVILLE. dition (at p. 74) of a Latin Epitaph on Sir Philip Sidney by James I. Also a note' on Dean Colet at page 146. HOMERI Opera, Graec6, ED. PR. 2 torn. fol. Florent. 1488. With MS. emendations by Gilbert Wakefield. JOANNIS de Janua Summa quae vocatur CATHOLICON, XX fi torn. fol. ED. PR. Mogunt. (Fust, fyc.) 1460. Printed upon vellum, the first page finely illuminated: of extreme rarity. The Duke de la V allure' 3 copy; and lately purchased at the sale of the Mac Carthy library. Ju YEN ALTS cum comment. Ruperti, 2 torn. 8vo. CH. MAG. Lipsia, 1801. LANCELOT du Lac, Chevalier de la Table Ronde, Ro- man, translate du Latin en Frangois, 3 torn. fol. Paris, Ve- rard, 1494. LITTELTON'S Tenores,y?rsf edition, fol. printed by Let- tou and Machlinia, (1480.) ^XX LUCIANI Opera, Grace", ED. PR. fol. Florent. 1496. MANOLESSO Historia Nova del Duca di Norfolk, &c. 4to. Padoua, 1572. MARGUERITE (Reme de Navarre) L'Heptameron des Nouvelles de, remis en ordre par Claude Groget, 4to. PR EM. EDIT. Paris, 1559. MARMOL Carowajal (Luis del) Historia del Rebelion, y castigo de los Moriscos del Reyno de Grenada, fol. En Ma- laga, Juan Rene, 1600. 1 " In lucem nuper venit opus de scriptoribus Angliae, authore quo- dam Pits Anglo Papista (scriptore quidam non indocto) in quo ab aliis de nostro Coleto scribit, quod homo esset pius, doctus, modestus, &c. Quibus ipse etiam subscribe ; ubi vero scribit ilium fuisse Papis- tam seu Ecclesiae Romauae membrum, hoc confidenter nego : quod cum satis probatum sit in praemissis vitae ejus, non opus cst ut plura loquar." RIGHT HON. THOMAS GRENVILLE. MEZERAY (Fr. E.) Histoire de France, 3 torn. fol. GRAND PAP. Paris, 1643 51. A complete copy with the medallion of Queen Bertha. (Fid. p. 223.) Mo RE'S. (Sir Th.) Workes, fol. bl lett. complete. J. Ca- vood, 1557. Dialogue, of the worship of ymages and relyques, prayyng to sayntys, &c. bl. lett. fol. Jo. Ras- tell, 1529. NEF La, des Fols du monde, translated du Latin, fol. Paris, 1497. ORFORD (Horatio Earl of) Reminiscences, written in 1778, for the amusement of Miss Mary and Miss Agnes B y. fol. illustrated with portraits. London, Rich. Taylor, 1805. These Reminiscences are printed in the fourth volume of Lord Orford's works. PARAENETICORUM veterum Scriptores vm. cum notis Melchioris Haim. Goldasti, 4to. Insula ad Lacum Aero- nium, typ. J. Lud. Brem. 1604. PARIS (Matthai) Monachi Albanensis Angli Historia Major, editore Will. Watts, 2 torn. fol. CH. MAG. Lond. Ri. Hodgkinson, 1640. PARKER (Math.) Psalter in English metre, bl. lett. 4to. , London, J. Day. f Fid. p. 86.) ' PATRITII Lud. Novum Itinerarium jEthiopiae, .ZEgypti, utriusque Arabise, Persidis, Syriae, ac Indiae intrsi et extrd Gangem (ex italico in lat versum ab Archangelo Madrig- nano.) fol. Mediol. 15}}. The original, in Italian, is printed in the first volume of Ramusio, under the name of Barthema, sometimes call- ed Varthema: the author's narrative appears also to have been published at Rome under the name of Varibemo. (Fid. p. 237.) 2 w RIGHT HON. THOMAS GRENVILLE. PETRARCA (F.) Cose Volgari et Sonnetti, 8vo. in carta pecora, Fen. Aldo, 1501, bound in blue velvet, with a por- trait of Earl Spencer, in cameo by Marchant, on the side presented by Countess Spencer. X*<>' PLATO, Gr. 2 vol. fol. ED. PR. Venet Aldus, 1513. It/ a PLATO, Gr. Lat. Serrani, 3 torn. fol. CH. MAG. H. 'ISteph. 1578. With the arms of Sir Kenelm Digby impressed on the sides, and his autograph in the title. PLOWMAN Pierce (The Vision of) first edition, bl. left. 4to. on vellum. Printed by Rob. Crozvley. Only another copy on vellum known, zvhich is in Earl Spencer's library at Althorp. POET^E Christiani. Prudentii poetze opera;' Prosperi Aqui- tanici epigrammata ; cantica Joannis Damasceni in Theogo- niam, &c. Gregorii Nazanzeni Carmina, Gr. et Lat. 3 vol. 4to. Venet. Aldus, 1501 1504. Nonni Panopolitani para- phrasis Evangelii secundum Joannem, graece, 4to. absque ulla nota (sed Venet. Aid. circa 1501.) The complete collection described above is extremely rare, (Fid* An. de I'lmprim. des Aide i. 34 et 74. et Brunei Man. du Libraire in. 42. POLITIANI (Ang.) Opera, fol. Basil. 1553. This valuable edition, unknown to De Bure and Cailleau, is the only one that contains the account of the Pazzi con- . spiracy. Vid. Roscoe'sLife of Lorenzo, 4to. i. 179, note. POLO (Marco) Libro delle maravigliose Cose del Mondo, 8vo. Veneti senz' anno. PORTERT (Franc.) Annales Ecclesia? Hibernicae, 4to. Rom*, 1690. PSALTERIUM, Gr. et Lat. ED. PR. 4to. Mediol. 1481: PSALTERIUM, Gr. e Cod. MS. Alexandriuo cur^ H. H. Baber, 4to. in membr. Lond. 1812. (Fid. p. 255. 274 RIGHT HON. THOMAS GRENVILLE. PuRCHAS k (Sam.) His Pilgriraes and Pilgrimage, 5 vol. folio. Loud. 16256. An extraordinary copy, in blue morocco, with rough leaves. R AST ALL (John) The Past) me of People. The Cronicles of diuers realmys, and most specially of the realme of Eng- lond, fol. 1529. -A complete copy, and the rarest of our chronicles. | "fa i REINECCH (Rein.) Historia Julia, sive syntagma He- roicum trium priorum Monarchiarum, 3 vol. fol. Helmestad. Lucius, 159457. SANDFORD (Fras.) The Order and Ceremonies used for the solemn Interment of George late Duke of Albemarle, -with engraved tkle and twenty plates of the funeral procession, the effigies and hearse. Oblong fol. 1670. SANDFORD'S (Fras.) Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England, by Sam. Stebbing, large paper, folio, 1 707. This copy belonged to the late Thomas Barrett, Esq. of Lee Priory, and was purchased in 1760 for tzco guineas ; it is now worth upwards of forty guineas. Only 24 copies printed on large paper. SMITH'S (Capt. John) History of Virginia, large paper, &ith the portraits of Duck, of Richmond and Matoaka, fol. 1624. SPECULUM Anabaptici furoris, cum iconibus, 12mo. Lug, Bat. 1608. This volume appeared in the same year under the title of " Apocalypsis insignium aliquot Haeresiarcharum. " (Vid. Vogt. Catal. 1793, p. 414.) k This indefatigable and esteemed author died in 1628, at the age of 51, in distressed circumstances, in consequence of losses sustained by the publication of his book. 275 RIGHT HON. THOMAS GRENVILLE. < SPECULUM Xpristiani. 4to. Will, de Machlinia. SPRIGGE'S (Josh.) England's Recovery : being the His- tory of the Army under the conduct of Sir Thomas Fairfax ; with a most brilliant impression, by Marshall, of Fairfax on horseback, fol. 1647. STRABO, Gr. ED. PR. fol. Fenet. Aldus, 1516. THORESBY'S (Ralph) Topography of the Town and Parish of Leeds, and parts adjacent, fol. large paper, 1715. THUCYDIDES, Gr. fol. .ED. PR. Fenet. Aldus, 1502. Gr.Lat. Dukeri, CH. M. fol. Amst. 1731. TIRANTE II Bianco, tradotto in lingua italiana, da Lelio di Manfredi, 4to. Finegia, Sabio, 1538. TRISTAN Le Roman du noble et vaillant Chevalier Tristan, 2 torn. fol. goth. Paris, Ferard. TURPIN Chronique et Histoire faite par Turpin, Ar- chevesque de Rheims; translatee du latin en francois, par Robert Gaguin, 4to. goth. Pan's, Chauldiere, 1527. UBALDINI (Jo. Paul.) Carmina Poetarum nobilium, 8vo. Medial. 1563. VALENTYN (Franc.) Oud-en nieuw Oost Indien, 8 vols. fol. large paper, Dord. et Amst. 17246. (Fid. p. 62.) VICARS (J.) Magnalia 1 Dei Anglicana, or England's Par- liamentary Chronicle, 4 parts in 3 vols. with tables, 4to. 1646. VICTORII (Pet.) Commentarii in Librum Demetrii Pha- lerei de elocutione, Gr. et Lat. fol. Florent. in off'. Juntar. 1562. (De Thou's copy.) With the arms of J. Reekie; motto Ex fumo dare lucem. VIRGILII Opera, 8vo. Barcelona, Pou, 1405. , The above early edition is unknown to all the bibliogra- 1 Vicars had written a poem called Magnolia, and therefore he calls this work the second part of Magnalia. He was under master in Christ's Hospital, and died in 1652, aged 72. 276 RIGHT RON, THOMAS GRENVILLE. phers : the date 1 405 is actually expressed on the title, pos- sibly by mistnltft for ^0fl5- VIRGILIUS Heinsii, 12mo. CH. MAG. ap. Elzevir. 16?6. WALPOLE'S (Hor.) Historic Doubts on the Life and Reign of King Richard ill. royal 4to. Strawberry Hill. This is a pa t of the intended Strawberry Hill edition of Lord Orford's works ; the continuation was abandoned in consequence of nearly the whole bundle being accidentally destroyed. WEEVEII'S (John) Funeral Monuments in Great Britain, fol. large paper, 3631. Mr. Benj. Way's copy. WHELER'S (Geo.) and Spoil's Journey into Greece, fol. large paper, Lond. 16S2. WOKDE, W. de Jul. Berners' Treatyses perteynynge to Hawkynge, Huntynge, &.c. fol. on vellum, with the arms em- blazoned, 1496. WORDE, W. de Legenda Aurea; m that is to saye in Englysshe, The Golde Legende, fol. 1512. WORDE, W. de Prompttiariu paruulorum clericoru, 4to. 1510. WORDE, W. de Stabrigii Vocabula, 4to. sine anno. WORDE, W. de Paruulorum Institutio ex Stanbrigiana collectione, 4to. 1528. " Alias the Legend of Lies," (Roger Twysden.) " It is difficult to say where lies the greatest wqnder in this book which is most extraordinary, a man, or men composing or extracting from romances, monkish fables, or prophane historys, a bundle of lies or absurdities, in order to impose upon mankind for their own emolu- ment, or the people's submitting to such an imposition and putting an implicit faith therein, which thousands (and several not of the lowest rank) instantly did." MS. note. 277 RICHARD HEBER, ESQ. PIMLICO: AND HODNET, SHROPSHIRE. THIS gentleman is well known to be the most indefatigable collector of the present day; the Sale Catalogues of the last twenty years bear am- ple testimony to the ardour of his pursuit. His library of many thousand volumes is not confined to any particular class ; old English poetry, early printed French, Italian, and Spanish romances have chiefly been the objects of re- search. Mr. Heber's quadruplicates of rare black letter books, and tracts, have accumulated in a consi- derable degree; and we understand, that while yet in the full vigour of life, he will undertake the task of selection, relieve his oppressed shelves and floors ; and, by dispersing the superfluous treasures, contribute to the enlargement of other rival collections. 278 RICHARD HEBER, ESQ. AIMON The right pleasaunt, and goodly Historic of the four Sonnes of Aimon, fol. 1554. ARISTOPHANIS Comaedia? novem, Gr. ED. PR. fol. Ve- net. Aldus, 1498. ARISTOTELIS et Theophrasti Opera, Gr. 5 vels. fol. ED. PR. Venet. Aldus Manutius, 1495. 1498. A R LOTTO (Piovano) Facetie, fabule, e inotti, 12mo. Me- diol. 1523. AUGUSTINTJS (S.) de Civitate Dei, ED. PR. fol. (in Monast. Sublac.) 146". BALLADS and early printed Tracts Ballet of Ty thy mare torn boy, ty thy mare,Jinis quod Wyllyam Kith Pistel sent to Gilbaid Potter when he was in prison, for speakinge on our most true Queues part, the Lady Mary, before he had his eares cut off, 1553 : with other tracts, 8vo. BANDELLO Canti xi. de le lodi de la S. Lucretia Gon- zaga, e del vero amore, 8vo. Agen, 1545. BARNABEE'S (Drunken) Journall, first edition, sm.Svo. with the frontispiece by Marshall. An indifferent copy sold for 9 <>** 825 GEORGE H1BBERT, ESQ. th^ first, intended to consist of trees and shrubs, was never published. NATALIS (Jer.) Meditations sur les Evangiles, with very brilliant impressions of Wierix's prints ; the capital letters ornamented with drawings of flowers, insects, fyc. fol. MS. / X/- NIJPOS (C.) fol. ED. PR. Fenet. N. Jenson, 1471. NOVELLI Drawings of Animals, with a pen, very spi- rited. OVIDII Opera, fol. Fenet. Jac. Rubaus, 1474. 3 vols. 8vo. Fenet. Aldus, 1502-3. OVIDIUS The xv. bookes of P. Ovidius Naso, enty.- tuled Metamorphosis, a worke very pleasaunt and delectable ; 4to. printed by W. Seres, 1567. ORLOGE de Sapience, translated de latin en franoois, fol. goth. Paris, Ant. Ferard, 1493. imp. sur velin. PASQUILLORUM tomi duo, 12mo. Eleutheropoli (Ba- sil.) 1544. (Fid. p. 201.) PAUSANIAS, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Pent. Aldus, 1516. PERCEFOREST La tres elegante delicieuse, melliflue et trs plaisante histoire du tresnoble et victorieux roi Percefo- rest, roi de la Grande-Bretaigne, 6 torn, en 3 vols. fol. Im- prime a Paris. PETRARCHA (Fr.) Sonetti e Triomphi, fol. Tenet. Nic. Jensan, 1473. Esemplare stampato in Carta pecora. XX PLAUTI Comoediae, ED. PR. Fenet. Joh. de Colonia, et Find, de Spira, 1472. PLINIUS de Viris illustribus, 4to. Fenet. 1477. The Florence edition of 1478 has hitherto been consi- dered as the first edition with a date. POLITIAJH (Ang.) Opera omnia, fol. Aldus, 1498. POLITIANO (Angelo) Stanze cominciate per la giostra 298 GEORGE HIBBERT, ESQ. del maguifico Giuliano di Piero de Medici, colla favola di Orfeo, 8vo. Firenza, 1513. PONTEFICALE di Innocentio iv. MS. superbly illumi- nated with many fine miniatures, SEC. xin. {From Towneley's collection.) xi.&u/i PSALMORUM Codex, fol. goth. Maguntia, Jo. Fvst tt P. Schoiffer, 1459-x Edit io sec unda, impressa in membranis. > QUINTILIANI Institutionum Oratoriarum, lib. xn. fol. Tenet. Nic.Jenson, 1471. Exemplar impress, in membranis. ftxpiN's History of England with Tindal's Continuation, 4 vols. printed on large zvriting paper, Lond. 1743. RAPPRESENTAZIONI Varii (LXIII.) con molti disegni inlegno, 4to. 1550, &c. ROMAN du Roi Artus, sp^cialement des hautz faicts et gestes du tres vaillant Chev. Lancelot dn Lac, et des Cheva- liers de la Table Ronde; 3 torn, en 2 vol. fol. goth. PREM. EDITION, Rouen et Paris, 1488. ROMAN du San Graal, fol. Paris, 1516. de la Rose. A most beautiful MS. from the Mac-Carthy collection. SALLUSTIO La conjuracion de Catilina y la guerra de Jugurta, por Cayo Salustio Crispo, fol. Jig. Madrid, Ibarra t 1772. All amateurs are acquainted with this fine edition of Sal- lust by the Infant Don Gabriel ; it is a chef d'oeuvre of typographical excellence; the paper, types, ink, and en- gravings, are the productions of Spanish artists : the early copies were distributed as presents, and are on a superior paper ; some of the sheets in the later impressions are in- termixed with others of a light blue tint. 299 GEORGE HIBBERT, ESQ. SANDFORD'S (Fra.) Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England, by Stebbing, fol. large paper, 1707. SANSOVINO (Fr.) Cento Novelle scelte, Svo. Feneiia, 1563. SAURIN (Jacq.) Discours sur les evenemens les plus me- morables du V. et du N. Testament, papier imperial, et prem. epreuves, 6 torn. fol. Amst. 1728 3Q. SENECA Opera, ED. PR. fol. Neap. Moravus, 1475. SIMON ETA (Giov.) La Sforziada, overo la Istoria dell* cose fatte dall* invictiss. Duca Francesco Sforza, trad, da Cr. Landino, fol. Milano, Ant. Zarotto, 14QO. A most beautiful book, printed upon vellum : the first page is bordered with elegant ornaments, including the miniatures of the Duke Francis and Cardinal Sforza, most exquisitely painted. The initial letters are also ilhi- - minated. From the Mac-Carthy collection. (Fid. Catalog. No. 4482.) SLOANE'S (Sir Hans), Nat. History of Jamaica, L. P. 2 vols. fol. 1707- Plates accurately coloured. SMITH'S (Capt. John) History of Virginia, large paper, fol. 1624. SPECULUM Humanoe Salvatiouis, fol. the earliest edi- tion. STATII Achilleidos, lib. II. 4to. Fenet. 1472. Sylvarum, lib. v. cuin comment. Dom. Calderiui, 4to. Roma, Arn. Pannartz, 1475. TACITI Opera, cura Phil. Beroaldi, fol. Roma, 1515. This is the first edition that contains the first Jive books of the Annals. TACITI Opera, recognovit, emendavit, notis, disscrtat. il- lustr. Gab. Brotier, CH. MAG. 4 torn. fol. Paris, 1771. 300 GEORGE HIBBERT, ESQ. TANSILLO (Luigi) Stanze amorose sopra gli liprti delle Donne, &c. 12mo. jig. Vend. 1574. TASSO (Torquato) Gerusalemme Liberata, con le fig. di Bern. Castello, le annotazioni di Scipio Gentili, &c. 4to. GtnoTa, 1590. This edition contains also the engravings of Ag. Car- racci and Ant. Tempesta. In many copies the plate to the fourth canto is wanting, a duplicate of the fifth being substituted in its place. TEN ORES Nouelli, fol. impr. per Lettou et Machlinia, s. anno. First edition of Littleton's Tenures. TEWRDANNCTHS, Poema Germ. Lingua conscriptum; fol. Norib. 1517. (Fid. p. 144.) THEOCRITUS Hesiodus et alii, Gr. fol. Venet. Aldus, 14Q5. THOM.E Aquinatis (S.) Quartum Scriptum, fol. goth. )^y ED. PR. Mogunt. P. Schoifer, 1469. THUCIDIDES, Aldus, fol. 1502. TRISTAN de Leonnois chevalier de la table ronde, Ills du noble Hoi Meliadus de Leonnois, 2 vols. in fol. goth. im- This unique copy on vellum is enriched with 185 mi- niatures : it is from the press of Gerard. Purchased at the sale of the Mac-Carthy library. (Fid. Catalog. No. 3436.) URBANI (Bolzanii) Institutiones graecaj grammatices, 4to. ED. PR. Venet. Aldus, 1497. This is the first Greek grammar written in the Latin tongue: it is extremely rare. VALERIUS Maximus, sine anno aut Zoco, fol. Mentelin, circa 1469- : VALTURIUS (Rob.) de Re Militari, ED. PR. fol. fig. lig. Verona, 1472. 301 GEORGE H1BBERT, ESQ. VIRGILII Liber ^Eneidos feliciter incipit, 4to. Vicencia, 1476, rariss. (Vid. Brunei Man. du Libraire, torn. in. p. 428.) VIRGILIUS, fol. MS. with fine illuminations, SJEC. xv. VIRGILIUS, sine anno aut Zoco, sed Urgent. Mentelin, cfrca 1469. VIRGILIUS Heinsii, 12mo. CH. MAG. ap. Elzevir. 1676. A remarkably tall copy, with the plates from Sandby's edition inserted. VIRGILL'S Boke of Eneados translated by Gawin Doug- las, Bishop of Dunkel, 4to. bl. left. 1553. VIRGIL The seuen first bookes of the Eneidos of Vir- gill conuerted into Englishe meter by Thomas Phaer, esquier, 4to. bl. 1. printed by John Kingston, 1 558. And the Bu- colics by Fleming, (very rare,) 1589. WEEVER'S (John) Funeral Monuments in Great Britain, fol. large paper, 1631. WHELER'S (Geo.) and Spoil's Journey into Greece, fol. iarge paper, Lond. 1682. WORDE (W. de), The Orcharde of Syon, fol. 1519. WOR&E ff)0 p/LB 1 K4J *iii ni 3 r 'z'/ 1*> #sotl obor I *jyhn~ THE, library at Stourhead is a handsome room of an oblong form, forty-five feet in length by twenty-five, both in breadth and in height ; with a semi-circular ceiling divided into square com- partments : it forms the left wing of the original mansion, and was built, about twenty years since, by the present possessor, Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart. Three lofty windows, with an extended semi* circular compartment of painted glass above, fill up the whole space of the southern front of the room : the subject of the painting is a selection of the best groupes from the celebrated school of Athens, by Raphael, executed by the late Mr. Egginton, of Birmingham. On the opposite side of the room is another subject from Raphael, equally appropriate, re- presenting Mount Parnassus, with Apollo and the Muses. The angles are filled up by two beautiful figures of Temperance and Fortitude, * Sir Richard Colt Hoare has printed privately three volumes of his ," RECOLLECTIONS" abroad; twenty-five copies only art taken off-. ft fourth volume, containing his Tour in Sicily, is in the press ^ the im- pression is limited fo fifty copies* 303 SIR RICHARD COLT HOARE, BART. from designs of the same divine artist, admirably executed by the late Samuel Woodforde, R. A., who was liberally patronized by Sir Richard and other individuals of his family. Over the chimney-piece is a fine portrait of Duke Lando, Doge of Venice in the year 1538, in his ducal robes. On each side of this portrait are some very spirited drawings by Canaletti, re- presenting views in Venice, from which engrav- ings have been made ; they were purchased by Sir Richard at Venice, in the year 1788. Two busts of Milton, in his youth and when advanced in life, by Rysbrach, also adorn this library. The books are divided into six classes, over which are inscribed the following titles : i. Auc- tores Classici. n. British Topography, in. An- tiquitates, Inscriptiones, Numismata. iv.-v. Eng- lish History, vi. Foreign History. Over the fire-place a motto Apollini et Musis. The shelves are placed under broad arches sunk into the wall, thus avoiding the unpleasing and heavy effect of projecting cases. The numerous and valuable works in British topography, mostly on large paper, which enrich this collection, are detailed in a catalogue" 1 pri- A Catalogue of Books relating to the History and Topography of England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. By SIR RICHARD COLT HOARE, Bart. Compiled from his Library at Stourhcad in Wilt- shire. London: printed by William Bulmer and Co. 1815. Royal Svo. with Frontispiece, pp. 361. (Twenty-five copies printed.) 304 SIR RICHARD COLT HO A RE, BART. vately printed by Sir Richard, of which twenty- five copies only were taken off. The classical department is rich in fine edi- tions: the following are on large paper Homer by Clarke, the Oxford Pindar, Ovid by Burman; and the splendid editions of Virgil, Horace, Lon- ginus, and Callimachus, by Bodoni. The antiquarian collections, or works on the fine arts, are numerous, and include a complete set of Graevius, Gronovius, Polenus, and Sallen- gre; the best works on medallic history, the lives of the painters, &c. In the arrangement of this Catalogue, Sir Richard has endeavoured, he says, " to facilitate inquiry, by collecting, under one head or title, the different publications relatiqg to each county, so as to be enabled, at one point of view, to see what has been written concerning it, and wherein it is deficient. It has been compiled and printed, not as a complete collection of British topography} but as a memento of the library of an individual, who, for many years of his past life, has made the history and antiquities of Great Britain liis peculiar study, and Who hopes, ' dum spiritvt has tenet artus,' to pursue, with undimi- nished zeal, this most pleasing and edifying line of research." Table of Contents. Dictionaries Catalogues Public Acts and Records Collectanea Antiqua Historia Ecclesiastica, Ancient Chronicles Historical, Antiquarian, and Heraldic Collections Se- pulchral History Collectanea by Hearne Works of Sjr William Dugdale Topographical Collections Britannia Romana Graphic Illustrations of the Architecture and Topography of Great Britain , Vetusta Monumenta Mineral Waters Agricultural Reports County History, arranged alphabetically, and containing Extracts from the Monasticon, Hearne, Collectanea Antiqua, and Archaeo^ logia Topographical Tracts Tours and Guides through England- History and Topography of Wales Tours in North and South Wales History and Topography of Scotland and Ireland Tracts on Ire* land Agricultural Reports. SIR RICHARD COLT HO ARE, BART. A large collection relating to the history and topography of Italy was purchased by Sir Rich- ard when on his travels from the year 1786 to 1790: the particulars of these works are also detailed in a printed catalogue ; r the articles are 1733 in number; and among the rarest are the tracts on the history of the little republic of S. Marino. The volumes of this class being now removed into another apartment, their places are occupied with works on English history, topo- graphy, and voyages. r A Catalogue of Books relating to the History and Topography of Italy, collected during the years 1786, 1787, 1788, 1789, 1790. By SIR RICHARD COLT HOARE, Bart. London: printed by W. Bulmer and Co. 1812. Royal 8vo. pp. 104. (Twelve copies printed.) " This collection of books was made at a period when the Italian States had, for a long succession of years, remained undivided and undisturbed ; at a period when foreigners from every corner of the world flocked annually to the imperial city, to reflect on its past his- tory, to admire the vestiges of its ancient grandeur, and to acquire or improve a taste for the Fine Arts, which still seemed to linger with partiality on the" shores of Latium." In the arrangement, Sir Richard has adhered to the ancient divi- sions of Italy ; " for he cannot allow himself to suppose, that univer- sal empire will always continue to prevail over this widely-extended portion of Europe: but that the happy period may again return when these impoverished and desolated states may be restored to their right- ful owners." Extract from the Preface. INDEX. General History of Italy City of Rome, &c. Ecclesias- tical States Piedmont, Savoy, Sardinia, Lombardy, Milanese, Man- toua, Parma, Placentia, &c. Venetian States Republics of Geneva, S. Marino, and Lucca Etruria and Tuscany Kingdom of Naples Island of Sicily Mountains of Etna and Vesuvius Supplement. SIR RICHARD COLT HOARE, BART. ASHMOLE'S (Elias) Antiquities of Berkshire, large pa- per, with the portrait, 3 vols. Svo. 1719. CAMPO (Ant.) Cremona rappresentata in disegno col suo Contado, &c. fol. first impressions, Cremona, 1585. (Vid. p. 132.) CARTER'S (Edm.) History of the County of Cambridge, Svo. 1753. CLEMENTINI (Cesare) Raccolto Istorico della fonda- zione di Rimino, e dell'origine e vite de' Malatesti, 2 vols. 4to. Rimino, 161727. COLLIN SON'S (John) History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset, 3 vols. 4to. LARGE PAPER, (only twelve printed,) Bath, 1791. Co RIO (Bern.) Histoiia di Milano, fol. C. GR. A com- plete copy, Mediol. 1503. COXE (Wm.) An Historical Tour through Monmouth- shire. An unique copy printed in 2 vols. folio to admit the series of views drawn by Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart. Lond. 1801. DUGDALE'S (Sir W.) Works, complete; a fine set bound by Roger Payne. GERALDJNORUM Familiae, Initium Incrementa, et Exitus in Hybernia, ac persecutionis Haereticorum descriptio, 12mo. Vlyssipone, 1655. GLOUCESTER Ground Plans, Views, Tombs, &,c. in the Cathedral Church of Gloucester, and in the Abbey of Te\\ kesbury ; original drawings by James Ross, of Worcester. HEARNE'S (Thos.) Works, complete on LARGE PAPER, 68 vols. Svo. Oxon. HISTORIC Anglicanae Scriptores varii, cura Sparke, fol. CH. MAG. Lond. 1723. HUTCHIN SON'S (Wm.) History and Antiquities of the 307 SIR RICHARD COLT HOARE, BART. County of Durham, 3 vols. 4to. LARGE PAPER, Newcas- tle, 17857, Carlisle, 1794. Very few printed. KENNETT'S (White) Parochial Antiquities, attempted in the History of Ambrosden, Burcester, and other adjacent vil- lages in the counties of Oxford and Bucks, LARGE PAPER, 4to. 1695. KING" (Dan.) The Vale Royal of England; or, the County Palatine of Chester illustrated, fol. Chester, 1606. This copy is enriched with the MS. notes of Sir Peter Leycester, the historian of Cheshire. It is bound in blue morocco by Roger Payne*' f * This work, though bearing the name of D_. King the publisher* was, as we are informed in the preface, compiled by W. Smith and W. Webb, gentlemen ; the former was Rouge-Dragon, pursuivant at arms, and Webb was clerk in the mayor's court at Chester. The plates are neatly engraved by King, in the style of Hollar. 1 This ingenious man introduced a style of binding most chastely elegant and durable ; the ornaments he used were classical and appro- priate both to the subject and time of the author : his bills were usu- ally accompanied by long descriptions written in a most precise and singular style : two or three curious specimens are given below. His portrait, etched by S. Harding, represents him in his workshop, a most deplorable figure : underneath are inscribed the following lines by Mr. Bindley : Rogerus Payne Natus Vindesor. MDCCXXXIX ; denatus Londin. MDCCLXXXXVH. Effigiem hanc graphicam solertis Bibliopegi MVJ^UOO-VVOV meritis Bibliopola dedit. Sumptilms TliomcB Payne. Roger Payne's bill for binding the Northumberland Household (in the possession of Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart.) Bound in the very best manner in red morocco no false bands, but sewed in the very best manner on strong and neat bands the back lined with russia leather under the morocco covering fine draw- ing paper colour'd to suit the original colour of the book inside for flying leaves, and very neat morocco joints inside. The outsiucs fi- 308 SIR RICHARD COLT HOARE, BART. LABRUZZI (Carlo) A Series of Original Drawings illus- trating the numerous Antiquities on the Appian Way, between Rome and Beneventum, 5 torn, folio. Two numbers, engraved from the above, are published. nished in an elegant antique taste, with borders of S S and laurel branch an antique shield and crescent in the borders. The crescent is used in the head-piece of the preface, which was my reason of using it in the back and borders being suitable to the book. The greatest care has been taken to preserve the margin gilt leaves not cut. Roger Payne's bill for binding Fuller's Worthies, (in the possession of Wm. Beckford, Esq.) " The book is lettcr'd according to the orders. " SIR, I am very sorry that I should make any mistake in your orders ; I promise to be more earful for the future ; my being before finishing Dugdale, I forgot to refer to the order, and finished Fuller according to the taste for English history, with oak leaves acorns. It is a fault in me not to have looked at y e> order before the book wanted the lettering. It is the finest large copy without any stains or spots I' ever have seen as the book well deserves the binding. In your great goodness you will excuse I hope this mistake, as I have sett a smaller price on y e> book binding than I can well afford to do. The book being bound so remarkable well, I have stained the index to make it suit the book better than new paper. But its being of a blue white paper, I could not bring it to a better colour. But it is much better than it was when I first received it. Sir, with the great- est respect and gratitude, your most obedient humble servant, " ROGER PAYNE. " At the end of the book their is Wales, which is not mentioned in y e ' first title." - Roger Payne's bill for binding Dr. Combe's Horace, large paper, 4 vols. (in the possession of the Earl Brownlow.) SlR, This sett of Horace is quite free from any defective leaves. " The leather is remarkably fine like silk. Lady Craven's Travels mentions the place where such leather was made ; I am very glad to find such in London, it is the finest I think I ever have seen, my bro- 309 SIR RICHARD COLT HOARE, BART. LEYCESTER'S (Sir Peter) Historical Antiquities of Che- shire, large paper, fol. 1673. This copy is illustrated with views, by Buckler, of the old and modern mansion house at Tabley; and a curious antique chimney piece : a portrait of the author is annexed, copied from a miniature in the possession of Sir John Flem- ing Leycester, Bart. MALMESBURY Plans, Elevations, and Views of the Abbey of Malmesbury and of the Nunnery at Lacock, ori- ginal drawings by John Carter, F. S. A. folio. MARDEN Collections concerning the Manor of Harden in the County of Hereford, folio. (Vid. p. 50.) This rare volume is illustrated with an engraved portrait of the compiler of the History, Thomas Earl Coningsby, and his daughters, Ladies Margaret and Frances, after Kneller by Vertue ; also two views by Turner, ground plans, 8cc. NICHOLS'S (John) History and Antiquities of the Coun- ty of Leicester, 8 vols. folio, LARGE PAPER, complete , 1795, &c. NORTHUMBERLAND Household Book, (edited by Dr. Percy, late Bishop of Dromore,) Svo. 1770. Bound in red morocco by Roger Payne. PARIS (Math.) Historia Major, editore W. Watts, 2 torn, fol. CH. MAG. Lond. 1640. ther pickt it out of near a hundred skins, but there was but one or two more so very fine, and of so good a rich bluish or dark green co- lour. The finishing of the gold work is superior to any I have done for lusture and correctness, and I have made a variation on the backs of small tools from the former, and hope it is done in a superior taste as well as in all the other parts of the work with v ft greatest care." 310 SIR RICHARD COLT HOARE, BART. THORESBY'S (Ralph) Topography of the Town and Pa- rish of Leeds, and parts adjacent, fol. large paper, 1715. VAIKJHAN' (Rob.) British Antiquities revived, 4to. Ox- ford, 1662. WALES An Account of Caernarvonshire and Anglesea, by Williams, author of Observations on the Mountains of Snowdon, 2 vols. 4to. MS. WALES, North A Collection of Original Drawings of Antiquities and Scenery of North Wales, by John Buckler, F. S. A. folio. WALES, South A Collection of Original Drawings of Antiquities and Scenery of South Wales, by John Carter, F. S. A. 3 vols. folio. WALES, North and South One hundred and forty-four Views, drawn by Sir Richard Colt Hoare, Bart, to illustrate the " Itinerarium Cambria" of Giraldus de Bam, 4to. WILTSHIRE Collections in Manuscript for the County of Wilts, by John Collinson, author of the History of the County of Somerset. MS. WILTSHIRE A Collection of Original Drawings of Churches, Mansions, Antiquities, &c. in the County of Wilts, by John Buckler, F. S. A. 10 vols. fol. WITHAM'S ( ) History of Lacock Abbey, 4to. (not published,) Lacock, 1806. 1 This eminent antiquary had a choice collection of British MSS. at Hengwrt ; these and the Wynnestay collections contain several of the oldest MSS. ; some of them may be attributed to the ninth cen- tury ; much of the contents of the Hengwrt books have been detailed by Llwd in his Archceologia Britannica. See notices of Vaughan in Cough's British Topogi-aphy, 11. 485, 6, and the " Royal Tribes of Wales," by Philip Yorke, Esq. 4to. 1799, p. 125, 6. 311 THE EARL OF JERSEY, OSTERLEY PARK, MIDDLESEX. THIS valuable library was originally collected by Bryan Fairfax, Esq. a younger son of Tho- mas Lord Fairfax, of Cameron, who died in 1749. The collection was advertised for sale by auction in April J756, but was privately sold to \Francis Child, Esq. for two thousand pounds; and all the printed catalogues, except twenty, were destroyed. The library afterwards came into the possession of his younger brother, and heir, the late Robert Child, Esq. whose large property was inherited by his grand-daughter, yLady Sarah Sophia, the present Countess of Jersey. 912 EARL OF JERSEY. CATALOGUS Librorum in BIBLIOTHECA OSTER- LIENSI Anno MDCCLXXI. 4to. pp. 116. Of this catalogue, drawn up by Dr. Morell, twenty-five copies only were printed : it is classed in the following order: I. Theologia. ii. Historia et Antiquitates. in. Historia, Itineraria, &c. Philosophia, Geo* graphia, Architectura, Sculptura, Pictura, Nu- mismata, &c. iv. Scieutia? et Artes Variae, continuatae. v. Scientiarum et Artium Variarum, continua- tio, cum libris miscellaneis, Hist, et Poet. vi. Humaniores Literse Classici, aliique Scrip- tores Graeci. vn. Lexicographi et Grammatici. vin. Classici, aliique Scriptores Latini. ix. Libri Miscellanei. x. Appendix. In this library are some of the finest produc- tions by Caxton and Wynken de Worde. The second, third, sixth, and eighth classes are very extensive, and include a large proportion of what is valuable in history and the Belles Lettres. AULUS Gellius, fol. Roma, Sweynh. et Pawn. 1472. BALLADS, A Collection of original old, 2 vols. folio. BIBLIA Sacra, 2 torn, fol. Mogunt. Joh. Fust et P.x Schoyffer, 1462. Impressa in membranis. BIBLE, by Miles Coverdale, fol. London, 1536,^ BOCHAS (Johan) The fall of princes princesses and other / EARL OF JERSEY. nobles. Translated into englyshe by John Lydgate, II. left. X fol. R. Pynson, 1527. CJESAR, ED. PR. fol. Roma, Srceynh. et Pan. 1469. CAXTON (Wm.) A Book of the noble hystoryes of Kynge Arthur and of certeyn of his knyghtes, fol. 1485. One of the rarest of Caxton's pieces : this copy came from the Harleian collection. CAXTON (W.) The Chronicles of Englond, first edition, fol. Westm. 1480. second edi- tion, fol. 1484. . Dictes and Sayinges of the Philosophers, fol. 1477. Faits of Armes and Chyvalrye, fol. 1489. . Gower Conf. Amantis, fol. 1493 (1483). Myrrour of the Worlde, fol. 1480. Recuyell of the Hist. ofTroye,fol. 1471. Virgilius, the Boke of Eneydos, fol. 1490. CICERO de Oratore, 4to. Romce, Sweynheim et Pan- nartz, 1469. /*X CICERONIS Qfficja, fg\, Mogunt. Jo. Fust, 1466. COOPER'S (Thos.) Epitome of Chronicles, 4to. 1560. x CRANMER'S (Archb.) Defence of the true and catholic rn doctrine of the Sacrament, 4to. Reyn. Wolfe, 1550. DUG DALE Monasticon Anglicanum, 3 torn. fol. CH. MAG. Lond. 1655. GREENE'S (Rob.) Monardo; The Tritameron of Love, 4to. Impr. by John Kingston, 1584. HARDYNGE'S (Jo.) Chronicle in metre from the first be- gynnyng of Englande, unto the reign of Edwarde the fourth, 4to. Ri. Graf ton, 1543. HORSLEY (John) Britannia Romana, or the Roman An- tiquities of Britain, LARGE PAPER, fol, 1732. su EARL OF JERSEY. JUSTINUS, fol. ED. PR. Venet. Nic. Jenson, 1470. >/ PAINTER'S (Wm.) Palace of Pleasure, or goodly His- tories, 4 vols. 4to. 1582. PETITE Palace of Pettie's Pleasure, 4to. no date. PLAYS, Old, a volume including a ryght pithy, plesaunt, and merie comedie, intytuled, Gammer Gurton's Nedle, 1 &c- (first printed in 157 5,) 4to. 1587. PLOWMAN Pierce, The Vision of, bl. let. 4to. first edi-* tion, Loud. 1550 (Fid. p. 87), and another edition, 1561. PRYMER, The, set furth by Henry 8th, Latin and Eng- , / lish, Svo. 1538. PRYNNE, (Wm.) various pieces by, in about 20 volumes. SANDFORD (Fras.) The Order and Ceremonies at the solemn Interment of George Duke of Albemarle, plates, fol. 1670. TESTAMENT, The New, translated by Willyam Tyndale,x^ Svo. 1536. TESTAMENT E, The Newe, Latin and English, translated ^///v from the Vulgate by J. Holly bush, 1538^ VALENTINE and Orson, 1495. VIRG ILL'S Boke of Eneados, translated by Gawin Doug- las, Bishop of Dunkel, 4to. bl. left. 1553. WINSTANLEY'S (Hen.) Plans and Prospects of Audley End, fol. (Fid. p. 132.) WORDE (W.de), Liber Festivalis, 4to, 1499* With some account in a MS. note. . . . Legenda Aurea, fol. 1527- ; Thordynary of Crysten Men, 4to. 1506, Polycronicon, fol. 1495. 1 This is one of the oldest of our dramatic pieces : it was written by Mr. John Still, M. A. afterwards Bishop of Bath and Wells. 315 THE DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH, BLENHEIM, OXFORDSHIRE. CHARLES, third Earl of Sunderland, u a man of great abilities, but not a popular minister, was the most eminent collector x of his time, and may V be considered as the founder of this noble library. His son Charles, the second Duke of Marlbo- " Macky, in his journey through England, first published in 1714, y describing the Earl of Sunderland's palace in Piccadilly, (formerly Clarendon House) says, " the greatest beauty of this palace is the library running from the house into the garden : and I must say, is the finest in Europe, both for the disposition of the apartments and of the books : the rooms, divided into five apartments, are full 150 feet long, with two stories of windows, and a gallery runs round the whole in the second story, for the taking down books. No nobleman in any nation hath taken greater care to make his collection compleat, nor does he spare any cost for the most valuable and rare books. Be- sides, no bookseller in Europe hath so many editions of the same book as he; for he hath all, especially of the Classics." * Mr. Wanley in his Diary, preserved among the Lansdowne MSS. observes, that at the sale of Mr. Freebairn's library, (December 1721) " that the books in general went at low, or rather at vile rates; through a combination of the booksellers against the sale. Yet some books went for unaccountably high prices, which were bought by Mr. Vail- 316 DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. rough, greatly enlarged it, but during the life- time of the late Duke it was almost entirely neg- lected. The superb room containing this extensive col- lection, originally intended for a picture gallery, was fitted up as a library by the Duke Charles above-mentioned: it is 183 feet long by 31 feet 9 inches wide in the centre, with a gallery on one side and at each end. The Doric pilasters of marble, with complete columns of the same, lant the bookseller, who had an unlimited commission from the Earl of Sunderland ; being VIRGILII JEneis, MS. 4to. scriptus circa, A.D. 1450, manu Ital. inmembr. \\. 5s. VIRGILII Opera, impressa per Anton, Zarottum circa, 1472, fol. liber nitidiss. et illuminat. 1 46. COLUMELLA de Re Rustica, MS. inperg, manu Ital. 4. VIRTRUVIUS, MS. in perg. manu Ital. .16. DAV. Nicetae Comment, in Gregorii Nazianzeni Carmina, Gr. MS. in chart, bombycin. fol. min. .33. " It was noted, that when Mr. Vaillant had bought the printed Tir-^ gil above mentioned, at ,46. that he huzza'd out aloud, and threw up his hat for joy that he had bought it so cheap." Wanley thus notices the Earl's death : " 19 April, 1722. This day, about three in the afternoon, died Ro- bert, (Charles) Earl of Sunderland ; which I the rather note here, be- cause I believe that by reason of his decease some benefit may accrue to this library, (Lord Oxford's) eten in case his relations will part with none of his books. I mean, by his raising the price of books no higher now ; so that, in probability, this commodity may fall in the market ; and any gentleman be permitted to buy an uncommon old book for less than fourty or fifty pounds." ^ 317 DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. supporting a rich entablature, and the stuccoed compartments of the vaulted ceiling, are in the highest taste, both of design and finishing. At one end of the room is a statue of Queen Anno, by Rysbrach, and at the other end stands a fine Greek bust of Alexander, found in the ruins of Herculaneum. This magnificent apartment is also ornamented with the busts of Charles, Earl of Sunderland, his son the Duke of Marlbo- rough, and the whole length portraits of King William in. Queen Anne, and several of the Churchill and Spencer families. Sylvii (postea Pii Papse n.) Epistola? familiares, fol. Colon. Johan. Koelhof. de Lubeck, 1458 (HIS}. - Historian Rerum ubique Gestarum, fol. ED. PR. Venet. Jo. de Colonia, 1477. JEsoPi Fabulae et Vita necnon Phalaridis Epistolae, Gr. 4to. Venet. 1498. ALBERT i (Leon. Bapt.) de Re .ZEdificatoria opus, ab Angelo Politiano edit. ED. PR. fol. Florent. 1485. AMMIANUS Marcellinus, Sabini, fol. ED. PR. Romte, 1474. ANTHOLOGIA Epigrammatum Graecorum, ED. PR. 4to. Florent. 1494. APOLLONIUS Rhodius, Gr. lit. majusc. ED. PR. 4to. impress, in membr. Florent. 1496. APULEIUS, Ep. PR. fol. Roma, Sweynheim et Pan- nartz, 1469- ARISTOTELIS de Animalibus libri, interp. Theod. Gaza, fol. ED. PR. Fenet. Jo. de Colonia, 1476. 318 DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. ASTRONOMICI Veteres, Gr. et Lat. fol. ED. PR. Fe- net. Aldus Romanus, 1499. AUGUSTINUS (S.) de Civitate Dei, fol. ED. PR. ({ Monast. Sublac.) 1467. impress, in membranis, fol. Fenet. V. de Spira, 1470. impress, in membranis, fol. Fenet. Nic. Jenson, 1475. AULUS Gellius, cum Epistola ad Paulum n. P. M. fol. ED._PR. impr. in membranis, P. de Max. 1469. fol. Roma, Srceynh. et Pann. 1472. BERLINGHIERI (Franc.) Geographia, con tavole in rame, fol. Ediz. ant. BIBLIA Sacra Latina, 2 torn. fol. Mogunt. Joh. Fust et P. Schoyffer, 1462, impressa in membranis. BOCCACCIO (Giov.) II Decamerone, fol. Fenet. Christ. Valdarfer, I471._(lmperf.) (Fid. p. 232.) fol. Mantua, 1472. La Teseide, colle chiose di Pietr- Andrea del Bassi, fol. Ferraris, Aug. Garner ius, 1475, (Fid. p. 182.) Nimphale, nel quali si contiene rinnamoramento d'Affrico et di Mensola, 4to. Fen. 1477. BONIFACII (Papze vin.) Liber Sextus Decretalium, fol. ED. PR. goth. Mogunt. Fust et Schoyjfer, 1465. BRACELLI (Jac.) Libellus de Bello Hispano, 8vo. maj. editio vetus, (Medial, circa 1477.) BREYDENBACH (Bern, de) Peregrinationes in Montem Syon, ED. PR. fol. Mogunt. 1486, (Fid. p. 31.) BURLEY (Walt.) de vita et moribus Philosophorum-, 4to. Conrad, de Homborch. Editio Fetus. BURCHIELLO (Giov.) Sonetti, 4to. Christ. Arnobio } sen- za data e liiogo. 319 DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. X)< -"-CJESAB, fol. ED. PR. Roma, Sweynh. et Pawn. 14691 and the edition of 1472, which is more rare than the first. - -- fol. Fenet > Nic. Jenson, 1471. CALLIMACHUS, Gr. ED. PR. lit. maj. 4to. (Flor. cir- ca 1494.) CELSUS, 4to. ED. PR. Florent. Nicolaus, 1478. CENSORINUS, fol. ED. PR. Bononia, 1497. CHALCONDYLJE Erotemata, fol. ED. PR. (Mediolani, circa 1493.) CICERONIS Epistolae ad Familiares, fol. Fenet. Spird, 1469, impress, in membr^ - *'' ED; PR. Sweynheim et Pan- nartz, 1467. . y V : - - Officia et Paradoxa, fol. ED. PR. Mogunt. Fust et Schoyjfer, 1465, impress, in membr. -- ib. 1466> impress, in membr. - . - Orationes, "fol. ED. PR. Fen. Faldarfer, 1471. -- - Rhetorica, fol. ED. PR; Fenet. Nic. Jen- son , 1470, impress, in membr > --- caracteregothico,editio vetus^ fol* P Tusculanarum Quaestionum libri v. 4to. ED. R. Roma, Ulricus Han, 1469. - - -> - 4to. Fenet. Nic. Jenson, 1472, impr. in membr. ' -- >- Paradoxa, de Amicitia, &c. Liber x 1 1. Sa- pientium Tractatus nobilis de Passionibus venerabilis ma- gistri Jo. Gersoni, &c, 4to. Mogunt. 1467* Omnes ejusdem typis imprimuntur tractatus licet co/o* phonis verba ad ultimum tantum referantur. " This book I shewed to Mr. Pensionary Meerman, of Rotterdam, and he accordingly mentioned it in his treatise upon Printing, and has exhibited a fac-simile of the type 320 DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. and colophon. Before this it seems to have been so scarce as not to have been found in any other library : this book I had long in my possession. J. B." (Jacob Bryant.y CLAUDIANUS Celsani, fol. ED. PR. Vicent. 1482. CLEMENTIS v. Constitutiones, ED. PR. fol. Mogunt. Fust et Schoyffer, 1460, impress, in membr. DANTE. PR. ED. (Foiigno) Jo. Numeister, 1472. DICTYS Cretensis Ephemerides belli Trojani lib. vi. et Daretis Phrygii liber de excidio Trojae, 4to. Mediol. 1477. DIODORUS Siculus, a Poggio in latinum trad. fol. Bo- non. 1472. DIOSCORIDES, Nicander et Aratus, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Venet. Aldus, 1499. DURANDI Rationale Divinorum Officiorum,fol. ED. PR. Mogunt. Fust et Schoyffer, 1459, impr. in membr. EUR IP ID is Medea Hippolytus, &c.jGfr. tit, maj. jto. ED. PR. (Florent. circa 1496.) JEuxROPius, fol. ED. PR. Roma, 1471. HIERONYMI Epistolae, 2 torn. ED. PR. cum anni nota, 2 torn. fol. Roma, 1468. HOMERUS, Gr. 2 vols. fol. ED. PR. Florent. 1488. HOMERI Ilias, lat. per Laur. Vallens. fol. Brixice, 1474. HOMERI Batrachomyomachia, Gr. 4to. Venet. ieo.iV/ Cretensis, I486, (Fid. p. 46.) HORATIUS, ED. PR. fol. Mediol. A. Zarotus, 1474. ISOCRATES, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Mediol. 1493. JOANNIS de Janua Summa quse vocatur Catholicon, 2 torn. fol. Mogunt. Fust et Schoyffer, 1460, (Fid. p. 47.) % X y Mr. Bryant, celebrated for his profound erudition, was private ' tutor to the late Duke of Marlborough and his brother Lord Charles Spencer. Many of the volumes at Blenheim are enriched by the MS. notes of this learned man. 2 T DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. -V" JoHANNis Salesberiensis Polycraticon ; opus a de Nugis Curialium et vestigiis Philosophorum, ED. vetus et PR. fol. sine anno aut loco. JOSEPHUS, fol. Roma, Arn. Pannartz, 1475. JUSTINIAM lustitutiones, cum glossis, fol. ED. PR. Mogunt. P. Schoyffer, 1468. )<^ JUSTINUS, fol. ED. PR. Venet. Nic. Jenson, ]470. i fol. RonifC) Sweynheim et Pannartz, 1472. More rare than the preceding edition. JUVENALIS et Persius, fol. Medial. A. Zarotus, 1474. LACTANTIUS, fol. ED. PR. in Monast. Sublac. 1465. fol. Venet. 1471, impress, in membr. /y 1 ^ LASCARIS (Const.) Grammatica Greeca, fol. ED. PR. MedioL Dionysius Paramsinus, 1476. 4to. Venet. Aldus, 1494-5. LUCANUS, fol. ED. PR. Roma, Sweynheim et Pan- nartz, 1469. ffl LUCIA N us, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Florent. 1496, impress, in membr. MACROBIUS, fol. ED. PR. Venet. Nic. Jenson, 1472. XX* . MARTIALIS, 4to. ED. PR. cum anni nota, Ferra- ria, 1471. Xjf "T^EPos (Corn.) fol. ED. PR. Venet. Nic. Jenson, 1471._ PETRARCHA Sonetti e Trionphi, PR. ED. fol. Venet. - ^Vind de Spira, 1470. " Stamp, in carta pecora. PETRARCA Sonetti e Trionphi, fol. Patavii, 1472. a This work was dedicated to Thomas a Bccket ; the author was a spectator of the murder of his friend, from whom he endeavoured to ward off one of the blows, and received it on his arm, which was seriously hurt. Montfaucon says, that some part of the supplement to Petronius, published as a genuine and valuable discovery, but since supposed to be spurious, is quoted in the " Polycraticon." DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. PHILELPHI (Fr.) Satyrae, fol. Mediolani, C.-^Faldar- fer, 1476. PLAUTUS, fol. f- - ffift- &* Jo. de Colon. 8tc. 1472, ./^/^ PLINII Sec. Historia Naturalis, fol. E.D. PR. Venet. V. V Joh. de Spira, 146Q. : ~ fol. Roma, Szceyn- heim et Pannartz, 1470. PLINII junioris Epistola?, fol. ED. PR. 1471. PLUTARCIH Vita?, Lat. ex editione Joh. Campani, ED. PR. Roma, Udal. Gallus, (circa 1470.) POM PE i us Festus de veiborum signiticatione, fol. ED. PR. Medial. 1471. PSALTERIUM, Gr. Lat. Placentini, 4to. ED,J?R. Me- )^ diol. 1481. QUINTILIANI (M. T.) Institutiones b Oratoriae, fol. ED. \y V .PR. Roma, 1470. SALLUSTIUS, fol. D. PR. cum anni nota, (Fenet. "% * Find, de Spira,) 1470. SENECJE (L. A.) Epistolae, fol. ED. PR. cum anni nota, - Roma, Am. Pannartz, 1475. Si LI us Italians, fol. ED. PR. Roma, Sweynh. et Pan- ; nartz, 1471. So LIN us (C. Jul.) fol. ED. PnJ[en.Nic. Jeson,WS. X X b Poggius Florentinus says that in 1446 he found a much more correct copy of Quintilian's Institutes, than had been yet seen in Italy, ^ almost perishing, at the bottom of a dark neglected tower of the monastery of St. Gall in France, together with the three first books^ V and half the fourth of Valerius Flaccus's Argonautics and Asconius Poedianus's Comment on eight orations of Tully. Vid. Poggii Opera, p. 300. Amst. 1720, 8vo. " The very copy of Quintilian found by Poggius is said to have been in Lord Sunderland's noble library now at Blenheim. Many other ancient classics were discovered by him and brought into general no- \ tice by being printed in the 15th century." Wartoits Hist, of Poetry^ 1. Dissert. 323 DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH. THESAURUS Cornucopias, Gr. fol. Ven. Aldus, 1496. THOM;E Aquinatis Secunda Secundas, fol. Mogunt. Schoy/fer, 1467, impress, in membr. TIBULLUS, 4to. Ronuz, 1475. VALERIUS Flaccus, fol. ED. PR. Bonon. 1474. VALERIUS Maximus, fol. ED. PR. cum anni nota, Mo- gunt. Pet. Schoyffer, 1471. VALLA (Laur.) de linguae Latinae elegantia, fol. Vemt. Nic. Jenson, 1471- VILLA Dei (Alex, de) Doctrinale, fol. " Liber omnium quotquot extant rarissimus et omnium uti credibile est antiquissimus." " The best writers who treat of the origin of printing say, that the Doctrinale of A. de V. Dei was ihe first printed work at Mentz. Whether this be the very edition alluded to, may be uncertain : of this we may be assured, that it is of great antiquity, and so scarce, that it does not, I believe, occur in the printed catalogue of any library; nor is it men- tioned by any writer. Other editions are mentioned by Maittaire, De Bure, and others." MS. note of Jacob Bryant. VOCABULARIUM Latino-Teutonicum, 4to. impress, per N. Bechlermutze in Eltvil, 146Q. JOHN NORTH, ESQ. EAST-ACTON, MIDDLESEX. THE library of this gentleman, collected in a few years, at a very considerable expense, in- cludes some of the best works in English topo- graphy, many of which are on large paper ; ge- neral history, voyages, and travels; and all the splendid modern productions in natural history and botany. It is particularly rich in old Eng- lish poetry, the early drama, and rare black-let- ter tracts. A selection of the best modern poetical and miscellaneous writers, will also be found in the collection. A COST AS (Jos.) History of the East and West Indies, translated from the Spanish, 4to. Lond. 1604. ANDREINI (Giov. B.) L'Adamo, sacra representatione, 4to.Jig. Milano, 1613, (Fid. p. 206.) BATCHELOR'S Banquet; or a Banquet for Batchelors, II. let. 4to. ] 630. B. N. (Breton, Nicholas) Sir Philip Sydney's Ourania, that is, Eudimion's Song and Tragedie containing all philo- sophie, 4to. 1653. ( First printed in 1606.) CABINET DU ROY, 23 vols. folio, various sizes. This superb collection of engravings, by the best artists, was executed by command of Lewis xiv. The contents of this great work are detailed in Brunet Man. du Li- braire, 1.239, Paris, 1814. 325 JOHN NORTH, ESQ. CnuRCHYARD b (Thos.) Honor of the Lawe, 4to._1596. COXE'S (Wrn.) Memoirs of Sir Robert Walpole, and of Horatio Lord Walpole, 4 vols. 4to. illustrated with draw- ings from the original portraits, 1798 18CM2. ^ CORYAT'S C (Thos.) Crudities hastily gobled up in five moneth's Travells, in France, Savoy, Italy, &c. &c. 4to. with all the plates, and a scarce full-length portrait of Prince Henry, by. Hole, 1611. DAVIS (J.) The Worlde's Hydrographical Discription: wherein is proued not onely by authoritie of writers, but also by late experience of trauellers, and reasons of substantial) probabilitie, that the world e, in all his zones, clymats, and places, is habitable, and inhabited, and the seas likewise uni- versally nauigable, without any naturall anoyance to hinder the same, &c. By J. Dauis of Sandrudg, by Dartmouth in the countie of Deuon, Gentleman, 1 2ino. Imprinted at London by Thomas Dawson, dwelling at the Three Cranes in the Vine-tree, 1595. b Many of this author's numerous pieces are dedicated to some no- bleman or gentleman, from whom he received, or expected, a present : nearly all are consigned to oblivion, except his " Worthines of Wales," 1587, and reprinted. " A light bondett'' of his works in 2 vols. pro- duced at the Roxburghe sale the sum of ^96. He was a most pains- taking author for half a century, but died poor in 1604. c Tom Coryat died, during his oriental travels, at Surat, inJGlTj what became of all his notes and diaries no one knows ; but many of his observations, letters, and harangues, were transmitted to England and published : among the rest was his oration " Purus, Put us Cory- atus," quintessence of Coryat, spoken extempore, when Mr. Rugg dubbed him a knight on the ruins of Troy. His jouruics wore mostly on foot, and he always lay in his clothes to save the trouble and ex- pense of shifting them. Notwithstanding all his oddities, he had cer- tainly merit as a traveller, linguist, antiquarian, and historian. (Vid. Anecdotes of Coryat in Gents. Mag. 1771, p. 437.) 526 JOHN NORTH, ESQ. The author was a real navigator, who gave his name to ^ the straights so called after him. This very rare little book was purchased at Mr. Dalrymple's sale : another copy only is known, in the collection of Mr. Wilbraham. (Vid. Be- loe's Anecdotes, vi. 2Q5.) DIALOGUE A Saitrycall Dialogue or a sharplye invec- tive conference between Allexander the Great, and that truelye Woman hater Diogynes, imprinted in the Lowe countries. EDEN (Rich.) The History oftravayles in the West and East Indies, and other countreys, 4to. Lond. 1577. EDOUARD vi. S'ensuit un Recueil des principales Places de la Sainte Escriture, qui traitent de Foy en Dieu, par Edouard Roy d'Angleterre. Edit par sa propre main, et dedie d son Oncle le Due de Somerset, 12mo. J^jfi, -- From the Roxburghe collection. (Fid. Catal. No. 38.) ENGLAND'S Parnassus, or the choycest Flowers of our English Poets, collected by Allot j extremely rare, 8vo. 1600. FABYAN'S (Rob.) Chronicle, fol. Emprinted by Rich-^i arde Pinson, 1516. A perfect copy, extremely rare. Bale informs us, that Cardinal Wolsey ordered some co- pies of this edition to be burnt, because the author had made too clear a discovery of the great revenues of the clergy . d FADSTUS The Historic of the damnable life and damna- ble deserved death of Doctor John Faustus, bl. let. 1626. GKAFTON'S (Rich.) Chronicle at large and meere His- tory of the affayres of Englande and Kinges of the same, de- ducted from the Creation of the Worlde, unto the first yere of d Ejus Chromcarum exemplaria nonnulla, Cardinalis Vuolsius in suo furore comburi fecit: quod cleri prouentus pingues plus satis detexerit. Balei Catalogus Scriptorum Illustrium Majoris Brittawdos fol. Basil, 1557. Cent. act. LXII. 327 JOHN NORTH, ESQ. 0. Elizabethj 2 vols. fol. bl. let. bound in russia by Roger Payne, imprinted by H. Denham, 1569. JjV ^GRAHAM'S (Simion) Anatomic of Humors, Edin. 1609. GREEN'S* (Rob.) Spanish Masquerado, 4to. printed by Rog. Ward, 1589. Arcadia or Menaphon Camilla's Alarm to slumbering Euphues, in his melancholy cell at Si* lexedra, 1610, (first printed in 1589.) Philomela The Lady Fitzwater's Nightingale, 1592. Farewell to Follie, bl. let. 1617. And several other rare pieces by this author. GWYN (D.) Certaine English verses penned by Dauid Gwyn, who for the space of eleuen yeeres and two mounthsj was in most greuious seruitude in the gallies under the King of Spaine, and now lately by the wonderfull prouidence of God, deliuered from captiuitie, to the ouerthrow of many of the Spaniards, and the great rejoycing of all true hearted Eng- lishmen. Presented to the Queen's most excellent Maiestie in the parke at Saint James, 8vo. imprinted by Richard Hudson in Hosier Lane, at the signe of the Wool-packe. no date. Supposed by the late Mr. Brand to be unique. HAKE (Edw.) A Commemoration of the most prosperous and peaceable Raigne of our gratious and deere Soueraigne Lady Elizabeth, &c. in verse, with a poem to the queen's council, and a meditation in prose, 8vo. printed by Wm. Howe, 1575, HARMAN (Thos.) A caueat for comen Cursetors vul- garely called Vagabones, bl. let. wood cuts, imprinted in Flete Street, by Wm. Griffith, 1567. d All the works of this prolific writer are extremely rare ; Mr. Be- loe (Anecd. 11. 168, &c.) has enumerated the titles of several ; with some anecdotes of the author, and specimens of his poetry. 328 JOHN NORTH, ESQ. HEATH'S (Jas.) Chronicle of the late Intestine War in England, wit h all the portraits (in number 3Q) 4 parts, Svo. Loud. 1663. HEYWOOD (John) A parable of the Spider and the Flie, and other woorkes, 4to. 1556, (Fid. p. 1Q9-) HUOT Mon Passe-Terns, 2 vol. fol. MS. of Extracts and original pieces finely written : this elaborate and amus- ing performance, exhibits a series of portraits, landscapes, birds, fancy pieces, &c. correctly drawn with a pen, in imi- tation of engravings. (From Mr. Astle's collection.) INDIA, W. The Pleasant Historic of the Weast India, now called new Spayne, atchieved by the worthy Prince Her- nando Cortes Marques of the valley Huaracac, most delect- able to reade ; translated out of the Spanishe tongue, by T. N. (Thomas Nicholas) 4to. imprinted by Henry Byn- ;/. neman, 1578. (Fid. Beloe's Anecdotes, vi. 121.) JONSON'S (Ben) Works, first edit, in 2 vols. fol. 16J6._._ JORDAN'S (Thos.) Pictures of Passions, Varietie of Fan- cies, &c. Svo. no date. LAUGH and Lie Downe; or the Worlde's Folly, black lett. 1605. LLOID (Lodowicke) The Pilgrimage of Princes, penned out of sundry Greeke and Latine aucthours, 4to. John Wolfe, 1586. LORRIS (Guil.) Roman de la Rose, fol. An exquisitely beautiful MS. executed for Francis i. with a profusion of rich miniature paintings; prefixed is a whole length portrait of Francis surrounded by his court. MYSTERIES English, or Theatrical Pageants; a volume very fairly written in the reign of Henry vi. or Edward IY. JOHN NORTH, ESQ. A collection extremely curious and valuable, fol. MS. (From the Towneley collection. Fid. Catal. p. 1, 1814, No. 894.) NASHE (Thos.) Pierce Penilesse his supplication to the Divell, 4to. bl. let. 1595. (Fid. p. 283.) NICHOLAY The Nauigations, peregrinations, and voy- ages, made into Turkic by Nicholas Nicholay Daulphinois, Lord of Arfeuile, &c. Conteining sundry singularities which the author hath there seene and obserued : deuided into foure bookes, with threescore figures, &c. translated out of the .>french by T. Washington the younger. Dedicated to Sir Henrie Sidney, Kt. 8tc. and to the right vvorshipfull Sir Phil- lip Sidney, Kt. 4to. imprinted by Thomas Dawson, 1585. NICOLAY (Nich.de) Les Navigations, -peregrinations et voyages faits en Turquie ; awe 60 Jig. grav. en bois, 4to. Anvers, 1577. The wood-cuts in this volume are from the designs of Titian. OFFICIUM Beatae Virginis ; a beautiful MS. on tellum, of xvi. Cent, in Roman characters, with exquisite illumina- tions ; the borders are ornamented in the best style, with de- vices and mottos of the family for whom it was executed. .< OVERBURIE (Sir Thos.) His Vision, 1616. PARADISE of daynty deuises. Conteyning sundry pithy precepts, learned counsels, and excellent inuentions, right pleasant and profitable for all estates, 4to. black letter } im- printed by E. Allde, 1596. First printed by Henry Disle in 1576. (Fid, Censura Literaria, I. 1805, p. 255, &c.) PARKE (R.) The Historic of the great and mightie king- dome of China : together with the great riches, huge citties, politike gouernement, and rare inueutions in the same : trans- lated out of Spanish, 4to. imprinted by John Wolf, 1588. JOHN NORTH, ESQ. PEMBROKE'S (Wm. Earl of) Poems, many of which are answered by way of repartee by Sir Benjamin Rudyard ; with other poems written by them occasionally and apart, 8vo. 1660. PENNANT'S (Thos.) History of London, illustrated with numerous drawings and rare prints, in 16 vols. fol. Pi LG RIMES A True and strange discourse of the Tra- vailes of two English Pilgrimes ; what admirable accidents befell them in their journey to Jerusalem, Gaza, &c. 1)1. let. imprynted by Arche, 1608. RICRAFT'S (Josiah) Survey of England's Champions, and truth's faithful Patriots; with the lively portraitures of the several commanders ; and portrait of the author by Fai- thorne, 8\o^l642- - One of the rarest pieces of English history. SHAKSPEARE'S (W.) Comedies, Histories, and Trage- dies, fol. Jirst edition, bound in russia by Roger Payne. Printed by Isaac Jaggard and Ed. Blouiit, 1623. 'A SPENSER'S (Edm.) Faerie Queene, both parts, first edit, ^J 1590 96. Spenser's Colin Clout's come home againe, Jirst edit. 4to. 1595. VECELLIO (Cesare) Habiti Antichi e Moderni di diverse x v parti del mondo, with wood-cuts from the designs of Titian, //y f ( 8vo. Venet. 1596. This edition contains some additional figures : the first was published in 1590. WORSLEYANTJM, Museum, or a collection of antique Basso-Relievos, Bustos, &c. 2 vols. fol. 1794, (Fid. p. 63.) WRIGHT'S (Leonard) Pilgrimage to Paradise. Com- piled for the direction, comfort, and resolution of Gt d's poore distressed children, in passing through the irksome wilder- nesse of temptation and tryall. black letter, 4to. by John Wolfe, 1591. ^ EARL OF PEMBROKE MONTGOMERY, WILTON HOUSE, WILTS. SEVERAL individuals of the noble family of the Herberts have, at various periods, been eminent encouragers of learning. William, the third Earl V of Pembroke, and Chancellor of the University of Oxford, whose character is so ably drawn by Lord Clarendon, was a man of letters himself, a patron of learned men, and a great benefactor to the public libraries. Thomas," the eighth Earl, was contemporary to those illustrious characters, Sunderland, Har- , ley, and Mead, during the Augustan age of Bri- tain, when the fine arts indeed lay dormant, but learning and science flourished in an eminent de- gree: the ancient marbles, coins, medals, and e Noble, in his continuation of Granger's Biographical History, 1. 38, states his death in the year 1702 3, instead of 1732 3. There is a small scarce whole length portrait, by Gribelin, of Earl Thomas, sitting in his library ; it is prefixed to a Latin poem by W* Nicols " De literis Inventis," 8vo. 1711. 332 EARL OF PEMBROKE. classical books, chiefly collected by him, are last- ing monuments of his fine taste and munificence. Henry, his successor, improved the library by the addition of a considerable number of the best numismatic and architectural works. Of this Earl, Lord Orford f observes, " the soul of Inigo Jones, who had been patronised by his ancestors, seemed still to hover over its favourite Wilton, and to have assisted the muses of arts in the education of this noble person. The towers, the chambers, the scenes which Holbein, Jones, and Vandyck had decorated, and which Earl Tho- mas had enriched with the spoils of the best ages, received the last touches of beauty from Earl Henry's hand." The improvements at Wilton, by the present Earl, are on a magnificent scale : the library is a noble apartment, ninety feet in length includ- ing the recesses : it is fitted up in a most appro- priate style with gothic wired-doors, and is light- ed from the West by a large bow window : the ceiling of oak is divided into pannels, with gothic mouldings, and roses and other ornaments at the intersections. The approach from the cloister, on the entrance into the library, conveys to the mind of the spectator an air of grandeur and solemnity truly imposing. .' Lord OrfortTs Works, 4to. 1798, Vol. HI. 485. * EARL OF PEMBROKE. MMIANUS Marcellinus, fol. ED. PR. Roma, 1474. ANTHOLOGIA, lit. majusc. ED. PR. 4to. Florent. 1494. APOLLONIUS Rhodius Grasc, 4to. ED. PR. lit. ma- jusc. Florent. 1496. ^ APULEIUS, ED. PR. fol. Roma, Sweynh.et Pan. 1469. / ARISTOPHANES, Gr. ED. PR. fol. Fenet. Aldus, 1498. ARISTOTELIS Ethica, Lat. per Leon. Arretinum, 4to. XX -T - Opera, Gr. 5 vols. fol. ED. PB. Aldus, 14958. ARS Memorandi notabilis per figuras Evangelistarum, fol. (Fid. p. 70.) ASTRONOMICI Veteres, Gr. Lat. fol. Fen. Aldus, 1499- AUGUSTINUS (S.) de Civitate Dei, fol. Roma, Szveyn-* htimet Pannartz, 1468. *^ AULUS Gellius, fol. ELp. PB. Roma:, 1469. AUSONII Epigrammatum liber; Epistolae ; Calphurnii Eglogae, 8cc. fol. ED. PH. rariss. Fenet. 1472. BERLINGHIERI (Franc.) (Geographia, TRIM. ED. fol. Fir. (1480) Libro di gran rarita. BERNERS (Jul.) The Bokys of Haukyng and Huntyng tvith other plesuris dyuerse and also of Cootarmuris a nobull werke, fol. Compylit at Seynt Albons, 1486. A Jine and perfect copy, (Fid. p. 71.) ' A , //y BIBLE, with a prologe by Archbishop Cranmer, bl. let. folio, printed by Richard Graf ton, 1540. - by Myles Coverdale, fol. 1537. BIBLIA Sacra vulgata, jussu Sixti v. fol. Roma;, 1590. BOCCACCIO (Giov.) II Decamerone, 4to. Giunti, J527. BOCCACCIUS de Montybus, sylvis, fontibus 3 fluminibus, &c. fol. Fenet. (F. de Spira,) 1473. BOETIUS de consolatione philosophiae, fol. ED. PB. Nu- remberga, Ant. Coburger, 1473. 