LUNAK NOMENCLATIVE COMMITTEE OF THE .^ATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF ACADEMIES COLLATED LIST OF LUNAR FORMATIONS NAMED OR LETTERED IN THE MAPS OF NEISON, SCHMIDT, AND MADLER COMPILED AND ANNOTATED FOR THE COMMITTEE BY MARY A. BLAGG UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE LATE S. A. SAUNDER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES JUN 2 7 1991 ENGINEERING & MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES III PRINTED FOR THE COMMITTEE BY MESSRS NEILL & CO., LTD., EDINBURGH 1913 TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION (BY PROFESSOR H. H. TURNER, F.R.S.) . v GENERAL EXPLANATION . vii COLLATED LIST. ........ 1 NOTES ... -.169 INDEX OF NAMES 179 : INTRODUCTION. Ix December 1905 the late Mr S. A. Saunder drew attention to the present very unsatisfactory state of Lunar Nomenclature (Monthly Notices R.A.S., Ixvi. p. 41), concluding that " If a remedy is to be found which will meet with universal assent and nothing short of this would be a remedy at all it is obvious that it must be the work of an international committee " (loc. cit., p. 44). His representations, supported first by the Council of the Royal Astronomical Society, and next by that of the Royal Society, reached the International Association of Academies at its Vienna meeting in 1907, when a Committee on Lunar Nomenclature was appointed by the Association, consisting of MM. Loewy (Chairman), Franz, Newcomb, Saunder, Weiss, and Turner (Secretary). The name of W. H. Pickering was subsequently added, and later, on the death of the Chairman, the names of MM. Bail) and and Puiseux. The Committee has further lost Newcomb, Saunder, and Franz. Before his death M. Loewy had, after some preliminary discussion, asked MM. Franz and Saunder to undertake the preparation of an accurate map of the Moon in mean libration. Franz undertook the outer portions : he set to work on new measures required for the fundamental points, and completed this work, which was in the press at the time of his death. It has since been published under the title Die Randlandschaften des Mondes (Franz, Ehrhardt Karras, Halle a S., 1913). The drawing of the map had not been commenced, but it is hoped that this work will still be undertaken in Breslau. Saunder secured the able help of Mr W. H. Wesley for the actual drawing of the map, for which Saunder himself laid down all the fundamental points. Three of the four portions have been drawn and reproduced ; the fourth is well on the way to completion. Meantime Saunder had also secured the devoted help of Miss M. A. Blagg in collating the list here printed of names in Beer and Madler, Schmidt, and Neison. The severe losses sustained by the Committee have combined to leave the nominal direction of it in the hands of one who is not in any sense a seleno- grapher. On his deathbed Saunder handed to me this collated list in MS., and I gathered that, although it was of great value and represented much careful labour, considerations of cost had deterred him up to that time from printing it. As soon as I had had time to review the situation, I realised the great advantages that would follow from printing this list ; and found further that Miss Blagg would undertake to see it through the press. She made no special conditions as to time, but I felt that such valuable help might not remain permanently available, and that it was desirable to seize the favourable vi NEISOX'S, SCHMIDT'S, AXD MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. moment if possible. Professor Schuster and the Astronomer Royal kindly encouraged this course. Some anxiety about the funds for printing has been dispelled by the great courtesy of the Paris Academic des Sciences. I ventured to ask M. Baillaud whether he thought it appropriate that as England and Germany had undertaken the map, France should defray the expenses of this collated list. M. Baillaud promptly laid the matter before the Secretaire perpetuel, and with M. Darboux : s kindly and powerful support the request was favourably entertained. I take the opportunity of tendering the grateful thanks of the Committee for this piece of international and inter-academic courtesy. The list is throughout the work of Miss Blagg. Of her great care and thoroughness I had often heard Saunder speak, and I have had some opportunity of appreciating them at first hand during the passing of these sheets through the press. The list will in the first instance be used by the Committee (and others whose help they may be fortunate enough to obtain) in adopting names for the formations here tabulated. For this purpose wide margins have been provided. The project of keeping the type standing until the adopted name could be added in print was rejected, after consideration, on the score of expense. It seems better to contemplate the subsequent printing of a new list giving the adopted name corresponding to each number. These numbers will probably also be entered on copies of the map, but this procedure is not yet quite settled. H. H. TURNER, Chairman of the Lunar Nomenclature Committee from 1910. UNIVERSITY OBSERVATORY, OXFORD, November 1913. GENERAL EXPLANATION. I. Name- Prefixes. In deciding what name should be prefixed to each letter in this list, my aim has been, in the first place, to follow any indication, direct or indirect, given in the different texts. When no such indication could be found, I have been guided mainly, in Madler's case by the position of the letter (see page 28, Der Moncl), and in Schmidt's and Neison's cases by their clear intention of preserving in the main Madler's notation. In the many cases in which these considerations were inapplicable or insufficient, I have tried to choose the name-prefix which would be most likely to be selected by anyone using the maps. Where there appeared to be much doubt on this point. I have' given an alternative prefix, placed a query mark after the prefix, or appended a note. A query mark before the prefix implies doubt as to the identity of the objects in the different maps. II. Schmidt's Letters. Schmidt does not appear to attach much importance to the name-prefix, and sometimes himself uses two different ones for the same object. He also occasionally uses two different letters for the same peak, sometimes without calling attention to the fact. The exact position of such of his letters as appear only in his list of height-measurements, and not in the maps, must be considered more or less doubtful, particularly in those cases in which his descriptions of their positions seem to be inconsistent. He expresses himself as doubtful in regard to the position of some of them him- self. I have interpolated some of these letters, instead of giving them a separate number. They may sometimes be aliases for some other letter in the list. III. Schmidt's Rills. Schmidt did not, I think, intend his rills, as a rule, to be named in this way, but simply marked most of them "r" to call attention to them. I have, however, generally put them in the list, using as a prefix the name of the nearest named formation, for the sake of convenience. IV. Identity of Objects. When names or letters in the different maps are given to objects which clearly represent the same formation, I have entered them as identical, although the Lat. and Long, (and also the appearance) of the object may sometimes differ considerably in the different maps, especially near the limb. V. Form of Letters. The Roman letters on Beer and Madler's, and on Neison's maps, are in " printing " form ; those on Schmidt's maps in " writing " form. This difference is indicated in the list in the case of Schmidt's small letters by printing them in italics. No difference has been made in the capitals. The small " a " and capital " E " in Schmidt's maps often look very like the Greek "a " and "e," and there is some danger of mistaking them for each other. viii NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. VI. " Not Named." Objects entered in the list as " not named " are some- times not even shown at all in the map in question. It would have involved much extra expenditure of time and trouble to note this in each case, as it is often very difficult to say whether an object is shown or not. Sometimes a mountain in one map is a crater in another ; sometimes a rill becomes a mountain chain ; sometimes there is a vague mark which may represent the object, or may not ; sometimes a similar object appears a few degrees away. VII. Position of Objects. The descriptions of position are merely rough indications, sufficient to identify the object in maps in which the letter is given. " N.E. " means " between North and East," " S.W." " between South and West," and so on. VIII. Proper Names. Familiar geographical names (such as " Alps ") are entered in the list in the same form in each column, in order to avoid any appearance of disagreement where none exists, although Madler and Schmidt of course write such names in German, and Neison in English. As the list is written in English, I have given them in the English form. But, in the case of names of persons, and classical geographical names, differences in form are not due to difference of language, but (presumably) to difference of opinion on the part of the authors. I have therefore aimed at giving these different forms exactly as they occur, without altering or modernising the spelling, except that in a few classical names " ae " has been printed as a diphthong, although Madler and Schmidt always separate these letters. M. A. B. N.B. The sign " = " connecting two letters or names in the same column means that both are used impartially by the author in question for the same object. The word " or " used in the same way generally implies a doubt as to the form of a letter in the map, or else as to which of two appellations is really intended by the author. But, in a few cases, " or " has been used instead of " = " with the meaning explained above. COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Craters and rings ....... symbol = o Mountains and plateaux ...... = A "Rills" = - Valleys and gaps ! = = "Seas," etc ..-'= + References are to pages in Schmidt and Neison ; to numbered sections in Miidler. Larger figures are used for named formations. Special notes will be found relating to those entries which have an asterisk (*) against them. Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. | 1 1 Schubert 143 Schubert (XI.-7) Schubert 170 o 2 ., A 143 (Not named) A (not named in map) (p. 69) S.E. ofSch. o 3 b 143 ,, ... Schubert b 170 S. of Sch. o 4 ,, c in text 143 u e 170 N.E. ofSch. o e in map 5 a ,, i) a E. of Sch. A 6 Neper 143 Neper (XI.-5) 211 Neper 170 7 a 143 Schubert a 211 a 170 (Far) S.E. of Nep. o 8 b 143 (Not named) b 170 (Near) S.E. of Nep. 9 c 143 " ... c 170 (Very near) S.E. of Nep. o 10 * 143 ,, ... (Not named) E. of 9 o 11* Hansen 144 Hansen (XII.- 2) (furthers., but same for- mation) Hansen 171 o 12 A 144 Hansen A A 169 & 171 S.W. of Hans. COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. Jo ! 13 Hansen b (not named in map) 144 (Not named) Hansen b 171 W. of Hans. o H* Alhazen 144 Alhazen (XII.- 3) (furthers., but same for- mation) Alhazen 161 & 171 15 a 144 (Not named) ... (Not named) S. of Alh. o 16 A 144 Alhazen A Alhazen A 171 S.W. of Alh. o 17 b ... (Not named) ... b (Far) W. of Alh. 18 ,, c ,, c N. of 17 o 19 a 145 M. Crisium or Alhazen a 218 &74 ,, a 161 N. of 20 A 20 145 Alhazen N.E. of Alh. A 21 ., 8 (Not named) ... (Not named) ... N.E. of 19 A 22 ,, A 145 M. Crisium A 218 Alhazen A 161 E. of 20 A 23 E (Not named) E N. of 18 A 24 r 144 r E. of Alh. A 25 F 144 ... (Not named) N. of 23 26* Plutarch 208 Timoleon (XII. -6) (perhaps not identical) Plutarch 174 o 27 , , a 208 (Not named) (Not named) (Far) S.W. of Plu. A 28* Oriani 207 Oriani (XII. -5) (further S., but same for- mation) Oriani 174 o 29 ,, A 208 (Not named) ... A 174 N. of Ori. o 30 ,. B 208 (Not named) (Far) S.W. of Oil. o 31 (Not named) ... ,, Oriani B (Close) E. of 30 A 32 Oriani A 208 ,, ^ 174 S.E. of Ori. A 33 e 208 ,, (Not named) ... S. of Ori. = 34 Einmart 206 Einmart (XII.-4) 218 Einmart 162 o 35 ,, e 206 (Not named) (Not named) E. of Bin. = 36 . c 207 M. Crisium s ,, S.E. of Ein. 37 (Not named) (Not named) Einmart A W. of Ein. A 38 Einmart S 206 ... (Not named) S. of Ein. A 39 Cape Agarum 145 Prom. Agarum (XII.-21)(says this is some- times called Cape Cyrillus) 217 Prom. Agarum 160 A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. i I 40 (Not named) Prom. Agarum n 217 (Not named) E. of 42 o 41 x ,, N. of C. Ag. 42 y M E. of C. Ag. o 43 M ... 2 ,, N.E. of 41 o 44 Condorcet 168 Condorcet (XI.-1) 211 Condorcet 160 o 45 (Not named) Condorcet/ (Not named) W. of 46 46 i. P ,, S. of Con. o 47 Azout (or Au- zout) 146 Azout (XI.-2) Azout 168, etc. o 48 i) a 146 (Not named) ,, a S.W. of Az. o 49 b 146 ,, b W. of 48 50 c 146 ,, ... M C S. of 48 & 49 o 51 it ... Azout a 46 a 160 N. ofAz. A 52 (Not named) ,, B 160 S.E. of 51 A 53 7 Azout 7 7 160 E. of Az. A 54 A Azout or M. Crisium A 211 & 36 . A 160 E. of 53 A 55 (Not named) ,, e (Not named) S.W. of 53 A 56 Firminicus (as a rule) 146 Firmicus (XI.-3) Firmicus 168, etc. o 57 Firminicus a Firmicus a u a S.W. of Fir. 58 b ... b b W. of Fir. o 59 c c ... c ... N. of 58 60 ,, 146 <* 169 ( Far) W. of Fir. A 61 (Not named) ... W. wall of Fir. A 62 ,, .. 7 7 N. wall of Fir. A 63 Firminicus 5 ... ,, 5 5 S.W. of Fir. A 64 ,, f f * S. of 63 A 65 (Not named) Firmicus or Schubert m (Not named) S.W. of64 66 Appolonius in map ; Apol- lonius in text 147 Apollonius (XI.-4) 211 Apollonius 168 o 67 Apollonius a 147 (Not named) a 204 (Far)E. of Ap. 68 b(l) Apollonius 6(1) ... b(l) W. ofAp. 69 ,, c 147 (Not named) ,, c 204 S. of 67 - 70 (Not named) ,, ... d S.E. of Ap. o 71 Apollonius e 147 " > e S.E. of 70 o COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN 72 73 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. a .0 Apollonius E in text c in map (Not named) 146 (Not named) Apollonius (1) Apollonius E ; (Not named) 168 In W. wall of Ap. W. of Ap. A 74 Apollonius e (D(2) Apollonius c S.ofAp. A 75 b(2) 147 6(2) b(2) 204 N.E. of Ap. = 76 f ,, / 213 f N.E. of Ap. 77 g ... ,, 9 g S.W. ofAp. o 78 1_ 147 k k N.E. of 81 79 (Not named) (Not named) i 204 S.E. of 67 o 80 Apollonius w 213 (Not named) S. of 77 81 82 Apollonius & M. Crisium 148 M. Crisium t Apollonius M. Crisium 159 (Far) N.E. of Ap. A 83 84 (Not named) RR n n 220 (Not named) N.W. of Macrobius E. of 22 A A 84A ' (not in map) 62 " ... S.W. of 85 A 85 ,, M. Crisium t 218 ,, S.E. of 36 A 85A ... (not in map) 62 ... Close to 85 A 86 ,, M. Crisium v 218 ,, ... E. of 85 A 87 (Nearly) Cleom. T (1) 207 w " W. of 83 A 88 (Not named) ... e 219 ,, ... S.E. of 87 A 89 90 " ,, rj in text K in map 219 219 n ... S. of 88 S. of 89 A A 91 ,, A 219 ,, ... S. of 90 A 92 ,, A' 219 ,, S. of 91 A 93 ,, B' 219 ,, S. of 92 A 94 ( = 118 Peirce & 148 &207 B 219 " S. of 93 A 95 (Not named) E 219 ... W. of Proclus A 96* ' * ,, e 218 " S. E. of Peirce (S. of 113) o 97 M D 219 ,, ... N.E. of 96 A 98 M P 218 ... W. of 100 A 99 y 219 ,, S. of 95 A 100 " ... z ' 218 " S. of 99 A t See also Nos. 19. 22, 36, 54, 108, 113, 114, 126, 200. NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. j e 101 (Not named) M. Crisium a 218 (Not named) S. of 100 A 102 ,, X 218 ,, S. of 101 A 103 " " K = * 218 &47 &71 ' S.W. of 102 A 104 " ,, f in text in map 218 ii ... S.W. of 103 A 105 ,, c 219 ,, S.E. of 94 o 106 Picard 148 Picard (XII.-20) 217 Picard 163 o 107 ,, a 148 Picard a 218 ,, a 160 S. of Pic. A 108 * 148 M. Crisium 218 &41 ,, 160 E. of 107 A 109 [Not named) (Not named) 1 ... ,, e ... E. of 108 A 110 Picard G 148 ,, (Not named) S. of 107 111 (Not named) Picard c S. of 112 o 112 Picard d d 217 Picard d S.E. of Pic. o 113* " E 148 * M. Crisium x=f=e( not named on map) 218 &47& 71, etc. e 163 N.E. of Pic. f o(N) A(S) A o(M) 114 (Not named) M. Crisium b ... (Not named) E. of Pic. o 115 Peirce 148 Picard A 217 Picard A 163 o 116 ,, A 148 B 217 B 163 N. of Peirce o 117 M a 148-9 &207 (Not named) (Not named) S. of 118 A 118 ( = 94) ' 148 &207 M. Crisium B 219 " E. of 116 A 119 Cleomedes 208 Cleomedes (XII.-15) 219 Cleomedes 173 ... o 120 M a 209 Cleomedes a , , a or d 176 N.W. of Cleo. o 121 ,, A 209 A ... A 173 In N. Cleo. 122 B 208 B ,, B 173 In Cent. Cleo. o 123 c 209 (Not named) (Not named) In S. Cleo. 124 D 209 ( Far) W. of Cleo. o 125 >i e 209 Cleomedes e Cleomedes e 173 W. of Cleo. o 126 F 207 M. Crisium F ... F 164 ( Far )S. of Cleo. o 127 ,, i 209 Cleomedes n (Not named) In W. Cleo. 128 k 208 (Not named) ... S. of Cleo. = 129 M 208 ,, ,, In Cleo. A 130 r(i) 207 ;, ... S. of Cleo. A (nearly M. Crisium w) COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 I 131 Cleomedesr(2) 209 (Not named) (Not named) ... W. of Cleo. A 132 (Not named) Cleomedes/ M W. of 125 A 133 ,, ,, 9 ,, S. of 132 A 134 i h || S.W. of 133 A 135 ,, *(!) ,, In Oleo. - 136 ,, r(2) W. of Cleo. - 137* Seneca 208 (About) Plutarchus Seneca 174 o 137A [Not named) Seneca (XII. -8) (Not named) W. of Hahn o 138 Seneca b 208 (Not named) >) E. of Sen. o 139 i> a 208 ,, ... Seneca a W. wall of Sen. A 140 B 208 ,, it S 174 N.E. of Sen. A 141* Hahn 211 Hahn (XII. -9) (furthers., but same for- mation) 220 Hahn 175 o 142 ,, A 211 Hahn A ,, A S.E. of Hahn o 143 ,, 211 !> ,, a 175 N.W. wall of Hahn A 144 145 Berosus 211 (Nearly) Hahn 3 Berosus (XII.-10) 42 221 ,, Berosus 175 175 Centre of Hahn (Schmidt, E. wall) A o 146 o 212 Berosus o 43 ii a 175 N.E. wall of Ber. A 147 212 (Not named) ... ,, B 175 N. wall of Ber. A 148 Gauss 212 Gauss (XII.- 11, XIII.-7) Gauss 177 o 149 [Not named) (Not named) ,, a In S. Gauss 150 ,, Gauss a ii N. of 152 A 151 Gauss A 212 A ... i> A 177 In centre Gauss A 152 212 ... .. 177 W. wall of Gauss A 153 11 7 .... (Not named) .1 7 E. wall of Gauss, S. of 151 A 154 s ,, ,, 8 N. of 150 A 155 * Gauss e ,, t S. of 153 A 156 9 6 ,, & ... N. of 153 A 157 ,, \ ... (Not named) ,, \ W. of 155 A 158 H Gauss H ii S ... N. of 154 A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | 1 159 (Not named) Gauss C Gauss N. of 151 A 160 (Not named) ,, ? (illegible) W. of Gauss A 161 Bernoulli! 211 Bernoulli! (XII. -12) 220 Bernouilli 176 o 162 ,, a 211 Bernouilli a a 176 N. of Bern. 163 b 211 & 213 b b 177 N.W. of Bern. o 164 11 c 211 &212 Berosus c 46 c 176 W. of Bern. 165 d 211 (Not named) (Not named) E. of 164 o 166 ) a 211 Bernouilli a Bernouilli a S.W. wall of Bern. A 167 Burckhardt 210 Burckhardt (XII.-14) 220 Burckhardt 175 o 168 a 210 Burckhardt a ... a 175 W. of Bur. o 169 B 210 (Not named) B 175 W. of 168 170 210 Burckhardt o 220 ,, o 175 E. wall of Bur. A 171 (Nearly) Burck- hardt (valley instead of int. ) 210 (Not named) W. of 172 ( = (N) A(M) 172 (Nearly) Burck- hardt 7 (valley instead of mt. ) 210 Burckhardt 7 (nearly, valley instead of int. ) 7 W. of Bun I = (N) -(S) A(M) 173 Burckhardt C 210 Pt. of Geminus r (Not named) N. of Bur. - 174 (Not named) Burckhardt r(l) ,, In S. & E. Bur. - 175 ,, , r(2) ,, In N.W. Bur. - 176 Tralles 209 Tralles (XII.-16) 220 Tralles 173 ... o 177 ,, A 210 Tralles A 220 n A 202 (Far)S.E. of Tra. o 178 B 210 B >> B ... (Near) S.E. of Tra. 179 (Not named) w (Not named) E. of Tra. 180 Macroibus 205 Macrobius (XII.-18) 221 Macrobius 202 o 181 A 205 (Not named) (Not named) ... In E. wall of Mac. o 182 )! a 206 Macrobius a 221 Macrobius a 202 (Far) S.E. of Mac. 183 B 206 B 221 B 202 N.W. of 182 o 184 ,, c 206 e 221 c W. of Mac. o 185 D 206 D D 202 S.W. of Mac. o COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 I 186 Macroibus e 206 Macrobius e Macrobius e 202 N.W. of 185 o 187 F 206 (Not named) f 202 Between 184 & 191 o 188 (Not named) Macrobius M (Not named) ... N. of 194 o 189 Macroibus o 206 n a 221 Macrobius a 199 N.W. of 183 A 190 & 206 (Not named) ... ft 202 N.W. of Mac. A 191 7 206 y 202 N.W. of 190 A 192 8 Macrobius 5 s W. of 182 A 193 E 206 (Not named) E 202 N.W. of 191 A 194 r ,, ... r N. of 189 A 195 (Not named) Macrobius e (Not named) ... W. of 186 A 195A ,, e=x (not named in map) 72 & 221 " S. of 186 A 196 Macrobius r(l) ,, N.E. of Mac. - 197 r(V ,, ... N.W. of Mac. - 198 Proclus 151 Proclus (XII.-19) 221 Proclus 202- 3-4 o 199 A 152 Proclus A A 203 (Far) S.E. of Pro. 200 ,, a 151 M. Crisium a 41 a 204 (Far) aW. of Pro. o 201 B 152 Proclus B = Lyell (XII.- 23) (not num- bered in map) 215 B 203 E. of 199 o 202 b 151 (Not named) ,, b 204 E. of 200 o 203 n c 152 ,, ... ,, c 203 S.W. of 199 o 204 ,. d ... Proclus d d 202-3 (Far) N.E. of Pro. o 205 ,, e 152 [Not named) . e 203 S. of 204 o 206 207 ,, F Not named) 152 Proclus F A' F (Not named) 203 S. of Pro. E. of 206 A 208 i, [Not named) Proclus a ... E. of Pro. A 209 Proclus ! 152 B in text in map " ,i B E. of 199 A 210 Proclus 7 j 152 ,, 7 203 S.E. of Pro. A 211 Not named) i ,, ,, S S. of 203 A 212 Proclus e 152 ,, 6 203 S. of 199 A 213 Not named) Proclus r 114 (Not named) S. of Pro. - NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Xeison. Schmidt B. and Madler. Position. j &-> GO 214 Palus Somnii 152 Palus Somnii Palus Somnii 203 + 215 Taruntius 153 Taruntius (XI.-14) 212 Taruntius 400 O 216 A 147 & 154 Taruntius A 213 A 204 N.W.ofTar. O 217 y 147 y y 204 W. of 21 6 o 218 D 153 D - D 400 &399 N. of Tar. o 219 H 153 H ,, e 400 (Far) E. of Tar. 220 c 153 C = c 211 & 212-3 c 400 N. wall of Tar. o 221 M F 153 F ... F 400 S. of 219 o 222 I 153 (Not named) (Not named) N. of 230 o 223 1 Taruntius I Taruntius I or 1 400 E. of Tar. 224 H G 213 &211 400 S.W. of Tar. o 225 226 h (in map 22 only) Taruntius k h k h 400 400 S.W. of 224 W. of 225 o o 227 ,, n ... n j ... ,, n 400 W. of 224 228 ,, a 153 ,, a N.E. of 234 A 229 B 153 .. B N. of 228 A 230 7 153 7 (not named in map) 32 7 N. of 229 A 231 232 (Not named) Tar. or Pic. e (1) (147) ( Not named) Taruntius (1) ,, 5 Tar. or Ap. or Fir. orAzout (204) E. of 228 Between 216 & 217 A A 233 234 Taruntius e (2) ,, C 153 153 f(2) (not named in map) Taruntius 32 Taruntius t (2) C 400 400 N. of 219 N.E. of Tar. A A 235 (Not named) (?) z (*) * N.W. of 217 236 237 Taruntius M Secchi 153 154 M B 211 M 400 400 E. of 234 A 238 154 (Not named) n , 406 & 400 S.E. of Sec. A 239 154 Taruntius 9 ,, eorfl 206 & 400 E. of 238 A 240 241 ,, v|/ in text x in map 154 (Not named) . X 400 400 S. of Sec. S.E. of 240 A A 10 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. | 1 242 Maskelyne 154 Maskelyne (II.-l) 132 Maskelyne (not named in map) 208 o 243 ,, a 155 (Not named) Maskelyne a S.W. of 245 o 244* b 155 ... b 208 Near E. wall of Mas. 244A* (Not named) Maskelyne b (Not named) ... E. of Mas. 245 Maskelyne c ,, c Maskelyne c S. W. of Mas. 246 d ... (Not named) d W. of 253 o 247 e 154 Maskelyne e e 206-8 (Far) N.W. of 251 248 f 154 f f 206-8 S. of 247 249 (Not named) ,, in 132 &136 (Not named) (Far) N.E. of Mas. 250 Maskelyne a 155 a 131 Maskelyne a N. of 243 A 251 J8 154 208 W. of Mas. A 252 ,. 7 154 7 , 7 208 N.W. of Mas. A 253 8 ... s 5 208 S.W. of Mas. A 254 M. Tranquilli- tatis 156 & 502 M. Tranquilli- tatis M. Tranquilli- tatis 205 &388 ... + 255 Jansen 170 Jansen (III.-7) Jansen 208 256 ,, 170 (Not named) (Not named) S.W. of 258 A 257 ,, & 170 Jansen or Carr. Jansen ft 208 S. of Jan. A 258 y 170 Jansen y 7 208 S.W. of Jan. A 259 B 170 Carrington (II.-29) ,, B E. of 257 o 260 c 170 Sina (II.-28) c 208 S.W. of 261 261 e 170 Jansen e 136 ,, e 208 W. of 257 o 262 Cauchy 155 ,, A ,, A 206-8 o 263 D 155 ,, D D ... N.W. of Cauchy o 264 5 155 (Not named) ,, 5 208 S. & E. of Cauchy - 265 (Not named) Jansen r (Not named) Between Cau. & 263 - 266 Vitruvius 171 Vitruvius (III.-8) Vitruvius 201 o 267 ,, A 171 Vitruvius A A 201 W. of Vit. 268 b 171 (Not named) b S.W. of Vit. o 269 c 171 " (Not named) S.W. of 268 o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 11 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. J I 270 Vitruvius d 171 Vitruvius d ... Vitruvius d 201 S.W. of 267 o 271 Jansen c c c (see also 517) S.E. of Vit. o 272 Maraldi 203 Maraldi (III.-9) 139 Maraldi 201 o 273 (Not named) Maraldi b (Not named) ... N. of Mar. o 274 Mar. or Vit. m (Not named) ,, S.W. of 275 o 275 ,, n ,, ... S.W. of Mar. o 276 Maraldi o 203 ,, ... N. wall of Mar. A 277 203 ,, ,, S. wall of Mar. A 278 M r 203 M ,, ... N. of Mar. A 278A (Not named) Maraldi d (not named in map 51 " S. of Mar. A 279 Littrow 201 Littrow (III. -10) 139 Littrow 201 o 280 B 202 Littrow B 139 ,. B (B in map) 213 E. of Lit. o 281 >. b (also d) 202 (Not named) (Not named) ... N. of Lit. 282 Littrow a 202 Littrow o 139 Littrow o 199 N.E. of Lit. A 283 , r 202 (Not named) ,, r 201 S. of 284 A 284 51 A 202 Littrow A A 201 W. of Lit. A 285 C 202 (Not named) (Not named) N.W. of Lit. - 286 , i\ 202 Littrow s & w ,, E. of Lit. - 287 (Not named) t E. of 280 - 288 ,, ,, u ,, N. of 280 - 289 ,, " ,, E. of 282 - 290 ,, ... x ... ,, S. of 286 - 291 Romer 203 Romer(III.-16) Romer 199 ... o 291A (Not named) a (not named in map) 63 (Not named) N. of Rom. A 292 Romer A 204- Romer A Romer A 199 N.E. of Rom. A 292A (Not named) , b (not named in map) 63 [Not named) N. of 291 A A 293 Romer in text B in map 201 & 204 (Not named) S.E. of 292 A 294 A 204 M M N.E. of 293 A 295 M 5 204 Romer 8 63 8,6'mer 5 199 W. of Rom. A 12 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. i 1 296 Romer e 204 (Nearly) Romer e 199 N.W. of 295 A Romer e 297 P ... (Not named) ... (Not named) S.W. of Rom. A 298 (Pt. of) Bond ( Romer TO ... N.E. of Rom. - 299 ,, ,, n ,, N. of 298 - 300* Homer in text 204 (Not named) S. of 296 _ TJ in map (line 21) 301* C 204 M ... M * \V. of 305 _ (line 22) 302 i A 203-4 Romer a ... Romer a 199 N. of Rom. o 303 b 204 ,, b ., b N.W. of Rom. 304 ,, c 204 ,, (or Kir.) c c N.W. of 303 o 305 e 204 e ) > > ... ,, e 199 S. of 306 _ 306 >l f 204 / ... M f N^A T . of 310 307 V ... ,, I ... M I 208 E. of 297 308 (Not named) ,, k k S. of Rom. o 309 ,, ... 1 1 ... N.E. of 308 310 Romer d d = Kirchhoff ,, d N. of 304 o (III.-15) 311 Newcomb 204 Bunsen (III. & (Not named) XII.-17) 312 A (Not named) ... ,, N. of Newc. 313 G 204 Bunsen or Rom. Romer G 199 S. ofNewc. o G 314 H 204 H ,, H ... S.E. of Newc. o 315 (Not named) I (Not named) ... Between Newc. o & 313 315A Romer x (not 75 + 294lat., o named in map) -t- 44 long. 316 Newcomb e 204 (Not named) N.W. ofNewc. = 317 f 204 ,, N.E. of Newc. = 318 g ,, ,, W. of 312 = 319 ,, a 204 ,, W. of 31 3 A 320 Geminus 210 Geminus 220 Geminus 176 o (XII.-13) 321 a 210 Geminus d M a ... S. E. of Gem. o 322 b 210 (Not named) (Not named) N.E. of 321 o 323 B 210 Geminus B Geminus B 184 N. of 322 &213 324 >. c 210 c o 176 W. of Gem. o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 13 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. I 1 325 Geminus d 211 (Not named) (Not named) S.E. of 321 326 e 211 ,, ,, E. of 322 = 327 C 211 ,, E. of 328 = 328 9 211 Geminus N ,, N. of 325 = 329 ,, a a Geminus a 176 E. wall of Gem. A 330 ,, ft 210 ,, ft 220 ., ft 199 E. of 323 A 331 (Not named) r > r (Not named) In Gem. -(2) 332 Messala 212 Messala (XIII.-l) 227 Messala 178 o 333 >i a 213 Messala a (XIII.), 227 ,, a 184 S. of Mess. o 334 B Messala B 176 &178 In S. wall of Mess. o 335 ,, c c c ... N.W. of 337 o 336 " d 212 &213 d 46 H d 177 W. of 337 337 e 213 c c 177 W. of Mess. o 338 H f 213 (Not named) ,, f 177 S. of 337 339 K 213 ,, (Not named) W. of 338 o 340 (Not named) Messala n \V. of Mess. A 341 Messala o (Not named) Messala a 178 W. wall of Mess. A 342 ft ... " ., ft N.W. wall of Mess. A 343 7 212 Messala y M 7 ... E. wall of Mess. A 344 S 213 8 s 178 S. of 345 A 345 213 (Not named) 178 Centre of Mess. A 346 Struve 215 Struve (XIII.-2) Struve 179 o 347 ,, 215 (Not named) )> a 179 E. wall of Str. A 348 B 215 Struve B ,, B 179 N. of Str. A 349 ,, r 215 i> r r W. of Str. A 350 M a 216 (Not named) .1 a 180 N.W. of Str. o 351 ,, b 216 ,, >. b 180 W. of 350 o 352 it e 216 ,, (Not named) (180) S.E. of 349 353' " f MZeno(XIII. -8) (or not named) ... D S.W. of 349 354* c 216 * 226 Struve c 180 W. of 351 o 355 Schuhmacher 215 Schuhmacher (XIII.-3) Schumacher 179 o 14 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS ix Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 31 J 1 356 Schuhmacher o 215 Schumacher a Schuhmacher a 179 S.E. wall of Schuh. A 357 " ' 215 (Not named) 179 N.E. wall of Schuh. A 358 7 215 ,, ... (Not named) (179) N. of Schuh. A 359 Carrington 216 Schumacher a Schuhmacher a o 360 Hooke 215 Hook(XIII.-4) 227 Hook 184 ... o 361 ,, r 215 (Not named) r 184 N. of Hook A 362 d ,, d 184 W. of Hook o 363 Shuckburgh 216 Hook& ... b 184 ... o 364 Berzelius 213 Berzelius (XII. -22&XIII.-6) Berzelius 184 o 365 A 213 Berzelius A A 184 E. of Berz. 366 b 214 ., 6 b E. of 369 o 367 >i e 213 (Not named) (Not named) S.W. of Berz. m 368 ,, 214 ,, Berzelius o 199 S.E. of 365 A 369 ,, /Sin text B in map 214 M ', * 199 S.E. of 368 A 370 >, 7 214 7 199 W. of 368 A 371 S 214 M 8 199 S. of 370 A 372 (Not named) Berzelius B (Not named) W. wall of Berz. A 373 < ... ... E. of 366 A 374 Franklin 214 Franklin (XIV.-16) 230 Franklin 184 o 375 A 214 (Not named) (Not named) Centre of Fr. A 376 214 Franklin a ... Franklin a 184 &199 E.wallofFr. A 377 214 (Not named) (Not named) W.wallofFr. A 378 ,, c 214 ,, ,, S.E. ofFr. o 379 d 214 Franklin d Franklin d S. of 378 o 380 ii e 214 ,, e ... , , e or c W. of 378 S 381 f 214 f n t 184 S. of Fr. o 382 g 214 (Not named) (Not named) ... In E.wallofFr. 383 384 Maury a 215 ,, B 215 Franklin B Franklin a B S.W. of Maury ti. of 383 o o 385 Maury 214 Cepheus B Cepheus B 198 o 386 215 ,, a ,, a ... W. of 387 A 387 " * 215 (Not named) ... S 198 N. of Maury A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 15 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. o .a 388 Maury y 215 Cepheus y Cepheus y W. of 386 A 389 8 215 [Not named) ,, 5 198 E. of 387 A 390 Cepheus 214 Cepheus (XIV.-15) 230 Cepheus 184 o 391 A 214 Cepheus A ... A 184 In N.W. wall o of Ceph. 392 c 214 ,, c ,, c 198 S.E. of Ceph. o 393 i> e 214 [Not named) (Not named) ... N. of 392 = 394 Oersted 217 Oersted Oersted 183 o (XIV. -14) 395 [Not named) Oersted o 183 N.E.wallofOer. A 396 Mercurius 216 Mercurius 227 Mercurius 180 o (XIII.-5) 397 c 217 Mercurius c ,, c 180 E. of 398 398 ,, 217 [Not named) ,, a 180 E. of Merc. A 399 A 216 ,, ,, A ... N.W. of Merc. A 400 B 216 ,, B 180 N. of 399 A 401 A 216 ,, ,, A 180 N. of 400 A 402 M. Humboldt- 223 M. Humboldt- M. Humboldt- 185-6 + ianum ianum ianuin 402A (Not named) ,, a (not in map) 46 & 230 (Not named) + 55 7 lat., + 92 long. A 402B M. Humboldt- 46 & + 66 lat. ; A ianum a (not 230 beyond limb in map) 403 Endymion 222 Endymion (XIV.-10) 230 Endymion 181 c 404 A 223 Endymion A A 181 W. of End. o 405 b 222 6(1) b(l) 181 N.W. of 406 o & 186 406 c (Not named) ,, c 181 N.W. of End. o &188 407 D 223 ,, D 181 S. of 404 o 408 F 223 ,, ... ,, N.W. of 404 o 409 G 222 Endymion G G 181 In N. wall of o End. 410 a(l) 222 (Nearly) 74 n a W. wall of End. A Endymion a (not named in map) 410A a (2) 224 (Not named) (Not named) (186) On limb ; + 58i lat. A 411 222 (Not named in 74 Endymion /3 181 S.W. wall of A map) (nearly) End. Endymion 16 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. ""o & & 412 Endymion y 222 Endymion y 74 Endymion y 181 E. wall of End. A 413 s 222 (Not named) ... (Not named) 181 N. of 412 A 414 f 222 ,, ,, ... S. of 409 A 415 E Endymion t Endymion E 185 N.W. of 407 A 416* De la Rue 224 Epicurius (XIV. -9) [wider (wt.) than De la Rue] (Not named) o 417 b Epics, or End. 6 (2) Endymion b (2) 181 W.ofDelaRu o 418 a 224 (Not named) (Not named) In De la Rue A 419 224 " ... N.E. of De la Rue A 420 y 224 " Strabo y S.E. ofDela Rue A 421 Strabo 225 Strabo (XIV.-8) 230 Strabo 188 422 a 223 Strabo a a 186 (Far) W. of Stra. o 423 B 225 (Not named) B 188 N.W. ofStra. o 424 .. D 225 ,, ,, D 181 S.E. of Stra. o 425 ,, a Strabo a 230 ,, a W. wall of Stra. A 426 >, B 225 ,, ft 230 ,. ft 188 S.W. of Stra. A 427 Thales 225 (Not named) Thales 188 o 428 c 225 rhales(XIV.-7) 230 (Not named) S.E. of last o 429 ,, A 225 (Not named) Thales A In S. wall of 432 o 430 a 225 a N.W. ofTha. 431 >> e 225 (Not named) S.E. of 428 o 432 ,. f 225 Thales A ,, S.E. of 431 o 433 225 (Not named) Thales a 188 S. wall of 427 A 434 [Not named) Thales a (Not named) S. wall of 428 A 435 Thales B 225 (Not named) Thales j8 188 N. wall of 427 A 436 7 225 M (Not named) E. of 427 A 437 Atlas 217 Atlas(XIV.-12) 230 Atlas 182 o 438 218 (Not named) a 182 W. of At. A 439 ,, 3 218 Atlas j3 (not named in map) 63 ,. ft 182 E. wall of At. A 440 ., r 218 (Not named) ,, r 182 Centre of At. A 441 ,, 8 218 Atlas 5 ,, $ 181 N.W. of At. A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 17 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 3 I 442 Atlas e 218 Atlas e Atlas e 181 S.W. of 441 A 443 C 218 (Not named) ... (Not named) W. of 441 - 444 )> T) 218 ,, ... ,, Centre of At. - 445 e 218 ,, ,, In E. At. - 446 ,, A 218 Atlas A Atlas A S.W. of At. o 447 ,, c 218 (Not named) c 182 In S. wall of At. o 448 ,, d 218 ,, d 182 N.W. of 447 449 ,, e 218 ,, ,, e 182 N. of At. o 450 Chevallier 217 Volta (XIV.-ll) (Not named) 451 b 217 (Not named) Atlas b In Che v.( Volta) 452 Hercules 218 Hercules (XIV.-13) Hercules 182 o 453 ,, A 218 &223 Hercules A 230 A 181-2 N.W. of 460 o 454 ,. B 219 B ,, B 196 N.E. of Here. o 455 (Not named, unless it = f) ... (Not named, unless it=/) b (not named in map, perhaps means f, 460) 182 | o 456 Hercules c 219 Hercules C Hercules C S. E. of Here. o 457 ,, d 219 d d 182 S. of Here. o 458 >, D 218 (Not named) ... (Not named) (182) In Here. o 459 ,, e 218 Hercules e Hercules e 182 In S. wall of Here. 460 ,, f 219 f ,. f ... N.W. of Here. 461 > > <* 219 ,, a ,, a S. of Here. A 462 i> 219 S.E. of 461 A 463 Grove(s) 198 Earth (XIV. -17) Posidonius D 197-8 o 464 A 198 Barth or Pos. A A 197 S. of Gro. (Bar.) A 465 r 198 (Not named) (Not named) N.ofGro.(Bar.) A 466 Daniell 198 Hencke (III.-12) 140 Posidonius C 197 o 467 ,. d 199 (Not named) (Not named) E. of Dan. (Hen.) 468 Posidonius 195 Posidonius (III.-13) 140 Posidonius 200 469 B or 195-6 &200 Posidonius (?) 3 200 S.W. of Pos. A 470 , 7 195 &198 (Nearly) Posidonius y (a little further S. ) 157 y 212 S.E. of Pos. A 18 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neisou. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. S 471 Posidonius S \ 196 (Not named) i (Not named) S.E. wall of Pos. A 472 e 196 ,, ,, N. of 475 A 473 E Posidonius e(l) Posidonius E 197 & 216-7 (Far) N.E. of Pos. A 474 c C Cd) 216 N. of 473 A 475 kin text K in map 195-6 (Not named) ... (Not named) E. wall of Pos. A 476 X Posidonius ^ Posidonius % W. wall of Pos. A 477 (Not named) ,, r , f (Not named) S.W. of 474 - 478 Posidonius TJ 197 ,, n > Along centre of Pos. - 479 1 197 ,, ,, In N.E. Pos. - 480' * 197 (or not named) N.W. of 478 - 481* ,, c 195-6 * Posidonius p (or not named) " ... In S. wall of Pos. o 482 A 196 Posidonius A 140 Posidonius A 200 In Pos. 483 B 196 B 140 B 200 In N. wall of Pos. 484 d 196 (Not named) (Not named) W. of Pos. o 485 E 197 Posidonius e (2)! ... Posidonius E 212 S.E. of 491 o 486 ,, I j 195 M 140 (Not named) W. of 489 487 m N 140 ,, N. of Pos. 488 N 193 & 197 (Not named) M S.W. of 485 o 489 n 196 In N. wall of Pos. o 490 b 197 Pos. or Luther P 140 ... N.E. of Pos. 491 ,, c in text e in map 197 PosidoniiisC = Luther 140 E. of Pos. o 492 Bond 199 G. P. Bond (III.-14) Posidonius G 197 o 493 ,, a 199 (Not named) (Not named) N.W.ofG.P.B. o 494 b 199 ,, ,, N. of G. P. B. 495 ,, B 200 Pos. or Bond b Posidonius b 190 &200 S. of G. P. B. o 496 ,, H 199 (Not named) (Not named) W. of 493 o 467 ; I 199 Pos. or Bond I Posidonius I 198 N. of 500 o 498 K 199 (Not named) K 198 E. of 497 o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 19 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. J 1 499 (Not named) Pos. or Bond T (Not named) S. of 495 500 Bond a 199 f Posidonius (2) 198 .N. of G. P. B. A 501 (Not named) (Not named) ... . 1 ... Close to 496 A 502 Bonds 200 Pos. or Bond^>, g, r, s * 198-9 E. of G. P. B. - 503 Chacornac 200 Posidonius F = Chacornac 140 F 200 504 b 200 (Not named) (Not named) In W. Chac. o 505* 506* A "n 200 200 *Pos. m (or not named) " ... In Chac. Crosses Chac. o 507 C 200 Posidonius Z ,, S. of 506 - 508 509 Le Monnier a 200 201 Lemonnier (III.-ll) Lemonnier a 140 Le Monnier a 199 199 W. of Le Mon. o o 510 511 A ,, Bin text j8 iu map 200-1 201 ,, A (Not named) 140 A (Not named) 199 &213 E. of Le Mon. S.W. of 509 A A 512 ,, r 201 Lemonnier r 32 Le Monnier r 199 W. wall of Le Mon. A 513 . 7 201 (Not named) (Not named) S. of 514 A 514 8 201 S. of Le Mon. A 515 c 200-1 Lemonnier y, z W.ofLeMon. - 516 "n 200-1 (Not named) ,, W. of 515 - 517 Mt. Argaeus 171 Cape Chamisso (HI.-4) 139 Vitruvius o (not named in map) (201) and p. 101 A 518 Taurus (some- times mis- called Hsemus) 205 Taurus 137 Taurus 199 A 519 Dawes (see also 530) 172 Plinius A= Dawes (III.-6) 141 Plinius A 207 520 Plinius 172 Plinius (I II. -5) 141 Plinius 207 o 521 ,, a 172 a ,, a 207 E. wallofPliu. A 522 ., 172 & J3 (not named in map) 207 In Plin. A 523 7 172 ,, y Plinius y 207 N.wallofPlin. A 524 ,. c 172 n C ... ,. C 209 E. of 525 A 525 n 172 ,, T} *7 209 E. of Plin. A 526 527 8 ,, 6 172 172 ,, s ,, ,, 8 (Not named) 209 &212 N. of Plin. N. of 528 - 20 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. i 1 528 Plinius^intext 6 in map 172 Plinius q (Not named) N. of 526 - 529 (Not named) ,, P ,, N.W. ofPlin. - 530 Dawes 172 (Not named) ,, N. of Dawes - 531 Ross 170 Ross (II.