LUDUS PATRONYMICUS; THE ETYMOLOGY OF COKIOUS SURNAMES. LUDUS PATEONYMICUS; THE ETYMOLOGY OF CUBIOUS SUBNAMES. BY RICHARD STEPHEN CHARNOCK^ PH. DR., F.S.A., F.R.G.S., &c. " Xomen, Numen." Naso in Ciceronetn LONDON : TROBNER & CO., 60, PATERNOSTER ROW. 1868. I'HIXTEU BY CHAUI.EP JONES, WEST HARDING ST11KKT. TO IAKK ANTONY LOWEB, 1LA,, P.S.A., of Jafnrapica gritaunica, THIS WORK IS DEDICATED BY A FELLOW-LABOURER IN THE FIELD OF ETYMOLOGICAL RESEARCH. CONTENTS. PAOE AVANT-COURIER ix LUDUS PATRONYMICUS A SELECT LIST OF PECULIAR SURNAMES, ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY 145 AVANT-COURIER. THE custom of giving nicknames has been common to all nations ; but we have many curious surnames that are not nicknames at all. In England and Wales alone the number of names that might be termed odd or curious would scarcely be credited, without first perusing the Registrar- General's List of Peculiar Surnames.* I once showed this List to my etymological friend, Aretchid Kooez, who forth- with sat down, and struck off some passages of his Life in what he calls Patronymic Language. f Gentle and Simple Readers must accept this in part payment of a preface. My quaint friend begins thus : I Wass J Born In Summersett, Hon a Monday, In July, Hat an Early Hour of the Morning, Howlong Back I Forget; Butt Long since the Diet of Worms And the Battle of Waterloo. Thayer Wass a Comet Hat the Time [Good Hor Bad Omen?']. My Father Wass a Weaver And Had a Pretty Wife, Hoo Had a Small Foot And Hand, And wore Herr Hone Hair. Thaer Ware Six Children, Arfin Boys, Arfin Girls (Blond * Selected from the Indexes of Births registered in the quarter ending 31st March, 1831, and of Deaths registered in the corresponding quarter of 1853. f I shrewdly suspect that friend Kooez must have also dived into Bowditch's work on American Names. J All the words in Italics are found as surnames. X AVANT-COURIER. And Dark). I Had Ten Cousins, Many Uncles, And Lots of Quaintances. My Daddy Wass a Jolly Fellow, Wass " fond of His Friend And Bottle And Got Mellow ;" And, Twice Making His Last Will And Test, Dyde Worth a Plum. One Uncle Wass a Great Tippler And Dyde of Dropsie; a Second a Gamester, a Third a Devil of a Rake. My Father Wass a Jew, One Brother a Morman ; the Rest Ether Turks Hor Pagans, And Ure Humble Servant a Christian. My Elder Brother Wass a Tidy Pecker, And (Honour Bright) didn't Drink Water, I Can Tell You. Just Look Hat His Bill of Fare for Fruhstuch {Breake Fast}, Tiffin, i. e. Lunch, And Dinner. Friihstuck. Tea, Coffee (Au Lait) With Milk, Coldham, Hotham t Eggs And Bacon, Herrings, Haddock, Muffins, Rolls, Bread And Butter, And a Segar. Lunch. Bitters, Cheese, Butter, Bread, Ham And Chicken, Ale, Porter, Stout, Sherry, Ceider, And a Pipe. Dinner. [Grace Beevor Meals.'] Pea Soup, Mulloy Kit Tauney, Gravy, Turtle, Hare, Pheasant, Spring, Westerjield White. Salmon, Turbot Au Bechamel, Codd And Oyster Sauce, Soles, Skate, Smelts, Sprats, White Bate, Trout in Wine, Plaice, Sturgeon, Grey Mullet With Caper Sauce, W hi tiny, Perch, Carp, Jack, Eels. AVANT-COURIER. XI Roast Beef And Batter Pudding, Mutton With Onion Sauce On" Capers, Lamb, Veal, Hogsflesh And Apple Sauce, With Cabbages, Greens, Carrots, French Beans, Spinnage, Cow Cumbers, Marrows, Kail, And Peas. Rabbit, Hare, Leveret, Partridge, Pheasant, Quail, Teal, Snipe, Woodcock, Grouse, Goose, Duck, Duckling, And a Curry of Fowl. Jellies, Custards, Ices, Tarts, Seftons, Lemon Pudding, Pies, Apple Charlotte, And Plenty of Sweets. Sallade of Mustard And Cress, Lettice With a Clew of Garlick. Nuts, Oranges, Olives, Filberts, Apples, Pears, Normandy Pippins, Almonds And Raisins, Plums, Cherries^ Dates, Currants, Melons With Sugar Hor Salt. Sherry, Port (Curius Old), Champagne (Clicquot) Ma- deira, Hock, Claret, Cape, Beaune, St. George. My Wife His a Darling, Such a Duck of a Spouse, Butt Hon my Soul, How Much Does Not the Slybody Cost Mee for Herr Wardrobe ! Ive to Pay for Beads, Ribbons, Robes, Tapes, Tiffany, Cotton, Silks, Cashmeres. By the Dickens ! Hat Christmas, Hime Prest Like a Lemon for Bonnet, Gown, Shawl, Scarf, Sash, Spencer, Cape, Plume And Feathers ; And Every Winter for a Muff, Tippet. And Furss, And a Cloak With a Hood ; And Now And Then for Pearls, Rubies, Emeralds, And Diamonds. Heavens ! Hime Not Ugly, tho' Tall, And my Head Small; Hime Thin, Slim, And Rather Smallbyhynd. My Skin His Dark [With a Mole Hon my Cheek'], Beard And Whiskers Black, Eyes Brown, Face Round, Neck Short, Skull Thick. My Arm His Slight, my Hand Nothard, Butt my Fist Can Plant a Xll AVANT-COURIER. Good Blow. The Hair Hon my Noddle His Grey, Butt my Knee His Not Bent, my Ear Still Sharp. Summ Call Mee Longfellow, Others (Sans liaison), Greathead. My Heart His In the Right Place, Yet Not Hon the Dexter Side. In the Early Part of my Life I Wass a Weakly Chap, And Had a Deal of Maladies ; Such as Ague, Boils, Fever, Fits, Hic- cups, Cramp, Piles, Rash, Rickets, And Once Had a Piwple Hon my Nose, a Bump Hon my Head, a Whitlow Hon my Finger, And Bunyans And Corns Hon my Foot, By Gum ! \_Physick to the Catts ; Heal Ewer Self, Master Pills]. Ive a Fancy for Music, Love Harmony And Melody, Sing Both Treble And Bass, And Carol Like a Bird. Bugle- horn, Drum, Fiddle, Fife, Harp, Horn, Organ, Hor Tabor, Ar Aul One to Mee.* Ive Been a Great Fisher Man, Butt Summ How Hor Other, I Always Ketch Cold in the Boat [Rather Hard Lines'] ; I Like Rowin, Butt Manage Rudder Better Then Oar Hor Skull. Ive Noe Love for the Chase ; I Cant Jump Hedges And Ditches. Why Breake Neck, Legg, Arms, Hor Shoulder Why Knock Down Wheat, Barley, Oats, Ore Even Tares? [Fow Cant Always Cure the Scarlet Fever. If You Doe Get Hit, Keep Upp Strength And Spirits, Tak Of Blankets, And Hope the Windows']. Hime a Great Smoker [Cant I Blow & Cloud!] ; Many a Pipe Daily ; Near a Pound of Bird's Eye, Shagg, Hor Returns Every Week. Hon Sunday I Tak my Segar, Hor, as Shum Would' have Hit, Weed. Ive Been a Great Traveller, And Such & Walker / Ive Trodden Many Lands, And Wass Once a Pilgrim to Calvary, Galilee, Nazareth, Jordan, Jerusalem, And Gath, I once heard Kooez sing " Hime a Homer, 1 ' the " Rover His Free, 1 ' and "Home, Sweet Home." AVANT-COURIER. Xlll without Firman Hor Pass Port. By Jove ! the Weather Does Not Stop Mee ; Hit His Aid the Same ; Fineweather, Fairweather, Merryweather, Even Foulweather. I Delight In Tempest, Snow, Storm, Rain, Shower, Hail, Thaw, Sleet, Frost, Dew, Wind, Fog, Mist, Gale. I Wass Always Parshall to Gambling, And Wass Clever, And Had Luck, Hat Hazard, Faro, Skittles, Billiards, Dice, Chess, Butt Wass Not Once a Prigg Hor Swindler. By the Bye, a Short Time Back, I Had a Law Suit Hat Westminster, lion Circuit, Hor Hat Sessions {Forget Witch~] ; Butt Grant You May have a Just Cause, the Best Counsell [And Pay a Heavy Fee~], a Good Jury [Not a Common Jury~], And a Learned Judge, Hit Does Not Always Folio You Get Justice [Wat Quirks And Tricks /*]. If Hit Goes Agin You, Wait Till Term, And Try for a Rule Nice Eye, Hon Motion, Ore File a Bill ; Darn, the CW/f I Once Went to Church, And the Parson, In His Sermon, Said, if One Wass Just, Had Faith And Trust In the Gospel, And Wass a Truman, In the Camming World, i. e., Paradise, Hor Kingdom of Heaven, One Might Bee a Perfect Man ( Watt Bliss /) ; Butt if One Wass a Badman, after Getting Of Our Mortal Coil, Thayer Wass a Good Chance of Going to the Devil. Cant Say Hime a Croker, Butt Death, Coffins, Churchyards, Graves, Toombs And Monuments Air By Noe Means Pleasant Things. Amen, Goodby, Farewell, Byby. * "We certainly have Our Law of Many Colours and sorts ; as Black- law, irhitdaw, Brownlaw, Greenlaiv, Shillinglaw, Softlaw. f When I got thus far, I exclaimed, in Lingua Patronymica, Fie, Prow Pudor ! But on looking at the orthography and punctuation, I became satisfied that our autobiographer had merely made use of the French peasants' common exclamation, Dame = Bless me ! XIV AVANT-COURIER. Now, although some of the above surnames really mean what they appear to mean, very many of them, like most of those to be found in the body of the present work, are gross corruptions, and the only way to account for their present form is that there is (as Mr. Ferguson justly observes) a tendency to corrupt towards a meaning. Thus Pettycot will easily become Pettycoat; Eyvile Evil; Frick Freak; Hanaper Hamper ; Lepard Leopard; Manley Manly ; Hugh Hue; Sigar Segar ; Bradford Broadfoot ; Kirkbride Cake- bread; Playford Playfoot, &c. &c. It struck me that a small work on the subject might be acceptable just now, the more especially as it would enable those burdened with objectionable names, instead of assuming others, to discover the proper orthography of their own names. Thus few would probably change their name from Buggin or Simper to Smith, if they thought they were justified in writing Bacon and St. Pierre. The same might be said of such names as Death, Dearth, and Diaper, from D'Aeth, D'Arth, and D'Ypres respectively. Of course some of the suggested derivations are but reasonable guesses; but good guesses are better than none at all, and may often lead to the truth. The title of the work, LUDUS PATRONYMICUS, was suggested by my friend, the Rev. S. F. Creswell, M.A., Head Master of Dartford Grammar School, Kent, and late Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge, who likewise baptized my VERBA NOMINALIA. R. S. C. GRAY'S Ixx SQUARE, January, 1863. WORKS CONSULTED. Names, Surnames, and Nicknames of the Anglo-Saxons, by J. M. Kemble. London, 1846. Codex Diplomaticus Aevi Saxonici, by J. M. Kemble. London, 1847. Northern Mythology, by B. Thorpe. London, 1851. Grimm's Deutsche Mythologie. Third Edition. Gottin- gen, 1854. Forstemann's Altdeutsches Namenbuch. Nordhausen, 1 856. Outzen's Glossarium der Friesischen Sprache. Copenhagen, 1.837. Pott's Personennamen, insbesondere die Familiennamen, und ihre Entstehungsarten, &c. Leipzig, 1853. Island's Landnamabok, hoc est Liber Originum. Islandiae, Copenhagen, 1774. Worsaae's Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland. London, 1852. Ueber Deutsche Vornamen und Geschlechts-namen von Tileman Dothias Wiarda. 8vo. Berlin und Stettin, 1800. Vergleichendes etymologisches Worterbuch der gothisch teutonischen Mundarten, von Heinrich Meidinger. 4to. Francf., 1833. Bosworth's Origin of the English and Germanic Languages and Nations. London, 1848. Latham's Ethnology of the British Islands. London, 1852. XVI WORKS CONSULTED. Glossarium Germanicura, by J. G. Wachter. Leipzig, 1737. V English Etymologies, by H. Fox Talbot. London, 1847. Camden's Remains concerning Britain. Verstegan's Restitution of Decayed Intelligence in Anti- quities concerning our Nation, 1605. A Dissertation of the Names of Persons, by J. H. Brady. 1822. Remarks on the Antiquity and Introduction of Surnames into England, Archa3ologia, vol. xviii. pp. 1 057. Gentleman's Magazine, 1772. Edinburgh Review for April, 1860. Patronomatology, an Essay on the Philosophy of Surnames, by Rev. C. W. Bradley, M.A. 8vo. Baltimore, U.S. Essay on Family Nomenclature, by M. A. Lower, M.A., F.S.A. London, 1849. y- Patronymica Britannica, a Dictionary of the Family Names of the United Kingdom, by M. A. Lower. London, 18o9. English Surnames and their place in the Teutonic Family, by Robert Ferguson. London and York, 1858. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Northern Antiquaries. Suffolk Surnames, by N. I. Bowditch. London, 1861. LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. AGATE. From at-the-gate, one living at or near a gate. AGUE. Mr. Ferguson thinks this name is probably the same as the 0. G. Aigua, Aguus, Agio, of which the root may be the O. N. aga, exerceo. Mr. Lower derives it from Fr. aigu, cor- responding with our Sharpe. It may however be same as Agg (U. S. Agg and Agge). The English names Agg, Aggas are from Agatha. AIR. Mr. Ferguson thinks this name may be from 0. H. G. aro, err, 0. N. an', an eagle. It is rather from Ayr, cap. of Ayrshire, Scotland. AIRY. Mr. Ferguson compares the names Airy, Air, Arrah with the 0. G. Aro and Ara of the seventh century, and the common Scandinavian name Ari, which he derives from O. H. G. aro, ar, 0. N. an', an eagle. Lower says the Cumberland family of Airey consider the name to have been borrowed from an elevated dwelling among the mountains called an eyrie, such designations for residences not being uncommon ; and he says aery also signifies a place for the breeding or training of hawks. The name is more probably the same as Harry, Harrie, for Henry ; or it may even be from Harold. ALABASTER. The same with Arblaster ; from 0. E. alUas- tere, a cross -bowman. In the H. R. it is found in Lat. Albales- B I 2 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. tarius. " Several of the distinguished archers at the battle of Hastings became tenants in chief under the Conqueror, and are entered in Domesday with the surname of Arbalistarius, or Balistareus or Balistarius. Hence the names Alabaster, Blast, and others " (Lower). ALCOCK. See COCK. ALEFOUNDER. The ale-founders were ale-tasters or ale- conners. In O. Court Rolls they are called " gestatores cervisi," the term commonly used in the records of Court Leet. Lower classes this term with " ale-draper," and justly calls it a ridicu- lous designation. There is a beer retailer in London of the name of Alefounder. The last part of the name may be from fundo, to pour out. ALEMAN". From root of Almond, q. v. Aleman is the name of a German general. ALLCARD. The same as the A. S. personal name Alcheard> Cod. Dip. 520 ; perhaps the same as the A. S. name Allward, and the modern names Ailward and Aylward. ALLCOCK. See COCK. ALLENGAME. See WALKINGHAME. ALLPENNY. See HALFPENNY. ALLWATER. From some local name compounded of" water." ALMOND. The same as Almund, Ellmund, and the jElmund of Domesday ; from G. alf-mund, strong or powerful protector. Ferguson also thinks Almond may be from the A. S. name Alhmund, 0. N. Amundr, from mund, protection. From Almond we doubtless have the names Almon, Ellman, Holman, Oldman, Element. ALOOF. From Alf or Alph, for Alfred. ALUM, i. q. ALLUM, ALLOM. The same as Hallam ; from Hallam, the name of parishes co. Derby and York. ANGER. Some derive this name from hanger, & wooded de- clivity ; but Ainge, Ainger, Anger, Angier, Augier, Aunger (some- times pronounced Ainger), and Aungier are rather from Anjou, LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 3 an old prov. of France (now forming dep. Maine-et-Loire, and parts of Sarthe, Mayenne, and Indre-et-Loire), whose cap. was Angers. Aunger and Aungier are in charters found Latinised to Angevinus ; and Angevine is found in H. R. with the prefix Le. ANGUISH, i. q. ANGWISHE. From some local name com- pounded of wicli or wick ; as Anwick co. Lincoln ; or perhaps rather from Angus, the ancient name of co. Forfar, Scotland. ANVIL. Doubtless from Anneville, name of several villages in Normandy. " The English family (of Anneville), according to De Gerville, originated from Anneville-en-Saine, a parish in the arrondissement of Valognes " {Lower). APPLE or APPEL. Ferguson says happel is a word used in Silesia for a horse. The name Apple is more probably a diminutive of Hab or Hap, in Hapsburg a nickname for Herbert. Apfel is however a German name. From Hab or Hap we doubtless have the name Happy. APPLE JOHN. See APJOHN. ARM. A name which is also found in local surnames ; as in Armfield, Armsby, Armsworth, &c. It may be the same as Orme. See WORM, RAM, RUM. Ferguson gives also the name Arms, which he derives from A. S. arm, poor. ARMOUR. Lower says this name is a corruption of armourer ; and he gives Armorer as a surname. ARROW. Ferguson says the names Arrah and Arroh might be derived from the weapon, like Shaft and other similar names ; but Arrow is the appellation of a parish co. Warwick, and of a township co. Chester. ASHMAN. Lower says the forms of this name in the H. R. are Asscheman, Aschman, and Ashman ; and in Domesday Assemannus ; and he thinks the name equivalent to spearman, (ESC or ash in A. S. poetry being constantly used in the sense of spear, because the staff of a spear was usually made of that wood. I take it that this name is the same as Asman, Osman, Osmon, B 2 4 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. Osmund (whence doubtless Houseman, Housman), from as, os, which in German names signifies excellent (excellens, praestans, egregius). Wachter renders Osmund, vir prsestans ; and Oswald, tutor egregius ; and he says os is the same as the Welsh od. AUGER, AUGUR, AUGURS. All three are found in the U. S., and the two first in England. Lower says, " Auger, Aucher, a Norman name, whence Fitz-Aucher ; also a corruption of Alsager, a place in Cheshire. Archseologia, vol. xix., p. 17." I should rather derive these names from Algar, Elgar (H. R. Algar, Alger ; Domesday, Algar, ^Elgar. Algar, name of a bishop of the E. Angles), contracted from the old name ./Elfgar, from celf-gar, which might variously translate, very helping, very strong, a help in war. AUGUR, AUGURS. See AUGER. AUGUST. From Auguste, the Fr. form of Augustus. B. BACCHUS.. As an English surname, from Backhouse or Bakehouse. BACON. In II. R. this name is found Bachun, Bacun, and Bacon, and is said to be derived from Bacon, a seigniory in Normandy. Lower says in some instances Bacon may be a corruption of Beacon, and that, from their connection witli Bayeux, the Bacons were sometimes Latinised De Bajocis. I consider the name a Frencli diminutive of Bach, from G. bach, a brook, rivulet. Hence Bacot, another diminutive. Bacon has been corrupted to Buggin. BADCOCK. Beet BAl'flKR. Ferguson considers this name the same as the <. <;. r;,',r"T. tr in i.imhi \\.-ir, tjer spear. It is rather from badger, an old word for a hawker ; or from Badger, a parish co. Salop. LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 5 BADMAN. From A. S. bathman, a bather; perhaps a bap- tiser. Hence no doubt the names Batman and Bateman, although the two latter may also be from batman, a boatman. BAKE. From Bake, name of an estate in St. German's, Cornwall. BAKE WELL. From Bake well, a market town and parish co. Derby. Doubtless compounded of mile,. BALAAM. From Bailham, Suffolk ; or Balham, Surrey. BALCOCK. See COCK. BALM. A corruption of Balsam, or contracted from Balaam, q. v. respectively. BALSAM. From Balsham, in Cambridgeshire, which Fuller characterises as " an eminent village," and the only one in England bearing the name. BANNISTER, BANISTER, BANNESTER. Perhaps ori- ginally Baimter, one who kept a bath ; from 0. Eng. and 0. F. bain, a bath. BANTAM. Same as Bentham ; from Bentham, a parish in Yorkshire. BARGE. Lower thinks this name may have been derived from an inn sign. It is more probably the same as Burge ; from Burgh, name of eleven parishes of England. Hence no doubt the name Purge. BARKER (H. R. Barcarius and Le Barkere). From the old berkere, a tanner, bark being used in tanning. The word barker now signifies one who strips trees of their bark. Barkary was a law term for a tan-house. BARNACLE. Ferguson under this name gives "Barna- karl, Barnakel, a surname or a nickname given to a celebrated Norwegian pirate, named Olver, who, setting his face against the then fashionable amusement of tossing children on spears, was christened by his companions, to show their sense of his odd scruples, Barnakarl, baby's old man." The name is more pro- bably from Barnacle, a hamlet co. Warwick. 