334 EARL OF PEMBROKE. CJGSAR, fol. Fenet. Nic. Jenson, 1471. fol. 1473, rariss. CALLIMACHUS, Gr. ED. Pa. 4to. Florent. ( 'circa *-/ fi 1494.) CARRACCI (Ag.) II funerale d'Agostin Carraccio fatto in Bologna, 4to. Bologna, 1605, (Fid. p. 211.) CATULLUS Tibullus, Propertius et Statii Sylvae, fol. Fe- net. Jo. de Colonia, &c. 1475. CAXTON (W.) The Game and Playe of the Chesse, folio, first edition, 1474: also the second edition. , The Chronicles of Englond, fol. 1480. - Dictes and Sayinges of the Philosophers, fol. 1477. Liber Festivalis, fol. 1485. Polycronicon, fol. 1482. < Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye, fol. 1471. . Tullius of Old Age, folio, 1481. CELSUS, 4to. ED. PR. Florent. Nicolaus, 1478. CICERO N is Epistolae ad Familiares, fol. Roma, Sweynh. et Pan. 1469. , fol. Fenet. J . de Spira, 1469. Rhetorica, fol. Fenet. Nic. Jenson, 1470. CICERO de Natura Deorum, &c. fol. ED. Pa. Venet. XX Find, de Spira, 1471. de Oratore, 4to. ED. PR. absque ulla nota. CLAUDIANUS, Celsani, fol. ED. Pa. Vicent. 1482. CRASTONI (Joan.) Lexicon Graeco-Latinum, ED. PR. Vs.y fol. impr. in membr. sine anno et loco (sed Med. circa 1480.) CURTIUS, Q. fol. Find, de Spira, (circa 1470.) DANTE, fol. '&mi&.,CFoligno) J. Numeister^Wl. )<)< di LandinOj fol. Firenze, 1481. 335 EARL OF PEMBROKE. DECOR Puellarum, zoe honore delle Donzelle, 4to. Ve- net. Nic. Jenson, 1461 (1471). DICTYS Cretensis et Dares Phrygius, 4to. Medial. 1477. DURANDI Rationale Divinorum Officiorum, fol. ED. Pi. Mogunt. Fust et Schoyffer, 1459, impress, in membr. ETYMOLOGICON Magnum Gracum, fol. ED. Pa. Ve.- y-'^inet. Zach. Calliergus, 1499- FLORUS, 4to. absque ulla nota, (sed in Paris. Sorbona, .Vlr. Gering, &c. 4to. circa 1470.) GREGORII (S.) Dialogorum Libri quatuor, fol. ED. PH. ET ANTIQUA. Urgent. Joan. Guttemberg, 1458. Extremely rare and the only copy known. De Bure seems to doubt the existence of this edition : Clement and Meerman are of opinion that the date, in red letters, was probably executed with a pen. (Vid. Clement Biblioth. Cur. ix. 2/5; and Palmer's History of Print- ing, 4to. p. 299-) HIERONIMI (S.) Epistolae, 2 torn. fol. ED. PB. cum anni nota, Roma, Szceynheim et Pannartz, 1468. HISTORIC Augustas Scriptores, fol. ED. PB. Me- diol. 1475. XX ,HOMERUS, Gr. 2 torn. fol. ED. PR. Florent. 1488. HORATIUS, fol, ED. PR. sine ulla nota. HORATII Epistohe et Odae, 4to. Ferraria, Aug. Car- nerius t 1474, rariss. IsocRATEs,~Gr. fol. Ev.JpR^MedioL Hen. Germa- ntis, 1493. JERONIMI (S.) Exposicio in Simbolum Apostolovn, 4to. Oxonia, 1468 (1478), (Vid. p. 82.) Jo ANN is de Janua Catholicon, 2 torn. fol. Mogunt. Fust etSchoy/er, 1460. JOSEPHUS, fol. Roma, Arn. Pannartz, 1475. This rare edition contains only seven books. 336 EARL OF PEMBROKE. JUSTIN us, fol. ED. PR. Venet. NIC. Jenson, 1470. - - 4to. Roma, Udalricus Gallus (circa 1470.) JUVENALIS et Persius, fol. Medial. Ant. Zarotus, 1474. LACTANTIUS, fol. ED. PR. in Monast. Sublac. 1465. -- ED. SEC. fol, Roma, Szveynheim et Pan- nartz, 1468. LASCARIS (Const.) Grammatica Graeca, fol. ED. PR. MedioL Dionysius Parauisinus, 1476. Livius Campani, 2 torn. fol. Roma, Udalricus Gallus, (circa 1470.) -- fol. Roma, Szveynheim et Pannartz, 1472.' LUCANUS, fol. ED. PR. Roma, ib. 1469. LIVIO trad, dal latino in lingua volgare da Rugiero Fer- LUCIAN us, Gr>tQUBg>E Not**trl4Q&{Vid. p. 49) > y. MACROBIUS, fol. ED. PR. Venet. Nic. Jenson, 1472, impress, in membr. MARTIALIS, ED. PR. 4to.^ absque anni et loci nota, v ^, (sed Venet. Vind. de Spira, circa 1470.) MARTYR'S (Pet.) Common-Place Book, fol. 1574. _ ^, NEPOS (C.) fol. Ep. PR. Venet. N. Jenson,' 1471. y. >^ NONIUS Marcellus de Proprietate Sermonis, fol. Roma, G. Laur. (circa 1470.) OROSIUS (P.) fol. ED. PR. Augusta, Schuzler, 1471. OVIDII Opera, fol. ED. PR. BononiG, Balth. Azogui- dus, 1471, rariss. - - 2 torn. fol. Roma, Sweynh. el Pann. 147 1. PALLADIO (And.) dell'Architettura, fol. Ediz. orig. Ve- net. 1570. PETRARCA (Fr.) Sonetti e Trionfi, fol. Venet. Nic. Jen- son, 1473. PLAUTUS, fol. ED. PR. Venet. J. Colonia et Find.de Spira, 1472. 2 x EARL OF PEMBROKE. PLINII (C.) Historia Naturalis, fol. ED. PR. Fenet. Jo. de Spira, 1469- Roma, Sweynheim etPannartz, 1470. V )(. PLINII junioris Epistolae, fol. ED. PR. 147L RAMUSIO (Giov. Bat.) Viaggi e navigation!, 3 vols. fol. Fenez. Giunti, 15638365. (Fid. p. 240.) POLITIANI (Aug.) Opera, fol. Aldus, 1498. POMPEIUS Festus de verborum significatione, fol. ED. Pa. 1471. PRISCIANI Opera Grammatica, fol. ED. PR. cum anni nota, Fenet. (V. de Spira,) 1470. QOINTILIANI (M. T.) Institutiones Oratoriae, Campani, ;' > fol. ED. PR. Roma, 1470. Roma, Sweynheim et PannartZi 1470. REI Rusticae Scriptores, fol. ED. PR. Fenet. Nic. Jen- *OH, 1472. RODERICI (Sanctii) Speculum vitze humanae, fol. Roma, Sweynheim et Pannartz, 1468. .- SALLUSTIUS, 4to. ED. PR. cum anni nota, Fenet. Find, de Spira, 1470. SANDRART (Joacb. de) e Opera, Germ, et Lat. 13 torn, folio, cum Jig. Norimb. 1675, &c. e This valuable collection is sometimes bound upin 8 or 9 vola. and consists of the following works : Teutsche Academic, 3 torn Norimb. 167579. Ovidii Metamorphosis ib. . . 1679. Iconologia Deorum ib... 1680. Sculpturae Veteris Admiranda ib... 1680. Academia Artis Pictorie t .Y6 . . . 1683. Romae Antiquae et novas Theatrum ib... 1684. german. ib... 1686. EARL OF PEMBROKE. SENECA (L. A.) Tragoediae, fol. ED. Pa. sine anni vel locinota^ (sed Ferraris, Andreas Gallicus, 1481.) SILIUS Italicus, fol. ED. PR. Roma, Sweynheim et Pannartz, 1471. STATII Sylvarum libri v. cum comment. Dom. Calderini, 4to. Rom<, Am. Pannartz, 1475. SUETONIUS Campaui, fol. ED. PR. Roma, Phil, de ^Y Lignamine, 1470. fol. Roma, Sweynheim et Pan- nartz, 1470. SUIDJS Lexicon, Gr. fol. ED. PR. Mediol. 1499. >4 LIVIUS, 2 torn, fol. ED. PR* Sweynh. et Pan. (1469.) v. LUCANUS, fol. ED. PR. Roma, Sweynh. et Pan. 1469. LUCRETIUS, fol. ED. PR. Brixia, sine anno. " There is perhaps no scarcer book in this collection than the present one : nor is there another library in the king- dom which contains a copy of it." Bibl. Spenc. n. 149. LUCANUS, cur& Renouard, fol. typ. Didot, 1795, impr. in membr. ;A MISSALE mixtum secundum regulam beati Isidori dictum Mozarabes, fol. Toleti P. Hagembach, 1500. (From the Colbert Library.) Printed by order of Cardinal Ximenes/ r On the authority of the Abbe Vayrac (L'Etat de I'Espagne, {i. 553,) the expense of the Missal and Breviary was not less than 50,000 dollars, which was defrayed by the Cardinal. He concludes that they were originally rare and dear works ; and that, in his time, scarcely a single copy of cither could be procured by the most diligent 354 EARL SPENCER. MONTE Sancto di Dio composta da Messer Antonio da Sienna Veschovo di Fuligno, PRIM. ED. fol. Florentie, Nic. de Lorenzo, 1477. (Fid. Cat. de la Falliere, torn. i. addi- tions, p. 30.) OVIDII Opera, folio, in 3 vols. ED. PR. Uo/zomVe, V 1471, rariss. OVIDIUS, 3 torn. 8vo. Fen. Aid. 150, impr. in membr. OVIDII Trium Puellarum Liber, 4to. absqueullatiota. Of this spurious production no other copy is known. PETRARCA (F.) Cose Volgari et Sonnetti, 8vo. stamp, in cartapecora, Fen. Aldo, 1501. PETRARCA (Fr.) Sonettie Trionphi, PR. ED. fol. Find.y de Spira, 1470. PHALARIDIS Epistolas Latine per Franc. Aretinum, 4to. Oxonie, Rood et Hunt, 1485. Purchased for 81 guineas at the sale of the Merly Library. PINDARUS, Dionysius de situ orbis ; Lycophron, Grace, 8vo. Fenet. Aldus, 1513, impr. in membr. PLINII Sec. (C.) Hktoria Naturalis, fol. Roma;, Sweyn- heim et Pannartz, 1470, impr. in membr. . PLOWMAN'S (Pierce) Vision, 4to. Jirst edition, printed on vellum, Rob. Crotcley, 1550. (Fid. p. 87 and 274.) PSALTERIUM Latine, fol. Mogunt. Joh. Fust et P. y. Schoiffer, 1457, impr. in membr. (Fid. p. 188.) PSALTERIUM Latine, fol. Mogunt.. Fust et Schoijfer, 1459, impr. in membr. " Of almost equal rarity with the preceding edition. What may give this impression some additional value in the estimation of the curious is, that it contains the first printed text of the ATHANASIAN CREED." Bib. Spenc. 1. 117. inquirer. He also notices the eight copies deposited by the Cardinal in the chapel of Toledo, under a strict injunction never to be parted with." Bill Spenc. I. 142. 355 EARL SPENCER. PSALTERIUM Latine, fol. Mogunt. P. Schoijfer, 1490. * " This third edition is considered to be scarcer than either of the preceding. A copy, upon vellum, is in the Royal Library at Paris." Bib. Spenc. i. 120. REGULJE Grammatices, versibus latinis expositor, cum concordantiis ex Prisciano desumptis, fol. Mogunt. Schoif- fer, 1468, rariss. (Fid. Cat. de Gaignat. No. 13Q8.) SANNAZARO Arcadia, 8vo. Finegia, Aldo, 1514, in carta pecora. SAONA Rhetorica Nova fratris Laurentii Gulielmi de Saona, 4to. St. Albans, 1480. (Fid. p. 189-) /j* SOLINUS (Jul.) fol. ED. PR. tenet. NIC. Jenson, 1473, impr. in membr. SOPHOCLIS OEdipus Tyrannus, Antigone, OEdipus in Colouo, Trachiniae, Philoctetes, Graece, 8vo. in 5 torn. Fe- net. Aldus, 1502, impr. in membr. imperfect. SPECULUM Humanae Salvationis; Lat. et Germ. fol. sine anno et loco. (Fid. p. 237.) SPECULUM Humanae Salvationis, Belgice, fol. the first Dutch edition. (Fid. p. 237.) STATII Sylvae cum comment. Dom. Calderini, 4to. Roma, Arn. Pannartz, 1475. " In old morocco binding, with the arms and cypher of Prince Eugene ; being a duplicate from the imperial library at Vienna." yy t TACITI (C.) Opera, fol. ED. PR. (Fenet. V. de Spira ' circa 1468) 1470: " in old red morocco binding; being a duplicate from the collection of Prince Eugene." TENORES Nouelli, fol. impr. per Lettou et Machlinia, sine anno. First edition of Littleton's Tenures. TERENTIANUS (Maurus) de Litteris, syllabis et metris Horatii, fol. ED. PR. Mediol. 1497. TERENTIUS, fol. sine anno (Mogunt. Fust et Schoiffer,) liber rarissimus. S56 EARL SPENCER. TERENTIUS, fol. absque ulla nota (sed Argent. telin.) rariss. TEWRDANNCTHS, Poema Germ, lingua conscriptum, fig. fol. Norib. 1517, impress, in membr. THEOPHRASTI Characteres Ethici, Graec ; Johannes Wilkes, 1 " Anglus, recensuit ; 4to. Loudini, typis Jo. Nichols, impr. in membr. 1790. Only three copies were printed on vellum ; and one hundred on fine writing paper : these were given to Mr. Wilkes's friends. TURRECREMATA (Joan, de) Meditationes, fol. goth. ED. PR. cum jig. llg. Roma, Ulr. Han, 1467, impress, in membr. URBAN i (Bolz.) Institutions Graecse grammatices, 4to. ED. PR. Fenet. Aldus, 1497. " This is a work of extreme rarity ; Erasmus in one of his letters of 1499, says, it was then impossible to procure a copy of it." Fid. Ann. de I'lmprimerie des Aide, i. 16. VALERIUS Maximus, fol. ED. PR. cum anni nota, Mo- V, gunt. P. Schoyffer, 1471, impr. in membr. VJRGILII Opera, fol. ED. PR. Romtf, Sweynheim et \ Pannartz, sine anno ( 1 4690 fol. BrixifB, 1473, rariss. VIRGILIUS, 8vo. Fenet. Aldus, 1501, impr. in membr. Purchased at the Paris sale for 74. 1 Is. VIRGILIUS, 8vo. Fenet. Aldus, 1505, Ed Sec. impr. in membr. T This is the only complete edition of Thcophrastus, Mr. Wilkes ha- ving added the two chapters found in the Vatican, and separately edit- - ed by Amadutius. Count Reviczky, by whose persuasion Mr. Wilkes was influenced to print Catullus and Theophrastus, remonstrated with him upon the omission of the accents : Mr. Wilkes replied, that he would cheerfully be at the expense of printing a single copy for the Count, if he would Jind a person who could make them and correct them. 357 EARL SPENCER. VITRUVIUS de Architectura : Froutinus de acquis, fol. ED. PR. sine anno et loco (sed lioma circa 1486.) VOCABULARIUS Latino-Teutonicus, seu Vocabularius ex quo; fol. In Eltvil. Nic. Bechtermuncze, 1469- Ed. Sec. " Neither Meerman nor Wiirdtwein have been aware of the previous edition of 1467; of which the only known 1 copy is in the Royal Library at Paris. It is a very brief abridgement of parts of the CATHOLICON of 1460, and is known by the technical name of the ' Ex quo' Vocabulary V gathered from the first two words of the commencement of it." Bibl. Spenc. in. 129. VORAGINE (Jac.de) Historia Lombardica, seu Legeuda Aurea, fol. Paris, Gering Crantz et Friburger, 1475. VORAGINK (Jac.) La Grande Legende doree de tons les Saints et Saintes du Paradis ; translated du latin par Jehan Batallier, fol. Lyon Earth. Buyer, 1476. Edition originate et trts-rare. WORDE (W. de) The Booke of Kynge Arthur, and of his noble Knygtes of the Rounde Table, fol. 1498. Imperfect ; the only copy known. WORDE (W. de) Bartholomew de Proprietatibus Rerum, fol. without place or date. WORDE (W. de) Liber Festivalis et Quatuor Sermones, 4to. 1496. THE MARQUIS OF STAFFORD, CLEVELAND-HOUSE, ST. JAMES'S. A MOST invaluable collection of old English li- terature of the time of Elizabeth, bequeathed by the late Duke of Bridgewater, presents a leading feature in the library of the Marquis of Stafford. A more numerous and choice collection of our early English poets is not known to exist : it was originally formed by the Lord Chancellor Elles- mere and his immediate successors, the first and second Earls of Bridgewater ; s and by them depo- sited in their library at Ashridge. 1 This library ' Sir Henrj r Chauncy, the historian of Hertfordshire, wa's well ac- quainted with the second earl ; he describes him as a learned man, who delighted much in his library ; and allowed free access to all, who had any concerns with him. 1 Ashridge, anciently a college of Bonhommes, the first of that order in England, was founded by Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, in the year 1285. At the dissolution of the religious houses, it became a royal resi- dence, and was inhabited by Queen Elizabeth, when princess, in the reigns of Edward vi. and Q. Mary. The family of Cheney afterwards came into possession, and sold the manors of Ashridge, &c. to Sir Randolph Crewe and others, by whom they were conveyed, in 1602, 359 MARQUIS OF STAFFORD. consisted of one large and two smaller apart- ments, the first with enclosed doors, resembling pannelled wainscot: this injudicious mode of con- cealing the hidden treasures, caused them to be very much neglected during the long life of the last duke; consequently they suffered exceed- ingly from the unnoticed ravages of damp, &c. The valuable remains of this singularly curious collection, which fortunately contained many du- plicates, have been properly classed and ar- ranged in volumes, by the unremitted exertion and care of the Rev. Mr. Todd. - Among the manuscripts, those of the Lord Chancellor Elles- mere form a most interesting part ; yet there are others which belonged to the ancient college li- brary, of great beauty and curiosity. to the Lord Chancellor Ellesmere, who greatly enlarged the house and premises at Ashridge, which were magnificently kept up by his succes- sors for nearly a century. The demolition of this ancient building was completed by the late Duke of Bridgewater in 1802, one year only prior to his death. The cloisters exhibited a fine specimen of the go- thic architecture of the thirteenth century. Ashridge has again risen with increased splendour: the present Earl of Bridgewater having erected a magnificent gothic edifice on the site of the ancient college ; and in order to commemorate the his- torical events connected with the residence of his ancestors, he has directed that a History of the College of Ashridge, from original re- cords, shall be compiled ; and we understand that Mr. Todd, at his lordship's request, has undertaken the task : the volume will contain plates of antiquities, portraits, and views of the ancient and present edifice. It will be privately printed, and distributed only to his lord- ship's particular friends. 360 MARQUIS OF STAFFORD. AIMON Historic of the Four Sonnes of Aimon, fol. II let. 1554. ALEXANDER'S (Wm. Earl of Sterling) Plays, 4to. 1603. Recreations with the Muses, fol. with portrait, 1637. ANT and the Nightingale, or Father Hubbard's Tales, 8vo. 1604. ARIOSTO'S Satyres englished by Markham, 4to. 1608. ARNOLD'S Chronicle, or the Customs of London, with the Nnt-browne Mayde," fol. bl. let. no date. ARTHUR (King) The Story of, 4to. bL let. no date. of Brytayn, translated by Lord Ber- ners, 4to. bl. let. no date. BEAUMONT'S (Fr.) and Fletcher's (John) Plays, 6 vols. 4to. 16071661. B ELM AN of London, with Lanthora and Candle-light, 4to. 1608. BE vis of Hampton, 4to. no date Guy, Earl of War- Mick, 1654 Pheander the Maiden Knight, l66l. BIBLE, fol. impr. by JolmDaye, 1549- (Fid. p. 114.) u " The Niit-broivne Mayde paraphrased by Prior, first appeared in Arnold's Chronicle, which was first printed about the year 1521. This is perhaps the most heterogeneous and multifarious miscellany , that ever existed. The collector sets out with a catalogue of the mayors and sheriffs, the customs and charters of the city of London. Soon afterwards we have receipts to pickle sturgeon, to make vinegar, ink, and gunpowder; how to raise parsley in an hoar; the arts of brewery and soap-making; an estimate of the livings in London; an account of the last visitation of St. Magnus's Church ; the weight of Essex cheese, and a letter to Cardinal Wolsey. The Nut-browne Mayde is introduced between an estimate of some subsidies paid into the exchequer, and directions for buying goods in Flanders.'' War- ton's Hist, of Poetry, JH. 136. 3 A MARQUIS OF STAFFORD. BOCCACE*S Amorous Fiametta, 4to. 1587- BODLEII (Tho.) Funebria, 4to. Oxon. 1613. BOORDE'S* (Andr.) Breviary of Healthe, bl. let. 4to. Imprinted by Wm. Poteell, 1557. (First edition printed in 1547.) BRATHWAIT'S (Rich.) Strappado for the Devil, 12mo. 1615. Regicidium, Tragi-Com. 4to. 1665. CARLELL'S (Lod.) Plays, 2 vols. 8vo. 1657- CAXTON'S (W.) Liber Festivalis, 4to. 1483. ' Polychronicon, fol. imperfect. CHAUCER'S Canterbury Tales, and other Poems, MS. on vellum, fol. This is one of the finest manuscript copiesr of the works Of Chaucer extant : it is adorned with illuminated capitals, and with figures in the margin at the commencement of every tale, of each relater, including that of the father of English poetry himself : they are drawn and coloured with great care, and present a very minute delineation of the dress and costume of Chaucer's time. The writing is of the fif- teenth century. See an account of this inestimable vo- lume in " Todays Illustrations of Gower and Chaucer" 8vo. p. 128. CHAUCER'S Works, with Lidgate's Destruction of Thebes, fol. 1561. CHRONICON ab Initio Mundi ad an. 1479; fol. Col. 1479- CORONACIONIS Modus in regno Angliae, 4to. MS. on vellum. CURRY-COMBE fora Coxcombe, 4to. 1615. DABORNE'S (Rob.) Two Plays, 4to. 1612. D'ARCIE, Theatre de la Gloire et Noblesse d' Albion, contenant la Genealogie de la Famille de Stanley, 4to. x Vid. Warton's History of Poetry, Vol. ill. p. 70. 362 MARQUIS OF STAFFORD. D'ARCIE, Dutchess of Richmond's funeral Tears, Svo. 1024. DARCIE (Abr.) Annals of Queen Elizabeth, 4to. with a fine portrait of the author on the last leaf. (Vid. p. 270.) DAY'S (John) Plays, 4to. 1608, &c. FORDE'S (John) Plays, 2 vols. 4to. 1629. This author's name is not affixed to any of his Plays ; but they may be known by an anagram, generally printed in the title-page, instead of a name, viz. Fide Honor. FOXE'S (John) Acts and Monuments, 2 vols. fol. 1583. (Vid. p. 168.) FROG, the, or Sweet Singer of Amsterdam, fol. no date. GAMAGE'S (\Wm.) Linsi-Woolsie : or two Centuries of Epigrammes, 12mo. Oxford, 1613. (Vid. Wood's At hen a > by Bliss, n. 350.) GARNET, and the other Traitors (in the Gunpowder plot),)C Proceedings against, 4to. 1 606. GASCOIGNE'S (Geo.) Plays, 4to. 1566, &c. Works, 4to. 1587. GHEYN Exercise of Arms, fol. Hague, 1607. GLAPTHORNE'S (Hen.) Plays, 4to. 1640, &c. GORGES (Sir Arthur) Olympian Catastrophe, 4to. MS. COUGH'S (J.) Plays, 2 vols. 4to. 1631. One play only (the Strange Discovery, 1640) by this author, is noticed in the Btographia Dramatica. GOWER (Jo.) Confessio Amantis, fol. MS. on vellum, illuminated. GowER's y (John) Poems in Latin, French, and English, fol. MS. on vellum, illuminated. GREENE'S (Rob.) Quip for an Upstart Courtier, 4to. 1592. * " By an entry in the first leaf, in the hand-writing and under the signature of Thomas, Lord Fairfax, Cromwell's general, an antiquary '' S63 MARQUIS OF STAFFORD. GREENE'S (Rob.) Plays, 6 vols. 4to. 1594, &c. Tullie's Love, 4to. 160). GREEN HAM'S Works, 4to. 1599- GROVE'S (Matth.) Pelops, 12mo. 1587 Elviden's (Edm.) Pisistratus, no date Craig's (A.) Songs and Son- nets, 1606 Debate between Pride and Lowliness, wo date. HARMAN (Thos.) A Caveat for Cursetors, 4to. 1573. HEATH'S (Jas.) Chronicle of the late Intestine War, 8vo. Kith the portraits, 1663. HEMINGE'S (Win.) Plays, &c. 4to. 1653, 8cc. -V HENRY vin. Letters to Luther, 12mo. Printed by Fi/nson. HENRY viu. Necessary Doctrine for any Christen Man, 4to. 154J. and a lover and collector of curious manuscripts, it appears that this book was presented by the poet Gower, about the year 1400, to Hen- y jy iv. ; and that it was given by Lord Fairfax to his friend and kins- man, Sir Thomas Gower, knight and baronet, in the year 1656. By another entry, Lord Fairfax acknowledges to have received it, in the same year, as a present, from that learned gentleman, Charles Gedde, esquire, of St. Andrews, iu Scotland: and at the end are five or six Latin anagrams on Gedde, written and signed by Lord Fairfax, with this title, " In no-men venerandi et annosi amici sui Caroli Geddei." By King Henry the Fourth it seems to have been placed in the royal library : it appears at least to have been in the hands of King Henry the Seventh, while Earl of Richmond, from the name Rychemond in- serted in another of the blank leaves at the beginning, and explained by this note, " Liber Henrici septimi, tune Comitis Richmond, pro- pria manu script." This manuscript is neatly written, with miniated and illuminated initials; and contains the following pieces, i. An English panegyric in stanzas on King Henry the Fourth, n. A short Latin poem in elegiacs, in. Cinkante Balades, or Fifty Sonnets in French, iv. Two short Latin poems in elegiacs, v. A French poem on the dignity or excellence of marriage." Todd's Illustration of Gower and Chaucer, 8vo. 1810, p. 96. 364 MARQUIS OF STAFFORD. HENRY, Prince, Poems on the death of, 4to. 16 12. HERRICK'S (Rob.) Works, 8vo. 1648. HARVEY'S (Gabr.) Foure Letters and certaine Sonnets, 4to. 1592. HEY WOOD'S (Jasper) Thyestes, 12mo. 1560, with Gor- boduc, 1565 Hawkins's Apollo Shroving, 1626. (John) Works and Epigrams, 4to. 1 587. (Thos.) Plays, 5 vols. 4to. 1606 1655. Apologie for Women, 4to. Ox- ford, 1609. HOBY (Sir E.) Countersnarle, 4to. 1613. HONOR'S Fame, or Life and Death of the Earl of Essex, Svo. 1604. HORSEMANSHIP, Tracts on, 4to. 1597, &c. HUNTINGDON (Countess of) Sermon at her Death, with a 'fine portrait, 4to. 1635. HYMNARIUM, a beautiful MS. on vellum, with illumi- nations, 4to. INSTITUTION of a Christen, 4to. noplace, 1537. JACK STRAW'S Life and Death, a Play, 4to. 1593. Jo ANN is Salesberiensis Polycraticon, Svo. Lvgd. 1596. (Fid. p. 322.) JON SON'S (Ben) Plays, 4 vols. 4to. 1 600 1630. JOSEPH, History of, in metre, MS. beautifully written. KILLINGWORTH-CASTLE, Queen Elizabeth's Entertain- ment there, 12mo. bl. let. 1575. KIRKMAN'S (Fras.) The Wits, or Sport upon Sport, Svo. 1672. KYD'S (Thos.) Spanish Tragedy, 4to. 1599, &c. (three copies.) LLOID'S Jubilee of Britain, 4to. 1607. B Choice of Jewels, 4to. 1607. Tragicomedie of Serpents, 4to. 1607. 365 MARQUIS OF STAFFORD. LODGE'S (Thos.) Plays, 4to. 1594, &c. LYDGATE'S Translation of Machabre's Dance of Death, MS. LYLLIE'S (John) Plays, 2 vols. 4to. 15911601. LYNDSAY'S (Sir David) Complaint of a Popinjay, 4to. x-1538. MARLOWE (Chr.) and Thos. Nash, Dido, Queene of Carthage, a Tragedie, 4to. Printed by the Widdozce Or- Kin, 1594. A copy of this very scarce play was sold at Dr. Wright's sale, in 1787, to Mr. Malone for 16 guineas. Mr. Reed's copy, y bought for a trifle, and presented by him to Mr. Steevens, produced seventeen pounds at the sale of the lat- ter gentleman's collection in 1800. MARSTON'S (John) Plays, 3 vols. 4to. 1602, &c. MASKS, 1607 to 1639, 4to. MASSINGERV (Phil.) Plays, 2 vols. 4to. 1630 1661. MA STIVE, The, Epigrams and Satyrs, 4to. 1615. Query If purchased from the late Mr. Flackton, bookseller, Can- terbury, who is said to have sold a copy for two shillings. x z Mr. Warburton, Somerset Herald, who died in 1759, was a great collector of manuscript plays. Having for years neglected to visit his inestimable treasures, he found on examining his hoards that the cook had, from an economical wish to save her master the charges of more valuable paper, applied upwards of fifty dramatic pieces of various authors to the covering of her pics: among them were twelve unpub- lished plays, said to be written by Massinger. Vid. Gifford's Massiii ger, Introd. li. Another instance of the destruction of books, through ignorance, happened a few years since in the chambers of an eminent counsel (Mr. L.) ; whose female servant, by daily inspiriting her tea-kettle, had actually mutilated several volumes of the Statutes at Large, and other long sets of books; supposing, from the uniform appearance of the volumes, that they were " all the same, and that her master could not have occasion for more than one of a sort." 366 MARQUIS OF STAFFORD. MAXWELL'S Monument of Frederick and Elizabeth, 4to. 1613. MAY'S (Thos.) Plays, 4to. 1633, &c. MAYDEN'S Crosse-Row, 4to. no date The Chorle and the Bird, no date Proverbs of Lydgate, W. de Worde Test of Lydgaie, no date A Remedy for Sedition, 1536 Pierce Plowman's Crede, 1 553, and other Tracts, 4to. f ^ MILTON'S (John) Poems, first edition, 12mo. 1645. Z / Paradise Lost, first edit. 4to. 166?. (Fid. p. 54.) NABBES'S (Thos.) Plays, 2 vols. 4to. 1637, &c. N A SHE'S (Thos.) Tracts, 4to. NETTLE for Nice Noses, 4to. bL let. no date. NEWMAN'S Night-Crowe, 4to. 1590. NEWSPAPERS and Gazettes from 1665 to 1703, 40 vols. fol. NIM The Life of a Satyrical Puppy, called Nim, who worrieth all those Satyrists he knowes, and barkes at the rest. By T. M. with portraits of Nim and his man Oliver Bunge. (Their humourous adventures in London), sm. Svo. 1657. (Fid. Granger's Biog. Hist. n. 102.) OCCLEVE de Regimine Principum, 4to. MS. S#:c. xv. OVID, translated by Golding, bl. let. 4to. 1612.V, PASQUIL and Marforius, 4to. 1589 Plaine Percevall the Peace-maker of England, no date. PEELE'S (Geo.) Old Plays, 4to. 1595. PEMBROKE'S (Wm. Earl of ) Poems, Svo. 1660. PiscATORis a (i. e. Fisher) Poemata, (chiefly relating to Cromwell,) fol. I*mLj&L * A volume of Fisher's Panegyrics on Cromwell, &c. supposed -to contain several pieces not in any other copy ; and with an unique portrait of Edmund Ludlow by Hollar, was sold by auction in> Pall-Mail, June, 1814, to Mr. Grave, printscller, for fifty guineas. 567 MARQUIS OF STAFFORD. PLAYS, or Enterludes, 4to. 1568, &c. English, 4 vols. 4to. 15891600. The following are the contents of this extremely rare book of 220 leaves': Piscatoris Poemata : Vel Panegyricum Carmen in diem luaugura- tionis OLIVARI, &c. Recitatum nuper in Aula Medii Templi, De- cemb. 17. MDCLV. Londini, typis Thonuz Newcombii, MDCLVI. Before the title the arms of the Commonwealth with the royal supporters motto, " Pax qiueritur in bello" Commendatory Verses to Fitz Paine Fisher. Anniversarium in Diem Inaugurations OLIVARI, 8cc. Pro Recuperata Valetudine Sereiiissimi Praepot. Principis Olivari, &C. EUCHARISTICON. Marston Moor: sive de Obsidione Praeliqoue Eboraceusi CARMEN : cum quibusdam Miscellaneis. With a very rare equestrian portrait of Cromwell, inscribed " Vera Effigies Illustr. ampliss. Herois Olivcri Crormcelli, fyc. fyc. Impens. P. P. Stent excudit ;" half sheet. Epitaph on two children of Henry and Katherine, Marquis and Marchioness of Dorchester ; in Latin and English. Yerscs to the Memory of Henry Ireton ; Latin and English. Inauguratio Oliveriana, &c. Carmen Votivum. Before the title the arms of the Cromwell family, surrounded by laurel and olive-trees : motto, Lawus Comes Oliva. ( Olivarus Cromelus Ana Laurus Oliva Comes With eight explanatory Latin verses beneath. Landim ; tmpensis Edoardi Blackmoore, MDCLVI. Negotiatio Whitlocciana, vel in Decessum Reditumq ; vere nobi- h'ssimi Dom. BULSTRODI WHITLOCCI nuper in Sueciam Lcgati pcrex- cellentissimi GRATULATORIA. Quibus in ipsius filiam Dom. Francis- cam Whitloccium virginem spectatissimam funebre carmen adjicitur. B. Whitlocci Oratio habita Ubsaliae coram Christina Sueciarum Rc- gina. v Elegies upon the death of Mrs. Frances Whitlock, (eldest daughter to my Lord Whitlock ; who died of the small-pox not long before her 368 MARQUIS OF STAFFORD? PLAYS, English, 20 vols. 4to. ]602 1664. Historical, 4to. 159& 1600. translated from the Latin, 4to. 1595, &c. Italian, 4to. J602,8tc. PLEAS AUNT Dialogue between, the Cap and the Head, 12mov 1565. PORTER'S (H.) Plays, 2 vols. 4to. 15991 One dramatic piece only, published by this author^ is no- ticed in the " Biographia Dramatica" viz.. The two, angry Women of Abingd&n, 4to. 1599. PORTRAITS of King Charles j. his Queen, their Chil- dren, Husbands and Wives, large 4to. (Fid. p. 172.) intended marriage,) in Latin and English: with .the very rare portrait of BUI.STRODE WHITLOCK by Faithorne. Irenodia Gratulatoria: sive Illustrissimi amplissimiq', viri OLIVERI CROMWELLI Epinicion. Dedicatum Dom. Praesidi BHADSHAWO, cae- terisque consilii-statn-consultis, &c. Vignette arms of Eradsbaw: motto, Pacts Justitia Basis. Ad Invictissknum viram EDMUDUM (sic) LUDLOUM, &c. Soteria.. With an unique portrait of EDMUND LUDLOW on horseback by Hal- far his arms in the corner, an encampment, and underneath Latin and English verses. (This portrait is now in the collection of A. H. Sutherland, Esq.) Latin and English poems on the death of that illustrious seaman,, EDWARI> POPHAM. Miscellanea Threnodia, &c. Solis Septentrionalis Perigaeum in Caroli Sueciarum Gothoranv& 1755. Large pa- per, the only copy known. -^ CAIUS (Jo.) de Antiquitate Cantabrigiensis Academic Assertio Antiquitatis Oxoniensis Academiae; Jo. Caio authore, 4to. Lond. Jo. Day, 1574. CAMPION'S (Thos.) Relation of the Royall Entertainment given by the Lord Knowles to Queene Anne, in her progr esse toward Bath, 4to. 1613. CARLERII (^Egid.) Sporta, et Sportula fragmentorum, torn. fol. Bruxell. 1478-9. CATULLUS, Tibullus et Propertius, 3 torn. 12mo. in membr. Lutet. Coustelier, 1743. y CATULLUS, recensuit Johan. Wilkes,j*Anglus, 4to. typis, Joh. Nichols, 1788. Impress, in membr. Three copies only of this immaculate edition were print- ed on vellum, and one hundred on fine writing paper, which Mr. Wilkes gave to his friends. jc> CHALCONDYLJE (Demetr.) Erotemata, ED. PR. fol. absque ulla nota (sed Mediolani, circa 14Q3). CHALONERI (Tho. eq.) In Laudem Henrici Octavi Re- gis Angliae prsestantiss. carmen panegyricum, 4to. 1560. 376 SIR. MAKK MASTERMAN SYKES, BART. This extremely rare book has in the title-page the autograph of the author, dated 1560 : it appears to have been presented by him to a friend. (Fid. Beloe's Anecd. v. 347.) CHALONERUS de Republica Anglorum instauranda, 4to. Lond. 1579- CHARLES i. The Royal Progenie, Effigies of, 4to. Lon- don, 1641. CHRONICON Pontificum Imperatorumque, fol. ED. PR. Roma, J. P. de Lignamine, 1474. CICERONIS Epistolae ad Atticum, &c. ED. PR. fol. Romce, Sweynheim et Pannartz, 1470. The Harkian copy, purchased at the Duke of Rox- burghe's sale for clS9. CICERO de Natura Deorum, &c. ED. Pa. fol. Find, ^ de Spira, 1471. CICERONIS Officia, &c. ED. PR. fol. Mogunt. Joh. Fust, 1465, impr. in membr. Prince Eugene's copy. impr. in membr. ib. 1466. Orationes, ED. PR. Romas, Sweynh. et Pann. 1471. CICERO de Oratore, fol. ED._Pa. Roma;, 1469. CICERONIS Opera cuni Oliveti, 9 torn. fol. CH. MAX. .Paris, 17402. CORYAT'S (Thos.) Odcombiau Banquet, 4to. 1611. CURTIUS (Q.) fol. Fenet. F. de Spira, (circa 1470.) DANTE, col commento di Christ. Landino, fol. Fir. 148K Pjt. E^ fol. (Foligno) Jo. Numeister, 1472. )t > DESTILLATYON of Waters, a new booke of, called the Treasure of Evonymus, translated by P. Morwyng, 4to. Lond. J. Day, 1565. DIALOG us Creaturarum optime raoralizatus, jiicundis fa- bulisplenus; ED. PR. fol. goth.Jig. Gouda, 1480. 3 c SIR MARK MASTERMAN SYKES, BART. DIRECTORIUM humane Vite, alias Parabole antiquoru Sapientu ; fol. sine anno et loco. DUGD ALE'S (Sir W.) Visitation of Yorkshire in 1665 and 1666, fol. MS. yy EUTROPIUS, fol. Ep. PR, Roma, (G, Laur. 1471.) FASCICULUS Temporum, a quodam devoto Carthusiensi (Wernero Rolewinck de Laer) editus, fol. Colonia, 1474, GARLANDS, &c. (Twenty-eight) collected by Thomas Hearne, sm. 8vo. GASCOIGNE (Geo.) all his works, HALSTEAD'S (Rob.) Genealogies, fol, London, 1685, (Fid. p. 199.) V HEARNE'S (Thos.) Works, on LARGE PAPER, includ n ing Ada Apostolorum, and Roper's Life of Sir Thomas More, 1716. HIERONYMI (S.) Epistola?, &c. 2 torn. fol. ED. PR, cum anni nota ; Roma, Sweynh. et Pann. 1468. HIERONYMI (S.) Epistolae, 2 torn, fol. Mogunt. Schoyf- fer, 1470, impr. in membr. Xj< HOMERUS, Graece, ED, PR. 2 torn. Florent, 1488. ^c, 4 torn. 4to. CH. MAG. Oxon. 1800. (Vid. p. 245.) HORATIUS, fol. Medial. Phil, de La-cagnia, 1476. ISIDORI (Hispal. Episc.) Etymologiarum libri xx. ED; PR. fol. Aug. Find, Ginth. Zainer de Reutlingen, 1472, impr. in membr. JUSTINIAN i (Imper.) Institutiones, fol. Mogunt. P. Schoyffer, 1472, impr. in membr, A* JUSTINUS, fol. Ep. PR. Venet. Me. Jenson, 1470. 4to. Roma, Udalr. Callus, (circa 1470.) )<* LACTANTIUS, fol. ED. PR. in Monast. Sublac. 1465. LIGNAMINE (Jo. Phil, de) Cronica summer u pontificu imperatoruq. fol. Romte, J. P. de Lignamine f 1474. 378 SIR MARK MASTERMAN SYKES, BART. Li vn Historiarum Romanarum Decades in. cum Epis- tola Joan. Andrew Episc. Aleriensis ad Paulum n. P. M* $!D.JPR. fol. Roma, Szveynheim et Pannartz, (1469.) Exemplar splend. impressum in membranis. This is the only copy known of the first edition of Livy 1 upon vellum : it was purchased at Mr. Edwards's sale in April, 1815, for 860 guineas. (Fid. CataL No. 278.) LIVIUS, fol. Fenet. Find. Spira, 1470. LUCANUS, fol. ED. PR. Roma, Sweynheim et Paw- nartz. 1469- MACROBIUS, ED. PR. fol, Fenet. Nic. Jenson, 1472* MANCYN'S (Domyn.) Myrrour of good maners, trans- lated by Alex. Bercley prest and monke of Ely, fol. printed by Rich. Pynson, no date. MAR DEN Collections concerning the Manor of Marden, fol. with title and index. (Fid. p. 50.) MARS and Venus, the Love and Complayntes of betwene, 4to. Westm. Jul. Notary. MIRROUR for Magistrates, 4to. printed by Marshe } 1563. (Fid., p. Si.") MONSTRELET (Eng. de) Chroniques de France, d'An- gleterre, edition revue par Denys Sauvage, 3 torn, in 2 vols. fol. GR. PAP. Paris, 1572. De Thou's copy. Purchased at the Stanley sale, in 1813,ybr 130 guineas. OFFICIUM Beatae Mariae Virginis cum calendario, 4to. MS. on vellum, with highly-finished miniatures. This inva- luable MS. belonged to Francis the First, king of France, and is most richly illuminated. Jt came from the Valiiere collec- tion, and was bought by M. Paris for 3000 livres (of 125 ster- ling) ; at his sale in 1791, it was purchased by M. Laurent, a Parisian bookseller, for 104 guineas. (Fid. Biblioth. Parisi- ana, No. 13.) OROSIUS (P.) fol. ED. PR. Augusta, Joh. Schuzler. 379 SIR MARK MASTERMAN SYKES, BART, - OVIDIUS The xv. bookes of P. Ovidius Naso, enty titled Metamorphosis, translated by Arthur Golding, 4to. printed by W. Seres, 1567. PAINTER'S Palace of Pleasure, \vith pleasaunt Histories and excellent Novelles, 4to. H. Denham, for Tottell, &c. 1566. ' by Marshe, 1575. t PARKER (Mat.) de Antiquitate Ecclesiae Britannica?, fol. Lond. Joh. Day, 1572. With the arms blazoned, and the lives complete (vid. p. 56.) This copy was used by Drake for his new edition. Another copy, complete, zeith the title printed on vellum, fol. ib. 1572. Roger Twysden's copy. PARKHURSTI" (Jo.) Ludicra sive Epigrammata Juveni- lia, 4to. Loud. Jo. Day, 1573. PETRARCA, 8vo. Finegia, Aldo, 1521, in carta pecora. PLOWMAN'S, Pierce, Vision, first edit. 4to. 1550. Rogers, 1561. Y- Pil ii. (seu JEneae Sylvii) Epistolae in Cafdiualatu editae, fol. Medial. A. Zarotus, 1473. y^ PLINII Secundi (C.) Historia Naturalis, fol. ED. PR. Venet. Jo. de Spira, 1469. PRYNNE'S (Wm.) Records, 3 vols. fol. LARGE PAPER, 166516661670. (Fid. p. 104 and 254, Ji>) PsALTERiUM Latine, fol. Mogunt. Fust et Schoyffer, 145Q> impr. in membr. (Fid. p. 355.) PSALTERIUM, Gr. et Lat. ED. PR. 4to> MedioL 1481.x. RAPIN'S (P. deT.) and Tindal's (N.) History of Eng- land, in 9 vols. fol. on large writing paper, 1732, &c. ^' SANDFORD'S (Fras.) The Order of Ceremonial of the Interment of George Duke of Albemarle, fol. 1670. ' John Parkhurst was Bishop of Norwich, and a great reformer. SIR MARK MASTERMAN Sl'KES, BART. SENECJE (L. A.) Epistolae, fol. ED. PR. cum anni nola, * y Rom foL Fenetia, 1584. 11 Libro magnifico colla testa delVautore in principio ; colla vera stampa al Canto 34o. e con due stampe, da Oth. V&nio, in fine, intitolate vero Esempio d'lmpudi- citia, e vero Esempio di Castita; cavate tutte due da Ariosto" ARLOTTO (Piovano) Motti e Facetie, 4to. Firenze, sen- sa data di anno. Edizione rarissima ed incastrata. ARNOLD'S Chronicle, or the Customs of London, fol. BAFFO (Giorgio) Opere, 4 torn. 8vo. Cosmopo/i, 1789. " Edizione stampata alia spese del Conte di Pembroke." BANDELLO le tre parti delle Novelle del Matteo Ban- dello, 3 torn. 4to. Lucca, 1554 La quarta parte, 8vo. Lione, 1573. BENTLEII (Rich.) et doctorum virorum Epistolae, partim mutua3, 4to. Londini, 1807- (Fid. p. 25.) BERLINGHIERI (Franc.) Geographia, con tavole in rame PRIM. EDIZ. fol. Firenze, N. Todesco, (1480.) BOCCACCIO (Giov.) 11 Decamerone, 4to. Firenze, Gi~ nnti) 1516. Edizione molto rara et stimata, con tre No- velle aggiunte. Edizione tera, 4to. Giunti, 1527- BREY DEN BACH (Bern, de) Peregrinationum iu montera Syon opusculum, ED. PR. fol. Mogunt. 1486. 381 ROGER WILBRAHAM, ESQ. BRUNO Nolano (Giordano) II Candelaio, comedia, 12mo. Parigi, Giuliano, 1582. BRUSONII (L. Domit.) Facetiarum et Exemplorum, libri TII. fol. Romas, Jac. Mazochius, 1518. " Edition origi- nale, et la seule qui n'ait pas etc tronqme." CAVICEO (Jac.) Libro del Peregrino, 4to. Parma, 1513. Equally rare and valuable as the first edition of 1508. CAXTON (W.) The Chronicles of Englond, fol. 1480. The Golden Legende, fol. 1483. CAZZA (Giov. Agost.) Le Satire e Capitoli, 4to. MS. " L'edizione originate e tanto raro che II Sigr. Crofts non pntendo trovarla in tutta V Italia." CHERUBINI (Fra.) Spiritualis Vitae Regula Vitae Ma- trimonialis Regula, 4to. sine anno. CHINA The strange and marvellous Newes lately come from the great Kingdome of Chyna which adjoyneth to the East Indya ; translated out of the Castlyn tongue by T. N. 12mo. Imprinted at London nigh unto the three Cranes in the Finetree by Thomas Gardiner and Thomas Dawson ; aix leaves only. No other copy known. CIENTO Novelle Antike (publicate da Carlo Gualteruzze) 4to. Bologna, 1525 Le Ciento Novelle Antike, 4to. senza nota di Stampa. A copy of the latter edition was purchased at Col. Stan- ley's sale, by Lord Spencer, for oQ. 17s. (Vid. Catal. No. 479-) DANTE, fol. Mediol. 1478. For the purity of the text this is preferred to all other early editions. DAVIS (J.) The World's Hydrographical Discription, -' 12mo. Tho. Dawson, 1595 : another copy only is known in the collection of Mr. North : it was purchased at Mr. Dal- rymple's sale in 1809. (Vid. p. 327.) 3 D 110GKR W1LBRAI1AM, ESQ. ELYOT (Syr Thos.) The Dictionary of, fol. London, Tho. Berthelet, 1538. ENGLEFIELD'S (Sir Hen.) Walk through Southampton, 4to. 1805. LAEGE PAPER ; twenty-three copies only printed. FA BRIT ii (Aloyse Cinthio degli) Libro della origine delli volgari proverbi, fol. Vinegia, 1526. At the end of the volume there is an additional satire, printed at Paris from a copy in the King of France's library. FAZIO (Bonifazio) Dita Mundi cumponuto per Fazio f di gl Uberti da Firenza, fol. ED. PR. Vicenza, Leon, da Ba- $ilea, 1474. Edizione della somma rarita. Sold at Floncel's sale for 800 livres. FRANCO (Nic.) Sonetti (contra 1'Aretino) con altre cose aggiunte, 4to. GARDINER (Steph. Bp. of Wynchestei) A Declaration of suche articles as George Joye hath gone about to refute as 'false, with manuscript notes by Home Tooke, 4to. 1546. GIANNONE (Pietro) DelPIstoria civile del regno di Na- poli libri XL. 4 torn. 4to. Napoli, 1723. This copy belonged to Mr. Ravvlinson, who was in pos- session of the original bull condemning and prohibiting this work ; he was at the expense of having it reprinted : a copy of it is bound with this set in the page preceding the title in the first volume. GIOVANNI Florentine II Pecorone nel quale si conten- gono cinquanta novelle antiche, 8vo. Milano, 1558. Edi- zione vera e rarissima. GIRALDI Cinthio (Gio. Bat.) Gli Hecatommithi, con cu-.ii ?/ou4 at ^Ifjo vqo'j tytison . ; ; \, ".' f In Lib. iv. Cap. 23, there is an account of a nation of tailed men : Lord Monboddo, it is well known, believed in the existence of such a race. Vid. Ancient Metaphysics, Jii. p. 250, 4to. 1784. 586 ROGER WILBRAHAM, ESQ. tutte le dedicazioni in principio di ciascheduna Deca, 2 torn. 8vo. Monte Regale, 1565. HEATH'S (Jas.) Chronicle of the late Intestine War in England, with all the portraits, 8vo. 1663. HIPOLITO e Lionora, 4to. Tretiso senza nota di Stam- pa, (Gerard de Leu) 1471. HULOET'S Dictionarie, newelye corrected, amended, set in order, and enlarged with many names of Men, Townes, Beastes, Foules, Fishes, &c. &c. By John Higgins, late student in Oxeforde, fol. London, by Tho. Marshe, 1572. The marginal notes are in the hand-writing of Higgins himself, evidently with the intention of publishing a iie\v edition with great additions ; but it never appeared. LORENZO de' Medici Poesie, 8vo. 1791. Twelve copies only printed. Vid. Roscoe's Life of Lo- renzo, i. 280, note. MALESPINI (Celio) Ducento Novelle, 4to. Vinez. 1609. MARCH, 8 Ausias Les Obres del valeros Cavalier y ele- gantissim Poeta, Ausias March, Arano, 12mo. Imprim. en Barcelona, 1560. " His works were translated into Castilian by Gorge de Montmayor, a Portuguese, author of the celebrated pastoral romance of La Diana, and ran in that tongue through three editions. Vid. Barbosa Biblioth. Lusitana, in nomine translators. J ,'^>v,i-: t?*| He was of a Catalonian family, though born and edu- cated in Valencia ; in the language of which country this book is written : it is of extraordinary rarity." MS. note of J. Ritson. torn i'-n" r >'tn;n Jin* s r > ^ ' ! \ ri' 'o T- x * This poet flourished in the earlier part of the fifteenth century. The Marquis de Santilane, who then wrote, says : " Mosen Ugias Marque, el qual aun vive, es gran Trobador, e homhre dc assaz ele- ; vado espiritu." Sarmiento Memorias de Poesia, &c. 4to. 1775, p. 153. 387 ROGER WJLERAHAM, ESQ. MASUCCIO, II Novellino, fol. Jig. Venet. 1492. Mo RE'S (Sir Tho.) Workes, U. left. fol. (in 2 vols.) J. Cawood, 1557. NELLI (Giustin.) Le amorose Novelle, 8vo. senza data. " Libretto rarissimo impresso nel secolo xvi." Vedi Cat. di Pinelli, (Londra) num. 4342. NODAL Relacion del Viage de Barthol. Garcia de Nodal al descubrimento del estrecho de S. Vincente y de Magel- lanes, 4to. Madrid, 1621. NUNEZ, Alvar, Cubeca de Vaca Commentaries, 4to. Val- ladolid, 1555. " Liber inter omnes rarissimus." OTTONAIO (Giov. Bat.) Canzoni ovvero mascherate car- nascialesche, 8vo. Firenze, Torrent'ino, 1560. PERI (Gio. Domen.) Fiesole Distrutta, Poema, 4to. Fi- ren. 161Q. Opera molto rara. PETRARCA (Fr.) Sonetti, Canzoni, e Triomphi, col com- ment, di Philelpho, fol. lit. got. Venet. Theod. de Reyns- burch et Reynold, de Novimagio, 1478. PETRARCA (Franc.) Triompho dell'Amore, 4to. senza data, ma edizione molto antico, stamp, in carta pecora. PLOWMAN, Pierce, The Vision of, 4to. 1561. POGGII (Fra.) Facetiae, fol. lit. goth. Nuremb. Fred. Cretisner, 1475. SABBADINO (Giov.) Settanta Novelle, dette le Porret- tane, fol. PR. ED. Bologna, 1483. (Fid. p. 1890 SABBADINO (Giov.) Le Porrettane, fol. Venet. 1510. SANSOVINO (Franc.) Le cento Novelle, 8vo. Vinezia, 1561 -62 63. These three octavo editions, though somewhat different from each other, are much more complete and more rare than any of the editions in quarto, which were castrated. SHAKSPEARE'S (W.) Workes, fol. all the four editions, 1623, 1632, 1664, 1685. ROGER WILBRAHAM, ESQ. SPENCER'S (Edm.) Faerie Queene, first edition, 15QO. STAGI (Andrea, Anconitano) Opera intitulato Amazonida la qual tracta le gra Bataglie e Triumphi che fece queste done Amazone, 8vo. gr. Venezia, 1503. Libro sommamente raro. TURBERUILE (Geo.) The Booke of Faulconrie or Hauk- ing, with the noble Arte of Venerie or Hunting, 4to. 1611. VALENTYN (Franc.) Oud-en nieuw Oost Indien, 5 torn, fol. Amst. 172426. (Fid. p. 62.) VALORI Diario di Buonaccorsi con la vita di Lorenzo de' Medici, 4to. Fiorenza, Giunti, 1568. La Vita di Loren- zo de Medici e molto rara. VIRG ILL'S Boke of Eneados, translated by Gavvin Doug- las, Bishop of Dunkel, 4to. bl. let. 1553. WILLIS (Browne) Notitia Parliamentaria, with manuscript notes by W. Cole, 3 vols. 8vo. 1730. WORDE (W. de) Nychodemus Gospell, 4to. 1532. First printed in 1509. Ortus Vocabularium, 4to. 1518. Promptuarium Paruolorum Clericoru, 4to. 1510. Troylus and Cresyde, copyled by Gef- fraye Chaucer, 4to. 1517. Rob. Whyttintoni Opuscula Gramraa- tica Stanbrigi Vulgaria, &c. 4to. various editions by W. de Wordeand R. Pynson, 1517, &c. 389 THE LATE MICHAEL WODHULL, ESQ. THENFORD, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. THIS library is now in the possession of Mrs. Ingram, sister of the late Mrs. Wodhull. The collection of about 4000 volumes includes many valuable first editions of the Greek and La- tin classics, and other interesting pieces of early typography, particularly of the works of our best English poets. In the following short list, chiefly of the first mentioned class, will be found some articles of the greatest rarity. Mr. Wodhull was a profound scholar, and is celebrated as the translator of Euripides. He died Nov. 10, 1816, in his 77th year. ADUIANI Card. Venatio, Svo. Venet. Aldus, 1505. JEsoPi Vitaet Fabulse Gra?ce, 4to. ED. PR. alsqueulla nota, (sed Medial, circa 1480,) rariss. XV APULEIUS, fol. ED. PR. Roma, Sweynh. et Pan. 1469. v /y AULUS Gellius, fol. ED. PR. Roma, P. de Max. 1469. BEMBI (P.) de ^tna liber, 4to. Fenet. Aldus, 1495. BOCCACCIUS de claris Mulieribus, ED. PR. fol. fig. Ulmc, Jo. Czeiner, 1473. BOCCACCIO (Job.) de las Mujeres Illustres, 4to. Zara- gosa, P. Hur. Alleman, 1494. BREYDENBACH (Bern, de) Peregrinationes in Montem Syon, ED. PR. fol. Mogunl. 1486. 390 THE LATE MICHAEL WODHULL, ESQ. BUDJEUS de Asse et partibus ejus, CH. MAG. 4to. Ve- /py/t net. Aldus. CJESAR, fol. ED. PR. Roma, Sweynh. et Pan. 1469. XV CICERO cura Oliveti Ch. Max. 9 torn. fol. Pan's, 17402. CICERONIS Epistolae familiares, 8vo. Venet. Aldus, 1502, rariss. CICERO de Oratore, fol. Roma, P. de Max. 1469. CURTIUS (Q.) fol. Vindel. de Spira, sine anno. EURIPIDES, Gr. Lat. cura Jos. Barnes, fol. CH. MAG. .Camb. 1694. GEOGBAPHIJE veteris Scriptores Graeci minores, 4 torn. 8vo. CH. MAG. Oxon. 1698170312. GUY de Warwick Chev. d'Angleterrre, fol. Paris, 1525. HESIODUS, Gr. Lat. Robinsoni, fol. CH. MAX. Oxon. 1737. HOMERUS, Grace, ED. PR. 2 torn, fol. Flor. 1488. JUSTIN us, fol. ED. PR. Venet. Nic. Jenson, 1470. / / JUVENALIS, 4to. Venet. Jac. de Rubeis, 1475. LASCARIS (Const.) Gram. Graeca, 4to. Venet. Aldus t /y 1494-5. - Li vi us, fol. Medial. Phil, de Lavagna, 1478. LUCIANUS, Gr. fol. ED. PH. Florent. 1496. LUCRETIUS, fol. Verona, Paul Fridenperger, 1486. 4to. Venet. Aldus, 1500, rariss. MACROBIUS, fol. ED. PR. Venet. Nic. Jenson, 1472. . MARTI ALIS, 4to. ED. PR. Venet. de Spira (circa 1470.) >CN NEPOS (Corn.) fol. ED. Pa. Venet. Nic. Jenson, 1471. XX ORPHEUS, Gr. 4to. ED. PR. Florent. 1500. OVIDIUS, 2 torn. fol. Mediol. A. Zarotus, 1477, rariss. OVID 1 1 Metamorphosewn Libri xv. 8vo. Venet. Aldus, 1502. OVIDII Opera, 3 torn. 8vo. CH. MAG. Venet. Aldus, 1533. THE LATE MICHAEL WODHULL, ESQ. PATERCULUS (Veil.) fol. ED. PR. Basil. Jo. Frobe- nius, 1520. /XL PETRARCA (Fr.) Sonetti e Trionphi, PR. ED. fol. Fe- net. Find, de Spira, 1470. . fol.' Few. Theod. de Reynsburch, 1478. PLAUTUS, fol. ED. PR. Venet. J. de Col. et F. de Spira, 1472. PLUTARCHI Vitae Lat. fol. ED. PR. Roma, Vdalr.Gal- lus (circa 1470). POGGII (Fra. Br.) Facetize, 4to. Lovanii, 1475, and the editions of Ferrara, 1471, and by Faldarfer, 1477. REI Rusticae Scriptores, fol. ED. PR. Fen. N. Jensoit, 1472. REUCHLINI (Jo-.) Oratio ad Alexandrinum vi. P. M. 4to. Fenet. Aldus, 14Q8. This is one of the rarest pieces from the Aldine press. RHETORES, Grasci, 2 torn. fol. Fenet. Aldus, 1508-g. ' SENECJE Epistolse, fol. ED. PJI. cum anni nota, Romcc, Am. Pannartz, 1475. STRABONIS Geographia, Latine, fol. F. de Spira, 147'- TACITUS cura Brotier, CH. MAG. 4 torn. fol. Paris, 177 TERENTIUS, 8vo. Fenet. Aldus, 1517, rariss. fiy VALERIUS Maximus, fol. ED. PR. cum anni nota, Me gunt. P. Schoyffer, 1471. fo]. Find, de Spira, 1471. VALLA Laur.de linguae Latinae elegantia, fol. Fenet. Nic. Jensonj 1471. VALTURIUS (Rob.) de Re Militari, fol. ED. PR. 1472. VIRGILIUS, fol. Fen. Barth. de Cremona, 1472. 8vo. Fenet. Aldus, 1501. XENOPHONTIS Opera omnia, Gr. et Lat. cura Wells, 5 torn. CH. MAG. Oxon. 1708, rariss. 392 tu> Hurtum. THOMAS ALLEN, ESQ. 17951799. BIBLIOTHECA ALLENIANA. A CATALOGUE of the curious, elegant, and very valua- ble library of THOMAS ALLEN, Esq. sold by LEIGH and SOTHEBY, in York Street, Covent Garden ; on Monday, June 1, 1795, and the nine following days, (Sunday and June the 4th excepted.) Number of Articles, 1585 To- tal amount of the sale, < HOMERUS, 2 vols. fol. 1488. I/. 12s. HOMER us Eustathii, 3 vols. fol. 1560. 31. 5s. 3 * DR. FRANCIS BERNARD. 1698. MEDICJE Artis Principes, 2 vols. fol. H. Steph* 1567. 18s. 6d. ib. 2 vols. fol. 1568. I/. 12s 4 6d. PLOWMAN'S (Pierce) Vision, 4to. 1550. 6s. POLIPHILI Hypnerotomachia, fol. Vineg. 1545. 4s. 6d. POLITIANUS, Aldus, fol. 1498. 17s. SHEPHERD'S Calendar, fol. 4s. 6d. SMITH'S History of Virginia, fol. 1624. 4s. Qd* STU BBS'S Discovery of a Gaping Gulph by a French Marriage, Svo. 1579, and another tract. 4d. Anatomy of Abuses, &c. Svo. 1585. Sd. TRACTS ART of Juggling or Legerdemain,^ Lond. 1612. A DETECTION of the Beggerly Art of Alcumis- try, ib. 16 12. SECOND Part of Cony Catching, ib. 1591. Hocus Pocus Junior^ or the Anatomy of Le- gerdemain, ib. LIFE of Ned Browne, Cut Purse. COUSENAGES of John West and Alice West, 1613. THE Bell Man's Night-Walks, 1632. THE Bell Man of London, 1608. TURBERVILLE'S (Geo.) Hawking and Hunting, 4to. 6d. TUSSER'S five hundred Points in Good Husbandry, 4to. 1590. 4d. VIRGIL, transl. by Douglas, 4to. 1653. 8s. 2J. WAR-HORNS : make room for the Bucks with the Green Bowes, 4to. with nine other tracts. Is. 6d. 402 '''* " REV. JONAT N BOUCHER, M. A. 18061809. A CATALOGUE of the very valuable and extensive li- brary of the late Rev. JONATHAN BoucHER, 1 A. M. F.R.S. Vicar of Epsom, Surrey; comprehending a 1 MR. BOUCHER was born at Blencogo, in Cumberland, in 1738; after receiving a good education at Wigtou, under the late Rev. Jo- seph Elaine, he went, at the early age of eighteen, to North America, took holy orders, and continued to discharge his ministerial duties until the commencement of the war in 1775, when he returned to England. In 1797, Mr. Boucher published a View of the causes and conse- quences of the American Revolution; in thirteen Discourses, preacJied in Forth America, between the years 1763 and 1775. In the historical preface he observes, " It was my intention that the work should be posthumous, from an idea that my thus sealing it as it were with my last breath would be the most solemn attestation to its veracity in my power to give it. But, when it was represented to me that it might appear something like cowardice not to dare to step forward to defend what I have dared to allege, I could no longer shrink from the pub- lication of my volume, whilst I still live to be answerable for its con- tents." These Discourses unequivocally demonstrate, that their pious author was not to be deterred, by any personal dangers, from main- taining, with intrepid zeal, those doctrines, religious and political, in which he had been educated. Mr. Boucher was an ample contributor to Mr. Hutchiuson's His- 403 REV. JONATHAN BOUCHER, 1806-9. fine and curious collection in DIVINITY, HISTORY (do- mestic and foreign), Voyages, and Travels, POETRY, tory of Cumberland, published in 1794 ; the accounts of the parishes of BromGeld, Caldbeck, and Seberghara, are from his pen ; and the numerous biographical sketches of eminent Cumberland men, signed BIOGRAPHIA CUMB. in the same work, were also written by him. In 1802, he issued a Prospectus of a provincial and archaiological Lexicon, under the title of Lingua Anglicance Veteris Thesaurus, in- tended as a Supplement to Dr. Johnson's Dictionary : he was emi- nently qualified for the task, being versed in the Celtic and Teutonic dialects, and having no inconsiderable knowledge of the German, Da- nish, Swedish, and Norwegian tongues, to which the roots of most of our provincial words may be traced. His extreme anxiety respecting the advancement of this work, the completion of which he appeared prophetically to doubt, is thus expressed in a letter to a friend : " I have been, am, and must be, as long as I live, chained as it were to the oar of the opus magnum : since I relinquished my purpose of with- drawing to the North, all my studies and efforts have been directed to this Thesaurus, which is a work of immense labour and toil: but it is now too late to retract, I must go on with it, and give up almost every other pursuit." A specimen of this undertaking was published in 1807, containing the words under the letter A. The encouragement given to this portion of the work has not yet been sufficient to induce Mr. Boucher's relatives to risk the publication of more. When the original Proposals were issued, Mr. Boucher did not appear in want of public patronage ; for nearly one thousand subscribers' names, we believe, were obtained in a short time. It is to be regretted that he did not commence his philological labours at an earlier period of life. , - In 1784, he was presented by the late Rev. John Parkhurst, editor of the Greek and Hebrew Itexicon, to the vicarage of Ep- som, in Surrey ; where he continued to reside during the remainder of his life, enjoying the friendship and society of the most eminent li- terary characters. Mr. Boucher died at Epsom 27th of April, 1804, having just com- pleted his sixty-sixth year. On the monument erected to his memory is inscribed the following epitaph : 404 REV. JQ^ATHAN BOUCHER. 1806-9. Classics, Philosophy, Natural History, Mechanics, CRI- TICAL, BIBLICAL, Arts and Sciences, Belles JLettres, Miscellanies, Topography, DICTIONARIES, in all lan- guages, with a large and curious assemblage of Tracts. Sold by IJEIGH and S. SOTHEBY, Strand, on Monday, February 24th, 1806, and twenty-six following days. PART SECOND, on Monday, April 14th, and eight fol- lowing days. PART THIRD, containing scarce Plays, curious Voyages, OLD POETRY, various tracts on Phi- lology, Tithes, and respecting the Grand Rebellion, Dictionaries, Miscellanies, &c. on Monday, May 29th, 1809, and three following days. Part 1, number of articles, 6646 Amount of the sale, .2990. 2s. 9d. Part 2, number of articles, 1940 Amount of the sale, 815. 13s. Part 3, number of ar- ticles, 857 Amount of the sale, <704. 7s. Gd. Total amount of the three parts, c4510. 3s. 3d. " Near this place are deposited, in the hope of a blessed resurrec- tion to eternal life, the remains of the Rev. Jonathan Boucher, M. A. nineteen years vicar of this parish. He was born at Blencogo in Cumberland, 12th March, 1738, and died 27th April, 1804. " A faithful steward of the mysteries of God, he ever maintained and enforced, both by his writings and discourses, that form of sound doctrine once delivered to the saints ; whilst, in his opinions and prac- tice, he exhibited a bright example of Christian charity. Few men possessed a larger store of knowledge, or greater liberality of commu- nication. " His loyalty to his king remained unshaken, even when the mad- ness of the people raged furiously against him, and, for conscience sake, he resigned ease and affluence in America, to endure hardship and poverty in his native land. "' But the Lord gave him twice as much as he had before, and / blessed his latter end more than his beginning.' " We believe that a memoir of the life of Mr. Boucher is preparing for publication by his second son, Barton Boucher, Esq. 405 REV. JONATHAN BOUCHER. 1806-9. * In this extensive catalogue of valuable and useful books, but few works of extreme rarity occur ; it is par- ticularly copious in the following classes Divinity, His- tory, Poetry, ancient and modern, Biblical and Critical Literature. % At BIBLE, cited by the title of Queen Elizabeth's Bible, 4to. ''^Geneva, 1560. Ql. 4s. (Wants part of the Jirst leaf of Genesis.) See Bishop Horsley's Advertisement, prefixed to his Critical Disquisi- tions on the 18th chapter of Isaiah. DENNY'S (Sir Wm.) Pelecanicidium, or the Christian Adviser against Self-murder ; plates by F. Barlow, 8vo. 1653. 51. 15s. ENGLAND'S Comfort and London's Joy, expressed in the Royall, Triumphant, and Magnificent, Entertainment of King Charles, at his return from Scotland, Nov. 1641, 4to. wood. .cuts. King Charles his Entertainment and London's Loyal tie, at his return from Scotland, 1641. Five most noble Speeches to his Majestic. The King's Speech to both Houses of Parliament, Dec. 1641. bl 5s. GRYMESTON'S (Eliz.) Miscellanea, Meditations, Memo- ratives ; 1604. Sir Gregory Nonsence, his newes from no place. By John Taylor. A Poem. The Ballad in verse, 8vo. I/. 3s. HOLMES'S (Wilfride) Fall and Evil Successe of Rebel- lion, in old English verse, bl. let. 4to. Hen. Binneman, 1537- 51. 5s. HORATIUS, cum comment Locheri, jig. folio. Argent. 1498, 1 1. 2s. HOULBROOK (W.) The Blacksmith of Marlborough, Account of his Sufferings in the reign of Charles i. 12mo. with his portrait, 1744, 2/. 3s. 406 REV. JONATHAN BOUCHER. 1806-9. Is ID OKI Etymologicon, ED. PR. fol. Aug. Vind. G.rv Zainer, 1472, 4l. JOHNSON (R.) The Crown Garland of Golden Roses, set forth in many pleasant New Songs and Sonnets, Svo. 1662, 31. 3s. KNACKE to knowe a Knave, a Comedie, 4to. 1594, 5l. 10*; LINSCHOTEN'S Voyages to the East and West Indies; maps and plates bL let. Land. Wolfe, 2/. 4s. LONDON The Articles of the Charter and Liberties of the Cite of London, 4to. See Ames, by Herbert in. 1746; also the Chronicles by Stow, Cooper, Hardying, Fabian, and Hall. Imperfect. JO/. I Os. LOOKE to it, For lie Siabbe ye; in verse, Svo. 1604, 51. 7s. 6d. MARTYN'S (Jos.) Epigrams and a Satyre, l6'21. Sam. Pick's Festum Voluptatis, or the Banquet of Pleasure Epigrams, Songs, Madrigals, Epitaphs, &c. &c. 4to. 1639, 5L 2s. 6d. MARTYR'S (Pet.) Decades of the Newe Worlde, or West India ; translated by Richard Eden, 4to. bl. let. Powell, >' MERCURIUS Aulicus, Oxford, 1642, &c. various num- bers. Mercurius Britannicus, 3 Nos. ; Mercurius Ante Britannicus, 4 Nos. ; Mercurius Academicus, 1648. Mer- curius Ante Mercurius. Mercurius Bellicus, 1648, 3 Nos. Mercurius Criticus, 2 Nos. 1648. Mercurius Ccelicus. Mercurius Democritus, 1659- The Man in the Moone, 1650. Mercurius Elencticus, Fumigorus, Militaris, Politi- cus, Phanaticus, Publicus, Pragmaticus, et Ante-pragmati- cus, Rusticus, Scommaticus, Veridicus, Urbanicus, Vapu- lans, 1649, 4to. 9/. 9s. MILL'S Night Search ; discovering the Nature and Con- 407 REV. JONATHAN BOUCHER, 1806-9. dhion of all sorts of Night- Walkers, with their Associates, digested into a Poeme ; loth parts, 1640-52, 8vo. I/. 12s. POEMS, with Musick J.Doulands Andreas Ornithopa- reus, his Micrologos, or Introduction, containing the Art of Singing, 1609. T. Robinson's schoole of Musicke, 1603. J.Wilson's Psalterium Carolinum. The Devotions of his Sacred Majestic in his Solitudes and Sufferings, in verse, with musick, 165?. Le Musicke de Jac. Peri, Femt. 1608. D'Urfey's Songs to the Play of Don Quixote, as sung at the Queen's Theatre, Dorset Gardens, 1694, and other Poems, fol. 207. STUBBE'S (Phil.) Anatomy of Abuses in a very famous Island, Ailgna (Anglia,) 12mo. 1583, 17s. (Fid. p. 371.) WORDE (W. de) Capgravi Catalogus Sanctorum An- gliae, fol. 1516, \l. Is. 408 REV. JOHN BRAND, M.A. 1807-8. A CATALOGUE of the unique, scarce, rare, curious, and numerous collection of works on the Antiquity, Topogra- phy, and decayed Intelligence of Great Britain and Ire- land, from the first invention of Printing down to the pre- sent time; containing early Poetry, Classics, Belles-Let- tres, and Miscellanies; likewise the invaluable collection of Manuscripts, being the entire library of the late REV. JOHN BRAND, Fellow and Secretary of the Society of This learned antiquary was born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne about the year 1743. In 1777 he published Observations on Popular Antiquities, includ- ing the whole of Bourne's Antiquitates Vulgares. In this work he has evinced great knowledge of ancient manners and customs. Having considerably augmented his materials by subsequent researches, the manuscript additions were, after his death, judiciously arranged and incorporated in an enlarged edition, in 2 vols. 4to. by Mr. Ellis of the British Museum. In 1789 Mr. Brand published the History of the Town and County, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in 2 vols. 4to., a very elaborate work, em- bellished with views of the public buildings, engraved by Mr. Fittler, at an expense of ,600. Mr. Brand was appointed, in 1784, Secretary to the Society of Antiquaries, to which office he was afterwards annually elected. He communicated to that body many papers on the subject of Anti- quities, which were printed in the " Archaologia." 3o REV. JOHN BRAND. 1807-8. Antiquaries, &c. sold by MR. STEWART, Piccadilly, Wednesday, May 6th, 1807, and thirty-six following days. *. d. Number of Articles . .8611 Amount . . 3914 16 Manuscripts 51 . . 28 6 Books and Manuscripts 243 . . 357 11 Total 8905 Amount of the sale , 4300 7 6 PART SECOND SOLD IN FEB. 1808, Number of Articles ... 4064 Amount of the sale 1851 8 Total' 6151 15 6 He died suddenly at the rectory-house of St. Mary-Hill, Septem- ber 10th, 1806. There is a rilhmutte portrait of Mr. Brand in the en- graved title to his History of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Mr. Brand's library was rich in old English literature ; he paid no regard to the condition of his copies, many of which were imperfect, the defective leaves being supplied by manuscript in a neat hand. He had a peculiar talent of copying rare portraits, which, both in his books, and his illustrated copy of Granger, often supplied the places of the originals ; the latter being frequently disposed of to fill up a chasm in the collection of some eminent virtuoso. He never expended the smallest sums on the exterior garb of his volumes ; unavoidable repairs were made with paper and paste, appa- rently the work of his own hands. Mr. Brand took much exercise, and almost daily visited the book-stalls between Piccadilly and Mile- end : he generally returned from these excursions with his deep and wide pockets well laden. His volumes were chiefly collected in this way, and for comparatively small sums. A remarkable circumstance occurred on the twenty-fourth day's sale ; in one of the folio volumes of Menage's French Dictionary, the late Dr. Gossett discovered sixty-five pounds in bank-notes, and 410. REV. JOHN BRAND. 1807-8. ALLOT'S England's Parnassus, extremely rare ; imp. at London, 1600, 8vo. 2/. 10s. ARCHY'S Dream, sometimes Jester to his Majestic, but expelled the Court by Cauterburie's Malice, very rare, 12mo. 1641. I/. 135. ARNOLD'S Chronicle, or the Customs of London, a fine perfect copy, bound in Russia, bl. let. fol. printed by Pyn- son, 1521. 18/. 18s. BALES (John) The Actes of English Votaries; bl. M.^ both parts; a fine copy, very rare, the second part so much so, tfiat neither Ames nor Herbert ever met with it. 1550, 8vo. ll.Ss. A BANQUET of Jests or Change of Cheare, with Por- trait of Arcnee, the King's Jester, extra rare, 12mo. Lond. 1639. 4/. 10s. BENTLEY'S (Thos.) Monument of Matrones, conteining seuen seuerall Lamps of Virginitie, or distinct treaties, bl. let. a very fine copy, extremely rare and curious, imprinted at London, at the Three Cranes in the Vintree, by Thomas Dazcson, for the Assignes of William Seres, 4to. 1582. 8s. 18s. 6d. BOURNE'S (Henry) History of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in- terleaved, zcith a profusion of MS. Additions, by Mr. Brand and others ; fol. Newcastle, 1736. 41. an extremely rare portrait of Margaret Smith, engraved by W. Mar- shall ; this print produced the sum of twenty-seven guineas. Previous to the removal of Mr. Brand's books from Somerset-House, Mr. Stewart, the auctioneer, found, by accident, in an old waste paper volume, seventy guineas, carefully wrapped up in paper, and placed in various parts of the book : this money, together with the book, was transmitted by him to Mr. Bray, who acted for the admi- nistrator to Mr. Brand's effects. REV. JOHN BRAND. 