-26) 132 Ross 207 o 532 >> 170 j> r (Not named) ... N.E. of Ross - 533 B 170 b Rossb E. of Ross o 534 > c 169 & 170 ,, c c ... E. of 533 o 535 Maclear 170 Maclear" 130 &132 A 207 o 536 Arago 169 Arago (II. -27) 132 Arago 207 536A (Not named) B (not named in map) 37 (Not named) S. of Manners o 537 Manners 169 Arago A = Manners 130 &132 Arago A 207 ... 538 I 169 (Not named) (Not named) ... N.E. of Man. - 539 (Not named) Arago M W. of Arago 539A " a, C, D (not named in map) 37 " ... S. of Arago A 540 Sabine 157 Sabine (II.-18) 132 Sabine (not named in map) 207 541 (Not named) ,, a Sabine a (once called a, not named in map) 205-7 S. of Sab. (on Eqr.) A 542 Hitter 157 Ritter (II. -19) 132 Ritter 207 ... o 543 ,, b 158 b 132 ,. b 207 N. of 544 o 544 c 158 c 132 ,, c 207 N. of Rit. o 545 d 158 (Not named) (132) (Not named) (207) N. of 543 o 546 ,, a 158 Ritter r, r )> N. of Rit. - (2) 547 18 158 (Not named) ,, N.E. of Rit. - 548 7 158 Dionysius r Crosses 547 & 549 - 549 8(1) 158 (Not named) ,, E. of Rit. - 550 5(2) 158 ,, ,, ... S. of 551 - 551 ,. -n 158 Sabine r ,, S.W. of Rit. - 552 Schmidt 158 Ritter A = Schmidt 130 Ritter A 207 o 553 Dionysius 158 Dionysius (II.-20) 132 Dionysius (not named in map) 231 ... o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 21 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. I 554 Dionysius a [Not named) Dionysius o (not named in map) 231 S. of Dion. A 555 159 Dionysius ft (not named in map) 231 N. of Dion. A 556 7 159 Dionysius y Dionysius y 231 S.E. of Dion. A 557 S 159 S 8 231 S.W. of 556 A 558 6 159 ,, t ... > * 231 S.E. of 556 A 559* De Morgan 160 Not named) (Not named) (231) S. of 561 560 Whewell 160 Dionysius b = Whewell 130 Dionysius b (not named in map) 231 o 561 *Cayley 160 *DeMorgan = A (not named in map) 130 Dionysius A (not named in map) 231 o 562 [Not named) D'Arrest (II.-21) (Not named) Within 557 & 558 o 563 *Ariadseus (wronginmap) 159 Ariadaeus (II.-22) Ariadseus 231 564 * Ariadaeus a (wronginmap) 159 Ariadaeus a ,, a 231 N.W. of Arid. 565 * Cay ley B 160 B = Cayley 130 B (not named in map) 231 N. of N.'s Cay- ley (561) o 566 [Not named) ... a Ariadaeus a (not named in map) 227 E. of 567 A 567 Ariadaeus 160 Ariadaeus (not named in map) 227 N.E. of Arid. A 568 7 159 & 160 '. 7 Ariadaeus y 227 & 231 N. of Arid. A 569 8 169 (Not named) (Not named) W. of 568 A 570 ,, c 160 ,, P. E. of Arid. - 571 . n 160 ... ,, N. of 570 - 572 Sosigenes 169 Sosigenes (II.-25) 132 Sosigenes 230 573 a 169 Sosigenes a > a ... S.W. ofSos. o 574 a 169 a 132 ,, a 230 N.W. ofSos. A 575 (Not named) S. of Sos. A 576 .. 7 ,, 7 S. of 575 A 577 5 ,, 8 S. of 576 A 578 (Not named) Sosigenes r, r, i (Not named) W. of Sos. (3) - 22 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. Jg 1 579 Julius Caesar 168 J. Caesar 132 Julius Caesar 230 (II.-24) 580 5 a 168 J. Caesar a 132 ,, a 230 E. wall of J. C. A (not named in map) 581 ,, in text 168 Julius Caesar 230 N.E. wall of A B in map J. C. 582 n 7 7 7 N.W. wall of A J. C. 583 8 169 (Not named) 8 230 N. of J. C. A 584 E 168 ... E 230 N.E. of J. C. A 585 Pr. Archerusia 172 Pr. Acherusia 142 Pr. Acherusia 205 A in map ; Acherusia in (III.-3) &209 text. 586 Haemus 174 Haemus (see 146 Hsemus 209 A 601 &611) 586A (Not named) Haemus a, b, c, d (not named in 146 (Not named) Peaks in Haemns A map) 587 Taquet 173 Taquet (III.-2) 142 Taquet 212 o 588 B 173 n B .. B 209 S.W. of Taq. A 589 r 174 Prom. Ach. T 142 r 209 N.W. of 588 A 590 ,, c in text 173 (Not named) (Not named) W. of 588 G in map 591 Menelaus 173 Menelaus 142 Menelaus 209 (III.-l) 592 Taquet A 173 Menelaus or 142 A I 209 S.W. of 588 Taquet A 593 ,. B 173 (Not named) (Not named) E. of 588 o 594 Menelaus b 174 Menelaus b 142 Menelaus b 209 S.W. of Men. o 595 ,, c in text 174 (Not named) > c 210 S.E. of Men. o a in map 596 ,, A 174 ,, ,, A 209 S. of Men. A 597 a 174 (Not named) S.W. of Men. A 598 B 174 ,, ,j S.E. of 596 A 599* > 7 174 *Sulpicius 7 210 E. of 605 A 600 5 174 ,, (Not named) S.W. of 598 A 601* ,, e 174 Haemus 142 Menelaus t 210 X.E. of Men. A &36 602 C 174 (Not named) (Not named) ,, - 603 174 ,, ,i N.W. of Men. - 604 A. 174 Sulpicius A Sulpicius A 210 E. of Men. 605* B 174 ,, b * b 210 N. of 604 o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LuNAfe MAPS. 23 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. 1 1 606 Sulpicius Gallus 174 Sulpicius Gal- lus (IV.-10) Sulpicius Gallus 210 o 607* possibly = 898 Aratus b or not named *Sulpicius m (Not named) E. of Sulp. o 608 Sulpicius o 174 (Not named) Sulpicius a 210 S. of Sulp. A 609 (Not named) " J3(not named in map) 210 Between Sulp. and 795 (ManiliusA) A 610 Sulpicius B 174 (Not named) (Far)S.E. of Sulp. A 611 A 178 Haemus A 44 Sulpicius A 220 N.E. of 61 6 A 612 (Not named) ... (Not named) ... 8 (not named in map) 210 E. of Sulp. A 613* ,, *Sulpicius e (1) 210 N. of 601 A 614 Sulpicius (1) 178 ,, (Not named) S.W. of Sulp. A 615 (!) 178 Sulpicius rj 220 ( Far) E. of Sulp. A 616 (2) 175 Sulpicius r (1) ,, ( in text e in map 210 &220 N.E. of Sulp. - 617 n (2) 175 r(2) (Not named) S.E. of Sulp. - 618 (Not named) ... r (3) ,, E. of 607 - 619 Bessel 192 Bessel (III. -18) 141 Bessel 212 o 620 ,, a 195 (Not named) a 212 (Far) N.W. of Bes. A 621 > i 193 (Not named) S. W. of Bes. A 622 A 193 Bessel A 141 Bessel A 212 N.W. of Bes. o 623 b 193 ,, b b 212 VV. of Bes. o 624 ., c 193 (Not named) (Not named) (Close) S.W. of Bes. 625 d 188 Bessel d 42 Bessel d 212 ( Far) N. of Bes. o 626 > m 188 (Not named) ... (Not named) ... E. of 625 o 627 Taquet e 173 Menelaus or Bessel e Bessel e 212 S.E. of Bes. o 628 Linne e 192 Bessel or Linne e 141 ,, c S.E. of 626 o 629 Linne 185, etc. Linne (IV. -9) 155, etc. Linne 212 630 ,, r ... (Not named) M A? S.W. of 791 (Hadley r) (S.E. of Lin.) A 631 ,, A 192 Linne A 155-7 , A 212 N.W. of Lin. o 632 ,, B 192 ,. B 155-7 .. B N. of 631 o 633 M e 189 ,, c 155-7 i c N. of Lin. o 24 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. f 1 634 Linne d 192 Linne d Linne d 212 W. of 631 o 635 ,, f (see also 628) 192 (Not named) (Not named) ... N. of 632 636 M. Serenitatis 193 M. Serenitatis M. Serenitatis 211 + 637 L. Somniorum 198 L. Somniorum L. Somniorum 197-8 + 638 Mason 219 Mason (XIV.-18) 231 Mason 195 639 a 219 (Not named) (Not named) In N. wall of Mas. o 640 ,, c 219 ^195) Between 456 & 642 o 641 (Not named) ... Mason a 195-6 N.E. wall of Mas. A 642 Mason $ 219 Mason ,, 195 W. of Mas. A 643 [Not named) ... . or Earth b (Not named) ... E. of Groves (Earth) A 644 Plana 219 Plana (XIV. -19) Plana 195 o 645 ,, c 219 Plana C c 195 In E. wall of PI o 646 >i a 219 (Not named) (Not named) S. wall of PI. A 647 Burg 220 Biirg(XIV.-20 231 Biirg 196 o 648 ,, A 220 A ,, A 196 N.W. of Biirg o 649 ,, B 220-1 B B 195 S.E. of Biirg 650 M tt 220 (Not named) I f 3 N.E.wallofB. A 651 B 220-1 Burg B ,, B 195 &216 N.E. of 649 A 652 7 221 (Not named) (Not named) E. of 655 A 653 C 220 ,, ,, N.E. of 649 - 654 ,, -n 220 Burg r (1) ,, Crosses 655 - 655 ,, 6 220 r(2) ,, E. of 656 & 657 - 656 M | 220 (Not named) ,, E. of Biirg - 657 ,, 220 Burg r (3) ,, ... N.E. of Biirg - 658 j. Mortis 220 L. Mortis L. Mortis 195 + 659 Baily 221 Baily (XI V.-21) Baily 195 o 660 ,, A 222 ,, A 230 A 196 S.W. of Baily o 661 B 221 ,, B ,, B 195 N.W. of 662 662 c 222 c ... ,, c 195 W. of Baily 663 D 221 D D 195 InN. wall of B. o 664 ., a ,, a 195 E. wall of B. A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 25 Neisou. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. i 1 665 Baily 222 Baily ... Baily 195 E. of Baily A 666 ,, r 221 (Not named) (Not named) S. of Baily A 667 ,. 7 222 Baily y Baily y 195-6 & 216 S. of 665 A 668 ,, 5 222 ,, 8 ,, S 195 S.E. of 667 A 669 Gartner 225 Gartner (XIV.-6) ... Gartner 189 ... 670 A 226 Gartner A A N. of Gart. o 671 b 226 (Not named) (Not named) S.W. of Gart. 672 c 226 M ' In E. wall of Gart. 673 A 225 ,, ... Gartner A N. wall of Gart. A 674 (Not named) Schwabe (XIV. -23) ... (Not named) ... + 48 long., + 68lat. 675 Cusanus (XIV. -24) " N.W. of Schwabe o 676 Democritus 227 Democritus (XIV. -5) 231 Democritus 189 o 677 A 227 Democritus A A 194 S.E. of Dem. 678 B 227 B B 194 S.E. of 677 o 679 c 227 ,, e ... i> 194 S.E. of 678 680 [Not named) [Not named) f 190 (Far) N.W. of 681 o 681 Democritus g ,, ... g 190 N.W. of Dem. 682 a 227 ,, a 189 E. wall of Dem. A 683 Moigno 228 ,, (Not named) (190) 684 ,, r 228 ,, Democritus r S.E. ofMoig. A 685 ) c 228 Arnold c Arnold c 190 In Moigno 686 Arnold 227 (XIV.-4, XV.-4) Arnold 190 o 687 >i a 227 Arnold a a 190 N.W. of Am. 688 b 227-8 ,, b >, b 190 S.E. of Am. 689 e 228 Not named) [Not named) N. of Arn. o 690 A 228 Arnold A ... Arnold A S. wall of Arn. A 691 ., & 228 ., B B N.W. wall of 687 A 692 , r 228 Not named) ,. r S.W. wall of Kane (696) A 693 Not named) ,, ,, a E. wall of 688 A 694 Petermann (XIV.-22) (Not named) ... + 82 long., + 75'lat. 26 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. 1 c >, 02 695 Peters 228 Arnold d Arnold d o 696 (Not named) Kane (XV.-24) (Not named) + 25 long. , + 64lat. 697 Ch. Mayer 237 Ch. Mayer (XV.-21) Ch. Mayer 190 o 698 A 229 &237 Ch. Mayer A .1 A 190 &193 S.W. of 699 o 699 b 237 b b 190 &193 S.E. of Ch. M. o 700 c 238 c c 194 S.W. of 698 o 701 238 n a <* 193 S.W. ofCh. M. A 702* ft 237 & *(Not named) .... S. of Ch. May. A 703 y 238 (Not named) ,, S.E. of 701 A 704 s 238 ,, ,, ... W. wall of 698 A 705 E 238 Ch. Mayer e (imperfectly printed) Ch. Mayer E 194 S. of 699 A 706 (Not named) Ch. Mayer 77 ... T) 194 S.E. of 705 A 707' Ch. Mayer 237 (Not named) * ,, ft 190 &193 S. of Ch. May. - 708 237 ,, (Not named) N. of Ch. May. - 709 M. Frigoris M. Frigoris M. Frigoris 194 &253 + 710 Aristoteles 229 Aristoteles (XIV. & XV. -3) ... Aristoteles 216 o 711 a 229 Aristoteles a (not named in map) 43 a 216 E. wall of Aris. A 712 & 229 (Not named) ft 216 W. wall of Aris. A 713 (Not named) Aristoteles (not named in map) 75 (Not named) S.E. wall of Aris. A 714 Aristoteles T 230 Aristoteles T Aristoteles r N. of Aris. A 715 (Not named) (not named in map) 75 (Not named) N.E. wall of Aris. A 716 ,, Aristoteles A Aristoteles A 216 S.E. of Aris. A 717 Aristoteles e 230 (Not named) (Not named) ... W. of Aris. A 718 ,. * 230 ,, ... M In Aris. A 719 * 231 " " N.E. of Aris. (cleft) - 720 ,, 231 " N. of Aris. - NEISOX'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Xeison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. i I 721 Aristoteles a 230 Aristoteles a 75 Aristoteles a 216 W. of Aris. 722 c 230 c c 194 N.W. of Galle 723 ,, e 230 (Not named) ,, e 216 S.W. of 721 o 724 ( m in map V. , n in map VI.) ' (Not named) N. of 717 o 725 Aristoteles B 230 Aristoteles B = Galle Aristoteles B 194 N.W. of Aris. o 726 Eudoxes 231 Eudoxus(XIV. & XV. -2) 237 Eudoxus 215 o 727 A 232 Eudoxus A A 216 N.W. ofEud. o 728 B 231 (Not named) B 215-6 (Close) N.W. of Eud. 729 c 232 Eudoxus c )> C 216 8. of 730 o 730 D 232 D D 216 S.E. of Eud. 731 t 231 (Not named) (Not named) N. of Eud. o 732 ., g 232 " " Between Eud. &727 733 a 231 t Eudoxus a 215 W. wall of Eud. A 734 & 231 t M & 215 S.E. wall of Eud. A 735 y 231 Eudoxus 7 (not named in map) 43 7 215 N.E. wall of Eud. A 736 ,, * 232 (Not named) A 216 S.W. of Eud. A 737 (i) 231 ' (Not named) (Close) N. of Eud. A 738 ,, K 232 ... ,, N. of 736 A 739 (2) (not named in map) 232 " " ... N.E. of Eud. A 740 Eudoxes 232 ,, > ... W. of 741 - 741 ) 1 232 ,, N. of 742 & 743 - 742 ,, 232 Eudoxus or ,, (216) E. of Eud. (long) - 743 1 232 Not named) ,, Crosses 742 - 744 232 Eudoxus T M S. of 742 - 745 ., to 232 (Not named) ,, N.&W.ofEud. - 746 Alexander 185 Alexander (XIV. -1 & XV.-l) o 747 a 185 Not named) I) S. wall of Alex. A 748 Calippus 183 Calippus (XV.-6) 237 Calippus 214 o t See Nos. 937-* 28 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | 1 749 Calippus a 183 (Not named) ... Calippus a 214 S.E. ofCal. o 750 (Not named) ,, b 214 W. of 758 o 751 Calippus a 183-4 Calippus o = 236-7 <* 214 E. of Cal. A Caucasus a 752 183-4 (Nearly) Cauca- 33, etc. B 214 N.E. of 751 A (B, p. 183) sus x (not &237 in map) ,, Calippus B ,, Caucasus (Binmap; 753* Calippus 7 184 * (Not named) y 214 N.W. of Cal. A (X, p. 183, (see 939) line 28) 754 Calippus 5 183 Calippus 5 237 s 214 N.E. of 7 53 A 755 it e 183-4 ,, t 237 1) * 214 N. of Alex. A 756 c 183 (Not named) M f 214 W. of 749 A 757 M I 183-4 (About) Cauca- 151-2 (Nearly) Calip- 214 S. of 749 A = 775 sus h pus r, 758 o 183-4 (Not named) Calippus 214 N. of 759 A 759 I 183-4 (About) Cauca- I 214 (Far) S.E. of A = 784 sus K Cal. 760 ,, kin text 184 Calippus K K 213-4 (Far) W. of A K in map Cal. 761 >i A 183 (Not named) ... (Not named) N.E. of 754 A (line SO) 762 i) M 183 ,, ,, N. of 761 A 763 (Not named) (Perhaps) Cau- 153 Calippus T S. of 750 A casus 764 Calippus 183 (About) Cauca- 151 (Not named) E. of 757 A = 776 sus / & 152 765 i> X 183 (Not named) (Near) S.E. of A Cal. 766 & 183-4 (About) Cauca- 151-2 E. of 758 A = 774 sus g 767 Caucasus Caucasus 151 Caucasus ... A (IV. -21) 768 (Not named) Caucasus a 33 & (Not named) W. of next A 151 769* Thesetetus u> * i> 6- 33 & S.E. of 759 A Cape Faraday 44 & 151-2 770 (Not named) Caucasus c= 151-2 N.E. of last A Cape Faraday & 33, 44, & 57 771 tt Caucasus d 33, 44, M N. of 770 A 57,152, &151 NELSON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 29 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. j I 772 (Not named) Caucasus e 152 & 151 &33 (Not named) S.W. of 773 A 773 " .. / 152 &151 &33 ' W. of 920 (Aristillus 7) A 774 = 766 ( About) Calip.w 183-4 9 152 &151 E. of 782 A 775 = 757 n 183-4 h 152 &151 (Nearly) Calip. n 214 S. of 749 A 776 = 764 183 ,, i 152 &151 (Not named) E. of 775 A 777 (Not named) P (not named in map) 152 &151 " Between Theae- tetus & 775 A 778 ,, Caucasus 5 153 ,, W. of 775 A 779 ,, ... e 153 ,, ... S.W. of 775 A 780 " 153 &151 " S.E. of 781 A 781 ., -n 153 .. ... S. of 763 A 782 ,, M 44 ,, S. of 772 A 783 " ,, i (not named in map) 153 " N. of 786 A 784 = 759 (Nearly) Calippus I 183-4 Caucasus (Nearly) Calippus I 214 N. of 768 A 785 (Not named) A- 153 (Not named) N.W. of 768 A 786 " M X (not named in map) 153 " + 8 long., + 33laL A 787 Mt. Hadley 176 Hadley (IV.-lla) 146 M. Hadley 220 ... A 788 (Not named) Hadley r, r (Not named) S.E. &N.W. of M. Had. -(2) 789 Hadley a ,, a Hadley a N.W. of M. Had. A 790 ,. 5 177 Apennines x (not named in map) 52 (Not named) S.E. of M. Had. A 791 ., r 176 &178 Hadley r Hadley r 220 W. of 789 A 792 .1 176 (Nearly) Cape Fresnel (IV.-ll) (a little S.) 33 & 146 ,, 220 N.E. of 789 A 793 Thesetetus \J/ 184-5 Hadley or Caucs. s 146 (Not named) S. of 769 A 30 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | 1 794 Mauilius 167 Maniliu's (IV. -20) 148 Manilius 229 o 795 A 167 Manilius A ,, A 210 &230 N. of Man. o 796 B B B 220 N.E. of Man. o 797 ,, c 167 (Not named) c 229 S.W. of Man. o 798 D 167 Manilius D D 229 S.E. of Man. 799 E (Not named) (Not named) N.E. of 796 o 800 f 167 ,, ... ,, E. of 796 o 801 [Not named) Manilius n ... ,, W. of Man. o 802 Manilius A' 167 (Not named) ,, In Man. A 803 ,. A 167 Manilius A (not named in map) 38 Manilius A 210 &229 N.W. of Man. A 804 ft 167 Manilius 148 ft 229 E. of Man. A 805 .1 7 167 7 7 229 S.E. of 804 A 806 S 167 (Not named) 8 229 W. of Man. A 807 fd) (see also 1211) 178 Manilius ... C 220 N. of 796 A 808 Manilius f (2) 167 (Not named) [Not named) S.E. of Man. - 809 ,, 167 ,, ( Far) E. of Man. - 810 Boscovich 168 Boscovich (I.-19) Boscovich 230 ... o 811 a 168 (Not named) (Not named) In S. wall of Boa. o 812 Not named) Boscovich C ,, S.E. of Bos. 813 3oscovich 168 [Not named) W. of Bos. = 814 A 168 Boscovich A Boscovich A 230-1 S. wall of Bos. A 815 ft 168 (Not named) Not named) S.W. of Bos. A 816 Silberschlag 160 Silberschlag (III.-22) Silberschlag (not named in map) 231 ... 817 Not named) ... [Not named) Silberschlag a (not named in map) 227 S. of 819 A 818 Silberschlag j8 161 Silberschlag $ Silberschlag (not named in map) 231 S. of Silb. A 819 ,, a 159 & 161 i> a ... Silberschlag a (not named in map) 231 N.W. of Silb. 820 D 159 & 160 [Not named) Not named) (227) E. of Silb., S. of Bos. o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | S 821 Agrippa Agrippa (I.-18) 123 Agrippa 232 o 822 >> a 161 [Not named) ,, a (not named in large map) ... W. of Agr. A 823 ,, Agrippa 232 S. wall of Agr. A 824 7 Agrippa y 7 232 E. of Agr. A 825 >> a ... a ,, a 232 S.E. of 824 o 826 (Not named) (Not named) b (not named in large map) 225 N. of Agr. (end of rill) 827 ,, Agrippa d (Not named) N.E. of 825 828 Godin 161 Godin (I. -17) 123 Godin 232 829 ,, A 161 A A 232 N. of Godin o 830 b 161 b ... b 232 S. of Godin o 831 !> C 161 (Not named) (Not named) E. of Godin o 832 a 161 ,, Godin o 232 W. of Godin A 833 Rhseticus 162 Rhseticus (I.-15) ... Rhaticus 232 o 834 ,, A 162 Rhsticus A 127 ,, A 232 N. of Rhae. 835 ,, b 162 & >. b 232 N.W. of 837 o 836 B (Not named) (Not named) (Close) N.E. of Rhae. 837 ,, a ,, Rhaticus a 232 N.W. of Rhae. A 838 ,, y 162 Rhseticus y 7 232 W. wall of Rhae. A 839 n C 162 (Not named) ,, ft W. of Rhae. A 839A (Not named) " ,, S (not named in map) 364 ? S. of Rhae. A 840 Rhseticus X (not named in map) 163 " (Not named) S.E. of Rhse. A 841 Rhaeticus 77 (1 ) 162 i, ,, W. of 834 A 842 H(2) 163 " ... Triesnecker 17 (not named in large map) 228 N.E. of Rhae. - 843 9 163 ,, Triesnecker 228 S.E. of 842 844 163 Rhaeticus r (Not named) In Rhse. - 845 * 163 (Not named) ,, S.E. ofRhffi. - 846 Triesnecker 163 Triesnecker (I.-16) 128 Triesnecker 228 o 847 ft 164 Triesnecker ,f ft 228 S.W. of Tries. - 848 > 7 164 7 ,, 7 228 N.W. of Tries. - 32 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. I 849 Triesnecker S 164 Triesnecker 8 Triesnecker 5 228 N. of 848 & 850 - 850 * ,, ,, 228 N. of Tries. - 851 c 164 C C 228 Between Tries. &847 - 852 (Not named) c c(l) (not named in large map) 228 W. of 849 853 M y 128 (Not named) S.W. of 848 - 854 ,, x 128 ,, N. of 853 - 855 Triesnecker c (Not named) Triesnecker c(2) 229 &233 S.E. of Tries. o 856 (Not named) d W. of Tries. o 857 Triesnecker B 163 Triesnecker B = Birt 121 B 229 &233 E. of 855 o 858 Murchison 298 Murchison (not named in map) 121 (Not named) o 859 (Not named) Triesnecker a Triesnecker a N. of Chladni A 860 Murchison a 298 (Not named) (Not named) S. wallofMur. A 861 (not named in map) 298 " " Wall of Mur. A 862 Murchison y 298 " " S.E. wall of Mur. A 863 = 1240 3 298 Pallas 8 Pallas $ 235 N. wallofMur. A 864 b 298 (Not named) (Not named) Close to 859 o 865 A 298 Triesnecker A = Chladni 122 Triesnecker A W. of Mur. o 866 Hyginus 165 Hyginus(I.-20) Higinus 225 867 Triesnecker a 164 ,, a ... a 225 S. of Hyg. o 868 Hyginus A c ... (Not named) N.W. of 870 869 b 164-5 b Higinus b 225 E. of Hyg. 870 ,, c 166 (Not named) c (not named in large map) ... W. of Hyg. o 871 D 165 Hyginus D Higinus D (Far) N.E. of Hyg. o 872 & 165-6 & 226 N. of Hyg. A 873 7 166 (Not named) . 7 226 N.W. of 872 A 874 8 166 (Not named) N. of 872 A 875 z 166 ,, W. of 870 A 876 (Not named) Hyginus o Higinus a 225 Long rill - NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. I 877 Hyginus 166 (Not named) (Not named) ... W. of Hyg. - 878 M H 165 ,, ,, N.E. of Hyg. - 879 Ukert 164 Ukert (I.-21) Ukert 236 o 880 * A 164 A * ,, A (too far N., but same forma- tion) 236 N. of Uk. 881 * b 164 (Not named) (Not named) S. of 880 o 882 e 164 Ukert e ,, N.E. of 880 o 883 M 164 (Not named) Ukert e 236 Passes thro' 882 - 884 C 164 ,, ... (Not named) N.W. of 881 - 885 It 164 ,, ,, N. of 889 - 886* & Ukert a 236 N.W. ofUk. A 887* [Not named) Ukert 3 236 Between Uk. & 886 A 888 ,, ... , 7 ... ,. 7 286 W. of Uk. A 889 Ukert 5 164 (Not named) ,, 8 (not named in map) 236 N.E. of Uk. = 890 M. Vaporum 166 M. Vaporum M. Vaporum 224 + 891 Conon 177 Conon (IV.-13) 146 Conon 220 o 892 ,, A A (not named in map) 52 ,, A ... S.W. of 893 o 893 ., A in text a in map 177 (Not named) ... ,, A (not named in map) 220 S.W. of Con. A 894 >, B 177 ' Conon (not named in map) 220 E. of 893 A 895 Aratus 176 Aratus(IV.-12) ... Aratus (not named in map) 220 o 896 * ,, a(l) 178 a ... Aratus a (not named in map) 220 8. of Ara. o 897 * a (2) 176 (Not named) (Not named) N.W. of Ara. o 898* possibly = 607 b 176 *Sulpiciusm(or not named) ... ... (Far) S.W. of Ara. o 899 ,, c 176 (Not named) ,, N.W. of 900 o 900 ,, d 176 ,, ... (Far)W. of Ara. o 901 a 176 it ,, N. of Ara. A 902 ,, 176 ,, ,, ... N. of 897 A 903 Apennines 178 &292 Apennines Apennines 219, etc. A 904 Mt. Bradley 177 Bradley (IV.-J4) 147 M. Bradley 221 A 34 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. g 905 Mt. Bradley A 177 Bradley a (not named in map] 52 M. Bradley A 220 N. of Mt. Br. A 906 ,, /Sin text B in map 177 Bradley (not named in map) 52 ft 221 S. of Mt. Br. A 907 * (Not named) ... (Not named) Between 905 & 906 A 908 P. Putredinus 180 P. Putredinus P. Putredinus 218 + 909 Autolycus 179 Autolycus (IV.-6) 150 Autolycus 218 o 910 A 179 Autolycus A A 218 S. of Aut. A 911 ft 179 ft ft 218 S.W. of 910 A 912 y 179 ,, y 7 218 W. of 910 A 913 ,, A 179 (Not named) ... A 218 N.E. wall of Aut. A 914 ,, ' 179 ,, ,, 6 218 W. wall of Aut. A 915 ,, n 179 ,, (Not named) S. of 910 - 916 (Not named) Autolycus r ,, W. of Aut. - 917 Aristillus 179 Aristillus (IV.-7) 150 Aristillus 218 918 ,, a 179 (Not named) a 218 E. wall of Aris. A 919 ft ft 218 \V. wall of Aris. A 920 y Aristillus y ... y 218 W. of Aris. A 921 -1146 Archimedes b 287 ,, or Kirch b 151 Kirch b E. of Aris. 922 P. Nebularum 182 P. Nebularum ... P. Nebularum 218 + 923 Theaetetus 180 These tetus (IV. & XV. -8) 151 Thesetetus 218 924 * 180 (Not named) ,, a 218 N.W. wall of The. A 925 ft 181 ,, ... ft 218 E. of The. A 926 (Not named) Theaetetus B (Not named) Between The. & 747 (Calip. a) A 927 Theaetetus t\ 181 , r ,, ... S. of The. - 928 181 (see also 769 & 793) Calippus & Cas- sini r N. of The. - 929 Cassini 181 etc. Cassini (XV.-7) 238 Cassini 218 ... o 930 ,, A 182 Cassini A 238 n A 218 In Cass. o 931 M b 182 b b 218 In S.E. Cass. o 932 c 235 c c N.W. of Cass. NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 35 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. | 1 933 Cassini E 235 Cassini E Cassini E 217 N. of 932 934 f 235 ., / t S.E. of 932 o 935 G 235 G G 217 N. of 940 o 938 (Not named) w* (Not named) In S. wall of Cass. o 937 *Cassini o 182 & 185 *Eudoxus a 237 &66 Cassini a 214 &216 N.W. of 932 A 938 * ,, 182 238, 66&29 ,,. 216 S. of 937 A 939 * ,, 7 (mis- printed Calip- pus, 181) 181 & 184 *Calippus 7 = Caucasus y 237 & 42, 85, etc. 11 7 W. of 932 A 940 Cassini 5 182 &235 Cassini S 238 ,, 5 217 N. of 941 A 941 ,, 182 11 e 238 .1 217 N. of Cass. A 942 * >> Z 234 *AlpsA(l) = Pr. Daville( of 6 (2) in text) 52 &239 &234 n z 217 N.E. of next A 943 i -n 234 Alpsn(l) = Pr. Agassiz 234 &238 n 1} 217-8 N.E. of Cass. A 944 (Not named) Alpsfl [Not named) N.W. of 984 (Archytas d) A 945 Cassini 6 235 (Not named) Cassini 217 N.E. of 935 A 946 ,, i 235 ,, ii ' 217 N. of 945 A 947 K 234 ,, (Not named) W. of 954 A 948 * ,, ,, N.W. of 955 A 949 ,, * 235 ,, ,, E. of 945 A 950 Alps Alps (XV.) 238, etc. Alps A 951* Mt. Blanc 234 * Mont Blanc (not num- bered in map) 239 & 57 Mt. Blanc (not named in map) 217 ... A 952 ,, o 234 About) Alps r Not named) N.W. of 954 A 953 = 1085 234 Alps r, (2) Plato r, 217 N.E. of 954 A 954 > 7 234 ,, d(not named in map) 52 & 239 Not named) Long. 0, lat. + 44 A 955 ,, 5 234 (Nearly) Alps/ (not named in map) 239 " . N.E. of 952 A 956 Not named) Alps a 239 ,, N.E. of Cassini A 957 ,, &(1) 239 ,, N.E. of 956 A 958* " *,, 6(2)t 52 & 239 " N. of 943 A t See No. 942. 36 COLLATED LIST or NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. $ cc 959 (Not named) Alpsc(l)i 239 (Not named) N.E. of 95 7 A 960 ,, ,, c(2) 239 ,, N.E. of 942 A 961 " ,, (not named in map) 52 & 239 " S.E. end of valley (lat. 45") (close to 953) A 962 ' Alps (i in text, ?A(2)inmap) 52 & 238 ' ... N.E. of 961 A 963 " ... Alps x (not named in map] 52 ... N. of 954 A 964 Egede 233 Egede (XV.-5) Egede 217 965 A 233 A 29 A 216 N. of Eg. o 966 ,, b 233 (Not named) ,, b N.E. of Eg. 967 c 233 Egede e c 216 N.W. of Eg. o 968 " D 233 d ,, d (a in map) 217 S.E. of 966 o 969 ft 235 (Not named) ... (Not named) E. of Eg. A 970 y ,, ,, N.W. of Eg. A 971 Archytas 236 Archytas (XV.-22) 243 Archytas 193 ... o 972 237 Archytas a ... ,, a S.W. wall of 983 A 973 3 237 ... ft N.W. wall of 983 A 974 ., y 236 7 ... y 193-4 N. of Arch. A 975 s 236 8 s 193 E. of 980 A 976 .a) ,, t ,, 217 S.E. ofProto- goras (985) A 977 (2) 236 (Not named) (Not named) Between 982 & 983 A 978 C ... ,, Archytas f 217 S. of 976 A 979 , n ,, M 1 217 S.E. of 978 A 980 ,, x in text X in map 236 " (Not named) ... E. of 974 A 981 236 ,, ,, ... S. of Arch. - 982 c 236 Archytas C Archytas C 193 N. of Arch. - 983 d(l) 237 (Not named) (Not named) W. of 982 o 984 d(2) 236 Archytas or Plato d Archytas d 217 (Far) S. of Arch. o 985 A 236 Protagoras (XV. -23) 243 A. 193 S. W. of Arch. 986 W. C. Bond 237 W. C. Bond (XV.-16o) (Not named) I See also Nos. 1090-3 and 1103-5, and note. NELSON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 37 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. i I 987 W. C. Bond B 237 W. C. Bond B Archytas B In W. C. Bond 988 Meton 238 Meton (XV.-19) 243 Meton 191 o 989 a 238 (Not named) (Not named) In N.W. wall of Met. 990 (Not named) Meton a 243 Meton a S.W. of Met. o 991 Meton B 238 B ,, B 191 InS.E. Met. o 992 a 238 n a ,, a 191 W. wall of Met. A 993 7 238 (Not named) (Not named) W. of Met. A 994 ,, 8 238 M ,, S. of Met. A 995 ,, t 238 ,, In Met. A 996 (Nearly) Eucte- mon r (pass, instead of mt. ] 238 Meton r Meton r Between Met. &Euc. A 997 Euctemon 238 Euctemon (XV.-20) Euctemon 191 998 a 238 (Not named) (Not named) S.W. ofEuc. o 999 B 238 Euctemon B Euctemon B 191 In wall of 998 o 1000 a 238 (Not named) ,, a 191 W.wallofEuc. A 1001 238 Euctemon 191 E. wall of Euc. A 1002 7 239 (Not named) (Not named) N. ofEuc. A 1003 8 239 ,, N.W. ofEuc. A 1004 > e 239 ,, ,, ... S.W. ofEuc. A 1005 Barrow 240 Barrow (XV. -18) ... Barrow ... 1006 n a 240 Barrow a i) a In S.E. wall of Bar. 1007 * ,, B 240 [Not named) (Not named) In S.W. wall of Bar. o 1008 >i b 240 ,, ,, N. of Bar. o 1009 ,, c 210 ,, ,, ... In 1008 1010 ,, A 240 Barrow A 243 Barrow A 193 E. wall of Bar. A 1011* [Not named) * ,, B 243 * B 193 Close to 1007 A 1012* Barrow j8 240 [Not named) [Not named) W. of 1011 A 1013 Scoresby 239 Scoresby (XV.-17) 243 Scoresby 191 ... 1014 A 239 Scoresby A A N.W. of Sco. o 1015 Challis 239 b b 191 ... o 1016 Main 239 n c ii c 191 1017 a 239 [Not named) (Not named) > ... N.W. of Main A 38 COLLATED LIST or NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | I 1018 Gioja 239 Gioja (XV.-25) Gioja 191 o 1019 ,, a 240 (Possibly) Gioja a (not named in map] 46, etc (Not named) N. of Gioja A 1020 .. & 240 (Not named) ... W. of 1019 A 1021 7 240 ,, ... ... E. of 1019 A 1022 ,, 5 240 W. of 1020 A 1023 Goldschmidt 240 Goldschmidt (XV.-14a) >> ... 1024 ,, a 240 (Not named) ,, W. wall of Gold. A 1025 (Not named) Goldschmidt r ,, ... N.W. of Gold. - 1026 Anaxagoras 241 Anaxagoras (XV. -14) 242 Anaxagoras 280 o 1027 n a 241 Anaxagoras a >> a In S.W. wall of Gold. o 1028 e 241 (Not named) (Not named) N.E. of An. = 1029* j> a 241 Anaxagoras y (242) *Anaxa- goras if (1) ?(a, p. 113) 280 E. wall of An. A 1030 f* 241 [Not named) ... (Not named) N.W. wall of An. A 1031 A 241 Anaxagoras A 280 N. of An. A 1032 B (not named in map) 241 Anaxagoras B 280 S.E. of 1031 A 1033 *Anaxagoras 7 241 7 242 * .. 7 280 E. of An. A 1034 ,, A 241 >i A ... A 280 S.E. of An. A 1035 E 241 (Not named) E 280 N. of Gold. A 1036 C 241 (Nearly) Anaxagoras (Nearly) Anaxagoras S. or S.W. of 1027 A 1037 z 241 Not named) Anaxagoras Z 280 (Far) N.E. of A An. 1038 Not named) -n (2) 280 W. of 1037 A 1039 Anaxagoras i 242 Not named) N.E. of 1031 A 1040 Spigenes 242 Epigenes (XV.-15) 242 ipigenes 281 o 1041 a 242 Epigenes a a 281 W. of Ep. o 1042 ., b 242 (Not named) Not named) (281) N.W. of 1041 o 1043 B Spigenes B In N. wall of Ep. o 1.044 a 242 Epigenes a (not named in map) 58 ,, a 281 W. wall of Ep. A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 2 1 1045 Epigenes (not named in map) 242 (Not named) ... Epigenes 281 S. wall of Ep. A 1046 Epigenes y 242 Epigenes y ... ii 7 281 N.W. ofEp. A 1047 8 242 (Not named) 8 281 S. of Ep. A 1048 ,, 242 ,, ii * 281 S.E. of Ep. A 1049 c 242 Epigenes f C 281 N.E. of 1048 A 1050 H 242 H B 281 E. of Ep. A 1051 Timaeus 243 Timaeus (XV. -16) 242 Timaeus 281 o 1051A (Not named) ... (Not named) ,, A (not named in map) 193 N. of Tim. o 1052 Timseus a 243 Timaeus a 281 N.W. wall of Tim. A 1053 243 &250 " ,, ft 253 &281 S.E. of Tim. A 1054 7 243 &250 Timseus y ... 11 7 253 ft 281 S.E. of 1053 A 1055 8 (not named in map) 243 &250 8 ,, 8 253 W. of 1054 A 1056 Timaeus t * n 281 E. of Tim. A 1057 .. c 250 C ,i C 253 &281 N.W. of 1054 A 1058 (Not named) (Not named) !l 1\ 253 &281 Close to 1059 A 1059 Timaeus r? 243 (Not named) (Far) E. of Tim. = 1060 e 243 ,, ,, E. of Tim. = 1061 f 243 ,, ,, S. of 1060 = 1062 Plato 244 Plato (XV.-ll) 241 Plato 252 1063 ,, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14,16, 17,19, 22, 30, 31, 32 245 (Not named) (Not named) (252) In Plato o(16) 1064 Plato A '247 Plato A (1) 242* Plato A (1) 252 N.E. ofPla. o 1065 ,, A' 247 ,, A (2) ,, A (2) 252 (Far)W. ofPla. o 1066 ,, B 248 B B 252 E. of 1064 o 1067 ,, c 248 !c 262 (Not named) n c 257 E. of 1066 o 1068 n d 247 (About) Plato A ... (Not named) W. of Pla. f o(N) A(S) 1069 ,, D 248 Plato D 242 Plato D 252 S.E. of Pla. o 1070 ,, E 248 ii e 25 n e 251-2 E. of 1069 o 1071 (Not named) (248) (Not named) f 252 (Far)E. of Pla. 40 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1072 Plato G 246-7 Plato G Plato G 252 (Close) N.W. of Pla. o 1073 " H 247 &250 " H ... H 253 (Far) N.W. of Pla. 1074 h 248 >, h h 252 E. of Pla. o 1075 ,, i 248-9 ,, i 25 ,. * 252 S.W. of Pla. o 1076 ,,k(l)intext A (1) in map 248-9 K 239 " K 251-2 S.W. of 1075 1077 1 247 l ,, 1 252 W. of Pla. o 1078 247 (Not named) ... ? (Not named) or = 1079 H A 1079 *?(Not named) or = 1078 " *Plato o or A ?252& pp. 101 & 120 ? Near 1065 ( possibly = 1078, 1093, or 1096) A 1080 (Not named) M n B 217 W. of 1073 A 1081 Plato 7 244 &250 Pla to 7= a; 58 & 241 . 7 252 S.W. wall of Pla. A 1082 ,, 8 244 &250 ,, 8 ii 8 252 W. wall of Pla. A 1083 244 * . , e 252 N.W. wall of Pla. A 1084 M C 244 &250 c-# 65 & 241 f 252 E. wall of Pla. A 1085 = 953 Mt. Blanc 234 Alps q (2) 239 1 (1) 217 S.W. of 1076 A 1086 (Not named) (Not named) H(2) E. of Pla. A 1087 ... " (J,' p. 120) 252 E. wall of 1077 A 1088 Plato 252 Between 1066 &1074 A 1089 Plato e(l) (not named in map) 248-9 Plato i 252 S.E. of Pla. A 1090 Plato (k (2) in text, K in map] 246 AlpsK 239 " K 252 S. of Pla. A 1091 Plato A (2) 243 * 239 A. 217 S.E. of 1093 A 1092 243 (About) Alps 239 >i M 217 W. of 1075 A 1093 ,, /cin text X in map 244 (Nearly) Alps M(2) 239 ?( Not named) ... S.E. of 1065 A 1094 " 247 Plato v 65 Plato v 252 N. of 1072 A 1095 ,, {in text in map 243 (Not named) (Not named) Between 1091 &1092 A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 41 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | ! 1096* Platoo 248 (Not named) 1 ? (Not named) (perhaps o in map) Near 1065 A 1097 ir 247 ,, Plato IT 252 N.W. of 1072 A 1098 (Not named) Plato s 11 * 252 N.E. ofPla. A 1099 Plato 9 247 (Not named) >i ff 252 (Close) N.ofPla. A 1100 ,, 247 & 250 ' (Not named) ... N. of 1099 A 1101 * 244 M ... ;, W. of 1093 A 1102 ,, 01 244 ,, ... ,, ... S.W. ofPla. A 1103* (Not named) *Alps I 239 &52 ... S.W. of 1091 A 1104* * ,, n (not named in map) 52 " N. ofl!03(lat. wrong) A 1105* * Alps m o 52, 58, &239 M S.E. of 1091 (lat. wrong) A 1106 Plato e (2) 247 (Not named) ,, ... N.E. of 1072 = 1107 f 247 Plato r (1) M N.W. of 1072 ( = (N) -(S) 1108 (Not named) r(2) ,, .~ N. of 1065 - 1109 Plato n 248 (Not named) ,, E. of Pla. - 1110 ,, o 248 ,, ,, ... Traverses 1067 - 1111 Teneriffe Mts. 249 ,, (251) A 1112 Pico 248 Pico (XV.-10) 240-1 Pico 251 A 1113 ., B 248 .. B 241 B 251 S.W. of Pico A 1114 (Not named) ,, r ,, r 251 N.E. of Pico A 1115 Pico 5 249 Plato or Pico 8 241 ,, 5 251 In Tener. A 1116 M 249 ,, ,, t 241 11 251 N.E. of 1115 A 1117 (Not named) Pico ,, 8 251 W. of Pico A 1118 Pico a 249 (Not named) (Not named) ... N.W. of Pico A 1119 (Not named) PicoL 241 ... S. of 1113 A 1120 ,, ... n m ,, ... W. of 11 24 A 1121 PicoB 249 B 241 PicoB 251 S.E. of Tener. o 1122 ,, D 249 ,, D 241 ,, D 251 S.E. of Pico 1123 M 6 249 n e ... 6(1) 251 W. of 11 22 o 1124 (Not named) c 241 >. e(2) 252 N.W. of Pico o 1125 Piazzi Smyth 285 A = Piazzi Smyth 235 &240 A 251 o 1126 n a 285 (Not named) (Not named) W. of P. S. A 42 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. | 1 1127 Piazzi Smyth 285 (Not named) (Not named) S.E. of P. S. A 1128 Piton 285 Pico A = Piton 235, 239, &240 Pico A 251 A 1129 ,, A 285 (Not named) (Not named) S. pt. of Pit. A 1130 f* 285 ,, N.E. pt. of Pit. A 1131 a 285 ,, ... S. of Pit. o 1132 Kirch 284 Kirch (XV.-9) Kirch 250 o 1133 284-5 n a 151 ,, a 250 S. of Kirch A 1134* 284 j8 (part) 151 ,, 0(part) 250 N.E. of 1133 A 1135* II 7 284 ,, ,, 151 ,, ,, 250 W. of 11 34 A 1136 ,, r 284 ,. r 240 r 250 W. of Kirch A 1137 ii 5 284 (Not named) (Not named) S. of 1134 A 1138 ii * 284 ,, ... n N. of 1135 A 1139* , , k in text K in map 284 Kirch 7 151 (250) N. of 1134 A 1140 i) M 285 (Not named) ,, S.W. of Kirch A 1141 >i a 284 Kirch a ... Kirch a S.E. of mts. o 1142 ,) C 284 ,, c ... ,, c ... E. of 1141 o 1143 d 284 (Not named) (Not named) N. of 1142 1144 Archimedes 285 Archimedes (IV.-5) 149 Archimedes 246 o 1145 A 287 Archimedes A 155 A 247 S.E. of Arch. o 1146 = 921 t> 287 Kirch or Aris- tillus b 151 Kirch b (Far) N.W. of Arch. o 1147 i. C 286 Archimedes C 150 Archimedes C 247 N.W. of Arch. o 1148 d 286 d d 247 N.E. of 1147 1149 E 287 E 150 ,, E 247 (Far) S.E. of Arch. o 1150 F 287 (Not named) (Xot named) S.E. of 1149 o 1151 h 288 ... ,, \V. of 1149 o 1152 ii a 287 ,, ,, S.W. of 1149 A 1153 A 287 Archimedes A Archimedes A 247 ( Far) S. of Arch. A 1154 287 150 3 247 S.W. of 1145 A 1155 7(1) 288 (Not named) ... i. 7 N.W. of 1153 A 1156 7(2) 287 ,, (Not named) ... E. of 1161 A 1157 ,, 5 287 ,, S. of Arch. A 1158 ii A 287 " Archimedes A 247 W. of 1153 A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 43 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. I 1159 Archimedes ,285-6 Archimedes a (not named in map) 65 (Not named) ... E. wall of Arch A 1160 E 287 Archimedes E 150 Archimedes E 247 N. of Arch. A 1161 ,, Z in text] 287 z in map C 150 c 247 E. of Arch. A 1162 , "n 286 (Not named) , 246 S.W. wall of Arch. A 1163 1164 ,, I 285-6 " ... e 246 246 W. wall of Arch N. wall of Arch A A 1165 k in text 285 K in map ' (Not named) S.E. wall of Arch. A 1166 ,, M 288 M ,i ... W. of 1157 A 1167 ,. 287 ,, ... ,, N. of 1148 A 1168 ,, IT 288 ... M N. of 1151 A 1169 P 285 N.E. wall of Arch. A 1170 ff 288 M ,, ... S. of 1157 A 1171 ,, ta 288 ,, M S. of 1170 A 1172 Not named) Archimedes /j. ... Archimedes /x S.W. of Arch, (much further W. than 1166) A 1173 Archimedes A 288 r t r > r (Not named) At right angles to end of 1180 -(3) 1174 ,, A: ... (Not named) Between 1178 &1179 - 1175 289 ,, ... Near 1145 - 1176 " * 289 " " Extension of 1175 - 1177 0(1) 288-9 Archimedes r-(4) Passes 1158 & 1171 - 1178 (2) 289 Not named) ... N.W. of 1179 - 1179 0i 288 i, S.W. of 1177 - 1180 X 288 Archimedesr(5) 65 Archimedes x 247 S.W. of Arch. - 1181 Xi 288 Not named) Not named) W. of 1180 - 1182 X2 288 Archimedesr(6) ,, E. of 1180 - 1183 Xs 288 Not named) ... " Between 1166 & 1184 - 1184 X4 >' From 1180 to W. of Arch. - 1185 Jeer 289 lamilton (IV. -3) 150 Archimedes B (part) 247 ... <=> 44 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. c >> VI 1186 Beer A 289 Fenille (IV.-4) 150 Archimedes B 247 N.E. of last (part) 1187 tft. Huyghens 291 3uyghens 147 M. Huyghens 219 ... A (IV.-15) & 221 1188 A 291 iuyghens A = 148 ^ 221-2 S.E. of Huy. A Ampere 1189 ,, Bin text 291 Not named) (Not named) A in map 1190 7 291 ,, M. Huyghens y 221-2 E. of 1188 A 1191 3uyghens A 291 ,, (Not named) S.E. of 1200 A 1192 ,, 6 291 ,, M. Huyghens 8 221 W. of 1200 A 1193 ,, e 291 (Perhaps) 86 (Not named) W. of 11 89 A Huyghens x (1) (not named in map) 1194 ,, i in text 291 Not named) |f ... S. of 1188 A t in map 1195 291 n S.E. of 1188 A 1196 ,, \ 291 ... ,, ... S.W. of 1188 A 1197 ,, a 291 M S. of 1189 A 1198 Not named) Huyghens x (2) 26, p| E. of Huy. A (not named in 148 map) 1199 n Huyghens M S.W. of Huy. -(3) r, r, r 1200 Huyghens a 291 (Not named) ... M. Huyghens a 221 W. of Huy. o 1201 Marco Polo 292 Marco Polo 148 Marco Polo 221 o (IV. -19) 1202 A 292 (Not named) A 221 S. of Mar. P. o 1203 b 292 ,, b 221 W. of Mar. P. o 1204 c 293 Marco Polo c n c 222 ( Far) E. of 1202 1205 ,, e 293 (Not named) (Not named) S.E. of Mar. P = 1206 ,, a 292 M (Close) E. of A Mar. P. 1207 292 ,, ... Marco Polo 222 S. of 1206 A 1208 . 7 292 , 7 221 S.W. of Mar. P A 1209 5 292 8 221 X.W.ofMar.P A 1210 i e 292 ... (Not named) ... S.W. of 1209 A 1211 ,, or Man- M (Far) W.of 1209 A ilius 1212 Bode 296 Bode (I.