IRLF 151 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF. CALIFORNIA. RECEIVED BY EXCHANGE Class The University of Chicago Founded by JOHN D. ROCKKFKM.KK ON THE RELATION BETWEEN THE RADIOACTIVITY AND THE COMPOSITION OF THORIUM AND URANIUM MINERALS A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE OGDEN GRADU ATI- SCHOOL OF SCIENCE IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY. By WILLIAM HORACE ROSvS. HALIFAX, N. S. : Me ALPINE PUBLISHING COMPANY, LTD. 1907 ' ^L/FOf, The University of Chicago Founded by JOHN D. ROCKEFELLER ON THE RELATION BETWEEN THE RADIOACTIVITY AND THE COMPOSITION OF THORIUM AND URANIUM MINERALS A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE OGDEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE IN CANDIDACY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY. By WILLIAM HORACE ROSS. HALIFAX, N. S. : PUBLISHING COMPANY, LTD. 1907 ON THE RELATION BETWEEN THE RADIO- ACTIVITY AND THE COMPOSITION OF THORIUM AND URANIUM MINERALS. PART I. Thorium Compounds. It has been shown by McCoy 1 that, when account is taken of the absorption of the a-particles, the specific radioactivity 2 of any pure uranium compound is proportional to the uranium content of the substance. This result was confirmed by Goettsch, 3 who worked in this laboratory on an additional number of pure uranium com- pounds. It has been shown 4 that a proportionality likewise exists in the case of uranium minerals, free from thorium, between the spe- cific activity of the mineral and the percentage of uranium con- tained in it. In the case of the minerals, however, the ratio of specific activity to uranium content was found to be 4.15 times as great as for the pure compounds. The excess of activity of the ores is due to radium and its active products. Since the ratio of radium to uranium in minerals is always found to be a constant, this is con- sidered good evidence that radium is a transformation product of uranium. The work herein described was undertaken with a view to mak- ing a corresponding study in the case of thorium minerals. The importance of an investigation of this kind is evident on account of the many conflicting statements in the literature respecting the radioactivity of thorium and its different minerals. Schmidt, 5 Strutt, 6 and Mme. Curie, 7 have reported that all the thorium min- erals examined by them show radioactive properties. In contradic- tion to this, it was announced by Hofman and Zerban 8 that an inac- 1 Ber. d. chem. Ges., 37, 2641, (1904). J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 27, 391, (1905). 2 The specific activity of a radio-active substance is the total activity of 1 gram of the substance expressed in terms of the activity due to 1 sq. cm. of a film of uranium oxide sufficiently thick to be of maximum activity. As this standard may be reproduced without difficulty when desired, and always with constant activity, it was used as being the most rational standard for the comparison of radio-active compounds. 8 J. Am. Chem. Soc., 28, 1548, (1906). 4 McCoy, Phil. Mag., [6], 10, 176, (1906). 6 Ann. d. Phys., 65, 141. (1898). 6 Proc. Roy. Soc Lond., 76, 88 and 312, (1905). 7 Compt. Rend., 126, HOI, (1898). 8 Ber. d. chem. Ges., 35, 531, (1902). tive thorium preparation had been prepared by them from a Brazil- ian Monozite sand, and that thoria separated from certain minerals as, cleveite, samarskite, etc., although active when first prepared, had lost its activity some months after its removal from the ore. Baskerville and Zerban 1 also claimed to have prepared inactive thor- ium from a 'mineral found in South America. From their study of thorium compounds Eutherford and Soddy 2 concluded that commercial thorium nitrate and the purest thorium nitrate, both give rise to the same amount of thorium emanation. Hahn and Ramsay 3 on the other hand were able to extract from the mineral thorianite a radioactive preparation several thousand times more active than thorium itself, and which gave rise to a proportion- ally larger amount of thorium emanation. This radio active pro- duct called " radiothorium," was shown to precede ThX in this series of radioactive products. The question, however, as to whether or not thorium itself is the first member of the series, or acquires its activity from the presence of a small amount of radiothorium accidentally mixed with it, was still left an open one. The methods of determining the specific activity of thorium compounds. All the thorium minerals which were studied in this research contained uranium, though often in very small quantities. This made it necessary to determine the percentage of uranium in each mineral in order to allow for the uranium activity. The specific activity of uranium in pure compounds was found by McCoy and Goettsch 4 to be 790, while the corresponding value for minerals was found to be 3280, or 4.15 times as great. Knowing the percentage of uranium in a thorium mineral, the activity due to uranium and its products can therefore be calculated. This, subtracted from the total activity of the mineral, gives the activity due to the thorium in the mineral. When this was done, it was found, as was observed for the uranium minerals, that that part of the activity due to thor- ium and its products in the mineral was in every case proportional to the percentage of thorium contained in it. !J. Am. Chem. Soc., 26, 1642, (1904). 