1807-8. BUCHANNAN (Geo.) Detcctioun of the Duinges of Marie Queene of Scottes, touchand the Murder of her Hus- band, and her Conspiracie, Adulterie, and pretensed Mar- riage, with the Erie Bothwell, and an Defense of the trewe Lordis Mainteineris of the Kingis Graces, Actioun, and Au- thoritie, remarkably rare, bl. let. no date. The Copie of a Letter, written by one in London to his friend, concerning the Credit of the late published Detection of the Doynges of the Ladie Marie of Scotland, Svo.imp. at Edinburgh by Ro- bert Lekpreiuck, Printer to the King's Mnjestie, 15QS. Wm. FLEETWOOD, Recorder of London Declaration made in the Guildhall, concerning the late attemptes of the Queene's Majestie's evil, seditious, and disobedient Subjects ; imp. by Daye, 1571. A Discourse touching the Pretended 'Match betweene the Duke of Norfolke and the Queene of -*' Scottes, 8vo. 41. Us. 6d. CATERB URI E A new Play, called Canterburie his change of Diot; cuts, very rare, 4to. 1641. Si. 13s. Qd. CATHARO'S Diogenes in his singularitie, or a Nettle for nice Noses, 4to. 1591. 2/. 10s. (Fid. 280.; CAXTON (W.) THE KNYGHT OF THE TOURE, a per- fect and fine specimen, of the father of English printers ; 1483. 111/. 6*. DEKKER (Thos.) The Batchelor's Banquet, frontispiece, extremely rare, 4to. 1677. 4/. -jT: The Whol magnificente Entertainment given to King James, Queene Anne his wife, and Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales, upon the day of his Majestie's Tryumphaut Passage (from the Tower) through his honoura- ble Citie and Chamber of London, with Speeches and Songs delivered in the several Pageants ; 4to. 1604. 5L 15s. Qd. DENNY'S (Sir W.) Pelecanicidium, or the Christian Ad- 412 REV. JOHN BRAND. 1807-8. viser against Self-murder, with portrait ; with the Pilgrim's Passe to the Land of the Living, 8vo. Lond. 1653. 2/.12s. 6d. A DIALOGUE betweene two Neighbours, concernyng / Ceremonyes in the first yeare of Queene Mary ; bl. lei. with portrait of Mary, by Delaram, Q\o.from Roane, by Mi- chelwood, 1554. 2/. IQs.Gd. ENGLAND'S Selected Characters, describing the good and bad Worthies of this Age, where the best may see their graces, and the worst discern their basenesse ; very rare, 4to. Lond. 1643. 3/. 15s. Ess AYES, The, of a Prentise in the Divine Art of Poesie, 1584, 4to. 4/. 145. 6d. FACE'S (Mrs.) Poems, Fames Roule, &c. rare, 4to. 1637. bl. 155. 6d. FIAN Newes from Scotland, declaring the Damnable Life of Doctor Fian, a notable Sorcerer, who was burned at Edinborough in Januariejast, 15fll ; cuts, bl. let. New England's First Fruits, Lond. 1643, 4to. 61. FREEMAN'S (Thos.) Rubbe, and a Great Cast, Epigrams, extra rare, 4to. imp. at Lond. and are to be sold at the Tiger's Plead. 1 6 1 4. 4l. 1 2s. GARDINER'S (Ralph) England's Grievance discovered in relation to the Coal-Trade, with map of the River Tyne ; portraits and cuts, very rare, 4to. Lond. 1655. 4Z. 5s. GIACOMO di Grassi, his true Arte of Defence, Englished by Thomas Churchyard; cuts, bl. let. 4to. morocco, gilt leaves, printed at London for J . J . 1594. 4/. 10s. GOSSON (Stephen) The Schoole of Abuse, bl. let. 8vo. imprinted for Thos. Woodcocke, 1587. His Ephemerides of Phialo, diveded into three bookes ; bl. let. 8vo. imp. 'by Thos. Dawson. ll. 7s. GWYN (David) Poems, bl. let. supposed unique; im- 415 REV. JOHN BRAND. 1807-8. printed by Richard Hudson, 1588. An Account of the Spanish Armada, black letter, imprinted by John Wolfe, 1588. IQl. 12s. HALL'S (Jos.) Discovery of a new World, or a Descrip- tion of South Indies, hitherto unknown, by an English Mer- cury; extremely rare, not known by Ames or Herbert. 8vo. Imp. for Edward Blount. No date. 31. 7s. The same in Latin, extremely rare, first edition, with frontispiece by Kip. Svo. \l. 7s. N. B. From the last article Dean Swift borrowed his Gulliver's Travels. Virgidimiarum, Sixe Bookes, the first three of Tooth-lesse Satyrs ; Lond. printed by John Harrison, 1602 the three last of by ting Satyres, imprinted by Robert Dexter, 159Q. -Certaine Worthy MS. Poems of great Antiquitie, reserved long in the studie of a Norfolke Gen- tleman, and now first published by J. S. I. The Stately Tragedie of Guistard and Sismond. II. The Northern Mother's Blessing. III. The Waye to Thrift, extremely rare, 8vo. imprinted at Lond. for R. D. 1597- 2Z. 12s. 6d. HAWES (Edw.) Trayterous Percyes and Catesbyes Pro- sopopeia, written by Edward Hawes, Scoller at Westminster, a youth of sixteen yeeres old ; wood cuts, 4to. 1606. 61. 18s. Hie MULIEK, or the Man-woman ; being a Medicine to cure the Coltish Disease, the Staggers, in the Masculine-femi- nines of our Times, with the print, very rare. 8vo. I/. Is. HITCHCOCK'S New Yere's Gift to Englande, with a cu- rious eng. plate, black, letter, very rare, 8vo. Lond. 1580. 2/. 2s. HOLMES'S (Handle) Store-House of Armory and Blazon ; plates, fol. Chester, 1688. 57. 15s. 6d. With many curious plates of Processions added. 414 REV. JOHN BRAND. 1807-8. INUENTORY of certayne idle Inuentions, black letter, eery rare, Svo. printed by Thomas. Marsh, 1581. 0,1. 15s. ISTLEWORTH Syon's Peace, containing certain articles of Agreement, made between the Right Honourable Algernone, Earl of Northumberland, &c. Lord of the Manor of Istle- worth-Syon, in the county of Middlesex, and the Copyhold Tenants of the said Manor, &,c. bl. let. very rare, 4to. Lond. 1657. 3L 3s. KNIGHT'S (R. P.) Account of the Remains of the Wor-y^ ship of Priapus ; plates, with an additional plate, (Orp. Hymn.) 4to. London, 1786. 16/. 16s. KNOX'S (John) History of the Church of Scotland. '\fafy (Wants the beginning and end. This is a great curiosity, the copies being suppressed, and the few that escaped are always found to want the beginning and end.) mor. Svo. 3l. 3s. LANGHAM (Rob.) His Letter unto his good Freend, Mas-y; v ter Humfrey Martin, Mercer, wherein part of the Enter- tainment unto the Queene Majesty at Killingworth-Castle, in this Soomerz Progress, 157J>j is signified, bl. let. 12mo. extra rare. His Description of the customs of a Warwick- shire Country Wedding, 1575, and his account of a Coventry Hoo Tuesday Play, and of Captain Cox's Library of the romantic and humourous books of that age, are extremely- interesting. 6/. 10s. LAWS, The, of Drinking ; frontispiece by Marshall, ex* tremely scarce, 1617. The Smoaking Age, or the life and death of Tobacco; frontispiece by Marshall, Svo. 1617. 2/. 12s. 6d. LELAND'S (John) learned and true assertion of the origi- nal Actes, and of the most noble, valiant, and renowned, Prince Arthur, King of Great Britain, translated by R. Ro- binson, bl. let. very rare, 4to. Lond. imp. by John Wolfe, 1582. 31. 3s. 415 REV. JOHN BRAND. 1807-8. LODGE'S (Thos.) Wits Miseries, and the World's Mad- nesse, discovering the Devil's Incarnation of this Age; bl. let.4to. Printed by Adam Islip, 1596. Si. 10s. MACKLAIN (John) The most Wonderful and true Rela- tion of Master John Macklain, Minister of God's Word, at Lesbury in the County of Northumberland, who, being 116 years of age, was miraculously restored to youthful vigour and complexion, new hair growing on his head, new Teeth in his mouth, and his Eyes restored to a clear and perfect sight, after the use of spectacles for almost 40 years together ; with his portrait, extremely rare, 8vo. Printed for T. Fere, 1657- 37. 3s. MARK HAM'S Vertues Teares for the Losse of the Chris- tian King Henry the in. and the Heroic Walter Deuoreux ; rare, 4to. 1597. 47. 135. ^ MERCER'S Anglict Specjikun^ or England's Looking- Glasse with portrait of Robert, Earl of Essex, His Excel- lency General of Parliament Army, extremely rare, 4to. 1646^ 37. 9s. MIN SKULL'S (Geo.) Essayes and Character of a Prison and Prisoners, with his portrait, very rare, 4to. London, 1CBS. 27. 10s. MORGAN'S Sphere of Gentry, with the Howard Pedi- gree ; portraits and plates, in the original binding, folio, Land. 1661. 47. 14s. 6d. NEW Yere's Gift, presented at Court from the Parvula to the Lord Minimus (commonly called Little Jefferie) Her Majestie's Servant, with a Letter, as it was penned in short- hand, wherein is proved, that Little Things are better than Great, with portrait of Little Jefferie, 12mo. Printed at London by N. and I. Oakes. 17. 10s. NEW NAM'S Night-crow e, a bird that breedeth braules in many families and households, wherein is remembred that 416 REV. JOHN BRAND. 1807-8. kindly and provident regard which Fathers ought to have to- wards their Sonnes, together with a disciphring of the Incu- rious Dealings of some sorte of Step-dames. A jine and perfect copy, bl. let. London, printed by John Wolfe, 3590. 41. 18s. See a curious Epitaph on the Countess, who bore 364 Children, in this Book. NORTHUMBERLAND'S (the Earl of) Houshold-Book, - at his Castels of Wresill and Lexinfield, in Yorkshire, begun Ann. Dom. MDXII. 8vo. Lond. JJJQ. ll/. 11s. PEELE'S (Geo.) Merrie conceited Jests, wherein is shewed the course of his Life ; a Man very well kuowne in the City of London and elsewhere ; bl. let. so rare that it is thought to be unique. Bound in Russia, 4to. Lond. printed for Henry Bell, no date. 4l. 4s. PERROT (Hen.) Laquei Ridiculosi; or Springes for Woodcockes, 12mo. Lond. for J. Busbie, 16 13. 2/. 4s. PETERS (Hugh) England's Shame, or the unmasking of a political Atheist, being a relation of the Life and Death of that grand Impostor, Hugh Peters, by W. Young ; frontis- piece, 12mo. Lond. 1663. 3l. Is. Tales and Jests, collected into one vo- lume, with portrait of the very rare and curious H. P. Extra rare, bound in blue mor. 1660. 5l. 15s. 6d. PLAISTER for a Galled Horse; very rare. (Fide Ames, by Herbert, vol. i. p. 581.) bl. let. morocco, 4to. imp. by Thos. Raynaldes, 1548. 3/. 17 s. 6d. POPISH Kingdome, or Reigne of Anti-Christ, written in Latine verse, by Thos. Naogeorgus, and Englished by Bar- nabe Googe; bl. let. 4to.imp. by H.Denham, 1570. 4/. 16s. PRYNNE'S (Wm.) Parliamentary Chronicles, four parts bound in three vols. very rare ; a Jine copy, 4to. London, 1659. loTl6s7 9m REV. JOHN BRAND. 1807-8. PUTTENHAM'S Arte of English Poesie, in 3 Bookes, with a wood-cut of Queen Elizabeth, a fine copy, 4to. Imp. by Richard Field, 1589. Si. 8s. QUIP for an upstart Courtier: or a quaint Dispute be- tweene Velvet Breeches and Cloth Breeches, \vherein is set downe the Disorders in all Estates and Trades, with portraits, 4to. Lond. printed by G. P. 1620. 27. 16s. ROBERT the Deuyll, the Life of, plates, original edit, extremely rare, 4to. 4/. 15s. / RA STALL (John) The Pastyme of People, the Croni- cles of Diuers Realniys, fol. bl. let. a fine copy, wanting only the title, 1529- This book was the property of the late John Towneley Esq. of whom Mr. Brand had borrowed it; the volume was accordingly claimed and returned. It was bought by the late Mr. Manson for seven shillings and sixpence, from a catalogue of the late Mr. Lackington, s^, wherein it was described as an old black letter book with large cuts, bound up at the end of Chaucer's Workes by Godefrey. Mr. Towneley purchased the two books for five guineas. SHERBORNE HOSPITAL Allan's (George) Collections relating to St. Edmond's Hospital at Gateshead, in the County of Durham Endowments of Durham Cathedral, Sherborne Hospital, &c. Presentation copy. (Privately printed.) 4to. \l. 18s. SONGS Aue Compendious Booke of Godly and Spi- rituall Songs, bl. let. 8vo. Edinburgh, printed by Andro Hart, 1621. 4/. 4s. SPEED'S (Ed.) Complaints, containing sundrie Poems of the World's Vanitie, 4to. Lond. 1 590 & 9 1 . 2/. 1 7s. X STVBBE'S (Philip) the Anatomie of Abuses, 8vo. bl. let. 1583. 2/. 3s. 418 REV. JOHN BRAND. 1807-8. TA ELTON'S Court Witty Jests, bl. let. bound in rttssia, extremely rare, zoith MS. notes by Mr. Brand and Mr. Douce. This copy has likewise three different specimens of young Ireland's Imitations of Shakspeare's writing, 4to. 6/. 6s. TESSARA Delphus, or the Foure Brothers, 4to. 1616. \l 4s. (Fid. p. 285.) TESTAMENT King Edward the Sixth's Testament, cuts, -L/LI bl. let. a fine copy, morocco, 4to. Imprinted at London by Richard Jugge, 1552. 3/. 4s. WALTON'S Compleat Angler, cuts, fine copy, first edit, eery rare, 12mo. 1653. 3/. 3s. WESTMORLAND'S (Earl of) Poems, frontispiece and plates by Marshall, 4to. Lond. 1641. 5/. 15s. 6d. WITCHES apprehended, examined, and executed, for no- table Villanies, by them committed, both by Land and Water, with a strange and most true Tryall, how to know whether a W r oman be a Witch or not, irith the plate, extra rare, 4to. " Lond. 1613. 31. 5s. WITHER'S (Geo.) Juvenilia; a collection of those Poems which were heretofore imprinted ; cuts, fine copy, gilt leaves. Lond. printed for John Badge, 8vo. 5l. 7s. 6d. WITS, Fits, and Fancies, bl. let. Lond. printed by E. Allde, 4to. 1614. 5l. 5s. WORDE (W. de) The Way to the Holy Lande, bl. let. here endeth the Boke called the Informaycion for Pilgrimes into the Holy Lande, that is, to wyte to Rome and Jherusa- lem, and to many other places, 4to. 1504. 4/. 5s. WORKS of the Learned, collected by sundry idle people, in Epigrams, Poetry, Songs, Love-tales, &c. a curious collection, in 2 vols. 4to. by the late eccentric Dr. Monsey, MS. 7 1. 7s. JOHN BRIDGES, ESQ. 1725-6 BIBLIOTHEC^E BRIDGESIAN^ CATALOGUSj OR, A CATALOGUE of the entire library of JOHN BRIDGES, late of Lincoln's Inn, Esq. consisting of above 4000 Mr. Bridges was an eminent collector, a man of learning, and a patron of learned men. He is mentioned with great respect by Hearne and others. By his will he directed all his books and MSS. to be sold, with the exception of such as related to his intended His- tory of Northamptonshire, with all brass plates, prints, and draughts. These MSS., consisting of about forty folio volumes, passed into dif- ferent hands, who severally undertook to methodise and give them to the public ; and a small portion of the first volume was actually printed in 1739 ; but the undertaking meeting with many interrup- tions, from death and other accidents, began to be almost despaired of. At length, after considerable delay, the materials were entrusted to the Rev. Peter Whalley, and the work made its appearance, in two handsome folio volumes, in 1791. Mr. Bridges died in 1724, aged 58. -v Humphrey Wanley, in his Diary, mentions with considerable aspe- rity the conduct of the two brothers of Mr. Bridges at the sale of his Library : Feb. 9, 1725-6 u Went to Mr. Bridges' chambers, to 420 JOHN BRIDGES, ESQ. 1725-6. books and manuscripts in all languages and faculties, particularly in classics and history ; and especially the History and Antiquities of Great Britain and Ireland; sold by MR. COCKS, Monday, the seventh day of Fe- bruary, 1725-6, at his Chambers in Lincoln's Inn, No. 6. London, Printed by J. Tomon and J. Watts, 1725 ; fron- tispiece an oak felled, and persons bearing away the branches ; with a Greek motto, signifying that the oak being felled, every man gets wood. Number of articles, 4313. Total amount of the sale, 4001. ACTS of Scotland, commonly called the black Acts, x' with MS. observations, fol. 8/. 10s. ANOTHER copy, fol. Edinb. 1575. 4/. 10s. ASHMOLE'S Antiquities of Berkshire, 3 vols. 8vo, L, P. 1715. 9,1.5s. History of the Order of the Garter, foL*. LARGE PAPER, 1672. 4/. 10s. see the three fine MSS. again, the Doctor, his brother, having locked them up. He openly bids for his own books, merely to enhance their price; and the auction proves to be, what I thought it would become, very knavish." Feb. 11, 1725-6 " Yesterday at five I met Mr. Noel, and tarried long with him ; we settled then the whole affair touching his bidding for my Lord (Oxford) at the roguish sale of Mr. Bridges's books. The Rev. Doctor, one of the brothers, hath already displayed himself so remarkably as to be both hated and despised, und a combination among the booksellers will soon be against him and his brother-in-law, a lawyer. These are men of the keenest ava- rice, and their very looks (according to what I am told) dart out harping-irons. I have ordered Mr. Noel to drop every article in my Lord's commission when they shall be hoisted up to too high a price." ' From the Lansdowne MSS. in the British Museum (Vid. Nichol's Lit. Awed. i. 93-4 n. 105.) 42J JOHN BRIDGES, ESQ. 1725-6. AUBREY'S Natural History of Surrey, 5 vols. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, 1719. 3/. 13s. BREYDENBACH (B. de) Peregrinatio in Terram Sanc- tam, fol.CH. MAG. cum Jig. Mogunt. 1486. 17s. 6d. BURNET'S (Gilb.) Memoirs of the Dukes of Hamilton, fol. LARGE PAPER. 1677. 19s. X CjEsar, Edid. S. Clarke, fol. CH. MAG. cor. turc. fol. Lond. 1712. 16/. 5s. 6d. Includitur Lib. i. Comment. Gallice redd, a Ltidomco v - Mag. Reg.Gallia. Paris, Imp. Reg. 1651. CHAUNCY'S History of Hertfordshire, fol. 1700. ll. 12s. DUGDALE'S History of Embanking and Draining, fol. 1662. 8/. HALSTED'S Genealogies of the Noble and Ancient Houses of Alno, Broc, &c. LARGE PAPER, 1685. 15/. ft Jftf HEARNE (T.) Acta Apostolorum, 8vo. CH. MAG. Oxon, 1715. 1 1. 6s. Alured. Beverlac. CH. MAG. 1716. 11. 4s. Dodwell de Parma Equest. Woodward. CH. MAG. 1713. 1Z. 4s. History and Antiq. of Glastonbury, LARGE PAPER, 1722. ll. 4s. ^ Lelandi Itinerarium, 9 torn. 1710. 10/. 12s. Roperi Vita Tho. Mori, 8vo. CH. MAG. cor. turc. Oxon. 1716. ll. 12s. Rossi Warwic. Historia Regum Angliae, 8vo. CH. MAG. Oxon. 1716. 6/. 8s. .^ ,. , .- HOMERUS, Gr. CH.MAG. ED^PR. Flor. 1488. Ql &. cum comment. Eustathii, Gr. 4 torn. CH. X* MAG. fol. Roma, 1542-50. 10/T5s. Adjiciuntur ab ipso Bridgesio jigura Ogilvian*'>. alior. JIoRATii, Juvenalis et Persii Opera, eleganter scripta in JOHN BRIDGES, ESQ. 1725-6. pergameno. Quondam Liber Matthiae Corvini Regis Hun-x gariaB ; cum ipsius Horatii Icone exquisitissime depicta, fol. MS. 1 51. 15s. HORATIUS, CH. MAG. (Eo. PR. cum anninota) 4to. Medial. 1474. 14/. 3s. 6d. , 8vo. cor. turc. lit.maj. illumin. CH. MAG. Ven. Aldus, 1501. I/. 11s. INGHILTERRA Cose occorse in Inghilterra in material del Duca di Notomberlan, 12mo. Ven._\bb_(yid. p. 220) /, De Mariae Scotorum Reg. cum Bothwello Adulterio, &c.X 12mo. \l. KiNcVValeRoyaJ, fol. 1656. 2/. 3s. LAMBECII Comm. de Bibliotheca Caesarea, 8 torn. fo\.fig. rind. 1665. ml. 1 Is. LIVIUS Sigonii, CH. MAG. cor. turc. unicum quod sci- mus in Anglia exemplar; fol. Venet. Aldus, 1555. 35l. 10s. LUCIA N i pars longe major, literis uncialibus abhinc 800, plus minus, scripta in pergameno. Veneranda2 Autiquitatis Codex, fol. MS.__42l. Purchased by Maittairefor Lord Oxford's Library. MEZERAY Histoire de France, 3 torn. GR. PAP. fol. Par. 1643. 17/. 2s. 6d. Miss ALE quondam Henrici vn. Regis Anglian utex ip- sius autographo in Codicis initio patet, pulcherrime illumina- tum et Iconibus fere 80 exornatum. In pergameno, et orna- tissime compactum. MS. fol. 3 1/. 10s. Purchased by Maittaire for Lord Oxford's Library. MORE'S (SirThos.) Workes, fol. 155.._. 13s. 6d. OLIV^: Parellelum cum Olivarii Protectoris effigie, fol. 1656. 3s. PLATONIS Opera, Gr. 2 torn. fol. cum Platonis Icone, CH. MAG. Lit. Maj. colorat. pulch. comp. Ven. Aldus, 1513. 3/. 4s. ' /> -123 JOHN BRIDGES, ESQ. 1725-6. POLITIANI (Ang.) Opera, 2 torn. fol. CH. MAG. Lib. pulch. a Grollerio et Amicis compact. 4l. 16s. PRAYERS, Christian, a booke of, 4to. Lond. 1590. 9s. SANDFORD'S Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England, fol. LARGE PAPER, 1707. 3/. 6s. TAYLOR'S (John) (the Water Poet) Works, fol. 1630. 11. Is. VERB'S Commentaries, folio, LARGE PAPER, Camb. 1657. Us. VIRGIL/US Heinsii CH. MAG. Lin. rubr. cor. turc. fol. deaur. Amst. 1676. I/. 10s. cura Maittaire CH. MAG. cor. turc. Lond. 1715. 8s. ,i*rt WILLIS'S (Browne) Mitred Abbies, 2 vpls. 8vo. LAHGE PAPER, 1718-19. 18s. 424 CHARLES CHAUNCY, M.D. F.R.S. & F.S.A. AND NATHANIEL CHAUNCY, ESQ. 1790. A CATALOGUE of the elegant and valuable libraries of CHARLES CHAUNCY," M.D. F.R.S. & F.S.A. and of his brother, NATHANIEL CHAUNCY, ESQ. both de- ceased; sold by LEIGH and SOTHEBY, in York Street, Covent Garden, on Thursday, April 15th, 1790, and the fourteen following days. Number of articles, 3153; Total amount of the sale, 1650. 11s. 6d. n Dr. Chauncy died in 1777, aged sixty-eight. Nathaniel inherited his brother's fortune, which was considerable ; they were the sons of Mr. Charles Chauncy, a very respectable old citizen, a wholesale linen-draper in Cornhill. Nathaniel, at his death, in 1790, left, be- tween two daughters, ,120,000. There are portraits of the two brothers Charles Chauncy, M. D. F. Cotes, p. 1750 Car. Watson, sc. private plate, reduced afterwards from a square to an oval. Nathaniel Chauncy Reynolds, p. Car. Watson, se. private plate, reduced also from a square to an oval. 3 i CHARLES AND NATHANIEL CHAUNCY. 1790. ARNOLDE'S Chronicle, or the Customes of London, by Pinson, no date, folio. 3/. 35. BYBLE and Testament, by Coverdale, 4to. imprinted in Sowthwarke, in Saynt Thomas Hospitale, by James Ny- *colson, 1537. 9/. 5s. BRY, De Emblemata, cum multis Jiguris, 2 torn. 4to. Franco/, ad Man. 1593. 13/. 2s. 6d. CAT us of English Dogges, the Diversities, the Names, the Natures, and the Properties, by Fleming, 4to. imprinted by Richard Johnes, 1576. 51 10s. vr CAXTON (W.) The Dictes or Sayengis of the Philoso- phers, fol. 1477. 161. 16s. The Myrrour of the Worlde,^/zrs edition, *14SO. 15/. 15s. CICERO de Officiis, Paradoxa, et de Amicitia, sine Anno vel loco. Cicero de Finibus, fol. Fenet. Johan. de yCoionia, 147.1. 7/. Is. CUNNINGHAM'S Cosmographical Glasse, plates, fol. John Day, 1559. I/. 17s. DEVIL The Life and' Death of the Merry Devill of .Edmonton, with the pleasant Pranckes of Smug the Smith, Sir John and mine Host of the George, about the stealing of Venison, frontispiece, 4to. 1631. I/. 10s. DRAKE'S History of York, windows and arms coloured, fol. 1736. LARGE PAPER. 13Z. 5s. FLOWRES A Hundreth Sundrie Flowers, bound up in one small Poesie, gathered in the fyne outlandish Gardins of Euripides, Ovid, Petrarke, Ariosto, and others, 4to. 1Z. 12s. JONSON (Ben) hisVolpone, or the Foxe, 4to. morocco, 1607. 4/. In this book is this note, written by Ben Jonson himself " To his loving father and worthy friend, Mr, John 426 CHARLES AND NATHANIEL CHAUNCY. 1790. Florio, the ayde of his Muses, Ben Jonson seals this Tes- timony of Friendship and Love" MARIE, Q. Scots Ane Detectioun of the Doinges of v Marie, Quene of Scottis, first edition, 8vo. impriniit at Sanctandrois be Robert Lekpreuik, 1572. I/. 15s. MEDAILLES Recueil de Medailles Spintriennes et de Pierres Gravies Ithyphalliques, drawings, morocco, gilt leaves, 4to. SO/. 9s. N. B. Bought privately out of Dr. Mead's collection for 10/. 10s. MOORE'S (Edw.) Fables for the Female Sex, 8vo. 1744, LARGE PAPER. 10/. This copy contains the original drawings 6y Hayman. PAINTER'S (Wm.) Palace of Pleasure, 2 vols. 4to. 1575. 117.5s. PLINII Historia Naturalis, initial, colorat.et illumin. im- press, in membr. fol. Venet. Jenson, 1472. 65/. 2s. The first leaf illuminated is very fine vellum paper. " This book, formerly Lord Oxford's, was bought by him of Andreas Hay for \60guineas." POGGII Facetia?, initial, colorat. fol. Nuremberg, 1475. 31. 15s. PTOLOM.EI Cosmographia, cum tab. geog. illuminat. impress, in membrana, fol. Ulmas, 1482. 14/. 14s. RAYNARDE Booke of Raynarde the Foxe, 8vo. mor. Thomas Gaultier, 1550. Ql. 3s. SENECA Epistola, 4tp. ED, PR. Par. ^47ff. _ 8/, 8s. XV SOMERSET The Expedition into Scotland of the most ^ woorthely fortunate Prince Edward, Duke of Soomerset, Uncle unto our most noble Sovereign Lord, the Kinges Majestic, Edward the Sixth, 12mo. R.Jjrrafton, 1548.Y 2/. 18s. SPECULUM Xristiani, 4to. impress. Lond. p. me Wil-'^X lelmum de Machlinia ad instancium nee non expensas 427" CHARLES AND NATHANIEL CHAUNCY. 1790. Henrici Urankenbergh mercatoris, sine Anno vel loco, hcirca 1480. 1 1/. SPECULUM Humanaj Salvationis, MS. on vellum, zcith several drawings, fol. 4l. 14s. 6d. SUETONIUS, cum litteris initialibus illuminat. fol. iQficol. Jenson, 14JJ S . 16/. 16s. SWIFT'S Tale of a Tub, morocco, zeith large MS. notes, 8vo. 1704. 3/. 3s. Note in this book " All that is contained here in writing was set down by Thomas Swift himself." " The above is said to be in the hand-writing of Lady Betty * Germaim, whose book this zvas. C. Chauncy" TERENTII Comedia?, initial, colorat. ED. PR. fol. sine Anno vel loco. Ql. 10s. TESTAMENT, The Newe, corrected by Tyneial, with Exhortations by Erasmus, SVQ. 1536.^^>/. 2s. 6d. THORESBY'S Topography of Leedes, LARGE PAPER, folio, 1715. 16/. 5s. VIRGILII Opera, impress, in membrana, initial, colorat. \etilluminat. fol. Vejiet. BartLCrmonens. 1472. 43/. Is. N. B. There are two leaves on vellum in MS. very fairly written. WARREN'S Pleasant New Fancie of a Fondling's Device, iutitled and cald the Nurcerie of Names, a Poem, 4to. Richard Johnes. I/. 4*. ^ WORDE (W. de) The Contemplacyon of Synners, 4to. 1490. I/. 2s. 428 W//s?J fe*<>rutStmt . REV. THOMAS CROFTS, A.M. 1783. BIBL10THECA CROFTS1ANA. A CATALOGUE of the curious and distinguished library of the late Reverend and learned THOMAS CROFTS,** P Mr. Crofts died Nov. 8, 1781, at Milton, the seat of Earl Fitz- \villiam, in Northamptonshire ; he was highly distinguished for his general attainments, as well in ancient erudition as in the refinements of modern information, and possessed a most rare and critical know- ledge of books. " The following elegant tribute to his memory is taken from Dr. Combe's Preface to the Catalogue of Dr. Hunter's Greek coins : " Vir insuper Reverendus Thomas Crofts (desiderio ejus quis sit unquam modus?) qui ad suavitatcm morum egregiam literas eas an- tiquas et ea humanitatis studia adjunxerat, quae hominem ingenuum ornare queant, et amicis jucundum faeere, operis specimine tantum delectabatur, ut, quanquam harum rerum amantissimus, nummos quotquot habuit Grsecos (habuit autem preciosissimos) in nostram possessionem transtulerit. Nee vero haec tanta tamque egregia liber- alitas admirationem aliquam iis movit, qui viro optimo utebantur familiari. Testes ii sint, quo ille artium amore flagraverit, et quam nihil sibi esse proprium optaverit, quod utilitati publicae aliquo modo in- servire posset. Hie in Collegio Wadhamiensi apud Oxonienses liteiis institutus fuit, gradum autem artium magistri adeptus ad Berrhaeam se contulit ; et postea, Europae circuitu ter peracto, domum revexit amplam nummorum supellectilem, et bonam insuper librorum, etiam rarissimorum, copiam, judicii sui limati mouiincntum. Calculis re- Jium diu vexatus, mortem obiit Nov. 8, 1781, anno astatis suae Lix." 429 REV. THOMAS CROFTS, A.M. 1783. A.M. Chancellor of the Diocese of Peterborough, and Fellow of the Royal and Antiquary Societies, deceased ; sold by auction by MR. PATERSON, at his Great Room, No. 6, King-Street, Covent-Garden, on Monday, April 7th, 1783, and the forty-two following days. Number of articles, 8360. Total amount of the sale, including book-cases, $c. <3453. 15s. " The great reputation which the late Rev. and learned Mr. Crofts had acquired, with respect to biblio- graphical knowledge, cannot be better established than by the following digest of his excellent library, in which no pains have been spared to render it worthy the character of the collector, and such as he himself, it is presumed, would not have disapproved. " The collection on the Origin of Letters, and of Grammars, and Dictionaries, is admirable, and much fuller of curious books than is to be found in many libraries of the first description. The theological divi- sions comprehend many curious and valuable articles some scarce Translations of the Bible, the rarest editions of the Greek Testament, several Liturgies in the Orien- tal and other languages, Apocryphal Books, and Lives and Miracles of Saints, Treatises of Demonology and other Superstitions, and lastly the Wanderings of Atheists, Free-thinkers, and Fanatics, with their oppo- nents. " The classical part of the library is indeed a treasure of Greek and Roman learning, comprising many of the The annexed portrait of Mr. Crofts is copied from a private plate engraved in 1787, and from which very few impressions were taken. 430 REV. THOMAS CROFTS, A.M. 1783. early editions, almost all the Aldine Editions, and those of the best modern Commentators. " The Italian Poetry and Miscellanies, Novels and Plays, consist of several thousand articles, where rarity and variety with choice are observable in almost every page. " The Italian Theatre includes upwards of 1000 pieces. 11 The class of Spanish and Portuguese Poetry, and Miscellanies, and Spanish Romances, and Novels, are in general very precious. " The History, Topography, and Antiquities, of the various countries of Europe comprehend many writers of great estimation and rarity. The Oriental History is full of variety, and includes many scarce ar- ticles. " In the class of Voyages and Travels will be found several of the rarest books extant of early Travels to Jerusalem and the Holy Land, and in various parts of the East, and a capital collection of the Histories and Travels of America." Extracted from the Preface, by Samuel Pater son. ACTES des Apostres Le premier et le second Volume des Catholiques ceuvres et Actes des Apostres, redigez en escript par Sainct Luc, Evangeliste et Historiographe ; avec- que plusieurs Hystoires en icelluy inserez des gestes des Cesars. t Joue par personnages a Paris en Ihostel de Flandres, Lan Mil Cinq cens XLI. fig. fol. let. goth.7 4/. 14s. 6d. A copy of this very rare Mystery was sold in Gaignat's * sale for 150 limes. 431 REV. THOMAS CROFTS, A.M. 1783. Appologi sive Mythologi cum quibusdam Canni- num et Fabularum additionibus Seb. Brant, Jig. lig. fol. lit. goth. Basil, 1501. 5l. 5s. Vita et Fabellae, Phurnutus, &c. Gr. Lat. fol. Fen, Aldus, 1505. 4?. 6s. ANGELS and Devils, a Treatise of, written in the Arrago- nian dialect by Fr. Eximines, of the Orders of Friars Minors, addressed to Father Darces, Confessor to John, King of Arragon, who began his Reign in 1387, and died in 1395. Dated the 13th Novemb. Mcccciv.fol. MS. probably the original and only copy. 2/. 1 Cs. 6d. ARETII (Marii) Dialogiet Lusus, Svo. Aug. Find. Hen. Slainer, 1530. (Cl. Marii) Patritii Syracusani, Caes. Majest. Historiog. Libri aliquot lectu non minus jucundi, quam utiles, Svo. Basil, 1544. 6/. 16s. 6d. " Both these editions of Marias Aretius contain the collection compleat, of which, perhaps, there are not tico other copies to be found in Europe." MR. CROFTS' MS. Note. ARETINI (Leon) de Bello Ttalico adversus Gothos liber, fol. Fulginei, 1470. 5/. BEDIK, Pers-Armeni (Petri) Cehil Sutun Persarum, i. e. quadraginta Columnas in Perside Orientis ; seu Explicatio magni Palacii a Cyro Rege erecti, &c. 4to. jig. Fien. s. a. rariss. I/. 15s. % BESIERS L'Antiquite du Triomphe de Besiersj ou Jour de 1'Ascension : contenant les plus rares Histoires qui ont este represent^es ses derniers annees, Svo. Besiers, Jean Martel, 1626, tres rare et curieux. 10s. 6d. BOCCACCIO (Johan) de la Mujeres illustres en Romance, lit. goth. fig. lign. fol. Carag. de Arragon, por Paulo Hurus Aleman, 1494. 2/. 12s. 6d. 432 REV. THOMAS CROFTS, A.M. 1783. BOIARDO (Matt. Mar.) Orlando Innamorato, rifatto tutto di nuovo da Fr. Berni, 4to. Fenet. Heredi di L. Giunta, 1545. 41. 4s. BRUNO Nolano (Jordano) 11 Candelaio, Comedia, 12mo. Parigi, 1582. 15*. BRUSANTINO (Vicent.) Angelica Innamorata, 4to. Vi- neg. 1553. 2/. 2*. CJESARIS Comment, lit. capit. ilium, fol. Fenet. Nic. Jensgn, 147!,. &/. 18s. 6d. CANCIONERO General; que contiene muches Obras de diversos autores antiguos, 8vo. Anvers, 1573. 51. 10s. CARLO Magno Re, Inamoramento de, fig. lit. goth. 4to. Fenet. 1514. ll. 6s. CASAS (Fr. Bartol.) Relacion de la Destruycion de las Indias, Edic. Orig. (containing nine parts) Sevilla, 1552. 71. 10s. (Fid. p. 33.) CHALCONDYLJE (Demet.) Moscophulus, &c. Grace", ED. PR. fol. (circa 1493.) 8/. DICTIONARIUM. Sinico Latinum ex pluribus aliis dili- gentia summa collectum, fol. Macai, 1753, MS. 101. 10s. Trilingue, h. e. Dictionum Slavonicarum Graecarum et Latinarum Thesaurus, 4to. ll. 16s. Libri rarissimi nnicum forsan in Anglia exemplar, et cujus apud Bibliographos nullibi fit mentio. T. c. DINO (Poet. Fior.) Tutte le Opere del inamoramento de Rinaldo da Monte Albano, Poema elegant. Jig. 4to. Milano, 1521. 2/. iGs. ENGLAND'S Parnassus, or the choysest Flowers of our moderne Poets, by R. A. 8vo. London, 1600; with a MS. Catalogue of the Authors cited, among whom are several, of whose writings we have no remains, save what are to be found in this volume, 75. 6d. 3 K REV. THOMAS CROFTS, A.M. 1783. FABRITII, Libro della Origine delli volgari proverbifol. Vinegia, 1526. ll. 7s. (Fid. p. 216.) GESTA Romanorum, ED. PR. fol. sine loco out Nom. Impressoris, Si. 10s. GIOSEPPE di S. Teresa (Gio.) Istoria delle Guerre del Regno del Brasile, accadute tra la Corona di Portogallo, e la Republica di Olanda, fol. fig. 2 torn, in 1, Roma, 1698; rarissimo. 31. 10s, GIOVANNI Florentine, II Pecorone, &c. 8vo. Milauo, 1558 ; ediz. vera et rarissima. Si. 5s. GIRALDI Cinthio (Gio. Bat.) Gli Hecatommithi. con tutte le dedicazioni, 2 torn. 8vo. Monte Regale, 1565. 5/. 15s. GONZAGA Lettere della molte illustre Donna Lucrezia Gonzaga da Gazuolo, 8vo. Fineg. Gualt. - Scotto, 1552. 6s. 6d. " Edition unique et tres rare." " Oest sur ces Lettres que Bayle a fondc la plus grande partie de son article de la Fie de cette Dame illus- tre, les aiant cru veritablement de Gonzaga ; mais ellcs ont etc ecrites par Ortensio Lando Medicin Milanois." T, c. GREAAL, Sainct, le premier et le second volume, conte- nant la conqueste dudict Sainct Greaal, fol. Jig. let. goth. Paris, 1523. 5/. 7s. 6d. (Fid. p. 216.) GRAZZINI, detto II Lasca, La Gigantea, La Nanea, et La Guerra de' Mostri, 12mo. Firenze, 16 12. ll. 3s. These three pieces of Lasca are extremely rare. GUERINO Meschino Ystoria breve de Re Karlo Impe- ratore, &c. EDIZ. PR. fol. Padua, 1473. 2/. 3s. (Fid. p. 27 1.) GUY de Warwick, Chevalier d' Angle terre, qui, en son temps, fit plusieurs prouesses et conquestes en Allemaigne, Ytalie et Danuemarche, &c. fol. fig. let. goth. Par. 1525. ll. 18s. 434 REV. THOMAS CROFTS, A.M. 1783. HEARNE Acta Apostolorum, Gr. Lat. 8vo. CH. Oxon. 1715. 11s. 6d. HENTZNERi q (Pauli) Itinerarium Germanize, Gallise, Angliae, Italiae, Non'n&^Jjjlg, rams._AtQ. 2/. 145. Ho u TIN Histoire des Empereurs Remains avec toutes les Medailles, fol. Paris, 1645. 4l. 10s. (Fid. p. 218.) ISAIE le triste fils de Tristan de Leonnoys, Histoire de, jadis de la table ronde, 4to. jig. let. goth. Paris, 1535. 2/. 12s. 6d. LANCELOT du Lac, le premier, second et tiers volume, fol. Jig. let. goth. Imprim. a Paris, 1520. 10/. 15s. LAVENDER'S (Theoph.) Travels of foure Englishmen and a Preacher into farre Countries in Africa and Asia, 4to. bl. let. Impr. by Felix Kingston, 16 12. 8s. Qd. LORENZO 11 Trionfante Levita Poemetto Sacro di So. Lorenzo da Fr. da Bologna, 4to. Bologna, 1632. \l. 12s. (Fid. p. 222.) LYNCH (Jo.) (Tuamensis Archidiac.) seu Gratiani Lucii Hiberni Cambrensis Eversus, seu potius Historica Fides, in Rebus Hibernicis, Giraldo Cambrensi abrogata, fol. Impr. 1662, sine loco aut nom. impr. 31. 4s. " Liber inter Historicos Hibernicos rarissimus et in- ventu dijficillimuS) quippe cnjuspars maxima exemplarium in Incendio periit Londinensi." T. c. MANDAVILLA (Giov.) Franzese Tractato bellissimo delle piu raaravigliose cose e piu notabile che sitruovino neile parte delmondo, 4to. lit. goth. . Firenze, 14Q2. 1^. 3s. MILLET (Jacq.) L'Histoire de la Destruction deTroye ' This author's journej' into England, in 1598, was published in a translation, with the original Latin, by the late Horace Walpole,^ Earl of Orford, and printed at Strawberry-Hill iu 1757. 435 REV. THOMAS CROFTS, A.M. 1783. la grant par personnaiges faicte par les Grecz, avec les mer- veilleux faitz du preux Hector de Troye, filz du grant Roy Priam, 4to. let. goth. Impr. a Paris, s. d. Livre tr$s rare. 17 s. OVIDII Metamorphoseon, cum Jig. eleg. a Crisp. Pas- sseo, 4to. Colon. 1607. 4l. PERCE FOREST La tres-elegante Delicieuse, Melliflue et tres-plaisante Hystoire du tres-noble victorieux et excellen- tissime roy Perceforest, Roy de la Grand Bretaigne, &c. 6 torn, en 3 vols. fol. let. goth. Paris, Galliot du Pre, 1528- 32. 71. PERIERS, Des, (Bonav.) Nouvelles Recreations et Joyeux Devis, 4to. Ly on, 1561. 31. 4s. PETRARCHA, MS. cum picluris, super - membr. 4to. Ill 17s. PLOWMAN'S (Pierce) Vision, 4to. Printed by Robert ^ Crowley, 1550. 10s. 6d. POGGII Florent. Facetie, 4to. Ferrar. 1471. 2/. 18s. Facetiarum Liber, 4to. Mediol. 1481. I/. 12s. PROVENZALI Poeti, Raccolta de, MS. antiq. super membr. 8vo. 5l. 7s. 6d. RAMELLI (Agost.) Artificiose Machine, Ital. et Fr. fol. Parigi, 1588. 4/. 15s. RECREATION for ingenious Head-pieces, or a pleasant Grove for their Wits to walk in ; containing Epigrams, Epi- taphs, Fancies, Fantasticks, 8vo. printed by Simmons, 1654. 7s. 6d. ROMANCERO (General) en que se contienen todos los Romances que andan impresses, 4to. Madrid, 1604. 4l. 10s. ROMEO e Giulia, Amore de i due fedelissimi Amanti, in ottavarima, 8vo. rineg. Giolito, 1553. ll.Ss, 436 REV. THOMAS CROFTS, A.M. 1783. RUEDA, De, (Lope) las qnatro Comedias y dos Colo- quios pastoriles, 8vo. let. goth. Valmc. 156?. 2/. 4s. SAGARD (Gabr.) le grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons; avec un Dictionnaire de la langue Huronne, 8vo. Paris, 1632. 16*. Concerning the extreme rarity of this book, see Lord Monboddo on the Origin and Progress of Language, 8vo. i. 316 Note. SALVADOR: (Andr.) Guerra di Bellezza; Festa a Cavallo fatta in Firenze per la venuta del Principe d'Urbino, with Jive etchings by Callot, after Giulio Parigi, 4to. Fiorenza, 1616. 125. TACITUS, ED. PR. fol. Spira (circa 1468.) 17/. 6*. 6d. * TARTARIA Opera dilettevole da intendere, nella qual si contiene doi Itinerarii in Tartaria, per alcune Frati dell'or- dine Miuore e di S. Dominico, mandati da Papa Innocentio IT ii. nella delta Provincia de Scithia per Ambasciatori, Svo, Vineg. ..1537. \L\\s.Qd. " Liber rarissimus, quippe cujus apud Bibliographos nullibijit mentio" T. c. TERENTIUS Asulani, lit. capit. illim. Svo. Ven. Aldus, 1517. 7/. 10*. THEATRUM Crudelitatum Hereticorum nostri Temporis jig. cum praefat. Rich. Verstegani, 4to. Anto. 1592. 4/. 4s. THESEI et Emelia; Nuptiae Poema, Graeca Hodier.^g. lign. 4to. Veneg. Giov. da Sabbio, 1529- 2/. THESEUS de Coulongne, L'Hystoire, faictz et gestes, 4to. Jig. let. goth. Paris, s. d. 5l. TIRANT lo Blanco, fol. Ed. sec. Eared. 1497. 17/. 175. FREY Joao dos Santos, ^Ethiopia Oriental, e varia His- toria de Cousas notaveis do Oriente, folio, Evora, 1609. rariss. ll. 13*. 437 REV. THOMAS CROFTS, A.M. 1783. TURPIN, Archevesque de Reims, Cronique et His- toire, contenant Ics prouesses et faictz d'armes advenuz en son Temps du tres magnanime Roy Charles le Grant, au- trement dit Charlemaigne, 4to. let. goth. Paris, Pierre Fidoue, 1527. I/. 2s. VIAGGIO fatto da gli Spagniuoli a torno al Mondo, 4to. PR. ED, Fineg, 1534, rariss. 31. 3s. ZIEGLERI (Jac.) Terrae Sanctae descriptio; Eadem a Wolffgango Weisscnburgio, fol. Urgent. 1536, rariss, IQs.Qd. (Fid. p. 230.) 438 SIR KENELM DIGBY, 1680. BIBLIOTHECA DiGBEiANA, sive Catalogus Librorum quos post KENELMUM DIGBEIUM possedit Illustrissi- mus GEORGIUS COMES BRISTOL. Accedit alia Biblio- theca non minus copiosa et elegans. Horum auctio habebitur Londini apud Insigne Leonis - Aurei ex adverse CEnopholii cujus insigne Caput Regince in platea vulgo dicta Pater Noster Row, April is, 19 1680. li The Catalogue is to be^delivered gratis, by H. Brome, at the Gun, and B. TOOKE, at the Ship, in St. Paul's Church- Yard. The sale to begin at nine in the morn- ing, and two in the afternoon." The collection was thus arranged : Articles. Libri Theologici, folio, quarto, octavo, and duod. 414 Philologid 843 Medici 315 Mathematici 214 Gallici. 435 Hispanici 132 Italici 404 English Books 926 Pamphlets in Bundles, stitched 91 Tracts bound in volumes 25 439 SIR KEN ELM D1GBY. 1680. Articles. JLibri Incompacti 10 Manuscript^ 69 The whole collection produced 908. 4$. This library was justly esteemed a most valuable col- v lection ; it had been transported into France at the com- mencement of the troubles in the reign of Charles i. Upon Sir Kenelm's decease abroad, in 1665, it became, according to that branch of the prerogative which the French style Droit d'Aubain, the property of the crown; but it is supposed that his relation, George Digby, Earl of Bristol, afterwards obtained from the King of France a remission of the forfeiture. The books in this library were in very superior condi- tion ; copies are occasionally seen with the Digby arms, or crest only, impressed on the sides, and Sir Kenelm's elegant autograph in the title. Sir Kenelm in his life-time became possessed of the valuable library of books and MSS. of his tutor, the Tlearned Thomas Allen, 5 of Trinity College, Oxford, r From the following Advertisement, it appears that the MSS. were sold in the succeeding month of the same year : " On Thursday next, the 13th of this instant May, at nine in the morning, will be- gin the sale of the Manuscripts belonging to the Earl of Bristol and Sir Kenelm Digby's libraries, at the Auclion-House, next the Golden "Lion, Pater Noster Row." London Gazette, May 6, 1680. s Thomas Allen was very indefatigable in collecting scattered ma- nuscripts relating to history, antiquity, astronomy, philosophy, and mathematics ; there is a catalogue of them among Anthony Wood's 'papers in the Ashmolean Museum. He was greatly esteemed by Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, who placed such confidence in him, that nothing material in the state was transacted without his knowledge. Selden mentions him as " omni eruditionis genere sionmoque judicio ornatissimus, celeben'ima: academics Oxoniensit decus insignissimvnt.'' 440 SIR KENELM DIGBY. 1680. which he soon after gave to the Bodleian, or public li- brary. .&SCHYLUS Stanleii, foL Lond. 1664. I/. ASCHAM'S Toxophilus, 4to. 1545. Is. 4d. BARCLAY'S Ship of Fools, fol. 1570. 4s. 4d. BIBLE of the Doway Translation, with the Rhemish Tes- tament, 3 vols. 4to. 1633. I/. 5s. CHAUCER'S Works, fol. 1597. 12s. 8 d. DUGDALE'S Monasticon Anglicanum, 3 vols. fol. Lond. 1655, &c. 61. 6s. > FABYAN'S Chronicle, fol. Lond. 1559. 7s. 4d. HOLLINSHED'S Chronicle, fol. 1577. 8s. HOMER us cum comment. Eustathii, 4 vols. fol. corio -turcico et fol. deaur. Roma, 1542, &c. 1l, MILTON'S Paradise Lost, in ten books, 4to. Lond. 1668. 2s. Id. * P. PLOWMAN'S VISION, 4to. Lond. 1550. Is. Id. y> PURCHAS'S Pilgrims and Pilgrimage, 5 vols. fol. 1625-6. 31. 5s. 6d. SHAKSPEARE'S Works, fol. Lond. 1632 (second edi- tion). 14s. STEPHANI Thesaurus Linguae Graecae, 4 torn. fol. CH. ^. 1572. 3/. 12s. Aubrey tells us, that " he was a \ery cheerful facetious man that every body loved his company, and every house on their gaudie-dayes were Avont to invite him." He died in 1632, aged 90. Vid. Pref. x to Rob. of Gloucester's C/iron. LXXII. Granger's Biogr. 11. 30, and Au- brey's Letters, n.201. JAMES EDWARDS, ESQ. 18041815. A CATALOGUE of the valuable library of JAMES ED- WARDS, EsQ. 1 containing a splendid assemblage of early printed books, chiefly upon vellum, highly curious and important manuscripts, magnificent books of prints, &c. sold by R. H. EVANS, April 5th, 1815, and the five following days. Number of Articles, 830. Total amount of the sate, ,8467. 10*. A small collection of splendid and valuable books, the property of a gentleman of distinguished taste (Ma. JAMES EDWARDS), was sold by MR. CHRISTIE, on Wednesday, April 25th, 1804:, and the three following 1 days. 1 Mr. Edwards commenced business as a bookseller, in Pali-Mall, about the year 1784 ; the catalogues which he occasionally published, those particularly from 1789 to 1796, were uncommonly rich in rare and valuable Books of Prints and early Typography, collected by him on the continent. Mr. Edwards, some years before his death, retired to the Manor House, Harrow : his health being much impaired, he determined on selling his chosen collection in his life-time. Having calmly settled his worldly concerns, he died on the 2d of January, 1816, aged 59. 442 JAMES EDWARDS, ESQ. 1804-1&. ASHMOLE'S History of the Order of the Garter, LARGE PAPER, mor. (the Duke of Newcastle's copy.) 1672. 42/. AULUS Gellius MS. of the xv. Cent, upon vellum, with illuminations, fol. mor. 361. 15s. BIBLIA Sacra Germanice, ex recognitione Martini Lu-SCX vtheri, 2 vols. fol. Vitemb. 1541. 89/. 15s. (Fid.p. 293.) The first edition of Luther's Translation of the Bible, and his own copy. BUFFO N Histoire Naturelle, avec les Supplemens, 39 torn. 4to. best edition, with three folio volumes, containing duplicate proof plates of all the animals and birds, (Lewis the Sixteenth's copy) Paris, 1749. 64/. Is. CLARENDON'S (Earl of) History of the Reign of King Charles u. 2 vols. 4to. mor. 5l. 15s. 6d. This curious work was printed by Dr. Shebbeare, but never published. (Sale, 1804.) DANTE col. commento di Christ. Landino, fol. Fir. 1481. 26/. 5s. To this copy is added a plate of Hell, from the Church of Pisa, a very old and curious engraving. (Sale, 1804.) EVANGELIA Quatuor Grace*, a magnificent MS. upon vellum of x. Cent, bound in blue velvet, with bronze gilt medallions of the Birth of Our Saviour and the Adoration of the Magi on the sides, fol . 21 0/. . . Latind, MS. x. Cent, upon vel- lum, the capitals gilt, bound in velvet, and an ancient dyp- tich, in ivory, of the crucifixion on the side, 4to. 57/. 15s. FOUILLOUX et Franchieres, la Venerie et Fauconnerie, woodcuts, 4to. Pans, 1585. 14/, 14s. FRANCOIS I. Croniques et Gestes des Tres-haulx et Tres-vertueux Faitz de Francois premier, commengans au temps de son Advenement a la Couronne, 1514, par Andr6 de la Vigne Croniqueur du Roy, &c. a magnificent MS. monstrous Regiment of Women, 8vo. 1558. 12s. " REV. RICHARD FARMER, D.D. 1798. LEYLAND (John) The Assertion of the original Life, Actes, and Death of King Arthure, translated by Richard Robinson, 4to. Jmpr. by Wolfe, 1582. I/. 2s. LINDESAY'S (Sir David) Workes, 4to. Edinburgh, -- ane Satyre of the three Estaits, in commen- dation of Virtew and Vituperation of Vice, 4to. Edinb. 1602. I/. 17s. METRICAL Romances, written in the reign of Richard n. or rather, about the end of the reign of Henry in. or begin- ning of Edward i. MS. 14/. 14s. NASH (Thos.) Pierce Penilesse's Supplication to the Di- vell, 4to. 1592. I/. 13s. --- Lenten Stuffe, the praise of the Red -Herring, 15Q9, with seven other pieces, 4to. 5l. 5s. NICCOL'S (Richard) Monodia, or Waltham's Complaint upon the Death of Lady Honor Hay, 16 15. Virtue's Enco- mium, or the Image of Honour, 1614. The Furies, with Vertues Encomium, 8vo. 1614. I/. 4s. PEELE (G.) Device of the Pageant borne before Wool- stone Dixie, Lord Mayor of London, Oct. 29, 1585. bL let. ll. 1 Is. 6d. Probably the only copy. PHCENIX Nest, by R. S. 4to. Impr. by Jackson, 1593. IL 19s. PROCTOR (John) The Historic of Wyate's Rebellion, vvjith the Order and Manner of resisting the same, whereunto in the ende is added, an earnest Conference with the degene- rate and sedicious Rebelles, for the serche of the Cause of their daily disorder, 8vo. 1554. I/. 6s. QUIN'S Memorie of Bernard Stuart, Lord Aubigni, 4to. ,xl6l9. 1Z. 11s. 6d. QUIPPES for upstart new fangled Gentlewomen, 410. 1595. 16s. 6d. **$ 'ft* REV. RICHARD FARMER, D.D. 1798. ROBIN Hood, Merry Jest of, and of his Life, with a new Play for to be plaied in May-Games, very pleasant and full of Pastime, bl. Jet. 4to. Impr. by Ed. White, 3l. 13s. 6d. K" SCOT I (Mich.) Liber de Procreatione & Physionomia. ED. PR. 4to. 1477. Us. 6d. Sn A KS PEAR'S Sonnets, 4to. never before imprinted, by G. Eld. 4to. ..1609.. The MS. at the end has been thought to be Shakspear's Autograph, 8/. SKELTONICAL Salutation, Or condigne Gratulation, Of the Spanish Nation, That in a Bravado, Spent many a Cru- sado, In setting forth an Armado, England to Invado. bl. let. 4to. Oxford, by J. Barnes, 1589. I/. 10s, SOPHOCLES, Electra of, with portraits of the Lady Eli- zabeth, fyc. Svo. 1649- I/. Is. SPENSER'S Shepheard's Calendar, bl. let. cuts, Impr. by \ Wolfe, 1586. Complaints of the World's Vanitie, Impr. by Ponsonbie, 1591. 4/. 10s. STUBS (John) The Discoverie of a gaping Gulf where- )C unto England^ is like to be swallowed by another French Marriage, if the Lord forbid not the Banes, by letting her . Majestic see the sin and punishment thereof, Svo. 1579. I/. 16s. " For writing this book the Author was condemned to lose his right hand." Vid. Hume's History, v. 244. TAYLOR (John) Collection of Tracts against the Puritans, 4to. 1641, &c. To several of these humorous pieces, by Taylor the . Water Poet, are prefixed wooden cuts and portraits. (See the Titles at large, in Bibl. Farm. No. 4896.; TERENCE, Comedie of Andria, translated by Maurice Kyffin, 4to. bl. let. 1588. 2/. 3s. TESTA MENTUM, Nov. Gr. et Lat. Erasmi. ED. PR. *}*- fol. Basil. 1516. 6/. 2s. 6d. 453 st 453 \ REV. RICHARD FARMER, D.D. 179a TURBERVILE'S (Geo.) Epitaphes, Epigrams, Songs and Sonets, with a Discourse of the freendly Affections of Ty- metes and Pindara his Ladie, bl. kt. 8vo. Impr. by Den- Urn, 1570. \L 16s. VIRGIL'S ./Eneis, the first foure Bookes, translated into English heroicall Verse, by Richard Stanyhurst, with other Poeticall Devises thereto annexed, Svo. Impr. by Bynne- man, 1583. * 451* SIR ROBERT GORDON 181<5. y^ GIBSON (Anthony) A Woman's Woorth defended against all the Men in the World, proving them to be more perfect, excellent, and absolute, in all virtuous Actions, than any Man of what qualitie soever, sm. lmo. 1599- 5l. 7s. 6d. GRAHAME (Simeon) The Anatomic of Humors, 4to. Ldinb. 1609. 4l. Us.Gd. HOG-FACED Gentlewoman, The, called Mistriss Tanna- kin Skinker, who was borne at Wickham, a neuter Toune be- tween the Emperour and the Hollander, scituate on the Rhine, and who can never recover her true Shape tell she be married. Also relating the Cause how her Mother came bewitched, wit h a wood cut of the Lady and her Suitor, 4to. 1640. ll. \ls. 6d. JAURAR Ben Abdallah, Arrivall and Entertainments of the Embassador, with his associate Mr. Robert Blake, from VMuley Mahamed Shegue, Emperor of Morocco, with por- trait of the Ambassador, by Glover, 4to. 1637. 4/. 18s. JOBSON (Rich.) The Golden Trade ; or, a Discovery of the River Gambia, and the Golden Trade of the ^Ethiopians. Also the Commerce with a great Blacke Merchant called BuckorSano, and his report of the Houses covered with Gold, &c. 4to. 1623. 51. 7s. 6d. JOHNSON (Rich.) The Crowne Garland of Golden Roses, gathered out of England's Royal Garden, set forth in many pleasant Songs and Sonnets, bl. let. 12mo. 1631. ll. 10s. LAM BE (John, otherwise called Dr. Lambe.) A briefe Description of the notorious Life of, together with his igno- minious Death, 4to. woodcut. Amst. 1628....4/. 4*. LAWDER (Geo.) The Scottish Souldier. Sunt artibusar- "'' ma decori, 4to. Edinb. 1629- Ql. 9s. These two poems are written on occasion of the unfortunate * ' expedition to the Isle of Rhes. LENTON (Francis) The Young Gallant's W T hirligigg, or Youth's Reakes, demonstrating the inordinate Affections, ab- 452* SIR ROBERT GORDON 116. surd Actions, and profuse Expences of unbridled and affectated Youth, a Poem, &c. 4to. 1629. 4l. 4s. MARCELLINE (Geo.) Epithalamium Gallo-Britamjicnm ; or, Great Britaine's, Fiance's, and the most part of Europe's unspeakable Joy for the most happy Union and hoped Contract of the high and mighty Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, and the Lady Henriette Maria, daughter to Henry the Fourth, &c. &c. with a large folio print of portraits of Charles and Hen. Maria, twelve verses underneath, 4to. I62o. 23/. 125. 6d. MARKHAM (Rob.) The Description of that ever-to-be- famed Knight, Sir John Burgh, Colonell-General of his Ma- jestie's Armie ; with his last Service at the Isle of Rees, and his unfortunate Death there, when the Armie had most need of such a Pilote, a Poem, with a fine portrait of Sir John Burgh, by Cecill, 4to. 1628. 14/. 14s. NICHOLES (Alex.) A Discourse of Marriage and Wiving, and of the greatest Mystery therein contained ; how to chuse a good Wife from a bad, &c. bl let. 4to. 1620. Si. 13s. 6rf. PARKER (Martin) The Legend of Sir Leonard Lackwit, Son-in-law to Sir Gregory Nonsense, 12mo. 1635. 5l. PHILOPATER Irenams, Vindiciaa Catholicorum Hibernia?, 12mo. Paris. 1650. 5l. PINDER of Wakefield, being the merry History of George- a-Greene, the lusty Pinder of the North ; briefly shewing his Manhood, and his brave Merriments amongst his boon Com- panions : full of pretty Histories, Songs, Catches, Jests and Riddles, 4to. bl. let. 1632. 61. Is. RAN KINS (Will.) A Mirrour of Monsters; wherein is plainely described the manifold Vices and spotted Enormities that are caused by the infectious Sight of Plays ; with the Description of the Subtile Slights of Sathun, making them his Instruments. 4to. bl. let. 1587. 10/. 453* SIR ROBERT GORDON 1816. RICH E(Barnabe) Short Survey of Ireland, &c. 4to. 1609. 61. 10s. / : A Catholycke Conference between Sir Tady Mac Marcall, a Popish Priest of Waterforde, and Patrick Playne, a young Student in Trinity College, Dublin, &c. 4to. 1612. 41. 6s. RYVII (Tho.) Regiminis Anglicani in Hibernia Defensio adversus Analectem. 4to. 164. 6/. 10s. (Fide p. 266 J SCOT (Thos.) Vox Dei: with a beautiful Frontispiece, containing Portraits of King James, Prince Charles, the King and Queen of Bohemia, and their Children, the Duke of Buckingham, and Earl of Holdernesse, 4to. no date, (circa 1623.; 3/. 15s. Vox Regis : with a Frontispiece of King James, sitting in Parliament, Prince Charles, and the King \ and Queen of Bohemia kneeling before him. 4to. 1624. 31. 15s. TABARIN, Inventaire Universel des CEuvres de, contenant ses Fantaisies, Dialogues, Paradoxes, Farces, Rencontres et Conceptions. Seconde edition ; engraved title, and sir curious engravings that have not before appeared in any edition, 12mo. Paris, 1623. 13/. 13s. TINCKER of Turvey, his merry Pastime in his passing from Billingsgate to Gravesend ; the Barge being freighted with Mirth, and manned with these Persons, Trotter the Thicker, Yerker a cobler, Thumper a smith, Sir Rowland a schoUer, Bluster a seaman, and other mad pursy fellows, every one of them telling his tale, 8tc. 4to. bl. let. 1630. 91. 9s. WITS, Fits and Fancies; or, a general! and serious Col- lection of the sententious Speeches, Answers, Jests and Be- haviours of all sortes of Estates, from the Throne to the Cot- tage. 4to. bl. let. 1614. 6/. 85. 6d. 454* REV. IS. COSSET/ D.D. F.R.S 1813. :*H A CATALOGUE of the elegant and very valuable library of the late Rev. Is. GOSSET, D.D. F. R. S.; sold by T Dr. Gosset was eminent as a divine, a sound critic, and a most acute bibliographer. From infancy he possessed an imagination vigorous and lively : to his early inquisitive mind a book must have been an object of much curiosity and desire ; and by knowing that diligent study leads to great attainments, his emulation was ardent, and his progress rapid. Having acquired the rudiments of the Latin, Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic languages, he was placed under the care of Dr. Kennicott, in Exeter College, Oxford ; where his communicative temper and social disposition gained him many friends. In conjunction with other learned associates, he contributed some valuable notes to the third edition of " Bowyer's Conjectures on the/*" New Testament ; " none of his writings were ever published in any other form : he was, probably, too fastidiously alive to his reputation, to suffer them to appear in an imperfect state ; and it is to be regretted, that a man of such profound erudition should have been so diffident of his powers. The classical collector had once reason to expect from his hand, an improved edition of Dr. Harwood's " View of the Greek and Roman Classics ; " a work much to be desired. 45J REV. ISAAC COSSET, D.D. F.R.S. 1813. auction, by LEIGH and SOTHEBY, 145, Strand, on Mon- day, June?, 1813, and twenty-two following days. Number of articles, 5740. Total amount of the sale, 3141. 7s.6d. BIBLIA Hebraica cum notis criticis et versione Latimi, Car. F. Houbigant, 4 torn. 4to. Lut. 1753. \5l 15s. BIBLIA Polyglotta, edidit Bryanus Walton, et Castelli Lexicon Heptaglotton, 7 torn. fol. gilt leaves. Lond. 1657-69. 45/. Bo SWELL'S (Jas.) Life of Dr. Johnson, with Corrections and Additions, and Remarks on the Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, 3 vols. 8vo. portrait. A. Presentation copy to Mr. Wit kes, with a MS. Letter from Herbert Croft to him, MS. notes by Mr. W. 1791-3. 3/. Us. BULLET (M.) Memoires surla Langue Celtique, 2 torn, fol. Bes. 1754, &c. ll. Is. DEMONIACKS Several Tracts relating to, 3 vols. Svo. 1737-75. 41. 5s. " The delicacy of his constitution, and tenderness of frame, checked Lis fair proportion ; a buoyancy of spirits, joined to his literary enthu- siasm, operated as the sustaining principle against the various bodily inflictions which might have embittered his existence.''* The late Earl of Marchmont, who was intimate with Pope, observed, that Dr. Gosset, both in his person and harmonious voice, bore a strong resemblance to the " little nightingale." Dr. Cosset's library was copious in theology, grammars, diction- aries, and classics ; some select editions of the latter, we believe, were presented by him to his eldest son. He died at his house in New- man Street, December 16th, 1812, in his 68th year. The annexed portrait is from a wax model, executed by his father, the late Isaac Gosset, Esq. * Vide Gent. Mag. Dec. and Sup. 1812. 456 REV. ISAAC GOSSET, D.D. F.R.S. 1813. DURET (Cl.) Thresor de THistoire des Langues de cest Univers, 4to. Yverd. 1619. ll. 5s. (Printed at Cologne in 1613, with a new title only of the date 16190 EVANGELIA ab Ulfila ex Graeco GothFce' translate, cum Parallelis Versionibus, Sueo-Gothica Norraena, seu Islan- dica, et vulgata Latina edita, 4to. Stockh. l6?l. 2/.JLZ* Gothice et Anglo-Saxonice, curavit Mares- challus, 4to. Amst. 1684. 2/. 10s. Versio Gothica, cum Interpr. Lat. et anno- tat. Benzelii, edidit Lye, 4to. Oxon. 1750. 2/. 6s. GOLTI (I.) Lexicon Arabico-Latinum, fol. rns. L. Bat. 1653. 14/. 10s. GARMANNUS (L. C. F.) de Miraculis Mortuorum, 4U) Dresd. 1709- I/. Qs. GEORGII (Fr. A. A.) Alphabetum Tibetanum, 2 torn. 4to Roma, 1762. 3l. 13s. Qd. HEDELIN (F.) Satyres, Brutes, Monstres et Demons, de leur Nature et Adoration. MS. note. 8vo. mor. Paris, 1627. I/. 4s. PHAVORINI (V.) Thesaurus Linguae Graecae, russia, fol. Venet. 1712. 7/. 15s. RUDBECKII (Ol.) Laponia Illustrata, Vps- 1/01.^ Ich- thologia Biblica Specimen Usus Linguae Gothiae, 1717. Atlantica Illustrata, &c. 4to. 1733, &c. 6/. SKRVETUS (Mich.) de Trinitate Erroribus, lib. vii. Dia- logus de Trinitate, 2 torn. 8vo. mor. 1531-2. 2/. 14s. STEPHANI (Henr.) Thesaurus Graecae Linguae, Glossa- ria, Appendix, et Scotti Appendix ad Stephautim, 7 torn. 1572, &c. 42/. SYLBURGH (F.) Etymologicou Magnum, fol. Comme- lin, 1594. 61. 12s. WITHOFII (1. H.) Encaenia Critica, 8vo. Fesalia, 17^411 ll. l$s. SN RICHARD GOUGH, ESQ. 1810. A CATALOGUE of the entire and valuable library (with the exception of the department of British Topography, bequeathed to the Bodleian library), of that eminent An- tiquary, RICHARD GOUGH, W Esq., deceased; sold by auction, by LEIGH and S. SOTHEBY, 145, Strand, on Thursday, April 5, 1810, and nineteen following days. Number of articles, 4373. Total amount of the sale, ,3552. 3*. w Mr. Gough, the most eminent antiquary of his time, was the au- thor of many valuable works; his edition of Camden's "Britannia,"* and the " Sepulchral Monuments of Great Britain," will immortalize his name. He bequeathed to the University of Oxford f all his printed books and manuscripts relating to British Topography ; a more valuable or extensive treasure was never collected by an individual. Mr. Gougli in his person was short, inclining to corpulence ; there is no portrait of him, nor is it known that he ever would consent to sit to any of the numerous artists with whom he was connected. He died at Enfield, Feb. 20th, 1809, aged 74, and was buried at Wormley, Herts. * He publicly disclaimed any concern in a subsequent edition (beyond the first volume) published in his name, t Vide page '67, note. 458 RICHARD GOUGH, ESQ. 1810. AMES (Jos.) Typographical Antiquities, by W. Herbert' interleaved with numerous MS. notes and additions by the ' editor, 3 vols. in 6. 4to. 1785-90. 321. CARDS A very remarkable Collection of Antient Cards,* in 2 vols. 12mo. purchased by Mr. Tutet at Dr. Stukeley's sale, and at Mr. Tutet' s by Mr. Gough. 4/. It is observable in these ancient Cards, that there are no Aces nor Queens, but instead of the latter are Knights. CLELAND'S (Dr. J.) Monument of Mortalitie, upon the Death and Funerals of Prince Lodovick, Duke of Rich- mond, &c. portrait, 4to. 1624. 4l. 14s. Qd. DEMPSTERI y (Thomae) Scotia Illustrior, seu Mendica- bula Repressa, 8vo. Lug. 1620. 5l. 15s. Qd. DUCAREL'S (And. C.) Anglo-Norman Antiquities, with additional plates, red mor. his own copy, corrected, with plans and drawings, fol. 1777. 12/. 12s. ETRUSCAN Vases, a Disquisition upon, displaying their probable connection with the Shows at Eleusis, and the Chi- nese Feast of Lanterns (by Mr. Christie), plates, fol. 1806. (not published). lOl. HEARNE (Thos.) Acta Apostolorum, Gr. et Lat. 8vo. /f' r f( Oxon. 1715. 20/. Roperi (Gul.) Vita Thomae Mori Eq. cum notis MS. 8vo. Oxon. 1716. 7/. 10s. 1 See fac-simile representations of these Cards, with a Dissertation, in Mr. Singer's " Researches into the History of Playing Cards," &c. 4to, 1816. p. 172. y This author is repeatedly censured by men of learning for his ia- X' ventions and his falsehoods : in order to raise the glory of his country he forged the titles of books that never existed. Bishop Nicolson says, that " Dempster reckons a great many writers of Scottish his- tory, who are allowed to be counterfeits." Vide Bayle Sf Niceron. 459 RICHARD GOUGH, ESQ. 1810. HORDAL (Joan.) Aurelianensis Puella? Historia, cum iconib. L. Gaultier. 4to. Ponti-Mussi, 16 12. 31. 13s. 6d. JAMES I. Narration of the entertainment of his Royall Majestic, from the time of his departure Edenbrough, till his receiuing at London, 4to. 1603. 4/. 10s. LIN DBS AY'S (Schir David) Dialog betvvix Experience and ^ane Courteour, bl. let. 4to. 12/. 12s. Li vi i (Titi) Historia Romana, MS. Seec. xv. with numer- ous illuminations, fol. 17 1. 17s. LIVEE, sensuyt le, des trois filz de Roys cestassavoir de France d'Angleterre, et d'escosse, Jig. mor. 4to. Imprime a Paris par la veujue de Jehan Treperel. 9/. 9s. LYDGATE (John) The Lyf and Passyon of the blessid Martir Seint Albone, and Seint Amphiball," which glorious livis were translated oute of Frenssh and Latyn, by Dane John Lydgate ; with several other pieces, fol. MS. partly on vel- lum, and partly on paper. 61. 6s. MARTYHOLOGY, A, in Old English Verse, on vellum, in ancient binding ; an ivory carving of the Crucifixion on one side. fol. MS. SJJG. xiv. III. x^ MAiJNSjLL^(Andr.) Catalogue of English printed Books, / both parts, interleaved, with MS. notes, by W. Herbert, fol. 95. 51 7s. 6d. PRYNNE'S (Wm.) Parliamentary Writs, 4 vols. in 3, 4to, 1659-60-62-64. 16/. 16s. REBELLION (1640, &c.) Narratives of Battles and Sieges, in4to. 18/. 18s. SANDFORD'S (Francis) Genealogical History of the Kings and Queens of England, by Stebbing, with several addi- tional plates; also a few MS. notes by Mr. Gough, fol. 1707. 107. 10s. SIDNEY (Sir Philip) his Funeral Procession, engraved on 460 RICHARD GOUGH, ESQ. 1810. 30 plates, with portrait of Thomas Lant, and description in > Latin and English, fol. SQL 18s. The plates were designed by Lant, and engraved by Theodore de Bry. TAYLOR'S (The) Cussion, in two parts, fol. MS. 1l. 10s. " The Taylor's Cussion made of Shreedes, Of divers pieces hath a patch ; So he that all this volume reedes, Of divers thinges shall finde a match. Therefore this booke of others all, The Taylor's Cussion do I call." VAUGHAN (Rowland) Most and Long Experienced Wa- ter Workes, zcith the map on canvas. 4to. George Eld. 161O. 2/. 155. JOSEPH GULSTON, ESQ. 1783-84. BIBLIOTHECA ELEGANS ET CURIOSA. A CATALOGUE of the genuine, curious, valuable, and magnificent library of an eminent collector, (JOSEPH GULSTON, Esq.) 2 containing the most general collection of English History, Antiquities, Lives, Memoirs, &c. and all the old Chronicles ; a great number of the books are upon Urge paper, and enriched with valuable prints, 1 Mr. Gulston was an ardent collector of books and prints, and in that pursuit was regardless of expense : numerous and \aluable works, par- ticularly those of Sir William Dugdale, and many of the rare county histories, were by him frequently cut up, and sacrificed without re- morse, to increase the extensive graphic collections he had succes- sively formed, and sold. His numerous prints and portraits were, a few months only before his death, dispersed by public auction at Greenwood's Room, in the months of January, February, and March, 1786. Mr. Gulston was of the middle size and corpulent; in his manner brusque, good-humoured, and well-informed. He married Elizabeth Bridgetta, eldest daughter of Sir Thomas Stepney, Bart., a lady who excelled in etching ; among the portraits by her hand, there is a good likeness of Mr. Gulston after Hamilton. . Her own portrait, and that of Mr. G., after the same painter, were done in Mezzotinto by Earlom and James Watson. 462 JOSEPH GULSTON, ESQ. 1783-84. bound in russia leather and other elegant bindings. This library is undoubtedly the most select ever offered to the public, for beauty, scarcity, and condition. Sold by MR. COMPTON, at his Great Room in Conduit Street, on Thursday, May 8, 1783, and the ten following days. Number of articles, 2007. Total amount of the sale, 1750/. 