-13) 126 Bode 235 ... 1213 ,, a 297 (Not named) (Not named) E. of Bode o 1214 A 296-7 -8 Bode A Bode A 235 N.W. of 1215 NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 45 Neison. Schmidt B. and Madler. Position. J I 1215 BodeB 297 BodeB BodeB 234 N. of Bode o 1216 b 297 Not named) (Not named) N.E. of Bode 1217 o 297 & 301 BodeC BodeC 234-5 (Far)N.E. of 1215 1218 ,, e 297 [Not named) (Not named) N. of Bode = 1219 f 297 ,, ,, N. of 1214 = 1220 A 297 M Bode a 235 S.E. of Bode A 1221 . 7 297 7 235 W. of 1223 A 1222 ,, 5 297 ,, 5 235 N.W. of 1223 A 1223 ,, 297 II 235 W. of 1219 A 1224 Not named) ... Bode or Pallas a ... (Not named) (Close) E. of 1226 A 1225 Pallas 299 Pallas (I. -12) 124 Pallas 235 ... o 1226 A 299 (Not named) (Not named) In centre of Pal. 1227 ,, b 300 ,, ,, S. of Pal. o 1228 ,, orMurchi- son m ' N. of 1233 o 1229 Pallas or Mur- chison n " W. of 1228 o 1230 Pallas a 299 ... " S.W. edge of Pal. (plateau) A 1231 (Not named) ' Pallas A (not named in map) 235 W. of Pal. A 1232* " " * Pallas (not named in map] 235 Crosses Pal. A 1233* Pallas 3 299 " (Not named) N.W. edge of Pal. (plateau) A 1234* ,, k in text K in map 299 *Pallas ... Between 1230 & 1283 A 1235 7 300 7 Pallas y 235 S. of Pal. A 1236 300 * 124 ,, t 235 S.E. of Pal A 1237 f 300 .. c C 235 W. of 1236 & 1239 A 1238 -n 300 (Not named) -n 235 ( Far) S. of Pal. A 1239 ,, e 300 Pallas 124 e 235 S. of 1236 A 1240 = 863 Murchison 8 298 S 5 235 W. of 1233 A 1241 S. Medii 163 (Not named) S. Medii 233 &364 ... + 1242 Sommering 300 Sommering (I.-10) 124 Sommering 234 o 1243 M 300 Sommering a " * 234 W. wall of Scim. A 46 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | 1 1244 Sommering 300 Sommering 124 Sommering 234 E. of Sbm. A 1245 (Not named) 7 .. 7 ... W. of Som. A 1246 Sommering S 300 8 124 8 234 N.E. of Sbm. A 1247 * 300 e 124 * 234 N.E. of 1246 A 1248 (Not named) R (Not named) E. of 1244 & 1246 A 1249 Schroter 300 Schroter (I. -11) 124 Schroter 234 o 1250 ,, a 301-2 & ,, a 234 N. ofSch. o 1251 ,. B 301 ,, B B 234 S.W. of 1260 o 1252 ,, Gin text c in map 301 ,. c ... c 234 &238 ( Far )N. of 1253 o 1253 d d d 234 N.E. ofSch. o 1254 ,, m 301 Not named) (Not named) W. of 1268 1255 ,, n 301 ,, ,, ... S. of 1260 o 1256 ,, f 301 ,, ,, N.W. of 1259 = 1257 A 300 Schroter A Schroter A 234 W. wall of Sch. A 1258 ,. 3 300 234 S.E.wallofSch. A 1259 r 301-2 (Nearly) Schroter F 124 &127 ,, r 234 N. of 1250 A 1260 ,, S 301 Schroter 5 124 s 234 S.W.ofS. JEst. A 1261 e (Not named) f(l) 234 E. of Sch. A 1262 C 301 ,, c 234 N. of 1253 A 1263 ,, -n 301 ,, ,, ^ 234 S. of 1252 A 1264 o 300 ,. (1) 234 N.W. of 1267 A 1265 11 i 300 ,, 234 S.W. of 1259 A 1266 ,, kin text K in map 301 Schroter 6 124 ,, (2) 234 S.W. of 1268 A 1267 X 300 Not named) .. X 234 N.W. of Sch. A 1268 >, 9 301 Schroter e 124 .. (2) 234 S. of S. Mat. A 1269 Not named) ,, n 124 (Not named) Between 1252 &1268 A 1270 S. /E.stium 295 S. j3stium S. .ffistium 237 + 1271 Eratosthenes 293 Eratosthenes (IV. & V.-l) 149 Eratosthenes 238 1272 ii a 293 Not named) a (not named in map) 238 E. wall of Era. A 1273 293 Eratosthenes j8 166 Eratosthenes (not named in map) 238 W. wall of Era. A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 47 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 3 I 1274* [Not named) ... Eratosthenes or Wolf 7 * ? Eratosthenes y (not named in map) 223 N.W. of Era. A 1275* " ... Eratosthenes or Wolf 8 * ? Eratosthenes 5 (not named in map) 223 N.W. of 1274 A 1276 ' ... Eratosthenes or Wolf E Eratosthenes E 223 Between Era. & Wolf A 1277 Eratosthenes 294 (Not named) ? (Not named) Between Era. & 1278 A 1278* ,, "n 294 Eratosthenes 166 * ? Eratosthenes (not named in map) 238 E. of Era. A 1279 I 294 I Eratosthenes / 248 (Far) N. of Era. A 1280 x 294 Wallace x 155 i X 248 S. wall of Wallace (W. of last) A 1281* w 294 Eratosthenes ij 166 M ,; T, (not named in map) 238 S.E. of 1278 A 1282 = 1476 (About) Stadius \ n (Not named) S.E. of Era. A 1283 Eratosthenes A 294 At Eratosthenes A (Far) N.W. of Era. o 1284 Mt. Wolf 292 Wolf(IV.-17) 148 Wolf 222-3 A 1285 A 292-3 Serao(IV.-16) ,, A (not named in map) 222-3 N.W. of Wolf A 1286 3 292 (Not named) Wolf j3 (not named in map) 222 W. of Wolf A 1287 7 293 ,, Wolf 7 222 W. of 1286 A 1288 ,, 8 292 ,, (Not named) W. ofSerao A 1289 ,, A 292 ,, ,, ... N. pt. of Wolf A 1290 i) 292-3 ,, ,, N. of 1287 A 1291 M 293 ,, ,, S.W. of 1292 A 1292 N 293 ,, ... ,, S.W. of Wolf A 1293 K ,, M N.W. of Wolf A 1294 (Not named) Wallace (IV.-x) 155 " ... W. of 1279 1295 M. Imbrium 289 M. Imbrium M. Imbrium 245 + 1296 Timocharis 290 Timocharis (IV. & V.-2) 149 Timocharis 248 o 1297 a 290 (Not named) (Not named) ... S.E. of Tim. o 1298 b 290 (866*1394) ... N.W. of Tim. o 1299 Helicon 283 Helicon East (XVI.-17) 251 Helicon 250 ... t See also Nos. 1469 and 1478-1480. 48 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 1300 Helicon b j 283 Helicon East b Helicon b ... S.W. ofHel. 1301 c 283 ,, e ... )> c E. of Hel. o 1302 Leverrier d d ,, d W. of Lev. o 1303 e e ,, e ... N.W. of Lev. 1304 Leverrier 283 Helicon West = A(XVL- 18) 251 A 250 o 1305 Cape Laplace 259 Laplace (XVI. -10) 249 Pr. Laplace 254 A 1306 ^ 259 Laplace A -4 255 S. pt. of Lap. A 1307 B 260 B B 255 W. of Lap. A 1308 . 7 260 &262 .. 7 i) 7 Between 1310 &1307 A 1309 8(1) (Not named) 8 Between Lap. &1315 A 1310 8(2) 260 ,, ... (Not named) N. of 1306 A 1311 6 249 Laplace e 25 Laplace 251 E. end of St. Range A 1312 (Not named) (Not named) C 257 N.E. of 1319 A 1313 Laplace rj ,, ... ., n N. of 1307 A 1314 e 260 &262 Laplace B 249 &250 .. 254 E. of Lap. A 1315 A 260 A 250 A 255 S.E. of Lap. 1316 b 248 (Not named) b 252 (Far) N.W. of Lap. o 1317 c ,, ... ,, c N. of 1306 1318 ,, d ,, d Close to 1306 c 1319 (Not named) ,, e S.E. of 1316 1320 Laplace e 260 ,, (Not named) N. of 1310 o 1321 F 260 Laplace F Laplace F 255 ( Far) W. of Lap. 1322 Straight Range 249 Straight Range (XVI.-1 1) (Not named) (251) A 1323 Fontenelle 251 Fontenelle (XV.-12) 242 Fontenelle 281 o 1324 A 252 Fontenelle A A 281 N.W. ofFon. 1325 b(l) (not named in map) 252 6(1) b(l) 281 InBirmingham o 1326 Fontenelle b (2) &(2) b(2) S.E. of Fon. o 1327 (Not named) v (Not named) S. of 1325 1328 Fontenelle C 252 c ... Fontenelle C 281 E. of Fon. NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 02* 1329 Fontenelle A 251 (?) Fontenelle A (perhaps not identical) Fontenelle A S. of Fon. A 1330 B 251 Fontenelle B ^ 281 N.E. ofFon. A 1331 7 251 7 243 7 281 N. of Fon. A 1332 8 252 (Not named) j ... 1 ... N.W. of Fon. A 1333 * 252 Fontenelle e ... ,, f S.W. of Fon. A 1334 C 252 M C c 281 W. of Fon. A 1335 M 252 >i M At 281 W. of 1334 A 1336 (Not named) ' 281 N. of 1326 A 1337 ,, ... (Not named) . X W. of 1328 A 1338 Fontenelle E 251 ,, (Not named) N. of 1331 A 1339 Birmingham 243 Birmingham (XV.-lSo) " 1340 i 243 (Not named) ... Fontenelle TJ 281 W. of 1325 A 1341 J. J. Cassini 252 ,, (Not named) o 1342 1343 Philolaus a 253 253 Philolaus (XV.-13) Philolaus a 242 Philolaus a 281 N.W. of 1349 o o 1344 b b b S.W. of Phil. 1345 d 253 d d 281 N.W. of Phil. o 1346 ,, e 253 e ... > e 281 S.W. of 1349 1347 f 253 f ... ,. f 281 S. of 1349 o 1348 A (Not named) (?) A (per- haps centre) S. wall of Phil. A 1349 B 253 Philolaus B ... Philolaus B 281 W. of PhiL A 1350 1351 7 ,, r 253 (Not named) 7 (Not named) (Close) S. of Phil. S. of Phil. A A 1352 S 253 ,, Philolaus 8 281 N.E. of 1354 A 1353 E (not named in map) 253 " E 281 N. of Phil. A 1354 Philolaus x 253 ,, ,, * 281 S. of 1350 A 1355 J ,, ... (Not named) N.W. of 1349 - 1356 Anaximenes 253 Anaximenes (XVI.-l) 251 Anaximenes 283 1357 ,. a 254 (Not named) ,, a N.E. of Anaxi- menes 1358 B 254 Anaximenes B Philolaus (!) B S.W. of Anaxi- menes 50 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 1 1359 Anaximenes C 254 Philolaus c Philolaus c ... N.W. of 1358 1360 = 1695 Anaximander C [Not named) Anaximenes C p. 108 N. of 1361 o 1361 = 1694 d Anaximander d (not named in map) 251 Anaximander d p. 108 E. of Anaxi- menes o 1362 Anaximenes e (Not named) (Not named) Near 1363 = 1363 A 254 N Anaximenes A N.E. of Anaxi- menes A 1364 " ' 253 Anaximenes B (not named in map) 54 " * 283 N.W. wall of Anaximenes A 1365 Condamine 258 Condamine (XVI.-8) 251 Condamine 256 o 1366 ,, a ... Condamine a n a 257 E. of Con. o 1367 B 258 B 250 B 253, 255, 281 ( Far) N. of 1366 o 1368 b (Not named) Maupertuis b ... S. of Con. o 1369 ii a 259 Condamine a 257 W. of Con. A ]370 ft ,, ft S.W. of Con. A 1371 7 259 is .. 7 257 S.E. of Con. A 1372 ,, s 259 " ,, 8 255 &257 N.E. of 1371 A 1373 E 259 E 255 &257 N.W. of Con. A 1374 C 259 ,, C 257 N.W. of 1369 A 1375 n 259 ,, i? N.W. of 1379 A 1376 " ,, e (Close) N.W. of Con. A 1377 .1 P ,, (Not named) N.W. of 1373 A 1378 T ,, n N. of 1366 A 1379 M M N.W. of 1374 A 1380 Maupertuis (Maupertius in index) 259 Maupertuis (XVI. -9) Maupertuis 256 o 1381 D a 259 & 262 Maupertuis a i> a N.W. of Mau. 1382 b 259 (Not named) (Not named) (see 1368) W. of 1381 1383 -, 262 M Maupertuis a 255 N. of Mau. A 1384 M " * S. of Mau. A 1385 7 259 I, n 7 W. of Mau. A 1386 ,. 8 262 " ... ,; 5 255 E. of Mau. A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 51 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 'o ! 1387 Maupertuis e 259 & 262 (Not named) Maupertuis e 255 N.E. of 1386 A 1388 C ' C N.W. of 1381 &1382 A 1389 ,, z in map Z in text 259 >' ... z 255-6 In Mau. A 1390 Carlini 282 Carlini (V.-3) 169 Carlini 250 o 1391 > a ... a N.E. of Car. o 1392 M B 283 ,, B n B 250 S.W. of Car. o 1393 c ,, c ,, c N.W. of Car. o 1394* " D 283 D *?=Timocharis d, p. 53 169 D 250 ( Far) W. of Car. o 1395 e (Not named) M e ... N.W. of 1392 1396 Lahire 281 Lahire (V.-5) 168 Lahire PP etc U4> A 1397 (Not named) (Not named) n a E. of La. A 1398 Lahire Lahire N. of La. A 1399 ,, a ,, a N.W. of La. o 1400 (Not named) ,, r,r,r (Not named) Near 1397 -(3) 1401 Lambert 280 Lambert (V. -4) 168 Lambert 248 ... 1402 280 (Not named) 248 S. wall of Lam. A 1403 ,, e 281 ,, ,, 248 N. wall of Lam. A 1404 r 281 Lambert r 168 r 248 W. of Lam. A 1405 (Not named) r ... (Not named) N.E. of Lam. - 1406 Pytheas 279 Pytheas (V.-6) 167 Pytheas 249 o 1407 ,, a 280 ,, a ,, a 249 E. of Pyth. 1408* b 280 (Not named) *(?) Pytheas b (not named in map) 249 S. of Pyth. o 1409* in map, or not named) 280 *(?)Pytheasc (not named in map) 249 ? S.W. of Pyth. o 1410* Pytheas d 279 Pytheas c *(Not named, unless it is b or c) N. of Pyth. o 1411 Pytheas or Gay- Lussac n (Not named) (Not named) N.E. of 1412 o 1412 Pytheas or Gay- Lussac Gay-Lussac c Gay-Lussac c N. of Gay- Lussac o 1413 Pytheas a 280 Pytheas a Pytheas o 240 &248 N.W. of Pyth. A 1414 8 280 (Not named) . E. of 1407 A 52 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 2 1 1415 1416 T. Mayer a 307 308 T. Mayer (V.-8) a 166 73 T. Mayer 244 a 243 (Close) W. of T. M. o 1417 b 308 b >i b 244 E. of T. M. 1418 c 308 c 167 c 244 (Far) S.W. of T. M. o 1419 a 308 d d 244 E. of 1418 1420 > e 308 ii e ... e 243 W. of T. M. o 1421 z 308 (Not named) (Not named) N.W. of 1418 1422 308 T. Mayer a 167 T. Mayer 244 S.E. of 1425 A 1423 B 308 B 167 B 244 N.E. ofT. M. A 1424 . 7 307 7(D 7(1) N.W. ofT. M. A 1425 A 308 A ii A 244 S.E. of 1417 A 1426 * 307-8 > * (not named in map) 243-4 S. of T. M. A 1427 C 308 (Not named) T. Mayer C 244 S.E. ofT. M. A 1428 i! ~n 308 ,i ij(not named in map) 244 S.W. ofT. M. A 1429 o 308 T. Mayer 6 167 T. Mayer 6 243 W. of 1433 A 1430 kin text n in map 308 ,, K ,, K 244 S.E. of 1422 A 1431 ,, \ 308 * ,, A. E. of 1432 A 1432 M 308 it M ... M 244 N. of T. M. A 1433 * 308 7 (2) in map v in text 167 7 (2) in map v in text 244 S.W. ofT. M. A 1434 )> P 308 c 167 (Not named) (244) N.E. of 1423 A 1435 1436 Copernicus i Carpathians 308 (Not named) Carpathians (V.-K) T. Mayer t Carpathian Mts. 243 Between Cop. &T. M. A A 1437 Gay-Lussac 306 Gay-Lussac (V.-7) Gay-Lussac 243 o 1438 A 306 Gay-Lussac A 166 A 243 S.W. of G.-L. o 1439 t> (see 1412) 307 (Not named) t> N.E. of G.-L. 1440 Gay-Lussac d 306-7 (Not named) N. of G.-L. o 1441 1442 ,, n *? 306 306 " " (243) S.E. of 1438 (patch) S.E. of G.-L. o 1443 >> a 306 (see 1455) Gay-Lussac o (not named in map) 243 W. wall of G.-L. A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 53 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. j 1 1444 Gay-Lussac /8 306 Not named) Gay-Lussac (not named in map) 243 E. wallofG.-L. A 1445 >, 7 307 Gay-Lussac y Gay-Lussac y 243 E. of 1447 A 1446 (Not named) 8 ,, 8 243 S. of 1445 A 1447 Gay-Lussac A 307 Not named) Not named) (243) E. of 1439 A 1448 * 307 " Gay-Lussac e (not named in map) 243 W. of 1439 A 1449 (not named in map) 306 Gay-Lussac C Gay-Lussac 243 S.E. ofG.-L. A 1450 (Not named) ,, V "n 243 E. ofG.-L. A 1451 Gay-Lussac 307 (Not named) Not named) N.W. ofG.-L. A 1452 (Not named) Gay-Lussac 243 S. of 1451 A 1453 Gay-Lussac c in text i in map Gay-Lussac t (not named in map) 243 W. of 1451 A 1454 1455 (Not named) Gay-Lussac \(1) (not named in map) 306-7 ., A. <* Gay-Lussac \ (Not named) 243 S. of 1458 W. of 1440 A A 1456 Gay-LussacA.(2) 307 (Not named) ... ii E. of 1440 A 1457 i> M ii Gay-Lussac p 243 S. of 1420 A 1458 )> " 307 Gay-Lussac v ... > v 243 E. of 1445 A 1459 Not named) ^Not named) (not named in map) 243 Near 1457 & 1458 A 1460 Gay-Lussac 307 ,, (Not named) E. of 1461 - 1461 li 307 ,, ,, ... E. ofG.-L. - 1462 307 n Near 1451 - 1463 * 307 " ... Between 1439 &G.-L. - 1464 *i 307 Gay-Lussac r ,, E. of 1463 - 1465 Stadius 294 Stadius (VI. -2) Stadius 238 o 1466 a 294 (Not named) ... a (not named in map) 238 InE.wallofSta. o 1467 ,, B 294 " Stadius B (not named in map) 238 N. of Sta. o 1468 ,, kin text 294 K in map " (Not named) Near 1467 (patch) o 1469 ,, 1 Stadius or Eratosthenes a 166 &39 Stadius a 238 E. of 1473 A 54 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 2 >> 02 1470 Stadius Stadius a (2) ... Stadius 238 N.W. wall of Sta. A 1471* 7 294 (Not named) *(t) 7 (not named in map) 238 N.E. wall of Sta. A 1472 (Not named) Stadius 7 ? (Not named) S.W. wall of Sta. A 1473 Stadius 5 294 (Not named) Stadius 5 238 N.W. of Sta. A 1474* * 294 Stadius f *(t) (not named in map) 238 S.E. wall of Sta A 1475 (Not named) (Not named) ... Stadius f S.W. of Sta. A 1476 = 1282 Stadius \ 294 (About) Eratosthenes n (Not named) N. of 1473 A 1477 4> 295 (Not named) ,, N.E. of Sta. - 1478 2 295 * ,, E. of 1478 - 1480 03 295 P M (240) N.E. of 1479 - 1481 Copernicus 304 Copernicus (VI.-l) 174 Copernicus 239 1482 A 305 Copernicus A (part) 176 M A (part) 239 &241 S. of Cop. o 1483 A' 305 A (part) 176 A (part) 239 & 241 S. of 1482 o 1484 B 305 B .1 B 239 S.E. of Cop. 1485 (Not named) (Not named) c (Far) S,W. of Cop. o 1486 Copernicus ty 305 - (Not named) (Far) N.E. of Cop. 1487 ,, ta 305 ,, n N.E of Cop. = (5) 1488 A 304 Copernicus A Copernicus A 239 &240 W. wall of Cop. A 1489 e B 175 B 239 Centre of Cop. A 1490 >J 1 304 (Not named) (Not named) E. wall of Cop. A 1491 (Not named) Copernicus 8 Copernicus 8 E. of Cop. A 1492 Copernicus e (Not named) 239 N.W. of Cop. A 1493 (Not named) Copernicus i\ 1 E. of 1491 A 1494 ,, ,, X (Not named) N.E. of 1493 A 1494A ,, m 177 ' S. of Cop. (patch) o 1495 Copernicus | 305 (Not named) H E. of 1487 - 1496 305 " ... " N.E. of 1495 -(3) NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 55 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 1 1496A (Not named) (see also 1435) Copernicus r (Not named) In N. wall of Cop. - 1497 Gambart 302 Gambart 175 Gambart 241 1498 A 303 Gambart A A 241 E. of Gam. o 1499 B 302 (Not named) B 241 N.W. of Gam. o 1500 c 302 ,, ,, c 241 N. of 1499 o 1501 d Gambart d . d N.W. of 1498 o 1502 ,, g 303 (Not named) (Not named) E. of 1499 1503 z 303 Copernicus 240-1 (Far) N. of Gam. A 1504 302 Gambart 17 Gambart i\ (not named in map) 241 W. wall of Gam. A 1505 (Not named) (Not named) W. of Gam. A 1506 Gambart 7 303 7 Gambart 7 S.W. of 1501 A 1507 8 303 (Not named) 5 241 N. of 1506 A 1508 ,. 303 ,, * 241 S.W. of 1503 A 1509 (Not named) ... Gambart e (Not named) E. of 1508 A 1510 Reinhold 303 Reinhold (VI.-4) 175 Reinhold 242 1511* A 304 (Not named) A 242 In 1512 o 1512* b 304 *Reinhold A 177 (Not named) (242) N. of Rein. o 1513 ,, a 303 Reinhold a (not named in map) 242 W. wall of Rein. A 1514 B 303 B Reinhold B 242 S. of Rein. A 1515 7 304 7 7 242 W. of Rein. A 1516 5 (Not named) ,, 5 E. of Rein. A 1517 ,, 6 303 M (Not named) E. wall of Rein. A 1518 ,, 1? 304 ,, ,, W. of Rein. - 1519 Hortensius 309 Hortensius (VI.-5) 176 Hortensius 244 o 1520 a 310 Hortensius a a S.E. of 1521 o 1521 b 310 b b S.E. of Hor. o 1522 c 309 c c 244 W. of Hor. o 1523 d 309 (Not named) ... (Not named) S.W. of Hor. o 1524 (Not named) Hortensius d Hortensius d N.E. of 1520 o 1525 ,, (Not named) 244 N. of Hor. A 1526 Hortensius a 309 Hortensius B * 244 N. W. of Hor. A 56 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. "I g 1527 Hortensius 309 (Not named) (Not named) W. of 1526 A 1528 i> 1 310 ,, ... ,, W. of Hor. - 1529 Milichius 308 Milichius (VI -6) 175 Milichius 244 1530 A 309 Milichius A 175 A ... S.E. of Mil. o 1531 ,i b 309 (Not named) b 244 W. of Mil. o 1532 1533 A ; 309 . B \ 309 Milichius A B ... ^ B 244 244 S.W. of Mil. S.W. of 1531 A A 1534 1535 7 ', Kunowsky 311 7 (not named in map) Encke A 175 175 >, 7 Encke A 244 261 W. of Mil. A 1536 C 311 (Not named) c 261 S. of Kun. o 1537 1538 Din text d in map Encke in 311 Encke (VI. & XIX. -7) 175 d Encke 261 261 S.W. of Kun. o o 1539 B 312 Encke b ... ,, b 261 S. of En. o 1540* ,, E (Kep- ler E in text) 312 E ,, E 261 (Far) S.E. of En. o 1541 Kncke f 312 ,, / 29 f 261 S.E. of En. 1542 g 312 ,, 9 g 261 E. of En. o 1543 ii a ,, a 88 ,, a N.W. of 1540 A 1544 312 262 ,, 261 S. of 1541 A 1546 i. 7 312 (Not named) > 7 261 W. of 1539 A 1546 ,, 5 311 ,, ,, 8 261 In Encke A 1547 , , e in text e in map 311 Encke e 6 261 W. wall of En. A 1548 H C 312 M C ,. c 261 W. of En. A 1549 >i r> (Not named) M -n ... N. of En. A 1550 ,, e ,, o N. of 1549 A 1551 ,, i 312 Encke t 29 & 262 t 261 E. of 1541 A 1552 X 312 ,, x in map k in text 262 X 261 N. of 1540 A 1553 '> P 312 (Not named) ... (Not named) S.W. of 1545 A 1554 Kepler 312 Kepler(XIX.-6) 262 Kepler 262 1555 ,, A 313 ,, A ,, A 261-2 S.W. ofKep. 1556 B 313 ,, B ,, B 262 W. of Kep. o 1557 ,, c 314 c 262 ,, c 262 N.E. of Kep. o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 57 Neison. Schmidt. B. and MSidler. Position. | I 1558 Kepler d 314 Kepler d Kepler d E. of Kep. o 1559 ,. E 313 ,, E >. E 262 E. of 1558 1560 1561 (Not named) (not named in map) (Not named) 61 ., a ,, )B *** E. wall of Kep W. wall of Kep A A 1562 Kepler y 313 f 7 262 W. of 1567 A 1563 (Not named) Kepler y 175 (Not named) W. of 1562 A 1564 Kepler A 313 A 262 Kepler A 262 E. of 1565 A 1565 11 * 313 (Not named) ,, e 262 N. of Kep. A 1566 z 313 ,, (Not named) E. of Kep. A 1567 ,, H 313 Kepler H Kepler H 262 N. of Kep. A 1568 1569 ,, e ,, i in text t in map 313 313 ,, 8 * 175 & 262 n 9 D ' 262 262 S.W. of 1556 S.E. of Kep. A A 1570 1571 1572 (Not named) Bessarion 314 ,, z in text x in map >i r Bessarion(V.-9) 262 169 ,, z (Not named) Bessarion 262 263 E. of 1566 Between Kep. & 1555 A o 1573 A 315 A ... A 263 N. W. of 1574 1574 B 315 B B 263 N.E. of Bes. o 1575 c 315 c c 263 S.E. of 1574 1576 D 315 D D 263 N. of 1574 1577 E 314 (Not named) (Not named) ... N. of Bes. o 1578 Brayley 277 Euler A 167 Euler A 249 o 1579 B 278 ,, B 167 ,, B 249 W. of Bray. 1580 c 278 ,, c c 249 E. of Bray. o 1581 d 278 ,, d d 249 S.W. of 1579 1582 it a 278 (Not named) (Not named) N. of Bray. A 1583 Euler 279 Euler (V.-10) 167 Euler 249 1584 i> e 279 it e ,, e N.E. ofEul. o 1585 a 279 (Not named) >i a 249 W. wall of Eul. A 1586 .. 279 Euler 167 ,, /8 249 E. of Eul. A 1587 1588 f> 7 ,, 5 279 279 ,, 7 = * [Not named) 53 & 167 (Not named in map) (Not named) S.W. of 1588 S. of Eul. A A 1589 Diophantes ( Diophantus in index) 281 Diophantus (V.-n) 168 Diophantus 250 o 58 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 & 1590 Diophantes a 282 Diophantus a 169 Diophantus a E. of Dio. o 1591 t> 282 & 169 b N.W. of Dio. 1592 j> a 282 [Not named) Not named) N. of Dio. A 1593 Delisle 282 Delisle (V.-12) 168 Delisle 250 o 1594 ,, a 282 a 169 a 250 E. of Del. A 1595 ,. 282 169 3 S.E. of Del. A 1596 (Not named) y 7 ... W. of Gruit A 1597 ,. ,, 8 >i 8 N. of 1596 A 1598 Delisle E 282 n E >, E ... (Far)N. of Del. A 1599 ,, f 282 C 169 C 250 N. of 1601 A 1600 d 282 d ... d S.W. of 1601 o 1601 >, B 282 & = Heis 50 & 164 b 250 N.W. of Del. 1602 Caroline Herschel 282 c=c. Herschel 168 ,, c 250 o 1603 Caroline Herschel b 282 (Not named) (Not named) N.W. ofC. H. o 1604 Caroline Herschel c 282 Heraclides e Heraclides c p. 118 N.E. ofC. H. o 1605 Gruithuisen 276 Delisle A 73 Diophantus A 258 1606 b 276 Mairan b Mairan b ! ... N.W. of 1610 o 1607 7 277 (Not named) ,, 7 258 N.E. of 1610 A 1608 ,, 5 276 Mairan S 54 ,, 5 258 N. of 1610 A 1609 ,, f 277 (Not named) ... * N.W. of 1606 A 1610 C 276 Mairan #=C 54, 73, & 169 C 258 N. of Gruit. A 1611 Mairan 263 Mairan (XVI.-16) 250 Mairan 256 1612 A 263 Mairan A A 255 &258 S.W. of Mai. o 1613 ,, d ,, d ... d S.E. of Mai. o 1614 e 263 (Not named) ... e 258 W. of 1612 1615 ,, a ., a 258 W. of Mai. A 1616 (not named in map 263 ... 258 E. of 1612 A 1617 (Not named) ... ,, n ... S. of Mai. A 1618 ,, ,, o ... N. of Mai. A 1619 Mairan w j 262-3 " (Not named) ... E. of Mai. A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 59 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. $ S 02 1620 Louville 263 Louville (XVI. -21) Louville 256 1621 a 264 (Not named) a ... S. of Lou. o 1622 d 264 ,, d N.W. of Lou. o 1623 263 ,, ,, a ... W. wall of Lou A 1624 ft 264 ,, S.E. of Lou. A 1625 * 7 (not named in map) 264 " ... i 7 257 E. of 1631 A 1626 Louville 8 264 ,, 8 W. of 1622 A 1627 (Not named) ... Louville 6 257 Close to 1640 A 1628 Sharp 264 Sharp (XVI.-15) 250 Sharp 256 ... o 1629 ,, A (Not named) ,, A S. wall of Sh. A 1630 B 264 Sharp B = S. Iridum/ 69 & 250 ,, B 255 N.W. ofSh. A 1631 * y 264 (Not named) 7 E. of Sh. A 1632 ,, S 261 &264 Sharp or S. Iridum S = e 69 & 250 8 255 W. of Sh. A 1633 261 &264 (Not named) ... > * 255 S. of 1632 A 1634 fd) ,, .. c ... In Sharp A 1635 A 264 Sharp A if A 255-7 N.E. of Sh. o 1636 ,, b 264 b b 257 S.E. of 1635 o 1637 >) c 264 >> c (see 1724) )i C 257 Between Sh. & 1635 = 1638 d (Not named) ... >i d 257 N. ofSh. o 1639 C(2) 264 (Not named) E. of 1640 1640 ,, 264 .. ii N.E. of 1636 - 1641 Cape Heraclides 263 Heraclides (XVI.-19) 250 Heraclides 254 A 1642 a 261 & 263 (Not named) >i a 255 E. of 1644 o 1643 b (see also 1604) b S. of Her. 1644 Heraclides a 263 ,. II W. pt. of Her. A 1645 Heraclides 6 263 II E. of Her. A 1646 Heraclides 7 263 S. Iridum y b (see also 1630 & 1632) 50, 69, &250 i 7 258 N.E. of Her. A COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 2 1 1647 S. Iridum 260 S. Iridum 250 S. Iridum 254 + 1648 (Not named) * c or C (not named in map) 50, 69, &250 (Not named) N. of 1646 A 1649 " ... S. Iridumd(not named in map) 250 ' Near 1632 A 1650 Bianchini 265 Bianchini (XVI.-13) 250 Bianchini 256 1651 A 265 (Not named) ... A 255-6 S.E. wall of Bi. A 1652 ft 265 ,, ft 256 Centre of Bi. A 1653 7 262 &265 " n 7 255 S.W. of Bi. A 1654 5 261 &265 Bianchini 5 = S. Iridum g 69 & 250 5 254 S. of Bi. A 1655 ,, e 262 &265 (Not named) ... 257 N.E. of Bi. A 1656 d 261 M (Not named) ... S.E. ofBi. o 1657 f 262 ,, ,, E. of Bi. = 1658 c 265 ' ' Between Bi. & 1655 - 1659 Foucault 264 Harpalus A ... Harpalus A 255-7 1660 a 264 (Not named) A 257 N. of Fou. A 1661 ft 264 Harpalus 250 ft 257 E. of Fou. A 1662 y 7 7 S.E. of Fou. A 1663 II e 264 (Not named) (Not named) ... E. of Fou. = 1664 Harpalus 265 Harpalus (XVI.-14) 250 Harpalus 253-5 o 1665 B 265 Harpalus B ... ,, B ... N. of Har. 1666 c 257 ,, c 250 c 100 E. of 1665 o 1667 D 257 &265 D D ... N.E. of Har. o 1668 n e 266 ii e e ... ( Far) E. of Har. o 1669 f 265 (Not named) ... f E. of Har. 1670 5 Harpalus 8 5 N.\V. of Har. A 1671 Bouguer 258 Bouguer (XVI.-12) ... Bouguer 255-6 o 1672 M a 258 Bouguer a >> a 257 W. of Bou. 1673 ,, a 258 (Not named) Bianchini o 257 S. of Bou. A 1674 ,, ft 258 Bouguer Bouguer ... S. of 1672 A 1675 i 7 (Not named) ... (Not named) Between Bou. & Bian. A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AXD MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 61 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | 1 1676 (Not named) (Not named) Bouguer y (Close) E. of A Bou. 1677 Horrebow 256 Horrebow Horrebow 284 ... o (XVI.-20) 1678 B 256 Horrebow B B 283-4 E. of Hor. (b in 283) 1679 c 255-6 c ... Horrebow C 283 N. of 1680 o 1680 d 256 (Not named) d N.W. of Hor. o 1681 e 256 Horrebow e e W. of 1680 o 1682 f 256 f ,. f 253 S.W. of 1680 & 283 1683 256 (Not named) (Not named) N.W. of 1681 A 1684 Robinson 256 Horrebow A ... Horrebow A 284 o 1685 257 S.E. of Rob. A 1686 J. Herschel '255 (Not named) (Not named) ... o (F. Herschel in map 6) 1687 Anaximander 255 Anaximander 251 Anaximander 283 o (XVI.-2) 1688 ,, a 255 (Not named) (Not named) S.W. wall of A (not named Anaxr. in map) 1689 Anaximander A ii Anaximander^ S. wall of 1692 A 1690 255 Anaximander B 251 ^ 283 & W. of Anaxr. A (B in map 6) p. 110 1691 Anaximander A 255 A ... A 283 In N. wall of Anaxr. 1692 *> 255 b b 283 N. of Anaxr. o 1693 ,, c 255 c 251 ii c 283 N.E. of 1692 (e in map 7) (not named in map) 1694 Anaximander d Anaximander i c " o 1728 *(Not named) Dechen (XVII.-2) 253 (Not named) S.W. of Rep. 1729 Repsold A 266 (Not named) Repsold A 279 W. wall of Rep. A 1730 ,, 266 ,, ... (Not named) E. wall of 1723 A 1731 Harding (2) ,, Repsold j8 E. of 1733 A 1732 (Not named) " 7 N.W. of 1733 A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 63 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 3 I 1733 lepsold 5 266 Not named) ... Repsold S (Far)S.W. of Rep. A 1734 S. Roris 267 S. Roris S. Roris + 1735 Not named) ... Uimker (XVII.-l) 253 Not named) S.W. of Hard- ing o 1736 Wollaston 276 Wollaston (XVIII.-4) 257 Wollaston 270 o 1737 A 276 Wollaston A A 270 W. of Wol. 1738 B 276 Nearly) Wollaston B (ring-plain in- stead of crater) 257 B 268 &269 S. of Wol. 1739 c 276 Wollaston c ,, c 270 E. of Wol. o 1740 ,, a 276 ,, a 257 > & 268 N. of 1738 A 1741 ... Not named) ... N. of Wol. A 1742 Not named) iiimker 7 253 7 N. of 1741 A 1743 iarbinger Mts. 277 Not named) (Not named) (268) A 1744 * 277 ,, ,, A 1745 277 Aristarchus 257 Aristarch 267 &268 W. of 1748 A 1746 ,. 7 277 7 257 (Nearly) Aristarch y (not named in large map) (a little W. of other) 268 N. of 1745 A 1747 ,, A 277 ,, A ... Aristarch A (not named in large map) 268-9 S. of 1744 A 1748 e 277 >i e 257 Aristarch e (not named in large map) 268 In S.E. of Range A 1749 (Not named) i) e (not named in map) 257 (Not named) N. summit of 1745 A 1750 " Aristarchus c (not named in map) 257 " N. summit of 1746 A 1750A " Aristarchus b (not named in map) 257 " S. summit of 1747 A 1751 Harbinger 277 Aristarchusr(l ... (Not named) ... E. of 1747 - 1752 1) T> 277 r(1] ... ,, ... E. of 1751 - 1753

h 275 Not named) ,, E. of 1776 - 1778 % 275 Aristarchusr(6) ,-, S.E. of 1777 - 1779 >/3 275 Not named) ,, N.E. of Aris. - 1780 4> 275 Aristarchusr(7) W. of 1764 - 1781 2 275 r(9) ... ,, E. of 1781 1783 * 274 Not named) ,, S. of Aris. - 1784 *1 274 Herodotus r (1) j, ... S.E. of Aris. - 1785 C 275 Aristarchus r(10) " n 1766 - NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 65 Neison. Schmidt B. and Madler. Position. I I 1786 Herodotus 271 Herodotus 257 Herodot 266 (XVIII. -2) 1787 a 271 Herodotus a ... 266 W. wall of Her A 1788 ,, 3 in tex 271 & J8 266-7 N. wall of Her A B in ma] 1789 .. 7 272 y ,, v in tex 267 N. of 1798 A y in ma] 1790 > e 271 ,, e 267 N.E. of Her. A 1791 E 272 E 257 ,, E N. of Her. ( A(N) (crater in- \ A C 316 ,, c 256 c 265 N. W. of Mar. 1817 ,, d 316 M d 256 ,, d 265 W. of Mar. 1818 , , e ( n t named in map) 316 (Not named) 11 e 265 E. of Mar. o 1819 Marius f 315 ,, (Not named) ,, o 1820 (Not named) Marius p W. of 1826 1821 Marius A ... A ... Marius A S. E. of Mar. A 1822 ,, $ 316 ,, 18 & W. of 1821 A 1823 I. 7 316 ,, 7 M 7 265 N.E. of 1824 A 1824 ,, 5 , 5 ,, 8 N. of Mar. A 1825 M * 316 * 256 M 6 265 (Close) S.E. of Mar. A 1826 * 316 (Not named) * 265 (Far) N. of Mar. A 1827 ,, i in text t in map 316 " (Not named) ( Far) E. of 1823 A 1828 ., k 315 ,, M ... N.W. of Mar. A 1829 > m M II E. of 1816 A 1830 |Not named) Marius (1) r, r, r, r ... E. of 1815 & 1816 - 1831 0. Procellarum 316 0. Procellarum 0. Procellarum 259 + 1832 Reiner 319 Reiner(XIX.-4) 262 Reiner 264 o 1833 ,, A 320 ,, A ... ,, A 264 S.W. of Rei. o 1834 B 320 B B 264 W. of 1833 o 1835 ,, c 320 ,. c 62 c 264 S. of 1833 1836 D 320 ,, D ,, D 264 S.W. of 1833 o 1837 i> F 320 ,. F 262 ,, F 264 S.W. of 1836 o 1838 (Not named) ,, e i e S.W. of 1835 o 1839 ,1 9 8 S. of Rei. o 1840 Reiner a 319 ( Not named) 264 W. wall of Rei. A 1841 * r 319 " * ,i 7 264 &272 N.E. of Rei. A 1842 *(Not named) *Reiner y (Not named) S.E. of Rei. ' A 1843* Galilai (Galileo in index) 320 Galilsei or Gal- ilai (XIX.-1) 263* Galilai 272 o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 67 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Mddler. Position. 1 1 1844* Galilai a 320 Galilai a 263* Galilai a 273 N. of Gal. o 1845* ,, b 320 t, * 39* ,. b 272 E. of Gal. o 1846* 1847 1848 ,, c ,, (Not named) 320 320 ,, c (not named in map) (Nearly) Galilai a (a little furthers.) Galilai j8 39* M C ji <* ,, B 273 273 N.E. of Gal. N. of 1846 S.W. of Gal. A A 1849 Seleucus 270 Seleucus (XVIII.-10) 257 Seleucus 278 o 1850 ,, A ... Seleucus A 257 A N.W. ofSel. o 1851 a 270 (Not named) 278 W. wallofSel. A 185:2 (Not named) Seleucus a (Not named) E. ofSel. o 1853 Seleucus B 269 B Seleucus S 276 N.E. ofSel. o 1854 y 270 y y 278 S. W. of Sel. o 1855 ,, 5 270 (Not named) ... 8 278 S. of Sel. o 1856 ,, t 270 Seleucus e 6 278 N.W. of Sel. A 1857 ,, kin text K in map 270 (Not named) / ... Passes 1850 A 1858 (Not named) M f(not named in map) p. 114 ? A 1859 Briggs 269 Briggs (XVIII.-8) 257 Briggs 278 o I860 ,, A 269 Briggs A 257 ,, A 278 E. of Br. o 1861 ,, b 269 ,, b = d 257 &47 ,, b (? din list) 278 N. of Br. o 1862 ,, c 269 c Briggs C 278 S.\V. of Br. 1863 B 269 ,, B B 278 N. of Br. A 1864 ., r 269 (Not named) , r 276 S.E. of 1860 A 1865 >. Ml) ,, ,, A E. of 1864 A 1866 8 269 ,, (Not named) N.E. of 1860 A 1867 Liehtenberg 268 Liehtenberg (XVIII.-5) Liehtenberg 270 o 1868 ,, A (Not named) A S.W. ofLich. o 1869 b Liehtenberg b b N.W. ofLich. 1870 A 270 A 4 277 N. pt. of 1872 A 1871 268 (Not named) ... 270 E. of 1869 A 1872 5 270 ,, (Not named) (277) S.E. ofLich. A 1873 ,, or Hero dotus x " " W. of 1868 A 68 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | >> co 1874 (Not named) Naumann (XVIII.-B) 254 (Not named) + 85lat., - 62^ long. 1875 Harding 267 Harding (XVII.-6) ... Harding 270 o 1876 i A 267 Harding A A 279 S.E. of Hard. o 1877 ,, B 267 B ... B 270 (Far) S.W. of Hard. o 1878 ,. 267 c ... c 270 S.W. of Hard. (N.ofRiimker o 1879 ,, d (Not named) d W. of 1876 1880 (Not named) ,, ,, e N. of 1878 o 1881 ,, ,, <* E. wall of Hard A 1882 Harding & (I) (see 1731) 267 " ... & 270 (Far) S.W. of Hard. A 1883 Harding t 267 ,. (Not named) W. of 1878 A 1884 ,, k in text K in map 267 " " S.W. of Hard. A 1885 jrerard 267 Gerard (XVII.-5) Gerard 279 o 1886 , , a or d (Not named) ... ,. a E. of Ger. o 1887 > b ,, b N.E. of Ger. 1888 A II A In Ger. A 1889 Lavoisier 268 Lavoisier (XVII. -7 & XVIII.-7) Lavoisier 279 o 1890 a 268 Lavoisier a a W. of Lav. 1891 Not named) b b N. of Lav. o 1892 Lavoisier A [Not named) ,, A N. wall of Lav. A 1893 r 268 r N. of 1890 A 1894 ,. 5 268 Lavoisier 5 8 279 Between Lav. &1890 A 1895 Not named) (Not named) B S. of Lav. A 1896 Jlugh Beigh 268 Ulugh Beigh (XVIII.-6) Ulugh Beigh 279 o 1897 a 268 Ulugh Beigh a x a 279 N.W. ofU. B. 1898 Not named) Not named) A S.W. ofU. B. A 1899 ,, ... B N. of U. B. A 1900 Jercynian Mts. 269 Hercynian Mts. (XVIII.-9&H) 257 Eercynian Mts. 276 A 1901 Otto Struve .269 Otto Struve (XVIII. -9o) ... Not named) ... 1902 a 269 Not named) ... " S.W. ofO. S. NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | m 1903 Otto Struve 1 270 (Not named) (Not named) In W. wall of 0. 8. 1904 2 270 ,, S. of 1906 1905 i 3 270 ,, ,, ... S. of 1904 o 1906 i, 4 270 ,, ,, S. of 1903 1907 <* Kraffto Krafft a 277 S.W. wall of O. S. A 1908 (Not named) ,, ... 276 N. of Kr. A 1909 Kraft 318 Krafft (XVIII. -11) 257 Krafft 273 o 1910 ,, a 269 (Not named) ., a 276-7 E. of Kr. o 1911 3 in text b in map 269 Krafft 6 b 277 N.E. ofKr. o 1912 c 318 c c In S.W. wall of Kr. 1913 a 318 Cardanus or Krafft d ,, d 273 S. of Kr. o 1914 ,, f 318 [Not named) ... (Not named) S.E. of 1915 o 1915 g 318 ,, ,, E. of Kr. o 1916 Cardanus 318 Cardanus (XVIII.-12) 257 Cardanus 273 o 1917 a 318 (Not named) (Not named) (Close) S. of Card. 1918 ,, b 318 Cardanus b 273 N. of Card. 1919 i) c 318 ,, (Not named) E. of Card. o 1920 318 ,, Cardanus a A 1921 (Not named) Cardanus or Krafft r (Not named) Between Card. &Kr. - 1922 Vasco de Gama 318 Vasco de Gama (XVIII.-13) 257 Vasco de Gama 276 o 1923 A 318 Vasco de Gama A Cardanus A W. of V. de G. o 1924 b 318 Vasco de Gama b Vasco de Gama b N.W.ofV.deG. o 1925 c 318 (Not named) Vasco de Gama c ... S. of 1924 1926 (Not named) ... ,, . * S. of V. de G. o 1927 Olbers 318 Olbers (XIX.-8) (further S., but same forma- tion) Olbers 275 o 1928 ,, a 319 (Not named) ii a N. ofOlb o 1929 ,, b 319 b(l) In W. wall of Olb. 70 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 3 1 1930* Olbers c in text b&cinmap 319 (Not named) Olbers b (2) 275 N. of 1928 1931* , , C in text c in map 319 ... ,, c 274 S. of Olb. 1932 ,, A 319 M !> A 274 E. of 1931 A 1933 ,, JB 319 II & 274 N. of 1932 A 1934 .- 7 319 ., ... 7 275 E. wall of Olb. A 1935 ,, 8 319 ,, 5 275 N.W. wall of Olb. A 1936 (Not named) Olbers r (Not named) S.E. of Olb. - 1937 Cavalerius 320 Cavalerius (XIX.-9) 263 Cavalerius 272 1938 )> a 321 Cavalerius a ,, a S.E. of Cav. 1939 b 321 b b N.E. of Cav. o 1940 A 320 (Not named) 4 272 N. wall of Cav. A 1941 7 ,, 7 N.W. of Cav. A 1942 ]Not named) 1*1 272 N. of Cav. A 1943 i* ,, 8 272 (Far)N. of Cav A 1944 Hevel or Hevelius 321 Hevelius (XIX.-10) 263 Hevel 271 o 1945 a 321 Hevelius a 271 N. pt. of 1952 A 1946 B 321 (Not named) ,, B 271 W.wallofHev A 1947 r 321 ,, ,, r 271 N. wallofHev A 1948 8 ,, ... ,, 5 N.W. of Hev. A 1949 f 321 ,, ... u 271 S. wall of Hev A 1950 i ,, ,, N.W. of Hev. A 1951 (Not named) ;. V 274 E. of Hev. A 1952 Hevel z 321 M ... (Not named) (271) In Hevel A 1953 , , kin text K in map 321 " E. wall of Hev A 1954 ,, e 322 ,, ... Hevel 271 W. of Hev. - 1955 1956 1 ,, 1 322 322 Hevelius r (I) r(2) (Not named) (271) S.W. of 1956 S.W. of Hev. - 1957 * 322 ., *() M In Hevel - 1958 a 324-8 (Not named) a S E. of Ric. 1963 b 324 ,, b E. of Ric. o 1964 e ,, ,, e E. of 1965 1965 f ,, ... f S. of Ric. o 1966 B 319 &324 " Hevel (?) B N. of Ric. o 1967 ,. c 324 ,, c S.W. of 1966 o 1967A* (Not named) ... 'Riccioli (?) a (Not named) Near 1962 A 1968 Riccioli |8 324 (Not named) Riccioli 358 S.E. of Ric. A 1969 ., 7 ( not named in map) 324 " .. 7 358 S. of 1968 A 1970 Riccioli 5 323 Riccioli 5 30 ,, 5 358 In Ric. A 1971 ,, A (not named in map) 324 (Not named) > A 358 S. of 1972 A 1972 Riccioli 324 ,i * 358 S.W. of Ric. A 1973 ,, c 324 Riccioli C N. of Ric. A 1974 ,, k (not named in map) 324 (Not named) (Not named) E. of Ric. A 1975 Riccioli <(> 324 Lohrmann r ,, N.W. of Ric. - 1976 Lohrmann 323 Lohrmann (XIX. -12) 263 Lohrmann 271 o 1977 ,, A 323 Lohrmann A ,, A S.W. ofLohr. o 1978 b b b S. E. of Lohr. 1979 d 323 (Not named) d W. of Lohr. o 1980 ,, 323 ,, 271 N. of 1981 A 1981 323 ,, 271 S.W. of Lohr. A 1982 7 ,, . 7 W. ofLohr. A 1983 ,, r 323 ,, r 271 N. wall of Lohr. A 1984 323 ,, ... (Not named) N.E. of 1978 - 1985* Hermann 326 *Damoiseau g = Hermann (XIX.-2) Lohrmann f o 1986 ,, a 326 (Not named) (Not named) N.E. of Her. 1987 Damoiseau 326 Damoiseau (XIX.-ll) 263 Damoiseau 356 o 1988 a 326 Damoiseau a a 356 S.E. of Da. = 1989 B 327 B B 356 S. of Da. 1990 c 327 (Not named) >i c 356 S. of 1989 o 72 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neisou. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. i i 02 1991 Damoiseau D 326 Damoiseau D Damoiseau D 356 In E. wall of 1988 1992 e 327 (slightlydiffer ent position) M e 356 S.W. of Da. 1993 f 327 Damoiseau/ f 356 N. of 1989 o 1994* (Not named) *(Not named) ... g N.W. of Da. o 1995 Damoiseau m 326 ,, (Not named) S. of Da. = 1996 n 326 " " (Close) S.W. of Da. = 1997 A 327 ,, (356) N.W. of 1989 A 1998 Flamsteed E 335 Damoiseau E Damoiseau (?) A (Far) N.W. of Da. A 1999 Damoiseau i\ 327 r(D (Not named) N.W. of 1989 - 2000 327 Grimaldi r (1) ... ,, E. of Da. - 2001 (Not named) Damoiseau?- (2] :, S.E. of 1989 - 2002 Grimaldi 324 Grimaldi (XIX.-14) Grimaldi 357 o 2003 A 325 Grimaldi A A 357-9 In E. Avail of Gr. 2004 B 325 B 263 B 357 In N. Gr. o 2005 c 325 ,, c ,, c 356 N.W. of 2007 2006 d 326 (Not named) d 357 E. of 2007 o 2007 e 325 ,, ,, e 357 W. of Gr. 2008 f 327 Grimaldi/ f S. of 2005 o 2009 H 325 (Not named) H 357 N. of 2003 2010 a 325 ,, a 357 N.W. wall of Gr. A 2011 325 Grimaldi /8 263 357 S.W. wall of Gr. A 2012 . y (Not named) .. 