6 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. BARNDOLLAR. See CASHDOLLAR. BARNFATHER. See PENNYFATHER. BARRINGDOLLAR. See CASHDOLLAR. BARROW, BARROWS. From Barrow, name of parishes and places in at least ten counties in England ; from barrow, a wood or grove, from A. S. beara, bearewe, a grove ; or from barrow, a hillock or mound of earth intended as a repository for the dead, answering to the tumulus of the Latins ; from A. S. beorg a hill or hillock, byrgen a tomb. BARTER. Lower thinks this name to be from the 0. E. barratour, one who stirs up strife between the king's subjects, either at law or otherwise. Barter, Barters are both found in the U. S. They may be the same as Batter, Batters, in Battersby, so called from an estate and township co. York. They may also be connected with Butter, q. v. BAT. A nickname for Bartholomew. Hence Batt, Bate, Batts, Bates, Batson, Badkin, Batkin, Badcock, Batcock. BATCOCK. See COCK. BATMAN. See BADMAN. BEAN. Lower says Bean, Beane are Scotch abbreviations of Benjamin. I should have otherwise derived it from Gael, beag, little, young ; W. bechan ; Corn, bighan, wigan. BEDALE. From Bedale, a parish in Yorkshire. BEDLOCK. See LEGO. BEE. From A. S. by, bye, a dwelling, habitation ; Sco. by, a village, hamlet ; Dan. by, a city, town, borough. Hence Bradbee, Summerbee, &c. BEER. Ferguson says Beer is the same as Bear, from A. S. bar, a bear, 0. N. bera, 0. H. G. bero, D. beer; but this name is more probably from Beer-Alston or Beer-Ferris (Ferrers) in Devon, or Beer-Hacket or Beer-Regis in Dorset. BELCHAMBER, BELLCIIA Mr.I.IIS. A friend assures me he knows of a William Chambers, who changed his name to 15ill- chambers, of which he says Bellchambers is a corruption. LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 7 BELDAM. From some local name compounded of ham, a dwelling. Kennett renders beldam a " woman who lives to see a sixth generation descended from her." BELLOWS. See BILLOWS. BELOVLY. SeeLEGG. BERRY. Berry- Pomeroy is the name of a parish co. Devon, and Berry or Berri is the appellation of one of the old provinces of France. But see BURY and BORROW. BICHARD. See HAZARD. BICKERSTAFF. See WAGSTAFF. BIDGOOD. This name may mean " good or noble in war," or " a good counsellor " (A. S. beado, beada, counsellor ; G. god, good, noble, kind). The A. S. guth-boda would mean " a war messenger." The 0. N. bodi is a messenger, and gunn, gunnur, gud, 0. H. G. gund, gunt, war. BIGGIN. A common termination of local names in the northern counties and in Scotland, as Dowbiggin, Newbiggin, It means a house of a large size, as opposed to a cottage, a building ; from A. S. byggan, to build. In Scotland biggin is sometimes used to designate small buildings on the banks of rivers, &c., in which night lights are placed to prevent vessels from mistaking their course. BILKE. Perhaps the same as Bielcke, from Biel, now Bienne, in Switzerland ; or a German diminutive of Bill, i. e. "Will, for William. Bill and Bilo are German names, and Pott gives Bille and Bielke as modern German names. BILLET. Lower thinks this name a probable corruption of the great baronial name Belet. It would rather seem to be a diminutive of Bill for William. Belet is doubtless a cor- ruption of Bellot, a diminutive of Bel for Isabella. BILLIARD. See HAZARD. BILLOWS. Ferguson thinks Billows may be the same as an 0. G. Bilo, quoted by Forstemann, and that Pill and Pillow, unless connected with Peel, may be H. G. forms of Bill or Bilo. LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. Bellew, Pellew, Bellas, Belliss, and Bowles are also surnames. Pellew is said to be of Norman origin, from bel-eau, the beautiful water, the designation of some locality [Belleau is the ap- pellation of a parish co. Lincoln]. Bowles has been derived from Bellovesus, a celebrated name mentioned in Liv., Lib. v., cap. 33, said to mean a leader in war (dux belli), from 0. Gr. vel for >vA/, war. Bowditch says the writer of Britaine's Remains supposes the name Bellows to be a corruption of Bellhouse, and he mentions a History of the Bellows Family by the Rev. Henry W. Bellows, D.D., of New York. BLACKLOCK. See LEGG. BLACKMONSTER. " This repulsive name is a corruption of Blanchminster, the White Monastery, the designation of more than one religious house. Blancmuster is an ancient alias for the town of Oswestry. The name was commonly Latinised De Albo Monasterio." Lower. BLADE. The name Blade, Blades, Blaides, Blaydes, Bleyds, found written Bursblades, Buresblades, Bursebred, or Burse- bleyd, is said to be of Danish origin. Wilkinson says the family assumed the local name of Burse-blades or Purse-blades, from residing at Burs-blade, near Durham. % BLANKET, BLANKETT. For Blanchett, a diminutive of the name Blank or Blanch ; from Fr. blanc, white. " Rear- Admiral Blankett was a British officer in the wars against Napoleon" (Bowditch). See also Verba Nominalia, under - Blanket." BLAST. See ALABASTER. BLA/K. " An ancient personal name borne by St. Blase or Ulaise, the patron of the woolcoombers of England," says Lower, quoting Brady's Clavis Calend, 1201. Cf. the Sp. Bias ((iil Bias, RuyBlas), the It. Biaggio, L. Blasius ; probably from (Jr. /2Xac"nj, bud, shoot, sprout, blossom ; /JXacrravo;, to sprout, shoot forth, luid. P. I. < >ol>. IVrguson derives this name from C). N. LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 9 bashful, timid. It may be the same name as Lloyd, Floyd, from W. Hici/d, brown, grey. The name of General Blood ap- peared in Sporting Life in January, 1867. BODKIN. Lower says a younger son of the Fitzgeralds ot Desmond and Kildare settled in Connaught in the thirteenth century, and obtained, as was not then uncommon, a sobriquet which usurped the place of a surname, and so was handed down. This was Bawdekin, probably from his having affected to dress in the costly material of silk and tissue of gold so popular in that age under the name of baudkin; and he says the Bodkins still use the " Croom-a-boo" motto of the Fitzgeralds, but that the Bode- kin of the H. R. is probably from a different source. Fergu- son thinks Bodkin may be from the English word bodkin, which in its earliest use signified a dagger ; but he is of opinion that the name is more probably a diminutive of A. S. boda, 0. N. bodi, a messenger, and he gives a Bodecker corresponding with an 0. S. Bodic, and a Mod. G. Bodeck, and also an 0. G. Bodeken (A. D. 1020). The name Bodkin may also be from body kin, a little man ; or, if of Cornish origin, from bod-kyn, the head abode or place ; or bod-kein, the house on the promontory. BODY, BODDY. The same as Bodda, Boda (Latinised Bodus), probably from A. S. boda, 0. N. bodi, a messenger. See also BODKIN. BOGIE. See BUGGY. BOILES. Doubtless from the Irish name Boyle. Hence probably the name Bolus. But see BILLOWS. BOLD. See BOTTLE. BOLT. See BOTTLE. BOLUS. See BOILES. BONE. Same as Bowne, Boone ; and also Bohun, a Norman family that came over with the Conqueror, who derived their name from Bohon, arrond. St. Lo. The Irish name Bohan is found written De Bohn, Bowen, Bone, Boon, Boone. BONES. See BONUS. 10 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. BONUS. The same as Bowness ; from Bowness, a parish co. Cumberland ; or Bowness, a village co. Westmoreland. Hence doubtless the name Bones. BOOT. This name may be the same as Bott (in H. R. De Botte) ; from root of Body ; or the same as the surname Booth ; from booth, a house or shed built of boards ; from Dan. bod, W. bwth, Ir. boith, both, G. bude. BOOTY. Lower says there is a prse-Domesday name Boti ; and that Gilbert de Boti was a tenant in chief in co. Warwick. The name is probably from root of Body, q. v. BORROW. From A. S. burh, burcg, dative byrig, a fort, castle, pity, town, court, palace, &c., which is liable to take the form of ber, berry, borough, brough, bury, bur, burg. Hence the sur- names Berry, Bury. BOTTLE. From A. S. botl, bold, bolt, an abode, dwelling, hall, mansion, house. Hence Pottle, Bolt, and perhaps some- times Bold. BOTTOM. From A. S. botm, a bottom or valley. Hence the names Bottomley, Higginbottom, Longbottom, Oakenbottom, Othenbottom, Owlerbottom, Pitchbottom, Ramsbottom, Rose- bottom, Rowbottom, Shoebottom, Shufflebottom, Sidebottom, Tarbottom, Winterbottom. BOULTER. Originally one who bolted, i. e. sifted or sepa- rated bran from flour, an occupation formerly distinct from that of miller. To bolt came afterwards to signify, to examine by sifting, to open or separate the parts of a subject, to find the truth and to discuss or argue, as at Gray's Inn, where cases were privately discussed or bolted by the students and barristers. BOWLES. See BILLOWS. BOX. From Bock's, i. e. son of Bock, or from a local name, as Box, in Wilts. BOYS. From Fr. bnis, a wood. Hence De Bosco, Dubois, Dubosc, &c. ; Littleboys, Warboys, Worboys, which Lower thinks to be from Verbois, near Rouen. LUDl^S PATRONYMICUS. 11 BRADBEE. From Bradby, a chapelry co. Derby. See BEE. BRAMBLE. A probable corruption of Brummel or Brummell ; perhaps i. q. Broomhall ; from Broomhall co. Berks. BRAND. See BRANDY. BRANDY. Ferguson seems to think this name, as well as Brand, may be from the Scand. brandi, one having a sword, and he mentions Brandi as the name of a Northman in the Landnamabok. Brand, G. Brandt, and Brandy are probably from G. brand, famous, renowned (clarus), a word frequently found in German names ; as Childebrandus, Hildebrandus, As- prandus, Sigibrandus, Liutprandus. BREADCAKE and the U. S. names Bredcake and Bridecake are from Bride-kirk, a parish co. Cumberland ; and from the inverse, Kirk-bride, we have the name Cakebread. BRINE. Ferguson cognates this name with Brown, and sug- gests as a derivation A. S. bryne, a burning, which is absurd. Lower, with more reason, says it is an Irish corruption of O'Brien. BROADFOOT. Most probably the same as Bradford ; from Bradford, name of places in cos. Devon, Dorset, Lancaster, Nor- thumberland, Somerset, Stafford, and York. BRUISE. One of the many forms of Braose or Bruce, R. G. 16. Lower. BUCKLER. This name, found variously written, Bokeler, Buckeler, Buclier, and Bucler, has been identified with Bacheler and Backeler ; and is probably derived from the office of the Bachelerii Regis. See Nichol's Topog. and Genealog., Vol. iii., p. 569 ; Rot. Chart, in Turri Lond., pp. 59 and 102 ; and Sir Harris Nicholas's Notes to Siege of Carlaverock. The word bachelor (Fr. baefotter) has been variously derived from bas-chevalier, i. e. a knight of a lower order ; from L. baccalaureus, from baccd laured, from being invested with a crown made of laurel berries, or baculus, a staff, from the supposition that a staff, by way of distinction, was given into the hands of those who had completed 12 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. their studies ; or from the old word batalarius, one who entered into literary battles or disputes. BUDGET. I. B. Budget has just published a treatise on tobacco, not on finance (BowditcJi). A diminutive of the name Budge ; or perhaps rather a corruption of Paget, Pagett, Padgett, or Padgedd, a diminutive of the name Page. BUGG. See BUGGY. BUGGY. Perhaps from Bugey, a small territory of France, in the old prov. of Bourgogne ; or from Le Bogue, a comm. and town of France, dep. Dordogne. It may also be the same as one of the A. S., 0. G., Dan., and Eng. surnames Bucge, Bega, Boge, Bigo, Buggo, Bogi, Bogie, Bogue, Boag, which Ferguson derives from A. S. begean, bigan, bogan, bugan, O. N. beygia, biga, boga, buga, to bend or stoop. BUMGARTNER. For Baumgartner, a German name, signi- fying a tree gardener. BURDEN. From some local name ending in den (A. S. den, dene, deorn, a plain, vale, dale, valley) ; or from Burdon, name of two townships co. Durham. BURLEY. See LEGG. BURLINGAME. A U. S. name ; from Burlingham, name of three parishes in Norfolk. But see WALKINGHAME. BURY. From Bury, name of parishes, towns, &c., cos. Hants, Lancaster, Suffolk, Sussex. But see BORROW. BUSS. Lower says that in the south of England this is a common nickname of Barnabas. BUST. A Mrs. Bust, says Bowditch, is buried in Westminster Abbey. I take it to be the same as Buist, which Lower renders thick and gross, and the German Beust, name of the Austrian statesman. BUSTARD. See HAZARD. BUTTER. In the U. S. there are both Butter and Butters. Butter Crambe, Butterlaw, Butterlri.u r l>. Hutterley, Buttermere, Butterton, Butterwick, Butterworth, are local names in England. LUDUS PATRON YMICUS. 13 There is also Booterstown (in some documents Ballybotter, Ballyboother, Butterstown, and Boterstone) near Dublin, which some say was originally Freebooterstown, from its being the resort of these picturesque desperadoes. Lower says Boterus and Botorus are found as personal names in Domesday ; but the name Butter may be from G. bude, a house, mansion, habitation, &c. ; or from A. S. bode, a messenger; or perhaps rather from G. bod-her, a noble or brave leader. Bod is found in several Ger- man names ; as Bauto, Maroboduus, Merobaudes, Genebaudes. BUTTON. This is doubtless a local name. The pedigree of the Hampshire family is found written De Button, and Lower says it was sometimes spelt Bitton, and may be derived from the parish of Bitton co. Gloucester ; and that in Sussex Burton is often pronounced Button. BUZZARD. See HAZARD. C. CABLE. This name is probably the same as Cabbell, in H. R. Cabel, and perhaps with Caple or Capel (in charters Latinised De Capella). CAKEBREAD. See BREADCAKE. CALF. From calvus, bald. Hence Calvin or Chauvin, Chauve, and perhaps Shave. CANT. From G. kante, a corner, edge, coast. CANTER. Same as Chanter and Cantor, no doubt a precentor or chanter in a church ; from A. S. cantere, a singer. CANTON. Lower renders this name a territorial division or district (Fr). Canton is the appellation of four townships in the U. S., and is found as a U. S. surname. CANTWELL. From some local ending in ville. CARD. Lower considers this the same as Caird, which Jamie - son renders a gipsy, a travelling tinker, a sturdy beggar. U LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. CARELESS. A corruption of Carlos, or its original, Carolus. CARRIAGE. See COURAGE. CASE. See CHEESE. CASEMENT. See CASHMAN. CASH. 1. From Cash in Strathmiglo co. Fife. 2. From Mac Cash ; or Mac Cosh, Mac Uais. The barony of Moygoish, in Westmeath, derived its name from Hy-Mac Uais. [There was a Colla Uais, " Colla the noble or well descended."] We have also the Gaelic names Coish and Coysh ; whence perhaps the name Gush. CASHDOLLAR, Barndollar, Barringdollar, Markthaler, and Thaler. All found as U. S. names. Bowditch seems to derive them from G. thaler, a dollar, but they are rather from some local name compounded of G. thai, a valley. Markthaler would there- fore signify " one from the Markthal." CASHMAN. From 0. G. gast-mund, a powerful man (gast, potens) ; or from geis-mund, a strong man (gesus, vir fortis). Cf. the old German names Adalgis, Gisericus, Vitigis, Wetgisus, &c. It may also be from some Scotch name commencing with Mac. If the name be of German origin, we may have from it Cheeseraan and Casement. But see CHEESEMAN. CASHMERE. This name and Cashmer are both found in the U. S. They are probably from some English local name ending in mere or more, from A. S. mcere, a lake, pool, marsh ; or mtir, waste land, a moor. CAT. From Catherine. CATTLE. This may be a diminutive of the surname Cat, for Catherine ; or from the Irish name Cahill or Cathail ; from cathal, valour. CAUDLE. A corruption of Caudwell, from Cauldwell co. Derby. CHAFF. Probably from Fr. cJiauve, bald. Lower. ( I1AMPAGNE. From the province of Champagne, in France. LUDU8 PATRONYMICUS. 15 CHANCE. Originally Chance", i. q. Chauncy, perhaps from Chaunceaux, a comm. and town of France, dep. Cote d'Or. CHARTER. Lower thinks this name may be derived from the town of Chartres, in France. But qu. from Chartre, a comm. and town dep. Sarthe. CHATAWAY, var. Chattaway, Cattaway. Doubtless the same as Hathaway, Hathway, Hadaway, Haduwic ; probably from O. G., hat, high, lofty ; hath, had, chad, war ; wig, strong, warlike, a soldier, warrior, hero. Hence the old names Ollovico, Litavicus, Merovigus, Ludovicus. CHATTING. A patronymic of the name Chad, or from some local name compounded of ing, a meadow. Chatt and Chatto are surnames, and Chat Moss is the appellation of a district in Lancashire. CHECK. See CHICK. CHEEK. See CHICK. CHEESE. Ferguson ranks Cheese, Chase, and Case with Cissa (Chissa), king of the S. Saxons, and the Friesic Tsjisse (Chisse), a name in use at the present day ; from 0. S. ciasan, ciesen, ciosan, A. S. cysan, ceosan, 0. Fries kiasa, 0. N. Jciosa, to choose ; and he thinks Cissa may mean "one chosen or elected." The name Chese is found in H. R. CHEESEMAN. Lower does not give this name, but " Chees- man, a maker of or dealer in cheese, Le Cheseman, Le Chese- maker, H. R., analogous to the modern butter-man." He gives also Cheesewright and Cheesemonger. The latter is no doubt a modern name, but Cheesewright may be compounded of chaise, a chair. I find also in Ferguson, Chisman and Chismon, and am disposed to derive Cheeseman from 0. G. geis-mund, a strong man. See CASHMAN. CHEESEWRIGHT. See CHEESEMAN. CHERRY. Lower says this name is of Fr. Huguenot origin, and said to be descended from the family of De Cheries, seigneurs of Brauvel, Beauval, &c., in Normandy ; that Cheris is the name 16 LUDUS PATRON YMICUS. of a place near Avranches ; and that the name is Latinised De Ceraso. There is, however, a parish called Cherry-Hinton co. Cambridge. But see SHERRY. CHESSMAN. See CHEESMAN. CHEW. From Chew Magna, a parish in Somerset. There are also Chewstoke and Chewton-Mendip in the same county. Lower suggests also Cheux, a village near Caen, in Normandy. CHICK. This name may be the same as the French name Chicque (Gascon Chicot) and the Spanish name Chico ; from chico, little, small. Hence no doubt Check, Cheek, and, as a diminutive, the name Chicken. See also Verba Nominalia, under " Chic." CHICKEN. See CHICK. CHILD (inH. R. Le Child). This name corresponds with the German family names Hild, Hilt, and the Danish female Christian name Hilda (appellation of one of the maidens of Odin). In A. S. names (as in Brunechild, Hildegard, Hiltrut, Adilhilt, Reginhilt) child, hilde, &c., are from A. S. cild, an infant. In German names (as Childeric, Childebert, Hildebrand, Hiltebolt) child, hild, means a warrior (bellator, prteliator), from hehl, id. Hence doubtless the name Child. In some names child, hild, means war ; hence hiltiman, a warrior, and the surnames Chill- man, Killman, and perhaps sometimes Hillman. In some names child, hild, is from alt, noble : hence Hiltiwin, nobilis bellator ; Hiltegunt, nobilis virago ; although according to Wachter the latter, as a Francic name, may also translate virgo bellatrix, or vira belli. CHILDREN. Ferguson thinks this name corresponds with an O. G. Childeruna for Hilderuna. Both the latter might translate " nobli- trim. I." See CHILD. CHILLMAN. See CHILD. CHIN. From Duchene, i. q. Duchesne, Du Cane. Du Quesne, ' ; of the oak," " one living near an oak." C1I1P, CHUT. ' '. 7. < IlKAl'K. From some place so called ; LUDU8 PATRONYM1CUS. 17 from A. S. ceap, a bargain, sale, business, price ; from ceapian, to bargain, chaffer, trade ; whence Cheapside, Chipping Barnet, Chipping Norton, Eastcheap, &c. ; hence Chipman, Chapman (A. S. ceapman). CHIPMAN. See CHIP. CHISEL. Ferguson seems to think Chisel, Chessal, and Kis- sel diminutives of Cheese, Case, Cissa, Kiss, q.v. There are two parishes (great and little) named Chishall in Essex ; and Chisel- hampton, Chiselhurst, Chisleborough, Chisledon are local names in England. CLASS. See GLASS. CLAYARD See HAZARD. CLEVERLY. See LEGG. CLINKARD. See HAZARD. CLOAK. If of Cornish origin, from clog, a steep rock, or cleggo, a rock, cliff, downfall. Clogg may be the same name. Ferguson thinks Cloak and Cloke are from 0. N. klolcr, prudent, and Clogg from the Mod. Dan. form klog. CLOGG-. See CLOAK. CLOTHIER. See LEATHER. s CLOUD. From the Gaelic name McCloud, a corruption of MacLeod. Hence perhaps the name Clout. CLOUT. See CLOUD. COAL, i. q. COLE, from Nicol or Nichol. Cole is the appella- tion of places in cos. Somerset and Wilts. COAT. From A. S. cot, cote, cyte (G. koth, D. kot, W. cwf), a small house or hut. Hence Middlecoat, Peticoat, Petty coat, Taylecoate, Topcoat, Wainscoat, Waiscot, Wescott, Westcoat. COCK. This may sometimes refer to the bird (Fr. Le Coq), but in composition it is no doubt mostly used in a diminutive sense ; thus Alcock or Allcock (Hal for Henry) ; Badcock, Bat- cock (Bartholomew) ; Balcock (Baldwin) ; Glasscock (Nicholas) ; Hiscock, Hitchcock (Isaac) ; Lovecock, Maycock, Mycock (Michael); Slocock, Woolcock. C 18 LUDUS PATRON TMICUS. COCKLE. A diminutive of the name Cock. Another diminu- tive is Cockett (Fr. Cochet), and of patronymics are Cocks, Cox, Cocking. COFFEE. Lower thinks the names Coffee, Coaffee, Coffey may be local, or of common origin with Coffin, Caffin, &c., the root being Lat. calvus, bald. Ferguson says, " Coffee I take to be the same as Coifi, the name of a converted heathen priest who, on the reception of Christianity by the people of Northumbria, under- took the demolition of the ancient fanes. It has been asserted that this is not an Anglo-Saxon but a Cymric name, and that it denotes in Welsh a Druid, but Mr. Kemble has shown that it is an adjective formed from cof, strenuous, and means the bold or active one." I take it to be the Irish name O'Cobhthaidh or O'Coffey ; from cobhthach, victorious, which O'Reilly says is the proper name of a man. Murragh O'Cobhthaidh was Bishop of Deny and Raphoe, and lived A. D. 1173. For the latter see Annals of the Four Masters. COFFIN. The name of one or more medical men. Ferguson thinks this name may be corrupted from Kolfinn, from O. N. koilr, helmeted, and the proper name Finn ; or that it was originally Coffing, a patronymic, formed from c6f, strenuous. Lower considers it the same as Colvin or Colvinus, who held lands in chief under the Confessor. It may also be the same with Caffin, from Fr. chauve, L. calvus, bald ; whence Chauvin or Calvin. Coffin and Coffinhal, and Coffinieres or Couffin are found as 1-Yrnch surnames, and there is a place called Couvin in Belgium, and Coffinswell is the name of a parish co. Devon. COIN. SeeQuKi COLDHAM. From some place compounded of ham, a dwell- ing. In surnames and local names the vocables cold, (jlruitt ; perhaps diminutive of Drew, Drewe, Dray ; either from the early personal name Drogo, or from Dreux, in Bretagne. Drewett may also sometimes be a diminutive formed from LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 29 Andrew. Lower says Drew, Drewe is a common nickname for Andrew. DULHUMPHRY. From some French name, with the prefix De or De la. Onfray and Onfroy, Humphrey are found in Firmin Didot. There are the surnames Umfraville and Amfreville (found Onfreville), i. e. Hunfredi villa, the appellation of several places in Normandy. DULL. Bowditch says there are fourteen families of this name in Philadelphia. It may be from Dull, a large parish co. Perth. DULLARD. According to Bowditch, there are four families of this name in Philadelphia. See HAZARD. DULY. SeeLEGG. DUNNING-. A patronymic of the name Dunn ; or the last syllable may be ing, a meadow. E. EARLY. From Early, in the parish of Sonning, Berks. Hurley is also the name of a villa, near Marlow, same co. But see LEGG. EARTH. From St. Erth, formerly St. Earth, a parish in Penwith Hundred co. Cornwall ; or corrupted from the surname Earith ; from Erith co. Kent. EARWAKER, EARWICKER. Perhaps corrupted from Herwig ; from 0. Gr. er-wig, strong in war ; or her-wig, noble or distinguished warrior. Lower however gives Eureuuacre as the name of a tenant in Devon mentioned in Domesday. EASY. Corrupted from some local name, perhaps Esse, in France, dep. Ille-et-Vilaine ; or from St. Issey, in Cornwall. Lower suggests also that it may come, by transposition of letters, from Esay, the old form of Isaiah. 30 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. EATWELL. From Etwall, a parish co. Derby ; or perhaps rather from the local name Ilatfield. See HATFALL. EAVESTAFF. See WAGSTAFF. EGG, EGGS. From 0. G. ecke, the'edge or point of a weapon, &c. (acies, cuspis); 0. N. egg, an edge, sword, war, battle; A. S. ecg, an edge, or sharpness applied to the mind, also quickness, ability. There is however a De Egge in H. R., co. Salop ; and the name may therefore be the same as Hedge, Hague, Haig, Haigh (Haigh, a township of Lancashire) ; from A. S. hag, Fr. haie, a hedge, and that which it encloses, a field or park. EGGBEER. From Egbert, G. Eggbrecht ; from 0. G. ecke- brecht, distinguished for quickness or ability. Cf. Huber, from Hubert. But see EGG. ELEMENT. Lower says of this name, " Possibly a corruption of Alihermont, a district containing several parishes in the arron- dissemont of Dieppe, in Normandy. Alihermont would readily become Alermont, Alemont, Element." I derive it from the same root as the name Almond, q. v. Cf. Garment, from Gar- mund ; Raiment, from Raymond. EMBLEM. From some place compounded of ham, a dwelling. Cf. the surname Embleton, also the appellation of parishes, &c., in cos. Cumberland, Durham, and Northumberland. EMMET, EMMETT. Ferguson says Ernes corresponds with A. S. earn, an uncle ; and Emms, Hems, Emson, and the diminu- tives Emmens and Emmet, with the old Fries, cm, of the same meaning. They are more probably from Em or Emm, an abbre- viation of Emma or Emily. ESSENCE. The name of a black man in the U.S. It may come from Assens, a maritime town of Denmark, isl. Fiilinen ; or from Uessen (Cassel, Darmstadt, Iloinlmrg, &c.), in Germany. EVEN. From Evan ; from Iwavvr^, the original of .lolm. EVENESS. Doubtless the same as the W. name Evans. It may also come from some local name compounded of ness, a promontory. LUDUS PATRON YMICUS. 