12s. A catalogue of the remaining part of the curious li*- brary of an eminent collector, (JOSEPH GULSTON, Esq.) comprehending the most complete, rare, and general collection of British topography ever offered to the pub- lic. Also, his lounging Books, and some valuable Mu- sical articles. Sold by MR. COMPTON, at his Great Room, in Conduit Street, on Wednesday, May 26, 1784, and the three following days. Number of articles, 784. a ATHENJE Britaunicas, or a Critical History of the Oxford and Cambridge Writers, 6 vols. 8vo. very scarce, 17l6i/ 2/. 2s. BOUQUET des Bergeres des Herdemanen Bloemkrinogen ; a beautiful book of portraits, fine impr. 4to. 1 Is. BUCHANAN Family, Genealogical History of, 4to. 172[. - J 14s. BULWER'S (John) Artificial Changeling, 4to. mor. por- trait by Faithorne, 1653. 9s. 6d. BURNET'S (Bp.) History of the Reformation, 3 vols. fol. L.-P. russia. 1679, &c. 18/. 7s. 6d. CLARENDON'S (Earl of) Works, 6 vols. foh L. p. in russia, with a great number of scarce and beautiful prints, Q5l. 4s. We have not been able to obtain a sight of a copy of the priced catalogue. 463 JOSEPH GULSTON, ESQ. 1783-84. CORNELIANUM dolium, comaedia lepidissima, with a curious frontispiece by Marshall, Svo. 1638. 4s. DUCHESNE, Normannorum Scriptores, fol. CH. M. mor. 1619- 14/. 14s. GENINGES (Edm.) Life and Death of, with his portrait, and historical prints, by Mart. Vos, 4to. very rare. 1614. 2l. GRANGER'S (Jas.) .Biographical History of England, containing near 3000 portraits, ISvols. 4to. russia. 9.101. GREATRAKS (Val.) Account of, with his cures, portrait by Faithorne, 4to. scarce, 1666. 2s. 6d. G UNION'S (Sym.) History of Peterburgh Cathedral, L. p. with MS. notes, by Bp. Cumberland, fol. 1686. (Sale, 1784.; HOLBORN Drollery, Svo. rare, 1673. 5s. 6d. HOWGRAVE'S (Fras.) Stamford, 4to. L. *. mor. 1726. (Sale, 1784.; X KEATING'S History of Ireland, fol. L. P. russia. 1723. I/. 14s. KIRKMAN'S (Fras.) Wits, or Sport upon Sport, curious frontisp. 8vo. 1662. 8s. ^ LEWIS'S (John) History of the Isle of Thanet, interleaved with MS. additions, drawings, prints, &c. by Lewis himself, who left this copy and the plates to Jos. Ames, 4to. russia. (Sale, 1784."; LLUYD CHumph.) The Breviary of Britayne, Svo. russia. 1573. MARSTON'S Tragedies and Comedies,' Svo. 1633. 6s. 6d. NORFOLK Drollery, Svo. rare. 1673. 6s. NORMANDIE Histoire de Richard Due de Normandie. let. goth. Svo. Impr. a Paris. 19s. NUMISMATA virorum illustrium ex Barbadica gente, fol. Padua, 1732. (Sale, 1784.) b Purchased by Mr. Gough, and now hi the Bodleian library. 464 JOSEPH GULSTON, ESQ. 1783-84. Beautifully printed, the prints finely engraved, and the drawings exquisite. POWELL'S (Dav.) History of Wales, 4to. L. p. russia, some parts blazoned by Vincent the herald. 1584. 31. 3s. PRUSSIAN Swallow Knife, History and Cure of the, with the portrait,^. 1642. 4s. 6d. STEPHENSON'S (Matth.) Florus Britannicus, with the portraits,* scarce, fol. 166'2. Us. STUKELE^s^Itinerarium Curiosum, fol. interleaved, with manuscript drawings and letters, by the Dr. himself, fol. 1724. (Sale, 1784.) Vox Populi Vox Dei, with the portrait of Scot by Pass, , and all the prints complete, 4to. 5s. WALLINGTON (Nehem.) a Puritan, his Journal, begun in 1630, a most curious MS. containing much extraordinary matter, 4to. I/. 12s. dLi~/-l WEB BE (Phil. Carteret)^Fe~oTYacts in Defence of his Majesty's Right to certain Fee-Farm Rents in the County of Norfolk, 4to. mor. 1758. (Safe, 1784.) WITHER'S (Geo.) Crumbs and Scraps, Svo. 1661. 3s. WRIGHT'S (Jas.) Antiquities of Rutlandshire, fol. inter- leaved, with MS. notes, by Dr. Stukeley, fol. 1684. (Sale, 1784.) c A considerable number of these are done by Elstracke, and some by Delaram ; the plates (26 in number, from the Conqueror to Charles II.) are nearly of a quarto size. The best impressions were published by Compton Holland, in a set entitled, Baziliulogia," 1618. (Fid. _.. \ p. 71.) 3 o REV. BENJAMIN HEATH, D,D, 1810. A CATALOGUE of Books, containing all the rare, useful, and valuable publications, in every department of lite- rature, from the first invention of printing to the pre- sent time; sold by Mr. JEFFERY, in Pall Mall, on Thursday, April 26, 1810, and thirty-one following days. Number of articles, 4786. Total amount of the sale, 8899. This collection formed nearly the entire library of the late Dr. BENJAMIN HEATH, which was sold in his life- time ; d it included numerous editions of the Holy Scriptures, with their Commentators ; Divinity and Ec- clesiastical History , Philosophy, Natural History, and the Sciences : all the best editions of the Greek and Ro- man Classics, many upon large paper; Ancient and Mo- dern History, of all nations; .Voyages and Travels; d The late Mr. Joseph Johnson, bookseller, St. Paul's Church-yard, we believe, was the proprietor of the collection previous to its dis- persion. 466 REV. BENJAMIN HEATH, D.D. 1810. British History and Topography, with the publications of Hearne, upon large paper. cum scholiis Grsecis et Stanleii notis, with portrait by Faithorne, fol. Lond. 1663. Ql. Qs. AMMO Nil Hermiae Comment, in Librum de Interpreta- tione, et in decem Categorias, Gr. fol. cum notis, MS. 6/. 17s. 6d. ARISTIDIS Opera, Gr. Lat. a Jebb, 2 vols. 4to. CH. MAG. Oxon. 1722. 10/. 15s. ARISTOTELIS Opera, Gr. Lat. a Duvall, 4 torn. fol. CH. MAG. bound in russia, by Roger Payne. Par. 162Q. 2 1/. 10s. BIBLIA Polyglotta Waltoni et Castelli Lexicon, 8 torn. fol. London, 1 637-69. With the Republican Preface; bound in red morocco, by Roger Payne. 73/. 105. BIBLIOTHECA Topographica Britannica; comprehend- ing Antiquities in various Counties of England and Wales, 8 vols. 4to. Lond. 1780-90. 47/. 5*. (The remaining Copies of this Work were consumed in a Jire at the printing-house of Messrs. Nichols, in 1808.; BLOMEFIELD'S (Fr.) Topographical History of Norfolk, continued by Parkin, 5 vols. fol. Lynn, 1739- IS/. 18s. BOVILLIUS (Car.) de Intellectu, de Sensu, de Nihilo, Ars Oppositorum, de Generatione, de Sapiente, &c. 8vo. Paris. H. Steph. 1510 r 41. BUFFON et d'Aubenton Histoire Naturelle gSnerale et particuliere, 42 torn. 4to. Paris, 174Q, &c. 551. 13s. CAHTE'S (Thos.) Life of James Duke of Ormond, 3 vols. fol. L. P. 1736. 10/. 15s. PART'S (John) History of Westminster Abbey, 2 vojs. 467 REV. BENJAMIN HEATH, D.D. 1810. fol. L. p. 1725. Ditto, Canterbury Cathedral, fol. L. p. 1726. 431. Is. ENDERBIE'S (Percy) Origin and Antiquity of the Welch Nation, 2 vols. in 1. fol. bound in russia, by Roger Payne, London, 1661. 19/. 10s. EUCLTDIS Opera, Latine, Campani, ED. PR. fol. Ven. /*1482. 61. 6s. EURIPIDES, Gr. 2 vols. 12mo. mor. Aldus, 1503. 61. HARRIS'S (John) History of Kent, fol. L. p. mor. 1719- III. 16s. HEARNE (Thos.) Roperi (Gul.) Vita Thomae Mori Eq. CH. MAG. Svo. Oxon. 1716. 17/. IHRE Lexicon Lapponicum, cum Interpretatione Sueco- Latina,4to. Holmia, 1780. 6/. 15s. KTEMPFER'S History of Japan, 2 vols. fol. large paper, plates, 1728. Si. 15s. KING'S (Dan.) Vale Royal of England, or County Pala- tine of Chester, illustrated, fol. Lond. 1656. 18/. 18s. LONG'S History of Jamaica, 3 vols. 4to. 1774. 14/. 15s. MONTFAUCON (Bern, de) L'Antiquite Expliquee et Representee en figures avec Supplement, 15 torn. fol. GR. PAP. Pan's, 1719-24. 53/. 11s. Mo RANT'S (Phil.) History and Antiquities of Colchester and losses, 2 vols. fol. L. p. Lond. 1768. 23/. ORATORES Veteres Graci, Gr. 3 vols. in 2, fol. Aldus, 1513. 20J. .. POCOCKE'S (Rd.) Description of the East, with the In- scriptions, plates, 3 vols. fol. 1743. 16/. 10s. POLITICAL State of Great Britain, 60 vols. Svo. com- plete ; second and best edition, containing a History of all Parties, Ecclesiastical and Civil, with Abstracts of Pamphlets, &c. relative to Great Britain and Europe, 1718, &c. 43/. Is. 468 REV. BENJAMIN HEATH, D.D. 1810. RYMERI (Tho.) Foedera, Conventiones, &c. inter Reges Angliae et alios quosvis Imperatores, Reges, Pontifices, Prin- cipes vel Communitates, ab Anno 1101, ad nostra usque Tempora, 20 torn. fol. Ed., Opt. .Lond. 1727-35. 527. 10s. SLOANE'S (Sir Hans) Natural History of Jamaica, Ma- dera, Barbadoes, Nevis, and St. Christopher's. 2 vols. fol. 430 plates. Lond. 1707-25. 197. 19s. STRYPE'S (John) Historical Memorials, Ecclesiastical and Civil, under the Reigns of Henry vm. Edward vi. and Queen Mary, 3 vols. fol. L. p. London, 1721. 127. 17s. ULLOA (Don Ant.) Relacion Istorica del viage a la Ame- rica Meridional, fig. 3 vols. fol. Madrid, 1748. ll/. VIRGILII Opera, forma min. morocco. Sedani, 1625. 4/. 1 4s. 6d. WARE'S (Sir James) Works concerning Ireland, S^volsVj in 1. L. P. with MS. notes, fol. Dublin, 1739-54. 237. 2s. WILLIS'S (Browne) History and Antiquities of the Town, &.c. of Buckingham, 4to. 1755. 177. ROBERT HEATHCOTE, ESQ. 1802-08, A CATALOGUE of an elegant collection of Books, com- prising a very extraordinary assemblage- of the Greek and Roman Classics, and other Books, in the English, French, and Italian languages ; the greater part upon large paper, and the whole in fine condition, in morocco, and other splendid bindings; sold by LEIGH, SOTHEBY, and SON, York Street, Covent Garden, on Thursday, April 8, 1802, and five following days. (The Collection of ROBERT HEATHCOTE, Esq.) Number of articles, 958. Total amount of the sale, ooQl. Is. BIJOUX ITALIEN ET FRANCOIS. A catalogue of a portion of the singularly elegant library, late the property of a very distinguished ama- teur, (ROBERT HEATHCOTE, Esq.); likewise, a few du- plicates, belonging to the present possessor, (JoHN DENT, Esq.) consisting of a very rare and curious assemblage of Italian and French Novels, Poetry, and Facetice ; likewise, a very choice selection of General and County History, Voyages and Travels, Antiquities, Belles Let- 470 ROBERT HEATHCOTE, ESQ. 1802-08. tres and Miscellanies. The Books are almost univer- sally bound, in different coloured morocco, by Roger Payne, and other eminent binders; sold by LEIGH and S. SOTHEBY, No. 145, Strand, on Monday, the 4th of April, 1808, and five following days. Number of articles, 858. Total amount of the sale, .2469. 4s. 6d. A catalogue of a small, but very choice and elegant collection of Books, the property of ROBERT HEATH- COTE, Esq.; the whole are in the finest condition, and bound in variously-coloured morocco, and russia leather, by the most eminent English and French binders. Sold by LEIGH and S. SOTHEBY, No. 145, Strand, on Mon- day, May 2, 1808, and following day. Number of articles, 222. Total amount of the sale, 1246. 3s. 6d. .fcvAo .'. BvM t v.'m*~i .*! AMADIS desGaules (les xxi. prem. Livres du Roman d') traduit en Francois par Nic. de Herberay, &c. IStno. Lyon et Paris, 1577, et ann. suiv. 21 torn, en 26. Les xxn. xxin. et xxiv. Livres du meme Roman, 3 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1615. Le Tresor des xxi. prem. Livres, 2 torn, a Lyon, 1582, rel en maroq. 31 torn. 26/. 10s. AN DR BIN i (G. Bat) L'Adamo, &c. fig. 4to. Milano, 1617. 81. 10s. (Questa e I'edizione del 16 13, col frontispicio solo cam- biato.) BOIARDO Orlando Innamorato, con gli tre libri aggiuntida Nic. delli Agostini, 4to. Venegia, P. Nic. da Sabbio, 1539, 61. 16s. 6d. BRUNO (Giord.) la Cena de le Ceneri, descritti in cinque Dialogi, rariss. Svo. 1584. 6/. 471 ROBERT HEATHCOTE, ESQ. 1802-08. BUFFO N Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux, 10 vols. fo!. OR. PAP. col. en maroq. Par. 1771-86. 73/. 10s. (Sale, 1802.) BUTCHER'S (Rich.) Antiquities of Stamford and Totten^ ham High-Cross, L. p. 8vo. in russia, 1717. ll.Ms.Qd. CERVANTES El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, edic. 2d. 4to. En Madrid, 1608. 6/. 16s. 6d. CHRISTALIAN de Espana principe de Trapisonda y del infante Luzescanio subermano (la Hysteria de los invitos e magnanimos Cavalleros Don)lit.goth. fol. Vallad. 1545. 17/. EURIPIDIS Tragaedioe, Gr. Lat. cura, J. Barnes, fol. CH. M. cor. turc. Hog. Payne comp. Cantab. 1694. (Sale, 1802.; 26/. 5s. FAUCHET (Claude) Recueil de 1'Origine. de la Langue et Poesie Francoise, Ryme et Romans. Plus les Noms et Sommaire des Oeuvres cxxvu. poetes Francois, vivans avant 1'An. MCCC. avec portrait, rel. en maroq. tres rare, 4to. Paris, 1581. 5/. 5s. FAULCETE, La, trayson et les tours, de ceulx qui suivant le train damours, 4to. let. goth. tres rare et inconnu. 71- 7s. GRAFTON'S Chronicle, bound in russia, a fine and perfect A 'copy. Impr. by Denham, 1569. SO/. 19s. 6d. HALL'S Chronicle, black letter, fol. in russia, a fine and perfect copy. Lond. Graf ton, 1548. 23/. 2s. HORATIUS, cum lit. initial, ilium, cor. turc. 8vo. Venet. Aldus, 1509. 13/. JUSTINIANI Institutiones, CH. MAG. cor. turc. Svo. Lug. Bat. Dan. Gaesbeeck, 1678. 22/. LOUYS xin. Codicilles de, a son tres cher fils aisne Suc- cesseur. 4 parties, 2 torn. 12mo. rel. en maroq. Imprim.cn 1643. 61. 6s. (v. de Sure, No. 5289-J MAITTAIRE Corpus Poetarum Latinorum, 2 torn. fol. CH. MAG. cor.russ. Lond. 1713. 281.7s. 472 ROBERT HEATHCOTE, ESQ. 1802 08. MONTE Mayor (las Obras de George de) 8vo. Arwer$, 1554. 71. 10s. C This edition was printed in the life-time of the author.) OVIDIUS cura Burinanni, CH. MAG. 4 torn. 4to. in cor. turc. Rog. Payne, comp. Amst. 1727. 36/. 155. PLAUTUS cum Com. Lipsii et Lambini, fol. c. M. cor. turc. Paris, 1587. Exemp. J. A. Thuani, III. Os. Qd. (Sale, 1802.) PLAYS, Old, Dodsley's Collection of, edited by Reed, LARGE PAPER, in morocco, 12 vols. 8vo. 1780. 32/. 10*. (On/ 1/ six copies printed on large paper.) PULCI, Cyriffo Calvaneo per Luca de, ad Petitione del magnifico Lorenzo de Medici, Prima ediz. rarissima, e non citata de alcuni bibliograji, 4to. 12/; 12s. RABELAIS (Fr.) Oeuvres de, augment, par M. le Duchat, 4 torn. GR.PAP. maroq. Amst. 1741. 25/. 4s. (Sale, 18O2J Roc A (El Fernando o Sevilla Restaurada, Poema He- roico, por D. Juan Antonio de Vera, y Figueros, Conde de la) 4to. fig. En Milan, 1632. 101. ROMANZI Raccolta di 25 Romanzi rarissimi, 4to. Fi- renze, 1588, &c. 38/. SAAVEDRA Guzman (El Peregrino Indiano, por Antonio de) en 20 Cantos. 8vo. Madrid, 1599. 7/. 12s. 6d. TnEMisTiiOrationes xxxiu. Gr. etLat. cum notis Har- duini,fol.c.M. cor.turc. Paris. 1684. lll.Os.6d.(Sale,l802.) THOROTON T 'S (R.) Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, map and plates, with the slip, by Hollar, mor. 1677. 1QZ. 19^. TRIUMPHE, le, de treshaulte, et puissante Dame Verolle Royne du puy d' Amours, compost par 1'Inventeur de menus plaisirs honestes, en vers, Jig. en bois, rcl. en maroquin, 8vo. Lyon, 1539. 8/. VIRGILIUS, 12mo. rel. en maroq. par du Sueil, Lug. Bat. Elzevir. 1636. 7/. XENapHONTis Opera, Gr. et Lat. a Leunclavio, fol. c. M. cor. turc. Lut. Par. 1625. 16/. (Sale, 1802.> YSBRANTS Ides' Travels from Moscow overland to China, map and plates, in russia, 4to. 1706: 61. 18s. 3 F JOHN HUNTER, ESQ. 1813. BIJOUX L1TTERAIRES. A CATALOGUE of an elegant selection from the library of a well-known collector, (JoHN HUNTER, Esq.) con- sisting- of very rare Italian Literature, Classics, General History, Voyages and Travels, Poetry, and Belles Let- tres, the whole superbly bound in morocco and russia leather ; sold by LEIGH and SOTHEBY, 145, Strand, on Tuesday, February 2d, 1813, and two following days. Number of articles, 405. Total amount of the sale, 1344. 17s. ASCANIO Mori Novelle, 4to. Mantoua, 1585. 4/. 10s. BEMBO gli Asolani, c. GR. 8vo. dido, 1505. 5/. 10s. BEN i vi EN i, (Hieron.) Canzone e Sonetti, 4to. Firenze, 1500. ?/. 7s. BRUNO (GiordJ gli heroici furori, 12mo. rariss. Parigi, 1583. 6/. 11s. CERVANTES' Don Quixote, translated by Shelton, both parts, 4to. Lond. 1620. 57. 7s. 6d. CORNAZANO (Ant.) Proverbi, 8vo. Fineg. 1535. 6/. 8s. 6d. DON i, (Ant. Fr.) La Zucca (all the parts) plates from very curious designs, 8vo. Finegia, 1597. 5/. 5s. HOFMAN (Tycho) Hommes Illustres de Dannemark,j?or- traits, 6 parties, 4to. Copenhague, 1746. 61. (The portraits are neatly engraved by Folkema, Fokke, /f ille, and others : some of them belong to the Eng. series.) 474 JOHN HUNTER, ESQ. 1813. KNIGHT'S (Sam.) Life of Dean Colet, L. P. 8vo. Lond. 1724. 41. Erasmus, L. p. 8vo. Cam. 1726. 4/.4s. KNOX (Capt. Robt.) Account of the Island of Ceylon, plates, with the portrait inserted, fol. Lond. 1680. 51. 5s. LINSCHOTEN'S (J. H.) Voyages, with the Dutch plates inserted, fol. Lond. 1590. 13/. 13s. LORENZO de' Medici Poesie, with the folio O complete, the last four leaves of which are almost always wanting. 8vo. bound in mor. by Roger Payne. 8vo. Aldo, 1554. 16/. 16$. (Fid. Bibliotk. Pinell. 8vo. Lond. No. 3316-170 NOVELLE otto rarissime, stampate a spese de' signori Giacomo Conte di Clanbrassil, J. Stanley & Wogan Browne, 4to! Londra,l790. 101.2s. 6d. (Only 25 Copies printed) and none for sale.) PESCATOBE (Giovamb.) La Morte di Ruggiero conti- nuata alia materia dell' Ariosto, 4to. Venet. 1549- 5l. 5s. SMITH'S (John) Historie of Virginia, and Travels, fol v , L. P. 1624, with the original portraits of the Duchess of Richmond, and Matoaka. 111. 6s. TANSILLO (Luigi) Stanze Amorose, con. Jig. 8vo. Venet. 1574. 31. TERRY'S (Edw.) Voyage to East India, portrait and plates, 8vo. Lond. 1655. 6/. 15s. 6d. TRABISONDA, con la morte di Rinaldo, 8vo. Venet. 1554. 51. 7s. 6d. U BALL'S (W.) History of Mary Queen of Scots, front and portr. JjSmo^ Lond. 1636. 5l. 5s. WALPOLE'S (Hor.) Life of Lord Herbert of Cherbury, portr. and pedigree, 4to. Strawb. Hill, 1764. 6/. 10s. WAXTON'S (Is.) Compleat Angler, first edition, 12mo. 1653. 71. 10s. ZUALLARDO (Giov.) Viaggio a Gerusalemme, con, jig. 4to. Roma. 1587. 6/. 6s. 475 WILIA MARQ. OF LANSDOWNE, 1806. BIBLIOTHECA LANSDOWNIANA. A CATALOGUE of the entire library of the late Most Noble WILLIAM MARQUIS OF LANSDOWNE; sold by LEIGH and S. SOTHEBY, No. 145, Strand, on Monday, the 6th day of January, 1806, and the thirty successive days. Number of Articles, 6530. Total amount of the sale, 6701. 2s. 6d. ALONSO XI. Chronica del Rey Don Alonso el Onzeno, Roy de Castilla, Sec. lit.goth. fol. Vallad. 1551. III. 11s. AEGENSOLA de (Leon.) Conquista de las Islas Malucas, Madr. 1609. Simon (Pedro) Conquistas de Tier Firme, Madr. 1626. 2 torn. fol. 61. 6s. ARTHUR Kynge, (The Story of the most noble and wor- thy), the whiche was fyrst of the worthyes Christen, and also of his noble and valyaunt knyghtes of the Round Table, bl. let. title page emblazoned, fol. W. Copland, 1557. 25/. AUCTORES Classici, ad usum Delphini, 62 torn. 4to. Paris, 16S1, &c. 157/. 10s. (Cic. Opera Philos. wanting.) CEREMONIES etCoutumes Religieuses, avec Supplement, 476 WILLIAM MARQUIS OF LANSDOWNE. 1806. $g. de Bern. Pica rt, 11 torn. GR. PAP. fol. Amst. 1723, &c. 84/. FABIAN'S Chronicle, fol. bL let. Impr. by Kingston, .1559- 167. 165. GAZETTE, London, from the beginning in 1665 to 1792 inclusive, 73 vols. S4l. HERRERA (Anton.) Historiade las Indias Occidentals en 3 torn. fol. maroq. Madr. 1730. Ql.Qs* HOBHOUSE'S (Benj.) Remarks on parts of France, Italy^ &c. sm. 8vo. not published. Bath, 1796. 61. 6s. HOLLINSHED'S (Ra.) Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland, with portraits, 3 vols. fol. russia, 1574. 34/. HORACE, two Bookes of Satyres, byT. Drant, 4to. bl. let. Impr. by Thomas Marshe, 1566. 9/ IRISH Language, Elements of, with the Catechism of the Church of Englandj &c. Irish and English. 8vo. Lond. no date. 3l. MASKS, Triumphs, &c. a curious Collection of, viz. The Maske of Flowers, presented at Whitehall, at the Mar- riage of Lord Somerset and Lady Frances Howard, 1614, with the Music. Ben Jonson's two Royal Masques (Black- nesse and Beautie) personated by Queen Anne and her Ladyes, 1605-8. Masques by Ben Jonson, at the Marriages of Lord Haddington and Lady Eliz. Ratcliffe, 1608 ; of Ro- bert Earle of Essex and Lady Frances Howard, 1606. With other Triumphs, Entertainments, &c. by Campion, &c. 4to. 40/. (Fid. BibL Lamdown. No. 3868.) MONEY, a very curious Collection of single sheets, &c. and with several MS. Memorandums and Papers, on that subject, fol. 10/. 10s. NEWSPAPERS, various, during the Grand Rebellion and the Interregnum, very curious, 16 vols. 4to. 3 1/. 5s. 6d. OROSE (Paul) Histoire de, 2 torn. fol. let. goth. avec Jig. de bois. Paris, A. Ferard, 1485. 7/. 17s. 6<7. 477 WILLIAM MARQUIS OF LANSDOWNE. 1806. OSULLEVANI Historic Catholicse Iberniae Compendium, 4to. Ulissip. 1621. Ql. 3s. PRYNNE'S (Wm.) Records, with frontispiece, 3 vols. fol. 1665-6-70. 631. TRACTS A very rare Collection of Tracts, Documents, and Pamphlets, consisting of above 80 volumes, tending to illustrate the History of the French Revolution together with more than 49 volumes relative to the Transactions in the Low Countries, between the years 1787 and 1792, and their sepa- ration from the House of Austria, &c. 8vo. 168/. V TRENCH (Nicholas, titular Bp. of Ferns) the unkinde De- serter of loyall Men and true Friends/ 1 8vo. superiorum per- missu, anno 1676. 21 7. v^ WALLACE (Syr Will.) his Lyfe and Actis, bl. let. 4to. Edinb.J5Q4. 14/. 5s. WORDE (W. de) Cicero, The thre Bookes of Tullyes Offyces, bothe in Latyne Tonge and in Englyshe, by Robert Whytinton, Poete Laureate, bl. let. 8vo. 1534. 2/. 14s. WORDE (W. de) Rycharde (Kynge) Cure de Lyon. bl. let. 4to. 1528. (vid.p. 288). 47/. 5s. WREN'S (Christ.) Parentalia, or Memoirs of the Family of Wren, fol. 1750. III. d This rare book, written by a banished catholic, throws great light upon the rebellion in Ireland, and particularly on the conduct of the JDuke of Orniond and the Earl of Glamorgan. 478 GEORGE MASON, ESQ. 1798-9.9. A CATALOGUE of a considerable portion of the Greek and Latin library of GEORGE MASON, Esq., with some articles in the Italian, French, English, and other lan- guages. " This selection contains several of the most valuable specimens of early printing, other uncommon books, and not a few critical ones : chiefly on classical authors." PART I. Sold by LEIGH and SOTHEBY, York Street, Covent Garden, on Wednesday, January 24, 1798, and two following days. Number of articles, 497. Total amount of the sale, 62Q. IGs. 6d. PART II. Classical and Bibliographical, with a few Miscellaneous articles in French ; sold by LEIGH and SOTHEBY, on Wednesday, May 16, 1798, and the two following days. Number of articles, 480. Total amount of the sale, 784. 13s. PART III. Historical, with some curious Theolo- 479 GEORGE MASON, ESQ. J798-99. gical, and some scientific articles ; sold by LEIGH and SOTHEBY, on Tuesday, Nov. 27, Wednesday, 28, and Friday, 30, 1798. Number of articles, 547. Total amount of the sale, G1QL 13s. 6d. PART IV." Belles Lettres, English, French, and Italian. The English consists mostly of old Poetry, and select old Plays; the French articles are few and choice ; the Italian, very choice in Poetry and Novels." Sold by LEIGH and SOTHEBY, on Thursday, April 25, and Fri- day 26, 1799. Number of articles, 338. Total amount of the sale, <586. 17s. 6d, The Four Parts contain 1862 articles. Total amount of the sale of the four parts, 2663. 0.?. 6d. The concluding part of Mr. Mason's library, together with another collection, was sold in January, 1807, after his decease: but few articles of importance or rarity oc- cur in this last portion. Fabulae cum italica versione Accii Zuchi, 4to. fig. - Verona, 1479. 4/. Fqrsan primus liber impressus cumjiguris hominum & animalium. ALEXANDER ab Alexandro, fol. ED. PR. rariss. Roma, 1522. ll.\\s.6d. ARISTOTELIS Definitiones Virtutum et Vitiorum, impress. in membr. illuminat. et cum initial, miniatis, 8vo. Par. 1529. ll/. 11s. AUGUSTINUS- (S.)de singularitate Clericorum, 4to. cor. turc. Olric. Zell, 1467. 8/. 18s. 6d. 480 ;GEORGE MASON, ESQ. 1798-99. CASJE (Bart.) Crudelitates Hispanorum in Indus, fig a De Bry, 4to. Franc. 1598. 4/. 2s. CHAUNCY'S (Sir H.) Antiquities of Hertfordshire, fol. Lond. 1700. '2 1 1. Bishop White Rennet's copy, with his MS. notes. CHAUCER'S Canterbury Tales, MS. on vellum, illumi- nated, and a miniature picture of Chaucer, whole length, at the end is a poem of Lydgate's on St. Margarete, never printed. fol. From Sir Henry Spelman's collection. 5l. 5s. CHURCHYARD'S (Tho.)Workes, containing his Challenge, 4to. Wolfe, 1593. Chippes, Marshe, 1578. Worthines of Wales, Robinson, 1587. 15/ 15s. A Discourse of the Queene's Ma- jesties entertainement in Suffolk and Norffolk ; whereunto is adioyned a Commendation of Sir Humfrey Gilbert's ventrous journey, 4lo. H. Bynneman, 1579- 31. 3s. CICERO de Officiis, ED. PR. fol. cor. turc. Mogunt. Fust, 1465. 26/. 5s. In hoc exemplari Rubrica inter libros secundum ac ter- tium habet singularia errata, quee in nullo alio exemplar* adhuc innotuerunt ; viz. prima ponitur pro secundus, secun- dus pro tertius, et secundum- pro tertium. CICERONIS Officia, Laelius, Cato, Somnium Scipionis, et Paradoxa, fol. cor. turc. cum initial, min. Paris, 1471. 7/. 7s. Liber Harleianus et rarissimus. Orationes, fol. cor. turc. Adam, de Amber- gau, 1472. 6/. 10s. COURT and Kitchen of Elizabeth, commonly called Joan Cromwel, wife of the late Usurper, with the print of her with a monkey. 12mo. 1664. 2/. 12s. 6d. DERRICKE'S (Ihon) Image of Irelande, a Poem, with a description of the Irishe wood-karne,4to. Jo. Day, 1581. 2/. 10s. GEORGE MASON, ESQ. 1798-99. DUGDALE (Gul.) and Rog. Dodsworth, Monasticon An- glicanum, 6 3 torn. fol. Lond. 1655-61-73. 33/. 12s. ; *s Monasticon in English, with Stevens's Con- tinuation, 3 vols. fol. L. P. Lond. 1718-22-23. 21/. ^ s |l EURIPTDIS Tragoediae, Gr. 2 vols. 8vo. ED. PR. cor. turc. 7*#> Aldus, 1503. 61. 15s. FLORII (Franc.) de Duobus Amantibus Liber: Editus in Domo Archiepiscopi Turonensis, 1467. 4to. s. a. (sed Paris. Pet. Casar, fyJoh. Stol, circa 1475.) 4,1. 14s. 6d. FRAUNCE (Abr.) The Countesse of Pembroke's Yvy Church, and the Countesse's Emanuel, 4to. 1591. Si. 13s. Qd. FRO is s ART'S Cronycles, 2 vols. fol. in russia. Pynson, 1523-5. 36/. 15s. FURERI (Christ.) Itinerarium /Egypti, Arabiag, Palesti- ne, Syriae, &c. cum autoris e/igie, et tabulis, 4to. Norimb. 1620. 31. 13s. Qd. GASCOIGNE (Geo.)The Glasse of Government, Tr. Com. bl let. 4to. Chr. Barker, 1575. 2/. 2s. . GOSPELS in Saxon and English, dedicated to Q. Eliza- beth, by Johngoxe, 4to. Lond. lo . Day_e, 1571. 41. 5s. HAUKYNG The Booke of Haukyng, Hunting, and Fish- ing, (from Jul. Berners) wood cuts, 4to. bl. let. Toye, and W. Copland. 11 1. 16s. HEARNE (Tho.) Chronicon Prioratus de Dunstaple, 2 torn. 8vo. CH. M. Oxon. 1733. lOl. 10s. HOCCLEVE'S Poems, MS. on vellum ; with a letter from Mr. Tyrwhitt on the contents. Hardly any of these Poems are known to exist elsewhere. Only six of them were print- e " This copy contains that very scarce leaf, which sometimes fol- lows the title page of the first volume ; an account of which leaf (by Tanner and Hearne) may be seen from p. 45 to p. 50 of the sixth vo- lume of Leland's Collectanea; and their account rectified by Bridges at the conclusion to Hearne's Preface to Titus Livius Foro-julicnsis." 482 GEORGE MASON, ESQ. 1798-93; ed in 1 796 ; in the preface to which publication, a full ac- count of this MS. is given. JORTIN'S (John) Observations on Authors, antient and modern, 2 vols. 8vo. 1731-2. 3l. 4s. This was Dr. Jortin's own copy, who has written the name of each author to every piece of criticism, and added a few marginal remarks of his own. JUSTINUS, fol. ED. PR. cor. tuTc. Liber Harleiamts. Jenson, 1470. IQL 19s. JUVENALIS et Persius, et Calderini commentarius in Juvenalem, elegant er ilium, ad initium cujusque autoris, et cum initialibus miniatis, fol. cor. turc. Legittir in tine, " Editio Roma Kal. Septenibris Y- MCcccLxxiv." Sed de anno et loco impressionis viden- dus Audifredi, p. 157. 13/. 13s. K^MPFER'S History of Japan, by Scheuchzer, with Life of Kaempfer, 2 vols. fol. plates, L. p. 1727- A Second Appendix, (inserted before the Index in the second volume) ib. 1728. 5l. " This additional publication contains an account of a Voyage to Japan by an English vessel in 1673. It con- sists of seven leaves only, (with Scheuchzer's preface,) and is seldom found in the book." KENDALL'S (Tim.) Flowers of Epigrams, bl. let. 12mo. (leaf 93 wanting.) 1577. I/. 17s. LINDSAY'S (Sir Dav.) Satyre, 4to. Edinb. R. Charte^ ris, 1602. 31. 9s. This is not reprinted in the posterior editions of Sir, D. Lindsay's Works. MARLOE'S (Christ.) Tamburlaine the Great, both parts, bl. let. 8vo. 1590. 4/. 4s. MARSTON'S (John) the Metamorphosis of Pigmalion's image, and certaiue satyres, 12mo. 1598. The Scourge of Villanie, three bookes of Satyres, lmo. 1599- 2/. 11s. 483 GEORGE MASON, ESQ. 1798-99. v MARTIALIS, impress, in membr. 8vo. Aldus, 1501. 2 ll. 10s. 6d. NEWMAN'S Pleasure's Vision, and other Poems, 8vo. 1619. 31. \3s.6d. ^ OVIDII Opera, 3 vols. fol. cor. russ. Parma, Corallus, 1477. 12/. PEELE'S (Geo.) Edward the First, a Play, 4to. 1593. 3l 13s. 6d. PEMBROKE'S (Countesse of) Works, with Antonie, 8vo. 1595. 3/. 3s. PORTER'S (Hen.) The two Angrie Women of Abing- don, 4to. 1599- 2/. 2s. PRYMER, English, in red and black types, with emblema- tic frontispiece from a wood cut, 4to. Ryddell, 1535. 8/. 18s. 6d. PSALTER, bl. let. 4to._.Cawter&. John Mychell, 154Q.4/. 4s. RA STALL (John) The Pastyme of People, fol. mor. 1529- (one page and part ofapieced leaf written.) Ql. ROWLEY'S (Wm.) New Wonder, a Woman never Vext, Com. 4to. 1632. S/. 12s. . Shootnaker a Gentleman, Com. 4to. 1638. 2/. 15s. SANNAZARO, L' Arcadia del, printed on vellum, 8vo. Aldo, 1514. 21/. SCHOUTEN (Gul.) Novi Freti ultra Magellanicum detec- tio, cum tabula effigierum Navigatorum insignium, et aliis. 4to. Amst. 1619. 51. SLEZER f (John) Theatrum Scotia; containing the Pros- f This Work was rc-publishcd twice in the year 1718 ; and a fourth edition appeared in 1719, wanting 35 views that were in the preceding edition, but with 10 additional plates engraved in a better style than the others ; these arc exceedingly scarce : to have the work complete, it is necessary to add to the first, the plates and letter press of the third and fourth editions. 484 GEORGE MASON, ESQ. 1798-99. peels of their Majesties Castles and Palaces ; together with the most considerable towns, colleges, ancient abbeys, &c. on 57 plates, fol. firstjdition , Land. 1693. Gl.l6s.6d. SOMERSET, Protectoris, Epistola Exhortatoria ad Pacem, " missa ad Nobilitatem ac plebem universumq ; populum Regni 1 Scotiae, 4to. Regin. Wolf) 'l 548 . 27. 3s. SPEED'S (John) History of Great Britain, with above 60 prints inserted, fol. l62jk_jSU/. 10s. 6d. STATII Achilleis, ED. PR. Fen. 1472: Statii Sylvae, fol. Rom. Pannartz, 1475. 8/. TAYLOR, the Water Poet, fifteen different pieces by, all of posterior date to the Collection of his Works; among them is the Life of Old Parr, with his portrait, and 31 plates of cu- rious needle-rcork. The volume also contains some Replies to Taylor, 4to. ll. 10s. W(HETSTONE'S) (G.)Aurelia, 4to. bl.kt. 15Q3. 27. 6s. (reprinted from his " Heptameron") WINSTANLEY'S (Hen.) Plans and Prospects of Audjey- Ende; 25 plates, inscribed to James II. fol. 1676. 27/. 10s. (Fide, p. 132.) WORDE (W. de) The Courte of Sapience (by Lydgate), 4to. U.let. 1510. 4/.5s. WORDE (W. de) The Exempleof Vertue, a compendyous story, by St. Hawys, bl. let. 4to. 1530. 1 67. 10s. The Passe Tyme of Pleasure, bl. let. 4to. wood-cuts. 1517. 217. The Temple of G las, 4to. bl. let. 57. 18s. XENOPHONTIS Cyropaedia et Expeditio, Gr. Lat. Hutch- insoni, 2 torn. 4to. CH. MAG. cor. turc. Oxon. 1727-35. 117.0s. 6d. 485 MONSIEUR PARIS, 1791. _ B1BLIOTHECA PARISIANA. .A CATALOGUE S of a collection of Books, formed by a gentleman 11 in France, not less conspicuous for his taste in distinguishing, than for his zeal in acquiring, what- ever of this kind was most perfect, curious, or scarce : it includes many first editions of the classics ; books mag- nificently printed on vellum, with illuminated paintings ; manuscripts on vellum, embellished with rich miniatures; books of natural history, with the subjects coloured in the best manner, or with the original drawings ; and books of the greatest splendour and rareness in the dif- ferent classes of literature. To these are added, from another grand collection, selected articles of high value. The whole are in the finest condition, and in bindings superlatively rich. Sold by auction (at the Great Room in Conduit Street) in London, on Monday the 26th of March, 1791, and the five following days. Number of articles, 636. Total amount of the sale, ,7095. 17s. 9d. B A French edition of the catalogue was published in Paris. h M. PARIS. The collection was sold by his executors to M. Lau- rent, Paris, and Mr. James Edwards, London, booksellers. MONSIEUR PARIS. 1791. ABAILARD etd'Heloise, Lettres, lat. franc. 5 torn. 8vo. Paris, 1782. 33/. The only copy printed on vellum, which M. P * * has embellished with miniatures and beautiful drawings. AGRICOLA'S Twenty-six Paintings of various subjects in Natural History, Shells, Insects, and Plants, fol. 1?3/. 5s. ALLAIN Chartier, Les Faicts, Dictes et Ballades, fol. Paris, Pierre le Caron,sans date. 31 1. 10s. FIRST EDITION, printed on -vellum; from the library of Claude d'UrfcS AMORIS diviniet humani effectus,^/?g. 8vo. 1626. Printed on vellum. This copy is coloured by the en- graver, Sneyers. 12J. 125. AUBRIET (Cl.) fifty-three Original Paintings, on vellum, of Butterflies, Plants, and Flowers, fol. mor. \ 12/. 17s. AUSONII peonii Epigrammata, versus paschales, Epistolae, &c. Titi Calphurnii Eglogae xi. fol. ED. PR. Venet. 1472. 27/. 6s. BOCCACCIO 11 Decamerone, fol. senz' alcuna nota di luogho d'anno e di stampatore. 161. A book of the greatest rarity, and exactly conformable to Haym's description, page 341. BOCCACE (Jehan) Les cent nouvelles, ou le livre de Ca- ^meron, autrement dit le prince G allot, translate en langue francoise, par Laurans, du premier. Fait le 15 me . jour de Juin, 1414. fol. MS. on vellum, with miniatures and illumi- nated capitals. 181. 18s. (Jean) de la genealogie des Dieux, fol. Paris, Ant. Ferard, (environ, 1490.,) Printed on vellum. This magnificent book contains 13 large paintings, and 31 mini- atures. 3 1/. 10s. ' This fine collection was originally formed by the accomplished Diana of Poictiers. MONSIEUR PARIS. 1791. BOCCACE des nobles malheureux homines et femmes, gr. -fol. Paris, Jut. Verard, 1494. Printed on vellum, and it* laminated, a magnificent copy. (From the library of Cl. d'Urfe.) 431. Is. BOISSARDI (lani lac.) vita cum diversorum epigrammatis, 4to. A MS. never printed. Boissardi Emblematum liber, cum Jig. a T. de Bry sculptis, Francof. 1593. Bois- sardi Carmina varia, cum Jig. 8vo. A MS. in the hand" \vriting of Boissard, which never was published. It contains excellent and very fantastic designs with the pen and India ink ; it appears to have been the author's sketch book. 19/- Ws. C^SAR, l'2mo. Florent. Giunta, 1514. Printed ori vel- lum. c 2Ql. 8s. CALPHURNII (C.) Eglogae xi, C. Silius. Italicus, fol. ED. PR. Roma, Srceynheim fy Pannartz, 1471. 36/. 15*. C A RAFF A Prose e versi per onorare la memoria di Li- lia Doria Caraffa, 4to. Jig. Parma, 1784. 10/. 10s. This Book was printed for a Neapolitan Prince, and co- pies were distributed as presents to his friends. ^ CHINE Les Grandes Batailles de la Chine, atlas fcJ. and Description in 4to. k 54/. 12s. CICERONIS Qfficia, 8vo. impr. in membr. Fenet. Aldm t 1514. 177. 17s. COURCY (Jean de) Chronique de, qui est aussi nomine la Boucachardine, 2 torn. gr. fol. MS. on vellum, rcith minia- tures, borders, and arabesque ornaments. In one of the mi^ niatures is represented a curious view of Babylon, built ac- * These subjects, from the designs of the missionaries, were en- graved by order of the Emperor of China, in France, under the direc- tion of Cochin, by Aveline, St. Aubin, Le Bas, Choflard, &c. The plates, together with the impressions, were sent to China; a few copies only were reserved for the King's library, and some members of the royal family. m MONSIEUR PARIS. 1791. cording to the stile of the xv. century. (From the library of Claude d'Urfe.) 171. 17s. DUHAMEL (du Monceau) Traite des arbres fruitiers, 2 torn. 4to. Paris, 1768. 1471. The figures are painted from nature upon the outlines of the plates, by that celebrated artist Parocel. FICHETI (Gul.) Rhetoricorum libri tres, 4to. ED. PR. impr. in memb. Paris, (Ulr. Gering, &;c. 1471) bound in velvet, with the arms of Sixtus IV. embroidered in gold, to whom the book is dedicated. This superb copy contains a beautiful miniature at the head of the dedication, and many pages richly ornamented. Different dedications were made of this book, and on that account blanks were left in the page, and supplied by manuscript with the name and title of the personage to whom it was addressed. 3 \l. 10s. (vid. Chevil- lier Imprim. de Paris, et de Bure Bibliographic, No. 2335.) FONTAINE (J.dela) Contes, MS. sur velin, avec minia- tures, vignettes et cuh-de-lampes a chaque conte, 2 torn. 4to. 315/. The writing of these volumes was the work of Mon- chaussee, and the miniatures by the famous Marolles. FRANCE Les grands Chroniques de France (dites les Chroniques de St. Denys), 3 torn. fol. Paris, Ant. Verardy 1493. Printed on vellum; a book of the greatest rarity , and of astonishing magnificence ; it contains 13 large, and 940 small miniatures, (from the library of Claude d'Urfe.) 151/. 4s. FRO i ss ART (Jean) Croniques de France, d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse, d'Espagne, etde Bretaigne, &c. 4 torn. fol. Paris, G. Eustace, 1514. Printed on vellum, and supposed to be unique. 14Ql. 2s. HEURES manuscrites sur papier qu'on ne peut attribuer qu'& JARRY, with Q large, and numerous small miniatures. 8vo. <2Sl. 17s. (yd. MONSIEUR PARIS. 1791. HEURES de Notre-Dame, ecrites a la main 1647 par JAR- RY ; 8vo. This incomparable MS. is enriched with seven superb miniatures, supposed to be painted by Petitot : with the portrait and arms of Francois de Beauvilliers, for whom the book was executed : at the sale of his descendant, the Duke of St. Aignan, in 1776, it was purchased by the Duke de la Valliere. 73/. 10s. JESU Christi, Epitome Passionis, 4to. MS. on vellum, bound in crimson -velvet, with 17 fine paintings, the same de" signs and size of these subjects by Albert Durer, 50L 8s. MABILLON (Jo.) de Re Diplomatica libri vi. Paris, l6Sl Ejusdem Supplementum, CH. MAG. Paris, 1704. 2 torn. fol. This is the only copy known on the very, large paper, it was the dedication copy to the great Colbert, 0,11. MASUZO, II Novellino, fol. Neapoli, 1476. PR. ED. 21/. This is perhaps the scarcest first edition of an Italian au- thor after the Decameron of Boccace. MERLIN Les Prophecies de Merlin 1'enchanteur, fol. Paris, Ant. Verard, 14Q8. 27/. Is. Printed on vellum, (from the library of Claude d'Urfe.) Copies of this book, even on paper, are extremely scarce. OFFICE de la Vierge. MS. on vellum, with 39 m'u tures, and a great number of whimsical figures, birds, fyc. iincommojily well executed. This book belonged to the cele- brated PICART, HO/. 5s. OVIDE Les Metamorphoses, Lat. Franc, de la traduction de M. I'Abb6 Banier, avec fig. grav. par Bern. Picart, fol. Amst. 1732. 21 1. The largest paper : copies on this very large paper a) extremely scarce. OVIDII Opera, 3 torn. 8vo. Aldus, 1502-3. Printed on vellum, with illuminations, (not sold.} PETRARCA (Fr.) Opere di, fol. senza luogho, 1514. MONSIEUR PARIS. 1791. Printed on vellum. A book of matchless beauty from the charming miniatures painted by JULIO CLOVIO. Six of these are the Triumphs of Love, Chastity, Death, Fame, Time and the Deity. The borders of the pages are ornamented with 1 74 exquisite miniatures of birds, beasts, fishes, monsters, fabulous histories, and various compositions of the greatest in- genuity. Il6/. 1 Is. REN VERSE M EN T de la morale chr6tienne par les dsor- dres du Monachisme, avec 50 Jig. dessin6es par Heems- kirk, 4to. ll 15s. RIVE (Jean Jos.) Essai sur 1'art de verifier Page des Minia- tures peintes dans les manuscrits, avec 30 tableaux enlumines survelin. fol. 561. 14s. (vid.p.SQ.) SANNAZARO L' Arcadia, 12mo. Aldo, 1514. Printed on vellum, Kith illuminations. 2 1/. THUCYDIDE, Histoire de, trad, en francois par de Seyssel, fol. Paris, 1527. Printed on vellum, with a beautiful mi- niature in the frontispiece. It was the dedication copy to Francis I. 20/. 9s. 6d. VALE RE le Grant ou Valerius Maximus; translate de La- tin en Francois, 2 torn. fol. Paris, Ant. Ferard, sans date (environ 1490). Printed on vellum and illuminated. (From the library of Claude d'Urfe.) 42/. VILLENA (Fr. Garrido) Er verdadero successo de la famo- sa Batalla de Roncesvalles, con la muerte de los doze pares de Francia, 4to. Toledo, 1583. 8/. 8s. The original edition of this scarce romance, and highly esteemed in Spain. 491 THOMAS PEARSON, 1 ESQ. 1788. MHMMB BIBLIOTHECA PEARSONIANA. A CATALOGUE ofthe library of THOMAS PEARSON, Esq. (deceased) containing a very extensive collection of the best and rarest Books in every branch of English litera- ture, including most ofthe writers on the history, anti- quities, topography and heraldry of Great Britain and 1 Major Thomas Pearson was born near Burton in Kendal, about the year 1740. He came to London at the age of 16, and for a few years had a place in the navy office. He left England in 1761, on being appointed cadet on the Bengal establishment, and was particu- larly noticed by Lord Clive. In 1767 he married a sister of Eylcs Irwin, Esq., but she died in the following year. On his return to England in 1770, he had the opportunity of indulging his taste for the ancient literature of his country, and soon accumulated an extensive library. Being unfortunately prevailed upon to go again to India, he fell a sacrifice to a climate too commonly unfriendly to European con- stitutions, and died at Calcutta, in August, 1781, at which place the remains of his wife had been previously deposited. His library was, some years after his death, brought from Westmor- land and sold by auction ; a more curious or valuable collection has seldom been exposed on similar occasions. There is a portrait of Major Pearson, with a biographical memoir, in the European Magazine for April 1804, from which the above sketch is extracted. 49t THOMAS PEARSON, ESQ. was. Ireland ; foreign history, voyages and travels, natural history, books of prints and some missals ; also, the most complete assemblage of English poetry, old romances, and dramatic writers, that have been ever brought to public sale. Sold by T. and J. EGERTON, booksellers, at their room in Scotland Yard, opposite the Admiralty; on Monday, the 14th of April, 1788, and the twenty- two following days. Number of articles, 5525. Total amount of the sale, 1 4:10 ARTHURE The Auncient Order, Societie, and Unity laudable of Prince Arthure, and his Knightly Armory of the Round Table ; with a threefold assertion in favour of English ^ Archery, by Rich. Robinson, 4to. bl. let. J. Wolfe, 1583. I/. 4s. BALLADS, and Ancient Songs, printed between the years 1560 and 1?OO chiefly collected by Robert Earl of Oxfoid; purchased at the sale of Mr. West's library in 1773 ; increased by several additions, 2 vols. fol. 36/. 4s. 6d. BELMAN of London, bringing to light the most notorious villanies that are now practised in the Kingdom, 16 16. ' The Beltnau's second Night's Walk, with his O per se O, 1620. Diogenes' Lanthorne, by S. Rowland, 4to. bl. let. 1631. Ql.lZs.6d. BO.CH AS (John) The Falle of Princis and Princesses, and other Nobles ; translated into English Verse by John Lydgate,^ Monke of Bury, fol. bl. let. Rich.J^on i 14$ MARTIALIS, 4to. Ferrariee, 1471. 20/. 10s. , 8vo. Fenet. Aldus, 1501, impr. in membr. 32/. 125. x OVIDIUS, 2 torn. fol. Fenet. lac. Rub&us, 1474. 301. 195. 6d. , 2 torn. fol. Parma, Steph. Corallus, 1477. 171. 17. PETRARCA, 12mo. Fenezia,Gregorio de' Gregorii, 1523, stamp, in carta pecora. 4l. 4s. PLINII (C. Sec.) Historia Naturalis, cum lit. init. depict. fol. Fenet. N. Jenson, 1472. 12/. 55. PLINIO 1'Istoria Naturale, tradotta da Cristoforo Landino, fol. Fenet. N. Jenson, 1476. 107. 10s. POET.S: tres egregii nunc primum editi Gratius de Vena- tione ; Ovidii Halieuticon; Nemesiani Cynegeticon et Car- men Bucolicum ; Calphurnii Bucolica; Adrian! Card.Ve- natio, edente Logo. 8vo. Fenet. Aldus, 1534. impr. in membr. \6l. 5s. 6d. PORTO da, Rime e Prosa, 8vo. Fen. 1539- 5/. 5s. Di gran raritd. PRISCIANI de Arte Grammatica, Libri xvi. de octo partibus Orationis; de constructione ; de accentibus; Rufini comment, de metris ; Dionysius de situ Orbis Latin^ reddi- tus. fol. ED. PR. impr. in membr. absque loci ac typographi nota. (Fenet. Find, de Spira, 1470.) 51 1. Qs. 6d. PSALTERIUM translatum ex Hebraeo, Chaldaeo et Graeco >' a Pagnino, fol. Sec. xvi. Exemplar impr. in membranis. 14//145. Liber longe rarissimus atque pretiosissimus est. QUINTILIANI Institutiones Oratoria?, a lo. Andrea, "fol. Roma, Sweynheim et Pannartz, 1470. 15/. Charta octo ultima manuscripts sunt. RAPPRESENTATIONI Sacre cento venti nove, di varie 603 MAFrEI PINELLI. 1789-90. edizioni, contenute in due volumi, 4to. Fioren. 1572, &c. Si. 8s. SABELLICI (M. Ant. Coc.) Rerum Venetarum, Libri. xxxiii. fol. ED. PR. impr. in membr. Fenet. 1487. 42Z. STATII (P. Papin.) Opera, a Beroaldo, in usum Delphmi, 2 torn. 4to. Paris, 1685. 2lZ. 10s. Qd. STRABONIS Geographia, Latine, a Guarino Veronensi et Gregorio Tiphernate, fol. Ven. Find. Spira, 1472. 7/. 7*. THEMISTII Opera; Paraphrasis in Aristotelis libros quos-r dam, et Orationes; Alex. Aphrodisiensis libri duo de anima, et de fato unus. CH. M. fol. Fenet. Aldus, 1534. 6/. 125. TIBULLUS, 4to. ED. PR. cibsque ulla nota (circa, 1472.) JO/. VIRGIHUS, fol. Fenet. Nic. Jenson, 1475. 15/. fol. absque ulla nota, Saec. xv. 15/. Zucco da Sommacampagna, le Favole d'Esopo ridotte in Sonetti, 4to. colle figure miniate^ Ferona, 1479. 6J 504 ISAAC REED, ESQ. 1807. BIBLIOTHECA REEDJANA. A CATALOGUE of the curious and e xtensive library of the late ISAAC REED," Esq. of Staple Inn, deceased. Editor of the last edition of Shakespeare. Comprehend- ing a most extraordinary collection of books, in English literature ; particularly relating to the English drama, and poetry, many of them extremely scarce, and enrich- ed by his MS. notes and observations. Together with his manuscripts, prints, books of prints, book-cases, &c. " Mr. Reed bad been a judicious collector more than forty years; and few days passed, in which he was free from illness, that did not witness, within that period, some curious addition to the literary his- tory of his country. Of his ingenuity and sound judgment the world has received abundant proofs in his notes on the republished OLD PLAYS, which Dodsley had first collected ; as well as in those on Shak- speare: and the useful occupation of his time will be further exempli- fied, not only by these notices in printed books, but also by the con- tents of a few manuscripts in the present collection." His collection of books, which were chiefly English, was, perhaps, one of the most extensive in that kind, that any private individual ever Mr. Reed died at his chambers in Staple-Inn, January 5, 1807, aged >. },Vide Mr. Todd's Preface to the Catalogue. 3 T ISAAC REED, ESQ. 1807. Sold by auction, by Messrs. King and Lochee, No. 38, King Street, Covent Garden, on Monday, November 2, 1807, and thirty-eight following days. (Prefixed to the catalogue is a portrait of Mr. Reed.) Number of articles, 8957. Total amount of the sale, <4S86. 19*. 6d. ARM IN (Robt.) History of the two Maids of More clacke, (a Play), front. 4to. 160Q. Ql. Ws. BEAUMONT and Fletcher, Philaster, or Love lies a Bleed- ing, trag-com. front. 4to. 1 620. 24/. (Purchased by Mr. Kemble.) BLACK I)og of Newgate, (the discovery of a London Monster called the) frontis. 4to. 1612. ll 12s. BUSH (Wm.) Gentleman, admirable Voyage and Travell of, who with his own hands, without any other men's helpe made a Pinnance in whiche he past by ayre, land and water from Lamborne in Barkshire, to the Custom-house Key in London, 4to. bl. let. front. 1607. 6/. CHURCHYARDE (Thos .) A light bondel of lively discourses, called Churchyarde's Charge, presented as a New Year's Gift to the Erie of Savoy, 4to. bl. let. 1580, 1 ll. 5s. Challenge, 4to. bl. let. 1580, with a co- pious manuscript Account of his Works, by I. Reed, and a small octavo Tract, called a Discourse of Rebellion. 4to. 1570. 17/. 105. Ci BEER'S (Colley) Life, a Supplement to, by Torry As- ton. 8vo, 31. 5s. Mr. Reed states in a note, that he never saro another copy of this Tract. CYNTHIA, with certain Sonnets, rare, 8vo. 1595. 12/. 5s. DA RLE Y (John) The Glory of Chelsea Colledge revived, 4to. curious frontisp. very rare, 1662. 2/. 2s. 506 ISAAC REED, ESQ. 1807. DEE (Dr. John) Memorials pertayning to the perfect Arte of Navigation ; annexed to the Paradoxal Cumpas, in Playne, now first published, 24 years after the first invention thereof* curious front isp. fol. John Daye, 1577. 3/. 13s. 6d. DEKKER (Thos.) English Villanies seven several times prest to Death by the Printers, 4to. bl. let. M. Parsons, 1638. 41. Is. Knight's Conjuring done in earnest and discovered in Jest, 4to. Printed by T. C. 4l. 5s. Rod for Run-awayes, with the Run- awayes Answer, curious frontisp. 4to. 1625. 7/. 10*. DOWRICHE (Anne) French Historic (in verse) 4to. 1589. 5/. 15s. Qd. DRAMA Notitia Dramatica, both printed and manu- script, containing a Chronological Account of incidents re- lating to the English Theatres, from Nov. 1734, to 31st Dec. 1785, collected from various sources, but chiefly the Public Advertisers. 4 1/. ELLIS (John) (Scrivener and translator of Maphaeus) Fa- bles by, with engravings appropriate to each. 4to. MS. 6/. GRAY'S (Thos.) Works, by Mason, with manuscript and printed papers, Index by Cole, fyc. 4to. 1775. 7/. GREENE'S (Robt.) Ghost Haunting Conie-catchers, 4to, bl. let. 1602. 3/. Spanish Masquerade, 4to. bl. let. 1589. 3l. 14s. HARRINGTON (Sir John) A New Discourse of a state subject, called the Metamorphoses of Ajax, 1596. An Ana- tomic of the Metamorphosed Ajax. Ulysses upon Ajax, por- trait, 8vo. 1596. 10/. 10s. HASTINGS, Lord, Lachrymtz Musarum, the Tears of the Muses, in Elegies of the Death of Henry Lord Hastings, Svo. front, rare. 1650. 2/. 3s. HERTFORDE (Erie of) The late ExpediciorA into ScoK SOT ISAAC REED, ESQ. 1807. land made by the Kynges Hyghnys Army, under the conduct X* of the ryght honorable the Erie of Hertforde in 1544. small 8vo. bl let. 91. 9s. HIGINS (John) Fables of Unfortunate Princes, 4to. 1620. 41. 12s. HOGARTH (Wm.) Anecdotes of, with curious MS. notes, by Mr. Reed; and other Tracts, 8vo. 2Z. 18s. (This was the first sketch of the Life of Hogarth, written by Mr. Steevens, of which twelve copies only were print- ed ; they were all destroyed except this copy ; it contained some abusive passages against Horace Walpole, that were not reprinted in any subsequent edition.) HUTTON'S (Hen.) Follies Anatomie, or Satyres and Sa- tyricall Epigrams, rare. 8vo. 1619- 2/. 3s. JAMES (King) the Sixth of that name, and Queen Anne his Wife, Entry into the Towns of Lyeth and Edenborough, 1st. *- of May, 4to. bl. let. 1590. 5l. 5s. KING (Edw.) Obsequies to the Memorie of, 1638, in which the Lycidas of Milton first appeared, very scarce, 4to. 21. 16s. LANGBAINE'S (Gerard) Account of English dramatick Poets, in 3 vols. 4to. with very extensive additions in MS. by William Oldys and Mr. Reed. 9/. 2s. 6d. LEAKE (Sir John) Life of, by Stephen Martin Leake, 8vo. only 50 copies were printed. 3l. 3s. LITHGOW (Wm.) Gushing Tears of Godly Sorrow (in verse). 4to. Edinb. 1640. Si. 3s. MEETING of Gallants at an Ordinaire, or the Walkes in Powles, 4to. bl let. 1604. 6/. 8s. 6d. MIDDLETON (Christ.) Historic of Heaven (inverse), 4to. 1596. 41. 4s. NAKCISSUS, a Fable from Ovid, translated into Englysh Metre, 4to. bl. let. 1560. 3/. 19*. 508 ISAAC REED, ESQ. 1807. NASHK (Thos.) Anatomic of Absurditie, 4to. bl.let. J< Charlewood, 1589. 6/. 6s. Christ's Teares over Jerusalem, 4to. Th. Thorpe, 1613. 11 17s. 6d. Foure Letters, and certaine Sonnets, especially touching Robert Greene, 4to. John Wolfe. III. Pierce's Supererogation, or a new Prayse of the old Asse, 4to. John Wolfe, 1593. 4/. 14s. 6d. Returne of the Knight of the Poste from Hell, 4to. bl.let. John Windet, 1606. 5l. 7s. 6d. Wonderful, strange, and miraculous Astrologicall Prognostications for 1591, 4to. bl. let. Thomas Scarlet, 61. 16s. Qd. PALMERIN d'Oliva, translated by A. Munday, 4to. bl. let. Charlewood, 1588. 5l. 10s. PARTRIDGE (John) Hystorie of the famous Princes of the World Astianax and Polixena, and the worthy Hystorie of the most noble and valiaunt Plasidas, gathered in English verse, 8vo. bl. let. Hen. Denham, 1566. 15/. PL AYES, Stage, the overthrow of, 1599. John North- brooke on Dicing, Dauncing, Vaine Plaies, and other idle Pas- times used on the Sabbath, bl. let. 1579. Hinde Prophecie of Obadiah, 4to. 1613, &c. very scarce. 5l. 10s. POEMS A piteous platforme of an oppressed mynde, 8vo. bl. let. Passions of the Spirit, 1599. Bullokar of the Pas- sion of our Saviour, 1612, 8tc. 8vo. 4l. SHAKSPEARE'S Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies, first edition, bound in 3 vols. in mssia, with portraits added by the late Mr. Henderson, fol. 1623. 38/. Works, by Johnson and Steevens, with Harding' s plates, 15 vols. 8vo. L. p. 1793. QQl. Twenty-five copies only printed on large paper. SHENSTONE (Win.) The Snuff-Box, a Poem, MS. 2/.6s. An original unprinted Poem in his own hand-writing. 509 ISAAC REED, ESQ. 1807. SHIRLEY Travailes of the three English Brothers, Sir Thomas, Sir Anthony, and Mr. Robert Shirley, 4to. 1607. 37. 7s. SOLD AN, The Boke of, conteyninge strange matters touch- ynge his Lyfe and Deathe, and the Ways of his Courte, in two partes, 12mo. MS. Ql. 13s. t( The foregoing was written by George Steevens, Esq. and was composed merely to impose on a ' literary friend/ and had its effect." MS. note by Mr. Heed, 1780. STANLEY'S (Thos.) Poems, Svo. 1651. very scarce. 2/. 13s. STILLINGFLEET'S (Benj.) Plays, Svo. never either fi- nished or published) the only copy Mr. Reed ever saw. 31. ISs.Gd. STRATHMORE'S (Lady) Siege of Jerusalem, Svo. 1774. (a few copies only printed to give away.) The Siege of Jerusalem, by Mary Latter, Svo, 1763. 2/. 12s. 6d. TRACTS, a most curious collection of, A Detection of damnable Driftes practised by three Witches at Chelmisforde, bl. let. 1579- Facts of Witchcrafte, approved on Margaret Haskett, of Stanmore, bl. let. 1585. Geo. Buchannan against ,\ Mary Queen of Scots and Earl Bothvvell, bl. let. 1579. The second part of the painefull Jorney of the poore Pilgrim into Asia, and the strange wonders that he saw, bl. let. 1579. A Prayse and Report of Maister Marty ne Ferboisher's Voyage yp^Terra Incognita, by Thomas Churchyarde, bl. let. 1578. r A true Reporte of the last Voyage into the West, by Captain Frobishers, bl. let. 1577; and other Tracts, 3 vols. small 18mo. S3/. WETIBURGHE, Saynt, Lyfe and History of, bl. let. 4to. Pynson, 1521. IS/. WORDE (W. de) Here beginneth a litel Treatyse for to lerne. bl. let. 4to. no date. 5/. 510 . /'3 : w# WILLIAM ROSCOE, ESQ. 1816. A CATALOGUE of the very select and valuable library of WILLIAM ROSCOE,P ESQ.; sold by auction by MR. WINSTANLEY, at his rooms in Marble Street, Liver^- pool, on Monday the 19th of August (1816), and thirteen following days. Number of articles ', (including books omitted) 1918. Total amount of the sale, 5150. ALBERTI ab Eyb Margarita Poetica, fol. ED. PR. Nu* remb. Joh. Sensenschmid, 1472. 7/. This curious collection demonstrates the early inter- course that took place on the revival of learning, between the Italian and German scholars. ARETINUS (Leon.) de Bello Italico adversus Gothos, foh ED. PR. Fulginei Joh. Numeister, fyc. 1470. 7/. 7s. BAN DIN 1 1 (Ang. Mar.) Catalogus Codicum MSS. Bib- liothecse Mediceae Lauren tianae, continens Codices Gra?cos, 3 torn* fol. Flor. 1764, &c. 3SZ. 6s. 6d. The Jirst volume is extremely rare The present copy of it was obtained from the author. P The Catalogue is enriched with valuable bibliographical notes by Mr. Roscoe. 611 \VILLIAM ROSCOE, ESQ. 1816. BEAUMONT and Fletcher's Comedies and Tragedies, first edition, fol. 1647. 4/. 5s. BIBLIA Pauperum, sen Historiae et Concordantiae Veteris v> et Novi Testament!, jfiguris ligneis illustrate. 521. 10s. A perfect copy of this rare and curious Work. BIBLIA Sacra, utrumque Testamentum, vetus et novum, veteri translatione ad Hebraicam, et Graecam, veritatem, con- tinens, fol. MS. on vellum t of the early part of the 16th cen- tury, bound in blue velvet. 1781. 10s. This volume is decorated with Historical Designs, sup- posed to be executed by Giotto, or some artist of his school ; he having been employed at Avignon under Clement V. in 1305, about which time this MS. was written. It ap- pears to have been considered, at a subsequent period, as a present worthy of the supreme pontiff, on which occasion a new frontispiece and title page were added, illuminated with gold and colours. Besides the historical miniatures, almost every page is decorated with arabesque ornaments, portraits, &c. BIBLIA Sacra Latina, the Vulgate Version, with the pro- logues of St. Jerome, 2 torn. fol. MS. on vellum, of the early part of the 15th century. 361. 15s. The initial letters of the Books of the O. and N. Testa- ment, are illuminated in gold and colours^ with figures of Saints, &c, and those of each chapter distinguished by ara- besques. ' V BRANDT (Seb.) Stultifera Navis, 4to. ED. PR. with the original wood-cuts. Basil. J. P. de Olpe, 1497. 7/. 5s. BREYDENBACH (B. de) Peregrinatio in Montem Syon, fol. Ed. 2 da . Spires per Petrum Drach, 1490. 13/. 5s. CASAS (Barth. de Las) Narratio Regionum Indicarum per Hispanos quosdam devastatarum verissima, ED. PR. cum fg. de DeBry,4to. Francof. 1598. 111. 10s. 512 WILLIAM ROSCOE, ESQ. 1816. CAVALCA Domenico. Questo libro se chiama il Spechio della croce. 4to. Milano, 1484. lL 5s. This first edition of the Specchio della Croce, printed by Zarotus, in a very singular type, is not found in Panzer, nor in any catalogue that has been consulted. COSMO de' Medici, Vita, da Aldo Manucci, fol. Bolog- ' na, 1586. 4l. Us. 6d. The frontispiece and vignettes are engraved by Caracci. DANTE, col commento di Landino, fol. Fioren. 1481. This copy contains two of the vignettes ; drawings in Indian ink at the head of many of the Cantos ; and an ori- ginal drawing by Botticelli, of the Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradise. 15/. 155. , et Velutello, con tavole, &c. per Fran. Sansovino, fol. Vemt. 1564. 231. 2s. The wood-cuts in this copy are richly illuminated in gold and ultramarine. DOLCE (Lod.) Didone, Tragedia, 8vo. Ven. Aldo, 1547. 4/. 105. FRANCO (Pietro Mar.) L'Agrippina, 4to. Fen. Aur. Pincio, 1533. 8/. iiT. GESTA Romanorum, fol. sine notd anni -eel loci. 12L 12*. This volume is printed in a gothic character, resembling that of Peter Schoiffer. Xo account of this early edition is given by Warton in his " Dissertation ; " nor is it noticed , by Panzer, or in any catalogue or collection that has been consulted. GREGORII ix. Nova Compilatio Decretalium, fol. ED. PR. Mogunt. P. Schoiffer, 1472. 157. 155. Printed on vellum and paper alternately. HJEDI (Petri) Sacerdotis Portusnaensis, de amoris gene- ribus. libri. iii. 4to. Tarvisii, Gerard de Flandria, 1492. 5/. Remarkable for the singularity of its execution, and the 3 u WILLIAM ROSCOE, ESQ. 1816. beauty of the type, which resembles engraving rather than letter press. For an account of this very scarce and cu- rious work, v. Menagiana, n. 31. JOHANNIS S. Apocalypsis, fol. Jiguris ligneis coloratis, 32/. 11s. This fine and perfect copy exactly agrees with that de- scribed by Heineken as the first edition. LORENZO de' Medici Canzoni a ballo, dal Magnifico, et da M. Agnolo Politiano, ed altri Autori, insieme con la Nen- cia da Barberino, et la Beca da Dicomano, composte dal inedesimo Lorenzo, 4to. Firenze, 1568. ll/. 16*. Poesie Volgari col commento del medesimo sopraalcuni de'suoi sonetti, 8vo. Vineg. Aldo, 1554. 9^ 15s. With the sheet O complete, (page 105 to 1 IQ.) part of it was afterwards suppressed, and two leaves only substi- tuted, (p: 105 to 108.) La Rappresentazione di San Giovanni e Paulo ; 4to. Fir. Fran. Bonaccorsi, PR. ED. senza data, 61. - Stanze bellissime intit. Le Selve d'amore, 1 2mo. Pesaro Hier. Soncino, 1513. 5l. 10s Tutti I Trionfi, Carri, Mascherati o Canti Car- nascialeschi, andati per Firenze dal tempo del Mag. Lorenzo de' Medici, 8vo. Firenze, 155Q. 9/. 5s. Ediz. non castrata. MATTHJEI de Cracovia, Tractatus Racionis et Conscien- cie, 4to. Mogunt. sine anno (czrca, 1460). 107. 10s. NOUVELLES, Les Cents Nouvelles, fol. PR. ED. Paris, NicolazDesprez,l505. 101. PERI (Gio.) Fiesole Distrutta, 4to. col frontispizio, e'l ritratto delf autore, intagliate da Calloti Firenze, 1621. 51. PETRARCA Sonetti, Canzoni e Trionfi, fol. PR. ED. 1470. 15*. 15s The table of contents wanting. 514 WILLIAM ROSCOE, ESQ. 1810. *- (Some MS. leaves, inimitably executed, being discover- ed in this volume, it was returned to the proprietor.) PETRARQUE, les Triumphes de, trad, de langue Tuscane en rhyme francoyse, par le Baron d'Opede, IQmo.Jig. de boh. Paris, 1538. 4/. 10s. PHILELPHI (Franc.) Satyrarum Hecatostichon, fol. Me- diol. 1476. H 17s. 6d. PLOTINI Opera Ficini, fol. ED. PR, Florent, 1492. 8/. 10*. PLOWMAN, Pierce, Vision of, with the Crede, Svo. Owen Rogers, 1561. 5l 17s. 6d. (Some MS. leaves at the end.) This copy belonged to Pope, and contains in his own hand-writing, the Argument of P. P. Creed as cited by Warton in his Hist, of Poetry, I. 287. POETS: Christiani, viz.: Prudentius, Ven. Aldus, 1501. Sedulii, Juvenci, Oratoris, et aliorum Poemata, ib. 1501. Gregorii Naziauzeni Carmina, Gr. Lat. ib. 1504. Nonni Paraph, in Joannem, Gr. 4 torn. 4to. 18/. 7s. 6d. " Collection infiniment rare et precieuse." Renouard. POLITIANO (Ang.) La Giostra di Giuliano de' Medici, insieme colla Favola d'Orfeo, stampe di legno, Svo. Firen. 1513. 14/. PSALTERIUM Latigg, fol. Mogunt. Fust fy Schoiffer, > - , ^1459. impress, in memb. 531. 12s. POLCI (Luca) La Confessione, Svo. senza data. Frot- tola del medesimo, senza data. -La Compagnia del Mantel- laccio. Epistola consolatoria de' Caldi, Freddi, e Tiepidi. 10/. Giostra di Lorenzo de' Medici, messa in Rinia da Luigi Pulci, anno 1467, Svo. senza nota di anno, o stampatore. 5l. 15s. 515 WILLIAM ROSCOE, ESQ. 1816. In this edition, the work is erroneously attributed to Luigi Pulci, instead of Luca his brother. PULCI (Luca) Sonetti di, e di Matteo Franco jocosi et faceti, 8vo. senza data. SL (Ligi) Morgante Maggiore, 4to. Fen. 1546. 7 1. 10s. RAP PRESENT ATI ONE, La, dell' annunz. di Nostra Don- na; di S. Giovanni; di S. Panunzio, da Feo Belcari; e di S. Paolino da Ant. Berti, 4 torn. 4to. senza data (Flor. circa, 1500.) 10/. 5s: ^ RUMP or an exact collection of the choycest Poems and Songs, relating to the late Times ; by the most eminent wits', from 1639 to 1661. 8vo. 1662. 5L 5s. SANSOVINO (Franc.) L'Historia di Casa Orsina, fol. Ten. 1565. 61. 6s. ;< STATUTA Nova, fol. without place or date, but printed by ' '. de Machlinia, (circa, 1482.) 1 M. 1 Is. These Statutes extend from the 1st Edw. III. to the 92d of Edw. IV^-~ ~ 516 '. I'liMii/uit . I far I* tK/'fi '". 1t///Mi < ':iiftr,.\'ru < JOHN DUKE OF ROXBURGHE, 1812. A CATALOGUE of the library of the late JOHN DUKE OP RoxBURGHE,* 1 arranged by G. and W. NICOL, book- sellers to his Majesty, Pall Mall. Sold by auction. at his Grace's late residence in St. James's Square, on Mon- day, 18th May, 1812, and the forty-one following days ; and on Monday the 13th of July, and the three following days. By ROBERT H. EVANS, bookseller, Pall Mall. Number of articles, 9353. Supplement,! '67 '. Total, 10120. Total amount of the sale, 23,397. Ws. Qd. i Old English literature, Italian poetry and Novels, and tlie Table Ronde, were great objects of research with the Duke of Roxburghe ; his library consequently, in these particular classes, was abundantly rich and curious: the vehement competition excited at the sale, and the extraordinary sums given for these rare productions, are unparal- leled in the annals of book-auctions. Mr. Nicol, in his excellent Preface to the " Catalogue," observes, that " When literature was deprived of one of Us warmest admirers, by the death of the Duke of Roxburghe, his Grace was in full pursuit of collecting our dramatic authors. And when his collection of Eng- lish plays is examined, and the reader is informed, that he had only turned his mind to this class of literature for a few years,, his indefati- gable industry will be readily admitted." . " What above all other considerations ought to recommend the books of this library to the intelligent purchaser, is, that there are in it no books rendered imperfect, by that abominable practice of pillag- ing the works of different authors of their portraits, and other prints, that properly belong to them, in order to illustrate, as it is called, some trifling, stupid book of anecdotes, where the names of those authors are merely incidentally mentioned. It is melancholy to think how pre- valent this practice is become, insomuch, that the best libraries are thus rendered imperfect. It may be truly called literary sacrilege." Having in our youth unfortunately sinned in this way, and seeing the ravages that have been committed in some of our public libraries, we most heartily concur in the sentiments expressed above ; and hope that a repetition of them in this place, may stijl farther tend to dis- courage so injurious a practice. sir JOHN DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. 1812. AIM ON, The right pleasaunt and goodly Historic of the four Sonnes of Aimon, fol. mor. 1554. 55/. ALBERTI ab Eyb Margarita Poetica, fol. cor. turc. Paris, 1478. 257. 