7 357 S.E. wall of Gr. A 2013 (Not named) ... ,, ... A ... E. of Gr. A 2014 Grimaldi E 325-6 ,, (Not named) W. wall of Gr. A 2015 P 325 ,, ,, Near 20 11 A 2015A* (Not named) *Grimaldi (?) o ,, (Far)N.KofGr. A 2016 Grimaldi i\ 325 r(2) ,, W. of 2010 - 2017 325 (Not named) In S. Gr. - 2018 * 325 ,, In E. Gr. - 2019 1 325 ,, ,, In N. Gr. - 2020* D'Alembert Mts. 328 * D'Alembert Mts. ?(XX.- 9 aa) (or XIX. -aa) D'Alembert Mts. 358 A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 73 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. J5 I 2021 Rocca 327 Rocca (XIX.-15) Rocca 359 o 2022 a 327 Rocca a (not named in map] 30 a 359 S.W. of Roc. o 2023 ,, B 327 (Not named) .. B 359 W. of Roc. o 2024 ,, corC 235-7 ,, ... c 359 N.W. of Roc. o 2025 ,, d 325 ,, d W. of 2024 2026 e 327 ,, ... (Not named) N.E. of 2023 e> 2027 M f 328 ,, Rocca f 359 W. of 2022 o 2028 g 328 ,, ... g 359 W. of 2027 o 2029* Corderilla Mts. (tie] (XX.'-9 aai ? Cordillera Mts. 358 ... A 2030* Corderilla A '(Near) Rocca (?) a ,., Rocca A S.E. of Roc. .A 2031* B *(Near) Criiger (?) Criiger B (Far) .of 2030 A 2032 7 (Not named) ... Rocca 7 ... S.E. of 2030 A 2033* 5 "Criiger or Rocca a (2) ,, 5 W. of 2032 A 2034 Eichstadt 396 Eichstadt (XX.-9) ... Eichstadt 361 o 2035 a (Not named) a 361 N. ofEich. o 2036 b ,, ... b 361 N. of 2035 2037 (Not named) (see 2073) " ,, c W. of 2035 o 2038 Eichstadt d ,, d S.W. ofEich. 2039* ,, a 397 * ? Eichstadt a (not named in map) 30 & 35 a(l) 361 S. of Eich. A 2040 Eichstadt (1) ... N.E. ofEich. A 2041 (Not named) 0(2); ... (Not named) S.E. ofEich. A 2042 Eichstadt B 396 B (not named in map) 35 Eichstadt B 360 N.W. ofEich. (in 2081) A 2043 8 396 (Not named) Criiger (?) 8 S.E. of 2042 A 2044 ,, s ,, Eichstadt * 360 W. of 2038 A 2045 Rook Mts. 397 Rook Mts. (XX.-9 J3JS) (2040 & 2041) Rook Mts. 358 A 2046 Byrgius 395 Byrgius (XX.-8) 269 Byrgius 360 o 2047 ,, A 395 Byrgius A 30 ., A (1) 360 4th par.) W. of Byr. o 2048 B 395 &399 ,, B B 360 & 362 W. of 2047 o 74 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. e 02 2049 Byrgius b 395 Byrgius b 269 Byrgius b 360 N. of 2050 o 2050 ,, c 395 (Not named) ,, c in text C in map 360 E. of 20f.l 2051 d 395-6 M ,, d 360 E. of Byr. o 2052 ,, e 395 ,, i> e 360 N. of Byr. o 2053* " a 331 & 395-6 Byrgius a (1) 269 *Eichstadta(2) 360 (p. 341, 1.1, & p. 107) N.E. of Byr. (W. wall of 2081) A 2054 " C0) 395 Eichstadt (not| 35 named in map) Byrgius 360 E. of 2049 A 2055 1 396 (Not named) j ... (Not named) Crosses 2053 - 2056 2057* text, in map) Byrgius 396 396 Byrgius 7, p 35 (foot- note) ,, or Byrgius 7 (360) N. of 2050 S. pt. of long ril - 2058 + 396 (Not named) (Not named) N. of 2055 - 2059* De Vico 331 Fontana (?) A *Byrgius A (2) 354 &360 (line 2) o 2060 a 331 &396 (Not named) (Not named) N.E. ofDeV. o 2061 b 331 &339 " " ... N. of 2060 o 2062 > c 331 ,, ,, S.E. ofDeV. o 2063 d 331 ,, ,, S. of 2062 o 2064 . e 331 ,, ,, S. of De V. o 2065* 331 *( Perhaps) Byrgius a (2) 30 & 42 * Byrgius o 360 (Iine5) N.W. of Byr A 2066 331 (Not named) (Not named) E. of De V. A 2067* 7 329 * f) * or Byrgius 7 360 E. of 2066 A 2068 ,, 5 ,, (Not named) E. of 2061 A 2069 332 ,, ,, W. of De V. - 2070 Criiger 330 Criiger (XX. -14) 269 Criiger 359 o 2071 a 330 Criiger a 269 ,, a 359 W. of Cr. o 2072 b 331 (Not named) ,, b 359 E. of Cr. 2073 Eichstadt c 396 ,, c (Far)N.E.ofCr. o 2074 (Not named) n ^ 360 S. of 2072 A 2075 Criiger 7 , 330 n 7 359 (Near) S.W. of Cr. A 2076 ,, C ; 331 Darwin s (Not named) S.E. of 2077 - NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 75 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. i I 2077 Criiger i\ 331 Darwin r (Not named) S.E. of 2079 - 2078* * ,, e 331 (Not named) ,, E. of 2103 - 2079 331 ,, S. of Or. - 2080 * 331 Urtiger m ,, W. of 2071 - 2081 (Not named) Darwin (XX.-10) " (360) S.E. of Criiger o 2082 Sirsalis 328 Sirsal (XX.-16) Sirsalis 355 o 2083 a 328 )! a ,, a 355 E. of Sir. 2084 b 329 b b 355 N.E.ofSir. o 2085 corC 329 &330 ,, c ,, c 355 N. of 2084 o 2086 d 329 ,, d ... d 355 N.W.ofSir. 2087 e 329 ,, e ,, e 355 N.W. of 2086 2088 f 328 f f 355 S. of Sir. o 2089 g 328 (Not named) g 355 S. of 2083 2090 h 328 Sirsal h ... h 355 S.E. of 2083 2091 , : I 328-9 I ,, I 355 W. of 2088 2092 k 329 (Not named) (Not named) N. end of long rill o 2093 ,, 1 (not named in map) 328 " ' W. of 2094 o 2094 Sirsalis z 328 ,, ,, W. of 2096 = 2095 a 328 ,, ... Sirsalis a A 2096 # 328 ,, J8 355 N. of Sir. A 2097 i> S 329 B 355 S.E. of 2083 A 2098 ii 7 ,, 7 355 N.W. of Sir. A 2099 f(l) 330-2 Sirsal r (1) (Not named) ... W. of long rill - 2100 C(2) 330 (Not named) ... N. of 2085 - 2101 , *? 330 ,, ... ,, N. of 2097 - 2102 ,, 6 330 M N. of 2083 - 2103 ,, 329 Sirsal r (2) & n N. part of long - 2104 ., * 330-2 r(B) H W. of 2091 - 2105 Fontana 332 Fontana (VII.-15) Fontana 354 2106* ,, a 332 (Not named) * (Probably) Fontana b (b may mean this & next) 354 (Close) N.W. of Fon. 76 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. a 2107* Fontana b 332 (Not named) ... ? (Not named) (Close) N. of Fon. o 2108 !> C 332 Fontana c ( Far) N. of Fon. (end of rill) o 2109 ,. i 332 Fontana d d 354 S. of Fon. o 2110 ,, e(cin map) 332 (Not named) (Not named) S. of -2109 o 2111 f 332 ,, E. of 2112 o 2112 g 332 ,, ... ,, E. of Fon. 2113 " a 332 Fontana a Fontana a N.E. of 2106 &2107 A 2114 & 332 (Not named) ft S.E. of 2108 A 2115 ,, A ,, (Not named) S.E. of Fon. A 2116 (Not named) ,, Fontana N. of 2113 A 2117 Hansteen 334 Hansteen(XIX. -18 & XX -18) 268 Hansteen 353 o 2118 (Not named) Hansteen A A S. of Han. o 2119 Hansteen b 334 (Not named) b 353 In S. wall of Han. 2120 c 334 ,, (Not named) ... In E. Han. o 2121 ,, a 334 Hansteen a Hansteen o 353 S.W. of Han. A 2122 334 (Not named) (Perhaps) Han- steen (not named in map) 353 N.W. of Han. A 2123 7 334 Hansteen 7 Hansteen 7 353 N. of Han. A 2124 (Not named) (Not named) s ( Far) W. of Han. A 2125 Hansteen 334 Hansteen r (Not named) E. of Han. - 2126* (Not named) Melloni (XIX.-3) ... * ... Lat. -74, long. - 54 o 2127 Billy 333 Billy (XX. -17) (farther E., but same) 268 Billy 353 o 2128 M (Not named) a W. of Billy A 2129 " * Billy 62 " * (Close) W. of Billy A 2130 ,, r 334 (Not named) M r 352-4 S.W. of Billy A 2131 (Not named) ,, ., 8 354 N. of 2130 A 2132 Billy 8 334 ,, (Not named) N.W. of 2130 A 2133 (Not named ) BillyS ,, N. of 2136 A 2134 Billy (Not named) " (Near) S.W. of Billy A 2135 M 1, 334 ' Billy r, 352-4 W. of 2134 A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Nelson. Schmidt. B. andMiidler. Position. j >> & 2136 Billy a 334 (Not named) (Not named) (Far) S.W. of Billy 2137* ,, A (Probably) Billy A Billy A 352 \V. of Billy 2138 ,, b ( Not named) ,, b N.W. of Billy o 2139 Zupus 332 Zupus (XX.-19) Zupus 354 2140 ,, a 332 (Not named) (Not named) S.W. ofZu. o 2141 (Not named) ,, Zupus b S.E. of Zu. 2142 ,, Zupus D (Not named) S. of Zu. 2143 Zupus a 332 ,, a (not named in map) 269 Zupus a 354 N.W. edge of Zu. A 2144 >> ^ 332 Zupus (not named in map) 269 ,, 354 W. ofZu. A 2145 7 332 (Not named) ... . 7 354 S.W. of 2140 A 2146 e .1 ... Billy N. of Zu. A 2147 Merseuius 391 Mersenius (XX. -2) 267 Mersenius 330 ... o 2148 ,, a 393-4 Merseuius a= Liebig (XX.- 13) 268 &270 ,, a 329 S. of Mer. o 2149 b Mersenius b 268 b 329 S. of Liebig (2148) o 2150 B 392 B B 330 & 354 N.E. of Mer. o 2151 c 392 c c 330, 352-4 N.W. of Mer. o 2152 d 392-3 d 268 d 329 S.W. of Mer. o 2153 (Not named) R(i) E N.W. of 2152 2154 Mersenius F 393 F F 329 S. of 2152 o 2155 g 393 0(1) 270 . g 329 S. of 2154 2156 ,, m 391 (Not named) (Not named) ... In W. Mer. o 2157 n 391 ,, ,, In S. Mer. 2157A (Not named) Mersenius or Liebig (1) 271 "' In Liebig(2148) o 2158 Mersenius a 392 Mersenius a (2) 268 Mersenius a 330 &352 N.W. of Mer. A 2159 1! 7 ... (Not named) 7 ... N. wall of Mer. A 2160 .1 A 393 " (Not named) S. of Liebig (2148) A 2161 M M 393 ,, S. of 2149 A 2162 * ,, ., N. of Mer. A 2163 P 391 " ... " In Mer. A 78 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 'o a >3 02 2164 Mersenius z 392 (Not named) (Not named) W. of Mer. A 2165 .. X 392 ,, ,, N. of 2158 A 2166 (Not named) Mersenius E (2) ,, N.W. of 2155 A 2167 " 0(2) 69 & 268 " W. wall of 21 4 A 2168 Mersenius ft 392 '(1) Mersenius $ 324 & 352 W. of Mer. - 2169 ,, e 392 ,, e ,, 324 W. of 2170 - 2170 ,, c 392 (Not named) (Not named) W. of 2168 - 2171 ., n 392 Mersenius r (2) ,, W. of 21 69 - 2172 392 r(3) " N. of 21 55 (long) - 2173 * 394 (Not named) ,, N.E. of 2148 - 2174 (not named in map) 392 " " E. of 2172 - 2175 Cavendish 394 Cavendish (XX.-3) 269 Cavendish 363 o 2176 ., A 394 (Not named) A 363 In W. wall of Cav. o 2177 B 394 Cavendish B 269 B 360 &363 N.E. of Cav. o 2178 c 394-5 &399 c 269 &271 ' C (sometimes c) 360 & 362-3 E. of 2177 2179 ,, e 394 ,, e 269 Cavendish e 363 In S. wall of Cav. o 2179A Not named) f 270 [Not named) S. of 2179 o 2180 Cavendish d 394 d = de Gasparis (XX.-12) Cavendish d 363 S.W. of Cav. 2181 ,, a 394 [Not named) ,, a 363 S. E. wall of Cav. A 2182 394 ,, ft 363 W. wall of Cav. A 2183 7 394 ,, (Not named) S. of Cav. A 2184 8 395 (363) N. of 2177 & 2178 A 2185 C 394 ,, ,, N. of 2188 - 2186 7 394 ,, ,, ... S. of Cav. - 2187 ,, e 394 DeGasparisr(l) " S. E. of de Gas. (2180) - 2188 394 r(2) (part) M Crosses de Gas. (2180) - 2189 1 394 r(2) (part) " N.W.ofdeGas. (2180) - NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. j 1 2190 Vieta 398 Vieta (XX.-4) 269 Vieta 362 o 2191 ,, A 399 ,, A ,, A 362 S.K ofVi. o 2192 ,. B 399 B ... ,, B 362 E. of 2191 2193 a (Not named) ,, a 362 In Vieta A 2194 ,, 399 ,, 362 E. of 2199 A 2195 ,, 7 399 ,, .i 7 362 W. wall of 2191 A 2196 8 398 Vieta 8 269 8 362 N.W. wall of A Vi. 2197 II * 398 (Not named) D * 362 W. wall of Vi. A 2198 ,, A 399 M (Not named) ... S. of 2191 & A & 401 2192 2199 i) f- 399 ,, ,, N.E. ofVL A 2200 Fourier 399 Fourier (XX.-5) 269 Fourier 362 o 2201 A 400 i, A ,, A 362 (Far)S.W. of o Fou. 2202 ,, a 400 ,, a n a 362 W. of Fou. o 2203 C 399 ,, c c 362 N. of Fou. & 400 (once c) 2204 11 6 400 (Not named) (Not named) N.W. of Fou. o 2205 b 400 Fourier b = Fourier b 362 N.W. of 2202 o Palmier! (XX. -11) 2206 d(l) 400 (Not named) (Not named) E. of 2203 o 2207 d (2) 400 Fourier d Fourier d 362 S. of 2202 2208 ii a 399 (Not named) n a 362 W. wall of Fou. A 2209 B 400 Fourier B B 362 S.E. of Fou. A 2210 . 7 399 .i 7 270 ,, 7 362 S.W. of 2209 A 2211 5 400 (Not named) (Not named) N. of 2205 A 2212 n 400-1 Fourier c Fourier e 362 S.E. of 2201 A 2213 ,, 4> 400 (Not named) (Not named) S. of Fou. - 2214 + 400 ,, In 2205 - 2215 ,, 1 400 ,, ,, ,, - 2216 Lagrange 397 Lagrange (XX.-7) Lagrange 361 o 2217 At 397 (Not named) A 361 InW.wallofLa. 2218 ,. b 397 Lagrange b b 361 ( Far) W. of La. o 2219 c 397 (Not named) ,, c 361 N.W. of La. o 2220 d 397 d 361 In Lagrange o 2221 >i e 397 " M 6 361 N. of La. t See also No. 2241. 80 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Mcadler. Position. 1 t 2222 Lagrange k 397 (Not named) (Not named) In N. wall of La = 2223 a 397 ,, Lagrange a 361 E. wall of La. A 2224 B 397 ,. B 361 S. wall of La A 2225 y 397 ,, y 361 S.E. of La. A 2226 5 397 ,, 5 361 In Lagrange A 2227 * 397 ,, (Not named) A 2228* " f 397 Lagrange/ (not named in map) 35 (Nearly) Lagrange f (Far) N. of 2241 A(N) A or o (S) o (M) 2229 Piazzi 398 Piazzi (XX. -6) Piazzi 361 o 2230 A 398 (Not named) A 361 S. of 2231 o 2231 ,, b 398 ,, b 361 S. of Pia. o 2232 c(l) 398 Piazzi or Lehmann c c 361 S.\V. of Pia. 2233 c(2) (Not named) (Not named) (361) (Close)W.ofPia. 2234 d ,, ,, (361) N. of Pia. 2235 f 398 ,, W. of Pia. o 2236 398 Piazzi a 361 W. wall of Pia. A 2237 ,, & 398 ,, 6 361 E. wall of Pia. A 2238 I 1 398 ,, ,, r (361) Centre of Pia. A 2239 ,, 5 398 ,, (Not named) (361) W. of 2232 A 2240* Bouvard 397 (Not identified) (272) Bouvard 361 2241 Lagrange a 397 (Not named) ,, a 361 N. of Bou. o 2242 Bouvard b 398 ,, b 361 S. of Bou. 2243 a 398 a 361 W. of Bou. A 2244 & 398 5 361 W. wall of Bou. A 2245 y ,, y ... S. of 2244 A 2246 5 398 5 361 S.W. wall of Bou. A 2247 [nghirami 405 Inghirami (XXI.-2) 272 [nghirami 340 o 2248 D a 406 [nghirami a .1 a 340 N.W. of Ing. o 2249* b 406 (Xot named) unless it- 2254 b 340 S. W. of Ing. 2250 c 406 (Not named) ,, c 340 N. of Ing. o 2251 d 406 ,, d E. of 2250 2252 Bouvard e (not named in map) 398 ,, e X. of 2251 o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | 2253 (Not named) | Inghirami A 272 [Not named) S.E. of Ing. 2254* unless it = 2249 B (not named in map) 272 unless it = 2249 Doubtful, un- less it =2249 o 2-255 Inghirami a 405 Inghirami o (not named in map) 35 Inghirami a S. wall of Ing. A 2256 405 tnghirami 272 18 340 W. wall of Ing. A 2257 >, 7 (Not named) M 7 ... S. of Ing. A 2258 Pingre 409 " (Not named) (See 341) ... 2259* Hausen 409 Hausen (XXII. -12a) (not named in list, 273) Hausen 341 o 2260 a 409 (Not named) ,, a N.W. of Hau. 2261 ,, b 409 & 411 Hausen b b N.W. of 2260 o 2262 ,, c 409 (Not named) ,, c N. of 2260 o 2263 d 409 ,, ,, d (Far) N. of Hau. 2264 ,, e 409 ,, e ... S. W. of 2263 2265 ,. f 409 ,, M * W. of 2260 o 2266 .. g 409 ,, (Not named) ... N. of 2262 2267 ,, a 409 ,, Hausen a 341 E. wall of Hau. A 2268 18 409 ,, 3 341 N. of Hau. A 2269 Phocylides 406 Phocylides (XXII.-4) 276 Phocylides 339 o 2270 ,, a 406 Phocylides a 276 a 339 S. wall of 2274 A 2271 ... & E. wall of 2274 A 2272 .. 7 406 (not named in map) 276 7 339 S.W. wall of Pho. A 2273 A Phocylides A A 339 S.W. of Pho. o 2274 b b 279 b 339 N. of Pho. 2275 d d = Noggerath (XXII.-40) 273 d 339 (Far) N.W. of Pho. 2276 Schiller c Phocylides c(l) ... c S. of 2273 o 2-277 Phocylides c 406 (2) ,, Gin map c in text 339 N.W. of Pho. 2278 E 407 E E 339 S. of Pho. 2279 f 407 / f 339 In S. wall of Pho. o 82 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 2280 Phocylides G 407 Phocylides G Phocylides G S. of 2275 2281 * 407 h h S.E. of 2275 o 2282 i 407 i ,, i N.E. of 2275 o 2-283 lorl I ... I E. of Pho. 2284 k k k W. ofPho. o 2285 m ,, m S.E. of Pho. o 2286 N 406 N N 339 In Pho. o 2287 Wargentin 406 Wargentin (XXII.-6) 276 Wargentin 340 2288 (Not named) Wargentin a n a N. of War. o 2289 Wargentin b 406 ^ b (Far) E. of War. o 2290 g 9 g E. of 2289 o 2291* s 406 (Nearly) Wargentin S ... (Nearly) Wargentin 8 ... S.E. of War. ( r (s; A(M) 2292 t> 406 (Not named) (Not named) N. of 2275 - 2293 * 406 ,, ... ,, E. of War. - 2294 Schickard 403 Schickard (XXI. -1 & XXII.-2) 276 Schickard 336 o 2295 )> a 405 Schickard a ,, a 337 In S. Sch. o 2296 b 405 b b 337 In W. Sch. o 2297 c 405 (1) ... c 337 In E. Sch. 2298 d 405 d d E. of 2297 o 2299 e 404 (2) e 336-7 S.W. of Sch. o 2300 f 404 / f S. of 2295 o 2301 ,, m 405 (Not named) (Not named) In N. Sch. o 2302 ,, n 405 ,, ,, N. of 2301 o 2303 P 405 ,, ,, E. of 2301 2304 C 404 Schickard C 336 E. of Sch. = 2305 " * 404 Schickard TJ , 336 & 340 N. of 2304 = 2306 " 6 404 (Not named) e 336 &340 N.E. of 2305 = 2307 ,, a 404 Schickard a 276 ,, a 336-7 W. wall of Sch. A 2308 ft 404 13 276 ft 336-7 S.W.wallofSch. A 2309 y 404 > y 276 ,, y 336-7 S. of 2308 A 2310 ,, 8 404 (Not named) s 336 S. of Sch. A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 83 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | I 2311 Schickard e 404 (Not named) ... Schickard 336 E. wall of Sch A 2312 i 404 ' 336 N. of 2307 A 2313 Lehmann 401 Lehman n (XXI. -3) 272 Lehmann 338 o 2314 ,, a 401 (Nearly) Leh- man n a a 338 & 362 N.W. ofLeh. A 2315 3 401 (Not named) 338 N. wallofLeh. A 2316 , 7 401 Lehman n y 7 338 S. wall of Leh. A 2317 5 401 (Not named) 5 338 W. of Leh. A 2318 c 401-3 Lehmann C c 338 N.W. of 23 14 2319 e 401 (Not named) ( Not named) E. of 2314 - 2320 f 401 ,, ,, N. of Leh. - 2321 Lacroix 401 Lehmann b Lehmann b 362 o 2322 A 401 Not named) A ... X. W. of Lac. 2323 e 401 Lehmaim e ,, e S.E. of Lac. o 2324 f 401 f f ... S. W. of 2323 o 2325 >. (?)z (Not named) [Not named) S.E. of 2324 o 2326 >! 401 Lehmann i\ Lehmann t\ W. of Lac. A 2327 B 401 Not named) (Not named) S. of 2322 A 2328 7 401 ,, ,, W. of 2327 A 2329 ,, 8 401 ,, Lehmann 362 W. of 2322 A 2330 Drebbel 403 Drebbel (XXII.-2) Drebbel 338 o 2331* t(/einmap) 403 Not named) (Not named) N. of Dreb. A 2332 ,. fl 403 ,, ,, S.W. ofDreb. A 2333 7 403 ,, ,, E. of 2341 A 2334 5 403 ,, Drebbel 5 338 W. of Dreb. A 2335 e 403 Drebbel 277 338 S.E. of Dreb. A 2336 b b b N. of Dreb. 2337 !> C 403 ,1 C ... c Far) W. of Dreb. o 2338 d 403 d ,, d 338 E. of 2336 o 2339* e 403 Not named) Not named) ... *E. of 2338 (W. in text) o 2340 f 403 Drebbel/ Drebbel f S.W. of 2342 o 2341 ,, g 403 9 g S. E. of 2340 o 2342 h 403 h h S.W. ofDreb. 0(3) 84 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position . ^ e >-> 1*5 2343 Glausius 401 Hainzel A (not named in map) 277 &69 Drebbel A o 2344 (Not named) j ... Drebbel or Ramsden A (Not named) S. of 2345 o 2345 Clausius b 402 Ramsden b \ ... Ramsden b 334 N.W. of Clau. o 2346 ,, c 402 (Not named) ,, c 334 W. of 2345 o 2347 f ' 402 Ramsden/ f S.W. of 2345 2348* (1) (d in map 14) 402 *( Perhaps) Hainzel or Drebbel 7 277 Drebbel a pp.116 & 121 S. of 2345 A 2349 Clausius a (2) 402 (Not named) (Not named) N.E. of Clau. A 2350 402 Drebbel Drebbel S.E. of Clau. A 2351* >i 7 402 *(Not named) ... 7 E. of Clau. A 2352 402 ,, (Not named) E. wall of 2345 A 2353 Vitello 387 Vitello (VII.-5) 183 Vitello 328 ... 2354 >i A 388 A A (Far) S.E. of Vit. 2355 ,, B 384 ,, B B 327 S.W. of Vit. &387 2356 388 ,, c ,, c N.E. of 2354 2357 j , d 388 en ,, d N.W. of 2354 o 2358 E 388 M E ,i E 324 N.W. of Vit. o 2359 i F 388 F >, F 324 N. of Vit. o 2360 t 388 (Not named) (Not named) ... S.E. of 2356 o 2361 ,, tin text i in map 388 " M W. of Vit. = 2362 A 388 ! Vitello A 328 S.E. of Vit. A 2363 (Not named) Vitello a 183 327 ( Far) W. of Vit. A 2364 Vitello j3 387 (Not named) ,, 328 S.W. of Vit. A 2365 . 7 387 > 7 328 S. of 2364 A 2366 * 388 ,, e ... S. of 2362 A 2367 (Not named) Vitello e , ^ W. of Vit. A 2368 Vitello A 388 (Not named) ... (Not named) N.W. of 2369 A 2369 M 388 ,, ,, N.W. of 2361 A 2370 X 391 ,, ,, W. of 2359 A 2371 Lee 388 ,, ,, (328) o 2372 .. 7 388 " Doppel- mayer (?) y E. of Lee A 2373 ., C 388 Vitello C ... Vitello C 328 W. wall of Lee A 2374 > 1 388 >i n V "n 328 E. wall of Lee A t See also No. '2:383. NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | 2375 Leee 388 (Not named) (Not named) S.E. of Lee = 2376 Doppelmayer 388 Doppelmayer (VII.-4) 183 Doppelmayer 328 o 2377 A 389 (Not named) A 328 Centre of Dop. A 2378 ii a 389 (Not named) E. of 2381 A 2379 2380 (Not named) Doppelmayer or Vitello S ... Doppelmayer or Vitello S 183 Doppelmayer (not named in map) Doppelmayer S p. 100 324 & p. 110 E. wall of Dop W. of 2382 A A 2380A Doppelmayer p or p (Not named) (Not named) N.E. of Dop. A 2381 Doppelmayer a 389 M E. of Dop. o 2382 ,, c 389 Doppelmayer c Doppelmayer c 324 W. of Dop. 2383 " 389 &390 Vitello D 183 D 324 (Far) N.W. of Dop. o 2384 E 389 (Not named) E 324 N.E. of 2383 2385 F 389 ,, (Not named) (324) N. of 2384 o 2386 G 389 ,, ,, E. of 2381 o 2387 * 389 ,, ,, N. of2380A - 2388 M. Humorum 389 M. Humorum M. Humorum 323 -f 2389 Gassendi 337 Gassendi ( VII.- 1&XX.-1) 267 Gassendi 331 2390 A 392 Gassendi A ^ 330 S. E. of Gas. A 2391 338-9 (Not named) (Not named) Centre Gas. A 2392 * 338 & 341-3 Gassendi )8 331 N. of 2391 A 2393* * 7(D 338 &343 " .. 7 330-1 E. wall of Gas. A 2393A* * 7(2) ,, ... (Not named) N.E. of 2394 A 2394* * ,, 8 338 &340 Gassendi 8 331 W. of Gas. A 2395* * ,, A 1(5 or 7 in map) 338 " (Not named) W. wall of Gas. ? (or outside) A 2396* *Gassendi Z (z in map) 344 " *(Nearly) Gas- sendi Z 351 E. of Gas. / o(N) A(M) 2397 Gassendi A. 337- 8-9 (Not named) N. of 2418 A 2398 M 338 " S.W. wall of Gas. A 2399 v 338 ... Gassendi 331 S. wall of Gas. A 2400 ? (not named in map) 338 ... (Not named) E. of 2399 A COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. R. and Madler. Position. ^ 1 2401* Gassendi IT 340 (Not named) (Not named) W. wall of Gas. (in Gas. accord- ing to text) A 2402* * *(1) 339 ... N.E. of 2391 & 2392 A 2402A* * 344 ,, ... ,, E. of 2413 A 2407 (Not named) Gassendi m 183 ,, N.W. of 2414 A 2408 Gassendi | 345 (Not named) ... ,, S. of 2396 - 2409 345 &392 Gassendi r (1) Gassendi ?j 352 W. of 24 17 - 2410 0(1 to 36)(see special drawing) 340- 1-2 4 = Gas. r(2); 10 = Gas. r (3) (Not named) In Gassendi -(36) 2411 (Not named) Gassendi r (4) /.. " E of 2416 & 2417 - 2412 Gassendi A 337-9 &341 -3 ,, A 267 Gassendi A 331 N. of Gas. 2413 b 344 & 267 b 331 N.E. of 2412 2414 c 344 c )> C 331 W. of 2412 o 24 If, ,, e (not named in map) 344 (Not named) (Not named) E. of Gas. - 2416 Gassendi F 344 , 1 Gassendi F 351-2 N.E. of Gas. 2417 G 344-5 Gassendi G G 351-2 S.W. of 24 16 o 2418 H 337- 341 (Not named) H 330-1 InE.wallofGas. 2419 " I 344 & 390 Gassendi I " l 324 S.W. of Gas. o 2420 L 344 L L 324 S.E. of Gas. c 2421 ,, m 337-9 (Not named) (Not named) In S.W. Gas. o 2422 ,, n 339 &340 " N. of 2421 o 2423 p 339 ,, >i In E. Gas. 2424 (p in map 15) 344 i) S of Gas. o NEISON'S, SCHMIDTS, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 87 Neison . Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | & 2425 Herigonius 345 G-assendi D 267 & 183 Gassendi D 331 2426 E 345 E E S.E. of Heri. o 2427 A 345 Euclides (?) i, Euclides or Lubiniezky TJ 315 S.W. of Heri. A 2428 >> i 345 Gassendi t Gassendi ( (331) W. of 2430 A 2429 A 345 ., A >> A (331) S. of Heri. A 2430 ,, X in text x in map 345 k 183 &267 X 331 S. of 2429 A 2431 Letronne 336 Letronne (XIX.-17) 262 Letronne 322 o 2432 A 336-7 Letronne A A W. of Let. 2433 B 336 B B 322 In Let. o 2434 d 337 (Not named) (Not named) S.W. of Let. 2435* f 336 *Letronne/(l) Letronne f 322 N.E. of Let. o 2436 A 33fi (Not named) ^ 322 In Let. A 2437 ,, N.W. of 2438 A 2438* r 337 *Gassendi T (see 2458) r 351-2 S.W. of Let. A 2439 s 337 Letronne 5 8 E. wall of Let. A 2440 .. e 337 (Not named) (Not named) W. of Let. A 2441 ii A 337 ,, ,, E. of 2432 A 2442 P 336 ,, ,, W. wall of Let A 2443 Flamsteed 334 Flamsteed (XIX.-16) 263 Flamsteed 321 o 2444 A 335-6 Flamsteed A 263 A 321 S. of 2445 2445 B 335 B 263 B 321 S. of Flam. o 2446 c 335-6 &349 c c 319 &321 S.E. of Flam. 2447 d 335 d d (321) N.E. of Flam. 2448* F 335 *Letronne/(2) 262 f 321 W. of Flam. 2449 ^ 334 Flamsteed A ^ 321 N.W. of Flam. A 2450 B 335 B B 321 E. of 2449 A 2451 A 335 ,, & 263 A 321 N.E. of 2447 A 2452 E 335 E 263 E 321 N.E. of 2454 A 2453 C 335 C C 321 S. of 2454 A 2454 !> 1 335 *? ~n 321 E. of Flam. A 2455 ,, (cin map k in text 335 (Not named) (Not named) N.E. of'J456 A 2456 . P 335 " " ... N.W. of 2452 A 88 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. i VI 2457 Wichmann 336 Euclides a Euclides a 319 o & 349 2458 r 336 *Letronne F 262 Flamsteed r 321 N.E. of 2459 A &54 2459 336 ,, X * 321 N. of Wich. A 2460 e 336 e 263 e 321 S. E. of 2458 A &54 2461 Euclides 348 Euclides ( VI.- 176 Euclides 319 9) (further E., but same) 2462 B 349 Euclides B B 319 ( Far) S. of Euc. o 2463 c 349 ,, c c 319 S. of 2462 o 2464 d 348 d d ... W.ofRiph.Mts o 2464A e (Not named) (Not named) W. of N. end of o Riph. Mts. 2465 348 Euclides a t 176 Euclides a t 318 S.W. of Euc. A 2466 B 348 176 B ' 318 N.W. of 2465 A ( in map 12) 2467 Euclides F 348 r 176 r 318-9 S.E. of 2465 A 2468 ,, A 348 H A 176 M A 318 W. of 2473 A 2469 C 349 c 176 C 318-9 N. of 2473 A 2470 H 348 (Not named) H 318 N.W. of Riph. A Mts. 2471 1 349 Euclides | .. 319 S.E. of Euc. A 2472 ,, i in text 348 (Not named) t ! 318 S. pt. of Riph. A i in niapl Mts. 2473 K 349 Euclides K K 318-J* N.W. of Euc. A 2474 * (Not named) .1 A 321 ( Far) E. of Euc. A 2475 M 349 Euclides ^ j ... > 319 E. of Euc. A 2476 ,, v in text 349 (Not named) " 322 E. of 2462 A y in map 2477 X 349 ,, (Not named) N. of 2469 A 2478 ,, S in text 349 (Far) S.E. of A E in map Euc. 2479 o 348 ... Euclides 318 W.ofRiph.Mts. A 2480 Laudsberg 349 Landsberg 175 Landsberg 320 o (VI.-8) 2481 A 350 L.andsberg A A 320 E. of Lan. o &356 2482 B 350 ,. B ... B 320 S. W. of 2484 o 2483 d 350 d d 320 S.E. of 2484 o t See also No. 2427. NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 89 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. I 2484 Landsberg c 350 Landsberg c = Kunowsky 172 & 175 &177 Landsberg c 320 S.E. of Lan. o 2485 e 350 (Not named) (Not named) (320) N. of 2483 o 2486 F 350 ,, ,, (320) N.E. of 2483 o 2487 g 350 ,= ... ,, (320) S.W. of 2481 o 2488 S 350 ,, ,, (320) S.E. of 2483 A 2489 Riphaen Mts. 347 Riphaeus (VI.-R) Riphaen Mts. or Riphaeus 318 A 2490 Agatharchides 386 Agatharchides (VII. -3) 182 Agatharchides 332 o 2491 A 385 Agathar- chides A A 332 S.W. of Ag. o 2492 b ... (Not named) b S.W. of 2493 2493 ,, c 336 Agathar- chides C c S.E. of Ag. o 2494 J 386 (Not named) t d E. of Ag. o 2495 e 386 ,, e ... N. of 2492 o 2496 h 386 ,, h S.E. of 2494 o 2497 i 386 ,, i E. of 2494 2498 k 386 ,, k S. of 2494 o 2499 n 384 M (Not named) S.W. of Ag. o 2500 386 Agathar- chides a 182 Agathar- chides a 332 E. wall of Ag. A 2501 386 (Not named) Agathar- chides 332 S.E. wall of Ag. A 250-2 7 " ... Agathar- chides 7 332 S. of Ag. A 2503 8 385-6 Agathar- chides m 182 Agathar- chides S 332 W. of 2510 A 2504 ,, pin text ^ in map 386 (Not named) (Not named) S.W. wall of Ag. A 2505 A 386 ,, Close to 2495 A 2506 Not named) Agathar- chides n 182 N.E. of 2493 A 2507 " Agathar- chides x (not named in map) 76 & 182 " W. wall of 252? A 2508 Agathar- chides H 386 Not named) Agathar- chides H 332 N. wall of Ag. A 2509 iippalus 3 (N. part) 385 Agathar- chides c Agathar- chides c 325 N. of 2491 - 2510 3ippalus < 4 386 Agathar- chides e Agathar- chides c 325 k 332 N. of 2509 - t See also Nos. 2523-4. 90 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. 2511 Hippalus 384 Hippalus (V1I.-6) Hippalus 325 o 2512 *, 384 Hippalus S 5 325 From 2355 to 2504 - 2513 ,, 03 (middle part) 385 (Not named) 325 From 2526 to 2491 - 2514 Hippalus 386 Agatharchides ... (Not named) S. of 2491 - 05> 6) 7) 8 12),'(3) 2515 Hippalus 09> 1H 12 386 (Not named) " E. &S.E. of 2526 - 2516 Hippalus o 391 Hippalus a 182 Hippalus o 324 S.E. of Hip. A 2517 B 391 ( in map 14) B 182 B 324 N. of 2516 A 2518 Hippalus 7 (Not named) y 325 W. of 2516 A 2519 6 ,, (Not named) N. wall of Hip. A 2520 M 391 ,, ,, S.E. of 2516 A 2521 A Hippalus A Hippalus A N.E. of Hip. 2522 b 1 ... b b 325 N. of 2526 o 2523 d)f j ... Agatharchides/ 182 f 323 S. of 2492 o 2524 ,, (?)g 9 g S.W. of 2523 o 2525 Campanus 381 Campanus (VII.-7) 182 Campanus 326 2526 A 381-5 Campanus A 183 ,, A 326 N.E. of Cam. o 2627 B B B S.E. of Cam. o 2528 g 385 (Not named) ... (Not named) E. of 2527 o 2529 381 ,, Campanus a N. of Cam. A 2530 385 ... /8 325 E. of Cam. A 2531 C 381 &386 Campanus C 326 W. of 2526 A 2532 ,, p in text ^ in map 385 (Not named) ... (Not named) N. of 2528 A 2533 Hippalus 03 (S. part) 385 Campanus y Campanus y 326 N.E. of Cam. - 2534 Hippalus 0,o (western 1] in map) 386 (Not named) 8 325 E. of 2533 - 2535 Hippalus 02 385 Campanus ,, e 325 E. of 2534 - 2536 Mercator 380 Mercator (VII. -8) 182 Mercator 326 2537 >i a 381 Mercator a a . 326 S.E. ofMer. o 2538 b 380 * b 326 In W. wall of Mer. NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. 2 1 2539 Mercator a 381 Mercator a 182 Mercator a 326 S. of Mer. A 2540 380 (Not named) ^ 294 S.W. of Mer. A 2541 7 380 ,, 7 294 N.E. of 2540 A 2542* * S 380 M 8 294 S.E. of 2540 A &335 2543 it e 380 Mercator e ,, 6 326 N. wall of Mer. A 2544 f C C 326 S.E. wall of Mer. A 2545 k 380 (Not named) (Not named) W. of 2539 A 2546 j. A 380 ,, ,, S. of 2545 A 2547 P 380 n t S.W. wall of A Mer. 2548 Capuanus 376 Capuanus (VII. -10) 182 Capuanus 335 o 2549 ,, a 377 Capuanus (a in 86 a 335 E. wall of Cap. A map, a in text) 2550 ,, r 377 Capuanus p 183 (Not named) N.E. of Cap. A 2551* * i, 5 377 (Not named) Capuanus S 335 S.W. of Cap. A (not named in map) 2552 (Nat named) ,, ,, f W. of Cap. A 2553 (see Capuanus 377 Capuanus r, etc. (Partly) Hesiodus 8 292-4 N.W. of Cap. - 2783) 2554 A 377 Capuanus A 183 Oapuanus A 335 In W. wall of Cap. 2555 B 377 B 67&7S B 335 In E. wall of o Cap. 2556 c 419 (Not named) c 288 Unknown o (not named in (not named in map) map) 2557 Capuanus d 377 Capuanus d Capuanus d ! S. of Cap. o 2558 e 377 e 279 ,, e S. of 2557 2559 f 377 (Not named) ... (Not named) ... S.E. of Cap. o (see also 2566-7) 2560 (Not named) Heinsius f = Haidinger 273 Capuanus f S.W. of 2558 o (XXII.-20) 2561 Ramsden 378 Ramsden 183 Ramsden 327 ... (VII.-9) 2562 A 378-9 Ramsden A t ... A^ 327 N. of Ram. o & 384 2563 D 379 D D 318 S.E. of 2564 o &327 2564 ,, e 379 ! C D e ... E. of Ram. 2565 * 378 ,, m 184 (Not named) N.W. of Ram. t See also Nos. 2345-7. See also Nos. 2345-6-7. COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. j I 2566 Capuanus g 377-8 Ramsden g Ramsden g E. of 2559 o 2567 h 377-9 h h E. of 2566 o 2568 Ramsden a 378 (Not named) E. wall of Ram. A 2569 8 Ramsden S s N.E. of 2563 A 2570 379 r(l) (Not named) N.W. of 2565 - 2571 1-7 378 (Partly) Rams- denr(2, 3, 4,5) " S. & W. of Ram. - (7) 2572 8-12 378 (Partly) Rams- den r (6, 7) " E. & N. of Ram. - (5) 2573 Hainzel 375 Hainzel (XXII -5) 277 Hainzel 334 o 2574 375 Hainzel a 277 ,, a 334 N.W. wall of Hain. A 2575 " ' 375 ,, (not named in map) 54 H * 334 E. wall of Hain A 2576 7 375 (Not named) (see 2348) > 7 334 In Hain. A 2577 s 376 Hainzel S (not named in map) 277 s 334 S. of Hain. A 2578 ,, * 376 Hainzel (not named in map) 277 334 S.E. of 2594 A 2579 ,. C 376 Hainzel C C 334 (Far) S.W. of Hain. A 2580 * 375 (Not named) (Not named) N. of 2574 A 2581 * 376 ,, M N.E. of Hain. - 2582 1 376 ,, ,, N. of Hain. o 2583 m 375 ,, ,, In S. Hain. o 2584 j> n 375 ,, In N. Hain. o 2585 N 376 ,, ,, S.W. of 2579 o 2586 q i 376 ... ,, S.ofHain.(spot) 2587 s ... ,, S.W. of 2591 o 2588 u 376 ,, ... ,, E. of 2595 2589 A 376 (see 2343) Hainzel A 334 S.W. of Hain. o 2590 B 375 Hainzel B (not named in map) 54 B 334 N.W. of Hain. 2591 375 Hainzel C = Epimenides (XXII.-21) ,, c 334 W. of Hain. o 2592 D 376 Hainzel D 277 ,, D 334 S. of Hain. 2593 ., e 376 ,, e e 334 S.E. of Haiu. 2594 F 376 F ,, F 334 E. of 2593 o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 93 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and M (idler. Position. -3 > I 2595 lainzel g 376 Not named) ... lainzel g 334 (Far) S.E. of Hain. O 2596 ,, h 376 ,, h 334 E. of Hain. 2597 Schiller 407 Schiller (XXII.-6) 276 Schiller 333 o 2598 A 407-8 Schiller A ... A 333 N.W. ofSch. 2599 b 408 b b ... (Olose)N.ofSch. 2600 c see also 2276) 408 ii c ,, c 342 S.E. of Sch. o 2601 ''chiller a 407 ,, a (not named in map) 276 99 333 E. wall of Sch. A 2602 407 Schiller (not named in map) 276 333 N.E. wall of Sch. A 2603 ,. 7 407 (Not named) (Not named) W. of 2602 A 2604 Bayer 408 Bayer (XXII.-7) 276 Bayer 333 o 2605 A 408 Bayer A 91 A 333 W. of Bay. 2606 ,, B 408 ,9 B ,. B 333 N.W. of 2605 o 2607 ,, Gin text c in map 408 c 99 C 333 N.E. of 2605 o 2608 ., a 408 M d d N.W. of 2607 o 2609 (Not named) 99 e e 333 Between Bay. & 2605 2610 Bayer f 408 f f 333 S.W. of Bay. o 2611 e 408 (Not named) (Not named) S. of Bay. o 2612 ,, G 408 ,, ,, In Bay. o 2613 h 408 ,, ,, Beyond 2610 2614 ,, x in text K in map 408 M " N.W. of Bay. o 2615 <* 408 Bayer a 276 Bayer o 333 N. of Bay. A 2616 >, (Not named) 333 W. of Bay. A 2617 9 y 408 Bayer 7 ,9 7 333 N. of 2607 A 2618 M ~n 408 (Not named) >. "n N.W. of 2615 A 2619 Rb'st in text ; Rost in map 412 Rost (XXII.-8) Rost 333 o 2620 Rost a 413 ,, a 9 ft 333 E. of Rost 2621 i, b 413 ^ ,, b N. of 2620 o 2622 99 c 412 (Not named) 99 C 333 S. of Rost 2623 9i m ,, (Not named) ... W. of Rost o 2624 413 ,, Rost c 333 H A 2625 Weigela(l) 412 > )> tt S. E. of Rost A 94 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 02 2626 Weigel 408 Weigel (XXI I. -9) 276 Weigel 342 2627 ,, A 408 Weigel A ,, A 342 S.W. of Wei 2628 n b 408 b b 342 S.E. of Wei. 2629 (Not named) (Not named) ,, c (not named in map 342 Unknown o 2630 Weigel d 408 Weigel d Weigel d 342 E. of Wei. 2631 ,, o(2) 408 ,, a (not named in map 276 ii 342 Between Wei &Seg. A 2632 ,, 408 (Not named) (Not named) (342) S. of Schiller A 2633 Segner 408 Segner (XXII.-10) 276 Segner 342 o 234 >i A 409 (Not named) (Perhaps) Seg- ner A (not named in map 342 N.W. ofSeg. o 2635 B 409 Segner B Segner B 342 (Far) N. E. of Seg. o 2636 ,, c 409 (Not named) n C 342 W. of Seg. 2637* >i 409 " * ii (in text) (not named in map] 342 & p. 106 N.E. wall of Seg. A 2638* ,, 409 " *Segner in text, a in map 342 & pp.106 & 116 W. wall of Seg. A 2639 K 7 409 " Segner y (not named in map] 342 Wall of 2636 A 2640 Zuchius 411 Zuchius (XXII.-ll) 275 Zuchius 343 o 2641 n a 411 Zuchius a ii a 343 N.E. of 2642 2642 b 411 b b 343 N.E. of Zu. o 2643 ,, d 411 d d 343 E. of 2641 o 2644 ,, e 411 i> e >i e 343 E. of 2643 2645 Not named) Not named) ,, c (not named in map) 343 S.W. ofZu. o 2646* ' * Zuchius a (not named in map) 343 & p. 119 E. wall of Zu. A 2647* * Zuchius a 411 ,, Not named) W. wall of Zu. A 2648 Bully 410 Bailly (XXII.-12) 276 Bailly 341 2649 ,, a 410 3ailly a in map A in text (p. 276) 276-9 ,, a (A in list of heights) 341 & p.119 &120 In S.W. Ba. o 2650 ,i b 410 it b 278 Bailly b 341 N.E. of 2649 o 2651 ,, c 411 Not named) !> C 341 N. of 2650 o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 95 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 2652 Bailly d 411 Bailly d Bailly d 341 N.E. of 2650 o 2653 (Not named) (Not named) ,, e(not named in large map) N.W. of 2652 o 2654* ,. ,, * Bailly A 341 S. of Ba. A 2655 Bailly a 410 (Not named) N. of 2649 A 2656 & 410 ,i Bailly 3 341 E. of 2649 A 2657 a 7 410 i, 7 341 E. of 2652 A 2658 8 410 ,, 5 341 In N.E. Ba. A 2659 ,, 6 410 ,, (Not named) W. of 2652 A 2660 Doerfel Mts. 411 (see pp. 280 & 296) Leibnitz Mts. 341 A 2661 Doerfels a 411 " Bailly (not named in large map) 341 E. of 2656 A 2662 & 411 " (Not named) S. pt. of N.'s Doerfel Mts. A 2663 7 411 " Bailly e (not named in large map) 341 N. of 2661 A 2664 ,, 5 (Not named) - ( Far) N. of 2663 A 2665 Legentil 430 " ... ( Wilson d is part of it) (See 341) o 2666 ,, a 430 ,, Wilson a W. of Leg. o 2667 Wilson 430 Wilson (XXII. -15) 275 Wilson 343 o 2668* * A 430 (Not named) (Not named) N.E. of 2671 2669 ,, c 430 Wilson c Wilson c S. of Wil. o 2670 (Not named) ... (Not named) ,, d N.E. of 2666 (part of Le- gentil) o 2671 Wilson e 430 )i ' ,, e S.E. of Wil. 2672 ;> a 430 Wilson a 1 ... i 343 S.W. wall of Wil. A 2673* y (not named in map] 429 & 430 (Not named) 7 344 N.W. of Wil. A 2674 (Not named) it >, S.E. of 2671 A 2675 Kircher 412 Kircher 275 (XXIL-14) Kircher 343 o 2676 a 412 Kircher a a 343 W. of Kir. c 2677 b 412 (Not named) ,. b N. of 2676 o COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. 1 >-, 02 2678 Kircher d 412 Kircher d Kircher d 343 E. of Kir. o 2679 f 412 / or Wil- son f S.W. of 2676 o 2680 412 (Not named) Kircher a 343 S. wall of Kir. A 2681 ,, * 412 ,, (Not named) E. wall of Kir. A 2682 Bettinus 411 Bettinus (XXII.-13) Bettinus 343 ... o 2683 ,, a (not named in map) 412 Bettinus a ,, a 343 E. of Bet. o 2684 Bettinus b 412 & b 343 N.E. of Bet. 2685 Schemer C in text, c in map 429 (Not named) , , c (not named in map) 343 W. of Bet. o 2686 Bettinus a 411 ,, Bettinus a 343 S. wall of Bet. A 2687 & ... ,, B S.E. of Bet. A 2688 ,, r r In Bet. A 2689 8 ,, 8 344 S. of 2690 A 2690 6 412 ,, 343 N.W. of Bet. A 2691 H C 412 M C 341 Between Bet. & Bailly A 2692 (Not named) >! "Q Between Bet. & 2689 A 2693 Schemer 428 Scheiner (XXII.-16) 275 Scheiner 348 o 2694 ,, A 428 Scheiner A ... A 348 In Sch. 2695 B 429 B B 348 E. of Sch. o 2696 f (see 2685) 429 (Not named) n c (not named in map) 348 In E. wall of Sch. 2697 (Not named) Scheiner/ Scheiner f 333 N.W. of Sch. o 2698 Scheiner d (f in map 16) 429 d d 348 S. of 2695 o 2699 Scheiner e 429 e )> e 348 S. of Sch. o 2700 ,, a 428 (Not named) * 348 S. W. wall of Sch. A 2701 I. 428 ,, 348 E. wall of Sch. A 2702 ii 7 Scheiner y i. 7 348 N. wall of Sch. A 2703 s 429 (Not named) 8 344 S.E. of Sch. A 2704 :, (1) 429 ' ,, ,, f 344 S. of Sch. - 2705 ,. * (2) (not named in map) 429 " (Not named) In Sch. A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 97 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. a ,3 1 2706 Longomon- tanus 414 Longomon- | 277 tanus (XXII.-17) Longomon- tanus 296 O 2707 i> A 414-9 Longomon- < 278-9 tanus A ; ,, A 296 & 288 S. of Long. o 2708 b 414 b(\y ... b 296 W. of 2707 o 2709 i) c 414 c(l) i> c 296 S.W. of Long. o 2710 d 414 d 279 d 296 S.W. of 2707 2711 ,, e (Not named) ,, e N.W. of Long. o 2712 f 414 Longomon- tanus / f 296 In E. Long, (largest) 2718 Clavius G 428 (?)G G W. of 2714 o 2714 i. h 428 (?)A b W. of Long. o 2715 (Not named) c (Not named) In N. wall of Long. 2716 ,, D ,, S.W. of 2712 o 2717 Longomon- tanus a 414 a Longomon- tanus a 296 W. wall of Long. A 2717A (Not named) *(2) (not named in map) 278 (Not named) S.E. wall of Long. A 2718 Longomon- tanus 414 Longomon- tanus Longomon- tanus j3 296 S.W. wall of Long. A 2718A (Not named) ,. c(2) (not named in map) 278 (Not named) S. of27l?A A 2719 Longomon - tanus f (Not named) Longomon- tanus 7 N.W. wall of Long. A 2719A (Not named) Longomon- tanus g (not nainedin map) 278 (Not named) N.E. wall of Long. A 2720 Longomon - tanus 5 414 Longomon- tanus a (not namedin map) 278 " (296) E. of Long. A 2721 Wilhelm I 415 Wilhelm v. Hessen (XXII.-18) 277 Wilhelm I 295 o 2722* A 415-9 * Wilhelm c A 295 &'288 In E. wall of Wil. o 2723* B 415-9 b ,, Bin text bin map 295 N. of 2722 o 2724 c 415-9 c C 295 &288 In N.W. wall of Wil. o 2726" d 415-9 Heinsius d 277-9 d 295 &288 W. of Wil. o 2726 E 415-9 Wilhelm E E 288 S. of 2725 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. ""o I 2727 Wilhelm f 415-9 (Not named) Wilhelm f 288 E. of Wil. 2728 g 415 Wilhelm g g 295 N.E. of Wil. o 2729* (Not named) ,, a (Not named) N. of 2722 o 2730 ,, d ,, S. of 2722 2731 Wilhelm h 415 (Not named) j ... ,, (295) S.E. of Wil. o 2732 ,, i 415 i, E. of 2731 o 2733 named in map) 415 ' Wilhelm 295 E. wall of 2731 A 2734 Wilhelm y 415 i 7 295 N. of Wil. A 2735 ,, S 415 ,, (Not named) N.E.wallofWil A 2736 (Not named) Wilhelm S 295 N.W. of 2728 A 2737 Heinsius 375 Heinsius (XXII.-19) 277 Heinsius 295 o 2738 a 375 Heinsius at 279 ii a 295 In Hein. o 2739 b 375 b 279 b 295 S.E. of 2738 o 2740 ,, c 375 c 279 i> c 295 S. of 2738 o 2741 375 (Not named) (Not named) W. wall of Hein. A 2742 (Not named) i Heinsius o 295 E. of Hein. A 2743 ,, 18 295 N. of Hein. A 2744 Gauricus 371 Gauricus (VIII. -15) 189 Gauricus 292 2745 D a 371 & 419 Gauricus a a 292 &288 E. of 2746 o 2746 b 371 M b 292 S. of Gau. o 2747 c 371 (Not named) ... c ... W. of 2746 o 2748 d 371 ,, [Not named) N.W. of 2746 o 2749 ii e 371 ,, ,, N.W. of Gau. o 2750 [Not named) ,, Gauricus (1)d S. of 2746 2751 Gauricus 8 371 " (Not namod) N.W. wall of Gau. A 2752 Wurzelbaur or Wurzelbauer 374 Wurzelbauer (VII.-13) 181 Wurzelbauer 293 o 2753* [Not named) ... (Not named) * ,, A (not named in map) 288 ?N. of Wur. 2754 Wurzelbauer a 375 >, [Not named) ... S. of Wur. o 2755 b 374 Wurzelbauer b Wurzelbauer b 292 W. of Wur. o 2756 d 375 d 181 d 294 S.E. of Wur. o 2757 n * 374 ii a 293 W. wall of Wur. A t See Nos. 2725 and 2560. NELSON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. .2 1 2758 (Not named) Wurzelbauer Wurzelbauer 293 E. wall of Wur A 2759 Wurzelbauer 374 ( Not named) (Not named) In Wur. A 2760 Cichus 379 Cichus 181 Cichus 294 o (VII.-ll) 2761 ,, a 379 (Not named) a 294 S. ofCi. o 2762 B 379 Cichus B B 294 W. of Ci. & 288 2763 ,, C in text 379 ,, c ,, c 294 E. of Ci. o G in map 2764 ,, d 380 ,, d d 294 S.E. ofCi. c 276f> D 379 D D 294 N. of Ci. o 2766 ,, e 380 ,, e 184 Largest of Cichus e 293 W. of 2765 o (group) 2767 ,, f 380 (Not named) (Not named) S.W. ofCi. o 2768 i 379 ,, ,, N.E. ofCi. 2769 n 377 ,, ,, E. of 2765 o 2770 ,, a ,, Cichus o S. of Ci. A 2771 379 fichus /3 ... ,, 294 N. of Ci. A 277-2 7 379 7 7 394 X.E. ofCi. A &380 2773 e 380 (Not named) ... (Not named) X.E. of 2772 A 2774 P 377 ,, W. of 2769 A 2775 (Not named) Cichus r X. of Ci. - 2776 Hesiodus 374 Hesiodus 184 Hesiodus 292 ... o (VII.-12) 2777 A 374 B esiodus A 184 A 292 I n S.E. wall of He. 2778 B 374 B B 292 N. of He. 2779 ,, c 374 (Not named) [Not named) InN.wallofHo. o 2780 n 374 ,, ... ,, In S.W. He. 2781 D a 374 ,, ... E. wall of He. A 2782 ,, 7 374 ,, ,, N.W.wallofHe. A 2783 Part of Capu- 377 Hesiodus S & r Hesiodus S 29-2-4 E. of Pi. - (see anus 2553) 2784 Pitatus 372 Pitatus (VII.- 14&VIII.-14) Pitatus 292 ... o 2785 M * 374 Pitatus a M a W. of Pi. 2786 b 374 b ,, b 292 S.W. of 2785 o 2787 ,, C in text 373 c >, c 292 In N. wall of Pi. o G in map 100 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. -g OQ 2788 Pitatus d 372-3 (Not named) (Not named) In S. W. wall o of Pi. 2789 e 373 M Between 2790 _ &2791 2790 f 373 ,, ,, W. of 2787 o 2791 g 373 ,, ,, ... In W. wall of Pi o 2792 h 373 ,, ,, In E. wall of Pi o 2793 ,, m 373 ,, ,, S.W. of 2787 2794 A 373 ,, Pitatus A 292 In Pi. A 2795 373 ,, (Not named) N.KwallofPi A 2796 y 373 ,, ,, ... E. wall of Pi. A 2797* *Hell E in text 372 (About) 189 (292) W. of Pi. A = 3122 c in map Pitatus n 2798 Pitatus | 373 Pitatus r (1) n In N.W. Pi. - 2799 43 Lubiniezky ft 347 (Not named) *Lubiniezky a (not named in map) Lubiniezky ft (315)& p. 115 316 W. wall of 2830 S.W. of 2836 A A 2844 5 347 Lubienietzky 5 ... 8 316 N.W. of 2838 A 2845 347 f 312 W. of 2843 A 2846 (Not named) C H C N.W.wallofLu. A 2847 Lubiniezky /t 346 M M 315 E ofLu. A 2848 P 347 (Not named) ... (Not named) N.W. of 2840 A 2849 (Not named) Lubienietzky m 182 ,, S. of 2847 A 2850 ,, r(l) ... ,, S.E. of 2851 - 2851 Lubiniezky