31 EVERHARD. See VERY. EVERY. See VERY. EVIL. The same as Eyvile, Eyvill, which with the prefix de occurs in the H. R. See DEVIL. EWE. See DOE. EXCELL. Most probably the same as Exall ; from Exhall, name of two parishes co. Warwick. EXPENCE. A corruption of the names Spence or Spens. Lower says spence is a yard or enclosure ; Jamieson renders spens, the place where provisions are kept, and also the clerk of a kitchen ; and Lower says, in the latter sense it is employed by Wyntoim, and that Spens is an ancient surname in Scotland. But see SPENCER. EYE, EYES. From Eye, a town and parish co. Suffolk ; or Eye, the name of parishes cos. Hereford and Northampton. F. FAGG (in H. R. Fag). See FIG. FAIL. From Phail, Gaelic for Paul. Hence MACPHAIL. FAIRCLOTH. A corruption of Fairclough ; from Dan. faar a sheep, clough a cleft in a hill, also a narrow ravine or glen. FAIRFEATHER. See MERRYWEATHER. FAIRFIELD. From Fairfield, appellation of places in cos. Derby, Kent, Lancaster, and of eleven local names in the U. S. The name means sheep-field ; from Dan./aar, a sheep. FAIRLAMB. Lower thinks this is from some local name ending in ham. It may also be from one ending in Ian. If we could suppose a Scand-Celtic compound (faar-lan), the name would mean the sheep enclosure. There is, however, a parish called Farlan, Cumberland. FAIRPLAY. See PLAYFAIR. FAIRWEATHER. See MERRYWEATHER. 32 LUDUS PATKONYMICUS. FALL, also Faw, Faa, a celebrated Gipsy name in the north of England ; also found in the London Directory. It is probably from locality, as in H. R. we find De Fall. FANCY. Doubtless from locality; some think from Vanchi, near Neufchatel, in Normandy. FAREWELL. From Farewell, a parish co. Stafford, known by the curious designation of Farewell-with-Charley ! The last syllable is most probably from ville, and the name may mean the " sheep dwelling." See FAIRFIELD. FARTHING. This may be the same as Fardeu, and of local origin. " Fardan," says Lower, " occurs as an undertenant in Domesday." FATHERLY. See LEGG. FAWN. The same as Fawnes and De Fawnes ; from Fawns, in Northumberland. FEAR. The same as Fare (Mac Fare), Phear, Phair, Phaire, Phayer, Phairs ; from Gael. /ear, a man, hero. It may also some- times be from A. S.fceger, fair ; or/ara, O. N./an', a traveller. FEARMAN. See PHARAOH. FEARWEATHER. See MERRYWEATHER. FEATHER. This name may be from Ice. /rid/-, A. S.freothe, freotho, liberty, peace, love; or from G. frith herr, a protecting lord ; but I should rather derive from Feodore, i. e. Theodore. Ferguson considers Feather the same with Father, G. Vater, cor- responding as it does very nearly with a north of England pronun- ciation, as also with feder, one of the A. S. forms. The name Fearby, in Yorkshire, was in Domesday Federbi. Featherstone is the appellation of places in cos. Northumberland; Stafford, and York ; doubtless from the A. S. name Frithestan, whence pro- bably Featherstonhaugh. FELON. A U. S. name. Most probably a corruption of Fallon, which is also found in the States. Ferguson connects Fallon with Fail, and thinks the latter may be from O. N.feila, pudi-re ; and the former from feilinn^ pudibundus. Fallon is LUDUS PATROXYMICUS. 33 rather from the Irish name O'Fallon, said to be a corruption of O'Phelan ; from Faolan, whose son Motliea was at Clontarf in 1014. A district in Roscommon was known as O'Fallon's country. O'Connellan gives the O'Faolains or O'Felans, or Whelans, among the Irish chiefs and clans of Desies. FEVER. From 0. Fr. Lefevre, "the smith." Cf. the t' S. names Favor, Lefever, Lefevre, Lefebre, Lefavour, Lefavor. FIFE, var. Fyfe and Fyffe, from co. Fife, Scotland. FIGG. "A Feg occurs in Yorkshire ante 1086, Domesday, and a Figge in Kent, 31 Edw. III. In the latter county, at a later period, the Figgs, Faggs, and Foggs flourished contem- poraneously, and may have had a common origin ; and other kindred forms are Fig, Figes, Figgs, &c." Lower. All these names are through the 0. Fr., from L. fagus, a beech-tree. Hence also several other French names ; as Fay, De la Fayette, &c. FILBERT. The same as the 0. G. name Filiberthus (Philo- bertus) ; from viel brecht, very renowned ( prseclarus) . Wachter renders viel in composition, weit and laut. FILL. See FILLPOT. FILLPOT, PHILPOT. A diminutive of Philp from Philip. Philpot was the name of a gardener at Highgate, Middlesex, and there is a publican at Hammersmith named Phillpott. From the first part of the name are Fill and Filkin, and from the last syllable, Pot, Pott, Potts. FINCH. See WINCH. FIPPENY. See PENNY. FIRKIN. A diminutive of some Christian name, or of the name Phear, or Fear. Ferguson thinks it may be from A. S. fir-cyn, race of man, which is absurd. FISH. From A. S. fiscere, a fisher (fisherman). Ferguson says Fisk and Fish signified a salmon-fisher. FLASHMAN. A corruption of the name Flaxman, a dresser of flax, or a spinner. Lower, under " Flashman," says "flashes D 34 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. is a word proverbially applied to flood-gates, and that the flash- man probably had the care of such gates." FLATMAN. From A. S. flotmann, a sailor. "One Floteman was an undertenant in Yorkshire before the compilation of Domesday." FLOAT. From A. S.jl6ta, a sailor. It may also sometimes be local ; for, as Lower says, " an Hampshire family wrote them- selves De Flote." La Flotte is the name of a comm. and seaport town of France, dep. Charente-Inf. FLOCK. Perhaps from Floques, near Eu, in Normandy. Flockton is the name of a place in Yorkshire. FLOOD, i. q. FLOYD, LLOYD. Andrew Borde, in his Boke of Knowledge, makes a Welshman say, " I am a gentylman and come of Brutus blood ; my name is Ap Pyce, Ap Davy, Ap Flood." FLUX. A corruption of Fulkes, Foulkes, Folkes, Fullicks, Faulks, Foalkes, Folkes, Fowkes ; from A. S. folc, folk ; G./ofc, ?////-, people, nation, perhaps also used in the sense of " re- nowned." Cf. the G. names Fulco, Folcho, Folca, Folchold, Folcwar, Folcmar, Folcrim, Folcwin, Folcrad, Folcharat, Folchard, Eng. Folkard, Fr. Foucard. Flux might also come from Floques, in Normandy. See FLOCK. FLY. u A place near Gournay, in Normandy, once famous for reat Abbey. It was anciently called Flagi, Chron. of Battel Abbey, p. 4'J." Lower. F< )LLY. Doubtless the same as Foley ; from the local name I'oley, anciently Fowleigh. I ( )UCE (Fr. De la Force). From force (Dan./ors, 0. N. id.), in the north of England, a waterfall or cascade. Hence the sur- Wilberforce, formerly Wilberfosse, from Wilberfoss co. York, named from one Williber, or Williberg. FORT. From Fr. fort, strong, powerful. Cf. the French I . Fort. I '( ) I :T L* N E. 1 . From Fortunatus. 2. From Fortune co. Had- dington. LUDUS PATRON YMICUS. 35 FORTY, FORTYE. From Fuerty, a parish of Ireland, Connaught ; or from forty, used by the Scottish poet Douglas in the sense of brave. Hence perhaps the name Fortyman. FORTYMAN. See FORTY. FOULFOOT. See HAZLEFOOT. FOULLY. See LEGG. FOULWEATHER. See MERRYWEATHER. FOURAPENNY. See PENNY. FOXWORTHY. A U. 8. name. See WORTH. FREAK. The same as Fricke and Fricker ; from H. S. fricca, a preacher. According to Dr. Doran, the word freak, a whim or fancy, was derived from the caprices of a Dr. Freake, of St. Bartholomew's. FREELOVE. Lower gives a H. R. name Frelove, and an A. S. name Frealaf. But see LAW. FREELY. See LEGG. FRESHFIELD. See FRETWELL, FRETWELL. From Fritwell, a parish co. Oxon. Camden however thinks it a corruption of the Norman De Fresheville (Latinised De Frisca-villa). From the latter we have Freshville, and perhaps Freshfield. FRIENDLY. See LEGG. FRIENDSHIP. A Devonshire name. See HOPE. FROM. A name found in the U. S. ; perhaps from Frome in Somerset, or Froome in Dorset (England). FROST. 1. From the surname Forest, Forrest. 2. From the German or Swiss name Fiirst ; from furst, a prince. One Alwin Forst was a tenant in co. Hants before Domesday, and Frosti is the name of a dwarf in the Scandinavian mythology. FRY. 1. From Humphry. 2. Perhaps sometimes from Cor- nish fry, a promontory ; literally a nose. FUEL, i. q. FUGGLE, FOWELL, FOWLE. From A. S. fugel, a fowl, bird. D 2 36 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. FULBORN. From Fulbourae co. Cambridge. But see SMALL- BONE. FULLALOVE. See LAW. FULSOM. A U. S. name ; from root of Fulham (Middlesex) ; from fug? s- ham, the bird's dwelling. FUNK, FUNKE. Found as U. S. names. They may be corrupted from Fulnecks, a village of England, co. York, or Ful- neck or Fulik, a town of Moravia, circ. Prerau. FUNNELL. Lower thinks this name may be a corruption of Fontenelle, now St. Wandrille-sur-Seine, in Normandy, an ancient barony, and the site of a famous monastery, near Carrdebec, and that the corruption may have taken place thus : Fontenelle, Fonnell, Funnell. FURNACE. From Furnace, a village co. Argyle ; or Furness, a manorial liberty in the north-west part of Lancashire ; or Furnes, a town of Belgium, prov. W. Flanders. Cf. the surnames Furnice, Fourniss, Fourness, Furnese, Furness, Furniss. There is also a Furneaux, from Fourneaux-sur-Vire, in Normandy. G. GAB. See GABY. GABLE. See GABY. GABY. Probably a nickname of Gabriel. Hence no doubt Gab, Gabb, Gabay, Gable, Gabel, Gabell. GAILY. See LEGG. GAIN. From the name Eugaine, which gave appellation to Eugaine, commonly called Gain's Colne, a parish in Essex ; doubtless from Enghien in the Pays Bas, anciently Anguien or Knguicn, in Lat. Angia. Gane, Gaines, Gainey are doubtless iron i the same root. GALE. Lower says Gale signifies a Scottish Highlander, but that the Gaels of Charlton-Kings co. Gloucester, have written LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 37 themselves, at various periods, Galle, Gale, Gael, and originally De Gales. This may either refer to Calais or Wales, which latter, in Anglo-Norman times, was known as Galles or Gales. In local compounds the vocable hall is often corrupted to gale. GALLIARD. See HAZARD. GALLON. Bowditch says, "In 1844 one Joseph Galliano died in Boston, and in our Probate Records he has the alias of Joseph Gallon, that having been his popular name." Lower gives the H. R. forms " Galien, Galiuii, Galion, Galun, and Galeyn." Said Joseph may have been from Galliano, a village of N. Italy, not far from Como ; but the English name may be from Galien, a parish of Ireland, Leinster ; or Galloon, Ulster, co. Fermanagh ; or Gaillan, Gaillon, two comms. and towns of France, one dep. Gironde, the other dep. Eure. GALLOP. See HOPE. GALLOWS. Perhaps i. q. Hallows, from Hallow, a parish in Worcester, or i. q. Callow, from Callow co. Hereford ; or Callow co. Derby. The A. S. calo is bald. GAMBLE. Lower says, " Gam el occurs both in Domesday and in the H. R. In the latter ' Fitz Gamel ' is also found. A. S. gamol or gamel, old, aged Gamblesby, in Cumberland, pro- bably derived its name from a Danish proprietor." Gamla is the name of a town of Finland. Gamble may however be corrupted from the name Gumboil, q. v. GAMBLING. Probably of local origin, and doubtless the same as the H. R. Gamelin, De Gameling. Gamlin-gay is the name of a parish co. Cambridge. GAME. See WALKINGHA.ME. GAMMON. From Gaelic ma-ghamuim, a bear; from magh- ghabhuin, literally a calf of the plain. GANDER. Some derive this name from the bird. Grimm also refers the name of the great Vandal chief Genseric to gdnserich, a gander. Gander is more probably from 0. TS.gandr, a wolf. Gandr occurs as a surname in the Landnamabok. 38 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. GARLICK, i. q. the German name Gerlach ; from ger-leich, lich, warlike. GARMENT. The same name as Garman, Gorman, Jarman, German, Jermain ; from the 0. G. name Garmund (0. H. G. Uermunt; in the Landnamabok, Geirmundr) ; from gcr-mund, a defence in war. Hence, perhaps, by inverson the name Manger. GEM. A U. S. name. Another form of Jem, nickname for James. From Jem we have, as a diminutive, Jemmett. GENDER. Perhaps the same as Gander, q. v. Ferguson says Gender corresponds with a Mod. G. Genther, compounded of here, an army. GHEBKEN, GERKEN. For Jerkin, a diminutive of Jere- miah. Ferguson says Gerken corresponds with a G. Gherken, which he classes with the 0. H. G. Gericho, Mod. G. Gericke, Gehrke, Gerke, and derives from A. S. gar a spear, 0. N. geir, O. S. and 0. Fries, ger. GIDDY. An ancient Cornish family, formerly written Gedy, Geddey, Gidey, &c. Possibly a nurse name of Gideon. Lower. GILDER3LEEVES (in U. S. Gildersleeve, in H. R. Gyldene- sleve). An Irish name derived from some local name compounded of sliabh (pronounced sleeve), a mountain, moor. GILL. A U. S. name. Contracted from Gillet for Willet, a diminutive of Will for William. GIN. This surname may be from one of the Scottish names Mac Gin, Mac Ginn, Mac Genn, Mac Gane, Mac Geehan, Mac (Jiehan, Mac Geachan. Lower thinks Ginn, Gin, may be the same as Genn with the G. softened ; and he says the latter is Cornish, and is considered to be from the root of Planta-^en-ista. GIN< i KK. From A. S. yigra, a younger, disciple ; from ging, young, tender. GIRL. Same as Garle, which Ferguson thinks may be another form of Carl. It may also be the same as the 0. G. Gerlo, fern. Gerla, which he considers diminutives of Gero and Gera, from yer, a spear. LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 39 GLASS. 1. From Glass, a parish in cos. Aberdeen and Banff. 2. From Nicholas. Cf. Class and the German Glaus ; whence Clause, Clausse, Claussen, Classen. 3. From Gael, glas, grey, blue, green ; found in Ir., W., Armor., and Corn. GLASSCOCK. See GLASS. GLAZARD. See HAZARD. GLISTER. 1. The same as Glaister. 2. For Lister; from the old word lytster or Ulster, a dyer; or from listre, a person employed to read some portions of the church service. Webster renders " lister," " one who makes a list or roll." GOAD. See GOAT. GOAT. From Corn, goed, a wood. Hence, perhaps, Goad and Gout. GODSON. See GOODSON. GODSPENNY. See PENNY. GOLD, i. q. GOLDE, and the Goldus of Domesday; also Waldie, Waldo ; from G. wald, a wood, or 0. G. wait, powerful, governing, ruling ; also a prefect. GOLDHAM. SeeCoLDHAM. GOLDMAN. From G. wald-man, woodman. Hence, by cor- ruption, Goldman. See GOODMAN. GOLIGHTLY. See LEGG. GOLLOP. See HOPE. " The Gollops of Strode co. Dorset have a tradition of Danish or Swedish descent from a soldier of fortune who was living in 1465. B. L. G." Lower. GOOD. For Wood. GOODAIR. See GOODYEAR. GOODALE. The same as Woodhall ; from Woodhall, name of a parish co. Lincoln, and of places in several counties. GOODBEER. See GOODYEAR. GOODBEHERE. See GOODYEAR. GOODBOYS. From some Fr. local name ending in bois, a wood. GOODCHAP. See GOODCHEAP. 40 LUDUS PATRON TMICUS. GOODCHEAP (in H. R. Godchep). From some local name ending in cheap (See CHIP). Hence Goodchap and Goodsheep. GOODENOUGH. From some local name, perhaps originally Woodknowe, compounded of knowe, a Scotticism equivalent to knoll, the top or crown of a hill; but more generally a little round hill or mount, a small elevation of earth ; from A. S. cnoll, knol, W. cnol. Cf. the name Oldknow. GOODFELLOVV. For Woodfellow ; from A. S. wuda-felaw, a wood companion or follower. GOODGROOM. See GOODRUM. GOODHEART. Same as Woodward, an officer of the wood or forest ; or from Goddard, Goddart, " one strong in God." GOODLAKE. Same as the surname Woodley, name of parishes and places in co. Devon, &c. &c. Hence Goodluck. GOODLUCK. See GOODLAKE. GOODMAN. 1. The same as Woodman. 2. From the 0. G. and A. S. baptismal name Gudmund, " powerful in war." GOODRAM. See GOODRUM. . GOODRUM. Ferguson thinks this name may be a corruption of Gothrun or Guthrum ; from guth war, ormr a serpent ; and he pays Gothrun or Guthrum was the name of the Danish king who was baptised by Alfred. It may also be from G. wald-ram, strong or powerful prince ; or from Goldrun (Waldron, Calderon) ; from wald-run, a powerful friend. Hence the names Goodram, Good- groom. GOODSHEEP. See GOODCHEAP. GOODSIR. Name of a celebrated Scotch anatomist, lately deceased. It was perhaps originally Woodseer, one who super- intends a wood. Cf. Landseer, which Lower renders " one who overlooks or superintends lands for another, a bailiff." GOODSON. From the parish of Gooderstone, commonly Goodson, co. Norfolk ; from wood and ton. Hence doubtless the name Godson. LUDUS PATKONYMICUS. 41 GOOD WILL. A corruption of Wood ville ; perhaps from Wood- ville, near Burton-on-Trent. See also WOODFALL. GOODWINS, GOODWIN. 1. From Godwin, Godwine, " be- loved of God "=Theophilus. 2. Same as Goldwin, i. e. Waldwin, which may translate both " victorious prince," and " powerful friend." GOODYEAR. Another form of Woodyer, a woodman. This name^has been corrupted to Goodair, Goodbeer, and Goodbehere. GOOSE. From Corn. gus t a wood. It may sometimes be the same with Goss, Gosse, Gass. [There is a Gas in the Landnama- bok.] Graff suggests that Goz in 0. G. names is another form of Gaud, which is most probably Goth ; to which Forsteraan refers the 0. G. names Gauso, Gozzo, Gossa, Mod. G. Gause and Goss. (See Furguson.) Gas, Gass, Gasse, Cas, Casse may sometimes be from Cassandra ; or even from the Dan. gasse, a gander. GOOSEMAN. Same as Guzman, Gudmund ; from 0. G. gunt- mund, A. S. guth-mund, a warrior. GOOSEY. From Goosey, a tithing in the parish of Stanford- in-the-vale, Berks. GORE. Same as Gower, Goar, Gover ; from Guyr (Gowerj, in Wales, signifying " sloping." Archd. Williams translates gover a small stream, and the W. gower is a croft, close ; and gofwr, govwr, a strong mound or tower. Verstegan says the name Gower is derived from a kind of cake formerly made for children ! GOTOBED. Mr. Fox Talbot derives this name from 0. G. Gott-bet, " Pray to God." Lower gives a Gotobedd and a Gote- bedde, and thinks the name may have been given as a sobriquet to people more than ordinarily attached to their couch ; and he says a similar collocation of words forming a surname occurs in the H. R. ; viz., Serlo Go-to-Jcirke. The whole name may be from guth-beada, a war counsellor ; or the last part from A. S. boda, a messenger. It may also be a compound of two names. Obed is a surname at the present day. Cf. Meyerbeer, from Meyer Beer. GOUT. See GOAT. 42 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. GOWN. For Gowan, from Gael, gobhainn, a blacksmith. GRAIN, GRAINE, GRANE. From Grain in Kent. GRAMMAR. This may be the same as the ancient name Grimar ; perhaps from 0. N. gramr, grimr, fierce, or gramr, a king. Cf. the surnames Grimm, Graimm, Graeme, Gream, Gryme, Graham, &c. The W. grymus is powerful, strong, nervous ; gry m, force, energy, powerful : the Brit, gnjm, force, energy, power, strength : the Gael, grim, griom, war, battle ; gruaim, a gloom, a frown or surly look; gruama, surly, stern, morose; gruaimean, a surly man, a man with a frowning visage ; groimh, a grin, a visage, a nickname for one with a grinning countenance. The O. G. grimm is rigid, vehement, intense anger, furor, cruelty : G. id. furious, grim : the A. S. grim, fierce, rough, ferocious ; gram, raging, fury ; gremian, to provoke : the D. gram, angry ; grimmen, to growl : the Dan. grim, stern, grim, peevish ; gram, grudging, hating, peevish. GRASS. This name means fat, stout ; from Fr. gras. GRAVELLY. A U. S. name, same as Graveley ; from Grave- ley, name of parishes cos. Herts and Cambridge. But see also LEGG. GREENLAW. From Greenlaw co. Berwick. See LAW. GREENSWORD. See LONGSWORD. GRIEF. Same as Grieve, Greive ; from A. S. gerefa (G. graf), a bailiff, a reeve. GRIFFIN. Said to have been early used to designate a Welshman. Godcfray of Garlckhitho, and Gryffijn the Walshe. Piers Ploughman, ed. Wright, p. 96. Another orthography of Griffith. Lower says it is a common baptismal name in Wales, arid that Domesday shows a Grifin in Cornwall, and in Cheshire a Grifin Rex, first a favourite of Edward the Confessor, and afterwards a rebel against him. See also Notes and Queries, 3rd S. xi. 504. GRIFF1NIIOOKE. A German name introduced into England LUDUS PATRONTMICUS. 43 by one of the physicians of Geo. I. Mr. Fox Talbot says one might suppose this to be from the G. grafen-hof, implying some person attached to the court of a count, if there had not existed a German family name Greifenklau, or the Griffin's claw ; and Lower says, " In mediaeval poems, &c., many references to griffins' claws are found. In ' Ruodlieb ' the hero wears, apparently, a hunt- ing horn made of such a talon. ' Pendet et a niveo sibimet gripis ungula collo.' " The name probably means the " count's yard or court." GRILLAKD. See HAZARD. GRIMM. See GRAMMAR. GRINDALL. A chapelry in Yorkshire. GROOM. See CRUMB. GROUSE. There was an 0. G. Grauso, of the sixth century, which Forstemann refers to A. S. greosan, horrere ; but this name is the same with Grose, Gross, implying great, big in stature ; from Fr. gros, L. crassus. GRUMBLE. A corruption of the old Frankish name Grim- bald ; from grim-bald, fierce and bold ; or the same name as the 0. H. G. Rumbold, Mod. G. Rumpolt; from hruom-bold, famously bold. GUESS. A corruption of the surname Guest. GUESSARD. See HAZARD. GUISE. Erom Guise, a comm. and town of France, dep. Aisne, probably deriving its name from its situation on the Ouse, found anciently written Gusia and Gusgia. GUM. The same as Gumm, Gomm, the 0. G. Goma, a Dan. Gummi in Saxo, a U. S. Gumma [Gommo, Gummoe, Gummow are found in Cornwall]. From A. S. guma, Goth, id., O. H. G. gomo, 0. Eng. obs. gom, a man. GUMBOIL. Corrupted from the 0. G. name Gumpold or Gundbold ; from gund-bold, bold in war. Cf. the old German names Gontharis, Guntharis, Giinther, Gundericus, Gundemundus, Guntramnus. 44 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. GUMP. Not from gump, a vulgar word for a foolish person, a dolt, but from Gump, in St. Agnes, Cornwall ; from Cornish guimp, gump, downhill, in W. ar givympo. GUN. Same as Gunn. From one of the old German names, Gundbald, Gundebert, Gundric; or from 0. G. gun, a man (which Wachter derives from kennen, to be able). Indeed Wachter thinks that from this gun is gund, a heroine (vira, virago) ; whence the 0. G. names Adelgunda, Cuniguuda, Frede- gunda, Gundaberga. GUSH. See CASH. GUTTER. Corrupted from Gauthier, Gautier, French forms of Walter ; from G. waiter, which Wachter renders " negotiorum gestor." With the Basque affix es or ez, son, we doubtless have the celebrated Spanish name Gutierrez, whence the English name Gutteres. H. HACKSTAFF. See WAGSTAPF. HADDOCK. This name has been considered the same as the Saxon Hadeca and Hadiko ; probable diminutives of Chad, Head, A. S. Hedda, and the 0. G. names Haddo, Hadow, Chatto. I take it to be corrupted from Eadwig ; from A. S. ead-wig, fortunate in war, or ead-wiga, prosperous warrior. Hence probably the name Headache. HAGGARD. Same as Hoggart, Huggard ; from hoog-ftart, a D. G. compound signifying very high or big. HAIL. Same as Hale ; from Cornish ///, hale, a moor ; /. A mi-nipt ion of Leonard. * LEARNED, LAKNEI). Same as Learnard. LEAL'V. Corrupted from the Ir. name Laeghaire ; from A//V/V, stp)nu r , stout, or layhar, prong, fork, toe. LI, ATI I El I. Same as Lethar, name of a bishop at the time of'iiiaim refers the < ). '. MUFF. From Muff, a parish of Ireland, co. Donegal. MUFFIN. Corrupted from Mirfin, a surname, and also an ancient personal name ; from W. morfin (mor-ffiri), a sea brink. MUG. From Mogg, a nickname for Margaret. MULIiKKUY. From Mulfra, vulgo Mulberry, in St. Austel, LUDUS PATRONYMIC US. 65 or Mulfra, in Madron, Cornwall ; from moel vre, the bald or bare hill. Indeed the Cornish scholar Pryce makes Mulfra, Mulvera a nom. fam. MULE. From G. muhle, a mill. MULL. 1. A Lancashire corruption from Molineux, Molyneux. 