2 Proc. Chem. Soc , 18, 120 (I902. 3 J. de Chim. Phys., 38, 3371 and 3, 617, (1905) 4 J. Am Chem. Soc., 28, 1556, (1906). 5 For .the determination of the total radioactivity of a uranium compound, two methods have been employed. 1 Each of the two methods involves the quantitative measurement of the activity of thin films of the substance of known weight, varying from about 1 to 20 mg. per sq. cm. Films weighing 20 mg. per sq. cm. show maximum activity. One of the methods 2 consists in finding the values of the ratio for thin films of various weights, where w a is the weight of the film, and a its observed activity in terms of the unit defined above. By graphic extrapolation, the value of this ratio for an infinitely thin film may be found. This limiting value of the ratio is designated as I I . In the case of an infinitely thin \a/ film,, a = % kiW, where k v is the total activity of unit weight of the thin film. The factor ^ is used since half of the rays are directed downward and are therefore absorbed by the metal plate carrying the film. Hence, the total activity, Jc iy of unit weight of a compound is &! = 2/( ) . By definition k^ is the specific activity. -"(=) Tlie correction to be applied to the observed specific activity of the evolved emanation, When applying this method to the determination of the total activity of thorium compounds, the method of procedure is more complicated than in the case of uranium compounds, owing to the fact that the former give rise to a gaseous emanation, the activity of which is considerable compared with that of the solid film. This is particularly noticed when measurements are made with the heav- ier films, since the absorption of the emanation by the film itself does not take place to the same extent as occurs in the case of the a-rays. Hence, the observed activity of the thicker films of thorium compounds must be corrected for the effect of the emanation. This was done by the method developed by McCoy and Boss. 3 The proper amount of the compound to be investigated was ground up finely with alcohol in an agate mortar, and then transferred to a small beaker. The beaker was rotated rapidly to bring the particles into suspension and the mixture then poured quickly into a circular 1 McCoy, J. Am. Chera., Soc., 27, 391, (1905). 2 McCoy, loc. cit. 3 Am. J. Sci., 21, 433, (1906). shallow tin dish, having an area of 39.8 sq. cm. The alcohol was allowed to evaporate under a bell-jar which inclosed also some cal- cium chloride. Each film" prepared in this way, and carefully weighed, was placed in the electroscope case and its activity mea- sured after being allowed to remain in the case five minutes in order to permit the maximum amount of emanation to accumulate. After several observations were made, in order to obtain a true aver- age, the electroscope was again charged, and, as soon as the leaf had reached the beginning of the scale in the subsequent discharge, the film was rapidly withdrawn from the case by means of a thread. The small door of the case opened and closed automatically. At the instant of removing the film, the position of the leaf on the scale was noted, and the stop-watch was started. The leaf continued to move with gradually decreasing velocity for about five minutes, at the end of which period the emanation had almost completely decayed, and the motion of the leaf became very slow and uniform, corresponding to the natural leak of the instrument. If D be the number of divisions of the scale traversed by the leaf in five minutes, corrected for the natural leak, and E the initial activity of the evolved emanation, then it was shown 1 that E = .173 D. E is small except for the thicker films. Xow the observed activity, !, of a thorium film is too great on account of the activ- ity, E, of the evolved emanation. But the value a l E, which represents the activity of the solid film alone, is too small because the film has lost a fraction of its emanation and ThB. This loss 01 activity is equal to 2 E, since the activity of ThB is approxi- mately equal to that of the emanation when present in equilibrium amount. The total activity of the film is k^v. Therefore the f rac- 2 E tion of the total activity lost bv the film is - - , and the fraction A; 1 w 2 E remaining, 1 - -- . But the observed activity of this fraction is K! w a\ E. Therefore the true activity, a, of the film, if none of the emanation were evolved, is a=l2 E k t w 1 McCoy and Ross, loc. cit. The specific activity of thorium dioxide. The first compound