B 353 ,, B 314 S. wall of Gue. A (once & in text) 2861 Guerike y 354 (Nearly) 314 S. of 2856 ( = (N) Guerike y 1 A(M) 2862 5 353 Guerike a ... (Not named) S.E. wall of Gue. A 2863 [Not named) (Not named) ... Guerike e 314 S. of Gue A 2864 Guerike (% in 353 H (Not named) N. of Gue. A text. K in map) 2865 Guerike \ .. - E. of 2864 A 2866 f- 354 ,, S.E. of Gue. A 2867 Bonpland 351 Bonpland Bonpland 317 o (VI. -12) 2868 4> 352 Bonpland r (Not named) Crosses Bon. - 2869 C 352 (Not named) M Crosses S. wall _ of Bon. 2870 * 352 On S.W. wall _ (not named of Bon. in map) 2871 Bonpland a 352 M Bonpland a 317 In S. wall of o Bon. 2872 b 352 H (Not named) N. of Bon. o (not named in map) 2873 Bonpland c 352 .. S. of Bon. 2874 d 352 ,, ,, E. of 2873 2875 a 352 ,, ,, N. wall of Bon. A 2876 352 ,, Bonpland $ 317 E. of Bon. A 2877 vory\ ... Bonpland y .. 7 S.E. of Bon. A 2S78 ,, t 352 (Not named) (Not named) In Bon. A 2879 Parry 352 Parry (VI. -11) 176 Parry 317 o 2880 ,, A 353 A 177 ., A 317-9 S. of Par. o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 103 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 357 Moestlin r 125 ,, N. of 2933 - 2944 Herschel 357 Herschel (I. -7) 125 Herschel 310 o 2945 a (d in map 21) 358 ,, a ... ,, a 310 N. of Her. o 2946 Herschel b 358 b b 310 N.W. of Her. 2947 c 358 c ,, c 310 N.E. of Her. o 2948 d 358 d d 310 E. of 2947 2949 e 358 (Not named) (Not named) W. of 2945 = 2950 f 358 " (125) " ... N.E. of 2945 ( = Flammarion) o 2951 g 358 " ... " N.E. of Reaumur o 2952 h 358 ,, ,, (364) W. of 2946 2953 .). n ,, ,, S.W. of 2945 o 2954 (Not named) ... ,, Herschel a 310 W. wall of Her. A 2955* M ,, * ., /8 310 E. wall of Her. A 2956* Herschel ,, Ttolemiius S.E. of Her. A 2957 7 3E8 Herschel y Herschel y 310 W. wall of 2950 A 2958 8 358 3 125 8 N. of 2957 A 2959 C 358 (Not named) M C 310 E. of Reaumur A 2960 , , i in text i in map 358 " (Not named) E. of 2958 A 2961 358 ,, E. of 2951 - 2962 Ptolemaus in map ; Ptole- maus in text 358 Ptolemaeus (I. -6) 124 Ptolemaus 307 o 2963 Ptolemaus A 358-9 Ptolemaeus A 125 A 307 In W. Pt. o 2964 b &(1) b 307 N. of 2963 o 2965 ,, c (e, p. 359,1. 13) 359 c(l) c In S.E. Pt. o 2966 Ptolemaus d 358-9 d(l) d 307 N. of 2965 o 2967 >, e 360-1 (Not named) (Not named) (807) E. of Pt. - 2968 = 3583 f 360 Ptolemaeus (?)/ Albategnius f 368 W. of Pt. o 2969 g 360 (Not named) ... (Not named) N. of 2968 o 2970 m 359 ,, ,, N.E. of 2965 o 2971 n 359 " " ... N. of 2970 c 106 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. XI S 2972 2973 Ptolemaus o 7 359 &360 359 Ptolemaeus o . y 125 125 Ptolemaus o t 7 307 307 E. wall of Pt. N.E. wall of Pt A A 2974 8 359 ,, s ,, 5 N.E. of 2973 A 2975 i\ 360 i\ 124 &127 1 307 W. wall of Pt. A 2976* " < 359 &361 (Not named) ... Ptolemaus or Alphons (1) 306-7 S. wall of Pt. A 2977* (Not named) Ptolemaeus(r Ptolemans e (2) E. of 2972 A 2977A '(2) (not named in map) (125) & 65 (Not named) N.W.wallofPt. A 2978 2979 Ptolemaus \ 359 & 360 Ptolemaeus e(2) (not named in map) (Not named) 61 W. of 2982 X.W. of 2972 A A 2980 359 ,, N. wall of Pt. A 2981* ,, pin text tj/ in map 359 * Ptolemaeus " S.E. wall of Pt. A 2981 A (Not named) b(2) (not named in map) 61 " S.W.wallofPt. ( Possibly = next) A 2982 Ptolemaeus 125 ,, S. of 2975 A 2983 ,, 125 ,, S.W. of 2982 A 2983A ... d(1) (not named in map) 61 " ... S.W. corner of Pt, A 2984 Ptolemaus 360 (Not named) ... " In E. Pt. - 2985 = 3020 [Not named) Ptolemaeus or Davyr " ... S.E. of 297 7 - 2986 Alphonsus 360 Alphonsus (VIII.-l) 189 Alphons 306 '... 2987 > a 360 (Not named) ,, a 306 In S. Al. o 2988 b Alphousus b ,, b 306 S. of Al. 2989 c c ,, o E. of Al. o 2990 d 360 (Not named) 'Not named) S.W. ofAl. o 2991 e ! 361 ,, ,, W. of 2990 = 2992 2993 f 361 I o 361 " S. & E. of Al. In W. Al. (patch) o 2994 P 361 " ... In E.Al. (patch) t See also No. 2956. NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 107 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. I 2995 Alphonsus A 361 Alphonsus A Alphons A 306 In Al. A 2996 $ ' 360 (Not named) (Nearly) Alphons 306 E. wall of Al. 1 A(N) 2997 7 360 ,, Alphons 7 306 N.W.wallofAl. A 2998 ,, s 5 W. of 2999 A 2999 E 361 ,, ,, E 306 W. wall of Al. A 3000 361 Alphonsus r (I] (Not named) InAl. - 3001 ,, 0i 361 r (2) 192 j, W. of 3000 - 3002 (Not named) r(8) ,, E. of 3000 - 3003 Davy 354 Davy (Vlll.-la) 189 Davy 308 o 3004 ,, A 354 Davy A 191 A 308 (Close) S.W. of Da. o 3005 b (Not named) ,, b p. 120 N.E. of Da. o 3006* M C . 335 *Davy c (C in text) 189 ,, c 308 N. of Da. o 3007* (Not named) Davy e > e 307-8 N. of 3009 3008* Davye 355 (Not named) (Not named) Between 3006 &3007 o 3009 ii f 355 Davy/ Davyf 307-8 W. of 3006 o 3010 .. g 355 (Not named) . g 307-8 W. of 3009 o 3011 ,, p(not named in map) 355 (Not named) In wall of 3006 o 3012 Davy a 354 ,, Davy a 308 N. wall of Da. A 3013 ., ft 354 Davy/3 189 ft 308 W. wall of Da. A 3014 7 354 7 7 308 W. of Da. A 3015 i 355 (Not named) (Not named) N. of Da. A 3016 * 354 ,, ,, E. wall of Da. A 3017 M 355 ,, ,, N.E. of Da. A 3018 M ,, In Davy 3019 1 354 DavyS DavyS N.W. of Da. - 3020 = 2985 (Not named) ... Ptolemaeus or Davy r (Not named) N.W. of 3014 - 3021 Lassell 363 Alpetragius a 189 Alpetragius a 305 ... o 3022 e 363 a e ,, e S.E. of 3026 o 3023 >i f 363 (Not named) f N.E. of 3022 3024 a 363 ,, (Not named) S. W. of 3025 o 3025 b 363 ,, >i S.W. of Las. o 3026 ,, c 363 " | S.E. of Las. = 108 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 3027 Alpetragius 361 Alpetragius (VIII. -2) 189 fc 191 Alpetragius 305 o 3028 B 362 Alpetragius B B 305 &319 N.E. of Alp. 3029* C \ 362 v c 305 N.E. of Las. 3030 d i (light patch) 362 dd (light patch) 189 &191 d E. of 3029 o 3031 Alpetragius g 363 Not named) Not named) S.E. of Alp. 3032 A. Alpetragius A (305) Centre of Alp. A 3033 ,, 305 S.W. of 3034 A 3034 .. 7 363 Alpetragius 7 7 305 S.E. of Alp. A 3035 5 363 Not named) 5 305 S.E. of 3034 A .3086 it e 361 " 305 S.W. wall of Alp. A 3037 C 361 " C 305 N.W. wall of Alp. A 3038 ~n 361 ,, 1\ 305 S.E. wall of Alp. A 3039 Pr. jEnarium 363 5 r. Aenarium (VIII.-P) 188 3 r. Aenarium 305 A 3040 Arzachel 363 Arzachel (V1II.-3) 189 Arzachel 305 o 3041 ,, A 364 Arzachel A 191 A In Ar. o 3042 b 364 b b In N.E. wall of Ar. o 3043 c Not named) ... ,, c In S.E. wall of Ar. o 3044 , A 364 " M A 305 In S. wall of Ar. o 3045 $ 364 ,, (Not named) (305) N.W. of 3041 = 3046 e 363 " V ... In S.E. wall of Ar. = 3047 f 363 " In S.W. wall ofAr. = 3048 a 363 ,, Arzachel o 305-6 N.W. wall of Ar A 3049 B ,, ... 5 305 N.W. of Ar. A 3050 . y 364 Arzachel 7 ., 7 In Ar. A 3051 C .. C C S.W. of Ar. A 3052 364 (!) (Not named) W. of 3041 - 3053 1 364 r (2) ,, In S.W. Ar. - 3054 (Not named) r (3) fcr(4) ... " ... N. of Ar. -(2) NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 109 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. I 3055 Nicollet 366 Thebit C 49 Thebit C 304 3056 !> a 366 (Not named) (Not named) N.E. ofNi. o 3057 b 366 ,, N.E. of 3056 o 3058 ,, c 366 ,, tl S.E. ofNi. 3059 a 366 ,, W. of 3057 A 3060 5 366 ,, ,, N. of 3058 A 3061 = 2825 * 366 Bullialdus e Bulliald 312 S.W. of 3058 A 3062 = 2824 ,. c C C 312 E. of 3058 A 3063 Birt 366 Thebit B 188 &192 Thebit B 304 o 3064 ,, a 366 (Not named) (Not named) W. of Birt o 3065 ,, b 366 ,, ,, ... E. of Birt o 3066 j > c 366 ,, ,, S.W. of 3065 o 3067 ,, a 366 ,, ,, S. E. of 3065 A 3068 M C 366 ,, (304) S. W. of 3069 - 3069 ,, 366 Thebit y, r Thebit y 304 N.E. of Birt - 3070 Thebit 365 Thebit (VIII.-4) 188 Thebit 304 307} >i A 365 Thebit A 188 A 304 In N.E. wall ofTh. o 3072 D 365 D ... D 304 N. of 3076 o 3073 E ,, E ,, E (Close) S.E. of Th. o 3074 >, 1 365 x 191 (Not named) (304) Close to 3071 3075 A 365 Aa 188 Thebit A 304 S. of 3076 A 3076 ,, /B 365 ,, J8j8 188 ft 191 ft 304 E. of Th. ( = Straight Wall) A 3077 ^ 365 ,, f 304 N.W.wallofTh. A 3078 C (Not named) C In S. Th. A 3079 ,, H 366 Thebit H ,, // 304 N.E. ofTh. A 3080 ,, xi Q t ex t K in map 365 (Not named) (Not named) In N. Th. A 3081 (Not named) ... Thebit n 188 " Between Th. & Pur. A 3082 Purbach 366 Purbachius (VIII.-12) 188 Purbach 304 o 3083 A 367 Purbachius A ... A 304 In Pur. o 3084 B 367 B 188 B 304 (Close) S.E. of Pur. 110 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 | 3085 Purbach c 367-8 Purbachius c Purbach c ... S. of 3084 3086 D 367 D D 304 N. of Pur. 3087 e(l) 367 ,, f- >j e 304 N.W. of 3086 3088 e(2) 368 &372 (Not named) ... (Not named) S.E. of Pur. = 3089 F 367 Purbachius F Purbach F 304 N.W. of Pur. 3090 367 ,, g g 304 In N. wall of Pur. - 3091 h 367 (Not named) h 304 E. of 3092 3092 K 367 ,. K 304 E. of Pur. 3093 1 367 ,, (Not named) N. E. of 3092 3094 (Not named) ... Purbachius m 188 ,, N. E. of Pur. 3095 Purbach a 366-7 ,, a Purbach a 304 W. wall of Pur A 3096 , ft 367 Not named) 304 S.E. wall of Pur A 3097 y 367 - 7 304 E. wall of Pui A 3098 8 ,, 5 N.E.wallofPui A 3099 e 367 ., (Not named) In Pur. A 3100 Regiomontanus 367 Regiomontanus (VIII.-13) 188 Regiomontanus 303 3101 ,, A 368 Regiomon- tanus A A 303 In Re. 3102 B 368 Not named) B 303 S. E. of Re. o 3103 > or Purbach E 368 legiomon- tanus E E 303 E. of Re. 3104 Regiomon- tanus f (not named in map) 368 Not named) Not named) 1 In Re. ? 3105 Regiomon- tanus a 367 legiomon- tanus o 303 E. wall of Re. A 3106 Regiomon- tanus ft " ... legiornon- tanus 303 S. wall of Re. A 3107 Regiomon- tanus 7 Legiomon- tanus 7 legiomon- tanus 7 303 N. of 3102 A 3108 Regiomon- tanus 8 368 Sot named) Not named) V. of 3101 A 3109 Hell 371 Hell(VIII.-16) 189 Hell 291 o 3110 ,, A 371 A >, A 291 .E. of Hell o 3111 B 371 ii B i. B 291 k 303 N.W. of Hell 3112 i. C 372 c 189 ., c 291 .W. of Hell 3113 .. d 372 ii <* d N.W. of 3112 o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAE MAPS. Ill Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | 1 3114 Hell 372 (Not named) Hell/3 291 N. of Hell (crater row) o 3115 " 9 372 (Not named) W. of 3113 (patch) o 3116 e 872 ,, (189) ,, S.W. of 3112 o 3117 f 372 ,, ,, N. of Hell = 3118 ., h 372 (291) W. of Hell = 3119 ,, s 372 ,, N.E. of Hell = 3120 !> a 372 HelU 292 ,, A 3121 7 372 7 291 S. of 3111 A 3122* = 2797 * ,, E in text e in map 372 (About) Pitatus n 189 (Not named) (292) W. of Pitatus A 3123 Lexell 369 Lexell (VIII.-17) 189 Lexell 300 o 3124 a 370 Lexell a ,, a 300 W. of Lex. o 3125 B 370 ,, B ,, B 300 S. of Lex. o 3126* * ,, c (e, p. 370) 370 &419 *Nasireddin c ,, c 300 &288 S.W. of 3124 3127 d 370 &419 Lexell d ,. d 300 &288 N.W. of 3124 o 3128* e 370 * ,, c e 300 W. of 3 124 o 3129 ,, a (not named inmap) 369 [Not named) a 300 W. wall of Lex. A 3130 Lexell 369 300 S. wall of Lex. A 3131 7 370 " ,: 7 300 & 302 N.W. of Lex. A 3132 8 369 (Not named) W. wall of Lex. A 3133 Ball 370 Sasserides B Sasserides B 291 o 3134 a 371 Not named) [Not named) N.E. of Ball o 3135 ,, b 371 ,, ,, S.E. of Ball o 3136 ,. d 371 ,, ,, E. of Ball o 3137 ,, e " " Between 31 34 &3136 3138 'i a 371 ,, In 3141 A 3139 Sasserides 370 Sasserides (XXIII. -2) 290 Sasserides 291 o 3140 a 370 Sasserides a ..-. ,, a S.W. ofSas. 3141 * ,,CorBallc 370-1 c c 291 S. of Ball o 3142 D (see 3154) 370 (Not named) d 291 S.E. of Lexell o 112 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. I 3143 Sasserides e 370 Sasserides e Sasserides e T 291 In Sas. 3144 or Ball g 370 9 g 291 N.E. of3141 3145 h 370 (Not named) (Not named) E. of 3140 o 3146 1 370 ,, ,, In 3140 3147 ,, a 370 Sasserides a Sasserides a E. of 3140 A 3148 370 ft 290 & 291 E. wall of Sas. A (not named in map) 3149 >. 7 (not named 370 (Not named) 7 N. wall of 3140 A in map) 3150 Orontius 369 Orontius 294 Orontius 299 (XXIII.-3) 3151 >j a 369 Huggins 280 a 299 W. of Or. o (XXIII. -5) (calleda,p.294) 3152 b 369 Orontius b ... b 299 In Or. 3153 ,, c 369 ,, c > c N.E. of Or. o 3154 Sasserides d 370 d d 299 Between Or. & 3140 3155 Orontius o (noi named in map 369 (Not named) ,, a 299 W. wall of Or. A 3156 Orontius e 369 Huggins t e In Huggins (3151) A 3157 M C (Not named) C 299 In W. Or. A 3158 , , i in text 369 Orontius i (not 58 ( 299 S.E.wallofOr. A j in map named in map) 3159 (Not named) ... Orontius 77 ,, 1) 299 In E. Or. A 3160 Orontius 8 369 (Not named) (Not named) E. wall of Or. A 3161 Miller 368 Leverrier 294 Nasireddin a 300 (XXIII.-4a) = Nasireddin a 3162 Nasireddin 369 Nasireddin 294 Nasireddin 300 o (XXIII.-4) 3163 b 369 [Not named) b 300 E. of Miller o 3164 Saussure 420 Saussure 294 Saussure 299 o (XXIII.-6) 3165 A 421 Saussure A ,, A 299 W. of Sau. o 3166 ,, B 420 B ,, B 299 In N. \V. wall o of Sau. 3167* * , , e in text 421 c c 299 S. of 3165 c in map 3168 Not named) d ,, d 299 S.W. of 3167 = 3169* *Saussure e Not named) ,, e 299 S. W. of Sau. o t See also No. 3188. NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 113 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 I 3170 Saussure f 420 (Not named) (Not named) In Sau. 3171 ii S 420 ... " ... InS.W.wallof Sau. 3172 ,, a 420 ... Saussure a 299 N. wall of Sau. A 3173 >, ft 420-1 M ft 299 S.E. wall of Sau. A 3174 3175 7 >i * 421 421 y (Not named) 299 S.E. of Sau. C W. of Sau. = or -(N) = or -(M) A 3176 Pictet 420 Pictet (XXIII. -16) 289 Pictet 286 o 3177 a 419 &420 Pictet a 289 ,, a 286 S. of Pic. o 3178 b ,, b n b W. of 3177 o 3179' * c 420 (Not named) c 286 InN.wallofPic. 3180 d 420 ,, ... (Not named) S.E. of 3177 3181* * ,, n >' InN.E.wallof Pic. o 3182 Tycho 416 Tycho (XXIII.-1) 289 Tycho 285, etc. ... o 3]83 ,, A 417 Tycho A 290 ,, A 286 N. of Ty. o 3184 ,, B (& in map 17) 417-9 >. B M B ... E. of Ty. o 3185 Tycho C in text c in map 417-8 (Not named) u c ... S.E. of Ty. o 3186 ,, d (not named in map) 417 Tycho d = D 290 d = D 286 S. of 31 85 o 3187 Tycho e (Not named) ,, e S.E. of 3189 o 3188 ,, F (fin map 14) 417 Sasserides (?) F Sasserides (?) F N. ofTy. o 3189 Tycho f 417 Tycho/ Tycho f 286 E. of 3183 o 3190 [Not named) (Not named) ... (?) G N.E. of 3183 o 3191 ,, Tycho M t 290 (Not named) S. of 3186 o 3192 ,, a (not named in map) 79 " S.W. wall of Ty. A 3193 " ... Tycho 3 (not named in map) 79 - N.W. wall of Ty. A 3194 Tycho A 416 (Not named) ,, (288) InTy. A 3195 Street 421 Street (XXIIL-lo) 289 Street 286 o 3196 ,, A 422 Street A ., A 286 W. of Str. o 3197 ,, B 422 B B 286 E. of Str. o t See also No. 3199. 114 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. >, co 3198 Street c (Not named) Street C 286 On E. edge of 3191; E. of 3199 3199* d 422 *( Probably) Tycho x (not named in map) 87 ,, d 286 S.E. of Str. (small) o 3200 .. E 422 (Not named) (Not named) Close to 3197 o 3201* ,, h 422 * ? Street d 87 W. of 3199 (larger) o 3202 (Not named) (Not named) ... Street a E. wall of Str. A 3203 Maginus 422 Maginus (XXIII.-7) 289 Maginus 298 o 3204 A 422-3 Maginus A i) A 298 In Ma. o 3205 B 423 B .. B 298 In S. wall of Ma o 3206* ,, c (G in special drawing) 423 c c S.E. of Ma. 3207 VI agin us d 423 d d N.W. of Ma. o 3208* e 423 (Not named) *? ,, e S. of 3207 o 3208A* > s (in special drawing) " (Not named) N. of 3208 o 3209 Maginus f 423 Maginus/ 289 Maginus f 298 InN.E. wall of Ma. o 3210 g 423 g .. g 298 N. of 3209 o 3211 h 423 h ,, h 298 E. of 3209 321 IA >, t (in special drawing) (Not named) (Not named) E. of 3205 o 3212 Maginus H 423 Maginus H 295 Maginus H 298 In wall of 3206 3212A" y (in special drawing) (Not named) |Not named) In 3206 o 3213 Maginus i 422-3 Maginus i Maginus i 298 &289 In N. wall of Ma. o 3213A w (in special drawing) Not named) ... (Not named) E. of 3214 3214 Maginus k 423 Maginus k Maginus k 289 W. of 3213 321 4A & B* ,, u & v (in special drawing) (Not named) Not named) N.E. of 32 16 o (2) 3215 Maginus L 423 Maginus L Maginus L 298 S.E. of 3209 o 3215A Not named) M Not named) N. of 3206 3215B" Maginus z ... Not named) ,, E. of 3208A o 3216 A 422 Maginus A (289) Maginus A 298 Centre of Ma. A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 115 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. i 3216A Maginus A. (in special drawing) (Not named) (Not named) ... W. of 3205 A 3217 Maginus S 422 Maginus 5 298 In N. wall / of Ma. 1 " (S 3217A (in special drawing) " ... (Not named) ... W. wall of Ma A 3218 Deluc 424 Deluc (XXIII.-70) Deluc 298 3219 ,, a 425 Deluc a a 298 N.W. ofDe. o 3220 ,, b 425 b b 298 N. of 321 9 3221 ,, c 425 ,, c .., ,, c 298 N. of 3220 o 3222 d 424 d d 298 S. of De. 3223* E 425, 432, &550 *" B E 298 E. of 3224 o 3224 f 425 / ,, f 298 S. of 3222 o 3225 ,, g 425 ,, 9 g 298 & 350 S.W. of 3230 o 3226 H 424 H 289 H 298 N. of De. 3227 ,, i in text 425 . * i 298 E. of 3226 o i in map 3228 k 425 ,, k ,, K 298 N.E. of 3226 o 3229 ,, m ,, m ,, m E. ofDe. o 3230 n 425 (Not named) ... ,, n 298 S.W. of 3222 3231* 7, (not named except in drawing of Maginus) Deluc ij ,,(?h E. wall of 3227 A 3232 Clavius 425 Clavius (XXIII.-8) 287 Clavius 297 3233 a 427-8 Clavius a 288 . 297 &289 In S.W. Cla. o 3234 b 427 b 288 &295 b 297 In N.W. Ola. 3235 ,, C in text e in map 427-8 C in map c in text 295 C = c 297 & 289 In Cla. o 3236 ,, Dt 427 d 288 &295 d 297 & 289 S.W. of 3235 o 3237 H i 428 ,, i 289 ,, i 297 In E. Cla. 3238 k 428 KO, * 297 In S.E. wall ofria. o 3239 K 428 K (2) K 297 W. of Cla. o 3240* i I lorl ... N.E. of 3238 o t See also Nos. 2713 and 2714. 116 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. " Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | 3241 Clavius n 428 (Not named) ... (Not named) E. of 3235 o 3242 R 427 ,, ... ,, In 3233 o 3243 t 428 ,, ,, E. of 3233 o 3244 a 426 Clavius a (not 25 Clavius a 297 S.W. wall of Cla. A named in map) 3245 [Not named) [Not named) ,, W. of 3246 A 3246 Clavius 7 427 ,, 7 N. wall of Cla. A 3247 S 427 ,, 8 E. of 3246 A 3248 ,, * ... E. wall of Cla. A 3249 ,, X (not named in map) 426 >' (Not named) N. of 3244 A 3250 Clavius p. 426 ,, ,, E. of 3239 A 3251 [Not named) Clavius e 289 ... N.E. of 3234 A 3252 >, ,, z ... ,, N. of 3233 A 3253 Clavius d> 428 (Not named) Between 3233 _ &3243 3254 Blancanus 429 Blancanus 28fl Blancanus 348 o (XXIII.-9) 3255 A 429 Blancanus A A 348 InBl. o 3256 b 430 (Not named) b 348 S.E. of 3257 3257 c 430 Blancanus c c 348 S.E. ofBl. o 3258 d 430 d d 348 W. of Bl. o 3259 ,, e 430 e 348 S. of Bl. - 3260 ,, a (not named 429 (Not named) 348 N.W. wall of Bl. A in map) 3261* Blancanus )8 429 (> (Nearly) 348 S.E. wall of Bl. A Blancanus 7 3252* (Not named) ,, Blancanus 348 N.E. wall of Bl. A 3263 Gruemberger 432 Gruemberger (XXIII.-12) 286 Gruemberger 350 ... 3264 A 432 Gruemberger A ... A 350 In Gru. o 3265 (Not named) b b N.W. of Gru. 3266 Gruemberger a 432 (Not named) ... 350 W. wall of Gru. A 3267 Cysatus 432 Cysatus 286 Cysatus 350 o (XXIII.-18) 3268 ,, a in text 432 Cysatus A ,, A 350 N. of 3269 o A in map 3269 ,, b 432 ,, B ,, b 350 N. of 3272 3270 (Not named) | ... ,. < ,, c N.W. of 3268 o NELSON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 117 Neisou. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | J> 3271 Cysatus D 432 Cysatus D ... Cysatus D 350 \. ofCy. e> 3272 e J32 c ii e W. ofCy. o 3273 ,, o (not named in map) 432 (Not named) ,, a 350 N. of 3271 A 3274 Cysatus 432 ,, IB 350 N.W. of 3273 A 3275* kloretus 433 *Moretus (XXIII.-14) 285 ktorettis 349 ... 3276 a 433 (Not named) i> * 349 E. of Mo. 3277 b(ncrt named in map) 433 Moretus b ,, b 349 IT. of Mo. o 3278 ktoretus c 433 ,, c ... c 349 S.E. of Mo. 3279 ii 433 (Not named) ... ,, a = A(no\ named in map 349 &350 W. wall of Mo. A 3280 ,, B 433 ,, (285) Not named) (349) In Mo. A 3281 Not named) ,, Moretus 7 N.W. of Mo. A 3282 Vloretus 8 ,, ... ,, 5 N. wall of Mo. A 3283 iflaproth 431 Klaproth (XXIII.-10) 287 Klaproth 345 3284 ,, a 432 Klaproth a ,, a N.W. ofKl. 3285 b b 296 b InKl. 3286 a 431 (Not named) ... ii a 345 N.W. wall of Kl. A 3287 |Not named) ... ,, 345 W. of 3286 A 3288 Klaproth y 431 ,, ... (Not named) E. wall of Kl. A 3289 Casatus 431 Casatus (XXIII. -11) 287 Casatus 345 3290 ,, A 431 Casatus A ... ,, A 345 E. of Cas. o 3291 b (Not named) ,i b N.E. of Gas. 3292 D c 431 Casatus c ii c In Cas. 3293* a d ... d S.E. of Cas. o 3294 >. e (Not named) ii e S.E. of 3293 3295 f ... ,, (Not named) W. of 3293 3296 i a 431 ,, ,, W. wall of Cas A 3297 ., 431 ,, ,, S.E. of 3290 A 3298 7 431 " ... " N.W. wall of Cas. A 3299 ,, 5 (not named in map 481 ' M S. wall of Cas. A 3300 Casatus e " S.W. wall of Cas. A 118 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. j CO 3301 Cabaeus A 435 ? * (Not named ... Casatus A 345 (Far) S.E. of Cas. A 3302 (Not named) " * 345 Between Cas. &3293 A 3303 ' " ,, 7?(no1 named in map 345 Doubtful A 3304 " " Casatus 5 (not named in map 345 W. of Cas. ? A 3305 Casatus a 287 (Not named) ... S.W. of Cas. A 3305A ? * I (not named in map 287 & 59,etc. 1 S. of Cas. (pos s*% = 3301) A 3306* Newton 434 *Newton (XXIII. -15) (differently placed, but same) 286 Newton 346 o 3307 a 434 Newton a 286 &296 >) a 346 E. of New. 3308 b 434 b 287 b 346 S.W. of 3307 3309 ,, c 434 n c 287 c 346 N. of New. 3310* (Not named) * A (Not named) Close to 3301 o 3311 Newton o 434 Not named) (286) (346) W. wall of New. A 3312* Short 433 *Short (XXHI.-14a) 286 Short 350 o 3313* ,, a 433 *Short a ... a S. of 3314 o 3314* b 433 * ,, 6 b S.W. ofSh. 3315 ,, c 433 j> c (Not named) S. of 3313 3316 ,. d 433-4 (Not named) ... ,, ... N. of 3314 o 3317 ,, a 433 ,, S.E. wall of Sh. A 3318 ,. * 434 ,, ,, In 3316 - 3319* Cabaeus 434 * 1. Cabaeus (XXIII. -146) (not in list, further W.) Cabaeus 347 o 3320* a 435 Not named) * b N.E. of 3321 o 3321* b 435 * ? Cabaeus y ? * ,, a N.E. of Cab. 3322* Jalapert 435 *? (Not named) ?(XXIII.-14c) (further W. ) Malapert 347 &461 o 3323 A 435 Not named) A 347 N. of Ma. o 3324 ,, b 435 ,, b N. of 3323 3325 , a 435 ,, (Not named) E. of Ma. A 3326 Leibnitz Mts. 435 (See 280) Doerfels (not named in map) 347 A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 119 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. i 1 8327 Leibnitz Mts. a 435 (Not named) (Not named) ... Beyond Mala- pert, Quad- rant III. A 3328 435 " Other side of S. pole from last A 3329 y 435 >, \ ,, N. of 3332 A 3330 8 435 ,, \ N. of 3331 A 3331 * 436 1 ,, ... N. of 3329 A 3332 ,,Xintext K in map 436 N. of 33 28 A S333 Schomberger 436 Schomberger 291 (XXIII.-19) Schomberger 461 ... 3334 ,, a in text A in map . 436 Schomberger a 1 ... a S.E.ofSch. o 3335 b 436 * b W. of Sch. 3336 ,, c 436 ,, c c E. of Sch. o 3337 (Not named) d at N. of S<-h. o 3338* Schomberger B (Not named) (Not named) Close to 3341 3339 A 436 ,, ... Schomberger A 461 In Sch. A 3340 r ,, T ... W. of 3335 A 3341* (Not named) ,, 3 S.W. of 3334 A 3342 Simpelius 436 Simpelius (XXIII. -20) 291 Simpelius 465 o 3343 i) a 436 Simpelius a 291 a 464-5 N. of Sim. o 3344 b 437 6 b 465 S.E. of Sim. 3345 ,, c 437 (Nearly) Simpelius c 291 ,, c 466 N.E. of 3344 o 3346 a 437 Simpelius d 291 d 465 Between 3345 &3347 3347 e 437 e e 465 N.E. of Sim. 3348 f 436 (Not named) (Not named) N. of 3343 o 3349* g 437 ,, ,, W. of Sim. o 3350 h 436 ,, N. of 3348 o 3351* A ,, ,, (465) S. of Sim. o 3352 ,, 436 Simpelius o Simpelius a 465 W. wall of Sim. A 3353 ., 436 ,, (3 465 E. wall of Sim. A 3354 7 436 (Not named) 7 464 E. wall of 3343 A 3355 Curtius 437 Curtius (XXIII.-22) 284 Curtius 466 3356 ,, A 437 (Not named) ,, A In S.E. wall of Cur. t See also No. 3921. 120 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. i ! 3357 Curtius B 437 (Not named) Curtius B 466 N. of Cur. o 3358 Curtius a (a, p. 285) 89 & 285 M a 466 W. wall of Cur. A 3359 ,, Curtius /3 466 N.W. wall of Cur. A 3360 8 437 ,, 8 283 &296 5 466 E. of 3361 A 3361* y .. 7 * 7(1) 466 N. wall of Cur. A 3362 Pentland 441 Pentlaud (XXIII. -21) 292 Pentland 464 o 3363 >i a 442 Pentland a 91 D a 464 S. of Pent. 3364 b 442 & ... b 464 S.W. of Pent. o 3365 3366 ".. 1 442 442 ii c d ... M C d 458 & 463-4 W. of Pent. N. AY. of Pent. o 3367 M A 441 (Not named) A 464 In Pent. A 3368 441 ' B 464 Between Pent. &3364 A 3369* (Not named) " ... *Curtius 7 (2) 459 & 466 E. of Pent. A 3370 Kinau 442 ... Jacobi D o 3371* a 442 ,, (Not named) ... W. of Kin. 3372 = 3910 ' b 442 Manzinus b Manzinus b 463 S.W. of 3371 o 3373* 3374* >t c (?einmap) d (? e in map] 442 442 (Not named) ... (Not named) ... ?N. of 3371 ? Between 3371 & Kin. o o 3375 Jacob! 441 Jacobi (XXIII.-24) 292 Jacobi 458 3376 ,, a 441 (Not named) ... ii a 458 S.W. of 3382 o 3377 ,, B 441 ,, B W. of Jac. o 3378 ,, C(orc) 441 Jacobi c i> c 458 S. of 3381 o 3379 b 441 (Not named) (Not named) S.E. of Jac. o 3380 e 441 W. of 3381 o 3381 f 441 ,, ... ,, ... S. of Jac. o 3382 .. g ,, ... ,, S.W. of Jac. o 3383 ,, 441 " In N. wall of Jac. - 3384 Zach 437 Zach (XXIII.-23) 292 Zach 459 3385 M a 437 Zach a = d (not 292 named in map) & 75 ii a 459 &466 S. of Zach NELSON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 121 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. i 3386 Zachb 438 (Not named) Zachb N.E. ofZach 3387 ii c 438 ,, ii c E. of 3386 o 3388 ,, d 437 ,, (Not named) S.W. ofZach o 3389 ,, e 437 ,, ,, N. of Zach 3390 f 437 Between Zach o &33S6 3391* n A 437 M *Zach A 459 In 3389 A (lat. wrong) 3392 ,, B 437 >, Zach B 459 In 3388 A 3393 (Not named) ,, ... ii 7 459 In S. Zach A 3394 Lilius 438 Lilius 292 Lilius 457 o (XXIII.-25) 3395 i> a 438 Lilius a 292 11 a 457 W. of Lil. 3396 b 438 ,, b b 457 N.E. of Lil. o 3397 n c 438 n c M c 457 E. of Lil. o 3398 ,, d 438 d ,, d N.E. of 3396 o 3399 D e 438 ,, e n e ... N.E. of 3398 3400 f 438 f f N.E. of 3399 o 3401 ,, A 438 (Not named) (292) ,, A 457 In Lil. A 3402 ., 438 Lilius $ S.W. wall of Lil. A 3403 11 7 438 . 7 ... ,, 7 457 E. wall of Lil. A 3404 Cuvier 440 Cuvier 293 Cuvier 428 o (XXIII.-30) 3405 n a 440 Cuvier a ... n a 428 S.W. ofCu. o 3406 b 440 & b 428 W. of 3409 3407 ,, c 440 (Not named) ... c W. of Cu. o 3408 D 440 ,, ,, D S.E. of Cu. 3409 n e 440 (Not named) W. of 3405 o 3410 ,, f 440 ,, ,, E. of 3405 3411 a 440 Cuvier a (not 36 Cuvier a 428 E. wall of Cu. A named in map) 3412 440 Cuvier (not 33 428 W. wall of Cu. A named in map) 3413* Licetus 438 *Licetus & b, c, Licetus 427 3414* n a 438 *Licetus 293 ,, a 427 N. part of 8418 o (XXIII.-29) 3415 b 438 Licetus b 61 b 427 W. cent, part o of 3413 3416 ii c 438 c= \ 298 c 427 E. cent, part o Heraclitus of 3413 (XXIII.-26) 122 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. jo g 3417 Licetus d 438 Licetus d 293 Licetus d 427 S.E.partof3413 o 3418 ,, e 439 (Not named) ,, e 426 S. of 3420 = 3419 f 439 Licetus/ ... f 426 (Far) E. of Lie. o 3420* ,, G 439 ,, or Stoflerus G * ? Licetus (or Stofler ?) G (? not named in map) 426 (Far) N.E. of Lie. 3420** (Not named) (Not named) * ? Licetus G 426 Between 3418 & 3420 o 3421 Licetus H 439 Licetus H H 426-7 E. of Lie. o 3422' i 439 (Not named) Licetus or Stofler i W. of 3420 o 3423 ,, 439 Licetus or Stoflerus a (2) Stbfler o 426 E. of 3420 o 3424 a 438 Licetus a (not named in map] 36 Licetus a 427 E. wall of 341 4 A 3425 438 Licetus (not named in map] 33 & 427 W. wall of 3 41 4 A 3426 >, y 438 (Not named) (Not named) (427) Between 3415 &3416 A 3427 1 439 ,, E. of Lie. - 3428 t> 439 ,, ,, ... S.E. of Lie. - 3429 Stofler 471 Stoflerus (XXIII.-28) 294 Stofler 426 o 3430 ,, a 471 Stoflerus a ,, a 426 W. of St. o 3431 ,, c in text Gin map 472 c M C 426 S. of Faraday o 3432 ,, D 472 D .> D 426 W. of 3431 o 3433 E 471-2 ,, E ii E 426 InS.wallofSt o 3434 f 471 (Not named) f 426 E. of 3433 o 3435 g 472 Stoflerus (?)0 g 426 S.W. of 3 432 o 3436 h (in map 14 only) (Not named) ~: ,, h N. E. of St. o 3437 Stofler K 471 Stoflerus k in text, Kin map 294 M K 426 In N.E. wall of St. o 3438 >. L 471 Stoflerus L ,, L 426 In N. wall of St. 3439 ,, M 471 M M 426 InN.W. St. o 3440 n 472 ,, n ... ,, n 426 In St. 3441 >. P 472 (Not named) (Not named) E. of 3431 o 3442 M r (7 in map 17) 472 ; In N.E. St. o 3443 Stofler s 472 ,, ... E. of 3442 o 3444 t 472 | ... " In N. St. o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 123 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. ""o rO 1 3445* (Not named) ... *Stoflerus or Licetus i * ? Stofler G (not named in map) 426 N.E. of 3422 O 3446 Stofler o 471 (Not named) Stofler a 426 N. of 3448 A 3447 ,, 471 Stoflerus 294 426 In Stof. A 3448 ii s 471 s (not named in map) 44 ii 5 426 E. wall of St. A 3449 ii f 472 (Not named) n f 326 In S. St. A 3450 ii A 471 H ... (Not named) W. of 3437 A 3451 Faraday 471 Stoflerus b 294 Stofler b 426 3452 , , a or ? C (Not named) (Not named) N. of 3453 o 3453 b 471 ,, i, ... In Fara. 3454 11 C 471 ,, ,, N. of 3452 3455 Fernelius 472 Fernelius (XXIII. -27) 294 Fernelius 433 o 3456 i> a 472 (Not named) (Not named) ... E. of Fer. 3457 ,, c 472 " Fernelius c 433 Between 3456 & Fer. o 3458 7 472 " Stofler 7 426 & 433 & p. 117 InS.W. wall of Fer. A 3459 Nonius 472 Nonius (VIII.-23) 189 Nonius 433 o 3460 .. A(l) 472 Nonius A ,, A(l) 433 W. of Nonius 3461 ,, A (2) 473 (Not named) A (2) 433 E. of 3456 3462 i, b 473 Nonius b ,. b 433 N.W. of 3461 3463 ii c 473 (Not named) ... ,, c W. of 3464 o 3464 ,, d 472 Nonius d = Kaiser (VIII.-280) 139 dt 433 W. of 3460 o 3465 * 473 (Not named) (Not named) E. of Nonius - 3466 Walter 368 Walter (VIII.-18) Walter 302 o 3467 ,, A 368 (Not named) ,, A 302 In Wai. o 3468 Not named) ,, b p. 112 N. of 3469 3469 Walter c 368 Walter E ... (Perhaps) Walter c (not named in map) 302 In N.E. Wai. o 3470 ,, d 368 (Not named) Walter d 302 In E. wall of Wai. o 3471 11 e 368 Walter c ... M e 302 In E. Wai. 3472 ,, f 368 Not named) ,, f 302 W. of 3467 o t See Nos. 3506-7. 124 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. ,0 1 3473 Walterg 368 Walter g Walter g 302 &288 E. of 3474 o 3474 ,, h 368 (Not named) . (Not named) E. of Wai. o 3475 j> a 368 ... Walter 302 In centre Wai. A 3476 ,, 368 ,, 302 InN.E. Wai. A 3477 7 (Not named) N.E. of 3476 A 3478 ,, 5 368 Walter 8 Walter 5 302 E. wall of Wai. A 3479 (Not named) (Not named) ... j> * ... S. wall of Wai. A 3480 Walter 368 " ,, ((not named in map] 302 N.W. wall of Wai. A 3481 p in text fy in map 368 ' ... (Not named) N.E. wall of Wai. A 3482 Werner 474 Werner (VIII. -19) 187 Werner 373 ... o 3483 A 476 (Not named) ,, A 373 E. of Wer. o 3484 b 476 ,, b 373 N. of 3483 o 3485 (Not named) ,, c In N.W. wall of Wer. o 3486 " ... ,, a (not named in map] p. 101 E. wall of Wer. A 3487 Werner A 475 ,, Werner A (373) Centre of Wer. A 3488 475 Werner W. wall of Wer. A 3489 7 476 i' 7 7 373 W. of Wer. A 3490 5 474-5 S , 8 373 N.E. wall of Wer. A 3491 ,, t 475 * 36 " e (373) S.E.wallofWer. A 3492 Aliacensis 474 Aliacensis (VIII. -20) 187 Aliacensis 374 o 3493 A 474 (Not named) A 374 Centre of Al. A 3494 & 474 Aliacensis ft & 374 W. wall of Al. A 3495 ,, y 474 i. 7 44 7 374 E. wall of Al. A 3496 s 474 8 ,, 5 ... S.W. of Al. A 3497 n a 474 a a 374 N.W. of Al. 3498 b 474 (Not named) b 374 S.E. of Al. o 3499 B 474 Poisson B Poisson or Aliacensis B ... S. of 3496 3500 i> 474 (Not named) (Not named) N. of 3496 = 3501 Poisson 474 Poisson (VIII.-25) 190 Poisson 432 o 3502 A 474 Poisson A (1) A 432 N. of Pois. o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 125 Neison. Schmidt B. and Madler. Position. 1 3503 Poisson b 474 Poisson b ... Poisson b 432 W. of Pois. o 3504 ,, c 474 ,, c >. c 432 S. of Pois. o 3505 a 474 A (2) ., d 432 E. of Pois. 3506 ,, e 474 (Not named) Nonius e S. of 3504 o 3507 f 474 ,, >i f S.E. of 3504 3508 ,. h 474 ,, (Not named) S.E. of Pois. 3509 ' ,, ,, ... S. of 3506 o 3510 ,, a ... ,, Poisson a 432 N. wall of Pois. A 3511 " 432 S.W. wall of Pois. A 3512 7 474 .. 7 432 E. wall of Pois. A 3513 Apianus 476 Apianus (VIII.-9) 188 Apianus 372 o 3514 A 476 Apianus A A 372 N.E. of Ap o 3515 B 476 (Not named) B 372 In W. wall ofAp. o 3516 )> c 476 Apianus c ,, c 372 S.W. of Ap. o 3517 a 476-9 d d 372 N. of 3516 o 3518 (Not named) (Not named) E S. of Ap. 3519 Apianus o ... M & 372 N.E. wall of Ap. A 3520 476 II ... 372 N. wall of 3517 A 3521 7 476 Apianus y 7 372 S. wall of 3517 A 3522 5 476 (Not named) ... 8 372 N.W. wall of Ap. A 3523 Playfair 480 Playfair (VIII.-8) 187 Playfair 372 3524 a ... (Not named) ,, a (not named in map) 372 N.E. of Play. o 0525 ,, a 481 >> Playfair a 372 S. of Play. A 3526 480 Playfair ft 372 S.W. wall of Play. A 3527 7 1 480 (Not named) 7 372 N. wall of Play. A 3528 ,, S 480 Playfair (?) 5 8 372 E. of Play. A 3529 f ... (Not named) (Not named) S.E. wall of Play. A 3530 (Not named) Krusenstern (VIII. -21) " o 3531 Blanchinus 481 Blanchinus (VIII.-ll) 190 " ... o 3532 a (not named in map) 481 Lacaille or Krusenstern d La Caille d 371 N.W.ofBlan.; N.E. of Delaunay o 126 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. I 1 3533 Lacaille 481 Lacaille (VIII.-10) 190 La Caille 371 ... o 3534 , , C in text c in map 481-4 Lacaille C c 371 N. of Lac. o 3535 D 481 ,, D D 371 In W. wall of Lac. o 3536 e 481 e 190 ,, e 371 W. of Lac. 3537 g 481 9 g 369 N.W. of 3534 o 3538 H 481 (Not named) H 371 S. of Lac. o 3539* 3540 (Perhaps) La- caille j8 (not named in map] 481 481 " (Perhaps) La Caille a (l) (not named in map) La Caille 371 371 N. wall of Lac. S.W. wall of Lac A A 3541 Delaunay 481 Lacaille/ n t 370 o 3542* 482 ,, a (2) 370 In Del. A 3543* 3 481 [Not named) (Not named) W. wall of Del. in map : E. wall of Del. in text A 3544 5 482 M M E. wall of Del. A 3545 Faye 482 Lacaille B La Caille B 370 3546 4> 482 (Not named) ... [Not named) N. of Faye - 3547 Donati 482 Lacaille A La Caille A 370 O' 3548 ,, A 482 (Not named) (Not named) Centre of Don. A 3549 Airy 483 Airy (VIII.