10s. AMOURS, La Conusance d' (an English Poem), 4to. mor. very rare. Pynson, 54l. ANDREWES (Archb. of) Catechism, 4to. St. Andrews, 1552. 11. ARIOST An Abridgement of Roland Furious, translait out of Ariost, togither with sum Rapsodies of the Author's Zouthfull Braine ; and last ane Schersing out of trew felicitie. Composit in Scotis Meitir, be 1. Stewart of Baldyneis, fol. MS. 28/. In this Book is the following note, " King James the First brought this book with him out of Scotland." The initials J. R. with the Imperial Crown, are on the binding. ARNOLD'S Chronicle, or the Customes of London, fol. first edit, very rare. 22/. Is. ARTHUR King, The Storye of the most Noble and Wor- tliye, fol. T. East, 27 1. l6s. Prince, The most auncient and famous History of the Renowned, 3 parts, 4to. 1634. 12/. 12s. AUCTORES Classici, ad usum Delphini, 67 torn. 4to. cor. turc. Paris. 1681, &c. 504/. (Cardinal Huet's copy, with both the editions of Dictys Cretensis, and Pompeius Festus.) BALE (John) God his Promises, 4to. Interl. II. let. very rare, 1577. 12J. BALLADS, Ancient, a curious collection of, in 3 large vols. fol. 477/. 15s. This collection was originally formed for Lord Oxford's library ; it passed successively into the hands of Mr. West, 518 JOHN DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. 1812. and Major Pearson, and at the sale of the latter gentle- man's library, was purchased by the Duke of Roxburghe, who considerably enlarged the collection by the addition of a third volume. (Fid. Pref. to Roxb. Cat. p. 7.) BALLADS and Garlands, collected by T. Hearne. 8vo. 127. 125. BEATON (David, Bishop of St. Andrews), the tragical ; Death of, and Geo. Wyseharte, 12mo. J.Day, no date. j< 141. 5s. BERNER'S (Jul.) The Bokys of Hunting, &c, (perfected by MS.) fol. St. Albons, I486. 1477. BLONDI (Flavii) Italia illustrate, fol. ED. PR. cor. turc. Roma, 1474. 10/. BOCCACE, Les Cas et Ruyne des Nobles Hommes etv Femmes, fol. sur velin. 137. BOCCACIO IL DECAMERONE, PR, ED. fol. Fenet. Christ. Faldarfer, 1471. 22607. (Purchased by an ancestor of the D. of R. for 1051. Fid. p. 232.) , 4to. Firenze, Giunti, 1527. F'era Edizione, 297. II Fiammetta, 4to. Pat. 1472. 217. The Amorous Fiammetta, 4to. Lond. 1587- 10/. 10s. II Philocolo, fol. Milano, 1476. 387. 17s. BOCHAS (Ihon) The Tragedies of all such Princes as fell from their estates, translated by J. Lidgate, (ol.jnor. J558, _, 137. 2s. 6d. BOECE'S CHec.) Croniklis of Scotland, by Bellenden, fol. mor. Edinb. 1474. 657. BOSSENTINUS, Free Will, Trag. by Cheeke, 4to. 67. let. very scarce, no date. 57. 15s. 6(7. BREYDENBACH, Voyage de, avec. fig. fol. Lyon } 1488. 847. 519 JOHN DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. 1812. t CALLIMACHUS, Gr. ED,J?.;R. 4to. Florent. 631. CALLOT A Collection of his Works, consisting of 1477 prints, many of them proofs and variations, 5 large vols. fol. 7Sl.l5s. CAMPEDEN (Hugode) The History of King Boccus and Sydracke, 4to. very scarce. T. Godfrey, for Robert Salt- wood of Canterbury. 30l. CAXTON -The History of Blanchardyn and the Princes Eglantyne, fol. mor. imperfect. 2151. 5s. Of this book there is no other copy known. (Fid. p. 351.) CAXTON The Boke of the Fayt of Amies and of Chy- valrye. fol. blue turkey, 1479. 3367. Golden Legend, fol. (wants fol. 1, 4, 8, 9.) 3 \l. Govver, Confessio dmantis, fol. 1493. 336/. Liber Festivalis, fol. printed in two co- lumns. No other copy of this Book is at present known. Ames and Herbert describe an edition in two columns, from which this entirely differs, (the first leaf in MS.) 1051. the Prouffytable Boke for Mane's Soul, called the chastysing of Goddes chyldren, fol. 140/. The Lyf of Katherin of Senis, fol. 95/. Lydgate's Lyf of our Lady, fol. (imperfect, six leaves wanting.) 4QL . The Myrrour of theWorlde, fol. 1480. 35 1/. 1 5s. This is the fairest and finest specimen of Caxton's printing that perhaps exists. The Recuyell of the Hystoryes of Troye, by Raoul le Feure, fol. Colen, 1471. 1060/. 18*. (TtVf.p.251.) Recueil des Histoires de Troyes, fol. imperfect, (about 38 leaves supposed to be wanting). 116/. 1 Is. (Vid. p. 352.; . Tullius of Olde Age, &c. fol. 1481. (MS. leaves at the beginning and end.} 115 1. 520 JOHN DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. 1812. CENT Nouvelles Nouvelles, fol. maroq. Par. A. Ferard, 131. 13s. CHAMPIER (Symph.) La Nef des Dames Vertueuses, 4to. goth. Lyon, (1503.) 61. CHAN, Grand, de Tartarie, 1'Histoire Merveilleuse du, fol. Paris, 1514. ml. CHAUCER'S Canterbury Tales A most beautiful MS. on vellum, with illuminations at the end, " The Lyf of Saynt Margarite," a Poem by Lydgate, large fol. mor. 3571: CHAUCER'S Works, fol. R. Pynson, 1526. 30L 9s. CHESTER'S (Robt.) Love's Martyr, or Rosalin's Com- plaint, 4to. 1601. 24/. 3s. CHURCHYARDE (Thos.) The Workes of, 2 vols. 4to. * mor. 1560-93. 96/. Several of the pieces in these volumes are unknown to Ames and Herbert. (Fid. Roxb. Cat. No. 3318.) CIENTO Novelle Antike, 4to. Bologna, 1525. 23/. 10*. COMMON Conditions, Com. 4to. The only copy known. 41. 5s. (Purchased by Mr. Steevens, at Dr. Wright's Sale, for 5l. 5s.) COPLAND (Robt.) The Hye way to the Spyttel House, 4to. Copland. 61. 16s. 6d. CaoNYCLESof Englande (sometimes called the Chro- c nicle of St. Albans, or Caxton's Chronicle) fol. mor. Jul ' Notary, 1515. 28/. 7s. DANTE, 11 Convivio di, 4to. PR. ED. Fior. 1490. 7/. 12s. DARYUS, King, Interlude, 4to. very rare. 1565. Si. 8s. DERRICKE'S (Ihon.) Image of Irelande, 4to. 1581. 9/. Qs. DIALOGUES of Creatures Moralysed, 4to. tooodcuts. mor. 1551. 151. 15s. DOLCE (Lod.) II Palmerino, poema, 4to. Fenet. 1561'. l/. 10s. JOHN DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. 1812. DROLLERYS Sportive Wit, or the Lusty Drollery A Crew of kind London Gossips Holborn Drollery Bristol Drollery, I2mo. 1656. 61. DUGDALE'S (Sir W.) History of Imbanking and Drayn- ing, fol. mor. 1662. IS/. 15s. ECRITURE Ste. S'ensuit un Recueil des principales Places de la Sainte Escriture, qui traitent de Foy en Dieu, par Edouard Roy d'Angleterre. Ecrit par sa propre main, et dedie a son Oncle le Due de Somerset, 12mo. MS. 25/. 105. . EDWARD vi. (K.) The Funeralles of, 4to. 1460. 19/. 19s. EDYTH, Wyddow, xn Mery Jests of, 4to. very scarce, lohnes, 1573. 157. 15s. EGERIA Ladie, The Adventures of, 4to. fValdegrave, 81. 18s. 6d. ENGLAND'S Helicon, or the Muse's Harmony (collected by Richard More, 8vo. mor. 1614. 24/. 13s. 6^. ENGLAND'S Parnassus, or the choysest Flowers of our Modern Poets, 8vo. 1600. 21/. ENGLISHMEN for my Money, Com. 4to. scarce. 1616. 7/. FAIRE Maid of Bristowe, Com. bl. let. 4tp. very rare, 1605. 71. 10s. FAUCHET (Claude) 1'origine de la Langue et Poesie Francoise, Ryme et Romans, 4to. Paris, 1581. 6/. 10s. FIER a Bras le Geant, le Romant de, fol. Geneve, 1478. S8/. 17s. FORDUNI Scotichronicon, cura, T. Hearne, 5 torn. 8vo. CH.MAG. Oxon. 1722. 16/. 5s. 6d. FRAUNCE (Abr.) Countess of Pembroke's Ivy Church, (a Play, or Pastoral, iu two Parts), 4to. very rare, 1591. 61. 16s. 6d. FRED ERIK E of Jennen, the Storye of, with woodcuts, 4to. Anwarpe, 1518. 65/. 2s. 522 JOHN DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. 1812. (This " Storye" together with that of " Mary ofNe- megen " and the " Lyfe of Fergilius," bound in one vol. cost the D. of R. twelve shillings the three books sepa- rated, produced at the sale, 1S67. 14s./) FROISSART'S Chronicle, translated by Sir J. Bourchier, Lord Berners, fol. mor. Pinson, 1525. 637. GARLANDS, a volume of, in prose and verse, 12mo. 8/. 8s. GASCOIGNE'S (Geo.) Works, 4to. Rich. Smith, 1575, with the Steel Glas, and the Complaint of Philomene, 4to. 1576. 107. 10s. The whole Woorkes of, 1587; with the " Glasse of Gouvernement," 4to. Barker, 1575. 21?. GODEFFROY de Boulion, les Faitz et Gestes de, 4to. Paris, 237. 2s. GOSSON'S Schoole of Abuse, 12mo. bl. let. mor. scarce, 1579. 47. GREAAL Sainct, 1'Hystoire du, Roman, fol. Par. 1516. 17?. 17s. GREAAL San et de Merlin, Roman du, MS. sur velin, avec miniat. $c. 2 torn. fol. 387. 17s. GREENEI (Robt.) Art of Conny Catching, 3 parts, 4to. bl. let. 1592. Grounde Worke of Conny Catching, 4to. bl. lei. Defence of Conny Catching, 4to. bl. let. 1592. Hee and Shee Conny Catcher, 4to. bl. let. 1592. Blacke Bookes Messenger, or the Life of Ned Browne, 4to. bl. let. 1592. 177. Arcadia, 4to. bl. let. 1616. 47. 14s. 6d. Euphues, 4to. bl. let. 1634. 47. 5s. Farewell to Follie, 4to. bl. let. 1617- 27. 10s. i (Vid. p. 328.) This author, from a licentious course of living, was obliged to have recourse to his pen for a maintenance ; and he is sup- posed to have been the first English poet on record, " forced to write for bread." 523 JOHN DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. 1812. GREENE (Rkt.) Groat'sworth of Witte, 4to. bl. let. 1621. 31. 13s. 6d- ; Metamorphoses, 4to. bl. let. l6l?. 4Z. 10s, Mourning Garment, 4to. bl. let. 1616. 6/. 12s. -j <~ Never too late, 2 parts, 4to. bl. let. 5l. 5s. Penelope's Web, 4to. bL let. bl. Philomela, 4to. bl. let. 1615. 5l. Planetomachia, 4to. bl. let. 1585, Perimedes the Blacke Smith, 4to. bl. let. 1588. Spanish Masquerade, 4to. bl.let. 1589- 8?. 12s. 6^. : Quip for an Upstart Courtier. 4to. bl. let. 1620. 61. Theeves falling out, &c. 4to. bL let* 1637. 7/. Tullie's Love, 4to. bl. let. 1628. 2/. 16s. : . Vision, sero sed serio, 4to. bl. let. ~ll. 10*. GtJERiNo detto Meschino, fol. (3 leaves MS.) Fenet. 1477. I6f. 5s. 6d. GYRON le Courtois, Roman, fol. Par. A. Ferard, 331. 12si HEYWOODE (John) A Dialogue on English Proverbes, 4to. first edition, very rare, not mentioned by Herbert. 1546. 41. 10s. The Woorkes of, containing the Spider and the Flie, His Dialogues on English Proverbes, and his 600 Epigrammes, 4to* 1562. mor. 2 1/. HIERUSALEM, Le Grant Voyage, en 2 parties, let. go/A. Pans, 1522. 10/. HOMER'S Iliades, ten books, translated by A. Hall, 4to; 1581. 8/. 8s. HOZIER (Pierre) Les Epitaphes, Inscriptions et Arrnoires qui sont sur les Tombes dans toutes les Eglises et Cimetierres de la Villede Paris. 3 vols. fol. MS. 16/. 16s. HUON de Bourdeaulx, les Fails et Gestes de, fol. Par, 1516. 20/< 5s. 524 JOHN DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. 1812; HYLICINIO (B.) della Cortesia, Gratitudine e Liberalita, 8vo. raro. Fenet. 1515. S/. 8s. HYND (John) Eliosto Libidinoso, a romance, 4to, 1606. 9/. 195. 6d. I WOULD and t would not, a Poem, 4to. 1614. 8l. 18s. 6d. JASON, The veray trew History of the Valiant Knight, fol. Andewarpe, Gerard Leeu, 1492. 94/. 10s. (Wants one leaf.) Of this very rare edition no other copy is known. JASON et Medee, Le Roman de, fol. Edit. tres. awe. 217. 10s. 6d. JEHAN de SaiutrS, 1'Hystoire de Petit, fol. Par. 1517- 167. 5s. 6d. JESUS Christ Le Mystere de la Vengeance de N. S. MS. sur velin, fol. 4937. 10s. (Vid. p. 253.; JONSTONI (Rob.) Inscriptiones Hist. Regum Scotorum, 4to. Amst. 1602.* 13/. 13s. JOURDAN de Blaves, Lea Traitz et Prouesses de, fol. Par. 1520. 12/. 12s. KALYNDAYR of the Shyppers, fol. Par. 1503. 1807. KING'S Halfpennyworth of Wit, in a Pennyworth of Paper> a Poem, 4to. 16 13. 5l. KNAVE of Clubbes, a Poem, 4to. 1609- 41. 4s. KNIGHT, Voyage of the Wandering, 4to. 1581. 6/. 6s. of the Sea, the Heroical Adventures of, 4to. very rare, 1600. 25^. KNOX (John) The first Blast of the Trumpet against the - monstrous Regiment of Women, 12mo. 1558. 47. 5s. KYNGS and Prynces, The Governaunce of, 4to. very rare, (not mentioned by Herbert.) Pynson,\5ll. I4l. LANCELOT du Lac, Roman de, 3 vol. en 1, foK Par. 1533. 21/. JOHN DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. 1812. LANGTOFT'S (Pet.) Chronicle, by Hearne, 2 vote. 8vo. L. P. Oxf. 1725. 161. 16s. LINDESAY (Sir Dav.) Satyre of the thrie Estaits, 8vo. ^exceedingly rare. Edinb, 1602. \3l.5s. LITHGOW'S (Wm.) Farewell to his Native Country, a Poem, 4to. Edinb. 1618. 5l. 5s. LODGE'S (Thos.) Nettle for Nice Noses, 4to. bl. let. scarce, 1591. 4/. 6s. LYDGATE'S (John) Life of St. Edmond, MS. on vellum, with illuminations, fol. mor. Qll. ^XLYNDESAY'S (Sir D.) Works, 4to. Edinb. 1610. ' 14/. 3s. 6d. MANDEVILLE (Jehan) Aventures de,4to. let.goth. Paris, sans date. 101. MARLOWE (Chr.) and T. Nash, Dido Queen of Carthage, Trag. 4to. exceedingly rare, 1594. 17/. 17s. (Fid. p. 366.) Tamburlaine the Great, 2 parts, 4to. very rare, 1590. 5l.l6s.6d. MARS and Venus, The Love and Complayntes between, 4to. mor. Julian Notary. 60l. MARY of Nemegen, The Story e of, -with wood-cuts, 4to. Anwarpe, 67 L (Fid. p. 234.) MARY (Q. of Scots) A Defence of the Execution of, 4to. A Copie of the original Proclamation for the Execution, on a large sheet, dated Dec. 4, 1586. Babington's Letter, &c. A Discoverie of the Conspiracie of the Spanized Scottish Traytors, 4to. Edinb. 1592. 2 1/. A Discourse touching the Match be- tween her and the D. of Norfolk. Another Discourse on the same subject, by R. G. 1571, and five other Tracts, 12mo. 12Z. 12s. MASSE, the Burying of the, a Satire, first edit, very rare . Wesel, 1546. lll.0s.6d. 526 JOHN DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. MASSE, The Burying of the, a Satire, second edition, with '-\ (Another copy only known, which is in the King's CW- lection.) PEMBROKE (Countess of) Antonie, Trag. 12mo. rare. 1595. 6/. 10s. PERCEFOREST Roy de la Grande Bretagne, 1'Histoire de, Roman, 6 vols. en 3, fol. Par. 1528. 301. PERCEVAL le Gtalloys, 1'Histoire de, Roman, fol. Paris, 1530. 15/. 15s. PHILELPHI Satyrae, ED. PR. fol. Mediol. 1476. 71. 7s. PIERRE de Provence et la Belle Maguellone, 1'Histoira de, fol. avec. jig. Edit, tres anc. fol. Lyon, G. le Roy. 9&1. Is. PIMLYCO, or Runne Red Cap, a Poem, 4to. 160Q. 41. 5s. PoEMS-^-A volume, containing A new and merrie Prog- nostication, 1623. A Divine Centurie of Spirituall Sonnets, by Barnes, 1595. Hen. Peacham's Poems, (title wanting.) * From this Play Milton seems to have sketched the plan of Comus. Vid. Todd's edit, of Milton, vl. 'p. 222. 1809. 528 JOHN DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. 1812. Virtue Triumphant, by W. Leighton, 1603. The Massa- cre of Money, byT. A. 1602. Richard Nugent's Cynthia, 1604. The Cotswold Games, 1636. 4to. 36/. POGGII Facetiae, 4to. Edit, perant. char. goth. sine lit. capital. pag. out sign, et sine loco aut anno. 2 1/. PONTIFJCALE Romanum, MS. on vellum, with 62 illu- minated pages of paintings of the various offices of the Church of Rome. fol. 32/. 11s. PORTRAITS of Criminals and other remarkable characters, 342 in number, among which are some original Drawings. One large volume, fol. Q4l. 10s. PUTTENH AM'S (Geo.) Art of English Poesie, 4to. mofoc. 1589- 16/. 5s. 6d. QUIPPES for New-fangled Gentlewomen, 4to. 1595. 6A REGNAULT de Montauban, 1'Histoire de, Roman, fol. maroq. Edit, trh anc. 32/. 11s. ROBART'S sixe Gallant Merchants of Devonshire, 4to. bl let. 1600. 9/. 16s. ROBERT le Diable, La Vie de, 4to. maroq* ll. Ms. 6d. ROBERT of Gloucester's Chronicle, by Hearne, 2 vols. Svo. L. P. Oxf. 1724. 151. 15s. ROBERT (Earl of Huntingdon) Hist. Play, 4to. very rare. 1601. III. (Fid. p. 370.) ROBIN the Devil, The famous History of, 4to. 15Q1.19L ROLLAND (John) The Sevin Seages translatit out of prois in Scottis meter be John Rolland, 4to. mor. Edinb. 1578. 37/. 5s. 6d. ROMAN du Roi Artus, fol. MS. tres ancien, sur velin avec 333 fig. et combats peintes dumeme format de' chaque page. Upon the authority of ADRIEN BAILLET the above title is given ; but by a note inserted in the book, in the hand- writing of the D. of Roxburghe; it appears that it rs.Lfi ROMAN DU ROY MELIADUS. 37/. 16s. JOHN DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. 1812. ROMANS, Collection des, Brut d'Angleterre, Roi Artus, Lancelot du Lac, Giron le Courtois, &c. &c. MS. stir velin de fan, 1391. 2 grands vol. fol. enrich, de 105 miniatures. 577. 15s. , du Bon Chevalier Tristan (de Leonnois) MS. sur velin du 13 me . siecle: grand en folio, enrich, de 89 mi- niatures. 16/. 16s. This curious MS. was translated by LUCE deCnATEL DU GAT, of SALISBURY; a character little known to our literary historians. ROM ANT de la Roze, MS. sur velin, enrichie de 67 Jig- peint. en miniature, fol. 40/. 19s. y SALLUST'S History of the War against Jugurth, translated by Syr Alex. Barclay, fol. Pynson, no date. 237. 2s. SALTWOOD (Robt.) Comparyson between 4 Byrdes The Larke, the Nightyngale, the Thrushe, and the Cucko, 4to. very rare. Canterbury, Mychel. 461. 4s. SANGIS, Godly and Spiritual!, A Compendius Buike of, 8vo. mor. Edinb. 1600. 217. This book is supposed to be unique. SAPIENTIUM, Historia Septem, Roma, 4to. cum fig. lit. goth. sine anno aut loco. Edit. Bibliog. ignota. 1 1/. 1 Is. SCOTS Magazine, from 1739 to 1803, 65 vols. 8vo. Edinb. 381. 1? s. * SCOTLAND, The Compleynt of, the original edition, ex- ceedingly rare; wants the title and Jive pages in the middle, 12mo. 3 ll. 10s. v f SCOTTES, an Exhortacion to, preparatory to the D. of So- merset's Expedition, 1547. Epistle from the Lord Protector to the Scots, 12mo. wor. 1548._JL2^ SESSIONS Papers andTTriais at the Old Bailey, from 169O to 1729, 2 vols. fol. The Proceedings of the Sessions of the Peace for the City of London and the County of Middlesex, 530 JOHN DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. 1812. at the Old Bailey, from the first regular publication in 4to. in 1730, to the year 1803 inclusive, 80 vols. 4to. 1730, Sec. 378?. SHAKSPEARE (W.) Cromwell, 4to. first edition, 1602. 51. 105. Henry IV. 4to. 1599. 6/. 6s. V. 4to. 1608. 57. 5s. King Lear, 4to. first edition, 1608. 6L 12*. Locrine, 4to. first edition, 1595. 6/. 6s. Merchant of Venice, 4to. first edition^ T. Het/es, 1600. WL Richard II. 4to. 1598. 7/. 7s: , Romeo and Juliet, 4to. 1599. 7/. 10s. _ , Sonnets, never before imprinted, 4to. mor. 1609. 21/. Troylus and Cresseida, 4to. first edition t 1602. 51. 5s. SIDONII Apollinaris Carmina et Epistolae. ED. PR. fol. Medial. 1498. 12/. 12s. SK ELTON'S (John) Pithy, pleasaunt,- and profitable Workes, 12mo. 1568. 32/. lls. SPENSER'S Shephearde's Calendar, 4to. mor. 1586. 2 1/. Miscellaneous Poems in 2 vols. 4to. mor. 1591-5-6. SO/. 9s- STILL (J. Bp. of Bath and Wells) Gammer Gurton's Needle, Com. 4to. exceedingly rare. 1575. 8/. 8s. STRYPE'S (John) Ecclesiastical Memorials, 3 vols. fol. LARGE PAPER. 1721. 15/. 4s. 6d. TABLE Ronde Les Blasons des Chevaliers de la, MS. on vellum ; the arms emblazoned, fol. 36/. TABLE RONDE Recueil des Romans des Chevaliers de la Table Ronde, viz. San Greaal, Merlin, et Lancelot du Lac, 3 torn. fol. MS. sur velin enrich, de 747 miniatures. 78/. 15s. 531 JOHN DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. 1812. TACITUS, ED. PR. fol. cor. turc. rariss. Venet. Spira, 1468. 257. 14:8. 6d. TALES and quicke Answeres, very mery and pleasante to rede, 4to. bl. let. very scarce. Berthelet, 51. 15s. 6d. TAMING of the Shrew, Com. 4to. first edition, very rare, 1596. 51. 5s. TA ELTON'S Newes out of Purgatory, 4to. bl. let. 1630. 41. Is. THOMAS of Reading, The pleasant History of, 4to. 1636. 51. 15s. 6d. THESEUS de Coulogne, Roman, fol. Par. 1534. 157. 15s. TOFTS (Mary) the celebrated Rabbit-woman A Col- lection of all the Tracts both printed and MS. relating to her, collected by G. Steevens, Esq. with her portrait; and a cu- rious original Letter from Mr. Howard, the pretended Ac- coucheur, to the D. of Roxburghe, then Secretary of State, detailing the whole circumstance of the case, 8vo. 367. 15s. TRIALS for Murder, Confessions, Sec. from 1607 to 1692, in 1 vol. 4to. 157. 15s. , (15) &c. from 1641 to 1701, with .wooden cuts, 1641, &c. 87. Ss. TRISTAN Hist, de, Filz du Noble Roy Meleadus de Leo- nois, fol. Par. Verard. 327. Os. 6d. TRYAL of Treasure, Interl. 4to. bl. let, very rare. 15.67. 107. .,y*8 VARAMUND'S Report of the furious Outrages of France, 12mo. Strweling^l5JJ3. 47.4s. VARIBEMO, Itinerario nelle Paesi Orientali, lit. gotk. 12mo. rariss. Romte, 1517. 157. 15s. VERGILIUS, The Lyfe of, 4to. with wood cuts, Anwarpe, Dusborowghe. 547. 12s. VIRGILE, Les Faitz Merveilieux de, Roman, 4to, maroq. Paris. 177. 17s. m JOHN DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. 1812. R. W. THREE Lords and Three Ladies of London, bl. let. 4to. very rare. 1590. 61. 12s. WAGER (W.) Tryall of Chevalry, Interl. 4to. bl. let. ex- ceedingly rare, no date. 51. 5s. WALLACE (Wm.)'The Lyfe and Actis of the maist illuster and vailzeand Campioun, 4to. Edinb. 1601. 3 1/. WARNING for Faire Women, trag. 4to. bl. let. very rare. 1599. 51. WARREN (W.) The Nurcerie of Names of our English Gentlewomen, 4to.' 1581. 15/. 15s. WARWICK, Guy de, Chevalier Anglois, Roman, fol. Paris, 1525. 331. 12s. WARWICKE, The Booke of the Victoryous Prince Guy of Warwicke, 4to. Copeland. 43l. Is. WEBBE'S (W.) Discourse of English Poetrie, 4to. 1586. 641. WESTWARD for Smelts, 4to. bl. let. 1620. 51. 2s. 6d. WOMEN, The Beaulte of, 4to. mor. L. West, R. Wyer. 20/. , ThePrayseofall 5 4to. mor. Myddylton. Q51. WOODES (N.) Conflict of Conscience, Com. 4to. bl. let. exceedingly rare. 1581. 61. 6s. WORDE (W. de) The Contemplacyon of Synners, 4to. mor. 1499. 2G/. The moost pytefull Hystory of the Noble Ap- polyn King of Thyre, 4to. 1510. 1 Wl. Le Morte d' Arthur, translated by Sir Thomas Mallore, fol. 1498. imperfect. 3 1/. 10s. Bartholomews de Proprietatibus Rerum, trans- lated into English, fol. 70/. 7s. The first Book printed on paper made in England. Boke of Good Manners, 4to. 12J. .*tH. Brant's Ship of Fools, translated by H. Watson, 4to. wood-cuts, 1517. 64 J. 535 JOHN DUKE OF ROXBURGHE. 1812. WORDE, (W. de) The Castell of Pleasure, 4to. mor. very rare, not in Herbert. 651. -- Chaucer's Troylus and Creseyde, 4to. mor. 1517. 431. -- The Chorle and the Byrde, by John Lydgate, 4to. mor. 341. -- The Contraverse bytwene a Lover and a Jaye, by Thomas Feylde, 4to. mor. very rare. 3Ql. - The Cronycles of Englonde, fol. 1528. 27/. 16s. 6d. - The Dysputacyon or Coplajnt of the Herte thorughe perced with lokynge of the Eye, 4to. mor. very rare. 581. -- The Exemple of Vertu, by Stephen Hawys, very rare, 4to. 1530. 60/. - - Guystarde and Sygysmonde, by Wm. Walter, 4to. mor. wood cuts. 54l. - Lyf of St. Jerom, 4to. IQl Is. 6d. - A Lytell Treatyse, called Lucydarye, 4to. 10/. 105. - The Boke named the Royall, 4to. 1507. 10/. - The Passetyme of Pleasure, by Stephen Hawys, very rare, 4to. 1517. 81/. - The Spectacle of Lovers, by Win. Walter, 4to. mor. 431. - The Temple of Glas, by John Lydgate, 4to. mor. Q8L 7s. - Tytus and Gesyppus, by W. Walter, 4to. 36/. *\. - The Lyf of Say nt Ursula, after the Cronycles of Englode, 4to. mor. very rare. 39/. 18s. YSABEL fille du Roy d'Escoce, 1'Hystoire de, Roman, 12mo. Paris, 7/. 10s. YSAIE le Triste Fils de Tristan de Leonois, fol. Paris, G.duPre. 151. 534 COLONEL STANLEY. 1813. BiBLIOTHECA STANLEIANA. A SPLENDID selection of rare and fine books, from the distinguished library of COLONEL STANLEY. The se- lection contains all his rare Italian and Spanish poetry, novels, and romances; an extraordinary collection of voyages and travels, including an unique copy of De Bry's voyages ; all the old chronicles, with a matchless copy of Hollinshed upon large paper ; splendid books of natural history; very fine classics; a singular collection of facetia? ; and various important and magnificent arti- cles in every department of literature, chiefly upon large paper, and in splendid bindings. Sold by auction, by R. H. EVANS, No. 26, Pall Mall, on Friday the 30th of April, 1813, and seven following days. Number of Articles, 1136. Total amount of the sale, .8236. 19s. Fables, by Barlow, fol. LARGE PAPER, first impressions of the plates. 1687- 8/. 85. AMADIS de Gaula, Los quatro Libros de, fol. very rare. wOr. Fen. 1533. 50/. AKIOSTO Orlando Furioso, con molta diligentia da lui 535 COLONEL STANLEY. 1&3. corretto, 4to. a very fine copy, bound in morocco, by R. Pay fie. Ferrara, 1528. 63^. This valuable and rare edition is not mentioned by any bibliographer ; it is exactly copied from the text of the first edition, and was corrected by the author himself. ARTHUR The most Ancient and Famous History of the Renowned Prince Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, 4to. 1634. 18/. B ELM AN of London, bringing to light the most notorious Villanies practised in this kingdom, 4to. 1608. Si. BELON, Histoire de la Nature des Oyseaux, avec leurs naifs portraicts retirez du naturel, fol. plates coloured. Par. 1555. 81. BOCCACCIO, II Decamerone, 4to. A most beautiful copy, from Count Hoym's collection, the initials painted with gold, yellow mor. Vineg.per Gregorio de Gregori, 1516. 63/. BOIARDO (Mat. Mar.) Orlando Innamorato (coi tre libri aggiunti da Niccolo degli Agostini), 4to. a very rare edition. Mediol. 1539. 2/. Is. BOUCHET, Screes de, fort recreatives, et utiles d toutes personnes melancholiques et joviales, 8vo. rare. mor. by R. Payne. Lyon, 1614. 8/. 18s. 6d. BRUSCAMBILLE, Fantaisies de, l'2mo. Jirst edition. Par. 1612. 8/. BRUSONII (L. Domit.) Facetiarum Libri vn. fol. ori- ginal and only complete edition, all others being castrated, mor. Roma per Mazochium, 1518. 40/. IQs. BRY De Collectiones Peregrinationum in Indiam Orien- talem et in Indiam Occidentalem, xxv. Partibus Compre- hensa3, et Figuris JEneis a Theodore De Bry illustrates, 7 vols. fol. blue mor. Franc. 1590-1. 546/. A Jine perfect set, with duplicates of parts x. fy xi. and a considerable number of duplicate plates. 536 COLONEL STANLEY. 1813. BULWER'S Artificial Changling, 4to. portrait by Faith- orne, LARGE PAPER. 1653. 13/. 2s. 6d. This fine paper rarely occurs. CASTI S (Giarabat.) Novelle Galanti, nuova edizione cor- retta e ricoretta, 8vo. printed on vellum, bound by R. Payne in blue morocco. Lond. (Paris) 1793. 21/. CATULLUS, Tibullus et Propertius, perpetuis Commen- tariis Vu!pii, 4 vols. 4to. LARGE PAPER, in russia. Pata-o. ap. Cominum, 1737, &c: 28/. 7s. CENTO Novelle Antike, 4to. extremely rare, without date, place, or name of printer. 5Ql. 17s. Apostolo Zeno confidently pronounces this to be a more ancient edition than that of Bologna of ] 525, which has usually been considered the first. DRAYTOIS'S Poly-Olbion, with the second part, fol. with the frontispiece and portrait of Prince Henry by Hole, and all the other plates, 1622. Ql. 19s. 6d. ENGLISH Rogue, 4 vols. in 2, plates, very scarce, 1672. ESPLANDIAN, Les Sergas de Hijo legitimo de Amadis da Gaula, fol. rare. Alcala, 1588. 8/. 10s. Esplandian was written by Ordonnez de Montalvo, the original editor of the four first books of Amadis of Gaul in Spanish, and intended to form the fifth book of that celebrated romance. FENTON'S Tragicall Discourses, no lesse profitable than pleasaunt, 4to. rare. 1567. 13/. 2s. 6c?. GESTA Romanorum, cum pluribus applicatis hystoriis de Virtutibus et Viciis, fol. sixth edition with a date f rare. 1489. 127. 5 See a character of Casti iu Forsyth's " Excursion in Italy,". 8vo. 1816, 2d. ed. p. 21. COLONEL STANLEY. 1813. GIRALDI Cinthio, gli Hecatomithi (o cento Novelle), 4 vols. 8vo. the first and most complete edition, with all the dedications, very rare. mor. Monte Regale, 1565. 22/. Is. GONZALEZ de Clavijo, Historia del Gran Tamorian, e Itinerario, y Relacion de la Embaxada que le illevo por man- dado del Rey Don Henrique el Tercero, fol. extremely rare and curious, mor. Sevilla, 1582. 2 1/. GOUGH'S Sepulchral Monuments in Great Britain, with plates by Basire, 5 vols. imperial folio, bound in russia. 1786. 96/. 12s. GUICCIARDINI, Istoria d'ltalia, 4 vols. 4to. The best and uncastrated edition, LARGE PAPER, extremely rare, mor. Fribourg (Florence), 1775. 22Z. Is. HEPTAMERON des Nouvelles de la Royne de Navarre, 4to. original edition, mor. Paris, 1560. 61. HOLLINSHED'S Chronicle, 4 vols. fol. best edition, with the original castrations, LARGE PAPER, bound in russia, by R. Payne, 1586. 59^. 17s. JUAN, Don, de Persia, Relaciones de, donde se tratan las cosas notables de Persia y las guerras de Persianos, Turcos y Tartaros, 4to. Thuanus's Copy. Valadol. 1604. 7/. 7s. JUVENALIS Satirae, cum Commentario Ruperti, 2 vols. 8vo. LARGE PAPER, very rare (only 25 copies printed), mor. Lips. 1801. 21/. 10s. (yd. LANCELOT du Lac, Fais et Prouesses du, 3 vols. in 1, a rare edition, one leaf is supplied by manuscript, mor. Paris, 1513. 34/. 135. LAZARILLO de Tonnes, Vida de, y de sus fortunas y ad- versidades, (por Hurtado de Mendoga), 12mo. first edition, rare. Burgos, 1554. 3 1/. 10s. LIMERNO Pitocco (Teofilo Folengo), Orlandino, 12mo. original edition, very rare, morocco. Vineg. per Gregorio de Gregori, 1526. 19/. 19*. 538 COLONEL STANLEY. 1813. LINSCHOTEN'S (J. H.) Voyages into the East and West Indies, with the Dutch plates inserted, fol Wolfe, 1598. 22/. MARMOL (Luys) Descripcion General de Africa, con todos los successes de guerras eutre los Infideles y el pueblo Christiano, 3 vols. fol. original edition, rare, Grand. 1573. 14/. MAS uc cio, II Novellino, nel quale si contengono Cin- quanta Novelle, fol. extremely rare, plates, mor. Ven. per Joan, et Gregorio de Gregorii, 1492. 367. MERLINO La Vita de, e dele sue Prophetic Historia de che luifece, 4to. very rare, bl.mor. Ven. 1507. Si. 18s. Gd. Mo YEN de Parvenir, par Fr. Beroalde, 2 vol. 12mo. large paper, mor. 1757- 12/. 12s. NAVARRE (Roide) Poesies, avec des notes et un glossaire (par PEveque de la Ravaliere) 2 vols. in 1. best edition, L. P. Paris, 1742. 61 12s. 6d. OLINA, (Gio. Pet.) Uccelliera, overo Discorso della Na- tura e Proprieta di diversi Uccelli e in particolare di que che cantano, 4to. fig. di Tempesta et Villamena. Roma, 1622. 7/. 10s. PALMERIN of England, translated by Anthony Munday, 2 vols. very scarce, 1639. 7/. 15s. PALMERIN de Oliva, Libro del Famoso Cavallero, e de sus grandes hechos, 8vo. mor. by R. Payne. Fen. 1634. 101 10s. y the Mirror of Nobilitie and Won- der of Chivalrie, translated by Anthony Munday, both parts, 4to. very scarce, mor. 1637. 15/. PAR AN GO N de Nouvelles, honnestes et delectables d tous ceulx qui desirent veoir et ouyr choses recreatives soulz vmbre et couleur de joyeusete, 12mo. very rare, cuts. Lyon, 1532. 181. 18s. 539 C0LONEL STANLEY. 1813. PETRARCA, con nuove Spositioni, nelle quali se dimostra i^verogiorno e'l hora del suo innamoramento, 18mo. very fine copy in old red morocco, richly ornamented : supposed to be from the Library of Francis the First, with the two suppressed leaves, (pp. 207-10) icliich are frequently wanting. Hovilio, 1574. 10/. 5s. PHILLIPS'S true and perfect Description of three Voy- ages, so strange and woonderfull, that the like hath never been heard of before, into the countrie thought to be Greenland, with the cruell Beares and vnsupportable Cold to be found there, 4to. extremely rare, 1609. ll. Us. 6d. POGGII Facetiae, 4to. mor. Mediolani, per Pachel et Scinczenceller. 1481. 23/. All the early editions are scarce and curious ; as those' printed in the 16th century were mutilated to spare the Pope and the monks. Polo, (Gasp. Gil) Diana Enamorada, 12mo. mor. Par. 1611. 61. 6s. PRIMALEON (de Grecia) Los tres Libros del mtiy effor- ado Cavallero, et Polendos su hermano, hijos del Empera- dor Palmerin de Oliva, fol. mor. Fen. 1534. 41 /. PRO PERTH Carolina perpetuis notis illustravit Kuinoel, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. L. p. blue mor. Lips. 1805. lol. 15s. One of the rarest of the modern German editions of the Classics upon LARGE PAPER. PULCI (Luigi) II Morgaute Maggiore, 4to. mor. Fio- renza, 1574. 10/. 5s. PUTTEN HAM'S Arte of English Poesie, 4to. the original edition, very rare, with the portrait of Elizabeth, morocco. 1589. 2 1/. RIME scelte di diversi Autori, 2 vols. 12mo. Giolito. 1588. 13/. 13s. In rick old binding, supposed to be Francis the first' $ copy. 540 COLONEL STANLEY, 181& tloMMANT de la Rose, printed in Roman letter, cuts, blue morocco, 12mo. Par. Galliot Du Pre. 1529. 8/.10s. ROUSSEAU (J. B.) Oeuvres Diverses, 3 vols. Jine paper. Amst. 1726. Supplement aux CEuvres de Rousseau con- tenant les Pieces rejettees par 1'Auteur, Lond. 12mo. 1723. mor. The little supplemental volume seldom occurs. 101. Us. SAVIOLO (Vincentio) his Practice, in two bookes, the first intreating of the use of the Rapier and Dagger. The second of Honor and Honorable Quarrels, 4to. very rare. Printed by Wolfe, 1595. 14/. 3*. 6d. Saviolo's practice throws considerable light on the affected manners of " our gallants," in the days of Eliza- beth, and elucidates several passages in Shakspeare and Ben Jonson. SULLY, Memoires de, 3 vols. 4to. best edition, L. p. Prince Soubise's copy, portraits. Lond. (Par.) 174.5. 187. 18s. TASSO, Gierusalemme Liberata, con le Annotation! di Gentili, e Guastivini, 4to. mor. (from the Mazarine Libra- ry.) Genota, 1590. 10/. 10s. TEIXEIRA del Origen y Succession delos Reyes de Persia, y de Harmuz, y de un Viage de la India hasta Italia, Svo. 1'huanus's copy. Amber. 1610. 7l. 7s. TIRANTE il Bianco, Valorosissimo Cabaliere, tradotto da lingua Spagnola nella Tosca lingua, per il nobile huomo Lelio di Manfredi, 4to. rare, mor. Fineg.1538. 14/..14*. TRISSINO, Italia Liberata da Goti, riveduta, e corretta per Antonini, 3 vols. Svo. printed upon vellum, (Lamoignon's copy) red morocco. Par. 1729- 18/. 18s. TWYSDEN (Rog.) Historiae Anglicanae Scriptores De- V cem, 2 vols. fol. Joye's copy. mor. LonjL^\652._lSL 1,6s. VARGAS (Bern, de) Los quatro Libros del valoroso Ca- vallero Don Cirongilio de Tracia, fol. mor. Sevil. 1545. 50/. COLONEL STANLEY. 1813. VERB'S (Sir Francis) Commentaries, fol. L: p. very rare, a present from the publisher, brilliant impressions of the plates, bound in red mor. by R. Payne, 1657. 2 1/. 18s. VIRGILIUS e recensione Heinsii, l$mo. L. p. extremely rare, (Steevens's copy), red mor. Elzev. 1676. 2U. 10s. 6d. VITRUVIUS de Architecture, et Frontinus de Aquaeducti- bns, 12mo. A very scarce edition. Flor. apud Giuntam, 1513. III. WHELER'S (Geo.) Journey into Greece, fol. L. p. very rare, mor. 1682. 15/. WILSON'S Commendation of Cockes and Cock-fighting, \vherein is shewed that Cocke-fighting was before the com- ming of Christ, 4to. very rare. 1607. 1L 7s. (A Duplicate from the Bridgewater Library.) 542 '* GEORGE STEEVENS, ESQ. 1800. BIBLIOTHECA STEEVENSIANA. A CATALOGUE of the curious and valuable library of GEORGE STEEVENS, Esq. Fellow of the Royal and An- tiquary Societies (lately deceased) comprehending an extraordinary fine collection of books in classical, philological, historical, old English, and general litera- ture, many of which are extremely scarce, and the whole in fine condition. 1 Sold by auction (by order of * The whole of Mr. Steevens's invaluable library was sold, with the exception only of three curious and important works, viz. his illus- trated copy of Shakspeare, bequeathed to Earl Spencer ; his corrected copy of the Avorks of the immortal bard, to Mr. Reed; and the fine set of Hogarth, in three large volumes, said to have been nearly per- fect, to the late Right Hon. Wm. Windham. At the sale of the latter gentleman's effects, in July 1810, this rare collection brought the sum of 290 guineas, and was purchased for Mrs. Windham. Mr. Steevens was an eminent scholar, a profound critic, and com- mentator ; of brilliant wit. and keen satirical talents. Some interest- ing accounts of his literary life may be seen in the second volume of Kicholis Anecdotes, p. 650, &c. A portrait of Mr. Steevens, engraved by Evans and Harding from a picture by Zoffani, painted in 1774, was published in 1800, a few months after his decease : it was copied in mezzotinto by Hodgetts, for the third volume of Ames's Typographical Antiquities, by Dib- 543 GEORGE STEEVENS, ESQ. 1800. the executrix)/ by MR. KING, King Street, Covent Garden, on Tuesday, May 13, 1800, and ten following days. Number of articles^ 1943. Total amount of the sale, 2740. 15s. ASTRA EA'S Teares, an Elegie upon the Death of that learned J udge, Sir Rich. Hutton, portrait, sm. Svo. 1641. Si. BALE^XJ^hn) Tragedie, or Enterlude, manifesting the chiefe Promises of God unto Man, compyled An. Dom. 1538. bl. let. 4to. John Charlewoode, 1577. 12/. 15s. BAS (Will.) Sword and Buckler, or Serving Man's De- fence, in six line stanzas, 4to. 1602. I/. 19s. BASTARD (Thos.) Chrestoleros, seven Bookes of Epi- gramraes, Svo. Rich. Bradocke, 1598. 2/. 3s. BEAVER'S (John) Roman Military Punishments, with the plates by Hogarth, and additional plates, L. p. 4to. mor. 1725. 13/. 5s. BEVIS of Hampton (Sir) The History of the famous and renowned Knight, cuts, bl. let. 4to. 1662. with the autograph of Thos. Hearne. 31. 13s. 6d. Boccus and Sydracke (Kynge) The Hystory and Ques- tions of, 4to. bl. let. Thomas Godfraye (no title). Ql. 19s. BOIASTEAU (Pierre) etFr. Belle-Forest, Histoires Tra- giques, 7 torn. 18mo. Rouen, 1603, &c. 7^.7*. BRATHWAYTE (Rich.) Nature's Embassie or the Wilde din. An outline engraving of his monument, by Flaxman, at Pop- lar, is given in the supplementary volume of Lysmu' Environs of London. v Miss Stecvens, the niece of Mr. Steevens, Mho was the residuary legatee. GEORGE STEEVENS, ESQ. 1800. Man's Measures, danced naked by twelve Satyres, 8vo. R. Whitalcer, 1621. I/. 3s. BRETON (Nic.) An Excellent Poeme upon the Longing of a Blessed Heart, 4to. 1601. I/. CHAMPIONS of Christendom, History of the Seven, bl. let. 4to. Rich. Bishop (no date). I/. 16s. CHURCHYARD and Camell, upon David Dycer's Dreame, sett out in such order, that it is both wyttye and profyttable for all degryes, 4to; bl. let. with curious MS. notes. Owen Rogers, 1560. 41. 9s. CHUTE (A.) Beawtie Dishonoured, written under the title of Shore's Wife, 4to. John Wolfe, 1593. 3/. 15s. CUTWODE, (T.) Caltha Poetarum, or the Bumble-Bee, sm. 8vo. Thos. Crede, 1599. 2/. 12s. 6d. DORREL (Hadrian) Willobie his A visa, or the true Picture of a modest Maide, and of a chaste and constant Wife, 4to. John Windet, 1609. 2/. 3s. ENGLAND'S Helicon, collected by John Bodenham, with copious additions, and an Index in MS. by Mr. Steevens, 4to. 1600. III. 15s. FIAN Doctor Newes from Scotland, declaring the dam- nable Life of Doctor Fian, a notable Sorcerer, who was s t burned at Edenbrough in Januarie last, 1591 ; which doctor was Register to the Devill, that sundrie times preached at North Baricke Kirke to a number of notorious Witches, cuts, 4to. bl. let. printed by W. Wright. 61. 6s. Mr. Steevens never saw another copy. FLODDAN Field, in nine fits, sm. 8vo. 1644. I/. 8s. FULLER'S (Thos.) Worthies of England, with the por- x trait and Index, fol. 1662. 43/. With MS. notes by Oldys and Thoresby. (purchased by Mr. Malone.) The late Mr. Steevens bestowed uncommon pains in 4 A GEORGE STEEVENS, ESQ. 1800. transcribing every addition to render this copy valuable, written in his peculiarly neat manner. GALTHERI (Phil.) Alexandreidos libri decem, 4to. ED. PR. (caret tit.) 1496. 2/. 2*. GOOGE (Barnabe) Eglogs, Epytaphes, and Sonnettes, newly written, sm. 8vo. bl. let. Impr. by Thos. Colwell, for Rafe Newbery. 10/. 15s. Mr. Steevens in a note says, there is no scarcer book in the English language ; and that Dr. Farmer, Messrs. T. Warton, and Is. Reed, had never seen another copy. HOMER'S Ordinarie, where a man may be verie merrie, and exceeding well used for his six-pence, 4to. I/. HOMER'S Iliades, 10 Books of, translated by Arthur Hall out of French, 4to. bl. let. Ra. Newberie, 1581. 2l.\7s. IRELAND (W. H.) Account of the Shaksperian Manu- scripts, with Drawings by him, and various specimens of the pretended fac-simile prints of the Iron Chest, and Ghost of Shakspeare, with notes by Mr. Steevens, and F. G. IVal- dron,8vo. inlaid in 4to. 1796. 17/. 17s. Sold originally by Ireland to Mr. Waldronfor 18s. and purchased from him by Mr. S. for two guineas. JEW, The Wandering, telling Fortunes to Englishmen, 4to. frontisp. 1640. I/. 2s. LAZARILLO de Tormes, The pleasaunt Historic of, wherein is contained his marvellous Deedes and Life, drawen out of Spanish by David Rowland of Anglesey, sm. 8vo. bl. let. Abell Jeffes, 1586. ll.l\s.6d. Mr. Steevens, in a note, says he has never seen another copy. Li CIA, or Poemes of Love, whereunto is added the Rising to the Crowne of Richard the Third, 4to. no date. \l. 18s. LODGE (Thos.)Xife and Death of Wm. Longbeard, the 546 GEORGE STEEVENS, ESQ. 1800. most famous and witty English traitor borne in the Citty of London, accompanied with manye other most pleasant and prettie Histories, 4to. bl let. Ri. Yardley, and P. Shorty 1593. 41. 7s. MARSTON (John) Scourge of Villanie, corrected, with the addition of new Satyres, sm. 8vo. 1599. The Letting of Humours Blood in the Head-Vaine, with a new Morisco, daunced by seaven Satyres upon the bottome of Diogenes Tubbe. W. White, 1600. Thos. Bastard Chrestoleros, seven Bookes of Epigrames, 1598. The Whipper of the Sa- tyre, his Penance in a white sheet, or the Beadles confutation, 1601. 41. 16s. MIDDLETON (Thos.) A Tragi-Coomodie, called the Watch, long since acted by his Majesties Servants at the Black-Friers, original MS. 4to. ?/. 105. MILTON'S Paradise Lost, first edit, interleaved with co- pious MS. notes, by the late J. Bowie, 4to. 1668. 2/. 6s. Mi RROUR of Princely Deedes and Knighthood, wherein is shewed the worthinesse of the Knight of the Sunne, and his brother Rosicleer, with the strange Love of the beautifull Princesse Briana, and the valiant Actes of other noble Princes and Knights ; translated out of the Spanish by Mar- garet Tjler, &c. bl. let. 4to. 9 parts in 3 vols. extremely rare. Thos. Este, fyc. 1598. 5l. 5s. Mr. Steevens in a note says, he never saw or heard of another copy. OLEARIUS (Paul) de Fide Concubinarum in suosPfaffos, cum fig. lig. 4to. sine loco aut anno, rariss. 4l. Is. PAR AD ICE of Dainty Devises, 4to. bl. let. Ed. White, 1600. N. Breton's Workes of a Young Wyt, trust up with a Fardell of Prettie Fancies, &c. 4to. bl. let. with a MS. list of the author's works. Printed by Thos. Dawson and Thos. Gardyner. Soothern's Odes, (title wanting. Thos. Wat- 547 GEORGE STEEVENS, ESQ. 1800. son's Passionate Centurie of Love, 4to. bl. let. (part in MS.) John Wolfe. 2 \L \Qs.Qd. PARROT (Hen.) Laquei ridiculosi, or Springes for Wood- cocks, consisting of 216 Epigrams, small 8vo. 16 13. I/. 155. PLAYS, The original Papers of the plot of the Plays of Frederick and Basilea, and of the Deade's Man's Fortune, which were hung up by the side scenes in the Playhouses for the use of the Prompter and the Actors ; earlier than the time of Shakspeare, on two pasteboards. 1 \L FOGG] i Facetiae. ED. PR. 4to. lit. goth. (circa, 1480.) 27. 12s. 6d. POWELL (Thos.) The Passionate Poet, with a descrip- tion of the Thracian Ismarus, in Verse, 4to. Vol. Simmes, 1601. 27. 17s. No other copy known. PUTTENHAM'S Arte of English Poesie, in 3 books with a wood-cut of Q. Elizabeth, 4to. Ri. Field, 1589. 77. 10s. RHODES (Hugh) Book of Nurture, or Governaunce of Youth with Stans Puer ad Mensam, bl. let. sm. Svo. Impr. at London, by H. Jackson ; with a reference to Warton's History of Poetry. 27. 2s. HOMAUNCE, Metrical, of the Sowdon of Babyloyne, and of Ferumbras his son, who conquered Rome, and Kinge Charles of Fraunce, with XII. dosey Peres toke the Sowdon in the Feelde, and smote of his Heede. MS. on veil. 37. 4s. SHAKSPEARE, (Wm.) Plays, first edition, with a MS. title, and a fac-simile drawing of the portrait, by Mr, Steevens, 1623. 227. (20 Plays) published by Mr. Steevens, 6 vols. L. P. only twelve copies printed. 1766. 57. 15s. 6d. 1 A most pleasaunt and excellent conceited Co- medie of Syr John Falstaffe, and the Merrie Wives of Wind- 543 GEORGE STEEVENS, ESQ. 1800. sor, 4to. first edition. 1602. 28/. Purchased by Mr. Ma- lone. SHAKSPEARE (Wm.) His true Chronicle History of the Life and Death of King Lear, and his three Daughters, with the unfortunate Life of Edgar, Sonne and Heire to the Earl of Gloucester, and his sullen and assumed Humour of Tom of Bedlam, 4to. first edition, 1608. 28/. A Midsommer Night's Dreame, 4to. first edit. Thos. Fisher, 1600. (part of a leaf wanting.) 25/. 10s. Purchased by Mr. Malone. The Tragedy of Othello, the Moore of Venice, as acted at the Globe, &c. 4to. 1622. with MS. notes, and various readings, by Mr. Steevens. QQl. The Tragedie of King Richard the Second, 4to. Val. Simmes, 1598. 4/. 14s. 6d, , printed by W. W. 1608. 10/. The most excellent and lamentable Tragedie of Romeo and Juliet, printed by Thos. Crede, 1599. 6/. Sonnets, never before imprinted, 4to. G. Eld- 1609. 31. 19s. A pleasaunt conceited Historic, called the Tam- ing of the Shrew, as acted by the Earle of Pembroke's Ser- vants, first edition, 4to. printed by V. S. 1607- 20/. The History of Troylus and Cresseide, 4to. first edit. G. Elde, 1609. 51. 10s. SKELTON (Master J.) Merie Tales, 12mo. bl. let. Thos. Colwell, no date. 5l. 15s. 6d. Mr. Steevens (in a note) says he never saw another copy. STAFFORD (Will.) Briefe Conceipte of English Pollicye, 4to. bl. let. Thos. Marshe, 1581. Stubs's Anatomic of Abuses, 4to. bl. let. Rich. Joknes, 1595. 3/. 549 GEORGE STEEVENS, ESQ. 1800. TOFTS, (Mary) complete collection of Tracts relative to, both in print and MS. with a drawing of her by Mr. Steevens, in one vol. 8vo. 1727, &c. 14/. 10s. TYROS (T.) Roring Megge, planted against the Walles of Melancholy, 4to. VaL Simmes, 1598. \L 9s. VIRGIL'S jEneis, the first foure Bookes of, by Rich. Sta- nihurst, with other Poetical Devises, Svo. very rare. H. Byn- neman, 1583. 3l. 10s. WARREN (Will.) A Pleasant newFancie of a Fondling's Device, intitled and cald the Nurcerie of Names, with wood borders, bl. let. 4to. Rich. Ihones, 1581. 2/. 16s. WATSONII (Thomae) Aminta Gaudia, dedicated to Mary Countess of Pembroke, 4to. 1592. ll. Ids. WATSON'S (Thos.) Passionate Centurie of Love, in two parts, 4to. bl. let. John Wolfe, 5l. 18s. WEB BE (Will,) Discourse of English Poetry, together with the author's judgment touching the reformation of our English verse, 4to. bl. let. John Charlewood, 1586. 8/. 8s. YATES (James Servingman) Castell of Courtesie, where- unto is adjoyned the Holde of Humilitie, with the Chariot of Chastitie thereunto annexed, bLlet. 4to. John Wolfe, 1582. 2J. 10s. 550 hMu/u-,1 JunmiU h JOHN TOWNELEY, ESQ. 1814-15. BIBLIOTHECA TOWNELEIANA. A CATALOGUE of the curious and extensive library of the late JOHN TOWNELEY, Esq. Part I. Containing very fine and rare specimens from the presses of Caxton, Pynson, Wynkyn de Worde, &c. (Here follows a no- tice of some valuable articles in the collection). Sold by auction, by R. H. EVANS, Pall Mall, on Wednesday, June 8th, 1814, and six following days. A second portion of the curious and extensive library of the late JOHN TOWNELEY, Esq. containing many rare and valuable articles in topography, history, natural his- tory, voyages, and belles lettres. Sold by auction, by R. H. EVANS, Pall Mall, on Monday, June 19, 1815, and the nine following days. Part I. Number of articles, 904. Part II. 1703. w 5 890. V^ . c'2707. 1 Another small portion of Mr. Towneley's library (with Auditor Harley's collection), was sold by auction by Mr. Evans, in May 1817. The Towneleian collection of drawings, prints, books of prints, and British topography, sold by Mr. King, in May, 1816, produced the sum of 1414Z. 5s. 6d. The two parts consisted of 1291 articles. The magnificent collection of the works of Hollar, formed by the 551 JOHN TOWNELEY, ESQ. 1814-15. ARDES Letter conteining a large Discourse of the Peo- pling the-Cuntrie called the Ardies in the north of Irelande, with the offer made by Sir T. Smyth, to such as be willing to accompanie his son to the north of Irelande. 8vo. Impr. by Bynneman. 5l. 10s. BIOGRAPHICAL Dictionary, 6 vols. imp. fol. MS. com- posed for the use of Gulston the celebrated print-collector. 53/. 11s. (Sale, 1815.; Bo c ACE, Temple des Nobles Malheureux, Epistre de la Royne Marie a son frere Henry d'Angleterre, fol. mor. Paris, Galliot Du Prc, 1517. 18/. 13s. BOCHAS'S Falle of Princis, by Lydgate, very rare. R. Pymon, 1494. 27/. 16s. 6d; BOECE'S (Hect.) Hystory and Croniklis of Scotland, trans- late Mr. To wneley, was sold also by Mr. King, in May 1818, for 2108?. 11*. 6(1 Among the valuable works reserved by bis successor, are the fine collection of portraits illustrating Granger's Biographical history, in several folio volumes ; and the splendid Missal painted by JULIO CLOVIO : this is one of the finest works of that great master ; it camo from the Farnese collection, and was purchased abroad by Mr. Cham- pernoun for an inconsiderable sum : this inestimable volume cost the late proprietor 400 guineas. Mr. Towneley for many years was a celebrated collector ; his fa- vourite classes were English history, topography, and portraits. The purchase of the rare print of Sir Thomas Chaloner, ly Hollar, at Bar- nard's sale in 1798, for 57 guineas, made him conspicuous ; this iden- tical print was recently sold for 59 guineas, and is now in the collec- tion of the Marquis of Buckingham. The annexed plate is faithfully copied from a bust of the late Mr. Towneley, which stood in his library ; the features have a degree of austerity the original did not possess, for he was remarkably mild, benevolent, and unassuming. He died in May, 1813, at the age of 82. 552 JOHN TOWNELEY, ESQ. 1814-15. latit by Bellenden. extremely rare. mor. fol. Imprentit in Edinburgh, by me Thomas Davidson, fol. 85/. BOUILLANT Anne d'Angleterre, Epistre contenant les proces criminel faict a 1'encontre de la Royne, 8vo. tres rare. Lyon, 1545. 41 10s. BOURNE'S Treasure for Traueilers, 4to. 1578. 41. 4s. CASTELL (Edm.) Sol Anglia Oriens, a Series of Com- plimentary verses addressed to Charles II. in all the languages used in the Polyglot Lexicon, 4to. fine portrait of Charles II. 6/. Ids. 6d. CAXTON (W.) Description of Britayne, fol. 1480. 85/. Is. (The Sth leaf is admirably supplied by manuscript.) Chaucer's Troylus and Creside, (wants one leaf), fol. 252J. CAXTON (W.) The Doctrinal of Sapyence, fol. wants four leaves. Q3l. Fayttes of Armes and of Chyualrye, fol. 1489. IB61. 105. ( Two leaves admirably supplied by MS.) Hygden's Polychronicon, fol. 1482. imper- fect, 40/. 195. CHESS Pleasaunt and Wittie Playe of the Cheasts re- vewed, 8vo. very rare. 1562. 41. 14s. 6d. (Sale, 1815.) CHINESE Paintings, (100) containing Views of the princi- pal Buildings, Manufactories, and Costumes of Canton ; from VanBraam's collection. 26/. 15s. 6d. (Sale, 1815.) COSTUME of England, Military and Civil, from the most remote period, down to the 18th century, delineated in 114 original drawings, by John Carter, fol. 141Z. 15s. (The sum paid to Carter for this curious volume, was 300/. Mr. T. purchased it from the proprietor, for 105/.) EDMUND, St. The Life, Martyrdom, and Miracles of St. Edmund, in 32 singularly curious paintings of the early -1 B JOHN TOWNELEY, ESQ. 1814-15. part of the 12th century, exhibiting the architecture, shipping, arms, armour, and various habits of that period. The Mira- cles of St. Edmund, with the initials illuminated. The Life of St. Edmund, by Abbo, Abbot of Fleury. The Legend of St. Edmund, with the Responses, &c. set to music, and illu- minated initials, fol. 168/. FARLIE'S Morall Emblems, 8vo. 1638. 3l. 3s. FR AN CK* (Rich.) Northern Memoirs, calculated for the meridian of Scotland, to which is added by way of diversion, the Contemplative Angler, sm. 8vo. mor. very rare. 1694. 9LJ5s. FROISSART'S Chronicle, translated by Lord Berners, 2 vols. fol. Pynson, 1523-5. Title of vol. 1, a reprint. 42/. GALE et Fell Scriptores Historise Anglicanaj, 3 vols. fol. CH. MAG. Oxon. 1684. 33/. 12s. GAZETTE, London, from the commencement in 1665, to 1756 inclusive, 46 vols. fol. 23/. 10s. (Sale, 1815.; GENINGES (Edm.) Life and Death of, martyred at Lon- don in 15QI, portrait and plates, 4to. St. Omers, 1614. 5l. GERSON'S Treatise on the imitation of Criste, translated by Atkynson, at the speciall request of Pryncesse Margarete, Moder to Henry VII. 4to. Pynson. Ql. GOLDEN Letany in Englysshe, Imprynted by Shot. The Rosary, with the Life of Jesu Christ. Imp. by Shot, 8vo. 4fc 14s. 6d. A note of Dr. Farmer's in this book, states that Herbert had never seen any other copy of these two books. GRAMMONT, Memoires de, 4to. L. p. with 72 portraits, coloured to resemble drawings, and an original drawing of Lucy Waters, mor. 52/. 10s. Hi. Franck was a Cambridge man, and a famous peripatetic an- x/cler ; he walked from his native place to John a Groat's house to enjoy his favourite amusement; in 1658 he first published his Tour. 554 JOHN TOWNELEY, ESQ. 1814-15. HEARNE'S (Thos.) History and Antiquities of Glastpn bury, 8vo. L. p. 1722. III. Us. HEMINGFORD (Walt.) Historia Edvardil. Edvardill. et Edvardi III. ab Hearne, 2 torn. 8vo. CH. MAG. Oxon. 1731. 307. 19s. 6d. HEYWOODE'S (John) Spider and Flieand other Woorkes, 4to. 1556-62. A leaf in the Epigrams supplied by MS. 161. 16s. HINDOO Paintings (36) descriptive of musical instru- ments, entertainments, and costume of the Hindoos. I8l. 7s. 6d. (Sale, 1815.) HOMERI Ilias, cum scholiis et Glossis interlinearibus, fol. CODEX PERVETUSTUS MEMBRANACEUS. This is the identical manuscript which was formerly in ' the possession of Victorius and Salviati at Florence, the supposed loss of which had been deplored for more than two centuries. Critics have unanimously assigned it to a very remote period of antiquity. It is written upon vellum in a very fair and legible hand, and the margins are replete with most valuable and important scholia. Heyne has given a fac-simile of it in his Homer, (Tab. D. vol. I.) (vid. Bibl. Townl No. 884.) 620/. Purchased by the, late Rev. Dr. Burney, whose entire collection is now de- posited in the British Museum. HONEST Ghost, or a Voice from the Vault, Age for Apes, plates by Vaughan. Svo. 1658. 11. 10s. HORJE Beatae Mariae Virginis ad usum Insignis Ecclesiaj Sarum, 4to. Printed upon vellum by July an Notary, 1503. extremely rare. 48/. 6s. JOSEPHE Histoire des Juifs, fol. MS. upon vellum, with numerous miniatures finely executed. 43/. Is. Anciennetez des Juifs, fol. MS, upon vellum, with 13 beautiful large historical paintings , fol. 84/. 555 JOHN TOWNELEY, ESQ. 1814-15. A-LEGENDE Doree, impr.jur \_velin, fol. Paris, Ferard, 1480. _24/. (Sale, 1815-7 ~XPiece of Treachery in the Popish Powder Plot, frontispiece and plates, 8vo. 1641. 8/. 10s. 6d. WIT'S Interpreter, the English Parnassus, with Love songs, Epigrams, Drolleries, &c. (Collected by Cotgrave.) 8vo. 1665. 51. WORDE (W. de.) Chronicle of Englonde, with the Fruyte of Tymes, fol. wood-cuts, (wants the jirst leaf of the Table.) 1515. Descrypcyon of Englonde, fol. 1515. SO/. 558 MERLY LIBRARY. RALPH WILLETT, ESQ. 1813. .A CATALOGUE of the well-known and celebrated libra- ry of the late RALPH WILLETT, ESQ., brought from his seat at Merly, y in the county of Dorset, containing a most rare assemblage of the early printers, fine speci- mens of block-printing, old English chronicles, &c. in the finest preservation ; likewise, an extensive and mag- nificent collection of books, in every department of li- terature, from the earliest period to the present time. All the books are in the finest condition; many printed on vellum, and on large paper, and bound in morocco and russia leather. Likewise, a most splendid missal, and a very choice collection of botanical drawings, by i A Description of the library at Merly, with engravings of the in- terior ornaments, designed by Mr. Willett, was published by him in 1785, in one volume large folio ; and a classed catalogue of the collec- tion was privately printed in 1790. M. Willett's large and splendid collection of prints was sold in 1813 and 1814, by the late Mr. T. Phi- lipe, Warwick-street, Golden-square. 559 RALPH WILLETT, ESQ. 1813. Van Huysum, Taylor, Brown, Lee, &c. Sold by LEIGH and SOTHEBY, Strand, on Monday, Dec. 6, 1813, and sixteen following days. Number of Articles, 2906. Total amount of the sale, 13,508. 4s. Vita et Fabellae, Gr. Lat. fol., Venet. Aldus, 1505. 147. ALUREDI Beverlacencis Historia, ab Hearne, 8vo. c. M. Oxon. 1716. 21 J. AUGUSTINUS (Aur.) de Singularitate Clericorum, 4to. Colon. Olricus Zel, 1467. 17/. 17s. This is the second book with a date, in which the name of Ulric Zel appears as the printer. BE NED ICTUS Abbas Petroburgensis, de vita et gestis Henrici II. et Ricard. I. ab Hearne, 2 torn. 8vo. CH. MAG. Oxon. 1735. 25/. 4s. BESSARIONIS (Card.) adversus Calumniatores Platonis Libri v. fol. ED. PR. lit. cap. ilium. Romac, Sweynh. et Pannartz (1469.) 15/. 10s. BIBLIA Polyglotta, studio opera et impensis Cardinal!* Francisci Ximenes de Cisneros, 6 torn. fol. Complut. de Brocario, 1514-17. 63/. BONIFACII (Papas VIII.) Liber sextus Decrejtalium cum apparatu, Job. Andreae, impr. in membr. fol. Mogunt. Petr. Schoijfer, 1473. 27/. 6s. BOUCHARD (Alain) Croniques et Annales des pays d'An- gleterre et Bretaigne, fig. fol. Paris, 1531. 2 1/. BRANDT (Seb.) Stultifera Navis e Germanico sermone in Latinutn traducta per lac. Locher, Jig. 4to. Basil. lo. de Olpe,U97. 8J. 8s. CAXTON (W.) The Game and Playe of the Chesse, second edit. fol. no place or date. 1731. 5s. ,00 RALPH WILLETT, ESQ. 1813. CAXTON (W.) Orologium Sapiencie, 4to. no date. 1947. 5* CICERONIS (M. T.) Epistolaj ad M. Brutum, ad Q. trem, ad Octavium, et ad Atticum, ex recognitione, lo. An- dreas, &c. fol. ED. PR. Roma, Sweynheim et Pannartz, 1470. 311. 10sT"~ DUGD ALE'S (Sir Wm.) Antiquities of Warwickshire, by W.Thomas, plates, 2 vols. fol. LARGE PAPER, morocco, 1730. 527. 10s. DURANDI (Gul.) Rationale Divinorum Officiorum, 2v torn. fol. ED. PR. impr. in membr. Mogunt. Fust et Schoy/er, 1459. 1057. (Imperf. wanting 1 1 leaves, resold for 111. 6s.) GALENUS de Affectorum Locorum notitia, libri sex, Gul. Copo interprete, impress, in membr. 4to. Paris. Hen. Stephanus, 1513. 237. 2s. HOLLAND i (H.) Heroologia Anglica, cum iconibus, 2 torn, in 1, fol. presentation copy. Lond. 1620. 187. LELAND (John) The Itinerary of, Qjrols^JJTO.^.JP.. plates. Oxford, 1746-7. 577.15s.! LUCRETIUS, fol. Verona, Paulus Fridenberger, I486. 197. MONSTRELET (Enguer. de) Chroniques, 3 torn, en 2 vols. fol. GR. PAP. maroq. Paris, 1572. 427. MORANT'S (Phil.) History of Essex, 2 vols. fol. L. P. 1768. 317. 10s. MISSALE Romanum, Saec. xvi. containing 72 capital illuminations, the borders most delicately and highly finish- ed, with grotesque figures, ornaments, fiowers, fruits, in- sects, c. This splendid Missal belonged to Mr. West, fol. 1057. PHALARIDIS Epistolae, Francisco Aretino interprete, 4to. Oxonie, Theod. Rood, % Tho. Hunt, (1485.) 857. Is. 4 c RALPH WILLETT, ESQ. 1613. PRYNNE'S (Wm.) Records, 3 vols. fol. L. p. with front. 1665-6-70. 152J. 5s. (West's copy.) ROPERI (Gul.) Vita D. Thomae Mori, ab Hearne, cum icone, CH. MAG. 8vo. Oxon. 1716. 26/. 15s. 6d. SANDRART (Joach. de) Opera varia, Germ. etLat. 8 vols. fol. Norimb. 1675, &c. 63L (vid. p. 338.) SpEcuLUM,Christiani, lit.goth. 4to. Will, de Machlinia, sine anno. 3ll. Humanae Salvationis, fol. printed from wood- en blocks, first edit. 3151. (vid. p. 237.) Belgice, cum. Jig. ligno incisis. fol. 252/. SULPITJI Verulani oratoris prestantissimi opus insigne Grammaticum, lit.goth. 4to. Ri. Pynson, 1494. 42/. THORESBY'S (Ralph) Topography of the Tewn and Pa- rish of Leedes, fol. L. P. 1715. 46/. VESPUCE Florentin (Emeric de) Nouveau Monde et Voyages, translate d' Italien en langue francoise par Mathu- riH du Redouet, 4to. let. goth. Paris, Galliot du Pre, 1516. 10/. WILLIS (Browne) History of the Mitred Parliamentary Abbies, and Conventual Cathedral Churches, 2 vols. 8vo. L. p. 1718-19. 26/. '' Survey of the Cathedrals, plates, 3 vols. 4to. 1727-30. 3 1/. WORDE (W. de) The Justyces of Paes, 4to. 1510. 13/. * ZAMORENSIS Episcopi (Roderici Sancii vel potius San- chez de Arevalo) Speculum Vitae Humanae, fol. ED^PR. Roma, Sweynh. et Pannartz, 1468, wanting the alphabeti- cal table. 81. 8s. 369 JOHN WOODHOUSE, ESQ. 1803. A CATALOGUE of the entire, elegant, and valuable li- brary of JOHN WOODHOUSE, ESQ., comprising a rich and extensive collection of books in antient and modern English history ; chronicles, topography, and natural history ; likewise, an extra rare selection of old English poetry, romances, &c. 'N. B. The books consist of the best editions ; the bindings (with few exceptions) are either morocco or russia, with gilt leaves, and executed in the most finished and masterly style. Sold by LEIGH, SOTHEBY, and SON, York Street, Covent Garden, on Monday, Dec. 12, 1803, and four following days. Number of articles, 862. Total amount of the sale, 3135. As. A PAIRE of Turtle Doves, or the History of Bellora and Fidelio, 4to. bl.let. 1606. 5l. 5s. ATKYN'S (Rich.) on the origin and growth of Printing, frontisp. 4to. 1664. M 2*. As THE A'S Teares, an Elegie upon the Death of that learned and honest Judge, Sir Richard Hutton, Knt, frontisp. 8vo. 1641. 4/. 145. 6d. 569 JOHN WOODHOUSE, ESQ. 1803. BALE'S (John) Mysterye of Inyquyte, bl. let. Svo. Em- prynted at Geneva, by Mich. Woode, 1545. 3l. 15s. BARCLAY (Alex.) Egloges, out of a Boke named in Latin, Miserie Curialium, compyled by Eneas Sylvius, poete and oratour, fixe parts complete. 4to. bl. let. wood- cuts. 251. BARON (Robt.) Pocula Cast alia, the author's motto, Fortune's Tennis Ball, Eliza, Poems, Epigrams, &c. portrait by Marshall, Bvo. 1650. 2/. 8s. BASTARD'S (Thos.) Chrestoleros, seven Bookes of Epi- grames, Svo. 1598. 5l. 15s. Qd. BENTLEY (Thos.) Monument of Matrons, containing seven several lamps of Virgiuitie ; bl. let. 3 vols. 4to. 1582. 16/. 5s. 6d. BODY of Poly eye, The Booke which is called the, 4to. bl. let. Imprynted at London, without Newe Gate in Saytti Pulker's Parishe, by John Shot. 1521. 5/. 7s. 6d. CALVIN E'S (John) Epistle to the Protector Edward Duke of Somerset, how tumultes may be avoyded ; and trans- lated out of Frenshe by the Duke himself in the tyme of his Impriesonmente, Svo. Whitchurch, 1550. 37. 5s. CATERINE (Queen) The Lamentation of a Sinner, 12mo. bl. let. Whitchurche, 1548. 61. 6s. CHAUNCY'S (Sir Hen.) History of Hertfordshire, in bds. uncut, fol. 1700. 2 1/. CHURL and the Byrd, a Tale in Verse, 4to. Pynson t no date. 1 ll. 2s. 6d. COKAIN'S (Sir Aston) Poems and Plays, portrait, 2 vols. Svo. 1662. 4/. COLLIN SON'S (John) History of the County of Somer- set, 4 vols. 4to. L. p. boards, with the arms emblazoned. Bath, 1791. 15 COURT and Kitchen of Elizabeth, commonly called Joaii Cromwell, portrait, 12mo. 1664. 7 1. 10s. 564 JOHN WOODHOUSE, ESQ. 1803. DRUNKARDS and Health-Drinkers, a Warning Piece to, plates, 4to. 1683. 2/.4s. ENGLISH Rogue described, in the Life of Meriton Latroon, plates, 3 parts in 2 vols. 8vo. 1666. Q.L 12s. 6d. ERASMUS'S Praise of Folie, by Sir Thomas Chaloner, with a MS. account of Chaloner, 4to. Berthelet, 1569. 3/. FULWELL'S (Ulpian) Flower of Fame; containing the bright Renowne, and moste fortunate Raigne of King Henry VIII. Prose and Verse, 4to. bl. let. W. Hoskins, 1575. 51. 15s. 6d. GREENE'S (Rob.) Orpharion or Concorde of Pleasant Histories, 4to. 1599- 2/. 12s. 6d. Card of Fancie, 4to. 1608. 3l. Is. Repentance, 4to. 1592. 4/. 7s. HARRISON'S (Steph.) Seven Triumphal Arches, in honor of James I. all the parts complete, curious and very rare. fol. 1604. 27/. 16s. HEYWOOD (Thos.) England's Elizabeth, her Life and Troubles during her minoritie, 8vo. Cambr. 164 1 . I/. 11s. 6d* IDOL of the Clownes; or Insurrection of Watt the Tyler. In this book is inserted a printed leaf, in black letter, from a Poem of John Lydgates, applicable to the above transaction. 12mo. 1654. 51. Is. 6d. JEWEL'S (Wm.) Golden Cabinet of true Pleasure, Svo. 1612. 31. 7s. JAMES I. His Majesties Poeticall Exercises at vacant houres The Furies. The Lepanto, a Poeme, 4to. Edinb. no date. ll. 7s. JON SON (Ben) Part of the Entertainment through the Cittie of London, given to James the First, 4to. 1604. 7/. 7s. KATHERINE (Queen) Prayers and Medytacions collect- ed out of the Holy Woorkes, bl. let. 8vo. Thos. Berthelet, 1547. 51 I5s.6d. 565 JOHN WOODHOUSE, ESQ. 1803. I KING'S (Hen. Bp. of Chichester) Poems, Elegies, Para- doxes, and Sonnets, 8vo. 1660. 17. 155. - KNIGHT'S (Sam.) Life of Dean Colet, plates, 8vo. L. p. 1724. 51. 10s. Erasmus, plates, 8vo. L. PAP. 1726. 97. 9*. '-.Vi LATHAM'S (John) General Synopsis of Birds with Index, the reverse plates elegantly painted by Miss Stone, 9 vols. 4to. 1781. 407. LEWIN'S (Win.) Birds of Great Britain, with the Eggs accurately figured) and elegantly painted zvith back grounds, 7 vols. in 3. 4to. a superb copy. 1789. 28/. 7s. LEYCESTER'S (Sir P.) Civill Warres of England, por- traits, 8vo. 1649. 127. LEYLANDE (Johan) The Laboriouse Journey and Searche for Englandes Antiquities, geven of hym, as a Newe Yy Yeare's Gyft to Kynge Henry the 8th, in the 37th yeare of his Reygne, with Declaracyons enlarged, by Johan Bayle, Svo. *> bl. let. Empr. by Johan Bale, 1549. 57. 2s. 6d; LUTHER (Mart.) to and from Henry the VIII. bl. let. Svo. Ri. Pynson, no date. 61. 6s. MYRROUR and Dyscrypcyon of the Worlde, with many mervaylles, wood cuts, fol. Empr. by Lawrence Andrewe, 1527. 267. OVID'S Heroycall Epistles, translated in English Verse, by George Turbervile, 8vo. black letter. Jo. Charlzvoode. 31 5s. PARROT (Hen.) Laquei Ridiculosi, or Springes for Woodcocks, Epigrams, 2 parts, Svo. 1613. 5l.5s. PELLHAM'S (Edw.) Account of the miraculous preser- vation of himself, and seven Englishmen, left by mischance in Green Land, anno 1630, nine moneths and twelve dayes, 4to. 1631. ll. 13s. 566: JOHN WOODHOUSE, ESQ. 1803. ". PIERS I playne Piers which cannot flatter, A Plovveman men me call, My Speeche is fowlle ! Yet marke the matter, Howe thynges may hap to fall. 8vo. bl. let. Colophon. God save the Kynge and Spede the ploughe, And send the prelates care ynoughe, ynoughe, ynoughe, ynoughe. 4L 10s. POWELL'S (Thos.) Passionate Poet, 8vo. 1601. 4l.4s. RADEGUNDE Saynt, The Lyfe of, a Poem, 4to. bl. let. Itnpr. by R. Pynson. 111. Us. ROSSE (Alex.) Mel Heliconium; or Poeticall Honey, gathered out of the Weeds of Parnassus, 8vo 1646. 5/. 