2. From mull, a Scottish word for a cape or headland ; from Gael. maol. 3. For Moll, a nickname for Mary ; also a surname. Mol however was a name of Ethelwold, king of Northumbria, and Mull was the brother of Caedwalha, king of Wessex ; and Kemble says the name must be mule, a half-breed, and suggests that his mother may have been a British princess. MULLET, MULLETT. Diminutives of Mull, q. v. MUMMERY. From Montmerry, a village of France, dep. Orne. MURTHER. Not from the old form of murder, but from Merthyr, name of five parishes in Wales, without reckoning Merthyr - Tydvil ; or from Merthor co. Cornwall ; from W. mertlnjr, a plain, a clear spot. MUSSELL, MUSSEL. Diminutives of Mus, nickname of Thomas. MUSTARD. See HAZARD. MUTTON. The same as Mytton and Mitton ; from Mitton, name of a parish of England, cos. Lancaster and York, and of a cliapelry co. Worcester. The Mytton family formerly wrote their name De Mutton. MYCOCK. See COCK. MYRTLE. From Murtle, a barony of Scotland, co. Aberdeen. Lower thinks it may also sometimes be a corruption of the French surname Martel. N. NAP. Nickname for Napoleon. Hence, as a diminutive, Napkin. 66 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. NAPKIN. See NAP. NARROWCOAT. Name of two families in Philadelphia. See COAT. NEAR. Same as Neer; from Neer, a village in the Nether- lands. NECK. Same as Nick. NEEDLE. A corruption of Neele, Neale, Neal, from the Norman personal name Nigel ; from Nigellus, a diminutive of L. niger, black. NEGUS. From Nicks for Nicholas ; or corrupted from a local ending in " house." According to Malone, the mixture bearing this name was invented in the reign of Queen Anne, by Colonel Negus. NE1THERMILL. Same as Nethermill ; from Nethermill (lower mill), name of several places in Scotland. NEQUAM. Not from the L. nequam, bad, worthless, good for nothing, nor, as Ferguson suggests, from 0. N. ndquamr, careful, exact, but from some local name (probably Scottish) com- pounded of ham, a habitation. Neckham would easily corrupt to Nequam. NEST. Corrupted from Agnes. A James Nest occurs in the Registrar-General's List of Names (Agnes, Nes, Nest). NEWBACK. From bach, a brook. See' SMALLBACK. NEWBEGIN. Same as Newbiggin, Newbigging, name of places cos. Durham, Northumberland, and Westmoreland. See BIGGIN. NEWBONE. A corruption of Newborn. NEWBORN. From Newbourn co. Suffolk ; or Newburn, name of places cos. Northumberland and Fife. See SMALLBONE. NEWCOMB, NEWCOMBE. From comb, a valley ; or same as Newcome, Newcomen = stranger. Cf. Newman, Gumming. NEWLOVE. See LAW. NICE. From Nice, in France ; formerly in North Italy. NICK. From Nicholas. LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 67 NIGHT. Same as Knight, from A. S. cniht, cneoht, a boy, youth, attendant, servant. NIGHTINGALE, Some derive this name from the bird, and there is a French name Le Rossignol. Nightingale Lane, in East Smithfield, London, was, however, formerly Cnihtena Guild Lane, and was so called from the knights' guild. Again, gale, in com- position of local names, is frequently a corruption of hall. NOTCUTT. A corruption of Northcote ; from Northcote co. Devon. Cf. Breadcutt (H. R. De Bredecote), perhaps from Bredicot co. Worcester. NOTHARD. Same as the German 0. G. names Nothart, Nit- hard, Neidhart ; from 0. G. neid-hart, which may be variously rendered "very honest," "very crafty," "very zealous." See Wachter, under neid and neidhart, where he renders Nithardus homo valde probus, et ad communem utilitatem natus, &c. NOTHING. A patronymic of Nott, 0. G. Noto, Notho, Not ; or from some local name, perhaps originally Northing. Nutfield, Nuthall, Nuthurst, Nutley, Netting Hill, Nottington are local names in England. NUT, NUTT, NUTTS. The same as Nott, Knot, Knott; from the ancient Scandinavian name Cnut, Knut, Anglicised Canute. Ferguson says Knut derived his name from a wen or tumour on his head. Knott and Nut occur in local names in England. But see NOTHARD. NUTBROWN. From some local name ending in bronn=burn, perhaps Nidbronn ; or from Niederbronn, dep. Bas-Rhin. O. OAKENBOTTOM. A U. S. name. See BOTTOM. OAKLEAF. A U. S. name ; no doubt from Hockliffe, a parish of England, co. Bedford. OATS. Ferguson thinks this name to be a pluralism, and he F 2 68 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. classes it with Ott, Otte, Otto, and the corresponding German names Otte and Otto. All these names are corrupted from Otto, t. e. Octavio. See D. Gilbert's Cornwall, vol iii., p. 318. ODIUM. A U. S. name ; from Odiham (wood-ham), a market town and parish of England, co. Hants. OFFER. The same as Offor ; from Offord, name of two parishes co. Hunts. Both Offers and Offerd are found in Domes- day. OLDMAN. See ALMOND. OMEGA. Doubtless a diminutive of some German nickname. Ferguson says Ohme, Omega, and perhaps Home, are the same as the Low G. ohm, and its diminutive oehmke ; and that corre- sponding with these are 0. G. names Omeko, Omeke, Emico, and Mod. G. Ohm and Ohme. The G. oheim is an uncle. ONION. A corruption of Unwyn or Onwhyn ; from unwinn, unconquerable. Lower thinks it is oftener from the Welsh per- sonal name Enion. Onwen is the name of a manumitted serf, Cod. Dip. No. 971 ; and Unwona that of a bishop of Leicester. ONLY. A U. S. name, the same as Onley (found both in England and the U. S.) ; from Oneley, a hamlet co. Northampton. Hence also the U. S. name Onely. See also LEGG. ON SLOW. From some local name in England, perhaps Iloumlslow or Hounslow, Middlesex; from A. S. hundes-hlaw, the hounds' barrow or hill. Cf. Winslow, the hill of battle ;-hlaw), or the windy tumulus (windes-hlaw). ONYX. A U. S. name. Perhaps the same as the English name Hunkes, said to be a diminutive of Humphrey. Cf. the names Hunncx and Honicke, which Ferguson thinks to be diminu- tives from the name Hun, Hunn ; from Mn, a giant; whence Grimm traces the name of the Huns. OIIANGE. From Orange, a town of France, dep. Vaucluse, which derived its name from L. Araiisio Cavarum ; from the people called the Cavarii. It wa long the capital of a princi- pality, which gave title to the family now on the throne of LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 69 Holland. The King of the Netherlands still retains the title of Prince of Orange ; but the town and territory were ceded to Louis XIV. at the peace of Utrecht. OTHER. See OTTER. OTHERDAY. A U. S. name. See SINGLKDAY. OTTER. Same as the well-known Scandivanian name Ottar, which Ferguson renders fear-inspiring. The name is also found written Ohter, Other, Othyr, Ottyr, Oter, and, in Domesday, Otre. "Walter Fitz-Other (says Lower), the celebrated castellan of Windsor, temp. William I., the reputed ancestor of the Fitz- Geralds, Gerards, Windsors, and other great houses, was the son of Otherus, a great landowner under the Confessor. Ingram, in his translation of the Saxon Chronicle, says Otter was originally oht-here or ocJit here, i. e. terror of an army." OULDBIEF. A U. S. name ; from Elbeuf or Elboauf, a comm. and town of France, dep. Seine-Inf. OUTCRY. Corrupted from Outred, Utred, or Uhtred. See HATRED. OVER. From Over, name of several places, especially in cos. Cambridge and Chester. See also VERY. P. PAGAN. From the Norman personal name Paganus ; a peasant or countryman ; one living in a pagus, i. e. a village or country town. Hence Pain, Paine, Pane, Pen, Paganellus, Pagnel, Paganel, Paynel; Fitz-Payne or Fitz-Pen, by corruption Phippen. PAGE. 1. A boy attending on a great person, rather for show, and as an indication of high rank, than for the performance of menial duties (Fr.) 2. The common and almost only name of a shepherd's servant, whether boy or man ; extensively used in 70 LUDUS PATRONYM1CUS. Suffolk (See Halliwell). 3. A corruption from Peg, the nickname for Margaret. Page is also an old English word for a village. PAIN. See PAGAN. PAINTER. The same as Panter ; from the old word panter or pantler ; in a family of distinction an officer who kept the bread [pantler, Shakspeare] ; from panetier, L. panetarius. u In the court of France the panitier was an officer of high consider- ation ; and in monasteries the paniter would seem to have been charged with the distribution of bread to the poor, no doubt in virtue of his office of chief baker." Proceedings Soc. Antiq. Scot, vol. i. p. 14 ; Way's Prompt. Parv., p. 381. Hence, by corrup- tion, the surname Panther. PALFREY. From the name Baldfrid, which Junius renders " audax pace," but which signifies rather a " bold protector " (bald-frid). There is an inverse, Fridebald. PALSY. A U. S. name ; most probably corrupted from Paul, whence Paw, Pawle, Pause. PAMPHLET. Most probably from Pamflete co. Devon ; or from Bemfleet, Benfleet, co. Essex ; from A. S. fleot, an arm of the sea, mouth of a river. The termination fat, however, may sometimes be from A. S.flet, a dwelling, a habitation, a seat, hall ; Su.-Goth. flet, domus. Cf. also the O. G. names Elsflet, Gerflat, Gundiflat, Hruodflat, Ratflat, Rihflat, Sigiflat; the 0. Goth, names Albofleda, Audofleda, Andefleda ; and the A. S. names Aelflaed, Adelfled, Adelfleda, Aethelfleda, Elfleda, and Wynfleda. Mei- dinger thinks fleda, flet, flat, in composition, means reinlich, cleanly, neat ; from the nouujlath ; whence the N. H. G. unftath, schmutz. The Icz.jliod is a maiden (Cf. Turner, ii. pp. 37 and 85). PAX. This name, according to Ferguson, corresponds with an O. G. Panno, which Forstemann makes to be the same as Banno. Pan is more probably another form of Pain, Paine. See PAGAN. PANE. See PAGAN. PANTHER. Bee PAINTER. PAR. Not from the fish, but from Pierre. See PEAR. LUDUS PATRON YMICUS. 71 PARADISE. Perhaps the same as the 0. G. names Paradeus, Paradeo, Peradeo; from 0. H. G. deo, dio, A. S. theowj Goth. thius, a servant. But see SINGLED AY. PARAMOUR. The same as Parramore, which has been thought to be the Saxon Barmore, 0. G. Bermar; from mar, illustrious. Parramore is more probably from some English local name compounded of " moor." PARDON. A name found in France, England, and the United States, and probably derived from some French local name ending in don ; from Gael, dun, duin, a fort, fortress, town, fortified hill, a hill. It may also be the same with the surname Bardon, from Bardon co. Leicester, or, as Lower says, it may be derived from Parton, a hamlet and township in Cumberland. Parton is also the name of a parish of Scotland, stewartry Kirkcudbright. PARROT. See PEAR. PARSON. This name has been derived from A. S. bar, a bear ; 0. H. G. par, pero. It is the same with Pearson and Person, son of Par, Pear, or Pierre. PART. The same as Bard, Barth, and the 0. G. names Bardo, Pardo, Bartho, Part. But see PEAR and PERT. PASSENGER. This name is probably of German origin ; from Pass-ingr, son of Pass, which is a surname. PATCH. From G. bach, a brook, rivulet, or W. bach, little, small. PAUSE. See PALSY. PAW. See PALSY. PAYMENT. A very common name in Canada. It would easily corrupt from Beaumont ; or even from the name Beeman. PEACE. The same as Pace, Pacy, Paice, Peacey ; from Pacy, in France, dep. Eure, or Pace, dep. Ille-et-Vilaine. PEAR. From Pierre, the French form of Peter. Hence the surnames Par, Peer, and, as diminutives, Parret, Parratt, Parrot, &c. ; perhaps sometimes, by contraction, Part. Other diminutives and corruptions are Parrell, Barrell ; by corruption Pearl. 72 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. PEARL. See PEAR. PEASOOP. See HOPE. PEAT (variously Peatt, Peet, Peed, Pead). A nurse-name for Peter. PEBBLE, PEBBLES. U. S. names; from Peebles, a royal burgh, town, and port of Scotland, cap. co. on the Tweed ; or from Peebles, a township of the U. S., Pennsylvannia. PECKOVER. See CONOVEK. PEER. Same as Pear, q. v. PEG, PEGG, PEGGE. 1. From Peg, the nickname for Margaret (thus Mag, Meg, Peg). 2. From Dan. pige, a maid, a young girl. Hence doubtless Pigg, and, as diminutives, Pidgin, Piggin, Piggon, Pigeon, Pidgeon. PELLET. A diminutive of Pell, the nickname for Peregrine. According to others, Pellet, or rather Pellatt, is a corruption of the baptismal name Hippolyte. PEN. See PAGAN. PENNY. This name has been classed with Benn, Benney, Binney, 0. G. Benno, Benni, Binne, Mod. G. Behn, Benne, Bihn. It is rather from the W. pen, head, chief, end. Hence the names Fippeny, Fourapenny (found Fourapeni), Godspenny, Hankpenny, Manypenny, Moneypenny, Pennycook, Pennycuick, Pennymaker, Pennyman (anciently Pennaman and Peniman), Pennymore, Smal- penny, Tempany, Tenpenny, Thickpenny, Ticklepenny, Turnpenny, Whirlpenny (in H. R. Whirlepeni), Wilderspin, Wimpenny, AVinpp.iiny (white). See also ALLPENNY, HALFPENNY, HAPENNY, TWOPENNY, CRAVEN, INKPEN, PENNYFATIIER, PENNYFKATHI.R. PENNYCOOK, PENNYCUICK. From Penicuick, a parish near Edinburgh. PENNYCUICK. See PENNYCOOK and PENNY. PENNYFATHER, PENNYFEATII i:i:, PENEFATIIKK. (U. S. Penefather.) These names may be from the W. pen/etter, headstrong, stubborn, obstinate. Hearne however derives the name of a street called Penny-farthing Street from a wealthy LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 73 family whose name of Penyvadir or Penyfadir he had met with in old registers ; and, if so, these names may be derived from locality ; perhaps from W. pen-y-ffed-tir, the head of the outward land ; or pen-y-mad-dir, the head of the good land. Lower says the forms of the name Pennyfather in H. R. are Penifader and Penifadir. He gives also a Barnfather and a Bairnsfather, which however he derives from a different source. There is the U. S. name Pennymaker. PENNYFEATHER. See PENNYFATHER. PENNYMAKER. A U. S. name. See PENNY. PENNYMAN. See PENNY. PENNYMORE. See PENNY. PERFECT. From Pierrefitte, name of several communes and villages of France, the principal in dep. Meuse, cap. canton, on the Aire (pierre, a stone). Cf. the surnames Parfett, Parfit, Parfitt, Perfett, Perfitt. PERRY. From Pierre. See PEAR. PERSON. See PARSON. PERT. From Pert co. Forfar ; or Pert, a commune, arrond. Bayeux, Normandy. It may also sometimes be from Perret, a diminutive of Pierre. See PEARL. PETTIBONE. See SMALLBONE. PETTYCOAT. See COAT. PEW. For Pugh, from Ap-Hugh, son of Hugh. See also PIE. PHARAOH. As an English surname, not derived from the Egyptian name, but from the 0. G. name Faro ; perhaps from faren to travel, A. S. fara a traveller. Hence Faramund, a celebrated name among the Francic kings, and the English names Farman and Fearman. PHEASANT. " In England I have heard of a Miss Partridge, who married a Mr. Pheasant, and her sister married a Mr. Part- ridge. There was some other bird in the family." This name, as well as Fesant, Fazan, Fazon, are probably from Lepheasant, near 74 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. St. Austel; from le-vissan, the lower place; or le-vease, the outward place. PHCENIX. Probably corrupted from Fenwick, "the fenny dwelling'," name of places in cos. Northumberland and York. It is quite possible that the name Spinks may be a corruption of Phoenix. PHYSICK, found Phisicke. From Lefisick in St. Austel, Cornwall. Mr. Bowditch says " Dr. Physic was the first physician of Philadelphia." PICKLE, PICKLES. From Pickhill, a parish co. York, N. R. Pikel and Pikele occur in H. R. PICKUP. See HOPE. PIDDLE. From North Piddle co. Worcester, or Piddle-Hinton co. Dorset. PIE. The same as Py, Pye, Pugh. See PEW. PIGEON. See PEG. PIGFAT. A corruption of Pickford, also a surname, which Lower thinks may be from Pitchford co. Somerset. PIGG. See PEG. PILCHARD. A corruption of Pilcher, or=son of Pilch, which is also a surname. PILL. Same as Peel. From the Celtic pill, a stronghold, fortress, secure place. Small towers, usually square, of several stories in height, existing in Scotland, chiefly in the counties bordering upon England, are called Piils. There is the Pile of Foudray, a castle in Furness, Lancashire; Peel Castle, Isle of Man ; Pill in Devon ; and a parish called Pylle in Somersetshire. In Herefordshire pill is used for a small creek, and in co. Somerset for a rock. PILLOW. See BILLOWS. PIMPLE. Bowditch gives this as the name of an English family. It may be the same as Penfold ; or corrupted from some name ending" in bold, in A. S. a house or dwelling. PINCHARD. See HAZARD. LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 75 PINCIIBACK. Same as Pinchbeck; from Pinchbeck co. Lincoln. An alloy of copper and zinc resembling gold in its ap- pearance, was first brought into notice by a London trades- man of the name of Pinchbeck, who manufactured watches, buckles, and other articles out of it. But see Charnock's Verba Nominalia. PINDAR. The same as Pinder and Le Pinder, and perhaps Pinner and Pyner ; from pinder, one whose duty it is to take possession of all stray cattle, and drive them to the pound until they are claimed. PINFOUND. The same as the Cornish name Penfoune, Pen- fowne. Tonkin mentions Penfoune as the name of a place in Poundstock. Hals renders Pen-ion, now Penfowne in Pound- stock, " the head well, spring of water, or fountain ;" but it more probably means " the head of the well." PINK. Corrupted from one of the surnames Pinnock, Pen- nack, Penneck, Pennick, Pennock, Pinnick, perhaps from the parish of Pinnock co. Cornwall ; from pen-ick, the head place. PISSARD. Same as Pirssard. See HAZARD. PISSE. Probably the same as the name Piesse. Lower says of the latter, "The family came into England soon after the revocation of the edict of Nantes, and bore chiefly the Christian names of Louis and Charles. They have a tradition that the name was derived from the order of knighthood created in 1560 by Pope Pius IV., and called corruptly Pies or Piesse in Bretagne, from which province the Piesses of England are believed to have come." PISTOL. Halliwell renders the word pistol " a swaggering fellow, perhaps from pistolfo, explained by Florio, 'a, roguing begger, a cantler, an upright man that liveth by cosenage.' Hence Shakespeare's character of that name." Pistol may be the same as the ancient name Falstolfe, Fastolf, Fastolfe (whence Falstaff), Alt. D. Fastuff ; from 0. G. fast-ulf, strong in help ; or the last part of the name may be from O. G. alp, alf, elf, which Meidinger 76 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. renders stark, kraftig. Cf. the Alt. D. names Fastrich, Fastwin, and the O. G. name Vastman, which Wachter renders valde Celebris. In Luther, Psal. Ixxxix. 8, we find " Gott is fast moechtig." PITCHBOTTOM. See BOTTOM. PITCHFORD. From Pitchford, a parish co. Salop. Hence the names Pickford and Pitchfork. Pitchford means the ford of the river Pitch, which is doubtless a corruption of its original name. PITCHFORK. A U. S. name. See PITCHFORD. PLASTER. No doubt originally Piaster; perhaps one having the charge of a palace (G.palast). PLAYFAIR. Jamieson renders play-fere, play-fair, a play- fellow ; from play, and fere, a companion. Playfair is probably from A. S. leag-fager, the fair or white meadow. Cf. the inverse name Fairplay. PLOT, PLOTT. 1. From plot, a portion of flat even ground, also a plantation laid out ; from Fr. plat (from Gr. irXarvs, L. latus), whence the French name Du Plat, and the English name Platt. 2. From Pellet, a diminutive of Pell, for Peregrine ; or from Bellot, a diminutive of Bell from Isabel. From Bellot we doubtless have the French name Blot. PLUM, PLUMB, PLUMBE, PLUME. From plumpe, plump, in the North of England, a woody place or clump of trees. Plumb is the name of a township of the U. S., North America, Pennsyl- vania ; and there is Plomb, a commune of Normandy ; and La Plume, a commune and town dep. Morbihan. I'LUME. See PLUM. POIGNARD. See HAZARD. POODLE. A corruption of Pool, A. S. pol, put, W. pwll, L. /itilus. Cf. the Corn, pen, which often takes the form uf jmtit. POPOFF. Probably a Slavonic name ; from Pop-ow, son of Pop, a nickname. PORT. Yromport, a gate, as of a fortified place ; a prefix of numerous local names. Lower says Hugo de Port came into LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 77 England at the Norman Conquest ; but that this name may be the same as the Ad Portam, or Atte-Gate of mediaeval records. It may also sometimes be corrupted from the name Porret ; from Porret, dep. La Manche, in Normandy. PORTWINE. " A singular corruption of Poitevin, a native of Poitou, in France. So early as the time of Edward I. the corruption had proceeded as far as to Potewyne, a lady called Preciosa Potewyne occurring in H. R." Lower. POT, POTT, POTTS. See FILLPOT. POTIPHAR. Not from the Egyptian name Potiphar ; but the same as Petifer or Petipher (Potiphur, U. S.) ; perhaps from A. S. boda, 0. N. bodi, a messenger ; A. S. fara, 0. N. fari, a traveller ; A. S. fara, 0. N. fara, to fare, travel. " Our Mrs. Potiphur," says Bowditch, " is a nurse, whose bedside deportment has always been exemplary." POTTAGE. See MARRIAGE. POTTLE. See BOTTLE. POWDER. A U. S. name. From Powder Hundred co. Cornwall ; from pou-dar, the county of the oak. PRAISE. A name found in the U. S. Same as Price, Pryce, Pryse. PRAY. In H. R. De la Preye ; from Fr. pre, a meadow. PRECIOUS. A corruption of the surname Priesthouse. There is, says Lower, a dwelling called Priesthawes, originally Priesthouse, near Pevensey, co. Sussex. PRESTIGE, i. q. PRESTAGE and PRESTWICK. From Prestwich, a parish in Lancashire. See MARRIAGE. PRETTY. Found Praty, Pretie, Prettie, and De Proetis ; from L. pratum, a meadow. The name is also found in Italy and Spain, and in the latter country the family bear for arms "a green meadow, flowered proper." PRIAM. A U. S. name ; doubtless the same as our English Prime, and the French De la Pryme. It may also be connected with Brim, Breem, which Ferguson thinks from A. S. breme, 0. E. 78 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. brim, renowned, famous. He gives Brame, corresponding with a Danish name Bram in Saxo, perhaps from Su.-Goth bram, splen- dour, pomp. PRICE. A Welsh name, said to be from Ap-Rhys, son of Rhys. Pryce however renders the Cornish name Penrice, the head of the fleeting ground, and Rhys and Rice would seem to be the same name. PRIDE. Found without prefix in H. R. It may be the same with Priddy, Pridie, Priddey, Friday ; doubtless from Priddy, a parish co. Somerset. PRIGG, PRIGGE. From A. S. burh, burcg, dative byrig, a fort, castle, city, town ; or the same as Brigg ; from Brigg (Gland- ford, Brigg or Bridge) co. Lincoln ; or from the W. Ap-Rigg, son of Rigg, the mediaeval orthography of ridge. If connected with the ancient name Prigari, it may be the same as Frick, Fricke, Freek, Freeke, Freak, Fricker, O. G. Fricco, A. S. Freoc, from A. S./ncca a preacher, Qt.fricker. PROUD. Fuller makes this name a corruption of Prude. It is more probably the same as Prout, corrupted from the name Provost, the mayor of a royal burgh, the dean or president of a collegiate church. The Continental names Probst, Proost, Prost would seem to be from the same source. The It. prode is valiant, brave ; the A. S. prud, prut, C. B. pridi, ornatus ; A. S. prate, id.; Su.