-7) Airy 370 3550 ,, A 483 ,, A ... ,, A 370 W. of Airy o 3551 b 483 ,, 6 b 370 S.W. of 3550 o 3552* c 483 Not named) *., 7 370 S. of Airy 3553 e 483 Airy e e 370 S. of 3554 o 3554 g 483 Xot named) ... Not named) S.W. of Airy o 3555 a 483 Airy 190 Airy o 370 S.E. of Airy A 3556 3 483 Nearly) Airy ,, 8 370 E. wall of Airy A 3557* .. 7 483 Airy y *. 7 370 E. wall of 3552 A 3558 ,, S 483 ,, S 5 370 S. of 3551 A 3559 Argelander 483 ,, c ,, C (once c in text) 370 3560 d 483 d ... Airy d 370 N. of Arg. o 3561 ^ 484 F ,, F 370 N.W. ofArg. o 3562 a 484 Not named) Not named) W. of 3561 NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 127 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. J ! 3563 Parrot 484 Parrot (VIII.-6) ... Parrot 369 3564 i) a 484 (Not named) ... 369 S.W. wall of Par. A 3565 484 ... ,, 369 S.E. of 3570 A 3566 y 484 " (Perhaps) Parrot y (not named in map) 369 S.E. of Par. A 8567 ii a 484 Parrot a Parrot a 369 E. of Par. 3568 ,, B 484 B ,, B 369 In N.E. wall of Par. o 3569 ,, c 484 ,, c ,, c 369 (Far) S.E. of Par. o 3570 ,, D 484 D ,, D 369 S.E. of Arg. o 3571 .-, e 484 (Not named) (Not named) S. of 3567 o 357-2 f 484 ,, ... S.E. of 3567 3573 ,, g 484 ,, ,, S. of 3570 o 3574 h 484 ,, ,, N. of 3569 o 3575 ,, i 484 ,, S. of 3571 3576 k 484 ,, ,, N. of 3567 o 3577 Albategnius 484 Albategnius (I. & VIII.-5) 125 Albategnius 368 3578 A 485 Albategnius A 190 A 368 E. of Alb. o 3579 b 485 b ... b 368 E. of 3585 3580 (Not named) c c 368 X.W. of 3581 o 3581 Albategnius d 485-6 [Not named) d 366-8 &370 W. of 3586 3582 E 485 Albategnius E E 368 S.W. of Alb. c 3583 = 2968 Ptolemaus f 360 Ptolemaeus(?)/ f 368 W. of Ptol. 3584 Albategnius G 485 &360 (Not named) G 368 N.E. of Alb. o 3585 H 485 Albategnius H 125 H 368 In N. wall of Alb. o 3586 I 485 (Not named) I In W. wall of Alb. o 3587 A 484 ,, A 368 Centre of Alb. A 3588 485 Albategnius j3 125 $ 368 N.W. wall of Alb. A 35S9 ,, y 485 (not named in map) 60 ., y 368 N. of 3578 A 3590 8 485 (Nearly) Albategnius 5 (further E.) 125 8 368 N.E. wall of Alb. A 128 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 3591 Albategnius e 485 (Not named) Albategnius t 368 N. wall of 357 A 3592 C 485 ,, Cd) 368 W. wall of Alb A 3593 485 Albategnius 6 Bin 368 S W. of Alb. A map, (2) in text 3594 * 485 (Not named) (Not named) E. of 3590 - 3595 Halley 485 Hipparchus A 125 Hipparch A 365-6 o = Halley(I.-4 &368 3596 ii a 486 (Not named) ... (Not named) E. of Hal. 3597 ,, f 486 Hipparch 6 366 S. of Hal. - 3598 n a 486 ,, ... (Not named) S. of 3596 A 3599 ,1 485 u ... Hipparch i 366 N.E. wall of A Hal. 3600 ,i 486 Hipparchus j -n ... S.W. of Hal. ( -(N) 1 = (S) 3601 Hind 487 d 125-7 d 365-6 o = Hind (I. -3) 3602 n X 487 (Not named) ' X 366 E. wall of Hind A 3603 ii c 487 ,, (Not named) S. of Hind o 3604 d 487 N. of Hind 3605 Hipparchus 487 Hipparchus 125 Hipparchus or 365 (1-1) Hipparch 3606 c 488 (Not named) (127) Hipparch C 365-6 N.W. of Hind o &490 3607 E 488 Hipparchus E ... ,, E 365-7 N.W. of Horr. . &490 3608 F 488-9 F F 365-7 In E. wall of Hip. 3609 G 487-8 G G 365-7 S.W. of Horr. & 490 3610 H 490 (Not named) H 364 N.E. of Horr. 3611* I 488-9 i 367 W. of 3612 o 3612 K 488-9 Hipparchus K K 365 & S.E. of Hip. 367-8 3613* L 491 u * 1 366 N.W. of 3606 o 3614 M 490 ? ,, M 125 M 367 N.W. of 3607 3615 ii m 488 (Not named) (Not named) W. of Horr. 3616 n 488 ,, ,, S.E. of Horr. o 3617 P 490 W. of 361 5 o 3618 11 r 489 ,, ,, S. of 3612 o 3619 ii S 490 ,, E. of 3628 = 3620 n v 490 ,, ,, ... N.W. of 3617 o 3621 " X 488 " " [n Hip. NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 129 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. I 1 3622 Hipparchus a 488 Hipparchus o 125 Hipparch a 366 N. of Hind A 3623 488 125 366 S. of 3609 A 3624 7 489 &491 (Not named) . 7 367 InN.E. wall of Hip. A 3625 8 489 ,, s 367 S. of 3608 A 3626 ,, t 488 ,, e 365 Centre of Hip. A 3627 c 487-8 ,, C 365-6 In Hip. A 3628 ,, \ 490 Hipparchus A A 367 E. of 3614 A 3629 X 488 (Not named) ... (Not named) S. of 3623 A 3630 { 490 ,, ,, W. of 3627 - 3631 ,, a- 490 ,, N.E. of 3607 - 3632 4> 490 ,. In centre Hip. 3633 * 490 M S.E. of 3612 (close to Ptol.) - 3634 ., i 490 ,, ,, N.W. of 3607 - 3635 9 490 ,, ,, ... In 3621 - 3636 (Not named) Hipparchus r ,, In S.E. Hip. - 3637 Horrocks 487 *> = Horrox (I.-2) Hipparch b 365-7 o 3638 487 (Not named) (Not named) Between 3609 & Horr. - 3639 Reaumur 491 Reaumur(I.-14) ... Reaumur 364 3640* A b A 364 S.E. of Re. o 3641 b 491 (Not named) b 364 N.W. of 3640 3642 c 491 ,, i> c 364 S.W. of 3640 o 3643 '^ 491 Reaumur A A 364-7 In W. wall of Re. A 3644 491 N. of 3643 A 3645 491 (Not named) (Not named) In Re. - 3646 ^ 491 Reaumur r (I) ,, N.W. of Re. - 3647 ,, 1 491 r(2) . W. of 3643 - 3648* Theon, sen. 491 Theon, jun. (11-10) 132 Theon, sen. 375 ... o 3649 ,, a 492 (Not named) (Not named) ... (Close) N. of last 3650 b 492 ... N.E. of the same 3651* Theon, jun. 492 Theon, sen. (II.-ll) 132 Theon, jun. 375 o 3652 a 492 (Not named) - ,, a 375 N.E. of last A 130 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 3653 Theon, jun. ft 492 Theon ft Theon, jun. ft 375 S.E. of 3651 A 3654 7 492 n 7 132 7 375 E. of 3652 A 3655 s (Not named) 8 375 E. of 3653 A 3656 Delambre 492 Delambre (II.-12) 132 Delambre 376 o 3657 ,, a 492 Delambre a ,, a 376 X.E. of Del. o 3658 B 492 B B 375 &387 W. of Del. <=> 3659 f 492 (Xot named) (Not named) N. of 3658 o 3660 492 ,, Delambre o W. wall of Del. A 3661 492 ,, / 376 E. wall of Del. A 3662 7 492 Delambre y (not named in map) 48 .1 7 375-6 S.W. of Del. A 3663 s 492 (Not named) s 376 N.W. of Del. A 3664 < 492 ,, (Not named) S. of Del. A 3665 Hypatia 501 Hypatia (II. -9) 132 Hypatia 387 ... 3666 A 501 A ,, A 387 S. of Hy. o 3667 B 501 (not named in map) 136 B 387 (Far) X.W. of Hy. o 3668 c 501 (Not named) i ... C 387 N.E. of Hy. o 3669 (Not named) d N. of 3673 3670 Hypatia E 501 E N.E. of 3668 3671 f 501 > (Not named) ... S.E. ofHy. o 3672 ,, a 501 Hypatia a Hypatia o 387 E. wall of Hy. A 3673 3 501 (Not named) 387 N.W. ofHy. A 3674 7 501 >: 7 387 S. of 3667 A 3675 ,, 501 " (Perhaps) Hypatia t (not named in map) 387 S. of 3668 A 3676 C 501 KantC 133 Hypatia C 387 S.E. ofHy. A 3677 9 0(not named in map) 43 B 387 S. of 3666 A 3678 -n 501 (Not named) u 387 N.E. ofHy. A 3679 5 501 " s 387 &396 E. of 3667 (& W. in Neison) - 3680 Alfraganus 493 Alfraganus (II.-15) 133 Alfraganus 375 3 3681 a (not named in map) 493 Alfraganus a ,, a 375 N. of 3684 NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 131 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. 2 5 3682 Alfraganus b 493 Alfraganus b Alfraganus b 375 N.W. ofAlf. o 3683 > c 493 c ,, c 375 S.E. of Alf. o 3684 D 493 D D N.W. of 3682 o 3685 j j a 493 (Not named) (Not named) N. of 3684 A 3686 Taylor 492 Taylor (I1.-13) 133 Taylor 375 o 3687 ,, A 493 ,, A ,, A 378 (Far)N.E. of Tay. 3688 a 493 = Dollond a 133 & 48 n & 375 N E. of Tay. o 3689 ,, a 493 (Not named) & 375 E. wall of 3688 A 3690 M 493 Taylor 42 , /8 375 W. wall of 3688 A 3691 ,, r 493 (Not named) ,, r 375 Centre of Tay. A 3692 V 493 ,, > 7 ... S. of Tay. A 3693 ., 5 493 8 375 W. of Tay. A 3694 * 493 Taylor c * 375 S.E. of Tay. A 3695 Kant 493 Kant (II. -8) 133 Kant 377 3696 >> a 494 a = Zbllner (II.-H) ,, a 375-7 N.E. of 3702 o 3697 ,, b Kant b b N.E. of Kant o 3698 ,, c 494 (Not named) ,, c j 377 N. of 3711 3699 ,, d 494 Kantrf d 377 S.E. of Kant 3700 ,, e 494 (Not named) (Not named) ,.. E. of 3711 o 3701 ,, f 494 ,, ,, N. of Kant = 3702 .. g 494 ,, ,, ,, o 3703 ,, h 494 ,, W. of 3701 o 3704 i 494 ,, ... ,, N. of 3715 3705 ,, 1 494 ,, ,, ... E. of 3702 o 3706 ,, m 493 " " In N. wall of Kant o 3707 ,, n 493 " " (Close) N.E. of Kant o 3708 > * 494 ,, N. of 3702 A 3709* (Not named) Kant S . W. of 3713 A 3710 M ,, rj(&see 3676-7) 133 ,, E. of 3676 A 3711 Kant A 494 Kant A 133 Kant^ 377 N.W. of Kant A 3712 & 494 (Not named) 3 377 S.E. of 3697 A 3713 . y 494 Kant -y 133 .. 7 877 S. of 3715 A COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 I 3714* Kant 8 494 (Not named) I ... Kant 8 377 E. wall of 3699 A 3715 e 494 (Nearly) Kant or Zbllner t (Possibly) Kant e (not named in map) p. 114 ( Far) N. of Kant A 3716 Descartes 494 Descartes (II. & IX. -17) Descartes 379 3717 A 494 Descartes A A 379 InE.wallofDes. 3718 c 494 ,. c ,, c 379 N.W. of Des. o 3719 ,, a 494 a a 379 S.W.wallofDes. A 3720 494 (Not named) ft 379 E. wall of Des. A 3721 7 494 M 7 379 N.E. of Des. A 3722 Dollond 494 Dollond (II.-16) 134 Dollond 378 o 3723 ,, A 495 (Not named) A 378 S.E. of 3729 o 3724 ., b 495 Dolloiid b 134 b 378 N. of Dol. 3725 !> C 495 ,, c c 378 N.E. of 3724 o 3726 ,i D 495 (Not named) D 366 (once d) ;& 378 E. of 3724 c 3727 e 495 Dollond e 378 W. of Dol. o 3728 F 495 (Not named) E. of 3726 o 3729 >i G 495 ,, E. of Dol. o 3730 > m 495 ,, ,, W. of 3727 o 3731 ,, n 495 ,, ... ,, ... N. of 3727 o 3732 ,, a 49.'. ,, Dollond a 378 N.W. of 3724 A 3733 & 495 ,, 378 N. W. of Dol. A 3734 8 ,, (Not named) N.E. of Dol. A 3735 Abulfeda 495 Abulfeda (IX.-12) 195 Abulfeda 380 3736 ,, A 496 Abulfeda A A 380 (Far) S.E. of Ab. 3737 3738 B ,, Bin text Bj in map 496 496 B (part) B (part) B (part) B (part) 380 380 S.W. of Ab. W. of 3737 c o 3739* 3740 c ,. d 496 496 c d * c(l)in text, C in map Abulfeda d 380 380 E. of Ab. E. of 3739 o o 3741 )> e 496 (Not named) (Not named) S.E. of 3736 3742 m 496 ,, ... ,, E. of 3744 o 3743 n 496 ,, ... ,, S.E. of Ab. 3744* b 496 Abulfeda b *Abulfeda 380 c (2) in text, b in map S. of Ab. NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 133 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. j 00 3745 Abulfeda A 495 Not named) Abulfeda A ... Centre of Ab. A 3746 7 Abulfeda y 7 E. wall of Ab. A 3747 5 s 8 W. wall of Ab. A 3748 i 496 Not named) e 379 380 S.E. of Ab. A 3749 c 494 Abulfeda n C N. E. of Ab. A 3750 (also Bin map) 495 Not named) 380 Between Ab. & Al. - 3751 Almauon 496 Almanon (IX. -13) 196 Almanon 381 c 3752 A 496 Almanon A A 381 S. of Al. o 3753 b 496 b b 381 S. of 3752 3754 ,, c c ,, c 380 N.W. of Al. o 3755 d 496 Not named) Not named) S.W. of 3753 3756 1! tt 496 ,, Almanon a 381 W. of 3754 A 3757 496 ,, 381 E. of Al. = 3758 7 ... ... Not named) (see 3777) E. of 3757 A 3759 Tacitus 497 Tacitus (IX.-11) 195 Tacitus 381 o 3760 A 497 &477 Tacitus A ,, A 381-5 S.W. of Tac. o 3761 b 497 ,, b (part) ... ,, b(part) 381 N. W. of Tac. c 3762 e 497 b (part) b(part) 381 E. of 3761 3763 ,, c 497 c >. c E. of 3762 3764 d 497 ,, d d 377 N.W. of 3761 3765 n 497 (Not named) (Not named) (Close) S.W. of Tac. o 3766 ,, A 497 ,, Tacitus A Centre of Tac. A 3767 497 Tacitus j8 3 381 N. of Tac. A 3768 7 497 7 7 381 N.E. of Tac. A 3769 8 497 ,, 8 ,, 8 381 E. wall of Tac. A 3770 ,. * 497 (Not named) (Not named) W. of Tac. A 3771 Geber 496 *Geber(IX.-14) (a little further W.) 196 Geber 381 o 3772 ,, A (long, wrong) 497 Geber A ,, A (long, wrong) 381 S.W. ofGe. o 3773 Geber B 497 ,, B Geber B 381 N.E. ofGe. o 3774 c 497 (Not named) (Not named) S. of 3772 o 3775 A 497 " Geber A In Geber A 134 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | & 3776 Geber Geber Geber $ ... S.E. ofGe. A 3777 ,,0)7 (Not named) Almanon (?) y 386 N.W. of Ge. A 3778* Abenezra 480 *Abenezra (VIII.-22 (2) & IX.-15) (much further W.) 190 Abenezra 381 3779 ,, a 480 Abenezra a ,, a 381 S. of 3782 o 3780 b 480 b b 381 E. of Aben. o 3781 'Not named) (Not named) ,, a N.E. wall of Aben. A 3782 Abenezra 8 480 Abenezra /8 & 381 S. E. of Aben. A 3783* Azophi 479 Azophi (VIII.- 26&IX.-16)(a little further W.) 196 Azophi 381 o 3784 ,, A 480 Azophi A A. 381 S.E. of Az. o 3785 ,, & a (not named in map 42 a E. wall of Az. A 3786 8 ... Azophi ,, 381 S. of Az. A 3787 y 480 7 7 381 W. of 3784 A 3788 Sacrobosco 479 Sacrobosco (1X.-18) 196 Sacrobosco 383 o 3789 ,, A 479 Sacrobosco A A 383 In Sacro. o 3790 b 479 b b 383 W. of 3789 3791 ,, c 479 c ,, c 383 N. of 3789 3792 d 479 d d 383 N.W. ofS*. 3793 >, e 479 (Not named) ,, e S.W. ofSa. o 3794 F 479 Sacrobosco F F 383 N. ofSa. o 3795 g 479 9 g 381-3 N.E. of 3794 o 3796 479 ,, a 196 ,, a 383 W. wall of Sa. A 3797 18 479 (Not named) 383 S.E. wall of Sa. A 3798 Nearly) Sacro- bosco y 479 Sacrobosco y " 7 383 S. of 3794 A 3799 Sacrobosco 8 479 & 480 ,, 8 ,i 8 383 E. of Sa. A 3800 ?ermat 478 Fermat (IX. -19) Fermat 384 3801 ., A 478 Fermat A A 384 N. of Fer. 3802 -, b 478 .-, b ,, b W. of Fer. o 3803 ,, c 478 :> C ,, c N.E of 3801 3804 d 478 ,. d ... d 384 N.E. of 3803 o 3805 ,, E 478 E E 386 Far) N. of Fer. o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 135 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 I 3806 (Not named) [Not named) Fermat a W. wall of Fer. A 3807 Fermat ,, ... W. of Fer. A 3808 ,, 7 478 Fermat y 7 386 N. of ?805 A 3809 Pontanus 477 Pontanus Pontanus 382 o (IX.-23) 3810 ,, A 477 Pontanus A A 382 E. of 3811 o 3811 l> 477 b b 382 S.W. of 3812 3812 ,, c 477 ,, c c 382 S. W. of Pon. o 3813 a 477 d d 382 N.E. of Pon. o 3814 i) e 477 (Not named) ... e 382 N. of 3813 3815 f 477 ,, ,, f 382 E. of Pon. o 3816 g 477 ,, (Not named) S. of 3812 3817 h 477 M N.W. of 38 16 o 3818 ,, a 477 H ... Pontanus a 382 S.E. of Pon. A 3819 Gemma Frisius 473 Gemma Frisius 190 Gemma Frisius 432 o (VIII. & IX.- & 197 24) 3820* * , , a in text 473 Gemma a 432 S.W. of o c in map Frisius a &435 Gem. Fr. 3821 b 473 b b 432 W. of 3820 o &435 3822* * ,, c(2) 473 c ,, c 432 W. of 3821 o & 435 3823 a 473 d 190 d 432 E. of Gem. Fr. o 3824 E 473 (Not named) E 432 S. of Gem. Fr. o 3825 f 473 Gemma 197 f 432 N.W. of Frisius/ Gem. Fr. 3826 ,, G 473 (Not named) G 432 N.E. of Gem.Fr. o 3827 h 473 Gemma ... h 432 E. of 3825 o Frisius h 3828 i 473-4 (Not named) ,, i 432 N.W. of 3821 3829 a Gemma 42 D a 432 E. wall of A Frisius a Gem. Fr. 3830 B 473 (Not named) B 432 Centre of A Gem. Fr. 3831 > 7 473 Gemma , 7 432 N.W. wall of A Frisius 7 Gem. Fr. 3832 8 (Not named) , 5 ... E. of 3824 A 3833 474 ,, (Not named) N. of 3828 - 3834 Buch 469 Buch 300 Buch 431 o (XXIV.-34) 3835 i. A 470 Buch e ,, A S. of Buch 136 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. i 72 3836 Buch b 470 Buchfc ... Buchb N. of Buch 3837 ... (Not named) ,, a N.E. of 3836 A 3838 470 n ... ., N. of 3836 A 3839 i. 7 ... ,, >. 7 431 S. wall of Buch A 3840 Biisching 469 Biisching (XXIV.-35) 300 Biisching 431 o 3841 11 a (Not named) M a 1 ... N.E. of 3843 o 3842 B 469 Biisching B B 341 W. of 3844 3843 ,, Cintext 469 (Not named) c 431 N. of Biisch. o c in map 3844 d 469 Biisching d d 431 W. of Biisch. o 3845 11 e (Not named) e ... N.E. of Biisch. 3846 Maurolycus 470 Maurolycus (XXIII. -33 & 294 &298 Maurolycus 429 ... o XXIV.-32) 3847 A 470 Maurolycus A A 429 In S. wall of o & 289 Mau. 3848 B 470 B B 429 In N.E. wall of o Mau. 3849 i, c 1 470 ! C ,. 429 N.E. of Mau. o 3850 d 470 d ... d 429 W. of 384P o 3851 f 470 (Not named) (Not named) W. of 3848 o 3852 11 i 470 ,, ,, In Mau. 3853 ii ni 470 ,, ,, ... In E. Mau. o 3854 470 ,, ... ,, In N. Mau. o 3855 a i 470 Maurolycus a 36 Maurolycus a 429 E. wall of Mau. A (not named in map) 3856 470 Not named) (294) 429 Centre of Mau. A 3857 11 7 (not named 470 Maurolycus y 294 7 429 S. of Mau. A in map) 3858 rfaurolycus 8 470 s 5 429 In W. Mau. A 3859 470 (Not named) (Not named) In Mau. - 3860 Barocius 440 Barocius 300 Barocius 430 o (XXIV. -32) 3861 ii a 440 Barocius a ?60 n a ... S.W. of Bar. o (? A in text) 3862 ,, b 440 Barocius b 300 b 430 ( Close) N.W. o & 303 & 456 of Bar. 3863 c 440 11 c 303 ii c 430 N. of 3862 3864* " Baco d = Ideler 297 Bacod = 430 W. of 3861 o (XXIV. -29) &300 Barocius d & 455 NELSON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 137 3865 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. j I Barocius e 440 Barocius e Barocius e 430 N.W. of 3861 o 3866 f 441 f f 430 W. of Bar. 3867* h 441 ff g 430 & 456 N.W. of 3862 o 3868* g 441 (Not named) (Not named) N.E. of last & W. of 3835 o 3869 i 441 " ... " Between 3866 &3S67 <=> 8870 1 ,, ,, W. of 3864 o 3871 ,, m ,, ,, W. of 3870 3872 = 3995 n Pitiscus d Pitiscus d W. of 3871 o 3873 ,, a 440 Barocius a (not named in map] 43 Barocius a 430 E. wall of Bar. A 3874* (Not named) (Not named) /3 430 S.W. wall of Bar. A 3875* Barocius (1) 440 (Not named) ... E. wall of 3862 A 3876* -8 (2) 440 ,, ,, E. wall of 3861 A 3877 Clairaut 439 Clairaut -93 (XXIII.-32) Clairaut 428 o 3878 ,, a 439 Clairaut a 293 n a S. of Clair. 3879* Bacob 441 Baco b= 52, 85, Clairaut b & 293 ,, b E. of Baco o 3880 Clairaut b 439 (Not named) (Not named) S.E. of Clair. 3881* c or C 439 Clairaut C 428 Between 3880 & Clair. o 3882* I> (part) 439 Clairaut C D (part) 428 In Clair. 3883* ,, D (part) 439 D D (part) 428 W. of 3882 o 3S84 ,-. e 439 e ., e 428 N.E. of Clair. 3885 f 439 (Not named) ,, f 428 N.W. of Clair. 3886 G 439 M G 428 E. of 3884 o 3887 (Not named) " ,, a ... S.E. wall of Clair. A 3888 Baco in text ; Bacon in map 441 Baco (XXIV.-31) 300 Baco 431 o 3889 3890 Baco a (and see 3879) Baco e 441 441 Baco a = Breis- lak (XXIV.- 31)t Baco e 297 &300 a f ,, e 431 S.W. of Ba. S.E. of Ba. o 3891 & ... (Not named) ; - S.E. wall of Ba. A 3892 >. 441 ,, 431 E. wall of Ba. A 3893 M 7 441 Baco 7 M 7 431 N.W. wall of Ba. A f See also No. 3864. 138 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. ' Schmidt. B. and Mi-idler. Position. | ! 3894* Tannerus 442 *Baco B 300 (see p. 85) *Baco B (See 463) o 3895 .. c 442 >i c c N.W. of Tan. o 3896 D 442 (Not named) .1 D E. of 3897 o 3897 f e 442 ,, (Not named) E. of Tan, o 3898 f 442 ,, ,, N. of 3895 3899 Mutus 422 Mutus (XXIV.-18) Mutus 463 ... 3900 !) a 442 Mutus a ,, a 463 In Mu. 3901 ,, b 442 b 31 ,, b 463 In E. .Mu. o 3902 c 443 ,, c ,, c 463 N. E. of Mu. o 3903 ,, D D D N.E. of 3902 3904 ,, e 443 e ,, e S.W. ofMu. o 3905 it f 443 (Not named) (Not named) 8. of 3904 o 3906 ,, a 442 Mutus a 31 Mutus a 463 E. wall of Mu. A 3907 ,, 443 > ^ I, ft E. wall of 3905 A 3908 Manzinus 443 Manzinus (XXIII.-18) 291 Manzinus 463 3909 A 443 (Not named) A ... In S. wall of Man. 3910 = 3372 Kinaub 442 Manzinus b ,, b 463 (Far) N.E. of Man. o 3911 (Not named) 11 c c S.E. of 3912 o 3912 Manzinus C (c in map) 443 (Not named) (Not named) S.E. of Man. 3913* Manzinus 0(not named in map) 443 Manzinus a (not named in map) 31 Manzinus o (463) S.E. wall of Man. A 3914 Manzinus c/> 443 (Not named) (Not named) S.W. of Man. - 3915* (Not named) ... *Demonax=a; (XXIII. -17) 291 &89, etc. " S.W. of Bog. 3916 Boguslawsky 443 Boguslawski (XXIII. & XXIV. -16) 291 Boguslawsky 461 o 3917 (Not named) (Not named) A In Bog. o 3918 Boguslawsky b 443 ,, b W. of Bog. 3919 > c ,, c E. of Bog. o 3920 ,, a (not named in map) 443 " ,, a 461 S.E. wall of Bog. A 3921* Boguslawsky e 443 ,, Schomberger e ( Far) S. of Bog. o 3922* (Not named) Boguslawski e ... (Not named) (Close) S.of Bog. o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 139 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position." 3 I 3923 Boussingault 444 * Boussingault (XXIV.-14) . 299 Boussingault 462 o 3924 !> * 444 (Not named) (Not named) S. part of Bous o 3925 A Boussingault A N. of 3927 o 3926 b Boussingault b b 462 N.E. of Bous. 3927 d d d N. of Bous. o 3928 f 444 f 299 f 462 N. of 3932 3929* G 444 G Hagecius G = Boussingault G 462 &447 N.W. of 3928 o 3930 h (Not named) Boussingault h 462 W. of 3928 o 3931 ,, i . 444 Neumayer (XXIV. -15) 297 (Not named) S.W. of 3932 o 3932 c 444 Helmholtz (XXIV.-13) 88 & 297-9 Boussingault c N. W. of Bous. o 3933* e Janssen (XXIV. -17) 297 *? e (?cin text) 462 E. of Bous. o 3934 ,, m (Not named) (Not named) ... W. of 3924 o 3935 ,, n ,, S. of 3932 3936 P (b in map 18) '. " In 3933 o 3937 (Not named) Janssen g 303 H N. of 3926 o 3938 Boussingault a 444 (Nearly) Boussingault a (one peak in the range) 299 Boussingault a 462 Crosses Bous. A 3939 B 444 (Not named) B 462 S. wall of 3924 A 3940 3941 r Hagecius 444 444 Hagecius (XXIV.-12) 301 ,, ' r Hagecius 462 454 N. wall of Neu- mayer (3931) A o 3942 a 444 Hagecius a ,, a 454 N. of Ha. o 3943* A b b 454 In Ha. 3944 c c ,, c 454 S.E. of last o 3945 d d d In wall of 3942 o 3946 E 444 E 303 E 454 S. of Ha. o 3947 K 444 ,, K ... K 454 S.W. of Ha. o 3948 (Not named) (Not named) i S.W. of 8947 3949 ,, a ... Between 3942 &Ha. A 3950 Nearch 445 ^CHi-chus (XXIV.-19) 301 Nearch 454 3951 ,, a 445 tfearchus a a 454 S. of Ne. 140 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. 1 3952 Nearch b | 445 Nearchus b Nearch b 454 S.E. of 3951 3953 > C 445 ., e ,, c 454 S. of 3952 o 3954 D 445 [Not named) D In wall of Ne. o 3955 > n 445 ., ... (Not named) In Ne. o 3956 .1 A 445 ,, Nearch A 454 W. wall of Ne. A 3957 Rosen berger 445 Rosenberger (XXIV. -20) 301 Rosenberger 453 o 3958 a 445 Rosenberger a a 453 N.W. ofRos. 3959 B 445 B ... B 453 N. of 3958 3966 c 445 c c 453 N. ofRos. 3961 d 445 d = Peters (XXIV.-20d) 297 d 453 S. of Ros. o 3962 e 445 Rosenberger or Peterse ,, e S. of last o 3963 445 (Not named) 453 N.W. of 3960 A 3964 n 445 ,, (Not named) In N. Ros. 3965 ,. s 445 ,, ,. In E. Ros. o 3966 (Not named) ,, Rosenberger A ... Centre of Ros. A 3967 Vlacq 445 Vlacq (XXIV.-21) 301 Vlacq 453 o 3968 >, a 446 Vlacq a n a N.W. of VI. o 3969 >, b 446 & M b N.W. of 3968 o 3970 M C 446 , c 301 ,< C N. of 3968 o 3971 ,, I) 446 D ... i. D ... N. of VI. 3972 ,, e 446 (Not named) (Not named) E. of VI. o 3973 (Not named) Vlacq e Vlacq e ... S.E. of 3971 o 3974 = 4481 Lockyer f 448 (Not named) ,. f N. of 3971 o 3975 Vlacq g Vlacq g .. g In S. wall of VI 3976 n 445 (Not named) (Not named) In E. VI. 3977 ,, A 445 (301) Vlacq A 453 Centre of VI. A 3978 ,, 445 ,, .. 453 E. wall of VI. A 3979 7 ,, 7 ... S.W. of 3971 A 3980 ,, 8 445 ,, . 5 453 W. wall of VI. A 3981 Hommel 446 Hommel (XXIV. -22) Hommel 452 CD 3982 >. ^ 446 Hommel a 301 ,, a 452 On N.W. edge of Horn. o 3983 B 446 B 1 301 B 452 W. of Horn. o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 141 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. j >> , d 452 On S.E. edge of Horn. 3986 e 446 ,, = Asclepi (XXIV. -30) 297 e 452 S.E. of Horn. 3987 f 446 rlommel/ ,,- f 452 S. of 3985 o 3988 g 446 9 g 452 E. of 3987 3989 h 446 ,, h h 452 N.E. of 3982 o 3990 !> a 446 Not named) ,, a 452 In S. wall of Horn. A 3991 3 itiscus 446 Pitiscus (XXIV.-23) 301 Pitiscus 452 o 3992 ,, A 447 Not named) A In Pit. o 3993 B Pitiscus B ,, B 449 N. of Pit. o 3994 ., c 447 > c ,, c 452 K. of 3993 o 3995 = 3872 Barocius n d .. A N.E. of Pit. 3996 Pitiscus e 446 ii e ... ,, e 452 In E. wall of Pit. o 3997 (Not named) F ,, F N.E. of 3993 o 3998 Pitiscus a j 446 [Not named) 452 N. of 3996 A 3999 ,, 447 Pitiscus |8 301 >, B 452 E. of Pit. A 4000 .. 7 7 7 452 N.W. of Pit. A 4001 ,, 8 446 (Not named) (Not named) W. wall of Pit. A 4002 (Not named) Dove (XX IV. -24) 297 " ... N.W. of 3993 o 4003 Nioolai 447 Nicolai (XXIV. -26) Nicolai 4 55 ... 4004 >. A 447 &467 Nicolai A ,, A 456 K. of Ni. o 4005 ,, b 447 b ,, b 456 S. of Ni. o 4006* 4007 c (wrong in map 18) Nicolai d 447 & 469 448 c (Not named) ,, c ,, d ... S.W. ofNi. N.W. of 4006 o 4008 i> E 447 E = Spallanzani 297 (XXIV.-28) , ,, E 456 (Far)S. ofNi. 4009 f 447 Nicolai/ ,, f 456 S. E. of 4006 4010 (Not named) ,, O G E. of 4004 o 4011 Nicolai h (Not named) (Not named) (Close) S.W. ofNi. o 4012 ,, k 448 " W. ofNi. 142 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. | I 4013 Nicolai z 447 (Not named) (Not named) I ... N.E. of 4004 o 4014 ,, a 447 ,, Nicolai a 45'J N.E. ofNi. A 4015 r? | ... ,, (Not named) N. wall of 4011 A 4016 ., 5 447 ,, E. wall of Ni. A 4017 Riccius 468 Kiccius(IX. & XXIV.-27) Riccius 434 o 4013 A 468 Riccius A A 434 N. of Ric. o 4019 4020* > b (see 4035) ,, e 468 469 >. 6 c ,, b M C 434 434 & 440 s. W. of Ric. W. of 4018 o o 4021 d 469 d d 434 S. of 4019 o 4022 E ,, E -, E N.W.ofNi. 4023 f 469 ., / f 434 S.W. of 4019 o 4024 . g 469 , 9 .. g 434 S. E. of Kic. o 4025 ,, h 469 (Not-named) ... (Not named) (434) E. of 4018 o 4026 ., m 468 ,, ,, E. of 4019 4027 ,, n 468 ,, E. of 4026 4028 ,, s 468 ,, ,, N. of 4026 o 4029 a Riccius o Riccius o 434 E. wall of Ric. A 4030 IB 469 (Not named) .> 434 N. wall of Ric. A 4031 ,. 7 469 ., 7 434 S.W. of 4023 A 4032 Rabbi Levi 468 Rabbi Levi 197 (IX. -26) Rabbi Levi 435 o 4033 a 468 (Not named) a 435 In N. Rab. Le. 4034 b 468 ,, b 435 In W. Rab. Le. 4035* Riccius c Rabbi Levi c ,, c W. of Rab. Le. o 4036* Rabbi Levi c (Not named) (Not named) N.E. of Rab. Le. o 4037 d 468 Rabbi Levi d Rabbi Levi d 435 InS.E.Rab.Le. o 4038 .) e 468 (Not named) ,, e S.E. of Rab. Le. c 4039 f 468 ,, f K. of 4038 o 4040 g . 468 M M g S. of 4038 4041 h 468 >, (Not named) S.E. of Zagut o 4042* V (IS in map) 468 > ... Crosses X. wall of Rab. Le. - 4043 Rabbi Levi 5 468 " ... " N.E. wall of Rab. Le. A 4044 ,, a 468 Ribbi Levi a Rabbi Levi a 435 N.W. wall of Rab. Le. A NELSON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 143 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. jo S V2 4045 Not named) Celsius (IX.-22) 193 Not named) E. of 4036 ; S.W. of 3822 4046 Zagut 467 Zagut (IX. -25) 196 Zagut 435 O 4047 a 467 a a 435 In Za. o 4048 ,, b 468 b ,, b 435 E. of Za. o 4049 ,> c 468 ,, c ,, c 435 N. of 4048 4050 d 468 d d 435 W. of 4048 o & 4049 4051 ,, e 467 196 e 435 In W. Za. 4052 jindenau 467 jindenau 196 jindenau 436 o (IX. -21) 4053 A 467 jindenau A = 197 A 436 X. W. of Lin. o Rothmaun (IX. -28) 4054 b 467 Lindenau b (or b 436 S W. of last o Rothmann b) 4055 t> c 467 Lindenau C j ... c 436 N. of Lin. o 4056 d 467 d d 436 Between last o & Lin. 4057 e 467 ,, e it e 436 E. of 4053 o 4058 f 467 Not named) (Not named) (436) S. of 4057 o 4059 a 467 ,, Lindenau a 436 E. wall of Lin. A 4060 ^Not named) ., ... 436 N. of Lin. A 4061 Lindenau A 467 f| (Not named) In Lin. A (see also 4092) 4062 Stiborius 466 Stiborius 197 Stiborius 440 o (IX.-2) 4063 ,, A 466 Stiboiius A A 440 S.W. of Sti. &450 4064 B 467 B = 297 B 400 S. of Sti. o Wohler (XXIV.-36) 4065 (Not named) Stiborius C ... c 440 (Close) N.W. o of Sti. 4066 Stiborius D D D N.W. of 8ti. 4067 (Not named) (Not named) e ... W. of Sti. o 4068 Stiborius A (no 466 M ii A 440 Centre of Sti. A named in map 4069 Stiborius $ 466 ,, 440 W. of Sti. A 4070 (Not named) " "(a, p. 114] 440 & p. 114 E. of Sti. A 4071 M 5 Between 4063 A &Sti. 4072 Stiborius e ,, ... 11 * 437 N. of Sti. A 4073 7 466 " (Not named) E. wall of Sti. A 144 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. J 1 4074 Piccolomini 465 Piccolomini (IX.-3) 197 Piccolomini 437 o 4075 ,, A 465 Piccolomini A (1) (see 4419) A 437 N.K. of 4077 o 4076 b 466 Piccolomini b b 437 N. of 4075 o 4077 c 465 (Not named) c 437 N.E. of Pic. 4078 ,, din text a in ma] 465 Piccolomini d d N.W. of 4077 4079 e 465 ,, e * e N. of 4078 o 4080 f 465 f f 437 N. of 4077 o 4081* = 4426 Neander g (2) 462 9 g N.W. of Pic. o 4082 Piccolomini h h h ... E. of Pic. o 4083 m 465 (Not named) ... (Not named) N. of Pic. c 4084 lO 466 ,, ... W. of Pic. = 4085 & 465 " Piccolomini a 385 &437 E. wall of Pic. A 4086 465 Piccolomini jB (not named in map) 64 B 437 S.E. wall of Pic. A 4087 7 465 (Not named) y 437 N. wall of Pic. A 4088 ,, A 465 >, ,, A 437 Centre of Pic. A 4089 ,, 5 466 Piccolomini $ 8 437 N.W. of 4081 A 4090 ,, ... [Not named) 437 S. wall of Pic. A 4091 < ,, ,, 437 W. wall of Pic. A 4092 or Lindenau7>(2) Altai T) 198 (?)r; 385 N.E. of 4082 A 4093* Piccolomini ^ (not named in map) 466 [Not named) (Not named) Doubtful A 4094 Piccolomini e 466 Piccolomini e Piccolomini e 437 N.E. of Pic. - 4095 C 466 ? ,. C C 487 S. of 4094 - 4095A * 466 Not named) (Not named) ... S.E. of Pic. - 4096 Pons 477 Pons (IX. -20) Pons 384 o 4097 ,, a 477 ,, a J! * 384 S.E. of Pons 4098 b' 477 b ,, b 384 S.W. of 4097 o 4099 c 477 c ,, c 384 S. of Pons o 4100 ,, d 477 :, d d 384 W. part of Pons c 4101 e 477 )) e ... ,, e 384 W. of Pons o 4102 f 477 / ... ,, f 384 N. of Pons o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 145 Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. j 1 4103 Pons o 477 (Not named) Pons a 384 S.E. of Pons A 4104 ft 477 ,, ft 384 S.W. of Pons A 4105 ,,0)7 ,, ,,0)7 S.W. of 4098 A 4106 Altai Mts. in map ; Altai Mts. in text. 477 Altai (IX.- R, R, R) Altai Mts. (not named in map) 385 A 4107 Polybius 478 Polybius (IX.-10) 198 Polybius 386 o 4108 A 478 Polybius A A 386 W. of Poly. o 4109 B 478 ,. B 1 ... B 386 S. of Poly. o 4110 ,, c 478 > c ,, c 386 E. of Poly. o 4111 d (Not named) | ... d S.W. of 4109 4112 e 478 Polybius e n e N.W. of 4109 o 4113 (Not named) (Not named) ii a N. wall of Poly A 4114 Polybius $ 478 Altai = Polybius ft 198-9 &28 ft 385 S.E. of 4109 A 4115 >, V 477-8 Altai y 43 y 385 S.E. of Poly. A 4116 [Not named) (& see 4092) 198 (Not named) E. of 4168 A 4117 Fracastorius 463 Fracastor (IX.-4) 198 Fracastor 438 o 4118 A 464 Fracastor A A 438 S.W. of Fra. o 4119 b 464 & b 438 N. of 4118 4120 ,, c ,, c n C 438 E. of 4118 o 4121 d 464 d d 438 E. of Fra. o 4122 e j (464) (Not named) (Not named) (438) E. of 4131 o 4123 f 464 Fracastor/ Fracastor f In Fra. 4124 g - 9 ii g W. of 4134 o . 4125 ,, j (only in map 20) (Not named) (Not named) j ... S.E. of Fra. 4126 Fracastorius y (g in map 19) " " ... N. of 4125 4127 Fracastorius i, 464 m, n, p, q, r, s, u, v, w, x Fracastor n, & not named 198 " In Fra. 0(11) 4128 Fracastorius a 463 Fracastor a Fracastor a 438 S.E. wall of Fra. A 4129 ft 463 ,, 0( nearly) 56 ft 438 N.E. wall of Fra. A 4130 ,i y 46:3 . y 55 n y 438 N. of 4129 A 4131 5 463 (Not named) ... 8 438 N. of 4130 A 4132 * 464 ,, ,, C 438 N.E. of Fra. A 4133 fd) 466 .. C 437 S. of Fra. A 146 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | 1 4134 F'racastorius H 464 Fracastor H 51 Fracastor H 438 W. of Fra. A 4135 ,, C(2) 464 (Not named) (Not named) N.E. of 4120 A 4136 (1) 464 ,, ... ,, S.W. of Fra. A 4137 '(2) ... ,, N. wall of Fra. A 4138 . X " ... " S.W. wall of Fra. A 4139 464 ,, ,, In Fra. - 4140 * 464 ,, ... ,, In W. Fra. - 4141 { 464 i, ,, In E. Fra. - 4142 ,, 9 464 ,, ,, W. of Fra. - 4143 Rosse 512 Fracastor E= Beer (IX. -5) 198 Fracastor E 394 4144 (Not named) Beer* (Not named) ... N.W. of last 4145 ,, ... > u ,, N.E. of 4144 o 4146 Rosse a 512 (Not named) ,, ... S.W. of Rosse 4147 ,, b 512 ,, ,, S. of Rosse o 4148 ,, c 512 ,, ,, E. of 4147 o 4149 512 ,, ,, N.W. of Rosse A 4150 = 4370 ,, e Bohnenberger e' ... N. of 4149 A 4151 512 (Not named) Between 4149 & 4150 - 4152 1 512 ,, ... ,, ... W. of Rosse 4153 M. Nectaris 512 M. Nectaris M. Nectaris 393-4 + 4154 Beaumont 498 Beaumont (IX.-6) 198 Beaumont i 392 4155 A 498 Beaumont A A ! 389 &392 N.E. of Beau. o 4156 B 498 B B i 389 &392 S.E. of Beau. o 4157* . c (c, p. 464; f, map 20) 498 &464 c ... c 392 &438 S.W. of Beau. o 4158 Beaumont D 498 (Not named) (Not named) N.E. of 4156 o 4159 ,, a ,, ... Beaumont E. of Beau. A 4160 498 Beaumont (not named in map) 41 392 S.E. wall of Beau. A 4161 ,, 7 Beaumont y 7 392 N. of Beau. A 4162 e 498 (Not named) (Not named) 1 ... In Beau. A 4163 C ! 498 Cyrillus C Cyrillus 391 N.E. of 4155 A N BISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 147 Neisou. Schmidt B. and Madler. Position. j I 4164 (Not named) ... Beaumont p(l) 198 (Not named) N. of 4161 A 4164A ,, P(2) 198 ,, N. W. of 4161 A 4165 ... > S ,, N. of 4164 A 4166 ,, r > W. of 4165 - 4167 Catharina 497 Katharina 194 Catharina 392 o (IX.-9) 4168 A 497 Katharina A A 386 S.E. of Oath. o &392 4169 b 497 b b 392 N.W. of Cath. o 4170 c 497 ,, Gin text 199 M C 386 S.W. of 4168 c in map &392 4171 d 498 d d 392 N.E. of Cath. 4172 0)e (Not named) e 391-2 E. of 4156 o 4173 497 M ,, a 389 W. wall of Cath. A &392 4174 J8 497 Eatharina 194 389 E. wall of Cath. A 4392 4175 7 497 (Not named) 7 392 In Cath. A 4176 Cyrillus 498 Cyrillus (IX.-8) 195 Cyrillus 391 4177 A 498 A A 389 In wall of Cy. o &391 4178 b 499 b b 391 N.E. of Cy. 4179 c 499 c c 389 S. of 4178 o 4180 Theophilus(?)d (Not named) ., d W. of 4187 4181 Cyrillus e 499 Cyrillus e e 391 S.W. of 4190 o 4182 (Not named) ., B 195 (Not named) ... S.W. ofCy. 4183* ,, * c 195 ,, W. of 4181 o 4184 Cyrillus m (in (Not named) InN.wallofCy. special draw- ing) 4184A Cyrillus u (in p| '... M Crosses ditto = special draw- ing) 4185 Cyrillus s (in M S. of 4191 A special draw- ing) 4186* Cyrillus a 499 *Cyrillus S Cyrillus a 391 InCy. A 4187 ,, B , , /3 in map 195 .. 391 W. wall of Cy. A Bin text 4188 (Not named) 7 M 7 391 S.W. of 4177 A 4189* Cyrillus 8 499 *(Not named) 8 391 N.W. of 4178 A 4190 6 499 Cyrillus e (not 195 391 S.W. of Cy. A named in map) &41 4191 ,, x Theo- X (see N.W. of 4189 A (x in special drawing) philus (?) K (see also 4163) also 4163) 148 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. js s 4192 Cyrillus

502 ,, (Not named) E. of Tor. - 4235 Censorinus 503 Oensorinus Censorinus 397 o (H.-3) 4236 n a 503-4 [Not named) ii a 397 W. of Cen. 4237 B 503 Censorinus B B 397 S.E. of Cen. o 4238 n c 504 ,, Gin text 212 ii c 397 S.W. of Cen. c in map 4239 a * d 398 N.W. of 4238 o 4240 ii e 504-6 e ti e 397 S.W. of 4238 4241 f 504-6 f f 397 S.W. of 4239 o &406 4242 g 504 g g 397 S. of 4239 o 4243 ,, m 504 (Not named) (Not named) N. of 4239 o 4244 n n 504 ,, ,, W. of 4239 4245 ,, s 504-6 ,, ,, S.W. of 4242 4246 A 504 ,, ,, N. of 4239 A 4247 M B 503 Censorinus a Gensorinus a 397 S. of Cen. A 4248 ,. , 504 (Not named) (Partly) Censorinus 397 W. of 4247 to 4238 A 4249 i, 7 503 Censorinus y Censorinus y S97 E. of 4237 A 4250 n * 504-6 (Not named) 398 W. of 4251 A 150 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 4251 Censorinus 504 (Not named) Censorinus 398 W. of 4239 A 4252 .. 8 504 ,, s 398 S.W. of Gen. - 4253 * 503 Censorinus r ... (Not named) S.E. of Gen. - 4254 Messier 506 Messier West (XL-IS) 211 Messier 401 ... o 4255 A 506-8 Messier East 211 A 401 E. of Mes. 4256 b 508 Messier b ,, b ... N. of Mes. 4257 d ... (Not named) (Not named) S. of Mes. o 4258 f 508 ,, ... ,, ... S.W. of Mes. o 4259 . A 508 " Messier A 403 (Far) S.E. of Mes. A 4260 4> 508 ,, (Not named) N. of 4259 - 4261 Lubbock 506 Messier C Messier C 406 o 4262 D 506 D ... D 406 S.E. of Lub. o 4263 f 506 ,, / ., f 406 N.E. of Lub. o 4264 g 506 [Not named) (once G) 406 E. of Lub. 4265 506 M N. of 4263 A 4266 ,, s 506 ,, 8 ... E. cf Lub. A 4267 < 506 * 406 W. of Lub. A 4268 ,, X(not named in map} 506 (Not named) ... S.E. of Lub. A 4269* Not named) Messier y ,, Close to next A 4270* Lubbock y 506 Not named) ... Messier y N. of Lub. - 4271 f 506 ,, (Not named) E. of 4272 - 4272 ,, <*> 506 ... ,, N.E. of Lub. - 4273 m ,, ,, N. of 4274 4274 n ,, ,, ... N.E. of 4263 o 4275 Capella 505 Capella (II. -4) 131 Capella 396 o 4276 A (Not named) ,, * (396) Centre of Ca. A 4277 /8 505 ,, 396 S.W. wall of Ca. A 4278 .. 7 504-5 Capella y 7 395-6 N.E. wall of Ca. A 4279 ,, s 504-5 Not named) i. 8 395 S. wall of Ca. A 4280 ,, C 505 Capellar (1) C 396 N.W. of 4287 - 4281 -n 506 r (2) n 396 W. of 4-280 - 4282 6 506 r(3) o 396 W. of 4281 - 4283 ,, A 505 ,, A A 396 W. of Ca. o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 151 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. a 4284 Capella B 505 Capella B Capella B 393-6 S.W. ofCa o 4285 C in 505 (Not named) ... >, c 396 N.W. ofCa. o text, c in map 4286 Capella D 5C5 Capella D ,, D 396 N. of Ca. o 4287 d (Not named) ,, d W. of 4285 o 4288 j ? e 505 ,, e 396 N.W. of 4283 4289 m 506 ,, [Not named) N. end of 4282 o 4290 ,, n 506 Crossed by 4282 4291 Isidorus 504 Isidorus (II.-5) 131 Isidorus or 395 o Isidor 4292 ,, A 504 ,, A Isidorus A 395 In Is. o 4293 b 505 & ,, b (once 395 N. of Is. o B) (not named in map) 4294 c 505 e Isidorus c 395 E. of 4293 (e in map 21) 4295 Isidorus e 505 (Not named) ... (Not named) (395) S. of 4293 o 4296 ,. A 505 ,, Isidorus A 395 S.E. of Is. A 4297 ,, 504 Isidorus ... 395 S. of Is. A 4298 (Not named) (Not named) 7 395 N. of Is. A 4299 Isidorus 8 504 5 395 N. wall of Is. A 4300 ,, 504 Isidorus or 64 >) 6 395 Wall between A Capella e (not Is. & Ca. named in map) 4301 ,, Z in text; 505 (Not named) ... (Not named) N. of 4296 A z in map 4302 Pyrenees Mts. 510 ,, ... Pyrenees 408 ... A 4303 Guttemberg 508 Guteniberg = Guttemberg 211 Guttemberg 407 o (XI.-12) 4304 -4 511 Gutemberg A ... 4 408 S.E. of Gut. A (once o) 4305 70 S. of Gut. A (not named in map) 4306 ,, 7 Gutemberg 7 70 , y W. wall of Gut. A (not named in map) 4307 ,, 5 (Not named) 5 ... N. wall of Gut. A 4308 M X 509 X N.W. of 4314 A 4309 (Not named) > * E. of Gut. A 4310 tt o 407 N. of 4313 A 4311" ' 407 Close to 4321 ; A N.E. of 4312 152 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. H 4312 Guttemberg A 508 Gutemberg A 211-2 Guttemberg A 407 E. of Gut. 4313* b(l) 509 * ,, bin map| 407 hin text E. of 4312 o 4314 ,, c 508 c c 408 S. of 4313 4315 Magelhaens d 509 d 212 d S.W. of Gut. o 4316* Guttemberg e 508 (Not named) (Nearly) Guttemberg e 407 In N.W. wall/ of Gut. \ o(N) A(M) 4317 Goclenius f j 509 Gutemberg f Guttemberg f (403) N.W. of Gut. 4318 Guttemberg g 506-8 9 g 406 N. of Gut. 4319 h 508 (Not named) h E. of 4318 o 4320* ,, i(l) 509 ,, ... ,, i S.E. of Gut. o 4321* text, i in map 509 " (Not named) (407) N.E. of 4312 o 4322* Guttemberg b (2) in text, p in map 509 " W. of 431 4 = 4323 Guttemberg