5s. ROY (W.) Rede me and be nott wrothe, For I say no thynge but trothe, A Satire on Cardinal Wolsey, 12mo. bl. let. 167. 16s. RUMP Poems and Songs, engraved title and frontispiece, 8vo. 1662. 2/.2*. SALTMARSHE (John) Holy Discoveries and Flames, en- graved title, 12mo. 1640. I/. 15s. SCOTLANDE An Epitome of the Title that the Kynge' s Majestic of Englande hath to the Sovereigntie of Scotlande, continued upon the auncient writers of both Nations, from the beginnyng, bl. let. 8vo. Graf ton, 1548. 31. 5s. SKELTON'S (Mayster) Poems, Colyn Clout; Wbi come ye not to Courte, Jo. Wyghte. Phillyp Sparrow Speake Parot, Death of the Noble Prynce, &c. &c. lo. Kynge and Thos. Marche. Merie Tales, Thos. Colwell, unique, 5 vols. 8vo. bl.let. 231. TROIE The Recuile of the Histories of Troie, translated into English by William Caxton, fol. Impr. by W. Copland t 1553. 23/. 56* JOHN WOODHOUSE, ESQ. 1803. D ALL'S ( W -) Historic of the Life and Death of Mary Stuart Queene of Scotland, portrait and engraved title, 12mp. 1&36.- 5l.15s.6d. WARNINGS, Lamentations and Teares of Germany, plates, 8vo. 1638. 31. 13$. 6d. WATKYNS'S (Rowland) Poems without Fictions, Svo. 1622. 2/. 4s. WERBURGHE (Saynt) Holy Life and History of, very frutefull for a Christian People to rede, 4to. R, Pynson, 1521. 31/. 10s. WORDE (W.de.) The Myrroure of Goldefor the Synfull Soule, 4to. bL let. wood cuts. 1526. 12/. Is. 6d. Nychodemus Gospell, 4to. bL let. wood cuts. 1511. 6/. \6s.6d. Lyfe and Works of John Picas, Earl of Myrandula, in prose and verse, 4to. bL let. no date. 13/. 13*, 568 SELECT LIST SOME RARE BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, OR IN PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. ACTORS and Actresses. Both Theatres Open'd ; or, History of the Lives of the most celebrated Actors and Ac- tresses from Shakespeare down to the present Time, 1727 with a Preface, shewing the Origin and Rise of the Stage in England. 4to. MS. from the Collection of Sir W. Mus- grave. Fillingham, Apr. 1805. 4l. 14s. 6d. ANDERSON'S (J.) History of the House of Yvery, 2 vols. V 8vo. with the Portraits and Coats of Arms emblasoned, mo-' rocco, 1742. Fonnereau, Mar. 1810. 33/. Is. 6d. ANDERSON'S (J.) Genealogical History of the House of Yvery, 2 vols. 8vo. with portraits and views. 1742. Hodges. Mar. 1814. 18/. 18s. ANDERSON'S (J.) Genealogical History of the House of Yvery, 2 vols. 8vo. with portraits by Faber, views, &c. and containing in addition the portraits of Lady Helena Raicdon, Sir John Rawdon, Bart. Sir Arthur Rawdon, Bart, and Hellen wife to Sir A. Rawdon. 1742. Earl Brownlow. The Portraits of the Rawdon Family, by Faber, are ex- tremely scarce ; they appear to have been engraved for the book, but are rarely inserted in any of the copies. A similar set is in the possession of the Hon. Geo. Nassau. x Mr. Nassau's valuable library contains all the best topographical and historical works, several of which are on large paper, illustrated 4o BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, 8cc. ANJOU (Due d') La joyeuse et magnifique Entree de Mon- seigneur Francoys Due d'Anjou a Anvers, plates, curiously inlaid, coloured, and heightened with gold, fol. MS. Rich- ardson's, Feb. 1810. 27/. 6s. AREMBERGH (Carol, de) Flores Seraphici sive Icones, Vitae et Gesta Virorum Illustrium Ordinis Frati urn Minorum S. Francisci Capucinorum, fig. Col. Agrip. 1640. Pitt, Jan. 1808. 13/. 13*. ARISTOTELIS Poetica, Gr. etLat. aTyrwhitt, the largest paper, fol. mor. Oxon. 1794. Randolph, Apr. 1814. 37/. 16s. Thirty copies only printed : these were intended as presents to Crowned Heads, Public Libraries and Distinguished Characters : 20 copies have been distributed. ARTUS, Roman du Roi, specialement des hautz faitz et gestes du tres Vaillant Chevalier Lancelot du Lac, et des Chevaliers de la Table Ronde, fol. PREM. EDIT, tres rare. Rouen et Paris, 1488. Goldsmid, Dec. 1815. 88/. 4s. ASKE (Jas.) Elizabetha Triumphans: conteyning the damned practizes that the Diuelish Popes of Rome, have used ever sithence her Highnesse first coming to the Crowne, by mouing her wicked and traiterous subjects to Rebellion and Conspiracies, v4to. bl. let. very rare, 1583. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 13/. ATKYNS'S (Sir Rob.) History and Antiquities of Gloster- shire, original edition, LARGE PAPER, portrait and plates, 1712. Bryant, Mar. 1807. 17/. 17s. AUCTORES Classici, in Usum Delphini, 63 torn. 4to. morocco, Paris, 1675, &c. Lord Berwick, July 1817. 15$. with drawings and priuts. The volumes of old poetry are exceed- ingly numerous ; aud his collection is further enriched by an extensive scries of rare historical tracts, scarce books of emblems, &c. 570 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. AUGURELLI (I. Aurel.) Poemata, lit. cap. ilium, ex Biblioth. Grolierii. 12mo. Aldus, 1505. Fenton, Feb. 1812. 15/. BALDNER'S (Leonard) Collection of Original Drawings of Water Fowl, Birds, Fish, Beasts, Reptiles, &c. in 150 coloured Drawings, with descriptions in German and a trans- lation in English by Zolman. fol. Edw. King, Feb. 1808. 52/. 10s. Purchased by the late Earl of Dartmouth. BARKSDALE (Clement) Nympha Libethris: or the Cots- wold Muse, presenting some extempore Verses to the imita- tion of Yong Scholars. 8vo. 1651. extremely rare. Saun- ders's, Feb. 1818. 15/. 15s. BARON'S (Rob.) Cyprian Academy, with the rare portrait and frontispiece by Marshall. 8vo. 1647. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 6/. l6s. 6d. BARTHOLOMEW, St. (the Great), A Collection of several Letters Patent, Charters, Grants, Judgments, Records, Deeds and Evidences, concerning the late dissolved Priory of Saint Bartholomew the Great, commonly called Bartholomew Close, near West Smithfield, in the Suburbs of London : whereby the Boundaries and Priviledges of the same Place and Parish, and the Title of Robert, now Earl of Holland, and his Auncesters thereunto doth appear. 4to. MS. on vellum. John Britton/ F. S. A. Tavistock Place. BASILLE (Theod.) a Christmas Bankette, garnyshed with many pleasant and deynty dishes, bl. let. 12mo. /. Mayler t 1542. Lloyd, Jan. 1816. 2/. 12s. BATMAN (Stephen) The Doome warning all Men to the Judgement: wherein are contayned for the most parte all the straunge Prodigies hapued in the Worlde; with diners secrete figures of Reuelations tending to Mannes stayed conuersion y Mr. Britton's numerous antiquarian and topographical volumes are enriched with copious MS. notes and additions. 571 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. towards God. In maner of a generall Chronicle, gathered out of sundrie approued authors. 4to. with wood cuts, ex- tremely rare. Impr. by R. Nubery, assigned by H. Bynne- man, 1581. Hon. George Nassau. B ATT A G LI A, Libro di, delle Baroni di Francia sotto Alto- bello, a very scarce romance poem. 4to. Ven. 1547. Gold- mid, Dec. 1815. 18/. 18s. BAYLE (P.) Dictionnaire Historique et Critique, 4 torn, fol. GR. PAP. meil. edit. Rotterd. 1720. Duke of Grafton, June, 1815. 111. 5s. BEAULIEU'S Plans of Fortified Places, and Battles of Louis XIV. bj Cochin, 5 vols. fol. Hope, Feb. 1813. 24/. 10s. BIBLIA Sacra, MS. on vellum, fol. XIV. Cent, enriched with 46 large, and 113 small miniatures, and an infinite va- riety of ornaments, fruits, animals, &c. finely illuminated. Leigh and Sotheby's, July, 1814. 157/. 10s. BIBLE by Edmunde Bech, dedicated to Edward VI. cuts, fol. Lond. John Daye and Win. Seres, 1549. Rev. R. Slaney, Penkridge, Staffordshire/ /, by Matthewes, illustrated with numerous wood cuts by Albert Durer, Lucas Fan Leyden, &c. fol. 1537. Ditto. vC ky Archb. Parker, wood cuts, and portraits of Q. Elizabeth, Earl of Leicester, and Lord Burleigh, fol. R. Jugge, 1568. Ditto. fol. Edinb. Andr. Hart. 1610. Ditto. BIBLE, 4to. printed by Bill and Barker, morocco. ' This was the identical pulpit Bible of the celebrated John Bunyan, and also his companion during his twelve years' unjustifiable confinement in Bedford Gaol, where he * Mr. Slaney is in possession of numerous early editions of Bibles, Testaments, and Liturgies, in excellent condition. 572 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c- wrote his memorable Pilgrim's Progress. 2 1/, pur- chased for the late Mr. Whitbread, at the sale of the library of Rev. S. Palmer (of Hackney), March, 1814. BIBLIA Polyglotta, cura Bened. Ariae Montani, 8 torn, in fol. impress in membr.* A ntv. Plantinus, 1569-72. Sothe- by's, June, 1817. 225/. 15s. (bought in.) BIBLIOGRAPHIA SCOTICA, Anecdotes biographical and. literary of Scotish Writers, Historians, and Poets, from the earliest account to the nineteenth Century, in two parts, MS. intended for publication. Ritson, Dec. 1803. 45/. 3s. BIBLIOTHECA Topographica Britannica, by Nichols, Gough, and others, 8 vols. 4to. very rare, 1790, &c. Hodges, March, 1814. 89/. 5s. BIOGRAPHICAL and Bibliographical Memoirs of English Antiquaries, Topographers, and ancient Historians, 4to. MS. with some original drawings of portraits. Mr. Britton. This work is intended for publication. BLOMEFIELD'S (Fras.) History of Norfolk, 5 vol. fol. with 28 additional plates, and MS. notes, 1739, -Dr. Gill's copy. Bryant, Feb. 1806. 42/. BOCCACCIO, Fylostrato che tracta de lo inamoramento de Troylo e Cryseida, e de molte altre infinite battaglie, PRIM A EDIZ. 4to. Milano, 1499. Evans's, June, 1816. 32/. 11s. BOMBIE, Mother, as it was sundrie times plaied by the children of Powles, 4to. 1598. Fillingham, Apr. 1805. 10s. BOUTEROUE, (Claude) Recherches curieuses des Mon- noyes de France, GRAND PAPIER, fol. maroq. Paris, 1666. Sir W. Burrell, May, 1796. ll. 17s. 6d. BRANDT (Seb.) Navis Stultifera per Jac. Locher in Lat. traducta, 4to. ED. PR. Basil. 1497. Rev. R. Slaney. a The copy on vellum of this Polyglot, lately in the Royal Library at Paris, was reclaimed by the King of Sardinia, and sent back (o Turin in 1815. 573 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. BRATHWAYT'S (Richard) Nature's Embassie; or the wilde man's measures, danced naked by twelve Satyres, prose and verse. 8vo. 1621. Fillingham, Apr. 1805. 2/. 2s. BRATHWAYTE'S (Rich.) Strappado for the Diuell. Epi- grams, Satyres, &c. the two parts complete; with a full length portrait of the author. 8vo. 1615. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 61. Time's Curtaine Drawne, or the Anatomic of Vanitie, with other choice Poems, entituled Health from He- licon. 8vo. 1621, extremely rare. Ditto, 61. Honest Ghost, or a Voice from the Vault, 8vo. 1658, with the two frontispieces by Vaughan. Ditto, 8/. BRENNA (Cav.) Disegni dell' Imperial Palazzo S. Mi- chele e sue adiacenze eretto in S. Pietrouburgo, atlas fol. rare, a few copies only printed, and the copper plates suppressed. Bonelli, May, 1813. 61. BRETAGNE Theatre de la Grande Bretagne, contain- ing Views of Noblemen's Seats, Towns, Cathedrals, Churches, &c. by Kip, Nichols, Hulsberg, &c. with the Views of Aud- ley End, Wimbledon, Ricott, Tythorp, &c. by Winstanley, and Atlas of Great Britain and Ireland, 5 vols. in 4, fol. 1715, &c. Richardson's, Feb. 1810. 89/. 5s. BURNET'S (Gilbert, Bp. of Sarum) History of his Own Time, illustrated with upwards of 4,200 prints and original drawings, and bound in 26 vols. imperial folio, in russia. London, 1724. Alex. H. Sutherland, Esq. Gower Street. BURNET'S (Gilb.) History of the Reformation, 3 vols. fol. LARGE PAPER, illustrated with a great many additional portraits, 1679-81-1715. Duke of Grafton, June, 1815. 106/. Is. CAN,!C grand, Hystoire merveilleuse, plaisante et recreative du grand Empereur de Tartarie, let. goth. fol. Paris, 1529. Sotheby's, June 1818. 12/. 12s. "1 574 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. CARTE'S (Thos.) History of England, 4 vols. fol. LARGE PAPER, mor. 1747. Dimsdale, July, 1813. 20/. CASTIGLIONE II Cortegiano, fol. Ven. Aldo. 1545. Singer, April 1818. 31 /. 10s. This book formerly belonged to Francesco Melchiori, of Venice, who has made it a depository for some curious papers, consisting of copies of verses by different mem- bers of the family. At the end is a Sonnet addressed to Tasso, on the publication of Camilli's continuation of the Gerusalemme, by Francesco Melchiori, with Tasso's Sonnet in reply, in his own hand writing. At the be- ginning of the volume is preserved the printed challenge which was circulated and stuck on the church doors in Venice, by the celebrated ADMIRABLE CRICHTON, in the year 1580. This most singular document not only proves the existence of this extraordinary man, but shews that Sir Thomas Urquhart's rhodomontade account of him was no exaggeration of his pretensions. It is printed in the large italic type used by Paul Manutius, b and most probably by him, as his friendship for Crichton is well known. CATULLUS, Tibullus, et Propertius, et Statii Sylvae, fol. 1472. Devonsh. May, 1815. 40/. b Aldus Manutius, in his Dedication of the Paradoxa of Cicero, printed in 1581, to Crichton, says, Decem linguarum, multorum idio- inatum, omnium disciplinarian cognitionem, ante vigesimum primum fetatis annum sis adeptus. It may be remarked, that dedications in Italy, at this period, always assumed a tone of the highest exaggeration : Crichton, in his poem De appulsu suo Venetias, had celebrated Aldus in the most extravagant terms, and the learned bookseller (who con- fesses that he was laiutis semper avidissimus) was probably determined not to be inferior to him in the oblation of incense. Vide Black's Life of TassOy vol. ii. Appendix. 575 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. CAXTON (Wm.) The Hors, the Shepe, and the Ghoos. 4to. Dean and Chapter of York. _ The Chorle and the Birde. 4to. Ditto. CAXTON (W.) Godfrey of Bologne, fol. 1481, from the Dolben Collection; sold with Dr. Vincent's Books, in Mar. 1816, to the Marquis of Blandford for 215Z. 5s. CAXTON (Wm.) The Lyf of our moste blessyd Lady by Lidgate, fol. no date (several leaves wanting at the be- ginning, and the two last chapters). Lloyd, Jan. 181 6. 367. 155. CAXTON (W.) Recueil des Histoires de Troyes, fol. King's, Dec. 1817, 92/. 8s. CAXTON (Wm.) Recuyell of the Historys of Troye, fol. 1471, a few leaves are damaged at each end, and part of the prefix is wanting. Lloyd, Jan. 1816. 126/. CHASSE, Livre de, fol. This inestimable MS. contains 252 pages of the finest vellum, written in Gothic characters, and 88 most curious paintings, representing the mode of Hunting, Destroying, Breeding, Taming, &c. almost every description of Quadrupeds upon the Continent of Europe. The author commenced this work May 1, 1347, and begins, after a short prayer, with these words, " Ie Gaston par la Grace de Dieu, surnomme Phebus Conti de Foys, Seigneur de Beam, qui tout mon temps me par especial en III. choses, Tune est en armes, 1'autre est en amour est 1'autre si est en Chasse." This very curious book once belonged to the French Royal Library. King's, Apr. 1815. 177/. CHESNEAU (Aug.) Orpheus Eucharisticus, cum jig. Alb. Flamen. 8vo. mor. Par. 1657. Pitt, Jan. 1808. 51. 15s. 6d. CHRONIQUE de France, appellees Chronique de Saint- Denis, depuis les Troyens jusques & la mortde Charles VII, 576 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &C. 3 torn. fol. goth. PREM. ED. Paris, Pasquier BonhoMme, 1476. Mr. Rennie. c (the Maccarthy copy, 500 fr.) CHRONIQUE de Jean de Courcy, fol. MS. XIV < siecle, enlum. Mr. Rennie. CIBBER'S (Colley) Apology, 2 vols. 12mo. 1756, with a very singular Anecdote relative to Garrick's reading his Farce of Lethe before the King and Queen in 1777, after he had quitted the Stage ; tending to establish an opinion of Gibber's (see his Apol. v. 2. p. 76.) " That Actors accustomed to loud and general applause, cannot exert or shew themselves without it." The story is from Mr. Garrick's own mouth, and the relation of it in the hand-writing of Mr. Beauclerk. Beauclerk, 1781. 5l. 5s> CICERONIS Opera Philosophica in usum Delphini, editio vera. Paris, 1689. Daly, May 1792. III. IBs. lOd. CLARENDON'S (Edward Earl of,) History of the Rebel- lion and Civil Wars in England, illustrated with upwards of 5,800 prints and original drawings; and bound in 31 vols.^ imperial folio in russia. Oxford, 1703, &c. Mr. Suther- land. c John Rennie, Esq. Stamford Street, is in possession of a numer- ous collection of Old Romances in black letter, the Early Chronicles, Voyages and Travels, including many curious and rare Tracts in the latter class. Mr. Rennie's Mathematical Series iu all languages, is supposed to be nearly complete ; the extensive Publications of the Transactions of English and Foreign Academies, and all the best Sci- entific Works, particularly those respecting Bridges, Cauals, Fens, &c. will be found in his extensive Library. f In these volumes are dispersed several extremely rare portraits ; our limits confine us to the notice of an unique print or two, and fine proof of William, Marquis of Newcastle, his Marchioness, and their family, after JDiepenbeke, by Clouvet. George, Earl of Buckingham, &c. 1617, by Simon Passe. An im 4s BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &<:. CLAUDE Liber Feritatis, or a Collection of two hundred Prints after the designs of Claude Lorraine, engraved by Earlom, first impressions, 2 vols. fol. 1777. Hope, Feb. 1813: 27/.6s. CONFUCIUS, The Works of, 16 vol. small 4to. MS. Earl Ferrers, Staunton Harold. Co WELL'S Interpreter; or Booke containing the significa- tion of Words, first edition, 4to. Cambr. Legate, 1607. Dr. Monro, Apr. 1792. This Author zvas imprisoned, and his Books were publicly burnt. CRAB (Roger) The English Hermit, or the Wonder of this Age ; being a relation of the Life of Roger Crab, living near Uxbridge, who counteth it a Sin to eat any sort of Flesh, Fish, or living creature, or to drink any Wine, Ale, or Beer. He can live with three farthings a week. Wood cut portrait, 1655, extremely rare. James Bindley, d Esq. Somerset Place. CROMWELL Perfect Politician, or a full view of the Life pression of this beautiful portrait is in the British Museum ; and another in the possession of Earl Spencer. Philip IV. of Spain, and Charles, Prince of Wales, whole lengths, (twelve English verses, ) are to be sold at tJie Globe, over against the Exchange : in the stile of Wierix. Unique. Maria of Austria, Infanta of Spain, sister of Philip IV. on horse- back, under an arch ; feather fan and plumes ; with arms and medal- lions, representing the several marriages between England and Spain. Unique. J Mr. Bindley's topographical and historical collections are invalu- able ; we regret that we cannot enumerate the particulars of his curious volumes. This gentleman is well known to possess a most extensive series of rare British portraits, chiefly formed in the days of Walpole, (iulston and Bull: he has now been an assiduous collector for more than half a century. 578 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. and Actions of O. Cromwell, with portraits ; two of Crom- well, Desbrow, and Ireton added. 8vo. 1680. Hollo, Apr. 1817. 2Q/. DA VIES (John, of Hereford) Scourge of Folly, consisting of satyricall Epigrams, and others in honor of many noble and worthy persons of our Land, together with a pleasant descant upon English Proverbs, 8vo. 16 14. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 8Z. 13s. DAVIES'S (John) Wittes Pilgrimage (by Poeticall Essais) through a world of Amorous Sonnets and Soule Passions, 4to. extremely rare. Printed for J. Browne. Evans's, Mar. 1818. 23/. 10s. DEMOSTHENIS Orationes, fol. cor. turc. Fen. Aldus, 1504. (Mr. Cracherode's copy.) Alchorne, May 1813. 19/. DICK (Sir W.) Lamentable estate and distressed case of, and his numerous family and creditors for the Commonwealth. Plates by Vaughan, fol. extremely rare. Sir P. Thompson, Apr. 1815. 227. 11s. 6d. Another copy, 28/. 17s. 6d. For a particular account of this singularly rare Tract see Caulfield's Calcographiana, p. 30. DIGBY (Sir Kenelm) A Collection of MS. Letters to his three Sons, and to various other Persons, in a folio volume. Mr. Britton. The first Letter to his sons Kenelme, John and George, &c. dated from Hartingfordbury, May 18, 1633, contains a circumstantial account of the person, manners, virtues, merits, beauty, graces, &c. of his Lady Venetia, whom he describes as an angel. " I am confident," he says, " a richer and brauer soule was never lodged in a fairer and more lovely bodie ; they held a just proportion to- gether ; they were both master pieces of God and Na- ture, and equally without taint or blemish. When she had been dead almost two days, I caused her face to be 579 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. moulded by an excellent master, to have it by that afterwards painted as she lay dead, and cast in me- tall." These Letters were bequeathed by Sir Kenelm Digby to , the Hospital of Incurables at Paris, from whence they were removed during the late Revolution. The panegyrics of Sir Kenelm on his dear Lady Venetia, almost surpass those of the most devoted lover, in the very phrenzy of passion. The bust " in metall" men- tioned above, is preserved at Gothurst, in Buckingham- shire, the seat of the Wrights ; and a portrait of Lady Digby after her death, copied from Vandyck, is at Earl Spencer's, at Althorp. Mr. Britton intends to publish a small edition of these very curious Epistles, with Biographical Accounts of Sir Ke- nelm and his Lady. DITCHE, Seventy-three highly finished Drawings of Flow- ers, fol. Lord Gainsborough, Mar. 1813. 23/. 12s. 6d. DODWELL (Hen.) de Parma Equestri Woodwardiana, ed. Heame, Svo. cu. MAG. with a MS. Letter of Hearne, and f* Downe Stricturae," printed on vellum. Oxon. 1713. Wodhull, Mar. 1803. 10J. 105. DRINKERS Lawes of, with frontispiece by Marshall. The Smoaking Age, frontisp. by Marshall, 12mo. 1617, extremely rare. Hon. George Nassau. DEUIDICAL Antiquities, A volume of Essays on, by the Rev. E. Ledwich, I. B. Picard and I. Britton, 4to. MS. also a folio volume with numerous illustrations 01 Stonehenge, Abury, &c. Mr. Britton. DRUM'S, Jacke, Entertainment, or the Comedie of Pas- quill and Katherine, as it hath been sundrie times plaide by the children of Powles, 4to. first edition, 1601. Filling- ham, Apr. 1805. I/. Us. 68Q BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &o. DUGD ALE'S (Sir W.) Works, 23 vol. fol. rmsia, 1655, &c.V Bennet, Mar. 1810. 25 1/. 10s. DURANDI Codex Divinorum Officiorum, fol. ED. PR, impr. in membr. J. Fust and P. Gernszheym, 1459. De^ vonsh. May, 1815. 84/. ENGLAND'S Parnassus; or the choysest Flowers of our moderne Poets, with a MS. List of the names of the Poets, in 3 vols. 8vo. 1600. Fillingham, Apr. 1805. 31. 4s. ENGLISH Fortune Tellers, 4to. very rare, 1703. Ro- berts (Evans's) Mar. 1815. 7/. 17s. 6d. EPISTOLJE Obscurorum Virorum, CH. MAG. 8vo Lond. 1710. Fenton, Feb. 1812. 51. 7s. 6d. EPITHALAMIUM Gallo-Britannicum: or Great Britaines Frances and the most parts of Europe unspeakable joy for the most happy Union and blessed Contract of the High and Mighty Charles Prince of Wales, and the Lady Henrietta Maria, &c. with a curious print of Charles and Henrietta, whole lengths, joining hands; round it are the genealogies of both families, the royal arms above, and verses underneath. Are to be sold by Thomas Archer, at the Horse Shooe, Pope's Head Alley, 4to. 1625, extremely rare. Hon. Geo. Nassau. ESOPO del Tuppo, Ital. Lat. fol. curious wood cuts. Nap. 148.5. Stanley's Jul. 1816. 26/. 15s. 6d. EURIPIDIS Medea, Hippolytus, Alcestis & Andromache, v ,y' ED. PR. impress, in lit. cap. Gnomae ex variis Poetis Grae- cis,2c Musaeus, 4to. ED. PR. impress, inlil.cap. Daly, May 1792, 27^. 6s. FARDLE, The, of facions conteiniug the aunciente maners, customes, & Lawes of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affrike & Asie, 8vo. J. Kingstone. H. Sutton, 1555. Lloyd, Jan. 1816. 4/. 14*. 6d. 581 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &*. . FENTON'S (Geffraye) Tragical Discourses, 4to. bl. let. Marske, 1567, very rare. Fillingham, Apr. 1805. 105. . FLETCHER'S (Geo.) Nine English Worthies; or Famous and Worthy Princes of England, being all of one Name ; beginning with King Henrie the First, and concluding with Prince Henry, eldest sonne to our Soueragne Lord the King. 4to. with wood cuts, extremely rare. 1606. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 18/. Is. 6d. FONTAINE (Jean de la) Fables, 2 torn. fol. Paris, Didot, 1 802, printed on vellum, with the original drawings by Per- cier, and a set of proof plates. Of this edition only two copies were printed on vellum. Marshall Junot, June, 1816, 170/. FOREIGNERS, a Biographical History of, who have either visited or resided in England, 5 vol. imp. fol, MS. Tyssen, Dec. 1801. 457. FRANCE, Collections for the History of, contained in 140 volumes folio, and 8 vols. in 4to, from the Cabinet of M. de Noailles. An Amateur, Sotheby's, June 1817. 1527. 5s. FRANCKCOM (Dan.) (a servant of my lady Dutchess of Beaufort). His Collection of 110 Original Drawings of Plants growing at Badminton, and Chelsea ; fol. (no date. Duke of Beaufort.* FRAUNCE (Abr.) Countesse of Pembroke's Yuychurche, containing the affectionate Life, and unfortunate Death of Phillis and Amyntas; that in a Pastorall: this in a Funeral]. The Countesse of Pembroke's Emanuel, conteining the * The Duke of Beaufort's library contains some valuable large paper classics, Hcarne's Works, &c. on large paper, in the original bind- ings in morocco, presented by the University of Oxford to Charles, the fourth Duke. 582 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &C. Nativity, Passion, &c, of Christ, &c. extremely rare. 4tO. T. Orwin, 15Q1. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 13/. Is. 6d. FRAUNCE (Abr.) Third Part of the Countesse of Pem- broke's Yuychurch: entitled Amintas Dale. Wherein are the most conceited Tales of the Pagan Gods, in English Hexameters; together with their auncient description and philosophicall explications, 4to. very rare, 1592. (Title and two leaves in MS.) Saunders's, February 1818. 15/. 155. FROBISHER'S (CapteineJ Voyage into the West and North West Regions, &c. bl. let. 4to. 1577. Sotheby's, Apr. 1817. 91. 18s. GAGUiN 6 (Rob.) Les Grandes Croniques, excellens fails, et vertueux gestes des tres illustres, tres chrestieus, magna- nimes et victorieux Roys de France ; translatees en nostre Tulgaire frangays. fol. Pans, Galliot du Pre, 1514. Unique copy, printed on vellum, and illuminated. An Amateur, Sotheby's, June, 1817. 40/. 8s. Qd. GENTLE, The, Crafte with other tracts. Dr. Webstei f 1682, 2s. e Gaguin, General of the Order of St. Trinity, was employed in va- rious embassies to Italy, Germany and England. He was librarian to Charles VIII, and Lewis XII. f Dr. Webster was the author of the rare volume on witchcraft ; his library was rich in books of romance and the black art ; from a MS. Catalogue of " the books late belonginge to Dr. John Webster of Cly- theroe, deceased, the 18th of June, 1682," (^Et. 72) we extract a few articles, with the prices at which they were valued : Hacluyt's Voyages. 6s. 8d. Lidgate's Life and Death of Hector. 3*. Qd. Five Hundred Points of Good Husbandry. 8d. The History of Palmerin of England. 4s. 6d. of Arthur of the Round Table. 5*. 6d. England's Helicon. 1*. 9d. 583 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &tf. GERARDE'S Herball by Johnson, frontisp. with portrait, L. P. fol. mor. 1636. Leigh's, Apr. 1811. 24/. 10s. GESTA Romanorum, lit. init. color. 4to. Lo-oan* Joan de JVestfalia, sine anno, with MS. notes, and List of the MSS. of Gesta Rom. and the places where they are deposited. Ritson, Dec. 1803. 8/. 10s. GESTA Romanorum, cum quibusdam aliis Historiis, 4to. Joan, de West/alia, rariss. Goldsmid, Dec. 1815. 33/. 12*. GEYLERI Navicula, sive Speculum Fatuorum. A most whimsical collection of droll and amusing Discourses, wholly different from Brandt's Stultifera Navis, wpod cuts. 4t&. Argent. 1511. Evans's, Jan. 1816. 8/. 8s. GOSYNHYLL'S (Edw.) Prayse of all Women, called Mu- lierum Pean, very frytfull and delectable unto all the reders, bl. let. 4to. Impr. by W. Myddylton (no date), extremely rare. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 22/. Is. GRJEVII (Joan. Geor.) Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romana- rum,/g. 12 torn. Traj.adRh. 1694. Gronovii(Jac.) The* saurus Graecarum Antiquitatum, Jig. 13 torn. fol. Lug. Bat. 1697. Sallengre Antiq. Rom. 3 v. Thesaurus Antiq. Italia & Sicilian, 45 v. Poleni Suppl. 5 v. Pitisci Lexicon, 2 v. 80vol. fol. Hope, Feb. 1813. 107/. 2s. GROVE'S (Matth.) most famous and tragicall historic of Pelops and Hippodamia, with Epigrams, Songes and Son- nettes, 8vo. Impr. by AbelJeffs, 1587. Ritson, May, 1S03; " / never saw, or heard of, another copy of this Book; neither is it mentioned by Ames or Herbert." MS. Note in the Book. GROVE'S (Matthew^ most famous and tragicall Historic of History of Dr. Taustus. Sd. Withers Abuses Stript and Whipt. 1*. 4d. The collection of about 1,500 volumes amounted to 402/. 6*. lOrf. 584 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. Pelops and Hippodamia; whereunto are adioyned sundrie pleasant Deuises, Epigrams, Songes, and Sonnettes, bl. let. 8vo. AbelJe/s, 1587. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 25Z. 4s. A volume of the most extreme rarity ; another copy only is known in the Ashridge collection, (vid. p. 364). HAIGH for Devonshire, a pleasant Discourse of sixe gal- lant Merchants of Devonshire, their Life, Adventure, and Travailes, with sundrie their rare showes and pastimes, shewed before the King, in Exeter, written by H. Roberts, bl. let. 4to. Creede, 1600. King's, Jan. 1804. 6/. HARTLIEB Die Kunst Ciromantia. The extremely rare and curious work of Hartlieb on Chiromancy, printed at Augsbourg with immovable types or blocks in 1448. Chris- tie's, May, 1815. 124/. 19s. (vid. Heineken, p. 4790 HEARSE'S (Tho.) History and Antiquities of Glaston- bury, LARGE PAPER, morocco, Oxf. 1722. Earl Stanhope, July, 1818, III. Us. HEARNE'S Works, about 50 volumes on LARGE PAPER, sold at Lord Chief Justice Raymond's sale, at King's, April 29, 1808, at the average price of fifteen pounds per volume. HEINSIUS (Dan.) de Conternptu Mortis, 12mo. Lug. Bat. ex Officina Elzeviriana, 1621. PRINTED ON VEL- LUM. This is the only known work printed by the Elzevirs on vellum ; it was Heinsius's own copy; in richly decorated binding. Singer, Apr. 1818. 38/. 17s. purchased by Mr. J. Lloyd. HELDEN-BUCK, the Book of Heroes, or Legend of Champions in German, wood cuts t very rare, mor. 4to. Franc. 1590. Evans's, Jan. 1816. IS/. 18s. This curious work is the most celebrated of the German Metrical Romances. A very particular account of it ;JL will be found in the Illustrations of Northern Antiqui- 4 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, Sec. ties, where Mr. Weber devotes an hundred pages in quarto to an analysis of it. HENRY VIII. An Inventory of the Jewels Household furniture and other valuables of K. Henry VIII. made by Commissioners appointed by Edward VI. fol. MS. on paper. Gust. Brander, Feb. 1790. 21/. 10s. HERBERT (Edw. Lord, Baron of Cherbury) his occa- sional Verses, 8vo. very rare. 1665. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 11. 10s. HEYDON'S (John) Elhavareuna, with portrait, 8vo. in russia by Roger Payne, 1665. Dr. Moseley, Mar. 1814. 1L 7s. - Harmony of the World, in russia by Roger Payne, 8vo. 1662. the most scarce of all his works. Dr. Moseley, Mar. 1814. 51. 15s. 6d. HOGARTH'S (Wm.) Works, in 3 vols. folio, a fine set, with proofs and variations in the impressions. Sale of R. Meyler, Esq. M. P. May, 1818. 2Q4/. HOLLAR (Wences.) The Works of, 10 vol. large fol. Earl of Stamford. The most complete collection extant of the works of this distinguished Artist, and in the finest condition ; includ- ing numerous proofs and variations of great rarity. It was purchased at the Duchess of Portland's Sale in 1786 for 385/. Considerable additions have since been made by the present noble possessor. HOMER i Opera Gr. et Lat. a Clarke, ed.. opt. CH. MAG: 4 torn. 4to. Lond. 1729. Sumner, May, 1814. 27 J. 6s. HOPKINS (Mat.) The Discovery of Witches, in answer to severall Queries lately delivered to the Judges of Assize for the County of Norfolk; and now published by Matthew Hopkins, Witchfinder for the Benefit of the whole Kingdom, 586 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. with a full length wood cut portrait of Hopkins, Imps, fyc. Exod. xxii. 18. Thou shalt not suffer a Witch to live." 4to. ten pages, R. Royston, 1647, extremely rare. Hon. George Nassau. HOWELL'S (Thos.) Fable of Ovid treting of Narcissus, translated out of Latin into English Mytre, with a Moral thereunto, very pleasaunte to rede. bl. let. 4to. very rare. T. Hackette, 1560. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 12J. 12s. HUDIBRAS, English and French, by Towneley, plates, 3 vol. 12mo. mor. 1750. Dutens, Feb. 1813. 61. 12s. HUGHES (Thos.) Misfortunes of Arthur, Uther Pendra- gon's Sonne, 12mo. MS. Title. Printed by Robt. Robin- son, 1587. Geo. Smyth, June, 1797. 16/. 15s. HUNTINGDON (Countess of) A Sermon preached at the funeral of, with the portrait by J. Payne, 4 to. 1635, ex- tremely rare. D. Bridgewater's dup. June, 1802. 6/. 10s. HUSBAND (The) a Poeme expressed in a Compleat Man, 8vo. Laurence L'isle, 1614. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 1 1/, lls. Unique. It was successively in the possession of Major Pearson, Mr. Steevens, Mr. Woodhouse, &c. INTRATIONUM Excellentissimus Liber, fol. R. Pynson, 1510. Alchorne, May, 1813. 43/. 13s. JENKINS'S (Alex.) History of Exeter, LARGEST PAPER, 4to. Exeter, 1806. Only twelve copies printed. Bennet, Mar. 1810. 9l.l9s.6d. JOHNSON'S^ (Sam.) Dictionary of the English Language, Dr. Johnson's father, it is well known, in early life kept a book stall in Litchfield, and attended, on market days, the neighbouring towns. We have seen a copy of one of his original Sale Catalogues, now in the possession of Thomas Fernyhougb, Esq., Peterborough, \ from which we extract the title and Mr. Johnson's address to his cus- tomers : "" A Catalogue of choice books in all Faculties, Divmity, History 587 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c, 2 vols. fol. with a great number of MS. notes, alterations, and emendations by Mr. Home Tooke, 1755. HorneTooke, May, 1813. 200/. Travels, Law, Physick, Mathematicks, Philosophy, Poetry, &c. toge- ther with Bibles, Common Prayers, Shop Books, Pocket Books, &c. Also fine French prints for stair cases, and large chimney pieces, Maps, large and small. To be sold by aaction, or he who bids most, at the Talbot in Sidbury, Worcester, the sale to begin on Friday, the 21st of this Instant March., exactly at six o'clock in the afternoon, and to con- tinue till all be sold. The books to be exposed to view three days be- fore the sale begins. Catalogues are given out at the place of sale, or by Michael Johnson of Litclfield. The Conditions of SA LE : - " I. That he who bids most is the buyer, but if any difference arise which the company cannot decide, the book or books to be put to sale again. " II. That all the books, for ought we know, are perfect; but if any appear otherwise before taken away, the buyer to have the choice of taking or leaving them. " III. That no person advance less than 6d. each bidding after any book comes to 10*. nor put in any book or set of books under half value. " *** Note. Any gentleman that cannot attend may send his orders, and they shall be faithfully executed. Printed for Mich. Johnson, 171718." "To ALL GENTLEMEN, LADIES, AND OTHERS, IN AND NEAR Wor- cetter. I have had several auctions in your neighbourhood as Glou- cester, Tewkesbury, Evesham, &c. with success, and am now to ad- dress myself, and try my fortune -with you. You must not wonder, that I begin every Days' Sale with small and common books, the rea- son is a room is some time a filling, and persons of address and busi- ness, seldom coming first, they arc entertainment till we are full ; they are never the last books of the best kind of that sort, for ordinary fa- milies and young persons, &c. But in the body of the Catalogue you will find Law, Mathematicks, History : and for the learned in Divinity, there are, Drs. South, Taylor, Tillotson, Bevcridgc au4 583 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. JOHNSON'S (Dr.) Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, 8vo. 1775. (First edition.) In this Book is contained the cancelled part of page 48 relative to Litchfield Cathedral ; likewise the cancelled part of page 296 respecting the Cave at Egg, and the transaction there ; also parts of Reviews and News- papers concerning Dr. Johnson; two plates, MS. copy of a Letter of Dr. Johnson's, and Henderson's Letter to Johnson on his Journey to Scotland, 1 776. Rev. Dr. Lort, April, 1791. 15s. Just INUS etjEmylius Probus, lit. cap. ilium, ex Biblioth. Grolierii, Svo. Aldus, 1522. Fenton, Feb. 1812. 5l. 5s. KENDALL'S (Timothe) Flowers of Epigrammes, out of sundrie the moste singular Authours selected, as well auncient as late writers. Pleasant and profitable to the expert readers of quicke capacitie, Svo. bl. let. Jhon Shepherd, 1577. Sotheby's, Mar. 1817. 17/. 17s. KENNETT'S (White) Parochial Antiquities with numerous MS. notes, corrections and additions. 4to. 1695. Mr. Britton. KNIGHT (R. P.) Carmina Heroica, Ilias et Odyssea, a Rhapsodoruni Interpolationibus repurgata, et in pristinam for- mam redacta. Svo. Lond. 1808. The original edition, very rare, only 50 copies printed. Suraner, May 1814. 7/. Flavel, &c. the best of that kind: and to please the Ladies, I have added store of fine pictures, and paper hangings ; and by the way I would desire them to take notice that the pictures shall always be put up by the noon of that day they are to be sold, that they may be view'd by day light. I have no more, but to wish you pleas'd, and my self a good sale, who am, Your Humble Servant, M. JOHNSON. BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. KYCHIOUS The collection of 68 Original Drawings of Plants growing at Badminton, executed between 21st of July 1703 and 14th July 1705. fol. Duke of Beaufort. LANCELOT du Lac, let. goth. 3 vols. in 2 fol. Paris, A. Ferard, 1528. King's, Dec. 1817- 31 J. 10s. LEAGU E and Covenant, A Solemn, with eight remarkably curious plates, by Hollar, 4to. D. Bridgewater's dups. June, 1802. gl.lQs.6d. . LEAKE Sir John, Admiral, Life of by Martin, 8vo. LARGE PAPER, portrait, only 50 copies print ed. 1750. Bryant, Mar. 1807, 3/. LIBRO darme e damore chiamato Gisberto da Mascona, nel qua se contiene diversi e amorosi bagardi, giostre e tornia- menti ; (composto per Francesco Lutio da Trevi). 4to. Jig. Perosia, senza data. Sotheby's, July. 1817. 1 31. A work of the greatest rarity, and which seems to have escaped the notice of all Bibliographers. LOK'S CHen.) Ecclesiastes, and sundry Christian Passions, contained in two hundred Sonnets, 4to. 1597. Sotheby's, Mar. 1817. 6/. 165. LONG (Jac, le) Bibliotheque Historique de la France, nouv. edit, augmentee, 5 torn. fol. Par. 1768-78. GR. PAP. de Holl. Two copies only are said to have been printed on the largest paper. Mr. Rennie. LLOYD'S History of Wales by Powell, with portrait of Lloyd, 4to. 1584. Sir John Doddridge's copy, with his autograph and MS. notes. Bryant, Feb. 1806. 67. LYD GATE'S (John) Life and Acts of St. Edmond, King and Martyr, fol. MS. upon vellum, illuminated and embel- lished with 52 historical miniatures. Beauclerk, 1781. 22/. 1 s. LYDGATE (John) The Lives of St. Edmund, and St. Fremund, in english verse, MS. fol. with 50 superb minia- tures. Daly, May, 1792. 2 1/. BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. MARDEN, Manor of, Collections concerning, fol. (two sheets and the Index supplied by a reprint.) Leigh and Sotheby's, Apr. 1813. 48Z. 6s. MARMION'S (Shackerly) Cupid and Psyche; or, an Epic Poem of Cupid and his Mistress, front. 4to. 1638. Sothe- by's, Mar. 1817. 6/. 16s. 6d. M ART i A LI s Epigrammata, impr. in membr. 8vo. Aldus, 1501. Earl Spencer's, dup. May, 1811. 2 1/. MEMORIA Istorica per 1'Anno 1745. 8vo. This little Tract contains an account of the journey of Prince Charles from Rome to Antibes, in the year 1744. It was said in Rome to be the production of Lord Dunbar, brother to Lord Mansfield. MS. note. Miss ALE Romanum. The Sherburn Missal compiled by JOHN WHAS, Monk of Sherborn, in 1339, MS.onvellum illuminated: the drawings consist of armorial bearings, portraits, natural history of Birds, Beasts, Flowers and Fish, Architecture, %c. large folio. Galwey Mills, Feb. 1800. 2157. Mis SALE Secundum Usum Ecclesiae Romanag. A most splendid illuminated Missal, executed by Francesco Veronese, and Girolamo his son, for Pope Sixtus IV. fol. Astle, Jan. 1816. 304/. 10s. Pur chased for Mr. Esdaile. See an account of this magnificent volume in Asth's Catalogue, No. 246, and Dibdin's Bibliogra- phical Decameron, I. cxlii. &c. MISSALE ad usum celeberrime Ecclesie Eboracensis, cum Jig. fol. Ebor. 15 16. rariss. in the late Dr. Ducarel's Library. MODUS (Le Livre du Roy) et de la Royne racio lequel fait mencion comment on doit deviser de toutes manieres de Chasses avec fig. let. goth. PREM. ED. fol. Chambery, 1486. Dr.Monro, Apr. 1792. 591 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. MORGAN'S (Sylv.) Sphere of Gentry, with the Howard Pedigree, and proof of the portrait of the Author. foL Oxford, 1661. Bryant, Mar. 180?. , with Genealogical Tree of the Howards, fol. LARGE PAPER, morocco, 1661, extremely rare, on L. p. Hon. George Nassau. . MYSTERIES, early Italian, curious Collection of, many of them ornamented witli rude wood cuts, % vols. 4to. Gold- smid, Dec. 1815. 31/. 10s. NAVARRE (Margarete, Quene of,) Godly Medytacyon of the Christian Sowle, translated into Englysh by Lady Elyza- beth, Daughter to our late Souerayne Kynge Henri the VIII. Svo. 1548. Veryjrare. Tyssen, Dec. 1801. 9?- Us. 6d. NEWCASTLE (Dutchess of,) Nature's Pictures, drawn by Fancie's Pencil to the Life ; with the print of the Newcastle Family in a room, after Diepenbeke, extremely rare and fine. fol. 1656. D. Bridgewater's dup. Apr. 1802. NEWMAN'S (Arthur) Pleasure's Vision ; with Desert's Complaint, and a short Dialogue of a Woman's Properties, betweene an Old Man and a Young, Poems. Svo. Thos. Bayly, 161Q. Saunders's Feb. 1818. 12/. 10s. Of such ex- treme rarity, that the present copy is probably unique, (vid. p. 484.; NIDER Preceptorium Divina? Legis, sen Expositio Deca- logi. ED. PR. fol. Colon. Joan. Koelhof, 1472. Leigh's, Dec. 1814. This is the first work with a date in which signatures were used. NIZOLIUS (Marius) sive Thesaurus Ciceronianus, 2 vols. fol. Francof. 1613. Leigh's, Apr. 1811. 20/. ORME'S (Rob.) History of Sevagi, 8vo. Never sold. Chen by the Author to Mr. Wilkes. Wilkes, Nov. 1802. ORNITHOLOGY, a magnificent and unique Collection of, 592 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. consisting of Eighteen Hundred Drawings and Prints of Birds, by Lewin, Sydney Edwards, and Reinagle, who has put Land- scapes to the whole. 12 vols. large folio. Likewise Buffon Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux, GRAND PA PIER. 12 torn. Paris, 1770. Emp. Woodford, May 1809. 378/. ORTUS Sanitatis; de Herbis, Plantis, &c. ED. PR. fol. cum Jig. lig. Mogunt Jac. Meydenbach, 1491. An Amateur. Sotheby's, June 18 J 7. I3l. 17s. OVIDII Opera, 2 vol. in 1. fol. Fen. Jac. Rubeus, 1474. Devonsh. May 1815. 17^. 10s. PALMERIN d'Oliva, the Mirrour of Nobilitie and Wonder of Chivalry, translated by Anthony Munday, both parts, 4to. 1637. Goldsmid, Dec. 1815. 16/. PAMPHLETS, Historical and Political, a Collection of 2000, the greater part formed about the time of the Common- wealth, by the President Bradshawe, and continued by his Heirs to the year 1692, in about 60 vols, 4to. Montolieu, Dec. 1809. 74/. 11s. PARKES (Wm.) Curtaine Drawer of ihe World; or the Chamberlaine of that great Inne of Iniquity, where Vice, in a rich embroidered Goune of Veluet, rides a horsebacke like a Judge, and Vertue in a thrid bare Cloake, full of Patches, go'es a-foote like a Drudge, bl. let. 4to. 1612. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 12/. 12s. A volume of extreme rarity : partly prose, and partly in verse. PARKER'S (Martin) Nightingale warbling forth her own Disaster ; or, the Rape of Philomela, newly written in English Verse, 8vo. 1632. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 12/. 2s. 6d. Extremely rare, if not unique. PARRY (Thos.) Cofferer to Princess Elizabeth, in the third year of Edward VI., the Accounts of, with coloured em- blematical miniatures in the initials) fol. MS. lL \7s.6d. Gust. Brander, Feb. 1790. 4c BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. PATERSON'S Original Drawings of the Animals and Plants of the Cape of Good Hope, and interior of Africa, tinted from Nature, 3 vols. fol. Gainsboro'. Mar. 1813. 23/. 2s. PATIENT Grissill, the pleasant Comedy of, MS. Title, 4to. 1603. Geo. Smyth, June, 1797. 5l. 12s. PATRITII (Ludov.) Itinerarium ^Ethiopia?, ^Egypti, Arabiae, Persidis, Syriae, Indite intra et extra Gangem, fol. moroc. (Med. 1511.) Sotheby's, June, 1818. 18/. 185. PECKE (Thos.) Parnassi Puerperium : or, some Well- wishes to Ingenuity, in the Translation of Six Hundred of Owen's Epigrams ; Martial de Spectaculis, or of Rarities to be seen in Rome ; and the most select in Sir Tho. More ; to which is annext a Century of Heroick Epigrams, portrait. 6vo. 1659. Sotheby's, Mar. 1817. , 600 Epigrams translated; with portrait, 12mo. 1659. Lloyd, Jan. 1816. 3/. V" PERCY, (Henry Algernon, fifth Earl of Northumberland.) The Regulations and Establishment of his Houshold at his Castles at Wresil and Lekinfield in Yorkshire, begun A. D. 1512. London, 1770. Embellished and illustrated with numerous Prints and Drawings of Portraits, Views, Genealogies, &c. relative to the History and Honours of the noble Family of Percy, in Chronological Series, from the beginning of the Reign of King Henry VIII, to the present Time. The elaborate {Work of the late Sir William Burrdl, in 3 vols. Atlas, folio. ' Russia. Sir W. Burrell, May 1796. 75/. 12s. ^ Ttis Book, edited by the late Dr. Percy, Bishop of Dro- more, was printed in one octavo volume, (but not pub- lished,) in 1770. PINDARUS, Gr. et Lat. a West, CH. MAG. fol. Oxon, 1697. D. ofGrafton, June 1815. 25/. PIRANESI (J. Bapt. et Ch. Franc.) Opere, 23 torn. fol. 594 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. 16. Original Roman Editions. Roma, 1756, &c. Talley- rand, May 1816. 23 1/. Purchased for Mr : Watson Taylor. PLINII Historia Naturalis Harduini 3 torn. fol. Paris, 1723. IMPRESS. IN MEMBR. Dr. Pellet, h 1744. 10/. This was the first Sale by Auction, by Samuel Baker, Bookseller. PLOWMAN, Pierce, The Vision of, first edition, with MS. Notes and Index ; and Specimens of the various MSS. of P. P. Vision ; likewise mentioning where they are deposited, and accounts of the different printed Editions. 4to. Crozeley, 1550. Ritson, Dec. 1803. 3l. 5s. PORTO (Luigi da) Rime etProsa, cioe la Giulietta, Novella, 8vo. Fenet. Fr.Marcolini, 1539. rariss. Strange, Mar. 1801. This is the earliest Novel upon the unhappy Loves of Romeo and Juliet, printed several years prior to that of Bandello upon the same subject. h A Catalogue of the curious and valuable Library of THOMAS PEL- LET, M.D. Fellow of the College of Physicians, and of the Royal Society, lately deceased ; containing the choicest editions of the Classics, the most curious editions of the Bible in various languages, and most of the scarce books in physic, surgery, mathematics, &c. and a complete collection of Lexicons, &c. which will be sold by auction, in the Great Room over Exeter 'Change, on Monday the 7th of January, beginning at five o'clock every evening, 1744. Catalogues to be had at T. Osborne's in Gray's-Inn, and at the place of Sale. Subjoined are the Prices at which some of the Articles sold in this Sale Ashmole's Berkshire, L. p. 1719. 15*. Acta Apostolorum, Hearne, CH. M. 1714. 10*. Auctores Classici cura Maittaire, c. M. about 2s. each vol. Homerus Enstatliii, 4 torn. cor. twrc. Rom. 1550. 4?. 10*. Gr. ED. PR. 2 torn. Flor. 1488. 4l 15*. King's Vale Royal, 1656. ll Plautus, E. P. Sjrira, 1472. 16*. PLINII Hist. Nat. E. P. Spira, 1469. 4/. 595 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. PRAYERS, Book of, in Latin, on Vellum, with paintings in miniature, and borders finely illuminated, 4to. morocco* MS. Gust. Brander, Feb. 1790. 3/. 5s. " This Prayer Book was presented to the Ancestor of Sir Richard Worsley, by Mary, Queen of Scots, previous to her execution." Note in the Book. PROMPTORIUS Puerorum Promptorium Paruulorum, sive Clericorum Medulla Grammaticae, fol. Ri. Pynson, 1499- Lloyd, Jan. 1816. 14/. 14s. PRUDENTIUS in usum Delphini, 4to. Paris, 1687, Puk teney, Feb. 1812. 16/. 5s. 6d. PSALMS of David in Meeter with the Prose, whereunto is added Prayers used in the Kirke of Scotland, 8vo. Edinb. Andro Hart, 1611. Rev. R. Slaney. , PSALTER, Q. Elizabeth's, 4to. 1531. Rev. R. Slaney. PTOLEMJEI Geographia, Graece, Codex Membranaceus, S JE c. xv. fol. Talleyrand, May 1836. 661. 3s. Purchased by the late Dr. Burney; PYRRIE'S (C.) Praise and Dispraise of Women, very fruitfull to the well-disposed minde, and delectable to the readers thereof. And a fruitfull shorte Dialogue uppon the sentence, " Know before thou knitte," 8vo. bl. let. Impr. by W. How, no date, (about 1659.) Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 15/. 15s. A poetical volume of the greatest rarity. QUIPPES for Vpstart Newfangled Gentlewomen; or, a Glasse to view the Pride of vainglorious Women. Contain- ing, a pleasant Inuectiue against the Fantastical Forreigne Toyes daylie vsed in Women's Apparell, 4to. with a wood cut on the title of a " Newfangled Gentlewoman." Impr. byR.JhoneSj 1595. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. III. 11s. RIDDLES of Heraclitus and Democritus, 4to. -eery rare. Impr* by Am. Hatfield, 1598. Saunders's, Feb, 1818. IS/. 13s. 59C BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &o. ROBINSON'S (Clement) Handeful of Pleasant Delites, Svo. bl.let. Rick.Jhones. 1514. unique. King's, Feb. 1808. 26/. 5s. ROMAN de la Rose; an exquisitelj beautiful MS. exe- cuted for Francis I., ornamented with a profusion of the most rich and brilliant Miniatures, fol. Goldsmid, Dec. 1815. 1207. ROWLAND'S (Sam.) Diogenes' Lanthorne, 4to. curious wood cut on the title. Night Raven, Satirical Poems, very rare, 4to. 1634. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 14/. 14s. Doctor Merrieman ; or, Nothing but Mirth, 4to. 1609. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 10/. 15s. RUMP, The, a Collection of the choyest Poems, &c. of late times, curious front. 12mo. 1662. Lloyd, Jan. 1816. 5/. SALESBURY (Wm.) Dictionary in Englishe and Welshe, moche necessary to all suche Welshemen as will spedily learne the Englishe Tongue. 4to. bl. let. Lond. John Waley, 1547. Maddison, Mar. 1809- 7/. 7s. SCHOOL (The) of Slovenrie ; or, Cato turned wrong side outward. Translated into English Verse, to the use of all English Christendome, except Court and Cittie, by R. F. Gent. 4to. very rare. Impr. by V. Simmes, 1605. Saun- ders's, Feb. 1818. 12?. 5s. SCOGIN'S Jests, Peacham's worth of a Penny, Jack of Dover's Merry Tales, &c. bl. let. 4to. Rogers, Feb. 1801. 91. 10s. , full of witty mirth and pleasant shifts ; done by him in France and other places, gathered by Andrew Board, bl. let. 4to. Fillingham, April 1805. SB AGES, The Sevin, translatit out of prois in Scottes meter be Johne Rolland in Dalkeith, with one Moralitie after everie Poctour's Tale, and siclike after the Emprice Tale, togidder 597 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. with one loving landaude to everie Doctour after his avvin Tale, and one Exclamation and outcrying upon the Em- preouris Wife after his fals contrufit Tale, 4to. Imp-rent it at Edinburgh be Johtie Ros, far Henrie Charteris, 1578. Ritson, Dec. 1803. 30/. 10s. No other copy of this edition is supposed to exist; neither was it known to Ames or Herbert, See. &c, Mr. Ritson's MS. note. SHAKESPEARE'S (Wm.) Comedies, Histories and Trage- dies, a fine original copy of the first edition, in a genuine state, fol 1623. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 121/. 16s. fol. the four Editions (the third edition, with two titles, one of which contains a blank space for the portrait.) Rennie. History of Henrie the Fourth, First Part, 4to. 1599. Geo. Smyth, June 1797- 10Z. Second Part, 4to. 1600. (one leaf MS.) Ditto. 8/. 8s. Much Ado about Nothing, 4to. 1600. Ditto, ll. 10s. History of the Life and Death of King Lear, second edit. 4to. 1608. D. of Grafton, June 1815. 6/.6s. _ Tragedy of Richard III. 4to. 1597. Nixon, May 1818. 33/. SHIRLEY (Ja.) Plays and Poems, with his portrait, in 7 vols. (4 in quarto, and 3 in octavo.) 1632-35, extremely scarce. Strange, Mar. 1801. This collection, containing 37 comedies, tragi-comedies, and masques, includes all his dramatic works hitherto printed, save Cupid and Death, a Masque, and An- dromaua, or the Merchant's Wife, Trag. SOUTHWELL'S (Rob.) Saint Peter's Complaint, with other 598 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. Poems, 4to. Edinb. by R. Waldegrave, about 1600. Ex- tremely rare. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 8/. 10s. SPANISH English Rose ; or, the English-Spanish Ponr- granet, on the intended Nuptials of Prince Charles and the Infanta, with a curious Frontispiece, representing the Union of the Princely Pair, 4to. 1623. Pitt, Jan. 1808. 5l. 105. SPENSER'S (Edm.) Complaints, containing sundrie small Poemes of the World's Varietie, 4to. 1591. Alchorne, May 1813. 8/. 8s. This contains the first edition of the Ruins of Time, Tears of the Muses, Mother Hubberd's Tale, &c. STATIUS, in usum Delphini, 2 torn. 4to. Paris. 1685. Pulteney, Feb. 1812. 52/. 10s. STEPHANI (H.) Thesaurus Linguae Graecae, cum Indice et Glossario ; cum Labbaei et Scotti Appendic. CH. MAG. 9 torn. fol. cor. russ. Paris. 1572, 1675. Leigh's, May 1811. 99/. 15s. STORER'S Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal, a Poem, first edition, very rare, 4to. 1599- Sir P. Thompson. 19/- 19s. STRUTT (Jos.) Several MS. Memorandum Books, by the late ; also MS. Collections for the Chronicle of England. Mr. Britton. STUKELEY (Dr.) Prints relating to English Antiquities, drawn and engraved by, many of them unpublished, 2 vols. fol. in the late Dr. Ducarel's Library. SUIDJE Lexicon Greece Codex Chartaceus SEC. xv. fol. Importation from Sicily. Sotheby's, Apr. 1817. 220/. 10s. Purchased for the Bodleian Library. SwAN*Marks, Book of, on vellum, very rare. Hon. Geo. Nassau. SYPTABINA, Pisano Poeta, Itinerario Asyaticho, Jig. 12mo. Feneg. 1526. Fenton,Feb. 1812. IS/. $99 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. TERENTIUS, char. goth. maj. quo Virgilium impressit Mentelius, sine sign. cust. et pag. fol. sine anno aut loco, (circa 1470.) An Amateur, Sotheby's, June 1817. 3Q/. cum comment. Donati, Guidonis et Ascensii^ fig- % fo1 - Argent. 1496. Rev. R. Slaney. \,' TESTAMENT, New, dedicated to Edward VI. wood cuts , 4to. R.Jugge, 1550. Ditto. , 12mo. bl. let. wood cuts, (no title.) Ditto. Matt. i. 18. is rendered " maried" as in the first edi- tion of 1526, and not " betrothed" to Joseph, as in the edition 1534. Ditto. (See Lewis, p. 85.) THUANI Historia sui Temporis, 7 torn, in 14. the LARGEST PAPER, illustrated with a number of fine por- traits. Lond. 1733. Montolieu, Dec. 1809. 7oL 12s. This was the presentation copy to Dr. Mead. TORKYNGTON (Rych.) Thys ys the begynnyng of the Pylgrymage of Syr Rychard Torkyngton, Person of Mulber- ton in Norfolke, and how he went towardys Jherusalem all alone to the tyme he came to Venesse. 4to. MS. Mr. Britton. TRAYTORS, Relation of the Imprisonment and Execution of, 8vo. 1606. S. Ireland,* May 1801. 2/. 12s. 6d. VALTURIUS (Rob.) de ReMilitari ED. PR. fol. fig. cor. turc. Joh. de Verona, 1472. Talleyrand, May 1816. 17/. \ls. VANDER Noodt's (John) Theatre, wherein be represented as wel the Miseries and Calamities that follow the voluptuous Worldlings, as also the great Joyes and Pleasures which the Faithful do enjoy, bl. let. with wood cuts. 8vo. Impr. by H. Bynneman, 1569- Fillingham, April 1805. Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 15/. 4s. 6d. VERB'S (Sir Francis) Commentaries by Dillingham, Kith * Tliis tract was the first book exhibited to the public by Mr. Ireland, as containing the autograph of Shakspeare. The MS. notes are very numerous and very silly. 600 BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. the portraits, maps and monuments, fol. L. p. Camb. 1657* A Presentation Copy, from the Author to Major Gen* Philip Skippon. Marq. Townsend^ May 1812. I5l. 15s. VERTUE'S (Geo.) Works, containing upwards of 500 plates, jfine impressions : in 5 large folio volumes, with MS* tables. Sir W. Burrell, May 1796. 45/. VESPUTIO (Americo) Paesi novamenti retrovate. 4to. Milano, 1508. rariss. Sotheby's, June 1818. \Ql. 15s. VIRGINIA Briefe and true Report of the New Found Land of Virginia, discovered by Sir Richard Greenvill, made in English by T. Harriott, servant to Sir W. Raleigh. Pic- tures and Fashions of the People of Virginia, translated by Hackluit, plates by De Bry. Extremely rare. fol. Impr. by Wechel, 1590. Sir P. Thompson, Apr. 1815. All. 5s. VORAGINE (Jacq. de) Legende Doree translated du Latin en Francois, par du Vignay, qui vivoit du temps de Joanne de .Bourgoigne, Royne de France, morte 1'an 1348, escrit a Montpensier et parfait, 5 Sep. 1480. MS. on vellum, large fol. containing 220 large paintings of martyrdoms of Saints, &c. and initials illuminated. In the possession of Earl Brownlow. WALLIS'S (Rich.) London's Armory ; the Arms, Crests, Supporters, Mantles and Mottos of every distinct Company and Corporate Societie in the Honourable City of London. Printed for the Author, Richard Wallis, Citizen and Arms Painter. Imp. fol. engraved, 1677. Hon. George Nassau. This Copy is dedicated (in MS.) to Sir Robert Clayton; the Arms, in an engraved Mantle, are drawn with a Pen. WARNER'S (Wm.) Albion's England, 8vo. with the con- tinuation (14th, 15th, and 16th Bookes.) Printed by Felix Kingston, 1606* Rennie. WARTON'S (Thos.) History of English Poetry, 3 vols. 4to. extremely full of MS. notes by Mr. Ritson, on separate papers, 1775. Ritson, Dec. 1803. 11. 7s. 4a BOOKS IN MINOR SALES, &c. WHETSTON'S (Geo.) Remembrance of the wel imployed Life and godly end of George Gascoigne, Esq. who deceased at Stalmform, in Lincolnshire, 7 Oct. 1577, a Poem, black letter, 4to. Impr. by E. Aggas. Voigt, December 1806. 42/. 10s. 6d. Purchased by the late Mr. Malone. ~ WITCHES and Witchcraft Pott's Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster, 1613. Triall of Jennet Pres- ton, of Gisborne in Craven, 1612. Damnable Life of Dr. Fian, a notable Sorcerer, who was burned at Edenbrough, in January last, 1591, wood cuts, &c. Tyssen, Dec. 1801. III. y;" WOOD'S History of England to the Death of Charles I. ' &vo. Portraits, rare, 1658. Richardson's, Feb. 1810. 31. 13s. 6d. WORDE (W. de) Here foloweth the assemble of Foules, veray pleasaunt and compendyous to rede or here compyled by the preclared and famous clerke Geffray Chaucer, bt. let. 4to. 1530. Supposed to be unique, (vid. Dibdin's Ames n. p. 278.) Saunders's, Feb. 1818. 32/. 11s. . ' Dr. John Fyssher, Bysshop of Roches- Xter's Treatise concernynge the fruytfull Saynges of Dauyde, the Kynge and Prophete, in the seuen Penytecyal Psalmes, 4to. 1508, Sotheby's, Mar. 1817. WORTLEY'S (Sir Fras.*) Characters and Elegies in Prose and Verse, with MS. notes, by Dr. Farmer, 4to. 1646. Leigh's, Dec. 1814. WROATH (Lady Mary) The Countesse of Montgomery's Urania, front, by S. Pass, fol. 1621. D. Bridgewater dups. Apr. 1802. ZEPHERIA, by H. Binneman, in 40 Canson, printed by the Widdowe Orzcen,for N. L. and John Busbie, 4to. 15Q4. Leigh's, Apr. 1815. 16/. l6s. * " This book, I doubt, is scarce to be seen or had." A. Wood, Fasti II. p. 22. 602 INDEX OF BOOKS, THE POSSESSORS' NAMES ANNEXED. The Names in CAPITAL LETTERS annexed to the Titles of Books refer to Public or Private Collections noticed in the volume; and those in Roman Letters to Libraries sold by auction. Where an asterisk (*) is prefixed, reference is made to the Minor Sales and Private Collections at the end. To avoid numerous repetitions, the Names of Possessors, not in. serted under their respective heads, are printed in Italics. Ligatures, attached to two or more names, denote the respective Possessors of the same book ; as " Caxton's Hyst. of Kynge Blanchar- dyn,&c." "Mason, 111. Roxb. SPENC." This copy was purchased by the Duke of Roxburghe, at Mason's Sale, for 217. and secondly, at the Sale of his Grace's Collection, by Lord Spencer. See Caxton's Hyst. of Blanchardyn, under the heads SPENCER and Roxburghe. An explanation of the Abbreviations is inserted in the beginning of the volume. Abailard et Heloise Lettres, 6 vols. 8vo. Par. 1782. vellum. Paris. Abano (Pet.) Conciliator different, philo- sophorum, E. P. fol. Mant. 1472. K. Abbies and Monasteries, Surveys of, MS. WESTM. Abel and Kilvert, Wine Projectors, Let- ter to, 4to. Farm. Abu Nasr, Arabic Dictionary, MS. BR. M. Acosta's (Jos.) East and W. Indies, 4to. 1604. NORTH. Acta Apostolorum, MS. Saec. vn. BODL. vid. Hearne. Actes of the Apostles, by Chr. Tye, I2mo. 1553. LAMB. Actes des Apostres, fol. Par. 1541 . Crofts, Edw. UL Goldsmid, 1815. 9/. 2s. 6d. Acts of Scotland (the Black Acts) fol. Bridges. fol. Edin. 1575. Bridges. Actors and Actresses, Lives of the most celebrated, 4to. MS. *Fillingham,1805. Acuna (Chr. de) Descrip. del grand rio desAmazonas, 4to. Mad. 1641. Parts, Wl. 10s. BECKF. Heathcote, Ql. 18s. 6d. Stan. 161. Adamson's (Jo.) Muses Welcome, fol. Edin. 1618. Farm. Adrian! (Card.) Venatio, 8vo. AM. 1505. WODH. INDEX. de Peccato Origuiali, 4to. Oion. 1479. BODL. jEneae Sylvii Epist. fam. fol. s. u. n. (Col. 1468.) K. fol. 1478. MARLB. Historian Rerura Gestarum, E. P. fol. Ven. 1477. MARLB. vid. Pii II. /Eschylus Gr. E. P. 8vo. Aid. 1518. MANCH. Roxb. I/. 17s. Sykes. _ , Cu. M. 4to. H. Sleph. 1557. DENT. Stanleii.fol. Lond. 1663. Bern. Digby, Heath, Beckf. Grenv. Heaihcote, 71. Steev. 4,1. 5s. jEsopi Fabulae, Gr. E. P. 4to. s. a. BH. M. BODL. GLASG. K. DEV. WODH. Daty,1792. Hi. 7s. 6d. Maun, III. Us. Spenc. Gr. L. 4to. Ban. Accur- sius, (circa 1480.) BODL. Pin. 14i. Spenc. jEsopusZucbi,4to. Veron. 1479. Mason, Spenc. JEsopus Gr. L. 4to. Eegii, 1497, Hi us. Spenc. 4to. Ven. 1498, MARLB. Spenc. fol. Aid. 1505. CAMB.- ST. Jo. HIBB. Crofts, Willett, Roxb. 91. Devon, dups. 1815. 4i. Is. Talley- rand, 1816. 8/. 18s. 6d. yEsopi fabelle, P. E. 4to. s. u. n. BECKF. vid. Esopo. ^Esopi Appologi, Seb. Brant, fol. Bos. 1501. Crofts. ^Esop's Fables, by Barlow, L. P. fol. 1687. Stan. Agiaieb Elmakloucat. i. e. Mirabilia Re- rum Creaturaram MS. CAMB.-UN. Agresto (An. Caro.) sopra la Ficata del Siceo, 8vo. 1539,vellum. BECKF. Allen, Paris, Hi. Os.' 6d. Agricola(Geo.) de mensuris et ponderibus, fol. Bos. 1550. (Grolier copy.) DENT. Agricola's Paintings in Natural History, fol. Paris. Aimun, Hist, of the four Sonnes of, fol. 1554.Roxb. HEB. STAFF, vid. Aymon. Alain Chartier, Poesies, fol. MS. xv Site. DOUCL. les Faicts, fol. PR. ED. Par. s. d. vellum. Paris. Spenc. Alamanni, La Coltivatione, 4to. Par. 1546. BR. M. Albcmarlc, D. of Interment, vul. Sandford. 604 Albert! ab Eyb Margarita Poetica, E. P. fol. Nur. 1472. Rose. Paris, 1478. Roxb. Alberti (Leon.) de Re-^Edificatoria opus, E. P. fol. Flor. 1485. MARLB. K. Alcoranus Arabice", MS. LAMB. Aldhelmus de Virginitate, MS. LAMB. CAMB.-BEN. Alexander ab Alexandro, E. P. Rom. 1522. Mason. Alexandre, Le Roman du Roi, fol. MS. BODL. MS. XIV. SlEC. DOUGL. Alexandri de Ales super Aristotelem Exp. fol. Oxrni. 1481. BODL. Oxr-ST. Jo. Alexandri VII. Papa; etCardinal.' Effigies, fol. Rom. 1658. MS. notes. CANT. Alexander (Wrn. E. of Sterling) Plays. 4to. 1603. STAF. Recreations with the Muses, fol. 1637. STAF. Mr. Eennie. Alonso XI. Chronica del, fol. Val 1551. Lansd. y del Sancho el Bra- vo, &c. fol. Val. 1554. Singer, 1818. 171. 17s. Allot's England's Parnassus, 8vo. 1600. .Brand, Farm. vid. England's Parnassus. Altobello, vid. Battaglia. Aluredi Beverlac. Historia, 8vo. c. M. Or. 1716. Willett. vid. Hearne. Amadis de Gaula, fol. Ven. 1533. Stan. 26vol. 18mo. et8vo. Lyon,l575. Stan. 21J. 10s. des Gaules, 31 torn. 18mo. et 12mo. Lym et Par. 1577-1615. Heathc. Ames (Jos.) Typographical Antiquities, by Herbert, 3 vols. 4to. in 6. MS. addi- tions, 1785-90. Gough. Ammianus Marcellinus, E. P. fol. Rom. 1474. BODL. GLASG. MARLB. PEMBR. K. Askew, 1775. 23/. Spenc. Ammonius in Librum de Interpretatione, fol. Aid. 1503. not. MS. Heath Heber. Porphyrium, Gr. E. P. fol. Ven. 1500. BODL. OXF-ST. Jo. Spenc. Amoris divini et humani eifectus, 8vo. 1626. vellum. Paris. Amours, La Conusance d' (an English Poem,) 4to. Pynson, Roxb. Sykes. Anacreon, Gr. E. P. 4to. Lut. 1554. BH. M. BODL. MANCH. I2mo, farmtE, 1791. vellum. BR. M. INDEX. Analecta tie Rebus Catholic, in Hiberaia, 8vo. Col, 1617. Gordon, 101. 10s. GRENV. Ancient Terra Cottas, L. P. 1810. BR.M. Marbles, 2 Parts, L. P. 1810. BR. M. Anderson's (J.) History of the House of Yvery, 2 vols. 8vo. 1742. * Earl. Brown- low,* Fonnereau, 1810, * Hodges, 1814, * Mr. Nassau, Graftcm, 1815, 161. 5s. 6d. Maddison, 1809, 29/. Woodford, 1809, 181. 18s. Woodhouse, 71. 10s. Andreini (Giov. Bat.) 1'Adamo, 4to. MiZ. 1613. BECKF. NORTH. Edw. 151. Hun- ter, 12J. Pin. 51. 5s. Talleyrand, 1816, 61. 6s. stained. Mi/.1617. WILBR. Heathc. Crofts, 41. 