to be investigated was thorium dioxide. This was prepared from Kahlbaum's purest thorium nitrate by heating at first cautiously, and then strongly in the blast. The purity of the nitrate was established by the analysis of a solution made by dissolving 4 grams in 250 CC of water, 25 CC evaporated to dryness in a large platinum crucible, and ignited, gave a residue weighing 0.1750 gram. Portions of 25 CC diluted and then precipitated with ammonia gave upon ignition 0.1746 and 0.1748 gram. Finally, portions of 25 CC analysed by NeishV method, gave 0.1751 and 0.1754 gram. The agreement of the weight of the thorium dioxide obtained by the direct evapora- tion of the nitrate solution with the amount obtained after precipi- tation of the thorium shows the oxide to be free from any appreci- able amount of non-volatile impurities. Before any activity mea- surements were made, the oxide was allowed to stand over a month in order that it might attain its maximum activity. Table I gives the results obtained with very thin films of sample A of pure thorium dioxide without any correction being applied for effect of the emanation. ID is the weight of the film ; a^ the observed activity of the film in terms of the unit of activity. If the time of discharge 2 o? -168 2156 ' 1375 1170 0785 0348 -o In Table IX, & lw represents the specific activity of the mineral (w\ as calculated from k lm =2/i - I . k w represents the activity due to uranium and its products contained in 1 gram of the mineral. This is found by multiqlying the weight of uranium in 1 gram of the mineral by 3280; since, as has been mentioned, the specific activity of a thorium free mineral containing 1 gram of uranium is 3280 units. ki Th is the difference between k lm and k lff ; it represents the activity due to thorium and its products in 1 gram of the mineral. In the last column P rfc is the weight of thorium in 1 gram of the mineral. -^-is as nearly constant as one could reasonably *Th expect, considering that all the errors of experiment are accumu- lated on this ratio. It may be concluded, therefore, that the specific radioactivity due to 1 gram of thorium in any mineral is a constant, and is equal to 953 units. The radioactivity of any mineral con- taining uranium and thorium which is sufficiently old geologically, is therefore equal to 3280 P v + 953 P Th . 13 TABLE IX. Thorium Minerals. No. Name. %Th %U k lm k w k lTh |^ A * Th 1. Orangite 43-10 7.76 649 255 394 914 2. Thorite 46-60 6-26 664 2U5 459 985 3. Monazite 5^7 -33 60-2 10-9 49-3 935 4. " 15-18 -46 164 15 149 982 5. 272 -12 29-8 4-0 25-8 950 Mean =953 The fact that the specific activity of thorium in minerals is found to be constant makes it necessary to assume that the .activity of thor- ium is not due to radioactive bodies accidentally retained by the thorium (as radium frequently is by barium sulphate), but that radiothorium is a disintegration product of ordinary thorium with a relatively slow period. The specific activity of thorium in thorium dioxide recently extracted from thorium minerals. In the analyses of the minerals, the thorium was weighed as dioxide. This was very pure chemically. During the course of the analysis, the thorium was precipitated once by oxalic acid, once by potassium hydroxide, and twice by meta-nitrobenzoic acid. The thorium residues from each of the minerals were kept separate, and made into films. Measurements were made of the activities of the films one month later. The thorium dioxide then contained the maximum amounts of Th X, Emanation, Th A and Th B. The results are given in Tables X to XII, which represent the samples of dioxide prepared from the minerals, No. 1, No. 2 and No. 4 respectively. A summary is given in Table XIII. TABLE X. Thorium dioxide B. w w di a E a 2267 61-4 60-9 -00372 1-04 1170 40-2 40-1 -00292 (-50) 0673 25-1 -25-1 -00268 (-30) = 00243 14 TABLE XI Thorium dioxide C. w 2634 1292 0657 68-2 41-8 24-i 67-8 41-7 24-1 - \ =-00230 a 00389 00510 00273 E 1-04 (-50) (20) w 2088 1083 0585 TABLE XII. Thorium dioxide D. 57-6 35-9 21-6 57-2 35-7 21 5 (D- 002 *0 a 00365 00303 00272 E 1-10 (60) (-30) TABLE XIII. Thorium dioxide. Sample Source C). A Thorium Nitrate -00387 B Orangite No. 1 . '00243 C Thorite No. 2 -00230 D Monazite No. 4.. . -00240 517 823 870 833 P 588 936 989 948 Mean of B, C and D = 958 P represents the weight of thorium in 1 gram of the oxide. The k mean value of ^ for the last three samples is 958, which represents the total activity of 1 gram of thorium in the oxide. The corres- ponding value fbr thorium in the minerals is 953. Since the activ- ity of thorium in samples B, C and D, and in minerals is practically identical, it follows that no appreciable fraction of the radiothorium present in the minerals has been removed by the processes of analy- sis. The oxides obtained from the commercial thorium .salts, e. g. } sample A, are however only a little more than one-half as active as the oxides contained in, or separated from, the natural thorium minerals. 