-Goth. prud, magnificus, ornatus. PROUDFIT. Same as Proudfoot, q. v. PROUDFOOT. In H. R. Proudfot, Prudfot. From some local name compounded of " ford ;" perhaps from a place called Pridford or Prydford. There is a parish called Priddy in Somer- eet. But see HAZLEFOOT. PROUDLOCK. See LEGO. PROUDLOVE. See LAW. PROUDMAN. Corrupted from Prudhomme (in II. R. Prod- homme, Prodomme, Prodome, &c.) Roquefort renders preudom, preud 'homme, preudome, prodom, prodon, prudhome : " homme, LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 79 sage et prudent, qui a de l'expe"rience et du savoir, prudens /iomo, et non probus dominus." PUDDIFOOT. See HAZLEFOOT. PUFF. Same as Pugh. See PEW. PULL. A corruption of the name Pool, Poole. See POODLE. PULSE, PULS. For Pulls ; from Pull for Pool. PUNCH. From Pontius. Hence, doubtless, as a diminutive the name Puncheon, var. Punshon. PUNCHARD. See HAZARD. PUNCHEON. See PUNCH. PURCHASE. From Purkiss, corrupted from Perkins ; from Perkin, a diminutive of Pierre. PURELY. See LEGG. PURGE. Bowditch gives this as the name of an English family. See BARGE. PURSGLOVE, i. q. PURSLOVE, PURSLOW. From Purs- low, a hundred co. Salop. The name is doubtless the same with Parslow, which, if I mistake not, is a local name in Essex. See LAW. PUSHING. From some local name compounded of ing, a meadow. Bowditch gives both Pushing- and Pushee ; but the latter is probably corrupted from Pusey. PUSSY, PUSSEY. Found in the U. S. The same as Pusey, Puzy ; from Pewsey or Pusey, a parish co. Wilts ; or Pusey, a parish in Berks. Q. QUARREL, QUARRELS. Quarrell (H. R. Quarel) may be derived from the O. Eng. word quarel, a stone quarry. There is a place called Quarrelton in Scotland, co. Renfrew. Quarrels is perhaps the same name, or it may be from Quarles, which is pro- bably derived from a district in North Greenhoe hundred, co. Norfolk. 80 LUDUS PATRONYMIC US. QUARTERMAN. The same as Quartermaine and Quatre- maine, and the H. R. Quatremayns and Quatremeyns. The origin of this name is doubtful. Four hands form the charge of the shield of the French family of Quatremaine, and there are the French surnames Quatrebarbes, Quatremaire, and Quatremere. The original bearer of the name may have dwelt near a sign-post pointing in four different directions (four hands). QUEEN. From MacQueen or MacQuin ; Ir. O'Quin, CTQuinn, i. q. O'Cuinn, O'Coin, O'Coyne. These names may come from the Ir. cuinn, genitive of conn, wisdom or sense ; or from con, geni- tive of CM, a hound, figuratively applied to a warrior, whence the name Conn or Con. Hence the names Coyne, Coin, Quin, Quinn, Qiiiney, Quinney. QUELL. A corruption of Will, or Quill, q. v. QUESTION. McQuestion is found in the U. S., and MacQuiston is a Scotch name. It may be from Wiston, name of a village and parish co. Lanark ; or from the surname Weston, like Quilliams from Williams. QUHITELAW. A Scottish corruption of Whitelaw; perhaps from Whitelaw, a hill in Roxburgshire. See WHITLOW. QUICK. From the Cornish guik, a village. QUICKLOVE. See LAW. QUICKLY. See LEGQ. QUILL, QUIL. For Will, Wil. * QUILT. A name found in the U. S. ; a contraction of Quillet for Willet, Willett, diminutives of Will. See QUILL. Quillr, Quillet, Quilliot, Quillot are found as French names. QUINCE. A patronymic of Quin, i. e. Quins. Quin, anciently Quinchy, is a local name in Ireland, and is often found in com- position. There is Quin co. Clare, and Quin in Kildare, and Quince Island co. Cork. But see QUEEN. Lower makes Quince the same with Quincy, in charters Latinised De Ouin De Quinci, De Quency. LUDUS PATRON YMICUS. 81 R. RABBIT. Same as Rabbitt, Rabett, in H. R. Rabut and Rabbod, mentioned as the name of a " Duke of the Frisians " in Rog. Wend ; and Radbod, Redpath, Robert, G. Rat pert, 0. G. Ratperth ; from rat-brecht, distinguished for counsel, or a cele- brated counsellor. RAFFLES. From Raffles, the name of a place in the parish of Mouswald co. Dumfries. That parish contains five old border fortresses ; the least dilapidated is that of Raffles. See Gaz. Scot. Raffles Bay is the name of an inlet on the north coast of Coburg peninsula, North Australia, thirteen miles E. Port Essington. A British settlement named Port Raffles, established there in 1827, was abandoned in 1829. See also RULE. RAGLESS. See LEGG. RAIMENT. From Raymond, like Garment from Garmund. Raymond is from the G. ram-mund, a strong man. RAIN. 1. From Rain, a parish co. Essex ; Rain or Rhain, a town of Upper Bavaria ; or Rayne, a parish of Scotland, co. Aberdeen. 2. Perhaps sometimes from Ran, for Randal, Ran- dolph. RAINBIRD. A corruption of Rambert, the inverse of Bertram. RAINBOW. Same as the French name Rainbeaux, i. q. Raimboux, Ramboux ; i. q. Raimbaut, Raimbault ; from 0. G. hruom-bald, famously bold. Rainbold, Rainbolt are found as surnames in the U. S. But see TURNBULL. RAISIN. From Raisen, name of three parishes co. Lincoln, one of which comprises the town of Market Raisen. Hence perhaps the surnames Rising, Reason, and the U. S. name Reasons. But qu. the French names Rais, Raisin, Raison. RALLY. A U. S. corruption of the name Raleigh, supposed Q 82 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. to be derived from some obsolete local name (perhaps Raleghe) co. Devon. Raleigh is the name of a parish co. Essex. RAM. Le Ram is found in H. R. ; but this name may some- times be from 0. H. G. ram, 0. N. ramr, strong, vigorous ; and perhaps sometimes a nickname of Rambert. RAMARD. See HAZARD. RAMBELOW. The same as Rumbellow, Rumbell, Rumball, Rumble, Rumbol, Rumboll, Rimbault ; from root of Rainbow, q. v. RAMSBOTTOM. See BOTTOM. RANSOM, RANSOME. From Ranson, son of Ran, t. e. Ran- dolph. RAP. Same as Rape. RAPE. A corruption of Rolfe. The name Rape or Rolfe occurs. See RULE. RASH. Same as the G. Rasch, from rasch, quick (0. G. ras, t. q. rod ; Franc, rosch, celer, velox) ; Dan. rask, id., also nimble, ready, brisk, whence the name Rask. RATHER. A U. S. name. The Boston "Traveller," Oct. 15, 1860, republishes a letter to Col. Rather of Decatur, Alabama, says Bowditch. This name, like Rothery, may be corrupted from Roderic. Lower gives as a surname Ratherham, which he makes a corruption of Rotherham, from Rotherhara co. York. But see also RUDDER. RAW. The name of a township co. Northumberland. But see RULE. RAWBONE. A corruption of the surname Rathbone ; from some local name (perhaps originally Rathbourne) in Ireland. REACH (re'ak). Perhaps from Gael, raze, a woman, a damsel ; or, if the same name as Riach, then from riabhach, brindled greyish, darkish brown, brownish. HEADLESS. See LEGO. READY. From the Scottish name MacReddie, whence Macready. LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 83 REAM. From Rheims or Reims, a city of France. REASON. See RAISIN. RECKLESS. The same as Ragless. See LEGG. RECORD. Found written Rickword. The same as Ricord, the name of a distinguished French physician ; from G. Reichardt, Eng. Richard. REDCOCK. See COCK. REDFOOT. A U. S. name. Corrupted from Radford, the name of places cos. Nottingham, Oxford, and Warwick. See HAZLEFOOT. REDMAN, i. q. REDMOND, REDMUND. From O. G. rat-mund, a counsellor. Cf. the 0. G. names Ethelred, Cuthred, Folcrat, Herirat, Lantirat, Marcrat. REDMILE. From Redmile or Redmilne (doubtless signifying red-mill), a parish of England, co. Leicester. Cf. the U. S. name Redmill. RESTCOME.* An American name; compounded of comb, a valley. See COMB, NEWCOMB, SMALLCOMB. REVEL. The same as Rivel ; from Curry- Rivel in Somerset- shire ; or from Revel, formerly Rebel, in Languedoc. Lower says two places in Normandy bear the name of Reville, one near Bernai, the other arrond. Valognes, and that the name Revill (whence he says is Revell) still exists in Normandy. The sur- names Reveil, Reveil, Revel, Revil, Revial, Revelat, Revillet, Revilliot, Revelin, Revillon, Reveliere are found in the French Directory. RIBBONS. Corrupted from Reubens. RICE. The same as the Welsh name Rees. See PRICE. RICH. Sometimes from Richard. RICHBELL. This name was no doubt originally Richbold, compounded of bold, an abode, dwelling. See BOTTLE. RICHES. From Richard. RICKETS, RICKETTS. A corruption of Rickards, Ricards ; from Richards. G 2 84 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. RICKS. From Richard. RIDDLE. The same as Riddell, found Rydale, De Rydale, and De Ridale ; from Riddell or Ryedale, in the parish of Lillies- leaf co. Roxburgh. Sir Walter Scott refers to several curious documents which warrant most conclusively the epithet of " Ancient Riddell." See Stat. Ac. of Scotland, vol. iii. p. 27, note. RIDE. From Ryde, formerly Ride, Isle of Wight. RIDEOUT. It has been suggested that this name may be from redoubt, a military fortification (Fr. reduit, It. riddoto, Sp. reduto), and the names Redout, Ridoubt are found in America; and Ridout, Ridoutt are no doubt the same name. In H. R. it is Ridhut, which may mean red hut or dwelling ; the first syllable may also be from W. rhyd, a ford. Again, Redhead would easily corrupt to Redout and Rideout. RIDING, RIDINGS. From some local name compounded of ing, a meadow ; or same as Ridding, from Ridding, a hamlet co. Derby. I RIGHT. Same as Wright, an artificer in wood, in com- position = workman. RIGHTLY. Compounded of ley. See LEGG. RING. Ring, Ringe, Ringa, as ancient names, are from the Su.-Goth. ring, an eminent man (vir praistans, eximius), connected with the C. B. rlien, satrapa; A. S. rinc, a soldier, warrior, a valiant, noble, or honourable man ; Sco. rink, rync, a strong man ; 0. G. recke, reche, rink, a hero, giant ; H. G. hringa, a prince, governor, which Hire seems to think are from reke, recke, heros, athleta, probably connected with the Su.-Goth. rciks, a prince. There were kings of Scandinavia named Sigivid Ring and Hakan Ring, and, says Ihre, Ring is the name of many places in Scandinavia which were formerly the seats of heroes. The Mod. Dan. ringe, Sco. ringa, is small, little, slight, humble, low. Ring may also sometimes be from ring, a circle. Cf. the Italian name Aniello, whence Masanii'll", from Thomaso Anicllo. Ring is the name of a place near Dungarvan in Ireland. LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 85 RINGER. Perhaps from 0. G. ringer, a wrestler ; from ringen, to fight, contend with. Cf. Brider ; from Dan. bryder, a wrestler, combatant. RINGGOLD. A U. S. name; from Ringwold, a parish of England, co. Kent ; or Ringwood, a market town and parish co. Southampton. RISING. The 0. H. G. risi, riso, Mod. H. G. riese, 0. N. risi, Dan. rise, Sw. rese, is a giant, and ing, son or descendant ; but this name is most probably the same as Raisin, q.v. "One B. Rising, who had for several years before held a commission in her Majesty's army, was in January, 1867, elevated to the curacy of Newport. Reising is a U. S. name." ROACH. From Fr. roche, a rock. ROB, ROBB. See ROBIN. ROBE. See ROBIN. ROBIN. A diminutive of Rob, from Robert. Hence Rob, Robb, Robe, Rope. ROLL. See RULE. ROLLS. See RULE. ROOF. See RULE. ROPE. See ROBIN and RUBY. ROSE. See RUSE. ROSEBOTTOM. See BOTTOM. ROSEWHARM. A name found in Bowditch. A corruption of the Cornish name Roswarne ; from Roswarne, an estate in the parish of Camborne. ROTTEN. From Rodden, a parish co. Somerset. Rotten, Rotton, Rodden, Roddam, Roden are found as U. S. names. ROUGH. See RULE. ROUGHEAD. Same as the French name Ruffet. But see RULE. ROWBOTTOM. See BOTTOM. RUBY. Same as Roby, Robie, Robe, Robb, Rubb, Rope, Roop, from Robert. 86 LUDUS PATBONYMICUS. RUDDER. The same as the German names Roadhar, Ruder (whence Riidersdorf ), Roder ; from 0. G. rat-herr, noble coun- sellor ; or rat-her, eminent in council, or simply a counsellor. RUE. From the French name De la Rue, i. e. from the street. RUFF, RUF. See RULE. RUFFLE, RUFFELL. See RULE. RULE. Nisbet derives this name from St. Regulus, who brought the relics of St. Andrew to Scotland. It is more probably the same witli the A. N. Raoul, in H. R. Ruel ; corrupted from Randolph or Radolph. Hence Ralph, Rolph, Rape, Rough, Ruff, Roof, Raw, Roll, Rolls, and, as a diminutive, Ruffle. Ruet, Ruf, Ruffe, Ruffel, Ruffet, Ruffey, Ruffin are found as French names. RUM. Forstemann derives this name from 0. G. hruom, fame. Ferguson thinks it may be from O. N. rumr, a giant, one who might truly be called "a rum customer." But see RAM and WORMS. RUMAGE. See MARRIAGE. RUMBALL. See RAMBELOW. RUMBELL. See RAMBELOW. RUMBELLOW. See RAMBELOW. RUMBLE. See RAMBELOW. RUMMER. The same as the 0. G. names Ruraheri, Rhumhar ; from hruom-herr, distinguished lord. It may also sometimes be the same as Rimmer, Rimer, or Rhymer. Rummer, Rimmer, Rymer, Rymers are found as U. S. names. RUSE. Same as Rouse and Roux = red ; or same as Rose, from Cornish rose, ro, a valley. RUSIIOUT. The name of a British M. P. (1857). James Rushout was created a baronet at the Restoration of Charles II. An ancestor of the Rushouts was Thibaut Rushaut, a noble English knight. The name may be derived from some Dutcli or Flemish local name ending in 7tou, signifying wood, timber. Cf. the Flemish Turnhout and the English local names Bagshot, Oakshot, com- pounded of holt, a wood or grove. Rushout or Rushaut may LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 87 also be a corruption of the French name Rousset, Roussell, Russell, diminutives of Roux. RUST. A corruption of the French name Rousset. (See RUSHOUT). Rust or Rusth is the appellation of a town of West Hungary. S. SACK, SACKS, SACHS. From Isaac, Isaacs. Cf. the names Sacchi, Sacchini, Sacchetti. But see SEX. SALE, SALES. This name is found written De la Sale, De Salle, De Aula, De la Saule, De Halle, Saul, and Halle, and is derived from A. S. sel, sele, a hall, Fr. salle. SALL. A U. S. name. Perhaps sometimes from Sail, a parish co. Norfolk ; and at other times from Fr. salle, a hall. See SALE. SALMON. 1. From Solomon. 2. From Saleman. "The manor of Salmons in Caterham co. Surrey is known to have belonged, temp. Edward III., to Roger Saleman " (Brayley's Surrey, iv. 189). The name Saleman might signify both a saleman and an attendant or keeper of a hall. SALT. From the village of Salt co. Stafford. In 1166 the name is written Selte. In the reign of Henry III. Jvo de Saut held one knight's fee in Saut, of the Barony of Stafford. Subse- quently, Hugh de Salt held Salt of Philip de Chetwynd. From this tenure, and from resemblance of the arms, it is probable that Salt was a cadet of Chetwynd. In the Visitations of Staffordshire there are pedigrees of this family, from whom descend Thomas Salt, Esq., jun., M. P. for Stafford, and William Salt, Esq., F.S.A. (See Lower.) The name may also sometimes be the same as Salt or Sault, from the Barony of Salt co. Kildare, so named from the district called De Saltu Salmonis, " the salmon's leap." SAMPLE. From St. Paul, St. Pol. Cf. the name Sampol. SAND, SANDS. The vocable sand is found in composition of LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. many localities, but the surnames Sand, Sands may mean a mes- senger, one sent ; from G. senden, Goth, sandjan, A. S. sendon. Franc, et Alara. senten, to send ; G. sende, missio, dimissio. Hence, doubtless, Sandeman, Sandman, Sentman, and the U. S. name Sendfirst, which may mean a princely messenger, or ambassador. Cf. the German compounds chur-furst, elector ; vier-furst, te- trarcha. SANDELL. Perhaps the same as Sandall ; from Sandall, name of a parish (Kirk), and of a township (Long), co. York, "West Riding. SANDMAN. See SAND. SAtfDY. This name has no connection with the Sandi of the Yorkshire Domesday, which has been derived from sand, a messenger. It is the same as Sandie, corrupted from Alexander. It may sometimes be from Sandy (with Gritford), a parish co. Beds. SATTENSHALL. Bowditch says that a person of this name arrived in Boston in an English steamer in September, 1857. The last part of the name is derived from hall. SAUL, SAULL. Perhaps sometimes from Saul, a parish co. Gloucester, or Saul co. Down, Ulster, Ireland. But see SALE. SAVEALL, SHAVEALL. Corrupted from Saville. SAW. From Saul, like Raw from Raoul or Ralph. Cf. Saw, Sawkins, with Raw, Rawkins. SAYWELL. A corruption of Saville, Savile, Savil. SCAFFOLD. A name found in Lower's Appendix. It pro- bably means sheep-fold (A. S. sceaf, G. schaf, a sheep). SCAMP. From a French or Belgian local name ending in camp (L. campus). Scampton is the name of a parish co. Lincoln. See also LOSECAMI*. SCANDAL. From some local name compounded of dale. SCAREDEVIL. A name found in the U. S. Corrupted from the name Scardeville, which Lower thinks may be from Ecarden- ville (perhaps originally Escardenville), dep. Ewe, Normandy. LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 89 SCATTERGOOD. (II. R. Schatregod.) From some local name ending in " wood." SCHOOLCRAFT. A U. S. name. From croft, a little close. See CRAFT. SCOLDING. Formed like Winning, q. v. SCORE. From A. S. score, a shoer. SCUFFLE. From some local name compounded of %, a meadow. SCURRY. The same as Scurrah and Scurr ; probably from the Ir. name 'Scurry, or O'Sgurra, one of the chiefs given by O'Dugan on the six Sodhans. The Sodhan is a large territory in the barony of Tiaquin, which was made into six divisions, called the six Sodhans. The name Sgurra may be from the Ir. scor, a champion, or sgeir, a rock in the sea, a cliff, shelf ; or sgeireach, rocky. SEABORN. From some local name compounded of bourn. (See SMALLBONE.) There is however a Seyburn, and Ferguson thinks these names may be from the Scandinavian name Scebiorn (sea-bear). SEABRIGHT. Same as Sebright, corrupted from Sibert, Siebert, Sigibert, from 0. G. sig-brecht, distinguished in victory. See SIP SEACOCK. See COCK. This name may some day corrupt into Seacook. SEAFART. A U. S. name. The same as Seffert, Seyffert, Seyfried, corresponding with the G. Seyffart, Siefert, Seefried, from Siegfred, or Sigefred, name of an A. S. bishop of Chichester, which Ferguson renders " peace of victory ;" but, with more rea- son, from G. sig-frith, victorious protector. SEAGOOD. From some local name compounded of wood. SEAL, SEALE. From Seal, name of parishes cos. Kent, Leicester, Surrey, and Sussex ; from A. S. sel, a seat, hall, manor- house, mansion. SEAQUILL. From some local name compounded of mile. It 90 LUDUS PATBONYMICUS. may have been Segville or Sigville. "We have several local names compounded of seg> sig, from sig, sige, victory. SEARCH. Same as the U. S. names Serch and Sarch ; per- haps corrupted from the name Sergius. Cf. Searchfield, the last syllable of which is ville. SEAS. From Seez, a comm. and town of France, dep. Orne. SEASONGOOD. Formed like Seagood, q. v. SEE. Same as Sea ; from residence near the sea. " Atte Sea, as a family name, is very common in medieval records " (Lower). SEGAR. From A. S. sigra, 0. N. sigarr, a conqueror ; O. N. sigr, A. S. sige, 0. G. sieg, Franc, et Alam. sigo, victory, Hence the surname Sugar. Cf. Sigo, Sigi, Sager, Siggoer, Siggeir, Sigar, Seager, Seeger, Seaker, Seeker, Saggers, Siggers, and the compounds Sigiwin, Sigismund, Sigmund, Sigofrid, &c. SELF, SELFE. "The name Sewlf (sea-wolf) occurs in a charter of Canute, and it is probably the same as the Saulf in the Domesday of Derbyshire, where it is in the Scandinavian form. Hence maybe our Salve, Self, Selves." Ferguson. SEND. From Send (with Ripley), a parish co. Surrey; or Send, a chapelry co. Wilts. It may also sometimes be another orthography of Sand, q. v. SENDALL. A U. S. name. Perhaps the same as Sandell, q. v. SENDFIRST. A U. S. name. See SAND. SENTANCE. From some local name, perhaps St. Anne's. St. Anne is the name of a mountain of France, dep. Orne ; of a maritime village, Guadeloupe ; of another village in Martinique ; of some parishes in the West Indies ; and of one in the island of Alderney ; of a river of Lower Canada, and of a lake in British North America. SEQUIN. Not from the coin, but the same as Segwin, Siggins, from sig-wiUj victorious warrior. SERMON, SURMAN, SURMON. Found as U. S. names. Perhaps from Saargemund (Fr. Sarreguemines), a commune and LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 91 town of France, dep. Moselle. These names would also corrupt from the ancient names Sigmund, Sigmundr. See SEGAR. SESSIONS. The same as Sissons and Sisson ; from Soissons, a town of France, dep. Aisne. Lower however derives Sisson, Sissons from Siston, a parish co. Gloucester. Sizun is the name of a town of France, dep. Finistere. SETON. From Seaton or Seton co. Haddington ; and perhaps sometimes from Seaton, name of parishes cos. Cumberland, Devon, Durham, Northumberland, Rutland, York, &c. Seaton is also a surname. SETTLE. From Settle, a market town and chapelry co. York, West Riding. SEX. From A. S. Seaxa, a Saxon. Cf. the names Six, Sax. SHADDOCK. See SHADE. SHADE. (There is a German Schade.) The same as Chad or Ceadda ; whence probably, as diminutives, Shaddock and Shat- tock. Hath, had, chad signifies war. SHAKSPEARE. Variously Shakespeare, Shakespear, Shake- spere, Shakespeyre, Shakyspere, Schakespeire, Schakspere, Shaxper, and Chacksper. "Concerning its etymology," says Lower, "there can be no doubt. ' The custome, first TraAAfii/, to vibrate the speare before they used it, to try the strength of it, was so constantly kept, that yxf(T7ra\os, a Shake-speare, came at length to be an ordinary word, both in Homer and other poets, to signifie a soldier' (Francis Rous, Archseologia Attica, 1637). The Bard's contemporaries evidently understood the name in that sense. . . . Our family nomenclature presents us with several analogies, as Breaks^?eare, Winspear, ShaJce&h&ft, $/*aMaunce, Hackstaff, Briselance, and Bruselance, Wagstaffe, Bickerstaffe, Hurlbat, Draweswerde (Drawsword), Cutlemace (' cut the club or mace'), Hackblock," &c. I have elsewhere (cf. Notes and Queries, vols. ix. and x.) stated that Shakespere might be a corruption of Sigisbert, which would translate "renowned for victory" (sige, victory) ; in answer to which Mr. Ferguson seemed to think that 92 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. the name might be from Sicisper, Sigispero, or Sigiper, which he would translate " victorious bear " (perhaps rather " victorious man"). My suggestion would seem probable from the fact that the name Shakeshaft might be from sigishaft, sighaft, used by the Franks for " victorious ;" or from sigls-haved, " head of vic- tory," " victorious leader." I am however disposed to think that the latter name is merely a corruption of Shakestaff ; and, as I have shown elsewhere, most names compounded of staff are derived from A. S. sted, a place. On further consideration, I am inclined to doubt my former derivation of the name Shake- speare, although it would easily corrupt from Sig-isbert, by con- traction of the first vocable, and by dropping of the final t. I agree with another correspondent of Notes and Queries in tracing the name to Jaques Pierre. In French, Italian, and German, surnames are frequently made up of two names. Cf. the French 'names Jeangirard, Jeangrand, Jeanguemin, Jean- jacquet, Jeanjean, Jeanmaire; Pierrehumbert ; the Italian Gian- pietri, Zampieri ; and the German Meyerbeer, whose brother was Michael Beer. The nearest names to Jacques Pierre that I have been able to find are, James Peters, Jacques Henri Bernardin de Saint Pierre, and Petrus Jacobus. SHALL Y. Same as Shalley and Shanley, i. q. Shelley ; from Shenley, name of a parish cos. Suffolk and Essex, and of a town- ship co. York, W. R. See SKINLEY. SHAMELY. A U. S. name. See LEGO. SIIARPLESS. From Sharpies, a township co. Lancaster. See LEGO. SHARPLEY. See LEGO. SHATTER. From Chartres, a town of France, dep. Eure-et- Loir ; or La Chatre, dep. Indre. One Selina Chatters occurs in the Registrar- General's List; although this may be the same as Chatteris, from Chatteris co. Ely. See also CIIAUTKK. SHAVE. Mac Chave is a Gaelic surname. But see CALF and SHOVE. LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 93 SHAVEALL. See SAVEALL. SHEAF. The same as Shelf. Ferguson derives Sheaf from Scef or Sceaf, according to the A. S. table of Woden's ancestry, the father of Scyld. He says Scef or Sceaf signifies " sheaf," and gives an anecdote in connection therewith. SHEARGOLD, SHERGOLD. The same as Sherwood (by interchange of g and w) ; from Sherwood, a celebrated forest co. Nottingham, scene of the adventures of Robin Hood and his companions. Cf. the U. S. name Purgold. SHEATH. See SHEET. SHEEPSHANKS. According to some, this name may refer to badly-formed legs, and we certainly have the name Cruick- shank, Cruikshanks, Crukshanks. Among other curious narrow- lanes at Canterbury, however, was one called the Sheep Shank, which probably had its name from some tavern sign, signifying the Ship or Sheep Tavern ; from G. schenke, a drinking-house, ale-house. Cf. the surnames Schenck, Schenk, signifying a pub- lican, vintner. SHEET, SHEETS. U. S. names. We also find Shead, Sheard, Sheat, Sheath, and Sheed. Some derive the name Shead from a Gaelic word signifying a field, but there is no such word in that language. It might, however, be from scadh, strong. Sheat is a provincial (S.) word for a young hog ; the A. S. sceard, Eng. sheard, is a fragment; but these names, especially Sheat and Sheath, may translate a maker of sheaths or scabbards (Sheather is an English surname), from A. S. sceath, sccethe, a sheath. SHELF. From Shelf, a township co. York, West Riding. The name Shelf has also been derived from the hero Scelf or Scylf, presumed founder of the Scylfingas, a Scandinavian tribe. SHELL. From Shell, a hamlet in the parish of Himbledon, co. Worcester. SHERRY. 