14s. 6d. Farmer, 31. 5s. Andrewes (Archb. of) Catechism, 4to. St. Andr. 1552. Roxb. Angeli (P. F. alias N. Mason) Certamen Seraphicum, 4to. Duaci, 1649. SYKES, Sotheby's, 1816, 17/. 17s. Evans's, 1817, 9/. 9s. Angels and Devils, Treatise of, MS. fol. Crofts. BECKF. Anne de Bretagne, Entree et NopceS, 4to. MS. DOUGL. Entree et Sacre, 4to. MS. DOUGL. Les Funerailles, fol. MS. DOUGL. Anjou (Due) Entree a. Anvers, fol. MS. * Richardson's, 1810. Ant and the Nightingale, 8vo. 1604. STAF. Antechrist, La Vie du tres unique, 8vo. Anv. 1560. BECKF. Anthologia.E. P. 4to. Flor. 1494. BODL. HIBB. MAKLB. PEMBR. Eton, K. Crofts, 141. Heath, 23/. 10s. Mason, \6l. 5s. 6d. Pin. 171. Roscoe, Ql. 18s. 6d. Roxb. 141. 5s. E. P. 4to. vellum, Flor. 1494. BR. M. Askew, 1775, 282. 7s. GLASG. DENT, SPENC. Oxf.-Corp. Chr.Pin.45l. Aid. 1503. vellum. SPENC. Askew, 1775, 8i. 15s. Gneca, Hier. de Bosch. 4 vols. fol. CH.MAX. Ultr. 1795-1810. GRENV. Antonio (S.) Vita e li Miracoli,4to. s. u. n. BECKF. da Sienna, vid. Monte Sancto. A Pairc of Turtle Doves, 4to. 1606. Woodh. Apocalypsis insignium Haeresiarcharum, 12mo. Lug. Bat. 1608. Apollonius Rhodius, E. P. 4to. FUn: 1496. BR.M. BODL. CAMB.-ST.JO. GLASC. OxF.-C.CnR.HlBH.PEMBR.EtO.S/X?7lC. Sykes. Daly, 1792, 111. 7s. 6d. Crofts,' 121. 15s. Heathcote, 61. 16s. 6d. Heath, 101. Mason, 1798, 91. 5s. Pin. (et Or- phffius, E. P.) 171. 17s. Roscoe, 71. Roib. 51. 5s. Talleyrand, 1816, 12^.12s. Apol. Rhodius, E. P. 4to. FUn: 1496, vellum. K. MARLB. SPENC. Apparition, Relation of an, 4to. 1641. BATH. Appianus, Gr. E. P. fol. Lut. 1551. BDL. Lat. Candidi, Yen. 1472. BODL. GLASG. K. Spenc. Apuleius, E. P. fol. Rom. 1469. BR. M. BODL. CAMB.-ST. Jo. GLASG. K. DEV. DOUGL. GRENV.HIBB.MARLB. PEMBR. Gro/ihm, 1815, 38U7s. SYKES,WODH. Spenc. Dei: ditps. 1815, 29/. 8s. Apuleius, Qvo.Ald. 1521. (Grolier.)BECKF. Aquinas, vid. Thomas. Aquino (Car.) Exequialia in f unere, Jac. II. fol. Rom. 1702. Oxr.-ST. Jo. Archy's Dream, 12mo. 1641. Brand. Ardes, Discourse of the cuntrie of, 8vo. Bynneman, Tov:n. Heber. Arembergh (Carol, de) Flores Seraphici, fol. Col. Agr. 1640. *Pitt v 1808. Aretii (Mar.) Dialogus et Lusus, 8vo. Aug. Vind. 1530. Crofts. Aretinus (Leon.) de Belloltalico, fol. Fulg. 1470. Crofts, Rose. Mason, 2f. 12s. 6d. K. Spenc. de Bello Italico, fol. Yen. 1471. BECKF. DOUGL. K. Pembr. Aretini (Leon.) Epist. fam. E. P. fol. 1472. K. Aretino (P.) Abbattimento Poetico, 4to. Milano, 1539. WXLBR. Argensola (Leon.) Couq. de las Islas Ma- lucas, fol. Mad. 1609. Lansd. Ariosto Orlando Furioso, 4to. PR. ED. Fen: 1516. Spenc. 4to. Yen. 1527. Singer, 1818, (12 leaves reprinted) 141. da lui corretto, 4to. Ferr. 1528. Stan. DEV. Orlando, 4to. Fer. 1532. HIBB. Pin. 4to. Gioiito.1542. vellum. K. Orlando Furioso, fol. Yen. 1584. Hunter, 161. BECKF. HIBB. WILBR. Pem&r. Pin. 5/. Roib. 61. Stan. 161. 16s. Steev. !/. 14s. 6d. 605 INDEX. Arlosto Orlando Furioso, 4 torn. fol. Yen. 1772. vellum. BUTE. Ariost, Abridgement of Roland Furious, in Scotis Meitir, fol. MS. Roxb. Ariosto's Satyres,by Markham,4to. 1608. STAF. Aristidis Orationes, Gr. E. P. fol. Ffor. 1517. BK. M. BODL. Aristides Jebb, 2 vols. Ch. M. 4to. Oxen. 1722. Heath, HeatJicote, 131. 13s. Aristophanes, Gr. E. P. fol. Aid. 1498. BR. M. BODL. CAMB.-ST. Jo. GLASG- OXF.-ALL S.-C. CuR.-Sr. Jo. GRENV. HEB. PEMBR. SYKES. Bern. Eton, K. Spenc. Alchorne, 1813, 101. Crofts, 9.1. 10s. Devon, dups. 1815, 71. 7s. Heath, 111 10s. Parson, 1809, 51. 5s. Roib. 111. 125. Aristoteles etTheophrastus, Gr. E. P. 5 vols. fol. Aid. 1495-8. BK. M. BODL. LAMB. GLASG. OXF.-ALL S.-C. CHR. HEB. PEMBR. Etow, Spenc. Sykes. Daly, 1792, 131. 13s. Devon, dup. 1815, 15/. 15s. Heath, 461. Pin. 121. 12s. Selnight, 1807, 44L Willett, 431. Is. Aristotelis Theophr. et Galeni Opera, Gr. Aid. 1497. vellum (a volume wanting) OxF. r C. CHR. Aristoteles a Duval, CH. M. 4 vols. fol. Par. 1629. Heath, Heuthcote, 181. 18s. Roxb. 151. 15s. de Animalibus, Lat. E. P. fol. Yen. 1476. MARLB. K. vellum. SYKES. Aristotelis Definitiones, 8vo. Par. 1529. vel- lum.Askew,1775, 1 1 Z.I Is. Mason Spenc. Ethica, Lat. L. Arretini, 4to. Ozon.1479. BODL. OXF.-ALL S. PEMBR. K. Spenc. Poetica, Gr.L. Paccii, 8vo. Aid. 1536. BODL. Gr. Lat. Tyrwhitt, CH. MAx.fol.Qrou. 1794. *RandoIph, 1814. Tractatus, Lat. Averroe, 3 vols. fol. Fen. 1483, vellum. Pin. Arlotto (Piov.) Motti e Facetie, 4to. Fir. *. d. WILBR. Facetie, 12mo. Medial. 1523. Stan. 81. 8s.. HEB. (Main.) Facezie Motti, &c. 12mo. Giunti, 1568. Stan. 41. 4s. BECKF. Armatura Equestris diversarum gentium, 8vo. 1575. BECKF. Armin (Rob.) Italian Tailor and his Boy, 4to. 1609. Gordon. 606 Armin (R.) Maids of Morc-clacke, 4to, 1609. Reed. Arnolde's Chronicle, fol. BODL. GRENV. STAFF. WILBR. K. Pembr. Bern. Brand, Chaun. Farm. Roxb. Gulston, 2/. 2s. Lansd. 71. 17s. 6d. Mason, 15/. 15s. Sir P. Thompson, 1815, 18/. Ars Memorandi per fig. Evangelist, fol. BODL. HIBB. PEMBR. SPENC. Talley- rand, 1816, 361. 15s. Ars Moriendi, 4to. s. a. Spenc. Arsenii Dicta Philosophorum, Gr. 8vo. s. u. n. GRENV. Art de Rhetorique, fol. Par. Verard. vel- lum, BR. M. Artemidorus de somniorum interpretationc, 8vo. Aid. 1518. BECKF. Sykes. Art de bieu vivre et mourir, fol. Par. Ve- rard, vellum. BR. M. Art de Vivre et Mourir, fol. Par. 1453. Allen, Monro, 1792, 81. 10s. Arthur (K.) the storye of, fol. W. Coplande, n. d. BATH. : Story of, and his Knyghtes, fol. 1557. Lansd. DENT. Tho. Easte,n. d. DENT, HIBB. STAFF. Roxb. Goldsmid, 1815, - of Brytayn, by Lord Berners, 4to. n. d. STAF. Arthure Prince, order of the Round Table, 4to. 1583. Pears. Sykes. - History of, 4to. 1634. Roxb. Stan. vid. Leland. Articles, 39, MS. CAMB.-BEN. Artus (Roi) Roman du, fol. Pn. ED. Rouen et Paris, 1488, K. Bern. * Gold- smid, 1815. Hibb. Ascanio Mori Novelle, 4to. Mant. 1585, Hunter. Ascham's (Rog.) Toxophilus, 4to. 1545. Digby. - 4to. 1571. BATH. Asconius in Ciceron. Orat. E. P. fol. Yen. 1477. CAMB.-ST. Jo. Spenc. Ashmole's (El.) Berkshire, L. P. 3 vols. 8vo. 1719. ETON, GRENV. HOARE, Bridges, North, Sykes, Heatlicote, 19*. 8s. 6d. Order of the Garter, L. P. fol. 1672. Edw. NORTH, Bridges. Gulston, 41. 17s. 6d. Lansd. 101. 10s. - Askc (Ja.) Elizabetha Triumphaus, 4to. 1583. *Saunders's, 1818. 4to. 1585. Gordon. INDEX. Astexani, (Jo.) Summa de casibus con- scientise, fol. (Argent. 1470.) HIBB. Astrea's Teares, Elegy on Sir Rich. Hut- ton, 8vo. 1641. Steev. Woodh. Astronomici Veteres, Gr. Lat. E. P. fol. Aid. 1499. Boot. GLASG. HIBB. MARLB. PEMBR. SYKES, K. Spenc. Crafts, 61. 6s. Grafton, 1815, 71. 12s. 6d. Heber, Pin. 71. Roib. 16/. 16s. Astronomicon Libri, Macrobius, fol. MS. DOUGL. Athena; Britanmcae,6vols.8vo. 1716. Gulst Atila Flagellum Dei, 4to. Vm. 1507, GEENV. Atkyns (Rich.) Origin of Printing; 4to. 1664. Woodh. Atkyns's (Sir Rob.) Hist, of Glostershire, fol. L.P. 1712. * Bryant, 1807. Aubrey's (Jo.) History of Surrey, 5 vols. 8vo. L. P. 1719, BATH. Beckf. BUTE. GRENV. Bridges, Town. 261. Willett, 221. Is. Aubriet (Cl.) Oiseaux, Fleurs, &c. 2 vols. fol. orig-. drawings, RUTL. 1 vol. Paris, 851. Is. Plantes peintes sur velin, fol. Allen, Paris. Gainsborough, 1813, 32/. Us. BECKF. Auctores Classic!, Delphini, 58 vols. 4to. Par. 1674, &c. MANCH. 62 vols. 4to. Lansd. 67 vols. 4to. 63 vob. 4to. Roxb. D. of Norfolk. * Lord Berwick, 1817. 64 vols. 4to. Treuttell, 1817, 236f. 5s. Auctorum Variorum Opuscula, 4to. MS. LAMB. Audeley's (Lady El.) Prophecies, 4to. 1649, Farm. Auffret, Quoatqueueran Le Catholicon, fol. Autr. 1499. K. Augurelli (J.Aur.)Poemata, Bvo.Ald. 1505, (Grolier.)*Fenton, 1812. BECKF Augustinus (Aur.) de singularitate Clerico- rum, 4to. Col. 1467. Mason, Willett, Spenc. Augustinns (S) de doctrina Christiana, fol. (Nog. circa 1464) SYKES. Aug.(S.) de Arte prtedicandi, fol. Argent. s. a. Pin. Spenc. Augustin(S.)CitedeDieu, 2 vols. fol. MS. DOUGL. Augustinus (S.) de Civitate Dei, E. P. fol, 1467. BODL. K. DEV. Wiltett, 171. 17s. HEB. MARLB. SYKES, Spate. fol. Earn. 1468. BODL. GLASC. PEMBR. Pin. 14J. Spenc. Aug. de Civ. Dei, fol. s]>ira, 1470, vellum, K. DEV. MARLB. Spenc. Jenson,l475,vellum. K. MARLB. Augustin, St. Lamentations, Par. Verard. vellum, BR. M. Aulus Gellius, MS. xv. Cent. fol. Edw. GoMsmid, 1815, 37L 16s. MS. Grafton, 1815, 2lZ. E. P. fol. Eom. 1469. K . BR. M. BODL. PEMBR. WODH. Pin: Willett, 42L Spenc. Sykes. Aul. Cell. E. P. 1469, vellum, MARLB. Rom.. 1472, JERSEY, MARLB. Treuttell, 1817, 301. Aulus Gellius, fol. N. Jenson, 1472. K. MANCH. Spenc. 8vo. Aldus, 1515, Fenton, 1812, 101. 10s. Sykes. Ausonius, E. P. fol. (Fen.) 1472, GLASC. PEMBR. Paris. K. Spenc. Askew,1775, 171. 17s. Avantii, 8vo. Aid. 1517. GRENV. Ave Caesar, on his majesties arrivall, 4to. 1603. BATH. Ayrnonlesquatrefilz d', fol. s. d. BLANDF. B. BACON (Anth.) Correspondence of, 16vol. MS. LAMB. Bacon, (Lord) Letters, MS. LAMB. Bacon's (Rog.) Myrrour of Alchimy, 4to. 1597, MANCH. Baffo (Giorg.) Opere, 4 vols. 8vo. Cosmop. 1789. WILBR. Baldner's (Leon.) Drawings of Nat. His- tory, fol. *E. King, 1808. Lord Dart- mouth. Baldwin (W.) Funeralles of Edw. VI. 4to. 1560. Town. IBl. 18s. GHENV. Vid. Edward VI. Bale's(Jo.) Actes of English Votaries, 8vo. 1550, Brand. Chronycle of Sir John Oldcastle^. X 18mo. n. d. BLANDF. Bale (Jo.) God his promises ; Intcrl. 4to. 1577, Roxb. Steev. Bale's (Jo.) Mysterye of Inyquyte, 8vo. Y Geneva, 1545, Woodh. 607 INDEX. BalfouT (Sir Ja.) Annals of, MS. DENT. Ballads, Old, collection of, 2 vols. fol. JEBSEV. -and.ancient Songs, 2 vols. fol. West, 1773, 20J. Pears. Roxb. (3 vols.) 5 vols. fol. Camb.Pepys. and Garlands, collected by Hearne, 8vo. Roxb. and early Tracts, 8vo. 1553. HEB. Baltimore (Barode) Gaudia Poetica, 4to. Aug. 1770. SYKES, Reed, 61. 10s. Ran- dolph, 1814, 51. 15s. 6d. . Ccelestes et Inferi, 8vo. Ven. 1771. SYKES, Reed, 10s. 6d. Bandello Novelle, 4 vols. 4to. et 8vo. Lucca, 1554. Ltane,1573. HIBB.WILBR. Hunter, 241. 3s Heb. Heathcote, 121. Pin. 21*. R01&. 29l.Blandf. Stan. 28?. 17s. 6d. Beckf. Steev. 91. 9s. Bar- rameo, 1817, 131. 13s Mr. Strettett. Canti xr. de le iodi de la S. Lu- cretia Gonzaga, 8vo. Agen, 1545.BECKF. Hunter, 252. HCB. HIBB. Paris, 51. 5s. Wodhull. Pin. 151. 15s. Roscoe, 16L5s.6d. Wilbr. Bandellis (Vine, de) de concept. B. Vir- ginis, 4to. Medial. 1475, Pin. Bandinii Catalogus Cod. MSS. Bibl. Med. Laur. 3 vols. fol. Flor. 1764, Rose. Bankes Bay Horse in a Trance, 4to. 1595. Gordon, Saunders's, 1818, 101. 10s. Banquett of Dainties, 8vo. Tho. Hackett, 1566. (MS. title,) Saunders's, 1818, 6/. 16s. 6d.Hibb. Banquet of Jests, or Change of Cheare, 12mo. 1639, Brand. Barbara (Dan.) Legazione in Inghilterra, 4to. Land. 1551. Soc. ANT. Barbaras (Fr.) de Re Uxoria, 8vo. MS. MANCH. Barclay's (Alex.) Egloges, 4to. W. de Worde. Woodh. '_ Ship of Fooles, fol. 1508. Farm. fol. 1570. Bern. Digby, Gulston, 11. 16s. Wilbr. vid. Brandt. Barksdale(Clem.) NymphaLibethris, 8vo. 1651. * Saunders's, 1818. Dent. Bamabee's (Drunken) Four Journeys, first ed. (circa 1640) DENT, Heathcote, 81. 15s. 6d. HEB. Steer;. 11. 10s. Woodh. 21. lOs.Blandf. Roberts,1815, 16U6s. Mr. Nassau. Bamefielde's (Rich.) Affectionate Shep- herd, containing the Complaint of Daph- 608 nis for the love of Ganymede, 4to. 1594. Extremely rare. Reed, 151. 10s. Baron's (Rob.) Cyprian Academy, 8vo. 1647. * Saunders's, 1818. Baron (Rob.) Pocula Castalia, 8vo. 1650. Woodh. Bartholomeeus de Proprietatibus Rerum, fol. s.w.n. K. Spenc. vid. Worde, W. de. Bartholomew (St. the Great) Letters, Charters, &c. in the Priory of, 4to. MS. *Mr. Britton. Bartoli Peintures Antiques, 3 torn. fol. Paris, Didot, 1783. Vellum. BECKF. Paris, 191 1. 2s. Allen. Bartolomeo (Zam.) Carte del Mare Egeo, fol. 1532. GRENV. Bas (Wm.) Sword and Buckler, 4to. 1602. Steev. Basil (St.) Gr. MS. Oxr.-C. CHE. Basilic (Theod.) a Christmas Bankette, 12mo. 1542. *Lloyd, 1816. Bassi (P. And.) Le Fatiche d'Ercole, fol. E. P. Per. 1475, K. SPENC. Bastard (Tho.) Chrestoleros, 8vo. 1598. Pearson, 6s. 6d. Steev. Woodh. Batcheler's Banquet, 4to. 1603. Roib. 2,1. 15s. Steev. 11. 16s. 1630. NORTH. -1631. Filling- ham, 1805, 15s. 1660. Allen. Stan, (with Women's Fegaries, 4to.) 6/. Heber, (vid. Dekker.) Batman (Steph.) The Doome warning all Men to Judgement, 4to. 1581. *Mr, Nassau. Battaglia, Libro di, delta Baroni di Fran- cia, 4to. Ven. 1547. Crofts, 11. 7s. *Goldsmid,1815. Hibb. Baudoin (Cte de Flandres,) Cronique du, 4to. Lyon,s.d. GRENV. Bayle(P.)DictionnaireHistorique, 4 vols. fol. GR. P. Rott.l720,*Grafton, 1815. Baynes (Rog.) Praise of Solitarinesse, 4to. 1577. Gordon. Heber. Baziliologia, Effigies of Kings, fol. BODL. Delabere, 1811. Beatiano Ag. Cose Volgari, 8vo. Giol. 1538, BH. M. Beaton (Dav.) tragical death of, 12mo. 7. Day, n. d. Roxb. Beaucharap, (Rich. E. of Warwick,) Life of,MS.BR.M. Beaulieu's Plans aud Battles, 5 vols. fol. *Hope, 1813. INDEX. Beaumont and Fletcher's Com. and Trag. first ed. fol. 1647. Rose. Beaumont and Fletcher's Plays, 6 vols. 4to. 1607-61. STAF. Beaumont and Fletcher's Philaster, 4to. 1620. Reed. Beaver's (Jo.) Roman Military Punish- ments, 4to. L. P. 1725. Steev. Dr. Lffrt, 1791, 61. 6s. Beckwith's Heraldry of Yorkshire and Es- sex, 6 vols. fol. MS. SYKES. Bedaa Historia Ecclesiastica, fol. Cod. Ant. DOUGL. Bedik, Pers-Armeni (Pet.) Cehil Sutun Persamm, 4to. Vien. s. a. Crofts. Bellendeni (Gul.) Ciceronis Consul, &c. 8vo. Paris. 1612. CANT. Roxb. 10s. 6d. Grafton, 1815, 31. Mr. Chalmers. Belman of London, 4to. 1608. STAF. Stan. 4to. 1616. Pears. Belon Histoire de Oyseaux, fol. Par. 1 555. Stan. Bembogli Asolani,8vo. .4Mo,1505. Hunter. Bembus(P.) de Etna, 4to. AM. 1495. BR. M. K. BECKF. GRENV. HIEB. Spenc. WoDH.Pin.7J. Bembi (P.) Historia Veneta, fol. Aid. 1551. GRENV. Benedictus (Ab. Petrob.) Vita Henrici II. et Rich. I. 2 vols. 8vo. c. M. Ox. 1735. Willett Benedictus Paeant. (Alex.) Diaria de bello Carolino, 4to. Aid. (1496.) K. Benivieiii (Hier.) Canzone, 4to. Fir. 1500. Hunter. Bentleii (Ric.) Epistolae, 4to. Land. 1807. BR. M. WILBR. Dutens, 1813, 61. 16s. 6d. Cough, Ql. 18s. 6d. Parson, 1809, 61. 10s. R. Palmer, 1818, 51. Bentley's (Tho.) Monument of Matrones, 4to. 1582. Brand. Woodh. Bergomensis (Jac. Ph.) opus de Claris mu- lieribus, fol. Ferr. 1497. DUB. K. Berlinghieri (Fr.) Geographia, fol. Fir. (circa 1478.) K. GRENV. MARLB. PEMBR. SPENC. WILBR. Pin. 41. 14s. 6d. Edw. I5i. Bemardi (de Parentibus) Lilium, fol. Col. 1484. CAMB. ST. Jo. Berners (Jul.) Bokys of Haukying, &c. fol. St. Alb. 1486. BODL. imperf. CAMB. UN. BLANDF. BUTE, imperf. PEMBR. Mason, 731. 10s. SPENC. Alleii, Roxb. imperf. Berners (Jul.) fol. Imjrr. by H. Tab. BODL. vid. Worde, W. de. Bert (Edm.) on Hawking, 4to. 1619. BANKS. Besiers, L. Antiquite du Triomphe de, 8vo. 1626. Crofts. Bessarion (Card.) adversus calumniatores Platonis. 4to. MS. Sx.c. xiv. DOUGL. E. P. fol. Rom. (1469.) K. Wil- let, Spenc. Beverley (Pet.) Historic of Ariodanto and Jeneura, sm. 8vo. Gordon. Heber, Bevis of Hampton, 4to. n. d. STAF. 1662. Steev. Bezae Codex, vid. Gospels. Biblia Sacra Cod. Alex. 4 vols. MS. Bn. M. Latina, MS. (circa mi. M.) fol. DOUGL. Latina, S*c. XI. XII. et XIII. MS. BR. M. Sacra, MS. fol. Sac. XIV. Rose. * Leigh's, 1814. Dent. S. Hieronymi, 2 vols. MS. Ba. M. LAMB. Rose. Vulgata, MS. LAMB. Pauperum, fol. BODL. K. Edw. 210*. Devon. Grenv. SPENC. Rose. Willett. 2571. 5s.Blandf. Paris, 1815, 40*. Pauperum German, fol. Bamb. 1462. SPENC. Bible Histories, fol. Bamberg, A. Pfister, 1462. SPENC. Biblia Sacra, 2 vols. fol. Mog. (circa 1455.) BODL. K. HIBB. SPENC. SYKES. 2 vols. fol. Mog. Guttenberg, (circa 1455.) vellum, GRENV. Mr. G. Nicol. Lat. 2 vols. fol. s. u. n. (Bamberg, circa 1460.) K. Spenc. Sacra, 2 vols. fol. Mog. 1462. BODL. GRENV. Pin. SQL Willett. 105k 2 torn. fol. Mogunt. 1462. wHwm.BR. M. BODL. (vol. 1. only) K. HIBB. JERSEY. MARLB. SPENC. SYKES. Edw. 175*. I. Lloyd, Esq. Leigh's, 1814, 230*. Mr. Watson Taylor. 2 torn. fol. (Argent, circa 1468.) BODL. K. 2 torn. fol. Sweyn. et Pan. 1471. BODL. SPENC. 2 vols. fol. (circa 1472.) BODL, Grenv. Spenc. Sykes. 609 INDEX. Biblia Latina, fol. P. Schaifer, 1472 GLASO. GRENV. Spenc. Latina, 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1475 CAMB. UN. Spenc. Latina, 2 vols. fol. N. Jenson VELLUM, 1476. Willett, 168U-DE- VON. DOUOL. SPENC. SYKES. Paris 591. 17s. , fol. Ven. Haitimm, 1476. vellum, SPENC. 2 vols. fol. Par. (1476.) HIBB. Edw. 34tl. 2s. 6d. fol. N. Jenson, 1479. vel- lum, Edw. 115*. 10s. HIBB. Biblia Sacra, fol. Basil. 1526. BECKF. Serveti, fol. Lug. 1542. Pin. fol. Lugd. 1566, cum notis MSS. Gul. Laud. OXF.-ST. Jo. Sixti V. Bom. 1590. PEMBR. Bern. (1593.) Sacra Sixti V. CH. M. fol. Rom. (Sixtus V. copy.) 1590. HIBB. Ports, 64*. Is. P. Grafton, 1815, 381. Bible, by Coverdale, first ed. fol. 1535. BODL. OXF.-ALL S. Mason, 16*. 5s. 6d. Spenc. Coverdale, fol. 1536, JERSEY. 1537,OxF.-AiL S. PEMBR. Chaun. by Coverdale, 4to. 1550. BH. M. LAMB. Br. M. dups. 1818. 91. 15s. by Mathew, fol. 1537. BR. M. BODL. LAMB, DEV. * Rev. R. Slaney. Voigt, 1806, 18*. 18s. Sykes. Englishe, Cranmer,fol. 1540. CANT. PEMBR. Edwards, 1804, 6*. 16s. 6d. Cranmer, fol. Grafton, 1541. BH. M. BATH, RUTL. Cranmer, fol. on vellum. BR. M. CAME. ST. Jo. Cranmer, 2 vols. fol. Jugge, 1572. BR. M. by Taverner, fol. 1539. K. Br. M. DEV. Camb.-Univ. Spenc. fol. Jo. Daye, 1549, CAMB. ST. Jo. OXF.-ALL S. STAFF. Willett, lOi. 10s. by Edmunde Beck, fol. Day and Seres, 1549. *Rev. R. Slaney. fol. Geneva, 1560. BOUCH. fol. Printed at Rouen, 1566, CAMB. ST.-JO. Parker, fol. 1568. *Rev.R. Slaney. Barker, fol. 1602, MS. corrections. BODL. 610 Bible, 4to. Bill and Barker, (John Bunyan' . copy) * Palmer, 1814. fol. Edinb. 1610. *Rev. R. Slaney. Doway Translation, 3 vols. 4to. 1633. Digby. 2 vols. fol. Oxf. 1717, vellum. BODL. Bp. Wilson, 6 vols. L. P. 4to. Bath, 1785. BR. M. DENT, Stan. 58*. 16s. Biblia Espanola, fol. Per. 1553, vellum, K. Germanica (E. P.) fol. BODL. K. Spenc. Edwards, 1804, 28*. 7s. Leigh's, 1814, 161. 16s. HIBB. Devon. dups. 1815, '271. 10s. HEB. Biblia Germanica, 2 vols. fol. s. u. n. DEV. SPENC. Lutheri, 3 vols. fol. Nuremb. 1524. vellum. SPENC. Lutheri, 2 vols. fol. Vit. 1541. Edw. HIBB. Lutheri, 2 vols. fol. Augs. 1535, vel- lum. Edw. 1804, 52*. 10s. Graeca, fol.^Jd. 1518.-BooL. DENT, DEV. Heath, 71. 12s. HEB. HIBB. Pin. 51. Roxb. 41. 14s. 6d. Grafton, 1815, 16*. 16s. Eton, Devon, dups. 1815, L. P. 45*. 3s. -Spenc. Glasg. Bible de Guyard des Moulins, 1'an 1291. 2 vols. fol. MS. SJEC. xiv, DOUGL. Bible, Histoire de la, 2 vols. fol. MS. OxF.-C. CHR. Bible par Rob. P. Olivetan, fol. Neufch. 1535. SPENC. Evans's, 1818. 4*. 14s. 6d. Bible Hebrew, an ancient MS. BR. M. Biblia Hebraica, 2 vols. fol. Neap. 1487. vellum. ETON. parstertia,2vol. 4to.Neap. 1487. ETON. Biblia Hebraica, fol. Soncini, 1488. BODL. K. Biblia Hebraica Houbigant, 4 vols. 4to. Lut. 1753. Goss. BiBLiAHibernice,4to.Lond. 1685. ETON. Biblialslandica,fol. Holm. Is/. 1584. ETON. Biblia Italica, fol. 1396. MS. DOUGL. Biblia Volgare, 2 vols. fol. Ven. 1471. GLASG. s. 1. 1471. Pin. Spew. Polonica, fol. Brest. 1563. DEV. SPENC. Saxonica, 2 vols, fol. Lubec. 1494. SPENC. Sclavonica,fol. Ostrob. 1581. SPENC. Polyglotta Card. Ximenii, 6 vols. fol. Complut. 1514-17. Bn. M.-Wil- INDEX. lett, Devon, dupt. 1815, SSI. 12s. Spenc. Biblia Polyglotta Card. Ximenii, 5 vols, (wanting the Lexicon) Roseoe, 351. 14s. - . - - - , 6. vols, fol. Compl 1514. &t.c.vellum Pin. HIBB, - Montani, 8 vols. fol. Antv, 1569-72. vellum Sotheby's (Treuttell^ 1817. Waltoni, 6 vol. fol. Land. 1655-7. CAMB. TRIN. OXF. ST. Jo. &Castelli Lexicon, 2 vol fof. 1669. Bern. Goss. Grafton 1815, 381. 17s. Heath Lord Essex, Randolph, 1814, 431. Roseoe, 411. Town. 611. Wil- lett, 531. lls. CH. M. 8 vols. BR.M.LAMB.(12vol.) CAMB. ST. Jo St. Paul's Cath. (14 vol.) K. (6 vol.) Spenc. (6 vol.) Bibliographia Scotica MS. *Ritsou, 1803. Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, 8 voL 4to. 1780-90. Heath, * Hodges, 1814. Rhodes, 1817, 5&. Hill. Bracelli (Jac) Lib. de Bello Hispano, 8vo. (Med. circa 1477) MARLB. Bradshaw's (Tho.) Shepherd's Starre in the East, 4to. R. Robinson, 1591. Saun- ders's, 1818, 101. 10s.. Hibb. Brandon (H and C.) Vita et obitus, 4to. 1551. SPENC. Brandon (Rich.) the hangman, his con- fession, 1649. DENT. Brandt (Seb.) Navis Stultifera, 4to. E. P. Bas. 1497. K. Rose. Willett, *Rev. R. Slaney, Spenc. Brandt. (Seb.) Nef des fols du Monde, 4to. Par. s. d, vellum. HIBB. Fol. Lyon, 1498. BECKP. vellum, Dr. Mead, 1755, 2/. 3s. Les Regnards traversans les Voyes perill.GR.P.fol.Par.Fmird'.s.d. BECKF. . (Seb.) Shyp of Folys fol. Lat. Engl. Pynsou, 1509. GRENV. . translated by Barclay, fol. J. Ca- wood, 1570. GRENV. Beckf. Brathwayt's (Rich.) Honest Ghost, 8vo. 1658. * Saunders's, 1818. Dent. Nature's Embassie, 8vo. 1621. Steev. * Fillingham, 1805. Heber, Saunders's, 1818, 51. 15*. Regicidium, Tr. C. 4to. 1665. STAF. Strappado for the Diuell, 8vo. 1615. STAF. Roxb. 11. 12s. 6d. "* Saunders's, 1818. Time's Curtaine Drawne, 8vo. 1621. *Saunders's, 1818. Brenna (Cav.) Disegni dell Palazzo S. Michele, fol. * Bonelli, 1813. Bretagne, Theatre de la Grande, 6 vol. fol. L. P. 1716-18. DUB. L. P. 4 vol. 1709-24. Willett, SOL 9s. Earl of Bridgewater. , 4 vol. fol. 1715. *Ri- chardson's, 1810. Mrs. Bliss. Breton (N.) Dialogue between two Tra- vellers, 4to. 1632. Gordon. Dialogue betwixt the Taker and Mistaker, 4to. 1603. Gordon. Breton (N.) Floorish upon Fancie, and Pleasant Toyes of an Idle Head, in verse,4to. 1577, Bindley, Dec. 1818, 401. Mother's Blesssing, a Poem, 4to. 1621. Gordon. Heber. An old Man's Lesson, &c. 4to. 1605. Gordon. - Pasquill's Mad-Cappe, 4to. 1626. Gordon Sir E. Brydges. Poeme on the Longing of a Blessed Heart, 4to. 1601. Steev. Sir P. Sydney's Ourania, 4to. 1653. NORTH. Workes of a Young Wit, I. Southern's Poems and Watson's Centurie of Love, Roxb. 311. 10s. (vid. Roxb. Cat. No. 3170.) Breviario Graeco, 4to. MS. DOUGL. Breviarium Romanum MS. temp. Henr. 2. RUTL. 4to. MS. S#c. xv. DENT. Breviary by the Bishop of Aberdeen, 2 vol. 8vo. Edinb. 1509. Emxu. p. 139. Brevio (Giov.) Rime e Prose, 8vo. Rom. 1545. Borrowo, 1817, 61. 12s 6d. HEB. Breydenbach (Bern, de) Peregrinatio in Montem Syon E. P. fol. Mog. 1486. BH. M. LAMB. BECKF. MARLB. WILBR. WODH. Allen, Bern. Bridges, Brander, 1790, 31. 15s. Spenc. Monro, 1792, II. lls. 6rf. Pi. 11. 12s. ,Ct. Macarthy, 1789, 3?. 3s. Spenc. Town. 121. Willett, 21 12s. 6d. 1486, vellum. West, 1773, 15/. 15s. K. fol. Spires, 1490. Rose. Voyage de Jeru- salem, fol. Lyon, 1488, Roxb.- DEVON. Evans's, 1816, 27*. 16s. 6d. Roscoe, 131. 5s. Sotheby's, 1818, 482. 6s. Britton's Bowre of Delights, 4to. 1597. Farm. Brugiantino, Cento Novelle, 4to. Vineg. 1554. Stan. 18/. 18s. HEB. Bor- romeo, 1817, 111. lls. Mr. Strettell. Brun (Le) Galerie des Peintres Flamands , 2 vol. fol. GR. P. Talleyrand, 1816, 73/. 10s. BECKF. DENT. Brunetto (Fr.) II Tesoro, fol. Trivis. 1474. K. Glasg. Spenc. Bruno (Giord.)Candelaio Comedia,12mo- 613 INDEX. Par. 1582. BECKF. Eton, HIBB. WILBR. Crofts, Roxb. 11. 8s. Bruno (Giord.) la Cena de le Ceneri, 8vo. 1584. HIBB. Heathc. Paris, 61. 10s. Wodhull, Roxb. 31. 16s. heroici furori, 12mo. Pur. 1585. Crofts, II. 18s. Hunter, Hibb. , Spaccio della -Bestia Trionfante, 8vo. Par. 1584. BODL. CAMB.-TRIN. HIBB. Paris, 131. 10s. Wodhull. translated by Wm. Morehead, 8vo. 1713. Pear- ton, HI. 7s. , Spaccio, Dialogi ed altri piec. Bern. Brunonis (Episc.) Comment, in Psalte- rium, fol. s. u. n. vellum. BODL. Psalterium, 4to. 1494. OXF-ST. Jo. Brusantino(Vicent.)AngelicaInnamorata, 4to. Vineg. 1553. Crofts. Stan. 71. 7s. Mr. Fitzgerald. Bruscambille, Fantaisies de, 12mo. Par. 1612. Stan. Beckf. Steev. 11. 18s. Brusonii (L. Dom.) Facetise, E. P. fol. Rom. 1518. BLANDF. WILBR. Stan. Sotheby's, 1818, 18*. 17s. 6d.Hibbert. Bruton(Wm.) Newes from the East Indies, 4to. 1638. Gordon. Bry (De) et Merian Collectiones pere- grination urn in Indiam Or. et Oc. 11 torn. fol. From. 1590-1634. BECKF. 13vol. fol. GRENV. , Collectiones Peregrinationum. 7 vol. fol. Franc. 1590, &c. Stan. Devon. 24 vol. Paris, 210/. Wilktt, (some plates wanting) 126/. Emblemata, 2 vol. 4to. Francof. 1593. Chaun. Buchannan's (Geo.) Duinges of Marie, Q. of Scottes, &c. 8vo. 1598. Brand. Buchanan family, genealogy of, 4to. 1723. Gulst. Budffius (Gul.) de Asse, 4to. Aid. 1522. Sykes. CH. M. 4to. Aid. WODH. vellum, 4to. Aid. SPENC. Buffon, Hist. Naturelle, 39 vol. 4to. (Lewis 16 copy) Par. 1749, Edw. Lord Ribblesdale. 1814, 48/. 6s. and 521. 10s. 43 vol. 4to j< a i_ byrand, 1816, 631. 614 Buffon, Hist. Naturelle, 42 vol. 4to. Par, 1749. Heath. des Oiseaux, GR. P. 10 vol. fol. col. Par. 1771-8 Heathc. Paris, 108Z. 3s. Gainsborough, 1813, 531. Os. 6d. Stan. 1261. Devon. Bullet (M.) Memoires sur la Langue Cel- tique, 2 vol. fol. Bes. 1754. Goss. Bulwer's (Jo.) Artificial Changeling, 4to. 1653. Gulst. L. P. Stan. Buquoy (Cte.) Histoire du, 18mo. 1719 BECKF. Burchiello (Giov.) Sonetti, 4to. . d. MARLB. Burley (Walt.) de vitis Philosoph. 4to. Col. GLASO. Spenc. 4to. Conrad de Homb. MARLB. Burnet's (Gilb.) Memoirs of Dukes of Hamilton, L. P. fol. 1677. Bridges. Beckf. (Bp.) History of his own Time, MS. BH. Mus. Own Times, illustrated with por- traits, in 4 vol. L. P. 1724. ETON. (Gilb.) History of his own Time, illustrated with prints and drawings, in 26 vol. fol. 1724. * Mr. Sutherland. History of the Reforma- tion, 3 vol. fol. L. P. 1679. Gulst. , with addi- tional portraits, 3 vol. fol. L. P. 1679-81, 1715. * Grafton, 1815. Spenc. Bury (Hie. de) de amore librorum, 4to. Col. 1473. SPENC. Bush's (Wm.) Voyage and Travell, 4to. 1607. Reed. Butcher's (Rich.) Stamford and Totten- ham, L. P. 8vo. 1717. Heathc. Pear- son, 4s. Bute (John, Earl of) Botanical Table*, 9 vol. 4to. BANKS, BUTE, Gains- bormtgh, 1813, 82/. 19s. Butler's (Sam.) Materials for Hudibras, &c. MS. Farm. Butt's (Wm.) Epitaphs, 8 vo. 1583. Bern. Byrd's (Wm.) Psalmes, Sonets, &c. 4to. 1588. Farm. Cabinet du Roy, 23 vol. fol. Edw. 1551. NORTH. 28 vol. fol. Allen. 24 vol. Paris, lOSf. INDEX. Cabinet du Roy, 27 -rol. Qaintborough, 1813, 971. 13s. Cadamosto (Aloys.) Navigaz. a la terra di Nigri, 4to Vicent. 1507. BECKF. -- (Marco) Sonetti, 8vo. Rom. 1544. Borrcrmeo, 1817, 71. 12s. 6d. HEB. Caesar, fol. MS. Sx.c. xv. DOUGL. Caesar, E. P. fol. Rom. 1469. BR. M. BODL. CAMB. ST. Jo. GLASG. K. JERSEY. MAULB. Spenc. WODH. Parts, 53/. 11s. Devon, dups. 1815, 71. 7s. - , 1472, MARLB. Cassar, fol. JV. Jenson, 1471. BODL. K. HIBB. MARLB. PEMBR. Crofts, Mason, 1798, 16J. 16s. Devon, dups. 1815, 91. Heber. - ,fol. 1473.PEMBH. Pin 131. 2s. 6d. - , 12mo. Flar.Giunta, 1514, vellum. Paris. Br. M. - cura Clarke, C. M.fol. Lomi.1712. Bridges. Astle, 1816, 311. 10s. Beau- clerk, 1781, 44J. Devon, dups. 1815, 37/. 16s. Edwards, 1804, 431. Is. Grafton, 1815, 64?. Is. Heathcote, 261. 5s. Talleyrand, 1816, 361. 15s. 2 vol. 8vo. CH. M. Par. Barbou, 1755. SYKES. Caius, (Gul.) de Antiq. Cantabr. Acade- miae, 4to. 1574. BR. M. SYKES. -- (Jo.) of Englishe Dogges, 4to. 1576. Chaun. Grafton, 1815, 71. 7s. HEB. Calaber (Q.) E. P. 8vo. Aid. (circa 1505) vellum. SPENC. K. Callimachus, Gr. E. P. 4to. s. a. BR. M. BODL. K. MARLB. PEMBR. Roxb. Spenc. -- fol. Parrnte, 1792, vellum. SPENC. Callis, Names and Arms of the principall Captains at the Siege of, fol. MS. CANT. Roxb. 31. 10s. Callot's Works, 5 vol. fol. Roxb. Calphurnius et Silius Italicus, E. P. fol. Rom. 1471. Paris, K. Spenc Calvine's (Jo.) Epistle to D. of Somerset, 8vo. 1550. Woodh. Cambridge Co. Blomeneld's Collections for, 2 vol. fol. MS. BODL. Camden's (W.) Britannia, by Gough, augmented and illustrated in 6 vol. fol, 1789. BODL. Campeden (Hugo de) Hist, of K. Boccus and Sydracke, 4to. Roxb. vid Campion (M.) Death and Martyrdom* of, 8vo. Pears. Campion's (Tho.) Royall Entertainment to Q. Anne, 4to. 1613. SYKES. Far- mer, 13s. 6d. Pearson, 1788, 14s. ampo (Ant.) Cremona, fol. 1585. DUB. GRENV. HOAHE. Beckf'. Pin. %l. 3i. Roscoe, 61. 6s. Willett, 71. Can, le grand, Hystoire merveilleuse du, fol. Par. 1529. * Sotheby's, 1818, vid. Chan. Cancionero de Romances, 8vo. Anvers, 1555. Sotheby's, 1817, 9/. 15s. Cancionero, General, 8vo. Anv. 1557. Stan. 431. Is. HEB. Evans's, 1816, 211Hibbert, Goldsmid, 1815, 20J. E. V. Utterson, Esq. , 8vo. Anv. 1573. Crofts. Canterburie, a New Play, 4to. 1641. Brand. Cantica Canticorum ; Hist. Virg. Marias, fol. . a. BR. M. BODL. SPENC. Canticles, by W. Baldwyn, 4to. 1549. LAMB. Capel's (Edw.)MS. Copies of Shakspeare and Milton, 10 vol. 4to. CAMB.-TRIN. Capo di Ltsta Itinerario de terra sca78vo. s. d. BECKF. Capodilista Itin. 4to. s. d. Pin. Carracci (Ag.) II funerale, 4to. 1605. BECKF. DOUGL. PEMBR. Caraffa (Livia Doria) prose e versi per onorare la memoria di, 4to. Parma, 1784. Paris, Roscoe, 71. 7s. Cards, Ancient, a Collection of, 2 vol. 12mo. Tutet, 1786, 51. 5s. Gough. Carlell's (Lod.) Plays, 2 vol. 8vo. 1657. STAF. Carlerii (^Eg.) Sporta, 2 vol fol. Brus. 1478-9. SYKES. Carlo Magno Re, Inamoramento de, 4to. Ven. 1514. Crofts. Carmeliani (P.) Carmen, 4to. Pynson, s. a. vellum. Grenv. Carte's (Thos.) MSS. Ormond Papers, &c. BODL. Life of D. of Ormond, 3 vol. fol. L. P. 1736. Heath. History of England, 4 vol. fol. L. P. 1747, * Dimsdale, 1813. Carter's (Edm.) Cambridge Co.8vo. 1753. DENT. GRENV. HOARE. Farmer, I/. 18s. Gulston, Dr. Lort. 1791, 11. Is. Stem. 51 12s. 6d. Town. 141. 615 INDEX. Carter's (Edm.) Cambridge Co. 8vo. 1753 BODL. (MS. notes.) Carve (Tho.) Itinerarium, 16mo. Mog 1639-40. BODL. BECKF. Stan. 201. 10 Dunster, 1816, 51. 10*. - 3 part. Mog. 1639. Spire 1646. BR. M. . - Lyra, 4to. Sufe*. 1666 BR. M. BODL. Soc. ANT. GRENV Roab. 41. 6$. Eton, King's, 1801, 2 Casas (Bart.) Crudelit. Hispanorum, 4to Franc. 1598. DUB. Mason, Rose. Casas (Fra. Bart) Destruc. de las Indias Ed. or. 4to. SevUla, 1552. BR. M BLANDP. GRENV. Crofts. Grafto 1815, 14i. HEB. Stan. 8/. 10s. Casauboni (Is.) Ephemerides, fol. MS CANT. Cassiodorus on the Psalms, MS. LAMB. Castell(Edm.) Complim. Verses to Charles II. 4to. Town. Castelli (Edm.) Lexicon Heptaglotton, 2 vol. C. M. Lend. 1669. BR. M LAMB. CAMB. ST. Jo. St. Paul's Cath. vid. Biblia Polyglotta Waltoni. Casti (Giamb.)Novelle, 8vo. (Par.) 1793. vellum. Stan. DEVON. Castiglione II Cortegiano, PH. ED. fol. Aldo, 1528, (Grolller'scopy) DOUGL. - , fol. Aldo, 1545. * Singer, 1818 Hibbert. Catalogue of the Library of Sir Wm. Co- ventry, &c. fol. 1687. BATH. Catechisra.by Cranmer,8vo.l548. GEENV. Caterine (Q.) The Lamentation of a Sin- ner, 12mo. 1548, Woodh. Dent. Catharo's Diogenes in his singularitie, 4to. 1591. HEB. Brand. Catholicon, vid. Jo. de Januu. Catonis Distich a, 8vo. s. u. n. vellum. -SPEN. , E. P. fol. Aug. 1475. Al- cJiorne,1813,9i. 19*. Catullus, Tibullus, et Propertius, E. P. fol. V. de Spira, 1472. GLASG. HEB. SPENC. * Devonshire, 1815. ---- , fol. Ven. Spira, T472, vellum. BR. M. Catullus et Statius, fol. Parma, 1473. BODL. Pin. 321. Os. 6d. K. Catullus, Tib. et Prop. fol. Ven. 1475. BODL. PEMBR. Paris, 321. 11*. Pin. 221. 11*. 6d. Spew. - - - -- 8vo. Aid, 1502. &,fc. 616 Cat. Tib. et Prop. 8vo. Aid. 1502, vtllum, Askew, 1775, 17/. 10s BR. M. Catullus Mureti, C. M. 8vo. not. MSS. Aid. 1554. BODL. Catullus, Tib. et Prop. Mureti. Cu.M. 8vo. Aid. 1558. GRENV. Vulpii, 4 vol. 4to. CH. M. Pat. 1737, &c. GRENV. HIBB. Stan Bath, Heathcote, 181. 18*. Heath. 281. 7s. 3 V ol. 12mo. Lut. 1743, vellum. Edwards, 1804, 14J. 14*. SYKES. , Wilkes. 4to. 1788, vellum. SYKES, Spenc. Wilkes, 1802. 71. 9s. 6d, fol. Farm. 1794, vellum. HIBB, Cavalca (Dom.) Spechio della Croce, 4to. Mil. 1484. Rose. Cavalleros, Espeio de Principes y, 2 vol. fol. Carag. 1617-23. Stan. 38/. 17*. HEB. Cavazzi (Giov. Ant.) Descriz. di Congo. fol. Bol- 1687. MANCH. Caviceo (Jac.) Libro del Peregrine, 4to. Parma, 1513. WILBR. ixton(W.) Arte and Crafte to know well to dye, fol. 1490. BODL. K. BI.ANDF. Caxton Historyes of K. Arthur and his knyghtes, fol. 1485. JERSEY. Lloyd, 1816, 320/. SPENC. axton (W.) Ballad, fragment of, BH. M. Hy st. of Ky nge Blanchardyn, &c. fol. '(1485) Mason (impt.) 21i Roxb. SPENC. Boecius' Boke of Consola- cion, fol. BR. M. BODL. K. BATH. Akhorne, 1813 (impt.) 53J. 11s. Dean and Chap. Ripon. Spenc. Book of good maners, foi. 1487. CAMB. UN. Book for Travellers, fol. n. d. DEV. SPENC. Dean and Chap. Ripon. Descr. of Britayne, fol. We.stm. 1480. BODL. CAMB. UN. OXF-ST. Jo. Town. K. Spenc. Roberta, &c. 1815, 52i. 10s. Boke, called Caton, fol. 1483. CAMB. UN. GLASG. OXF-ST. Jo. K. Bern. Spenc. Alchorne, 1813 (imp(.) 5 it. 9s. Roberts, &c. 1815, 85/. Is. ChatoParvus, fol. n. d. OxF-Sr. Jo. K. SPENC. Lyf of Charles the Create, fol. 1485. K. INDEX. Caxton'a Chastising of Goddes Chyldren, fol. n. d. CAME. UN. K. BLANDF. Bern. /Spenc. CaKton (W.) Chaucer's Works, fol. n. d. West, 1773, 47*. 15s. 6d. K. HEB. Oxf.-Mertm. Chaucer's (Geff.) Tales of Caun- tyrburye, fol. first ed. n. d. BLANDF. SPENC. Canterbury Tales, fol. tec. ed. BR. M. GXASG. OxF.-Sx. Jo. BATH, Spenc. Book of Fame, fol. n. d. K. SPENC. Daly, 1792, 12*. 10s. 3d. and Lydgate's Minor Poems, 4to n. d. CAMB. UN. Troylus and Creside, fol. OXF.- Sx. Jo. K. BLANDF. Town. Spenc. Game of Chesse, fol. 1st ed. Caxton's Diuers fraytful ghostly matter*, 4to..n.d. Srra. Camb.Utr. Doctrinal of Sapyence, fol. 1489. CAME. Uu. Bern. Town. Devon. chorne, 1813,(two leaves MS.) 78*. 15$. DEVOS. Spenc. . fol. vd- BODL. CAMB.UN. OXF.-ST. Jo. West, 1773, 32*. K.DEVON. Speuc. BLANDF. PEMBH. Bern. Akhm-ne, 1813, (impt.) 54*. 12s. Chesse, fol. sec.ed. PEMBR. Wil- Jett Devon. Farmer, 4:1. 4s. Chronicle, fol. MS. LAMB. Chronicles of England, fol. 1480. BODL. LAMB. CAMB. UN. GLASG. OxF.-C. CHR.-ST. Jo. K. Alchorne, 1813, (two leaves, MS.) 631. DEVON. JERSEY, PEMBR. Spenc. WILBR. Bern. Roberts, $c. 1815, 105*. tion, fol. 1484. JERSEY. Morale Proverbes of Chrystine, fol. (1478.) GRENV. Spenc. Ordre of Chyvalry, fol. (1484.) BR. M. K. Spenc Boke named Cordyale, fol. 1480. BODL. CAMB. UN. Town. 941. 10s. Alchorne, 1813, 127*. Is. K. Glasg Spenc. The Curial, by Al. Charretier, fol n. d. K. SPENC. , the Chorle and the Birde, 4to Camb. Un. * Dean and Chapter, York Dictes and Sayinges of the Plii losophers, fol. 1477. LAMB. CAMB UN. West, 1773, 21*. K. Town. 891 V-DEVON. HIBB. JERSEY, PEMBR Bern. Chaun. Sebright, 1807, 31*. 10s Spenc. Lloyd, 1816, 22*. Is. Willett 262*. 10s. Evans's, 1816, 99*. 15s. DirectoriumSacerdotum, fol. n. d CAMB. UN. K. hem. K. Fables of Esope, fol. 1484. BODL. K.HEB. Fayt of Armes, 1479. Roxb. Devon. Faits of Armes and Chyvalrie, fol. 1489. BR.M. BODL. CAMB.UN. PEPY*. K. DEV. HIBB. JERSEY, Town. Spenc. Akhome, 1813, (two leaves wanting) 601. 18s. Liber Festivals, fol. 1483. BODL. LAMB. K. DEV. PEMBR. STAFF. Far- mer, >l. Spenc. . foLn.d. Roxb Spenc. Godefroy of Boloyne, fol. 1481. CAMB.UN. GLASG.JK:. Bern,- -*Evans's, 1816. Blandf. Spenc. Golden Legende, fol. 1483. CAMB. UN. GLASG. K. WILBR. Roxb. Spenc. Farmer, 11. 12s. Town.(impt.)35l. : 1493. Alchorne, 1813, 82*. 19s. DEVON. Spenc. Randolph, 1814, (impt.) 63*. MM. Brassey's Sale, 1814, 97*. 13s. Gower, Confessio Amantis, fol. 1483. BR. M. LAMB. CAMB. UN. West, 1773, 9*. 9s. K. JERSEY, Spenc. Daly, 1792, 15*. 7s. ld. Roxb. Gndston, 71. 10s. Mason, 1807, (first and latt leaf wanting) 15*. 15s. Willett, 315*. B*andf. The Hors, the Shepe, and the Ghoos, 4to. Camb. Un. * Dean and Chapter, York. Hygden's Polychronicon, 1482. BR. M. Town, (impt.) wd. Polychro- nicon. Lyf of Jason, n. d. (1475) K. Bern. Spenc. Lyf of St. Katherin, fol. K. DEVON. STENC. Roxb. Town. 231*. Dibdin, 1817, (a leaf wanting) 34*. 13s. History of the Knyght Parys.fol. 1485. West, 1773, 14*. K. Knyght of the Toure, fol. 1483. BR.M. BODL. CAMB.UN. K. Brand, Spenc. 617 INDEX. Caxton's Lyf of Christe, fol. GLASG. Spenc vid. Speculum Vite Xti. Lyf of our blessyd Lady, fol BODL.K. BLANDF. Spenc. Roxb. (impt.) Farmer (impt.) 15s. * Lloyd, 1816. St. Wenefryde, fol. K. Tretyse of Loue, fol. SPENC. ^ Lydgate's Court of Sapience, fol. n. d. OxF.-Sx. Jo. Myrrour of the Worlde, fol. 1480. BODL. Roxb. DEVON. JERSEY, Spenc. Chaun. Farmer, 61. - - 1481. BR. M. CAMB. UN. PEPYS. GLASG. K. Blandf. Spenc. Wodhull, 1803, 381. 17s. Willett, 361. 10s. Orologium Sapiencie, 4to. Wil- lett Spenc. Camb. Un. Onyde Metamorphose, fol. MS CAMB. PEPYS. Pilgremage of the Sowle, fol 1483. BR. M. OXF.-ST. Jo. BLANDF. Spenc. Polychronicon, fol. 1482. BR. M. BODL.CAMB. UN. GLASG. OXF.-ST. Jo. K. BATH, HEB. PEMBR. STAFF. Spenc. Town, (impt.) 401. 19s. Edw. (impt.) 171. 17*. - Prouffytable Boke for Mane's Soul, fol. Roxb. Spenc. Akhorne, 1813, 94J. 10s. Hist, of Reynart the Foxe, fol. 1481. K. SPENC. Eton. The Ryal Book, fol. 1484. CAMB. UN. K. DEV. Spenc. Goldsmid, 1815, 85*. Is. Siege of Rhodes, fol. SPENC. Jo. Russell Propositio ad Ducem Burgundie s. a. BLANDF. Werke of Sapience, fol. SPENC. Speculum Vite Christi, fol. LAMB, CAMB. UN. K. Allen, Spenc. vid. Lyf of Christe. Statuta ap. Westmonast fol. K. SPENC. Statuta, fol. s. a. Spenc. Recueil des Histoires de Troye, fol. K. * King's, 1817. fol. (impt.) Roxb. SPEN. (Part II.) fol. BB. M. Recuyell of Historyes of Troye, fol. 1471. CAMB. UNIV. West, 1773, 321. 111. K. BATH, Roxb. DIT. *Lloyd, 1816. HIBB. JERBKY.PEMBH, Bern. Edu\ (impt.) 43/. Is. Spenc. Steev. (a little defective) 14/. 3s. 6d. Caxton's Historyes of Troy, fol.1500.Bern. Rec. of the Historyes of Troy, fol. 1502. Bern. Tullius of Old Age, fol. 1481. BR. M. CAMB.-ST. Jo. and UKIV. K. DEV. PEMBH. Allen, Bern. Roxb. Eton, Spenc. Mason, 71. 10s. Willett, 2WL Blandf. Br. M. dups. 1818, 52/. 10s. Virgilius, fol. 1490. BR.M.BODL. CAMB. UN. GLASG. OXF.-ST. Jo. K. BATH, JERSEY, Spenc. Dibdin, 1817, (impt.) 2 II. Cazza (Giov. Ag.) Satire e Capitoli, 4to. MS. WILBR. 8vo. Milauo, 1549. Hunter, 7l.Heb. Cechi de Ascalis Liber, fol. Codex, 1375. DOUGL. Cecco d'Ascoli, fol. s. a. SPENC. , 4to. Yen. 1478. ETOX, K. Grenv. Cellini (Benv.) Trattati dell' Orificeria e Scultura, 4to. Fir. 1568. GRENV. Celsus, E. P. Flor. 1478. BR. M. BODL. GLASG. K. MARLB. PEMBR. Mason, 81. 8s. Spenc. Sykes. Censorinus, E. P. fol. Bonmi. 1497. BODL. K. MARLB. Spenc. Cent Nouvelles, fol. Par. Verard, (i486) Roxb. Singer, 1818, 71. vid. Nouvelles. Cento Novelle Antike, 4to. s. a. n. Stan. Spenc. --- , vid. Ciento. Cerceau, Du, Architectural Drawings on vellum, fol. BECKF. Ceremoniale Carmelitarum, fol. MS. BECKF. Ceremonies et Coutumes Religieuses, fig. de Picart, 9 torn. fol. GR. PAP. Amst. 1723. BECKF. 11 vol. GH. P. Lansd. Roxb. 861. 2s. *Town. 801. 18s. Heber. Certamen Seraphicum, vid. Angeli. Cervantes (Mig.) Don Quixotte, 2 vol. 4to. PR. ED. Madr. 1605-15. Stan. 421. DEVON. HIBB. Cervantes Don Quixote, edtc. 2d. 4to. Madrid, 1608, Heathc. Stan. 12J. 12. Devon. INDEX. Cervantes Don Quixote, by Shelton, 4to. 1620. Hunter. Chalcondyla;, Erotemata, Gr. E. P. fol. (Medial, circa 1493.) BE. M. BODL. CAMB.-ST. Jo. DEVON. GRENV. MARI.B. SYKES, Crofts, Mown, 1798, 81. 18s. 6d. Pin. 191. 8s. 6d. Spenc. Devon, dups. 1815, 26/. md. Deme- trius. Chaloneri (Tho.) Carmen panegyricura, 4to. 1560. SYKES. Chaloner (Tho.) de Republica Anglorum, 4to. Land. 1579. BODL. SYKES, Far- mer, 13s. 6d. Champ Fleury Proportion des Lettres Attiques, fol. Paris, 1529. BECKF. Champier (Symph.) Nef des Dames Ver- tueuses, 4to. Lyon, (1503) Roxb. Champions, Seven, of Christendom, 4to. Steev. Chan, Grand de Tartarie, 1'IIist. du, fol. Par. 1524, Roxb. vid. Can. Chandler, (Ric.) Marmora Oxoniensia, with the original drawings, fol. Own. 1763. DENT. Chapman's (Geo.) Hesiod, 4to. 1618. Farm. Homere, 4to. 1598. Farm. Shadow of Night, 4to. 1594. Farm. Charles (Roy) Les Vigilles, 4to. s. d. BECKF. Charles IX. Entree de Paris, fol. Par. 1572. BECKF. Charles I. The Royal Progenie of, 4to. 1641. SYKES, Farm. Gen. Dowdes- wdl, Mr. Nassau. Charles I. Works of, (corrected by order of the Inquisition) fol. 1672. LAMB. CliarUilariumGlastoniense,fol.MS. BATH. Chasse, Livre de, fol. MS. * King's 1815. Blandf. Chaucer's Poems, fol. MS. illuminated. STAF. Works, fol. MS. HEB. Earl of E^remont. Lydgate, &c. Poems by, MS. BE. M. v Works, fol. Pynson, 1526. Roxb. . , fol. 1561. STAF. . , fol. 1597. Digby. Canterbury Tales, MS. BR. M. CAMB.-TRIN. _, MS. fol. and 4 E Lyf of St. Margarite, by Lidgate, fol. Mason. Roxb. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, fol. Pynson, n. d. HEB. Mason, 101. 10s. Spenc. Troilus and Cresseide, MS. CAMB.-BEN. Troylus and Cresyde, and other works, 4to.W.deWorde, 1517, &c. Farm. Chauncy's (Sir H.) Hertfordshire, fol. 1700. Soc. ANT. DENT, Bridges, Bennet, 1810, 211. Bryant, 1806, 42/. Bryant, 1807, 28/. Edw. 24/. 3s. Heath, 351. Ite.Heber, Heathcote, 41/. King's, 1807, 29/. 10s. Roib. 161. 5s. Willett, 481. 6s. Woodford, 1809, 34/. Woodh. Barrett, Dec. 1818, 261. 15s. MS. ad- ditions, fol. 1700. BODL. Mason. Cheke, (Sir John) The Vertuous Reigne of Edward VI. portrait, 4to. 1610. Reed, 61. 8s. Cherubini (Fra.) Spiritual Vitae Regula, 4to. s. a. WILBR. Chesneau (Aug.) Orpheus Eucharisticus, 8vo. Par. 1657. * Pitt, 1808. BECKF. Chess, Playe of the Cheasts revewed, 8vo. 1562. Town. Chester's (Rob.) Love's Martyr, 4to. 1601. Roxb. China, Ne\ves from, 12mo. WILBK. Chine, les grandes Batailles de la, fol. Paris, Beckf. Chinese Mytliology and Views, original paintings, fol. BECKF. Chinese Paintings, Views, Costume, &c. fol. Town. Chinese, Representations of the Arts, Amusements, &c. of, 8vo. DUB. Christalian Principe de Trapisonda, &c. fol. Vallad. 1545. Heathc. Christine de Pise, Works of, MS. BR. M. desfaisd'Armes,fol.MS. BR.M. Chronica Vauder Hilliger, fol. Col. 1499. SPENC. Chroniclis of Englonde, fol. St. Albans, (1483) K. BATH. BLANDF. Clang. Spenc. vid. Cronycles. Chronicle of England, fol. typ. Machlin. SPENC. Chrouicon ab initio Mundi, fol. Col. 1479. STAF. Chronicon Regum Hungariae, 4to. Augsb. 1488. SPENC. Chronicon Pontificum Imperatorumq. E.P. fol. Rom. 1474. SYKES, Spent. 619 INDEX. Cfaronique de Jean de Courcy, fol. MS.' xiv. SIEC. *Mr. Rennie. vid. Courcy. Chronique de France, 3 vols. fol. PR. ED. Par. 1476. K. * Mr. Rennie. Chrysolorae Erotemata, Gr. L. 4to. Yen. 1484. BODL. Spenc. Churchyarde's (Tho.) Workes, 2 vol. 4to. 1560-93. Roxb. 1 4t . 1587- 93. Mason. 1580. Reed. Bondel of discourses, 4to. Challenge, &c. 1 580. Reed. Chippcs, 4to. 1575. Farm. Fillingham, 1805, 14*. 14s. Spenc. 4to.l578. Saun- ders's, 1818, 14/. 14s.Hibb. Churchyard and Camell upon Dycer's Dreame, 4to. 1560. Steev. Churchyard (Tho.) Honor of the Lawe, 4to. 1596. NOKTH. A musical Consort of heavenly Harmonic, 4to. 1595. Reed, 81. 15s. HEB. Ovid de Tristibus, 4to. 1578. Farm. Queene's Enter- tainment in Suffolk, &c. 4to. 1579. Mason. Worthines of Wales, fir* ed. 4to. 1587. Farm. Pears. Ireland, 1801, 31. Is.Heber. Churle, The, and the Byrde, 4to. Copland, n. d. Farm. Churl and the Byrde, 4to. Pynson, n. d. Woodh. Chute (A.) Beawtie Dishonoured, 4to. 1593. Steev. Gibber's (Col.) Apology (with a MS. anec- dote) 2 vol. 12mo. 1756. *Beauclerk, 1781. Life, Supplement to, 8vo. Reed. Ciceronis Opera varia, MS. DOUGL. Cicero, E. P. 4 vol. fol. Medial. 1498. BH. M. BODL. Cicero Oliveti, Ch. M. 9 torn. fol. Paris, 1740. DUB. K. DENT. HIBB. SYKES, RUTL. WODH. Grafton, 1815, 90/. 6s. Lard Peterborough, 1815, 59/. 10s. Tal- leyrand, 1816, 105/. Ciceronis Epistolae, fol. MS. CANT. MS.fol. 1472. DOUGL, ad Atticum, E. P. 620 Earn. 1470. Roxb. 1891. SYKES, Marlb. Spenc. Willett. Ciceronis Epistolae ad Atticum, Jenson, 1470, vellum. Spenc. Aldus, 1540, vellum. Connd Smith, 1773, 51. 5s. . . a d Familiares, E. P. fol. Sweynh. et Pan. 1467. BODL. K. MARLB. Spenc. , 1469, PEMBR. Spenc. , fol. Jo. Spira, 1469. HIBB. PEMBR. Mason, Wl. 10s. Pin. Spenc. Daly, 1792, 29/. 11s. 6d. Spira, 1469, vellum. K. MARLB. RUTL. Spenc. 1470. BODL. Sykes. Fulgin. (circa 1470) Pin". -, fol. -, fol. Yen. 1471. CAMB.-ST. Jo. K. Spenc. Medial. 1472. Pin. K. Spenc. Epist. famil. 8vo. Aid. 1502. Grenv. WODH. Paris (vellum), 21J. Cicero de Finibus, 4to. s. u. n. DEV. , &c. E. P. 4to. (Col. circa 1467.) BODL. Spenc. , fol. Yen. 147 1. BODL. Grafton, 1815, 12/. 12s. HIBB. Chaun. Devon, dups. 1815, 71. 17 1. 6d.Sykes, K. Marlb. Spenc. de Natura Deorum, &c. E. P. fol. V. Spira, 1471. BODL. CAMB.-ST. Jo. K. PEMBR. SYKES. Paris, 15*. 15s. Pin. 14J. 3s. 6d. Ciceronis Officia, E. P. fol. Mogunt. 1465, BR. M. GLASG. DEV. Mason. E. P. fol. Mogunt. 1465, vellum. BODL. OXF.-ST. Jo. K. DENT. Grafton, 1815, 78/. 15s. GHENV. MARLB. RUTL. SPENC. SYKES. -, Ed. 2da. fol. Jo. Fust, 1466. CAMB.-ST. Jo. UNIV. JERSEY, Farmer, 91 9s. Edwards, 1804, 45J. 3s. Mason, Wl. 10s. Alchorne, 1813, 26/. 15s. 6d. Grenv. -, Ed. Qda. fol. Mogunt. 1466, vellum, BR. M. BODL. LAMB. GLASG. OxF.-C. CHR. K. GRENV. Devon. HIBB. MARLB. SPENC. SYKES, Willett, 751. 10*. INDEX. Ciceronis Oificia.&c. fol. Far. 1471. Ma- son, Sykes. , &c. fol. Argent. 1473. CAMB.-ST. Jo. K. Spenc. Sykes. , fol. s. a. Chaun. -, 8vo. Aid. 1514, vellum. Paris. SPEN. -, 8vo. Aid. 1517, velh, -, 8vo. Aid. 1541, velli BR. M. Opera Philosophica, fol. E. P. Rom. Sweynh. et Pannartz, 1471. Spenc. , 4to. F. Spira, 1471. HIBB. Spenc. , Delphiiii, ed. vera, Par. 1689. Daly, 1792. Pulteney, 1812, 53L Os. 6d. Cicero de Oratore, E. P. 4to. s. a. BR. M. K. PEMBR. Spenc. . , s. u. n. 4to. Devon, dups. 1815, 331. Is. 6d. Grenv. -, fol. typ. J. de Spira. BODL. Alchorne, 1813, 14*. 5s. Sykes, Spenc. , &c. fol. Rom. 1468. SPENC. , fol. Rom. 1469. CAMB.- ST. Jo. K. JERSEY, Mar/6. Spenc. SYKES, WODH. -, 8vo. P. Giunta, 1514, I'tllum. Spenc. Ciceronis Orationes, fol. MS. SJEC. xv. DOUGL. , E. P. fol. Yen. 1471. BODL, CAMB.-ST. Jo. MARLB. K. Spenc. Sykes. Rom. 1471, SYKES. K. Spenc. fol. (Fen.) 1472. BODL. Mason, Edwards, 1804, 12*. Is. 6d. Sykes, Talleyrand, 1816, 131. 13s. Paradoxa, &c. 4to. Nogunt. 1467. MARLB. fol. F. Spira, 1470. BODL. Ciceronis Rhetorica, &c. E. P. 4to. Fen. 1470. BR. M. BODL. CAMB.-UN. K. PEMBR. Willett, 18*. 18s. Spenc. , E. P. Jenson, 1470, veilum. MARLB. Devon. -, ed. vetus,fo\. MARLB. Tusc. Quest. E. P. 4to. Rom. 1469. BR. M. A". MARLB. Spenc. Tusculanae Questioner, 4to. IV. Jcnson, 1472, vellum., K. MARLB. Ciento Novelle Antike, 4to. Bol. 1525. WILBR. Roxb. Blandf. Borromeo, 1817, 61. 16s. 6d.Mr. Strettell. -, vid. Cento. Clarendon's (Earl of) History of Charles II. 2 vol. 4to. Edw. Pearson, 1*. 11s. 6d. Hist, of the Rebel- lion, L. P. illustrated, 7 vol. fol. Oxf. 1703-59-86. HIBB. 6 vol. fol. illustrated, Gulst. , History of the Re- bellion, illustrated with prints and draw- ings, in 31 vol. fol. Oxf. 1703, &c. *Mr. Sutherland. --Letters, MS. GLASG. Claude, Liber Veritatis, 2 vol. fol. 1777. * Hope, 1813, Stewarts, 1814, SOI. 9s. Walker, 1814, 38Z. 17s. Sir A. Thomp- son, 1817, 37*. 16s. Claudianus, E. P. fol. Vicent. 1482. BR. M. BODL. GLASG. MARLB. PEMBR. Pin. 9/. 9s. Spenc. Singer, 1818, 41. Clavel (Jo.) Recantation of an ill-led Life, 4to. 1634. ETON, Roib. 31. 4s. Clef des champs, fol. Land. 1586. BANKS. Cleland's (Dr. I.) Monument of Morta- litie, 4to. 1624. Gough. dementis V. Constitutiones, E. P. fol. Fust and Schoi/er, 1460, vellum. K. MARLB. SPENC. Willett, 661. 3t. ---- , Schoiffer, 1467, vellum. Devon. 1476, vellum. HIBB. Pin. Edwardt, 1804, 21*. Spenc. Clementini(Ces.) dellafondaz. diRimino, 2 vol. 4to. Kim. 1617-27. Ho A RE. Clitia Veronese Amore diGiulia e Romeo, 8vo. Fin. 1553. ETON. vid. Romeo. Clovio (Giulio) Aquila del Carlos V. ori- ginal miniatures, fol. GRENV. Cnutionis Magni Gesta MS. (circa 1030.) DOUGL. Cobler of Canterburie, 4to. 1608. Graf- ton, 1815, 18*. HEB. Coins, Deeds and Proclamations re- specting, fol. MS. Soc. ANT. Cokain's (Sir Aston) Poems and Plays, 2 vol. 8vo. 1662. Woodh. Coke's (Lord) Notes on Littleton, 4 vol. fol. MS. BR. M. Colliiis's (An.) Divine Songs and Medi- tacions, 8vo. 1653. Saunderii, 1818, 10/. 10s. 621 INDEX. Collinson's (Jo.) Somersetshire, 3 vol. 4to. L. P. Bath, 1791. HOARE, Woodh. Colman's (W.) Death's Duel, 8vo./ivt. Reed, 71. 15s. ColumelladeReRustica.fol.MS. DOUGI.. Common Conditions, Com. 4to. Dr. Wright, 1787, 51. 5s. Steevens, 61. 10s. Roxb. Henderson, 1786, MS. copy, \L 18s. Common Praier, by Marbecke, fol. Graf- ton, 1549. Mr. Slaney. . , 4to. Grafton, 1550. HIBB. Farm. Common Prayer, fol. E. Barker, 1615. OxF.-St. Jo. , 1662, vellum. TOWER OF LONDON. , Book of, with Dr. Clarke's alterations. BR. M. Confucius, The Works of, 16 vol. 4U>. MS. * Earl Ferrers. Conte (Giusto) la bella Mano, 8vo. Bon. 1472. Pin. 2/. 12s. 6d. 4to. Yen. 1474. K. Cooper's (Tho.) Epitome of Chronicles, 4to. 1560. JERSEY. Copland (Rob.) Hye way to the Spyttel House, 4to. Roxb. Corio (Bern.) Hist, di Milano, C. G. fol. Medial. 1503. BR. M. BECKF. HOARE Cornazano, Proverbie e facetie, &c. 12mo Yen. 1535. HEB. Hunter. Sonetti Dialogo di tre Pere- grini, &c. 12mo. Yen. 1535, &c. Stan 19J. 19s. Heber. Cornelianum dolium com. 8vo. 1638 Gulst. Mason, 1807, li. 3s. Corona Minervas, a Masque, 4to. 1635 Gordon. Coronacionis Modus in Anglia, 4to. MS STAF. Coronation, office of the, of Charles I. MS CAMB.-ST. Jo. Cortese (Ferdin.) Narratione della Nuo Hispagna, 4to. Yen. 1524. BECKF. Coryatt's (Tho.) Crudities, 4to. 1611 ETON. BECKF. NORTH, Heathcote, 8/. 8s Hunter, 12i. 10s. Pear son, 31. 5s. Eoxb 51. Stan. 10L 10s. Mr. Prest. Steei 2J. 3s. Town. 71 7s. Woodh. 61. 16s. 6d Harleian Col. 1816, 6/. 6*. Crambe, Odcombian Banquet, &c. 4to. 1611. HEB. SY Farmer, 16s. Mason, 3/. 6s. Cosmo de' Medici Vita da Aldo Manucc fol. Eol. 1586. Rose. 622 ostume of England, drawings by Carter, fol. Town. Lord Arundetl. ourcy (Jean de) Chronique de, 2 vol. fol. MS. Paris, vid. Chronique. ourt and Kitchen of Elizabeth Cromwell, 12mo. 1664. Mason, Woodh. ,ovenant between Hen. VII. and the Abbot of St. Peter's, Westminster, MS. BR. M. Cowell's Interpreter, 4to. first ed. Camb. 1607. * Monro, 1792. Coxe's (Win.) Memoirs of Sir Robert Walpole and Lord W. 4 vol. 4to. illus- trated, 1798-1802. Leigh's,1814, 52/. NORTH. Tour through Monmouth- shire, an unique copy, 2 vol. fol. 1801. HOARE. Crab (Rog.) The English Hermit, Life of, 1655. *Mr. Bindley, Hutton, 1764. Cracovia (M. de) Tractatus Rationis et Conscientise, 4to. s. u. n. BODL. ^ranmer's (Archbp.) Defence of the Sa- crament, 4to. 1550. JERSEY, RUTL. 3rastoni Lexicon, Gr. Lat. E. P. fol. (circa 1480.) K. Spenc. , vellum. PEMRR. rastoni Vocabularium, Gr. L. 4to. Regii, 1497. BODL. Crescentiis (Pet. de) Ruralium Comnio- dorum liber, E. P. fol. Aug. 1471. BODL. K. Spenc. Crompton's (H.) Poems, with four ounces of oyl of Epigrams, 8vo. 1657. Bindley, Dec. 1818, ll/. 11s. Pierides, or the Muse's Mount, portrait, 8vo. 1658. Bindley, Dec. 1818, 12/. 15s. Cromwell's (Ol.) Addresses, Petitions, Sac. to, fol. MS. Soc. ANT. , Perfect Politician, Life of, 8vo. 1680. * Holies, 1817. Cromwell (Eliz.) v. Court, &c. Cronycles of Englande, fol. Jul. Notary, 1515. Roxb. Monro, 1792, 71. Crosse (Hen.) Virtue's Commonwealth, 4to. 1603. Gordon. Culross (Lady) a Godlie Dreame, 4to. Edinb. 1606. Gordon. Cunningham's (Wm.) Cosmographical Glasse, fol. 1559. BATH, Chaun. Gulsion, 2/.2s. Bindley, Dec. 1818.7/. 7s. Heir. Curry-Combe for a Coxcombe, 4to. 161 j. STAF. Curse (Q.) MS. BR. M. INDEX. Curtius (Q.) fol. E. P. Rom. s. o. K. Devon, dups. 1815, 12/. Spenc. V. de Spira (circa 1470.) BODL. PEMBR. A'. Spenc. SYKES, WODH. Leigh's,1805,S\l. 10$. Graf ton, 1815, til. Paris, '221. Is. Pin. 25*. 10s. Talleyrand, 1816, 91. 9s. 8vo. Aid. 1520. BECKF. Cutwode (T.)CaltbaPoetarum, 8vo. 1599. Steev. Cuysine, Livre de, 8vo. Lydn, 1508. BECKF. Cynthia, with Sonnets, 8vo. 1595. Reed. D. Daborne's (Rob.) two Plays, 4to. 1612. STAF. Damhoudere (Josse) Enchiridion des Causes criminelles, 4to. Louv. 1554. BECKF. 4to. Anvers, 1564. Leigh's, 1814, 8*. 8s. Dance, La, Macabre, Paris, vellum. LAMB. Dante, fol. MS. S*c. xiv. DOUGL. , fol. MS. 1450, with orig. designs. DOUGL. P. E. fol. 1472. K. DEV. MA RLE. PEMBR. SYKES, Grenv. Spenc. Pin. 25*. 14s. 6d. di Benvenuto da Imola, fol. V. de Spira, 1477. BODL. GLASG. Cf. Mac- arthy, 1789, 61. 15s. Eton, Spenc. Singer, 1818, 51. 15s. 6d. , fol. Medial. 1478. WILBR. Marlb. , fol. Mediul. 1478, vellum. K. di Landino,fol. Fir. 1481. BR.M. BODL. K. DOUGL. GRENV. HIBB. PEMBR. SYKES, Spenc. Edw. Rose. Paris, 71. 10s. Pin. 181. 18s. Grafton, 1815, 51. , Svo.^Wo, 1502,t;eiim. SPEN. K. di Landino et Velutello, fol. Yen. 1564. Rose. . , fol. Yen. 1578. Singer, 1818, 12*. 15s. -, II Convivio di, 4to. PR. ED. Fior. 1490. Roxb. A'. , Paradis de, 4to. MS. Paris, 1791, 71. Allen Strange, 1801, 6l. 6s. BECKF. Dapper's Dutch Voyages, 11 vol. fol. L. P. Amst. 1677, &c. BECKF. Darcie's (Abr.) Annales of Elizabeth, 4to. STAF. Gen. Doivdcsu'ell. Bindley. Darcie's (Abr.) Annales of Elizabeth, 2 vol. 4to. L. P. n. d. GRENV. Darcie's (Abr) Duch. of Richmond's Fun. Tears, 8vo. 1624. STAF. Darcie, Theatre de la Gloire, &c. 4to. STAF. Darley (Jo.) Glory of Chelsea Colledge revived, 4to. 1662. Reed. Town, 41. Darnley (Hen. Lord.) Account of a Pic- ture of the death of, MS. Soc. ANT. Dart's (Jo.) Canterbury, L. P. fol. 1726- Willett, 21*. Woodhouse, 12*. Westminster, 2 vol. fol. L. P. Willett, 291. 8s. Westminster Abbey and Can- terbury Cathedral, 3 vol. fol. L. P. 1725-6. Heath. Daryus, King, Interlude, 4to. 1565. Roxb. Davies (Jo.) Scourge of Folly, 8vo. 1614. *Saunders's, 1818. Wittes Pilgrimage, 4to. * Evans's, 1818. Jas. Perry, Esq. Davies (John) the Muse's Sacrifice, 8vo. 'Bindley, Dec. 1818, 20/. Davis (J.) The Worlde's Hydrographical Discription, 12mo. 1595. Dalrymple, 1809. NORTH. WILBR. Davison's Poems, 8vo. 1621. Farm. Davison's Poetical Rapsodie, 8vo. 1611. Bindley, Dec. 1818, 61. 16s. 6d. Day's (Jo.) Plays, 4to. 1608. STAP. Decor Puellarum, 4to. Ven. 1471. K. BLANDF. HIBB. PEMBR. Pin. Spenc. Decretalium Sextus Liber, fol. Jenson, 1476, vellum. Pin. vid. Bonifacii Deer. Dee (Dr. Jo.) Arte of Navigation, fol. 1577. Reed. Defence of Peace, fol. 1535. OXF.-ST. Jo. Dekker's (Tho.) The Batchelor's Banquet, 4to. 1677. Brand, vid. Batchelor. ~ English Villanies prest to Death, 4to. 1638. Reed Heber. Saun- ders's, 1818, 41. 10s. Entertainment to K. James I. 4to. 1604. Brand, Reed, 71. 7s.Hibb. Town. 51. 15s. 6d. Woodh. 71. Saun- dm's, 1818, 6*. 6s. a Knight's conjuring, 4to. Gordon, Reed. Raven's Almanacke, 4to. 1609. Gordon. Rod for Run-awayes, 4to. 1625. Reed. Seven deadly Sinncs of INDEX. London, 4to. 1606. Gordon, Saun- ders's, 1818, 31. 7s. 6d. Dekker's (Tho.) a Strange Horse Race, 4to. 1613. Gordon. . Thomas of Reading, vid. Thomas. the Wonderful Yeare, 1603, 4to. Gordon. Demetrius, Chalcond. vid. Chalcondylae. Demoniacks, Tracts relating to, 3 vol. 8vo. 1737-75. Goss. Demosthenes, Gr. E. P. fol. Aid. 1504. BR. M. BODL. Spenc. Pin. 51. 17s. *Alchorne, 1813. Sykes, Heath, 271. 6s. Lord Milton, Grafton, 1815, 101. 12s. 6d.Heber, Talleyrand, 1816, 101. 10s. Willett, 181. 18s. Demosth. Orat. 3 vol. 8vo. Ven. 1543. Pin. Dempsteri (Tho.) Scotia Illustrior, 8vo. Lug. 1620. Gough. Denny's (W.) Pelecanicidium, or Advice against Self-murder, in verse and prose, plates by Barlow, 8vo. 1653. Bouch. Brand. Bindley, Dec. 1818, 131. D'Eon's Mad. Negotiations, MS. notes. BE. M. Derricke's (Jhon) Image of Irelande, 4to. 1581. Farm. Mason, Roxb. Destillatyon of Waters, 4to. f. Day, 1565. SYKES. Devill, Merry, of Edmonton, 4to. 1631. Chaun. FUUngham, 1805, 11. 3s. Reed, 41. 14s. 6d. Steev. 21. 6s. Devonshire, Duke, Gems, 4to. BR. M. West, 1773, 31. 3s. GLASG. DENT, DEV. Spenc. Ed. King, 1808 (99 plates), 31*. 10s. Dr. Lart, 1791 (99 plates), 41. 4s. Diablerie, Livre de la, fol. Par. 1508. BECKF. Dialogus Creaturarum, E. P. fol. Coud. 1480. Stan. 421. DEVON. SYKES, Marlb. Dialogues of Creatures moralysed, 4to. 1551. Roxb. Steev. 41. 14s. 6d. Dialogue betweene two Neighbours, 8vo. 1554. Brand. Dialogue, Saitrycall, betweene Alexander and Diogynes. NORTH. Dick (Sir W.) Lamentable estate of, fol. DENT, West, 1773, 21. 2s. * Thompson, 1815. Dictes and Sayinges of the Philosophers, translated by Antony Wydville, Earl Ryvers, MS. LAMB. 624 Dictiunarium Sinico-Latinum, fol. Macai, 1753, MS. Crofts. Trilingue, Slav. Gr. et Lat. 4to. Crofts. Dictys Cretensis, &c. 4to. E. P. Mog. (circa 1470) K. 4to. Medial. 1477. BR. M. MARLB. PEMBR. Digby (Sir Ken.) Collection of MS. Let- ters, fol. * Mr. Britton. Dino (Pret. Fior.) Opere, 4to. Mil. 1521. Crofts. Diodori Sic. Hist. Gr. E. P. 4to. Bus. 1539. BODL. Opera, Gr. fol. E. P. Lut. 1559. BODL. Lat. Bon. 1472. MARLB. K. Diodore Sicilien, transl. par An. Macault, fol. MS. vellum, (executed for Francis I.) BECKF. Diomedes, Phocas, &c. de Arte Gramma- tica, E. P. fol. s. tt. . (JV T . Je/ison) MANCH. K. Spenc. Dionysius Afer, Gr. L. E. P. 4to. Ferr. 1512. BODL. Halicarnass. Gr. E. P. fol. Lut. 1546. BODL. Dioscorides, &c. Gr. E. P. fol. Aid. 1499. BODL. OXF.-C.-CHR. K. MARLB.Spee. Directorium Humane Vite, fol. s. a. BECKF. BLANDF. SYKES. Pin. 51. 5s. Ditcbe's Drawings of Flowers, fol. *Gains- borough, 1813. Dives et Pauper, fol. Pinson, 1493. BR.M. BODL. CAMB.-UN. GLASG. K. Al- charne, 1813, 21/. DEVON. HEB. Spenc. Barrett, 1818, 20/. vid. Worde, W. Dodwell (Hen.) de Parma Equestri Wood- ward. 8vo. CH. M. Own. 1713, vellum. Wodhull, 1803, vid. Hearae. Dolce (Lod.) Didone Trag. 8vo. Aldo, 1547. Rose. II Palmerino, 4to. Ven. 1561. Roxb. Domesday Book, 2 vol. MS. WESTM. Donatus in Terentium, fol. s. u. n. BODL. Spe.nc. Sotheby's, June, 1818, 8/. 2s. 6d. Do,ni (A. F.) La Zucca, 8vo. Vin. 1597. Hunter. Dorrel (Had.) Willobie his Avisa, 4to. 1609. Steev. Douglas (Gaw.) Palis of Honoure, 4to. Coplande, . d. Farm. Roxb. 211. Dover (Rob.) Annalia Dubrensia, 4o. 1636. Farm. Steev. 11. 2s. Toti-n. 31. 3s. INDEX. Saunders's, 1818, 13/. 2s. 6d.~ Hibb. Bindley, Dec. 1818, 12/. 12s. Dowriche (Anne) French Historic, 4to. 1589. Reed, Saunders's, 1818, 13/. 2s. 6d. Hibb. Drake's (Fr.) Hist, of York, L. P. fol. 1736. Chaun. Barrett, 1818, 27L 16s. 6d. Drama, incidents relating to the Theatres, 1734-85. Reed. Drawings by Wm. Byrche, 1590-1, MS. CANT. Drayton's Peiers Gaveston, 4to. Sir P. Thompson, 1815, 101. 5s.Heber. Poly-Olbion, fol. 1622. Stan. Dresde, Gallerie de, 2 vol. atlas, fol. Dresde, 1757. Walker, 1814, 662. Leigh's, 1814, 39/. Drinking, the Lawes of, 12mo. 1617. HEB. Brand. * Mr. Nassau, Bindley. Dr. Wright, 1787, 15s. 6d. Farmer, 18s. Gordon, 41. 10s. Town. 31. 16s. Drollerys, Holbom, Bristol, &c. 12mo. 1656. Roxb. , Holborn, London, Norfolk, Westminster, &c. 1673, &c. Pears. vid. Holbom. and Jovial Poems, 3vo. 1661. Pears. Druidical Antiquities, Essays on, 4to. MS. * Mr. Britton. Drum's, Jacke, Entertainment, 4to. first ed. 1601. *Fillingham, 1805. Roxb. 11. 8s. Drum's, Jacke, Entertainment,1616.Pears. Drummond's (W.) Poems, 4to. Edinb. 1615. Gordon. Drunkards, a Warning Piece to, 4to. 1683. Woodh. Drury's (D.) Insects, the orig. drawings, 3 vol. fol. DENT. Ducarel's (A. C.) Anglo-Norman Anti- quities, with drawings, $c. fol. 1777. Gough. Duch esne (And.) Maison de Montmorency et de Laval, fol. Par. 1624. BECKF. Normannorum Scriptores, C. M. fol. 1619, Gulst. Dudleo (Rob.) Arcano del Mare, 5 vol. fol. Fir. 1647. BUTE. Sebright, 1807, 2iJ. North. Dugdale's (Sir W.) Works complete, 1655, &c. HOARE, Bath, 23 vol. fol. Edwards, 1804, 1361. 10s. Bryant, 1806, 210i. D. Norfolk, Bryant, 1807, 200/. * Bennet, 1810. Dugdale's (Sir W.) Baronage, 2 vol. fol. L. P. 1675. Heath, 391. lOs.Beckf. Heathcote, 241. 3s. (MS. additions') 1675. BODL. Dugdale's Embanking and Draining, foJ. 1662. Bridges, Bryant, 1806, 22,/. 10s. Italy, 1792, 31. 8s. 3d. Roxb. Woodh. 81. 8s. Woodfard, 1809, 35*. Evans's, 1818, 91. 5s. Monasticon Anglicanum, 3 tom. fol. 1655(Li6er ex done Editoris.) BECKF. -, 3 vol. fol. 1655. Digby, Mason, Roxb. 671. 4s. Devon, dups. 1815, 31/. Woodfard, 1809, 381. 10s. -, 3 vol. 1682. Heath, 661. 3s. Pulteney, 1812, 52/. 10s. Roberts, fy. 1815, 34/. 2s. 6d. Dugdale (Gul.) Monasticon Anglicanum, Ch. M. 3 vol. fol. 1655. JERSEY, Grenv. n English, 3 vol. fol. 1718, &c. Heath ,491. 7s. ,L.P. Grenv. Gul- ston, 171. Lansdowne, 371. 16s. Mason. Hist, of St. Paul's Cathe- dral, fol. 1658,(wit7i drawings by Hollar.) BECKF. second edition, L. P. 1716. Grenv. Heath, 151. 15s.Sykes. Summons to Parliament, fol. 1685. Bern. (Sir W.) Visitation of Yorkshire, 1665-6, fol. MS. SYKES. Warwickshire, fol. 1656. Bern. Heath, Ibl. 4s. 6d. Warwickshire, by Tho- mas, 2 vol. fol. MS. additions, 1730. BODL. 2 vol. fol. L. P. 1730. Willett, Daly, 1792, 101. 4s. 9d. Grenv. Heath, 64l. Is.Sykes. Duhamel des arbres fruitiers, col. 2 vol. 4to. Par. 1768. Paris. Duhalde Histoire de la Chine, 4 vol. fol. L. P. Par. 1735. Stan. 291. 8s. North, Dunkeld, Records of, from 1560 to 1649, 8vo. MS. MANCH. Dunstable Annales de, MS. BR. M. Durandi Rationale, E. P. fol. Fust, fyc. 1459. K. Rationale Divinorum Officiorum, E.P. fol. Fustic. 1459,vellum. BOOL. DEV. MAELB. PEMBR. SPENC. Askew, 625 INDEX. 1775, 61J. Pin. Willett. * Devonshire, 1815. Grenv. Duret (Cl.) Thresor des Laiigues, 4to. Yverd. 1619. Goss. E. Eaton Chronicle, or the Salt Box, 8vo. HEB. Ecclesiae Concilia, COD. ANT. fol. DOUGL. Echecs, Jeu des, MS. 1375. DOUGL. Ecriture Ste. de Foy en Dieu par Edouard Roy, 12mo. MS. Roxb. NORTH. Edens's (Ri.) W. and E. Indies, 4to. 1577. BANKS, NORTH, Allen, Hunter, 51. 7s. 6d. Monro, 1792, I/, lls. 6J. Pearson, 10s. 6d. Roxb. 61. 10s. Stan. 61. 16s. 6d. Town. 2/. 16s. Edmund, St. Life, Martyrdom, &c. of, fol. MS. Beauclerk, 1781, 22/. Is. Town. Edward II. a Poem, supposed by Spenser, MS. BR.M. Edouard VI. (Roy) de Foy en Dieu, 12mo. MS. Roxb. NORTH. Edward VI. Forme of Coronation of, fol. MS. Soc. ANT. Funeralles of, 4to. 1553, Farmer, 17s. 4to. 1560. Roxb. Filling- ham, 1805, 3/. 6s. Mr. Nassau. Saun- 1620. Roxb. Gordon, 41. Is. vid. Quip. Repentance, 4to. 1592. Woodh. Spanish Masquerado, 4to. 1589. NORTH, Reed, Gordon, 31. 3s. - Theeves falling out, &c. 4to. 1637. Roxb. Green's (Rob.) Tullie'* Love, 4to. 1601. STAF. , 4to. 1628. Roxb. Vision, sero sed serio, 4to. Roxb. Steev. 21. 7s. 24 separate Pieces by, 4to. 1585, &c. Steev. 171. 7s. 15 separate Pieces by, 4to. 1585. Farm. Works, 3 vol. 4to. 1585, &c. Pearson, 1788, 41. 5s. Greenham's Works, 4to. 1599. STAF. Gregorii IX. Decretalia, E. P. fol. Mog. 1472, partly on vellum. Rose. , fol. Mog. 1473, partly on vellum. K. Gregorii (S.) Dialogi, E. P. fol. Argent. 1458. PEMBR. Grove's (Matth.) trag. historic of Pelops and Hippodamia, 8vo. 1587. STAFF. * Ritson, 1803. * Saunders's, 1818. Hibb. Grymeston's (Eliz.) Miscellanea, 8vo. 1604. Bouch. Guerino Meschino, PR. ED. fol. Pad. 1473. GRENV. SPENC. Crofts. Yen. 1477. BLANDF. Roxb. Guicciardini Istoria d' Italia, 4 vol. 4to. C. G. Frib. (Flor) 1775. Stan. Guignes de, Voyage & Peking, 3 vol. 8vo. et Atlas pap. vel. col. Par. Talleyrand, 18^16, 161. 16s. BECKF. Gunfon's (Sym.) Peterburgh Cathedral, fol. L. P. MS. notes. Gulst. Gurton's, Gammer, Needle, v. Gammer, Plays old, and Still (I.) Guy de la Garde Histoire du Phoenix, 8vo. Par. 1550, vellum. BECKF. Guyde Warwick, fol. Par. 1525. WOODH. Crofts, vid. Warwick. Gyron le Courtois, Roman, fol. Par. Ferard.Roxb. Goldsmid, 1815, SOL 9s. Gwyn (Dav.) Certaine English Verses, 8vo. NORTH. Poems, 1588. Brand. H. Haddoni (Gualt.) Orationes, Epistolse, &c 4to. Land. 1567. ETON. Haedi (Pet.) de amoris generibus, lib. 3. 4to. Taru. 1492. Rose. K. Evans't, 1816, 41. Haigh for Devonshire, 4to. 1600. "King's, 1801. 631 INDEX. Hake (Edw.) a commemoration of the Raigne of Elizabeth, 8vo. 1575. NORTH. Hakluyt's Voyages, 2 vol. fol. 1598. Bern. Hall in Saxony, Festival at, fol. Halle, 1617. DUB. Halle's Chronicle, fol. 1548. Bern. Bryant, 1807, 191. 19s. Heathc. Roxb. 12*. 12s. Stan. 301. lOs.Beckf. Bath. 1550. Willett, 141. Hall's (Jos.) Discovery of a New World, 8vo. Brand. Virgidimarium, &c. 8vo. 1602. Brand, Steev. 31. 3s. Halstead's (Rob,) Genealogies, fol. 1685. BATH, SYKES, Gulston, Meyrich, 1806, 671. 4s. Totwi. 631 K. Lord Peter- borough, 1815, 61/. 19s. Br. M. He- rald's Coll.'Camb. Un. , L. P. fol. 1685, Bridges, D. Devonshire. Handefull of Pleasant Delites, 16mo. 1584. Blandf, Hannay's (Pat.) Nightingale and other Poems, frontisp. including portrait, 8vo. 1622. Bindley, 351. 14s. Harbin's (Geo.) Hered. Right of the Crown asserted, fol. 1713. OXF.-ST. Jo. Harding's Chronicle, MS. BR. M. Hardyng's (Jo.) Chronicle, 4to. Grafton, 1543. Mason, Hi. HIBB. JERSEY, Devon. Pembr. Mr. Ronnie. Grafton, 1815, 8J. 5s. Gulston, 2f. 4s. Pearson, I/. 14s. Reed, 91. 15s. Roxb. -LSI. 13s. Town. 101. 17s. 6d. Harman (Tho.) A Caveat for Cursetors, 1567. Roib. 101. 10s. NORTH, Dr. Lort, 1791, 11. 11s. 6d. Steev. 61. 15s. 1573. STAFF. Harrington (Sir Jo.) Discourse of Me- tamorph. of Ajax, 8vo. 1596. Reed, Pearson, 8s. Sir P. Thompson, 1815, (title wanting) 6/. 10s. --. Epigrams, 8vo. 1618. Pears. Harris's (Jo.) History of Kent, L. P. fol. 1719. Heath. Harrison (Steph.) Triumph of James I. fol. 1604. BODL. DENT. Woodh. Hartlieb Ciromantia, 1448. * Christie's, 1815. Spenc. Harveii (Gab.) Gretulationes, 4to. 1578. GRENV. Ham-y's (Gab.) Letters and Sonnets, 4to. 1592. STAF. Sawmfrrs's,1818,7U2s.6d. 632 Hasted's (Edw.) Kent, 4 vol. fol. L. P. 1778. GRENV. Hastings, (Lord) Tears of the Muses on the death of, 8vo. 1650. Farm. Reed. Bindley, 61. 16s. Gd. Haukyng Booke of, &c. 4to. Taye et Cop- land, Mason, Haultin, vid. Houtin. Hawes (Ed.) Trayterous Percyes & Ca- tesbyes Prosopopeia, 4to. 1606. Brand. Hawes (Steph.) Pastime of Pleasure, 4to. 1554. Farm. Pearson, 1788, 2/. 5s. , 1555. Steev. 41. 7s. vid. Worde (W. de.) Temple of Glasse, 4to. Berthelet, n. d. Steev. 41. 16s. Bindley, 4,61. 4s. J. Boswell, Esq. vid. Worde (W. de.) Hearne (Th.) Acta Apostolorum, Gr. Lat. 8vo. Oxon. 1715. Gough. , C. M. 8vo. Oxon. 1715. Bridges. Crofts, Heath, 131. 2s. vid. Acta. Hearne Alured. Beverlac. C.M. Bvo.Oxon. 1716. Bridges, Heath, 101. Wodhu.ll, 1803, 101. 10s. Willett, 21L Devon. Grafton, 1815, 20Z. Lord Aylesford. Hearr.e (T.) Chronicon de Dunstaple r 2 vol. 8vo. C. M. Oxon. 1733. Mason, Town. 101. 10s. Willett, 151. Dodwell de Parma Equestri, C. M. 8vo. Oxon. 1713. Bridges, Wil- lett, bl. v:d. Dodu-ell. History of Glastonbury, L. P. 8vo. Ox. 1722. Bridges, Town. *Earl Stanhope, 1818. Heath, 111. Us. Willett, 141. 