15 On the separation of radiothorium from thorium. The least active thorium compound described, sample A, gave off an appreciable amount of emanation. It must, therefore, have contained a considerable portion of the equilibrium amount of radio- thoriura, which may be symbolized Bit. I have attempted by a number of methods to remove the radiothorium completely and so obtain thorium o'f minimum activity. The experiments carried out and the results obtained may now be described. It was first shown by Rutherford and Soddy 1 that Th X and subsequent products may be removed from a compound of thorium in solution by repeating a few times the precipitation of the thorium by ammonia. By this treatment the Th X passes into the filtrate, and the activity of the thorium compound is thereby greatly reduced. In the course of five or six weeks, however, in Rutherford and Soddy's experiments, the activity seemed to be completely regained, owing to the reproduction of Th X, etc. To ascertain if any of the radiothorium was removed by precipitation with ammonia, a quan- tity of thorium nitrate from the same lot from which sample A had been made, was precipitated with ammonia. The precipitated hydroxide was filtered off, dissolved in dilute nitric acid, and thie process repeated 100 times. The last precipitate was ignited; to thorium dioxide, and its activity determined immediately and at intervals throughout a period of several weeks. The specific activ- ity at first showed a minimum value of ^=185. The activity increased and reached a maximum at the end of five weeks when &j = 453. The result shows that some of the radiothorium had been removed, since the value of ki found for sample A was 513. That a considerable amount of radiothorium still remained, however, was shown by the fact that the minimum activity increased at a rate which indicated the production of Th X and subsequent products. Another portion of the nitrate solution containing 10 grams of salt was treated with 40 CC of a 3 per cent, solution of hydrogen per- oxide. The precipitated thorium was separated from the filtrate by a Pukall filter. The precipitate was dissolved in 15 CC of concen- trated nitric acid, diluted and partly neutralized with ammonia, and the thorium again precipitated by adding the same amount of hydrogen peroxide. This process' was repeated 18 times. The final U'roc. Chem. Soc., 18, 120, (1002). 16 precipitate, which was reduced to a small amount through loss in precipitation , was carefully purified by Neish's method, and then ignited. Th X and subsequent products were removed by this treatment. The Initial specific activity was 163, and the maximum, reached after about four weeks, was 377. It follows, therefore, that 18 precipitations with hydrogen peroxide do not completely remove radiothorium although the maximum activity has certainly been considerably reduced. The thorium in a third portion of the nitrate solution was pre- cipitated as thorium acetylacetonate by adding a slight excess of sodium acetylacetonate. The precipitate was washed with alcohol, dried, and then sublimed in a vacuum of 1 mm. of mercury. Por- tions of t'he sublimed salt from different parts of the tube were separately collected, and their activities measured. Three portions showed minimum specific activities of 167, 192 and 188, and maxi- mum activities, one month later, of 444, 488 and 460 respectively. A solution of thorium nitrate was precipitated fractionally with a solution of oxalic acid. The first of the eight fractions had a mini- mum activity of 208, and a maximum activity one month later of 476. The eighth fraction showed the same maximum activity. In addition to these reactions, the thorium was precipitated, many times repeated, with such reagents as, potassium chromate, sodium thiosulphate, sulphuric acid in rather concentrated solution, etc. In a solution of thorium nitrate was precipitated repeatedly small amounts of barium sulphate by adding alternately barium chloride and sulphuric acid. Results differing but slightly from those given above were obtained in each case. Some of the more important results are collected in Table XIV. TABLE XIV. mm. max. max. 100 precipitations with ammonia 185 435 2.35 18 hydrogen peroxide .... 163 377 2.31 Sublimation of the acetylacetonate 167 444 2.66 Oxalic acid precipitation 1st fraction 208 476 2.29 8th " 476 8 precipitations with sodium thiosulphate 190 482 2.54 7 " potassium chromate 196 494 2.52 Mean 2.45 17 While the experiments did not lead to the desired result the complete separation of radio>thorium from thorium they serve to emphasize the remarkable persistency with which radiothorium is retained by thorium. It seems to be a very easy matter to separate Th X and subsequent products, as shown by the experiments described., as well as by the earlier work of Moore and Schlundt. 