509 ,, r (Not named) N. of Go. - 4332 * 509 (Not named) ... ,, In Go. - 4333 c 509 Guttemberg 403 N. of 4317 (Nei- son, S. also) - 4334 (see' also 4317) 509 " n 403 N.W. of 4333 - 4335 Magelhaens 509 Magelhaens (X.-14a) 205 Magelhaens 410 4336 at 509 Magelhaens a 205 ,, a 410 S.W. of Ma. O ' 4337 (?)a ... (Not named) (Not named) E. of Ma. A 4338 Bellot 510 Magelhaens c (C, p. 206) 205-6 Magelhaens c 411 o 4339 ii a 510 Magelhaens o ,, 411 E. of Bel. A 4340 n & 510 (Not named) S.W. of Bel. A 4341 Crazier 510 Magelhaens B B 411 t See also 4315. NELSON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 153 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. i cl 4342 Crozier a 510 (Not named) (Not named) S. of 4343 o 4343 b 510 ,, ,, N.W. ofCro. o 4344 MacClure 510 Colombo c 207 Colombo c 411 o (C, p. 207) &212 4345* d 510 *Cook d (2) 77 d 411 W. of Mac. 4346 S ,, 8 77 Vendelinus S 411 W. of 4345 A = 4711 4347 Colombo 510 Colombo 205 Colombo (once 410 o (X.-14) Columbus) 4348 a 610 Colombo a 205-6 Colombo a 410 N.E. of Co. o 4349 b 510 b b 410 In S. wall o of Co. 4350 e Bohnenberger 80 ,, e E. of Co. o 4351 A 511 (Not named) ... A 408 N.E. of 4348 A 4352 Colombo j8 410 N.W. wall A of Co. 4353 7 510 .. 7 7 410 E. wall of Co. A 4354 S | 511 s 205 ,, S 408 E. of Co. A 4355 \ 510 (Not named) (Not named) ... S.E. wall of Co. A 4356 (Not named) Colombo T ... ,, In Colombo - 4357 Bohnenberger 511 Bohnenberger 204 Bohnenberger 409 o (X.-15) 4358* ,, A 511 Bohnenberger a ... a 409 N. of Bohn. o 4359* ,, a 511 (Not named) (Not named) (409) In N. wall of (not named last in map) 4360 BohnenbergerB 511 BohnenbergerB BohnenbergerB 409 In E. wall of 4358 ,; o 4361 ,, Gin text 511 (Not named) c S.W. of Bohn. o c in map 4362 D 511 ,, D 408 W. of 4361 o 4363 e(l) ; ... ,, (see 4350) e 408 N.W. of 4361 4364 e(2) 511 (Not named) W. of Bohn. & = 4358 4365 f ,, ,, N. of Bohn. o 4366 A 511 ,, Bohnenberger^ 409 In Bohn. A 4367 511 Bohnen- 70 & 408 N.W. of Bohn. A berger /} = q 204 4368 7 511 Bohnenberger y 204 7 408-9 S.W. of Bohn. A 4369 s s s 393 N.E. of Bohn. A 4370 Rosse e (Not named) ... * ... E. of Bohn. A = 4150 154 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. j & 4371 Bohnenberger C Bohnenberger orM.Nectaris 70 Bohnenberger 393 E. of 4358 A 4372 [Not named) ... Bohnenberger r 204 (Not named) N. W. of Bohn. A 4373 Cook 513 Cook (X.-16) 204 Cook 411 ... 4374 >i c 513 c c 411 N. of Cook 4375* , d 513 & 462 * d(l) = Monge (see 4345) 201-4 & 63 ,, d 411 &413 S. of Cook o 4376 ,, A 513 Cook A ,, A 411 In Cook o 4377 ii B 513 B ,. B 404 W. of Cook o 4378* (Not named) ... (Not named) 411 S. wall of Cook A 4379* Cook a 513 ,, ... (Not named) N. wall of Cook A 4380 ,, in text B in map 513 Cook/5 Cook 411 N. of Cook A 4381 .. 7 513 ,, 7 (and see 4345-6 & 4398-9) 70 ,. 7 411 W. wall of Monge (4375) A 4382* (Not named) (Not named) * ,, 5 ?(not named in map) 410 t S. of Cook A 4383 Santbech 462 Santbech (X.-17) 204 Santbech 412 o 4384 A 463 Santbech or Borda A A 412 S. of Sant. 4385 b 463 (Not named) (see 4398) b 412 S.E. of 4384 o 4386 > c ... Santbach C C S.E. of Sant. 4387 d ... d d E. of Sant. o 4388 e e > e ... W. of 4384 c 4389 ,, a i 1 & ... N.E wall of Sant. A 4390 B 463 (Not named) -B 412 Centre of Sant. A 4391 , y ., 7 S.E. of 4386 A 4392 S 463 Santbech 8 204 8 412 N.W. of 4384 A 4393 e 463 (Not named) ,, e 412 S.W. of Sant A 4394 C 463 ii C 412 N.E. of 4385 A 4395 ,, r> ... Santbech i; > 1> W. wall of Sant A 4396 Biot 462 Biot (X.-18) 204 Biot 405 o 4397 n A 462 ,, or Sant- bech A 204 ii A 413 E. of Biot o 4398* ,, b 462 *Cook& = Santbech b 204 & 71, etc ii b 413 X. of 4397 o 4399 M a 462 Cook a = Santbech a 204 &71 A 404-5 &413 W. wall of 4398 A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 155 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. j I 4400 Wrottesley or Biot Petavius B 31 Biot 402-4 W. of Biot A 4401 Borda 462 Borda (X.-19) 203 Borda 413 o 4402 ,, 462 (Not named) a 413 (Far)S.W. of Bor. o 4403* >. a 462 Borda a (1) !) 405 &413 W. of Bor. A 4404 ft 462 (Not named) & 413 S. of 4403 A 4405* 7 Borda o (2) y N.W. of 4403 A 4406 ,i A 462 (Not named) A 413 In Borda A 4407* (Not named) ... Borda y (Not named) E. of 4405 A 4408 Reichenbach 460 Reichenbach (X.-3) 203 Reichenbach 441 o 4409 ,, a 460 Reichenbach a 203 >; a 441 N.E. wall of Reich. A 4410 B (Not named) ... ft 441 S.E. of Reich. A 4411 & 461 Reichenbach a 203 )> a W. of 4412 4412 b 461 *> b N. of Reich. 4413 c 461 c c N.E. of Reich. 4414 d 461 (About) Reichenbach d d E. of 4412 4415 I. e 461 Rheita e in text Gin map 70 e 441 S.W. of Reich. o 4416 f 461 / Rheita f 441 S. of 4415 o 4417 (Not named) Reichenbach m (Not named) N.E. of 44 15 4418 Neander 461 Neander (IX.-l) 197 Neander 439 o 4419 A 462 Neander A (or Piccolomini A (2)) 197 ,, A 437 N.E. ofNe. 4420 B 462 Neander B B 441 N. of Ne. o 4421 (Not named) ;> C c S.E. of 4419 o 4422 Neander or Borda d (Not named) d N.W. of 4432 (S.E.of Borda) 4423 Neander e Neander ,, e 441 N.W. ofNe. o 4424 f (Not named) f 439 E. of Ne. 4425 g(D 461 Neander 461 (Not named) ,, W. of 4434 - 4439 f 461 ,, ,, S.W. of 4434 - 4440 ,, 6 461 D ,, S. of 4425 - 4441 Rheita 454 Rheita 303 Rheita 442 o (XXIV. -6) 4442 ., A 455 Rheita A 1 ... ii A ... W. ofRh. o 4443 b 455 ,, b ,, b N.W. of 4442 o 4444* it c * ,, n.Tj.orr? ... i c (Far) S. of Rh. o 4445 ,, d 455 ,, d (see d S.W. of 4444 o also 4415-6) (see also 4416) 4446* . g 455 (Pt. of) Young (XXIV. -3) 303 (Not named) N.W. of 4444 o 4447 . X 455 Young x Rheita x 442 S.W. wall of last A 4448 ,, A 454 (Not named) A 442 InRh. A 4449 ,, ft 454 ... ii ft 442 N.E. wall ofRh. A 4450 fi 7 454 ,, i 7 442 E. wall of Rh. A 4451 ,, 5 454 ,, ., 5 442 N.E. ofRh. A 4452 fd) 455 ,r ,. C 442 S.E. ofRh. A 4453 ,, H ,, 1? 442 S. of 4452 A 4454 455 (Nearly) 75 442 W. of 4444 ( A(N) Rheita J (S^ I A(M) 4455 ,, i 455 Rheita I ... ' 442 W. of 4454 A 4456 ,, A. 455 (Not named) n * 442 N. of last A 4457 ,, /x (not 455 " M 442 N.W. of 4442 A named in map) 4458 Rheita (2) (Not named) E. of 4443 A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 157 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. | >> 02 4459 (Not named) (Not named) Rheita 442 N. of 4452 A 4460 Rheita a 77 (Not named) S.E.wallofRh. A 4461 Metius 454 Metius (XXIV. -5) 302 Metius 450 o 4462 ., A 454 Metius A 302 ,, A 450 (Close) E. of Me. o 4463 B 454 ,, B B 450 In Me. o 4464 = 4501 Steinheil c (Not named) c S. of 4468 4465 (Not named) Metius d ... d S.W. of Me. o 4466 Metius a 454 a (not named in map) 302 M 450 W. wall of Me. A 4467 454 (Not named) >i 439 & 450 N. of Me. A 4468 [Not named) ,, 7 8. of 4444 A 4469 Fabricius 448 Fabricius (XXIV.-4) 302 Fabricius 448 o 4470 a 448 Fabricius a 302 (?A, p. Ill) 448-9 S.W. of Fa. o 4471 B 448 B Fabricius B 448 N. of 4470 o 4472 (Not named) >i y (not named in map) 64 (Not named) S.W. of 4479 o 4473 Fabricius /} 448 (Not named) ii S. wall of Fa. A 4474 A 448 (302) Fabricius A (448) In Fa. A 4475 7 448 D 7 448 B. wall of Fa. A 4476 5 448 ,, ... .1 8 448 W. wall of Fa. A 4477 f 448-9 ,, 448-9 S.E. wall of Fa. (cleft) = 4478 (Not named) ,, 448 S.W. of 4474 A 4479 Lockyer 448 Fabricius C = Argelander C 302 &63 c 449 c 4480 h 448 *Lockyer (XXIV.-25) & Lockyer h h N. of 4482 o 4481 = 3974 f 448 (Not named) ~ Vlacq f S.E. of Lock. (N.'s) o 4482 G 448 Lockyer G Fabricius G 449 N.E. of Lock. (N.'s) o 4483* Janssen 448 Argelander (smaller) (XXIV.-9) 302 (Not named) 4484 d 449 Argelander d Fabricius d 449 S. of last 4485 >i K 449 E E 449 &451 E. of 4484 o 158 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 3 4486 Janssen f 449 Argelander / Fabricius f 449 S. of 4484 o 4487 ,i i 449 I i E. of Fab. 4488 4489 ,, Kin text k in map e 449 449 K Fabricius 0= Argelander 6 (not named in map) 302 &31 K (Nearly) Fabricius 449 &451 449 In 4483 N. of Lock. ( (N.'s) -j = (N) = (S) A(M) 4490 1\ 449 (Not named) (Nearly) Fabricius i\ 449 Between 4489 ( & 4492 | = (N) A(M) 4491 (Not named) Argelander ij 303 (Not named) S.E. of 4488 o 4492* Janssen = 449 (Nearly) Fabricius f 31 (Nearly) Fabricius 449 Crosses Jan. I = (N) -(S) A(M) 4493 449 Fabricius j3 = Argelander /3 302 &31 Fabricius 449 S.W. wall of 4483 A 4494 X 449 (Not named) X 449 N. of 4487 A 4495 * 449 ,, ... * 449 N.E. of Fab. A 4496 ,, a 449 >. (Not named) S.E. wall of 4483 A 4497 ,, # in text 449 ^ in map' " " W. of 4496 - 4498* Steinheil 449 Watt & Steinheil Steinheil 451 4499* a 450 Watt (XX1V.-8) 302 M a 451 S.W. pt. of last o 4500* b I 450 Steinheil (XXIV. -7) 301-2 b 451 N.E. pt. of same o 4501 = 4464 c 450 (Not named) Metius c N.E. of 4504 o 4502 ,, d 450 Steinheil d Steinheil d 451 W. of Stein. o 4503* e (not named in map) 450 )7 6 ? or possibly Reimarus i e 451 N. of 4502 4504 Steinheil F 450 Steinheil F F 451 N.W. of 4505 o 4505 G 450 (Not named) G 451 N.W. of Stein. o 4506 ,, H 450 Steinheil H H 451 N. of Stein. o 4507 (Not named) c ... ,, c (Close) W. of 4499 o 4508 ,, (Not named) ... 451 N.E. of 4502 A 4509 ,, ... Mallet ft W. of 4504 A 4510 " ... Mallet (XXIV.-2) (Not named) " 4511 Biela 450 Biela (XXIV. -10) 301 Biela 454 o NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 159 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. -o" & - 4512 Biela A 450 Biela A Biela A N. ofBie. o 4513 b 450 b b 454 S. of Bie. o 4514 ,, c 450 ,, C in text c in map 301 454 (Close) N.W. of Bie. 4515 ,, d 450 ,, d (see also 4520) ,, d 454 W. of Bie. o 4516 ,. A 450 Not named) ,, A 454 Centre of Bie. A 4517 Pontecoulant 450 Pontecoulant (XXIV.-ll) 302 Pontecoulant 447 4518 A 451 [Not named) A 447 In wall of 4524 o 4519 b 451 Pontecoulant b b S.E. of 4524 45-20* >i c 451 Biela e ... n C 447 N.E. of 4524 o 4521 Hanno d 451 Pontecoulant d d 447 S.W. of Pont. o 4522 Pontecoulant e 451 e i> e 447 &462 S. of Pont. o 4523 f 451 f f 447 N. of Pont. 4524 G 451 g g 447 E. of Pont. o 4525 Hanno 451 Hanno (XXIV. -Ho) Hanno 447 9 4526 >i a 451 (Not named) ii & 447 S.W. of Han. A 4527 ,, A 451 Hanno A ... it A N.E. of Han. o 4528 ,, B 451 [Not named) B N.W. of 4527 o 4529 c 451 " 11 c (Close) N.E. of Han. o 4530 11 e 451 ,, (Not named) S. of Han. o 4531 M. Australe 452 M. Australe M. Australe 445 + 4532 Vega 451 Vega (XXV. -3) Vega 444 4533 11 a 451 (Not named) a 444 W. wall of 4542 A 4534 ,, M 446 W. of 4537 A 4535 .. 7 ... i. 7 446 W. of 4540 A 4536 b 451 Vega b b 451 S. part of Vega o 4537 d 452 (Not named) ,, d 446 S. of 4541 , o 4538 I 452 Vega I I 444 E. of Vega 4539* ,. H 451 * ? Reimarus (XXIV.-1) 297 H 444 S. of Vega o 4540" ,, e 452 *( Perhaps) Bris bane (further E.) (XXV. -8 304 e 446 S. of 4537 o 4541* ,, c 452 "(Perhaps) Peir escius( further E.)(XXV.-7) 304 M C 446 S.W. of 4542 o 160 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 1 4542* Vegaf 451 * 1 (Perhaps) Peirescius (furthers.) (XXV.-7) 304 Vega f 444 W. of Vega o 4543 ,. A 451 (Not named) A 444 &451 W. of 4542 o 4544* (Not named) *( Perhaps) Bris- bane (further S.)(XXV.-8) 304 g S. of 4542 o 4545 Oken 452 Oken (XXV. -4) Oken 446 o 4546 ,, a 452 (Not named) ,, a 446 S.W.wallofOk. A 4547 ,. ft 452 ,, ,, ft 446 S. of Ok. A 4548 7 452 ,, 7 446 E. of 4547 A 4549 8 452 ,, ,, 5 446 W. of Ok. A 4550 Marinus 453 Marinus (XXV.-5) Marinus 446 o 4551 a 453 (Not named) a 446 E. wall of Ma. A 4552 ft 453 ,, ft 446 W. of Ma. A 4553 ,. 7 453 ,, 7 446 S.W. of Ma. A 4554 a 453 Marinus a ,, a 446 S.E. of Ma. o 4555 b (Not named) ... b Between 4554 &Ma. o 4556 (Not named) ,, ,, c N.E. of Ma. o 4557 Marinus d 453 ,, d 445-6 N. of Ma. o 4558 E 453 ,, E 446 N. of 4557 o 4559 f 453 ,, (Not named) ... S. of Ma. o 4560 Fraunhofer in map ; Frauen- hofer in text 453 Fraunhofer (XXV. -2) 304 Frauenhofer 443 o 4561 Frauenhofer a 454 Fraunhofer a ... a 443 W. of Fr. o 4562 b 454 (Not named) b 443 S.W. of 4561 o 4563 c 454 Fraunhofer c ... ,, c 443 S.W. ofFr. o 4564 d (Not named) d S. of 4562 o 4565 ,, e 454 Fraunhofer e ... ,, e 444 N. of Vega c 4566 f 454 f ' f S.E. of Fr. o 4567 G 453 G G 443 In N.E. wall ofFr. 4568 !) A 454 (Not named) ) 444 S. wall of 4565 A 4569 ^ 454 ,, ft 443 X. of 4563 A 4570 7 454 Fraunhofer y >, 7 443 E. of 4563 A 4571 ,, 8 453 (Not named) 5 443 N. of 4572 A NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 161 Nelson. Schmidt. B. aud Madler. Position. | 4572 Frauenhofer 453 (Not named) Frauenhofer e 443 E. of Fr. A 4573 !> C 453 Fraunhofer f 80 C 443 E. wall of Fr. A 4574 j> "n 453 (Not named) 1\ 443 N. wall of Fr. A 4575 Furnerius 455 Furnerius (X.- 1 & XXV. -1) 203 Furnerius 420 o 4576 A 456 Furnerius A A 420 (Close) N.E. of Fur. 4577 B 455 B B 420 In Fur. o 4578 c 456 c c 420 S.E. of 4576 4579 D 456 (Not named) D S.E. of Fur. o 4580 ,. e ... Furnerius e e ( Close) E.of Fur. o 4581 f 456 ., / f 420 (Close) W. of Fur. 4582 g 456 9 g 420 S. of 4581 4583* i(l) (t in map) 456 *' n i 420 N. of 4581 4584* Furnerius h 456 (Not named) h 420 S.W. of 4581 o 4585* (Not named) Furnerius Ji (Not named) Between 4582 &45S4 o 4586 Furnerius a 455-6 (Not named) Furnerius o 420 N.E. wall of Fur. A 4587 455 . 420 N. of 4586 A 4588* (Not named) * Furnerius ft (not named in map) 203 (Not named) S.E. wall of Fur. A 4589 Furnerius 7 455 Furnerius 7 (not named in map) 203 Furnerius y 420 E. wall of Fur. A 4590 8 455 Furnerius 5 (not named in map) 30 8(1) 420 S. of 4 589 A 4591 M < 456 (Not named) ,, f 420 N.W. of 4581 A 4592 ,, C 456 C 420 N. of 4591 A 4593 ., "n 456 Furnerius TJ ~n 420 E. of Fur. A 4594 4595* ,. 6 i(2) 456 (Not named) ... e ,, 1 420 S.W. of 4677 N. of 4579 A A 4596 ,, \ 456 Furnerius \ >, A 420 N.E. of 4576 A 4597 (Not named) ... (Not named) 8(2) ... N. wall of Fur. A 4598 Furnerius 455 H (Not named) N. of 4577 - 4599 * 455 ,, M ... W. of 4577 - 4600 1 455 ,, II N.W. of 4598 - 4601 i C 419 (Close) S.E. of Ste. o 4610 d d d 419 N.E. of 4611 o 4611 e 460 (Not named) ... e 419 S.E. of Ste. o 4612 f 460 ,, (Not named) (419) N. of 4608 o 4613 Snellius 460 Snellius (X.-4) 203 Snellius 419 4614 a 460 203 a 419 N.E. ofSn. o 4615 b 460 b b 419 & 443 S.E. ofSn. o 4616 " ,, a 419 E. wall of Sn. A 4617 ^ 460 [Not named) ,. ft 419 S. wall of Sn. A 4618 >> 7 i 7 419 S. of 4614 A 4619 S ... 8 419 N. ofSn. A 4620 ,, e >' ,, e 419 N.W. wall of Sn. A 4621 x in text, K in map 460 ... [Not named) N. wall of 4614 A 4622 Haze 459 Hase(X.-6) 204 Hase 419 4623 a 459 ,, a a 419 In Ha. o 4624 b 454 Not named) b 419 S.E. of Ha. 4625 d 459 ,, (Not named) S.W. of Ha. o 4626 a 459 lase a 204 Hase a 419 N. wall of 4625 A 4627 3 (not named in map) 460 ,, ft ,, ft 419 E. of Ha. A 4628 Not named) Not named) ,,0)7 419 E. of 4624 A 4629 Haze 460 Not named) ... W. of Ha. - 4630 Palitzsch 458 Palitzsch (X.-7) Palitzsch 419 o 4631 ,, a 458 ,, a a 419 W. of Pa. o 4632 b 458 b b 422-4 N.W. of 4631 o 4633 Not named) Not named) , c 418 N. of Pa. NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 163 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position. 1 1 4634 Not named) (Not named) Palitzsch a 419 E. wall of Pa. A 4635 ,, /B N. of 4633 A 1636 Petavius 458 Petavius (X.-5) 204 Petavius 417-8 o 4637 A 458-9 [Not named) (204) A 417 Centre of Pet. A 4638 P 458 (see 4400) 417 E. wall of Pet. A 4639 6 458 Petavius )> 417 W. wall of Pet. A 4640 c P C 417 N. wall of Pet. A 4641 ,, 1 >i "n "n 418 N. of Pet. A 4642 ., 6 (Not named) e 418 &420 S. of Pet. A 4643 * (Not named) ... N. of 4647 A 4644 8 459 Petavius S ... Petavius 8 417 S.E. of 4637 - 4645 459 (Not named) (Not named) W. of 4637 - 4646 n 1 459 ,, ,, N. of 4637 - 4647 B 459 Petavius B 204 Petavius B 416-8 N.E. of Pet. 4648 ,, c 459 (Not named) c 417 In S. wall of Pet. o 4649 d 459 Petavius d d N.W. of Pet. o 4650 ,, e 459 (Not named) (Not named) S.E. of Pet. 4651 ,, m(not named in map) 459 (Perhaps) Petavius n In S. Pet. (patch) o 4652 Petavius n 459 (Not named) In N. Pet. (patch) 4653 Wrottesley 459 Petavius a = Wrottesley 204 Petavius a (A, p. 110) 417-8 4654 T 459 (see also 4400) (Not named) Petavius T 418 Centre of Wrot. A 4655 M. Fcecundi- tatis 513 M. Foecundi- tatis M. Foecundi- tatis 399 + 4656 Webb 518 Maclaurin C Maclaurin C 399 &402 o 4657 ,, H 518 H Langren H 402 S. of Webb 4658 i, A 518 (Not named) (Not named) In N. wall of Webb o 4659 ,, a 518 M ' N.E. wall of Webb A 4660 Maclaurin 518 Maclaurin (XI.-8) ... Maclaurin 421 4661 (Not named) Maclaurin a >i a ... S. of Mac. o 4662 Maclaurin b 518 (Not named) b 421 S.W. of Mac. o 4663 D I 518 ... D 421 ( Far) S. of Mac. o 164 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Nelson. Schmidt. B. and Miidler. Position . 11 I 4664 Maclaurin E 518 Maclaurin E Maclaurin E 421 S.E. of Mac. 4665 f 518 .. / f 421 S.W. of 4663 4666 (Not named) (Not named) W. of Mac. o 4667 ,, m 518 ,, ,, S. of 4668 o 4668 ,, n 518 ,, ,, S. of 4661 o 4669 i> r 518 ,, ,, E. of Mac. o 4670 a 518 ,, Maclaurin a 421 N.E. of Mac. A 4671 518 ,, 421 E. of Mac. A 4672 7 518 n 7 421 S. of 4671 A 4673 8 518 ,, ,, 5 421 S. of 4672 A 4674 519 ,, ,, f 421 N.W. of 4662 A 4675 ,, A 519 ,, (Not named) N. of 4 674 A 4676 M 519 ,, ,, S. of 4674 A 4677 Langrenus 517 Langrenus 210 Langrenus or 415 (XI.-10) Langren 4678 A 517 (Not named) (210) Langrenus A 415 Centre of Lan. A 4679 B 517 ,, (210) B 415 N. of 4678 A 4680 . 7 517 ,, >> 7 415 E. wall of Lan. A 4681* s M * 8 415 & W. wall of Lan. A (e in 402) 402 & p. 108 4682 ,, n 517 >, Langrenus r; 415 N. of 4688 A 4683 (Not named) S. of 4684 A 4684 Langrenus e ... (Not named) W. of 4691 A 4685 M C 517 ,, Langrenus 402 N.E. of Lan. = 4686 a 517 Langrenus a = 74 & ,, a 415 S. W. of Lan. Lapeyrouse a 210 & 422 4687 B 517 Langrenus B 70 & B 402 N.E. of Lan. o = b 211 4688 ,, Gin text 517 Langrenus C = c 207 c 415 (Close) N. of c in map &211 Lan. 4689 k 517 ,, X 70 (Not named) S. of 4687 o 4690 m 518 > CO 4695 Vendelinus e 515 Vendelinus e jangren e 415 S ofLu.i. o 4696 Vfcndelinus 514 Vendelinus 205 Vendelinus 416 o (X.-13) 4697 ,, A 515 Vendelinus A 205-6 A 415-6 N.E. of Ven. o 4698 B 515 B 205 B 416 S. of Ven. (0 in map 22) 4699 Vendelinus C 515 ,, Ciutext 205 i) c 416 W. of Ven. o c in map 4700* ' (Not named) ?(Not named) D 41(5 ? E. of 4704 o ? (not named in map) 4701 Vendelinus E 514 Vendelinus E Vendelinus E 416 N.E. of 4698 o 4702 f 515-6 .. / f 416 N.W. of 4698 o &422 4703 G G G N.W. of Ven. o 4704* D 515 (Perhaps) Ven- h In Ven. o delinus h (further N.) 4705 i 515 Vendelinus i i 416 N.W. of 4699 o 4706 (Not named) > x 205- (Not named) E. of 4703 o 6-7 4707 Vendelinus a 514 ,, a 205 Vendelinus o 416 E. wall of Veu. A 4708 515 (Not named) 416 N.W. wall of A Ven. 4709 7 Vendelinus y 205 7 W. of 4699 A 4710 e ,, t ., e 416 S.W. wall of A Ven. 4711 MacClure 5 CookS 77 8 411 ( Far) E. of Yen. A = 4346 4712 Vendelinus \ 514 (Not named) (Not named) N. of 4707 A 4713 ,, 515 ,, ,, N. of 4704 - 4714 * 515 ,, ,, W. of 4695 - 4715 Legcndre 456 Legendre (X. -8) 205 Legendre 4'2t o 4716 a 456 (Not named) ii a 424 N.W.wallofLe. A 4717 455 Legendre M * 424 E. wall of Le. A 4718 , , A. in text 457 ,, 7 7 W. wall of Le. A ? 7 in ma] 4719 n e 457-8 (Not named) >i ' 424 S.W. ofLe. A 4720 ." 457 ,, (Not named) (424) S. of 4717 A 4721 n X 457 n (424) S. of 4720 A (not named in map; 166 COLLATED LIST OF NAMED AND LETTERED FORMATIONS IN Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. j 1 4722 (Not named) Legendre 5 (no named in map 205 (Not named) Lat. - 32, long. + 79 A 4723 Legendre a *Legendre a (called b, p. 205) 205 & 51 Legendre a p. 103 In N. wall of Le. o 4724 b 457 *Legendre b 36, 37 &205 b 422 E. of Adams o 4725 d 457 (Not named) d ... S.W. of Le. o 4726 Adams 456 Legendre C = c 74 & 207 c o 4727 .. c 456 (Not named) (Nearly) Legendre S.W. of Ad. f = (N) A(M 4728 ,, 5 456 ,, ... Legendre 5 E. wall of Ad. A 4729 Wm. Humboldt 457 W. Humboldt (X.-9) Wm. Humboldt 424 o 4730* A 457 Humboldt ? (doubtful letter) ^ 424 In Wm. Ht. A 4731 ft 457 (Not named) ft N. wall of Wm. Ht. A 4732 7 457 Humboldt y . 7 N.W. wall of Wm. Ht. A 4733* ,, 5 457 a (not named in map) 59 8 S.E. wall of Wm. Ht. A 4734 A 457 (Not named) (Not named) N.E. wall of Wm. Ht. A 4735 /* 457 ,, ,, S. of 4732 A 4736 457 M ,, S. of 4735 A 4737 X 457 ,, N. of 4734 A 4738 m 457 " M ... In E. Wm. Ht. (spot) o 4739 f> n 457 " In N. Wm. Ht. (spot) o 4740 ,, b in text, in map 516 Humboldt b ... Humboldt b 422 S.E.ofHekataua 4741* Phillips 457 Not named) *(Not named) (424) o 4742* ,. a 458 ,, * Humboldt A 424 E. of Phil. 4743 f 453 Humboldt ( C 422-4 N.E. of Phil. A 4744 Not named) Not named) ,, e S.E. wall of Phil. A 4745 4746 Hekataus in toxt ; Heca- tiius in map lekataus a 515 515 Tecataeus (X.-10) lecataeus a 59 flekataus it a 423 423 In He. A 4747 /8 516 ft 422 E. of He. A NELSON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLERS LUNAR MAPS. 167 Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. 1 4748 Hekataus y 516 Hecataeus y, y Hekataus y 422 S.E. of 4747 A 4749 a 515 (Not named) D a 423 In W. wall of He. 4750 b 515 ,, b 423 N.E. of He. o 4751 D c 515 c ' 423 E. of 4750 4752 d 515 ,, d 423 N.W. of He. o 4753 Behaim 516 Behaim (X.- 11) Behaim 423 o 4754* A (once H) 516 A 74 A 422 E. of Be. 4755 " b 516 (Not named) b 423 (Close) S.E. of Be. o 4756 N 516 ,, (Not named) ! (422) In 4754 o 4757 a 516 Behaim a 423 W. wall of Be. A 4758 ft 516 ,, ft 423 E. wall of Be. A 4759 * 516 (Not named) (422) S.E. of 4754 A 4760 Ansgarius 516 Ansgarius (X.-12) Ansgarius 423 4761 a 516 Ansgarius a >i a 422 N. of 4754 4762 b 516 (Not named) ( ... b 423 N.W. of Ans. o 4763 ft 516 Ansgarius /8 8 423 N.W. wall of Ans. A 4764 n 7 7 7 E. wall of Ans. A 4765 8 516 8 ... s 423 S.W. wall of Ans. A 4766 japeyrouse 516 Not named) ,. 423 E. of Ans. A 4767 japeyrouse 516 [japeyrouse (XI.-9 & X.-12a) japeyrouse 423 ... 4768 A 516 Not named) (see 4686) A 422 N.E. of La. o 4769 b 516 japeyrouse b 211 b 422 E. of La. 4770 .1 c 517 c c 422 S. of 4769 4771 d 517 d d 422 E. of 4770 4772 ii e 516 Not named) ... Not named) N.W. of La. o 4773 f 516 ,, ,, S.E. of La. 4774 g 517 ,, ,, ... S.of 4770 & 4771 o 4775 516 japeyrouse a 423 W. wall of La. A 4776 i 7 516 i, ... Not named S. wall of La. A 4777 A 516 ,, Close to 4768 A 4778* astner 518 * ... Kastner 421 ... o 168 FORMATIONS IN NELSON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Neison. Schmidt. B. and Madler. Position. j 1 4779 Kastner a 519 (Perhaps) 59 Kastner a 421 E. of 4785 A Kastner o (not namedinmap) 4780 ft 519 (Not named) N.W. of Kast. A 4781 7 518 ,, .. 7 421 W. wall of Kast. A 4782 ,, A 518 n A 421 In N. wall of Q Kast. 4783 b 519 ,, b 421 W. of Kast. 4784 C 518 ,, ,, c 421 In S. Kast. 4785 d 519 n d 421 N. of Kast. o 4786 )> e 518 (Not named) In E. wall of o Kast. 4787 m ,, ,, N.W. of 4785 4788 n ,, ,, N. of 4787 o 4789* M. Smythii 519 *Kastner 208 M -f (XI.-6) NOTES. 11, 14, 28, 141. All the formations near the W. limb, from "Hansen" to "Hahn," are placed further S. by Schmidt than by Miidler and Nelson ; but the same names represent the same formations, except in the cases of " Plutarch " and "Seneca." 26, 137, 137A. Schmidt's "Plutarch" seems to be identical, or nearly so, with Miidler's and Nelson's ' ' Seneca " ; while he calls their "Plutarch" "Timoleon," a new name chosen by himself. Schmidt's "Seneca " is a formation \V. of " Hahn," not named by Miidler or Neison. [28, see 11.] 96, 113. M;idler seems uncertain whether his "Picarde" is a crater or a mountain. He draws it like a mountain, and twice calls it one ; but he describes it rather as a crater, and gives it a Roman letter. Schmidt makes it a mountain, to which he gives no letter in the map,but which he calls indifferently " x"and "f," and also (on p. 71 and others) "e." In the map he transfers " e " to a crater further S. , of which he gives a summary of measure- ments on p. 218, as " crater e." Neison calls Miidler's " e" " R " and makes it a crater, but places it rather further S. [137, see 26.] [141, see 11.] 244, 244A. It is very difficult to decide whether the "Maskelyne b" of each map is the same ; but, after careful com- parison with the photographs, I think Schmidt's "b" is different from that of the other two. But Miidler's might pos- sibly be the same as Schmidt's, drawn too close to " Maskelyne." 300, 301. Neison calls two rills " Romer " (on p. 204), and states that the first is S. of "t," the second W. of "." But the first is " TJ " in the map, and the second is really \V. of "e" and not of " ." That this is its true position is shown by Schmidt's description of these rills. 353, 354. Schmidt's "Zeno" is identified by him with Miidlers " T," and the Lat given as 42^ N., Long. 75. This would seem to make it the formation W fc . of ' ' T " ( " T " being really a peak) which is called by Neison "Struve f." But in the map (XIII.) its position is indicated by the figure " 8 " as being identical with Miidler's and Neison's " Struve c." 416. Schmidt's "Epicurius" extends further W. than Neison's " De la Rue." 480, 481, 505, 506. It is not clear whether Schmidt's >: m" and "p" belong to the craters or the rills ; but, from analogy, the rills seem more likely. 559, 561, 565.- Miidler's " Dionysius A " is called by Neison "Cay ley," and by Schmidt " De Morgan.'' Neison's " De Morgan " is the crater just S. of this one, not named by the other two ; and Schmidt's "Cayley" is Miidler's " Ariadaeus B," and Neison's "Cayley B." As Schmidt takes these names from England, he probably mistook their identity. 563, 564. Neison transposes " Ariadseus " and "Ariadseus a" in his map, though he describes their positions correctly. 599, 601, 605, 613. In Miidler's map, there are two parallel rows of letters, "e," "7," "b," near "Menelaus" and "Sulpicius Gallus, " one set N. of the others. It seems probable that the "7" and "b" were duplicated by mistake, as there does not appear to be a second crater or peak in these places, judging by the photographs. It is possible that one of the " e's " is also an error, but I think it more likely that both ' ' e's " are intended, as two appear to be mentioned in Miidler's Section 210. I have omitted the Southern "7" and "b" in my list, and they are omitted also by Schmidt and by Neison. Schmidt and Neison also omit the Northern " ." If both "ya" and "b's" are really meant by Miidler, the Southern ones must belong to " Menelaus." 607, 898. It seems quite possible that Neison's "Aratus b" is the same as Schmidt's "Sulpicius ?7i," but they draw the region so differently that I cannot be sure. 702, 707. Miidler's "Chr. Mayer 0" is a rill (Section 190). but botli Schmidt and Neison have transferred the " " to the mountain E. of the rill, while Neison calls the rill " C " ad Schmidt does not show it at all. 733-4, 937-8. Schmidt does not name Miidler's "Eudoxus o and 0," but calls Miidler's 169 170 NOTES ON NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. "Cassini a and " " Eudoxus a and 0." This is an additional reason for identify- ing his "Calippus 7" with Madler's "Cassiui 7," as on p. 25 he gives a measure of height as being either "Calippus 7 " or " Eudoxus 8 " (see 939, note). [753, see 939.] 769. A careful consideration of Schmidt's state- ments in regard to Nos. '213, 220, 220A, 661, 662, 664, 1234, 1235, and 1236, in his height-measurements, and in regard to "b," "c," and "d" on pp. 251-2, seems to show that "Cape Faraday" is the whole mountain mass, "b," " c," "d," not merely the S. point, "b." 880, 881. Madler's Ukert A" represents the conspicuous crater just N. of Ukert, though it is drawn too far off. In Nelson's map, taken alone, we might take his ' : b " for this crater ; but he evidently intends his "A" to be the same as Madler's. 886, 887. Neison and Schmidt both omit Madler's "Ukert a," as such, but Neison calls it " ," and omits Madler's "/3" and "7" altogether. Schmidt gives the " ft " and " 7," but leaves " o" unlettered. 896, 897. Madler's "Aratus a" is not given in the map, but from the context of his mention of it in Section 220, it seems clear that it must be the crater S. of ' ' Aratus " (which is itself also not named in the map). Neison and Schmidt both mark this "a," and Neison translates the passage on p. 178, so that he must there be taken to mean the same crater. But he also marks a crater N.W. of "Aratus" "a" and calls it (by impli- cation) "Aratus a" on p. 176. So he appears to have two "Aratus a's." {898, see 607.] [937, see 733.] 939 (and 753). (1) There seems no doubt that the "Calippus 7" in Neison's text, p. 181, should be "Cassini 7." (2) It seems almost certain that Schmidt's "Calippus or Caucasus 7" is Madler's "Cassini 7." He states, on p. 85, that his "Caucasus 7" = his "Calippus 7," and he uses the measures of both in his summary of "Caucasus 7" on p. 237, so that they are certainly identical, and the only question is whether this height is Miidler's "Calippus 7," "Cassini 7," or some other. He calls it (p. 237) the North Cape of the Caucasus, which certainly seems to fit Madler's "Cassini 7" best. But on p. 44 he gives a measure of its height, stating its Lat. as 35^. The height, however, is much less than on any other occasion, and this measure is not used in the summary, so this may be a different mountain ; or else the Lat. may be wrongly given, through mistaking the 40 line for the 35 line. This Lat. seems quite incon- sistent with the position of the shadow, p. 85. On p. 36 he says " Caucasus 7" is N. of "Calippus." Another reason for identifying this peak with "Cassini 7 " is that the only " 7 " Schmidt inserts in the "Caucasus" is in that place, and he nowhere mentions any "Cassini 7." Against the identification might be urged that he includes Madler's measure of height of " Calippus 7" in his summary of this peak ; but it is not at all im- probable that he might think Madler meant this peak by "Calippus 7, "and the height in this measure is not in very close agreement with his own. 942, 958. This peak (942) is called " Pr. Deville " in Schmidt's text, and he describes it as the S. peak of " b " = "Madler's Z." In the map it is marked "A." 951. Madler, Schmidt, and Neison all appear to accept Schrbter's " Mt. Blanc." But Schmidt's descriptions of its position (pp. 57 and 239) can only be reconciled with this by the supposition that he wrote "A." by mistake for "ij." (See notes on Nos. 1103 and 1104.) The mountain is not numbered in his map, nor named in Madler's. ! 1007, 1011, 1012. Madler and Schmidt both give the letter " B " to a peak in the S. W. wall of ' ' Barrow. " Neison does not show this peak at all, but calls one a little W. of it (Long. 10) "j8," and calls the crater close to Madler's "" (peak), " B. 1029, 1033.- Madler gives a measurement of height of "Anaxagoras a" on p. 113, but he does not appear to mention it anywhere else. Schmidt (p. 242) takes it to represent the W. wall of ' 'Anaxagoras, " and incorporates the measure in his summary of that height, giving no reason for the identification. Madler gives a footnote to the entry, but it seems really to apply to the next in the list, ' ' Anaxa- goras 7. " There are three measurements given of "7" to the E.' (834*, 857*, and 981 1 ) ; but Madler (in Section 280) says that in "two" measurements to the E. they found 1146* and 857*. The measurement of "o" (p. 113) is 1145 1 , so it seems as if Madler had been misled by the footnote into taking this as one of "7" (1146 might be a misprint for 1145). He ignores the other two East- ward measures of "7. " It seems to me more probable that " o " is really the E. wall of "Anaxagoras "(marked "ij" in the map) than the W*. Neison calls this Soint " o " instead of " 77, " and Madler as a second "77," so he may really have intended to call this one " a. " 1079, 1096. Madler gives a measure of " Platoa " (p. 101) and one of " Plato A " (p. 120), which appear from the footnote on p. 101 to represent the same peak. I can find no mention of either in the descrip- tive text. Schmidt (p. 242) takes both measures as being of the W*. wall of the crater " A " N. E. of " Plato," inwards : NOTES ON NELSON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 171 but this seems impossible, as one measure is Eastward, the other Westward, and Madler gives the height of this crater (outwards, however) as about 500*, while these two measures are 1931 4 and 1650 1 . In the same Section (252), Madler gives the height of a mountain close to the other crater " A " (W. of "Plato")as 1740' measured Eastwards. This position seems to agree better with the details of the measurements than that of the N.E. crater, and there seem to be no other measures in the list which could refer to this mountain. If we may assume that Madler made a (very possible) slip in calculating the mean, and also took the Westward measure as an Eastward one (as Schmidt has certainly done), " Plato o ( = A)" may be this mountain. Neison marks a mountain near this crater "a," and this may be the one, or it might be Neison's "o" or "K." (Madler has a mark which may be "o" just where Neison's " o " is placed.) 1103, On p. 239 Schmidt says that " Alps I" is near " TJ," at the N.E. end of the Alpine Valley ; and on p. 52 he calls it the S. summit of " TJ, " and says that it is on the N. edge of the Alpine Valley. The position of the letter in the map suggests that for " TJ " we should read " \. " (See note on 951.) 1104. Schmidt says (p. 52) that " Alps n " is the N. summit of "TJ," and in Lat. 52. The letter seems not to be in the map at all; but this peak is clearly near "I," so that its Lat. cannot be 52 u ; moreover, " if " itself is in Lat. 45. Here again I think we should read "A" for "TJ," and it seems probable that the Lat. should be 47^. Schmidt may have added, instead of subtracting, the difference from 50, or have mistaken the 45 line for 50. 1105. The peak " Alps o " (pp. 52 and 58) is called "m" on p. 239, and there is a letter " m " in the map near "I." As Schmidt says it is " vermuthlich daselbst wo I," this "m" in the map must be supposed to represent it. But, on p. 52, he says it is in Lat. 52 '1 and Long. 0. In the map it is in Lat. 47 '3, and Long. - 2 ; so that the same mistake seems to have occurred in the Lat. as with "n," but the difference in the Long, leaves it doubtful where this peak really is. 1134, 1135, 113!'. Neison divides Madler's and Schmidt's "Kirch j8" into two, calling the E. part "ft," and the W. part "7." Schmidt calls a peak N. of " ft " " y," to which Neison gives the letter " K." 1232, 1233, 1234. Madler, Schmidt, and Neison have each a different "Pallas &," but Miidler's is not marked in his map. Neison's is a plateau on the N.W. side of "Pallas," Schmidt's is a peak W. of " Pallas," and Msi'ller's a mountain chain crossing " Pallas." 1274, 1275, 1278, 1281. Miidler's " Eratosthenes 7. 8, C, "n " are not in the map, and their positions are not fully described (Sections 223 and 238). I have followed Schmidt's identification of them, but Neison identifies " " and " TJ " differently, and does not give the " y " and " 8 " at all. 1394. The "Timocharis d" mentioned by Schmidt on p. 53 seems to be nowhere else alluded to. It is possible that it may be " Carlini D." 1408, 1409, 1410. Miidler's "Pytheas b and c" are not named in his map, nor is their position exactly described. It is there- fore impossible to be certain of their identity, but " b " is probably Neison's "b. " Neison also mentions "c," but does not mark it in his map, while he puts a letter " m " in his map which he does not allude to in his text, so it seems likely that this "ni" = the "c"in his text, as there is no other likely-looking crater shown near. This may also be Madler's "c," though the latter (or his " b ") might = Neison's " d. " 1471, 1474. Madler's " Stadius 7 and " are not named in the map, and the description of their position is ambiguous. I have followed Neison's identification of them, but Schmidt identifies "7" differently. His " " is the same as Neison's. 1511, 1512. Madler and Neison give the name of ' ' Reinhold A " to a small crater within the larger formation N. of "Reinhold." Schmidt calls the larger one "A," and does not name the little one. Neison calls the larger one "b,"and Madler does not name it. 1540. Neison calls this crater (p. 312) "Kepler E," but this must evidently be a mis- print for "EnckeE." 1625, 1631. Madler places two " y's" between " Louville " and "Sharp." Neison men- tions them both, but only inserts one in his map. A comparison with Madler's map shows that it is the Western one, ' ' Sharp 7. " 1648. Schmidt's "Sinus Iridum c and C" seem to be identical (pp. 50, 69, and 250). On p. 69, it is said to be "North" of " Sharp B," but from other details given I think this should read " South." 1726, 1727. The region near the E 1 . limb is so differently depicted in Schmidt's map from the others, that it is difficult to be certain of the identity of any formation ; but I think "Galvani" is "RepsoldE," and ' ' Renault " ' ' Repsold c. " 1728. The crater called " Dechen " by Schmidt is not shown at all by the others. (Schmidt notes this, as regards Miidler.) 1760, 1761. Miidler mentions (Section 266) two craters, " D " and " E, " as being South of "Herodotus" and "Aristarchus." Itseems probable that he really means "Aristar- chus D and E," which are, however, W 1 . of " Aristarchus " (Section 269). " E " is not in the map. 172 NOTES ox NELSON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 1841, 1842. Madler's "Reiner 7" and Neison's "Reiner r" both represent the bright ; plateau which they place X.E. of | "Reiner," though Madler's letter is placed j at a little distance S. of it. Schmidt's i "Reiner 7" is also a plateau or ring ' which may be meant for the same forma- tion, but it is placed S. E. instead of X. E. of "Reiner." 1843-1846. On p. 263 Schmidt gives measure- j ments of height as of " Galilaei " and its : ' ' Northern neighbour " (i.e. " a "), which j are stated on p. 39 to be of "Galilaei b and c." 1930. 