1. For Sheridan, i. e. Jeridan ; from Jerry, i. e. Jeremiah. 2. Perhaps sometimes from Sheriff. 94 LTJDU8 PATRON YMICUS. SHEW. From Chew Magna (Bishop-Chew), a parish co. Somerset. Cf. Chew. SHEWCRAFT. See SHOECRAFT. SHILLINGLAW. See LAW. SHIN, SHINN. Same as Chin, q. v. SHIP, SHIPP. The same as Skipp, Skyp. These names may mean a sailor, from A. S. self, a ship, boat, whence sciper, and the surname Skipper. Ship, Shippe, Shippie, Shep, Skippon are found as U. S. names. SHIPLAKE. See LEGG. SHIPTON. See SHIPWASH. SHIPWASH. A corruption of sheepwash, the place where sheep are cleansed before shearing. Cf. the names Shipton and Shipway. SHIPWAY. See SHIPWASH. SHIRT. Same as Shurt. Corrupted from Sherard, Sherrard. Mr. Bowditch, in his humorous work on Suffolk (American) sur- names, says Abraham Shurt, of Pemaquid (near Bristol, Me.), took an acknowledgment of an Indian deed in 1826, twenty years before any enactment on that subject ; and he dedicates his work " To the Memory of A. Shurt, the Father of American Convey- ancing, whose Name is associated alike with my Daily Toilet, and my Daily Occupation." SHIRTCLIFF. Same as Shirtliff and Shurtleff, both found in the U. S. Derived from some local name, most probably Shortcliff. SHOE, i. q. Chew and Shew, q. v. SHOEBOTTOM. See BOTTOM. SHOECRAFT. A name found at Buffalo, U. S. There is also a U. S. Shewcraft. These names are compounded of croft, a small field adjoining a dwellinghouse. SHOOTER. The same as Shuter, Sutor, Suter, Sutler, Soutar, Souter, Soutter, Sowter ; from 0. Eng. souter, a cobbler, shoe- maker, from A. S. sutere, L. sutor. Hence doubtless the U. S. name Shunter. LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 95 SHOTBOLT. From A. S. bolt, a dwelling. See BOTTLE. SHOUT. The same as Shute ; from Shute, a parish co. Devon. Shout, Shut, Shutt, Shute, Shuts are found in Bowditch. Cf. Chute, from Chute in Wilts. SHOUTER. See SHOOTER. SHOVE. A corruption of the French name Chauve. See CALF and SHAVE. SHOVEL. From Showell, a chapelry in the parish of Swer- ford, co. Oxford ; or from the surname Scovell (in H. R. De Scoville, De Scovile) ; from Escoville, now Ecoville, arrond. Caen, Normandy. Sir Cloudesley Shovel was the name of a gal- lant British admiral, born near Clay, in Norfolk, about 1650. SHOW. A name occurring in the Registrar-General's List. There is also a U. S. Showe. The same as Chew, Shew, Shoe, q. v. SHUFFLE, SHUFFELL. 1. From Sheffield co. York. 2. The same as Suffield ; from Suffield (south field), name of a parish of England, co. Norfolk, and of two townships of the U. S., the one Connecticut, the other Ohio. 3. Same as the U. S. names Shufelt, Shufeldt, compounded of G. feld, a field. See also BOTTOM. SHUFFLEBOTTOM. See BOTTOM. SHUFFLER. The same as Shoveller, a probable corruption of Chevalier (H. R. Le Chevaler), a knight or horseman (Fr.). SHUN. Same as Shin, q. v. SHUT, SHUTT. Same as Shout, q. v. SICILY. An Edinburgh surname. A corruption of the female Christian name Cicely or Coecilia. SICKMAN. From root of Sugarman, q. v. SIDE. According to Lower, side implies the side of a hill, stream, &c. Ferguson renders it a " possession " or " location ;" and if so it would seem to be from A. S. scet, a sitting, station, &c. We have many names compounded of side, as Silverside, Silversides, Whiteside, Handyside, &c. 96 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. SIDEBOTHER. See SIDE. SIDEBOTTOM. See BOTTOM. SILENCE. From Saillans or Seillans, a comm. and market town of France, dep. Drome. SILK. From Silk-Willoughby, a parish co. Lincoln. SILL. A nickname of Silas or Silvester. SILLY, SILLEY. Properly Ceely. D. Gilbert says John Silly, gent., of St. Wenn, Cornwall, altered his name from Ceely to Silly, which Lower considers " a truly silly deed, especially for a lawyer, to have executed." SILVERLOCK. See LEGG. SILVERSIDE, SILVERSIDES. See SIDE. SILVERSTONE. From Silverston, a parish co. Northampton. But see SMALSTONE. SIMMER. 1. Same as Seamer, Seymour ; from A. S. seamere, a tailor. 2. From Seamer, name of two parishes co. York ; or Semer co. Suffolk, on the Bret. Some derive the name Seymour from Roger .de Sancto Mauro ; and Ferguson says Seamer, Sey- mour correspond with the G. Siemer, Simmer, from Sigimar. But see SKIMMER. SIMPER. From St. Pierre, i. e. St. Peter. St. Pierre is the name of a parish co. Monmouth. SIMPLE. From Simplicius. Manage, in his Receuil de Noms de Saints, gives a St. Simples, corrupted from St. Simplicius. Simple may also sometimes be the same as Semple and Sample, from St. Paul. See SAMPLE. SINFOOT. Compound of ford. See HAZLEFOOT. SING. Found Singer, alias Synge (a singer in a church) ; from A. S. singan, to sing. Cf. the names Sang, Sangar, Sangster. The Indian name Sing, Singh is derived from the Sanscrit sink, x! i,l,,i. a lion. SINGLEDAY. Persons named Monday, Munday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, G. Soutag, may have been so named from having been born on those days ; but whence such names LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 97 as Doubleday, Otherday, Purday, Singleday, Twiceaday is doubtful. Meidinger, under tag, tac, splendour, glory, renown, fame (glanz, ruhm), gives the Alt D. names Alptac, Helmtac, Richdag, Tagafrid, the Alt S. Berndag, Hildidag, Liuddag, Wildag. But these names may sometimes be from deo, diu, con- fidant, servant ; whence the Alt D. names Arndeo, Helmdeo, Irmindeo, Pirideo, Regindeo, &c. &c. Cf. also the English name Heritage, in H. R. Heritag.' SINJOHN. A U. S. corruption of St. John. The name is also found written Sinjen. SIP. From Sibert, a name occurring in the genealogy of the kings of the East Angles, East Saxons, and West Saxons, cor- responding with the G. name Siebert, an 0. H. G. Sigipe-raht, and a G. Sigibert; or from Sibbald : G. Sebald, Siebold, Sybelt, from Sigebald, name of a king of the East Saxons. Cf. the G. names Sibja, Sibo, Sivo, Siffo, 0. G. Sepp, Seebe, Sybel, and the U. S. names Sibel, Sibell, Sibbs, Sip, Sipp, Sipps, Sipples, Sippel, Sipple, Sippet. SIPPET. See SIP. SIRGOOD. Same as Sargood, Sherwood, Shergold. See SHEARGOLD. SITWELL. The same as Sidwell, for some local name com- pounded of ville. The name would also corrupt from the German name Sigiwald. SIX. See SEX. SIXSMITHS. A corruption of Sucksmith, q. v. SIXTY. Perhaps the same as Sexty and Saxty ; from Saxty, a parish co. Suffolk. Lower makes the name Sexty a corruption of sacristy. SKIFF. A U. S. name. Perhaps from A. S. scife, scyfe, a precipice. SKILL. Camden renders skell " a well, in the Northern English." Skyll and Skell are also found. But see SKULL. SKILLET. Perhaps a diminutive of Skill, q. v. H 98 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. SKIMMER. Same as the G. Sigimar ; from sig-mar, renowned for victory. SKINLEY, . q. SKINGLEY, SHENLEY, SHELLEY. From A. S. scean-leay, beautiful meadow. See LEGG. SKINNING. Formed like Winning, q. v. SKULL, SCULL. From Skull, in the Barony of Carbery, co. Cork. SLACK. A name of local origin. The word slack signifies valley, a small shallow dell. " Slack, slab, slake, an opening in the higher part of a hill or mountain, where it becomes less steep, and forms a sort of pass ; a gap or narrow pass between two hills or mountains." (Jamieson.} SLATE. From Sleat or Slate, in the Isle of Wight. SLAUGHTER. From one of the two parishes so called co. Gloucester ; perhaps derived from the name of a river. There is a place called Slaughterford co. Wilts. Slaughter may also some- times be the same as Slatter, which has been derived from the Dan. slagter, a butcher. Slaughter is the name of a butcher at Netting Hill, Middlesex. SLEEP, SLEAP. From Sleep, a hamlet in the parish of St. Peter, at St. Albans, co. Herts. SLEEPER. See SLIPPER. SLEWMAN. Same as Slowman, q. v. SLIM. The Boston Courier (4th June, 1859) mentions that Mr. Slim had a narrow escape from drowning. Slim is probably a corruption of Selim, a name which occurs twice in the Post-Office Directory. SLI1TKK. The same as Slyper. From the old word simrd- is a kind of half-boot. Mellado gives three Spaniards of the name of Zapata Antonio Cisneros, a cardinal, born at Madrid in 1550 ; Antonio LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 99 or Lupian Zapata, born at Segorbe in the seventeenth century ; and Antonio Zapata, born at Soria at the end of the seventeenth century. The latter was one of the most celebrated of the pupils of Antonio Palomino, and, among many others, painted a fine picture of St. Peter and St. Paul for the cathedral of Osma. The name is probably derived from locality. Zapata is the appellation of a district of Spain, prov. Avila ; and of a place prov. Ponte- vedra. Zapateros is the name of a village prov. C6rdoba ; and there are places in Spain called Zapategui, Zapateira, Zapateiro, Zapatera, Zapateria, Zapatero, and Zapaton. SLIPSHOE. SeeSTEPTOE. SLIT. Same as Slight, one thin and tall. SLOCOCK. See COCK. SLOW. This name was anciently written De la Slo, Ad le Slow, or De la Slou, and is the same as Slough ; from slough, a place of deep mud or mire, from A. S. slog. Slough is the name of a place in Bucks. Slow, Slowe, Slowey, Slough, Sloog, Slog- gett, Sluggett are found as surnames in Bowditch. SLOWCOCK. See COCK. SLOWLY, SLOWLEY. From some local name compounded of ley. See LEGG. SLOWMAN. The same as Sloman, and the U. S. Slooman, Sluman, Sleuman, Slewman, Slyman ; corrupted from the Hebrew name Solomon. SLUMBER. A U. S. corruption of Lumber, Limber, q. v. It would even corrupt from St. Lambert, if there ever was such a saint or sinner. SLYBODY. The same as Slytbody, which Lower says is found in Sussex in the thirteenth century, and four centuries after in the same county as Slybody. The name means thin and tall in body. SLYMAN. The same as Sleeman, Slemmon, and Slowman, q. v. But see also SLYBODY. SMALLAGE. See MARRIAGE. H 2 100 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. SMALLBACK. From some local name compounded of G. bach, a brook. SMALLBONE, SMALLBONES. From some local name compounded of bourn, a brook, A. S. burn. Hence Collarbone, Crackbone, Fulborn, Kneebone, Newbone, Newborne, Stubborne, Whalebone. SMALLCOMB. See COMB. SM ALLEY. SEE SMILES. SMALLPAGE, SMALPAGE. This name may mean the small village. Page (L. pagus) was an old English word for a village. But see PAGE. SMALPENNY. See PENNY. SMALSTONE. A name found in the U. S. From some local name compounded of ton (A. S. tun), an enclosure. Hence Silverstone, &c. SMELT. 1. A diminutive of Small = to the names Little, Petit, Klein, &c. 2. From A. S. smylt, smelt, serene, gentle, placid, mild. SMILES. Said to be derived from the name Smellie, probably from Small ey, a chapelry in the parish of Morley, co. Bucks; from A. S. smeth-leag, smooth pasture. Smalley, Smily, Smedley would seem to be the same name. SMOKER. Mr. Ferguson thinks this name may be from the A. S. smicere, elegant, polished ; but the Dan. form of the word, viz. smulc (fair, handsome, fine), would be nearer. Ilalliwell says, "At Preston, before the passing of the Reform Bill in 1832, every person who had a cottage with a chimney, and used the jatter, had a vote, and was called a smoker" Smucker, Smock, Smoke are found as U. S. names. SMUT. A name found in Lower's Appendix. The same as Smout, Smoot, Smoote, Smyth, Smythe, Smith. Cf. Smooth- man, which is doubtless a corruption of Smithyman or Smither- man. All these names, as well as Smither, Smyther, and Smithers, are found in Bowditch. LUDUS PATEONYMICUS. 101 SNIPE. Same as Snape, Snepp ; from Snape, name of a parish co. Suffolk, and of a township co. York, North Riding. The Devonshire word snape signifies a spring in arable ground. The names Snape, Snapp, Snipe, Snupe are found in the U. S. SNIVELLY, SNIVELY, SNIVELEY. U.S. names. From some local name compounded of ley. See LEGG. SNOOKS. The word snooks is often brought forward as the answer to an idle question, or as the perpetrator of a senseless joke. It was probably the name of a character in some modern play or song. The surname is a gross corruption of Sevenoaks ; from Sevenoaks, Kent, the provincial pronunciation of which is Se'noaks. Sevenoaks is still a surname, and there was formerly a Sir William de Sevenoke. " Mr. Sevenoke," says Bowditch, " was an ancient Lord Mayor of London." SNOWBALL. From some local name compounded of bold ; perha} s from snaw-bold, the snow dwelling. See BOTTLE. SNOWHITE. Compounded of thwaite. See LILYWHITE. SOAR. See SORE. SOBER. The same as Seaber and Seubar in the Domesday of Lincolnshire ; probably from Sibert, for Sigibert. SOCKETT. Probably of local origin. According to Lower, Sockett is an alias for the parish of Playden co. Sussex. SOFTLY, SOFTLEY. See LEGG. SOLACE. Same as Solis ; from Sollies, a commune and town of France, dep. Var ; or from Soules, an ancient Scottish family that gave name to Soulestoun, now Saltoun, or Salton, in Scot- land. SOLE, SOUL. 1. From the Scripture name Saul. 2. From Saul, name of a parish of England, co. Gloucester, and of a parish of Ireland, co. Down. 3. From Soulle, a town of France, dep. La Manche. 4. The same as Seal, Scale ; from root of Counsell, q. v. Cf. Shrubsole, Plimsaul, Plimsoll ; and see also SALE, SALES. SOMANY. The same as Soman and Samand ; from A. S. 102 LUDUS PATRON YMICUS. sae-man, sa-mann, a seaman. Samand would also corrupt from St. Amant. St. Amant and Stamamant are found in Bowditch. SOMEBORN. Bowditch mentions a Mr. Someborn of Phila- delphia, who, he says, may feel assured that somebody was his father. Sombourn is the name of two parishes (King's and Little) co. Hants. SON. The same as Sonne ; perhaps from G. sonne, the sun. Son, Sonne, Sonna, and Sunrise are found in Bowditch, and Sun- shine in Lower's Appendix. SOPPETT, SOPPITT. A corruption of Sopwith, from Sop- worth co. Wilts. But see SIP and SIPPET. SORE. A Maria Sore and an Ellen Soar occur in the Registrar-General's List. They may be from Sore, a town of France, dep. Landes. They may also be the same as Shore and the U. S. Shower. SORELY. A U. S. name. See LEGG. SORT WELL. From some local name compounded of mile. SOUL. See SOLE. SOURWINE. See WINE. SOUTHERLY. See LEGG. SOUTHMAYD. The same as Southmead, both U. S. names. See LONGMAID. SOY. A U. S. name. A corruption of Say ; from Sai, near Argentan, a town of France, dep. Orne ; probably derived from saxum, a rock. SPAN, SPANE. Same as Spain, Spayne, originally from Spain. See Morant's Essex. "TAXI 1. 1.. One from Spain or Hispaniola. See Charnock's Verba Nominalia. SI 'All. Same as Spurr, q. v. SPEAK, SPEAKE. The same as Speke ; from Branford Sjicki- (tnuiul Speak in one map) co. Devon. Speke is also the name of a township co. Lancaster. Lower says the Spekes of Somersetshire descend from Richard le Espek, who lived in the LUDUS PATKONYMICUS. 103 reign of Henry II., but that he is unable to explain Le Espek- A correspondent of Notes and Queries thinks "AVilli le Espec" may be a misreading for " Willi le Espee " that is, William the Swordsman, or William of the Sword; another thinks espec may mean a spicer, who was formerly something between a grocer and a chemist, and he quotes Roquefort, u Especiaire, Spicier, droquiste, apothecaire ; de species, specierum" The 0. Fr. spec is an inspector. SPEAR. Same as Spurr, q. v. SPENCE. SeeExpENCE. SPENCER, SPENSER. From Fr. dispensier, a dispenser, steward, literally one having the care of the spence or buttery. The ancestor of the noble family of Spencer was Robert de Spencer, steward, i. e. dispenser, to William the Conqueror. SPENDLOVE. See LAW. SPIDER. Properly Spinner. The name of the insect is pro- perly spinner. SPIER. See SPIRE. SPILLARD. See HAZARD. SPINNAGE. See MARRIAGE. SPIRE, SPIRES. From Spires, G. Speyer, a city of Ger- many, cap. Rhenish Bavaria. SPIRIT. A name found in the records of the Registrar - General. It is probably the same as Spurrett, a diminutive of Spurr, q. v. One Spiritus Presbyter, however, occurs in a charter of Hardacnut, Cod. Dip. Ang. Sax., No. 762. Cf. Ferguson. SPIRT. Same as Spirit, q. v. SPITTLE. Found Spittal, Spital, Spittel. Spital is the name of two places in Austria, of a parish in South Wales, and of a township co. Lincoln. It is a corruption of hospital. SPOTTS. From Spott, a parish of Scotland, co. Haddington. SPRATT. A probable corruption of Pratt, for Parratt, a diminutive of the French Pierre. 104 LUDUS PATRON YMICUS. SPRUCE. Like the adjective, probably derived from Prussia. But see Charnock's Verba Nominalia. SPURAWAY. 1. Same as Spurway; from A. S. speara, spearwa, a sparrow. 2. From Spurway, the name of an estate co. Devon. Cf. Spar, Spear, Spurr. SPURR. The same as Spar, Spear, and Sparrow, from A. S, speara, spearwa, Dan. spurre. SQUIRREL. The same as the U. S. name Esquirell, and the Fr. Esquirol; or from the English surname Squirhill, derived from some local name ending in " hill." STABB, STABBS. The same as Stubbs, from St. Aubyn, or from St. Ebbe's. There is however a U. S. name Staab, which would seem to be from Stab or Staab (Boh. Stoda), a market town of Bohemia. STABLE, STABLES. Same as Staple, Staples, q. v. STAGG, STAGGS. From St. Agg, St. Aggs, i. e. St.' Agatha's. STAIR. From Stair, a parish of Scotland, co. Ayr, which gives title to the Earl of Stair. STALLION. Corrupted from some English local name, per- haps Stelling, a parish co. Kent. It may also be a French diminutive. Stall, Stallo, Stallion are found as surnames in the U.S. STAIN. The same as. Stein, Steinn, Steen, Stone; from G. stein, A. S. stdn, 0. N. steinn^ a stone. STAMMER, STAMMERS (U. S. Stamer, Stemmer, Stamers). This name might certainly be an English rendering of the Roman name Balbus, but it is more probably derived from a local name. It may be a corruption of the surname Starmer, perhaps from Sturmer, a parish co. Essex, or Stormere co. Leicester ; or from the surname Stanmer, from Stanmer, a parish co. Sussex. J. Stammers, Esq., barristcr-at-law, considers his name to be of Dutch or German origin, and thinks that Stammensdorff, a local name mentioned in Alison's History, may give a clue. Stammers LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 105 would easily corrupt from St. Audomarus (whence St. Omer), doubtless the same as Audomer or Aumer, from which Pont Audemer had its name. STUBBORNE. See SMALLBONE. STAMP, STAMPS. The same as Estampes. From Etampes, formerly Estampes, a commune and town of France, dep. Seine et Oise. STANDFAST. See MATTERFACE. STANDING. The same as Standin and Standen ; from some local name ending in den, a valley. STAND WELL. The same as Stanville and Stan well ; from Stanwell co. Middlesex, compounded of mile. STAPLE, STAPLES. From Staple, name of parishes cos. Kent and Somerset. Hence the names Stable, Stables. STAE, STARR. Star is found in H. R., and Ster and Sterr in Domesday ; and there is a place named Star near Markinch, in Scotland. Ferguson thinks Starr may be from 0. N. starri, a hawk, A. S. star, a starling. STARBOARD, STARBIRD. These names would easily cor- rupt from Tarbert, the name of places in Ireland and Scotland. If of Anglo-Saxon origin, they may be from stor-beorht, very dis- tinguished, or excelling in greatness. STARE. Same as Stair, q. v. STARING. From some local name compounded of ing, a meadow. STARKWEATHER. See MERRYWEATHER. STARLING (in H. R. Starlyng, Sterlyng). From Stirling, Scotland. * START. Start Point is the name of a headland near the south extremity of co. Devon. STARTUP. See HOPE. STATE, STATES. From root of Steed, q. v. Hence the name Staight. STAY. From root of Steed, q. v. 106 LUDUS PATRONTMICUS. STEED. Same as Stead ; from A. S. sted, a place (Dan. id., D. stcde, G. statt). Stede or Stidd is the name of a chapelry co. Lancaster. STEDDY. A corruption of St. Edith. STEP. From Stephen. STEPTOE. From some local name compounded of lioo, hoe, from G. hohe, height, elevation. Cf. the names Prudhoe, Sand- hoe, Shafthoe, Slipshoe, Tudhoe. STIFF. From Stephen. See TIFFANY. STILLWAGON, STILLWAGEN. Perhaps from G. stell- wagner, a maker of the vehicle called stellwagen. STIRRUP. See HOPE. Stirrop is found in the Hist. Canter- bury. STOCK, STOCKS. From Stock, name of parishes cos. Essex, Dorset, Somerset, Worcester, and York; from A. S. stoc, a place. STOCKING, STOCKINGS. From some local name com- pounded of A. S. ing, a meadow. Stocken is a surname, and De Stocking is found in H. R. See STOCK. STOKER. Same as Stocker (found in H. R.). In the West of England a stacker is one employed to fell or grub up trees. STONEHEART. Same as Stonhard, Stannard, Stennard, Stoinhanl, Stoinhardt, Steinhart ; from G. stein-hart, as strong as a stone. STOXELAKE. See LEGQ. STOPPARD. See HAZARD. STORK, STORKS. A corruption of Stock^ Stocks, q. v. STORY. From A. S. and 0. N. 8t6r, great. Stori is a Scan- dinavian name, and we have the English names Storr and Store. .