1 Two new papers by Hahn 2 are important in connection with the foregoing. Hahn finds that freshly made commercial samples of thorium are more active than older ones. The activity was smallest for samples three to nine years old. A sample twelve years old had greater activity. It is suggested in explanation that radiothorium has a period of about two years (a similar paper by Blanc 3 gives the period as 737 days), but that it is formed from an inactive pro- duct which is in turn the direct product of thorium. This inter- mediate product, called mezothorium, was isolated in an impure form by Hahn. It gives thorium emanation, and its activity increa- ses steadily with time. The spontaneous loss of activity of commer- cial thorium is explained as due to the more or less complete removal of mezothorium in the process of preparation. Radiothorium and subsequent products then decay with time. In Table XIV, it appears that the activity after the maximum amount of Th X has formed is in exery case appreciably leiss than the activity of sample A for which &, =513. The small activity represents a smaller proportion of radiothorium and products than was present in sample A. The portion of the radiothorium lost may have been removed chemically., or it may have simply decayed in the time which elapsed between the preparation and measurement of sample A and the samples in question. An approximate calcula- tion based on Blanc's value for the period of radiothorium indi- cates that all cases, excepting where the purification was by means of hydrogen peroxide, natural decay alone of radio>thorium would account very largely for the dimunition of activity observed. I have measured the activity of some samples of thorium dioxide which had been prepared and purified by Neish's method one and one-half years ago. The activity had decreased about 30 per cent. The decrease is less than that calculated by Blanc's value for the 1 Jour. Phys. Chem., 9, 682, (1905). 2 Ber. d. chem. G*s.. 40. 1462 and 3304, (1907). 3 Physik, Z., 8, 321, (1907). 18 decay constant of radio thorium,, assuming the total activity to be due to radiothorium and subsequent products, and that the rate of reformation of radiothorium is negligible. These results indicate that thorium alone is active. The activity of one gram of thorium freed from all its products is probably between 100 and 130. Fur- ther detailed experiments are necessary to determine with accuracy the activity of thorium when free from all its products. PART IT. Uranium Compounds. As has been already mentioned in connection with the thorium compounds, the investigations of McCoy 1 and Goettsch 2 showed that the total activity of one gram of uranium is independent of its form of chemical combination and is equal to 790 units, the unit being the observed activity of 1 sq. cm. of a thick film of the oxide, UgOg. The total activity associated with one gram of uran- ium in a mineral was found to be 3280 units. Minerals were there- fore found to be 4.15 times. as .active as pure compounds of equal uranium content. Rutherford showed that the maximum ioniza- tion of a given substance is not produced if the distance between the electrodes is too small. This fact was completely explained by the work of Bragg and Kleeman, 3 who showed that the a-rays of any radioactive substance have, in air, a definite range throughout which they produce ioniza-tion. Maximum ionization is produced only when the ionization chamber is sufficiently large to permit all the a-rays to reach the limits of their ranges. The ranges of radium and its products 4 are between 3.50 end 7.06 cm., while that of uranium is probably near 3.5 cm. 5 The electroscope used by McCoy had the electrodes set at 3.5 to 4.5 cm. While these distances are doubtless great enough for pure uranium compounds, they are too small for the minerals the activity of which is due, in large mea- sure, to radium and its products. The new experimental results, to be described, justify this conclusion. The activity of uranium in pure compounds was practically unchanged when measured with 1 Loc. cit. 2 Loc. cit. 3 Phil. Mag., 10, 318 and 600, (1905). 4 See also Bragg, Phil Mag., 8. 726, (1904). 5 Bragg, Phil. Mag., 11, 754, (1906). 19 electrodes at a distances of 8.5 cm., while under the new conditions of measurement, the activity of a mineral was about 4.0 per cent, greater. The recent work on the range of the a -rays also served to indi- cate another possible error in the method of McCoy. According to this method, films of the active material were deposited in flat, cir- cular metal dishes 7.02 cm. in diameter with rims 0.8 cm. high. 1 Inasmuch as the solid angle subtended by the rim, with any point of the film as centre, was the same for all films, the rims being of equal height, it was thought at first that the same fraction of the radiation would be cut off by the rims in all cases. 