1931. Madler has two "Olbers b's" and one " C." Neison calls the first b " b " ; the second "c" in his text, and both " b " and " c " in his map ; and the " C " he calls "C" in his text and "c" in his map. 1967A, 2015A, 2020, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2033. In Schmidt's maps XIX. and XX. are placed five " o's," near the E. limb, between Lat. - 6 a and - 15J. I have apportioned these letters as well as I can between the different named formations, but it seems pretty clear that they are really all meant to designate the "D'Alembert" and "Cordillera Mts." Schmidt says (on p. 26:".) that "9aa" represents the "D'Alembert Mts., E. of Grimaldi." But the "o's "in this Sec- tion are far S. of " Grimaldi," and would properly represent the ' ' Cordillera Mts. " (which he does not appear to mention at all), while the "a's" in Section XIX. are really E. of "Grimaldi" and would properly represent the "D'Alembert Mts." It seems, therefore, as if he had made a slip, putting "D'Alembert" where he meant "Cordillera," and then omitting "D'Alembert " in Section XIX. ; unless he intentionally named these mountains differently from Madler. 1985, 1994. Schmidt does not mark Madler's " Damoiseau g " at all, but marks Madler's " Lohrmann f" "g," and it seems likely that he means it to be called ' ' Damoiseau g. " He also numbers it "2, "and calls it "Hermann," which he correctly identifies as being Madler's "Lohrmann f," so it is difficult to see why he altered its letter to "g" in his map, unless by a slip of the pen. 2039, 2053, 2065. Madler mentions two "Eich- stadt o's," one S. of Eichstadt (men- tioned in Section 361) and one W. (mentioned in Section 360, top of p. 341), and also a "Byrgius a." N. of " Byrgius," in Section 360, line 5. (The second " Eich- stadt o " we might have thought was to be called "Byrgius a," but for the facts that the letter is placed in the map on the "Eichstadt" side of the range, and that it is definitely called " Eichstadt a " in the list of measured heights, p. 107.) The first of these three is called by Neison "Eichstadt a" (p. 397), the second "Byrgius a" (pp. 331 and 395-6), and the third ' ' De Vico a " (p. 331 ). Schmidt does not name the first one in his map, but appears to mean it by his ' ' Eichstadt o" on pp. 30 and 35. The second he marks, and calls " Byrgius a" on p. 269. The third he also marks "a" in the map, and it seems probable that he means it in some of his measurements called " Byrgius o," e.g. on pp. 30 and 42. But his summary of his various measurements of "Byrgius a" on p. 269 is very confusing, and gives the impression that he may have ' ' muddled up " these two different ranges. 2057, 2067. It is not clear from Madler's wording whether his " Byrgius 7 " means the rill, or the mountain close by it. Xeisou makes the mountain "7" and calls it "De Vico 7," and makes the rill "Byrgius ." But Schmidt considers " 7 " to mean the rill (see p. 85, footnote), which he marks both "7" and " p" in his map, though the " 7 " might as easily belong to the mountain, from its position. 2059. Neison says (p. 331, note) that Madler almost certainly intended the crater "De Vico" to be called " Fontana A," although he ' ' described it under Criiger, " and called it " Byrgius A," having, how- ever, another crater called ' ' Byrgius A. '* But the description is quite as much under ' ' Byrgius " as under ' Criiger " ; the "A" is on the side right away from " Fontana " ; and Miidler twice (in quite different connections) calls it "Byrgius A" (Sections 354 and 360, line 2), and never anything else ; so I cannot see my way to calling it anything but ' 'Byrgius A (2) " in my Madler column. The matter is of no practical importance, as the crater is now "De Vico." 2078. Neison's description of the position of the rill "Criiger 0" makes it seem to be the one (marked " 9 " in the map) just a little S. of the 20 line of Lat. , running across from the long rill to Neison's "Byrgius a" (my Xo. 2053). But this position is S. of what -I take to be "Byrgius ty," and so it seems very odd that it should be apportioned to ' ' Criiger " instead of to- "Byrgius." The rills are rather con- fusedly drawn in the maps, however, and perhaps one is left out. 2106, 2107. Madler's "Fontana b" may mean Xeison's "Fontana a," or it may mean botli Xeison's "a" and "b" together; but it seems impossible that it can mean the crater called " b " by Neison, alone. 2126. The crater called "Melloni" by Schmidt is not shown at all by Madler or Neison, as is noted by Schmidt in regard ta Madler. It is probably not really a crater. 2228. Madler's " Lagrange f " is acrater, NeisonV a mountain, Schmidt's may be either. 2240. "Bouvard" is not identified by Schmidt. 2249, 2254. Schmidt gives a height-measure of " Inghirami B " (pp. 50 and 272). I NOTES ON NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 173 cannot find the letter in the map, but it would be natural to identify it with Miidler's " lughirami b." The details of position given with the measure (p. 50) seem, however, not to admit of this identification. 2:.'59. " Hausen " is not in the list of formations in Section XXII. (Schmidt), though numbered I2a in the map. 2-291. " Wargentin 8 " is, according to Schmidt, a rill, according to Neison a valley, and according to Madler a double range of mountains, as I think, though Neisou says Madler makes it a valley. I have found no mention of it by Miidler. 2:331, 2348, 2351. (1) " Drebbel a" described by Neison on p. 403 appears to be identical with " K " in his map(XV. ). (2) .Madler's "Drebbel a" is Neison 's "Clausius a," and is said by Schmidt to be identical with his (Schmidt's) "7" ("Hainzel" or ' ' Drebbel "). The position of this " 7 " in the map is in Long. 42 or 43, where- as .Madler's " o" is in Long. 39, but it does seem to be meant for the same peak : Schmidt puts all this part farther E. (He states, on p. 277, that it is in Long. 37, but this must clearly be a slip, either from mistaking one line of Long, for another, or from subtracting instead of adding the difference from 40. ) Schmidt does not name Madler's "Drebbel 7," but, owing to the differences in position mentioned already,his " 7 "( = "Drebbel a " ) is pretty nearly in the 1 .at. and Long. of Miidler's and Neison's " Drebbel 7." 2393, 2393A, 2394, 2395. Neison has two " Gassendi 7*3 " in his map and drawing, one in the W. wall, and one (looking more like " v ") in the K. wall. The latter is the only one he mentions, and it corresponds with .Madler's "7." But he mentions a high mountain " A, " which is not in the map, but which is evidently either in, or just beyond, the W. wall. Possibly this may be the same as his second "7,' ; but it seems also possible that "A" may be the same as "8," although that is mentioned as if it were a separate peak, on the same page (338). Miidler gives '" 8," but no "A." 2396. Madler makes "Gassendi Z" a mountain, Ncison a crater. 2401. Neison implies that his "*" is within "Gassendi," but he places it outside the W. wall, in both map and drawing. 2402, 2402A. Xeison mentions two "Gassendi v , w . y, z ; * an( l $>" an d his "Deluc r,," are given only in his special drawing of "Maginus," and are neither in his map, nor mentioned in his text, t 3240. The letter in Madler's map, by the crater in the E 1 . wall of "Clavius," might be either capital" I "or small "1 "(printing form), and he does not mention it. Schmidt makes it " I," and Neison "1." 8261, 3262. Nelson's " Blancanus " is nearly in the place of Madler's " 7," and he does not give Miidler's " /3." 3275, 3306, 3312, 3313, 3314. Schmidt depicts the region near the S. pole very differently from the way in which it is shown by Madler and Nelson ; so that his ' ' New- ton," " Short," and " Moretus,"and the adjacent craters, etc. , are very differently placed, although the same objects are intended. 3301, 3305A, 3310. Madler's peak "Casatus A " (Section 345) is called by Neison "Cabaeus A " (p. 435) ; and Schmidt transfers the " A " to a neighbouring crater, which he probably means to call " Newton A," as there is another crater ' ' Casatus A '" given by all three. His peak "Casatus I" (pp. 287, 59, etc.) may possibly be the same as Madler's and Nelson's " A." 3319, 3322. Schmidt does not name "Cabaeus " or " Malapert" in his list of formations in Section XXIII. (p. 280), but in the map he numbers two formations 146 and 14c, and these formations are in the right position for "Cabaeus" and "Malapert," relatively to "Newton," "Short," and "Moretus," though they are actually m,uch further W. than Madler and Neison place them. I suppose, therefore, that these are the two formations in question. But " Cabaeus " is mentioned on p. 30 as a large crater " of the other hemisphere, " S. of "Bailly"; so probably only its Western wall is meant to be shown at 146. It is also named on p. 287. I have found no mention of ' ' Malapert, " except as a name in Lohrmann's and Madler's 3320, 3321. Neison transposes Madler's ' ' Cabaeus a" and "b." Schmidt gives neither, but he places, in a formation which seems to correspond to Madler's " a," two letters which look like small ' ' y's. " 3338, 3341. Madler's " Schomberger B" seems clearly to be a peak, and Nelson's " B " (close by) to be a crater, but neither is mentioned in the text. 3369, 3361. Madler's " Curtius y," in Section 459, seems clearly to mean the one E 1 . of " Pentland," though this would naturally be supposed to be "Pentland y," especially as he has another "Curtius 7" in the N. wall of ' ' Curtius. " He mentions both "ys" in Section 466. 3371, 3373, 3374. Neison mentions "Kinau a, c, and d," as being near his " Kinau b" (which is Madler's " Manzinus b") ; but he does not describe their relative posi- tions. There are nine or ten craters near " b " ; one is marked clearly " e, " another might be either a " or " d " (these letters are often undistinguishable in his maps), and a third has a letter so badly printed in this copy of the map that it might be almost anything, but is perhaps most likely meant for "c." I am therefore unable to identify these three craters cer- tainly. If the last is " c," and the second "a," the "e" may be a misprint for "d," or the " d " may be a different crater, not marked in the map, and the "e " inten- tionally marked so, but not mentioned in the text. 3391. Madler gives the Lat. of his " Zach A " wrongly by 5. Neison changes the "A" into "A." 3413-3417. Madler and Neison give the name of " Licetus " to a large compound forma- tion, of which they name the separate component parts "a," "b," "c," and "d." Schmidt confines the name "Lice- tus" to their " Licetus a," and gives the name ' ' Heraclitus " to their ' ' Licetus c." 3420, 3420A, 3422, 3445. In Section 426 (last paragraph) Madler says that left of "Stbfler o" lies "G," without a recog- nisable wall, and against this "Licetus G" (Lat. and Long, given). But in the map there is only one " G " near " Stofler o," and it seems clearly to bf "Licetus G " by its Lat. and Long. There is a vague sort of formation W. of " o " which is not lettered by Madler which may be his first " G." This formation is marked "i"by Schmidt, though Madler's "i" is further S. (being S. W. of " Licetus G "). But it is just possible that the "G" in Madler's map is meant for a smaller crater, between the larger one and "e," in which case this smaller one would be ' ' Licetus G " and the larger one " Stofler G." (The difference in Lat. and Long, is very small.) I do not think this so likely as the first suggestion. There is one other possible solution : Madler may be speaking of the same "G " in both sentences, inadvertently expressing him- self as if there were two, through some oversight in revising his proofs. 3539, 3540, 3542, 3543. Madler has two "La Caille as " in his text (Sections 370 and 371), one in the wall of "Lacaille," the other in ' ' Delaunay. " The latter is given in the map, but not the former. Neison gives a " Lacaille a" in the N. wall of " Lacaille," which may be the position of that of Madler. He gives the other as ' ' Delaunay a. " Madler and Neison both mention a "Lacaille #," and Miidler places it in his map in the S. W. wall, but it does not appear in Neison's map, though he probably intends it to be in t Nos. 4207-4216 are similarly given only in his special drawing of "Theophilus." 176 NOTES ox NEISOX'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. the same place. Nei.-on also has a " Delaunay ft" which is placed in the map in the \V. wall of " Delaimay," but is stated in the text to be in the E. wall. 3552, 3557. Madler's "Airy 7" appears to be- long both to the crater in which the letter is placed . and to a particular peak in its E*. wall. (See two mentions in Section 370.) Neison calls the peak "7," and the crater "c." The "Airy C" of Madler and Schmidt is Neisou's " Argelander." It is once called "c" by Madler. 3611, 3613. Madler has "Hipparchus i" and "Hipparchus 1." Neison changes the letter to a capital in each case, while Schmidt does not name the first, and changes the "1" into "i." 3640. Schmidt turns the "Reaumur A" of Madler and Neison into " b," and does not name their "b." 3648, 3651. Schmidt transposes the names " Theon, sen." and "Theon, jun. " as used by Madler and Neison. 3709, 3714. Madler and Neison have a " Kant 5 " in the E. wall of "Kant d." Schmidt does not give this, but has a ' ' Kant 5 " \V. of "Kant 7." 3739, 3744. In Section 380, Madler speaks of two different formations as ' ' Abulfeda c." One of them is " C " in the map, and the other " b." Neison and Schmidt follow the map. 3771, 3772, 3778, 3783. Schmidt has two for- mations marked "22" in his map VIII. ; ' ' Abenezra" beingNo. 22 in the list One of these is meant for the same formation as Madler's "Abenezra," the other is in quite a different place, and is unnamed by Madler and Neison. The first agrees with his No. 15, map IX., which is also stated to be "Abenezra," so the second "22" must evidently be a mistake. Schmidt's "Geber," "Abenezra," and "Azophi" are all placed further W*. than they are in Madler's and Neison's maps ; but " Abenezra " very much more so than the others. The Long, of "Geber A" (crater) given by Madler and Neison does not agree with its position in their maps. 3820, 3822. " Gemma Frisius a " is marked "c " in Neison's map, though he calls it " a " in the text, and has the real " c " in both text and map also. 3864. Schmidt says (p. 297) that his "Ideler" is "N. of Pitiscus," but the Lat. and Long, given, its place in his map, and its identity with " Baco d," show that he means " N. of Baco" or else " E. of Pitiscus." 3867, 3868. Neison turns Madler's "Baco g" into " h," and calls another crater " g," N. E. of the other. Schmidt agrees with Madler, and does not name the second crater. 3874, 3875, 3876. Madler's " Barocius ft " is the S. W. wall of ' ' Barocius, " and is not given by either Schmidt or Neison. But Neison has two " Barocius /8's," in the E 1 . walls of "a" and "b." 3879, 3881, 3882, 3883, 3894. Neison calls Madler's "Clairautb" " Baco b," and has another " Clairaut b " not named by the other two. Schmidt' calls the first both "Baco b" and ' Clairaut b." He speaks of Madler's " Baco B " on p. 300, but the height- measure there quoted is not really of that crater, but of Madler's ' ' Clairaut b, " as is proved by the details of the measure given on p. 85. Schmidt does not name Madler's and Neison's " Clairaut C," but calls the E tn . one of the pair of craters (called by them " D") "C," and the W tn . one" alone "D." Neison states that his "Tannerus" is Madler's " Mutus B," but it seems clear from the position of the letter that Madler means it to be called " Baco B." 3913. Neison calls Madler's and Schmidt's "Manzinus a" "0" in his text, but does not mark it in his map. 3915. Schmidt's "Demonax" is called "x" in his height-measures. 3921, 3922. Neison's " Boguslawsky e " is clearly meant to be called ' ' Schomberger e " by Madler. Schmidt does not name it, but has an "e" nearer to " Boguslawsky." 3923. Schmidt affixes a star to the name " Bous- singault" in his list of names in map XXIV., as if it were a new name given by himself, which is not the case. 3929. Madler calls the same crater both "Hagecius G" and " Boussingault G" (Sections 447 and 462). 3933. The "Boussingault c" mentioned by Madler in Section 462 seems to be really his "e" in the map. 3943. Neison turns Madler's and Schmidt's "Hagecius b" into "A," but keeps the "a." 4006. Neison's " Nicolai c" is wrongly placed in map 18, but is right in map 20. 4020, 4035, 4036. Neison changes " Riccius c" into "e," and evidently means "Rabbi Levi c " to be called " Riccius c," while he has another "Rabbi Levi c" not named by the others. 4042. 4043. Neison mentions a valley, "77," in the N. wall of ' ' Rabbi Levi. " I can find no " rj " in the map, but there is a second "8," which may take its place. JHis other "5" is a peak in the N.E. wall. 4070, 4073. Madler's "Stiborius 7" (to the E*. of " Stiborius") seems to be called " o " in the list of heights (p. 114). Neison and Schmidt do not give it, but Neison has a "Stiborius 7 " in the E. wall. NOTES ON NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. 177 4081, 4425, 4426. Neison has two " Neander g's, " one of which is the ' ; Neander g " of Madler and Schmidt, the other their " Piccolomini g," as I think, though neither of them mentions it. (Neison, pp. 461 and 462.) 4093. I cannot find Neison's "Piccolomini x" in the map, nor feel sure of its position (p. 466). 4157. t: Beaumont C " is called "c" by Neison in p. 464, and "f" in map 20. It is "C" in p. 498 and map 21, and in Madler and Schmidt. 4183, 4221. Schmidt does not name the "Theo- philus c" of Madler and Neison, but has a " Cyrillus c," not named by them, furthers., W. of "Cyrillus e." There is also a "Cyrillus C" given by all three (No. 4179). 4186, 4189. Schmidt turns Miidler'sand Neison's "Cyrillus a" into "8," and does not name their "Cyrillus 8." [4221 above.] 4269, 4270. Madler's "Messier 7" (Neison's "Lubbock 7") is a rill. Schmidt does not name it, but marks a mountain close to it "7." 4311, 4320, 4321. Madler has a peak " Guttem- berg j," N.E. of "A," and a crater "i" S. E. of " Guttemberg. " Neison calls the latter "i" both in text and map; but transfers the "" to a crater close by the peak, and calls it also " i " in his text. 4313, 4322. Madlermarks a crater fit. of "Guttem- berg A" "b" in his map, but calls it "h" in his text (Section 407); he has another called "h" in the map (E*. of "g"), but not mentioned in the text. Neison calls the first "b" and the second "h," but he has also another "b" in his text (both are mentioned, p. 509) which is marked " p " in his map. 4345, 4375 Schmidt has two "Cook d's," one of which (Madler's and Neison's "Cook d") he also calls "Monge." The other is Madler's " Colombo d, " and Neison's "MacClure d." He mentions this one on p. 77, the other, pp. 63 and 201-4. 4378, 4379. Madler's "Cook o" is in the S. wall, Neison's in the N. wall. 4382. Madler mentions a "Cook 5" (in Section 410) which I cannot find in the map. It seems to be S. of " Cook." 4398. The " Biot b" of Madler and Neison is called by Schmidt both "Cook b" and " Santbech b " (pp. 204, 71, etc.). 4403, 4405, 4407. Schmidt has two " Borda a's," one that of Madler and Neison, the other their "7" ; and he has also a "7" of his own, E. of theirs. [4425-4426, see 4081.] 442- 4436. Schmidt appears to mark Madlers' "Neander i " " n," while he calls Madler's and Neison's "Neander TJ" " 77 " (p. 198), but the letter in his map is more like "71." 4429, 4433. Madler mentions " Neander a " and " 8" in his list of heights (pp. Ill and 108), but I cannot find them in the map, and their position is not described. Schmidt says he could not identify them (p. 198). 4444. Schmidt marks the " Rheita c " of Madler and Neison with a letter which might be either " n," "7j,"or"r." 4479, 4480. Neison's "Lockyer" is Madler's " Fabricius C," but Schmidt's "Lockyer" is half of Madler's " Fabricius h." while he marks the other half " h." The difference must be due to a mistake on Schmidt's or Neison's part, as Schmidt takes the name from England. 4483. Schmidt's "Argelander" is nearly the same as Neison's " Janssen," but smaller in extent. 4492. Madler's "Fabricius " is a mountain range ; Schmidt makes it a rill, and Neison a valley. 4498-4490. The "Steinheil" of Madler and Neison is a double formation, the com- ponent parts of which are called by them "a" and "b." Schmidt limits the name of "Steinheil" to their "b," and calls "a" "Watt." [4503, see 4539.] 4520. Schmidt turns the " Pontecoulant c" of Madler and Neison into " e," which he probably means to call " Biela e," as he also has their " Pontecoulant e." 4539-4544. Schmidt depicts the region S. and W. of "Vega" very differently from Madler and Neison, so that it is difficult to identify his " Brisbane " and " Peirescius " on their maps, while "Reimarus" is a little doubtful also. Even by comparison with the Belgian photographic map XII. I cannot be quite sure. I think "Reimarus" is "Vega H" ; and I am rather inclined to think ' : Brisbane " is ' ' Vega g " and ' ' Peirescius " ' ' Vega f. " But " Brisbane" may be "Vega e" and "Peirescius" "Vega c." If they are "c" and "e," they are placed further E. by Schmidt than by the others ; if they are "g" and "f," he places them further S. "Reimarus" may really be "Steinheil e," though Schmidt has the "e" N.E. of his "Reimarus." He pro- bably felt doubtful of these identifications himself, as he does not give them in his list of comparisons of Lohrmann and Madler He does not mark " Vega A," which would have been a most useful guide, and his omission of it and of all these other letters is probably due to his doubts. 4583, 4595. Madler has a crater " Furnerius i" and a peak "." Neison calls the 12 178 NOTES ox NEISOX'S, SCHMIDT'S, AXD MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. crater "i" in his text and "j" in his map; and calls the peak "i" in both (p. 456). 4584, 4585. Schmidt's " Furnerius h " is not the same as that of the others, but is between their "h" and "g." 4587, 4588. Madler and Neison have a "Fur- nerius 0" in the N.E. wall. Schmidt has no "/3" in his map, but he speaks of one on p. 203 as in the S.E. wall. He adds a measure of the same peak as by Madler, but I cannot find it in Madler's list of measured heights. [4595, see 4583.] 4681. Madler gives a measure of " Langren 8" on p. 108, which is said to be of (" Lan- grenus") "0" in Section 402. There is no "0" in the map, but from the context (in 402) it appears to be W 1 . of " Langrenus." As " 8 " is in the W. wall (here very irregular) it seems probable that " 8 " is the true reading. The two letters might easily be confused, as Madlerwrites "6" as "3." The "8" is also named in Section 415. 4700, 4704. In Section 416, Madler names a crater " Vendelinus D," and gives its Lat. as -16 15', Long. +59 45'; also implying that it is in " Vendelinus." In the map there is no " D," but there is a small spot in about the right place, and also a crater marked "h" in about the right Lat., but fully 1 further W. Neison takes this latter to be intended by the " D " in the text, and therefore calls it " D " in his map. Schmidt has no "D," but places the " h" a little further N. than it is in the other map. 4723, 4724. All three maps give " Legendre a" in the N. wall of "Legendre," and " Le- gendreb" E.of "Adams "("Legendre c"). But, on p. 205, Schmidt says he cannot find Madler's "a" either in the text or the map, and he gives three measures of his own of "Legendre b, N. of Legendre." The first and third of the three are really of the true "Legendre b" (E. of "Adams"), and the second is of "Le- gendre a," N. of "Legendre" ; as shown in his list of heights measured. Nos. 353, 369, and 960. It seems dear that when Schmidt was making out his summary he mistook Madler's letter " a " for " b " (which it looks rather like), though when he was making his map and taking his measures he got it correctly. 4730. The peak in " Win. Humboldt" called "A" by Madler and Neison seems to have a letter by it in Schmidt's map which I cannot decipher. 4733. Schmidt does not name the " Wm. Hum- boldt 8" of the others in his map, but calls it " o " in his height-measurements, p. 59. 4741, 4742. Neison says that his "Phillips" is Madler's "Humboldt A," but it is not so really, as the latter is the formation E. of " Phillips," which is called " Phillips a" by Neison. (Madler, Section 424.) 4754. Neison speaks once (p. 516) of " Behaim H," but a comparison with the coire- sponding passage in Madler shows that' he means "A." He calls it "A" in another part of the same page, and in his map. (Madler, Section 422.) 4778, 4789. Schmidt does not accept Madler's. "Kastner," but follows Lohrmann in giving the name of "Kastner" to the large region called "M. Smythii" by Neison. (Schmidt, p. 208.) Other anomalies and doubtful points (of which there are many) are, I hope, sufficiently indicated in the list itself. INDEX. A vertical line before two names indicates that the same name has been given to two formations by 'different authorities. An asterisk indicates that two names have been given to the same formation. Abenezra 3778 Ball (N. ) 3133 Cardanus 1916 Abulfeda . 3735 i Barocius . . . 3860 Carlini . 1390 Acherusia, Pr. 585 Barrow 1005 Carpathian Mts. . 1436 Adams (N.) 4726 *Barth (Sch. ) = Grove (N. ) 463 Carrington (N. ) . 359 .ffinarium, Pr. 3039 i Bayer 2604 Carrington (Sch. ) 259 ^Estiuin, S. 1270 Beaumont . 4154 Casatus 3289 *Agarum, Pr. =Cyrillus, [Beer (N.) = Hamilton Cassini . 929 Cape (Sch.) . 39 (Sch.) . . . 1185 Cassini, J. J. (N.) 1341 Agassiz, Cape (Sch. ) . 943 Beer (Sch.) = Rosse (N.) 4143 Catharina . 4167 Agatharchides 2490. Behaim 4753 Caucasus 767 Agrippa 821 Bellot(N.) . 4338 Cauchy (N.) 262 Airy .... 3549 Bernouilli . 161 Cavalerius . 1937 Albategnius 3577 Berosus . * , 145 Cavendish . . - . 2175 Alexander . 746 Berzelius 364 |*Cayley (N.) = De Mor- Alfraganus . 3680 Bessarion . . . 1572 gan (Sch.) . . 561 Alhazen 14 Bessel 619 1 Cayley(Sch.) 565 Aliacensis . 3492 Bettinus . . . 2682 Celsius (Sch.) 4045 Almanon 3751 Bianchini . 1650 Censorinus . 4235 Alpetragius . 3027 Biela -1511 Cepheus 390 Alphonsus . 2986 Billy .... 2127 Chacornac . 503 Alps .... 950 Biot .... 4396 Challis(N.). 1015 Altai Mts. . 4106 Birmingham (N.) 1339 *Chamisso, Cape (Sch.) Ampere (Sch.) . 1188 |Birt(N.) . 3063 = Mt. Argus(N.) . 517 Anaxagoras . 1026 | Birt (Sch.) . 857 *Chevallier (N.) = Volta Anaximander 1687 Blanc, Mt. . 951 (Sch.) . . . 450 Anaximenes 1356 Blancanus . 3254 Chladni(Sch.) . 865 Ausgarius 4760 Blanchinus . 3531 Cichus 2760 Apennines . 903 Bode .... 1212 Clairaut 3877 Apianus 3513 Boguslawsky 3916 Clausius(N.) . ', 2343 Apollonius . 66 Bohnenberger 4357 Clavius 3232 Arago .... 536 Bond, G. P. 492 Cleomedes . . 119 Aratus 895 Bond, W. C. 986 Cleostratus . 1710 Archerusia, Pr. . 585 Bonpland . 2867 Colombo or Columbus . 4347 Archimedes 1144 Borda .... 4401 Condamine . 1365 Archytas 971 Boscovich . 810 Condorcet . . . 44 *Arg{eus, Mt. (N.) = Bouguer 1671 Conon 891 Chamisso, Cape (Sch.) 517 Uoussingault 3923 Cook .... 4373 IArgelander (N.) . *Argelander (Sch.) = 3559 Bouvard Bradley, Mt 2240 904 Copernicus . . . Cordillera Mts. . 1481 2029 Janssen (N. ) . 4483 Brayley(N.) 1578 Crisium, M. 82 Ariadieus 563 Breislak(Sch.) . 3889 Crozier(N.) 4341 Aristarchus . 1755 Briggs 1859 Criiger 2070 Aristillus . 917 Brisbane (Sch.) 4540 or 4544 Curtius 3355 Aristoteles . 710 Buch .... 3834 Cusanus(Sch.) . 675 Arnold 686 Bullialdus . 2813 Cuvier 3404 Arzachel 3040 *Bunsen (Sch.) = New- Cy rill us 4176 Asclepi(Sch.) . 3986 comb (N. ) 311 *Cyrillus, Cape (Sch.) = Atlas .... 437 Burckhardt 167 Pr. Agarum 39 Australe, M. 4531 Burg or Burg 647 Cysatus 3267 Autolycus . 909 Biisching . 3840 Auzout or Azout . 47 Byrgius 2046 D'Alembert Mts. 2020 Azophi 3783 Damoiseau . 1987 Cabaeus 3319 *Daniell (N.) = Hencke Babbage(N.) Baco or Bacon 1707 3888 Calippus Campanus . 748 2525 (Sch.) . D'Arrest(Sch.) . 466 562 Bailly. 2648 Capella 4275 Darwin (Sch.) . 2081 Baily .... 659 Capuanus . 2548 Davy .... 3003 179 180 NEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Dawes 519 Gemiuus 320 Jacobi 3375 Dechen (Sch.) 1728 Gemma Frisius . 3819 Jansen 255 De Gasparis(Sch.) 2180 Gerard 1885 rjanssen (N.) = Arge- Delambre . 3656 Gioja .... 1018 lander (Sch.) . 4483 *De la Rue (N.) nearly Goclenius . 4325 Janssen (Sch. ) 3933 = Epicuriu8(Sch.) . 416 Godin .... 828 Julius Ca?sar 579 Delaunay(N.) . 3541 Goldschmidt 1023 Delisle 1593 Grimaldi 2002 Kaiser (Sch.) 3464 Deluc .... 3218 *Grove or Groves (N.) = Kane (Sch. ) 696 Democritus . 676 Earth (Sch.) . 463 Kant .... 3695 Demonax (Sch.) . 3915 Gruemberger 3263 |Kastner(M. andN.) . 4778 De Morgan (N.) . 559 Gruithuisen (N. ) . 1605 Kiistuer (Sch.) = .M. *De Morgan (Sch.) = Guerike 2853 Smythii(N.) . 47S9 Cayley(N.) . 561 Guttemberg or Gutem- Katharina . 4167 Descartes . 3716 berg 4303 Kepler 1554 DeVico(N.) 2059 Kies .... 2802 Deville, Pr. (Sch.) 942 i Hadley, Mt. 787 Kinau (X. ) . 3370 Dionysius 553 Hremus Mts. 586 Kirch .... 1132 Diophantus *Doerlel Mts (N.) = 1589 Hagecius Hahn .... 3941 141 Kircher Kirchhoff(Sch.) . 2675 310 Leibnitz Mts. (M.) . 2660 Haidinger (Sch.) . 2560 Klaproth . 3283 Dollond 3722 Hainzel 2573 Kraft't or Kraft . 1909 Donati (N.) 3547 Halley 3595 Krusenstern (Sch.) 3530 Doppelmayer 2376 Hamilton (Sch. ) = Beer Kunowsky (N. ) . 1535 Dove (Sch.) 4002 (N.) . . . 1185 Kunowsky (Sch.) 2484 Drebbel . 2330 Hanno 4525 Hansen 11 Lacaille or La Caille . 3533 Egede ... 964 Hansteen 2117 Lacroix (N.) 2321 Eichstadt . . . 2034 Harbinger Mts. (N.) . 1743 Lagrange . 2216 Einmart 34 Harding 1875 Lahire 1396 Encke 1538 Harpalus 1664 Lalande 2917 Endymion . 403 Hase or Haze 4622 Lambert 1401 *Epicurius (Sch. ) nearly Hausen 2259 Landsberg . 2480 = DelaRue(N.) . 416 Hecataus 4745 Langrenus . 4677 Epigenes 1040 Heinsius 2737 Lapeyrouse . 4767 Epimenides (Sch.) 2591 Heis(Sch-) . 1601 Laplace, Pr. 1305 Eratosthenes 1271 Hekataus(seeHecataus). Lassell(N.) 3021 Euclides 2461 Helicon 1299 Lavoisier 1889 Euctemon 997 Hell .... 3109 Lee(N.) . ' . 2371 Eudoxus or Eudoxes . 726 Helmholtz(Sch.). 3932 Legendre 4715 Euler . 1583 *Hencke(Sch.) = Daniell Legentil (N. ) 2665 (N.) 466 Lehmann 2313 Fabricius 4469 Heraclides, Pr. . 1641 *Leibnitz Mts. (N.)? = Faraday (N.) 3451 Heraclitus(Scb.). 3416 Doerfels (M.) . 3326 Faraday, Cape (Sch.) . 769 Hercules . 452 , Leibnitz Mts. (M.) = Faye(N.) . 3545 Hercynian Mts. . 1900 i Doerfels (N.) . 2660 Fermat 3800 Herigonius (N. ) . 2425 LemonnierorLeMonnier 508 Fernelius . . . . 3455 Hermann . 1985 Letronne 2431 Feuille (Sch.) Firmicus or Firminicus Flamsteed . 1186 Herodotus . 56 Herschel . 2443 Herschel, Caroline 1786 2944 1602 ^Leverrier (N.) Leverrier(Sch.)=] Miller (N.) ... 1304 3161 Fcecunditatis, M. 4655 Herschel, J. F. W. . 1686 . Lexell. 3123 Fontana . . 2105 Hesiodus . 2776 Licetus(M. andN.) . 3413 Fontenelle . 1323 Hevel or Hevelius 1944 Licetus(Sch.) 3414 Foucault(N.) . >..- 1659 Hind .... 3601 Lichtenberg 1867 Fourier 2200 Hippalus . 2511 Liebig(Sch.) 2148 Fracastorius or Fracastor 4117 Hipparchus. 3605 Lilius .... 3394 Fra Mauro . 2897 ! Hommel 3981 Lindenau . 4052 Franklin . 374 Hooke or Hook . 360 Linne .... 629 Fraunhofer or Frauen- Horrebow . 1677 < Littrow 279 hofer 4560 i Horrocks or Horrox 3637 1 Lockyer (N.) 4479 Fresnel, Cape (Sch.) . 792 Hortensius . 1519 1 Lockyer(Sch.) . 4480 Frigoris, M. 709 Hugeins(Sch.) . 3151 Lohrmann . 1976 Furnerius . 4575 Humboldt, Wm. . 4729 Longomontanus . 2706 Humboldtianum, M. . 402 Louville 1620 Galileo or Galilai . 1843 Humorum, M. . 2388 Lubbock(N.) . _ . 4261 Galle(Sch.). 725 Huygens, Mt. 1187 , Lubiniezky or Lubien- Galvani(Sch.) . 1726 Hyginus or Higinus . 866 ! ietzky 2829 Gambart 1497 Hypatia 3665 Luther (Sch.) 491 Gartner 669 Lyell(Sch.). 201 Gassendi 2389 Ideler(Sch.) 3864 Gauricus 2744 Imbrium, M. 1295 MacClure(N.) . 4344 Gauss .... 148 Inghirami . 2247 Maclaurin . 4660 Gay-Lussac . 1437 Iridum, S. . 1647 Maclear 535 Geber .... 3771 Isidorus 4291 Macrobius or Macroibus 180 INDEX. 181 Madler 4222 Peirescius (Sch.) 4541 or 4542 Scheiner 2693 Magelhaens . 4335 Pentland . 3362 Schiaparelli . 1811 Maginus 3203 Petavius 4636 Schickard . 2294 Main .... 1016 Petermann (Sch.) 694 Schiller 2597 Mairan 1611 1 Peters (N.) . 695 Schmidt (N.) 552 Malapert 3322 | Peters (Sch.) 3961 Schomberger 3333 Mallet (Sch.) 4510 Phillips (N.) 4741 Schrbter 1249 Manilius 794 Philolaus . 1342 Schubert . 1 Manners 537 Phocylides . 2269 Schuhmacher or Schu- Manzinus . 3908 Piazzi .... 2229 macher . 355 Maraldi 272 Picard 106 Schwabe (Sch. ) . 674 Marco Polo . 1201 Piccolomini . 4074 Scoresby 1013 Marinus 4550 Pico .... 1112 Secchi 237 Marius 18 J 3 Pictet .... 3176 Segner 2633 Maskelyne . 242 Pingre(N.) 2258 Seleucus 1849 Mason. 638 Pitatus 2784 *Seneca (M. and N.) = Maupertius or Mauper- Pitiscus 3991 Plutarch (Sch.) 137 tuis .... 1380 Piton .... 1128 Seneca (Sch. ) 137A Maurolycus . 3846 Plana .... 644 Serao (Sch.) 1285 Maury(N.). 385 Plato .... 1062 Serenitatis, M. . 636 Mayer, Christian . 697 Playfair 3523 Sharp .... 1628 Mayer, Tobias . 1415 Plinius 520 Short .... 3312 Medii, S. . 1241 F 'Plutarch (M. and N.) = Shuckburgh 363 Melloui (Sch.) Menelaus 2126 591 Timoleon (Sch. ) Plutarch (Sch. ) = Seneca 26 Silberschlag Simpelius . 816 3342 Mercator 2536 (N.). . . . 137 Sina (Sch.) . 260 Mercurius . 396 Poisson 3501 Sirsalis 2082 Mersenius . 2147 Polybius 4107 Smyth, Piazzi 1125 Messala 332 Pons .... 4096 *Smythii,M.(N.) = Kast- Messier 4254 Pontanus 3809 ner(Sch.) 4789 Metius 4461 Pontecoulant 4517 Snellius 4613 Meton. 988 Posidonius . 468 Sommering . 1242 Milichius . 1529 Procellarum, 0. . 1831 Somnii, P. . 214 *Miller (N.) = Leverrier Proclus 198 Sonmiorum. L. . 637 (Sch.) . 3161 Protagoras (Sch ) 985 Sosigenes 572 Moigno (N.) 683 Ptolemaus . 2962 South (N.) . 1706 Monge(Sch.) 4375 Purbach or Purbachius 3082 Spallanzani (Sch.) 4008 Moretus 3275 Putredinus, P. . 908 Stadius 1465 Mortis, L. . 658 Pyrenees Mts. 4302 Steinheil(M. and N.) . 4498 *Mosting (M. audN.) = Pythagoras . 1697 Steinheil (Sch.) . 4500 Moestlin(Sch.) 2932 Pytheas 1406 Stevinus 4602 Murchison (N.) . 858 Stiborius . 4062 Mutus. 3899 Rabbi Levi . 4032 Stbfler or Stoflerus 3429 Ramsden 2561 Strabo. 421 Nasireddin . 3162 Reaumur 3639 Straight Range . 1322 Naumann (Sch.) . 1874 Regiomontanus . 3100 Street .... 3195 Neander 4418 Regnault (Sch.) . 1727 Struve 346 Nearch 3950 Reichenbach 4408 St.ruve, Otto 1901 Nebularum, P. . 922 Reimarus (Sch.) . 4539 Sulpicius Gallus . 606 Nectaris, M. 4153 Reiner 1832 Neper .... 6 Reinhold . 1510 Tacitus 3759 Neumayer (Sch ) . *Newcomb (N. ) = Bunsen 3931 Repsold Rhseticus 1721 833 Tannerus (N. ) Taquet 3894 587 (Sch.) . . . 311 Kheita 4441 Taruntius . 215 Newton 3306 Riccioli 1961 Taurus Mts. 518 Nicolai 4003 Riccius 4017 Taylor. 3686 Nicollet (N. ) N6ggerath(Sch.) 3055 2275 Riphaen Mts. or Riphaeus Ritter .... 2489 542 Teneriffe Mts. (N.) . Thai es (M. and N.) . 1111 427 Nonius 3459 Robinson (N.) 1684 Ti.ales(Sch.) 428 Nubium, M. 2801 Rocca 2021 These tetus . 923 Rbiuer 291 Thebit 3070 Oenopides . 1712 Rook Mts. . 2045 Theon.jun. (M. andN.) Oersted 394 Roris, S. 1734 = Theon, sen. (Sch.) 3651 Oken .... 4545 Rosenberger 3957 *Theon, sen. (M. andN.) Gibers. 1927 Ross .... 531 = Theon, jun. (Sch.) 3648 Opelt(Sch.) 2852 *Rosse(N.) = Beer (Sch.) 4143 Theophilus . 4195 Oriani .... 28 Rost .... 2619 Timajus 1051 Orontius 3150 Rothmann (Sch. ) . 40f.3 Timocharis . 1296 Riimker (Sch ) . 1735 *Timoleon (Sch. ) = Plu- Palitzsch . 4630 tarch (M. and N.) . 26 Pallas .... 1225 Sabine 540 Torricelli . 4224 Palmieri (Sch.) . 2205 Sacrobosco . 3788 Tralles 176 Parrot. 3563 Santbech . 4383 Tranquillitatis, M. 254 Parry .... 2879 Sasserides . 3139 Triesnecker . 846 Peirce(N.) . 115 Saussure 3164 Tycho .... 3182 182 XEISON'S, SCHMIDT'S, AND MADLER'S LUNAR MAPS. Ukert .... 879 Wallace (Sch.) Ulugh Beigh 1896 Walter Wargentin . Watt (Sch.). Vaporum, M. 890 Webb(N.) . Vasco de Gama . 1922 Weigel Vega .... 4532 Werner Vendelinus . 4696 Whewell(N.) Vieta .... 2190 Wichmann (N.) Vitello 2353 Wilhelm I. . Vitruvius . 266 Wilson Vlacq .... 3967 Wbhler(Sch.) "Volta (Sch.) = Cheval- Wolf Mt. lier(N.) . . . 450 I Wollaston . 1294 3466 Wrottesley . Wurzelbauer . 4653 . 2752 2287 4499 4656 Xenophanes . 1718 2626 3482 Young (Sch.) . 4446 560 2457 Zach . . 3384 2721 Zagut . . 4046 2667 Zeno (Sch. ) . . 353 or 354 4064 Zollner (Sch. ) . 3696 1284 Zuchius . 2640 1736 Zupus . . 2139 Names stated by Schmidt to have been given in England, but not used in his map or Neison's. Lat. 12 Coxwell Mts., Long. 48. Glaisher ? = 200. Gwilt=543 and 544. Gwilt(J.) = 1064. Lavinium Pr. = 100. Flammarion = 2950. Mitchell, Miss = 721. Olivium Pr. =99. Pollek, F. ; Lat. -55 7, Long. O e> 5 ? = 3387. Sheepshanks = 698. Terra Photographies = High land between Zach and Clavius. Ward = 985. Percy Mts. = 2390, etc. Well-known names not used by any of the three. I Schrbter's Valley, N. of I Straight Wall = 3076. Herodotus. PRINTED BY NEILL AND CO., LTD.. EDINBURGH Of-CAllfOR^, i I \ .^E'UNIVERS/A v ff

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