- TKA I >LIXG. Corrupted from Estarling or Easterling, once the popular name of certain German traders in England, i. e. " people from the East," whose money was of the purest quality, whence the term " sterling mm STRANGE WAYS. There ia a Major Hon. S. D. Strangeways LUDUS PATRON YMICUS. 107 in the U. S. It is the same with the English names Strangwayes, Strangwish, Strangwich ; corrupted from Strangwish, a place near Manchester, which was possessed by the family in the fourteenth century. STRAW. The same as Straith ; from Straith, a parish of Scot- land, co. Inverness; from Sco. strath, Gael, srath, a valley, a mountain valley, bottom of a valley, a low-lying country through which a river rolls, the low inhabited part of a country, in contra- distinction to its hilly ground, a dell. Cf. the surname Rack- straw. STRAWMAT. Bowditch mentions a Dr. Strawmat who was punished by a mob. This name may be from some locality in Scotland compounded of strath. See STRAW. STRAY. The same as Straw, q. v. STURGEON. From an estate in Essex called Sturgeons, formerly Turges Cassus. Turges may be the same name as Turgesius, a celebrated Norwegian king, called by Iru-h writers Tuirghes, who established his power in Ireland for thirty years. Hence probably the names Sturch, Sturge, Sturges, Sturgess, Sturgis. STUTTER. One who has to do with stots ; or perhaps rather a corruption of the name Stotherd = stotherd. Stot is a northern provincialism for a young ox, and Chaucer uses the word stot for a horse. "Stot hors, caballus" (Pr. Parv., f. 165). Tynvhitt thinks Chaucer uses the term stot for stod, a stallion. Stufgard, capital of Wurtemburg, had its name from the stuts or stallions, formerly kept there for war purposes, and the arms of the city are a mare suckling her colt. We may have this vocable in Studham, Studland, Studley, local names in England. The name Stotherd has become Stothurd, Stothert, Stothard, Stodhart, Stoddart, Stoddard, Stodart, Studart, Studdart, Studdert. SUCH. Corrupted from the name Zouch, a baronial family that gave the suffix to Ashby-de-la-Zouch co. Leicester. The name is also found written Sutch, Souch, Zoche, Zuche, Zusch, 108 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. Zusche, and is said to be derived from A. S. stoc, a place, also the stem of a tree. SUCK. Same as Such, q. v. SUCKBITCH (U. S. Suxpitch). A corruption of Sokespic, a name probably of local origin. The A. S. soc is a soke, liberty, jurisdiction, spic is bacon, and the 0. Fr. spec is an inspector. See SPEAK. SUCKSMITH. From sock, a North of England word for a plough-share, from A. S. sulg. The first part of this name may also be from A. S. seax, sex, a knife, sword, dagger, plough-share. SUDDEN. From Southdean, "southern valley," a parish of Scotland, co. Koxburgh. There is however the French surname Soudan, and two communes and villages of France named Soudan, one dep. Deux Sevres, the other dep. Loire-Inf. SUE, SUES. Perhaps from the nickname for Susan. SUET, SUETT. 1. The same as Sweet and the German name Suss. 2. A diminutive of Sue, q. v., also Sweatman. Suet is found in the French Directory. SUGAR. See SEGAR. SUGARMAN. The same as Sigmundr, Sigemund, Sigis- mundus, Segimundus (filius Segestis apud Taciturn Annales, 1, 57) ; from G. sig-mund, vir victorise. Sugarman and Shugerman are found in Bowditch. SUIT. Same as Suet, q. v. SULLEN. From Soulaines, a commune and market town of France, dep. Aube, on the Soulaine. Lower, under Sellen, Sellens, says he can prove, by the evidence of parish registers, &c., in Sussex, that these names are corrupted from the ancient surname of Selwyn. SULLY. 1. From Sully (Solliaco), name of two towns of France, one dep. Loiret, the other dep. Nievre. 2. From Sully, a parish of South Wales, co. Glamorgan. SUMMERBEE. From Somerby, name of three parishes, one co. Leicester, and two co. Lincoln. But see BEE. LUDUS TATRONYMICUS. 109 SUMMERBELL. A U. S. name. The same as the English names Somervell, Somervail ; corrupted from Somerville. SUMMERFIELD. The same as Somerfield, Somervail, Somer- vell, Summerwill, corrupted from Somerville. SUMMERSETT. A corruption of Somerset. SUMMERWILL. See SUMMERFIELD. SUMMONS. Same as Summonds ; a corruption of Symonds, Symons, Simmonds, Simmons ; perhaps sometimes from Simon, but generally from Simund or Sigmund, or from Seman, Seaman. SUPPLE. A corruption of Shuffle, q. v. SURPLICE. This name is found in the Registrar-General's List. It is the same as the U. S. name Surpluss, and the French Supplice, doubtless corrupted from Sulpicius. Menage gives St. Sulpice and St. Souplex, as corrupted down from Sulpicius. St. Sulpice is the name of numerous communes and villages of France. SURPLUSS. See SURPLICE. SWALLOW. From Swallow, a parish co. Lincoln. There is however the French name Hirondelle. SWAN. The same as Swain, Swaine, Swayne, and the Scan- dinavian name Sweyn ; from A. S. swan, a herdsman or pastoral servant. SWEARING. Formed like Winning, q. v. SWEAT. Same as Suet. SWEATING, SWETTING. Same as Sweeten, q. v. SWEATMAN. The same as Sweetman, and an ancient name Swetman, and the prse-Domesday name Suetmau or Suetmannus. The name may mean strong or powerful man. The A. S. swith, wyth is strong, powerful, great ; Fries, swid, strong, much, crafty, bad ; Moeso-G. swinths, validus, robustus. Hence the Gothic proper name Suintila = Valentius ; and Swintebold, which Wachter renders valide audax. SWEETBUTTER. Name of an old family in the neighbour- hood of Woodstock. See BUTTER. 110 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. SWEETEN. Same as Sweeting. A patronymic of the name Sweet ; or compounded of ing, a meadow. See WILLING. Lower gives Sweeting 1 as an old Anglo-Saxon personal name, and men- tions the Domesday Sueting, Suetingus. SWEETLAND. The same as the U. S. names Swetland and Sweedland ; from Swethland, Sweedland, old names for Sweden, found in Dr. Bosworth's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary. The name might also be from Swithland, a parish of England, co. Leicester. SWEETLOVE. See LAW. SWEETMAN. See SWEATMAN. SWEETSIR. Same as Sweetser, Sweetsur, Sweetzer, Sweitzer, Schweitzer, the German for a Swiss. SWELL, SWELLS. From Swell, a parish co. Somerset ; or Swell, name of two parishes (Upper and Lower) co. Gloucester. SWILLAWAY. From some local name compounded of -way. Swillaway, Silloway, Silaway are found as surnames in the U. S. SWILLING. From some local name compounded of ing, a meadow. But see WILLING. SWINDLE. From Swindale, co. Westmoreland. SWINDLER. A maker of swindles, a northern provincialism for spindles. SWINE. 1. A corruption of Swain, Swaine, Swayne. See SWAN. 2. From Swine, a pariah co. York, East Riding. SWINESHEAD. From Swineshead, a market town and parish co. Lincoln ; also a parish co. Hunts. SWING. Same as Swine ; or from some local name. Swing- field is the name of a parish co. Kent. S \VOKI), SWORDS. From Swords, a town and parish of Ireland, co. Dublin. SYNTAX. Perhaps a corruption of St. Agg's, i. e. Agatha's. See AGUE. TAILBUSH. Same as Talboys, g.v. LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. Ill T. TALBOYS, TAILBOYS. From Fr. faille bois, cut-wood ; or rather qui faille le bois, one who cuts wood, a wood-cutter. This name has been rendered in English Cutbush, which, by the bye, was formerly the name of a gardener at Highgate, Middlesex. TAME. Not from Tame, a river cos. Stafford and Warwick ; nor from the Tame which rises in Yorkshire ; nor the Thame or Tame which falls into the Thames ; but from Thame or Tame, a market town and parish co. Oxford, which takes its name from the latter river. TANKARD. From 0. G. Tanchard (ninth century), Than- cred, from dank-rat, a willing counsellor ; or perhaps rather from A. S. thane-red, thoughtful counsellor. Cf. the 0. G. names Thancheri, Thancrih, the It. Tancredi, Eng. Tanqueray, G. Banco, Eng. Danks. TAPLADY. See TOPLADY. TAPPING. A patronymic of Tapp ; or compounded of ing, a meadow. See WILLING. Tapp, Tappan, Tapping, Tapps, Tappy are found as U. S. names. TARBATH. From Tarbat, Tarbart, or Tarbert, in Scotland ; or Tarbert, near Limerick, Ireland ; from Gael, fairbeart, a peninsula. TARBOTTOM. According to Lower, this name is a corrup- tion of the surname Tarbotton, probably from Tarbolton, a parish in Ayrshire. But see BOTTOM. TARBOX. The same as Torbock ; from Torbock, an estate in Lancashire, held by a family of the name in early times. TARGET, TARGETT. See THOROUGHGOOD. TARRY. A corruption of Terry, like the French name Thierry, derived from Theodoric. TART. A corruption of the surname Tarratt, for Tarrant ; 112 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. from Tarrant, name of several parishes in co. Dorset, through one of which runs the small river of the same name. TASSELL. The It. word tasso is a badger, also a yew-tree and an anvil ; but Tasso is said to be an O. G. name and there is the diminutive Tassilo, and the English name Tassell, and tassel is an O. Eng. word for a male hawk, from Fr. tiercelet (It. terzolo). Some make Tassilo and Tetzel diminutives of Tatto, Tasso, from 0. G. tatte, pater, tutor, nutricius. Wachter doubts this, and thinks them rather abbreviated from Tadelbert, which he translates parentibus clarus, and he says Toti'la, the name of a king of the Ostrogoths, might be from the same root. All these names may be from the O. Fr. tasse, assemblage de quelques arbres, petit bois touffu, touffe d'arbres. Most of the following surnames are found in the French Directory viz., Tasse, Tassus, Tassy, Tassel, Tassilly, Tassily, Tasset, Tassot, Taskin, Tassin, Tassain, Tasselin, Tassart, Tassaert. TAUNT. The same as Daunt, both found in the Registrar- General's List, and the U. S. North America. Lower says Daunt is said to be the same as the Dauntre of the so-called Battel Abbey Roll. If so, it may be from Daventry co. Northampton. TAYLECOATE. See COAT. TAX. From Tack, Tacke, Tagg, Tagge ; perhaps from Tagert, Taggard, Taggart, Taggert. TEACHOUT. A name found in the U. S. Compounded of the D. would, a wood ; or hout, wood. Cf. Turnhout, a town of Belgium, prov. East Antwerp. TEAR. From the Gael, name MacTear ; from mac-an-saoir, son of the carpenter. Hence Maclntyre. TEKTH. From atte Heath, or at-the-heath, one living upon or near the heath. TELFAIR. The same as Telfer, from the Norman name Taillefer = cut-iron. Lower says, " The exploits of the noble jonglere Taillefer at the battle of Hastings are well known. "William, Count of Angouleme, in a battle against the Northmen, LUDUS PATRON YMICUS. 113 engaged their king, Storris, and with one stroke of his sword Dtirixsiiua, forged by the great Wayland Smith, cut in two his body and cuirass. Hence he acquired the sobriquet of Taillefer, or ' cut iron.'' " In the sixteenth century the name in Scotland was written Tailzefer. Telfer, the celebrated engineer, not aware of the origin of his name, changed it to Telford. Hence no doubt Talford, Talfourd, Tolfrey, and Tolfree. TELLING. Formed like Winning, q. v. TENCH. Same as Bench. See DANCE. .TENDER. Halliwell says tender, in the eastern counties, signifies a waiter at an inn. TENET. One Joseph Tenet occurs in the Registrar-General's List. It is doubtless corrupted from Thiennette, a French diminu- tive of Etienne, i. e. Stephen. TENT. A corruption of Tenet, q. v. THALER. See CASHDOLLAR. THANKFUL. Corrupted from the Norman name Tankerville. THICKNESSE. From some local name compounded of ness, a cape or headland ; from A. S. nasse, nesse, ness. Cf. the local names Sheerness, Dungeness, Eastonness. It sometimes means an island, as in Foulness, Essex. THICKPENNY. See PENNY. THTMBLEBEE. From Thimbleby, a parish co. Lincoln. THIN. The same as Thynne. The latter name is said to have originated with the ancient house of Botfield or Botevile. The alias is said to have originated with John de Botteville, who lived at the family house at Church-Stretton, who was familiarly known as John o' th' Inne, which abbreviated became Thynne, though John de la Inne de Botfelde was his usual appellation. It seems that the house in question was called " The Inn." THING. A corruption of Thin, q. v. THIRST. The same as Thurst ; from Thursk co. York; or from at-the-hurst = at the wood or forest (A. S. Uyrst). The A. S. thrist is bold, daring. I 114 LUDUS PATRON YMICUS. THISTLECOCK. See COCK. THORNBACK. Not from the fish ; but from some local name ending in back, a brook. See NEWBACK and SMALLBACK. THOROUGHGOOD. The same as Thorowgood, the Essex Thurgar, the Dan. Thurgood, and the Domesday Turgod and Thurgot, name of the first bishop of Sweden. The name seems to come from the 0. G. thor, bold, strong, fierce, perhaps the same as the "VV. dewr, brave, bold, valiant, stout ; Gr. Bovpws, Qovpos, warlike, ardent, fierce, an epithet of Mars, and doubtless the origin of the name of the Scandinavian god Thor. Wachter thinks Thurgot may be rendered " trusting in God." He gives also from this root Thurovaro, Thorismodus, Thorisin, &c. From Thurgood, Turgod, Thurgot we may have the name Targett. THROWER. One that twists or winds silk ; from A. S. thraican, to twist, turn, curl, throw, &c. THRUSH. The same as Thirst, q. v. TICKLE, TICKELL. From Tickhill, a parish and formerly a market town co. York, West Riding. TICKLEPENNY. From Ticklepenny, a parish near Grimsby co. Lincoln. But see PENNY. TIDY. From Tadhg, the Irish form of Thady, i. e. Thaddeus. MacTaidhg or Teige, O'Taidhg or OTeige (mentioned by O'Herin as chiefs of Ui Maile and of Ui Teigh) anglicised their name to Tighe. They derive their name from Ir. tadhg, a poet, philoophers. TIDYMAN. The same as Tiddeman and Tidman. From some old German name, perhaps Theudmund or Theodmund ; from 0. G. teut-mund, which might translate both " a protector of man " and " a prince." I do not find such a name, but we have many names compounded of teut, as Theudorix, Theodoricus, Theudebert, Theudibaldus, &c. TIFFANY, TIFFINY. From Stephen. Hence also Tiffin, Tiffen, and Stiff. Roquefort renders the 0. Fr. t!j>lnu'nt, l<'/>/tnI'T. Perhaps from Drought or its root. (See Diioruirr.) It would also corrupt from Tyrwhitt. See TRUKFITT. TIM )\\;:LL. From Trowell, a parish co. Nottingham. LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 121 TROY. From Troyes, a town of France, cap. clep. Aube. There was a French artist named Francis de Troy. Troy is the name of a city and of several townships and villages of the U. S. North America. TRUANT. Same as Truan, and perhaps Treuan ; a name pro- bably of Cornish origin, and compounded of tre. TRUCE. Same as Trouse ; from Trowse, a parish of Eng- land, co. Norfolk. TRUE. Same as Trew, and perhaps also Drew. TRUEFITT. Same as the U. S. name Truf hitt, corrupted from Tyrwhitt, which, as well as Tyrrell, Tyrell, Tirrell, Tirrill, would seem to be diminutives formed from the Latin turris, a tower. TRUEWORTHY. See WORTH, WORTHY. TRULOCK. See LEGG. TRUELOVE. Mr. Bowditch mentions a London bookseller of the name of Truelove who was found wanting in love to Louis Napoleon. See LAW. TRULL. See TROLL. TRULY. Truleigh or Truly is the name of a manor in the parish of Edburton, Sussex. See also LEGG. TRUMAN. The same with Trueman, i. q. Tremain, Tre- maine ; from Tremaine in East Hundred, Cornwall ; from tre- mean, the stone town. Tremayn, Tremayne are also Cornish names, from Tremayne in Crowan, said to mean the town on shore or sea coast. TRUNDLE. Same as Trendle ; from Trendle, parish of Pit- minster, Somerset. N TRUSLOVE. See LAW. TRUSS. Same as Tress, q. v. TRUSSEL, TRUSSELL. There is a parish called Trusley co. Derby. But see TRESS. TRUST. A probable corruption of Thirst, q. v. TRY, TRYE. Said to be derived from some locality in Normandy. 122 LUDUS PATROXYMICUS. TUB, TUBES. 1. From Theobald. 2. Same as Tubby, some- times a Cornish form of Thomas. TUBMAN. Same as Tupman, a breeder of tups or rams. TUCKER. A name of the same meaning as Fuller, one who fulls or mills cloth. Cf. the name Tuckerman. TUFT. From Toft, name of parishes cos. Cambridge, Lin- cob, and Norfolk. TUFTS. From Tofts, a parish co. Norfolk, having an ancient church. TUG-WELL. This name, says Lower, is borne by dentists, shoemakers, &c. It is the same as the Tuckwell and Tuckfield, and is derived from some local name compounded ofville. Tug- well, Tuckwell, and Tuckfield are found as U, S. surnames. TUNE. Probably the same as Toon, i. q. Town ; from A. S. tun, an enclosure ; or from tuna, a townman. Tune and Tone are both found in the United States. TURBOT. See TIPPET. TURK, variously Turke, Turck ; from Mac Turk ; Gael. Mac Tore, son of the boar. TURNBULL. This name is said to be local, and that of Trumbull a corruption. It is also connected with an anecdote about a ferocious bull. The Biog. Univ., under Turnebe, says his father, a Scottish gentleman, called himself Turnbull; that his name was replaced in French by that of Tournebceuf, and Tournbou, which in Latin became Turnebus, and in French Turnebe. If the original name was Trumbull, it was probably derived from some place in Scotland or Ireland, compounded of the Gaelic druim, droma (Ir. druim, W. trwm), the top of a hill, a ridge (Carlisle, drum, drain, a knoll, ridge, eminence), and A. S. bold, a dwelling. Drum, drom are very common in local names in Ireland, and there are drums as well as bagpipes in Scotland. It is however possible that the English name may be derived from the Continental name. In an article contained in the M6moires of the Roy. Soc. of N. Antiquarians, entitled Orthographic de LUDUS PATEONYMICUS. 123 luelques noms nordiques, I find that Caldebekkr became Caudebec, Langibyr Longbu, and Tournebyr Toumebu. These names would seem to be from the Ice. byr, Su.-Goth. fco, a dwelling ; and Tournebu might mean the 'tower-dwelling.' From this root we probably have many French names compounded of beuf, lauf. Among others are Belbeuf, Belbceuf, Brebeuf, Chabeuf or Chabeu (Chabot?), Cordeboeuf, De Marboeuf, Poinboeuf, Porcaboeuf, Quilboeuf. Cf. the French local names Cordeboeuf, Couliboeuf, Criqueboeuf, Elbeuf, Elboeuf (L. Elbovium), and Quillebceuf, an- ciently Quilebeuf. TURTLE. Same as Turtell, Thurtle, and Thyrtell, bishops of Hereford A. D. 688. Corrupted from Thurkle, Thorkell, Thorketell, Thorketil, Thurkettle, Thirkettle, 0. N. Thorkell, Thorketill, and Thorketil, which Grimm thinks may be from the famous kettle which Thor captured from the giant Hymir for the gods to brew their beer in. Cf. the names Ashkettle, Asketell, 0. N. Asketill, A. S. Oscytel. TWADDLE. Bowditch says that in Philadelphia there are four families of Twaddell, and two of Twaddle. Doubtless a corruption of Tweedle, q. v. TWEEDLE. A corruption of Tweedale, " dale of the Tweed." TWICEADAY. See SINGLEDAY. TWILIGHT, TWYLIGHT. From some local name corn- ponded of A. S. leag, a pasture. Cf. Fairlight, Hastings, pro- perly Fairley or Farley = the sheep pasture. TWINING. From Twining, a parish co. Gloucester. TWOPENNY. See HALFPENNY. TWOPOTTS. Corrupted from Theobald. See TIPPET. 124 LUDUS PATKONYMICUS. U. UGLY. From TTgley, a parish co. Essex, concerning which is the following proverb : Ugley Church, Ugley Steeple, Ugley Parson, Ugley People. But see LEGG. UNCLE, UNCLES. Johannes le Uncle occurs in H. R. ; but both these names may sometimes be derived from the Domesday Hunchil, and an 0. G. Unculus, which are probably from G. Jiun- child, powerful warrior. See CHILD. UNDERFINGER. This name, which is found in the U. S., is probably of German origin, and derived from locality. The A. S. ing, a meadow, among other forms in German, &c., is liable to become ingen, ingr, ving, vingen, vingr, fing, fingen, fingr. The termination fingen is very common in Southern Germany. Finger is found as a surname. UNIT. See UNITE. UNITE. The same as Unett, a family said to be of Norman Conquest origin. A Colonel Unett was killed at the assault of the Redan. Unett may be a diminutive of the name Hunn. Hun was a common name among the old Frisians (Outzen, Gloss) ; and Huna appears as the name of a manumitted serf in a chart, Cod. Dip. Ang.-Sax. Unn, Una, Hun, Hunn, Ilunne, Unett, Unit, Unite are all found as U. S. names. UNTIIANK. From places so named in cos. Cumberland and Northumberland ; but perhaps originally from Unthank or Intack co. Elgin, which Carlisle translates " lonely," " solitary." There is however no such word in Gaelic. It may be from for u// enters into com- position of names of places where salt is found, as in Droitwich, LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 139 Nantwich, Northwich, that it must mean a salt-mine. It comes from wic, wick, a village. See WICK. WITCRAFT. Same as Whitcraft, Withcraft, Wheatcroft, which explains itself. But see CRAFT. WITH. According- to some, with signifies a forest or wood, from 0. N. vidr, Goth, vidus; according to others it is corrupted from worth, q. v. With, wath are often met with in composition of local names, as Langwith, Darwath. Whit. Craven (422) renders with, wath, a fold. The W. gwydd is trees, and gwyth a channel, drain. Ferguson gives With as a Mod. G. name, which he connects with an 0. G. Wido. WITHCRAFT. See WITCRAFT. WITT. The Domesday Wit, Uuit, Uite. The same as White. WITTY, WHITTY. Ferguson considers Whitty as a diminu- tive of White. Lower says in ancient times witty meant clever, sagacious. Vitte, Vitte are found as French surnames. WONDER. This and Wunder and Wander are found in Bowditch, and Wonders occurs in the Registrar-General's List. These names are probably of German origin. Wandersleben is the appellation of a market town in Prussian Saxony, and is also a surname ; and Wander is the name of a celebrated German author. There is also a village and commune of Belgium, prov. Liege, named Wandre. WOODCOCK. See COCK. WOODCRAFT. Same as Woodcroft. See CRAFT. WOODEN, WOODIN. This name has been connected with Odin or Woden. It is more probably derived from Wooden, in the parish of Kelso, co. Roxburgh. WOODFALL. From Woodfall, a hamlet in South Wilts ; a corruption of Woodville. See GOODWILL. WOODFINE. Same as the Lincolnshire name Woodbine ; or a corruption of Goodwine, Goodwin, q. v. WOODFULL. Same as Woodfall, q. v. 140 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. WOODHEAD. From Woodhead, a chapelry co. Chester. WOODNOT. Probably from some local name compounded of knot, a cluster. WOODNUTT. The same as Woodnot, q. v. WOODROUGH. The same as Woodroff, Woodroffe, Wood- rooffe, Woodroofs, Woodruff, Woodruffe, Woodriff, Woodrove, Woodrow ; from wood-reeve, i. e. a wood or forest bailiff. WOODROVE. See WOODROUGH. WOOF. A corruption of Wolf, Wolff, Woolf, Woolfe ; or from the 0. G. Uffo, Offo, and Uffa or Wuffa, name of a king of East Anglia. Hence no doubt the name Hoof. WOOL, WOOLL. 