2 However, films sending out a -rays with greatest effective range will suffer greatest loss of activity on account of the rims. Experiment con- firmed this supposition, although the difference in percentage loss was not great. Thus, while the actual dimunition of the activ- ity due to the rims was 8.2 per cent, for uranium oxide, the corres- ponding decrease in activity in the case of uranium minerals amounted to 8.8 per cent., a difference of 0.6 per cent. Finally, in order to obtain exact results, the observed activity of a film of a uranium ore must be corrected for the activity of the emanation which is lost spontaneously. Boltwood 3 has determined the percentage of emanation thus lost for a large number of uran- ium minerals and has found appreciable loss. in every case. Experimental part, the effect of insufficient ionization space. In order to obtain results free from the above mentioned errors, a new series of determinations was undertaken. A new electroscope was constructed for the activity measurements. It was made of sheet brass, 1.4 mm. thick, and consisted of two superimposed rec- tangular compartments., a smaller upper one 7.5 x 10 cm. and 12.5 high, which contained the gold leaf system, and a larger lower one 19.5 cm. square and 14 cm. high, which, constituted the ionization chamber. The circular brass plate which served as the upper elec- trode had a diameter of 14 cm. The film, whose activity was to be measured, was placed on a movable support in the lower part of the ionization chamber and so arranged that the distance between the film and the charged electrode could be changed at will. The gold 1 Tin plate jelly-glass covers were used. 2 Goettsch, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 28, 1548, (1906). 3 Phil. Mag., [6], 9, 599, (1905). 20 leaf-system was connected with the electrode by a brass rod which passed through an insulating amber support. The motion of t g ;g ^ ^ 8 f IJ g- g" 7 J Pitchblende No. 1. -G29 '0246 -654 3'76 '447 1-46 No. 2 -0649 -786 8-25 -540 1-456 No. 3. -800 -0369 -887 4-41 -581 1-44 The last column of Table XVIII shows that the activity of the total emanation is sitrictly proportional to the percentage of uran- ium in the mineral. This is in agreement with the results found by Boltwood. 1 When the amount of retained emanation in ore No. 2 was deter- mined in the way describel, it was found that the amount obtained was less than was expected when compared with the results obtained for the other two ores. A comparatively large residue was left when this ore was treated with the mixed solution of nitric and sulphuric acids. A small portion, about .06 gram, was then weighed out in a platinum crucible. About 4 grams of potassium acid sulphate, which had been heated to quite fusion, was poured into the crucible containing the ore, and the heating continued until the ore had completely dissolved. On cooling, the fused mixture was dissolved in acidified water, boiled for five minutes to drive off all emanation, and then sealed up in a small flask. After standing for four days, the emanation was again boiled off, collected in the usual way, and its activity observed. The radium emanation reaches half its equili- brium amount in four days. Hence, twice the activity observed, divided by the weight of the ore taken, gives directly the activity of the total emanation in 1 gram of the ore. The value thus obtained, .786, must represent the true activity of the total emana- tion for ore No. 2, since it was brought into complete solution by the fusion with potassium acid sulphate. As the value obtained by 1 Phil. Mag., [6], 9. 599, (1905). treatment with the mixed acid solution was much less than this, it follows that all the emanation can not always be expelled from an ore by boiling with an acid solution only. The percentage loss of activity of a uranium mineral due to tht, evolved Emanation. It is probable that the emanating power of a compact mineral like Pitchblende is negligibly small until the mineral is powdered. If so, the loss of activity must date from the time when the mineral is pulverized. During a few weeks, or even months, after pulveriza- tion, loss of emanation will therefore -cause an appreciable deficiency in the amount of the products of rapid decay, namely, RaA, RaB and RaC only; while the amount of RaD, which has a period of about 40 years, will not be noticeably altered. The amounts of RaE and RaF, which are products of RaD, will also be unchanged by loss of emanation. In order that one may know by what fraction the specific activity of a mineral is decreased by the spontaneous loss of emanation after pulverization, it is neces- sary to know what fraction of the total activity is due to the ema- nation and the products RaA, RaB and RaC. The experimental determination was made as follows : A portion of ore No. 1, finely ground, was treated with nitric acid, evaporated to dryness, and the process repeated three times at intervals of two hours to admit of the decay of the radium products of short period. After the third evaporation, the residue was heated just