3s. 6d. Lelandi Itinerarium, 9 vol. 8vo. 1710. Bridges, vid. Leland. Roperi (Gul.) Vita Thomse Mori, cum notis MSS. 8vo. Oxon. 1716. Gough. Roperi Vita Tho. Mori, C. M. 8vo. Ox. 1716. Bridges, Heath Syhes, Wodhull, 1803, 71. 17s. 6d. Grafton, 1815, 20/. 9s. 6d. , 1716. Town. 101. Willett, 261. 15s. 6d. lid. Roper. Rossi Warwic. Historia.C.M. 8vo. Oi. 1716. Bridges. Histories and Antiquities, 59 vol. 8vo. Oxon. 1709.&C. MANcu.Pewi&r. 63 vol. Townshend, 1812, 74/. Us. INDEX. Hearne (T.) Histories and Antiquities.L.P. 68vol. 8vo. HOARE, SVKES. Works, L. P. Ld. C. I. Ray- mond, 1808. Eton, Grew. 54 vol. Bath, Duke of Beaufort, Lvrd Poley. Heath's (Ja.) Chronicle of the War,' 8vo. 1663. NORTH, STAFF. W T ILBR. Bern. Hunter, 161. Mason, 71. 17s. 6d. Hibb. Pitt, 1808, 61. 16s. 6d. Stan. 141. 17s.Sykes,Town.lll. 11s. Woodh. 51. 5s. Hedelin (F.) des Satyres, &c. 8vo. Par. 16^7. Goss. Heinsius (D.) de Contemptu Mortis, 12mo. Elziv. 1621, vellum. Dublin, * Singer, 1818 Mr. 1. Lloyd. Helden-buck, the Book of Heroes, 4to. Franc. 1590. * Evans's, 1816. Heminge's (Wm.) Plays, &c. 4to. 1663. STAF. Hemingford (Walt.) Historia Edvardi I. II. III. 2 torn. 8vo. Cp. M. Ox. 1731. Town. Wilktt, 28J. 7s. Devon. Henry VII. Chapel Books respecting the foundation of, MS. WESTM. Instructions from, MS. WESTM. Henrici VIII. Assertio Septem Sacramen- torum, 4to. Pynson, 1521. BODL. GHENV. Bindley, 301. 9s. 4to. Pynson, 1521, vellum. SPEN. Henry VIII. Doctrine for a Christen Man, 4to. 1543. STAF. Inventory of the Juelles, Plate, &c. of, fol. MS. Soc. ANT. *Brander, 1790. - Letters of Ambassadors to, MS. WESTM. Letters to Luther, 12mo. Piinson. STAF. Proceedings respecting his Divorce from Q. Catli. MS. WESTM. Tracts on his Marriage and Divorce. LAMH. Henry, Prince, Poems on his death, 4to. 1612. STAF. Bath, vid. Maxwell. Hentzneri (Pauli) Itinerarium, 4to. AV rifr. 1612. Crofts, Farmer, 11. 15s. Steev. 31. IQs.Beckf. , 4to. Bresltf, 1617. Soc. ANT. Heptameron des Nouvelles, 4to. Par. H6Q. Stan. vid. Marguerite. Herbert's (Edw. Lord) occasional verses, 8vo. 166J. * Saunders's, 18W. Hermans in Porphyriuin, Gr. E. P. fol. Yen. 1500. Pin. Herodotus, Lat. fol. Yen. 1474. Spenc. Marlb. ; , vellum, K. Herodotus, Gr. E. P. Aid. 1502. BR. M. BODL. GLASG. Beckf. Heath, 8l. Roxb. 51. 7s. 6d. Spenc. Sykes. Herrera (Ant.) Historia de lo Succedido en Escocia, &c. 8vo. Lisb. 1590. BODL. Hist, de las Indias Occid. 3 vol. fol. Mad. 1730. Lansd. Herrick's (Rob.) Works, 8vo. 1648. STAF. Farm. Eton, Saunders's, 1818, 31. 16$. Hertforde (Erie of) Expedicion into Scot- laud, 8vo. Reed, Woodh. 161. KM. Roxb. 311. 10s. Hesiodus, Gr. L. Robinsoni, C. M. fol. Qxon. 1737. BR. M. Grafton, 1815. 100J. GRENV. WODH. Daly, 1792, 22*. 15s. Heures d'Angers, CENT. xm. 4to. MS. BECKF. , MS. par Jarry, 8vo. Paris. de Prefond, MS. BECKF. Heydon's (Jo.) Elhavareuna, 8vo. 1665. * Dr. Moseley, 1814. Harmony of the World, 8vo. 1662. * Dr. Moseley, 1814. Hey wood's (Jasp.)Thyestes, 12mo. 1560. STAF. Heywoode (Jo.) Dialogue on English Proverbes, 4to. 1546. Roxb. Heywood's (John) Play of the Wether, 12mo. OXF.-ST. Jo. (Jo.) Spider and the Flie, 4to. 1556. BATH, Town. NORTH, Bern. Gordon, 91. 9s. Pearson, 1788, 21. 13s.fr/. Steicart's, 1814, tO/. 10s. Workes, 4to. 1556-62. HEB. Mason, 31. 13s. 6d. Roxb. Heber, Farmer, 51. 10s. Devon. d*ps. 1815, 71. Works, 4to. 1587. STAF. (Tho.) Apologie for Wonen, 4to. Oif. 1609. STAF. England's Elizabeth, 8vo. Camfrr. 1641. Woodh. Stan. 21. 15s. Plays, 5 vol. 4to. 1606- 55. STAF. Hie Mulier, or the Man- Woman, 8vo. Brand. Hierocles, Lat. E. P. 4to. Pat. 1474. BODI.. SPENC. Grafton, 1815, 9/. Beckf. Marlb. 633 INDEX. Hierocles, Lat. vtUum, K. Hieronynii Epistolas, E. P. 2 vol. fol. Sweynh. et Pann. 1468. BODL. CAMB.- ST. Jo. Oxp.-C. CHR. DEV. MARLB. PEMBR. SYKES. Hieronymi Epistolae, E. P. 2 vol. fol. Mogunt. 1470, vellum. SYKES, Ed- viards, 1804, 28*. 7s. Hierusalem, le Grant Voyage, 4to. Par. Roxb. Higden's Polychronicon, MS. BR. M. , by Trevisa, fol. Southw. 1527. BR. M. GRENV. Dean and Chapter of York. Bern. Lansd. Hi, Lloyd, 1816, 10*. Steev. 31. 15s. Soun- ders'*, 1818, 7i. Higins(Jo.) Fables of unfortunate Princes, 4to. 1620. Reed. Hindoo Paintings, musical Instruments, &c. Town. Hipparchius in Aratum, Gr. E. P. fol. Flor. 1567. BODL. Hipolito e JJonora, 4to. Trev. 1471. WILBR. Historiae Anglicanse Scriptores, Sparke, Ch. M. fol. Land. 1723. Ho A RE. Historiae Augustas Scriptores, E. P. fol. Medial. 1475. BODL. CAMB.-ST. Jo. OxF.-Sr. Jo. DEV. PEMBR. Pin. 20*. and 32*. K. Bath, Spenc. Daly, 1792, '261 3s. 3d. Grafton, 1815, 12i. 5s. HEB. Historia Sanctae Crucis Belg. 4to. Culemb. 1483. SPENC. Historia Virg. Maria?, vid. Cantica. Hitchcock's New Yere's Gift, 8vo. 1580. Brand. Hobhouse's (B.) France and Italy, 8vo. Bath, 1796. Lansd. Hoby (Sir E.) Countersnarle, 4to. 1613. STAF. Hoccleve's Poems, MS. Mason. Hofman (Ty.) Horn. Illustres, 4to. Copenh. 1746. Hunter. Bindley, 7 1. 7 t. Hog-faced Gentlewoman, 4to. 1640. Gor- don. Hogarth (Win.) Anecdotes of, MS. notes, 8vo. Reed. Works, 3 vol. fol. Mey- ler, 1818. Edwards, 1804(1 vol.) 147*. Holborn Drollery, 8vo. 1673. Gulst. Saunders's, 1818. Rev. I. M. Rice. vid. Drollery. Holland! Heroologia, fol. 1620. Bern. Heath, 71. 17s. 6d. 634 Holland! (H.) Heroologia Anglica, fol. 1620, present, copies, GRENV. Willett, Earl Brownlow. Hollar's (Wenc.) Works, 12 vol. fol. RUTL. Hollar's Works, 10 vol. fol. * Earl of Stamford. Hollingsworth's (Rich.) History of Man- chester, fol. MS. MANCH. Hollinshed's (Ra.) Chronicles, 3 vol. fol. 1574. Lansd. Hollinshed's Chronicle, fol. 1577. Digby, Steev. 22*. , 4 vol. fol. L. P. 1586. Stan. Heber. , 2 vol. fol. 1587 Bern. Pearson, 141. 3s. 6d. Reed, 231. 10s. Roxb. 311. 10s. Steev. 23*. Willett, 361. 4s. 6d. Sir Rob. Smyth, 1809, 40i. Holmes's (Randle) Store-House of Ar- mory, fol. 1681. Lloyd, 1816, 10*. 10s. Spenc. 1688. Brand. Holmes (Wilfr.) Fall of Rebellion, 4to. 1537. Bouch. Homeri Batrachom. Gr. 4to. E. P. Ven. 1486. BR. M. BODL. K. BLANDF. DEV. MARLB. Askew, 1775, 14*. 14s. Gi-env. Spenc. Pin. Sykes, Br. M. dups. 1818, 10*. 10s. Homeri Ilias Codex pervetustus membr. fol. Town. Br. M. in versus Gr. vulg. 4to. Ven. 1526. BECKF. Lat. Brii. 1474. MA RLE. K. Homerus, Gr. E. P. 2 torn. fol. Flor. 1488. BR. M. BODL. CAMB.-ST. Jo. Eton, GLASG. OXF. C. CHR. K. DEVON. Wakefeld, 1802, 211. GRENV. HIBB. MARLB. PEMBR. SYKES, WODH. Spenc. Bern. Bridges Edw. Br. M. dup. 1818, 32*. 11s. Crofts, 17i. 6s. 6d. Daly, 1792, 23*. 17s. 9d. Devon, dup. 1815, 57*. 15s. J. Lloyd, Esq. Edw. 1804 (MS. notes of Budaeus) 30*. 9s. Grafton, 1815, 69*. 6s. Heath, 941. 10s. Horsley, 1807, 34*. 10s. Mason, 1798, 11*. Us. Pin. 22*. Is. Roscoe, 27*. 6s. Sumner, 1814, 38*. 17s. Talleyrand, 1816, 22*. 11s. 6d. Heber, Willett, 88*. 4s. Leigh's, 1816, 42*. Evans's, 1816 (un- cut) 481. 16s. M. , Gr. 2 vol.8vo.4W. 1504. BODL. INDEX. Homerus, Gr. 2 vol. 8vo. Aid. 1504, vel- lum. Spenc. Aid. vellum, K. SPEN. Devon. Askew, 1775, 16J. 16s. Homerus Eustathii, Gr. E. P. 4 vol. fol. Roma:, 1542-50. BR. M. BODL. A'. DENT (Cn. M.) Devon. Eton, Grenv. Grafton, 1815, 531. HEB. Marlb. Pembr. Spent. Sykes, Bridges, Crofts, 101. Devon.dup. 1815, 28f. 10s. Digby, Heath, 681. 5s. Hartley, 1807, 601. Heber, Pin. 71. 7s. Porson, 1809, 55/. Randolph, 1814, 301. 9s. Roscoe, 161. 15s. Roxb. 4$l. Sedgwick, 1811, 471. 5s. Lord Aylesford, Talleyrand, 1816, 341. 13s. Willett, 5QI. 16s. Leigh's, 1814, 47 1. 5s. Homerus Eustathii, Gr. 3 vol. fol. 1560. Bern. Horaerus Clarke, 4 vol. 4to. C. M. Land. 1729. * Sumner, 1814. Eton, Daly, 1792, 111. 18s. 10^1. Grafton, 1815, 42i. Grenv. Homerus, Gr. CH. M. 4 torn. 4to. Oxon. 1800 (Grenville edition), DENT, SYKES, Grenv. Eton, Porson, 1809, 87 /. 3s. Randolph, 1814, 79/. 16*. Homer's Iliades, by Hall, 4to. 1581. Roxb. Steev. vid. Chapman. Homeri Odyssea, MS. BR. M. , Gr. E. P. Flor. 1488, vellum. DENT. Homerus Speculum Heroicum, Jig. C. Pass. 4to. Traj. Bat. 1613. BECKF. Eton. Homer's Ordinaire, 4to. Steev. Honest Ghost, or Voice from the Vault, 8vo. 1658. Town. Honor's Fame, or Life of E. of Essex, 8vo. 1604. STAF. Honorius de Imagine Mundi, s. u. n. (Nuremb. circa 1472) K. Spenc. Hopkins (Mat.) Discovery of Witches, 4to. 1647. * Mr. Nassau. Horae Virginis Mariae, 4to. MS. BECKF. Horae in Usum Eccles. Sarum, 4to. Jul. Notary, 1503, vellum. Town. Devon. Horatius, fol. MS. K. , fol. MS. Sxc. x. BLANDF. , fol. MS. splend. SKC. xv. Edw. DOUGL. , fol. MS. SJEC. xv. HIBB. , fol. Cod. Membr. Pin. , fol. MS. RUTL. Juvenalis et Persius, fol. MS. 1 M (quondam Liber Math. Corrini Regis Hung.) Bridges. Horalius, E. P. s. u. n. fol. BR. M. BODL. Askew, 1775, 8*. 8s. K. MARLB. PEMBR. SPENC. Pin. 31/, 10s. Willett, 371.16s. Alchorne, 1813, 38?. 17*. Sykes. , E. P. c. a. n. 4to. Med. 1474. BR. M. BODL. MARLB. K. Spenc. Bridges, Mason, IQl 10s. Pin. 12J. 12s. 4to. Ferrar. 1474. PEMBR. , fol. Med. 1476. SYKES, K. Marlb. Spenc. , fol. Flore*t. 1482, vellum, K. Locheri, fol. Argent. 1498. HIBB. Bouch. Roxb. 11. 3s. Eton, S}>enc. Mr. Slaney. , C. M. 8vo. Aid. 1501. Bridges, Heath, 71. 12s. 6d. Eton, Sykes. , 8vo. Aid. 1501, vellum. K. SPENC. , 8vo. Aldus, 1509. Heathc. Sykes. - vellum. Spenc. 1519, vellum. Spenc. , fol. Didot, vellum, with orig. drawings. Junot, 1816, 1401. HIBB. Epist. et Odae, 4to. Per. 1474. PEMB. Spenc. Horace's Satyres, by Drant, 4to. 1566. Lansd. Pearson, 1788, 13s. Sotheby's, 1817, 41. 16s. Singer, 1818, 21. 2s. Hordal (Jo.) Aurelianensis Puellae His- toria, 4to. Pont. M. 1612. Gough. Horsemanship, Tracts on, 4to. 1597. STAF. Horsley (Jo.) Britannia Romana, L. P. fol. 1732. JERSEY, RUTL. Gulston, Heath, 28f. 17s. 6d. Montolicu, 1809, 301. 9s. Mr. Slaney. Houlbrook (W.) Account of, 12mo. 1744. Bouch. Houtin, Medailles des Empereurs Remains, fol. Par. 1645. Crofts. BECKF. Eton. Howard (Lord) Book of Expences, fol. MS. Soc. ANT. Howell's (Tho.) Ovid's fable of Narcissus, 4to. 1560. * Saunders's, 1818. vid. Narcissus. Howgrave's (Fras.) Stamford, 4to. L. P. 1726. Gulst. Howleglass, a merry Jest of, 4to. Roxb. (impt.) 141. 5s. HEB. Hozier (Pierre) Epitaphes, Inscriptions, & Armoires, 3 vol. fol. MS. Roxb. INDEX. Hubert's (Rob.) Catalogue of natural rarities, 8vo. 1664. BANKS. Hudibras, Engl. et Fr. 3 vol. 12mo. 1750. Dutens, 1813. Bindley, 51. 5s. Hughes's (Tho.) Misfortunes of Arthur, 12mo. 1587. * Smyth, 1797. Huloet's Dictionarie, fol. 1572. WILBR. Huntingdon (Countess) Sermon at Fu- neral of, 4to. 1635. STAF. *D. Bridge- water, 1802. Huon Comte, Roman du, fol. MS. 1341. DOUGL. Huon de Bourdeaulx, les Faits de, fol. Par. 1516. Roxb. Huot, Mon Passe-Terns, 2 vol. fol. MS. Astle, 1816, 152J. 5s. NORTH. Husband, the, a Poeme, 8vo. 1614. * Saunders's, 1814. Husbandrie, a new Treatyse of, 4to. Pyn- son(1523), HEB. Hutchinson's(W.) Hist, of Durham, 3 vol. 4to. L. P. Newc. 1785-94. Ho A RE. Buttons (Hen.) Follies Anatomic, 8vo. 1619. Reed. Hygini Poeticon Astronomicon, E. P. 4to. Ferr. 1475. Spenc. Hylicinio (B.) della Cortesia, 8vo. Ven. .1515. Roxb. Hymnarium, 4to. MS. ilium. STAFF. Hynd (Jo.) Eliosto Libidinoso, 4to. 1606. Roxb. Steev. 12s. Saunders's, 1818, 61. 16s. 6d. 1. Idol of the Clownes, 12mo. 1654. Woodh. Stan. II. 10s. Ihre Lexicon Lapponicum, 4to. Holm. 1780. Heath, Steev. 11. 8s. Ihre Glossarium Sueo-Gothicum, 2 vol. in 1, fol. Ups. 1769. Wito. India, W. Historic of, transl. by T. N. 4to. 1578. NORTH. Indian Miniature Paintings, 18 vol. fol. BECKF. Inghilterra Hist, in materia del Duca di Notomberlan, 12mo. 1558. BECKF. DEV. Bridges, Cough, \l. lls. 6d. Pin. 12s. Eton, Stan. 61. 15s. Devon, dnps. 1815, 5/. 15s. 6d. Institution of a Christen, 4to. 1537. STAF. Instrumentum in Papyro ^Egypt. scriptum, Pin. Intrationum Liber, fol. Pymon, 1510. *Alcl.orne, 1813 DEV. 636 Introductions in fr. for the yonge Erie of Lyncoln. BATH. Inventions, Inventory of certayne idle, 8vo. 1581. HEB. Brand. Ireland (Sam.) the forged Shaksperian MSS. DENT Ireland, 1801, ISO/. (bought in.) Ireland's (W. H.) Account of Shaksperian MSS. 8vo. 1796 (MS. notes.) Steev. Roxb. 31. Irish Language, Elements of, 8vo. Lansd. Isaie le Triste, Hist, de, 4to. Par. 1535. Crofts. Isidorus, fol. E. P. 1472. K. BOUCH. , vellum. SYXES, Spenc. Isocrates, Gr. E. P. fol. Mediol. 1493. BR. M. BODL. CAMB.-ST. Jo. GLASG. A". MARLB. PEMBR. Mason, 141 3*. 6d. Roxb. 81. 18s. 6d. Spenc. Istleworth Syon's Peace, 4to. 1657. Brand, Heathcote, 31. 17s. Italian Masters, Old, original sketches. RUTL. Italy, Views in, original drawings by Zuc- carelli, &c. 15 vol. fol. BUTE. I would and I would not, a Poem, 4to. 1614. Roxb. Steev. 17s. J. Jack Straw's Life and Death, a Play, 4to. 1593. STAF. Jacques V. (Roy d'Ecosse) La Navigation du, 4to. MS. BECKF. - fol. Par. 1583. BECKF. Sotheby's, 1818, 10J. 15s. James VI. Entry into Edenborough, 4to. 1590. Reed. James I. Entertainment of his Majestie, 4to. 1603. Gough. (K.) Essayes of a Prentise in the Divine Art of Poesie, first edit. 4to. Edinb. 1584. Bindley, 26J. 5. Ordinances of the Household of, fol. MS. Soc. ANT. Poeticall Exercises, 4to. Edi>J>. n. d. Farm. Woodh. . 4to. Edinb. 1585. Roxb. 14/. 14s. Jarry (N.) Preces Christiana:, 12mo. MS. BECKF. Pricres, MS. Allen. Jarry, viil. Prieres Office. INDEX. Jason, Histoire de, fol. t. u. n. ETON. Jason, Chev. Hist, du, Par. 8vo. vellum. HIBB. Jason, the trew History of, fol. And. 1492 (tmpt.) Roxb. Devon, Jason et Medee, Roman de, fol. Roxb. Jaurar Ben Abdallah, Arrival and Enter- tainment of, 4to. 1637. Gordon. Jean, St. Apocalypse, fol. 1541. BECKF. Jehan de Saintre, Hist, de, fol. Par. 1517. Roxb. Jenkins (Al.) History of Exeter, L. P. 4to. 1806. *Bennet, 1810, Heathcote, Ql. Jeronimi (Si.) Exposicio in Simbolum Apostolorum, 4to. OJCOH. 1468 (1478.) BODL. OXF.-ALL S.K. KingfyLochte's, 1812, 91/. BLANDF. PEMBR. SPENC. Tutet, 1786, 161. 5s. Jesus Christ, Mystere de Vengeance de, 2 vol. fol. MS. Roxb. DEVON. Jesu Christi, Epitome Passionis, 4to. MS. Paris. Jew, the Wandering, 4to. 1640. Steev. Jewel's (Wm.) Golden Cabinet, 8vo. 1612. Woodh. Joh. de Janua Catliolicon, fol. s. u. n. K. , 2 torn. fol. Mog. 1460. BR.M. BODL. CAMB. UN. West, 1773, 351. 3s. 6d.K. DEV. HIBB. MARLB. PEMBR. Allen, Spenc. Wittett, 601. 18s. Roscoe, 631. Sykes, Leigh's, 1814, 571. 15s. AUhome, 1813, 5QL 16s. Grenv. Devon, dups. 1815, 50*. 8s. J. de Janua, 1460, vellum. GRENV. Johannis (Si.) Evangelistae Historia. BODL. GLASO. K. SPENC. Rose. Willett, 42/. Parris, 1815, 401. Rob. Lang, Esq. Saunders's, 1818, 361. 15s. Joan. Salesberiensis Polycraticon, E. P. fol. s. u. n. MARLB. Spenc. Leigh's, 1814, 12/. Lloyd, 1816, 15/. Sotheby's, 1818, 9L 9s. Joan. Salesb. Polycraticon, 8vo. Lugd. 1596- STAF. Jobson (Rich.) The Golden Trade, 4to. 1623. Gordon. Johnson (Rich.) Crowne Garland of Golden Roses, 12mo. 1631. Gordon. r 8vo. 1662. Bouch. Johnson's (Dr. S.) Dictionary, 2 vol. fol. MS. notes. *Horne Tooke, 1813. _ Journey to Western Islands, 8vo.l775, MS. adds. *PrLort, 1791. Jones's (Inigo) Original Drawings. DEV. JonsonV (B.) Works, first ed. 2 vol. fol. 1616. NORTH. Works, first ed. fol. 1616, present, copy. DENT. Entertainment to James I. 4to. 1604. Woodh. Masques, 1614, &c. DENT. Plays, 4 vol. 4to. 1600-30. STAF. Volpone, 4to. 1607. Chaun. Graftoti, 1815 (the author's copy) 91. 9s. Jonstoni Rob. Inscriptions Regum Scot 4to. Amst. 1602. Roxb. Jordan's (Tho.) Pictures of Passions, 8vo. n. d. NORTH. Jordan's Jewels of Ingenuity set in a Co- ronet of Poetry, 8vo. Bindley, 10J. 15*. Jortin's (Jo.) Observations on Authors, 2 vol. 8vo. MS. notes. 1731-2. Mason. Joseph, History of, MS. STAFF. Joseph of Arimathea, Lyfe of,4to. Pinion, 1520. BR. M. Joseph and Zoleikha, Loves of, 8vo. MS. Allen. Josephe Histoire des Juifs.fol. MS. Tawn. Anciennetez des Juifs, fol. MS. Town. North. Josephus, Latine, 2 vol. fol. MS. DOUOL. - Lat. fol. August. 1470. BODL. GLASG. Hibb. Spenc. Mason, 51. 5s. Talleyrand, 1816, lit , fol. Rom. 1475. MARLB.PEMBE. Spenc. , fol. Veron. 1480, vellum. K. Consul Smith, 1773, 20/. Jourdan de Blaves, Traitz de, fol. Par. 1520. Roxb. Jouvencel, Roman, fol. Paris, Verard, 1493, vellum. BR. M. Juan, Don, de Persia, Relaciones de, 4to. Valad. 1604. Stan. Blandf. Justiniani Institutiones, E. P. fol. P. Schoiffer, 1468. K. MARLB. , vellum. SPENC. Pin. , fol. P. Schoiffer, 1472, vellum. SYKES, Devon. , fol. Yen. 1476, vellum. Pin. -,8vo. Cn.M.Elzev. 1646. BECKF. , CH. M. Lug. Bat. 1678. Heathc. Justinus, E. P. fol. Yen. 1470. BR. M. 637 INDEX. BODL. JERSEY, MARLB. PEMBR. STKES, Spenc. Woon. Mason Paris, Sit. 10s. Pin. 18f. 7s. 6d. Graf ton, 1815, 12<. 12s. Justinus, E. P. fol. Ven. 1470, vellum. K. Rev. S. Weston", (impt.) , 4to. Rom. (circa 1470) PEMB. SVKES, Roxb. 171. 17s. Spenc. , fol. Sweyiih. et Pan. 1472, K. Akhorne,lQ13, 21*. DEVON. MARLB. Spenc. , et ^Emylius Probus, 8vo. Aldus, 1522. Fenton, 1812. Juvenalis, E. P. (Fen.) 1470. BR. M. BODL. K. Spenc. et Persius, 4to. Ferr. 1474. CAMB.-ST. Jo. : , fol. Medial. 1474. MARLB. PEMBR. ,Calderini, fol. s.u.n. (Roma?, 1474.) Mason, A". Marlb. , 4to. Ven. 1475. WODH. , 8vo. Aid. 1501, Sykes. , vellum. BODL. SPENC. K. Ruperti, 2 vol. CH. M. Lips. 1801. GRENV. Stan. Beckf. K. Kaempfer's Japan, 2 vol. foL L. P. 1728. Heath, Mason, Stan. 14*. 14s. John Milner, Esq. Kalendayrof the Shyppars, fol. Par. 1503, DEV. Roxb. Katherinc (Q.) Prayers and Medytacions, 8vo. 1547. Woodh. vid. Lamentations. Keating'sHist. of Ireland, L. P fol. 1723. Gulst. Daly, 1792, 31. 2s. Heath, 71. 15s. KEIMHAION Supellectilis Autiquarife penes C. Wren, 2 vol. fol. MS. Soc. ANT. Kendall's (Tim.) Epigrammes, 8vo. 1577. Mason. Pearson, 1788, 1L 14s. *Sothe- by's, 1817. Kendall's Flowers of Epigrammes (one leaf MS.) 8vo. 1577. Bindley, 161. Kenelworth, Princelye Pleasures at, 4to. 1576. Farm. Kennett's (White) Parochial Antiquities, L. P. 4to. 1695. LAMB. Gulston BECKF. HOARE. , the Author's copy with MS. additions, West, 1773, 13/. 13s. BM 638 Kennett's (White) Parochial Antiquities, MS. notes, 4to. 1695. Toumdxnd, 1812, 151. * Mr. Britton. Killingworth Castle, Q. Eliz. Entertain- ment at, 12mo. 1575. STAF. Bindley, 91. 15s.Heber. Kings of England, Portraitures of, 4to. 1597. DENT, Allen. King's (Dan.) Vale Royal, fol. Chester, 1656. Heath Lord Essex, Bennet, 1810, 17/. 10s. Bryant, 1806, 51. 10s. Bridges. Devon, dups'. 1815, 101. Heathcote, 1808, 151. Willett, 311. 10s. Woodh. 91. 9s. Stewart's, 1814, 21/. , fol. MS. notes, Chest, 1656. HOARE. King (Edw.) Obsequies of, 4to. 1638. Reed, Steev. (with Lycidas, first ed.) 11. 14s. King's Halfpenny worth of Wit, 4to. 1613. .Roxb. (Bp.) Poems, 8vo. 1657. Farm. Saundo-s's, 1818, 2/. 15s. , 8vo. 1660. Woodh. (Win.) Toast, &c. L. P. 4to. Oxf. Farm. Gulston, 11. Is. Reed, (with MS. Key) 101. 10s. Kirkman's (Fra.) Unlucky Citizen, 8vo. Town. 4/. 14s. HEB. Wits or Sport, 8vo. 1662. Gulst. , 8vo. 1672. STAF. 1673, Fillingham, 1805, 4s. vid. English Rogue. Knacke to knowe a Knave, 4to. 1594. Allen, Bouch. Knave of Clubbes, a Poem, 4to. 1609. Roxb. Knights (R. P.) Worship of Priapus, 4to. 1776, Piiikertnn, 1813, 8/. 15s. , 4to. 1786, Astle, 1816, 141 3s. 6d. Brand, Heathcote, 101. 10s. Sir W. Hamilton, 1809, 111. Os. 6d. Pinkertm, 1813, 71. 7s. Reed, 71. Roxb. Ql. 8s. Wititn. 1802, 51. 10s. Saunders's, 1818, Hi. 11s. Knight (R, P.) Carmina Heroica, 8vo. Land. 1808. * Sumner, 1814. 's (S.) Life of Colet, L. P. 8vo. 1724. Hunt. Woodh. Hodges, 1814, 51. Life of Erasmus, L. P. 8vo. 1726. Hunt. Woodh. Mason, 1798, 2/. 8*. Hodges, 1814, 9^. 15s. Bindley, 101. 10*. INDEX. Knight of the Sea, Adventures of, 4to. 1600. Roxb. HEB. Knight, Voyage of the wandering, 4to. 1581. Roxb. Knox's (John) First Blast of the Trumpet, 8vo. 1558. Farm. Reed, 11. 18s. Heb. Roxb. History of Church of Scot- land, 8vo. Brand, Farmer, SI. 9s. Gordon, 31 5s. (R.) Ceylon, fol. 1680. Hunt. amentacions ofQueen Catherine. DENT. jincelot du Lac, Roman, 3 vol. fol. Verard, 1494. GRKNV. King's, 1817, 31 L Lancelot du Lac, fol. Par. 1513. Roxb. Stan. K. , fol. Par. 1520. Crofts, Kiiyvett's (H.) Defence against Invasion, 4to. MS. 1596. MANCH. Koran, fol. a superb MS. Edw. 52*. 10s. DOUGL. Korb (J. G.) Itinerarium Moschoviae, fol. Tien. 1700. BECKF. Heathcote, 171. 17s. HEB. Hibb. Kotteri (Chr.) Revelationes, 4to. 1665. DUB. MANCH. 1657. Bechf. Kuerden's (Rich.) Collections for Lan- cashire, 2 vol. fol. MS. MANCH. Kychious Original Drawings of Plants at Badminton, fol. * Duke of Beaufort Kyd's (Tho.) Spanish Tragedy, 4to. 1599. STAF. Kyngs and Prynces, Governaunce of, 4to. Pynson, 1511. Roxb. Labruzzi (Carlo) Antiqs. on the Appian Way, original drawings, 3 vol. fol HoARE. Lactantius, E. P. fol. in Mon. Sub. 1465 BR. M. DEV. MARLB. PEMBR. Wil lett,40L 19s. Roscoe,52Z. 10s. SYKES K. Grenv. Spenc. Leigh's, 1814, 36/. 15s Devm. dups. 1815, 17/. 17s. -, fol. Sweynh. et Pan. 1470 CAMB.-ST. Jo. Marib. Spenc. , Ed. Sec. Rome, 1468. PEMB Pin. Alchorne, 1813, 15*. Mr. Bolland Marlb. Spenc. Lactantius, Yen. 1471. Spenc. fol. Yen. 1471, vellum. MARLB , Glasg. Lambe (John) Notorious Life of, 4to Amst. 1628. Gordon. Lambecii Com. de Bibliotheca Caesares 8 vol. fol. Find. 1665. Bridges. Lambeth Faires ended, 1641. Edw. Lambeth Library, Catalogue of the MSS in, L. P. fol. 1812. BR. M. Lamb. Mr. Rennie. , 2 vol. fol. Par. 1528. * King's, 1817. mdo (Girol.)Viaggio in lughilterra, 4to. MS. MANCH. ^nds and Manors, Surveys of, MS. WESTM. Angbaine's (Ger.) Dramatic Poets, 3 vol. 4to. MS. additions. Reed. Langham's (Rob.) Letter to H. Martin, 12mo. Brand. Angtoft's (Pet.) Chronicle, 2 vol. 8vo. L. P. Oxf. 1725. Roxb. tsca, v. Grazzini. iscaris (Const.) Grammatica Graeca, Gr. E. P. fol. Medial. 1476. BR. M. K. MARLB. PEMBR. Askew, 1775, 21/. 10s. Spenc. , Grammatica, Gr. L. fol. Mediol. 1480. BODL. Bath, Pembr. Spenc. , Gr. Lat. 4to. Aid. 1494-5. BODL. DENT, MARLB. WODH. Daly, 1792, 71. 7s. Wd. Mason, 111. Spenc. Latham's (Jo.) Birds, cold, by St(me, 7 vol. 4to. 1781. DENT, Woodh. (Sim.) Faulconry, 8vo. 1658. BANKS. itterburius (Jo.) in Iheremiam, fol. Oxon. 1482. OXF.-ST. Jo. Evans's, 1817. Laud (Guil.) Harangue dans la chambre de 1'etoille. 1637. CANT. Laud's (Arcbbp.) Speech in the Star Chamber, 1637,(repri?ited) vellum. OXF.- ST. Jo. Spenc. Laugh and Lie Downe, 1605. NORTH. Laurentius Valla, vid. Valla. Lavender's (Theo.) Travels, 4to. 1612. Crofts. Law of God, illustrated by the Nuns at Gidding, 1640. OXF.-ST. Jo. Lawder (Geo.) The Scottish Souldier, 4to. Edinb. 1629. Gordon. Lawes of Drinking, 8vo. 1617. Brand, Farmer, 18s. Bindley, 61. 6s. vid. Drink- ing. Lazarillode Tormes.^rst ed. 12mo. Burgos, 1554. DEV. Stan. vid. Mendoca. INDEX. Lazarillo de Tormes, Historic of, 12mo. 1586. Steevens. Bindley, 141. League and Covenant, a solemn, * D. Bridgewater, 1802. Leake (Sir Jo.) Life of, 8vo. Reed. , 8vo. L. P. 1750. Mr. Nassau. * Bryant, 1807. Leemius de Lapponibus, CH. M. 4to. Klopenh. 1767. BECK*. Legend. Golden, fol. /. Notary, 1503. GLASO. Legenda Nova Anglize, fol. W. de Worde, 1516. LAMB. Legende Dor6e, fol. Paris, 1480, vellvm. Town. , fol. Verard, 1488, vellum. HIBB. vid. Voragine. Leland's (Jo.) Actes of Prince Arthur, 4to. 1582. Brand, Farm. Lelande (Job.) Laboriouse Journey, 8vo. 1549. Eton, Woodh. Roxb. 31. 3s. Bind- ley, 71. 12. 6d. Leland's Itinerary, 9 vol. 8vo. L. P. Oxf. 1746-7. Willelt Devon, vid. Heame. Lenton (Fra.) The Young Gallant's Whir- ligigg, 4to. 1629. Gordon. Bindley, SI. 5s. Rev. J. M. Rice. Leonicenns (Omn.) de partibus orationis, E. P. 4to. Yen. 1473, vellum. K. Lesley (Bp.) Right of Marie, Q. of Scot- land to the Crowne of England, 8vo. 1584. Town. Beckf. Letters, Original, of Henry VIII. &c. MS. CAMB. PEPYS. Letters on State Affairs, temp. Elizab. MS. CAWT. Leopold! (Due. Aust fil.) Compilatio de Astris, 4to. Aug. Vind. 1489, vellum. Pin. Lewin's (Wm.) Birds and Eggs, 3 vol. 4to. col. 1789, Woodh. , 7 vol. 4to. cold. Stait. 4BI. 6*. T. Ponton, Esq. Willett, 26J. 15i. 6U Lewicke's pleasant History of Titus and Gisippus, a poem, 8vo. 1562. Bindley, 241. 13*. 6d. Lewis's (Jo.) History of Thanet, 4to. MS. additions. Gnlst. Lexicon, Gr. Lat. Cent. vn. fol. MS. BB.M. Leycester's (Sir P.) Antiq. of Cheshire, L. P. fol. -with, drawings, 1673. Ho A RE. Civill Warres of England, 8vo. 1649. Woodh. 640 Liber Regalis, a curious Missal, MS. WESTM. Libro darnie e damore, 4to. Perot, s. d. * Sotheby's, 1817. Lichfield's (Rich.) Trimming of Thomas Nashe, 4to. P. Scarlet, 1597, Saun- ders's, 1818, 9*. 9s. Liechtenberger's (Jo.) Prognosticatio, 4to. Colon. 1539. BECKF. Licia, or Poemes of Love, 4to. Steev. Lignamine (J. P.) v. Chronicon. Limorno Pitocco Orlandino, 12mo. Vineg. 1526. Stan. Mr. Fitzgerald. Lindsay's History of Scotland from 1436, fol. MS. Lindesay's (Sir Dav.) Dialogue, 4to. Gough. HEB. 4t . 1575. Roxb. 41. 1581. Pinkerton, 1813, 2t. 155. Roxb. 51. Satyre of three Estaits, 4to. Edinb. 1602. Farm. Ma- son, Roxb. Workes, 4to. Edinb. 1568. Pearson, 1788, II. 13s. -, 4to. Edinb. 1597. Farm. v. Lindesay. 8vo. Edin. 1634. Bindley, 51. 5s. Linschoten's (J. H.) Voyages, fol. 1590. Hunt. Voyages, fol. 1598. BANKS, Bouch. Stan. Lord Ossul- ston. Literarum Graec. Lat. Angl. Sax. Exempla, fol. MS. BATH. Lithgow's (Win.) Farewell, a Poem, 4to. Edin. 1618. Roxb. Tears of Godly Sorrow, 4to. Edinb. 1640. Reed. Lithgow's (Wm.) Scotland's Welcome to her Native Sonne King Charles, 4to. Ed. 1633. Gordon, 41. 15*. rare adventures, 4to. 1632, LARGE PAPER (dedication copy), Bindley, 29J. 18s. 6d.G. Watson Tay- Urr, Esq. (purchased at an auction about 30 years since for 11. Is. cost Mr, B. 41. 4i.) Littleton's Tenores, fol. first ed. Lettou et Machlinia. BR. M. DEV. GRENV. Machlinia. BR. M. Liturgy, fol. 1546. first ed. BLAKDF. INDEX. Liturgy, fol. E. Wkitchurche, 1549. BB. M. BODL. MANCH. Livius, fol. 1416, MS. DOUGL. , fol. MS. S*c. xv. Gough Dr. Barney Br. M. , E. P. fol. Sweynh. et Pan. K. SPENC. , E. P. fol. Rom. Sioeynh. et Pan. (1469) vellum. Edw. SYKES. Campani, 2 torn. fol. Rom. (circa 1470.) BODL. CAMB. UN. HJBB. PEMBH. Edw. 22i. Is. If. Grenv. Spenc. -, 2 vol. fol. V. Spira, 1470. BODL. SYKES, Pin. 541. 12s. K. Grenu. Marlb. Spenc. Rom. 1472. PEMB. Treuttell, 1817, 17*. 17s. Heber, K. Marlb. Spenc. Sykes. - - , fol. Medial. 1478. WODH. K. Marlb. Spenc. - Sigonii, C. M. fol. Aid. 1555. Bridges. Livio da Rugiero Ferrario, Pn. ED. fol. Rom. 1476. PEMBR. Livre des trois filz de Roys de France, d'Angleterre, et d'Escosse, 4to. Par. Gough E. V. Utterson, Esq. Lodge (Tho.) Catharos, 4to. 1591. BiANDF. - Alarum against usurers and delectable History of Forbonius and Prisceria, 4to. 1584. Bindley, 27*. - Life of Wm. Longbeard, 4to. 1593. Steev. Nettle for Nice Noses, 4to. 1591. Roxb. Farmer, 5s. 6d. vid. Nettle. Plays, 4to. 1594. STAF. Wits Miseries, 4to. 1596. HEB. Brand. Loggan (Dav.) Cantabrigia Illustrata, CH. M.fol. DUB. -- Oxonia Illustrata, C. M. fol. 1675. DUB. - Cantab, et Oxonia, 2 vol. 1675. Bryant, 1807, Hi. Is. 6d. Edw. *1J. Lloid's Choice of Jewels, 4to. 1607. STAF. Jubilee of Britain, 4to. 1607. STAF. (Lod.) Pilgrimage of Princes, 4to. 1586. NORTH. Tragicomedie of Serpents, 4to. 1607. STAF. Lluyd (Humph.) Breviary of Britayne, 8vo. 1573. Gulst. Lok' (Hen.) Eccleslates, 4to. 1597. * Sotheby's, 1817. London, Charter of, &c. 4to. Bouch. , a Collection of Prints and Draw- ings relative to, 2 vol. fol. Camb. Pepys, vid. Pennant. Long's Jamaica, 3 rol. 4to. 1774. Heatb, Bryant, 1807, Hi. 11s. Lansd. 131.13s. Maddison, 1809, 131. 15s. Pollock, 1818, 12i. Roxb. 121. 5s. Willett, ll/. Long (Jac. le) Bibliotheque Hist, de la France, 5 vol. fol. Gr. P. Par. 1768- 78. * Mr. Rennie. Look to it, for He stabbe ye, 8vo. 1604. Bouch. vid. Rowland (Sam.) Lorenzo de' Medici Canzoni, 4to. Fir. 1568. Rose. _ Poesie, 8vo. Aldo, 1554. Bn. M. Hunt. Rose. Eton, Purit, 21. 5s. Spenc. Pin. 11. , 8vo. 1791 . WlLBB. la Rappresent. di S. Giov. e Paulo, PR. ED. 4to. Fir. s. d. Rose. le Selve d'Amore, 12mo. Pesaro, 1513. Rose. Heber. (So.) II Trionfante Levita Poe- metto,4to. Bolog. 1632. BECKF. Crofts. Trionfi, Carri, Mascherati, &c. 8vo. Fir. 1559. Rose. Stan. 31. 16s. Heber. Singer, 1818, 61. , v. Medici. de' Medici, v. Valori. Lorris (Guil.) Roman de la Rose, fol. MS. BR. M. NORTH. , Ed. anc. BR.M. Romant de la Rose, foL Vt- rard, vellum. BR. M. vid. Roman. Lotichii (J. P.) Res Germanics, 2 vol. fol. Franco/. 1646-50. DUB. Louis (St.) La Vie, Canonisation & Mi- racles, 4to. MS. xin. SIEC. BECKF. Louys XIII. Codicilles de, 2 vol. 12mo. 1643. Heathc. Lovelace's (Rich.) Lucasta, &c.2 vol. 8vo. 1649. Pears. Saunders's, 1818, 3l.^0s. 8vo. portrait, 1660. Bindley, 111. 11s. Loyaulx Amans, Verard, vellum. BR. M. Lloyd's (H.) Hist, of Wales, 4to. 1584. Grafton, 1815, 81. MS. notes. *Bryant, 1806, vid. Lluyd. Lucanus, CODEX ANT. ibl. Douot. 641 INDEX. Lucanus, E. P. fol. Sweynh. et Pann. 1469. BODL. K. CAMB.-ST. Jo. DENT, MA RLE. PEMB. SPENC. Grqfton, 1815, 24/. 13s. 6d. SYKES. , fol. s. . n. Pin. Spenc. , fol. s. u. n. vellum. K. , 8vo. Aldus, 1515 (Groiier copy.) BECKF. Lucianus, MS. Cod. Antiq. fol. Bridges. . , Gr. E. P. fol. Flor. 1496. BR. M. BODL. DEV. GRENV. PEMBR. WODH. Daly, 1792, 171. 13s. Edwards 1804, 211. Mason, 18. 18s. Pin. 8J. 18s. 6d. Glasg. Spenc. , E. P. velban. K. MA RLE. Lucretius, fol. MS. Sx.c. xv. BLANDF. , E. P. fol. Brixite, s. a. SPEN. ,fol. Verma, 1486. WODH. Wil- lett, Pin. 23J. 2s. Devon, dups. 1815, 13J. 13s. Heber, K. Marlb. Pembr. Spenc. , 4to. Aid. 1500. ETON, WODH. Daly, 1792, 51. 2s. 4d. Spenc. Sykes. Lambini, CH. M. 4to. Par. 1563. DENT, Br. M. - , CH. M. fol. Tonson, 1712. Edw. Daly, 1792, 14L 15s. Beckf. - , Wakefield, 3 vol. fol. CH. M. Lond. 1796-7. H IBB . Bath, Beckf. Edwards, 1804, 55Z. 13s. Heathcote, 1802, 261. 5s. Do. (1808) 52L 10s. Grafton, 1811, 41/. Grafton, 1815, 30J. 10s. Hollis, 1817, 13Z. 13s. Stan. 28J. 7s. Talleyrand, 1816, 26J. 5s. Ludolphi Vita Christi, MS. GLASG. OxF.-C. CHH. Lndus Scacchiae, Chesse Play, 4to. 1597. ETON. Luminalia, or the Festivall of Light, 4to. 1637. BATH. Lumisden's (And.) Rome (with orig. draw- ings) 4to. 1797. DENT. Lupten (Tho.) Too good to be true, 4to. 1587. Reed, 61. 18s. 6d. HEB. Luther (Mart.) to and from Hen. 8, 8vo. Prison, n. d. Woodh. Lydgate (Jo.) Lyf of Seint Albone, and St. Amphiball, fol. MS. Gough. - Life of St. Edmond, fol MS. Roxb. D. of Norfolk. - au --- , fol MS. *Beauclerk,l781. DaJy, 1792. * Lydgate's Poems in honourof St. Edmund, MS. BR. M . . . Hystorie of the Grecians and 642 Trojans, fol. 1555. Town. Bath, Roib. 11J. Us. D. of Norfolk. Lydgate's (John) Machabre's Dance of Death, MS. STAF. Sege ofTroye, fol. MS. BODL. Sege of Troy, fol. Pin- ion, 1513. CAMB. PEPYS. GLASG. Saunders's, 1818 (six leaves wanting) 141. 3s. 6d. v. Caxton. Lyllie's (Jo.) Plays, 2 vol. 4to. 1591. STAF. Lyly (W.) Midas, 1592. Pears. Mother Bombie, 1594. Pears. , 1598. Roxb. It. 16s. Fillingham, 1805, 10*. Lynch (Jo.) de Rebus Hibernicis, fol. 1662. Crofts. Lyndsay's (SirD.) Complaint of a Popin- jay, 4to. 1538. STAF. Lyndesay's (Sir Dav.) Works, 4to. Edin. 1610. Roxb. vid. Lindesay. ~ M. Mabillon (Jo.)deRe Diplomatica, CH. M. 2 vol. fol. Par. 1681-1704. Paris Spenc. Macer (JEm.) de Naturis Herbarum, E. P. fol. Neap. 1477. S^enc. Macklain (Jo.) wonderful and true Rela- tion of, 8vo. 1657. Brand. Macrobius, E. P. fol. Yen. 1472. BR. M. BODL. GLASG. Roxb. 121. 5s. HEB. MARLB. SYKES, WODH. Pin. 331. 12s. K. Eton, Spenc. . 1472, vellum. PEMB. Mac Curtin's (H.) Elements of the Irish Language, 8vo. Lovain, 1728. DENT, Charter House. Crofts, 4s. 6d. tMadden's (Dr. Sam.) Memoirs of the Twentieth Century, being original Let- ters of State under George the Sixth, 8vo. 1733. Saunders's, 1818, 8/. 15s. Bindley. Magna Charta, vid. Records. Maieri (Mich.) Arcana Arcanissinia, 4to. s. u. n. BECKF. Atalanta fugiens, 4to. Oppenh. 1617, Beckf. DUB. BECKF. . t Vid. Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, vol. ii.31. INDEX. Maittaire, Auctores Classici, CH. M. 26 vol. 8vo. Lond. 1713, &c. DENT. Corpus Poetarura Latinorum, 2 vol. fol. Ch. M. Lond. 1713. Heathc. Daly, 1792, 18Z. 4s. Malespini (Cel.) Ducento Novelle, 4to. Vines. 1609. WILBR. Malmesbury Abbey, Views of, by Carter, original drairings, fol. HOAHE. Malmsbury (Gul. de) de Gestis Regum Anglorum, MS. BR. M. Mancyn's (Dora.) Myrrour of good raaners, fol. Pinson, SYKES. Mandavilla(Giov.) maravigliose cose, 4to. Fir. 1492. Crofts. Mandevill (Jehan.) Voiages de, fol. s. d. BECKF. Mandeville Voyage, 4 to. Par. s. d. BLANDF. Roxb. Manerbi Vite di S. Padri, 2 vol. fol. Yen. Jenson, 1471, vellum. Consul Smith, 1773, 361. Manilius, E. P. fol. Bonon. 1474. BODL. K. Paris, 301. 9s.Cracherode, Spenc. , fol. Nuremb. s. a. (circa 1472) K. Pembr. Spenc. , 4to. Neap. s. a. Alchorne, 1813, 71 7s. HEB. Spenc. Manolesso Hist, del Duca di Norfolk, 4to. Pad. 1572. GRENV. Mannucci (Aldo) Vita di Cosimo de' Me- dici, fol. Bol. 1586. DUB. Roscoe, 4J. 145. 6d.Beckf. Marcelline (Geo.) Epithalamium Gallo- Britannicum, 4to. 1625. Gordon. March Ausias, Obres, 12mo. Bare. 1560. WILBR. Marchi (Fr.) della Architettura Militare, fol. Brescia, 1599. BR. M. Marcolini (Fr.) Ingegnose Sorti, fol. Ven. 1550. Pin. Marden, Collections for the Manor of, fol. Town. 491. 6s. BR. M. BODL. BATH, DENT, HOARE, SYKES, West, 1773, 21. 8s. * Leigh's, 1813. Marguerite (Reine de Nav.) L'Heptame- ron, PR. ED. 4to. Par. 1559. GBENV. vid. Heptameron. Mariani Scoti-Chronicon, fol. MS. LAMB. OxF.-C. CHR. Marie Q. of Scottes, Detectioun of the Doinges of, 8vo. 1572. Chaun. , , v. Buchanan. Mariae Scot. Reg. de Adulterio cum Both- wello, 12mo. Bridges, (p. 423.) 4 N Markham (Jervis) the most honourable Tragedie of Sir Richard Grinvile, 12mo. 1595. Pearson, 15s. 6d. Bindley, 402. 19s. Grenv. %* A copy of this rare poem sold at Dr. Francis Bernard's sale, in 1698, for 1s. : it was subsequently purchased by Mr. T. Warton for 6d. and presented by his brother, Dr. Jos. W. to the late Mr. Malone, (now in the possession of Ja. Boswell, Esq.) (Gerv.) arte of Fowling, 8vo. no date, and 1655. BANKS. (Rob.) Service and Deatlr of Sir John Burgh, 4to. 1628. Gerdon. Vertues, 4to. 1597. Bran* Marlburiensis Gemmae Antiquae, 2 torn, fol. Land. 1781-90. BR. M. BATH, Eton, HIBB. Gainsborough, 1813, 204*. 15s. vol. i. Paris, 73/. 10$. Marlowe's (Chr.) and T. Nash, Dido Tr. 4to. 1594. STAF. Roxb. Dr. Wright, 1787, 16L 16s. Steev. 17 1. Henderson, 1786 (MS. copy} 11. 13s. Marlow's Massacre at Paris, with the Death of the Duke of Guise, a poem, 8vo. no date. Bindley, 8MSs. Marloe's (Chr.) Tamburlaine the Great, 8vo. 1590. Mason, Roxb. Marmion's (Shak.) Cupid and Psyche, 4to. 1638. * Sotheby's, 1817 Rev. I. M. Rice. Marmol (Luys) Description de Africa, 3 vol. fol. Grand. 1573. Stan. Hist, del Rebellion de los Moriscos, fol. Mai. 1600, MANCH. GRENV. Marriott the Great Eater, Life of,: 4to. frontisp. 1652. Bindley, Ul. 14s. Mars and Venus, Love betwene, 4to. I. Notary. Roxb. SYKES. Marston's (Jo.) Pigmalion's Image, &c. 12mo. 1598. Mason, Pearson. Plays, 3 vol. 4to. 1602. STAF. Scourge of Villanie, &c. 8vo. 1599. Steev. Tragedies and Comedies, 8tt>. 1633. Gulst. Martiaiis, E. P. 4to. V. de Spira (circa 1470) BODL. K. HEB. PEMBR. Spenc. WODH. Alchorne, 1813, 22*. 11s. 6d. Heber. , E. P. c. a. n. Per. 1471. MARLB. Pin. K. Spenc. INDEX- Martialis, 8vo. Aid. 1501, Sykei. , 8vo. Aid. 1501, vellum. K. Mason, Pin. Hibb. Spenc. *Spenccr dup. 1811. Martyn's (Jos.) Epigrams, &c. 4to. 1621. Boucli. Martyr's (Pet.) Common Place Book, fol. 1574. PEMBR. Decades of the new worlde, 4to. 1555. BANKS, Bouch. Martyrology in old English Verse, fol. MS. Sax. xiv. Gough Heber. Mary of Nemegen, story of, 4to. Raxb. 67/. BLANDF. Mary Q. of Scots, on the execution of, 1586-92. Stem. 41 14s. 6d. Roxb. , on the match between her and D. of Norfolk, 1571. Roxb. Marye the Ladye (Queen) Solempnities at the marriage of, Ri. Pinson. BR. M. Masks, Triumphs, &c. a collection of, 4to. Lansd, of the Temple, Grayes Inne and Lincoln's Inne, 4to. 1612. Town. 91. 2s. 6d.~ Heber. , 1607-39, 4to. STAF. Masse, the Burying of the, 12mo. 1546. Roxb. , sec. edit, Roxb. Massinger's (Phil.) Plays, 2 vol. 4to. 1630. STAF. Mastive r The, Epigrams, 4to. 1615. STAF. Masuccio II JNovellino, PH. ED. fol. Neap. 1476. HIBB. Paris. , cinquante Novelle, fol. Ven. 1484. Borromeo, 1817, 61. 8s. 6d. HEB. -,I1 Novellino, fol. Ven. 1492. BLAJJDF. WiiBR.Stan. Goldsmid, 1815, 22Z. Is. Matth. de Cracovia Tractatus Racionis, 4to. Mog. (1460) Rose. Spenc. Maunsell's (And.) Catalogue of English Bookes.fol. 1595. OxF.-Sx. Jo. Gough Heber. Maurocenus de Christi generatione, 4to. Pat. 1472. BODL. Speitc. Maxwell's (Jas.) Monument of Frederick and Elizabeth, 4to. 1613. STAF. Life and deplorable Death of Prince Henry, 4to. 1612. Saunders's, 1818, 51. 2s. 6d. May's (Tho.) Plays, 4to. 1633. STAFF. Maycoes et Ypocras, Livre de, 4to. MS. DOUGL. Maydeu's Cross Row, 4to. &c. STAFF. 644 Medailles Spintriennes et Pierres grav, Ithyphalliques, 4to. Chaun. Medicae Artis Principes, 2 vol. fol. 1567.. Bern. , 2 vol. fol. 1568. Bern. Medici (Fr.) et Bianca Cappello, Festc nelle Nozze, 4to. Giunti, 1579. BECKF. (Lor. de') Altercatione (Poema) 12mo. s. a. HIBB. Roscoe, 71. 5s. e Politiano Canzoni, 4to. Fir. 1568. HIBB. Trionfi cam, &c. 8vc. Fior. 1559. HIBB. vid. Lorenzo. Medicis(Kath. de)Lyfeof, 12mo. Heydelb. 1575. BLANDF. Meeting of Gallants at an Ordinaire, 4to. 1604. Reed. Mela (Pomp.) E. P. 4to. Med. 1471. Eton, K. Marlb. Spenc. 8vo. Aid. 1518. BR. M. Sykes. Meliadus de Leonnoys, Roman, MS. foL Roxb. 1 faits d'armes, fol. Gal. du Prf, 1528. BECK*. , fol. Par. 1532. Roxb. Melusine, Hist, de, Roman, fol. Par. Roxb. Memoria Istorica per 1'anno, 1745, 8vo. * Monro, 1792, 91. 7s. Mendopa (Hurt.) Vida de Lazarillo de Tormes, 12mo. PR. ED. Burg. 1554. Stan. DEV. vid. Lazarillo. Meninski Thesaurus, 3 vol. fol. Vien. 1680 Complementum Thesauri, fol. Vien. 1687. BR. M. WiUett, 351, 14s. Leigh's, 1814, 24/. 3s. Mercer's Angliae Speculum, 4to. 1646. Brand. Mercurius Aulicus, Britannicus, &c. 4to. 1642, &c: Bouch. Merlin, Prophecies de, 2 torn. fol. s. d. vellum. BR. M. Merlin, Vie et Profeties, 3 vol. fol. Verard, 1498. HIBB. Roxb. Merlin les Prophecies, fol. Par. 1498, vellum. Paris. , 2 vol. 4to. Par. 1528. Roxb. Merlino Vita e Prophetic, fol. PR. ED. Ven. 1480. K. HIBB. Goldsmid, 1815, 321. Us. Merlino, la Vitadi, 4to. Ven. 1507. Stan. Messe, the Upcheryngc of, 8vo. Roxb. INDEX. Messenii (Jo.) Sccmdia lllustrata, fol. Stoekh. 1700-3. DUB. Metrical Romances, MS. Farm. Mezeray (Fr. E.) Histoire de France, Gr. P. 3 torn. fol. Par. 1643-51 . Graf- ton, 1815, 105Z. BECKF. GRENV. Bridges, Gulston, 1QI. MowtoJiei/,1809, 72J. 9s. Lord Essex. Middleton's (Chr.) Historic of Heaven, 4to. 1596. Reed. (Tho.) Moll Cut Purse, 1611. Pears. Trag. Com. of the Witch, MS. Pears. Steev. Mills's (Humph.) Night Search, 8vo. 1640-52. Bouch. Town. Heber, Roib. 31. Saunders's, 1818, 31. 15s. Sotheby's, 1818, 41. 14s. 6d. Bindley, 18J. 7s. 6d. resold (part 2 wanting frontisp.) 61. Milles et Amys, Roman de, fol. Par. Ve- rard, Roxb. Millet (Jac.) Hist, de la Destruction de Troye,4to. Par. s. d. Crofts. Milton's Poemsjirsted. 12mo. 1645. STAF. Paradise Lost,first ed. 4to. 1669. Bit. M. Eton, STAFF. Digby, Steev. Farmer, 11s. Ireland, 1801, It. 11s. 6d. Boscoe, 31. 7s. Stan, (with Par. Reg.) 41. 14s. 6d. Minshull's (Geo.) Essayes, 4to. 1638. Brand. Mirrour for Magistrates, 4to. first edition, Manhe, 1559, Steev. 31. Is. . , sec. ed. 4to. 1563, SYK'ES, Farmer, 14s. Roxb. 151. 5s. 6d. Steev. I/. 2s. Woodh. 41. 4s. . 1575. Far- mer, II. 10s. Town. 8/. 8s. Pearson, 1788, 11. 19s. Stan. 121. 12s. ,4to.l587.BoDL. -Rennie. , 4to. 1610. Bos- coe, 61. 6s. Eton. Mirrour of Princely Deeds, 2 vol. 4to. East and Aide. Pears. Mirrour of Princely Deedes and Knight- hood, 3 vol. 4to. 1598. Steev. Missals, MS. BR. M. CAMB.-ST. Jo. TF.IN. Roxb. Missale Augustine Ecclesise, SJEC. x. MS. BR. M. Missal in Gorman- French, xi. Cent. MS. fol. CAMB.-ST. Jo. Church of Toul, MS. BR. M. MissaRomana.Svo.MS.S^c.xiv.BLAyDF. Missa Romana, 3mo.MS. BLANDF. Miss At, the BEDFORD, Edw. BLANDF. Missal, Chas. Duke of Guise's, 4to. MS. DOUGL. Missel d'Angiers, MS. DOUGL. Missale Romanum Sherburn Missal, MS. Ssec. xiv. fol. * Gal. Mills, 1800. Missale quondam Henr. VII. Regis, MS. fol. Bridges. Missale Herbipolense, fol. (1481) vellum. Bodl Missal, executed by Franc. Veronese, fol. *Astle, 1816 Mr. Esdaile. Missale Romanum, Saec. xvi. fol. Wil- lett. Missal, the Medicean, MS. 1520. DOTJGL. Missale dictum Mozarabes, fol. ToUti, 1500. SPENC. Missale Eccles. Hereford. 8vo. Rothom. 1502, vellum. BODL. Missale Eccles. Eboracensis, fol. Ebor. 1516. * Late Dr. Ducarel. BODL. Missale in usum Sarum, fol. Pynson, 1520, vellum. BODL. Grf-St. Jo. Missale Romanum, in usum Eccl. Sarum, 8vo. Pa?-. 1539, vellum. ETON. Modestus de Re Militari, &c. E. P. 4to. Yen. 1474. BODL. K. Spenc. Modus (Le Roy) MS. 1380. DOUGL. , Livre du Roi, et la Royne Racio, Pr. Ed. fol. Chamb. 1486. K. BLANDF. * Monro, 1792. Modus et Ratio: de divine Contempla- tion, Verard, vellum. BR. M. Monasteries, Surrenders of, MS. WESTM. Money, Papers on, fol. Lansd. Monstrelet, (Eng.) Chronique, PR. ED. 3 torn. fol. Par. Verard. BR. M. Chroniques de France, &c. 2 vol. fol. GR. PAP. 1572, Stan- ley SYKES, Willett, Gulston, 41. 4s. Lord Peterborough, 1815, 2U. Monte Mayor (George) Obras de, 8vo. Anv. 1554. Heathc. Monte Sancto di Dio, PR. ED. fol. Flor. 1477. SPEXC. Sykes. Monte Santo di Dio, fol. Fir. 1491. ETON . Montfaucon (Bern.) Antiquit6 Explique, 15 vol. GR. P. Par. 1719-24. Heath, Devon, dups. 1815, 451. Montolieu, 1809, 591. 17s. Tou-n. 401. 19s. ; ' : Monuurens de la Mo- narchic Francoise, 5 vol. fol. Gr. P. Pur. 1729, Benuet, 1810, 431. Is. Devon daps. 1815, 34/. 10s. 645 INDEX. Montmorency (Phil. Bar. de) Deduction de 1'Innocence de, 8vo. 1579. DUB. Morant's (Phil.) Essex, 2 vol. fol. L. P 1768. Heath, Bennet, 1810, 22/. 10s Maddison, 1809, 18/. Willett, Woodh 12/. 12s. Moore's (Edw.) Fables, 8vo. L. P. with orig. drawings, 1744. Chaun. More's (Sir Tho.) Workes, fol. 1557 BATH, BECKF. GRENV. WILBR. Bridges Daly, 1792, 31. 19s. 7\d. Mason, 51 Town. 51. 7s. 6d. of the worship o ymages, fol. Eastall, 1529. GRENV. Morgan'ssphereofGentry,fol.l661. Brand Town. *Bryant, 1807, *Mr. Nassau. Morlini Novelle, 4to. Neap. 1520. Roxb Borromeo, 1817, 152. J5s. Morrisoni (Rob.) Plante, col. 2 vol. fol Ox. 1672, &c. HIBB. Archbp. of Sens. 1792, 391. 18s. Morukka, fol. a splendid oriental MS. fol. DOUGL. Moyen de Parvenir, 2 vol. 12mo. GR. P. 1757. Stan. Munday's (Ant.) Chrysanaleia, 4to. 1616. BATH. Munday's (Ant.) Mirrour of Mutabilitie, 4to. 1579. BATH, Pears. Mundini Anatomia, fol. Papue, 1478. BR.M. GLASG. Munting (Ab.) Herbal, in Dutch, 2 vol. fol. L. P. Leyde, 1696. DUB. Mnrray (Scoto-Britaine's) Tragicall Death of Sophonisba, a Poem, 8vo. 1611 Caelia, containing certaine Sonets. Bind- ley, 331. 12s. Murford's Fragmenta Poetica, or Miscel- lanies of Poetical Musings, 8vo. por- trait, 1650. Bindley, 20/. Musseus, Gr. Lat. 4to. Aldus, s. a. Spenc. vid. Gnomicorum Scriptores. Musei Imp. Petropol. res naturales et arti- ficiales, 6 vol. 8vo. Petrop. 1742-5. BANKS. Music, Collections of, MS. BR. M. Myrrour of the Worlde ; Grainayre, Re- thorryke, &c. fol. n. d. DENT, Allen. Myrrour and Dyscrypcyon of the Worlde, fol. 1527. Woodh. Mysteries, English, a Collection of, fol. MS. Town. Goldsmid, 1815, 157/. 10s. NORTH. Mysteries, Italian, a Collection of, "Z vol. 4to. Town . *Goldsmid, 1815. Hibb. 646 N. Nabbes's (Tho.) Plays, 2 vol. 4to. 1637. STAF. Nains, Theatre des, 4to. 1716. BECKF. Nanteuil (Rob.) Les Ouvrages de, 2 vol. fol. ETON. Naogeorgi (T.) Incendia, trag. Wit. 1538. Roxb. Narcissus from Ovid, translated, 4to. 1560. Reed, vid. Howell. Nash (Tho.) Anatomic of Absurditie, 4to. 1589. Reed, Hibb. Astrological Prognostications for, 1591, 4to. Reed. Christ's Tears over Jerusalem, 4to. 1613. Reed.Satmdm's, 1818,3*.3s. Have with you to Saffron Walden, 4to. 1596. Reed, 51. 12s. 6d. HEB. Saunders's, 1818 (a drawing of Nashe, MS. title) 8l. Have with you, &c. P. Pennilesse, and Lenten Stuffe," 1596-9. Steev. 31. 5s Lenten Stuffe, 4to. Farm. Letters and Sonnets,4to. Reed. Pasquil and Marforio, vid. Pasquil. Pierce Penilesse, 4to. 1592. Farm. : , 4to. 1595. Reed,ll. 6s. HEB. NORTH, Woodh.3l.6s. Pierce's Supererogation, 4to. 1593. Reed. Return of the Knight of the Poste, 4to. 1606. Reed. Summer's Will and Testa- ment, a Com. 1600. Pears. Smyt h, 1797, 17s. 6d. Roxb. 4,1. 4s. - Tracts, 4to. STAFF. Natalis (Hieron.) Adnotationes in Evan- gelia, fol. Ant. 1595. BECKF. Plates to, first imprs. 1593. Beckf. (Jer.) Meditations sur les Evan- giles, fol. MS. with Wierix's plates. HIBB. Navarre (Marg. Q. of) Godly Medy tacyon, 8vo. 1548. Tyssen, 1801. (Roi de) Poesies, GR. P. Par. 1742. Stan. Beckf. Nef. La, des Fols du Monde, fol. Par. 1497. GRENV. , 4to. Par. s. d. vellum. Hibb. Nelli (Giust.) Le amorose Novelle, 8vo. INDEX. WILBR. Borromeo, 1817, 61. 7s. 6d. Hibb. Nepos (C.) E. P. fol. Ven. 1471. BE. M. BODL. GLASG. DENT, HIBB. MARLB. PEMBR. WODH. K. Eton, Spenc. Sykes, Daly, 1792, 71. 19s. 3d. .Edwards, 1804, 41. 18s. Grafton, 1815, 13*. Paris, lOt. 15s. Pin, lit. Roxb. lit. 11s. Nettle for nice Noses, 4to. n. d. STAFF. , vid. Lodge. Neuf Preux, Triomphe de, fol. Par. 1507. Roxb. Newbery (Tbo.) Dives Pragmaticus, 4to. 1563. Roxb. Sykes. Newcastle (Duch.) Nature's Pictures, fol. 1656. * D. Bridgewater, 1802- Newcourt's (Rich.) Repertorium Eccle- siasticura, 2 vol. foL L. P. 1708. Town. New Custom^ Interl. 1573. Roxb. Newes from the North, 4to. 1579. Roxb. Newman's (Arth.) Pleasure's Vision, 8vo. 1619. Mason. * Saunders's, 1818. Pleasure's Vision with Desert's Complaint, -with a Dialogue of a Wo- man's Properties, 8vo. 1619. Bindley, 2 It. 10s. 6d. Night-Crowe, 4to. 1590. STAF. Brand, Ireland, 1801, It. 12s. Bindley. Roxb. Newspapers during the Grand Rebellion, 16 vol. 4to. Lansd. Newspapers and Gazettes, 1665-1703, 40 vol. fol. STAF. New Yere's Gift (Little Jefferie's) 12mo. Brand, Town. General Dowdfswell. Niccol's (Rich.) Monodia on Lady Honor Hay, &c. 8vo. 1615. Farm. Nice Wanton, Interl. 4to. 1560. Roxb. Nicephori Gregorae queedam incdita, fol. MS. DOUGL. Nicholay (N.) Navigations, Peregrina- tions, &c. 4to. 1585- NORTH. Les Navigations Peregrin. en Turquie, 4to. Anv. 1577. NORTH. Nicholes (Alex.) Discourse, of Marriage and Wiving, 4to. 1620. Gordon. Nichols's (Jo.) Hist, of Leicestershire, L. P. 8 vol. fol. 1795, &c. HOARE. Nider Preceptorium Divinae Legis, fol. E. P. Col. 1472. *Leigh's, 1814.10/.10S. Nim, Life of a Satyrical Puppy called, 8.vo. 1657. STAF. Mr. Nassau. Nizolius (Mar.) sive Thesaurus Cicero- uianusj 2yol. fol. Franc. 1613. 'Leigh's, 1811. Nodal Viage del, 4to. Modr.1621. BR. M. WILBR. Crofts, 51. 7s. 6d. Stan. 311. 10s. K . Eton. Nonius Marcellus de Proprietate Sermonis, E. P. fol. Rom. s. u. n. (circa 1470.) BODL. PEMBR. Spenc. , s. i. 1471. BODL. K. Spenc. ST. Jo. Spenc. -, fol. Ven. 1476. CAMB.- -,Ven. 1476,t*tturo. Edw. Devon. Norden's (Jo.) Cornwall, 4to.l728,veum. DENT, Bodl. Norfolk Drollery, 8vo. 1673. Gulst. Normandie, Croniques de, 4to. Rouen. Town. , Hist de Richard Due de,8vo. Por. Gulst. Northampton's (Earl of) Letters, MS. CAMB, UN. Northumberland Household Book, 8vo. 1770. HOARE, Brand, Heathcote, lOt. 15s. Beckf. Roxb. 61. Montolieu, 71. 12s. Steev. 51. vid. Percy. Notomberlan, Duca di, v. Inghilterra. Norton (Tho.) and Lord Buckhurst, Ferrex and Porrex, Trag. 12mo. Roxb. vid. Sackville. Nouvelles, Les Cents, fol. Par. 1505. Rose. , vid. Cent Nouvelles. IS f ovella di Lionora di Bardi, 4to. Triv. 1471. Borromeo, 1817, 6t. 7s. 6d. HEB. Novelle Otto, 4to. Land. 1790. Hunt. Paris, 8t. 10s. Roxb. 81. 18s. 6d. Steev. 91. 5$. -vellum. Spenc. Novelle Tre, 8vo. s. d. Borromeo, 1817, 7t. 105. HEB. Novelli, Drawings of Animals. HIBB. Numismata ex Barbadica gente, fol. Pad. 1732. Gulst. Nunez, Alv. Cubeca, 4to. VaUad. 1555. WILBR. Nunziata, S.S. Miracoli, 4to. BECKF. Nurimbergi Chron. vid. Schedel. O. O Campo (Flor.) Coronica de Espana, 4 vol. fol. Cord. 1553-86. MANCH. OcclevedeRegiminePrincipum,4to. MS. SJBC. xv. STAF. Office de la Vierge, MS. Paris. 47 INDEX. Office de la Vierge, ecrit par Jarry, MS. DENT. Officium, B. M. Virginis, 12mo. MS. BECKF. , 4to. MS. Paris, 109L 41. Eduartfa, 1804, 115/. 10*. SYIES. Officium Beate Virginis, MS. Sac. TVI. 12mo. Edw. NOBTH. , 8vo. Edw. Ogier le Danois, fol. Verard, s. d. rxllum. BB.M. Olearius (Paul) de fide Concubinarnm, 4to. s. . . Steer. Olina (Gio. Pet) Uccelliera, 4to. Rom. 1622. Stan. Beckf. Olivae Parallelum, foL 1656. BATH, Bridges, Town. General Dovdeacell. Oppianus, Gr. 8vo. ED. PB. Flar. 1515. Boot. , Gr. L. E. P. 8vo. Aid. 1517. BODL. Sykes. Oratores Graci Veteres, Gr. fol. Aid. 1513. BH. M. OiF.-C. CHB. Heath, Spenc. Orbini (Mauro) n Regno de gli Slavi, fol. Pa. 1601. DOB. BECKF. Ordinaire des Chrestiens, Verard, s. d. rcUttm. BB. M. OrdoinSynodo Herbipolensi. Ox r.-AuS. Orford (Earl of) Reminiscences, fol. Kith portraits, 1805. GRENV. Orleans (Due d") Pierres Gravees, 2 rol. foL GB. P. Par. 1780. BECKF. Stan. 48/. 6*. Talleyrand, 1816, 18f. 18*. Orioge de Sapience, fol. Verard, 1493, tfllnm. BB. M. HIBB. Ortne's (Rob.) History of Seragi, 8vo. * Wilkes, 1802, 5s. Ornithology, original drawings, a collec- tion of, 12 vol. fol. Woodford, 1809 DEKT. Orose (Paul) Hist de, 2 vol. fol. Verard, 1485. Lansd. Orosius (Paul) E. P. fol. Aug. 1471. BK. M. BODL. PEJJBR. ^Ic/wrn^, 1813, 267. STKES, if. Spenc. Talleyrand, 1816. 41. 11s. Orpheus, Gr. 4to. E. P. Jfor. 1500. BB.M. BODL. CAMB.-ST. Jo. Beckf. Spenc. WODH. Crofu, 51. Grafum, 1815, 991. Ortus Sauitatis, E. P. fol. JU^. 1491. Sotheby's (Treuttell) 1817. Singer, 1818, 2/. 10*. 648 Osullevani Hist. Ibemiae, 4to. Vliss. 1691 Lansd. Grem. Ortonaio (Giov. Bat.) Canzoni, 8vo. Fir. 1560. WILBB. Overburie (Sir Tho.) bis Vision, 1616- NoBTH* Ovidius, E. P. fol. Bon. 1471. GLASG. K. PEMBR. SPENC. Ovidii Opera, 2 vol. fol. Svxynh. et Pan. 1471. BODL. GLASG. K. PEMBR. Spenc. Ovidius, fol. Venet. 1474. CAMDR.-ST.JO. HIBB. K. Marlb. Spenc. Pin. * Devon, dups. 1815. Hebcr. , 3 vol. fol. Parma; 1477. Mason, Pin. Spenc. , * vol. fol. Medial. 1477. WODH. , 3 vol. 8vo. Aid. 1502-3. HIBB. , 3 vol. 8vo. Aid. 1502, vellum. SPEN. Paris. , Opera, 3 vol. 8vo. Ch. 31. Aid. 1533. WODH. Ovidius Burmanni, CH. M. 4 vol. 4to. Amtt. 1727. Heathc. D. of Norfolk, Daly, 1792, 111. 7s. 6d. Heath,36l. 15*. Stan. 381. 17s. Willett, 21/. 10s. , Ch. M. 4 vol. 4to. (vithorig. drawings) Amst. 1727. DENT. Ovidius Golding, 4to. 1567. SYKES. Grid, by Golding, 4to. 1612. STAF. Ovid's "Epistles, by Turbervile, 8vo. Woodh, Ovidii Metamorph. fol. s. u. n. (circa 1475) BODL. noib. 41. 4s. Hebcr, Spenc. Ovidii Metamorphos. 8vo. Aid. 1502. WODH. 8va Aid. 1516, itllum. BODL. fig. Cr. de Pass, 4to. Col. 16O7. Crofts. Oride les Metamorph. fig. de Picart, GH. P. Amst. 1732. Paris, Beckf. Stan. 26?. 5*. Metamorphosis translated, 4to. 1567. HIBB. Ovidii Trinm Pnellarum Liber, 4to. $.v.n. SPEV. Oviedo (Gone. Fern.) Istoria nat. de la Indias, fol. Tol. 1526. BANKS. tramlated by Eden, 4to. 15.55. BANKS. Oxford, Collections relating to the Univ. of, 27 vol. 4to. MS. Soc. ANT.' INDEX. Painter's Palace of Pleasure, 2 vol. 4to. 1566. DEV. SVKES, Stan, 301. Gold- tmid, 1815, 18J. 7s. 6d. , 2 vol. 4to. 1567-9. Farmer, 151. 15s. Steev. 81. 8s. , 2 vol. 4to. 1575. Roxb. SYKES, Chaun. , 2 vol. 4to. 1582. JERSEY. Palladio dell' Architettura. Ed. Or. fol. Yen. 1570. BB. M. BECKF. PEMBR. Palmerin de Oliva, 8vo. Fen. 1534. Stan. , translated, 4to. 1588. Reed. , translated, 4to. 1637. Stan. Steev. ll. 2s. * Goldsmid, 1815. Palmerin of England, 2 vol. 4to. T. Creede, &c. 1602-9. Steer. 21. , 1639. Eeed, 31. 5s. Stan. Goldsmid, 1815, 13/. 2s. 6d. Pamphlets, Historical and Political, 65 vol. 4to. * Montolieu, 1809. Panegyric! Veteres, 4to. s. a. BR. M. A'. Mar/6. Papers, MS. a Collection of, by Archbi- bishops Laud, Sheldon, &c. fol. MS. LAMB. Paradice of Dainty Devises, 4to. &c. 1600. Person, 9/. 19s. 6d. Steev. Paradyse of Daintie Devises, 4to. 1576. Farmer, 61. . 4to. 1580. Roxb. Rev. I. M. Pice. Paradise of daynty deuises, 4to. 1596. NORTH. Paraeneticorum Vet. Scriptores, 4to. 1604. GRENV. Parangon de Nouvclles, 12nio. Lyon, 1532. Stan. Paris (Mat)Historia Major, CH. M. 2 vol. fol. 1640. GREXV. HOARE, Montolieu, 1809, 61. 16s. 6d. Willett, 101. 15s. Paris et Viena, nobil. amanti, Hist de li, 4to. Tare. 1482. Roxb. DEVON. , Inamoramento de, 4to. Yen. 1511. Roxb. Blandf. Parkc (R.) Historic of China, 4to. 1588. NORTH. Parke's (Win.) Curtaine Drawer of the World, 4to. 1612. Reed, 4/. 5s. *Saun- ders's, 1818. Parker's (Martin) Blind Man's Bough, &c. 4to. 1641. Sounders'*, 1818, 81. Legend of Sir Leonard Lack wit, 12mo. 1635. Gordon. Nightingale, 8vo. 1632. * Sauuders's, 1818. (Mat) de Antiquitate Eccleske Britan. fol. Land. Jo. Day, 1572. Ba. M. BODL. LAMB. CAME. BEN. SYKES- West, 1773, 21. 2s. Tutet, 1786, 41. 4s. Bindley, 451. 3s. G. Watson Taylor, Esq. 157*, with the Archbishop's MS. corrections. ETON. Psalter, 4to. /. Day. BODL. CANT. GBENV. Farmer, 3/. 6s. Parkhursti (Jo.) Lndicra,4to. /. Day. 1573. SYKES, Farmer, 5s. 6d. Parrot (Hen.) Laquei ridiculosi, 8vq. 1613. Brand, Steev. Woodh. Pearson, 4s. 6d. Parry (Tho.) Cofferer to Elizabeth, Ac- counts of, fol. MS. *Brander, 1790. Partridge's (Jo.) Hystorie of Astlanax and Polixena, 8vo. 1566. Reed. Pasquil and Marforius, 4to. 1589. STAF. Reed, 31. Is. Pasqaill's Jests, 4to. 1604. Pears. Pasquiliorum toiui duo, 8vo. Eleuth. (Bas.) 1544. BATH, HIBB. Beckf. Rose. 81. 2. 6d. Stan. 11L 11*. Pastime of Pleasure, rid. Hawes (S.) and Worde (W.) Paterculus (Vel.) E. P. fol. Bos. 1520. WODH. Roscoe, 71. Roib. SL 6s. Paterson's Drawings of Animals and Plants, 3 vol. fol. *Earl of Gainsbo- rough, 1813. SirRobt. Heron. Patient Grisell, Com. 4to. 1603. Roxb, *G. Smyth, 1797. Patrick (St.) Glorious Life of, 4to. St. Omers, 1625. Bindley, 131. 13s. Hib- Patritn (Lnd.) Itin. Ethiopia, &c. fol. Medial. 1511. GEENV. 'Sotheby's, 1818 Hibb. Pauli (S.) Epistolas, 12mo. MS. BECKF. Gr. MS. DOUGL. Paules Church, the Burnynge of, in 1561, 8vo. printed by Seres. "Town. Becty. Pausanias, Gr. E. P. fol. Aid. 1516. BR. M. BODL. BATH, Beckf. HIBB. Heath, 41. 10s. Roscoe, 21. 12s. 6d. Spenc. Sykes. 649 INDEX. Peacham's (H.) British Minerva, &c. 4to 1612. Pears. Roxb. Pecke (Tho.) Parnassi Puerperium, 8vo, 1659. * Sotheby's, 1817. 600 Epigrams, 12mo. 1659. * Lloyd, 1816. Peele's (Geo.) Edward I. a Play, 4to. 1593. Mason. . , 1599. Smyth, 1797, ILL 12s. 6d. Roxb. 31. 15s. Merrie Jests, 4to. Brand. _ , 4to. 1607. Pears. , 4to. 1627. Roxb. Gordon, 61. Mr. Rennie. Pageant before Wolstone Dixie, 1585. Farm. Old Plays, 4to. 1595. STAF. Old Wive's Tale, Com. 4to. 1595. Dr. Wright, 1787, 51. 7s. 6d. Steev. 12/. Roxb. K. Polyhymnia, 1590. Pears. Pelerinage, Le, de la Vie humaine, fol. MS. xv. SIEC. DOUGL. Pellham's (Edw.) miraculous preservation of, 4to. 1631. Woodh. Pembroke's (Wm. Earl of) Poems, 8vo. 1660. NORTH, STAFF. Smyth, 1797, 12s. Reed, 21. 4*. Bindley, 91. Pembroke's (Countess) Works, 8 vo. 1595. Mason. Antorue.trag. 12mo. 1595. Roxb. Woodh. 51. 5s. Saun- ders's, 1818,61. 15s. Bindley, 8l.lOs. 6d. Pembrokeshire, Visitation of, fol. MS. MANCH. Pennant's (T.) London, with add. plates, &c. in 14 vol. fol. BE. M. (Thos.) History of London, il- lustrated. 16 vol. fol. NORTH. Pentateuchum Hebraicum, 3 vol. MS. MANCH. Perceforest, Histoire du Roy, 3 vol. fol. Par. HIBB. , 1528. Crofts, Roxb. Perceval le Galloys, Roman, fol. Par. 1530. Roxb. Percy (Hen. E. of Northumb.) Houshold Book, 1770, illustrated, in 3 vol. fol. *Burrell, 1796. vid. Northumberland. Peri (Gio. Dom.) Fiesole Distrutta, 4to. Fir. 1619. WILBR. 650 Peri (Gio. Dom.) Fiesole Distrutta, 4to. fir. 1621. Rose. Monro, 1792, 15s. Periers (Bon.) Nouvelles Recreations, 4to. Lyon, 1561. Crofts. Persius, vid. Juvenalis. Pescatore (Giov.) La Morte di Ruggiero, 4to. Yen. 1549. Hunt. Peters' (Hugh) England's Shame, 12mo. 1663. Brand. Tales and Jests, 1660. Brand. Petite Palace of Pettie's Pleasure, 4to. n. d. JERSEY. _, 4to . 1613. Gordon, 51. 18s. Petrarca, II Canzoniere, MS. K. Petrarca Sonetti, &c. a superb MS. fol. BECKF. Petrarcha, MS. 4to. Crofts. Petrarca (Fr.) P. E. fol. V. deSpira, 1470. K. SPENC. WODH. Devon, dups. 1815, 27/. 16s. 6d. Pin. 27i. 6s. Willett, 522. 10s. Rose. Singer, 1818^311. 10s. vellum, K. MARLB. Pat. 1472. MARLB. K. Paris, 141. Spenc. Petrarca, &c. fol. Rom. 1473. BUTE, K. , fol. Yen. Jenson, 1473. PEMBR. K. Marlb* Spenc. Singer, 1818, 71. 17s. 6d. fol. 2V. Jenson, 1473, vellum. HIBI , fol. Bos. 1474. Sp&ic. Evans's, 1816, 171. , fol. Ven. 1478. WILBR. WODH. K. , on vellum, 8vo. Aldo. 1501. BR. M. K. GRENV. SPENC. Dr. Mead, 1755, 31. 3s. Paris, 511. 9s. -, 8vo. Aldo, 1514, vellum. K. BECKF. , 8vo. $. I. 1514, vellum. Paris Devon. , Aldo, 521, vellum. SYKES. , 12mo. Ven. 1523, vellum. Pin. , 18mo. Rovilio, 1574. Stan. , Triompho dell' Amore, 4to. ed. ant. vellum. WILBR. Devon. Petrarque, Triomphes de, 12mo. Par. 1538. Rose. , Remcdes de la bonne et ad- verse fortune, 2 vol. fol. MS. RUTL. Petronius, 4to. Ven. 1499. BODU K. Spenc. INDEX. '''Petronylla, Lyfe of a Virgin callyd, Pi/n- son, Town. Harm Tooke, 1813, 61. 2s. 6d. Heber. Peyton's Glasse of Time, a Poem, cuts, 8vo. 1620. Bindley, 19/. 5s.~Rev. I. M. Rice. Phaedrus, E. P. 12mo. Aug. Tricass. 1596. BODL. Phoenix Nest by R. S. 4to. 1593. Farm. Phalaris, E. P. 4to. s. u. n. BODL. Spenc. , Lat. 4to. Oion. 1485. Willett SPENC. Phavorini (V.) Thesaurus Linguae Graecas, fol. Yen. 1712. Goss. Heath, 14/. 3s. 6d. Philelphi (Fr.) Epistolse, fol. Yen. 1502 (Grollier copy.) DENT. . Satyrse, fol. Med. 1476. MA RLE. Rose. Roxb. K. Spenc. Devon. dups. 1815, 9/. Singer, 1818, 4/. Is. Phillips's Voyages to Greenland, 4to. 1609. Steev. 51. 12*. 6d. Stan. John Mibier, Esq. Philopater Irenaeus Vindiciae Cathol. Hi. bernife, 12mo. Par. 1650. Gordon. Philostratus.Gr. Lat. E. P. fol. Aid. 1501. BR. M. Sykes. , Ch. M. BECKF. et Callistratus, Gr. E. P. Flor. 1517. BODL. Photii Bibliotheca, 2 vol. MS. BR. M. Phylippe (of Spayne) Marriage of to Q. Mary, 12mo. n. d. BLANDF. Pici (I. F.) Mirandula de Auro, 4to. Yen. 1586. BECKF. Pierce, vid\ Plowman. Pierre de Provence et la Belle Maguel- lone, fol. Lyon, Roxb. Spenc. Piers I playne Piers, &c. 8vo. Steev. 21. 12s. 6J. Woodh. Pigafetta (Ant) Viaggio di, P. E. 4to. 1.536. Stun. 171. 17s. HEB. Pii II. Epistohe, fol. 1473. SYKES. ,4to. Medial. 1481. BR. M. K. Mar/6, vid. ./En. Sylvius. Historia de Eurialo et Lucretia, 4to. s. a. BR. M. Pilgrhnes, discourse of the Travayles of two, (by H. Timberlake) 1608. XORTH. 1631. Gordon, 3l. 3s. Pimlyco, or Runne Red Cap, a Poem, 4to. 1609. Roxb. Pindarus, &c. Gr. E. P. 8vo. Aid. 1513. BODL. Svkps, vellum. SPENC. Pindarus, Gr. 4to. Horn. 1515. BODL. -, Gr. Lat. West. C. M. fol. O.r<>. 1697. D. Grafton, 1815. Beckf. Daly, 1792, 12*. 10s. Heathcote, 21i. Pindar, MS. by Thomassin. BR. M. Finder of Wakefield, History of George a-Greene, 4to, 1632. Gordon. Piranesi (J. Bap. et Ch. Fr.) Opere, 16 vol. fol. Rom. 1756, &c. Paris, 72/. 9s. *Talleyrand, 1816. Mr. Watson Taylor. Piscatoris(i. e. Fisher) Poemata, fol. Lond. 1656. STAF. Plaister for a Galled Horse, 4to. 1548. HEB. Brand. Plants, Drawings of, 17 vol. fol. BLANDF. by native Indians, 12 vol. fol. BLANDF. Platina de Vitis Pontificum, E. P. fol. Yen. 1479. BODL. K. Pembr. Spenc. Plato, E. P. 2 vol. fol. Aid. 1513. BR. M. BODL. CAMB.-ST. Jo. OxF.-C. CHR. BATH, DENT, GRENV. Heath, 251. 10s. HEB. Mason, 1798, 51. 15s. 6d. Eton, Spenc. Sykes, Grafton, 1815, 61. 10s. Sedgu-ick, 1811, 12i. 5s. Pin. 31. 5s. Roscoe, bl. 7s. 6d. Willett, 14i. 14s. CH. MAG. Bridges. , Gr. E. P. 2 vol. fol. Aid. 1513, vellum. Askew, 1775, 55i. 13s.; GLASG. We&lm. (impt.) -, Gr. L. Serrani, 3 vol. C. M. fol. H. Steph. 1578. K. DENT, GRENV. Steev. 91. 14s. Plautus, E. P. fol. V. Spira, 1472. B R .M. BODL. CAMB.-ST. Jo. Oxr.-C. CHR. HIBB.MARLB. PEMBR.WoDH.KSpenc. Mason, 17/. 17s. Pin. 361. Willett, 21i. co. P. Junta, 1514, vellum. Consul Smith, 1773, 23/. 15s. K. Lambini, CH. M. fol. Par. 1587. Heathc. Plays, Old, avolumeof.4to.1587. JERSEY. , Dodsley's Collection, L. P. 12 vol. 8vo. 1780. Heathc. Dent, Grafton, 1815, Hi. 15s. Reed, lO/.ljs. Steev. 12i. 12s. Woodh. 141. 14s. Plays, or Enterludes, 4to. 1568. STAF. , English, Latin, and Italian, 1589- 1664. STAF. .., original Papers of the Plot of, Steev. Playes, Stage, overthrow of,&c. 4to. 1599. Reed. Pleasaunt Dialogue between the Cap and the Head, I2mo. 1565. STAF. 4 o INDFX. Plinii Epistolae, E. P. fol. s. I. 1471. BR. M. BODL. MARLB. PEMBR. A'. Spenc. Graf ton, 1815, 2U __ Lord Clive. Plinii Historia Naturalis, fol. MS. Sax. xi. , E. P. Jo. Spira, 1469. BR. M. BODI. GLASG. K. BANKS, DEV. MARLB. PEMBR. SYKES, Speiic. Askew, 1775, 431. Daly, 1792, 361. 15s. Devon, dups. 1815, 32/. Grafton, 1815, 40L 19s. Roxb.351. 14s. TreutteU, 1817, 42/. , Rom. 1470. MARLB. PEMBR. ,fol.Rom. Sweynh. et Pan. 1470, vellum. SPEN. -, Jenson, 1472. Pin. Edwards, 1804, 10/. Mason. 8/. Paris, 15/. 10s. Eoscoe, 61. 15s. IFi/ktt, lOi. 10s. Mar/6. Pembr. Spenc. fol. N. Jenson, 1472, txUum. K. DEV. Chaun. Plinio Hist. Nat. da Landino, fol. Yen. Jenson, 1476. Pembr. Pin. Roscoe, 41. 14s. 6d. Roxb. 61. 12s. 6d. , vellum. CAMB. UN. Spenc. Plinii Hist. Nat. Harduini, 3 vol. fol. Paris, 1723. vellum. * Pellet, 1744. Askew, 1775, 421. Plinius de Viris Illustrious, 4to. Ven. 1477. HIBB. Plotinns Fkini, E. P. fol. Flor. 1492. Willftt, 81. 8s. Rose. K. Mar/6. Spenc. Plowman, Pierce, Vision of, 4to._/irs ed. 1550. BODL. BATH, Eton, JERSEY, SPENC, SYKES, Bern. Crofts, Digby, Farmer, 8s. Heath, I/. 14s. Mason, SI. Us.Heber, Reed, 3/. 13s. Plowman Vision, jirsted. vellum. GRENV. SPENC. Plowman, P. Vision, MS. AWes^to. 1550. * Ritson, 1803. , 4to. 1561. JERSEY, SYKES, WILBR. Farmer, 16s. and Crede, 8vo. 1561. Rose. Plutarchi Opuscula, Gr. E. P. 2 vol. fol. Aid. vellum, 1509. BH. M. Plutarchi Vitae, Lat. E. P. Rom. (circa 1470.) BODL. GLASG. MANCH. K. MAHLB. Spenc. WODH. Pin. 21f. , Lat 2 vol. fol. Ven. Jenson, 1478. MANCH. K Devon. Spew. 652 Plutarchi Vitae, 2 torn. fol. ivllum. Ven. K. Jenson, 1478. DUB. Pococke's (R.) Description of the East, 3 vol. fol. L. P. 1743. Heath. Poems, a collection of, by Peacham, Barnes, &c. 4to. 1595-1623. Roxb. with Music, fol. 1603, &c. Boucli. , a Piteous Platforme, &c. 8vo. Reed. Poesie, Essayes of a Prentise in, 4to. Edinb. Pears, vid. Essayes. in the art of, 4to. Edinb. 1584. Bindley, 261. 5s. Poetae Christiani, 4 vol. 4to. Aid. 1501-4. GRENV. Rose. Spenc. Graeci principes, H. Stephani, fol. 1566, CH. M. Spenc. Dr. Mead, 1755, 71. 10s. tres de Venatione, &c. 8vo. Aldus, 1534, veUum. Pin. Spenc. Poggii Facetia:, E. P. 4to. Steev. A'. , 4to. f. u. n. Roxb. (F.) Facetiae, fol. (circa 1470,) BR. M. GLASC. K. Ferr. 1471. WODH. Crofts. fol. Loi\ 1475. WODH. Poggii Facetiae, fol. Nuremb. 1475.WiLBR. Chaun. ValdarJ'er, 1477. WODHJ K Mar/6. Poggii Facetie, 4to. Med. 1481. Crofts, Stan. Poliphili Hypnerotomachia,fol. Aid. 1499 (Cro;at copy.) BEXIKF. A. Pembr. Spenc. Sykes, Hunter, 131. Roib. 61. Singer, 1818, 14/. 14. Willett, 19/. 10s. , fol. Aid. 1499, vellum. DEV. Ptnc//i, 27/. 6s. , fol. Vineg. 1545. Bern. Poliphilus's Strife of Love, 4to. 1592. BATH. Politiani Opera, fol. Aid. 1498. BR. M. HIBB. PEMBR. K. Bath, Eeckf. Spenc. Sykes, Bern. Pin. 8/. 8s. Roscoe, 71. Steev. 91. 9s. Mr. Isted. , CH. M. Bridges. Politianus, fol. Bos. 1553. GRENV. Politiano (Ang.) Stanze per la giostra di Giuliano de' Med. 8vo. Fir. 1513. HIBB. Rose. Political State of Great Britain, 60 vol. 8vo. 1718. Heath. Polo (G. Gil.) Diana Enarnorada, 12mo. Par. 1611. Stan. Devon. INDEX. Polo (Marco) maravigHose Cose del Mondo, 8vo. Ven. s. a. GRENV. Polybius, Lat. E. P. fol. Sweynh. et Pan. 1473. BODL. K. Spenc. Pompeius Festus, fol. E. P. Medial. 1471, K. MA RLE. PEMBR. Spenc. , fol. Rom. 1475. BODL. K. Sykes. Ponteficale di Innocentio IV. MS. S*c. xiu. Town. HIBB. Pontificale Innocentii IV. MS. Saec. xiv. Town. Pontificale Romanum, fol. MS. Roxb. Pope's Bulls, MS. WESTM. Popish Kingdome, or Reigne of Anti- Christ, 4to. 1570. Brand. Porteri (Fr.) Annales Ecclesise Hib. 4to. Eom. 1690. GRENV. Porter's (H.) Plays, 2 vol. 4to. 1599. STAF. (Hen.) Angrie Women of Abing- don, 4to. 1599. Mason, Peats. Portolano Navigat. in diverse parte del Mondo, 4to. Ven. 1490. BECKF. Porto (L.) Istoria di due Nobili Amanti (Romeo e Giulietta) 8vo. Ven. s. a. Bor- romeo, 1817, 15/. Rev. Hoi. Cam (L. da) Rime e Prosa, 8vo. Ven. 1539. Pin. * Strange, 1801. Portraits, British, a Collection of, 11 vol. fol. ETON. Portraits of K. Charles I. and Family, 4to. STAF. of Criminals, fol. Roxb. Postellus(Gul.) de Antiquitate Hebr. Ling. &c. 4to. Par. 1538. BR. M. Postell (Guil.)victoiresdes femmes, 16mo. Par. 1553. BR. M. Mason, 1798, 91. 12s. 6d. de la Loi Salique, ISmo. Par. 1552. BR. M. Pastilles Les, fol. Troyes, 1492. OXF.- ST. Jo. Powell's (Dav.) History of Wales, 4to. 1584. Heath, 71. Heathcote, 61. 11s. E. King, 1808, 71. 12s. 6d. Woodh. 31. 13s. 6 by Wickliffe, in English, 4to. MS. OTi vellum, Brander, 1790, Mr. Douce ; purchased at Rawlinson's Sale, by Sir P. Thompson for4i. , 4to. Jugge, 1550. *Mr. Slaney. 663 INDEX. Testament, New, 12rao. W. let. *Mr. Sla- ney. Testament, K.Edw. VI. 4to. 155*. Brand. Tewrdannoth Poema, fol. Norimb. 1517. MANGII. HIBB. Leigh's, 1814, 171. Tal- Ieyrand,1816,16l.l6s. TFt**ett,14J. Tewrdanncth Poema, fol. Norimb. 1517, velhim. GLASG. SPINC. Dr. Mead, 1755, 91. 9s. Askew, 1775, 21*. Town. (impt.) Sotheby's, 1818, 84*. Theatrum Crudelitatum Hereticorum, 4to. Antv. 1592. Crofts, Beckf. Themistius, C. M. fol. Aldus, 1534. Pin. Themistii Orationes, Gr. Lat. CH. M. fol. Par. 1684. Heathc. Themylthorpe, Posie of Godly Prayers, 12mo. 1659. STAF. Theocriti Idyll, et Hesiodus, Gr. E. P. 4to. s. M. n. (Medial, circa 1493) BODL. Pin. 311. 105. Spenc. - , Gr. E. P. fol. Aid. 1495. BE. M. BODL. CAMB.-ST. Jo. OXF.- ALL S. DOCOL. HIBB. K. Eton, MarU>. Pembr. Spenc. Sykes, Devon, dups. 1815, 61. Grafton, 1815, 10*. Pin. 111. Sebnght, 1807, 101. 10. Willett, 12*. Opera, Gr. E. P. cum schol. 8vo. Rom. 1516. BODL. Theophrastus Jo. Wilkes rec. 4to. Land. 1790, vellum. SPEN. Bindley, > : m