1. A corruption of Will, for William. 2. From Wool, a parish of England, co. Dorset. " About Langport, co. Somerset, are persons of the labouring class who are com- monly called Wooll, but they say that their real old name is Attwooll, probably a corruption of At-Wold. Inform. W. B. Paul, Esq." (Lower). WOOLARD, WOOLLARD. See HAZARD. WOOLCOCK. See COCK. WOOLFORD. From Woolford, a parish and a township co. Warwick, doubtless named from some stream called the Wool ; from o/, al, frequently found in local names, and signifying " water." Woolford may also sometimes be corrupted from the old German name Waldfrid. WOOLY. The same as Wooley, Woolley ; from Wooley, a chapelry in the parish of Royston co. York, North Riding ; or Woolley, a parish co. Huntingdon. Lower says Woolley, Wooley was anciently written Wolflege and Wolveley, f. e. Anglo-Saxonice" ' wulfes-leagj a district abounding in wolves, the name of many localities in Saxon times. See also LEGO. WORD, WORDE. From Worth or Word, a parish co. Kent. \Vni; K NOT. Derived like Woodnot, q. v. WOULD. Corrupted from the 0. G. name Worald ; from wer-alt, which will translate both "noble man" and "noble LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 141 in battle." Worldham is the name of two parishes co. Hants. WORM. Perhaps the same as Wharm, q. v. WORMS. This name has been derived from A. S. wurm, Eng. worm, a serpent ; 0. N. ormr, Dan. orm, whence it is said we have Orme. It is rather from Worms, the celebrated German city. WORN. Perhaps the same as Warn, q. v. WORST, WORST. Most probably the same as the D. name Van Voorst ; from vorst, a prince ; or from Vorst, a village of Rhenish Prussia. WORT. See WORTH. WORTH, WORTHY. These names are from A. S. worth, worthig, weorthig, wurthig, a field, portion of land, a farm, manor, an estate, also a street, public way (vicus, platea). Wort is the name of parishes cos. Kent and Dorset. Hence doubtless the names Wart, Wort, Warts, Worts, and the compound names Foxworth, Larkworthy, &c. WORTHMAN, WORTMAN. This name may mean the keeper of a farm or manor. See WORTH. WORTHY. See WORTH. WORTHYLAKE. From Wortley, name of a township and of a chapelry co. York, West Riding. See LEGO. WOULD. Same as the name Wold, which Lower renders an unwooded hill. WOULDHAVE. The name of a boat-builder on the banks of the Tyne in 1790 (Lond. Quar. Rev., July, 1858). This name is also found written Woodhave, and is doubtless from some local name compounded of wood and haw, Jiaugh, enclosed land, a small field ; in Chaucer, a dale ; from A. S. haga, hag en, a hay, hedge, meadow. Woodhay is the name of parishes cos. Berks and Hants. WREN. From Rheims or Reims, a city of France, dep. Marne ; or Rennes dep. Ille-et-Vilaine. But see RAIN. 142 LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. WRENCH. This name is said to be a corruption of Oleren- shaw, which first became Renshaw, and then Rench and Wrench. See Lower, quoting Rev. J. Eastwood. It may sometimes be from a different source, being found in H. R. without prefix. WRINKLE. From some local name (perhaps Ringley co. Lancaster) ending in ley. Cf. Acle for Acley, " oak ley," &c. WRITE. Same as Wright. WYNDEBEARD. A Dr. Wyndebeard was buried in West- minster Abbey. This name is without doubt a corruption of the 0. G. Winbert ; from win-bert, illustrious warrior. Cf. the names Winibald, Winiram, &c. Y. YEA. The same as the ancient Devonshire family Yeo, which C. S. Gilbert derives from Tre-yeo, in the parish of Lancells. Yeo is probably corrupted from Hugh. See You. YEARLY. From some local name compounded of ley. See LEGG. YELL. Perhaps from Yell, name of one of the Shetland Isles. YELLOW. This name is probably the same as Jolley, Jolly, Joly, Jelley, Jelly, Jelliff, Joliffe, Jolliffe, Jolliff, Iliff, Iliffe, Eylif, Jelf, Yelf, Ayliffe, Ayliff, Auliffe, Ayloffe, Aylove, Aloph, Aloof; all doubtless corrupted from Adolphus. I am con- firmed in this last by Wright (in his History of Essex, vol. ii. 443, note), who says, " The ancient Saxon family of Ayloffe was seated in Bocton or Boughton parish, hundred of Eythorne, near the Wye, in Kent, of which town they were possessors in the time of Henry the Third. The name Aloph was given to this town from having been anciently under the jurisdiction of Adolphus." LUDUS PATRONYMICUS. 143 YESTERDAY. See SINGLEDAY. Yester is found as the name of a parish co. Haddington. YIELDING, YEILDING. From Yielden, a parish co. Beds. YOU. A corruption of Hugh ; from the D. hoog, tall. Hence probably the names Yoh, Yoe, Yeo, Yew, Yaw. YOUNGLOVE. See LAW. YOUNGMAY. See MAY. z. ZEAL. From Zeal-Monachorum, a parish co. Devon ; from L. cella, Gael, till, a burying-ground, cell, chapel, grave ; in local names in Ireland and Scotland, kill. Ml. A SELECT LIST PECULIAR STJENAMES.* Alecock. Alman. Anchor. A. Alefounder. Almond. And. Alehouse. Alms. Anders. Able. Aleman. Aloe. Angel. Ablewhite. Ales. Alone. Anger. About. Alfoot. Aloof. Angle. Ace. Allbee. Alp. Anguish. Achates. Allblaster. Alpenny. Annis. Ache. Allbones. Alpha. Anser. Achilles. Allbright. Alshop. Antcliffe. Acorn. Allcard. Alsobrook. Ante. Addlehead. Allcock. Alsop. Antill. Adwers. Allcorn. Alter. Antler. Agate. Allengame. Alway. Anvil. Ages. Alley. Always. Ape. Agent. Allfree. Alwell. Apedaile. Agin. Allgood. Alwin. Apple. Ague. Ailman. Amber. Applebee. A gutter. Allnut. Ambers. Applegate. Ahem. Allpenny. Amblemau. Applejohn. Ailman. Allport. Ambler. Appleman. Air. Allpress. Ambush. Apostles. Airy. Allso. Amen. Aram. Akid. Allsupt. Amend. Arblaster. Akin. Alltrew. Amiss. Arbuckle. Akyng. Allward. Ammon. Arch. Alabaster. Allwater. Amor. Archbold. Aldwine. All wright. Amour. Archever. Ale. Aim. Ampleman. Ardent. * Compiled from the Registrar-General's List, Bowditch's Suffolk (America) Surnames, Lower's Patronymica Britannica, &c. &c. 146 A SELECT LIST OF Areskin. Aub. Bagley. Barebones. Argue. Auger. Bagshaw. Barefoot. Argument. Augur. Bagwell. Barehard. Aries. Augurs. Bail. Barehead. Arm. Avant, Baird. Barge. Arms. Avis. Bairnsfather. Bargy. Armour. Awe. Bakanas. Bark. Arrand. Awkward. Bake. Barker. Arrow. Awl. Bakeover. Barley. Art. Axe. Bakewell. Barlicorn. Artery. Axel. Balaam. Barnacle. Artist. AxmaD. Bald. Barndollar. Asbone. Axup. Baldhead. Barnfather. Ascough. Ayde. Baldry. Bar- quarrel. Ash. Baldgrave. Barrable. Ashbee. Bale. Barrell. Ashbolt. Bales. Barren. Ashenbottom. . Balk. Barringdollar. Ashconner. Balkwill. Barrow. AshcrafL Baa. Ball. Barrows. Ashes. Bab. Ballance. Barter. Ashforth. Babb. Ballasty. Barters. Ashman. Babcock. Ballingall. Barwig. Ashpart. Babel. Ballman. Base. Ashplant. Babler. Balls. Basin. Ashpole. Baby. Balm. Bask. Ashport. Bacchus. Balsam. Basket. Ashwin. Back. Baltic. Bastard. Ask. Backer. Banchor. Batch. Asker. Backerman. Band. Batchelor. Askew. Backman. Bandy. Bate. Askin. I'.siekoff. Bane. Bathcake. Ashkettle. Backshell. Banes. Batman. Aslock. Backup. Bang. Bathomeal. Asp. Bacon. Banger. Batt. Aspen. Bad. Bangs. Batten. Aspland. Badcock. Banish. Batter. Ass. Bad gent. Banner. Batterbury. Assman. Badger. Bans. Batterman. A strap. I- I'lliam. P:mtam. Batterton. Astray. Badlam. Bar. Battery. Atcock. Badland. Ilarliary. I5at ting. Atk-v. l>a Mantle. Medley. Mort. Many. Meek. Mortar. Nabb. Manypenny. Mellow. Moss. Nack. Maple. Melon. Most. Naggs. Maples. Mention. Mote. Nail. Mapp. Merry. Moth. Nap. Maps. Merryman. Motley. Napkin. Marble. Merrymouth. Mouse. Napper. March. Merryweather. Mouth. Narrowcoat, Mare. Mess. Much. Nave. Marjoram. Metcalf. Muchmore. Navy. Marklove. Mew. Muckle. Nation. Markquick. Middlecoat. Mudd. Nay. Markthaler. Middlemast. Muddle. Near. Marlock. Middleweek. Muff. Neat. Marriage. Mildmay. Muffin. Neck. Marry. Midwinter. Mug. Need. Mars. Milady. Mulberry. Needle. Martyr. Mile. Mule. Needs. Marvel. Milk. Mull. Negus. Mash. Milksop. Mullet. Neighbour. Matterface. Mill. Mumbler. Neithermill. Mattock. Million. Mumm. Nero. Matts. Minnow. Mummery. Nest. Maudlin. Mires. Mummy. Nethersole. Maw. Missing. Munch. Nettle. 158 A SELECT LIST OF Nettleship, Null. Orange. Paling. New.| Nun. Orchard. Pallace. Newback. Nurse. Orders. Pallas. Newbegin. Nut. Organ. Pallet. Newbirth. Nutbean. Ormduel. Palm. Newbold. Nutraan. Orphan. Palsy. Newbolt. Nutbrown. Ostler. Pamphlet. Newbone. Nutting. Ostrich. Pan. Newborn. Nutty. Other. Pander. Newcomb. Otherday. Pane. Newgate. Otherman. Pannel. Newlove. o Otter. Pannier. Newmarch. \J Ought. Panter. Newts. Ouldbief. Panther. Nibbs. Oak. Our. Panting. Nice. Oakenbottom. Outcry. Pantry. Nick. Oaks. Outlaw. Papa. Nicks. Oakleaf. Outpin. Paquet. Niger. Oar. Oven. Par. Nigh. Oat. Over. Paradise. Night. Oaten. Overall. Paragon. Nightingale. Oats. Overmire. Paramour. Nihill. Odium. Ovid. Parcel. Nile. Off. Owings. Parcells. Nine. Offer. Owner. Pardon. Nipper. Office. Oyster. Pare. Nix. Officer. Parent. Noah. Ogg. 1'uring. Nobbs. Ogle. p Parish. Noddle. Oill. i . Park. Nodes. Old. Parlour. Nogget. Oldacre. Pace. Parrot. Noise. Oldcorn. Pacer. Parshall. Noodle. Oldman. Pack. Parsley. Noon. Olyfather. Packet. 1 'arson. Northeast. Omega. Packman. Part. Nose. Omen. Paddock. Partner. Noser. Omit. Paddy. Partridge. Nosworthy. Omnibus. Pagan. I'.-i-. sunger Not. Once. Page. Past Notcutt. One. Pail. Patch. Nothing. Onion. Pain. Pate. Nothard. Onions. Painter, Pater. Notman. Only. Painting. Path. Now. < >n-low. Pair. Paiience. Nox. Onyx. Palfrey. Patient. PECULIAR SURNAMES. 159 Paunch. Penny cuick. Pillage. Plume. Pause. Pennyfather. Pillar. Plumtree. Paviour. Pennyfeatlier. Pillow. Poacher. Paw. Pennymaker. Pimple. Pock. Pay. Pennyman. Pinch. Pocket. Payment. Pennymore. Pinchard. Podd. Pax. Pennypacker. Pinchback. Poet. Pea. Pentecost. Pinchbeck. Poignard. Peace. Pepper. Pindar. Point. Peaceable. Peppercorn. Pine. Pointer. Peach. Perch. Pinfound. Poke, Peaehy. Perfect. Pinion. Pole. Peacock. Perk. Pink. Polk. Peak. Perry. Finn. Poll. Peal. Person. Pipe. Polly. Peanot. Pert. Pissard. Pond. Pear. Pescod. Pisse. Ponder. Pearl. Pester. Pish. Poodle. Pearly. Pestle. Piso. Pool. Peas. Pett. Pistol. Poor. Pease. Pettibone. Pit. Pop. Peasoup. Pettycoat. Pitchbottom. Pope. Peat. Pew. Pitcher. Popoff. Pebble. Pharoah. Pitchford. Poppy. Peck. Pharrisee. Pitchfork. Porch. Pecker. Pheasant. Place. Port. Peckit. Phoenix. Plaice. Portal. Peckover. Physick. Plain. Porter. Peddle. Pick. Plane. Portwine. Pedigree. Picker. Plank. Poser. Pedlar. Pickle. Plant-. Post. Peed. Pickles. Plaster. Pothecary. Peep. Pickup. Play. Potiphar. Peer. Pickwoad. PI ay fair. Pot. Peerless. Piddle. Please. Pottage. Peg. Pie. Pleasent. Pottle. Pelisse. Pierce. Pledge. Pounce. Pellet. Pig- Pledger. Pound. Pelter. Pigeon. Plenty. Pout. Pen. Pigfat. Plot. Powder. Pence. Pighog. Ploughman. Praise. Penfound. Pike. Pluck. Prance. Penhole. Pilchard. Plug. Pray. Pennebaker. Pile. Plum. Precious. Penny. Pilgrim. Plumb. Prentice. Pennycook. Pill. Plumber. Presence. 160 A SELECT LIST OF Press. Putt. Rafter. Redhouse. Prestige. Putts. Ragg. Redman. Pretty. Ragless. Redmile. Priam. Raiment. Redpath. Price. Rain. Reed. Pride. Rainbird. Register. Priest. Rainbow. Render. Priestly. Quail. Raisin. Renew. Prigg. Quaint. Rake. Rescue. Prime. Quaintance. Rally. Rest. Primrose. Quare. Ram. Restcome. Prince. Quarrel. Ramard. Revel. Prior. Quarrels. Rambelow. Rex. Prizeman. Quarry. Ramsbottom. Reynard. Proctor. Quart. Range. Ribbons. Profit. Quarterly. Ranger. Rice. Prong. Quarterman. Rank. Rich. Prophet. Quarters. Ransom. Richbell. Proud. Quash. Rant. Richer. Proudfit. Quear. Rap. Riches. Proudfoot. Queen. Rape. Rick. Proudiock. Quell. Rash. Rickets. Proudlove. Quere. Rasp. Ricks. Proudman. Quest. Ratf Riddle. Prudence. Question. Rate. Ride. Prudent. Quhitelaw. Rathbone. Rideout. Puddifoot. Quick. Rather. Rider. Puddle. Quicklove. Rattle. Ridge. Puff. Puffer. Quickly. Quill. Raven. Raw. Riding. Ridings. Pull. Quilt. Rawbone. Right. Pulley. Quilter. Ray. Rightly. Pulse. Quince. Reach. Ring. Punch. Punchard. Quintal. Quire. Reader. Readless. Ringgold. Ringlet. Puncheon. Quirk. Ready. Rings. Purchase. Real. Ringwell. Purely. Ream. Rino. Purge. P Rear. Rip, Purple. MM Reason. Risband. Purr. Reckless. Rise. Purse. Rabbit. Record. Rising. Pursglove. Race. Red. Risk. Purslove. Rack. Redcock. Rivet. Pushing. Raffle. Reddish. Roach. Pussy. Raffles. Redfoot. Road. PECULIAJl SURNAMES. 161 Roak. Ruff. Saunter. Sentance. Roan. Ruffle. Saveall. Sequin. Roarer. Rufus. Savory. Service. Roast. Rugg. Saw. Sessions. Rob. ' Rugs. Saws. Setter. Robe. Rule. Saxon. Settle. Robin. Rum. Sayman. Seton. Rock. Rum age. Saywell. Sex. Rocket. Rumball. Scaffold. Sexty. Rod. Rumbell. Scamp. Shade. Roe. Rumbellow. Scarce. Shaddock. Roebuck. Rumble. Scaredevil. Shakeshaft. Roll. Rummer. Scattergood. Shakspeare. Rolls. Rump. Scholar. Shallow. Roman. Ruse. Schoolcraft. Shally. Rome. Rush. Schooling. Shamely. Rood. Rushbrook. Scipio. Shark. Roof. Rushout. Scolding. Sharkey. Rook. Rust. Score. Sharpless. Rooker. Rye. Scragg. Sharpley. Room. Screech. Shatter. Roost. Screen. Shatterfoot. Root. s. Scroggs. Shave. Rope. Scrubbs. Shaveall. Roper. Sack. Scuffle. Shaves. Ropeyarn. Sacks. Scurry. Sheaf. Rose. Safe. Scutcheon. Sheargold. Rosebottom. Sage. Seaborn. Shears. Rosewell. Sail. Seabright. Sheath. Rosewharm. Saint. Seacock. Shed. Rotten. Sale. Seacole. Sheepwash. Rough. Sales. Seafart. Sheepshanks. Roughead. Sail. Seagood. Sheet. Roughly. Salmon. Seal. Sheets. Round. Salt. Seaquill. Shelf. Roundtree. Same. Search. Shell. Rout. Sample. Searchwell. Shergold. Row. Sanctuary. Seas. Sherry. Rowbottom. Sand. Seasongood. Sliew. Rowell. Sandal. See. Shewcraft. Royal. Sandell. Seedsman. Shield. Ruby. Sandman. Segar. Shilling. Ruck. Sands. Self. Shillinglaw. Rudder. Sandy. Send. Shin. Ruddy. Sattenshall. Sendall. Ship. 'Rue. Saul. Sendfirst. Shiplake. M 162 A SELECT LIST OF Shipperbottom. Silks. Smoothy. Spilling. Shipping. Shipwash. Sill. Silly. Snare. Sneezum. Spiltimber. Spindle. Shipway. Silver. Snipes. Spine. Shirt. Silverlock. Snooks. Spinnage. Shirtcliff. Silverside. Snow. Spinning. Shoe. Silversides. Snowball. Spire. Shoebottom. Silverstone. Snugg. Spires. Shoecraft. Simmer. Sockett. Spirit. Shoesmith. Simper. Soda. Spirt. Shooter. Simple. Sofa. Spite. Shorthose. Sinfoot. Softly. Spittle. Shortland. Sinew. Sole. Spittlehouse. Shotbolt. Sing. Sop. Spleen. Shott. Skill. Sore. Splint. Shout. Skillet. Sorely. Spokes. Shouter. Skin. Soul. Spoon. Shove. Skip. Sour. Spooney. Shovel. Skipper. Sourbuts. Spose. Show. Slack. Sounnilk. Spotts. Shrub. Slate. Sourwine. Sprat. Shuffle. Slaughter. Sours. Sprawling. Shufflebottom. Slaymaker. Southcoat. Spray. Shuffler. Sleep. Soy. Spread. Shun. Slender. Spade. Spngg. Shutter. Slewman. Span. Spriggs. Shuttle. Slide. Spar. Spring. Sicily. Slight. Spare. Sprout. Sickman. Slinger. Spark. Spruce. Side. Slipper. Sparks. Spry. Sidebother. Slow. Sparrow. Spurr. Sidebottom. Slowman. Spavin. Square. Singleday. Sink. Sly. Small. Speak. Spear. Squib. Squirrel. Sinker. Smallbone. Spearpoint. Stabb. Sirr. Smallbyhynd. Speck. Stable. Sit well. Smaller. Speed. Stack. Six. Smallman. Spell. Staff. Sixty. Smallpage. Speller. Stage. Sixsmith. Smallpiece. Spellin. Stagg. Size. Sketcher. Smart. Smelt. Spender. Spendlove. Staggers. Stain. Sides. Smiles. Spice. Stair. Smirke. Spike. Stairbinl. Silence. Smitten. Spiles. StainiKin. Silk. Smoker. Spillard. Stairs. PECULIAR SURNAMES. 163 Stake. Still. Strip. Surpluss. Staker. Stillaway. Stripe. Suttle. Stall. Still man. Stripling. Swab. Stallion. Stammer. Stillwagon. Sting. Strode. Strong i'th' arm. Swadling. Swallow. Stammers. Stirrup. Strongman. Swan. Stamp. Stitch. Struck. Swap. Stanback. Stiver. Struggles. Swarm. Stand ever. Stivers. Strutt. Sweeper. Standfast. Stocking. Stubblefield. Sweet. Stangroom. Stockings. Stuck. Sweetapple. Staple. Stocks. Studd. Sweetlove. Staples. Stoker. Studman. Sweetman. Star. Stones. Stuffins. Swift. Starbird. Starboard. Stoneystreet. Stopfull. Stumbles. Stump. Swigg. Swindle. Starbuck. Stopher. Stun. Swindler. Stare. Stopp. Sturdy. Sword. Stares. Stops. Sturgeon. Sworder. Stark. Stork. Style. Swords. Starkweather. Storm. Styman. Sworn. Starling. Storms. Styx. Sycamore. Start. Story. Such. Synge. Startup. Stout. Suck. Sythe. State. Stove. Suckbitch. States. Stow. Sucker. Station. Strain. Suckling. T Stay. Straight. Sudden. 1 . Stead. Strait. Sudds. Stealin. Strand. Sue. Tabernacle. Steddy. Strange. Suet. Tack. Steed. Strap. Sugar. Tackle. Steel. Straw. Sugarman. Tag. Steeple. Strawmat. Sugars. Talk. Steer. Stray. Suit. Talker. Stem. Stray line. Sulkie. Talks. Stemfly. Stream. Sum. Tall. Step. Streamer. Summerbell. Tall bo v. Steptoe. Streams Summersett. Tally. ~ Stern. Streek. Summit. Tame. Stew. Stretch. Summons. Tank. Stick. Stride. Sunken. Tann. Stickle. Strider. Sunshine. Tape. Stickler. Strike. Super. Taphouse. Stiff. String. Surety. Tapp. Stilgoe. Stringfellow. Surplice. Tapper. M 2 164 A SELECT LIST OF Tarbottom. Tether. Timber. Topcoat. Tarbox. Thaler. Timberlake. Tope. Tarbuck. Thane. Timbers. Topless. Tardy. Thaw. Times. Topp. Tares. Thew. Timeslow. 1 upper. Target. Thick. Timewell. Tout. Tarr. Thickbroom. Tingle. Tow. Tarry. Thin. Tink. Towell. Tart. Thing. Tinker. Toy. Tassel. Third. Tinkling. Trail. Tatler. Thirkettle. Tinline. Train. Tat lock. Thirst. Tinn. Trainer. Tatt. Thistle. Tiplady. Trapp. Tatters. Thorn. Tipler. 1 ravel. Tattle. Thorns. Tipp. Tray. Taunt. Taw. Tawney. Tayles. Thorogall. Thoroughgood. Thousandpound Thrash. Tippet. Tipple. Title. Titmouse. Tray foot. Treadgokl. Treasure. Treble. Tea. Thrasher. Titter. Tree. Teachem. Threader. Tittle. Tremble. Teal. Tear. Threadgold. Threeneedle. Toad. Toadwine. Tres. Tribe. Tears. Thresher. Toby. Tribute. Teas. Thrift. Toddy. Trice. Teat. Thrush. v Todhunter. Trick. Teats. Thrustout. Toe. Tricker. Tee. Thurkettle. Toes. Trickey. Teeth. Thunder. Toewater. Trim. Telfair. Tell. Thursday. Thus. Tolefree. Toll. Trimmer. Trinkle. Telling. Tempest. Ten. Tenant. Tick. Tickle. Ticklepenny. Tidy. Tolls. Tolman. Torn. Tombs. Trip. Triplett. Trist. Trivett. Tench. rill Tidyman. Tie. Tommy. Tone. Trodden. Trollop. Tenet. Tier. Tongs. Troop. ds. Tiff. Tongue. Trope. Tense. Till'iiny. Toogood. Trotman. Tent. Tiffin. Took. Trott. Tcnfimes. Tiger. Tool. Trotter. Terrier. Test. Tight. Till. Toombs. Toot. Trout. Trow. Tester. Tilt. Tooth. 'IK. well. Testimony. Tiltm.-iii Toothaker. Troy. PECULIAR SURNAMES. 165 Truant. Tye. Vineyard. Wares. Truck. Type. Violet. Wardrobe. True. Viper. Warn. Truebody. Virgin. Warr. Truefit. u. Virgo. Warrior. Truelove. Virtue. Wart. Trull. TTo-lv Voice. W T ash. Truly. U &V' Uncle. Vowel. Washer. Truman. T Tnr*lpQ Vox. Wasp. Truss. U i M U. > . Under. Vulgar. Waste. Trust. Unit. Watch. Trusty. Unite. Watchman. Try. Try on. Tub. Tubman. Unthank. Upjohn. Upward. Urin. w. Waddilove. Water. Waterfall. Waterhair. Watering. Tuck. Wade. Waterman. Tucker. Waddle. Waterguard. Tuft. Wafer. Wattle. Tufts. V. Wager. Wax. Tulip. Wagg. Way. Tune. Vail. Wagless. Wavgood. Tunn. Vain. Wail. Wayman. Tunnell. Valiant. Wailes. Weak. Tunney. Value. Wain. Weal. Turning. Van. Wainscoat. Wean. Turk. Vast. Waiscot. W^ear. Turns. Veal. Wait. Weatherbee. Turtle. Venus. Wake. Weatherhead. Twa. Verge. Waker. Weatherhog. Twaddle. Verity. Walk. Weatherspoon. Tweedle. Vert. Wall. Weatherstone. Twelve. Very. Wallduck. Weatherwax. Twelves. Vesper. Wallet. Webb. Twelvetrees. Vessel. Wallower. Wedd. Twentyman. Vessels. Wand. Wedge. Twice.' Vest. Wane. Wedgewood. Twiceaday. Vestal. Want. Wedlock. Twig. Vial. Wanton. Weed. Twilight. Vice. Wapper. Week. Twin. Victory. Warble. Weeks. Twine. Vigor. Ward. Weekly. Twist. Vigors. Wardlaw. Weeks. Two. Vile. Wardrobe. Weight. Twopenny. Vine. Ware. Weightman. Twopotts. Vinegar. Waredraper. Welfare. 166 A SELECT LIST OF PECULIAR SURAMES. Welfill. AVhitlow. AA T intermute. Wrapp. Well. AVhittle. AVintersmith. Wrath. Welladvice. AVhy. AViper. Wren. AA'ellbeloved. Whymark. AVire. AVrench. AVellborn. AVick. AA'ires. AVrinkle. Wellcome. Wicker. Wisdom. AVrite. Wellhop. Widdow. Wise. AYroth. AVells. Wide. AVisecup. Wry. Welp. Widows. AViseman. AVulgar. Wench. Wife. Wish. Wunder. Went. Wig. AVisher. Wunderly. AVest. AVight. AVit. AA 7 unders. Westcoat. AVild. Witch. Worst AVestland. AVildblood. Witcraft. AVestwood. AVildboar. With. Whale. Whalebelly. AVildgoose. AVildish. AVithcraft. AVitty. Y. Whalebone. AVildman. AVoad. Wharf Wildsmith. AVolf. VI Wheat. AVile. Wonder. Vam Wheatcroft. AVilks. AVomlers. i tiin. Whe Will AA r oodbine. VtJW Wheeler. AVilling. Woodcock. X d\V Vpo Whelps. Wherry. Wily. AVinch. Woodfall. Woodfork. X L 1.1. Yearly. While. Wind. AVoodhead. Vpllnw Whip. Windard. Woodman. i enow. Yeoman. Whippy. Winder. Woodnot VPW Whirlpenny. Windmill. AVoodthrift. 1 cW. Vnn AVhisker. Whistler. Whist AVhiteboon. AVhitebread. AVhitefoot. AVhitrhair. Whitrhan * C0tton umbrella and a leather knapsack." Horning line, anil a mcd.-l of brevity."- Dorset County Chronicle. With this work, the pedestrian may learn how to spend a month or six weeks among the most magnificent scenery in the world, and at a cost considerably under 20. "^-Af Hilary Spectator. in recommend the work as a thoroughly practical guide." Bristol Mercury ngly iid vis- i-v.-ry one who contemplates going over this ground to purchase this excellent little book, which enters sufficiently into detail to satisfy anv traveller and is 'Cambridge Independent. y written, and contains many useful hints. It is a very useful vade mecum for traveller-. I'.n.jhlon Gazette. " If any of our r-a-l.-rs are thinking of a continental tour, and wish to deviate somewhat from tl,.- beaten track, we recommend them to be off to the Tyrol, and to take this hook for a pocket companion." Bradford Obierver. // Publication, A GLOSSARY OF PROVINCIAL WORDS used in the County of Essex. THE ETYMOLOGY OF CORNISH SURNAMES, THE BASQUE, and its connexion with other Languages. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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