strongly enought to decom- pose the nitrates present. The resulting oxides were then ground up finely in alcohol. The alcohol was evaporated off on a water bath. The fine powder remaining was made into films as quickly as pos- sible, and their activities determined in the usual way. The mean of two experiments gave for the specific activity of the ore, when thus treated, a value of 51.5 per cent, less than the original value. Since, by this treatment, all the emanation originally retained by the ore, as well as the products of short period, was removed, it follows that the activity due to the radium emanation, and its pro- ducts RaA and RaC, is equal to approximately one-half of the total activity of the ore. The relative activity due to the emanation, RaA, RaB and .RaC, may also be calculated from theoretical considerations. Boltwood 1 1 Am. J. Sci., 21, 413, (1906). 28 has shown by direct experiment that the activity of RaEmf ,RaA+RaB+R,aiC is 4.64 times as great as that of the equili- brium amount of radium. His experiments also indicate, as he has pointed out, that the activity of the equilibrium amount of any member of a radioactive series is proportional to its range. The range of the a-rays of RaF is 3.85 cm., while that of radium is 3.50 3-5 cm. Consequently, RaP is O~YQ =1.10 times as active as the equilibrium amount of radium. Since llaD is inactive, and RaE gives only yS-rays, the activity due to the Em + RaA + RaB + RaC = 4. 64 -=- times that of radium and all its products. Now, uranium b * 74 minerals are 4.54 times as active as pure compounds of equal uran- ium content, as will be shown below. Therefore, radium and its products are (4.54 1) =3.54 times as active as the equilibrium amount of uranium. Consequently, the activity of RaEm+RaA+ RaB + RaC = T~=~A = 0.536 of the total activity of a mineral. 6-74: x 4-o4 This amount, 53.6 per cent., agrees fairly well with that found by direct experiment which gave 51.5 per cent. We may therefore con- sider that the percentage loss of activity due to lost emanation of a uranium mineral, which has been in the powdered state not more than a few months, is equal to one-half of the emanation evolved. The specific activity of uranium in minerals. The proper corrections may now be applied to the observed spe- cific activities of the ores as given in Table XVIII. Table XIX gives a summary of the results obtained. TABLE XIX. Ore it ^3 l| c'> " pq ||| fc rt if D , aT fe P No. 1 1582 PL, 3 0> ( .76 JH o 1 .9 r - 98.1 1613 .447 3610 No. 2 1908 8 .25 4 .1 95.9 1990 .540 3685 No. 3 2018 4 .41 2 .2 97.8 2064 .581 3552 Mean = 3616 The number 3616 represents the true specific activity of uran- ium in its ores. The corresponding value for the activity of uran- ium in its pure comjpounds is 796. Therefore, the true ratio of tdie 29 activity of uranium minerals to the pure compounds containing the . 3616 same amount ol uranium is _ = 4.54. The specific activity of thorium in minerals. The activity of the thorium films in the first part of this paper was measured in an electrO'Scope having a distance between the plates of only 4.5 cm. All measurements were made, moreover, without the rims being removed from the tin dishes in which the films were deposited. Two sources of error were thus introduced in the calculation of the total activity of thorium, as the work on uranium has shown. Since the percentage error due to these sources is a constant one, or approximately so, this had no important effect on the chief object of the research which showed that the specific activity of thorium in its minerals is constant, while in its commer- mercially prepared compounds it has a variable activity much less than this. As the specific activity of thorium in its minerals is constant, it was not considered necessary to repeat the measure- ments of more than three of the minerals in order to determine the true value of this constant. The large electroscope already referred to in connection with the uranium minerals was used. The dis- tance between the plates was 8.5 cm. The rims were removed from the films before measuring their activities. Table XX which cor- responds to Table XIII, gives a summary -of the results obtained. The new value found for the total activity of 1 gram of uranium in its ores 3616 units was used in calculating the activity due to the uranium in each thorium mineral. TABLE XX. Thorium minerals. (w\ I- -I k lm k w k lTh ,} Th a /o / Tk Orangite . . . 43.1 7.76 .00283 707 281 426 990 Thorite .... 46.6 6.26 .00286 699 226 473 1015 Monazite . 15.18 .46 .01160 172 16.6 155.4 1025 Mean = 1010 The mean of the numbers given in the last colum is 1010. This represents the true total activity of 1 gram of thorium in its ores. This investigation was carried out under the direction of Professor H. N. McCoy, and I take much pleasure in expressing my indebtedness to him for his many valuable suggestions and kind supervision during the progress of the work. OVERDUE.